HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet 02/03/1998 . I. II. III. IV. V. VI. . VII. . ._.......~ NOTE: HEARING DEVICES AVAILABLE FOR TH Becky Upton Clerk AGENDA PORT ANGELES CITY COUNCIL 321 EAST FIFTH STREET PORT ANGELES, WASHINGTON February 3, 1998 SPECIAL MEETING - 6:00 P.M. REGULAR MEETING - 7:00 P.M. CALL TO ORDER - Special Meeting ROLL CALL SPECIAL MEETING TOPIC: Executive Session ADJOURN SPECIAL MEETING CALL TO ORDER - Regular Meeting PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE APPROVAL OF l\fiNUTES of January 20, 1998 regular meeting and January 23, 1998 special meeting VIII. CEREMONIAL MATTERSIPROCLAMA TIONS: A ward presentation in recognition of "0 - 1" day sick leave usage in 1997 by City employees IX. FINANCE: 1. Change order for Downtown Watermain Project (Laurel S1. Fountain) . X. CONSENT: 1. Out-of-State travel - Chief of Police 2. Out-of-State travel- Fire Department Medical Officer to Emmitsburg, Maryland 3. Out-of-State travel- (exceeding $750) - Power Manager to attend deregulated rates school 4. Payroll- January 25, 1998 - $371,143.88 5. Check list - January 30, 1998 - $ a. Progress payment #2, Golf Course Road Sewer b. Progress payment # 10, LibralY Project XI. . ITEMS FROM THE AUDIENCE/COUNCIL/STAFF TO BE CONSIDERED OR PLACED ON TIDS AGENDA OR A FUTURE AGENDA (This is the o.ppo.rtunity far members o.f the public to. request to. speak to. specific items an the agenda.) MAYOR WILL DETERMINE TIME OF BREAK City Council Agenda February 3,. 1998 Page 2 . XII. PUBLIC HEARINGS: 1. Adoption of1998-2003 Capital Facilities Plan 2. MUNICIPAL CODE AMENDMENT - MCA - 97-03 - CITY OF PORT ANGELES- Environmentally Sensitive Areas (ESA): Amendment of the City's Environmentally Sensitive Areas (ESA) Ordinance, to further define what areas are classified as ESAs 'and how applications are processed. (Continued from January 20, 1998.) Xli. LEGISLATION: 1. ORDINANCES NOT REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS: A. Increasing lodging tax by an additional 2% B. Revising the time for beginning Council meetings from 7:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. 2. RESOLUTIONS NOT REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS: A. Revising Cuuncil Rules of Procedure to provide for committee reports and change the order of public hearings on the agenda 3. PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES/ACTION ITEMS: 4. OTHER CONSIDERATIONS: A. 1998 Goals and Objectives for the City of Port Angeles B. Agreement with United Way - administration of City's 1998 Human Services funds C. Contract with Chamber of Commerce D. Amending Humane Society Contract for 1998 E. Extension of Heckman purchase option F. City of Port Angeles' position on Legislation G. Annexation planning (verbal) . XN. ADJOURNMENT Public Hearinas Public hearings are set by the City Council in order to meet legal requirements pertaining to matters such as, land use permit applications, proposed amendments to City land use regulations, zoning changes, annexations. In addition, the City Council may set a public hearing in order to receive public input prior to making decisions which impact the citizens. Certain matters may be controversial, and the City Council may choose to seek public opinion through the public hearing process. Public Hearina Procedure: All comments must be made at the podium after the speaker first gives his/her name and address so that comments and speaker identification become part of the record. The Mayor may indicate the amount of time available for each hearing. So that all persons have an opportunity to speak, the Mayor may limit the amount of time permitteq each speaker. In making your presentation to the Council, the following format may be helpful: PURPOSE: What is the idea you wish to present? Begin with an "I statement" outlining your idea, such as, "I am here to (support/oppose)..." REASON: Why are you making this point? This is an important step so the listener does not make assumptions about your motives. EXAMPLE: Brief and relevant example to clarify and make your point concrete. SUMMARY: What condition will be changed or improved if your point is adopted? ACTION: If a ro riate, de endin on the situation. What needs to be done and who will do it? . III. IV. V. :' ;1::',;1, . - ~;,:;'_.};!-;!:;j ~:,r;'/_1,t:~';itJ%~~~:1;;~;,j;!~':> CITY OF PORT ANGELES CITY COUNCIL MEETING I. CALL TO ORDER - SPECIAL MEETING: II. ROLL CALL: Members Present: Mayor Braun Councilman Campbell Councilman Doyle Councilman Hulett Councilmember McKeown Councilman Wiggins Councilman Williams Staff Present: Manager Pomeranz Attorney Knutson Clerk Upton B. Becker S. Brodhun B. Collins K. Godbey S.Ilk J. Pittis February 3. 1998 IpjQD,Yr\ I ~ f1!2. P''''''' v/" \/ V V v ~ * V' +- ADJOURN TO EXECUTIVE SESSION: Reason: ~~), ~~ ~ af) Approximate Length: I lo~ n cW\. I ...p~la*.o ~ RETURN TO OPEN SESSION: CALL TO ORDER - REGULAR MEETING: VI. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Led by: ~flA 1\1 ~ .... ~.. /f.!1- D .'IY\, I '1cMLp.W\ . CITY OF PORT ANGELES CITY COUNCIL MEETING Attendance Roster ~ PLEASE SIGN IN DATE OF MEETING: February 3. 1998 LOCATION: City Council Chambers Please Note: IF I plan on testifying by signature below, I certify that my testimony is true and correct under penalty of perjury by the laws of the State of Washington. _Ja8IJl__ ,,;!..cL J7'/'I.fJ Leg- 7lJ ~ W. / It!- Cr5 !L City of Port Angeles OrdinancelResolution Distribution List City Council Meeting of ~+o (h. ~) I tI q <6 . ~~:f~~q'~~E;~' ~1,;?1 j City Manager City Atty. (1) Planning City Clerk Deputy Clerk Personnel Cust. Svcs. Financlb~gr. ............ Police Deot. Fire Dept. Light Dept. Pub. Works (2) Parks & Rec. MRSC (1) PDN (Summary) Extra Copies V~J...'JN\ TOTAL ~' ~.A .0.a(j . - . ('Yun\A~TJ R()F , / / I ,; / ,/ I ..~ J/ / .f) 1/ :J V / ;)( 1/ IV JV 1/ :J'./V / J ~. ) .:J/V ,1/ !2,,1 / 2/( " :),,/ / V- I V' I / 1./ A:A fVl fV\ vi "'~J tv! N\ II . j; J lYIM ~ / J./ J / 1-/ /' I x a In I/J c; / 1/ / ra \I' / IV ,/ . ;::::., . III. SPECIAL MEETING TOPIC: Executive Session . . VII. APPROVAL OF MINUTES of January 20, 1998 regular . meeting and January 23, 1998 special meeting (Page 1-4 and Page 5) . . . . . CALL TO ORDER- SPECIAL MEETING: ROLL CALL: ADJOURN TO EXECUTIVE SESSION: RETURN TO OPEN SESSION: CALL TO ORDER- REGULAR MEETING: PLEDGE OF .ALLEGIANCE: APPROVAL OF MINUTES: CEREMONIAL MATTERSI PROCLAMATIONS: FINANCE: CONSENT AGENDA: CITY COUNCIL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington January 20, 1998 Mayor BraWl called the special meeting of the Port Angeles City COWlcil to order at 6: 30 p.m. Members Present: Mayor Braun, Councilmembers Campbell, Doyle, Hulett, McKeown, Wiggins, and Williams. Members Absent: None. Staff Present: Attorney Knutson, Clerk Upton, B. Becker, S. BrodhWl, B. Collins, K. Godbey, S. Ilk, J. Pittis, and T. Smith. Public Present: No one signed in. Mayor BraWl adjourned the meeting to Executive Session at 6:30 p.m. to discuss property and potential litigation for approximately one-half hour. The meeting returned to open session at 7:05 p.m. Mayor BraWl called the regular meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at 7: I 0 p.m. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Boy Scout Troop 1461. Councilman Wiggins moved to approve the minutes of the special and regular meetings of January 6, 1998. Councilmember McKeown seconded the motion, which carried by a majority vote, with Councilman Hulett abstaining due to his absence from the special meeting. None. None. Councilmember McKeown moved to accept the Consent Agenda, including: 1) Payroll- January 11,1998 - $379,080.68; 2) Check list - January 16, 1998 - $785,903.13; and 2a) Progress Payment #3, Ediz Hook/USCG Wastewater Facilities. Councilman Hulett seconded the motion~ Following brief discussion and clarification, a vote was - 1 - n'~ .1 _ 1.1 .t CITY COUNCIL MEETING JanUary 20, 1998 ITEMS FROM THE AUDIENCE/COUNCllJ STAFF TO BE CONSIDERED OR PLACED ON A FUTURE AGENDA: PUBLIC HEARINGS: LEGISLATION: Committee Assignments taken on the motion, which carried unanimously. ~ . Mayor BraWl added ltem,.4.F. Wlder Other Considerations, Appointment of COWlcil member to Local Involvement Committee.' Municipal Code Amendment - MCA 97-03- CITY OF PORT ANGELES - Environmentally Sensitive Areas (ESA): Amendment of the City's Environmentally Sensitive Areas (ESA) Ordinance to fUrther define what areas are classified as ESAs and how applications are processed Mayor BraWl pointed out that there was an error in the packet, as well as on the agenda in describing this item. A new agenda had been distributed. He reviewed the information provided by the Planning Department and stated this item would have to be continued due to the error. Attorney Knutson agreed this item would have to be continued so the Ordinance could be correctly identified on the agenda that goes to the media. Director Collins pointed out the map which set forth the environmentally sensitive features identified to date. He responded to questions posed by the COWlcil. Mayor Braun opened the public hearing at 7 :30 p.m. There was no public testimony, and Councilman Doyle moved to continue the public hearing to February 3, 1998. Councilman CampbeU seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. J. Ordinances Not Requiring Public Hearings: None. . 2. Resolutions not Requiring Public: None. 3. Planning Commission Minutes/Action Items Planning Commission Minutes - Regular Meeting of December 10, 1997 Director Collins noted that the December 10 minutes had not been included in the packet; therefore, no action was necessary this evening. Planning Commission Minutes - Special Meeting of January 7, 1998 Councilman Doyle moved to accept tbe minutes oftbe Planning Commission meeting of January 7, 1998. Councilman Wiggins secondedtbe motion, which carried unanimously. 4. Other Considerations A. City Council Committee Assignments Mayor Braun advised the COWlcil that another representative to the Utility Advisory Committee was still needed, as COWlcilman Wiggins was Wlcertain as to availability in view of the number of meetings being held by the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee. Councilman Williams volWlteered to serve on the UAC, and COWlcilman Wiggins agreed to serve as alternate. . Parks & Recreation Director Brodhun asked for volWlteers for the Pool Renovation Comnllttee. Mayor Braun explained that due to the level of activity in making future plans -2- ''''! -"" t""\ U V .~, I . . . LEGISLATION: (Cont'd) Committee Assignments (Cont'd) Boards and Commissions Clallam County F air Board Coordinated Prevention Grant CH2MHill Agreement c:","\r",':~j: :;\ ~ ;t:';;;~;1!?::'L:' ;,'1 ~'y. '[::'~~5;~~;i:Y';~'::Aa~:'~)I.;;? CITY COUNCil-MEETING January 20, 1998 for the pool, a committee will be formed. At Councilman Hulett's request, Director Brodhun explained the composition of the Committ~ Councilmen Doyle and Wiggins offered to serve on that Committee. . Councilman Doyle asked if there was a conflict of interest in having Mayor Braun serve on the Disability Board and Firemen's Pension Board, as he is a retired fIrefighter. Mayor Braun did not. feel his service would constitute a conflict, as he was no longer a fIre department employee. However, Mayor Braun indicated he would bow to the opinio~ of the City Attorney. Attorney Knutson suggested the Prosecutor's Office be contacted for an opinion, as they are the Disability Board's legal advisor. Attorney Knutson will report back on the Prosecutor's decision. Councilmember McKeown offered to replace Councilman Wiggins on the Pool Committee at the end of May if he so desires. B. Vacancies on City Boards and Commissions Mayor Braun reviewed the information provided by the City Clerk. Following limited discussion, Councllman Wiggins moved to reappoint Linda Nutter to the Planning Commission; Julie Bondy to Board of Adjustment; Greg Bondy ,Hank Gibson, and Bill Rinehart to the Building Code Board of Appeals; and Floyd Young to the Civil Service Commission all with terms expiring March 1,2002; and further, that vacancies on the Planning, Parks and Recreation, and Civil Service Commissions be publicized via news releases and the City newsletter. Councilmember McKeown seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. c. City Representative to County Fair Board Mayor Braun reviewed the information provided by the City Clerk. Councllman CampbeU moved to recommend to the ClaUam County Commissioners that Ronald Jadasohn be reappointed to the Fair Advisory Board as the City's representative, through December 31, 2001. Councilman Doyle seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. D. Acceptance of Coordinated Prevention Grant 1998 - 1999 (Solid Waste Recycling, etc.) Mayor Braun reviewed the information provided by the Public Works Department. Director of Public Works Pittis explained why this is called a Coordinated Prevention Grant and stated the Recycling Coordinator can be active in recycling activities outside the City of Port Angeles because the State is helping defray the costs. Director Pittis further explained that this grant will also pay about half of the cost of drilling a third well as part of the landfill construction project. Following brief discussion and clarification, Councilmember McKeown moved to authorize the Mayor to execute the contract with the Department of Ecology accepting the grant funds. Councllman Campbell seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. E. CH JI1Hill Consultant Agreement for Water System Work - Addendum #2 Mayor Braun reviewed the information provided by the Public Works Department and asked Director Pittis for further input. Director Pittis reminded the Council that the City still has three reservoirs which need to be covered which will assist with corrosion control. He gave a brief history of this issue and explained how this addendum will be funded. \ ...~ r., UU...; - 3 - CITY COUNCIL MEETING January 20, 1998 LEGISLATION: (Cont'd) C~ll Agreement (Cont'd) Locallnvolvement Committee ADJOURNMENT: Councilman CampbeU moved to authorize the Mayor to sign Addendum 2 to this agreement. Councilman Doyle seconded the moti.on, which carried unanimously. . F. Local Involvement Committee Re: Tacoma Narrows Bridge Mayor BraWl stated he had received a letter from the Washington Department of. Transportation regarding the Tacoma Narrows Bridge. A process has been created whereby the public will be ~ to participate in an advi~ry vote relative to the proposed use of tolls to pay for improvements on that bridge. A Locallnvolvement Committee had been appointed and, now that all of Clallam COWlty is to participate in the advisory vote, a Port Angeles COWlcil representative to this committee is needed by March 31, 1998. Discussion followed, and Cotmcilman Wiggins felt COWlcilman Williams would be a good candidate, as this goes hand-in-hand with the Peninsula Regional Transportation Planning Organization. COWlcilman Williams agreed to accept this position. Councilmember McKeown noted with interest the EDC report on Page 147 of the Information Packet, in particular the item labeled "The Truth Behind Nike". She also asked Director Brodhun if the Martin Luther King and President's Day Tournaments were paid for with the hotel/motel tax allocation. Director Brodhun answered affirmatively and stated the Martin Luther King T omnament netted several full hotels. He felt the President's Day Tournament may be even bigger. COWlcilman Doyle directed attention to the memorandum in the Information Packet regarding the cost ofremoval of underground tanks. He noted that it cost $33,400 to . remove the Wlderground tanks from the old library parking lot, and $10,987 to remove the tanks at Ediz Hook. However, about 75% of this was recovered thanks to available grant funds. Director Pittis reminded the Council of its goal setting meeting scheduled for Friday, January 23, 1998,8:00 a.m., Room A-12 at Peninsula College. The meeting was adjourned at 8:05 p.m. Becky 1. Upton, City Clerk Gary Braun, Mayor . dO;: -4- . . . CALL TO ORDER - SPECIAL MEETING: ROLL CALL: Goals and Objectives for 1998-99 ADJOURNMENT: '?,<1;;>.?;;:~{,;.;.,;,;"i, ;~:_-?>'r,n,:';":'" CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington January 23, 1998 Mayor Brauncalled the special meeting of the Port Angeles City COlUlcil to order'at 8:00 a.in., in Room A-12 of Peninsula College. Members Present: Mayor BraWl,CoWlcilmembers Campbell, Doyle, Hulett, McKeown, Wiggins, and Williams, Members Absent: None. Staff Present: Manager Pomeranz, Attorney Knutson, B. Becker, S. BrodhWl, B. Collins, K. Godbey, S. Ilk, and 1. Pittis. Public Present: None. Goals and Objectives for 1998..,99:~er opening the meeting with a. breakfast, the Department Heads made brief presen~tions as to their departmentaLprionties for 1998. The Council 'then focused the remainder of the meeting on identifying their. goals and objectives for 1 998 and 1999. It was. agreed that all of the objectives would be collated and distributed toth.e Council members, after whichtim~ another meeting would be held for the purpose of prioritizing . ,. ;. those goals and objectives. The meeting was adjourned at approximately 2:00 p.m. Becky 1. Upton, City Clerk Gary BraWl, Mayor OJ:; U:J0 . . . . VIII. . . -------- - -- ----- - / CEREMONIAL MATTERS/PROCLAMATIONS: Award presentation in recognition of "0 - 1" day si~k leave usage in 1997 by City employees (Page- 7) T . . MEMORANDUM , ' o~~ /)-." MAN~~~ January 21', 1998 TO: Kay Godbey Steve Ilk Craig Knutson Scott Brodhun Jeff Pomeranz Jack Pi ttis Bruce Becker FROM: Bob Coons, Human Resources Manager RE: Recognition for Employees with 0-1 Days Sick Leave in 1997 I recently obtained a report on sick leave usage for calendar year 1 997. .There were twelve employees that used 0 sick leave ~ys iri 1 ~~?, and 1 J employees who used only one day of sick leave. As special recognition for this outstanding achieveme~t, the Department Heads decided to submit a Superior Performance Award for each employee. With the average usage appro~mat~!y 7-9 days peryear, depending on the Division, positive efforts to reward minimal usage is important. To this end, a check will be issued under the Superior Performance Award for $100, to the following employees. Y 0\1 will be provided the check to present to your affected employees. Finance Department Police Department Public Works Dept Carol Hagar:' Bob Kaj fasz Tanya O'Neill' Lynne Bryant' Steve Dryke Kevin Miller I Rick Crabb' Gerald Swayze. Allen Brusseau I Lou Haehnlen, Tom McCabe' Darrell Little' Bill Hale.o Doyle McGinley' Ken Money' Parks & Recreation Fire Department City Attorney Bill Peterson John Hicks Jean Hordyk. Ralph Dyker Keith Bogues' Dan McKeen' Chrys Bruneau. Bob Coons I 0' .., :j I . IX. FINANCE: 1. Change .order for Downtown Watermain Project (Laurel 8t. Fountain) . (Page 8-11) . . r1 ,ORT ~ S .~~ "Maintaining and building a better community" Jack Pittis Director {4801] Phytlls Rasler Acinlnlstrative Assistant {4800] Cate Rinehart Ac'minlstrative Assistant {4700] Bob Titus Deputy Director {4701] Ken Rldoot Deputy Director {4802] Gary Kenworthy City Engineer {4803] Steve Hursh Engineering Manager {4702] Tim Smith Contract & Project Administrator [4804] . Haehn/en r. Building Inspector [4816] Tom Sperllne Sr. Electrical Inspector [4735] Scott McLain Power Manager {4703] Ralph Ellsworth Water, Wastewater Collection Superintendent [4855] Pete Surrett Equip. SeNic9s Superintendent [4835] Mark Shamp Light Operations Manager [4731] Kevin Curtis Treat. Plant Supervisor [4845] Tom McCabe SW Collection Supervisor [4876] Steve Evans Landfill Supervisor [4873] A.ve Wilcox ~t Maintenance Supervisor [4825] i L._..i.~."'''' . MEMORANDUM DATE: FEBRUARY 3, 1998 TO: CITY MANAGER, MAypR BRAUN AND CITY COUNCIL JACK PITTIS, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS FROM: SUBJECT: CHANGE ORDER TO DOWNTOWN WA TERMAINS/SIDEWALKS for LAUREL STREET FOUNTAIN RENOVATION SUMMARY and RECOMMENDATION: The Lau~J Street Fountain can be'modified during our Downtown Watermain/Sidewalk project to incorporate the same concrete pavers and to change the space into a people place. The contractor has estimated the cost of. a change order to perform the work at $100,388. The Public Works Department recommends that the City Council approve the contract change order and the additional' 10 contract days. ISSUE: Should a Change Order for Renovation of the Laurel Street Fountain be added to the Downtown Watermain/Sidewalk Project? BACKGROUND/ANAL YSIS:The original Laurel Street Fountain was built many years ago and revised during the Downtown LID in 1980-1981. Since the revision, the drive through has been abandoned for vehicle use and we have an opportunity to turn the space into a pedestrian space and not share it with vehicles. We have been working on a design with Lindberg Architects and a copy of that design is attached. It incorporates the use of the same concrete pavers to be used for the sidewalks in the downtown project and will create a sense of continuity for the area. The Downtown Association has reviewed the plan and we have received their endorsement. The contractor has estimated the change order in the amount of $100,388, including adding 10 days to the time of construction in their contract. This change order is in excess of the dollar value that we' can authorize. We therefore request your approval of the change order. JNP:jp Disk: N:\PROJECTS\94-22WM\PROJMGT\CC_FOUNT.WPD File: 94-22 Change Orders Attachments: DCVR #32 and fountain design Copy: None O. '"' ;J ~; . \- in v \- iJ; I r/ 1:..:- L.L- I I i i \II 1 b: W -r- I I :::i It 1 ~ ~ I t~ ~~ f~ ti~ It~ J~ 1fi 3- .\1\j Ulfl ~\lI Zii ~ -4 l~ ~r m i~ ft6 ~ J~ ~lL ~l~ Ut~ ~ ~~ ~t~ ti~ ~.~ ~~ m~. -: -r I l / \. . !~ n Q ~ ~{j "1 Xl ~ - ~!~ \U~ ~~ ~l\ -~ 18 ~- ~~,~ , l U U :.-' .-\\ :~ ~: \\\. -, )., I i 1 -<{ J L . , , , , \ i~ ----r- ri. ~ ~~~ ilii':I il--- ' _ u}T - ,l~, ! ,---K ~. iI l ~ fi~ D~ t~ ~~l>> ll.>~ .---: ( ! ! , ~ ~ } \U i \ "2 -l 11 . ---- o1l[} t i~~ ~~11 , Dj~ ( ! -+- -L -- ~l ~, 5 ij fl ~ "1- I QIJ i~ ~t ~ 1~! ~k ~{) ~'J: .. -,!:.f~,:i . .:~~ ~ !,ORT ~ S r~ CITY Of.: ~ORT ANGELES PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT DESIGN CLARIFICATION I VARIATION REQUEST I FIELD AUTHORIZATION PROJECT NAME: ~~ ~ MJIrl"'/ ORIGINATOR: Rt!!n-.I ~~cS&-.I ITEM: ~~ M~/~c..A-f7l"";_~ ~L:.e ~ ,(.INo/J1~A-Ec...oW~JZ.4L- ~>, REFERENCE DRAWING OR SPECIFICATION: DESCRIPTION OF REQUEST: ~.5~ ~ /IA&toI;::::r~~.s A-GL.-e.-ol;,/~ ~ ~ ~ ~tOe.e ~~"",1W'"6 A--I&> -:rz:kE.- ,(,INe;~~ ~. PROJECT NUMBER: ~"'-zz DATE REPLY REQUIRED: /-Z;Jj- '18 _ CRITICAL TO SCHEDULE: YES_ NO j;/ P~JECTED COST EFFECTS: PROJECTED TIME EFFECTS: _ COST INCREASE [APPROX. VALUE ~.!8e. 091 _INCREASE IN CONTRACT TIME l.La.- DAYS] NO CHANGE IN PRICE NO INCREASE IN CONTRACT TIME _ COST DECREASE [APPROX. VALUE S 1 = DECREASE IN CONTRACT TIME L- DAYS] ORIGINATOR SIGNATURE: ~~~ ---- DATE: /-2 z- C7tCl OWNER I ARCHITECT I ENGINEER VARIATION REMARKS: ~RIFICATION: _ It is our opinion that this work Is not an extra to the contract and direct the contractor to perfO"" the work described per the contract documents. If you consider the above to be an extra to the contract, you must prepare and submit a detailed cost proposal and Justification. ~oUt opinion that this work will result In a need for a change order to the contract amount and/or time. You should prepare a detailed cost proposal and Justification' as soon as possible since the work will not be authorized until such data is approved. If such work is critical to the timely execution of the ~ntract, you a~e authorized to proceed subject to the work not exceeding $ --- and ~ days to the contract time. Final cost and time , changes shall be subject to the review and approval and execution of a change order. Payment for the work herein authorized will not be made prior to the execution of a change order. ' REVIEWED BY: SIGNATURE: DATE: ARCHITECT/ENGINEER /I~ CITY INSPECTOR ~ ~~ 'IV, ..n - /-zt:. '7& A ~~ I --z.,..~ -q/ CITY ENGINEER ...1.'\ ~ J\J1 ~ i\I - l-,-?-)'\~ PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR ~, "11\ 'tl~\ CITY MANAGER ,. l) COPIES TO:_OWNER _ARCH. _ENGR._MECH._ELEC._STRUCT._CIVIL _MANAGER _COUNCIL _OTHER _-"0''-02110195] DCVR NO. 3 z.. U. . Ci ..... '-' . STRIDER CONSTRUCTION. INC. 2430 E. BAKERVIEW ROAD BELLINGHAM, WA 98226 JOB NAME: PORT ANGELES DOWNTOWN 94-22 SCI No. 48 DCVR No. DESCRIPTION ... OWNER CITY OF PORT ANGELES CHANGE ORDER FOUNTAIN MODIFICATIONS PURSUANT TO LINDBERG ARCHITECTS DRAWINGS AND AS NOTED BELOW. CONCRETE DEMOLITION CONCRETE WALLS AND PLANTERS STAIR 8. TRILLlS DEMOLITION HAND RAILS IRRIGATION WOOD BENCHES TOPSOIL MISC PAINT - ALLOWANCE $500.00 COMPACTED FILL MISC ELECTRICAL - ALLOWANCE $1.500.00 DRAINAGE LINES DETAILED COST ESTIMATE IS xx ._--~- LABOR MATERIAL EQUIPMENT SUBCONTRACOR SUBTOTAL LABOR MATERIAL EQUIPMENT SUBCONTRACTOR $ 25.446.00 $ 33,634.00 $ 9,141.00 $ 15,125.00 SUBTOTAL $ 95,607.70 GRANO TOTAL INSURANCE 8. BOND 2O-Jan-98 IS NOT ATTACHED $ 25.446.00 $ 33.634.00 $ 9.141.00 $ 15.125.00 $ 83.346.00 ADO 20% 15% 15% 5% $ 5.089.20 $ 5.045.10 $ 1.371.15 $ 756.25 $ 95.607.70 $ 4.780.39 $ 100.388.09 5% WE REQUEST AN ADDITIONAL --llL- DAYS BE ADDED TO OUR CONTRACT IF YOU REQUIRE ADDITIONAL CLARIFICATION. PLEASE CONTACT ME AT 360-417-2860 ~cAd A ~.__ DONALD A RASMUSSEN PROJECT MANAGER U .; .. ; I ..... ., . . . A Port Angeles Downtown Association Terry Roth. President po. Box 582 Port Angeles. W A 98362 Phone/Fax (.160) 457-9614 February 3, 1998 Mr. Jack Pittis Director of Public Works City of Port Angeles 321 East Fifth Street Port Angeles, W A 98362 Dear Jack: The Port Angeles Downtown Association, Board of Directors, is pleased to support the concept of renovation of the area around the Dyer Memorial Fountain. The enhancement of the fountain area will provide a physical link, between public and private spaces, which is critical to the proper functioning of Downtown. Combined with the new sidewalks and crosswalks, there wiU be a consistent system for pedestrian movement throughout this area creating an inviting environment for shoppers and visitors. Downtown is much more than a collective shopping environment. It is the heart and soul of the community. The proposed renovation around the fountain will provide a "people place", an area which will help create a sense of belonging, of place, and of community. "Maintaining and building a better community" Jack Plttfs Dlrector[4801} Phyllis Rasler Administrative Assistant (4800) Cate Rinehart Administrative Assistant (4700) Bob Titus Deputy Director (4701) Ken Ridout Deputy Director (4802) Gary Kenworthy City Engineer [4803} Steve Hursh Engineering Manager (4702) Tim Smith Contract & Project Administrator (4804) Lou Haehn/en Sf. Building Inspector (4816) Tom Spertlne Sf. Electrtcallnspector (4735) Scott McLain Power Manager {4703J Ralph EllSworth Water, Wastewaler Collection Supertntendent {4855J Pete Burrett Equip. Services Superintendent {4835J Marte Shamp Light Operations Manager (4731J Kevin Curtis Tf98t. Plant Supervisor {4845J Tom McCabe SW Collection Supervisor [4876} Steve Evans Landt/II Supervisor {4873J Dave Wilcox Street Maintenance Supervisor (4825J M'EMO'RAND'U'Mc DATE: January 28,1997 TO: Jack Pittis, Public Works & Utilities Director FROM: Cathleen McKeown, Chairman, DFEC SUBJECT: Dyer Memorial Fountain The Downtown Forward Advisory Committee (DFEC) had the opportunity to learn about the proposed plan for renovation, of the Dyer Memorial Fountain and to review the draft plans. The Committee found the idea to renovate the fountain and the proposed design to do so to be supportive of the Downtown Forward effort and an excellent addition to the sidewalk and watermain project currently being implemented. DFEC would endorse an opportunity to implement plans for renovation of the fountain, pending available funding, and fully supports efforts to coordinate the proposed improvements with the wishes of the Dyer family. An opportunity to implement the plan in coordination with the existing reconstruction of the sidewalks and watermains would seem to be an efficient and possibly economical opportunity. N:\TEMP\FOUNTAIN. T JS . x. CONSENT: 1. Out-of-State travel- Chief of Police. (Page 12) 2. Out-of-State travel -Fire Department Medical Officer to Emmitsburg, !\1a.ryhind (Page 14) 3. Out-of-State travel ~(exceeding $750)'- Power Manager to attend deregulated rates school (Page 16-17) 4. Payroll- January 25, 1998 - $371,143.88 (Page 18) . 5. Check list- January 30, 1998 ~ $1,108,451.41 (P~ge 20-53) a. Progress payment #2, Qolf Course Road Sewer b. Progress payment #10, Library Project . "~''''l.',: ~O-:':5"~;";-; '; 'i ~~"'~'.:~::./:>~;;:,;:.;2::~,\ Port Angeles polic~ent fIt1e",...,m 1L ---... - Date: January 28,t~~B To: Mayor Gary Braun and Cffy Council Jeff Pomeranz,' City Manager Steve /lk. Chief of PoIi~ File From: cc: Re: Authorization for Out-of state Travel - Chief of Police Backaround: The FBI Law Enforcement Executive Development Association (LEEDA) is offering its annual executive training conference to administrative officers of police departments serving cities under 100,000 population. This conference focuses on legal updates, media for law enforcement. risk' management. liability issues, ethics. and managing supervisory teams. The training is an extension of the FBI National Academy (FBINA) which was attended by the Chief of Police in 1985. and is considered one of the premier law enforcement management training events nationwide. This conference is also affiliated with the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP). The Port Angeles Chief is also a member of the IACP. The conference is being held in Las Vegas, Nevada this year and the total cost is $807.42. Prior LEED;~ training events have been held further south or on the east coast and budgetary limitations made costs relatively prohibitive. LEEDA has obtained reduced travel and lodging rates for this conference. The conference is held in April. . The WA Chapter of the FBINAA (FBI National Academy Associates), which participates in LEEDA conferences, holds annual mini-conferences annually in state. The conference was held in Port Angeles in 1996 with over 120 members in attendance. Various officers of the Port Angeles Police Department have been active members of the FBINAA (currently the Chief and Deputy Chief). Recommendation: It is recommended that the Chief of Police be authorized to attend this annual conference in Nevada. . U '.' I"') ..L '- . #004-1998 MEMORANDUM Coral Wheeler Administrative Assistant ext 4650 Bruce W. Becker . Fire Chief ext 4651 Daniel K. McKeen Fire Marshal ext 4653 L. Keit.h Bogues Training Officer . ext 4652 James B. (Duke) Moroz Medical Officer ext 4665 360-417 -4655 . .-{ DATE: January 23, 1998 TO: Mayor Gary Braun and the City Council, Members FROM: Bruce Becker, Fire Chief ~~ RE: Out of State Travel Approval ISSUE: Should the City Council allow the Fire Department Medical Officer, Duke Moroz, to attend a two-week emergency medical service management class at the National Fire Academy in Emmitsburg, Maryland? RECOMMENDATION: The Fire Department would recommend allowing the Medical Officer to attend the National Fire Academy for EMS management training. All costs are fully reimbursed except for food. BB/cw U. ,. .L ~.I .U.L =; . . . r . . . , -l. CITY OF PORT ANGELES - PUBLIC WORKS & UTILITIES MEMQRANDUM "Maintaining and Building a Better Community" DATE: February 3, 1998 . TO: City Manager Pomeranz, Mayor Braun FROM: Jack Pittis, Director of Public Works RE: Travel request for unbundled cost 0 ice training seminar/workshop. SUMMARY and RECOMMENDATION: The Engineering division of the Public Works Department is requesting permission to send the Power Manager to the UnbundlEtd.Cost of Service and Rate Design seminar/workshop. The primary purpose of this seminar and workshop is to train personnel in the acceptable practices for unbundling various services provided in the delivery of electrical power. . This will soon be a requirement under either State or Federal legislation. Total cost for this travel request is $1176 as outlined below. It is recommended that the Council approve this travel request. BACKGROUND AND ANALYSIS: Deregulation of the electric utility industry will soon mandate.that our rates for electric power be unbundled and priced according to the various components. This will allow customers to compare costs of various components and choose to buy each component from the provider that they prefer. This seminar/workshop will provide training on .the industry accepted methods for unbundling our costs and will also provide, as part of the workshop, a computer model for the City to use to develop our own unbundled rates. The itemized costs of the 3-day seminar/workshop are as follows: Registration: Lodging Meals Mileage Total Cost $900.00 $126.00 $ 90.00 $ 60.00 $1176.00 City policy requires any travel request exceeding $750.00 to be approved by the City Council. Jack Pittis, Director Phyllis Rasler, Administrative Assistant Tim Smith, Contracts Administrator Bob Titus, Deputy Director Cate Rinehart, Administrative Assistant Gary Kenworthy, City Engineer Steve Hursh, Electrical Engineering Manager Scott Mclain, Power Manager Ken Maike, Conservation Manager Lou Haehnlen, Sr. Building Inspector Tom Sperline, Sr, Electrical Inspector' Ken Ridout, Deputy Director Dale Warner, Street Superintendent Bob Jones, Solid Waste Superintendent Ralph Ellsworth. Water Superintendent Pete Burrett, Equip. Services Superintendent Mark Shamp, Light Operations Manager Ui.G I 81/28/98 ZZ:89 JAN-20-8B 10:48 TYPE COHPABY BAHE->POBT ABGELES CITY LIGHT FROM-NWPPA 300-254-5731 T-835 P.OZ 8821 F-423 . _....- . Northwest PUblic Power AS6ociation Unbundled Cost of Service and Rate Design Join NWPPA Man;h .-4, 18"8 in 'l'lIOoma6lfe, Washingto" Seminar Outline: . Ch~ Electric Utility Environment . Introduction and ReView of Setting Rates . Revenue Requirements i. Cost of Service 0ve1'V1ew . Develop~ Load Data. . Ttme Differentiated CoSWli Principles . r.la ~stfkation Techniques , i. A.ll~tioT1 Tf'C'hniques . Rate D~ig1'1 . Unbundled Rate ~tgn . How to ~ffectively Organi7" $I Rl'ltP ~t1lCty . Case Study Instructors: Gary saleba. Pres1dem Gall T'cUxmc. V1c..-c Pr6iiut:'ul EES CUl.l~ulung. me. Dcll~"Uc. Washington Seminar and Hotellnformationl Best Western Executive Inn 5700 PaCific HiSbWay East Tacotna/F1fe. Washington 984'>-4 25.:~922-0080 Room Rates: 874 smgle/double Make your reservations before 2/5/98 for these spec1al rates. WhO ShOUld Attend 'lb1s semmar 19 thVlded into two chSUIll:l ~~uon~ -- Cost of ~Mce wId RaLt' De-$igll. Board MC:~l'~. CO&luulssionus, Managers and f'-U'lCtional Department Heads will find the first day-and-a.-balf' useful. Ind1VidWlls involved m the ccono=tc implications, tinancial impa.c~ and marketing aspecu of rate design fot the utility will find the second day and a half most l.1tOf"iiJl Individuals who ~~d ~ Thorough rPview of the ratt' l'mRl~;~. degign and implementation process will :find both sections benefiCial. Participants can register for one or both of the sections. Overview! Thp. fl1"~t nl'ly.anrl.a.half of this session will be spent discussing the theoretical and mechanical aspects of an unbundled cost of service and Tate design study. Dun.ng this time partiCipants will . develop an understanding of the theory surrounding unbundling of rates, and develop unit costs by function (e.g. generation. transmission, distribution,' etc.) by customer class or rate schedule. These unit costs will then l)e transformed moo unbundled reta1l rates Wh1.Ch can be used. cUrectly 111 ~ fCUUl aL'l.'t:~ c:IIV1rUWll~l1L. nWi fu $t ~ectiOl'lls in a ~minm- setting. The ~oncl clay-and-a-balf ~'i1l be spent in a workshop setting. Workshop leaders will pre.. load an unbundled co9t of ~"rvI~f"Jnltf" of"!'lien moo,.\ m~ing MiC'roMft EXCE"l on several C'omputers. The capabilities of the model will be expertenced by demonstratiIlg a generic unbundled cost of service/rate des~ study. At the end of this sect1On, each participant will be given a data d1sk for the. model to use/update at their own. location. Course Schedule Section 1 . March 2 - 8:30 a.m. to 4:40 p.rn. and March 3 - 8:30 a.m. to Noon. Secnon 2 - March 3 - 1:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. ana March 4 - 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. . U .i ..; ;. i<>'~'\ :ijt'~~~-,Y';'-< 1il1- ' ~-:':~:-ifj,;<j~;;:;,,:;\'>~:'i:~-;;~-"" . AUTHORIZATION TO TRANSFER FUNDS Transfer.to Payroll Fund for Pay Period Ending 01-25-98 Mayor/Council 2,600.00 City Manager 5,067.16 Human Resources 3,977 .40 Finance. 26,974.81 City Attorney 7,443.69 Planning 5,982.10 Police 85,099.31 FirelMedic r 50,556.67 Utility Services 46,007.21 Park/Recreation 29,742.75 Cemetery 1 ,267.55 Total General Fund 264,718.65 Street 14,022.70 . Light 26,022.22 Water 19,754.58 Wastewater 10,036.33 Solid Waste 19,075.52 Equipment Services 7,235.22 Information Services 4,880.34 Firemen's. Pension 1,150.32 Esther Webster Trust 4,248.00 Total Payroll 371,143.88 . . r-. ULU " ; . V.. ,) . . . _98/01/30-11:01 City of Port Angeles January 30 1998 Page 1 . CHECK REGISTER - Date From 01/17/98 To 01/30/98 Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount Number Name Number Number 001 43542 Brooke & Assoc Inc., Robert 18092 Virco chair feet 1 237??oo 6.84- 43545 C & H Distributors Inc. 03004 Cabinet 1 2370000 3.00- 43560 Digicad Corporatio" 04084 Tape drive, expedite repair 1 237??oo 42.02- 43591 National Fire Protection Assn 14005 Fire safety books, pamphlets 1 237??oo 8.94- 43625 Stoffel Seals corporation 19370 Fi re badges' 1 237??oo 12.64- 43631 WA State Patrol - WASIS 23281 Criminal history-Kaehler 1 2295000 24.00 Criminal history-VanStan 1 2295000 24.00 43636 Washington (Rev), State of 23118 4th Qrtr Excise Tax return 1 2373000 2,314.86 4th Qrtr Excise Tax return 1 237??oo 884.93 4th QrtrExcise Tax return 1 2371000 846.97 4th Qrtr 1997 Leasehold Excise 1 2375000 3,028.50 4th Qrtr Excise Tax return 1 2372000 2,517.94 43664 Clallam County Treasurer 03075 CVCA remittance for Nov97 1 2294000 131.91 CVCA remittance for Dec 97 1 2294000 143.15 43677 Gall's Inc. 07027 Pistol locker 1 2370000 3.64- 43735 WA State Patrol - WASIS 23281 Criminal history-K Pressley 1 2295000 24.00 Criminal history-E Costa 1 2295000 24.00 Criminal history-L Allen 1 2295000 24.00 Criminal history- d Harkmam 1 2295000 24.00 43740 Washington State Treasurer 23120 Nov 97 Dist Ct remittance 1 2293000 6,658.46 . Dec 97 Revenue remittance 1 2293000 6,807.82 Dec 97 Revenue remittance 1 2291000 429.00 Total for Department 23,830.46 0001 43531 Black Graphic Design, Laurel 02044 Business materials design 111 4150 300.00 43543 Brooks, Gary 02277 Reimburse-modem for B Coons 113 3101 108.59 43547 City Treasurer 03062 Petty cash reimbursement 111 4155 20.00 Petty cash reimbursement 111 4155 20.00 Petty cash reimburseme~t 111 4155 20.00 Petty cash reimbursement 111 4155 20.00 Petty cash reimbursement 111 4155 20.00 Petty cash reimbursement 111 4155 20.00 Petty cash reimbursement 111 4155 20.00 Petty cash reimbursement 111 4155 20.00 Petty cash reimbursement 111 4155 20.00 Petty cash reimbursement 111 4155 20.00 Petty cash reimbursement 112 3101 11.22 43572 Griffin Envelope Inc. 07022 Envelopes - 10 window 111 3101 46.50 Envelopes - 10 window 113 3101 11.63 43635 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 December billing 111 4210 16.22 December billing 113 4210 16.17 December billing 111 4210 5.39 43663 City Treasurer 03062 Petty cash reimbursement 111 3101 6.25 Petty cash reimbursement 112 3101 16.19 . Petty cash reimbursement 112 3101 7.00 Petty cash reimbursement 112 3101 5.36 Petty cash reimbursement 112 3101 13.00 I ,-......... 43715 Port Angeles Journal Online 16369 1998 Subscription 111 4901 U,:..., l.) 50.00 43728 Townsend Communications Inc. 20009 Internet dialup main 111 4210 30.00 43731 US West Communications 21001 1-14 Bi LL ing 111 4210 75.46 .98/01/30-11 : 01 City of Port Angeles January 30 1998 Page 2 CHECK REGISTER . Date From 01/17/98 To 01/30/98 Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount Number Name Number Number 1-14 Billing 113 4210 75.46 1-14 Billing 111 4210 25.16 43738 Washington City/County Mgmt An 23044 Membership dues-J Pomeranz 111 4901 ,95.00 Total for Administration 1,114.60 0002 43547 City Treasurer 03062 Petty cash reimbursement 230 3101 26.96 43555 Credit Bureau of Clallam Co 03094 Trade report,membership fees 240 4150 36.11 43572 Griffin Envelope Inc. 07022 Envelopes - 10 window 201 3101 93.00 Envelopes - 10 window 240 3101 58.12 Envelopes - 10 window 230 3101 11.62 Envelopes - 10 window 240 3101 1,504.54 43588 Microflex Inc. 13203 1998 TaxtooL reports 230 4150 1,303.20 43605 Pitney Bowes Inc. 16018 EMS5 Scale pe 12-31 205 4530 106.83 43611 Radix corporation 18004 January 98 Maintence pmt 240 4150 283.81 43635 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 December billing 201 4210 26.95 December biLling 230 4210 37.74 December bi Ll ing 240 4210 43.05 43636 Washington (Rev), State of 23118 4th Qrtr Excise Tax return 230 4950 229.29 43642 Xerox corporation 24001 Meter usage 11-20-97/12-20-97 205 4810 435.15 43731 US West Communications 21001 1-14 Billing 201 4210 125. 1-14 Billing 230 4210 176. 1-14 Bil Ling 240 4210 200.88 Tota L for Finance 4,699.11 0003 43552 CompLete Line, The 03087 Grey stooL 311 3101 71.81 43554 Coughenour, Brian PauL 03378 Attorney fees-Marquette 311 5090 146.25 43572 Griffin EnveLope Inc. 07022 EnveLopes - 10 window 311 3101 11.63 43579 InLand Pacific 09026 Re-inlcing fLuid 311 3101 7.46 43582 K. M. Pena & Associates 16357 Interpretation svcs-Moreno 311 5090 165.50 Interpretation svcs-Moreno 311 5090 82.75 43587 Michie 13118 WA Admin Law Prac Man Iss #7 311 3101 56.91 WA EmpLoyment 3E issue #5 311 3101 55.29 43621 Solutions Group, The 19476 Tabs, Labels 311 3101 852.37 43635 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 December biLLing 311 4210 21.56 43640 West Group 23018 WA appelLate reports 311 3101 23.47 1998 CumuLative parts for RCW 311 3101 540.04 1998 WA practice series V14,15 311 3101 35.61 washington Supreme Reports 311 3101 23.47 43654 AngeLes Temporary Services 01076 D Schie pe 1-15 311 4150 232.30 43731 US West Communications 21001 1-14 BilLing 311 4210 100.62 Total for Atty Wastewater 2,427.04 0004 43544 Builders Hardware & supply Co. 02071 Brackets 411 4810 1:. 43547 City Treasurer 03062 Petty cash reimbursement 411 3101 43572 Griffin EnveLope Inc. 07022 EnveLopes - 10 window 411 3101 11. Envelopes - 10 window 411 3101 11.63 43603 Peninsula Section 16087 Registration-Winter Conference 411 4310 ; I' ~ 150.00 \.) ... .. 43635 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 December bil Ling 411 4210 21.56 ,c' ,,":ii' ,":, ';:' ,~;;:t~::;1:fi'~},~' " ';Y~'~2},1 .:,::1- _98/01/30-11:01 ~;~, ,{ City of Port Angeles January 30 1998 . CHECK REGISTER Date From 01/17/98 To 01/30/98 Fnd Dpt Check Number Vendor Name Vendor Number 43663 43728 43731 City Treasurer Townsend Communications Inc. US West Commvnications 03062 20009 21001 ()CI)5 43539 Blumenthal Uniforms & Equipmt 02047 43614 Roto Rooter Plumbers 18229 43635 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 43658 Brodsky's Uniforms 02219 43661 Camera Shop, The 03156 . 43670 Cutting Edge Training 03413 43696 LEEDA 12000 43703 Micro Data 13052 43728 Townsend Communications Inc. 20009 43731 US West Communications 21001 43737 Washington (umemp), State of 23178 0006 43540 Bogues, Keith 02165 43545 -C & H Distributors Inc. 03004 43556 Curtis & Sons Inc, L. N. 03098 43586 Life Assist 12202 43591 National Fire Protection Assn 14005 43599 OLympic Mountaineering Inc. 15016 43601 Our Designs Inc. 15116 43612 Red Rose Travel Inc. 18006 43617 SeaWestern Inc. 19104 43625 Stoffel Seals Corporation 19370 43635 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 43649 Acordia Northwest Inc. 01265 . 436n Gall's Inc. 07027 43726 Sanders, Mike 19336 43731 US West Communications 21001 43748 Ziegler, Kelly G. 26208 Description GL Code Number Petty cash reimbursement Internet dialup main 1-14 Billing 411 3101 411 4210 411 4210 Total for Planning Gloves, glove case, pants 530 2080 Gloves, pants, boots 530 2080 Shirt, emblem, insignia. 53020BO Cuff case, areosol 530 2080 Uniform,emblem,coverall,badge 530 2080 Pants, shirt, emblem, insignia 530 2080 Emblem, insignia, shirt 530 2080 Ink remover towelettes 534 3101 Latex gLoves 534 3101 Unplug toilet 584 4150 December billing 534 4210 Hat 530 2080 Hat, trousers 530 2080 Badge clips 5343101 Class registration,for Police 530 4310 1998 Annual dues-Chief Ilk 511 4901 Criminal Version #1 form 534 4960 Internet dialup main 530 4210 1-14 Billing 534 4210 1-20 Billing 5344210 4th Qtr unemployment charges 530 2060 Total for Police' supplies 611 3101 684 3120 641 3111 641 3111 643 3101 643 3101 643 3101 642 3101 641 3101 644 3111 611 4310 641 3101 642 3101 641 4210 644 4901 643 3101 641 2080 641 4210 645 4310 Reimburse-purchase of Cabinet Fireline coat, overpant FireLine overpant Rico liners, syringe, shelf Credit stretcher shelf Najo board, backboard Fire safety books, pamphlets Edge roller Vol Fire Dept Member Emblem Airfare C Wheeler to Spokane Valves, valve disk, 0 ring Fire badges December billing Accident coverage renewal Pistol locker safety toe boot 1-14 Billing Tuition reimbursment " .~ U ~..~ Total for Fire Page 3 Amount 18.30 30.00 100.62 365.67 159.10 297.46 105.52 33.75 374.43 183.57 52.83 68.16 49.20 78.n 53.91 388.29 133.28 57.32 474.00 25.00 850.33 30.00 251.56 421.39 593.24 4,681.11 31.45 40.91 2,087.32 396.39 117.90 35.30- 339.92 122.04 248.17 60.35 84.00 52.44 172.64 59.22 793.39 49.62 205.34 276.35 182.18 5,284.33 _98/01/30-11:01 City of Port Angeles January 30.1998 Page 4 CHECK REGISTER - . Date From 01/17/98 To 01/30/98 Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount Number Name Number Number 0007 43535 Angeles Temporary Services 01076 Shie, Dora PE 01-15-98 711 4150 40.40 43547 City Treasurer 03062 Petty cash reimbursement 711 4210 6.40 43552 Complete Line, The- 03087 Cartridges, color bond 711 3101 821.45 Dry erase board, marker, eraser 711 3101 47.63 43572 Griffin Envelope Inc. 07022 Envelopes - 1~ window 711 3101 34.88 43585 Larry's Janitor Service 12040 Janitorial supplies 784 3101 396.08 43589 Minolta Business Systems Inc. 13284 Service microfilm reader 711 4810 254.87 43595 Northwestern Territories Inc. 14017 Svcs pe 12-20-Proj 94-22 pmt#6 711 4150 795.89 43604 Peninsula Sweepers 16367 Sweeping City Hall 784 4150 29.67 43619 Seminars & Company 19479 1997 Building Code Study Guide 711 3101 59.00 43630 Viking Office Products 22054 Binder 711 3101 13.00 Duster, reinforcements, cover 711 3101 43.43 43635 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 December billing 711 4210 80.79 43663 City Treasurer 03062 Petty cash reimbursement 711 3101 32.34 Petty cash reimbursement 711 4310 18.00 43668 Complete Line, The 03087 Ink cartridge 711 3101 624.02 Ink cartridges 711 3101 559.74- 43679 Graphic Products Inc. 07050 Letter size laminated pouches 711 3101 90.59 43688 ICBO 09001 97 UBC Looseleaf Volume 1 711 4990 129.89 43708 North Peninsula Bldg. Assoc. 14010 1998 Membership dues-Building 711 4901 100.00 43731 US West Communications 21001 1-14 Billing 711 4210 376. 43733 Viking Office Products 22054 Coated paper,pencils,jet print 711 3101 67. Dater stamp, binders 711 3101 53.90 Total for Public Works 3,557.38 0008 43535 Angeles Temporary Services 01076 C Kochanek pe 1~15 866 4150 464.70 43542 Brooke & Assoc Inc., Robert 18092 Virco chair feet 861 3120 93.34 43544 Builders Hardware & Supply Co. 02071 Locks, cams, keys 862 3120 432.89 43548 Clallam cooperative Assn Inc. 03063 Wheel drive spreader 865 4150 26.98 43561 Echelon Engineering Inc. 05155" City Pier inspection 97-2005 865 6310 12,000.00 43570 Grainger Inc. 07015 Platform truck, castors, wheel 862 3120 254.62 Canopy fixture 861 3120 142.99 Caster swivel 862 3120 54.79 Electric contactors 862 3120 379.56 43572 Griffin Envelope Inc. 07022 Envelopes - 10 window 861 3101 11.63 Envelopes - 10 window 811 3101 34.88 43574 Harbor/Olympia Monument Works 08222 Marker- Hilden 866 3401 187.00 43592 NorMed 14008 Face shields 862 3101 58.84 43598 Olympic Memorial Hospital Aux. 15145 Damage deposit refund 865 9457 97.19 43609 Quiring Monuments Inc. 17001 Marker-Fisher,vase,foundation 866 3401 429.00 Marker inscription-Bingaman 866 3401 65.00 Foundations, setting fees 866 3401 1,030.00 43629 US West Communications 21001 1-8 Billing 866 4410 147.70 43633 Wa. Rec. & Park Assn. (WRPA) 23034 Register-Aquatic Operator Cert 862 4310 195.00 43635 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 December billing 811 4210 16. December bill i ng 861 4210 21 December billing 862 4210 5. December billing 863 4210 : t r:., 5.39 December billing 865 4210 v...0 26.95 December bill i ng 866 4210 10.78 , C e]>' < ~~'~;~~\H{~;,1--- ;u;'c);J j;-~,' _ 98/01/30-11 :01 City of Port Angeles January 30 1998 Page 5 . CHECK REGISTER - Date From 01/17/98 To 01/30/98 Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount Number Name Number Number 43636 Washington (Rev), State of 23118 4th Qrtr Excise Tax return 866 9430 114.70- 4th Qrtr Excise Tax return 866 9435 82.90- 4th Qrtr Excise Tax return 866 9436 47.73- 4th Qrtr Excise Tax return 866 9426 70.37- 4th Qrtr Excise Tax return 866 9430 121.98- 4th Qrtr Excise Tax return 866 9434 93.81- 4th Qrtr Excise Tax return 862 9450 300.00- 4th Qrtr Excise Tax return 862 9452 60.00- 4th Qrtr Excise Tax return 862 9454 22.50- 4th Qrtr Excise Tax return 862 9455 5.40- 4th Qrtr Excise Tax return 865 9457 192.00- 4th Qrtr Excise Tax return 862 9451 43.00- 4th Qrtr Excise Tax return 862 9626 5.58- 43641 Wynne, Bonnie 23385 Purchase cemetery plot 866 9430 157.00 43652 American Red Cross 01032 Pocket mask valves, filters 862 3101 40.00 43663 City Treasurer 03062 Petty cash reimbursement 862 3101 12.99 Petty cash reimbursement 862 3101 24.98 Petty cash reimbursement 862 3101 25.98 Petty cash reimbursement 862 3101 28.48 43713 Penic, Shelley A. 16368 Aquatics Instr course-S Penic 862 4310 185.00 . 43721 Quiring Honuments Inc. 17001 Drawing-Welker 866 3401 5.00 Harker-Johnson,foundation,vase 866 3401 414.00 Harker-Kemp, foundation 866 3401 447.00 Harker-Hall, foundation 866 3401 339.00 Harker-Phillips, foundation 866 3401 234.00 43723 Reifenstahl, Patty 18180 Reimbursement - adding machine 862 3101 40.99 43731 US West Communications 21001 1-14 Billing 862 4210 44.93 1-14 Billing 811 4210 75.47 1-14 Billing 861 4210 100.62 1-14 Billing 862 4210 25.16 1-14 Billing 863 4210 25.16 1-14 Billing 865 4210 125.78 1-14 Billing 866 4210 50.31 1-14 Billing 865 4210 32.08 1-14 Billing 862 4210 36.37 43737 Washington (umemp), State of 23178 3rd Qtr unemployment charges 8652060 1,938.90 3rd Qtr unemployment charges 862 2060 .01 4th Qtr unemployment charges 865 2060 224.14 4th Qtr unemployment charges 863 2060 2,180.64 43739 Washington Interment Assn. 23048 98 Hembership dues- Cemetery 866 4901 80.00 43741 Washington State University 23009 1998 Recertification-J White 865 4901 60.00 43742 Watermill Inc., The 23010 Sodium b;carbonate,hypchlorite 862 3120 711.34 Total for Parks & Recreation 22,697.71 1.01 Total for General Fund 68,657.41 43606 Port Angeles Chamber Of Comm. 16023 December 1997 Operations Reimb 115 5082 2,964.00 . 'J Ow .;:: Total for Convention Center Fund 2,964.00 _98/01/30-11 :01 Fnd Dpt Check Number 102 0007 104 0002 107 0005 109 0005 310 0007 0008 314 0007 City of Port Angeles January 30 1998 Vendor Name 43636 washington (Rev), State of 43623 43635 43636 43644 43660 43717 43731 Star Rental & Parts Washington (DIS), State of Washington (Rev), State of Zumar Industries Inc. Builders Hardware & Supply Co. Pro Rentals Inc. US West Communications 43607 Port of Port Angeles 43578 IBM Corporation 43635 Washington (DIS), State of 43647 APCO International' 43722 Red Rose Travel Inc. 43731 US West Communications 43665 Clallam County YMCA CHECK REGISTER Date From 01/17/98 To 01/30/98 Vendor Number 23118 19183 23111 23118 26001 02071 16034 21001 16027 09020 23111 01158 18006 21001 03076 43584 Kitsap Bank 43595 Northwestern Territories Inc. 43610 R. V. Associates Inc. 43714 Perkins Coie LLP 11139 14017 18268 16370 43597 Olympic Drywall Supplies Inc. 43627 Sunset Do-It Best Hardware 15023 19035 43682 Halberg Pacific Appraisal svcs 08049 43684 Heckman, James C 08016 Description GL Code Number 1997 Excise Tax return 1997 Excise Tax return 102 2370000 102 2371000 Total for Department Belt guard, plate, axle, shaft 752 3501 December billing 752 4210 1997 Excise Tax return 752 4950 Babe Ruth Championship signs 752 3125 Fast bond contact adhesive 752 3101 Plate compactor, asphalt blade 752 3501 1-14 Billing 752 4210 Total for Public Works Total for Street Fund Valley Creek Construction 220 4150 Total for Community Development Fund Sys unit 8MB maimt Jan 98 December billing Membership - D AltfiLish N Wu to Walla WaLla 2-4-98 1-14 BilLing 1-23 Billing 532 4810 532 4210 532 4901 532 4310 532 4210 532 4210 Total for Pen Com Contract Path Grant funds 541 4150 Path Grant funds- Teen Center 541 4150 Total for P. A. Teen Help Retainage Escrow #0187718620 781 4150 Prof svcs pe 12-20-LID 215 p11 781 4150 LID #215 contractor payment #2 781 4150 Prof svcs pe 12-31-Transprt Ct 777 4150 Total for Public Works MR Board Pipe 895 3101 895 3101 TotaL for Parks & Recreation TotaL for CapitaL Improvement Fund Appraisal Svcs-Harbor Tavern Purchase option extension 715 4150 715 6101 U~J Page 6 . Amount 1,264.54 50.70 1,315.24 384.04 16.17 3.02 136.25 148.32 2,649.97 75.47 3,413.24 4,728.48 37,000.00 37,000.00 19. 53.83 32.00 166.00 251.20 47.81 747.87 7,352.08 2,888.71 10,240.79 4,424.19 7,728.90 91,049.83 660.00 103,862.92 66.92 88.14 15~ 104,01. 2,200.00 .20,000.00 98/01/30-11:01 . Fnd Dpt Check Number 321 0007 401 . 0009 . City of Port Angeles January 30 1998 Vendor Name 43709 North Sound Bank 43716 Primo Construction Inc. 43534 ABB Power T&D Company Inc 43547 City Treasurer 43557 Daishowa America LTD 43562 Everwarm Inc. 43569 Gish, Shannon 43573 Hanchett, Kevin 43575 Hicks, Merritt 43577 Hutchinson, John 43632 WESCO Distribution Inc. 43639 Waters, Shirley 43655 Benda, Dorothy 43663 City Treasurer 43667 Commanding Officer (FP) 43673 Evert, Waldo 43679 Graphic Products Inc. 43685 Holman, Shane 43686 Hurd, Larry 43687 Hynh, Tai 43695 Kenealy, Patrick 43724 Rhoads, Mrs. A. 43746 Woods, William 43534 ABB Power T&D Company Inc 43547 City Treasurer 43555 Credit Bureau of Clallam Co 43616 S&C Electric Company 43626 Stoner Associates Inc. 43629 US West Communications 43635 Washington (DIS), State of 43637 Washington (Stores), State of 43642 Xerox Corporation 43644 Zumar Industries Inc. 43678 General Pacific Inc. 43712 Olympic Synthetic Products CHECK REGISTER Date From 01/17/98 To 01/30/98 Vendor Number 14177 16033 01321 03062 04002 05013 07244 08308 08309 08310 23150 23384 02352 03062 03414 05156 07050 08311 08312 08313 11144 18274 23387 01321 03062 03094 19051 19394 21001 23111 03131 24001 26001 07034 15064 43718 Professional Cartridge Care/WA 16324 43719 Public Utility Dist Clallam Co 16038 Description GL Code Number Total for Capital Improvement Fund Escrow acct #750800542 Library proj #9419 pmt 10 716 4150 716 4150 Total for Library Construction Fund Repair meter 401 2370000 Petty cash reimbursement 401 2451000 Petty cash reimbursement 401 1343300 Petty cash reimbursement 401 1343300 Energy Smart Design incentive 401 1342000 Weatherize incentive-Kavanaugh 401 1344000 Utility deposit rfd-043095030 401 2131100 Utility overpmt rfd-026476015 401 1222200 Utility overpmt rfd-088463017 401 1222200 Utility overpmt rfd-032522029 401 1222200 5 Dial Meters 401 1414000 Weatherwize incentive 401 1344000 Utility ovrpmt rfd-010375oo1 401 1222200 Tank rebate- P Vizzi 401 1343300 Tank rebate-L Rohlfing 401 1343300 Utility ovrpmt rfd-098264oo1 401 1222200 Heat pump rebate-W Evert 401 1344000 Letter size laminated pouches 401 2370000 Utility deposit rfd-093882006 401 2131100 Utility ovrpmt rfd-000892oo1 401 1222200 Utility deposit rfd-049956029 401 2131100 Utility ovrpmt rfd-007978013 401 1222200 Utility ovrpmt rfd-091p81001 401 1222200 Utility deposit rfd-40121311oo 401 2131100 Total for Department Repair meter 911 4810 Petty cash reimbursement 911 3101 Trade report,membership fees 911 4150 Cap screw, handle assembly 911 3402 Distibution software 911 4530 1-05 billinb 911 4210 1-02 Billing 911 4210 December billing 911 4210 File folders, clear labels 911 3101 5065 Copier lease agre-Jan 911 4530 Customer Commitment sign 911 3101 Wire 750MCM 911 3403 Re-web synthetic.product 911 3101 Lug all yellow straps 911 3101 Clean HPIIp printer 911 4810 Service SR 101 & Euclid Avenue 911 4710 Service Lauridsen & L 911 4710 . I v ... t) Page 7 Amount 22,200.00 21,412.10 440,661.02 462,073.12 7.90- 8.00 25.00 25.00 509.00 728.33 23.84 159.04 11.60 18.66 2,892.98 359.19 200.00 25.00 25.00 3,608.32 250.00 6.64- 14.88 550.00 204.43 86.00 300.00 250.00 10,259.73 107.80 28.46 67.75 465.07 2,500.00 35.24 60.42 145 .09 31.00 854.41 153.93 5,450.42 22.36 51.79 70.14 16.90 20.46 ,----- _ 98/01/30-11 :01 City of Port Angeles January 30 1998 Page 8 CHECK REGISTER -- . Date From 01/17/98 To 01/30/98 Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount Number Name Number Number Wheeling charges Sept-Nov 97 911 3350 5,723.69 43725 Rohlinger Enterprises Inc. 18087 Gloves, hose, blankets 911 4150 301.87 43728 Townsend Communica.ions Inc. 20009 Internet dialup main 911 4210 30.00 43731 US West Communications 21001 1-14 Billing -911 4210 677.04 1-14 Bil ling 911 4210 34.36 43737 Washington (umemp), State of 23178 3rd Qtr unemployment charges 911 2060 7,027.00 4th Qtr unemployment charges 911 2060 7,544.00 Total for Light 31,419.20 Total for Light Fund 41,678.93 402 43558 Datastream Systems Inc 04143 Computer upgrade, tra1n1ng 402 2370000 21.88- 43563 Familian NW 06020 Meterbox,resetter,union 402 1414000 225.36 Resetter, flange 402 1414000 174.21 Credit flange 402 1414000 123.28- Plumbing supplies 402 1414000 2,241.89 Unions,meter boxes,elbows,tees 402 1414000 1,539.86 Resetter, bushing, mega lug 402 1414000 673.07 Resetters,couplings,unions 402 1414000 1,487.21 Flange 402 1414000 151. Repair clamps 402 1414000 892. Mega lug 402 1414000 60.32 Resetters 402 1414000 44.23 43568 GeLco Supply Co. 07124 Powder dye 402 2370000 9.40- 43636 Washington (Rev), State of 23118 Dee 1997 Excise Tax Return 402 2370000 386.29 Dec 1997 Excise Tax Return 402 2371000 8.85- 43710 Nurnberg Scientific 14092 Glutamic Acid Solution 402 2370000 1.68- TotaL for Department 7,710.82 0003 43547 City Treasurer 03062 Petty cash reimbursement 354 4310 6.50 Petty cash reimbursement 354 4310 6.50 43558 Datastream Systems Inc 04143 Computer upgrade, training 354 3101 298.88 43564 Fisher Scientific Inc. 06085 Water bath 354 6410 1,421.59 43565 FowLer Company, H. D. 06110 ALuminum cover 354 3101 354.43 43568 Gelco SuppLy Co. 07124 Powder dye 354 3101 128.40 43570 Grainger Inc. 07015 Fire hose 354 3101 372.55 ALternating reLay,nozzLe 354 3101 279.29 43571 Granich Engineering Inc. 07142 SeaL assembLy 354 3101 764.86 43581 K & L SuppLy Inc. 11010 GLoves, soap, lubricant 354 3101 358.29 43583 Kem; - K Products 11143 Generation place packs 354 3101 460.38 43596 Olympic Chemical Corporation 15117 Sodium bisulfite 354 3101 1,277.33 43635 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 December biLLing 354 4210 10.78 43636 Washington (Rev), State of 23118 Dec 1997 Excise Tax Return 354 4950 5,023.99 43644 Zumar Industries Inc. 26001 Customer Commitment sign 354 3101 153. 43651 AmTest Inc. 01034 Water sampLe analysis 354 4150 17 43659 Brown and Caldwell 02057 WW system improvement pe 12-26 354 4150 2,962. 43674 Fisher Scientific Inc. 06085 Filter 354 3101 ,\ - 134.28 Vho" Filter 354 3101 394.44 43704 Microsoft 13356 Media exchange 354 3101 26.98 _ 98/01/30-11 :01 . Fnd Dpt Check Number 0007 . 404 0007 . . -"t;:~;-~c""- ''; ':~, January 30 1998 City of Port Angeles Page 9 CHECK REGISTER Date From 01/17/98 To 01/30/98 Vendor Name Vendor Number 43710 Nurnberg Scientific 14092 43727 T C Products Inc. 20093 43731 US West CommJ,lnications 21001 43736 Washington (Ecology), State of 23104 43744 Whitney Equipment Co. Inc. 43747 YSI Inc. 23073 25009 43546 CH2M Hill 03005 43584 Kitsap Bank 11139 43610 R. V. Associates Inc. 18268 43618 Sears Commercial Credit Centrl 19109 43622 Sparling Instruments Co. Inc. 19083 43634 Wash. Water Utilities Council 23061 43635 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 43636 Washington (Rev), State of 23118 43644 Zumar Industries Inc. 26001 43662 Certified Laboratories 03057 43676 Foster Pepper & Sheffelman 06063 43692 Jones Chemicals Inc. 10027 43698 Lancy Construction Inc. 12212 43719 Public Utility Dist Clallam Co 16038 43728 Townsend Communications Inc. 20009 43730 U.S. Filter/Davis Process 20182 43731 US West Communications 21001 43737 Washington (umemp), State of 23178 43536 Bavco 43636 Washington (Rev), State of 43697 Lab Safety Supply Inc. 43699 Landtec 02346 23118 12004 12257 43536 Bavco 02346 43553 Copies Plus 03091 43559 Design One Inc. 04164 43590 N'West Flooring&Remnant Outlet 14436 43635 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 43636 Washington (Rev), State of 23118 43650 Admiral Ship Supply Inc. 01303 43653 Analytical Resources Inc. 01252 43694 KONP Radio 11019 43697 Lab Safety Supply Inc. 12004 Description GL Code Number Amount Glutamic Acid Solution Sodium Hypochlorite 1-14 Billing Loan #SRF91001 bi-annual pmt Loan #SRF91oo1 bi-annual pmt Membrane cap kit Replace probe and upgrade 354 3101 354 3101 354 4210 354 7100 354 8100 354 3101 354 3101 22.87 3,599.75 50.31 83,964.91 45,843.14 138.75 379.45 Total for Atty Wastewater 148,452.19 Engineer svcs PA Water supply 753 4150 Retainage Escrow #0187718620 753 4150 LID #215 contractor payment #2 753 4150 Filter 753 3101 Prop,bearing,gear,key,shaft 753 3101 Professional services for 1998 753 3101 December billing 753 4210 Dec 1997 Excise Tax Return 753 4950 Customer Commitment sign 753 3101 Lock cease 753 3101 Prof Svcs Water Rights pe 1-23 753 4150 Chlorine 753 3101 Install roof at pump station 753 4980 Crown Z Water Rd-January 753 4710 203 Reservoir Rd- January 753 4710 Internet dialup main 753 4210 Hydrant flange 753 3101 1-14 Billing 753 4210 4th Qtr unemployment charges 753 2060 1,492,84 199.90 4,113.94 34.51 919.82 500.00 21.56 9,062.47 153.93 197.76 380.59 1,063.41 5,734.89 9.98 117.34 30.00 904.67 100.62 292.16 Total for Public Works 25,330.39 Total for Water/Wastewater Fund 181,493.40 Backflow assembly replacement 404 2370000 4th Qrtr Excise Tax return 404 2370000 Gloves, boots, jackets, liners 404 2370000 LF gas monitor, temp probe 404 2370000 7.22- 66.99 28.20- 540.33- Total for Department 508.76- Backflow assembly replacement 755 3101 Vinyl Banners (W/KONP) 755 4410 Pencils, imprint 755 4410 Install carpet at Corp yard 755 3101 December billing 755 4210 4th Qrtr Excise Tax return 755 4950 Round ring 755 3101 4th Qtr groundwater monitoring 755 4150 KONP Home Show final pmt 755 4901 Gloves, boots, jackets, liners 755 3101 98.62 26.98 423. 59 279.80 26.95 47,247.74 7.77 U'" ':' 4,034.00 '-.) 180.00 385.14 _ 98/01/30-11 :01 City of Port Angeles January 30 1998 Page 10 CHECK REGISTER Date From 01/17/98 To 01/30/98 . Fnd Opt Check Number Vendor Name Vendor Number Description GL Code Number Amount 43699 Landtec 12257 LF gas monitor, temp probe 755 3101 7,379.84 43707 North American Crane & Equip 14196 Rapid rail touch pads 755 4810 2,295.07 43720 Pyrodine American -,Corp) 16200 Single shot launcher, zink 755 3101 396.51 43731 US West Communications 21001 1-14 Billing 755.4210. 125.78 43737 Washington (umemp), State of 23178 3rd Qtr unemployment charges 755 2060 .02 Total for Public Works 62,907.81 Total for Solid Waste Fund 62,399.05 452 0007 43671 DHL Worldwide Express 04235 Shipping services 793 4210 38.00 Total for Water Construction 38.00 453 0007 43537 Beck and Associates, R.W. 02037 Ediz Hook #120034910001/10002 794 4150 248.12 Total for WasteWater Construction 248.12 501 43636 Washington (Rev), State of 23118 4th Qrtr Excise Tax retrun 501 237??oo 840.63 4th Qrtr Excise Tax retrun 501 2371000 43.45 Total for Department 884. 0007 43580 Ivy Hi-Lift 09105 Axle nut,seal,bearing,washer 760 3101 321.67 43602 Pacific NW Public Fleet I1grs 16214 1998 Annual dues 760 4901 100.00 43615 Ruddell Auto l1all 18019 Handle,holder 760 3101 32.56 Bracket 760 3101 7.11 43628 Thompson Inc., H. A. 20109 Gauges 760 3101 91.22 Gauges 760 3101 68.42 43635 Was~ington (DIS), State of 23111 December bil ling 760 4210 5.39 43636 Washington (Rev), State of 23118 4th Qrtr Excise Tax retrun 760 4950 2.59 43643 Zee Service Co. 26005 First aid supplies 760 3101 88.67 43681 H & H Diesel Services Inc. 08304 Injector 760 3101 797.82 Injector cores 760 3101 433.60- 43706 N C l1achinery Co. 14001 Seal,bearing,ring,tube 760 3101 440.63 43731 US West Communications 21001 1-14 Bil ling 760 4210 25.16 Total for Public Works 1,547.64 Total for Equipment Services Fund 2,431.72 502 0002 43541 Boxlight corporation 02350 Projector,point remote, cable 250 6410 8,884.96 Tripod screen 250 6410 298.36 43560 Digicad Corporation 04084 Tape drive, expedite repair 250 4810 573.86 43635 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 December billing 250 4210 16.17 43728 Townsend Communications Inc. 20009 Internet dialup main 250 4210 30. 43731 US West Communications 21001 1-14 Billing 250 4210 ,.., ,"" 75 43737 Washington (umemp), State of 23178 3rd Qtr unemployment charges 250 2060 U.....J 2,209. Total for Information Systems Fund 12,088.74 _98/01/30-11 :01 . Fnd Dpt Check Number 503 0001 . 621 0002 625 0008 641 0008 650 . 652 0008 -->'.:~;,-.\'<::. 'I' City of Port' Angeles Vendor Name 43538 Benoff, Jerry", 43547 City Treasurer 43549 Clallam County YMCA 43566 43567 43576 43613 43620 43648 43656 43657 43672 43680 43683 43691 43693 43700 43701 43702 43705 43743 43745 Frederick, Hark Galvin, Jim and Hary Holbrook, Gary Regence Blue Shield Sequim Aquatic Recreation Ctr. AWCEmployee Benefit Trust Bishop, Virgil Braun, Gary Dryke, Steve Grooms, Hike Hansen, George D. Johnson, Harry Jorissen, Robert R. Lemon, Harty Loucks, Jasper Marks Jr, Arthur G. Morgan, Roy Wells, Mike Wilbur, Chris ,43550 Clallam Jefferson CAC Inc. 43551 ClaUam Title Company 43572', Griffin Envelope Inc. 43666 Clallam Title Company 43669 Cozi Homes Construction 43638 Washington State Patrol January 30 1998 CHECK REGISTER Date From 01/17/98 To 01/30/98 Vendor Number 02099 03062 03076 06185 07243 08027 18234 19015 01231 02019 02173 04030 07187 08048 10047 10013 12258 12186 13002 13145 23065 23386 03022 03286 07022 03286 03299 23116 43690 Johnson's Restaurant/Hotel Spy 10142 43636 Washington (Rev), State of 43594 Northwest Puppet Center 43635 Washington (DIS), State of 43731 US West Communications 23118 14438 23111 21001 Description GL Code Number Reimburse out-patient svcs 121 4630 Petty cash reimbursement 118 4909 Daugaardmembership1714-98/99 1214151 98 Hembership - G Hanson 119 4999 Settlement 01Slaim #64-9l 119 4999 Settlement of Claim #53-97 1194999 Reimbursement in-patient svcs 121 4630 Feb. 98 Admin fee-dental Claims 1174601 Hembership-Henshew 1214151 Feb Insurance Prem 121 4630 Feb Insurance Prem 121 4632 Feb'lnsurance Prem 121 4634 Jan Disability\Board claim 121 4635 Jan 98 Disability Board claim 121 4635 R~imburse97 chiropractic' fees 121 4630 Jan Disability Board claim 121 4635 JanDisabilityBoard claim 121 4635 Jan Disabi l ityBoard c.laim 121 4635 Jan Disability Board claim 121 4635 Reimburse 97 Chiropractic fees 121 4630 JanDisability Board claim 121 4635 ReimburseHospita~out-patient 121 4630 Jan Disability Board claim 121 4635 ~.an D,isabi lity Board claim 121 4635 Settlement of Claim #52-97 119 4999 Total for Self - Insurance Fund 2% Loan Fee for 96PA57L-Ranta 214 4150 Ins cancellation fees-Thornton 214 4941 Envelopes - 1Q window 214 3101 Reconveyance fee- C Hamilton 214 4150 Contractor pmt-H Richardson 214 4181 Total for P.A. Housing ReHab Project Criminal history-Urquhart 888 3199 Total for Recreational Activities Fund Electric range 823 6410 Total for Senior Center Haintenance 4th Qrtr 1997 Excise Tax 650 2319100 Total for Off - Street Parking Fund Art shipping reimbursement December billing 1-14 Billing 868 4530 868 4210 868 4210 " -, ~ , . 1..1 v V Page 11 Amount 166.67 45.05 383.00 390.00 55.00 869.56 371.15 868.00 407.86 65,632.75 1,200.65 12,051.50 4.00 40.84 120.00 84.00 351.25 7.00 100.00 172.72 104.00 166.67 157.00 78.36 618.30 84,445.33 357.20 53.95 11.63 43.00 5,305.91 5,n1.69 10.00 10.00 1,493.34 1,493.34 41.44 41.44 90.00 5.39 25.16 _ 98/01/30-11 :01 Fnd Dpt Check Number City of Port Angeles January 30 1998 Vendor Name _ 654 0008 43600 Oregon Brass Works 698 43624 43675 43689 43711 43729 43732 43734 States West Life Insurance Co. FLex-PLan Service Inc. ICMA Retirement Trust-401 Office of Support Enforcement u.S. Department of Education United Way VoLunteer Fire Association CHECK REGISTER Date From 01/17/98 To 01/30/98 Vendor Number 15032 19313 06062 09083 15072 21075 21028 22060 Description GL Code Number TotaL for Esther Webster Trust Fund PLaque-LeGro PLaque-Palmer PLaque-Wright 873 3199 873 3199 873 3199 Total for Waterfront TraiL Fund SuppLementaL Life Ins Feb 1998 698 2315160 PayroLL deductions pe 1-25 698 2315210 PayroLL deductions pe 1-25 698 2315220 PayroLL deductions pe 1-25 698 2315210 PayrolL deductions pe 1-25 698 2315210 PayroLL deductions pe 1-25 698 2315240 PayroLL deductions pe 1-25 698 2315210 Page 12 . Amount 120.55 57.00 67.50 62.75 187.25 794.80 1,079.79 624.47 311.54 70.26 453.34 40.00 TotaL for Accounts PayabLe CLearing Fund 3,374.20 Grand TotaL 1,108,451.41 , \J~...l. . . CITY OF PORT ANGELES - PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM "MAINTAINING AND BUILDING A BEITER COMMUNITY" January 28,1998 TO: Kay Godbey, Finance Director FROM: Jack Pittis, Public Works Director RE: Port Angeles Public Library-Project #94-19 (Payment #10) CONTRACT THIS PAY PREVIOUS TOTAL WORK REQUEST PAYMENTS TO DATE Original Contract Amount Change Orders to Date (10) S64.443.87 Subtotal $428,242.00 $1.923.489.79 $2,351,731.79 Sales Tax (7.9% of subtotal) $33.831.12 $151.955.70 $185,786.82 LESS Retainage (5 % of subtotal) $21,412.10 $96,174.49 $117,586.59 Contractor Payments Authorized to Date $2,419,932.02 Project Completion DISBURSEMENT SUMMARY (Account No. US7517-9419-4150) CONTRACTOR: Primo Construction, Inc. 970 Carlsborg Road Sequim W A. 98382 RET AINAGE: Escrow acct. #750800542 North Sound Bank P.O. Box 3850 Sequim, WA. 98382 $440,661.02 $21,412.10 TOTAL DISBURSEMENT FOR THIS PAYMENT $462,073.12 NGE ORDER COMMENTS: .REPAREDBY~~ Pr ~ect PW-178/RtY. 111931 APPROVED BY: Direc ,. ,--. N:\PROJECTS\~19UB\PROJMGT\PA YMENTS\PA Y.DID \j 0 '" A".-'lICATION AND CERTIFICATE FOR PAYMENT TO (OWNER): CITY OF PORT ANGELES 321 East Fifth Street Port Angeles, WA 98362 PROJECT: PORT ANGELES PUBLIC LIBRARY AlA DOCUMENT G702 PAGE ONE OF 5 PAGES APPLICATION NO: 10 Distribution to: ~ OWNER PERIOD FROM: 1/1/98 [ ) ARCHITECT TO: 1/31/98 [ ) CONTRACTOR [ ) ARCHITECrS [ ) PROJECT NO 94-19 CONTRACT DATE: April 22, 1997 ATTENTION: Jack N. Plttls, P.E. CONTRACT FOR: CONTRACTOR'S APPLICATION FOR PAYMENT Application Is made for Payment, as shown below, In connection with the Contract. Continuation Sheet, AlA Document G703, Is attached. CHANGE ORDER SUMMARY Change Orders approved ADDITIONS DEDUCTIONS In previous months by OWner TOTAL $ 30,888.38 Approved This Month Number Date Approved 7 12/18/97 $ 25,150.49 8 12/17/97 $ 985.91 9 In 198 $ 4,737.41 TOTALS $ 61,762.19 $ - Net Change by Change Orders $ 61,762.19 The present status of the account fo this Contract Is as follows: ORIGINAL CONTRACT SUM $ 3,476,800.00 Net Change by Change Orders $ 61.,762.19 CONTRACT SUM TO DATE $ 3,538,562.19 ........................................................... TOTAL COMPLETE & STORED TO DATE Washington State Sales Tax @ 7.9% RETAINAGE 5% $ 2,351,731.79 $ 185,786.8t $ 11 ~ ,586.59 The undersigned Contractor certifies that to the best of his knowledge, Information and belief the Work covered by this Application for Payment has been completed In accordance wtth the Contract Docu- ments, that all amounts have been paid by him for work for which previous Certificates for Payment were Issued and payments received from the owner, and that current payment shown herein Is now due. TOTAL EARNED LESS RETAINAGE $ 2,419,932.01 LESS PREVIOUS CERTIFICATES FOR PAYMENT $ 1,979,270.99 In accordance with the Contract Documents, based on on-sRe obser- vations and the data comprising the above application, the Architect certffleS to the Owner that the Work has progressed to the point htdlcated; that to the best of hI8 knowledge, Informlllon Ind belief, the quality of the Work Is In accordance wtth the ContnIct D0cu- ments; and thII the Contractor Is entitled to payrneti of the AMOUNT CERTIFIED. =- . AIA~Jmaz ANU~I~l'.iArEFORPA~ IlPftLW1I6Jfl1DN '111 lHE AMERICAN INSTITUTE ITECTS; 1735 ~ YORK AVENUE, N.W.. WASI/lNGTON. D.C. 20008 $ 440,661.02 County of: CLALLAM _.:-:)~T(~:, January, 1998 May 10', 1998 I, t. . c. Dolo: /)~'1Lqe RTIFIED Is peyable only to the C named herein. lauance, payment and accepts of payment are wtthout prejudice to any rights of the owner or Contr8ctor under this Contract. . . r. '- . 070I-1m ;ON f1NUAT HEET AlA DOCUMENT G703 AlA Docume ,APPLICATION AND CERTIFICATE FOR PAYMENT,contalning Contractor's signed Certification is attached. In tabulations below, amounts are stated to the nearest dollar. Use Column I on Contracts where variable retainage for line items may apply. PAGE 2 OF 5 APPLICATION NUMBER: APPLICATION DATE: PERIOD FROM: 1/1/98 TO: 1/31/98 ARCHITECTS PROJECT NO: 94-19 .000S 10 1/26/98 A B C 0 E F G H I J WORK COMPLETED TOTAL COMPLETED This Application AND STORED 'Ia' BALANCE RET AINAGE ITEM DESCRIPTION OF WORK SCHEDULED TO DATE (GIG) TO FtNISH No. VALUE (D+E+F) (C-G) Previous Stored Materials .,. Applications Work in Place (not in D or E) I 1 Bonding & Insurance $ 37,742.00 $ 37,742.00 $ 37,742.00 100% $ - $ 1,887.10 2 Temporary Facilities $ 17,050.00 $ 15,700.00 $ 15,700.00 92% $ 1,350.00 $ 785.00 3 Job Supervision $ 75,350.00 $ 50,167.00 $ 6,200.00 $ 56,367.00 75% $ 18,983.00 $ 2,818.35 4 Permits & Fees $ 20,411.00 $ 20,411.00 $ 20,411.00 . 100% $ - $ 1,020.55 5 Field Engineering $ 26,950.00 $ 21,497.00 $ 21,497.00 80% $ 5,453.00 $ 1,074.85 6 Selective Demolition $ 5,335.00 $ 5,335.00 $ 5,335.00 100% $ - $ 266.75 7 Sltework & Utilities $ 267,537.00 $ 255,006.00 $ 255,006.00 95% $ 12,531.00 $ .12,750.30 8 Hot Mix Asphalt Paving $ 66,550.00 $ 53,240.00 $ 53,240.00 80% $ 13,310.00 $ 2,662.00 9 Irrigation System & Landscaping $ 104,500.00 $ 15,856.00 $ 2,214.00 $ 18,070.00 17% $ 86,430.00 $ 903.50 $ $ 0% $ 1,320.00 $- ~~'-' 10 Striping & exterior Slgnage 1,320.00 - "''''1 11 Cast-In-Place Concrete $ 260,723.00 $ 237,723.00 $ 3,000.00 $ 240,723.00 92% $ 20,000.00 $ 12,036.1'5 , 12 Special Concrete Finishes $ . 10,560.00 $ 138.00 $ 138.00 1% $ 10,422.00 $ 6.90 13 Unit Masonry $ 70,650.00 $ 25,000.00 $ 25,000.00 35% $ 45,650.00 $ 1,250.00 14 Structural Steel & Metal Fabrication $ 211,000.00 $ 189,900.00 $ 189,900.00 90% $ 21 ; 100.00 $ 9,495.00 15 Steel JoIsts &. Steel Deck $ 79,970.00 $ 79,970,00 $ 79,970.00 100% $ - $ 3,998.50 16 Steel Erection $ 128,197.00 $ 121,788.00 $ 6,409.00 $ 128,197.00 100% $ - $ 6,409.85 17 Rough Carpentry $ 15,840.00 $ 15,840.00 $ 15,840.00 100% $ - $ 792.00 18 Building Materials $ 33,000.00 $ 33,000.00 $ 33,000.00 100% $ - $ 1,650.00 19 Finish Carpentry $ 64,350.00 $ 23,000.00 $ 21,350.00 $ 44,350.00 69% $ 20,000.00 $ 2,217.50 20 Interior Architectural Woodwork $ 66,000.00 $ - 0% $ 66,000.00 $ I, . 21 Building Insulation $ 7,920.00 $ . 0% $ 7,920.00 $ - 22 Metal Roofing $ 222,436.00 $ 143,000.00 $ 143,000.00 64% $ 79,436.00 $ 7,150.00 23 Single Ply Membrane Roofing $ 71,475.00 $ 41,396.00 $ 41,396.00 58% $ 30,079.00 $ 2,069.80 24 Flashing & Sheet Metal $ 47,615.00 $ 44,699.00 $ 44,699.00 94% $. 2,916.00 $ 2,234.95 25 Skylight Structures C $ 41,580.00 $ 31,666.00 $ 31,666.00 76% $ 9,894.00 $ 1,584.30 26 Steel Doors & Frames C. $ 9,945.00 $ . 9,945.00 $ 9,945.00 100% $ . $ 497.25 Xl Flush Wood Doors ~.. . $ 12,221.00 $ . 0% $ 12,221.00 $ - 28 Aluminum Storefronts & Entrances $ 82,em.OO $ 36,033.00 $ 2,464.00 $ 38,497.00 .62% $ 23,580.00 $ 1,924.85 29 Door Hardware $ 25,338.00 $ . 0% $ 25,338.00 $ - 30 Portlanc:l Cement Plaster $ 45,980.00 $ 18,480.00 $ 8,824.00 $ Xl. 1 04.00 5K $ 18,876.00 $ 1,356.20 Total $ 2, 109,622.00 $ 1,326,866.00 $ 249,947.00 $ - $ 1,578,813.00 75111 $ 532,809.00 $ 78,840.86 ,..,... 1111 1lfE MERICAH IIlS11TUlt OF ARICIITECB; fI35 NEW YORK AVENUE, NoW., YlUlI<<mlN, D.C." cma -1171 CONTINUATION SHEET AlA DOCUMENT G703 PAGE 3 OF 5 PAGES AlA Document G702, APPLICATION AND CERTIFICATE FOR PAYMENT,contalnlng APPLICATION NUMBER: 10 Contractor's signed Certification is attached. APPLICATION DATE: 1/26/98 In tabulations below, amounts are stated to the nearest dollar. PERIOD FROM: 1/1/98 Use Column I on Contracts where variable retalnage for line Items may apply. TO: 1/31/98 ARCHITECrS PROJECT NO: 94-19 A B C D E F G H. I J WORK COMPLETED TOTAL COMPLETED This Application AND STORED % BALANCE RET AINAGE ITEM DESCRIPTION OF WORK SCHEDULED TO DATE (GlC) TO FINISH No. VALUE (D+E+F) (C-G) Previous Stored Materials Applications Work in Place (not in D or E) 31 Gypsum Board Assemblies $ 244,420.00 $ 168,039.50 $ 5,060.00 $ 173,099.50 71% $ 71,320.50 $ 8,654.98 32 Ceramic Tile $ 4,070.00 $ 0% $ 4,070.00 $ 33 Acoustical Panel Ceilings $ 23,980.00 $ 0% $ 23,980.00 $ 34 Floor Coverings & Base $ 157,630.00 $ 0% $ 157,630.00 $ 35 Painting $ 31,790.00 $ 0% $ 31,790.00 $ 36 Visual Display Boards $ 2,101.00 $ 0% $ 2,101.00 $ 37 Toilet Compartments $ 2,959.00 $ 0% $ 2,959.00 $ 38 Signs $ 4,400.00 $ 0% $ 4,400.00 $ 39 Fire Extinguishers & Cabinets $ 1,100.00 $ 0% $ 1,100.00 $ 40 Operable Panel Partition $. 17,600.00 $ 0% $ 17,600.00 $, 41 Toilet & Bath Accessories $ 4,869.00 $ 0% $ 4,869.00 $ 42 Bike Rack $ 1,127.00 $ 1,127.00 $ 1,127.00 100% $ $ 68.35 43 Miscellaneous Specialties $ 9,207.00 $ 0% $ 9,207.00 $ 44 Fire Protection $ 84,370.00 $ 71,630.00 $ 8,427.00 $ 80,057.00 95% $ 4,313.00 $ 4,002.85 45 Plumbing $ 59,631.00 $ 35,231.00 $ 11,813.00 $ 47,044.00 79% $ 12,587.00 $ 2,352.20 46 HVAC Rough-In $ 199,721.00 $ 102,740.00 $ 39,875.00 $ 142,615.00 71% $ 57,106.00 $ 7,130.75 47 HVAC Equipment $ 112,827.00 $ 41,283.00 $ 49,416.00 $ , 90,699.00 80% $ 22,128.00 $ 4,534.95 48 HVi\C Trimrremperature Controls $ 73,414.00 $ 10,670.00 $ 10,505.00 $ 21,175.00 29% $ 52,239.00 $ 1,058.75 49 Temporary Power S 17,050.00 $ 17,050.00 $ 17,050.00 100% $ $ 852.50 50 Electric Trenching/Light Pole Bases S 11,357.00 $ 0% $ 11,357.00 $ !f 51 Electrical Rough-In $ 66,338.00 $ 54,753.00 $ 2,562.00 $ 57,315.00 86% $ 9,023.00 $ 2,885.75 52 Electrical Materials $ 133,046.00 $ 51,428.00 $ 1,626.00 $ 53,054.00 40% $ 79,992.00 $ 2,652.70 53 Electrical Labor $ 49,052.00 $ 8,494.00 $ 5,803.00 $ 14,297.00 29% $ 34,755.00 $ 714.85 54 Electrical Trim $ 11,462.00 $ 4,318.20 $ 4,318.20 38% $ 7,143.80 $ 215.91 55 Fire Alann $ 7,083.00 $ 310.00 $ 310.00 4% $ 6,n3.00 $ 15.50 68 SoundllntercomlPhone C $ 3,193.00 $ 119.00 $ 119.00 4% $ 3,074.00 $ 5.95 ,. fiT Data o. S 18,081.00 $ 0% $ 18,081.00 $ , ' 68 AJtemate t2 \,.. \ $ 15,300.00 $ 13,464.00 $ 13,464.00 88% $ 1,836.00 $ 873.20 '59 Change Order 11 $ 9,208.50 $ $ 9,208.50 100% $ $ 480.43 eo Cha Order t2 $ 3,589.84 $ $ 3,589.84 100% $ $ 179.49 T $ 3,.,598.34 $ $ 398,498.00 $ $ 2,305.355.04 66% $ 115,287.75 llfE MoERICNl ARICHTEC'TS; 1735 HEW YORK AVEIIUE. NoW., VlUlIlCnOH, D.C." OJ03-1m CONTINUA T EET AlA DOCUMENT G703 AlA Document , APPLICATION AND CERTIFICATE FOR PAYMENT,containing Contractor's signed Certification is attached. In tabulations below, amounts are stated to the nearest dollar. Use Column I on Contracts where variable retainage for line items may apply. PAGE 4 OF 5 APPLICATION NUMBER: APPLICATION DATE: PERIOD FROM: 1/1/98 TO: 1/31/98 ARCHITECT'S PROJECT NO: 94-19 S 10 1/26/98 A B C D E F G H I J WORK COMPLETED TOTAL COMPLETED This Application AND STORED % BALANCE RET AINAGE ITEM DESCRIPTION OF WORK SCHEDULED TO DATE (GlC) TO FINISH No. VALUE (D+E+F) (C-G) Previous Stored Materials Applications Work in Place (not in D or E) J 61 Change Order #3 $ 3,909.91 $ 3,909.91 $ 3,909.91 100% $ - $ 195.50 62 Change Order t#4 $ 3,758.70 $ 3,007.00 $ 3,007.00 80% $ 751.70 $ 150.35 63 Change Order #5 $ 7,059.59 $ 6,354.00 $ 6,354.00 90% $ 705.59 $ 317.70 64 Change Order t#6 $ 3,361.84 $ 3,361 .84 $ 3,361.84 100% $ - $ 168.09 65 Change Order #7 $ 25,150.49 $ 25,061.00 $ 25,061.00 100% $ 89.49 $ 1,253.05 66 Change Order t#8 $ 985.91 $ 493.00 $ 493.00 50% $ 492.91 $ 24.65 67 Change Order #9 $ 4,737.41 $ 4,190.00 $ 4,190.00 86% $ 547.41 $ 209.50 66 69 70 ~;~ ., " C Co - C) Total . 3.138,562.19 $ 1,923,489.79 $ 428,242.00 $ - $ 2,351,731.79 66411 $ 1,166,830.40 $ 117,588.68 - 1KE MBICAIllNmME OF ARICHI1ECTS; 1735 NEWYORKMNUI, N.W.. WWlIItITON, D.C. _ GJIlI-1I78 BILLING BREAKDOWN PAGE 5 OF 5 PAGES SCHEDULED PREVIOUS TOTAL BILLED TO % ITEM NO DESCRIPTION VALUE BILLING THIS BILLING DATE BILLED BALANCE 7 Sltework & Utilities: Clearing $ 23,732.00 $ 23,732.00 $ 23,732.00 100% $ - Cut & Fill $ 69,538.00 $ 69,538.00 $ 69,538.00 100% $ - Footing ExcavatlonlBackflll $ 29,610.00 $ 29,610.00 $ 29,610.00 100% $ - Finish Grade $ 24,118.00 $ 14,118.00 $ 14,118.00 59% $ 10,000.00 Storm System $ 84,071.00 $ 81,540.00 $ 81,540.00 97% $ 2,531.00 Water . $ 20,803.00 $ 20,803.00 $ 20,803.00 100% $ - Sewer $ 15,665.00 $ 15,665.00 $ 15,665.00 100% $ - Total Sltework & Utilities $ 267,537.00 $ 255,006.00 $ - $ 255,006.00 95% $ 12,531.00 SCHEDULED PREVIOUS TOTAL BILLED TO % ITEM NO DESCRIPTION VALUE BILLING THIS BILLING DATE BILLED BALANCE 11 Cast-In-Place Concrete: Foundation $ 74,361.00 $ 74,361.00 $ .. 74,361.00 100% .$ - Columns $ 29,700.00 $ 29,700.00 $ 29,700.00 100% $ - , Slab on Grade $ 66,154.00 $ 66,154.00 $ 66,154.00 100% $ - Curbs & Walks $ 57,118.00 $ 43,989.00 $ 1,350.00 $ 45,339.00 79% $ 11,779.00 Concrete on Roof . $ 3,850.00 $ 3,850.00 $ 3,850.00 100% $ - Courtyard $ 2,420.00 $ - 0% $ 2,420.00 Staff Patio $ 4,840.00 $ . - 0% $ 4,840.00 Service Court $ 1,925.00 $ 964.00 $ 964.00 .50% $ 961.00 Diamonds $ 2,200.00 $ 550.00 $ 1,650.00 $ 2,200.00 100% $ - Rebar $ 18,155.00 $ 18,155.00 $ 18,155.00 100% $ - $ 260,723.00 $ 237,723.00 $ 240,723.00 92% $ 20,000.00 I, c ( '. . . . . . . ',:~-:~!~~~~mj;tl~~~;i" -.<~~;m~~. ~ f~~~.Jhi:--- PRIMO CONSTRUCTION, INC. 970 Car/sborg Road Sequim. WA 98382 Phone (360) 683-5447 Fax (360) 683-6475 January 26. 1998 Ron Johnson City of Port Angeles PO Box 1150 Pon Angeles, W A 98362 Re: Port Angeles Public Library The undersigned Contractor certifies that to the best of his knowledge, infonnation and belief, the above mentioned project is on schedule. Contractor: Primo Construction, Inc. State of Washington County of Clallam igned and sworn to before me on uary 26, 1998 by Gregory V. Parrish .f? ,--. ~/ , I '. i.J 0 ~.. WAIVER'AND RELEASE OF LIEN " UPON PROGRESS PAYMENT To: CITY OF PORT ANGELES 321 East Fifth Street Port Angeles, WA 98362 Project Number: 94-19 Project: PORT ANGELES PUBLIC LIBRARY Contract Date: .4122197 The undersigned, upon receipt of the payment in the amount of $ 104,975.00 and other valuable consideration, does hereby waive and release any and all claims, of any type, kind or character, Including any mechanic's or materialman's lien, equitable lien, stop notice, retainage fund, or bond claim (public or private) that the undersigned has or may ever have in any manner arising out of any work, labor, services, equipment, material or supplies furnished by or through the undersigned In connection with the project or the contract through the date of 1-31-98 In consideration of this progress payment, the undersigned hereby agrees to indemnify and hold Owner and Primo Constructiop, Inc. hannless from any claim, cause of action or liability, inclUding but not limited to costs, expenses, interest, and attorney's fees arising from any claims hereafter made on account of work, labor, services, equipment, materials or supplies covered by this progress payment. This waiver and release shall also be effective in the event of any bankruptcy court action that may ultimately deprive the undersigned of entitlement to the payment hereunder. Subcontractor or Supplier. SCHMITT'S SHEET METAL. INC. 3341 EAST HIGHWAY 101 PORT ANGELES. WASHINGTON 98362 Address: By: g~/d~~~~- Signature and Title of Authorized Individual PRES !DENT THIS FORM MUST BE NOTARIZED. Subscribed and swam to before me this 19TH day of JANUARY 19 98 My Commission ~plres: MAY 1. 1 999 ." , ,I, iJJJ . . . . . . . <<}, lE:-19-1.gg'7 09:45 -....., ......,...............-,....,.. .-c....,.'_. .....,; FRD'l f'R1P'D a..c.~if~. ..aNlo... ,-- WANeK ANI.}"RELEASEOFUEN UPON PROGae~ P4)'Mi:NT ~ lb: em" OF POM' AMQB..EB peBllllt1SD PaIt~ YMe1312 p,~ IIIIIIlI.-: ~a PrD)II:e PORT N-- 8= PUaJC LIBRARY ~_ DIlle: 4/Z2IfIf TIle. ... ""....~IIId. __. ......"'...~l}rj.............-;dll. '_i~--O - __....~D.. JIlM..............nIH _ ' ...,___1Iiad or.a..~.-...;~~.~.._,-.~ I~...,...r ~.......- -........,........lJ.l-. MId,'........... ~..pdWIM)... ~". ..........,.... lit.., .' IN'. IIIIIIng out aI...,... .~...~.eQII~ -: ..111I.. .. - .... b7w...... bt URdea....1n ~..... pnIjIct.... ......~ew:l . 1M.... fII -:rq:,v .... i" '.. /918" . .... ....' . ~ .- ,~ In WII........ at. ,.~ . II I8,-Mll.1JJe .....,!...~ ~M II 1lA-~ ....IIi*I o..-~NIllo~ U~~_.... JlI.fr;a-""~",CJI"""Y~, .... ~--1IbIIIIII!~~'" .... n~J.l. --01 i" ~I~~.............,__ UUIlRI ""'_.~lnl~af"'" ............ -,1.<.11.; -2: - . ........ - J ..JIIli..... .. ~ II' ..,.....,.,fT1IIs........... J Lt .1 D f .... ~i..-.....~.... __II..,' . ~aiIIat........,.lldllf) 11. -,." --r ,lll r..";';'aUllRtDtbe,...l 'I ~....... argaw"W. .-. t' , ..) \),..; slf /Iv e, !-Jt-1v 'b S<!# I N ,_ ~3' Sr/t/l..E5 J-tJ S'tff6lu.11'1 w' ~ 7 ~3 g- 'L Nb ___ e,: TM9 FCRM.....IE NOTARIZED 91..,.. .....__.... tD......... ? r s, _af..J A I'W A. a...., "'rw~ .' .., CcMMI" 1,., e4l- . ~~-~.~~ . 19..11- M,H (0, ('1 'i'1) -~---~ .__~ ;.:~.-'-~ . - ",..r1't \ '.- \;':~::~.-:~~~~t\ !l' tel . i ,-: - .- '" .~.:_ ,~:'.:4 </.; ~ ~c...-:~.".. .:.'..... ,...., 'f ~ ----- .' ...---~ .,.-- 1DTA.. pa -- , , 'v .... '_: WAIVER AND RELEASE OF LIEN UPON PROGRESS PAYMENT ~ . . I To: CITY OF PORT ANGELES 321 East Fifth Street Port Angeles, WA 98362 Project Number: 94-19 Project: PORT ANGELES PUBLIC LIBRARY Contract Date: 4/22197 The undersigned, upon receipt of the payment in the amount of $ / .:(./ ? / 8, S~ and other valuable consideration, does hereby waive and release any and all claims, of any .type, kind or character, including any mechanic's or materialman's lien, equitable lien, stop notice, retainage fund, or bond claim (public or private) that the undersigned has or may ever have in any manner arising out of any work, labor, services, equipment. material or supplies furnis d by or through the undersigned in connection with the project or the C9ntract through the date of / 3/ '7 P In consideration of this progress payment, the undersigned hereby agrees to indemnify an'd hold Owner arnPrimo Construction, Inc. harmless from any claim, cause of action or liability,induding but not limited to costs,~ interest, and attorney's fees arising from any daims hereafter made on acCount of work, labor, services, equipment, materials or supplies covered by this progress payment. This waiver and release shall also be effective in the event of any bankruptcy court action that may ultimately deprive the undersigned of entitlement to the payment hereunder. Subcontractor or Supplier: CHG Building Systems, Inc. PO Box 78448 . Address: Seattle WA 98178 By: .~ Sign ure and Title of Authorized Individua~ ..Ji-;::F~tnj i:>.~, t:J~~;('-1-"T/~}.<t/~/'/6R.. THIS FORM MUST BE NOTARIZED. /._? r--..... # .--: :;: -- ~ =- ~ ...,:: _ rr -.:,.-- $ -- c;Q r-::J t:::::' Subscribed and sworn to before me this ~ / 9' - day of ~j-' 19 9 j5 N:tZ <<~L-- My Commission Expires: ~~9/o/ . I' -I U ':1 .L . WAIVER AND RELEASE OF LIEN UPON PROGRESS PAYMENT Project Number: CITY OF PORT ANGELES 321 East Fifth Street Port Angeles, WA 98362 To: Project: PORT ANGELES PUBLIC LIBRARY Contract Date: 94-19 4/22/97 The undersigned, upon receipt of the payment in the amount of $ 18.535.01 and other valuable consideration, does hereby waive and release any and all claims, of any type, kind or character, including any mechanic's or materialman's lien, equitable lien, stop notice, retainage fund, or bond claim (public or private) that the undersigned has or may ever have in any manner arising out of any work, labor, services, equipment, material or supplies furnished by or through the undersigned in connection with the project or the contract through the date of 1/19/98 In consideration of this progress payment, the undersigned hereby agrees to indemnify and hold Owner and Primo Construction, Inc. harmless from any claim, cause of action or liability, including but not limited to costs, expenses. interest, and attorney's fees arising from any claims hereafter made. on account of work, labor, services, equipment, materials or supplies covered by this progress payment. This waiver and release shall also be effective in the event of any bankruptcy court action that may ultimately deprive the undersigned of entitlement to the payment hereunder. . Subcontractor or Supplier: Johnson Elec tric, Inc. Address: By: 11816 NE 116th Street Kirkland. WA 98034 President THIS FORM MUST BE NOTARIZED. 19th day of January Subscribed and sworn to before me this ...' ...r!!e~ljC: .... ,~ I" , 'J .t . . ..., . -,- . ~ ..\ . . " T ~..'11': .. . - ..., --...... ..; : .c Co... Eo ... liD\.\ :~- -', ... .. ~ : ./.,.........-9 ,~...".. ,: ..... -.. - ... f\.... ,:' '. ,? ....... ,'l!I .' """ ~ ~'A S ',\ ...,., '.'.t.......,..,'" My Commission Expires: 7/9199 -~ '~.r 'C. . . r'- 19 98 ~ u"~ ~ WAIVER" AND RELEASE OF LIEN UPON PROGRESS PAYMENT .: To: CITY OF PORT ANGELES 321 East Fifth Street Port Angeles, WA 9~362 Project Number. 94-19 Project: PORT ANGELES PUBLIC LIBRARY Contract Date: 4/22197 The undersigned, upon receipt of the payment in the amount of $ c9 ~ I L.J fD ~ I (JO and other valuable consideration, does hereby waive and release any and all claims, of any type, kind or character, including any mechanic's or materialman's lien, equitable lien, stop notice, retainage fund, or bond claim (public or private) that the undersigned has or may ever have in any manner arising out of any work, labor, services, equipment, material or supplies ~iShed by or through the undersigned in connection with the project or the contract through the date of Illl~ 3 J.. 1'198' I In consideration of this progress payment, the undersigned hereby agrees to indemnify and hold Owner and Primo Construction, Inc. harmless from any c1ahn, cause of action or liability, including but not limited to costs, expenses, interest, and attorney's fees arising from any claims hereafter made on account of wort, labor, services, equipment materials or supplies covered by this progress payment. This waiver and release shall also be effective in the e\ . .it of any bankruptcy court action that may ultimately deprive the undersigned of entitlement to the payment hereunder. Subcontractor or Supplier. ~p (j jf1 [J{ 455ri!iI1'h;.L.. ~ 11 II tJ IE, Q5'M stree.t- V rJ..nM/)J/.eJ). LA J.k Q6u kS , ~ ~ ~t~ ~ . " " Address: By: ?re c \ of Authorized Individual CJ..4'\~ ~ THIS FORM MUST BE NOTARIZED, "OFFICIAL SEAL. PEGGIE S. SCOTT Notary Pubftc. Stall of WlIhlngtan _ CammIIIkXI ExpbII &'22198 Subscribed and sworn to before me this ;JO ~ day of 9cuw~ ' 1/ My Commission Expires: g / ~/)..J 70' . 19 7 cf 5;~ '4 x/olHL . r-. U ""1: -..) WAIVER'AND RELEASE OF LIEN UPON PROGRESS PAYMENT . To: CITY OF PORT ANGELES 321 East Fifth Street Port Angeles, WA ga362 Project Number: 94-19 Project: PORT ANGELES PUBLIC LIBRARY Contract Date: 4/22197 The undersign~d, upon receipt of the payment in the amount of $ :../.3 70 and other valuable consideration. does hereby waive and release any and all claims, of any type. ,kind or character, including any mechanic's or materialman's lien, equitable lien, stop notice, retainage fund, or bond claim (pub"lic or private) that the undersigned has or may ever have in any manner arising out of any work, labor, services. equipment. material or supplies furnished by or throughthe undersigned in 'connection with the project or the contract through the date of / - ,3 I - q ~ . In consideration of this progress payment, the undersigned hereby agrees to indemnify and hold' Owner and Primo Construction, Inc. harmless from any claim. cause of action or liability, including but not limited to costs, expenses, interest, and attorn~y's fees arising from any claims hereafter made on account of work, labor, services, equipment, materials or supplies covered by this progress payment. This waiver and release shall also be effective in the event of any bankruptcy court action that may ultimately deprive the undersigned of entitlement to the payment hereunder. . Subcontractor or Supplier: c:i~^ 7f7f- A...... '~ (~;"FA.A. r~ {7 ! I~ NJLl-P ~~L ((L P ,...,yf- !J~.a /t /"J,4.. q g.3 ~ :2- Address: ~ ~~ it ~ V By: THIS FORM MUST BE NOTARIZED. Subscribed and sworn to before me this ;:; 1.'5 7' day of JA~L"'A L'-J 19, if .0tary,~pubIiC:, ___-------:-\ -xi ~. C7 ,.., ,..,..~.~.. ,\ ___ ( . ItJV' \ 7 ( ""-<C-. ~ ..,.. v . ) V'~. ,~ ,',.'~';',;..;. ':" 'r\\t\G\Cl~\ - ' '. ,."_". ''\.: \J:~:..5 ' ':, ,^ \ , ,.._", . _ '~ ~\jv...\J I . ...."7~r:'i.......' ," t:..'\u"~~ ", : .;" . t:".'I.~" '. . .... _ _ '.~.~. \:.,.\l' ... , ' '_:. "w. ____ '..... ---- .--- .----- My Commission Expires: Au ..( , 0 ('i 'i ~ ) '. .. v "'1 .: WAIVER AND RELEASE OF LIEN UPON PROGRESS PAYMENT . To: CITY OF PORT ANGELES 321 East Fifth Street Port Angeles. WA 98362 Project Number: 94-19 Project: PORT ANGELES PUBLIC LIBRARY Contract Date: 4/22/97 The undersigned. upon receipt of the payment in the amount of $ ry 4 1./ ~. - and other valua~W'~:J;Of-~<~, consideration. does hereby waive and release any and all claims, of any 'type, kind or character, including any mechanic's or materialman's lien, equitable lien. stop notice, retainage fund, or bond claim (public or private) that the undersigned has or may ever have in any manner arising out of any work, labor, services, equipment, material or supplies furnished by or through the undersigned in connection with the project or the contract through the date of I - 3 I - q e . In consideration of this progress payment, the undersigned hereby agrees to indemnify and hold Owner ." ' ",-, ' Construction, Inc. hannless from any claim, cause of action or liability, including but not IimitSd, to costs; ",' , '~"', ",,;;';;:y interest, and attorney's fees arising from any claims hereafter made on account of work, labo~, services" "...., - "~'- -,-' ,,, materials or supplies covered by this progress payment. This waiver and release shall also be effective in the event of any bankruptcy court action that may ultimately deprive the undersigned of entitlement to the payment hereunder. Subcontractor or Supplier: 'V.\.) (7811 c~+-s W, J~J"h , '''J~11 / J - t/ 2- ( r..f)~ 11 / IY\, vJA- 0, g ~ B '2- . Address: ("" 0 l1 By: c82 ~~ ~~~ ,'''' ;...... "~"', '. 3ignature and Tit e f Authorized Individual THIS FORM MUST BE NOTARIZED. Subscribed and sworn to before me this "'-Is, day of -JAl'\Jl-1A-~'-/ ~~ My Commission Expires: ~ . cf'JO'l-. ~\ · ~. t.''C\?~' \..;..\\\~(;\C' \ M).-f 10 I C) '1 <{ \ ~!,v.. \!,~?~\',\...\ ,C \ ! ~ n~' ov\J"" '" \:-;~';':':"'~','i',~ ......~.~~ r:..,.~.~;J\ :\,\;\ ....:"' ,.. t."i.~\' \ ", '_-.. '.~'~' . ~".::-i.. ." ". "~,,,.-" 19 4'~ Notary Public: -<,~L-~ L~ . , I \..; -.i '-. I WAIVER>ANDRELEASEOF LIEN UPON PROGRESS PAYMENT . To: CITY OF PORT ANGELES 321 East Fifth Street Port Angeles. WA 98362 Project Number. Project: PORT ANGELES.PUBLlC LIBRARY 94-19 Contract Date: 4/22197 The undersigned. upon receipt of the payment in the amount of $ ~ and other valuable consideration. does hereby waive and release any and aU claims, of any type, ~nd or character, including any mechanic's or materialman's lien. equitable lien. stop notice, retainage fund, or bond claim (public or private) that the undersigned has or may ever have in any manner arising out of any work. labor, serVices. equipment, material or supplies furnished by or through the undersigned in connection with the projector the contract through the date of \ - '3 ~ ~ . . . In consideration of this progress payment, the undersig~~ hereby agrees to indemnify and hold Owner and Primo Construction. Inc. hannless from any claim, cause of action or'liability, including but' not limited to costs,expeilS8$. interest. and attorney's fees arising from any claims hereafter made on aCC!Junt of work, labor, services,equipment, materials or supplies covered by this progress payment. This waiver and release shall also be effective in the event of any bankruptcy court action that may ultimately deprive the undersigned of entitlement to the payment hereunder. . Subcontractor or Supplier: Ke\\C\V1Ce r1(e. yvv+-eeJi on Address: ~O ~. Lv\nd-ex- ht S~amf, \NA: 00l3L\- &. i ,. . Orf6\dCV1t Signature and Title of Authorized Individual By: THIS FORM MUST BE NOTARIZED. Subscribed and sworn to before me this \ ~{n day of Jtin t,t~ .~ry Public vCn ~M~ My Commission Expires: ~-y-o\ ~~ ~~." ~~ ~ 199~ 0. , , J -.1. , WAIVER AND RELEASE OF LIEN UPON "PROGRESS PAYMENT To: CITY OF PORT ANGELES PO Rox 1150 Port Angeles, WA 98362 Project Number: 94-19 Project: PORT ANGELES PUBLIC LIBRARY Contract Date: 4/22197 The undersigned, upon receipt of the payment in the amount of $ $0.00 and other valuable consideration, does hereby waive and release any and all claims, of any type, kind or character, including any mechanic's or materialman's lien, equitable lien, stop notice, retainage fund, Oi bond claim (public or piivate) that the undersigned has or may ever have in any manner arising out of any work, labor, services, equipment, material or supplies furnished by or through the undersigned ,in connection with the project or the contract through the date of 12-31-97 In consideration of this progress payment, the undersigned hereby agrees to indemnify and hold OWner and Primo Construction, Inc. harmless from any claim, cause of adlon or liability, including but not limited to co~, expenses, interest, and attorney's fees arising from any claims hereafter made on . account of work, labor, services, equipment, materials or supplies covered by this progress payment. This waiver and release shall~lso be effective in the event of any bankruptcy court action that may ultimately deprive the undersigned of entitlement to the payment hereunder. Subcontractor or Supplier: POWERS WEST CORPORATION P.O. BOX 19495 1200 WESTLAKE AVENUE NORTH, 1603 Address: SEATTLE, WA. 98109 (BOTH) By: THIS FORM MUST BE NOTARIZED Subscribed and sworn to before me this Mary PU,bliC: 9TH day of DECEMBER My Commission Expires: 3-25-00 .9 en ,'- . . . , .~ U~.t . <0- --~-:______y,,-_-:,; ",,,,,-,,-;,_~ ,,__'>ii::~-;}.-:.:;-' ,,-J . WAIVER'AND RELEASE OF LIEN UPON PROGRESS PAYMENT To: CITY OF PORT ANGELES 321 East Fifth Street Port Angeles, WA 98362 Project Number: 94-19 Project: PORT ANGELES PUBLIC LIBRARY Contract Date: 4/22197 The undersigned, upon receipt of the payment in the amount of $ 34.445.86 and other V81u8biit: '. consideration. does hereby waive and release any and all claims, of any type, kind or character, including any mechanic's or materialman's lien, equitable lien. stop notice, retainage fund, or bond claim (public or private) that the undersigned has or may ever have in any manner arisir'1g outof any work, labor, services, equipment, material or supplies furnished by or through the undersigned in connection with the project or the contract through the date of 12 / 1 9 / 9 7 In consideration of this progress payment, the undersigned hereby agrees to indemnify and hold ~., -~ .. Construction, Inc, harmless from any claim, cause of actiort..Dabllity,lncludlng but not limited to ~h . interest, and attorney's fees arising from any claims hereafter made on account of work, labor, services. eqUipinent. materials or supplies covered by this progress payment. This waiver and release shall also be effective in .the event of any bankruptcy court action that may ultimately deprive the undersigned of entitlement to the payment hereunder. .' Subcontractor or Supplier. Johnson Electric. Inc, By: :") N .... . Address: 11816 NE 116th Street Kirkland. WA 98034 - - THIS FORM MUST BE NOTARIZED. ~'iI'~"."'''''''" ~., ..",t..' "'0 "'.. ." ~~ ......... OA " ./ '-.r ..... ....lOll ;--"'~ " o ~.. +' #. '.-:"1 : ~ "OTAltr,. .., .0 . ......... ~ fII,"... .t)L: 0 L. ,Co - .. ~ ........ . J -; ~ ,,'. ;. .. ~. "- "I .. t!' '. '-!)-.. " () ~J}_i@.~~'~worn to before me this .o~~% 19th day of December 1997 My Commission Expires: 7/9/99 . r-. ~ I . v ~J. .; WAIVER AND RELEASE OF LIEN UPON PROGRESS PAYMENT . To: CITY OF PORT ANGELES 321 East Fifth Street Port Angeles. WA 983~2 Project Number: 94-19 Project: PORT ANGELES PUBLIC LIBRARY Contract Date: 4/22197 The ~nder:>>igned, upon receipt. of the payment In the amount .of $ 9 . 500 . 0 ~ and ~r v~II~~~p;j. conSideration. does hereby waive and release any and all claims, of any type, kind or character,mcludmg any' . '. . mechanic's or materialman's lien, equitable lien. stop notice, retainage fund, or bond claim (public. or private) that the undersigned has or may ever have in any manner arising out of any work, labor, services,equipment, material or supplies furnished by or through the undersigned in connection with the project or the contract through the date of 1 2 / 3 1 / 97 In consideration of this progress payment. theundttf'Sig~ hereby agrees to. indemnify and hold OWner. Construction, Inc. harmless from any claim, cause of ~ or:IabIiIly.,Incb.~ but npUimiteclto .r"" .~. interest, and attorney's fees' arising from any claims hereafter made. on accOunt of wO'rtt: labOr, ServIceS,' . materials or supplies covered by this progress payment. This waiver and release shall also be effective in theMni of any bankruptcy court action that may ultimately deprive the undersigned of entitlement to the payment hereunder. Subcontractor or Supplier: MTR Sheet Metal, Inc. . Address: 8724 s. 222nd street Kent, WA 98031 1.<" ..;:..:'-~~i-;~~p~;Jt:+,..~ ",r{lJ) '%\22~,:.A')' "CO'. ~ '~'i"~' ~ ~ D~ ..~ preSiden~ IftJ.. ";~. !. ~~ ~l! ',0" . '- 4 (J ... " ~ ~-~'-; - =- ' THIS FORM MUST BE NOTARIZED. By: Subscribed and sworn to before me this 22 day of December 19 97 N~a~P1YJ/ I My Commission Expires: 9/29/2001 . " ;; . V -.1 J CITY OF PORT ANGELES - PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM "MAINTAINING AND BUILDING A BET1'ER COMMUNITY" January 14, 1998 TO: Kay Godbey, Finance Director FROM: Jack Pittis, Public Works Director RE: Upper Golf Course Road Sewer L.I.D #215 - Project-#95-05.14, (Payment #2) Contractor Pa ents Authorized to Date $467,659.50 $0.00 CONTRACT Ori . nal Contract Amount Chan e Orders to Date (0) Subtotal $92,481.80 $7,306.06 $4,624.09 $125,215.40 $9,892.02 $6,260.77 $17,198.08 $10,884.86 $352,857.07 Sales Tax (7.9% of subtotal) LESS Retaina e (5% of subtotal) 46.55% DISBURSEMENT SUMMARY (Account No., See Below) CONTRACTOR: R. V. Associates, Inc. 1333 Lloyd Park-way Port Orchard, W A 98366 US 7523"9505-4150 $ 91,049.83 DW2519-0001-4150 $ 4.1 13.94 Total $ 95,163.77 $95,163.77 RET AINAGE: Escrow No. 0187718620 Kitsap Bank P.O. Box 9 Port Orchard, W A 98366 $4,624.09 US 7523-9505-4150 $4,424.19 DW2519-0001-4150 $ 199.90 Total $4,624.09 TOTAL DISBURSEMENT FOR THIS PAYMENT I CHANGE ORDER COMMENTS: $99,787.86 _REPARED BY:, ~ . L.. r<-c... -. APPRoVED BY: .. ~ineer ~.......) Di Loc:N:\PROJECTS\95-05L1D\PROJMGT\PA YMENTS\PA YREQ.OO2 - "'. vv.J From: RV ASSOCIATES. INC. 1333 LLOYD PARKWAY PORT ORCHARD. WA 98366 Bill To: CITY OF PORT ANGELES p . 0 . BO! 1150 PORT ANGELES. VA 98362 ATTN: ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT Job: CITY OF PORT ANGELES P.O. BOX 1150 PORT ANGELES. VA 98362 RE: UPPER GOLF COURSE RD SEWER Ori21nal Contract Amount .................... p<_ch':'" /!.JlJlreV81l Chanl!e Orders...................... Total Contract To Date ...................... Total Billed To Date ........................ Total Retaina~e ............................. Previous Total Billed ....................... Current Invoice Amount ...................... Current Rehinage ........................... Current Sales Tax ........................... Current Amount Due .......................... !'- " E I V E D JAN 0 7 1998 . Invoice No.: 567 Period Froll: 12/01/97 Period Thru: 12/30/97 467.659.50 ,/ 1. 769.50 v 469.429.00 .;../ 2~ 211),,91.""2--0 ~ leI g'if"l,~~ 125.215.40 ,/ ~ ~)~Y') .~o ~ J.f ""?--~. Co ~ ~ .'3'-'&'.0(..- ~ "1'5./ ICp3~7 ",,_.e'- ..,. '.JdL . . '- "1,\>'~, -r>;;;;\,;,~:~:<';d"" ".'jn':!/;~t;~~'q:~':i::~",::'~ (;;;';, Job Number: 7~lgCS CITY O~ PORT ANGELES P!"t).1e~t ., : 9~-05lLID 1215 Aoolicat1on Nn.: 2 InvQi~e Numbp.r: 567 P~riod From: 12/01/97 Paae Number 2 Th1'1l: 12/30/97 T'I'nl CONTP.ACT UNI! CONTRACT QUANTITY HOmARY QUANTITY MONETARY ".41dJ JIIIIl DESCRIPTION OF WORK QUANTITY ONIT PRICE AMOUNT THIS MONTH THIS~ON'l'H '1'0 DATE '1'0 DATE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00 GOLF COORSE SEWER SHEDULE A 9.000.00""- 01 SEWER MOBILIZATION 1.00 LS IBOOO.OOOO IB.OOO.OO .50 1.00 18.000.00 ~2 2" PVC FROM UNnER PAVEMENT 40.00 LF 40.0000 1.600.00 20.00 BOO.OO./ 20.00 600.00 03 2" PVC FROM NO PAVEMENT 260.00 LF 9.7500 2.535.00 260.00 2.535.00"- 260.00 2.535.00 04 6" SEiER UNDER PAVEMENT 140.00 LF 1B.6000 2.604.00 .00 .0lV .00 .00 05 6" SEWER NO PAVEMENT 12.00 TV 25.0000 300.00 .00 .00" 6B.00 1. 700.00 ... 06 6" SIDE SEWER ~ PAVEMENT 840.00 LF 16.5000 13.B60.00 J~~ i,,5:;;'~ 3B6.00 6.402.00 07 6" SIDE SEWER NO PAVEMEMT 527.00 LF 14.0000 7.378.00 II 'v~ ~b'Vf ~O 391. 00 5..474.00 08 S" SEWER - PAVEMENT 1123.00 LF 22.0000 24.706.00 ~&.> 541. 00 11.902.00 ',,~01,: ~ n~ P," S:.wER MO PAVEMENT 3938.00 T11 ~8.5000 72.B53.00 1~~,~iP~ 2095.00 36.757.50 ... 10 EITRA EXCAVATING 6 + DEPTH 2100.00 LF B.OOOO 16.800.00 369.00 2.952.00 -- 1240.00 9.920.00 11 B X 6 TEE . 18.00 EA 35.0000 630.00 " ~ ";'iO;- ~ 17.00 595.00 12 6 X 6 TEE 6.00 EA 30.0000 180.00 3~ '1:;; .~ < .00 .00 13 6" PLUG 27.00 EA 20.0000 540.00 14.00 280.00...... IB.OO 360.00 14 8" DLUG 2.00 EA 30.0000 60.00 t~ ""3.?~ 3.00 90.00 15 6" CLEAN' OUT ASSEMBLY 6.00 EA 250.0000 1.500.00 2.00 500.00..... 2.00 500.00 16 8" CLEAN OUT ASSEMBLY 1.00 EA 300.0000 300.00 .00 .00'" 1.00 300.00 17 ~AMNHOLE PAVEMENT TO B' 4.00 EA 2000.0000 8.000.00 1.00 2.000.00"'" 3.00 6.000.00 18 MANHOLE NO PAVEMENT 8' 16.00 EA 1800.0000 2B.BOO.00 3.00 5.400.00/ 6.00 10.BOO.00 19 SADDLE ~ANHOLE 8' DEEP 1.00 EA 1900.0000 1. 900 . 00 .00 .00..... .00 .00 ?0 ~JNHOLE EXTRA DEPTH PAVEMENT 15.00 VF 200.0000 3.000.00 .00 .00"'" 2.00 400.00 ?1 MANHOLE EXTRA DEPTH NO PAVEMNT 17.00 VF 200.0000 3.400.00 1.00 200.00./ 4.00 800.00 22 INTERCEPT EXISTING SEiER 2.00 EA 1000.0000 2.000.00 .00 .00 ./ 4.00 4.000.00 . 23 R&R ASPHALT 8468.00 SF 7.5000 63.510.00 766.00 5.745.00""'" 1713.00 12.B47.50 24 UNSUITABLE EXCAVATION 100.00 CY 12.0000 1. 200.00 .00 .00..... 8.90 106.80 25 SELECT BACKFILL 500.00 CY 15.0000 7.500.00 514.37 7.715.55..... 1577 . 07 23.656.05 2R NON ROADWAY RESTORATION 2930.00 SY 11. 0000 32.230.00 .00 .00'" .00 .00 27 SHOULDER RESTORATION 2109.00 SY 11. 0000 23.199.00 .00 .00/ .00 .00 28 YARD RESTORATION 726.00 SY 11. 0000 7.986.00 .00 .00/ .00' .00 ?~ SHORING 51500.00 SF .5000 25.750.00 13810.50 6.905.25 ~ 27116.50 13.558.25 ~o TRAFFIr. CONTROL SEWER 1.00 LS 5000.0000 5.000.00 .40 2.000.00 -- .40 2.000.00 ?l FLAGGING - S~EP. 1200.00 HR 35.0000 42.000.00 264.00 9.240.00.....- 421. 00 14.735.00 ~2 CLEAR & GRUB 1.60 AC 2800.0000 4.4BO.00 .09 252.001" .38 1.064.00 Total GOLF COURSE SEiER SHEDULE A 423. B01. 00 -89.19r:-mJ 1B7.303.10 n~ C~[F COURSE ROAD SCHEDULE B 8'3)4'63> '~c. (11 ~OBE!ZAT!OS 1.00 Te 5000.0000 5.000.00 .00 .00 .'" 1.00 5.000.00 .." 02 8" C-~OO WATEPJlAIN 710.00 LF 17.4500 12.3B9.50 40.00 698.00'" 73B.00 12.878.10 1\3 S" GATE VALVE & BOX 1. 00 EA 560.0000 560.00 o.~ o-~ 2.00 1.120.00 04 HYDRANT ASSEMBLY 1.00 EA 2000.0000 2.000.00 1.00 2.000.00.... 1.00 2.000.00 05 8" HOT TAP 1.00 EA 1435.0000 1. 435.00 .00 .00 1.00 1.435.00 06 MISC. BENDS & FITTINGS 6.00 EA 300.0000 1.600.00 1.00 300.00"'" 3.00 900.00 (\7 UNSUITABLE: 20.00 CY 12.0000 240.00 .00 .00..... .00 .00 OR SELECT BACKFILL 50.00 CY 15.0000 750.00 .00 .00..... .00 .00 09 NON ROADWAY RESTORATION 1000.00 SY 11. 0000 11.000.00 .00 .00" .00 .00 10 YARD RESTORATION 184.00 SY 11. 0000 2.024.00 .00 .00.... .00 .00 11 TRAFFIC CONTROL 1. 00 LS 1000.0000 1. 000.00 1.00 1. 000 . 00 ...r 1.00 1.000.00 !2 FLAGGrNG 16.00 HR 35.0000 560.00 .00 .00/ .00 .00 13 CLEAR & GRUB .30 AC 7000.0000 2.100.00 .00 .00--- .30 2.100.00 . 14 MISC. TRENCHING & BACKFILL 400.00 LF 7.5000 3.000.00 .00 .00/ 698.00 5.235.00 Total GOL~ COURSE ROAD SCHEDULE B 43.858.50 .~ 31.666.10 -S 1'1'6 .~.:> " .... 'J 0,~ Job Number: 731GCS CITY OF PORT ANGELES Project , : 95-05/LID '215 Alllllication No.: 2 In,oice Nutber: 567 Period From: 12/01/97 Pa~e Nutber 3 Thru: 12/30/97 !!EM CONTRACT UNIT CONTRACT QUANTITY MONETARY QUANTITY . MONETARY, 110 DESCRIPTION OF WORI QUANTITY UNIT PRICE AMOUNT THIS MONTH THIS MONTH TO DATE TO DATE ~~-~BiHGE-~RD!R~---------------------------------------------------------------------------------&--------------------------------- ~ 01 TEMP HOOIUP & PERM SEWER HKUP .00 LS .0000 1. a 19.50 .00 .00 .00 .00 02 ADD SINGLE 2" LAUNCH TUBE .00 LS .0000 450.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 Total CHANGE ORDERS 1. 769.50 .00 .00 ,lob Totala 469.429.00 ~ C)j Lf~ J.~ 218.971.20 ~ ~ ~J~; t . XII. PUBLIC HEARINGS: ~- 1. Adoption of 1998-2003 Capital Facilities Plan (Page 54-57) 2. . MUNICIPAL CODE AMENDMENT - MCA - 97-03.- CITY OF PORT ANGELES - Environmentally Sensitive Areas (ESA): Amendment of the City's Environmentally Sensitive Areas (ESA) Ordinance, to further define what areas are classified as ESAs and how applications are processed. (Continued from January 20, 1998.) (Page 58-99) . . Jack Pittis Director {4801J Phyllis Rasler Administrative Assistant {4805J Ca!e Rinehart Administrative Assistant [47ooJ Bob Titus Deputy Director [4701J Ken Ridout Deputy Director {4802J Gary Kenworthy City Engineer [4803J Steve Hursh Engineering Manager {4702J Tim Smith Contract & Project .ministrator {4804J u Haehnlen Sr. Building Inspector [4816J Tom Sperline Sr. Electrical Inspector [4735J . Scott McLain Power Manager [4703J Ralph Ellsworth . Water, Wastewater Collection . Superintendent {4855J Pete Burrett Equip. Services Superintendent {4835J Mark Shamp Light Operations Manager [4731J Kevin Curtis Treat. Plant Supervisor [4845J Tom McCabe SW Collection Supervisor {4876J Steve Evans Landfill Supervisor .73J , , MEMORANDUM DATE: January 30, 1998 City Manager Pomer:anz, Mayor Braun and Council Members Bob Titus, Deputy Director of Utility Services ~ SUBJECT: Adoption of 1998-2003 Capital Facilities Plan TO: FROM: SUMMARY and RECOMMENDATION:The City updates it's Capital Facilities Plan (CFP) annually to reflect new capital projects, changes to existing projects and/or changes in available funding. The CFP is used as a planning tool and to qualify f()r State and Federal funding programs. The transportation element is identical to the previously. approved Transportation Improvement Program that goes. to th~ State and the entire CFP will eventually be incorporated into the City's Comprehensive Plan through the annual amendment process later this year. It is recommended that, after accepting publiC comment, the City Council approve the attached resolution adopting the City's 1998-2003 Capital Facilities Plan. BACKGROUND AND ANALYSIS: The State of Washington, Growth Management Act of 1990 (GMA) requires that the City of PorLAngeles develop a Comprehensive Plan that contains land use, housing, capital facilities, utilities, public facilities, and transportation elements. The Capital Facilities Plan (CFP) is the document that communicates the City's plan for capital construction and purchases for a six-year period as required by the GMA. Capital projects and major purchases are identified by city departments based on Council goals & priorities and level of service standards sufficient to mai!ltain the safety and quality of life of our citizens. Capital construction projects and major p'-;U'chases are divided into three categories within the report: General Purpose, Transportation, and Enterprise. The General Purpose element contains projects dealing with police and fire safety, parks and recreation, public buildings and general improvements. The Transportation element contains -projects dealing with yehicle and pedestrian transportation and for the most part duplicates our Transportation Improvement Plan (TIP). The Enterprise element contains projects associated, with the City's utilities - Light, Water, Wastewater, Storm Water and Solid Waste. As part of the City's Comprehensive Plan the CFP, besides being a planning document, also places' certain obligation~ on the City. First of all the CFP is required to be a fully funded plan that identifies the sources of funding for all projects and expenditures. Secondly, land use decisions that rely on future infrastructure' improvements to maintain level of service standards impose an obligation on the City to complete" the .improvements within six years of development if the improvement has cOIl9.1urrency requirements. In order to ensure this the GMA requires that the project be included in the current CFP. RJT:bt Disk: N:\PWKS\LIGHT\DIRECTOR\FILES\CFPADOPT.DOC File: Attachments: CFP DOCUMENT Copy: t ~" ~ \.)0'1: . RESOLUTION NO. ~ A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, approving the 1998-2003 Capital Facilities Plan. WHEREAS, the Washington State Growth Management Act of 1990 (GMA) requires he City to develop a Comprehensive Plan which contains land use, housing, capital facilities, tilities, public facilities, and transportation elements; and WHEREAS, the Capital Facilities Plan is the part of the Comprehensive Plan that communicates the City's capital construction projects and purchases for a six-year period as required by the GMA; and WHEREAS, on June 28, 1994, the City Council adopted a new Comprehensive Plan, . which included a Capital Facilities Plan for 1994-1999, in compliance with the GMA; and WHEREAS, all City departments have submitted capital projects for consideration, and available funding has been identified and allocated to projects in accordance with department priorities for a 1998-2003 Capital Facilities Plan; and WHEREAS, the City Council has considered the departments' reCommendations and has conducted a public hearing on the 1998-2003 Capital Facilities Plan; and WHEREAS, it is anticipated that the 1998-2003 Capital Facilities Plan will be adopted by ordinance as part of an amendment to the Comprehensive Plan pursuant to the GMA, which allows the Comprehensive Plan to be amended no more frequently than once every year; . -1- I" ,...., v0"..' NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City-Council of the City of Port geles as follows: Section 1. The 1998-2003 Capital Facilities Plan is hereby approved, subject to formal doption by ordinance as part of the capital facilities element of the 1998 amendment to the City's' PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said ouncil held on the 3rd day of February, 1998. MAYOR Becky 1. Upton, City Clerk APPROVED AS .TO FORM: Craig D. Knutson, City Attorney R9ll.1 -2- ...., . .' 00. 1 r~.. 2 3 A- 4 r-- - DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM - TO: Brad Collins, Planning Director FROM~d Sawyer, Senior Planner DATE: February 3, 1998 RE: ESA Maps The large wall map provides a comprehensive view of the various types and locations of environmentally sensitive areas (ESAs) throughout the City and its Urban Growth Area. It serves as a hard copy attachment to the adopting ordinance and is best used for general identification purposes. The smaller map is an example of the working maps which will be available at the Planning Department public counter. These "working" maps will represent the same ESA information as the waIl map but plotted at a larger scale to better facilitate the use of the information. Each "working map" will represent one of the City's GIS mapping grids and will show individual lot lines and Townsite Block identification numbers as well as the ESA information. While these maps will be a great help in determining if a property is subject to the City's ESA Ordinance, the represented location of the ESA on the map is still an approximation and its exact location will often require field verification on a case by case basis. Planning Deparhnenl: Brad Collins: exl. 475 I, David Sawyer: ext. 4752, Sue Roberds: ext. 4750 PLANNING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM Brad Collins. Director. Extension 4751; Sue Roberds. Extension 4750; David Sawyer, Extension 4752 January 30, 1998 TO: Mayor Braun; City Councilmembers, and Manager Pomeranz, FROM: Planning Department, Brad Collins, Planning Director SUBJ: MUNICIPAL CODE AMENDMENT - MCA 97-04 ENVIRONMENTALLY SENSITIVE AREAS (ESA) PROTECTION ORDINANCE RECOMMENDA TION/ACTION: . Following the continued public hearing. Council should concur with the recommendation of the Planning Commission to amend the Environmentally Sensitive Areas Protection Ordinance and the Port Angeles Municipal Code noting the findings included il/ the draft ordinance in support of the action. BACKGROUNDLSIlMMARY: Following a special continued public hearing conducted on January 7, 1998, the Planning Commission moved to recommended that the City Council amend Ordinance No. 2656 (Environmentally Sensitive Areas Protection Ordinance) and Chapter 15.20 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code as described in the attached draft ordinance. The amendments were largely recommended by a citizen's advisory committee that met with staff and members of the Planning Commission over the past year providing a thorough review of the ordinance requirements and applicability. Members of the engineering, surveying, and environmental community served on the advisory committee. The amendments result in a more comprehensive document that eliminates instances where properties are required to develop under the ESA regulations when the development is not actually in~luded in an ESA and defines steep slopes regulated by the ordinance only as those which are geological hazards. Many of the changes proposed are a result of actual working experiences with the current ordinance language. An excerpt of the Commission's December 10th and January 7th minutes are attached to this memorandum. Council opened the public hearing on January 20, 1998, and continued the hearing to February 3, 1998, due to an error in the agenda identification. Staff will be available for questions. , ~L~'.. Sue Roberds, PI ing Specialist . Attachment: Ordinance Minutes . - ,...., U00 . . . Planning Commission Minutes - January 7, 1998 Page 6 ~ MUNICIP AL CODE AMENDMENT - MCA 97-03 - CITY OF PORT ANGEI,ES - Environmentally Sensitive Area (ESA): Amendment of the City's Environmentally Sensitive Areas (ESA) Ordinance, to further define what areas are classified as ESAs and how applications are processed. (Continued from December 10, 1997.) Planning Director Collins noted that this issue is continued from December 10, 1997, at which time the public hearing was closed. He reiterated that the current draft was extensively reviewed by an ad hoc committee prior to submittal to the Commission and reminded the Commissioners that staff was requested to provide a definition for the term "functions and values" at the December 10 meeting. Although staff contacted the State Department of Ecology for assistance in that definition, a response was not received from DOE. Staff provided a definition for the Commission's consideration. The Commission undertook extensive discussion of the ordinance application and the proposed amendments. Mr. Collins responded to Commissioner Craver that a conscious effort was made by the ad hoc committee and staff to eliminate the current connection with adjoining properties and to restrict application of the City's Environmentally Sensitive Areas (ESA) Ordinance to the property that is affected. In response to her concern that no financial liitation is set for remediation projects, he explained that federal law requires a nexus to the project with a monetary figure usually having been negotiated depending on the project's effects. The Commission discussed in detail staffs definition of the term "functions and values" and continue review of terms contained in the ordinance to determine its scope and where it would be applicable. Mr. Collin~ suggested including the detail that is contained in the City's Wetland Ordinance to describe what a sensitive areas tract is and how it is to be defined, protected, and maintained. Although the requirement to provide t~at information is stated in the ESA, how to provide the information is not. It was determined, following review of the Wetlands Ordinance instructions for sensitive areas tracts, to include that detailed wording in Section 15.24.090 of the revised ordinance. The Commission took a break at 8:30 p.m. and reconvened at 8:40 p.m. Commissioner Souders moved to recommend that the City Council approve the amendments to Ordinance No. 2656 and Chapter 15 PAMC as proposed by the ad hoc committee including the current changes requested by the Planning Commission. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Nutter and passed unanimously. Commissioner Craver wished to commend members of the ad hoc advisory committee and staff for their review of the cumbersome ordinance in an attempt to provide a worthwhile working document that is more definitive. r- ~. . I ,.-, v;.;u ,- ! . . . Planning Commission Minutes December 10.1997 Page 8 MUNICIPAL CODE AMENDMENT - MeA 97-03 - CITY OF PORT ANGELES - Environmentally Sensitive Area (ESA): Amendment of the City's Environmentally Sensitive Areas (ESA) Ordinance, to further define what areas are classified as ESAs and how applications are processed. Planning Director Collins reviewed the changes recommended by the ad hoc advisory committee and the City Attorney to the City's Environmentally Sensitive Areas (ESA) Ordinance. He explained that the ad hoc committee w~ comprised of two Planning Commissioners, three field experts in engineering and critical areas and a citizen at large position. The Ordinance was adopted in 1991 largely as a model ordinance from the Department of Ecology and has been analyzed by the committee for approximately one year in an attempt to mold it into a working document that is flexible yet meets the State and City's standard requirements. Chair German opened the public hearing. Jay Peterson, 619 S. Chase Street, spoke as a member of the ESA ad hoc advisory committee. The Committee was formed of users who have worked with the existing ordinance in an attempt to make it more user friendly and locally achieveable. The proposed amendments will ensure the requirements and development standards and not discriminitively prohibitive. A map is included which identifies sensitive areas and a matrix has been added for quick reference. He encouraged the Planning Commission to recommend the changes as proposed to be approved by the City Council. Commissioner Hewins noted that the term "functions and values" appears in the amended ordinance, but there is no definition to describe the intent of the wording. He asked that a definition be included. Planner Sawyer noted that the map earlier described is not flawless, but it is as near perfect as is" known as present. Changes and additions may be necessary. Commissioner Craver asked that a more definitive time period be included in the test wherin the Planning Director may "postpone" a decision to a time certain. There being no further testimony, Chair German closed the public hearing. Commissioner Hewins moved to continue discussion to January 7, 1998,7 p.m., and directed staff to provide the definitions requested by the Commission in its discussion. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Nutter and passed unanimously. . . f', v Li '* :- ~ "'>~ . ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington,'amending Ordinance 2656, as arriended, and Chapter 15.20 ofthe Port Angeles Municipal Code by revising the City's regulations regarding development in environmentally sensitive areas. . WHEREAS, the City Council adopted development standards regulating development in environmentally sensitive areas (ESA) by adoption of Ordinance 2656 in 1991; and WHEREAS, the ESA regulations were modified in 1996 following five years of use to allow more flexibility in determining buffer requirements; and WHEREAS, in 1997, the City established an ad hoc advisory committee to conduct a thorough review of the ESA Ordinance as it pertains to actual development; NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES DOES HEREBY ORDAIN as follows: Sectioal Ordinance 2656, as amended, and Chapter 15.20 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code are hereby amended by amending PAMC 15.20.010, 15.20.020, 15.20.030, 15.20.040, 15.20.050, 15.20.060, 15.20.070, 15.20.080, 15.20.110 to read as follows: 15.20.01O_=Eindings~o[Eact. The City Council of the City of Port Angeles hereby finds that: A. Development in stream corridors results in: I. Siltation of streams, which destroys spawning beds, kills fish eggs and alevins, irritates fish gills, reduces aquatic insect populations, fills stream channels, and causes flooding; 2. Loss of stream corridor vegetation, which raises streamlemperatures, destabilizes stream banks, causes erosion, removes nutrients by removing source of fallen leaves and stream side insects, increases sedimentation, and reduces recruitment of large wood debris necessary for stream structure; 3. Elimination of wildlife. and fish habitat. The stream corridor is especially sensitive and is recognized as being among the most productive terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. It usually provides all four of the basic habitat components - water, food, cover, and space. The stream corridor is usually richer in habitat diversity apd, . .-, It , . t -. I.~ uU"7 ~, 1 consequently, wildlife diversity and numbers of individuals ar~ high~r than in adjoining" upland plant communities. Certain fish and wildlife species are totally dependent on the , stream corridor and as uplands are developed, stream corridors become a place of refuge for many wildlife species; 4. Increased peak flow rates and decreased summer low flow rates of streams, resulting in negative impacts to the physical and chemical requirements critical for sustained fish populations; 5. Stream channelization, which increases current velocity, and bank , en)sion, removes critical fish rearing and spawning habitat, and reduces habitat diversity and simplifies the biotic community; 6. Piping of stream flow and crossing of streams by culverts, which increases potential for downstream flooding, reduces migratory fishery range and, therefore, fish populations, removes haqitat, and eliminates the biotic community; and 7. Construction near or within streaws, which adversely impacts fish and wildlife by destroying habitat and degrading water quality and increases potential for flooding, property damage~ and risk to public health, safety, an,9- welfare. B. Development of geological (erosion hazard, landslide hazard, seismic hazard) hazard areas and:-steep"slopes results in: 1. Potential threat to the health and safety of residents and employees of businesses within the City; 2. Potential damage or loss to public and private property within the City; 3. Potential degradation of water quality and the physical characteristics of waterways due to increased sedimentation; 4. Potential losses to the public as a result of increased expenditures for replacing or repairing public facilities; providing publicly funded facilities to reduce or eliminate potential hazards to life and property; providing emergency rescue and relief operations; and from potential litigation resulting from incompatible development in these areas. c. Development of fish and wildlife habitat areas results in: - 2 - . . . - ,- 00":; . 1. Losses in the numbers and varieties of aqlJ!ltic and terrestrial wildlife species; 2. Loss of streamside vegetation that increases erosion and sedimentation, and reduces the quality of water resources; 3. Loss of opportunities for outdoor recreation such as hunting, fishing, bird-watching, sightseeing and similar activities; 4. Loss of economic opportunities in forestry, fisheries, shellfish and tourism industries; 5. Loss of opportunities 'for scientific research and education. D. Development of locally unique land features (ravines, marine bluffs, beaches) results in: . 1. Disruption of the natural functioning of region surface drainage systems and the aquatic and terrestrial wildlife that depend on this habitat; 2. Increased threat to life and property as a consequence of exposure to geologic hazards and flooding; 3. Disruption of natural long shore drift processes that help maintain Edie Hook and Port Angeles Harbor; 4. Destruction of natural greenbelts that serve to enhance the visual character of the community and serve as "community separators" that reduce the perceived degree of 'urbanization; 5. Loss of opportunities for. trail systems and other forms of passive recreation. (Ord. 2656 ~1 (part), 11/29/91.) 15.20.020.=J>urpose. Surface streams and flood hazards, geologic hazards (erosion, landslide, seismic), steep-slopes, fish and wildlife habitat areas, locally unique features (ravines, marine bluffs, beaches) and protective requireil buffers constitute environmentally sensitive areas that are of special concern to the City of Port Angeles. The purpose of this Chapter is to protect the environmentally sensitive resources of the Port Angeles community as required by the Growth Management Act and as provided in the Guidelines promulgated by the Department-of-€ommunity-flevelopment State of Washington. Accordingly, the intent of this Chapter is to use a performance=based functions and values approach and . - 3 - ,., v U ....) establish mmnnum standards for development of properties ~which contain or adjoin environmentally sensitive features and to protect the public health, safety, and welfare in , regard to environmentally sensitive areas by: A.. A voidin AB. Mitigating unavoidable impacts by regulating alterations; Be. Protecting from impacts of development by regulating alterations; eo. Protecting the public from personal "injury , loss of life or property damage due to flooding, erosion, landslides, seismic events, or soil subsidence; DE. Protecting against publicly financed expenditures in the event environmentally sensitive areas are misused, which causes: 1. Unnecessary maintenance and replacement of public facilities; 2. Publicly funded mitigation of avoidable impacts; 3. Cost for public emergency rescue and relief operations where the causes are avoidable; or 4. Degradation of the natural environment; EF. Protecting the public trust in navigable waters and as-to aquatic resources; FG. Preventing adverse impacts to water availability, water quality and streams; GH. Protecting unique, fragile, and valuable elements of the environment, including wildlife and its habitat; HI. Alerting appraisers, assessors, owners, potential buyers, or lessees to the development limitations -of environmentally sensitive areas; IJ. Providing City officials with sufficient information to adequately protect environmentally sensitive areas when approving, conditioning, or denying public or private development proposals; and JK. Implementing the policies of the State Environmental Policy Act, Chapter 43.21 C RCW; the City of Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan; this Chapter of the Port Angeles Municipal Code; and all updates and amendments, functional plans, and other land use policies formally adopted or accepted by the City of Port Angeles. KL. Provide protection of environmentally sensitive areas for a period until the City can complete more detailed studies of the environmentally sensitive areas within the . . . -4- 00, ':-';,f\"'"'"", ';::'1'" "-',~'""',):"i _i':~_:.}'i . City and adopt a comprehensive set of policies pertaining to p~otection of environmental resources and amend regulations which implement the policies. (Ord. 2918 ~1 (part), 6/14/96; Ord. 2656 ~1 (part), 11/29/91.) 15.20.030 - Definitions. For the purposes of this Chapter, the following definitions shall apply: A. "Beaches and associated coastal drift process areas" means the areas that encompass marine shorelines which contain iniportant sites of material supply, transport and deposition that define the present landforms and natural character of the Port Angeles shoreline. a :Buffer.:..means_an.undisturbed area adjacent to an environmentally sensitive featur.e..Jhat is r~quired to.protect oLenhance the environmenta1lY---SensitiY~fe.aturesJU1dJs considere~rt of the.environmentall~ensi1iY.e.Jlrea. A buffer is differ.enUhaILa..se1hack. C. "Compensation u.means__a_form of mitigatioIL1haueplaces---project - induced losses or impa~{Lan environmentally_sensitive areCLalldinc1udes, hut is not limited to restoration, enhancement..substitute.Iesources, and creation, which ~defined..as follows: l~estoration:.mean.sJction8-llerformed to reestablish-.-environmentally sensitive-'lfeaJ'unctionaland--Yalue.characteristics~cLprocesses-.-Whichnhay.~be..enJo.sLby alterations._actiYities. or catastrophic_events_within.aILarea; 2 .-'-'Enhancement" .meaIliactions_performed_toJrnproye.. the conditioll..oLan existing. environmentally sensitive. area.so_thauhelunctioIls_ and_ values_pr.oyjdecLar~oLa higheLquality; 3 .-"Substitute_ResourceS~eanLaClions-perfOImed_to----p.ro.Yide for an alternative-.-emdronmentally sensitive area;.or 4. _':'Creation: means actions..p.erformecLtoJntentionallyestablish1>L.eXpand an environmentally_sensitive_area _whereJLdicLnoLformeIly_exist. BD. "Critical areas" and "environmentally sensitive areas" include any of the following areas and ecosystems theiLasso.ciat.edJmff.ers:y1. Wetlands; 2. Streams or stream corridors; 3. Frequently flooded areas; . . - 5 - '. r.... 'J U _' I I I I \ \ I I I I I I \ I I I I I I 1 i I I I 4. Geologically haz~dous areas: a. Erosion hazard areas, . b. Landslide hazard areas, c. Seismic hazard areas; 5. Priority species and species of concern habitat areas; and 6. Locally unique feature~: a. Ravines; b. Marine bluffs; c. Beaches and associated coastal drift processes. E. ~nginee[:..means~-.State licensed or certified engineering professional. ~ GF. "Erosion hazard areas" means those areas containing soils which, according to the United States Department of Agriculture Soil Conservation Service. Soil Classification System, may experience severe to very severe erosion.. DG. "Frequently flooded areas" means lands in the floodplain subject to a one percent or greater chance of flooding in any given year (the IOO-year storm flood). These areas include but are not limited to streams, rivers, lakes, coastal areas, wetlands, and the like. . H. "Functions uand Values::__means th d intrinsic environmentaLbenefitsoffered by. an_enY.ironmentall~ensitive featur.e..~ample4..a function and. an. associated environmentaLY.alue.J>Lamarinc_hluffJ.s..J.o...proYide...materials.Jo sborelines. and _thereby maintain beaches:.and.-SpitsJrollLeLOSioIl.-and-'l---.functioallnd_an associated environmental value of astreamjLt(Lpro.Yide~ater..JhatJ.n.Ju1lLinsur.es..Jhe survival of a diversity of flora and fauna. EI. "Geologically hazardous areas" means areas that because of their susceptibility to erosion, sliding, earthquake, or other geological event, are not suited to siting commercial, residential, or industrial development consistent with public health or safety concerns. FJ. "Habitats of local importance" means a seasonal range or habitat element with which a given species has a primary association, and which, if altered, may reduce the likelihood that the species will maintain and reproduce over the long-term. These might . -6- , f'"\ 00J -<;:'f:,'?~'f~,;t,;:~:~,:, :ii;: ,~. c" ;'::"J;i(' ': ~:~'~; :','e ":'}"'V i(.~~t;W~:f\'~~;lr~~i" ; . include areas of high relative density or species riclJness, breeding habitat, winter range, and movement corridors. These might also include habitats that are of limited availability or high vulnerability to alteration, such as cliffs, talus, and wetlands. GK. "Landslide hazard areas" means areas potentially subject to risk of mass movement due to a combination of geologic, topographic, and hydrologic factors. The . following areas are considered to be subject to landslide hazards: 1. Areas of historic failures or potentially unstable slopes, such as areas mapped within Soils Conservation Service Slide Hazard Area Studies as unstable by the 1978 Coastal Zone Atlas; and as quaternary slumps, earthflows, mudflows, lahars, or landslides on maps published by the United States Geological Surveyor Department of Natural Resour;::es Division of Geology and Earth Resources. 2. Any area with a combination of: (a) slopes fifteen percent (15 %) or steeper, and (b) impermeable soils (typically silt and clay) frequently interbedded with granular soils (predominantly sand and gravel); and, (c) springs or ground water seepage. 3 ;--Any-slope-forty-percent-(4flo/otand-with-a-vertical-relief-often or more feet- except-areas-composed-of-consolidated-rock-:- 4-;----- A ny-slope-greater-than-eighty-percent-(-801fot: 5. ------Any-area-which-has-shown-movement-during -the past-l0;OOO-years or which-is-underlain by mass-wastage-debris-from--that-period-of-time. 63. Any area potentially unstable as a result of rapid stream incision, stream bank erosion (e.g. ravines) or undercutting by wave action (e.g. marine bluffs). HL. "Locally unique features" means landforms and features that are important to the character of the City of Port Angeles and the adjoining Port Angeles Urban Growth Area. These features or landforms usually contain more than one "critical area". Locally unique features in the Port Angeles region include ravines, marine bluffs, and beaches and associated coastal drift processes. I: " ~ocally-unique feature-zoneg1Lmeans--variable-width-planning -areas-defined as. setbacks-from1:he1:op-of-ravines-or-blu~rrespondi.ng-to1:he-shoreline-management zone-for-beaches-and-associated-coastal-drift-processes: JM "Marine bluffs" means coastal features resulting from wave eroSIOn undercutting uplands located adjacent to the shoreline, creating vertical cliffs that are an . . - 7 - -. -,..... J.U important source of sediment for coastal drift processes and~ the l~dforms created by these processes. N.. "Mitigation" means taking measures including avoiding, minimizing, and compensating for adverse impacts to an environmentally sensitive area and should be taken in the following order of preference and may include a combination of these measures:. 1. A voiding the impacts altogether by not taking a certain action or parts of an action but still accomplishing-1he objective of the proposed action; 2. MinimizingJheJrnpacts by limiting the degree or magnitude of an action. bY-.l1~ppmpriatejechnology_and best management practices, or by taking-.affirmatiYe action to reduce impacts; 3-------.RectifY-ing_the~cts of an action by repairing, rehabilitating, or restoring the affectecLenvlromnent; ~t--Reducing-.OLelirninating the impacts over time by preservatioaJlIld maintenane~peI.ations during_theJife~etion; S._Compensating fOL1he..JmpactLhy~storing......enhaneing, providing substitute.J:.esources, or creating. newneu.vironment8.;--'lIld 6.__~onitoring. the jmpacts_and the mitigation-'lDd-1akingJppmpriate correctiYeJneasures. KO. "Priority habitats" means areas with one or more of the following attributes: comparatively high fish and wildlife density; high fish__and wildlife species richness; . significant important fish and wildlife breeding habitat, seasonal ranges, or movement corridors; limited availability; andlor high vulnerability; _andLoLunique_oLdependent specIes. P. "Species of Concern and Priority Species and-.Species of Cone.em Habitat" means habitat supporting: (a) tishand wildlife species that are designatedny the State to be of concern due to their population status and their sensitivity to habitat alteration; and (b) recreationally important species for which the maintenance of a stable population and surplus for recreation may be affected by habitat loss or change. LQ. "Ravines" means narrow gorges normally containing steep slopes, having little or no defined floodplain, and deeper than ten (10) vertical feet as measured from the - 8 - 'J , ."- . . . ,- ! .:' "c,--'----; -: 'i i .~_ :-" ;,- ..~: " 'IL\~':-~'~:';'(.::L:i:,>;, " . centerline of the ravine to the top of the slope. ~ MR. "Seismic hazard areas" means areas subject to severe risk of damage as a result of earthquake induced ground shaking, slope failure, settlement, soil liquefaction, or surface faulting. These conditions occur in areas underlain by cohesion less soils of low density usually in association with a shallow groundwater table. SJ ~~he minimum distance for any use,. structure or building from a hazard area as required by a qualified expert as identified in PAMC 15.20.060(B)(4)(b) to protect safety for occupants of a development and/or users of a site. N. "Steep slope-hazard-areas" means any ground that rises a~ an inclination of forty-percenti4e-%t-or-more-within a vertical elevation change of aHeasHen (10) feetia verticaI-rise-of--ten-feet-or-more-for-every-twenty- five feet of horizontal-distance}:-A-sfope is~delineated-by-establishing-its-toe-and~top-and-measured--by-averaging-the-inclination-over at -least-ten-t"eet-ohertical-relief. OT. "Stream corridor zones" means variable width planning areas defined as setbacks-from-the-ordinary-high-water-elevation-ofthe hy--.th~ stream or watercourse, or from the top of the bank or dike. Zones Stream corridors include both year-round and seasonal waterways but vary in width depending on the rating of the stream. If the stream or watercourse is contained within a ravine, the stream corridor zone will may be established using the Locally Unique Feature Corridor Zone. P . "- -----.!tSpecies of-Concern' and -Priority-Species-HabitatlLyneans-habitat-supporting: ~ a) wildlife -species-that are-of-concern-due-to-theiryopulation-status-and-their-sensitlv1ty-to habitat alteration;--and' (b )-recreationally-important-species-for-which-the-maintenance-ofa stable'population-and 'surplus' for recreation-may-be--affected-by-habitat-loss-or-change;- QU. "Water types" include categories established pursuant to WAC 222-16-020 and -030, as follows: 1. "Type 1 water" means all waters, within their ordinary high-water mark, as inventoried as "shorelines of the state" under chapter 90.58 RCW, but not including those waters' associated wetlands. 2. "Type 2 water" shall mean segments of natural waters which are not classified as Type 1 water and have a high use and are important from a water quality . . - 9 - ., ..... U i :~ standpoint for domestic water supplies; public recreation; fi~h spawning, rearing, or migration or wildlife uses; or are highly significant to protect water quality. This classification shall be applied to segments of natural waters which: a. Are diverted for domestic use by more than 100 residential or camping units or by a public accommodation facility licensed to serve more than 100 persons, where such diversion is determined by the Department of Natural Resources to be' a valid appropriation of water and the only practiCal water source for such users. Such waters shall be considered to be Type 2 Water upstream from the point of such diversion for 1,500 feet or until the drainage area is reduced by 50 percent, whichever is less; b. Are within a federal, state, local, or private campground having more t~an 30 camping units; pmYided ,however , that the water shall not be considered to enter a campground until it reaches the boundary of the park lands available for public use and comes within 100 feet of a camping unit, trail or other park improvement; c. Are used by substantial numbers of anadromous or resident game fish for spawning, rearing or migration. Waters having the following characteristics are presumed to have highly significant fish populations: i. Stream segments having a defined channel 20 feet or greater in width between the ordinary high-water marks and having a gradient of less than 4 percent. 11. Impoundments having a surface area of 1 acre or greater at seasonal low water. . . 3. "Type 3 Water" shall mean segments of natural waters which are not classified as Type 1 or 2 water and have a moderate to slight use and are moderately important from a water quality standpoint for domestic use; public recreation; fish spawning, rearing, or migration or wildlife uses; or have moderate value to protect water quality. This classification shall be applied to segments of natural waters which: a. Are diverted for domestic use by more than 10 residential or camping units or by a public accommodation facility licensed to serve more than 10 persons, where such diversion is determined by the Department of Natural Resources to be a valid appropriation of water and the only practical water source for such users. Such waters shall . - 10- o iJ i ...J . , be considered to be Type 3 Water upstream from the point of sU<2h diversion for 1,500 feet or until the drainage area is reduced by 50 percent, whichever is less; b. Are used by significant numbers of anadromous fish for spawning, rearing or migration. Waters having the following characteristics are presumed to have significant anadromous fish use: 1. Stream segments having a defmed channel of 5 feet or greater in width between the ordinary high-water marks; and having a gradient of less than 12 percent and not upstream of a falls of more than 10 vertical feet. 11. Impoundments having a surface area of less than 1 acre at seasonal low water and having an outlet to an anadromous fish stream. . c. Are used by significant numbers of resident game fish. Waters with the following characteristics are presumed to have significant resident game fish use: 1. Stream segments having a defined channel of 10 feet or greater in width between the ordinary high-water marks; and a summer low flow greater than 0.3 cubic feet per second; and a gradient of less than 12 percent. 11. Impoundments having a surface area greater than 0.5 acre at seasonal low water. . d. Are high significant for protection of downstream water quality. Tributaries which contribute greater than 20 perc~nt of the flow to a Type I or 2 Water are presumed to be significant for 1,500 feet from their confluence with the Type I or 2 Water or until their drainage area is less than 50 percent of their drainage area at the point of confluence, whichever is less. 4. "Type 4 water" shall mean segments of natural waters which are not classified as Type I, 2, or 3. Their significance lies in their influence on water quality downstream in Type 1, 2, or 3 waters. These may be perennial or intermittent. This classification shall be applied to segments of natural waters which are not classified as Type 1, 2 or 3, and for the purpose of protecting water qu.ality downstream are classified as Type 4 Water upstream until the channel width becomes less than 2 feet in width between the ordinary high-water marks. - 11 - . "l \,) . ';:. I I . I 5. "Type 5 water" means all other waters,)n natural water courses, including streams with or without a well-defined channel, areas of perennial or intermittent seepage, ponds, and natural sinks. Drainage ways having short periods of spring runoff are considered to be Type 5 waters. This classification shall be applied to all natural waters not classified as Type 1, 2, 3 or 4; areas of perennial or intermittent seepage, ponds and drainage ways having short periods of spring or storm runoff. . (Ord. 2656 ~ 1 (part), 11/29/91.) 15 20.040 - Applicability. This Section establishes regulations for the protection of properties areas which are environmentally sensitive (critical areas). Properties Areas listed, identified, classified, or rated as environmentally sensitive areas are those which are or may become designated environmentally sensitive (critical areas} by the City of Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan or by separate studies which indicate that alI-or-portions-of-a-partienlar an area or-speeific-site-are is environmentally sensitive areas. A site specific analysis which indicates that any element regulated by this Chapter is present will result in a-property an area being classified as environmentally sensitive. A. All development proposals, including...enhancemenLpffijects.~ on-sites-which are identified-as in environmentally sensitive areas shall comply with the requirements and provisions of this Chapter. Responsibility for administration and enforcement of the provisions of this Chapter shall rest with the Planning Director or the Director I s designee. B.. For the purposes of this Chapter, development proposals include proposals which require any of the following: building permit, clearing and grading permit, shoreline substantial development permit, shoreline conditional use permit, shoreline variance, shoreline environmental redesignation, conditional use permit, zoning variance, zone reclassification, planned residential development, subdivision, short subdivision, or any other land use approvals required by ordinance of the City of Port Angeles or the Revised Code of Washington. C. When any provision of any other City ordinance conflicts with this Chapter, that which provides the greatest protection to environmentally sensitive areas shall apply unless specifically provided otherwise in this Chapter. D. This Chapter applies to alllots-or-pareels-on-whieh environmentally sensitive - 12 - Ui0 . . . . areas are located within the jurisdiction of .the City of Port.. Angeles. For-sSpecific environmentally sensitive features (streams corridors, ravines, marine bluffs,and beaches); critical area zones shall be defined and designated as set forth below to assure that the properties subject to review-under this Chapter encompass all areas necessary to maintain the natural hydraulic and-habitat-functions of the critical area. The approximate distribution . and extent of environmentally sensitive areas in the City and-it~owth-Area are displayed on the following series of maps on file with the City of Port Angeles Planning Department: . 1. Wetland and Hydric Soil Composite Map, as promulgated pursuant to the City's Wetlands Protection Ordinance, Chapter 15.24 PAMC. 2. Envirorimentally Sensitive Areas Composite Maps, which shall be prepared and revised as necessary from time to time by the Planning Director or his designee in accordance with this Chapter. These maps are to be used as a guide to the general location and extent of environmentally sensitive areas. The maps shall be used to alert the public and City officials of the potential presence of environmentally sensitive areas on-site or off-site of a development proposal. Given the generalized nature of these maps and recognizing that environmentally sensitive areas are a dynamic environmental process, the actual presence and location of environmentally sensitive areas, as determined by qualified professional and technical scientists, shall be established and protected in accordance with all the provisions of this Chapter, which shall govern the treatment of proposed development sites. In the event that any of the environmentally sensitive areas shown on the maps conflict with the criteria set forth in this Chapter, the criteria shall control. E. The exact location of the boundary of an environmentally sensitive area shall be determined through the performance of a field investigation applying the definitions and criteria provided in this Chapter. Qualified professional and technical scientists shall perform delineations of environmentally sensitive area boundaries. For example, in areas where a Class II or Class III Landslide Hazard is suspected, a geotechnical study would be required to specifically identify the nature and extent of the potential hazard. The Planning Director, as assisted by other City officials, has final responsibility for the accuracy of the submitted information. The applicant may be required to show the location of the . - 13 - . r- 'J'l: environmentally sensitive area boundary on a scaled drawing ~ a p~ of a City permit application. The Planning Director may require the delineation of the environmentally sensitive area boundary by scientists and/or experts retained by the applicant. Alternatively, the Planning Director may consult-with retain qualified professional scientists and technical experts or other experts as needed to perform the delineation himself, in which event the applicant will be charged for the costs incurred in accordance with the provisions of this Chapter. Where the Planning Director performs an environmentally sensitive area delineation, such delineation shall be considered a final determination. 'Nhere the applicant's scientists and/or experts have provided a delineation of the environmentally sensitive area boundary; the Planning Director shall verify the accuracy of; and may render adjustments to, the boundary delineation. In the event the adjusted boundary delineation is contested by the applicant, the Planning Director shall, at the applicant I s expense, obtain expert services to render a final delineation. (Ord. 2656 ~ 1 (part), 11/29/91.) Decisions of the Planning DirectorJ.n..applying~s~pteLmay_b~-'lppealed to _ the_City--.C.ounciLper Section 15.20.110_ oUbis_Chapter. 15 ;20.0iD-=-Permitted_ Uses and--.lleY.e.lopmentRestriclions. A. Permitted Uses Uses permitted on properties which..con~aILarea classified _ as environmentally sensitive areas shall be the same as those permitted in the u.nderlying zone. Each use shall be evaluated in accordance with the review process required for the proposed use in the underlying zone in conjunction with the requirements of this Chapter, State and Federal regulations. Nothing in this Chapter is intended to preclude reasonable use of property. If an applicant feels that the requirements of this Chapter as applied to a specific lot or parcel of land do not permit a reasonable use of property, the applicant may request that the Planning Director make a determination as to what constitutes reasonable use of such property. Any decision of the Planning Director in making such a determination shall be subject to the appeal provisions set forth in Article*I-;-Section~-;-erdinance-No-: 1709-as-amended SectionJ.i.20.11~ofJhis Chapter, and the burden of proof in such an - 14- . . . . . Vi \""'., ,".;""G . appeal shall be upon the appellant to prove that ~e determinati~n of reasonable use made by the Planning Director is incorrect. B. Development Restrictions. 1. The following environmentally sensitive areas shall remam undisturbed except as otherwise provided in Section 15.20.080, Development Exceptions: a. Significant and important wetlands and ~eir buffers, pursuant to the regulations presented in the City's Wetlands Protection Ordinance, Chapter 15.24 P AMC. . b. Surface Streams and their buffers, pursuant to Section 15.20.070 of this Chapter. c. Ravines, marine bluffs and their buffers, pursuant to Section 15.20.070 of this Chapter. d. Beaches and associated coastal drift processes pursuant to Section 15.20.070 of this Chapter. 2. All other environmentally sensitive areas identified above in P AMC 15.20.030B are developable pursuant to the provisions of Section 15.20.070 of this Chapter. The applicant shall clearly and convincingly demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Planning Director that the proposal incorporates measures pursuant to this Chapter which adequately protect the public health, safety and welfare. (Ord. 26561~1 (part), 11/29/91.) 15 :20J 060_~SubmittaLRequirementSJlIld~upportinformatioIlRequired. A. Submittal Requirements Applications for la~d uses or developments proposed within' areas listed, identified, inventoried, classified, ratep, or otherwise determined to be environmentally sensitive or which have been so determin~d by the Planning Director based upon a site specific analysis or such other information sudplied which supports the finding that a site or area is likely to contain environmentally sensitive characteristics, shall be filed I with all the information requested on the application forms available from the Planning Department. The Planning Director may waive specific submittal requirements determined to be unnecessary for review of a specific application type. All-developments-proposechm 10ts-or-parcels-which-may-contain-or-adjoin-environmentaHy-sensitive-areas-;-as--determined by-the-eity-;-shall-be-evaluated-by The applicant to shall provide the information necessary . - 15 - ""' u. :....\ I i I I I I I I for the Planning Department to determine if and to what extent the site contains environmentally sensitive characteristics. The Planning Director shall make the determination to classify a-site-or portion of a site an area as environmentally sensitive pursuant to the procedures set forth in PAMC 15.20.040E. For applications which are subject to review pursuant to SUPA, the appeal of a determination that a site is environmentally sensitive-shaH-be-made pursuant to the SUP A appeals procedures-as-set forth in P AMC 15. 04~8e: B. Supporting Information Required. All land uses and developments proposed on-or-adjacentto-lots-or-parcels inaIl.Jlrea listed, identified, inventoried, classified, or rated as environmentally sensitive shall include supporting studies, prepared to describe the environmental limitations of the site. No construction activity, including clearing or grading, shall be permitted until the information required by this Chapter is reviewed and approved by the City as adequate. Special environmental studies shall include a comprehensive site inventory and analysis, a discussion of the potential impacts of the proposed development, and specific measures designed to mitigate any potential adverse environmental impacts of the applicant's proposal, both on-site and off-site, as follows: 1. A description of how the proposed development will or will not impact each of the following onthe-subject-property-andtldjoining-properties; a. Erosion and -landslide hazards~ b. Landslide_hazards; be. Seismic hazards; cd. Drainage, surface and subsurface hydrology, and water quality; de. Flood prone areas; ef. Existing vegetation as it relates to steep slopes, soil stability, and natural habitat value (for wetlands, refer to Chapter 15.24 PAMC); fg. Locally unique landforms: ravines, marine bluffs, beaches and associated coastal drift processes; g .-----Slopes -greater-than-40-ro-;- 2. Recommended methods for mitigating identified impacts and a description of how these mitigating measures may impact adjacent properties are-3.S. . . . - 16- 1 I (..... va.) . 3. Any additional information determined to~be relevant by the City or by the professional consultant who prepared the study. 4. Such studies shall be prepared with assistance by experts in the area of concern, which at a minimum shall include the following types of experts: a. Flood hazard areas: Professional Civil Engineer licensed by the State of Washington; b. Erosion Hazard' Areas" Landslide Hazard Areas, and Seismic Hazard Areas0llld-Erosion-Hazard--A-reas: Geologist and/or Geotechnical Engineer; c. --5teep-5lopes. Geologist or Geotechnical-Engineel, dc. Wetlands: Biologist with wetlands ecology expertise; ed. Streams, Rivers, Riparian Areas, Drainage Corridor, Ravine: Geologist or Geotechnical Engineer; fe. Marine Bluffs, Beaches: Geologist or Geotechnical Engineer, Oceanographer; . gf. Fish and Wildlife Habitats: Biologist witahabitat ecology . expertise. C. City_Reyiew. 1. The City may in some cases retain consultants at the applicant's expense to assist the review of studies outside the range of staff expertise. 2. All environmentally sensitive studi~s shall be prepared under the supervision of the City. The Planning Director will make the final determination on the adequacy of these studies. (Ord. 2656 ~ 1 (part), 11/29/91.) 15 .2Q, 071>--=-Development, Standards. A. Streams and Stream Corridors. Any-development-or-construction-adjacent to streams-shall-preserve-an -undisturbed -corridor-which-is-wide-enough-to--maintain-the natural-hydraulic--and 'habitat-functions' of-that-'stream:-rhe-dimensions-of-stream-corridors zones;-in-which--all-properties-arepotentially-subject-tcrtl1e-requirements-of-this-€hapter, are listed--in-the-following-subsection:-Should--it-be-determined-that-particular-properties-witlrin this--zone--are-unrelated-to-the-naturaHunctions-of-the--stream;-the-Planning-Director may waive--specific-submittal-requirements for these-properties-or-exclude-them from the - 17 - 08,) requiIements of this Chapter. If streams or watercourses are located within ravines as defined in FAMC 15.29:-63Gl:;-;-corridors will be delineated according to the criteria set forth . in FAMC 15.20.070B-;--Bevelopment Standards - Ravines, Marine Bluffs and Beaches and :Associated Drift Processes-:- AlLareas falling within the corridors identified in the following subsection are subject to the requirements of this Chapter. 1. Stream Corridors Zones. This subsection defines zone corridor . . dimensions for different classes of streams and their tributaries as rated by the \Vashington State-Department-of-N'atural-Resourees pursuant to WAC 222-16-020 and -030. All properties areas falling within this-zone ~corridor are subject to review under this Chapter unless excluded by the Planning Director. Dimensions are measured from the seasonal high water markJll: elevation of the stream or watercourse as follows: . Type 1 250 feet; Type 2 250 feet; Type 3 150 feet; Type 4 100 feet; . Type 5 100 feet. none. Should the stream be located within a ravine, the greater dimension of either the stream corridor zone; or the ravine zone, corridor will be used to define properties areas subject to the requirements of this Chapter. 2. Stream Corridor Buffers. Any_dey..elopmentJ)Lconstruction.Jldjacent io a stream shall preserve a buffer whichjLwid~nougUQlllaintainJhej}aturall1ydraulic and fish and wildlife habitat functions of thatstream. The following buffers of undisturbed native vegetation shall be provided for different classes of streams and their tributaries as rated by the-Washington State Department-of-Naturat-Resources pursuant to W AC 222-1~ 020 and -=.010. Dimensions are measured from the ordinary high water markJll: elevation of the stream or watercourse. or from the top of the bank or dike: Type 1 100 feet Type 2 100 feet Type 3 75 feet Type 4 50 feet . - 18 - , 8 .. Ul. . Type 5 25-feet none 3. Stream corridors widths, and then associated buffers-; shall be increased to include streamside wetlands which provide overflow storage for storm waters, feed water back to the stream during low flows or provide shelter and food for fish. 4. Additional Buffers. The Planning Director may require either . additional native vegetation or increased buffer sizes when environmental information indicates the necessity for additional vegetation or greater buffers in order to achieve the purposes of this Chapter. In cases where additional buffers are not feasible, the Planning Director may require the applicant to undertake alternative on-site or off-site mitigation measures, including but not limited to a financial contribution to projects or programs which seek to improve environmental quality within the same watershed. B. Locally. Unique_.Features -- Ravines, Marine Bluffs.....ancLJ3.eache.Land Associated..Coas.taLD.rift Processes. All properties areas falling within the zones corridors identified in the following subsection are subject to the requirements of this Chapter. Should it . be-rletermined-thatl'articular-properties-within-these-zones-are-unrelated -to-the-natural functions-of-the-stream,. the-Planning-Director-may--waive-specific-submittal-requirements for these-properties-or-exclude-them-from-t.he-requirements-of-this-Ehapter; 1. Locally Unique Feature Corridors Zones: The following zones corridors, as measured from the top of ravines, the top and toe of marine bluffs, and beaches, define areas encompassing-properties-that-shalf-be subject to the requirements of this Chapter, unless excluded by the Planning Director: Ravines 200 feet; Marine Bluffs 200 feet; Beaches and Associated Coastal Drift Processes Shoreline Management Zone Jurisdiction. Should locally unique feature corridors zones also overlay stream corridors zones, the criteria of this Section will be used. . . 2. Buffers. The following buffers of undisturbed vegetation shall be established from the top of ravines; the top and toe of marine bluffs and ravines bluffs: Ravines 5025 feet; Marine Bluffs 50 feet:; - 19- "8~ v . L.io bluffs; b. Not increase erosion and mass movement potential of ravine sidewalls and bluffs; c. Use construction techniques which minimize disruption of the existing topography and vegetation; and d. Include measures to overcome any geological, soils and hydrological constraints of the site. . In -noevent-may-a-buffer. be-reduced. toless-than-25-feetfrom-the-top-of-a-ravine-or-a-marine bluff; 5. Additional Buffers. The Planning Director may require increased buffers-if-environmental-studies indicate-such-increases-are-necessary-to-mitigate-Iandslide, seismic' and - erosionuhazards~.-or. asotherwise-necessary-to-protect-the-public--health-;-safety and welfare either additional native vegetation_oLincreased_buffeL.Si.zes..whenem~ironmental information indicates the necessity for_additionaLYegetation...oLgreater...buffersJILorder...to achieve_ the...purposes. of this ~Chapter . _In..cases.where...additional..buffers...are..no1.ieasible, the Planning...Dlr.ectoLIDaY.Jequire__the_applicant to und.ertake....alternative on-site or off-site mitigation measures....Jncluding_ but_not limite~--L...SuhstinUe--.fe~_er....-Se.ction 15.20~08011){2}(C.UoLprojectsor.prog[ams...w.hich seek to improve environmentaLq~ within.the....same...watershed. 6. Viewshed enhancement. In ravine and marine bluff buffers, the Planning Director may approve alterations in vegetation coverage for the purposes of . viewshed enhancement, so long as such alterations will not: - 20- 00:; . (a) will not Increase geological hazard~ such as erosion potential, landslide potential, or seismic hazard potential; or (b) will not Adversely affect significant fish and wildlife habitat areas. C. Geological Hazard (Erosion, Landslide, Seismic) Areas. Areas containing or adjacent to geological hazard areas shall be altered only when ~e Planning Director concludes, based on environmental information, the following: L For Erosion hazard areas: a. That the land clearing, grading or filling activities will adhere tOjh~hest managemenLpractices. b. ThaUhe-Yegetation in erosion hazanLarea8-Will he preserved oLIeplaced~ 12. For Landslide hazard areas: . a. There will be no increase In surface water discharge or sedimentation to adjacent properties; b. There will be no decrease In slope stability on adjacent properties; and c. Either: 1. There is no hazard as proven by evidence of no landslide activity in the past in the vicinity of the proposed development and a quantitative analysis of slope stability indicates no significant risk to the development proposal and adjacent properties; 11. The landslide hazard area can be modified or the development proposal can be designed so that the landslide hazard is eliminated or mitigated so that the site is as safe as a site without a landslide hazard; or 111. The alteration is so minor as not to pose a threat. . 2. For-Erosion-hazard--areas: a. A-reas-eontaining-erosion-hazard-areas-shaH-haveiand-clearing-; grading-or-filling-limited-to-the-period1Jetween-ApriHst(ltld--ectober--l-st~ b. Vegetation-on-steep-slopes-shaltbe-preserved or replaced: - 21 - ! . ';;~ 1 UQ'i i I I ! I i I i I I I I I I i I I I i I I i I I I 3. For Seismic hazard areas: !"- a. Areas-containing or adjacent to seismic hazards areas shall be altered only when the Planning-Director concludes, based on environmental information, the foHowing: . I: There is no actual hazard based on a lack of seismic.a<:;tivity in the past in the area of the development proposal, and a quantitative analysis of potential' for seismic activity indicates no significant risk to the development proposal; or b. lL The development proposal can be designed so that it will minimize any risk of harm from seismic activity to public health, safety or welfare on or off the site. be. Construction on artificial fills wilt-be is certified by a geotechnical/civil engineer as safe from earthquake damage as a similar development not located on artificial fill. This requirement may be waived for actions involving" minor changes, alterations or additions to developed properties, provided that such activities do. not jeopardize public health, safety or welfare on or off the site. 4. Geological Hazard Area Buffers Setbacks : In the event that it is determined that a geological hazard area;'-particularly-a-Iandslide-hazard-or-erosion-hazard area, is unstable and cannot be safely developed and must remain as permanent open space, thefollowing-buffer-will -be-establ ished: setbacksJr.OIILhazard-'lreas-shall.heJequired.as necessary to. mitigate erosion, _landslide .,.and...seismic.hazards ._oLas.other.wise-.necessary to protect the public health.. safety. and. welfare.oLthe_Qccupants-ofa_developmencand/J>Lthe users oLa. site_and. shall be determined _by,qualified_expertLaLprescribed.-JILEAM C 15.20.060(B)(4), . a. '--Geologic -Hazard-Buffer:-50-feet-from-tl1e-top-and-t-oe-ofthe designated-area:-rhis-buffer111ay' be 'reduced-or-enlarged-by-the-Planning-Birector-based-on geotechnical-review ;-including-a' quantitative-analysis--oMilope-stability-;-which-assures-any such 'variation-provides -or'is -necessary-to1'rovide-adequate-protection-of-any-structures--on site. D. Significant::Wildlife.P.riorit~pecies and Species of Conc.ernJiabitat.Are. To protect the habitat of animal species which are considered de.signated by the State.to be . priority species oLSpe.cieB-OLconcem and thereby maintain and increase their populations, - 22- , n- 000 " \"'>:'~:"'%';<'i; . significant wildlife priority species and species of concern habit{lt areas shall be subject to the following: 1. When a development proposal contains a priority species or species of concern habitat or-habitat-for-species of concern and priority species, the applicant shall submit a habitat management plan. The need for a Habitat Management Plan should be determined during State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) review of the proposal. The habitat management plan should identify how the impacts from the proposed project will be mitigated. Possible mitigation measures should include, but are not limited to: (fa) establishment of buffers zones; (2b) preservation of critically important plants and trees, (3c) limitation of access to habitat area, (4d) scheduling construction activities to avoid interference witt wildlife and fisheries rearing, resting, nesting or spawning activities; (5e) using best available technology to avoid or reduce impacts; (6f) using drainage and erosion control measures to prevent siltation of aquatic areas; and (7g) reducing the size, scope, configuration or density of the project. 2. Buffer: To retain adequate natural habitat for priority species, buffers shall be established on a case-by-case basis as described in a habitat management plan. 3. Uses and activities allowed within a significant -wildlife priority species_oLSpecie~Lconcern habitat area as identified by a habitat management plan shall be limited to low intensity land uses which will not adversely affect or degrade the habitat and which will not be a threat to the critical ecological proce~ses such as feeding, breeding, nesting and resting. E. Frequently-Flooded Areas. Development in frequently flooded areas which are not subject to the standards of other environmentally sensitive areas will be directed by Chapter 15.12, "Flood Hazard Areas," of the City of Port Angeles Municipal Code. F. Limited Density Transfer. The calculation of potential dwelling units in residential development proposals and allowable floor area in non-residential development proposals shall be determined by the ratio of developable area to undisturbable environmentally sensitive area of the development site except as otherwise provided for wetlands in the City's Wetlands Protection Ordinance, Chapter 15.24 PAMe. The following formula for density and floor area calculations is designed to provide compensation for the preservation of environmentally sensitive areas, flexibility in design, . . - 23- .j Q :_, and consistent treatment of different types of development prop~sals. 1. Formulas. The maximum number of dwelling units (DU) for a site which contains undevelopable undisturbable environmentally sensitive areas is equal to: [(Developable Area) divided by (Minimum Lot ArealDU)] + [(Undisturbable Area) divided by (Minimum Lot Area/DU) (Development Factor)] = Maximum Number of Dwelling Units. The maximum amount of non-residential floor .area for a site which contains undisturbable environmentally sensitive areas is equal to: [(Maximum Permitted Floor Area/Lot Area)(Developable Area)] + [(Maximum Permitted Floor Area/Lot Area) (Undisturbable Area) (Development Factor)] = MaximGm Amount of Floor Area. Developable Environmentally sensitive areas w.hich are allowed to be disturbed shall receive full credit towards calculating the number of dwelling units or floor area. 2. Development Factor. As used in the preceding Subsection, the development factor is a number to be used in calculating the number of dwelling units or the maximum allowable floor area for a site which contains undisturbable environmentally sensitive areas. The development factor is derived from the following table: Undisturbable Environmentally Sensitive Area aL.EeLc.entage of Site Development Factor 1 - 10 .30 11 - 20 .27 2 1 - 30 .24 3 1 - 40 .21 41 - 50 .18 51 - 60 .15 61 - 70 .12 71 - 80 .09 81 - 90 .06 91 - 99 .03 (Ord. 2918 ~1 (part) 6/14/96; Ord. 2656 ~1 (part), 11/29/91.) 15J2Qj)~-..eYelopmentEx.c_eptions. Exceptions to the development restrictions - 24- ." ...~ Jo. . . . . and standards set forth in Sections 15.20.050 and 15.20.070 may ~e permitted by application to the Planning Director pursuant to the provisions of this Section. A. Reasonable Use Development Exceptions in Stream and Locally Unique Feature Corridors-;-Ravines;-Marine Bluffs, and Beaches and Associated Coastal Drift Process-Areas . 1. SingleTamily-Bwelling. Development of one smgle=farnily-dweHing that~Ot!"lTt-of-a--larger-development proposal within the buffer of stream corridors; ravin , eaches and associated coastal drift process-areas on a development-site may be--approved by the Planning Director if the applieant-demonstrates that: . a. the -extent-of-development-within-the-bufferis-limited-to-that which--is--necessary-to-create-a-disturbed-area-which1s-no-larger- than -five-thousand-square-feet; b. --If-the-applicant-demonstrates-that-there-is-no-other-reasonable alternative-to-developing the-buffer: -c. -----The proposal-utilizes-to-tl1e111aximum-extent possible-the-best available-construction~- design-and - development1echniques-which-result -in-the -least-adverse impacton-the-environmentally -sensitive-area~ d .-- -----The -proposal--incorporates-the--development--standards-of Section-IS :-20:070;<md . ---- --e .----TheproposaI-is-consistent-with-the-purpose--and-intent\>f-this Chapter. . 21. - Other Development Proposals. An applicant may propose a reasonable use development exception (other-than-onHingle-family-dwelling-on-a development-site--in--accordance - with -Subsection--A-:-l-.---of-this-Section) pursuant to the following decision criteria: . a. The proposal is limited to the minimum necessary to fulfill reasonable use of the property, and there is no other reasonable alternative; b. The proposal is compatible in design, scale, and use with other development or potential development in the immediate vicinity of the subject property in the same zone classification and with similar site constraints; - 25- ~ . ~.-) ".~ -.) i..) __l c. The proPo.sal utilizes to. the maxim~ ext~nt po.ssible the best available co.nstructio.n, design, and develo.pment techniques which result in the least adverse impact o.n the environmentally sensitive area o.r areas; d. The proPo.sal inco.rpo.rates the all o.ther develo.pment standards o.f Sectio.n 15.20.070; and e. The proPo.sal is co.nsistent with the purpo.se and intent o.f this Chapter. f. When the functio.ns and.Yalues o.fthe environmentally sensitive . area will be disrupted..jh~applicanLhas prepared a mitigatio.n plan per Subsectio..n..l.l 3-:---bmited- Waiver-of-Steep-Slo.pe Disturbance-bmitations-:--Any-ope-or all-o.f-the-disturbance-limitatio.n -requirements o.f Sectio.n 15.20.070 may-be-waived-if-the Planning-Birecto.r-determines-that- the--application-of-such--requirements-is-no.t-feasible-fur develo.ping-one-single~family-dwelling-o.n-a--develo.pment-site-and--the-pro.po.saHs-consistent with-the-purpo.se--and -intent -0 f. this chapter: 42. Mino.LAdditio.nLto._amL Mo.dificatio.ns o.f Existing Structures. Existing structures or improvements that do. no.t meet the requirements o.f this Chapter may be remo.deled, reco.nstructed, o.r replaced, _oLexpanded provided that the any new co.nstructio.n do.es-Do.tchange_o.r addto.the_existing.Jo.undationJlnd do.es no.t further disturb disrupUhe-DaturaLfunctio.DS.and values.o.f an environmentally sensitive area. 53. Previo.usly Altered Environmentally Sensitive Ar~as. If any po.rtio.n . o.f an environmentally sensitive area has been altered fro.m its namral state, the_applicant may propo.se to. develo.p within the altered area pursuant to the fo.llo.wing decisio.n criteria: a. The environmentally sensitive area was lawfully altered in acco.rdance with the pro.visio.ns o.f this Chapter and any state and federal laws at the time the alteratio.n o.ccurred; b. . The previous alteratio.n has significantly disrupted the natural functio.ns and~v..alues o.f the environmentally sensitive area; c. Thenew-.alteration do.es noLfurtheLdisrupt the natural functio.lli.and..Yalues_o.f..the_environmentally.-S.ellSi~ cd. The propo.sal utilizes to. the maximum extent po.ssible the best available Co.nstructio.n, design and develo.pment techniques which result in the least adverse - 26- . . . . ["),..-.. Jo:'" . impact on the environmentally sensitive area; de. The proposal incorporates the all other development standards of Section 15.20.070, and ef. The proposal is consistent with the purpose and intent of this Chapter. 4.. If the Planning Director determines that a re~sonable use exception may be granted, the applicant shall sign a waiver indemnifying the City from any liability due.lO damages that could result from location of the development in or near an environment~ sensitive area. . 65. Alternatively, if the Planning Director determines that application of these standards would deny all reasonable economic use of the property, the City may take the property for public use with just compensation being made. B. Emergencies. The Planning Director may approve improvements or alterations that are necessary to respond to emergencies that threaten the public health and safety, or--public-development-proposals-;- when. he/she determines that no reasonable alternative exists and the benefit outweighs the loss. Emergencies shall be verified by a I icensed-engineer qualified_experts as _prescribedJILUMCJj~2QL060(B)(4). C. Drainage Facilities. Significant-and-important-wetlands--and-sStreams and their buffers may be altered for use as a public drainage facility provided that all requirements of the City. oLP..ortAngele5-St011llWater...Management....Elan and all other local, 'state,. and federal laws are satisfied, and so long as increased and multiple natural resource functions are achievable and the benefits outweigh any lost resource. The Planning Director may approve drainage facilities in a wetland-or stream only where he/she determines that long-term impacts are minimal or where there are no practicable or reasonable alternatives and mitigation is provided. D. Trails and Trail-Related Facilities. Publicand private trails and trail-related facilities, such as picnic tables, benches, interpretive centers and signs, and viewing platforms shall be allowed, but use of impervious surface shall be minimized. Trails and trail-related facilities shall be avoided within streams channels.. The Planning Director may approve such trails and facilities only when he/she determines that there is no practicable or reasonable upland alternative. Trail planning, construction and maintenance shall adhere . - 27- r- ~ 'J v;J to the following additional ciiteria: _. 1. Trails and related facilities shall, to the extent feasible, be placed on . existing levies, road grades, utility corridors, or any other previously disturbed areas; 2. Trails and related facilities shall be planned to minimize removal of trees, shrubs, snags and important wildlife habitat; - 3. Trail construction and maintenance shall follow the U.S. Forest Service "Trails Management Handbook" (FSH .2309.18, June 1987) and "Standard Specifications for Construction of Trails" (EM-7720-102, June 1984) as may be amended, or trail standards adopted by the City of Port Angeles; 4. Viewing platforms, interpretive centers, picnic areas, benches and access to them shall be designed and located to minimize disturbance; - 5. Trails and related facilities shall provide water quality protection measures to assure that runoff from them does not directly discharge to wetlands or streams; and 6. Within buffers, trails and trail-related facilities shall be aligned and constructed to minimize disturbance to stream functions and values. E. Minor-additions to existing-non"conforming-buildings:-Minor-additions-to . existing-non-conforming. buildings within-steep-slope-hazard-areas-shall-be-exempt-from-the requirements-ofthis-ordinance;. provided-that-the-addition-shall-be-attached-to-the-existing building-without-requiring-any -new -foundation-or-changes-to-the-existing-foundation01nd provided-further--that --. the-property-owner--shall--execute-a-hold-harmless-agreement indemnifying-the Eity and -its. officials and employees-from-any-iiability -claims-;-or-damages that could-result from the construction ofthe-addition-within-an-environmentally-sensitive area. FE. Utilities. Every attempt shall be made to avoid locating utilities within streams. The Planning director may approve utilities in streams only when he/she determines that there is no practicable or reasonable upland alternative. GF. Stream Crossings. Stream crossings, whether for access or utility purposes, shall be avoided to the extent possible; but when necessary due to the lack of feasible alternatives, crossing of streams shall follow all applicable local, state and federal laws and the following criteria: . 1. Bridges are required for streams which support salmonids, unless - 28- . r /I 'v0..l.. ----- ----------------;:;;-~----------- , . otherwise allowed by the Washington State Department of Fish~ries; 2. All crossings using culverts shall use superspan or oversize culverts; 3. AU-crossings Any work within the stream channel shall be constructed and installed during-summer-low-flow-between June 15th a.nd September 15th per the requirements of an applicabl~tate hydraulics permit; 4. Crossings No work within the stream channel shall not occur in salmonid spawning areas unless-no-other feasible crossing site exists; 5. Bridge piers or abutments shall not be placed in either the flood way or between the ordinary high water marks unless no other feasible alternative placement exists; G. Crossings shall not diminish flood-carrying capacity; 7. Crossings shall provide for maintenance of culverts, bridges and utilities; and . 8. Crossings shall serve multiple properties whenever possible. HG. Time Limitation. A development exception automatically expires and is void if the applicant fails to file for a building permit or other necessary development permit within one year of the effective date of the development exception, unless either: 1. The applicant has received an extension for the development exception pursuant to Subsection H of this Section; 2. The development exception appro~al provides for a greater time period. IH. Time Extension. The Planning Director may extend a development extension, not to exceed one year, if: 1. Unforeseen circumstances or conditions necessitate the extension of the development exception; 2. Termination of the development exception would result in unreasonable hardship to the applicant, and the applicant is not responsible for the delay; and . 3. The extension of the development exception will not cause adverse impacts to environmentally sensitive areas. J/ Mitigation. For any allowable development exception provided under this - 29- . ,-. n "J 0 i_ Section, the associated adverse-impacts must be considered unavoidable but mitigable. the following restoration and compensation mitigation measures to minimize and reduce impacts . to environmentally sensitive areas shall be. required,. and a mitigation plan per Subsection l..1...oL this Section shall be completed and must be approved by the Planning Director prior to development approval: 1. Restoration. Restoration is required when the functions and values of environmentally sensitive areas have been degraded from disrupted by alteration prior to development approval. All--restoration-shall follo~ an approved mitigation plan pursuant to-Subsection-I:-3-:-of1:h is-Section~. 2. Compensation. Compensation is required from developers for all approved alterations to streams environmentally sensitive areas. Compensation for-approved alterations-shall-follow-an~approved-rnitigation-pIan-pursuant to Subsection 1.3. required for specifiu:levelopmentstandards~shallinclude, but is not limited to, the following: a. Streams a. 1. The applicant shall maintain or improve stream channel dimensions, including depth, length, and gradient; restore or improve native vegetation and fish and wildlife habitat; and create an equivalent or improved channel bed, biofiltration and meandering. . b. In the caseofthe~exceptions-of-Subsection--A--;-3-;-of-thiS-Section~ the. following-conditions-shall precede-any-stream-alteration-approved-pursuanHo-this Section: . I. A mitigationplan-folthe~compensationproject-shall-be submitted by the applicant and approved by~the-Planning-Director~ II. The compensation-project-shall-be-fully-implemented following thelequirements of the approved-rnitigation-plan; 111 Compensation-shall-be-established-for-at-Ieast-two years;-and 1 V . -A --final--report-shall-be-submitted-following-the minimum-two-years-documenting. that-all-requirements-of-a-mitigation-plan-have-been-fully achieved. '1... The Planning Director may postpone or limit . - 30- r' : .; -\ vvJ . development, require bonds pursuant to Section 15.20.100, or use other appropriate _. techniques to ensure the success of the mitigation plan. The decision of the Planning Director to postpone or limit development may be appealed per Section 15.20.110. b. Beaches and Associated Coastal Drift Processes 1. The applicant shall restore, enhance", or create the beach apd associated coastal drift processes per the City's Shoreline Master Program as . . - 31 - . .. ", 'J v L..i ...~ measures shall be provided, including water quality standards, species richness and diversity targets, habitat diversity indices, or other ecological, geological or hydrological criteria. . d. Detailed Construction Plan. Written specifications and descriptions of mitigation techniques shall be provided, including the proposed construction sequence, accompanied by detailed site diagrams and blueprints that are an integ~al requirement of any development proposal. e. Monitoring Program. A program outlining the approach for assessmg a completed project shall be provided, including descriptions or proposed experimental and control site surveyor sampling techniques. A protocol shall be included outlining how the monitoring data will be evaluated by agencies that are tracking the progress of the mitigation project. A report shall be submitted at least twice yearly documenting milestones, successes, problems and contingency actions of the restoration or compensation project. The Planning Director shall require that the applicant monitor the compensation or restoration project for a minimum of two years. f. Contingency Plan. A plan shall be provided fully identifying potential courses of action and any corrective measures to be taken when monitoring or . evaluation indicates project performance standards are not being met. g. Performance and Maintenance Securities. Securities ensuring -fulfillment of the mitigation project, monitoring program and any contingency measures shall be posted pursuant to Section 15.20.100. 4. Fin~l Approval. The Planning Director shal! grant final approval of a completed restoration or compensation project if the final report of the project mitigation plan satisfactorily documents that the area has achieved all requirements of this section. (Ord. 2915 ~1 (part), 6/14/96; Ord. 2656 ~1 (part), 11/29/91.) 15 ;-2Q:.09.o-=-.Iracts~and:Easements. Sensitive-r\.-rea-T-racts-or-Easements-;--Separate environmentally-sensitive.-area tracts or-easements-shall-be-used 1:o-protect-environmentally sensitive-areas:-that-are-to--remain . undisturbed-pursuant-to-this-ehapter~-he-terms---and conditions-of-the-tracts- or-easements -shall--impose-upon-ail-present-and-future--owners-and occupiers-of-land-subject- to 1he-tracts-or-easements-the--obligation-;-enforceable--on--behalf-of the .public--by1:he-€ity-;1:o -leave-the--areas--ofthe-tracts-or-easements-permanently-undisturbed:- . In-a-single-family-cresidentialLone;-any-lots-containing-an-envirornuentaHy-sensitive-area - 32- r-. - '.j 0 J easement shall be of a dimension of nat less than five thousand square feet, exclusi ve of such . easement. (Ord. 2656 ~ 1 (part) 11/29/91.) . 15.20.090 - Sensitive Area Tracts. . As a canditian af any permit issued pursuant to.. this Chapter, the permit halder may be required to.. create a separate sensitive area tract ar tracts cantaining the areas determined to.. be environmentally sensitive in field investigatians perfarmed pmsuant to.. Subsectian 15.20.040(E). Sensitive area tracts are legally created tracts cantaining environmentally sensitive features and their buffers that shall remain undisturbed in perpetuity. Sensitive area tracts are an integral part af the lat in which they are created, are nat intended_..foLsale, lease ar transfer, and shall be included in the areacl the_parent lat far purpases af subdivisian methad and zaning regulations.... A~ _LegaLPIQtection_af Sensitive Area Tracts. When the Planning......Dire..clor requires_thu;reation _of _a....sensitiv_e.....arealract as a canditian af any permitissued..purs.uant tothisJ:hapter, the....s.ensitiv_e....ar.ea..1racLoLtracts shall be protected by ane af the fallawing methods to.. be determinedJl}Uhe.. Planning Directar: 1. Easement. The permit halder shall canve}'..JlIl irrevacable....offer to.. dedicate..1O..1he....City_afl>ort Angeles..-OLother....public ar nan-profit ent4.specifled_h)Uhe Planning..DirectoL....aneasementfor._ the_protection af the....emiranmentally..-S..ensitjye-..area~r 2. Deed RestrictionJhe-p-ermitholdeLShalLestablislLand....record a permanenLandjrrevocable_ deed_restriction....on...the_propertY-..litle....oLallJots.....containing....a sensiti ve.. areaJracLor _ tracts _created as....a...conditi<nLOfJlny- perm iL....Such..deed....restrictian(s) shall prohibitin..perpetuity..lhejJevelapment.-alteratian, ar disturbance oDr.egetation' within ihe sensitiYe_ar_ea_tract.__excepLioLpurposes af habitaL..enhancemenLas_part af an enhancement_projecLwhich__hasreceiyed---PrioLwritten....approY3Ur_ollLthe..-City af Port Angeles and _any_otheLagency _ with jurisdiction_OYeLS1lch....actiYity~-----Ihe_deed....re.striction..shall also.. cantain_the_follawing language: "Befare ._beginning.......andjJuring_tl1e....c..QUrsUlLan~grading. building_canstruction-DLQther develapment actiYitY--JID.--a-lot ar _dCYelopment site subject to.. this deed restrictian, the camm~b..ollndary between the area.....subject to.. the deed restrictiOILaIld the area af develapment activity must be fencedJlLotherw.ise..marked to.. the satisfactian af the City of . - 33 - ,- '" U0D Port AngeleL 3.. Additional Note. The following note shall appear on . the face of all plats, short plats, PRDs, or other approved site plans containing separate sensitive area tracts and shall be recorded on the title of record for all affected lots: "~OTE: All owners of lots adjoining separate sensitiYe_aI.ea tracts identified as sensitive area easements_or protected by deed restriction are responsible for maintenance and protection of the tracts .~aintenance includes ensuring that no alteratio~oc~ur within the separate tract and thaLall vegetation~remaiIli.undisturbed for other thaunatural reasons. .unless_the express written authorization of the City of Port Angeleua5-he.en recei~ B. Identification of Sensiti\'e-Area.Irac.ts..-.Ihe_commoILhOlmdary_ betweeILa separate_sensitiYe_area tract and the adjacentJand-.musLb.e...permanently-1dentified. . 1. Signs.~.JdentificatioILShalLincludqlermanent signs ayailablUlLthe Planning-.D.epartment ~on __ treated or _metaLpos.ts------.SigILJocations.. wordin~d-.Size specificatiollS_shalLbe approyed by the .Planning-.DirectOI. 2. Fencing. --,The .Planning_DirectoLmaYJequire_permanentiencing for the purpose_of delineating the sensitive area_tracLoL1racts.. C. Maintenance _ of Sensitive.-Area-Iracts. Re.spons.ibility-fOLlllaintaining sensitive area_tracts shall beheld by either.Jhe..pr_operty-.Owner.._al1omeowners~association. ad jacenLloLowners. .the_ permit applicanLoL.designee.._oLOtheLappropriate entity---.as approyedJJy.-the...Elanning_Director. 15_.2H.l.oD-=-Securities and Enforcement. A. Performance Securities. The Planning Director may require the applicant of a development proposal to post a cash performance bond or other acceptable security to guarantee that the applicant will properly construct all structures and improvements required by this Chapter. The security shall guarantee that the work and materials used in . construction are free from defects. All securities shall be on a form approved by the - 34- v....;. i'.;''"':;\-'.''-' . Planning Director. Until written release of the security, the security may not be terminated '.. . .. or canceled. The Planning Director shall release the security upon determining that all structures and improvements have been satisfactorily constructed and upon the posting by the applicant of a maintenance security if one is required. B. Maintenance Securities. The Planning Director shaH ~ require the applicant to post a cash maintenance bond or other acceptable security guaranteeing that structures and improvements required by this chapter satisfactorily perform for a minimum of two years. This requirement shall also apply in the case of required mitigation improvements. All securities shall be on a form approved by the Planning Director. Until written release of the security, the principal or surety may not be terminated or canceled. The Planning Director shall release the security upon determining that performance standards established for evaluating the effectiveness and success of the structures and improvements have been satisfactorily met. The performance standards shall be approved by the Planning Director and contained in the mitigation plan developed and approved during the review process. C. Renewable Bonds. Any bonds required by this Section may be in the form of one-year bonds to be renewed as appropriate. D. Enforcement. Violations of this Chapter shall be subject to the enforcement provisions of the Port Angeles Municipal Code. (Ord. 2656 ~l (part), 11/29/91.) 15.20.110 - Appeals. A . Any_person _aggrieved_hy_the_decisioll_oLthe-.Elanning_DirectoLma~ppeal the_decisio~to_the-.City Council. B. Appeals shall be submitted __t<Lthe.-Planning_Departmencin__w.riting-.Within fourteen_(~4tdays.iollowing the date of the__decisioll. C. The City Council shallconducl.a~Qpe~ec_ord_public_hearingon.the.Jlppeal of the_Planningl>irector I s decision withnotice-.being_giYeILfoLtheJime~_place._all(lpurpQSe of the.J1earing.JltleastlifteenJ15Ldays_prior to the da~he...publiuearing by publishing injhe--.City's officially-.designated.-newspaper, by posting. the subject pr~ conspicUOllSjillll}ller.._an~ailing to the latest recorded real propert~OWlleIS within at leasc100 feet of th~oullda[y-1lLthe subject site as shoWILhy the records of the Co~ AssessoL . . - 35 - ,..... J'v 1_1 D... The City Council's decision shall be final unless appealed to Clallam County Superior Court within twent~e (21 Y days of such decision. .!'- . . Section 2. Severability. If any section, sentence, clause, or phrase of this Ordinance should be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of any other section, sentence, clause or phrase ofthis Ordinance. Section 3. This Ordinance shall take effect five days after the date of publication. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said Council held on the _____ day of , 1998. Gary Braun, Mayor ATTEST: Becky J. Upton, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: . Craig D. Knutson; City Attorney PUBLISHED: By Summary c:\ WP\ORD\ESA.ORD . - 36- . ,.. ,....... i 1 '-" VvJ . XIII. 1. 2. LEGISLATION: ORDINANCES NOT REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS: A. Increasing lodging tax by an additional 2% (Page 100- 107) B. Revising the time for beginning Council meetings from 7:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. (Page 108-113) RESOLUTIONS NOT REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS: A. Revising Council Rules of Procedure to provide for committee reports and change the order of public hearings on the agenda (page 108-113 same as above) . 3. PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES/ACTION ITEMS: 4. OTHER CONSIDERATIONS: 1998 Goals and Objectives for the City of Port Angeles (Page 114) Agreement with UnitedW ay - administration Qf City's 1998 Human Services funds (Page 116-123) Contract with Chamber of Commerce (Page 124-129) Amending Humane Society Contract for 1998 (Page 130) Extension of Heckman purchase option (Page 132) City of Port Angeles' position on Legislation (Page 134-135) Annexation planning (verbal) (Page 136) A. B. c. D. E. F. G. . . . I- I t I . tJ Cj"~ L~ .~~ "Maintaining and building a better community" Jack Plttis Director {4801 J Phyllis Rasler Administrative Assistant {4800J Care Rinehart Administrative Assistant {4700J Bob Titus Deputy Director {4701 J Ken Ridout Deputy Director {4802J Gary Kenworthy City Engineer {4803J Steve Hursh Engineering Manager {4702J Tim Smith ~rr:ct & Project ..,. _.nistrator {4804J Lou Haehnlen Sr. Building Inspector {4816J Tom Sper/ine Sr. Electrical Inspector {4735J Scott McLain Power Manager {4703J Ralph Ellsworth Water, Wastewater Collection Superintendent {4855J Pete Burrett Equip. ServIces Supenntendent {4835] Mark Shamp LIght Operations Manager {4731J Kevin Curtis Treat. Plant Supervisor {4845J Tom McCabe SW Collection Supervisor {4876J Steve Evans .Lan:;/ Supervisor ave Wilcox Street Maintenance Supervisor {482SJ MEMORANDUM DATE: January 29, 1998 TO: City Ma. nager Pomeranz, ~,.\ . B B~raun, and City Council Public,Works Department .~ \ I Lodging Tax Advisory Qommitt's'e Recommendation for adding.2% Lodging Tax FROM: SUBJECT: SUMMARY and RECOMMENDATION: The Lodging Tax Advisory Committee has met to consider a tax option for increasing lodging tax by 2%. Similar to the existing tax, the added funds may be used for a variety of locally determined initiatives to increase tourism. The committee has developed a plan for using a portion of the funds, focusing on a tourism marketing plan to increase lodging sales in the shoulder and off seasons. The committee has outlined this approach in the form of a Request for Proposals which is ready for release upon Council approval of implementing the additional tax option. It is recommended that the City Council. adopt the attached ordinance implementing the L T AC's recommendation for a additional 2% tax, effective April 1, 1998, and that a portion of the added 2% be used to fund a program selected through an evaluation and negotiation of the responses to the attached Request for ProDosals. ISSUE: Shall the City Council approve recommendations for implementing a 2% Lodging Tax as recommended by the City's Lodging Tax AdvisorY Committee (L TAC)? BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS: The City's L TAC includes 3 representatives from the Port Angeles lodging industry, and 1 representative each from the Port Angeles Chamber of Commerce, the North Olympic Peninsula Visitors and Convention Bureau, the Hurricane Ridge Winter Sports Club, the Downtown Forward Executive Committee. plus 2 At-large Members. Since November. the L TAC has met to consider a recommendation to City Council regarding a tax option which is available for increasing the local tax. Currently, the Dept. Of Revenue reimburses the City 2% of the existing 7.9% state sales tax collected by Port Angeles lodging establishments. Per advise of the L T AC. we have invested the existing tax to support and increase tourism in accordance with RCW 67.28. Recent changes to RCW 67.28 provide for an option to increase the tax by an additional 2%. Similar to the existing tax, the intent is to use the new funds collected for locally determined efforts to increase tourism. An increase would provide a total reimbursement of 4% of the salesllodging tax (9.9%) which would double the amount currently available for tourism promotions and/or tourism-related facilities. The Port Angeles L TAC has addressed the issue of the jocal option, by developing a "plan" to determine how these additional funds would be allocated. The committee's planning has included discussions regarding the full range of investment opportunities available, including tourism advertiliing, operating tourism promotion agencies. funding marketing of special events designed to attract tourists, and capital funding for tourist-related facilities. Consensus among the committee has led to an initial focus directed toward genera'l tourism marketing, with the specific goal of increasing lodging night sales in our traditional shoulder and off season, (Sept. through May). The L TAC has outlined this marketing focus in the attached Request for Proposals (RFP). The RFP goals and objectives target a program to be delivered under contract by a professional tourism marketing organization such as a visitor/convention bureau. chamber of commerce or similar agency with experience in tourism marketing and promotions. The L TAC, which includes the representatives from our local Chamber and North Olympic Peninsula Visitors and Convention Bureau, expects that a proposal will be submitted in response to the RFP by both local organizations acting as partners, and also anticipates proposals from other interested agencies with appropriate experience and expertise. The L TAC is recommending that the City implement the additional 2% tax, effective April 1 , 1998, and that a portion of the added 2% be used to fund a marketing programselected and implemented through an evaluation of responses to the RFP. With Council approval, the RFP will be released immediately and will close on March 27th 1998. The L TAC would then review proposals with the intention of making a recommendation to Council on selection. ~ /. 1"" \~.~S;~~ '.JU Timothy J. Sm' ,ContractslProJects Administrator C:\DATAIWP\WP60IL TAC98\RECOMEN2.WPD HotelslMotels and Bed & Breakfast Establishments Paying Lodging Taxes for,Calendar Year, 1997 . F~rmount Motel Chinook Motel Uptown Enterprises Bayton's on the Bluff B & B , Klahhane B & B Our House B & B I I I Bavarian Inn B & B Aircrest Motel I Rqyal Victorian Motel Travelers Motel I I Best Western Olympic Lodge Super 8 Motel A~gie'S Inn Clark's Harbor View B & B I Welcome Inn . Doubletree Inn Travelers Inn Portside Hill Haus Motel ! All View Motel Flagstone Motel I I City Center R V Park Haven B & B I Tudor Inn B &- B Inn Transit B & B : i Seasuns B & B Ruffles Motel . 1e.:. . . . REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS PORT ANGELES TOURISM MARKETING PROGRAM OBJECTIVES: The City of Port Angeles and the Port Angeles Lodging Tax Advisory Committee are requesting proposals from professional tourism marketing firms to design and implement a 3-5 year tourism marketing program which promotes Port Angeles, Washington as a year-round tourist destination or "base camp" for the Olympic Peninsula, Olympic National Park, Olympic National Forest, and Victoria B.C. vicinity. The specific objectives of the tourism marketing program are as follows: 1 . Inventory existing tourism programs, service providers, and marketing areas. Identify those that are successful in promoting Port Angeles lodging sales with emphasis on the "shoulder" and "off' seasons months of September through May. Product: Report on current tourism programs with emphasis on "shoulder/off season" tourism promotions 45 days from date of contract Target: 2. Identify and implement a cohesive, regional tourism marketing and promotional approach that directly promotes and increases year-round tourism and overnight lodging in Port Angeles, WA. Marketing Program strategy should emphasize primary Port Angeles tourism markets in Puget Sound and the Interstate 5 regions, together with other appropriate markets identified in TOURISM MARKETING ANALYSIS. North Olympic Peninsula. February 1995 (Dean Runyan Associates) and the inventory conducted under Objective #1, as will most success~ully meet the goal of increasing year-round tourism and lodging night sales in Port Angeles. Product: Target: Tourism Marketing Plan and Implementation Strategy 60 days from date of contract 3. Increase overnight lodging and repeat visitation, with particular emphasis on increasing the "shoulder and off season" months of September through May, with the goal of measurably increasing total annuallodgingsales by an average of at least 5% per year within the first three years, as measured by lodging tax revenues plus one or more of the following additional measurements: (1.) traffic/attraction counts, (2.) tourism inquiries with conversion correlation formula, and/or (3.) actual lodging night sale counts from Port Angeles lodging establishments. Product: Target: Monthly and Annual Reports Monthly/Annually beginning 30 days from date of contract 1- - r-. 'u~ I ! I i I REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS PORT ANGELES TOURISM MARKETING PROGRAM I I Product: I Target: ! SCOPE OF WORK: De~ign arid implement a 3-5 year Port Angeles, .WA. tourism marketing program which will meet the above stated objectives, including promotion of Port Angeles as a year-round ov~rnight lodging hub for visitation of the Olympic Peninsula, Olympic National Park, Olympic National Forest and Victoria B.C. vicinity though trade shows, multi-media adJertisements, calendar of events, brochures and publications, and customer service trairing. The program must include methods of measuring results and effectiveness in terms of increasing lodging sales and should be sufficiently flexible so that it can be apRropriately modified during the term of the contract. I BUDGET: Th~ anticipated budget at the onset of the 3 to 5 year program will be approximately I $100,000/year for a 5 year program total of between $450,000 to $550,000. The available budget during the term of the contract may increase in accordance with the success of the program. Lack of success in meeting the goals of the program could result in a reduced budget or termination of the contract. I 1 I ! I 1 4. I I I i I 5. i I 6.1 7. . Identify, develop and implement cooperative strategies for joint marketing with other tourism campaigns throughout the region with particular emphasis on the Olympic Peninsula, Olympic National Park, Olympic National Forest and Victoria, B. C." vicinity. Product: Target: Cooperative Tourism Marketing Plan and Implementation Strategy 90 days from date of contract (+ongoing) Increase attendance at year-round local and regional facilities, festivals and special events which can create overnight lodging in Port Angeles, WA. Raise the pubiic and business community awareness and appreciation of the economic benefits from local and regional tourism. Promote and provide training program(s) for interested local businesses in customer service techniques that can increase repeat tourism sales and visitation. Product: Target: Customer Service Training Program(s) and Training Schedule 90 days from date of contract . Provide monthly and annual reports which account for all funds expended and which measurably document program effectiveness (as per Objective #3). Monthly and Annual Expense Reports Monthly and annually beginning 30 days from date of contract . Jo ro Iv"'; . . . <\t~'>"':,,:~r"'i"'CX, ',I/,:",';:;.r > ~"~"'>v,';i\,(;':,,:,,"c~f,; .':::;',~j;::,~; REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS PORT ANGELES TOURISM MARKETING PROGRAM PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS: 1., Successful experience in formulating and implementing tourism advertising/marketing' plans. 2. Experience in Customer Service Training Programs. 3. Ability to effectively communicate with a cross section of the business community and effectively implement the work plan with oversight from the Port Angeles City Council and Port Angeles Lodging Tax Advisory Committee. Consultant(s)/Bidder(s) will be an independent contractor and will be required to enter into a contract with the City of Port Angeles for the performance of the services set forth in the Scope of Work. Joint proposals by one or more individuals or firms are acceptable, provided a lead individual or firm is identified. EVALUATION: Proposals should provide sufficient information to fully describe how each specific objective, outlined above, will be met and how the overall proposal will meet or exceed the stated goals. Proposals will be evaluated by the City of Port Angeles and the Port Angeles Lodging Tax Advisory Committee and will include interviews with potential contractors, review and evaluation of related work, an evaluation of experience and background, an evaluation of the creativity displayed in the proposal to meet project objectives, and reference checks. Successful proposals should demonstrate the ability to meet or exceed the targeted lodging sales growth with particular emph?lsis on prior experience and success in meeting or exceeding such performance targets. DEADLINE: 'Proposals should be submitted on or before March 27, 1998. ': " 1 v '.z ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, increasing the lodging excise tax from two to four percent and amending Ordinance 1847 as amended and Chapter 3.48 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code. WHEREAS, SSB 5867, enacted as Ch. 452, Laws of 1997, rovides that cities are authorized to levy and collect a special excise tax not to exceed four percent on the sale of or charge ade for the furnishing of lodging that is subject to tax under Chapter 82.08 RCWi and WHEREAS, SSB 5867 provides that such tax shall be levied I only to pay all or any part of the cost of tourism promotion, acquisition of tourism-related facilities, or operation of a tourism-related facilitYi and WH~REAS, the City Council desires to establish and levy such tax, as recommended by the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee, which will increase the amount of the current lodging excise tax rate from two percent to four percent as allowed by SSB 5867; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES WASHINGTON bOES HEREBY ORDAIN as follows: Section 1. Ordinance 1854 as amended and Chapter 3.48 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code are hereby amended by amending PAMC 3.48.010, 3.48.020, 3.48.050, 3.48.060, and 3.48.080 to rea as follows: 1'-'0 ~ . 3.48.010 Created. There is hereby cr~ated a ~ ~ percent sales tax as provided in this Chapter. 3.48.020 Imposition of Tax. There is hereby levied a special excise tax of ~ ~ percent on the sale of or charge made for the furnishing of lodging by a hotel, rooming house, tourist court, motel, trailer camp, and the granting of any similar.license to use real property, as distinguished fr~m,the renting or leasing of real property; provided, that it shall,be presumed'that the occupancy of real property for a continuous period of one month or more constitutes a rental or lease of real property and not a mere license to use or to enjoy the same. 3.48.050 Special Fund Created. There is hereby created a special fund in the Tr~asury of the City. All such taxes collected heLein shall be placed in such Fund for the purpose of paying all or any part of the cost of acqui~ition, construction, . of general obligation bonds or revenue bonds isoued for such purpose or purposes under this Chapter, or to pay for . 3.48.060 Administration and Collection of Taxes. For the urpose of the tax levied herein: A. The Department of Revenue of the State of Washington is hereby designated as the agent of the City for the purpose of collection and administration. B. The administrative provisions contained by RCW 82.08.050 through 82.0B.070 and in Chapter B2.3~2 RCW shall apply ith respect to administration and collection by the Department. C. All rules and regulations adopted by the Department of evenue for the administration of Chapter 82.0B RCW are hereby dopted. D. The Department is hereby empowered, on behalf of the ity of Port Angeles to prescribe such special forms and eporting procedures as the Department may deem necessary. 1',0 ~~u 3.48.080 Collection. Any seller who~s required to collect any tax under the provisions of this Chapter and RCW 67.28.180 for the City of Port 'Angeles shall pay over such tax as required by the terms of this Chapter, and the first two percent such tax shall be deducted from the amount of tax such seller ould otherwise be required to collect and to pay over to the Tax Commission under Ch. 82.08 RCW; provided, that nothing in. this Section shall prevent the Department of Revenue from collecting on behalf of the City of Port Angeles, the tax imposed by this Chapter. Section 2 - Severability. If any section or provision of this ordinance or its application to any person or circumstances is held invalid, the remainder of the ordinance or .the application of the provision to other persons or circumstances is not affected, and to this end the provisions of this ordinance are declared to be severable. Section 3 - Effective Date. The effective date of the tax imposed by this Ordinance shall be April 1, 1998. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said Council held on the day of , 1998. Gary Braun, Mayor ATTEST: Becky J. Upton, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Craig D. Knutson, City Attorney PUBLISHED: (By Summary) 98.02 10 . City Attorney's Office Memorandum Craig D. Knutson City Attorney . Dennis C. Dickson Sr. Assistant City Attorney Candace Kreider Legal Assistant Chrystina Bruneau Administrative Assistant Jeanie I?eFrang Administrative Assistant . " --';. January 29, 1998 TO: City Council FROM: Craig D. Knutson, City Attorney RE: Ordinance and Resolution Chaniin~ Council Meetini Time Summary/Recommendation: The City Council would like to start Council meetings earlier in order to avoid late night meetings. Accordingly, it is recommended that the City Council adopt the attached ordinance changing the meeting time from 7:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. and the attached resolution reflecting an accompanying change in the Council meeting agenda. 1mIc: Should the City Council adopt the attached ordinance and resolution reflecting a change in the Council meeting time from 7:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.? Back&round/ Analysis: At its January 23, 1998 goal setting session, the City Council expressed interest in avoiding late night meetings by moving the Council meeting time from 7:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. The Council also discussed at the goal setting session the desirability of reinstating committee reports at Council meetings but only to the extent Council members have specific issues that need to be reported on. As part of the change, it was also suggested that public hearings be scheduled to occur at 7:00 p.m. so that citizens would have a time certain and convenient for attending public hearings. Staff has also suggested a change in the Council's Rules of Procedure, as set forth in the attached resolution, that would move the legislative items up in the order of the agenda and add committee reports as well. We have included in the attachments a sample of what the new agenda format would look like. U", ' 'IJ ~ - Craig D. K~tson, City Attorney CDK:jd Attachments 188 C:\jmemo\council2.mem ORDINANCE NO. . AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, revising the time for beginning Council meetings from 7:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. and amending Ordinance 2230 as amended and Chapter 2.04 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code. . THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES DOES HEREBY ORDAIN as follows: Section 1. Ordinance 2230, as amended, and Chapter 2.04 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code ar~ hereby'amended by amending PAMC 2.04.010 to read as follows: 2.04.010 Time. The regular meetings of the Council shall be held on the first and third Tuesdays of each month, beginning at se"t'eftfive-thirty p.m. Public hearings will be scheduled to begin at seven p.m. or as soon thereafter as possible. Such regular meetings shall conclude at ten p.m.; provided, that the City Council may, upon motion, continue to meet past that hour upon items on the agenda not considered prior to ten p.m. If the date of any such regular meeting of the City Council shall fall upon a legal holiday, such meeting shall be held. either on the preceding business day or on the succeeding business day or on such other day as decided by motion of the Council. Notice of the day selected for the meeting shall be given to the local news media at least twenty-four hours prior to the meeting. Such meetings shall be held in the Council Chambers at the Port Angeles City Hall, 321 East Fifth Street, Port Angeles, Washington. .Section 2 - Effective Date. This Ordin~ce shall take effect five days after the date of publication. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said Council held on the day of , 1998. MAYOR ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: Craig D. Knutson, City Attorney . Becky J. Upton, City Clerk PUBLISHED: By Summary 1 or> l;;J . 98.01 . "'~;.-'",:. ':,'" ,0-<", ,,:;' "-:";~;"J'Y/(]':'?~~:;'5'.:Z-~~i,' RESOLUTION NO. ~ A RESOLUTION of the CitY Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, revising the Council's Rules of Procedure bychanging.the Order of Business and amending Resolution No. 13-86, as amended. BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles as follows: Section 1. The Council Rules ofProcedyre, adopted by Resolution No. 13-86, as most recently amended by Resolution 11-97, are hereby amended by revising Section 8 to read as follows: Section 8 Order of Business. The order of business for regular Council meetings shall be as follows: 1. Call to Order - Regular Meeting . 2. Pledge of Allegiance 3. Approval of Minutes 4. Finance 5. Consent Agenda 6. City Council Committee Reports 7. Work Sessions . Items from the Audience/Council/Staff to be Considered or Placed on This Agenda or a Future Agenda Legislation and Other Considerations Ceremonial MattersIProclamations ~~tJC Adjournment -1- i ~ ......... 1, \.1 ..l.~ PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a: regular meeting of sai. Council held on the day of , 1998. MAYOR ATTEST: Becky J. Upton, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Craig D. Knutson, City Attorney . . -2- '\ ~ ..( J.. .'- . II. " '",-'.e.' ,''1'': '~"':"C""",.- .,:,_,_.,'".~;;.._ -.,;-., ':..':_~"p~--~:,.:.,,,....;- '. NOTE: HEARING DEVICES AVAILABLE FOR THOSE NEEDING ASSISTANCE. AGENDA PORT ANGELES CITY COUNCIL 321 EAST FIFTH STREET PORT ANGELES, W ASlllNUTON January 6, 1998 SPECIAL MEETING - 5:00 P.M. REGULAR MEETING - 5:30 P.M. .~ I. CALL TO ORDER - Special Meeting s."\;-(p 'b~~~~ ~ ROLL CALL III. SPECIAL MEETING TOPIC: Executive Session IV. ADJOURN SPECIAL MEETING V. . CALL TO ORDER - Regular Meeting - (By Deputy Mayor) Administration of oath of office to Larry Doyle, Jim Hulett, Cathleen McKeown, and Larry Williams Election/seating of Mayor Election/seating of Deputy Mayor VI. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE VII. APPROVAL OF MINUTES of December 16, 1997 regular meeting VIII. FINANCE: IX. XI. . XII. CONSENT: 1. Out -of-state travel by Planning Director to attend 1998 American Planning Association National Conference in Boston 2. Payroll December 14, 1997 - $409,413.84, and December 28, 1997 - $349,865.48 3. Check list - January 2,1998 - $977,072.31 a. Progress payment #3, Downtown Sidewalk-Watermain project b. Progress payment #9, Library Project x. CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS (Summary of issues of interest to entire Council) WORK SESSIONS ITEMS FROM THE AUDIENCE/COUNClUSTAFF TO BE CONSIDERED OR PLACED ON THIS AGENDA OR A FUTURE AGENDA (Fhis is the opportunity for members of the public to request to speak to specific items on the agenda.) MAYOR WILL DETERMINE TIME OF BREAK i -; ~ ... .L. ...~ City Council Agenda I . January 6, 1998 Page 2 XIII. XIV. xv. XVI. ~ . LEGISLATION: I 11. 12. 3. 14. ORDINANCES NOT REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS: RESOLUTIONS NOT REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS: PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES/ACTION ITEMS: OTHER CONSIDERATIONS: A. Steve Marble - Local Conservation Districts B. City Council committee assignments C. PenCom Interlocal Agreements D. Set Goal-Setting Retreat time and date E. 1998 City Legislative Action Conference - February 4-5, Tumwater, W A F. Congressional City Conference '98 - March 6-10, Washington, D.C. G. Request of discussion of old Library site by Council Member McKeown I I I i [CEREMONIAL MA TTERSIPROCLAMA TIONS: ipUBLIC HEARINGS: lDJOURNMENT I I I . I Public Hearinas I Public hearings are set by the City Council in order to meet legal requirements pertaining to matters such as, land use permit applications, proposed amendments to City land use regulations, zoning changes, annexations. In addition, the City Council may set a public hearing in order to receive public input 'prior to making decisions which impact the citizens. Certain matters may be controversial, and the City Council may choose to seek public opinion through the public hearing process. I Public Hearina Procedure: All comments must be made at the podium after the speaker first gives hislher name and address so that comments and speaker ide,ntification become part of the record. The Mayor may indicate the amount of time available for each hearing. So that all persons have an opportunity to speak, the Mayor may limit the amount of time permitted each speaker. In making your presentation to the Council, the following format may! be helpful: I PURPOSE: What is the idea you wish to present? Begin with an "I statemenf' outlining your idea, such as, "' am here to (support/oppose)..... REASON: iWhy are you making this point? This is an important step so the listener does not make assumptions about your motives. EXAMPLE: Brief and relevant example to clarify and make your point concrete. I SUMMAR\.' What condition will be changed or improved if your point is adopted? ACTION: (If appropriate, depending on the situation). What needs to be done and who will do it? . 1". I"' 1.0 . . . XIII. '.c', _'_""_P_'~_~_':":__,:;,"_';",\;" :!'- LEGISLATION: 4. OTHER CONSIDERATIONS: A. 1998 Goals and Objectives for the Ci:t)' of Port Angeles NO PAPERWORK IN PACKET l.t .1. ~ I I . I I I I I I I I I I 1 '1 . = ...~u . . . 1------ Goal: :::;>>"';:;:;:;:;:. ::: :::: :~:::~::]~:;:::::~:::~::~~:~:~:~~::;:;:~::~:::::::::~::;::~:~:~:.:::::::::~:~:~::~:~~:::::::;:~;~::::~::~: ::: :::: '.' .... '.' .... Enhance and Increase Economic Development in Port Angeles and Clallam County Choices for Business RecruitmentIPA Works: :::;:.:.:.:.:.:.:.;:. ~:~ :~: .;;':':':':':o:'~:j:':-:';-:-;'X':':':':O:-X':':':':':':-:-:-:-:->>:<<.>>'..:->>:.:->>;.v;.>>'..>>:.:-:.)o>>:O:-x<<o)"..:-:.:-:-:-:-:-:.:.>>:-:->>:<<-:->>:-:.:.:-:.:-;,:-:'Y":-:':-: ..................:......;..................;:...........~.................ili........XX..........~....~...-;:;..-;-....~"-;....z-:::;................-;-............................... em^{' 'i'Exlstmg'or newTead gfOUP (agency'ot',,,,,,um !:~ ::: committee) ::j :::. Regional or Port Angeles focus . Port Angeles Works!: promotional or incentive program . Hott:UMott:1 rt:vt:nut: lor tourlsm pcomouoll or business development . Business investment plan or relocation leads . Rayonier site indo or rec.lres. redevelopment Priorities for Downtown ". .. Forward Projects: .;.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:::.:-:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.;.;.x.:.:.:.:.:.:.;.:.:.:-:.:.:.:-:.;..:.:.:.:.:-:.:-:.:-:.:.:-:-:.:.:-:.:.:.:-:....:-:-:.:.:-:-:-:-:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:-:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:-;.x.:-:.: ?:;:;:::;:;:;:~:;:;:;:;:;:;:-':;:;:;:;:;:;:;::;.:::::::;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;;..':;:;;..':-"';:;:;:;:;:;:;>>:;:::;:::;-;:;:;:;:::;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;>>:;:;:;:;:-"Z:::;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:::::::::;: ::: . Valley Creek Uplands park j:: . International Gateway construction ~:i . Oak Street development ~:: . Marine Lab expansion j:: . Lee Hotel abatement j!: . Carnegie Library restoration III. Downtown Parking solutions , , . .~ J . !r">>\~ Choices for Annexation Votes \~~;::;:~~If:~==~:~:::;=:~::'~~=:=~=:~:=:~~~~~::~::~; II . iii. · Petitions, subareas, or whole eastern UG A I.'. '.' ,". ',' II:! III ,~ ~~~ ::: :;: .;. :.: ::: ::: ~~~ ~~~ ::: ::: .,:. ;.: ::: ::: ::: ::: ~~~ ~;~ I I I i I I '?":::::=:;: Choices for Victoria Connection: J ~:~ ::::;:.:.:.:.:.:.~~~.:.:.:.:.;.:.:.:-:-:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:-:.,:.:-:-:-:-:-:.:-:.;.;.:.:-:-:-:-:.;.:-:.:.;.:-:-:.;.;.;.:.;.;.;.;.;.:.:.;.;.;.;.;.;.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.;.:.:.:-:-:.;.;.:.;.;.;.;.:.;.:.;.:.:.;.;.:.:.:.:.:.;.:.: ~~~~;;;;:;:;:;:;~t;;;;;;;;;;;;:;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;>>:;;;:.:;;:::::::::;;;;:;:;:m:;:;:.::;:.:x;.:;:..:.::;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:::;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:-;;:;:;:;:;;;:-..:-:-:-:-;..;;;..;..:;:;:-;.:,.;.:-:.;.;.;.;.;.:.: ,:1! iii. Seek Victoria investments :~~ I .::.: . Expand feny service to ':'1 :~: P AIV ictorialSeattle ;![ rntroducehYdrofnil ~Ni" I I I i I I I 2 ~I,:"; Choices for Positive :::,:-x-:->>:::: !~ ~~~ Local Attitude &~"ZS~~':X''';:'~:'"Z~Y;:;~'~''''{.'~''''~''~~"z:'~:'-S-;>>}~9h~;'>>~:;:;:::;::Z:;:;:;x:;..>>.......""".......>>:;~ rt":':->>ir:':'x-::;::::<<,:,:-:-:-:-,",,>>:-:->>x,:,>>:-:,,,:-,~:,:->>:-:,,:<<,:<<<<,:v>>>>:-'~<<.:-:..:....:.:.:.x..:v:.;.:-:v:v:.:.:.:..:v;.:....:.:.:.:.:.:.:-:.; !' ~. Start commumty leadership academy ! I. ..:~ncourage positive local attitude :~~ 1~1. Create new broadbased business leadership i~~ l~ ..committee such as Downtown Forward and i~ 111 Rayonier TaskForce :1~ ~:~. Provide user friendly permit guarantee ~i~ ~~:. Publish low crime mte story !~ !i:. Present media campaign on strategic business investment plan .. !/[::::::::::llt,:.,>:.:.:.:.>:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.,,>:.:.>:.:.">:.:.>:.,,,:.,:.:.:.:.,,>:.>:.:.>:.:.:.>>:.>:.:.:.:.:.:.>:.:.:.:.>:.>:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.",:.>:.:.:.:.:.:.:.. :::=:=:::::=x:::::;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;::::-;-;-;:::::::::.:x::::::::::::::::::::::::m>;::-;.z:;::::::::::::X;-..,:;x:,.~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::--..;:;:;>>::::::::::::::::::...-..;:::::::::;:;' III III :.: .:. m ~~~ '~"'~-<'~~ :~1 :;: .. ::::::::::::;::::::: .:.:.:.:.;.:.:.:.~:~.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:-:..:.:.:.:-:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:..:.:..:.:.:..:..:v:....:.:.:-:.:.:.:..:.:.:.x.:.:..:.:.:..:.:.:-x.:....:.:..:.:-:.:..:..:.:..:.:.:.:. ..:::;:;:::,"';;:--..;:::::::::;::::::::::%:::::;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:,:;:;.,,}~:;:::::;:;:::,}}}:;::::>>>>:;:::::,}:;:,~:,~>~:,.~:;::>"';;-;>"';;>>:;)1:;%:;,>>;:;::y;.xx->>.;-;:;,>>:;~ j1~ m 11; jii 1~~ ~~~ .:. :.: ~~~ ~~~ ill 1:1 ::: ::: ~~~ ~~~ ~~; ~~~ ~:; :~: ~~~ m 11~ ~~~ '''';.,';..\' 3 Goal: ~?;~m:::. ;~~ . ~~~ ~1.x.:-:':-:-%X.:v:-:<<-:-;'-h:-:':-'>>:-'--=<-:-:-:->>:O:-:':-:'x<<<<<<<<-"'<<->>:'>>>>>>:<<<<<<<-'h>>>>"":*:<<<<*X':<<W":-:.;.:-:.:-:-:.:.:.: *:.:.:.:-:.:.~~~>>"..X-:.:*:.:-:*:.:.:.:.>>:.."-:.:.:.:.:<<->>>>>>:o)>>X<<<-:-:*-...--=<<<<<<<<<<0:<<-:..>>>>:-:':':<<<<-:-:';':':-''':';';':':':':':':':':':':':':' Maintain and Develop City ::: :::: .:.:.: Facilities, Infrastructure, ',' .... [:::::: and Programs \ III I~I \'.... \ I::,.:.:.:.:.:.:.::. 1:~~ \~\ Choices for Light Utility ) ;:~~~:~~:~~~~~~::~:~~~~~~~~::~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~::~~::~~~:~~::::::~;:::::::::::~;~;~;::::::::::::::::~;. I::: ::: . Plan for electric utility deregulation 'i.i:l. ::: ...\ I \ (''':;:''~:~ Choices for Street Projects ::: . 8th Street paving Chase to C ::: . Blvd.lLincoln T intersection :~: . Airport Road realignment :~: . Major intersection pole relocation ::: . General maintenance falling behind I_ Follow through on LID 2ll foredo,"", 1\ I 1 I 4 .~);~ r':":"r~ Choices for Water Utility ;~:~~~i:=;;;~~::::~~::~~=::::::::.:=~:~:::~:~:~~~~~:~:,~~~:~~~:~~~~: !~ ~~ . . Develop water supply comprehensive plan ~: ::: ::: :~. Protect water rights and domestic supply :i~ l~l. Keep water line maintenance from falling ':1 ::: further behind ill III. ~bandon Morse Creek hydro but keep water :!~ !!! nghts '* II II! ::: ::: ~~~ m ;:;:.;.:.;.:.:.;.::. Choices for Wastewater Utility '.:.:.;.:.;.:.;.::::;.:.:.;.:.:.:.;.;.;.;.;.:.:.:.:.:.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.;.;.;.;.;.;,.;.;.:.;.:.:.:.;.;.;,.;,.;,.;,.;,.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.:.;.:.:.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.:.:. :j::-;-;-;-;-;-;:~:?-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-';-';-';::::-;-;-;-;-;-;-;::-;-;-;::::-;'-;>>--;-;->>>';-;-;ili""'::,,/.,>-->>.;.;:;*;-;~--;-;.-;::~,;-;-;-;.::-;-;-;x::-.;-;.z-;-;-;-;-;-;-;",;>,;-;-;-;-;:: ijl ~~j . Reduce combined sewer overflow .." @ . Decide on stormwater utility or other !~! funding !i!. . Keep sewer line maintenance from falling :j! further behind ) :j~ .::-;-;-;-;-;::-;::; ::~ ::~ Choices for Solid Waste ::::.:.:.:.;.:.:.~~~.;.:.:.:.:.;.;-;-;.:.:.:.:.:-:.:.:.:.;.:.;.;.;..;.;..;.;.:.:.:.:....:.:.;.;.;.;v:.;..;.;<<.:<<v;.:.x-:-;.x-:-;.:-x.;.;.;.;.:-;.;.:.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;,.:.:.:-:.:-:.:.:.:.:.:.:.;.:.; .::-;.-;-;-;-;-;:;::::-;",;"-;.;;:-;.-;;;:-;.;;:-;.;;:;;::=:;-;-;.-;.-;.:;;;:;:;;::;.-;.-;:;.-;.-;:;;;:;;::;;;:;::;;;:;."-;.-;..-;;;:>>"-;,;;:;;:;;:;;:~-::>>}}'}W>">>':.'}:;~"-;.:,~>>-;';;:;;::;;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:-;';;:;;:;;::;;;;;;::;;;;;.'};:;.:.;.: ill 1:1. Keep landfill open ::~ :i: . Plan long-term disposal ::: :~! . Speed up compo sting program o \ 5 1 I I I I I 1 I 1,::.:.:.:.:.:.,<:: 'i~:::~~=::::;:;:~~:~f:?:!!~!~~!!-!~:~~~~:::~~:~:; :~ ~~'. Complete funded trail segments I.:. ;.: ii~ i~ . Renovate pool ;~ I~ . Develop Public Golf Course Ii jli. Restore and use old library :~~ jji. Fwnish Senior Center and VBMCC iil Ii'. Mamtam fields j~~ ~~~ ~:~ :~: ~: ::: I I i I L..... Choices for Recreation and ~[:::::::::J~l.:.:.:.,:.,S:2m!!:!~!X,y.t~~*n~~.,i~,2m.::.~1.,:.:.:.:.:.:. ~~~::::;:;:;:::::~t:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::*''':.~::::::::::::':-'''":-~:::::::;-'''-::::::::::::::::::."5:::::::::::."5::::::::::::::::::::::::::::."5:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::; :~i :i: . Replace playground and campground ~jj ~i~ ."equipment/facilities .: j!:. Complele Valley Creek park m . Provide legal support to complete Fire Hall, ~i: Senior Center, new Library Choices for Recreation and " . ...:\ ~., .~ '1 r 1 I ::;', :~: I, :;:1 :.: ::::~:.:.:.:.:.:.~~~.:.:.:.:.;.:.:.:.:.;.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.:.;.;.;.:.;.:.:.;.:.:.x.:.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.:-:.;.:.:.;.;.;.;.:.;.;.;.:.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.:-:.;.;.;.: :~:T;:;:;:;:t;;;>:;:;:;>>:;::>:;:;>>>::>>::>>::>>;;>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>;;;>,~>;;;>>>;>;>>>;;;;;;>;;>;;;;>>;;;>>>>>>>>;;;;>:;>:;: 6 Goal: " ~. ;.: .:. :::.:.:.:.:.:.;.~::::.:.;.;.;.;.:.;.:.;.:.:.;.:.:.:.:.:.:.;.;.:.:..:.:.:.:.;.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.;.:.:.:.:.:.:.;.:.:.;.:.;.;.:.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.:.;.:.;.;.;.;.:.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.; ~:,:,;,:':-:':'~~f:-:-:-:-:':-:':';,:-:,:,:-:-:,:-:,:,:,:,:-:,:,:,;,:.:.:.:.:.:.x.;.x.:....>>....--:.>>:-:.x.:*x<<<<.:-:-:.;.:-:.:-:-:.:<<<<-:-;.;.:.:-:.:-:.:.:.;.:.:.:.:-:.:.:.:.:.;.:.:.:.:.:. :;: :::: ',' .... ::: ~:: ::: :::: ::: ;:: .:. .:.: ::: ;::: Improve the Financial Stability of Port Angeles ~, '$1/ :.;...............:. Choices for Financial Planning: .::.:.:.:.:.:.:.~:~.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:-:.:.;.:.;.;.;.:..:.;.:.;.:-:-:-:.:.;.;.;.;.;.:<<v;.:-x<<.;.x.;.:.:.:.:.:-:.w..:-:.-:<<.:';":':':-:-:'X-:<<':-:-:-:-:-:-:-:';"-';':':':.:-:':':', "................;............................................................~v.>:;:;...~.;.-;y~....~...;:.v.~....~~.......".;"Z-;...zx-;.' rnmri'coniinultii!id improve fmanchil reporth1g , ii~ :~: and forecasting ~:: ~~~. Increase reseIVes or avoid diminishing i~~ @ fInancial reserves i:: ::: . Publish fInancial position and capital assets :,: ::: . Cr~ate reserve foods for emergencies and :': mamtenance ::~ . Develop 5 year equipment replacement plan iii · Analyze impacts of electric deregulation ::: ::: Choices for Taxes ::: ::: :;;;.;.;.:-:.:-:.;::.;.;.:.:.:.:.:.;.:.:.:.;.;.;-:-:.:-:.;-;.;.:.:.;.:.:-:.>>>>:-:-:.:.:-:.:-:.>>:-x-x-:-:-:-:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:-:.:-:.:.:.:.:.:.;.:.:.:.;.:.:-:.:.:.:.:.:-:-;-;-:.:.:.:.:.;.;.x-:.:-:-:.;.:.: ~~~:::;:;;;:;;;::~t:;;;;;:;;;:.:;;:;;;;:.:;;:;;;:;:.:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-;.-;;;;;~y..~;.~;;;.-:;:::;:;;;;;::::;;:::-':ow;;::*,,,:;~;;;;;;;;;;:;;;:--:;;;:::;:;:::;:;::;;;;;;;;::;;;;;;::::;;;;:.::;:.::;:.:;;: i~~ @. Minimize 1999 property tax increase ii: i:i. Seek return of non-local tax dollars I: :~~. Recruit new and retain existing businesses . I_ In"'''''''' tax -. nnt tax ,.te, 7 !r':":':'l! Other Financial Priorities 1:-;>':,':i>,;;;;*:m:;:;:;:;:;m:;:;:;:.-m:;~.;z-.;,,;';y,;>~Z:''>>':i:;>':,':,.:;'Z:;:;:;:;:;-m>>m;:;:.':i:,:,">>">>':,':,-:;-/.;;,.";;:::;;;':;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:::::;:;:::::;:::;: :::-:':-:<<-:'~~-:'X-:<.:';-:';':-:-:':-:<<*:-X-:->>:-'"<<-:'X':->>:<<-:->>>>:.:-:-:-:.:-X':-:.:-:->>:.;.:.;.;.;.:.:.:.:.:-:-x.:-:-x.;.;.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.;.;.;.;.;.:.:.:.; !j ~.. _ Negotiate labor contracts l~ ~~ - Continue attrition policy ~~~ ~~ _ Twnover property for public gain t ~l - Plan for year 2000 compliance 1:1 II- Investigate City credit card :.: .;. I ! ~ ~ :-:...............:. .;;.;.;.:.:.:.:.:::::.:-:-:-:-:.:.:.:.:-:.;-;.:.:.:.:.;.:.:.:.:-:.:.:.:-:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:-:-:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:-:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.;-;.:-:-:.;.;.:.;.;.:.:.;.;.:.;.;.;.:.:.:.:.;.;.;.;.;.;. I .:. ~if:::::::::::::~r::::::::::::::::::::::x:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::x:::::::::::::::::::::::::.::::::.:::-;:::::::::::::::.::.::::::::::.::::::::::;:::::::;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;::::.. .;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.:.;.;.;.;.:.:.;.;.;.;.;.;.:.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.:.:.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.:.;.;.;.;-:-:.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;-;.;.; I ::: .;.:.;.;.:.;.;.;:;;:;:.:.;.:;;:;::;:;}:.:::.:.;.:;::;.:::::::::::::;:::::::;:;::::::::::;::;::::::::::;:::::;:::;:;:::::::;;:::::::::::::::;:;;::;::::::::::::::::::::::;.:.;.:.:.;.;.;.;.:.;.;:;.;.;.;.;.;.;-:.;.;.: ;;:1 ,:, ':'1 :'1 ':'1 :;~ i .1. 8 I · -:q;. G I ~f,z';>l . 08 : :.:.;.:.:.:.:.:-~~.:.:.:.;.:.;.:.:.:.:.:-:.:.;.;.:.:.:.:.;.:.;-:.;.;,;..;,;.:.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.:.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.:.:.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.: ~- ~;~ ~~1 ::,.............,:: Priorities for Family ::j ::: Support Services ":':':':':':':'::~::':':':':':':':':':':':':-:';':':':';.;.;.;.;.:.:.:.:-:.:.;.:-;.:.m.......:.:...x.:.:-x*;.;.y.v;.:-:-:.:..:.;.:.:.;.:.;.;.;.;.;.;.:.:.:.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.:.:.;.;.;.:.;.;.;.;.;.;':', ~~~::;:;:;:::;:;;t:;;:;:;;:;;:;;:,.:;:::::;;:I';:;:::::::::::::::;:::"':,.:;:;;:':;:;;:I';:;;::::x:;;:::;;>>':,.:;:;:::;:::;>/;:;;:::;;:k,"X:'::."X:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;;:::::::::;X:::::;;:::::::::;; ::~ :~:. Support teen/youth programs; partner with ::! :::... YMCNSchool District ::j :::. Inve~t in early childhood/family support ~ ill servlces ::j j::. Reduce substance abuse ::~ ~:~. Reduce teen pregnancy .:1 111. Increase public awareness about :~ ~:~ immunization Priorities for :.:...............:. ::~ :~: Fire/Emergency Services .:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.~:~.;.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.;.:.;.:.;.:.:.:.:.:.:.;.;.:-:.:-;.x.;-:.:.;.:.:.;.:-:-:-:.:.;-:-:.:.:.:.:-:-x.:.:-:-:-:-:-:.:.:-:.:<<.:.:.:.:-x.:-:.:.:.:-:.:.:.:-:.:-x-:-:-:-:.:<<.:.:.:-:.:.:.:.;.: ~t::::::::::::~~r:::;::>::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;'"}:-"7..>>:::-}-:;:::::,;::::>>:::::;:;:;:;::ili:::::::.::::::.::::::::;:;:;::::::::::::::>>:::::::;:;:;:;:;:x;::::::m:;::::::::::::::::; :~~ ~::. Address needs for fire equipment, ::~ ::i personnel, and expanded service area :~~ i~j. Promote emergency preparedness including :ij ::: participation in drills :~j ~::. Test fire alarms/home fire detectors ::~ :::. Develop strategic emergency plan for the ::~ m City and the UGA ~~~ ~~~ ::: ::: ::: ::: 9 ;::.;.;.;.;.;.:.:::: tJi,~>~>::~~~~~;7~>!~;;~~~~~~~>~'::~>:~~"">"" :::.;.;.;.:.:.;.:;;):.:.;.:.:-:.;.;-:-:.:-:.:.:.:.:-:-:.x-:.:.:':-:';';';':':-x':-:':->>:':';';':-x-:-:-:.:.:.:-:-:.>>:.:.x.:-:.;.;.:-:-'",.;-:.;.:.;.;.;.;.;.;-;.;.;.;.;-;.;.;.;.;.:.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.; I ~ .1- Eliminate loitering of large groups of youths 'l~ 111 downtown II Ill- Reinforce public awareness of sexual ~: ;;: offenders ill l:l- Allocate time to prosecution l;~ m _ Publish low crime rate story lili ill- Use technology to improve public safety 11!~ 111 services and reduce costs ; ~~ ~[~ I I I I:>;.:.:.:.:.:.:.::. 1!~::::::~lt:::::::::::::::::::::::~::::::::::::::::~;::~~:::::::~::::~:::::::~::::::::::::::::::::::;: I I . I I .! I ! ;;~.:.:.;.;.;.:t.;.:.;.:.:.;.;.;.:.:.;.;.:.:.:.;.:.:.:.:.;.:.:.:.:.;.;.;.:.;.;.;.;.:.;.:.:-:.:.:.;.:-:.:.;-:.:.;-:.:.:.:.:.:-:-:.:-:-;-:.;.:.;.:.:.;.:.:-;.:.:.;.:.;.;.;.;.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.; rr---- I :::'1 .. I I 10 [:JI>>>:,~.".>:.>>:.",,:.>>:.:.:.:.>>>,,*>>.,~.:.>>:.:.~~>~>>~~/.~"..,>".:,w..,.>>>>>".>.,>.,""<.>>"",:.".:. i~':':-:-:':':'~J-:':-:-,v..:-:.:.:.y..:-:-:.;.:.>>:<<-:.:.:.:.:.>>>:-:.....--:<<.>>:':':':':-:-:-:-:v:':-:-:':->>:':--'<<'>>>>:->>:<<-:-:-:':':-:'>>>>>>:-:':':-:':';':':<-:.>:-:.~ Enhance the Community's Quality of Life Through :::::: Responsible Development of Iii III Land and Stewardship of the :::::: Natural Environment ~~~ ~~~ ::~.............::: Choices for Natural Resources ..:.;.:.:.:.;.:.::~::.:.:.:.:.:.>:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:-:.:-:.:-:.:.:-:.:.:.:.:.:-:-:-x.:.:.:->:-:.:.:.:-:.:.:.:.:.;.:.:.;.:.:.:.:.:.;.:.:.:.;.;.:.;.;.:.:.:.:.;.;.:.;.;.;.;.;.:.;.;.;.;. r::::::::::::~;~:;:.:::y~,,:;:::::;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::;::."':.:::::::::::::::::::::::::%::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;::::::;:::::::::::::::;;::::; ::: . Promote responsible forest management i:i · Support fish enhancement efforts Choices for Increased .::::::::::::::::::: :i: i:i Development ~~~;:::;;;~~~;;;;;;:::::;;;;;;;;:;:;;;:=;:;;::::;;~:::~~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ~:~ :::. Implement storm water management plan :!i · Add cross-town traffic route ::: . Develop UGA annexation plan ::: . Connect city center to points of interest i:~ . Promote areas' high quality environment I ,,'" ,"ho01, 11 I 1 I I I I I I Choices for Increased Ii !;;'~~l:::~~~:,~~~~:>~g:;;~==~~=:.:~~~~~~~:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;~;: Ill! iii . Eliminate environmental review of "planned [~~ ~~~ actions" ::~ ~~~. Implement sign code enforcement ~l~ l~!. Prepare new ordinances for lodging tax, ::~ ~~ telecommwrications, and adult ent. [[~ @. Increase private economic investment to [:~ ~:. achieve a secure, growing community ::: ::: ill III , :~::.:.:.:.:.:.:.::. .:. :.: Choices for Good Government :~':':':':':':'l':':':':':':':':-:':-:':':':':':':':':':,:,:-:,:-:,:,:,:->>:,:,:-:-:-:-:':':':-:oX-:-:-:':':';":':':':-:':':':.;.:.:.:-:-:-:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.;.;.:.:.:.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.:.;.;.;.;.;.;.;. :::::::::::;::::::::::.:::::::::::,,-:;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::>>":;:;x::::::::::::z:,.-:;:;:::::::::::::::::::::::::.:::::::::;:;;;::;;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.:::::::::::::::::::::::: :1 l:i. Promote civic efforts (clean creeks, @ ::: blockwatch, etc.) " ". I"illJ \\ .1).) lv llwl1h \ vi Ulll':':l .) i:: · Encourage citizens to practice "goodness" ::~ . Reduce government I r I I... ':'1 ;.: ::ir~:~;;~:~t;~:~:~:~:~;~;~:~:~:~;:;~:~:~;~;~;~:~:~:~::;~:~:~:~:::;;;;;::;;;;::;;;~:~:~;;~;~;;~;;~;~~;~:;;::;~:;;;;;;~;;~;~;;~;~;~:~:~:;~;~:~:::::~:;~:~:;~:~:~:~:~:~:~:::: ':'1 ::;1 :~~ I ':'1 :::1 :::1 I I \ 1 I I . I 12 ~!S::>>>'t Goal: ',' .... ::: ~:: ::'--=.:.:.:.:-:.~~~:-:-:y:.:.:.:.x,:-:-:,:':':-:':':':':':':':-:.>>:.:-:-:-:.:.:.;.:.:.;.;0;.;.;.;.;.;.;..,..:-:.:-:-:-:.>>:<.:.:-:..--:->>:.:-:.:-:-:...;.x.:->>:.:-:.;.;.;.;.;.;.:<<....:.;.:.:.;.:-;.:. Ir>>>:<.:lr:""":.:.:<.>:.;..""':.:.'>:.>:.>:<<~:;;:':.;>:.;~~~:<<<<->>.>>:<<.",>>>:.>>:<.>:.>:.:.: II En=;:::t::~ei:.:~:te ~~~ :~~~ .:. :.: :::,:.;.;.:.:.:.:.::. ~:~ ::: Choices for Customer Service .;~::::::;:~:::::::::::::::::::::::~:~~:~:~~:~:::::::;:~:~::::::::::~:::::~:~:::;.:~:;.:::~:::; ::~ :::. Create management academy ::~ m. Continue "Customer Commitment" ::~ ::: program ::: ~~~. Continue "Bureaucracy Busting" element of I: ::~ Customer Commitment ~:~ :::. Realize our "Statement of Values" i~~ 1j~ Ii. :~: ::~:""'''i:: Choices for Employee Support .;.;.:.;.:.:.;.;.:;:.;.;.;.;.:.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.:-:.;.;.;.:.:.:.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.:.;.;.x.;.;.;.;.;.;.;o;.;.;.:-:.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.:.:.:-:.;.;.;.;.:.:.:.:.:.;.;.:.:.:.:.:.:.;.:.:.;.:.:.:.:.:.: ~t:::;:;:.:;:;~~~;:::;;;;;;;:;;;:;;;;;;;:;:.:;::;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;:;;;;;;;:;;;;;z:;;;;;;;;;::::::::::::;;;;;;:;:::;:::--::;;:;:::::::::::::;:::;:::::::::;:::;::;;:::::;:;:::.:;:::::-:.:.:-:.;;:-:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.; @ :~: . Recognize superior employees :il i:i. Expand training ::~ ~::. Continue employees incentives program ::: j::. Investigate use of Lee Hotel for City offices j~~ ~~~ ::1 ::: ::: ::: I I 13 I I \ I*,~>~:,;;t Goal: ::: :::: '~ ~I' il! Relations ::: :::; ~: :::: :.: :.;. ~;~ ;~; Choices for Local Cooperation :i~~~~~~~~~~~~;~~~~~~~::~~~~~:::~:~~~~~::::~:::::::~:~:~~:~~~::::::::~~~~;~;~~::~;::::~::::~~;:~;:~;~;~;~;:~;~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~;~. ::: :::. Sponsor community workshop with County ~:: ::: and Port ::~ :::. Finalize water agreement with PUD ::: . Work on eastern annexation with County ::: . Take the lead with other agencies on City ;:~ ISSueS ::~ . Build liasons by swapping jobs with ::: neighboring entities m . Build bridges with other governmental .. entities :1 \ I .t........ :::1" ...::: :::1 ::: ;; I ~:~ ':'r:':':':':'~:~':':':':':':':':':':':':':':':':':':';.;.:.;.;.:.:.:.;.:-:.;-;-;.;.:-:.:-:.;-;-:.;.:.;.:.:.;-:-:.;-;.;.;.;.;.;.;.:.:-:.:.;.;-;-x-:.;.:.;.;.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.;.;.;.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.;.:.:.:.:.: .;;;,;,,:;:;::;;;::;;;:::;:::::::::::;::::::::::;::::::::::::::::::::;::;::::::;:;;:;:;"-:;-;:;::;:;;:;:::.::::::;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;:::::::::::::::::::::;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;;.:;:.:.:.:.;.:.;.:.:-:.:.: :::1 ::: :. :;:. Meet with Board and Commission ;;:1 '.' volunteers :::\ :.\ Choices for Intra-governmental Relations . i 14 .. r'\: Goal: ~ ~ ~ U.S. Congress ::: :;=; [::::::Jil:.:.:.,>:.:.:.",:.:.>:.E~~~:.:~,,:~<.,~:~!::>:.~:~.~~:~,:.,,~.:.:.:.:.:.:.,>:.:. ::::-":::::::>>~::::;::::::ili:::::;::::::";::::::::::::::::ilifu,:;:;::::-;:::::::;:;.:m?.I'"X-;:'"X:o"X~~:::'"'>>>~),;.~",;.-';';;';%"",::;;::iliS::ili::>:::::::: ~ii i:i. Maintain active role with state legislators :i: . ii: . Support A WC programs and remain active :'1 i'i in A WC ::: . Promote town hall sessions during elections i:: · Continue 96-97 objectives @ . Participate fully in State legislative process f:::';;:::t Choices for F erleral Issues ~;i m .:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:~:~.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:-:.:.:';':':':':':':';':-:':-:':':':':':-:-x-:-:v:-'>>:':':';':-:-.":';.:-:.:.:.:.:.:-:.;.:-:.:-x-:.x.x.:.:.:-:-:.-:.;.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.;.;.:.:.:-:.;.;.;.; ;l:;:::::;:;::~~r::::::::::::::::::::ili::>>"}:::::::::::;.x:;:;:.):::::::::::z:::::::;:::::::::;:;~:::;:;~ili:.';;::::::::::x.:::::::::::::;;:.:::;::x.;x.;:::::::::;:::::::::;:;:;: ::: :::. Maintain active role with U.S. Congress ::: !~i. Promote town hall sessions during elections :i: ::i. Resolve Elwha dam issue :ii :::. Continue 96-97 objectives iil ill. Participate fully in Federal legislative ::1 ::: process ::: ::: ~~~ ~~~ ::: :;: :~: ~:~ ::: :;: 15 Goal: ffY;Z~* -:- ~.: 1::::;:;:1i::::;:::::;:=::::;::::::::::=::=:=::::::=;~: :-: :.:. ~~~ ~~~ .:. .:.: ::: .:;: 111111 ~ I I Improve Legislative and Administrative Relations Choices for Council and Staff Relations :::;.:.;.;.:.:.:.::. "." ,', ~:.:.:.:.:.:.:.~~~:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.;.:.:-:-:v:-:.:-:.:-:-:-:-:-:.:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:.:-:-:-:.:-:.:-:.:-:.:.:-:.;.:.:.:.:.:.:-:-:-:-:-:.;.:.:.:.:.;.;.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.;.;.:.:.:.:.:.:.:. :::;:::::::::::;:::::::::::'--;:::::;:::::'-';::::::::::::::::::Z:::::::::::::::::::::;J~~::::::::::::::OZ:j.:i%:'":"":'":'--;:::::::::::;::::::,,-";-;:;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::Z;;::;: i:i iii . Continue current good working relationship 1: ::: . Continue dialectic conversations and !: i:i improve listening skills I~ ~~~. Contact staff prior to meetings to obtain ::: ::: answers to questions :ii i::. Institute Council work sessions I ! · Livo oue "Statement of Values" evcryday . .1 .[ I I I :!r"""iii Councilmember Relations ;t:~;:::~~~;~;~;~;::::~;:~;:::~;~;:::~;~;::::~~::::::::::::::::;::::::~:::~:~:::~:~~~:;:~;:::~:~::::::::::~:~:~::~::~::~::~:~:~:~:~:~:: ::~ :~:. Continue to be thoughtful, open, polite and ::i :i: friendly with each other ::: :::. Keep a sense of humor ::: . Discuss one-on-one issues of concern ::: . Put committee reports back on agenda after I public he,ru,g, !~ Choices for ':.1 ::,1 !:~ I '. 16 . City Manager's Office Memorandum Jeffrey A. Pomeranz City Manager . Sharon "Sam" Martin Exec. Admin. Assistant Beck)' J. Upton, CMC City Clerk! Management Assistant Robert Coons Hwnan Resources Manager Camille Headrick Hwnan Resources Assistant . /~'. .......... -I \..... January 28, 1998 TO: Manager Pomeranz, Mayor Braun, and City Council FROM: Becky 1. Upton, City Clerk/Management Assistant if l/ SUBJECT: Contract with United Way for Administration of City of Port Angeles 1998 Human Services Funds SUMMARYIRECOMMENDATION: United Way administers the City of Port Angeles Human Services funds, As such, it is necessary to execute an agreement between the City and United Way, It is recommended that the City Council approve and authorize the Mayor to sign the contract with United Way for the administration of the City's 1998 Human Services funds. ISSUE: Should the City Council approve a contract with United Way for administration of the City of Port Angeles 1998 Human Services funds? BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS: Approximately four years ago, the City contracted with United Way to administer the City's Human Services funds. United Way will again be administering these funds in 1998 and,.si'milar to previous agr~ements, United Way will receive 2% of the distributed funds as reimbursement for administrative costs. Council member McKeown participated in the allocation process, and the City Council has approved the allocations to the various agencies, as set forth in the attached contract. Attachment li.S I I I I I I I I I I 1998, between the City of Port Angeles, Washington, hereinafter I I rTferred to as "City", and United Way of Clallam County, Washing- I ton, hereinafter referred to as "United Way". I I I I I I CONTRACT . THIS CONTRACT is entered into this ____ day of REPRESENTATIONS 1. It ~s in the public :..nterest for City funds to .be expended for human services. 2. United Way is willing and able to allocate, anmini:.~4' and distribute such human services on the City's behalf. AGREEMENTS . NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the above representations and the payments, covenants and agreements hereinafter mentioned, to be made and performed by the parties hereto, the parties covenant and agree as follows: 1. Scope of Services. United Way shall provide the following services: A. Annually identify local human service priorities with input and direction from the City Council; B. Establish a process for receipt and review of requests to the City for funding from local human service agencies and organizations, which process shall include the participation of a City Council . - 1 - 1 '":' .........L:' < ~'-"'._':".!>'~-1'\ . member on the United Way admrssions and fund distribution commit~ee and final approval of the recipient program allocations by the City Council; C. Analyze proposals received and develop r~commenda- tions for allocation of the City I S annual human -services budget appropriation; D." Ensure the distribution of .funds according to City policy, legal guides and sound fiscal policy; E. Maintain separate accounting and auditable fiscal records for City funds; F. M~nitor arid provide year-end report to City regarding provision of services and use of funds to assure that terms are carried out and desiJ:ed outcomes achieved. "i. 2 . Duration of Contract. The performance of United Way . shall be commensurate with the City's 1998 budget calendar. 3. Compensation and Method of Payment. A. The City shall reimburse United Way for the services rendered as specified in Section 1 of this Contract at the rate of two percent of the funds distributed. B. The funds shall be transferred from the City to United Way on a quarterly basis and shall be distributed by United Way to the recipient programs on a quarterly basis. Any accrued interest shall be retained by United Way for subsequent distribution to City-funded human services agencies. . - 2 - "i " r- ... ...L. _, 4. Recordkeeping and Reporting. ~ united Way ~ill provide quarteriy =~nancial reports reflecting agency activities funded with City appropriations and semi-annual reports showing ~he agency's success ~n meeting established objectives. Each quarterly report will be due within sixty (60) days of the end of the quarter. Each semi-annual report ~ill be due with the 2nd and 4th quarte~ reports. 5. ::old F"3.rmless and Indemnification. "Jnited Way shall protect, defend, indemnify and save the City harmless from and against any and all claims, damages, losses, and expenses, including reasonable attorney's fees, occurring, arising, or ~esulting :~om supplying work, services. materials or supplies ~n connection with the performance of this Contract or Subcontract thereof. 6. Breach. A. In the event of either party's material breach of the terms or conditions of this Contract, the non-breaching party reserves the right to withhold paYments or services until corrective action has been taken or completed. However, the party shall not exercise this right until they have given written notice of such material breach to the breaching party and ten days have - 3 - . . . Of __ ...L. '... . passed since the receipt of such notice. This opti-bn is in addition . . . to and not in lieu =f the party's right to terminate this Contact or any other right Nhich State law offers for breach of contract. B. -If either part:,.' shall materially breach any of the covenants undertaken herein or any of the duties imposed upon it by this Contract, such material breach shall entitle the other party to terminate this :ontract, provided that the party desiring to terminate for sllch cause shall give the offending party at least twenty days' written notice, specifying the particulars wherein it is claimed that there has been a violation hereof, and if at the end of such time, :he party notified has not removed the cause of complaint, or remedied the purported violation, then the. termi- nation of this Contract shall be deemed complete. 7. Non-Discrimination. United Way shall conduct its business ~n a manner which assures fair, equal and non-discriminatory treatment. of all persons, without respect to race, creed or national origin, and, in particular: A. United Way shall maintain open hiring and emploYment practices and will welcome applications for employment in all positions, from qualified individuals who are members of minorities protected by :ederal equal opportunity/affirmative action requirements; and, B. United Way shall comply with all requirements of.. applicable federal, state or local laws or regulations issued pursuant - 4 - - 0,- i ; _.,.. - thereto, relat:ing to the escablishment of ncm-discriminatory . ~equirements in hir~~g and emQloyment pract~=es and assuring the service of: all persens ....,ithout discrim::..::at.ion as to any person's race, color, ~e~lgion, sex, Viet.r.am era veteran's status, disabled "reteran condition, physical.. or mental handicap, or national orlgln. 8. 3ntire Contrac~. ~he part.ies agree tha~ =his Contract is the complete expression of the terms hereto and any oral repre- sent.ation or understandi:1g not incorporated herein is excluded. :urther, any modificat.~c:: or =~lS Contract. shall :.n '.....ri ting and 31gned by both parcles. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto caused this Contract to je executed the day and year =irst hereinabove written. ::~y ~F PORT ~~GELES UNITED WAY 3\" : ~-r' By: "--~~ Ti tle U-e.t:.-. -#~J (i .,;t;.- U~~ Mayor ;"TIEST: ATTEST: . CMJi. Title: A4M~ ~~ Becky J. Upton, City Clerk ;"PPROVED AS TO FORM: :raig D.Knutson, :ity Attorney ~;,C9lI.lW - 5 - . . ) ,4 -I- .1- . . . ;:"';,~ "'f~"::,?'~i::;:\:,!:; "')~'-~ City 01 Port AapIea 1998 Human SerriceI GraDt ::::j::::::!:!::::::!__!ii!!::::i!::ii:!!!IU::::!::!1_:_::.ili:!~I:I~l!~::::!ll:::!_ll!!l:!l:l!l!lll:r~::l:::!:::::!:!II_!II!f~:I: :il!.'.!~.l!liiii!l!lll!llllililll!i!ii! . Adult Action Center 7,000 7,000 o 12,500 15,000 3,500 7,700 7,700. In Kind Health Care Access RS VP (Retired Senior V olunlccl" Program) Senior Nutrition i'II..IIIII:llllli 3,500 5,000 3,500 DD Access! Advocacy 7,250 10,000 7,600 ..... ., PiVeijtIW~::~~.:::::. . .: Employment Support Residential . o 4,000 3,000 3,000 1,250 1,000 !1!1I'..f~I~I;IIII"111~1! Clinic Services 1,800 1.600 o 2,000 2.000 1,800 1,900 400 Community Education 400 Middle School Education :""t:~:F..:I:i:::::::::::::::::::':::::::: ~~:!iIt::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::I:: Drop-In Center :!.IIi.!::~:~:ill:!ll!!:l!:l:!!::!!:ll:ll:!:: Exchange Club Center Pre-Treatment 7,700 7,700 7,700 1.soo 1,500 1,500 0 1,200 0 3,500 3,500 0 1,200 0 0 13,600 13,600 13,600 1.000 1,000 1,000 Intensive Outpatient Relapse Prevention Safe Home/Sexual Assault Sexual Abuse Treatment :~:.''''.::::: Counseling 250 750 o 250 750 o o Parent Line i!i~IIr.I!ljlllj!II!!iilil!I!!II!iii'!i! o 2,400 12;': 1 t~~1~~I~~1~~~~~1~1~I~~~~1~~~~1~~1~~~~1f:~t~~~~~rt~i~r ::!::!!:::!::::!::::!_::::~:::~:::;:;:;::::~:::~:~~: 1!'I'llllll.11 iIIL.I..lllllllllllil!!! ........................................-.................... .,. . . .. ....... ................................ .1~111.li.II!lllrll~I[.. ....... 9,100 9,100 . o .. ...... ........ ......., ................. -.. ........... -............................. . ....... ............................... ',. .......................~.........-........ Pro.~:~~i!:::::::::::::.::::::::: 5,000 5,800 5,800 700 1,000 0 3,500 5,000 3,100 3,500 5,000 2,500 2,500 3,500 2,500 3,000 3,000 2,000 In Kind 4,000 In Kind Crisis Line Jail Services Older Adults Charitable Care .:::.i_::_iIf~:1f;~mft: ..~::MI:1t1:::::::::::::I:::::::: .... --,... .... --. - ... . --... -. . .. ..... ................. ......... . ,..... -............................... . .......----................. . ..-....... . ---- -.. ....................-............. SaJvatlO~:~:::::::::I:::::n::I:r!.:::::::: ~m~::~:I:m:::II::::::::::::: .. ............................ ...... .... .:.:.,.....;.:.:.;.:.;.;.:.:.:.;.;.;.:.:.:.;.:.;.:.:-;.:.:.;.;.:.:.:.:.;.;.;.... .:::~r:.:.:.:::::::::::::;:::::::;::;. .. . .. . . . .. . . . .. . .. 7.7.:.:-:.:-:./.....:-;.:.;.:.:....:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.;.:.:.:.;.:...:.:.... Family Shelter Serv. Single Adult Shelter o o 1,500 2,500 o 0 0 0 . 0 0 4,500 4,400 4,500 98,050 1,961 100,011 Emergency Shelter 2.000 YMCA GRANT TOTAL 4,400 4,400 4,500 0 4,500 4,500 4,400 4,400 0 4,500 98,050 145,100 1,961 2,902 lOO,Ol1 148,002 Youth Sports Outreach to Teens at Risk Scholarships Summer Camp/Child Care youth at Risk PROGRAM TOTAL Umted Way Administration Fee av. 2% . ~~ ',I 2 . City Attorney's Office Memorandum Craig D. Knutson City Attorney . Dennis C. Dickson Sr. Assistant City Attorney Candace Kreider Legal Assistant Chrystina Bruneau Administrative Assistant Jeanie DeFrang Administrative. Assistant . --. January 29, 1998 TO: City Council FROM: Craig D. Knutson, City Attorney RE: Contract with Chamber of Commerce SUl!!mary/Recominendation: The Chamber of Commerce has proposed spending $1,522 of funds left over from its 1997 allocation for the purpose of a Port Angeles Special Events Card to be handed out at the Seattle International Sports Show, February 4-8, 1998. The Lodging Tax Advisory Committee has considered the request and recommends that the City Council approve a special contract with the Chamber of Commerce authorizing the expenditure of the remaining funds from the Chamber's 1997 allocation for this purpose. 1u.IK: Should the City Council authoriie the Mayor to sign the attached contract with the Chamber of Commerce for the expenditure of leftover funds from the Chamber's 1997 allocation of lodging tax revenues? Backaroundl Analysis: Attached is a proposal submitted by Erl Hansen, Director of the Port Angeles Chamber of Commerce, to the Lodging. Tax Advisory Committee at its January 26, 1998 meeting. The Lodging Tax Committee agreed with Mr. Hansen that the expenditure would be important and worthwhile. Since the 1997 contract with the Chamber of Commerce provided $10,000 for a specific map and brochure as well as $37,000 for maintenance and operation of the Visitor's Center, and since that contract has expired, it is necessary to execute a separate contract for expenditure of the remaining funds. The attached contract has been prepared for the Council's approval should the Council concur with the recommendation of the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee. ~'(1~~ Craig D. Klmtson, City Attorney 124 CDK:jd Attachments ! CONTRACT FOR TOURIST INFORMATION ANi) . TOURIST PROMOTION SERVICES THIS CONTRACT is entered into this day of , 1998, by ana between the City of Port Angeles, Washington, hereinafter called "City", and the Port Angeles Chamber of Commerce~ a non-profit corporation, hereinafter called "Contractor". REPRESENTATIONS 1. It is in the public interest for hotel/motel tax funds to be expended for tourist promotion services in the City of Port Angeles as authorized pursuant to Chapter 67.28.RCW. 2. The parties entered into a contract on March 4, 1997 under which the City agreed to reimburse the Contractor for tourist facility maintenance and operation not to exceed $37,000 and for tourist promotion activities not to exceed $10,000. 3. The Contractor provided the services contracted for in the amount of $1,522 less than the total allowed under said contract. 4. The Contractor has proposed utilizing the remaining $1,522 for printing a Port . Angeles Special Events Card to be handed out at the Seattle International Sports Show, and the City concurs that this is an important, worthwhile expenditure of said funds. AGREEMENTS NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the above representations and the payments, covenants, and agreements hereiJ.1after mentioned, to be made and performed by the parties hereto, the parties covenant and agree as follows: 1. Scope of Services. The Contractor will perform advertising services in the form of printing and distributing a Port Angeles Special Events Card at the Seattle International Sports Show, February 4-8, 1998. 2. Compensation and Method of Payment. The City shall reimburse the Contractor for the services rendered in Section I in the amount of $1,522. Said payment shall be made within 30 days of receipt by the City of an invoice itemizing the service provided. . - 1 - .; . , -', j..I..,u . . . . ,'- .,:_'x.,.-"", invoice itemizing the service provided. 3. Ind~endent Contractor Status. The relation created by this contract is that of independent contracting entities. The Contractor is not an employee of the City and is not entitled to the benefits provided by the City to its employees. The Contractor, as an independent Contractor, has the authority to control and direct the performance of the details of the services to be provided. The Contr:actor shall assume full responsibility for payment of all federal, state, and local taxes or contributions imposed or required, including, but not limited to, unemployment insurance, Social Security, and income tax. 4. Hold Harmless and Indemnification. The Contractor shall protect, defend, save harmless, and indemnify the City, its officers, agents, and employees from and against any and all claims, damages, losses, and expenses, including reasonable attorney's fees, occurring, arising, or resulting from supplying work, services, materials, or supplies in connection with the performance of this contract. 5. Breach. A. In the event of either party's material breach of the terms or conditions of this contract, the non-breaching party reserves the right to withhold payments or services until corrective action has been taken or completed. However, the party shall not exercise this right until they have given written notice of such material breach to the breaching party and ten days have passed since the receipt of such notice. This option is in addition to and not in lieu of the parti~s' right to terminate this contract or any other right which State law offers for breach of contract. . B. If either party shall materially breach any of the covenants undertaken herein or any of the duti,es imposed upon it by this contract, such material breach shall entitle the other party to terminate this contract, provided that the party desiring to terminate for such cause shall give the offending party at least twenty days' written notice, specifying the particulars wherein it is claimed that there has been a violation hereof, and if at the end of such time, the party notified has not removed the cause of complaint, or remedied the purported violation, then the termination of this contract shall be deemed complete. 9. Non-Discrimination. The Contractor shall conduct its business in a manner which assures fair, equal and non- discriminatory treatment of all persons, without respect to race, creed or national origin, and, in particular: -2- -~ ,. (:. .... '- t,' A. The Contractor shall maintain open hiring and employment-practices and will welcome applications for employment in all positions, from qualified individuals who are members of minorities protected by federal equal opj)Qrtunity/affmnative action requirements; and, . B.The Contractor shall comply with all requirements of applicable federal, state or local. laws or regulations issued pursuant thereto, relating to the establishment of non- discriminatory requirements in hiring and employment practices and assuriqg the service of all persons without discrimination as to any person's race, .color, religion, sex, Vietnam era, veteran's status, disabled veteran condition, physical or mental handicap, or national origin. 10. Entire Contract. The parties agree that this contract is the complete expression of the terms hereto and any oral representation or understanding not incorporated herein is excluded. Further, any modification of this Contract shall be in writing and signed by both parties. IN WITNESS WHEREOF , the parties hereto cause this contract to be executed the day and year first hereinabove written. . CITY OF PORT ANGELES PORT ANGELES CHAMBER OF COMMERCE . By: By: Mayor President ATTEST: ATTEST: By: By: Becky 1. 'Upton, City Clerk Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM: Craig D. Knutson City Attorney A :\98Chambcr.agr . -3- '1 I '""::' -.j.",tl .. . . PORTANGELESBOTEUMOTELTAXCO~ The Port Angeles Chamber of Commerce is ..~ 1he c:oJDJDiaee 10 support our request 10 the City Council 10 obtain the remaining funds of our 1997 aDocation we did not U8e, in 1he amount of 11,522.00. The reason we have this amount of money left over is theVC operating expenses and brochure costS were less then anticipamd. The $1,522.00 will.he used to print a Port Angeles Special Events Card 10 be handed out at the Seattle International Spons Show. According to the City Attorney this request must SO before the City Council at their next ' meeting. Seattle International Sport Show - Feb. 4th thro 8th, 1998 Kingdome Approx: 100,000 people per day attend the show: We will be having two large "Free packages" people can register for: Two Nigh" aeeo...odatloDII (po88lhle 10....) In Port Angele8 Two Nigh" aeeolDlDodatloDII ID Forb Breakfll8~ lune~ and dinner eaeb day they are here Plus other free lte.... and dl8eounta. yet to. be arranged. Those who register will receive one of our Special Events Cards Port Aneeles was lust recently rated the "Best Outdoor 8Dom Town" in Washinlrton State oer Snorts Afield We want to capitalize on this desienationas often.as we can. Esneciallv at a Snorts Show. . We will have at the bottom of the card UBest Outddor Soorts Town" in W ashinlrton per USnorts Afield". as well as have our laree color posters on display at the show. At the conclusion of the show we will have a drawing for the winners. We will be mailing a letter to all those who registered, thanking them for stopping at our booth, encouraging them to visit Port Angeles and the Peninsula on a week end get away and offering them a discount package. ., : (' .....'-J I- I I PORT ANGELES CHAt\l1BER OF COMMERCE 121 East Railroad Pott Angeles, WA 98362 . (360) 452-2363 January 28, 1998 RECFiu;n J f.. ,. .~' "-',"-, I~r\~ ..:...:. ; ...;.;... Port Angeles city council City of Port Angeles P.O. Box 1150 Port Angeles, WA 98362 :JOR'- L\j\J'.;.:::'~=~ ,~ITY l\TTORf\!:;:" Dear council Members: The Port Angeles Chamber of Commerce will be sharing a booth with the VCB at the Seattle International Sports Show on Feb. 4th thru the 8th. We want to capitalize on the recent event where Port Angeles was selected the "Best outdoor sports Town" in washington state by Sports Afield. We have designed and printed a business card size, two fold Events Calendar to be handed out at the show. We are printing 30,000 two color cards. We would like to pay for the printing with motel/hotel funds we did not spend from our 1997 allocation. The amount left over is $1,522.00 and will cover the printing cost. The 1998 Hotel/Motel tax committee supported our request at their January 26th meeting. The city attorney says action on this request must be taken by the City council and he would modify the City/Chamber contract reflecting your decision. I will be at your council meeting to answer any questions you may have. . , Sincerely, ~::~ ~~ansen Executive Director cc: Jeff Pomeranz Becky upton craig Knutson . . FAX # 360-457-5380 · www.cityofpa.com · E-mail: pangeles@olypen.com REPRESENTING THE LARGEST GROUP OF BUSINESSES ON THE PENINSULA ';: ": ...... ~ ,-' Port Angeles polic~ent ~ef'lltm - Date: January 27, 1998 To: Mayor Gary Braun and City Council Members .. Jeff Pomeranz, City Manager - from: Steve Ilk, Chief Of'pOIi~ cc: Becky Upton, City Qerk file Re: Amending Humane Society Contract for 1998 Background: In 1996 we asked the Humane Society to reduce their annual contract costs to assist us with our budget challenges in 1997. The Humane Society agreed to reduce their annual costs from $39.900 in 1996 to $31.920 for 1997. a reduction of $7.980 or 20%. This was intended to be a one-time reduction for.the budget year 1997. Unfortunately an annual adjustment for the 1998 contract did not take place during the budget preparations for 1998. Normally the contract is rolled over with an annual adjustment and the process has been relatively automatic. but was overlooked in 1997 during b/ldget preparations. The Police Department takes responsibility for this oversight. . The Humane Society has requested that we adjust the annual fee back to the 1996 level of $39.900. Their position is supported by the increased number of animals being brought to the Humane Society by the Police Department and city residents. Our department shows an increase in animals taken to the Humane Society by our department of 5% in 1997 over 1996 levels. There were 835 animals left at the Humane Society by residents at large. Since it is unknown who actually left these animals (cages are available on site. after hours for residents to leave animals) the Humane Society essentially attributes half of these animals to city residents. The other half is charged to C1allam County. This would be a reasonable estimation. The Humane Society reimbursed the City $4.964 in 1997 for redemption fees. care. and licenses for City animals that were paid by city residents. Based on the proposed 1998 cost. less redemption fees. each animal would cost approximately $41.84 for handling by the Humane Society. These costs cover the general expenses incurred by the Humane Society: i.e.. facilities. utilities. salaries. feed. ete. Recommendation: The Police Department is recommending that the City Council amend the 1998 contract with the Humane Society to' reflect the 1996 funding level of $39.900. an adjustment of $7.980. ::.30 . #003c 1998 ... , . ... ~ ./... . . . ~ .~ "Maintaining and building a better community" Jack PIttJs Director (4801) Phyllis RasJer Administrative Assistant (4800) Cate Rinehart Administrative Assistant (4700) Bob Titus Deputy Director (4701) Ken Ridout Deputy Director (4802) Gal}' Kenworthy City Engineer (4803) Steve Hursh Engineering Manager {4702J Tim Smith 611futrBCt & Project .,-_nISt7lJtor {4804J Lou Haehnlen Sr. Building Inspector {4816J Tom Speriine Sr. Electrlc8llnspector {4735J Scott McLain Power Manager {4703J Ralph EIISWQI1h Water. Wastewater Collection Superintendent {4855J Pete Burrett Equip. Services Superintendent {4835J Marle Shamp Ught Operations Manager (4731J Kevin Curtis Tf98t Plant Supervisor (4845) Tom McCabe SW Collection Supervisor {4876J Steve Evans 4[" Supervisor 3J ve Wilcox Straet Maintenance Supervisor {4825J (... MEMORANDUM ~ DATE: JANUARY 29, 1998 MANAGER POMERANZ, MAYOR B(N' AND CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT _ PROPERTY MANAGEMENT; HECK N PROPERTY ACQUISITION TO: FROM: SUBJECT: SUMMARY and RECOMMENDATION: The City has secured a Purchase Option for the Heckman property at $150,000, and has paid $25,000 (towards the purchase) through the Option which ends Feb 3, 1998. The current Option requires an extension to allow time to maximize grant funding which may assist the purchase or leverage the City's downtown revitalization goals. The Seller has indicated a willingness to extend the Option for an additional six months, and for an amount ($20,000) which was authorized by City Council at their me-::ling of 1/20/98. Payment of both the original option ($25,000) plus the renewed option ($20,000) are credited toward the agreed upon purchase price of $150,000. We recommend the Council authorize the Mayor to sign an agreement to extend the option to purchase for a term of six months at $20,000. ISSUE: Shall the City Council authorize the Mayor to sign an extension of our option to purchase a portion of the Heckman property downtown? BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS: The Downtown Forward Project plans for acquisition of a portion of the Heckman property in the Tidelands East Block. The City has negotiated a Purchase Option for the property at $150,000, and has paid $25,000 towards the purchase, through the Option. The current Option period ends Feb 3, 1998. In order to maximize grant funds awarded toward the City's downtown revitalization efforts, and' this particular property acquisition, a review and approval for a NEPA Categorical Exclusion (CE) together with a Letter of No Prejudice will be required by the Federal Transit Authority (FT A). The City has met with FT A and has prepared a draft CE request for this purpose per FT A instructions. FT A staff estimates the approval process will take at least three additional months. Staff has discussed the issue of extending the Purchase Option with the Seller and the Real Estate Committee. The Seller has indicated a willingness to extend the Option for additional compensation, all of which could be applicable to the purchase price. The Real Estate Committee and the Council have instructed staff to seek an extension of six months for $20,000. These terms have been successfully agreed upon by the seller. An extended Purchase Option document has been developed and prepared for the Mayor's signature with the assistance of the City Attorney. RECOMMENDATION: We recommend the Council authorize the Mayor to sign an agreement to extend the option to purchase the subject Heckman property for a term of six months at $20,000. y,^^,,=~-.\. C~ Timothy. J. Smith Property Manager .; r.,,...., C:\DATA\WP\WP6O\PROPERTY\HECKMAN.04 ..I... ~ ..::. " -L~,') . . . l Position Paper City of Port Angeles 1998 Legislative Issues February 3, 1998 .,... ... ......'. ... . ,.... .....--- . ......,.. ........... ... ....S...'...L.. .U........#............. .. .. ....... .......... .. ... .. .. ".", ..". .. .. ".. ,",.. .. .. .... ...... .. .. "" ..,. .. .-...... .. .. ..., .. . .... ...- .. ...... ......... --. "....... ,.......-................ ." .,.-....."..,.. - -. . -... -., . ....-.... ..". ,....,.. ............,...,,-...... .;;S....;.T......~.;.;...;.;F.....;F..;;;..;.;;.. "." , .. .......-..-.. .. .. ..... .-. .. .. .. . . ..... ...--," .. ..- ... ....-.-.. .. .. ........-. .. .. . ... .....-... d.. . _ ._ ............ .. .. '.' ..-....... ..:.:-....>>.......;.:....-::-::...;>:-:-:-...;... SB 6515 HB 2551 HB 2831 OPPOSE SUPPORT SUPPORT IN CONCEPT - time to comply must be extended and role of CTED or any other state agency to judge local governing boards & councils is an unnecessary and costly intrusion. HB 1804 SUPPORT SB 6699 SUPPORT SHB 1504 SUPPORT HB 2542 OPPOSE SB 6241 OPPOSE HB 2723 OPPOSE HB 2979 SUPPORT SHB 2039 SUPPORT SB 6214 SUPPORT HB 2425 HB 2708 HB 2709 CONCERNED - If these proposals move forward the City of Port Angeles has concerns that the revenues to our general fund not be reduced by any legislation. Restricts ability for cities and counties to charge fees for right of way use by telecommunication industry B. Titus Permits cities and water districts to notify consumer reporting agencies of delinquent accounts. S. Kenyon Requires utilities to unbundle components of their electric service for billing customers. Utilities under 25,000 B. Titus meters would be exempt but encouraged to participate voluntarily. TORT REFORM - Elimination of joint and several liability, immunity from civil liability for employers who in C. Knutson good faith disclose job performance, conduct or other work-related information about an employee, reduction of the interest rate on judgments under appeal, from the higher of 12 percent or four percentage points above the 26 week treasury bill average rate, to two percent above the 26 week treasury bill average rate, establishment of a certificate of merit procedure which requires the plaintiff to certify that a qualified expert has been consulted to determine the merits of the claim, and who would be willing to testify that negligence occurred to cause the plaintiffs injuries. Employee Reference Checks - provide immunity from civil liability for employers who in good faith disclose job C. Knutson performance, conduct or other work-related information about an employee. , Exempts certain records from public inspection and copying that would reveal the strategy or position in C. Knutson regards to collective bargaining, professional negotiations or grievance mediation proceedings. Allows twenty counties (includes Clallam) to opt-out of GMA without any roles for cities. B. Collins Eliminates the city's right to require a pre-annexation agreement as a condition of providing water or sewer B. Collins outside current city limits in GMA planning counties. Allows industrial and office park development outside UGA B. Collins Probation Services Liability - reduces liability for probation services C. Knutson Allows cities and counties to require a fee based on inmates ability to pay for the average daily cost of C. Knutson incarceration. Mentally III Offenders - counties would need to have mental health professional on staff to evaluate C. Knutson misdemeanant offender and requires treatment under certain circumstances. Taxes on Electrical Utilities - Would restructure state and local taxation of electric, gas and telecommunication J. Pittis services. ". t,~,-l .---. ....... ,-.- ,. ........-......-_........ ..............,._-.,...-. ................-..-..... .,'.......-......-.......-. ...........,..,_......... ...8... .1..::.1>#. ..... :) alt2/ - .,)r:: ............ "..... ...................... HB 2894 HB 2659 HB 2417 SHB 2417 SHB 1553 HB 2989 HJM 4033 SJM 8024 CONCERNED - The City supports additional fundin!:! for transportation, but this bill will not directly benefit the City of Port Angeles with any significant increase in our transportation dollars. It will harm our transit system and expenditures will be based on specific projects where our chance of selection is very low. SUPPORT OPPOSE because counties would select the projects within the City were the funds would be spent. SUPPORT - We understand that AWC is attempting to submit a substitute bill that would change the project selection responsibility from the county to the city. SUPPORT OPPOSE SUPPORT SUPPORT N:\PWKSIADMIN\DEPTMGMT\LEGISLA T\98ISSUEB.WPD LEADERSHIP'S TRANSPORTATION FUNDING PACKAGE shifts MVET to transportation, reduces MVET, shifts local criminal justice from MVET to general fund, sends referendum to voters Changes the collection point of motor vehicle fuel taxes and would help increase payment of owed taxes, increasing distribution to TIB and cities. Authorize cities to levy up to $15 for each vehicle per year in counties where the fee has yet to be levied by the county. Projects using these funds inside the city would be selected by the county. Authorize cities to levy up to $15 for each vehicle per year in counties where the fee has yet to be levied by the county. Projects using these funds inside the city would be selected by the city. This bill is a listing of 5 local options for raising transportation revenues for cities and counties lost when the street utility was invalidated by the courts. 1. $15 City vehicle license fee (see also SHB 2417) 2. City Street District Levy - allows, with 50% voter approval, authority to levy up to 50 cents per $1 ,000 of assessed value up to combined $5.90 local regular limit. 3. 0.1 percent sales tax - allows city voter approved 0.1 percent sales tax for transportation. 4. 1.0 percent B&O tax on fuel- 1 percent gross receipts tax from retail sales of fuel, subject to referendum. 5. City gas tax - allows tax up to 10 percent of state rate inside city, subject to voter approval. Would combine TIB, CRAB and WSDOT TransAid into one agency based on a study that projects potential savings. The study is superficial. Agencies are very satisfied with the service from the three separate agencies that have very specific'roles and have met the specific legislative intent and direction provided by the legislature. Prohibiting the Sale of BPA - urges Congress and President to refrain from Selling BPA. GOVERNOR'S BUDGET - Aid to Rural Communities ,..-. ..' ,. .-_... ........-. ......-..............-.. .....~.-.-. ............... .',.......... ..... .........,........,...- . ........ ..........,............... ",""',' ..,.......................,...",... ....S. ..m...A......F. .F................. .. .. ...-..... . - ...........-. .. - " - ............ .. -- . ....-....... ... ..' ............. .. .. .. ..... -........ . .' .. .,.....--.... :::::.......:::-..:-.,::::.,.,.-:::::...;:::;:::::...:--........ J. Pittis J. Pittis J. Pittis J. Pittis J. Pittis J. Pittis J. Pittis J. Pomeranz BILL # SB 6515 HB 2551 HB 2831 HB 2514 HB 2531 SB 6282 HB 2879 . POSITION Oppose Support Support in concept - time to comply must be extended and role of CTED or anyother state agency to judge local governing boards & councils is an unnecessary and costly intrusion. Oppose Support SHB 1504 Support HB 2542 Oppose SB 6241 Oppose HB 2723 Oppose SB 6214 HB 2425 HB 2708 HB 2709 HB 2894 .-'. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . ... . ..............,... ..... ;~~~~:;~~:::f~=Ii'! ................ ............ ....... ......... ...... ., OPPOSED :::1tiifCity supports additional furiiing for trans rtatid,aUiit this bill will not directly ~ the City of po ....,....... ...... Port AngeJM~. any significant increasE},:ip5ur transpo~W~i.!t~lrs. It will harm our tr. system and expenditlJ.f,l:I"f~~:.~ased on sP~;~Tfi:WOjects where our change cif~iM.n:i!:~~.!Y....!9W..~::::::::~~::::t:::::::::.. :tii::::IIII:,~lliil.iIIJI.llil~1!1..!I!I:!I:I:.:I!~I::::::I:::f:::' peion Paper .' C1i9t9Y80Lfeg~ISolartt.lvAe~lsgseulees~. .. . . .. ..:;.::;.:~?:::::::::;:.. ":'::~~::::::::.:i::i::::i:::i::i:ii:::~i:i:~:ii:i:ii.i::~i::::::::t:::. . BRIEF DESCRIPTION:::!i:?;:' ~:~t: ability for cities an1i;iJt~~:.:~::::~~f~~;ij:fees for right':;gf:"lllllill'ffl~uniCatiOn Permits cities and water distri<l:m~:.::l~wsumer reporting agenci~::cif'd~linquent accounts. Requires utilities to unbundle cJrilriiii:i.,lA"i.r electric service for billing customers. Utilities under 25,000 met.rswo..4!Xe~. ............. .............................. ................... ............................. .....,.............. ............................ Defining how wa.~~h~~.Piii{iWp.uld be devei8l~ti.ti&lress water quality, water quality and fish habitat restor~~l.i:~tl!M;"."""".. .<:::::f~::::r Endanger~SPecies .".. . ToAT REFORM.'" ......... (S.q*:At:!P'{::: ;:;:::.....:~;:~~~"U....:::::::::;: B. TItus S. Kenyon B.Tltus J. Pittis C. Knutson C. Knutson ....... ..-. ...... . . . .. . . - . . - . . . . . . . . . ......- ..~.- . ...... )EXempts ce.r.lrlrecords from::ptiblic inspection and copying that woul~ reveal the strategy or ' C. position !'1.lt9,t~ to col!~mN~rbargaining, professional negotiations or grievance mediation Knutson proceedl~;::::::~::r:~:~:::t::::~:::(:::):))t):: Allows ~1:liijpi(I~c1Udes Clallam) to opt-out of GMA without any roles for cities. B. Coffins :;J;liminates the city's right to require a pre-annexation agreement as a condition of providing water or B. Coffins fittfer outside current city limits in GMA planning counties. . ::::m!.::!n~ustrial and office park development outside UGA B. Collins . . . . . . . . . . . - .. . . . - . .... .................. -.. ................. :::::II'j"~ III Offenders - Taxes on Electrical Utilities - Would restructure state and local taxation of electric, gas and telecommunication services. LEADERSHIP'S TRANSPORTATION FUNDING PACKAGE shifts MVETto transportation, reduces MVET, shifts local criminal justice from MVET to general fund, sends referendum to voters C. Knutson J. Pittis J. Pittis BRIEF DESCRIPTION ., ...... ......-- ....-. .................. . ....-.... .......,_......... .--...................... ...............-.-. ... --. .......................... . .', .-.-_..-.....-. ..............._..~...... .. --,- ...., ....... ...,--- ,.. ....-. ... . .... ". .............,- ........ ..--, ... .. ... .. ,."....--.....,.,.." ,. -.. ..... ..\.,. .' ."".", ,,,,.,,.,,,,.,.,,....,., "'S"':~(F~""'.' '. -:"':"-'--;'::':;':::::::::::::::::::::::;:=::':::: :t~......:;:'~"...:::~r?r~ ........ BILL # . POSITION HB 2642 HB 6459 HB 2659 WE UNDERSTAND THAT THIS PACKAGE IS NOT GOING TO BE HEARD THIS SESSION. SUPPORT, BUT WOULD PREFER INDEXING APPLIED TO CITIES - This transportation proposal would benefit. the city through some additional revenue, but the downward spiral of decreasing revenues for transportation would begin all over again without indexing applied to city revenues. ... ....... . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... ........ ...... ........ GOVERNOR'S TRANSPORTATION PACKAGE w&Uidj(.)cre~:the fuel tax by 5 cents per gallon and index to CPl. Cities would 1 cent of t~::!~llj:lfse but none of the indexing. J. Pittis Support Changes the collection point:it:ffi~@t~iji6ie fuel taxes and woul(NiiM~litii;~ payment of owed taxes, increasing distribution l~fm!I:!ij!:P:ml(S.":'::::::::':'" ............................ Authorize cities to levy up to $1.s:JI:iii.b::.~ per year in counties where,the fee has yet to be levied by the county. Proj~lii1n.g:ll1.:mnll)Q~de the city would be selected by the county. ................ ............................,............................. J. Pittis J. Pittis OPPOSE because counties would select the projects within the City were the funds would be spent. SHB 2417 SUPPORT - We understand that AWC is attempting to submit a substitute bill that would change the project selection responsibility from the county to the city. SHB 1553 Support HB 2417 Authorize cities to levy up t~:$15 for ea~k.l.I:.:~r. in counties where the fee has yet to be levied by the coun~.e~.::~i:~ing these fij~:i!~IIII~:city would be selected by the city. .. .......-.................,. .................. .. .,".. ...-....-..-.............................. ................................. .... ..... ,.............. .......'..,...:'.,....,.-,..........._'.'.'.,.....'......,......... ....................... ...........-............................ .......... This bill is a .J~ddf %t9.Il:.pl9i:!Qr raising tr:~ortation revenues for cities and counties. J. Pittis ~-' c. .~ (If . N:\PWKS\ADMIN\DEPTMGMnLEGISLA T\98ISSUEB.WPD I, . . . . . XIII. LEGISLATION: 4. OTHER CONSIDERATIONS: G. Annexation planning (verbal) ~,~<-,j~:?JW" ,- -~>! :':'----'5 NO PAPERWORK IN PACKET -~ ", ,., -.vl1 ..": ,", ""'"" , . ....0. . . . . INFORMATION: 1. Chamber of Commerce report - December 31, 1997 (Page 138 - 141) . . 'C'\/:',,:';.' '---;-e_\,;.- ;_,'" '.'_""_ ,'_' ".:':'i.!;,;,c;.. VlI~J t PORT ANGELES CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 121 East Railroad Porf Angeles, WA 98362 (360) 452-2363 January 19, 1998 Becky Upton City Clerk city of Port Angeles P.o. Box 1150 Port Angeles, WA 98362 Dear Becky: The Port Angeles Chamber of Commerce would like to make . reques~mber~erational funds reimbursement in amount~64.00. ~ Our finanoial_state~~nt ending Dec. 31, 1997 is enclosed. You will note (highlight) the 5,562.00. We have the our already received that expenditure last month, and you will note it has been deducted from the total for the month. 'This will be our ~equest for 199~, ( "'-------------,. Sincerely ~...~.,. . .':"IJ'fl'~'I:., ~. :, '. ~" ". , ~~ . ~'. - .' . .' ".- ,.' '.",." ., ".. - ". I"::-~:,,~, /'",;. , 'nt>....J-,r,. ." I~;;;,,-r~~'-:'\<"':"'.'_,. ~:"""'.'4 . l.'.. r.,.. _~:>-J;..r~ . . .". FAX # 360-457-5380 · www.cityotpa.com · E-mail: pangeles@olypen.com REPRESENTING THE LARGEST GROUP OF BUSINESSES ON THE PENINSULA J'. .....,...... J..0v . REVENUES MEMBERSHI? =':.,ES COUNTER SALES BUILDING RD-rAL SHARED EXPENSE REIMBURS N.W. WOOD SHOWCASE ANNUAr.. 3A.'lC'_"'Z':' CHAMBER ~~~ RAISERS FUND RAISER-A~CTION INTEREST ::AR..""EO BROCHURE DIS7RIBUTION CJL\MIlEJI. SEJl.V1: CBS DOKATIC*S MISCELLANEOUS CONCERTS ON ':'HE PIER JULY 4TH INCOME aus. R~I:N INCOME AC':'UAL 1997 CURRENT MONTH YEAR TO-DATE S 2.340 S 57.410 616 19.980 502 2.925 10 SALE OF ~C~:?~ENT -:-~7AL REVE~""t:E:S EXPENDI7'JRES MATERIALS-C:~~R SALES MATERIALS-SF.:WCASE SALARY - MA.'lAGEJI. SALAR Y SE::;tETARIAL PENSION EXPESSE (SIMPLE !'ICA TAX I'EDERAL UIC ~PEHSE STATE-U/C ~?EHSE STATE INDUS7;l.IAL INS. ~ESS VC ALL:~TION MAJOR MEOI~ INSURANCE MEDICAr.. INS. .~FFICE MGR R.E .. ?P. 7AXES :'IABI:'I7Y .. :-IRE INS. BANK CHAAGi:5 ~FFI:E SUPF:'::::S OFFICE EQUIr!'!ENT At.rrO AL:'cwA..~:E DUES" SUBSC?IPTIONS OFFICE RENT POSTAGE tr.I~I':'IES EQUIPMENT RE~-rAL TELEPHONE REPAIR " ~I~-rENAHCE MANAGER ~~"'Z:. EXPENSES 108 800 25 230 246 4.938 (306) 3.Ul 701 155 3.'0 6.920 71 21. 732 6.397 <.650 270 " 2.1" 75 5.000 12.316 246 138.223 11.569 5.194 44.290 21 75 (82) 8.412 '17 4.675 112 191 301 (786) 5.578 554 27 82 929 1. 200 1.061 3.600 1.248 4.049 3.542 326 710 5'2 296 1.115 474 20 184 300 20 337 2U 104 47 48 30 78 PORT ANGELES CHAMBD OF COMMERCE STATBMJDn' OF OPEJl,ATIHG FUNDS For Period Ended oeceaber 31. 1997 BUDGIrI' 1997 TEAR TCn'AL CURRENT MONTH S 59,000 S 4,620 25,000 887 3.084 '88 7 10.000 2,000 14.500 5.000 2.500 1.000 3.000 10.000 135.084 15.000 7,500 ".290 '.012 4.500 4.000 643 30 88 500 1. 000 1.100 3.'00 800 4.048 2.526 417 929 550 170 800 6.877 372 7' 3.'91 '" AcnJAL 1996 YEAR TO-DATE 204 S 60,577 ~1.200 2.505 267 5.293 1.156 4,565 5.004 3.018 1.038 " 2.'" 100 196 45 23 107 U.943 225 U9.827 12.064 3.702 44,290 8.012 315 4.'14 112 112 258 (741l1 3.713 20 59 (75) 297 102 100 22 122 479 632 15 3.600 798 5.830 3.316 548 629 864 107 300 486 60 60 36 797 ~ ACTUAL INCREASE (DECREASE) CURRENT MONTH YEAR TO-DATE S (2;280) S lJ.168) (2711 11.2201 (1861 420 (71 (951 700 25 34 (45) (2]1 (J6) 246 (1. 939) (678) (791 155 1 16 (7) 177 (82) 84 " 20 (148) 151 104 47 (12) 3D 43 (2571 1.626 <l.156) 17.167 1.393 lJ67) (768) 28 . CT71.1 75 5.000 ]73 246 ----!l,lll 18.396 (495) 1.492 ]] 401 5 917 61 43 (42) 1,865 554 4 (40) 450 568 1.047 450 (1,782) 225 (221) 81 (302) 189 319 . , -.-:. .'~-"- ....~ . ,~.',<. ... . . .. ";-::.fr~:~~'. "~::':1..:.' ::.." . 9 . - .~ ~ V l) <..,,.,;~,,,'.....,;-;.~...:-;,..,,,,,<. , >,f ::'<~';i'~>?~P::'i'" . PORT ANGELES CRAMllBIl OF CCMGlRCB STATEMENT OF OPBIlATIJIG FUNDS For Period Ended Dec.-ber 31. 1997 ~ AC':"'JAL 1997 BUDGET 1997 ACTUAL 19 9 6 ACTUAL INCREASE (DECREASE) CURRENT MONTH YEAR TO-DATE YEAR TOTAL CURRENT MONTH YEAR TO-DATE CURRENT MONTH YEAR TO-DATE EXPENDITURES - CONTINUED SECRETARY'S EXPENSE S 48 S 1.056 S 360 S 21 $ 303 $ 28 $ 753 EXECUTIVE TRAINING 984 800 984 ANliUAL BANQUET 288 2.200 2,018 (1.7301 GUEST SPEAKER MEALS 104 507 360 435 104 73 COMMUNI7Y ~EVELOP~ENT 65 452 149 193 (85) 260 CONCERTS ON THE PIER 4,525 1. 800 1,950 2,575 JULY 4TH EVENT 187 500 2,204 (2,017) JULY 4TH FIREWORKS 10,000 10,000 10,000 GOVERNMENT RELATIONS 90 100 12 78 TOURIST PROMOTION 17' 2,601 3,750 1,110 3,750 (1,0031 (1,150) BROCHURES " ADVBIlTISDIG ClUJ 50 "3 (501 .' ...<f/t!r..... BUS. RETENTION COMMITTE 909 909 FUND RAISER - EXP 13.958 ',066 7,892 FUND RAISER - AUC":'ION 2,237 1,000 302 1.218 (302) 1.019 EHMYLOU aARRIS CONCERT 4,367 4,367 .ASSA::lORS EXPENSE 19 100 19 ICE RENOVATION 3.185 (3,185) MISCE~~~ECCS EXPENSE (35 I 117 200 (SO) 124 15 (7) MEMBERSli.P ~EVELOP~ENT 389 87 1,936 (87) (1.547) PENAL7IES 159 159 NEWS~R EXPENSE ~ TOTAL EXPl::NDlTURES ~ 142,600 122.373 7.464 127 ,407 -lilll 15.193 EXCESS (DEFICI~CY) S ~I S (4.377) S ~ S (5881 $ (7.5801 $ ~) S 3,203 , ~ . ,. ~ORT ANGELES CHAMBER OF COMMERCE STATEMENT OF VISITOR CENTER <UNDS For Perlod Ended December 31. 1997 ';C':iJ AL 1 9 97 BUDGET 1997 ACTUAL 1996 ".C':"UAL INCREASE (DECREASE) . MONTH YEAR TO-DATE YEAR TOTAL CURRENT MONTH YEAR TO-DATE CJRRENT MONTH YEAR TO-DATE C.lRREIrr REVENUES CITY ALLOc:;,TION $ D.281 $ 45.887 S 47.000 $ !.l..lll $ 42.50'9 $ ~l $ ..2.....U! TOTAL REVENUES 13,281 45,887 47,000 13,813 42.509 (532) 3,378 ;:X~ES:: ::-.,,:::5 3;':::~-_^=:5 ;. .;nVER7ISING 5.562 8.240 ::.000 ::.300 2:. 5~ 3 (~. 739 I :14.303) ';: :: ~E::::CAL INSURANCE 554 64 ) 571 tl7) .,:1:: RENO'/ATION :.372 (1.372) VIC EQUIPMENT 206 84 122 VIe WAGES 701 8,412 8,012 6&8 8,012 33 401 VIe RDr.' 1. 012 12,146 12,147 864 10.365 148 1,782 VIe :..-:-r:":T!ES 312 979 1,250 973 312 6 V'- REPAIR ;. !'tAINT. 89 979 330 265 89 714 'I:: :FF:CE S~PPL:::ES l09 2.827 2.975 565 :.623 :4561 204 , .- ::: :'':: ;:ME~-:- RENTAL :41 2.131 :.458 H4 141 :.:a7 . . - - ;::5:-".::;::: 375 ~.233 7.875 240 5.632 :JS tl,J99) . . - ?'':::''=:~:; :NS 4:47 25: ::a :9 .,- - :-::::':::?H:S;: :~ 3 :.727 1. 650 90 :,296 53 ~31 " - ,.. ?"'YRCL.:' :-AXES ~ -2ll ----1ll ~ ---2ii --ll TOTAl.. :::XP~I":'..1RES ..L..lli 43.469 47.526 14.802 55.643 .i!...U1) (12.1741 EXCESS (:i::FI::=:~CY: $ ~ 2.418 $ r526) S ~) $(13.134) S 5.744 S 15.552 cg} 51;.. t, S-5b;t J.) 7{;"; ~~ - ~ . .. I ~.t _..&. ...