HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet 02/18/1998 ~ Ra ~.. m;;;:;:;;-;,oZff. -- CITY OF PORT ANGELES CITY COUNCIL MEETING Februarv 18. 1998 v. VI. ddi. o~ o Fr~. --,.,~",,_.-....~ '-':~"'. .., ..-..... ~,~,~.-..-.- . ~- -., ., - - 'P ,..,,-:....f'..-~,;.__~__. (]) '1 I~-~ € ~--~-~k!-I 'l)'iL.____.._ 1-. . &:90 . ~1L-~, :;:;d ~:I ~t~~-----c- -=-=--.== ~::--[~ie./b:;5-=--~~~_ ------r--- ~.~(6V)) -I .'~~-L~~) --.--.----.. H~'~~,~ J)_~. . P-'(:1 f'A.._...:::r: ~ I~ ~_ ~i-~ ~ J-~~~.~..._ 3) ~\ ~ 4- ~__...... I ;. L__ , , --"- - ~ -- ~. __.._u__. ..._~ ~.r ~ _ ___.___ -~~~~ --I ~--~----2J. . ' ___un i ~- ~~ ~.~ ~Lk~~ -'-"--'-'-"- ,-.-..--.-.------.-----.--..---- - -.' - -..--.-.--..-- -~---_..._-------------_.._- -'-"'-'-" I ~ . ..________________.... .-- .--- ~~r' ....~_. · ...;t _~~ J".:J. _~__ ~. _._...__.~-- --.-.{l----.~.._- ---------6- . '~ ~ ~ Gfl> _- ____ .._.__._-~ -~ . ~ -~--_._~ .-------.--..------....-....----------...--...--..- --'" , -~-~----- . ~._..__._......_.~.~..._,...~--,,-_..__..,."..__._.-.--_._..--.. ~_.._...-..- -....-.- '...- '.. -.__.- ~-- - _..~~_._------------_.--._---_._--.-._--_._--_._.".__. '-'-.. J;~'$ ~S ;-..~ hA'... ~ ----.-..-- ...- -...----...- ----------.-- --.-~. .~O:':"-:-:=~-. .---.--------.--. ~ " --'--" :_._..__..._----=..._~-_...~._-_...-:: ~--------_. ---- .._-~--_._-_..-= ._.~ ~ "-- r----- u_ ---....-.---- - ~...~-...r_v/~h~t~.-~ li..:;..-~~.,:;-.:.'...,;.. .;.:.. ."-,,~.::r=.~/~..,~...~. ';t':~i'~~~.. -._~,_.l':O ..."-.<,,.-.---.:: ---. "<-'''-''.---'21 >',;,~(t,..,',.,. .. ---'--~---~~~._..-. .~~._,..~.. .....~...,..._._'-~-_._._-~._----_._- ---. .-. r-- -.---- .--..-.. -_._-------_.~---_.--_. _. ---- .---.--- -.--..-.--- ~-...----.--.--.-..-.- -~ --.-.. . ",' J.. ,. ". r. . dP ...._-~_.- ~.....--...--=-_.-.Y~.-~__-.-........c . . ., ~v ~ . n 1). :..-:'-'__. _. . f -_..._.......~ .,~-,----:-.._..---tl--~=- ~ - ~~. - '-~,p- J..-.Z1-----~.......-. -- '. . . ' ~ ... .+-^ - .. ~ ~...._----~-~-_... .'r~~ ...... e, t:J--e-...-..-..........--..--8-L------.-....- . ~. ~ .' ~~ ~ - ---_.- ~.(~"~iv~~.y-' -L~"'~---":-- . ~~ ~ '.. '- --.- . ~---- ~~ -.-..... .-........... ----- . ~\ --.-- h____.__... '~--'---ZJ ,/ ~ -"';-,,'., '-.-', 1~ -:1,'/0 ~ - ~~ ~-6--'~/~!:-;~c~~~= - ~r ~-~-~ ~:t.__ ~-'-)_.~~-_.__._-_._------_...__._- .----- ....._...._-_._.~--~-_.~_._-----_._.... ....-.----...---.-.--........--. L ".. L I . - ~ . ~ -;~.....~_::_-_.~- ...-.-. __..._._..~ ~ a..., ~_~____~_~\.. ~____ - .~-.~ .---.............. ..-.---...---- ..__.___n.... ~.~.~..J~~~..~...~(._.... -.---~--.....-n-n.-.,'. ""-:...~.-:......:.~.~ ./.....O.-...(j ~ ~ ~ ... _._.__..............._m_........._.. . -----------.------.------,.---.------.-..------.,~:..--..::=y-'~.~L___ _ _............ ~ct LA-4..:_~c..~_.~-.---..n. -'.--'.-----.-.----~.---..-----"------ o' ~1~ ..'-'-'" '---'-'--'-'."'-'--. ...-...--.--......-----......-.........-.. ..... ...._._-----~.... .~. ..~_..._... . -..---....-....-.......-.--... ;.. i f. f . . ~. ,~ .........-..-.....--....... m___= _v- .... ZJr;;::=~/- ~...~. <- ~ ~ .~. .--.------.. .....-_..._............... ....~.,. ~..\h..Mt~_.......... II j. f (}) '- . f f =---~=-r---=~==; U4~--~~t~~ ....---.-........-,-- ~ _"""H"'__,_", ....h._..-~... l-<A- ~~.~.:M_'''~''.!k { , . . . . I. .' , J ~ f\ , 1HH&v-V-.. ........ .' ~'.~ ~.. .... ~~." t ~.&J~~_ ~..~~~ . .-.r--....-----~r_r . r----z .....r~-___:------_-.H..H--..-,- ~-----.-....--.-.- ~_~ (J."'--f_~JL=--AJ& ~~~ ~ 1./11<- ___ ~-_._-~-"--~- --~~-'~--_."_.._-."."._".._'_.-._'-------_.-._--_._~".'. K - ~ '1r-~-~ ~~~ .._.~---~ L~~~__~ ~ ~. --. .....--..-.,-....---..----..-..--~-.~.)--------.-....-.H-......-'.._._____H.______.._............. ----------~----~~-~~~r~_--_- i-=-~-~.r.~~~~~-=~~-~.~~~=~-~=~.------- lt~~~-~-~-~..........~-~_:::::~~___ i I' I ... f----.. ..__. .___. ....._.___.____...__........._____.... .. ......._ .......__........__.___.._.............__...... t I I ~----_ ~____~}c5Su~ " f I l-~-- , , , -.----.---.., I . f' I \ +~-p fA \ f) 7-rA ~ ............. ~....... 0:--2..-.....-.....----..../.. """ H/..___'...........___........... ._._....... ". ....-.._..._...,.,~ ._...'-._,--.._-~--~_."_ ......._..___.___.__...._ _n. " ;. r"'...'--~---_._-u~-,...__.,_., - ~-_. '~-'.'--_...,-- '" Policy Decisions o Should the City promote annexation even if negative . revenue is generated in the' initial years? o What annexation method is preferred, election or petition? o How quickly should the transfer occur, immediately or 3 - 5 years? o What role should the City pursue regarding the provision of electric and water service in this area? o Would it be appropriate to impose a utility tax Or) services provided in newly annexed areas by non-City service providers? o How should annexation occur, zone by zone or all at . . once? ,,) o Should annexed area assume a proportionate share of City indebtedness? o Should City allocate some "general costs II City-wide?