HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet 02/17/2009 . FORTANGELES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. AGENDA CITY COUNCIL MEETING 321 East 5th Street February 17, 2009 SPECIAL MEETING - 5:30 p.m. REGULAR MEETING - 6:00 p.m. SPECIAL MEETING - 5:30 p.m. Conduct interviews for one position on Planning Commission. Council may adjourn to Executive Session under the authority of RCW 42.30.110(1 )(g), to evaluate qualifications of applicants then return to Open Session for public appointment. Note: The Mayor may determine the order of business for a particular City Council meeting. The agenda should be arranged to best serve the needs and/or convenience of the Council and the public. The items of business for regular Council meetings may include the following: A. CALL TO ORDER -REGULAR MEETING AT 6:00 P.M. B. ROLL CALL PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE PUBLIC COMMENT. This is an opportunity for members of the public to speak to the City Council about anything. To allow time for the Council to complete its legislative agenda, comments should be limited to no more than 5 minutes per person and a total of 15 minutes for this comment period. (These time periods may be lengthened or shortened at the discretion of the Mayor.) PUBLIC CEREMONIES/PRESENTATIONS 1. Statement of Support for the Guard and Reserve B-1 1. Scott Buck, NW Area Representative Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve 2. Sue Cohn, Don Zanon and Elaine Frederickson, Trustees; Paula Barnes, Director 2. North Olympic Library Update C. WORK SESSION 1. Council Retreat Preparations C-l 1. Determine date and location. D. LATE ITEMS TO BE PLACED ON THIS OR FUTURE AGENDAS as determined by City Manager or Council member E. ORDINANCES NOT REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. Fund Closure Ordinance E-l 1. 1 sl Reading . NOTE: HEARING DEVICES AVAILABLE FOR THOSE NEEDING ASSISTANCE MAYOR TO DETERMINE TIME OF BREAK February 17, 2009 Port Angeles City Council Meeting Page - 1 F. RESOLUTIONS . G. OTHER CONSIDERATIONS 1. License Agreement with Rayonier for CSO Tank 2. Interagency Agreement for Performance Based Contracting 3. Bonneville Power Administration Accord and Satisfaction Agreement 4. Bonneville Power Administration Tier 2 Power Supply Planning W orksho H. PUBLIC HEARINGS - QUASI-JUDICIAL (7:00 P.M. or soon thereafter) G-l G-9 G-19 1. Approve Agreement. 2. Approve Agreement 3. Approve Agreement G-25 4. Confirm Workshop Date & Time I. PUBLIC HEARINGS - OTHER (7:00 P.M. or soon thereafter) 1. Upper Golf Course Road Sanitary Sewer Connection 1-1 1. Conduct Public Hearing; 1 sl Reading Charges Ordinance Revision 2. Amendment to 2008-2014 Capital Facilities Plan (CFP) 1-5 2. Conduct Public Hearing; Pass Resolution specific to Web Based GIS Upgrades J. FINANCE 1. Parametrix Consultant Agreement for Landfill Services J-l 1. Approve Amendment Amendment. K. CONSENT AGENDA 1. City Council Meeting Minutes of February 3,2009. K-l 1. Accept Consent Agenda 2. Expenditure Approval List from 1/24/09 to 2/6/09 for K-5 $1,639,148.46. . 3. Equipment Purchase - Light Operations Utility Vehicle K-35 4. Surplus Equipment / Trolley / Set Public Hearing Date K-36 L. CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS M. INFORMATION City Manager Reports: 1. Financial Report - Year End 2008 M-l 2. Financial Report - January 2009 M-5 3. Planning Commission Minutes - January 28, 2009. M-7 4. PA Forward - January 2009 Minutes M-II 5. Building Division - January 2009 Report M-15 6. Community & Economic Development Dept. - 2008 Report M-16 N. EXECUTIVE SESSION O. ADJOURNMENT PUBLIC HEARINGS Public hearings are set by the City Council in order to meet legal requirements. In addition, the City Council may set a public hearing in order to receive public input prior to making decisions Which impact the citizens. Certain matters may be controversial, and the City Council may choose to seek public opinion through the public hearing process. NOTE: HEARING DEVICES AVAILABLE FOR THOSE NEEDING ASSISTANCE MAYOR TO DETERMINE TIME OF BREAK February 17, 2009 Port Angeles City Council Meeting . Page - 2 ~ORTANGELES WAS H I N G TON. U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL MEETING February 17. 2009 ~tifA(L ~ CALL TO ORDER - REGULAR MEETING: 5e&po"tr\, - 555- p''M... waD. ~.~ . r I. II. ROLL CALL: Members Present: Mayor Braun Deputy Mayor Wharton Councilmember Di Guilio Councilmember Kidd Councilmember Perry Councilmember Rogers Councilmember Williams Staff Present: Manager Myers Attorney Bloor Clerk Upton G. Cutler T. Gallagher D. McKeen N. West Y. Ziomkowski ~ ~ ~ V III. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Led by: ~J^t.'.;~~O.k--' A",~ ~ORTANGELES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL MEETING Attendance Roster DATE OF MEETING: February 17. 2009 LOCATION: City Council Chambers , i I ~ \~t\ vvJ? City of Port Angeles ~ORTANGELES Ordinance/Resolution Electronic Distribution List WAS H I N G TON. U. S. A. City Council Meeting of February 17. 2009 Ordinance / ~. <j-n'l. Resolution No. ~AtC tl1=P City Manager City Atty. (1) J .../ Planning City Clerk (1) 1 / / Codifier (1) I vi' Personnel Cust. Svcs. Finance Dir./Mgr. Police Dept. Fire Dept. Light Dept. Parks & Rec. Pub. Works J v/ MRSC (1) ,./ PDN (Summary) Extra Copies I TOTAL I ..5 III . STATEMENT OF SUPPORT FOR THE GUARD AND RESERV~: * . We recognize the National Guard and Reserve are essential to the strength of our nation and the well-being of our communities. In the highest American tradition, the patriotic men and women of the Guard and Reserve serve voluntarily in an honorable and vital profession. They train to respond to their community and their country in time of need. They deserve the support of every segment of our society. If these volunteer forces are to continue to serve our nation, increased public understanding is required of the essential role of the Guard and Reserve in preserving our national security. Thel'efOl'e, we join other employers in pledging that: o We fully recognize, honor and enforce the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA). Our managers and supervisors will have the tools they need to effectively manage those employees who serve in the Guard and Reserve. We will continually recognize and support our country's service members and their families in peace, in crisis, and in war. o o . {1~ (.70~~~~ Employer ) } f Ilf.?-Ci5f Date ~(~ National Committee for Employer Support of the GilaI'd and Resen'e I EMPLOYER SUPPORT OF THE GUARD AND RESERVE B-1 Library Locations and Hours Port Angeles Main Library 2210 South Peabody, Port Angeles, WA 98362 Telephone: 360.417.8500 PortAngeles@nols.org Mon/Wed T ue/Thu/Fri/Sat Noon - 8:00 pm 10:00 am - 5:00 pm Welcome to Your Library Clallam Bay Branch 16990 Hwy 112, Clal/am Bay, WA 98326 Telephone: 360.963.24/4 ClallamBay@nols.org Mon/Wed Thu/Fri 11:00 am -7:00 pm 10:00 am - 5:00 pm Fast. Friendly. Fantastic! Forks Branch 171 South Forks Avenue, Forks, WA 98331 Telephone: 360.3 74.6402 Forks@nols.org Mon/Tue/Wed/Thu II :00 am - 7:00 pm Fri I I :00 am - 5:00 pm Sat (school year only) II :00 am - I :00 pm Sequim Branch 630 North Sequim Avenue, Sequim, WA 98382 Telephone: 360.683.1161 Sequim@nols.org Mon/W ed/Fri/Sat T ue/Thu www.nols.org 10:00 am - 5:00 pm Noon - 8:00 pm Administration 2210 South Peabody, Port Angeles, WA 98362 Telephone: 360-41 7-852 7 Oirector@nols.org NORTH OLYMPIC LIBRARY SYSTEM Serving all of Clallam County NOLS 8/08 Audio books Read and drive? Read and knit? Read and mow the lawn? The Library has hundreds of audio books on CD or tape that you can check out and enjoy. Books, books and more books More than 200,000 books for all ages and interests. Best sellers, reference books, magazines, newspapers and more. Request books from another branch, and if NOLS doesn't have the book you need, ask for an interlibrary loan. Computers and Internet Computers with MS Office, including word processing and high speed Internet access are free in the library. Each branch also offers wireless and ethernet Internet access - just bring your own laptop. Ethernet cables are available upon request. DVDs and media There's something for everybody among the Library's more than 40,000 DVDs and CDs, including popular and classical music, feature films, documentaries and children's titles. Kids and teens Looking for that perfect book to entice a reluctant reader or to challenge a voracious one? Want programs to entertain and enlighten? Visit your branch library, or go to www.nols.org. Library cards The most valuable card in your wallet is your library card! You can get one at any branch library, and you can use it throughout the library system to check out materials, to use the Library's public computers, to place holds on books and other items in the Library's catalog, and to use the many online databases available at www.nols.org. All you need is current photo ID and proof of your mailing address. There's no charge for a library card. Loan periods and fines Most books and other materials are loaned for 21 days. DVDs have a 7 day check out period. You can renew an item twice providing nobody else has put a hold on it. If you don't return your books and other items on time, you'll be charged I O~ per day up to a maximum of $5. Outreach Homebound or disabled? Interested in Washington's Talking Books and Braille Library? Contact Outreach at 360.417.8503 or by email at Outreach@nols.org. Reference Need an answer to a question or assistance with research? Get help fast in person, by phone or online by calling 360.417.850 I or emailing AskaLibrarian@nols.org. About the Library The North Olympic Library System (NOLS) is a special taxing district serving all of C1allam County. It is governed by a 5-member Board of Trustees appointed by the Clallam County Commissioners. The Library budget comes primarily from property taxes. There are branch libraries in Clallam Bay, Forks and Sequim, and the Main Library and Administrative Offices are in Port Angeles. Support the Library Join the Friends of the Library. Donate money or used books in good condition. Volunteer. For more information, call 360.417.8525 or email Director@nols.org. www.nols.org The NOLS website is your 24/7/365 branch library. Search the catalog, place a hold, research extensive magazine and newspaper databases. and get advice on agreat book to read. NOLS WANTS TO HEAR FROM YOU Please take a minute to share your comments. Do you have suggestions, or improvements you'd like the Library to make? Please tell us about them. Name: (optional): I'd like a response from the library via: 0 Phone: o No response needed. thanks. o Email: Paula Barnes, Direaor, North Olympic Library System . Direaor@nols.org . 360.417.8525 ~..., ~RQb~ ~y~~ LIBRARY _~ SYSTEM . . . DATE: To: FROM: SUBJECT: ~ORT.ANGELES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO February 17,2009 CITY COUNCIL KENT MYERS, CITY MANAGER CITY COUNCIL RETREAT Summarv: One of the City Council priorities is for the City Manager to arrange and coordinate a Retreat to discuss and establish goals and objectives, and improve City Council relations. Recommendation: Proceed with selection of the date, location, time, and agenda for the Retreat. Back2round / Analvsis: During the recruitment process for a new City Manager, the City Council stated that a priority for the new City Manager would be to arrange and coordinate a special retreat as a venue for the Council to discuss, determine, and define the short-term and long-term goals and objectives for the new City Manager. At the previous City Council meeting, Council agreed by consensus that the proposed topics listed below should be the focus of the retreat and Councilmembers would be polled by the City Manager to determine their availability. However, it has not been possible to find time on a Saturday, or other weekday, when all Councilmembers are available. As an alternative, Councilmembers have indicated an interest in participating in a series of mini- retreats on the same days as regular City Council meetings. I would offer for Council's consideration holding this first session on Tuesday, March 3rd from 3:00 p.m. until 5:30 p.m. in a location in or near City Hall. This will provide Council with a 30-rninute break before their regular meeting commences at 6:00 p.m. C - 1 The preliminary list of agenda topics suggested to date is provided below. The specific agenda items for the first mini-retreat will need to be finalized a week prior to the meeting in order to gather any required background information. . Proposed City Council Retreat topics: . Financial challenges facing the city and identification of core services for future funding. . City/County Relations . Short-Term (6 months) and long-term (2-5 years) goals for the City Manager . City Council working relationship . City Council/staff relationships . Relationships with outside organizations . City Council meetings · City Council agenda packets/delivery . City Council Rules of Procedure · City Council Committees . Media Relations · Future department reorganizations . Internal and external communications . Sustainability Decisions needed from Council this evening: · Consensus for March 3, 2009 · Location · Time · Selection of Topics for the March 3rd Session Agenda · Necessary Staff Support . . C-2 . . DATE: To: FROM: SUBJECT: ~ORTANGELES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO FEBRUARY 17,2009 CITY COUNCIL YVONNE ZIOMKOWSKI, FINANCE DIRECTOR FUND CLOSURE ORDINANCE Summary: This ordinance will formally close several City funds that are no longer being used. Recommendation: Conduct the first reading of the proposed ordinance and continue to March 3rd meeting for adoption. Back2round: Over the years, the City Council has formally adopted several ordinances which established funds to account for specific monies or City projects. Over time, these projects have been completed, but the funds have not been formally closed. This ordinance is strictly a housekeeping measure to formally close those funds that are no longer necessary or in use. The attached ordinance lists the specific funds that will be closed, along with the reason for their original creation. . G:\GRQUP\FINADMIN\CQUNCIL\Fund closure memo.doc E - 1 ORDINANCE NO. . AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, to close certain funds that are no longer used, and repealing Ordinance Nos. 256, 512, 534, 539, 802, 808, 852, 964, Sections 1 and 2 of 1116, 1120, 1157, 1158, 1203, 1551, 1626, Sections 5 and 6 of 1961,2060,2072,2075,2094, 2203,2227, 2252,2421, Sections 1 and 2 of 2460,2610,2614,2890, 2859, 2060, 964, 1626, 2874, and Sections 13 and 14 of 2890, and amending Section 3 of Ordinance No. 2288. WHEREAS, a number of funds established by ordinance have ceased to be used over the years without an ordinance to formally close the fund; and WHEREAS, the purpose of this ordinance is to correct the record; NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Port Angeles do ordain as follows: Section 1. The funds described below are no longer used or needed and are repealed: . A. Ordinance 256 establishing the Indebtedness Fund to account for monies collected for the payment of the City indebtedness is hereby repealed. B. Ordinance 512 establishing the Special Assessment District Fund to provide for the levy and collection of special assessments is hereby repealed. C. Ordinance 534 establishing the General Local Improvement District Fund to provide for Local Improvement Districts is hereby repealed. D. Ordinance 539 establishing the Road and Bridge Fund to account for funds received from Clallam County and expenditures therefrom is hereby repealed. E. Ordinance 802 establishing the District No.1 Sinking Fund for the purpose of accounting for liquidation of the outstanding District No.1 refunding bonds is hereby repealed. . -1- E-2 . F. Ordinance 808 establishing Condemnation Fund No.4 on account of the . assessment roll and assessments created pursuant to Clallam County Superior Court Cause No. 4595 is hereby repealed. G. Ordinance 852 establishing the Local Improvement Guaranty Fund for the purpose of guaranteeing the extent of local improvement bond funds is hereby repealed. H. Ordinance 964 establishing the Municipal Waterworks Repair Fund for special repairs to the municipal water system is hereby repealed. 1. Ordinance 1116 establishing (1) the State Aid Fund to account for monies expended for wages, salaries, supplied, material and equipment for police and fire protection, health and sanitation is hereby repealed; and establishing (2) the War Liquor Tax Fund to account for funds expended for health, police protection, and protection from loss by fire is hereby repealed. J. Ordinance 1120 establishing the Motor Vehicle Excise Fund to account for monies to be expended for the purposes of police and fire protection and the preservation of the public health is hereby repealed. K. Ordinance 1157 establishing the Cumulative Reserve Fund for the construction, alteration, repair and furnishing of the public library building is hereby repealed. L. Ordinances 1158 establishing the Cumulative Reserve Fund for the acquisition, construction, alteration and repair of public buildings and structures for municipal purposes is hereby repealed. M. Ordinance 1203 establishing the Cumulative Reserve Fund for the purchase of fire fighting equipment is hereby repealed. . -2- E-3 O. Ordinance 1626 establishing the Sewer Construction Fund to account for sewer capital improvement receipts and expenditures is hereby repealed. P. Section 5 of Ordinance 1961 establishing the Municipal Pier Construction Fund for the "purpose of paying part of the cost of making capital improvements provided for herein"is hereby repealed. Q. Section 6 of Ordinance 1961 establishing the 1978 General Obligation Bond Redemption Fund for the "purpose of paying the principal of and interest on the Bonds" is hereby repealed. R. Ordinance 2060 establishing the Tumwater Bridge Construction Fund is hereby repealed. . S. Ordinance 2072 establishing the Marine Laboratory Construction Fund to accountJor monies received and distributed for construction of a Marine Laboratory on the Port Angeles City waterfront is hereby repealed. T. Ordinance 2075 establishing the Impact Assistance Fund to account for receipts and disbursements from Northern Tier Pipeline Company for impact assistance is hereby repealed. U. Ordinance 2094, as amended by Ordinance 2468, establishing the Golf Course Road Improvement Fund is hereby repealed. V. Ordinance 2203 establishing the Downtown Improvements Phase IT Construction Fund to provide for administration of Downtown Improvement Phase IT project monies is hereby repealed. . -3- E-4 . w. Ordinance 2227 establishing the Old Mill Road Construction Fund to . provide for administration of Federal Aid Municipal project monies is hereby repealed. X. Ordinance 2252 establishing the Emergency Dispatch Communication Fund to administerrevenue and expenses related to the Med-NetRadio Project is hereby repealed. Y. Ordinance 2421 establishing the Deferred Compensation Fund to establish a deferred compensation agency fund is hereby repealed. Z. Section 1 of Ordinance 2460 establishing the Civic Pride Fund to establish a fund for the administration of municipal funds is hereby repealed. AA. Section2 of Ordinance 2460 establishing the Sewer Improvement Fund is hereby repealed. BB. Ordinance 2610, as amended by Ordinance 3250, and Chapter 3.27 ofthe Port Angeles Municipal Code establishing the Repair & Demolition and Code Compliance Fund are hereby repealed. Cc. Ordinance 2614 and Section 3.29.010 ofthe Port Angeles Municipal Code establishing Growth Management Fund to manage administration of State grant funds used in planning as mandated by the Growth Management Act are hereby repealed. DD. Ordinance 2859 and Chapter 3.45 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code establishing the Enhanced 9-1-1 Project Fund are hereby repealed. EE. Ordinance 2874 and Chapter 3.35 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code establishing the Stormwater Basin Improvement Fund are hereby repealed. FF. Section 13 of Ordinance 2890 and Section 3.15.040 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code establishing the Library Construction Fund are hereby repealed. . -4- E-5 GG. Section 14 of Ordinance 2890 and Section 3.15.050 of the Port Angeles . Municipal Code establishing the MM Hartness Memorial Fund are hereby repealed. Section 2. Section 3 of Ordinance 2288 and Chapter 3.22 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code are hereby amended by amending 3.22.030 P AMC to rename the "Public Works Improvement Fund" to the "Capital Improvement Fund." Section 3 - Severability. If any provisions ofthis Ordinance, or its application to any person or circumstances, are held invalid, the remainder of the Ordinance, or application of the provisions of the Ordinance to other persons or circumstances, is not affected. Section 4 - Effective Date. This ordinance, being an exercise of a power specifically delegated to the City legislative body, is not subject to referendum. This ordinance shall take effect five days after its publication by summary. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, at its regular meeting on the day of February, 2009. Gary Braun, Mayor ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: Becky J. Upton, City Clerk William E. Bloor, City Attorney PUBLISHED: ,2009 By Summary G:lLegal_ BackupIORDINANCES&RESOLUTIONSIORDINANCES.2008\21 - Fund Closure.060208. wpd December 31, 2008 -5- E-6 . . . . . ~ORTANGELES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: To: FROM: February 17,2009 CITY COUNCIL Glenn A. Cutler, Director of Public Works & Utilities William Bloor, City Attorney SUBJECT: License Agreement between the City and Rayonier Properties, LLC Summary: It is necessary for the City to gain access to the former Rayonier Mill Site to complete the design for Phase I of the City's Combined Sewer Overflow Program. The City and Rayonier Properties, LLC staffs have negotiated an agreement to permit access to the site. Recommendation: Approve and authorize the Mayor to sign a License Agreement with Rayonier Properties, LLC. Background/Analysis: The City is under a Washington State Department of Ecology Order to reduce Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) events. As part of the City's strategy, it is planned to utilize a 5,000,000 gallon tank and portions of property on the former Rayonier Mill Site. The design for Phase I of the CSO Program is at the 60% design stage. To complete the design, it is necessary to gain access to the former Rayonier Mill site. City staff and Rayonier Properties, LLC (Rayonier) have been negotiating a License Agreement to permit the City to gain access to conduct additional investigations that will permit the design to be completed. The Agreement, see attached, is substantially complete with some additional details to be clarified. The City and Rayonier are continuing to negotiate the final details. It is anticipated that the negotiations will be concluded on Tuesday, February 17,2009. If so, the document will be ready for Council action. The Agreement provides, in part, for access to the Rayonier Mill site for the City and those the City deems necessary to carry out actions necessary to complete the site investigation, design and permitting, financial compensation for access to the property, compliance with federal, state, and local laws, a three year term with the ability for either party to terminate early with appropriate notice, and no condemnation actions to be taken during the term of the agreement. The Agreement has been provided to the Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe, Harbor Works Development Authority, and the Port of Port Angeles for comment. It is recommended that Council consider the Agreement and, if determined acceptable, authorize the Mayor to sign. Enclosures: Draft License Agreement N:\CCOUNCIL\FINAL\License Agreement Between the City and Rayonier Properties LLC.doc G - 1 LICENSE AGREEMENT . This License Agreement ("Agreement") is entered into effective _ day of February, 2009, between RAYONIER PROPERTIES, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, authorized to do business in the State of Washington ("LICENSOR"), and CITY OF PORT ANGELES, a Washington municipal corporation ("LICENSEE"). 1. Term. The term of this Agreement shall be three (3) years, commencing on , 2009 and ending on , 2012 2. Grant of License. LICENSOR does hereby grant to LICENSEE a non-exclusive license to enter onto the property described in Exhibit A attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof (the "Property") for the use and purpose set forth in . Paragraph 3 below and for no other use or purpose whatsoever. Without limiting the . generality of the foregoing,. 3. Permitted Use and Purpose. LICENSEE may exercise its right to enter the Property under this Agreement for the sole use and purpose of doing investigations and studies necessary for LICENSEE to design and apply for necessary permits for its combined sewer overflow ("CSO") project. Except as necessary to complete the investigations, design, engineering, and permitting contemplated by this Agreement, LICENSEE is expressly prohibited from engaging in clearing, grading, and/or construction of improvements on the Property, and LICENSEE will not submit any reports on the Property to any governmental agency without prior review and approval by LICENSOR. LICENSOR reserves all rights to the Property not specifically granted herein. .0 4. Consideration. As consideration for this Agreement, LICENSEE shall pay to the LICENSOR a licensee fee ("License Fee") in the amount of per year, payable in advance, for each year of the Agreement. The License Fee for the first year of the term of this Agreement shall be due and payable within ten (10) days of the date this Agreement is executed by both parties and the payments for subsequent years shall be due and payable on the anniversary date of the effective date stated above. 5. Operations. LICENSEE acknowledges that the Property is the site of a former mill, and is the subject to two Agreed Orders with the Washington State Department of Ecology with respect to investigation of the environmental condition of the Property. LICENSEE further acknowledges that investigations to date have disclosed the presence, or suspected presence, of contamination on, in, under and about the Property. LICENSEE shall conduct its operations under this Agreement in a careful and reasonable manner, and shall be responsible for the safety of all persons using the Property on behalf of LICENSEE or at LICENSEE's request. Only City employees, authorized City contractors, required tribal monitors, and personnel of state, federal, and local agencies that have permitting authority over the site are permitted to access the Property under this Agreement. LICENSEE shall perform all activities under this Agreement in compliance with all federal, state and local laws, regulations, rules, ordinances and codes applicable to the Property. All persons exercising this grant of . 99999-2033/LEGAL15188271.1 1 G - 2 . License shall do so at their own risk and at the expense of LICENSEE. LICENSEE shall be responsible for all costs and expenses relating to the activities conducted on the Property by LICENSEE or its contractors and relating to compliance with the terms of this Agreement. 6. Repair of Damage. LICENSEE shall repair or cause to be repaired, at its sole cost and expense, any damage to the Property resulting from LICENSEE's exercise of its rights under this Agreement. Damages to the Property will be repaired within seven (7) days of the occurrence. LICENSEE shall be responsible, at its sole cost, for cleanup and removal from the Property for all debris, trash or other material brought to or left on the Property by LICENSEE, its employees, agents or invitees. 7. Liens and Claims. LICENSEE will keep the Property free and clear from any liens of any nature in connection with LICENSEE's activities on the Property, including, without limitation, any liens arising out of any work performed or materials ordered or obligations incurred by or on behalf of LICENSEE, and hereby indemnifies and holds LICENSOR and the Property harmless from any liability from any such liens. In the event any lien is filed against the Property, or any portion of it, by any person claiming by, through or under LICENSEE, LICENSEE shall, upon request made by LICENSOR, at LICENSEE's expense, immediately cause the lien to be released of record. LICENSEE agrees to obtain full and irrevocable lien releases from all contractors for work done on the Property and to deliver them to LICENSOR promptly after completion of any work . . 8. Hold Harmless and Indemnity. LICENSEE shall defend, indemnify and save LICENSOR, its affiliates, officers, directors, managers, employees, agents and contractors ("Licensor Parties") harmless from all liability, cost, damage and expense (including, but not limited to, reasonable attorneys' fees) in connection with all claims, suits and actions of every name, kind and description made or brought against Licensor Parties, or any of them by any person or entity as a result of or on account of actual or alleged injuries or damages to persons, entities or property received or sustained, in any way arising out of, in connection with, or as a result of, the exercise by LICENSEE, and/or its employees, agents, contractors and subcontractors of the rights granted in this Agreement, except, however, to the extent any such injury results from the negligence or intentional misconduct of LICENSOR or any of the Licensor Parties; The obligation of LICENSEE to indemnify LICENSOR pursuant to this paragraph shall survive the expiration and/or termination of this Agreement . In compliance with RCW 4.24.115 as in effect on the date of this Agreement, all provisions of this Agreement pursuant to which LICENSEE agrees to indemnify LICENSOR against liability for damages arising out of bodily injury to persons or damage to property relative to the construction, alteration, repair. addition to, subtraction from, improvement to or maintenance of any building, road or other structure, project, development or improvement attached to land, including the Property (i) shall not apply to damages caused by or resulting from the sole negligence of LICENSOR, its agents or employees, and (ii) to the extent caused by or resulting from the concurrent negligence of LICENSEE and/or its agents or employees and LICENSOR and/or LICENSOR's agents or employees, shall apply only to the extent of LICENSEE's negligence; provided, however, that this paragraph shall automatically and without further act by either party to this Agreement be deemed amended so as to remove any of the restrictions contained in this paragraph that are no longer required by RCW 4.24.115 or its successor. 99999-2033fLEGALl5l88271. I 2 G-3 LICENSEE AND LICENSOR SPECIFICALLY AGREE THAT THE PROVISIONS OF THIS SECTION 7 ALSO APPLY TO ANY CLAIM OF INJURY OR DAMAGE TO THE PERSONS OR PROPERTY OF LICENSEE'S EMPLOYEES, AND LICENSEE ACKNOWLEDGES AND AGREES THAT AS TO SUCH CLAIMS, LICENSEE, WITH RESPECT TO LICENSOR, DOES HEREBY WAIVE ANY RIGHT OF IMMUNITY WHICH LICENSEE MAY HAVE UNDER INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE (TITLE 51 RCW AS AMENDED AND UNDER ANY SUBSTITUTE OR REPLACEMENT STATUTE). THIS WAIVER AND AGREEMENT WAS SPECIFICALLY NEGOTIAT~D LICENSOR AND LICENSEE AND IS SOLELY FOR THE BENEFIT OF L1CENSO ITS ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS AND IS NOT INTENDED AS A WAIVER 0 LICENSEE'S RIGHT'S OF IMMUNITY UNDER SAID INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE FOR ANY OTHER PURPOSE. . 8. Insurance. LICENSEE represents that it is a member of a municipal self insurance pool. LICENSEE, at no expense to the LICENSOR, shall maintain and provide proof of Washington Cities Insurance Authority Self Insured Coverage in the minimum limits described in Exhibit B hereto (Washington Cities Insurance Authority Self Insured Coverage Document CT 2007). LICENSEE's self insurance shall be primary to any owned by LICENSOR. 9. Taxes. LICENSEE shall pay all personal property taxes on LICENSEE's personal property that is located on the Property. L1.CENSOR shall be responsible for paying real property taxes on the Property. 10. Default. If at any time L1CENSEEshould be in default in the performance of any of the other covenants, terms, conditions and provisions of this Agreement to be performed by it and LICENSEE should fail to remedy such default within thirty (30) days after receiving LICENSOR's written notice thereof, LICENSOR may terminate this Agreement unless such default shall be remedied before LICENSEE received LICENSOR's notice of termination. If this Agreement is so terminated, LICENSEE shall immediately surrender to LICENSOR possession and enjoyment of the Property. . 11. Termination. Either party may terminate this Agreement at any time, without stating cause, by giving notice of termination to the other. Such notice shall be given as provided in section 16 below. If such notice is given, this Agreement shall terminate 120 days after the notice is delivered to the other party. Upon such termination, this Agreement shall be void, and thereafter, neither party shall have any further or continuing duty or liability to the other as a result of having entered into this Agreement. Within 60 days of termination or expiry of this Agreement, LICENSEE shall remove all of its property, equipment or other products in its care, custody or control from the Property within three (3) days of the termination of this Agreement. Any property belonging to LICENSEE or in LICENSEE's care, custody or control and not removed from the Property within such period may be removed by LICENSOR and LICENSEE agrees to reimburse LICENSOR for the expense of removal and storage of such property. LICENSOR shall further have the right to sell such property in a commercially reasonable manner and to apply the proceeds from such sale first to the costs of sale and second to payment of the costs of removal and ~torage of such property. . 99999-2033/LEGAL15188271.1 3 G-4 . 12. No Condemnation. LICENSEE agrees that during the term of this Agreement it will not bring any condemnation action against LICENSOR or any affiliate of LICENSOR with respect to the Property or any part of it. 13. Compliance with Laws. LICENSEE shall comply with all federal, state and local laws and regulations relating to LICENSEE's activities hereunder, including but not limited to any and all laws regulating environmental protection, safety, workmen's compensation, labor and wage-and-hours, unemployment insurance, social security, and income tax. LICENSEE agrees to indemnify and hold LICENSOR harmless for any cost, loss, liability or obligation which either party may sustain or incur by reason of the failure by LICENSEE to comply with any and all such laws. LICENSEE shall comply with any additional reasonable measure which LICENSOR may specify. LICENSEE shall obtain any and all applicable permits, business licenses or other approvals necessary to conduct its operations on the Property. 14. Hazardous Substances. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, LICENSEE shall not knowingly use, transport, store, treat, generate, sell or dispose of any Hazardous Substances on or in any manner that affects the Property in violation of any Environmental Law. "Affects the Property" shall include but not be limited to allowing any hazardous substances into adjacent surface waters, soils, sediments, ground waters or air. (a) Compliance with Environmental Laws: LICENSEE shall, at its sole cost and expense, comply with all Environmental Laws that apply to its activities under this Agreement. . (b) Hold Harmless and Indemnity: LICENSEE shall defend (with attorneys approved in advance and in writing by LICENSOR), indemnify and hold LICENSOR and all Licensor Parties harmless from ~ny loss, claim, fine or penalty to the extent arising from the Release of Hazardous Substances or any violation of Environmental Laws affecting the Property as a result of the exercise by LICENSOR of its rights under the terms of this Agreement. Such obligation shall include, but shall not be limited to, environmental response and remedial costs, other cleanup costs, environmental consultants' fees, attorneys' fees, fines and penalties, laboratory testing fees, claims by third parties and governmental authorities for death, personal injuries, property damage, natural resource damages and any other costs. LICENSEE's obligations pursuant to this subparagraph shall survive expiration or other termination of this Agreement. (c) Remedies: Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, and without prejudice to any other right or remedy available to LICENSOR at law, in equity or under this Agreement, in the event of a Release of Hazardous Substances not caused solely by LICENSOR, a violation by LICENSEE of Environmental Laws, or a default by LICENSEE of the provisions of this Section 14, LICENSOR shall be entitled to any or all of the following rights and remedies, at LICENSOR's option: . (i) To terminate this Agreement immediately. (ii) To the extent permitted by law, to recover any and all damages associated with such Release, violation or default, including but not 99999-2033/LEGAL1 5 188271.1 4 G-5 limited to cleanup costs and charges, civil and criminal penalties and fees, and any and all damages and claims asserted by other parties and LICENSOR's attorney's fees and costs. . (d) Vacation of the Property: Prior ,to vacation of the Property, in addition to all other requirements under this Agreeme'nt, LICENSEE shall remove any Hazardous Substances placed on the License Area during the term of this Agreement, and shall demonstrate such removal to LICENSOR's satisfaction. (e) Definitions: "Environmental Laws" shall mean any federal, state or local environmental health, safetyor similar laws, statutes, rules, regulations or ordinances presently in effect or which may be promulgated in the future, as such laws, statutes, rules, regulations and/or ordinances may be supplemented or amended from time to time, including but not limited to laws regarding the proper and lawful use, transportation, storage, treatment, generation, sale and disposal of Hazardous Substances on or in any manner that affects the License Area, the real property or the surrounding properties. "Hazardous Substances" shall mean any hazardous, toxic, dangerous or extremely hazardous substance, material or waste, including marine pollutants, marine toxics, and air toxics, which is or becomes regulated by the United States Government, the State of Washington, or any local governmental authority, The term includes, without limitation, any substance containing contaminants regulated as specified above. "Release" shall be defined as provided in 42 U.S.C. ~ 9601 and RCW 70,1050.020, or successor legislation. In the event a conflict exists between the two definitions, the broader definition shall apply. For purposes of this Agreement, . the term Release shall also include an anticipated Release. . 15. Assignment LICENSEE shall not assign its interest in this Agreement, by operation of law or otherwise, without the prior written consent of LICENSOR. Any assignment made in violation of this Paragraph 15 shall be null and void, 16. Notices. All notices required or permitted by this Agreement or applicable law shall be in writing and shall be. delivered (i) in person (by hand or by courier), (ii) by certified or registered U.S: Mail or U.S. Postal SerVice Express Mail; with postage prepaid, (iii) by Express Courier (overnight or better service) that maintains delivery records, or (iv) by facsimile transmission or electronic-mail (so long as a duplicate copy thereof is. sent the same day by one of the other methods approved hereby) J and shall be deemed sufficiently given jf served in a manner specified herein. The initial addresses for notices to be given to the parties under this Agreement are as follows: To LICENSOR: Rayonier Properties, LLC Attention: Donald L. Schwendiman Assistant General Counsel 3888 NW Randall Way, Ste 204 Silverdale, WA, 98383 Telephone: (360) 613-4065 Facsimile: (360) 613-9733 e-mail: Donald.schwendiman@rayonier.com . 99999-2033/LEGALI5188271.l .5 G-6 . LICENSEE: City of Port Angeles Attention: Bill Bloor City Attorney 321 East Fifth Street P.O. Box 1150 Port Angeles, WA 98362~0217 Telephone: (360) 417-4531 Facsimile: (360) 417-4529 e-mail: WBloor@cityofpa.us A party may, by written notice to the other, specify a different address for notice. Notice given by certified mail, return receipt requested or express courier is deemed given upon receipt or when delivery is refused. Notices given by facsimile or electronic mail are deemed given upon transmission so long as (a) reasonable evidence of transmission is obtained, and (b) such transmission occurs during business hours at the recipient's location (i.e., 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, legal holidays excepted) and the next business day thereafter if transmitted after such business hours. 17. Entire Aareement. This Agreement constitutes the complete agreement between the parties regarding the subject matter hereof and there are no other agreements written or oral. No amendment to this.Agreement shall be effective unless done in writing and signed by both parties. . 18. Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts either in original copies or by facsimile, all of which taken together shall constitute one and the same instrument, and any of the parties hereto may execute this Agreement by signing any such counterpart. 19. Interpretation. This Agreement has been reviewed by al] relevant legal counsel prior to it being executed. It shall not be construed for or against any of the parties. 20. No Third Party Beneficiaries. T~is Agreement will be binding upon and inure only to the benefit of the parties hereto and nothing herein shall or is intended to confer upon any person, other than the parties hereto any rights, remedies, obligations or liabilities. . 21. Severability. If any term, covenant, condition or provision of this Agreement is held to be invalid, void, or unenforceable, the other terms of this Agreement shall remain in full force and shall in no way be affected,impaired, or invalidated. 22. Waiver. The waiver by one party of the performance of any covenant, term, or condition under this Agreement shall not invalidate this Agreement nor shall it be considered a waiver by it of any other covenant, term, or condition under this Agreement. 23. Attorneys' Fees and Court Costs. In case suit or action is instituted to enforce compliance with any of the terms of this Agreement/the losing party agrees to pay the prevailing party a reasonable attorney's fee before or at trial or any appeal, together with all costs and expenses incurred in connection with such actions, including the . 99999-2033/LEGAU 5188271. ] 6 G-7 reasonable cost of searching the records to determine the condition of title at the time suit is commenced IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Agreement is executed by the parties hereto effective as of the date first above written. LICENSOR: RA VONIER PROPERTIES, LLC By: Its: LICENSEE: CITY OF PORT ANGELES By: Its Approved as to form: By: Name: C~unsel for City of Port Angeles 99999-2OJ3/LEGAL15188271.l G - 8 7 . . . 1(2/17/2009) Becky Upton - RE: G. OTHER CONSIDERATIONS: License Agreement with Rayonier for CSO Tank L Page 1 I From: To: Date: Subject: Tank Darlene Schanfald <darlenes@olympus.net> <gbraun@cityofpa.us>, <bwharton@cityofpa.us>, <ddiguilio@cityofpa.us>, <... 2/17/20093:37 PM RE: G. OTHER CONSIDERATIONS: License Agreement with Rayonier for CSO cc: "Becky Upton" <Bupton@cityofpa.us>, "Kent Myers" <Kmyers@cityofpa.us> To the City Council: My comment is for the official record in advance of tonight's City Council meeting concerning Agenda item G. OTHER CONSIDERATIONS: 1) License Agreement with Rayonier for CSO Tank. The Rayonier tank and berm proposal option is not best available science. Best available science has not been considered for the City's CSO matter. For the City's Shoreline Master Plan, the City must use best available science. Darlene Schanfald Project Coordinator Rayonier Hazardous Waste Cleanup Project Olympic Environmental Council Coalition PO Box 2664 Sequim WA 98382 360-681-7565 darlenes@olympus.net . . . FORTANGELES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: February 17,2009 To: CITY COUNCIL FROM: Glenn A. Cutler, Director of Public Works & Utilities SUBJECT: Interagency Agreement For Performance-Based Contracting Summary: The City was recently offered participation in a State sponsored performance-based contracting program for reductions in the cost of energy, water, wastewater, and solid waste. Recommendation: 1) Authorize the Public Works and Utilities Director to sign the Interagency Agreement with the State of Washington General Administration to provide project management and monitoring consistent with RCW39.35A at the direction of the City, and 2) authorize staff to submit a notice of intent and credit form under the Washington State LOCAL lease/purchase program. Background/Analysis: The City was recently offered participation in a State sponsored performance-based contracting program for reductions in the use or cost of energy, water, wastewater, and solid waste. Performance-based contracts are allowed by RCW 39.35A for improvements to City facilities. This approach can be used to implement needed improvements to City facilities without capital outlay where the utility cost savings, Bonneville Power Administration conservation program incentives, and the conservation fund are used to pay all project costs. Under the agreement, the State will provide project management services including: assistance selecting an Energy Services Company (ESCO) and identifying potential improvements, project costs, and utility cost savings; negotiating the scope of work and fee for an audit of a City facility by an ESCO; reviewing and approving the ESCO audit and project proposal; and assistance during ESCO design, bid, construction and final project acceptance. The City would have to pay the State a termination fee in the event it does not implement a project. The State offers the Local Option Capital Asset Lending Program (LOCAL) as a funding source. The first step in the LOCAL program is to submit a non-binding notice of intent and credit form. Staff proposes to include the City Hall Complex Energy Conservation Improvements and Conservation Voltage Reduction projects under the agreement, which are part of the 2008-2014 Capital Facilities Plan. Staff will return to the Utility Advisory Committee and City Council after the improvements, costs, and savings on the above projects have been determined requesting permission to proceed. N:\CCOUNCIL\FINAL\lnteragency Agreement for Perfonnance Based Contracting Memo.doc G - 9 Interagency Agreement Department of General Administration Date: November 25.2008 Interagency Agreement No: 2009-513 . Interagency Agreement Between the Department of General Administration and City of Port Angeles This Agi"eement, pursuant to Chapter 39.34 RCW, is made and entered into by and between the Department of General Administration, Division of Facilities, Engineering & Architectural Services, hereinafter referred to as "GA", and the City of Port Angeles, hereinafter referred to as the "CITY". The purpose of this Agreement is to establish a vehicle for GA to provide future Energy/Utility Conservation Project Management and Monitoring Services to the CITY. Now therefore, in consideration of the terms and conditions contained herein, or attached and incorporated by reference and made a part hereof, the above-named parties mutually agree as follows: 1. Statement of Work GA shall furnish the necessary personnel and services and otherWise do all things necessary for or incidental to theperformanc~ of the work set forth in Attachment "A" and Attachment "C", attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. Unless otherwise specified, GA shall be . responsible for performing all fiscal and program responsibilities as set forth in Attachment "A" arid Attachment "C". All work shall be authorized by Amendmen~ to this Agreement. 2. Terms and Conditions All rights and obligations ofthe parties to this Agreement shall.he subject to and governed by the terms and conditions contained in the text of this Agreement. 3. Period of Performance '" Subject to its other provisions, the period of performance of this master Agreement shall commence when this Agreement is properly signed, and be completed on December 31, 2012 unless altered or amended as provided herein. 4. Consideration . . Compensation under tins Agreement shall be by Amendment to this Agreement for each authorized project. Each Amendment will include a payment schedule for tile specific project. For Project Management Services provided by GA under Attachment "A" of this Agreement, the CITY will pay GA a Project Management Fee for services based on the total project value per Project ManagementFees Schedule set forth in Attachment "B". . Interagency Agreement No. 2009-513 Page 1 of4 G - 10 . . . For Monitoring Services provided by GA under Attachment "C" of this Agreement, the CITY will pay GA a fee annually for the term of this Agreement based on Attachment "D". Compensation for services provided by the ESCO shall be paid directly to the ESCO by the CITY, after GA has reviewed, approved and sent the invoices to the CITY for payment. 5. Billing Procedure GA will invoice for all services within 60 days ofllie termination of this Agreement.. Each invoice will indicate clearly that it is for the services rendered in performance under this Agreement and shall reflect the Agreement and Amendment number. 6. Payment Procedure TheCITY shall pay all invoices received from GA within 90 days ofreceip't of properly executed invoice vouchers. The CITY shall notify GA in writing if the CITY cannot pay an invoice within 90 days. 7. Non-Discrimination In the performance of this Agreement, GA shall comply with the provisions of Title VI ofthe Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 use 200d), Section 504 ofthe Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (29 use 794), and Chapter 49.60 RCW, as now or hereaft,er amended. GA shall not discriminate on the grounds ofrace, color, national origin, sex, religion, marital status, age, creed, Vietnam-Era and Disabled Veterans status, or the presence of any sensory, mental, or physical disability in: a) Any terms or conditions of employment to include taking affirmative action necessary to accomplish the objectives of this part and b) Denying an individual the opportunity to participate in any pro gram provided by this Agreement through the provision of services, or otherwise afforded others. In the event.ofGA's non-compliance or re.fusal to comply with the above provisions, this Agreement may be rescinded,. canceled, or terminated in whole or in part, and GA declared ineligible for further Agreement with the CITY. GA shall, however, be given a reasonable time in which to cme this noncompliance. Any dispute maybe resolved in accordance with the "Disputes" procedure set forth therein. 8. Records Maintenance The CITY and GA shall each maintain books, records, documents, and other evidence that sufficiently and properly reflect all direct and indirect costs expended by either party in the performance ofthe services described herein. These records shall be subject to inspection, review, or audit by personnel of both parties, other personnel duly authorized by either party, the Office of the State Auditor, and federal officials so authorized by law. GA will retain all books, records, documents, and other material relevant to this agreement for five years after e~piration; and the Office of the State Auditor, federal auditors, and any persons duly authorized by the parties shall have full access and the right to examine any of these materials during this period. Interagency .Agreement No. 2009-513 G - 11 Page 2 of 4 9. Contract Management a. The CITY Representative on this Agreement shall be: . Larry Dunbar Deputy Director of Power Systems Public Works and Utilities Department City of Port Angeles PO Box 1150 Port Angeles, WA 98362 Telephone (360) 417-4710 The Representative shall be responsible for working with GA, approving billings and expenses submitted by G..f\ and accepting any reports from GA. b. The GA Project Manager on this Agreement shall be: Jim Hayes, P.E. Dept. of General Administration Division of Facilities Engineering and Architectural Services PO Box 41012 Olympia, WA98504-1012 Teiephone (360) 902-7281 Jim Hayes will be the contact person for all connnunications regarding the conduct of work under this Agreement. . . 10. Hold Harmless Each party to this agreement shall be responsible for its own acts and/or omissions and those of its officers, employees and agents. No partyto this agreement shall be responsible for the acts and/or omissions of entities or individuals not a party to this agreement. 11. Agreement Alterations and Amendments The CITY and GA may mutually amend this Agreement. Such Amendments shall not be binding . unless they are in writing and signed by personnel authorized to bind the CITY and GA or their respective delegates. . 12. Termination Except as otherwise proyided in this Agreement, either party may terniinate this Agreement upon thirty (30) days written notification. If this Agreement is so terminated, .the tenninating party shall be liable only for performance in accordance with the terms of this Agreement for performance rendered prior to the effective date oftermination. 13. Disputes . futeragency Agreement No. 2009-513 Page 3 of 4 G -12. . . If a dispute arises under this Agreement, it shall be determined in the following manner: The CITY shall appoint a member to the Dispute Board. The Director of GA shall appoint a.member to the Dispute Board. The CITY and GA shall jointly appoint a third member to the Dispute Board. The Dispute Board shall evaluate the dispute and make a determination of the dispute. The determination of the Dispute Board shall be final and binding on the parties hereto. 14. Order of Precedence In the event of an inconsistency in this Agreement, unless othelWise provided herein, the inconsistency shall be resolved by giving precedence in the following order: a) Applicable Federal and State Statutes and Regulations b) Terms and Conditions c) Attachment "A", Project Management Scope of Work; Attachments "B", Project Management Fees; Attachment "C", Monitoring Services Scope of Work, and Attachment "D", Monitoring Services Fees and . d) Any other provisions of the Agreement whether incorporated by reference. 15. All Writings Contained Herein This Agreement contains all the terms and conditions agreed upon by the parties. No other understandings, oral or othetwise, regarding the subj ect matter of this Agreement shall be deemed to exist or to bind any of the parties hereto. AUTHORIZATION TO PROCEED Agreed to and signed by: City of Port Angeles Department of General Administration Division of Facilities Engineering & Architectural Services Signature Signature Roger Wigfield. P.E. Name Name Energy Program Manager Title Title Date Date The Department of General Administration provides equal access for all people wi thout regard to race, . creed, color, religion, national origin, age, gender, sex, marital status, or disability. Contract information is available in alternative formats. For more information, please call Eddie Miller at (3"60) 902-7219. . 2009513IAAem Interagency Agreement No. 2009-513 G - 13 Page 4 of4 ATTACHMENT A . Scope of Work EnergylUtility Conservation- Projects Management Services Statewide Energy Performance Contracting Program Master Energy Services Agreement No. 2007-041 GA will provide the following project management services for each specific project for the City of Port Angeles (the CITY). Each individual project shall be authorized by Amendment to this Agreement. I. Assist the CITY in the selection of an Energy Service Company (ESCO) consistent with the requirements ofRCW 39.35A for local governments; or 39.35C for state agencies and school districts. 2. Identify potent~al energy/utility conservation measures and estimated cost savings. 3. Negotiate scope of work and fee for ESCO audit ofthe facility(s). 4. Identify appropriate project funding sources and assist with obtaining proj ect funding. 5. Review and approve ESCO energy/utility audits and Energy Services Proposals. 6. Assist in negotiating the technical, fmancial and legal issues associated with the ESCO's Energy Services Proposal. 7. Provide assistance during the design, construction and commissioning processes. 8. Review and approve the invoice vouchers for payment. 9. Assist with final project acceptance. 10. Provide other services as required to complete a successful energy performance contract. . Interagency Agreement No. 2009-513 . G -14 . ATTACHMENT B 2007 -09 Interagency Reimbursement Costs for Project Management Fees to Administer Energy/Utility Conservation Projects PROJECT TOTAL PROJECT VALUE MANAGEMENT FEE TERMINATION $5,000,000 - or more 1.5% ofproject cost 0.5% of project cost Below 5,000,000 $68,800 $25,500 " . 4,000,000 64,900 23,600 " 3,000,000 59,900 21,700 " 2,000,000 52,800 19,600 " 1,500,000 47,800 17,150 . " 1,000,000 40,800 16,150 " 900,000 38,900 15,000 " 800,000 36,900 13,950 " 700,000 34,600 12,800 " 600,000 31,900 11,500 . " 500,000 28,700 10,100 " 400,000 24,800 8,800 " 300,000 19,800 7,300 " 200,000 10,500 4,400 " 100,000 6,500 3,000 " 50,000 4,000 2,000 II 20,000 2,000 1,000 1. These fees cover project management services for energy/utility conservation projects managed by GA' s Energy Program. 2. Termination fees cover the selection and project management costs associated with managing the ESCO's investment grade audit and proposal that identifies cost effective conservation measures if the CITY decides not to proceed with the proj ect through GA. 3. If the project meets the CITY's cost effectiveness criteria and the CITY decides not to move forward with a project, then the CITY will be invoiced per Attachment B Termination or $25,500.00 which ever is less. If the CITY decides to proceed with the project then the Agreement will be amended per Attachment B for Project Management Fee. 4. If the audit fails to produce a project that meets the CITY's established Cost Effectiveness Criteria, then there is no cost to the CITY and no further obligation by the CITY. . Interagency Agreement No. 2009-513 G -15 ATTACHMENT C Scope of Work Energy/Utility Conservation Projects Monitoring Services Statewide Energy Performance Contracting Program Master Energy Services Agreement No. 2007-041 Ifrequested GA will provide the following monitoring services for each specific project-for the City of Port Angeles (the CITY). 1. Monitor actual energy use and dollar cQsts, compare with the ESCO's annual Measurement and Verification (M& V) report and any ESCO guarantee, resolve differences, if ueeded, and approve any vouchers for payment. 2. Monitor facility operations including any changes in operating hours, changes in square footage, additional energy consuming equipment and negotiate changes in baseline energy use which may impact energy savings. 3. Provide a:rlnualletter report describing the ESCO's performance, equipment performance and operation, energy savings and additional opportunities, if any, to reduce energy costs. Interagency Agreement No. 2009-513 G -16 . . . -. . . ATTACHMENT D Interagency Reimbursement Costs for Monitoring Energy/Utility Conservation Projects Department of General Administration's monitoting fee will be $2,000 annually for each year of monitoring and verification services. Interagency Agreement No. 2009-513 G - 17 G -18 . . .1 I . Interagency Agreement Performance-Based Contracting City Council February 17, 2009 Larry Dunbar Deputy Director of Power Systems Presentation Outline · Performance- Based Contracting · Capital Outlay Example · Participation Procedure · Recommendations 1 Performance- Based Contracting · Unique opportunity under State law · Needed improvements to City facilities · Energy, water, wastewater, solid waste utility cost savmgs · No general fund capital outlay - Utility cost savings - BP A conservation program incentives Conservation fund Energy Service Company (ESCO) financing State LOCAL lease/purchase program Capital Outlay Example Project Cost Summary $125,000 Energy Conservation Project $62,500 SPA Incentive up to 70% $7,500 Conservation Fund Contribution $55,000 Net Out-Of-Pocket Cost Utility Cost/Savings Summary $100,000 Current Annual Utility Cost $15,000 Annual Utility Cost Savings $85,000 Proposed Annual Utility Cost $50,000 o o 0, 0..' 0, ';::: cn-' o 't,l, ,., !!" .. c: City Budget - ESCO Example "'~,=~-== $7,800 Rem.,;nde; Current Annual Uti:ity Cost Less Pro~os3d '~nnual uWi~ Cost Las$ Annual Lease/Purc;'asa $100,000 ~72uC :.r,n:-::.,J':-;i _-=2,,:':!rJ,-,,',-:i';as.~ '=~~;>)"':-:H $85,000 Proposed Annual Utility Cost $0 2 Participatipn Procedure I 1. Execute Interagency Agreement 2. ESCO selection · City staff selects from State pre-qualified list 3. Audits completed · City facilities selected City Hall Complex Energy Conservation Project Conservation Voltage Reduction Project Capital Facilities Plan 2010 & Beyond · Audit completed by ESCO including list of improvements, maximum costs arid minimum utility cost savings Participation Procedure - Continued 4. Design, bid, build · Utility Advisory Committee and City Council approve amendment to Interagency Agreement before proceeding with design, bid, build · State oversees design, bidding, and construction with City staff involvement 5. Monitoring and Verification · During year following construction · Optional afterward 3 Recommendations ./ Authorize the Public Works and Utilities Director to sign the Interagency Agreement ./ Authorize staff to submit notice of intent and credit form under the State LOCAL lease/purchase program Staff will return to the Utility Advisory Committee and City Council with an amendment to the Interagency Agreement before proceeding with each project 4 . F..'",.., 0... R' .1'. ..'PJ.',..".....N..... "G.. 'E' 't... E' 'S" Ij ') 'v'.I' / .1., (' : 1, ' } ; :',) : / WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: February 17, 2009 To: CITY COUNCIL FROM: Glenn A. Cutler, Director of Public Works & Utilities SUBJECT: Bonneville Power Administration Accord and Satisfaction Agreement Summary: The Bonneville Power Administration and City staff are interested in terminating the billing credit agreement and fulfilling the City's responsibilities under a legacy conservation agreement. If the agreements remain in effect, the City will continue to be required to prepare quarterly reports, invoices, and payments for at least an additional fourteen years. Almost 20 years ago, the City entered into a billing credit agreement with BP A that expires in year 2022. Under the agreement, the City made energy efficiency improvements to its electrical distribution system in exchange for receiving billing credits from BP A. The billing credit is calculated quarterly based on a variety of determinants and rates, which is anticipated to provide $249,200 in total revenues through year 2022. Staff, in cooperation with BP A, has sought tennination of the billing credit agreement in conjunction with satisfaction of the City's financial responsibilities for conservation loans. Based on calculating the net present value of the City's expenses and revenues under both agreements, the City would have to pay $24,100 to BP A for weatherization loan expenses that exceed billing credit revenues. Adequate cash reserves exist within the conservation fund for that expense, which were provided by BP A. On February 10, 2009, the Utility Advisory Committee forwarded a favorable recommendation to City Council to approve the Accord and Satisfaction Agreement. . N:\CCQUNCIL\FINAL\BPA Accord and Satisfaction Agreement.doc G - 19 Contract No. 09PB-12043 ACCORD AND SATISFACTION AGREEMENT Executed by the BONNEVILLE POWER ADMINISTRATION and THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES, WASHINGTON Table of Contents Section 1 2. 3. 4. Page Term and Termination ............. ......................... ....................... ...................... 2 Accord................................................................................................................ 2 Sa tisfacti 0 n ....................................................................................................... 2 Signature s ......................................................................................................... 3 Exhibit A Calculations G -20 . . . . . . This ACCORD AND SATISFACTION AGREEMENT (Agreement) is executed by the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, Department of Energy, acting by and through the BONNEVILLE POWER ADMINISTRATION (BPA), and THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES, WASHINGTON (Port Angeles). BP A and Port Angeles are sometimes referred to individually as "Party" and collectively as "Parties." NOW THEREFORE, the Parties agree as follows: 1. TERM AND TERMINATION This Agreement shall be effective upon execution by the Parties and shall continue in effect until such time as both Parties have satisfied the conditions of section 3. 2. ACCORD By this Agreement, BP A and Port Angeles hereby mutually agree to discharge the following three existing agreements between them: BPA contract # DE-MS79-81BP90811 ("Weatherization Agreement I") BPA contract # DE-MS79-80BP90170 ("Weatherization Agreement 2") BPA contract # DE-MS79-91BP93489 ("Billing Credits Agreement") Upon satisfaction of the requirements of section 3 of this Agreement, the Parties' rights and obligations under Weatherization Agreement 1, Weatherization Agreement 2, and the Billing Credits Agreement shall be extinguished. 3. SATISFACTION The Parties hereby mutually agree that Port Angeles has financial obligations to BPA arising under Weatherization Agreements 1 and 2. The Parties hereby mutually agree that BP A has financial obligations to Port Angeles arising under the Billing Credits Agreement. The Parties hereby mutually agree that the combined amount Port Angeles owes to BPA under Weatherization Agreements 1 and 2 is greater than the amount BPA owes to Port Angeles under the Billing Credits Agreement. The Parties hereby mutually agree to offset the amounts due to each other under the three existing agreements and the Parties hereby mutually agree that Port Angeles shall pay a one-time lump sum payment to BPA in the amount of $24,100 in exchange for the Parties' mutual agreement to discharge all three existing agreements. Upon BPA's receipt of such payment, Weatherization Agreement 1, Weatherization Agreement 2, and the Billing Credits Agreement shall be discharged and the parties shall relinquish all rights and be relieved of all obligations thereunder. 09PB-12043, Port Angeles Accord and Satisfaction Agreement G : O2 ~ The Parties hereby mutually agree that this Accord and Satisfaction does not . address outstanding loans between Port Angeles and homeowners made pursuant to Weatherization Agreements 1 and 2 except that, upon execution of this Accord and Satisfaction, any rights or obligations under such loans belong solely to Port Angeles and the homeowners, BP A shall have no rights or obligations under such loans. 4. SIGNATURES Each Party represents that it has the authority to execute this Agreement and that it has been duly authorized to enter into this Agreement. THE CIT'{ OF PORT ANGELES UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Department of Energy . Bonneville Power Administration By: By: Name: Kent Myers Name: Shannon K. Greene Title: City Manager Title: Account Executive Date: Date: (pSW-S:\PM\CUST_SKG\PORT ANGELES\Financial Obligation Settlement\Pa_09PB. 12043_AcrdSatAgrmC02112009]inaL doc)02/l1/2009 09PB-12043, Port Angeles Accord and Satisfaction Agreement G 3_ o2~ . . . Exhibit A CALCULATIONS 1. CALCULATIONS 1.1 Port Angeles Zero Interest Weatherization Loan Agreement & Billing Credit Agreement Settlement Loan payoff Year estimate ($) 2009 20,300 2010 20,300 2011 20,300 2012 20,300 2013 20,300 2014 20,300 2015 20,300 2016 20,300 2017 20,300 2018 20,300 . 2019 20,300 2020 20,300 2021 20,300 2022 20,300 Totals $ 284,200 Loan Default 5.00% Discount Rate 5.46% Net Present Value $ 195,200 Difference $ 24, 100 Billing credit estimate ($) 17,800 17,800 17,800 . 17,800 17,800 17,800 17,800 17,800 17,800 17,800 17,800 17,800 17,800 17,800 $ 249,200 $ 171,100 (PSW os: \PM\CUST _SKG\PORT ANGELES\Financial Obligation Settlement\Pa_09PB-12043_AcrdSatAgrmt_02112009]inal. doc) 02/11/2009 . 09PB-12043, Port Angeles Accord and Satisfaction Agreement GO! 23 G - 24 . . . . . . ~ORTANGELES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: February 17,2009 TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: Glenn A. Cutler, Director of Public Works & Utilities SUBJECT: Bonneville Power Administration Tier 2 Power Supply Planning Workshop Summary: The City must make a commitment to the Bonneville Power Administration for Tier 2 power supply by November 1,2009. A workshop is being planned to provide the Utility Advisory Committee and City Council with more information about BP A Tier 2 products and other power supply options. Recommendation: Confirm City Council interest in attending the NWPP A Tier 2 power planning workshop. Background/Analysis: On November 18, 2008, City Council approved a Power Sales Agreement with the Bonneville Power Administration (BP A). The new Power Sales Agreement will commence on October 1, 2011 and conclude on September 30, 2028. The primary change in the new Power Sales Agreement is a shift from average embedded melded rates to a Tiered Rate Methodology (TRM). It is anticipated that about 97% of the City's power supply will be provided by BP A under the Tier 1 rate, which includes the federal based system and is anticipated to be similar to today's wholesale costs. The remaining 3% of the City's power supply needs could be provided by BP A under the Tier 2 rate. A Tier 2 commitment to BP A must be provided by November 1, 2009. Other power supply alternatives should also be considered as part of a Tier 2 commitment to BP A. As part of the City's membership with the Northwest Public Power Association (NWPPA), staff is organizing an on-site Tier 2 power supply planning workshop. The workshop will be held over two consecutive days, beginning at 8AM and concluding by 2PM each day (lunch provided). The purpose of the workshop will be to provide the Utility Advisory Committee and City Council with more information about BP A Tier 2 products and other power supply options. Other power supply options include but are not limited to conservation, generation within our service area, renewable resources, power purchase agreements with Energy Northwest, and market purchases. Staff requests that the City Council confirm interest in attending the NWPP A Tier 2 power planning workshop. A draft of the workshop agenda is attached for more information. Staff will discuss available dates for the workshop. Attachment: Draft workshop agenda N:\CCOUNCIL\FINAL\BPA Tier 2 Power Supply Planning Workshop.doc G - 25 Item 2/10/2009 DRAFT NWPPA Power Supply Planning Workshop City of Port Angeles Milestones Power Supply Considerations - Workshop A Topics Electric utility & tiered rates - setting the stage Power supply strategic planning Distribution utility competencies Tiered Rates Overview Tier 2 Options A & B Tentative Dates '- . Bryan Singletary 2 3 Tier 2 Power Supply Options - Workshop A Topics BPA HWM Forecast, Tier 2 FY2012-2028 Load Forecast BPA Shared Rate Plan Option BPA Power Sales Agreement Notices & Committments BPA Tier 2 Product Options (Short-Term, Vintage, Load Growth) Energy Northwest Options Within/Outside of Service Area Conservation Potential Assessent (residential, general service, general service demand) City Facilities, Primary & Industrial Conservation Potential Market Purchase Option Peak Demand Management - Existing Stand-By Generation Advanced Metering Infrastructure Project BPA Demand-Response & Smart Grid Projects Renewable Resource Portfolio Standard Considerations Western Climate Initiative & GHG Emission Standard BPA Presentation Shannon Greene EN Presentation EES Consulting Phil Lusk Phil Lusk Terry Dalhquist Larry Dunbar . BPA Presentation Larry Dunbar Phil Lusk 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 A Tier 2 Power Supply Direction - Workshop B Topics Tier 2 Diversification from BPA - Option A BPA Short-Term Product Selection Resource Long Position Strategy Resource Preferences (e.g., Local, Publicly Owned, Green?) '~ ,<:' /; Bryan Singletary Group Facilitation Bryan Singletary Group Facilitation Bryan Singletary Group Facilitation 10/13/2009 10/20/2009 . Resource Portfolio Resource Attributes & Development Timelines Resource Economic Analysis & Rate Impacts. Resource Risk Assessments & Mitigation Resource Portfolio Selection B Tier 2 Long-Term Reliance on BPA - Option B Vintage or Load Growth Product Selection Gf1 ~fh.009 UAC recommendation to City Council (A or B) City Council BPA Tier 2 Product Decisions BPA Tier 2 Product DecisionsOeadline . . . DATE: To: FROM: SUBJECT: FORT ANGELES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO February 17, 2009 CITY COUNCIL Glenn A. Cutler, Director of Public Works & Utilities Changes to Upper Golf Course Road Sanitary Sewer Connection Charges Summary: The Upper Golf Course Road Sanitary Sewer Connection Charges, established by Ordinance 3038, should be updated to reflect current development and zoning standards. The proposed change in fee structure would encourage additional connections, increase development opportunities, and reduce the cost for development as compared to when the ordinance was passed in 1999. Recommendation: 1) Open a public hearing; 2) Proceed with the 1st reading ofthe ordinance regarding proposed changes to PAMC 13.72; 3) Continue the public hearing until March 3, 2009. Background/Analysis: In 1999, the City Council passed Ordinance 3038, establishing a charge for connection to the Upper Golf Course Road sanitary sewer. This charge is applied to any new connection to the sanitary sewer facilities constructed by the City for Utility Local Improvement District (UUD) 215. The Upper Golf Course Road sewer connection charge applies to all properties outside UUD 215, as well as to sewer service connections for properties within UUD 215 for which equivalent service connections were not assessed under Ordinance 3037 and pursuant to UUD 215. Ordinance 3038 was premised on 52 potential connections. The goal of the ordinance was to recover $369,270.72 in construction costs. To date, there have been no connections subject to this charge. Therefore, no funds have been collected. The number of potential connections based on current zoning is calculated to be 188. This figure is based on current data regarding parcels in the area, applicable zoning, and other development standards. Based on 188 potential connections, the resulting per connection fee would be $1,964.20, in contrast to the $7,101.36 under the current ordinance. City staff supports the proposed change to Port Angeles Municipal Code 13.72, with the acknowledgement that an immediate benefit of this change will be a reduction in the costs associated with the development of low-income housing by the Housing Authority of Clallam County in the vicinity of Golf Course and Lindberg Roads. This change may also stimulate additional development in the area. The Utility Advisory Committee, at its February 10, 2009 meeting, forwarded a favorable recommendation to City Council to proceed with a public hearing and approve the proposed changes to PAMC 13.72. Attachments: Map of UUD 215 and surrounding area Draft Ordinance N:\CCOUNClL\FlNAL\Upper Golf Course Rd Sewer Connection Charges.doc I - 1 , ; 1~lt I l -'t ,-'" 1-'- d !'P'':- ,..,.ik 1 I I : i I I { 1 "-...~,,"",,_hJ,._ " , 1 ' I : I I I ! 1'1 ----I I ; ----I I I I r--'------------------- t", I I' i I ,........__..J. _ ~I .___..1 ......,.""""- -........... -~", ----.. " i -; Ma~dpCk Rd.: :. I, I,. : ~ I~-~-~L_~; J,! l!! i I. - - f !-gJ CO""ec:~~~-. -- - -j'i-----:---- _ ~_, ,,_~~__ge 1/-- mi ' OlltSlde j~ _ _ _ _ .- _ Ui/D 2 -,' 15 I \ -- ""- '. -- '. \ \ '. '. '. \ \ '. '. '. -=<--......... h~~~_'.........W->>. '- ". -~ """ '=, ~, ~v i 1 1: 1nis map is not intended 10 be used as a legal description. This map 'drawing is produced by the City of Port Angelesfor ils own fiSC and purposes. Any other IIse of this map 'drawing shall not be the responsibility qf the City. I I" I " I I i 1 "- "- " '. " " I f'- __I -_ ,- __"_ I --'-. -- --- ----~.- ~. Vcnical Datum ;0 NA VD 88 Horizon/al Datum = NAD 83(9 J 6 N 500 Feet Area map of ULlO 215 Map Legend WN Manhole ULlO 215 WNater main ULlO 215 WN Manhole (W '. WN main City Boundary r----j ,.:-f7:";;:" i!i :., r---.! :'~-"-li;:.,;J ~ UGA Boundary Edge of road /"J Alley Driveway 0/ Street Parcels . 1- - - 1 I I 1__ Building . ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, revlSlng Chapter 13.72 ofthe Port Angeles Municipal Code relating to Upper Golf Course Road Sanitary Sewer Connection Charges. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES DO HEREBY ORDAIN as follows: Section 1. Ordinance 3038, and Chapter 13.72 ofthe Port Angeles Municipal Code are hereby amended by amending PAMC 13.72.030 and 13.72.090 to read as follows: 13.72.030 - Upper GolfCourse Road Sewer Connection Charge - Amount. The Upper GolfCourse Road sewer connection charge shall be $7,101.36 $1.964.20 per connection. . 13.72.090 - Upper GolfCourse Road Sewer Connection Charge - Interest. Pursuant to RCW 35.92.025, a charge for interest shall be added to the Upper Golf Course Road sewer connection charge. When a connection is made to a lot that was in existence on November 26. 1999. and has not been subdivided since that date. s5uch interest shall be from the date of final formation ofULID 215 until payment of the Upper Golf Course Road sewer connection charge, not to exceed ten (10) years. When a connection is made to a lot that was created bv subdivision after November 26. 1999. such interest shall be from the effective date of this ordinance: provided however. that no interest shall be charged for connection fees paid within 120 davs after the effective date of this ordinance. The interest charged shall be calculated at a rate commensurate with the rate of interest applicable to the City at the time of construction of the sewer facilities, not to exceed ten (10) percent per year; provided that the aggregate amount of interest shall not exceed the amount of the Upper GolfCourse Road sewer connection charge unless authorized by amendment of applicable state law. Section 2 - Corrections. The City Clerk and the codifiers of this ordinance are authorized to make necessary corrections to this ordinance including, but not limited to, the correction of the scrivener' sf clerical errors, references, ordinance numbering, section! subsection numbers and any references thereto. . -1- 1-3 Section 3 - Severability. If any provisions of this Ordinance, or its application to any . person or circumstances, are held invalid, the remainder of the Ordinance, or application of the provisions of the Ordinance to other persons or circumstances, is not affected. Section 4 - Effective Date. This Ordinance, being an exercise of a power specifically delegated to the City legislative body, is not subject to referendum. This ordinance shall take effect five days following the date of its publication by summary. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said Council held on the _ day of February, 2009. MAYOR ATTEST: Becky J. Upton, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: William E. Bloor, City Attorney PUBLISHED: ,2009 By Summary G:\Legal_ BackupIORDINANCES&RESOLUTIONSIORDINANCES.2009\3-GoIICourseSew..connChgs.Chap.13. 72.020509. wpd -2- 1-4 . . . . . FOR TANGE LES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: February 17,2009 To: CITY COUNCIL FROM: Glenn A. Cutler, Director of Public Works & Utilities SUBJECT: Amendment to 2008-2014 Capital Facilities Plan (CFP) specific to "Web-Based Geographic Information System Upgrades, IT02-2008" Summary: Phased upgrades to the City's electronic systems, including its Geographic Information System, are needed to enhance access to utility, zoning, parcel, and other information by both the public and City departments. The scope of these upgrades necessitates them being considered a capital project so that the work can be capitalized after implementation. Recommendation: 1) Conduct a public hearing; 2) Consider passing a resolution authorizing the inclusion of Web-based Geographic Information System Upgrades, IT02- 2008 using existing utility funds, for a total amount estimated at $65,000, into the City's 2008-2014 Capital Facility Plan. Background/Analysis: One of the Public Works and Utilities Department goals in 2008 was a phased upgrade of the City's Geographic Information System (GIS), so that it would be Web- based. This would have a number of advantages, including the following: · Allowing public access to most of the GIS information through a website link, · lOx faster access to the same information by Public Works and Utilities personnel located at the Corporation Yard, Wastewater Treatment Plant, and Light Operations building, · Enable integration of a Computerized Maintenance Management System (CMMS) being developed for the Port Angeles Water Treatment Plant (P A WTP) into the City's GIS, · An upgrade to the City's Laserfiche public document recording system, · Expansion of storage/backup of the City's electronic files, and · Enabling easier access by THE (the City's financial software) to GIS data on City facilities through Looking Glass software. However, funds to cover these upgrades were not originally budgeted in the 2008 City budget. Toward the end of 2008, staff revisited the issue and identified sufficient funds available in the 2008 Water, Wastewater, and Stormwater Utility budgets to implement the first phase of these upgrades, which included a software version upgrade to the existing GIS system for $10,800 and the system design and purchase of proxy server hardware for the web-based system upgrade for $21,876. The total cost of this first phase was $32,676. N:\CCOUNCIL\FINAL\CFP Amendment Specific to Web-Based GIS Upgrades.doc 1-5 February 17,2009 City Council Re: CFP Amendment Specific to Web-Based GIS Upgrades Page 2 The second phase includes the fiber connection, server hardware, remote server hard drives for data storage and backup, and SQL and operating system upgrades for our existing GIS and Laserfiche servers. The second phase is estimated to cost $30,861 which will be funded from . utility funds. . The total cost of phases one and two total $63,537. Due to the total cost of hardware and software, the proposed Web-based GIS upgrades should be considered a capital project, so that it can be capitalized after full implementation. The recommended funding sources and amounts are as follows: . Funding Sources Amount Phase 1 (2008) Water Utility $18,676 Wastewater Utility 8,000 Stormwater Utility 6,000 Subtotal, 2008 32,676 Phase 2 (2009) Water Utility (P A WTP fund) 14,401 Wastewater Utility 8,230 Light Operations Utility 8,230 Subtotal, 2009 30,861 Total $63,537 Rounded to $65,000 . The Utility Advisory Committee, at its February 10, 2009 meeting, forwarded a favorable recommendation to City Council to authorize the purchase of Web-based GIS upgrades using existing utility funds, for a total amount estimated at $65,000, and add the project to the City's Capital Facility Plan. It is recommended that City Council 1) Conduct a public hearing; 2) Consider passing a resolution authorizing the inclusion of Web-based Geographic Information System Upgrades, IT02-2008 using existing utility funds, for a total amount estimated at $65,000, into the City's 2008-2014 Capital Facility Plan. Attachments: CFP Project Description Draft Resolution . 1-6 . CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN PROJECT Title: Web-Based Geographic Information System Upgrades Project #: IT02-2008 Proiect Descriotion Estimated Proiect Costs This project will upgrade the City's Geographic Information System(GIS), so PlanningfDesign: that it would be Web-based. The work includes ESRI software upgrades, new Land/Right-of-Wav: Construction: servers, storage expansion, server HD/RAM, SQVOS software, and associated Other: 65,000 programming and installation. The project will enable integration of a Total: $ 65,000 Computerized Maintenance Management System (CMMS) being developed for Estimated ProJect Fundinf! the Port Angeles Water Treatment Plant (PA WTP) into the City's GIS and Reserves: $ 15,000 includes an upgrade to the City's Laserfiche public document recording system, Contributions: and expansion of storage/backup of the City's electronic files. Grants: Bonds: Loans: Utilities: 50,000 General Fund Current: Unknown: Total: $ 65,000 Yearly Expense Summary - Capital/Net Operating PriorYears 1 2009 1 2010 T 2011 I 2012 I 2013 1 2014 1 2015 Proiect Total $ -1$ 65,000 1 $ -1 $ - I $ - I $ -1$ -1$ - $ 65,000 Year Construction Complete/Operational: 2009 OperatinQ Cost Amount: RiQht of Way: No SEPA Required: No Other Permits: No City Priority: Legal Mandate: No Concurrency: No Contract: Yes Department: Public Works & Utilities Division: Information Technology Contact: Steve Soerr Cost Center: Div. Priority: Justification: The advantages of this project are as follows: Allowing public access to most of the GIS information through a website link, lOx faster access to the same information by Public Works and utilities personnel located at the Corporation Yard, Wastewater Treatment Plant and Light Operations building, and Enabling easier access by HTE (the City's financial software) to GIS data on City facilities through Looking Glass software. Imoact if not executed: Access to the City's GIS system will continue to be cumbersome for City facilities not located at City Hall; Citizens will continue to have no web assess to any of this information; Integration of the CMMS being developed for the P A WTP will be delayed, hampering the City Water Utility's ability to efficiently operate the PA WTP in late 2009. Date Revised: 2/11/2009 . 1-7 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, adopting a revised Capital Facilities Plan and Transportation Improvement Program for 2008-2014. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington adopted, through Resolution No. 6-08 on June 24, 2008, a Capital Facilities Plan and Transportation Improvement Program for 2008-2014; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington adopted, through Resolution No. 21-08 on December 16, 2008, an amended Capital Facilities Plan and Transportation Improvement Program for 2008-2014; and WHEREAS, the City's Capital Facilities Plan and Transportation Improvement Program needs to be amended to include one new project: Web-based Geographic Information System Upgrades, as detailed in the attached Exhibit "A;" and WHEREAS, the proposed amended Capital Facilities Plan and Transportation Improvement Program for 2008-2014 is consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington that the amended Capital Facilities Plan and Transportation Improvement Program, attached hereto as Exhibit A, for the City of Port Angeles, Washington, be and the same are hereby adopted; and -1- 1-8 . . . . BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the amended 2008-2014 Transportation Improvement Program, together with this Resolution, shall be filed in electronic format through the Internet, with the Secretary of Transportation of the State of Washington. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said Council held on the day of February, 2009. Gary Braun, Mayor ATTEST: Becky J. Upton, City Clerk . APPROVED ASTO FORM: William E. Bloor, City Attorney G:\Legal_BackupIORDINANCES&RESOLUTIONSIRESOLUTIONS.200915.Arnend Res 6-08-TIP&CFP.021 I09.wpd (February 12, 2009) . -2- 1-9 2008 - 2014 CAPITAL FACILITIES PROJECTS PRIORITY ORDER CFP/TIPSUMMARYPAGE1 PROJECT TITLE Infrastructure Development 1 GG02-2001 (NICE Program) 150,000 150,000 75,000 75,000 - - - - - - - N 2 GG03-2003 Harbor Master Plan 50,000 50,000 - 50,000 - - - - - - - y 3 GG01-2007 Ediz Hook Rip Rap Repair 650,000 60,000 - 650,000 - - - - - 590,000 - Y 4 GG01-2005 City Hall Parking Lot Repair 50,000 50,000 - 50,000 - - - - - - - N GENERAL PROJECTS FIRE PROJECTS Public Safety Wireless Technology Plan West Side Fire Station 1 PK01-2008 Elks Field Pickle Ball Court 48,000 38,000 - 48,000 - - - - - 10,000 - N 1 PK02-2008 Indoor SoccerlTennis Courts 350,000 350,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 - - N William Shore Memorial Pool 2 PK02-2002 (Facility Assessment) 25,000 25,000 - 25,000 - - - - - - - N Civic Field Upgrades (Facility 3 PK04-2007 Assessment) 20,000 20,000 - 20,000 - - - - - - - N 4 PK06-2005 Replace Roof of Vern Burton 150,000 150,000 - 150,000 - - - - - - - N Fine Arts Center Entrance 5 PK02-2006 Improvements 50,000 38,000 - 50,000 - - - - - 12,000 N 7 PK02-2005 Restroom Replacement 375,000 375,000 - - 125,000 125,000 125,000 - - N Olympic Disc Trail Tree & 8 PK04-2005 Armor Replacement 300,000 300,000 - 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 N 9 PK11-2006 City Pier Float Replacement 750,000 750,000 - - - 750,000 - - - - - N Neighborhood Park 10 PK08-2002 Renovation 500,000 500,000 - - 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 - - N 11 PK06-2006 Lions Park Development 225,000 225,000 - - 85,000 75,000 65,000 - - - - N Senior Center/Fine Arts Center Facility Capital 12 PK10-2006 Maintenance 55,000 55,000 - - 30,000 25,000 - - - - - N Lincoln Park Development 13 PK03-2006 Plan 50,000 50,000 - - 50,000 - - - - - - N Tennis Courts at Erickson 14 PK03-2007 Park Lighting 75,000 50,000 - - - 75,000 - - - 25,000 - N City Pier / Hollywood Beach 15 PK01-2002 Renovation 100,000 100,000 - - - - 15,000 85,000 - - - N Shane & Elks Ball Field 16 PK04-2006 Lighting Project 200,000 200,000 - - - - 100,000 100,000 - - - N PARKS PROJECTS POLICE PROJECTS N:\.08\ReSolution Exhibit A Revised Again.xls Exh. "A" 1-10 .009 . 2008 - 2014 CAPITAeCILlTIES PROJECTS PRIORITY ORDER CFP I TIP SUMMARV.E 2 PROJECT TITLE 1 PD01-2007 Remodel Police Department 450,000 450,000 - - 75,000 375,000 - - - - - N Police Station/City Hall 2 PD02-2005 Addition 590,000 590,000 - - - 590,000 - - - - - N Regional Firearms Training 3 PD03-2007 Facility 300,000 35,000 - - - - 300,000 - - 265,000 - N TOTAL OF MANDATED GENERAL FUND PROJECTS TOTAL OF ALL GENERAL FUND PROJECTS 1 TR01-2003 Overlay Program 2,220,000 2,220,000 150,000 150,000 340,000 360,000 380,000 400,000 420,000 - - N 1 TR01-2005 Gravel Road Paving 150,000 150,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 - - - N First Street Sidewalk 1 TR02-2000 (Ennis - Golf Course) 430,000 157,000 20,000 410,000 - - - - - 273,000 - N 1 TR04-2005 Alley Paving 200,000 200,000 25,000 - 50,000 - 50,000 - 75,000 - - N Olympic Peninsula 1 TR48-1999 International Gateway 14,694,240 6,003,925 5,236,500 - - - - - - 8,690,315 - N 1 TR74-1999 Sidewalk Program 250,000 250,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 25,000 25,000 - - - N 1st & Peabody Signal/ 2 TR05-2007 Gateway Signage 200,000 20,000 - 10,000 190,000 - - - - 180,000 - N 16th Street SIW ['G' St. to 3 TR10-2000 Stevens School] 310,000 85,000 - 15,000 295,000 - - - - 225,000 - N Street Bicycle 4 TR20-1999 F adl ities/Racks/Stri pi ng 120,000 120,000 - 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 - - N 5 TR26-1999 ADA Curb Ramps 140,000 140,000 - 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 - - y Laurel SI. Stairs 6 TR01-2001 Replacement 275,000 275,000 - 25,000 250,000 - - - - - - N 7 TR07-2007 Waterfront Trail/Paving 93,395 93,395 - 93,395 - - - - - - - N Oak Street Stairs 8 TR03-2006 Replacement 500,000 500,000 - - 50,000 450,000 - - - - - N Dry Creek Pedestrian 9 TR04-2006 BridgelTrail Phase II 759,400 224,700 - 100,000 659,400 - - - - 534,700 - N Peabody Street 10 TR33-1999 Reconstruction (5th to 8th) 705,000 470,000 - 705,000 - - - - , 235,000 - N . Lauridsen Blvd. Bridge 11 TR01-2008 Replacement Study Update 20,000 20,000 - - 20,000 - - - - - - N Lauridsen Blvd Bridge 12 TR42-1999 Widening 3,150,000 650,000 - - - 275,000 2,200,000 675,000 - 2,500,000 - N 18th Street Reconstruction 13 TR01-2007 Phase I 150,000 150,000 - 150,000 - - - - - - - N 16th Street SIW ['I' SI. to 14 TR09-2000 'G'St.1 275,000 50,000 - 45,000 230,000 - - - - 225,000 - N STREET PROJECTS N:\CFP\2008\Resolution Exhibit A Revised Again.xls Exhibit "A" I - 11 2/11/2009 2008 - 2014 CAPITAL FACILITIES PROJECTS PRIORITY ORDER CFP I TIP SUMMARY PAGE 3 PROJECT TITLE International Waterfront 15 TR02-2003 Promenade 1,250,000 1,100,000 - - 150,000 600,000 500,000 - - 150,000 - N Lincoln/Blvd Rechannelization and 16 TR18-1999 Signal 550,000 103,000 - - 50,000 500,000 - - - 447,000 - N Lauridsen Blvd Reconstruction [Trk Rt. To 17 TR21-1999 'L'St.] 2,500,000 2,500,000 - - - 300,000 2,200,000 - - - - N 2nd & Valley Pavement 18 TR01-2004 Restoration 450,000 450,000 - 40,000 410,000 - - - - - - N 10th Street SIW ['N' Street 19 TR 11-2000 to 'M' Street] 550,000 150,000 - - - 50,000 500,000 - - 400,000 - N 10th Street ['M' Street to 'I' 20 TR12-2000 Streetl 550,000 150,000 - - 50,000 500,000 - - - 400,000 - N Park Avenue Reconstruction [Peabody to 21 TR12-1999 Race] 1,200,000 300,000 - - 150,000 1,050,000 - - - 900,000 - N 22 TR02-2006 Sidewalk Fill In Gaps 875,000 500,000 - 175,000 175,000 175,000 175,000 175,000 - 375,000 - N 23 TR02-2001 Ennis St. Slide Repair 250,000 250,000 - - 250,000 - - - - - - N 24 TR05-2006 Valley Creek Loop Trail 100,000 50,000 - 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 - - 50,000 - N First/Front/Railroad Street 25 TR04-2007 Rehabilation 750,000 750,000 - - - 750,000 - - - - - N Laurel St. Sidewalk Phase 26 TR02-2007 I 270,000 50,000 - - 270,000 - - - - 220,000 - N Laurel Street Sidewalk 27 TR03-2007 Phase II 200,000 30,000 - - - 200,000 - - - 170,000 - N Laurel Street/Ahlvers Road 28 TR04-1999 Reconstruction 1,450,000 680,000 - - 550,000 900,000 - - - 770,000 - N Old Mill Rd/Scrivner Rd 29 TR02-2004 Improvements 700,000 700,000 - - 65,000 50,000 335,000 250,000 - - - N 30 TR07-1999 Milwaukee Drive Phase I 2,400,000 2,400,000 - - 250,000 2,150,000 - - - - - N Mt Angeles Road/Porter 31 TR70-1999 Street LI D 2,500,000 2,500,000 - - - - - 250,000 2,250,000 - 2,500,000 N 32 TR69-1999 Rhoads Road Area LID 1,120,000 1,120,000 - - - - 1,120,000 - - - 1,120,000 N "C" Street and Fairmont 33 TR97-1999 LID 2,500,000 2,500,000 - - - 250,000 2,250,000 - - - 2,500,000 N 10th/13th and "1"f'M" 34 TR71-1999 Street LID 2,750,000 2,750,000 - - - 250,000 - 2,500,000 - - 2,750,000 N 18th Street Reconstruction 35 TR16-1999 Phase II 3,700,000 3,700,000 - - - 350,000 3,350,000 - - - - N 36 TR10-1999 10th Street Reconstruction 880,000 880,000 - - 80,000 800,000 - - - - - N Truck Route at US101 37 TR17-1999 Intersection 2,500,000 2,500,000 - - - - - 500,000 2,000,000 - - N 'N' Street Sidewalk [14th 38 TR13-2000 St. to 18th St.] 300,000 250,000 - - - 50,000 250,000 - - 50,000 - N N:.08\ReSolution Exhibit A Revised Again.xls EXhW"A" 1-12 .009 . 2008 - 2014 CAPITAalLlTIES PROJECTS PRIORITY ORDER CFP I TIP SUMMARY. 4 PROJECT TITLE 39 TR32-1999 9th Street Widening 70,000 70,000 - - - - 75,000 - - - - N . 40 TR08-1999 Milwaukee Drive Phase II 4,000,000 4,000,000 - - - - 4,000,000 - - - - N City-Wide Traffic Signal 41 TR13-1999 I ntercon necl/Pre-em ptio n 550,000 550,000 - - - - - 600,000 - - - N Hill Street Intersection 42 TR05-1999 Reconstruction 400,000 250,000 - - - - 400,000 - - 150,000 - N Airport Industrial Park 43 TR14-2000 Streets 2,250,000 250,000 - - - 620,000 1,000,000 630,000 - 2,000,000 - N Lauridsen BlvdlWashington Street 44 TR80-1999 Reconstruct 350,000 100,000 - - 50,000 50,000 250,000 - - 250,000 - N Alternative Cross-Town 45 TR02-2008 Route Studv 200,000 200,000 - 200,000 - - - - - - - N 46 TR14-1999 White's Creek Crossing 8,000,000 8,000,000 - - - - - 1,500,000 6,500,000 - - N 47 TR06-2007 Vine Street Paving 100,000 100,000 - - - - 100,000 - - - - N Transportation 48 TR01-2006 Comprehensive Plan 100,000 25,000 - 40,000 60,000 - - - - 75,000 - Y "0" Street Improvements 49 TR03-2008 (14th to 16th Streets) 450,000 450,000 - - - - - 450,000 - - - N TOTAL OF MANDATED STREET PROJECTS TOTAL OF ALL STREET PROJECTS Upgrade College Substation 1 CL02-2007 Relays 110,000 110,000 110,000 - - - - - - - - N 1 CL03-2007 Remote Monitoring System 70,000 70,000 70,000 - - - - - - - - N Replace Cable In Canyon 1 CL09-2007 Edge Subdivision 50,000 50,000 50,000 - - - - - - - - N 2 CL04-2008 I-Net Needs Assessment 30,000 15,000 - 30,000 - - - - - 15,000 . - N City Hall Annex Energy 3 CL05-2008 Conservation Improvements 300,000 150,000 - 100,000 100,000 100,000 - - - 150,000 - N 4 CL05-2007 Laurel Substation Structure 105,000 105,000 - 105,000 - - - - - - - N Replace Cable on Crabapple 5 CL01-2008 Rd 50,000 50,000 - 50,000 - - - - - - - N 6 CL02-2008 Replace Cable in Plaza Mall 90,000 90,000 - 90,000 - - - - - - - N Automatic Meter Reading - 7 CL03-2008 Electric 2,037,500 2,037,500 - 37,500 400,000 400,000 400,000 400,000 400,000 - - N Rayonier Transmission Line 8 C L06-2007 Renovation 230,000 230,000 - 30,000 200,000 - - - - - - N Conservation Voltage 9 CL06-2008 Reduction 600,000 180,000 - 600,000 - - - - - 420,000 - N 10 CL07-2007 Underground Feeder F-1202 100,000 100,000 - - - 100,000 - - - - - N ELECTRIC PROJECTS N:\CFP\2008\Resolution Exhibit A Revised Again.xls Exhibit "A" 1-13 2/11/2009 2008 - 2014 CAPITAL FACILITIES PROJECTS PRIORITY ORDER CFP/TIPSUMMARYPAGE5 PROJECT TITLE I. 11 CL01-2006 Eclipse - Add Second Source 286,000 286,000 - - - 26,000 260,000 - - - - N Feeder Tie Porter To Golf 12 CL02-2002 Course 260,000 260,000 - - - 30,000 230,000 - - - - N Upgrade "A" Street Substation 13 CL02-2006 Transformer 860,000 860,000 - - - 60,000 800,000 - - - 800,000 N Feeder Tie Hwy 101, Cherry 14 CL01-2004 Street to Pine Street 60,000 60,000 - - - 60,000 - - - - - N PUD Assumption in Previously 15 CL04-2007 Annexed Areas 100,000 100,000 - - - - 100,000 - - - - N Olympic Medical Center 16 CL08-2007 Redundant Power Source 110,000 110,000 - - - - 110,000 - - - - N 17 CL07-1999 Airport Industrial Park 800,000 - - - - 400,000 200,000 200,000 - 800,000 - N 18 CL03-2006 Install Peabody Substation 770,000 770,000 - - - - - 440,000 330,000 - - N TOTAL OF MANDATED ELECTRIC PROJECTS TOTAL OF ALL ELECTRIC PROJECTS SOLID WASTE PROJECTS 1 No projects planned 1 -I -I -I -I -I -I -I -I -I -I -I TOTAL OF MANDATED SOLID WASTE PROJECTS TOTAL OF ALL SOLID WASTE PROJECTS 1 WT02-2001 Elwha Dam Mitigation 330,000 - 110,000 110,000 110,000 - - - - 330,000 - N 1 WT02-2006 Bi-Annual Replacements 1,250,000 1,250,000 320,000 - 340,000 - 360,000 - 380,000 - - N 1 WT04-2007 Directed Services 365,000 365,000 50,000 85,000 55,000 55,000 60,000 60,000 - - - N McDougal Subzone Fire 1 WT64-1999 Pump 290,000 290,000 40,000 250,000 - - - - - - - N 1 WT65-1999 UGA Water Customers 20,000 20,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 - - - - - N Automatic Meter Reading - 2 WT01-2008 Water/Wastewater 2,037,500 2,037,500 - 37,500 400,000 400,000 400,000 400,000 400,000 - - N Dry Creek Water 3 WT01-2007 Settlement 150,000 150,000 - 150,000 - - - - - - - N Concrete Cylinder Pipe 4 WT01-2006 Replacement, Phase 2 1,800,000 1,800,000 - 275,000 1,525,000 - - - - - 1,800,000 N Concrete Cylinder Pipe 5 WT02-2005 Replacement, Phase 3 2,000,000 1,240,000 - 300,000 - 1,700,000 - - - 760,000 1,240,000 N 6 WT03-2005 Vulnerability Improvements 210,000 210,000 - 65,000 70,000 75,000 - - - - - N Airport Industrial Park 7 WT01-2000 Water Line 1,500,000 - - 180,000 660,000 660,000 - - - 1,500,000 - N WATER PROJECTS N:'.08\ReSolution Exhibit A Revised Again.xls EXhW "A" 1-14 .009 . 2008 - 2014 CAPITAalLlTIES PROJECTS PRIORITY ORDER CFP I TIP SUMMARY.E 6 PROJECT TITLE TOTAL OF MANDATED WATER PROJECTS TOTAL OF ALL WATER PROJECTS 1 WW01-2007 Directed Services 405,000 405,000 55,000 60,000 65,000 70,000 75,000 80,000 - - - N Plant Headworks 1 WW03-2005 Improvements 375,000 375,000 30,000 345,000 - - - - - - - y 1 WW07-2004 Install Vortex Ring Mixer 35,000 35,000 35,000 - - - - - - - - N Combined Sewer 1 WW08-2008 Overflows Phase I 1,045,000 1,045,000 3,000,000 8,000,000 7,440,000 - - - - - 18,040,000 Y Bi-Annual Replacements 2 WW27-1999 Lines 900,000 900,000 - 275,000 - 300,000 - 325,000 - - - N Plant De-Watering 3 WW02-2005 Improvements 1,000,000 1,000,000 - - - 1,000,000 - - - - 1,000,000 N Dry Polymer Feeder 4 WW01-2008 Replacement VVlNTP 54,000 54,000 - 54,000 - - - - - - - N Septage Receiving Station 5 WW02-2008 VVlNTP 699,500 699,500 - - 102,500 597,000 - - - - - N Combined Sewer 6 WW10-2008 Overflows Phase II 12,200,000 12,200,000 - - - - 1,125,000 3,800,000 7,275,000 - 8,700,000 y Pump Station #3 7 WW03-2008 Replacement 138,000 138,000 - - 138,000 - - - - - - N 8 WW04-2008 Carbon Scrubbers VVlNTP 51,200 51,200 - - 51,200 - - - - - - N Digester Mixing 9 WW05-2008 Improvement VVlNTP 300,000 300,000 - - - 300,000 - - - - - N Sewer Trestle at Francis & 10 WW05-2006 8th 475,000 475,000 - - 75,000 400,000 - - - - - N Waste Activated Sludge 11 WW06-2008 Thickening VVlNTP 100,000 100,000 - - 100,000 - - - - - - N 12 WW03-2000 Lindberg Rd Sewer LID 1,200,000 - - 125,000 1,075,000 - - - - 1,200,000 - N 13 WW02-2000 Airport Industrial Sewer 1,300,000 - - 150,000 575,000 575,000 - - - 1,300,000 - N Golf Course Road Sewer 14 WW05-1999 Interceptor 1,000,000 - - 140,000 860,000 - - - - 1,000,000 - N West UGA Basin 2 Sewer 15 WW07-2008 Extension 7,100,000 - - - - 1,000,000 6,100,000 - - 7,100,000 - N West UGA Basin 3 Sewer 16 WW09-2008 Extension 6,100,000 - - - - - 900,000 5,200,000 - 6,100,000 - N West UGA Basin 4 Sewer 17 WW11-2008 Extension 2,500,000 - - - - - - 500,000 200,000 2,500,000 - N WASTEWATER PROJECTS TOTAL OF MANDATED WASTEWATER PROJECTS TOTAL OF ALL WASTEWATER PROJECTS STORMWATER PROJECTS N:\CFP\2008\Resolution Exhibit A Revised Again.xls Exhibit "A" 1-15 2/11/2009 2008 - 2014 CAPITAL FACILITIES PROJECTS PRIORITY ORDER CFP/TIP SUMMARY PAGE 7 PROJECT TITLE Stormwater Outfalls to 1 DR01-2004 Streams and Marine 350,000 350,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 - - Y 1 DR01-2008 Water Quality Project 100,000 100,000 50,000 50,000 - - - - - - - Y City-Wide Catch Basin 1 DR02-1999 Modifications 735,000 735,000 90,000 95,000 100,000 105,000 110,000 115,000 120,000 - - Y Stormwater at Canyon 1 DR04-2004 Edge & Ahlvers 500,000 500,000 50,000 200,000 250,000 - - - - - - Y Stormwater at Campbell & 2 DR06-2004 Porter 500,000 500,000 - 50,000 200,000 250,000 - - - - 425,000 Y 10th And "N" Street 3 DR65-1999 Regional Storm Detention 300,000 300,000 - 50,000 250,000 - - - - - 255,000 Y Peabody Creek/Lincoln St 4 DR 14-1999 Culvert Rehab 1,000,000 500,000 - - - 1,000,000 - - - 500,000 - Y Stormwater Discharges 5 DR53-1999 Over Bluff 670,000 670,000 - 190,000 - 120,000 120,000 120,000 120,000 - - Y 6 DR08-2004 Lincoln Park/Big Boy Pond 300,000 300,000 - - - 30,000 270,000 - - - 255,000 Y Stormwater "C" Street 7 DR07-2004 Extension 500,000 500,000 - - - 50,000 200,000 250,000 - - - Y Stormwater at Rose & 8 DR05-2004 Thistle 500,000 500,000 - - - 50,000 200,000 250,000 - - 425,000 Y Stormwater at Laurel & 9 DR03-2004 US101 500,000 500,000 - - - - 50,000 200,000 250,000 - - Y Upper Golf Course Rd. 10 DR02-2004 Area Stormwater 500,000 500,000 - - - 50,000 200,000 250,000 - - 425,000 Y Milwaukee Dr. Stormwater 11 DR03-1999 Improvements 1,200,000 1,200,000 - - - 150,000 150,000 150,000 750,000 - - Y First SI. Storm water 12 DR01-2001 Separation 250,000 250,000 - - - - - 50,000 200,000 - - Y Valley Street Erosion 13 DR01-2006 Imorovements 40,000 40,000 - - - - - - 40,000 - - Y TOTAL OF ALL MANDATED UTILITY PROJECTS TOTAL OF ALL UTILITY PROJECTS TOTAL OF MANDATED STORMWATER PROJECTS TOTAL OF ALL STORMWATER PROJECTS Replacement of PBX Voice 1 IT01-2006 System 406,000 406,000 406,000 - - - - - - - - Y Computer Room 1 IT01-2008 Environmentals - Phase II 60,000 60,000 60,000 - - - - - - - - N INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY PROJECTS N:\.08\ReSolution Exhibit A Revised Again.xls Exh.IA" 1-16 .009 . 2008 - 2014 CAPITAalLlTIES PROJECTS PRIORITY ORDER CFP I TIP SUMMARY .E 8 PROJECT TITLE Web-based Geographic Information System 1 IT02-2008 Upgrades 65,000 65,000 - 65,000 - - - - - - - N 2 IT05-2006 DataNoice Equipment 370,000 370,000 - 370,000 - - - - - - - N Dedicated Emergency Information Technology 3 IT01-2007 Generator 50,000 50,000 - 50,000 - - - - - - - N Council Chambers Audio 4 IT02-2007 System 42,000 42,000 - - 42,000 - - - - - - N TOTAL OF MANDATED IT PROJECTS TOTAL OF ALL IT PROJECTS GRAND TOTAL OF MANDATED PROJECTS GRAND TOTAL OF ALL PROJECTS N:\CFP\2008\Resolution Exhibit A Revised Again.xls Exhibit "A" 1-17 2/11/2009 . . . DATE: To: FROM: SUBJECT: FORT ANGELES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO February 17, 2009 / CITY COUNCIL Glenn A. Cutler, Director of Public Works & Utilities Parametrix Consultant Agreement for Landfill Services Summary: City staff negotiated a final close-out ofParametrix Consultant Agreement 07-11, addressing additional design and construction management work completed in support of two Solid Waste Landfill construction projects, including: 02-21 Landfill Shoreline Stabilization; and 06-22 Landfill Closure. Recommendation: Approve Amendment No.1 to Consultant Agreement 07-11, increasing the total amount by $66,325, from $694,491 to $760,816. Background/Analysis: Parametrix has provided engineering design, construction, and environmental monitoring support services for the Solid Waste and Wastewater Utilities since 1992. The subject agreement, signed in April 2007, was for an amount not to exceed $694,491. The major tasks for the agreement included final cell 3 closure design and construction support, shoreline stabilization (Revetment Wall) construction support, solid waste operations support, and related permitting and compliance activities. Parametrix completed additional work outside the original scope of work under the terms of the agreement. The understanding at the time of a contract extension granted to Parametrix in January of 2008, extending the contracting through March 31, 2008, was that the additional effort would not result in the need to increase the total agreement amount. However, subsequent to this time extension, Parametrix, in error, had an understanding that the total contract amount would be a not to exceed amount of$814,491. They had incorrectly added $120,000. The end result of this clerical error was the wrong assumption that there was enough money in the current agreement to cover the costs associated with additional work either directed by the City, or necessary in the completion ofParametrix's construction management efforts associated with the completion ofthe Closure of Landfill Cell 3 and Revetment Wall construction projects in 2007- 2008. Parametrix originally identified and billed the City for work in the amount of$135,280 over the "not to exceed" amount of $694,491. The City denied payment for this additional work in excess of the agreement amount. Discussions with Parametrix in the following months, July through N:\CCOUNCIL\FINAL\Parametrix Consultant Agreement for Landfill Services.doc J - 1 February 17,2009 City Council Re: Parametrix Consultant Agreement for Landfill Services Page 2 December of 2008, clarified the reasons why this work was completed without an amendment . adding additional funds to the agreement at the appropriate time. City staff agreed with Parametrix that the additional work was necessary, but disagreed with the method by which some of it was executed. Ensuing negotiations between City staff and Parametrix reduced the amount in question to $66,325. This figure more closely reflects the level of compensation that would have been negotiated up front. A description of the additional work is as follows: 1. Three months of additional proj ect management, which includes all contract activities for the three-month extension to the period of performance from December 31, 2007 to March 31, 2008. Specific scope elements included client correspondence, fmancial tracking, responding to client requests for information, monitoring schedule of deliverables, coordinating and implementing staffing. The proposed fee agreement for three months of project management is $11,111. 2. Preparing a new Sampling and Analysis Plan for post-closure maintenance. This work was in response to Department of Ecology (DOE) requests for updated, instead of amended plans, which was assumed in the original scope of work. The proposed fee agreement for the revised Sampling and Analysis Plan is $6,552. 3. Additional effort for revising well installation plans and overseeing the installation of an additional monitoring well. This work was in response to DOE and Clallam County Environmental Health requests for a third monitoring well and expanded well monitoring. The proposed fee agreement for this additional work is $1,090. 4. Completing a tidal study and subsequent Tidal Study Report in response to requests from the DOE for more information than was anticipated in the original scope of work. The proposed fee agreement for this additional work is $12,513. . 5. Parametrix's effort in responding to, and negotiating with, regulatory agencies overseeing the cleanup of an oil spill that occurred during final excavation activities on the Revetment Wall. This work was in response to unanticipated conditions. The proposed fee agreement for this additional work is $35,059. City staff does recognize that Parametrix has played a critical role in assisting the City in its management of solid waste activities over the past 17 years. Parametrix has provided high quality services that have resulted in significant cost savings to the City during that time, and has consistently and proactively managed budgets and changes in scope with City staff. The misunderstanding of the budget available for the aforementioned activities is unfortunate, hut the value received by the City for this additional effort is real. The proposed fee adjustment totals $66,325. The remaining amount billed of$68,955 for Parametrix effort associated with TBH Claim support, completing permitting applications for the Corps of Engineer's, or the full extent of construction monitoring provided during the Closure of Landfill Cell 3 or Revetment Wall construction was denied during negotiation with City staff. The Utility Advisory Committee, at its February 10, 2009 meeting, forwarded a favorable recommendation to City Council, by a vote of 3-2, to approve Amendment No.1 to Consultant Agreement 07-11, increasing the total amount by $66,325, from $694,491 to $760,816. Funds would come from the Solid Waste Post-Closure fund, which received sufficient funds from the now-closed Solid Waste Closure fund to cover this amount. . J-2 . . . CALL TO ORDER- REGULAR MEETING: ROLL CALL: PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: PUBLIC COMMENT: CITY COUNCIL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington February 3, 2009 Mayor Braun called the regular meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at 6:00 p.m. Members Present: Mayor Braun and Councilmembers Di Guilio, Kidd, Perry, Rogers, and Williams. Members Absent: Deputy Mayor Wharton. Staff Present: Manager Myers, Attorney Bloor, Clerk Upton, G. Cutler, T. Gallagher, D. McKeen, Y. Ziomkowski, N. West, S. Sperr, T. Pierce, J. Heath, and R. Bonine. Public Present: C. Kirkman, H. Lutz, C. Darrow, J. Cortez, P. Lamoureux, J. Tweter, M. Sobinni, A. May, and D. Fields. All others present in the audience failed to sign the roster. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Councilmember Williams. Peter Ripley, 114 E. 6th, #1 02, previously distributed information to the Council pertinent to currently proposed legislation, copies of which he obtained while attending a Governor's meeting on disability issues. Mr. Ripley expressed the hope that certain State Boards and Commissions would be retained because of their importance to the disabled. He provided a status report on fund-raising efforts of the Disabilities Assistance Trust Organization (DA TO), urging more businesses and organizations to support the efforts. Mr. Herb Lutz, 408 South Lincoln, owner of Maria's Mexican Restaurant, informed the Council ofa situation related to the sign for his business. The sign had been removed by the prior tenant, and Mr. Lutz purchased a new sign that was determined by the City to be non-conforming with City regulations. He felt the sign should be approved, as the prior sign was stolen, and he should not be penalized. Rob Vienneau, 585 Wasankari Road, a friend and lawyer associated with Clallam County Pro Bono Attorneys, spoke on Mr. Lutz' behalf, indicating the issue is about non- conforming land use rights that can be extinguished by theft. He provided background information and urged the Council to let Mr. Lutz use the sign. Manager Myers indicated that he and Director West would meet with Mr. Lutz to work toward resolution. Paul Lamoureux, 602 Whidby, indicated he had positive sentiments after reading the City Manager's report to the Council. He held some comments in abeyance pending the public hearing scheduled for the Reserve at Valley Creek. Ann Martin, 3618 Southwest Orchard Street, Seattle, advised the Council she was present as the representative for the Estate of Harry Lydiard, her father. She was interested in the agenda item having to do with the National Park Service easements, indicating the removal of the Elwha Dams was extremely important to Mr. Lydiard. K - 1 - 1 CITY COUNCIL MEETING February 3, 2009 PUBLIC CEREMONIES! PRESENT A TIONS: Port Angeles Regional Chamber of Commerce - Review of2008 & Preview of 2009 WORK SESSION: City Council Retreat LATE ITEMS TO BE PLACED ON THIS OR FUTURE AGENDAS: ORDINANCES NOT REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS: RESOLUTIONS: OTHER CONSIDERA TIONS: National Park Service Easements 1. Port Angeles Regional Chamber of Commerce - Review of2008 & Preview of 2009: . Russ Veenema, Executive Director of the Port Angeles Regional Chamber of Commerce, provided a packet of information to the Council and noted this is his 9th year as Executive Director. He provided a list of Chamber Board members, as well as the Chamber Budget, and discussed the formulation ofa Transportation Task Force that was created to address cooperative efforts for all modes of transportation. Mr. Veenema referenced the Hood Canal Bridge closure scheduled for May I, noting the community is getting behind "No Bridge - No Problem". Businesses are encouraged to develop added value for a promotional effort during that time. He summarized the Chamber's involvement in the Olympic Tourism Commission, meetings with the Board of the Sequim Chamber, and discussions held at the last Chamber meeting where there was agreement to reach across to Victoria and meet with the Chamber Board or Tourism Victoria group to have more ofajointpresence. He discussed Jazz in the Olympics, marketing aspects of the Chamber that the membership can use in light of current economic conditions, and he reviewed 2008 lodging tax revenues, 2009 projections, and the 2009 marketing and media plans. The Chamber is capitalizing on TV marketing with KIRO TV and ComCast. 1. City Council Retreat: Manager Myers noted the interest expressed by the Council to conduct a retreat to discuss major issues facing the City in the coming year. He suggested the retreat be held by the end of February, with a Friday dinner and Saturday retreat. The Council agreed by consensus that the proposed topics should be the focus of the retreat, and Manager Myers indicated the Councilmembers would be polled to determine their availability. The Council agreed on Peninsula College as "the location. Any additional topics for the retreat should be provided to Manager Myers. Department Heads will be invited for those portions of the retreat that may be relevant to their specific responsibilities. . Public Works & Utilities Director Cutler responded to an inquiry from Councilmember Williams by providing the anticipated time line for the Capital Facilities Plan for 2009. Councilmember Williams felt it to be imperative that the Council consider the City's priorities before the formulation of the CFP and the 20 I 0 Budget. None. None. 1. National Park Service Easements: Director Cutler introduced for consideration four easements associated with the Elwha River Ecosystem and Fisheries Restoration Act (EREFRA). The National Park Service has requested additional easements to address construction ofa new pipeline adjacent to the City's existing Industrial Waterline as part of the Elwha Dam Removal Project. City Engineer Sperr showed aerial photographs and maps of the area in question, providing an in-depth description of the easements that are needed to provide a pipeline for the Tribal hatchery. Levee improvements would also be accomplished because of the easements. Discussion followed, with staff answering questions posed by the Council. Appreciation was extended to the Lydiard family, who has supported this effort. Councilmember Di Guilio announced the Utility Advisory Committee had forwarded a favorable recommendation to the Council for approval of the easements. Councilmember Di Guilio moved to authorize the Mayor to sign easements and . related documents for the construction, operation, maintenance, implementation, K-2 - 2 . . . National Park Service Easements (Cont'd) Welcome to Senior High Students OlyCap Contract - Nutrition Program PUBLIC HEARINGS - QUASI-JUDICIAL: Reserve at Valley Creek PUBLIC HEARINGS - OTHER: FINANCE: Fine Arts Center Consultant Contract with R. Sorensen CITY COUNCIL MEETING February 3, 2009 repair, and inspection of pipelines associated with the Elwha Dam Removal Project. The motion was seconded by Councilmember Rogers and carried unanimously. Director Cutler thanked Attorney Bloor and City Engineer Sperr for their hard work on the easements, something they have been working on for 12 - 15 months. Mayor Braun extended a welcome to the Port Angeles High School students who were present this evening. 2. OlyCap Contract - Nutrition Program: Mayor Braun advised the Council he is an OlyCap Board member, and Councilmember Di Guilio stated he is an employee ofOlyCap, but he is not associated with this particular division. Deputy Director of Recreation Bonine provided information on the OlyCap contract, indicating this is a quality program providing senior nutrition and Meals on Wheels. The contract is for the continued use of the facilities at the Senior Center to produce the meals. Varying discussion ensued as to the merits of the projected increase of 6%, challenging economic times, the need for the City to be consistent, and the rationale behind overall rate increases that were instituted in the Recreation Division. Director Cutler advised the Council that the base contract calls for an annual CPI increase, to which OlyCap agreed. He emphasized the City maintains and replaces all of the equipment made available by the contract. Councilmember Rogers moved to approve an extension and authorize the Mayor to sign an agreement with Olympic Community Action Program, Inc., for the use ofthe Port Angeles Senior Services and Community Center. Councilmember Perry seconded the motion. Following brief discussion, a vote was taken on the motion, which carried by a majority vote, with Mayor Braun and Councilmembers Perry, Rogers, and Williams voting in favor of the motion; Councilmember Kidd voting in opposition; and Councilmember Di Guilio abstaining. 1. Reserve at Valley Creek: Community & Economic Development Director West advised the Council that a public hearing had been previously scheduled and then continued to this evening with regard to approval ofa first phase of the Reserve at Valley Creek Planned Residential Development (PRD). The applicant requested that the public hearing, once again, be continued to March 3, 2008. Mayor Braun opened the public hearing at 7:20 p.m. and inquired as to whether anyone in the audience would be unable to attend the March 3rt! public hearing. Paul Lamoureux, 602 Whidby, advised the Council of a conversation he held earlier in the day with Mr. Joe Hofrichter on the matter of a problem with an easement of property connecting the Hofrichter property and the development at Laurel and Ahlvers, the Reserve at Valley Creek. A power pole was placed in the middle of the easement, and Mr. Lamoureux asked that the City assist Mr. Hofrichter in this regard. Director West stated his willingness to contact Mr. Hofrichter, but he cautioned the Council that this is a quasi-judicial matter. At 7:26 p.m., Mayor Braun continued the public hearing to March 3, 2009. None. 1. Fine Arts Center Consultant Contract with R. Sorensen: Director Cutler introduced the matter of the Fine Arts Center Consultant Contract with Robert Sorensen, and Deputy Director Bonine expressed gratitude on behalf of the Friends of the Fine Arts Center, who highly recommend the work being done by Mr. K-3 - 3 CITY COUNCIL MEETING February 3, 2009 Fine Arts Center Consultant Contract with R. Sorensen (Cont'd) CONSENT AGENDA: CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: INFORMATION: EXECUTIVE SESSION: ADJOURNMENT: Sorensen. The Friends forwarded a favorable recommendation for approval. Deputy Director Bonine indicated this is a budgeted item at a level 40% less than in 2008, but that is not reflective ofMr. Sorensen's work product. Councilmember Kidd moved to extend and authorize the Mayor to sign a personal services contract with Robert A. Sorensen of Port Angeles, W A, to serve as the Marketing / Development Director for the Fine Arts Center (FAC), to commence on January 1, 2009, and continue through December 31, 2009, in a total amount not to exceed $26,400. Councilmember Rogers seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. Councilmember Di Guilio moved to accept the Consent Agenda, to include: I.) City Council Meeting Minutes of January 20, 2009; Special Meeting Minutes of January 27, 2009; 2.) Expenditure Approval List from 1/10/2009 to 1/23/09 for $3,420,232.74; 3.) Jackson Smart Contract / International Gateway Sign Project; and 4.) Jackson Smart Contract / Interpretive Signs Project. The motion was seconded by Councilmember Perry. Brief discussion followed, with kudos to Jackson Smart for the International Gateway Sign Project and the Interpretive Signs Project. A vote was taken on the motion, which carried unanimously. Councilmember Rogers reported that the NOAA proposal had been delivered one day ahead of the due date. Manager Myers recognized Firefighter Keith Bogues, who presented a check to the Port Angeles Food Bank as part of Operation Candy Cane. He recognized Finance Department employees on receipt of a GFOA Certificate of Achievement for the 2007 Annual Financial Report, and he recognized Nathan West and Teresa Pierce, who were honored at the Port Angeles Downtown Association Annual Meeting. Director Cutler provided a status report on the Gateway and 8th Street Bridges projects. None. The meeting was adjourned at 7:35 p.m. Gary Braun, Mayor Becky J. Upton, City Clerk K-4 - 4 . . . Date: 2/12/2009 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report . From: 1/24/2009 To: 2/6/2009 Vendor Description Account Number Invoice Amount DATABARINCORPORATED CYCLES 1-5 1/9/09 001-2025-514.41-50 1,947.35 CYCLES 6-10 1/15/09 001-2025-514.41-50 1,926.61 CYCLES 11-15 1/22/09 001-2025-514.41-50 1,880.05 CYCLES 16-20 1/29/09 001-2025-514.41-50 1,511.24 DIGITAL IMAGING SOLUTIONS INC JAN COPIES 001-2025-514.45-31 28.25 EQUIFAX CREDIT REPORTS 001-2025-514.41-50 60.00 LINCOLN INDUSTRIAL CORP METER READER TOOLS 001-2025-514.31-80 75.02 OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC ENVELOPES, PLAIN, PRINTED 001-2025-514.31-01 67.02 COIN ENVELOPES 001-2025-514.31-01 29.46 PACIFIC OFFICE EQUIPMENT INC REGISTER INK CARTRIDGE 001-2025-514.31 "01 19.35 TONER CARTRIDGES (2) 001-2025-514.31-01 319.21 QWEST 1-14 ale 3604570411199B 001-2025-514.42-10 81.50 1-14 ale 360476684085B 001-2025-514.42-10 9.41 1-14 ale 3604570831558B 001-2025-514.42-10 4.76 1-14 ale 3604570968343B 001-2025-514.42-10 2.95 1-23 ale 206T310164584B 001-2025-514.42-10 77.61 1-23 ale 206T302306084B 001-2025-514.42-10 26.39 SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 001-2025-514.31-11 205.68 . CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 001-2025-514.31-11 155.99 Finance Department Customer Service Division Total: $12,279.20 DIGITAL IMAGING SOLUTIONS INC JAN COPIES 001-2080-514.45-31 757.43 GREAT AMERICA LEASING CORP JAN COPIER LEASE 001-2080-514.45-31 268.55 JAN COPIER LEASE 001-2080-514.45-31 638.27 JAN COPIER LEASE 001-2080-514.45-31 607.63 JAN COPIER LEASE 001-2080-514.45-31 143.72 Finance Department Reprographics Division Total: $2,415.60 Finance Department Department Total: $16,843.64 ADVANCED TRAVEL Seminar-Bloor 001-3010-515.31-01 339.75 AT&T BUSINESS SERVICE 1-13 ale 0172134468001 001-3010-515.42-10 1.01 DIGITAL IMAGING SOLUTIONS INC JAN COPIES 001-3010-515.45-31 10.40 JAN COPIES 001-3010-515.45-31 43.39 QUILL CORPORATION SELF-INKING DATER 001-3010-515.31-01 37.08 STAPLER 001-3010-515.31-01 28.25 QWEST 1-14 ale 3604570411199B 001-3010-515.42-10 37.61 1-14 ale 360476684085B 001-3010-515.42-10 4.34 1-14 ale 3604570831558B 001-3010-515.42-10 2.20 1-14 ale 3604570968343B 001-3010-515.42-10 1.36 1-23 ale 206T310164584B 001-3010-515.42-10 35.82 1-23 ale 206T302306084B 001-3010-515.42-10 12.18 VERIZON WIRELESS 1-15 ale 264230412-00003 001-3010-515.42-10 54.98 . Attorney Attorney Office Division Total: $608.37 JEFFERSON GENERAL HOSPITAL Banks/WoodslThompson 001-3012-598.51-23 2,335.24 K-7 Page 3 Date: 2/12/2009 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report . From: 1/24/2009 To: 2/6/2009 Vendor Description Account Number Invoice Amount Police Department Records Division Total: $978.69 ANGELES COMMUNICATIONS INC LABOR TO FIX BROKEN WIRE 001-5050-521.48-10 88.89 Police Department Facilities Maintenance Division Total: $88.89 Police Department Department Total: $9,073.81 AT&T BUSINESS SERVICE 1-13 ale 0172134468001 001-6010-522.42-10 2.36 1-13 ale 0172134468001 001-6010-522.42-11 0.67 DIGITAL IMAGING SOLUTIONS INC JAN COPIES 001-6010-522.45-31 102.49 KROESEN'S INC SHOES 001-6010-522.20-80 14.63 OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC PAPER 001-6010-522.31-01 46.83 PACIFIC OFFICE EQUIPMENT INC COMB BINDING 001-6010-522.31-01 16.26 COMB BINDING 001-6010-522.31-01 32.52 PORT ANGELES CITY TREASURER PSA Mtg-Wheeler 001-6010-522.31-01 10.82 QUILL CORPORATION TONER 001-6010-522.31-01 107.19 QWEST 1-14 ale 3604570411199B 001-6010-522.42-10 87.76 1-14 ale 360476684085B 001-6010-522.42-10 10.13 1-14 ale 3604570831558B 001-6010-522.42-10 5.12 1-14 ale 3604570968343B 001-6010-522.42-10 3.17 1-23 ale 206T310164584B 001-6010-522.42-10 83.58 . 1-23 ale 206T302306084B 001-6010-522.42-10 28.42 1-14 ale 3604570411199B 001-6010-522.42-11 25.08 1-14 ale 360476684085B 001-6010-522.42-11 2.90 1-14 ale 3604570831558B 001-6010-522.42-11 1.46 1-14 ale 3604570968343B 001-6010-522.42-11 0.91 1-23 ale 206T310164584B 001-6010-522.42-11 23.88 1-23 ale 206T302306084B 001-6010-522.42-11 8.12 VERIZON WIRELESS 1-15 ale 264230412-00002 001-6010-522.42-10 43.20 Fire Department Fire Administration Division Total: $657.50 AT&T BUSINESS SERVICE 1-13 ale 0172134468001 001-6020-522.42-10 2.19 FAMILY SHOE STORE ZIPPER KIT 001-6020-522.20-80 32.47 NAPA AUTO PARTS LIGHT BULB 001-6020-522.31-01 6.14 LIGHT BULB 001-6020-522.31-01 4.23 QWEST 1-14 ale 3604570411199B 001-6020-522.42-10 81.50 1-14 ale 360476684085B 001-6020-522.42-10 9.41 1-14 ale 3604570831558B 001-6020-522.42-10 4.76 1-14 ale 3604570968343B 001-6020-522.42-10 2.95 1-23 ale 206T310164584B 001-6020-522.42-10 77.61 1-23 ale 206T302306084B 001-6020-522.42-10 26.39 TARGET SAFETY LICENSE & SUBSCRIPTION 001-6020-522.43-10 1,707.30 VERIZON WIRELESS 1-15 ale 264395724-00001 001-6020-522.42-10 44.03 Fire Department Fire Supression Division Total: $1,998.98 . AT&T BUSINESS SERVICE 1-13 ale 0172134468001 001-6021-522.42-10 0.17 QWEST 1-14 ale 36045704111998 001-6021-522.42-10 6.27 K - 11 Page 7 Date: 2/12/2009 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report . From: 1/24/2009 To: 2/6/2009 Vendor Description Account Number Invoice Amount Fire Department Department Total: $6,312.31 AT&T BUSINESS SERVICE 1-13 ale 0172134468001 001-7010-532.42-10 5.21 COMPLETE LINE, THE BATTERIES/NOTE PADS 001-7010-532.31-01 87.88 BATTERIES 001-7010-532.31-01 14.72 FLASH DRIVE 001-7010-532.31-01 109.97 Battery 001-7010-532.31-01 -14.07 DIGITAL IMAGING SOLUTIONS INC JAN COPIES 001-7010-532.45-31 581.89 GREAT AMERICA LEASING CORP JAN. COPIER LEASE 001-7010-532.45-31 760.16 STEPHEN SPERR Reimburse Mileage 001-7010-532.43-10 43.88 Washington State Supreme Court FLUORIDATION BRIEF COPY 001-7010-532.31-01 5.42 MUNICIPAL RESEARCH & SVC CTR MRSC ROSTERS 2009 001-7010-532.49-01 400.00 OLYMPIC PRINTERS INC Sales tax-Business Cards 001-7010-532.31-01 4.03 OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC BUDGET CODE X-STAMPERS 001-7010-532.31-01 398.48 QWEST 1-14 ale 3604570411199B 001-7010-532.42-10 194.34 1-14 ale 360476684085B 001-7010-532.42-10 22.44 1-14 ale 3604570831558B 001-7010-532.42-10 11.35 1-14 ale 3604570968343B 001-7010-532.42-10 7.02 1-23 ale 206T310164584B 001-7010-532.42-10 185.07 . 1-23 ale 206T302306084B 001-7010-532.42-10 62.92 SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC HIGH VISIBILITY VEST 001-7010-532.31-01 42.14 UNITED RENTALS NORTHWEST INC SAFETY VEST-BURKE 001-7010-532.31-01 122.50 VERIZON WIRELESS 1-22 ale 571136182-00001 001-7010-532.42-10 115.54 Public Works-Gen Fnd Pub Wks Administration Division Total: $3,1.60.89 Public Works-Gen Fnd Department Total: $3,160.89 AMSAN OLYMPIC SUPPLY Vacuum 001-8010-574.31-80 818.84 AT&T BUSINESS SERVICE 1-13 ale 0172134468001 001-8010-574.42-10 0.50 GREAT AMERICA LEASING CORP OFFICE MACHINES & ACCESS 001-8010-574.45-31 36.58 OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL 001-8010-574.31-01 45.25 OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL 001-8010-574.31-01 103.46 QWEST 1-14 ale 3604570411199B 001-8010-574.42-10 18.81 1-14 ale 360476684085B 001-8010-574.42-10 2.17 1-14 ale 3604570831558B 001-8010-574.42-10 1.10 1-14 ale 3604570968343B 001-8010-574.42-10 0.68 1-23 ale 206T310164584B 001-8010-574.42-10 17.91 1-23 ale 206T302306084B 001-8010-574.42-10 6.09 VERIZON WIRELESS 1-22 ale 571136182-00005 001-8010-574.42-10 15.97 Parks & Recreation Parks Administration Division Total: $1,067.36 AT&T BUSINESS SERVICE 1-13 ale 0172134468001 001-8012-555.42-10 0.50 DIGITAL IMAGING SOLUTIONS INC JAN COPIES 001-8012-555.45-31 58.38 . ELECTRONICS SUPPLY & REPAIR ADAPTER CORD MULTI PURPOS 001-8012-555.31-01 198.88 GREAT AMERICA LEASING CORP OFFICE MACHINES & ACCESS 001-8012-555.45-31 33.77 OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC Office Supplies 001-8012-555.31-01 -277 .43 K - 13 Page 9 Date: 2/12/2009 City of Port Angeles . City Council Expenditure Report From: 1/24/2009 To: 2/6/2009 . Vendor Description Account Number Invoice Amount QWEST 1-14 ale 36045704111998 001-8012-555.42-10 18.81 1-14 ale 3604766840858 001-8012-555.42-10 2.17 1-14 ale 36045708315588 001-8012-555.42-10 1.10 1-14 ale 36045709683438 001-8012-555.42-10 0.68 1-20 ale 206T2172274658 001-8012-555.42-10 57.46 1-23 ale 206T3101645848 001-8012-555.42-10 17.91 1-23 ale 206T3023060848 001-8012-555.42-10 6.09 Parks & Recreation Senior Center Division Total: $118.32 AMERICAN RED CROSS-PA CPRlAED Trng-Purvis 001-8020-576.43-10 8.00 AT&T BUSINESS SERVICE 1-13 ale 0172134468001 001-8020-576.42-10 0.67 Jessica Olsen CLASSES CANCELLED, NOT AV 001-8020-347.30-13 40.50 QWEST 1-14 ale 36045704111998 001-8020-576.42-10 25.08 1-14 ale 3604766840858 001-8020-576.42-10 2.90 1-14 ale 36045708315588 001-8020-576.42-10 1.46 1-14 ale 36045709683438 001-8020-576.42-10 0.91 1-23 ale 206T31 01645848 001-8020-576.42-10 23.88 1-23 ale 206T3023060848 001-8020-576.42-10 8.12 Parks & Recreation William Shore Pool Division Total: $111.52 ANGELES MILLWORK & LUMBER CO 8UILDER'S SUPPLIES 001-8050-536.31-20 42.88 . HAND TOOLS ,POW&NON POWER001-8050-536.31-20 221.80 FASTENERS, FASTENING DEVS 001-8050-536.31-20 20.62 HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS 001-8050-536.31- 20 14.61 AT&T BUSINESS SERVICE 1-13 ale 0172134468001 001-8050-536.42-10 0.34 AWC-ASSN OF WASHINGTON CITIES 2009 DRUG & ALCOHOL TESTS 001-8050-536.49-90 51.22 CEO/CONSOLIDATED ELEC DIST INC ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 001-8050-536.31-20 95.13 ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 001-8050-536.31-20 32.52 MATTHEWS INTERNATIONAL CEMETERY MARKERS 001-8050-536.34-01 349.54 PEN PRINT INC PRINTING,SILK SCR,TYPSET 001-8050-536.31-01 411.92 QWEST 1-14 ale 36045704111998 001-8050-536.42-10 12.54 1-14 ale 3604766840858 001-8050-536.42-10 1.45 1-14 ale 36045708315588 001-8050-536.42-10 0.73 1-14 ale 36045709683438 001-8050-536.42-10 0.45 1-23 ale 206T31 01645848 001-8050-536.42-10 11.94 1-23 ale 206T3023060848 001-8050-536.42-10 4.06 SUNSET DO-IT BEST HARDWARE FASTENERS, FASTENING DEVS 001-8050-536.31-20 50.98 FASTENERS, FASTENING DEVS 001-8050-536.31-20 22.98 SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC MISCELLANEOUS PRODUCTS 001-8050-536.31-20 49.27 MATERIAL HNDLlNG&STOR EQP 001-8050-536.31-20 23.61 VERIZON WIRELESS 1-28 ale 271138138-00001 001-8050-536.42-10 66.33 Parks & Recreation Ocean View Cemetery Division Total: $1,484.92 ANGELES MILLWORK & LUMBER CO LUM8ER& RELATED PRODUCTS 001-8080-576.31-20 51.23 . FASTENERS, FASTENING DEVS 001-8080-576.31-20 99.80 K - 14 Page 10 Date: 2/12/2009 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report . From: 1/24/2009 To: 2/6/2009 Vendor Description Account Number Invoice Amount AT&T BUSINESS SERVICE 1-13 ale 0172134468001 001-8080-576.42-10 1.68 AWC-ASSN OF WASHINGTON CITIES 2009 DRUG & ALCOHOL TESTS 001-8080-576.49-90 153.66 CED/CONSOLlDATED ELEC DIST INC ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 001-8080-576.31-20 86.18 ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 001-8080-576.31-20 20.43 ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 001-8080-576.31-20 97.56 ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 001-8080-576.31-20 102.44 ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 001-8080-576.31-20 34.69 DON LOVE TRUCKING MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 001-8080-576.48-10 3,447.12 OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC SUPPLIES 001-8080-576.31-01 98.58 SUPPLIES 001-8080-576.31-01 21.99 SUPPLIES 001-8080-576.31-01 77.61 ORKIN EXTERMINATING COMPANY INC EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 001-8080-576.48-10 235.75 PARKER PAINT MFG CO INC PAINTS,COA TINGS,WALLPAPER 001-8080-576.31-20 69.02 PAINTS,COA TINGS,WALLPAPER 001-8080-576.31-20 10.08 PROGRESSIVE BUSINESS PUBLCTNS MEMBERSHIPS 001-8080-576.49-01 61.71 QWEST 1-14 ale 3604570411199B 001-8080-576.42-10 62.69 1-14 ale 360476684085B 001-8080-576.42-10 7.24 1-14 ale 3604570831558B 001-8080-576.42-10 3.66 . 1-14 ale 3604570968343B 001-8080-576.42-10 2.27 1-23 ale 206T310164584B 001-8080-576.42-10 59.70 1-23 ale 206T302306084B 001-8080-576.42-10 20.30 STEUBER DISTRIBUTING INC Conv tube 001-8080-576.31-20 78.87 SUNSET DO-IT BEST HARDWARE T ANKS:MOBILE,PORT,ST A TION 001-8080-576.31-20 7.00 HAND TOOLS ,POW&NON POWER001-8080-576.31-20 26.69 PIPE FITTINGS 001-8080-576.31-20 7.24 HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS 001-8080-576.31-20 14.41 HAND TOOLS ,POW&NON POWER001-8080-576.35-01 109.67 RENTAULEASE EQUIPMENT 001-8080-576.45-30 14.09 RENTAL/LEASE EQUIPMENT 001-8080-576.45-30 21.14 SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC SUPPLIES 001-8080-576.31-20 9.45 BRUSHES (NOT CLASSIFIED) 001-8080-576.31-20 32.56 SUPPLIES 001-8080-576.31-20 12.57 BRUSHES (NOT CLASSIFIED) 001-8080-576.31-20 90.88 HAND TOOLS ,POW&NON POWER001-8080-576.35-01 26.85 HAND TOOLS ,POW&NON POWER001-8080-576.35-01 68.95 THURMAN SUPPLY PLUMBING EQUIP FIXT,SUPP 001-8080-576.31-20 96.48 HAND TOOLS ,POW&NON POWER001-8080-576.31-20 6.94 PIPE FITTINGS 001-8080-576.31-20 3.71 PLUMBING EQUIP FIXT,SUPP 001-8080-576.31-20 10.18 . PLUMBING EQUIP FIXT,SUPP 001-8080-576.31-20 61.91 XEROX CORPORATION RENTAULEASE EQUIPMENT 001-8080-576.45-31 61.68 Parks & Recreation Park Facilities Division Total: $5,586.66 K - 15 Page 11 Date: 2/12/2009 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 1/24/2009 To: 2/6/2009 . Vendor Description Account Number Invoice Amount Parks & Recreation Department Total: $8,368.78 COSCO/FEDERAL FIRESAFETY INC EQUIP MAINT & REPAIR SERV 001-8112-555.48-10 479.59 QWEST 1-2 ale 3604170786905B 001-8112-555.42-10 30.48 Facilities Maintanance Senior Center Facilities Division Total: $510.07 BLAKE SAND & GRAVEL INC CHEMICAL, COMMERCIAL,BULK 001-8120-576.31-05 40.39 SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC PAINTS,COA TINGS,WALLPAPER 001-8120-576.31-20 27.80 THURMAN SUPPLY TAPE(NOT DP,SOUND,VIDEO) 001-8120-576.31-20 9.19 PLUMBING EQUIP FIXT,SUPP 001-8120-576.31-20 5.62 Facilities Maintanance Pool Facilities Division Total: $83.00 AT&T BUSINESS SERVICE 1-13 ale 0172134468001 001-8130-518.42-10 0.17 QWEST 1-14 ale 3604570411199B 001-8130-518.42-10 6.27 1-14 ale 360476684085B 001-8130-518.42-10 0.72 1-14 ale 3604570831558B 001-8130-518.42-10 0.37 1-14 ale 3604570968343B 001-8130-518.42-10 0.23 1-23 ale 206T31 0164584B 001-8130-518.42-10 5.97 1-23 ale 206T302306084B 001-8130-518.42-10 2.03 SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS 001-8130-518.31-01 78.52 HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS 001-8130-518.31-01 15.84 VERIZON WIRELESS 1-22 ale 571136182-00005 001-8130-518.42-10 13.29 . Facilities Maintanance Custodial/Janitorial Svcs Division Total: $123.41 ANGELES MILLWORK & LUMBER CO LUMBER& RELATED PRODUCTS 001-8131-518.31-20 48.74 AT&T BUSINESS SERVICE 1-13 ale 0172134468001 001-8131-518.42-10 0.17 CED/CONSOLlDATED ELEC DIST INC ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 001-8131-518.31-20 105.98 JOHNSTONE SUPPLY INC ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 001-8131-518.31-20 64.84 ORKIN EXTERMINATING COMPANY INC EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 001-8131-518.48-10 66.50 OTIS ELEVATOR COMPANY INC BUILDING MAINT&REPAIR SER 001-8131-518.48-10 3,936.41 PARKER PAINT MFG CO INC PAl NTS,COA TI NGS,W ALLPAPER 001-8131-518.31-20 19.83 QWEST 1-14 ale 3604570411199B 001-8131-518.42-10 6.27 1-14 ale 360476684085B 001-8131-518.42-10 0.72 1-14 ale 3604570831558B 001-8131-518.42-10 0.37 1-14 ale 3604570968343B 001-8131-518.42-10 0.23 1-2 ale 3604175328784B 001-8131-518.42-10 39.43 1-23 ale 206T310164584B 001-8131-518.42-10 5.97 1-23 ale 206T302306084B 001-8131-518.42-10 2.03 1-16 ale 206T355724768B 001-8131-518.42-10 57.46 1-20 ale 206T813953623B 001-8131-518.42-10 53.45 SUNSET DO-IT BEST HARDWARE SUPPLIES 001-8131-518.31-20 53.13 SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC HAND TOOLS ,POW&NON POWER001-8131-518.31-20 44.21 Facilities Maintanance Central Svcs Facilities Division Total: $4,505.74 Facilities Maintanance Department Total: $5,222.22 General Fund Fund Total: $84,685.02 . PORT ANGELES CHAMBER OF COMM 09 MKTG & MEDIA CAMPAIGN 101-1430-557.50-83 9,603.02 K - 16 Page 12 Date: 2/12/2009 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report . From: 1/24/2009 To: 2/6/2009 Vendor Description Account Number Invoice Amount QWEST 1-14 ale 36045704111998 107 -5160-528.42-10 169.26 1-14 ale 3604766840858 107-5160-528.42-10 19.54 1-14 ale 36045708315588 107 -5160-528.42-10 9.88 1-14 ale 36045709683438 107 -5160-528.42-10 6.12 1-23 ale 206T3101645848 107 -5160-528.42-10 161.19 1-23 ale 206T3023060848 107 -5160-528.42-10 54.80 1-23 ale 206T 4119188738 107 -5160-528.42-10 57.46 RICHMOND 2-WAY RADIO Project 8alanee 107-5160-528.48-10 2,691.83 Pen com Pencom Division Total: $41,336.96 Pen com Department Total: $41,336.96 Pen com Fund Fund Total: $41,336.96 CLALLAM TITLE CO FINANCIAL SERVICES 172-2310-559.49-41 200.00 PA Housing Rehabilitatior. PA Housing Rehabilitation Division Total: $200.00 CLALLAM CNTY HOUSING AUTHORITY CONSULTING SERVICES 172-2359-559.41-50 90,853.74 PA Housing Rehabilitatior. Housing Authority Division Total: $90,853.74 PA Housing Rehabilitation Department Total: $91,053.74 PA Housing Rehab Proj Fund Total: $91,053.74 AT&T BUSINESS SERVICE 1-13 ale 0172134468001 174-8221-574.42-10 0.17 . GREAT AMERICA LEASING CORP OFFICE MACHINES & ACCESS 174-8221-574.45-31 64.72 QWEST 1-14 ale 36045704111998 174-8221-574.42-10 6.27 1-14 ale 3604766840858 174-8221-574.42-10 0.72 1-14 ale 36045708315588 174-8221-574.42-10 0.37 1-14 ale 36045709683438 174-8221-574.42-10 0.23 1-23 ale 206T3101645848 174-8221-574.42-10 5.97 1-23 ale 206T3023060848 174-8221-574.42-10 2.03 Recreation Activities Sports Programs Division Total: $80.48 AT&T BUSINESS SERVICE 1-13 ale 0172134468001 174-8222-574.42-10 0.17 CAPTAIN T'S CLOTHING & APPAREL 174-8222-574.31-01 734.95 DRAKE'S PIZZA & SUBS REFEREE LUNCHES 174-8222-574.31-01 315.52 GREAT AMERICA LEASING CORP OFFICE MACHINES & ACCESS 174-8222-574.45-31 64.72 HANSEN'S TROPHY MARKERS, PLAQUES,SIGNS 174-8222-574.31-01 243.90 PARTY OUTFITTERS INC FAMILY FUN DAY TOYS 174-8222-574.41-50 2,550.00 PORT ANGELES CITY TREASURER Office Supplies-Peterson 174-8222-574.31-01 30.60 QWEST 1-14 ale 36045704111998 174-8222-574.42-10 6.27 1-14 ale 3604766840858 174-8222-574.42-10 0.72 1-14 ale 36045708315588 174-8222-574.42-10 0.37 1-14 ale 36045709683438 174-8222-574.42-10 0.23 1-23 ale 206T3101645848 174-8222-574.42-10 5.97 1-23 ale 206T3023060848 174-8222-574.42-10 2.03 . Recreation Activities Special Events Division Total: $3,955.45 AT&T BUSINESS SERVICE 1-13 ale 0172134468001 174-8224-574.42-10 0.17 GREAT AMERICA LEASING CORP OFFICE MACHINES & ACCESS 174-8224-574.45-31 64.72 K - 19 Page 15 Date: 2/12/2009 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report . From: 1/24/2009 To: 2/6/2009 Vendor Description Account Number Invoice Amount GRAY, MARTIN J UB CR REFUND-FINALS 401-0000-122.10-99 92.30 GREENSPAN, DAVID B UB CR REFUND-FINALS 401-0000-122.10-99 140.68 HAHN, BRIDGETTE E UB CR REFUND-FINALS 401-0000-122.10-99 34.45 HOFFMAN, ANDREW & ADRIENNE UB CR REFUND-FINALS 401-0000-122.10-99 114.70 KULLMAN, JOHN T UB CR REFUND-FINALS 401-0000-122.10-99 59.13 LOGHRY, KIM A UB CR REFUND-FINALS 401-0000-122.10-99 3.28 MACOM, MARGARET L UB CR REFUND-FINALS 401-0000-122.10-99 70.11 POSTEN, VICTOR OVERPAYMENT-1232 E 5TH ST 401-0000-122.1 0-99 158.07 ROWLAND, LUCAS W UB CR REFUND-FINALS 401-0000-122.10-99 36.15 WEAVER, AMELIA A UB CR REFUND-FINALS 401-0000-122.10-99 328.72 WELCH, MARISSA C UB CR REFUND-FINALS 401-0000-122.10-99 62.12 SHAKESPEARE COMPOSITES ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-0000-141 .40-00 1,269.45 WESCO DISTRIBUTION INC ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-0000-141.40-00 103.74 FASTENERS, FASTENING DEVS 401-0000-141 .40-00 267.80 ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-0000-141 .40-00 540.92 ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-0000-141.40-00 1,191.32 ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-0000-141 .40-00 324.12 Division Total: $7,194.27 . Department Total: $7,194.27 AT&T BUSINESS SERVICE 1-13 ale 0172134468001 401-7111-533.42-10 0.50 CLALLAM CNTY PUBLIC WORKS DEPT 2009 DUES 401-7111-533.49-01 25.00 QWEST 1-14 ale 3604570411199B 401-7111-533.42-10 18.81 1-14 ale 360476684085B 401-7111-533.42-10 2.17 1-14 ale 3604570831558B 401-7111-533.42-10 1.10 1-14 ale 3604570968343B 401-7111-533.42-10 0.68 1-23 ale 206T310164584B 401-7111-533.42-10 17.91 1-23 ale 206T302306084B 401-7111-533.42-10 6.09 Public Works-Electric Engineering-Electric Division Total: $72.26 AT&T BUSINESS SERVICE 1-13 ale 0172134468001 401-7120-533.42-10 0.50 QWEST 1-14 ale 3604570411199B 401-7120-533.42-10 18.81 1-14 ale 360476684085B 401-7120-533.42-10 2~ 17 1-14 ale 3604570831558B 401-7120-533.42-10 1.10 1-14 ale 3604570968343B 401-7120-533.42-10 0.68 1-23 ale 206T310164584B 401-7120-533.42-10 17.91 1-23 ale 206T302306084B 401-7120-533.42-10 6.09 Public Works-Electric Power Systems Division Total: $47.26 ADVANCED TRAVEL Transfmr/Breaker Trng- TE 401-7180-533.43-10 273.45 Foreman Ldrship-Rowley 401-7180-533.43-10 320.00 AIRPORT GARDEN CENTER FENCING 401-7180-533.34-02 196.19 AT&T BUSINESS SERVICE 1-13 ale 0172134468001 401-7180-533.42-10 4.04 . AWC-ASSN OF WASHINGTON CITIES 2009 DRUG & ALCOHOL TESTS 401-7180-533.49-90 665.96 BAXTER AUTO PARTS #15 Supplies 401-7180-533.34-02 29.27 K - 21 Page 17 Date: 2/12/2009 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 1/24/2009 To: 2/6/2009 . Vendor Description Account Number Invoice Amount CAPTAIN T'S FIRST AID & SAFETY EQUIP. 401-7180-533.31-01 47.70 CDW GOVERNMENT INC COMPUTER HARDWARE&PERIPHI401-7180-533.31-01 144.30 I CED/CONSOLlDATED ELEC DIST INC BUILDING MAINT&REPAIR SER 401-7180-533.34-02 21.57 ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-7180-533.34-02 134.65 ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-7180-533.34-02 419.22 ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-7180-533.34-02 21.68 CLlNICARE OF PORT ANGELES INC Physieals-RH/BF/GD 401-7180-533.49-90 160.00 DIGITAL IMAGING SOLUTIONS INC JAN COPIES 401-7180-533.45-31 18.41 ESCI HUMAN SERVICES 401-7180-533.41-50 1,789.00 EDUCATIONAL SERVICES 401-7180-533.41-50 1,789.00 GREAT AMERICA LEASING CORP RENTAL OR LEASE SERVICES 401-7180-533.45-31 110.86 MATCO TOOLS RADIO & TELECOMMUNICATION 401-7180-533.31-20 55.07 MORNINGSIDE BUILDING MAINT&REPAIR SER 401-7180-533.41-50 242.30 NORTH COAST ELECTRIC COMPANY ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-7180-533.34-02 108.13 OLYMPIC LAUNDRY & DRY CLEANERS LAUNDRYIDRY CLEANING SERV 401-7180-533.49-90 61.59 OLYMPIC PRINTERS INC TIMECARDS 401-7180-533.31-01 339.45 OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL 401-7180-533.31-01 81.22 PACIFIC OFFICE EQUIPMENT INC Cell Charger-Wahto 401-7180-533.31-01 32.47 COMPUTER HARDWARE&PERIPHI401-7180-533.31-01 60.38 . PORT ANGELES CITY TREASURER Callout Meals-LD/BR/BW 401-7180-533.31-01 88.50 PORT ANGELES POWER EQUIPMENT MACHINERY & HEAVY HRDWARE 401-7180-533.48-10 126.54 PORT OF PORT ANGELES Lease Fees 401-7180-533.45-30 4,100.00 PROGRESSIVE BUSINESS PUBLCTNS MEMBERSHIPS. 401-7180-533.49-01 61.72 PUGET SAFETY EQUIPMENT INC FIRST AID & SAFETY EQUIP. 401-7180-533.31-01 285.97 FIRST AID & SAFETY EQUIP. 401-7180-533.31-01 436.21 QUILL CORPORATION COMPUTERS,DP & WORD PROC; 401-7180-533.31-01 193.14 OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL 401-7180-533.31-01 32.28 CLEANING COMPOSITION/SOLV 401-7180-533.31-01 9.18 COMPUTER HARDWARE&PERIPHI401-7180-533.31-01 54.19 QWEST 1-14 ale 3604570411199B 401-7180-533.42-10 150.45 1-14 ale 360476684085B 401-7180-533.42-10 17.37 1-14 ale 3604570831558B 401-7180-533.42-10 8.78 1-14 ale 3604570968343B 401-7180-533.42-10 5.44 1-16 ale 206T322760994B 401-7180-533.42-10 54.54 1-16 ale 206T323879996B 401-7180-533.42-10 54.54 1-16 ale 206T323881998B 401-7180-533.42-10 54.54 1-16 ale 206T326157000B 401-7180-533.42-10 54.54 1-14 ale 3604574717777B 401-7180-533.42-10 40.50 1-23 ale 206T310164584B 401-7180-533.42-10 143.28 1-23 ale 206T302306084B 401-7180-533.42-10 48.71 ROHLlNGER ENTERPRISES INC TESTING&CALlBRATION SERVI 401-7180-533.48-10 282.38 . SAFETY & SUPPLY COMPANY ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-7180-533.35-01 371.77 K - 22 Page 18 Date: 2/12/2009 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report . From: 1/24/2009 To: 2/6/2009 Vendor Description Account Number Invoice Amount STUSSER ELECTRIC ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-7180-533.34-02 56.77 TACOMA SCREW PRODUCTS INC FASTENERS, FASTENING DEVS 401-7180-533.34-02 466.85 THURMAN SUPPLY Ground Bar 401-7180-533.34-02 36.42 Supplies 401-7180-533.34-02 25.54 VALLEY TRANSFORMER INC ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-7180-533.48-10 5,163.10 Public Works-Electric Electric Operations Division Total: $19,549.16 Public Works-Electric Department Total: $19,668.68 Electric Utility Fund Fund Total: $26,862.95 CARUS PHOSPHATES, INC CHEM RAW MATERIALS MFG 402-0000-237.00-00 -502.22 FEI EVERETT 3023(FAMILlAN) PIPE FITTINGS 402-0000-141.40-00 248.99 PIPE FITTINGS 402-0000-141.40-00 31.28 FOWLER COMPANY, H D PIPE FITTINGS 402-0000-141.40-00 122.06 PIPE FITTINGS 402-0000-141.40-00 255.35 PIPE FITTINGS 402-0000-141.40-00 903.78 HD SUPPLY WATERWORKS, L TO PIPE FITTINGS 402-0000-141.40-00 160.43 USA BLUEBOOK PUMPS & ACCESSORIES 402-0000-237.00-00 -118.57 Division Total: $1,101.10 Department Total: $1,101.10 . AIRPORT GARDEN CENTER FEED ,BEDDING, VIT -AN IMALS 402-7380-534.31-20 42.71 FEED ,BEDDING,VIT -ANIMALS 402-7380-534.31-20 85.42 AMERICAN BACKFLOW PREVENT ASSN MEMBERSHIPS 402-7380-534.49-01 60.00 ANGELES MILLWORK & LUMBER CO LUMBER& RELATED PRODUCTS 402-7380-534.31-20 36.29 LUMB!=R& RELATED PRODUCTS 402-7380-534.31-20 6.42 AT&T BUSINESS SERVICE 1-13 a/c 0172134468001 402-7380-534.42-10 1.01 AWC-ASSN OF WASHINGTON CITIES 2009 DRUG & ALCOHOL TESTS 402-7380-534.49-90 409.76 CARUS PHOSPHATES, INC CHEM RAW MATERIALS MFG 402-7380-534.31-05 6,481.00 CED/CONSOLlDATED ELEC DIST INC ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 402-7380-534.31-20 114.73 CLlNICARE OF PORT ANGELES INC Physicals-RH/BF/GD 402-7380-534.49-90 75.00 EDGE ANALYTICAL TESTING&CALlBRATION SERVI 402-7380-534.41-50 42.00 TESTI NG&CALlBRA TION SERVI 402-7380-534.41-50 243.00 FEDERAL EXPRESS CORP Shipping Chgs pe 1-23 402-7380-534.42-10 62.38 GREEN RIVER COMMUNITY COLLEGE EDUCATIONAL SERVICES 402-7380-534.43-10 350.00 HACH COMPANY LAB EQUIP,BIO,CHEM,ENVIR 402-7380-534.31-05 1,182.38 SUPPLIES 402-7380-534.31-20 732.73 MORRISON EXCAVATING INC CONSTRUCTION SERVICES,GEN 402-7380-534.48-10 1,842.80 N C MACHINERY CO SALE SURPLUS/OBSOLETE 402-7380-534.45-30 485.42 NATIONAL SAFETY INC CLOTHING ACCESSORIES(SEE 402-7380-534.31-20 260.55 ORKIN EXTERMINATING COMPANY INC EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 402-7380-534.41-50 235.76 PORT ANGELES CITY TREASURER Lunch/Bridge Fee-Becker 402-7380-534.43-10 13.69 . PORT ANGELES POWER EQUIPMENT Membership Fees-Becker 402-7380-534.49-01 10.00 SUPPLIES 402-7380-534.31-20 26.40 PROGRESSIVE BUSINESS PUBLCTNS MEMBERSHIPS 402-7380-534.49-01 61.72 K - 23 Page 19 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 1/24/2009 To: 2/6/2009 . Description Account Number 1-14 ale 3604570411199B 402-7380-534.42-10 1-14 ale 360476684085B 402-7380-534.42-10 1-14 ale 3604570831558B 402-7380-534.42-10 1-14 ale 3604570968343B 402-7380-534.42-10 1-10 ale 360Z1 00240955B 402-7380-534.42-10 1-23 ale 206T411255315B 402-7380-534.42-10 1-23 ale 206T310164584B 402-7380-534.42-10 1-23 ale 206T302306084B 402-7380-534.42-10 FUEL,OIL.GREASE, & LUBES 402-7380-534.31-20 SUPPLIES 402-7380-534.31-20 HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS 402-7380-534.31-20 1" 150 Ib Union 402-7380-534.31-20 WATER SEWAGE TREATMENT EQ402-7380-534.34-02 TESTING&CALlBRATION SERVI 402-7380-534.41-50 TESTING&CALlBRATION SERVI 402-7380-534.41-50 TESTING&CALlBRATION SERVI 402-7380-534.41-50 TESTING&CALlBRATION SERVI 402-7380-534.41-50 Water Main Break 402-7380-534.35-01 SUPPLIES 402-7380-534.31-20 FIRST AID & SAFETY EQUIP. 402-7380-534.31-20 MATERIAL HNDLlNG&STOR EQP 402-7380-534.31-20 PIPE FITTINGS 402-7380-534.31-20 PUMPS & ACCESSORIES 402-7380-534.31-20 RENTAULEASE EQUIPMENT 402-7380-534.45-31 Water Division Total: Public Works-Water Department Total: Water Fund Fund Total: ADVANCED TRAVEL WW Coli 2 Exam-Young 403-7480-535.43-10 ALL WEATHER HEATING & COOLING SUPPLIES 403-7480-535.31-01 AT&T BUSINESS SERVICE 1-13 ale 0172134468001 403-7480-535.42-10 AWC-ASSN OF WASHINGTON CITIES 2009 DRUG & ALCOHOL TESTS 403-7480-535.49-90 AWWA NW SUBSECTION REGISTRATION FOR 6 STAFF 403-7480-535.43-10 BAXTER AUTO PARTS #15 V-belt 403-7480-535.31-20 BLAKE SAND & GRAVEL INC EPOXY BASED FORMULAS 403-7480-535.31-01 COLE INDUSTRIAL INC STEAM & HOT WATER FITTING 403-7480-535.31-20 CSK AUTO INC (SCHUCK'S) JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 403-7480-535.31-01 FEI EVERETT 3023(FAMILlAN) PLUMBING EQUIP FIXT,SUPP 403-7480-535.31-20 FLOW, MONITORING & ANALYSIS CONTRL,INDICA,RECORD INST 403-7480-535.41-50 GRAINGER SUPPLIES 403-7480-535.31-20 GRANICH ENGINEERED PRODUCTS INC MACHINERY & HEAVY HRDWARE 403-7480-535.35-01 KAMAN INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGIES PIPE FITTINGS 403-7480-535.31-20 NORTHWEST BIOSOLlDS MGMT ASSN MEMBERSHIPS 403-7480-535.49-01 Vendor QWEST SUNSET DO-IT BEST HARDWARE SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC THURMAN SUPPLY TMG SERVICES INC TWISS ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES UNITED RENTALS NORTHWEST INC USA BLUEBOOK XEROX CORPORATION Public Works-Water Date: 2/12/2009 Invoice Amount 37.61 4.34 2.20 1.36 414.00 64.28 35.82 12.18 27.34 6.98 35.57 14.20 1,323.89 145.00 22.00 165.00 165.00 -21.24 279.06 230.68 50.75 31.24 938.30 61.69 $16,908.42 $16,908.42 $18,009.52 28.50 69.81 1.35 358.54 360.00 7.69 67.06 128.88 5.41 342.71 2,400.00 719.60 5,481.25 17.37 274.00 K - 24 . . Page 20 Date: 2/12/2009 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report . From: 1/24/2009 To: 2/6/2009 Vendor Description Account Number Invoice Amount QWEST 1-23 ale 206T31 01645848 405-7538-537.42-10 23.88 1-23 ale 206T3023060848 405-7538-537.42-10 8.12 SWANA EDUCATIONAL SERVICES 405-7538-537.43-1 0 35:00 TAYLOR-SPARKS REFRIGERATION INC ENVIRONMENT AL&ECOLOGICAL 405-7538-537.48-10 1,717.60 USDA APHIS Final 8ill-FY08 Contract 405-7538-537.41-50 13,282.79 WASHINGTON (DIS), STATE OF COMPUTERS,DP & WORD PROC. 405-7538-537.31-60 340.43 WASTE CONNECTIONS, INC Curbside Recycling 405-7538-537.41-51 1,206.09 Combined Trnsfr Stn Ops 405-7538-537.41-51 193,222.21 Fixed Fee 8illing 405-7538-537.45-30 5,367.27 Fixed Fee 8illing 405-7538-591.71-10 21,591.13 Fixed Fee 8illing 405-7538-592.81-10 41,187.60 XEROX CORPORATION RENTAL/LEASE EQUIPMENT 405-7538-537.45-31 61.69 Public Works-Solid Waste SW - Transfer Station Division Total: $279,106.04 PUMPTECH INC Freight Charge credit 405-7585-537.48-10 -90.25 Adaptor 405-7585-537.48-10 275.50 Public Works-Solid Waste Solid Waste-Landfill Division Total: $185.25 Public Works-Solid Waste Department Total: $279,291.29 Solid Waste-LF/Trf Stn Fund Total: $279,291.29 . AT&T BUSINESS SERVICE 1-13 ale 0172134468001 406-7412-538.42-10 0.35 Resource Planning Associates REGISTRATION 406-7412-538.43-10 505.00 QWEST 1-14 ale 36045704111998 406-7412-538.42-10 12.49 1-14 ale 3604766840858 406-7412-538.42-10 1.44 1-14 ale 36045708315588 406-7412-538.42-10 0.72 1-14 ale 36045709683438 406-7412-538.42-10 0.39 1-23 ale 206T31 01645848 406-7412-538.42-10 11.96 1-23 ale 206T3023060848 406-7412-538.42-10 4.02 VERIZON WIRELESS 1-22 ale 571136182-00001 406-7412-538.42-10 18.85 Public Works-WW/Stormll1l Storm wa ter Division Total: $555.22 Public Works-WW/Stormwtr Department Total: $555.22 Stormwater Fund Fund Total: $555.22 AT&T BUSINESS SERVICE 1-13 ale 0172134468001 409-6025-526.42-10 2.02 CLALLAM CNTY EMS Medic I Advisory 409-6025-526.41-50 600.00 LIFE ASSIST PARAMEDIC SUPPLIES 409-6025-526.31-01 1,457.70 SPLINT 409-6025-526.31-01 354.00 Erik Sundin CPR CLASS 1/29/09 409-6025-526.31-08 50.00 MOROZ, JAMES FIRST AID CLASS 1/27/09 409-6025-526.31-08 200.00 OLYMPIC MEDICAL CENTER MEDICATIONS 409-6025-526.31-13 183.13 PEN PRINT INC MIR 409-6025-526.31-01 314.36 QWEST 1-14 ale 36045704111998 409-6025-526.42-10 75.23 . 1-14 ale 3604766840858 409-6025-526.42-10 8.69 1-14 ale 36045708315588 409-6025-526.42-10 4.39 1-14 ale 36045709683438 409-6025-526.42-10 2.72 K - 27 Page 23 Date: 2/12/2009 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report . From: 1/24/2009 To: 2/6/2009 Vendor Description Account Number Invoice Amount Division Total: $2,472.60 Department Total: $2,472.60 AMSAN OLYMPIC SUPPLY TEXTILE,FIBERS,L1NENS 501-7630-548.31-01 213.93 ANGELES MILLWORK & LUMBER CO LUMBER& RELATED PRODUCTS 501-7630-548.34-02 25.03 ARAMARK LAUNDRY/DRY CLEANING SERV 501-7630-548.49-90 29.12 LAUNDRY/DRY CLEANING SERV 501-7630-548.49-90 24.40 LAUNDRYIDRY CLEANING SERV 501-7630-548.49-90 24.40 LAUNDRYIDRY CLEANING SERV 501-7630-548.49-90 32.80 LAUNDRY/DRY CLEANING SERV 501-7630-548.49-90 174.47 AT&T BUSINESS SERVICE 1-13 ale 0172134468001 501-7630-548.42-10 1.18 AWC-ASSN OF WASHINGTON CITIES 2009 DRUG & ALCOHOL TESTS 501-7630-548.49-90 51.22 BAXTER AUTO PARTS #15 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 13.16 AUTO & TRUCK MAl NT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 23.03 AUTO & TRUCK MAl NT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 10.80 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 63.61 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 15.21 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 50.07 AUTO & TRUCK MAl NT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 2.73 . AUTO & TRUCK MAl NT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 42.83 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 56.00 BRYANT'S UPHOLSTERY AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.48-10 243.90 AUTO & TRUCK MAl NT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.48-10 298.10 CASE POWER & EQUIPMENT, LLC AUTO & TRUCK MAl NT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 48.58 CHEVRON USA GAS PURCHASES 501-7630-548.32-10 30.75 COPY CAT GRAPHICS EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548.48-10 298.10 CSK AUTO INC (SCHUCK'S) AUTO & TRUCK MAl NT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.31-01 6.49 AUTO SHOP EQUIPMENT & SUP 501-7630-548.31-01 10.83 AUTO & TRUCK MAl NT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 -203.43 AUTO & TRUCK MAl NT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 -79.14 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 -180.16 AUTO & TRUCK MAl NT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 -28.41 AUTO & TRUCK MAl NT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 -203.28 AUTO & TRUCK MAl NT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 -8.16 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 4.33 AUTO & TRUCK MAl NT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 175.60 AUTO & TRUCK MAl NT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 3.61 AUTO & TRUCK MAl NT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 19.56 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 1 50.71 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 92.12 . AUTO & TRUCK MAl NT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 43.46 AUTO & TRUCK MAl NT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 60.75 AUTO & TRUCK MAl NT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 12.96 K - 29 Page 25 _ City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 1/24/2009 To: 2/6/2009 Date: 2/12/2009 . Vendor CSK AUTO INC (SCHUCK'S) CUMMINS NORTHWEST INC FAR-WEST MACHINE & HYDRAULICS FERRELL GAS INC H & R PARTS & EQUIPMENT INC HEARTLlNE HUGHES FIRE EQUIPMENT INC KAMAN INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGIES LINCOLN INDUSTRIAL CORP MATCO TOOLS MORNINGSIDE MURRAY MOTORS INC NAPA AUTO PARTS ORKIN EXTERMINATING COMPANY INC Description Account Number AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 COMPUTER SOFTWARE FOR MIC 501-7630-548.49-90 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548.48-10 FUEL,OIL,GREASE, & LUBES 501 ~7630-548.32-12 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 AUTO & TRUCK MAl NT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 AUTO & TRUCK MAl NT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 AUTO & TRUCK MAl NT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 AUTO & TRUCK MAl NT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 AUTO & TRUCK MAl NT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 AUTO SHOP EQUIPMENT & SUP 501-7630-548.35-01 AUTO SHOP EQUIPMENT & SUP 501-7630-548.35-01 AUTO SHOP EQUIPMENT & SUP 501-7630-548.35-01 AUTO SHOP EQUIPMENT & SUP 501-7630-548.35-01 BUILDING MAINT&REPAIR SER 501-7630-548.41-50 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 AUTO & TRUCK MAl NT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 AUTO & TRUCK MAl NT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 AUTO & TRUCK MAl NT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 AUTO & TRUCK MAl NT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 AUTO & TRUCK MAl NT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 AUTO & TRUCK MAl NT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 AUTO & TRUCK MAl NT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548.41-50 Invoice Amount 80.30 -154.01 154.83 354.97 433.60 43.61 128.16 23.22 106.95 58.89 158.16 188.51 88.51 351.11 221 .91 473.81 79.72 79.72 3.14 14.25 15.61 43.85 28.40 162.55 111.84 15.74 578.42 11.75 23.80 8.65 26.37 10.06 44.24 2.83 18.98 40.66 32.27 7.65 11.75 98.62 2.60 235.75 K - 30 . . Page 26 Date: 2/12/2009 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report . From: 1/24/2009 To: 2/6/2009 Vendor Description Account Number Invoice Amount OWEN EQUIPMENT AUTO & TRUCK MAl NT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 -318.39 AUTO & TRUCK MAl NT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 117.82 AUTO & TRUCK MAl NT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 423.87 AUTO & TRUCK MAl NT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 1,102.20 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 221.60 PACIFIC OFFICE EQUIPMENT INC OFFICE SUPPL Y,INKS,LEADS 501-7630-548.31-01 17.55 OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL 501-7630-548.31-01 103.86 OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL 501-7630-548.31-01 167.28 OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL 501-7630-548.31-01 7.58 OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL 501-7630-548.31-01 40.26 PORT ANGELES FORD LINCOLN AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 93.52 AUTO & TRUCK MAl NT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 195.47 AUTO & TRUCK MAl NT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 25.89 PORT ANGELES TIRE FACTORY Tire Chain 501-7630-548.48-10 86.67 PROGRESSIVE BUSINESS PUBLCTNS MEMBERSHIPS 501-7630-548.49-01 98.00 QWEST 1-14 ale 3604570411199B 501-7630-548.42-10 43.88 1-14 ale 360476684085B 501-7630-548.42-10 5.07 1-14 ale 3604570831558B 501-7630-548.42-10 2.56 . 1-14 ale 3604570968343B 501-7630-548.42-10 1.59 1-23 ale 206T310164584B 501-7630-548.42-10 41.79 1-23 ale 206T302306084B 501-7630-548.42-10 14.21 RICHMOND 2-WAY RADIO AUTO & TRUCK MAl NT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 682.92 Antenna Extension 501-7630-548.48-10 28.18 SANDY'S RACE STREET AUTO PARTS AUTO & TRUCK MAl NT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 21.07 SIX ROBBLEES' INC AUTO & TRUCK MAl NT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 1,120.86 SNAP-ON TOOLS - CHUGGER DEANE AUTO SHOP EQUIPMENT & SUP 501-7630-548.35-01 200.43 AUTO SHOP EQUIPMENT & SUP 501-7630-548.35-01 139.83 AUTO SHOP EQUIPMENT & SUP 501-7630-548.35-01 53.71 SOLID WASTE SYSTEMS, INC AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 1,151.34 SUNSET DO-IT BEST HARDWARE AUTO & TRUCK MAl NT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 0.77 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 2.72 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 204.88 AUTO & TRUCK MAl NT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 8.95 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 34.47 RENTAL/LEASE EQUIPMENT 501-7630-548.34-02 35.23 XEROX CORPORATION RENTAL/LEASE EQUIPMENT 501-7630-548.45-31 61.69 Public Works-Equip Bvcs Equipment Services Division Total: $12,312.34 Public Works-Equip Svcs Department Total: $12,312.34 Equipment Services Fund Total: $14,784.94 . ADVANCED TRAVEL Hug Conf-JH/RH 502-2081-518.43-10 208.00 ANGELES COMMUNICATIONS INC MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 502-2081-518.41-50 4,433.97 FIBEROPTIC CABLE & INSTAL 502-2081-518.41-50 951.97 K - 31 Page 27 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 1/24/2009 To: 2/6/2009 . Description Esther Webster/Fine Arts Esther Webster/Fine Arts Esther Webster Fund EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION P/R Deductions pe 1-25 OFFICE OF SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT P/R Deductions pe 1-25 P/R Deductions pe 1-25 OFFICE OF SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT-CJP/R Deductions pe 1~25 UNITED WAY (PAYROLL) P/R Deductions pe 1-25 VOLUNTEER FIRE ASSOCIATION P/R Deductions pe 1-25 WSCFF/EMPLOYEE BENEFIT TRUST P/R Deductions pe 1-25 Account Number Division Total: Department Total: Fund Total: 920-0000-231.55-30 920-0000-231.56-20 920-0000-231.56-20 920-0000-231.56-20 920-0000-231.56-10 920-0000-231.55-20 920-0000-231.53-20 Division Total: Department Total: Fund Total: Vendor Esther Webster/Fine Arts Payroll Clearing Totals for check period From: 1/24/2009 To: 2/6/2009 Date: 2/1212009 Invoice Amount $669.31 $669.31 $669.31 432.00 1,181.32 169.85 16.15 393.00 30.00 1,575.00 $3,797.32 $3,797.32 $3,797.32 $1,639,148.46 K- 34 . . Page 30 . DATE: To: FROM: SUBJECT: ~ORTANGELES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO February 17,2009 CITY COUNCIL Glenn A. Cutler, Director of Public Works & Utilities Vehicle Purchase - Light Operations Utility Truck Summary: Bids for a 2009 one ton 4X4 truck with utility box for Light Operations were opened on January 29,2009. The City received bids from Legacy Ford of Pasco, Washington and from Scarff Ford of Auburn, Washington. Scarff Ford submitted the lowest responsible bid in the amount of$52, 911.85, including sales tax. Recommendation: Award and authorize the City Manager to sign a contract with Scarff Ford of Auburn, W A for a 2009 one ton 4X4 truck with utility box in the amount of $52,911.85, including sales tax. . Background/Analysis: The purchase of a one ton 4X4 truck with utility box for Light Operations was authorized in the 2009 budget. Invitations to bid were sent to both local and regional dealerships. Competitive bids were opened on January 29,2009. Bids were received from Legacy Ford of Pasco, Washington and from Scarff Ford of Auburn, Washington. Scarff Ford submitted the lowest responsible bid in the amount of$52, 911.85, including sales tax. Funds in the amount of $48,000 were reserved in the 2009 budget for this procurement. Additional funds in the amount of$4,911.85 are required. Sufficient surplus funds in the 2009 budget have been accumulated due to delaying hiring of personnel in Light Operations. Consequently, funds are available within the 2009 budget to cover the full cost of this procurement. The bid summary is provided below: Purchase Contract, ES-09-001 (Prices Include Sales Tax and Fees) Company Name Bid Amount Scarff Ford $52,911.85 Legacy Ford $55,082.20 Government Estimate $48,000.00 It is recommended that City Council award and authorize the City Manager to sign a contract with ScraffFord in the amount of$52,911.85, including tax, for a 2009 one ton 4X4 truck with utility box. . N:\CCOUNCIL\FINAL\Light Operations ES-09-001 Truck Purchase.doc K - 35 DATE: To: FROM: SUBJECT: ELES . WASHINGTON U.S.A CITY COUNCIL MEMO February 17, 2009 CITY COUNCIL Glenn A. Cutler, Director of Public Works and Utilities Surplus Equipment - Trolley - Set Public Hearing Summary: A 1986 General Motors trolley that was transferred to the City from Clallam Transit in July 2007 cannot be economically used by the City and continues to age and incur maintenance costs. Recommendation: Set a public hearing for March 3, 2009 to receive comment on declaring the trolley as surplus. Background/Analysis: In July of 2007, Clallam Transit signed the transfer of ownership document to the City for a 1986 General Motors trolley. Due to the cost and liability of its . operation, the trolley has never been put into operation by the City. Over the last year, City staff has made numerous attempts to place this vehicle with other service organizations within the City including the Port Angeles Chamber of Commerce and the Port Angeles Downtown Association. After considering this, each of these organizations has turned down the City's offer, also due to the cost and liability of operation. The trolley should be declared surplus because it is not needed to meet City requirements, it is continuing to age and incur maintenance costs, and it cannot be economically used in any City program or operation. Because the book value of the trolley is $15,000 it is necessary to set a public hearing to consider declaring the trolley as surplus to the City's needs. At tonight's meeting, it is requested that the City Council set the public hearing date to be March 3, 2009 to obtain public input on declaring the trolley as surplus. . N:\C'C'OUNC'IL\FINALlSurplus Equipment - Trolley - Set Public Hearing.doc K - 36 CITY OF PORT ANGELES, WASHINGTON February 2009 General Fund & Street General Fund & Street Expenditures The year 2008 was challenging for the City as we wit- 2008 2008 % nessed the national economy enter into a recession. By Department Budget Actual Spent Since national economic trends impact City fiscal condi- tions, the slowing economy put direct pressure on the City Council 74,847 65,517 87.5% budget. Although we were able to finish 2008 under the City Manager Office: General Fund and Street Budgets, it will be difficult to Administration 541,988 487,061 89.9% predict this trend in the future. Customer Commitment 12,793 5,785 45.2% Expenditures in the General Fund and Street Fund both Human Resources 219,075 21 6,278 98.7% City Clerk 157,397 146,988 93.4% came in under budget in 2008, with an overall savings Community Services 135,875 132,062 97.2% of just over $800,000. In addition, revenues were on Community & Econ. Development: target, with just over lOO% of revenues collected in the Planning 31 9,908 304,1 03 95.1% GF and Street Fund at year end. Building 203,289 199,837 98.3% Code Compliance 32,627 32,029 98.2% General Fund & Street Revenues Finance 2,235,255 2,107,555 94.3% Fire (excluding Medic I) 2,415,230 2,397,047 99.2% Legal 1,094,157 1,052,497 96.2% 2008 2008 % Police 4,425,319 4,231,994 95.6% Fund Budget Actual Collected Public Works: Admin.jEngineering 1,617,251 1,562,322 96.6% General Fund Parks & Recreation 2,666,740 2,500,897 93.8% Taxes 10,601,124 10,673,914 100.7% Facility Maintenance 540,597 516,176 95.5% Intergovernmental 618,819 651,821 105.3% Street Fund 1,550,400 1,469,248 94.8% Licenses/Permits 424,456 366,664 86.4% C1P Transfers 1,850,000 1,850,000 100.0% Charges for Service 4,639,585 4,521,314 97.5% Street Transfers 418,000 418,000 100.0% Miscellaneous 976,364 1 ,055,605 108.1% TOTAL GF & Street 20,510,748 19,695,396 96.0% Total GF 17,260,348 17,269,318 100.1 % Street 1,514,060 1,549,675 102.4% 2008 2008 % By Function Budget Actual Spent Total GF & Street 18,774,408 18,818,993 100.2% Personnel 1 2,743,479 1 2,31 2,403 96.6% Supplies 811,701 648,024 79.8% Charges for Services 3,375,144 3,121,429 92.5% Intergovernmental 3,367,306 3,368,691 100.0% Capital 213,118 244,849 114.9% Total GF & Street 20,510,748 19,695,396 96.0% . M - 1 Property Tax Revenue The City 2008 2008 % collected just Re9ular Levy: Budget Actual Collected under 100% General Fund $ 3,400,755 $ 3,397,812 99.91% Street 477,524 477,524 100.00% of budgeted Total Regular Levy 3,878,279 3,875,336 99.92% Property Taxes, or approximately Special Levv: $7,000 less than 2001 Refunding G.O. Bond (Sr. Center/Fire) 390,112 387,516 99.33% 2005 Refunding G.O. Bond (Library) 277.200 275,417 99.36% budget. Total Special Levy 667,312 662.933 99.34% All Property Taxes $ 4,545,591 $ 4,538,269 99.84% . Sales Tax Revenue Despite the slowing economy in 2008, the City received just over 100% of budgeted sales tax revenue, or approximately $16,000 more than budget. However, the City received $135,000 less than 2007, and the lowest level of sales tax revenue since 2005. A number of businesses in Port Angeles closed their doors in 2008, and a few others reduced their work force. This trend may continue to negatively impact sales tax revenue into 2009 and beyond. Sales Tax Revenue 2008 2008 Year Bud et Actual % Collected 2004 2,550,000 2,633,330 103.27% 2005 2,681,500 2,822,760 105.27% 2006 3,054,597 3,254,674 106.55% 2007 3,135,023 3,336,476 1 06.43% 2008 3,185,023 3,201,417 100.51% In 2008, the City received $135,000 less sales tax revenue than 2007, and the lowest level since 2005. M - 2 . Overall utility tax revenue ended the year with just over 100% of budgeted taxes col- lected. Utility tax is the most stable tax reve- nue source in the General Fund as it does not tend to fluctuate much during tough eco- nomic times. Increases in this revenue source are primarily the result of rate in- creases in the utilities, as opposed to growth in the customer base. Utility tax collections will continue to be im- pacted by weather conditions, primarily in the Electric and Water utilities. Utility Electric $ Water Wastewater Solid Waste Collection Transfer Station Stormwater Telephone Total $ Utility Tax Revenue 2008 2008 % Budget Actual Collected 1,866,1 20 $ 1,844,955 98.87% 384,620 367,849 95.64% 438,960 474,822 108.17% 222,880 235,178 105.52% 385,416 359,856 93.37% 55,200 56,311 102.01% 470,000 501,888 1 06.78% 3,823,196 $ 3,840,859 100.46% . . Community & Economic Development Residential and commercial construction significantly slowed down in 2008, and reve- nues in Community and Economic Develop- ment were impacted sharply by this trend. In 2008, the City collected 81 % of budgeted building permit revenue, or nearly $125,000 less than 2007. This was also the lowest level of building permit revenue since 2002. Overall, the City collected just over 85% of budgeted revenues in Community and Eco- nomic Development (CED). Revenue sources in CED were budgeted more con- servatively in 2009, with the anticipation that construction activity will remain at a slower pace into 2009 and possibly beyond. Building permit activity continues to be one of the best indicators of the state of the econ- omy. Building Permits Issued Year # of Permits 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 754 781 677 810 607 Community Development Revenue Revenue Source 2008 2008 % Budget Actual Collected 200,000 $ 162,468 81.23% 13,00 10,727 82.52% 15,000 18,274 121.83% 3,571 4,482 125.51% 80,000 67,009 83.76% 7,075 8,500 120.14% 6,025 5,174 85.88% 324,671 $ 276,634 85.20% Building Permits $ Plumbing Permits Mechanical Permits Sign Permits Plan Checking Fees Planning Permits ZoninQ Fees Total Revenue $ M - 3 The City's interest revenue has increased 15% in the last year, and has nearly dou- bled since 2005. The City's investment portfolio continues to perform well, due in large part to our moderate investment strategy. We will continue to monitor our investments closely to ensure we main- tain the best possible return, while at the same time ensuring protection of princi- pal and maintaining adequate liquidity. As a result of decline interest rates in 2008, the city realized a paper gain on investments of over $500,000. GASB State- ment 31 requires the City to book reve- nue based on the market value of invest- ments as of the end of the year, regard- less of the maturity date. . The year 2008 witnessed a significant decline in the real estate market, both on a local and national level. Revenue in the real estate excise tax funds is generated when real estate is sold within the City. REET funds experi- enced a 43% decline in revenue in 2008, and the year 2008 brought in the lowest level of revenue since 2001. Other Tax Revenue Sources Gas Tax Revenue Year Actual 259,183 396,108 434,257 459,652 435,257 $ per capita 20.59 21.33 23.20 24.19 23.21 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Gasoline tax revenue is generated at the State level from the 37.5 cents per gallon tax on gas purchases. This tax is allocated to cities on a per capita basis, with the money specifically des- ignated for street-related purposes. The per capita rate decreased nearly $1 from 2007 to 2008, resulting in a 5% decrease in the gas tax revenue re- ceived by the City in 2008. Generally, as the price of fuel increases, the num- ber of gallons purchased declines. We are anticipating a 3% increase in the gas tax revenue received by the City in 2009. Gas prices have been unpredictable in the last year which makes it difficult to anticipate how much revenue we can expect in 2009 and beyond. The City imposes a 2% tax on all charges for lodging at hotels, motels, or similar establishments, which is. taken as a credit against the 6.5% por- tion of the state sales tax. In 1998, the Council approved a second 2% ho- tel/motel tax, resulting in a combined retail sales and hotel/motel tax rate of 10.4% for lodging establishments. In 2008, the City collected nearly 1.5% more hotel/motel tax revenue than the previous year. In 2009, this revenue was budgeted 4% lower than the ac- tual amount collected in 2008.. Hotel/Motel Tax Revenue Year $ Amount % Change 1999 362,389 13.06% 2000 370,520 2.24% 2001 379,938 2.54% 2002 388,323 2.21% 2003 381,295 - 1.81 % 2004 429,885 12.74% 2005 448,242 4.27% 2006 460,158 2.66% 2007 498,158 8.26% 2008 505,477 1.47% . Monthly Financial Update . . JANUARY 2009 General Fund & Street Overview The General Fund is the City's main operating fund and ac- counts for general government activities such as police, fire, planning, and building. The Street Fund accounts for all op- erations and maintenance of the City's streets. In addition, be- ginning in 2009, the Street Fund has also assumed responsibility for many Stormwater functions, including maintenance of storm drains. The following chart compares revenues and expenditures in the General Fund and Street Fund for the month of January, 2009 compared to the same pe- riod in 2008. In both funds, revenues collected in January 2009 are up approximately 18% from 2008. During the same 09 v. 08 Variance GENERAL FUND 2009 2008 $ % January Revenues 1,025,921 868,701 157,220 18.10 January Expenditures 1,185,706 1,211,849 (26,143) (2.16) Net Rev. over /(under) Exp. (159,785) (343,148) STREET FUND January Revenues 93,969 79,839 14,130 17.70 January Expenditures 98,755 106,005 (7,250) (6.84) Net Rev. over /(under) Exp. (4,786) (26,166) period, expenditures are lower than 2008, primarily due to the timing of certain payments and vacancies in departments. Through January, General Fund expenditures are at 7% of budget and revenues are at 6%. In the Street Fund, expenditures are at 6% of budget, and revenues are just under 6%. We are on target in all areas at this point as we are approximately 8% through 2009. It is important to note that due to timing issues with certain revenue and expenditure accounts, some Sales Tax Revenue $400,000 $350,000 $300,000 $250,000 $200,00 $150,000 $100,000 Sales Tax Revenue by Month Jan Sales Tax Revenue is down 32% in January 2009 compared to the same period last year. To date, we have collected 5.7% of budget. Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Noy Dee I -+-1991-2008 Avg. -rl:r-2008 -.-2009 Utility Tax. R.ev.enue $240,000 $200,000 Monthly Utility Tax Revenue January $160,000 $120,000 $80,000 $40,000 $0 Electric SW- Collections Stn SW- Transfer Storm water Water Wastewater 1lll2004-2008 Avg. ll!l2008 Community .~ Economic Development Revenue Electric, Water, and Wastewater Utility tax revenue is higher in January 2009 compared to the same period in 2008, primarily due to harsher than normal win- ter weather conditions and rate adjustments. The Solid Waste Funds had higher revenues in 2008 due to the timing of some payments. Since Stormwater pay- ments are collected with property taxes, this fund has not histori- 1llI2009 . Community Development Revenue - January 2009 2008 2009 V5. 2008 Revenue Source YTO YTO % variance Building Permits $ 9,481 $ 8,128 116.7% Plumbing Permits 798 556 143.5% . Mechanical Permits 1,053 868 121.3% Sign Permits 47 0.0% Plan Checking Fees 2,784 4,706 59.1% Planning Permits 750 N/A Zoning Fees 875 525 166.7% Total Revenue $ 15,741 $ 14,830 106.14% Lodging Tax Revenue $100,000 Monthly Lodging Tax Revenue $80,000 $60,000 $40,000 $20,000 $0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Od Nov Dec _1999.2008 Average -+-2008 -+-2009 Lodging Tax revenue collected in January 2009 is down 19% from the same period in 2008. . M -6 . . . MINUTES PLANNING COMMISSION Port Angeles, Washington 98362 January 28, 2009 6:00 p.m. ROLL CALL Members Present: John Matthews, Mike Caudill, Carla Sue, Doc Reiss, Tim Boyle Members Excused: Wemer Beier, One vacancy Staff Present: Sue Roberds, Nathan West, Derek Beery, Kent Myers, Dan Bialzik, Heidi Greenwood Public Present: None PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Chair Matthews led the Pledge of Allegiance. Community & Economic Development Director Nathan West introduced new City Manager Kent Myers most recently from Hot Springs, Arkansas. Mr. Myers said that and his wife are very excited to be here in Port Angeles. The City has a lot of challenges but also presents a lot of opportunities. He looks forward to working with and providing support to the Planning Commission, and said that his door is open at all times. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Review of the minutes was moved to later in the meeting. WORK SESSION Presentation bv City of Port An2eles Archaeolo2ist Derek Beerv Director West introduced Derek Beery, the City of Port Angeles Archaeologist. Mr. West will present a predictive model, which is a work in progress that stems from the August, 2006, Settlement Agreement reached as part of the Graving Yard incident. The Agreement is significant to the City in that the City has to ensure the protection of cultural resources within the City, but most specifically, within the shoreline area north of the marine bluff line. Derek will provide a clear picture of how a predictive model is put together. The City has become very innovative as to how cultural resources are addressed and is in a leadership position in Washington State with regard to cultural resource planning. Derek Beery, City of Port Angeles Archaeologist provided a definition of a predictive model. In a nutshell, humans use the environment around them to make a living, and when they do that, they leave things behind. A predictive model is an attempt to consider the environment, M -7 Planning Commission Minutes January 28, 2009 Page 2 and the idea of past human behavior, and from this information, predict where certain activities may have occurred, Computer modeling can correlate the location of known artifacts and given certain environmental and human habit information, can identify (predict) the limitations of areas where artifacts may be found. This information can be a very helpful tool in the planning process to predict where archaeological resources may be found. Predictive models work best used early in the planning process to provide an idea if, and what type of, resources one may be dealing with when breaking ground. Mr. Beery provided a lengthy, detailed description of the various aspects of developing a predictive model, the equipment, data, and knowledge of the history and geology of the area such that a dependable, updated model is the result. The intent is to aid in land development such that surprises that restrict an intended development in specific areas are reduced or eliminated. Chair Matthews asked if all of the information used in creating the predictive model would be available to the public, and, if not, who would be privy to the information. Mr. Beery answered that State law prevents archaeological information from being released to the general public. The Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation (DAHP) maintains the data base. DAHP allows archaeological information to be reviewed but security dictates that it may only be reviewed by professionals. For instance, a professional (lawyer, etc.) representing a client who is intending to develop a property where cultural resources may be an issue, may obtain such information in order to competently conduct an environmental review or like report. The predictive model will help people make decisions during a planning process. The City has an agreement with DAHP for specific individual access to the archaeological data. Mr. Beery closed by saying that the model is predictive but certainly not absolute. The model will take what is known about the environment and past cultures of the area and relating that information to the present by display on a map The model will assist people who develop properties to assess risks for developing properties where archaeological resources are present. The model is going to reduce the high probability areas of development on the waterfront. The model is not meant to instill fear, but is meant to calm fear that development can occur on the waterfront. Based on a little more knowledge, and with some foresight and planning, development will move forward in a smart manner. Director West commended Archaeologist Beery's work and stated that the City appreciates his efforts in developing the predictive model. He reiterated that if a development is proposed in a high probability area, that does not mean that no development can occur, it just means that extra caution must be observed. APPROVAL OF MINUTES (continued) Commissioners Sue and Reiss corrected their attendance records for the November 12, and December 10, 2008 meetings. Commissioner Boyle moved to approve the January 14, 2009, regular meeting with corrections to attendance as noted. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Caudill, and passed 5 - O. COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE PUBLIC None M - 8 . . . . . . Planning Commission Minutes January 28. 2009 Page 3 STAFF REPORTS Director West reported that representatives of the American Institute of Architects (AlA) made a preliminary visit to Port Angeles to gather field notes in association with a grant presented to the City, sponsored by the Port Angeles Forward Committee. That grant will focus on the First/Front Street corridors, as well as the Downtown area. A team of individuals from varying professions will be developing an area plan for what Port Angeles Forward has identified as an "International Corridor". The team will be returning on March 16th to begin an intensive 3- day planning session. The end result will be to get a number of implementation steps and funding mechanisms associated with those steps that can actually be implemented to improve the First/Front Street corridors as well as the Downtown area. He encouraged Commissioners to participate in the planning efforts, but to be cognizant that it does not appear that a quorum is present. The 2011 Comprehensive Plan update will be beginning soon. He hoped that this corridor plan would be incorporated as the first phase of that Plan update. The City has been working diligently to recruit the NOAA Marine Operations Center for Port Angeles, and has been working to assist consultants to prepare a final proposal for that possibility. Although the City only received the solicitation in December, staff and the consultant, along with other members of the community, have been working diligently on the issue and is very competitive in this matter. Competitors are Bellingham and Seattle. He was hopeful that the City would be short listed for the move. Commissioner Boyle asked that Director West identify the subject areas for the AlA grant. Director West said that generally the areas are (1) streetscaped; (2) how second floor and above spaces that are presently underutilized can be utilized; (3) signage; (4) landscaping; and (5) building design. More than anything, looking at ways to revitalize the corridor areas by incentives rather than regulations. A waterfront promenade improvement has long been a desire of the City. Director West provided an update on the Gateway development. The City is very excited about completing the development. The Farmer's Market group is interested in locating in the Gateway, and that may happen. The City has been waiting for answers from engineers regarding some building concerns. Progress is definitely being made. Temporary occupancy has been issued for the west garage. The City Council unanimously approved a resolution in support of the Port Angeles Harborworks Development Authority (PDA). This is a critically important project for the City as it is an opportunity actually see the Rayonier site developed. The redevelopment of the Rayonier property and the success of the PDA is not going to be possible without full community support. Any way that better communication can be had is important. He encouraged Commissioners to contact staff whenever questions arise that staff can answer. The PDA is a tool that allows the City to move forward in partnership with other entities to speed clean up of the site and development within the next few years. There is funding out there that will go to another community if not Port Angeles. He would prefer to see those funds spent in Port Angeles, and to see positive change at the site. His door is always open for questions, and he encouraged Commissioners to become involved. Director West answered Commissioner Caudill that yes, Rayonier does own the property. It is likely that 50% of the clean up costs would be paid for by the state or federal government rather than Rayonier, but the alternative is that it would sit unimproved for many years to come in its current state. Through the PDA, the timeline will be more definitive and assured as to cleanup of the site and its redevelopment. M - 9 Planning Commission Minutes January 28, 2009 Page 4 Mr. West informed Commissioners that he will be attending a meeting in Olympia next week where results of the dioxin study recently conducted in Port Angeles will be available. He will report on that meeting at a later date. REPORTS OF COMMISSION MEMBERS The Port Angeles Forward Committee Minutes of January 8, 2009, prepared by Commissioner Boyle, were distributed. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 7:40 p.m. Sue Roberds, Secretary John Matthews, Chair PREPARED BY: S. Roberds M -10 . . . . . . PORT ANGELES FORWARD COMMITTEE Port Angeles, Washington Meeting Minutes for January 8, 2009 Mission Statement: To create a strong economically and culturally vibrant community that will enhance the lives of our citizens. CALL TO ORDER: Chair Cherie Kidd opened the meeting at 7:30 a.m. ROLL CALL: Members Present: Chair Cherie Kidd, Don Perry, Terry Roth, Ted Simpson for Terry Smithton, Linda Rotmark, Willie Nelson, David Miller, Mike Edwards, Mike Chapman, George Schoenfeldt, Terry Weed. Staff Present: Nathan West, Scott Johns, Daniel Bialzik, Teresa Pierce. Public Present: Tim Boyle, City Planning Commission; Barbara Frederick, Port Angeles Downtown Association; Bob Lawrence, Peninsula College; Russ Veenema, Chamber of Commerce. Approval of Minutes T. Roth moved to accept the December 11, 2008 minutes as presented. L. Rotmark seconded the motion. The minutes were approved unanimously. AlA Grant Update - Nathan West N. West gave a brief background on the grant process to date. The grant will have a multiple focus pertaining to maximizing the efficient use of the Front and First Street corridors. The team will make a preliminary visit to Port Angeles on January 12 and 13, 2009 to meet with various groups in the community and complete a preliminary tour of the area. The strategies provided by their report can be incorporated into the City's Capital Facilities Plan (CFP). R. Veenema reported that the group will be making a presentation at the March 16, 2009 Chamber of Commerce Luncheon. N. West introduced Daniel Bialzik, the City's new Assistant Planner and acknowledged Bialzik's valuable contribution in the successful preparation of the grant application. Later in the meeting discussion returned to the AlA Grant issue. Chair Kidd asked when we could expect to receive the final report from the AlA Team. D. Bializk reported that the Team's visit next week is a preliminary preparation and that the Team will be returning in March to do the full assessment. It is estimated that the final report would be available approximately two months later and will list in detail the area's weaknesses, strengths, and offer recommendations. T. Roth suggested that the issue be included on the February agenda to discuss and review how the initial evaluation went. N. West suggested that the subcommittee could provide a recommendation to PA Forward who could then forward a committee recommendation to City Council. C. Kidd noted that this is a tremendous opportunity for community outreach to City Council. M - 11 Port Angeles Forward Meeting Minutes January 8, 2009 . M. Edwards asked what the process would be for funding any of the recommendations. N. West responded that the report could include other available funding opportunities or resources. N. West reminded the committee that although the original understanding by the City was that the $5000 match would be through staff services - the AlA is requesting that the match be in direct funding. The City will be able to fund a portion of the $5000 from their 2008 budget, but it is possible, and hoped, that other groups within P A Forward could donate towards that $5000 match. N. West will be able to provide assistance to any groups interested in contributing. T. Roth asked about the status on funding for the Promenade project from Senator Patty Murray. Chair Kidd will check with Councilmember Rogers on the status of that appropriation. Economic Development - Business Resources Seminar / Nathan West' N. West reported that the Business Resources Seminar will be this evening in City Council Chambers. The purpose of the seminar is to highlight business resources already available in our community. The subcommittee is comprised of the P ADA with Barbara Frederick, EDC with Linda Rotmark, Chamber of Commerce with Willie Nelson, PABA with Terry Smithton, Bob Lawrence of Peninsula College, and the City Community & Economic Development Department with Nathan West. T. Smithton had been designated as the Chair, but due to an accident she was not able to continue so Ted Simpson is participating in her place for the event. C. Kidd requested for the February agenda to include a review of the event. D. Perry commended the work of the subcommittee in organizing and making this event happen. N. West and L. Rotmark promoted the event yesterday on the Todd Ortloff Show on Newsradio 1450 KONP. . "Pick Up P A" Chair Kidd reported that she received a call from an individual that needed to perform some community service so she set him to work on picking up trash in the downtown area. She encouraged the use of community service workers as a way to clean up the downtown. R. Veenema reported that Helen Freilich, Recycling Specialist for the City, will be making a presentation at a Chamber luncheon regarding how recycling benefits the bottom line. C. Kidd suggested coordinating a pick up of trash with Earth Day and then another time after the tourist season is over. N. West suggested that Freilich make a presentation to P A Forward regarding recycling. T. Pierce will make those arrangements. Alternate Route C. Kidd, per City Council request, asked to re-visit the Alternate Route issue. N. West reviewed PA Forward's discussions on the issue in 2007 and how the Committee's recommendation was forwarded to City Council with Council approving the addition of the item on the Capital Facilities Plan (CFP). N. West further explained that although the project is on the CFP it has not yet prioritized as a funding need. Regular street maintenance and repairs are listed as a priority at this time. N. West further explained that the Alternate Route is also included in the Transportation Improvement Plan (TIP) as being eligible for funding. M. Chapman stressed that the project is only "eligible" - that does not mean that there is funding currently available. Page 2 of 4 . M -12 . . . Port Angeles Forward Meeting Minutes January 8, 2009 2009 Direction for PA Forward Chair Kidd proposed that the results of the AlA Report would serve as a way to consolidate ideas for "Pick Up P A" and consideration whether to continue the business forums. T. Roth said that recently he had been up in the Sumas and the town was an example of what can happen when nothing happens. There were numerous closed stores and boarded up buildings. Chair Kidd suggested using items from the Historical Society as window displays in empty buildings. T. Roth suggested historical photos and R. Veenema suggested listing upcoming events on the windows. B. Fredericks responded vacant building owners were sometimes a bit resistant to the idea. R. Veenema suggested that members share the goals and objectives of their own organizations as a way for PA Forward to formulate their own. L. Rotmark reported that with the pending Hood Canal Bridge closure that it would be important to put out a positive message about our airport and Kenmore Air. The "Twilight" movie interest was also a draw to the area. She reported that Kenmore is working on an interline agreement with Alaska Air so passengers can book flights all the way through to Port Angeles and not separately. G. Schoenfeldt stated that the trees at Lincoln Park are still an issue in accessing 1350 feet of runway. The Port currently receives $1.5 million in funding from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) because of Kenmore's presence. N. West stated that the "international airport" status is critical in keeping Kenmore. M. Edwards asked what opportunities were available to promote Kenmore and the Airport especially during the Hood Canal Bridge closure. M. Chapman stated that there was a request of $30,000 for marketing and that the County had pledged $15,000 from their Lodging Tax Fund. He recommended that Kenmore develop a marketing plan with R. Veenema at the Chamber. N. West stated that the City has met with the Port on the issue is committed to the process to continuation promotions of the airport. T. Roth suggested that City Lodging Tax Funds may be available for marketing. N. West will follow through on that possibility. Adiournment Meeting adjourned at 8:32 a.m. Next Meetinf! Date: February 12,2009 - 7:30 a.m. in the Jack Pittis Conference Room, City Hall. Minutes approved as presented on February 12, 2009. Cherie Kidd, Chair Teresa Pierce Executive Communications Coordinator Page 3 of 4 M - 13 Port Angeles Forward Meeting Minutes January 8, 2009 . . NEW AND ON-GOING ACTION ITEMS DATE DESCRIPTION RESPONSIBLE PARTY TARGET DEADLINE 1-12-06 Bring Council's project Chair Williams On-Going priority list to meeting 2-9-06 Continue Discussions on Group On-Going Housing / Jobs 3-13-2008 "2010" Theme Adopted Group On-Going Grant awarded to City. 6-12-2008 AIA Grant Nathan West Arrangements pending 12-11-08 P A Forward to Host Business Subcommittee January 8, 2009 Resource Event COMPLETED ACTION ITEMS DATE DESCRIPTION RESPONSIBLE PARTY TARGET DEADLINE 3-9-06 Letter to City Council, Mark Madsen Completed Planning Commission and County regarding Southern Cross-Route April-May Strategic Planning Meetings Group Completed 5-11-06 2006 with Jim Haguewood February Make recommendation to 2007 City Council regarding Group Completed 2-8-07 Harbor Plan May 10, Determine P A Forward 2007 representative to Lodging Group Completed 5-10-2007 Tax Committee October 11, Determination ofPUD Group Completed 10-11-07 2007 Representative October Gather input regarding Cross- Group Completed 10-11-07 2007 Route issue December Give Recommendation to 2007 City Council Regarding Group Completed Cross- Town Route . Page 4 of 4 . M -14 . . . DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT BUILDING DIVISION MONTHLY PERMIT REPORT JANUARY 2009 CATEGORY JAN. FEB. MAR. APR. MAY JUNE JULY 2009 YTD 2008 YTD RESIDENTIAL-NEW MODULARlMANUFACT. 1 1 .... ........ .... ...... .iia;ue......... ............. .......$50)jOO"........ ............................... .............................. .............................. ............................... ............................... ............................... $50,000 SINGLE FAMILY 1 1 .... ....... ... .........iia;u.e...... ................ ....."$"i90":653........ ............................... .............................. .............................. ............................... ............................... ............................... $190,653 MUL TI-FAMIL Y ......... .......... ... .iia;ue.... ..... ............. .............................. ............................... .............................. .............................. ............................... ............................... ............................... ACCESSORIES 3 3 2 ......................"iia;ue...................... ......ifi88:072"....... ............................... .............................. .............................. ............................... ............................... ............................... $188,072 $29,891 COMMERCIAL-NEW RETAIL 1 1 .... ........... .....noiia;ue .............. ........ .......$573:450"....... ............................... .............................. .............................. ............................... ............................... ............................... $573,450 HOTEL/MOTEL ........ .............. 'iiaiue' ..................... .............................. ............................... .............................. .............................. ............................... ............................... ............................... OFFICE .............................. ............................... .............................. .............................. ............................... ............................... ............................... .. ........... ......... .iia;ue.............. ........ DRINKING/DINING ............................... ............................... .............................. .............................. ............................... ............................... ............................... . ... ............... ....iia;ue........... ..... ...... AUTO/SERVICE .............................. ............................... .............................. .............................. ............................... ............................... ............................... . ..... ....... ......... .iia;ue...... ..... ... ........ INDUSTRIAL ... ..... ......... ......iia;ufj......... ....... ...... .............................. ............................... .............................. .............................. ............................... ............................... ............................... PUBLIC - NEW SCHOOLS/HOSPS/GOVT ... ....... ......... ... 'iia;ue ...... ................ .............................. ............................... .............................. .............................. ............................... ............................... ............................... CHURCHES . ....... .... ....... ....iia;ue.......... ....... ...... .............................. ............................... .............................. .............................. ............................... ............................... ............................... RECREATION .............................. ............................... .............................. .............................. ............................... ............................... ............................... ... ....... ......... ... .iia;ue.... ....... ........... REPAIR & ALT. RESIDENTIAL 22 22 20 ............ ....... ....iia;ue................ ...... ......ifi"2.;C294........ ............................... .............................. .............................. ............................... ............................... ............................... $124,294 $199,574 COMMERCIAL 2 2 12 ...................... .iia;ue.... ....... ........... ........$55,"ij78......... ............................... .............................. .............................. ............................... ............................... ............................... $55,078 $67,880 PUBLIC 3 3 4 ....... ........ ....... .iia;ue...... .......... ...... ......."$"38:-;318......... ............................... .............................. .............................. ............................... ............................... ............................... $574,650 $38,318 DEMOLITION / MOVE 2 2 3 . .................. ....iia;ue. ........... .... ...... .......$1"40,.600"....... ............................... .............................. .............................. ............................... ............................... ............................... $140,600 $1,700 BUILDING TOTALS SLDG PERMITS 35 0 0 0 0 0 0 35 41 :::::::::9.:9.N:$.T.;::Y.~I9.:~::::::::: .............................. ............................... .............................. .............................. ............................... ............................... ............................... ...J~...~~~...~~~...... ...........J~...,.......... ...........J~............. ...........J~............. .............~~.............. .............~~.............. .............~~.............. $1,360,465 $873,695 SLDG PERMITS FEE $16,919 $16,919 $13,948 M -15 Department of Community and Economic Development 2008 Year End Report . . . M -16 . . . Table of Contents: Executive Summary Building Accomplishments Planning Accomplishments Cultural Resource Accomplishments Economic Development Accomplishments 2009 Objectives 1 3 8 12 14 15 M - 17 2008 Year End Report 'ttw:;t:n~ ;:w FOIH'A~G~t;S Executive Summary 2008 was a busy year for the Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED). DCED is comprised of four main divisions: Building (which includes code compliance and nuisance abatement); Planning; Cultural Resources; and Economic Development. The goal of the Department is to serve the public interest and protect individual rights through the planned and orderly development of the lands and environs of Port Angeles community. The Building Division is responsible for reviewing building permit applications, permit coordination and issuance, building inspections, code compliance, nuisance abatement, and overseeing community service cases in the City. After a record year in 2007, 2008 saw a decline in the number of building permits issued. However, the Division still processed over 600 building permits in 2008. Some major projects permitted in 2008 included Rite Aid's new building located at 8th and Lincoln Streets, and Community Sound Bank, which will occupy the long vacant Burger King Site on First and Alder Streets. Another accomplishment was the review and upgrade many of the permit applications to make them more user-friendly. Code compliance continued at a steady pace with more cases processed in 2008 than in 2007. Building also kept busy with a marked increase, nearly double, in community service cases tracked. The Planning Division reviews and issues land use permits, and serves the public interests through protecting individual rights. As with the Building Division, the slow economy has reduced land use activity markedly. However, the Division processed 56 land use applications in 2008. Beyond permitting, Planning also completed a Phase 1 report for the redevelopment of the Rayonier Mill site. The Division also continues to review the municipal code and comprehensive plan for potential revision. Latest revisions resulted in amendments to include affordable housing incentives for residential medium and high density zones. The Department also worked with amendments to the comprehensive plan and municipal code through a grant received by the Washington State Department of Community, Trade, and Economic Development (CfED), as well as code changes that supported the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Phase II permit. Other Planning accomplishments in 2008 included overseeing wetland restoration for the 8th Street Bridges project as well as successfully receiving a Sustainable Design Assessment Team (SDAT) grant from the American Institute of Architects (AlA). The SDAT will provide an "outside eye" broad assessment of the First and Front Street gateway and downtown. The Cultural Resources Division consists of a City Archaeologist hired in October of 2007 following the August 14, 2006 settlement agreement between the State, the Lower Elwha Tribe, the Port of Port Angeles, and the City to identify, ensure, and protect cultural resources in the City. In 2008, the Division produced a preliminary working draft of an archaeological predictive model of the Port Angeles Waterfront, and presented the findings to the Washington State Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation, the Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe, and the Port of Port Angeles. The Division also began compiling a Predictive Model Management Plan and draft Regulatory Framework to accompany the predictive model. The model will be used as a tool to help guide development and reduce uncertainty during the early stages of project planning. Department of Community & Economic Development Page 1 M -18 . . . . . . 2008 Year End Report ~q: lon, ,:H ~)R'rA\lGELES Summary (Cont) The Economic Development Division works to promote and enhance business investment and employment opportunities within the City. A major accomplishment in 2008 was the development of the Port Angeles Harbor Works Development Authority aimed at undertaking redevelopment of the former Rayonier Mill site. The Division also initiated preliminary efforts to recruit the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Marine Operations Center to Port Angeles. Other accomplishments include working with numerous local entities and groups to assist, support, and grow local businesses. Throughout the downturn in the economy, the Division has shown high levels of achievement in supporting and encouraging economic development. DCED's work plan for 2009 will include the continuation of work on numerous projects throughout all Divisions to create a better, more vibrant city for its citizens. Please feel free to contact staff if you have any questions or comments on our 2008 Year End Report, on future projects, or have general questions about Community and Economic Development in Port Angeles. 2008 Department of Community & Economic Development Staff Director Nathan West Director of Community & Economic Development Jim Lierly Building Inspector Cultural Resource Division Derek Beery Archaeologist Sue Roberds Planning Manager Building Division Pat Bartholick Code Compliance Officer Planning Division Scott Johns Associate Planner Linda Pangrle Permit Technician Dan Bialzik Assistant Planner Department of Community & Economic Development Page 2 M -19 2008 Year End Report ~Oi(\~GElJiS . 2008 Building Accomplishments Highlights . Processed 607 building permits valued at over $17 million . Increased community service hours from 2,317 in 2007 to 4,077 completed in 2008 . Increased community service cases from 152 in 2007 to 227 cases in 2008 . Processed over 161 code compliance cases. . Permitted a 16,000 square foot expansion for Westport Shipyard. . Updated departmental application forms to establish a more user friendly format . Worked cooperatively with local agencies to improve communications on permitting issues Sound Community Bank Sound Community Bank was one of the highest value permits that was processed in 2008. The Bank will occupy the old Burger King site at the corner of Alder and First Streets which has sat vacant since 2003. Demolition of the old structure was completed in late summer of 2008. . Rite Aid Rite Aid submitted plans and received permits in 2008 to build a new store at the southwest corner of Lincoln and 8th Streets. The new development will require the demolition of five buildings including the vacant Round the Clock Deli building. Benefits of Rite Aid's move include remediation of the contaminated Round the Clock site. Though the move will produce a vacancy in Rite Aid's current site at 7th and Lincoln, the new site will significantly update and improve the Lincoln Street corridor. Gateway After breaking ground in 2007, the construction of the Gateway pushed forward in 2008. Design of the gateway is reminiscent of the history of Port Angeles as a logging town and stop on the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad. It is hoped that the Gateway will be a catalytic project for downtown. Department of Community & Economic Development Page 3 . M - 20 . . . 2008 Year End Report T'iI(:n~ m P2R'l'~~\l(,afS 2008 Building Accomplishments Community Service The number of community service cases in 2008 was significantly higher than in 2007. The amount of hours completed almost doubled from the 2007 total. · Total of 4,077 Community Service hours completed · 575 Hours of community service completed with City Departments Total Cases Total Hours Average completed hours! case 2007 153 2,191 14.3 2008 227 4,077 18.0 0/0 Change 48% 86% 26% Code Compliance Code Compliance and nuisance abatement are provided by the Building Division regarding overgrown lots, junk vehicles, dilapidated structures, excessive trash, and violations of devel- opment ordinances such as signs, parking, and land use. The Department of Community & Economic Development and Code Compliance Officer, Patrick Bartholick remained fairly steady with 161 cases in 2008. Graffiti Excessive trash Department of Community & Economic Development Page 4 M - 21 2008 Year End Report ~)ttl:~~~GELES . 2008 Building Accomplishments - Code Compliance Examples of successful cases Before Before After . After Department of Community & Economic Development Page 5 . M - 22 . . . 2008 Year End Report 1"tlld~:l'J'~ ;H" ~)l\r.4~'fGELES 2008 Building Accomplishments Permitting Though 2007 set a record for building permits issued, 2008 saw a decline in the number and value of permits. This decline was especially evident in the number of permits issued for new single family residential construction which dropped 75% compared to the five year average for years 2003-2007. The "other" category, which consists of mainly repairs and alterations, remained fairly steady only slightly below the five year average of 632. A continued decline in permits is likely due to the still slowing economy and decline in the housing market. 607 permits were issued valued at over $17 million with high value projects such as Community Sound Bank and Rite Aid pharmacy ending the permitting process in 2008. Permits Issued 2003-2008 1000 800 600 400 200 o 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Permit Values 2003-2008 Adjusted to 2008 $ 1/1 C o ~ $60 $50 $40 $30 $20 $10 $- 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Department of Community & Economic Development Page 6 M - 23 2008 Year End Report pORi:A~GELES . 2008 Building Accomplishments - Permitting Building Permits 2003-2008 Single Family Residential Multi-Family Residential Commercial Industrial Hotel/Motel Institutional/Recreational Other otal 77 4 10 4 o 4 655 754 73 9 8 11 o 6 570 677 74 1 6 o o 5 724 810 1 3 5 o 577 607 Single Family Residential $ $ $ Multi-Family Residential $ $ $ Commercial $ $ $ Industrial $ $ $ Hotel/Motel $ $ $ In stitutional/Recreational $ 1,592,000 $ 17,522,387 8,611,474 $ 12,940,762 1,800,000 . Other $ 9,198,251 $ 9,419,844 7,585,869 $ 12,806,786 $ 8,708,670 otal $ 20,768,986 $ 48,527,021 37,586,799 $ 40,190,831 $ 17,311,981 2008 Compared to 2003-2007 Average Sin Ie Famil Residential Multi-Famil Residential Commercial Industrial Hotel/Motel* Institutional/ Recreational Other Total 6.6 632.4 738.2 84.8% 8.8% 17.8% $ 9,778,127 $ 9,583,329 $ 38,451,162 81.6% 9.1% 55.0% *There were no hotels built 2003-2007 **2003-2007 values were adjusted to 2008 dollars Department of Community & Economic Development Page 7 . M - 24 . . . 2008 Year End Report 1""1 (':tnm ~)R'l'.l\\lGELES 2008 Planning Accomplishments Highlights · Completed a Phase I report for the redevelopment of the former Rayonier Mill site · Developed affordable housing incentives for the residential medium density and residential high density zones. · Created incentives to maximize density in the residential medium density and high density zones. · Worked with Clallam County staff and the Clallam County Planning Commission to ensure consistency in development standards in the Port Angeles Urban Growth Area. · Participated in the Puget Sound Partnership's workgroup to develop the Strait of Juan de Fuca Action Area Agenda. · Facilitated implementation of the Washington State August 14, 2006 Graving Dock Settlement Agreement. · Actively participated on the William R. Fairchild International Airport Technical Advisory Committee. · Completed a zoning analysis of developable land in Port Angeles and its urban growth areas. · Implemented code changes in support of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Phase II Permit. · Amended the Comprehensive Plan with transportation changes including school walking routes and bicycle and pedestrian connections Department of Community & Economic Development Page 8 M - 25 2008 Year End Report ~)';l~A~GELES . 2008 Planning Accomplishments CTED Grant In 2007, the City submitted an application and received a Competitive Growth Management Grant from the Washington State Department of Community, Trade, and Economic Development (CTED). The purpose of this grant was to help substantially further the City's comprehensive plan and its implementation. Through the CTED grant, the Planning Division coordinated efforts and worked to achieve the following in 2008: . Increased the lot coverage for buildings in the Residential Medium Density and Residential High Density zones . Amended Comprehensive Plan with Site Coverage and Stormwater goals, policies and objectives . Amended the zoning code to include maximum limits for impervious surface site coverage in all residential zones as well as the Commercial Neighborhood (CN) and Commercial Office (CO) zones. This also includes increasing the lot coverage for buildings in the Residential Medium Density and Residential High Density zones . Allows increases in lot coverage if pervious surfaces are incorporated as shown below: . Zone Old Maximum Lot New Maximum Lot New Maximum Site Covera e Covera e Covera e* RS-7 30% 30% 50% RS-9 30% 30% 50% RS-ll 30% 30% 50% RMD 30% 70% RHD 30% 75% CO 45% 45% 75% CN 50% 50% 80% *Additional coverage can be engineered to exceed these limits Department of Community & Economic Development Page 9 . M - 26 . 2008 Year End Report 'r'ti!;;t:n,;w ~)R'l'A\lGEILES 2008 Planning Accomplishments Permitting A total of 56 land use permits were issued in 2008, a decline from 2007 which mirrors a drop in building permits and is attributed to a decline in the housing industry and general economic downturn. This decline is consistent with other areas of the country that are experiencing a decline in development and construction. 2007 Days to 2008 Days to Applications Process 2007 Applications Process 2008 Iication T e Processed AVG Processed AVG nnexation 1 85 0 NA Bed and Breakfast Permit 0 NA 0 NA Binding Site Plan 0 NA 0 NA Boundary Line Adjustment 12 40 12 22 . Conditional Use Permit 12 35 3 41 Environmentally Sensitive Area 4 67 1 NA Home Occupation Permit 2 26 2 38 Infill Overlay Zone (IOZ) NA NA 0 NA Minor Deviation 1 29 1 NA Municipal Code Amendment 5 51 2 71 Planned Residential Development 0 NA 0 NA Retail Stand Permit 0 NA 0 NA Rezone 1 70 0 NA EPA 30 30 17 36 Shoreline Exemption 12 10 8 15 Shoreline Substantial Dev. Permit 5 38 2 42 hort Plat 5 28 5 37 Street Vacation 2 93 0 NA ubdivision 1 55 0 NA emporary Use NA NA 1 15 ariance 6 51 2 26 etland Permit 0 NA 0 NA otal A Iications 99 56 . Department of Community & Economic Development Page 10 M - 27 2008 Year End Report it'l f':l1l 1;1 ~)R'rJ.~\lGELES . 2008 Planning Accomplishments Valley ITumwater Creeks 18th Street Bridge wetland mitigation The completion of the 8th Street bridges project included remediation of the environmentally sensitive areas, specifically wetlands, that exist on the valley floors. In the case of Valley Creek, approximately '12 acre of wetland was impacted by the construction of the bridge. Once the construction staging materials were removed, the area designated for wetland mitigation was excavated to a depth of a few inches above the ordinary high water mark of Valley Creek. Topsoils and wetland soils were stockpiled for future reuse. The area was then back filled with soil high in organic content to a depth of 3 inches using the stockpiles soils. An additional mulch was placed on top of the fill. Once the soil was in place, approximately 1,480 plants made up of approximately 24 different species were planted. The project is expected to replace the function and value of the original wetland in full, and to mesh with future plans for the enhancement of Valley Creek. . Little wetland was disturbed in the Tumwater Creek valley. Mitigation for the disturbance will take the form of the creation of approximately 26,654 square feet of additional riparian zone on the west side of Tumwater Creek where the eastern lane of the Tumwater Truck Route was removed from under the bridge. Approximately 600 native herbaceous plants and shrubs will be planted along with approximately 50 native trees. AlA Grant In 2008, the City applied for and was awarded a Sustainable Design Assessment Team (SDAT) grant from the American Institute of Architects (AlA). The team will provide an "outside eye" broad assessment of the First and Front Street gateway into the City as well as for downtown. In providing the assessment, the SDAT will proVide suggestions on current and future plans for entryway corridors and the downtown and provide input on how these areas can contribute to the City's environmental, economic, and social sustainability. The preliminary SDAT visit is scheduled in January, 2009 with a main visit in March, 2009. During this time the team will meet with various community stakeholders and hold a public meeting to gather information for their final assessment. Department of Community & Economic Development Page 11 . M -28 . . . 2008 Year End Report if!L~~t:n't ~W. ~)lH"A~GEkt:S 2008 Cultural Resource Accomplishments In 2007 the City hired Derek Beery as the City Archeologist. In his first full year with the city Derek has worked toward achieving the City's goal to take steps to protect cultural resources and work to foster a positive relationship with the Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe. The City currently requires monitoring and/or cultural resource review for all development in the vicinity of the shoreline per the August 14, 2006 settlement agreement between the State, the Lower Elwha Tribe, the Port of Port Angeles, and the City. Tasks relating to ground disturbing activities in the vicinity of the waterfront include: · Review of all Clearing and Grading, SEPA, and Shoreline Management permits along the shoreline to include Archaeological Monitoring during ground disturbance. (Alternately, project proponents can choose committee based cultural resource review prior to construction activity in the vicinity of the Port Angeles Waterfront) · Implemented Cultural Resource Monitoring for City projects in the shoreline area. (The Archaeologist conducted 90 days of on site archaeological monitoring for City Projects during the past year.) · Forwarded permit applications and information about other ground disturbing projects for the shoreline area to the Lower Elwha Klallam to obtain comment on the cultural sensitivity as part of our City planning process. · As part of these processes reviewed and issued Cultural Resources Conditions or Comments for 12 projects on the Waterfront during the past year. Derek has also completed a preliminary working draft of an archaeological predictive model of the Port Angeles Waterfront and has presented the findings to the Washington State Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation, the Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe, and the Port of Port Angeles. Derek is in the process of compiling a Predictive Model Management Plan and Regulatory Framework to accompany the predictive model. The model will be used as a tool to help guide development and reduce uncertainty during the early stages of project planning. (The management plan will also consider the utility of non-destructive archaeological investigations in sensitive areas of the Waterfront as part of the strategy.) Department of Community & Economic Development Page 12 M -29 2008 Year End Report T,wCn'f;J1" ~)Wl;A\I<:>'~J,:S . 2008 Cultural Resource Accomplishments Derek has begun to focus on scientifically testing the predictive potential of the model and strengthening its utility by generating additional information from research, fieldwork, and statistical analysis. The City. Archaeologist has taken steps to increase Port Angeles' visibility as a leader in Archaeological Preservation at a Community, State and Federal Level including: . Contacting the Lower Elwha archaeologist or other staff regularly to discuss cultural and archaeological issues in an effort to maintain transparency of actions. . Working closely with City Public Works and Utilities staff during project planning. . Presenting during Public Works engineering meetings concerning topics of cultural resources compliance, preservation issues, and the general archaeological context of the region. (Future City training will include how to handle Unanticipated Discoveries of archaeological materials and how to identify and address issues of cultural sensitivity during the various permitting processes.) . Completing a Data Share Agreement with the Washington State Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation (DAHP). . Preparing a Historic Artifact Agreement with the Clallam County Historical Society. . Being available to the public for educational presentations including giving a presentation . on the City's Archaeological Preservation Program to the Thursday Kiwanis Group. . Attended the Washington Cultural Resources Planning Summit, an Olympic Peninsula Planners Forum, and the National Park Service's Archaeological Geophysics Seminar. . Taking steps to become more clearly recognized as a consulting party in federal cultural resources compliance within Port Angeles' jurisdiction. Department of Community & Economic Development Page 13 . M - 30 . . . 2008 Year End Report iJ'f" ~n, :>1 VOR1'A\!(;ELES Economic Development Accomplishments · Developed the Port Angeles Harbor Works Development Authority to undertake redevelopment of the former Rayonier mill site. · Initiated preliminary efforts to recruit the NOAA Marine Operations Center to Port Angeles. · Developed a five year contract with the Clallam Business Incubator to promote and enhance economic development opportunities in the City of Port Angeles. · Met with the Port Angeles Farmers Market to promote the use of The Gateway Plaza · Entered a five year contract with the Clallam County Economic Development Council for the promotion of economic and employment opportunities, business retention, expansion and recruitment, and prospect management. · In conjunction with the Port Angeles Forward Committee, planned a forum for local businesses to become familiar with local resources available to them. · Work with local businesses to follow and comment on the Department of Ecology's Dioxin Sampling plan for the former Rayonier mill site. · Actively supported rezoning of the Port Angeles Urban Growth Area to provide for future industrial land availability. · Worked in partnership with the Port Angeles Downtown Association, Port Angeles Business Association, Chamber of Commerce, Clallam Business Incubator, Economic Development Council, Port of Port Angeles, and others to assist, support and grow local businesses. The IncubL c!t'llnter Department of Community & Economic Development Page 14 M - 31 2008 Year End Report nnwt"A':NGElLES~ ..['::.::_- ~"'"I: . . . 2009 Objectives Goal: Community Development Objectives: . Begin review and update of the Comprehensive Plan through a community visioning process . Begin update of the Shoreline Master Program incorporating a harbor-wide planning approach developed from the public vision . Provide support to the Port Angeles Forward Committee . Conduct an area plan for a Port Angeles international corridor . Identify ineffective sections of the Port Angeles Municipal Code and update as necessary . Continue to work to ensure compliance with City NPDES Phase II Stormwater Permit . Facilitate training and education for the Planning Commission . Implement updates to the Urban Services Standards and Guidelines and supporting regulations Goal: Economic Development Objectives: . Facilitate implementation of the Gateway project and promote future use of the facility . . Provide a resource base for local businesses to prepare them for good and bad economic times . Establish partnerships with local governments, agencies, and private businesses to promote and grow the Port Angeles economy . Facilitate Rayonier site redevelopment and harbor planning . Promote sustainable industry that complements our location and natural features . Attract new employers with living wage jobs . Ensure predictability for developers in relation to archaeologically and culturally sensitive. finds Goal: Community Livability Objectives: . Facilitate the development of a sufficient supply of attainable housing . Review the Port Angeles Municipal Code to ensure that Multi-Family and Mixed use developments are viable options for developers . Incorporate a new chapter of the Urban Services Standards and Guidelines that addresses landscapes and public places . Support utilization of the Community Development Block Grant Housing Rehabilitation Fund Department of Community & Economic Development Page 15 . M - 32 . . . 2008 Year End Report l)<)il:,r:.\'NGELES Ji~ .1-~ . Goal: Intergovernmental Relations Objectives: · Monitor agreement with Clallam County for development standards in the Urban Growth Areas · Work with Clallam County to develop a consistent approach to stormwater regulation, monitoring, and education · Collaborate with Clallam County towards a seamless annexation process for the City's urban growth areas · Coordinate Low Impact Development efforts with the County and Conservation District Goal: Quality Municipal Services Objectives: · Maintain optimum performance in carrying out all building permit functions · Track processes and staff time in an accurate and reliable manner · City and Department wide access to updated laserfiche files · Consistently pursue code compliance and nuisance abatement issues · Continue to provide a high standard of customer service at the front desk · Maximize the potential of HTE software including the automation of standard documents and the implementation of looking glass software · Insure that record keeping and record retrieval continue to be streamlined for efficient access Department of Community & Economic Development Page 16 M - 33 2008 Year End Report 'l".n;::Cnl ;;W . ~Rl'A\1GEJ:J;:S . 2009 Programs and Projects Economic Development . Actively pursue sustainable industry . Attract new employers with living wage jobs . Promote activities at the multi-modal gateway project in Downtown . Support the Port Angeles Harbor Works Development Authority in the redevelopment of the former Rayonier Mill site . Attract the NOAA Marine Operations Center to Port Angeles . Work to promote the viability of the William R. Fairchild International Airport . Foster public/private partnerships that provide for success of local businesses . Manage local economic development contracts Long Range Plans . Develop an area plan of the Port Angeles international corridor through a grant from the American Institute of Architects . Begin the 2011 Comprehensive Plan Update . Initiate the 2011 Shoreline Master Program Update in conjunction with the Harbor . Management Plan . Implement City zoning in the urban growth area . Draft First and Front Street corridor streetscape plan . Review Sign Ordinance . Document necessity for UGA expansion . Work with Public Works and Utilities to update Urban Services Standards and Guidelines . Develop a predictive model for the location of High, Medium and Low probability areas of cultural resources . Complete the Community Trade and Economic Development 08-09 Competitive Grant Permitting and Code Enforcement . Continue to maintain a high standard for building permit review and inspection . Consistently enforce land use infractions . Pursue infractions until compliance is attained . Laserfiche files and maintain organized department wide filing system Department of Community & Economic Development Page 17 . M - 34 . . . 2008 Year End Report 'n!F~(:n't;sJ:" D~)ltFA~GEX.ES Environmental Issues . Foster a working relationship with Department of Ecology and the Puget Sound Partnership on major projects including: Rayonier redevelopment, combined sewer overflow, harbor planning, shoreline master program, and NPDES Phase II permit . Participate in improving upon the Built Green Checklist . Monitor and implement Low Impact Development Standards . Finalize the Department of Ecology Low Impact Development Grant . Facilitate implementation of new policies in support of NPDES Phase II Permit Department of Community & Economic Development Page 18 M - 35