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Agenda Packet 02/15/2011
PUBLIC COMMENT C. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS }IORTJ\4GELES W A S H I N G T O N , U.S.A. AGENDA ITEM CALL TO ORDER — REGULAR MEETING AT 6:00 p.m. B. ROLL CALL PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE CEREMONIAL MATTERS, PROCLAMATIONS & EMPLOYEE RECOGNITIONS D. WORK SESSION 1. District Court & Jail Budgets — 2010 Report 2. Grant Approval for Lauridsen Boulevard Bridge Replacement H. RESOLUTIONS NOT REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. Social Media Policy AGENDA CITY COUNCIL MEETING 321 East 5 Street FEBRUARY 15, 2011 SPECIAL MEETING — 5:00 p.m. REGULAR MEETING — 6:00 p.m. First Page H -1 RECOMMENDATION Note: The Mayor may determine the order of business for a particular City Council meeting. The agenda should be arranged to best serve the needs and /or convenience of the Council and the public. The items of business for regular Council meetings may include the following: A. CALL TO ORDER — SPECIAL MEETING AT 5:00 p.m. — Joint Meeting with Utility Advisory Committee - Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) System Communications Plan Presentation. Bonneville Power Administration Residential Exchange Program Workshop. 1. Conduct Work Session D -1 2. Conduct Work Session / Accept Grant E. LATE ITEMS TO BE PLACED ON THIS OR FUTURE AGENDAS as determined by City Manager or Councilmember F. CONSENT AGENDA 1. City Council Minutes for January 11, and February 1, 2011. F -1 1. Accept Consent Agenda 2. Expenditure Approval List: 1/22/11 to 2/4/11 for $5,516,425.43. F -12 3. Post Closure Landfill Professional Services Agreement F -40 Amendment No. 2 4. Electric Franchise Ordinance — Automatic Term Extension F -42 G. ORDINANCES NOT REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. PA Forward Committee — Ordinance Amendment G -1 1. Conduct 1 Reading; Waive 2 Reading; Adopt. 2. Municipal Code Amendment - Appeals of Shoreline Substantial G -4 2. Conduct 1 Reading; Waive 2 Reading; Development Permit Actions Adopt. 1. Pass Resolution NOTE: HEARING DEVICES AVAILABLE FOR THOSE NEEDING ASSISTANCE MAYOR TO DETERMINE TIME OF BREAK February 15, 2011 Port Angeles City Council Meeting Page - 1 J. PUBLIC HEARINGS -QUASI - JUDICIAL MATTERS (7:00 P.M. or soon thereafter) K. PUBLIC HEARINGS — OTHER (7:00 P.M. or soon thereafter) 1. Almaden Petition — STV 10 -03 / Street Vacation — 2309 S. Eunice Street N. EXECUTIVE SESSION - . O. ADJOURNMENT - AGENDA ITEM First Page I. OTHER CONSIDERATIONS 1. CSO Shoreline Hearing Procedure 1. Consider K -1 L. FINANCE 1. 2011 Water Utility Professional Services Agreement L - 1 1. Approve M. INFORMATION City Manager Reports: 1. PA Forward Committee — Minutes M -1 2. Planning Commission - Minutes M -5 3. Port Angeles Downtown Association — Annual Report M -19 4. Building Permit — Monthly Report M-37 5. Port Angeles Police Department — Annual Report M -40 RECOMMENDATION 1. Close Public Hearing; 2nd Reading of Ordinance; Approve PUBLIC HEARINGS Public hearings are set by the City Council in order to meet legal requirements. In addition, the City Council may set a public hearing in order to receive public input prior to making decisions which impact the citizens. Certain matters may be controversial, and the City Council may choose to seek public opinion through the public hearing process. NOTE: HEARING DEVICES AVAILABLE FOR THOSE NEEDING ASSISTANCE MAYOR TO DETERMINE TIME OF BREAK February 15, 2011 Port Angeles City Council Meeting Page - 2 Your New AN O System • Bonneville Power Administration will be raising power rates across the Pacific Northwest later this year • The City's electric and water meters are old and need to be replaced with future -ready technology • New meters = new opportunities for you to use power when it's least expensive • Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) enhances the City's abilities to run utilities at the lowest possible cost What to eNpect of 2011 All City electricity and water meters will be replaced by the end of 2011 You will know in advance when your meters will be installed AMI meters send readings via wireless and fiber optic technology Meters are accurate and future -ready Receive tips for controlling your bill and saving energy The City will keep communicating with you every step of the way Visit: www.cityofpa.us /newmeters.htm Or call 360 - 417 -4595 ```A of PORT ANCf`F 0 Itiles rf CITY OF PORT ANGELES Key points for communicating A AO system value November 9, 2010 THE SENSIBLE NEXT STEP The City of Port Angeles is updating to an Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) system because it's... Financially responsible, future -ready and fair BPA is raising electricity rates for every city in the region as of October 1, 2011. And your electric and water meters are wearing out —many under - measure what people truly use. • The City of Port Angeles wants to help minimize the impact of BPA's rate hikes. • But the meters we have now do not give customers any tools to manage use. What's the sensible next step? Replacing the old meters with new ones that measure accurately and give customers the opportunity to use power when it's the least expensive. • AMI usage information gives you more control over your bill —you have the opportunity to use power when it's the least expensive. Parker_eP a • AMI meters are highly accurate so everyone pays for just what they use —it's fair. • The AMI system allows the City of Port Angeles to run your electric and water utilities efficiently and at the lowest cost possible. • Customers may be able to decrease their utility bills by using power when it's cheapest. But due to BPA's expected higher rates, many customers will likely see increases in their bills when BPA raises rates in October 2011. • State -of- the -art meters will bring more conservation opportunities in the future as smart appliances and smart grid technologies become more commonplace. This helps the environment, because the cleanest power plant is the one you don't have to build. Executive Summary: Key points for communicating AMI system value — November 9, 2010 Prepared for City of Port Angeles o www.parkerlepla.com c 206.285.5280 1 AM Synem Jf�� RFT Ur - -�� o r V l r Background on AMI Q�vL _ Owenfiew The SernMh far the ac y of .Pon Qom ez e N ©K AMI stands for Advanced Metering Infrastructure. It's a wireless and fiber optic -based system, similar to wireless Internet and cable TV technologies, for metering both water and electricity. We're installing this new infrastructure because the City's old meters are wearing out. Many of them are no longer accurate. As a result, it is not possible for the City to fully comply with state and federal mandates, such as water metering accuracy. It's also a fairness issue: with inaccurate metering, some customers are not paying for all of the power and water they use. The new system is financially sound, future friendly, and fair. Electricity is becoming more expensive. In October 2011, BPA will increase the electricity rates they charge the City. AMI will give all customers ways to control their bills by using power when it's least expensive, so you can minimize the impact of BPA's upcoming rates. And because the system automatically reads both electric and water meters, the City will be able to run your utilities at their lowest possible cost. The installation process Water and electric meters will be installed neighborhood by neighborhood. The new "smart" meters will start being installed in May of 2011. All of the new meters are sched- uled to be installed by the end of 2011. You will receive written notice via a door hanger that your water or electric meter will be installed within three days. A separate notice will be provided for each of your new meters. You do not need to be home when either meter is installed. In most cases, power or water is shut off for only five to ten minutes while a new meter is installed. All electric clocks and other timed devices will need to be reset after electric me- ter installation; all appliances with battery back -ups should function normally. When you first use your water after the change -over, you might experience a "burp" of air and some residue at each "outlet. If that happens, just run your water briefly until it flows normally. For the majority of customers, the only work required will be the installation of the meters, and the City pays for the costs of the meters and their installation. Based on the experience of other utilities, during the installation of the new meters, the City may discover safety issues in meter bases for electric services. This condition might affect 1% to 3% of all customers. (Continued on back page) [DV you know? • The Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) is increasing rates for elec- tricity throughout the Pacific Northwest in October 2011 • Port Angeles customers will see new rates begin- ning in early 2012 • New rates will be tied to the time of day, day of the week and time of year • New rates will be most expensive when electric- ity is used by the most customers (called peak demand periods) • Starting in early 2012 customers will have more information on their bills because of the AMI system • Bills will show how much electricity you use when rates are highest so you can control your costs if you want to by shifting use to lower - cost time periods PORTk o 111°° ct i l The installation process (continued) What will change —and what will stay the same The benefits for residents and the community AMI brings many benefits to the City's customers and the region. In the event that a safety repair is needed at an owner- occupied home or at a non - profit organization, after receiving your permission, the City will provide $750 worth of safety repairs to your electric meter base and provide $750 worth of plumbing repairs for water meters. Any costs over $750 are the customer's responsibility. For commercial and rental property customers, the cost of all safety issues and plumbing repairs related to the new meter installations are the full responsibility of the customer. The City will work with you to schedule and complete any needed repairs. These safety repairs are being completed and financed by the City to benefit the City's commitment to keeping the program on schedule and on budget. The repairs are limited to those necessary to install the new meters. If you have general ques- tions about the installation process, contact City of Port Angeles Public Utilities at 360 - 417 -4595. We will share more information once the installation schedule is set. You will still receive a bill from the City for your water and electricity usage and you can pay the same way you always have. However, you won't have meter readers coming into your yard, and if there is a power outage or leak in the water system, we will know about it immediately and can take quick steps to fix it. You will also have more information about your rates and usage, so you can choose to shut off or turn down appliances during the time that electricity costs the most, or discover water leaks around your home more quickly. Customers will be able to manage and possibly decrease their utility bills by using power when it's cheapest. Because the new meters are highly accurate, customers can be sure that they are being charged fairly for both their water and elec- tricity. Residents will also have access to more information about the electric rates they pay (electricity is more expensive during "peak demand periods" when many people and businesses are using a lot of electricity at the same time). The AMI system will enhance the City's ability to run your electric and water utilities efficiently and at the lowest cost possible. There will be fewer meter reading costs, and the City will have more information to help with managing elec- tricity use during periods when there's more demand, and responding to customer inquiries. The AMI system will also help the City's ability to comply with federal and state mandates. State -of- the -art meters bring more conservation opportunities such as smart appliances and smart grid technologies as they become more commonplace. For ex rhple, a voluntary pilot program is planned to give residents the tools to automatically adjust water heaters and thermostats during Tiods when electricity is most expensive. These smart thermostats and water heaters will give e6stomers more tools for controlling their electricity usage and costs. For more information about the new AMI system, go to www.cityofpa.us /newmeters.htm or call the City of Port Angeles at 360 - 417 -4595. AMI System KOMI What is AMI? AMI stands for Advanced Metering Infrastructure. It's a system that uses wireless and fiber optic technol- ogy to send your meter readings to the City. All electricity and water meters are scheduled to be replaced with state -of -the art meters by the end of 2011. Because the rates Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) charges for power are going up, and the meters we have now are wearing out, this is the perfect time to make this change. Customers will have more control over their bills, and the City will be able to improve service and operate your utilities more efficiently. When will my new electricity and water meters be installed? For residential customers, installations will be completed one neighborhood at a time between May and the end of 2011. Electric and water meters will be installed on different days. Commercial and all other customers are on a different installation and notification schedule. How will I be notified about when my meters will be installed? You will receive written notice via a door hanger that your water or electric meter will be installed within three days. A separate notice will be provided for each of your new meters. You do not need to be home when either meter is installed. Can I get an exact date for my meter installation? For the system to work properly, each neighborhood's meters and wireless communication system must be completely installed before moving on to the next, influencing when other neighborhoods are scheduled. Severe weather may also impact the installation timeline. Once we know when crews will be in your neighborhood, you will receive a door hanger that your water or electric meter will be installed within three days. What do I have to do to be ready for my new meter installations? Please make sure there is free and safe access to your existing electric and water meters, and that no obstructions are in the way. Call us at 360- 417 -4595 after you receive your installation notice if you are unable to do this, and we will work with you to find a solution. How long will I be without power or water during installation? Five to ten minutes is typical. How should I prepare if I have life- sustaining medical equipment? If vou have life- sustainina medical eauioment that cannot be interrupted during installation. vou need to have a back -up power source running durina installation. Electricity will be shut off for about 5 -10 minutes —but we recommend that you be prepared for longer, just in case. It is your responsibility to always have a back -up power source. Please call us now at 360 - 417 -4595 or email us at newmeters@cityofpa.us so we are aware of your medical equipment ahead of time. What do I need to do after the meters are installed? All electricity, dren clocks and other timed devices will need to be reset after installation; all appliances with battery back -up should function norr Ily. When you first use your water, you might experience a "burp" of air and some residue at each outlet. If that happens, just run water briefly until it flows normally. For more information Visit www.cityofpa.us /newmeters.htm or call 360- 417 -4595. Do I have to pay for installing my new meters? For the large majority of customers, the only work required will be the installation of the meters, and the City pays for the costs of the meters and their installation. Based on the experience of other utilities, during the installation of the new meters, the City may discover safety issues in meter bases for electric services. This condition might affect 1% to 3% of all customers. In the event that a safety repair is needed at an owner - occupied home or at a non - profit organization, after receiving your permission, the City will provide up to $750 worth of safety repairs to your electric meter base and provide up to $750 worth of plumbing repairs for water meters. Any costs over $750 are the customer's responsibility. For commercial and rental property customers, the cost of all safety issues and plumbing repairs related to the new meter installations are the full responsibility of the customer. The City will work with you to schedule and complete any needed repairs. These safety repairs are being completed and financed by the City to benefit the City's commitment to keeping the program on schedule and on budget. The repairs are limited to those necessary to install the new meters. Will my bill go up even if I'm using the same amount of electricity and water as before? Some bills will go down, some will go up and some will stay about the same. The new meters are nearly 100% accurate, so customers with older meters may see an increase in their bill because the amount of power and water actually used was under - measured in the past. When the new system is fully installed, customers can choose to use electric appliances, like their clothes dryer, when power is less expensive — lowering their bill. Are electricity rates going up? The Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) is increasing rates and tying rates to how much demand there is for electricity —so the time of day, day of the week, and time of year will all influence the cost. The average Port Angeles household could see an increase starting in early 2012. The new AMI meters will give you information on your bill that can help you control costs if you adjust some of your power use to times when power is less expensive. What makes "smart meters" different from the meters we have? A smart meter measures how much water or electric- ity is used every hour instead of on a monthly basis. The readings allow the City to manage overall system use and detect any problems, such as water leaks or downed lines, very quickly. In the future, "smart appliances" will allow customers to reduce power use by providing personal control over when electricity flows into the appliances. Smart meters will help you and the City get the most benefit possible as new smart grid technologies become commonplace. What is the technology that reads my meter and sends it to the City? Is it safe? Your new meters use wireless and fiber optic technology just like wireless Internet and cable TV —to send and receive information from the City. The meters and communication system meet all federal safety standards and codes. Is my personal energy and water use information confidential? Yes. First, the only information communicated is your meter number and your electricity and water usage (the same information that was displayed on the old conventional meters at your premises). Second, your utility usage information will be safely transmitted over secure networks to and from the City. As is true now, your utility usage information will be protected and secure. The City must also comply with federal laws regarding the privacy, protection and disclosure of personal information. How much is the AMI System costing our City? The cost of the entire system — including the new meters, installation and the commu "infrastructure —is $5.4 million. If we instead replaced all the worn out meters and infrastructure with the same technology we have today, it would cost much more over the long -run and you wouldn't have tools to help keep your power and water costs down—and neither would the City. The AMI system will be paid for through rates and with grant funds provided by the BPA. Property, taxes are not used to fund any activities of the City utilities. Didn't see an answer you were looking for? Please contact newmeters@cityofpus, call 360 - 417 -4595 or visit www.cityofpa.us /newmeters.htm. n F PORT q The City's electric and water meters are old and need to be replaced with future -ready technology. The meters will be replaced by the end of 2011 with an Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI). AMI can help customers manage their electricity use and costs — important because the wholesale rates the City of Port Angeles pays for power will increase this October, resulting in rate changes for all customers. The new electric and water meters are highly accurate, so everyone pays for just what they use. AMI gives utility customers and your City more tools to use power and water efficiently. inlormation and answers wi00 come to you via: • Utility bill special inserts • Town hall meetings and other events • www.cityofpa.us /newmeters.htm • Email: newmeters @cityofpa.us • Phone: 360-417-4595 /,� L'I Visit the Port Angeles AMI System Center online at www.cityofpa.us /newmeters.htm PORTANGELES W A S H I N G T O N , U.S.A. DATE OF MEETING: February 15, 2011 You are encouraged to sign below if: 1. You are here to listen to the City Council discussion on a particular agenda item; 2. You want to speak during the Public Comment period of the agenda. If several members of the public are interested in a particular agenda item, the Mayor may move that item so it is discussed earlier in the meeting. Also, the Mayor may use the information provided to organize the Public Comment period. During the Public Comment portion of the meeting, the Mayor will invite citizens to talk with the Council about topics that are not scheduled for public testimony on the evening's agenda. Prior to the start of the "Public Comment" portion of the public hearing, all persons wishing to be heard are asked to sign in with the Clerk, giving their names and addresses, and topic. The Mayor may arrange the order of speakers so that testimony is heard in the most logical groupings. To allow time for the Council to complete its legislative agenda, comments should be limited to no more than 5 minutes per person and a total of 15 minutes for this comment period. At the discretion of the Mayor, these time periods may be lengthened or shortened. Following any public comment, the Mayor may allow time, limited to five minutes, for response from City Council members and/or City staff. No speaker may convey or donate his or her time for speaking to another speaker. If many people wish to speak to a particular issue, the Mayor may limit the total amount of time dedicated to that single issue. - Written comments may be submitted into the record of a Council meeting by presenting the written document to the Clerk prior to the meeting, in which case a copy of the document will be provided to each Council Member, but the document will not be read aloud; or a document may be distributed to the City Council, with a copy to the Clerk, by a speaker while the speaker is addressing the Council. Name [ t»i 'C w PUBLIC INTEREST SIGN -UP SHEET CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING LOCATION: City Council Chambers Address Agenda Topic Plan to Speak N -Y/N SeAtIPA ) / - Goq' 24che (Z1 VV,, Fti sr S : c tI k G: \Group \Clerk \Forms \Council Attendance Roster.doc 14 February 2011 William Bloor Port Angeles City Attorney 5th & Peabody Streets Port Angeles WA 98362 Dear Mr. Bloor: i R� NMFN'TAL PO Box 2664 Sequim WA 98382 This is in response to your email dated Tuesday, February 8, 2011 regarding the consolidated DNS /SCUP SMA 10 -05 appeal going straight to the WA State Shorelines Hearings Board (SHB). As explained below, we do not agree to that process. The Appellants needed to take time to both consider your offer and check on the reasonability. In the meantime, the 2 -15 -11 City Council packet was released containing a proposed ordinance amendment that would eliminate the local appeal of a Planning Commission decision. As said in an earlier email to you, any step you take to change the process should include both dialoguing and getting our consent (and from others who cases might be pending) and giving appellants equal time before the Council to address this issue, outside of the Public Comment period. You did not do either, but moved forward without our consent. We appealed under the existing Port Angeles Code, and have a right to continue that way. Trying to pass a law this Tuesday to retroactively change this appeal process is out of bounds and perhaps illegal. We, the appellants for the CSO case do not think it advisable to give up our rights to a local appeal hearing and go, straight away, to the SHB, which we could not do anyway, nor could you. The SHB has no jurisdiction to hear a direct appeal of the Planning Commission's decision. According to state law, if the City changes its code to eliminate a local appeal process on a Shoreline CUP, then the Planning Commission's recommendation on the CUP must go to Ecology for further review. The SHB would only become involved if someone appealed Ecology's final decision to approve, deny, or condition the CUP. It is important the Council is made aware of this. It is also important to spell out to the Council the appeal process should the SHB not choose to hear the appeal. Council needs to know the full process scope; not just a narrowed account. Appealing the Planning Commission decision to the Council is not a fruitless step. The Council has the authority to amend, revoke, or send the whole matter back to the Planning Commission to be done correctly. If the Council did so, it could possibly save everybody the expense of having to appeal Ecology's final decision to the SHB. Because the City is the permit applicant, it is unfair to us to have the City Council act as judges on our appeal. We would consider, and are willing to discuss an ad hoc council hearing our appeal. We would also consider, and are willing to discuss a Hearings Examiner hearing our appeal. There are pros and cons to each approach, and they should be discussed and agreed -upon by all parties. Further, you have not made it clear to us how the City would propose to hold an open record hearing on our DNS claim. This issue also needs to be discussed, in addition to discussing how best to conduct the local closed record appeal hearing. We have a number of concerns relating to the proposed ordinance changes, both as they apply to our appeal, and future environmental and land use appeals by other citizens. Among these: o We are concerned that you did not offer the Hearings Examiner option to the Council. That would provide citizens a local and less expensive hearing. It is fairer to the public, or to any aggrieved party, to have a local option. Therefore, for the good of all, we would urge you establish, and recommend to the City Council, the establishment of a Hearings Examiner (HE) system. This person is expected to know the laws and be able to decide based on law. This person's decision could stem a more expensive SHB process, for decisions based on law by a HE may uncloud confusions of either the appellant or defendant. So appeals may go no further and the HE decision may be accepted. Too, a HE with dispute resolution training, offers the option to do into dispute resolution before the appeal. o The idea to exclude the Council from ruling on SMA appeals deserves a full vetting and local discussion of all the pros and cons, and the outcome should be applied prospectively and not retroactively. o The prior Council, with some of the same members as present, voted to stop waiving second and third readings. Once again, we see staff trying to push forward its agenda without adequate public input and time for Council to spend more time in consideration. We object to the recommendation from staff that the Council waive the second reading of the proposed ordinance, and adopt the ordinance at the same meeting that it is first read. o You have not told the Council and public how many and which permit appeals are pending and would be affected by retroactive changes. In summary, we decline to dismiss our CSO permit and DNS appeals pending before the Council. We have concerns about the proposed ordinance on the 2/15/2011 Council agenda, and do not believe that if the ordinance were to pass as written, it would apply to our pending appeal, as we appealed according to City regulations. We expect to discuss with you and with the Council the ways that the parties can move forward with scheduling and holding closed and open record appeal hearings on our pending CSO appeal issues. Darlene Schanfald Tyler Ahlgren CITY OF PORT ANGELES 2011 UPDATE 2011 UPDATE • Last year, Council conduded,no create a municipal rft. • Instead, do what we can to cp.ntrol costs. i / I • • Report back to you. Criminal Justice Costs 2011 UPDATE Last year, we presented to overview of Court u • Criminal Justice costs e ; • Pros and Cons of Creating Mul ucipal/ Court / , 2011 UPDATE • This presentation will upda.telou.-- regarding • Our efforts to contrOtcosts, and, • Actual criminal justice costs for. 1400 1293 1000 100. Basic Criminal Justice D I \ / 1 / Adult Arrests 2 • 2007 — 1,656 • 2008 — 2,559 • 2009 — 1,858 • 2010 — 1,635 1203 1000 0.76 1007 10013 Number of cases filed (infraction & criminal) Case Filings (infraction & criminal) Filings Case Filings (Criminal Only) 3 Types of Cases Assault PossesAp,,, .- Assault DV 4'r RtafeV riving DUI : Resist. A Test / DWLS / 1 Theft III Mal. Misch. / i Trespass' :2 MIP 1 \ , Methods and procedures used in 2010 \ /I\ ■ ! Methods and procedures used in 2010 II Review cost factors every a - • Pre-trial release • Pre-filing diversion T • Pre-filing referral i ta Legal De:Pt. • Quick case disposition 4 Methods and procedures used in 2010 • Reviewed CAO sentencing guidelin - • Contain Pay or Apperar , • Determinant sentences • Review of CAO and ' PAPD pol ies on i incarceration / / - / \ Methods and procedures used in 2010 Methods and procedures used in 2010 • Community service ..., • Electronic home monitoring • With PAPD, implement discr -,. ionary :, : \ arrest practices /I i \ \ • Forks Jail i i • i f i / i . _ _zu--- x, • Success in implemetiting sev tal of , \ these cost-saving measures , ' \ I. Difficult to quantify; savings fi i :om , 1 \ these measures / , , i 1 / / \ / / i r 5 Methods and procedures used in 2010 • Pre-filing Diversion • 158 cases in 2010 Methods and procedures used in 2010 • Electronic Home Monitoring and VICAR Methods and procedures used in 2010 • Imposition of Community Seiwicex Work over Jail Inca etation"; • 63 City Cases /I \ / . ■ i , \ / • 53% Of Total Cas Handled By / i Friendship Diveriion Are, City4 ses / -,, • 691 man-days L • Costs savings over uncarceratidi = $48,888 6 Methods and procedures used in 2010 • Use of Forks Jail Facilities ve : lo a jail facilities. • 497 man-days for cost saving $12,425 to the City , Questions abpt this 13art? //:\ Criminal Justicetosts In 2010 '\ 7 Costs In 2010 • Jail costs continued to rise u $154,915 in 2010 • Court costs continued to rise $23,401 in 2010 4 \ • Indigent defense costs contin rise — up $33,212 in 2010 • Net revenue continued to fa $22,200 in 2010 Costs in 2010 Jail Costs — up ed to / down • Total Budget imp et from increases and decrFases in' revenue in 2010 ‘, / Increased cot s of$233,728 , \ ,- • . • 2007 Jail Costs $31S039 • 2008 Jail Costs • 2009 Jail Costs , $438,419 / i \ • 2010 Jail Costs T 593,33 i / / , • In 2010: an increase of $1541 1 = a 35% increase inoe yea . ,,,; •_,A . - 8 • 2008 • 2009 • 2010 9000 BOW 7000 0000 5000 4030 1000 7900 1000 0 3700,000 $303.090 454414.1 $44.3.090 4300.000 4100,000 Jail Costs Criminal Filing Jail Costs Jail Man-days 9 2O40 11 20.900 S100. 900 ISO 490 $80,090 140.0.5 1 Court Costs • 2007 Court Costs • 2008 Court Costs 19716 • 2009 Court Costs $ 8941 • 2010 Court Costs 11 \ $ 11Z862 • In 2010: an increase of $23, 0 a 26 % incre ▪ e year. 6- 4 CtturtCoStS Jail Costs 71 10 Costs Comparison 2009-2010 • Court filing costs in 2009: Cases filed in 2009: • Court filing costs in2010: Cases filed in 2010:\ • Costs increased $23,40 Number of case's decreased Cost Comparison 2005-2010 Year Cases 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 1672 1851 /1\ $4,, 1656/ $4 2559 1858 1635 $69 Indigent Defense Costs 2007-2010 • 2007 Defense Costs • 2008 Defense Costs .933 • 2009 Defense Costs $ 69 03 • 2010 Defense Costs \ $102,515 / \ • In 2010: an increase of $ 33 a 32% increa esLone year. - • •• • 11 4.0.M $24,00. $200.C.0 SI.P.X00 MOM° • 2007 Revenues • 2008 Revenues • 2009 Revenues • 2010 Revenues Indigent Defense • In 2010: a decrease Net Fines & Costs Revenue Net Revenue 2007-2010 $ 273,w, 2 0 8 4 $ 282,8 4 '$ 260,648 of $ 22,196 12 L L 2007 2008 2001 QO19 Court & Jail Costs 2005 - 2010 1 1 1 1 1 Yeare Court Jail Costs Uings Casts 900000 6 500000 600000 200000 100000 1622 1521 1s 1666 S 1559 S 1151 9 1635 S 64.935 5 53.562 71.619 16 97.116 19 19.451 15 112.164 19 Costs vs. Revenue 221. Costs In 2010 Cost to Cty '1 s 331.697 s 6t3x 663 $ 115,854 \ 1 S 439.566 S 213.061 $ 102,325 S 423.951 S t7 $ 15061 \ 675,517 $ 184,666 9 \ 597.113 $ r 636 $ 314,349 J t 5 10471 S 26R43a 1 $ 48 p75 13 Costs In 2010 Quest! ns? r1\ r Direction from Council • Can Staff Provide yopa ny idij. nal information? ▪ Do you have any Direction to Staff? 1 I \ 1 lieV: 14 PORTANGELES W A S H I N G T O N , U. S. A CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: February 15, 2011 TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: Glenn A. Cutler, P.E., Director of Public Works & Utilities SUBJECT: Grant Approval for Lauridsen Blvd Bridge Replacement Summary: The City recently received approval for a Federal Bridge Replacement Advisory Committee (BRAC) grant submitted in 2010 for the Lauridsen Boulevard Bridge. This grant will fund 80% of the bridge replacement project with a corresponding 20% match from the City. Recommendation: 1) Accept the grant for the replacement of Lauridsen Boulevard Bridge and authorize the City Manager to execute the federal aid agreement and other documents required to obtain funding assistance for the project, and 2) Authorize the Public Works and Utilities Department to pursue alternative funding from Public Works Trust Fund (PWTF) loans, the Transportation Improvement Board (TIB), and /or other WSDOT local program grants to support the City's match requirement. Background /Analysis: On November 8, 2010, the City was notified by WSDOT Highways and Local Programs that the Lauridsen Boulevard Bridge was selected for replacement. Funding of $3,715,680, which represents 80% of the project's estimated cost, has been approved from a Federal Bridge Replacement Advisory Committee (BRAC) grant administered by WSDOT. The City's required match of 20% will be $928,920. It is recommended that a target of $1,000,000 be identified. Additional costs may be incurred for intersection improvements at Lauridsen Boulevard /Race Street and Lincoln Street /Lauridsen Boulevard intersections. The Public Works and Utilities Department and the Finance Department have identified several sources of potential funding for the City's match - portion of the project. Those sources of funding include Real Estate Excise Tax (BEET), Local Improvement District (LID) Guarantee Fund, General Fund (GF) operating budget savings, and Graving Dock Settlement (GDS) funds, if needed. The Public Works and Utilities Department will also pursue alternative funding from Public Works Trust Fund (PWTF) loans, the Transportation Improvement Board (TIB), and other Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) local program grants which could provide from 80% to 100% of the City's 20% match requirement. The following table shows the current City funding availability. It is anticipated that a request for qualifications will be issued later this year. Design /permitting /public outreach will be accomplished in 2012 with construction anticipated in 2013. N: \CCOUNCIL \FINAL \Grant Approval for Lauridsen Blvd Bridge Replacement.docx D -1 Fund Availability Source Year 2011 Year 2012 Year 2013 Total REET $500,000 $200,000 $150,000 $850,000 LID Guarantee Fund $150,000 $150,000 GF Savings $350,000 $350,000 Total available funds $1,350,000 It is recommended that Council accept the grant for the Lauridsen Blvd Bridge Replacement and authorize the City Manager to execute the federal aid agreement and other documents required to obtain funding assistance for the project. Further, authorize the Public Works and Utilities Department to pursue alternative funding from Public Works Trust Fund (PWTF) loans, the Transportation Improvement Board (TIB), and /or other WSDOT local programs grants to support the City's match requirement. N: \CCOUNCIL \FINAL \Grant Approval for Lauridsen Blvd Bridge Replacement.docx D -2 City Council Special Meeting /Utility Advisory Committee Jack Pittis Conference Room Port Angeles, WA 98362 January 11, 2011 3:00 p.m. I. Call To Order Chairman Dan DiGuilio called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m. II. Roll Call UAC Assigned Councilmembers Present: Chairman Dan DiGuilio, Cherie Kidd, Brooke Nelson, and Max Mania UAC Members Present: Paul Elliott, Dean Reed (3:10) Staff Present: Kent Myers, Bill Bloor, Glenn Cutler, Larry Dunbar, Randall Brackett, Phil Lusk, Derek Beery, Bob Kajfasz and Sondya Wray Others Present: None III. Approval Of Minutes Chairman DiGuilio asked if there were any corrections to the minutes of December 14, 2010. Brooke Nelson moved to approve the minutes. Councilmember Paul Elliott seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. IV. Late Items — None. V. Discussion Items A. Cost Saving Archaeological Support Option Derek Beery, City Archaeologist, reviewed services that are required during the construction of the First Street Stormwater Separation Project and the Combined Sewer Overflow Phase I Project. Differences and cost effective measures with hiring a temporary field archaeologist and the past contracted professional services provided to support the City Archaeologist were discussed. There was a lengthy discussion. Information only. No action taken. B. Farallon Engineering Services Agreement, Amendment 2 — Rayonier Property Sales Agreement Support, Phase 2 Environmental Site Assessment 1 F -1 CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING January 11, 2011 Glenn Cutler, P.E., Director of Public Works and Utilities, overviewed Farallon Consulting, LLC, provided technical and environmental assistance regarding the former Rayonier site in matters relating to the Combined Sewer Overflow Phase I project. Farallon is currently performing the Phase I assessment that is scheduled to be complete by January 28 A brief discussion followed. Councilmember Nelson moved to recommend City Council to approve and authorize the City Manager to sign Amendment No. 2 to the Consultant Agreement with Farallon Consulting in an amount not to exceed $70,000, which increases the maximum compensation under the agreement from $25,800 to $95,800. Councilmember Elliot seconded the motion, which passed on a vote of four to one with Dean Reed not present with the full motion. C. Energy Conservation Program Update Bob Kajfasz, Commercial Energy Analyst, presented a PowerPoint presentation on the current Residential Energy Conservation Programs. There was a lengthy discussion. Information only. No action taken. D. Bonneville Power Administration Residential Exchange Program Settlement Agreement Larry Dunbar, Deputy Director of Power Systems, explained the issue of the Bonneville Power Administration Residential Exchange Program Settlement Agreement and requested member availability in February of 2011 for a local evening workshop on this matter. Information only. No action taken. E. Electric Utili Grant Status Report Update Phil Lusk, Power Resources Manager, noted the Electric Utility has applied for twelve grants in the last two years for projects, and a Grant Status Report has been updated to summaries their success. Information only. No action taken. F. Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Capital Agreement Amendment No. 1 Phil Lusk, Power Resources Manager, advised the City was awarded an Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant Program from the Washington State Department of Commerce in the 2 F -2 CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING January 11, 2011 amount of $135,000. Funds are being used to support the City Hall Annex Energy Conservation Improvements project and the Conservation Fund. A discussion followed. Dean Reed moved to recommend City Council authorize the City Manager to accept Amendment No. 1 to the Washington State Department of Commerce grant providing a time extension to May 31, 2011, and to make minor modifications to the agreement, if necessary. Paul Elliott seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. G. Advanced Metering Infrastructure System Communications Plan Professional Services Agreement Amendment No. 2 Phil Lusk, Power Resources Manager, announced the Communications Plan scope of work for the AMI System and Demand Response Pilot Project have been completed. Additional funding was received from the Bonneville Power Administration to develop additional media materials for the Residential Demand Response Pilot Project. A brief discussion followed. Paul Elliott moved to recommend City Council authorize the City Manager to sign Amendment No. 2 to the Agreement with Parker LePla in an amount not to exceed $27,015, and to make minor modifications to the agreement, if necessary. Cherie Kidd seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. H. Metropolitan Area Network Services Agreement Update Larry Dunbar, Deputy Director of Power Systems, reported that Capacity Provisioning, Incorporated, submitted plans and specifications for the redundant fiber optic facilities. A brief discussion followed. Information only. No action taken. L Energy NewsData Larry Dunbar, Deputy Director of Power Systems, discussed the City's subscription to Energy NewsData services, and how to sign up for their electronic newsletter. Information only. No action taken. VII. Next Meeting Date: February 8, 2011 VIII. Adjournment: 3:54 p.m. Dan DiGuilio, Mayor Janessa Hurd, City Clerk 3 F -3 CALL TO ORDER - SPECIAL MEETING: ROLL CALL: CLOSED / EXECUTIVE SESSION: RETURN TO OPEN SESSION: ADJOURNMENT: CALL TO ORDER - REGULAR MEETING: ROLL CALL: PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: CEREMONIAL MATTERS/ PROCLAMATIONS/ & EMPLOYEE RECOGNITIONS: PUBLIC COMMENT: CITY COUNCIL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington February 1, 2011 Mayor Di Guilio called the special meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at 5:00 p.m. Members Present: Mayor Di Guilio, Deputy Mayor Perry, Councilmembers Collins, Downie, Kidd, Mania, and Nelson. Members Absent: None. Staff Present: Manager Myers, Attorney Bloor, Clerk Hurd, G. Cutler, T. Gallagher, B. Coons, and K. Dubuc. Based upon input from Attorney Bloor, Mayor Di Guilio announced the need for Closed and Executive Sessions for approximately 45 minutes under the authority of RCW 42.30.140(4)(b), for the purpose of planning or adopting strategy to be taken by the City during the course of collective bargaining, and RCW 42.30.110(1)(i), to discuss potential litigation with legal counsel. The Closed and Executive Sessions convened at 5:02 p.m. The Closed and Executive Sessions concluded at 5:42 p.m., with action expected during the regular meeting to follow at 6:00 p.m. Mayor Di Guilio adjourned the meeting at 5:42 p.m. Mayor Di Guilio called the regular meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at 6:00 p.m. Members Present: Mayor Di Guilio, Deputy Mayor Perry, Councilmembers Collins, Downie, Kidd, Mania, and Nelson. Members Absent: None. Staff Present: Mayor Di Guilio led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. None. None. 1 Manager Myers, Attorney Bloor, Clerk Hurd, G. Cutler, T. Gallagher, K. Dubuc, N. West, Y. Ziomkowski, T. Pierce, H. Greenwood, R. Korcz, B. Coons, D. Dickson, and S. Roberds. F -4 CITY COUNCIL MEETING February 1, 2011 CITY COUNCIL REPORTS: WORK SESSION: Councilmember Mania spoke regarding his attendance at a meeting with Ellen Sollod regarding her position as the Art Framework Planner for the Waterfront Transportation Improvement Project (WTIP), and her plans to involve the local arts community. He also mentioned that the Port Angeles Library is hosting author Jamie Ford tomorrow night at 6:30 p.m. Councilmember Downie spoke regarding the Buxton webinar on retail development he attended with Manager Myers and Community and Economic Development Director West. Councilmember Kidd spoke regarding the William Shore Memorial Pool District, stating that attendance was up and improvements were on the horizon. She also thanked the Port Angeles Garden Club for their volunteer work cleaning up around the old City Fire Hall at 215 S. Lincoln St. No other reports were given. 2 1. Port Angeles Downtown Waterfront Development Plan Final Concept Manager Myers opened the work session by expressing his appreciation for the community's involvement during the planning process. He explained that tonight's presentation is designed to provide options regarding the Downtown Waterfront Development Plan concept for Council to discuss and provide direction to the consultants and staff. Community and Economic Development Director West stated that the downtown development was a priority component of the overall project and emphasized the importance of moving forward with a series of phases to make the budgetary impacts more manageable. He stressed the importance of the local arts community and their involvement with the project. He stated that Feiro Marine Life Center was also important to the City and their needs were being addressed as part of the design process. Finally, He introduced Lead Consultant Bill Grimes with Studio Cascade. Bill Grimes introduced his team: Mark Hinshaw with LMN, Colie Hough -Beck with HBB, Ellen Sollod with Sollod Studios, Steve Zenovic with Zenovic and Associates, Jonathan Mugmon with AECOM, and Dan Burden and Sarah Bodeman with WALC. He described the waterfront development design and discussed the process they used to engage the public during the past six months. Ellen Sollod, the Art Framework Planner for the project, stated that she was looking forward to developing an art framework and providing opportunities to local artists to be part of the project. Mark Hinshaw and Colie Hough -Beck presented slides of the current design plans for the waterfront. They discussed two options for the parking area at Hollywood Beach, including one which reduced the parking and allowed for a flexible space for events or parking, and another which included no parking and was designed to be a permanent public plaza. They also discussed four possible phases of development. Phase I and II involves Railroad Avenue west of Laurel Street including the Boardwalk and the eastern portion of the Oak Street park extending to Pier 4. Phase III and IV involves the Lincoln Street /Railroad Avenue intersection and the Hollywood Beach plaza /parking renovation. They asked Council for their input on prioritizing which phases to work on first. Council discussion followed. F -5 WORK SESSION: (Cont'd) PUBLIC HEARINGS - OTHER: Break: WORK SESSION: (Cont'd) LATE ITEMS TO BE PLACED ON THIS OR FUTURE AGENDAS: CONSENT AGENDA: CITY COUNCIL MEETING February 1, 2011 Due to the time being 7:00 p.m., Mayor Di Guilio moved to Public Hearings and stated that Council would continue their discussion on the Downtown Waterfront Development Plan after the public hearing. 1. Almaden Petition — STV 10 -03 / Street Vacation — 2309 S. Eunice Street Director West described the property petitioned in the street vacation and informed Council that the Planning Commission recommended approval. Mayor Di Guilio opened the public hearing at 7:02 p.m. Duane Almaden, 2309 S. Eunice St., spoke in support of the street vacation. Mayor Di Guilio continued the public hearing at 7:05 p.m., to February 15, 2011. Mayor Di Guilio conducted a first reading of the Ordinance by title, entitled, ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, vacating a portion of alley in Broadway Addition, Port Angeles, in Clallam County, Washington. Mayor Di Guilio recessed the meeting for a break at 7:05 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 7:15 p.m. After the break, Council continued discussion on the Downtown Waterfront Development Plan and prioritization of the four phases and design of the Hollywood Beach parking area. Council agreed by consensus that the Hollywood Beach parking area should be designed as a plaza, with at least six parking spaces near the entrance, and to move forward with phase I and II as priorities. 2. District Court & Jail 2010 Budget Report Council agreed by consensus to table the agenda item to February 15, 2011. Mayor Di Guilio added agenda item, Sinclair vs. City of Port Angeles, et al, to the Consent Agenda, at the request of Attorney Bloor. It was moved by Nelson and seconded by Downie to approve the Consent Agenda to include: 1.) City Council Minutes for January 15, and 18, 2011; 2.) Expenditure Approval List: 1/8/11 to 1/21/11 for $682,860.79; 3.) Street Overlay Program, Project No. TR01 -03, Final Acceptance; 4.) Professional Services Agreement — Dry Creek Bridge & Trail Construction — Supplement No. to Northwestern Territories, Inc., Agreement for Inspection, Survey and Testing; 5.) Housing Authority of Clallam County — Loan Agreement Extension; 6.) City Council Committee Assignments; 7.) Ambulance Transport Billing Agreement Extension; and 8.) Sinclair vs. City of Port Angeles, et al. Motion carried 7 -0. 3 F -6 CITY COUNCIL MEETING February 1, 2011 ORDINANCES NOT 1. Civic Service Commission — Ordinance Amendment REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS: Human Resources Manager Coons stated that the amendment to the Ordinance changed the residency requirements for candidates for the Civil Service Ordinance No. 3422 Commission from three years, to longer than one year. He also stated that the reason staff was bringing the Ordinance Amendment forward was because they were not getting enough qualified candidates to apply. Manager Coons requested that Council waive the second reading of the Ordinance. RESOLUTIONS NOT 1. Clallam County Hazard Mitigation Agreement Update REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS: Fire Chief Dubuc stated that FEMA requires an updated agreement before they will disperse any funding and that Council needs to pass a Resolution to accept the Resolution No. 03 -11 updated plan presented to update the agreement. Mayor Di Guilio read the Resolution by title, entitled, OTHER None. CONSIDERATIONS: PUBLIC HEARINGS — QUASI-JUDICIAL: Mayor Di Guilio conducted a first reading of the Ordinance by title, entitled, None. 4 ORDINANCE NO. 3422 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, revising Chapter 2.22 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code relating to Civil Service Commission. It was moved by Mania and seconded by Nelson to: Waive the second reading of the Ordinance. Motion carried 7 -0. It was moved by Perry and seconded by Mania to: Adopt the Ordinance as read by title. Motion carried 7 -0. RESOLUTION NO. 03 -11 A RESOLUTION of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, to adopt the revised and updated Clallam County Hazard Mitigation Plan. It was moved by Collins and seconded by Mania to: Pass the Resolution as read by title. Motion carried 7 -0 F -7 FINANCE: 1. IBM System Replacement CITY COUNCIL MEETING February 1, 2011 Finance Director Ziomkowski described the need for the replacement of the IBM system, stating that the system was no longer serviceable. It was moved by Downie and seconded by Kidd to: Approve and authorize staff to purchase, through the State contract, and install two identical IBM systems and their peripherals at a total cost not to exceed $115,000, including tax. Motion carried 7 -0. 2. Community Learning Center — Housing Rehabilitation Community Development Block Grant Match Councilmember Collins stated that he would be abstaining from the discussion and vote on the agenda item due to the fact that his employer had also made an application for the grant. Director West described the grant match which will support the Housing Authority of Clallam County developing a Community Learning Center. He stated that the Housing Rehabilitation fund consists of CDBG income that needs to be allocated for the City to continue to maintain CDBG grant eligibility. Pam Tietz, the Executive Director of the Housing Authority of Clallam County described the Community Learning Center project. Council discussion followed. It was moved by Mania and seconded by Downie to: Approve the grant match and authorize the City's CDBG responsible official to execute an agreement in support of that match. Motion carried 6 -0, with Collins abstaining from the vote. 3. First Street Stormwater Separation Project — WW 03 -2010 construction Contract Public Works and Utilities Director Cutler provided a brief description of the project. He stated that the low bidder, Road Construction Northwest, Inc., came in 33% under budget estimate and that the City was fortunate to experience such a great bidding climate. Council discussion followed. It was moved by Perry and seconded by Nelson to: Approve and authorize the City Manager to award and sign the Construction Contract for the base bid and alternative bid item 1 with Road Construction Northwest, Inc. for the First Street Stormwater Separation Project in the amount of $1,172,909.60, and to make minor modifications as necessary. Motion carried 7 -0. 5 F -8 CITY COUNCIL MEETING February 1, 2011 FINANCE: 4. First Street Stormwater Separation Project — WW 03 -2010 Professional (Cont' d) Services Agreement — Northwestern Territories, Inc. INFORMATION: Director Cutler stated that the professional services agreement was for construction management of the construction contract that Council had just approved in the previous agenda item. He briefly described the project and stated that two firms applied. Council discussion followed. It was moved by Downie and seconded by Perry to: Approve and authorize the City Manager to sign the Construction Management Services Agreement with Northwestern Territories, Inc., for the First Street Stormwater Separation Project in an amount not to exceed (NTE) $136,513, and to make minor modifications to the agreement, if necessary. Motion carried 7 -0. Manager Myers spoke regarding the reports included in the packet, his meetings with employees and local civic organizations regarding the City's recent accomplishments and current projects, the KONP Home Show, the joint City Council meeting with the City of Victoria scheduled for February 25, 2011, the upcoming AWC conference, and provided an update regarding some recent changes to the City's water fluoridation levels. ADJOURNMENT: Mayor Di Guilio adjourned the meeting at 8:20 p.m. Dan Di Guilio, Mayor Janessa Hurd, City Clerk 6 F -9 Date : February 1, 2011 Expected length of session: 45 minutes Is action expected following the session: No. Reason for Executive Session: EXECUTIVE SESSION At the start of Executive Session, remind partici pants t:lat: • Only announced topics may be discussed • No final action can be taken in Executive Session • Discussions are confidential To consider matters affecting national security. To consider the selection of a site or the acquisition of real estate by lease or purchase when public knowledge regarding such consideration would cause a likelihood of increased price. To consider the minimum price at which real estate will be offered for sale or lease when public knowledge regarding such consideration would cause a likelihood of decreased price. However, final action selling or leasing public property shall be taken in a meeting open to the public. To review negotiations on the performance of public bid contracts when public knowledge regarding such consideration would cause a likelihood of increased costs. To consider, in the case of an export trading company, financial and commercial information supplied by private persons to the export trading company. To receive and evaluate complaints or charges brought against a public officer or employee. However, upon the request of such officer or employee, a public hearing or a meeting open to the public shall be conducted upon such complaint or charge. To evaluate the qualifications of an applicant for public employment or to review the performance of a public employee. However, subject to RCW 42.3 0.140(4), discussion by a governing body of salaries, wages, and other conditions of employment to be generally applied within the agency shall occur in a meeting open to the public, and when a governing body elects to take final action hiring, setting the salary of an individual employee or class of employees, or discharging or disciplining an employee, that action shall be taken in a meeting open to the . public. 1 F -10 EXECUTIVE SESSION February 1, 2011 To evaluate the qualifications of a candidate for appointment to elective office. However, any interview of such candidate and final action appointing a candidate to elective office shall be in a meeting open to the public. X To discuss with legal counsel representing the agency matters relating to agency enforcement actions, or to discuss with legal counsel representing the agency litigation or potential litigation to which the agency, the governing body, or a member acting in an official capacity is, or is likely to become, a party, when public knowledge regarding the discussion is likely to result in an adverse legal or financial consequence to the agency. Closed session under RCW 42.30.140: To discuss proceedings concerned with the formal issuance of an order granting, suspending, revoking, or denying any license, permit, or certificate to engage in any business, occupation, or profession, or to receive a license for a sports activity or to operate any mechanical device or motor vehicle where a license or registration is necessary; or Meeting of a quasi-judicial body relating to a quasi-judicial matter between named parties as distinguished from a matter having general effect on the public or on a class or group. Matters governed by chapter 34.05 RCW, the Administrative Procedure Act. X Collective bargaining session with employee organization, including contract negotiations, grievance meetings, and discussions relating to the interpretation or application of a labor agreement or a portion of a meeting which the governing body is planning or adopting the strategy or position to be taken by the governing body during the course of any collective bargaining, professional negotiations, or grievance or mediation proceeding, or reviewing the proposals made in the negotiations or proceedings while in progress. Time session began: 5:02 p.m. Was session extended by announcement: No If so, when: Time session ended: 5:42 p.m. Mayor In attendance: Mayor Di Guilio, Deputy Mayor Perry, Councilmembers Collins, Downie, Kidd, Mania, and Nelson, Manager Myers, Attorney Bloor, B. Coons, T. Gallagher, K. Dubuc, and G. Cutler. City Clerk 2 F -11 Vendor WATTS CONSTRUCTORS, LLC CLALLAM CNTY TREASURER CONNEY SAFETY PRODUCTS DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE -WIRES TUCKER, DON MITY -LITE INC SENIUK, JAKE WA STATE DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE WA STATE PATROL -WASIS WASHINGTON STATE TREASURER City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 1/22/2011 To: 2/4/2011 Description 21 DAYS LEASE DEC 2010 CVCA TO CLALLAM CO TREASU CLOTHING & APPAREL Excise Tax Return -Dec Excise Tax Return -Dec FURNITURE, NON OFFICE Ink Cartridges Announcement Cards 4th Qtr Leasehold Tax Ret Livescan /December 2010 Livescan /November 2010 JAN 2011 D I ST CT REV TO ST TREAS KARON'S FRAME CENTER City Council photo frame BRAD COLLINS Lunch Meeting Reimb Lunch Meeting Legislative Mayor & Council Legislative OLYMPIC PENINSULA VISITOR BUREAU Hurricane Ridge Promotion QWEST 01 -14 NC 3604570831558B 01 -14 NC 3604571535571B 01 -14 NC 360457041 1 1 99 B 01 -14 NC 3604576684085B 01 -14 NC 3604570968343B City Manager Department City Manager Office BELLA ROSA Caught in the Act Program City Manager Department Customer Commitment QWEST 01 -14 NC 3604570831558B 01 -14 NC 3604571535571B 01 -14 NC 360457041 1 1 99 B 01 -14 NC 3604576684085B 01 -14 NC 3604570968343B City Manager Department Human Resources QWEST 01 -14 NC 3604570831558B 01 -14 NC 3604571535571B 01 -14 NC 360457041 1 1 99 B 01 -14 NC 3604576684085B 01 -14 NC 3604570968343B City Manager Department City Clerk Page 1 Account Number 001 - 0000 - 213.10 -90 001 - 0000 - 229.40 -00 001 - 0000 - 237.00 -00 001 - 0000 - 237.00 -00 001 - 0000 - 237.30 -00 001 - 0000 - 239.20 -00 001 - 0000 - 237.00 -00 001 - 0000 - 237.00 -00 001 - 0000 - 237.00 -00 001 - 0000 - 237.50 -00 001 - 0000 - 229.50 -00 001 - 0000 - 229.50 -00 001 - 0000 - 229.10 -00 001 - 0000 - 229.30 -00 Division Total: Department Total: 001 -1160- 511.31 -01 001 -1160- 511.31 -01 001 -1160- 511.31 -01 Division Total: Department Total: 001 -1210- 513.41 -50 001 -1210- 513.42 -10 001 -1210- 513.42 -10 001 -1210- 513.42 -10 001 -1210- 513.42 -10 001 -1210- 513.42 -10 Division Total: 001 - 1211 - 513.31 - 01 Division Total: 001 -1220- 516.42 -10 001 -1220- 516.42 -10 001 -1220- 516.42 -10 001 -1220- 516.42 -10 001 -1220- 516.42 -10 Division Total: 001 -1230- 514.42 -10 001 -1230- 514.42 -10 001 -1230- 514.42 -10 001 -1230- 514.42 -10 001 -1230- 514.42 -10 Division Total: Date: 2/11/2011 Invoice Amount 721.33 200.03 - 74.90 1,026.51 144.47 1,724.34 - 145.20 - 18.81 - 21.39 8,632.83 269.50 308.00 126.00 7,761.64 $20,654.35 $20,654.35 73.55 9.00 9.00 $91.55 $91.55 5,000.00 1.16 1.95 55.91 7.38 2.33 $5,068.73 500.00 $500.00 0.23 0.39 11.18 1.48 0.47 $13.75 0.12 0.20 5.59 0.74 0.23 $6.88 F -12 Vendor QWEST Finance Department PACIFIC OFFICE EQUIPMENT INC QWEST UNITED PARCEL SERVICE WEST HUG ANNUAL EDUCATION CONF Finance Department DIGITAL IMAGING SOLUTIONS INC ELECSYS INT'L CORP EQUIFAX Teresa Owen PACIFIC OFFICE EQUIPMENT INC QWEST Finance Department DIGITAL IMAGING SOLUTIONS INC GREAT AMERICA LEASING CORP UNITED PARCEL SERVICE Finance Department DIGITAL IMAGING SOLUTIONS INC QWEST City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 1/22/2011 To: 2/4/2011 Description City Manager Department 01 -14 NC 3604570831558B 01 -14 NC 3604571535571B 01 -14 NC 360457041 1 1 99 B 01 -14 NC 3604576684085B 01 -14 NC 3604570968343B Finance Administration PRINTER CARTRIDGE /HORTON 01 -14 NC 3604570831558B 01 -14 NC 3604571535571B 01 -14 NC 360457041 1 1 99 B 01 -14 NC 3604576684085B 01 -14 NC 3604570968343B Shipping Chgs Conf Fees -TA/CP Accounting JAN COPIER COSTS RADIX MAINTENANCE CREDIT REPORTS OFFICE CHAIR CK ENDORSER INK 01 -14 NC 3604570831558B 01 -14 NC 3604571535571B 01 -14 NC 360457041 1 1 99 B 01 -14 NC 3604576684085B 01 -14 NC 3604570968343B Customer Service JAN COPIER COSTS JAN COPIER LEASE JAN COPIER COSTS JAN COPIER COSTS JAN COPIER COSTS Shipping Chgs Shipping Chgs Reprographics Finance Department JAN COPIER COSTS 01 -14 NC 3604570831558B 01 -14 NC 3604571535571B 01 -14 NC 360457041 1 1 99 B 01 -14 NC 3604576684085B 01 -14 NC 3604570968343B Page 2 Account Number Department Total: 001- 2010- 514.42 -10 001- 2010- 514.42 -10 001- 2010- 514.42 -10 001- 2010- 514.42 -10 001- 2010- 514.42 -10 Division Total: 001 - 2023 - 514.31 -01 001- 2023 - 514.42 -10 001- 2023 - 514.42 -10 001- 2023 - 514.42 -10 001- 2023 - 514.42 -10 001- 2023 - 514.42 -10 001- 2023 - 514.42 -10 001- 2023 - 514.43 -10 Division Total: 001 - 2025 - 514.45 -31 001- 2025 - 514.48 -10 001 - 2025 - 514.41 -50 001 - 2025 - 514.31 -80 001 - 2025 - 514.31 -01 001- 2025 - 514.42 -10 001- 2025 - 514.42 -10 001- 2025 - 514.42 -10 001- 2025 - 514.42 -10 001- 2025 - 514.42 -10 Division Total: 001 - 2080 - 514.45 -31 001 - 2080 - 514.45 -31 001 - 2080 - 514.45 -31 001 - 2080 - 514.45 -31 001 - 2080 - 514.45 -31 001- 2080 - 514.42 -10 001- 2080 - 514.42 -10 Division Total: Department Total: 001 - 3010 - 515.45 -31 001- 3010- 515.42 -10 001- 3010- 515.42 -10 001- 3010- 515.42 -10 001- 3010- 515.42 -10 001- 3010- 515.42 -10 Date: 2/11/2011 Invoice Amount $5,589.36 0.81 1.37 39.14 5.17 1.63 $48.12 152.75 1.05 1.76 50.32 6.65 2.09 183.74 200.00 $598.36 18.00 275.34 60.00 217.19 23.79 1.51 2.54 72.68 9.60 3.03 $683.68 351.84 268.55 607.63 638.27 143.72 12.05 264.16 $2,286.22 $3,616.38 18.89 0.70 1.17 33.54 4.39 1.39 F -13 Vendor Attorney CLALLAM CNTY SHERIFF'S DEPT FRIENDSHIP DIVERSION SERVICES Attorney CLALLAM CNTY DIST 1 COURT CLALLAM PUBLIC DEFENDER DIGITAL IMAGING SOLUTIONS INC MYERS, STAN QWEST Attorney AMERICAN PLANNING ASSN DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE -WIRES INTL SOCIETY OF ARBORICULTURE PA DOWNTOWN ASSN QWEST Community Development DIGITAL IMAGING SOLUTIONS INC OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC QWEST VERIZON WIRELESS Community Development QWEST VERIZON WIRELESS Community Development City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 1/22/2011 To: 2/4/2011 Description Attorney Office December Jail Bill FRIENDSHIP DIV.JAN.2011 Jail Contributions JAN.2011- D.CT.FILING FEES Public Defender Fees JAN COPIER COSTS JAN.2011 SUPP.IND.DEF. 01 -14 NC 3604570831558B 01 -14 NC 3604571535571B 01 -14 NC 360457041 1 1 99 B 01 -14 NC 3604576684085B 01 -14 NC 3604570968343B Prosecution Attorney APA 2011 DUES Excise Tax Return -Dec Account Number Division Total: 001 - 3012- 598.51 -23 001 - 3012- 598.51 -23 Division Total: 001 - 3021 - 515.50 -90 001 - 3021 - 515.41 -50 001 - 3021 - 515.45 -31 001 - 3021 - 515.41 -50 001- 3021- 515.42 -10 001- 3021- 515.42 -10 001- 3021- 515.42 -10 001- 3021- 515.42 -10 001- 3021- 515.42 -10 Division Total: Department Total: 001 - 4010 - 558.49 -01 001 - 4010 - 341.50 -00 ARBORICULTURE CERT RENEWA 001 - 4010- 558.49 -01 ANNUAL DINNER MEETING 01 -14 NC 3604570831558B 01 -14 NC 3604571535571B 01 -14 NC 360457041 1 1 99 B 01 -14 NC 3604576684085B 01 -14 NC 3604570968343B Planning JAN COPIER COSTS OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL 01 -14 NC 3604570831558B 01 -14 NC 3604571535571B 01 -14 NC 360457041 1 1 99 B 01 -14 NC 3604576684085B 01 -14 NC 3604570968343B 01 -15 ac 264230412 -00003 Building 01 -14 NC 3604570831558B 01 -14 NC 3604571535571B 01 -14 NC 360457041 1 1 99 B 01 -14 NC 3604576684085B 01 -14 NC 3604570968343B 01 -15 ac 264230412 -00003 Code Compliance Community Development Page 3 001 - 4010 - 558.31 -01 001- 4010- 558.42 -10 001- 4010- 558.42 -10 001- 4010- 558.42 -10 001- 4010- 558.42 -10 001- 4010- 558.42 -10 Division Total: 001 - 4020 - 524.45 -31 001 - 4020 - 524.31 -01 001- 4020 - 524.42 -10 001- 4020 - 524.42 -10 001- 4020 - 524.42 -10 001- 4020 - 524.42 -10 001- 4020 - 524.42 -10 001- 4020 - 524.42 -10 Division Total: 001- 4030 - 559.42 -10 001- 4030 - 559.42 -10 001- 4030 - 559.42 -10 001- 4030 - 559.42 -10 001- 4030 - 559.42 -10 001- 4030 - 559.42 -10 Division Total: Department Total: Date: 2/11/2011 Invoice Amount $60.08 49,526.21 2,439.55 $51,965.76 9,601.00 5,100.00 18.90 3,875.00 0.47 0.78 22.36 2.95 0.93 $18,622.39 $70,648.23 225.00 0.36 100.00 14.00 0.87 1.47 41.93 5.54 1.74 $390.91 18.01 83.14 0.30 0.51 14.54 1.92 0.61 59.62 $178.65 0.05 0.08 2.24 0.30 0.09 14.91 $17.67 $587.23 F -14 Vendor BLUMENTHAL UNIFORMS & EQUIP DEPT OF GENERAL ADMINISTRATION JMF & ASSOCIATES Lucas DeGand MARILYN WALSH N W PAC OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC PENINSULA AWARDS & TROPHIES QWEST VIVID LEARNING SYSTEMS -WA Police Department CLALLAM CNTY HUMANE SOCIETY Police Department BLUMENTHAL UNIFORMS & EQUIP LINCOLN STREET STATION THE PAINT & CARPET BARN OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC PORT OF PORT ANGELES PROFORCE LAW ENFORCEMENT QWEST Police Department BLUMENTHAL UNIFORMS & EQUIP BRATWEAR City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 1/22/2011 To: 2/4/2011 Description CLOTHING & APPAREL 2011 Code Books Administrative Fee ASSESSMENT CNTR CORP & SG OFFCR DEGAND MOVE TRK COS Banick Memorial Svc ANNUAL DUES FOR 2011,TG OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL GIFT CUPS FOR ASSESSMENT 01 -14 NC 3604570831558B 01 -14 NC 3604571535571B 01 -14 NC 360457041 1 1 99 B 01 -14 NC 3604576684085B 01 -20 a/c 206Z200017790B 01 -23 a/c 206T031979835B 01 -23 a/c 206T411918873B 01 -14 NC 3604570968343B PATROL ADMIN RECORDS TRNG Police Administration 1ST QUARTER 2011 Intergovernmental Svcs CLOTHING & APPAREL CLOTHING & APPAREL CLOTHING & APPAREL CLOTHING & APPAREL SHIPPING AND HANDLING OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL RENTAL OR LEASE SERVICES POLICE EQUIPMENT & SUPPLY POLICE EQUIPMENT & SUPPLY 01 -14 NC 3604570831558B 01 -14 NC 3604571535571B 01 -14 NC 360457041 1 1 99 B 01 -14 NC 3604576684085B 01 -14 NC 3604570968343B Investigation CLOTHING & APPAREL CLOTHING & APPAREL CLOTHING & APPAREL CLOTHING & APPAREL CLOTHING & APPAREL Page 4 Account Number 001 - 5010- 521.20 -80 001 - 5010- 521.31 -01 001 - 5010- 521.49 -01 001 - 5010- 521.41 -50 001- 5010- 521.43 -10 001 - 5010- 521.31 -01 001 - 5010- 521.49 -01 001 - 5010- 521.31 -01 001 - 5010- 521.31 -01 001- 5010- 521.42 -10 001- 5010- 521.42 -10 001- 5010- 521.42 -10 001- 5010- 521.42 -10 001- 5010- 521.42 -10 001- 5010- 521.42 -10 001- 5010- 521.42 -10 001- 5010- 521.42 -10 001 - 5010- 521.49 -01 Division Total: 001 - 5012 521.41 - 50 Division Total: 001 - 5021 - 521.20 -80 001 - 5021 - 521.20 -80 001 - 5021 - 521.20 -80 001- 5021- 521.31 -11 001- 5021- 521.42 -10 DRO WINDOW COVERING,BENED 001 - 5021 - 521.31 -01 001 - 5021 - 521.31 -01 001 - 5021 - 521.49 -90 001 - 5021 - 521.49 -90 001 - 5021 - 521.31 -80 001- 5021- 521.42 -10 001- 5021- 521.42 -10 001- 5021- 521.42 -10 001- 5021- 521.42 -10 001- 5021- 521.42 -10 Division Total: 001 - 5022 - 521.20 -80 001 - 5022 - 521.20 -80 001 - 5022 - 521.20 -80 001- 5022 - 521.48 -10 001 - 5022 - 521.20 -80 Date: 2/11/2011 Invoice Amount 275.30 751.10 400.00 7,300.00 370.38 148.65 100.00 80.49 204.86 1.86 3.13 89.46 11.82 199.03 64.74 57.46 3.72 1,283.45 $11,345.45 13,500.00 $13,500.00 26.57 28.08 14.04 296.41 26.70 61.01 13.52 157.50 157.50 482.76 1.16 1.95 55.91 7.38 2.33 $1,332.82 171.16 15.18 121.30 30.30 56.37 F -15 Vendor BRATWEAR NATIONAL LAW ENF TRNG CNTR PIGSKINS UNIFORMS PROFORCE LAW ENFORCEMENT QUILL CORPORATION QWEST RICHMOND 2 -WAY RADIO SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC TASER INTERNATIONAL UNITED PARCEL SERVICE Police Department COPY CAT GRAPHICS Gary Marler Police Department CANON USA, INC DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE -WIRES OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC QUILL CORPORATION QWEST Police Department ANGELES COMMUNICATIONS INC Police Department CANON USA, INC PEN PRINT INC PORT ANGELES FIRE DEPARTMENT QWEST City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 1/22/2011 To: 2/4/2011 Description CLOTHING & APPAREL LAT VASCULAR NECK RESTR I LAT VASCULAR NECKRESTR I N JUMPSUIT,BRUSSEAU POLICE EQUIPMENT & SUPPLY OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL 01 -14 NC 3604570831558B 01 -14 NC 3604571535571B 01 -14 NC 360457041 1 1 99 B 01 -14 NC 3604576684085B 01 -14 NC 3604570968343B RADIO & TELECOMMUNICATION RADIO & TELECOMMUNICATION CLEANING COMPOSITION /SOLV X26 RETURN BLACK DPM,PATR Shipping Chgs Patrol CLOTHING & APPAREL NIKE SHOES FOR VOLUNTEER Reserves & Volunteers OFFICE MACHINES & ACCESS Excise Tax Return -Dec OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL 01 -14 NC 3604570831558B 01 -14 NC 3604571535571B 01 -14 NC 360457041 1 1 99 B 01 -14 NC 3604576684085B 01 -14 NC 3604570968343B Records REPLACE PHONE S ENTRYWAY Facilities Maintenance Police Department COPIER BIND BOOKS Binders /Shipping Fees SUPPLIES Binders /Shipping Fees 01 -14 NC 3604570831558B 01 -14 NC 3604571535571B Page 5 Account Number 001 - 5022 - 521.20 -80 001- 5022 - 521.43 -10 001- 5022 - 521.43 -10 001 - 5022 - 521.20 -80 001 - 5022 - 521.35 -01 001 - 5022 - 521.31 -01 001 - 5022 - 521.31 -01 001- 5022 - 521.42 -10 001- 5022 - 521.42 -10 001- 5022 - 521.42 -10 001- 5022 - 521.42 -10 001- 5022 - 521.42 -10 001- 5022 - 521.31 -14 001- 5022 - 521.31 -14 001 - 5022 - 521.31 -01 001 - 5022 - 521.31 -80 001- 5022 - 521.42 -10 Division Total: 001- 5026 - 521.31 -11 001- 5026 - 521.31 -11 Division Total: 001 - 5029 - 521.45 -31 001- 5029 - 342.10 -17 001 - 5029 - 521.31 -01 001 - 5029 - 521.31 -01 001 - 5029 - 521.31 -01 001- 5029 - 521.42 -10 001- 5029 - 521.42 -10 001- 5029 - 521.42 -10 001- 5029 - 521.42 -10 001- 5029 - 521.42 -10 Division Total: 001 5050 - 521.48 - 10 Division Total: Department Total: 001 - 6010 - 522.45 -31 001 - 6010- 522.31 -01 001 - 6010- 522.31 -01 001 - 6010- 522.31 -01 001- 6010- 522.42 -10 001- 6010- 522.42 -10 001- 6010- 522.42 -10 Date: 2/11/2011 Invoice Amount 1,013.00 200.00 200.00 418.10 - 162.60 737.44 139.77 3.24 5.47 156.54 20.68 6.52 315.99 315.99 24.89 379.40 5.31 $4,174.05 21.68 54.06 $75.74 384.71 4.19 80.48 31.92 35.76 1.16 1.95 55.91 7.38 2.33 $605.79 116.43 $116.43 $31,150.28 190.69 27.10 17.31 43.23 27.64 1.63 2.73 F -16 Vendor QWEST UNITED PARCEL SERVICE WHEELER, CORAL Fire Department BAXTER AUTO PARTS #15 BLUMENTHAL UNIFORMS & EQUIP BRAUN NORTHWEST GRAINGER Mel Twitchell PORT ANGELES FIRE DEPARTMENT QWEST 01 -14 NC 3604570831558B 01 -14 NC 3604571535571B 01 -14 NC 360457041 1 1 99 B 01 -14 NC 3604576684085B 01 -14 NC 3604570968343B SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC BLEACH VERIZON WIRELESS 01 -15 a/c 264395724 -00001 WHEELER, CORAL BATTERIES Fire Department Fire Supression KING CNTY OFFICE OF FINANCIAL MGMT EMS ONLINE TRAINING JAN DIDRICKSON EMT First Resp Class QWEST 01 -14 NC 3604570831558B 01 -14 NC 3604571535571B 01 -14 NC 360457041 1 1 99 B 01 -14 NC 3604576684085B 01 -14 NC 3604570968343B Fire Department Fire Volunteers QWEST 01 -14 NC 3604570831558B Fire Department PACIFIC OFFICE EQUIPMENT INC City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 1/22/2011 To: 2/4/2011 Description 01 -14 NC 360457041 1 1 99 B 01 -14 NC 3604576684085B 01 -14 NC 3604570968343B 01 -14 NC 3604570831558B 01 -14 NC 3604571535571B 01 -14 NC 360457041 1 1 99 B 01 -14 NC 3604576684085B 01 -14 NC 3604570968343B Shipping Chgs TYPEWRITER Fire Administration TRUCK WASH UNIFORM UNIFORM PARTS COMPRESSOR MOTOR FLU SHOT PARTS NEW FIRE TRUCK 01 -14 NC 3604571535571B 01 -14 NC 360457041 1 1 99 B 01 -14 NC 3604576684085B 01 -14 NC 3604570968343B Fire Prevention TONER Page 6 Account Number 001- 6010- 522.42 -10 001- 6010- 522.42 -10 001- 6010- 522.42 -10 001- 6010- 522.42 -11 001- 6010- 522.42 -11 001- 6010- 522.42 -11 001- 6010- 522.42 -11 001- 6010- 522.42 -11 001- 6010- 522.42 -10 001 - 6010- 522.31 -01 Division Total: 001 - 6020 - 522.31 -02 001 - 6020 - 522.20 -80 001 - 6020 - 522.20 -80 001 - 6020 - 522.31 -02 001 - 6020 - 522.31 -01 001 - 6020 - 522.41 -50 001 - 6020 - 522.31 -01 001- 6020 - 522.42 -10 001- 6020 - 522.42 -10 001- 6020 - 522.42 -10 001- 6020 - 522.42 -10 001- 6020 - 522.42 -10 001 - 6020 - 522.31 -02 001- 6020 - 522.42 -10 001 - 6020 - 522.35 -01 Division Total: 001- 6021- 522.43 -10 001- 6021- 522.43 -10 001- 6021- 522.42 -10 001- 6021- 522.42 -10 001- 6021- 522.42 -10 001- 6021- 522.42 -10 001- 6021- 522.42 -10 Division Total: 001- 6030 - 522.42 -10 001- 6030 - 522.42 -10 001- 6030 - 522.42 -10 001- 6030 - 522.42 -10 001- 6030 - 522.42 -10 Division Total: 001 - 6040 - 522.31 -01 Date: 2/11/2011 Invoice Amount 78.27 10.34 3.26 0.47 0.78 22.36 2.95 0.93 66.94 130.31 $626.94 75.32 102.93 124.55 94.97 310.66 30.00 8.57 1.51 2.54 72.68 9.60 3.03 9.12 25.96 71.65 $943.09 1,000.00 315.10 0.12 0.20 5.59 0.74 0.23 $1,321.98 0.23 0.39 11.18 1.48 0.47 $13.75 147.16 F -17 Vendor QWEST SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC VERIZON WIRELESS WHEELER, CORAL Fire Department ANGELES MILLWORK & LUMBER CO COSCO /FEDERAL FIRESAFETY INC M & P GARAGE DOORS MRS CLEAN WHEELER, CORAL Fire Department QWEST Fire Department DELL MARKETING LP DIGITAL IMAGING SOLUTIONS INC GREAT AMERICA LEASING CORP TUCKER, DON APWA 2011 Spring Conference OFFICE DEPOT PACIFIC OFFICE EQUIPMENT INC QWEST SHARP ELECTRONICS CORP Public Works -Gen Fnd ASM SIGNS DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE -WIRES DIGITAL IMAGING SOLUTIONS INC MITY -LITE INC City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 1/22/2011 To: 2/4/2011 Description 01 -14 NC 3604570831558B 01 -14 NC 3604571535571B 01 -14 NC 360457041 1 1 99 B 01 -14 NC 3604576684085B 01 -14 NC 3604570968343B SPARE KEYS 01 -10 a/c 571099962 -00001 CD LABELS Fire Training CEILING TILE Fire Alarm Inspection PARTS & LABOR MONTHLY SERVICE FIRE EXTINGUISHERS Facilities Maintenance 01 -14 NC 3604570831558B 01 -14 NC 3604571535571B 01 -14 NC 360457041 1 1 99 B 01 -14 NC 3604576684085B 01 -14 NC 3604570968343B Emergency Management Fire Department COMPUTER HARDWARE &PERI PHI 001 - 7010- 532.31 -60 JAN COPIER COSTS 001 - 7010- 532.45 -31 SHARP MX7000N COPIER 001 - 7010- 532.45 -31 001 - 7010 - 343.20 -00 APWA SPRING CONFERENCE 001 - 7010- 532.43 -10 SUPPLIES 001 - 7010- 532.31 -01 SUPPLIES 001 - 7010- 532.31 -01 COMPUTERS,DP & WORD PROC 001 - 7010- 532.31 -01 01 -14 NC 3604570831558B 001 - 7010- 532.42 -10 01 -14 NC 3604571535571 B 001 - 7010- 532.42 -10 01 -14 NC 360457041 1 1 99B 001 - 7010- 532.42 -10 01 -14 NC 3604576684085B 001 - 7010- 532.42 -10 01 -14 NC 3604570968343B 001 - 7010- 532.42 -10 COPIER MX2600N- JAN 2011 001 - 7010- 532.45 -31 Pub Wks Administration Division Total: Public Works -Gen Fnd Department Total: SIGNS, SIGN MATERIAL Excise Tax Return -Dec JAN COPIER COSTS FURNITURE, NON OFFICE Page 7 Account Number 001- 6040 - 522.42 -10 001- 6040 - 522.42 -10 001- 6040 - 522.42 -10 001- 6040 - 522.42 -10 001- 6040 - 522.42 -10 001 - 6040 - 522.31 -01 001- 6040 - 522.42 -10 001 - 6040 - 522.31 -01 Division Total: 001- 6050 - 522.48 -10 001- 6050 - 522.48 -10 001- 6050 - 522.48 -10 001 - 6050 - 522.41 -50 001- 6050 - 522.48 -10 Division Total: 001- 6060 - 525.42 -10 001- 6060 - 525.42 -10 001- 6060 - 525.42 -10 001- 6060 - 525.42 -10 001- 6060 - 525.42 -10 Division Total: Department Total: 001 - 8010- 574.41 -50 001- 8010- 347.90 -15 001 - 8010- 574.45 -31 001 - 8010- 574.31 -80 Date: 2/11/2011 Invoice Amount 0.23 0.39 11.18 1.48 0.47 12.44 34.71 21.71 $229.77 46.79 536.59 703.10 395.00 78.13 $1,759.61 1.05 1.76 50.32 6.65 2.09 $61.87 $4,957.01 20.59 811.04 760.16 54.87 425.00 370.59 146.99 85.63 3.61 6.01 173.31 22.89 7.22 142.87 $3,030.78 $3,030.78 775.56 54.08 31.75 1,873.67 F -18 Vendor OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC QWEST Parks Dept DIGITAL IMAGING SOLUTIONS INC QWEST Parks Dept ANGELES MILLWORK & LUMBER CO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE -WIRES QWEST Parks Dept AMSAN ANGELES MILLWORK & LUMBER CO CONNEY SAFETY PRODUCTS DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE -WIRES HARTNAGEL BUILDING SUPPLY INC HEARTLINE LINCOLN INDUSTRIAL CORP ELIJAH HAMMEL OFFICE DEPOT City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 1/22/2011 To: 2/4/2011 Description Binders 01 -14 NC 3604570831558B 01 -14 NC 3604571535571B 01 -14 NC 360457041 1 1 99 B 01 -14 NC 3604576684085B 01 -14 NC 3604570968343B Parks Administration JAN COPIER COSTS 01 -14 a/c 3604577004947B 01 -14 NC 3604570831558B 01 -14 NC 3604571535571B 01 -14 NC 360457041 1 1 99 B 01 -14 NC 3604576684085B 01 -14 NC 3604570968343B Senior Center METALS, BARS, PLATES, RODS Excise Tax Return -Dec 01 -14 NC 3604570831558B 01 -14 NC 3604571535571B 01 -14 NC 360457041 1 1 99 B 01 -14 NC 3604576684085B 01 -14 NC 3604570968343B Ocean View Cemetery JANITORIAL SUPPLIES LUMBER& RELATED PRODUCTS TESTING APP /NOT ELECTRIC BRUSHES (NOT CLASSIFIED) Account Number 001 - 8010- 574.31 -01 001- 8010- 574.42 -10 001- 8010- 574.42 -10 001- 8010- 574.42 -10 001- 8010- 574.42 -10 001- 8010- 574.42 -10 Division Total: 001 - 8012 - 555.45 -31 001- 8012- 555.42 -10 001- 8012- 555.42 -10 001- 8012- 555.42 -10 001- 8012- 555.42 -10 001- 8012- 555.42 -10 001- 8012- 555.42 -10 Division Total: 001 - 8050 - 536.31 -20 001- 8050 - 343.60 -14 001- 8050 - 536.42 -10 001- 8050 - 536.42 -10 001- 8050 - 536.42 -10 001- 8050 - 536.42 -10 001- 8050 - 536.42 -10 Division Total: 001 - 8080 - 576.31 -01 001 - 8080 - 576.31 -20 001 - 8080 - 576.31 -20 001 - 8080 - 576.31 -20 HAND TOOLS ,POW &NON POWER 001 - 8080 - 576.31 -20 LUMBER& RELATED PRODUCTS 001 - 8080 - 576.31 -20 HAND TOOLS ,POW &NON POWER 001 - 8080 - 576.31 -20 LUMBER& RELATED PRODUCTS 001 - 8080 - 576.31 -20 LUMBER& RELATED PRODUCTS 001 - 8080 - 576.31 -20 HAND TOOLS ,POW &NON POWER 001 - 8080 - 576.31 -20 OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL CLOTHING & APPAREL Excise Tax Return -Dec PAINTING EQUIPMENT & ACC PAI NTS,COATI NGS,WALLPAPER SALE SURPLUS /OBSOLETE FOUNDRY CASTINGS,EQUIP. Tuition Reimb @ 100% SUPPLIES Page 8 001 - 8080 - 576.31 -20 001 - 8080 - 576.31 -01 001- 8080 - 347.30 -18 001 - 8080 - 576.31 -20 001 - 8080 - 576.31 -20 001 - 8080 - 576.31 -20 001 - 8080 - 576.31 -20 001- 8080 - 576.43 -10 001 - 8080 - 576.31 -01 Date: 2/11/2011 Invoice Amount 89.21 0.35 0.59 16.77 2.22 0.70 $2,844.90 47.76 41.40 0.35 0.59 16.77 2.22 0.70 $109.79 27.21 0.03 0.23 0.39 11.18 1.48 0.47 $40.99 684.43 245.48 29.26 142.07 13.73 26.75 14.88 159.35 79.51 56.48 9.75 966.52 50.25 18.53 95.28 98.59 20.68 150.00 79.50 F -19 Vendor OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC PAINT STORE, THE PORT ANGELES POWER EQUIPMENT PUGET SAFETY EQUIPMENT INC QWEST SUNSET DO -IT BEST HARDWARE SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 1/22/2011 To: 2/4/2011 Description SUPPLIES PAINTS,COATINGS,WALLPAPER HOSES, ALL KINDS RENTAL /LEASE EQUIPMENT EQUIP MAINT & REPAIR SERV CLOTHING ACCESSORIES(SEE FIRST AID & SAFETY EQUIP. 01 -14 NC 3604570831558B 01 -14 NC 3604571535571B 01 -14 NC 360457041 1 1 99 B 01 -14 NC 3604576684085B 01 -14 NC 3604570968343B HOSES, ALL KINDS PIPE FITTINGS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS HAND TOOLS ,POW &NON POWER 001 - 8080 - 576.31 -01 PAINTS,COATINGS,WALLPAPER 001 - 8080 - 576.31 -20 ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS 001 - 8080 - 576.31 -20 METALS, BARS, PLATES, RODS 001- 8080 - 576.31 -20 Cylinder Rental 001 - 8080 - 576.45 -30 PAINTS,COATINGS,WALLPAPER 001 - 8080 - 576.10 -01 PRODUCTION &MANUFACTURING 001 - 8080 - 576.31 -20 AIR CONDITIONING & HEATNG 001 - 8080 - 576.31 -20 HAND TOOLS ,POW &NON POWER 001 - 8080 - 576.31 -20 PAINTS,COATINGS,WALLPAPER 001 - 8080 - 576.31 -20 ROAD /HGWY HEAVY EQUIPMENT 001 - 8080 - 576.31 -20 THURMAN SUPPLY ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY TOPPER INDUSTRIES INC HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS XEROX CORPORATION RENTAL /LEASE EQUIPMENT Parks Dept Park Facilities Parks Dept ORKIN EXTERMINATING COMPANY INC EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES QWEST 01 -02 a/c 3604170786905B Facilities Maintenance Senior Center Facilities ANGELES MILLWORK & LUMBER CO Engineering Remodel Engineering Remodel Engineering Remodel QWEST 01 -14 NC 3604570831558B 01 -14 NC 3604571535571B 01 -14 NC 360457041 1 1 99 B 01 -14 NC 3604576684085B 01 -14 NC 3604570968343B Page 9 Account Number 001 - 8080 - 576.31 -01 001 - 8080 - 576.31 -40 001 - 8080 - 576.31 -01 001 - 8080 - 576.31 -01 001 - 8080 - 576.35 -01 001 - 8080 - 576.31 -01 001 - 8080 - 576.31 -01 001- 8080 - 576.42 -10 001- 8080 - 576.42 -10 001- 8080 - 576.42 -10 001- 8080 - 576.42 -10 001- 8080 - 576.42 -10 001 - 8080 - 576.31 -01 001 - 8080 - 576.31 -01 001 - 8080 - 576.31 -01 001 - 8080 - 576.31 -20 001 - 8080 - 576.31 -20 001 - 8080 - 576.45 -31 Division Total: Department Total: 001- 8112- 555.48 -10 001- 8112- 555.42 -10 Division Total: 001 - 8130- 518.31 -20 001 - 8130- 518.31 -20 001 - 8130- 518.31 -20 001- 8130- 518.42 -10 001- 8130- 518.42 -10 001- 8130- 518.42 -10 001- 8130- 518.42 -10 001- 8130- 518.42 -10 Date: 2/11/2011 Invoice Amount 135.02 3,954.43 134.31 92.06 3,516.76 258.86 886.71 1.16 1.95 55.91 7.38 2.33 47.10 17.60 29.27 18.96 11.50 288.18 17.65 21.14 32.30 21.69 21.54 14.69 8.68 10.83 13.63 1,219.89 69.34 $13,851.91 $16,847.59 108.40 31.08 $139.48 19.37 70.39 24.49 0.12 0.20 5.59 0.74 0.23 F - 20 Vendor THURMAN SUPPLY Facilities Maintenance ADT SECURITY SERVICES, INC HARTNAGEL BUILDING SUPPLY INC JOHNSTONE SUPPLY INC OTIS ELEVATOR COMPANY INC QWEST SUNSET DO -IT BEST HARDWARE SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC THURMAN SUPPLY Facilities Maintenance DENNIS, JASON P DIGITAL IMAGING SOLUTIONS INC DOBYNS, THERESA EATON, INGA GIDDENS, BRUCE W GRAY, STEVE HEILMAN, JOHN HELGESON, JULIET C HOLLOWAY, MICHAEL PIMENTEL, HENRY QWEST RAMSEY, SCOTT ROBINSON, JASON SUNSET DO -IT BEST HARDWARE SWANSON, DAN THAYER, JEFFREY City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 1/22/2011 To: 2/4/2011 Description Account Number Engineering Remodel 001 - 8130- 518.31 -20 Custodial /Janitorial Svcs Division Total: CONSULTING SERVICES 001 - 8131- 518.42 -10 Pipe Insulation 001 - 8131- 518.31 -20 HAND TOOLS ,POW &NON POWER 001 - 8131- 518.31 -20 BUILDING MAINT &REPAIR SER 01 -05 a/c 3604523954268B 01 -02 a/c 3604175328784B 01 -14 NC 3604570831558B 01 -14 NC 3604571535571B 01 -14 NC 360457041 1 1 99 B 01 -14 NC 3604576684085B 01 -14 NC 3604570968343B Washers etc CLOTHING & APPAREL PIPE AND TUBING HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS HOSES, ALL KINDS PIPE FITTINGS PLUMBING EQUIP FIXT,SUPP Central Svcs Facilities Facilities Maintenance VOLLEYBALL REFEREE JAN COPIER COSTS BASKETBALL SCOREKEEPER VOLLEYBALL REFEREE VOLLEYBALL REFEREE VOLLEYBALL REFEREE VOLLEYBALL REFEREE VOLLEYBALL REFEREE BASKETBALL REFEREE BASKETBALL REFEREE 01 -14 NC 3604570831558B 01 -14 NC 3604571535571B 01 -14 NC 360457041 1 1 99 B 01 -14 NC 3604576684085B 01 -14 NC 3604570968343B BASKETBALL REFEREE BASKETBALL SCOREKEEPER ELECTRICAL CABLES & WIRES VOLLEYBALL REFEREE BASKETBALL REFEREE Page 10 001- 8131- 518.48 -10 001- 8131- 518.42 -10 001- 8131- 518.42 -10 001- 8131- 518.42 -10 001- 8131- 518.42 -10 001- 8131- 518.42 -10 001- 8131- 518.42 -10 001- 8131- 518.42 -10 001 - 8131- 518.31 -20 001 - 8131- 518.31 -20 001 - 8131- 518.31 -20 001 - 8131- 518.31 -20 001 - 8131- 518.31 -20 001 - 8131- 518.31 -20 001 - 8131- 518.31 -20 Division Total: Department Total: 001 - 8221 - 574.41 -50 001 - 8221 - 574.45 -31 001 - 8221 - 574.41 -50 001 - 8221 - 574.41 -50 001 - 8221 - 574.41 -50 001 - 8221 - 574.41 -50 001 - 8221 - 574.41 -50 001 - 8221 - 574.41 -50 001 - 8221 - 574.41 -50 001 - 8221 - 574.41 -50 001- 8221- 574.42 -10 001- 8221- 574.42 -10 001- 8221- 574.42 -10 001- 8221- 574.42 -10 001- 8221- 574.42 -10 001 - 8221 - 574.41 -50 001 - 8221 - 574.41 -50 001 - 8221 - 574.31 -01 001 - 8221 - 574.41 -50 001 - 8221 - 574.41 -50 Date: 2/11/2011 Invoice Amount 52.88 $174.01 50.83 17.86 73.73 4,304.30 80.07 40.03 0.12 0.20 5.59 0.74 0.23 12.57 21.69 6.68 31.89 208.82 139.73 33.95 $5,029.03 $5,342.52 60.00 56.17 40.00 195.00 30.00 45.00 60.00 45.00 176.00 88.00 0.12 0.20 5.59 0.74 0.23 506.00 40.00 1.81 30.00 176.00 F -21 Vendor THOMAS, GREGORY ULIN, BRADLEY V WENZL, DON Recreation Activities CAPTAIN T'S DIGITAL IMAGING SOLUTIONS INC DRAKE'S PIZZA & SUBS FARRINGTON, JONATHAN HANSEN'S TROPHY QWEST SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC UNITED PARCEL SERVICE WA AMATEUR SOFTBALL ASSN Recreation Activities DIGITAL IMAGING SOLUTIONS INC QWEST Recreation Activities DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE -WIRES A -1 PERFORMANCE, INC ANGELES MILLWORK & LUMBER CO BAILEY SIGNS & GRAPHICS BLAKE TILE & STONE, INC BLUE MOUNTAIN TREE SERVICE INC EDGE ANALYTICAL HERMANN BROS LOGGING & CONST INSIGHT PUBLIC SECTOR LINCOLN INDUSTRIAL CORP OFFICE DEPOT OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC PORT ANGELES POWER EQUIPMENT City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 1/22/2011 To: 2/4/2011 Description Account Number BASKETBALL REFEREE 001 - 8221 - 574.41 -50 BASKETBALL REFEREE 001 - 8221 - 574.41 -50 VOLLEYBALL REFEREE 001 - 8221 - 574.41 -50 Sports Programs Division Total: CLOTHING & APPAREL 001- 8222 - 574.31 -01 JAN COPIER COSTS 001 - 8222 - 574.45 -31 FOODS: PERISHABLE 001 - 8222 - 574.31 -01 OFFICIAL'S PAYMENT FOR 20 001 - 8222 - 574.41 -50 MARKERS, PLAQUES,SIGNS 001 - 8222 - 574.31 -01 01 -14 NC 3604570831558B 001 - 8222 - 574.42 -10 01 -14 NC 3604571535571B 001 - 8222 - 574.42 -10 01 -14 NC 360457041 1 1 99B 001 - 8222 - 574.42 -10 01 -14 NC 3604576684085B 001 - 8222 - 574.42 -10 01 -14 NC 3604570968343B 001 - 8222 - 574.42 -10 SPORTING & ATHLETIC EQUIP 001 - 8222 - 574.31 -01 SHIPPING AND HANDLING 001 - 8222 - 574.42 -10 PAYMENT TO SANCTION 3 SOF 001 - 8222 - 574.41 -50 Special Events Division Total: JAN COPIER COSTS 001 - 8224 - 574.45 -31 01 -14 NC 3604570831558B 001 - 8224 - 574.42 -10 01 -14 NC 3604571535571B 001 - 8224 - 574.42 -10 01 -14 NC 360457041 1 1 99B 001 - 8224 - 574.42 -10 01 -14 NC 3604576684085B 001 - 8224 - 574.42 -10 01 -14 NC 3604570968343B 001 - 8224 - 574.42 -10 Youth /Family Programs Division Total: Recreation Activities Department Total: General Fund Fund Total: Excise Tax Return -Dec 102 - 0000 - 237.00 -00 Division Total: Department Total: December Cleaning Svc 102- 7230 - 542.41 -50 LUMBER& RELATED PRODUCTS 102- 7230 - 542.31 -20 SIGNS, SIGN MATERIAL 102- 7230 - 542.31 -25 CONCRETE & METAL CULVERTS 102- 7230 - 542.31 -20 PW CONSTRUCTION & RELATED 102 - 7230 - 542.48 -10 Testing samples 102- 7230 - 542.41 -50 BUILDING MAINT&REPAIR SER 102- 7230 - 542.47 -10 COMPUTER HARDWARE &PERI PHI 102- 7230 - 542.31 -60 Steel 102 - 7230 - 542.31 -20 SUPPLIES 102- 7230 - 542.31 -01 ENGINEERING EQUIPMENT 102- 7230 - 542.31 -25 Poly Blades 102 - 7230 - 542.35 -01 Page 11 Date: 2/11/2011 Invoice Amount 88.00 44.00 30.00 $1,717.86 585.63 56.17 311.45 220.00 476.96 0.12 0.20 5.59 0.74 0.23 51.19 35.00 90.00 $1,833.28 56.16 0.12 0.20 5.59 0.74 0.23 $63.04 $3,614.18 $166,129.46 18.91 $18.91 $18.91 76.05 80.50 162.60 7.90 433.60 714.00 17.55 147.41 46.61 79.47 12.94 40.09 F - 22 Vendor PUD #1 OF CLALLAM COUNTY QWEST City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 1/22/2011 To: 2/4/2011 Date: 2/11/2011 Description Account Number Invoice Amount Woodhaven /Golf Course Rd 102 - 7230 - 542.47 -10 16.11 01 -14 NC 3604570831558B 102- 7230 - 542.42 -10 0.58 01 -14 NC 3604571535571B 102- 7230 - 542.42 -10 0.98 01 -14 NC 360457041 1 1 99B 102- 7230 - 542.42 -10 27.95 01 -14 NC 3604576684085B 102- 7230 - 542.42 -10 3.69 01 -14 NC 3604570968343B 102- 7230 - 542.42 -10 1.16 SUNSET DO -IT BEST HARDWARE FASTENERS, FASTENING DEVS 102- 7230 - 542.31 -20 6.57 FASTENERS, FASTENING DEVS 102- 7230 - 542.31 -25 13.05 FASTENERS, FASTENING DEVS 102- 7230 - 542.31 -25 9.25 WASHINGTON (DOT), STATE OF Ditching SR 101 MP 245.38 102- 7230 - 542.48 -10 3,025.85 Reimb Snow Maint 102 - 7230 - 542.48 -10 3,000.71 WSU -CDPE CONFERENCE ADJUSTMENT FEE 102 - 7230 - 542.43 -10 10.00 XEROX CORPORATION RENTAL /LEASE EQUIPMENT 102 - 7230 - 542.45 -31 69.34 Public Works- Street Street Division Total: $8,003.96 Public Works- Street Department Total: $8,003.96 Street Fund Fund Total: $8,022.87 ATHLETE'S CHOICE, INC MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 103- 1511- 558.41 -50 569.10 CLALLAM CNTY ECONOMIC DEV CNCL ANNUAL DINNER MTG DUES 103- 1511- 558.31 -01 35.00 KEATING BUCKLIN & MCCORMACK INC Consulting Services 103- 1511- 558.41 -50 4,146.90 NORTH OLYMPIC PENINSULA RC & D 2011 ANNUAL DUES 103- 1511- 558.49 -01 400.00 PA DOWNTOWN ASSN 4th Quarter Fees 103- 1511- 558.41 -50 5,000.00 QWEST 01 - NC 3604570831558B 103- 1511- 558.42 -10 0.06 01 -14 NC 3604571535571B 103- 1511- 558.42 -10 0.10 01 -14 NC 360457041 1 1 99B 103- 1511- 558.42 -10 2.80 01 -14 NC 3604576684085B 103- 1511- 558.42 -10 0.37 01 -14 NC 3604570968343B 103- 1511- 558.42 -10 0.12 STUDIO CASCADE, INC Consulting Services 103- 1511- 558.41 -50 59,209.44 Economic Development Economic Development Division Total: $69,363.89 Economic Development Department Total: $69,363.89 Economic Development Fund Total: $69,363.89 QWEST 01 - NC 3604570831558B 106- 1512- 558.42 -10 0.12 01 -14 NC 3604571535571 B 106 -1512- 558.42 -10 0.20 01 -14 NC 360457041 1 1 99B 106- 1512- 558.42 -10 5.59 01 -14 NC 3604576684085B 106- 1512- 558.42 -10 0.74 01 -14 NC 3604570968343B 106- 1512- 558.42 -10 0.23 VERIZON WIRELESS 01 -15 ac 264230412 -00003 106- 1512- 558.42 -10 37.26 Economic Development Archaeologist Division Total: $44.14 Economic Development Department Total: $44.14 Cultural Resources Fund Total: $44.14 AHRENS, KENNETH E Rental Fees 107 -5160- 528.45 -30 700.00 CAPTAIN T'S CLOTHING & APPAREL 107 -5160- 528.20 -80 164.68 CLOTHING & APPAREL 107 -5160- 528.20 -80 185.34 F - 23 Page 12 Vendor CAPTAIN T'S CLALLAM CNTY DEPT OF COMM DEV FCS GROUP IBM CORPORATION Gary Brooks NEW WORLD SYSTEMS NORDISK SYSTEMS, INC QUILL CORPORATION QWEST VIVID LEARNING SYSTEMS -WA WCIA (WA CITIES INS AUTHORITY) Pencom JEFFERS, TAYLYN NICOLE Recreation Activities WASHINGTON STATE TREASURER BANK OF NEW YORK Debt Service BANK OF NEW YORK -DEBT SVC WIRE Debt Service CLALLAM CNTY ROAD DEPT MCKINSTRY ESSENTION, INC WESTON SOLUTIONS, INC Capital Projects -Pub Wks BIG R BRIDGE City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 1/22/2011 To: 2/4/2011 Description CLOTHING & APPAREL 4th Quarter /Schindler 911 CONSULTING SERVICES CONSULTING SERVICES 500GB DRIVE FOR STANCIL R MSP Upgrade /CI County DATA PROC SERV &SOFTWARE COMPUTERS,DP & WORD PROC. COMPUTERS,DP & WORD PROC. 01 -14 NC 3604570831558B 01 -14 NC 3604571535571B 01 -14 NC 360457041 1 1 99 B 01 -14 NC 3604576684085B 01 -14 NC 3604570968343B ON LINE TRAINING FOR PENC MANAGEMENT SERVICES Pencom Pencom Pencom Fund Fund Total: SCOREKEEPER PAYMENT FOR H 174- 8222 - 574.41 -50 Special Events Division Total: Recreation Activities Department Total: Recreational Activities Fund Total: 2010 Seizure /Forfeiture 182- 0000 - 229.70 -00 Division Total: Department Total: Drug Task Force Fund Total: PORUTGOREG01 211- 2419- 591.41 -50 2001 GO Bond - Refunding Division Total: Debt Service Department Total: 2001 GO Refunding Bonds Fund Total: Debt Service Pmt -EFT 214- 2434 - 592.81 -10 2005 LTGO Bond -WUGA Division Total: Debt Service Department Total: 2005 LTGO Bond -WUGA Fund Total: Valley Creek Restoration 310- 7919- 594.41 -50 City Hall HVAC 310 - 7919 - 594.65 -10 City Hall HVAC 310 - 7919 - 594.65 -10 CMMS Phase 111- 12/2010 310- 7919- 594.65 -10 GF -Pub Wks Projects Division Total: Delay costs 310 - 7930 - 595.65 -10 Page 13 Account Number 107- 5160- 528.20 -80 107- 5160- 528.51 -01 107- 5160- 528.41 -50 107- 5160- 528.48 -10 107- 5160- 528.31 -60 107- 5160- 594.65 -10 107- 5160- 528.48 -10 107- 5160- 528.31 -01 107- 5160- 528.31 -01 107- 5160- 528.42 -10 107- 5160- 528.42 -10 107- 5160- 528.42 -10 107- 5160- 528.42 -10 107- 5160- 528.42 -10 107- 5160- 528.43 -10 107- 5160- 528.46 -10 Division Total: Department Total: Date: 2/11/2011 Invoice Amount 41.71 1,301.79 200.00 2,458.51 70.57 1,008.00 2,121.73 68.28 464.84 3.14 5.27 150.95 19.94 6.28 761.25 16,389.00 $26,121.78 $26,121.78 $26,121.78 120.00 $120.00 $120.00 $120.00 120.00 $120.00 $120.00 $120.00 303.50 $303.50 $303.50 $303.50 57,132.50 $57,132.50 $57,132.50 $57,132.50 147.60 21,409.00 92,003.16 2,120.00 $115,679.76 153.00 F -24 Vendor EXELTECH CONSULTING INC LAKESIDE INDUSTRIES INC MCCONNELL CONSTRUCTION PERTEET, INC Capital Projects -Pub Wks BPA -POWER WIRES CED /CONSOLIDATED ELEC DIST INC DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE -WIRES GENERAL PACIFIC INC HUGHES UTILITIES LTD AV I LA, STACY L BOYD, PAMELA L CAC -HOME FUND COSTELLO, BARRY HALL, ESTATE OF CLAY JAMES & ASSOCIATES KONOPIK, ELIZABETH TANNER, CLARK E YOTHER, CECIL L NEW PIG CORPORATION NORTHWEST SPECIALTY GAS QWEST City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 1/22/2011 To: 2/4/2011 Description Dry Creek Bridge Design PW CONSTRUCTION & RELATED CONSTRUCTION SERVICES,GEN Permitting for FEMA Proj Permitting for FEMA Proj Permitting for FEMA Proj Permitting for FEMA Proj Permitting for FEMA Proj GF- Street Projects Capital Projects -Pub Wks Capital Improvement December Power Wire -EFT December Power Wire -EFT ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY Excise Tax Return -Dec Excise Tax Return -Dec Pin Pole top /Shank Staple ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY DEPOSIT REFUND OVERPAYMENT -210 W 7TH ST CREDIT REFUND -J L GEORGE OVERPAYMENT -415 S VALLEY OVERPAYMENT -735 E 11TH ST OVERPAYMENT -1212 CRAIG #2 OVERPAYMENT -1502 C ST #7 DEPOSIT REFUND DEPOSIT REFUND MATERIAL HNDLING &STOR EQP MATERIAL HNDLING &STOR EQP ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 01 -14 NC 3604570831558B 01 -14 NC 3604571535571B 01 -14 NC 360457041 1 1 99 B 01 -14 NC 3604576684085B Page 14 Account Number 310 - 7930 - 595.41 -50 310- 7930 - 595.65 -10 310- 7930 - 595.65 -10 310 - 7930 - 595.41 -50 310 - 7930 - 595.41 -50 310 - 7930 - 595.41 -50 310 - 7930 - 595.41 -50 310 - 7930 - 595.41 -50 Division Total: Department Total: Fund Total: 401 - 0000 - 213.10 -00 401 - 0000 - 213.10 -00 401- 0000 - 141.40 -00 401 - 0000 - 237.00 -00 401 - 0000 - 237.10 -00 401- 0000 - 141.40 -00 401- 0000 - 141.40 -00 401- 0000 - 141.40 -00 401- 0000 - 141.40 -00 401- 0000 - 141.40 -00 401- 0000 - 141.40 -00 401- 0000 - 141.40 -00 401- 0000 - 141.40 -00 401- 0000 - 122.10 -99 401- 0000 - 122.10 -99 401- 0000 - 122.10 -99 401- 0000 - 122.10 -99 401- 0000 - 122.10 -99 401- 0000 - 122.10 -99 401- 0000 - 122.10 -99 401- 0000 - 122.10 -99 401- 0000 - 122.10 -99 401 - 0000 - 237.00 -00 401 - 0000 - 237.00 -00 401 - 0000 - 237.00 -00 Division Total: Department Total: 401- 7111- 533.42 -10 401- 7111- 533.42 -10 401- 7111- 533.42 -10 401- 7111- 533.42 -10 Date: 2/11/2011 Invoice Amount 8,325.91 980.52 17,151.68 437.50 2,417.50 3,102.50 247.50 452.50 $33,268.61 $148,948.37 $148,948.37 228, 778.00 2,448,579.00 356.20 139.41 589.07 458.33 69,120.25 26,304.18 77, 267.94 129.87 1,176.14 6,815.80 1,252.67 250.00 18.12 78.01 110.83 57.78 56.72 20.00 250.00 250.00 - 38.60 - 23.94 - 24.30 $2,861,971.48 $2,861,971.48 0.35 0.59 16.77 2.22 F - 25 Vendor Description QWEST Public Works- Electric AEE -ASSOC OF ENERGY ENGINEERS MEMBERSHIPS COLUMBIA TELECOMMUNICATIONS COR CONSULTING SERVICES ENERGY NEWS DATA INSIGHT PUBLIC SECTOR NATOA PUBLIC POWER COUNCIL QWEST Public Works- Electric A -1 PERFORMANCE, INC BLAKE TILE & STONE, INC CANON USA, INC CED /CONSOLIDATED ELEC DIST INC DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE -WIRES GRAINGER HANSEN SUPPLY COMPANY INC HUGHES UTILITIES LTD MASON COUNTY PUD #3 MATCO TOOLS Derrick Halsey Jim Shay NEW PIG CORPORATION NORTHWEST SPECIALTY GAS OLYMPIC LAUNDRY & DRY CLEANERS OLYMPIC SYNTHETIC PRODUCTS PETTIT OIL COMPANY PORT ANGELES POWER EQUIPMENT PORT OF PORT ANGELES POWER MONITORS INC PUD #1 OF CLALLAM COUNTY QWEST City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 1/22/2011 To: 2/4/2011 01 -14 NC 3604570968343B Engineering- Electric 2011 DISPATCH NWS SVC COMPUTER HARDWARE &PERIPH1401 - 7120- 533.31 -60 MEMBERSHIPS MEMBERSHIPS 01 -14 NC 3604570831558B 01 -14 NC 3604571535571B 01 -14 NC 360457041 1 1 99 B 01 -14 NC 3604576684085B 01 -14 NC 3604570968343B Power Systems December Cleaning Svc Glass Beads RENTAL /LEASE EQUIPMENT ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY Excise Tax Return -Dec COFFEE FILTERS TAPE(NOT DP,SOUND,VIDEO) FREIGHT CHGS ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY EDUCATIONAL SERVICES ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY SAFETY GLASSES SAFETY GLASSES MATERIAL HNDLING &STOR EQP MATERIAL HNDLING &STOR EQP ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY LAUNDRY /DRY CLEANING SERV LAUNDRY /DRY CLEANING SERV ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY Fuel for Morse Creek Gen ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY Auger Stihl Tune up Lease Fees USB Cables MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVICE MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 01 -14 a/c 3604574717777B Page 15 Account Number 401- 7111- 533.42 -10 Division Total: 401 - 7120 - 533.49 -01 401 - 7120 - 533.41 -50 401 - 7120 - 533.49 -01 401 - 7120 - 533.49 -01 401 - 7120 - 533.49 -01 401- 7120- 533.42 -10 401- 7120- 533.42 -10 401- 7120- 533.42 -10 401- 7120- 533.42 -10 401- 7120- 533.42 -10 Division Total: 401 - 7180 - 533.41 -50 401 - 7180 - 533.34 -02 401 - 7180 - 533.45 -31 401 - 7180 - 533.34 -02 401 - 7180 - 533.49 -50 401 - 7180- 533.31 -01 401 - 7180 - 533.34 -02 401 - 7180 - 533.34 -02 401 - 7180 - 533.34 -02 401 - 7180 - 533.41 -50 401 - 7180- 533.35 -01 401 - 7180- 533.31 -01 401 - 7180- 533.31 -01 401 - 7180 - 533.34 -02 401 - 7180 - 533.34 -02 401 - 7180 - 533.34 -02 401 - 7180 - 533.41 -50 401 - 7180 - 533.41 -50 401- 7180- 533.48 -10 401 - 7180 - 533.34 -02 401 - 7180- 533.35 -01 401 - 7180- 533.35 -01 401- 7180- 533.48 -10 401 - 7180 - 533.45 -30 401 - 7180 - 533.34 -02 401 - 7180 - 533.41 -50 401 - 7180 - 533.41 -50 401- 7180- 533.42 -10 Date: 2/11/2011 Invoice Amount 0.70 $20.63 205.00 320.00 4,878.00 29.05 470.00 19,335.00 0.35 0.59 16.77 2.22 0.70 $25,257.68 169.00 41.09 176.61 87.80 119,783.20 62.74 843.85 144.03 101.63 2,350.34 95.57 65.00 80.00 308.85 498.05 313.49 71.05 71.05 60.82 274.04 407.54 513.76 98.32 4,100.00 129.09 133.00 14.15 124.72 F -26 Vendor QWEST ROHLINGER ENTERPRISES INC SEARS COMMERCIAL ONE SNAP -ON TOOLS - CHUGGER DEANE SUNSET DO -IT BEST HARDWARE UNITED PARCEL SERVICE WESCO DISTRIBUTION INC WESTERN SYSTEMS, INC ZEE MEDICAL SERVICE CO Public Works- Electric AZTECA SYSTEMS, INC DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE -WIRES FERGUSON ENTERPRISES INC AMSAN AZTECA SYSTEMS, INC BAXTER AUTO PARTS #15 BLAKE TILE & STONE, INC DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE -WIRES EDGE ANALYTICAL City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 1/22/2011 To: 2/4/2011 Description 01 -14 NC 3604570831558B 01 -14 NC 3604571535571B 01 -14 NC 360457041 1 1 99 B 01 -14 NC 3604576684085B 01 -14 NC 3604570968343B ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY EQUIP MAINT & REPAIR SERV ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY Supplies BUILDER'S SUPPLIES ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY Sawzall Blades ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY Shipping Chgs ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL Electric Operations Account Number 401- 7180- 533.42 -10 401- 7180- 533.42 -10 401- 7180- 533.42 -10 401- 7180- 533.42 -10 401- 7180- 533.42 -10 401 - 7180- 533.35 -01 401 - 7180- 533.35 -01 401- 7180- 533.48 -10 401 - 7180 - 533.34 -02 401 - 7180- 533.35 -01 401 - 7180 - 533.34 -02 401 - 7180 - 533.34 -02 401 - 7180 - 533.34 -02 401 - 7180- 533.35 -01 401 - 7180- 533.35 -01 401 - 7180- 533.35 -01 401- 7180- 533.42 -10 401 - 7180 - 533.34 -02 401 - 7180 - 533.34 -02 401 - 7180 - 533.34 -02 401 - 7180 - 533.34 -02 Division Total: Public Works- Electric Department Total: Electric Utility Fund Fund Total: CMMS SUPPORT /SOFTWARE 402 - 0000 - 237.00 -00 Excise Tax Return -Dec 402- 0000 - 237.00 -00 Freight Chgs 402- 0000 - 141.40 -00 PIPE FITTINGS 402 - 0000 - 141.40 -00 Division Total: Department Total: PAPER & PLASTIC - DISPOSABL 402 - 7380 - 534.31 -20 CMMS SUPPORT /SOFTWARE 402 - 7380 - 534.48 -02 HAND TOOLS , POW &NON POWER 402 - 7380 - 534.31 -20 Crushed Basalt 402- 7380 - 534.31 -20 Crushed Basalt 402- 7380 - 534.31 -20 CASCADE COLUMBIA DISTRIBUTION, INC WATER &SEWER TREATING CHEN/ 402- 7380 - 534.31 -05 CED /CONSOLIDATED ELEC DIST INC Conduit/Wire 402 - 7380 - 534.31 -20 MASS TRANS, RAI L ACC& PRTS ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY Excise Tax Return -Dec TESTING &CALIBRATION SERV! 402 - 7380 - 534.31 -20 402 - 7380 - 534.35 -01 402 - 7380 - 534.49 -50 402 - 7380 - 534.41 -50 WATER &SEWER TREATING CHEN/402- 7380 - 534.41 -50 Page 16 Date: 2/11/2011 Invoice Amount 2.79 4.69 134.19 17.72 5.59 317.89 1,729.80 115.99 50.04 38.75 21.84 9.05 63.18 12.67 23.88 30.71 183.58 94.80 166.37 425.47 75.95 $134,643.74 $159,922.05 $3,021,893.53 - 2,100.00 21.47 170.12 423.18 - $1,485.23 - $1,485.23 247.36 27,100.00 60.90 132.79 -14.91 602.46 183.17 203.52 162.60 20,110.61 255.00 27.00 F - 27 Vendor FERGUSON ENTERPRISES INC HACH COMPANY JCI -JONES CHEMICALS INC LAB SAFETY SUPPLY INC ABPA OFFICE DEPOT PACIFIC OFFICE EQUIPMENT INC PUD #1 OF CLALLAM COUNTY QWEST SNAP -ON TOOLS - CHUGGER DEANE SUNSET DO -IT BEST HARDWARE SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC THURMAN SUPPLY TWISS ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES UNITED RENTALS NORTHWEST INC City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 1/22/2011 To: 2/4/2011 Description Account Number PVC Coup 402 - 7380 - 534.31 -20 CHEMICAL LAB EQUIP & SUPP 402 - 7380 - 534.31 -20 WATER &SEWER TREATING CH EN/ 402- 7380 - 534.31 -20 CHEMICAL LAB EQUIP & SUPP 402 - 7380 - 534.31 -20 150# CL2 Pickup 402 - 7380 - 534.31 -05 MARKERS, P LAQ U ES, S I G N S 402 - 7380 - 534.31 -20 BACKFLOW PREVENTION MEMBE 402 - 7380 - 534.49 -01 SUPPLIES 402 - 7380 - 534.31 -01 SUPPLIES 402 - 7380 - 534.31 -01 203 Reservoir Rd 402 - 7380 - 534.47 -10 Crown Z Water Rd 402 - 7380 - 534.47 -10 01 -14 a/c 3604571270975B 01 -10 a/c 360Z 100240955 B 01 -14 NC 3604570831558B 01 -14 NC 3604571535571B 01 -14 NC 360457041 1 1 99 B 01 -14 NC 3604576684085B 01 -14 NC 3604570968343B HAND TOOLS , POW &NON POWER 402 - 7380 - 534.35 -01 ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 402 - 7380 - 534.31 -20 HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS 402 - 7380 - 534.31 -20 FASTENERS, FASTENING DEVS 402 - 7380 - 534.31 -20 HAND TOOLS , POW &NON POWER 402 - 7380 - 534.35 -01 SHOES AND BOOTS SHOES AND BOOTS BRUSHES (NOT CLASSIFIED) BAGS, BAGGI NG,TI ES, EROSION HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS JANITORIAL SUPPLIES PIPE AND TUBING PIPE AND TUBING PIPE AND TUBING METALS, BARS, PLATES, RODS PIPE AND TUBING PIPE FITTINGS PIPE AND TUBING Page 17 402 - 7380 - 534.42 -10 402 - 7380 - 534.42 -10 402 - 7380 - 534.42 -10 402 - 7380 - 534.42 -10 402 - 7380 - 534.42 -10 402 - 7380 - 534.42 -10 402 - 7380 - 534.42 -10 402 - 7380 - 534.31 -01 402 - 7380 - 534.31 -01 402 - 7380 - 534.31 -20 402 - 7380 - 534.31 -20 402 - 7380 - 534.31 -20 402 - 7380 - 534.31 -20 402 - 7380 - 534.31 -20 402 - 7380 - 534.31 -20 402 - 7380 - 534.31 -20 402 - 7380 - 534.31 -20 402 - 7380 - 534.31 -20 402 - 7380 - 534.31 -20 402 - 7380 - 534.31 -20 WATER &SEWER TREATING CH EN/ 402- 7380 - 534.41 -50 TESTI NG &CALI BRATION SERVI 402 - 7380 - 534.41 -50 WATER &SEWER TREATING CH EN/ 402- 7380 - 534.41 -50 TESTI NG &CALI BRATION SERVI 402 - 7380 - 534.41 -50 TESTI NG &CALI BRATION SERVI 402 - 7380 - 534.41 -50 HAND TOOLS , POW &NON POWER 402 - 7380 - 534.31 -20 Date: 2/11/2011 Invoice Amount 37.29 539.07 935.88 277.88 - 300.00 472.21 60.00 79.50 236.28 152.16 26.36 172.83 146.91 0.70 1.17 33.54 4.43 1.40 131.16 17.31 57.35 50.28 24.38 138.64 150.00 7.09 36.35 21.12 77.54 47.70 35.77 11.92 82.19 262.63 20.52 35.54 173.00 215.00 22.50 215.00 215.00 216.69 F -28 Vendor USA BLUEBOOK XEROX CORPORATION Public Works -Water ATCO INTERNATIONAL, INC DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE -WIRES ADS EQUIPMENT INC ADS, LLC AMSAN ANGELES CONCRETE PRODUCTS ATCO INTERNATIONAL, INC CED /CONSOLIDATED ELEC DIST INC DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE -WIRES FERGUSON ENTERPRISES INC GRAINGER INSIGHT PUBLIC SECTOR JCI -JONES CHEMICALS INC KAMAN INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGIES LINCOLN INDUSTRIAL CORP NORTHWEST BIOSOLIDS MGMT ASSN OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC PACIFIC OFFICE EQUIPMENT INC PUD #1 OF CLALLAM COUNTY QWEST City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 1/22/2011 To: 2/4/2011 Description ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY RENTAL /LEASE EQUIPMENT Water Public Works -Water Water Fund CLEANING COMPOSITION /SOLV Excise Tax Return -Dec Permitting for FEMA Proj Permitting for FEMA Proj Permitting for FEMA Proj PAPER & PLASTIC - DISPOSABL Sand CLEANING COMPOSITION /SOLV ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY Tape /Foam carrier Tape /Tie Pliers /Jct Box 40 gel 757 Excise Tax Return -Dec Bolt/Gasket set Freight chgs Hose SmartOnLine 6K SmartOnLine S6000RT3U WATER &SEWER TREATING CH EN 403- 7480 - 535.31 -05 ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 403 - 7480 - 535.31 -20 POWER TRANSMISSION EQUIPM 403 - 7480 - 535.31 -20 SHIPPING AND HANDLING Stainless Steel Material MEMBERSHIPS SUPPLIES COMMUNICATIONS /MEDIA SERV 403 - 7480 - 535.31 -01 150 N Brook Ave 01 -14 a/c 3604574859247B 01 -14 a/c 3604576315689B 01 -16 a/c 206T329544912B 01 -16 a/c 206T25585090B 01 -14 NC 3604570831558B 01 -14 NC 3604571535571B 01 -14 NC 360457041 1 1 99 B Page 18 Account Number 402 - 7380 - 534.35 -01 402 - 7380 - 534.45 -31 Division Total: Department Total: Fund Total: 403 - 0000 - 237.00 -00 403 - 0000 - 237.00 -00 Division Total: Department Total: 403 - 7480 - 535.41 -50 403 - 7480 - 535.41 -50 403 - 7480 - 535.41 -50 403 - 7480 - 535.31 -01 403 - 7480 - 535.31 -01 403 - 7480 - 535.31 -01 403 - 7480 - 535.31 -01 403 - 7480 - 535.31 -20 403 - 7480 - 535.31 -20 403 - 7480 - 535.31 -20 403 - 7480 - 535.31 -20 403 - 7480 - 535.49 -50 403 - 7480 - 535.31 -20 403 - 7480 - 535.42 -10 403 - 7480 - 535.31 -20 403 - 7480 - 535.35 -01 403 - 7480 - 535.35 -01 403 - 7480 - 535.42 -10 403 - 7480 - 535.31 -20 403 - 7480 - 535.49 -01 403 - 7480 - 535.31 -01 403 - 7480 - 535.47 -10 403 - 7480 - 535.42 -10 403 - 7480 - 535.42 -10 403 - 7480 - 535.42 -10 403 - 7480 - 535.42 -10 403 - 7480 - 535.42 -10 403 - 7480 - 535.42 -10 403 - 7480 - 535.42 -10 Date: 2/11/2011 Invoice Amount 267.00 69.34 $54,549.13 $54,549.13 $53,063.90 -21.42 289.23 $267.81 $267.81 4,437.81 - 4,437.81 4,437.81 268.18 253.54 276.42 111.11 135.91 88.41 86.86 58.54 12,832.24 141.86 96.02 90.45 - 3,416.77 4,071.06 6,216.51 239.06 12.30 21.41 29.94 274.00 88.79 16.25 213.58 79.95 80.07 54.40 54.40 0.93 1.56 44.73 F - 29 Vendor QWEST R J SERVICES INC S & B INC City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 1/22/2011 To: 2/4/2011 Date: 2/11/2011 Description Account Number Invoice Amount 01 - NC 3604576684085B 403 - 7480 - 535.42 -10 5.91 01 -14 NC 3604570968343B 403 - 7480 - 535.42 -10 1.86 EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE,REC 403 - 7480 - 535.48 -10 26,016.00 CONSTRUCTION SERVICES,HEA 403 - 7480 - 535.41 -50 3,794.00 CONSTRUCTION SERVICES,HEA 403 - 7480 - 535.41 -50 6,504.00 SUNSET DO -IT BEST HARDWARE CHEMICAL LAB EQUIP & SUPP 403 - 7480 - 535.31 -01 12.53 SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC Boots 403 - 7480 - 535.31 -01 150.00 FIRST AID & SAFETY EQUIP. 403 - 7480 - 535.31 -01 107.09 THURMAN SUPPLY Bronze bell reducer 403 - 7480 - 535.31 -20 5.71 Brass fittings 403- 7480 - 535.31 -20 16.49 PIPE FITTINGS 403 - 7480 - 535.31 -20 10.32 COMPUTER ACCESSORIES &SUPF403 - 7480 - 535.31 -20 15.18 PIPE FITTINGS 403 - 7480 - 535.31 -20 12.49 COMPUTER ACCESSORIES &SUPF403 - 7480 - 535.31 -20 5.85 TITUS INDUSTRIAL GROUP WATER SEWAGE TREATMENT EQ403- 7480 - 535.31 -20 228.85 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE Shipping Chgs 403- 7480 - 535.42 -10 59.60 WA STATE DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY ENVIRONMENTAL &ECOLOGICAL 403- 7480 - 535.49 -90 1,246.77 XEROX CORPORATION RENTAL /LEASE EQUIPMENT 403 - 7480 - 535.45 -31 69.36 Public Works-WW/Storm 14 Wastewater Division Total: $65,221.53 Public Works -WW /Stormwtr Department Total: $65,221.53 Wastewater Fund Fund Total: $65,489.34 A -1 PERFORMANCE, INC December Cleaning Svc 404 - 7580 - 537.41 -50 76.05 BUSCH SYSTEMS INTL INC BARRELS, DRUMS, KEGS, CTN 404 - 7580 - 537.31 -01 412.40 DATABAR INCORPORATED Solid Waste Calendar 404- 7580 - 537.44 -10 1,588.86 DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE -WIRES Excise Tax Return -Dec 404 - 7580 - 537.49 -50 9,284.81 OFFICE DEPOT SUPPLIES 404 - 7580 - 537.31 -01 79.50 OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL 404 - 7580 - 537.31 -01 16.67 PUGET SAFETY EQUIPMENT INC OPTICAL EQUIP ACESS& SUPP 404- 7580 - 537.31 -01 24.26 QWEST 01 - NC 3604570831558B 404 - 7580 - 537.42 -10 0.47 01 -14 NC 3604571535571B 404 - 7580 - 537.42 -10 0.78 01 -14 NC 360457041 1 1 99B 404 - 7580 - 537.42 -10 22.36 01 -14 NC 3604576684085B 404 - 7580 - 537.42 -10 2.95 01 -14 NC 3604570968343B 404 - 7580 - 537.42 -10 0.93 RADIO PACIFIC INC (KONP) Carpet/Booth Drapery 404- 7580 - 537.44 -10 380.00 SEQUIM GAZETTE, THE Master Compost Adv 404 - 7580 - 537.44 -10 225.00 STROMSKI REPAIR & WELDING SALE SURPLUS /OBSOLETE 404 - 7580 - 537.48 -10 427.10 WASTE CONNECTIONS, INC Curbside Recycling 404 - 7580 - 537.41 -51 41,856.01 Public Works -Solid Waste Solid Waste- Collections Division Total: $54,398.15 Public Works -Solid Waste Department Total: $54,398.15 Solid Waste- Collections Fund Total: $54,398.15 DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE -WIRES Excise Tax Return -Dec 405 - 0000 - 237.00 -00 49.93 Excise Tax Return -Dec 405- 0000 - 237.10 -00 78.21 F - 30 Page 19 Vendor City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 1/22/2011 To: 2/4/2011 Date: 2/11/2011 Description Account Number Invoice Amount Division Total: $128.14 Department Total: $128.14 CLALLAM CNTY ROAD DEPT 2010 Solid Waste Charges 405 - 7538 - 537.49 -90 4,231.81 DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE -WIRES Excise Tax Return -Dec 405 - 7538 - 537.49 -50 25,553.33 MIDWEST LABORATORIES INC Garden Glory Compost 405 - 7538 - 537.41 -50 315.00 Garden Glory Compost 405 - 7538 - 537.41 -50 - 280.01 MICHELLE HALE Mileage Reimbursement 405 - 7538 - 537.43 -10 40.00 OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC SUPPLIES 405 - 7538 - 537.31 -01 4.14 QWEST 01 - NC 3604570831558B 405 - 7538 - 537.42 -10 0.47 01 -14 NC 3604571535571B 405 - 7538 - 537.42 -10 0.78 01 -14 NC 360457041 1 1 99B 405 - 7538 - 537.42 -10 22.36 01 -14 NC 3604576684085B 405 - 7538 - 537.42 -10 2.95 01 -14 NC 3604570968343B 405 - 7538 - 537.42 -10 0.93 SEARS COMMERCIAL ONE OFFICE MACHINES & ACCESS 405 - 7538 - 537.31 -01 65.03 WAK -IN MAN, INC Freon Disposal 405 - 7538 - 537.48 -10 527.37 WASTE CONNECTIONS, INC Curbside Recycling 405 - 7538 - 537.41 -51 1,213.04 Transfer Station Svcs 405 - 7538 - 537.41 -51 235,471.10 Transfer Station Svcs 405- 7538 - 537.45 -30 5,367.27 Transfer Station Svcs 405 - 7538 - 591.71 -10 24,336.65 Transfer Station Svcs 405 - 7538 - 592.81 -10 38,442.08 XEROX CORPORATION RENTAL /LEASE EQUIPMENT 405 - 7538 - 537.45 -31 69.36 Public Works -Solid Waste SW - Transfer Station Division Total: $335,383.66 ASPECT CONSULTING, LLC Landfill Engineering Svcs 405 - 7585 - 537.41 -50 3,943.25 Landfill Engineering Svcs 405 - 7585 - 537.41 -50 13,373.50 Landfill Engineering Svcs 405 - 7585 - 537.41 -50 6,592.32 LINCOLN INDUSTRIAL CORP PIPE AND TUBING 405 - 7585 - 537.31 -20 15.61 PEN PRINT INC OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL 405 - 7585 - 537.41 -50 170.40 SIEMENS INDUSTRY CONTRL,INDICA,RECORD INST 405 - 7585 - 537.48 -10 2,617.21 Public Works -Solid Waste Solid Waste- Landfill Division Total: $26,712.29 Public Works -Solid Waste Department Total: $362,095.95 Solid Waste- LF /Trf Stn Fund Total: $362,224.09 DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE -WIRES Excise Tax Return -Dec 406 - 7412- 538.49 -50 1,536.86 QWEST 01 - NC 3604570831558B 406 - 7412- 538.42 -10 0.23 01 -14 NC 3604571535571B 406 - 7412- 538.42 -10 0.39 01 -14 NC 360457041 1 1 99B 406 - 7412- 538.42 -10 11.18 01 -14 NC 3604576684085B 406 - 7412- 538.42 -10 1.48 01 -14 NC 3604570968343B 406 - 7412- 538.42 -10 0.47 Public Works-WW/Storm 14 Stormwater Division Total: $1,550.61 Public Works -WW /Stormwtr Department Total: $1,550.61 Stormwater Fund Fund Total: $1,550.61 DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE -WIRES Excise Tax Return -Dec 409 - 0000 - 237.00 -00 428.26 PROGRESSIVE MEDICAL INTERNATIONAI SUPPLIES 409 - 0000 - 237.00 -00 -25.39 F -31 Page 20 Vendor Description PROGRESSIVE MEDICAL INTERNATIONAI SUPPLIES ALL WEATHER HEATING & COOLING ANGELES MILLWORK & LUMBER CO C & F INSULATION CLALLAM CNTY DEPT OF COMM DEV COZI HOMES CONSTRUCTION, INC EVERWARM HEARTH & HOME INC FLUID MARKET STRATEGIES GLASS SERVICES CO INC ANNE DALTON BARBARA JACOBS BARBARA KU RHAJ ETZ BOBBI FABELLANO BRYAN HAHN CHRISTINE SMITH CINDY GUOAN CRAIG WILCOX DIANA ASSUMPACO ELIJAH HAMMEL JEFFERY AMES JESSE REYNOLDS City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 1/22/2011 To: 2/4/2011 BLUMENTHAL UNIFORMS & EQUIP UNIFORM CLALLAM CNTY EMS Medic I Advisory KING CNTY OFFICE OF FINANCIAL MGMT EMS ONLINE TRAINING MOROZ, JAMES FIRST AID CLASS 1/28/11 NATIONAL SAFETY COUNCIL SUBSCRIPTION RENEWAL OLYMPIC MEDICAL CENTER December Supplies PROGRESSIVE MEDICAL INTERNATIONAI SUPPLIES SUPPLIES QWEST 01 -14 NC 3604570831558B 01 -14 NC 3604571535571B 01 -14 NC 360457041 1 1 99 B 01 -14 NC 3604576684085B 01 -14 NC 3604570968343B SYSTEMS DESIGN WEST, LLC BILLING SERVICES VERIZON WIRELESS 01 -15 a/c 264395724 -00001 Fire Department Medic I Fire Department Medic I Utility CITY REBATES PAINTING EQUIPMENT & ACC CITY REBATES - FLOOR INSU Interlocal Agreement CITY REBATE CITY REBATES Product Incentive Costs Oct -Dec Promotional Sales CITY REBATE CITY REBATE CITY REBATE CITY REBATE CITY REBATE CITY REBATE CITY REBATE CITY REBATE CITY REBATES CITY REBATE CITY REBATE CITY REBATES CITY REBATE Page 21 Account Number 409 - 0000 - 237.00 -00 Division Total: Department Total: 409 - 6025 - 526.20 -80 409 - 6025 - 526.41 -50 409 - 6025 - 526.43 -10 409 - 6025 - 526.31 -08 409 - 6025 - 526.31 -08 409 - 6025 - 526.31 -13 409 - 6025 - 526.31 -02 409 - 6025 - 526.31 -02 409 - 6025 - 526.42 -10 409 - 6025 - 526.42 -10 409 - 6025 - 526.42 -10 409 - 6025 - 526.42 -10 409 - 6025 - 526.42 -10 409 - 6025 - 526.41 -50 409 - 6025 - 526.42 -10 Division Total: Department Total: Fund Total: 421 - 7121- 533.49 -86 421 - 7121- 533.35 -01 421 - 7121- 533.49 -86 421 - 7121- 533.49 -86 421 - 7121- 533.49 -86 421 - 7121- 533.49 -86 421 - 7121- 533.49 -86 421 - 7121- 533.49 -86 421 - 7121- 533.49 -86 421 - 7121- 533.49 -86 421 - 7121- 533.49 -86 421 - 7121- 533.49 -86 421 - 7121- 533.49 -86 421 - 7121- 533.49 -86 421 - 7121- 533.49 -86 421 - 7121- 533.49 -86 421 - 7121- 533.49 -86 421 - 7121- 533.49 -86 421 - 7121- 533.49 -86 421 - 7121- 533.49 -86 421 - 7121- 533.49 -86 Date: 2/11/2011 Invoice Amount -50.04 $352.83 $352.83 114.85 600.00 1,100.00 200.00 80.00 538.60 327.59 645.69 1.40 2.34 67.09 8.86 2.79 2,161.72 86.44 $5,937.37 $5,937.37 $6,290.20 1,500.00 25.79 833.30 4,869.50 384.00 744.00 6,759.00 5,760.75 52, 530.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 50.00 50.00 25.00 50.00 50.00 25.00 125.00 50.00 25.00 F - 32 Vendor JOHN HEINZ JOSEPH THURSTON JUSTIN & JAMIE HUFF KAY KASSINGER KEN DUBUC KIETH WILSON LISA HU PAT LOOT PAT R I CA BRAY STEVE BROOKS TAMI BRADLEY THEODORE BURTON TONY MORGAN TRACI PARCKYS VERN PETERS 1ST SOURCE LIGHTING RADIO PACIFIC INC (KONP) SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC Public Works- Electric OLYMPIC ELECTRIC CO INC PARKER LEPLA Public Works- Electric BROWN AND CALDWELL CASCADIA LAW GROUP FARALLON CONSULTING, LLC HARRIS & ASSOCIATES, INC RICK'S PLACE Public Works-WW/Storm 14 BAXTER AUTO PARTS #15 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 1/22/2011 To: 2/4/2011 Description CITY REBATE CITY REBATE CITY REBATE CITY REBATES CITY REBATES CITY REBATE CITY REBATES CITY REBATE CITY REBATE CITY REBATE CITY REBATE CITY REBATE CITY REBATE CITY REBATE CITY REBATES Sample Insulation Adv 2010 Tarp TAPE(NOT DP,SOUND,VIDEO) Conservation Public Works- Electric Conservation CONSTRUCTION SERVICES,TRA AMI Communication Plan AMI Communication Plan DR Res Pilot Comm Plan Electric Projects Public Works- Electric Electric Utility CIP PH 1 CSO Improvements Proj PH 1 CSO Improvements Proj PH 1 CSO Improvements Proj PH 1 CSO Improvements Proj Rayonier -CSO ENGINGEERING SERVICES Page 22 Account Number 421 - 7121- 533.49 -86 421 - 7121- 533.49 -86 421 - 7121- 533.49 -86 421 - 7121- 533.49 -86 421 - 7121- 533.49 -86 421 - 7121- 533.49 -86 421 - 7121- 533.49 -86 421 - 7121- 533.49 -86 421 - 7121- 533.49 -86 421 - 7121- 533.49 -86 421 - 7121- 533.49 -86 421 - 7121- 533.49 -86 421 - 7121- 533.49 -86 421 - 7121- 533.49 -86 421 - 7121- 533.49 -86 421 - 7121- 533.49 -86 421 - 7121 - 533.41 -50 421 - 7121- 533.35 -01 421 - 7121- 533.35 -01 Division Total: Department Total: Fund Total: 451- 7188- 594.65 -10 451 - 7188- 594.41 -50 451 - 7188- 594.41 -50 451 - 7188- 594.41 -50 Division Total: Department Total: Fund Total: 453 - 7488 - 594.41 -50 453 - 7488 - 594.41 -50 453 - 7488 - 594.41 -50 453 - 7488 - 594.41 -50 453 - 7488 - 594.41 -50 453 - 7488 - 594.41 -50 CSO Phase 1 453 - 7488 - 594.41 -50 CSO Phase I Review 453 - 7488 - 594.41 -50 WORKING LUNCH -CSO PROJECT 453 - 7488 - 594.31 -01 Wastewater Projects Division Total: Public Works -WW /Stormwtr Department Total: WasteWater Utility CIP Fund Total: AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501 - 0000 - 141.40 -00 Date: 2/11/2011 Invoice Amount 50.00 50.00 225.00 25.00 1,100.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 629.80 110.00 25.17 25.59 $76,596.90 $76,596.90 $76,596.90 49, 636.36 2,130.00 9,919.25 7,105.00 $68,790.61 $68,790.61 $68,790.61 90,706.10 145,403.95 65,637.05 -2,666.67 1,127.25 855.90 1,731.90 44,138.44 87.80 $347,021.72 $347,021.72 $347,021.72 F- 8 8 Vendor BAXTER AUTO PARTS #15 DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE -WIRES IBS INCORPORATED MATCO TOOLS MCMASTER -CARR SUPPLY CO NAPA AUTO PARTS PETTIT OIL COMPANY A -1 PERFORMANCE, INC ARAMARK BAXTER AUTO PARTS #15 CED /CONSOLIDATED ELEC DIST INC COPY CAT GRAPHICS CRASH SUPPLY INC DEPARTMENT OF LICENSING DEPT OF GENERAL ADMINISTRATION FAR -WEST MACHINE & HYDRAULICS H & R PARTS & EQUIPMENT INC HEARTLINE City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 1/22/2011 To: 2/4/2011 Description AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS Excise Tax Return -Dec AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS Steel Shelving FIRST AID & SAFETY EQUIP. AUTO & TRUCK ACCESSORIES AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK ACCESSORIES AUTO & TRUCK ACCESSORIES AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK ACCESSORIES AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS FUEL,OIL,GREASE, & LUBES FUEL,OIL,GREASE, & LUBES FUEL,OIL,GREASE, & LUBES FUEL,OIL,GREASE, & LUBES FUEL,OIL,GREASE, & LUBES December Cleaning Svc LAUNDRY /DRY CLEANING SERV CLOTHING & APPAREL CLOTHING & APPAREL AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS Equipment/Supplies AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK ACCESSORIES EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS LICENSE /TITLE FEES MEMBERSHIPS EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS Page 23 Account Number 501- 0000 - 141.40 -00 501 - 0000 - 237.00 -00 501- 0000 - 141.40 -00 501- 0000 - 141.40 -00 501- 0000 - 141.40 -00 501 - 0000 - 237.00 -00 501 - 0000 - 237.00 -00 501- 0000 - 141.40 -00 501- 0000 - 141.40 -00 501- 0000 - 141.40 -00 501- 0000 - 141.40 -00 501- 0000 - 141.40 -00 501- 0000 - 141.40 -00 501- 0000 - 141.40 -00 501- 0000 - 141.40 -00 501- 0000 - 141.40 -00 501- 0000 - 141.40 -00 501- 0000 - 141.40 -00 501- 0000 - 141.20 -00 501- 0000 - 141.20 -00 501- 0000 - 141.20 -00 501- 0000 - 141.20 -00 501- 0000 - 141.20 -00 Division Total: Department Total: 501 - 7630- 548.41 -50 501 - 7630- 548.49 -90 501 - 7630- 548.49 -90 501 - 7630- 548.49 -90 501 - 7630- 548.34 -02 501 - 7630- 548.34 -02 501 - 7630- 548.34 -02 501 - 7630- 548.34 -02 501 - 7630- 548.34 -02 501 - 7630- 548.34 -02 501 - 7630- 548.34 -02 501 - 7630- 548.34 -02 501 - 7630- 548.49 -01 501 - 7630- 548.34 -02 501 - 7630- 548.34 -02 501 - 7630- 548.34 -02 501 - 7630- 548.34 -02 Date: 2/11/2011 Invoice Amount 64.76 526.91 176.93 49.75 38.25 - 107.38 -79.12 163.08 234.39 28.41 28.41 49.40 272.06 13.27 64.99 97.28 76.38 15.50 5,762.59 6,253.64 1,009.87 6,334.20 5,972.05 $27,126.50 $27,126.50 95.50 62.45 108.39 52.63 22.69 62.67 - 121.90 9.76 260.16 216.80 13.33 15.75 250.00 145.58 57.97 43.31 43.31 F - 34 Vendor City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 1/22/2011 To: 2/4/2011 Date: 2/11/2011 Description Account Number Invoice Amount HUGHES FIRE EQUIPMENT INC AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501- 7630 - 548.34 -02 101.78 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501 - 7630 - 548.34 -02 198.62 MCMASTER -CARR SUPPLY CO FIRST AID & SAFETY EQUIP. 501- 7630 - 548.31 -01 1,021.00 Steel Shelving 501 - 7630- 548.31 -20 1,385.63 NAPA AUTO PARTS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501 - 7630- 548.34 -02 31.71 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501 - 7630- 548.34 -02 76.57 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501 - 7630 - 548.34 -02 -9.08 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501 - 7630 - 548.34 -02 9.06 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501 - 7630 - 548.34 -02 9.06 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501 - 7630 - 548.34 -02 -9.06 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501 - 7630- 548.34 -02 37.77 AUTO & TRUCK ACCESSORIES 501 - 7630- 548.34 -02 21.34 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501 - 7630- 548.34 -02 39.67 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501 - 7630 - 548.34 -02 21.31 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501 - 7630- 548.34 -02 44.65 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501 - 7630- 548.34 -02 7.57 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501 - 7630 - 548.34 -02 5.84 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501 - 7630 - 548.34 -02 20.54 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501 - 7630 - 548.34 -02 6.46 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501 - 7630 - 548.34 -02 40.98 AUTO & TRUCK ACCESSORIES 501 - 7630- 548.34 -02 13.55 AUTO & TRUCK ACCESSORIES 501 - 7630- 548.34 -02 44.65 NELSON TRUCK EQUIPMENT CO INC AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501- 7630 - 548.34 -02 434.22 O'REILLY AUTO PARTS AUTO SHOP EQUIPMENT & SUP 501 - 7630- 548.35 -01 21.67 PETTIT OIL COMPANY FUEL,OIL,GREASE, & LUBES 501 - 7630- 548.32 -13 391.08 FUEL,OIL,GREASE, & LUBES 501 - 7630- 548.32 -13 202.76 FUEL,OIL,GREASE, & LUBES 501 - 7630- 548.32 -13 246.58 PEWAG, INC AUTO & TRUCK ACCESSORIES 501 - 7630- 548.34 -02 208.64 PORT ANGELES FORD LINCOLN EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501 - 7630 - 548.34 -02 525.01 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501 - 7630 - 548.34 -02 104.01 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501 - 7630 - 548.34 -02 29.21 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501 - 7630 - 548.34 -02 29.21 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501 - 7630 - 548.34 -02 822.60 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501 - 7630 - 548.34 -02 108.60 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501 - 7630- 548.34 -02 215.76 PORT ANGELES TIRE FACTORY EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501- 7630 - 548.34 -02 115.07 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501 - 7630 - 548.34 -02 16.21 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501 - 7630 - 548.34 -02 717.22 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501 - 7630 - 548.34 -02 48.03 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501 - 7630 - 548.34 -02 18.37 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501 - 7630 - 548.34 -02 18.37 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501 - 7630 - 548.34 -02 76.50 F - 35 Page 24 Vendor PORT ANGELES TIRE FACTORY PUBLIC FLEET MANAGERS ASSN QWEST RICHMOND 2 -WAY RADIO RUDDELL AUTO MALL SNAP -ON TOOLS - CHUGGER DEANE STRAIT MOBILE DETAILING STRYKER SALES CORPORATION SUNSET DO -IT BEST HARDWARE TRANCO TRANSMISSIONS INC UNITED PARCEL SERVICE WESTERN PETERBILT INC WILDER TOYOTA INC XEROX CORPORATION Public Works -Equip Svcs DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE -WIRES DELL MARKETING LP INSIGHT PUBLIC SECTOR QWEST City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 1/22/2011 To: 2/4/2011 Description Account Number EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501 - 7630 - 548.34 -02 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501 - 7630 - 548.34 -02 MEMBERSHIPS 501 - 7630- 548.49 -01 01 -14 NC 3604570831558B 501 - 7630 - 548.42 -10 01 -14 NC 3604571535571B 501 - 7630 - 548.42 -10 01 -14 NC 360457041 1 1 99B 501 - 7630 - 548.42 -10 01 -14 NC 3604576684085B 501 - 7630 - 548.42 -10 01 -14 NC 3604570968343B 501 - 7630 - 548.42 -10 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501 - 7630 - 548.34 -02 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501 - 7630 - 548.34 -02 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501 - 7630 - 548.34 -02 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501 - 7630 - 548.34 -02 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501 - 7630 - 548.34 -02 AUTO & TRUCK ACCESSORIES 501 - 7630- 548.34 -02 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501 - 7630 - 548.34 -02 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501 - 7630 - 548.34 -02 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501 - 7630 - 548.34 -02 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501 - 7630 - 548.34 -02 AUTO SHOP EQUIPMENT & SUP 501 - 7630 - 548.35 -01 AUTO SHOP EQUIPMENT & SUP 501 - 7630 - 548.35 -01 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501 - 7630 - 548.34 -02 HOSP. & SURG MOBILE 501 - 7630- 548.34 -02 RENTAL /LEASE EQUIPMENT 501 - 7630 - 548.34 -02 Service Transmission 501 - 7630- 548.34 -02 Shipping Chgs 501- 7630- 548.42 -10 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501 - 7630 - 548.34 -02 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501 - 7630 - 548.34 -02 Transmission Chk 501- 7630 - 548.34 -02 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501 - 7630 - 548.34 -02 RENTAL /LEASE EQUIPMENT 501 - 7630 - 548.45 -31 Equipment Services Division Total: Public Works -Equip Svcs Department Total: Equipment Services Fund Total: Excise Tax Return -Dec 502 - 0000 - 237.00 -00 Division Total: Department Total: COMPUTER HARDWARE &PERI PHI 502 - 2081 - 518.31 -60 COMPUTERS, DP & WORD PROC. 502 - 2081 - 518.48 -02 01 -14 NC 3604570831558B 502 - 2081 - 518.42 -10 01 -14 NC 3604571535571 B 502 - 2081 - 518.42 -10 01 -14 NC 360457041 1 1 99B 502 - 2081 - 518.42 -10 01 -14 NC 3604576684085B 502 - 2081 - 518.42 -10 Page 25 Date: 2/11/2011 Invoice Amount 271.54 18.37 100.00 0.81 1.37 39.14 5.17 1.63 292.68 318.72 45.64 894.46 83.36 87.91 34.63 83.25 118.94 48.45 100.65 80.44 48.78 12,943.83 35.23 112.22 32.99 104.97 10.84 150.06 62.44 69.36 $25,005.02 $25,005.02 $52,131.52 171.28 $171.28 $171.28 1,452.61 9,645.92 1.05 1.76 50.32 6.65 F - 36 Vendor QWEST Finance Department AWC EMPLOYEE BENEFITS TRUST CAMPORINI, RICHARD CLELAND, MICHAEL A GLENN, LARRY GOODRICH, RUTH L GROOMS, MICHAEL JOHNSON, DONALD G JOHNSON, HARRY JORISSEN, ROBERT R LIND, DARWIN PETER LINDLEY, JAMES K MIESEL JR, PHILIP C MEL TWITCHELL NW ADMIN TRANSFER ACCT THOMPSON, BRUCE WARD, DENNIS H Self Insurance DEPT OF LABOR & INDUSTRIES Self Insurance QWEST CORPORATION SCOTT TU RN EY WCIA (WA CITIES INS AUTHORITY) Self Insurance City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 1/22/2011 To: 2/4/2011 Description 01 -14 NC 3604570968343B Information Technologies Finance Department Information Technology Med /Den /Vis Premiums LT Disability Life Insurance L1 Med /Vis Premiums REIMB MEDICARE - JANUARY REIMB MEDICARE - JANUARY Disability Board - January REIMB MEDICARE - JANUARY REIMB MEDICARE - JANUARY REIMB MEDICARE - JANUARY Disability Board - January REIMB MEDICARE - JANUARY Disability Board - January REIMB MEDICARE - JANUARY Disability Board - January REIMB MEDICARE - JANUARY Disability Board - January REIMB MEDICARE - JANUARY REIMB MEDICARE - JANUARY REIMB MEDICARE - JANUARY Disability Board - January Disability Board - January REIMB MEDICARE - JANUARY Reimb Medical S /NS /WT RETIREES REIMB MEDICARE - JANUARY Disability Board - January Disability Board - January REIMB MEDICARE - JANUARY Other Insurance Programs L &I Quarterly Rept -4th Qt Worker's Compensation IN-HOUSE LIABILITY CLAIM IN-HOUSE LIABILITY CLAIM WCIA LIABILITY ASSESS Comp Liability Self Insurance Page 26 Account Number 502 - 2081- 518.42 -10 Division Total: Department Total: Fund Total: 503 - 1631- 517.46 -30 503 - 1631- 517.46 -31 503 - 1631- 517.46 -32 503 - 1631- 517.46 -34 503 - 1631- 517.46 -35 503 - 1631- 517.46 -35 503 - 1631- 517.46 -35 503 - 1631- 517.46 -35 503 - 1631- 517.46 -35 503 - 1631- 517.46 -35 503 - 1631- 517.46 -35 503 - 1631- 517.46 -35 503 - 1631- 517.46 -35 503 - 1631- 517.46 -35 503 - 1631- 517.46 -35 503 - 1631- 517.46 -35 503 - 1631- 517.46 -35 503 - 1631- 517.46 -35 503 - 1631- 517.46 -35 503 - 1631- 517.46 -35 503 - 1631- 517.46 -35 503 - 1631- 517.46 -35 503 - 1631- 517.46 -35 503 - 1631- 517.46 -30 503 - 1631- 517.46 -33 503 - 1631- 517.46 -34 503 - 1631- 517.46 -35 503 - 1631- 517.46 -35 503 - 1631- 517.46 -35 503 - 1631- 517.46 -35 Division Total: 503 - 1661 517.49 - 50 Division Total: 503 - 1671- 517.49 -98 503 - 1671- 517.49 -98 503 -1671- 517.46 -10 Division Total: Department Total: Date: 2/11/2011 Invoice Amount 2.09 $11,160.40 $11,160.40 $11,331.68 241,003.22 4,804.28 1,890.64 9,795.85 96.50 96.50 639.98 96.50 571.50 -6.01 145.30 96.50 100.64 96.50 276.42 96.50 11.08 96.50 96.50 96.50 1,698.67 4,145.00 92.40 27.41 66,625.45 10,713.40 96.50 70.81 309.73 96.50 $343,977.27 22, 342.49 $22,342.49 230.80 175.00 464, 765.00 $465,170.80 $831,490.56 F - 37 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 1/22/2011 To: 2/4/2011 Date: 2/11/2011 Vendor Description Account Number Invoice Amount Self - Insurance Fund Fund Total: $831,490.56 AWC EMPLOYEE BENEFITS TRUST Retiree Premiums 602 - 6221 - 517.46 -35 5,420.70 Disability Board - January 602 - 6221 - 517.46 -35 163.44 BRAUN, GARY REIMB MEDICARE-JANUARY 602- 6221- 517.46 -35 96.50 CAMPBELL, MALCOLM D REIMB MEDICARE - JANUARY 602 - 6221 - 517.46 -35 96.50 Disability Board - January 602 - 6221 - 517.46 -35 5,374.45 DOYLE, JERRY L REIMB MEDICARE-JANUARY 602- 6221- 517.46 -35 96.50 RYAN, ED REIMB MEDICARE-JANUARY 602- 6221- 517.46 -35 96.50 Fireman's Pension Fireman's Pension Division Total: $11,344.59 Fireman's Pension Department Total: $11,344.59 Firemen's Pension Fund Total: $11,344.59 DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE -WIRES Excise Tax Return -Dec 650 - 0000 - 237.10 -00 131.04 Division Total: $131.04 Department Total: $131.04 Off Street Parking Fund Fund Total: $131.04 ANGELES MILLWORK & LUMBER CO Paint 652 - 8630 - 575.31 -01 70.21 DEX MEDIA WEST 2011 Advertising 652 - 8630 - 575.42 -10 531.00 DIGITAL IMAGING SOLUTIONS INC JAN COPIER COSTS 652 - 8630 - 575.45 -31 14.65 OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC Paper 652 - 8630 - 575.31 -01 3.26 QWEST 01 -14 a/c 3604573532775B 652 - 8630 - 575.42 -10 41.12 01 -14 NC 3604570831558B 652 - 8630 - 575.42 -10 0.35 01 -14 NC 3604571535571B 652 - 8630 - 575.42 -10 0.59 01 -14 NC 360457041 1 1 99B 652 - 8630 - 575.42 -10 16.77 01 -14 NC 3604576684085B 652 - 8630 - 575.42 -10 2.22 01 -14 NC 3604570968343B 652 - 8630 - 575.42 -10 0.70 SENIUK, JAKE Ink Cartridges 652 - 8630 - 575.31 -01 242.65 Phone Card 652 - 8630 - 575.42 -10 21.71 Transport Art 652 - 8630 - 575.43 -10 132.39 Art Access - Advertising 652 - 8630 - 575.44 -10 35.00 Garbage Bags 652 - 8630 - 575.45 -30 13.78 Announcement Cards 652- 8630 - 575.49 -60 275.97 SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC Push broom 652- 8630 - 575.31 -01 13.95 Esther Webster /Fine Arts Esther Webster /Fine Arts Division Total: $1,416.32 Esther Webster /Fine Arts Department Total: $1,416.32 Esther Webster Fund Fund Total: $1,416.32 AFLAC AFLAC SUPP INSURANCE 920 - 0000 - 231.53 -10 917.86 ASSOCIATION OF WASHINGTON CITIES AWC SUPP LIFE INSURANCE 920 -0000- 231.53 -30 585.90 CLALLAM CNTY SUPERIOR COURT P/R Deductions pe 1 -23 920- 0000 - 231.56 -30 198.80 EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION P/R Deductions pe 1 -23 920- 0000 - 231.55 -30 408.00 LEOFF P/R Deductions 920 - 0000 - 231.51 -21 23,434.98 OFFICE OF SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT P/R Deductions pe 1 -23 920- 0000 - 231.56 -20 1,166.51 Page 27 F -38 Vendor OFFICE OF SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT PERS TEAMSTERS LOCAL 589 UNITED WAY (PAYROLL) US DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION VOLUNTEER FIRE ASSOCIATION WSCFF /EMPLOYEE BENEFIT TRUST Totals for check period City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 1/22/2011 To: 2/4/2011 Description P/R Deductions pe 1 -23 P/R Deductions P/R Deductions P/R Deductions P/R Deductions pe 1 -23 P/R Deductions pe 1 -23 P/R Deductions pe 1 -23 P/R Deductions pe 1 -23 P/R Deductions pe 1 -23 Payroll Clearing From: 1 /22/2011 To: 2/4/2011 Account Number 920 - 0000 - 231.56 -20 920 - 0000 - 231.51 -10 920 - 0000 - 231.51 -11 920 - 0000 - 231.51 -12 920 - 0000 - 231.54 -10 920 - 0000 - 231.56 -10 920 - 0000 - 231.56 -30 920 - 0000 - 231.55 -20 920 - 0000 - 231.53 -20 Division Total: Department Total: Fund Total: Date: 2/11/2011 Invoice Amount 169.85 1,965.19 9,059.39 31,503.49 3,370.00 472.00 76.19 51.00 1,575.00 $74,954.16 $74,954.16 $74,954.16 $5,516,425.43 PORTANGELES W A S H I N G T O N , U. S. A CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: February 15, 2011 TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: Glenn A. Cutler, P.E., Director of Public Works & Utilities SUBJECT: Post - Closure Landfill Professional Services Agreement Amendment No. 2 Summary: In October of 2008 the City entered into an agreement with Aspect Consulting to provide engineering services in support of the Port Angeles Landfill Post - Closure Permit requirements. It is necessary to add tasks and extend the agreement through 2011. Recommendation: Authorize the City Manager to sign Amendment No. 2 to the Professional Services Agreement with Aspect Consulting for landfill engineering services in an amount not to exceed $64,000, and to make minor modifications to the agreement, if necessary. Background /Analysis: The thirty -year post - closure phase of the Port Angeles Landfill (Landfill) began in 2008 after the last two cells of the landfill were covered and the seawall at the beach was constructed in 2007. Management of the landfill is regulated through the Solid Waste Post- Closure Permit (SLWO8-0001) issued by Clallam County Environmental Health Services (CCEHS), working in close cooperation with Washington State Department of Ecology (DOE). The permit covers the entire Landfill and addresses the different regulations that were in place at the time the particular cells of the landfill were in operation. The permit was issued on August 29, 2008 and was amended on April 15, 2009. For the landfill's post - closure phase, additional groundwater wells were added along the beach in 2007, and the permit established new requirements for monitoring the seawall and beach morphology. Groundwater and leachate monitoring /reporting was required by CCEHS and DOE at the landfill in the past, and associated sampling, analysis, and documentation continues under the permit. In addition, there are various annual requirements for surface water quality monitoring and documentation, air quality, minimizing explosive gases, bird control, and documentation of inspection and maintenance activities. In October of 2008, the City entered into an agreement with Aspect Consulting to provide engineering services in support of Post - Closure Permit requirements. Amendment No. 2 is intended to extend the consultant agreement through 2011. The tasks to be accomplished in 2011 are similar to the 2010 requirements, with the exception of three new tasks that result from the City's first two years of Permit implementation. N: \CCOUNCIL \FINAL \Post Closure Landfill Professional Services Agreement Amendment No.2.docx F -40 1. Improving the safety of sampling the beach groundwater wells and the quality of the data. 2. Analysis of the past 20 years of environmental monitoring (gas and groundwater sampling) and development of a request to be submitted to DOE to discontinue monitoring the oldest landfill cells. If the oldest portion of the landfill has stabilized, it will be reasonable and cost - effective to limit the required monitoring. 3. Evaluation of issues with the City's landfill gas flare system. The system continues to self - extinguish, which may be an indication that insufficient quantities of gas are being generated by decomposing solid waste. Funding for the proposed amendment is available from the Solid Waste Landfill Post - Closure Fund. The Landfill Post - Closure Fund is a planned schedule of expenditures filed with the Department of Ecology for maintenance of the closed landfill through the year 2037. This fund currently has a balance of $3,620,645 with scheduled expenditures for 2011 of $185,332 (it covers all operational maintenance and repair, particularly of the landfill cap, leachate system, gas & flare system, and revetment wall area; ongoing testing for stormwater activities associated with the caps, professional services to support permit requirements including beach monitoring, groundwater monitoring, and closure date gathering and reporting; PW engineering staff time, utility charges such as leachate disposal, electricity, etc.) of which this design work is included. The tasks included for Aspect Engineering for 2011 are summarized in the following table. Task No. Summary of Tasks and Budgets for Amendment No. 2 Description Proposed 2011 Budget 1.1 Groundwater Monitoring Reports 1.1.1 Biannual Reports 1.1.2 Annual Groundwater Report Annual Beach Morphology Monitoring Report and Transect 1.2 Technical Memo 1.2.1 Transect Technical Memo 1.2.3 Annual Beach Morphology Report 1.3 Evaluation of MW 3 Evaluation of Environmental Monitoring of the 304 Compliant 1.4 Landfill 1.5 Evaluation of the Landfill Gas System 2 Maintenance Support Totals $8,000 15,000 5 000 9 000 6 000 8 000 7 000 6 000 $64, 000 On February 8, 2011, the Utility Advisory Committee forwarded a favorable recommendation to the City Council to authorize the City Manager to sign Amendment No. 2 to the Professional Services Agreement with Aspect Consulting for landfill engineering services in an amount not to exceed $64,000, and to make minor modifications to the agreement, if necessary. N: \CCOUNCIL \FINAL \Post Closure Landfill Professional Services Agreement Amendment No.2.docx F -41 CITY OF PORTANGELES W A S H I N G T O N , U.S.A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: February 15, 2011 TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: Glenn A. Cutler, P.E., Director of Public Works & Utilities SUBJECT: Electric Franchise Ordinance — Automatic Term Extension Summary: On June 18, 2001, the City Council approved an ordinance granting the Clallam County Public Utility District a franchise for their electric facilities located within the Port Angeles City limits. The initial term of the ordinance concluded February 20, 2006 and it was automatically extended by 5- years. The term can be automatically extended another 5 -years providing the District is in compliance with the franchise. Recommendation: Affirm the Clallam County Public Utility District No. 1 was in substantial compliance with the franchise during the last 5 -year term, which will automatically extend the term of the franchise for an additional 5-years. Background /Analysis: On November 24, 1948, the City granted the Clallam County Public Utility District No. 1 (District) a 50 -year right to construct, maintain, and operate an electric transmission system within a specific geographical area of the City. On June 18, 2001, the City granted the District up to a 25 -year franchise for the sole purpose of operating and maintaining a transmission and distribution system within the City. Although the term of the current franchise is up to 25- years, its initial term concluded February 20, 2006. In 2006, the franchise term was automatically extended for an additional 5 -years since the District was in compliance with the franchise. A request was received from the Clallam County Public Utility District No. 1 for a 5 -year extension of the franchise term. On February 8, 2011, the Utility Advisory Committee forwarded a favorable recommendation to the City Council to acknowledge the Clallam County Public Utility District No. 1 has been in compliance with the franchise during the last 5- years, which will automatically extend the term of the franchise for an additional 5- years. N: \CCOUNCIL \FINAL \Electric Franchise Ordinance Automatic Term Extension.doc F -42 CITY OF POR TANGELES W A S H I N G T O N , U.S.A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: FEBRUARY 15, 2011 TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: KENT MYERS, CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: PA FORWARD COMMITTEE - ORDINANCE AMENDMENT Summary: Membership terms on the PA Forward Committee are for three years, with a limit of two consecutive terms. This limitation makes it difficult to retain members that are willing to serve on this committee. Recommendation: Adopt the attached ordinance amendment to eliminate term limits for all members of the PA Forward Committee. Background / Analysis: The ordinance that established the PA Forward Committee limited members from serving no more than two consecutive three -year terms. This prohibits several of the current members from continuing to serve. Councilmember Kidd, Chair of PA Forward, has requested that these members be allowed to continue to serve due to their experience and knowledge of the community. In order for them to continue to serve, the Council needs to either increase the number of terms that members can serve or simply eliminate the term limits. Eliminating the term limits would be easier to administer as City staff would no longer have to track the number of terms that members have served. Legal Dept.Draft 1/31/11 follows: ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, amending Chapter 2.40 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code relating to the Port Angeles Forward Committee. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES do hereby ordain as Section 1. Ordinance 3190, as amended, and Subpart C of Section .030 of Chapter 2.40 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code are hereby amended to read as follows: PORT ANGELES FORWARD COMMITTEE 2.40.030 Membership. C. Terms. Terms for members shall be as follows: 1. A full term of office shall be two (2) years for City Council members; three (3) years for all other members. 2. The term of office shall start on March 1 of the year in which the appointment is made, provided that appointments to an unexpired term shall start as designated in the appointment. 3. Members of the Committee maybe appointed to succeed themselves_ , t erms . 4. Appointments to fill an unexpired term shall be only for the remainder of that term, after which a reappointment may be made. 5. Members shall serve without pay. Section 2 - Corrections. The City Clerk and the codifiers of this ordinance are authorized to make necessary corrections to this ordinance including, but not limited to, the correction of the scrivener' s /clerical errors, references, ordinance numbering, section/subsection numbers and any 1 G -2 Legal Dept.Draft 1/31/11 references thereto. Section 3 - Severability. If any provisions of this Ordinance, or its application to any person or circumstances, are held invalid, the remainder of the Ordinance, or application of the provisions of the Ordinance to other persons or circumstances, is not affected. Section 4 - Effective Date. This ordinance, being an exercise of a power specifically delegated to the City legislative body, is not subject to referendum. This ordinance shall take effect five days after its publication by summary. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said Council held on the day of February, 2011. ATTEST: Janessa Hurd, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: William E. Bloor, City Attorney PUBLISHED: By Summary , 2011 Dan Di Guilio, Mayor G:\LEGAL\a ORDINANCES &RESOLUTIONS \ORDINANCES 2011 \04 - PA FORWARD AMENDMENT.01.27.11.wpd January 31, 2011 2 G -3 CITY OF PORTANGELES W A S H I N G T O N , U.S.A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: February 15, 2011 TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: NATHAN A. WEST, DIRECTOR COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT SUBJECT: MUNICIPAL CODE AMENDMENT APPEALS OF SHORELINE SUBSTANTIAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT ACTIONS Summary: Amendment to the City's process provisions relative to the Shoreline Substantial Development Permit process to ensure a logical transition through the permit process as is mandated the State of Washington Regulatory Reform laws. Recommendation: Council should conduct a first reading, waive the second reading, and adopt the attached ordinance. Background / Analysis: By ordinance, the Planning Commission acts on behalf of the City Council in the matter of shoreline substantial development permits. Chapter 15.08 PAMC provides for appeal of decisions of the Planning Commission to the City Council in consideration of shoreline substantial development permits. Additionally, Chapter 18.02 PAMC provides for review of shoreline permits and provides administrative review to the City Council thereof. State law also provides for appeal of local actions on shoreline substantial development permits to the State Shorelines Hearings Board. The State of Washington Regulatory Reform laws of 1995 established a consolidated development permit process in order to avoid duplicative regulation and environmental analysis. It has recently become apparent that provisions of Chapters 15.08 of the and 18.02 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code (PAMC) allow a duplicative opportunity for administrative appeal of decisions rendered in the matter of Shoreline Substantial Development Permits. The intent of the State's Regulatory Reform laws is to ensure only one public hearing and one administrative appeal. The current process allows for duplicative administrative appeals, thereby protracting the permitting process. The attached ordinance will correct the oversight of providing more than one administrative review for shoreline substantial development permits and will further the public policy of the State of Washington to expeditiously and fairly review land use applications. At the recent City Council Retreat, the City Council expressed a desire to move away from hearing quasi judicial appeals. This action is a good first step in moving toward that goal. As this is a legislative matter, staff recommends that a second reading of the draft ordinance be waived and the attached ordinance be adopted. Staff will be available for discussion in this matter. Attachment: Draft Ordinance ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, revising Chapter 15.08 and Chapter 18.02 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code and eliminating City Council review or appeal of Shoreline Permits. WHEREAS, the City is responsible for issuing permits under the City's Shoreline Master Program and, by ordinance, the shoreline permitting authority has been delegated to the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, state law does not require an appeal of shoreline permitting decisions to the City Council; and WHEREAS, state law does provide for an appeal of shoreline permitting decisions to the Shoreline Hearings Board, which conducts a de novo hearing and makes an independent decision on shoreline permitting issues; and WHEREAS, because there is a full de novo hearing before the Shoreline Hearings Board, an appeal to or review by the City Council serves no useful purpose; and WHEREAS, eliminating City Council review of shoreline issues or decisions will further the public policy of the State of Washington to promptly and expeditiously review and resolve land use applications and decisions so that legal uncertainties can be promptly resolved and land development not be unnecessarily delayed by litigation - or appeal - based delay, as announced in Bellewood No. 1 LLC v. Loma, 124 Wn.App. 45, 49, 97 P. 3d 747 (2004), City of Federal Way v. King County, 62 Wn.App. 530, 538, 815 P.2d 790 (1991) (the "consistent policy in this state is to review decisions affecting use of land expeditiously so that legal uncertainties can be promptly resolved and land development not unnecessarily slowed or defeated by litigation- based delays "), Jewell v. Kirkland, 50 Wn.App. 813, 820 -21, 750 P.2d 1307 (1988), National Homeowners v. Seattle, 82 Wn.App. 640, 644 -65, 919 P. 2d 615 (1996), and Deschenes v. King County, 83 Wn.2d 714, 717, 521 P.2d 1181 (1974); and, WHEREAS, eliminating City Council review or appeal of shoreline issues or decisions will save all parties time and money by sending cases immediately to the Shoreline Hearings Board and removing a cumbersome process from the appeal procedure, and WHEREAS, eliminating City Council review of shoreline review or appeal of shoreline permitting issues and decisions will further the public interest and welfare and further the fiscal and economic integrity of the City of Port Angeles; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES DO HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Ordinances 2951 and 2033, as amended, and Chapter 15.08 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code relating to Shoreline Management are hereby amended by deleting Section 15.08.100, as follows: Sections : 15.08.010 15.08.020 15.08.030 15.08.035 15.08.040 15.08.050 15.08.060 Chapter 15.08 SHORELINE MANAGEMENT Shoreline Management Act Adopt RCW Subsections Adopted by Ref Administrative Code - Wetlands Designation Guidelines Washington Administrative Code Adopted. City of Port Angeles Shoreline Master Program. Definitions. Permit Applications. 2 ed. ference. Shoreline Permit and Shorelands/ Adopted. - Shoreline Enforcement Guidelines G -6 15.08.070 Shoreline Advisory Committee /Planning Commission. 15.08.080 Staff Assistance. 15.08.090 Public Hearing. 15.08.100 Council Appeal. 15.08.110 Rescission of Permits. 15.08.120 Inspection. 15.08.130 General Penalty. Section 2. Ordinances 2951 and 2033 as amended, and Section 15.08.100 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code relating to the Shoreline Management are hereby amended by deleting Section 15.08.100, as follows: 1✓ V V• A. ny person aggrieved by the decision of the Planning Commission of Director or uommunity an Lconomlc veveiopment may appeal the aecision to the silty uounci . B. Appeals shall be submitted to the Planning Department in writing within 14 days C. The City Council shall conduct a closed record hearing on the appeal of the anning Commission's decision and an open record public hearing on the appeal of the Director unity and Economic Development's decision with notice being giv C 173 -27 -110. The Council's decision shall be final unless review is requested pursuant to -es established in RCW 90• 58• 180 and Chapter 461 -08 WAC. . 2951 §5, ; Ord. 2033 §1O, 7/17/1979. Section 3. Ordinances 2911 as amended, and Chapter 18.02 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code relating to Development Applications are hereby amended by amending Section 18.02.020 (A), as follows: 18.02.020 - Development Applications. A. The following applications for development shall be processed in accordance with the requirements of this Chapter: subdivisions, planned residential developments, conditional uses, unclassified uses, shoreline substantial development permits, approvals required by the Environmentally Sensitive Areas Ordinance and Wetlands Ordinance, site specific rezones authorized by the Comprehensive Plan, and all other land use development, or environmental permits or licenses, including but not limited to building permits, other construction permits, and clearing and grading permits, which are not categorically exempt from Chapter 43.21C RCW or for which environmental review has not been completed in connection with other project permits. Section 4 - From and after the effective date of this ordinance, the City Council shall not hear any appeal of or otherwise review a shoreline permit, decision or issue. This ordinance is intended to apply to any shoreline appeal that may be pending, but has not been heard by the City Council, as of the effective date of this ordinance. If, as of the effective date of this ordinance, an appeal to the City Council of any shoreline permit, decision or issue has been filed, the appeal shall be dismissed, and the appellant then shall have the right to file an appeal of the decision or issue with the Shoreline Hearings Board, pursuant to State law. The time for appeal to the Shoreline Hearings Board shall begin as of the effective date of this ordinance. Section 5 - Corrections. The City Clerk and the codifiers of this ordinance are authorized to make necessary corrections to this ordinance including, but not limited to, the correction of scrivener' s /clerical errors, references, ordinance numbering, section /subsection numbers and any references thereto. Section 6 - Severability. If any provisions of this Ordinance, or its application to any person or circumstances, are held invalid, the remainder of the Ordinance, or application of the provisions of the Ordinance to other persons or circumstances, is not affected. Section 7 - Effective Date. This Ordinance, being an exercise of a power specifically delegated to the City legislative body, is not subject to referendum. This ordinance shall take effect five days following the date of its publication by summary. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said Council held on the day of February, 2011. ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: Janessa Hurd, City Clerk William E. Bloor, City Attorney PUBLISHED: February , 2011 By Summary G: \LEGAL \a ORDINANCES &RESOLUTIONS \ORDINANCES.2011 \06 - Shoreline.02.09.11.wpd (February 10, 2011) Dan Di Guilio, Mayor ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, revising Chapter 15.08 and Chapter 18.02 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code and eliminating City Council review or appeal of Shoreline Permits. WHEREAS, the City is responsible for issuing permits under the City's Shoreline Master Program and, by ordinance, the shoreline permitting authority has been delegated to the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, state law does not require an appeal of shoreline permitting decisions to the City Council; and WHEREAS, state law does provide for an appeal of shoreline permitting decisions to the Shoreline Hearings Board, which conducts a de novo hearing and makes an independent decision on shoreline permitting issues; and WHEREAS, because there is a full de novo hearing before the Shoreline Hearings Board, an appeal to or review by the City Council serves no useful purpose; and WHEREAS, eliminating City Council review of shoreline issues or decisions will further the public policy of the State of Washington to promptly and expeditiously review and resolve land use applications and decisions so that legal uncertainties can be promptly resolved and land development not be unnecessarily delayed by litigation - or appeal - based delay, as announced in Bellewood No. 1 LLC v. Lorna, 124 Wn.App. 45, 49, 97 P. 3d 747 (2004), City of Federal Way v. King County, 62 Wn.App. 530, 538, 815 P.2d 790 ( 1991) (the "consistent policy in this state is to review decisions affecting use of land expeditiously so that legal uncertainties can be promptly resolved and land development not unnecessarily slowed or defeated by litigation- 1 based delays "), Jewell v. Kirkland, 50 Wn.App. 813, 820 -21, 750 P.2d 1307 (1988), National Homeowners v. Seattle, 82 Wn.App. 640, 644 -65, 919 P. 2d 615 (1996), and Deschenes v. King County, 83 Wn.2d 714, 717, 521 P.2d 1181 (1974); and, WHEREAS, eliminating City Council review or appeal of shoreline issues or decisions will save all parties time and money by sending cases immediately to the Shoreline Hearings Board and removing a cumbersome process from the appeal procedure, and WHEREAS, eliminating City Council review of shoreline review or appeal of shoreline permitting issues and decisions will further the public interest and welfare and further the fiscal and economic integrity of the City of Port Angeles; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES DO HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Ordinances 2951 and 2033, as amended, and Chapter 15.08 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code relating to Shoreline Management are hereby amended by deleting Section 15.08.100, as follows: Sections: 15.08.010 15.08.020 15.08.030 15.08.035 15.08.040 15.08.050 15.08.060 15.08.070 15.08.080 Chanter 15.08 SHORELINE MANAGEMENT Shoreline Management Act Adopt RCW Subsections Adopted by Ref Administrative Code - Wetlands Designation Guidelines Washington Administrative Code Adopted. City of Port Angeles Shoreline Master Program. Definitions. Permit Applications. Shoreline Advisory Committee/Planning Commission. Staff Assistance. _2 ed. ference. Shoreline Permit and Shorelands/ Adopted. - Shoreline Enforcement Guidelines Section 2. Ordinances 2951 and 2033 as amended, and Section 15.08.100 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code relating to the Shoreline Management are hereby amended by deleting Section 15.08.100, as follows: 15.08.090 Public Hearing. 15 .10c Council Appcal. 15.08.110 Rescission of Permits. 15.08.120 Inspection. 15.08.130 General Penalty. A. ounci B. l ppeal 5 following the datc of the dccision. Section 3. Ordinances 2911 as amended, and Chapter 1 8.02 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code relating to Development Applications are hereby amended by amending Section 18.02.020 (A), as follows: 18.02.020 .. Development Applications. A. The following applications for development shall be processed in accordance with the requirements of this Chapter: subdivisions, planned residential developments, conditional uses, unclassified uses, . , approvals required by the Environmentally Sensitive Areas Ordinance and Wetlands Ordinance, site specific rezones authorized by the Comprehensive Plan, -and all other land use development, or environmental permits or licenses, including but not limited to building permits, other construction permits, and _3- clearing and grading permits, which are not categorically exempt from Chapter 43.21C RCW or for which environmental review has not been completed in connection with other project permits. Section 4 - From and after the effective date of this ordinance, the City Council shall not hear any appeal of or otherwise review a shoreline permit, decision or issue. Section 5 - This ordinance is intended to apply to any shoreline appeal that has been filed, but has not been heard by the City Council, as of the effective date of this ordinance. If, as of the effective date of this ordinance, an appeal to the City Council of any shoreline permit, decision or issue has been filed, but not heard, the appeal shall be declined, any fling fee refunded, and the permit shall be subject to further review, pursuant to State law. As to any appeal to the City Council on file as of the effective date of this ordinance, for the purposes of determining the next procedures under State law, the date of "final decision" by the City shall be the effective date of this ordinance. Section 6 - Corrections. The City Clerk and the codifiers of this ordinance are authorized to make necessary corrections to this ordinance including, but not limited to, the correction of scrivener's /clerical errors, references, ordinance numbering, section/subsection numbers and any references thereto. Section 7 - Severabilitv. If any provisions of this Ordinance, or its application to any person or circumstances, are held invalid, the remainder of the Ordinance, or application of the provisions of the Ordinance to other persons or circumstances, is not affected. Section 8 - Effective Date. This Ordinance, being an exercise of a power specifically delegated to the City legislative body, is not subject to referendum. This ordinance shall take -4 - effect five days following the date of its publication by summary. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said Council held on the day of February, 2011. . ATTEST: Janessa Hurd, City Clerk PUBLISHED: February , 2011 By Summary Dan Di Guilio, Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM: William E. Bloor, City Attorney G:ILEGAL1a O RDINANCES &RESOLUTIONSIOROINANCES.2011106 - Shoreline.02.09.1 (February 15, 201 5 CITY OF POR TANGELES W A S H I N G T O N , U.S.A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: FEBRUARY 15, 2011 TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: KENT MYERS, CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: SOCIAL MEDIA POLICIES Summary: The attached policies for social media will help ensure that the City meets requirements of Washington State public records and retention laws in establishing new social media sites such as Facebook. Recommendation: Adopt the attached social media policies so the City can create several Facebook pages to promote different City programs and activities. Background / Analysis: At the recent City Council Retreat the Council agreed to establish several Facebook pages for a trial period as long as certain legal requirements are met. The attached social media policies were prepared by our City Attorney and modeled after the social media policies in the City of Shoreline. These policies will provide legal procedures for creating, using and monitoring these pages. Once these policies are approved, we plan on establishing Facebook pages in three different areas (Police, Recreation and Community and Economic Development) for the next six months. Following this trial period, we plan on reporting back to the Council with the results including the number of citizens who accessed this information; staff time required to set up and monitor the pages; and any problems that we encountered with these new pages. Then decisions can be made on whether or not to expand the use of Facebook and other social media to other City programs and services. Several departments are very excited and supportive of this new way to communicate with our local citizens. For example, the attached memo from the Police Department describes how they plan to use this communication tool. CITY OF POR TANGELES W A S H I N G T O N , U.S.A. POL CE DEPARTMENT MEMO DATE: FEBRUARY 1, 2011 To: CITY MANAGER FROM: DEPUTY CHIEF OF POLICE, BRIAN S. SMITH THROUGH: CHIEF OF POLICE, TERRY GALLAGHER SUBJECT: PROPOSED POLICE DEPARTMENT FACEBOOK PAGE The Police Department has requested City Manager approval to add a Port Angeles Police Department "Facebook" page as an adjunct to the other instruments currently used by the Police Department to connect with and communicate with the public. The proposed Police Department Facebook page would be consistent with City Policy and the Revised Code of Washington, be public records compliant, and reflect industry best practice. The Police Department wants to add this tool to its toolbox. It is estimated that there are over 500 million active Facebook users. Over one third of the 6.5 million residents in Washington report being active users. 50% of reported active users logon to Facebook in any given day. An average user has 130 friends. People spend over 700 billion minutes per month on Facebook. Facebook, by design, connects the message to the user via a secondary email account, phone text, Twitter, or other means. People do not have to be on their Facebook account to receive an instant message via Facebook. The Police Department Facebook page would be: (1) Used for time - sensitive and emergency information. (2) Used as a communications tool to speed up message delivery and increase the Police Department's capacity to broadcast its message to the widest possible audience, and frequently reviewed and updated as necessary by the Department moderators. 3) Not be original source content (content that has not been created anywhere else; only exists on the social media site), but rather a secondary posting of information that is either on the City website or contained in an electronic record or a hard copy. As a "secondary message" we estimate the additional staff time needed to manage the account as insignificant. 4). Linked to the Police Department and City's website, thus directing users back to the City of Port Angeles website for in -depth information on the posted content. Messages sent to the Police Department Facebook page would be received on the Police Department email account. Messages and content posted to the Facebook page would be Department press releases, Nixle alerts, or linked content from the Police Department website. RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION of the City Council establishing Social Media policies, procedures and guidelines for the City of Port Angeles. WHEREAS, social media such as Facebook, are becoming a prevalent and widely accepted means of communication; a means preferred by some people; and WHEREAS, the City, in a continuing effort to better communicate with all citizens, intends to authorize use of social media to communicate information about City projects and issues. BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles as follows: Section 1. The City Council hereby approves and adopts the policies, procedures and guidelines establishing rules for the use of social media attached hereto as Exhibit A and incorporated herein by reference. Section 2. This resolution shall become effective immediately upon its passage and approval by law. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said Council held on the day of February, 2011. ATTEST: Janessa Hurd, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: William E. Bloor, City Attorney G: \LEGAL \a ORDINANCES& RESOLUTIONS\ RESOLUTIONS. 2011\ 02 .SocialMediaPolicy.02.22.11.wpd MAYOR H -3 1.0 PURPOSE . . SOCIAL MEDIA INTERNAL POLICY Social Media (defined here as the use of third party hosted online technologies that facilitate interaction and dialogue) provide alternative ways for the City of Port Angeles to share information with a broad audience. Social Media includes social networking pages like MySpace and FaceBook, micro- blogging tools such as Twitter and audio - visual networking pages such as YouTube. The City permits the use of Social Media pages and tools when they are appropriate and beneficial to further the goals of the City and the missions of its departments. This policy establishes guidelines for the City of Port Angeles use of Social Media. 2.0 DEPARTMENTS AFFECTED All City departments. 3.0 PROCEDURES A. Creating Department Social Media Pages Prior to creating a Social Media page, a department should consider the need and value of a department- or program- dedicated page versus relying on the City website, or other means, to disperse department or program information. Since Social Media pages lose the interest of their audiences when not updated regularly, department staff should calculate the time and effort it will take to maintain a page so that visitors continue to find value over time. As a rule of thumb, Social Media pages should be updated at least once per week. If there is not enough new information to make a posting at least once a week, use of a Social Media page may not be justified. • Departments must obtain approval from the City Manager prior to creating a Social Media page. Once approval is received from the City Manager, the department must use the common Social Media page format and guidelines contained in the Social Media Guidelines, which is attached to this Policy. The Department director must appoint a specific staff member(s) to maintain and monitor the Social Media page (the Department Moderator). Directors are responsible for ensuring their staff follow the procedures set forth in this Social Media Policy. The Department Moderator must manage the Social Media page and H -4 . . . . . . . . ensure appropriate information is posted and to maintain consistency with other City Social Media pages. The City's Executive Communications Coordinator shall maintain a list of all City Social Media pages that are operating. Departments must inform the Executive Communications Coordinator if they intend to stop operating their Social Media page. The Department Moderator is responsible for regularly posting information, monitoring comments, removing any prohibited content, and saving content required under the Public Records Act. A Comment Policy Notice must be displayed on all Social Media pages that allow posts, indicating the discussion is moderated and inappropriate content will be removed. The City's External Social Media Policy must be linked to the Notice. B. Information Posted on Social Media Pages. City- Posted Information The most appropriate uses of City Social Media pages are: (1) for time - sensitive and emergency information; and (2) as a communications /promotional /marketing tool that increases the City's ability to broadcast its message to the widest possible audience. Each Department Moderator must maintain accurate City information on Social Media pages by frequently reviewing and updating it as necessary and appropriate. In order to ensure appropriate retention of public records, most content posted by City departments on City Social Media pages should not be original source content (content that has not been created anywhere else; only exists on the Social Media page), but rather a secondary copy of information that is posted either on the City website or contained in an electronic record or a hard copy. If original content is posted on a Social Media page, that information must be copied from the page, pasted into a Word document and saved in a searchable electronic folder. A link to the City's webpage must be included on all Social Media pages, directing users back to the City of Port Angeles website for in -depth information on the posted content. -2- H -5 . Councilmembers, Commissioners and other officials and appointed volunteers (i.e. members of the Planning Commission, UAC, Economic Development Advisory Committee and ad hoc appointed citizen advisory committees) should not comment or otherwise communicate on the City's Social Media pages; participating in online discussions may constitute a meeting under the Open Public Meetings Act. Information Posted by Outside Individuals . For all City Social Media pages that allow posts, those pages are limited public forums, moderated by City of Port Angeles staff to ensure content posted by outsides users is appropriate. • Posted content (including comments, photos and links) must be related to the topic(s) posted by the City to be considered appropriate. • Inappropriate and prohibited content subject to immediate removal from the page, includes content that: • Is not topically related to the particular article being commented upon. • Promotes or advertises commercial services, entities or products. • Supports or opposes political candidates or ballot propositions. • Is obscene. • Discusses or encourages illegal activity. • Promotes, fosters or perpetuates discrimination on the basis of creed, color, age, religion, gender, genetics, marital status, status with regard to public assistance, national origin, physical or mental disability or sexual orientation. • Provides information that may tend to compromise the safety or security of the public or public systems. Violates a legal ownership. • Promotes illegal activity or encouragement of illegal activity; information that may tend to compromise the safety or security of the public or public systems. • Content that violates a legal ownership interest of any other party; or anonymous posts. • Contains vulgar, offensive, threatening, harassing, or profane language or content. • Personal attacks of any kind. • Offensive comments that target or disparage any ethnic, racial, or religious group. • Sexual content. • Obscene materials. -3- H -6 • Inappropriate content must be removed immediately and retained as required under the Public Records Act and described by the Department Moderator. C. Retention of Posted Information. . . Information posted on the City Social Media pages is subject to the Public Records Act and associated retention schedule. Original source content posted on Social Media pages must be retained for three years from the date of posting. The Department Moderator is responsible for ensuring retention of the original source content in organized, searchable electronic file folders. The records should be retained in such a manner that entire folders can be deleted after three years. • City - Posted Information . • Comments Posted by Outside Users . . 4.0 OTHER CONSIDERATIONS If original source content is posted by the City on City Social Media pages, that content must be saved in a searchable pdf format and retained in a searchable folder. All comments posted by outside users on City Social Media pages, including those that are inappropriate and removed by staff, must be retained. The Department Moderator must copy these posts, including the City information to which they are responding if applicable, into a searchable pdf format to be retained. In addition, when inappropriate content is removed, the Department Moderator must include his or her name and the date and time the content was removed. AVOID OPMA VIOLATIONS Councilmembers and Appointed Volunteers (Planning Commission, Parks Board) are not permitted to comment on the page. REASON: to avoid any online discussion in violation of the Open Public Meetings Act. 5.0 QUESTIONS All questions relating to this policy should be directed to the City's Executive Communications Coordinator in the City Manager's Office. G: \LEGAL \Public Records Act \Social Media Internal Policy. 12.10.10.wpd (12/17/10) Social Media Guidelines (Additional Information for Department Moderators) 1. Required approval and general oversight by administrators. • All City of Port Angeles social media pages posted by City departments must be approved by the City Manager. 2. Neutral Screening: . . . A limited public forum is created "for use by the public at large for assembly and speech, for use by certain speakers, or for the discussion of certain subjects." In a limited public forum, the City may be justified in reserving its forum for certain groups or for the discussion of certain topics, but its activities in limiting the forum must be viewpoint neutral and reasonable. • The Department Moderator is responsible for screening the page and removing inappropriate and prohibited content. City employees may not edit or remove content from social networking pages based on views expressed therein. This does not mean that every comment must be allowed. Only comments that comply with this comment policy will be approved for posting. 3. Mandatory compliance with recordkeeping, disclosure and open meeting requirements. City of Port Angeles social media pages are subject to State of Washington public records laws. Content related to City business shall be maintained in an accessible format. 4. Mandatory compliance with other standards, laws, and regulations. • All City of Port Angeles social media pages shall comply with all appropriate City policies and standards and all applicable laws and regulations. 5. Setting Up a Facebook Page. PRIMARY CONSIDERATION: Will a Social Media effectively communicate the information? Set up as a "Page Account" Users can "like" the Page Comments posted under the topical post Do Not use "profile account" 6. Consistency between City Facebook Pages. Comment Policy Notice Required: Limited Public Forum Moderated Discussion Inappropriate Comments Removed Link to Policy Standard Format 7. Managing a Facebook Page. PAGE TRACKING Appoint staff member to maintain and monitor Responsibilities: Posting information Reviewing comments Removing inappropriate comments Retaining information posted by the City and others WHAT INFORMATION TO POST? Secondary Copies Reminders of events Article on website or newsletter Original Content Not encouraged Some original content is unavoidable: Comments City response to comments Original articles PROHIBITED POSTINGS Promoting commercial services, entities or products. Supporting /opposing political candidates & ballot propositions. RCW 42.17.130 Obscene content. Illegal activity or encouragement of illegal activity. Promoting, fostering or perpetuating discrimination. Information that compromises safety or security of public or public systems. Content that violates a legal ownership interest of any other party. Anonymous posts. 8. Retaining a Facebook Page WHAT IS RETAINED? The social media image (i.e., "the look and feel ") is not retained; The content posted must be retained, if a primary copy. Secondary Copies: Retention not required -- See 6.1.4 of Local Government Common Records Retention Schedule (July 2010) Original Content: Required retention for two years from date of posting - unless content falls under another record series, e.g., citizen complaint — 3 years; See 1.1.6 of Local Government Common Records Retention Schedule (July 2010) HOW IS IT RETAINED? Postings and comments "cut and pasted" into a Word document - Deleted comments also retained Retained in electronic folders - Searchable Screen shots are not searchable WHAT ABOUT METADATA? Not technically feasible to produce metadata from a social media post. In general, an agency should provide electronic records in an electronic format if requested in that format. Technical feasibility is the touchstone for providing electronic records. WAC 44 -14- 05001. Metadata from a social media post is not an identifiable record because it is not reasonably locatable. The act obligates an agency to provide nonexempt "identifiable...records." RCW 42.56.080. An "identifiable record" is essentially one that agency staff can "reasonably locate." WAC 44 -14- 04002(2). Therefore, a general summary of the "identifiable record" standard as it relates to electronically locating public records is that the act requires an agency to provide a nonexempt "reasonably locatable" record. In general, a "reasonably locatable" electronic record is one which can be located with typical search features and organizing methods contained in the agency's current software. WAC 44 -14- 05002(1). G: \LEGAL \Public Records Act \Social Media Guidelines 12.21.10.wpd A. Policy and Disclaimer Port Angeles Social Media Policies Posted on City Feb Page These terms and conditions of this policy apply only to the Social Media pages (Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, and YouTube) that are managed by the City of Port Angeles. Any individual accessing, browsing and using a City of Port Angeles Social Media page accepts without limitation or qualification, the City's Social Media Policies (hereafter "Policies "). The City of Port Angeles maintains the right to modify these Policies without notice. Any modification is effective immediately upon posting the modification on the Social Media Policy page unless otherwise stated. Continued use of a City of Port Angeles Social Media page following the posting of any modification signifies acceptance of such modification. All users of a City of Port Angeles Social Media page are also subject to the page's own Privacy Policy. The City of Port Angeles has no control over a page's privacy policy or their modifications to it. The City of Port Angeles also has no control over content, commercial advertisements, or other postings produced by the Social Media page that appear on the City of Port Angeles Social Media page as part of the page's environment. The City of Port Angeles operates and maintains its Social Media pages as a public service to provide information about City programs, services, projects, issues, events and activities. The City of Port Angeles assumes no liability for any inaccuracies these Social Media pages may contain and does not guarantee that the Social Media pages will be uninterrupted or error -free. The comments and opinions expressed by users of the City's social media pages are theirs alone and do not reflect the opinions of City of Port Angeles or its officers and employees. Communications made through the page's e -mail and messaging system will in no way constitute a legal or official notice or comment to the City or any official or employee of the City for any purpose. Any comments, articles, and any other content posted or submitted for posting are subject to public disclosure. No one can have an expectation of privacy in the use of Internet resources. People using social media should never disclose private or protected information. Sharing confidential or restricted confidential information on this page is prohibited. H -12 B. Facebook and MySpace Posting Policy Although we encourage posts and comments on the Facebook and MySpace Pages managed by the City of Port Angeles, the Port Angeles Facebook and MySpace Pages are limited public forums and are moderated by City staff. All posted content (comments, photos, links, etc.) must be related to the topic at hand. The following types of posts and comments are prohibited: Inappropriate and prohibited content subject to immediate removal from the page, includes content that: Is not topically related to the particular article being commented upon. Promotes or advertises commercial services, entities or products. Supports or opposes political candidates or ballot propositions. Is obscene. Calls for or encourages illegal activity. Promotes, fosters or perpetuates discrimination on the basis of creed, color, age, religion, gender, genetics, marital status, status with regard to public assistance, national origin, physical or mental disability or sexual orientation. Provides information that may tend to compromise the safety or security of the public or public systems. Violates a legal ownership. Promotes illegal activity or encouragement of illegal activity; information that may tend to compromise the safety or security of the public or public systems. Content that violates a legal ownership interest of any other party; or anonymous posts. Contains vulgar, offensive, threatening, harassing, or profane language or content. Personal attacks of any kind. Offensive comments that target or disparage any ethnic, racial, or religious group. Sexual content. Obscene materials. The City of Port Angeles reserves the right to remove posted content that does not comply with these Policies. All posts and comments uploaded to the City ofPort Angeles Facebook and MySpace pages will be periodically reviewed. All posts and comments are public records subject to public disclosure under the Public Records Act. C. Links Policy 1. Links to other Social Media Pages and External Websites Provided on City of Port Angeles Social Media Pages The City ofPort Angeles may select links to other Social Media pages and outside websites that offer helpful resources for users. Once an individual links to another page or site, the City's Policies no longer apply and users become subject to the policies of that page or site. The City of Port Angeles Social Media pages are intended specifically to share information about City programs, events and services. The City of Port Angeles is not responsible for the content that appears on these outside -2- H -13 links and provides these links as a convenience only. Users should be aware that these external pages and sites, and the information found on those pages and sites, are not controlled by, provided by or endorsed by the City of Port Angeles. The City reserves the right to delete links posted by outside individuals that violate the City's Posts Policy at any time without notice. The City specifically does not provide links to: • Pages associated with, sponsored by or serving a candidate for elected office. • Pages supporting, endorsing or seeking to defeat any candidate for elective office, or any ballot proposal. • Purely commercial pages with no affiliation to City projects, programs or objectives. • Individual personal homepages. • Individual religious pages. • Pages containing material determined to be obscene, indecent, illegal or libelous. 2. Links by Other Entities to City of Port Angeles Social Media Pages It is not necessary to get advance permission to link to City of Port Angeles Social Media pages; however, entities and individuals linking to City of Port Angeles Social Media pages may not capture any of the City's Social Media pages within frames, present City of Port Angeles content as their own or otherwise misrepresent any of the City's Social Media page content. Furthermore, they shall not misinform users about the origin or ownership of City of Port Angeles Social Media page content. Links to City of Port Angeles Social Media pages should not in any way suggest that the City of Port Angeles has any relationship or affiliation with that organization or that the City endorses, sponsors or recommends the information, products or services of that page. D. Copyright Policy All information and materials generated by the City of Port Angeles and provided on City of Port Angeles Social Media pages are the property of the City of Port Angeles. The City retains copyright on all text, graphic images and other content that was produced by the City of Port Angeles and found on the page. You may print copies of information and material for your own non - commercial use, provided that you retain the copyright symbol or other such proprietary notice intact on any copyrighted materials you copy. Please include a credit line reading: "credit: City of Port Angeles Facebook (or Twitter or Myspace) Page" or "Courtesy of City of Port Angeles." Commercial use of text, City logos, photos and other graphics is prohibited without the express written permission of the City of Port Angeles. Use of the City logo is prohibited for any non- governmental purpose. Any person reproducing or redistributing a third party copyright must adhere to the terms and conditions of the third party copyright holder. If you are a copyright holder and you feel that the City of Port Angeles did not use an appropriate credit line please notify the Webmaster with detailed information about the circumstances, so that the copyright information can be added or the material in question can be removed. -3- H -14 E. Other Considerations Contact Us AVOID OPMA VIOLATIONS Councilmembers and Appointed Volunteers (Planning Commission, Parks Board) are not permitted to comment on the page. REASON: to avoid any online discussion in violation of the Open Public Meetings Act. If you have any questions or concerns about the City of Port Angeles Social Media Policy or its implementation, or if you find incorrect information or are interested in seeking permissions that fall outside of the guidelines above, please contact the City's Webmaster at webmaster @cityofpa.us. G: \LEGAL \Public Records Act \Social Media PoliciesPosted on City Web Page.12.10.10.wpd (2/2/11) CITY OF PORTANGELES W A S H I N G T O N , U.S.A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: February 15, 2011 To: CITY COUNCIL FROM: NATHAN A. WEST, DIRECTOR COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT SUBJECT: ALMADEN STREET VACATION — STV 10 -03 PORTION OF ALLEY IN BROADWAY ADDITION Summary: Final consideration of a request to vacate a portion of unopened alley right -of -way located between Lauridsen Boulevard and Lopez Avenue and between Eunice and Francis Streets. Recommendation: Following close of the continued public hearing, Council should concur with the recommendation of the Planning Commission by conducting a second/final reading of the attached ordinance approving the street vacation action citing 1 condition, 16 findings, and 5 conclusions identified in Exhibit "A" to the ordinance in support of that action. Background / Analysis: The Planning Commission forwarded a recommendation of approval of vacation of a portion of the Lauridsen Boulevard /Lopez Avenue alley between Eunice and Francis Streets following a public hearing conducted on January 12, 2011. The City Council opened a public hearing on February 1, 2011, in consideration of the action. Following a first reading of the draft ordinance approving the vacation, the matter was continued to Council's February 15 regular meeting. Staff will be available for questions. The staff report and an excerpt of the Planning Commission's minutes were included in Council's February 1 meeting packet. Attachments: Draft ordinance ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, vacating a portion of alley in Broadway Addition, Port Angeles, in Clallam County, Washington. WHEREAS, a petition is on file with the City of Port Angeles to vacate a portion of alley right -of -way in Broadway Addition to the Townsite of Port Angeles; and WHEREAS, street vacations are categorically exempt from the requirements of the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) rules as set forth in WAC 197- 11- 800(2)(h); and WHEREAS, a public hearing has been held by the City Council following public notice pursuant to Chapter 35.79 RCW; and WHEREAS, said vacation appears to be of benefit to and in the interest of the public. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES DO HEREBY ORDAIN as follows: Section 1 - Vacation. Subject to the terms and conditions of this Ordinance, the following portion of Broadway Addition is hereby vacated: The alley right -of -way abutting S2 W 100' of Lot 5 and the S2 of Tax # 2926 and Lots 1, 3 and approximately the West 11 feet of Lot 4 to Broadway Addition, Clallam County, Washington. Section 2 - Reservation. The City shall reserve a perpetual easement over, under, across, and through the South 10 feet of the subject right of way for a utility corridor to install, operate, maintain, repair, and reconstruct public utilities at the City's discretion. The City shall have, at 1 K -2 all times, the right to full and free ingress and egress. Neither the grantors nor the grantors' successors in interest shall erect or place any structure, building, tree, or shrub on the above - described land without the express written permission of the City's Public Works and Utilities Department. The rights herein granted shall inure to the benefit of the grantee's successors and assigns. Section 3 - Conditions. The attached Condition, Findings and Conclusions, identified as Exhibit "A," hereby are adopted and incorporated herein. Section 4 - Compensation. Pursuant to RCW 35.79.030, compensation required for the vacation of this street is $6.50 per square foot plus the required recording fee. Section 5 - Effective Date. This ordinance, being an exercise of a power specifically delegated to the City legislative body, is not subject to referendum. The City Clerk is hereby directed to publish this Ordinance and to file a certified copy with the Clallam County Auditor and the Clallam County Assessor. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said Council held on the ATTEST: Janessa Hurd, City Clerk day of , 2011. 2 M A Y 0 R, Dan Di Guilio K -3 APPROVED AS TO FORM: William E. Bloor, City Attorney PUBLISHED: , 2011 By Summary Exhibit A: Conditions, Findings & Conclusions Exhibit B: Map G: \LEGAL \a ORDINANCES &RESOLUTIONS \ORDINANCES 2011 \02 - Almaden.Broadway Addition.01.19.11.wpd 01 Condition: EXHIBIT "A" Condition, Findings, and Conclusions in Support of Street Vacation Petition - STV 10 -03 ALMADEN 1. Property owned by the petitioners and right -of -way acquired through the subject vacation shall be combined into one building site through the filing of a Zoning Lot Covenant during the vacation transaction. Findings: 1. A petition requesting vacation of that portion of the Lauridsen Boulevard /Lopez Avenue alley right -of -way between Eunice and Francis Streets abutting the south half of Lot 5 , Broadway Addition and Lots 6 — 11, Broadway Addition, was submitted to the City of Port Angeles on July 12, 2010. The subject petition is signed by 100% of the abutting property owners. 2. The procedure for consideration of the vacation of rights -of -way is set forth in 35.79 RCW that requires the signatures of two thirds of abutting property owners to validate a petition for vacation of right -of -way. State law provides for vacation only to abutting property owners. Abutting property is owned by petitioners Mr. and Mrs. Duane Almaden and the Housing Authority of the County of Clallam (HACC). 3. The right -of -way was originally platted in 1916 to provide secondary access to lots within the Broadway Addition subdivision. The subject right -of -way is 20 feet in width extending between Eunice and Francis Streets a distance of approximately 151 feet for a total area of approximately 3,020 square feet. 4. The alley right -of -way corridor is adjacent to property that is owned by the Almadens, the HACC, and a property to the east owned by Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Meehan (not parties to this vacation action). Primary access to the Almaden property and HACC properties (north and south respectively of the right -of -way) is from Eunice Street with primary access to the Meehan property and additional access to the HACC property from Francis Street. 5. The Almaden property and Meehan property (north side of the right -of -way) are zoned RS -7 Residential Single Family and RHD Residential High Density, respectively; the HACC ownership (south side of the right -of -way) is zoned RMD Residential Medium Density. 6. The Almadens have used the subject right -of -way as yard space for many years. Likewise, property owners to the east of the Almadens, the Meehans, have developed and use the east portion of the alley right -of -way as access to their property, that is developed as an apartment structure, for many years. The HACC property to the south of the Meehan ownership can be accessed via the east end of the alley without the need to use the west (subject area) alley right -of -way. The HACC has never used the subject portion of the right -of -way abutting their ownership at the west end of the alley, and by signature on the petition, indicate that they do not need the right -of -way for current or future use. Page 2 7. The City's Comprehensive Plan and Land Use Map were reviewed for consistency with the proposed vacation of right -of -way. Land Use Element, Map Goals, Policies, and Objective Element Goal A is relevant to the proposal. Intended development of the area is Low Density Residential (LDR) and Medium Density Residential (MDR). 8. The Port Angeles City Council's Real Estate Committee met on October 4, 2010, and concluded with support for the vacation of right of way based on the unlikely need for the public to use the right -of -way and historic use of the alley by abutting property owners. Compensation was set at $6.50 per square foot, which is the current assessed rate of the adjacent properties. 9. The vacating of a street is categorically exempt from a State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) review per Section 197 -11 -800 (2) (h) of the Washington Administrative Code. 10. City departments including Fire, Public Works and Utilities, Building, and Community & Economic Development, do not oppose the proposed vacation. The City's Public Works & Utilities Department requests an easement along the south portion of the right -of -way for future utility purposes as the future need for the existing service pole in that location has not been determined. 12. The site was posted regarding the proposed land use action on December 21, 2010. Staff contacted Mr. and Mrs. Meehan to determine if they would like to enjoin the action. Although the Meehans were interested in vacation of the right -of -way abutting their ownership, the HACC was not in favor of such an action due to potential redevelopment of the HACC property south of the alley. The Meehans preferred not to join in the petition request but had no objection to the current petition by the Almadens and the HACC for the opposite end of the alley. No written public comment was received with regard to posting for impending land use action. 13. Pertinent issues analyzed in review of the petition are as follow: • Traffic Patterns -: Established traffic patterns in the area will not change. Primary access to properties in the area will continue to be from Eunice or Francis Streets. • Development Patterns — Reservation of an easement for access to the existing utility service pole will ensure a utility corridor to access the pole and extend service to properties in the area if such service is needed in the future. • Environmentally Sensitive Areas (ESA): No environmentally sensitive areas exist on the site. The Peabody Creek ravine is located approximately 930 feet east of the location. • Public Health, Safety and Welfare: The right -of -way was platted to serve as secondary access to adjacent properties but has been used as yard space to the adjacent property owners, the Almadens, and has never been opened to the public since platting in 1916. Properties in the area are served by other adjacent neighborhood streets. Established emergency access to properties in the area will not be affected by the vacation action. 14. Consolidation of the right -of -way with the abutting property following vacation can be accomplished by the filing of Zoning Lot Covenants such that no remnant or new lots will be created by the vacation action. 15. At its October 19, 2010, regular meeting, the Port Angeles City Council established a public hearing date by Resolution 21 -10 for action on the street vacation petition as K -7 Page 3 December 7, 2010. On December 7, 2010, Council continued consideration of the petition to its February 1, 2011, regular meeting to enable the Planning Commission to review the matter and forward a recommendation on same to the Council. The reason for continuance was to enable staff to complete discussion with neighboring property owners, the Meehans, as to their desire to participate in the vacation action. 16. The Port Angeles Planning Commission held a public hearing on the proposed street vacation at a special meeting conducted on January 12, 2011. Conclusions: A. As conditioned, vacation action will allow abutting property owners to enlarge their site area to include the right -of -way that has been used for many years as yard space, thereby placing property not needed for public use back on the tax role which is then in the public interest. B. Site consolidation will ensure that no remnant or nonconforming lots are created. C. Vacation of the right -of -way will not alter or inhibit the ability to provide adequate emergency response to the area nor will vacation change established traffic patterns in the neighborhood and will therefore not pose a public safety issue. D. As conditioned, vacation action will not preclude future utility service development to properties in the area. C. The proposal is consistent with the goals and policies of the City's Comprehensive Plan specifically Land Use Map Goal, Policies and Objective Element Goal A. Adopted by the Port Angeles City Council at its meeting of February 15, 2011. Dan DiGiulio, Mayor Janessa Hurd, City Clerk PORTANGELES W A S H I N G T O N , U. S. A CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: February 15, 2011 TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: Glenn A. Cutler, P.E., Director of Public Works & Utilities SUBJECT: 2011 Water Utility Professional Services Agreement Summary: CH2M Hill, Inc., has been selected to provide professional engineering services related to the City's water utility system. This agreement will provide engineering services for on- call technical assistance for engineers and operators of the City's water treatment plant and the water distribution system and for studies, design, engineering, and permitting of water system projects. This professional services agreement is being awarded initially for two 2011 Capital Facilities Program projects. They are Concrete Cylinder Pipe (CCP) Replacement (WTO2-2009) and McDougal Pressure Subzone Improvements (WT64-1 999). Recommendation: Award and authorize the City Manager to sign a professional services agreement with CH2M Hill for Concrete Cylinder Pipe Replacement (WTO2-2009), McDougal Pressure Subzone Improvements (WT64- 1999), and on -call technical services in an amount not to exceed $834,522, including any minor modifications, if necessary. Background /Analysis: This agreement will provide engineering services for on -call technical assistance for engineers and operators of the PAWTP and the water distribution system. In addition, it provides for studies and the design, engineering, and permitting of water system projects under the Capital Facilities Program. This professional services agreement is being awarded initially with two 2011 Capital Facilities Program projects, both projects identified as critical work in the City Council approved 2010 Water Systems Plan. A component of the 2010 Water Systems Plan was the identification and prioritization of tasks and projects necessary to meet current Department of Health (DOH) requirements and maintain system reliability and functionality. Potential additional projects may be added for the remainder of 2011 and 2012 as specifically authorized by Council to meet needs related to the City's water system. The first project for award under this contract is the CCP Replacement (WTO2-2009), which was identified as a priority due to fatigue and deterioration in the existing concrete cylinder water mains. The CCP transmission pipeline was predominantly installed in the late 1950s. Originally used to transmit water from the Morse Creek System, it is currently in use to tie many of our reservoirs to the distribution system. It has experienced several leaks /blowouts over a long period of time going back at least to the 1980s. The particular type of CCP is bar-wrapped and is subject to corrosion when the cement mortar coating and lining crack. When the reinforcing rods fail due N: \CCOUNCIL \FINAL \2011 Water Utility Professional Services Agreement.docx L -1 to corrosion, additional stress is placed on the steel cylinder, causing leakage and the potential of a pipe cylinder bursting with catastrophic consequences. This project will design the replacement of approximately 19,000 lineal feet of existing 20 inch, 24 inch, and 30 inch water mains. It is anticipated that construction would follow in three separate phases over a five year period. The total construction contract is estimated to cost approximately $7 million. The second project for award under this contract is the McDougal Pressure Subzone Improvements (WT64-1 999) project. The McDougal Booster Station serves approximately 75 residences and has no redundant pumping source nor does it have backup power. Additionally, it cannot meet fire flow requirements. Hydraulic analysis by CH2M Hill during the development of the 2010 Water Systems Plan indicates that the issues can be alleviated most cost - effectively by replacing approximately 1,000 feet of existing 6" diameter water main with a new 14" diameter pipe. For normal operating conditions this will exceed DOH minimum standards for service connections of 30 psi, and fire flow capacity that exceeds the City's standard for single - family residential development of 1,000 gpm. This project is estimated to cost between $400,000 and $800,000 for construction. The best value solution will be pursued. The firm of CH2M Hill, Inc., has been selected for this new professional engineering services agreement related to the City's water utility system. A total of 30 firms were evaluated from the MRSC design/engineering professional services roster. On January 4, 2011, eight firms were requested to provide proposals of which three firms submitted. After interviews and evaluation, CH2M Hill was selected as the best qualified firm based on their extensive involvement in providing engineering services for the City's water system, including its involvement in issues that are overlapping the 2010 Water Systems Plan. Funding for the design of both projects and construction of phase 1 of the Concrete Cylinder Pipe Replacement project were included in the 2010 utility bond. The tasks initially being awarded for this agreement are summarized in the table below: Tasks Budget 1. On call Technical Assistance $10,000 2. Concrete Cylinder Pipe Replacement (WTO2-2009) - Project design and 736,539 permitting 3. McDougal Pressure Subzone Improvements (WT64 -1999) - Project design 88,013 and permitting N: \CCOUNCIL \FINAL \2011 Water Utility Professional Services Agreement.docx Total $834,552 Funding for task 1 is available from the 2011 water utility operating budget and funding for tasks 2 and 3 is available from the August 2010 bond proceeds. On February 8, 2011, the Utility Advisory Committee forwarded a favorable recommendation to Council to award and authorize the City Manager to sign a professional services agreement with CH2M Hill for Concrete Cylinder Pipe Replacement (WTO2-2009), McDougal Pressure Subzone Improvements (WT64-1 999), and on -call technical services in an amount not to exceed $834,552, including any minor modifications, if necessary. L -2 PORT ANGELES FORWARD COMMITTEE Jack Pittis Memorial Conference Room in City Hall / Port Angeles, Washington Meeting Minutes for January 13, 2011 Mission Statement: To create a strong economically and culturally vibrant community that will enhance the lives of our citizens. CALL TO ORDER: Chair Kidd opened the meeting at 7:30 a.m. ROLL CALL: Members Present: Chair Cherie Kidd, Co -Chair Don Perry, Terry Roth, Kaj Ahlburg, Mike Edwards, Greg Halberg, George Schoenfeldt, Christopher Riffle, Doug Nass, Mike Chapman. Members Absent. Frances Charles, Terry Weed, Linda Rotmark, Willie Nelson. Staff Present: Kent Myers, Nathan West, Scott Johns, Roberta Korcz, Teresa Pierce. Others Present: Tim Boyle and Charlie Smith. Public Present. None. Approval of Minutes T. Roth made a motion to accept the December meeting minutes as presented. Motion seconded by M. Chapman. Motion passed unanimously. Membership Term Expirations T. Pierce explained that terms for all committee members (except City Council) will expire as of February 28, 2011. Each organization represented on PA Forward will need to submit a letter stating who their next representative will be. Terms are three years with each representative serving no more than two consecutive terms. All appointments are subject to final approval by the Port Angeles City Council. Letters are appreciated by January 31, 2011. Roth introduced Charlie Smith as the new representative for the Port Angeles Downtown Association. Kidd thanked Roth for his service on PA Forward. Waterfront Transportation Improvements Project (WTIP) - Update N. West gave a brief status report on each piece of the project. The Waterfront portion of the project is expected to be approved by City Council at their February 1, 2011, meeting. Members of PA Forward are encouraged to attend. City has worked with both the Coho and Victoria Express ferries to make sure their needs are addressed. Permitting is another on -going process. The entryway monument portion has been put on hold for now until adoption of the waterfront plan. Signage and wayfinding portion has been approved by Council. Technical requirements are being addressed now. Installation date has been pushed to March 2011. Port Angeles Forward Meeting Minutes January 13, 2011 West explained the City's desire to encourage involvement of the arts community. A segment of the waterfront design will include an art plan effort that includes the current sculptures and other pieces that are already in place. Concept plan will allow for future additions of new art and contributions for funding them. One of the main issues of the waterfront concept is the consideration of a traffic circle at the intersection of Railroad Avenue and Lincoln Street. The intersection has to accommodate larger trucks and RVs that are trying to access the ferries. West asked for the committee's input on parking for City Pier Park. Discussion continued on available parking in the downtown area. K. Myers added that the Feiro Marine Life Center is considering a move to another location — however nothing is set in stone as this could possibly be accomplished by a partnership with NOAA and the Feiro. Feiro has requested that design concepts still show their location at City Pier. K. Ahlburg asked about parking areas available in other areas of the downtown. Revisions to the concept for the design of the City Pier area will include ADA access and loading and unloading areas. Roth mentioned the parking concerns of the Landing and keeping that area designated for their exclusive use. West added that it is important to remember that there are several phases of the project, and it is expected that the waterfront redevelopment of City Pier Park would be the last concept to be done. The new signage and wayfinding signs will be key to efficiently direct traffic to where public parking is located. Discussion continued including approaching the Red Lion regarding overflow parking and the associated pros and cons. C. Riffle added that premium parking has a value that people are very willing to pay for. Private paid parking may be a solution. City Staff will meet with the Red Lion and the Landing to discuss their needs and /or concerns in finding a solution. Discussion continued on concepts for other areas of the waterfront including development of the new beach area near the Valley Creek Estuary and Oak Street and the possibility of Feiro relocating to the west section of Railroad Avenue. Phasing will be completed as funding becomes available. Destination Marketing Centers — Kent Myers Item was tabled to the next meeting. Economic Development /Downtown Port Angeles /Subcommittee Reports Chair Kidd asked for sub - committee progress reports. Buy Local Edwards as Chair, with members of West and Riffle. Edwards reported that the subcommittee is preparing to discuss budget and process for outreach to local businesses. Invitations will be sent to Wilder Auto, Chestnut Cottage to participate. He is hopefully that some members from PA Forward, the Chamber of Commerce and also Kaj Ahlburg will be able to participate and represent the broader business sector of Port Angeles. An intern from the college has been found to help with action items including a survey. A retail survey report from 2006 has been helpful, along with a recent Clallam EDC report. Edwards believes that another survey may not be necessary since others have been done recently. A report will be generated that will pick and choose from the surveys already done to find out what will work best. A new domain name has been secured along the lines of Choose Local PA. .net and .com. Laurel Black has been very helpful in revamping the theme of "buy local" to "choose local ". Next steps will be to establish a phase one budget Page 2 of 4 M -2 Port Angeles Forward Meeting Minutes January 13, 2011 for promotions. Edwards will bring back a preliminary budget at the next meeting for the committee to consider. Myers added that a retail survey will be conducted soon that will provide an analysis to find where and what people are buying and invited Edwards to join the next meeting in development of that survey. Tourism / ONP / Elwha Perry as Chair, with members of Nelson, Kidd, Halberg, Tetnowski, Roth, Barb Maynes, Jan Harbick, and Morris. Perry requested that he be allowed to make his reports before Edwards from now on. Committee was agreeable to that request. Perry reported that the subcommittee has not met due to the holidays. Perry asked if any plans were in place to celebrate the 150 anniversary of Port Angeles. He suggested a subcommittee be developed to consider plans and events. Perry moved and Ahlburg seconded to appoint Kidd as chair of this new subcommittee. Motion passed unanimously Transportation Myers as Chair, with members Boyle, Nelson. No report. Regulation / Business / Financing Rotmark as Chair, with members Riffle, Ahlburg, and West. No report. Hurricane Ridge Road Update G. Halberg reported that the Ski Club may attempt to restore the tubing area at the Ridge for possibly next year. Momentum seems to be towards tubing rather than cross country skiing. New Business: None Member Reports: None Adjournment Meeting concluded at 8:32 a.m. Next Meeting Date: • Next regular meeting date — February 10, 2011, at 7:30 a.m. in the Jack Pittis Memorial Conference Room / City Hall. Approved as presented on February 10, 2011 Cherie Kidd, Chair Teresa Pierce Executive Communications Coordinator Page 3 of 4 M -3 DATE 2 -9 -06 3-13-2008 6 -10 -10 2010 DATE March 2006 April -May 2006 February 2007 May 10, 2007 October 2007 October 2007 December 2007 January 2009 March 2009 April 2009 Summer 2009 August 2009 February 2010 May 2010 May 2010 NEW AND ON -GOING ACTION ITEMS DESCRIPTION Continue Discussions on Housing / Jobs "2010" Theme Adopted Business Resource Survey Sub - Committees PA Forward 2011 Work Plan Proposal DESCRIPTION Letter to City Council, Planning Commission and County regarding Southern Cross -Route Strategic Planning Meetings with Jim Haguewood Make recommendation to City Council regarding Harbor Plan Determine PA Forward representative to Lodging Tax Committee Determination of PUD Representative Gather input regarding Cross - Route issue Give Recommendation to City Council Regarding Cross -Town Route Host Business Resource Event / Council Chambers AIA Team Grant Visit Forward Recommendations to City Council regarding CFP & Policy Issues AIA Grant Final Report Roll Out 2010 Census Bureau Presentation Juan de Fuca Statue Project Complete Count Census Committee Invited ONP to discuss marketing plan for Elwha Dam Removal Project RESPONSIBLE PARTY Group Group Various Nathan West COMPLETED ACTION ITEMS RESPONSIBLE PARTY Mark Madsen Group Group Group Group Group Group Subcommittee Group Group Subcommittee N. West N. West N. West K. Myers TARGET DEADLINE On -Going On -Going On -Going Jan - Feb 2011 RESULT Completed Completed 5 -11 -06 Completed 2 -8 -07 Completed 5 -10 -2007 Completed 10 -11 -07 Completed 10 -11 -07 Completed January 8, 2009 March 2009 April 9, 2009 October 2009 November 2009 Recommendation to City Council May 2010 May 2010 ROLL CALL MINUTES PLANNING COMMISSION Port Angeles, Washington 98362 January 12, 2011 6:00 p.m. Members Present: John Matthews, Doc Reiss, Tim Boyle, Nancy Powers, David Miller, Mike Caudill Members Excused: Sissi Bruch Staff Present: Nathan West, Sue Roberds, Scott Johns, Heidi Greenwood Public Present: Duane and Bonnie Almaden, Kim Weimer, Darlene Schanfald, Tyler Ahlgren, Marilyn Harbaugh, Tina Corey, Richard Bonine, Kathryn Neal, Nancy Bell, Mike Puntenney, Diane Martin PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Chair Matthews opened the meeting at 6:05 P.M. and led the Pledge of Allegiance. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Commissioner Powers moved to approve the December 8, 2010, regular meeting minutes. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Reiss, and passed 6 — 0. PUBLIC HEARINGS: SHORELINE SUBSTANTIAL DEVELOPMENT CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT — SMA 10 -05 — CITY OF PORT ANGELES — Port Angeles waterfront between Oak Street to 1509 Columbia Street (City's Wastewater Treatment Plant): Construct a wastewater conveyance system separating sanitary sewer and stormwater to eliminate release of sewage into Port Angeles Harbor. (This item is continued from December 8, 2010.) Associate Planner Scott Johns reviewed the Department Report recommending approval of the Shoreline Substantial Development Conditional Use Permit and responded to a series of questions from Commissioners regarding the development. Chair Matthews qualified the Commissioners regarding Appearance of Fairness matters. All Commissioners responded for the record that they had no Appearance of Fairness or conflict of interest issues with regard to the pending application. The Chair then reviewed the quasi judicial public hearing procedures for audience members and opened the public hearing. Kathryn Neal, Engineering Manager for the City of Port Angeles Public Works and Utilities Department was present to respond to questions from the Commission. She noted that the construction project is slated to take approximately 22 months to complete, beginning hopefully in August, 2011 to June 2013. M -5 Planning Commission Minutes January 12, 2011 Page 2 Commissioner Powers expressed concern that the public's use of the Waterfront Trail would be interrupted during construction. Engineering Manager Neal noted that while there would be no disruption along the industrial waterline area, there would necessarily be disruption at each of the pit sites for short periods of time. Construction crews will take every precaution and use what means they have to avoid unnecessary disruption of the Trail with public safety being the main concern. Ms. Neal continued to respond to questions of the Commission by saying that the slip lining process takes approximately 100 days and that site work within the Rayonier Mill property will require Trail closure because the site is known to contain soil contaminants. Construction work will cause soil disruption and therefore it will be necessary to contain the site to avoid any potential exposure to the public. A recently approved sewer overflow (SSO) project, funded by the National Park Service, deals with sewer from the Lower Elwha area as a result of the dam removal project. The subject combined storm /sewer overflow (CSO) project deals with ongoing discharge that the City is addressing under the direction of the State Department of Ecology. The project has been discussed at Council for many years and Council has chosen to address the matter through construction of a conveyance system that has gone through a rigorous engineering review and is the subject of this permit. The CSO addresses the storm /sewer overflow issue by increasing the capacity of the holding system and combining the pipe conveyance by using the 48" abandoned industrial waterline that is already in place as a conduit rather than laying new pipe. In response to a question from Commissioner Reiss, Engineer Neal said that approximately 30% of the City's stormwater will be handled by this system. Part of the project is to increase the holding capacity of the existing plant from 13M gallons to 20M gallons. The Rayonier outfall that will be used extends further into the Harbor than does the existing outfall and has been examined for contaminants. A sediment analysis is required by the Department of Ecology for use of the Rayonier outfall prior to and during use of the outfall. Darlene Schanfald, P.O. Box 2644, Sequim, WA disputed that all of the pipeline is not within the 200' shoreline jurisdiction, as has been stated by staff. Ms. Shanfald distributed photos she received from the City's files indicating damage to the Waterfront Trail and shoreline area caused by severe storms. She stated that global warming will cause more damage to the waterfront and the pipeline is thus in a dangerous location being within the shoreline area. The City should be using low impact development techniques rather than relying on a piping system to handle storm/sewer overflow problems. Tyler Ahlgren, P.O. Box 2849, Port Angeles, WA stated that the construction approach to handling storm /sewer overflow is piecemeal planning. Total cost is not known. This is the largest project in the history of the City at a cost of $50M. The project is too open ended with too many unanswered questions. Mr. Ahlgren was open to debate of the engineering issues. Engineering Manager Neal responded that the project has been directed by Council and overseen by the Department of Ecology. The matter has been debated over a period of many years and the project has undergone extensive engineering for at least the past 3 — 5 years. Staff absolutely does understand what is being built and how to accomplish the intended result. She is aware that some members of the community are opposed to the direction the Council has chosen M -6 Planning Commission Minutes January 12, 2011 Page 3 to take in this matter, but while there are differences of opinion, the proposed activity is the approach that has been directed by Council. In response to Commissioner Reiss, Engineer Neal stated that the entire system is well protected and will withstand a great deal of earth disturbance without damage. She explained how the conveyance pipelines will be protected within the larger steel pipeline, and described the sophisticated method of welding that will be used to avoid breaks or disruption in flow in the event of earth shift. The HDPE pipe that will be used flexes, and will be butt welded to avoid joints. She closed by noting that main project elements include (1) increased conveyance capacity; (2) an increase in capacity of the treatment facility itself upland from the shoreline; (3) an additional 5M gallon storage tank; and (4) increase in the distance of the outfall from the shoreline than now exists. The Department of Ecology has gone on record as endorsing the proposed plan. Planner Johns commented that this construction is not meant to address the full scope of stormwater handling within the City, but is a main piece of the full scope and has been engineered for several years to make sure all issues are addressed logically and to the best engineering standard possible for the cost. Marilyn Harbaugh, 312 West Fifth Street said that it appeared a lot of thought and studies have been done with regard to the project and it seems like a lot of time has been spent analyzing the issues. It makes sense to treat the storm /sewer and not to have to construct new pipelines when existing pipelines will work. The proposal appears to be taking the next step forward. Nancy Bell, P.O. Box 1721, Port Angeles, WA thanked the Commission for its service and felt that the project represented smart engineering practice. It is wrong to discharge into the ocean. It is an excellent project but we should continue to look for ways to handle stormwater as a whole. There being no further testimony, Chair Matthews closed the public hearing. Commissioner Reiss stated that, while the City should continue to review and support low impact development standards that are sustainable and effective, the shoreline permit application is for consideration of the construction activity within the shoreline location as it relates to the City's regulatory guidelines. The issue is not whether a different procedure should be considered. The proposal may not be acceptable to all, but it is better than what currently exists, and moves the City into compliance with State mandates and Council directives. He therefore moved to approve the Shoreline Substantial Development Conditional Use Permit with the following conditions, citing the following findings and conclusions in support of that action: Conditions 1. The applicant is responsible for obtaining all necessary permits from local, state and federal agencies. Verification of permit issuance shall be supplied to the city prior to beginning any site alteration or construction. M -7 Planning Commission Minutes January 12, 2011 Page 4 2. The Environmental Protection Agency, Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation and the City shall prepare and implement a Section 106 Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) that sets forth a number of archaeological conditions stipulated for the project construction. The City must fulfill the conditions of the MOA in order to meet local, state, and federal laws and regulations pertaining to archaeological and historical site preservation. 3. Project proponents shall substantially implement the mitigation actions described in the "Conceptual Wetland and Stream Buffer Mitigation Plan" dated August 2010. Any deviation from the plan shall be detailed in writing and approved by Community and Economic Development staff prior to implementation of said changes to the plan. 4. Work will necessarily affect use of the Waterfront Trail at certain junctures. Work closures to Trail shall be kept to a minimum in order to minimize inconvenience to users, and accommodations to keep the Trail open to the public shall be incorporated into work plans. Work schedules shall be modified such that use of the Waterfront Trail for special events will not be significantly disrupted. 5. All disturbed and stockpiled soils shall be stabilized in such a manner that the soils will not be transported by wind or water erosion. Soil stabilization shall meet Department of Ecology guidelines /criteria for timing and best management practices. Findings Based on the information provided in the January 12, 2011, Staff Report for SMA 10 -05 including all of its attachments, comments and information presented during the public hearing, and the Planning Commission's discussion and deliberation, the City of Port Angeles Planning Commission hereby finds that: 1. An application for a shoreline permit was submitted by the City of Port Angeles, Public Works and Utilities Department, on October 27, 2010 for the construction of stormwater /sanitary sewer separation structures. The application indicates that the work will occur within public rights -of -way and on city owned properties along the Port Angeles Harbor, portions of which are adjacent to the Waterfront Trail. Portions of the project will occur on lands owned by Rayonier with an easements granted for the project. The project will begin at the intersection of Railroad Avenue and Oak Street in Downtown Port Angeles and extend east to the City's wastewater treatment plant located at 1509 Columbia Street. Restoration of the site conditions and revegetation of any disturbed areas will also occur. Best management practices will be incorporated to address potential erosion and adverse impacts to air or water quality from the construction. 2. In accordance with the Shoreline Management Act Section WAC 173-27-170 and the local Shoreline Master Program, a conditional use may be granted if it can be demonstrated that all five of the specified criteria can be met, as well as consideration of the cumulative effects of the request. The criteria include assurances that: 1) applicable policies of RCW 90.58.020 and the local Master Program are maintained; 2) the use will not interfere with normal public use of public shorelines; 3) the proposed use of the site and design of the project is compatible with other authorized uses within the area and with uses planned for the area under the Comprehensive Plan and Shoreline Master M -8 Planning Commission Minutes January 12, 2011 Page 5 Program; 4) no adverse effects to the shoreline will result; and 5) that the public interest is maintained. 3. The project was designed with 2 primary goals. The first goal is to meet the State Department of Ecology mandate to reduce sewer overflow episodes to that mandated by DOE; and second to minimize adverse impacts to environmental and archaeological resources along the shoreline by utilizing an existing abandoned facility. 4. The route chosen for the project piping was based on the existence of the available Industrial Water Line (IWL) thus requiring the least new construction. Use of the existing infrastructure allows the new pipes to be put in place with the least impact to the marine shoreline and does not require acquisition of additional properties along the route. 5. A Section 106 Cultural Resources Assessment prepared by the City Archaeologist recommended a finding of "Conditional No Adverse Effect" to significant historic resources. Conditions were included with the assessment and the Washington State Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation, The Department of Ecology, and the Environmental Protection Agency are requiring a Section 106 Memorandum of Agreement specifying the stipulatory conditions agreed to meet the conditional finding of no adverse effect. Among these conditions are additional consultation efforts with concerned Native American tribes, implementation of an Inadvertent Discovery and Archaeological Monitoring Plan with participation of Lower Elwha Klallam cultural monitors, and an additional phase of pre- construction archaeological sampling within the Area of Potential Effect. 6. The applicant submitted a Conceptual Wetland and Stream Buffer Mitigation Plan. The Plan indicates that the result of the project will meet or exceed the current environmental conditions on the site. 7. A Determination of Non- Significance(DNS) and Adoption of Environmental Documents was issued by the City of Port Angeles SEPA Responsible Official for the proposal on December 6, 2010, and forwarded to all agencies with jurisdiction on December 6, 2010. No action was taken by the City within 14 days of forwarding the DNS to other agencies and no comments were received from any agency with jurisdiction within the period of time allowed for comments from agencies with jurisdiction per WAC 197- 11- 340(2)(a). 8. The City of Port Angeles Shoreline Master Program and Critical Areas Ordinances (Title 15 PAMC), and Zoning Ordinance (Title 17 PAMC), were reviewed with respect to this application. 9. The City's Comprehensive Plan was reviewed in its entirety with respect to this application. The following goals and policies were found to be most relevant to the proposed project: Comprehensive Plan Land Use Element Policies A -2, J -2; and Utilities and Public Services Element Policies A -1, B -1; D -1 and 5, Conservation Element Policies B -2, 7 through 12, and 19; and the City's Shoreline Master Program's Urban - Harbor, Aquatic Harbor, and Aquatic Conservancy designations and Chapter 3, Goals A, 10 and 11; D, 1, 3, 6, and 7; G, 1 and 2; Chapter 4, Policies A, 1; B, 1 and 2; C, 1 -4 and 6; D, 1; F, 1 and 2; H, 1 -3; J, 1 -3, L, 1 -6; Chapter 5, Policies 1, 4, 5, 8, and 10; and Chapter 6, Policies I, 1 -5, and all associated regulations. M -9 Planning Commission Minutes January 12, 2011 Page 6 10. A separate Environmentally Sensitive Areas review and Wetland Permit have been issued per Sections 15.20 and 15.24 PAMC relative to anticipated impacts to environmentally sensitive areas located outside of the shoreline jurisdiction that area component of the construction work.. 11. The site is designated Commercial, Open Space, and Industrial on the City's Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map; are zoned Public Buildings and Parks, Central Business District, Industrial Heavy, and Commercial Arterial on the City's Zoning Map;, and Urban - Harbor, Aquatic Harbor, and Aquatic Conservancy, in the City's Shoreline Master Program. 12. Chapters 5 and 6 of the City's Shoreline Master Program indicate that primary utilities located within the shoreline jurisdiction require approval of a shoreline substantial development conditional use permit. Shoreline substantial development conditional use permits are processed per WAC and require final approval by the State Department of Ecology. 13. The City's waterfront trail runs east and west along much of the project length. Temporary disruptions and closures to use of the waterfront trail will occur during periods of construction. Conclusions Based on the information provided in the January 12, 2011, Staff Report for SMA 10 -05 including all of its attachments, comments and information presented during the public hearing, the Planning Commission's discussion and deliberation, and the above listed findings, the City of Port Angeles Planning Commission hereby concludes that: A. The proposed project as conditioned, is consistent with the City Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Ordinance, and Shoreline Master Program. B. As conditioned, the proposal meets the criteria specified for a conditional use permit under the City's Shoreline Master Program. C. As conditioned the project will implement and accomplish the goals established by the Department of Ecology for the elimination of combined stormwater /sewer overflows into the Port Angeles Harbor, and will not create long term impacts to the marine shoreline. D. As conditioned, the proposed project will enhance the environmental conditions along the project corridor. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Boyle, and passed 6 — 0. STREET VACATION PETITION — ALMADEN — STV 10 -03 , Portion of the Lauridsen/Lopez Alley east of Albert Street: Request for vacation of unopened right-of-way. Planning Manager Sue Roberds reviewed the Department Report recommending approval of the street vacation as proposed with an easement reserved for potential utility extension in the area. Chair Matthews opened the public hearing. M -10 Planning Commission Minutes January 12, 2011 Page 7 Duane Almaden, 2309 South Eunice, Port Angeles indicated that he has used the right -of -way as yard for 40 years but would like to ensure that it remains as such and so has applied for vacation of the alley abutting his residence. He described development in the area and is aware that the Housing Authority of the County of Clallam is designing a rebuild of property to the south of the site. Mr. Almaden is aware of the proposed condition to retain an easement along the south property line. There being no further testimony, Chair Matthews closed the public hearing. Following brief discussion, Commissioner Powers moved to recommend approval of the street vacation petition with the following condition, citing the following findings and conclusions in support of the recommendation: Condition: 1. Property owned by the petitioners and right -of -way acquired through the subject vacation shall be combined into one building site through the filing of a Zoning Lot Covenant during the vacation transaction. Findings: 1. A petition requesting vacation of that portion of the Lauridsen Boulevard /Lopez Avenue alley right -of -way between Eunice and Francis Streets abutting the south half of Lot 5 , Broadway Addition and Lots 6 — 11, Broadway Addition, was submitted to the City of Port Angeles on July 12, 2010. The subject petition is signed by 100% of the abutting property owners. 2. The procedure for consideration of the vacation of rights -of -way is set forth in 35.79 RCW that requires the signatures of two thirds of abutting property owners to validate a petition for vacation of right -of -way. State law provides for vacation only to abutting property owners. Abutting property is owned by petitioners Mr. and Mrs. Duane Almaden and the Housing Authority of the County of Clallam (HACC). 3. The right -of -way was originally platted in 1916 to provide secondary access to lots within the Broadway Addition subdivision. The subject right -of -way is 20 feet in width extending between Eunice and Francis Streets a distance of approximately 151 feet for a total area of approximately 3,020 square feet. 4. The alley right -of -way corridor is adjacent to property that is owned by the Almadens, the HACC, and a property to the east owned by Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Meehan (not parties to this vacation action). Primary access to the Almaden property and HACC properties (north and south respectively of the right -of -way) is from Eunice Street with primary access to the Meehan property and additional access to the HACC property from Francis Street. 5. The Almaden property and Meehan property (north side of the right -of -way) are zoned RS -7 Residential Single Family and RHD Residential High Density, respectively; the HACC ownership (south side of the right -of -way) is zoned RMD Residential Medium Density. 6. The Almadens have used the subject right -of -way as yard space for many years. Likewise, property owners to the east of the Almadens, the Meehans, have developed and M -11 Planning Commission Minutes January 12, 2011 Page 8 use the east portion of the alley right -of -way as access to their property, that is developed as an apartment structure, for many years. The HACC property to the south of the Meehan ownership can be accessed via the east end of the alley without the need to use the west (subject area) alley right -of -way. The HACC has never used the subject portion of the right -of -way abutting their ownership at the west end of the alley, and by signature on the petition, indicate that they do not need the right -of -way for current or future use. 7. The City's Comprehensive Plan and Land Use Map were reviewed for consistency with the proposed vacation of right -of -way. Land Use Element, Map Goals, Policies, and Objective Element Goal A is relevant to the proposal. Intended development of the area is Low Density Residential (LDR) and Medium Density Residential (MDR). 8. The Port Angeles City Council's Real Estate Committee met on October 4, 2010, and concluded with support for the vacation of right of way based on the unlikely need for the public to use the right -of -way and historic use of the alley by abutting property owners. Compensation was set at $6.50 per square foot, which is the current assessed rate of the adjacent properties. 9. The vacating of a street is categorically exempt from a State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) review per Section 197 -11 -800 (2) (h) of the Washington Administrative Code. 10. City departments including Fire, Public Works and Utilities, Building, and Community & Economic Development, support the proposed vacation. The City's Public Works & Utilities Department requests an easement along the south portion of the right -of -way for future utility purposes as the future need for the existing service pole in that location has not been determined. 12. The site was posted regarding the proposed land use action on December 21, 2010. Staff contacted Mr. and Mrs. Meehan to determine if they would like to enjoin the action. Although the Meehans were interested in vacation of the right -of -way abutting their ownership, the HACC was not in favor of such an action due to potential redevelopment of the HACC property south of the alley. The Meehans preferred not to join in the petition request but had no objection to the current petition by the Almadens and the HACC for the opposite end of the alley. No written public comment was received with regard to posting for impending land use action. 13. Pertinent issues analyzed in review of the petition are as follow: • Traffic Patterns -: Established traffic patterns in the area will not change. Primary access to properties in the area will continue to be from Eunice or Francis Streets. • Development Patterns — Reservation of an easement for access to the existing utility service pole will ensure a utility corridor to access the pole and extend service to properties in the area if such service is needed in the future. • Environmentally Sensitive Areas (ESA) : No environmentally sensitive areas exist on the site. The Peabody Creek ravine is located approximately 930 feet east of the location. • Public Health, Safety and Welfare: The right -of -way was platted to serve as secondary access to adjacent properties but has been used as yard space to the adjacent property owners, the Almadens, and has never been opened to the public since platting in 1916. M -12 Planning Commission Minutes January 12, 2011 Page 9 Properties in the area are served by other adjacent neighborhood streets. Established emergency access to properties in the area will not be affected by the vacation action. 14. Consolidation of the right -of -way with the abutting property following vacation can be accomplished by the filing of Zoning Lot Covenants such that no remnant or new lots will be created by the vacation action. 15. At its October 19, 2010, regular meeting, the Port Angeles City Council established a public hearing date by Resolution 21 -10 for action on the street vacation petition as December 7, 2010. On December 7, 2010, Council continued consideration of the petition to its February 1, 2011, regular meeting to enable the Planning Commission to review the matter and forward a recommendation on same to the Council. The reason for continuance was to enable staff to complete discussion with neighboring property owners, the Meehans, as to their desire to participate in the vacation action. 16. The Port Angeles Planning Commission held a public hearing on the proposed street vacation at a special meeting conducted on January 12, 2011. Conclusions: A. As conditioned, vacation action will allow abutting property owners to enlarge their site area to include the right -of -way that has been used for many years as yard space, thereby placing property not needed for public use back on the tax role which is then in the public interest. B. Site consolidation will ensure that no remnant or nonconforming lots are created. C. Vacation of the right -of -way will not alter or inhibit the ability to provide adequate emergency response to the area nor will vacation change established traffic patterns in the neighborhood and will therefore not pose a public safety issue. D. As conditioned, vacation action will not preclude future utility service development to properties in the area. C. The proposal is consistent with the goals and policies of the City's Comprehensive Plan specifically Land Use Map Goal, Policies and Objective Element Goal A. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Caudill and passed 6 — 0. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT — CUP 10 -05 — CITY OF PORT ANGELES COMMUNITY GARDEN — 328 East Fifth Street: Proposal to establish a community garden use in the Commercial Office (CO) zone. Planning Manager Roberds reviewed the Department Report recommending approval of the conditional use permit to establish a community garden use in the CO zone. She used a Power Point display to identify the site and its intended development pattern and noted a revision to proposed Condition #3 to reduce the number of on site parking spaces for the initial one year period, subject to review. Chair Matthews opened the public hearing. Richard Bonine, City of Port Angeles Recreation Division, was present for questions. Mr. Bonine stated that the site will provide an area where garden space can be rented to individual users and where food can be grown to support the Food Bank as well as provide a park like area where the public can observe farming techniques and results. The activity will eliminate the existence of a unused City property and eliminate mowing during seasonal months. M -13 Planning Commission Minutes January 12, 2011 Page 10 In response to Commissioner Reiss, Mr. Bonine answered that a management group will be established and plots will be reserved on a first come first served basis. There will be approximately 50 — 60 plots that may be leased for a growing season for a small fee that will cover mainly development costs, insurance, and utilities. The County charges range from $35 to $45 per year for a plot. In his experience, no more than 4 — 5 people will show up at once to maintain a plot so he didn't think parking would be a concern. The site will be fenced and he did not believe that more than $5,000 would be needed to create the final product. His budget will cover the anticipated development fees that will be paid back by lease payments. In answering several questions from Commissioners, Mr. Bonine responded that the management group will not be City staff, but will be run by citizens. Staff will assist. Mr. Bonine noted that, as this is a first in the City, a one year initial approval will be a good trial run and any concerns can be worked out if the use is extended. Diane Martin, 229 Lopez Avenue will help manage the garden. She assists in management of the pea patch garden in the Seattle area but lives in Port Angeles. Soil testing is very important and will be done before gardening will be in full swing. Kim Weimer, P.O. Box 2803, Port Angeles is a neighboring property owner and supports the use. He is not at all worried about the establishment of a community garden in the neighborhood or the zone. It is a good thing. There being no further testimony, Chair Matthews closed the public hearing. Following brief discussion, Commissioner Caudill moved to approve the conditional use permit subject to the following conditions, and supported by the following findings and conclusions: Conditions: 1. The conditional use permit shall be issued for an initial one year period to the City of Port Angeles to oversee and manage the community garden. If continued operation is desired beyond January 12, 2012, an extension must be requested prior to expiration of the permit. 2. Site development shall be compatible with the adjacent residential and business environment and will not involve equipment or processes that introduce noise, smoke, dust, fumes, vibrations, odors, or other hazards in excess of those normally found in residential areas. As public owned property, the activity shall not be operated such that it results in a nuisance activity. 3. The site shall contain 4 on -site parking spaces at the rear of the site. Each parking site shall be designed to be, at minimum 23' in length, a minimum distance for parking backing into an alley. The parking area shall be graveled and signed identifying that it is provided for the community garden activity. The management plan shall identify nearby locations for overflow parking. 4. A double check assembly must be installed on the existing water service. All water services shall be installed with proper permits and inspections. 5. A management group shall be established to oversee the activity and ensure maintenance of the site such that the operation does not detract from surrounding uses. The management plan shall include guidelines for the use of pesticides and fertilizers and shall be reviewed by City staff prior to commencement of the activity. The management plan will indicate to users that they should park on site whenever practically possible due to constrained parking in the area. M -14 Planning Commission Minutes January 12, 2011 Page 11 Findings: 1. An application for a conditional use permit was submitted by the City of Port Angeles to develop a temporary community garden use on undeveloped City property on October 28, 2010. The application was determined complete on October 30, 2010 2. The proposed site location is 328 East Fifth Street, and is legally described as Lots 3 and 4, Block 199, Townsite of Port Angeles. The property measures 100' x 140' being 14,000 square feet in area. The site is located in the City's Commercial Office (CO) zone (Section 17.20 PAMC) approximately one block west of the Peabody Creek ravine. 3. Section 17.20.160 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code (PAMC) identifies conditional uses that are permitted in the Commercial Office zone. Section 17.20.160 (P) PAMC provides that "Other uses compatible with the intent of this Chapter " can be considered by the Planning Commission. 4. 17.20.010 PAMC defines the purpose of the CO zone as "This is a commercial zone intended for those business, office, administrative or professional uses that do not involve the retail sale of goods, but rather provide a service to clients, the provision of which does not create high traffic volumes, involve extended hours of operation, or contain impacts that would be detrimental to adjacent residential areas. Commercial uses that are largely devoid of any impacts detrimental to single family residential uses are allowed This zone provides the basic urban land use pattern for small lot, transitional uses between residential neighborhoods and commercial zones with direct access on an arterial street and design standards compatible with residential development." 5. Per 17.96.050 PAMC, the Planning Commission shall consider applications for conditional use permits as specified in the applicable Chapter of the Zoning Regulations. The Planning Commission may grant said permits that are consistent and compatible with the purpose of the zone in which the use is located, consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, and not contrary to the public use and interest. The Planning Commission may refuse to issue a conditional use permit if the characteristics of the intended use as related to the specific proposed site are such as would defeat the purpose of these Zoning Regulations by introducing incompatible, detrimental, or hazardous conditions. In each application the Planning Commission may impose whatever restrictions or conditions they consider essential to protect the public health, safety, and welfare, and to prevent depreciation of neighboring property. 6. PAMC Section 17.96.070 requires that notice of conditional use permit applications be given per Section 17.96.140 PAMC with a public hearing scheduled before the Planning Commission. The Planning Commission's decision shall be final unless appealed to the City Council within 14 -days of approval by the Planning Commission. 7. The site was posted for notice of land use action with notice sent to surrounding property owners on November 18, 2010. Publication appeared in the Peninsula Daily News on November 29, 2010. The written public comment expired on December 6, 2010, without comment from the public or neighbors. 8. The Comprehensive Plan designates the site as Commercial and identifies the location as being located in the City's Central Planning Area. Development in the surrounding area includes a wide variety of uses including commercial and personal service uses, a church, government and business offices, and a mix of multiple and single family residential development. M -15 Planning Commission Minutes January 12, 2011 Page 12 9. The City's Comprehensive Plan was reviewed for consistency with the proposal. Land Use Map Goal A, Policies 1 & 2 were found to be relevant to the proposal (See Attached for full text) . 10. The site was originally developed in the early 1900's as a single family residence that fell into significant disrepair. At the time the structure was demolished, there was no evidence of electric heat. It is assumed that there may have been an above or below ground heating oil tank. The property was purchased by the City of Port Angeles to be developed as additional off street parking with development of the Vern Burton Community Center but is at present undeveloped. The site is flat with an approximate 1 to 2% slope. 11. Application materials indicate that site development will include a small 64 square foot storage structure but no other permanent structures are planned for the activity. Development of the site will include designation of 8' x 12' garden plots with separating walkways. The environmental checklist does not indicate that fill is anticipated. Soil may be augmented with organic amendments on an individual basis. Given the proximity to the Peabody Creek Ravine, it is likely that the site may attract wildlife in the area and may need fencing. 12. Application materials do not indicate or anticipate the number of users at any given time. It is anticipated that groups of people will work their plots depending on what is planted so it is difficult to determine a parking need. Although users of the site may arrive by public transit, which is available in the area, it is likely that many users will arrive by vehicle due to transport needs for equipment needed for the gardening activity. Due to the nature of the activity, it is likely that daily visits by each plot user will not be needed. 13. Parking requirements are contained in Section 14.40 PAMC. Section 14.40.030 require that all land uses established shall provide permanent off street parking spaces for the use. The regulations further indicate that if a use activity is not specifically mentioned therein, the requirements for off street parking facilities shall be the same as the requirements for the most similar use that is listed as determined by the Director of the Department of Community and Economic Development. The closest use to a community garden activity listed in Section 14.40 is "Parks and Playgrounds" that requires a determination by the Planning Commission. 14. Approximately 2,300 square feet of the rear (south) portion of the site will be developed for off - street parking. The 2,300 square foot area can provide a minimum of 11 off street parking stalls. The City's Urban Services Standards and Guidelines requires that the parking area be, at minimum, graveled. Given the undetermined permanent use of the site, a gravel surface is acceptable to the City's Public Works and Utilities Department. 15. Development of properties in the area from residential to office use has included off street parking, as is required by the City's Parking Ordinance. However, more intense use of some of the properties in the area than was anticipated has resulted in the need for joint use of available parking areas and a good deal of on street parking. Parking concerns have been reported periodically by residents in the area with regard to activities on abutting lots to the subject lot operated by First Step Child Development. 16. Public notice of the conditional use permit proposal was placed in the Peninsula Daily News on November 19, 2010, with notice mailed to surrounding property owners and the site posted on November 18, 2010. No written comments were received during the written public comment period that expired on December 6, 2010. M -16 Planning Commission Minutes January 12, 2011 Page 13 17. A Determination of NonSignificance was issued for the proposal on January 7, 2011, following the public comment and review period per WAC 197-11-355. This action satisfies the City's responsibility under the State Environmental Policy Act. 18. The Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on the proposal on January 12, 2011. Conclusions: A. The proposal is consistent with provisions of the Port Angeles Municipal Code, specifically with the expectations of development identified for the Commercial Office zone (Section 17.20 PAMC). B. As conditioned, off street parking shall be signed such that it is available for users of the site at all times such that it does not cause conflict with regular parking needs of other uses in the area. Anticipated site use will be supported by on site parking and will be signed such that it will remain available to users of the site. As planned, 11 off street parking spaces are available. Site activities and parking needs will be evaluated following a growing season if extension of the use is desired. C. Review of the activity at the end of one year is needed because of the unspecified nature of the use. D. The conditional use permit was processed in accordance with Section 17.96.050 PAMC that provides standards for processing conditional use permit applications within the City of Port Angeles. E. It is not unusual to observe residential use in commercial areas and, as conditioned, the use will not impact public health, safety, or welfare, and will not result in a depreciation of neighboring property nor result in processes that introduce noise, smoke, dust, fumes, odors, or other hazards in excess of those normally found in residential areas to the very visible commercial /residential area. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Reiss and passed 6 — 0. SHORELINE SUBSTANTIAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT — SMA 10 -03 — DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES: Proposal to remove remaining portions of a previous development, stabilize the Ediz Hook Road bed, recontour the shoreline, and stabilize the beach area. (This item is continued from December 8, 2010.) Associate Planner Scott Johns explained that they have been working with the applicant and members of the City's Engineering Division in this matter but have not as yet reached agreement on future maintenance of the area once the work is done. They asked that the matter be continued to the next meeting. Commissioner Miller moved to continue the meeting to the next regular meeting of the Commission. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Boyle and passed 6 — 0. COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE PUBLIC None M -17 Planning Commission Minutes January 12, 2011 Page 14 STAFF REPORTS Planner Johns noted that the Waterfront Transportation Improvement Plan (WTIP) is moving forward. A concept for the redevelopment of the Railroad Avenue area will be presented to the City Council for consideration on February 1. The entryway monument piece is currently on hold. He noted that the Valley Creek restoration project is moving forward as is the Shoreline Master Program. It is anticipated that draft Master Program chapters will be before the Commission for review in the spring. Davey Research group has been hired to prepare a Canopy Analysis Inventory for the City through a grant from the Department of Natural Resources. In responding to general questions from Commissioners, Mr. Johns answered that the inventory of trees is only for publicly owned properties. There is currently no inventory of the condition of publicly owned trees, no analysis of the adequacy of the tree canopy, how much of the City is covered by trees, or how much of City park trees are healthy. A canopy analysis should provide some of this information as a baseline. The inventory and subsequent recommendations do not include private properties. REPORTS OF COMMISSION MEMBERS Commissioner Reiss noted that, from a real estate perspective, things are looking better. The cost of a site built home dropped in 2008 - 10.4 %, in 2009 — 8 %, but only 4.8% in 2010. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 8:30 P.M. Sue Roberds, Secretary PREPARED BY: S. Roberds John Matthews, Chair A ?ORT ANGELES SOC =ATIOt 2010 Annual Report Our mission is a develop and promote a healthy and prosperous Downtow M - 19 www.portangelesdowntown.com Jack Harmon, President Victoria Express Richard Stephens, Secretary Peninsula Daily News Grace Kauffman Sterling Impressions Photographic Robert Nicholls White Crane Martial Arts Jan Harbick, Vice- President Five Seasuns B & B Vicki Adams Sound Bikes & Kayaks Bob Lumens Northwest Fudge & Confections Andrew Schwab Anime Kat A ccredited State Main Street. program for l 8:year .;,Mernbershi of.1;75 downtown businesses,`. . & 6:individual or Community. Angel member's: . ,.Maintain an - account for Downtown': Resource ;Officer's privately funded?Segway: .Profiled in many .ptibllcations, in °print, radio, TV acid online media : Update members an:- pertinent information °;'. _with weekly email blasts' Support community projects Nor'wester :Rotary OMC Patient Assistance Fund Port Angeles Food 'Sank Toys For Tots Organization Committee Chair: Greg Voyles, Farmers Insurance 417 -2663 Mike Edwards, Citizen _ Jan Harbick, Five Seasuns B & B Richard Stephens, Peninsula Daily News Roberta Korcz, City of Port Angeles l Greg Voyles, Treasurer Voyles Farmers Insurance Bill Jackson Baxter Auto Rick Mathis Smuggler's Landing Charlie Smith Lindberg Smith Architects Donya Alward Red Lion Hotel Ex- officio Terry Roth, Past President Nathan West City of Port Angeles ACCOMPLISHMENTS ecagnized natianaily. through the National Trust for.: Historic Preservation . forl8 years Advocate for issues that affect:the.: owntown Community '" wild partnerships with other. economic° evelopment organizations and business :.grow,: Port Angeles: Regional Charmer of Commer "'Port Angeles Business Association Clallam County Economic, Development Council Port :Angeles Farmers Market" North. Olympic' Visitor Bureau City of Port Angeles Port of Port An geles. Promote Downtown to Hurricane Ridge Visitors O rganization Establishes consensus and cooperation by building partnerships among the various groups that have a stake in the commercial district Refreshed new member packet, Published a printed.Business Directory..: Published 3 issues of Destination Downtown Communicated with membership . through month- ly publication of What's News` :Newsletter Maintained and updated association website portangelesdowntown.com Continued recognition -of outstanding . businesses through "Business'of the Month" Provided Networking opportunities with "How . . Sweet It is ". Business of the Month: January - Parker Paint; February- Aglazing Art; March - Necessities & Temptations; April - White Crane Martial Arts; May -Red Lion; June - Olympic Peninsula Visitor Center; July - Kristen Tucker Tax Services; August - Dungeness Bus Lines; September -Tiger Lily Clothing; October- Bay Variety; November- Ignarce; December - Ballet Workshop • • P ark i ng Maintam adequate, free parking for customers Parking Committee Chair: Jan Harbick Five Seasuns B &B 452 -8248 Kevin Thompson, Family Shoe Evan Brown, Brown's Outdoor Charlie Smith, Lindberg & Smith Architects Nathan West, City of Port Angeles Terry Roth, Odyssey Currency Exchange Vicki Adams, Sound Bikes & Kayaks Design Committee Chair • Bob Lumen's.,, , Northwest Fudge & Confections 452 -8299 Jan Harbick, Five Seasuns B & .B . Richard :Stephens; Peninsula Daily News Roberta Korcz, City of Port Angeles Maintained 6 City owned off street parking lots Facilitated availability of parking permits including annual parking permit Introduced a residential parking permit Conducted inventory of current and possible . parking locations. Seal coated and /or striped 5 parking .lots.:. Initiated "One-Day" permits for special events or classes held by members Design Gets Downtown into to physical shape by creating a safe, inviting environment Awarded $1200 in matching funds for signage and $300 for facade. improvement • . Worked with the city to choose recipients of the city's Facade Improvement Program Continued Holiday street tree lighting program, Organized 50 volunteers from IBC. youth group during 'Clean Sweep' Enriches the Downtown experience through art Art on the town Chair: Charlie Smith Lindberg & Smith Architects 452 -6116 Bob Stokes, Art Front/Studio Bob /RBS Studio Bob & Jan Harbick, Five Seasuns B & B Alex Anderson, Artist Dani LaBlond, Artist Eric Neurath, Neurath Photography Gray Lucier, Artist Added 4 sculptures to the collection bringing the total to 02 - Continued Second Weekend activities Continued public education on the importance of art in the community Updated Art on the . town•'" brochure M -21 Creates a positive image that will rekindle community pride and improve the consumer and investor experience in Downtown Promotions Committee: Chair: Drew Schwab, Ahime Kat 797-1313 Tessa Jackson, Memory Lane PPS Marilyn Lamb, Cottage Queen !April Bellerud, Odyssey Bookshop Robert Nicholls, White Crane Martial Arts Grace Kauffman, Sterling Impressions Photographic Richard Stephens, Peninsula Daily News . • Lyn Fauth, Tiger Lily Clothing Economic Restructuring Committee: Chair: Richard Stephens, Peninsula Daily News 417 • Produced events: Girls Night Out, 4th of July parade entry Trick or Treat, Halloween events, Holiday Open House, Community Tree Lighting, 'Mardi Gras, Easter Eggstravaganza, Summer Movie Series Shop Til You Drop, Downtown Sweepstakes PromOted Twilight Windt*, signage,::site lists, Eclipse celebration' • Distributed information to Welcome visitors • , .; Coordinated efforts to vvelcome,VisOing cruise shtps, • Prohioted . our history thrOugh Heritage Weekend IH$1;225;900 , PriVateirrtesttnent: Economic Restructuring Strengthens Downtown's existing economic base while finding ways to expand its economy and introduce compatible new uses •- • - • . ""'• • • „ , " . «, Welcomed 23 new or expanded businesses • Coordinated 'Second Story tour, resulting in 2 rentals ▪ Organized & facilitated Jon Schallert Workshop & VVebinar • Developed inforrnation for 'businesses locating downtown :. and added it to PADA website , ,,, Coordinated round table discussions with member businesses , ' 4 Brad Collins, Serenity House . . Updated Business Directory R Mike Edwards, Citizen , , 41 , Maintained inventory of buildings Jan Harbick, Five Seasuns B & B ' • Worked with representatives of building owners to attract :Nathan West, City Economic businesses to downtown -.. Development Director M - 22 • •••••••• o Completed a Downtown Wedding Planner • ,; Facilitated .silent auction to benefit Haiti earthquake victims • • Port Angeles Downtown Association October 2010 • • Ribbon cuttings o Board members and Executive Director attended ribbon cutting at Living It Up, upstairs at Olympic tt St e aosona� o Economic Restructuring com organized and facilitated ribbon rn g cutting at Rissa's For Him, also a business expansion. Rissa's Barely consignment, next door opened in April 2010. • Hurricane Ridge Jan and Barb worked with a local graphic artist to develop a downtown on the logo for the year round opening of Hurricane Ridge. The icon is .That page website, directing visitors to a page of specials and s is linked to the ONP page as well. • Halloween The promotions committee organized downtown Trick or Treat on October 31 Information was sent through the schools, and posters were distributed to participating businesses. Kiwanis took over 200 photos of children at fountain. Each person having a photo taken was given a ticket saying which of 4 businesses their photo would be for pick up, requiring them to come downtown one more time. PADA paid for the photos, they were free to the public. Several businesses had their own haunted houses, and parties for the adults were abundant in the evening. • Website We added a flash feature to the website, allowing for a rotating display e of photos. We started a contest for businesses with a webpage on ours , to be automatically entered into a drawing for their business to be featured on the home page as part of the `flash' display. • How Sweet it Is -- Rissa's For Him • Business of the Month — Bay Variety M -23 Port Angeles Downtown Association November 2010 • Design Committee o Worked with Nor'wester Rotary and Jackson Smart on the rededication of the Olympics Vision Mural. The dedication included Mayor DiGuilio adding the last dab of paint, remarks from Rotary about the mural project, from Artists Jackson Smart and Dani LaBlond and an appearance by President Teddy Roosevelt. o Facilitated a contest asking residents to guess how many critters are on the mural. 12 people entered the contest. Winner received $50 Downtown Dollars. • General Membership Meeting was held on Nov. 16 with Glenn Cutler to continue to receive input about the First Street Storm water and paving project. 8 PADA members were present. • Waterfront Plan Public Meeting Board members Drew Schwab and Grace Kauffman attended. • Promotion Committee o Met with members of DeMolay and Rainbow to plan logistics for Tree Lighting on Nov. 27. Members of those two clubs will act as Site Manager, Stage Manager, Santa Handler ad elves for the event. o Facilitated Community Tree Lighting Event November 27. The committee booked the acts and coordinated set up and tear down. Board member Drew Schwab and Barb Frederick were emcees for the event. • Coffee with City Manager o Board Member, Drew Schwab and Barb Frederick attended Coffee with' City Manager Kent Myers on Nov. 12 at Corner house restaurant with other members of the community. • Executive Director attended Main Street Managers retreat Nov. 3 & 4 at Alderbrook Resort. Business of the Month - Magna Force M - 24 • • • • • Port Angeles Downtown Association December 2010 • Jan and Barb met with Nathan West on Dec. 1 to review language on parking signs that Nathan was proposing to City Council. • Jan and Barb also met with Nathan and Glenn on Dec. 13 to discuss the possible placement of additional trash cans and ash receptacles throughout downtown. They also discussed ways to collaborate on getting downtown ready for the Elwha Dam Celebration in September. • Board members Richard Stephens, Jan Harbick and Executive Director met with Representative Kevin Van DeWege and Representative Elect Steve Tharinger to apprise them of the accomplishments of the association_in 2010 and to ask for their support to continue funding the Washington State Main Street Program. • Hurricane Ridge Grand Opening Board members Jan Harbick and Charlie Smith, along with Executive director Barb Frederick attended the Ribbon Cutting • Promotion Committee o Assisted Betsy Reed Schultz and .PA Regional Chamber of Commerce to plan and facilitate Shop Til You Drop on Dec. 16 o Organized Christmas Open House for downtown businesses -12 businesses participated • Nomination Committee o Compiled, sent and counted ballots for 2011 Board of Directors election. See list attached. Parking Committee o Made parking permits available for the first 5 months of 2011 to be purchased monthly or all at once. Also made residential permits and annual permits available for both employees and residents. • How Sweet It Is- PADA office • Business of the Month — Ballet Workshop M -25 2011 Board of Directors Greg Voyles, President Voyles Insurance Agency 228 W, First - Armory Square 306 457 - 0113 clvolyies Chuck Smith, Vice President Lindberg & Smith Architects 319 S. Peabody 360 452 - 6116 contact lindarch.com Richard Stephens, Secretary Peninsula Daily News 305 W. First St. 360 417 - 3544 richard. stephens (a� peninsuladailynews.com Bob Lumens, Treasurer Northwest Fudge & Confections 108 W. First St; 360- 452 -8299 nwpa c( olypen.corrl Jack Harmon, Past President Victoria Express 11.5 E. Railroad - Landing Mall 360 -452 -8088 iack Vicki Adams Sound Bikes & Kayaks:-120 E. Front St. 360 -457 -1240 sbkpa Eric Brown Brown's Outdoor 112 W. Front St. 360 - 457=4150 eric @brownsoutdoor.com Trisa Chomica Trisa & Co.lnterior Design 105 1/2 E. First - upstairs 360 - 460 - 9856 tc design65 Lyn Fauth Tiger Lily Clothing 123 E. First St. 360 - 452 - 5615 Iynfauth a,cimail.com or ticierlilvclothinqa.omail.com Grace Kauffman Sterling Impressions Photographic 103 W. First St 306 417 - 3001 • ste.r aE mac.com Robert Nicholls . White Crane Martial Arts' '129 W. First St. 306 477 -4926 nicholls.boba(cr�vahoo.com Drew Schwab Anime Kat 110 W. St. 360 797 - 1313 animekat(c7email.com Kevin Tracy Tracy Wealth Management 105 '/2 E. First - upstairs 360 - 452 - 9080 kevinpat a(�olvpen.com • • ORGANIZATION WASHINGTON STATE MAIN STREET PROGRAM LOCAL PROGRAM MANAGER'S QUARTERLY REPORT The local Downtown Revitalization program manager must submit a quarterly report to the state program by the of January. April, July, and October for the previous three months. This is required for all Main StreetTM organizations in the state of Washington. The manager should attach two copies of materials that further profile activities that the local program has accomplished during the reporting period. Manager's Name: _Barbara Frederick City: _Port Angeles Current date: January 7, 2011 Months & year that this report covers: _Oct. Nov. Dec. 2010 • If any of your officers or board members have changed, please attach an update for our mail /phone list (name, position, address, phone) or list below: Grace Kauffman Sterling Impressions Photographic 103 W. First St 306-417-3001 sterlinoimoressions(c rnac.com Robert Nicholls . White Crane Martial Arts 129 W. First St. 306 - 477 -4926 nicholisboba�a?vahoo.com Drew Schwab Anime Kat 110 W. First St. 360 -797 -1313 animekat �z email.com Current number of board members: 13 • Current number of active committee members. Do not include yourself in the count: Promotion: 6 Design: 4 Economic Restructuring: Other ( parking 5 ): Art on the town 6 Other ( 5 Current number of volunteers: (USE NEW STAT SHEET TO REPORT — SEE ATTACHED) ): • Number of volunteer hours dedicated to program activity support this quarter: (USE NEW S TAT SHEET TO REPORT— SEE ATTACHED) • Are you working on updating or creating any new organizational materials? If so, please describe below or attach if complete (i.e., bylaws, evaluations, volunteer applications, grant proposals, brochures, newsletters, logos): • Describe significant outreach activities conducted recently to build relationships with other organizations (i.e., presentations, meetings, correspondence, joint projects): Continued representation and attendance at PA Forward and related committees and PA Chamber M -27 C. We worked with Nor'wester Rotary and Jackson Smart on the rededication of the Olympics Vision Mural. The dedication included Mayor .DiGuilio adding the last dab of paint, remarks from Rotary about the mural project, from Artists Jackson Smart and Dani LaBlond and an appearance by President Teddy Roosevelt. Facilitated a contest asking residents to guess how many critters are on the mural. 12 people entered the contest. Winner received $50 Downtown Dollars. DESIGN • Describe any significant design activities not included in "statistics" (assistance with sign ordinances, design review, workshops, contests, historic district formation, building surveys, clean -up days, etc.). If the activity is complete and has resulted in a written product, please attach: A. In 2010 the committee awarded $1200 in matching funds for signage and $300 for facade improvement. B. Contracted with Kiwanis to hang lights in the street trees_ for the holidays. Kiwanis identified trees and light posts where the electricity wasn't working and where lights could not be put. In areas where there weren't any trees, but light posts worked, they put lights on the posts so more of downtown was lit up.. „Committee chair, Bob Lumens contacted City Light who worked to correct some of the outages as they had time. ECONOMIC RESTRUCTURING Current number of businesses in the project area: 180 Source: • Current number of employees in downtown: 1186 Source: • Retail Sales: % up /down from previous quarter Source: % up /down from previous year • Explain any efforts 'made in assisting .individuals or groups to obtain financing for an improvement project. List efforts to provide other business assistance and education: We continue to work with PA forward on a Buy Local campaign. M - 28 4 °PROMOTION • Give a synopsis of promotional activities just completed. include name of event or activity, total cost, source(s) of funds, a short description of the event or activity, and an evaluation of its success. Also attach copies of brochures, posters, ete. connected to the event: A. Trick or Treat -- Oct. 31 Over 3000 children trick or treated downtown. Pictures of kids were taken by Kiwanis, and given to parents .free, funded. by .PADA. B. Downtown Sweepstakes Nov. 27- Dec. 16 — Shoppers were entered to prize of $500 .Down.tov rn Dollars for every $.10 spent, after the first free entry. Approximately 8,000 tickets were collected and 25Q people showed up for the drawing on Dec. 16. Sponsored by First Federal and PADA. 13 "businessses participated beginning on Nov. 27, others joined the night of Dec. 16. C. Community Tree Lighting Nov. 27 — Amanda Bacon, Hamilton School Choir, City Manager Kent Myers provided entertainment. The Little Dragons from White Martial Arts Escorted Santa to -help him save Christmas from the Grinch. The little Dragons were told that the Grinch was trying to steal Christmas and they needed to help Santa save it. They fought off the Grinch and saved Christmas. The Marine Corps League collected Toys For Tots. DeMolay and Rainbow Girls heap with set up and take down of the event, as well as serve ,cookies and hot cocoa. They are what makes this event a success. Approximately 200 people attended. D. Shop Tit You Drop Dec. 16 5-8 pm. 28 businesses participated in this late night event. It is coordinated to coincide with PA. Chamber Holiday After Hours. Many businesses reported brisk business, while others weren't as busy as in the past. Dj's Howard & Leslie Fisher provided music throughout the evening that everyone commented was a great addition • to the festivities. Many people joined in the carol signing and the evening culminated with the drawing for $500 Downtown Dollars: The winning ticket came from The Trading Post and the bulk of the winnings was spent there as well. • Highlight other promotional activities in the planning stage, include dates if kno Customer Appreciation. Feb. 1.2 A Bite of Downtown March 22 Easter Eggstravaganza April 23 • Attach key media releases or articles written about your program/projects during the reporting period. M -29 • Give a synopsis of your efforts in market analysis and business recruitrnent. Summarize any other Economic Restructuring activities: We are working with the City to find a possible location for a glass recycling container downtown and other ways to increase recycling efforts downtown. We added a 'flash' feature to our website. Each business has the ability to have a free webpage on our website, and from among those that do, we draw a business to be featured in, the 'flash' feature each month. It has increased the number of businesses developing their web page. COMMENTARY • Critical local issues, problems, and successes: • Goals and challenges of upcoming projects: The committees crafted the 2011 Workplan with the September celebration of the Elwha Dams in mind and will concentrate on those activities to enhance downtown for the event. e Interesting stories, inforrhatiorl, and discoveries to relate: One young boy who was part of the team who escorted Santa to the tree lighting, and fought off the Grinch, was having dinner with his family after the event at a downtown restaurant and proudly told the waitress that "he saved Christmas". • Suggestions for state program services, training needs, questions, comments: M - 30 • • • No. 1 2 3 . 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 126 27 28 29 1 30 1 ' 2010 Totals L'21 BUSINESS STARTS/RELOCATIONS /EXPANSIONS INTO AND. WITHIN THE CBD i 1 1 1 PORT ANGELES (2010) I 1 1 1 No. of 1 I 1 New 1 Reloc Reloc 1 New Business Name !Business Type Bus. 1Aca. 1 into CBD 1 within:CBD 1 Bus Exo Emol Comments Pacific Northwest Games 1 games 1' • 2 Princess Valiant Coffeee & Best of the Peninsula: I 1 1 Family Medicine DT Health Clinic !clinic 1 35 Kokopelli Grill !restaurant 1 15 Northwest Fudge & Confections !candy 1 1 1 0 Art Supplies Unlimited fart supplies .1 1 1 0 Kristin Tucker Tax Services !accounting 1 1 2 Anime Kat 1retail x 1 2 Teenie Oueenie IChildren's retail x • 2 Sickk Tees 'custom t shirts x 1 2 Rissa's Barely Consignment (retail clothing x 1 2 Westside Pizza 'restaurant x 6 !Bar N9ne might club x 6 Twice Upon A Child 1Childrens consignment x 1 3 !Tiger Lily Clothing !clothing . • x • . x 1 2 1Magnaforce !transportation x 1 4 I R Bar night club 1 x 1 4 Rissa`s For Men consignment clothing x 1 fitness Fitness 1 1 2 Vic's Income Tax Income Tax ! 1 Gateway Gaming Center Arcade 1 x 1 1 !First Federal admin center Bank administration x 20 Living It Up gifts /home decor x 1 •0 Page 1 of 1 2 1 1 2 113 11VlonthfYr. Feb Feb Jan Feb Ino new emp !Jan 1no new emp 1Jan 1 (March April April !April [pril 1 May 1 1 May 1 July 1 Sept 1 core headquarters !Sept 1July !Sept 1 Oct 1Sept 1July !August r p of Oly Stationers 1/17/2011 BUSINESS /BUILDING INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR RENOVATION PROJECTS PORT ANGELES (2010) { No. Business or Blda. Common Name 'Project Description 1 ICornerhouse Restaurant 2 'Family Medicine 3 Olympic Stationers 4 Kaufman Miller building 5 ITeenie Queenie 6 !Waters West 7 'Magna Force 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 1 25 1 2010 Total 'Interior paint jbuilidng remodel 'upstairs remodellsicgnaae I interior remodel/exterior paint interior remodel interior paint/lighting interior remodel /decor Dollars Invested Month/Yr, $600 Feb. $1,000,000 Feb $42,300 Aug -Sept $75,000 Jul -Aug $3,000 April $5,000 Dec. $100,000 Dec. $1,225,900 1 • • BUSINESS FAILURES /RELOCATIONS OUT OF CBD PORT ANGELES (2010) No. !Business Name Business Tvae 1 !Memory Lane Party solutions party planning 2 Visiting Angels home care 3 Karen's Accounting accounting 4 Tropix hair salon 5 Parker Paint paint 6 Christian Science Reading Room religious 7 Platinum Real Estate bldg rental 8 Real Estate Marketplace real estate 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2010 Total Business Aae 4 7 10+ 8+ No. of Emil. 1 5 3 : 1 4 3 volunt 1 1 16 Comments moved it home moved it home fire /business slow down volunteers to run it were non existant rented building they were in owner passed away Month/Yr. June May July Sept July july Sept Sept Total 4700 • Promotions Income 4725 • ER Income 4727 • Jon Schallert Total 4725 - ER Income 4999 • Interest Income Total Income Total 6170 • EC. Restr. 6190 • Holiday Lights 6220 • Office Expense 6221 • Maintenance 6223 • Supplies Total 6220.Office Expense PADA Profit & Loss October through December 2010 Ordinary Income /Expense Income 4100 • Administrative Collections 4110 • Newsletter Total 4100 • Administrative Collections 4200 • City Contract 4400 • Holiday Lights Contributions . 4450 • Membership Dues - Fund Raising 4550 • Parking Income 4552 • Dupar 4553 • Parking Permits 4550 • Parking Income - Other Total 4550 • Parking Income 4600 • PBIA Assessments 4700 • Promotions income 4701 • Cruise Trasportation 4700 • Promotions Income - Other Expense 6050 • Administrative Expenses 6054 • Newsletter 6055 • Travel Reimbursements 6050 • Administrative Expenses - Other Total 6050 • Administrative Expenses 6060 • Advertising Expense 6090 • Art on the Town Expenses/Trans 6092 • Sculpture Purchase 6090 • Art on the Town Expenses/Trans - Other Total 6090 - Art on the Town Expenses/Trans 6100 • Communication 6102 • Postage 6103 • Telephone /Internet Total 6100 • Communication 6120 • Contract Labor - Admin. Asst. 6130 • Design Expense 6140 • Donation 6150 • Downtown Dollars Expense 6152 • Promotion Total 6150 • Downtown Dollars Expense 6160 • Dues, Licenses, Fees 6170 • EC. Restr. 6172 • Jon Schaller! Oct - Dec 10 50.00 50.00 3,333.48 900.00 320.00 7,712.64 1,360.93 4,758.50 13,832.07 8,490.74 450.00 2,525.00 2,975.00 500.00 500.00 3.53 30,404.82 137.50 145.32 92.00 • 374.82 763.12 250.00 32.52 282.52 132.00 665.72 797.72 195.00 350.00 100.00 250.00 250.00 425.00 58.54 58.54 650.19 113.82 231.44 345.26 M - 34 Pa 1 • • 11:25 AM PADA Profit & Loss October through December 2010 01/17/11 •ccrual Basis 6300 • Parking Expense 6307 • Paving /Striping 6309 • Parking Lot Planters 6312 - Sweeping /Snow Removal Total 6300 • Parking Expense 6410 • Printing, Photocopies 6430 • Promotions 6440 • Rent 6500 • Payroll Expenses 6501 - Net Wages 6511 • Employee Pd Medical 6501 . Net Wages - Other Total 6501 • Net Wages 6502 • Employment Security Taxes 6503 • FICA 941 Employer 6504 • FICA 941 Employee 6505 • L&I Taxes Total 6500 • Payroll Expenses 6600 • Employee Benefits 6601 • Annual Pkg. Permit 6602 • Medical Insurance Total 6600 • Employee Benefits 6900 •Other Expenses Total Expense Oct - Dec 10 5,696.42 544.66 1.815.70 8,056.78 7.68 2,077.17 750.00 231.74 8,229.85 8,461.59 216.84 793.69 2,203.69 78.34 11,754.15 165.00 930.00 1,095.00 6,973.72 35,306.67 Net Ordinary Income - 4,901.85 Net Income - 4,901.85 M - 35 Page 2 PADA Balance Sheet As of December 31, 2010 Dec 31, 10 ASSETS Current Assets Checking /Savings 1110 • Art the Town 57.36 1120 • Emerg. Op Fund CD 13,850.60 1130 • First Federal - 2,798.51 1140 • Parking 11,282.40 1141 • Parking CD 1,132.06 1150 - Petty Cash 50.00 1160 • Plaque Resery Acct 2,518.60 1165 • Segway Account 431.42 1170 • Downtown Dollars Account 9,572.29 Total Checking/Savings 36,096.22 Accounts Receivable 1200 • Accounts Receivable 1220 • AIR - City Contract 5,000.22 1230 - A/R - Dupar 3,122.00 1240 • AIR - Parking Permits 1,436.00 1250 • AIR - PBIA 6,000.00 Total 1200 • Accounts Receivable 15,558.22 Total Accounts Receivable 15,558.22 Total Current Assets 51,654.44 Other Assets 1610 • Association Equip 2,138.20 1615 • Assn Equip -Accum Depr - 2,138.20 1620 • Tree Lighting 1,525.00 1625 • Lighting - Accum Depr - 1,525.00 Total Other Assets 0.00 TOTAL ASSETS 51,654.44 LIABILITIES & EQUITY Liabilities Current Liabilities Other Current Liabilities 2200 • Downtown Dollars Liability 2201 • DT Dollars Purchased 58,892.29 2202 • DT Dollars Spent - 49,400.00 Total 2200 • Downtown Dollars Liability 9,492.29 Total Other Current Liabilities 9,492.29 Total Current Liabilities 9,492.29 Total Liabilities 9,492.29 Equity 3000.Opening Bat Equity 42,520.75 3900 • Retained Earnings 5,221.28 Net Income - 5,579.88 Total Equity 42,162.15 TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY 51,654.44 M - 36 Page 1 • • • DEPARTMENT OF COMMUN TY & ECONOM C DEVELOPMENT BUILDING DIVISION MONTH .Y PERMIT REPORT JANUARY 2011 CATEGORY 1 JAN. 1 FEB. 1 MAR. 1 APR. 1 MAY 1 JUNE 1 JULY 1 AUG. 2011 YTD 2010 YTD RESIDENTIAL - NEW MODULAR /MANUFACT. 1 1 Value $92,108 $92,108 SINGLE FAMILY 2 2 Value $291,806 $291,806 MULTI - FAMILY Value ACCESSORIES 1 1 Value $5,040 $5,040 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 COMMERCIAL - NEW RETAIL Value HOTEL /MOTEL Value OFFICE 1 1 Value $43,520 $43,520 DRINKING /DINING Value AUTO /SERVICE Value INDUSTRIAL Value 1 PUBLIC - NEW SCHOOLS /HOSPS /GOVT 1 Value CHURCHES Value RECREATION Value $7,204 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $7,204 REPAIR & ALT. RESIDENTIAL 28 28 20 Value $321,410 $321,410 $91,002 COMMERCIAL 9 9 8 Value $120,210 $120,210 $102,650 PUBLIC Value DEMOLITION / MOVE 2 2 3 Value $0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 BUILDING TOTALS BLDG PERMITS 45 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 45 31 CONST. VALUE $881,298 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $881,298 $193,652 BLDG PERMITS FEE $17,606 $17,606 $4,780 C OF O'S ISSUED 3 3 8 *Certificate of Occupancy (C of 0) issued to new or relocated businesses. M - 37 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT BUILD NG D VIS ON MONTHLY PERM T REPORT DECEMBER 2010 CATEGORY 1 JAN. 1 FEB. 1 MAR. 1 APR. 1 MAY 1 JUNE 1 JULY 1 AUG. 1 SEPT. 1 OCT. 1 NOV. 1 DEC. 2010 YTD 2009 YTD RESIDENTIAL - NEW MODULAR /MANUFACT. 7 Value $564,964 SINGLE FAMILY 1 1 2 3 5 5 1 1 19 24 Value $165,643 $147,132 $277,125 $558,571 $585,761 $562,030 $42,658 $680,000 $3,018,920 $3,891,118 MULTI - FAMILY 1 1 Value $1,609,627 $1,609,627 ACCESSORIES 3 1 4 1 3 2 1 15 27 Value $64,224 $5,352 $58,980 $23,040 $54,240 $25,080 $29,160 $260,076 $770,071 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 COMMERCIAL - NEW RETAIL 1 1 4 Value $55,440 $55,440 $585,250 HOTEL /MOTEL Value OFFICE 1 1 1 Value $8,420 $8,420 $94,496 DRINKING /DINING Value AUTO /SERVICE 1 Value $6,400 INDUSTRIAL 1 1 1 Value $700,000 $700,000 $293,821 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 PUBLIC - NEW SCHOOLS /HOSPS /GOVT 1 1 2 3 Value $43,774 $68,000 $111,774 $26,039,776 CHURCHES Value RECREATION 2 Value $50,000 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 REPAIR & ALT. RESIDENTIAL 20 17 27 23 27 26 31 40 62 49 43 35 400 347 Value $91,002 $78,957 $282,507 $102,320 $180,009 $180,898 $220,520 $319,821 $396,353 $361,063 $329,993 $244,194 $2,787,637 $2,695,634 COMMERCIAL 8 15 18 15 12 14 13 17 13 7 16 9 157 121 Value $102,650 $117,651 $116,991 $64,046 $61,794 $369,826 $117,043 $129,466 $119,011 $148,209 $172,678 $90,534 $1,609,899 $6,593,544 PUBLIC 2 1 2 2 2 4 3 3 2 1 22 14 Value $359,500 $176,480 $91,250 $17,990 $170,765 $457,073 $180,500 $614,000 $15,000 $3,000 $2,085,558 $510,201 DEMOLITION / MOVE 3 4 1 1 1 3 13 17 Value $0 $2,000 $0 $0 $0 $2,000 $141,220 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 BUILDING TOTALS BLDG PERMITS 31 35 50 39 51 43 50 69 85 66 64 49 632 569 CONST. VALUE $193,652 $611,548 $805,845 $171,718 $2,150,792 $591,754 $837,647 $1,587,171 $1,306,705 $1,714,462 $1,260,329 $1,017,728 $12,249,351 $42,236,495 BLDG PERMITS FEE $4,780 $11,792 $15,454 $6,026 $28,913 $12,524 $17,741 $27,159 $29,763 $28,969 $24,743 $16,388 $224,252 $407,373 C OF O'S ISSUED 8 4 14 0 6 14 6 0 3 4 7 6 72 *Certificate of Occupancy (C of 0) issued to new or relocated businesses. DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT BUILD NG D VIS ON MONTHLY PERM T REPORT DECEMBER 2009 CATEGORY 1 JAN. 1 FEB. 1 MAR. 1 APR. 1 MAY 1 JUNE 1 JULY 1 AUG. 1 SEPT. 1 OCT. 1 NOV. 1 DEC. 1 2009 YTD 2008 YTD RESIDENTIAL MODULAR/MANUFACT. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 3 Value $50,000 $66,000 $129,271 $112,831 $58,431 $58,431 $90,000 $564,964 $162,875 SINGLE FAMILY 1 1 2 2 2 10 3 1 1 1 24 17 Value $190,653 $152,102 $357,069 $560,347 $426,255 $1,151,666 $524,257 $158,706 $169,683 $200,380 $3,891,118 $3,223,469 MULTI-FAMILY 1 Value $249,518 ACCESSORIES 3 2 2 2 1 4 3 1 5 3 1 27 19 Value $188,072 $33,912 $87,024 $24,960 $21,600 $98,475 $24,228 $9,600 $130,000 $100,360 $51,840 $770,071 $431,151 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 COMMERCIAL RETAIL 1 1 2 4 Value $573,450 $4,800 $7,000 $585,250 HOTEL/MOTEL Value OFFICE 1 1 1 Value $94,496 $94,496 $478,680 DRINKING/DINING 1 Value $10,000 AUTO/SERVICE 1 1 1 Value $6,400 $6,400 $500,000 INDUSTRIAL 1 1 5 Value $293,821 $293,821 $2,178,769 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 PUBLIC - NEW SCHOOLS/HOSPS/GOVT 2 1 3 1 Value $39,776 $26,000,000 $26,039,776 $1,800,000 CHURCHES Value RECREATION 1 1 2 Value $15,000 $35,000 $50,000 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 REPAIR & ALT. RESIDENTIAL 22 16 27 27 22 35 38 40 28 31 34 27 347 389 Value $124,294 $204,263 $278,007 $310,288 $168,392 $362,835 $125,490 $326,783 $298,573 $223,846 $130,357 $142,506 $2,695,634 $3,312,195 COMMERCIAL 2 11 8 8 12 14 16 6 9 15 6 14 121 134 Value $55,078 $182,569 $113,940 $3,837,990 $408,466 $846,861 $470,244 $54,590 $154,325 $68,455 $292,403 $108,623 $6,593,544 $3,106,605 PUBLIC 3 2 1 2 1 3 1 1 14 16 Value $38,318 $5,000 $9,500 $44,640 $11,000 $374,243 $22,500 $5,000 $510,201 $1,492,217 DEMOLITION / MOVE 2 2 1 3 1 5 1 2 17 19 Value $140,600 $120 $100 $0 $400 $0 $0 $0 $141,220 $366,501 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 BUILDING TOTALS BLDG PERMITS 35 35 42 41 40 60 67 62 46 53 44 44 569 607 CONST. VALUE $1,360,465 $586,360 $662,073 $4,208,238 $1,129,438 $2,032,525 $1,420,460 $27,917,391 $1,165,586 $556,167 $604,443 $593,349 $42,236,495 $17,311,980 BLDG PERMITS FEE $16,919 $11,789 $18,091 $39,022 $13,446 $32,994 $22,478 $196,936 $21,281 $12,816 $11,524 $10,077 . $407,373 • $253,493 CITY OF POR TANGELES W A S H I N G T O N , U.S.A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: February 15, 2011 TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: TERRY K. GALLAGHER, CHIEF OF POLICE SUBJECT: POLICE DEPARTMENT 2010 ANNUAL REPORT The Police Department is proud to release our 2010 annual report, a compendium of the many projects, activities, and accomplishments of the Department's men and woman over this past year. This report is unique in that it was prepared in its entirety by our Peninsula College student intern, Matt Wolff. Matt deserves recognition for the many hours of hard work he devoted to this project and for bringing a great attitude to work every day. Matt saved the Department's regular staff a ton of work, made all our lives a little less stressful, and earned some college credits along the way - while producing a work product he can be proud of. This year's report highlights budget savings, technology, and adaptability. Budget savings in that the Department's overtime expenditures were at historic lows; technology as we move toward full mobile data; and, adaptability as staff moved forward on programs that are really still relatively unique in a law enforcement agency — AED's and tactical tracking teams are great examples. The complete report can be found on the City's web site at www. cityofpa .us /policeAnnualRpt.htm. We believe that 2010 was a very successful year for the Police Department. 2011 will present new challenges as we will work through the year with two less commissioned and one less communications officers than in 2010. Please take some time and read the report, and then please let us know how we are doing. We exist to serve the community. To do that well we need your input and your continued support.