HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet 02/16/1999 AGENDA
February 16, 1999
AGENDA ITEM I First ] Action ?I Action Taken
IPage I
A. CALL TO ORDER - Regular Meeting (5:30 p.m.)
PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - Led by Camp Fire Group Rainbow Stars
Status Report from Chainber of Commerce /
North Olympic Peninsula Visitor & Convention
Bureau re. Tourism Marketing Program (NO
PUBLIC COMMENT FOR ITEMS NOT ON AGENDA (This is the opportunity for members of the
public to speak to the City Council about anything not on the agenda, please keep comments to 5-l 0 minutes.)
1. City Council minutes - February 2 and Action
February 9, 1999
2. Out-of-State Travel for Electrical Engineer
3. lnterlocal Agreement to purchase off of King
County bid for electrical line truck
4. Check list- February 10, 1999 - $584,355.35
1. Ordinance amending time of City Council Action
2. Ordinance authorizing use of credit cards Action
3. Ordinance revising 1999 salaries for Action
management/administrative and non-
represented employees
February 16, 1999 Port Angeles City Council Meeting Page - 1
AGENDA First Action ? Action Taken
Resolution setting a public hearing for vacation 53 Action
of a portion of"P" Street south of Milwaukee
Drive- STV 99-01 - Davis/City of Port Angeles
1. Approval of Gateway consultant 59 Action
2. Review of LID 215 recommended cost 61 Action
distribution for final assessment roll
3. Pedestrian bridge work at Elwha Fish 65 Action
4. Agreement with PUD for low zone customer 69 Action
and facility transfer
5. Easement to County on Mount Pleasant Road 75 Action
(7:00 P.M. or soon thereafter)
1. Consideration of application for CDBG 81 Action
General Purpose Grant [Continued from
February 2, 1999]
1. City Manager's Report (Page 87)
2. Information on revisions to ordinance regulating moving of buildings (Page 91)
3. Nuisance and junk vehicle ordinance changes (Page 101)
4. Status report on recruitment efforts to fill vacancies on Boards/Commissions (Page 107)
5. Taping Executive Sessious (Page 109)
6. Parks, Recreation & Beautification Commission minutes - January 21, 1999 (Page 111)
7. Board of Adjustment minutes - February 1, 1999 (Page 113)
8. Parks & Recreation Monthly Report - January, 1999 (Page 119)
9. Planning Department Monthly Report - January, 1999 (Page 131)
10. Police Department Monthly Report - January, 1999 (Page 133)
11. Fire Department Monthly Report - January, 1999 (Page 143)
M. EXECUTIVE SESSION (As needed and determined by City Attorney)
Public hearings are set by the City Council in order to meet legal requirements pertaining to matters such as, land use permit applications, proposed
amendments to City land use regulations, zoning changes, annexations. In addition, the City Council may set a public hearing in order to receive
public input prior to making decisions which impact the citizens. Certain matters may be controversial, and the City Council may choose to seek public
opinion through the public hearing process.
February 16, 1999 Port Angeles City Council Meeting Page - 2
February 16, 1999
-- /
Members Present:
Mayor Braun
Councilman Campbell
Councilman Doyle
Councilman Hulett
Councilmember McKeown
Councilman Wiggins
Councilman Williams
Staff Present: Other Stat ~ Present:
Manager Ibarra
Attorney Knutson
Clerk Upton
S. Bro~un
B. Collins
K. Godbey
S. Im
J. Pittis
Ledby: (~_z~L/B~ &~A, 0~
Attendance Roster
DATE OF MEETING: February_ 16, 1999
LOCATION: City_ Council Chambers
City of Port Angeles
Ordinance/Resolution Distribution List
CityCouncilMeetingof ~g&, ][~ ; ~
City Manager
City Atty. (1)
Depu~ Clerk
Cust. Svcs.
Poli~ Dept.
Fke Dept.
Li~t Dept.
Pub. Works (2)
P~ks & Rec.
Ex~a Copies
Port Angeles, Washington
February 2, 1999
CALL TO ORDER - Mayor Braun called the regular meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at
ROLL CALL: Members Present; Mayor Braun, Councilmembers Campbell, Doyle, Hulett,
McKeown, Wiggins, and Williams.
Members Absent: None.
Staff Present: Manager Ibarra, Attorney Knutson, Clerk UPton, B. Becker,
S. Brodhun, B. Collins, K. Godbey, S. Ilk, J. Pittis, L.
Haehnlen, G. Kenworthy, and T. Smith.
Public Present: S. Mathews, L. Lee, L. McHone, B. Riley, and C.
PLEDGE OF The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by former Councilman Larry Schueler.
CEREMONIAL Presentation of Key for New Library and Public Works History Book
PROCLAMATIONS: At Mayor Braun's request, Director Pittis introduced Gary McLaughlin, President of the
North Olympic Library System Board; Sally Mathews, member of the Friends of the
Presentation of Key for Library; George Stratton; Larry Haas; and Larry Schueler, who was on the Library
New Library and Public Advisory Committee. Director Pittis presented the library with a copy of the Public
Works History Book Works History Book, which includes some of the history of Port Angeles.
Mayor Braun presented a gold key for the new library to the Library Board, noting the
new library was a facility of which the City could be proud. Mr. McLaughlin thanked
the City and the Friends of the Library for the support given during this project. The
new library would not have happened without the cooperation and team effort of all
three entities. Larry Schueler felt the public received a far better product thanks to the
partnership between the Library and the City. Director Pittis also thanked I-Ioly Trinity
Lutheran Church for the parking lot agreement.
PADA Partner Award Arla Holzschuh, Port Angeles Downtown Association, 105 ½ E. First Street, and Eileen
Presentation to Tim Smith Knight, Bergsma Showroom, 115 E. Railroad Avenue, introduced themselves to the
Council. Ms. Holzschuh gave a brief presentation on the Port Angeles Downtown
Association and presented Timothy Smith, Economic Development Director, with the
Parmer Award, the highest award given by the Downtown Association.
Mr. Smith thanked the Downtown Association and stated he would share this award
with the City Council, who has supported the downtown revitalization, as well as the
City Manager's office and all the Department Heads.
-1- 1
February 2, 1999
LATE ITEMS TO BE Councilman Wiggins asked that a presentation by the VCB/Chamber of Commerce be
PLACED ON THIS OR scheduled for the next Council meeting, February 16, 1999. He asked that the Lodging
FUTURE AGENDA: Tax Advisory Committee members be invited to attend.
Manager Ibarra asked to add Item H. 2., a resolution regarding declaration of an
emergency for disaster funding and waiving bid laws.
FINANCE: .4ward of Bid for Library Demolition
Library Demolition Mayor Braun reviewed the information provided by the Public Works Department, and
Director Pittis informed the Council that fourteen bids were submitted. He explained
when and how the demolition will take place. Discussion followed, and Director Piths
responded to questions posed by the Council.
Councilmember McKeown moved to accept the bid of R. J. Services, Inc., in the
amount of $79,411.70 and authorize the Mayor to execute the demolition contract.
Councilman Williams seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
CONSENT AGENDA: Councilman Doyle moved to approve the Consent Agenda, including: 1.) City
Council minutes - January 19, 1999; 2.) Out of State travel request - Chief of Police; 3.)
Contracts for Services: a.) Chamber of Commerce, b.) Clallam County YMCA, c.) P.A.
Boys & Girls Club. Councilman Campbell seconded the motion, which carried
CITY COUNCIL Councilman Wiggins attended meetings for Public Health, Gateway, and the Elwha
COMMITTEE Committee. At the next Gateway Committee meeting, the consultant will be chosen,
REPORTS: which is of some significance.
Couneilmember McKeown moved to change the time of Council meetings from
5:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Councilman Hulett seconded the motion. Discussion
followed, and Councilman Doyle pointed out that staff may need time to make this
change official. Manager Ibarra explained an ordinance making this change will need
to be presented to Council at the next meeting. Also, he felt a time delay of 30 days
would be helpful so as to educate the public regarding the change in meeting times. A
vote was taken on the motion, which carried unanimously.
Councilmember McKeown and Mayor Braun, attended the Boys & Girls Club Open
House. The children were very happy and excited, and Councilmember McKeown felt
having a safe place for the children would save the City money over the long term.
Councilman Doyle also attended the Open House and felt it was a real asset to the area.
Councilmember McKeown accompanied Planning Director Collins to a Southwest
Puget Sound Endangered Species Act Subregion meeting. She provided a brief history
of how the Subregion came about and described what took place at the meeting.
Councilmember McKeown explained that Port Angeles has five large projects
identified, including the Elwha stock preservation channel and the Morse Creek
acclimation pond. Under the ESA funding process, the cities are going to be
responsible for enforcing the existing regulations, yet have no say in what is happening.
Councilmember McKeown also feared the City's Elwha River water rights may be
diminished under this program. Discussion ensued. Councilmembers McKeown and
Campbell will bring new information to the Council as it is received.
Mayor Braun attended earthquake training at the Fire Department, installed new officers
for the Chamber of Commerce, the Annual Downtown Business Association meeting
and the United Way Campaign dinner. Mayor Braun also attended the open house for
the Boys and Girls Club and felt it was doing a fine job.
February 2, 1999
Moving of Buildings Ordinances Not Requiring Public Hearings
Revision to OrdinanCe Regulating Moving of Buildings
Mayor Braun reviewed the information provided by the Public Works Department and
asked Director Pittis for additional input, which he provided. Discussion followed.
Councilman Doyle felt the defmition of "building" should be modified and section
14.32.030 C. should be changed to exempt new or used manufactured homes.
Lou Haehnlen, Building Official, explained that the Uniform Building Code defines
anything larger than 120 square feet of floor area requires a building permit. That is
why the definition of building is any structure greater than 120 square feet. Regarding
the initial factory installation, a permit is required to place a manufactured home on
your property. This permit covers the moving of the building onto a lot. A moving
permit would be required to move an existing manufactured home from one lot to
another. Discussion followed, and Councilman Doyle felt clarification was needed
regarding moving of construction trailers.
Mayor Braun read the Ordinance by title, entitled
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles,
Washington, regulating the moving of buildings,
repealing Ordinance 1766 as amended, and
codifying this Ordinance as Chapter 14.32 of
the Port Angeles Municipal Code.
Further discussion ensued, and Councilman Wiggins suggested amending section
14.32.030 A. to read "...street, or alley to a location in the City without first...".
Director Collins suggested it read "...or alley to or from a location...". Councilman
Doyle stated this still did not exempt construction trailers or other uses which are not
permanent residences. He suggested staff rework the Ordinance to make it more
understandable. Councilman Doyle moved to table this item to the next Council
meeting. Councilman Wiggins seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
Supplier for Geographic Resolutions Not Requiring Public Hearings
Information System
Products Resolution Designating Sole Source Supplier for Geographic Information System (GIS)
Resolution No. 1-99 Products
Mayor Braun reviewed the information provided by the Public Works Department.
Director Pittis responded to questions posed by the Council and provided clarification.
At Councilman Wiggins's request, Director Pittis described how costs are controlled
when there is a sole source provider. Mayor Braun read the Resolution by title, entitled
A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port
Angeles, Washington, designating Environmental
Systems Research Institute, Inc., as the sole source
for acquisition of geographical information
system products.
Councilman Wiggins moved to pass the resolution as read by title. Councilman
Campbell seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
-3- 3
February 2, 1999
Break Mayor Braun recessed the meeting for a break at 6:50 p.m. The meeting reconvened
at 7:00 p.m.
PUBLIC HEARINGS - 1. Consideration of Application for CDBG General Purpose Grant
Mayor Braun reviewed the information provided by the Public Works Department, and
CDBG General Purpose Director Pittis explained the reason for the public hearing. Community Action has been
Grant the City's administrator for these funds, and staffwas present to discuss their role in the
program. Mayor Braun opened the public hearing at 7:05 p.m.
Bill Riley, 910 East Blair, Sequim, Director of the Community Action Council,
encouraged the City to continue the Housing Rehabilitation Program. It is one way for
low income homeowners to protect their assets. Mr. Riley introduced Carolyn
Sparkman, Acting Director of the Rehabilitation Program.
Carolyn Sparkman, 122 Mt. McDonald Rd., Acting Director of the Housing
Preservation Program, explained the purpose of the public hearing. The Department of
Community, Trade, and Economic Development (DCTED) is awarding $8 million in
general purpose block grants in amounts up to $750,000 to eligible municipal
governments. Ms. Sparkman explained how the money could be spent and stated the
City has received four grants totaling $2.5 million for the Housing Rehabilitation
Program. Ms. Sparkman reviewed the history and past accomplishments of this
Program, as well as what can be accomplished in the future. Ms. Sparkman stated that
grant funding will help pull other funds to the area to improve housing and economic
conditions of our community. Discussion ensued, and Mr. Riley and Ms. Sparkman
responded to questions posed by the Council and provided additional information and
clarification regarding the Rehabilitation Program.
There was no further public testimony, and Councilman Doyle moved to continue the
public hearing to February 16, 1999. Councilman Wiggins seconded the motion,
which carried unanimously.
Code Amendment 2. Municipal Code Amendment - MCA 98-05 - City of Port Angeles, City-wide,
Ordinance No. 3009 proposal to amend Zoning Code provisions regarding nonconforming
structures and substandard lots
Mayor Braun reviewed the information provided by the Planning Department. Director
Collins supplied additional information, responded to questions, and provided
clarification regarding the changes in the Ordinance. Councilmember McKeown
expressed concern regarding section 17.95.030 It.2. of the Ordinance as being unfair to
a small business owner with an old, low valued, nonconforming building. Lengthy
discussion followed regarding the interpretation of this section and possible
amendments. Director Collins explained that the wording refers to the damage
assessment of the existing property and not to the cost of reconstruction.
Regarding section 17.95.030 C, Councilman Doyle asked for a definition of "minor
repairs", and Director Collins stated this section had been amended by the Planning
Commission to delete the reference to "nonstmctural repairs". A definition of"minor
repair" was not provided. At Councilman Williams' request, clarification was provided
regarding the legality of moving nonconforming buildings from one lot to another
within the City limits, without complying with new building codes.
After further discussion, Mayor Braun opened the public hearing at 7:55 p.m. There
was no public testimony; therefore, Mayor Braun closed the public hearing at 7:55 p.m.
February 2, 1999
Code Amendment and read the Ordinance by title, entitled
Ordinance No. 3009
(Cont'd) ORDINANCE NO. 3009
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles,
Washington, amending provision in the Zoning
Code regarding nonconforming buildings and
substandard lots and amending Ordinance 1709
as amended and Chapters 17.08, 17.95, and
17.96 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code.
Attorney Knutson noted that on page 91, section 17.96.040 Substandard Lots, the
comma in the first line can be deleted. Councilman Wiggins moved to adopt the
Ordinance as read by title. Councilman Itulett seconded the motion. Councilman
Williams expressed concern that if an older home were moved, it would have to be
updated. He felt an allowance should be made in the Ordinance for historical structures
or preservation of existing buildings. Director Collins stated this issue is not addressed
by this Ordinance but would be covered in the ordinance regulating the moving of
buildings. A vote was taken on the motion, which carried unanimously.
Attorney Knutson reminded the Council that findings and conclusions were not adopted;
therefore, Councilman Wiggins moved to adopt Findings 1 - 6 and Conclusions A -
D as set forth in Exhibit "A", which is attached to and becomes a part of these
minutes. Councilman Hulett seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
Other Considerations
Annexation Petition - 1. Request to Circulate Annexation Petition - ANX 99-01 - Corbett/Stetson, north
Corbett/Stetson of Highway 101 and east of DelGuzzi Drive
Mayor Braun reviewed the information provided by the Planning Department. Using
the overhead projector, Director Collins demonstrated the area under discussion,
responded to questions and provided additional information and clarification regarding
this annexation petition and the annexation process.
Larry McHone, representing the applicants, explained what the owners intend to do with
the property if the annexation is approved. There is only about 30,000 square feet of
usable property, and it would be preferred that this area be zoned commercial to allow
for a low traffic use such as a small office building. Mr. McHone stated his clients are
willing to merge the lots into one, to prevent anyone from attempting to build on small,
narrow lots.
Discussion ensued and Director Collins responded to questions regarding the Findings
and Conclusions. Councilman Doyle moved to allow the circulation of the
annexation petition as conditioned in the Planning Commission's recommendation,
citing Findings 1 - 14 and Conclusions 1- 10 as set forth in Exhibit "B" which is
attached to and becomes a part of these minutes. Councilmember McKeown
seconded the motion. Following brief discussion, a vote was taken on the motion,
which carried unanimously.
Declaration of Emergency Resolutions Not Requiring Public Hearings (Continued)
Resolution No. 2-99 &
Resolution No. 3-99 2. Declaration of Ernergency for Disaster Funding and Waiving Bid Laws
Mayor Braun reviewed the information which had been distributed by Director Pittis.
Director Pittis explained that Clallam County has not yet been declared a disaster area;
however, staff is putting together the documentation to send to the State for that ruling.
February 2, 1999
Declaration of Emergency Two resolutions must be approved by the Council before staff can proceed. The first
Resolution No. 2-99 & resolution declares an emergency and dispenses with bid requirements; the second
Resolution No. 3-99 declares a state of emergency and authorizes a request for emergency relief.
Director Pittis reviewed a map which demonstrated the areas which have received the
greatest damage, gave a general overview of the weather, and described the damage
caused by the rain. He played a video which showed the damage done by the recent
inclement weather and responded to questions posed by the Council. Of particular
concern, was the damage to the industrial waterline and the possible damage to the
exposed waterline from the Ranney Collector at the Elwha River, which would result
in the City losing its potable water.
Mayor Braun stated he had accompanied Director Pittis and Manager Ibarra on a tour
of the damage. This is an extreme emergency, and Mayor Braun urged the Council to
take immediate action. Following further discussion and clarification, Mayor Braun
read the f~rst resolution by title, entitled
A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City
of Port Angeles, Washington, declaring an
emergency, dispensing with the requirement
of calling for bids for the repair of the broken
industrial watermain and other water utility
facilities, and authorizing the City Manager to
sign the necessary contracts.
Councilman Hulett moved pass the resolution as read by title. Councilman
Williams seconded the motion. Discussion followed, and Manager Ibarra thanked
Director Pittis and his staff for the countless hours they have spent working in adverse
weather conditions to keep damage at a minimum. A vote was taken on the motion,
which carried unanimously.
Mayor Braun read the second Resolution by title, entitle
A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City
of Port Angeles declaring a state of emergency
and authorizing the request of state and/or
federal emergency relief and/or assistance.
Councilman Doyle moved to pass the Resolution as read by title. Councilman
Wiggins seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
Agreement with US Dept. Other Considerations (Continued)
of Wildlife
2. Cooperative Service Agreement with U.S. Department of Wildlife
Mayor Braun reviewed the information provided by the Public Works Department.
Manager Ibarra explained that this is a continuation of a past contract with the U. S.
Dept. of Agriculture (USDA). He also announced that the Clallam County Department
of Health had just this past week issued the Landfill permit for the operation of Cell 3.
Phil Volk was just named the new Airport Manager, and Manager Ibarra noted how
important the Port is to the operation of this plan with the USDA.
Director Pittis explained that the agreement is a continuation of the wildlife services by
February 2, 1999
Agreement with US Dept. the USDA for hazing of wildlife. This fulfills a requirement of the permit, and the work
of Wildlife (Cont'd) that has been performed to date has been excellent. Councilman Doyle noted that a
correction was needed to the Work Plan, the contact person should read Patrick Ibarra.
Discussion followed, and Director Pittis responded to questions and provided
Councilman Campbell moved to authorize the Mayor to sign the Work
Plan/Financial Plan with the United States Department of Agriculture.
Councilmember MeKeown seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
INFORMATION: Manager Ibarra noted a correction to the calendar in that the City Breakfast will be held
City Breakfast Friday, March 19, 1999.
Annual Reports Manager Ibarra encouraged Council to read the Fire and Police Department annual
Council Retreat Discussion was held regarding an acceptable date for the Council Retreat. It was the
general consensus of the Council to hold the Retreat on Saturday, February 20, 1999,
from 8:00 a.m. until noon, and Monday, February 22, 1999, from 6:00 p.m. until 9:00
p.m. Manager Ibarra stated he would reserve a meeting room and inform the Council
of where the Retreat will be held.
Joint Meeting with the Port Manager Ibarra stated that with Council's approval, a meeting was set with the Port for
Monday, March 15, 1999, at 4:00 p.m. Once a meeting place has been selected, Council
will be so notified.
Meeting with County Manager Ibarra stated he had invited the County Commissioners to the March 16, 1999,
Commissioners Council meeting for a work session.
Soroptimist Gift The Soroptimist Jet-Set Group donated $5,000 to fund the development of an octopus
topiary to be placed at City Pier. Scott Brodhun de£med topiary and estimated a time
frame for the completion of this project. Councilmember McKeown stated the Home
Builders Association's gift to this project is as big as the Soroptimists', as they are
hauling an eight foot rock to the pier to be used as the base of the topiary.
Grant Award At Manager Ibarra's request, Police Chief Ilk gave a brief presentation on the $100,000
grant awarded by the Department of Justice for the purchase of software that will benefit
law enforcement agencies in Clallam County. Brief discussion followed, and Chief Ilk
responded to questions.
Landfill Permit Councilman Campbell asked if the hold harmless agreement contained in the County
Compliance Order for the landfill permit was now moot. Attorney Knutson responded
af£mnatively, it was only in effect until the permit was issued.
ADJOURN TO Mayor Braun adjourned the meeting to Executive Session at 9:40 p.m. for
EXECUTIVE SESSION: approximately one-half hour to discuss items of litigation, potential litigation, and union
RETURN TO The meeting returned to Open Session at 10:30 p.m.
ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 10:30 p.m.
Becky J. Upton, City Clerk Gary Braun, Mayor
-7- 7
Port Angeles, Washington
February 9, 1999
CALL TO ORDER - Mayor Braun called the special meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at
ROLL CALL: Members Present: Mayor Braun, Councilmembers Campbell, Doyle, Hulett,
McKeown, Wiggins, and Williams.
Members Absent: None.
Staff Present: Manager Ibarra and Attorney Knutson.
ADJOURN TO Mayor Braun adjourned the meeting to Executive Session at 10:00 a.m. to discuss a
EXECUTIVE SESSION: matter of personnel for approximately two hours.
RETURN TO OPEN The meeting returned to Open Session at 12:15 p.m.
ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 12:15 p.m.
Becky J. Upton, City Clerk Gary Braun, Mayor
-1- 9
r ..................... ~
DATE: February 16, 1999
FROM: Jack Pittis, Director of Public Works and Utilities
SUBJECT: Out of State Travel Request
Issue: Should the City Council approve the request for the Electrical Engineer to attend training in
Pennsylvania on April 26-29, 1999 on the electrical distribution model software?
Recommendation: Approve the out of state travel and related expenses for the Electrical
Engineer to attend Synergee training at Stoner and Associates in Carlisle, Pennsylvania.
Summary.: Training on the electrical distribution model soi'tware is an essential requirement for our
electrical engineering to be able to perform analysis of the City's electrical distribution system. Staff
requests that Council approve the travel and related expenses associated with this training.
Background / Analysis: The computer program, Synergee, by Stoner and Assoc. is the primary
tool utilized by the Electrical Engineer to model and analyze the electrical distribution system. A
thorough understanding of this program is essential to:
· project capital improvements necessary for future load growth.
· proper setting of substation relays and sizing fuses for distribution system protection.
· assuring continued power quality when adding large loads.
· preventing of system overloads during contingency switching.
· configuring the system for minimum system losses.
· determining the need and optimum location for power factor correcting capacitors.
All of these activities are required for the economic, safe and reliable operation of the City's
electrical distribution system. The requested training is available only at Stoner & Assoc. offices
in Carlisle, Pennsylvania. The travel and training were anticipated, budgeted and should involve the
following costs: Meals [5x$30]$150, Lodging [4x65]$260, Airfare $550, transportation, tips,
etc.$200, Registration $1,400, for a total of $2,560.
The previous Electrical Engineer was the only City employee who was proficient with this software
and he is no longer with the City. This training should not need to be repeated for several years.
DATE: February 16, 1999
FROM: Jack Pittis, Director of Public Works and Utilities
SUBJECT: Cooperative Purchasing Agreement
Issue: The purchase of a line truck for the Light Division utilizing King County's bidding process
and to do so a Cooperative Purchasing Agreement is necessary.
Recommendation: Authorize the City Manager to sign the Cooperative Purchasing Agreement
with King County.
Summary: The attached Cooperative Purchasing Agreement between King County and the City
of Port Angeles would allow the City to purchase a man-lift line truck utilizing the bidding process
already completed by King County as provided by Chapter 39.33, RCW. Passage of this resolution
could be mutually beneficial for future purchases. The use of this agreement would occur after the
City Council formerly reviews and approves all equipment scheduled for purchase.
Background / Analysis: King County advertised for bids and purchased a man-lift truck of the
same make and model the City would like to purchase to replace Vehicle #156, a 1985 Ford man-lift
line truck. Purchasing the vehicle through an agreement with King County will save the City the
development of the bid specifications and the time and expense to advertise for bids. Utilizing the
County's bid will reduce approximately six months from the projected delivery date do to the
potential of ending up in next year's model if City staff was to bid the equipment outfight. The
agreement is generic in nature and will allow either the City or King County to utilize the results of
the others' purchasing process for future acquisitions.
The attached Budget Equipment Sheet contains further information regarding the replacement of this
critical equipment for crews in the Light Division. The budget allocated $138,000 for this
replacement and the bid from King County, without taxes, is $124,983 less trade of $13,550 [See
King County Bid Sheet]. The City's trade-in should be in the same range as the one stated in King
Attachments: Agreement
Budget Equipment Sheet
King County Bid Sheet
In accordance with Chapter 39.34 RCW, King County and the City of Port Angeles
agree to a cooperative governmental purchasing agreement for various vehicles,
equipment, software, and supplies using King County's competitively awarded
King County therefore extends the use of its contracts to the City of Port Angeles to the
extent provided by law and upon the following terms:
1. The Vendor(s) agree to extend to the City of Port Angeles the terms and
conditions of King County's contract(s).
2. City of Port Angeles accepts responsibility for compliance with any additional or
varying laws and regulations governing its purchases. Any purchases by the
City of Port Angeles shall be effected by a purchase order from the City of Port
Angeles, directed to the vendor.
3. King County accepts no responsibility for the performance of any of the
purchasing contracts by the vendor.
4. King County accepts no resporisibility for payment of the purchase price by the
City of Port Angeles.
This agreement may be revoked at any time in writing by either party.
Accepted for King County Accepted for City of Port Angeles
David R. Leach
Procurement Manager
Date: Date:
Equipment Number: Equipment Description: Division: Purchase PriCe:
~1 56 1985 Ford Man-lilt truck , Light Ops $138,000
New or Repl: Current Use (mi/hr) Avg Annual Use: Replacement Funds:
REPL. 39~690 mi 16,798 hr 2,008 mi 1321 hr $69,829
Major repairs performed? Every year the engine has required extensive work to make the 8.2
liter engine run. One major boom and bucket safety inspection occurred a few years ago and
another is due.
Anticipated future repairs or service. Engine and transmission and a scheduled boom and
bucket major safety inspection estimated at $30,000 - $50,000 total costs for all three items. As in
other boom trucks this inspection is required as a part of the safety compliance of the vehicle.
Downtime (current and anticipated)? This equipment is used in the routine maintenance of the
electrical distribution system and must be reliable and dependable when it is called upon to work.
When the equipment is down, the cost for renting a replacement is approximately $2,000/month.
Is the equipment suited for the tasks that it is being asked to perform? Yes
Other comments? This equipment has an unreliable engine and has scheduled safety
inspections that are valued at approximately 113 of the cost to replace this 13 year old equipment.
Special request for additional options on the unit: None
Disposition of this unit when replaced? This unit, when replaced, will be traded-in at an
estimated trade-in value of $15,000-$20,000.
N:~PWKS~ADMIN~BU DGET\1999~QUIP\156.WPD October 26~ 1998
o 15
01/05/99 FRI 10:$$ F~U[ 12081'~124973 P&CIFIC b~ILl~
ff/~~ 620 K.C. AOMINIS~A~ON ! ....................
S~. WASHIN~N 98104 2' 0
Sealed bid proposals ate hereby solicited and witl be received only e; the office of chi ~ng Coun~
Procuremenc Sa~lcas in Room 820 of thl King .Coun~ Administration Buliding, 500 Fou~h Avenue,
Seattle, Washington 98104 ac any time baleen ~:30 A.M. and 4:30 P.M., Monday through Friday, but
nO later ch6n 2:00 P.M. on Tuesday, November 17, 1898 for the requiremen~ s~ecifled herein in
accordance with "King Counw Bidding Instmc~ons and Purchase Contract Conditions" a~ached hereco.
All bids received will be o~ened in public ac the time and place sca;ed above and ell bidders and
interested persena are hereby invited to bi present.
Furniehlng Truck Moun~ed Aerial Manlift, in accordance wi[h ~e fallowing and ~he a~tached instructions,
1 each Manila, Aerial, Truck Mou~ted e 1~4.~
MAKE/MODEL OFFEEED V~allft VST 400~ ~! __
1 each Trad~ In $ l~:~n ......
All blddera are invked to a~e~ a ~te-bid conference on ~uraday, November 5, 199a at 11:00 A.M,
the King Coun~ Procutemen~ Semites. Room 620, King Counw Administration auildlng, ~00 - 4th
AveAua, Saa~le, Washington 98104.
COMPANY Pacific U[ili~y.~ipMflt Co. O~IVE~GUARA~D ~fl OAYgA~R ORDER
· ~ORE~ ., '~ PRO~PT PAYM~T ~II~OU~T ~RMa
1303 S. 96th S~ree~
~attle,, .<, 93-o5577-3 ,~A ..... 98t08 (206) 764-S025
Oavt~ ~. ,landing ~era~lons
99/02/10-11:59 City of Port AngeLes - Y2K LIVE Februsry 10 1999 Page 1
Date From 01/16/1999 To 02/05/1999
Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount
Number Name Number Number
001 49319 American Public Works Assr 01064 Winter publications 1 2370000 2.93-
49325 Bavco 02346 BackfLow valve parts I 2370000 16.57-
49340 ClalLam County Treasurer 03075 CVCA remittance-November 1998 1 2294000 224.14
CVCA remittance-December 1998 I 229/,000 210.44
49363 Gall's Inc. 07027 Replacement zip-off panels 1 2370000 1.11-
49367 HMIS Cemetery Software 08220 1999 Annual Maintenance 1 2370000 17.60-
49390 Lightning Powder Co. Inc. 12206 Replacement PrintMatic Roller I 2370000 5.68-
49421 Rotary Corporation 18017 Lawn mower maint supplies 1 2370000 37.26-
Ring piston, blade edger I 2370000 1.06-
Mower blades 1 2370000 1.65-
49437 WA State Patrol - WASIS 23281 Criminal history-Billy Lesure I 2295000 24.00
49443 Washington State Treasurer 23120 Revenue from District Ct-Nov 1 22930(0) 12,556.13
Revenue from District Ct-Dec 1 2293000 10,933.61
Revenue from District Ct-Dec I 2291000 481.50
49470 Fire Protections Publications 06097 Fire Service Books I 2370000 2.37-
49480 James Publishing Inc. 1~3 Annual subscription I 2370000 7.11-
49488 Misco Inc. 13059 Keyboard shelf I 2370000 14.37-
49492 Northern Safety Co. Inc. 14213 Eye saline solution I 2370000 2.12-
49507 Rotary Corporation 18017 Snapper blades, adapters I 2370000 1.54-
49520 WA State Patrol - WASIS 23281 Crimina history-R Hainstock 1 2295000
49521 WA State Patrol - WASIS (HA) 23359 Criminal History-L Stapleton I 2295000 24.00
Criminal History-S Stapleton I 2295000 24.00
49560 Computerworld 03033 Annual Subscription I 2370000 3.09-
495~ EVI-PAQ 18225 Gun box, knife box, NY ties I 2370(0)0 11.86-
495~ Gall's Inc. 07027 Paddle holster I 23700(X) 4.82-
49580 Insight Direct Inc. 09(~5 Okidata printer 1 237~ 20.94-
5 Port Ether hub I 2370000 9.09-
49611 Quill Corporation 170(0) Fan fold label I 2370000 7.16-
Folder, video tape, cassettes 1 2370000 15.0~~
49634 Windows 23205 Subscription I 2370(~0 1.58-
Total for Department 24,316.82
0(0)1 49315 Advanced Travel 01090 Feeley to SeaTac 9-23-98 113 4310 261.62
Braun to Victoria 11-23-98 112 4310 13.50
49399 NLC Conference 14195 Confrence Registr-G Wiggins 112 4310
49412 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 Petty cash reimbursement 111 3101 2.02
49413 Portside Inn 16177 Interview board lodging-Grail 113 4150 114.30
49440 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 December Scan charges 113 4210 21.67
December Scan charges 111 4210 31.91
Oecember Scan charges 111 4210 107.05
49452 ALL Flags Travel Inc. 01015 Airfare-Campbell, Ibarra 112 4310 385.37
Airfare-Campbell,Ibarra 111 4310 385.37
Airfare to WA DC, Wiggins 112 4310 408.10
49479 Hurricane Ridge Winter Sports 08084 Hurricane Ridge Snow Bus Suppo 114 4972
49496 Out of Web Site! 15173 Contract pmt-Search & Maint 112 4150 1,500.00
Contract pmt- Calendar pages 112 4150 1,0(0).00
49501 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 Petty cash reimbursement 111 3101 2.78
Petty cash reimbursement 111 3101 7.07
49513 Thompson MacKellar 20004 Prof Svcs-November to January 111 4150 262.50
49516 US West Communications 21001 1-14 Billing 111 4210 137.20
99/02/10-11:59 City of Port Angeles - Y2K LIVE February 10 1999 Page
Date From 01/16/1999 To 02/05/1999
Vendor Oescription GL Code Amount
Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Number
Number Name Number
1-14 Billing 113 4210 91.47
49524 Wendt Advertising 23426 December Services 112 4150 3,104.05
49529 AT&T Business Service 01085 1-13 Billing 111 4210 35.45
49532 AirTouch Cellular Bellevue 01105 1-15 Billing 111 4210 51.33
1-15 Billing 111 4210 16.27
49580 Insight Direct Inc. 09(~5 Okidata printer 113 3101 285.94
49594 Lucent Technolc~gies 12215 Dece~oer Billing 111 /,210 696.06
December Billing 113 4210 31.00
49600 OLYPEN 15147 1999 Internet maintenance fee 111 4210 T05.00
I~ Internet maintenance fee 112 4210 555.00
1999 Internet maintenance fee 113 4210 40.00
49~)5 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 Petty cash reimbursement 112 3101 1B.00
Petty cash reimbursement 112 3101 18.00
Petty cash reimbursement 113 3101
49631 WMCA (WA Municipal CLerks Assn 23027 Conference Registr-B Upton 111 4310 160.00
Total for Administration 11,876.23
(~302 49315 Advanced Travel 01090 Ziomkowski to N Bend 12-11 230 4310 18.50
49377 Internal Revenue Service 09036 4th atr 1998 941 balance due 230 4950 6~.46
49398 Microflex Inc. 13203 Annual TaxTools reports 230 4150 1,303.20
Tax Audit Program 230 4150 26.10
494~0 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 December Scan charges 201 4210 20.78
December Scan charges 230 4210 35.38
December Scan charges 240 4210 27.64
49474 Gov't Finance Officers Assn 07003 Debt Policy Guide 201 3101 21.00
49490 Nevaril, Trina 14134 Reimbursement-College Course 230 4310
49498 Pitney Bowes Inc. 16018 Lease agreement-EMS-5 Scale 205 4530 106.83
49501 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 Petty cash reimbursement 205 4210 14.02
Petty cash reimbursement 201 3101 14.79
Petty cash reimbursement 230 3101 9.12
49502 Postmaster 1602B Postage-Prepaid undelivrd mail 205 4210 50.00
201 4210 91.47
69516 US West Communications 21001 1-14 Billing
1-14 Billing 230 4210 114.33
1-14 Billing 240 4210 274.40
49532 AirTouch Cellular Bellevue 01105 1-15 Billing 240 4210 24.98
49549 Captain T~s 03~ Turtle neck, embroidery 240 3101 18.62
4956? Equifax - Credit Information 05160 credit Inquiries-January 240 4150 13.75
49582 Jobs Available Inc 10022 Senior Accountant Ad 230 4410 82.80
49594 Lucent Technologies 12215 December Billing 201 4210 31.00
Oecember Billing 230 4210 38.75
Oecember Billing 240 4210 93.00
15147 1999 Internet maintenance fee 201 4210 235.C~
49f~0 OLYPEN 1999 Internet maintenance fee 240 4210 275.00
49621 Seattle Times, The 19012 Sr Accountant Ad 230 4410 ~.50
Total for Finance 3,203.74
0003 49315 Advanced Travel 01090 Kreider to Seattle 11-5-98 31~ 43~0 88.00
Knutson to Seattle 12-4-98 311 4310 93.00
49321 Angeles Comunications Inc 01069 Wire for network-Attorney 311 4810 48.56
99/02/10-11:59 City of Port Angeles - Y2K LIVE February 10 1999 Pege 3
Date From 01/16/1999 To 02/05/1999
Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Oescription GL Code Amount
Number Name Number Number
49440 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 December Scan charges 311 4210 15.11
49459 Book Publishing Company 02051 US District Crt Rules WA 99 311 3101 29.87
49480 James Publishing Inc. 1~3 Annual subscription 311 3101 97.06
49487 Michie 13118 WA Defending DWI's 2nd Edition 311 3101 151.86
49516 US West Communications 21001 1-14 Billing 311 4210 1t50.07
49525 West Group 23018 Legal publishings 311 3101 ~.05
49557 Clallam Jefferson Public Dfndr 03274 Public Defender fees for Feb 311 4150 2,500.C~
49578 IMLA (Iht. Municipal Lawyers) 09(0~+ Membership-C Knutson 311 4901 570.00
49594 Lucent Technolc~jies 12215 December Billing 311 4210 54.25
4~00 OLYPEN 15147 1999 Internet maintenance fee 311 4210 235.00
Total for Atty Wastewater 4,128.83
0004 49315 Advanced Travel 01090 Collins to Olympia 11-18-98 411 4310 65.00
Collins to Seattle 11-20-98 411 4310 98.50
Collins to Jamestown 12-3-98 411 4310 15.00
Collins to SeaTac 12-4-98 411 4310 9.50
Collins to Seattle 12-11-98 411 4310 10.00
49440 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 December Scan charges 411 4210 34.92
49516 US West Communications 21001 1-14 Billing 411 4210 91.47
49594 Lucent Technologies 12215 December Billing 411 4210 31.(30
49600 OLYPEN 15147 1999 Internet maintenance fee 411 4210 235.0(3
Total for Planning 590.39
0(0)5 49315 Advanced Travel 01090 Miller-McNeil Island 11-18 530 4980 105.00
Ilk to Chelan 11-20-98 511 4310 569.70
Swayze to Seattle 11-29-98 530 4310 1,043.20
Kovatch,Gallagher-Yakima 12-07 530 4310 181.79
Roggenbuck to Silverdale 12-07 530 4310 151.94
Turton to Seattle 12-29-98 530 4310 31.35
49327 Blumenthal Uniforms & Equipmt 02047 Shirt, emblem, gloves 530 2080 120.87
Shirt, emblem, insignia, pants 530 2080 218.07
49339 Clallam County Sheriff's Dept. 03074 Inn~ate care for December 98 512 5099 19,433.05
49364 Gateway 20(03 07195 Computer,software,accessories 530 6410 1,793.30
49386 Kuch, Tom 11170 Reimbrsmnt-uniform alterations 530 20B0 28.00
49387 LEEDA 12000 Registration-S Ilk 511 4310 180.00
49390 Lightning Powder Co. Inc. 12206 Replacement PrintMatic Roller 530 3101 77.53
49395 McLane, Steve 13000 Reimbursement-b~ts resoled 530 2080 38.00
49400 National Law Enforcement Inst. 14066 Registration-Peninger, Ensor 530 4310 320.00
49427 Staples 19564 Fax modem 511 3101 161.80
49440 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 December Scan charges 511 4210 35.17
December Scan charges 534 4210 4.74
December Scan charges 530 4210 ~+.03
49462 Clallam County Humane Society 03072 January 1999 Contract Payment 530 4150 3,391.50
494~1 Kovatch, Eric 11171 Reimburse uniform allowance 530 2080 433.54
49482 LEIRA 12185 1999 Dues-Reidel, James, Bemis 534 4~I 95.00
Conference Register-Zenonian 534 4310 125.00
49516 US West Communications 21001 1-14 Billing 511 4210 160.07
1-14 Billing 534 4210 114.33
1-14 Billing 530 4210 22.8?
99/02/10-11:59 City of Port Angeles - Y2K LIVE February 10 1999 Page 4
Date From 01/16/1999 To 02/05/1999
Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount
Number Name Number Number
49532 AirTouch Cellular Bellevue 01105 1-15 Billing 530 4210 74.04
1-15 Billing 530 4210 9.37
1-15 Billing 530 4210 26.54
1-15 Billing 530 4210 9.37
1-15 Billing 530 4210 9.37
1-15 Billing 530 4210 9.37
1-15 Billing 530 4210 9.37
1-15 Billing 530 4210 18.76
1-15 Billing 530 4210 11.11
1-15 Billing 530 4210 72.53
49543 Blumenthal Uniforms & Equipmt 02047 Badges 530 3111 290.97
Uniform-Pants, shirt, boots 530 2080 2,076.73
Uniform-pants 530 2080 61.90
Uniform-pants, shirt, emblem 530 2080 212.53
The Posse Box 530 2080 31.93
Shirts, emblem, pants 530 2080 435.37
Uniform-Shirt, emblem, chevron 530 2080 64.76
GLoves, drug testing supplies 530 2080 33.61
Gloves, drug testing supplies 530 3101 42.36
Sewing services 530 2080 7.17
Drug testing kits 530 3101 147.46
Lamp, switch kit, cord 530 4810 152.51
Jacket, badge emblem 530 2080 150.00
Gloves 530 2080 24.92
Gloves 530 2080 36.87
Uniform-p~nts 530 2080 116.15
Vest 530 2080 596.21
Vest, belt 530 2080 625.83
Uniform-shirts, pants, emblem 530 2080 312.28
Jacket, emblem 530 2080 284.53
Uniform-pants 530 2080 108.49
Uniform-shirt, pants, emblem 530 2080 929./,0
Vest holster 530 2080 10.85
Gloves, radio holder,cuff case 530 2080 71.08
Shirt, gloves, emblem 530 2080 205.74
Uniform-shirt, emblems, pents 530 2080 304.80
Uniform-shirt,gloves,handcuffs 530 2080 116.26
Windshield marking fluid 530 3101 7.60
49549 Captain T's 0304~J Hats,embroidery, printing svcs 530 3111 ~1.75
49561 Coyle, Steve 03093 Reimburse uniform allowance 530 2080 43.16
4956~ EVI-PAQ 18225 Gun box, knife box, NY ties 530 3101 161.94
49571 Federation of Animal Care and (~51~ Membership dues-Mike McCawley 530 4901 25.00
495~ Gell's Inc. 07027 Paddle holster 530 2080 65.80
49594 Lucent Technolc~3ies 12215 December Billing 511 4210 54.25
December Billing 534 4210 38.75
December Billing 530 4210 7.75
49600 OLYPEN 15147 1999 Internet maintenance fee 511 4210 315.00
49607 Port Angeles Police Department 16105 Petty cash reimbursement 530 3101 4.05
Petty cash reimbursement 511 3101 9.77
Petty cash reimbursement 530 4210 47.25
Petty cash reimbursement 534 3101 20.65
99/02/10-11:59 City of Port Angeles - Y2K LIVE February 10 1999 Page 5
Date From 01/16~1999 To 02~05~1999
Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount
Number Name Number Number
Petty cash reimbursement 534 4210 .50
496(~ Price Costco Credit Card Pmts 03261 RCA Television 530 3501 291.32
49611 Quill Corporation I?O(X) Folders, appointment book 534 3101 99.80
Folders, appointment book 511 3101 11.17
Line dater, label,storage boxes 511 3101 21.86
Line dater, label,storage boxes 534 3101 113.52
Fan fold label 534 3101 97.69
Folder, video tape, cassettes 530 3101 45.40
49624 Servicem~ster 19069 Carpet-Commercial Cleaning 584 4150 128.52
49628 US West Communications 21(~)1 1-20 Billing 534 4210 218.11
49629 WA Assn of Sheriffs & Police 23003 Electronic Monitoring Svcs-Dec 512 5099 224.25
Total for Police 39,155.25
49315 Advanced Travel 01090 Becket to Seattle 8-17-98 611 4310 10.00
49327 Blumenthal Uniforms & Equipmt 02047 Badge, blue cross 641 3111 98.09
49329 Bc~rd for Volunteer Fireftrs 02022 Relief and pension remittance 644 4901 70.00
49331 Brooks, Gary 02277 Computer upgrade, motherboard 643 3101 253.80
49363 Gall's Inc. 07027 Replacement zip-off panels 641 3101 15.09
49406 Olympic Mountaineering Inc. 15016 Harness,carabiners,bar racks 641 3101 1,289.43
49440 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 December Scan charges 611 4210 26.95
December Scan charges 643 4210 11.11
December Scan charges 641 4210 .75
49470 Fire Protections Publications 0609? Fire Service Books 641 3101 32.37
49475 Gunn, Robert J. 07134 Reimbursement- college course 643 4310 170.80
494~]4 Larry's Janitor Service 120/+0 Janitor Service-January 684 4150 395.00
49516 US West Communications 21001 1-14 Billing 611 4210 114.33
1-14 Billing 6~+2 4210 22.87
1-14 Billing 643 4210 22.87
1-14 Billing 641 4210 68.60
49531 Acordia Northwest Inc. 01265 1999 Group Accident Coverage 644 4901 793.39
49532 AirTouch Cellular Bellevue 01105 1-15 Billing 641 4210 9.37
1-15 Billing 643 4210 23.01
1-15 Billing 642 4210 9.37
49543 Blumenthal Uniforms & Equipmt 02047 Uniform-Jacket, emblems 641 2080 233.65
Pants, shirt, emblem 643 2080 48.62
Uniform-Pants 641 2080 113.30
Boots 641 2080 168.09
Uniform- pants 641 2080 113.30
Shirt, pants, emblem 643 2080 149.22
Uniform-pants, shirts, emblem 641 2080 157.58
Uniform-shirt, emblem, pants 643 2080 113.30
Shirt, emblem 641 2(~0 38.85
Uniform-pants, boot zippers 643 2080 120.85
Shirt, cloth emblem 643 2080 99.13
Uniform-pants 641 2080 222.05
49553 Clallam County EMS/Trauma Care 03068 Medic I Advisory for February 643 4150 500.00
49594 Lucent Technologies 12215 December Billing 611 4210 38.75
December Billing 642 4210 7.75
December Billing 643 4210 7.75
December Billing 641 4210 23.25
99/02/10-11:59 City of Port Angeles - Y2K LIVE February 10 1999 Page 6
Date From 01/16/199<) To 02/05/1999
Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount
Number Name Number Number
49600 OLYPEN 15147 1999 Internet maintenance fee 611 4210 470.00
1999 Internet maintenance fee 642 4210 40.00
49606 Port Angeles Fire Department 16025 Reimburse petty cash 611 3101 27.54
49627 Thomas, Kelly 20228 Clothing allowance reimbursmnt 643 2080 2(X).31
Total for Fire 6,330.49
(X~07 49315 Advanced Travel 01090 Pittis to Issaquah 12-8-98 711 4310 25.00
49319 American Public Works Assn 01064 Winter publications 711 3101 39.93
49321 Angeles Communications Inc 01069 Modem hook up -ext 4520 711 3101 97.11
49376 ICBO, Rainier Chapter 09108 Register 380 Overview-Childers 711 4310 200.00
49402 North Peninsula Bldg. Assoc. 14010 99 Membership-Haehnlen,Childer 711 4901 100.00
49440 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 December Scan charges 711 4210 36.25
December Scan charges 711 4210 9.74
December Scan charges 711 4210 14.16
December Scan charges 711 4210 32.41
December Scan charges 711 4210 18.05
4947~ GlobalSCAPE Inc. 07275 CuteFTP Software 711 3101 34.95
49492 Northern Safety Co. Inc. 14213 Eye saline solution 784 3101 28.93
495(~+ R J Services Inc. 18108 Lay jute matting on dike 711 4150 797.10
49516 US West Communications 21001 1-05 Billing 711 4210 41.76
1-14 Billing 711 4210 68.60
1-14 Billing 711 4210 45.73
1-14 Billing 711 4210 91.46
1-14 Billing 711 4210 251.51
1-14 Billing 711 4210 182.93
49532 AirTouch Cellular Bellevue 01105 12-15 Billing 711 4210 20.53
1-15 Billing 711 4210 11.67
49577 ICBO (Int'l Conference of 09001 Building publication 711 4990 132.39
49594 Lucent Technologies 12215 December Billing 711 4210 23.25
December Billing 711 4210 15.50
December Billing 711 4210 178.24
49600 OLYPEN 15147 1999 Internet maintenance fee 711 4210 235.00
1999 Internet maintenance fee 711 4210 40.00
49605 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 Petty cash reimbursement 711 4310 18.00
49620 Seattle Daily Journal of Comm. 19058 Ad for Consultant File 711 4410 180.00
49634 W~ndows 23205 Subscription 711 4901 21.55
Total for Public Works 2,991.75
0008 49314 ARC Architects 01078 Prof Svcs for Pool pe 12-25-98 862 6510 5,133.10
49321 Angeles Communications Inc 01069 Modem, 3-way connections ~55 4810 54.98
Service call-no dial tone 865 4810 48.56
49322 Angeles Temporary Services 01076 C Kochanek pe 12-15-98 866 4150 675.92
C Kochanek pe 12-31-98 866 4150 422.45
49325 Bavco 02346 Backflow valve parts 865 3120 226.31
49350 Dunlap Towing Company 04232 Prof Svcs-move logs from dock 865 4150 320.00
49367 HMIS Cemetery Software 08220 1999 Annual Maintenance 865 4150 240.35
49392 Manson Construction & 13431 Fender pile replacement-Pier 865 6510 23,029.44
49407 Oregon Brass Works 15032 Urn engraving-Siebel 866 3401 152.75
Name plate-Ard Porter 866 3401 57.00
99/02/I0-11:59 City of Port Angeles - Y2K LIVE February 10 1999 Page 7
Oate From 01/16/1999 To 02/05/1999
Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount
Number Name Number Number
49417 Quiring Monuments Inc. 17001 Foundation/vase/vasehoLe-Beam 866 3401 ~.00
Re-set Monument- USCG 866 3401
49419 Rocket 04043 Water gauge 865 4810 153.22
49421 Rotary Corporation 18017 Lawn mower maint supplies 865 3120 508.81
Ring piston, blade edger 865 3120 14.46
Mower blades 865 3120 22.45
49435 US West Communications 21001 12-8 Billing 866 4410 110.83
49440 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 December Scan charges 811 4210 6.92
December Scan charges 866 4210 3.17
December Scan charges 865 4210 1.19
December Scan charges 861 4210 14.54
December Scan charges 862 4210 .53
December Scan charges 863 4210 3.94
49~ Western Equipment Distrib. Inc 23019 Fertilizer spreader 865 6510 3,943.27
49455 Angeles Temporary Services 01076 C Kochanek pe 1-15-99 866 4150 603.50
49457 Automatic Wilbert Vault Co Inc 01089 Monticello Vault-J Hughes 866 3401 4~6.00
49507 Rotary Corporation 18017 Snapper blades, adapters 865 3120 21.04
49516 US West Communications 21001 1-02 Billing 863 4210 32.57
1-02 Billing 863 4210 49.21
1-14 Billing 865 4210 83.56
1-14 Billing 811 4210 68.60
1-14 Billing 866 4210 22.87
1-14 Billing 865 4210 22.87
1-14 Billing 861 4210 45.73
1-14 Billing 862 4210 22.87
1-14 Billing 863 4210 68.60
1-14 Billing ~5 4210 38.23
1-14 Billing ~52 4210 42.52
1-OB Billing ~ 4210 107.02
49522 Washington (Unemp), State of 23178 4th Qtr 1998 unemployment ~5 2060 762.32
49526 Smith, Kate 19574 Refund year youth pass 862 9450 100.00
49529 AT&T Business Service 01085 1-13 Billing 862 4210 8.90
49551 Chemsearch 14004 Cleaner, aerosol penetrant 865 3101 1,043.85
49565 Eclipse C Corp. 19019 Crushed rock 865 3140 21.58
Crushed rock 865 3140 21.58
Crushed rock 865 3140 53.95
Washed sand 865 3140 91.72
Crushed rock 865 3140 64.74
Crushed rock 865 3140 80.63
Crushed rock 865 3140 43.16
Crushed rock 865 3140 21.58
Crushed rock 865 3140 I~.82
Crushed rock 865 3140 26.98
Crushed rock 865 3140 134.88
Crushed rock 865 3140 80.93
Crushed rock 865 3140 43.16
Crushed rock ~5 3140 80.93
Crushed rock ~5 3140 53.95
Crushed rock 865 3140
Crushed rock 865 3140 26.98
Crushed rock 865 3140 53.95
99/02/10-11:59 City of Port Angeles - Y2K LIVE February 10 1999 Page 8
Date From 01/16/1999 To 02/05/1999
Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Oescription GL Code Amount
Number Name Number Number
Crushed rock 865 3140 215.80
49594 Lucent Technologies 12215 December Billing 811 4210 23.25
December Billing 866 4210 7.75
December Billing 865 4210 7.75
December Billing 861 4210 15.50
December Billing 862 4210 7.75
December Billing 863 4210 23.25
49600 OLYPEN 15147 1999 Internet maintenance fee 811 4210 235.00
1999 Internet maintenance fee 866 4210 40.00
1999 Internet maintenance fee ~2 4210 40.00
I~ Internet maintenance fee ~3 4210 40.00
49605 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 Petty cash reimbursement ~61 4310 30.00
Petty cash reimbursement ~51 3120 38.52
Petty cash reimbursement 861 3101 4.21
Petty cash reimbursement 862 3101 18.32
Petty cash reimbursement 862 9424 36.00
49613 Ruud Lighting Inc. 18099 4 400M/H light fixtures 865 3120 752.28
Total for Parks & Recreation 41,681.28
Total for General Fund 134,274.78
101 0(0)I 49445 Wendt Advertising 23426 Prof Svcs for November 122 4150 2,031.25
49491 North Olympic Peninsula 14127 Partial pmt 1999 Tradeshow 122 4150 2,0(0).00
49500 Port Angeles Chamber Of Comm. 16023 Printed maps for September 115 5082 1,393.00
49546 Brewer, David 02055 Contract Svcs for February 115 4990 100.00
Total for Convention Center Fund 5,524.25
102 0007 49335 Builders Hardware & Supply Co. 02071 Wood glue 752 3101 25.67
49440 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 December Scan charges 752 4210 .11
494~ Doubletree Hotel-Port Angeles 18112 Meal tickets-Street Crew 752 4310 25.90
49501 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 Petty cash reimbursement 752 4310 50.00
49516 US West Communications 21001 1-14 Billing 752 4210 ~.60
49532 AirTouch Cellular Bellevue 01105 12-15 billing 752 4210 1.13
49559 CliniCare of PA Inc. 03080 Employee physicals 752 4310 72.00
49594 Lucent Technologies 12215 December Billing 752 4210 23.24
Total for Street Fund 266.65
103 0001 49424 Science Technology & 19569 140 Copies of STM Directory 123 3101 302.12
49501 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 Petty cash reimbursement 123 4310 25.00
49604 Port Angeles Business Assn. 16301 1999 Membership dues-T Smith 123 4901 40.00
Total for Economic Development 367.12
107 0005 49401 New World Systems 14184 CAD mapping interface,Netclock 532 6410 9,720.00
Tax on invoice 82942 532 6410 767.88
49440 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 December Scan charges 532 4210 56.47
49516 US West Communications 21001 1-14 Billing 532 4210 3~.73
49540 Best Power Technology 02153 Preventative Maintenance check 532 4~I0 410.02
~/02/10-11:59 City of Port Angeles - Y2K LIVE February 10 1~ Page 9
Date From 01/16/1999 To 02/05/1999
Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount
Number Name Number Number
49549 Captain T's 03048 Polos, jackets, embroidery 532 2080 184.54
49594 Lucent Technologies 12215 December Billing 532 4210 131.75
49600 OLYPEN 15147 1999 Internet maintenance fee 532 4210 235.00
49607 Port Angeles Police Department 16105 Petty cash reimbursement 532 4150 15.00
49611 Quill Corporation 17000 Folder, video tape, cassettes 532 3101 160.56
49628 US West Communications 21001 1-23 Billing 532 4210 47.81
Total for PenCom 12,117.76
109 0(~5 49463 Clallam County YMCA 03076 Path Grant fund remittance 541 4150 8,569.50
Total for P. A. Teen Help 8,569.50
321 (~07 49465 Commercial Office Interiors 03465 Contract pmt-Library pmt #1 716 4150 132,331.96
Total for Library Construction Fund 132,331.96
401 49317 Allen, James E. 01399 Utility deposit rfd-044768028 401 2131100 72.67
49320 Anderson, Evelyn & Bill 01360 Utility ovrpmt rfd-029033007 401 1222200 22.00
49323 Aparicio, Jeff 01400 Utility ovrpmt rfd-124160002 401 1222200 22.00
49326 Beckwith, Scott 02141 Utility ovrpmt rfd-037494010 401 1222200 22.00
49328 Blydenstein, Larry 02426 Utility deposit rfd-084468006 401 21311(X) 123.69
49330 Boston, Velma L. 02427 Utility ovrpmt rfd-101940011 401 1222200 111.20
49333 Buckmaster, Heather 02428 Utility ovrpmt rfd-028487009 401 1222200 12.43
49336 Casady, Kristin 03~3 Utility ovrpmt rfd-015890013 401 1222200 13.21
49337 Cash, Bernadette 03464 Utility ovrpmt rfd-052574022 401 1222200 22.00
49338 Chamberlin, Florence 03242 Utility ovrpmt rfd-047686003 401 1222200 187.60
49341 Clark, Mary 03~ Utility ovrpmt rfd-018392026 401 1222200 20.05
4934~+ Cook, Andrew O. 03~2 Utility deposit rfd-O04847013 401 2131100 69.99
49345 Del Guzzi Estates 04269 Utility ovrpmt rfd-O08150003 401 1222200 22.00
49347 Dully, Maureen 04270 Utility ovrpmt rfd-087289016 401 1222200 22.00
49348 Dujardin 0/+163 Utility ovrpmt rfd-114588018 401 1222200 30.31
49349 Dujardin Prop./Coast Mgt. 04219 Utility ovrpmt rfd-114448009 401 1222200 24.01
Utility ovrpmt rfd-114499017 401 1222200 23.43
uti lity ovrpmt rfd-114421010 401 1222200 17.62
49354 Engebretsen Jr, Joel 05180 Utility deposit rfd-058505011 /+01 2131100 125.00
49355 Everton Jr, William 05163 Uti lity ovrpmt rfd-105791026 401 1222200 29.99
49356 Fairchild Heights/United 06215 Uti lity ovrpmt rfd-094963005 401 1222200 26.66
49357 Fey, Henry J. 06216 Utility ovrpmt rfd-067610001 401 1222200 85.89
49358 Fieberg, John 06199 Uti lity ovrpmt rfd-054151016 401 1222200 24.68
49366 Graham, Shirley 07273 Utility ovrpmt rfd-088358010 401 1222200 71.57
49369 Hansen, Carl 08358 Utility ovrpmt rfd-033260022 401 1222200 38.16
49370 Hanshaw, Alice 08377 Utility ovrpmt rfd-O01287018 401 1222200 25.72
49371 Hoque Properties 08143 Utility ovrpmt rfd-070319002 401 1222200 16.14
Utility ovrpmt rfd-127949003 401 1222200 26.83
49372 Hout, William 08378 Utility ovrpmt rfd-1246130(O+ 401 1222200 32.18
49373 Howe, Everett 08379 Utility ovrpmt rfd-028126003 401 1222200 31.38
49374 Hsu, Chih-Cheng ~376 Utility deposit rfd-12~03010 401 2131100 105.13
49378 JKT Development 10134 Utility ovrpmt rfd-058602021 401 1222200 24.08
Utility ovrpmt rfd-O04294016 401 1222200 23.78
Utility ovrpmt rfd-O04235029 401 1222200 29.09
90/02/10-11:59 City of Port Angeles - Y2K LIVE February 10 1999 Page 10
Date From 01/16/1999 To 02/05/1999
Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount
Number Name Number Number
49379 Jacobs, R.A. 10168 Utility ovrpmt rfd-021385015 401 1222200 47.30
49380 Johnson, Kathi Jo 10140 Utility ovrpmt rfd-104507012 401 1222200 22.00
49381 Johnson, Steven 100/,4 Utility ovrpmt rfd-098949031 401 1222200 63.49
Utility overpmt rfd-099015029 401 122220(3 35.39
49384 Ked-Ter Construction, Inc 11169 Utility ovrpmt rfd-124644001 401 1222200 105.09
49385 Kim, Jiyeon 11091 Utility ovrpmt rfd-091456035 401 1222200 15.99
49389 Layman, Terry 12292 Utility ovrpmt rfd-081264004 401 122220(3 16.61
49394 McHugh, Paul 13022 Utility ovrpmt rfd-091677026 401 1222200 16.23
Utility ovrpmt rfd-091928033 401 1222200 25.35
Utility ovrpmt rfd-119075009 401 1222200 32.37
49396 Mercer Yachts/Borden 13434 Utility ovrpmt rfd-027723002 401 1222200 142.87
49397 Meyer, Phili 13435 Utility ovrpmt rfd-068071005 401 122220(3 23.83
49403 O'Brien, Ona 15172 Utility ovrpmt rfd-045438022 401 1222200 38.69
49408 Parkhurst,Shana 16403 Utility deposit rfd-037613031 401 2131100 109.49
49409 Patterson, J.D. 16416 Utility ovrpmt rfd-091227014 401 12222003{3 22.00
49414 Price, K.B. 16417 Uti lity ovrpmt rfd-073938004 401 1222200{3 16.68
49415 Priest, Estate of Rena 16415 Utility ovrpmt rfd-021601005 401 1222200 41.68
49416 Properties by Landmark 12008 Utility ovrpmt rfd-060534019 401 12222(X) 85.71
Utility ovrpmt rfd-050598013 401 1222200 22.00
Utility ovrpmt rfd-054097004 401 1222200 22.00
Utility ovrpmt rfd-011495013 401 1222200 23.32
Utility ovrpmt rfd-119063005 401 1222200 16.62
Utility ovrpmt rfd-054089005 401 1222200 17.12
Utility ovrpmt rfd-126748011 401 1222200 38.56
Utility ovrpmt rfd-058050008 /,01 1222200 43.34
Utility ovrpmt rfd-029408012 401 1222200 27.20
Utility ovrpmt rfd-068420022 401 1222200 73.21
49422 Saba & Associates 19300 Utility ovrpmt rfd-066265003 401 1222200 81.03
49423 Schuler/ Liliana O. 19377 utility ovrpmt rfd-091995030 401 1222200 33.17
Utility ovrpmt rfd-067059027 401 1222200 43.84
49425 Sones, Maureen 19573 utility ovrpmt rfd-127981009 401 1222200 19.15
49426 Stallings, Maggie 19567 Utility deposit rfd-O04383014 401 2131100 143.57
49430 Syre, Estate of Caroline 19572 Utility ovrpmt rfd-002844001 401 1222200 22.00
49432 Thomos, Karen 20226 Utility ovrpmt rfd-041700010 401 1222200 97.9~)
49433 Traxinger, Caren 20211 Utility ovrpmt rfd-013001015 401 1222200 22.00
49438 WESCO Distribution Inc. 23150 Urban meters 401 1414000 5,096.53
49444 Watkins, Alan & Kelly 23442 Utility deposit rfd-O03336002 401 2131100 250.00
49448 W~ie, Heidi 23443 Utility deposit rfd-114~9019 401 2131100 66.55
49449 Zink, Melanie 26214 Utility ovrpmt rfd-051179016 401 1222200 22.00
49456 Asplundh 01119 Mobilization fees for tree tri 401 2370000 31.60-
49460 Case, Carol 03466 Utility ovrpmt rfd-048224013 401 1222200 101.13
49469 Everwarm Inc. 05013 Weatherwize-Kennedy 401 1344000 750.00
49485 Lunsford, Linda 12293 Utility deposit rfd-018465022 401 2131100 {50.10
49490 Plute, Robert & Trisha 16418 Utility ovrpmt rfd-012211001 401 1222200
49501 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03~2 Petty cash reimbursement 401 2451000 16.00
Petty cash reimbursement 401 2451000 32.00
4950{5 Ross, Gayle 18317 Utility ovrpmt rfd-089940003 401 1222200 141.66
49514 Tyler, Emma 20227 Utility deposit rfd-124247007 401 2131100 125.(30
49539 Bedford, Rhonda 02430 Utility deposit rfd-114570018 401 2131100 47.50
49574 Gregory, Cheryl 07276 Utility ovrpmt rfd-0596840(~ 401 1222200 164.27
49588 Key, Sioux 11172 Utility deposit rfd-044270012 401 2131100 13.41
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Date From 01/16/1999 To 02/05/1999
Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount
Number Name Number Number
49591 Lighthouse Christian Center 12198 Energy Design Incentive 401 13420(0) 12,001.00
49605 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 Petty cash reimbursement 401 24510(0) 8.00
49630 WESCO Distribution Inc. 23150 Electric lighting lamps 401 14140(0) 1,430.88
49632 Wadsworth, Douglas 23444 Utility deposit rfd-060453020 401 2131100 209.68
49633 Williamson, Jamison or Amy 23366 Utility deposit rfd-0490000018 401 2131100 250.00
Total for Department 24,315.40
0009 49315 Advanced Travel 01090 Titus to SeaTac 12-2-98 911 4310 81.90
Shay to Seattle 04-30-98 911 4310 9.42
Titus to Seattle 10-26-98 911 4310 10.00
Shay,Beckett to Seattle 911 4310 12.35
Shay,Beckett to Seattle 911 4310 12.35
Beckett to Seattle 12-4-98 911 4310 20.00
49324 Asplundh 01119 Trimming and Removing trees 911 4150 6,058.32
Trimming and removing trees 911 4150 3,625.50
Trimming and removing trees 911 4150 5,742.78
Trimming and removing trees 911 4150 5,293.20
49342 Clearing Up: Newsdata Service 03126 Renewal-Clearing Up:Newsdata 911 4901 951.34
49351 EES Consulting Inc. 05140 Prof Svcs pe 12-9B-Rate Case 911 4901 491.51
49393 Marsh Mundorf Pratt & Sullivan 13287 Prof Svcs for Dec-1998 Rates 911 4901 302.98
Dec Svcs -LG & E Contract 911 4150 49.50
49411 Port Angeles City Light 16083 Petty cash reimbursement 911 3101 6.50
Petty cash reimbursement 911 3101 16.13
Petty cash reimbursement 911 4150 12.00
49420 Rohlinger Enterprises Inc. 18087 Lineman gloves, blankets, hose 911 3501 344.51
Lineman gloves, glovebag 911 3101 33.46
494~+0 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 December Scan charges 911 4210 22.48
49J~41 Washington (DRS), State of 23141 Statewide Pensioners for Dec 911 2010 200.16
49456 Asplundh 01119 Mobilization fees for tree tri 911 4150 431.60
49466 Curtis & Sons Inc, L.N. 03098 Streamlight top spot 911 3501 278.72
49477 Highline Equipment Inc. 08063 Polyplus, pliers, wrench 911 3501 547.98
Rigid rules 911 3501 96.06
49503 Public Utility Oist Clallam Co 16038 SR 101 & Euclid Ave 911 3350 16.90
Lauridsen Blvd & L St-January 911 3350 20.46
49516 US West Communications 21001 1-14 Billing 911 4210 320.13
1-02 Billing 911 4710 60.42
49518 Utilities Underground Loc Ctr 21010 December locates 911 4150 41.66
49529 AT&T Business Service 01085 1-13 Billing 911 /+210 9.27
49532 AirTouch Cellular Bellevue 01105 1-15 Billing 911 4210 9.37
1-15 Billing 911 4210 9.37
1-15 Billing 911 4210 25.82
1-15 Billing 911 4210 9.37
1-15 Billing 911 4210 9.37
1-15 Billing 911 4210 9.37
1-15 Billing 911 4210 12.28
1-15 Billing 911 4210 9.37
1-15 Billing 911 4210 9.37
49559 CliniCare of PA Inc. 030~ Employee physicals 911 4150 288.00
49560 Computerworld 03033 Annual Subscription 911 4901 42.09
49567 Equifax - Credit Information 05160 Credit Inquiries-January 911 4150 17.54
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Date From 01/16/1999 To 02/05/1999
Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount
Number Name Number Number
49594 Lucent Technologies 12215 December Billing 911 4210 108.50
49599 NWPPA 14013 1999 Annual Membership dues 911 4901 10,350.00
496~ OLYPEN 15147 1999 Internet maintenance fee 911 4210 235.00
49609 Public Power Council 16118 1999 Annual PPC Assessment 911 4901 12,2~.00
49617 Sanderson Safety Supply Co. 19048 Oxygen sensor, Cal gas 911 4810 438.14
Credit boots-inv 10/+18221 911 3501 258.80-
49625 Staples 19564 Office supplies 911 3101 50.22
Total for Light 48,777.97
Total for Light Fund 73,093.37
402 49570 Familian NW 06020 5/8" Water meters 402 1414000 401.12
5/8" Water meters 402 1411000 31.69
Mega lug access kit 402 1414000 I~.40
Mega lug access kit 402 14110(~) 14.88
Credit meters 402 1414000 140.40-
Credit meters 402 14110(~) 11.09-
49581 Jacobs, Jane 10169 Utility ovrpmt rfd-071056004 402 1222200 659.14
Total for Department 1,1~.74
O(X)3 49316 All World Scientific 01377 Potassium permanganate 354 3101 18.43
Ammonium hydroxide 354 3101 26.34
49332 Brown and Caldwell 0205? Prof Svcs-WW Improvements P#14 354 4150 11,245.15
49368 Hach Company 08124 Chlorine 354 3101 96.96
49412 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 Petty cash reimbursement 354 3101 16.19
Petty cash reimbursement 354 3101 21.58
49440 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 December Scan charges 354 4210 26.92
49505 Rosemount Analytical Inc. 18224 Recharge fill solution 354 3101 38.30
49512 Stacy Plumbing Supply 19354 Pumps 354 4810 2,119.22
49516 US West Communications 21001 1-02 Billing 354 4210 39.03
1-02 Billing 354 4210 41.20
1-14 Billing 354 4210 45.73
49518 Utilities Underground Loc Ctr 21010 December locates 354 4150 20.83
49529 AT&T Business Service 01085 12-25 Billing 354 4210 12.76
1-25 Billing 354 4210 9.27
49532 AirTouch Cellular Bellevue 01105 12-15 Billing 354 4210 3.12
49570 Familian NW 06020 PVC pipe, coupling, ball valve 354 3101 592.78
Flange spacer, gasket 354 3101 88.22
Strainer, face gasket 354 3101 262.39
PVC spears 354 3101 366.69
49585 Jones Chemicals Inc. 10027 Cylinder deposit refund 354 3101 500.O0-
Sc~Jium hypochlorite 354 3101 2,578.17
49594 Lucent Technologies 12215 December Billing 354 4210 15.50
49628 US West Communications 21001 1-23 Billing 354 4210 40.22
1-23 Billing 354 4210 28.11
1-23 billing 354 4210 47.81
1-23 billing 354 4210 47.81
1-23 billing 354 4210 47.81
1-23 billing 354 4210 47.81
99/02/10-11:59 City of Port Angeles - Y2K LIVE February 10 1999 Page 13
Date From 01/16/1999 To 02/05/1999
Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount
Number Name Humber Humber
1-23 billing 354 4210 47.81
1-23 billing 354 4210 28.11
Total for Arty Wasteweter 17,520.27
0(0~7 49315 Advanced Travel 01090 Johnson to Everett 11-17-98 753 3101 502.96
49362 GRCC/WW 07026 Registration - D McGinley 753 4310 255.00
Registration- D Edgington 753 4310 245.00
49440 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 December Scan charges 753 4210 12.39
49472 Gagnon, Roy 07274 Labor-Water main screen pins 753 4150 120.00
49503 Public Utility Dist Clallam Co 16038 Crown Z Water Rd-January 753 4210 17.84
49516 US West Communications 21001 1-14 Billing 753 4210 22.86
49518 Utilities Underground Loc Ctr 21010 December locates 753 4150 20.83
49522 Washington (Unemp), State of 23178 4th Qtr 1998 unemployment 753 2060 234.00
49532 AirTouch Cellular Bellevue 01105 1-15 Billing 753 4210 9.01
49550 Certific~d Laboratories 03057 Blue crew blocks, crew screens 753 3101 351.16
49572 Fowler Company, H.D. 06110 Hydrant street extension kits 753 3101 571.11
49586 K~r~n Industrial Technologies 11082 Gasket eliminator instant seal 753 3101 12.96
49594 Lucent Technologies 12215 December Billing 753 4210 7.74
49605 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 Petty cash reimbursement 753 3101 7.31
Petty cash reimbursement 753 3101 7.42
Petty cash reimbursement 753 3101 7.39
Petty cash reimbursement 753 3101 5.~
Petty cash reimbursement 753 3101 7.28
Petty cash reimbursement 753 3101 7.50
49614 S & B Inc. Ig~40 Photo coupler,digital indicato 753 3101 339.86
49617 Sanderson Safety Supply Co. 19~ Hand cleaner 753 3101 36.56
Hand cleaner 753 3101 64.34
49628 US West Communications 21001 1-23 billing 753 4210 59.20
1-23 Billing 753 4210 267.52
Total for Public Works 3,193.07
Total for Water/Wastewater Fund 21,857.Q~
404 49508 Roto Industries Inc. 18273 300 Gallon containers 404 2370{)00 592.50-
49610 QED Environmental Systems Inc 17011 Groundwater filters 404 2370000 24.23-
Total for Department 616.73-
0007 49315 Advanced Travel 010¢~0 McCabe to Bellevue 12-4-98 755 4310 38.50
49321 Angeles Communications Inc 01069 Service call-jumper wire loose 755 3101 48.55
49383 KONP Radio 11019 Final pmt-Home Show 755 4~1 182.50
Commercials for December (KIKN 755 4410 37.50
Commercials for December (KONP 755 4410 162.50
49440 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 December Scan charges 755 4210 21.77
49454 Analytical Resources Inc. 01252 Sample testing- December 755 4150 554.00
49483 Lab Safety Supply Inc. 12004 Gloves,boot toe/midsole 755 3101
49508 Roto Industries Inc. 18273 300 Gallon containers 755 3501 8,092.50
49516 US West Communications 21001 1-05 billing 755 4210 128.79
1-14 Billing 755 4210 114.33
99/02/10-11:59 City of Port Angeles - Y2K LIVE February 10 1999 Page 14
Date From 01/16/1999 To 02/05/1999
Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code A~unt
Number Name Number Number
49552 CLaLLam County Department of 03020 1999 Landfill permit renewal 755 4990 3,300.00
49554 CLaLLam County Perks Oept. 03019 Lease of Exposition Hall 755 4901 185.00
49594 Lucent Technologies 12215 December Billing 755 4210 38.75
49610 QED Environmental Systems Inc 17011 Groundwater filters 755 3101 330.94
Total for Public Works 13,400.40
Total for Solid Waste Fund 12,783.67
421 49501 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 Petty cash reimbursement 421 2451000 8.00
Total for Department 8.00
0009 49536 Baker Overby & Moore Inc. 02087 Energy Smart Design Incentive 913 4986 1,540.00
49569 Everwarm Inc. 05013 Insulation-Byrne 913 4986 558.93
Window installation-Byrne 913 4986 250.00
Weatherization -B Anderson 913 4986 31.21
49591 Lighthouse Christian Center 12198 Energy Design Incentive 913 4986 767.00
Total for Light 3,147.14
Total for Conservation Fund 3,155.14
501 49590 Lacal Equipment Inc. 12272 Belt sprockets 501 2370(3(0) 44.99-
Total for Department 44.99-
0007 49343 Commercial Brake & Clutch Inc 0344~ Angle link, clutch disc 760 3101 296.32
49346 Driver and Co., Robert F. 0/,271 Underground Tank Liability Ins 760 4150 965.00
49391 Craft, Don 03424 Large combo wrench set 760 3501 258.91
49440 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 December Scan charges 760 4210 9.50
49447 Western Peterbilt Inc. 23020 Air Can Bracket 760 3101 177.00
49461 Chevron USA (Credit Card pmts) 03060 January card purchases 760 3210 15.69
49501 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 Petty cash reimbursement 7(=0 3101 13.49
49511 Snap-on Tools - Chugger Deane 19108 Equipment analyzer 760 3501 1,828.91
49516 us West Communications 21001 1-14 Billing 760 4210 22.87
49590 Lacal Equipment Inc. 12272 Belt sprockets 760 3101 614.~
49594 Lucent Technologies 12215 December Billing 760 4210 7.75
49602 Pacific Detroit Diesel Allison 16060 Diagnostic adapter 760 3501 92.31
Total for Public Works 4,302.21
Total for Equipment Services Fund 4,257.22
502 ~2 49321 Angeles Communications Inc 01069 Move modem to new office 250 4810 48.56
Jacks, feceplates 250 4810 126.57
49352 Electro Products ~nc. 05179 Switchbox, terminator, cable 250 4810 215.~
49440 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 December Scan charges 250 4210 111.80
49458 Betzvc~3 Lighting 02239 Lighting supplies 250 4990 172.25
49~8 Misco Inc. 13059 Keyboard shelf 250 3501 196.26
49509 SFG Technologies Inc. 14074 Prof Svcs-Barcode for lockbox 250 4810 8,400.00
99/02/10-11:59 City of Port Angeles - Y2K LIVE February 10 1999 Page 15
Date From 01/16/1999 To 02/05/1999
Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount
Number Name Number Number
49516 US West Communications 21001 1-14 Billing 250 4210 68.60
49532 AirTouch Cellular Bellevue 01105 12-15 Billing 250 4210 16.30
1-15 Billing 250 4210 32.57
49533 Angeles Plumbing Inc. 01039 Copper Line, Labor 250 4990 126.82
49563 Oungeness Communications & 04210 December Maintenance 250 4810 115.00
49580 Insight Direct Inc. (~9(~5 5 Port Ether hub 250 4810 124.09
49594 Lucent Technologies 12215 December Billing 250 4210 23.25
49600 OLYPEN 15147 1999 Internet maintenance fee 250 4210 235.~
Total for Information Systems Fund 10,012.97
503 C~01 49318 American Arbitration Assn. 01396 Admin fee-Case#75L300002159802 119 4150 150.(~
49334 Bucknam, Ronald E. 02425 Professional svcs-Slope Stabil 119 4150 1,403.45
49365 Godbey, Kay 07039 Reimburse 98 Chiropractic fees 121 4630 372.00
49418 Regence BLue Shield 18290 Dental CLaim Admin fee-Feb 99 117 4601 1,254.96
49429 Summit Law Group PLLC 19437 General Labor Representation 119 4150 143.50
494~2 Washington Cities Ins. Auth. 23204 Expense reimbursement July-Dec 119 4150 23,793.23
49~6 Mathews Glass Co. Inc. 13107 Labor- repair glass door 119 4999 46.28
49497 Owens, Annette 15~2 Reimbursmnt-chiropractic fees 121 4630 20.00
49530 AWC Employee Benefit Trust 01231 Feb 99 Insurance Premium 121 4630 70,~4.65
Feb 99 Insurance Premium 121 4632 1,18~.00
Feb 99 Insurance Premium 121 4634 11,714.20
49534 Armory Express Pizzeria 01340 Safety committee lunch 118 4909 64.07
49537 Balser, Fred 02243 Jan Disability Board Claim 121 4635 60.00
49538 Balser, Sharyn 02078 Jan Disability Board Claim 121 4635
49541 Bishop, Virgil 02019 Reimburse Feb Medicare Premium 121 4635 94.00
49547 Cameron, Kenneth 03252 Reimburse Feb Medicare Premium 121 4635 65.70
49548 Camporini, Richard 03273 Jan Disability Board Claims 121 4635 30.00
Reimburse Feb Medicare Premium 121 4635 46.10
49555 Clallam County YMCA 03076 Annual Membership-T Nielsen 121 4150 570.00
Annual Membership-T Beckett 121 4150 607.50
Membership-A Owens 121 4150 399.(30
Membership-S Sperr 121 4150 607.50
49568 Evans, Sid 05103 Reimburse Feb Medicare Premium 121 4635
49575 Grooms, Mike 07187 Jan Disability Board Claim 121 4635 81.00
49576 Hansen, George O. 08048 Reimburse Feb Medicare Premium 121 4635 46.80
49579 Ilk, Steve 09024 Jan Disability Board Claims 121 4635 104.00
49583 Johnson, Donald G 10052 Jan Disability Board Claim 121 4635 10(3.00
Reimburse Feb Medicare Premium 121 4635 43.80
495~ Johnson, Harry 10047 Reimburse Feb Medicare Premium 121 4635 45.50
49587 Kenworthy, Gary 11013 Reimbursement for ER services 121 4630 70.45
49589 Kochanek, Harry 11017 Jan Disability Board Claims 121 4635 14.00
Reimburse Feb Medicare Premium 121 4635 85.00
49592 Lindley, James K. 12019 Reimburse Feb Medicare Premium 121 4635 43.80
49593 Loucks, Jasper 12186 Jan Disability Board Claim 121 4635 11.00
Reimburse Feb Medicare Premium 121 4635 85.00
49595 Miesel, Phil 13261 Reimburse Feb Medicare Premium 121 4635 46.10
49596 Morgan, Roy 13145 Jan Disability Bc~rd Claim 121 4635 423.91
Reimburse Feb Medicare Premium 121 4635 46.10
49597 Myers, William 13130 Reimburse Feb Medicare Premium 121 4635 47.20
49598 NW Admin Transfer Acct 14169 Feb 99 Teamsters Ins Premium 121 4633 11,587.45
99/02/10-11:59 City of Port Angeles - Y2K LIVE February 10 1999 Page 16
Date From 01/16/1999 To 02/05/1999
Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount
Number Name Number Number
49601 Olympic Iron CLub 15025 Annual Membership-Tom Kuch 121 4150 710.00
Hembership-C Wheeler 121 4150 355.00
49612 Rainier EAP Inc. 18057 January 1999 Services 121 4150 330.00
49623 Sequim Aquatic Recreation Ctr. 19015 Membership-E Menshew 121 4150 410.00
49626 Sweatt, Johnnie 19146 Reimburse Feb Medicare Premium 121 4635 65.70
Total for Self - Insurance Fund 128,195.45
602 0(0)2 49530 AWC Employee Benefit Trust 01231 Feb 99 Insurance Premium 225 4635 2,565.00
49545 Braun, Gary 02173 Jan Disability Board Claims 225 4635 47.36
Total for Fireman's Pension Fund 2,612.36
621 0(0)2 49315 Advanced Travel 01090 Madison to Olympia 12-9-98 214 4310 8.50
49495 Olympic Electric Co. Inc. 15024 Final pmt-Vincent Cipriano 98P 214 4150 200.59
Final pmt-M McBride 98PA12E 214 4150 63.01
49533 Angeles Plumbing Inc. 01039 Final pmt-Robert Gourley 214 4150 701.35
49556 Clallam Jefferson CAC Inc. 03022 Loan fee-L Gross 98PAO3L 214 4941 488.77
Loan fee-F Eckenberg 98PAO1L 214 4941 126.90
49558 Clallam Title Company 03286 Reconveyance-527 W lOth St 214 4941 23.00
49562 Cozi Homes Construction 03299 Contractor pmt-Eckenberg 98PAO 214 4150 6,149.02
49618 Schoenfeldt Construction, Dick 19141 Final pmt-Lela Hale 98PAOSEH 214 4150 5,~1.85
Total for P.A. Housing RaHab Project 13,422.99
625 0(~ 49412 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03(~52 Petty cash reimbursement 888 3120 10.70
49~7 District 13 04(:)50 Basketball Officials-Znd half 882 4150 1,450.00
49478 Hurley's Refrigeration C~165 Service freezer,slow blow fuse 889 3101 64.20
49501 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 Petty cash reimbursement 888 3101 8.61
49605 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 Petty cash reimbursement ~3101 43.27
49619 Sears 19297 Microwave 889 3101 140.14
Total for Recreational Activities Fund 1,716.92
628 0005 49510 Servicemaster 19069 Clean up flc~r water at Range 537 4150 156.46
49607 Port Angeles Police Department 16105 Petty cash reimbursement 537 3101 2.90
Total for Law Enforcement Firearms Range 159.36
631 0C~35 49523 Washington State Treasurer 23120 10% of forfeiture money-1998 536 9626 2,020.91
Total for Drug Task Force 2,020.91
652 ~ 49440 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 December Scan charges 8~ 4210 17.35
49516 US West Communications 21001 1-14 Billing ~ 4210 22.87
49594 Lucent Technologies 12215 December Billing ~58 4210 7.75
49600 OLYPEN 15147 1999 Internet maintenance fee 868 4210 40.00
49622 Seniuk, Jake 19014 Reimburse January expenses 868 3101 103.71
Reimburse January expenses 868 3210 ~.80
Reimburse January expenses 868 4810 34.44)
Reimburse January expenses 868 4310 15.75
~/02/10-11:59 City of Port Angeles - Y2K LIVE February 10 1999 Page 17
Date From 01/16/1999 To 02/05/I~
Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code An~unt
Number Name Number Number
Reimburse January expenses 868 4530 23.74
49628 US West Communications 21001 1-14 Billing 868 4210 45.29
1-23 Billing 868 4210 55.40
Total for Esther Webster Trust Fund /+09.14
6540008 49382 K Ply Inc. 11050 Fir cores 873 3199 231.00
Fir peeler cores 873 3199 231.00
493~) LaHaye Architectual Bronze 12289 Plaque-Clarence E Weller 873 3199 61.50
49407 Oregon Brass Works 15032 Plaque-Elmer Siebel 873 3199 63.25
Plaque-M Flodstrom 873 3199 70.50
Plaque-Dorothy Owen 873 3199 98.04
49489 Natural Structures 14145 Trash receptacle 873 3199 269.87
Total for Waterfront Trail Fund 1,025.16
657 49/+64 Clallam Jefferson CAC Inc. 03022 Pass the Buck funds-January 657 2399100 3,000.00
Total for Utility Contribution Program 3,(X:)0.00
697 49544 Bonneville Power Admin. 02/+~q Refund Landfill overpayment 697 23910(03 24.01
49616 Sabe & Associates 19300 Refund Medic I Overpmnt-Procto 697 23910(03 90.00
Total for Accts. Receivable Clearing Fund 114.01
698 49312 AFSCME Local #1619 01152 Payroll deductions ~e 1-10-99 698 2315200 78.00
49313 AFSCME Local #1619 Scholarship 01153 Payroll deductions ~e I-I0-~ 698 2315200 156.00
49353 Employees Association 05041 Payroll deductions De 1-10-99 698 2315210 260.00
49359 Firefighter's Local #656 06076 Payroll deductions De 1-10-99 698 231520(3 760.00
49360 Flex-Plan Services (Peyroll) 06062 Payroll deductions De 1-10-99 698 2315210 1,209.31
49361 Fortis Benefits Insurance Co. 06052 Payroll deductions De 1-10-99 698 2315190 663.40
49375 IBEW Local #997 09034 Payroll deductions De 1-10-99 698 2315200 363.90
49404 Office of Support Enforcement 15072 Payroll deductions De 1-10-99 698 2315210 939.69
49405 Office of Support Enforcement 15166 Payroll deductions De 1-10-99 69B 2315210 112.15
49410 Police Associetion 16156 Peyroll deductions pe 1-10-99 698 2315210 171.00
49428 States West Life Insurance Co. 19313 Supplemental Life Ins-Feb 1999 698 2315160 701.10
49431 Teamsters Local #589 20(356 Payroll deductions pe 1-10-99 698 2315200 1,618.(30
49434 US Department of Education 21075 Payroll deductions pe 1-10-99 698 2315210 69.41
49436 United Way (payroll) 21028 Payroll deductions pe 1-10-99 698 2315240 529.04
49439 WSCCCE, AFSCME, AFL-CIO 23167 Payroll deductions pe 1-10-99 698 2315200 2,531.73
49471 Flex-Plan Services (Payroll) 06062 Payroll deductions pe 1-24-99 698 2315210 1,209.30
49493 Office of Support Enforcement 15072 Payroll deductions pe 1-24-99 698 2315210 939.69
49494 Office of Support Enforcement 15166 Payroll deductions pe 1-24-99 698 2315210 112.15
49515 US Department of Education 21075 Payroll deductions pe 1-24-99 698 2315210 69.41
49517 United Way (payroll) 21028 Payroll deductions pe 1-24-99 698 2315240 528.30
49519 Volunteer Fire Association 22060 Payroll deductions pe 1-24-99 698 2315210 46.00
Total for Accounts Payable Clearing Fund 13,~7.58
Grand Total 584,355.35
DATE: February 16, 1999
FROM: Craig D. Knutson, City Attorney
SUBJECT: Amending starting time for Council meetings
Issue: Should the City Council amend the ordinance setting forth the time of regular Council
Recommendation: Adopt the attached ordinance changing the regular meeting time from
5:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of the month, effective in April, 1999.
Summary: The City Council has determined that it is appropriate to change the regular meeting
time from 5:30 to 6:00 p.m.
Background / Analysis: In February, 1998, the City Council decided to start Council meetings
earlier so that they would not end at such a late hour in the evening. This action was taken on a trial
basis to see how it would work. Although it has accomplished the desired goal, the Council has
determined it would be better if more time were available for Council members, staff, and the public
to have dinner prior to arriving for the Council meeting.
In order to notify the public about this change, the effective date for the change is April 6. A press
release will be issued about this change in starting time.
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, revising the time
for beginning Council meetings from 5:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. and
amending Ordinance 2981 as amended and Chapter 2.04 of the Port
Angeles Municipal Code.
as follows:
Section 1. Ordinance 2981, as amended, and Chapter 2.04 of the Port Angeles Municipal
Code are hereby amended by amending PAMC 2.04.010 to read as follows:
2.04.010 Time. The regular meetings of the Council shall be held on the first and third
Tuesdays of each month, beginning at ~': ....~-: ....
~,,,,-~,~, ~j 6:00 p.m. Public hearings will be scheduled to
begin at seven p.m. or as soon thereafter as possible. Such regular meetings shall conclude at ten
p.m.; provided, that the City Council may, upon motion, continue to meet past that hour upon
items on the agenda not considered prior to ten p.m. If the date of any such regular meeting of
the City Council shall fall upon a legal holiday, such meeting shall be held either on the preceding
business day or on the succeeding business day or on such other day as decided by motion of the
Council. Notice of the day selected for the meeting shall be given to the local news media at least
twenty-four hours prior to the meeting. Such meetings shall be held in the Council Chambers at
the Port Angeles City Hall, 321 East Fifth Street, Port Angeles, Washington.
* For the statutory provisions regarding council meetings, see RCW 35A. 13.170.
Section 2 - Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect April 1, 1999.
PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said
Council held on the __ day of ,1999.
Becky J. Upton, City Clerk Craig D. Knutson, City Attorney
By Summary
DATE: February 16, 1999
FROM: Kay Godbey, Finance Director
SUBJECT: Ordinance authorizing use of credit cards
Issue: Should the City Council adopt an ordinance adopting a system for the use and control of
credit cards by City officials and employees?
Recommendation: Staff recommends adoption of the ordinance.
Summary: The advance travel program is currently administered by the Finance Department.
The existing travel policy encourages the use of a cash advance when City officials and employees
travel on City business. Upon return from the trip, City officials and employees reconcile travel
expenses, and either return a portion of the cash advance, or receive a reimbursement for expenses.
Although this procedure works and has strict internal controls, staff believes the process is
cumbersome and inefficient. The Finance Department has investigated the use of credit cards for
travel and other purchases and is in contact with a company that provides a purchasing card at no
cost to the City. Staff recommends that the advance travel component of the City travel policy be
replaced with credit cards to be used for travel and other purchases.
Backgronnd / Analysis: R.C.W. 43.09.2855 establishes criteria for the use of credit cards by
local governments. The Finance Department is in contact with Paymentech/First USA Financial
Services for the procurement of individual credit cards for Council members and certain City
employees such as the city manager and department directors. Paymentech is the fifth-largest issuer
of commercial cards and the third-largest processor of bankcard transactions in the United States.
The First USA card carries the clout of the Visa brand, one of the most widely accepted payment
cards in the world. The card program has no costs, and is does not offer a revolving line of credit.
Initially, the Finance Department will adopt revised procedures for credit card use for travel purposes
and will expand the program to eventually include the purchasing of other goods and services on the
purchasing card as well. Staff believes that the credit card program for travel will streamline travel
procedures by eliminating the advance travel component of the program.
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles,
Washington, adopting a system for the issuance,
use and control of credit cards by City officials
and employees, directing the Finance Department
to adopt rules and procedures to implement such
system, and amending Ordinance 2628 and Chapter
3.05 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code.
Whereas, the City Council, upon the recommendation of the City Manager and the City's
Finance Department, finds the use of credit cards to be an appropriate and useful means of making
payment for a variety of types of purchases, including emergency purchases, purchases of small
items, one-time purchases from vendors, and travel expenses; and
Whereas, the State legislature finds that the use of credit cards is a customary and
economical business practice to improve cash management, reduce costs, and increase efficiency;
Whereas, RCW 43.09.2855 provides that any city which contracts for the issuance and use
of credit cards must adopt a system for the distribution, authorization, credit limits, payment and
control of such credit cards,
Section 1. Ordinance 2628 and Chapter 3.05 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code are
hereby amended by adding Section 3.05.050 to read as follows:
3.05.050 Definition of Credit Card. As used in this Chapter, "credit card" means a card
or device issued under an arrangement pursuant to which the issuer gives to a cardholder the
privilege of obtaining credit from the issuer.
Section 2. Ordinance 2628 and Chapter 3.05 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code are
hereby amended by adding Section 3.05.060 to read as follows:
3.05.060 Issuance, Use and Control of Credit Cards. The City Council hereby adopts the
following system for the issuance, use and control of credit cards by City officials and employees:
A. The Finance Department shall implement the following system for the distribution,
authorization, control, credit limits and payment of bills related to the use of credit cards by City
officials and employees:
1. Distribution. Credit cards will be distributed to those City officials and
employees who have job responsibilities which would be facilitated by the use of a credit card and
the credit card use would benefit the City. This shall include the City Council, City Manager,
Department Heads, Division Managers, and other officials and employees as determined by the
City Manager.
2. Authorization and Control. The Finance Department shall develop the
implementation guidelines and accounting controls to ensure the proper usage of credit cards and
credit card funds.
3. Credit Limits. The Finance Department shall set credit limits on each credit
card issued. The credit limit shall not exceed $2,500 without written approval of the City
4. Payment of Bills. The Finance Department shall establish and implement a
written procedure for the payment of all credit card bills.
5. Unauthorized Charges. No employee shall use the City-issued credit card for
non-City business use. Any employee who violates this policy by using a City-issued credit card
for non-City business shall be subject to disciplinary action and shall be billed for all charges on
the credit card. The City Manager or his/her designee is authorized and directed to make payroll
deductions to recover any unauthorized charges.
6. Cash Advances. Cash advances on credit cards are prohibited.
B. The Finance Department is authorized to adopt any additional procedures or
policies necessary to implement the provisions of this section.
Section 3 - Severability. If any provisions of this Ordinance, or its application to any
person or circumstances, is held invalid, the remainder of the Ordinance, or application of the
provisions of the Ordinance to other persons or circumstances, is not affected.
Section 4 - Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect five days after the date of
PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said
Council held on the day of , 1999.
ATTEST: Gary Braun, Mayor
Becky J. Upton, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM:
(By Summary) Craig D. Knutson, City Attorney
DATE: February 16, 1999
FROM: Bob Coons, Human Resource Manager
SUBJECT: 1999 Salary Ordinance for Management, Administrative, & Non-Represented
Issue: Should the City Council approve the 1999 salary ordinance enacting a 2.43% pay increase
for employees in the Management, Administrative, and Confidential Unit and other non-represented
employees in the Parks and Recreation Department?
Recommendation: Staff recommends that the City Council approve the attached salary
ordinance for the Management, Administrative, and Confidential employees, and the non-
represented employees in the Parks and Recreation Department effective January 1, 1999.
Summary: The collective bargaining agreements between the City and the labor unions provide for
a cost of living increase for 1999 equal to 90% of the Seattle Consumer Price Index (CPI), which
is equal to 2.43%. The City generally provides the same salary increase for the management and
non-represented employees that was negotiated for the unionized employees. This proposed salary
ordinance would implement the 2.43% cost of living increase for the non union employees.
Background/Analysis:The employees of the Management, Administrative, and Confidential
Employees Unit include the City Manager, Department Heads, Division Managers, and
administrative and confidential clerical employees not represented by a labor union. There are 47
employees in this group, (Schedule "A"). The other group of non-represented employees covered
by this ordinance are the part-time employees in the Parks and Recreation Department (schedule
"B"). The annualized financial impact of granting the 2.43% salary increase to all the employees
covered by this ordinance is $67,801. Funds were budgeted in the 1999 budget to finance this
The ordinance also refers to a schedule "C" which outlines the benefit plan for the Management and
Administrative personnel. The changes to this schedule include deleting the title of Director of City
Light as a separate department director; deleting language where an employee can sell back a portion
of their accrued vacation time in the event of a financial hardship; and deleting the benefit where
the City Manager may grant sick leave (in advance) for an employee with a serious illness, yet does
not have sufficient sick leave on the books to cover the disability. These two sections are no longer
needed as the City has a policy for employees to sell back vacation annually and a separate policy
for the donation of accrued sick leave to assist another employee that may need time in the event
of a catastrophic illness or injury. The final change is imposing a maximum amount on the life
insurance provided by the City at $50,000, which has been the policy, but not stated in Schedule
Upon approval of this ordinance the City Council will be granting the 2.43% salary increase;
approving Schedule "A", the listing of the salary ranges for the Management/Administrative &
Confidential classifications; approving Schedule "B", the listing of the salary ranges for the part-time
pool classifications in the Parks and Recreation Department; and approving Schedule "C", the list
of fringe benefits for the Management & Administrative group of employees.
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
establishing salary and fringe benefit plans for Management,
Administrative, Technical, and Confidential Clerical
Personnel (Schedules A and C) and establishing a pay plan
for employees working at the City Pool and Fine Art Center
(Schedule B) for the period January 1, 1999 to December 31,
1999 and providing for the payment thereof.
WHEREAS, it is necessary that a salary and fringe benefit schedule be established
for Management, Administrative, Technical, and Confidential Clerical personnel employed
by the City of Port Angeles and providing for the payment thereof; and
WHEREAS, it is necessary that a salary schedule be established for employees
working at the City Pool and Fine Art Center; and
WHEREAS, the salary and fringe benefit schedules for 1999 will include a 2.43
percent cost-of-living increase;
DOES ORDAIN as follows:
Section 1. As of January 1, 1999, the salaries for Management, Administrative,
Technical, and Confidential Clerical personnel shall be as set forth in Schedule A attached
to this Ordinance and made a part hereof by this reference.
Section 2. As of January 1, 1999, the salaries for employees working at the City
Pool and Fine Art Center shall be as set forth in Schedule B attached to this Ordinance and
made a part hereof by this reference.
Section 3. All of the salaries set forth in Schedules A and B shall be paid in bi-
weekly installments in accordance with procedures established by the City of Port Angeles
and shall be paid within five (5) working days after the close of the payroll period or as
soon thereafter as the established accounting procedures will permit.
Section 4. Any of the salaries set forth in Schedules A and B may be reviewed at
intervals at the discretion of the City Manager and the City Council.
Section 5. As of January 1, 1999, the fringe benefits for Management,
Administrative, Technical, and Confidential Clerical personnel shall be as set forth in
Schedule C attached hereto and made a part hereof by this reference.
PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said
Council held on the 16th day of February, 1999.
Becky J. Upton, City Clerk
Craig D. Knutson, City Attorney
(By Summary)
Numerical Order by Salary Range 02/10/99 Schedule A
Occupation Codes/Classification/Salary Schedule 15:42:57
Management and Administrative Personnel
Occupation Classification Salary
Code Range
1000 City Manager 48
1001 Director of Public Works/Utilities 43
1004 City Attomey 41
1002 Director of City Light 40
1005 Police Chief 39
1006 Fire Chief 39
1003 Director of Finance 39
1008 Parks & Recreation Director 37
1007 Planning Director 37
1009 Deputy Director of Public Works 36
1018 Senior Assistant City Attorney 34
1017 City Engineer 34
1058 Deputy Chief of Police 34
1010 Operations Manager 34
1016 Fire Marshall 34
1015 Human Resources Manager 34
1011 Engineer Manager 34
1046 Economic Development Director 31
1022 Accounting Manager 31
1024 Information Systems Manager 31
1020 Communications Manager 30
1027 WA/WW Collection Superintendent 30
1029 SW/WW Treatment Superintendent 30
1049 Power Resource Manager 29
1061 Building Official 27
1026 Street Superintendent 26
1031 Equipment Services Superintendent 26
1030 Parks/Cemetery Superintendent 26
1032 Senior Planner 26
1033 Finance Systems Specialist 25
1037 City Clerk 24
1035 Recreation Manager 24
1034 Senior Center Manager 24
1052 Senior Accountant 22
1038 Executive Administrative Assistant 18
1040 Planning Office Specialist 18
1039 Human Resources Assistant 17
1059 Legal Assistant 17
1053 Aquatics Coordinator 16
1054 Recreation Coordinator 16
1042 Administrative Assistant 15
1041 Legal Administrative Assistant 15
1060 Legal Intern 08
1051 Intern 03
1050 Mayor/Council 02
1045 Office Assistant 02
Management/Administrative Unit Salary Schedule (Bi-weekly/Monthly Rates)
2.43% effective 01-01-99 1999 Updated 01/07/98
Pay Grade I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 736.18 754.85 773.49 793.25 813.03 832.81 853.70 875.18 897.19 919.80
1,595 1,636 1,676 1,719 1,762 1,804 1,850 1,896 1,944 1,993
2 758.22 777.44 796.64 816.98 837.33 857.67 879.12 901.17 923.78 947.50
1,643 1,684 1,726 1,770 1,814 1,858 1,905 1,953 2,002 2,053
3 780.81 800.03 820.36 841.28 862.18 883.09 905.11 928.30 951.45 975.75
1,692 1,733 1,777 1,823 1,868 1,913 1,961 2,011 2,061 2,114
4 803.99 823.77 844.67 866.70 888.19 910.20 932.81 956.53 980.28 1,005.13
1,742 1,785 1,830 1,878 1,924 1,972 2,021 2,072 2,124 2,178
5 82.8.30 849.21 870.09 892.71 914.74 937.33 960.50 984.78 1,009.64 1,035.08
1,795 1,840 1,885 1,934 1,982 2,031 2,081 2,134 2,188 2,243
6 853.14 874.62 896.68 919.80 943.99 965.03 989.31 1,014.73 1,040.15 1,066.15
1,848 1,895 1,943 1,993 2,045 2,091 2,144 2,199 2,254 2,310
7 878.55 900.60 923.21 947.50 970.67 994.40 1,019.25 1,044.69 1,071.25 1,098.35
1,904 1,951 2,000 2,053 2,103 2,155 2,208 2,263 2,321 2,380
8 904.57 927.73 950.89 975.75 999.48 1,023.78 1,050.32 1,076.32 1,103.43 1,131.12
1,960 2,010 2,060 2,114 2,166 2,218 2,276 2,332 2,391 2,451
9 932.24 955.97 979.71 1,005.13 1,029.98 1,054.85 1,081.41 1,107.98 1,136.80 1 165.01
2,020 2,071 2,123 2,178 2,232 2,286 2,343 2,401 2,463 2,524
10 959.93 984.22 1,009.09 1,035.08 1,060.50 1,086.50 1,114.17 1,141.31 1,170.68 1200.06
2,080 2,132 2,186 2,243 2,298 2,354 2,414 2,473 2,536 2,600
11 988.75 1,013.60 1,039.60 1,066.15 1092.70 1,118.72 1,147.51 1,175.76 1,205.71 1236.23
2,142 2,196 2,252 2,310 2,368 2,424 2,486 2,547 2,612 2,678
12 1,018.69 1,044.11 1,070.67 1,098.35 1125.47 1,152.60 1,181.99 1,210.80 1,241.86 1273.51
2,207 2,262 2,320 2,380 2,439 2,497 2,561 2,623 2,691 2,759
13 1,049.21 1,075.76 1,102.87 1,131.12 1 159.38 1,187.07 1,217.58 1,246.96 1,279.15 1,311.91
2,273 2,331 2,390 2,451 2,512 2,572 2,638 2,702 2,771 2,842
14 1,080.84 1,107.40 1,136.19 1,165.01 1 194.41 1,222.66 1,254.30 1,284.25 1,317.57 1350.93
2,342 2,399 2,462 2,524 2,588 2,649 2,718 2,783 2,855 2,927
15 1,113.62 1,140.73 1,170.11 1200.06 1230.00 1,259.38 1,291.58 1,323.22 1,357.15 1,391.03
2,413 2,472 2,535 2,600 2,665 2,729 2,798 2,867 2,940 3,014
16 1,146.95 1,175.18 1,205.14 1236.23 1266.72 1,297.22 1,330.00 1,362.77 1,398.38 1432.84
2,485 2,546 2,611 2,678 2,745 2,811 2,882 2,953 3,030 3,104
17 1,181.42 1,210.23 1,241.30 1 273.51 1 304.57 1,336.79 1,369.57 1,403.45 1,440.17 1 475.23
2,560 2,622 2,689 2,759 2,827 2,896 2,967 3,041 3,120 3,196
18 1,216.99 1,246.38 1278.59 1,311.91 1,343.56 1,376.91 1,410.80 1,445.84 1,483.67 1,519.85
2,637 2,700 2,770 2,842 2,911 2,983 3,057 3,133 3,215 3,293
19 1,253.71 1,283.68 1,317.02 1350.93 1,384.24 1,418.71 1,452.60 1,489.33 1,528.32 1,565.60
2,716 2,781 2,854 2,927 2,999 3,074 3,147 3,227 3,311 3,392
20 1,291.01 1,322.09 1 356.55 1,391.03 1,425.48 1,461.07 1,496.10 1,533.42 1,574.09 1,612.50
2,797 2,865 2,939 3,014 3,089 3,166 3,242 3,322 3,411 3,494
21 1,329.45 1,362.22 1 397.80 1432.84 1,468.44 1,505.16 1,541.33 1,579.74 1,621.55 1,661.08
2,880 2,951 3,029 3,104 3,182 3,261 3,340 3,423 3,513 3,599
22 1,369.00 1,402.89 1439.62 1475.23 1,511.94 1,550.35 1,587.63 1,627.19 1,670.15 1,710.82
2,966 3,040 3,119 3,196 3,276 3,359 3,440 3,526 3,619 3,707
23 1,410.24 1,445.27 1,483.12 1519.85 1,557.13 1,596.69 1,635.10 1,675.79 1,719.85 1,762.80
3,056 3,131 3,213 3,293 3,374 3,459 3,543 3,631 3,726 3,819
24 1,453.18 1,488.22 1527.75 1565.60 1,604.01 1,644.71 1,684.28 1,726.61 1,771.27 1,815.35
3,149 3,224 3,310 3,392 3,475 3,564 3,649 3,741 3,838 3,933
Management/Administrative Unit Salary Schedule (Bi-weekly/Monthly Rates)
2.43% effective 01-01-99 1999 Updated 01/07/98
Pay Grade 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
25 1,495.55 1,532.84 1,573.50 1,612.50 1,652.06 1,693.85 1,734.54 1,778.06 1,824.95 1,870.14
3,240 3,321 3,409 3,494 3,579 3,670 3,758 3,852 3,954 4,052
26 1,540.75 1,579.16 1,620.96 1,661.08 1,701.76 1,744.71 1,787.09 1,831.16 1,879.19 1,926.07
3,338 3,422 3,512 3,599 3,687 3,780 3,872 3,968 4,072 4,173
27 1,587.07 1,626.64 1,669.58 1,710.82 1,753.18 1,796.69 1,840.22 1,886.53 1,935.68 1,983.70
3,439 3,524 3,617 3,707 3,799 3,893 3,987 4,087 4,194 4,298
28 1,634.53 1,675.22 1,719.29 1,762.80 1,805.74 1,850.92 1,895.58 1,943.04 1,993.87 2,043.03
3,541 3,630 3,725 3,819 3,912 4,010 4,107 4,210 4,320 4,427
29 1,683.69 1,725.52 1,770.70 1,815.35 1,859.96 1,906.87 1,952.64 2,001.23 2,053.77 2,104.06
3,648 3,739 3,837 3,933 4,030 4,132 4,231 4,336 4,450 4,559
30 1,733.99 1,777.47 1,824.37 1,870.14 1,915.35 1,963.93 2,011.39 2,061.11 2,115.35 2,167.34
3,757 3,851 3,953 4,052 4,150 4,255 4,358 4,466 4,583 4,696
31 1,786.52 1,830.58 1,878.63 1,926.07 1,972.98 2,022.13 2,071.83 2,122.71 2,179.19 2,232.32
3,871 3,966 4,070 4,173 4,275 4,381 4,489 4,599 4,722 4,837
32 1,839.63 1,885.98 1,935.13 1,983.70 2,032.29 2,083.14 2,133.99 2,185.97 2,244.18 2,299.55
3,986 4,086 4,193 4,298 4,403 4,513 4,624 4,736 4,862 4,982
33 1,895.00 1,942.45 1,993.32 2,043.03 2,093.33 2,145.28 2,197.83 2,252.10 2,311.40 2,368.49
4,106 4,209 4,319 4,427 4,536 4,648 4,762 4,880 5,008 5,132
34 1,952.07 2,000.66 2,053.20 2,104.06 2,156.60 2,209.15 2,263.95 2,319.89 2,380.90 2,439.66
4,229 4,335 4,449 4,559 4,673 4,786 4,905 5,026 5,159 5,286
35 2,049.81 2,100.68 2,156.03 2,209.15 2,263.95 2,320.44 2,376.95 2,435.70 2,500.11 2,561.71
4,441 4,551 4,671 4,786 4,905 5,028 5,150 5,277 5,417 5,550
36 2,111.41 2,163.37 2,220.45 2,275.82 2,331.75 2,389.39 2,448.13 2,508.58 2,574.70 2,638.54
4,575 4,687 4,811 4,931 5,052 5,177 5,304 5,435 5,579 5,717
37 2,174.68 2,228.34 2,287.11 2,344.18 2,401.25 2,461.12 2,522.15 2,584.31 2,652.10 2,717.63
4,712 4,828 4,955 5,079 5,203 5,332 5,465 5,599 5,746 5,888
38 2,240.22 2,295.02 2,356.04 2,414.81 2,473.00 2,535.13 2,597.86 2,661.71 2,731.19 2,799.01
4,854 4,973 5,105 5,232 5,358 5,493 5,629 5,767 5,918 6,065
39 2,306.90 2,363.96 2,426.67 2,487.12 2,547.57 2,610.86 2,675.83 2,741.95 2,813.11 2,883.19
4,998 5,122 5,258 5,389 5,520 5,657 5,798 5,941 6,095 6,247
40 2,376.39 2,435.13 2,499.57 2,561.71 2,623.85 2,689.38 2,755.49 2,824.43 2,897.31 2,969.63
5,149 5,276 5,416 5,550 5,685 5,827 5,970 6,120 6,278 6,434
41 2,447.59 2,508.04 2,574.13 2,638.54 2,702.95 2,769.62 2,838.00 2,909.18 2,984.90 3,058.91
5,303 5,434 5,577 5,717 5,856 6,001 6,149 6,303 6,467 6,628
42 2,521.60 2,583.74 2,65098 2,717.63 2,784.30 2,852.68 2,923.29 2,§g6.75 3,074.15 3,150.9§
5,463 5,598 5,744 5,888 6,033 6,181 6,334 6,493 6,661 6,827
43 2,597.30 2,661.16 2,730.63 2,799.01 2,867.94 2,938.56 3,011.45 3,086.58 3,166.24 3,245.36
5,627 5,766 5,916 6,065 6,214 6,367 6,525 6,688 6,860 7,032
44 2,675.22 2,740.99 2,812.55 2,882.97 2,953.98 3,026.70 3,101.79 3,179.18 3,261.25 3,342.72
5,796 5,939 6,094 6,246 6,400 6,558 6,721 6,888 7,066 7,243
45 2,755.47 2,823.22 2,896.93 2,969.47 3,042.59 3,117.51 3,194.83 3,274.55 3,359.09 3,443.00
5,970 6,117 6,277 6,434 6,592 6,755 6,922 7,095 7,278 7,460
46 2,838.13 2,907.91 2,983.83 3,058.55 3,133.87 3,211.05 3,290.70 3,373.31 3,481.26 3,546.29
6,149 6,300 6,465 6,627 6,790 6,957 7,130 7,309 7,543 7,684
47 2,923.27 2,995.15 3,073.34 3,150.31 3,227.89 3,307.38 3,389.42 3,474.51 3,585.70 3,652.67
6,334 6,489 6,659 6,826 6,994 7,166 7,344 7,528 7,769 7,914
48 3,010.97 3,085.00 3,165.54 3,244.82 3,324.72 3,406.61 3,491.10 3,578.74 3,693.27 3,762.25
6,524 6,684 6,859 7,030 7,204 7,381 7,564 7,754 8,002 8,152
Schedule B
PARK/RECREATION Classification Salary Schedule 02/10/99
2.43% effective 01-01-99 1 999 15:34:23
Occupation Pay Classification 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Code Grade
7000 1 Lifeguard 6.04 6.46 6.83
7001 2 Water Safety Instructor 6.46 6.83 7.21 7.61 8.04
7002 3 Pool Supervisor I 9.85 10.23 10.63
7003 4 Exercise Instructor 9.50 9.85 10.23
7004 5 Aerobics Supervisor II 10.63 11.22 11.84
7010 Fine Arts Director 19.570
7011 Gallery Aide 11.840
7017 6 Youth Employment Program 5.00 5.25 5.50 6.00 6.50 7.00 7.50
7019 7 Arts and Crafts Instructor 10.00 12.50 15.00
Section I - Retirement and Social Security Coverage
A. Social Security: In accordance with laws established by the U.S. Govemment
B. State Retirement Program: In accordance with the provisions of the Public
Employees' Retirement System and the Law Enforcement Officers and Firefighters
Retirement System, as established by the Washington State Legislature.
Section II - Holidays
In accordance with the statutes established by the Washington State Legislature,
holidays shall be as listed below:
New Years Day January I st
Presidents's Day Third Monday in February
Memorial Day Last Monday in May
Independence Day July 4th
Labor Day First Monday in September
Veteran's Day November 1 lth
Thanksgiving Day Fourth Thursday in November
Day after Thanksgiving Fourth Friday in November
Christmas Day December 25th
Two Floating Holidays As scheduled
Section III - Leave Policies
A. Leave policies for the City Manager and Department Heads:
1. Positions entitled to leave privileges set forth in this subsection:
City Manager
Director of Public Works
Director of Finance
Director of Parks and Recreation
Director of Planning
Fire Chief
Police Chief
City Attorney
1999 Fringe Benefits
Management/Administrative Group
Page -2-
2. Each Department Head and the City Manager shall receive for each month
of service in each 12-month period, General Leave to be accrued and used
within the guidelines below:
Years of Service Days/Year
O- 10 30
11 - 15 33
16 - 20 38
21+ 43
a) It is to be used for vacation, sick leave, or other personal leave
b) Accumulation shall be unlimited, but payoff is limited to 100%
cash-out for the first 960 hours and 25% for hours accrued beyond
this amount;
c) Department Heads are not required to take leave; however the City
Manager may exerdse his authority to direct a Department Head to
take vacation when he feels that such time off is necessary for the
benefit of the City or the employee;
d) All time off shall be scheduled by the employee with the advanced
approval of the City Manager, except when it may interfere with
operational functions of the City demanding the employee's service
or knowledge;
e) It shall be the responsibility of the Department Head to use
accumulated leave in a prudent and careful manner;
f) Upon termination in good standing, death, or retirement of the
employee, a Department Head shall receive pay for accumulated
leave in accordance with the following schedule at his rate of pay
upon separation of City service:
Years of Service Cash-Out Rate
0- 5 years 50%
6+ years 100%
1999 Fringe Benefits
Management/Administrative Group
Page -:3-
B. Leave policies for non-Department Head employees in the Administrative,
Technical, and Confidential clerical group:
1. All employees of the administrative, technical and confidential clerical
group not induded in Section III-A shall be known as the Administrative
2. Vacation leave shall be accrued by the Administrative Group at the
following rates:
Less than two years' service 11 days
2 through 5 years 14 days
6 through 10 years 17 days
11 through 15 years 21 days
16 through 20 years 26 days
21 years and over 31 days
a) Leave accredited for any month of service may be taken in any
subsequent month, providing such leave is approved by the
Department Head.
b) Annual leave may be accumulated, provided the total does not
exceed 120 days.
c) Accrued vacation leave will be paid off in cash at the time of
separation of City service.
3. Sick leave for the Administrative Group shall be accrued and used in
accordance with the guidelines set forth in the City's Personnel Policy and
Procedures Manual, Section 7.01, with the following exceptions:
a) Twenty-five percent (25%) of accumulated sick leave will be paid
the employee upon termination in good standing, retirement, or
b) When an employee is injured on the job and there is time lost, he/
she shall go on industrial insurance as provided by the City. He/she
may use sick leave credits for pay equal to the difference between
his/her regular pay, less the amount of Workers Compensation pay.
The portion of sick leave paid will be deducted from accumulated
sick leave.
DATE: February 16, 1999
FROM: Brad Collins, Planning Director
SUBJECT: Street Vacation Resolution STV 99-01
Issue.' Council action on a petition to vacate a portion of the "P" Street right-of-way abutting
Suburban Lot 84 south of Milwaukee Drive to 16th Street.
Recommendation: Adopt a resolution setting a public hearing for April 6, 1999, to consider
Street Vacation STV 99-01.
S. ummar_yx The City of Port Angeles is working with Mr. Leon Davis, the property owner of
Suburban Lot 84, to exchange land in the "P" St. right-of-way for an equal amount of land for right-
of-way in 16th Street. RCW 35.79.010 requires that a public hearing be set by resolution not more
than sixty (60) days nor less than twenty (20) days from the passage of the resolution. The purpose
of the street vacation is to continue 16th Street west to Milwaukee Drive as part of the City's planned
street system and to eliminate acute intersections at Milwaukee Drive, an arterial street.
Background / Analysis: The City and Mr. Davis are working together to rearrange the street
system near the intersections of Milwaukee Dr., "P" Street and 16th Street. The issue was reviewed
by the City Council's Real Estate Committee and is recommended by the Public Works Department.
The elimination of acute angle intersections at both "P" Street and 16th Street will make turning
movements more safe at Milwaukee Drive, an arterial street. A full staff review of the proposed
street vacation and land exchange will be available at the time of the public heating on April 6, 1999.
As a point of information, during the meeting with the Real Estate Committee held on February 8,
a question was raised about the Goodwin property also listed on the map and if the City was
attempting to pursue a vacation with that property owner, as well. That endeavor was undertaken,
but was temporarily postponed due to Mr. Goodwin's death. Staff will focus efforts to resolve that
situation once his estate has been finalized.
Street Vacation Resolution
Street Vacation Petition
Site Map
A RESOLUTION of the City of Port Angeles
setting a hearing date for a petition to vacate
a portion of the "P" Street right of way abutting
Suburban Lot 84, Port Angeles, Washington.
WHEREAS, a petition is on file with the City of Port Angeles to vacate a
portion of the "P" Street right of way abutting Suburban Lot 84 of the Townsite of Port
Angeles; and
WHEREAS, the petition has been signed by the owners of more than two-thirds
of the property abutting upon the right-of-way sought to be vacated;
Section 1. The petition to vacate the above-described City right-of-way shall
be heard and determined by the City Council in the Cotmcil Chambers, 321 East Fifth Street,
at the Council's regular meeting on April 6, 1999, at 7:00 p.m., or as soon thereafter as
possible, which is not more than sixty (60) days nor less than twenty (20) days hence.
Seclion~ The City Clerk is hereby directed to give twenty (20) days notice
of the pendency of the petition and the time and place of the hearing in accordance with the
provisions of RCW 35.79.020.
PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting
of said Council held on the 16th day of Februa~., 1999.
Becky Upton,City Clerk
Craig Knutson, City Attorney
TO: Tire City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington - [ ' PORT ANGELES
Come now the undersigned petitioners and pursuant to Chapter 35.79 RCW respectfully show:
1. The undersigned petitioners request that thc following described pOrtion of ,.~" Street
Street/Alley in the City of Port Angeles be vacated pursuant to Chapter 35.79 RCW aegally describe ihe
proper~, requested for vacation below). THE WESTERLY ~0' OF "P" STREET LYING
2. Each of the undersigned petitioners is the owner of an interest in real estate abutting on the above
described area.
3. _/__ persons own property abutting on said area.
4. The names and addresses of property owners abutting on said areas are as follows:
5. The undersigned petitioners constitute more than two thirds of the owners of said abutting
WHEREFORE, the petitioners ask that proceedings be commenced hereon for the vacation
of said area of said Street/Alley in the manner prescribed in Chapter 35.79 RCW.
Respectfully submitted,
Date Received / -c O - e
Hearing(s} Date
6 CITY OF PORT ANGELES, 321 East Fifth Street, P.O. Box 1150, Port Angeles, WA 98362 (360) 4174750
FO: The City Council of the City of Port Angeles. Washington - PORI
Come now the undersigned petitioners and pursuant to Chapter 35.79 RCW respectfully show:
1. The undersigned petitioners request that the following described portion of P
StreevAllev in the City of Port Angeles be vacated pursuant to Chapter 35.79 RCW (legally describe the
properrv~.i.requested forfljgt/~m vacationlp <' P~ Xtg¢,Fbel°w)' b~ttjt..e ~t~t,.p. ~ ~] }¢ ~ ~,¢ew
2. Each of the undersigned petitioners is the owner of an interest in real estate abutting on the above
described area.
3. ~ persons own property abutting on said area.
4. The names and addresses of property owners abutting on said areas are as follows:
5. The undersigned petitioners constitute more than two thirds of the owners of said abutting
WHEREFORE, ~e petitioners ask that proceedings be commenced hereon for the vacation
of said area of said "P Street/Alley in the manner prescribed in Chapter 35.79 RCW.
Respectfully submitted,
File No.-~'~] 9 9-~)]
Date Received 1-,=,9._~)- 9 9
Hearing,s) Date
CITY OF PORT ANGELES, 321 East Fifth Street, P.O. Box 1150, Port Angeles, WA 98362 (360) 4174750
DATE: February 16, 1999
FROM: Jack Pittis, Director of Public Works and Utilities
SUBJECT: Gateway Plaza Consultant Selection Recommendation
Issue: Consideration of the recommendation by the Gateway Steering Committee for the selection
of a firm to provide design services for the Gateway Project.
Recommendation: Select Merritt+Pardini of Tacoma, Washington to provide design services
for the Gateway Project and authorize staff to negotiate the scope of services and contract for
future approval of the City Council.
Summary_: The Gateway Steering Committee has reviewed the proposals and qualifications of firms
wanting to provide design services for the project and after conducting interviews recommends that
the firm headed by Merritt+Pardini of Tacoma, Washington be selected to provide the design
services necessary to complete the project.
Background / Analysis: Over the last few months the Gateway Steering Committee, which was
established in the agreement between Clallam Transit, the Port Angeles Downtown Association and
the City has been evaluating proposals of architectural/engineering firms. Proposals were received
from the following:
1. Otak / CH2MHill, Kirkland and Bellevue, WA
2. Wallace, Floyd, Associates Inc., Boston, Mass.
3. INCA Engineers, Bellevue, WA
4. Merritt+Pardini, Tacoma, WA
The proposals received were evaluated to determine the firm most highly qualified to provide the
services required for the project based upon the following criteria:
Total overall impression of the proposal submitted, including understanding of the project
Experience and results of similar projects, especially economic development
Experience of the project manager and management approach to the project
Qualifications and experience of the firm(s)
Use of local professionals
Mayor Braun and City Council
Gateway Project Consultant Selection Recommendation
February 16, 1999
Firm's design approach
References from previous projects.
After reviewing the proposals the selection was narrowed to two design teams which were then
a. Merritt+Pardini, Tacoma, WA
b. Otak / CH2MHill, Kirkland and Bellevue, WA
After the interview, the committee evaluated the firms based on the previously stated criteria and
their presentations, including two additional clarifying questions that were asked of the two teams
after the interview. The selection of the Merritt+Pardini team as the best qualified to design the
Gateway Project combines the use of local design professionals with the firm that has been actively
involved in multi-modal economic development projects.
DATE: February 16, 1999
FROM: Jack Pittis, Director of Public Works and Utilities
SUBJECT: Upper Golf Course Road Sewer Improvement L.I.D. No. 215 Final Assessment
Issue: The construction for the Upper Golf Course Road Sewer Improvement L.I.D. No. 215 has
been completed and the final costs were significantly above the original estimates. Formation of a
developer reimbursement agreement or future connection charge ordinance funded by the wastewater
utility is proposed to adjust the final assessments.
Recommendation: To confirm the final cost that will be utilized to develop the final
assessments for L.I.D. #215.
Summary.: Should City Council authorize formation of a developer reimbursement agreement or
future connection charge ordinance funded by the wastewater utility in order to adjust to final
assessments for sewer L.I.D. #215 and forward the final assessment notices?
Background / Analysis: The construction for the Upper Golf Course Road Sewer Improvement
L.I.D. # 215 has been completed and the final costs have been compiled. The total final costs
significantly exceeded the preliminary cost estimate used for the formation of L.I.D. # 215 as
summarized below and shown in detail in the Final Cost Summary Table.
Prelim. Final Costs Revised Percentage
Assessment from Prelim.
C onstru ction $ 251,418.50 $ 729,431.91
Design & Finance & Construction Mgmt $106,000.00 $122,731.11
Total $357,418.50 $852,163.02
Prelim. Assessmentfor75units $ 4,765.58 $ 11,362.17
Adjusted Assessment for 75+61=136 units $ 6,265.90 31.48%
Revised Assessment for 75+45=120 units $ 7,101.36 40.01%
per Utility Advisory Committee
Mayor Braun and City Council
LID #215 Final Assessment
February 16, 1999
Page - 2
The cost of this project was complicated by the following factors:
1) Construction was started in the winter due to the need for sewer service by individuals
building new homes in the area.
2) Costs for an LID are normally estimated during the preliminary hearing stage based upon
preliminary information and not the final design which when problems are encountered
makes the original estimate very low, as in this case.
3) Project estimated quantities were overrun due to the extremely poor soil conditions,
compounded by winter weather, that required large quantities of additional excavation,
backfill, paving, and restoration materials not anticipated in the original estimate for bidding.
4) At the time of award staff knew that the LID costs were approximately $270,000 over our
preliminary estimate and a Developer Reimbursement Agreement or future connection
ordinance was suggested at that time as a method of reducing the assessments. At the time
of award some property owners had homes under construction and were concerned about the
date of final completion so that they could occupy their new homes.
After evaluating the cost increases and the appropriate ways to distribute the costs to the benefited
properties, the engineering staff concluded that the three methods available are as follows:
1) Distribute all of the costs to the benefited properties resulting in an LID assessment increase
from $4,765.50 to $11,362.17 per unit;
2) Distribute all of the costs to a larger area by establishing a sewer developer reimbursement
area based on the area south of the LID between the City Limits and the UGA. These future
connections outside the current LID boundary would pay a connection charge to the City at
the same rate as the LID, plus interest at the time of connection. The City Engineer has
calculated the maximum number of future units to be 61 units. The per unit cost would be
reduced to $6,265.90. This revised $6,295.90 assessment is not inconsistent with the cost
of new septic drain fields in the area which can cost from $5,500 to $15,000 depending on
the soils conditions. The Utility Advisory Committee discussed this option and revised the
number of units to 75%o of the potential 61 total or 45 units. This revision was based on the
strong likelihood that not all of the units will be connected to the sewer within the time of the
3) Distribute some combination of the above.
As mentioned above the Utility Advisory Committee has review the report of the City Engineer and
recommends that the number of future connections to allow for distribution of costs be 45. These
additional connections will revise the final assessment costs per unit as shown in the tables and the
cost to the Wastewater Utility would be $319,561.20.
EDU Equivalent dwelling units which is a single family unit measured by the water meter used normally by that use.
LID Local Improvement District is a method used to construct improvements for property owners where the city
administers the projects and the costs are distributed to benefited property owners.
DRA Developer Reimbursement Agreement or sewer connection charge ordinance is a method that the City or
developer can use to recover some of their construction costs for public improvements from furore users of the
system over a specific amount of time.
Mayor Braun and City Council
LID #215 Final Assessment
February 16, 1999
Page - 3
NTI $5,120.00 $0.00 $5,120.00 $5,000.00 2.40%
DESIGN $88,491.36 ($6,433.79) $82,057.57 $61,000.00 34.52%
CITY $37,557.10 ($2,003.56) $35,553.54 $40,000.00 -11.12%
DESIGN $131,168.46 ($8,437.35) $122,731.11 $106,000.00 15.78%
-LBR $40,887.00 $0.00 $40,887.00 NONE
-RV ASSOC $731,370.42 ($59,782.75) $671,587.67 NONE
-RJ SERF. $772.24 $0.00 $772.24 NONE
-WDHVN $16,185.00 $0.00 $16,185.00 NONE
CONST. $789,214.66 ($59,782.75) $729,431.91 $251,418.50 190.13%
TOTALS $920.383.12 ($68.220.10~ $852.163.02 ~7141~1~) 1~8.42°~?
LID/DRA ASSESSMENTS - for recommended 45 additional units
LID #215 75 $532,602.00 $7,101.36 $4,765.58 49.01%
DRA- Future 45 $319,561.20 $7,101.36 NONE
Conn. Charge
TOTALS 120 $8521163.20
Note: Numerical differences are due to rounding
DATE: February 16, 1999
FROM: Jack Pittis, Director of Public Works and Utilities
SUBJECT: New Pedestrian Bridge at Elwha Fish Hatchery
Issue: The State Department of Fish & Wildlife is requesting permission to replace the decaying
wooden foot bridge at the State operated Elwha Fish Hatchery with a new steel bridge anchored on
poured concrete footings. (See Attachment C)
Recommendation: Grant permission to the Department of Fish and Wildlife to place a new
foot bridge on City owned property near the Elwha Fish Hatchery and authorize the property
manager to sign the building permit, if required, on behalf of the City.
Background/Analysis: The pedestrian bridge spans the diversion channel from the hatchery
building to the road (see Attachment A). It has fallen into disrepair and a replacement is being
sought. The replacement bridge is larger and will be installed approximately 30 feet further up the
channel. (See attachment B)
The City owns the property and is leasing it to the Department of Fish and Wildlife. The
Department will assume responsibility for obtaining the required permits to conduct this work. A
building permit will be obtained, if necessary, prior to the beginning of work. The application form
for a building permit requires the signature of the owner.
The Real Estate Committee met on February 8 and concur with staff's recommendation.
A - Site Map
B - Foot Bridge Placement Detail
C - Foot Bridge Sketch
DATE: February 16, 1999
FROM: Jack Pittis, Director of Public Works
SUBJECT: Intergovernmental Water Facilities Agreement With Clallam County PUD
Issue: Should the City enter into an Intergovernmental Water Facilities Agreement with the Clallam
County PUD (PUD) for the transfer of customers and facilities in the area of Golf Course Road and
Highway 101.
Recommendation: Staff and the Utility Advisory Committee (UAC) recommend that the City
Council authorize the Mayor to enter into the attached Intergovernmental Water Facilities
Snmmar~ The City recently completed a water line intertie between the City and the PUD from
the City's low zone and in the process acquired thirteen water customers that are in the City but were
being served by the PUD. The intertie lowered the cost of the water being provided to the PUD (less
pumping costs) and improved service to City customers in the high zone who were previously
affected by high flows to the PUD. City staff has been negotiating with the PUD for several months
to reach agreement on an equitable purchase price. The customers have actually been served by the
City since August.
Background/Analysis: By State Law, when a City annexes an area, existing utilities must be
granted a franchise and allowed to continue to provide utility service for a period of five years
(recently increased to seven years). After that time, if the city wants to provide utility service, it can
pay for any facilities that are acquired and take over the provision of utility service. In practice, the
City (Port Angeles) has not granted a franchise and waited five years but instead has compensated
the PUD for the net revenues that the PUD would receive if it continued to serve the area that was
annexed. Exhibit B of the attached Agreement contains the formulas and calculations used to
determine the compensation amount. This approach has been followed by other cities when
compensating for utility service in newly annexed areas.
The UAC expressed some concerns about the amount of compensation since it would take
approximately 12 years for the City to recover the investment from rates charged to the customers
being acquired. The UAC also recognized, however, that City residents purchasing water from the
PUD at rates over 40% higher than City rates was a valid cause for concern. It has also been the
policy of the City that the City does not provide utility services outside the City but does provide all
utility service inside the City limits. At this time, if the City chooses not to enter into an Agreement
with the PUD, the only option is to return the customers to the PUD.
This AGREEMENT is made and entered into this __ day of ., 1999, by and between the City
of Port Angeles (hereinafter called the City) and Public Utility District No. 1 of Clallam County (hereinafter called the
WHEREAS, the City and the District concur that the elimination and avoidance of duplicate water system
facilities would be in the best interests of their customers; and
WHEREAS, the laws of the State of Washington, specifically RCW 35A. 14.900, contains language governing
agreements between utilities regarding service territories and acquisition of facilities;
NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS AGREED between the parties hereto as follows:
1. In order to move toward resolution of water delivery restrictions at the District's Gales Addition reservoir, a new intertie
has been installed in the City's low zone area and a metered delivery point established.
2. The new delivery point will be used to provide water to the northwest section of the District's Gales Addition system.
3. The City will purchase the District's water facilities as shown on the attached Exhibit A. The City agrees to a purchase
price in the amount of $31,250.42 which will be paid within 30 days a~er receipt of an invoice from the District. The
purchase price includes plant value, severance costs and net revenue as shown on Exhibit B.
4. The District has transferred, and the City has accepted, the customer services attached to and receiving service from the
water facilities shown on Exhibit A.
5. Both parties agree that this Agreement shall not establish precedent for any future transfers of customers and/or facilities.
6. The City agrees, upon completion of the transfer of the water facilities, to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the
District and its officials, employees, and agents, from and against any and all claims for damages or any other relief due
to property damage, personal injury, or any other form of loss arising from accidents or injuries occurring after the date
of the transfer. The City agrees to accept facilities as is with no warranty as to condition or suitability for use by the City
except as otherwise provided in this AGREEMENT.
The District agrees, upon completion of the transfer of the water facilities, to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the City
and its officials, employees, and agents, from and against any and all claims for damages or any other relief due to property
damage, personal injury, or any other form of loss arising from accidents or injuries occurring prior to the date of the
transfer or occurring as a result of defects.
7. Each party warrants that the undersigned representative has full and complete legal authority to sign for it and to commit
it to the performance of the agreements set forth herein.
IN VfITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused the AGREEMENT to be duly signed and executed in two
counterparts as of the day and year first above written.
A. COST FOR PURCHASING PARTY TO SERVE - The estimated cost to install the necessary distribution facilities
to serve the customers to be transferred at purchasing party's current construction standards and conditions.
B. PLANT VALUE - Current replacement cost using existing unit costs for all system facilities adjusted by the salvage
factor and the cost factor as shown in the following formula:
Plant Value (V) =
Current replacement cost (R) x [1- [Age of Plant (A) x Depreciation Factor (D)]] x Cost Factor (C)
R = engineer's estimate/unit costs to construct facilities
A = the average age, in years, of the plant to be transferred
D = .025, which equates to a depreciated life of 40 years
C = a factor from the table below which adjusts current costs for the effects of inflation
Age (Years) Cost Factor
1-3 1.0
4-6 0.85
7-11 0.65
12-16 0.56
17-21 0.51
22-26 0.47
27-31 0.43
32+ 0.35
NOTE: Only PVC, Cast Iron and Ductile Iron pipe has value for purposes of determining plant value. All other
types of material shall be deemed to have no value.
Plant Value Calculation:
Item Age (A) Cost New (R) Value (V)
6" A.C. pipe 35 33,264 -
2" PVC pipe 25 4,365 769.33
2" Steel pipe 35 3,395 148.53
6" tee 35 255 -
6" elbow 35 540 -
6" gate valve 35 1,590 69.56
2" gate valve 25 430 75.79
air vac assembly 35 490 21.44
fire hydrant 14 4,160 1,514.24
blow-off assembly 25 455 80.19
3/4" servmes 15 700 245.00
3/4" services 20 700 178.50
3/4" serwces 12 700 274.40
3/4" serwces 3 700 647.50
3/4" services 29 700 82.78
3/4" services 9 700 352.63
3/4" services 8 700 676.00
3/4" servmes 12 700 274.40
3/4" servmes 5 700 520.63
1" services 3 1,600 1,480.00
1" services 5 800 595.00
1-1/2" services 20 2~425 618.38
Total $60,669 . $8,624.28
For purposes of this Agreement, Plant Value is $8,624.28.
C. SEVERANCE COSTS - All costs associated with the transfer of customers including but not limited to removing
interconnecting piping, facilities, and meters and administrative costs.
For purposes of this Agreement, Severance Cost is $0.00.
D. NET REVENUE - Five years worth of net revenue from transferred customers as determined by the following
Net Revenue (R) =
5 x Customer Usage (U) x Water Rate (W) x Annual System Net Revenue Factor (F)
adjusted for present value using the most current 5 year Treasury note annual yield rate (Y)
U = Most recent twelve (12) months of usage
W = Water rate(s) of each customer in effect at the time of transfer
F = Operating revenue from most recent annual income statement less purchased water costs, less distribution
maintenance expenses, less general taxes all divided by operating revenue
Y = 4.63%
Net Revenue Calculation:
Account 12 Month Revenue
12861-1 193.58
13244-9 281.77
13116-9 360.55
43995-0 32.40
13243-1 156.19
13242-3 194.61
13120-1 172.88
13122-7 3,434.97
13290-2 150.71
13121-9 282.27
13113-6 560.05
13115-1 421.48
13245-6 1~148.15
Totals $7,389.61
R = (.0463, (7389.61 x .7), (7389.61 x .7), (7389.61 x .7), (7389.61 x .7), (7389.61 x .7)) = $22, 626.14
For purposes of this Agreement, Net Revenue is $22,626.14.
DATE: February 16, 1999
FROM: Jack Pittis, Director of Public Works and Utilities
SUBJECT: County Request for Easement on Mt. Pleasant Road
Issue.' A request from Clallam County for an easement over City property on Mt. Pleasant Road
for the purpose of widening the existing roadway and in exchange for a utility easement granted to
the City at 5th and Lincoln Streets.
Recommendation: Grant an easement to Clallam County over City property on Mt. Pleasant
Road, approximately two miles South of Highway 101, in exchange for the utility easement
granted to the City at 5th and Lincoln Streets, and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to sign
the attached Easement and Right of Way Agreement.
S_ummary~ The Clallam County Road Department has requested an easement of the City's right of
way on Mt. Pleasant Road for the purpose of widening the existing roadway. The County recently
granted the City a utility easement at 5th and Lincoln Streets to place a fire hydrant. The County's
request includes a proposal to exchange these easements in lieu of monetary compensation.
Background/Analysis: The chlorinator building that served the Morse Creek Waterline when it was
active is located on the property in question. It is surrounded by a chain link fence. The County
has agreed to relocate the chain link fence when they widen the road and any plumbing revisions
needed will also be done at County expense. Granting this easement will have no adverse affect on
City operations at the site.
Location Map
Site Map
Right of Way Agreement
ELE,~. oRv,s ST.
-'-1 :
GRANTOR(S): City of Port Angeles a Municipal Corporation
Tho above-named Grantor(s), for and in consideration of mutual benefits and other valuable
consideration, tho receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, do(os) hereby grant, bargain, and convoy
unto tho Grantee, its successors and assigns, a perpetual casement for; all Road, Utility, Drainage,
Sidewalks, Trails and other Transportation r~lated purposes.
Upon, over and across tho following described property:
That portion of tho following described "Parcel A" lying within 30 foot from tho attached Right Of
Way Contorlino Description for Mt. Pleasant Road, County Road No 93410. Portions of which are
existing County right of way and containing 0.13 acres moro or loss.
That portion of tho South half of tho Northwest quarter of tho Southeast quarter Section 19, Township
30, Range 5, W.M., Clallam County, Washington (being a portion of vacated Victoria Addition to Port
Angeles, Washington, as per Plat thereof recorded in Volume of Plats, page 22, records of Clallam
County, Washington) lying East of tho Mount Pleasant Road, and lying North of thc City of Port
Angeles water pipeline as it existed on August 30, 1960.
Tax Parcel No 053019420275
Signed and entered into this day of ,19
) sS.
On this ~ day of , 19 , before me, the undersigned, a 'Notary Public in
and for the State of Washington, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared
, and
to me known to be the City of Port Angeles Mayor, and the City Clerk of the corporation that executed the
foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said
corporation, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated they are authorized to execute the
said instrument and that the seal affixed is the corporate seal of said corporation.
Wimess my hand and official seal hereto affixed the day and year first above written.
Notary Public in and for the State of Washington,
residing at Port Angeles.
Right Of Way Centerline Description for Mt. Pleasant Road
County Road No 93410
Being located in portions of Sections 30 and 19, Township 30 North, Range 5 West, Willamette Meridian, Clallam
County, Washington.
BEGINNING at a Washington Department of Natural Resources concrete monument with a 3" Brass Cap marked
R6W, T30N, S19, S24, S25, S30 located 2 inches down in Draper Road and believed to be a Section Comer
Thence a distance of 2620.08 feet on a bearing of S 87°57'33'' E to a Clallam County concrete monument with a
3.5" Brass Cap believed to be the Quarter Corner common to Sections 19 and 30,
Township 30 North, Range 5 West, W.M., located at the intersection of Mount Pleasant Road and Draper Road;
Thence S 02°13'21'' W a distance of 250 feet to a point to be known as Highway Engineers Station 7+50.00 and
the true point of Beginning of this centerline description;
Thence N 2°13'21'' E a distance of 801.67 feet to H.E.S. 15+51.67 and the point of curvature ora tangent curve
to the right having a central angle of 64°54' 14", a tangent length of 295.69 feet and a radius of 465 feet;
Thence around said curve 526.75 feet to the point oftangency (PT) at H.E.S. 20+78.42;
Thence N 67o07'35'' E a distance of 608.83 feet to H.E.S. 26+87.25 and the point of curvature ora tangent curve
to the left having central angle of 40o14' 17", a tangent length of 170.34 feet and a radius of 465 feet;
Thence around said curve 326.56 feet to the PT at H.E.S. 30+13.81;
Thence N 26°53' 18" E a distance of 184.34 feet to H.E.S. 31+98.15 and the point of curvature of a tangent curve
to the right having a central angle of 00°41755", a tangent length of 42.68 feet and a radius of 7000 feet;
Thence around said curve 85.35 feet to the PT at H.E.S. 32+83.50;
Thence N 27°35, 13" E a distance of 314.23 feet to H.E.S. 35+97.73 and the point of curvature ora tangent curve
to the left having a central angle of 25°30' 14", a tangent length of 105.24 feet, and a radius of 465 feet;
Thence around said curve 206.98 feet to the PT at H.E.S. 38+04.71;
Thence N 02004'59'' E a distance o£ 170.29 feet to station 39+75.00 and the end of this eenterline description;
Thence N 06o22'25'' E a distance of 320.17 feet to a rebar with a surveyor's cap marked" WINTERS, L.S.
18104" believed to be the NE comer of the N 1/2 NW 1/4 SE 1/4 of Section 19, Township 30 North, Range 5 West,
The Basis of Bearings used for the above description is obtained from the Record of Survey (Vol. 36, Pg. 34).
CRP 907
COUNTY ROAD NAME Mt. Pleasant Road NO. 93410
PROPERTY OWNERS City of Port Angeles a municipal corporation
Right-of-Way Agreement
In exchange for a right-of-way easement, in the matter of the above said County Road, Clallam County
shall provide the following:
Clallam County will restore owners fencing along the new right of way line to as good or better condition
and the County will restore any waterlines or hookups within the easement area.
The undersigned property owners hereby authorize and grant Clallam County the right to provide the
above agreement, together with the right to enter upon their remaining lands as may be necessary to
perform any of the above. There are no other agreements written or oral other than those stated herein.
Signed at , Washington this __ day of ,19 __
Property Owner Property Owner
Property Owner Property Owner
Address; Street or Box No. Address; Street or Box No.
City State Zip City State Zip
R/W Agent or Witness R/W Agent or Witness
Approved By:
Assistant Engineer Date Date
County Engineer Date Date
DATE: February 16, 1999
FROM: Jack Pittis, Director of Public Works and Utilities
SUBJECT: Public Hearing for consideration of Application for Community Development block
Grant (CDBG) General Purpose Grant
Issue: Adopt a general purpose scope for the submittal of a Community Development Block Grant
application to continue the existing low to moderate income family housing program.
Recommendation: Re-open the public hearing to discuss and approve the proposed use of the
grant funds. After the public hearing, adopt the attached resolution authorizing submission
of an application for a general purpose Community Development Block Grant in the amount
of $750,000 for Phase V of the Port Angeles Housing Rehabilitation Program.
Summary_z At the public heating on February 2, 1999, the Council received input regarding the
current Housing Rehabilitation Program and a recommendation from the Community Action Council
to continue the program. The purpose of the public heating continued to February 16, 1999, is to
receive public comment and discuss the proposed use of the grant funds. After the public hearing
the Council may adopt the general purpose scope for the grant and adopt the attached resolution.
This procedure is outlined in the Strategy for Seeking and Obtaining Community Development
Block Grant Funds adopted by the Council in October, 1997.
Attach: A) Resolution
B) Procedures
A RESOLUTION of the City of Port Angeles,
Washington, authorizing submission of an
application for a general purpose Community
Development Block Grant and committing to
comply with all required regulations.
WHEREAS, Port Angeles is applying to the State of Washington for a Community
Development Block Grant (CDBG) to fund the continuation of the Port Angeles Housing
Rehabilitation Program; and
WHEREAS, it is necessary that certain conditions be met as part of the grant
application requirements; and
WHEREAS, Port Angeles agrees to comply with all applicable federal and state
regulations in the event that this application is selected for funding and that Patrick Ibarra,
City Manager, is authorized to submit this application to the State of Washington on behalf of
Port Angeles; and
WHEREAS, it is in the public interest of the citizens of Port Angeles to submit said
grant application and to comply with said requirements;
Section 1. The City of Port Angeles has provided citizens with reasonable advance
notice of, and the opportunity to comment on, the proposed continuation of the Port Angeles
Housing Rehabilitation Program.
Section 2. The City of Port Angeles has provided citizens with reasonable advance
notice of, and the opportunity to comment on, the proposed housing and community
development activities and the estimated cost of each project in relation to the activities
planned to benefit low- and moderate-income persons. Applications are retained in the City
Clerk's Office and are available for review.
Section 3. The City of Port Angeles will establish a plan to minimize displacement as
a result of activities assisted with CDBG funds and to assist persons actually displaced as a
result of such activities.
Section 4. The City of Port Angeles will conduct and administer its program in
conformance with Title VI of the City Rights Act of 1964 and Title VIII of the Civil Rights
Act of 1968.
Section 5. The City of Port Angeles has adopted or will adopt and enforce a policy
prohibiting the use of excessive force by law enforcement agencies within its jurisdiction
against any individuals engaged in nonviolent demonstrations in accordance with Section 519
of Public Law 101-144 (November, 1989), and has adopted or will adopt and implement a
policy of enforcing applicable state or local laws against physically barring entrance to or exit
from a facility or location which is the subject of such nonviolent civil rights demonstrations
within its jurisdiction.
Section 6. The City of Port Angeles will provide opportunities for citizen participation
comparable to state requirements.
Section 7. The City of Port Angeles, when substantial changes are made in the use of
funds, will provide citizens with opportunities to comment.
Section 8. The City of Port Angeles will not use assessments against properties
owned and occupied by low- and moderate-income persons or charge user fees to recover the
capital costs of CDBG-funded public improvements from low- and moderate-income owner-
Section 9. The City of Port Angeles has complied with all public heating and citizen
participation requirements and will certify to this compliance. The City will also comply with
the previously adopted City of Port Angeles Citizen Participation/Community Development
and Housing Plan, which includes a policy and procedure for resolving grievances.
Section 10. The City Council authorizes submission of a Community Development
Block Grant application to the State of Washington in the amount of $750,000 for Phase V of
the Port Angeles Housing Rehabilitation Program.
Section 11. The City of Port Angeles designates Patrick Ibarra as the authorized chief
administrative official and representative to act in all matters in connection with the
applications and Port Angeles' participation in the Washington State CDBG Program.
PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said
Council held on the __ day of ,1999.
Becky J. Upton, City Clerk
Craig D. Knutson, City Attorney
Citizen Participation Strategy
For Seeking end Obtaining
Community Development Block Grant Funds
INTRODUCTION: The City of Port Angeles Citizen Participation Strategy Plan is a document
required by the Washington State Community, Trade and Economic Development Block Grant '
(CDBG) Program. The Citizen Participation Strategy Plan Is Intended to guide the City's citizen
participation activities whenever it prepares to submit an application for CDBG funds. The City must
delineate how it will involve its citizens in the CDBG application process and comply with the specific
CDBG citizen participation requirements.
PRE-SUBMISSION PUBUC HEARING REQUIREMENTS: To ensure that sufficient public notice is
made, the City of Port Angeles will convene a public hearing prior to proposal submission.
Reasonable notice of hearing will be published and accommodations made within local public
hearing standards.
ANNOUNCEMENT OF AVAILABiUTY OF CDBG FUNDS: The hearing will take place during a
regularly scheduled council meeting for the purpose of informing interested citizens and groups of
the availability of CDBG funds, the range of CDBG eligible activities including those of interest to
persons with special needs and/or Iow and moderate income (I. MI), the priorltization of community
development and housing needs, the availability and types of technical assistance City Staff can
provide, local and CDBG due dates, and the dates proposals will be open for local public review.
Statements of intent to submit, application to the City for sponsorship, and citizens comments and
questions will be solicited.
The hearing will be continued to take place during a regularly scheduled council meeting for the
purpose of soliciting citizen and agency comments regarding proposals requesting sponsors.hip by
the City. The hearing will be held prior to the council's choice of proposal and recommendation for
submission to the CDBG program.
RESPONSE FOR REQUESTS FOR ASSISTANCE: During the public hearing, the City will inform
individuals and groups interested in submitting proposals of the availability and types of technical
assistance the City staff can provide, such as referral to CDBG Program Staff and published CDBG
Application Guidelines, Public Hearing requirements, and submission of the sponsored proposal and
copies to the CDBG Program prior to the application deadline. Individuals and agencies will be
responsible for submitting the original proposal and designated number of copies to the City by the
local deadline. If awarded, the sub-grantee will receive guidance concerning compliance and record
keeping, quarterly and final report review, and report submission to the CDBG program.
comprehensive plan which addresses a wide range of community development and housing needs.
The City will also participate in the development of the two county housing needs assessments
developed through a planning only grant. These documents will be used in the decision making
process to determine which needs to address with CDBG proposals.
OPPORTUNITIES TO COMMENT ON A PROPOSAL: Interested individuals and groups may
comment on proposals submitted to the City for sponsorship to CDBG. Interested individuals and
groups may comment on CDBG Program proposals submitted to the City for sponsorship. The
public hearing, held during a regularly scheduled council meeting, will provide a means for timely
input before the City Council, especially from those who reside in areas in which CDBG funds are
proposed to be used, who are Iow to moderate income, and who have special needs, or those
considered stakeholders, In addition, this hearing will be used to ensure there is broad-based
support for projects and to inform the public of the grievance procedure.
open to public review and comment. The award end opportunity for ongoing comment will be
announced in the local media prior to the Implementation of a project, Citizens affected by a
proposed project will have an opportunity to conffibute to, comment on, or be involved in project
activities through written documents submitted to the Port Angeles City Manager or by comment
during the appropriate time at regularly scheduled City Council meetings. A second public hearing
will be held prior to grant dose-out to assess a project's performance. An additional hearing will be
held if there is a significant change in a project's scope.
GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE: The City will review and resolve grievances related to a CDBG funded
project in accordance with the following grievance proc'edura. Citizens will be provided the name,
address, and phone number of a contact person who will receive grievance notifications and
comments. The City Manager will designate the CDBG grievance contact peraon for the City,
Response to complain!s and grievances will be addressed in writing within 15 working days where
practical. Any disagreement with the grievance response may be appealed to the City Manager,
whose decision shall be final. The grievance procedure will be posted at City Hall on the public
bulletin board and be kept on file at Port Angeles City Hall and in the sub-grantee's location.
DATE: February 16, 1999
FROM: Patrick Ibarra, City Manager
SUBJECT: City Manager's Report
President's Day Monday, February 15 Offices Closed
City Council meeting Tuesday, February 16 5:30 p.m.
Boards & Commissions
Appreciation Night Wednesday, February 17 7:00 p.m.
Channel 21 Advisory Committee Thursday, February 18 3:30 p.m.
Parks, Rec Beautification
meeting Thursday, February 18 7:00 p.m.
Peninsula RTPO meeting Friday, February 19 1:30 p.m.
City Council Meeting/Workshop Saturday, February 20 8:00 a.m.
Downtown Forward Advisory
Committee Monday, February 22 7:00 a.m.
Chamber Luncheon - Mayor Braun
to speak Monday, February 22 Noon
Law & Justice Meeting
County Room 160 Monday, February 22 4:00 p.m.
City Council Meeting/Workshop Monday, February 22 6:00 p.m.
City/PUD meeting Tuesday, February 23 1:00 p.m.
Solid Waste Advisory Committee Tuesday, February 23 3:00 p.m.
Planning Commission Wednesday, February 24 7:00 p.m.
AWC Conference-Olympia Wednesday, February 24 &
Thursday, February 25
KONP Home Show Saturday, February 27 and
Sunday, February 28 9:00 a.m.
Board of Adjustment Monday, March 1 7:00 p.m.
City Council Meeting Tuesday, March 2 5:30 p.m.
Non-Motorized Committee - VB Wednesday, March 3 7:00 p.m.
Gateway Center Project
Meeting Thursday, March 4 9:30 a.m.
National League of Cities
Conference - WA, D.C. Fri. - Tues., March 5 - 9 Out-of-Town
Law Enforcement Advisory
Board Tuesday, March 9 6:30 p.m.
Planning Commission meeting Wednesday, March 10 7:00 p.m.
Utility Advisory Committee Monday, March 15 2:00 p.m.
Joint Meeting of City Council
and Port Commissioners Monday, March 15 4:30 p.m.
City Council Meeting Tuesday, March 16 5:30 p.m.
City/PUD meeting Wednesday, March 17 1:30 p.m.
Parks & Rec Park Board meeting Thursday, March 18 7:00 p.m.
City Breakfast - Sr. Center Friday, March 19 7:00 a.m.
Planning Commission meeting Wednesday, March 24 7:00 p.m.
I would like to make travel arrangements for those members of Council attending the two-day
conference in Olympia on February 24 & 25. Since there will be seven of us, two vehicles will be
necessary. I plan to depart from the City Hall parking lot on Wednesday, February 24 at 8 a.m. The
first session begins at 10:30 though I did not plan to attend. I will be driving and can transport three
other people. If members of Council would like to car pool I can arrange the use ora City vehicle.
At Tuesday's meeting, I would like to finalize these arrangements.
Road closures continue at 5th & Tumwater, 2nd and Cherry and Ennis north of Columbia. Estimates
have been calculated to repair the damage to those roads and other areas caused by slides and
flooding. The total is approximately $1 million. This information has been forwarded to Clallam
County who is responsible for gathering such information from around the county and then reporting
it to Washington State. A request is then made to the federal government for financial assistance in
rendering the necessary repairs. At this point, it is unknown whether or not assistance will be
provided. I have directed Bruce Becker, Fire Chief, who also handles emergency management
matters, to monitor this situation closely with both Clallam County and the State. I will keep
Council apprised of any new developments.
On a related note, the geologist hired to evaluate the soil conditions and such around the road
closures submitted a report to the City Engineer on Wednesday, February 10. Once reviewed and
evaluated, a report will be provided to Council describing the situation and offering
recommendations for proper resolution.
A letter was forwarded to other cities included in the Southwest Puget Sound ESA Sub-Region about
their interest in scheduling a meeting to discuss this most important subject. A deadline of Friday,
February 19 was identified to register interest. Once the results are compiled about which cities are
interested and such, a meeting may be held. As developments occur, I will notify Council.
I have appointed ttruce l~ecker, Fire Chief, to serve as the City's coordinator on this matter. He,
along with representatives from other agencies, have been attending meetings sponsored by Clallam
County about this subject. Staff has undertaken thorough testing of the City's financial software and
it appears to be prepared for the conversion. On Wednesday, February 17, Bruce will be conducting
a meeting with department directors and a staff person each has designated to assist with these
efforts, to discuss scenarios that may result from problems associated with the conversion. Regular
meetings will be held thereafter to discuss each department's progress on efforts to comply with the
conversion. Once sufficient progress has been made, I will request Bruce present a status report at
a meeting of City Council. A flier has been prepared to be included in the March utility bill mailing
on Emergency Preparedness and a Y2K Checklist for residents and businesses to use.
I recently received a letter from Fred Bedford, a resident o£ Sequim and a volunteer with the Habitat
for Humanity, who is requesting on behal£o£the agency, a waiver of'the £ee at the landfill for the
disposal of'waste materials. The Habitat for Humanity is a Christian housing ministry who builds
houses. According to Mr. Bed£ord's letter they have worked on some homes in Port Angeles. They
are currently working on a house in Sequim. If Council agrees with Mr. Bed£ord's request an
Ordinance similar to the one prepared £or the Lee Hotel request would need to be prepared.
As discussed at the February 2 meeting, two Council workshops have been scheduled. The first one
is Saturday, February 20, 8 a.m. to Noon at the Doubletree Hotel in the meeting room located behind
the hotel registration desk. No meal is being provided. The second one is scheduled for Monday,
February 22, 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. at Smitty's Restaurant in the meeting room. Dinner will be served at
that workshop. I am in the process of finalizing some materials for these workshops and will contact
each of you once those are completed.
As a point of information, I will be out of the office on Friday, February 26, Monday, March 1 and
V2 day on March 2 using some vacation time.
DATE: February 16, 1999
FROM: Jack Pittis, Director of Public Works and Utilities
SUBJECT-' Building Move Ordinance
The attached ordinance has been modified to address issues raised at the last City Council meeting.
Changes have been made to the definition of a building, the type of structure moves that are exempt
from the ordinance and the purpose section. If the proposed changes are satisfactory, staff will bring
the ordinance back to the City Council for action at the March 2, 1999 City Council Meeting.
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, regulating the
moving of buildings, repealing Ordinance 1766 as amended, and
codifying this Ordinance as Chapter 14.32 of the Port Angeles Municipal
as follows:
Section 1: Ordinance 1766 as amended is hereby repealed.
Section 2: Chapter 14.32 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code shall be replaced with the
CHAPTER 14.252
Sections: 14.32.010 Purpose and Scope
14.32.020 Definitions
14.32.030 Building Moving Permit
14.32.040 Application
14.32.050 Qualifications
14.32.060 Fees
14.32.070 Deposit, Bond, and Insurance
14.32.080 Permit Issuance
14.32.090 Performance Requirements
14.32.100 Owner's Responsibilities
14.32.110 Appeal
14.32.120 Violations
14.32.010 - Purpose and Scope. It is the purpose of this Chapter to establish standards,
including minimum requirements for the moving of all buildings and other structures within the
corporate limits of the City, and to provide for the issuance of a permit, collection of various fees,
and inspection services for all such movements. Regulation of building moves is necessary to
ensure that the City receives notice of buildings being moved in the City so that utility services and
traffic disruptions can be dealt with safely and possible damage to City and/or private property is
protected through adequate bonding and/or insurance.
14.32.020 - Definitions. For the purpose of this Chapter, the following terms, phrases,
and words shall have the meanings given in this section:
A. "Applicant" is the person who applies for a permit to move a building pursuant
to this Chapter.
B. "Building" is any structure wider than eight feet six inches (8' 6") or taller than
fourteen feet six inches (14' 6"). Height shall be deemed to include the vehicle or dolly system
being used to move the structure.
C. "Building Official" is the Building Official of the City of Port Angeles or his/her
D. "Owner" is the person who owns the building being moved.
E. "Permittee" is the person who applies for and receives a permit to move a building
pursuant to this Chapter.
F. "Person" is any person, firm, partnership, association, corporation, company or
organization of any kind.
14.32.030 - Building Moving Permit.
A. No person shall move any building over, along, or across any highway, street, or
alley in the City without first obtaining a building moving permit from the Building Official.
B. The permit required in this section and the other requirements of this Chapter shall
be in addition to all existing permits and requirements of the construction codes and ordinances of
the City.
C. Any structure specifically licensed or permitted by the State of Washington or the
United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for travel on streets and
highways is exempt from this Chapter.
14.32,040 - AppliCation..
A. An applicant seeking issuance of a building moving permit under this Chapter
shall file an application for such permit with, and upon forms provided by, the Building Official.
B. The application shall set forth and include the following:
1. A description of the building proposed to be moved, giving street number
of existing and proposed site locations and the dimensions;
2. The highways, streets, alleys, and lots over, along, or across which the
building is proposed to be moved;
3. Proposed moving date and hours;
4. All information describing the applicant's qualifications as required in
PAMC 14.32.050;
5. The fee required in PAMC 14.32.060;
6. A statement that the applicant specifically agrees to indemnify and hold
harmless the City of Port Angeles, its officials, employees, and agents, against any loss, damage,
cost, and/or expense (including attorneys fees reasonably incurred), which may in any way occur
against the City in consequence of granting the building moving permit to the applicant;
7. Any additional information which the Building Official finds necessary
in order to make a fair determination of whether a permit should be issued.
C. The application shall be accompanied by any other required applications, permits,
or approvals.
14.32.050 - Oualifications. In order for a building moving permit to be issued by the
Building Official, the applicant must meet the following qualifications:
A. Hold valid current registration under the State Contractors Registration Act either
as a general or specialty contractor authorized to engage in the building moving business;
B. Demonstrate the ability to perform the task of moving buildings in a workmanlike
manner by presenting evidence of experience and appropriate equipment.
14.32.060 - Fees.
A. A building moving application shall be accompanied by a building moving permit
fee. Said fee is for the building move only and shall be in addition to all other fees for construction
or relocation of the building on the new site.
B. The building moving permit fee shall be established by ordinance of the City
Council as set forth in Chapter 3.70.110C PAMC and shall be in the amount necessary to
compensate the City for the expense of reviewing and processing plans, conducting inspections, and
other services determined to be necessary for the administration and enforcement of the provisions
of this Chapter.
C. The building moving permit fee shall be non-refundable.
14.32.070 - Deposit, Bond, and Insurance.
A. Prior to permit issuance, the applicant shall submit the following:
1. A deposit to the City equal to 150% of the amount estimated by the
Building Official to compensate the City for its expenses that will be incurred in removing and
replacing any City property, the removal and replacement of which will be required by reason of
the moving of the building through the City.
2. A surety bond, or cash or other security in lieu of said bond, in a form
acceptable to the City Attomey, posted with the City in the sum of $5,000 to guarantee performance
of the moving operation and placement of the building in accordance with the plans submitted for
the moving of said building and to cure or pay for any damages caused to public or private facilities
as part of the movement of the building along City streets.
3. A certificate of insurance against claims for injuries to persons or damage
to property, which may arise from or in connection with the performance of the work associated
with the building move by the applicant, its agents, representatives, employees, or subcontractors.
Said policy shall be issued by a responsible insurance company authorized to do business under the
laws of the State of Washington. Said policy shall insure the permittee, shall name the City of Port
Angeles as an additional insUred, and shall insure to the benefit of any and all persons suffering loss
or damage either to person or property by reason of any operations of the permittee. Said policy
shall insUre against loss from the liability imposed by law for injury to, or death of any person, and
damage to property, in the amount or limit of $1,000,000 as to any one claim and $2,000,000 for
all claims arising from any one accident.
B. In addition to the deposit, bond or other security, and insurance provided pursuant
to this section, the permittee shall also be liable for any expense, damages, or costs in excess of
deposited amounts, securities, or insurance, and the City may prosecute an action against the
permittee in a court of competent jurisdiction for the recovery of such excessive amounts.
C. When the moving of the building is completed, any damage has been repaired to
the satisfaction of the City, and all damage costs or costs of performing the work as required in this
Chapter have been paid, the unused amount of the deposit shall be refunded, and the remaining
bond, cash, or other security shall be released.
14.32.080 - Permit Issuance.
A. The standards for issuance of a building moving permit shall be as follows:
1. All fees, including deposit, insurance, permits and application requirements
as set forth in this Chapter have been complied with;
2. The building is not too large to move without endangering persons or
property, or causing unacceptable damage to trees, plants, and shrubs, in the City;
3. The building is not in a state of deterioration or disrepair and is not
otherwise so structurally unsafe that it could not be moved without endangering persons and
property in the City;
4. The applicant's equipment is licensed for operation on state highways;
5. There are no other reasons that persons or property in the City would be
endangered by moving the building;
6. The City Engineer and Chief of Police, or their designees, have approved
the route selected by the applicant for moving the building and have specified whatever conditions
to the building moving permit may be necessary to protect persons and property in the City and
minimize congestion and traffic hazards on public streets and alleys;
7. The zoning and other ordinances of the City would not be violated by
moving the building or placing it in its new location;
8. The owner has demonstrated that all City assessments and any other City
charges against the property or the property owner have been removed, paid in full, or otherwise
discharged to the satisfaction of the City;
9. The applicant has demonstrated that all necessary utility arrangements have
been made;
10. The owner has acquired a demolition permit and paid the necessary fees
to cap the sewer and water lines and remove the electrical service.
B. Prior to permit issuance, the Building Official shall inspect the building, whether
located inside or outside the City limits, and the applicant's equipment, and shall determine whether
or not the standards for issuance of a permit and all other requirements of this Chapter have been
C. The Building Official shall have sole discretion to issue, condition, or deny a
building moving permit in accordance with this Chapter and may, at any time, for sufficient cause,
revoke or suspend any permit previously issued.
D. By issuing a building moving permit, neither the City, the Building Official or any
other official or employee of the City shall be deemed to have warranted that all public health
safety, cultural, and welfare concerns have been addressed or shall be held responsible for any
damage or injury that may occur during, or as a result of, the moving of the building.
14.32.090 - Performance Requirements. Every permittee under this Chapter shall:
A. Move a building only over streets designated and approved for such use in the
approved permit and conduct such move using due diligence and to the satisfaction of the City
Engineer and Chief of Police;
B. Notify the Building Official within 24 hours of a desired change in moving date
and hours as proposed in the application and not proceed until the Building Official has approved
the new date and time;
C. Notify the City Engineer and Chief of Police not less than 24 hours before the
actual work of moving the building is to commence;
D. Make necessary arrangements with any public utility, the City or other entity,
whichever is the owner, for displacing or changing the location of any pole, wire, cable, or other
equipment or structure that may be necessary in order to move the building, and for paying the costs
E. Make necessary arrangements acceptable to any owner of trees, plants, and shrubs
for trimming, moving, removing, or replanting them as may be necessary in order to move the
building, and for paying the costs thereof;
F. Notify the Building Official in writing of any and all damage done to property
belonging to the City within the next business day after the damage has occurred;
G. Protect the building during nighttime using flashing lights and warning barricades
as necessary to warn and protect the public;
H. Comply with the City's constmction codes and all other applicable City
I. Pay the expense of a traffic officer if required by the Chief of Police to accompany
the movement of the building to protect the public;
J. Insure that the building move is completed in accordance with the requirements
of this Ordinance and that the building or any part thereof is not left standing or abandoned while
the same is in or upon any part of any highway, street, or alley; provided that if the permittee does
not comply with the requirements of this Ordinance, the City may proceed to do the work necessary
to achieve compliance, and the cost thereof shall be charged against the surety bond, cash or other
security provided pursuant to flais Chapter.
14.32.100 - Owner's Responsibilities. The applicant shall notify the owner of, and the
owner shall be responsible for, the following requirements:
A. Prior to the move, make arrangements to ensure that the sewer is capped, the water
supply is shut off, the electrical supply is terminated, and any other utility services have been
properly provided for, in conformance with the requirements of the affected utility departments or
B. After the move, ensure that the following work has been completed so that the
premises from which the building has been moved are left in a safe and sanitary condition:
1. All rubbish and materials have been removed;
2. Any openings, excavations, or basements remaining on the property have
been filled to street level or the level of the adjoining property, unless otherwise directed by the
Building Official;
3. Any septic tanks or cesspools on the property have been properly filled or
otherwise secured as required by the State and County health regulations;
4. Any underground storage tanks have been properly secured as required by
State regulations.
14.32.110 - Appeal. Any person aggrieved by the action of the Building Official in
conditioning or refusing to issue a permit under this Chapter shall have the right to appeal such
action to the Director of Public Works by filing a notice of appeal with the Building Official within
ten calendar days of receiving notice of the action from which appeal is taken.
14.32.120 - Violations. Any person violating any of the provisions of this Chapter shall
be deemed guilty of a separate offense for each and every day or portion thereof during which any
violation of any of the provisions of this Chapter is committed, continued, or allowed. Each such
violation shall be punishable in the same manner as violations of the construction codes of the City
as set forth in Chapter 14.01 PAMC.
Section 3 - Severability. If any provisions of this Ordinance, or its application to any
person or circumstances, is held invalid, the remainder of the Ordinance, or application of the
provisions of the Ordinance to other persons or circumstances, is not affected.
Section 4 - Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect five days after the date of
PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said
Council held on the __ day of ,1999.
Becky J. Upton, City Clerk -'
Craig D. Knutson, City Attorney
By Summary
100 -o-
DATE: February 16, 1999
FROM: Craig Knutson, City Attorney
SUBJECT: Nuisance and Junk Vehicle Ordinance Changes
In an effort to expedite the resolution of these matters, an ordinance has been drafted revising the
City's nuisance and junk vehicle ordinances. It includes the following suggested changes:
1. Reduce the height of overgrown lots from twelve inches to eight inches.
2. Eliminate the second contact letter to property owners.
3. Establish a $100 administrative fee for repeat offenses to cover the City's nuisance
abatement expenses.
4. Allow the City to refer delinquent charges to collection agencies and file civil suits (in
addition to the current lien assessment method).
5. Establish a $500 fine for convicted repeat offenders.
Please let me know if you have any questions or suggested changes. After hearing from you and
revising the ordinance as appropriate, the next step would be for the Council to consider adopting
the ordinance at its March 2, 1999, regular meeting.
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, revising the
nuisance and junk vehicle enforcement procedures and amending
Ordinances 2469 and 2698, as amended, and Chapters 8.04 and 8.05 of
the Port Angeles Municipal Code.
ORDAIN as follows:
Section 1. Ordinance 2469 as amended and Chapter 8.04 of the Port Angeles Municipal
Code are hereby amended by amending PAMC 8.04.030, 8.04.050, and 8.04.080 to read as follows:
8.04.030 Types of Nuisances. Each of the following places, conditions, or
things is declared to constitute a public nuisance, and whenever the enforcement
officer determines that any of these conditions exist upon any premises the officer may
require or provide for the abatement thereof pursuant to this Chapter:
A. The growing, maintaining, permitting or allowing of any weed,
vegetable or horticultural growth which either:
1. Overhangs, encroaches upon, obstructs or in any manner interferes
with the full and free use by the public of any street, sidewalk or sidewalk area
upon which such property so owned or occupied abuts; or
2. Has grown and died upon any premises owned, occupied or in control
of the responsible person or persons and which constitutes a detriment to the
public health, safety or welfare, including but not limited to a fire hazard; or
3. Is so overgrown upon any premises owned, occupied or in control of
the responsible person or persons, as to cause the degradation of the character
of the neighborhood, and for which a general rule of thumb shall be an
average length of -1~ 8" or more.
B. The existence of any junk, litter, or refuse within the City when written
complaint from two or more City residents who are impacted by the present or
potential effect of the condition on them or their property, has been received by the
City unless such materials are kept or stored in an orderly and sightly manner and so
as not to create a fire, safety, health or sanitary hazard.
C. The depositing, leaving or throwing away of any junk, litter or refuse
within the City for an unreasonable length of time beyond what is necessary for
proper disposal, which length of time shall be not less than thirty (30) days, except
at the City Landfill or in covered containers or receptacles acceptable to the
enforcement officer of the City.
D. The causing or permitting to be discharged, placed or thrown, or the
throwing into, or upon any premises or any public street or alley of any nauseous,
foul or putrid liquor or substance, or any liquid or substance likely to become
nauseous, foul, offensive or putrid.
E. The maintaining, permitting or existence of any unsightly and unsafe,
partially destroyed building or structure, that has not been repaired or removed within
a reasonable period, and which period shall be not less than sixty (60) days and not
more than one (1) year. (Ord. 2469 §1, 1/22/88)
8.04.050 Enforcement - Request - Hearing. The enforcement officer, having
knowledge of any public nuisance, shall cause the responsible person(s) to be notified
of the existence of a public nuisance on any premises and shall request such person(s)
to abate the condition within a designated reasonable period
l-',- ..... ~J .... ,, .... ~' ..... nulsan¢c, tlhe enforcement officer shall ¢ also include
in the written notice to said person(s) that an application for initiation of formal
abatement proceedings will be made to the Administrative Hearings Officer. The
written notice shall establish the date by which a final determination shall be made and
give the responsible person(s) the option of requesting a hearing before the
Administrative Hearings Officer prior to the final determination date. The responsible
person(s) shall have five (5) days in which to request a hearing which, if requested,
shall be held within seven (7) days of the request. Upon determining that a public
nuisance exists which requires abatement, the Administrative Hearings Officer shall
issue a written report of findings and order requiring the responsible person(s) to abate
such condition. The written report of findings and order shall provide that in the
event of the failure of such person(s) to abate the public nuisance within the time
frame listed in the written report of findings and order, the same shall be abated by
the City, and the costs to the City shall become a charge collectible by any legally
available means against the responsible person(s). In the case of a repeat offense that
occurs within three years from a previous offense by the same responsible person, a
$100 administrative fee shall be charged to the responsible person(s) to cover the
City's costs in pursuing the abatement of the public nuisance. In the case that the
owner leases or rents the premises to another responsible person(s), such owner may
request, and the Administrative Hearings Officer may include in the written report of
timings and order, an extended abatement period for such owner to be effective if the
tenant fails to accomplish abatement within the prescribed time period, which
extended abatement period shall allow the owner to pursue unlawful detainer
proceedings, and shall not exceed ninety (90) days. The responsible person(s) may
appeal the written report of findings and order of the Administrative Hearings Officer
to City Council by filing a Notice of Appeal with the City Clerk within ten (10) days
of the date of the written report of findings and order. Any appeal taken to the City
Council shall be heard at the next regularly scheduled meeting of City Council. Any
legal action challenging the Council's decision on appeal shall be brought in Clallam
County Superior Court within ten (10) days of the decision by Council. In the case
that the responsible person, or one of the responsible persons, is the owner, the charge
shall be a lien against the property, and may be perfected, processed and foreclosed
as prescribed in the provisions covering mechanic's liens in Chapter 60.04 RCW. The
City may alternatively choose in its sole discretion to collect any unpaid charges
utilizing whatever legal options are available to the City, including but not limited to
turning the matter over to a collection agency, filing a small claims court action, or
filing a civil lawsuit in district or superior court. (Ord. 2959, 6/13/97; Ord. 2777 §2,
9/17/93; Ord. 2773 §2, 8/13/93; Ord. 2698 §1, 7/31/92; Ord. 2469 §1, 1/22/88)
8.04.080 Penalties. In addition to the costs of abatement, any person violating
any portion(s) of this Chapter shall be deemed to have committed a civil infraction
commencing upon the date that the Administrative Hearings Officer or the City
Council had specified for completion of abatement, whichever date is later. The
penalty for this infraction is $250 per violation, the first $250 of which shall not be
suspended or deferred. A separate offense shall be deemed committed on each day
during or on which a violation occurs or continues. The penalty for a repeat offense
shall be $500.00 per violation, (Ord. 2773 §4, 8/13/93; Ord. 2469 §1, 1/22/88)
Section 2. Ordinance 2698 as amended and Chapter 8.05 of the Port Angeles Municipal
Code are hereby amended by amending PAMC 8.05.040 and 8.05.050 to read as follows:
8.05.040 Abatement and Removal of Junk Vehicles on Private Property.
A. The storage or retention of junk vehicles on private property is declared to
constitute a public nuisance subject to abatement by removal and disposal. The
enforcement officer shall inspect and investigate complaints relative to junk vehicles,
or parts thereof, on private property. Upon discovery of such nuisance, the
enforcement officer shall cause the police Department to inspect said vehicle to
determine if the same meets the requirements of RCW 46.55.010(4). If the inspection
by the Police Department confirms that the vehicle in question meets the criteria of
RCW 46.55.010(4), then the enforcement officer shall give notice in writing to the
last registered owner of record of the junk vehicle and also to the property owner of
record that a public hearing may be requested before the City Council or other
administrative hearings officer as shall be designated by the City Council, and that if
no hearing is requested within ten days, the junk automobile will be removed. Costs
of removal may be assessed against the last registered owner of the junk vehicle if the
identity of such owner can be determined, or the costs may be assessed the landowner
of the property on which the junk vehicle is stored.
B. If a request for a hearing is received, a notice giving the time, location and date
of such hearing on the question of the abatement of the junk vehicle or part thereof
as a public nuisance shall be mailed, by certified or registered mail with a five-day
-3 -
return receipt requested, to the owner of the land as shown on the last equalized
assessment roll of the County Assessor and to the last registered and legal owner of
record of the junk vehicle unless the junk vehicle is in such condition that the
identification numbers are not available to determine ownership.
C. The owner of the land on which the junk vehicle is located may appear in
person at the hearing or present a written statement in time for consideration at the
hearing, and deny responsibility for the presence of the junk vehicle on the land, with
his reasons for such denial. If it is determined at the hearing that the junk automobile
was placed on the land without the consent of the landowner and that he has not
subsequently acquiesced in its presence, then the City Council shall not assess costs
of administration or removal of the junk vehicle against the property upon which the
junk vehicle is located or otherwise move to collect such costs from the property
D. After notice has been given of the intent of the City to dispose of the junk
vehicle, and after a hearing, if requested, has been held, the junk vehicle, or part
thereof, shall be removed, at the request of a police officer, and disposed of by a
registered tow truck operator with notice to the Washington State Patrol and the
Department of Licensing that the vehicle has been wrecked.
E. The City _t._, ...:,t.:_ ,t.: .... .~ ....
o,,,, may, ,~ ..... ~,,~ Lj ,,,j o after removal of the junk vehicle from
private property, file or record with the County Auditor a claim for lien for the costs
of removal and disposal, which shall be in ~'db~'.zrF,2. in accordance with the provisions
covering mechanics' liens in Chapter 60.04 RCW, and said lien shall be foreclosed
in the same manner as such liens. The City may alternatively choose in its sole
discretion to collect any unpaid charges utilizing whatever legal options are available
to the City, including but not limited to turning the matter over to a collection agency,
filing a small claims court action, or filing a civil lawsuit in district or superior court.
(Ord. 2698 {}2 (part), 7/31/92)
8.05.050 Violation - Penalty. In addition to the costs of abatement, any person
violating any portion of this Chapter shall be deemed to have committed a civil
infraction commencing upon the date that the enforcement officer or the City Council
had specified for completion of abatement, whichever date is later, and shall be fined
not less than $250 per violation, the first $250 of which shall not be suspended or
deferred. A separate offense shall be deemed committed on each day during which
a violation occurs or continues. The penalty for a repeat offense shall be $500.00 per
violation. (Ord. 2698 §2 (parO, 7/31/92)
Section 3 - Severability. If any provisions of this Ordinance, or its application to any
person or circumstances, is held invalid, the remainder of the Ordinance, or application of the
provisions of the Ordinance to other persons or circumstances, is not affected.
Section 4 - Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect five days after the date of
PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said
Council held on the __ day of ,1999.
Becky J. Upton, City Clerk
Craig D. Knutson, City Attorney
By Summary
DATE: February 16, 1999
FROM: Becky J. Upton, City Clerk/Management Assistant
SUBJECT: Status Report on Recruitment Efforts to
Fill Vacancies on Boards/Commissions
At its meeting of January 5, 1999, the City Council directed staffto seek replacements for various
vacancies on City Boards & Commissions that will be created as of March 1, 1999. The following
is offered as a status report on recruitment efforts. Because some of the vacancies have not yet
generated any interest, it is important that we escalate our recruitment efforts in order to fill the
vacant positions as quickly as possible.
Planning Commission - 2 vacancies:
Three applications have been submitted, and it is hoped that more will be forthcoming in order to
provide Council with a wider field of selection.
Board of Adjustment - 1 vacancy:
Thus far, no applications have been submitted.
Civil Service Commission - 1 vacancy:
Two applications were submitted, and it is important that an appointment be made to fill this
particular vacancy on a timely basis. The Civil Service Commission will be meeting in the near
furore; therefore, staff will schedule interviews before the City Council (work session) for March 2,
1999, after which an appointment can be made later in the meeting.
Parks, Recreation & Beautification Commission - 1 vacancy:
No applications have been submitted thus far.
Staff will again submit a news release to the media advising the public of the above vacancies.
DATE: February 16, 1999
FROM: Craig D. Knutson, City Attorney
SUBJECT: Taping executive sessions - INFORMATION ONLY
Issue: Should the City continue to tape executive sessions?
Recommendation: Since taping executive sessions is not legally required, the City Council has
discretion in deciding whether to continue the City's present practice.
Summary.: The City has taped executive sessions for many years, even though state law docs not
require this. Them are differing opinions as to whether the value of taping to verify the legitimacy
of executive sessmn discussions is outweighed by the risk that tapes could be used as evidence of
improper discussions or could be listened to by non-participants in the discussions.
Background / Analysis: Most cities do not tape executive sessions. This is presumably because
state law does not require it. It is unclear exactly when or why Port Angeles began taping executive
sessions. One obvious reason is to keep a record of what transpired. The City Attorney has
occasionally utilized the tapes to clarify direction given by the Council. Another reason is that
taping does tend to remind the Council and staff of the need to restrict executive session discussions
to those items specifically allowed by the Open Meetings Act. It also can provide a means of
verifying that executive session discussions have occurred in compliance with the law.
In discussing this issue with the previous City Attorney, he supported the taping of executive
sessions primarily for the purpose of being able to verify the legitimacy of the executive session
discussion should the need arise. He pointed out that having executive session tapes can help avoid
expensive investigations or legal challenges regarding the propriety of specific executive session
discussions. I talked to two attorneys representing governmental entities who were both aware of
situations where executive session tapes would have helped their clients.
In discussing this matter with the General Counsel for the City's insurance pool, Washington Cities
Insurance Authority, he supported not taping executive sessions. He pointed out that participants
in executive session discussions may be more candid without taping and that there is a risk that
taping an executive session could memorialize a discussion that was held improperly. If there were
a legal challenge to an illegal executive session, the tape could be subpoenaed for review by a court.
However, in the event of a legal challenge to an improper executive session discussion if there were
no tape, Council members could also be subpoenaed and would have to acknowledge the impropriety
under oath. So the lack of a tape may not afford the City much, if any, protection for an illegal
February 16, 1999
Page 2
executive session discussion anyway.
One other potential problem with taping executive sessions is that someone who wasn't a participant
in a discussion could listen to the tape. The City Clerk does keep strict control over access to
executive session tapes. However, the City Council could increase the security by adopting a rule
that only participants in the executive session can listen to the tape recording of that particular
Another potential problem is that someone may submit a public records request for a copy of an
executive session tape. In my opinion, the tapes are exempt from public disclosure as being subject
to attorney-client privilege or as being preliminary discussions. However, there is the possibility of
controversy in this regard, even to the extent of someone filing a lawsuit trying to get an executive
session tape under the public disclosure statute.
A brief meeting was held recently with Mayor Braun and Deputy Mayor Doyle regarding this
subject. The intent of this memo is to apprise Council of the options involved about this matter.
Whether or not action is undertaken is obviously up to members of Council.
Parks, Recreation & Beautification Commission
January 21, 1999
I. Call to Order
The January 21", 1999 meeting of Parks, Recreation & Beautification Commission
was called to order at 7:00 pm in the Vern Burton meeting room by President,
Nancy Martin.
II. Roll Call
Those Present: Diana Tschimperle, Leslie Perrizo, Pat McDonagh, Nancy Martin,
David Morris, Matt Kirsch.
Those Absent: Bill Minor
Staff Present: John Hicks
Guests: Martha Baidarka, Sheila Miller, Anne Clawson, and 4 High School students.
III. Approval of Minutes & Audio Tape Disposition - December 17, 1998
N. Martin asked for questions and comments regarding the minutes.
P. McDonagh wished to clarify for the record (on page five of 12/17/98 minutes),
whereas it states, "Pat McDonagh stated she was not impressed with some of the
staff documentation." She said that this statement was nothing against staff, she
felt the way the two documents were written left a big question with the
terminology used.
P. McDonagh moved to accept the minutes of December 17, 1998 as clarified. The
tapes will be kept on file for future reference. L. Perrizo seconded the motion
which carried.
IV. Items from Audience not on Agenda
V. Finance
Items on the Parks & Recreation Voucher Listing were clarified and discussed.
D. Morris moved to accept the voucher listing. M. Kirsch seconded the motion
which carried.
VI. Special Hearing - Snyder Appeal of Suspension
Discussion of a staff recommendation for a pool suspension ensued.
Park Board
January 21, 1999 2
VIII. Legislation:
A. Final Action - Snyder A0_oeal
N. Martin re-read the recommendation from Parks staff.
D. Morris moved to approve the Park Staff recommendation, as proposed. D.
Tschimperle seconded the motion.
Discussion of the motion ensued, including discussion of the options suggested by
the staff.
Morris stated that in effect the decision is made, then the language becomes the
issue. D. Morris moved for amendment to the original motion that park board
direct Parks administration staff to draft a letter recommending Mr. Snyder be
indefinitely suspended and the board has an opportunity to review the draft letter
following its review by the city attorney's office.
The original second, D. Tshimperle, agreed to the amendment and upon call for the
question, motion carried.
D. Morris restated: "the board requests that they be given the opportunity to review
the letter as drafted and concurred by the city attorney's office." In order to move
this along, the review could take place prior to a meeting.
VIII. Staff Informational Report & Updates
Parks Maintenance Plan of January 5, 1999 was reviewed and discussed.
Staff updated the board on the Pool Feasibility study.
IX. Park Board Late Items
Staff updated the board on the current challenge of booking the new Boys' and
Girls' club into gym space. During winter basketball leagues, gym space is at a
premium and not readily available.
M. Kirsch passed along comments from a local church school regarding, what they
felt was, inappropriate art work at the Fine Art Center. Discussion followed.
XI. Adjournment:
D. Morris moved for adjournment. Next meeting will be held on February 18,
Port Angeles, Washington 98362
February 1, 1999
7:00 p.m.
Chair Pro Tem Turner called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
Members Present: Julie Bondy, Chuck Turner, Gina Lowman
Members Excused: Louise Meyer, Barbara Cease
Staff Present: David Sawyer
Public Present: Steve Gish, Mark Mullens, Ralph and Dolores
As there was not a quorum of those members present at the June 1, 1998, meeting, approval of the
minutes were continued to the Board's next meeting.
VARIANCE APPLICATION - VAR 99-01 - GISH, 408 East Fifth Street: Request
for reduction in the minimum side yard setback in the Commercial Office zone fi.om
7' to 4'8" to allow a small addition.
Senior Planner Sawyer reviewed the Planning Department's report recommending denial of the
variance as requested. Mr. Sawyer responded to questions from the Commission regarding the
reconstruction of a nonconforming structure to the lot line to the east of the property in question.
Chair Pro Tem Turner opened the public hearing.
Steve Gish, 519 South Peabody #25, asked for approval of the request as proposed. The carport at
the rear of the site was constructed without a building permit prior to his purchase of the site and will
likely be removed as it will impede the proposed parking area use for the intended office. He
explained that the proposal is to square up the structure for internal circulation purposes.
Mark Mullens, 417 East Sixth Street, a resident within three hundred feet of the subject site
encouraged approval of the variance. The request is to complete a comer of an existing structure that
currently contains an indentation on its eastern building line. He will likely rent space fi.om Mr. Gish
in the future at the site but as a resident in the neighborhood he has no objection to this very minor
Board of Adjustment Minutes
February 1, 1999
Page 2
request. The proposal would not result in an intrusion that does not already exist on the majority of
the subject structure side wall.
There being no further testimony, Chair Pro Tem Turner closed the public hearing.
In response to Board Member Bondy, Planner Sawyer indicated that staff did not see that the
substandard width of the lot created a hardship related to this proposal; however, if the Board feels
the substandard size of the lot is a hardship, then that could be used as a basis for a favorable
decision. Mr. Turner agreed.
Board Member Lowman moved to approve the variance as proposed citing the following
findings and conclusions:
Based on the staff report analysis, public review and comment, the Board of Adjustment's discussion
and deliberation, the Board of Adjustment hereby finds that:
1. The applicant, Steven C. Gish applied for a variance for the property located at 408
E. 5th Street on January 13, 1999.
2. The request is to reduce the required side yard setback from 7' to 4'8" to allow an
addition to an existing structure.
3. There is no environmentally sensitive area on or near the property.
4. The property is designated as Medium Density Residential in the City's
Comprehensive Plan.
5. The property is zoned CO (Commercial, Office).
6. The applicant is proposing to convert the use of the structure to an office use which
is a permitted use in the CO zone.
7. A seven foot interior side yard setback is required in the CO zone.
8. The subject property is 5,600 square feet in size with a width of 40' and a depth of
9. The majority of other CO properties in the vicinity are 7,000 square feet in size and
have a width of approximately 50 feet and a depth of approximately 140 feet.
10. The topography of the subject property is level.
11. The majority of other CO properties in the vicinity are relatively level.
Board of Adjustment Minutes
February 1, 1999
Page 3
12. A variance for a similar request was granted in 1975 (V-75-(4)2) for the property
located at 314 E. 5a Street which is now zoned CO.
13. No agency reviewing the application identified any potential adverse impact to the
public health, safety, and welfare attributable to the issuance of the variance.
14. The subject property is a level townsite lot which has been reduced in width by 10' on
the western side of the original lot. Although, the structure's width could fit in the
lot's buildable area, the structure's location extends into the eastern side yard setback
by 2'4".
Based on the staff report analysis, public review and comment, the Board of Adjustment's discussion
and deliberation, and the findings listed above, the Board of Adjustment hereby concludes that:
A. The original placement of the structure was dictated by the size of the lot.
B. There are special circumstances related to the size of the lot.
C. Approval of the proposed variance would not be a grant of special privilege
inconsistent with the limitation upon uses of other properties in the vicinity and zone
in which the property on behalf of which the application was filed is located.
D. The proposed variance would not cause adverse impacts to the public health, safety,
and welfare.
E. The proposal does not increase the impact of the original nonconformity.
Board Member Bondy seconded the motion which passed ;3 - 0.
Street: Request for a reduction from the minimum 20' front yard setback in the RS-7,
Residential Single Family District to 5' to allow the construction of a residence on a
property that contains an environmentally sensitive area.
Planner Sawyer reviewed the Planning Department's report recommending approval of the variance
reducing the required front yard setback from 20' to 10'. He responded to a question from the Board
that sidewalks will be required along the street width of the site.
Chair Pro Tem Turner opened the public hearing.
Ralph Howard, P.O. Box 8, Port Angeles, stated that the variance is requested to increase safety
by expanding the distance to the steep bluffon the property and it was his intent to match the front
yard setback of the adjacent property.
Board ora djustment Minutes
February 1, 1999
Page 4
There being no further testimony, Chair Pro Tem closed the public hearing.
Chair Pro Tem Turner asked Mr. Sawyer if he had checked on the setback for the adjacent home to
the west of the Howard's property. Mr. Sawyer showed a topographical map of the area which
scaled the setback at approximately 10'.
Board Member Bondy moved to approve a reduction of the front yard setback to 10' citing the
following conditions, findings and conclusions:
Conditions of Approval:
1. This variance is granted for the reduction of the RS-Ts front yard setback from 20'
to 10'.
2. All development on the site is subject to Environmentally Sensitive Areas approval
ESA 98-06.
Based on the stalfreport analysis, public review and comment, the Board of AdjUstment,s discussion
and deliberation, the Board of Adjustment hereby finds that:
1. The applicant, Ralph G. And Dolores A. Howard applied for a variance for the
property located at 2025 W. 4t~ Street on January 15, 1999.
2. The request is to reduce the required fi.om yard setback fi.om 20' to 5' for construction
of an addition to a single-family residence.
3. The subject property is severely impacted by a 100'+ high marine blufflocated in the
northern half of the property.
4. A geological hazard report dated August 5, 1998 was prepared for the property by
4 Seasons Engineering, Inc. The report recommended a 50' setback from the top of
the blufffor building construction.
5. The property is designated as Low Density Residential in the City's Comprehensive
6. The property is zoned RS-7 (Single-Family Residential).
7. The proposed use is a permitted use in the RS-7 zone.
8. The subject property is 22,400 square feet in size with a width of 100' and a depth of
9. The majority of other RS-7 properties in the vicinity are generally level and
rectangular in shape.
Board of Adjustment Minutes
February I, 1999
Page 5
10. City records indicate the Board of Adjustment approved V-79(9)22 which reduced
the RS-7 fi-om yard setback from 20' to 10' in 1985 for the property located at 2151
West 4~ Street which was also impacted by the same marine bluff.
11. City records do not show any previous variances in this area and zone that have
reduced the front yard setback to less than 10'.
12. No agency reviewing the application identified any potential adverse impact to the
public health, safety, and welfare attributable to the issuance of the variance.
13. The City issued an environmentally sensitive area approval (ESA 98-06) for the
proposed project on September 11, 1998.
Based on the staff report analysis, public review and comment, the Board of Adjustment's discussion
and deliberation, and the findings listed above, the Board of Adjustment hereby concludes that:
A. The recommended setback from the top of the bluff further impacts the buildable area
of this property in a manner that the majority of other properties in the vicinity are
B. There is a special circumstances related to the topography of the subject property that
deprives the property owners of rights and privileges permitted to other properties in
the vicinity and the RS-7 zone.
C. Approval of the proposed variance would not be a grant of special privilege
inconsistent with the limitation upon uses of other properties in the vicinity and zone
in which the property on behalf of which the application was filed is located.
D. The proposed variance would not cause adverse impacts to the public health, safety,
and welfare.
The motion was seconded by Board Member Lowman and passed 3 - 0.
Planner Sawyer noted that elections for the 1998-99 term were not held in June and as the
Board has not met since June and Board Member Turner is leaving the Board due to
termination of his appointment, elections will be held at the Board's next meeting. This is Mr.
Turner's final meeting following two full terms of service.
Board of Adjustment Minutes
February 1, 1999
Page 6
Planning Director Collins noted that as Mr. Turner is leaving the Board, he will not be present
as a Board Member to approve the May and June minutes. He suggested the Board go ahead
and approve those old minutes. He proceeded to congratulate Mr. Turner on his dedication
to the community as a Board Member and thanked him from staff for his years of friendship
and assistance.
The Board returned to the first item on the agenda. Chair Pro Tem Turner stood down and Board
Member Lowman was appointed Chair Pro Tern for the item. Following review, Board Member
Bondy moved to approve the June 1, 1998, minutes as presented. The motion was seconded
by Board Member Turner and passed 2 - 0 with Board Member Lowman abstaining due to
Chair Pro Tem Lowman stood down and Board Member Bondy was appointed Chair Pro Tem for
the next issue. Board Member Turner moved to approve the May 1, 1998, minutes as written.
The motion was seconded by Board Member Lowman and passed 2 - 0 with Board Member
Bondy abstaining due to absence.
The meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m.
Chuck Turner, Chair Pro Tem
Gina Lowman, Chair Pro Tem
Julie Bondy, Chair Pro Tem
Port Angeles
Parks Recreation
Ocean View Cemetery $17,511.61 $12,416.34
William Shore Memorial Pool $12,524.46 $14,090.48
Vern Burton Community Center $822.00 $573.00
Senior Services Center - Rentals $385.00 $1,655.50
Senior Services Center - Leases $950.00 $950.00
Banner $275.00 $550.00
Lincoln Park Camping Fees $0.00 $0.00
City Pier Moorage Fees $0.00 $0.00
General Fund Revenue Total $32~468.07 $30~255.52
Longhouse/Clubhouse $70.00 $35.00
Lincoln Park Camping Fees $0.00 $0.00
Improvement Fund Total $70.00 $35.00
Vern Burton Kitchen Fees $11.25 $181.25
Co~Rec Volleyball $$0.00 $25.00
Volleyball Tourney Fund $0.00 $0.00
Slowpitch $0.00 $0.00
Slowpitch Tourney Fund $0.00 $0.00
Mens Basketball $282.00 $0.00
Basketball Tourney Fund $195.50 $169.58
Hag Football $0.00 $0.00
Youth Programs $3,809.30 $ I, 173.00
Adult Programs $691.00 $635.00
Recreation Activities Fund Total $5~039.05 $2~183.83
January 1 Senior Swingers
January 8 KONP Elvis' Birthday Bash
January 9 Elk's Hoop Shoot
January 16 AAU Tourney
January 18 After School Program
January 22 Image soccer Dance
Noon Open Gym Sunday Basketball Girls AAU Basketball
Gym Walkers Choice P.E. /tAU Boys Basketball
Olympic Christian School P.E.
January 4, 5, 14, 18,20 Community Action
January 7, I9 Rexall
January 8 School District
12, 15 SS Alive
13 Home Health
27 Department of Personnel
January 28 Peninsula Bottling
High School Parents Meeting Swim Club Heart Association
Kiwanis - Juan de Fuca Group Disabilities Coalition Park Board
Transit Union Meetings Non-Motorized Trail Meeting Junior Babe Ruth
Juan de Fuca Festival Roosevelt/Stevens Parents Ski Team
Bike Club PAFD Soccer Assoc.
Education Foundation Olympic Christian School Skills Center
Clallam County Food Handlers Class PAZZAZ Soccer
'Community Network
January 1999
City Council Meetings Public Works Training
Board of Adjustments County Human Resources
Planning PAFD Training
DUI Victims Panel Coffee Hour for Tim Smith
Gateway Project Port Watch Meeting
Continuing: After School Program - 56 full-time students:
26 children enrolled at Franklin School
30 children enrolled at Jefferson School
Country Western Dance Class
Line Dance Class
Co-Ed Volleyball League - I 5 Teams
Open Basketball League - 6 Teams
"D" League Basketball - 9 Teams
Square Dance Lessons - 30 participants
January 18 After School Program - no school additional day
20 participants
January 16-17 Martin Luther King Basketball Invite
5th through 8th Grade - Boys' & Girls'
29 teams; 23 out-of-town
January 30-31 Port Angeles Open Swim Meet
184 Participants; 150 out-of-town
February 13-14 Presidents' Day Basketball Tournament
6th through 9th Grade - Boys' & Girls'
None Scheduled
Monthly Activity Report
January 1999
Children 96~ 957
Adult 1,878 1 ~741
Saturday Teen Night/Kid's Day 12/27 13/38
Pool Parties/Participants 12/128 13/535
Children 878 878
Adults 45 ---
Parent/Child Orientation ......
Pre--School 410 307
Water Exercise 901 856
School District Activities 1,371 1,10 ~
Pool Rentals / Classes I, 186 577
Instruction Attendance Totals 4791 3,723
Days Open 30 30
Hours Open 390.50 $84.75
Rental:Suits, towels, Caps $62.50 $75.51
Admissions $2,226.83 $2,570.47
Lessons $4,072.03 $4,148.00
Aerobics $2,260.50 $2,324.00
Passes $2,874.06 $3,415.27
Showers $15.28 $ 1.85
Lockers $136.48 $351.55
Pool Rentals $435.58 $620.97
Sales Tax $441.20 $522.86
William Shore Pool Activities
Coordinated use of the pool for Olympic Christian School P.E. classes and Peninsula
College Swim Instruction Classes
Coordinated and conducted Life Guarding Class
Exercise classes for November:
~r Water Aerobics AM and PM classes Monday through Friday
~r Deep Water AM classes M - W - F
~ Water Walking AM classes Tues - Wed - Fri
Swim Lessons Schedule:
~r January 4 - February 5 Grade schoolers
~r January 4 - February 4 Pre-schoolers
~ January 4 - January 13 Adults
Private lessons - ongoing
Port Angeles Swim Club Swim Meets- January 23 and Jan~ ~ $1
~ 4:30pm - 5:30 pm Monday through Friday
Port Angeles School District
~r 7:45am - 8:15am Mort, Tues, Thur, Fri .... i~! i}~ classes
9:05am- 9:35am Wed. '~:: ::~'~ ......
1:00pm - 1:30 pm Monday through Friday '~ ':' ?' SE n classes
3:00pm - 4:30 pm Monday through Friday
~r January 14 & 26 Swim Meets at Home
ited States Coast Guard
9:00am - I0 am Tuesday and Thursday Training
January 23 Teen Night 12 participants
January 23 Kid's Day 27 partcipants
January $ May Anniversary
Janaury 6 Peninsula Women's Clinic
January 9/23 Peninsula Trails Coalition
January I0 CCDCC
Wedding Reception
January 14 Retired Teachers
January $1 Susan Parr Travel
Senior Nutrition Board City Square Dance Lesson Venture Club
Virginia Mason Soroptimists Jet Set Eckankar
Senior Info & Assistance City Employees Assoc. Volunteer Chore
Law Enforcement Board Youth Task Force
Olympic Vineyard Fine Art Center
Friends of Fine Art Center PCMH Older Adults
January 8 computer seminar for seniors
January 9 Nortwest Crystals and Fossils
January 20 "Sluicing the Hogback"
January 21 Introduction to Qi Gong
January 27 seniors Agains Child Sexual Abuse
January 1999
Information & Referral 1,878 1,952
Estimated Attendance 4,176 3,899
Health Programs 458 557
Education Programs 751 579
Social Events/Programs/Meals 1,373 1,4 $1
Trips: Taken 5 2
Passengers 67 18
Volunteers: 146 174
Hours 1~46~ 1~Z96
Membership: 891 $85
City 600 610
County 291 273
January 1999
.Foot Care (3x month) .Senior AA Meetings
.Blood Pressure Checks .Stretch Class/Weight Training
.Tai Chi .Tap Dancing Class
.Alzheimers Support Group .Hearing Aid Tests/Repairs
.Hair Cuts .Vision Clinic
.Arthritis Support Group .Exercise Class (3x wk)
.Fybromyalgia Support .Self Help for Hard of Hearing
.Round Table on Politics .Legal Aid
.Living Healthy .Water Color
.Computers Class .Hula Class
.Active Learning .Investment Class
.Oil Painting .Investment Class
.Defensive Driving Class .Marine Birds & Raptors
.Infinite Variety of Music .Chinese Cluture
.Geography of Central America .Money Management for Women
.Paint on Own .Coffee Lounge
.Golden Agers .P R Committee
.Senior Swingers .At the Movies (weekly)
.Senior Singers .Bingo ($x week)
.One Day/Over Night Trips .Chess Club
.Pool .Pinochle ($x week)
.Bridge .Pickle Ball (3x week)
.Cribbage .Calligraphy on Own
.Crafts .Conversational Spanish
.Clogging Class
$ 17~1311.6I $ 12~416.34 $ 8~$37. I4 $ 4~690.89
5 5 2 2
Ground Burials 3 2 2 2
Ground Burial Inurnments 2 0 1 2
Niche Inurnments 0 2 2 0
Entombments 0 0 0 0
Year to Date Totals ] B 4
$3,445.58 $3,445.58 $1,874.89 $1,874.89
Maintaining geraniums and flower bulbs in greenhouse for transplanting in Spri lg
Continuing htter pickup and rest room cleaning at the various park locations
Cut and removed trees from Shane Park
Re-finished & re-installed sign at Wilson Park
Started fence installation at 7th & D
Completed trail at Webster Park
Cleaned pool water filter system
Checked chlorinator and booster pump for proper operation
Checked dive stand bolts and lubed slider
Back washed pool water filter system
Checked circulation pumps and heat pumps
Checked heat pump blowers
Serviced filters on HVAC system
Checked emergency lighting
Checked drains below sink and flushed with bleach
Clean~ patch, spray texture and paint walls as needed
Checked heat pumps, and HVAC units
Walk through building, checked lights and automatic doors
Cleaned drains, greased exhaust fans,
Checked heat pump blower belts, filters, drains and coils on heat system
Repaired fence damage at Crown Park
Employees attended Safety meeting 1 2 9
Install waterfront trail plaques, benches and trees
Continue malting improvements at various parks
Continue repairing/overhauling turf equipment for spring mowing
W A~ H I N G T O N, U. S. A,
DATE: February 19, 1999
To: Mayor Braun and City Council
FROM: Brad Collins, Planning Director
SUBa-ECT: Planning Department Monthly Report - January, 1999
Shoreline Substamial Development Permits 2
Conditional Use Permits 0
Municipal Code Amendments 0
Parking Variances 0
Administrative Review Approvals 0
Environmentally Sensitive Areas Reviews 0
Minor Deviation 0
Code Enforcement 1
Annexation Request 0
Subdivision 0
Short Plat Appeal 0
Boundary Line Adjustments 0
Determinations of Non-Significance 2
Mitigated Determinations of Non-Significance 2
Determinations of Significance 0
Clearing and Grading Permits 0
Building Permits 18
Annexation Planning Census 2000
Cascadia Regional Plan
Peninsula Regional Transportation Planning (PRTPO)
Water Resources Inventory Area (WRIA) 18
Salmon Recovery Plan
Mission Statement: In partnership with our community, the Port Angeles Police
Department recognizes its mission to serve in a compassionate, courteous, and
professional manner, to promote freedom and peace of mind, pride in our
neighborhoods, and the safety of our families.
Detectives received two reports of telemarketing fraud in January. Information was provided to the
media to prevent additional individuals from becoming victim to this scheme.
Three deaths were investigated. Two were determined to be of natural causes while the third, the tragic
death of a fourteen year old female, resulted in the filing of a criminal charge. The State Toxicologist's
Office has verified that this death resulted from acute alcohol poisoning.
· Officers received two reports of child molest and one rape; one of the molesting cases was confirmed
and an arrest made in the case. After considerable investigation, the rape and second child molest were
determined to be unfounded.
Two cases of embezzlement were investigated. The first involved $15,000 and an arrest was made. The
victim of the second, involving a few thousand dollars, requested that the matter not be pursued further.
· An armed robbery occurred on Ediz Hook. The suspects were arrested outside the area for other various
violent crimes, including a high speed chase and shoot-out with police. It is unlikely that the local case
will be prosecuted because of the severity of the crimes in the other jurisdictions, including Oregon.
· A CrimeStoppers tip led to the arrest of a suspect for several vehicle vandalisms (tire slashings). During
the course of this investigation it was found that the suspect has been building and had exploded several
bombs. His bomb making materials were seized by search warrant.
A bad check writer was arrested and later released from jail. She resumed her criminal ways almost
immediately upon her release, resulting in a large number of new victims. She is back in jail. Her check
book was seized (again).
· Fourteen investigations are currently open involving cases such as UIBC (Unlawful Issuance of a Bad
Check), forgery, sex crimes, two wanted felons, and mail fraud.
· Sergeant Gallagher and Officer Bergeron flew to Spokane to testify in a Robbery/Assault I trial. A local
individual was involved in an attempted homicide in Spokane and officers conducted a considerable
investigation in Port Angeles for Spokane PD. The suspect was convicted of both charges and now faces
additional federal charges.
Crime Prevention Activities:
· Robbery Survival Training at local bank · Two Fax alerts for counterfeit money and bad
· Computer Crime Information at local bank checks
· Notification of counterfeit money in community · Two CrimeStoppers profiles resulting in the
· CrimeStoppers tip on vehicle vandalism clearance of three cases
· Residential Security Survey · Web Page update
· One Neighborhood Watch meeting
· Business Security Survey
Officer Jason Viada continued with the seventeen week 5~' grade DARE core curriculum. He also makes
daily visits to the Teen Scene. In January, Officer Viada attended Child Abuse Investigation Training
sponsored by the WA State Criminal Justice Training Commission.
School Resource Officer:
Officer Tyler Peninger continues to remain quite busy at the schools. He assists staff at the Teen Scene once
or twice a week as time is available. He is currently working on a high school campus map for inclusion in
an emergency response packet for officers and the fire department. The packet includes information on
service tunnels, power panels, entrances/exits and the general layout of the campus. Officer Peninger spends
considerable time at the high school and Stevens Middle School. The following is a synopsis of his activities
in January.
· 17 calls on campus - high school; · 6 traffic stops;
· 10 calls to Middle Schools; · 3 weapons related incidents;
· 10 calls from neighborhood residents; · 6 drug related incidents;
· 57 meetings with students; · 1 meeting with PTA or citizens;
· 13 meetings with staff; · 9 school activities (games, dances, etc.);
· 31 intervention actions; · 14 cases closed
· 15 arrests;
At the request of the high school staff, Officer Miller and Arco conducted a drug screen of high school
lockers in January with negative results. In January there were seven K-9 patrol applications which
contributed to the arrest of four suspects, three of which involved felony cases.
Senior Volunteers:
The Senior Volunteers provided a total of 179 hours in the month of January. Those hours included meetings,
office work, radar speed watch, and vacation house checks.
Patrol Room:
The computers and
workstations in the Patrol
Room were recently
upgraded in anticipation of a
complete law enforcement
system upgrade. New
workstations were installed,
replacing units that were
falling apart and creating a
hazard for the officers and
their uniforms. The
"original" equipment was
purchased third hand over
ten years ago. The new
modular equipment provides
five workstations and gives
the officers ample space to
JANUARY 12, 1999
Call to Order: 6:35 p.m. Members present - Leland Lee (Chairman), Rod Anderson, David
Brewer, Jim Jones Jr., Lynda Minor. Members absent - Leonard Boil, Lisa Lisk, Dennis Wilcox,
Kyle Gray. Staff present - Deputy Chief Tom Riepe, Secretary Chris James. Guest - Alan Bredy,
Principal, Port Angeles High School.
Guest: Alan Bredy, Port Angeles High School Principal, discussed the presence of the School
Resource Officer, Tyler Peninger, on the campus. Mr. Bredy indicated the program is very
successful and things have greatly improved on campus compared to the last few years. The students
feel safer and fights on campus have significantly decreased. School Administration changes in
discipline in conjunction with the role of the Resource Officer have positively changed the
atmosphere at the high school this year. Students and staff like having Tyler there. Mr. Bredy
indicated Tyler's professionalism and his non threatening, yet strong attitude, make him a "good fit."
School staff would like to have Tyler every day rather than 3 days a week. He currently spends some
of his time at the middle schools.
Mr. Bredy asked about the legal issue of Tyler testifying in a civil proceeding on a matter that is
pending in criminal proceedings. Deputy Chief Riepe will discuss the question with Sr. Assistant
City Attorney Dennis Dickson.
Jim Jones remarked that there is a noticeable difference in responses to the District Office since
Tyler has been on campus. There are significantly fewer complaints.
Discussion: The board members discussed with Deputy Chief Riepe options of modifying DARE
and having two school resource officers so the middle schools and possibly the elementary schools
could benefit from the SRO program. Rod Anderson asked if Deputy Chief Riepe could check with
other cities similar to Port Angeles who have eliminated DARE to see what impact there might be.
The SRO officers would still teach drug education classes in the schools.
Approval of Minutes: The minutes of the 12-08-98 meeting were approved as printed.
Department Updates: Tom Kuch was
hired as a Police Officer. He is from Port
Angeles and was a Deputy Sheriff for one
and a half years. Tom is Academy trained
and is in the Field Training Officer program
presently. Two more replacement officers
will be hired from 5 candidates undergoing
the testing process. Debbie Homan was
hired as a Communications Officer. Vicki
Morgan has been hired for Warrant Entry
Clerk and will start in February.
Officer Tom Kuch Communications Officer
Debbie Homan
From Members: Dave Brewer requested law enforcement focus on
crosswalks because motorists are not stopping for pedestrians. Deputy Chief Riepe agrees and
indicated officers have been addressing this problem and discussed ideas of bringing it to the
Law Enforcement Advisory Board Minutes
attention of motorists in the community such as having Northland Cable film crosswalk emphasis
enforcement by the officers.
Chairman Leland Lee advised it had been more than a year since election of chairman and vice
chairman. Jim Jones made a motion to elect Leland Lee as Chairman again. The motion was
seconded and unanimously approved. Dave Brewer made a motion to re-elect Jim Jones as Vice
Chairman. The motion was seconded and unanimously approved.
Chairman Lee suggested more committee activity and asked board members for ideas of areas of
focus for committees.
Rod Anderson initiated discussion on having someone from the board or senior volunteers posted
at problem traffic spots such as Lauridsen Blvd and Laurel Street after school.
In The Line Of Duty: The Board watched a video about an officer shooting in Idaho.
Meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m.
Port Angeles Police Department Senior Volunteers
max : :
Fire De. partrne t
savln,~ Hearts and Homes
january 1999
Fire & Life Safety Insp Prevention Activities YTD
80 -'~ 25
7O 2O
40 10
3O 5
20 0
10 1996 1999
Inspections Reinspections
I Plan Reviews
[-~ 1998 I 1999 Public Education Contacts
Inspections Re~spections Permit Plan Public Ed
Inspections Reivews Contacts
1999 58 57 1999 25 2 0
1998 77 50 1998 21 5 1
Medic I Transports Patients Assisted
100 200 1
80 150
0 0
ALS BLS Fire Dept. Olympic Ambulance
~-~ 1998 I 1999 [~ 1998 I 1999
Advanced Life Support (ALS) &
Basic Life Support (BI S) Patients Assisted
Fire Dept. 1998 1999 Fire Dept. 1998 1999
ALS - YTD 92 94 YTD 173 193
BLS - YTD 10 7
January 1999
Total Fire Dept. Calls Fire $ Loss/Saved YTD
250 400,000
200 300,000
150 200,000
100 ----- 100,000
50 --'- 0
i 1998 1999
1997 1998 1999 [] Savad I Loss
Jan 1999 Total Calls 250 Saved Loss
1999 Total Calls 250 1999 93,000 15,350
1998 Total Calls 224 1998 354,580 200,125
Fires >$5,000 Auto Fires Brush Fires Haz Mat Inc
YTD 1998 YTD 1999
Structure Fires Auto Fires Brush Fires HazMm
> $5,000 Incidems
1999 1 1 0 16
1998 2 3 1 15
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Volunteers are the lifeline of the Senior Center. They make all programs and services possible, serving
in the following capacities: office receptionists; front desk receptionists; coffee lounge workers; Senior
Times editor and staff; computer data entry; bookkeeper; trip planner; van drivers; sandwich and soup
makers; cooks; breakfast crew;, Senior Singers and Senior Swingers officers and hosts; bridge, pinochle,
cribbage and bingo coordinators; Golden Agers; foot care and blood pressure check nurses and
assistants; class instructors; Board of Directors and Guiding Committee members; Pie Shack workers
and pie bakers; flea market helpers; craft and sewing instructors; errand runners; cleaning persons; and
all around general volunteers for whatever comes up. In 1998, 870 volunteers took the time to be
involved in Senior Center operation for a total of 17,319 recorded hours. Thank vo_~u ail!
Cai Adams Tom Bume Pat Fen'is Janet Hayes
Dorde Adler Dick Button Mary Ann Foumier Carmen Heath
Martha Allison Karen Byrd Dick French Jean Hegseth
Monie Amundson Chades Byrd Mary French Betty Helwick
Fran Annas Erma Capedna Paulette French , Kay Hill
Walt Annas Elna Carroll Lila Fdsch Valerie Hilt
Pat Arnold Mades Case May Gagnon Hans Hofdchter
Gladys ^vena Laretta Chapman Catherine Galuska Dianne Holth
Audrey Baker Rosemary Cockdll Ed Galuska Dutch Hopf
Lucy Bamhart Effie Colompos Edc Garling John Hordyk
Irene Barton Betty Cook Mona Garlin Mary Hordyk
Rose Bavaqua Loren Cooke Wally Gentry Chades Hudson
Ray Beaumadage Helen Crain Betty Gesellchen veronica Hudson
Helen Beckwith Bud Craver Earl Gilson Susie Huff
Warren Beckwith Lynda Craver Pat Godfrey Betty Humfleet
Babe Beigh ~ Bob Cdtchfield Dick Goodman Jim Humfleet
Marcella Bergstreser Lil Cdtchfield Pead Gray Bob Hudess
Ray Bemosel Bevedy Croxford Gordon Greene Mabel Hudess
Lillian Bemtson Helen Cruse Jackie Griffith Lola Hutchison
Winona Betts Alice Crenshaw Vi Gross Harold Hutchison
Molly Bjotk Ed Damon Lucille Gustafson Jan Jackson
Merde Black Elsie Dangerfield Carde Hacker Laveme Jacobson
Darlene Blagdon Bob Doerpinghaus Joyce Hale Margery Jaycox
Adene Blevins Jean Made Doerpinghaus Beckey Hall Sue Jenson
Art Blevins HOward Doherty Jane Hall Elizabeth Johnson
Dods Bokamper Lois Draper Jean Hanify Gloda Johnson
Evie Bondelit Dorothy Duckett Fay Hannond Mary Johnson
Evelyn Bonny-Norris Nancy Dunder Isabel Hansen Hugh Jones
Marylou Borden Irene Durr Chet Hansen Judy Jones
Ted Borden Wayne Clarke Alice Hanslow Sylvia Jones
Carolyn Bower Myrel Eadywine Jerry Hanson Elsie Judd
Mudel Bmitback Phyllis Elliott Julia Harris Bobby Judd
Inez Brueckner Bob Fangen Tina Harris Rosetta King
Walt Brueckner Helen Feckley Imogene Hartman Dorothy Loftus
Edna Buell Patsey Feeley Tom Hawksworth Cookie Kalfor
Bob Burk Collen Feltz Pat Hawksworth Virginia Kanter
Madlyn Kays Eleanor Naddy Margaret Sadler Rosemary Taylor
Kate Keehner Ray Naddy Arvil Sanford Dee Taylor
Madlyn Keller Charles Nicholas Joan Sargent Ted Tedrow
Luana Kiger Hugh Norris Bob Savage Nancy Thalyn
Bob Konner Mable Norris Pat Schaefer Tommy Thompson
Cookie Konner Don Olson Madlyn Schmick Wilma Topper
Ressie Koontz Sheila Olson Bart)are Schnorr Liz Toth
Ellen Kuble Pauline Otaga Jeanne Schuman DorothyTouchy
Russ Kuebgi Sally Palmer Win Schuman Eleanor Tschimperle
Margaret Lane Marlis Panchyshyn Margaret Sedler Mike Scarano
Madeline Lang Walter Panchshyn Dorothy Sele David Shultz
Clare Laptheiu Lois Parda Betty Shafer C.J. Somer
Evan LaRue Esther Parker Bob Shafer Olga Sorensen
Pat Lassiter Evelyn Patterson Vivian Simpson Ray Sorensen
Peg Laurence Elaine Paulsen Marcelyn Sinclair -Larry UIIstrom
Dods Lee Hardet Pederson Hugh Sisk Jessia VanVender
Suzanne Leonard Nancy Pelky Ann Sistek Geneva VanVlett
Sam Little Belinda Pero Estella Skies Tod Vamer
Phyllis Louden Vince "Jim" Perrl Donald Smith Alice Virginia
Madan Lovell Jo Perzel Gerry Smith Ruth Vizzi
Millie Lyons Mike Perzel Joyce Smith Pete Vizzi
Margaret Macintosh Elma Peterson Paul Smith George Waddel
Dorothy Marshall Debby Petty Terry Smith -Bill Waddle
Howard Martin Vivian Pieratt Vivian Smith Marge Waddle
Bernice Mason Trudy Plaurde Don Spicer Bonnie Warren
Bunny Mason Wilma Poppe Herbert Spiegel Bill Wall
Grace Mattson Gwen Porterfield Natalie Spiegel Marge Welch
Shidey McCaslen Lee Porterfield ^lvena Spredlin Bob Wells
Joyce McDaniel DavaLene Powless John Spradlin Loma Wells
Marjode McDonald Nita Puffer Carolyn Sprague Deane Weyerman
Shad McDonald Liz Puro Lucille Spdnger Madlyn Wheeler
Nancy McKeown Ann Rains Larry Starr Madlyn Whidden
Kate McSweeney Phil Rains Ruth Stehman Elsie Whitney
Shannon McWintters Virgil Read George Stephens Roland Whitney
Dorothy Melly Dorothy Roberge Daisy Steding Don Wickersham
Mary Mentzer Lee Roberts Hilda Stewart Ruth Wickersham
Madan Mertz Beth Robison Nancy Still Patsy Williams
Emily Meyer Jerrie Robison Marv Stolley Harold Winters
Betty Moffett Jeanne Rolley Elaine Stone Velma Winters
Gene Moore Gertrud Rorhback June Streng Rachel Wishik
Judy Morgan Jim Rosand George Stevens Mary Wolfsong
Mary Morgenroth Ann Rose Mary Smelling George Woodruff
Kingsley Morrison Robert Rose Georgia Spencer Pat Woods
Naomi Mitchell Tody Saar John Summers Trudy Wright