HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet 02/28/2005pORTANGELES
February 8, 2005
Members Present:
Mayor Headrick ~/'
Councilmember Braun
Councilmember Erickson
Councilmember Munro
Councilmember Pittis
Councilmember Rogers v/
Councilmember Williams
Staff Present:
Manager Quinn t,/
Attorney Bloor v/
Clerk Upton v,7-
B. Collins
G. Cutler
D. McKeen
T. Riepe
Y. Ziomkowski
Othel: Staff Present:
Led by:. ~
February 8, 2005
Becky J. Upton, City Clerk/Management Assistant
Planning Commission Interviews
The City Council set a special meeting for Tuesday, February 8, 2005, to conduct interviews for the
Planning Commission. Box lunches will be served at 5:00 p.m. in the Caucus Room, and the first
interview will follow at 5:30 p.m. .~
The remainder of the applicants will be interviewed at a special meeting of the City Council
on Tuesday, February 15, 2005, starting at 4:00 p.m. The regular City Council meeting will
then follow at 6:00 p.m.
The schedule for February 8, 2005, is set forth below, and the applications are attached for your
review. It is my understanding that suggested questions for the interviews have been provided to you
under separate cover.
5:30 p.m.
5:45 p.m.
6:00 p.m.
6:15 p.m.
6:30 p.m.
6:45 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
7:15 p.m.
7:30 p.m.
7:45 p.m.
Ruth Hoham
Edward Zoble
Kevin Snyder
Michael "Doc" Reiss
John Matthews
John Gilmore
Peter Ripley
Donald Schuba
Elizabeth "Betsy" Wharton
David Johnson
Application for Appointment to a Board, Commission, or Committee
Board, Commission, or Committee to which you are seeking appointment:
Board or Commission Full Name
Applicant Name and General Information
Zip Code
First M1 Last
Home street address
City State
Home ph~one number Work phone number
Date of Birth (To be completed only by applicants for Law Enforcement Advisory Board for purposes of
criminal history check to ensure compliance with 2.26.020 PAMC)
Certification and Location Information (circl¢on¢)
Are you currently a City employee? Yes ~ Are you a citizen of the United States? ~ No
Are you a City residentg~ No Do you own/manage a business in the City? Yes ~
Do you hold any professional licenses, registrations or certificates in any field (list below)? Yes ~
Are you aware of any conflict of interest which might arise by your service on a City Board or Commission? If so,
please explain: ~ *
In compliance with the American Disabilities Act, if you will need special accommodations because of a physical
limitation, please contact the City Clerk, 417-4634, so appropriate arrangements can be made.
Work Experience
List most recent experience first (or elaborate on a resume if you prefer)
Employer Your Title
Brief job descril~ion
Employer Your Title
Brief job description
From (M/Y) To (M/Y)
Frdm (M/Y) To (M/Y)
Employer Your Title From (M/Y) To (M/Y)
Brief job description
List most recent experience first
]nstitutionTLocation Credits earned/Major area of study
Institution/Location ~ ¢0 Credits earned/l~lajor area of stu~ty Graduated?
Yes No
Institution/Location Credits earned/Major area of study Graduated?
Charitable, Social, and Civic Activities and Memberships
List major activities you have participated in during the last five years
Organization and location Group's purpose/objective # of members
Brief description of your participation
Organization and location Group's purpose/objective # of members
Brief description of your participation
Why are you interested in serving on this particular Board or Commission?
What in your background or experience to you think would help you in serving on this Board:
What is your understanding of the responsibilities of this particular Board/Commission?
Please feel free to add any additional comments you might wish to make regarding your application:
Submit completed forms to:
Office of the City Clerk
City of Port Angeles
321 E. 5th Street
P. O. Box 1150
Port Angeles, Washington, 98362
Application for Appointment to a Board, Commission, or Committee
Board, Commission, or Committee to which you are seeking appointment:
Board or Co~ssion Full N~e
Applicant Name and General information
First MI Last
Home street address
Zip Code
City State
Home phone number Work phone number
Date of Birth (To be completed only by applicants for Law Enforcement Advisory Board for purposes of
criminal history cheek to ensure compliance with 2.26.020 PAMC)
Certification and Location information (circ~=o.e)
Are you currently a City employee? Yes ~ Are you a citizen of the United States? ~ No
Are you a City resident?Q~ No Do you own/manage a business in the City?: Yes ~
Do you hold any professional licenses, registrations or certificates in any field (list below)? ~ No
Are you'aware of any conflict of interest which might arise by yom service on a City Board or Commission? If so,
please explain: i90
In compliance with the American Disabilities Act, if you will need special accommodations because of a physical
limitation, please contact the City Clerk, 4174634, so appropriate arrangements can be made.
Work Experience
List most recent experience f~rst (or elaborate on a resume if you prefer)
Brief job d~scripti°n ·
E~loyer ' ~o~ Titl~ .... From (~) To (~)
Bdefjob description
' Your Title F[0m (M/Y) To (M/Y)
Employer Your Title From (M/Y)
· To (M/Y)
Brief job description
List most recent experience first
2. 0~ ~ ctlOof~lOKTl
Credits earned/Mai or area of study
Credits earned/Major area of study
Credits earned/Major area of study
Charitable, Social, and Civic Activities and Memberships
List major activities you have participated in during the last five years
Organization and location ~}q~ Group's purpose/objective
Brief description of your palticipation
Organization and location Group's purpose/objective
Brief description of your participation
# of members
# of members
Why are you interested in. serving on this~particular Board or Cornn~,ssion?_.
What in your background or exl~erience to you think would help you in serv?g on this Board~: ~)Ol~ ~o ~0'~13
What is your understanding of the responsibilities of this particular Board/Commission?
Please feel free to add any additional comments you might wish 1;o make regarding your application:
Apphcant Signature\ ~ ~'~
Submit completed forms to:
Office of the City Clerk
City of Port Angeles
321 E. 5th Street
P. O. Box 1150
Port Angeles, Washington, 98362
1928 W. 7~ Str~t
Po~t Angeles, WA 98363
360 452 5446
Edward J. Zoble, Ph.D.
2001- Present Self Employed
Clients are hospitals, unions, inpatient units, physician practices, and community
mental health centers.
anac ment consur g
Interim Director Assignments
Strategic Planning and Marketing
Clinical Supervision
Revenue Enhancement
Cost Containment and Process Improvement
199%2001 Swedish Medical Center Seattle, WA
Swedish Medical Center is a three campus, 1200-bed, tertiary care facility with 7000
employees, 1800 physicians, and an operating budget of $950 million. Was hired by
the CEO to assist with the development of an improved system of management.
Senior Internal Consultant
Reported Directly to CEO - Member of Executive Steering Group
Restructured System-Wide Management Organization
Restructured System-Wide Management Information System
Developed Improved Organizational Communication System
Member of Strategic Planning and Quality Management Groups
Facilitated Swedish-Providence Merger
Member of Executive Budget Team
Interim Director of Behavioral Services
Kitsap Mental Health Services Bremerton, WA
The sole mental health center for this county. Directed a large adult outpatient
service with specialized services for the chronically mentally ill. The program was in
transition from fee-for-service to capitation. Responsible for managing the
Director of Adult Clinical Services
Clinical Supervision of Team Managers
Budget Responsibility
Regulatory Compliance and Program Development
Designed System for Efficient Clinical Documentation
C. F. Menninger Memorial Hospital Topeka, KS
Psychiatric treatment facility with an international reputation and a longstanding
commitment to education and research. Full responsibility for all operations,
outcomes, and financial performance. The hospital had 500 employees and a budget
of $40 million.
Managed 166-Bed Closed-Staff Facility and Outpatient Clinics
Supervised all Directors and Managers Through Administrative Slxucture
Developed a Successful International Marketing Program
Coordinated a Complete Campus Replacement Project
Managed Medical Staff
Taught in Residency Program
Treated Patients in an Outpatient Clinic
Veterans Administration Hospital Buffalo, NY
Clinical Psychologist
Ward Manager for half of 30-Bed Inpatient Psychiatric Unit
Coordinated Program of Fifteen Clinical Psychology Hospital Interns
Clinical Associate Professor at SUNY
Masters Degree ~n Healthcare Administration
1976 University of Minnesota
Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology
1971 University o f Cincinnati
Masters Degree in Clinical Psychology
1969 University of Cincinnati
Bachelors Deg~e in Psychology with Honors
1968 Franklin and Marshall College
~s~ and
Licensed Clinical Psychologist in the State of Washington
Member of the American Psychological Association Since 1973
Honorary Graduate, Karl Menninger School of Psychiatry, 1991
Member, Columbian Newspaper Advisory Council
Member, Sheriffs Citizen Advisory Board
Volunteer, Northwest Mental Health
1999-2002 Mentor, Faculty Development Program, Univemity of Washington
1999-2002 Preceptor, Carlson School of Management, University of Minnesota
1991-1993 Vice President, Central Neuropsychiatric Hospital Association
1988-1991 Board Member, National Association of Private Psychiatric Hospitals
1985-1988 Hospital Board, Blue Cross of Kansas
1984-1986 President, Topeka Hospital Association
1974-1976 N1MH Fellowship in Healthcare Adminislration
1969-1971 Clinical Psychology Intern, Veterans Hospital, Cincinnati, Ohio
1968-1969 Research Assistant, Psychology Department, University of Cincinnati
Application for Appointment to'a Board, C0mmission,'or Committee
Board, Commission, or Committee to which you are seeking appointment:
Board or commission Full Name
Applicant Name and General Information'
First MI Last
Home s~'ect address
Home phone number
zip Code
Work phone number
Date of Birth (To he completed olil7 b~, applicants for Law ]~nforcement Adviser)' Board for purposes of
criminal histor~ chech to ensure compliance with 2.26.020 PAMC)
Certification and Location Information
Arc you currently a City employee? Yes ~ Arc you, a citizen of thc United States? (~) No
Are you a CitY resident?~lNo Do you own/manage a business in the City? YeO
Do you hold any professional licenses, registratiom or certificates in any field (list below)?
..... ' ' ' If so,
Arc you aware of any conflict of interest which rmght arise by your service on a City Board or Commission?
please explain:
In compliance with the'American Disabilities Act, if you will need special accormnodations because of a physical
limitation, please contact the City Clerk, '417-4634, so appropriate arrangements can be made.
..... ' (OVER)
Work Experience
List most recent experience first (or elaborate on a rest'ne if you prefer)
Employer Your Title
Brief job description !
From (M/Y) To (M/Y)
Employer Yom Title From (M/Y) To (IvITY)
Brief job description ' ' '
Employer Yom Title From (MP/) To (M/Y)
Brief job description
List most recent experience first
Credits earned/Major area of study
~ No
Insatuuo~Locat~on L. Credits earned/Major area of study Graduated?
Yes No
Credits earned/Major area of study
Charitable, Social, and Civic Activities and Memberships
List major activities you have participated in during the last five years
OrganizatiJn and location Group's purpose/objective
Brief description of your participation I ~
Organization a~ location Group's purpose/objective
Brief description of your participatiofl (J
# of members
# of members
Why are you interested in serving on tiffs particular Board or Commission?
Whatin your background or experience to you think would help you in serving on this Board:
What is your tmderstanding of the responsibilities of tl~i,'s particular Board/Con~..'s3i~on? ~ / -
Please feel free to add any additional comments you might wish to make regarding your application:
Al~plic~nt SignatUre '
Date .
Submit completed forms to:
Office of the City Clerk
City of Port Angeles
321 E. 5th Street
P. O. Box 1150
Port Angeles, Washington, 98362
Application for Appointment to a Board, Commission, or Committee
Board, Commission, or Co~rnmittee to which you are seeking appointment:
Board or Commi~on Fu
Applicant Name and General Information
First MI Last
Home street address
City State
Home phone number
Zip Code
/7'/ 2 7?7
Work phone number
Date of Birth (To be completed only by applicants for Law Enforcement Advisory Board for purposes of
criminal history check to ensure compliance with 2.26.020 PAMC)
Certification and Location Information (circ~one)
Are you currently a City employee? Ye~ Are you a citizen of the United State~ No
Are you a City reside~No Do you own/manage a business in the City~) No
Do you hold any professional licenses, registrations or certificates in any field (list below)?,_ Yes No
Are you aware of any conflict of interest which might arise by your service on a City Board or Commission? If so,
please explain: ..r~
In compliance with the American Disabilities Act, if you will need special accommodations because of a physical
limitation, please contact the City Clerk, 417-4634, so appropriate arrangements can be made.
Work Experience
List most recent experience first (or elaborate on a resume if you prefer)
Your Title From (M/Y) To (M/Y)
Brief job ~scription
B;iefjob des~ption
c ,~-~.-~.d
Your Title (~/Y) To (M/Y)
Employer ! Your Title From (M/Y) To (M/Y)
Brief job description
List most recent experience first
Institution/Location J
Credits earned/Major area of study
Credits earned/MajOr area of study
4:5 °
Yes No
Credits earned/Major area of study
Charitable, Social, and Civic Activities and Memberships
List major activities you have participated in during the last five years
Organization and location Group's purpose/objecti~t
Bric f descriptioff"of ~our pan?ipation /
Organization and location Group's purpose/olSjecuve
~ ,r m--- rv ge__ C-,~I'.~P r.~?~u ..
B{ief descripti6n of your participation
# of membem
# of members
WhZ are you int?rested in serving on this particular Board
What in your background or experience to you think would help you in serving on this Board: ~.j. Lo..n~P. /'?~-
~at is your u~derstanding of the responsibilities of thi~panicular Boar~Commission?~
Please feel free to add any additional comments you might wish to make regarding yo~ur application:
Applicant Signature
Date r r
Submit completed forms to:
Office of the City Clerk
City of Port Angeles
321 E. 5th Street
P. O. Box 1150
Port Angeles, Washington, 98362
Application for Appointment to a Board, Commission, or Committee
Board, Commission, or Committee to which you are seeking appointment:
Board or Commission Full Name
Applicant Name and General Information
First MI Last
Home street address
City State Zip Code
Home phone numb~ Work phone number
Date of Birth
(To be completed only by applicants for Law Enforcement Advisory Board for purposes of
criminal history check to ensure compliance with 2.26.020 PAMC)
Certification and Location Information
Are you currently a City employee? Yes ~ Ale you a citizen of the United States?(~No
Are you a City resident? ~.)No Do you own/manage a business in the City? Ye~
Do you hold any professional licemes, registrations or certificates in any field (list below)? Yes No
Are you aware of any conflict of interest which might arise by your service on a City Board or Commission? If so,
In corrrpliance with the American Disabilities Act, if you will need special accommodations because of a physical
limitation, please contact the City Clerk, 417-4634, so appropriate arrangements can be made.
Work Experience
List frost recent experience fast (or elaborate on a resume if you prefer)
Employer Your Titl~ FroTM (M/Y)
To (MIY)
Brief job description
Emt~loyer Yo~ tiae F~m (~)
Brief job. description
To (M/Y)
Employer' ' ' Your Tide ' From (M/Y) To (M/Y)
Brief job description
List most recent experience fast
Credits earned/Major area of study
Yes No
Yes No
InstimtionfLocation Credits earned/Major area of study Graduated?
Yes No
Credits earned/Major area of study
Charitable, Social, and Civic Activities and Memberships
List major activities you have participated in during the last five years
Organization and location / Group's purpose/objective / # of members
Bfiefdescfipfionofyo~p~icipafion / c.o.~a,~ ~,~ ~ co~9~e~.X ~,~.
Organization and location
Brief description of your participation
Group's purpose/objective # of members
Why are you interested in serving on this pamcular Board
~ ~,~k e~,to7 ~',i~ ~ ~,~11~
What in your background or experience to Yo~U think would help you in serving on. ~this Board:
~at is yom ~dersm~g of
Ap~icant Signal"r/
oz- ~/-
Submit completed forms to:
Office of the City Clerk
City of Port Angeles
321 E. 5th Street
P. O. Box 1150
Port Angeles, Washington, 98362
Application for Appointment to a Board, Commission, or Committee
Board, Commission, or Committee to which you are seeking appointment:
B s ull
Applicant Name and General information
First MI
me street addres -3
City State
Home phone number
Zip Code
Work phone number
Dat~ of Birth
(To be completed only by applicants for Law Enforcement Advisory Board for purposes of
criminal history check to ensure compliance with 2.26.020 PANIC)
Certification and Location information (ci~¢~eone)
Are you currentlY a City employee? Yes (~ Are you a citizen oft_he United States?(~s No
Are you a City resident? Q No Do you own/manage a business in the City? Yes(~
Do you hold any professional licenses, registrations or certificates in any field (list below)? Yes No
Are you aware of any~conflict of interest which might arise by your service on a City Board or Coiiuidssion? If so,
please explain: ~,~ (3
In compliance with the American Disabilities Act, if you will need special accommodations because of a physical
limitation, please contact the City Clerk, 417-4634, so appropriate arrangements can be made.
Work Experience
List most recent experience first (or elaborate on a resume if you prefer)
E~loyar Yom Tide From (~) To
Brief job description
E~loy~ 3 I Yo~ Title From (~) To (~)
Bfiefjobdescfipfion ~ciaW~t~ 9~, ' I I
E~loyer Yom Tide From (~) To (~)
Brief job description
List most recent experience fa-st ~
Institution/Location Credits eamcd/IVlaj or area of study ~raduated?
Charitable, Social, and Civic Activities and Memberships
List major activities you have participated in during the last five years
Organization and location Group's purpose/objective # of members
Brief description of your participation
OrganiCation and location Group's purpose/objective # of members
Brief description of your participation
,Why are you interested in serving on this particular Board or Commission? ~ 9~-oe~ c~, ~,.l~e~k
What in your background or.experience to. you think would hel~you in ser~g on tthis Board:
~at is yo~ ~d~ri~d~g of ~e [esp~ibiliges of ~s p~cul~ Boa~Cona,~ssion? ~
Please feel ~ to add ~y addifioml go--nm you ~ght ~sh to ~ke reg~d~ yo~ ~ppli~on:
(~licant Signature
Submit completed forms to:
Office of the City Clerk
City of Port Angeles
321 E. 5th Street
P. O. Box 1150
Port Angeles, Washington, 98362
Application for Appointment to a Board, Commission, or Committee
L~ard, Commission, or Committee to which you are seeking appointment:
Board or Commission Full Name
A~)lic/~nt Name and General Information
First MI
~)~m~ 7~,~t address
City State Zip Code
Home ~hone ~umber Work phone number
Date of Bi~h (To be completed only by applicants for Law Enforcement Advisory Board for purposes of
criminal history check to ensure compliance with 2.26.020 PAMC)
Certification and Location Information (circ]¢on¢)
Are you currently a City employee? Yes{~ Are you a citizen of the United States?~'~ No
Are you a City resident?~S No Do you own/manage a business in the City?~s No
Do you hold any professional licenses, registrations or certificates in any field (list below)? Yes No
Are you aware of any conflict of interest which might arise by your service on a City Board or Commission? If so,
please explain:
In compliance with the American Disabilities Act, if you will need special accommodations because of a physical
limitation, please contact the City Clerk, 417-4634, so appropriate arrangements can be made.
Work Experience
List most recent experience first (or elaborate on a resume if you prefer)
Employer Your Title From (M/Y) To (M/Y)
Brief job description
Brief job description
Your Title From (M/Y) To (M/Y)
Employer Your Title From (M/Y) To (M/Y) . t
Brief job description
List most recent experience first
Credits earned/Major area of study
C ' amed/Major area of study
Yes No
Institution/Location Credits earned/Major area of study Graduated?
Charitable, Social, and Civic Activities and Memberships
List major activities you have participated in during the last five years
Organization and location Group's purpose/objective # of members
Brief description of your participation
Organization and location Group's purpose/objective # of members
Brief description of your participation
Why are you interested in serving on this particular Board or Commission?
What in your background or e~xperience to yo,u, think would help you in s~rvtng~oD this Board: t,Sza ,~ ~'z~Z'/~ ~.-r,
What is your understanding 9f tile respgytsibilities of this part3cul~r Boar~Commissi9~)? Tjw''/O/~? ~'~t rz,.v~ .,
pr~,~y~¢~,~' p4(pe r.~_clp.4~.~--d~.~ p f-~c,~-p o'~ ~,~
Please feel free to add any additional comments you might wish to make regarding your application:
Submit completed forms to:
Office of the City Clerk
City of Port Angeles
321 E. 5th Street
P. O. Box 1150
Port Angeles, Washington, 98362
Application for Appointment to a Board, Commission, or Committee
Board, Commission, or Committee to which you are seeking appointment:
Board or Commission Full Name
Applicant Name and General Information
First MI Last
Home street address
Home phone number
Zip Code
Work phone number
Date of Birth (To be completed only by applicants for Law Enforcement Advisory Board for purposes of
criminal history check to ensure compliance with 2.26.020 PAMC)
Certification and Location Information (Circle one)
Are you currently a City employee? Yes ~ Are you a citizen of the United States? ~ No
Are you a City resident? ~) No Do you own/manage a business in the City? ~ No
Do you hold any professional licenses, registrations or certificates in any field (list below)? Yes ~
Are you aware of any conflict of interest which might arise by your service on a City Board or Commission? If so,
please explain: ~,'~/,d~
In compliance with the American Disabilities Act, if you will need special accommodations because ora physical
limitation, please contact the City Clerk, 417-4634, so appropriate arrangements can be made.
Work Experience
List most recent experience first (or elaborate on a resume if you prefer)
Employer I Your Title
Brief job description
From (M/Y) To (M/Y)
Brief job description
Your Title From (M/Y) To (M/Y)
Employer Your Title From (M/Y) To (M/Y)
Brief job description
List most recent experience first
Institution/Location Credits e~tmed/Major area of study
Institution/Location { Credits earned/Major area of study
Yes No
Institution/Location Credits earned/Major area of study
Charitable, Social, and Civic Activities and Memberships
List major activities you have participated in during the last five years
Organization and location Group's purpose/objective
Brief des-c~'iption &your participation
Organization and location Group's pu~ose/objective
# of members
# &members
Brief description of your participation
Why are you interested in serving on this particular Board or Commission?
What in your background or experience to you think would help you in serving on this Board:
What is your understanding of the responsibilities of this particular Board/Commission?
Please feel free to add any additional comments you might wish to make regarding your application:
AppliCant Signatur~
Submit completed forms to:
Office of the City Clerk
City of Port Angeles
321 E. 5th Street
P. O. Box 1150
Port Angeles, Washington, 98362
Application for Appointment to a Board, Commission, or Committee
Board, Commission, or Committee to which you are seeking appointment:
Board or C~om~nission-Full Name (2)
Applicant Name and General Information(J'l:~ ~+~ ~ ~ ~~ ( ~ ~ ~
First ' - ' MI
Home street address
City 0 State
$~o q ~q ~ooC,
Home phone number
Zip Code
(wC~ /-IL~ I - o~L,~.
ork-phone number
Date of Birth
(To be completed only by applicants for Law Enforcement Advisory Board for purposes of
criminal history check to ensure compliance with 2.26.020 PAMC)
Certification and Location Information (Circt¢one)
Are you currently a City employee? YeQ Are you a citizen of the United State~ No
Are you a CiW resident~ No Do you own/manage a business in the City? Yes~
Do you hold any professiona'-'~l licerises, registxations or certificate2 in any field (list below)-- QNo
Are you aware of any conflict of interest which might arise by your service on a City Board or comnnssion? If so,
please explain: ~ I)
In compliance with the American Disabilities Act, if you will need special accommodations because of a physical
limitation, please contact the City Clerk, 417-4634, so appropriate arrangements can be made.
Work Experience
List most recent experience first (or elaborate on a resume if you prefer)
Employer i From (M/Y)
To (m~)
Brief job description
Employer Your Title From (M/Y) To (M/Y)
Brief job description
Employer Your Title From (M/Y) To (M/Y)
Brief job description
List most recent experience first
Yes No
Institution/Location Credits earned/Major area of study Graduated?
Yes No
Institution/Location Credits eamed/Maj or area of study Graduated?
Yes No
Institution/Location Credits earned/Major area of study Graduated?
Charitable, Social, and Civic Activities and Memberships
List major activities you have participated in during the last five years
Organization and location Group's purpose/objective # of members
Brief description of your participation
Organization and location Group's purpose/objective # of members
Brief description of your participation
Why are you interested in serving on this particular Board or Comm/ssion? I ~ ~ ~ K~~
· aence to u think would hel ou in serving on this Board'
What in your b~ckgrpuna or exper' yp r~ P Yl ~ ~, '
What is your understanding of,~e respomibilitie~ of~t~s paaicul~ Bqar~C~ssion? } V~
Ple~se~fe~ee to add ~} additional coments you ~t Msh~e reg~dmg yo~ &pplicafion:
Submit completed forms to:
Office of the City Clerk
City of Port Angeles
321 E. 5th Street
P. O. Box 1150
Port Angeles, Washington, 98362
3207 S. Maple Street
Home: (360) 457-9006
Masters in the Science of Nursing 1987
University of Tennessee, Knoxville
B.A. 1984; Major: Biology
Westem Washington University, Bellingham
Washington State Registered Nurse RN00104322
Community Health Nurse: November 2001- 2003
First Step Family Support Center, Port Angeles, Washington
Responsibilities: Provision of Maternal Support Services and Case Management
through First Steps program for low-income pregnant women and families with young
Community Health Nurse: September 2000 - June 2001
Family Home Care, Spokane Washington
Responsibilities: same as above
Outreach Nurse at Homeless Shelter: February - June, 1998
Seattle Emergency Housing/Country Doctor Community Clinic
Responsibilities: Provision of public health nursing services to homeless families
at a 30 day emergency housing program. Worked with a diverse population including
refugees, persons with mental health and substance use issues and victims of domestic
Community Health Nurse: July 1996 - July 1997
Sage Memorial Hospital; Ganado, Arizona
Responsibilities: Provision of home health care to rural community on Navajo
reservation. Common referrals included diabetes, domestic violence and other social
problems, women's health and post-par'tm follow-up, etc. School nursing for three
elementary boarding schools.
Director of Nursing Services: 1993 - April 1996
Rosehedge House; Seattle, Washington
Responsibilities: Provision of direct care and behavioral support for residents
living with end-stage AIDS. Patient population included high proportion of persons with
psychiatric disorders and/or addiction issues. Administrative duties included supervision
and support of 30-40 nursing and attendant staff, coordination of staff education,
admissions, CQI, infection control, personnel management, budgeting, and strategic
RN Case Manager/Clinical Supervisor: 1990 - 1993
Community Home Health Care; Seattle, Washington
Responsibilities: Provision of direct patient care to home care clients, including
AIDS, geriatrics, hospice, and IV therapy. Supervision and support of RN and home
health aide staff. 24 hour on-call for IV therapy and hospice clients
Instructor, Medic Training Program: 1989 - 1990
International Medical Corps; Peshawar, Pakistan
Responsibilities: Clinical and didactic instruction for primary health care training
progran~ for Afghan refugees. Initimion of pediatric malnntrition program.
Adult Medical Surgical Nurse: 1988-1989
Mercy Medical Center; Durango, Colorado
Responsibilities: Provision of direct patient care on in-patient unit.
Outdoor Leadership Instructor: 1984-1987
Outward Bound School; Colorado, Utah and North Carolina
Responsibilities: Instruction of leadership and wilderness skills, group facilitation
and conflict resolution. Coordinated program for women with breast cancer.
Rabbi's Garage, personal essay published in the Mid- America Review - Fall 2001
Daughters of the Desert: Stories of Women from the Jewish, Christian and Islamic
.Traditions. Published by: Skylights Path. Due out in April, 2003.
Additional Activities
Clinical Faculty, University of Washington School of Nursing, inactive
Master in Fine Arts candidate in Creative Writing at Eastern Washington University
References Available on Request
Application for Appointment to a Board, Commission, or Committee
Board, Commission, or Committee to which you are seeking appointment:
Board or Commh~TOn Full Name
Applicant Name and General Information
First MI
Home street address
City ,4 State
omc phone numar
Zip Code
Work phone number
Date of'Birth I (To be completed only by applicants for Law Enforcement Advisory Board for purposes of
criminal history check to ensure compliance with 2.26.020 PAMC)
Certification and Location Information (cir0~eo.¢)
Are you currently a City employee? Yes(~ Are you a citizen &the United States?(~No
Are you a City resident?{~)No Do you own/manage a business in the City? Yes (~
Do you hold any professional licenses, registrations or certificates in any field (list below)? Yes No
Are you aware of any conflict of interest which might arise by your service on a City Board or Commission? If so,
please explain: Iqe~cv¢-,.
in compliance with the American Disabilities Act, if you will need special accommodations because ora physical
limitation, please contact the City Clerk, 417-4634, so appropriate arrangements can be made.
Work Experience ~
List most recent experience first (or elaborate on a resume if you prefer)
Employer ~[ Y~ur Title ~ From (M/Y) To (M/Y)
~riefjob description
Employer Your Title From (M/Y) To (M/Y)
Brief job description
Employer Your Title From (M/Y) To (M/Y)
Brief job description
List most recent experience first
Institution/Location Credits earned/Major area of study
Yes No
Credits eame~ajor area of study Graduated?
Credits eame~ajor ~ea o~s~dy
Charitable, Social, and Civic Activities and Memberships
List major activities you have participated in during the last five years
Organization and location Group's purpose/objective tl of members
Brief description of your participation
Organization and location Group's purpose/objective # of members
Brief description of your participation
What in your background or experience to you thi,nk would help you in serving on this~oatd: .
What is your understandi,ng of the responsibilities of this particular Board/Commisiion?
Please feel free to add any additional comments you might wish to make regarding your application:
Applicant Sil~u re
Submit completed forms to:
Office of the City Clerk
City of Port Angeles
321 E. 5th Street
P. O. Box 1150
Port Angeles, Washington, 98362