HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet 02/17/1998 . . . Becky Upton NOTE: HEARING DEVICES AVAILABLE FOR TH( Clerk ~ ~ AGENDA PORT ANGELES CITY COUNCIL 321 EAST FIFTH STREET PORT ANGELES, W ASffiNGTON February 17, 1998 REGULAR MEETING - 5:30 p.m. ~ ~ I. CALL TO ORDER - Regular Meeting (5:30 p.m.) II. ROLL CALL III. ADJOURN TO EXECUTIVE SESSION IV. RETURN TO OPEN SESSION (6:00 p.m.) V. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE VI. APPROVAL OF MINUTES of February 3,1998 regular meeting and February 10, 1998 special meeting VII. FINANCE: 1 Flllal acceptance and payment for various sewer projects 2. Final acceptance of tree trimming contract 3. Final acceptance and payment for WWTP Outfall Diffuser 4. Final acceptance of Fire Hall project 5. Computer aided dispatch/records management software bids VIII. CONSENT: 1 Travel exceeding $750 - Finance Department 2 PayroIl- February 8,1998 - $365,083.14 3 Check list - February 13, 1998 - $654,778.14 A. Contractor payment #3, Golf Course Road Sewer (97-04) B. Contractor payment #4, Ediz Hook sewer project IX. CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: X. WORK SESSIONS XI. ITEMS FROM THE AUDIENCE/COUNCIL/STAFF TO BE CONSIDERED OR PLACED ON THIS AGENDA OR A FUTURE AGENDA (This is the opportunity for members of the public to request to speak to specific items on the agenda.) XII. LEGISLATION AND OTHER CONSIDERATIONS: 1. ORDINANCES NOT REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS: MA YOR TO DETERMINE TIME OF BREAK City Council Agenda February 17, 1998 Page 2 XII. LEGISLATION AND OTHER CONSIDERATIONS: . 2. RESOLUTIONS NOT REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS: A. Supporting celebration of Daishowa America's 10th Anniversary in Port Angeles B. Consolidating City employee awards and incentives into Customer Commitment Program 3. PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES/ACTION ITEMS: A. Planning Commission minutes - December 10, 1997 B. Planning Commission minutes - January 28, 1998 C. Planning Commission minutes - February 11, 1998 4. OTHER CONSIDERATIONS: A. Consideration of agreement with EES, Consulting, Inc., to perform Electrical Strategic Plan B. City Manager selectIOn process C. Report on electronic monitoring D. Appoint student member to Law Enforcement Advisory Board E. Consideration of interviews for City Boards and Commissions F. Removal of structure at Manne Drive and Hill Streets XIII. CEREMONIAL MA TTERS/PROCLAMA TIONS: XIV. PUBLIC HEARINGS (7:00 P.M.) . REZONE APPLICATION - REZ 98-01 - SKERBECK, Northwest corner of Laurel and Third Streets: Request to rezone two lots located in the RHD, Residential High Density zone, to CO, Commercial Office. XV. ADDITIONAL LATE ITEMS: XVI. ADJOURNMENT Public Hearinas Public hearings are set by the City Council In order to meet legal reqUirements pertaining to matters such as, land use permit applications, proposed amendments to City land use regulations, zoning changes, annexations In addition, the City CounCil may set a publiC hearing In order to receive public Input pnor to making deCISions which Impact the citizens Certain matters may be controversial, and the City CounCil may choose to seek public opinion through the public heanng process Public Heanna Procedure All comments must be made at the podium after the speaker first gives his/her name and address so that comments and speaker Identification become part of the record. The Mayor may Indicate the amount of time available for each hearing So that all persons have an opportunity to speak, the Mayor may limit the amount of time permitted each speaker In making your presentation to the CounCil, the follOWing format may be helpful PURPOSE What IS the idea you Wish to present? Begin with an "I statement" outlining your idea, such as, "I am here to (support/oppose) ." REASON' Why are you making this POint? This is an important step so the listener does not make assumptions about your motives EXAMPLE Bnef and relevant example to clanfy and make your pOint concrete SUMMARY What condition Will be changed or Improved If your point IS adopted? ACTION (If a ro nate, de endln on the situation What needs to be done and who will do It? CITY OF PORT ANGELES CITY COUNCIL MEETING February 17. 1998 CALL TO ORDER - . MEETING: II. ROLL CALL: I. 5 2/) n. 'WI. I I Members Present: Mayor Braun Councilman Campbell Councilman Doyle Councilman Hulett Councilmember McKeown Councilman Wiggins Councilman Williams ~ V V V' V / Staff Present: Manager Pomeranz Attorney Knutson Clerk Upton B. Becker S. Brodhun B. Collins K. Godbey S.Ilk J. Pittis v V V V' \/" V / v/ V Other Staff Present: ~,~ ~nJ ~ ./ III. ADJOURN TO EXECUTIVE SESSION: Reason -P~4ipg It-o.alMA.- Approximate Length: ' _===r:= 5SD.f'~ . IV. RETURN TO 0;: _ . €~ER- _ /.pas O.'th. r ~O.'M. ( v. VI. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Led by: ~1fA- ./:v.a.u ^ CITY OF PORT ANGELES CITY COUNCIL MEETING Attendance Roster ~ PLEASE SIGN IN DATE OF MEETING: February 17. 1998 LOCATION: City Council Chambers Please Note: IF I plan on testifying by signature below, I certify that my testimony is true and correct under penalty of perjury by the laws of the State of Washington. NAME: ADDRESS: I would like to testify on Agenda Rem No. L -A ft f{ y I1L !{/1 III ~ :530 k- ('Sf Su Ire. I !1~Z!J~/rc Jlez~?I-o ()J\LL ~~ d" ~~r '- - 1.-, \1 I, XI\L \I :. .. onliIiaDee I .::ll~ution~ .. City Manager CIty Atty. (1) Planmng City Clerk Deputy Clerk Personnel Cust. Svcs. Finance Drr./Mgr. Police Dept Fire Dept. Light Dept. Pub Works (2) Parks & Rec. MRSC (1) PDN (Swnmarv) Extra Copies (lJ'.~ (J ..... TOTAL City of Port Angeles Ordinance/Resolution Distribution List City Council Meeting of . 1/)~. 1'7 I q q g . 1<0./1 ~.Qq ~?". <1-Q~ \ '^" rf\ 0 n l"-.llA' 1IJ.. "1 11.11 ,..J..J.A.A / 7/n ^ J'1 l lJ"\A /J ;:'ti ~ 10 IV J/ / !) / JV :J/ ,/ /' JV 1/ J ,,/ .... . 1"'/ .~ (f) . . . CALL TO ORDER- SPECIAL MEETING: ROLL CALL: ADJOURN TO EXECUTIVE SESSION: RETURN TO OPEN SESSION: CALL TO ORDER- REGULAR MEETING: PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: APPROV AL OF MINUTES: CEREMONIAL MA TIERSI PROCLAMA nONS: A ward PresentatIon to CIty Employees FINANCE: Downtown Watermam CITY COUNCIL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington February 3, 1998 Mayor Braun called the special meeting of the Port Angeles CIty Council to order at 6.30 pm Members Present: Mayor Braun, Counctlmembers Campbell, Doyle, Hulett, McKeown, Wlggms, and Wilhams Members Absent: None. Staff Present. Manager Pomeranz, Attorney Knutson, Clerk Upton, B Becker, S Brodhun, B. Collms, K. Godbey, SIlk, J PltttS, B Coons, T. Smith, C. Hagar, 1. O'Neill, L Bryant, K Miller, R Crabb, G. Swayze, A. Brusseau, L Haehnlen, T McCabe, D LIttle, B Htll, D McGmley, K Money, J Hordyk, K Bogues, D McKeen, and C Bruneau Publtc Present. L. Lee, A. Holzschuh, and M Craver Mayor Braun adjourned the meetIng to ExecutIve SessIon at 6 30 p m to dISCUSS labor negotIatIons and real estate for apprm(lmately one-half hour The meetmg returned to open sessIOn at 7. 18 P m Mayor Braun called the regular meetmg of the Port Angeles CIty CounCIl to order at 7.22 pm The Pledge of AllegIance to the Flag was led by Leland Lee Councilman Doyle moved to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of January 20, 1998 and the special meeting of January 23, 1998. Councilman Hulett seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. Award PresentatIOn m RecogmtlOn of "0-1" Day Sick Leave Usage m 1997 by City Employees CIty Manager Pomeranz stated 23 employees had used zero to one day of sick leave m 1997. He pfalsed therr dependability, read off each name and presented each WIth Superior Performance Award checks for $100 Change Order for Downtown Watermam Project (Laurel Street Fountam) Mayor Braun reVIewed the mformatlOn provided by the Pubhc Works Department Public - I - 0.J1 CITY COUNCIL MEETING February 3, 1998 FINANCE: (Cont'd) Downtown Watermain (Cont'd) CONSENT AGENDA: ITEMS FROM THE AUDlENCE/COUNCIU STAFF TO BE CONSIDERED OR PLACED ON THIS OR A FUTURE AGENDA: PUBLIC HEARINGS: Capital F acihtles Plan Resolution No. 1-98 Wor1es Drrector Plttts stated ArIa Holzschuh of the Port Angeles Downtown Association (P ADA) was present to address the Council regarding the change order, and . Counctlmember McKeown wished to comment regarding the Downtown Forward Advtsory Conumttee's approval of the reconunended change Drrector PlttiS explained this project will convert the Conrad Dyer Memorial F ountam area from a pedestrian/vemcle usage to that of a pedestrian orientatlon. ArIa Holzschuh, Executlve Drrector of the Downtown AsSOCiation, 105\12 East Frrst Street, adVIsed the Council that pnvate mvestment in downtown bUlldmgs for the months of October through December, 1997, was $487,500. She felt tills to be exceptIOnal, as well as proof of a pubhclpnvate partnership investment in the downtown area Ms. Holzschuh then read aloud a letter from the J30ard ofDrrectors m support of the change to the fountam area downtown Drrector PltttS explained that staff IS attemptmg to reach the famlly of Conrad Dyer to mform them of the changes to be made, however, he was satisfied that everyone Will be comfortable with the proposed changes DiSCUSSion followed, and Drrector PlttiS responded to questions, proVided clartficatton regardmg fimdmg, and gave a brief explanation as to the specific changes which Will occur on the fountam SIte Councilman Doyle asked if staff was comfortable m handhng tills via a change order, and Drrector Pittts rephed affirmattvely and explamed why Councilman WIggms was concerned over skateboarders usmg the area Drrector PltttS mdlcated tills posslblhty had been diSCUSsed WIth the architect Unfortunately, It IS difficult to build somethmg to discourage skateboarders at the detrlment of the other members of the pubhc Councilman Hulett moved to approve the contract change order and the additional ten contract days. Councilmember McKeown seconded the motion, which carried unanimous I)'. Councilmember McKeown moved to accept the Consent Agenda, including: I) Out of State travel - Chief ofPohce, 2) Out of State Travel - Frre Department Medical Officer to Emmltsburg, Maryland, 3) Out of State Travel - Power Manager to attend deregulated rates schoo14) Payroll - January 25, 1998 - $371,143 88, 5) Check hst - January 30, 1998 - $1,108,451 41, 5a) Progress payment #2 - Golf Course Road Sewer, 5b) Progress payment #10- Library Project Councilman Campbell seconded the motion. Followmg diSCUSSIon and clanficatton, a vote was taken on the motion, which carried unanimously. . Councllmember McKeown asked to diSCUSS the Dalshowa Anniversary party and to give a report on the Manne Lab AdVISOry Commtttee Counctlman WIggms remmded everyone that there IS a meetmg Saturday, February 7, 1998, at I 30 P m In the CounCil Chambers regardmg the Elwha 1. AdoptIOn oj 1998-2003 Copllol Foci/Illes Pion Mayor Braun reviewed the mformatton proVided by the Pubhc Works Department At Manager Pomeranz's request, Bob Titus, Deputy Drrector ofUtihty Services, and Drrector PltttS gave a bnef demonstratton of the new auwo Visual eqUIpment Mr Titus then gave a presentatton on the Capital Faclhttes Plan (CFP), explammg what . the CFP encompasses and why it is requrred. He explamed the requrrements of the CFP, reviewed the types of projects covered, how they will be funded, and total cost Mayor Braun opened the public hearmg at 8:05 p m There was no pubhc testimony, and - 2 - nil? . . . . " ,,~ '- CITY COUNCIL MEETING February 3, 1998 '~,' PUBLIC HEARINGS: (Cont'd) Mayor Braun closed the publIc hearing at 8:05 p.m. and read the ResolutIon by title, entitled Capital FacilItIes Plan Resolution No. 1-98 (Cont'd) RESOLUTION NO. ~ A RESOLUTION of the City Council of Port Angeles, Washington, approving the 1998-2003 Capital FacilIties Plan Councilman Doyle moved to pass the Resolution as read by title. Councilman CampbeU seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. Murnclpal Code Amendment Ordinance No. 2979 2. MUnicIpal Code Amendment - MCA 97-03 - City of Port Angeles- EnVIronmentally Sensitive Areas (ESA): amendment of the City's EnVIronmentally Sensitive Areas (ESA) Ordmance, to further define what areas are classified as ESAs and how applicatIOns are processed (Contmued from January 20, J 998) Mayor Braun reviewed the information provided by the Planmng Department Planmng Director Collms referred to Page 2 of the Ordinance (page 65 of the packet), Subsection B, the words "and steep slopes" should be deleted and, on Page 3 of the Ordmance, Subsectton IS 20020, lme two, the words "steep slopes" should be deleted He descnbed the other changes m the Ordmance and explained why the changes were necessary Director Collms explamed that the changes mitIally came from an ad hoc committee composed of the followmg Jay Peterson, Steve ZenOVIC, Nancy McHenry, Pete Schroeder, Martie Lucas, and Cmdy Souders Mr Collms praised their efforts on behalf of the City and responded to questions posed by the Council and offered clanficatlOn on several pomts Mayor Braun opened the public heanng 8 25 p m Mary Craver, 3002 Maple Street, representtng the Planmng ComrrusslOn, offered to answer any questions the COlmcd mtght have regarding this Ordmance She felt the Ordmance was made as lmderstandable as pOSSible for the general publIc, and the committee had worked very hard to develop an ordmance the cItIZens could lIve With She pOinted out that the ordmance did contam a course of appeals to proVide recourse for CitIZens who have a problem With compliance Ms Craver did not feel tills document was too restnctive, however, some future actions such as the EnVironmental Protection Act and Clean Water Act Will likely prove to be much more restnctlve Ms Craver asked If there was a way to get tills mformation out to the publIc so people would not be surpnsed when they applied for perrrnts, only to learn there were new regulatIOns Mayor Braun explamed that ordmances were published under legal notices Ms Craver stated the City should work together With Its reSidents to make them aware of what changes are gomg to occur, rather than lookmg like a villam when It'S time to enforce these new regulations Manager Pomeranz suggested an article m the newsletter and the publicatIOn of adopted ordmances on the Web Page, to wluch the CounCil agreed There was no further public testimony, and Mayor Braun closed the public heanng at 8 35 P m. and read the Ordmance by title, entItled ORDINANCE NO 2979 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washmgton, amendmg Ordinance 2656, as amended, and Chapter 15 20 of the Port Angeles MuniCipal Code by revlsmg the City'S regulations regardmg development m envlfonmentally sensitive areas. - 3 - 003 CITY COUNCIL MEETING February 3, 1998 PUBLIC HEARINGS: (Cont'd) Mumclpal Code Amendment Ordinance No. 2979 (Cont'd) LEGISLATION: Lodgmg Tax Increase Ordinance No. 2980 CmIDcilman Campbell felt this Ordinance was an improvement over the eXistIng docwnent, and he praised the efforts of all those involved in drafting this Ordinance. Councilman . CampbeU moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title, incorporating the corrections noted by the Planning Director and citing the Findings and Conclusions as set forth in Section 15.20.010. Councilman Hulett seconded the motion. DiscUSSlon followed, and COlUlCilman Williams noted that this Ordmance had been brought to the real estate commumty and, as no one appeared this evening to address this Issue, he felt they must concur with the changes. Manager Pomeranz noted that these changes were lDlUated by a Citizen, Jay Peterson, and with the asSiStance of others, an excellent job was done A vote was taken on the motion, which carried unanimously. J. Ordmances Not Requinng Public Heanngs A. Increasmg Lodgmg Tax by an AdditIOnal 2% Mayor Braun reViewed the mformation provided by the Pubhc Works Department and asked TIm Snuth, Contracts and Projects Adnurnstrator, for fwther mput Mr Snuth, staff assistant to this proJect, mtroduced, Bob Harbick and Councllmembers Campbell and WIggms as members of the Lodgmg Tax AdVISOry Comnuttee He stated the AdVISOry CommIttee had worked very hard on decldmg whether to Implement an additIOnal 2% lodgmg tax The comnuttee had agreed that, 1f the additional tax IS approved, a large portIon of the funds should be dIrected toward a three to five year marketmg program Mr SmIth then descnbed the Request for Proposals for the tounsm marketIng program Mr Snuth stated that the comnuttee was unanImOUS 10 its recommendation to go forward With the 2% tax mcrease If the CounCil approves the mcrease, staff will notifY the Washmgton State Department of Revenue, and the mcrease would be effective Apnl 1, . 1998 The request for proposals would then be released CounCilman Campbell stated additional comnuttee work was necessary for a few unresolved Issues, but he felt the RFP did reflect the goals the committee hopes to achieve Councilman Campbell felt trust and cooperation were bemg developed With the lodgmg mdustry, and he credited Bob Harblck, John Platt, and Dick Vogel With thiS achievement He urged the Council to approve the 2% lodgmg tax mcrease and the recommendations of the Lodgmg Tax AdVISOry Comnuttee F ollowmg bnef diSCUSSion and clarIficatIOn, Mayor Braun read the Ordmance by title, entitled ORDINANCE NO 2980 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washmgton, mcreasmg the lodgmg excise tax from two to four percent and amendmg Ordmance 1847 as amended and Chapter 3 48 of the Port Angeles Mumclpal Code [Clerk's Note Subsequent to the Council meetmg, It was discovered there was a clencal error m referencmg Ordmance 1847 for amendment The correct Ordmance to be amended is No 1854) Councilman CampbeU moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title. Councilman Wiggins seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. Bob Harblck, 1006 S Lmcoln Street, member of the Lodgmg Tax Advisory Committee, stated the City Council and comnuttee must stay focused on the pnmary reason for addmg the tax, which IS to bnng more people into town Port Angeles must be promoted and marketed, and the money must be used for this purpose . 004 - 4 - . . . LEGISLATION: (Cont'd) Council Meetmg Tlmes ReVIsed Ordinance No. 2981 Revlsmg Council Rules of Procedure Resolution No. 2-98 Break :ll ~I~' - l'''t"' . .,,:Ie .; d ;-J ~ CITY COUNCaMEETING February 3, 1998 2. Revzsmg the Time for Begmnmg Council Meetmgs from 7:00p.m. to 5: 30 p.m. Mayor BraWl reVIewed the Information provided by the CIty Attorney Attorney Knutson explamed the agenda set forth m the Resolution. Councilman Doyle felt that Items from the Audience should be moved to before the Public Heanngs for the convemence of the CItizens DISCUSSion ensued regarding Order of Business Attorney Knutson suggested another Item be added to the agenda entitled "AdditIOnal Late Items", glVmg people two occasions to address the Council. Further discussIOn ensued, and Mayor Braun read the Ordinance by title, entitled ORDINANCE NO. 2981 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, revismg the time for beginning Council meetings from 7 00 p.m to 5:30 p.m. and amending Ordinance 2230 as amended and Chapter 204 of the Port Angeles MunI- cipal Code Councilman Wiggins moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title. Councilmember McKeown seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. 2 ResolutIOns Not ReqUiring Public Hearmgs A Revlsmg Council Rules of Procedure to Provide for Committee Reports and Change the Order of Public Hearmgs on the Agenda Mayor BraWl read the ResolutIon by tItle, entItled RESOLUTION NO 2-98 A RESOLUTION of the City Council of Port Angeles, Washmgton, revlsmg the Council's Rules of Procedure by changmg the Order of Busmess and amendmg ResolutIOn No 13-86, as amended Councilmember McKeown moved pass the Resolution as read by title. Councilman CampbeU sec:onded the motion. COWlcilman Hulett remmded the Council that Attorney Knutson had suggested adding an Item entItled "AdditIOnal Late Items" Councilmember McKeown, therefore, agreed to include adding an additional item entitled, "Additional Late Items" prior to Adjournment. Councilman Campbell, as seconder of the motion, agreed to the addition. Followmg bnef diSCUSSion and clanficatlOn, a vote was taken on the motion, which carried unanimously. Mayor BraWl recessed the meetmg for a break at 9 03 p.m The meetmg reconvened at 9 16 p m 3. Planmng CommiSSIOn Mmutes/ActlOn Items None 4. Other ConsideratIOns Mayor BraWl annoWlced that he was movmg Item C up on the agenda, as Ed Hansen was present and Wished to speak to the Issue - 5 - 005 CITY COUNCn.. MEETING February 3, 1998 LEGISLATION: (Cont'd) Contract with Chamber of Commerce 1998 Goals and ObjectIves Umted Way Agreement Hwnane SocIety Contract A. Contract with Chamber a/Commerce Attorney Knutson explained that the Chamber of Commerce had $1,500 remaining unspent from Its 1997 allocatIOn, and Mr. Hansen wished to inform the Council how the Chamber hoped to spend the funds . Erl Hansen, Executive Drrector of the Port Angeles Chamber of Commerce, 121 East Railroad Street, adVIsed the Council of an upcoming sport show in Seattle, February 4 - 8, 1998 Hundreds of thousands of people attend this event, and the Chamber of Commerce will share booths with the ViSItor and ConventIon Bureau The Chamber's T ouost PromotIon Committee deVIsed a card listmg specIal events takmg place on the OlympIC PemnsuIa which can be distributed at the Sports Show Mr. Hansen requested the Council's permtsslon to utilize the $1,500 from the 1997 allocatIon to pay for pnntmg costs ofthts hand out Mr Hansen then exhibited the dIsplay that WIll be used at the Sports Show, whIch states Port Angeles was named "Best Outdoor Sports Town" m Washmgton State by Sports Afield. Mr. Hansen stated packages have been assembled for drawmgs, whIch he proceeded to describe. He explamed that everyone who enters the drawmgs WIll receIve a follow-up letter offering a discount package to those who WIsh to come to Port Angeles Mr Hansen dtstnbuted copIes of the new Port Angeles CIty map to each CounCIl member Attorney Knutson noted that the Lodgmg Tax AdVISOry Commtttee has revIewed tills request and recommends the Council's approval Councilmember McKeown moved to approve the special contract with the Chamber of Commerce, authorizing the expenditure of the remaining funds from the Chamber's 1997 aUocation as indicated. Councilman Hulett seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. B 1998 Goals and Objectives for the City of Port Angeles . Manager Pomeranz renunded the CoWlcil that a vanety of Ideas had been presented durmg the recent goal settmg sessIOn held at Pemnsula College Directors Collms and Godbey worked together to sort the mformatIon by goal and a packet demonstratmg a breakdown of the vanous goals had been dlstnbuted to each CounCil member pnor to tomght's meetmg Manager Pomeranz offered to have DIrectors Collms and Godbey revIew each of the goal statements and the mformatJon pertammg to each He stated no deCISIOns would be made thIS evenmg, however, CounCil wlll be asked to review the mformatlOn agam at It'S leIsure A second goal settmg sessIOn Will be set, at whtch time the goals Will be refined, objectives developed, and pnontIes set It was the consensus of the Council that a presentation was not necessary at thIS pomt, as all the mformatlOn IS contained m the packet, and a revIew Will be held at the next goal settmg sessIon A workshop was scheduled for Tuesday, February 10, 1998, at 12 Noon, location to be determmed c. Agreement with Umted Way - AdmimstratlOn of City 's 1998 Human Services Funds Mayor Braun revIewed the mformation provided by the CIty Clerk Councilman Doyle moved to approve and authorize the Mayor to sign the contract with United Way for the administration of the City's 1998 Human Services funds. Councilman CampbeU seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. D. Amendmg the Humane Society contract for 1998 . Mayor Braun revIewed the mformatIon provided by the Pohce Department. DISCUSSIon - 6 - 006 . . . LEGISLATION: (Cont'd) Hwnane Society Contract (Cont'd) Heckman Purchase Optlon City'S Posltlon on LegislatIOn AnnexatIOn Planmng Dalshowa Anniversary Manne Lab ADJOURNMENT: CITY COUNCIL MEETING February 3, 1998 followed, and Pohce Chief llk offered clarification and responded to questions posed by the Council Councilman Doyle moved to amend the 1998 contract amount increase with the Humane Society to reflect the 1996 funding level of $39,900. Councilman CampbeU seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. E. ExtensIOn of Heckman Purchase Option Mayor Braun reviewed the mformation proVIded by the Public Works Department. Councilman Doyle gave a brief review of the issue and moved to authorize the Mayor to sign an agreement to extend the option to purchase the subject Heckman property for a term of six months at $20,000. Councilman CampbeU seconded the motion. After bnef diSCUSSIOn, a vote was taken on the motion, which carried unanimously. F. City of Port Angeles' POSitIOn on Legislation Director Pltt!s distnbuted updated copies of staff's recommendatlons for the City'S posltlon on leglslal1ve ISSUes Manager Pomeranz explained that legtslatlon changes rapidly, hence thiS update Staff has discovered that it IS useful to have a City posltlon m hand when VIsiling With the legislators regardmg Issues under consideral1on Port Angeles IS the only City m the State to take such 1Illuauve and, m most cases, the City'S pOSitIOn corresponds With the A WC' s posll1on Discussion followed, and staff responded to questlons posed by the CounCil G Annexation Planmng Manager Pomeranz mqurred of the CounCil as to whether It would like to appomt a comnuttee of CounCil members to work With staff m revlewmg the annexauon plan, or If It would rather have the enme CounCil attend a workshop on the docwnent Councilman Williams, havmg exammed the annexation planmng docwnent, felt all of the Council should be mvolved Mayor Braun concurred Manager Pomeranz suggested staff coordmate With the consultant and hold a special meeling regardmg thiS Issue The meeting date will be announced H. Dmshowa Anmversary Councllmember McKeown announced that the City of Port Angeles, m partnership With Pemnsula D81lv New and Soroptlffilst - Jet Set, will hold a tenth anniversary party for Dmshowa on February 23, 1998, at 700 p.m, in the Vern Burton Memonal Community Center She hoped to see all of the CounCil members at this event I Manne Lab Report Councllmember McKeown deferred this Item to the next meetmg Mayor Braun remmded everyone that Saturday, at 1.30 p.m , there will be a town meetmg With Senator Slade Gorton The meetmg was adjourned at 9 55 P m Becky J Upton, City Clerk Gary Braun, Mayor - 7 - 007 . . . 008 . . . CALL TO ORDER- SPECIAL MEETING: ROLL CALL: Goals and Objectives for 1998-99 ADJOURNMENT: CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington February 10, 1998 Mayor BraWl called the special meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at I '00 p.rn., upon completion of IWlCh that started at 12 :00 Noon. This special meeting was held to continue work on the City'S 1998-99 goals and objecuves: Members Present: Mayor Braun, Councilmembers Campbell, Doyle, Hulett, McKeown, Wiggins, and Williams Members Absent. None Staff Present. Manager Pomeranz, B Collms, and K Godbey Publ1c Present. 1. Leonard, P. Schroeder, P. Ripley, M Dawson, E Kim, and M Rupprecht Goals and ObJectlves for J 998-99: Fmance Director Godbey made a presentatIOn to the Council on the chOices and pnonues relatIVe to the 1998-99 goals and objectIVes The COWlcII then opened diSCUSSion for pubhc mput The Council contmued diSCUSSIOn on the pnonuzauon and subsequently agreed that the goals and objectIves, as reVised, should be set forth m an acceptable format for dlstnbuuon The meeting was adjourned at approXImately 3 10 p.m Becky J Upton, City Clerk Gary Braun, Mayor 003 - I - o~.) . . . rjI'ORT""" ~ UhtIi'" L~ .~~ "Maintaining and building a better community" J8Ck Ptttis Director {4801} Phyllis Ras/er Administrative Assistant {4800} Ca/e Rinehart AdmInistrative Assistant {4700} Bob Titus Deputy Director {4701} Ken Ridout Deputy Director {4802} Gary Kenwotfhy City Engineer {4803} Steve Hursh Englneenng Manager {4702} Tim Smith ~tr&ct & PfOJ9Ct W".onlstrator {4804} Lou Haehn/en Sr Sulld1ng Inspector {4816} Tom Sper/me Sr Electncallnspector {473SJ Scott McLam Pawer Manager {4703J Ralph ElIsworttJ Wa/er, Wastewater CoIlectton Supanntend9nt {48SSJ PeI9 Surrett Equip SelVices SUperintendent {483SJ Mat* Shamp . Light Operations Manager {4731J KeVIn Curtis Tf98t Plant SupaN/sor {484S} Tom McCabe SW Collection SUpervisor (4876J Steve Evans .ndf/II SUpervisor 73J Dave Wilcox Street Mamtenance SUpervisor {482S} - ,..- MEMORANDUM /, DATE: February 6, 1998 TO: CITY MANAGER, MAYOR BRAUN AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: JACK PITTIS, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS RE: Final Acceptance- Various Wastewater Main Replacements- Project 97-04 SUMMARY and RECOMMENDATlON:.The construction of the Various Wastewater Main Replacements Project 97-04 has been inspected and accepted as complete. The Public Works Department recommends that the City Council accept the project, authorize final payment, and release the total retainage in the amount of $9,467.38 upon the receipt of clearances from the Department of Revenue and Labor and Industries. ISSUE: Should the City Council accept the Various Wastewater Main Replacement Project 97-04, authOrize final payment, and release the retainage? BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS: The Various Wastewater Mains in Forest and Olympus Avenue, First/Front Alley East of Oak Street, 3/4 Alley West of Pine Street, and the 11/12 Alley East of Lincoln Street were failing and restricting the flow of wastewater. This project replaced the old defective concrete pipes with new Polyethylene pipes. The contract amount of the project was $190,061.50(not including sales tax). Two change orders were Issued for a net Increase In the contract amount of $1300.00. The final cost, not including tax, was $189,347.50. The Z:i~ wel~su't of net quantity reductions on the project. Gary W. KElnworthy ~ ~ City Engineer GWKgk Attachments Final Payment Req . Acceptance. CCO #2 Copy. Finance Loc N \PROJECTS\97-04VAR\PROJMGT\PAYMENTS\CCFNLPMT GWK File 97-0414 011 . CERTIFICATION OF WORK COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE PROJECT: Various Sewer Main Replacements PROJECT NO.: 97-04 All work on the above referenced project has been completed in accordance with the contract documents and the final inspection and the warranty provision included therein or relating thereto. The final estimate has been reviewed and is in agreement with our records City Council acceptance and final payment, including retained percentages, is hereby respectfully requested. Strider Construction Company Inc Contractor. hereby releases the City of Port Angeles, Washington, from any and all liens arising out of this Contract or is, herewith, providing a bond covering all unpaid obligations for work, materials, equipment or any other liens outstanding on this Contract. . CONTRACTOR Strider Construction Company Inc. ADDRESS. 2430 East Bakervlew Road Bellingham, WA 98226 N \PROJECTS\97-04VAR\PROJ AUTHORIZED OFFIC PW-402_03 [11/93] . 04") ,j" 101 CITY OF PORT ANGELES. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM "MAINTAINING AND BUILDING A BEITER COMMUNITY" February 6, 1998 TO: Kay Godbey, Finance Director FROM: Jack Pittis, Public Works Director RE' Wastewater Main Replacement- Project #97-04( Payment #2 Final) CONTRACT TIllS PAY REQUEST PREVIOUS PAYMENTS TOTAL WORK TO DATE Contractor Pa'mlents Authonzed to Date $190,061 50 On mal Contract Amount Chan e Orders to Date (2) Subtotal $20,080.20 $1,586.34 $\,00401 $169,26730 $13,372 12 $8,463 37 $189,347.50 $14,95846 $9,467.38 $194,838 58 Sales Tax (7 9% of subtotal) LESS Retama e (5% of subtotal) Prolect Com lel10n 98 95% DISBURSEMENT SUMMARY (Account No US-7511-9704-4150) CONTRACTOR . Strider ConstructjoD Co. lne. 2430 BakeTVlew Rd Bellm am, W A 98226 $20,662.53 RET A1NAGE Key Bank of Washington 1200 12th Street Bellm am, W A 98225 Escrow #473544002115 $1,004.01 TOTAL DISBURSEMENT FOR TIllS PAYMENT $21,666.54 CHANGE ORDER COMMENTS Chan e Order No 2 deletmg sod lacement attached .PREPAREDBY ;l,~/{ CItY Engmeer \ PW.178 'Rev 11/931 --: -;PROVEDBY SJ2Qt; Drrectorof Pu'?hc Works I ) ~ 013 v STRIDER CONSTRUCTION CO., INC 2430 E. Bakerview Road Bellingham, W A 98226 (360) 676-5094 FAX (360) 734-5309 . SCI Job#: PS Invoice Date: 10/30/97 To: Ron Johnson City of Port Angeles P. O. Box 1150 Port Angeles. W A 98362 PROJECT TITLE: Port Angeles Various Sewer Mains CONTRACT NO.: 97-04 ESTIMATE NO.: 2 PHONE FAX (360) 417-4806 (360) 417-4609 REPORT PERIOD: FINAL Original Contract Amount $ 190,061.50 Amount of Approved Change Orders $ 0.00 Total Estimated Contract Amount: $ 190,061.50 Work Completed Previous Amount Amount This Estimate Total Amount Change Orders ~ "'2--- SO.OO S 0.00 $ 189.847.50 -;"",:)'";;) ---t- $ -0.90 ~ . Base Contract $ 189.847.50 SI69.267.30 S 20,580.20 Extra Work $0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 Materials on Hand Gross BIIltng $0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 .~ S 29;58tr.21T ""2... J ~ ". ......... Sales Tax ( 7.9 % of gross billing) $~ J 'Jl,. ., 'f )r- Subtotal (gross bIlling - sales tax) $~ ~ Retamage ( 5 % of gross billing) ($ J o.,~) $ 2U-77.8:l I 0,;) 't../ Net Amount (subtotal - retamage) ~ ~ ) (,...,;l. )'"'3 Payments ReceIved as of 10/30/97 Still Owmg From PrevIous Billings AdJustment* $ 0.00 TOT AL AMOUNT DUE THIS ESTIMATE: $~ '). "'''J "';' I~-l.'> ~ 1"'- We hereby represent that the above is a true estimate of the work completed under the above contract to date. /"/ . By:'J)~"'.J ~ TItle: Project Manager Date: 10/30/97 * EXPLANATION A IT ACHED . 1)"1 1 ~ ':t CITY OF PORT ANGELES PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER NO. 2 SHEET ---1- OF PrOject Name Vanous Sewer Main Reolacements DATE. 1-29-98 Contractor Strider Construction Comoany Inc Project No 97-04 LID No. State/Fed. Aid No. DESCRIPTION OF WORK You are ordered to perform the following descnbed work upon receipt of an approved copy of thiS Change Order: As described In the attached DCVR #3. Such work will be compensated by: [ ] Increase or [ ] Decrease In bId items; [ ] Force Account; [ X ] Negotiated Pnce. The described work affects the eXisting contract items and/or adds and/or deletes bid items as follows' Item No Descnptlon -Net $ Cost delete sod replacement DCVR # 3 Ong Rev Ong Rev. Ong. Rev Ong Rev Unit -$ Cost Per Unit -$ Cost LS . . I EST CONTRACT . ORIGINAL . CURRENT . EST NET CHANGE TOTAL CHANGE ORDERS CONTRACT CONTRACT THIS CHANGE ORDER INCLUDING THIS ONE AFTER THIS CHANGE ORDER - $ 205.076 40 $ 205.076 40 $ (500 00l $ (500 OOl $ 204.576 40 DAYS 60 DAYS 60 DAYS 0 DAYS 0 DAYS 60 . Sales Tax Not Included All worK matenals and measurements to be In accordance with the prOVISions of the onglnal contract and/or the standard specrficatlons and speCial prOVISions for the type of construction Involved. The payments and/or additional time specrfied and agreed to In thiS order Include every claim by the Contractor for any extra payment or extension of time with respect to the work descnbecl herein. including delays to the overall project. APPROVED BY: SIGNAllJRE: DATE: PROJECT ENGR /CITY ENGINEER "L 2. ARCHITECTIENGINEER CONTRACTOR . PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR CITY MANAGER CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL DATE ~. ..~~ -" . PW-404_04 (10/95] ) ~ - t 1,.) Jack PtttJs Director {4801] Phyllis Rasler Admmlstratlve Assistant {4805] Cate Rmehart Admmlstratlve Assistant {4700] Bob Titus Deputy Director {4701] Ken Ridout Deputy Director {4802] Gal}' Kenworthy City Engmeer {4803] Steve Hursh Engmeenng Manager {4702] Tim Smith Contract & Project .mmlstrator {4804] u Haehnlen Sr BUlldmg Inspector {4816] Tom Sperlme Sr Electncallnspector {4735] Scott McLam Power Manager (4703] Ralph Ellsworth Water, Wastewater Collection Supenntendent (4855) Pete Burrett EqUip Services Supenntendent {4835] Marl<. Shamp Light Operations . Manager {4731] Kevm CurtiS Treat Plant Supervisor {4845] Tom McCabe SW Collection Supervisor (4876] Steve Evans Landfill SupelVlsor .873] MEMORANDUM :? DATE: February 19, 1998 TO: City Manager Pomeranz, Mayor Braun and Council Members Jack Pittis, Director of Public Works ~./ Completion of Tree Trimming Contr~97-1 FROM: SUBJECT: SUMMARY and RECOMMENDATION: On December 16, 1997 the City Council authorized the Public Works Director to sign a contract with Asplundh Tree Expert Company to trim trees away from our overhead powerlines. The Public Works and Utilities Department recommends the City Council authorize the completion of Contract CL97-1 with Asplundh Tree Expert Company for tree trimming services and authorize the retainage payment of $1,463.88. The retainage payment will not be made until we receive releases from the Washington State Department of Revenue and the Washington State Department of Labor and Industries. ISSUE: Should the City Council authorize the completion of Contract CL97-1 with Asplundh Tree Expert Company? BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS: On December 11, 1997 we opened proposals for hiring a tree trimming crew with equipment to trim trees away from our energized overhead powerlines. The only proposal we received was from Asplundh Tree Expert Company. It is likely the local contractors could not comply with the Washington State safety regulations and the other contractors had their crews committed to other areas. On December 19, 1997 the City signed a tree trimming services contract with Asplundh Tree Expert Company; with the contract amount not to exceed $30,000. Asplundh finished trimming the trees in our "problem areas" and they completed approximately 40 percent of the tree tnmming along our distribution system. We are planning to complete the remaining tree trimming with our own crews. COST SUMMARY Mobilization Cost Sales Tax Progress Payments Retainage Total Contract Amount $ 1,140.00 $ 94.80 $26,673.72 $ 1,463.88 $29,372.39 Prepared by: ~j ~ ~ Steve Hursh Electrical Engineering Manager Ul7 ') 1 '\:'l I .L U . . . "Maintaining and building a better community" Jack PIlt/s Dlrector[4801J Phyllis Raster Administrative Assistant [4800J Cate Rinehart Administrative Assistant [47ooJ Bob TItus Deputy Director [4701J Ken Ridout Deputy Director [4802J Gary KenWOl1hy City Engmeer [4803J Ste1/9 Hursh Engmeenng Manager {4702J Tim Smith A<:nlnlct & Project wa'"'nlstrator {4804J Lou Haehnten Sr BUilding Inspector [4816J Tom Sperlme Sr E/ectncallnspector {4735] Scott MeLam Power Manager (4703J Ralph ElIsWOI1h Water. Wastewater CoI/ect1Oll Supenntendent{4855J Pete Burrell Equip SefVlC6s Supenntendent {4835J Marl< Shamp Light OperatlOfls Manager [4731J KeVIn Curtis Treat Plant Supervrsor {4845J Tom McCabe SW CoI/ect1Oll SUpeMsor (4876J Ste1/9 Evans J8t~::cm1l SuperVIsor ...... 73J Da1/9 Wilcox SITget Maintenance Supervrsor(4825J -- MEMORANDUM DATE: FEBRUARY 12, 1998 FROM: JACK PITTIS, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS TO: CITY MANAGER, MAYOR BRAUN AND CITY CO RE: FINAL PAYMENT AND ACCEPTANCE; WAS PLANT OUTFALL DIFFUSER- PROJECT 95-09 SUMMARY and RECOMMENDATION:.The construction of the Wastewater Treatment Plant Outfall Diffuser- ~roject 95-09 has been inspected and accepted as complete. The Public Works Department recommends that the City Council accept the project, authorize final payment, and release the retainage bond upon the receipt of clearances from the Department of Revenue and Labor and Industries. ISSUE: Should the City Council accept the Wastewater Treatment Plant Outfall Diffuser- Project 95-09, authOrize final payment, and release the retainage bond? BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS: This project replaced the failing marine outfall diffuser for the wastewater treatment plant. The contract amount of the project was $444,000.00 (not including sales tax). Two change orders were issued for a net increase in the contract amount of $65,113.00 to a total contract amount of $509,113.00. Change order no. 2, in the amount of $62,650.00 was for the recently completed City Pier dredging. The final cost, not Including tax, was $496,613. The cost reductions were a result of net quantity reductions on the proJect. ,. ~~~ Gary W. K worth~ City Engineer GWK gk Attachments Final Payment Req . Acceptance Copy' Finance Loc'N \PROJECTS\95-090F\CCFNLPMT GWK File 95-0914 0:3 CITY OF PORT ANGELES - PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM . ':\WNTAINING AND BUlWING A BEITER COMMUNITY" February 12, 1998 TO' Kay Godbey, Finance Director FROM. Jack Pittis, Public Works Director RE: Wastewater Treatment Plant Outfall Diffuser-Project #95-09.14 (payment #4, Final) CONTRACT THIS PAY REQUEST PREVIOUS PAYMENTS TOTAL WORK TO DATE Pr01ect Comolel1on (%) $444.000 00 On al Contract Amount Chan e Orders to Date (2) Sales Tax (7 9% of subtotal) $62,650 00 $4,949 35 $0.00 $433,96300 $34,283 08 $0.00 $496,613 00 $39,23243 $0.00 $535,84543 Subtotal LESS Retama e (5 %. Bond Provided) Contractor Pavrnents Authonzed to Date 100% DISBURSEMENT SUMMARY (Account No US7501-9624-4IS0) CONTRACTOR General Construction Company PO Bo,24506 Seaule, W A 98124-0506 $67,S99 35 RET AINAGE 5% ($23,953 80) Retama",e Bond Provided I TOTAL DISBURSEMENT FOR THIS PAYMENT $0.00 $67.599 35 CHANGE ORDER COMl'v1ENTS This avrnent covers chan e order no PREPARED BY lL "\ \..-- . City Engmeerl Jl~-;;;ROVEDBY ~~~1fu- - Dlrector~fPubhc Works --) . N \PROJECTS'95-090fIP A Y04 OWK File 95-09 14 u:: 0 . S~. . -- j - _____ I I I _ __ _ L _ I I _1_- --- T PAY ESTIMATE FOR THE MONTH OF JANUARY 1998 >----- -- I - -- IT I - T -- I -- ! --- I -- - - -~- - - -.--- ---- - --- - -- CITY OF PORT ANGLES ---~-- - - - - --- -- -- - __ WASTEWATER TREATMENT PlANT OUTFALL DIFFUSER --- - -- -- - --------------- -- PROJECT NUMBER 95-09 ---- - -- ---- -- GENERAL CONSTRUCTION PROJECT' 6539 ----- --- ---~ - ---- CONTRACT ---- - BID UNIT TOTAL ,. COMPLETE PAY ~-- - --- ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE BID TO DATE ESTIMATE ---- - 1 MoblilJlUon/DemotII11ratIon $ -- - 1 lS. $ 41000.00 100% 41 000 00 -- - -- -- outfall Diffuaer 1 L.S I S 379,500 00 S 379500 00 - -- - 2 100% - ---~ - - - -- Demo RIIera & Manhole S 11.000 00 -- - 3 1 lS 1~ $ 1100000 - -- n___ -- -- -- -- 0YertxcavalI0n and Backfill 50 CY $ 250 00 S 12.500.00 $ ----. -- 4 QllL - I- S latanae 0rdlIr, 1 ---. - -'--- City PIef $ 62 650.00 S 62.650 00 ,/ - - L.S. LS 62.~.00 $ 100% .----- 6 Change Order, 2 -- -- F~pipe__ fA 1 $ 2 463.00 $ 2,463.00 2.463.00 - --- 100% $ - -- ---- -- .-- .. -- -- TOTAL BID $ 509,113.00 S -496613.00 -- SALES TAX 7.8% $ 40.219.93 S 3i.232.43 -- -- n-oTAL BID WITH TAX --- - $ 549,332.93 $ 5315,845.43 . - - -- - --- - -- I--- - _1..__ -- ! -- - --- -- - toTAL PAID TO DATE $ 468,246.1 -- --- ---- --- -- .- I--- - -. _u TOTAL PAY THIS PEAIOD -- - * ---- - -- ----- ----- -- - 67.581.35 --- -~-- - ~r ! --- --- ---- - - -- -- ---- ----- -- -' - -- --- - - ---r--' - ------'- - --- - -- -- -- --- - - ----- - - ----- - --- --- - -- - - --t- -- --- -- - ('I) lSJ Il. ..J a: I- D I- ~. t : ~ Pagel . . . ul2. "Maintaining and building a better community" Jack PlttlS Director [4801 J Phyllis Rasler Admmlstratlve AssIstant [48ooJ Cate Rmehart Admmlstratlve AssIstant [47ooJ Bob TItus Deputy Director {4701J Ken Ridout Deputy DIrector {4802J Gary Kenworthy City Engmeer {4803J Steve Hursh Engmeenng Manager {4702J _Smith ntract & Prolect dmmlstrator {4804J Lou Haehnlen Sr BUlldmg Inspector {4816J Tom Sperlme Sr Electncallnspector {4735} Scott McLam PowerManager~70~ Ralph Ellsworth Water Wastewater CollectJon Supenntendent {4855} Pete Burrett EquIp Services Supenntendent {4835} . Marie Shamp LIght Operations Manager {4731J Kevm CUrtIS Treat Plant SupervIsor {4845} Tom McCabe SW CollectIon SupervIsor (4876J .eve Evans ndfill SupervIsor 11873J Dave Wilcox Street Mamtenance SupeNlsor [4825J i MEMORANDUM DATE: DATE: February 11, 1998 TO: CITY MANAGER, MAYOR BRAUN AND CITY CO l FROM: JACK PITTIS, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS RE: Acceptance of Work and Final Payment on e Headquarters Fire Station - Project 92-19 SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATION: The Construction of the Headquarters Fire Station has been inspected and accepted as complete. The Public Works Department recommends that the City Council accept the project Subject to reimbursement and deductions for the late and defective work noted below, authorize the final payment of $1,896.00 and authorize the release of retainage upon receipt of clearances from the Department of Revenue and labor and Industries. ISSUE: Should the City Council accept the Fire Station project and authorize the release of retainage? \ BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS: The Construction of the Headquarters Fire Station has been inspected and accepted as complete. During the Warranty period there was notification provided to the contractor of defects in the work which he failed to correct. These defects have or will be corrected at the contractor's expense to the extent that they are the contractor's responsibility. Staff recommends that the City Council grant final acceptance subject to reimbursements for defects set forth in the Sept. 25, 1996 Gibson report and the November 24,1997 Wetherholt report and subject to deductions for late work in the amount of $9,825.00 and defective concrete floor finish in the amount of $9,523.00 Loc:N \PROJECTS\92-19\CCMEMO FNL File IJ ,..., \ ..;,...) CITY OF PORT ANGELES - PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM . 'MAlNI'AlNINGAND BUlLDINGA BEITER COMMUNITY" February 11,1998 TO: Kay Godbey, Finance Director FROM: Bruce Becker, Fire Chief RE: HEADQUARTERS FIRE STATION, Project No.92-19 OLYMPIC WESTERN CO., Contractor, Payment No. 19 (Final) CONTRACT THIS PAY REQUEST PREVIOUS PAYMENTS Ongmal Contract Amount $1,521,579.00 Change Orders to Date (14) Subtotal $142,276.29 - - $1,642,611.29 $129,058.03 $82,130.56 $1,663,855.29 *$1,896.00 $149.78 $94.80 Sales Tax (7.9% of subtotal) LESS Retamage (5% of subtotal) Contractor Payments Authonzed to Date $1,689,538.76 " . I .: ProJect Completion DISBURSEMENT SUMMARY (Account No. US7516-9219-4150) Trust Account: Key Bank, Industrial Branch, 1900 First Ave. South, Seattle WA.98134 Insurance company of the West & OlympIC Western Company General Trust Account # 472331000704 RET AINAGE: KEY BANK OF W ASlllNGTON Escrow #:Pon Angeles FITe StatIon IndustrIal Center 1900 FITst Ave. so No.92-19 Seanle. W A 98134 TOTAL DISBURSEMENT FOR THIS PAYMENT CHANGE ORDER COMMENTS: C. O. # 14=$1,221.00 *Includes payment of $675.00 for over wlthholdmg on LiqUIdated Damages Deduct $ 19,348.00 For Apparatus Bay Floor and Liquidated Damages. ~e$--L PW.178 (Rev 11/931 APPROVED BY: PREPARED BY: EnglOeerin TOTAL WORK TO DATE ~ _I $129,207.81 $82,225.36 $1,691,489.74 98.84 % $1,950.98 $94.80 . 'J' . t1 , ... i 9219pay19F . . . J - --- ,- -, MEMORANDUM DATE: February 12, 1998 TO: Mayor Gary Braun and Council Members FROM: Chief Steve ~ Naomi Wu, Communications Manager f\;> BY: SUBJECT: Computer Aided Dispatch/Records Management Software Bids SUMMARY/RECOMMENDATION: Peninsula Communications Center's regional computer system needs new software to provide 911/dispatch and records services more efficiently. We recommend the Council award the bid to New World Systems in the amount of $305,400.00 plus tax and reject the HTE bid for non-conformance with the bid specifications. We also recommend the Council authorize Mayor Braun to sign a contract with New World Systems. ISSUE: Should the City Council award a bid for Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) and Records Management System (RMS) software? BACKGROUND: On August 15, 1997, bids were opened for the purchase of computer software to improve performance and provide enhancements to the regional Peninsula Communications (PenCom) computer system. The bids were received from New World Systems of Troy, Michigan and HTE, Inc. of Orlando, Florida. A team of individuals with police, fire, emergency medical and computer backgrounds was selected to evaluate the proposals for conformance, participate in vendor demonstrations and visit sites with similar installations. These tasks were completed in late 1997. The team found, after careful analysis, that HTE, Inc. is not using relational database technology which was a specification in two areas of the bid. Relational database technology is desired as it reduces labor for the end user and uses less memory than the flat file technology ofHTE. Funding for this project has been secured from the Clallam County 9-1-1 fund and PenCom user agencies in 1995. NLW:nlw M611 I)') - . ... 0 Port Angeles Poltce Department . . UlS. . Finance Department Memorandum Kay Godbey, c.p A Drrector . Tanya 0 'NeIll information Services Awmmstrator Yvonne ZlOmkowslG Accountmg Manager Carol Hagar AdImmstratlve Assistant . I /. -~/ February 12, 1998 To: Manager Pomeranz, Mayor Braun, City Councilmembers From: Kay Godbey, Finance Director ~ Re: Travel request exceeding $750: Northwest Public Power Association's (NWPP A) Customer Service on the Front Line Summary and Recommendation The Finance Department recommends that City Council approve a travel request for two Customer Service Division employees to attend the NWPP A workshop, "Customer Service on the Front Line". The workshop will train personnel on dealing with difficult customers, basic problem solving, effective listening and questioning techniques, finding win/win solutions, ways to say "no", and identifying weak points in our service process. The attendees will be Bob Kajfasz and Vivian Moroz. To-date, they have not received any formal training on customer service, and will be training the Customer Service Division on the new techniques The cashiers and field service representatives are often the first point of contact for our utility customers' The Customer Services Division on a monthly basis averages 3,700 walk-in customers, 1,700 utility billing phone calls, and 460 utility connections and disconnections We have found the NWPPA workshops to be extremely useful, as they are geared to the electric industry The cost is $1,052.05 per person for a total of $2, 1 04.10 . No training was provided to the Customer Services staff in 1997. U~7 JAH-20-ee 10:28 :RCI.l-NlVPPA .~". ,... 360-ZU-ST31 1-e16 P 02/05 f-383 . Northwest Public power Association Customer Service Oft the Front Line Join NWPPA February 24-211, 1811B in "800m., W..h'ngf"n I Highli ghts; I. COl1UDUlUcauan . "The Key to \ Success . !. Lmkms CU6tQTt1er aptc-taQans to I creaoni CU$tomer loyalty l. Effecove commumcaucn means pOS1UV~ result& Wlth CUSlomen . Telephone techruqua that add to a -Wmnmg Customer Score Card.. . What arc the -Hot ButtOnS. that customers push? . The -Content Side- of doma busx.neS6 . The -Pc:ople S1de- of dome bustnn:l . Handhni the really challcnama customer . Impact of orsamzational Mlstakes on the Customer Score Card I ! Hotel Information: I Best Western Execut1Ve Inn I 5700 Paofie Hlgh..vay East . Tacoma. WA 98424 253.922-0080 Rove aaua: Slngle: 672.00 Double. 672.00 I Make re~rvauon6 bdore 1/19/98 for thla rate. --:-- .... '" ...' - ~ . ....... .. , "".' 1/ . ~ Who Should Attend All levels within the uul~tY wtuch hAve t:l1rect customer contaCt as a pan of theu- lob. Overview .- ParnClpants mcrease th~1r level of comfort when dealmi With both mternal and external CWitomers. Toplc5 include: telephone courtesy. dealing Wlth difficult customers. baSIC problem solvtng. effective l1stening and quest1onma; techniques. finding wm/WIn soluttons. ways to say -no.. and Idl'I\u1lcation of potential fall paina; in your ieMce procel!l:t. Cou.... Schedule Re&1Stratlon b from 8:00 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. on the first day. nus course is held from 8:30 a.m. U) 4:50 p.m. on both days, Coffee w1ll be avatlehle in W m~~t1ng room from 8;00 a.m. both days. Lunch. along WIth mommg and afternoon breaki. are provided both days. Instructor . Dana Pt'ck Vantage Point Tra1n1ng. Las Vegas. NV CEU Creditli nus coune ptoV1des 1..15 CEU's (Conunwng EducatIon Urut) to each paructpant who successfully completes the program. Jomt Ctrt1f1cauon Program category: Opttonal . -.."" 'T ~': ~:-~~ -:- -. -: - - -- - - -- - - - - - ~ - ~ --~-: - --:: -_-:.:'-=_'":_7____ . .. .. ~ ~ , . . u-2.8 . AUTHORIZATION TO TRANSFER FUNDS Transfer to Payroll Fund for Pay Period Ending 02-08-98 Mayor/Council City Manager 5,076.16 Human Resources 3,822.00 Finance .27,400.75 City Attorney 7,745.63 Planning 6,036.44 Police 82,739.09 FirelMedic I 45,770.32 Utility Services 44,372.40 ParklRecreation 28,796.36 Cemetery 1 ,267.50 Total General Fund 253,026.65 Street 14,280.05 . Lig ht 39,334.67 Water 19,680.60 Wastewater 10,067.72 Solid Waste 16,715.09 Equipment Services 6,578.12 Information Services 4,695.08 Firemen's Pension Esther Webster Trust 705.16 Total Payroll 365,083.14 . r; / ,t --- t)~S u30 . . . 98/02/13-11:05 . Fnd Opt Check Nl.IIlber 001 . . 43754 43759 43768 43788 43796 43804 43823 43835 43869 43872 43889 43901 43910 43934 43935 City of Port Angeles Vendor Name CHECK REGISTER Date From 01/31/98 To 02/13/98 Vendor Nunber Access Battery & Power Systems 01330 Andrew, Janice Black Hills Ammunition Inc. Department of Licensing First Federal Savings & Loan Graphic Products Inc. MPH Industries Inc. Northeast Publishing Group VARDA Company WA State Patrol - WASIS 01361 02274 04137 06096 07050 13005 14124 22070 23281 Allen Manufacturing Co.lnc,Ray 01302 City Treasurer 03062 DARE AmerIca 04036 In The Line of Duty Inc. 09005 Insight Direct Inc. 09085 43985 WA State Patrol - WASIS 23281 43986 WA State Patrol - WASIS (HA) 23359 0001 43751 AT&T 43756 Advanced Travel 43757 AlrTouch Cellular 43775 City Treasurer 43784 Creative Delights Catering 43834 Nishimori, Mr. Kaz 43862 Thompson Mackellar 43866 United Parcel Service 43899 Cafe Europa 43901 City Treasurer 43907 CliniCare of PA Inc. 43925 Flex-Plan Services Inc. 43929 Goldzimer Consulting Group 43951 MUSIC World Travel 43961 Peninsula Daily News 43966 Port of Port Angeles 01085 01090 01105 03062 03347 14133 20004 21005 03180 03062 03080 06158 07080 13071 16012 16027 Description Motorola battery Developer reimb agreement Ammunition Conceal weapon E119607/E119631 Developer Reimb #0400005286 Label/sign maker,ribbon,tape Hand held radar Municipal Immunity Bulletin Body heat sensor alarm Criminal history-De' Arment Criminal history-Bradley Kong ball,lead,cressite Beginning cash for tills Jr High workbooks Training tapes Seagate hard drive Printer cables Exabyte cartridges Criminal History-A Keefe Criminal History - 0 Blank Criminal history-C Wells Criminal history-J Peters ::< --- February 13 1998 GL Code Nunber 1 2370000 1 2392000 1 2370000 1 2296000 1 2392000 1 2370000 1 2370000 1 2370000 1 2370000 1 2295000 1 2295000 1 2370000 1 1117100 1 2370000 1 2370000 1 2370000 1 2370000 1 2370000 1 2295000 1 2295000 1 2295000 1 2295000 Total for Department 1-13 BillIng 111 4210 G Braun to Olympia 1-18 112 4310 B Coons to Renton 1-15 113 4210 Advance travel adjustments 113 4310 Advance travel adjustments 113 4310 Williams/Collins-Lynnwood 1-21 1124310 J Pomeranz to Bellevue 1-9 111 4310 L Williams to Belfair 1-16 112 4310 T Smith to Union 1-16 111 4310 01-15 billing 111 4210 Petty cash reimbursement 111 4155 Petty cash reimbursement 111 4155 Petty cash reimbursement 111 4155 Customer Commitment Birthday 111 4155 Translation of business card 112 3101 Feb,Mar,Apr City report 111 4150 PIO January 1998 111 4150 November shipping services 113 3101 Workshop breakfast/luncheon 112 3101 Petty cash reimbursements 112 3101 Physical - 0 Altfilish 113 4131 Annual plan fee 111 4150 Professional fee December 1997 111 4155 B Upton to Wenatchee 3-17-98 111 4310 Jim Abernathy OPS-D McBride 111 4150 Fiscal Impact Study - Conf Ctr 111 '4150 UJl Page Amount 6.80- 788.35 121.23- 447.00 529.50 39.50- 75.68- 5.44- 24.18- 24.00 24.00 3.23- 250.00 20.62- 50.33- 76.48- 15.01- 5.92- 25.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 1,715.43 5.33 174.18 195.20 9.42 2.10- 106.62 36.50 60.48 37.50 10.70 25.41 35.00 14.73 1,157.23 10.00 350.00 350.00 7.00 369.02 6.55 204.00 870.20 663.35 248.10 152.40 3,317.50 98/02/13-11:05 Fnd Dpt Check Nl.Iltler 0002 43756 43814 43822 43866 43867 43873 43882 43888 43901 43909 43912 43955 0003 43756 43771 43m 43776 43782 43802 43835 43840 43859 43967 43994 City of Port Angeles CHECK REGISTER Date From 01/31/98 To 02/13/98 Vendor Name Vendor Nl.Iltler Advanced Travel 01090 Kinchler III, Patrick J. 11145 Lunsford & Associates Inc 12179 United Parcel Service 21005 United States Postal Service 21062 WFOA (WA Finance Officers Assn 23006 Xerox Corporation 24001 AirTouch Cellular 01105 City Treasurer 03062 Credit Bureau of Clallam Co 03094 Diversified Industries 04052 Olympic Delivery Service Inc. 15020 Advanced Travel 01090 CD Law Inc. 03104 City Treasurer 03062 Clallam Co. District Court 1 03069 Clallam-Jefferson Public Dfndr 03274 Gish Atty at Law, Steven C. 07245 Northeast Publishing Group 14124 Ortloff Atty. at Law, Kimberly 15146 Solutions Group, The 19476 Price/Costco CC Pmts West Group 03261 23018 0004 43756 Advanced Travel 01090 0005 43m City Treasurer 43890 Alpha Information Mgmt. Inc. 03062 01019 43917 Economic & Engineering Svc Inc 05004 43752 AT&T Wireless Services 43756 Advanced Travel 43757 AirTouch Cellular 20000 01090 01105 Description February 13 1998 GL Code Nl.Iltler Total for Administration Advance travel adjustments 200 9624 Repair belt to inserter 205 4150 Rent storage #A104 February 201 4530 November shipping services 205 4210 Postage for meter 205 4210 Godbey, Zi omkowski registration 201 4310 Godbey,Ziomkowski registration 230 4310 Lease agreement pmt #59 205 4810 1-15 Billing 240 4210 Petty cash reimbursements 230 3101 January credit inquiries 230 4150 Copy Center Svcs - January 205 4150 Delivery Svcs pe 1-31-98 240 4150 Advance travel adjustments WA Statutes Decisions Update Petty cash reimbursement Court cossts January 1998 Public Defender fees January Public Defender fees February Professional Services Municipal Immunity Bulletin Legal services January 1998 Shelf Labels,tab pockets, folders Surge protectors Legal publishings 98 WA Law Finder pamphlet Total for Finance 311 4310 311 3101 311 4310 311 5090 311 4150 311 4150 311 5090 311 3101 311 5090 311 3101 311 3101 311 3101 311 3101 311 3101 Total for Atty Collins/Williams to Union 1-16411 4310 B Collins to pt Orchard 1-20 411 4310 Petty cash reimbursement 411 3101 Microfilming services 411 4990 Credit for microfilming 411 4150 Final contract payment 411 4150 Contract payment-Annex plan 411 4150 01-24 bill ing Police officers-Lewiston 1-17 01-15 bill ing 01-15 billing 01-15 billing 01-15 billing Total for Planning 530 4210 530 4310 530 4210 530 4210 530 4210 530 4210 tJ oj '! ~ ~." Page 2 . Amount 8,414.32 .20- 50.00 115.00 4.40 5,000.00 50.00 50.00 2,161.09 23.76 29.48 53.95 1,210.00 79.69 8,827.17 18.00 54.. 41 5,241. 2,500.00 2,500.00 780.00 74.28 210.60 65.23 449.72 5.39 67.71 38.74 12,047.28 15.00 59.50 3.26 234.47 482.98- 3,543.54 7,138.60 10,511.39 7~. 9.30 53.16 9.30 19.42 98/02/13-11:05 City of Port Angeles . CHECK REGISTER Date From 01/31/98 To 02/13/98 Fnd Opt Check NlIlIber Vendor Nunber Vendor Name 43768 Black Hills Ammunition Inc. 02274 43817 LEIRA 12185 43823 MPH Industries Inc. 13005 43830 NABCO Mfg. 14437 4384 7 Quill Corporation 17000 43866 United Parcel Service 21005 43869 VARDA Company 22070 43871 WA Assn of Sheriffs & Police 23003 43874 WSLEF IA 23309 43879 West Group 23018 . 43889 Allen Manufacturing Co.lnc,Ray 01302 43896 Blumenthal Uniforms & Equipmt 02047 43902 Clallam Co. Humane Society 03072 43904 Clallam Co. Sheriff's Dept. 03074 43919 FBINAA Washington Chapter Inc. 23227 43920 FederatIon of Animal Care and 06188 43934 In The LIne of Duty Inc. 09005 43936 Int'l Assn for Property and 09067 43942 LAW News 12259 43957 Olympic Stationers Inc. 15030 43990 WashIngton (umemp), State of 23178 0006 43752 AT&T Wireless Services 20000 43753 AWC-Assn. of Washington CitIes 01352 43754 Access Battery & Power Systems 01330 43756 Advanced Travel 01090 . 43757 AirTouch Cellular 01105 Description GL Code NlIIber 01-15 billing 530 4210 01-15 billing 5304210 01-15 billing 5304210 01-15 billing 530 4210 01-15 bilting 530 4210 Ammunition 530 3101 Registration-L Zenonian 534 4310 Hand held radar 530 6499 Flares 530 3101 Cassette, note pads, stapler 530 3101 Cassette, note pads, stapler 534 3101 November shipping services 530 4210 December shipping services 534 4210 December shipping services 534 4210 Body heat sensor alarm 530 3114 Electronic monitoring services 512 5997 Registration-Silva,Wood,Zappey 530 4310 Registration-Silva,Wood,Zappey 530 4901 1998 RCWA publishing 530 3101 Kong ball,lead,cressite 530 4980 Badges 530 3111 Badges 530 3111 Belt 511 2080 Vest w/trauma plate pocket 530 3111 Jackets,radio holders,knives 530 2080 Boots, pants 530 2080 Boots 530 2080 Shirt, emblem, pants, washers 530 2080 Shirt, emblem, insignia 530 2080 January 1998 contract payment 530 4150 Inmate care July-Sept 1997 512 5997 1998 Membership-S Ilk 511 4901 1998 Membership-T Riepe 511 4901 1998 Membership dues 530 4901 Training tapes 530 4150 1998 MemberShip-Reidel 534 4901 Subscription 511 4901 Account book 530 4980 2nd qtr penalties 1997 530 2060 2nd qtr penalties 1997 533 2060 01-24 billing 641 4210 Collect Bargain Regis-Becker 643 4310 Motorola battery 642 3101 M Twitchell to Bellingham 11-7643 4310 Advance travel adjustments 645 4310 01-15 billinb 641 4210 01-15 billing 643 4210 01-15 billing 641 4210 February 13 1998 Total for Police U '.' r:: 0d Page 3 Amount 18.60 22.32 n.27 33.52 13.14 1,655.73 110.00 1,033.68 492.70 94.84 111.84 86.n 25.89 11. 91 330.21 368.50 105.00 60.00 34.53 44.08 395.65 183.88 26.06 542.82 884.57 58.81 105.70 266.57 91.93 3,325.00 62,639.83 35.00 35.00 25.00 687.41 35.00 35.00 28.70 36.13 12.10 75,097.85 24.00 75.00 92.80 227.82 .99 24.17 28.39 27.85 98/02/13-11 :05 Fnd Opt Check NU'Ilber, City of Port Angeles Vendor Name 43777 Clallam Co. EMS Council 43785 Curtis & Sons Inc, L. N. 43801 Gig Harbor Silkscreen 43803 Grainger Inc. 43819 Larry's Janitor Service 43849 Region 4 Life Safety Council 43866 United Parcel Service 43896 Blumenthal Uniforms & Equipmt 43898 43900 43921 43945 43956 Bryant's Upholstery Captain T's Fire Engineering Lincare Inc. Olympic Laundry & Clnrs Inc. 43981 Transfac Funding Corporation 0007 43757 AirTouch Cellular 43775 City Treasurer 43809 ICBO 43825 Mc~eel & Associates, Robert CHECK REGISTER Date From 01/31/98 To 02/13/98 Vendor Nl.IIIber 03068 03098 07199 07015 12040 18276 21005 02047 020:>9 03048 06187 12134 15026 20059 01105 03062 09001 13046 43845 PolarIS Engineer.& Survey Inc. 16019 43855 Seattle Daily Journal of Comm. 19058 43870 VikIng Office Products 22054 43876 ~ashington (DOT), State of 43901 City Treasurer 43915 43931 43959 43976 0008 43751 AT&T Dunlap Towing Company Hewlett Packard PacifIc Playground Inc. Strait Line Painting 43762 Angeles Communications Inc 43766 Best Locking Systems 23325 03062 04232 08059 16051 19473 01085 01069 01079 Description 01-15 billing 01-15 billing Medic I Advisory for February Purification cartridge Pai ls Sprinkler stop valve, shutoff Helmet shields Air cOll1)ressor Transformer Air cOll1)ressor Credit air cOll1)ressor Janitorial Services Jan 1998 Registration-C ~heeler December shipping services Pants Pants Sewing services Lettering Subscription Cyl inder refill Laundry svcs pe 1-31-98 Laundry svcs pe 1-31-98 Shipping services GL Code NlIIIber 641 4210 641 4210 643 4150 644 4810 641 3101 641 3101 648 3111 641 3101 641 3101 641 3101 641 3101 684 4150 645 4310 641 3199 641 2080 643 2080 641 3111 641 3111 611 4901 643 3101 641 4990 641 4990 641 3101 01-15 billing 711 4210 1-15 Billing 711 4210 Petty cash reimbursement 711 4990 97 Building Code Publishings 711 4990 Autodesk LT 97 upgrade 711 3101 Cable, DesignJet, memory 711 3101 Prof Svcs-Mooring dolphin 1-25 711 4150 Pub-Professional Svc Letter 711 4410 Clasp envelopes 711 3101 Pens, markers, message slips 711 3101 Folders, tabs, inserts 711 3101 Publication CDOO-01 CD ROM 711 3101 Petty cash reimbursements 711 4210 Petty cash reimbursements 711 3101 Preplinstall log boom-EdizHook 784 4810 Plotter Support Agreement 1998 711 4810 Dome top lid 784 3101 Repair fire sprinkler pipes 784 4810 1-25 Bill ing 1-13 Billing Hook up modem lines Padlock,key blanks February 13 1998 Total for Fire Total for Public ~orks 863 4210 862 4210 811 4150 865 3120 tJ '.j .1 ,J'I. Page 4 . Amount 9.30 9.55 500.00 63.35 180.82 505.97 85.38 461.55 130.93 461.55 461.55- 421.71 40.00 12.02 211.37 211.37 38.03 172.64 21.53 10.0 52 8. 61.94 3,709.52 9.30 50.01 8.00 1,613.26 434.10 6,298.80 90.00 169.20 11.32 56.45 59.69 45.00 3.00 53.94 643.40 427.28 72.25 1,794.36 11,839. 6.41 10.66 57.08 383.36 98/02/13-11:05 . Fnd Opt Check Nurber . 101 0001 102 0007 104 0002 . 107 0005 Vendor Name 43775 City Treasurer 43783 Country Dried Florals 43792 Evergreen Pacific Supply Inc. 43804 Graphic Products Inc. 43839 Oregon Brass Works 43860 Spencer Interiors 43864 US West Communications 43892 Angeles Temporary Services 43941 Kochanek, Cindy Lou 43969 Puget Safety Equipment 43980 Thomas Building Center 43983 US West Communications 43989 Washington (DOT), State of 43990 Washington (umemp), State of 43769 Brewer, David 43804 GraphIc Products Inc. 43870 43916 43969 43975 Viking Office Products Econolite Control Products Puget Safety Equipment Smitty'S Restaurant 43810 Jackson's Signs 43756 Advanced Travel City of Port Angeles February 13 1998 CHECK REGISTER Date From 01/31/98 To 02/13/98 Vendor Nurber 03062 11014 05010 07050 15032 19144 21001 01076 11136 16248 20044 21001 23325 23178 02055 07050 22054 Inc 05003 16248 19237 10018 01090 Description GL Code Nurber Petty cash reimbursement 862 3120 Petty cash reimbursement 865 3101 Beautification program Jan/Feb 865 4150 Arc rotor 865 3140 Label/sign maker,ribbon,tape 865 3501 Rosette pins,clamps,pins 866 3401 Blinds,installation 866 3101 01-02 billing 863 4210 01-14 billing (+5.15 Sr Ctr) 8634210 01-20 billing 863 4210 01-20 billing 863 4210 Cindy Kochanek PE 01-31-98 866 4150 January 98 Pre-Need Sales 866 4990 Safety chaps, dust mask, lens 866 3120 Paint,tray,brush,frame 865 3101 02-02 billing 863 4210 2-2 Billing 863 4210 Appraisal review Waterfrt Trl 811 4150 2nd qtr penalties 1997 862 2060 3rd Qtr 1997 penalties 865 2060 Total for Parks & Recreation Total for General Fund Contract service for February 115 4990 Total for Convention Center Fund Label/sign maker,ribbon,tape 102 2370000 Total for Department Label/sign maker,ribbon,tape Pens, markers, message slips Repair conflict monitor unit Gloves Meal tickets-St dept overtime 752 3501 752 3101 752 3125 752 3101 752 4310 Total for Public Works Total for Street Fund Design Deer Park Gateway sign 216 4150 Total for Community Development Fund Advance travel adjustments Advance travel adjustments o Hamlin to Olympia 1-21 K Hatton to Olympia 1-21 532 4310 532 4310 532 4310 532 4310 U' ,-.- . ~~ Page 5 Amount 13.98 44.07 1,100.00 612.88 539.50 420.00 48.34 25.18 30.82 47.81 47.81 591. 43 128.45 164.00 37.85 24.32 35.21 627.66 .48 116.34 5,113.64 137,275 .96 100.00 100.00 63.50- 63.50- 867.30 35.74 249.25 41.27 66.31 1,259.87 1,196.37 4,963.40 4,963.40 8.00- 9.42 7.50 7.50 98/02/13-11:05 Fnd Opt Check Nl.mber City of Port Angeles Vendor Name 43847 Quill Corporation 43952 New World Systems 43965 Polk & Company, R. L. 43972 Richmond 2-Way Radio 109 0005 43861 Strait Music 310 0007 43940 Kitsap Bank 43953 Northwestern Territories Inc. 43970 R. V. Associates Inc. 0008 43837 Olymp~c Drywall Supplies Inc. 43843 Parker Paint Mfg Co. Inc. 43980 Thomas Building Center 321 0007 43853 Ryan Swanson & Cleveland 43973 Robert NIxon Associates Inc. 401 43760 43775 43793 43795 43800 43804 43805 43816 43826 43852 43875 43881 Angelakls, PaulIne City Treasurer Explorer Technology Group Inc. FIrst ChrIstian Church General Pacific Inc. Graphic Products Inc. Graybar Electric Co. Inc. Krepps, Tami Meyer Jr, Robert A. Ruralite Services Inc. Wahto, Jerry P. & Sonja A. Western States Electric Inc. CHECK REGISTER Date From 01/31/98 To 02/13/98 Vendor Nl.iRJer 17000 14184 16020 18009 19347 11139 14017 18268 15023 16201 20044 18205 18131 01362 03062 05039 06186 07034 07050 07040 11146 13357 18021 23388 23025 Description Toner cartridge Cassette, note pads, stapler Service hours 01-19 thru 01-25 City di rectory . Install alert receiver-phase 1 Mixer board,speakers,cable Retainage acct #0187718620 Golf Course LID #215 pmt #12 Prof Svcs - LID 215 pmt #3 February 13 1998 GL Code Nl.iRJer 532 3101 532 3101 532 4810 532 4901 532 3114 Total for PenCom 541 4150 Total for P. A. Teen Help 781 4150 781 4150 781 4150 Total for Public Works Silver set, tape, tape on corner 895 3101 Wallboard sealer 895 3101 Volunteer field restroom paint 895 3101 Ll.iRJer,brackets,joist 895 3101 Panel,screw cap 895 3101 Paneling,moulding 895 3101 Total for Parks & Recreation Total for Capital Improvement Fund Legal services-Library project 716 4150 Prof Svcs-Library pe 12-30-97 716 4150 Total for Library Construction Fund Deposit refund-059790006 Tank rebate-Ken Geir Datalogging voltmeter Energy Smart Design Copper lugs Label/sign maker, ribbon, tape Street lamps Heat pump rebate-Tami Krepps Weatherwize-209 Forrest St Greenlites magazine Refund Weatherization overpmt Refund Weatherization overpmt Wire, ignitor, tape Wire, ignitor, tape Screw bar connector, hardware Protective cap,cable,elbow Protective cap, cable, elbow 401 2131100 401 1343300 401 2370000 401 1342000 401 1411000 401 2370000 401 1411000 401 1344000 401 1344000 401 2370000 401 1223000 401 2451000 401 1414000 401 1411000 401 1411000 401 1414000 401 1411000 U00 Page 6 . Amount 84.98 8.06 1,350.00 183.43 1,200.07 2,842.96 1,357.34 1,357.34 6,045.95 4,978.75 124,425.72 135,450.42 43.27 29.13 146. 649. 43.16 284.27 1,196.43 136,646.85 874.62 5,705.00 6,579.62 250.00 25.00 79.40- 76.00 277.09 79.00- 1,847.14 250.00 171. 02 4.74- 16.55 4,4~. 105.17 606.29 1,747.98 392.76 98/02/13-11 :05 City of Port Angeles . CHECK REGISTER Date From 01/31/98 To 02/13/98 Fnd Opt Check Nl.Illber Vendor Name Vendor Nl.Illber Description February 13 1998 Page 7 GL Code Nl.Illber Amount Deadends,reducer splice 401 1411000 248.17 Plastics fixture refractor 401 1411000 301.05 43894 Baker, Mark 02355 Utility deposit rfd-013684013 401 2131100 21.55 Utility deposit rfd-013684013 401 1222200 42.85 43897 Braithwaithe, Tammy 02356 Utility deposit rfd-049751004 401 2131100 250.00 43901 City Treasurer 03062 Petty cash reimbursements 401 2451000 8.00 Tank rebate-Brenda Robinson 401 1343300 25.00 Tank rebate-Hoque Properties 401 1343300 50.00 43930 Hartley, Joseph 08315 Utility deposit rfd #042013016 401 2131100 172.56 43937 Jepson, Mrs. A R 10143 Utility overpayment-#002607001 401 1222200 500.00 43948 Matheny, Angela 13358 Utility overpayment-#024236009 401 1222200 421.40 43949 Matte, Amy 13359 Utility deposit rfd-#086266021 401 2131100 12.68 43971 Reese, Amy 18278 Utility deposit rfd-#044946012 401 2131100 25.89 43977 Strebig, Tim 19481 Utility deposit rfd-#Ol6438008 401 2131100 29.78 43995 White, John 23390 Utility deposit rfd-#031674011 401 2131100 10.24 Total for Department 12,210.56 0009 43751 AT&T 01085 . 43752 AT&T Wireless Services 20000 43756 Advanced Travel 01090 43757 AirTouch Cellular 01105 . 43763 Asplundh 01119 43770 BUSIness Answerphone Service 02166 43790 Eager Beaver Environmental Inc 05077 43793 Explorer Technology Group Inc. 05039 43797 First Trust New York 06139 43804 GraphIc Products Inc. 07050 43813 Johnstone Supply Inc. 10026 43818 Laidlaw Environmental, Inc. 12241 43825 McNeel & Associates, Robert 13046 43851 Rohlinger Enterprises Inc. 18087 43852 Ruralite Services Inc. 18021 43854 Sanderson Safety Supply Co. 19048 43863 Turnkey 20183 43868 Util Underground Location Cntr 21010 43877 Washington (Stores), State of 03131 43881 Western States Electric Inc. 23025 43882 Xerox Corporation 24001 43893 Asplundh 01119 1-13 Billing 01-17 billing B TItus to Seattle 1-14 J Shay to Seattle 12-30 01-15 billinb 01-15 billing 01-15 billing 01-15 billing 01-15 billing 01-15 billing 01-15 billing 01-15 billing 01-15 billing Tree trimming svcs pmt #1 Tree trimming svcs pmt #1 February services Particulate, gloves Datalogging voltmeter CSPE #96020130 for February Label/sign maker,ribbon,tape Fan Transport/dispose oil w/PCB's Autodesk LT 97 upgrade Recondition switch, shot gun Safety harness Greenlites magazine Gas detectors Freight on PO #8268 December 1997 locates Diskettes Ground mat Base charge Oct to Dec 97 Progress pmt #2-Tree Trimming 911 4210 911 4210 911 4310 911 4310 911 4210 911 4210 911 4210 911 4210 911 4210 911 4210 911 4210 911 4210 911 4210 911 4150 911 4150 911 4210 911 3101 911 3501 911 3320 911 3501 911 4810 911 4150 911 3101 911 4150 911 3101 911 4901 911 4810 911 4810 911 4150 911 3101 911 3402 911 4150 911 '4150 IJ' \...., \ oJ: 5.55 7.00 216.14 18.82 9.30 26.27 12.12 9.30 9.30 9.30 9.30 9.30 9.30 3,556.50 2,667.37 130.00 36.18 1,084.40 1,694.65 1,079.00 36.28 11,759.25 218.42 578.88 302.36 64.74 267.59 118.20 24.79 20.52 694.88 127.86 4,445.62 98/02/13-11:05 City of Port AngeLes February 13 1998 Page 8 CHECK REGISTER . Date From 01/31/98 To 02/13/98 Fnd Opt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount Nl.II1ber Name Nl.Il1ber Nl.Il1ber 43909 Credit Bureau of CLaLLam Co 03094 January credit inquiries 911 4150 24.82 43947 Marsh Mundorf Pratt & SuLLivan 13287 Prof svcs pe 12-31-97 911 4901 294.74 43968 PubLic Power CounciL 16118 1998 AnnuaL PPC Assessment 911 4901 12,284.00 43969 Puget Safety Equipment 16248 PLugs, Latex gLoves 911 3101 26.90 43983 US West ~ommunications 21001 2-2 BiL Ling 911 4210 60.42 43990 Washington (umemp), State of 23178 2nd qtr penaLties 1997 911 2060 215.19 3rd Qtr 1997 penaLties 911 2060 421.64 TotaL for Light 42,586.20 TotaL for Light Fund 54,796.76 402 43765 Bavco 02346 Rubber kit 402 2370000 8.02- Parts for fountain upgrade 402 2370000 7.90- 43787 Day-Timers Inc. 04040 Ref iL L ,wallet 402 2370000 2.35- 43794 FamiLian NW 06020 BeLL cLamps,corp stops 402 1414000 439.96 Gate vaLves, gaskets 402 1414000 487.82 43804 Graphic Products Inc. 07050 LabeL/sign maker, ribbon, tape 402 2370000 79.00- LabeL/sign maker, ribbon, tape 402 2370000 79.00- TotaL for Department 751. 0003 43751 AT&T 01085 1-25 BiL ling 354 4210 6.41 43752 AT&T Wireless Services 20000 1-24 BiL Ling 354 4210 43.36 43756 Advanced TraveL 01090 K Curtis to Auburn 12-15 354 4310 241. 16 43758 AmTest Inc. 01034 Analysis:Water chern 354 4150 803.25 AnaLysis:Water chern,micro 354 4150 681. 70 Water sample anaLysis 354 4150 17.00 43765 Bavco 02346 Rubber kit 354 3101 109.52 43m CH20 Inc. 03295 Sodium hydroxide 354 3101 211.03 43787 Day-TImers Inc. 04040 RefiLI,wallet 354 3101 32.05 43794 Familian Nil 06020 PVC cap,coupling,nuts 354 3101 268.56 Adapters 354 3101 200.09 Couplings 354 3101 48.79 Adapters 354 3101 25.57 43798 Fisher Scientific Inc. 06085 Lamp 354 3101 74.01 43804 Graphic Products Inc. 07050 LabeL/sign maker, ribbon, tape 354 3501 1,079.00 43836 Nurnberg Scientific 14092 Wide-mouth bottLes 354 3101 67.05 Wide-mouth bottLes 354 3101 59.05 Wide-mouth bottLe 354 3101 106.34 43838 OLympic Springs Inc. 15029 Water, cups 354 3101 12.79 RentaL fee 354 3101 8.58 43864 US West Communications 21001 01-23 bilLing 354 4210 47.81 01-23 billing 354 4210 28.11 01-23 billing 354 4210 47.81 01-23 bilLing 354 4210 :. 01-23 bilLing 354 4210 01-23 billing 354 4210 'J . , ,-. 47.81 01-23 bilLing 354 4210 " ~~, 47.81 01-23 biL Ling 354 4210 28.11 1-20 BiL Ling 354 4210 101.71 98/02/13-11 :05 . Fnd Opt Check Number . 404 . Vendor Name 43866 United Parcel Service City of Port Angeles CHECK REGISTER Date From 01/31/98 To 02/13/98 Vendor Nl.ITIber 21005 43868 Util Underground Location Cntr 21010 43887 AT&T Wireless Services 20000 43891 Angeles Building Services Inc. 01276 43923 First Trust National Assn 06162 43974 Rogers Machinery Co Inc. 18196 43983 US West Communications 21001 0007 43765 Bavco 02346 43789 Dept of Community Development 04160 43794 Familian NW 06020 43804 Graphic Products Inc. 43864 43866 43868 43887 43926 43940 43956 43963 43970 43988 US West Communications United Parcel Service Util Underground Location Cntr AT&T WIreless Services Flow Products Incorporated Kltsap Bank Olympic Laundry & Clnrs Inc. Points Sharp Steel Inc. R. V. Associates Inc. WWCPA Secretary-Treasurer 43804 Graphic Products Inc. 43755 Admiral Ship Supply Inc. 43758 AmTest Inc. 43764 Bank of New York, The 43778 Clallam County Department of 43833 Nason, Ray 0007 43844 Phillips Scale Co. Inc. 43846 Preston Gates & Ellis 43865 USDA, APHIS, FSO, Acctg Svcs 43866 United Parcel Service 07050 21001 21005 21010 20000 06125 11139 15026 16092 18268 23216 07050 01303 01034 02175 03020 14433 16139 16175 21069 21005 Description November shipping services November shipping services December shipping services December 1997 locates 2-1 billing Overhead door 1998 Annual maintenance fee Rebuild gas compressor 2-2 Bill ing 2-2 Bill ing Parts for fountain upgrade January water testing Bell clamps,corp stops Repair clamp Repai r clamp Compound meter,strainer Label/sign maker,ribbon,tape Label/sign maker,ribbon,tape 01-23 billing 01-23 billing November shipping services December 1997 locates 2-1 Billing Wing nut Retainage acct #0187718620 Laundry services - Nov~r Sharpening services Prof Svcs - LID 215 pmt #3 1998 Annual Dues February 13 1998 Page 9 GL Code Nl.ITIber Amount 354 4210 354 4210 354 4210 354 4150 354 4210 354 4810 354 4150 354 4810 354 4210 354 4210 6.88 18.48 20.56 12.40 27.56 620.13 380.10 1,300.96 34.25 32.08 Total for 6,993.50 Wastewater 753 3101 753 4150 753 3101 753 3101 753 3101 753 3101 753 3501 753 3501 753 4210 753 4210 753 4210 753 4150 753 4210 753 3101 753 4150 753 3101 753 3101 753 4150 753 4310 107.90 498.00 417.18 383.95 496.03 2,721.97 1,079.00 1,079.00 59.20 267.52 7.39 12.40 16.33 38.88 71.96 7.28 17.34 1,480.84 10.00 Total for Public Works 8,m.17 16,517 .18 Total for Water/Wastewater Fund Label/sign maker,ribbon,tape 404 2370000 79.00- Total for Department 79.00- Block, round ring 755 3101 Analysis:Micro,water chern 755 4150 Professional fees for 010298 755 4150 Renew SW operating permit 1998 755 4901 Rock 755 3101 Rock 755 3101 Service scale 755 4810 Prof svcs-Landfill pe 12-31 755 4150 W.R. Fairchild airport study 755 4150 December shipping services 755 4210 320.97 384 . 20 66.28 3,300.00 3,776.50 1,079.00 502.34 ,-, r) '\ U oJ J 368.21 6,418.34 34.31 98/02/13-11:05 City of Port Angeles CHECK REGISTER Date From 01/31/98 To 02/13/98 Fnd Opt Check Number Vendor Name Vendor N\.Ili)er Description February 13 1998 GL Code N\.Ili)er 43878 Waste Management - Northwest 23060 January recycling 755 4150 43903 Clallam Co. Parks Dept. 03019 Fair booth fee 755 4901 43938 KONP Radio 11019 January commercials 755 4410 43956 Olympic Laundry & Clnrs Inc. 15026 Coveralls 755 3101 43960 Parametrix Inc. 16155 LF enviro monitoring pe 12-31 755 4150 43990 Washington (umemp), State of 23178 2nd qtr penalties 1997 755 2060 Total for Public Works Total for Solid Waste Fund 421 0009 43775 City Treasurer 03062 Petty cash reimbursement 913 4990 452 0007 43845 Polaris Engineer.& Survey Inc. 16019 43953 Northwestern Territories Inc. 14017 453 0007 43890 Alpha Information Mgmt. Inc. 01019 43939 Key Bank of Washington 11128 43978 Strider Construction Co Inc 19447 454 0007 43960 Parametrix Inc. 16155 501 43799 Gall's Inc. 07027 43804 Graphic Products Inc. 43895 Big Sky Racks Inc. 07050 02353 43944 Laclede Chain Mfg Co. 12140 Prof Svcs-Library pe 1-25 Inspection/testing Proj 94-22 Microfilming services Microfilming services Retainage acct #473549007259 Retalnage acct #473549007259 Ediz Hook WW Proj 9211 Pmt #4 Ediz Hook WW Proj 9211 Pmt #4 Total for Conservation Fund 793 4150 793 4150 Total for Water Construction 794 4150 794 4150 794 4150 794 4150 794 4150 794 4150 Total for WasteWater ConstructIon LF Engineering Svcs pe 12-31 795 4150 Total for Solid Waste Construction Stacking system,siren Red/amber lens sections Bar rear flashers Label/sign maker, ribbon, tape Locking mount Locking mount Tire chain sets, cable sets 501 2370000 501 2370000 501 2370000 501 2370000 501 2370000 501 2370000 501 2370000 Total for Department Page 10 . Amount 38,336.85 180.00 75.00 122.97 560.82 1.26 55,527.05 55,448.05 20.00 20.00 370.00 306.25 676.25 1,634. 482. 1,920.60 1,055.55 39,525.95 21,723.22 66,343.20 24,088.48 24,088.48 25.00- 44.63- 6.71- 79.00- 39.58- 31.60 35.24- 198.56- 0007 43761 Angeles Chips Away & Detailing 01363 Interior/Engine detail 760 4810 86.32 43799 Ga II's I nc . 07027 Stacking system,siren 760 3101 341.49 Red/amber lens sections 760 3101 609. Bar rear flashers 760 3101 91. 43804 Graphic Products Inc. 07050 Label/sign maker,ribbon,tape 760 3501 1,079.00 43808 Heartline, The 08054 Batteries 760 3101 u4J 118.58 Battery 760 3101 59.29 Battery 760 3101 54.98 98/02/13-11:05 . Fnd Dpt Check Nunber .02 503 0001 . , City of Port Angeles Vendor Name 43824 Machinery Components Inc. 43829 Motor Trucks Inc. 43842 Paci'fic Uti lity Equipment 43880 Western Peterbilt Inc. 43895 Big Sky Racks Inc. 43898 Bryant's Upholstery 43908 Cornell Auto Parts 43944 Laclede Chain Mfg Co. 43946 Lindberg Architects Inc. 43962 Pettit Oil Company 43756 Advanced Travel CHECK REGISTER Date From 01/31/98 To 02/13/98 Vendor Nl.ftber 13101 13128 Inc. 21011 23020 02353 02059 03092 12140 12045 16302 01090 43757 AirTouch Cellular 01105 43914 Dungeness Communications & 04210 43935 Insight Direct Inc. 09085 43950 Munlmetrlx Systems Corporation 13220 43967 PricelCostco CC Pmts 03261 43990 Washington (umemp), State of 23178 43767 43773 43n4 43n9 43786 43791 43806 43811 43812 43815 43820 43821 43827 43828 43831 43832 43841 Bishop, Virgil Cameron, Kenneth Camporini, Richard Clallam County YMCA Curtis, Kevin Evans, Sid Hansen, George D. Johnson, Donald G Johnson, Harry Kochanek, Harry Lindley, James K. Loucks, Jasper Miesel, Phil Morgan, Roy NW Admin Transfer Acct (Non-S) NW Admin. Transfer Acct (SW) Pacific Quick Stitch 02019 03252 03273 03076 03099 05103 08048 10052 10047 11017 12019 12186 13261 13145 14169 14016 16331 Description a-ring Fan switch Wheel,brace,shaft,seal kit Wheel,brace,shaft,seal kit Credit support (Inv S205273) Credit mount (Inv S205273) Cam shaft, spider Brackets Locking mount Locking mount Recover cushion and backrest Hand cleaner Tire chain sets, cable sets Carnegie Library pe 1-20 Oil GL Code Nl.ftber 760 3101 760 3101 760 3101 760 3101 760 3101 760 3101 760 3101 760 3101 760 6410 760 6410 760 4810 760 3101 760 3101 760 4150 760 3150 February 13 1998 Total for Public Works Total for Equipment Services Fund G Brooks to Seattle 1-14 Advance travel adjustments 01-15 billing January maintenance Seagate hard drive Printer cables Exabyte cartridges CCAR Software Support pe 2-99 Surge protectors 2nd qtr penalties 1997 3rd Qtr 1997 penalties 250 4310 250 4310 250 4210 250 4150 250 4810 250 4810 250 4810 250 4810 250 3101 250 2060 250 2060 Total for Information Systems Fund Reimburse Feb medicare premium 121 4635 Reimburse Feb Medicare Premium 121 4635 Reimburse Feb Medicare Premium 121 4635 Annual membership-Tom McCabe 121 4151 Reimburse out-patient svcs 121 4630 Reimburse Feb Medicare premium 121 4635 Reimburse Feb Medicare Premium 121 4635 Reimburse Feb Medicare Premium 121 4635 Reimburse Feb Medicare Premium 121 4635 Reimburse Feb Medicare Premium 121 4635 Reimburse Feb Medicare Premium 121 4635 Reimburse Feb Medicare Premium 121 4635 Reimburse Feb Medicare Premium 121 4635 Reimburse Feb Medicare Premium 121 4635 Medical,dental,vision Feb 1998 121 4633 Medical,dental,vision Feb 1998 121 4633 Jackets,embroidery 118 4909 U41 Page 11 Amount 6.52 93.65 450.10 1,143.81 191.05- 89.44- 480.45 351.82 540.48 431.50- 194.22 23.65 481.24 975 . 00 1.42 6,471.34 6,272.78 23.11 2.10- 16.13 150.00 1,044.48 204.96 80.82 600.00 16.17 168.60 132.57 2,434.74 94.00 65.70 46.10 536.00 166.66 42.50 46.80 43.80 42.50 85.00 43.80 85.00 46.10 46.10 9,260.90 2,206.10 304.91 98/02/13-11: 05 Fnd Dpt Check NL.mber 621 0002 625 0008 627 0005 631 0005 64 1 0008 652 0008 697 698 43848 43858 43911 43913 43928 43780 43781 43906 Vendor Name Rainier EAP Inc. Sequim Aquatic Recreation Ctr. Dept. of Labor & Industries Drake, George Godbey, Kay Clallam Jefferson CAC Inc. Clallam Title Company Clallam Title Company 43775 City Treasurer 43807 Harris, Bill 43910 DARE America 43905 Clallam Co. Superior Court 43993 Washington State Treasurer City of Port Angeles CHECK REGISTER Date From 01/31/98 To 02/13/98 Vendor Number 18057 19015 04046 04025 07039 03022 03286 03286 03062 08314 04036 03272 23120 43850 Restaurant Appliance Svc Inc. 18168 43857 Seniuk, Jake 19014 43864 US West Communications 21001 43991 Washington Museum Association 23203 43992 Washington State Arts Alliance 23389 43856 Secure Horizons 43885 AFSCME Local #1619 43886 AFSCME Local #1619 19480 01152 01153 Description February 13 1998 GL Code Number EAP Program Services Jan 1998 121 4150 Jim White Annual Membership 121 4151 Quarterly report 4th Qrtr 1997 118 4950 Reimburse 97 chiropractic fees 121 4630 Reimburse 97 chiropractic fees 121 4630 Total for Self - Insurance Fund C-J CAC expenses Nov/Dec 1997 Reconveyance fees-96PA05LC Recording fee - M Richardson 214 4150 214 4150 214 4941 Total for P.A. Housing ReHab Project Petty cash reimbursement Petty cash reimbursement Cancellation Country Dancing 888 3101 888 3101 885 9679 Total for Recreational Activities Fund Jr High workbooks Money siezed case #96-09745 10% of money siezed in 1997 French plate,switch,frame 531 3101 Total for D.A.R.E. Fund 536 9626 536 9626 Total for Drug Task Force Total for Senior Center Maintenance 823 4830 Reimburse January expenses Reimburse January expenses Reimburse January expenses Reimburse January expenses Reimburse January expenses 01-14 billing 1-23 Bill ing 1998 Membership - J Seniuk Annual membershipo dues 868 6410 868 3101 868 6410 868 3210 868 4310 868 4210 868 4210 868 4901 868 4901 Total for Esther Webster Trust Fund Ovrpmt P Colvin #2484085-01 697 2391000 Total for Accts.Receivable Clearing Fund Payroll deductions 02-08-98 Payroll deductions 02-08-98 698 2315200 698 2315200 Page 12 . Amount 330.00 277.84 4,636.76 39.08 316.00 18,761.65 8,592.83 43.00 9.00 8,644.83 26.25 25.00 20.00 71.25 281. 281.61 1,000.00 262.40 1,262.40 649.07 649.07 10.85 120.95 45.59 38.35 28.69 5.20 47.81 30.00 175.00 502.44 354. 354.91 'J" 1" 77.00 . 'i.4 154.00 98/02/13-11:05 . City of Port Angeles February 13 1998 Page 13 CHECK REGISTER Date From 01/31/98 To 02/13/98 Fnd Opt Check Number Vendor Name Vendor Nunber Description GL Code Nunber Amount . . 43918 Employees Association 05041 Payroll deductions 02-08-98 698 2315210 180.00 43922 Firefighter's Local #656 06076 Payroll deductions 02-08-98 698 2315200 800.00 43924 Flex-Plan Service Inc. 06062 Payroll deductions 02-08-98 698 2315210 1 ,079 . 79 43927 Fortis Benefits Insurance Co. 06052 Payroll deductions 02-08-98 698 2315190 604.66 43932 IBEW Local #997 09034 Payroll deductions 02-08-98 698 2315200 403.40 43933 ICMA Retirement Trust-401 09083 Payroll deductions 02-08-98 698 2315220 624.47 43943 LEOFF 12043 January 1998 698 2315120 27,911.64 43954 Office of Support Enforcement 15072 Payroll deductions 02-08-98 698 2315210 311. 54 43958 PERS 16016 January 1998 698 2315130 69,756.80 43964 Police Association 16156 Payroll deductions 02-08-98 698 2315210 175 .00 43979 Teamster's Local #589 20056 Payroll deductions 02-08-98 698 2315200 1,635.00 43982 U.S. Department of Education 21075 Payroll deductions 02-08-98 698 2315210 53.29 43984 United Way 21028 Payroll deductions 02-08-98 698 2315240 453.34 43987 WSCCCE, AFSCME, AFL-CIO 23167 Payroll deductions 02-08-98 698 2315200 2,470.11 Total for Accounts Payable Clearing Fund 106,690.04 Grand Total 654, n8.14 U43 CITY OF PORT ANGELES - PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM . ~WNTAINING AND BUILDING A BEITER COMMUNITY" February 5, 1998 TO: Kay Godbey, Finance Director FROM: Jack Pittis, Public Works Director RE: Upper Golf Course Road Sewer L.I.D. #215 - Project #95-05.14, (Payment #3) Contractor Pavrnents Authonzed to Date $467,659 50 $5,733.97 CONTRACT On al Contract Amount Chan e Orders to Date (1 ) Sales Tax (7 9% of subto;ul) $122,358.17 $9,666 30 $6,117.91 $217,697.20 $17,1 98 08 $10,884 86 Subtotal LESS Retama e (5% of subtotal) $349,916.98 Prolect Com letlon 71.83% DISBURSEMENT SUMMARY (Account No , See Below) CONTRACTOR R. V. Associates~ Ine. 1333 Lloyd Parkway Port Orchard, W A 98366 US 7523-9505-4150 $124,42572 DW2519-OOO1-4150 $ 1.48084 Total $ 125,906.56 $125.906.56 RET AINAGE Escrow No 0187718620 Kitsap Bank P.O Box 9 Port Orchard, W A 98366 $6,117.91 US 7523-9505-4150 $6,045.95 DW 2519-0001-4150 $ 7196 Total $6,11791 TOTAL DISBURSEMENT FOR THIS PAYMENT $132.024.47 CHANGE ORDER COMMENTS Change Order No 1 attached PREPARED BY: j s-.I~ City Engineer APPROVED BY: . '1 Loc' N. \PROJ ECTS\95-05L1D\PR OJMGT\P A YMENTS\PA YR EQ.OO3 , .. t. \) 'A: .~ .~ 7:~ 522 ~L~,j. - . p~ . ~ ~~ . .-., -- - bee- -=:t- _ t-T/ { ~ ""_: "lG:" "" or "'" AJGEU;! Application No.: : Period :rOll' 12131/9' paqe - 1 :J!1i3 l ::~2:::_~~_~::::~:~~_#21:______________________________~~~~~~:_~~_~___:~~_____________~_~:!:~~~~__________________~~_~_~~ ITEF. CONTRACT UliIT CotlTFlCT QUAlfI'I1Y MOIETARY QUAHTITY J/OHP.NRV ~o )ESCRIPTIO}( Of l<<)R!: QOAlfTITY CHIT PRICE OOUllT TUS MOli'l'H THIS MJNTR ro DiTE ro DATE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.--------------------------------------- 00 GOLF COORSE SEiER SHEOOLE A 01 SEWER MOBILIZA7IOX 1.00 LS 10000.0000 1S,OOC.O~ .00 .co Lon 18,000.00 02 2' P'vC FROM ONDER PAVEXEHT 40.00 Lf 40.0000 1,600.u:) .00 .00 20.00 aoo.OO 03 2' P'JC Fill{ HO PA1JEMm 260.00 LF 9.150~ 2,535.00 .00 ~11 .00, ,~.oo 2,S35.00 04 6<< SEWER tNDER PAVEMEKT 1.40.00 LF 18.6000 2,604. 00 i~ 'f'~ ']; 2~ 147.00 2,734.20 05 6~ S!lilR 10 PA~EMm 12.00 LY 25.??oo 300.00 -S"f., -tt:OO<!......D> <~ 80.00 2,000.00 06 0' SIDE SEWER - P.WOOJ'r 840.00 LF 16.5000 13,860.GJ 177.00- 2,920.50- 211. 00 3,481.50 07 6r SIDE SEWER NO PAVD!OO 527.00 LF 14 . ??oo ". - ~~l.;> 701. 00 9,814.00 7 ,378.0>) ~~lt&:'6e. ,~,'4A.OO. 08 8' SEWER . PA VEMm' 1123.00 LF 22.??oo 24,706.0:) lw:f~ r,~~o 860.00 18,920.00 09 8' SEWER BO PAVEMEIlT 3938.00 LF 18.500C1 72,S5'LOli .J'1't~,~\:I"l~C 3005.00 55,59~.50 10 EXTRA EXC1~ArIlG 8 + DEFT! 2100.00 LF 8.0000 16,800.0: 805.00 6,440.00 2045.00 16,360.00 118X6Tn 18.00 EA 35.000n h'lCl.Oil 2.00 70.{)O 19.00 665.00 12 6 X ~ TEE 6.00 n 30.0000 1BO.D-J 5.00 150.00 5.00 lSO.OO 13 61 PI.UG 27.00 !J. 20.000:'1 ~~O.()O ,~ 14<)~ 21. 00 .{~O.OO ~4 8' PUlG :.00 fA 30.0000 60.00 -er~ 0 ~ 2.00 60.00 . - 15 6 w C~EAll OOT }.ESElIBLi' 6.00 EA ,c,o. nnoo 1,SOO.CO 1.00 250.00 3.00 750.00 16 8" CWll 0(,11 ASSEHBLi' 1.00 !.\ 3CO.OOOO 300.C) .00 .00 1.00 300.00 17 MJmDLE PAVEKDIT 1'0 8' 4 . no FA 2000. ??oo S,!:lOO.OO I ~ v:V> -~ 3.00 G,ooO.OO ) 18 K.OOlOU NO PAVEMm 8' 16.00 f.l. 1800 . ??oo 28,800.00 J.f J,.OO . rZ:" ~ we. 00 9.00 16,200.00 19 S}.DDL! IOJlIO[.E 8' DnP 1.00 El 1900.0000 1,900.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 20 IWGOLll EXTRA DEPTH PAi'DeK'I 15.00 VT 200.0000 3,000.00 ?>~ boD~ 5.36 1,072.00 21 1UHBOr.'P. PT'l'Rl nEPTH HO P,W!MIrr 17.00 'JP 200.0000 3,400.00 "., ~ ItY.~ ll.~ 2,230.00 22 IIn'~&'!' EXISTING SEWER 2.00 V. 1000.0000 2,000.00 .00 .00 4.00 4,000.00 23 R&R ).C;PlfWI' H6i .00 Sf 7.5000 ~3,51C.00 .00 .00 17:.3.00 12,847.50 24 UllSUITABL! EXCAVATIai 100.00 Cy 12.0000 1,200.00 .00 .00 8.90 :06.80 ,~ ~tr,EC"J' B.\CUrLL 500.00 r:'i 15 . c>ooo 7,5OC.00 14J3.71 21,505.65 3010.78 45,:'61. 70 26 NO! ROADWAY RES'IDRA'l'IOII ~~30.00 Sy 11.0000 32,230.fJO 18J7.00 19,8i7.00 1807.00 19,877.00 2"J SBOOIll!R mroR.\1'IOJl 2109.00 S'i 11.0000 23,1'9.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 :8 i:l,R) Rts'I'ORATION ~2~.OO SY 11.000D ',986.00 615.50 i ,650.50 E95.50 7,650.50 29 SIlCI!IJC SlSOO.OO EF .5000 25 , 75C . 00 148.69.50 7,434.7:i 41936.00 20,993.00 30 TilFPrC CORTROL SEWER 1.00 15 5000 .0003 . . 5,000.00 .40 2,000.00 .80 4,000.00 31 FUGCIIG - SbWER 1200. ()() IIR J5.0000 42,:)00.00 383.00 13,405.00 . 804.00 28,140.00 32 cw.R , GRUB 1.60 AC 2800.0000 4,480,00 .30 840.00 .68 1,904.00 rota 1 CCLP ~ smm 0:; J. 423,~Ol.OO 7 l~.Hil.&G 302,764.70 "p)}~~j)- c.Lc.~J '9 v~,z.:~. ,!?~~.Lq 01 GOLF COORSE AD SCHBDCLE B ~TJIro- j<\ J'4Q I~ J'-", 01 IOILIZI.TIOll 1.00 L.S 5000.0000 5,000.00 .00 .00 1.00 5,000.00 . ~ 8~ c-~fXJ IIAT1;rp(AU no.oo LF 17.~ :2,389.~O ~ ..w-- ILt~:6t' 138.00 12,878.10 2..A 03 8' GAn: VJ.Lvt & BOX 1.00 EJ. 5~: 560.00 .CO . ~f. 1,'ffi{;6~ .00 04 HYDRJ.HT ASSmmLY 1.00 E.A 2!xx) . ??oo 2,JOG.ao .00 ..00 1.:)0 2,000.00 05 8' BOO' UP 1.00 E! :435.COOO 1,DS.ao .00 .00 1.00 1,435.00 OG MISC. 5f:1IDS i fIT':'~S 6.00 tA 300.0000 l,~OO.\)IJ .00 .00 3.00 900.00 07 UBSUITA!L!S 20.00 CY 12.COOO 240.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 08 SILtc'1' !ACKrIL!. 50.00 CY 15.00UU i~C. 00 .00 .00 .00 .00 09 lQ ro~AY RESroPJ.TIOll ~ooo.oo Sy 11. ??oo 11,000.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 10 YARD PJ:STORATIClf 184.00 SY .1..1.. UUUU 2,024.00 .00 .00 .~ .00 11 TRAfFIC a:rl'IOL 1.00 [.5 1000.??oo 1,000.00 .00 .00 1.00 1,000.00 12 fIJ.(j(jIllG Ib.UU HR 35.COOO 560.00 .00 .oc .JO .00 13 CLm & GRUB .;0 AC 7000.QOOO 2,100.00 .00 .00 .30 2,100.00 14 MISC. !RElIClUIG a BAOOIlJ. 400.00 Lf 7.5000 3,000.00 .00 .00 698.00 5,235.00 ~otal GO:'F CdllRSE ROlD SC!EOOLE B 43,858.50 ie .,.00- .31,668.10 .' 14"3"l J'=" I' A'- I"'bI1\:<-- S3 U'XJ ..Der: 731GCS CITY OF PORT AliGELES Application Ho.: - Peried frOt: U/31/97 Page KUIber 3 JCct , : ~5-05ILID 1215 Invoice HUlLer: ~70 Thl\t: 01/30/~! ---------------------------------------.------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------e 1m! COlITRAC'l' UHIT CO!fl'R~C:1' anllfl'UY II01IET1RY QU1HTITY IIOlfETARY :iO 1>ESCRIPrIOll or m QUAJlTIT! UJm' PRIG A.'<<lUNT TIllS MOtl'l'R ms MOH'l! ro DATE 'IO DATE -----------------------..---------------..----------------------------------.--------------.----------------.---------------------- CQ CBAlfGE ORDERS (s '-~~ U 7 5" ~ 01 TEMP HOOKUP & PERK SMR JmlP '7"f~ ADD SIlk;U 2" UllJICJI TUBE "1'otal cmCB ORI)ERg ""'2:> '3- E? "" c... ~.~ ~.~ J~.!....-J e t I 1 s \"" s-\-.... l .c;c\..J. ~ ~c\-<-Q b C-o .:;.--- -- -'- ~- --=:.-.-~ ~-- -0~\ I C' {J :::.c'"- _ c'd .no LS/ ,00 1.5...... e c.::r-- 1,U9.SO 450.00 .~ 13Y7~- 1.-4~'~ .00 .00 I .0000 .0000 .....69, 4.2~ .00 ~\...-~ U/_~ I~ o -r-z-::/ 1.95' _7~ (:.. '----y- 0,.. i.>--~ 1,205.47 ./ 450.00" ~47 i"l ~1 <..:..> - ---n:;yn 1.1): -:? . "' L, 1 '? -'0 J:... i i-\-3"'J . J ~ - " ~7f-1, l --' .00 .00 ,. "i r. U '-.1 (l JNI S31~IJOSS~ ^o S2:vt 86. E0 a3~ 1,205.47 . 450.00 %-1.653.4"7 ;';Lft )), , 08&. 27 . . CITY OF PORT ANGELES PUBUC WORKS DEPARTMENT CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 SHEET -1...- OF Project Name UDDer Golf Course Road Sewer LID #215 DATE: Februarv 5.1998 RV Associates Project No. 95-05 LID No. 215 StatelFed. Aid No. DESCRIPTION OF WORK You are ordered to perform. the following described work upon receipt of an approved copy of this Change Order: Add Schedule A Items 33, 34, & 35 for adding encasement to sewer crossings of water transmISSion main, adding sewer force launch tube to assist future maintenance, and hookup sewer service to facilitate crossing private drain field. Revise Schedule B item 2 unit pnce to compensate for change in pipe from class 150 to class 200. Such work will be compensated by: [x] Increase or [ ] Decrease in bid items; [ ] Force Account; [x] Negotiated Price: The d d/ d I b'd . f II descnbed work affects the eXlstinQ contract items and/or ad san or e etes I items as o ows: Item Descnptlon DCVR " Quantity Unit -$ Cost Per -$ Cost -Net $ Cost AdJ. No Unit DaYs 33a Encase Sewer 4 Orig Rev. 2 Ea. $1347.00 $2694.00 $2694.00 0 34a Force Main 4 Ong Launch Tube Rev. LumD Sum LS $450.00 $450.00 $450.00 0 35a Sewer Hookup 4 Ong. Rev Lump Sum LS $1205.47 $1205.47 $1205.47 0 2b 8- PVC Water 2 Ong. 710 LF $17.45 $12,389.50 Main (AWWA C- Qnn r.1~c:c: ?om Rev 710 LF $19.40 $13.77400 $1384.50 0 . ORIGINAL . CURRENT . EST NET CHANGE TOTAL CHANGE ORDERS. EST CONTR~CT AFTER CONTRACT CONTRACT THIS CHANGE ORDER INCLUDING THIS ONE THIS CHANGE ORDER $467 659 50 $467 659 50 $5.73397 $5.733 97 $473.393.47 DAYS 90 DAYS 90 DAYS' 0 DAYS 0 DAYS 90 . Sales Tax Not Included All worK matenals and measurements to be In accordance wrth the provISIOllS of the onglnal contract and/or the standard specifications and special provtSlOllS for the type of construction Involved The payments and/or additional time specified and agreed to In thiS order Include every claim by the Contractor for any extra payment or extensIOn of tlnle wrth respect to the work descnbed heretn. Includll'9 delays to the overall proJeCt. APPROVED BY' SIGNATURE' DATE: PROJECT ENGR -- '2--'i" -~ 2> '2.. - .,---~ 7-5-~6 ~~ -C) ARCHITECT/ENGINEER CONTRACTOR PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR CITY MANAGER M CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL DATE Loc:N:\PROJECTSI9S.oSLlD\PROJMGT\CCOO1.GWK; File:9S.oS.1S .- I ~ '-""'4 U~,j, : u48 . . . CITY OF PORT ANGELES - PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM "MMNTAlNING AND BUILDING A BEITER COMMUNITY" February 11, 1998 TO: Kay Godbey, Finance Director FROM: Jack Pittis, Public Works Director RE: Ediz Hook/USCG Base Wastewater Facnities-Project NO.92-11.14 (Payment #4) On mal Contract Amount $408.265.00 $5.322 32 CONTRACT Chan e Orders to Date (3) Subtotal $59,523.00 $4,702.32 $2,976.15 $304,338 00 $24,042 70 $15.21690 $363,861 00 $28.74502 $18,193 05 $374,412.98 Sales Tax (7 9% of subtotal) LESS Retama e (5% of subtotal) Contractor Pavrnents Authonzed to Date Prolect Com letJon 87 98% DISBURSEMENT SUMMARY (Account Nos. See Below for DlstnbutJon) CONTRACTOR Strider Construction Co. 2-l30 East BakcTVlew Rd Bellmgham. W A 98226 RETAINAGE Escrow acet #473549007259 Key Bank OfWallhington 1200 12th Street Bellm am. W A 98225 US 7511-9721-4150, $39,525.95 US 7511-9722-4150, $21.72322 TOTAL S61,249.17 US 7511-9721-4150, $1,920 60 US 7511-9722-4150, $1.05555 TOTAL S2.976.15 TOTAL DISBURSEMENT FOR THIS PAYMENT S64,225.32 CHANGE ORDER COM1v1ENTS Chan e orders no 2 & 3 attached eREPARED BY' 1 ,;:L-L. ~ City Engin~er -' APPROVED BY: Lee N \PROJECTSI92-11 EDZ\PROJMGT\PAYMENTS\PAYREQ4.GWK .. , (' U '"i .J STRIDER CONSTRUCTION CO.. INC 2430 E. Bakervlew Road Bellingham. WA 98226 (360) 676-5094 FAX (360) 734-5309 : 1 ! I I SCI Job # EZ Invoice Date. 01130198 I , I I I To ! I PROJECT TInE. 'EdIz Hook I I Ron Johnson ! I I I City of Port Angeles , ! CONTRACT NO. 92-11 I I PO. Box 1150 i I I I Port Angeles. WA 98362 I ESTIMATE NO 4 i I I ! I I PHONE ! (360) 417-4806 REPORT PERIOD: Ending January 31. 1998 I FAX :(360) 417-4609 I , I I I I , , - I f- . 1$ , ~ Onglnal Contract Amount wtwsst , 440.51794 I I 'Amount of Approved Change Orders No. 1.3 wtwsst I :$ 5.742.78 i 'Total Estimated Contract Amount '$ 446.260 72 - - Work PreVIous Amount ,Total Completed Amount This EstJmate I Amount , I Base Contract ,$ 363.861 00 :$ 304 338 00 I $ 59.523 00 I 1$ 363.861 00 : , I Change Orders :$ - $ - I I $0.00 : Extra Work $ - $ - I $0.00 - Matenals on Hand $ - $ - $ - Gross Billing :$ 363.881.00 -- - 28.745 021 ?_~leS Tax (7 9% of gross blllrng) S - Subtotal {gross tlllllng + sales taxI ,$ 392.606 02 I I ! - ~eta,"age (5% of gross billing) '$ (18.19305) , Net Amount (subtotal- retalnage) 1$ 374412.97 payments RecetVed as of 01102198 '$ 134.057 98 - I ~OWlng From PreYlOUS Billings , , Adlustment' I TOTAL AMOUNT DUE THIS ESTIMATE: 1$ 240.354.99 ! , I We herebY represent that tbe"aliOve IS a true estimate of the WOrk completed under the above contract to date I ~~ L'\ ~ . TItle Prolect Manager Date I 1130198 - VI - - , I , , - , " ~YOI_'\~JA T'()N A TTACHE~ . . . ,... ,..~ ~Ju.) ISlnder Conslrvchon I 1/30/98 REM NO DUC.lmON SCHEDULE A . Of. lASE .AClunES I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Mobdllohon MOlnlenonce ond P'olechon of Irolllc IroWc Conlrollobor Conslruchon SurveYing Irench Solely Syslem 4' 0 I Canol C'OISlng and Connechon 4 HOPE ForcemOln 4 C1eon-Oul Assembly CuI-In 4" Cleoll-Oul Assembly Repo" Exlshng 4'foICemOln Slo 21-55 ServICe Connecllon 2' HOPE ServICe Connechon forcemOln Asphalt Povemenl Repe" OB-I Sysfem, Slo 20+00 OB-2Syslem Slo 34+00 OB-3 System. Slo 102+00 OB 4 Syslem, Slo 105+70 OB-5 Syslem, 510109+30 Res!orohon and Clponup Spore Equlpmenl Aulomohc Ar Release Valve Assembly SCHEDULE I - USCG BASE fACIUnES I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Moblhzohon MOlnlenonce & Prolectlon 01 Tromc holllc Controllobor ConslnJChon SurveY"lq IrprlCh Solely Sysl('fTl 4 HOPE forcemorn 3' HOPE force main 2' HOPE Service Connechon forcemoln 4 Cleolloul Assembly . PROJECI ESTIMATE SUMMARY SHEEI Subtotal QUANITY I I 200 I I 1 2385 6 17 I 16 315 2215 1 I I I 1 I I 3 I I 160 I I 2685 1005 1570 7 PROJECITlIlE EDII HOOK EST/MAlE NO 4 PlICE SCHEDULE rlEVIOUSl Y ArrlOVED UNITS IS lS HR IS IS lS IF EA EA lS EA IF IF IS IS IS IS IS IS IS EA $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ -=':$ :'~ $ --- $ $ $ $ .. $ . . $ "-, $ .... IS IS HR IS IS IF IF If EA 'PiI ~ 't:tl ~,. J ::- $ ~~ $ ;:'$ .. $ ,oj ~" $ , $ $ S umt Pnce 10101 Pnce 1800000 $ 1800000 200000 $ 200000 32 00 $ 6 400 00 300000 $ 300000 100000 $ 100000 700000 $ 700000 12 00 $ 28 620 00 130000 $ 7BOOoo 170000 $ 2890000 BOO 00 $ BOOoo 500 00 $ 8 000 00 12 00 $ 3 780 00 II 00 $ 2436500 600000 $ 600000.- 600000 $ 600000 ,o;,! 600000 $ 600000 __ 1500000 $ 1500000 ';': 600000 $ 600000 ~ 5 000 00 $ 5 000 00 .~. 200000 $ 200000!M 140000 $ 420000 Ji -T 189865 00 ~ .. $ 1500000 I : ~::!! $ 3 000 00 J.i $ 100000 Z4 $ 32 22000 ::::~ $ 1005000 . $ 1099000 S 9 100 00 ': 1500000 300000 3200 3 000 00 I 000 00 1200 1000 700 1 300 00 . Quonlly Amoun! I 075 135 1 I 09 2300 h 17 I 4 300 1000 o o 075 075 075 05 o 3 $ 18 COO 00 $ 150000 $ 432000 $ 300000 $ 100000 $ 630000 $ 27 600 00 $ 7BOOoo $ 78 900 00 $, BOOOO $ 200000 $ 360000 $ 1"100000 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 420000 rI4277000 4 500 00 II 250 00 4 500 00 2 500 00 I 075 24 I I 2600 950 1400 7 $ 1500000 $ 22S000 $ 768 00 $ 300000 $ 100000 $3120000 $ 950000 $ 9BOOOO $ 910000 OWNER REPORT PERIOO THIS rElIOD Quonlly Amounl or, L") :.~ CITY OF PORI ANGELES JANUARY 31. 1998 TOTAL 10 DATE IEMAIKS Quonlly Amoun! o 010 61 o o o ?55 o o o 3 o 2700 o o o o o o 1 o $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 29 70000 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 200 00 1 95200 3 060 00 I 500 00 7 000 00 3841200 o 010 20 o o 75 55 101 o $ $ 30000 $ 64000 $ $ $ 90000 $ 5S000 $ 721 00 $ I 085 196 I I 09 2555 h 17 1 7 300 3700 o o 075 075 075 05 I 3 I 085 44 I I 2675 1005 IS03 7 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 450000 $ II 2SO 00 j $ 4500oo~ $ 250000'( $ 200000 ~ $ 420000 1l $ 181 18200 Iii I $ 1500000 I : ~ ::~ - $ 300000 $ 100000 $ 3210000 $ 1005000 . $ 10521 00 1 s 9 10000 ~ 1800000 I 700 00 6272 00 3 000 00 I 000 00 6 300 00 30 660 00 7 8(XJ 00 78 900 00 BOO 00 3 500 00 3 600 00 ", 40 700 00 ~ ~ l . . . . ISIIIder ConsJruchon PROJECI ESIIMAIE SUMMARY SH~EI PROJECIIIIlE EDll HOOl OWNER CIIY OF PORI ANGELES 1/30/98 ESIIMAIE NO ~ REPORI PERIOD JANUARY 31 1998 'RICE SCHEDULE nEVIOUSl T AP'ROVED IHIS rUIOD IOIAllO DAlE REMARltS ITEM DfSCRlrnON UNIIS unl' 10101 NO OUANIIY Price Pnce Ouan.1y Amounl' Ouanlly Amount Ouanlly Amount 10 J Cleonout Assembly I EA $ 1,10000 $ 110000 I $ 110000 0 $ 1 $ 110000 II ASphalt Pavement Repo~ 570 IF $ 1100 $ 6 27000 250 $ 275000 250 $ 275000 500 $ 5'.ooro 12 Cemenl Concrete Sidewalk 10 SY $ ~500 $ ~50 00 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 13 USCG. t CPO Club System 1 lS $ 8 000 00 $ 8 000 00 075 $ 6 000 00 0 $ 075 $ 6 000 00 14 USCG-2 System Medical/exchange Syslem I 1 S $ 1400000 $ 1400000 015 $ 1050000 0 $ 075 $ 1050000 15 USCG.3 System, Group SupporlfDock System I IS $ 36 000 00 $ 36 OOJ 00 05 $ 1800000 025 $ 9 000 00 075 $ 2700000 16 USCG ~ System Admlnlstrahan BUilding Syslem I IS $ 1400000 $ 1400000 075 . $ 1050000 0 $ 075 $ 1050000 17 USCG.5 Syslem Hanger System I IS $ 1200000 $ 1200000 075 $ 9 000 00 0 $ 075 $ 9 000 00 18 USCG.6 System, Woshdown Pod System I lS $ 2500000 $ 25 OOJ 00 05 $ 1250000 025 $ 6250 00 075 $ 1875000 19 Pressure Cleanout 2 EA $ 550 00 $ I 10000 2 $ 110000 0 $ 2 $ 110000 20 ReslorotlQ(1 and Cleanup 1 lS $ 5 000 00 $ 5 000 00 05 $ 2 500 00 0 $ 05 $ 2 500 00 21 Spore EQUIpment 1 lS $ 6 000 00 $ 6 000 00 I S 6 000 00 0 $ I $ 6 000 00 ~~ ,~ . .- Subtotal ' .. $ 218~00 - . $ 161 568 00 S 21 11100 S 182 679 00 .:; Change Orders No 1-3 I lS >, . S 5.322 32r 5 322 32 I - Extra Work . - I I . CRAND IOTAl 'ROJECT COST (WITHOUT TAX) . ~ $ 413 587 32 S 304 3JA 00 $ 5952300 $ 36JA61 00 - I . , IHE ABOVE OUArlllllFS DO NOllNClUDE PIPING UPSIREAM Of PUMP BASINS ACP RfPAIR INClIJDfS "OOmONAl QIJANIIIIES 10 PAIC" fOR PflOCAIII'G I (JRc.rMAIN IRfllC11I S AI I'ARKltIG lOI OIJE 10 lOCA"ON or. EXISIII"; WAlfR 11111 Co .v / c..O ~ ~ = C. 0 n: 3 "") (./Z,C:>oo - 00 ) ( ?,(PS-O- Z'f)77c.3Z ':. 1 I") -::") 'I !, ~ pORT ~ ti ~~ . Contractor CITY OF PORT ANGELES PUBUC WORKS DEPARTMENT CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER NO. "'" ~ SHEET ---1- OF 1 PrOject Name EDIZ HOOK! USCG CONSTRUCTION DATE: December 24.1997 STRIDER CONSTRUCTION INC. PrOject No. 92-11 LID No. State/Fed. Aid No. DESCRIPTION OF WORK You are ordered to perfo~ the following descnbed work upon receipt of an approved copy of this Change Order: As descnbed in the attached DCVR #11 Such work will be compensated by: [ ] Increase or [ ] Decrease in bid items; [ ] Force Account;' [ X ] Negotiated Price: The d bed k . d/ dd d"'dl bid it fll escn wor affects the eXJStina contract items an or a san r e etes ems as o ows: Item Descnpbon DCVR " Quantity Unit -$ Cost -$ Cost -Net $ Cost Adj. No Per Unit Davs 1 Delete COF in 11 Ong " . trenches 1($7,650.00) Rev LS 0 Ong. Rev Ong. Rev Ong . . .. Rev. . ORIGINAL . CURRENT . EST NET CHANGE TOTAL CHANGE ORDERS, EST CONTRACT AFTER CONTRACT :ONTRACT THIS CHANGE ORDER INCLUDING THIS ONE THIS CHANGE' ORDER $ 408 265 00 S 396 256 00 $ ( 7 650 00) $ (19 650 00) $ 388.615 00 DAYS 70 DAYS 70 DAYS 0 DAYS' 0 DAYS 70 . Sales Tax Not Included All work, matenals and measurements to be In accordance with the provISIOnS of the onglnal contract and/or the standard specifications and &peClll1 prtMSlOnS tor the type of construction Involved The payments and/or addmonat time specIfied and agreed to In thIS order Include every claim by the Contractor tor any extra payment or exten8lOll of time with respect to the wor1< descnbed herein, Including delays to the overall pl"OJ8ct. APPROVED BY: SIGNAllJRE: DATE: ARCHITECT/ENGINEER PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR PROJECT ENGINEER CONTRACTOR CITY MANAGER CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL DATE PW-404_04 [10195] IJ " ", , 0J s ~~ ~c~ CITY OF PORT ANGELES PUBUC WORKS DEPARTMENT CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER NO. ere-I/. /l5>-.J. 3 SHEET --L- OF 1 Contractor PrOject Name EDIZ HOOK! USCG CONSTRUCTION STRIDER CONSTRUCTION INC. PrOject No. 92-11 LID No. State/Fed. Aid No. DATE: Januarv 23.19. DESCRIPTION OF WORK You are ordered to perform the following described work upon receipt of an approved copy of this Change Order: As described in the attached DCVR's. Payment for the Septic Tank Pumping will be for the actual amount pumped as Indicated on the delivery tickets from the disposal facility. Such work will be compensated by: [ ] Increase or [ ] Decrease in bid items; [ ] Force Account; [X] Negotiated Price: The d bd rk ff th d/ dd dI dl bid it fll escn e wo a ects e existing contract items an ora san or e etes ems as o ows: Item Descnptlon DCVR Quantity Unit 0$ Cost 0$ Cost ONet $ Cost Ad) No # Per Unit Dava .. 22-B DeCommISSion 12 Ong -. Septic tanks Rev Est. $13.118.90 5 23-B Remove septic 16 Ong. tank USCG#5 Rey Est. $1.4n.37 1 24-B Repair Fiber 17 Ong optic cable Rey L.S. $10.376.05 7 Ong. Rev . ORIGINAL . CURRENT o EST NET CHANGE TOTAL CHANGE ORDERS. EST CONTRACT AFTER CONTRACT CONTRACT THIS CHANGE ORDER INCLUDING THIS ONE THIS CHANGE ORDER I $ 408 265 00 $ 388 615 00 $ 24 9n 32 $ 5.322.32 $ 413 587 32 DAYS 70 DAYS 765 DAYS 13 DAYS 195 DAYS' 89 5 o S.lea Tn Not Inducted All work. matenals and measurements to be In accordanc& WIth the prtMSlOOS of the anginal contract and/or the standard spectficatlons and speaal pl"OVlSlOI'lS for the type of construc:tJon Involved The payments and/or addrbonal bme spectfied and agreed to In thIS order Include f!VerY claim by the Contractor for any extra payment or extensIOn of bme WIth respect to the work descnbed herein, Including delays to the overall pfOJEld. APPROVED BY: SIGNATURE' CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL DATE PW-404_04 (10195) DATE: u54- /' -1 -, - . RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, acknowledging the contributions of Daishowa America to the economic and social well being of the Pot:t Angeles area and authorizing the expenditure of City funds in a celebration of Daishowa America's lOth anniversary in Port Angeles. WHEREAS, Daishowa America is the largest private employer in Port Angeles; and WHEREAS, Daishowa America has made significant investments in order to maintain the long-term viability of its Port Angeles mill; and WHEREAS, Daishowa America has made significant contributions to the citizens of Port Angeles in the form of donations to such civic projects as Volunteer Field, and WHEREAS, it is consistent with the above-mentioned benefits that Daishowa America . has bestowed upon the City of Port Angeles as weli as with the City's economic development interests for the City to honor Daishowa America by co-hosting the upcoming celebration of Daishowa America's lOth anniversary in Port Angeles; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles as follows: The City Council hereby acknowledges the significant contributions that Daishowa America has made during the past ten years to the economic and social well being of the Port Angeles community. 2. The City Council hereby authorizes the expenditure of up to $2,000 as the City's share for co-hosting the February 23, 1998 celebration of the 10th anniversary of Oaishowa America . in Port Angeles. -1- u55 PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said . Council held on the _ day of , 1998. MAYOR ATTEST: Becky J. Upton, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Craig D. Knutson, City Attorney R911.3 r . . -2- u56 City Manager's Office Memorandum Jeffrey A Pomeranz City Manager Sharon "Sam" Martm E ,ec Admm Asslslant B~k-\ J Upton. CMC Clt'. Clerk! Management Assistant Roben Coons Human Resources Manager Carrulle Headnck Human Resources Assistant } ?-- February 11, 1998 TO' Manager Pomeranz, Mayor Braun and City CounCil Becky 1. Upton, City Clerk/Management Assistant CL \.. FROM: SUBJECT: Resolution Consolidating City Employee Awards and Incentives Programs under the Customer Commitment Program SUMMARYIRECOMMENDATION: The City Manager and the Customer Commitment Steering Committee have determined it necessary and appropriate to consolidate the City's employee awards and incentives programs into the Customer Commitment Program Therefore, it is recommended that the City Council pass the attached Resolution. In the past, the City recognized the need to establish various systems of reward for outstanding City employees by the development and adoption of several' successful employee awards and incentives programs These programs were adopted by th~ City Council, sometimes in the form of a resolution The Customer Commitment Steering Committee spent a great deal of time further enhancing the various awards and incentives in order to fully recognize employees for outstanding effort, Innovation, creativity, and public service and to assure that those awards and recognitions are reflective of the Statement of Values As a result, it is desirable to consolidate these awards and incentives, as well as similar newly developed programs, into the Customer Commitment Program. It is the recommendation of the Customer Commitment Steering Committee.that the CitY Council pass the Resolution as presented. Attachment :j57 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, consolidating the City's various employee awards and incentives programs under the City's Customer Commitment Progr'!ffi and amending Resolutions No. 17-91 and No. 3-94 WHEREAS, the City Council, City Manager, and City staff have r~cognizep the need for programs to reward outstanding City employ~es by developing and adopting seyeral successful employee awards and incentives programs; and " WHEREAS, the City's employee awards and incentives programs include the Employee Suggestion Program, now known as the Bureaucracy Busting Incentive Program, (adopted by Resolution 17-91), the Superior Performance Award (adopted by ResolutIon 3-94), the Jim Abernathy Outstanding Public Service Award (adopted by the City Council on January 15,1991), and the "Caught in the Act" Program. and WHEREAS, in January, 1996, based on direction from the City Manager and City Council, the City Instituted a Customer Commitment Program with the formation of a Customer Commitment Steering Comminee, conSIsting of employee~ throughout City government, and the adoption of an employee Statement of Values. developed with the partlclpiuion of all City employees, and WHEREAS, the City Manager and the Customer Commitment Steenng Committee have recommended that it IS necessary and appropriate to consolidate the above-referenced employee awards and incentives programs, as well as similar newly developed programs, into the Customer Commitment Program In order to recognize employees for outstanding effort, mnovation, creativity, -1- usa and public service and to assure that those awards and recognitions are reflective of the Statement of Values; and WHEREAS, the attached Exhibit "A" sets forth the objectives and implementation methods for the City's current employee awards and incentives programs, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOL YED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles as follows: Section 1. The City's employee awards and incentives programs, as .currently reflected by the attached Exhibit "A", are hereby consolidated under the City's Customer Commitment . '\ Program, and Resolutions No 17-91 and No. 3-94 are hereby amended accordmgly. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meetmg of said Council held on the l day of , 1998. MAYOR ATTEST Becky J Upton, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM. CraIg D. Knutson, City Attorney R98.2 -2- U59 "Caught In The Act" A progr.1I11 wlIlLl, reLognlll:s !cllow elnployee~ in praiseworthy situation~ and rewards them with 2 Video coupons. S Impl y: I Complete the form & Sign 2 Nommator w,1I roule completed form to Finance Depl. ) Finance Depl. will Issue 2 Video coupons to nominator for dis,tnbulion. ... All awards will he listed In the quarterly Newsleller. e- m <:) ,. City of Port Angeles INCENTIVE PROGRAMS Superior Pe, formance Awa,d I he purpme 01 the Supeflor !'erlllfln.lnLe Award is 10 reward Individuals or teams for efforts, ideas, suggestions and performance of job duties. This could range from performing one's lob wl1h overall eXLellence to speciflL instances that II1volve creatIvity, dedication and extra effort 1 he check award IS III the amount of $100 Bureaucracy Busting Incentive Program I he purpme 01 this program I~ to enLOur.lge innovation and creativity among City Employees and to recognize those ideas thaI result in improvements to the IIHernal operations of the City of !'ort Angeles. Suhmlt your suggestions to your Rureaucracy Busting subcommittee. and help improve the City and its programs. TIllS program will award sugge~tlons In three ways, based on the impacI the sugge~tion has on the City or community. Cost-saving suggestlqns Will continue to be awarded at \0% of the savings up to $500, the relnailllng suggestIons will be awarded with a Supenor Performance award or video coupon~. Ll\Juuu. ...... ~.. ~~ Jim Abernathy Outsta',lding Public Service Award I All employees me eligible (0 receive t,he o P S. Award. Nominations may he submilled to the Office of the Cily Manager to recognize employees perfoflnlng above and beyond usual and customary duties as well as upholdmg the City's Statement of Values rhe quarterly Award winner will receive' ./ $100 cash ./ One day of f ./ Certificate of Recogllltlon placed In their personnel file, ./ Permanent display at City lIall ./ Recognition in' the local paper. ! .I~;:- h.:1 t .-5l f.j1 . PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES Meeting of December 10, 1997 ACTION EXPLANATION: MUNICIPAL CODE AMENDMENT - MCA 97-04 - MUNICIPAL CODE AMENDMENTS - City wide~ Various minor Municipal Code amendments to the City's land use ordinances by increasing the Zoning Code height limitation for certain commercial zones, providing and amending area and dimensional standards in the PBP zone, adding a subdivision identification sign standard, and adopting recent SEP A guidelines by reference. COlincIl dealt with thiS issue on 12/16/97. No further actlOn IS required. . REZONKREQ.UESI~REZ_~t7~02~CLALLAMJ:O.lJ.NIY YMCA\YEIERAN~S_CENTE~NoI:1hw-es1..and....sOllthwest comers of 3 nLand FrancIs.Street: Request to rezone property from RS-7, Residential Single Family to PBP, Public Buildmgs and Parks. COlincil dealt wilh tIllS Issue on 12/16/97. No further actlOn IS reqUired SHORELINE SUBSTANTIAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT -.SMA 97-14- CITY OF PORT ANGELES - 640 Ediz.Hook.Rd. A proposal to place approximately 75' of rip rap along the shoreline in the IH: Industrial Heavy zone to protect the shoreline area. (Contmued from November 12,1997.) No actlOn IS reqUired at thiS lime MUNICIPAL CODE Al\lENDMENT.":_MCA.9J~03..:-_CITY_OF PORT ANGELES ~.Environmentally Sensitive.Area.(ESA): Amendment of the City's EnVironmentally Sensitive Areas (ESA) Ordinance, to further define what areas are classified as ESAs and how applications are processed. Council dealt with tIllS Issue on 1/20/98. No further action IS required. . Council should accept the Plannmg CommlsslOn 's mmutes and place them on record at this 11111 e uS! ~,af.. J. ..~ . ";~ ~ ~( .; -ft' . . .. u62. . . . ROLL CALL Members Present: Member Absent: Staff Present: Public Present: MINUTES PLANNING COMMISSION Port Angeles, Washington 98362 December 10, 1997 7:00 p.m. Linda Nutter, Fredric Hewins, Dean Reed, Bob King, Cindy Souders, Mary Craver, Tim German None Brad Collins, David Sawyer, Sue Roberds, Mike Brown Brooke Taylor, Joe Micha1czik, Mary Raymond, Jane Ahlvers, Jay Peterson, Jim Rumpeltes, Michell Roberts, Christine Chang, E. Ahlvers, Michael Balsh, Dan Maguire, Norma McCormack APPROV AL OF MINUTES Commissioner Hewins noted corrections to the November 12, 1997, minutes to the vote on page 3, and there was a clarification as to the abstentions for Commissioners Reed and Nutter in approval ofthe October minutes. Commissioner Reed moved to approve the October 22,1997, minutes with the previously noted corrections. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Nutter, and passed 6 - 0, with Commissioner Souders abstaining. PUBLIC HEARINGS: MUNICIPAL CODE AMENDMENT_=_MCA__9-7~04_~ .MUNICIPAL CODE Al\1ENDMENTS - City_wide: Various administrative Municipal Code amendments to the City's land use ordmances by increasing the Zoning Code heIght lImItation for certain commercial zones, providing and amending area and dImensional standards in the PBP zone, adding a subdivision identification sign standard, and adopting recent SEP A guidelines by reference. Planning Specialist Sue Roberds reviewed the Plarming Department's staff report and answered questions regarding the Department's recommended amendments to the Municipal Code. Chalf German opened the public hearing. Commissioner Craver questIoned why staffhas proposed an increase in the height limitation in the Commercial Arterial (CA) and Community Shopping District (CSD) zones. Plarming Director Collins responded that it makes sense to raise the height limitation in the US3 Plannmg CommISSIOn Mmutes December /0. /997 Page 2 CA zone to 35' from 30'. Multiple family dwelling units are permmitted in the CA and CSD zones as well as the less intensive RHD and RMD zones; however, as the CA and CSD zones have height limits of 30', multiple family structures are restricted to 30' in those more intensive commercial zones. He added that this request was brought to the Planning Department by a member of the public who questioned the height restriction. . There was discussion as to why the staff is proposing to increase the height liitation in the PBP. Staffresponded that there are uses that are allowed in the PBP such as radio stations, public utility service buildings and some government uses which frequently need to be taller than 30' to function. The amendment would eliminate the need to approach the City to request that increase in each instance. The need for parking for those uses which are allowed in the PBP zone will determine the maximum lot coverage possibilities for proposed properties, and the proposed development standards will cause the scale of proposed structures to be in line with adjacent neighborhood developments. Previously there were no height and lot coverage limitations due to the large setback requirements assuming large scale public buildings. Chair German opened the public hearing. There being no one in the audience to testify, he closed the public hearing. The Commission began a detailed discussion regarding the proposal to provide standards for subdivision signage. Planning Director Collins responded that the reason for allowing signage for subdivisions IS to establish a sense of place in those neighborhoods. A . subdivision developer has one chance to identify his development with a tasteful sign as opposed to those developed areas that are not necessarily planned as subdivisions with mdlvidual identities. Although a sign IS somewhat commercial in nature, the proposed amendment only allows for identificatIOn of the subdivision. To date, staff has dealt with subdivision Identification signs as aesthetic features because there is no current sign standard that allows them. Port Angeles does not contain too many properties that are large enough to be developed as subdiVISIOns as the City was platted in a straightforward manner one hundred years ago. However, It is not uncommon in .cities where large subdivisions regularly occur to find signs Identifying the developments. Staff is asking for direction from the CommissIOn as to the permissibility of such signs at this time. CommissIOner Craver found no problem With allowing an identification sign within limIts for subdivisions. Commissioner German agreed that identification signs can be done tastefully and allow for Identl ficatlOn of speci fie developments. The sign size should be controlled. Commissioner Souders didn't have a concern with the concept of a neighborhood identification sign but disagreed with signage only being allowed in subdivisions and not City- wide. Staff responded to CommiSSIOner Craver that no minimum lot size or width is proposed in . the PBP amendment. In some situations, a small public structure such as a street end park or utility vault may be placed on smaller parcels of land. The use of the property, setbacks relative to the adjacent zone, and parking requirements will determine the extent of the u6+ . . . Planning Commission Minutes December 10. 1997 Page 3 permitted use. Commissioner King moved to approve the Municipal Code Amendment as proposed by staff citing the findings and conclusions as follows: Findings: 1. The City Planning Department's policy is to note areas of concern, inconsistency, or error contained in the City's development .regulations within the City of Port Angeles and bring these issues to the attention of the City Council through the Planning Commission for review and possible amendment in a timely manner. 2. Situations have occurred where areas of concern or inconsistency have been noted including a lack of permitted subdivision identification signage, inconsistent height limitations for multi family developments, ineffective setback regulations in the PBP zone, and out of date SEP A regulations. 3. The City does not provide for subdivision identification signs in residential zones. 4. The Port Angeles Municipal Code requires that property identification signs be no larger than one (1) square foot in size, unlighted, and displaying only the name of the occupant in residential areas. 5. The State Department of Ecology revised the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) regulations on November 10, 1997. The City has 180 days In which to revise its SEP A regulatIOns for compliance with those amendments. 6. Structures in multi family residential districts may be 35' in height. Commercial zones currently restrict height to 30'. Multi family residential u~es are permitted in commercial districts. 7. The majority of PBP zoned publIc properties are not developed in a campus-like manner. ConclUSIOns: A. An increase in height limitatIOns within the Commercial Arterial and Community Shopping District will provide consistency with multi family zoning development standards. B. The SEP A amendments are consistent with the State's revised regulations. C. The amendment to the City's subdivision regulations provides for adequate identification of approved residential subdivision developments. D. The amended PBP development standards will result in improved buffering between PBP uses and adjacent non-PBP zones properties and increased design flexibility of PBP properties. 065 Planning CommissIOn Minutes December 10. 1997 Page 4 E. The proposed amendments are in the public's interest. . The motion was seconded by Commissioner Hewins and passed 4 - 3. Commissioners Reed, Nutter, and Souders voted against the amendments. They collectively disagreed only with the proposal to establish a sign standard for subdivisions as they did not feel there is a need for subdivisions to be identified independently ofthe surrounding neighborhoods. There was no objection to any ofthe remaining amendments. REZONE REQ.UEST - REZ 97-02 - CLALLAM COUNTY ~Y'ETE~ CENTER - Northwest anQsouthwesLc..omers of 3 rd and..F..rancis.Street: Request to rezone property from RS-7, Residential Single Family to PBP, Public Buildings and Parks. Commissioner King noted that he is a member of the Clallam County YMCA but does not serve on the Board. He offered to stand down from the proceedings if there was any objection from the Commissioners or any member ofthe audience. No objection was raised. Chair German asked Planning Director Collins to explain the public meeting procedure. Mr. Collins stated that, due to the passage of Senate House Bill (SHB) 1724, the City needed to determine which board would be the official hearing body. In cases of site specific hearings, . which the YMCNClallam County request is, the Planning Commission conducts a public "meeting" based on written public testimony received dunng the published comment penod and makes a recommendatIon to the City Council. The City Council will then conduct a public hearing and take action. He added that two letters of public testimony were received during the comment penod which were Included in the review materials and staff report. Semor Planner David Sawyer reviewed the Planning Department's staff report and referred to two attachments that identified the allowable building envelopes should the properties be rezoned to PBP as requested. He reminded the CommiSSion that the actIOn previously taken (MeA 97-04) would allow the previously permitted PBP envelope to be dependent on the adjacent property's (RS-7 in this case) zoning. Commissioner Reed asked for clarification that what is being considered is the rezone of the YMCA property and the Veteran's Center properties and those existing uses. He had no obj ectlOn to the Veteran's Center being rezoned to PBP as it is owned and operated by Clallam County. He expressed concern that the YMCA is not truly a public use but is a quaslpublIc recreational operatIon that is being proposed to be rezoned to a "Public Buildings and Parks" use where uses are to be publicly owned. He asked if another quasi public recreatIOnal use such as the Sequim Boys and Girls Club made the same request if the same recommendation would be made. Planning Director Collins responded that a precedent for other quasipublic uses could be set. . Senior Planner Sawyer explained that the YMCA's operation can be likened to a public use as It is largely public in its operation. Although it is funded through memberships it does qualify and depend on public grants. uss . . . Plannmg CommiSSIOn Mmutes December 10. 1997 Page 5 Planning Director Collins responded to Commissioner German that the YMCA use is nonconforming because of the residential zoning designation of the property. The rezone application is the Y's attempt to bring the property into conformance with the zoning. The proposed YMCA rezone is a continuation of the PBP zone for Erickson Playfield, a City park, and Civic stadium, not oriented toward the residential neighborhood to the west. The YMCA site is developed nearly to its full potential whereas the Veteran's Center property is only partially developed and has much more potential for development options. The fundamental issue at hand in this application is to recognize the existing historical uses of the properties and to allow those uses to continue in a conforming manner consistent with other public and quasi public uses in the City. Commissioner Reed asked if the PBP zoning designation would allow development of the properties that a residential zoning classification would prohibit outside of a conditional use or vanance process and whether a commercial entity would be able to ask for a PBP designation or whether all such uses must be public. Planner Sawyer responded that the City's Board of Adjustment has permitted development of the residentially zoned YMCA site by the approval of variances for the past several years but did not feel that further development of the nonconforming use could be justified and demed the YMCA's request for further expansion in October, 1997. Director Collins noted those uses that are permitted in the PBP zone and that the zone's purpose statement indicates that uses are to be "publicly owned". In general, commercial uses are not located in a PBP district. Recent expansions to the YMCA facility have been by conditIOnal use permit m the RS-7 zone. The Veteran's Center use could not be changed other than to a permitted use under its current RS-7 designation, nor would it be allowed to expand under its current nonconformmg use status. Commissioner Nutter drew attention to the letter received from Mr. and Mrs. John Raymond, who were concerned With the ramificatIOns to the neighborhood if the PBP designatIOn is placed on the YMCA property, as (although the YMCA has been a good neighbor) another PBP use may not be. At the request of the CommissIOn, Jim Rumpeltes, County Administrator, 223 East Fourth Street. confirmed that the County is a part of this rezone request. Commissioner Souders pointed out that as the site is heavily developed with YMCA use, it is unlikely that a different use that is permitted under the PBP zone would be any more impactive, and therefore she moved to recommend that the City Council approve the rezone as requested citing the following findings and conclusions in support of that decision: Fmdmgs: 1. The proposed rezone request is to change the subject area zoning from RS-7, Residential Single Family, to Public Buildings and Parks. (See Attaclunent A to the December 10, 1997 Staff Report for REZ 97-02.) .1 . uG7 Planning Commission Minutes December 10. 1997 Page 6 2. The Comprehensive Plan designates the site as Low Density Residential . 3. The subject area is presently zoned RS-7. 4. The subject area is presently developed with the Clallam County YMCA and the Clallam County Veterans Center. 5. The YMCA property has been utilized by the YMCA since 1952. 6. The Veterans Center property is owned by Clallam County. 7. CiVIC buildings and recreation facilities are not permitted uses in the RS-7 zone. 8. Civic buildings and recreatIOn facilities are permitted uses in the PBP zone. 9. The use of the PBP zoning IS to Identify either environmentally sensitive areas such as streams, ravines. marine bluffs; or wetlands and public buildings and uses. Due to the nature, size and deSired scattered distribution of public facilities throughout the City, PBP zoned properties are found in a variety of Comprehensive Plan land use designations, including the Low Density Residential designatIon. 10. Comprehensive Plan poliCies which relate to the proposed rezone include: Land Use Element Policies A I and 2. C I, and 13, and Utilities and Public Services Element Policies Al and 83. . II. The SEP A Responsible Official Issued a DetermmatlOn ofNon-Sigmficance for the proposal on December 8.1997 (See Attachment 8 of the December 10,1997 Staff Report for REZ 97-02). 12. The posted public comment period for this application ran from November 10 to November 25, 1997. Dunng that time, the PI~mg Department received two letters 'ofcomment - one from Jon and Mary Raymond, 719 E. Third Street, Port Angeles requesting that the Veterans Center property not be rezoned, and from Ernie and Jane Alvers, 708 E. Tlmd Street. Port Angeles requested that the YMCA property not be rezoned. The letters of comment are attached as Attachment D to the December 10, 1997 Staff Report for REZ 97-02.) ConclUSIOns: A. The proposed rezone is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Policies Al and 2, CI, and 13, and Utilities and Public Services Element Policies Al and B3 as listed in the December 10, 1997 Staff Report for REZ 97-02. B. The proposed rezone recognizes the existing and historic use of the property as public facilities. . C. The rezone is in the public use and interest and the properties' locations on Francis Street are compatible with the surrounding zoning and land uses. u68 . . . Planning CommISSIOn Minutes December 10. 1997 Page 7 k t- f f The motion was seconded by Commissioner Reed and passed 6 - 1, with Commissioner Hewins voting in the negative. Commissioner Hewins stated that his negative vote was due to the quasi-public nature of the YMCA in a zone that is designated for public use facilities. He had no concern regarding the Veterans Center property being rezoned to PBP. The Commission took a ten minute break at 8:30 p.m. PUBLIC HEARINGS: SRORELlliEBUJJSIANTIAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT - SMA 97- L4 _ CITY O~ORT~GELES - 640 Ediz Hook Rd. A proposal to place approximately 75' of rip rap along the shoreline in the IH, Industrial Heavy zone to protect the shoreline area. (Continued from November 12, 1997.) Planner David Sawyer reviewed the Planning Department's staff report recommending approval of the Shoreline Substantial Development Permit. He explained that due to time requirements regarding the State Environmental Policy Act (SEP A) procedure the Commission may not take an action on the issue until December 26, 1997. Staff is suggesting that the public hearing be opened and continued to January 7, 1998, which would be a special meeting date. Chair German opened the public heanng. Mike Brown, Cit)' Public Works Department, 223 East Fifth Street, agreed with staffs recommendation and course of actIon and was available for questions. Followmg discussion as to the contmuance to an irregular meeting date in January, the Planmng Commission agreed to schedule a meetmg for January 7, 1998, 7 p.m., City Hall, m heu of the regular January 14, 1998, meeting. Commissioner Nutter moved to continue the public hearing to January 7, 1998. The motion was seconded by Commissioner King and passed unanimously. MUNICIPAL CODE AMENDMEN~MCA_9J~03_~CITY OF_P.ORT ANGELES _~--Envlfonmentally_S_ensiti'le_Area..(ESA): Amendment of the City's Environmentally SensItive Areas (ESA) Ordinance, to further define what areas are classIfied as ESAs and how applications are processed. Planning Director Collins revIewed the changes recommended by the ad hoc advisory commIttee and the City Attorney to the City's Environmentally Sensitive Areas (ESA) Ordinance. He explained that the ad hoc committee was comprised of two Planning Commissioners, three field experts in engineering and critical areas and a citizen at large pOSItion. The Ordinance was adopted in 1991 largely as a model ordinance from the Department of Ecology and has been analyzed by the committee for approximately one year in an attempt to mold it into a working document that is flexible yet meets the State and City's standard requirements. Chair German opened the public hearing. U6~ Plannmg CommiSSIOn Mmutes December 10. 1997 Page 8 Jay Peterson, 619 S. Chase Street, spoke as a member of the ESA ad hoc advisory commIttee. The Committee was formed of users who have worked with the existing ordinance in an attempt to make it more user friendly and locally achieveable. The proposed amendments will ensure the requirements and development standards and not discriminitively prohibitive. A map is included which identifies sensitive areas and a matrix has been added for quick reference. He encouraged the Planning Commission to recommend the changes as proposed to be approved by the City Council. . Commissioner Hewins noted that the term "functions and values" appears in the amended ordinance, but there is no defirlltion to describe the intent of the wording. He asked that a definition be included. Planner Sawyer noted that the map earlier described is not flawless, but it IS as near perfect as is known as present. Changes and additions may be necessary. Commissioner Craver asked that a more definitive time period be included in the test wherin the Planning Director may "postpone" a decision to a time certain. There being no further testimony, Chair German closed the public hearing. Commissioner Hewins moved to continue discussion to January 7, 1998, 7 p.m., and directed staff to provide the definitions requested by the Commission in its discussion. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Nutter and passed unanimously. . COl\1MUNICATIONS FROM THE PUBLIC None. ST AFF REPORTS DIrector Collms thanked Commissioner Souders for the extra"tIme she spent m her service on the ESA ad hoc adVISOry commIttee meetings. Merry Christmas was wished to all. REPORTS OF COMMISSION MEMBERS None. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 9:55p.m. Brad Collins, Secretary Tim German, Chair . PREPARED BY S Roberds UTO . PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES Meeting of January 28, 1998 ACTION EXPLANATION: CONDITIONAL USE..fi:RMIT - CUP 97-21 - VIRGINIA MASOKCLINIC -=-43A.East Seventh Street: Request to allow a medical clinic in the RHD, Residential High Density zone. No action is required of Council at this tIme. CONDITIO~AL_USK~ERMIT ~ CUli7~O~XTEND1CARKHEALIH FAClLlTlE~33-EasLParkAvenue: Request to increase the amount of permitted signage from 32 sq.ft. to 64 sq.ft. in association with anassisted living facility in the RMD, Residential Medium Density zone. . No actlO1lIS reqUired of Co U1lcil at this time. . l" .~. l~ N" 0,- ~ ,-- t.~ r i ~ I ~. r u71 ,. ~, ,.- ~~ .:t 'J~~ ~ .~;~ r ~"" .,.. c; . '- j~ " ~; . . . U72 . . . MINUTES PLANNING COMMISSION Port Angeles, Washington 98362 January 28,1998 7:00 p.m. ~~ ~- It r ROLL CALL Members Present: Linda Nutter, Fredric Hewins, Cindy Souders, Bob King Member Excused: Tim German, Dean Reed, Mary Craver Staff Present: David Sawyer, Sue Roberds Public Present: Gary Kriedberg, Dr. William Kintner, Bob Becker, Terry Atkinson In the absence of Chair German and Vice Chair Reed, it was agreed that Commissioner King would officiate as Acting Chair for the meeting. APPROV AL OF MINUTES Commissioner Souders moved to approve the minutes as amended by Commissioner Nutter. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Hewins and passed 4 - O. PUBLIC HEARINGS: CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT-=__CUF-~t7~21~V:lRGINIA_MASON CLINIC - 434 East Seventh_Street: Request to a110w a medical clime in the RHD, ResidentIal High Density zone. SenIor Planner David Sawyer revIewed the Planning Department's staff report recommendmg approval of the condItIOnal use permit and responded to questions regardmg associatIon with the existmg VirgmIa Mason facilIty located directly south of the alley in that the proposed use IS an extensIOn of some of the office uses of the existmg site but is not mtended to be open to the public. Actmg Chair Bob King opened the publIc hearing. Gary Kriedberg, Virginia Mason A dm in istrator, 433 East 8th Street, agreed with the Plannmg Department's analysis and recommendation and asked if the existing landscaping will fulfil the conditional use permIt requirement to provide and maintain landscaping for the site. Planner Sawyer responded that the existmg landscaping is satisfactory to comply with the condition noted in staffs report. Dr. William Kintner, Managing Partner of the Virginia Mason Clinic, 317 West 17th Street, also agreed with staffs report but asked for confirmation as to the use of the gravelled parking area currently used for parking by employees. He understood that the use of the north entrance to the building is to be discouraged but that it is not required to be sealed. u73 Planmng CommISSIOn Mznutes JanuaT)' 28. 1998 Page 2 Planner Sawyer responded that in conversation with City Engineer, Gary Kenworthy, it was understood that no improvement would be required to the existing gravelled parking area located on the subject property because required parking is available at the existing Virginia Mason Clinic site located south of the alley. It is expected that employees who are currently using the gravelled parking area are doing so due to the convenience, not out of necessity, and therefore, the gravelled parking area is not required parking which should be hard surfaced. Dr. Kintner responded that employees will be encouraged to park in the improved parking area where there is an excess of available parking. There being no further testimony, Acting Chair King closed the public hearing. Following brief diSCUSSIOn, Commissioner Nutter moved to approve the conditional use permit citing the following conditions, findings, and conclusions: Conditions oLApproyal: 1. The structure located at 434 E. 7th Street shall be used for administrative purposes only and shall not be used by the general public. 2. Access to the medical records building shall be limited to the south entrance. 3. There shall be no parking on the property north of the 7th/8th Street Alley. 4. A detailed landscaping plan reflecting the residential nature of the neighborhood shall be submitted to and approved by the Planning Department pnor to the issuance of any buildmg related permIts, and the components of the plan shall be properly mstalled prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy for the building. 5 All aspects of the project shall meet or exceed local, state, and federal codes, mcluding the issuance of requIred state licenses for the operation of such a facility. Fmdings: Based on the information provided In the January 28, 1998, Staff Report for CUP 97-21 (including all of its attachments), comments and information presented during the public hearing, and the Planning Commission's discussion and deliberation, the City of Port Angeles Planning Commission hereby finds that: 1. The applicant, V irginia Mason Port Angeles Clinic, has applied for a conditional use permit to convert an existing single family residence for use by the clinic's Medical Records Department as proposed in the January 28,1998, Staff Report for CUP 97-21 (Attach~ent A). r. ~ , t . . . u7~ . . . -='. Plannmg CommiSSion Mmutes January 28. 1998 Page 3 ~. [.,.., . <, , 2. The Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation for the subject property is High Density Residential (HDR). 3. The subject property is zoned RHD, Residential High Density. 4. A Determination of Non-Significance (#781) was issued for the proposal on January 26, 1998. 5. A hospital is a conditionally permitted use in the RHD zone. 6. A hospital provides for over night patients, surgical, laboratory and radiology services and 24 hour emergency care. 7. A medical clinic provides patient care on a daily basis, and laboratory and radiology servIces. 8. The existing facility combined with the proposed addition requires 36 parking spaces. 9. The existmg facilIty provides 67 parking spaces. 10. Per PAMC 17.96.070 approval ofa conditional use permit is valid for a period of one year from the date of its ongmal approval. Conclusions: Based on the information provided in the January 28, 1998 Staff Report for CUP 97-21 mcludmg all of its attachments, comments and information presented during the public he~ring, the Planning Commission's discussion. and deliberation, and the above listed findings, the City of Port Angeles Planning Commission hereby concludes that: A. A medical clinic IS SImilar to a hospital and conditionally permlttmg a medIcal climc in the RHD zone is consIstent with the purpose of the RHD zone. B. As conditioned, the proposed project meets the intent of the City's Comprehensive Plan, specifically Land Use Element A 2 and C 1 and the requirements of the P AMC including the RHD zone. C. As conditioned, the proposed project is in the public use and interest. Pursuant to Section 17.96.070.C of the Zoning Ordinance, any person aggrieved by the decision of the Planning Commission may appeal the decision to the City Council. Appeals must be submitted to the Planning Department, in writing, within fifteen (15) days following the date of the decision. -. - UI~ Plannrng CommISSIOn Mmutes January 28. 1998 Page 4 t f Commissioner Souders seconded the motion which passed 4 - o. . Planner Sawyer noted that appeal of the decision would be heard by the City Council. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT - CUP 97-01 - EXTENDICARE HEAI,TH FACILITIES - 1133 East Park Avenue: Request to increase the amount of permitted signage from 32 sq.ft. to 64 sq.ft. in association with anassisted lIving facilIty in the RMD, Residential Medium Density zone. Planner Sawyer reviewed'the Planning Department report recommending approval of the requested increase in signage. Acting Chair King opened the public hearing. Terry Atkinson, 1133 East Park Avenue, represented the applicant and stated agreement with staffs recommendation and was present for questions. He described landscaping on the site and responded to questions regarding placement of the sign on the property given the grade of the site posed by Commissioner Nutter. In response to an inqUiry by Commissioner Nutter regarding the size of the proposed sign, Mr. Atkinson answered that the size of the sign was planned to accent the size of the development and he could not agree to a reduction of the proposed signage without approval of the property owners. Planner Sawyer confirmed that signage over ten (10) square feet in the RMD, Residential Medium Density zone IS approved only through the conditional use permit process. . Bob Becker, Site Superintendent, 1133 East Park A venue, agreed that the scale of the sign was planned to complement the Size of the site and other amemtIes provided on the site. The huildmg is very large and the sign IS planned to be aesthetically pleasmg to its surroundings. There bemg no further questIOns or testimony, Acting Chair King closed the publIc hearing. Commissioner Souders moved to approve the conditional use permit - citing the following conditions, findings, and conclusions: CondItIOns: 1. The sign shall be constructed and illuminated as proposed in Attachment A of the Plannmg Department's Staff Report for CUP 98-01 dated January 28, 1998. 2. The sign shall be oriented perpendicular to the Park A venue right-of-way line outside of the required vision triangle and at least 100' from the east and west property lines. Findings: . Based on information provided in the Planning Department's Staff Report for CUP 98-01 Ul~ . . . Plannmg CommissIOn Mmutes January 28. 1998 Page 5 dated January 28, 1998, including all of its attachments, comments and information presented during the public hearing, the Planning Commission discussion and deliberation, and the above listed conditions of approval, the City of Port Angeles Planning Commission hereby finds that: 1. The applicant, Extendlcare Health Facilities (Robert L Gummer, AIA-PDC Midwest, Inc.), submitted the subject application to the City on December 19, 1997, and a Determination of Completeness was published on January 2, 1998. The associated public comment period ended on January 21 with no comments being received (please see Attachment A of the Planning Department Staff Report dated January 28, 1998 for CUP 98-01). 2. The application is to construct an approximately 8' by 4' double sided sign to identify the Laurel Park Assisted Living Facility in the RMD zone. 3. The sign is to be supported by two sets of redwood posts with the total height and width of the sign and the supporting posts measuring 6' by 9%' feet. 4. The sign is to be located on Park Avenue just to the west of the site's driveway entrance and will be lighted by to ground mounted spot lights. 5. An Adoption of an Existing Document (#378 adopting DNS #378) was Issued for this proposal on January 26, 1998 (please see Attachment B of the Planning Department Staff Report dated January 28, 1998 for CUP 98-01). 6. A conditional use permit. CUP 97-04 was approved for the assIsted living facility on April 9, 1997. 7. The site is zoned ReSidential Medium Density (RMD) and is designated by the Comprehensive Plan as Medium Density Residential (MDR). 8. Existing land uses adjacent to the subject site are as follows: To the north: To the south: To the east: To the west: single-family residences/the performing arts center vacant vacant/PUD right-of-way single-family residences/vacant Conclusions: Based on the information provided in the Planning Department Staff Report for CUP 98-01 dated January 28, 1998, including all of its attachments, comments and information presented during the public hearing, the Planning Commission's discussion and deliberation, and the above listed conditions of approval and the above listed findings, the City of Port Angeles Planning Commission hereby concludes that: A. Comprehensive Plan Land Use Element Policies AI-2, and C1 are most U,~ Planmng CommISSIon Mmutes January 28. 1998 Page 6 relevant to the proposed proJect. B. As conditioned, the proposed use is consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan including but not limited to Land Use Element Policies AI-2, and C1. . c. . As conditioned, the proposed use is consistent with the City I S Zoning Ordinance including Chapter 17.14 and the purpose of the RMD zone. D. As conditioned the proposed project is not contrary to the public use and interest. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Hewins and passed 4 - O. COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE PUBLIC None. ST AFF REPORTS Planner Sawyer explamed that Jeff Saboda, an archItect m charge of the German Alheizermer's Clinic project (CUP 97-13) in the Highland Commons SubdIvIsion, contacted the Department wIth a request to amend the approved conditional use permit with regard to the sIze of the buildmg, its occupancy, and a reduction of a portion of the mtenor courtyard mtended for recreatIOnal purposes Mr. Sawyer asked the CommissIOn to revIew the revised proposal and issue a detem1mation that It meets the mtent of the approved conditional use pem11t or provide dIrection to set a publIc hearing for that consIderatIOn if it IS decided to be a slgni ficant change. It IS not m staff s purvue to deviate from the CommIssion's approval to the extent requested CommiSSIOners Hewins and Nutter dId not feel comfortable rendering a deciSIOn without further revIew as the proposed revIsion was only distributed at the evenmg meeting. CommIssioners Kmg and Souders stated that It appeared the intent of the approved CUP was bemg observed and the current proposal would not alter the earlier decision. Even so, they agreed to jom in the consensus to postpone a decision until the February 11 meetmg when other Commission members could be present. (Commissioners King and Souders noted that they would not be at the February II meeting.) The Commission directed staff to place the Item for general discussIOn on the February 11 agenda REPORTS OF COMMISSION MEMBERS CommIssioner Nutter indicated that the City's Non Motorized Advisory Committee had met for its first meetmg as a formal group on January 21. The group will continue to meet and she will continue to report on its progress. She noted that she and Commissioner Craver had attended the AP A Winter Conference in Port Orchard and that is was well worth the effort. I' - t;"' U.v . Plannrng CommiSSion Mmutes January 28. 1998 Page 7 ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m. ,; ..~ I ...:}'f: ~t :.~ i "1 , .l;'_ '. ~ ~~ f-::,f! l :~; David Sawyer, Secretary Tim German, Chair PREPARED BY S Roberds . . u79 r' ~ , " .~ t. \ . . u80 . . . t t ; PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES r . ! l ! Meeting of February 11, 1998 ACTION EXPLANATION: PUBLIC HEARING: SHORELINE SUST ANTIAL DEVEOMENT PERMIT - SMA 98-01 - DAISHOW A AMERICA. 1902 Marine Drive Proposal to construct a new main water line to replace the original line in the shoreline area to serve the mill site The site is located in the IH, Industrial Heavy zone No actIOn IS reqUIred of CouncIl at thIs tIme. PUBLIC MEETING: REZONE APPLICATION - REZ 98-01 - SKERBECK. Northwest comer of Laurel and Third Streets' Request to rezone two lots located in the RHO, Residential High Density zone, to CO, Commercial Office CouncIl wIll conduct a publIc hearmg on thIs Item Febmary 17, 1998. OTHER BUSINESS REVIEW OF PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT - CUP 97-13 - GERMAN. 1704 Melodv Circle No actIOn IS reqUIred of Council at thIs lime. , I :" ~ v ,.J .l ,,~ t_:t1~ t"'\\"t;. ~j : )~I}~ ..". ~~; ~ .'-f~ ,- , ,.. i. . . JSt . . . MINUTES PLANNING COMMISSION Port Angeles, Washington 98362 February 11, 1998 7:00 p.m. ROLL CALL Members Present. Linda Nutter, Fredric Hewins, Cindy Souders, Tim German, Dean Reed, Mary Craver Member Excused' Bob King Staff Present David Sawyer, Sue Roberds, Dan McKeen Public Present Larry McHone, Bruce Beane APPROVAL OF MINUTES Commissioner Souders moved to approve the minutes of the January 28, 1998, meeting as submitted. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Hewins and passed 3 - 0 with Commissioners Craver, Reed, and German abstaining. PUBLIC HEARING Commissioner Reed excused himself from the proceedings as he is an employee of Daishowa America SHORELINE SUSTANTIAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT - SMA 98-01 - DAISHOW A AMERICA. 1902 Marine Drive Proposal to construct a new main water line to replace the origmal hne in the shoreline area to serve the mill site The site is located in the IH, Industrial Heavy zone Senior Planner David Sawyer reviewed the Planning Department's staff report recommending approval of the request with conditIons Chair German opened the public heanng Bruce Beane, P.O. Box 271, Port Angeles, WA, Project Engineer for Daishowa America, supported the proposal and was present for questions He stated that the original water service to the mill was by a wooden pipe system constructed in the 30's The service was replaced by a concrete pipe line in the 60's which was placed parallel to the old wooden piping The proposal is to replace the wooden piping with new modem materials and abandon the existing concrete structure which is badly deteriorated in place, therefore, no area presently undisturbed should be disturbed during the construction. In commenting on a letter received by staff from the Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe, requesting that a Tribal member be able to observe the proposed construction activities, he stated that the mill is anxious to continue working independently with the Tribe and will respond to its . "r\ UU':'J Planning CommISSIon Mmutes - February 11. 1998 Page 2 request through proper channels There are insurance and safety measures which must be . complied with prior to visitors being in construction areas on the mill site. Commissioner Craver expressed concern that the existing concrete pipe will be abandoned in place and not removed from the shoreline area. There being no further comments, Chair German closed the public hearing. Commissioner Souders moved to continue the Commission's final action to the February 25, 1998, meeting to allow the SEPA process to be completed on this issue. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Nutter and passed 5 - O. Commissioner Reed returned to the room PUBLIC MEETING REZONE APPLICATION - REZ 98-01 - SKERBECK. Northwest comer of Laurel and Third Streets Request to rezone two lots located in the RHD, Residential High Density zone, to CO, Commercial Office Planner Sawyer revIewed the PlannIng Department's report recommending denial of the proposed rezone and used the overhead projector to identify specific uses In the area, . specIfically between Laurel Street and Oak Streets and from Second to Eighth Streets IndIcatIng that the general area consists of a mix of multi-family and SIngle family uses COmmIssioner Craver believed that it would be difficult to justify denial of the request given the existIng commercial uses in the area including the dentist's office directly south across the street from the proposed location CommIssioner HewIns noted that WIth the vacation of Fourth Street during the Safeway construction, a loop of traffic now exists which funnels traffic north and south on Laurel Street Commercial Office uses along the west side of Laurel Street could act as a buffer to the residentIal uses west of those properties CommIssioner Reed posed the question as to what would then define the border limiting commercial encroachment west of Laurel Street to the residential uses in that area He suggested that Fifth Street could be Identified as an north/south boundary with Laurel Street acting as the east/west border of the commercial area perhaps two to three lots deep He could not support commercial uses south of Fifth Street along Laurel at this time Even given other development in the proposed area, Commissioner Nutter expressed concern that there is plenty of other property available for development that is zoned for office use and therefore it is not absolutely necessary to rezone the property in question at this time for office use . , ' A Uu :, . . . Planning CommIssIon Mmutes - February J J, J 998 Page 3 Commissioner Craver pointed out that the area proposed exists in the "gray" area between use designations on the City's Comprehensive Plan Map and therefore was designated as being available either for commercial or residential development. She believed that designation supports the current proposal The Comprehensive Map does not allow for further encroachment west of Laurel from the proposed site into the residential areas. Commissioner Craver noted that other rezones to commercial have occurred in the area along Laurel Street north of Fifth Street. Properties in that location are subjected to traffic impacts from the existing commercial uses, and therefore, tms would not be an area that would experience negative impacts from the proposed rezone. The property along the west side of Laurel Street to Fifth Street is currently developed with a mortuary, dentists' office, the main U. S West utility substation Following continued discussion, Commissioner Reed moved to forward a recommendation of approval of the proposed rezone to the City Council citing the following findings and conclusions: Fmdings Based on the information provided In the public record including the application file, the staff report, comments made received during the public comment period, and the Planning Commission's deliberation, the City of Port Angeles Planning Commission hereby finds The proposal is to rezone two lots (Lots 19 and 20, Block 53, Townsite of Port Angeles), approXimately 14,000 square feet of property, from RHD, Residential High DenSity, to CO, Commercial Office (Attachment A of staff report) 2 The subject property falls Within the undesignated area between the Commercial deSignation to the east of Laurel Street and the High Density Residential designation to the west of Laurel Street 3 In 1980, the City approved two similar rezones in the area, REZ 80(5)2-Chance and REZ 80(7)7-Taylor 4 The adjacent properties are developed with the following uses To the north To the south To the east To the west motel, dentist office, mixed office and commercial uses, and single-family residences. 5 Other uses along the west side of Laurel Street include a church, a power substation, dental office, motel, a mortuary, apartments, and single family homes 6 The existing neighborhood was originally developed with single-family homes but has been zoned for high density residential since 1971. Over the years, several properties Uv5 Plannmg CommiSSIOn Mmutes - February J J. J 998 Page 4 have been developed with multi-family units, this has resulted in the neighborhood's . current mixture of primarily single-family homes and scattered multi-family units. 7 The site is level and is currently developed with two single family homes 8 Neither Laurel Street or Third Street is designated as an arterial street 9 The City adopted a revised Comprehensive Plan in 1994 which established the district and neighborhood concept 10 The City revised its Zoning Map in 1995 for the purpose of bringing it into compliance with the Comprehensive Plan and its Land Use Map 11 The SEP A Responsible Official adopted a Determination of Non-Significance on January 30, 1998 (attached as Attachment B) 12 The north half of Lots 19 and 20, Block 53, Townsite of Port Angeles is owned by Lara Green 13 The south half of Lots 19 and 20, Block 53, Townsite of Port Angeles is owned by Janet Norris 14 Dr Ben Skerbeck has an option to buy the south half of Lots 19 and 20, Block 53, Townsite of Port Angeles which is owned by Janet Norris . IS The properties along Laurel Street north of Fifth Street are already subject to additional traffic and other impacts resulting from commercial uses 16 Property along the west side of Laurel Street north of Fifth Street IS currently developed with a mixture of non-residential uses includmg a mOrtunary, a utility substation, a motel, and a dental office I 7 Public notificatIOn regardmg the proposed rezone was provided per Section 17 96 140 with notices provided to surrounding property owners and in the Peninsula Daily News. as well as posting of the site No comments were received as a result of that notification Conclusions Based on the information provided in the public record including the application file, the staff report, comments made received during the public comment period, the Planning Commission's deliberation, and the above findings, the City of Port Angeles Planning Commission hereby concludes A Continued conversion of RHO zoned property to CO zoned property, two or three lots deep along the west side of Laurel Street have occured in a number of instances . u~6 . . . Plannmg CommISSIon Mmutes - February J J. J 998 Page 5 in this neighborhood resulting in a strip commercial development pattern B. The proposed Commercial Office zone will provide a logical buffer between CO and RHD uses C The following Comprehensive Plan Policies are most relevant to the proposal including Land Use Policies Al and 2, C1, D1, E2, 5, 7, and 8. D The rezone is consistent with Comprehensive Plan Policies C1, D1, E2, E7 and E8 E Circumstances have changed since the approval of REZ 80(5)2-Chance and REZ 80(7)7- Taylor with the adoption of the City's revised Comprehensive Plan in 1994 F The rezone is in the public use and interest and is compatible with the surrounding zoning and land uses . OTHER BUSINESS Commissioner German left the meeting room for the discussion to follow REVIEW OF PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT - CUP 97-13 - GERMAN. 1704 Melody Circle Staff introduced the issue by explainmg that the proposal is a request to amend a conditional use permit approved in September, 1997, for an assisted living facility in the Residential High Density zone The current proposal mcludes a change in the number of units, the breakdown of double occupancy and single occupancy units, the size of the interior courtyard, the number of parking spaces, the size of the exterior fenced area and the type of amenities located therein Staff is requesting direction from the Planning Commission as to whether the Commission feels these changes are within the intent of the original approval and whether or not they create any impacts beond those addressed at the time of the original approval Following a detailed discussion of the different elements of facility and the effect of the amendments as proposed, Commissioner Nutter moved to amend the conditional use permit as proposed by the applicant citing the following findings and conclusions Findings Based on the information provided in the September 10, 1997, September 24, 1997, and January 28, 1998, Staff Reports for CUP 97-13 including all of their attachments, all comments and information presented during the public hearing, the Planning Commission's discussion and deliberation, the City of Port Angeles Planning Commission hereby finds that The applicant, Tim German has applied for a conditional use permit for an assisted living facility in the Residential High Density (RHD) zone as , - ..., Uu, Planmng CommISSIOn Mmutes - February J J. J 998 Page 6 proposed in the September 10, 1997 and September 24, 1997 Staff Reports for CUP 97-13 Attachment A 2 The applicant subsequently submitted a revised site plan and floor plan to the Planning Department on January 28, 1998 and is attached as CUP 97-13 January 28, 1998 Staff Report Attachment A 3 The revised site plan and floor plan was forwarded to the Planning Commission on January 28, 1998 4 The Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation for the subject property is High Density Residential (HDR) 5 The subject property IS zoned RHO 6 A Determination of Non-Significance and Adoption of Existing Document (#746) was issued for the proposal on September 5, 1997 7 The proposed project is located in the vicinity of a regulated wetland. Due to the proximity ofthis wetland, a wetland permit was applied for and issued for the original Highland Communities Planned Residential Development (WP 92(03)01) 8 An assisted living facility is a conditionally permitted use in the RHD zone 9 The proposed project IS a smgle-story, 41 bed facility for Alzheimer Disease patients 10 The proposed project is hcensed by the State as a "boarding home" II A five phased Planned Residential Development (PRO 92(03)03) was preliminarily approved for the subject site on May 19, 1992 Phases 1 arid 2 received final approval on December 21, 1993 and the preliminary approval for Phases 3-5 expired on May 19, 1993 12 A short plat includmg the subject site was preliminarily approved on October 27, 1992 and received final approval on December 11, 1992 13 A subdivision (The HigWand Commons, SUB 96-02) including the subject site as Lot 3 was recorded on November 7, 1996 14 The property was annexed into the City as Residential Multi-Family Development (RMD) on March 23, 1973, and April 16, 1974 15 The closest public transit service route is over 650 feet away on Golf Course Road 16 Per P AMC 17 96 070 approval of a conditional use permit is valid for a . . . - n Uv0 PlannIng CommIssIOn MInutes - February l1. 1998 Page 7 I i . period of one year from the date of its original approval. Conclusions' Based on the information provided in the September 10, 1997, September 24, 1997, and January 28, 1998, Staff Reports for CUP 97-13 including all of their attachments, all comments and information presented during the public hearing, the Planning Commission's discussion and deliberation, and the above listed findings and conditions of approval, the City of Port Angeles Planning C<?mmission hereby concludes that: A As conditioned, the proposed project is an assisted living facility . B As conditioned, the proposed project meets the intent of the City's Comprehensive Plan, specifically Land Use Element A 2, B 3 and 4, and C 1 through 4, and the requirements of the PAMC including the RHD zone C As conditioned, the proposed project is in the public use and interest D The revisions submitted on January 28, 1998 are consistent with the Planning Commission's approval on September 24, 1997 and do not create any potential impacts beyond those addressed as part of the original approval . Commissioner Souders seconded the motion which passed unanimously. COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE PUBLIC None STAFF REPORTS None REPORTS OF COMMISSION MEMBERS ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 9 40 P m David Sawyer, Acting Secretary Tim German, Chair . PREPARED BY S Roberds Un . 0'0 i> '" -,-j; .)"f , .'~~ ,,-,~ '-;:::,' .-' '. :'" ",:r . . uqO Jack Ptttls Director (4801J Phyllis Ras/er Admm/stratlve Assistant (4805J Cate Rmehart AdmInistrative Assistant (47ooJ Bob Titus Deputy DIrector (4701J Ken Ridout Deputy DIrector (4802J Gary Kenworthy City Engmeer (4803J Steve Hursh Engmeenng Manager (4702J Tim Smith ttntract & Project Inlstrator (4804J ou Haehnlen Sr BUlldmg Inspector (4816J Tom Sperlme Sr EIec1ncallnspector (4735J Scott McLam Power Manager (4703J Ralph Ellsworth Water Wastewater Collection Supenntendent (4855J Pete Burrett EqUIp ServiceS Supenntendent (4835J Marl< Shamp Light Operations Manager (4731J Kevm CurtiS Treat Plant Supervisor (4845J Tom McCabe SW Collection SupervIsor (4876J Steve Evans Landfill SuperVIsor .73J MEMORANDUM DATE: Februa'ry 13, 1998 TO: City Manager Pomeranz, Mayor Braun and Council M]tl bers Bob Titus, Deputy Director of Utility Services ~ ' I City Light Strategic Plan FROM: SUBJECT: SUMMARY and RECOMMENDATION: The City Council, at the recommendation of staff and the UAC, authorized release of a Request for Proposals (RFP) for a strategic plan for City Light. Four proposals were received and evaluated and the firm of EES Consulting, Inc. was determined to be the best-qualified firm. However, staff and the UAC had questions about the proposed scope of work that resulted in several discussions with the consultant and ultimately a reVised scope of work. The revised scope of work and a detailed cost breakdown (attached) was taken to the UAC on February 9, 1998 and was approved for forwarding to the City Council for action. It is recommended by the UAC and Staff that the City Council authorize the Mayor to enter into a contract with EES Consulting, Inc. to prepare a Strategic Plan for City Light at a cost not to exceed $65,000. BACKGROUND AND ANALYSIS: At the March 1997 UAC meeting staff discussed the changes coming as a result of electric utility deregulation and the need to plan for our future. At that time there did not appear to be a rush to make these decisions but after a meeting with SPA on July 28, 1997 it was determined that the utility really needed to pursue a strategic plan to determine what services, if any, we should be prepanng to offer when deregulation and retail chOIce is available to our customers. If we want to ensure that the City and it's citizens realize the maximum benefit from the upcoming changes we need to know what IS in our best Interests and work to positron ourselves to take advantage of opportunities ThiS could range from selling off the utility to expanding services and customer base. Realizing that an unbIased viewpoint would be best we moved to hire a consultant through the RFP process. At a minimum we asked that the strategic plan include the follOWing . Identify current strengths and weaknesses of City Light in view of upcoming deregulation and competition in the electric utility industry. Areas to be addressed should include management, financial position, operational effiCiency and plant condition. The consultant should include additional areas they feel are important to future success in the electric utility business. . Identify pros and cons of various business options available to the City in light of the utilities current strengths and weaknesses. Options should range from sale or merger of the utility to expansion of product and service offerings within and beyond existing service territory boundanes. In particular an analysis of potential alliances should be included as well as an analysis of the feasibility of installing fiber optic cable throughout the City. A minimum of 3 options should be explored. . Rank identified business options based on: 1) providing value and quality of service to customers, 2) maintaining local control, 3) minimizing risks to the City and 4) potential to maximize revenues. Then, for the top 3 options, recommend steps and a time line for achieving those business options. 0:;1 This new competitive environment faced by electric utilities is somewhat daunting but. at the same time presents a tremendous opportunity. We know that competition will be t fiercest and materialize the soonest with large industrial customers such as Daishow and we think we can compete successfully for their load. The next customer segment that will be at risk are commercial chain stores such as Safeway where the local utility will have little chance to compete as decisions will be made at the corporate level and involve regional or even national account servicing. Residential customers have the least to gain from competition and will be the last to seek choice of supplier and will be the most inclined to stay with the local utility if service levels are high and prices are competitive. Utilities with a proactive strategy and a clear vision of what role their system will provide in this new environment will likely prosper. The converse is also true. The first step is to articulate a clear statement as to the role the utility will play in this new, competitive and deregulated environment. The strategic plan provided by EES will provide us this guidance. Having said all this, however, staff and the UAC recognize that we are recommending that the Council spend a sizable amount of money even after paring down the original scope. In addition, most of the cost reductions come from eliminating most of the benchmarking (comparing City Light to other utilities using a variety of indicators) except for a comparison of "wires" charges. In its simplest form, wires charges are the utilities total costs less cost of power and ancillary services. This comparison is equivalent to taking a patient's temperature. If they don't have a fever you figure they're ok but if they do have a fever then you need to riA further tests. In our case, if it is found that our wires charges are out of line with those_ other comparable utilities then we will need to consider authorizing additional spending for the consultant to break out the individual cost components of the wires charge (billing, meter reading, operations & maintenance, administrative & general, engineering, etc.). In the original proposal thiS was budgeted at $7,000. The bottom line IS that staff and the UAC feel that there is a need to have a strategic plan to gUide the future direction of City Light to ensure that the City and its citizens realize the maximum benefit from the utility. We are_confident that EES Consulting, Inc. will provide .us With a good plan that will enable us to recover plan costs many times over. RJT bt Disk N \PWKS\LIGHT\DIRECTOR\FILES\CL_PLAN DOC File Attachments Casted task hst Copy . U i ' '"' v.. City light Strategic Plan . Scope of Work Task 1 - Interviews with Key External Customers and Suppliers $ 9,000 Interview 30 customers and suppliers $ 7,000 Provide report on perceived strengths & weaknesses as seen by customers and suppliers $ 1,000 Provide report on perceived quality of customer service as seen by customers and suppliers $ 1,000 Task 2 - Initial Project Conference $ 1,500 Meet with Council Members, City Manager and Project Team $ 1,000 Provide summary of City concems and sensitivities $ 250 Provide summary of utility strengths, weaknesses and needs $ 250 Provide revised work plan $ Task 3 - Organizational Efficiency Review and Analysis $ 22,500 Provide summary of perceived strengths & weaknesses from interviews with 30 employees $ 3,000 Provide summary of perceived quality of customer service from interviews with 30 employees $ 3,000 Provide summary of bargaining unit perspectives and level of involvement $ 1,000 Provide comparison of utility's wires fees to others $ 2,500 Provide functional grouping of wntten pohCles $ 1,500 Provide analysis of written policies strengths & weaknesses $ 1,500 Provide analysis of unwritten policies strengths & weaknesses and which ones should be adopted $ 1,500 Provide list of new policies needed to deal with future issues and implementation Issues $ 1,500 . Provide comparison of financial performance of comparable and competing utilities $ 1,000 Provide analysis of present and potential stranded costs $ 1,000 Provide analysis of current accounting and finanCIal record system with recommendations $ 1,000 Provide analysIs of current management information systems with recommendations $ 1,000 Provide analysis of current finanClaVrate analyses performed in-house $ 1,000 Provide analysis of debt posrtlon $ 1,000 Provide analYSIS of procurement, bidding and contract management with recommendations $ 1,000 Task 4 - Identification and Evaluation of Business Options $ 15,500 Forecast utility trends and business models $ 2,000 Identify bUSiness options that mesh forecasted industry trends, forecasted customer expectatIons, $ 2,000 previously Identified utility strengths & weaknesses and desires of policy makers Develop strategy to optimize policy direction, organizational effectiveness, employee certainty and $ 5,000 morale, and strategic direction and competitiveness Provide list of business options With pros and cons $ 2,500 Provide an evaluation of all business options and a transition strategy for top three $ 4,000 Tasks 5 & 6 - Post-Study Conference and Final Report $ 8,000 Meet with Council Members, City Manager and Project Team to review process, condusions, $ 4,000 recommendations and future direction Work With City to organize final report in a meaningful and useful format $ 3,000 Provide City with reproducable master and two draft copy's of final report $ 1,000 Labor Total $ 56,500 . Not to Exceed Out-of-Pocket Total $ 8,500 Project Not to Exceed Total $ 65,000 Uv3 .t ;-~. '.~~ W~ :~ ,1:.;;,,, " ' 1.' " e[) ; ~"; " , f . e U~, CITY OF PORT ANGELES 321 East FIfth Street. PO Box 1150 Port Angele~. Washmgton 98362-1150 Phone (360) 417-4500 Fax (360) 417-4509 TTY Phone (360) 417-4645 mternet address cltym@olympus.net DATE: February 12, 1998 TO: City Council Members FROM: Jeffrey A. Pomeranz, City Manager SUBJECT: CITY MANAGER SELECTION PROCESS . A t the request of Mayor Braun, I contacted the executive search firm of Waldron and Company. Tom Waldron has conducted a number of searches across the United States and assisted the City of Port Angeles and Sequim on the most recent manager searches. The cost of the search will not exceed $20.000, plus expenses. The search process is described in the attached proposal. After the Council has confirmed the selection of Waldron and Company. Tom Waldron will schedule interviews with key leaders and commence the process. - Please review the attached to assure that the proposed process is consistent with the City Council's desired approach. Jeff . JJu u~tI t i r -, l [ , - - WALDRON & COMPANY .", 101 STEWART, SUITE 1200 SEATILE, WA 98101 12061441"4144 120614415213 FAx . . February 9, 1998 Mayor Gary Braun and Council Members City of Port Angeles 321 East 5th PO Box 1150 Port Angeles, W A 98362 Fax: 360-457-0411 Dear Mayor Braun: Waldron Resources is pleased to submit this proposal to assist Port Angeles' City Council in selecting their next City Manager. Waldron Resources is experienced in partnering with City Councils as they work together to move positively through a period of transition and change. We firmly believe that the first step in the selection process is to clearly identify what the City Council is looking for in their next City Manager. We assist the City Council in developing a common vision describing the qualifications and personality traits of the successful candidate. Waldron Resources then develops a targeted recruitment designed to attract, not only highly qualified managers, but candidates who can best help the City Council realize its' vision for the community. We then work diligently with the City Council to select the best candidate to meet the City's unique needs. Enclosed is a copy of our proposal for your review. The proposal outlines the recommended action stages for an organizational needs evaluation and the search process. We can assure you that our services will be timely and responsive. A long term fit between a City Council and its Manager is a critical indicator of a successful search. Waldron Resources guarantees the Council's selection for a period of two years. If the selected City Manager leaves the position or is terminated for any cause, we will conduct a replacement search without a fee. We are extremely proud of this offer and believe that our success in finding and placing excellent City Managers results from the partnership we develop with the City Councils we serve and from our thorough approach. We look forward to meeting with you and are available to do so at your convenience. Should you have additional questions which are not adequately covered in the enclosed proposal, please give us a call. Sincerely, ~ W~A- Tom Waldron President Enclosure Uv. A MtMBfR Manchester Partners' CITY OF PORT ANGELES EXECUTIVE SEARCH FOR CITY MANAGER ., STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS & PROPOSAL By VVALDRONREsOURCES . . . , " U~J'J . . . T ABLE OF CONTENTS OUIUNE FOR RECRUITMENT & PROJECT PLAN PAGE 1 ...................................................................... RECRUITMENT PHASE AND SCREENINGllNTERVIEWlNG PHASE PAGE 2 - 3 BACKGROUND ON TI-IE FIRM PAGE 4 ............................................................................................. CONSULTANT STAFF PAGE 5 - 6 .................................................................................................. FEEs & EXPENSES PAGE 7 ........................................................................................................... CLIENT REfERENCES PAGE 8 ........................................................................................................ PROPOSED TIME LINE PAGE 9 ...................................................................................................... , 'I' ' '-' U v LJ OUTLINE FOR RECRUITMENT & PROJECT PLAN Waldron Resources will act as the City of Port Angeles' agent in the sourcing, recruiting, pre-screening and thorough evaluation of the background and skills of final candidates for the position of City Manager. We will do so by: . Conducting private interviews with the City Council and others as directed to detennine desired skills, experiences and attributes. . Reviewing the current position description and other archival !nfonnation related to the City Manager position and community Issues. . Conducting a salary survey then presenting the results, along with a recommended salary range, to the City Council. . Preparing a comprehensive Position Specification, which includes: . A general description of the City, its services, history, location, organizational structure, mission and community Issues. . All qualification requirements including education, employment history, managerial and technical experience as well as personal qualities and characteristics. . The basic functions, authority and responsibilities of the City Manager. Immediate and long-tenn priorities and issues facing the City. t , , . . t" . . PROJECT PLAN In collaboration with the City Council, Waldron Resources will design and conduct a targeted recruitment to identify and attract diverse, highly qualified candidates for the position. Planning will proceed as follows: . The timetable and schedule of delivery dates of all aspects of the search will be reviewed and finalized with the City Council. . A contact/assistance person within the City will be identified as will members of Waldron Resources' staff directly involved in the search. . Regular search progress updates will be prepared and delivered to the City Council as the process continues. . A recruitment letter describing the poSItIOn and supplemental questionnaire will be written and a mailing list will be fully developed. . Initial discussions with the City Council will be held to design the final interview process. Page r lOC, . . . RECRUITMENT PHASE r,~ ,,' The recruitment phase of the assignment begins at this point. After discussions with Waldron Resources, the City Council will decide whether a regional or national search will be conducted. After we have received direction as to the geographical scope of the search, the following strategies will be implemented: . Waldron Resources associates begin direct recruiting calls to prospects. . Waldron Resources will place the advertising in newspapers, professional journals, association newsletters and job-lines. . A direct mail campaign will be launched utilizing our extensive in- house database, existing contacts and mailing lists targeting professional organizations and associations. . Contact will be made with those individuals identified as qualified and potentially interested during our interviews with the City Council and key staff. SCREENING / INTERVIEWING PHASE The screening phase of the process begins with an expression of interest by a potential candidate. Once a candidate has contacted us as a result of our direct mail, personal contacts or advertising campaign, or has been sourced through direct recruiting, hislher resume is screened for essential qualifications, and a questionnaire is mailed for completion. We have found the supplemental questionnaire to be a good sample of a candidate's writing ability, an early indicator of the sincerity of hislher interest, and an opportunity to view a candidate's specific skills as they relate to the unique demands of the position. It is our practice to schedule a work session with the client at the ,end of the recruitment phase. At this time we will bring a preliminary pool of 15 - 25 superior candidates to the City Council for review. Using the resumes and questionnaires, semi-finalists for the position are identified. This work session typically takes two hours and serves several purp.oses: . The City Council can assess the quality of the candidates' responses. . The City Council develops an initial familiarity with the semi- finalists. . It provides the City Council with a quality control checkpoint to measure the results of the recruitment. . It provides the City Council with the control to manage expenses involved in the traveVinterview phase of the search. f" Page 1L: After the preliminary screening and the work session, Waldron Resources will conduct in- person interviews and preliminary referencing of the finalist group. We then recommend between four and six finalists who will compete in the predetermined interview process. In- depth references are completed on selected final candidates and include: . Professional references such as past or present supervisors, peers and staff members identified by the candidates. . Confirmation of dates and places of employment. . Confirmation of education. Prior to the final interviews, we will deliver a written report to the City Council which includes finalists' resumes, questionnaire responses, and reference reports. In addition, we will provide the following: . A selected list of interview questions which supplements the questions the City Council may have already prepared. . A quantitative/qualitative scoring system that helps evaluate the merits of each candidate. . Coordination and scheduling of any testing you may require. It is not our policy to administer any psychological or personality testing; however, we have a list of consultants whom we can recommend. Assistance in making the needed arrangements for final interviews to assist the City Council. . A Waldron Resources principal will be present and available during the actual candidate interviews. . Waldron Resources recommends that all finalists be interviewed over a one or two-day period. This enables a timely comparison of all candidates and minimizes the interruption of regular workdays. Should you wish, the staff and other interviewers can be scheduled to meet with each individual candidate throughout the interview day to provide additional input to the decision makers. While it is not the policy of Waldron Resources to negotiate the final offer with the selected candidate, we can help to establish a framework for negotiations by identifying the desirable requirements and features of an employment relationship. We will serve as a facilitator to keep negotiations active throughout this period, provide assistance in formulating terms of employment and act as an intermediary to the extent you desire. ~ \ j . . t" -- 1 ' r .J.. V _J Page 3 . . . '11 BACKGROUND OF THE FIRM Waldron Resources is a Northwest-based search firm with a primary focus in providing nationwide recruitment services to public-sector and not-for-profit clients. We are recognized as one of the leading search firms headquartered in the Northwest, and our clients include municipalities, human service agencies, universities, transit authorities and other public sector organizations with budgets ranging from $2.5 to $600 million, and work forces of all sizes. We are known for our thorough approach resulting in a successful, mutually agreeable outcome. We have never reopened a recruitment under any circumstances and have successfully completed every assignment we have accepted. It should also be noted that many of our clients have used our services for more than one key position reflecting the high quality of our work resulting in a long-term working relationship. At Waldron Resources, we have compiled and continually update an extensive national candidate database that is organized into specific professional categories allowing immediate access to qualified candidates for our recruitments. Additionally, our recruiting philosophy stresses the importance of staff networking and gaining personal referrals to qualified candidates. OUR VALUES At Waldron Resources, long-term customer satisfaction is our most important pnorlty. We believe that striving to uphold the highest standards of quality, instilling an unimpeachable sense of trust in our clients, demonstrating a genuine respect for the individual, encouraging innovation and fostering collaboration and teamwork are essential to exceed our clients' expectations. EEOID/VERSITY Since the founding of this firm, part of the mISSIon of Waldron Resources has been a commitment to equal opportunity employment and to serving the citizenry by encouraging and fostering diversity among our community and civic leaders. Over the last several years, approximately 50% of our placements in management positions have been women and over 12% have been people of color. Page 4 1~~ CONSULTANT STAFF Thomas D. Waldron, President. Tom brings eighteen years of experience supervlsmg public sector searches at all levels. Tom's political savvy, creative approach, and strong ethical emphasis have enhanced the firm's reputation for quality services. Tom was recruited from business school at the University of Washington to Botany 500, a major national retailer. In four years he went from Trainee to the youngest Regional Manager in the company's history. In 1973 he joined Executive Resources, Inc., a Seattle-based executive search firm providing services to a wide range of Fortune 500 companies. Within six years, he made partner and opened their Portland, Oregon and San Francisco, California offices. In 1983, Tom opened his own firm to specialize in executive search serving public sector and not-for- profit organizations. His business has grown to become one of the leading search firms on the West Coast. Tom has managed over two hundred successful executive recruitments. He is a recognized volunteer in the community serving on several not-for-profit boards and advisory committees. r I f . Greg Prothman, Vice President. Greg is the well respected former City Manager of the City of Des Moines. A Seattle native who completed his BA at Western Washington University, Greg holds a MPA from the University of Washington, and brings over sixteen years of public sector management experience in public safety and city administration to the firm. Greg was also directly involved in the formation of the Cities of Burien and Federal Way, serving as the first consulting City Manager to both newly formed Management Staffs. Greg continues to be an active member of the International City Manager's Association and Washington City Managers Association and retains excellent contacts in the profession. Greg is also active in the community serving on several not-for-profit boards including serving four years as . Seattle Mountain Rescue Chairman. Paul Koch, Vice President. Paul has over thirty years of local government experience as a City Manager, Assistant City Manager and Department Director in Oregon and Colorado. Prior to joining the Waldron Resources team, Paul was an independent consultant, providing consultation and training services to business and government. During his career. Paul has developed a keen sense of the issues facing government organizations and has been involved in the hiring of over fifty employees. In each assignment, he has been responsible for re-englneermg operations and has worked with city cOl!ncils and citizens to create highly responsive employees and work groups. Paul holds an undergraduate degree in Parks and Recreation Management. He is active in the Portland community serving on several boards and committees. To stay abreast of issues facing local government, he serves on the budget committee in his home community. John Deller, Managing Director-Portland. John left his post as the Senior Vice President and Regional Manager of Service Quality of First Interstate Bank after 11 years of service in Oregon and Washington to launch and direct Waldron Resources' Portland operations. Prior to joining First Interstate, John was the Vice President and Manager of Staffing and Development for Olympic Bank in Everett, Washington. John, a graduate of West Point, holds a MA in Educational Psychology from University of Washington (UW) and a MBA from Pacific Lutheran University, has been a guest lecturer in the UW's MBA program and currently serves on the Executive Committee and Board of Directors of the Oregon Quality Initiative. '11 -(, -1 ( V c_ - ... . Page 5 . Dawn E. MacNab, Vice-President. Dawn is a human resources professional with over fourteen years in the field. Prior to joining Waldron Resources, she was Director of Human Resources for Eveready Battery's Latin American Division and was part of the five member senior management team leading the transition to Ralston Purina ownership. She also spent over four years in the human resources department of Union Carbide Pan America. Prior to joining Union Carbide, Dawn was an executive recruiter in New York City for R.M. Whiteside Company and previously held several management positions for CARE, Inc. and the Institute for International Education, both in the U.S. and internationally. She holds an undergraduate degree in English Literature and a Master's in International Administration. Dawn is also active in the community, serving on several not-for-profit Boards. PROFESSIONAL STAFF Fred Pabst, Consultant. Fred is a human resources professional with several years of experience in recruiting, screening, and management. He has successfully managed numerous public sector searches as well as conducted and published research related to the areas of workplace efficiency, social perceptions and awareness. Fred holds a Bachelor's degree in Psychology and a Master's degree in IndustriaVOrganizational Psychology from San Diego State University. Edward J.W. Rogan, Senior Associate. . A human resources professional with over five years of experience in staffing, recruiting, testing and assessment, Ed holds Bachelor's degrees in Psychology and Sociology from the University of Houston, as well as a Master's degree in IndustriaVOrganizational Psychology from the University of Colorado at Denver. Ed manages our Information Services including information technology and network administration. Lara C. Ogg, Associate. Lara has over four years of human resources experience in recruiting and screening. Prior to JOlntng Waldron Resources, Lara spent three years as a Human Resources Coordinator for Blue Cross of Washington and Alaska where she concentrated on recruiting individuals in health care services and information technology. She holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Communications and Business from Washington State University. Stacey A. Thoresen, Junior Associate. Stacey joined Waldron Resources' team this year to provide administrative support for our recruitment activities. She holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Human Resource Management from Washington State University. Prior to joining Waldron Resources, Stacey was the Personnel Assistant supporting recruitment efforts for International Maritime Management. Elisa L. Castleberry, Junior Associate. Elisa joined the firm in early 1997 and provides all around support for the Waldron Resources team. A graduate of Washington State University, she holds a BA in Sociology emphasizing Human and Business Relations with a minor in Cultural Relations/Anthropology. Elisa also has three years of prior experience in Customer Service and Office Management. . 'I' Page 6 '\ . ~ .--VI,...; FEES & EXPENSES , , r ~ PROFESSIONAL SERVICES FEE: The fee for professional services is 25% of the mid-point of the proposed salary range. . EXPENSES: Costs incurred for conducting th~ search are at the expense of the City. Waldron Resources will pre-approve all expenditures with you and maintain accurate records at all times. Expenses include, but are not limited to: . Newspaper, trade journal and related advertising to announce the position. . Direct mail announcement and regret letters. . Travel and related costs for the consultants assigned to the project. . Photocopying of documents and materials. . Facsimile and delivery expenses. . Travel and related expenses for candidates during the interview process. BILLING: Professional fees are billed in three equal installments during the course of the search. The initial installment occurs at the point the search is assigned to Waldron Resources. The second installment is billed when the recruitment campaign is in the final stages. The final installment is billed at the conclusion of the search. . GUARANTEE: Waldron Resources guarantees the selection for a period of two years. If the selected City Manager leaves the position or is terminated for any cause, we will conduct a replacement search without a fee. The only cost to the City would be direct expenses in that _ additional process. You have the right to cancel this agreement at any time. Your only obligation to Waldron Resources would be the fees and expenses incurred prior to cancellation. Thank you for your confidence in Waldron Resources to compete for the engagement. We are available to interview with the City Council to discuss the recruitment process. . ." Page 7 c ^ .:. ~ -.'1 . These references, selected from over 200 successful executive searches,' represent our most recent City Manager engagements. , I f ! i ! ~ SELECTED CITY MANAGER SEARCH REFERENCES Client Contact Type of Search City of Battle Ground Bill Ganley City Manager 360-687-7131 Mayor City of Bothell Jeanne Edwards City Manager 206-486-3256 City Council Member City of Burien Sally Nelson City Manager 206-241-4647 City Council Member City of Ellensburg Mollie Edson City Manager 509-962-7221 Mayor City of Enumc1aw George Rossman City Administrator 360-825-3591 Mayor City of Lacey Kay Boyd City Manager 206-491-3214 Mayor City of Lynden Jim Kaemingk City Manager . 206-354-4270 Mayor City of Medina Dewey Taylor City Manager 206-454-9222 Mayor City of Monroe Bob Holman City Administrator 360-794-7400 Mayor CJty of Mountlake Terrace David Gossett City ,Manager 206-776-1161 Mayor City of Olympia Holly Gadbaw City Manager 360-753-8325 Deputy Mayor City of Renton Earl Clymer City Administrator 206-235-2580 Former Mayor City of SeqUlm Bill Thomas City Manager 360-683-4139 Mayor City of Snohomish Jeff Soth City Manager 360-568-3115 Mayor et" Page 8 .: - lVI Date February 1~, 1998 February 17, 1998 - February 20, 1998 February 23, 1998 March 11, 1998 March 13, 1998 April 13, 1998 May 5, 1998 May 27, 1998 May 29, 1998 June 2, 1998 June 4, 1998 -June 12, 1998 June 15, 1998 June 16, 1998 - June 24, 1998 June 26, 1998 PROPOSED TIME TABLE CITY 0 F RIC BLAND CITY MANAGER Activitv Launch Meeting with the City Council. Private interviews with the City Council and others as directed. Begin advertising and recruiting - Opening Date. Delivery of Salary Survey and Draft Position Specification. Feedback and approval of Position Specification. Target for candidate applications/submittal of resumes - Closing Date. Wrinen Status report delivered to the City Council. Deadline for completion of candidate materials including supplemental questionnaires. Delivery of candidate materials to the City Council. Work Session with the City Council. Interviews with semi-finalists. Identification of finalists and discussion of final interview process. Background checks of finalist candidates including referencing and education verification. Final Interviews. .. Bold items will require the City Council's participation . . . t" Page 9 .; r-, l' - ..;.. '..J _' City Attorney's o ffi c c J\1emorandum CraIg D Knutson CIty Attome\ ,Denrus C. Dickson .". Assistant City Attorney Candace Kreider Legal Assistant Chrystina Bruneau Admm.Jstrative Assistant Jeanie DeFrang Admwlstratlvc Assistant -,,' --' c February 2, 1998 TO. Jeffrey A Pomeranz, City Manager Steve Ilk, Pohce Chtef FROM' Craig D Knutson, City Attorney RE. 1997 Misdemeanor Statistics Attached is a summary of database statistics for 1997 as compiled by Legal Assistant Candace Kreider. Of particular interest will be the approximate savings from using community service and electronic home monitoring in lieu of jail. Please let me know if you have any questions or comments. CDK:cb Attachment C IOFFlCE\WPWIN\Wi'DOCSIMEMOSIMGR CM 109 i: ~ ~ ~ .; l . . 1...('. .L I_I City Attorney's Offi ce Memorandum CraIg D Knutson CIt) Attorney DennJ~ C DIckson AssIstant Cll! Attorney Candace KreIder Legal A~<;Jstant Chrystma Bruneau AdnunJstrallvc AssIstant Jcamc DeFrang AdrmnJstratlve AssIstant January 30, 1998 TO' Craig D Knutson, City Attorney Dennis C. Dickson, Sr. Assistant City Attorney FROM: Candace Kreider, Legal Assistant SummaI)' of database statistics for 1997 Summary of cost savings 24 people have been on EHM for a total of 731 days ] ] 9 people were assigned to perform CSW during ] 997 for a total of 9,680 hours Community Service saved $56,458.60 and EHM saved $34,108.46 for a total of $90,567.06 in savings from what we would have paid the jail - at the rate of $46.66 per day. Of course I do not have the exact numbers as sometimes the breakdown of whether they do EHM, CSW or actually do jail ,time changes after I enter the information from the J&S onto the database I will endeavor to keep better statistics after defendants are sentenced for next year. This is how the various fields on the database break down _ I did all calculations/queries using the violation date cut off of 12/31/97 as opposed to the disposition date - unless specifically mentioned 11 Private attorneys that were appointed - not the public defenders 432 people were assigned a Public Defender in 1997 - 1997 violation dates As of 12/31/97 we had closed 960 files - 95 files were still open from 1997 cases As. of 1/30/98 we have closed another 86 files Here is the breakdown of how the cases were disposed of but this does not cut off at end of'97 In~,....lnl~ ~_,.I " t~ '.' :] 'l ~ ~-1-""""""""~--.-..~:.ccoJ ~ ~v..ooc_"""''':'':'''.o)o_Jo''Nh ...... ....".._..1.2.~ i~--'~~_w'm,~J!):t( '3 ~ .,':!C 1 , ~AW_ __.l..l..! ~ Amm~;wA_"'_"Nm'__mu.9.; 1 J 36; 4- Trial ;5-wm ~^..wN_'~ "-,,JQ~__-ll36; 5-Stipulated Order of Continuance ~............... N__N__,__El,. I J 36:L 6- Warrant ?-N~~V_,^A .'u, M_.:i2i- ~ 1l~ ~ 7 -Referred to another prosecutor :.8 '--'~-- ----- --~ II_fl. 8-No Charges Filed per DCD 111 11.36.: 1116: ~lJ36~ J 136) I-Deferred 2-Dismissed 3-Plead guilty January 30, 1998 Page 2 . 212 Assault IV of those 134 were Domestic Violence type assaults 23 - Disorderly Conduct 60 - DUl's 266 - DWLS 1Il 17 Furnishing Liquor to Minors 35 Malicious Mischief 84 MIP . 25 Negligent Driving 88 Possession of Marijuana and/or Paraphernalia 5 Possession of Stolen Property 19 Reckless Driving cases 34 Resisting Arrest 70 SOC for cases with violation dates through 12/31/97 112 Theft III 33 Trespassing of various sorts 49 Violation of NO Contact Orders Currently 86 warrants are active 212 on probation in 1997 . 143 currently "OPEN" ~ .,.,. ,"""\ . , . .....~,..1 C \DISTRIClIMEMOS\4TI1QRT.RPT . Port Angeles Police Department M el'JftJllJ&Jd urn ~;.- 1L ---- -- . '. '=c. Date: February J 2, J 998 To: Mayor Gary Braun and City Council Jeff Pomeranz, City Manager From: Steve Ilk, Chief of POI~ cc: Becky Upton, city Qerk File Re: Appointment of High School Student to LE Advisory Board Background _ The Law Enforcement Advisory Board has one student representative for the Port Angeles High School. This position was unfilled until the School District selected a student to serve the remainder of this term. The District staff has selected Kyle Gray to serve in this position. His applicatton is attached for your review. Kyle is fully qualified to serve In this positIOn and has attended several meetings already to familiarize himself with the Board. Recommendation We are recommending the City Council to approve Kyle's appltcation and appoint him to the student board member position for the remainder of the term. ending in September 1998. .. . ..., . I _ ...lJ...\J #007-1998 Application t I " i City of Port Angles Law Enforcement Advisory Board . Name: Kyle Gray Address: 1720 West 5 St. Port Angeles. W A. 98363 Date of Birth 11/18/80 Phone: (360) 457-3931 Occupation: Student at Port Angeles High School To ensure compliance with PAMC 2.26.020 application will be subject to a criminal history check. Date of Birth is requIred only for criminal history check. 1. Why are you interested in the Law Enforcement Advisory Board? Bem mvolved in the commUnI I believe that bein on the Law Enforcement Adviso ofm and how we 0 erate. For man ears I have looked at a oSItion m the overnmental rocedures ofWashin ton State. 2 What m your background or expenence do you thmk would help you in serving on this Board? Currently I am involved in many programs at the high school; 1.) Future Busmess Leaders of America Vice President. 2 )Dlstributlve Education Clubs of Amenca Public relatlons 3.) Alternatlve School Board Member. . 3 Do you attend meetmgs or any Board or Commission now? Yes. 1 am an alternate school board member. 4 What is your understandmg of the responsibihnes of the Law Enforcement AdVISOry Board? To adVIse and make recommendatlOns to the CI the rovision of pollee protectlon and servIces within the CIty. 5. Are you aware of the tIme required of you to serve on the Board and are able to attend at least one meeting monthly? Yes. I am aware of the tIme reQuired and am ready for the commitment. 6. Please feel free to add any additional comments you might wish to make regarding your application: -; , ;1 ~ ... "-= .' I am a dedicated student and I would like you to know that if I receive this position that I will complete it to my best ability. Thank you for reVIewing my application. . City Manager's Office Memorandum Jeffrey A Pomeranz City Manager . Sharon "Sam" Martin Exec Adnun Assistant Beck..y J Upton. CMC Clt~ Clerk! Management Assistant Robert Coon~ Human Resources Manager Camille Headnck Human Resources Assistant . (.1l,)-'1 t..:-' February 12, 1998 Manager Pomeranz, Mayor Braun and City Council Becky J. Upton, City Clerk/Management Assistant tt \../ SUBJECT: Consideration oflnterviews for City Boards & Commissions TO: FROM: SUMMARYIRECOMMENDATION: There are several applicants who have expressed interest in being appointed to fill vacancies on City boards and commissions, and it is timely for the City Council to determine how it wishes to schedule the interviews It is recommended that the City Council dedicate the "Work Sessions" portion of the next two City Council meeting agendas to interviewing these candidates. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS: At the present time, there is one vacancy each on the Planning Commission; the Parks, Recreation & Beautification Commission; the Building Code Board of Appeals, and the Civil Service Commission As of the writing of this memo, the City has received twelve (12) applications from individuals wanting to be considered to fill these vacancies. Some of the applicants have expressed interest in service to more than one board or commission It is expected that more applications will be forthcoming In view of the fact that City Council meetings now start at 5:30 p.m., it is suggested that the Council consider using the "Work Sessions" portion of the next two City Council meeting agendas for the purpose of interviewing the candidates. If an interview is conducted approximately every ten (10) minutes, six candidates could be interviewed in one hour. Certainly, this amount of time would have to be extended based on the length of the interviews, as well as the number of applicants. .. : r.:: ~.i.J t10 ....;. , ~~ . ~.. '>." ._ fi- \''ff.* ['I t <.,... ~; .~ t~:'j ~~~ ;t.f I . . Jack Plttls Director {4801J Phyllis Rasler AdmmlstratlVe Assistant {4805J Cate Rmehart Admmlstratlve Assistant {4700J Bob Titus Deputy Director {4701J Ken Ridout Deputy Director {4802J Gal}' Kenworthy City Engmeer {4803J Steve Hursh Engmeenng Manager {4702J Tim Smith .tract & Project m/strator {4804J u Haehnlen Sr Bulldmg Inspector {4816J Tom Sperlme Sr Electncallnspector {4735J Scott McLam PowerManager~70~ Ralph Ellsworth Warer. Wastewater Collection Supenntendent {4855} Pete Burrett EqUIp ServiceS Supenntendent (4835] Marl< Shamp ught Operations Manager {4731J KeVIn CurtiS Treat Plant Supervrsor {4845] Tom McCabe SW Collection SupervIsor (4876] Steve Evans Landfill Supervrsor .873J r MEMORANDUM , - v "--- DATE: February 13, 1998 FROM: Jack Pittis, Director of Public Works TO: City Manager Pomeranz, Mayor Braun a SUBJECT: Removal of Structure at Marine Drive an SUMMARY and RECOMMENDATION: Additional delays and problems have occured with regard to Mr. Didrickson's proposal to remove the structure at the foot of Hill Street and Marine Drive. He is asking for a time extension for removal of the structure. We have also encountered a technical problem with permit issuance. The City can only issue a demolition permit to the owner of the structure or to a licensed contractor. Mr. Didrickson is neither the owner nor a licensed contractor. It is recommended by Staff that the City Council sell the structure to Mr. Didrickson for a nominal fee and extend the deadline for removal to June 30,1998. BACKGROUND AND ANALYSIS: The City Council at their October 21, 1997 Council meeting approved a plan by Mr. Didrickson to remove the structure at the foot of Hill Street and Marine Drive and utilize the materials to construct a caretakers facility at Lincoln Park. Mr. Didrickson was given until the end of March, 1998 to complete his project in consultation with the City's Parks and Recreation Director. Mr. Didrickson originally anticipated being able to start on the project in January of this year but has been delayed. He is asking that the deadline be extended until June 3D, 1998. In 'a related matter, the City in looking to issue Mr. Didrickson a demolition permit found that we could not do so since permits can only be issued to licensed contractors or the owner of the structure. For this reason we are suggesting that the City Council sell the structure to Mr. Didrickson for a nominal fee so that we may legally issue the necessary permit to demolish the structure. L u Haehnlen, Sr. Building Inspector "i . ~ -..A." cl '~~':.' L l.:f' f~~ _,t , .'., , - i., ~i , t': ( f{ ,; " . ~18 · ---- ( February 12, 1998 To Port Angeles City Council City Manager Jeff Pomerantz City Planner Brad Collins From Darwin and Carol Gearey 130 West 3'd St Port Angeles W A 98362 Phone 457-1605 We request that a member of the City Council read this letter to the public during the RZ9801 Rezone Hearing at your February 18, 1998 meeting RE. Ben Skerbeck's Rezone Application - NW corner of3rd and Laurel Streets To All Port Angeles City Council Members As a Port Angeles resident for 46 years and homeowners in the 3rd and Laurel neighborhood for almost 25 years, we strongly oppose the rezone of part of our long time residential ( \ neighborhood from residential to commercial office. The recommendations of your own City staff are against this rezone, and the reasons which they gave in opposition to this rezone we have found to be true and accurate. This rezone threatens one of the oldest residential neighborhoods in the city of Port Angeles, which contains some homes, such as our own, which date back almost to the turn of the century. The City's Revised Comprehensive Plan of 1994 contains language which promises to "preserve the quality and integrity of our existing residential neighborhoods." This proposed rezone is an obvious violation of the spirit of that City plan. We have witnessed the damage caused to my neighborhood by past city zoning decisions. The closure of 41h Street to make way for the Safeway Store expansion several years ago resulted in a major increase in truck and car traffic and noise along 3rd Street, we routinely see drivers shoot past our house at 50 miles per hOllr heading for Safeway or Cherry Street. :+:~.\,;..; >' , , ~ ( ( This has degraded our quality of life. The massive store's lighting and noise, from huge blowers, delivery trucks, crashing dumpster lids and other sources, have degraded the former peace and quiet of our neighborhood. Now the City wants to allow an office complex in our neighborhood, according to the Planning Commission Enough is enough, please leave our neighborhood alone. There are a large number of available lots in Port Angeles zoned commercial office that are currently vacant or unused. I recommend that the applicant, Dr Ben Skerbeck, find a location currently zoned for commercial office use and leave our residential neighborhood alone. As Linda Nutter, a member of your own Planning Commission, so eloquently stated during the City Planning Commission meeting of February 11 th: "This is a creeping encroachment of a long established neighborhood." We completely agree with her conclusion. Please help us preserve the quality of our neighborhood, vote NO to this inappropriate rezone. Sincerely, R~h t~~ Carol Gearey ~ . . t PLANNING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM Brad Collms, Director, ExtensIOn 4751, Sue Roberds, Extension 4750, David Sawyer, Extension 4752 February 13, 1998 TO Mayor Braun, City Councilmembers, and Manager Pomeranz, FROM Planning Department, Brad Collins, Planning Director SUBJ REZONE APPLICATION - REZ 97-01 SKERBECK - 218 East Third Street RECOMMENDA TION/ACTION: Followmg the scheduled publtc hearl11g. staff recommends that the Cay Counczl concur With the recommendatIOn of the Plannmg CommissIOn to approve the proposed rezone by adoptIOn of the attached draft ordmance and clung the findl11gs and conclUSIOns noted by the Planmng CommissIOn 111 support of that actIOn. BACKGROUND/SUMMARY: F allowing a public meeting conducted on February 11, 1998, the Planning Commission recommended that the City Council approve a request to rezone two, lots located at the northwest comer of Third and Laurel Streets for Dr Ben Skerbeck from RHD,'Residential High Density, to CO, Commercial Office Staffs report and an excerpt of the Planning Commission's minutes are included With thiS memorandum for your information and reference Staff will be available for questions Attachment Ordmance Mmutes Staff Report ll9 lt10 , ,~ j;'{- ,~ ~ ~~~ ~\~ ~. ~;r ...~ ""7;; . --:-. ~. " . , ~. . . . ORDINANCE NO I , f r , r i ! i AN ORDINANCE of the CIty of Port Angeles rezoning property located m Block 53 of the TownsIte of Port Angeles and amendmg Ordmance 2801, as amended. WHEREAS, the Planmng Commission of the CIty of Port Angeles has held a publtc meetmg and recorded ItS recommendation to the CIty Council m the Plannmg COmmISSIOn mmutes of February 11, 1998; and WHEREAS, the reqUIrements of the State Envlfonmental Poltcy Act (Chapter 43.21C RCW) have been met; and WHEREAS, the CIty Council, after a public hearing, fmds that saId rezone would be m the best mterest of the City and Its CItizens and would be consistent with the ComprehensIve Plan, NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES DOES HEREBY ORDAIN as follows Section I The OffiCial Zomng Map (OrdInance No 2801) IS hereby amended to change the zomng of the followmg descnbed properties from RHO, ReSIdentIal High DenSity, to CO, Commercial Office . Lots 19 and 20. Block 53, TownSIte of Port Angeles SectlOn 2 The City Clerk IS hereby dIrected to attach a copy of thiS Ordmance to the OffiCial Zomng Map and to file a certified copy With the Clallam County Auditor and Clallam County Assessor SectlOn 3 ThiS Ordmance shall become effective five (5) days after the date of pubhcatlOn P ASSED b~ the City CounCil of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meetmg of Said CounCil held on the 17th day of February, 1998 Gary Braun. Mayor ATTEST APPROVED AS TO FORM . Beck!, J Upton, City Clerk PUBLISHED By Summary Craig Knutson, City Attorney dwp\ord\ord rez ~ I I ~ ~,"-..l 1 < , 1~ _. .:J; ~~ ~'.'.. .' - -, ?ff ~~ -~,: .. .} -, " ri . ~; - 1..2.2.- . . . Plannmg CommIssIon Mmutes - February J J. J 998 Page 3 REZONE APPLICATION - REZ 98-01 - SKERBECK. Northwest comer of Laurel and Third Streets Request to rezone two lots located in the RHO, Residential High Density zone, to CO, Commercial Office. Planner Sawyer reviewed the Planning Department's report recommending denial of the proposed rezone and used the overhead projector to identify specific uses in the area, specifically between Laurel Street and Oak Streets and from Second to Eighth Streets indicating that the general area consists of a mix of multi-family and single family uses Commissioner Craver believed that it would be difficult to justify denial of the request given the existing commercial uses in the area including the dentist's office directly south across the street from the proposed location Commissioner Hewins noted that with the vacation of Fourth Street during the Safeway construction, a loop of traffic now exists which funnels traffic north and south on Laurel Street Commercial Office uses along the west side of Laurel Street could act as a buffer to the residential uses west of those properties Commissioner Reed posed the question as to what would then define the border limiting commercial encroachment west of Laurel Street to the residential uses in that area He suggested that Fifth Street could be Identified as an north/south boundary with Laurel Street acting as the east/west border of the commercial area perhaps two to three lots deep He could not support commerCial uses south of Fifth Street along Laurel at this time Even given other development In the proposed area, Commissioner Nutter expressed concern that there IS plenty of other property available for development that is zoned for office use and therefore It IS not absolutely necessary to rezone the property in question at this time for office use Commissioner Craver pointed out that the area prqposed exists in the "gray" area between use deSignations on the City's Comprehensive Plan -Map and therefore was designated as bemg available either for commerCial or residential development She believed that deSignation supports the current proposal The Comprehensive Map does not allow for further encroachment west of Laurel from the proposed site into the residential areas Commissioner Craver noted that other rezones to commercial have occurred in the area along Laurel Street north of Fifth Street Properties in that location are subjected to traffic impacts from the existing commercial uses, and therefore, this would not be an area that would experience negative impacts from the proposed rezone The property along the west side of Laurel Street to Fifth Street is currently developed with a mortuary, dentists' office, the main U S West utility substation Following continued discussion, Commissioner Reed moved to forward a recommendation of approval of the proposed rezone to the City Council citing the following findings and conclusions: .. ,-'I '" .l. '-- .) Planmng CommISSIOn Mmutes - February 11. 1998 Page 4 ~- \,- f: ~ ~~. r Based on the information provided in the public record including the application file, the staff report, comments made received during the public comment period, and the Planning Commission's deliberation, the City of Port Angeles Planning Commission hereby finds et. t , t Findings - 1 The proposal is to rezone two lots (Lots 19 and 20, Block 53, Townsite of Port Angeles), approximately 14,000 square feet of property, from RHD, Residential High Density, to CO, Commercial Office (Attachment A of staff report) 2 The subject property falls within the undesignated area between the Commercial designation to the east of Laurel Street and the High Density Residential designation to the west of Laurel Street 3 In 1980, the City approved two similar rezones in the area, REZ 80(5)2-Chance and REZ 80(7)7-Taylor 4 The adjacent properties are developed with the following uses To the north To the south To the east To the west motel, dentist office, mIxed office and commercial uses, and single-family residences e 5 Other uses along the west side of Laurel Street include a church, a power substation, dental office, motel. a mortuary, apartments, and single family homes 6 The existing neighborhood was originally developed with single-family homes but has been zoned for lugh density residential since 1971 Over the years, several propertIes have been developed WIth multI-family umts, this has resulted in the neIghborhood's current mixture of pnmarily smgle-family homes and scattered multI-family umts 7 The sIte is level and is currently developed with two single family homes 8 Neither Laurel Street or Third Street is designated as an arterial street 9 The City adopted a revised Comprehensive Plan in 1994 whIch established the dIstrict and neIghborhood concept 10 The City revised its Zoning Map in 1995 for the purpose of bringing it into compliance WIth the Comprehensive Plan and its Land Use Map 11 The SEPA Responsible Official adopted a Determination of Non-Significance on January 30, 1998 (attached as Attachment B) 12 The north half of Lots 19 and 20, Block 53, Townsite of Port Angeles is owned by e .- . j ~ . {L ~~ . Plannmg CommIsSIon Mmutes - February J J. J 998 Page 5 ~~ i,..'= ."" I r" " . Lara Green l , I, 13. The south half of Lots 19 and 20, Block 53, Townsite of Port Angeles is owned by Janet Norris. , [.. [" i , i 14 Dr. Ben Skerbeck has an option to buy the south half of Lots 19 and 20, Block 53, Townsite of Port Angeles which is owned by Janet Norris. 15 The properties along Laurel Street north of Fifth Street are already subject to additional traffic and other impacts resulting from commercial uses. 16 Property along the west Side of Laurel Street north of Fifth Street is currently developed with a mixture of non-residential uses including a mortunary, a utility substation, a motel, and a dental office. 17 Public notification regarding the proposed rezone was provided per Section 1796.140 with notices provided to surrounding property owners and in the Peninsula Daily News, as well as posting of the site No comments were received as a result of that notification Conclusions . Based on the information provided in the public record including the application file, the staff report, comments made received during the public comment period, the Planning Commission's deliberation, and the above findings, the City of Port Angeles Planning CommiSSion hereby concludes A Continued conversion of RHD zoned property to CO zoned property, two or three lots deep along the west side of Laurel Street have occured in a number of instances in this neighborhood resulting in a strip commercial dev.elopment pattern B The proposed Commercial Office zone will provide a logical buffer between CO and RHO uses C The followmg Comprehensive Plan Policies are most relevant to the proposal including Land Use Policies Al and 2, Cl, 01, E2, 5,7, and 8 D The rezone is consistent with Comprehensive Plan Policies C 1, D 1, E2, E7 and E8 E Circumstances have changed since the approval of REZ 80(5)2-Chance and REZ 80(7)7-Taylor with the adoption of the City's revised Comprehensive Plan in 1994 F The rezone is in the public use and interest and is compatible with the surrounding zoning and land uses . i~5 .-,< " )..~ ~:~ , -'~ :1: -"' e.-. , e l)lie F I L E PLANNING DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT - TO: Planning Commission FROM: 4~ng Depanment DATE:/February4,1998 RE: REZ 98-01 APPLICANT: Dr. Ben Skerbeck (represented by Lindberg Architects) OWNER: Dr. Ben Skerbeck LOCATION: 319 S Peabody Street (Lots 19 and 20 of Block 53, Townsite of Port Angeles) REQUEST: The proposal is to rezone two lots, approximately 14,000 square feet of property, from RHD. Residential High Density, to CO, Commercial Office (see Attachment A) ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: The SEP A Responsible Official adopted a DetermInation of Non-Significance on January 30, 1998 (attached as Attachment B) BACKGROUND: In ] 980, the CIty approved two similar rezones m the area. REZ 80(5)2-Chance and REZ 80(7)7- Taylor The Chance rezone changed the zonmg for two lots directly across Third Street from the subject property from RHD to what was then RB (Residential Buffer). The Taylor rezone also changed the zonmg from RHD to RB. thIs tIme for three lots at the northwest corner of Second Street and Laurel Street, one block to the north of the subject property The purpose of the RB zone was ,"'0 achIeve stability of land uses and land values by mlmmlzmg adverse mfluences of land partems at the edge of dIssImilar dIstricts," Permitted uses included single- and muIti- family residences, motels. hotels, medical and dental clinics. professional offices and banks In 1981, the RB zone was changed to the DC (Office Commercial) zone and in 1995. the OC zone was renamed as CO (Commercial Office) At the time of both rezones there was considerable concern regarding the appropriateness of commercial zoning extending west of Laurel Street in this area The Planmng Commission's final recommendations for both rezones were 3-2 votes, one for approval (Taylor) and the other for denial (Chance). The City Council ultimately approved both rezones by 3-2 votes. The Chance property was subsequently developed with a dental office and the Taylor property remains vacant. ~ . I 1'"'"'1 J...,-l Plannmg Department Staff Report REZ 98-01 - Dr. Ben Skerbeck FebruaIy4,1998 Page 2 This application is for a site specific rezone and is limited to a single public hearing which is scheduled before the City Council on February 17, 1998 As such the Planning Commission will be making its recommendation solely on the information contained in the file and its discussion during the public meeting. The public had an opportunity to comment on the proposal during the written comment period which ran from January 9th to January 26th and they will also be able to comment at the public hearing before the City Council Please keep in mind this is a rezone decision, and there can be no assurance of what specific project( s) may be developed as a result of the rezone decision, other than the need for any development to comply with the requirements of the CO zoning. DISCUSSION: LocatIOn and ExIstmg Land Uses: The area proposed forrezone consists of the first two townsite lots (#19 and #20, Block 53) located at the northwest corner of Laurel Street and Third Street The site is level and is currently developed WIth two smgle family homes. The adjacent properties are developed with the followmg uses To the north. To the south. To the east. To the west smgle- and multi- family residences, dentist office, mixed office and commercial uses. and single-family residences Other uses along the west side of Laurel Street mclude a church, a power substation. a mortuary. apartments and single family homes The location and extent of these uses are illustrated on Attachment C Z011ln!: Ord/llance ReView: The purpose of the RHD and CO zones area as follows l!J:iI2 - This IS a high denSlry reSidential zone for mUITl-famI(V reSidenTIal srn/crures. - Compatible uses may be aI/owed on Cond1l10nal Use Permlls bur the zone IS sail regarded as a reSldenllal area, and commercial enrerpnses are nor generalzrfelt 10 be compaTIble. CO Zone - ThIS IS a commercial zone I11rended for rhose bllsl11ess, office, adml1l1SrrallYe or professIOnal uses which do not Involve the retad sale of goods bur rarher provide a servIce 10 clients, the provISIon of which does not create hlgh traffic l'Olumes l11volve extended hours of operatIOn, or contam Impacts that would be demmenrallO adjace17l reSidenTIal areas. The adjacent properties are zoned as follows To the north' RHO; . . n . . '~\ ..l.I.,,- PlllJUl1Dg Department Staff RepOrt REZ 98-01 - Dr. Ben Skerbeck February 4. 1998 Page 3 To the south: CO; To the east: CSD; and To the west: RHO. Historically, Laurel Street has been used as the divider between the commercial and residential zones in this area The approval of the first 1980 rezone se~ a precedent the City Council noted in approving the second rezone. However, staff feels the adoption of the revised Comprehensive Plan in 1994 reset the community's goal for this area as a residential neighborhood through its district and neighborhood development policies and Land use Map. ComprehellSlve Plan ReView: The subject property falls within the undesignated area between the Commercial designation to the east of Laurel Street and the High Density Residential designation to the west of Laurel Street (see Attachment D) In the interest of conciseness, only those pohcies found to be most relevant have been cited However. all policies have been taken into conSIderation Land Use Element Policies Goal A, Policy No. 1 _ "The ComprehenSIve Plan Land use map should be used as a conceplllal glllde for determmmg curre/ll and long range :onmg and other land use deCISI01l5 The map's land use desI[rnallons are mtended to show areas where general land use I....pes are allowed. The area beTWeen land use desIgnatIOns should he cOllSldered an ImpreCIse margrnm order to prOVIde flcxlbI/rty m determmmg the boundary of sllch areas. When deIermmmg approprrate :OIJIng deslgnallons for an area near a marg111. the goals. poiIcles and objecllves of the Land Use Elemem should take precedellce " Goal A. Policy No.2. _ "All land use deCISIOns and approvals made by the ClIY CounCIl and or Q1~' of liS app01l11ed CommiSSIOns. Boards or. CommIttees should be consistent WIth the ComprehensIve Plan and liS land use map. " Because the subject property IS located in the undesignated border area between two deSIgnated areas, the City Council has the option of zoning the property consistent with either the Commercial designation or the High Density Residential designation However in doing so. a conclusion needs to be made that the zoning ofthe subject property is consIstent with the Comprehensive Plan's Residential Policies Goal C, Policy No. 1 - "ResIde11llal land should be developed on the dIStrICt and neIghborhood concept. Although such dIStrIcts may be composed prrmarIly of reSIdentIal uses of a uniform densIty, a healthy, \'Iable dIStrICt should be composed of reSlde11lIal uses of\'arymg dens1l1es whIch may be augmented by subordmate and compallble uses. Smgle famIZV and mulll-family homes. parks and open-spaces, schools, churches. day care and '( . . :\ ..1.""';:) _ Plannmg Department Staff Report _ _ _ _ __REZ_98::O 1 - Dr, Ben Skerbeck February 4, 1998 Page 4 residentIQI services, home occupatIOns, and district shoppmg areas are all legitimate components of distnct development and enhancement. A neighborhood should be primarily composed of law, medIUm. or high density housmg. " Goal D, Policy No. 1 - "The Cl1y should encourage new and eXlstmg commercral developments and busmesses which are consistent with the goals and polrcles of thiS ComprehenSive Plan. " This is the first request for a rezone along the west side of Laurel Street from'RHD to a commercial designation since the adoption of the City's revised Comprehensive Plan in '1994 whIch established the district and neighborhood concept. The existing neighborhood was originally developed with single-family homes but has been zoned for high density residential since 1971 Over the years. several propenies have been developed with multi-family units, this has resulted in the neighborhood's current mixture of primarily single-family homes and scattered multi-family units Up until 1980, Laurel Street had been the dividing'lme between the commercial uses encouraged in the Lincoln Street corridor and the residential neighborhood to the west Considering the neighborhood's close prmmnity to the Lincoln Street commercial corridor there seems to be little need for additional commercial property to meet the needs of this neighborhood, particularly where the subject site is located Goal E. Policy No. 2 - "Sew commerCial developments should occur onzv where urban sen'lces are adequate to accommodate them, These developments shouldfol/ow a cluster c01!figuraTlOn rather than a STrIp pattern, .. Goal E. Policy No.5 - "Commercwl developme11l 01l1Slde the Highway 101 corndor should n01 he //1 a sTnp pattern .. Continued conversIon ofRHD zoned property 10 CO zoned property. two or three lots deep along Laurel Street would result In the development of a stnp commercia] pattern If the conversion of RHD to CO zorung In the future IS limned to the immedIate area of the subject property. the SInp pattern could be minimized Goal E, Policy No. 7 - "DIStrlCT shopp//1g areas should be located at the /IlTersectlOns of arTenal streets of sufficlem sl:e to sansj)' traffic demand and at the boundanes of neighborhoods so that more than one neighborhood may be served. " Neither Laurel Street or Third Street IS deSIgnated as an anertal street Goal E, Policy No. 8 - "Dlstrlct shoppmg area uses should be allowed l// resldentrallv deSignated areas as long as they are Tn accordance wllh the planmng area.dlstrlct neighborhood land use concept and as long as they do not encourage traffic from 01lts/de the dlstrrct or mcrease traffic congestIOn Within residenllal neighborhoods. .. As an office oriented zone. It is unlikely the CO zoning would result in a development that -~ " Q , - \ ~..J P1annmg Department Staff Report REZ 98-01 - Dr. Ben Skerbeck February 4, 1998 Page 5 has the adjacent neighborhood as its primary service area. Public Comments: No written public comments on the proposed rezone were received prior to the end of the comment period on the January 26. 1998. Other written and oral public testimony can be received at the public hearing on the proposed rezone scheduled before the City Council on February 17. 1998. Other Depanment Comments: Public Works Depanrnent: The Public Works Depamnent indicated they have no comments on the proposed rezone. Fire Depanmem: The Fire Department has mdicated they have no objections on the proposed rezone. Li~ht Depanmem: The Light Department has mdicated they have no objections to the proposed rezone. DEPARTMENT RECOMMENDA nON: The Planning Depanment recommends the Planrung COmmIssion forward to the City Council a recommendation for denial of rezone application REZ 98-01 as proposed. citing the follOWing findings and conclusions Findings: Based on the information pro\ided in the public record including the application file, the staff repon, comments made received during the public comment period. and the Planrung Commission's deliberation, the City of Port Angeles Planrung Commission hereby finds The proposal is to rezone two lots (Lots 19 and 20, Block 53, Townsite of Port Angeles), approximately 14,000 square feet of property, from RHD. Residential High Density, to CO, Commercial Office (see Attachment A) ') The subject property falls within the undesignated area between the Commercial designation to the east of Laurel Street and the High Density Residential designation to the west of Laurel Street 3 In 1980, the City approved two similar rezones in the area, REZ 80( 5 )2-Chance and ., 'j .., ~~.L Planmng Department Staff Report REZ 98-01 - Dr. Ben Skerbeck February 4, 1998 Page 6 REZ 80(7)7-Taylor. 4 The site is level and is currently developed with two $ingle family homes. The adjacent properties are developed with the following uses: To the north: To the south: To the east: To the west: single- and multi- family residences: dentist o'ffice, mixed office and commercial uses; and single-family residences. 5 Other uses along the west side of Laurel Street include a church. a power substatIon, a mortuary, apartments and single family homes. 6 The existing neighborhood was originally developed with single-family homes but has been zoned for high density residential since 1971. Over the years. sever~l properties have been developed with multi-family units, this has resulted in the neighborhood's current mixtUre of primarily single-family homes and scattered multi-family units \.., 7 The site is level and is currently developed with two single family homes 8 Neither Laurel Street or Third Street is designated as an arterial street 9 The City adopted a reVIsed ComprehensIve Plan in 1994 which established the district and neIghborhood concept 10 The City revised its Zorung Map m 1995 for the purpose of bnngmg It mto compliance with the Comprehensive Plan and its Land Use Map 11 The SEP A Responsible OfficIal adopted a D.etermmatlon of Non-SIgnificance on January 30, 1998 (attached as Attachment B) 1:2 The north half of Lots 19 and 20. Block 53. Townsite of Pon Angeles is owned by Lara Green 13 The south half of Lots 19 and 20. Block 53, Townsite of Port Angeles is owned by Janet Norris 14 Dr Ben Skerbeck has an option to buy on the south half of Lots 19 and 20, Block 53, Townsite of Port Angeles is owned by Janet Noms Conclusions: Based on the information provided in the public record including the application file, the staff repon, comments made received during the public comment period, the Planning Commission's deliberation, .." t', '"" ";"J~ -..L t . . Planning Department Staff Report REZ 98-01 - Dr. Ben Skerbeck Febnwy4,1998 Page 7 and the above findings, the City ofPon Angeles Planning Commission hereby concludes: A. Continued conversion ofRHD zoned propeny to CO zoned propeny, two or three lots deep along the west side of Laurel Street would result in a strip commercial development pattern B. Considering the neighborhood's close proximity to the Lincoln Street commercial corridor there seems to be little for additional commercial propeny to serve the needs of the immediate neighborhood, particularly where the subject site is located. C As an office oriented zone, .it is unlikely the CO zoning would result in a development that has the adjacent neighborhood as its primary service area D The following Comprehensive Plan Policies are most relevant to the proposal including Land Use PoliCies Al and 2, Cl, Dl, E2. S, 7. and 8 E The rezone is not consistent with Comprehensive Plan Policies Cl, Dl, E2, ES, E7 and E8 F Circumstances have changed since the approval of REZ 80(S)2-Chance and REZ 80(7)7-Taylor WIth the adoption of the City's reVIsed Comprehensive Plan in 1994 G The rezone is not in the public use and interest and is not compatible with the surrounding zorung and land uses ThiS actlon constitutes a recommendatlon to the City Council,-which has final authonty REZ9XOI PCI .' .,0 l.,).) '-~ :i ,". ,..' .s. t~: " .: .Z: 1 ..., \ ,: . . ~S4 fa CITY OF PORT ANG Rezone Applicatio PLEASE READ ALL INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE COMPLETING THIS F RM PU.NPON RT ANGELES IHG DEPARrlIENT i..IN.O~ A=rI/~ ~ 1. (A) APPLICANT PIZ S;;Y1:,./LIS~~-/f:- . Daytime Phone ~- a,/I ~ Address 3/ q s. r2A~ <r Phone (B) PROPERTY OWNER (if other than applicant) UA~.r f /_apl< Property Owner's Address (if other than applicant) g7t&f 4- ~ J../~y..5.r ~. E:.-. ~I ~K, O/l- cr 7 ~ I Daytime Phone 503- 7~ - 1t,ICf I . -, (C) APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE if other than applicant or property owner,.r " L \ .v\ \.-,e r(s- ,_::; /(,/ I -. , '. _(.,,--\.......... Phone :;.)'2 - /,.. / / r..;. 2. (A) Legal Descnption of Subject Property ~ ~ / Fr tOr / ~ /q ,f ~ ,Gu,?JL G3 T~Li~HIP t:qC RP,q A/-Jcr [s;~ I ' I . (B) General Location of Subject Property 'Z./.s :;. !.Au ~L ~ r, !J~w~r ~;&rL ~r 7H1/ZD ./ iAuJ::)d" <~~rs 3 Size of Subject Property ~,(~ sq.ft. blocks acres. 4 Zoning of SubjeS'=t Property f2-H D Proposed ZOning DeSignation CC) 5 Charactenstlcs of Subject Property (how IS It developed) S~ .f...:.trA/'J-lF--D ~~rz=-T'- 6. Charactenstlcs of Surrounding Area (what use,s are around the property) 7, Comprehensive Plan DeSignation of Property \ -, p, \' - - ~ J<) ClIT OF PORT ANGELES Planning D~panm~nl. 321 E.iJs1 FIfth Slr~~I, PO Bea J J50. Pan Ang~Ju. WA 98362 (360) 417-475G !l~Cf~~rcUA ~/ r A~?uc.~\\()J '\ Rezone Application Page 2 of 2 8. ..-..".. ---~ -"'._---~. -"- .-- Comprehensive Plan Designation of Surrounding Properties Plan poliCies Applicable Compo ~ () (8) SUitability of Property for Proposed ZOning S{-l-t~-r<7 9. JUSTIFICATION FOR ZONING CHANGE (A) Relationship to Comprehensive Plan (C) Change in Circumstances Since Original Zoning (0) lnappropnateness of Current Zonrng / / 10. I CERTIFY that all of the above statements are true to the best of my knowledge and acknowledge that wilful misrepresentation of information will immediately terminate this application. ~ / ,-:J~. /)./ .A ,n ~ , , ~7""- L../H D~~ ~ (TEc-~ :'f'YvA'Qh/1 ~ SIGNATURE , '""" j , - j I '1 1 I iJ II I i I ' I ! ' I ' , .. I-~ -98 Date File No. '. Received Hearlng(s) f -1 . - . - ".1 (/ I , ("'\ ~JJ " /.j J' " , { =- 1'// ,/ . / Rezone Apphcauon Page 2 of 2 Comprehensive Plan Designation of Surrounding Properties ., Plan policies __ .__ ___._ _ Applicable Camp. K 9 JUSTIFICATION FOR ZONING CHANGE (A) Relationship to Comprehensive Plan (8) Suitability of Property for Proposed Zoning SB-Itt::::-rs- ~ / (C) Change in Circumstances Since Original Zomng (0) Inappropriateness of Current Zoning 10 I CERTIFY that all of the above statements are true to the best of my knowledge and acknowledge that wilful misrepresentation of information will immediately terminate this application, File No t 'J // A (lM/ .4/W/Ji/ )I ~n/ R. /'If? ill ~ IUJ - 8 InnD I," "1'" ~ ~ ~-f2.- 01-1 DiY-~ At~ (7&:-IT:. :/5vLQ6~ SIGNATURE @~nw~ ~:-98 Date Received / ') . /f./ \ ' , PORT ANGElES PlANNING DEPARTMENT " ,""'" .:.J. Hearlng(s), -~' , /1/ ;: 1 , I l<_ b I ~ f" ~~ 1 ~ Rezone Application C. Narrative:~ 1 . Agent: Lindberg Architects 319 S. Peabody Street Port Angeles, W A 98362 360-452-6116 Owner: Janet Norris 8794 Olney S1. S.E. Salem, OR 97301 503-749-1619 2a. Legal Description: South 81 ft. of Lots 19 & 20 Block 53, Township of Port Angeles 2b. Street Address: 218 S. Laurel Street Northwest Comer of Third & Laurel Streets ,) PropertY Size: 8100 sq. ft. 81 ft x 100 ft. lot 4a EXlsttn!:!. Zomng: The 'subJect property IS currently tncluded m the Residential High Densny (RHD) zone. The subject property IS located on the easterly boundary of the RHD zone and IS occupied by a smgle family detached residentIal structure. 4b Requested Zoning' I t IS proposed to change the zoning of the subject property to the CommercIal Office (CO) zone. This request would be compatible with adjacent property to the south across ThIrd Street whIch is currently zoned CO. Adjacent propertIes to the east across Laurel Street are zoned Commercial Shoppmg DistrIct (CSD). The area on the west SIde of Laurel between Fifth Street and the bluff line along First Street is a transition zone containing a mIx of CO and RHD parcels. . .In ~-.);j " ~ /... I 5. Existing Site Characteristics: Property in the general vicimty of the subject property slopes gradually from south to north. The subject property is generally flat and currently contains a single family residential structure located on the northern half of the lot. The southern half of the property is grass covered with several ornamental trees and shrubs. A wood and wire fence ,encloses the property and a small wooden shed is located on the west property line. Concrete citY sidewalks border the site on the east and south. Laurel Street borders the site on the east and Third Street borders the site. on the south. The house occupying the site is approximately 80 years old and is constructed on a post and beam foundation. The house is currently unoccupied and has been disconnected from electrical service. . 6 Surrounding Area Characteristics: a. Zoning: The subject property is bordered on the north and west by RHD zoned property, on the south by CO zoned property and on the east by CSD zoned property. Approximately one block to the north on the west side of Laurel Street is a small parcel of CO zoned property at the edge of the bluff. b. Topography: The subject property and surrounding property to the north, south and west is flat. ApprOXImately two blocks to the north a 30 foot high bluff runs east west along the south side of First Street. Property to the east slopes down to Lincoln Street. VegetatIon in the surrounding area is comprised of grass, decoratIve shrubs and trees. c. Buildings. PropertIes immediately adjacent to the north and west contain detached single family residentIal structures. Two lots to the north and continuing north for the remamder of the block there IS a three-story motel buildmg WIth parking at grade level under the building. A three-story apanrnent building IS located north of the motel structure adjacent to the bluff Property along the west side of Laurel Street, south of the subject property . between ThIrd and Fourth Streets IS occupIed by a dental office and a monuary The next block to the south is occupied by a multi-story US. West telephone commumcatlOns center and a two-story apartment bUIlding PropertIes to the west in each of these blocks are occupIed by single family reSIdences or apanments Property to the east across Laurel Street IS occupied by three smgle family reSIdences dIrectly across from the subject property. These reSIdences are bordered on the east by a two-story commercial office building. Property to the north of these reSIdences IS occupied by a motel facility Property on the ease side of Laurel to the south of the subject property is occupied by a large grocery store and aSSOCIated parkmg. 7. ComprehenSIve Plan Designation' The elly comprehensive plan places the subject property in a border (gray) zone between the RHO and Commercial zones. .' .," l~a ,~s ~ .' ~ 8. Comprehensive Plan DesignatIOn of Surrounding Area: The city comprehensive plan designates land to the west of the subject property as Residential High Density and land to the east as Commercial. 9. Justification for Zoning Change: Laurel Street, running north/south, is the border line between a Residential High Density (RI-lD) zone on the west and a Commercial Shopping District (CSD) zone on the east. Although the area to the west has been zoned RHD, many of the existing structures are small single-family houses built during the 1920's and 1930's. These houses are, approaching the end of their Viability as safe and practical dwellings. This.is partlculw:ly true of the house on the subject property which has been vacated and disconnected from power. Over the next decade, many of the older houses in this RHD area may be Ieplaced With multi-family structures changing the character of the current single-family neighborhood. ^ The property along the west Side of Laurel Street between the bluff to the north and Fifth Street to the south is in a state oftransltlon being influenced by continued development 10 the Commercial Shopp1Og Distnct area on the east side of Laurel Street. There are currently several Commercial Office zoned parcels in this area along the west side of Laurel Street. One of those CO zoned parcels is located adjacent to the subject property to the south across third street This parcel of CO zoned property is occupied by a dental chmc which is the proposed intended use of the subject property if the zoning change is approved. By definition. the CO zone IS intended for those businesses or offices which do not inVOlve the retail sale of goods. but rather, provide services which do not Involve high traffic volumes or other Impacts which would be detnmental to adjacent residential areas Creat10g a CO zone between the eXIsting CSD and RHD zones would provide a better trarlsiuon between these two zones. Rezomng the subject property will expand the eXisting CO zone to the south and allow development of a Similar and compatible se.rvice bUSiness. This will help to solidify the changes occurnng In this area and establish precedence for a transitIOn CO zone along Laurel Street between the RHD and CSD zones . ,. 1"\ . L1'_' - \ ' :.,. LP . ...lnH_-0nm . :/ ~ ?J -0~ ~ v () ~ , , ( . LEGEND l.<J RHO illIill CO mIll] PROPOSED CO ~ CSO CITY OF PORT ANGELES PUB~RKS ~ SCALE 'I ,~7 , . ~ 100 SITE MAP LOTS 19 & 20 BlK. S34"f.P.A. I REZONE REQUEST - REZ 98-02 SKERBECK 50 ,~ , ',- -./r.~/~;: ..ro"'Clnr"""l Iln'n ..... I lip "tJ ~ pll ,., ~.,. j .{ .. ~ -, U' ~ ~ l.-J.~e - ~ ~ v .... ~ , ~ ~ -, ...tl u ~r;q. TI 1.- D ? -~ "1' L-INE :/ .j, ? b ~ . - .- ~ - 10' ~~~~ :t:01t.O A~ L€' -AJ2.e'1or LAN - -- 01 J II = ' >- : , ..:. -1 _ 1~6 ,- I NO. 182 ~--- -_.~ .CITY OF PORT ANGELES DETERMINA TION OF NON SIGf-.1FICANCE RCW Chapler 197-11-340 Description of Proposal: A proposal to rezone approxImately 14,000 square feet of property from RHD, ReSIdentIal HIgh Density, to CO, Commercial Office zone. I\.PPLICANT: LINDBERG ARCHITECTS Location of Proposal (including street address, if any): Lots 19 and 20, Block 53 TP A, being the Northwest corner of Second and Laurel Streets, Port Angeies. Washmgton. - - Lead Agency: CITY OF PORT ANGELES The lead agency for thIS proposal has determmed that It does not have a probable slgmficant adverse Impact on the enVironment. An environmental Impact statement (EIS) is not reqUIred under RCW 43.21 C.030(2)( c). TIus decision was made after reVIew of a completed environmental checkhst and other mformatIon on file WIth the lead agency. This mformatIon IS available to the pubhc on request. Tlus DNS IS Issued under WAC 197-11-340(2); the lead agency will not act on thIS proposal for 15 days from the date of Issuance. Comments must be submmed by at WhICh time the DNS may be retamed. modified, or wIthdrawn. [XX] ThiS DNS is Issued after usmg the optional WAC 19--11-355 DNS process. There IS no funher comment penod on the DNS. ----1.anuary 30 1 998 Date ~ ./ Coiims. Planmng Director You m3V appeal tillS delermmanon to the Pon Angeles CIlI' Council through the Planmng Deparnnent. 321 East Fifth Street. Pon Angeles. W A 98362. by subrmrung such "Tuten appeal to the Plannmg Deparnnem no later than February 14 1998 'You should be prepared to make specific factual obJections. ResponSible OffiCIal: Brad Collms. Plaruung Orrector. Pon Angeles Planmng Department. 321 East-Fifth StreeL Port Angeles. W A 98362. phone (360) 417 - J750 .:c Pubhc \vorks Oepl Oept. of Ecology Pub ~/4/98 \lall/Posl 2/2/98 " . I"") .:....1 ~, - -:-- "_\I",ltt\r:.lt .<-.. 7:~ , ~ , I,e. \ ~:': ;- -, ~ ~....'t;: ~ '.~, .~; ~~b ,1. ::;f (f . L 4-+ . -/i":1t.. . ~i<'> . ..;<- ~...t-~ <:'v:;t ':<~ __.s l.... , h . ~ . . J "?:c;--, - ~ '--,' . - ..,- '~. ----I I , I ") W. 3RD ST. . )' "L - ~ ----- ... - -"," ....--~ . . . MINUTES BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT Port Angeles, Washington 98362 February 2, 1998 7:00 p.m. CALL TO ORDER Chair Gase called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Members Present: Julie Bondy, Chuck Turner, Gina Lowman, Louise Meyer, Barbara Gase Members Absent: None Staff Present: David Sawyer Public Present: Terry McCartney APPROV AL OF MINUTES Board member Meyer moved to approve the December 1, 1997, minutes as submitted. The motion was seconded by Board member Bondy and passed unanimously. PlJBLIC HEARINGS: VARIANCE REQUEST_~_V AR 98-0L-:,McCARTNEY, 104WesL12th Street: Request for a decrease in the minimum side yard setback from 7' to 5'6" in the RS-7, ReSidential Single Family zone to allow an addition to a single family residence, Semor Planner David Sawyer reviewed the Planning Department's report recommending denial of the requested variance of the minimum side yard setback. Chair Gase opened the public hearing. Terry McCartney, 104 West 12th Street, introduced photographs of the residence and the surrounding area to indicate the uniqueness of the structure that requires that an addition be made in line with the existing residence. The property contains a slight slope in the front yard and, being a corner lot, requires a larger side yard abutting the street. These restrictions confine the area where the residence can be expanded. The home is nearly sixty years old and contains four bedrooms with one and one-half baths. No bathing facilities exist on the first floor. The intent is to expand the first floor bathroom without resulting in a jog in the original architecture to observe the minimum side yard setback. " ,. r. 1 ':i -::. Board of Adjustment Mmutes February 2. 1998 Page 2 There being no further comment, Chair Gase closed the public hearing. . Following discussion regarding the architectural integrity of the residence,the characteristics of this older, inner City neighborhood, placement of the original structure on the property, and the age of the residence, Board member Bondy moved to approve the reduction citing the following findings and conclusions: F indings~ Based on the staff report analysis, public review and comment, the Board of Adjustment's discussion and deliberation, the Board of Adjustment hereby finds that: 1. The applicant, Terrence James McCartney applied for a variance for the property located at 104 W. 12th Street on January 12, 1998. 2. The request is to reduce the required side yard setback from 7' to 5'6" for construction of an addition to a single-family residence. 3. There is no environmentally sensitive area on or near the property. 4. The property is designated as Low Density Residential in the City's Comprehensive Plan. . 5. The property is zoned RS-7 (Smgle-Family Residential). 6. The proposed use is a permitted use in the RS-7 zone. 7 A seven foot intenor side yard setback is required in the RS-7 zone. 8' The subject property IS 7.000 square feet in size with a width of 50' and a depth of 140'. 9. The majority of other RS-7 properties in the vicinity are 7,000 square feet in size and have a width of approXimately 50 feet and a depth of approximately 140 feet. 10. The subject property is primarily level with a small embankment in the front yard setback. 11. The majority of other RS-7 properties in the vicinity are relatively level with a slope in the front yard setback area. 12. The property received a variance for a similar request in 1985 (V -85-(8)22) to construct an addition to the rear of the residence (Attachment B of the staff report). . 13. No agency reviewing the application identified any potential adverse impact to the .' ,... - \ ' ' .4. J l' Board of Adjustment MilUlles February 2. 1998 Page 3 . public health, safety, and welfare attributable to the issuance of the variance. 14. The property is located in an older distinct residential neighborhood that IS characterized by historically unique homes. 15. The existing home was built in 1939. 16. The City's first adopted zoning setbacks were established in 1947. Conclusion~ Based on the staff report analysis, public review and comment, the Boar~ of Adjustment's discussion and deliberation and the findings listed above, the Board of Adjustment hereby concludes that: A. There is adequate area for expansion of the existing single-family residence within the allowable building envelope of the lot. B. There are special circumstances related to the surroundings of the subject property that deprives the property owners of rights and privileges permitted to other properties in the vicinity and the RS-7 zone. . c. Approval of the proposed variance would not be a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitatIon upon uses of other properties in the vicinity and zone in which the property on behalf of which the application was filed is located. o The proposed variance would not cause adverse impacts to the public health, safety, and welfare. . E Adherance to the current setback requirements would negatively impact the architectural characteristic of the existing home. The motion was seconded by Board member Bondy and passed unanimously. COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE PUBLIC None. STAFF REPORTS None. . REPORTS OF BOARD MEMBERS None. . - J ..L ~ '. Board of Adjustment Minutes February 2. 1998 Page 4 ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 7:30 p.m. David Sawyer, Secretary PREPARED BY S Roberds f\'~' ~ I ~,< .... .~:. ft. ~!.,"l. l~ it! ~. '" 11 Barbara Gase, Chair . . .; - ...-, ..L. 0 ..:... . . . k~ ~. ~ i'> UTILITY ADVISORY COMMITIEE Port Angeles, Washington February 9, 1998 L \;' 0' I f J. CaU to Order: DRAFT i~ Vice Chairman Doyle called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m. II. Roll CaU: Members Present: Councilmen Campbell, Doyle, and Williams, Bill Myers and Joe Michalczik. Members Absent: None. Staff Present: J. Pittis. B. Titus. S. McLain, G. McLain, C. Rinehart, C. Knutson. and C. Hagar. Others Present: Council member McKeown, Pam Tietz. Ill. Approval of Minutes: Joe Michalczik moved to approve the minutes of the January 12, 1998, meeting. BiD Myers seconded the motion, which canied by a majority vote with Councilman Williams abstaining due to his absence from that meeting. IV. Discussion Items: A. Election of New Chair and Vice Chair Councilman Campbell moved to nominate Councilman Doyle as Chainnan. Bill Myers seconded the motion. There being no further nominations, a vote was taken on the motion, which carried unanimously. Joe Michalczik moved to nominate Councilman Campbell as Vice Chair. Councilman Williams seconded the motion. There being no further nominations, a vote was taken on the motion, which carried unanimously. As Pam Tietz from the Housing Authority was present to speak to the issue of reduced utility services. this item was moved up on the agenda. - 1 - . " "... lJJ f~ <i\. t-~ r~~ ~ t~ t.~ Utility Advisory Committee February 9, 1998 e",: !J , D. Request for Reduced Utility Service , 1-. - Chairman Doyle asked Council member McKeown if she should like to give a review of this issue. Councilmember McKeown stated she was a member of the Human Services Committee, and the Boys and Girls Club has approached the City for assistance on this issue. Councilmember McKeown stated there is a west side Boys and Girls Club alrea.dy in place. However, one was necessary for the east side as well. There is a potential of 125 children from within the Housing Authority that could utilize a Boys and Girls Club east facility. The Housing Authority has a meeting place allocated and the School District is donating five computers; however, there is a shortage of operating funds for this project. Currently, the Housing Authority pays approximately $70,000 per year for garbage service. If the City reduced this fee by 50%, the money could be used to open the doors for the new Boys and Girls Club. Council member McKeown stated this Club would service children that are potentially at risk. She asked Pam Tietz if she had further input on the matter. Pam Tietz, Executive Director of the Housing Authority of Clallam County, stated she has tried without success to obtain a grant to fund thIS children's program. She stated the children that would be involved in the Club are high risk children. It has been proven that Boys and Girls Clubs formed in public housing results in a 13 % reduction in drug-related incidents. 25 % . reduction in cocaine related incidents, and a 15 % reduction in the general crime rate. Ms. Tietz asked the Committee to recommend reduction of refuse costs, as it will result in a direct benefit to the City. DISCUSSIon followed, and Ms. Tietz and Council member McKeown responded to questions and provIded clarification on the issue, and Council member McKeown reminded the Committee that the Salvation Army and other thrift shops had been granted a reduction in solid waste fees so there is a precedent for this type of thing. Concern was expressed over how the City would recoup the $30,000 in fees. Public Works Director PitHS explained the rest of the citizens would have to make up this difference in the rates they will pay in the furore. Director Pittis felt an interlocal agreement, as suggested by Ms. Tietz, would be the best way to handle this matter. Discussion followed regarding the state statute which allows the City to make this allowance for the Housing Authority. Attorney Knutson felt research was needed to ensure that public monies can be used for this purpose. Councilman Doyle asked how many children were being served by the existing Boys and Girls Club, as the City donated $10.000 via Human Services allocations to the west side Club, and he felt there should be a balance in the donation figures. Councilman Campbell reminded the Committee the utility must generate sufficient revenues by - 2 - . " ,~- II .J.,v':t . . . ~~: (.~ r~~\ ~ , I, " Utility Advisory Committee February 9, 1998 t~~ ,". r: f/ .-:- [" t the year 2000 to pay for closure and post closure landfill costs. Council member McKeown stated the Housing Authority was not asking for a permanent fee reduction, but rather for one year. Ms. Tietz said this could be revisited annually as the need arose. Joe Michalczik felt that, in the future, this type of funding request should be routed through Human Services. Councilman Williams suggested recycling be encouraged in the public housing, to help relieve the refuse volume. f. \: ; ! Councilman Campbell felt this request should be considered; however, more information was needed due to the concern of funding the landfill closure. After further discussion, it was decided to hold a special UAC meeting on Tuesday, February 24, 1998, at 3:00 p.m., to give staff time to research legal issues, and how landfill closure funding would be impacted by this fee reduction. Ms. Pam Tietz was asked to put together information regarding how the funds would be utilized by the Boys and Girls Club. B. Choose Date for September 1998 UAC Meeting Deputy Clerk Hagar advised the Committee that the regular meeting date for September falls on Labor Day: therefore a different date needs to be chosen. After limited discussion, the Committee chose Monday, August 31, 1998, at 3:00 p.m. C. City Light Strategic Plan Update Public Works Director Pittis reviewed the information contained in the packet and asked Deputy Director Titus to give the background on this issue. Deputy Director Titus reminded the Committee that it had asked for updated information regardmg the proposed Scope of Service prior to this item being presented to the Council. The Committee felt there were areas for cost savings and areas which needed clarification. The workmg committee on this project met with Gary Saleba from EES Consulting, the firm chosen for thiS project, who provided information and responded to questions regarding the proposal. Mr. Saleba felt modifications to the Scope of Service could be made without jeopardizing the mtegrlty of the Project, reducing costs by approximately $7,000. Mr. Saleba was instructed to put the changes in writing and provide a detailed cost break down. This information is contained m the packet distributed to UAC members on Friday. Mr. Saleba was unavailable to attend today's meeting; however, he is available by phone and should the Committee have questions for him, a conference call can be initiated. Mr. Titus reviewed the breakout of the labor budget by subtask and illustrated what cost reduction changes had been made and why these changes were appropriate. Mr. Titus then distributed a Report on Financial and Operating Ratios (1992-1995) for Port Angeles and several pages of - 3 - ',;- ~ .....00 Utility Advisory Committee February 9, 1998 information from the American Power Association which described data that could be obtained via that organization as an alternative to having EES obtain this level of detail. Director Pittis explained that the competitive benchmark of the future will be the wires. Additional detailed analysis on this can be obtained in the future if we find results that are troubling. He explained that the purpose of this study is to benchmark the City's utility against others to see how competitive it is and to see what other business opportunities the City may be able to enter. The study will look into internal and external issues to develop a future plan. Chairman Doyle inquired as to the time line for this project, and Mr. Titus responded that the proposal gave a three to four-month time frame. Discussion followed, and Councilman Campbell expressed concern over part of task two, Initial Project Conferences. One of the subtasks consisted of meeting with Council members, staff and the Project Team. Councilman Campbell felt this was unnecessary and could be eliminated, saving the City $1,500. Also, under task four there is a three to five-hour conference at a cost of $4,000. He wanted to know why the second conference was so much more than the first conference. Joe Michalczik explained what the two conferences hoped to achieve. Deputy Director Titus suggested a conference call be placed so that Mr. Saleba could respond to questions and provide clarification. A conference call was placed to Mr. Sa leba who explained the value in benchmarking and explamed why he felt the pre- and post-project meetings were necessary. Mr. Saleba then responded to questions and offered clarification on several points. Councilman Campbell mformed Mr. Saleba why he thought the pre-project conference was unnecessary and asserted he knew EES would provide a high quality mitial assessment without having to spend a lot money on conferences. Mr. Saleba stated it was going to be difficult for the City Council to deal with the changjng environment. If there is going to be a relationship between the Council and an outside consultant, there must be a rapport. Time spent by the Consultant working with the City Council results in greater credibility in the study. However, if the Council firmly believes conferences are not necessary, EES will acquiesce. Chairman Doyle agreed with Councilman Campbell and stated the Council worked closely with staff, and he didn't feel the Council would make many changes to staffs recommendations regarding this project. Councilman Doyle did feel a post-project meeting might be necessary. Councilman Doyle asked why the pre-conference was so much more than the post-conference, and Mr. Saleba explained that the post-conference amount included drafting the final report. He did agree that if the meetings take less time than anticipated, this cost could be reduced accordingly. Councilman Campbell suggested that Mr. Saleba speak only to those Council members he was unacquainted with, and Mr. Saleba agreed. Director Pittis suggested the initial meeting be a one hour workshop in conjunction with a Council meeting. Mr. Saleba felt this workshop could be - 4 - . (' .i.~v ~ r,' ~ r i .i< t I . . . . . Utility Advisory Committee February 9, 1998 t ~, ; I ! i f ! worked in with another trip scheduled for interviews or project work, which would minimize the time and expense incurred. Councilman Williams inquired if this would be dovetailed in with Council's goals and objectives, and Mr. Saleba ensured him it would. There were 'no. further questions for Mr. Saleba, and the conference call was concluded. Discussion followed. Councilman Campbell proposed the Project Committee work with Mr. Saleba to minimize the time spent with the Council, thereby incurring some cost savings. After further discussion and clarifications, Joe Michalczik moved to direct staff to fmalize the proposal with Gary Saleba and submit the proposal to City Council. Bill Myers seconded the motion. Following limited discussion, a vote was taken on the motion, which carried unanimously. V. Late Items None. VI. Next Meeting: There will be a special meeting February 24, 1998, at 3:00 p.m. VIII. Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 4:55 p.m. Chairman Deputy City Clerk - 5 - . ... ~ ...... .. ' _v f~ ",',,:C !~,~ \~f :( ..'~ :~ ~ ': ,1<;' . ~6'B . 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Ie" OCT NOV Dee - 01997 .1998 - '0 Year A.....ge ELECTRICAL USAGE 01997 .1998 w o < II) ~ ~. o a: I- o W ..J W ..... .. .... ..... tMT .... .... ..... ... OCT .", Dee lANDFll.LANNuAL ToNs T YR TO DATE (TONS) HIS YR TO DATE (TONS) ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .... ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ C 1997 _'998 1'--'1 OJ. PUBLIC WORKS & UTILITY DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT JANUARY 1998 e~"oH'T"'~ s ~ ~ ~~~" WAfER aoUD WASfi . Inspected Elwha main . Inspected Morse Creek main . C:d Jw ~=~ :~~!!~ 2- b;!~~ry\N ~revanbon deVice . Installed fire hydrant at 16th.& 'C' . Fire hydrant repair at Park & Porter; 8th & Cherry . Main breaks, 2' 10 . Main breaks, 6" 1 . Main breaks, 8" 1 o Met with Public Information Committee to discuss new program on KKNlI\ . Met with Frank Hall, Jefferson County, to discuss regional waste reductio! education and solid waste disposal . Met wnn Param8U1Xt OOC iiiiu A.lct"y 3iiistud ~:' ;::~::=c~~::;~..!~~" m~tlng re ground water well at Landfill WASTEWAtErt COLLEeTtON STReeT WASTEWATER TREATMENT . Alley Maintenance grade and gravel . Install culvert' Glenwood . Snow removal: January 12-13 . Catch baSinS, repair at 13th & Laurel . Catch basins: educt vanous locations o AC repairs, inspections vanous locations . Drtchlng Dogwood PI,; Porter, Campbell, Grant, Olympus . Sign reftectMty, annual check . Street Sweeplng' city WIde . PS#4 maintenance . PSl7 replaced broken roll pin . Video 314 alley Vine to Albert . Video Sink holes pnor to repair vanous locations . Worked wrth landfill staff and Parametnx on leachate system . Worked wrth Rayonler on leachate testrng and dumplng to WWTP . Replaced seal In return sludge pumps at W'NTP . Completed o&M for month on leachate system at Landfill Formated Landfill DMR for reports to DOE ENGINEERING & PERMITS EQUIPMENT SERVICES . Downtown Watermaln/Sldewalk PrOJect. construction restarted o pl8f dredging at foot of Lincoln Street, completed . Sidewalks, PAHS and Franklin School, major construction completed . AIrport Road Realignment, rlw acquisltlon support . EdlZ Hook Sewer Line, construction support . S-r une, Golf Course Road, construction support . library Project, construction support . Landfill, design support . Sidewalk, or Street, 5th to 16th TIS Grant Application submrtted . Support contract tree tnmmlng along overhead power lines . Updated dispatch and dlstnbutJon maps . Hired NT! to prepare plan/profile survey for a transmiSSion line from the College Substation to Golf Course Road . Installed a seal-In relay at College Substation o Permrt ISSued for OMH remodel o Permrt ISSued for Angeles Millwork bUildings . lJ9 Chev Surburban 4x4 to Fire, rebred .17 '156 Light Manllft valve work . '1908 Compactor head and valve work . 10825 Fork Lift surplus unrt on line . '1542 Street PIckup valve work . SelVlC8 TICkets processed 110 . PM SelVlC8S IInd Inspections 16 . Denver's PM seMCeS 8 . Denver's SelVlC8 TICkets processed 28 UGHTOPERATIONS . Install distribution SWItCh at Peninsula College o Load SWItChes for WInter power loads o Support for downtown watermaln prOject . Began plpelWlre Installation at 4th & oN' o Install condurt at Hamilton Way . Street LlghtsfTraffic Signal maintenance I . , 'I l. U .~ PUBLlCWQRK$ AND UTILITIES. MONTHLY PERMIT REPORT' , ^,' ;, , , I bJANUARY'~~~ Y}ti%H;w199& I u' CATEGORY JAN FEB MAR APR MAl' JUNE JULY AUG SEPT OCT NOV DEC 1998YTD 1Qtl7vfb .-NEW MODULAR / MOBILE 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 ValUE $90 000 1--- - ,- ' - . . ,- - --- $90.000 SINGLE FAMILY 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 ValUE $403 166 -- - -~---~ - --- -- --- - - - -- -' , - - -- - --- n_ ---- $403,166 $120,581 MUL T1-FAMIL Y 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Value -------- -~ ------- -~---- ----- --- . ACCESSORIES 3 0 0 0 ---- -.----.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 ValUE $7,000 ------ -- $7.000 .-NEW RETAIL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Value ----- --- HOTEUMOTEL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Value . ----0 OFFICE 0 0 0 o ----- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ValUE --'0 -----~ --- - ~--- - --- ---- -- ._---~- DRINKINGIOINING 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ,0 ValUE -0 ----- ------.- - ---- ---- ~--- ~ AUTO/SERVICE 0 0 0 ----0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ValUE '0 f-,-- -- --.------- ------0-- -- --------- 1---- INDUSTRIAL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ValUE --+--~ -- -- ----~--- .. -- ----- ---- ---- ~~~. -NEW SCHOOLSlHOSPITALS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Value -0 --- CHURCHES 0 0 0 0 ------- 0 n 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Value - ------- RECREATION 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ValUE & ALT. RESIDENTIAL 21 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 21 22 Value $63,126 $403, 126 $85,845 COMMERCIAL 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 17 Value $134,700 $400, 700 $418,466 PUBLIC 2 t:- - 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 Value $180,000 C~ $180,000 $1,500 DEMOLITION / MOVE 0 (.,) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 Value $8,300 RIIII niNe:: TOTALS SLDG PERMITS 41 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 41 44 CONST VALUE $877 ,992 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $877 ,992 5634.692 , ,-- '\ .... .0:...\'....-:..: '.: ..... . ..-:..~ ,", .. ..... ....... '. _. , .-- - / ........... .. .......... ................ ../..:....:-.-:,,;..:.=-=w.:.. ": . ~-:~ , OTHER PERMITS R / W CONSTR 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 3 Revenue $120 - $160 $1,600 NEW WATER SERV 3 0 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0, 0 0 3 4 Revenue $5.941 $5,941 $4,150 NEW SEWER SERV 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 3 Revenue $1,444 --' $1,444 $10,207 NO. OTHER PERMITS 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 10 OTHER PERMIT REV. $7,505 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 SO $0 $0 $0 $0 $7,505 S14,4n ............-~~- -.-~~~~- l-ft ~-~ I;!';! ~ "y. t~* port AnAeles LJ Fire Deyartment serving you in many different ways! i~; ~~ i G 1997 byeration candy Cane collected $1/808.80 and 8/209 younds of food for food banks December 1997 ___G5 d~~. "P6'RTANGE.LES- FIRE DEPARTMENT December, 1997 This This Year This Last Year % Change Month to Date Month to Date Year to Last Year Date TOT AL CALLS _I 222 I 2,542 I 235 I 2,538 I .15%1 I . I I I I Medical Aid 180 2,057 . 184 2,022 ., 'fg... n ..1. . I 0 Level I (slng1e englne 39 463 51 488 5.3 n responses) . Level II (2 or more eng~ne responses) 3 22 0 28 27.2 n I Type of Emergency Fires: Structure (> $5000) 1 9 1 24 166.6 n Chimney 2 21 3 16 23.8% n Auto 2 28 3 18 35.7 n Brush 0 14 0 14 Ot.her ( < $5000) 7 49 2 75 53% n Hazar-dous 8 94 8 78 17% r Mat.erial/Condit.ion False Alarms 22 256 34 291 13.6 1 Method of Alarm 9-1-1 207 2,368 217 2,350 7';- 1 . 0 Alarm System Activations 15 174 18 188 8% 1 Type of Action Taken o luu Medic I Transports 96 940 94 973 3.5% 1 Extinguish Fire 11 121 6 126 4.1% B Investigate Only 14 175 25 158 9.7% n Public Assist 17 ~89 20 232 22.7% 1 FIR E PREVENTION ACTIVITIES December 199 7 This Year to Last Year Last Year Month Date This Year to Month Date Fire & Life Safety 14 868 125 798 Inspection Fire & Life Safety 26 780 63 685 Reinspection Code Violations Found 3 1,280 175 1,257 Code Violations Corrected 27 1,146 118 1,243 Building Survey 0 18 2 25 Complaints Investigated 1 104 4 62 Fire Drills Supervised 0 7 0 10 Lectures, Classes, 0 78 2 103 Demonstrations, Station Tours Flres Investigated 0 12 0 30 Fire Alarm Test 1 118 13 103 Sprlnkler System Test 2 96 7 79 Hydrants 1 83 0 20 - Permlt Inspection 19 239 16 184 Permits Issued 8 95 3 102 Juvenile Fire Setters 0 9 1 9 Counseled Plan Checks: 1. Commercial 2 43 3 32 2 . Multi-family 0 2 0 4 3. Sprinkler System 0 23 2 13 4. Fire Alarm 0 19 1 3 .' .~ .i G ,: FP - 32 Revised 10/4/95 -'-~-~-----~---~--'--------- ----------- Medic I Statistics December, 1997 ALS BLS PRIVATE NO TRANSPORT I ~A~!) , nlY PAFD OLY . Cardiac Arrest 1 0 0 0 0 '0 Cardiac,-Other 22 0 0 0 0 1 Major/Minor Medical 59 1 1 13 1 8 Motor Vehicle Accident 4 0 0 3 1 5 Drug/Alcohol 1 0 1 2 1 , 1 Falls 1 0 3 11 2 14 Accident, Other 2 0 1 10 8 12 Total 90 1 6 39 13 31 * Note: PAFD -- Port Angeles Fire Department OLY -- Olympic Ambulance Private -- Private auto, taxi, funeral home, etc. No Transport -- patient refused or required no transport Total Medic I Patients Assisted This Month Year to Date This Month Last Last Year to Date Year 180 2,057 184 1,995 Medic II Statistics Citizens trained in CPR and airway management This Month Year to date This Month Last Last Year to Date Year 25 350 19 240 .; , Q ~U'J .,,;, :ai ! r l'{~ , 3:1 ." Cost Comparison Private/PAFD Transports $900 $800 $700 $600 $500 $400 I $300 $200 $100 1993 1997 1998 o Private ALS* - PAFD ALS* Private BLSii ~ . PAFD BLS** * ALS transports figured for a patient complaining of chest pain with shortness of breath at 2330 hours with a four mile transport to Hospital. ** BLS transports figured for a patient complaining of C-spine pain from Motor Vehicle Accident at 0130 hours with a four mile transport to Hospital. - (\ l.GJ t k , ~ , Cost Comparison ALS Transports PrWate/PAFD $900 $809 $800 $773 $700 $600 $530 $523 - ~5DD $400 $300 $200 $100 19&3 1997 1998 D Private ALS ~ PAFD ALS $500 $400 $300 $200 $100 $0 Cost Comparison BLS Transports Privat.JPAFD $454 $474 _ $315 $323 1993 1997 1998 o Pr~ate BLS iii PAFD BLS -:-0 .Ll Sprinkler Systems Saves Apartment Unit On December 17, 1997, this four- plex had a fire originating in the bathroom In a first story apartment unit. The fire was contained and extinguished with one sprinkler head activating, in the bathroom. Damage was minimal and the occupants were back In their unit the same day. . . -" i..IJ... ~. .'. - .~ ~.) "f i ~ , PENINSULA DAILY NEWS PeninsulaN orthwest /, MIKE DAWSON OPERATION CANDY CANE John Burkheimer, left, a Salvation Army volunteer, gets a hand loading food donations into his pickup at the Port Angeles fire station Friday. Capt. Jerry - yle and medical officer Keith Bogues h€:lp load the ,ns, which firefighters collected over the last sev- eral days. Firefighters gathered donations from neighborhoods during Operation Candy Cane. The oreration raised more than two tons of' food for both f e Salvation Army and the Port Angeles Food Bank. -:h agency also received more than $900 cash. Sprinklers saved \ lives at apartment By MIKE DAWSON counter and onto a package of toi- PENINSULA DAlLY NEWS let paper. PORT ANGELES _ When a The toilet paper then caught spnnkler doused a fire m an apart- fire, charrmg the side of a wooden ment Wednesday, It showed that cabinet.The sprmkler went off landlords could save lives by when the temperature reached mstallmg sprmklers, the fire cluef 150 -:legrees, Becker saId When it saId went off the alarm sounded. "If these guys would have been While the fire was a small event I sleepmg and they didn't have a and probably not hfe-threatemng i sprmkler they would have been m the daytime, it is a good lesson, ' dead," chief Bruce Becker said. Becker said The fire broke out at about 1:30 He and others in the fire busi- p.m at 112 W Fifth St., Just a few ness have been studymg the fatal doors do\\'l1 from the fire hall. fire m Bremerton last month, Robby DaVIS and three fnends which killed four I were m the hvmg room of his one- "That fire m Bremerton says 80 bedroom apartment . much about sprmklers," he said. They smelled no smoke, saw no That building housed many fire. But an alarm sounded elderly people who could not get DavIS could hear the sound of out, he said. Sprinklers would water, walked through the bed- have stopped the fire before It got room to the bathroom and found a very far smoky mess New apartment bUlldmgs m He dialed 911, reported a fire Port Angeles are reqUIred to have and got out Firefighters found a sprmklers The buildmg that wet. smoky mess, but no fire. caught fire Wednesday IS four Becker noted that the fire years old, so sprmklers and alarms burned m the bathroom WIthout were reqUIred the men in the hvmg room know- The apartment buildmg next ing It It goes to show, he said, that door IS older A Similar fire there fires do not \\ake people until It's could have destroyed a umt. A too late mght fire could have been deadly, The fire started With a candle Becker said atop the tOIlet tank Its flame He said he strongly adVises , ignited a cupholder, which dnpped O\\'l1ers of apartments to get sprm- melted plastiC over the edge of a klers Installed Di"-, " ,~. '~',' ~';;~~;L~;~~~" ';.J ,- . ". ' "., ! ~",",,,,,,,",-""".'~"'-~"'.~~,". . -j J" -.1.J PA fire marshal issues several holiday w.3rnings By KELLY ADAMS PENINSULA DAILY NE\\S AB tht' wl:'ather gets colder and heaters an' sWitched on, owner'i of Cadet wall unit heatel S should make sure they huve replaced faulty lm\lt s\\ltches on hevt'ral models A recall eflort was trIggered earlier thIS year aIler thl:' filulty switches, which can lead to sparks and fires, were discovered Heaters labeled as models FX, LX, ZA, and FW, manufactuled between 1985 and 1992, were made wIth the sWitches and the part should be replaced Port Angeles fire marshal Dan McKeen SaId the department is concerned whenever t her e IS a product recall because of pOSSIble fire hazard He SaId he knows of ~" .'. " h-" no fires in Clallam County caused by the heater Company "pokt'swol11an GlI1ny Bl'rdlck .;ald to finotlH' lIlockl numhl'l, thl' pmH'1 to thl' Ulllt "Iwuld Ill' ...hut ofT at the CIIc:tllt hn'akl'l, :tlld then till' flOllt gnll , l'l11ovl'd SIll' !Xud till' Van LOU vel', \Vash . Il!L<;l'd huslrll'f,.<; Ull1not al1()f(1 to send ';c>r,'lll' tl'lhnlCHlllS out to l'\'ef}' hUIIll' to I eplace the pm"l, but will selld a replacement kit free of chargl' The hotlllle numhl'r IS (800 I fJ67 -201:l Bel dICk <;;'1Il1 ch,IIlf-,'lng till' pm t IS not dlfTicult "01lLl' you takl' ofT the gnll, you'rp Imlf\\uv tlll'le,' she said A<; IIHIll\ a,> a Illilhon ddL'<..tJve heatlllg Ulllt-; lould h., III IWl11e.;, and the Pucdil Nurthweo,t IS a large mal ket IlJl the Llll11pany, Bl'rdick said The l'lllllpany has "ent 600,000 replacl'ml'nt parts ~1I1le till' fl'call '-!;'II11'd I\l'lthel f\lcI\('l'll 01 Bl'l dick c'otJld "ay how l11am ddl'ctivl' Ulllt.; ar e l11"wlll'd III thl' ar ('a DUllllg tIll' holl<l;I\ Sl'ason, f\1t Kel'll "'<lId, l''\lt a caution should hl' takt'll Parer. Chi htma" lIl'I'~ and packagl''> "hould he k('pt a\\ay fr om all heat mg ul1lh to avuld lill'';, Ill' <;,ud Hl' Said alllllmbllhlibles - Just about an\ thing that isn't made out uf l11('tal - should be I-.epl at least t1l1l't' fL'l't away 1'1 o III heatlllg ~(IUICl''', 'ilK h a.. ba"eboard heaters SOIlll' Ilghl ~tllllg'i popuhll thIS \ l'al h;l\C' Iwen found to be a fire UI shock ha/Ul d, Mc Keen saId ICIcle lights that hang down in vertical stmnds have been evalu- ated by Underwriters Laboratories (ULl, and found a potentlUl cause of fire or shock TIll' company puts Its seal of aprroval on safety-tested pi oclucls, bul pI oduds found unsafl' may Iwar an invalid VL seal of approval '1'11(' VL has established a toll- I'r 1.'1.' number to venfy the valIdity of theIr mark on packages of lights That number is (888) 854-6275 McKeen said cut Christmas trees should be in water at all times ,ind cautioned people to remove them when they become too dry To test for dryness, stand in front of the tl PC and pull it tOWal d you 11 nel~dles freely fall ofr the tree, it's time to remove it ~, l_) :1 - - --- ~ -- - -- ------~-- .~ ~.....<^(...~ , ~. <'" "'...' .'V" 'h '. " MOTORIST HURT KEI1I1 'hIORPE Emergency medical techlllClaflS assist a woman strucll hy her own car In the 700 hl:Je/( oj East Fllst Street. Au/hontzes sald Luella MOf.ich, 67, Port Ange- les, was leaVing her parked velucle at 1:55 p.m. wzth the motor running when it rolled backward, striking her wuh the door: Mogck was t(1ken to Olympic Mcmorial Hospital with a possible neck injury, police said. I. ... (.11 Sun and clouds Hzgh 50, Lou' 40 Weather I C6 ~Ull-M .,.~...v'" I rM .;,. , '~1J ~ i'A.... '" . Jh, ~... , I --- .' , . ( - . \ ."1-') Port Angeles firefighters pour a stream of water onto a smoky fire that erupted In a vacarrt house In the 1100 block of East Ktnu THORP~ Eighth Street. Authorities _Id the blaze apparently spread from a fireplace. Holy smokes, it's a fire Blaze: Fife capull1 notice" hl:v.e \\'hlle returlllng fn)111 foUtlne IlhpCCtlOI1 B' KELLY ADAMS I'f"'''''I'L,\ DAII' Nrw,- PORT ANGELES - Flreli~hters got a jump till a Tuesday afternoon house lire when Fire Cdpt Jerry Doyle. returning from a routine IllspectlOn. noticed smoke pouring from undpr tll(' eayes of a house "I think that house IS on fITe." he said to the lire enpn!' driver, ~1cl TWitchell. who promptly pulll-d the el1gB\(' (l\'l'r near the house on 1114 \\' EI~ht}, ~l Doyle bllld It I~ the Orbt time In hIs nearly 30 years Wlth the department that firclightcl"b spotted a fin' before It wa.<; called In to a rus- patcher "It surpn'-;(.-d the heck out of me," he said "I just happen\-d to look In the nght drrectlOn " Doyle add,od that a blanket of fog had rolled Intu thl' are..! and VIsibility had dlmffilshed The lirelighters called' Intu ~he statIOn and started putting out the name" The reSidence. owm.>d by Terr. Mays wa..-. bem~ renovatL-d and no oy{l' Wll..'> 'hv1l1~ I~ It at the tllnt', TWltdlCll bdlU He \'),plamcll ,\ v.'''I<\ frame of the house was up against part of th. chimney The 'wood burnIng Insert Installed In the fireplace produce~ more heat than a tradItIOn, fireplace fire Over time, the wood frame heated up and eventually caught on fire The fire caused about :1>1,500 In damage to the small home No one was InjUrl-d 1"'0 .....0 ~t:.Ss~ .v. f.::V~ O~ 4t -tt~ U\ USA 89 Canada 99 J F R 32 E ~'~ ~4V ' 03 5 ./ ~ ~ -: ~ ~ft: {~~290 142 / ~ '7 II(ltt{/t/;/U;'-~ UV~ '/:-t-j;;h..nv./.t~.4'.;urek/ .# d/CUff~4€~~ ~~ ~~~/dJ ~ d~v~~iU/ ,if#~.~~~~ rf~~;-~~P:!tf04 Nft~~/'~ ~:~7~ ;rkf-.; ;f~~)#~~'r~ ~~:t;7~~ ~~ W ~ .~ I~~~~ o-f tjffW '. ~. I " I' 2}' \If> bervt- fC1vi:vd~~'~~~~J:~- SV\, tM ~M ~of ~ A4~ J}'ct wrVf-r tV e Vft{' [> v\,m 1D-teee r~~' ..' I - ..-J 1. i.'.... ~ ' . .