HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet 01/30/2007
~GbX' lAfloh-,
321 East 5th Street
January 30, 2007
5 :00 pm
Note: The Mayor may determine the order of business for a particular City Council meeting. The agenda should be arranged
to best serve the needs and/or convenience of the Council and the public. The items of business for regular Council meetings
may include the following:
A. CALL TO ORDER - Special Meeting (5:00 p.rn.)
1. Discussion ofNPDES II Stormwater Permit;
Consideration of Appeal and Petition to
Department of Ecology
2. Consideration of Agreement with WCWI
relatin to the Transfer Station
1. Munici al Code Amendments - Title 17
1. Presentation; Approve appeal and/or petition
2. Approve agreement
1. Presentation
Public hearings are set by the City Council in order to meet legal requirements pertaining to matters such as land use permit
applications, proposed amendments to City land use regulations, zoning changes, and annexations. In addition, the City Council
may set a public hearing in order to receive public input prior to making decisions which impact the citizens. Certain matters may
be controversial, and the City Council may choose to seek public opinion through the public hearing process.
January 30,2007 Port Angeles City Council Meeting Page _ 1
Members Present:
Mayor Rogers
Deputy Mayor Williams
Councilmember Braun
Councilmember Headrick
Councilmember Munro
Councilmember Petersen
Councilmember Wharton
Staff Present:
Manager Madsen
Attorney Bloor
Clerk Upton
G. Cutler
D. McKeen
T. Riepe
y. Ziomkowski
January 30, 2007
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Led by: r111^(l'-.,~m..~)..~ ~N:uJ
Attendance Roster
DATE OF MEETING: January 30. 2007
LOCATION: City Council Chambers
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January 30, 2007
William E. Bloor, City Attorney
NPDES II Stormwater Permit Issues
SUMMARY: The City of Port Angeles, but not the surrounding areas that drain into the City, has
been included under the NPD ES II Stormwater Permit recently issued by the Department of Ecology .
The failure to include the surrounding areas create issues for the City. Additionally, the certain
substantive provisions of the permit are recognized as creating a problem for all cities.
RECOMMENDATION: 1: Authorize the City Manager to prepare and file a petition with the
Department of Ecology to include in the NPDES II Stormwater Permit the drainage area
surrounding the City of Port Angeles.
2: Authorize the City Manager to enter into an interlocal agreement
with other cities, for an amount not to exceed the City Manager's contracting authority, to join
in appeal of substantive provisions of the NPDES II Stormwater Permit.
Issue NQ. .1 : The purpose of the NPDES II Stonnwater Permit is to achieve more effective and
comprehensive regulation and control of stormwater. The City supports that goat As a practical
matter, it is impossible to efficiently achieve that goal without applying the same rules to aU areas
that make up part of the same drainage basin. "Inat is, all areas that contribute to stotmWater sho.uld
be subject to the same rrues. This is the only efficient and effective way to accomplish the goal of
the Stormwater II Permit.
Prior to the issuance of the permit1 the City asked DOE to include tbe SUf{owding area.
AdditionallY1 the Federal EPA also made similar comments to the DOE. Despite this1 the DOE
issued a permit listing only the City of Port Angeles and not the surrounding areas.
There is a. petition process to add areas to tbe Permit1 and DOE does expect that there will be
numerous petitions to add areas.
The City is not proposing that we be removed from coverage under the Stmmwmer 11 Permit, but
is simply asking the Department of Ecology to include those areas which l()gkally should be
included in the scope ofthe permit.
C -1
January 30, 2007
Pagl: . 2'
Ml:mo to Council Re: NPDES II Scormwatl:r Permit
C~ty staff has discussed this with the staff at the County, We have requested that the County
voluntarily join in this petition, As ofthe time this memo is written, the County has not responded
either affirmatively or negatively.
Issue No, 2: While the City does support regulations to control stormwater and has already
implemented regulations with that goal, some provisions of the NPDES II StorIIlwater Permit as
finally issued by the Department of Ecology create serious legal and practical problems for cities.
Recognizing this, a large number of cities already have joined together for the purpose of filing an
appeal of certain portions of the NPDES II Stormwater Permit. Those cities will be joining together
through an interlocal agreement to appeal common issues. The appeal deadline is February 16, To
fund the appeal, the interlocal agreement v.ill collect a total of $300,000 frorn participating cities.
To the extent possible that is intended to represent the maximum, all-inclusive cost If twenty cities
join in the interlocal agreement, which is the minimum number expected, each would contribute
$15,000,00, It is expected that more cities will join the interlocal agreement, but the actual number
will not be known until February 16,
Staff recommends that the City of Port Angeles join in this appeal. We have issues at stake that are
common to the other cities in this appeal. This is an effective way for the City to have the benefit
of the appeal without incurring all the costs that we would have to pay were we to do this on 0UI'
Glenn Cutler and Gary Kenworthy will be available to discuss the technical details of the Storm-vvater
Uk t=-
William E. Bloor
City Attorney
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January 30, 2007
Glenn A. Cutler, Director of Public Works and Utilities
Summary: The operations of the solid waste transfer station and associated services were
delayed from commencing on October 2,2006 until January 2,2007. The City and Waste
Connections of Washington, Inc have reached an agreement on the compensation due to the
delayed commencement of operations.
Recommendation: Authorize the City Manager to sign an agreement with Waste Connections
of Washington, Inc in the amount of $428,797.93.
Background/Analysis: The City was required by the Federal Aviation Administration to close
the Port Angeles Landfill not later than December 31, 2006. The City and Waste Connections of
Washington, Ine (WCWI) entered into an agreement to construct facilities and operate a solid
waste transfer station to replace the functions provided by the landfill. It was originally
envisioned to commence operations in the fourth quarter of calendar year 2006. The Solid Waste
Transfer Station was accepted and permitted for operation on October 2, 2006. Operations
commenced on January 2,2007.
The agreement anticipated that commencement of solid waste operations could start as early as,
October 2,2006. This date was selected due to the uncertainty of the remaining capacity of the
landfill. WCWI planned to commence operations on October 2, 2006 and anticipated being
compensated for service on that date. After review and discussion the City and WCWI have
reached a mutual compromise on the compensation due fOf the period of October 2; 2006 to
January 1; 2007. The compromise amount for this period is $230,992.00.
The agreement acknowledges that the City will pay to WCWI a total amoUnt of $428,797.93,
This total is the sum of the compromise amount plus $187,805.93, which is the amount actually
earned by WCWI under the terms of the contract for the Transfer Statton Development Fixed
Monthly Service Fee for 2006. Funds are available from the Solid Waste Utility to pay these
It is recommended that the Council authorize the City Manager to sign an agreement with Waste
Connections ofWashingtofif lnc in the amount of $428,797,93,
PW~101.01 [Revised 07120/04]
Work Session January 30, 2007
Proposed changes to Title 1 7 not included in Council packet
1. Suggested language for P AMC
See Page D-30
Land protected by the Environmentally Sensitive Areas Protection Ordinance (P AMC Title 15),
other than buffer areas, may not be included as Common tJ sable Open Space for recreational
2. Revise 17.19.140 B & C
See page D-36
Change "Guarantee ensuring" to read;
B. Guarantee ensuring Adequate assurance for the retention and continued
maintenance of common open space, recreation facili.ties, and recreation
structures. If development is to be done in phases, each phase must meet the
requirements of this Section.
C. Guarantee ensuring Adequate assurance for the retention and continued
maintenance of environmentallv sensitive areas and their buffers. If develooment
is to be done in ohases. each ohase must meet the requirements of this Section.
3. Remove the word "business" in 17.20. 160(K) CO conditional uses, 17 .21.160(G) CN
Conditional uses, and 17.22.160(H) CSD Conditional Uses.
See Pages D-38, D-42, and D-45
4. Leave Ferry, seaplane, airplane, helicopter facilities in the CA zone as permitted use.
See Page D-48
5. Suggested language for PAMC 17.24.200(F) Minimum Building Height in CBD.
See Page D-53
Minimum Building Height. All new structures in the CBD shall have a minimum of two
functional stories above adioininll street level.
6. Suggested language for P AMC 17.31.010
See Page D-58
A PID is not intended to orovide areas exclusivelv for residential or commercial use in place of
and to the exclusion of other uses allowed in the underlving industrial zone.
WAS H I N G JON j U. 8. A.
January 30, 2007
MUlllchutl Code Amendment MeA 06-02
Summary; Amendment to Section 17 of the Zoning 01'dinance (2006 Housekeeping).
ReC0l1ll11Clldation: Council should conduct a work session on the attached ordinance
amending the Port Angelos Municipal Code.
Back~round I Aunlysis: '
At a moeting held on JUl1url'ry 16, 2007 the City Cm1l1cil resolved to conLh1Ue the public
heating for MCA06~02 to February 6, 2007 and to conduct a work session on January 30, 2007 101'
review of the pl'oposed changes.
On December 13, 2006, the planning Commission conducted a public hearlllg, considering
amendments to the Port Angeles Municipal Code (P AMC). The proposed changes ate dispersed
throughout Section. 17 (Zoning) of the Code.. The Planning Commission recommended that the
City Council adopt the identified changes.
As part of the Community and Economic Development Department's annual housekeeping,
effo1'ts, Section 17 of the P AMC waS reviewed fot' necessal'y changes. The pl'oposed amendments
arc considered to be mino1' il1natme, Ch,U1ges are a result of deficiencies found within the Code
that have been exposed during application of the various 1'cgulations. A 111ajo1'ity of the changes
conect typing enol'S, gru1U1naticalmistakes, 01' l'esult i11 gl'cater consistency. The mote slgl1i:f1cu11t
changes are highlighted below in the following st1mma1'Y.
. 111 the deJ1nitiol1s scction, one signH1cant ch~J1ge is suggested, The definitioil of building
height presently 110tes multiple exceptiotls to the height Hmltatiolls in the f01'tll of al'chiteetul'al
details and mechanical roof equipment. The definition coni1lcts with exceptions tioted h1
8ecd011 17,94 with l'cgal'd to n discl'epancy vvith one section al10wing a 10 foot exception and
the othet' UllOW111g a 20 foot exceptitH11 Additionally, there we1'e conf1icts between those items
fallitlg into the exception catego1'Y. TIle proposed changes Hmit height exceptions to 10 feet
and 1'esolve conflicts between the two sections of dode.
D - 1
. Changes in l'equired landscaping are suggested for lhajOt developttlel1tS throughout vadous
. sections of the coele, Staff is l'ccotnmending changes incorr'lorating a latldscaping standard of 1
tree for every 6 pUl'king spaces, Prese11tly the stal1dat'd is 1 ttee fot' eVery 1 ()' spaces, Based on .
review of other JUl'isdictlotls landscapitlg requirements the pl'escnt reqUtl'emel1t is below
standard. A second component to pl'oposed hmdscapil1g changes requires that landscape
islands be lntet'spel'sed between parking spaces with ho more than 8 consecutive spaces.
. ApplicaticH1s for t>laI1t1ed Residential Oevelopl11el1ts (PRO) OVer the last few yeat's have
de111011SWtted needed al11.cnclments in sevel'al nt'caS of the PRO section. these proposed
chatlges ate also reflected in the Planned Industrial Developtnel1t (PID) section, Changes help
to el1sme that apI)1icatloh submissions are of a quality l1uttwe so that they arc less ortel'OUS to
teview. Additionally, an ovcl'sight hl the pt'esent wording that allows developei's to get double
c1'edit foi' environmentally sensitive areas, 'fhis issue is rectified in the proposed chal1ges.
. Outing l'cview of reccnt tCZOtle al)pticatiol1sl it WaS t10tcd that 11U111erous in~Ol1sistcllcies exist
between the various C0111l11et'cial zones. Permitted and conditional Uses in the vat'iotls zones
use dlffel'ctlt wordil1g with syt1Ol1ymous intent. Previous staff l'cpoi'ts to coundl have 110tcd the
l1umel'otts lists of uses al1d some bfthc conflicts, Pl'oposed changes resolve conflict<J and
pl'ovide consistency in terminology for the various Uses, A matrix 01 the these changes is
" Presently, t1'lost of the C0111111ctc1al zones pettuit i'esidontlul development consistent with the
Residential High Density 80ctio11 of the Municipal Code. As a result of 1'OC011t proposals, staff
is concerned that this allowat1.ce as pl'esel1t1y w01'ded may jeopanHze the cot11mercial integrity
of these zones, At pl'eScl1t, commet'cial zeJl1ing it1 the City has the least 1'cmuinJl1g developable
at'ea compui'ed to other land use classifications. White staff agrees with residential use at the .
RHD standui'd, it feels that the primary use our the City! s coml11ci'cialland should be
Cdl1we.tcinl in i1attU'e. Staff t'ccoh1t11et1ds l'equidl1g a commercial COll1p0l1el1t 011 the street level
where deve1opmel'lts 1rol1t arte1'lal toadways,
111 conclusion, the above five issues are the most sigl1iflcallt changes proposed as putt ofthe
2006 housekeeping pt'ocess, It should be noted that numerous lat'get' scale changes to addreSS
issues such as affordable housil'lg and low hnpact development will Soo11 follow,
Staff will be available to discuss and respond to any questions regai'ding the proposed
nmclldm.ents duting the work session,
Olaft Ordll1lifiOO
Col\1tf1erdlallbhli1g Matrix
t:\MUNCODB\20OG edlts\Metno to City Cout1cll JOI1 25,doe
Attachment A
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, amending a
portion of the Zonil1g Code, Title 17, of the Port Angeles Municipal
Whereas, the City's development regulations need to be amended and updated; and
Whereas, the Planning Commission has approved the changes.
OrdinU11ce 1709, as amended, and U portion of Title 17, Zoning Code, are
hereby amended by amending 17.08, 17.14-17.15, 17.11..17.25,17,31-17.32,17.34,17.36, 17.94"
17.96 PAMe to read as follows:
Def1nitiol1 Rules.
liB II ,
"Oll i
17.08.00Ldeneral. The foHowing words~ tel'mss and phfases~ when. used in this Title;
shall have the meanIngs ascribed to them in this Chapter, except where the context clearly
indicates a different meaning.
17.08.002 Def1nitionRules. In the construction of these ZC>l1ing Regulations, the rules
and definitions contained in this Section shall be observed and applioo, except when the context
clearly ltidicates otherwise.
A. Wotds used in the present tense shaH include the fututej words used in the
singular sha1l include the plural, and the phll'al shall include the singular.
B, The word "shaUH is mandatoty and not discretlol1a.t)'.
C. The word Umayfi is permissive.
D. The word "10tH shaU include the words IIpiece1i and IIpatcel"; the word "buildingll
i11cludes all othet' structures of every kind regardless of siml1adty to buildings; and the phrase .
Ifused fOf1l shaH include the phrases 11 arranged for'i ~ "designed for Ii; "ftltended forlll iimaintatned
for" ~ and II occupied fOt.1f .
17.08.01 O~iiA'i<
A. Accessory Building ot U se ~ one which is stibol'dinate and incidental to arId serves
a principal bui1dhig or principal use and which is located oti the same zoning lot as the principal
building or principal tise serVed.
B. Adcess(1)' R.esidential Unit ~ a dwelling unit which is incidental to a detached
single fatuity residences is subordinate in space (i.e.~ fifty percent or less space than the single
fan1i1y residel1tlal "Use)s and is located on the same zoning lot as the single fatTii1y residence. An
accessory residential unit is served by water mid electrical service that is. separate fl.-om the
primary residential service and has Il separate address.
C. Adult Family Hortie ~a one~fami1y dwelling of a pet'son Oi' persons who are
ptoviding personal care; motD and board to mote than one (1) but fiot 11101'e than six (6) adults
who are not related by blood or marriage to the person or persons pfOvidifig the services and who
are licensed by the State otWashingtol1 pursuant to Chapter 18.48 and Chapter 10.128 RCW
(Adult Family Home regulations).
D. A1ley.. a public right otway which provides service access to abutting prop01'ty.
E. Amcfiome1it.. a change iti hmguage ofthe zoning text which is an official part of'
these Zoning Regulations, '
F. Animal HusbandrYl Commercial ~ the care and raising of animals, particularly
farm animals, for agricultma1 or othel' commercial purposes, provided that this shall not include
noncommercial animal husbandry, private horse stables, up to three dogs and cats which are not
house pets, or house pets.
G. Animal Husbandry, Noncommercial w the care and raising of animals for
noncommercial purposes, provided that this shall not include private horse stables, kennels, up
to three dogs and cats which are not house pets, or house pets.
H. Antenna - any pole, panel, rodl reflection disc including satellite earth station
antenna as defined by 47 CFR Sections 1.4000 and 25.1 04l or similar device used for the
transmission and/or roception of radio frequency signals.
1. Antenna support structure - any building or structute other than a tower which can
be used for location of telecommunications facilities.
J. Apartment - a rooml or a suite of two or more rooms in a multiple dwelling,
occupied or suitable for occupancy as a dwelling unit f01' one family.
K. Applicant - any person that applies for approval from the City.
L. Application - the process by which the owner of a purcel orland wlthin the City
submits a request to develoPl construct, bl1ildj modify, erect 01' use such parcel of land.
"Application'l includes all written docmnentationl vel'ba1 statements, and representations, in
whatever fonn or forum, made by an applicant to the City concerning such a request.
M. Assisted Living Facility or Boarding Home - A residential facility that provides
domiciliary services to three or more petsons of the age 65 01' morel or less thu11 age 65 who by
reason of infinnity require domiciliary care and who do not require the more intensive care
pt'ovided by a nursing home, and that is Hcensed by the State as a "Boul'dhlg Homel' pU1'8Ua11t
to chapter 18.20 RCW.
17.08.015 - liB"
A. Building, Accessory - (See 'IAccessory Building or Use").
B. Buildingl Detached - a building surrounded by an unoccupied and u110bsttucted
space which is on the same lot as the principal building and which provides t'ot air and light ftom
the ground to the sky.
CB. Building, principal ~ the major buildhlg on a lot, the building which houses the
major use of the land and the sttUctures on a zoning lot.
DE. Building, Residential- a bl1ilding arranged, designed, usedl or intended to be used
for residential occupancy by one 01' more famities O1'lodgers.
gF. Building Line - frontl side and rear building lines are the Hues on ellch zoning lot
that delineate the area within which constmction of principal buildings is confined.
,fe. BUS1tlCSS Parking Lot and/or Structures.. a c0111111ercial off..stt'cet parking lot 01'
structure used exclusivciy for parking und/or storage ofvehic1es.
17.08.020.. tiC"
A. Carport ~ un acce8SOiY building or an accessOl'Y portion of the 111ain building
designed nnd used pdmurily fOf the shcltet' 01' stotage of vehicles. It is 110t au enclosed structure
and it docs not contain tl door which would attow vehicles to puss into the sttucture: it is open
011 two or more sides.
B. Casino M an establishment fot the put'pose ofptoviding Ul11'estricted gambling .
opportunity as regulated by the Washington State Gambling Cot11t11issiol1. Activities regulated
under casinos do not include mini"casinos, enhanced card 1'OOr118, public catd tooms, social cal'd
rooms, pull tabs, pUl1ch cards, fund l'aisl11g evel1ts spollSoted by nonprofit organizations, bingo,
state ntn lottery games, turkey shoots, 1'affles, sports pools, 01' other amusement games.
C. Child Day..Cm'e .. child day..care is the pt'ovisldtl of supplemental parental care
a.nd supervision for a 11On..rela.ted child 01' childrel1, on a tegular basis, for less than 24 hours a
day, and undef license by the Washingtol1 State Department of Social and Health Services. The
term is not intended to include baby sitting services of a casual, fi611-recUt1ltig llatUl'e, or in the
child's own home. Likewise, the tel'111Is 110t l1ltended toincluc1e coopetative reciptocative child
care by a group of parel1ts in their respective homes,
D. child Day-Care Cellh:l1' .. a child c1ay...care center provides for the care of 13 01'
mote childten. The child day-cate ce11tel' shall hOt be located itl a private family reside11ce unless
the portion of the residence where the children have accesS is used exclusively for the children
during the hours the center is in opel'atiOtl at is sepa.rate from the usual Hving quarters of the
E. Commissio11 - the appointed Phl1111i11g Commission.
F. COhlmon Usable Ope11 Space: Area within 11 planned Industrial Development
which is accessible and usable to all occupants of the deve1ofH1ient find the City, which is:
1. Land which is ttli.occupied by 11Ontecreatio11al builditi.gs, parking areas,
or traffic circulation roads; Ot'
2, Land which is dedicated to recreational buildings, structutes or facilities;
3. Land which is dedicated to an open space purpose of the plmmed
Industdal Development such as preservation of natural featuteS,
To be considered common usable open space for recreat1011al ptlrposes, the Opel1 space
must be usable for specific 01' multi-purpose activities; be located on gcrtetally level hillet, be
regularly shaped n.net contain a minimum of 1,000 squate feet.
d, Condit/aMI Use Permit .. a limited pefmissiol1 to locate a patticulul' use at fi
particulat' location, and which limited permissiol1 is requited to modify the controls stipulated
by these Itegufations i11 such dagt'ee M to aSsure that the particular use sha11 not ptove
det1'lme1i.tal to sU1'1'ounding properties, shall hot be ill conflict with the Comprehensive plan, and
shalt not be contl'ary to the public interest.
H, Conditional Use - n use permitted in fi zone but which requires a special degree
of control to make such use consistent ti11.d cOf1ipatible with other existing ot' pertIlissible uses
iti the same Zone. '
1. Conform.il1g Building 01' Structure M a building that colTIplies with all sections of
these Zoning Regulatio11s or any amendment the1'eto goveming size, height, area; location on the
lot, for the zone in which snch building or sttttctute is located.
J. COhforming Lot M n lot that contai11s the t'equired width, depth and square footage
as specified ill the zone in which the tot is situated.
K. ConfOlmil1g Use M Ii use that is listed as a Permitted Of Conditional Use
in the zone in which the use is situated. .
L. Council M the City Council.
M, Club 01' Lodge, Pdvate ~ llnon"pl'ofit associntion of persons who are b(ma fide
members payi11g 111111unl dues, which owns, hi1'es, Of leases n building Of portion thereof, the use
of such premises being restricted to members lllid their guests.
17.08.025 - "DII
A. DenHity . the ratio of the number of dwelling units per area of IU11d, e.g., 7,000
square foot lots would allow for a maximum density of 6.22 dwelling units per acre.
11..1 Department of Community and Ec_onomic Development (DCED) . means City
of Port Angeles Communitv and Economic Development DeDurtmcnt.
BC. Detached building - a building separated a minimum of 6 fect from another
building. -
€;Q, Development. any activity which would altet the elevation of the land, remove
or destroy plant life, cause stmctures of any kind to be installed, erected, or l'cmoved. divide the
land into two or more parcels, or any use or extension of the use of the land.
BE. District. a portion ofa planning area which is defined by the pri 111 ary uses located
in that portion of the planning area.
EE. Donnitory - a residence hall providing sleeping rooms, with or without eating
PO. Duplex. a residential building containing two onesing1e-family dwelling units
separate from each other within the four walls of the building.
61l- Dwclliug - a building, or p01iio11 thereof, but not an automobile house trailCl\
designed or used exclusively for residential occupancy, including one :lID~-fami1y dwellings,
two-family dwellingsl and multi-family dwellings, which dwellings are constructed in
accordance with the Unifornl Building Code 01', in the case of one sillgle~fal11ily dwellings, arc
constructed as manufactured homes in accordance with the requirements set forth in P AMC
17.08.070A, but not including hotels, motels ot'lodging houses.
HI. Dwelling, Multi-family - a building or a portion thereof containing three or more
dwelling 1111its.
foI. Dwelling, eneSingle-Family - a building containing one dwelling unit only.
;J!$;. Dwelling, Two-Family - a building containing two dwelling units only.
*1. Dwelling Unit. one or more rooms which are arranged, designed or used as living
quarters. ful' one family ouly. Complete single kitchen facilities, permanently installed, shall
always be included for each dwelling unit.
17.08.030 ~ "E'I
A. Engineel' means a professional civil engineer, licensed by and in good standing
in the State of Washing tOll.
H. Enlal'gel11ent ~ An incl'ease in the sL"c of an existing structure 01' usel including
physical size of the property, building, parking, and 6thet improvements.
C. Environmentally Sensitive Area ~ a11 area which includes any of the following
critical areas and ecosystems: wetlands, streams or stream corddots, ftequently flooded areas,
geologically hazardous areas (et'osion, landslide, or seismic hazat'd at'cas), significul1t fish a.nd
wildlife habitat arcus, l:1l1d locally unique nuttu'al featul'es (ravines; 111ariue bluffs, 01' benches Ilnd
a!'isociated coastal drift processes),
D. Erected" construction of any building ot' structure ot' the structul'ul altel'ut1ol1 of
a building or structtll'C, the result of which would be to change the exterior walls OJ' tt)Of 01' to
incl'ease the floor at'en of the interiM of the building or stt'uetul'C.
E. Establishl11ent, Business or Commercial - a place of busit1ess carrying on an .
operation, the ownership and 11lat1agement of which are sepal'ate and distinct from those of any
other place of business located on the same zoning lot.
F, Existing (pre-existing) ~ a use, lot, or building that existed at the time of the
passage of these Regulations. .
17.08,035m~ "F't
A, l~fitni1y.. one petsort ot' two Ot' more legally related perS011S living together, 01' not
1110rc than six ul1te1ated persons living togethet' as a sirigle, rionpt'ofit, housekeeping unit;
provided that there shaH not be more thall foul' U111'elated persons living togethel' with legally
related persons as a sitlgle, 11Ofipt'ofit, housekeepltlg utlit.
B. Family Day-Cate Home.. a family day~care home regularly provides day-care
during part of the 24.houf day to 12 at fewer children, incidetltal to a primal'Y residential use.
e, Ffirmitlg, Commel'cial ~ the planting and cultivatil1g of crops for agricultural or
othel' COl1'H1'1ercial put'poses, provided that this shan not include private gardelling or greenhotlse
sttuctmes aCCesso1'Y to single family residellceS.
O. Fence.. that which is built, collstructedl or glOW I'!; or compmled of parts joined
together of matedal in some definite martnet ill which the pthue purpose is to separate alld
divide, pai'titiol1, el1.c1ose, or Scteen a pateel 01' parcels of lund.
E. Fuel yard 01' bulk plullt . that portion of fl ptopel'ty where flammable 01'
combustible liquids 1.11'e received by tank vessel 01' tutlk vehicle arid are stored or blended i11 bulk
for the pttt'pose of distl'ibuting such liquids by tank vessel, tutlk vehide; portable tank 01'
container for subsequent 1'Male and riot to the C0l1SUmlt1g public,
A. Gal'age, Pdvate.. a building or sh'uctmc other than a portioll 01t11e main buildit1g,
enclosed on 110t less than three sides ul1d desigl1ed 01' used oil1y fot the shelter 01' storage of
vehicles, primarily only those vehicles belonging to the occUpatlts of the m.ain buildit1g,
n, Garage, Public.. Ii building ot' sttucture other thatl a private gut'age, used [01' the
care, repair, or storage of automobiles, or whe1'e motor vehicles are kept fot' l'emuneratiol1, hi1'e,
or sale.
C, Group Home. a notl-indepelldent, non-ftunily, housekeeping unit in which the
residents are assisted by art outside agency 01' organization. Some examples of group homes
include state liCCtlSed homes fot' the handicapped and physically disableld, hottles for the mentally
ill, h0111es for those with developmental disabilities, except that groul' homes do t10t Iflc1ude
adult fattli1y homes, supported living arl'al1gcmcnts or t'csidclltial cal'e facilities. They also
include state HCell.sed gl'buiJ homes fot' l'esidehtia1 celltel'S fol' rehabi1itatic)i1 fl'oril: alcohol m1d
drugs, a11d tl'fitlsitibt1tll housing fot' victims of domestic violence.
11.08.045 ~liJt~
A, Height ~ totaldistance-il1 feet frol1\av'el'agegmund-elevat1oltat-perlmeter wnl1s~
as detem1inedbythet11ltllgrachntotcd 00 the bt111dillg~lan a~prbvect-by the CitY(M long :urthe
firla1-graaeis hothie,her th~d'1-tlle-existll1gpl'e~tlltel'atl{m-gracleatthe-cent-er -of the lot) .. tathe top
() f the!;tl'uGture; cxcep t that tel evisi01'n'tlltemuiell'M f 1't'lolilrted-f(1 echani eel equi P11:'1(.';11 t, ch I hlMY 5,
an:d'othol'trpPttrlenafiees-are-t;Xemptfrom: height f equiretnents.- Other appurwitalttesindude
archLtecturaHoatlires,-guch a~r()rnalm~llt((1(.upolid;-dol'l1es; :uld-spiresj-tiot-cxceedh1g telt feet In
hei~tltltd diameter;wh!chare -a1soexetnp Hro 111 h eigbt 1 equiroment-g-:- He! 11;hL" totaL distance
in feetftotl1 aVerage ground elevation at perimetet walls as detennined by the fIila1 grade noted
on the building !Jlan aPlJrovcd by the Citv to the tou of the structure. The final grade shall not
~ged the existing me-nltel'atiol1 grade established udol" to excavation. For the purposes of this
title, a grade is estahlished ol1lv when the Citv Building Inspector verifies the grade from the
building plans. The hei~ht restrictions in this Title shall not apply to church spites. monuments,
chimneys, antennas, water towers, elevator towers, mechanical cClUipment. and other similar
tooftO!) appurtenances usually required to be placed above the roof level and not intended for
humanoccupallcy 01' the orovi81011 of additional habitable space: provided that mechanical
eQUilJment rooms and screening are set back at least ten feet f1'om the edge ofthe roof and do not
exceed ten feet in height.
B. Home Occupation - is an occupation or business activity which results in a
product or service, is conducted in whole or in pat't ill the dwelling unit, and is clearly incidental
and subordinate to the residential use of the property.
C. Hospital" an institution specializing in gi ving clinical, temporary and emergency
services of a medical or surgical nature to human patients and licensed by Washington State
D. Hospital, Mental ~ (Includi11g t1'eatment of alcoholics) - an institution licensed by
Washington State Agencies under provisions of law to offer facilities, carej and t1'eatment for
cases of mental and 11ervous disorders and alcoholics.
E. Hospice" a facility for the temlinally ill.
F. Hostel" a residential structure or commercial building where transient
accommodations (daily or weekly) for the traveling public are provided and for which the
accommodations contain no more than one shared kitchen facility and do not have individual
sleeping rooms. Hostels a1'e differentiated by hOUS111g type and/ol' owner occupancy as follows:
la. Owner occupied single family residential hoste1s are allowed in the same
zones as Bed and Breakfasts by approval of a Special Use Permit.
~b, Non-owner occupicd commercial structure hostels are allowed by the
saine process and in the same zones as motels.
G. House pets - domestic animals such as dogs, cats, fish, birds, t'odents, and reptiles,
not including inhe1'ently dangerous species of animalsj which sleep and are primarily housed in
a dwelling unit together with theit' owners.
17.08.050 ~ "I"
A. Incidental - inuddition to and not interfering with 01' otherwise detracting from
a main object; usually in thesc Zoning Regulati011s referdng to a use lt1 addition to a permitted
17.08,055" ".Iii
A. Junk Yutd - an open area whcre waste or setal' materials are bought, sold,
exchangedj stcwed, baled, packed, disMsembledj ol'l1l.\ndledj including but 110t limited to scrap
iron and other l11eta18, paper, tags, mhbel' tires, and hottle,g, A Junk yard includes an auto
wrecking yard but docs not include uscs established within ellclosed bttildil1gS.
17.08.060 .~.IIKI.1
A. KelU1c1 ~ n place where foUt' (4) 01'11101'e dogs 01' catsj foU/' (4) 1110nths old or otder,
01' any combination of such dogs and cats, ate kept, whether by the oWl1el's of the dogs alld cats
01' by pel'sons pl'oviding facilities and OUl'O, whethet for compensation or 11ot, provided thitt the
number of dogs and cats counted shnll not include house pets.
B. . Kitchen - a rooth or space which IS cOl1sttucted b1'equipped to fadUtate the
washing, cooking, and storing offood; kitchen facilities include plumbing for sinks and electrical
Wirh1g for ovens and stoves.
A. Landfill, Sanitary - an area devoted to the disposal of refusej including
incineration, reduction, or dumping of ashes; garbage, combustible find no1i~cotl1bustible refuse,
and industfial solid wastes;
B. Legal Building, Structure, Land Use - any building, structtll'fj Of use of the land
that complies with all zoning requitements,
C. Legal :Nonconforming Building or StructU1'e " A legally established building Of
structure which met the applicable zonh1g code requirements it1 effect at the time the building
or structure was constructed, but which fails by reason of such adoption, tevisi011 01' amendment
of the Zoning Code, to COnrol'n1 to the present requirements ofthe ZOne in which it is located,
D. Level of Set vice " an established m1tlimUll1 capacity ofpubHc facilities or services
that must be provided per unit Ot demand or other appropriate measure of need.
E. Lot - a tot is Ii zoning lot, except as the context shall indicate a lot of record, in
which case a lot is a Hlot, of recordtf,
F. Lot Atea '" the total rn.'ea within the lot lines of a loti excluding any primary acceSS
easements of panhandles.
a, Lot, Cornet'" a lot situated at the intel'sect1on ot two of more streets.
H, Lot~ Reverse Cornet' .. a cornet tot In which the rear property line coincides with
the side property Hne of aU abutting lot.
I. Lot, Through - a lot having two opposite lot lines abutting public stteets which
are usnally mOre Of less parattet to each other; not a Cotner lot. Both lot lines abutting streets
shall be deemed front tot tines.
J. Lot, zoning ",' a single tract of land located within a srngle block, which at the time
of filing for a building permit, is designated by its owner or developer as tl tract to be usedj
developed, ot' built upon as a Ut1lt; under single ownership or contro1. A zoning lot mayor may
not coincide with a lot of record.
K, Lot Line, Front.. that boundary of a lot which abuts a stt'eet. When two or n10fe
boundaries abut Ii street, the boundary with the narrowest width shal1 be considered the {tont lot
line, unless othetwise specified on a plat. On a panhandle lot; the front lot tine and setbacks shalt
be deternlined during the subdivision approval process, or, if not detet'thrned dut1tlg subdivision
review, shaH be detettllined by the Ditectol' OfC01nm\lnity and Eoono1l1icDevelopltient.
L. Lot Line, Rear", that boundaty uf a lot which is most distant ft01l1 find is 1110St
nearly parallel to the front lot line. .
M. Lot Line, Side... any boundary of a lot which is not a front not it telit lot title.
N. tot Coverage" the amount or percent of the ground area ot a lot on which
bui1din.gs al'e located. This amount/percent sha11 include aU buildings which ate partially 01'
totally ettc10sed find covered by an impervious roof; including any garageg; carports, covered
patios, at1d cantilevered portions of a building, and structures coveted by an i1fipel'vtouS roof
even if not ful1y enclosed, tot coverage does not includo the first horizontal 30 inches of the
roof' overhang n{)r does it ific1ude uncovered decks and porches not higher than 30 inches from
the ground.
O. Lot 6f':Record" fi parcel oftand that is registered as a lot or parcel of land in the
records of the Co1ltity Auditor,
D -10
p, Lot Width - the horizontal distance between side lot lines measllred at right angles
to the lot depth at a point midway between the front and real' lot lines, or at the front setback line,
provided the average horizontal distance between side lot lines must also meet or exceed the
minimum lot width requited.
Q, Low-Powel'ed, Networked Telecommunications Facilities - those facilities with
maximum transmitter peak output power that do not exceed one watt and are less than 14 inches
by 16 inches by 8 inches with an antenna no greater than 30 inches.
17.08.070- "Mil
A. Manufactured Home. Factol'Y buHt, single.farnily stl'Uctures that 111eet the
National Manufactuted Home Construction and Safety Standutds Act (42 D.S.C. Sec. 5401),
commonly known as the HUD (U .S. Departtnent of Housing and Urban Devefopment) Code, and
that also meets the following requirements:
1. Consists of two or niore fully enclosed pat'allel sections each of not less
than 12 feet wide by 36 feet long;
2. Bears an insignia issued by the appropriate federal agcl1CY indicating
compliance with the construction standards of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban
Development (HUD) as amended and as approved by the State of Washington.
3, Is placed on an on-grade pel'manent foundation 01' on footings and piers
or on blocks in accotdul1ce with HtrD's specifications fo1' the specific home find has skirting
installed so that no more than one foot orthe skirting is visible above gl'ade;
4. Has all 5upporttranst)()rt appurtenances removed;
5. Is served by undergl"Ound electrical power; and
6, Was originally constructed with and now has a composition 01' wood
shake or shingle, coated metal, or similar roof of not less thatl 3: 12 pitch:;-and
9. Has extcriolsidiug similar in a'ppea1~lhceto 5idillg11udetiah: COlhInOn-ty
'used 011 con venttonal site built Uniform Dllildll1g Code sihgle-laIuily-tesidencc5,
B Massage ~ the method, art or science of treating the human body fol' hygienic,
remedial or relaX ational purposes by rubbing, stroking} kneading, tapping, rollit1g or
manipulating the human body of another with the hands, or by any othe1' agency or
C. Massage Padot . any premises where massages are given or fumished for, or in
expectation of atlY fee, compensation of monetary c011sidorat1011, except:
1, Facilities adjunct to athletic clubs, medical facilitiesj hotels, motels 01'
beauty salons; and
2, Entel'pdses liCensed by the State atid operating as approved Home
D. Medical/Del1tal Building ~ a buildil1g or gt'Oup ofbuHdfngs designed for tbe use
of physicians and dentists atld others engaged professionally in such healing arts for hUlTIat1S as
are recognized by the laws of the State'ofWashingtoll.
E. Mobile Home. (See the definition for Ttailet., House).
F, Motel ~ an establishment consisting of a g1'(mp of living or sleepitig
accommodations with bathroom; with or without kitchen facilities; located on a single zoning
lot and designed for use by transient fburists.
a. Motor Freight Termil1al ~ Ii building of area in which ft'cight bt'Ought by 111ot01'
truck is assembled and/or stored for routing intrastate fi11d interstate shipment by motor truck.
D - 11
11.08,015.._'iNi~ .
A. Neighborhood.. 1111 area located Withft1 a district where people live, which is
defJ.11ed by the pritnaty type 1111(1/01' density ofthe residential units located in that particular area
of the district,
S. Ndghborhood Density: The l1efghbothood density is the ntt111bet of dwe1ling
units per 1161'e allowed by Z6111ngwhen stteets, parks, electrical distribution substatio11S, and other
necessary supporting deve1opmc11ts are included in the calculation,
C, Nonconforming Building 01' SttUcture -any building at sttuctw'e which does 110t
confot111 with the lot al'ea, yai'd, height, or lot coverage l'estrictions in these Regulations, or is
designed 01' intended for Ii use that does 1lOt confo1'111 to the use regulations for the ZOM in which
it is located, eithe1' at the effective date of these Regulations of as the result of subsequcnt
a1l1endments to these Regulatic>11fl,
0, Nonconforming Lot.. 11 legal1y established lot, the firM, dimensions or location
of which 1net the applicable Z6n1tig code require111el1ts in effect at the time the lot was created,
but which fails by reasou of such adopti011, revisiot1 or amendment of the Zouing Codej to
C011fo1'm to the present requirements of the zone i11 which it is located,
E. Noficonf61'ming Use ~ atlY use of latid, building or stfucttlfe which does fibt
comply with aU of these Zoning Regulations or 01 any amendment heteto govertitng use fat the
zoning distdct in which such Use is situated.
F. Noxious Mattei' u matedal capable of causing it~ury to Hving organisms by
chemical reactiol1j 01' is capable of causing detrimental effects Upoti the physical of ecoliomid
well.being of individuals,
0, Nu1'sil1g Ho111e or Convalescent Home. " A residential facility that provides
convalescent and/or ch1'ohfc C&.l'e to thtee of more patients not related to the operator and who
by reason of i11ness or infirmity are fibt able to properly care ror themselves and that is licensed .
by the State as a "Nursing H01tle;; pursuant to Chapter 1 g,51 RCW.
A. Ott:'stt'eet Parkifig Space u fin area of at least 8Yi feet in width and 18 feet ill
length, 01' as otherwise pfovided In Chapter 14.40 P AMC situated on tettitoty other than a public
01' private stl'oet, al1ey, highway of trafficway, and used only fot' the storage of'vehic1es.
'9, Open Space .. natural areas of unique of major phYSIcal features such as
sho1'e1hlesj bluffs, beachesj lagoons, waterways, favities, stfcfi1Us, riversj lakes; wetlands, wildlife
habitats, and other efiviro11fi1entully sertsitive areas deemed of significant importance to the
C01li1tltmity by the City; landscaped firMS such tiS parks, playfields; golf bOUfses, outdoor
stadiums, and public landseaped areas such as those along boulevardsfirtd around public
buildIngs; improved outdoor ateas such as piers, playgrounds, plazas, pfomooades or trails,
teunIs bOUtts, viewpoints, and other outdoor spaces open to the public.
C. Owner Q fitly person with fee title or 8lofig.-terill leasehold to ~ltly parcel of land
within the CitYj who desires to develop; or construct, build, modify, erect, 01' use such patcet of
1'" 00 0' I: ffp'f/
. __l.j .OJ. ....8.J.~~.L~"" .
A. Pecple with FU11etional Disabilities" people with fufic,iOiifil disabilities means
(1) a person who, because of a recogttized chrome physical Of mental condition or disease, is
functionally disabled to the extent of: (a) needifig Cal'e, supervision Of monitoring to pel'foth1
activities of daily livifig b1' 111strumental activities of dal1y Hvingj 01' (b) needing Stlpport!l to
rone1iorate of' COtl1pensate fot' the effects ofthe futlCti.omd disabilities so as to lead as independent
D -12
a life as possible, or (c) having a physical or mental impairment which substantially limits one
or more of such person's major life activities, or (d) having a record of such impairment; or (2)
being regarded as having such an impairment, but such term does not include current, illegal use
of, or active addiction to a controlled substance.
B. Person - any person, firm, partnership, association, cOl1JOration, company, or other
legal entity, private or public, whether for profit or not for profit.
C. Planned Industrial Development (PID): A PID is a site specific development
which has been approved by the City Council under the provisions of Chapter 17.31 of the POli
Angeles Municipal Code.
D. Planning Area - a large geographical area of the City, which is defined by
physical characteristics and boundaries.
~ PRD _ Planned Residential Development.
BE. Professional Offices - offices used as a place of business conducted by persons
engaged in recognized professions, and others whose business activities consist chiefly of
services to the person as distinguished f!'Om the handling of commodities.
FO. Public Facilities - public facilities include streets, roads, highways, sidewalks.
street androad lighting systems, traffic signals, domestic water systems, storm and sanitmy
seWer systems, parks and recreational facilities, and schools.
17.08.087- "Q"
Quasi- Public _ a characteristic of seemingly like but not actually being of a public entity,
having the characteristics of being public such as open and available to all citizens without
discrimination of any kind, benefitting the public, providing a nonprofit se1'Vice or facility and
receiving assistance from a governmental agency; quasi-public entities include but are not
limited to nonprofit and other groups, such as the International Reel Cross, YMCA, YWCA, and
Serenity House, for which membership in the organization is nut required to receive services or
use the facilities.
17.08.090 - "R"
A. Reclassification - a change in zoning boundaries upon the zoning map which is
an official part of these Zoning Regulations.
B. ReconstnlCtion ~ the act of constructing again.
C. Recreation Facility of At'ca, Non-Commetcial- a facility 01' arc a for recreation
purposes, such as a swimming pool, park, tennis oOUli, playground or other similar use operated
and maintained by a non-profit club or organization,
D. Recreational Purposei~ An express intent of a space design and development to
service a particular healthful or aesthetic activity.
E. Residc1wc - a building or stnlCture, or portion thereof, which is designed tor and
used to provide a place of abode for human beings. The ter111 rtresidencc't includes the term
1I1'esidential" as referring to the typo, 01; intended use, of a building.
F, Residential Care Pacility.. n l'esidential facility that provides cute for at least five
(5) but not more than fifteen (15) people with functional disabilities and is as defined in RCW
10.128.175 a11d as required to be licensed by the State as a "Boarding Home" pursuant to
Chaptet' 18.20 RCW.
G. Restol'attotl ~ the nct or putting back or bringing back into a fOl'nlet Of original
I;L Right~of-Way ~.. Land ficg~red or dedicated for PU11Joses of-a street, highway, .
sidewalk, alley, avenue, other stmcture used fot pedestriau or vehicular traffic, or easement or
atlY cotnbi1'l.ati01i of such USeS for which the City has regulatory author~
Iff, Roof... a structm'c covering any portion of a building ot' structure, including the
projectibns beY011d the walls or supports.
17,08,095 ~tlSII
A. Setvice Station ~ ati. establishment which provides for the servicing of motor
vehicles a11d operations incidental theteto; limited to the retail sale ofpetroleun1
products find automobile accessodes; automobile washing (not including auto laundty); waxing
and polishing ofauto1110biles; tit'e changing and 1'cpai1' (not i11cludh1g recapping); battery Setv1cc,
charging, find replacement (not includit'l.g 1'epnit' and 1'ebuilding)j tadiator cleaning and flushing
(110t includ1t'l.g steam clean1t1g and repair); instal1atiC)11 of ficcesso1'1es; fl11d the following
opC1'atio11s if conducted wholly withit1 a builditlg: lubrication ofmoto1'vehic1es; btake servidl1g,
wheel bala11Clt1g, tite testing; fl11d replacement of carburetors, coils, e011den8el's, fan belts, widng,
water hoses, and similar parts.
13. Setback ~ the required 1l1ini1ml111 distance between Ul1Y lot H11e and a11Y strl1ctut'e
01' building.
C. shopping Center ~ A gtOUp of commercial estabHshtne11ts planned, constructed;
a1i.d 1hEli1aged as a total e11tity; with cUsto1i1e1' and cmployee patking provided ou-site, provisio11
fot, goods delivery separated ft'om cust01hel' access, aesthetic cal1sideratiotls fi11d protection froth
the elements; and la11dscfiping and signage itl acCOtdfll1CC with fin approved plan, ShOpplt1g
Cel1tets are further defitied by !Size and the atell their shoppers come {tom:
1, A commul1ity shoppi11gcenter featutes a jUtil01' depai'tmel1t stote al1d
COl1tH1tlS appi'oxhnate1y 150,000 square feet of gl'OSS leasable area and has a site area of ten to
tWel1.ty~five UOtes, Its clientele di'l:iw is app1'oximute1y 11 tel1~1TIinute drive from the center.
2, A l1eighborhood shoppi11g center genetally offers goods neceSSl1t'Y to meet
daily needs; occupies up to ten acres, has up to lOO,OOO square feet of gt'OSS leasable atell, mid
draws its cHel1te1e fr0111 fi five-minute d1'iving tadius from the cente!',
D. Sigl1 MAny 1ettel'S, figures, design symbo1, trademntk, at deVice intended to attract
atte11tio11 to any activity, service; place, subject; person; fil'111, corporation, public perfol'manec,
atticle, 111achi11e, 01' l11cl'c1u\l\dise, a11d including disl,lay sUtfaCes and supporting sttuctureS
E. Sign; Advc1'tisillg ~ n sIg!1 whJch di1'ects attention to a business, commodity,
service 01' cntertnifiitiC11t conducted, sold; al' offered elsewhere than upon the p1'o111i8es 011 which
such sign is located 01' to which it is affixed.
F, Sigt1, Area & the area of a sign shall be the sUm of each display surface
lllc1udhig both. sides of a double~faced sign, as detel'minec1 by cil'cUfi1sc1'ibing the exterior
limits 011 the mass of each display eI'e6ted 011 one sign stt'llCtul'C with a circle; triangle, 01'
quad1'tlugle Cb11l1ecting al1 extreme poil1t~. Where it sign is composed of two at mote
individunl letters mbU11ted directly 011 a waH, the total display sutfate, including its
backgt'oUl1c1; shalt be col1sidet'cd otie sign fot' purposes of calculating sign arM, 'the sttuctute
suppo11il1g El sign is llbt included in dete1'111111itlg the t11'ea of the sign, U11less the structute is
designcd in n way to form fin integl'111 pritt of the display.
G. Single Fatuity Resielc1lce . CHlli! detached dwelting 011 tl11 individual lot tOt'
occupuncy by one family.
H. Special Use Pelroit . a limited permission to locate a particular lIse at a
pmticulul' location, which limited permission is required to modify the controls stipulated
by these regulations in such degree as to assure that the particular lISC shall not prove
detrimental to fmrrounding properties, shall not be in conflict with the Comprehensive Plan,
and sha11 not be contrary to the public interest.
1. Story - the space between the f100r and the ceiling above said floor. A
basement shall be considered a story when more than half of the basement hcight is above
the finished lot grade.
,T, Street - a public dght-of-wayvehicular way whteh that affords a primary
means of access to abutting property.
K, Street Right-of-Way Line - the boundary linc betwecn a street and abutting
L. Structure. anything constructed in the ground, or anything erected which
requires location on the ground or water, or is attached to something having location on or
in the ground or-waterand is OVel' 30 inches in height above the ground level, but not
including fences or walls used as fences six feet or less in height.
M, Structural Alteration - any change, other than incidental rcpairs, which would
prolong the life of the supporting members of a building, such as bearing walls, columns,
beams, or girders.
N, Subordinate ..less important than and secondary to a primary object, usually
in these Zoning Regulations refening to an accessory use.
O. Supermarket - a grocery store on a site 1m-gel' thEm one acre and with multiple
retail departments such as drugs, photo, video, deli, flowcrs, seafood, bakcry, etc.
17.08.1 00 - "P
A. Telecommunications f~,tCi1ities or wireless telecommunications facilities - any
antennas, cables, wires, lines, wave guides, and any other equipment or facilities associated
with the transmission or reception of communications which a person seeks to locate or has
installed upon or near a tower or antcnna support structure.
€,!;!, Tower or wireless telecommunications tower - a self-supporting lattice,
guyed, or monopole structurc constlUctec1 from gt'ade which supports telecommunications
facilities, The tel111 "tower" shall not 1tlClude amateur radio operators' equipment, as licensed
by the FCC.
B~. Townsite Block: A block of 500t x 300' dimel1sion or 3.44 acres as created
by the orfginal platting of the Townsite of Port Angeles,
ED, Trail. a pedcst1'1an facility which is designated for travel. and recreation
purposes -alld which may include sidewalks, portions of roadways, natmal surfaced
walkways, and structutes such as bridges, .
F,g. Tmilel\ House (Auto1110bile Tmitcr, Mobile Home, Recreational Vehicle,
Vacation Trailer) - a vehicle without 1uOtor powet' c1esigl1ed to be dtawl1 by a motor vehicle
and to be used fot' human habitatio!1, a mot01' vehicle desigl1ed to be used fot human
habitatio11, and a manufactured 11011'l.e which does not meet City building Code ot' State and
Federal ma11ufacturlng standards,
Elf. Trailer PUl'k, Traller Ccmrt, Mobile Home Park, Recreational Vehicle Park u
any premises 011 which Me putked Me Of mMC vehicles dcsiglled, intended; art.tltiged; or used
for living purposes, ot' any premises HSbd or held out fot' the purpose of supplying to the
public fl space fol' one ot' 11101'0 such vehicles; whether such vehicles stand on wheels 01' rigid
HQ. Trellis. a lattice work structure desigl1ed to Stlppot't plant growth. Trellises .
that demarcate art entryway to a yard, ate detached from any other structure 01"1 the site, have
a minimum sidewalk span offour (4) feet, depth of two (2) feet and a height of eight (8) feet,
is exempt ITom the requirement rot a building pel'lUit and is hOt c011sidel'ed a structure.
A. Wireless Communication Facilities (WCFs) . atl unstaffed facility for the
transmIssIon atId/or reception of wireless telecommunications sCtviccsj including suppoti
structures, ante1i1UiS; accessory equipment, and apputtenances, used to transmit, teceive,
distl'ibute, provide, Of offer personal wireless communication services. WCFs include but
ate 1l0t lhnited to fintefifiaS, pHes, towel's, cables; wires conduits; ducts, pedestals, vaults,
buildings, fifid electronic find switchh1g equipment.
B. W ork/LiveSUMe "mati arta1iJ!ett1ent of space thafCOfi1bines a livIng litea and
workhut fireawherethelivinl:t area is s?bordinate in. size and use to thework J'jbace.
A. Yard... an open space ort a zoning lot which is Ut10ccupied and unobstructed
from its lowest ground leve1 to the SkYi except as otherwise permitted in the Permitted
Intrusions h1 Required Yards in these Regulations. A yard extends nlo~g afid at tight angles
toa lot line to a depth or width specified in the yard rcgulattoos tof the wrung district in
wh1ch such zoning lot is located,
D -16
B. Yard, Front ~ extends along the full length of the front lot line, between the
two side lot lines and to the closest building on the same lot, or to a distance designated in
Zoning Regulations.
C. Yard, Rear - extends along the fulllength of the rear lot line, between the two
side lot lines and to the closest principal building on the safi1e lot, 01' to a distance designated
in Zoning Regulations.
D. Yard, Side - extends along it side lot line fWin the f1'Ont yard to the rear yard,
between the side lot line and to the closest building 011 the satHe lot, or to a distance
designated in Zoning Regulations.
17.08.130 ~ "Z"
A. Zone - an area defined as to boundaries and location, and classified by the
Zoning Regulations as available for celiain types of uses, and which other types of uses are
B. Zoning Lot. n single tract of land located within a single block, which at the
time of filing for a building pe11nit, 1s designated by its owner or developer, as a tract to be
used, developed, or built upon as a unit, under single ownership or control. A zoning lot
may 01' may not coincide with a lot of record.
C. Zoning Lot Covenant - an agreement, on a form pl'Ovided by the Department
of Community and EconomicDevelopmentj which is l'ecorded at the County auditorls Office
by a property owner of two 01' more adjacent lots and which designates said lots as a single,
inseparable building lot.
Permitted Uses.
Accessory Uses.
Area and Dimensional Requirements.
Off-Street Parking.
Signs Permitted;
Design and L,mdscaping for Aparttnents.
17.14.010 Pm'pose. This is a medium density residential Z011ej whtehthat allows a
mix of single familYl duplexes, tll1d apartments at a density greater than single family
lleighborhoods but less thatl the highet. densities of the RHO zone. The pennltted uses 111 the
Ri\1D zone Me also intended to be more l'estrk'tlve than the RHO Zone. Commercial useS
are not cOllsidet't:d to be compatible. Few fwnresident1nl USCS ute al10wed in this zotle and
then only conditionullYl because of land use impacts associated with 1l011fesidel1ttal useS.
This zone provides for a va1'lety 111 the utbaolatid use pattCl'fl fOj'the City's lowei' dellsity
multi.family resident1all1eighbothoods (at twice the density of the CHyjs basic singh:: family
residentlnll1eighborhoods) with dil'ect access Ollan arterial street I usually lOcated hi outlying
arcus w1th ltlfge tructs of vacant buildable land; and serving as a tnmsitio11al use between low
density f'es1dentln1 uses and cOl1111lerdaJ/industria1 uses.
17.14.020 Permitted Uses,
A. Accessory residential units.
a. Adi11t fatuity homes,
C. Apartments.
D. Duplexes.
E, Single family residences.
11.14.025 Accessory Uses.
A. Garages and carports
H, Greenhouses, gazebos, storage sheds, and similar accessory sttuctureS.
C, Swimming pools and cahut1as.
D. Private television satellite reception dishes,
E, Community recreation rooms and laundry rooms.
F, Playground equipment.
G. Manager's office.
H, Other accessory uses determined by the. Director or Community ~
Economic. Dcve10pllient to be compatible with the intent of this Chapter.
11.14.030 ConditionalUses,
A. Att galleries llnd mUseUms.
S, Assisted living facility.
C. Child daywcate centers and prewschools.
D, Churches,
E. drottp homes tlhd hospices,
p, tibraties, .
d. NUl'S1tlg and convalescent homes.
H. Public parks and recreation facilities,
1. Public and private schools.
1. Residential cate facilities.
K. Social service agencies providing 24..hour tesidential care.
L. UtiHty buildings artd structures.
M. Other uses compatible with the intent of this Chapte1',
17.14.040 Area and Dimensional Requirements.
A. Mhl1mtim tot area shalt be 1,000 square feet.
B. Density shalf not exceed two dwellillg units for the first 1,000 square feet of
tot area; plus Cl11e unit fof each additi01ial3,500 square feet otlot area. (Maxinll11tt 12.44
MiuihIti111 yard requiretnents:
1. PrOfit: 25 feet from fr()l1t property litle,
2. Sides: No structure shall be pel'tfiitted closer than '1 feet to atlY side
lot tine on the front two-thirds of the lot. Detached accessory
buildings only on the tear onc..third. of the lot may be
permitted to within 3 foot of the side tot tine. 011 cotner lots,
the side yard abutting a strecl shalt have fi setback of 13 feet.
Reaf~ No l'esident1al structul'e shaH be pet'fi1itted whhin 25 feet of
the rear property line. Detached accessory buildings ate
permitted not closer than 10 feet to the rear property line 01'
Maximum lot coverage:
Maximum height:
35 feet.
17.14,050 Off-Street Parking. Parking shall be provided as required by Chapter
14.40 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code.
17.14.060 Signs Pel111itted. One sign pel'building is allowed. Signs shall not exceed
] 0 square feet in area and shall not be flashing or inte1'111ittent. Additiol1alsignage may be
allowed with Planning Commission approval of a Conditional Use Permit.
17.14.070 Design and Landscaping for Apartments.
A. All designated outdoor sturage areas} except for City mechanized refhse
collection system containers, shall be screened from view from public rights-of-way and
abutting property by a vision-obscuring fence 6 feet in height.
B, All lighting on the site shall be directed away from adjoining residential
properties and public rights-of-way,
C. Unused space whiehthat is over 24 sqUal'c feet in area and .~vhlch results fl'Om
the design of parking space arrangements or accessory structures shall be landscaped.
D, One tree shall be provided for each group of te6 01' fewer parking spaces,
exclusive of any perimeter landscaping. r Illustration - 11 narking ~ces requires 2~ 12
spaces requires}. trees: 13 spaces 1'eouiros 3 t1'o08,11110 trees shall beJVYl'e apo!'oved by the
City, Tiees shall have a miIlimu11l caliper oftwo inches at time of plaJltin& tmd-shalt have
a minimum height of at least 20 fcct at maturity 0. and be Dlaced in a minimum nlantillgJ.@fl
91' 1 00 squar~,
E, All parking lots shall be screened by a 3-foot to 6-foot visiOll-obscuring fence
or vegetation on all sides adjacent to residentially zoned propeliy; except that parking lots
with less than 900 square feet of contiguous area shall be exempt from this landscaping
F. Parking areas shall have interspersed landscaped islands and shall have no
more than 8 consecutive parking soaces. Ullder~l'Ound parking and lJurking included ill a
parking structure are excluded from this reql.li1'ement.
,QF. At least 30% ofthe site shall be landscaped with a mixture of ground COVel',
shrubs, and trees.
PCl'mitted Uses.
Accessory Uses.
Conditional Uses.
Area and Dimensional Requirements.
Off'~stteet Pnddl1g,
Signs Permitted.
Design and Landscaping,
17.15.010 Purpose. This is a high density residential zone for multi-family
residential structures. Compatible uses may be aUowed on Conditiotlal Use Permits but the
zone is stilll'ega1'Cled as a residential area, and commercial enterprises are not generally felt
to be cOl11patible. Few l1cl11i'esidential uses ate al10wed hi this zone and then only
cOl1ditionally, because of land use impacts associated with notitesidential UseS. This zone
provides the basic urban land Use patte1'rt for the Cityss higher density multi-family
l'csidelltiall1cighbothoods (at seven times the density of the City's basic single family
residential neighborhoods), following f1 stat1dul'd recta1igular street gtid system of 6o-foot
rights-of-way for local accel:;s streets and 300-foot by 500-foot blocks and usually located
i11 ateas that are largely deve10ped and closer to the center of the City.
A. Adult family homes,
13,- Mortttades; funeral parlors;
Be, Multi-fati.1i1y dwellings, apatiments, duplexes, dormitories, accessory
tesidcl1tlal units.
C9. Single family l'esidel1ces,
17.15,030 Accessol'Y Uses.
A. Gutages and CarlJ01'tS, .
B. dl'eenhol1ses, gazebos, stotuge sheds, and similar acceSSot)' stntctures.
C. SWlt111ning pools and cabanas. .
D. Private television satellite reception dishes.
E. Coml11unity recreation rooms andlaul1dry r00111S.
F I Playground equipti1et1t.
G. MaMger's office,
H. Other accessory uses determined by the Director of Community and
Econo11lic Development to be compatible with the intent of this Chapter. -
17.15.040 Conditionnl Uses.
A. Art galleries and museums,
B, Assisted Hving facilities.
C. Child day-care centers and pre~schools.
D. Chutches.
n. -- GolfcoUISCS; ~ Funeral Homes and Mortuaries.
F. Group l-I011i.es and hospices.
a. Libta1'ies.
11. Mortuaries;'
Hf. Nutsing at1d convalescent h01nes.
H. Public and pdvate schools,
1*. Public parks and recl'cation facilities.
1<h Residential care facilities,
LM, Social service agencies providing 24-hour fesidential eate.
MN. Utility buildings and structures.
~e. Other Uses compatible with the intent of this Chapter.
D - 20
17.15.050 Area and Dimensional Requirements.
A. Minimum Lot Area - 7,000 square feet.
B. Density shall not exceed two (2) dwelling units for the first 7,000 square
feet of lot area plus one (1) dwelling unit for each additional 1 ,000 square feet of lot area
(maximum 38.56 units/acre).
C. Minimum Yard Requirements
1. Front: 25 feet from front lot line.
2. Sides: No stmcture shall be permitted closer than 7 feet to any side
lot line on the front two thirds of the lot. Detached
accessory buildings only, on the rear one third of the lot
may be permitted to within 3 feet of the side line. On
corner lots j the side yard abutting a street shall have a
setback of 13 feet unless more is required by Ordinance No.
3. Rear: No residential structure shall be permitted within 25 feet of
the rear property line. Detached accessory buildings are
permitted not closer than 10 feet to the rear property line or
D. Maximum Lot Coverage - 30 % '
E. Maximum Height - 35 feet.
17. 15.060 0 [f-street Parking. Parking shall he provided as required by Chapter
14.40 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code.
17.15.070 Signs Permitted.
A. Permitted Uses: Signs not larger than 10 sq. f1., lighted, but not flashing
or intermittent. One pel' building.
B. Conditional Uses: Size and type as determined by Planning Commission,
17.15.080 Design and Landscaping.
A, All outdoor stol'age areas, except for City mechanized refuse collection
system containel's, shall be screened from view from public rights-of-way and abutting
property by a vision-obscuring fence 6 feet in height.
B. Alllightil1g on the site shall be so directed as to reflect away from adjoining,
residential properties and public tights-of-way.
C. Unused space whiehthat is oVer 24 square feet and which results from the
design of parking space lU'l'at1gements<or accessory structureS shaH be landscaped.
D. One tree sha1 t be provided for each 15.t'ou1' of te6 or fewer parking spaces;
exclusive of UllY perimeter landscaping. [ I11ustration ~ 1115arkiug spaces reCluires 2 trees~ 12
~mfices t'cquires2 trees: 13 smwos rC<1Ult'cs3 trees.'1 The trees shatlbea type avvroved by the
City, Trees shall have a minimum caliper of two inches at time.ofplantitHt. and shaH have
a minimumheigllt of at least 20 feet at maturity. lind be placeditt il minimttn1 planting urea
oflOO sQuare feet.
!1 Parking areas shall haveJnterspersedJandscaved islands and shall have no .
more than 8 consecutiv~arldl1g spaces. Underground IjaddnJi: and parking included in
a parking stl'ucture. are exchided from this requirement.,
EE. AU parking lots shall be screened by a 3-foot 10 6-foot vision-obscuring
fence or vegetation on all sides adjacent to residentially zoned pl'operty.
. Q AtJeast 30% of the site shall be larl.dscaped with a mixture of ground cover,
shrubs, and trees. .
Conflict with Other Ordinances.
Home Occupations Exempted,
Development Standards.
Application and Notice Pt'ocedutes.
ROllting and StaffReco1n1l1endat1011s.
Director of COlfitl1Unity and Ecol1omicDeveloplnent DecisiOll.
Special Review.
Special Review Criteria.
Existing Rome Occupations.
11.17.010. Purpose. The purpose of this Chaptet is to ensure that an occupation 01'
business Uildertaketi withitl fi dwe11itig Ul1it located iti a residential zOne is incidental and
subordinate to the primary use and is compatible with the residential chatllcter of the
ncighbodl00d. This chapter pfovides fOf hOlI1.e occupations within residential zones to be
permitted through a special use permit process.
17.11.01t Conflict with Other 01'dinances, Should any of the provisio11s or
definitioM of Ordinance No;1709jasatne:rided; any other Chautef_ofTitle 1'l conflict with
01' overlap any of the ptovlsiol1S Of clef1n'itions oft11is OrdinatlCe Chavter, whichevcr ifilposes
the more stringent regutat!ons shall prevaiL
. A. I'Hmne OccupatiOfi" is it special use;-whkhthat allows for fit1 occupation 01'
business activity whiehthat t'esttlts in u product or service and ill couducted in whole of ift
part in the dwelling unit, and is clearly incidental and subordinate to the residential use of
the property.
B; "Commercial Vehicle" is a licensed (according to tonnage), motorized vehicle
designed for transportation of commodities, merchandise, produce, freight, animals, or
passengers, and operated in conjunction with a business, occupation, or home occupation.
This term shall include, but is not limited to, automobiles, trucks, tractor/trailers, and vans.
17.17.020 Applicability. A Home Occupation Permit in accordance with the
provisions of this Chapter i8 required for all Home Occupations occurring in residential use
districts except those exempted pursuant to P AMC 17.17.030. A I-lome Oocupation Pcnnit
is a special use permit as defined in P AMC t 7.08.095.
17.17.030. I-Iome OccupatiollsExempted. The following Home Occupations shall
be exempted when all the development standards in Section 17.17.040 and speciflc
conditions applicable to each use are met:
A. Authors, composers, writers,
B. Building contractors, home builders, building tradesmen, landscaping
services, janitorial services, comme1'cialloggers, divers, t1'uck (li'ivers, PROVIDED
1. No mo1'e than one commercial vehicle, no matter how many c1iffe1'ent
home occupations are occ\J1'dng at one site, is parked on the p1'emises or the adjacent street
at one time;
2. No outside storage of materials or equipment, except hal1d-carried
tools, on the premises;
3. Only family In embers working in the residence may park theit
vehicles on the property 01' the adjacent street as part of the conclucting of the business.
C. Family day~cat.c homes that provide day-care dUrltlg part of the 24-hou1' day
to 12 01' fewer child1'en incidental to a primary residential use,
b. Retail alld wholesale salespersons, business representatives, PRoVIDED
1. No customers visit the premises;
2. No products, except samples, ate stored on the p1'emises;
3. 0111y family 11iembel's working in the residence may park their
vehicles on the pl'operty 01' the adjacent stl'eet as part of the conducting of the business.
17.17.040. Development Standards. All Home Occupations sha11 comply with the
following development standards:
A. There shall be 110 exterior display, 110 exterior sign, no exterior stotage of
materials (not including commercial vehicles 811das listed in P AMCJ7, 17.030(B)(3)), and
110 other indication 01' appearance of it business that would detl'twt ft'01l1 the l'esidential
charactct of the area,
B. If the opct'atiotl is the type whel'e customers Of clients come to the home, the
Director of Community and ECQ110111icwDevelopment shall determine the 11l1111ber of
visitations per day that is c0111patible with the area,
e, If Cttstomel'S or clients visit the home, the hoUl's of operation shall be fl'om
9:00 AM to 5:00 PM, unless othel'wise specified by the Director of Commutl1tyancl
Eeol10111i\1 Development. .-
D. tfthe opct'atio11 is the type In which classes ure held or instruction given, the
DiteClor of Community and Economic Development shaH determine the l1U111ber of stude11t~
per day that is compatible with the urea,
E, Employees working Oil the premises shall be limited to members ofthe family .
residing in the dwel1hig unit, unless otherwise specified by the Director of CommU11lty and
Econ01tJ.ic Development; pROVIDE:!:> that the number of non-fathily eli.1ployees shalti-wt
exceed one,
F, On-premise retail sale of goods not produced; processed or fabricated in the
dwellitlg t1111t shall not be pettnitted,
d, Home Occupatic511s shall be condttcted in whole 01' in part hi the dwe11iiig unit
but not in an accessory bttHding tt11less otherwise specifiedby the Director of COmtiiUl1ity
and Economic Development; PROVIDED that the dwellhig unit and accessoty building in
which the Home Occupation is conducted shalt occur on the same parcel.
H. The number of off-stt'eet parking spaces shull be determined by the Director
of Comtnunity a11dEcon01tilc Development. Any impt'ovements to the pat'king area shall
be deteftilined by the City Engineer hi accordatlCe with Chapter 14.401' AMC whereby said
itnprovements shall be completed within two yeafs of the date ofapPl'ovaL
17.17.050 " AppHcatio1iandNotioo. . Procedures. 111e application for a Home
Occupation Petmit shall be submitted on a form obtained ftom the Depaliment of
Communftyand EC01iOmic Devel()pment and sha1l be acknowledged by the OWner or the
property; if othettlian the applicant. 111 addition to the110tice procedures cOiltained hi P AMC
1 g,02.050, notice shatt be mailed to the latest recorded real property ownci'S within at least
300 feet of the boundw:y of the site as shown by the records of the County Assessor. Mailing
lbabels shall be provided by the appHcuiit.
17.17.060 RouungandStaff Recommendations. Upon receipt of art application .
satisfying the requlrementsof Section 17.17.050, the Department of Community. an!!
Economic Development shal1 route the same to all appropriate departments, Each such
depfi1'trne11t shall submit to the Department of CortmtunttyandEcohOtnic Development
toooni.filendatiohs and commel1ts regarding the application. The Depattlllel1t OrCOml11ttt11ty
I1ndJtC0l1omleJJevelopmel1t sha11 prepare a repott to the Director of Commi111ity and
Eco!1omicDeve1opme111 summarizing the factors involved; the tecot11mertdaticit1s of other
departmel1ts, and the Departmefit of COt11111ttruty ... andH Economic. Development
recommendation find findings. A copy of the report shall be mailed to the applicant and
copies shalt be made available; at cost, for use by any interested party.
11.17.08<.'- Directof of COfilfi1unity and . Economic Development Dedsion. The
Director's decision shall be in written fOf111 with findings based upon compliance with
Section 17.17.010; 17.17.040 and the following criteria:
A. That the Home Occupation does not involve equipmellt or processes which
introduce noise, smoke, dust; fttmes, vibratiOiis, odors, find other hazards in excess of those
normally fOimd 111 residential areus.
B. That tlie Home Occupation does fiot significantly increase local vehicular or
pedest1'1an traffic.
C. That the Home Occupation shall not beinjurlous or dettl11100tal to adjoining
or abuttitlg properties.
D. That the Home Occupatiofi shallnot Ctidangcr the public health, morals,
Silfety, find welfare; and thnt It is In the public interest.
D - 24
E. The Director of Community and Economic Development decision shall
include a condition that Home Occupatiol1s be fOl'warded to the Public Works & Utilities
Department for the determination of utility charges.
17.17.090 Special Review. Pel'sons with demonstrated physical handicaps may be
permitted Special Review by the Director ofCornmunity and Econ0l11icDevelopment. Such
applicant may request waiver of Development Standard E and/or F, No waiver of the criteria
ofSeotion 17.17.080 will be considered.
17.17.095 Special Review Criteria. In addition to the cdtefia of Section 17.17.080,
the Director ofCo1n1llunity and EconomicDevelopment shall base his decision 011 a Special
Review upon the following orite1'1a:
A. Thc waiver of allY development standard shall not change the basic residential
character of the dwelling unit not. deh'act itl any way fi'om the residential churac;:tel' of the
17.17.110 Limitations.
A. 011ce a Home Occupation Pennit has beell issuedl it shall not be trul1sfe11'ed
to another person or to a location other than as stated 011 the permit.
B. The initial time liniit 011 approved I-lome Occupation Pe1'111its shall not exceed
one year, aftol' which time extensions may be granted as provided in this Chapter,
L7.17,200 Appeals,
A. Any person aggdeved by the decision of the Dit'ectol' of Community..J!1.}.Q
Economic Developmellt may appeal the decision to the City Council. -
B. Appeals shall be submitted to the Department of Co1tll1mnity and Economic
Development in wdt1tlg wi thin fifteen (15) days following the date of the decision.
C. The City Council sha11 conduct an open record public hearing on the appeal
of the Director of Community and Economic Development's decision with notice being
given as set forth in P AMC 17.96.140, The counciPs decision shall be final unless appealed
to Clallam County Superior COUll In accordance with P AMC 17.96.150.
17,17,210 Extensions.
A. Extensions of approved Home Occupatioll Permits shall be considered in
accordance with the same procedtlt'cs as for the odgi11al pertuit application and may be
grtl11ted for specified or unspecified time periods provided that the following minimum
criteria arc met:
1. The llse complies with the pe1'I111t conditions; and
2. The1'o have been 110 signific<lntl advel'se changes it1 drCUl11sta11ces.
B. Up011 wdttC11 1'equest fot' ail extensi01l submitted to the Depmtment of
Community and . Economic Development prim' to the explt'atiol1 of the Home Occupation
PermitJ said Penult shall be automatically extended for 11inety (90) dnys to allow the City to
review find process the extemiOll reqllcst.
17.l7.3 00 Revocatiol1. Any pennit issued pmsuttl1t to the tenus of thIs Chaplet' may
be revoked i11 accordance with the provisio11S ofChuptct 1, Section13l Ordinance No. 2050.
17.17.310. Penalties.
D - 25
A. Any person violating any provision of this Chapter shall be guilty of a .
misdemeanorl and shaH be punished by a fhie liot to exceed Five HUl1dl'cd ($500) Dollars.
Each day that a violation continues shall constitute a separate offe11se.
13, 1n addition to the criminal penatty of Subsection A hereof; any person
operating l.lt1det' an exemptiofi authorized by any pOl'tiotl of this Chapter shalt he deemed to
have forfeited said pct'l1'1it as a result of sal d viol ad 011, Such l,etson shall be requited to apply
fat a Home Occupation Permit pursuant to the ptovislo1iS ofSectfoh 17.17.650. Failure to
apply fOf alid obtain a Home Occupation Permit pursuant to Section 17,17.050 shall subject
the petsol1 to the penalty specified in Section 17.17.310 A
17. 17,320mExisting Home Occupations..
A. Home Occupatitl11Sj other than those specifical1y exempted under P AMC
17.17.030; established prior to the effective date of this Chapter and hot having a Home
Occupation Pel'frltt in accordance with the provisions of this Chaptct' shall; within ninety (90)
days after the effective date ofthls Chapter, initiate a Home Occupation Permit application.
After the nl11ety..day petiod, the home occupation shaH be considered to he ili violation of
this Chapter.
B. Time extel1sions of CofleHtiol1al Use Permits f61' Ho111e Occupatioll Permits
lawfully established prior to the effective date of this Chaptel' shalt not be approved unless
the Home Occupation complies ful1y with this Chapter.
17. HUJ91
AppHcabiHty .
Development Standards.
AppHcation and Notice Procedures,
Directol' of C01nmtt11ityand Economic Devetopmentfs Decision.
Litrdtations. .
Permit Revocation,
17.18.010 Puft,ose. The purpose of this Chaptel' is to ensttre that a bed and breakfast
is compatible with its surrounding' prope!'ties, and when lo(Med in Ii residential
neighborhood, to preserve the l'esidential charade!' of the neighborhood atid the sutfotlnding
residences. This Chapter provides fOf bed and breakfasts within fes1dential zones to be
permitted through a Sljedal use permit process.
17.tS,020Defifiitio11S. A "bed and breakfast" is a single family rcs1dence located
in it residential zone, containing one kitchen and shared dining are{i~ p1'ovtding todgUlg tor
gnests and travelers tor a period of up to tl1irty (30) days and servingprimfltitybreakfust only
to people tegistered to use the facility for lodging Of special events that requit'e facilities to
D - 26
provide more than just meals. A bed and breakfast is a special use as defined in P AMC
17.18.030 Applicability. A Bed and Breakfast Pemlit in accordance with the
provisions of this Chapter is required for all bed and breakfasts occurring in residential
zones. A Bed and Breakfast Permit shall not be required within commercial zones. A Bed
and Breakfast Permit is 11 special Use permit as defined in P AMC 17.08.095;
17.1 8.040 Development Standards. All bed and breakfasts shall comply with the
following development standards:
A. All bed and breakfasts shall be located in single family residences and shall
exhibit no outward appearance of a business or of a non-residential nature, other than
permitted signs.
B. All beel and breakfast opemtors shal1live 011 the premises.
C. A bed and breakfast with four or fewer rooms for let shall provide parking
spaces for the operator and guests. Bed and breakfasts with more than four rooms for let
shall provide parking spaces for the operator, guests, and employees.
D. All offMstreet parking areas shall be screened in a manner that is compatible
with and respectful of adjacent properties,
E. All 011~site signs shall be 110 more than five (5) square feet in area, indirectly
lightcd, and parallel to the building facade to which they are attached unless they are free-
standing in the yard. Free-standing signs cannot exceed three feet in height but may be
perpcndicula1' to the facade. The light source shall be shielded from abutting property and
rights-of-way. There shall be a maximum of two (2) free-standing signs.
F. All bed and breakfasts shall comply with the applicable local and State Fi1'e
and Health Codes.
G. All bed and breakfasts shall not be transferable to new locations.
H. Size and area requirements:
No. ofBdnns. To Let Min. Lot Area
0- 4 7,000 sq.ft. (RS-9, 9,000 sq.ft.)
5 - 8 14,000 sq.ft. (RS-9, 18,000 sq. ft.)
9 - 12 28,000 sq.11.
13 - 16 1 acre
17 - 20 . 2 <,Cl es
21 M 24 4 acres
l. Accessory Activities <md Pc,citities'". Bcd a-~oakfagt8 shall have the
~minimum lot area if 1 order to pi 0 vide-thesc acd v Ities or faci1iti~
tr. ,. 1/ r 'li'
ctrvrty-anc !. 01 'act ty
Hot tub
S' ,. 1
Vii llTI111tltg Poo .
Ten~rt .htete
. Other outdoorrcc;u co dlts (voHeybal1,halIdbll11) .
flllY hlg fields.
Minlthllll) Area
7,000 sq-ft (RS.;9; 9,000 sq. ft.)
7,OOOsq,ft (RS.;C}j9,OOOsq.ft)
1. llCCC
1 acre
'2 acre~
D - 27
"'l'..U:)~E G b'. . .. ~ "t'. -j .c~_~j' , . _!~ -~~"._.- ~,-.;j -......, 1
:. om inatietH)' , nct1Vl leg antrttttmltios; c.g.;tefli'ft':rOOi:ttt:t-m-m--:m-:l1'flffillig poo s,
may require addItional lot area heyOhd the nlininltlnl listed; ho w evel, the lllinhmml areas are
dd"d'f ; cld;tk~; t. ... .
flot a. It! ve, e.g., I the DO an ore". < 1(" It G,(1'1 lave a pool ulid a tennis COOl t.
Notate thMe areasadditivet<Tthebtl5o minimum:
It. Any change 11i the ownership! structure, 01' the site plan requires a revised
permit. -
17 .18.050d Application and Notice Procedtlre.
A. The application for a Bed and Breakfast Pertuit shaH be submitted 011 a for111
obtaitled from.the Dellarti11ent of Community and :8c01101nlC Development and shal1 also be
signed by the oWilet of the ptoperly if other than the applicfU1t. In addition to the notice
procedures contalfied in P AMC 18,02.050, notice shall be mailed to the latest l'ecorded real
property OW11ers within at least 300 feet orthe bounda!'y orthe site as shown by the records
of the COillIty ASSeSSor. Labels shall be provided by the applicu1it.
g, Upon teedpt of all application satisfying the requitemet'its of this Chapter! the
Department ofCOmmlitllty and Econottllc Development shaH route it to aU appropriate
Deparhllents, Each City Depa1'tlllent shall submit to the Depmifiiellt of Community and
Bcotiofi1icDevelopmertt recommendatlons ~l11d Cb111lllCllts !'egai'dlng the appHcatioll. ._-
17. t 8,010.. Direcf01'ofCbthmunity aild EcotiOfiikDevelopltient's Decisiofi, The
Director of COfiifiiU1i.ity fifidEcortom1c Development shaH, hi. writing, ilpprove, deny at
approve with tii.odiflcatlofiS or cbtiditio11s, the application. irhe Director of COlti111unity allet
Ecot10ihic Developmellt shall attach such conditions as may be deemed necessa11 to ensure
land usecmfipatibiHty, public safety, find compliance with alt standards and requirements .
oftrus Chapter. Said written decision shalt in dude findings based upofi compliance with the
development standards (17.1 S ,040) aild the following criteria:
. A. Water~ sewer, power, road, police ul1d fire, and refuse disposal must be
available atid adequate TOt the proposed use,
It The proposal should 110t cause detrimental effects ort the surrounding
residential area as a re.$t11t or changes in the following eleitH~llts (but 110t limited to just these
elelli.ehts): traffic; noise, activities occurrhig on-site, Hghtifig, afid the ability to provide
utility service.
C. The proposal shall be compatible with ~utt'oundirtg residential area because
the treatment of the following aspects (but not limited to the following o1l1y) is adequate to
assure compatibility: Irt11dscaplng, location of stfucttire(s), pat'king fit'eaS, and the t'esideiltial
nature of COllstructiot1lUid/Of at'chitectural details of the strUcture.
17.18.090 Limitations,
A. Once a Bed lUid Breakfast Permit has beefi issued, it shall fiot be transferred
to another location,
B. 'The Bed and Breakfast Permit shall be vaHd ofily for so long as the bed and
breakfast co1fipHes with the requirements of tbis Chaptet' and the conditiotls of approval.
C. Any ehatigc in the ownership; the sti'tictUfe, of the site plfii11'equlres 11 revised
0. The ifiitial time limit fOt' approved Bed fifld Breakfast Permits shall not exceed
ohe year~ after whid1 tittle extensions may be granted as provided ift tWi; Chapter.
17.1S.091 Appenls,
D - 28
A. Any person aggrieved by the decision of the Director of Community and
Economic Development may appeal the decision to the City Council. -
B. Appeals shall be submitted to the Department of Community and Economic
Development in writing within fifteen (15) days following the elate of the decision.
C. The City Council shall conduct an open record public hearing on the appeal
of the Director of the Department of Community and Economic Development's decision
with notice being given as set forth in PAMC 17.96.140. The Council's decisiol1 shall be
final unless appealed to Clallam County Superior Court in accordance with P AMC
17.18.092 Extensio11s.
A. Extensions of approved Bed and Breakfast Pcrmits must be submitted in
writing prior to the cxpiration datc of thc original permit appl'oval and shall he considered
in accordance with the same procedures as fo1' the ol'iginal permit application. An~xtcl1Siol1
may be granted for specified or unspecified timc periods, provided that the following
minimum criteria are met:
1. The use complies with the permit conditions; and
2. There have been no significant, adverse changes in circumstances.
B. Upo111'ecei1't ofa written request for extension ofa Bed and Breakfast Permit
(prior to expiration ofthe permit) said permit shalt mJtomatical1y be extended for ninety (90)
days to allow the City time to rcview and process the request.
17.18. 1 00 Permit Revocation. The Director of Community M1d.JiQ.Qnmni.Q
Development may immediately revoke, or suspend a permit, or the renewal thereof, if he
finds that:
A. The applicant or permittee has violated or failed to meet any of the p1'Ovisions
ofthi8 Chapter or conditions of the pe1'mit; of
B. Any required licenses have been suspended. revoked, 01' canceled.
Up011 denial, suspension 01' l'evocation, the Di1'ector of COmml1l1ity and Economic
Development shall notify the applicant or permittee in writing of the action he has taken and
the reasons therefor. Aftcr giving such notice by certified mail, if the bed and breakfast has
not been removed within thirty (30) days, the Director of Community and EconQmic
Development, or his designee, may cause the closure of any bed and brcakfast found in
violation of this Chapter.
Permitted Uses,
Conditional Uses.
Permitted Modifications of Land Use Regulations.
Procedure fOl' Approval.
1 7.19.090
1 7.19. 1 00
1 7.19.140
t 7.19.180
Pre-Application Review.
AppHcation Procedure.
Routltig and Staff Recommendations.
Plfinnitig C0111tnissiofi Public Heariug ~ Scheduling aud Notice.
Plartl1ing Commission RecotTUt1endation.. Prelitninary Development
City Councit Action ~ Preliminary Developmet1t Plans.
Final Approval of Planned Residential Development.
rittl1t1ing ComInis5ion Reviewofliillal Dcvdopt~
City Cottncil Final Action.
Building Permits,
Modifications After Final Apptova1.
17.19 .OJ 0 Purpose, This Overlay Zone is to provide altet11ative ZOn1tlg regulatiollS
which~ pel'fiilt and etl(xmrage design flexibility, consel'VatlOt1 fitid ptotectiol1 of natUtal
amenities critical areas, and ihfiovation in residential developments to those regulations
fOUIld in the uI1derlying zone, It is intended that a Planned Residential Develop111el1t (PRDJ
will result in a residential envit'onment of highet quality than ttaditional lot-by-lot
development by use of a desigti process whiehthat irtc1udes within the site design all the
components ot a residential neighborhood, such as opeti space, circulation, building types,
and tiatural teatures; in a fiiafil1el' consonant with tbe public health, sarety, al1d we1ral'e and
results in a specifically aPPl'oved site design. It is also intended that Ii PRDPhmtted
Residential Developt'heht may e0111bine a 111ltnberofland use decisiot1S such as critical areas
pl'otection, coiiclitionall1se permits, rezones, and subdivisions into Ii single ptoject 1'eview ..
process to elicol1fage titilcly public hearings and decisions and to provide rof more open
space and tt'iUisitfonat housing densities thati is required or may be permitted between single
family and 11'iu1ti~famlly ZOties. The consolidation of permit t'eviews does not exempt
applicaqt(s) fr01fi meeting the tegulati011s and submitting the fees and applications not111ally
required tot the l111derlying permit processes. Few nonresidential uses w'e al10wed in this
overlay zone and then only conditionally, because of land use impacts associated with
notifeside1itial uses, This ove1'1ay zone provides tor the opportunity to <:wente self..contailled
residential neighborhoods with a variety of housing choices without fol1owing it standard
system of public streets aild lot desigt1 and with allowances for mixed use, residential and
neighborhood commercial developments not usually permitted in residential zones.
11.19.011 Definitio1is.
A. Common Usable Open Space: Atea within 11 Pln111Ied Residehtial
Developll1entPRD "vhiehthat is accessible and usable to all tesMents of the development find
whiehthat is: - -
= L Land whfehthat is ufibccupie-d by nonrecl'eatiC)fiul buildings, parking
areas, 01' traffic circulation roads; ~
2. Land whiehthat is dedicated to recreational buildings, sttuctures 01'
~ 'I"
laCl ltteS; of
3, Laud whiehthat is dedicated to an open space purpose 01 the Planned
Residel1t1nl-Dc\'e!optnetrtPJU) sucii'M preservat1011 of natural features'.
! . Laii(ft;i'otectedbvuthe E11vitofit11entallvJ;efisitiv€tAreas Protactiol1
Ordinancen(PAMCIitle J5). other thanbuffef arens.fitly noLbe included as COlt1fi1011
Usable Ooe:ti Sofiee.
To be considered common usable open space for recreational pm-poses, the
open space must be usable for speclfic or multJ-pUl1)oSe activities, be located 011 generally
leve11and, be regularly shaped and contain a minimum of 1000 square feet.
B. Neighborhood Density: Thel'teighhorhood-densityis-themunber ofdwelling
units per acre allowed by zone or zones.
Co Planned Residential Development (PRD): A PRB---is--a-site specific
development whtehiligJ; has been approved by the City Council under the provisions of
Chapter 17.19 of the Port Angel es Municipal Code.
D. Recreational Purpose: An express intent of a space design and development
to service a particular heahhful or aesthetic activity.
E. Townsite Block: A block of 500' x 300' dimension or 3.44 acrcs us created
by the original platting of the Townsite OfPOli Angdes.
17.19.020 Applicability. P1t1l1ned Residential Devdop!nentsPRDs may be
established, subject to final approval of a proposal for a specific parcel or parcels ofland;-in
all residential districts which allow lesidential uses and 1nay l11Clude land wmeh that is zoned
PBP. A Plauned Re15identi'll Dev dopmcntPRD shall contain a minimum of 3 A4acres with
densities permitted per the underlying zone or zones per 17.19.060.
17.19.030 PennittedUses. Residential building types in a P-htnned Resicleluial
De~c1opmerrl: flli2 may vary from those permitted in the undedying ZOl1C 01' zones.
17.19.031 Conditional Uses. Conditional uses may be allowed similarly to those
conditionally permitted in the underlying zone( s) or may include neighborhood commercial
and cOlluuel'cialrecreational uses whi-ehiliill; primarily serve the PRD residents.
17.19.040 Permitted Modifications ofLanc1UsG Regullltions. Thc approval ofa
P-l-nnned Residential De'VolopnlontPRD may include modifications in the requirements and
standards of the underlying land use regulations ofthe zone in which the project is located)
subject to the limitations of this Chapter;~ ~ n No approval shal1 include a
modification, variance 01' waiver of the exterior setback areas required by the underlying
zones along the extedor property lines of the PRD~ or of the requirements of the Shoro1111e
Master Prognun except as provided in Chaptel' 173-14 WAC. POl' tLe purpose of this
5octiol1, minimllm setbacks <l1ong-extedol 1'101'01 ty lincs-shait-be--basect-otMhe--finaHot
eotrlignration dftcr 5ubdi v ision-ofthc pI operty.
17.19.050 Standards. The following standards shall apply to all ~ed Residential
A. All street and utili ty improvements shall he cOl1structed to standards specified
by the City of Port Angc1e~. Street widths may val')' f!'Om widths l'cqull'ed in the Subdivision
Regulations, and intedor eiteuhrtioo streets may be eithe1' pubHc or pl'ivate. Streets intended
to be dedicated to the City lhllst 111eeL111i11i111mn standurds set. forth ill the City of P01't
All.l!eles Urban Standat'ds and Guideli11es manual.
B. All PhmnetrResideJltla-l:1:)cvdopl11entEROs shall devote at least 30% ofthe
gross area of the site to common usable open space, half of which mUst be wJed t'ot
recl'cadonal purposes and 11011c of which will be ctedited 111 the setback atells t'equired along
the extCl'jof p1'Ope1'ty lil1bS oftl1o PRD. Stl'cet 1'ights-of~wny, ddveways, pal'ldl1g lots ami
utility structures shall not be counted as part of the C01111110n usable open space. COll1lnOll
usable open space shall be maintained as an integral part of the site and may fiat be
segregated as fi separate parcel of parcels unless such parcels ate to be owned by a
homeowl1erS Msodatibt1, Com1nllnity recreation facilities and recreation strtlctuteS shall be
included in ca1culat1fig the arca devoted to comthon usable open space~
C. All t'lanned Residential Dcv'clopli1elitPRDs shall ptovide for continuous and
pCl'petual thaintenartce ofcothmoti open spacej c01tnnoti tecteatioti facilitiesj private toadsj
utilitiesj parking areas and other similat development within the bOlindaries of the PRD in
form and mal11iel' acceptable to the City.
D. Platting sha11 be reqttired of.&!; al1 projects whi-ehthat involve 01' COl1template
the subdivision ofland, Lots in a platted rla111Ied Residential Develo pmerrtPRb may be sold
to separate ownetsaccoldi11g to thc5cparatc lots a~rowrrill the recorded plat which is
approved in COnliectlollmthelewitkDeve1opltletrt of aH-lotswithul theplcttted--P.tantted
Reside1dial Deve1oplfl(,nt5hal.l-be as shown in the ul)preved--P-R:9, No further subdivision
of land within the Planned Residehtial DcvelopmentPRD will be permitted unlessa formal
amendment to the PItt) is approved. -
E. Conditional Use Permits shall be required of.fut all projects whteh!hill involve
or contemplate conditional USes, whiehthat may be allowed hi the underlying wlle(s). 111
addition to the conditional uses allowed in theundetlying zone(s), neighbothood commer'clat
and commercial recreational uses maybe considered fot' conditional USe pertnit(s) during the
PRO aPPt'oval process, No nuther cOhditionalllse permits,except home occupations; will
be permitted withhl the. ....,. . ntPRD unless a Tormal atIiendment
to the PRD is approved. --
F, For any t1nderlying land use regulatory process that is consolidated through
the PRO overlHY process; the criteria and development stli11dardsofthat ttndet1ying land use
feg1.1latory process shall be met. Any subsequent land use decision made pursuant to ali
underlying land use regulatory process shall also require a formal amendment to the PRD.
u 0, 'to encourage design flexibility; conservation of natural amenities; and
innovations 'Whichthat result in fi higher quality residential environment thart traditional
subdivisions; site p1fintling and architectural reviewwbieh~address the toll 0 wing specific
criteria are requited of all development in the PRD. Where applicable, the design ofPRDs
shall accomplish the following to the greatest extent possible:
1. Presetvetmique physical features of the site inclllding, but not limited
to; creeks, wetlandsj ravl11es; blurr..<l; lakes or pondsj shorelines, and forest areaS consistent
with Se(:ti01115,20 and 15.24JjAMC.
2. Preserve scefiic view corridors; both ifiternal and exte:trial to the site.
3, Provide recreation facilities incltldingj but not limited to, bicycle or
pedcsttia11 pathsj children's play fiteM find playTIelds1: find
4, The design of all Open space an:as and building structures shalt be
compatible with filld complementary to the etWiro111nent hi which they ate placed,
H, AlIi'tinned Residerltial'DevelopmentPRDs shall comply with the goals and
policies of the Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan, -
17, 19.060J2cnslty. Every Phumed Resident1alDeve1opmentPRD shan be allowed
the density of the underlying zone or zones in which the site is l()cate~,_EfiVttonmentallv
se1isitiy(uiteM, fltotectedbv ,Title 15 PAMC shaH not beinctt1<led. as usable {(if, de.1iSlt)'
ca1culatiol1s,__.Densitvcredits fOf,environmentatlv sensitive.areMaS calcutatooJn PAMC
Sectiot115.20,070(FJ fit1dforwetlsfid buffers as calculateditlPAMC SectlCHtJ5.24,070(F)
tUilvbe fitltll1ed,
D - 32
17.19.070 Procequre for ApprovaL The procedure for approval of a .rlmmed
Rcsidential--Beve-lcpmentPRp shall be composed of four steps:
A. ~tual1?lan submittal and neighborhood meeting. This step occurs
before an application is accepted as complete by the City.
.B.A. Public hearing on the pl'elhninary development plan and, jf applicable, the
preliminary plat and other permit actions;,; -and This step results in a l'ecommendation by the
Planning Commission to the City Council of an action to be take!) on the nronosal;
.cR. Approval by the City Council at a public meeting of the preliminary
deveJolment plan and other actions as applicable; and
C. Pllbtiemeeting-by-g Conill115sioh to lCvicw the final development
plan MId pLlt rol compliance with the-'-approved prelil(Iinal~hm, Cl11d
reeommehdation to the City Council;
D. ApPlOvalAction mon the final development plan and plathy the City Council
following a public hearing. Finar apvroyal may only be granted after all conditions of
ill2proval have been met or bonded forbvthe applicant. No lots may be offered for sale prior
to preliminary plat aporoval by the City Council.
17.19.080 Pre-Application Review, Prior to applying for a PRO, a developer shalt
submit a conceptual plan to the Department of Community and Economic Development
D~. The cOllceptual plan will be reviewed for its general compliance with the intent,
standards and provisions of this Chapter and other City ordinances by the appropriate
departments of the City, and written comments in regard to the plal1 will be furnished to the
developer. The conceptual plan shall contain in sketch form all ofthe information required
in Section 17.19.090 E and G.
After the conceptual plan review and prior to accepting a PRDapplication, the City
shall require a neighborhood meeting, . The neighborhood meeting shall be of.l!anizc.d and
spons2red by the pr01ect proponent.. Neighbors within 300' of the proposed location shall
be included in notification of the meeting. The purpose of the meeting will be to solicit
informatio1l1'egarding design alternatives to minimize any adverse impacts from the PRO
and to alleviate community concerns. The applkcll1t shallsubm1t-an additional set of I Miling
IClbcls llS reql1iIcd (01 llUblic notice pursuant to Section 17.96.140 r AMC.
17.19.090 Application Procedure. The application for a Planned Residential
DevelopluentflYl shall contain the fol1owing:
A. The name, location and legal description of the proposed development;
together with the names; addresses and telephone numbel'S of the recorded owners ofthe land
and of the applicant andj if applicable, the names, addresses and telephone numbers of any
land S1.1fveyor, architect, planner; designer; or engine(+ responsible for the preparation of the
plan, and of any authorized representative of the appHcant.
B. A narrative explaining the proposed use or uses of the land and buitding;
induding the proposed number of dweHing tltIlts by type; such as single fatnily detached;
row housing; and apartments; information on any special features, conditions of which
cannot be adequately shown on drawings; and an explatlatioIi of covenantsj continuous
maintenance provisiol1S; and/or homeowners association fOf the project.
C. A survey of the property showing existing features, induding contours at 5~
foot intervals; buildings; structures; streets; utltity easements, rights~of~w~ty, e11vironmentally
sensitiveareflS. and existing Janel uses,
D - 33
D. A vegetati011 survey of the property by either (a) an aerial photograph of the .
property In a scale acceptable to the City, which that Identifies significa11t gtOupil1gs oftrees
and u11usual of fine specimens of their species; OR (b) a sU1'vey of all trees over twelve
inches hi trunk diameter measured at foul' feet above the ground; as detentlined by the
Ditectot of DCED. Comtl1t11lity.. and tkotlbt'nk Devdoptnentj in. thOSe a1'Ms where
improvements are proposed, General wooded ai'eas where tiO improvements are proposed
witt requite a vegetat1011 survey cOlltainhig the following e1emetits:
1. A mapIJing ofthe extent of the wooded meaS with survey of perimeter
trees only.
2. A 11flrtativc regarding the types (species) and COI).ditiol1 of the treeS and
under~stoty in the wooded Mea.
3. Identification oft1'ees whiehilim are unusual or fine specimens of their
4. In general wooded areas where 111ino1' Iml)1'ovcments are proposed, a
survey oftl'ees over twelve inches i11 trunk diameter meastlred at fout feet above the ground
witt be required to a reasonable distance arouild the hrtfH'ovements,
E. PretitIliMry site plans showing existing and proposed contours at 5-foot
intervals, location. and principal dimensions of buildings; open space, recreation areas,
parkitig areas; cit"Culatiol1; lul1dscape areas, subdivision platting and genetal an"allgement.
Detailed site statistics l11cl-lldulg but notlim1ted td:
L Total site aI-ect l1tboth acres artd sCiUa1'eJeet~
2. Site coverage cXfjtessed 111 square feet and fjercentage of~
a. Total foott>r1nt lite a ofbttildirtgs f6r:
L Residential structures;
H, NOh-residential structures.
11 RoadwaY ctl1d sidewalk l)uved surfaces:
c, Pat'king lot ateftS~
d. Anv areas tlftVed with permeable fjftving systems:
Total. area iti lots:
OUeh SPflce area:
a, Common usable ofjen. so ace (fiittstbe 1.5% 01 site):
b. Total area dedicated to dpefi space (must be 30% of site):
5. Ntlmbel' mid locatloti of off-street parking:
6: Nut:i1berof residential units fjl'OPOSOO;
7, TotaLntlinbet oflots being cteated:
8, Densitv of site ex-pi'esBed as residential units oeracre.
OF. A preliminary plat; if applicable; pursUfi1it to Chapter 58,17 RCW and
Chapters 16.04 and 16.08 P AMO,
!lB. IffiudevelotHtr_ elects 10 obtainadditionaLdensitv credits,- the site .olan
fiooHcationshnllootlttiittstlecific itifor1D.atiol1relatihg to thtutdditiofial density credit criteria
ofSectioi115,20.070 al1dJ5.24.010,
rH. Preliminary elevntlon and perspective drawings of project structures.
1.1. A preHmit1tit}' tltitities plan., including fire hydrant locations.
RJ. A preHminfit'Y storm drainage plan with calculation of1tnpervious arefiS.
~*, An off"strecl parking platt and drculatiol1 p1M showin.g at1mcafiS of vehicular
tuid pedesttlaft ingress and egt'ess to find [tom the site; size find location of driveways, stt'eets,
D - 34
sidewalks, trails, and parking spaces. Any new traffic control devices required for the safety
of the project must be shown.
Mi:;. Mailing labels as lcquiIed f01 public notice of pro pert v owners withit1 300
feet oftht) proposed project pursuant to Section 17.96.140 P AMC.
17.19.100 Routing and Staff Recommendations. Upon receipt of an application
satisfying the requirements of Section 17.19.090, the Department of Community ~
Economic Development (DeED) shall route the same to all appropriate City Departments.
Each such department shall subttrit return Bepartment of Community -Development
recommendations and comments regarding the application 10 DCED. The Depmtment
Plullning Division of Commllllity Bevd:-opluOlt shall prepare a report to the Planning
Commission summarizing the factors involved, the recommendations of other departments;
and the Depmtnlent of Comll1uhity Developmclrt !2QEQ. recommendation includin14ttnd
findings and conclusions. A copy of the report shall be mailed to the applicant and copies
shall be made available, at cost, for use by any interested party.
17.19.110 - Planning Commission Public Hearing.~ Scheduling and Notice. Upon
receipt of an application satisfying the requirements of Section 17.19.090, the Dep<ll tment
of COliinlunity-Development DCED shall schedule a public heari11g before the Planning
Commission. Public notice shall be given as provided in Section-g-17 .96.140.
17.19.120 Planning Commission Recommendation- Preliminary Development
Plans. Prior to making a recommendation on an application for a preliminary planned
Residential Developll1e1rt PRD, the Planning Commission shall1101d a public hearing. The
Planning Commissionts recommendation 011 PRD density shall tIC based upOh Sections
17.19.010, .060 and .oct, and the lecommendation-for approval, denial, or approval with
modifications or conditions shall be forwarded to the City Conncil in written form based
upon compliance with Section 17.19.050 and the following criteria:
A. The proposed development will comply with the policies of the
COl11prehensive Plan and furtherlhe attainment of the objectives and goals of the
Comprehensive Plan.
B. The proposed development wil1~ through the imptoved utilization of open
space, natural topography, transitional housing densities and integrated circulation systems,
create a residential environment of higher quality than that normally achieved by traditional
development of a Sllbdivision.
c. TIle proposed development will be compatible with adjacent~ existing,\ and
future developments.
D. All llecessary municipal utilities1 services, and facilities; existing and
pl"oposed, are adequate to SC1'VC the p1'oposed development.
E. The-!fntei'tlal streets serving the P1'oposed development ate adequate fbr-the
to serve anticipated traffic levels and the street system of the proposed development is
functionally connected by an improved collector street to at least one improved arterial
F. Ifthe development is plallned to oeCl11' in phases, each phase shalt meet the
requiremcnts of it complete development. DevelopmclltsoftessthanJA4 acres sballnot be
done in phases.
D - 35
17.19.1 30. City CouticilActiort - Ptel1minal'Y Developlncrttplatis, The City Council .
shalt, at a public. Incetittg; consider the recommendation of the Planniug CommissionJ'!1Jl
j)ublicmeetiti(.t, 'the Counci1may approve, deny, or approve with modifications or
conditions the submItted preliminary development plal1s. Approval shalt be by Council
action which incorporates the approved preliminaty developmel1t plans by reference and
shall include lll1dings based upon Section 17.19.060; .e6'h aild .120.
17.19.140_Fhial Approval of PIa-titled Residential tleve1opmel1t PRD, Application
for final approval of the Planned Rcsidential tkvc10pment PRD shall besubmitted within
one year of the npprovul of the prelhninary developmetlt plan lit)fi1'oval; provided that for
phased PR1Ys each phase shall have an additional one-year period for final approval; and
provided furthe1' that an applicant may apply to the Plal1ning C0111mission, and the
Cbtntlltssion may approve; onc 01' more olie-year extel1sions as the Commission may deem
a.ppropriate. 'the site must be under otie ownership prior to final approval by the Planning
Commission al1d City Council, and the application for final approval must be made by the
owners of the entire site. The application shall include the following: .
A. A title report showing record ownership of the parcel 01' parcels upon which
the pRO is to be developed,
13, Guafli11tee ensuring the retention and contIl1ued muintemulce of common open
space; recreation facilities, ahd recreation structU1"es. 1f development is to be done in phases;
each phase must 111bct the requu'ements of this 8ectiort,
C. GUa1'li11tee .. el1sudng . the... rete1'l.ttotLand ... continued .... tnaintenElMe .. of
ellvltonmelltaUvsensitive nrensand tIleh' buffet's. If develoj)1nent is to. be done iU1)hases.
each phase_ttlUst111eeUhe feClUil'ementofthis Section.
De. Fmuldevelopment plfil1Sjwhich that shalt be in cOit1plilil1Ce with the approved .
prelullinary development pla.us. -
,ge, The fiJ1aI plfit, if applicable; pursuliht to Chapter SS.17 ltCW and Chapter
16.04 and 16.08 FAMe
fE. Development schedule.
QP. Bond Of other form of security acceptable to the City in Ii sufficient amount
to complete the project or submitted phase, as deteltnined by the City.
He. Covenants; conditions mld restt'ictions and/of homeowners: association
17. H1J50Pla-uning-Colfinlissi6n Review of Final Dev'e1<Wftle1tt t'1rt1i.'Therla1\1lilIg
C01ilfi'Iissionshall-.collsiderthe application for filla-I- appHhalat aptiblk meeting. A
teooouncrtdatiOfi to the City Council fOfllpplOval shallirtc1ude-flndingg-ol1 dle follo~
"A;m COlupti"nce withthe 'lppmvedprelimihtlrydcvd6P1nentpl'lns;
----- tt--- -Adequaey of the pto visions rol'l'l'iaintenaflceofrequired-co1'lil'fiOI1 oper. spdce
and other COHlI110fi-m'1pl'O'V"emet'J:tsj. ..
.----- .C.- . Thennal-plnt;ifttpl'lieabte; afld
------D; -- u tlofiding ofotheraccc-ptable"tbnnofsecuiity tot the whole-on:pedfic patts
11J9.J60___CityCouncil FiiiaLAction. 'the City Counc11 shall t'cview the
recomrner.dntionot' the=Ptluming-Cotnmi55iot\ afifi1icatiofi for finaLlluDfOva1 at a public
hetltjn~ notice ()fwhich shall be given as provided in Section 17 .96.140; find shall approve;
deny; or nppr()ve with nioditicatiol1S the final development plan and; if app1icablt~; the TIMI
plat. Approval of the final development plan shall be by ordinunce and a copy of the final
PRD shall be filed with and made a pat't of said ordinance. The Zoni11g Map shall be
amended to indicate the extent ofthe approved Plahncd Rcsidentiat-Bevd-opment PRO, and
all future development of the site shall be in cOl1fonnance with the approved PRD.
17.19.170 Building Pennits. The Building Division shall issue building penllits for
buildings and structmes whtehthat conform with the approved final development plans for
the rlm1l1e~tial Development-PRD and with all other applicable City and state
ordinances and regulations. The Building Division shall issue a certificate of occupancy for
completed ~1on residential buildings or structures whieh!llill conform toihe requirements of
the approved final development plans and all other applicablc City and state ordil1ances and
regulations fo1' such occupancie~. The construction and development of all-the common
usable open spaces, including recreational facilities, and othcr public improvements of each
project phase must be completed before (lny certificates of occupancy will be issued;-except
when bonds 01' other acceptable forms of security are deposited assuring the completion of
such facilities within six months of approved of final PRD;
J 7.19.180 Modifications After Final Approval. The Hnal approval shall be binding
upon the development~;<md-d.J2esign variations from the plal1must be submitted to the
Planning COl11mission- and city-Council for approval ancI amendment of the ordinance,
except for minor changes, as follows: The Department ofComnlUnity Development DCED
is authorized to allow minor adjustments in the development schedule, location, placement,
height, or dimension of buildings and structures, not to excecd an alteration of ten percent
in height or ten feet in any other direction, when such minol' changes aHel alterations are
required by cl1gincering and other cil'cumstances not foreseen or reasonably fOl'cseeable at
the time of approval of the final development plans; except that such adjustments shall not
iticrease the total amount of floor space authorized in the approved final PRD, ot' the number
of dwelling units or density, at decrease the amount ofparldl1g or loading facilities, or permit
buildings to locate closer to the closest boundary liue, 01' decrease the amount of open space,
or decrease the recreation facilities, 01' change allY points of ingress or egress to the site, or
extend the development schedule for not more than twelve months.
17 .20.080
Permitted Uses;
Acccsso1'Y Uses.
Conditional Uses.
At'en and Dimensional Requirements.
Off"SU'cet Pm'king.
Design and Landscaping,
D - 37
11.20.010Putpose: This is a commercial zone intended f61' those business, office, .
administrative or professional uses whiehthat do not involve the retail sale of goods, but
rather provide a service to clients, the provision of which does not create high traffic
volunies, involve extended hours of operation, or contain 1tl1pacis that would be
detrimental to adjacent residential areas. Commercial uses that are largely devoid of any
impacts detrimental to single family residential uses are allowed, This zone provides the
basic urban land use pattern for small lot, transitional uses between residential
neighborhoods and cOnimercial zotIeS with direct aCceSs on art arterial street and design
standards compatible with residential development.
17.20.040. Permitted Uses.
A. Services:
L Financial sel'vices offices. such as b Banks. financial institutions,
insurance and real estate service offices.
2. Personal service facilities. such as barber. and beaut~hops.
J.~. Busitiess and professional offices.
4:j. Child day-care centers and pre-schools.
~4. Medical/dental clinics and offices and laboratories. .
6. Small animal veterinary offices.
B. Residential:
1. Detached single family residences that meet the area and dimensional
l'equirements of the RS~1 zone.
11.20.0S0Accessol'yUses. Accessory useS determined by the Director of
Community anclEco11OmicDevelopment to be compatible with the intent of this Chapter
ate petmitted,
17.20 .160_Conditiotlal Uses.
A, Art gal1eties and mUseums.
B. Assisted Hving facilities and residential care facilities.
C. Ikauty ghops and barber shops-;
CD. Business colleges~. trade schools. ahd personal instruction such as music;
art, and dance schools.
DE. IhlStneSSes s~lHllgnMedical suppliesv stotes, goods, instrlttmnts, :medicine
and similar items,
EP. Chemical dependency U'eatment and detoxificatiOt1 centers.
fa Churches.
11.- Detoxificatlot1centcl'S-;'
Gl. Group homes and hospices.
H:f. Librattes.
1*. Hote19f Mmote1s~ and Group l1hostels,
lb. Nursing and convalescent hottles.
kM, Off'~sifeet buslnessparking structurcsatxL lots not associated with a
permitted use On the same site
D - 38
1N, Public parks and recreation facilities,
O. Residential care facilities.
MP. Residential uses, other than detached single family residences, that are
permitted in the RHD zone and comply with the RHD area and dimensional requirements;
except for mixed use structures where there is commercial use at ground level and
residential use above; in which case the required commercial setbacks of the underlying
zone shall be observed.
~~. Utility buildings and structures.
QR:. Funeral parlorshomes and mortuaries.
S. Small animal Veterinary offiee";
Ef. Other uses compatible with the intent of this Chaptet.
17.20.200 Area and Dimensional Requirements.
Area 7,000 sqnate feet fOl h0l1~1 osidenti<tlllses, Residchti{tl l1SC5
shall eoulpl)' with dIe RIID area lequitcments.
Lot Width 50 feet.
Setbacks for non-residential use:
Front 25 feet from property line.
Rear 25 feet from property line. Detached accessory buildings
shall not be permitted closer than 10 feet to the rear
property line.
Side 7 feet from the property line. Detached accessory buildings
only on the rear one-third of the lot may be permitted to
witWn 3 feet of the side line. On corner lots the side yard
abutting the street shall have a building line setback of 13
Maximum Lot Coverage 4S %.
Maximum Building Height 30 feet.
17.20.210 Off-Street Parking. (See C1tapter 14.40 PAMC).
17.20.230 Design and Landscaping.
A. All outdoor storage arcas, except for City mechanized refuse collection
system containers; shaU be screened from public rights-of~way and abutting property by
a vision~obscUting fence 6 feet in height.
B. AU lighting on the site shall be so directed as to reflect away from adjoining
property and public rights"of~way.
C. A.6":foot sidewalk accompanied by a minimum 4~foot landscaoe striv shall
be reQuired within the ril!ht~of-:,way adjacent to the front Vfo/Jertv line as weIhs adioining
arterial corridors..
ne. The side yard abutting a residentially zoned lot shall be landscaped in a
manner that is complementary or simHar to residential landscaping. 111 other words; 81.1(;11
landscaping shalt be complementary or ~imilar to shrubs of:3 foot to 6 foot mature height
interspersed with evergreen and/or decidtiOllS and/or ortlamental trees. Five feet of the
rear yard setback area abutting a residentially zoned lot shall be landscaped in a similar .
Iff), The unused space resulting from the design of parking space arrangements
or accessory stl'U.ctl1tes which is oVer 24 squtli'e feet shall be landscaped,
Eit Al1 landscaping shaH comply with the vision c1earance requirements of
Sectlon17.94.090 PAMC.
QF. Alll1on~residential structUtes shall be designed to be compatible with tho
residential environment.
!L. AlLreQllited narkingarcas sha111ncludelandscaping of at least one tree for
each groupof6 al'fewer patking spaces with fi1Ilinltnumor two (2) trees, exchlsive of
anv perimeter landscaping, fl1lusttatiofi" 11 parking soacesrequires 2 trees: 12 parJlli1g
spaces requites 2 trees: 13 spaces re(JtlitesJ ~ The trees shall be of a woe fiPPl'oved
bvtheCitv, at least 2" calipet at planting time ~lIid placed in a minimum planting area of
100 sauare feet. .. Trees shall have a height of at least 20 feet atmatiuity,
G.~~~ One tl'ee shalt bepl'O'v'ided f-oreach group oftertparkin.g-spaces, exclusive
of anyperimeter-tmldscaping. TreeS shall have aminimuttl calipcroftwo inchest and
hlYvc a height 01 at least 20 feet at maturity;'
L Par1cing areas shall have intetspel'sed landscuoed islands and shalt have no
morethafi 8 consecutive pal'kifig spaces.. Underground parking and parking inchtded in
a parking stttlcttite are ex-duded from this l'etlllirement..
!fI. All parking lots shall b.e screened by 3-foot to 6-foot visiol1 obscuring fence
or vegetation on the sides adjacent to residentially zoned propel1y.
CHAPtER 17.21.
17 .21.010
Permitted Uses.
Accessory Uses,
Conditional Uses.
Area and Dimensional Requirements.
Off-Street Parking.
Design and Landscaping.
17.21.010 Purpose. this is a commercial zone intended to create and preserve
areas for businesses whithtbiU, al'e of the type pl'oviding goods and services for the day~to-
day needs of the surrou~lding residential neighborhoods. Businesses in this zone shalt
occur on sites no larger than Ol1e acre and shaH be located and designed to encourage both
pedestrian Md vehicle ficces~ and to be compatible with adjacent residential
neighborhoods. Commercial uses that are 1argely devoid of any impacts detrimental to
multi4amily residential uses afe aHowed; gasoline service islands are conditionally
D - 40
pet'mittcd uses. This zone provides for a vadety in the utban land llse pattern for small
commercial districts serving individual residential neighborhoods with direct access on an
arterial street and design standards compatible with residential development.
17.21.040 Permitted Uses.
A. Art galleries and museums.
B. Assisted living andtesidential care facilities.
fB. Business colleges; music, art, and dance schools.
DE. Banks, financial institutions, insurance and real estate services offices.
p. Barbershops, heauty shop8"7
~6. Business and professional offices.
fR. Child day-cate centers and pre-schools.
1. Delicatessens, grocery stores-:
GJ. Drug st01'es, pharmacies.
H. Food and beverage establishments, such as restaurants and cafeterias.
L. Food item retail sales. suc1Las bakery shops.delicatessens. and grocery
l:K. Group homes.
Kh. Libraries,
M. Mortuaries.
LN. Medical/dental offices and clinics al1d laboratories.
M,; Medical supply storeS.
t:l,e. Nursing and convalescent homes,
O. Personal service facilities , such as barbel' and beauty shops,
P. Public pal'ks and recreation facilities.
~ Reconstruction. l'ernodelimkor improvements to residentiaL structures.
~xistillgol'established orior. to January 1. 2007.
B~. Repah' services, such as appliance repair, shoe repair, and TV and stereo
repair services.
R. Residential Cafe facilities.
S. Residential uses on thefirsttloot or above with aprimary commercial use
located fronting that portion of the site facing un arterial street that are permitted1tHhe
RHO zone and comply with the RHD area and dimcnsional-reqttfl'eIllettts, except fOl'
mixed u~s-where-therc fscommcrcial use at ground level and re~
above; it) which ease thcrcq-uircd commercial setbacks of the4:Jfldet1ying zone. shall. be
008erved .
T. Restaurantsjcafetcrias;
lB. Self~service laundries.
U:V. Specialty shops stiCh as gift, florist, hobby, antique, candy. ice cream,
-video movie l'ental, bicycle, book, computer, toy, and 1'etaH pet stores.
y"W. SmallanimaLvNetetinat'y offices'itfttt-eHttks for small1tl1imals,
11.21.050 AccessotyUses , Accessoi'yuses c1etel'miiled by the Director of .
Community and Econdmic Development to be compatible with the intent of this Chapter
ate petmitted,
11.2J, 160 Conditio11altJse~1
A, Churches,
13 I Fite Stations,
C. Frozen f()(jd Of cold storage lockel's.
D I Funetal pa1"10i'Sh0111eS and mortual'ies,
E, Gasoline setvice islands; accessoty to convenience a1' grocet'y store.
F. Hotels, IIiotels and hostels.
O. Off~street busifie&pfii'king structu1'es.andJots,
H, Se1f~setvice Cat washes I
}, Clubs anc1lodges,
1; . _m. SmaUat1it11al.vetetltlil.ry office;
!*. Utility buildings and st1'Uctures,
KI;:, Other uses compatible with the intent of this Chapter.
11.21,200. Atea andDlmensiotlal Requirements.
A, M1t'limum Lot Area: 7,000 square fepforttdtl;.tesidet1:tiahtses. Residential
uses on.thefltSLI1oot. O1'.above. . witl1a P11marv comfiietdaLuseJocated. fronting that
tJottionoftl1esitefficlngfin fiftedal street shall compjy-withthe RIlll area tequii'CtncfttSj .
txocptfunltf.<td -mc-SfrH_swhcre -there itrCotltltlettial-Hse . Mgr<>UJld Itvel.rnl .
residential:uscsavove,hl which case the. tetIuired-eofilmerdal.setbaeksof the1:mderlying
zone shaU.be'obstl'ved:shaUcomplv with RHn tear setbfickreauirements ,
B. Minimum Lot Width~ 50 feet.
C. Minimum Yard Requirements: No sttuctu1'e shall be built withi1115 feet
of an at1ey or any property that has a residential zoning classification.
D. Maximum Lot Covet'age: 50%,
:E, Maximum Height: 30 feet.
l'.2L2WOff7StteetPatkil1g, (See Chapter 14.40 FAMC).
11,21,230=. Desigfi.ID1dLal1dscapifig,
A. All outdoor storage fireaS; except City mechanized refuSe collection system
containers, shall be screened from view from public riglUs~of~way and abutting property
by a sight~abscurihg fence 6 feet in height.
B. Alllighting ofi the site shaH be so directed as to reflect away from adjoining
110n~c(jmmefcial property and public rights~of~way.
C. A6~footsidewalkJtCcofiinfinied bv amit1l1num4:.footJandscfine sttinshall
h<tfcoui1'ed_wfthin the.thtl1H&wa \fad iacent _tOJh(l frofit. v1'OnettyJlne as_well. as ad Joining
D - 42
J2€. The side yard abutting a residentially zoned lot shall be landscaped in a
manner that is complementary or similar to residential landscaping. In other words, such
landscaping shall be complementary or similar to shmbs of 3 foot to 6 foot mature height
interspel'sed with evel'green, deciduous and/or o1'11amental trees, Five feet of the rear yard
setback al'ea abutting a tesidentially zoned lot shall be landscaped in a similar maill1er.
,g:e. Unused space whiehthat is aveI' 24 square feet and whi-ehthat results from
the design of parking space arrangements or accessory structlU'eS shall be landscaped.
fE, All required parkin!! al'eas shall lt1c1ude landscavhlltQf at least oe ne tree
shaH-be-proviclecl-fol' each group of MQ or fewer parking spaces with fJ minimum of tWQ
(2) treeS, exclusive of any perimeter landscaping.JIl1ustration - 11 parkini.{ sRaces i~gyires
2 trees: 12 parking spaces requites 2 trees: 13spacesreqn~...l~ :fJ).~J!J1rees shall
beof a type approved bY the City. at least have a mmimtrrn.2" caliper (Yf~ at tim~
Q[plantillg and placedJn a l11inilnu11l planting area 01'100 square feet. Tree~ shall have a
height of at least 20 feet at maturity.
0, Pal'k~ areas shall have intel'sJ)ersedhmdsca~slands anej shall have 110
mote tha118 consecutive tJatking~ces. Undetground naddt}g..and_narkitlg include_d in
a narldng structure are excluded from this tequil'e111ent.
Hr. All parking lots shall be screened by 3~foot to 6-foot vision-obscuring fence
01' vegetation on all sides adjacent to residentially zoned property.
Permitted Uses.
Accessory UseS.
Conditional Uses.
Area and Dimensiol1al Requirements.
Off-Street Pat'king.
Design and U.ll1dscaping.
17,22.010 Purpose. This is a commercial zone oriel1ted pdmarily to those businesses
serving the daily nceds of the sUi'l'ound111g residential zones but is slightly less restdctive
than the CN zone and as such pmvicles a transition a1'etl fro111 the most restrlctive co1t11l1ercial
zones to those of 108801' restrictions. Businesses In this zone may occur on sites ofval'ying
sizes and shall be located at the intct'sections of tlrte1'ial streets of sufficient size to satisfy
traffic dellUl1ld and at the botmdnries ofneighbol'hooc1s so that 1l1ore than one neighborhood
may be served. Con1tl1el'cial uses that twe largely devoid of any impacts detrimental to the
el1vit'o1linent a1'e allowed. Service stations with petroleum products are pe:t'1hitted uses. This
zone provides the basic tll'hat11al1d use pattem for large lotl co1t1fi1erc1al uses serving much
ofthe City with dil'ect access on an urtet'ial aft'cct and design standards for greater automobile
and tnwk wlffic,
17.22.d40 Permitted Uses,
A, Art galleries and mUseUmS.
Il,. lJakery ~h6p5;
He, Financial services offices. such liS bBanks, financial Institutions, insurance
and tea:lestate services offices,
~f), ,. . , s such as bBarber ~ and beauty shops,
DE, Business col ges~. trade schools. and personal instruction. such as mUSIC, art,
mid dance schools,
gP, Business and professional offices,
Ee, Child day"care celiters and pre"schools,.
OH, Churches,
r .. .... Belicatess{,ng,grocer~ stores,supenlllukets;
Ht, Drug stores, pharmacies.
1*, Equipment rentals,
I,. Food. and beverage establlshments.suc1t as festaUt'iifits.cafetefias. drive~ifi
r~staurants.cocktailJounges. and tavetns.providedJhatdtive~inrestaufants.restatifat1ts with
cocktail..loit1Htes, and.taverns. that _ have direct customer . accesstd JllLallw. abutti11g
t'sidelltiaU. . shall be oofiditidmduses..
K._ 'aless11Chasbaker 8110.$ delicatessens
1" General merchandise sales,
M, Hardware stores.
N, Houselioldfurnfshffigs stores. such as i\ooHauce stores. furniture stores. oftice
eduitlillertt stofes, Jlud stereo stores"
ON, Libraries,
g,e. MedicaVdental offices and clinics and laboratories,
.Qp, Medical supply stores.
& Printltm,. hlueptilltifig, photo developing andrevroductibl1,
a~, Public parks and recreation facilities,
T. RecOiistructlOI1. remodelill1l. Of improvements to residential structures existing
of estabHshedPtlofto Jallt1ittv L 2007"
DR. Repair services; such as appliance repair, fumishifigs feMir.shde repair; and
TV itfid stet'CO repair services.
)f.S, Residential uses on the first floor. of abdYe with a t>rimarvco1li1liel'dal 1i8C
located ftollt1mcthafportioll of the site facit1~ an arterial street.that:arepe:tliritted in theRIID
mn:elttldc6fltplywith th:e RIIDartaand di1tlet15i ()tial r'equiren1mt5~ except for mixC<.h.1sc
~5 - w here there 15cott1111erda-l useatl?;loood le'Vehmd residential use-abo ~ (';,1n ~ hieh
c;(,setheTeqt1ited~OOl'11ft'jertia.15etbacb of the undertyifig :t6neshatt be observed;
tJ;--.' RC5utttran.tsj tafeterll1g,
VN'. Se1f..setvice laundtles. '
XW. Service Stat1()fi9.
'i., Slttfi Shovs., . _ .
"' ZM. Specialty ShdpS lillch as giflf flotist1 hobbYf antlqoet coodYj ice Cfeamj moy!e
'Video rifitalj bicycle, b(j(;jfct oomputert t()Yt lUid retaH pet Mores. -
'!{;. -ft\rvtrrtJ;at1droclctail hytlfigei;; ,
AN!;. S:mallnfitmaLWeterifiary offices- and-dinit~f(jnmaU.an:bnll.15,
17.22.050 . Accessory Uses. Accessory uses determined by the Director of
Community and Economic Development to be compatible with the intent of this Chapter are
17.22.160 Conditional UseS.
^' Clubs and lodges.
~ Drive~ill restaurants, restaut'ants with cocktail lounges and taverns that have
direct customer access to an alley abutti~sidel1tially zoned propertY.
CA. Fire Stations.
00. Frozen food or cold storage lockers.
Ee Funeral partorshomes and mortuaries.
FB. Hotels, motels and hostels.
G. Microbreweries.
HE. Off-street business parking structures and lots.
If. Self-service car washes.
G. Clubs and lodges.
IH. Utility buildings and structures.
Kl Other uses compatible with the intent of this Chapter.
17.22.200 Area and Dimensional Requirements.
A. Minimum Lot Area: 7,000 square feet for l1on-residGlttl'll ti5es. Residential uses
on the first floor Of above with a primary commercial use located fronting that portion of the
~itc facing an at'terial street shall comply witb the RHD Zone areareal' setback requirements.
B. Minimum Lot Width: 50 feet.
C. Minimum Yard Requirements: No structure shall be built within 15 feet of an
alley that abuts any property that has a residential zoning classification. ).fo loading structure
or dock with access onto the alley shall be built within 15 feet of <Ul alley. Driveway access onto
an alley shall maintain a vision clearance tdangle. The vision clearance triangle shall extend 10
feet along the alley and 15 feet along the edge of the driveway, measured from the point of
intersection of each side of the driveway and the alley right~of-way line.
D. Maximum Lot Coverage: 50%.
E. Maximum Height: 35 feet.
17.22.210 Off-Street Parking. (See Chapter 14.40 P AMC).
17.22.230 - Design and Landscaping.
A. All outdoor storage areas, except Citymechani1.ed refuse collection system
containers, shall be screened from view from public rights-of-way and abutting property by a
sight-obscuring fence 6 feet in height.
B. All lighting on the site shall"be so diredcd as to refl cct away from adjoining non-
commercial property and public rights-of-way.
~ A 6-foot sidewalk accofimanied bv a minimum 4-footJandscapc strip shalL be
required within therlght..<&waY adjacent to the front property title as well as adjoining artt.i'ial
ne. The side yard abutting a residentially zoned lot shall be landscaped In a tfiaOflef
that is complementary or simitfif to rcsidcl1titd hmdscaping. 1n other wordsJ such landscaping
shall be complemcnttlfy of h'itnilar to shrubs 00 foot to (] foot mature height interspersed with
evergreen, deciduous and/Oi' ornamental trees. Five feet ofthe rear yard setback area abutting .
a tesidential1y zoned lot shalI be landscaped in a similar manner.
gB. U1ltlsed space whi-ehthat is over 24 square teet and wmeh!hat results fi'om the
design of parking space arrangements or accessory structures shall be landscaped.
fE. All required barking areas shall include landscablng or at least one tree for each
1l.roup of 6 or fewer patking I.maces with a minirtitl1ll oftwo (2) trees. exclusive of any perimeter
hlndscabin~. rl11ustratiofi" l1J2..arkings1)l\ces re(lurres2 ttees:J2ottrking stiaces re(111i1'es 2
trees: J:3 spacesreC1uites:3 trees.l The trees shall be of a type abpfoved bvthe City. at least
2" calil)er at tithe of olant1llg and olaced in a minimum plantitHt area .of 100 S(lual'e feet. Trees
;:;hall have it height of at least 20 feet at maturity. One tree shall be provided fei!' eadi grou-p-of
10 pl1rldJig spaces,cxelusive (,fatly pel~1lietel1andseapil1g; Trees 5i~wl1 have a minimum caliper
of two inc.hes lthd-shall have a height of at leasHBfeet at tnahuity;
~ Parking areas shall have interspersed landscanedislands and shall have no more
than g consecutive uarking spaces. Undetg!'o1.lnd Pflrking and lJarktng included in a parking
structure are excluded from this feauirement.
liF. All parking lots shall be screened by 3-foot to 6-foot vision~obscuring fence or
vegetation on al1 sides adjacent to residentialty zoned property.
Permitted Uses.
Accessory Uses.
Conditional Uses.
Atea and Dimensional Requirements.
Off-Street Parking.
Design and Landscaping.
17.23.010 Putpose. This is it c01ll11lcrcial zone intended to create and preserve areaS
for businesses serving the entire City and needing an arterial location because of the nature of
the business or intensity of traffic generated by the btisiness. Commercial useS that are large1y
devoid of any impacts detrimental to the environment are allowed. Service stations with
petroleum products and dry cleaning shops with hazardous matetials ate permitted uses. This
ZOlle provides the basic urbanlatld use pattent fot autofilobile oriente<ti commercial uses with
dil'ect access on it principal arteriul street and design statidards fot' greater itut01110bite and truck
11.23.040__ P_ermitted Uses:
A. Retail Buildings:
t. Auta supply store!!, service stations; sc1f..servioo gaS islands; car wash
facilities and tire shops.
2.. _mm Ncwand1t5cd-dea1crships ofautotrtobiles;-trucks, tfailet5;fiiotott,dcll;
tecl'elrtiol1,u ~'chicles; tradofg; boats; including-related sales;leMing;-and-set v'icit1g~-
D - 46
23. Building material stores, cabinet shops, glass stores, hardware stores,
lumber yards, t->aint stores, and plumbing supply stores-and chain 5th'\! SdleS and serviee-stoles.
4. Dusu;(;sses sell/Itg wedic<thmpplios, goods, in;-.1rttrrlclItl;, 11Iedidne,and
35. Commercial recreation establishments, slIch as bowling alleys, theaters
(movie and ot~rs), skating rinks, driving-rattges;-putt-putt golf courses, climbing walls and
4. Drug stores. nhannacies.
2.6. Fann equipment stores, garden supply stores, nurseries.
~=t. Food and beverage establishments, such as cafes, cafeterias, restaurmlts,
take. out lWlch stands, drive-in restaurants, cocktail lounges and taverns; provided that drive-in
restaurants, restaurants with cocktai1lounges, and taverns, whi-chthat have direct customer
access to atl alley abutting residentially zoned property, shall be conditional uses.
1-8, Food item retail sules-outfets, such as bakery shops, candy and ice cream
stores, delicatessens, fruit and vegetable stands, grocery stores, liquor stores, meat and fish
markets,-ineluding ftozen or colthtorage food 10CkelS, and supermarkets.
li9. General merchandise stores, such as eatalogue sales store3;"clothing and
shoe stores, department stores, chug stOles, second~hand stores, antique stores, pawn shops,
sporting goods stateS, and variety stores.
.2+6. Household ftU'nishings stores, such as appliance stores, furniture stores,
office equipment stores, and steroo stores.
10+2. Motels, hotels, and hostels.
11-8. Medical &'Upply stores.
lb. Dealerships of new and used automobiles. trucks. trailers. motorcycles.
recreational vehicles. tractors. boats. including related sales. leasing. and sCl'vicing.
- llt4. Specialty shops, such as gift. florist. hobby. antique. candy. ice cream.
!novierentaI. bicycle. book. comvuter. toy. and retail pet sto~'es,bicycle, bOok;-c0111putcf, florist;-
gHt,-hohby, toy, retail pet stOles, videorcllta1, antiqne;-candy; and ice Cleam,
,!jt5. Shopping centers, 110t exceeding 100,000 square feet in building floor
B. Services:
1. Art, dance, "Voice; and lUtlsic schools.
12. Alt gal1et'ies and museums.
Z3. Business colleges. trade schools and personal instruction such as music.
alt. and c1unceartd-trade schools.
.3.4. Business and professional offices.
S. Dusilless selviees--offi-ces, such as aCGOlInting, tax, emplo)imcltt, cllId
managcmcht G01t5ulting set' v ices.
1<1. Chcmical dependcilcy tl'eatment and detoxification centers.
~::;. Child day-care centel'S and pre-schools.
6-8. Churches.
9. Detoxiti-eation Cetltets:
Zte. Equipl1iellt rentat stores.
~+t. FJnonciat setvices offices1 such as bailbomhtolcSibanks,-(indudh'ig
those witlldri ve thro'llgh wlndows]tflnancial institutions, insurance companies; and reat estate
setvJceSjStock broket (Iges, and tide com~ offices. -
2+2. Frozen food or cold stotagc lockers.
10-14. FllTiel'al parlotshomes and 11101'ttiaries.
i4;~ -Puthlshmgs-rep-nhshops-;-suth as tiPiiblstethig and I eupholstet lug shops.
15; - do"erlIli1ent,~lal1d socialselvice agency offices.
!l+6. Launddes, commercial, dry cleanllig shops, taUlldl'ie8; self-service and
tailor shops,
1214. Libtaries.
134-8. Medicatldelltal offices and clinics and laboratories.
14+9. Personal services facilities, such as barbet shops; and beauty shops,
exercise and tedUdllg studios, and WiVe1 ageli.c!es.
15M. Pdntlng, blueprintillg, photo developing and reptoductiot1-;<md--s-ign
162+. Pubtic parks Hnd recteation facilities.
.112-2. Repah' services shops, such as apptiUtice tepal1\ fumishings rebaIr shoos,
shoe l'cpai!', and 'tV and stt'feo repair services.
18. Sigfisho1JS,
J2~. Small finimaLv\tetetinal')i offices-a1'1tt-eHntes-fot-small animals.
20. Utilitv buildIngs fili.et stl'uctures.
C. Institutional:
1. Clubs and lodges.
D, Residential:
.1. Construction, l'emodeljng, or hnbl'ove111el1ts. to. l'esidential stmctures
existit'lj! or established prior to JtlllUcltV 1, 2QQ1
~t. R.esidential uses on thefil'st f1001' ot a~gve with a t)rhnarv commercial
nse located frontitllZ that. 1)oltiohof thesit~ facing an arterial street. thfitnt~pe!lnittecHn-the
IHft) lOne lltidoomplywiththeRIID area al1d dimensitmul requirements; except tot mtxed-tme ..
sttuctutc5whetethete iSColl1rtit1dnl US()Clt ISrouttd level nndtesidential uses above, in which
case-thereqt1ire<tcoiril1ic1'eJalsetbacksofthe ltt1derIy ittg 1;011(, shall be ObSOl vcdt
E, Tl'atiSpOl1at.1oti and Cbttil1lUl1ication:
1, Convention centers, auditoriums.
2.-- .... .. Perry, seapla1i\:\ tlirptanc; and helicoptertaciHties.
21. Mass transit te1'1l1inals,
!4. Piltcel delivery setvice terminals.
45. Radio stations, TV stations, and neWspaper buildings.
5t1. Vehicular services buildings, such as fi111hulal1ce service, automotive al1d
tnlck rel1tals, and vehicle 111aintenal1CC tmd repair shops, not inc!udihg auto body and paint
shops and auto engine repair shops.
P. Wholesale:
I, Stolage ser\ilces buildings; sudrM nozen food and cold storage lockers,
mMini..warehouses, tt'ill1sfel',1l1ovil1g and stol'age fadlities.
- 2. Warehouse buildings fihd yal'ds,
3, Wholesale stores.
O. .... Mixed C-omri1ercinllRc5identtnl Developments-;
17.23. 080 Aceess61'Y_U ses. Accessory USeS determined by the Director of Community
and ECdfi(jmic Developmefit to be eompatib1e with the intent of this Chapter are permitted,
11,23.1 60 ConditionaLUses.
A. Auto body and paint shops 111iet auto el1g!tie repair shopS.
D - 48
B. Drive-in restaurants, restaurants with cocktail lounges and taverns, all of which
have clil'ect customer access to arl alley abutting residentially zoned property.
see anothel'.
Fire Stations.
Licensed impound yards.
Massage parlors, saunas and steam baths, as primary use.
Off-premises outdoor advetiising signs
Off~street business parking structures and lots,
Recl'eational vehicles, vacation trailers, and campers courts and parks.
Salvage and recycling buildings.
Shopping centers, exceeding 100,000 square fect in building floor area.
Social service agency buildings providing 24-hour residential care.
Utility buildiligs and-stfttettt1"c;g-:
Kennels, provided:
1. buildings and structures are soundproof.
2. all run areas are surrounded by an 8-foot soliel wallar fence.
3. animal nms are to be constructed in such a manner that 110 animal can
Other uses compatible with the intent of this Chapter.
17.23.200 Al'((a and Dimensional Requirements.
A. Minimum Lot Area: '7,000 square feet-for-non=r~-dcnti-ahtses. Residential uses
011 the first floor 01' above with a lwlmatv com111crc1alnsc located fi'ontitlR that POttiOl1 of the
site facing an arterial street. shall comply with the RHD reat setback requirements. l.-one-area
reqttiremcnts, except for tnixed use strtlc1L1res-wn-ere1b:ere-1s CCiIn1'ltet"Ctan.t3e-at groundk"\fd-and
residential--ttse-above, in ""hich case therequi1'ed'"Cotnmercial--setbks-of-the-l1nd~
sha-lt-be"observed ,
B. Minimum Lot Width: 50 feet.
C, Setbacks:
Front No setback requiretnent.
Rear No structure shall he built within the rear J 5 feet of a lot that abuts an
alley or a residential zone.
Side No stlUctmc shall be built within 15 feet of any pt'operty that has a
residential zoning classification or an alley. No side yard shall be
required when abutting anothol' commercially zoned lot, eX(;(j'Pt. that for
residential and tnixed c01nmerciallt'esidential sU'uctmos a 7-foot side
yutd shall be teql1ired,
D. Maximum Lot Coverage: 60%
E. Maximum Building Height: 35 feet.
17,23.210 Off-Street Purking. (See Chapte!' 14.40 PAMC.)
17.23.230. DesigtlandLllndscaping:
A. All otttdoot' stol'agc areas excctlt sanitation.. recetJtac1es ,associated.. with
111cc1ml1izcd collectio11.shall be get'coned ftom pttblie view from public t'lghts~of~way and
abutting pt'Opet'ty by a sight~obscuritlg fence 6 feet in hcight~x(,ept sanitatiOl1'recept<<cles
ttSSOcifttcd with nieehnnized""Collection.
n, All lighting on the site shall be directed or shaded so as not to shine directly on .
adjoining n011~coml11crcla.l propetty.
C, . A 6~foot sidewalk accompanied bv a minimum 4. foot landscape strip shall be
requited within the1'iQ:ht.of.wav adi acent to the front propertvJil1e as well as adloining arterial
De, A visual screen consisting ofsoIid fencing, landscaping, or other materials, shall
be provided in the yard abutting residentially zoried land, Such a screen shall be to a height of
6 feet, If landscaping is used, it shalt include evergreen shrubs planted to fOhn a 'Visual screen
of at ICMtgedge that wi11l'ea:ch a height of6 feetmattll e Leight within three years ofthe planting
date~~ CAe-opt diM aSuch screensha1l1Ilaintained to a maximum height of 6 feet. Approved
vehicle driveways to an alley shall not be obsthlC,tcd; and except thatsanitatioll receptacles
associated with mechanized collection shall not be obstructed, Clear vision triangles shall be
g:a, All requited parking areas shall include landscaping of at least one tree for each
group ofterI~ or fewerpar1dng spaces.-, exchlsive of an V perimeter landscapin.g. rIUustratiofi ~
11 parkinS! svacestooultes :2 trees~ 12 parldnS! spaces reduires 2 trees; 13 svacesreauires.3
tl'ees.1 The treeS shatt be of a type a.pproved by the City, at-least ha.ve a. minimum ziLcaHpcr
of two tnches at. plandng timej and~ placed in a minimum planting area of 1 O;;fuot mininlUlft
wid~100 sduafefeetand have a minimum heightofatJeast 20 feet at maturity,
.E.t. Parkinv: areas shall bave intersoersed landscaoed islands and shall have nO more
thanS. consecutive tJurkinv: spaces, Underro'ound parkinv: and purkinv: included ill a. parking
stt"Uclute are excluded from this reauiremefit.
CHAPtER 17.24 .
Shoreline Master Program,
Permitted Uses,
Accessory Uses,
Conditional Uses.
Area and Dimensional Requirements,
Off-Street Parking,
Design and Landscaping Standards,
17.24.010 Put'pose, This is a comincrcial zone intended to strCfigthet1 mid preserve the
area commonty known as the Downtown for major retail buildings* service; fitiaticialj and other
commel'c1at operations that serve the entire cotIl1tiunltYt the regi6t1at market~ and tourists, It is
further the purpose of this zone to establish standards to improve pedestrian access and
amenities and to increase public enjoyment ()fthe shoreHne, Commercial Ugeg that are largely
devoid of any impacts detrimental to the envirOfifiiet1t are att(jwed. Gasoline service islands and
marine fueling stations are conditionaUy pttrtllittcd useg, This zone provides the basic urban
land uSe pattern for bighdensHycofi:l1fietc1aL mixed llseand. pedestrian OfJentedrcontJtlerddt
D - 50
uses located in the centt;.,"f ofthe City with direct access to mass transit services, design standards
for compatible commercial development, and support for public parking and business
17.24.040 Shoreline Master Program. Within 200 feet of ordinary high water, permitted
or conditional uses must comply with the Shoreline Muster Program as adopted and amended
by the City.
17.24.041 Permitted Uses.
A. Retail Buildings:
1. Auto supply stores.
2. Hardware stores, paint stores, and plumbing supply stores.
3. Commercial recreation establishments, such as bowling alleys, theaters
(movie and others), skating rinks, putt-putt golf courses, climbing walls, and "ideo-arcades.
4. Food and beverage establishments, such as cocktail lounges, cafes,
cafeterias, restaurants, sidewalk cafes (subject to the permit requirements of the Street Use
Ordinance No. 2229 as amended), take-out lunch stands, and taverns.
5. Food item retail sales outlets, such as bakery, candy and ice cream stores,
delicatessens, fmit and vegetable stands, grocery stores, liquor stores, and meat and fish
6. General merchandise stores, such as catalogue sales stOles; clothing and
shoe stores, department stores, dmg sto1'es, second-hand stores, antique stores, pawn shops,
shopping centers (I 00,000 square feet or less in building floor area), sporting goods stores, and
variety stores.
7. Household furnishings stores, such as appliance stores, furniture stores,
office equipment stores, and stereO stores.
8. Motels, hotels, and hostels.
9. Speciality shops such as gift. florist. hobby, antique. candy. ice cream,
ffiovierental. bicycle. book computet. toY, and retail pet stores.Specialized shops, such as
bicycle, book, C()lt1lhltCt, flOlist, gift, hobby and toy, pet stOles, video rentLl1.
B. Services:
1. A1 t,danee,"Voi-cc;<mthl'"Jtlsic schools and stl1dio5.
12. Art galleries and illllseUffiS.
~1. Busllless col1eges~ and trade schools. and personal instruction such as
music. art. and dance schools.
.2,4. Business and professional offices.
~5. Business services of:ttces, such as accolUlting, tax, employment,
management consultlng, and printing services.
26. Child day~care centers and pre-schools.
~7. Churches.
}-9, Financial services offices, stlch as bail bomh:totes, banks, fiMncial
institutions, insurance compdnies, an~ teal estate services;=stock brokerages, atitt--titte
cornpn1\ies. offices.
9.-- --F~~lrni5hingrepaiIsh()ps, such as ~lphol5teringand I'Cllpholsterll1g shops.
lO. - - 00 vernment"hl11d social service agency offices;
,aft, Self~service launddes and tailot' shops.
m, Librories.
10+9-. Medical/dental offices a1ld clinics atlCllaborutories,
1 1+4. Medical supply stores.
12+5, Personal services faciHtiest such as barber ~and beauty shops,
exetcise and teducing studios, and travel agencies,
114-6, Public parks and recreation facilities,
14f!t, Repail' services shops; such as appliance tepa!f; htmishing repair, shoe
repair, and TV and stereo repair services,
C. Institutional:
1, Clubs and Lodges.
2. Research Vessels.
D, Residential:
1, Residential uses on the first floor or above with a primary commercial
use located fi:ontllll! that portion of the site facifi~ a stfeeuhatare permitted in the RIID mite
at the RHO density al1<fW,d1CCS area and dime11sional requitelheht5;
E. Transportation and Communication:
1. Convention centerst auditoriums.
2, Fcrryt seaplatlfj~ and helicopter facilities.
3, Mass transit terminals and multi modal centers.
4. Off~Street business parking structures and lots.
5. Radio stations, TV statiol1S; and newspaper buildings.
6. Vehfcular rental services facilities~ illcluding light trllckst automobiles,
motorcycles, mopeds, and bicycles,
7. Vessel moorage, including marinas and docks torpleasw'e boats, Coast
Guard vessels, and submarines,
F. Mixed Conm'lercillllResidential Developments;
11.24.080dAccessoryUses, Accessory USeS detertrtilied by the Director ofCol11tnunity
and Econo1hkOevelopmellt to be compatible with the intent of this Chapter ate pennitted,
17.24.160 COl1ditiotialUseS,
A, Boat sales~ marine items, and rdated servicing facilities.
B, Fire Stations.
C. Glass stores.
D. Microbreweries,
E. Self-service gas istands and gasoH11e service istallds~ access(1)1 to convenience
of grocery stores.
Shopping ce1.(tel'g~ exceedmg 100,000 square feet in btlitdilIg floor area;
Social service agency buildings providing 24-houf residential care.
Utility buildings and strUctures.
Other uses compatibte with the intent of this Chapter.
17.24.200 Area.81ldDimetlSionalRequitements,
A. Minimum tot Area: 31500 square feet for non-residentl:-d i.mes. Residential UseS
011 the firstflooor above with 'ftma1vootfittierdal t1seJocatedfrofitin that ottion of the
site fne 11gJtstreet shall comply with the-RHD fMfJjctback_fcauitcmenttl. t\:retirequ~
exeeptfor-fi1ixed use-sfmdttreswh6rethereh:comrnerc.ial ilgeat ground level. and residential
mes abo vel if. whidn;ase tbe-te(juil'cd roml11ereia-hetbaeks6f the t1J1dertyln.g wl1ema11 be
B. Minimum Lot Width: 25 feet.
C. Setbacks/Building Envelope Distances:
Side: None, except no structure shall be built within 10 feet of any property that
has a residential zoning classificatioll. No side yard required when abutting a commercial,
green belt, or industrial zoned lot; except that for restden-tittl-nnd-mixed commercial/residential
structures a 7.foot side yard shall be required.
Rear: None, except no loading structure or dock shall be built within 15 feet of
any alley.
Front: At least 50% of the front property line shall be abutted by a building;
provided, however, that for the purposes of this Section, a publicly accessible plaza, square,
outdoor dining area, or similar area shall be considered a building.
D. Maximum Lot Coverage: 100% maximum.
E. Maximum Building Height: 45 feet. Additional height may be approved
through a conditional use permit process that considers the impacts upon existing views and
solar protection, shadow impacts, and factors such as the height of the bluff south of First
~ Minimum Buildin~Height. All new structures in theCBD shall have a
minimum of two functional stories.
17.24.210 Off-StrcetParking: (See Chapter 14.40PAMC).
17.24.220 Signs. Signs shall comply with Chapter 14.36 PAMC.
17.24.230 Design and Landscaping Standards.
A. All outdoor storage areas, except those associated with municipal solid waste
collection, shalt be screened from public view from public rights-of-way and established marine
and pedestrian routes.
B. At least the first five feet ofthe 1 O-foot setback area abutting a residential zone
shall be landscaped. Landscaping shall include shrubs and trees of at least 6-foot mature height
capable of forming a visual screen.
C. Drive-in facilities, including accessory lIses such as drive"in windows of banks
and restaurants, except for ferry tenninals and parking lots and structures, are prohibited,
Permitted Uses,
Accessory Uses.
Conditional Uses,
Al'en and Dimensional Requirements.
OfMHreet Pl11'king.
Design and Landscaping.
D - 53
17.25.010Putpose. This is a cOhimetcial Zol1e intended to create and preserve areas
for busInesses setving the entire regio!1 a11d need1ng an utterlallocatio11 because of the nature
of the business, intetisity ofttaftlc genel'ated, or a de1tl.and for latge land areas by the business.
These types of bOmmercial-uses provide a multiplicity of gMds and services in a sIngle location
and therefore tequite large areaS fat the building and parking, C01TI1tl.etcial uses that are largely
devoid of any impacts detrimental to the eli'V1rOnment are allowed. Service stations with
pettoleum products find dty c1ea1iing shops with hazardous materials are permitted uSes. Such
uses do 110t folloW the basic land Use pattern of the of the traditional townsite and are not
typically pedestrlfin oriented. This zone OffCl'S vehicula1' aCCesS ft:om majat trm1sportatiou
17.25.040dPennitted Uses:
A. Retail:
1. Anto supply stMes, service stattOlis, self-service gas islands, cat wash
facilities, l'l1ld tire shops.
2. New l1nd.(jsec1 dealel ships of Mtomobiles, t1 tlcksj"ftaile15, 1110tOl cycles,
recrea1iotml'vehltles; tractors, boats; including l'e:bted s[~IM, leaslrtg;rel1t1ttg, and 5(;1 v ici-rttf.
,2.3-. Building mate1'1al stores, cabinet shops, glass stOteS, hardware stores,
lU1l1.ber yat'ds,paint stateS, and ptumbing supply sto1'es,und chaihsttW 5l11c5 al'1dsCfvkc 5toleS,
14, Businesses selling medical, supplies, goods, insttuments,mcdicine, atld
similar items. '
15. Commercial recreation estublishmeiIts, such as bowling alleys, theaters
(movie and otl1el's), skating rinks, driving ranges, putt~putt golf courseS, climbing walls. and
56. Farm equipment stores, garden St1l:Jply storeS, nurseries,
~t1, Food Ul.lcl beverage establishments, such as cocktail louuges, cafes,
cafet.erias, drive.in testaufants, restaurants, take~out lunch stfihds, and taverns; ptovided that
drive-ill restaurants, restaurants with cocktai1lOliflges, aud taVetl1S, al10fw hich~ have direct
custoruer access to an atley abutting tesidentially zoned ptapetty, shall be conditional uses,
2-8, Food item retail sales outlets, such as bakery shops, cl'l11dy and ice cteam
states, deticatessel1S, fruit find vegetable stands, grOCC1'y stores, Hquoi' stotes, meat mid fish
mfitkets; including fl'bZen 01' cold stornge food locket'S, and supermarkets.
.8.9, dene1'fil metchandise stotcs, such as catalogue sales stateS, clothing find
shoe stores, cleplil'tment stores, drug stm'es, secol1d~hand states, antique stotes, paWn shops,
sporting goods stores, and Vl'l1'iety states,
.2.+<1. Household fumishings states; such as appliance stol'es, furniture stores;
office equipment stores; fi1let steteo stores.
11. . Mortuaries;
1 ~. Motels, hotels and hostels,
-11. Dealel'shitJso{ new and used automobiles. trucks. tmiters. motorcycles.
r&9reatioMLvehic1 eS. tt'actol's..boats. Includil11! relatedsalesJeasil11!. relUtll1!. and sel'Vicitlg~
12ts-, Special ty shops; such as nift.fl011st..hobhv.. antique. candy. ice cream.
movie relltaLbkvc1e. book.C01fi1Juter.tov. Wid retail t)et stores,bicycle, baok;compntet, florist,
gi Hi hobby, toy j~ retail pet stares, vi deo n:ntal, l\flti<lUe;ail~dl, i.tl1d ice creaM.
11M, Shopping centers.
n, Sel'vices:
1. ....~ Art;dfil1CO; voice, atltfinusic schools;
l~, Ad galledes l'l1id tiniSeU1i1S.
D - 54
as. Business col1eges~ ~trade schools.......and nersonal instruction such as
111usic, ~nd dEl.llCe schools,
.14. Business parks and professional offices.
15. Business services offices, such as accounting, tax, employment, and
management consulting setvices.
~6, Cemeteries.
~7. Chemical dependency treatment and detoxification centers.
1-8'. Child day-care centers and pre-schools.
~9. Churches.
214. Equipment rental stores.
10+2. Financial services offices, such as btt1-1 bOllel storeEl';'"'banks (including
those with diEe thwugh Wllldows), financial institutions, insurance -oompa:lttes; and real estate
services offlces...,-stoek-bro1rerages, and title companies. -
11 -8. Frozen food or cold storage lockers.
-14. PWiIrsh.ings repah shop5j sucL as upholstering andreupholsteting s~
12.+5. Funeral homes .flpd mortuariespatlors.
-16. Clovetnmental ~CEfStr::;Ice agency offices.
13-14. Laundries, commercial, dry c1eatling shops, lau11dries, self-service and
tailor shops:-
11+8. Libraries.
1 ~t9. Medical/dental offices atId clinics and laboratories.
l6W. Personal services facilitiesj such as barber 'Slwps;ul1d beauty shops,
exei'ciSe and reducing studios, and travel agencies. =
1724. Printil1g, blueptinting, photo developing and reproduction, and sign
1822. PubHc parks and reet'cation facilities.
1923'. Repair services shops, such as appliance repair, shoe repair, and TV and
stereo 1'epalr services.
2024. Veterinary offices, clinics; and kennels.
C. -Institutional:
1, Social dubs, lodges; and fraternal organizations.
2, Schools
.L ReCollstfllCtioll, fetrlode1il1g, or itnpfove111e11tS to residential st11lctutes
existing 01' established odor to January L 2007~
~+, Residential uses Otl the fitst flootor above with a nrimarv cotrl1l1ercial
use.locat~cl fi'onting that portion of the site.facing:al1artetialstr~t1lat are permitted in the
RHBLm'te"ttlldcornply witllthe RI III area and dilI1e:l'1siOfi~
2~ ...... ..MirbHe hOI1teparkS:
J,_n .. Duplexes-;
4,. Multiple-farni1y dweH~
TtMspOttation and Com1fiunication:
1, Convention cel1terSJ nuditOl'1tt1119.
2. Airplane and helicopter facHides,
3. MMS transit terminals,
4. Parcel delivery service ter1l1inals.
5. Radio stations! TV stations; and newspapet' buildings,
6, V ehicularservices buildings, such as a.mbulance service, automotive a.nd .
truck tentals, a.nd vehicle maintenance and tepair shops, 110t including auto body and paint
P. Wholesale:
1. Stora.ge services buildings, such as frozen food and cold storage lockers,
mini~warehouses, transfer, moving a.nd storage facilities,
2, Warehouse buildings a.nd yards,
j, Wholesale stores,
Q, Mixed CommerdallResidentialbeve1opmenL
11,25.080. Accessory Uses, Accessory uses detettttlned by the Director ofCotrithunity
a.ndEconomicDeve1opment to be compatible with the intent of this Chapter are permitted.
A, Auto body and paint shops.
B, Drive~in restaurants, restaurants wlth cocktailloul1ges and taverns, altar which
that have cHtect customer access to an alley abutting residentially zoned ptoperty.
C. Fire Stations,
D. Licensed hnpound yards,
E, Massa.ge parlors, saunas a.nd steam baths, as primary use.
F, Microbreweries.
d. Off~premises outdoor advertising signs.
H. off-street business parking stnlctures and lots.
t Recreational vehicles, vacation trailers, and campers cotJrts and parks. .
1, Salvage and recycling builditigs,
K. Social service agency buildings providing 24~hout residential care.
L, Utility buildings and strtJctures,
M, Other lIses compatible with the intent of this Chapter,
11,25 .200Atea. and Dimensiol1alRequlrements,
A. MiIDmum tot Atea~ 1,000 squBfeteetfornofi:..residc:t1tln1ttSM. Residetltiat uses
onthl;} flrstflooTof aboi/ttwitha. Urlmarv coffitrierc1al1tseJocated fronting that portion of the
sitefac1ng attartetialstteet shall comply with the RHD rear setbackZofiC area requirements,
H, Minimum Lot Width: 50 feet,
C, Setbacks~
Front: No setback requitement.
Rear: No structure shall be built witlili1 the refit' 1 5 feet of a tot that abuts an
aHey of a restclentlat district.
Side: No structure shall be built within 15 feet of any ptopetty that has a
l'estdential zoning classification of an alley, No side yard sha11 be required. when ab11tting
another commercially wned lot, except that for residential and mixed commercial/residential
structures it 1400t side yard shall be required.
V, Mwdmillti lot Covcrnge: 600A,
E. Maximum Building Height: 35 feet
11,25.21aOff~Sttect Parking, (Soo Chapter 14.40 PAMC.)
D - 56
A. All outdoor storage areas except sanitation receptacles associa~d with
mechanized collection shall be screened from l'ttbJie-view from public rights-of-way and
abutting property by a sight-obscuring fence 6 feet in height;-ex-cept sanitation lcceptacles
asrociated with ll1c,chc4nized collectitm.
B. All lighting on the site shall be directed or shaded so as not to shine directly on
adjoining non-commercial property.
C' ~foot sidewalk accompanied by a minimum 4-[00. landscape strin shall be
reQuired within the right-or-way adiaeent to the front propertv line as well as adjoining arterial
]2€. A visual screen consisting of solid fencing, landscaping, or other materials, shall
be provided in the yard abutting residentially zoned land. Such a screen shall be to a height of
6 feet. If landscaping is used, it shall include evergreen shrubs planted to form a hedge trf-at
feastthat will reach a height of 6 feet matU1e heigllt within three years of the planting date.;
except that Such screen shall be maintained to a maximum height of 6 feet. Aapproved vehicle
driveways to an alley shall not be obstl ucted; a11d t--x:eept that sanitation receptacles associated
with mechanized collection shaH not be obstructed. Clear vision triangles shall be maintained.
~B. All required parking areas shall include landscaping of at least one tree for each
group of ten6 or fewer parking spaces. exclusive of a11yj2erimeter lands~ l1.l.l1llirnti.Q!.L::
11 parkin!! spaces reauires 2 trees: J2 parking spaces reauires 2 trees: 13 soaces requires 3
t1'ee8.1 wittra mintmmn-oftwo (2) treesj exdLlshe of any pe1imeter landscaping. The trees
shaH be of a type approved by the City, at least 211 caliper at planting time, and placed in a
minimum planting area of 1 O-foot I111nimunT width 01 diullleterl 00 square feet. 'frees shall have
a minhp.utn height of 20 feet at mat~
F. Parkin!! areasdshaIl have interspersed landsc.~lPed islands and shall have no
more than 8 consecutive parking spaces. Underground parking and parking included in a
Illi.tking structure are excluded from this reauitement.
17,3 1.060
17.31.11 0
1 7.31.140
Permitted Uses.
Permitted Modifications of Land Use Regulations,
Alea and :t)jmcn5ion,,1 Rcqultcrt1cnts Procedure for Approval
Off..Strt-etParkirtg Pre~ApP1icati{J11 Review
Design and Landscaping
rroced(ue ror' Approval.
rIe-Application ReAew.
Application Procedure.
Routing and Staff Recommendations,
Planning Commission Public Hearing ~ Scheduling and Notice.
Planrling Commission Recommendation ~ PteHl11innry Development
D - 57
17 J 1.19(j~
17,3 1.200
City Cotthcil Action.. Preliminary Development Platis,
Firtal Approval ofPlatlfied ltidustrial Development
... :rlfitlt\ifig ConIluisslon Review oft1iMl Development rlaft
City COU1lcit Final Action.
Building Permits.
Modifications After Final Approval.
17.31.010 Purpose. This Overlay Zotie is to provide a1tet't\fitive zoning regulations in
industrial Z011eSl whichthat permit and encourage design flexibility, conservation and protection
of 11attlral amenities~ critical al'eas, tll1d hlnovation in developme1its to those regulations found
in the tI1lderlying zone. It is intended that a Planned Industtial Development ill1D) may 1'estdt
hl a mixed use environment of higher quality than traditional single USe industrial development
by use of a design prOCesS whiehthat includes within the site design all.the components of a
mixed use neighborhood, such as open space, circulation, building typesl a variety of Uses, and
natural features; in a ma1i11et consonant with the public health; safetYj and welfare. By
p1'Ovldi:ng an opportunity to develop or redevelop industrial wned sites to incorporate mixed
residential~ commercial and light industrial useS together 011 the sartie site; open space
amenities; convenient access to commercial needs and work opportunities; alld efficient
residetltial densities Can be provided,A PIn is 110t intertcledJoPtovide areas of eXchlsivelv
~delltial. of commet'c1al development where the underlvi1u!. industrial zoning .would not
otherwise allow such uses,
It is also intended that a planned Industtial De\1cloph,ent 1'10 may combine a numbe1'
oflfind use decisions such as conditional use permits~ rezonesj and subdfvisio1is into a single
pl'oject review process to encourage timely public heatings and decisions mid to provide for .
open space, coftiJl1ercia11 and residential uses that are not permitted in traditional industrial
zones, The consoHc1a.t1ort of permit reviews does not exempt applicant(s) from meeting flle
regulations and submitting the rees and applications notmally required fOftheunderlying permit
Few heavy industt'tal USeS are allowed in this overlay zone and then only conditionally,
because of land use impacts associated with heavy industtial uses. This overlay ZOne provides
for the opportunity to create se1f..contained mixed use neighborhoods with a vatiety of housing,
commercial, and employnient choices without following a standard system orpubHc streets and
lot design and with allowances ror mixed use, residential and commerdal developments not
usual1y permitted in industrial zones. These types of office, coIfifiiercial~ residential1 and light
industrial uses typical1y involve flie t1eed (or a large campus-like site with amenlt1es suitable
fol' mixed use developments and buffering measures to reduce the impact of large scale
development on adjacent uSeS. While industrial and cO:!fih1erc1nl uses that are devoid or any
impacts detritncntal to the et1vironttientare allowedj vehicle service stations with petroleum
products, automobile dealerships and other land intertsive uses, entertainment businesses with
adult-only actlvitiess and a variety or mSlnufacturlng1 fi1aintenance1 and repair shops using
hazardous materials ate prohibited uses,
11.3J.020Apt>llcabi1ity, Plntined Industrial Development!; Pill may be cstablished1
subject to final approvnl of a proposal for a specific parcel Of parcels oflfinds in alt industrial
zones whteh~do not allow residel1tial uses and may include land whie1rthat is wned PBP.
A Planned 1ndtl5trinl Deve1bpmet'lt fm shall contain a minimum of' one (1) acre.
D - 58
17.31.030 Permitted Uses. Residential uses allowed in the RHD zone are allowed
within a rID orless than 3.44 '!.cres, provided that for pUl'tJoses ofthi8 Chante1' a single fiunilx
residence mav be attached to a11ot11e1' dwellin~ bv C0111111011 wal1s..~.ht-dtts-trittt
DCvcIopmentofless than J.44 <lCI es; provided that, fur purposes-ofthis Chaptcl, <l single fal1lily
tesidoncc fI'1tiY ~weHing-by\;ommtr11-wttHs. ResidentiallmildiJ1g types
inctPhmned Indt1strial Development ofJ.44 acres or more-mtl~-ffimTthose peunltted in
the underly ing-ro1W.
residential units.=
Adult family homes.
Multi-family dwellings. apartments. duolexes, gormitories. accessory
Single family residences.
17.31.040 Permitted Modifications of Land Use Re€"rulations. The approval of a
Planned Indo5t1ial DCvdopment PID may include modifications in the requirements and
standards of the underlying land use regulations of the zone in which the project is located;
subject to the limitations ofthis Chapter.!.,e-xeept-t1mt-nNo approval shall include a modification,
variance or waiver of the setback areaS required by the underlying zones along the exterior
property lines of the PID~ or modificatiotLor waiver 0[1110 requirements of P AMC Title 15-
Environmentally Sensitive Areas Protection, or of the l'equirements of the Shorelille Master
Program except as provided in Chapter 173~ 14 WAC, for the pl.1rpose~his seetl\1n,
ndnimum setbacks along extol iOl~propel ty lines shall be based on the findllot configuration
aftet sut,div 15ion of the ptopel ty.
17.31.050 Standards. The following standards shall apply to all planned Industrial
A. All street and utility improvements shall be constructed to standards specified
by the City of Port Angeles, Stl'eet widths may vary from widths required in the Subdivision
Regulations, and interior circulation streets may be either public 01' private, Streets intended
to be public must meet the minimum standal'ds set forth i11 the City of Port Angeles Urban
Stm1dards and Guidelines manual.
B. All ~ Planned Industrial-"-Bevd~1"1etttS-that include residential uses shall
devote at least 30% of the gross area ofthe site to common usable open space, half of which
must be used for recreational purposes and none of which wi1l be credited in the setback a1'eaS
required along the exterior property lines of the PID. Street dghts~of-way, driveways, parking
lots. cl1vironmcntally sensitive a1'eas. and utility structures shul1 not be counted as pmt of the
common usable open space. Common usable open space shall be tnaitltained as an integral pad
of the site and may 110t be segregated as a sepnt'ate parcel 01' patcels unless such parcels are to
be owned by a homeowners association. C01l1munity recl'eatiofi facilities and recreation
stnictures shall be included in calculating tho area devoted to common usable open space,
C. All P1D Planned InduMtHdDeve1opmertts-that inc1ude residential uscs and
provide COr'l11IiOn open spaces, recreation fncilities, private toads, tltilities, parking ateas 01' otho1'
similar developments withill the boundaries of the PID shall }Jt'ovide for continnotls and
perpetual maintellance of those common amenities of the PID in fOl'tl1 and 111Ufltll."I' acceptable
to the City.
D. Platting shall be required offux nl1 projects whkhthnt involve or contemplate the
subdivision of land, Lots in a platted PlD Planned Il1dustria~~fiay be sold to
separate owners according to the separate lots fiS shown in the 1'ccorded plat whiehthat is
appl'oved in connection therewith. Development of all lots within the IJlatted P1D .piEiimcd
lhdustrialDevelopll1ent shall be as shown in the appl'oved PID, No further subdivision ofland .
withirt the 1'10 rlanned-htddstd'll beve1oplfleltt-wilt be pef1nitted unless a (onnal amendment
to the PID is aPPl'oved.
E. Conditio11a1 Use Permits shall be required of a11 projects whtehthat involve or
contemplate conditional uses whtchthat Inay be allowed in the underlying zorte(s), No further
conditional use per111its, except home occupations, witl be pel'thitted within the. rID planned
Ihdusttial Develop1'ltertt-unless a fotInal amendment to the :PID is approved. -
F. For any underlying land use tegulatory process that is consolidated through the
PID overlay process, the cdteria and deve1opm,ent stal1dal'ds of that ullderlying land uSe
regulatory pt'ocesS shall be met. Any subsequent land use decision made, pursuant to an
underlying land use l'egulatol'y process shalt also 1'equite a fothlal amendment to the PID.
G. ,'To en,courage design flexibility, conservation of 11atmal amenities, and
innovatio1'\S whiehthat t'esult in a higher quality environment thaii traditional development, site
planning find atchitectural review whichthat address the following criteria are required of all
developmel1t in the PIn. Whtwe applicable; the design of a PIDs that i11Cluc1~ residential uses
shall accomplish the following to the greatest extent possible: -
1. PteServe unique physical features of the site inc1udi11g, but 110t limited
to, cl'eeksj wetlands; raVltieS; bluffs; lakes or ponds; shorelines; and fatest areas.
2. PreServe scenic view corridors, both internal and external to the site.
3. Provide tecreation facilities i11cluding, but not limited to, bicycle or
pedestrian path&, childten's play ateaS find playfie1ds.
4. 'The design of all open space areas and buildit1g stl'uctures shall be
compatible with and complementary to the etiv!t'ot1111ent in which they arc placed.
HI AU 1'1.0 rlal1hed lrtdustrial Dev'dophlentsshal1 comply with the goals al1d .
policies of the P01't Ahge1es COfnprchensivc Plan,
17.3 1,060 Density,EvervPID shaltbeallowec1 the l'esidentialdens1ty of the Residential
High Del1sitYeRHDzoneLEnvu'ofimentallv sensitive areaS orotected by Title .15 P AMC shall
notbe included as usable for delisitv calculations, Density credits fOf envit'onlnelitnlly sertsitive
al'eaS as calculated JnPAMG Sectlon15.20.070(Fl and for wetland buffers us calculated in
P AMC Section lS.24.070(F) mavbe fitHJlied.
17JL070,Pfoccdm'o fOl'Atmrova1.The ol'ocedurefof ltootoval ora PID shall be
COl11tJosed of foul'steJjs:
t:M. C011ceptual vlan submittallti1d neighborhood meeting, This step OCcutS before
an uopHcaHofi is acceJ>ted as completebvthttCitv.
!L PublichearililLOtUl1e t)te1imfrtarv development plan and., if applicable, the
Pl'elhnil1arv plnLandother 1Jet111itactiol1s, ,This stet'" restllts in a recommendation. by the
Plfil1t1Jl1itGomillissiofi to the,Citv CounciLofan fiction to betake11 011 the pl'obosal~
~ AVt}1'ovalby,the,Citv.CounciLaLfioubHcmeethHL of tho Vl'el1minarv
pevc10pment plattrtnd,othetact!ol1SJiSfivolicable: and
11 . Act1o.tLOtuhefinal deve100illentplanand olaf bv theCitv Cou11cilfollowing a
ubHcI1ea1'1n L.FinaLn rovalmu 0111 be -anted after all conditions of Ii) '!'vfll have been
metor bondedfor.DY theapulicant, No. ots 111aybe offeted for salebriorto btelirnlnarv blat
at)PfovaLbv th(tCitv Couficit
.17j31.080pj'e~Atm1icati611 Review..Priof to atmlvln!!tofil PllJ..adwe1onef shall
suhmitl1.. conceotual pla11 to the Devartmentof Cot11111unitv, and . ECOfi6tllie ])evelooment
D - 60
(DCED). The 5onceotual olan wiltbe reviewed for its general comvliance with the intent.
stanc1atds and vtovisions of this Chapter and other City ordh1ances. by ~prooriate
del)urtments of the City, and written comments in regard to the plan will be furnished to the
gevelQPer. . The conceptual plan shall contain in sketch form all of the infonnation reQuired in
Section 17.31.130F and G.
After the conceptual plan review and D1'ior to accepting a PID anplication, the City shall
require a neighborhood meetin~. The neighborhood meeting shall be organized and sponsored
by the Dro100t proponent, including reservation of a fi1eetingspace and 110tification of
surrounding property owners pursuant to Seotio11 17.96.140 P AMC. The purpose of the
meethlll: will be to solicit information regarding design alternatives to minimize any adverse
impacts from the PID and to alleviate community concerns.
17.31.090 Desi gn and Landscaping
A ~millimum five-foot landscaping area shall be provided abutting public rights-
of-way, except for approved curb cuts.
B, All lighting on the site shall be directed or shaded so that it does not shine
directly 011 adjoining non-industl'ially zoned property or on public rights-of-way,
C. A ten-foot wiele buffel' zone must be maintained adjacent to all residential or
commercial uscs, whichthat buffet zone shall not be used for storage, driveways, auto parking,
or structures, except security fences, A visual screen, consisting of solid fencing, landscaping,
01' other materials, shall be provided in the buffer zone. Such a screen shall be to a height of 6
feet, IflandscavillRis used, it shall includecverm'cen shrubs planted to forhl.a hedge that will
reach a height of 6 feet within three Veal'S of the planting date. Such screen shall be maintained
to a. maximum height of 6. feet. . . Approved vehicle drivewavs t03n alley and sanitation
~~acles associated with mechanized collection shall not be obstttlcted.. Clear vision
trimig}es shalLbe maint~ fftandscaping is used, it shall indllc1e evergreen shmbs plaIded
ro-fot'nl a visual SC1een of 6 feet nlatnre heigld withhl three yeats of planting ddte; except that
approved vehicle dtiveway opelIihgs-sh'll1 not be obstlUcted.
D. A111'eQuired parldngareas shall incltlde land.seaping of at least one tree for each
group of 6 or fewer parking :;vaces exclusive Olany Perimeter landscaping, rI11l.1stration - 11
parking spaces reQuires 2. trees: . .12 parkillll: spaces requites 2.. trees: .13 spaces reauires 3
t1'ees,l The trees shall be of a type lltlJ)l'ovcdbvthc City. at least 2"caHperat planting time.
Dlaced in a minhnum planting area of 1 OOsauure feet and have a minimum height of at least
20 feet at 11l.nturity, 0ne-tree-shall be provided fore"chgroupof 1 0 or fewer pm king space5,
exclttstve-ofalI)' l1el1meter lalldscttping. Trees shan have a miniultll11 calipet oft-wo ihclles and
sh..ll h(\ ve a heigh:t of ,,1 least-20-feet at matm it)'.
"fh3-l.110I'rocednrc for Approva~; The plOcedure-fbr approv,rl ora I'lalll1ed lhdustrial
Developme1rt-s11,~1l be colllposed offoUt steps;
. . ...... A, .... . Pllblic heating ol'Mhe=preHminatydcve1opment plang ilrld; if applic(lhlc; the
preliminary plat nnd othe11'cnuitactio1IS;andrccommendatioll by the rl<IMing CommisMoft
to-tlnrCity COU/1cB:,
.. OJ Appro ,:nl by. the' City.... Cottncil=at a'public .1tJ.ccting .of the preliminary
devefopment1~hl1randmheritet+ol1~i1s. (IPplicablc;
c. Public-meetIng by the Planning C0f111hissioh -ttJleview t~ .
plall and plat- for- comp1!,ifrce witt. . the appltY~iel1 ptelihlihMy dev.etoptl!elltplan; and
lecohUllendatiol1 to the Chy COllncih
D.-Appro"val orthe fin~htti~m.ld pleab}! the City Council foitowi-ng
a p-ubtic lleating;
11.3t120.::rle~App1ication.Re"view:, . firior-t&ilppIyir!g for a I'ID;a developer sl.a11
submit l\.COhceptua11>lan to ttteDcpatbncntof€tnnmtlhityDevdopmetrt TIle concept'll,.l plan
will be te'\! ie\~ed. fOl . itsgenetal compliance with the intent, statldards and pro vlsiollsof this
€hapterarld other City .01 dltuit1ces by the approptiate-ttepmtmetrl5of the City; undwrittell
con'Htler.ts inlegal'dto the plan wil1be furnished to the dc'Vc1opcr.ThecOl1eepttlal plan shall
'OOtlteUn in sketd. fond all Md." ihOO1.ltlatiofi required ill Seetion 11.~ 1.090 n and-Eb
17.3J.130Ap-plicatioltPtocedure, The application for a f!!l.Phmrted-tndu5tIial
Developrnentshall contam the following:
A. The name, location and legal descrlptioli of the proposed development; together
with the hames, addresses and telephone numbers of the recorded ownets of the land and of the
applicant and, ir appHcablej the nameS~ addresses and telephone numbers of any land surveyor~
architect, planner; desigtier~ or engineer responsible for the prepatatiot'l of the plan, and of any
authorized represe11tative of the appHcanb~
B, A nattative explaining the proposed use or uses of the land and building,.
including, butnot1imited to, the proposed nutnbel' of dwelting units by type, such as Sttigle
family detached; row housing; and apartments~ itlformat1ot1 on tlfiY spedaf features, conditions
ofwmch cantiOt be adequately shown on drawings; types of commercial structures and tequired .
par1d11g; and an explanation or any co-Vefiants; continuous maintenance provisiofiS; lind/or
homeowners aSsociation for the ptoject:~
.. C, A survey of the property showing existing featutes; inc1udingJ]11t not HtJ1ited
to. total site area. contours at 5..root intervals~ buildings; structures; streets; utility easements;
rights~of-way; ~fivirofifi1entallysensitive areas. and existing land uses-;~
0, If the site has been previot1s1y used as an industdal site where pet1"oleum
products; pesticides. or other hazardous chemicals oj' products were used or stored. a soil survey
indicating the location and amotttlts of pollution on the site, When hazardous levels of
pottutants are found, a c1ean4tp of remediation plat1 is requit(xh1
li, A vegetation survey of the property by either (a) an aerial photograph of the
property in it scale acceptable to the City;whteh!hn! identifieS significant gtoupifigs of trees and
unusual or fine spec1tnerts of their species; OR (b) a sUt'Vey of aU trees over twelve inches il1
trunk diameter measu1'ed at four feet above the gtOUndi as determined by the Ditector of
COlnrtmnityDcve1(jpment n.eED. in those areas where Improve1rtents ai'e proposed, General
wooded areas where fiO improvements afc proposed wilt feqt1ire it vegetation survey contalnitig
the foUowing elements: '
1. A tnupping or the extent or the wooded areas with Slltvey of perimeter
trees only.
2. A narrative regarding the types (species) and condition of the trees and
under-story in the wooded urea.
J. Idcntificl1tJ011 oftroos whiehthat are UliUSUaJ or fiue specimens of their
4. In geneml wooded areas where mitior improvements arc proposed, a
survey of trees over twelve inches in tnmk diameter measured at four ft:ct above the ground will
be required to a reasonable distance around the improvements.
F. Prelimi11aty site plans showing-existing and plOposcd cotltours-~('Ym
. _H~t~} , d" I d' ' f1 '\ttin ........u~
interv1lTh, OCatlon an pnllClp'l unel1S1ons 0 om gs, open space, I eel ...,IUVIHl1 va", jJ'" lung
at eas, cireuldtioll, landscape ,\1 eas, subdi y isioll platting and genet al ,In ahgemcnt.
F. Preliminary site plans and calculations including but not limited to:
1. Existing and proposed contours at 5-foot intervals.
~ Location and princinal dimensions of buildings.
3. Total footorint area ofbtli1dings.
4: Size and locatiol1 of open space areas.
S. Size and location of environmentally sensitive areas~
6. Size and locatiol1 ofrecreatiol1 ar~
7. Size and location ofnuved a1'eas using permeable paving systems.
8. Landscape ateas~
9. Subdivision platting and general arrangement of lots,
10.:, Densitv of pfOiect extJressed as residential units per acre.
G. A preliminary plat, if applicable, pursuant to Chapter 58.17 RCW and Chapters
16.04 and 16,08 PAMC;A
H. If a developer elects to obtain additional density credits, the site plan application
shall contain specific infonnation relating to the additional density credit criteria . for
environmentally sensitive areaS of Section -17,70.0Gl15.20.070, and for wetland buffer areas
of Section 15.24.07()-;~
L Prelimilwry elevation and perspective drawings of project structures~~
), A preliminary utilities plan, including fire hydrant locations;~
K. A prelimitiary storm drainage plan with calculation of impervious areas7A
L. All off-stJeet Pa1'kit1g-phtrt and circulation plan showing all means of vehicular
and pedestrian ingress and egt'ess to and from the site;,\ size and location of driveways, streets,
sidewalks, t1'nits; and parking spaces. Any new traffic control devices required for the safety
of the project must be ShOWIL~
~ ~asinltPlan if the 01'01ect is designed to be cOlnnleted ill pha~
liMo MailiJ1g labels <IS 1 equire(Hof1'tlbJie~ttOtleeof PWDerty OWnel'S within 300 feet
of the site pursuant to Section 17.96.140 P AMC,
17.3 L140_Rolttinguund Staff Recoh1t11cJldations. Upon receipt of an application
satisfying the requirements of Section 17.31.B9fJill, the DCED Department ofeotnmtmtiy
DC"velopI11ent"shall route the same to all appropriate City Depa1'tmcnts. Each1>tlch department
shall ~ S'tlbtnit. to the=aepartfi1et1t 6f Com.munity De'\' elop1Ylent'-recommcl1dat1ons and
comments l'egardil1g the aPljllcationJo.DCBD. 'The Department of Coml1'llll1ity De y elopmellt
DeED shall prepare a report to the Planning Commission summadzing the factors involvedl
tho recommendations of other dcpttl'tments, mid the DCED inc1uditl~vJ3epal tmenl of
Community <lndDconomlc Deve1opment-reCOlIl h1et1dati 0 1'1 (uld fll1dil1gs and conclusions. A
D - 63
copy of the report shall be mailed to the upplicant and copies shal1 be made available, at cost, .
for use by any interested party,
17,31.150 ,,_Planning Cotnmission Public Hearing.. Scheduling and Notice, Upon
receipt of an application satisfying the tequiretnents of Section 17,3 1.090, the Dep'il trrJent--of'
Comlullhity lJeve10Pliient OC.BJ2 shalt schedule a public hearing before the Planning
Commissioti. Public notice shall be give1i as p1'ovided in S 17.96,140.
17,31.160 Planning COllunissiottRecorrunendatio11- Preliminary Development Plans.
Prior to making a recommetidatlo11 on ati application for a preliminary Planned
ResiderrtialOevelopll:ient PIDs the Planning Commission shall hold it public hearing. The
Plal111ing Comlnissionls recommendation on PID tlen-gity--shal1 be based upon Sections
17 J 1.010; .OGOllfid-.lOO;- and tllcreC011'n"11crldatlon for approval; denial, 01' approval with
1110difications or conditions shall be forwarded to the City Council in written form based upon
compliunce with Sectto1117,31.050 and the following cdteria:
A. The proposed developmentwi11 comply with thepoHcies of the Comprehensive
Plan and furtheMhe attainment of the objectives and goals of the Comprehensive Plan.
B. The proposed development will, through the improved utilization of open space,
natural topography; densities. landscatling and integrated circulation systems, create a mixed
llse environment of higher quality than that normally achieved by traditional developmetlt.
C. The proposed development wilt be compatible with adjacent.. existin& and future
developments.. - -
D. All necessary municipal utilities; set'vices, and facilities, existing and proposed;
are adequate to serve the proposed development.
E. %e-iIntetnal streets servltlg the proposed development are adequate fot fue.M! .
serve anti cipllted traffic levels and the street system oftheproposed deve10pmentis fullctionally .
connected by an improved collector street to at least one improved arterial street.
F, If the development is planned to occur in phases, each phase shall meet the
requirements or a complete development. Developments of less than 3.44 acreS sha11110t be
dotie in phases,
L731.170.CityCot11icil Actioll_~ Ptelltninary1)evelopme11t Pla1iS, The City Council
shall, at a public meeting; conside.r the recommendation of the Plaooing Commission at a tmbHc
meeting, llie Cotificil may approves deny, or upprove with modifications ot conditions the
submitted preliminary development plans. Approval shall be by Council action whichthat
incOl'porates the approved prelhninary development pliws by reference and shall include
findings b'lsed npoJrSecdon17.:11-.060,-J OO;nM.190. and conclusions.
17.3 1.1 gO Final Approval. of Planned Industrial Development. Application for final
npptoval ofllie pm Pllmned tndt15ttial De'veloplt1ellt shalt be submitted within one year of the
approval-ofthepreHmlnaty' development plan aouroval; provi<1cd that for phased PIn's each
phase shatt have an additional one-year period tor final approval; and provided further that ati
applicant fiay apply to the rtillln111g Commission, and the COffifi1ission trlay approve, otie or
more one~year extensions as the Commission may deem appropriate. The site must be under
one owtlership l,tior t6 final approval by the rll1iinifigCommI5giotn111d-Cify Cou11cil, and the
applicafi6n for final fippt6vill must be made by the oWl1ets of the entire site. 'The application
shatt include the following:
D - 64
A. A title report showing record ownership ofthe parcel or parcels upon which the
PID is ro-be-dcvc1oped.
B. Guarantee ensuring the retention and continued maintenance of common open
space, recreation facilities, envit'Onmellta~~1sitive areas. stormwater management structures
and facilities. and recreation structures. If development is to be done in phases, each phase
must meet the requirements of this Section. .
C. Final development plans, whichthat shall be in compliance with the approved
prelimltlary development plans.
D, The final plat, if applicable, pmsuant to Chapter 58.] 7 RCW and Chaptet' 16.04
und16.08 P AMC
E. Development schedule for future nhases.
F. Bond or other form of security acceptable to the City in a sufficient amount to
complete the project or submitted phase, as determined by thc City.
17.J 1.190 Planning Commission Rc\4evv of Pinal Developmt'lrt Plan. The Plnnning
€ommission-shafl- consider the appliccltiol1 fOl final <tppro val at a public 111eet1ng.--'7'\
recommehdation to the City Cot111cil-fol'--appl'ovuhhttlt-i1'ldttde-findings on the-foltow~
A. Compliance with the appro\> ed pI ehmittarylievelopmcl1t plansj
D. Adequacy ofthe pI ov isiolts for 11laillte1lanCC of 1 equrred commOll open ~paeennd
oihe! con,motl 11 .'p} 0 vement5,
C. ~tal-plat, if applicablej and
D. Dondiltg or othe} acceptable fornl of seculity for-the whole 01 specitie-pafts-of
the p1oject.
17.31.200 City Council Final Action. The City Council shall review the
reeommen:d"tion of the Planning Commi,55ionapplication for final approval at a public hearing,
notice of which shall be given as provided in Section 17.96.140, and shall approve, deny, or
approve with modifications the final development plan and, if applicablej the final plat.
Approval ofthe final development plan shall be by ordinance and a copy of the final PID shall
be med with and made a patt of said ordinance, The Zoning Map shall be amended to indicate
the extent of the approved ~ Phmned-R:csidcntialDevdopment, and all future development
of the site shall be in conformance with the approved PID.
17.31.210 Building Pel'mits. '1110 Building Division shall issue building permits for
buildings find stnlChU'eS whiehthat confot'ln ,~to the approved final development plans for
the PIQ Planned Indushial Developtnent--and with all other applicable City ordinances and
regulations. The Building Division shall issue a cel'fificate of occupancy for completed
nOl11'esidel1tial buildings or stlllctUi'eS whiehthill conf01111 to1:he l'equirements of the approved
final development plans and all other applicable City and state ordinances and regulations fOf
such occupancies. The consttuctioll and deve10pmcllt of all-thc common usable OpCll spaces,
including rect'eationill facilitiesl atld othel' public itnpl'ovements of each ptoject phase must be
completed berate any certificates of occupancy will be issued; except wl1etl bonds or othel'
acceptable forms ofsecudty ate deposited assuring the completion of such facilities within six
months of 8oproval of final PID.
17.3J .220 Modificatlolls After FiuaLApprova1. The final approval shall be bindi11g
upon the development,;lmctndu. Design vadatJons from the plan must be submitted to the
Planning Commission and City Council for approval alld amendment of the ot'diMI1CCj except
fat minor changes, as follows: The DeED f7etmrt1'l."Ie1'rt--'of-eomr'ilt1l1ity J:7evdopn.enHs .
authol'lzed to allow minor adjustments in the development schedule, location, placement,
height, or ditnctlsiol1 of buildings and structures, not to exceed an alteration of ten percent in
height Of ten teet in any other direction, when such minor changes mid alterations ate required
by engineering iltld other citcUthstal1ces not fotcseen 61' reasonably fOi'eseeable at the tittle of
approval of the final development plans; except that such adjustlnents shaH not hlcrease the
total athount of floor space authorized 1n the approved final PIDjM"the number of dwelling
units or density, m-decrease the atrtOitnt of parking or loading facilities, Of"'petlnit buildings to
locate closer to the closest houndary tiM, OFdecrease the atliount of opel1 space or
environmentally sensitive arellS, or-dectease the tecreation facilities, m-change any points of
ingress 01' egress to the site, Ol' extend the development schedule for not more than twelve
Permitted Uses.
Aecessoty Uses.
Conditional Uses.
At'ea and Dimensional Requirements.
off-Street Patklllg,
Design and Landscaping,
17.32.01 OPul'p-ose. this is an industtial zone intended to Cl'eate and preserve at'eas for
industrial uses whiehthllt ate largely devoid of exterior nuisances in dose proximity to airports
and highways. Permitted uses are httge1y devoid of exterioi' 1lltiSal1ce factorsj such as noise;
glare, air 111ld water pollutiol1, and fire and safety hazards on adjacentnon-iridustrial property;
and do not have an exceptional demand 011 public facilities. These types of industrial uses
typically 11wolve the manufactu1'e of finished products from pre-fabricated matedals; product
wholesaling, find 1l1.aterial storage. Buffering measureS to reduce the impact of 1tldust11al uses
011 neatby 1'esidcntial uses may be tequired. While industrial and COmlliel'c1al uses that are
largely devoid of IDlY Impacts detrimental to the environment afe allowed, vehide service
statiol1s with petroleum produds and etltertainment businesses with adult-only adivities arc
also permitted uses, and a variety ofrnaintetiance and tepair shops Wid1 hazardous materials ate
also eonditiol1al1y permitted uses. This zone provides the basic urban land uSe IJattem for light
itldustrinl uSeS with direct access 011 lin arterial street, design. standards fot' greater truck traffic,
and buffers fot nonindustrial uses.
l'.32.020pe1'llutted UseS.
A. Mnt'lufactut1f1g buildings for:
1. Clothing, shoes, and garments.
2, E1ect.1'icnl, electtoh1c1 and C011111Uihlcat1onS equipment.
3. Handicrafts, jewett'y! musical lnsfrurne11ts, and toys.
D - 66
4. Assembly of machinery, such as but not limited to engines, vehicles,
boats, aircraft, and pm-ts thereof.
5. Medical, dental, optical; and orthopedic instruments and appliances.
6. Assembly of metal products, such as small arms, pens, office furniture,
tools, and household appliances;
7. Microbreweries.
8. Assembly of mobile and modular homes and home components.
9. Wood products, such as cabinets, furniture, fixtures, and pl'e~fabricated
building components.
B. Retail Buildings:
1. Adult entertainment businesses.
2; Auto and truck service stations, gasoline service islands.
3. Chain saw sales and service stores.
4. Cocktail lounges and taverns.
5. Restaurants and cafes.
6. Retail establishments accessOl)' tosales, such as hardware stores, lawn and
g.,arclon equipment. and supplies, hand tools, building--mnteriats, electrical, and plumbing
materials und supplies.
C. Wholesale Distribution:
1. Warehouse buildings and yards.
2. Wholesale stores.
D. Services:
1. Building maintenance and janitorial services buildings.
2; Equipment rental stores, including heavy equipment.
~ Funeral homes and mortuaries.
1;3-. Laundry and dry cleaners buildings.
~4; Machinery maintenance and repair shops.
~5. Mini-warehouses.
16. Business and professional offices.
~9'. Research and development laboratories.
2-8. Stomge yards and maintenance shops for builders, contractors, and
governmental agencies.
lQ9. Small animal vVeterinary clinics, offices, and kennels.
E. Transportation and Communication:
1; Airports, airport tel;minals, and related facilities.
2, Freight companies tenninals.
3. Household moving and storage buildings.
4. Mass transit terminals,
5. Off-street busit1ess parking structures and lots.
6. Parcel delivery service btlildings.
7. Printing, publishing, and book-binding buildings,
8. Vehio111ar services facilities, such as automotive and truck rentals, vehicle
maintenance anclrcpail' shops, auto and ttuck body and paint shops, and auto nnd truck el1gine
repair shops,
9; Utility buildil1gS and structures,
17.32,030. A tee-ssar>, Uses. Accessory uses determined by the 011'0<..101' of Commtmlty
.and Economic Development to be compatible with the intent of this Chaptet are permitted.
17.32.040Conditiol1a1 Uses,
A. Mafiufnctudng builcHngs ror:
1, 'Processing of food products$ such as rneat$ fruit, vegetables~ seafood,
beverages, vegetable oils, al1d dairy products,
2. pharmaceutical afid drug products.
3. plastic and other synthetic products.
4, Specialized small mechanical parts, tools, die-cftst1tlg, bearings~ l1attet11s~ and
other similar products, welding shops, and lllUchine shops,
B. Other:
1. Agdcultl11'al uses, defined as commercial futming and animal husbnndry,
2. Fire stattons,
3. Off-premises outdoor advertising signs.
4. Public juvenile detention facilities, where:
a.. The average daily noise levels (1dn) do 110t exceed 45 decibels for
interior sleeping quarters, Of s1.lCh other standard as is genet'at1y accepted; und
b. The existing and potential industrial uses will hot adversely
impact the detention cellter,
5, Public parks and recreation facilities, where:
a. The average daily noise levels (1d11) do not exceed 45 decibels for
interior portions of the buildit1gs;
b. There are no existing industrial uses 111 the vicinity which would
adversely itllpact the use; and
c. In the eVent a change in dl'cumstances is fOUnd by the planning
Commission wh+ehtliat would l'csult inpotential adverse impacts on or land USe Conflicts to an
approved use. the conditional use permit shalt become void fi11d the use shall ceaSe.
6, Radio towers exceeding tWrty~flve (35) feet,
7. Social service agencies providing 24MhotU' l'esidential care, where
n. 'The average daily noise levels (1dn) do 110t exceed 60 decibels lor
exte1'iol' portions of the site and 45 decibels for interiors 01 Hving qttaftCl'S;
b. Thete ate no existing industrial USes in the vicinity ,Vhtcbthat
would adversely Impact the residential use~ and .-
c. tn the event a change in circumstances is lound by the Planning
Cotll:1nissioti whicltthat wOilld result in potential adverse hllpacts 011 or land use conflicts to an
approved residential use, the conditional use permit shall become void, 11I1d the residential use
shall cease.
g, Small scale sawmills, whete:
it. the sawmill, including the sawmi11 site and the totat. area of
operations, occurs on an area of one-half acre or less, inclUding the sto1'age of logs al1d fInished
The gross weight of the sawmill is 110 greater than ten thousand
The hou1's of operation are limited from 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m,
Monday through Friday;
Atllighting is directed away rrottl residential a1'eaSj
'Noise levels comply with Chapter 173~6() 'W ACt to the extent
iippl1cable; and
f. WaOd waste munagettHmt is conducted to avoid excessive
accumulation of wood waste.
9. Artist work/live studios where the residential use is subordinate to th~
~kimui1illlio ~se.
109. Other uses compatible with the purpose of this Chapter.
17.32.050 Area and Dimensional Requirements.
A. Minimum Lot Area: 7,000 square feet.
B. Minimum Lot Width: None.
C. Setbacks:
Front: 25 feetl except 35 feet abutting a residentially or commercially zoned
Renr: 25 feet, except 35 feet abutting a residentially or commercially zoned
Sicle: 15 feet, except 25 feet abutting a residentially or commercially zoned
D. Maximum Lot Coverage: None.
E. Maximum Height: 35 feet.
]7.32.060 Off-Street Parking. (See Chapter 14.40 P AMC).
17.32.080 Desi.gru!ncl Landscaping.
A. A minimum five-foot landscaping area shall be provided abutting public rights-
of-waYl except for approved curb cuts.
E. All lighting on the site shall he directecl or shaded so that it does not shine
directly on adjoining non-industrially zoned property or on public rights-of-way.
C. A ten-foot wide buffer zone must be maintained adjacent to all residentially or
commercially zoned propertYl which buffer zone shall not be used for storagej driveways, auto
parking, 01' stnlCtures, except security fences. Such a screen shall be to a height of 6 feet~
Apt'toved vehicle driveways to atl alley and sanitationrcccDtac1es associatecl withmechanlzed
colleetio!1 shall not be obstructed. Clear vision triangles shall bemaintained.~
consisting of solid relIclng,-tandscc,ping, 01 othcrnlClteri"ls, shull be pI 0 v ided in the huffeI ZOllO.
fru-eh-a-scleen sban be to a height of G feet. If landscaping is tlsed, it sl.allinclude evergreen
shl ubs planted to f0I111 a visual screen of 6 feet mature l.cight within fulec )iCellS of the planting
ddte, except that approved vehicle dlh'ewety openings shall not be obstIucted.
D. One tree shalt be pmvidcd for each group of MSi or fewer parking spaces,
exclusive of any perimeter landscaping. 1111ustratioll ~ 1 L parkingsDaces requires Z trees: 12
oarkin1t soaces requites 2 trees: J3 spaces requires 3 tree8.1 The trees shall be of a type
'fI1)Proved bv the Citv, at least 2" caliocr at planting ti111e, have a minimum height of at least 20
feet at tnatul'itv, and placed in a minimlun pltmting area of 100 square feet.Tl ces shall ha y"e a
minitmul1 caliper of two inches and shall have a height of e~t le,ist20 {eotat t1iedUl it,.
E. Parking areas shall have interspersedJandscaped islands and shaH have 110 mOte
than 8 consecutive 9arkillg spaces.U11dcrlttound parking and t)arking included in a plltkil1g
structure; are excluded [tom this teQUire111ent.
S ecti 011S:
Permitted Uses.
Accessory Uses.
Cortditiollal Uses.
Area and Ditnensional Requit'cti1ents,
OffMStreet Parking.
17.34.010 Purpose. This is the least l'esttictive industrial zone it1fel1ded to be the area
in whtehthaj heavy industry could develop causing the least impact on other land uscs,
Significant adverse impacts can be expected frorn permitted. ltidtistt'ial uses that involve
hazardous materials; noise, air and water pollution, shift work around the clock, entertainment
businesses with adultMonly activities; and outside storage yards and it1anufacturing~ctivities.
This zone provides the basic urban land lise pattern for heavy industrial uses with direct access
to major transportation facilities, design. standards for greater truck traffic, and buffet'S for
nonindustrial uses unless deemed imp1'actical.
17,34.020 Permitted Uses.
A. Automobile body, fende!', laundry, paint shops and wrecking yards,
It Bakerles, wholesale.
C. Battery rebuild, tire repair & recapping.
D. Boiler works.
Eo Book, neWspaper & magazine printing & publishing.
F. Bottting plants, creameries.
O. Cabinet and carpenter shops.
H. City pound (atihnal shelter).
I. Dtaymg, freight & trucking ym.'ds atid tett'lii1181s.
1. Dry c1ean.ing: clothes, carpets, fUgS, laUlldries.
K. Night c1ubt pool haU, dance hall, boxing arena, pet1.1'lY-llrcade, shooting gallt~t)',
adult entertaill1fient business, of similar amllsement enterprise.
L. Sawmi11s, paper mitts, putp milts.
M. Ship building, storage, repair, boat havens, marinas.
N. Storage yards; building materials, tractol's, trucks, boats, equipment.
O. Ttansportat1ofi or freight terminal. .
P. Truck, tfailer, ttactor.andniotorcycle, repairing, overhauling, rcntat, or sales.
Q. Utility buildings and structures. -
It. Small aniMal yVeterinary cHnicst offices, and kennels.
S. Warehousing, distribldmg plants,
T. Wood products manufacture.
D. Manufacturing; proces~1ng, packillg, storage of:
1. akohol
2. brick, tile or tet1'iH::otta
3. brooms, brushM
4. celluloid or similar cellulose materials
5. cloth; cord or rope
6. concrete
1. electrical products and appHanceil
food and food products
kelp reduction
paper and pulp
prefabricated buildings
signs, all types
salt works
vegetable or other food oil.
17.34.030 Accessory Uses. Accessory uses cletermin~d by the Director of Community
and Economic Development to be compatible with the intent of this Chapter ate permitted.
17.34.040 Conditional Uses.
A. Distillation of wood, coal or bones or m,mufacture of any of their by~products.
B. Fire Stations.
C. Fuel yards subject to the limitations contained in PAMC 14.21.030 (B).
D. Gas (illuminating or heating) manufacture or storage subject to the limitations
contained in PAMC 14.21.030(A).
E. Manufacturing, processing, packing. storage of:
I. asphalt
2. chemicals
3, ceramics
4. clmgs, phannaceuticals
5. perfumes
6. paint, hnnpblack, varnish, oil, tmpentine
7. plastics
8. Soap and soap products, toiletries
9. tar roofIng or waterproofIng.
F, Sale of marine supplies.
G. OffMpremises outdoor advertising signs.
H. Power, light or steam plant.
1. Retail establishments incidental to a use permitted under Section 17,34.020 when
located on the same zoning lot as the permitted use.
J. Restaurants, cafeterias,
~ Artist w01'klHvc studios where the residential use is subol'clinate to the working
studio use.
1*. Othel' uses compatible with the intent of this Chapter.
17.34.050 Area and DimensionaLRequircments.
A. Minimum lot size: 7,000 sq. ft,
B, Minimum Yard Requirements: No buHdings shall be constructed closer thuI130
feet to any public right~of~way line, n01' closer than 15 feet to allY property line when abutting
commel'clal 01' l'esidclJtinl zones, Unlcss deemed by the City to be itnptl1ctical, ineffective~ or
Utll1eCessary, buffers shall be provided betweC11111dustrial and other uScS in order to mitlglltc
nuisunce and hazardous churactct'istics such as noise, particulate matte.. in the air, wakT 01' odol'
pollution, objectionable visual matc1'iul, 01' other such impacts.
D -71
C. Maximum Building Height: 75 feet. Height in excess oOS feet may be allowed .
by cOliditiol1al use permit and may require increased setbacks,
D. Maximum Lot Coverage: N011e,
17,34.06CLOff"Stl'eetParking. (See Chapter 14.40 PAMe),
~ One tree shall be provided rot each grou'\) of6 01' fewe!purking spaces. cxclusive
of any t>erhneter 1andscaping.[Il1ustratioll ~ 11 parkmg spaces_requites 2 ttees~ 12 parking
spaces reQuites 2, treeS t 13 spaces reouires 3 tree~ Trees shall be of a type approved by the
pty. at least2"calioel' at ti111c of planting, have a 111inUfitlm height of at least 20 feet at
mafmitv. and plficedJrLamlnimum planting atea of 100_ sqUare feet,
!L pUl'kingureas shall have interspersed landscaped islands and shall have 110 more
than 8 consecutive purkhtg SPMes.. . Underground parking and ..12firki11g include<lJ!!ilJ>arking
structure are excluded from this requirement.
CHAPTER 17,36.
Permitted Uses,
Accessory Uses,
Conditional Uses.
Development Standards,
Off-Street Parking.
Design and Landscaping.
17 J6.01 0 Purpose. this is an industrial zone intended to preserve industrial areas in the
harbor for marine industrial uses, whiehthat ate characterized as water dcpcndeht or water
related, BeCfiuse there is a Ve1'Y limited amount of shorelands adjacent to the Port Angeles
Harbor, a zone that al10ws for mixed uscS that do hot ac1verse1y impact each other can ll1aximi1.e
potential water dependeht, \Vatet related, and watet' etijoyrncnt uses of the harbor without
excluding either industrial 01' nonindustrial uses being intc:rtnixed. Certairt commercial,
residential, pllbHc, and other mixed uses may be appropriately located illthis zone; and.
thetefore; heavy indl1strialmanufacturi1ig uses, whiehthat have significant nuiSance factors;
shalt not be located in this zone ~
17,36.020 Permitted Uses.
A. Emergcncy stations, including lighthouses, marirte rescue, oil clean-up; and other
B. Institutional facilities, including marine laboratories lind yacht clubs
C. Marinas, including boat moorage, storage, repairsf sates, suppHesf marine
nteHngf and other services to the boating public.
O. Personal services facilities, such as barber sh6ps, beauty shops, exercise and
reducing studios, talming satons, and travel agency officeS.
D -72
E. Recreational facilities, inchlding public parks and piers, aquariums, waterfront
trails, and water enjoyment coml11el'c1ull'ecreatlofi establishments.
F. Restaurants, cafes, cafeterias, cocktail lounges, delicatessens, al1cl taverns.
G. Specialty shops, such as antique, art supplies, bicycle, book, candy and ice
cream, clothing, coffee and espresso, computet, florist, gift, hobby and toy, jewelry, kayak, pet,
and video rental.
H. Transportation terl11111als,Jinclnding facilities for ferries, cruise ships, vehicle
rentals, seaplanes, research vessels, mass transit, and other facilities for moving people not
17.36.030 Accessory. Uses. Accessory uses determined by the Community and
Economic Dev~lo12~ Directo1' to be compatible with the intent of this Chapter ate permitted.
J 7.36.040 Conditional Uses.
A. Business, professional, and goverruuental offices incidental to a use permitted
under Section 17.36.020 when located on the same zoning lot as the pe1'mitted use.
B. Hotels, motds, convention centers, and auditoriums.
C. Residential structures that are penllittcd in the RHD zone at the RHD density
allowance area and dimensional requirements, except in areas designated as restricted clean-up
D. Upland aquaculture facilities.
E. Warehousing and distribution facilities for goods and products.
17.36.50 Development Startdurds
A. Area and Dimenslotlal Requirements.
1. Minimum Lot Area:
2. Minimum Lot Width:
3. Setbacks: Front:
4. Maximum Lot Coverage:
C. Maximum Building Height:
7,000 square feet
25 feet
25 feet
15 feet
35 feet.
17.36.60 Off-Street Parking. (See Chapter 14.40 P AMC.)
17.36.10 Signs.
A. One business sign for each wall not to exceed one square foot for each horizontal
lineal foot of the building wall upon which it is mOl-l11ted'or 300 square feet, whichever is less,
shall be permitted.
B. One free-standing, detached busil1ess sign) not exceeding 15 feet in hclght and
35 square feet in area shall be permitted.
C. Each public and private directional, traffic) and warning attached and detached
sign shaH not exceed 6 squute feet in area.
D. Signs may be lighted) but not intefnjittcnt or flashing,
A.. A6~footsldewalkaccmnvaniedbyaminimmn4"fQoiJandscapestdp sheiH be
remtired_within the right-of~waYadiacel1t to tnefrcmt propertv ]me M. wen tisndioinlllg arterial
D -73
cOf1'idors.A.l'r1inirtlt1trcfi'Ve~fuot htildseapirlgmfitea5hallbeptOYided~flg ptlbHc~~ .
w(ty;-except forCityaPPfO\led~
13. All Hghtitlg on the sHe shall be directed Of shaded so that it does not shine
directly on adjoining propetiy or public right~or~WaYi
C. A ten~foot wiele bidIer zone mUst be maintained from adjacel1t ptoperties. This
buffer zone shall not be used for storage, driveways, parking, or sttl.lctures, except for fences.
A visual screen, consisthig or solid fenc.lng, landscaping, Of other materials shalt be p1'Ovided
in the yard abutttlHt 1'esident1al1vzoned landbufferzone, Such it scree11 shaH be to a heightof
6Jeet. . . vereenshtubs la11ted to fOl'm a hed. e that wilt
t ;lantin - date. Such sCl'eenshall be maintained
tOflmaximtifiLheight ot.. -. .eetL_Abprovedvebicledtivewavs to: an alleY_Htldsan1tatidri
recoofaclesmassociafedwith mechanized. collection shalL not be.obstructed.___Clear vision
triangles shall be maintained.Ifll1ndtlcapiltglsutled; 1t511a11 hi.cludeevergreely-slnubg pl,~l1tcd
to forma visualscfCcnof6feetln<tttiteheight within threeyemsofthe phtl1tIl1gdate.A-l1 v lstlal
screeM 5hallbetoahdght-of6 feet;exceptwnele "iews-stialliIDtheobst1t1derl ill the visWl1
triangtefOr City-appwved\leh:ide-drf ~'ew'lYintersectiol1gwith the stJ:edo1' al1ey,-
11 . Allteaulred va-11cln!! MeltS shaH fnc1tldetanc1scapillJ!of adcfist One {tee for each
~'ouP of 6 or fewer parldnlZsJ:)aceswith.firoinitnuntoftwo (Zlttees.exclusiveof atly perimeter
landsca(l1tHt. flllusttatiot1:, lLpktrkin1! Sf)aces reauires2 trees: 12riarkifilLsPfices reaulres :2
trees: 13 spaces requires 3 trees.l . The. trees shall be of fi type aoorovedbv the City. atJeast
2" calipetatt>lantirtgtimc,and 1Jlacedirt a minimum t>lantinJ! area of lOOsauafe feet. Ttee~
shall have a mitlimurnheiJ!ht of ntleast 20 feet atmatul'iW",
~ ParkirtJtareM shall l1ave.itlterspersed landscar;edislands and shall hHve no 1:rlOre
than8cot1sectitiveJ:>fil'kil1g s1JacesLUfidet~Oufidparkingat1d vatkirut1nduded in a val'king .
structure are exdudedJtOtri thisreauirement.
D;--Ot\e tree-shall bepfblf 1ded f6f eac.h gr'OupoflOpallcingspace5jexc111si ve ofttny
permitter landscaping; Trees. shall hllvea mhtfn'Hlh'l. cltHpeto! twoinc.hes -undsllultha"v e. a
heightol-at teast 20 feetClt ltiattttlty;
CHAP.tER 17.9.4
11;94;050 -
F'm'egoing Regulations Subject to TWs Chapter.
Lot Area N()t to be Reduced, Exceptio:t1s.
Use of Lots of Pal'6els Containing More than Minimum Required
Lot Area.
Measurement of Front and Side Yards.
IffegtttttfShaped tots;
Yard Requirements for Property Abutting Half-Streets or Streets
Designated by an Official Control.
Exception to Yard Requiremetit.
Yil1'd and Unobstt'Ucted Space Regulations.
Vision Cleuml1ce,
Permitted lntmsions into Required Yards.
Lot Coverage Exemptions.
WaIts; ~ Fences, Iledges.
Storage of Merchandise; m: Vehicles in Yards ~Ulcl Rights~of-Way.
Use of Residential Streets,
Exceptiol1g to Height Requirement.
Minor Deviations
17.94.010 Foregoing Regulations Subiect to This Chapter. The foregoing regulations
peliaining to the several zones shall be subject to the gel1craI provisions, conditions, and
exceptions contained in this Chapter.
17.94,020 Lot Area Not to be Reduced. Exc(,'ptions.
A. No lot area shall be so reduced 01' diminished that the lot area, lot width, yards
or other unobstructed spaces shall be less than prescribed by these regulations for the zone in
which it is located, nor shall the residential density be increased in any ma1111Cr except in
conformity with the regulations.
B. For the purpose of encouraging the construction of off-street parking space under
or within buildings rather than in rear, side or front yards, the following exceptions to minimum
lot areas shall be permitted:
For each 10 foot by 20 foot area to be permanently reserved and used for a parking
space under or within a building, a lot area credit of 300 SClual'e feet shall be permitted. Said
lot area credit can be deducted from the required minimum lot area, or can be used to increase
a proportional number of permitted dwelling units in motels and tl:mlti - fmnily structures. Said
lot m:ea credit, however, shall not apply to the reduction of any building line setbacks.
17.94.030 Use orLols or Parcels Containing More Than Minimum Rrequired Lot Area.
When a lot contains substantially two or more times the minimum lot area required for the zone
in which it is located, and the owner desires to use each unit of area equivalent to the minimum
lot area as a separate building site, provided not more than four (4) such units result, and no
dedication of streets, alleys, or other public ways, public easements or public utility easements
are involved, such area units may be so utilized by l'esOlting to the split lot procedures as
prescribed in the subdivision code. when such units are thus defined, then aH of the provisions
ofthcse regulations govcrning the use of a Jot in the zone in which such property is located shall
apply thereto, Each resulting Utlit shaH be required to have frontage upon a dedicated publie
street or road.
17.94.040 Measurement of Front' andSideY ards. Front yard requirements shall be
measured fi'0l11 the front propel1y line. Side yards abutting a street 01' alley shaH be measured
it'om the property line that abuts the rjght~of-way line.
17J)4~05Q:: lrregulnrShn:ped Lots; -111edistfil1ce IlcroS5 the flont bttifding tine of an
iucgtllm. shapecHot-ghllllbeco115idered to be'the lot width of s,~id Jot
11,94.060 Yard Requi1'emcnts for Property Abutting Hatf-Streets or Stteets Designated.
by all Official Conti'o!.
D -75
A. A building or structure shall not be erected 011 a lot whtchthat abuts a street .
having only a porti01i of its requited width dedicated and where 110 part of stlCh dedication
would normally revert to said lot if the street Were vacated, unless the yards ptovic1ed and
maintained in cont/ection with such building or strUctute have a width 01' depth ot that p01iion
of the lot needed to complete the road width plus the width or depth of the yards required on
the lot by these regulations.
E, This section applies to aU zones,
C, Where art official control adopted pursuant to law includes plans for widening
of existing streets, the con1iecting of exist1tlg streets, or the estabHslllnel1t of neW streets, the
placement ofbtlildings and the maintenance of yards, where required by these regulations, shall
tel ate to the future street boundaties as determined by said official conti'ot
17 .94.010 Exception to Yard Requirement. When the side lot 1111,0 of a lot in any zone
adjoins the side lot line of it lot in a more resb'ictive zone, thmthe adjoinl11g side yard for such
lot shall not be less than the niihimum side yard required in the more l'estrictive zone.
17,94,080. Yard and U110bstfucted Space Regulations, Except as pl'ovided ih this
Chapter, every reql1ired yard and llhobstructed space shall be opert arid unobstructed i1:om the
ground to the sky. No yard or unobstructed space provided around any building fo1'the purpose
of complying with the provisions of these Regulations shall be considered as providing a yard
or unobstructed space Ofi u11 adjoinirtg lot or parcet whereon a building is to be erected,
17,94.090. Vision clearance. 111:111 Residential and eOhllnerdal OffkoZonCS(tAl1
cornet ntidreverse Corner lots shalt mairitain,tOl safety v ision purposes; a ttiangtJlar area within
which no tree, fence, shrub, wall or other physical obstruction shall be permitted higher than .
thirty (30) inches above the established grade lor vision safety burposes. Said triangular atea
shall be measuted as (oHows:
A. Stfeet TntersectlotiS '" At any intersection of two street dghts-of~way.. two sides
of said tdangular area shall extend twenty (20) feet along both dght~of~way Hnes; measured
from their point 01 intersectio:fL
g. Street and Alley Intersections., At any intel'sect1on of street ahd alley rights-of"
ways. two sides of said triangular atea shatt extend ten (10) feet along both dghtsMof~way,
measured from their point of intersection.
C. Street and IJtiveway futersectiOllS u At any irttersectiol1 of a street right-ofwway
and a dtiveway~ the sides of each required triangulal' area shall extend ten (10) feet along the
street right-of-way 11ne and twenty (20) feet along the edge of the driveway, measured from the
point of irttersectiofl of each side of the driveway and the sttect tight~of~way line,
11.94.100 Driveways. \Vidthj location; ahd numbct' of curb~cuts for driveways per lot
shall be determined by standards designed by the City IgDcoattmentofPllbHcWorks &,
UtllitiesEIlglneering Depa:rtmetlt. . Petniitted IntrUs1.0fiS into RCQUitedY ards. The following inttl1Hions may
project into 'any required yards:
A, Fireplace stroctm'cs not wider than eight (8) feet measured in the general
direction of the wall o!wrnch it is a part:tblrty(JO) it1ches.
B. Unendosed, ti1icovcrcd porchcs; ten'flees, ot'lal1dulgg; when not extetidil1g above
the first floof of the building, may extend 110( more thun six (6) feet into the 11'011t vardsetback~
D -76
eight (8) feet in12 the rear_ yard ~etback and three (3) fect into the side yard setback. mtfra1'r)'
requited ynrd;-plovided howc'\fer;--an---fl . Qpen1'ailing or grillwork in conformance with the
J.n1ffillmmwlBrti-fomt BUilding Code may be constructed around any snch porch, terrace or
C. Planting boxes ot' masonry planters not exceeding thirty (30) inches in height
may extend a maximum oftlu'ee (3) feet into any required front yard.
DP. Porches, decks, platforms, walks, driveways, etc., not more than 30 inches above
gB. Eaves with a maximum overhang of thirty (30) inches.
,EE. Detached accessory buildings withinthecn rear one third of gJot <mly-are
pet'mitted 110t closet' thnn three ill feet to side not' ten ilill feet to relll' property lines or alleys.
17.94.130 Lot Coverage Exemptions. The following shall be exempt from the
maximum lot coverage requirements of any ofthe-sevcral zoncs:
A. Sidewalks, driveways, and uncovered off-street parking spaces.
B. The first thirty (30) inches of eaves.
C. Uncove1'ecl swimming pools and hot tubs.
D. Uncovered.."'1t1td unenclosed concrete, btick, cillcl 5tono l'l1ltio-.'l;""Wt100 decks and
platforms not 1110re than thhiy (30) inches above gradel1mvided howcv"er-an open 1 ailing or
~ conformance with-the Uniform-Building Code may be COhstl uctcc1 abll v e ii11}'stlch
patio, deck-or-phttfonn.
17.94.140 Walls~ and Fences. Iledges. In all Rresidcl1tial and €,Qomtnercial z;zones a
wall; or fence;-or-hedge may be maintained to a maxiirtum height of sTx (6) feet within-the
building setback areas. All vision clearance requirements shall be maintained.
17.94.150 Storage of Merchandise; or Vehicles in Yards and Rigl..1is..of-Way.
A. In R:~esidential and €~ommercial z;~olles, the storage of merchandise, appliances
or vehicles in front or side yards shall be prohibited; provided; however, that car dealerships,
boat sales, lumber yards, nurseries, and car rental services shall be exempt from this
B. In 110 zone shall the storage ofnny articles 01' vehicles be permitted to extend into
public rights-of-way.
17.94.155 Use of Residential Streets. Subject to any other regulation of the use of streets
under this Code; no owner or occupant of land abutting a public street; whtehthat land 01' 8t1'eet
is in a residential Z01le or is the bounda1'Y of a residential Zotlej may use such street for the
habitual 01' overnight parking or storage of commercial n'iotor vehicles 01" trailers. Excepted from
this prohibition is the parking on the street of one cotntne1'c1ally used vehicle whtehthat is driven
to and from the work place by the owner 01' occupant of the dwelling unit. -
17.94. 170 ExceptionJoHeightRequit'cment. The height 1'estdct1011$ in this Title shall
not apply to church spites, tnol1uments, chimneys, antennas, watei' towe1'S; elevator towers,
mechanical equipment; and other similar l'ooftop tlppu1'lenal1ces usually t'equil'cd to be placed
above the roof level and 110t intended fOj' human occupancy OJ' the provisio11 of additional
habitable space; provided that mechanicnl equipment rooms and screening are Set hack at least
ten feet ftom the edge of the roof and do not exceed twej\ty ~ feet i11 height.
17,94,180- Mitior Deviatio11S .
A A minofdevlatlon from trolltf side, alld rearyard setbacks, lotcovel'agef llnd height
requitements established in this title may be granted by the DirectorofQort'illlullity and Ecortomlc
Development in accordance with the provisic)t1s of this section,
B. A minor deviatioll thay be granted if all of the following findings are made:
1. The granting of the thitior deviation is COfislstel1t with the purpose of the
lOne in which the property is located and the project is otherwise consistent with the requirements
of said zone,
2. Because of special circumstance, the strict appllcatioll of the zoning
ordillance results in an undue hatc1ship upon the applicant;
3. The minot deviation wilt not be material1y detrimental to the public welfare
01' injudolts to property or impfovelllents in the vicinity and zone in which the subject property
is located; and
4. The minor deviation is mot gteater than 10% of the requirement being
deviated from.
5, The site has been posted and adjacent property owners' notified fifteen (15)
days prior to approval of the minor deviation.
C. Any appHcations that are not granted a minor deviatiofi by the Director of
Community and Economic Development pursuant to this section mUst obtain a variance through
the City;s 110rfilal variance procedure as set forth in Chapter 2.52 PAMC.
Vacated Streets.
Nonconforming Vses.
Nonc(:H1forming Building or Structure.
Yards to be Enclosed Withhl a Solid Fence.
Moving of Buildings.
Temporal'Y Buildings.
ExceptioI1s to Area Requil'ements.
Non~Zofied Artt1ex~Hion AreaS,
Par1clng Space Regutations.
Political Signs
11,9'sJllO_Yacatc<tStreets Vacated streets; aUeys; places and cuf-de..sacs shafl assume
the zone c1assificatiofig of the property wMehthat adjoined such strcetf a11ey. place of CtIl~tH;ac
prior to VaCad6ilJ. ,and wSY.,. here wne ctassificat10fi differs from one side to the other;-then the
boundary Hne shall be at the former center line of such vacated street, alley, place, or cul-de-
17.95.020 Nonconforming Uses.
A. Existing Land Use - Continuance of Nonconforming Use. Any legal use of the
land, existing or established at the time of the adoption of these regulations (January 4! 1971),
shall be permitted to continue but shall not be expanded.
B. Repairs, Alteration, Remodeling, and Reconstmction. A legal; conforming
building or stmcture housing a nonconforming use shall he permitted to be repaired, altered,
remodeled, or reconstructed providing said repairs, alteration, remodeling; 01' reconstruction
meet all zoning and building code requirements and provided fmther that said alterations do
not expand the building space or site area used by a non-conforming use.
C. Abandonment. If any nonconforming use of land and/or building or stmcture
is abandoned and/or ceases for any reason whatsoever for a period of one (1) year or more, any
future use of such land and/or building or stmcture shall be in conformity to the zone in which
it is located as specified by these Regulations.
D. Change in Use. A nonconforming use shall not hereafter be changed to any
other nonconforming use, regardless of the conforming or nonconforming status of the building
in which it is housed.
E. Nonconformance as a Result of Annexation. All above regulations shall apply
to each nonconforming use whiehthat comes within the City by means of annexation from date
of annexation.
17.95.030 Nonconforming Building or Structure.
A. Enlargement. An existing legal building or structure that does not comply with
zoning and building code requirements shall not be enlarged, if such enlargement results in an
increase in the degree of nonconformance.
B. Restoration and Reconstruction,
1, When a legal nonconforming building or structure is damaged 01'
demolished to an extent that does not exceed 75% of the existing assessed value of the building
or stmcture for tax purposes, said building or structure may be restored or reconstmcted,
a. Restoration or reconstruction is started within nine (9) months and
is completed within 18 months of the date that damage or demolition occurred, or; if such date
is unknown, then the date that the damage or demolition is reported, or reasonably capable of
being reported, to the City.
2. When a legal nonconforming building or strucwre is damaged or
demolished to an extent that exceeds 75 % of the existing assessed value of the building or
stmcture for tax purposes, said building or structure may be restored or reconstructed,
providing it conforms to all constntctlotl code and zoning regulations of the zone in which it
is located,
The extent of damage to or demolition of a nonconforming building or structure shall
be determined by the Building Official. If any aggrieved party disp-utes the Building Official's
detel'mination of the extent of the damage or demolition, then a ptlfiel of three 5tate~Hcensed
architects/engineerst one tel be chosen by the City, oiie by the building ownett and the third
by the first two architects/engineel's; shall make a fitlal detel'mination of the extent of the
damage to or demolltion of the nonconforming building or structure, All costS incurred in
obtaining this final determination are to be paid by the aggrieved party.
C, Minor Repairs. A legal nonconforming building or structure may have minor
repairs performed as needed to maintain the building in a safe condition.
D. Nonconformance as a Result of Annexation. All above regulations shal1 apply
to each nonconforming st1tlCture or building whiehthnt comes within the City by means of
4. _ ---
17.95.040 Yards to be Enclosed Within a Solid Fence.
A. Every wrecking, salvage; junk; and used lumber yal'd~, equipment and material
stomge yards, auction houses; or secondMhand stores whtehthat; after the effective date of these
tegulations, exists as a nonconforming use shall in the interest or public safety t within six (6)
months after the same becomes a nonconforming use, be completely enclosed witWn a building
or within a conth1lious solid felice no less than six (6) feet in height or to a greater height if
such height is needed to screen completely all the operations of such yards. The plans of said
building 01' fence shall have first been approved by the Planning Commission, and said building
or fence shal1 be maintained in full conformity with any conditions attached to such approval.
B. New uses shall be sllbject to site approval of the Planning Commission and shall
be subject to any restrictions and modifications said Commission may stipulate.
C. Noise abatement is to be enforced ftom 6:00 P.M. to 7:00 A.M. Burning of
items 011 the premises is ptohibited.
D. Auction h011ses ~ hand barm,.. and salvage lumber and used parts
establishments sha11 contain an items for display 01' sale within 11 structure 01' behind a sight"
obscuring fence not less than six (6) feet in height. :No part of any tequired front, side or rear
yard shalt be used for the sale Of display of any said items.
17.95.050 Moving of Buildings. No building preeoostntcted, either partly or
completely, shall be moved onto any site until such site and such building have been apptoved
by the Building Official,
17.95.060 Temporary Buildings,
A. Director ofCOfutmlnity. De,:elopment Dedsion.- dThe Bireetm'4tf Plannin~
Manager of the DebfittthentotComthtmity and Economic Development may isstteauthorize
permits f()r occupancy of temporary bnildings, incltlding mobile homes; used in conjunction
with construction or reconstruction proje.cts. or buildings used as real estate tract offices; for
a period not to exceed one (1) yea!'. Such temporary buildings may be located in any zone;
provided~ however, sufficient setbacks are malntained to protect the public health, safety, and
welfare. Buildings intended for a longer period of use shalt conform in every respect to all
provisions of theSe Regulations but will be considered hy=-the .. Directbr .. M Community
De~etopmtntat a pllbtic hearing beforeJl1e Plannin~ Commission. Requests for extensions of
previously appro\led temporary use permits with specified time periods of authorization shalt
also be considered by the Directol'~fCotnmunity De"y'dopment PlattrtitHtCot1111iission at a
D - 80
public hearing and may be granted for a period of one to five years, provided that the following
minimum criteria are met:
1. The use complies with the permit conditions.
2, There have been no significant adverse changes in circumstances.
B. Appeals
. 1. Any person aggrieved by the decision of the Planning Commission or
Director of Community DevelopmentPlanningManagcr may appeal the decision to the City
2. Appeals shall be submitted to the Department of Community and
Economic Development in writing within fifteen (15) days following the date of the decision
and shall pay and shall remit the fee set bv resolution for such action.
3. The City Council shall conduct a public hearing on the appeal with notice
being given as set forth in ~ 17.96. 140. The Council's decision shall be final unless appealed
to Clallam County Superior Court in accordance with g17.96,150.
17.95.080 Breezeway. If an accessory building is connected to a princip31 building by
a breezeway the accessory building shall not be considered a-n-extcnsion-cl'-and-a part of the
principal building.
17.95,090 Exceptions to Area Requirements . For the purpose of encouraging the
construction of off-street parking spaee-unde1' 01' within a building rather than in rear j side, or
front yards, the following exceptions to minimum lot areas shall be permitted.
For each 10 foot by 20 foot al'ea to be permanently tesel'ved and used for a parking
space under or within a building, a lot area credit of 300 square feet shall be permitted. Said
lot a1'ea credit can be deducted from the required minimum lot area, or can be used to increase
a proportional number of permitted dwelling units in motels and multi-family structures.
17.95.100 Uses. Any uscs not expressly permitted in a specific zone mavare-t\) be
reviewed by the Planning Commission for approval or denial in light of the zoning intentions
and consistent with the Comprehensive Plan.
17.95.110 Non-Zoned Annexation Areas. If-aAny area -is-not zoned by the City prior
to annexation-;1t shall automatically ~on annexation be classified and subject to the provisions,
restrictions, and requirements of the zone most consistent with the City1s Comprehensive Plan
as determined by the City.
17.95.140 Billboards. For the, purpose of interpretation and enforcemcnt of this
Zoning Code, billboards shall be limited to only CA Commercial, Arterial, It Industdal,
Light, or IH Industrial, Heavy ~z;ones. Billboards shall be prohibited in all other zones.
Where pet'mitted, a billboard shall not be constructed closer than 35 feet touny p1'Opcrty line.
17.95.160_ Parking Space Reguladons All space used fot' the sale, display j or parking
of any met'chandise or vehicles shall be confined to the property lines. No Space for the sale,
display, or pal'king of any mcfch:lfidise or vehicles shall be permitted in the dght~of~way of any
public street, unless a right~of~way use permit is first obtained. Disctetionary approvals .
required unde!' the Zoning Code may be conditioned to requite the necessary screening,
lighting, entrances, and exits for off-street parking.
17.95.J70 Political Signs. Temporary political signs associated with an election ate
exempt from the Cityls zoning regulations until fifteen (15) days a1\er the election, provided
said signs, when placed in residential zones, do not exceed thirty~twd (32) inches in height and
foul' (4) feet in width. No signs may be located within any public right-or-way or on any utiHty
17.96.010 Scope of Regulations.
17.96.020 Interptetation
17.96.lli025 Nonresidential Dwelling Prohibition.
17.96.030- Rules for Interpreting Zoning Boundaries.
17.96.040 Substandat'd Lots, Recorded Lots.
17.96.045 Zoning Lot Covenants.. Applicability. .
17.96.050 Conditiohfll Use Permit.
17.96.060 Unclassified Use Permit.
17.96.070 Hearing and Appeal of Conditional 01' Unclassified Use Permit
17.96.080 Variances and Decisions of atreetorDenartment of CommU11ity and
Ecouormc Development.
17.96.090 Filing Fees,
11.96.095 Zoning Initiation by the Planning COlt1mission.
17.96.100 Amendments.
17.96.110 Subdividing,
17.96.120 Enforcement.
17.96.125 N6t\residel1tiu1 bwdlil12, Prohibition.
17.96.130 Entry UpOl1 Private Property.
17.96.140 Notice of Public Hearings.
17.96.150 Appeals.
17.96.160 Code Revisor.
17,96.170 Z6ning Code Amendment.
17.96.180 Penalties.
17.96.010SCQpe ofRegulatiol1s.
A. AU buitdings erected hereafter, 311 Uses oflnnd ot buildings established hereafter,
all structural alteration or relocaHol1 of existing buildings occurring hereafter, all enlargements
D - 82
of or additions to existing uses occut1'ing hereafter, shall be subject to these Zoning Regulations
whiehthat are applicable to the zones in which such buildings, llses, or land shall be located.
l3. Where a building permit for a building or structure has been issued in accordance
with law prim' to the effective date of these Zoning Regulations, and provided that construction
hus begun by said date, said building or structure may be completed iti accordance with the
approved plans on the basis of which the building permit has been issued, and upon completion
may be occupied under a certificate of occupancy by the use for which originally designated,
subject thereafter to the provisions in regard to nonconforming buildings, uses, and st11lcturcs.
17.96.020 Interpretation.
A. In the interpretation and application of these Zoning Regulations, the provisions
ofthese Regulations shall be held to be the l11inimum requirements for the p1'Omotion of public
health, safety, and welfare.
B. Where the conditions imposed by any provisions of these Zoning Regulations
upon the use oflanct or buildings or upon the bulk of buildings are either more restrictive or less
restrictive than comparable conditions imposed by any other pl'Ovision of these Zoning
Regulatiotls or of any other law, ordinance, resolution, rult.:, or regulation of any kind, the
regulations which!!.:~ are most restricti ve (or whtehthut impose higher standards or requirements)
shall govern.
C. These Zoning Regulations are not intended to abrogate any easement, covenant,
or any other private agreement; PROVIDED that where these regulatiotls ate more restrictive (01'
impose higher standal'ds ot' l'equirements) thatl such easements, covenants, or other private
agt'eements, the requirements i11 these Zoning Regulations shall govert1.
D, No building, stt'ucture, or use whiehthat was not lawfully existing at the time of
the adoption ofthese Zoning Regulations shall become or be made lawful solely by reason ofthe
adoption of these Zoning Regulations, and to the exte11t and in nny manner that said unlawful
building, structure or use conflicts with the requirements of these Zoning Regulations, said
building, structure, 01' use rctnai11s unlawful.
17.96.+25025 Nonresidential Dwelling Prohibition. House tmilers. automobiles,
automobile tt'ailers; mobile homes; park model manufactured h0111es; boats, recreation vehicles,
vacation tmiters and campct's shall not be used for tesidential pU1'poses in the City OfPOli Al1geles
except il1 approved Trailer Parks 01' as permitted by Section 17.95,060 P AMC (Temporary Use
17.96.030 Rules 1'01' Intcrprctil1gZo11ing Boundaries
A. When ullce1'tainty exists us to the botmdaties OfZOl1CS as indJcated 011 the Official
Zoning Map, the following tules shalt apply:
1. BOlll1da1'ics ShOWtl on the Zoning Map us appt'oxtmately following the
center line of streets, al1eys; highways 01' City limits shall he constt'Ucd as following sLlch center
linos and City limits.
2. Distances 110t specifically indicated 011 the Zoni11g Map shall be determined
by applying the scale oftbe Map.
D - 83
j, Where a zone boundary line parallel, or approximately parallel; to a street .
divides a lot or ptOperty in single ownership having street frontage in a less restrictive zone, the
provisions applicable to the less restrictive ZOlle may be extended to the entire lot, but in no case
\ for a distance of more thal1 twenty~five (25) feet. Where such zone boundary line divides a lot
having street frontage 0111y 111 a more restrictive Z01161 the provisions of these Regulations
covering the 1hore restrictive portion of such lot shatt extend to the entire tot,
4, Where a zone boundary line divides a lot of single ownership and such line
is at right angles Of approximately at right angles to the street; highway Of place upon which said
lot fronts, the provisions of these Regulations applicable in the less restrictively zoned portion of
the lot may be extended t6 the entire lot or fOf it distance oftwenty~five (25) feet from such zone
boundary line, whichever is the lesser distance,
5, Where a ZoM boundary tine, as indicated on the Zoning Map, follows the
top or bottom of a bluff or bank, such line shall be at the point whfehthatis the average grade of
the slope for the blitlk and top, or bottonl, as determined by the City Engineer, .
H, Interp1'etatiofl on zoning boundaries shalt be made consistent with the City's
Comprehensive Plan goals, policies, and objectives,
11.96.050 .C'611.ditiot1a111sc Permit
A. The Planning Commission shalt consider appllcatJ6tlS fot Conditional Use Fermits
of uses as specified 111. the applicable Chapter of the ?A'>filng Regulatiot1si The Planning
Commission may grant said permits whiehtbat are consistent and compatible with the purpose
of the zone in which the use 1S located, oonsrstent with the ComprehefuMve Pla11, tmd not OOfitrary
t6 the public uSe ~it1d interest. The Planning Commission may refuse to issue a Cooditiooal Use
Permit if'the characteristics of the itltehded use as related to the spocifle prop6sOO gUe fife such
as would defeat the purpose of these Zoning Regulations by introducing incompatible,
detrimental, or hazardous conditions.
B. In each application the Planning Commission may impose whatever restrictions
or conditions they consider essential to protect the public health, safety, and welfare, and to
prevent depreciation of neighboring property.
C, Purpose of a Conditional Use Permit: The purpose of a. Conditional Use Permit
shall be to assure that the maximum degree of compatibility between uses shall be attained. The
purpose ofthese regulations shall be maintained with respect to the particular use ofthe particular
site and in consideration of other existing and potential uses within the general area in which such
use is to be located.
D. The federal Fair Housing Act requires that reasonable accommodations be made
in mlcs policies, practices, or services, when such accommodations may be necessary to afford
disabled people equal opportunity to use and enjoy a dwelling. The Planning Commission is
therefore authorized to make accommodations in the consideration of Conditional Use permits
for group homes for disabled persons as defined in the federal Fair Housing Act, when the
Commission determines that such accommodations reasonably may be necessary in order to
comply with such act.
17.96.060 Unclassified Use Permit.
A. The Planning Commission shall consider applications for Unclassified Use Permits
of uses possessing characteristics of such unusual, large-scale, unique or special form as to make
impractical including them in any zone of classified uses. The planning Commission may grant
said permits whidtthat are consistent and compatible with the purpose of the zone in which the
use is located, consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, and not contrary to the public use and
interest. The Planning Commission may refuse to issue an Unclassified Use Permit if the
characteristics ofthe intended use as related to the specific proposed site are such as would defeat
the purpose of these Zoning Regulations by introducing incompatible, detrimental, or hazardous
conditions. .
B. In each application the Planning Commission may impose whatever restrictions
or condition it considers essential to protect the public health, safety, and welfare, and to prevcnt
depreciation of neighboring property,
C, Purpose of an Unclassified Use Pennit: The purpose of an Unclassified Use
Permit shall be to assure that the maximum degree of compatibility between uses shall be
attained, The purpose of these regulations shall be maintained with respect to thc particular tlse
of the particular site and in consideration of other existing and potential uses within the general
area in which such use is to be located.
D, The following lises require un Unclassified Use Permit
1. Aquaculture.
2, Correctional facilities.
3, Gun dubs, skeet shoots, target ranges, and firing ranges.
4, Hydroelectric dams.
), Oil ports (facilities whieh~ will result in the recdpt of more than an
average of 50,000 barrds per day of crude or refined petroleum whtchthat has been or will be
transferred over marine waters), ~
6, Pctrolt..1.tm refineries, liquefied natural gas and Hqueficd petroleum gas
facilities, energy facilities, energy plants and their associated fadHticS Md associated
transmission facilities stich as defined in Chapter 80.50RCW.
Processing and tendering of animal byproc1ucts,
Quarrying and mining.
Refuse disposal sites; dumps, sanitary landfills, and incinerators.
Removal and processing of sand; gravel; rock, peat; black soil, and other
natul'al deposits,
11 . Transfel' stati011s for refuse and garbage.
12. Wireless communication support structures that exceed the maximum
building height specified by the particular Zone,
13. Other uses possessing characteristics of such unusual, large-scale, unique
or special form as to make itnptactical including them in any zone of classified useS.
11,96.070 llearingandAppeal of Conditional or Unclassified UsePe:rmit Applications.
A, Notice and Heating fOf C01iditional 01' Unclassified Use P.ermits. Upon filing an
application for it conditional or unc1assified use permit in which the app1ication setsforth fully
the grounds fOf; and the facts deemed to justify; the granting or a Conditional or Unclassified l) se
Permit, the planning Comil1issi011 shall give public notice; as provided in P AMC 17.96.140, of
the intention to conside1' at a public hearing the grantitig of a Conditional or Unclassified Use
The Plannitig COIilmission's decision shaH be final unless appealed to the City Council.
B. Decisions, Conditional or Uncla.~sified Use Permit decisions issued by the
Planning Commission; shall be set forth in writing and shall be accompanied by writteti findings
and conclusioM. Dec1s1otis shaH be deemed effective upon adoption of the written decisions
fil1dings; and conclusions. A 14~day appeal period shall commence upon snch adoption, On the
licXtbusiticss day foltowing the effective date oftne decision; Of as soon thereafter as practicables
the Depattment of Co111tnunity & Economic Development shall mail copies of the decision;
findit1gs~nnd conclusions to the applicant and anyone else who has in writing requested such
110tification fllld shalt place a legal 110tice of decision lti the local newspaper.
C. Appeals,
L Any person aggrieved by the decision of the Planning Commission may
appeal the decision to the City Council.
2. Appeals shall be submitted to the Department ofCotllfhuntty & EcotlOmic
Development in writing within fourteen (14) days following the date of the dech.ion.
3. The City Council shall condt1ct a closed record hearing on the appeal of
the Planning Commission;g decision. The Council's decision shall be final unless appealed to
Clallam County Superior Court in accOl'dallce with P AMC 11.96.150.
D. Pe11uits Void After One Year. All conditional or unclassified use permits shall
become void otie year fl.'om the date of granting such permits if' use of the land or huilditigs or
applying for necessary building pe1'1r1its(s) has not takehpluce in accordance with the provisions
in grmlting said requests.
E. Extensions of Approved Conditional Use Permits. Extensions of approved
coudit1ofifil uSe permits shall be considered in accordance with the same procedures as for the
otiginal permit nppHcat1011, and may be granted for a period of one to five years; provided that
the rol1owifig minimum criteda are met:
1. The use complies with the petroit cofiditiofiS.
2. There have been 110 significant, adverse chooges in c1fCttfilstances,
Upon written request for an extCl1Si011 submitted to the Department of COiTitliUlllty &
Economic Development prior to the expiration ofthe cOfiditiona1uoo permitj said conditional use
pe11l11t shall be automatically extended for ninety days to allow the City adequate time to review
the extension request.
F. Minor Amendment of Approved Conditional Use Permits.
1. Upon written request submitted to the Department of Community &
Economic Development, the Director of COhununity & Economic BevefopnHmt may approve
a minor amendment !!!av be made to an approved conditional use permit if:
u. The amendment does not increase the intensity of the use by more
than 10% of the original approval;
b. The amendment will not be materially detrimental to the public
welfare 01' injurious to property or improvements in the vicinity and zone in which the subject
property is located; and
c. The site has been posted and adjacent property owners notified
fifteen (15) days prior to the decision.
2. Any applications that are not granted a minor amendment by the Oil ectOl
of Community & Dcononrie-Deve1oI,ment pursuant to this section must obtain an amendment
through the City's n01111al conditional use permit procedure.
17.96.080 Variances and DecisionsofDepartmentDhectol ofCoillmunity and Economic
Developmffit. All requests for variances and appeals tron1 decisions of the Department B:ireetor
of Community and Economic ,Development shall be consideredhandted by the Board of
Adjustment in accordance with its powers and rules. When a variance is denied, a new
application for the same variance may not be submitted for a period of one year foIlowltlg the
denial, unless there has been a revised proposal, significant change. in circutnstances.\ or
~'lddition<ll information becomes available toin supPOli of-theI! variance. -
17 .96.090 Filing Fees. A fee for the filing and processing of applications for all permits
required by this Title shall be paid at the time an application is submitted. The amount ofthe fee
shall be as established by ordit1ance and set forth in Chapter 3.70 P AMC.
17.96.095 .. Zoning Initiation by the Planning Commission. 011 its ow11 action, 01' if
requested by the City Cout1cil, the Planning Commission shall cause to be prepared official
controls whtehthat, when adopted by ordinance by the City Council, will further the objectives
and goals ofthe Comprehensive Plan. The Planning Commission may also draft such l'egulations,
programs and legislation whichthat, in its judgment, are required to preserve the integrity of the
Comprehensive Plan and assure its systematic execution.!.-;-and-t-Ihe Planning Commission may
recommend such plans, regulations, programs and legislation to the City Council for adoption.
17.96.100. . Amendments.
^' In detetminll1g if aU amendment to these i'eguJations is needed, the City Council
shall give due consideration to the proper relationship of such amendment to the Comprehensive
Plan and the entire Zonil1g Regulations; it being the intent to retain the integrity al1d validity of
the zones herein described and to avoid any isolated spot zoning changes in the Zonil1g Map.
B. Any amendments adopted by the City Council may be modified from the fOml in
which they were advertised within the limits necessary to relate property sitch amendment or
amendments to the Zoning Regulations. Final action on such modifications shall be subject to
review and report of the Planning Commission prior to final passage by the City Counci1.
C. No application for a change ofwning of any lot, parcel or portion thereof shall be
considered by the CiwCounci1 within one year of the final action of the Council upon it prior
application coveting any of the same described land. This provision, however, shalt not impair
D - 87
the tight of the Council to ptopose by itsthett own action ntlY amendment or chahge ill the .
bOU1ldUf'ies of any of the zones in these regulations.
11,96.110 Subdividing. The City Coutloil shall review all proposed subdivisions and
shall have the power to approve or deny said plats and to require any modifications necessary to
asslu'e consistefiCy with the Comprehensive Plan, and to standiU.'ds, specifications, and regulations
established by State law, by City of Port Angeles Subdivision Regulatiol1s (Ch. 16.08 P AMC),
and by this Title.
11.96.120 Enforcement.
A. the Director of COrhl11U11ity and Economic Development shall have the authority
to enforce all provisions olthis Ordinance, Nooversight at derelictiol1 on the part of the Director
of Community and Economic Development 01' any official or employee of the City of P01i
Angeles vested with the duty or authority to issue petmlts or licenses shalllegatize, authorize,
waive or excuse the vlolatlo11 of any onhe provisions of this Title.
B. No permit or licellsc for any usc, building, or purpose shall be issued by any
official or employee of the City of Pot't Angeles if the same would be in conflict with the
provisiol1S ofthis Title or any other Ordinance now 111 force l'eferl'ing to this 'Title. Any permit
or license sO issued shal1 be null and void.
C. In the event arty person, fi1'm, or corpot'ati6Jl should use, erect, construct, move,
01' alter~ or attempt to use, erectj construct, move, or a1ter allY property, building, 01' sttucture hi
violation of the provisions ofthis Title, the same is hereby declared i1 pubtic nuisance and the City
Attorney shall have the authority to btiJig and to prosecute an aotion in arty CO\.lrt of competent
jurisdiction to elljoin sllch person, firm, or corporation f1'om continuing such use, erection,
construction, moving, Of alteting. Ifsuch use~ erection, constructiol1, moving, of alteration is .
being 01' has been accomplished, the City Attorney sha11 enjoin such persoll, firm, or corporation
from llmltltalning saJli.e.
11.96.130 EntiyUponPrivafeProperty, The Bui1di11g Official, membets of the Plannmg
Cotl1111isslon, and the Pluming Of Eng1tlCers. staff~ in the performance of their functions and
duties, may, on notiflcatiot1, except itl an emergency, enter uvon ~lfiY Itmd ftl1d make exatninations
Md surveys. Provided, that such entries and eXahiinations do fiot damage or interfere with the
use of the land by those persons lawfully entitled to the possession thereof.
1 {,96.140 Notice of Public Hearuigs. Notice of public hearings required pursuant to this
Title shall be given as follows:
A. At least fifteen (15) days prior to the date of the public hearing, the Dcpart1nent
of C01nttlUnity and EootiomfcDevelonfiient shatl cause liotice of the titl1e, place, and purpose of
the hearing to be published in the City/g officially designated newspaper.
It 111 addition to the notice given in subsection 1 j whete the pU1'Pose of the public
hearing involves fi specific site, notices shalt be givert as foHows:
1. At least fifteefi (15) days prior to the date of the public hearing, the ~
applicant shall cause fiotice of the time, place and purpose of the hearing to be posted Otl the site
in a conspicUOUtlm8fii1er in the form of a brightly colored notice on it self..stfinding sign as
prov1ded by the Department of Community Development 01' in SUc11 other form as the Department
of Comnmnity Development may direct. Tht~applicant- shall lV.OW Hit the Deprotment of
CotUifilll1ity DevtJopment=alraffid'l vit that guCh~pb5ting hMbeefi -accomplished .. ill1d thdt tLe
ttpplieant--shaH-ttSStUiwftrH responsibitrly fot teturn 01 rephtceme1~
eon:stderati-oll-wiltbe-given in the case of v,tndali~m bcyontrtho applicanfs (,ont1'o1.
2. At least fifteen (15) days prior to the date of the public hearingt the
Department of Community and Economic Development shall cause notice of the timet place and
purpose ofthe hearing to be mailed to the latest recorded real propeliy owners within at least 300
feet of the boundary of the site as shown by the records of the County Assessor. The applicant
shall provide the Department of Community and Economic Development with mailing labels
for eaeh such property owner.
17.96.150 Appeals. Any appeal of a final decision rendered by the City Council pursuant
to this Title shall be filed in Clallam County Superior Court within twenty-ono (21) days of such
final decision or be barred.
17.96.160 Code Revisor. The City's Code Revisor is authorized and directed to make
minor organizational changes to the Zoning Code necessary for codification, and to prepare for
City Council adoption a codification oftl1e entire City Zoning Code, including all Zoning Code
Amendments that have been approved by the City Council.
17.96.170 Zoning Code A111endment. Applicatioll. Any person wishing to apply for an
amendment to this Zoning Ordinance shall submit a completed application and a filing fee in the
amount set forth in Chapter 3.70 FAMC to the Department of Community and Economic
Development, together with any information necessary to comply with the requirements of the
State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) Chapter 43.21C RCW.
17.96.180 Penalties. Any persont firm, or corporation violating any provisions of this
Title shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punishable by a fine
of not more than $500 or by imprisonment for a term 110t to exceed six monthst or by both fine
and impl'is01U11ent. Such perSOl), f111nt or corporation shall be deemed guilty of a separate offense
for each and every day during any portion of which any violation of this Title is committed,
continued, or permitted by such person, firm, or c011Jorat1ont and shall be punishable as herein
Section 2.
Throughout Title 17 Code Reviser is hereby authorized to abbreviate
Department of COml11Ul1ity and Economic Development to DeED, where appropriate.
Section 3. Severabilill'.. If allY provisions of this Ordinan.ce or its applications to any
person or circumstances is held to be invalid, the remainder of the Ordinance 01' application of the
provisions of the Ordinance to othel' pe1'sons at' cl1'CU111stahces is hot affected.
ScctionA:,. Concctiol1s..
The City Clerk a.nd the codHiers of this ordinance are attthortzed to make necessary .
corrections to this ordinance including, but not limited to, the correction of the scrivener's/clerical
errorsj refetences; otdinance numbering, section/subsection numbers and any references thereto,
Section 5 -JUfcctiveDate, This ordinance, being an exercise of it power specifically
delegated to the City legislative body, is not subject to referendum, This Ordi11ance shall take
effect five days after its pubHcation by summary,
PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said
Council held on the
day of Jartuary, 2001,
,.-- -'
Becky J, Upton, City Clerk
_UU"..___ _ ~ _. _,.. ___ __,_ ~
William E, alOOf, City Attorney
PUBLISHED: Januarv ,2007.
By Summary
G;\Log.'Il_Batkup\ORDlNANCE.<;&.RESOtunO)/~\200640.Titlc j 7-Zaning. 12 I 806.Wpd
D - 90
Commercial Zoning MatrIx
Attachment B
Page 1
le$O -
Us~ CO CN .. CA .
Art galleries and museums C .P P P .d
C (Social service ag~ncy
AssIsted livIng facilities and residential 8 buIldings providIng 24-hout
care racllltes. P . N reside[1ila! oate.L . ... ...
Auto body and paint shops and auto
en<IIn&lrepalr shoPS. N N N .. C
Autoslipplv stores N u N N P .. n
Banks, FinancIal hlstltutlons, Insurance
and real estate serylco offices. P p P . P ..
tillllUmg material Slores, caDlnet shops, ;
glass stores, hardwar~ storM, lumber ..
yards, paint stores, and plumbing supply
stores. N .. .. :N N. p
BusIness and professIonal offices p. u,. . ,P P P
Business colleges, trade schools aM
personal Instruction such as musIc art
and dance schoole, '0 P P .. p
CMmlcal (IOpendency treatment and C
detoxification c~nters. N N p .
Child dav-caro conters and pre-schools p. p p p
ChurcMs C C P P
Clubs and lod(!tls N C c p
Commercial recreatIon estabHshments, ..
such as bowling alleys, thoaters (movie
and othors), skating rInks, putt-put! golf ,
courSE/S, climbing walls and arcades. N N N p
ConvOl1!1on centers, auditoriums N N N .. ,P
unvlj m reStaUrallls, cocKtalllotmglis;
and taverns which hav& direct custom&r ,
access to an alloy abuttIng resIdentially
zOMd proporty N N .c C ..
Drug stores,. phMmacl!iS N P P p
Equlpmell! Rentals N N P . P -..- ..
Farm equlpm&nt stores, garden supply
stores, ourserles, !:'J N N P
Flr,e statIons N : G C C
.. f> drive-in teWIlltants,
~o()d and ooverage liSiablishrilents . , Cocktail lounges and P driVEl-In te$lauranls, cocktail
ifl(;~Udlnq: Restaurants cafElterlas N .. p (averJ\s lotlng$S and taverns
p (Including liquor stor~s, meat
1'00d Item retail sales: delicatessens; and IIsh rrarkets, and
aroc&rv stores and bakery ShODS rt -- P 1'.180<1 strpermarkelsl slloo'ma~kets.l
Fro:ten food or cold storaqe lockers N - c c p -----
Funerathomos C . " C and mortuaries a,and m6iuaries P ancl mort(/arles .
C (aaessory 16 .'
con,venlaf/Ce or
grocery stofe
Gasoline sorvlce statIons N or,Ii/.) P d+ _ .,p ..
Goneral merchandise stores, suCh as
clothln<J and shoe stores, department
stores, second-Mnd storEls, antlql/o "
stortls, pawn shof>S, sportIng goods
storos II!Id ,,;l'iety stores, ~. .. N ... N _..._- P _. .- .h u
;, " C soo assisted living aM
GrotJp M1tili9 and ti6splc/l~ . - - (j .. " P (Qrovp Home$) N - ------. .. . le$idenlfalcala ., - .
l:lanlWlltli M9t6.9. --,-- -.-- 1'1 _h_.". 'N -.. ... . P ,~_._- .. p .., ,.~~- .-
~'()'IiIS.mo1~lS,jillKlljost$ls . .--- u. Q ..c.. ..9 P, u p ..
Hotiseliofd (iltNistlMfJs sIMes; siler; Ml
li/>pllanM Sfot9s.ltirlil/tltli sIMes; oifW(j
(jqill"i'I!liljfj..sJ6'1i~ liti<(!ltlifli~ s!MO$. U -- .- ... .Il --- ._- !?- -..--., , ji _.~- . --~ -- .~.- -- ..
Collilt.erdal OIIlCe (CO)
Com/fIe/cM /~eJgl1!JOJrIi!>Od (eN)
Collliinerdal $f;~pp~n!J OIsltlet (OSo)
COinill61C1aj Arie,iai (eA)
D - 91
Commerciallonlng MatrIx
Attllchment B
Page 2
Use CO CN ICst> . " CA
K!lnflGIS 1'1 .- N.. N c
LibrarIes 0 ~,.- p p p
L1cens!ld Imnoultdvards.. - N '. N N G
Masstrallslt tMmlnals,. N N N P
MllSSjO parlors, saunas, stMm baths,
as lirl arv lise, .' .... . . ~ N N Q
Modltal Dental ClinIcs and offlces and
labrat6rles p .p P' I'>
Modloa' SUIlPWstorell Q p p p
MlcrobreWllrles N.. 1'1 <) C
NllW and used deaJ!lrshlps of llutomoblle, '
trucks, traIlers, motorcycles, recreational
vohlc/es, tractors, boats. Including
relatod sales, loasllld, and servicing, N N N P
NurslnO and covalllscont homoil C C SGa asSisted lIVIng and
,C C resldanllai care
bff promises outdoor advertlsln" sl(tnl; N :' N N C
Off-stroot business parking strtlctures
and lots Q C t d
Other UsllS compatlbl!l "llIhthl) Intontof '.
thIs chapter ~ 0 .0 .' C
parcel dellvoNservlce lemllnalS, fI N N P
Personal service facilitieS P p P P
Prlntlntlt bluoprlntlng, photo developing ..
and rcmroductlori, N. . . ,N p: F>
PUblic Darks and re<:reatl<m facilities G . p P P
Radio stations, TV stations, and .
Mwspanor bulldlnas, If N III . ,l1
Rllconstructlon, r~moCl~lIn9 or
'mprov~ments to ~xlstlng establlshed
resldllntlal$tnlct\lr~s PrIor to Jail O't N P p P
~ecreaOoilal vehicles, vacatIon trallors;
and CRmDli(SC()(,rts Md Darks. N N N . C
Ropalr sorvll:/ls,sllcl1 as appliance
ropair, furnlshlngs repair, ShOll ropalrl
lll'ldtv lil1dstoreQ.rooalr$Clrvlc6S, N Puu P 1'-
R&sldonUal OovolODment p"(R~n;9(RI'lD) RHD RH(;) : RHIL
Salva<1tland recvclll1a 1I11l1dlnus; N. 1'1 '" ..: o u
self,sorvl<;o carWasll&s.. i'lL 0 0 . P catV/ash faer-mes
P laundrtes. commercial dry
c1salilng shOpS, set-service and
Solf.serlftelaiuldrl&s N Ii Ii '. taM( shOPs;
Shopping eontors; oxceedlng 100,000 ..
square feet In. blllldlnu h()ot IlrellL .. N , :N III C
Shopping tellters, not !ixceading1ClO,o60
sqlWe foot In bill/dIM fj6()( area, N . N N P
SIan shoes ,,--- N N ." p~ " p
Srnallllnlmal Vo.ter.1narv office. p P P P -
spoclalty shopS such as gIft, florist,
hobbY, lllltfqUG, cal1dy, ICf/ Meam, movIe
renta', bieycie, book, computot, to'h arid ,.
retail Det stores, N ~.~- P P P
1Ir1lSI\_ N. ----- -'-- 1'1 - N - P
utility .8 aM strllCtlJrtls . ._ f} -. ~'.M~ 0 C P
velllCUl8r ces DUIICllllgs, SUCh as . ,
limbuliinM serllce, automotive and ttUck
ran(als, and vehicle malntananM and
ropalr shops, ilOt Including auto body
and paInt sh6J>$ and auto engine fepalr ft.
$h!ltJ$, . ,., N " l'
~___..._. .' _....._~^~ _ "_",,__,_,",'"'"__"_"M"~"~ " .-..- -. " - " ~..,,-
WllrtJh<lustJ bulldlntiS and yards, _.'. fJ. N. ..-,'.-.-.. N .. . 1'. ~_.. . -..--. q.
WMllIsnlo stMes t~ .. :IN. N ..: '. 1'-- -- .. - -<--- +.-----"-
~tl!ll (}fflce (CO)
C<Y.ntnelc!at ~hMtM6d (eU)
CoMm9JeIa, Sh:JflJr.<~ Dis1:lti (csl>)
CQlfnlYlelda! MIJtll!1: (CA)
D - 92