HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet 02/19/2002 . .. ..? . . '~,,:0:':r",,;,~"\',-,":'::";"':' --';~;'::"" ,- .', ;,.. '- :ni1! ROLLCALL- ,; ;""1'. .ii'"-"",,,'"'"'' PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - ;" B; WORK SESSION ErickSon Park "Super Playground" c. FINANCE..,,),;Z .' ~.' ;'<~' i: <r/:'} 1. Acceptance of Septage from Clallam,€ounty,...... Haulers 2. WPAG Annua1Agreement 3. .... Klein~chn:ridt Contract Cha~ge,.Order 4. Morse Creek Waterline Repair "-,~",'''''", - '" -". ""~" ',,,,,.;", , ,-. -- ' CON~ENT~GENDA ......... .f,';";".j 1; City,.CotWCil ~inut~si;; :Febnlary,.?'i~Q.QfJ'.~!1 Special'Meeting, and' February5,2002"~),;.... c. ...... ."< ..... .... o.....Pi!. Regular Meeting" ;".,. 2. Ch~ck Register- February12, 2002 - '$40'5,604.58 /'3:'pfyiioll IIlformation $452,673.18 , .' 4: EleCtronic Transfers - February 8, 2092"' $1,949,952.00 . . .' 5. Wastewater Treatment Plant Operating System and Software}lpgrade 6. OlYmpic Coast BeaclrCleanup . 7. Ediz HookUnde~groundProject:1\cdeptaIlc~ 8. Anlendment #1 to Consultant AgreementfQFe Port Angeles IIlternational Gateway Transportation Center NOTE: BEARINGDEVI . February 19, 2002 ,_.',-\;'::; "OTIIF;R CONSIpE,RAl'J(>NSr' Cable TV Franchise Renewal J. K. L. INFORMATION 1. City Manager's Calenqar,(page ~l) o Fire' Department Mission.State,FentQ>lil9~W,3) o Request to set Sp~cial\.<3ityCoUn9:mrie~!1~~ (page 85) . 2.~umane Society'R~port;; l)~ce,~~~f'~O.9l"'rage 87)':.. J'::~':' 3. Planning CommissionMinuieS't~Janu~~30,$2002 (pag~,~9)';~'U. 4. Public. W orks& Utilities'Mori~iYR~oi-t"~.January2002;~(p~ge!91 )):, 5. Community'DevelopnieritjMoJJtNY~~P9n.lJa!1tiary,2~02) 'fPagei93), 6. Fire Department MonthlyRepor(:':j[ri~ai-y 2002 (page 95r''' ;: ::, -~, 'c. ., <~',_:,'~.::> _,':,".- -::',:"-~ " -" 7. Police Department Monthly Report ;;]anu,ary2002 (p,l!ge IQl) .".. _""(~,~, '., 't_~ .', : _ "_l; , "_, ',' ,,' . '., ,: ~ <.~ - ; :', ,.-:l'" " ".c' -~ M. EXECUTIVE SESSION {As neede(i~iz~'l!~!e,."JinedbyCityA'to;"'ey) N. G:\CNCLPK1iAGENDA \02-0219, wpd .', NOTE: HEARINGDEVICE.S:'A~AILABLEF0R TH()SENEEDING: ASSISTANCE v",'---" ,."";,__'.,.;,u-,-_';i;"".,,.r.~:.;1','-_-,. .'~' ""_' ''"..:,.''___ 'c'., "C-, '~_ "("_-,' . , '. ~:yOR(If()~]jE<l1ERMlNEIIi'JlIME{aF;nREAK " . ." ,... '. , 'February 19; 2002~ott.,..~~ge1~sICitYiCoUficilN1e. etiiig' "c,: _ ,-. _ _:.' '.'Page~2 FORTANGELES WAS H I N G TON, U. s. A. CITY OF PORT ANGELES " CITY COUNCIL MEETING I. CALL TO ORDER - REGULAR MEETING: II. ROLL CALL: Members Present: Mayor Wiggins Councilman Braun Councilman Campbell Councilmember Erickson Councilman Headrick Councilmember Rogers Councilman Williams Staff Present: Manager Quinn Attorney Knutson Clerk Upton B. Collins M. Connelly G. Cutler D. McKeen T. Riepe Y. Ziomkowski ~ V' ~ ~tJ At.- ~ February 19_ 2002 tJ~ o.~. I III. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Led by: &,.Lt\~~mfJJQ)U ~ (;ITY OF PORT ANGELES · ~ORTANGELES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL MEETING Attendance Roster DATE OF MEETING: February 19.2002 LOCATION: City Council Chambers 90S W. /I~ST / '. I~ 'Th . . . ~ORTAN ELES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: FEBRUARY 19,2002 To: MAYOR WIGGINS AN~Y COUNCIL MARC CONNELL~RECTOR OF PARKS AND RECREATION FROM: SUBJECT: Erickson Park "Super Playground" Project Summary: Jim Bolton will be in attendance representing a citizens group sponsored by the Port Angeles Kiwanis Club. This group formed to develop and fund a replacement playground for Erickson Park. This playground is unique and special in terms of its design approach, size, and cost. The approach is one that resembles a community "barn raising" project. Mr. Bolton will be making a short presentation which will include a brief video tape regarding the project, its approach and the upcoming "dream and design day" scheduled for February 22, 2002. Attached are photographic images of similar playground built elsewhere across the country. Over 1,600 examples of these special playgrounds exist throughout the country. Local examples are found in Bainbridge Island, Shelton, and South Whidbey Island. Recommendation: That the City Council review and comment on the proposal for a "Super Playground" for Erickson Park. Background I Analysis: The City Council approved funding in the amount of $7,000 to replace the existing playground in Erickson Park as part of the adopted 2002 budget. At their regular meeting held Thursday, November 15, 2001 the Parks, Recreation and Beautification Commission reviewed a presentation by a citizens group represented by Jim Bolton to fund and construct a "super playground" to replace the existing structure at Erickson Park. The Commission unanimously supported the idea. The Port Angeles Kiwanis Club has retained the services of Leathers and Associates, New York Architects to develop the design and manage construction on site. In addition, the Kiwanis Club is providing its non-profit status as a means to aid in the fund raising efforts to acquire the materials needed to construct the playground. The architect has successfully managed the development and construction of over 1600 such playgrounds nationwide. Currently Port Angeles and Wenatchee are in the planning stages. The project involves three distinct phases including: 1 Dream and Design Day-On February 22. 2002 a representative from the architectural firm visits 8 Port Angeles Elementary Schools to engage school children to discuss what they would like to see in "their" playground. On the same day after meeting with area children and gathering together their ideas, the architect then spends several hours developing a concept plan for presentation at a fund raising "Kick-off Rally" scheduled for 7 p.m. at the Vern Burton Center that . evening. Attendance at the rally is expected to number at several hundred, including all the children who were involved at their local schools in the design discussion, their parents and others interested in the project. It is at this meeting where the concept play for the playground will be unveiled. Fund Raising and Volunteer Coordination-Following Design Day the local community begins fund raising efforts to acquire the materials and supplies and volunteers necessary to construct the playground according to the specifications prepared by the architect. The local Kiwanis Club will be responsible for managing the fund raising efforts, providing the accounting necessary, and organize the volunteers required to complete the project. Construction-The project is planned to be under construction in middle September. This project closely resembles a typical "barn raising" where the entire community pitches in to help build the playground. The project is expected to take approximately 4 days to complete. The architect will serve as the project manager to ensure that all the volunteer work is coordinated properly and the playground is built according to the plans and all related construction and safety guidelines and regulations. Attached are exhibits providing some visual detail and examples relating to the playground project including: Exhibit A: Photograph-Design Day at Schools. Exhibit B: Promotional Flyer Exhibit C: Photographs (3)-Erickson Park Play Area Location . . 2 Som . I mes . . really If You Could Dream U~ the Best Playground Ever, What Would If Be Like? Tricky tunnels, slippery slides and mystical mazes? Tree-top hideaways or turreted castles? Pirate ships or spaceships? Quiet gardens or a lively jungle gym? Soon Port Angeles Will Have Such A Play- ground &You Can Help Build If. The Kiwanis Club of Port Angeles, along with many com- munity service organizations, businesses, schools, churches and lots of other people are sponsoring a new children's play- ground to be built at Erickson Park on Race Street. . The Playground Will Be Designed And Created For And By Kids And lf's Conna Take The Whole Community To Build It. Become Part Of Our Dream Team? Our architects and their helpers will join Port Angeles school children on a special Dream & Design Day, Friday Febru- ary 22nd, to begin the playground's creation. Then the children's design dreams will be shared with the entire com- munity. Be there for this exciting new venture, when our "junior architects" share their playground vision and see how dreams really can come true! Dream & Design Day: Friday, Feb. 22 Where: Vern Burton Community Center When: 7 :00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Who: Children of all ages & those who love them Refreshments will be served. 3 To offer your imagination, ideas, dreams, talents or tools to this Port Angeles Community Dream Playground, contact Dan Maguire, Playground Co-Chair clo Kiwanis Club of Port Angeles P.O. Box 911 Port Angeles WA 98362 Phone 360-452-9244 (at the YMCA) Email: danmag@ccfymca.org '^~ w~ :) cD. .-. >- "I- Z "':) \f\~ ~ o \f\\J e:::. lidO LL Z \J IIJ~ .du 1275x1755x16M jpeg t G Nt::> Y \N eAC(< C>~ PR6,~E..NTA"to'(<.J ~eoM . ..t7~\&>l'-l~~ M~S.TS \)j\'rt4 c;.~ow~ OF' CHILDR~.N . Founding Member: Community Built Assoclalion Leathers & Associates, 11le. . 99 fastlake Roaa, Ithaw, NY 14850 · 607277-1650 Fax: 607277-1433 . [.mail: leathers@leathersassociates.com . Web: www'/eathersossocioles.com . 4---..............--....-...............................~.................. . . . ",,;.ru< "~/~~~:_ ' '--"'::"','" ...::.-;-,\,,/ ,:-'.'..1; 5 r-- 6 . . . . . . 7 . . . 8 1--- I . . . ~ORTANGELES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: February 19,2002 To: MAYOR WIGGINS AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: Glenn A. Cutler, Director of Public Works and Utilities SUBJECT: Acceptance of Septage From Clallam County Haulers Summary: The City is considering accepting septage at the Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP). This will require procurement of additional equipment and possible plant modifications. Lakeside Corporation has agreed to provide a septage acceptance plant (SAP) free of charge until March 6th, 2002 as a demonstration. In an effort to have a meaningful test of the SAP it is necessary to process a steady supply of septage during this period. Recommendation: Authorize the Director of Public Works and Utilities to accept septage from Clallam County haulers for the period of February 20, 2002 to on or about March 6, 2002 at the established rate of $0.11 per e:allon. Background/Analysis: The 2002 budget includes funds for the addition of a septage acceptance plant (SAP) at the wastewater treatment plant (WWTP). There are a number of different options available for receiving septage. A proposal has been made by Goble Sampson Associates (manufacturers representative) and Lakeside Corporation that will give their equipment a test for accepting septage prior to entering the wastewater treatment plant. A Model 31 SAP has been delivered and set up at the WWTP. The unit is available until on or about March 6, 2002 to demonstrate the effectiveness of the unit. Lakeside Corporation desires that the City operate the SAP as much as possible. This will require a significant volume of septage. Clallam County septic haulers will be able to provide a steady supply of septage for this testing period. The WWTP staffwill analyze various scenarios for plant loadings and installation locations. Per the P AMC septic haulers will be charged $0.11 a gallon to treat their wastes. Acceptance of septage from outside the City requires approval of the City Council. Therefore, it is recom- mended that the City Council permit interested Clallam County septage haulers permission to participate in this demonstration program. The Utility Advisory Committee considered this proposal at their meeting on February 12,2002, and recommended approval. Lakeside Corporation appreciates the opportunity to test their equipment and expects neither payment nor a purchase agreement for the unit. N:\PWKS\WW A TER\cc-LakesideSAP.wpd 9 I I . . . 10 . . . ~ORTANGELES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: February 19,2002 To: MAYOR WIGGINS AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: Glenn A. Cutler, Director of Public Works and Utilities SUBJECT: Western Public Agencies Group (WPAG) Agreements for 2002 Summary: The City has been a member of the Western Public Agencies Group for several years. It is comprised of 21 Washington public utilities with similar interests. Each year the group contracts with two consultants and develops a scope of work for issues expected during the year. This year's total contract amount is estimated to be $220,000, of which the City's share will be less than $12,000. Recommendation: Authorize the Director of Public Works and Utilities to sign agreements with Marsh Mundorf Pratt and Sullivan, and EES Consulting for WPAG services during the I vear 2002 for an amount not to exceed $12,000. Backl!round I Analvsis: The City of Port Angeles, along with 21 other public utilities in Washington, are members of the Western Public Agencies Group. This group was formed in 1980 to share costs in contracting with experts in the regional power field. The law firm of Marsh Mundorf Pratt and Sullivan, and EES Consulting are the two primary consultants to WPAG. Each year, the members ofWPAG establish a budget based on expected regional issues for the year. Allocations of the total budget are divided among the participating utilities based on number of customers, KWH sales, and utility investment. The City's share of a total WP AG budget of$220,000 is $11,414 or 5.2%. This expense was included in the City's 2002 budget in the amount of $10,000. The budget in the prior year was about $219,000 with the City's share about $10,000. The City's share has increased for 2002 because one utility withdrew this year, and the City's annual KWH sales increased due to replacement of the Elwha generation. As this budget is an estimated amount, and not all utilities participate in the entire scope of work, it is requested that the City enter into the agreements with a cap of $12,000. Attached are the agreements and scope of work for the 2002 calendar year with Marsh Mundorf Pratt and Sullivan, and EES Consulting. The agreements have been reviewed by the City Attorney. The Utility Advisory Committee reviewed this issue at their February 12,2002 meeting and concurred with the recommendation. Attachments: Agreement with Marsh Mundorf Pratt and Sullivan Agreement with EES Consu1tin~ WP AG scope of services and bldket N:\PWKS\LIGH1\POWM\MEMOS\ccwpag2002.wpd , LEGAL SERVICES AGREEMENT . THIS AGREEMENT is made between BENTON RURAL ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, WASHINGTON; CITY OF PORT ANGELES, WASHINGTON; CITY OF CHENEY, WASHINGTON; CITY OF ELLENSBURG, WASHINGTON; CITY OF MILTON, WASHINGTON; TOWN OF EATONVILLE, WASHINGTON; TOWN OF STEILACOOM, WASHINGTON; ALDER MUTUAL LIGHT COMPANY, ELMHURST MUTUAL POWER AND LIGHT COMPANY, WASHINGTON; LAKEVIEW LIGHT.AND POWER COMPANY, WASHINGTON; OHOPMUTUAL LIGHT COMPANY, WASHINGTON; PARKLAND LIGHT AND WATER COMPANY, WASHINGTON; PENINSULA LIGHT COMPANY, WASHINGTON; PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT NO. 1 OF CLALLAM COUNTY, WASHINGTON; PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT NO. 1 OF CLARK COUNTY, WASHINGTON; PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT OF KITTITAS COUNTY, WASHINGTON; PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT NO.1 OF LEWIS COUNTY, WASHINGTON; PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT NO. 1 OF MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON; PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT NO.3 OF MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON; PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT NO. 2 OF PACIFIC COUNTY, WASHINGTON; PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT NO.1 OF SNOHOMISH COUNTY, WASHINGTON; (public Utilities); and MARSH MUNDORF PRATT SULLN AN & McKENZIE (Attorney) for the provision of legal services and the payment of compensation as specified herein. WHEREAS, the Public Utilities presently purchase electric power from the Bonneville . Power Administration (BP A) pursuant to wholesale rate schedules determined by BP A after public hearing pursuant to Section 7 of the Pacific Northwest Electric Power Planning and Conservation Act (Act); WHEREAS, BP A is considering adoption of various policies, rate forms and long-term contracts which would have a major impact on the wholesale rates of the Public Utilities, and WHEREAS, BP A is preparing to conduct hearings and public processes to decide issues which will affect Bonneville's wholesale rate schedules and Power Sales Contracts for the Public Utilities; and WHEREAS, the Public Utilities wish to actively participate in these hearings and processes to protect the interests of their ratepayers, and WHEREAS, the Public Utilities may wish to diversify their power supply sources, It is Therefore Agreed That: 1. The Attorney shall advise, assist and appear on behalf of the, Public Utilities in hearings and public processes relating to issues set forth Exhibit A referenced herein attached and as directed by the Public Utilities. . 12 Page 1 of2 I . 2. Public Utilities shall compensate the Attorney for these services at an average hourly rate not to exceed $135.00~ Out-of-pocket expensest such as telephonet telecopYt copying andpostaget and reasonable and necessary travel expenses shall be in addition to the hourly rate. The Attorney shall send each of the Public Utilities an itemized statement for legal services rendered and out':'of-pocket expenses on a monthly basis. 3. The Attorney fees and out-of-pocket expenses incurred hereunder shall be divided among the Public Utilities according to the formulas attached in Exhibit A. 4. The activities encompassed by this Agx:eement are set forth in Exhibit A attached hereto. No other activities shall be undertaken without prior authorization of the Public Utilities. It is understood that the length and amount of work necessary in these proceedings is unique and the cost may exceed these estimates. 5. Files of the Attorney relating directly. to the foregoing legal services shall be available for examination by the authorized representative of the Public Utilities or their. attorneys and shall, upon reasonable request, be turned over the Public Utilities if the Attorney ceases to act as attorney for the Public Utilities. 6. Because the attorney-client relationship is dependent upon mutual trust and full confidence, an individual Public Utility; the Public Utilities collectivelYt or the Attorney may terminate this Agreement at any time upon written notice. . MARSH MUNDORF PRATT SULLN AN & McKENZIE Date: January 17. 2002 ~ By: ~ :< f7~?y Terence L. Mundorf UTll..ITY Date: By: Manager . 13 Page 2 of2 CONSULTING SERVICES AGREEMENT EES CONSULTING, INC. . Billing Address P.O. Box 52810, Bellevue, Washington 98015-2810 (425) 452-9200 Work Order #17560 This Consulting Services Agreement (herein Agreement) is made between EES Consulting, Inc., (hereinafter "EES CONSULTING") and the City of Port Angeles, P.O. Box 1150, Port Angeles, Washington 98362 (hereinafter "CLIENT"). I. SCOPE. COMPENSATION AND QUALITY OF CONSULTING SERVICES EES CONSULTING will provide the services and be compensated for these services as desCribed in Exhibit A, attached hereto. EES CONSULTING shall render its services in accordance with generally accepted professional practices. EES CONSULTING shall, to the best of its knowledge and belief, comply with applicable laws, ordinances, codes, rules, regulations, permits and other published requirements in effect on the date this Agreement is signed. II. TERMS & CONDITIONS OF CONSULTING SERVICES AGREEMENT 1. TIming of Work. EES CONSULTING shall commence work on or about January 1, 2002. 2. Relationship of Parties. No Third-Party Beneficiaries. EES CONSULTING is an independent contractor under this Agreement This Agreement gives no rights or benefits to anyone not named as a party to this Agreement, and there are no third party beneficiaries to this Agreement 3. Insurance. a. Insurance of EES CONSULTING. EES CONSULTING will maintain throughout the performance of this Agreement the following types and amounts of insurance: Worker's Compensation and Employer's Liability Insurance as required by applicable state or federal law. ii. Comprehensive Vehicle Liability Insurance covering personal injury and property damage claims arising from the use of motor vehicles with combined single limits of $1,000,000. iii. Commercial General Liability Insurance covering claims for personal injury and property damage with combined single limits of $1.000,000. iv. Professional Liability (Errors and Omissions, on a c1aims-made basis) Insurance with limits of $1,000,000. b. Interpretation. Notwithstanding any other provision(s) in this Agreement, nothing shall be construed or enforced so as to void, negate or adversely affect any otherwise applicable insurance held by any party to this Agreement . 4. Mutual Indemnification. EES CONSULTING agrees to indemnify and hold harmless CLIENT and its employees from and against any and all loss, cost, damage, or expense of any kind and nalure (including, without limitation, court costs, expenses, and reasonable attorneys' fees) arising oul of injury to persons or damage to property (including, without limitation, property of CLIENT, EES CONSULTING, and their respective employees, agents, licensees, and representatives) in any manner caused by the negligent acts or omissions of EES CONSULTING in the performance of its work pursuant to or in connection with this Agreement to the extent of EES CONSULTING's proportionate negligence, if any. CLIENT agrees to indemnify and hold harmless EES CONSULTING and its employees from and against any and all loss. cost, damage, or expense of any kind and nature (including without limitation. court costs, expenses and reasonable attomeys' fees) arising out of injury to person(s) or damage to property (including. without limitation, property of CLIENT. EES CONSULTING, and their respective employees. agents, licensees and representatives) in any manner caused by the negligent acts or omissions of CLIENT or other(s) with whom CLIENT contracts ("CLIENrs agents") to perform work pursuant to or in connection with this Agreement, to the extent of CLIENrs or CLlENrs agents proportionate negligence. if any. 5. Resolution of Disputes. Attorneys' Fees. The law of the State of Washington shall govem the interpretation of and the resolution of disputes under this Agreement If any claim, at law or otherwise, is made by either party to this Agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled to its costs and reasonable attorneys' fees. 6. Termination of Agreement Either EES CONSULTING or CLIENT may terminate this Agreement upon thirty (30) days written notice to the other sent to the addresses listed herein. In the event CLIENT terminates this agreement, CLIENT specifically agrees to pay EES CONSULTING for all services rendered through the termination date. By: Gary Saleba .-. ( \ I ('\ \..! ),\ ,,~.-\ , ,r \ (' , / \ r U., I to. y-.. ; .\./,-,'-"\ /"_; ( ,__XY....:0-C '--- !~ \ ) , , CITY OF PORT ANGELES EES CONSULTING, INC. By: Title: President Title: Date: January 17, 2000- Date: . 14 . . . . . EXHIBIT A Western Public Agencies Group 2002 Scope of Services and Budget The Western Public Agencies Group (WP AG) comprises 21 publicly owned utilities in the state of Washington: Benton REA, Clallam County P.U.D. No.1, Clark Public Utilities, the City of Cheney, the City of Ellensburg, Kittitas County P.D.D. No.1, Lewis County P.U.D. No.1, Mason County P.U.D. No.1, Mason County P.U.D. No.3, Pacific County P.U.D. No.2, Peninsula Light Company, the City of Port Angeles, Snohomish County P.U.D. No.1, and members of the Pierce County Cooperative Power Association, which includes Alder Mutual Light Company, the Town of Eatonville, Elmhurst Mutual Power and Light Company, Lakeview Light and Power Company, the City of Milton, Ohop Mutual Light Company, Parkland Light and Water Company, and the Town ofSteilacoom. Together the WP AG member utilities serve more than one million customers and purchase more than 12 billion kilowatt-hours from the Bonneville Power Administration ("Bonneville") each year. WPAG member utilities also own or receive output from more than 500 megawatts of non- Bonneville generation and purchase more than 400 megawatts of power from sources other than Bonneville. WP AG members are winter-peaking utilities with lower annual load factors. WP AG members' similar characteristics have caused them to join together, to represent their interests before Bonneville, and in other forums in the Pacifi~ Northwest and the United States since 1980. WPAG has intervened as a group in every major Bonneville rate proceeding since enactment of the Pacific Northwest Electric Power Planning and Conservation Act of 1980. WP AG' s interests have also been represented in Congress, before the Northwest Power Planning Council, and in other regional forums. The scope of services presented here includes areas that various other organizations, of which WP AG members might also be members, cannot advocate for WP AG members due to conflicts of interest within those organizations. WP AG thus fills a need that is unmet by membership in the Public Power Council, the Northwest Public Power Association, the Pacific Northwest Utilities Conference Committee and other similar groups. 15 A-l : EXHIBIT A Scope of Services . The 2002 scope of services for WP AG is proposed as follows: . BP A Rates BP A will have periodic CRAC adjustments which will be followed closely. . General WP AG Activities and Meetings During 2002, EES Consulting and MMPS&M will monitor and comment on regional and federal activities of general interest to include BP A-related legislation, ISO/RTO progress, Regionalization of BP A, and any other new topic of mutual interest and relevance. Monthly meetings will be held to briefWP AG members on these activities. . RTO The westsider R TO proposal continues on. We will actively participate in this process on behalfofWPAG. . DSI Survivability BP A is considering additional snbsidies to keep the DSIs in operation. We will monitor the . DSI survival study process. . Regional Benefits There is another push to reallocate the federal power among the IOU, public power and DSI interests. WP AG participation will be important to presenting a strong public power position. Negotiations with the IOUs are currently underway and will last through 2002. . Olympia Legislative Session The 2002 legislative session is not expected to deal with WP AG-related activities in any major fashion such as industry restructuring or deregulation, but may touch on other utility issues such as taxation, financial/rate information sharing, telecommunication issues, etc. EES Consulting and MMPS&M will monitor these activities on behalf of WP AG' s specific interests. . Litigation A challenge to the Subscription ROD is pending. If pursued, additional funding above and beyond this proposed budget may be needed. . 16 A-2 .' :. . . EXHIBIT A . Regional Review 2 If a "Regional Review 2" is initiated, additional funding above and beyond this proposed budget may be needed. Budget The budget for the scope of services described above is calculated at the following billing rates for EES Consulting and MMPS&M: EES Consulting President........................................................................... ....... $130 per hour Vice PresidentlManaging Director............................................ 120 per hour Project Manager ........................................................................ 110 per hour Analyst or Engineer................................................................... 100 per hour Clerical................................................................................. 60 - 80 per hour MMPS&M Principal.................................................................................. $135 per hour Associate .......................................................................... ......... 110 per hour These billing rates will remain in effect through December 31, 2002. On the basis 'of the above billing rates, the 2002 labor budgets ofEES Consulting and MMPS&M combined are estimated to be $200,000. This labor budget will be split equally between EES Consulting and MMPS&M. In addition to labor costs, out-of-pocket expenses will be billed to WP AG members at their cost to EES Consulting and MMPS&M. It is estimated that $20,000 in total out-of-pocket expenses will be incurred for all work elements in total. Out-of-pocket costs will be billed by whichever organization actually incurs the expense. The total estimated WP AG budget for 2002 is estimated at $220,000. As always, the allocation of the budget among WP AG members is open to negotiation by the participants. We have attached an inter-utility allocation predicated on the most recent available utility data, assuming a 15 percent maximum allocation to anyone utility. After a final count of WP AG participants, a final budget by utility will be prepared. An example of the budget's allocation is attached af the end of this narrative. 17 A-3 ." EXHIBIT A . . Project Staffing The staffing for this project will be similar to that for past WP AG activities. Gary Saleba and Terry Mundorf will be the principal representatives for EES Consulting and MMPS&M, respectively. Additional MMPS&M and EES Consulting staff will assist as needed. 18 . . . A-4 '. Western Public Ao.S Group Proposed Budget for 2002 Scope of Services EES Consulting and Marsh Mundorf Pratt & Sullivan Source: 2001-2002 Northwest Electric Utility Directory (NWPPA) . . . . January 17, 2002 Total Budget Labor Expenses Total $ $ $ 200,000 20,000 220,000 Pi Average of Customers, Energy Sales and Investment Customers Energy Sales Investment With 15% Budget Allocation Without Cap Cap with Cap percent of percent of percent of percent of percent of number total kilowatt-hours total dollars total total total dollars divldual Utilities Benton Electric REA 12,391 2.0% 433,249,229 2.6% $ 59,832,083 2.5% 2.4% 6.1% $ 13,327 Clallam County PUD 25,515 4.1% 577,007,119 3.5% $ 58,416,910 2.4% 3.3% 8.3% $ 18,300 Clark Public Utilties 156,151 25.2% 4,393,375,903 26.5% $ 550,126,000 22.5% 24.8% 15.0% $ 33,000 City of Cheney 3,800 0.6% 111,700,000 0.7% $ 2,253,239 0.1% 0.5% 1.1% $ 2,416 City of Ellensburg 7,400 1.2% 182,686,000 1.1% $ 13,658,142 0.6% 1.0% 2.4% $ 5,173 Klttita40unty PUD 2,608, 0.4% 60,595,000 0.4% $ 11,527,647 0.5% 0.4% 1.1% $ 2,387 Lewl~unty PUD No.1 27,106 4.4% 775,621,495 4.7% $ 101,284,874 4.1 % 4.4% 11.2% $ 24,680 Mason County PUD No.1 4,961 0.8% 63,417,488 0.4% $ 13,084,005 0.5% 0.6% 1.5% $ 3,201 Mason County PUD No.3 27,926 4.5% 601,136,534 3.6% $ 100.865,759 4.1 % 4.1 % 10.5% $ 23,032 Pacific County PUD No.2 15,840 2.6% 297,915.451 1.8% $ 33,424,998 1.4% 1.9% 4.8% $ 10,471 Peninsula Light Company 26,000 4.2% 503,692,137 3.0% $ 49,329,000 2.0% 3.1 % 7.7% $ 16,844 City of Port Angeles 9,803 1.6% 633,739,518 3.8% $ 23,000,000 0.9% 2.1 % 5.2% $ 11,414 Snohomish County PUD No.1 264,896 42.7% 7,096,958,000 42.9% $ 1,375,992,000 56.4% 47.3% 15.0% $ 33,000 erca County Cooperative Power Association Alder Mutual Light Company 221 0.0% 3,317,585 0.0% $ 304,166 0.0% 0.0% 0.1 % $ 123 Town of Eatonville 1,076 0.2% 23,412,000 0.1% $ 1,150,000 0.0% 0.1 % 0.3% $ 644 Elmhurst Mutual Power and Light Company 12,130 2.0% 246,285,882 1.5% $ 12,701,209 0.5% 1.3% 3.2% $ 7,049 Lakeview Light and Power Company 9,084 1.5% 285,403,153 1.7% $ 9,727,671 0.4% 1.2% 2.9% $ 6,360 City of Milton 2,780 0.4% 54,178,000 0.3% $ 2,378,975 0.1% 0.3% 0.7% $ 1,544 Ohop Mutual Light Company 3,556 0.6% 65,678,040 0.4% $ 8,890,160 0.4% 0.4% 1.1% $ 2,463 Par1dand Light and Water Company 4,000 0.6% 111,118,300 0.7% $ 11,200,000 0.5% 0.6% 1.5% $ 3,270 Town of Steilacoom 2,677 0.4% 39,009,396 0.2% $ 1,785,000 0.1% 0.2% 0.6% $ 1,303 Subtotal Pierce County Cooperative Power Association 35,524 5.7% 828,402,356 5.0% $ 48,137,181 2.0% 4.2% 10.3% $ 22,755 Total 619,921 100.0% 16,559,496,230 100.0% $ 2,440,931,838 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% $ 220,000 In Note: Allocation percentages assume full participation by all member utilities. O~ . . . . . . ~ORTANGELES CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: February 19,2002 To: MAYOR WIGGINS AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: Glenn A. Cutler, Director of Public Works and Utilities SUBJECT: Kleinschmidt Associates Agreement Change Order Summary: The City entered into an agreement with Kleinschmidt Associates to perform an evaluation of the sale price of the Morse Creek Hydroelectric project. Additional work has been requested to evaluate the appropriate level for the lease cost, and to re-evaluate both the sale price and lease cost under the proposed minimum flow restrictions. The initial agreement was for $10,170. Recommendation: Approve and authorize the City Manager to sign a change order with Kleinschmidt Associates to revise the total compensation to thier contract to an amount not to exceed $17,000. Backl!round / Analvsis: A professional services agreement with Kleinschmidt Associates was executed in August of2001, to evaluate the appropriate sale price for the Morse Creek Hydroelectric project. The original agreement was signed under the authority of the City Manager, which is limited to $15,000.00. Additional work by Kleinschmidt is requested to evaluate the project lease terms and to evaluate the revised flow levels that have been proposed in negotiations with the US Fish and Wildlife Service, National Marine Fisheries Service, the Department of Ecology, State of Washington Fish and Wildlife Service, and the Elwha Klallam Tribe. Since these evaluations would cause the agreement value to exceed the authority of the City Manager, this change order is being brought before the City Council for approval. The Utility Advisory Committee recommended approval of this change order at their February 12,2002 meeting. 21 N:\PWKS\LIGHT\POWM\MORSECRK\CCKleinschmidt021902. wpd I i i ~,_, ~~._, 22 .'" . ., . . . ~ORTANGELES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: February 19,2002 To: MAYOR WIGGINS AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: Glenn A. Cutler, Director of Public Works and Utilities SUBJECT: Morse Creek Pipeline Repair Change Order Summary: The City entered into an agreement with Morrison Excavating to repair a leak in the Morse Creek pipeline. Soil and Hydraulic Permit Approval (HP A) requirements by the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife necessitated additional materials and work to complete the repair. Recommendation: Approve and authorize the City Manager to sign a change order with Morrison Excavatine that revises the total contract amount to $20,857.50. Back~roundl Analysis: A contract with Morrison Excavating was executed in November of2001 to repair a leak in the Morse Creek pipeline to enable the restart of the Morse Creek Hydroelectric facility. The original contract and changes totaling $11,749.92 were approved under the authority of the City Manager. Additional work and materials were needed due to unanticipated soil conditions and added HPA requirements. The repair work was started January 16 and was completed on January 26, 2002. Unit costs had already been established in the contract for the additional work and materials. . Since the additional work and materials have exceeded the $15,000 authority of the City Manager, it is recommended that the City Council approve a final change order to increase the contract amount to $20,857.50. This work is being funded from Electric Fund reserves. It is anticipated that the costs will be recovered either through the lease agreement or sale of the facility. N:\PWKS\WATER\MORSECR\Repair work\CC_2_19_02.wpd 23 . . . 24 . . . CALL TO ORDER: ROLL CALL: Tour of Public Works Facilities ADJOURNMENT: CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington February 5, 2002 Members of the City Council departed City Hall at 9:00 a.m. for the purpose of touring various Public Works facilities in the City. Members Present: Mayor Wiggins, Councilmembers Braun, Campbell, Headrick, and Williams. Members Absent: Councilmembers Erickson and Rogers. Staff Present: G. Cutler, G. Kenworthy, D. McGinley, T. McCabe, and J. Young. Public Present: C. Headrick. Tour of Public Works Facilities: Public Works & Utilities Director Cutler conducted a tour of the City's Public Works facilities for any interested Councilmembers, particularly those recently elected to the Council. Facilities toured were the Ranney collector, the Landfill, the Wastewater Treatment Plant, and the area of the Laurel Street slide repairs. The tour was concluded at approximately 12:30 p.m. Becky J. Upton, City Clerk Glenn Wiggins, Mayor 25 - 1 - . . . 26 . . . CALL TO ORDER: ROLL CALL: PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: PUBLIC CEREMONIES, PRESENTATIONS AND PROCLAMATIONS: Retirement Presentation for Steve Evans, Solid Waste Disposal Supervisor WORK SESSION: LATE ITEMS TO BE PLACED ON THIS OR FUTURE AGENDA: CITY COUNCIL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington February 5, 2002 Mayor Wiggins called the regular meeting of the City Council to order at 6:00 p.m. Members Present: Mayor Wiggins, Councilmembers Braun, Campbell, Erickson, Headrick, Rogers, and Williams. Members Absent: None. Staff Present: Manager Quinn, Attorney Knutson, Clerk Upton, B. Collins, M. Connelly, G. Cutler, D. McKeen, T. Riepe, Y. Ziomkowski, S. Evans, T. McCabe, T. Smith, K. Ridout, D. Miller, G. Kenworthy, K. Loghry, C. Kochanek, and B. Coons. Public Present: J. Mitchel, B. Hester, 1. Tiller, R. Womac, E. Sorensen, E. Di.D.ius, R. Lee, S. Evans and family, F. Steiner, L. Dewitt, L. Lee, J. Swedstedt, P. Bartholick, M. Bartholick, 1. McDonald, A. Stroup, K. Rickel, K. Spence, T. Price, D. Kari, M. McCabe, E. Evans, 1. Gentry, and T. Lukusa. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Boy Scout Troop #1191, Leaders Mark Madsen, Pat Bartholick, Josh Gentry. Scouts participating were Tyler Madsen, Isaac Madsen, Ryan Madsen, Max Van Orman, Morgan Bartholick, and Trent Adams. Mayor Wiggins introduced Port Townsend Mayor Kees Kolff and City Manager David Timmons, after which Mayor Kolff offered a few words on having met members of the Port Angeles City Council at meetings held in Tacoma and Olympia. He noted that the respective cities were indeed sister cities with the same interests and social, environmental, and economic concerns. He further addressed working together in the future to explore ways of mutual benefit, such as through the Peninsula Development Association. Mr. Timmons shared Mayor Kolffs desires and expressed his hopes for cooperation and collaboration. Mayor Wiggins read and presented a Proclamation addressing Mr. Evans' career, and Public Works & Utilities Director Cutler then presented Mr. Evans with a plaque in appreciation of his many years of service. None. Manager Quinn addressed citizen involvement regarding the series of arson fires on Saturday, February 2nd. and thanked the Police and Fire Departments for their professional follow-up work. He publicly thanked Don Cooper, who discovered the fire at Trinity Lutheran Church and who gave an apt description of the vehicle leaving the scene of the crime. Manager Quinn also thanked Steve Fay and Jeremy Reeves, employees at the Roadrunner Food Mart on East Front Street for assisting the police with identification of the vehicle involved. Because of their assistance, Detective Jesse 27 - 1 - CITY COUNCIL MEETING February 5, 2002 LATE ITEMS TO BE PLACED ON THIS OR FUTURE AGENDA: (Cont'd) Winfield and Corporal Jack Lowell were able to make the arrest. It is this form of involvement from citizens and professionals alike that led to the apprehension of the perpetrator of the crimes. . John Swedstedt, 1746 E. 51h, addressed the history of the sanitary sewer system in the east part of the City. After reviewing the streets and connections and future possible annexations, Mr. Swedstedt expressed concern that the citizens will have to pay a second time for another sewer system, as the existing eight-inch line will not withstand further development in the Ennis Creek area. He also mentioned that the alley between 51h & 6th Street suffers from broken pavement and over-grown vines and asked if the City would remove the vines and make repairs. City Engineer Kenworthy responded to Mr. Swedstedt's concerns by stating that the City would not assess residents a second time for a sewer. He added that all developments above Penn Street, when added to the system, have had engineering analyses done to check the capacity of the system. Any required upgrades are the responsibility of the developer. Mr. Kenworthy added that the City would look at the alley and take care of existing problems. Ruth Womac, 1432 View Vista Park, representing the residents of View Vista Park, informed the Council that all residents in the park are opposed to annexation. Ms. Womac presented a petition to the Council expressing that opposition and further expressed three major concerns of the residents: sewer LIDs, as they would assess the park owner and ultimately affect the rents now in place for the 55 existing lots; higher property taxes, which would also increase the rents and thus the residents' hardship; and the petition method of annexation approval, which alleviates voting privileges of non-property owners. Manager Quinn assured Ms. Womac that the City is only interested in annexation if it . proves to be the right solution, and that the City is also looking into alternative negotiations with the County. In response to the issue of the petition method, Manager Quinn explained that the City chose that method because it does not exclude the businesses in the UGA and added that, ultimately, the final recommendations could include a combination of election and/or petition if multiple annexations become an issue. He assured the residents that the City is aware of their concerns and that the City will try to provide answers that are fair to all. Councilman Williams thanked Ms. Womac for voicing her concerns and addressed title elimination and petition questions which, he stated, will be investigated. He added that the LIDs in question will not be corning from the Council. Francis Cummings, 2574 E. Bay Street, referring to a January 22, 2002 Executive Session, understood that Councilman Campbell intended to address the discussions held at that meeting. He referenced a newspaper article and a discussion with reporter Brian Gawley on the matter and inquired if a report would be forthcoming this evening. Councilman Campbell clarified that his discussion with Brian Gawley was relative to the circumstances under which an Executive Session could be conducted and that the issues addressed in that particular Executive Session may come before the Council at a future date. He felt there may have been a mis-communication in this regard. Mrs. Frank Latson, 473 McCarver Street, referenced her acreage in the View Vista Park area and expressed concern about the amount of assessment she might be charged ifher property is divided into home lots. Mayor Wiggins responded to her concern, noting the City's need to clarify matters so that everyone is better informed about all the issues involved in annexation. Manager Quinn informed Mrs. Latson that annexation does . not necessarily mean that LIDs will follow; he assured her that her word would be heard on any of these issues when they arise in the future. 28 - 2- FINANCE: . Laurel Street Slide Repair Project, Change Order No.1 Centennial Trail Contract Amendment . Agreement with NTI for Professional Services . CONSENT AGENDA: I. Laurel CITY COUNCIL MEETING February 5, 2002 Slide Repair Project, Change Order No. 1: With the use of the overhead projector, City Engineer Kenworthy showed the engineering changes necessary for the Laurel Street slide repairs. With the assistance of a nationally recognized engineer, it has been determined that excavation requirements can be reduced: Engineer Kenworthy showed a picture of what is envisioned once the repair project is complete. Discussion followed, and Councilman Williams emphasized that the Council and the City should plan for future problems regarding the entire hillside and possible landslides. He was reluctant to address piecemeal repairs as they are required, and he cited previous slides that have occurred, such as at Brickie's and the Red Lion. Further, Councilman Williams felt that appropriate information should be gathered as relates to the entire hillside, so that an effort can be commenced to identify funding sources to protect the slope and possibly convert the area into usable space. Mayor Wiggins and Engineer Kenworthy both spoke to the issues, mentioning that the Laurel Street repair is an isolated case, not a part of the larger concern ofland erosion that may in the future affect other sections of the City. Mayor Wiggins felt this is the repair of an existing slide and, perhaps, a Council/staff committee could look at the entire slope and research potential erosion problems in the future and the establishment of funding to avoid repetitive repairs. Councilmen Williams and Braun volunteered to work with staff in this endeavor. Based on this recommendation, Councilman Williams moved to approve and authorize the City Manager to sign Contract Change Order No.1 in the amount of $56,150.00 for the Laurel Street Slide Repair Project 96-05. Councilman Braun seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. 2. Centennial Trail Contract Amendment Director Cutler summarized the amendment to the current contract, which involves packaging the appropriate documents in the form of easements, surveys, and the like for certification that precedes the receipt of funding. Councilman Braun moved to authorize the Mayor to sign a Supplemental Agreement (Agreement No.2) in the added amount of $27,000.00 to the current agreement with Zenovic & Associates, Inc., which increases the total contract to a not to exceed fee of $73,450.00. Councilman Williams seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. 3. Agreement with NT! for Professional Services Manager Quinn reviewed the need for professional services for engineering, surveying, and permitting as relates to the DelGuzzi Subdivision, property that was acquired by the City and must be marketed in order to avoid a large bond payment in September, 2003. Preliminary information must be developed so that the Real Estate Committee and the City Council can make an informed decision. Discussion ensued, and Councilman Williams suggested inclusion oflanguage in the agreement to the extent a buyer could purchase the entire property even during this particular phase of planning. Manager Quinn responded to a question from Mayor Wiggins in that final authorization has not yet been granted for the sale of the property. It is, however, well known in the community that the City is interested in marketing the property. Councilman Braun moved to authorize the Mayor to sign an engineering services agreement with NT! to provide engineering, surveying, and permitting services for the DelGuzzi Subdivision, Project 22-05, in the initial phase amount not to exceed $3,500.00. Following a second by Councilmember Rogers, the motion carried unanimously. Councilman Braun requested a status report on Consent Agenda Item No.6 regarding the 8th Street Bridge Repairs Project. . That particular item was, therefore, pulled from the Consent Agenda. Councilman Campbell moved to accept the Consent Agenda with the exception of Item 6, to include: 1) City Council Minutes - regular meeting 29 - 3 - 1- CITY COUNCIL MEETING February 5, 2002 CONSENT AGENDA: (Cont'd) CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: Break ORDINANCES NOT REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS: Amendment to Civil Service Ordinance and Civil Service Rules Ordinance No. 3108 Resolution No. 2-02 of January 15, 2002 and special meeting of January 22, 2002; 2) Payroll Information- January 20, 2002 - $444,883.08; 3) Electronic Payments - January 5, 2002 - $1,760,690.80; 4) Check Register - January 26, 2002 - $698,083.66; 5) "I" Street Substation Project Acceptance; 7) 2001 Paving Project Acceptance; and 8) Annual . contract renewals with EDC and PADA. Councilman Braun seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. Director Cutler advised the Council that recent repairs to the 8th Street bridges were accomplished as a follow-up to recommendations submitted by WSDOT this past year. The bridges have been downrated in terms of capacity, which allows the City to continue operation of the bridges for the near future. Director Cutler summarized the need to move forward in seeking bridge replacement and the necessary funding. After further brief discussion, Councilman Campbell moved to accept the 2001 Eighth Street Bridge Repair Project 21-16 and authorize release of the retain age bond upon receipt of clearances from the Departments of Revenue and Labor & Industries. Councilmember Erickson seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. Councilmember Rogers reported on the legislative tour of Magna Force and thanked Council and staff members for their involvement. The technology is being presented tomorrow in the vicinity of the State Capitol. She also met with Director Collins regarding community and economic development issues. Councilman Williams attended a closure mitigation plan meeting regarding the Hood Canal Bridge repairs in 2006 which will impact commuters, emergency medical procedures, and tourism. He will attend future meetings and keep the Council informed of the progress. Mayor Wiggins mentioned an earlier memo on the 1-695 backfill and possible City budget reductions to encompass loss of dollars in 2003. Manager Quinn responded by explaining the absorption ofloss into the budget in the areas of the community services budget, efficiencies in street lighting, sidewalk and pavement restoration projects, and floating staff positions. . Mayor Wiggins recessed the meeting for a break at 7:40 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 8:00 p.m., at which time Mayor Wiggins expressed appreciation to Director Cutler for the tour conducted earlier in the day of Public Works facilities. Amendment to Civil Service Ordinance and Civil Service Rules: Human Resources Manager Coons presented background information on the Civil Service laws governing employees of the Police and Fire Departments, followed by a review and summary of the amendments and major changes to the Civil Service Rules and to Ordinance #2410. Following Manager Coons' summary, Mayor Wiggins read the Ordinance by title, entitled ORDINANCE NO. 3108 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, amending the City's Civil Service ordinance with regard to definitions, the Civil Service Commission, the Interview Board, qualifications of applicants, probationary period, and approval of payrolls and amending Ordinance 2410, as amended, and Chapter 2.22 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code. . Councilman Williams moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title. Councilman Braun seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. 30 - 4- . . . ORDINANCES NOT REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS: Amendment to Civil Service Ordinance and Civil Service Rules Ordinance No. 3108 Resolution No. 2-02 (Cont'd) RESOLUTIONS: OTHER CONSIDERATIONS: PUBLIC HEARINGS - QUASI-JUDICIAL: PUBLIC HEARINGS - OTHER: INFORMATION: EXECUTIVE SESSION: RETURN TO OPEN SESSION: ADJOURNMENT: ;::;,::'X'i"$; CITY COUNCIL MEETING . .. February 5, 2002 ~ll/,:S Mayor Wiggins then tead the Resolution by title, entitled RESOLUTION NO. 2-02 A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, amending the rules of the Civil Service Commission. Councilman Braun moved to pass the Resolution as read by title. Council member Erickson seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. None. None. None. None. Councilmember Rogers offered an addition to the calendar in that the February 21, 2002, meeting of the EDC is being hosted by Magna Force, 18th & "N" Streets, 11 :30 a.m. City Council and Department Heads are invited and RSVPs are requested. Manager Quinn drew attention to the contracts on page 119 that are under $15,000, the 2002 Community Work Plan priorities, about which Councilmembers Williams and Rogers will study possible changes and additions. Following a question from Councilmember Rogers, Manager Quinn also addressed the status of major consultant contracts and the relationship of contract amounts to budget. The meeting adjourned to Executive Session at 8:20 p.m. for 20-30 minutes to discuss litigation. The meeting returned to Open Session at 8:50 p.m. The meeting was adjourned at 8:50 p.m. Glenn Wiggins, Mayor Becky J. Upton, City Clerk 31 - 5- . . . 32 02/02/12-17:58 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE . CHECK REGISTER Date From 01/26/2002 To 02/08/2002 Fnd Dpt Check Number Vendor Number Vendor Name 001 02346 09085 67974 Bavco Backflow Apparatus & 68017 Insight Direct Inc. 68030 McNitt, Mrs John ' 13152 68037 Northern Tool & Equipment Co. 14461 68057 Puma Technology 16577 68074 TJ Conevera's Inc 20316 68108 BGI Forms Corporation 02658 68110 Birchwood Laboratories 02334 68150 Graphic Products 07050 68159 Jackson, Vera 10225 68175 MilesTek Corporation 13676 68201 Quill Corporation 17000 68230 WA State Patrol - WASIS 23281 . 68236 Washington (DOL), State of 04137 0001 67994 Complete Line, The 03087 68005 Flex-Plan Services Inc. 06158 68058 Qwest 21001 68072 Star's Bakery 07132 68082 Verizon Wireless, Bellevue 01105 68086 WMCA (WA Municipal Clerks Assn 23027 68100 AT&T Business Service 01085 68180 National League of Cities 14123 68215 Seattle Times/PI Distributor 19161 68232 WMCA (WA Municipal Clerks Assn 23027 0002 68047 Port Angeles City Treasurer 68058 Qwest 03062 21001 . 68107 Apex Credit Bureau 01433 68108 BGI Forms Corporation 68140 Equifax - Credit Information 02658 05160 Description Backflow device repair kits Toner cartridges,drum kit Lotus Voice recognition software Cable Reimburse deposit Lawn mower engines Intellisync Gold software Ammunition Use tax Paint Laminated pouches Refund contract 2725,deed 4220 Cable catch, hangers, wire panel Pads,pens,erasers,clips Pens,push pins,white out Criminal History-Ward Criminal History-Dutton Criminal History-Eisenscher Criminal History-Michaelis Criminal history-Bishop Criminal history-McFarlen Concealed pistol licenses Badge,tag ID-Redmond Annual Plan Fee,January svcs 01-14 Qwest billing 01-14 awest billing 01-14 Qwest billing Refreshments for Council February 12 2002 GL Code Number 2370000 2370000 2370000 2370000 2370000 2391000 1 2370000 1 2370000 1 2370000 1 2370000 1 2370000 1 2370000 1 2373000 1 2370000 1 2370000 1 2370000 1 2295000 1 2295000 1 2295000 1 2295000 1 2295000 1 2295000 1 2296000 Total for Department 111 3101 111 4150 111 4210 113 4210 124 4210 112 3101 111 4210 112 4210 registration 124 4310 111 4210 111 4901 111 3101 124 4901 1-15 billing 1-15 billing 2002 Academy,Conf 01-13 billing 2002 Membership 1 year subscription #020025 2002 Membership dues Total for Administration Pizza for HTE presentation 240 3101 01-14 Qwest billing 201 4210 01-14 Qwest billing 230 4210 01-14 Qwest billing 240 4210 Business report-Schoenfeldt 240 4150 Credit report-EHM Architect 240 4150 Credit rpt-EHM Arch San Diego 240 4150 ~"envelopes 230 3101 Mem~rship fee,credit services 240 4150 Page Amount 9.02- 79.46- 8.12- 25.75- 34.50- 100.00 55.69- 64.78- 106.40- 12.57- 9.20- 7.09- 209.76 19.09- 10.57- 10.36- 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 255.00 256. 16 110.85 849.30 93.43 93.43 46.72 206.67 16.76 16.76 325.00 55.16 1 , 177.00 138.00 60.00 3,189.08 44.14 93.43 116.79 280.30 6.49 27.05 27.05 165.77 2.70 02/02/12-17:58 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE February 12 2002 Page 2 CHECK REGISTER . Date From 01/26/2002 To 02/08/2002 Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount Number Name Number Number 68161 Jobs Available Inc 10022 Advertise-Senior Accountant 230 4410 73.60 68198 Postmaster 16028 Replenish postage permit #67 205 4210 5,000.00 68208 Ricoh Business Systems 18398 Copier rental January 205 4530 632.13 68225 US Netcom Corportation 21093 Software maintenance 240 4810 235.00 Total for Finance 6,704.45 0003 67973 Baumann Attorney-at-Law, Mark 02494 Prof svcs City vs Scriven 312 4150 97.65 67992 Clallam Jefferson Public Dfndr 03274 Public Defender fees February 312 4150 3,000.00 68028 Mathews Glass Co. Inc. 13107 Glass 312 3101 234.79 68047 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 Postage 311 4210 16.25 68058 Qwest 21001 01-14 Qwest billing 311 4210 163.50 68087 Washington Sta.te Bar Assn 23198 Real Property Supplement 311 3101 46.78 68148 Gateway Companies Inc 07195 Desktop computer,Windows 2000 312 3101 1,283.27 68206 University of WA (Law Library) 21065 Photocopies 311 4990 17.00 Total for Attorney 4,859.24 0004 68001 Washington (Unemp), State of 23178 4th Qrtr Unemployment 411 2060 1,090.36 68042 Pentec Environmental 16574 Professional svcs pe 12-29-01 411 4150 321.41 68058 Qwest 21001 01-14 Qwest billing 411 4210 93. 68191 Peninsula Awards & Trophies 16061 Name plate-Roberds 411 3101 5. Total for Planning 1,510.61 0005 67970 American Homepatient 01525 Medical expenses-Barnson 512 5099 1,372.00 67976 Blumenthal Uniforms & Equipmt 02047 Ink remover towelettes 534 3101 47.33 Emblems 530 3111 474.37 Metal detector 530 3180 202.64 67980 Brodsky's Uniforms 02219 Gloves-Silva 530 2080 34.67 Belt-Riepe 511 2080 46.87 Boots-McCawley 530 2080 194.43 Shirt,gloves-Brusseau 530 2080 105.41 Boots,shirt-McFall 530 2080 200.83 Boots,shirt,gloves-Peninger 530 2080 427.11 67985 Captain Tis 03048 Shirts,embroidery 530 3111 66.22 67991 Clallam Co Humane Society 03072 Contract pmt-January 2002 530 4150 3,634.33 68007 GTE Communications Systems 07005 Calibrate doppler radar 530 4810 321.36 68051 Port Angeles Police Department 16105 Film,keys,bulletin board 530 3101 75.56 Postage, freight 530 4210 73.39 68058 Qwest 21001 01-14 Qwest billing 511 4210 163.51 01-14 Qwest billing 534 4210 116.79 01-14 Qwest billing 530 4210 23.36 68062 Riepe, Tom 18081 Tuition reimbursement 511 4310 1,081.00 68074 TJ Conevera's Inc 20316 Ammunition 530 3101 1,403.90 68123 Clallam Co Dept of Health and 03065 Inmate care,pharmacy charges 512 5099 3,051. 68132 Dept of Gen'l Administration 04075 2002 Administrative fee 511 4901 350 68194 Peninsula Radiologists P.S. 16014 Medical svcs-Jacques531680020 512 5099 36.00 68201 Quill Corporation 17000 Pens,push pins,white out 530 3101 136.67 68202 Qwest 21001 <3. bill i ng 534 4210 261.45 68229 Verizon Wireless, Bellevue 01105 01-15 billing 1032-585838 530 4210 431.41 02/02/12-17:58 . City of Port Angeles - LiVe MACHINE CHECK REGISTER Date From 01/26/2002 To 02/08/2002 Fnd Opt Check Number . . Vendor Name Vendor Number 68231 WA Assn of Sheriffs & Police 23003 68245 Zappey, Erick C. 26002 0006 67962 ASM Signs 01405 67963 AT&T Wireless Services 01404 67965 Abram, Jeff 01054 67967 All Weather HeatingCooling Inc 01060 67969 American Heart Association 01025 67976 Blumenthal Uniforms & Equipmt 02047 67989 Clallam Co EMS/ 03068 68023 Kroesen's Inc. 11020 68041 Pen Print Inc 16009 68049 Port Angeles Fire Department 16025 68058 Owest 21001 68060 Reid, Terry 18007 68079 Twitchell, Mel 20043 68112 Board for Volunteer Fireftrs 02022 68158 J.B.'s Upholstery 10001 68168 Lighthouse Uniform 12046 68169 Lynn Card Company 12250 68205 Region One Training Council 18101 68212 SeaWestern Inc. 19104 0007 67994 Complete Line, The 68017 Insight Direct Inc. 03087 09085 68047 Port Angeles City Treasurer 68058 Owest 68082 Verizon Wireless, Bellevue 03062 21001 01105 Description Active dues-Riepe Associate dues-Gallagher Video for presentations Heart Day banner 1-02 AT&T a/c 47951801 Reimburse clothing allowance Thermostat repair Recertify Nielsen for EMT-P Boots-Sanders Badge Pepper spray pen-Sekek Medic I Advisory for February Shirt,collar insignia Shirt,belt,buckle,ties-Dubuc Incident reports Pens, towels Batteries Screws 01-14 Owest billing 01-14 Owest billing 01-14 Owest billing 01-14 Owest billing Reimburse clothing allowance Reimburse clothing allowance Vol FF pension fund Repair bunker gear Shirts, pants, ties, shoes, be l ts Shirts, pants,ties,shoes,belts Shirts, pants,ties,shoes,belts Shirts, pants,ties,shoes,belts Shirts,pants,ties,shoes,belts Shirts,pants,ties,shoes,belts Shirts,pants,ties,shoes,belts Shirts,pants,shoes,ties,belts Shirts,pants,shoes,ties,belts Printed cards Register ITAC-Oenton,Ziegler Coats,pants,name labels Paper Toner cartridges,drum kit Lotus Stamps 01-14 Owest billing 13~billing 1-1~billing GL Code Number 511 4901 511 4901 530 3101 642 3101 643 4210 641 2080 684 4810 643 4310 641 2080 611 2080 641 2080 643 4150 .6112080 642 2080 643 3101 684 3101 641 3101 611 3101 611 4210 642 4210 643 4210 641 4210 641 2080 643 2080 644 4901 641 3111 611 2080 641 2080 642 2080 643 2080 641 2080 643 2080 645 2080 611 2080 645 2080 611 3101 641 4310 641 3111 711 3101 711 3101 711 3160 711 4210 711 4210 711 4210 711 4210 February 12 2002 Total for Pol ice Total for Fire Page 3 Amount 305.00 75.00 39.00 14,750.71 17.01 32.71 64.67 73.55 20.00 195.33 80.22 10.83 500.00 100.48 108.15 541.00 37.63 6.77 13.86 116.79 23.36 23.36 70.07 182.81 161. 98 1,960.00 16.23 26.02 497.57 150.00 569.88 336.30 15.49 7.33 43.07 138.16 61.50 200.00 3,429.48 9,831.61 1,990.00 1,048.40 107.10 34.00 654.03 9.92 9.92 02/02/12-17:58 Fnd Opt Check Number 68101 68136 68137 68150 68170 68176 68178 68183 68214 68217 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE Vendor Name CHECK REGISTER Date From 01/26/2002 To 02/08/2002 Vendor Number AT&T Wireless Services 01404 EES Consulting Inc. 05140 Economic & Engineering Svc Inc 05004 Graphic Products 07050 Marsh Mundorf Pratt & Sullivan 13287 Munimetrix Systems corporation 13220 Northwest Pavement Mgmt Assn 14521 Oak Harbor Freight Lines Inc. 15079 Seattle Daily Journal of Comm. 19058 Simmons Electrical Services 19816 0008 67966 All Phase Electric Supply Co. 01061 67974 Bavco Backflow Apparatus & 02346 67995 Conne II y, Marc 03586 68001 Washington (Unemp), State of 23178 68037 Northern Tool & Equipment Co. 14461 68047 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 68056 Puget Safety Equipment Inc 68058 Qwest 68081 United States Tennis Ass'n 68084 Virginia Mason Medical Center 68110 Birchwood Laboratories 68142 Federal Express Corp. 68149 Grainger Inc. 68159 Jackson, Vera 68166 Lakeview Products NW LLC 68172 Matthews International 68200 Puget Safety Equipment Inc 68202 Qwest 16248 21001 21100 22048 02334 06022 07015 10225 12366 13664 16248 21001 Description 1-15 billing 01-27 AT&T a/c 48966287 Benton REA 2001 WPAG pe 12-31 Electric,SW rate study Laminated pouches WPAG 2001 pe 12-31-01 Software support 2002 Conference-Cutler Freight chgs-plotting supplies Ad for engineering services Plan review-OMC February 12 2002 GL Code Number 711 4210 711 4210 711 4901 711 4150 711 3101 711 4901 711 4530 711 4310 711 3101 711 4410 711 32210017 Total for Public Works Adapter,bolts,blank cover 862 3106 Lamp 863 3120 Backflow device repair kits 865 3140 Working breakfast-Renovation 811 3101 4th Qrtr Unemployment 865 2060 Lawn mower engines 865 3120 NPBA meeting 811 3101 Coffee for meeting 811 3101 Refund swimming lessons 862 34760013 Refund swimming lessons 862 34760013 Refund swimming lessons 862 3101 Filter retainers,Nitrile exams 865 3120 01-14 Qwest billing 811 4210 01-14 Qwest billing 8664210 01-14 Qwest billing 865 4210 01-14 Qwest billing 861 4210 01-14 Qwest billing 862 4210 01-14 Qwest billing 863 4210 1-14 Qwest billing 863 4210 1-14 Qwest billing 862 4210 2002 Membership-Cole 861 4901 DOT physical-Thornburg 865 4990 Paint 865 3120 Shipping charges 865 4990 Filter element,sheave,belt 862 3120 Motion sensor switch,photocell 830 3120 Refund contract 2725,deed 4220 866 34360012 Refund contract 2725,deed 4220 866 34360014 Refund contract 2725,deed 4220 866 34360011 Refund contract 2725,deed 4220 866 34360016 Refund contract 2725,deed 4220 866 34360015 Trimmer line,chains,files 865 3120 Bronze plate-Hanshaw 866 3401 Safety glasses, face shields 865 3120 01-20 billing 863 4210 36 Total for Parks & Recreation Page 4 . Amount 9.92 11.82 367.14 1,451.85 18.69 182.67 600.00 25.00 84.55 192.60 98.59 6,896.20 63.28 92.08 119.02 95.42 5,365.61 752.81 20.. 10. 39.00 25.00 7.56 284.70 70.07 23.36 23.36 46.72 23.36 70.07 39.08 57.60 25.00 100.00 121.31 5.55 64.55 273.41 1,911.00 1,425.00 750.00 750.00 1,920.00 68:" 4:~ 60.50 15,851.42 02/02/12-17:58 . Fnd Dpt Check Number 101 0001 102 0007 . 103 0001 107 0005 . 110 0001 City of Port Angeles - dOrkACHINE Vendor Name 67978 Brewer, David 68046 Port Angeles Chamber of Comm. 68197 Port Angeles Chamber Of Comm. 68063 Roadmarker Company, The 67966 67979 68020 68047 68058 68063 68064 68104 68111 68150 68229 All Phase Electric Supply Co. Brickiels Kaufmann, Tom Port Angeles City Treasurer Qwest Roadmarker Company, The Roadwise Inc All Phase Electric Supply Co. Blue Mountain Tree Service Inc Graphic Products Verizon Wireless, Bellevue 68045 Port Angeles Business Assn. 68047 Port Angeles City Treasurer 68048 Port Angeles Downtown Assn. 68058 Qwest 67985 Captain TiS 68058 Qwest 68103 Absolute Air Inc 68118 Captain T'S 68201 Quill Corporation 67988 Clallam Co EDC CHECK REGISTER Date From 01/26/2002 To 02/08/2002 Vendor Number 02055 16023 16023 18458 01061 02578 11131 03062 21001 18458 18459 01061 02021 07050 01105 16301 03062 16024 21001 03048 21001 01527 03048 17000 03067 Description February 12 2002 GL Code Number Total for General Fund Contract services for February 115 4990 Marketing program expenses 115 5083 2002 Marketing Plan 115 5083 2002 Marketing Plan 115 5083 Total for Convention Center Fund Plastic barricade marker tape 102 2370000 Fitting Overtime meals-storm callout Pesticide Training,license Overtime meals 01-14 Qwest billing Plastic barricade marker tape Liquid de-icing agent Circuit breaker Tree removal-Wabash Laminated pouches 01-15 billing 1032-2427228 Annual Dues-2002 Chamber luncheon Fourth Quarter-2001 01-14 Qwest billing Total for Department 752 3101 752 4310 752 4310 752 3120 752 4210 752 3125 752 3120 752 3120 752 4810 752 3101 752 4210 Total for Public Works Total for Street Fund 123 4901 123 4310 123 4150 123 4210 Total for Economic Development Shirts,jacket,embroidery Shirts,jackets,embroidery Shirts,jackets,embroidery 01-14 Qwest billing Beam, labor Pullover,embroidery Shirts,embroidery Shirts,pullovers,embroidery Pads,pens,erasers,clips Marketing expenses December 37 532 2080 532 2080 532 2080 532 4210 532 4810 532 2080 532 2080 532 2080 532 3101 Total for PenCom 130 4150 Total for "Port Angeles Works" Page 5 Amount 63,849.48 100.00 1,840.19 9,978.22 9,060.00 20,978.41 22.74- 22.74- 19.52 93.37 407.50 22.61 70.07 1,402.43 786.65 42.10 432.80 18.69 2.50 3,298.24 3,275.50 40.00 10.00 3,750.00 23.36 3,823.36 258.33 219.11 237.50 397.09 55.22 73.04 229.38 295.39 139.42 1 ,904 .48 5,825.00 5,825.00 02/02/12-17:58 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE CHECK REGISTER Date From 01/26/2002 To 02/08/2002 February 12 2002 Fnd Opt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Number Name Number Number 174 0008 67985 Captain T's 03048 Embroidery 880 3101 68047 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 Paper 888 3101 Total for Recreational Activities Fund 182 0005 68096 Lowell, Jack 12330 Police investigations 536 3101 310 0007 68052 Prezant Associates Inc 68125 Clallam Transit 68189 Parametrix Inc. 68240 Yengler Surveying & Mapping 16578 03145 16155 23491 401 67981 Brown, A Christine 02656 67982 Buck, Shirley 02657 68012 Grandbouche, John 07370 68061 Renner, Scott 18457 68070 Somers, Jim 19858 68071 Stamper, Just i n 19859 68088 Yells, Karen 23629 68091 Yestern States Electric Inc. 23025 68102 Abrams, Carla 01526 68106 Amundson, Vanessa 01528 68109 Barnes, Jerry 02659 68120 Chastain, David 03644 68164 Keffer, Kristina 11262 68165 Kelly, Brandy 11263 68167 Lewis, Vertis 12409 68187 Oliver, Don 15224 68195 Phelps, Tom 16580 68199 Presho, Rodney 16581 68201 Quill Corporation 17000 68211 Sackor, Anthony 19861 68219 Slack, Karen 19862 0009 67966 All Phase Electric Supply Co. 01061 67968 Alpine Products Inc. 01177 Prof svcs-Fire Hall December Gateway Project Design LF Engineering 2001 pe 12-28 Prof svcs-paving Program Total for Drug Task Force 783 4150 777 4150 783 4150 792 4150 Total for Capital Improvement Fund Utility overpmt rfd-061875001 Utility deposit rfd-089974005 Utility deposit rfd-005509015 Utility deposit rfd-086207007 Utility overpmt rfd-056618008 Utility deposit rfd-016322010 Utility deposit rfd-101664008 Crossarms Utility dep ref 030341-006 Utility dep ref 014958-027 Utility dep ref 054038-013 Utility dep ref 014346-012 Utility dep ref 033359-030 Utility dep ref 018830-025 Utility dep ref 040436-019 Utility dep ref 036510-015 Utility dep ref 032662-027 Utiltiy dep ref 101486-012 Inkjet cartridges Sleeve file Utility dep ref 124632-007 Utility dep ref 121983-005 401 1222200 401 2391200 401 2391200 401 2391200 401 1222200 401 2391200 401 2391200 401 1414000 401 2391200 401 2391200 401 2391200 401 2391200 401 2391200 401 2391200 401 2391200 401 2391200 401 2391200 401 2391200 401 2370000 401 2370000 401 2391200 401 2391200 Total for Department Light bulbs 911 4810 Extension handle 911 4810 Conduit,box cover,seals 911 4810 Circuit breaker 911 4810 Connector screws 911 3402 Photo control light,box,washer 911 4810 Street lights 911 4810 Yire terminal lug 911 4810 ~arking paint 911 4810 Red marking paint 911 4810 Page 6 . Amount 9.20 28.72 37.92 1,000.00 1,000.00 526.19 2,926.45 845.57 2,387.50 6,685.71 533.15 250.00 104.43 125.00 245.. 250. 125.00 2,787.00 250.00 250.00 125.00 250.00 125.00 250.00 125.00 250.00 250.00 125.00 7.79- 1.64- 120.00 250.00 6,780.74 20.71 138.06 81. 75 34.29 57. 42 735.28 67.60 33.86 33.85 02/02/12-17:58 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE . CHECK REGISTER Date From 01/26/2002 To 02/08/2002 Fnd Opt Check Number Vendor Name Vendor Number . . 67985 Captain T's 03048 67994 Complete Line, The 03087 68013 Graybar Electric Co. Inc. 07040 68047 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 68056 Puget Safety Equipment Inc 16248 68058 Qwest 21001 68077 TriAxis Engineering Inc 20274 68082 Verizon Wireless, Bellevue 01105 68091 Western States Electric Inc. 23025 68095 Zee Medical Service Co. 26005 68101 AT&T Wireless Services 01404 68104 All Phase Electric Supply Co. 01061 68126 Clearing Up: Newsdata Corp 03126 68131 Den-Ree Productions 04342 68133 Washington (DOT), State of 23119 68140 Equifax - Credit Information 05160 68142 Federal Express Corp. 06022 68163 K Ply Inc. 11050 68174 Metrotech 13675 68179 NWPPA 14013 68201 Quill Corporation 17000 68213 Sears 19297 68216 Servicemaster 19069 68229 Verizon Wireless, Bellevue 01105 68243 Winstead Sechrest & Minick PC 23610 68244 Wiss Janney Eistner Assoc Inc 23619 68247 Zumar Industries Inc. 26001 Description GL Code Number Shirt,embroidery 911 3120 3 hole punch,paper clips 911 3120 Chemical cleaner 911 4810 Chemical cleaner 911 4810 Travel meals 911 4310 Travel meals 911 4310 Filing fee 911 4990 Eyewash station 911 6510 Eyewash station 911 6510 Eyewash station 911 6510 Eyewash station 911 6510 Eyewash station 911 6510 Eyewash station 911 6510 Eyewash station 911 6510 Safety glasses 911 3120 01-14 Qwest billing 911 4210 01-14 Qwest billing 911 4210 Prof svcs-Laurel St substation 930 4150 Prof svcs-'I' St rebuild 20-03 930 4150 1-15 billing 911 4210 Rulers 911 3501 Fault tamer fuse cartidges 911 3402 Crossarms 911 4810 First aid supplies 911 3120 01-27 AT&T a/c 48531602 911 4210 Unistrut channel locks 911 3402 Ballasts,Flourescent lamp 911 4810 LED exit light 911 4810 Plated nuts,machine screws 911 3402 Service 02-01-02 to 04-30-02 911 4901 Conservation ads 915 4410 Radio,TV ads-Energy credit 915 4150 2001 Street Paving 930 4150 Membership fee,credit services 911 4150 Shipping charges 915 4210 Plywood 911 6410 Clamp 911 4810 November OSHA billing 911 4150 December safety training 911 4150 Inkjet cartridges 911 3120 Sleeve file 911 3120 Socket set 911 3501 Carpet 911 3501 01-15 billing 1032-6314390 911 4210 Professional svcs-Cable renew 911 4150 Prof svcs-Fire Station Roof 930 4150 Sign for I St Substation 911 3120 39 February 12 2002 Total for Light Total for Light Fund Page 7 Amount 49.56 45.94 212.68 212.68 46.00 46.00 18.00 194.22 194.22 194.22 194.22 194.22 194.22 194.22 132.25 327.01 41.78 1,891.77 4,729.24 13.11 229.74 1,023.83 1,000.00 217.32 61.03 21.02 40.61 70.09 75.87 1,148.93 2,500.00 1,267.50 358.53 32.50 15.55 111.47 765.78 1,592.76 1,592.76 102.76 21.63 110.33 519.86 36.36 1,127.73 2,415.33 164.65 26,995.34 33,776.08 02/02/12-17:58 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE February 12 2002 CHECK REGISTER Date From 01/26/2002 To 02/08/2002 Fnd Opt Check Vendor Vendor Number Name Number 402 67974 Bavco Backflow Apparatus & 02346 68002 Environmental Resource Assoc. 05030 68006 Fluke Electronics 06262 68017 Insight Direct Inc. 09085 68174 Metrotech 13675 68181 O'Brien Manufacturing 15129 68190 Patriot Diamond Inc 16563 68224 US Filter Distribution Group 21077 0007 67966 All Phase Electric supply Co. 01061 67974 Bavco Backflow Apparatus & 02346 67996 Cummins Northwest Inc. 03097 68002 Environmental Resource Assoc. 05030 68006 Fluke Electronics 06262 68017 Insight Direct Inc. 09085 68038 Olympic Chemical Corporation 15117 68044 Pors, Thomas M 16575 68047 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 68055 Public Utility Dist Clallam Co 16038 68058 Qwest 21001 68082 Verizon Wireless, Bellevue 68097 ABB Power T&D Company Inc 68104 All Phase Electric supply Co. 68105 American Water Works Assoc 68122 Clallam Co Department of 68141 Familian NW 68142 Federal Express Corp. 01105 01321 01061 01066 03020 06020 06022 68144 Fisher Scientific Inc. 06085 68149 Grainger Inc. 07015 Description GL Code Number Backflow device repair kits RV kit Test kits Fuses Printer Clamp Plumbing assembly,swivel bolt Concrete blades Probe 402 2370000 402 2370000 402 2370000 402 2370000 402 2370000 402 2370000 402 2370000 402 2370000 402 2370000 Total for Department Strut straps 754 3402 Backflow device repair kits 753 3402 RV kit 754 3120 Generator,trailer 753 6410 Test kits 754 3120 Fuses 753 3402 Printer 754 3160 Sodium bisulfite 754 3120 Telephone conf-Elwha MOA 793 4150 Telephone conf-Morse Creek ESA 793 4150 Travel meals 753 3402 01-22 billing Crown Z Water Rd 753 4710 01-14 Qwest billing 754 4210 01-14 Qwest billing 753 4210 1-20 Qwest billing 754 4210 1-20 Qwest billing 754 4210 1-20 Qwest billing 754 4210 1-20 Qwest billing 754 4210 1-20 Qwest billing 754 4210 1-20 Qwest billing 754 4210 1-23 Qwest billing 753 4210 1-23 Qwest billing 754 4210 1-23 Qwest billing 754 4210 1-23 Qwest billing 754 4210 1-15 billing 753 4210 Meter repair 754 3120 Lamps 754 3120 AWWA 2002-3 dues,Mcginley 753 4901 Water testing 753 4810 Fiberglass pipe insulation 754 3120 Shipping charges 793 6510 Shipping charges 793 4210 Shipping charges 793 4210 Shipping charges 753 4210 Shipping charges 754 4210 Shipping charges 793 4210 Alarm thermometer,bottles 754 3120 P4E)es 754 3120 Storage cabinet 754 3120 Page 8 . Amount 3.45- 9.04- 22.57- 1.93- 27.40- 58.04- 6.56- 67.31- 44.37- 240.67- 27.99 45.45 119.24 27,727.68 297.72 25.42 361.48 1,256.2 16 110. 15.00 19.65 46.72 23.36 57.42 57.42 57.42 57.42 57.42 57.42 64.15 57.42 57.42 57.42 17.03 100.00 116.22 112.00 783.00 819.51 90.55 7.40 7.40 ~. 5.25 91.00 179.46 370.62 02/02/12-17:58 . Fnd Dpt Check trumber . 404 0007 .0009 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE CHECK REGISTER Date From 01/26/2002 To 02/08/2002 Vendor Name Vendor Number 68150 Graphic Products 07050 68151 Hach Company 08124 68160 Jensen Tools Inc. 68181 O'Brien Manufacturing 68188 Owen P.E., Craig R. 10106 15129 15106 68190 Patriot Diamond Inc 16563 68193 Peninsula Concrete Cutting Inc 16263 68202 Qwest 21001 68209 Ryan Herco Products Corp. 18216 68210 S & B Inc. 19040 68220 TEC (Treatment Equipment Co) 20259 68224 US Filter Distribution Group 21077 68228 Utility Vault Company Inc. 21012 68229 Verizon Wireless, Bellevue 01105 68226 USA BlueBook 21060 67994 Complete Line, The 03087 68001 Washington (Unemp), State of 23178 68056 Puget Safety Equipment Inc 16248 68058 Qwest 21001 68069 Shop, The 19857 68130 Delhur Industries Inc 04042 68154 Harrington Industrial Plastics 08444 68155 Hermann Bros. Inc. 68189 parametrix Inc. 08127 16155 68226 USA BlueBook 21060 68237 Washington (Ecology), State of 23106 67961 A & J Glass Inc 68008 Gamble, James 68021 Kjosen, Leslie 68028 Mathews Glass Co. Inc. 68113 Bond, Rosalie 01511 R0191 R0190 13107 R0192 Description Laminated pouches Laminated pouches Glass ampules Test kits Tool kit, fluke meter,case Plumbing assembly,swivel bolt Prof svcs-Generator slab Prof svcs-Lifting devices Concrete blades Drilling in compost building 01-20 billing 01-10 billing Deburring tool,connectors Scada system progress billing Rental fee GAC units Probe Utility vault 01-15 billing 1032-7211694 February 12 2002 GL Code Number 753 3101 754 3101 754 3120 754 3120 753 4810 754 3120 754 6510 754 6510 754 3120 754 4810 754 4210 753 4210 753 3402 793 6510 793 6510 754 3120 754 3120 754 4210 Total for Public Works Total for Water/Wastewater Fund Purge,sampling pump,jug Pens,notes,pads 4th Qrtr Unemployment Spark plugs 01-14 Qwest billing Interior uphoplstery job Pond liners-Landfill Replacement pump, cable Flex tube Grind waste wood LF Engineering 2001 pe 12-28 LF Engineering 2001 pe 12-28 LF Engineering 2001 pe 12-28 Purge,sampling pump,jug Certification renewal-Loghry City Rebate Program-Hamilton City Rebate Program City Rebate Program ~tt Rebate Program-Hoglund CIty Rebate Program 404 2370000 Total for Department 755 3101 755 2060 755 3120 755 4210 755 4810 755 4150 755 3120 755 3120 755 4810 755 4150 795 4150 795 4150 755 3120 755 4310 Total for Public Works Total for Solid Waste Fund 913 4986 913 4986 913 4986 913 4986 913 4986 Page 9 Amount 18.69 18.69 101.04 151.50 872.08 86.47 308.00 440.00 888.11 476.08 40.75 1,686.47 328.30 11,766.97 533.12 585.37 522.25 13.30 52,398.76 52,158.09 42.21- 42.21- 49.42 282.56 49.91 116.79 2,967.25 708.80 4,689.28 97.04 4,695.88 12,308.39 1,507.39 3,657.20 556.87 200.00 31,886.78 31,844.57 135.00 50.00 150.00 525.00 .140.00 r-- 02/02/12-17:58 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE February 12 2002 Page 10 CHECK REGISTER . Date From 01/26/2002 To 02/08/2002 Fnd Opt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount Number Name Number Number 68114 Bowen, Ed R0193 City Rebate Program 913 4986 50.00 68115 Bowman, Steven R0194 City Rebate Program 913 4986 150.00 68117 Can-Do Construction 03643 City Rebate Program-Jacobson 913 4986 450.00 City Rebate Program-Smith 913 4986 162.30 68119 Cardinal, Brandon R0195 City Rebate Program 913 4986 55.00 68121 Cicotte, Susan R0196 City Rebate Program 913 4986 100.00 68127 Cook, Trina R0197 city Rebate Program 913 4986 205.00 68128 Cox, William R0123 City Rebate Program 913 4986 25.00 68134 Drake, George R0144 City Rebate Program 913 4986 136.00 68146 Ford, David & Sharon R0198 City Rebate Program 913 4986 100.00 68147 French, Richard R0199 City Rebate Program 913 4986 100.00 68152 Hanley, Yolanda R0200 City Rebate Program 913 4986 55.00 68153 Hanson, William J R0201 City Rebate Program 913 4986 30.00 68162 Johnson, Steve R0060 City Rebate Program 913 4986 55.00 68171 Marti, Rick R0202 City Rebate Program 913 4986 96.74 68173 McInnes, Mike R0203 City Rebate Program 913 4986 150.00 68182 O'Rouke, Bruce R0207 City Rebate Program 913 4986 185.00 68186 Officer, Eldon R0204 City Rebate Program 913 4986 55.00 68203 Rasmussen, Leonard N R0205 City Rebate Program 913 4986 49.91 City Rebate Program 913 4986 36.00 68207 Rice, Tonya R0206 City Rebate Program 913 4986 15. 68222 Trowbridge, Esther R0208 City Rebate Program 913 4986 50. 68235 Ward, Rhonda R0209 City Rebate Program 913 4986 60.00 68239 Weigel, Raymond R0014 City Rebate Program 913 4986 68.00 68241 Whetstine, Allen R0210 City Rebate Program 913 4986 50.00 68242 Whittaker, Shellie R0211 City Rebate Program 913 4986 150.00 68246 ZilllT1el, Francis R0212 City Rebate Program 913 4986 55.00 Total for Conservation Fund 3,828.95 501 0007 68016 Hyatt Repair 08525 Body work,paint 760 3402 390.60 Body work, paint 760 4810 93.48 68047 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 Title transfers 760 4990 5.75 Title transfers 760 4990 5.75 Title transfers 760 4990 9.50 Title transfers 760 4990 9.50 Ti tle transfers 760 4990 18.75 68058 Qwest 21001 01-14 Qwest billing 760 4210 23.36 68090 Western Equipment Distrib. Inc 23019 Switch 760 3402 163.25 68095 Zee Medical Service Co. 26005 First Aid supplies 760 3101 49.39 68150 Graphic Products 07050 Laminated pouches 760 3101 18.69 68156 Hyatt Repair 08525 Hood repair,paint,clearcoat 760 4810 519.36 Door repair 760 4810 357.70 Door repair 760 3402 97.93 68218 Six Robblees Inc. 19226 Ball-hitch combo, adapter 760 3402 116.98 Ball-hitch combo, adapter 760 3402 11. Ball-hitch combo, adapter 760 3402 10 Total for Equipment Services Fund 2,097.78 42 502 0002 67993 Cole, Richard E 03642 Netguard support agreement 250 4800 300.00 02/02/12-17:58 . City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE Fnd Opt Check Number 503 0001 . . 602 0002 Vendor Name 68017 Insight Direct Inc. 68047 Port Angeles City Treasurer 68057 Puma Technology 68058 Qwest 68082 Verizon Wireless, Bellevue 68116 Brooks, Gary 68135 Dungeness Comm & Design 68175 MilesTek Corporation 67964 AWC Employee Benefit Trust 67971 Bailey, Jim 67972 Balser, Fred 67975 Bishop, Virgil 67977 Braun, Gary 67983 Cameron, Kenneth 67984 Camporini, Richard 67985 Captain T's 67997 Curves for Women 68000 Dept of Labor & Ind (Qrtr rpt) 68009 Glenn, Larry 68018 Johnson, Donald G 68019 Johnson, Harry 68026 Lindley, James K. 68027 Loucks, Jasper 68032 Miesel, Phil 68033 Mike Walling/Rainier EAP 68034 Morgan, Roy 68040 Owens, Annette 68065 Ryan, Ed 68067 Sanders, Mike 68073 Sweatt, Johnnie 68075 Thompson, Bruce 68094 Wise, Walter 68124 Clallam Co YMCA 68129 Curves for Women 68177 NW Admin Transfer Acct 67964 68003 68014 AWC Employee Benefit Evans, Sid Hansen, George D. Trust CHECK REGISTER Date From 01/26/2002 To 02/08/2002 Vendor Number 09085 03062 16577 21001 01105 02277 04210 13676 01231 02567 02243 02019 02173 03252 03273 03048 03618 04046 07036 10052 10047 12019 12186 13261 18057 13145 15082 18034 19336 19146 20083 23630 03076 03618 14169 01231 05103 08048 Description GL Code Number Voice recognition software Cable Adaptor Mounting tape Intellisync Gold software 01-14 Qwest billing 1-15 billing Reimburse computer accessories Pool schedule module Cable catch,hangers,wire panel 250 4800 250 4810 250 4810 250 3101 250 4800 250 4210 250 4210 250 4810 250 4150 250 4810 February 12 2002 Total for Information Technology Fund Medical premium February 121 4630 Life Ins premium February 121 4632 Retirees premium February 121 4634 Reimburse Medicare Premium Feb 121 4635 Reimburse Medicare Premium Feb 121 4635 Reimburse Medicare Premium Feb 121 4635 Reimburse Medicare Premium Feb 121 4635 Reimburse Medicare Premium Feb 121 4635 Reimburse Medicare Premium Feb 121 4635 Embroidery 118 4909 Membership-Hanson 121 4150 Workers Comp-4th Qtr 2001 118 4950 Disability Board claims 121 4635 Reimburse Medicare Premium Feb 121 4635 Reimburse Medicare Premium Feb 121 4635 Reimburse Medicare Premium Feb 121 4635 Reimburse Medicare Premium Feb 121 4635 Reimburse Medicare Premium Feb 121 4635 EAP services January 2002 121 4150 Reimburse Medicare Premium Feb 121 4635 Reimburse medical expenses 121 4630 Reimburse Medicare Premium Feb 121 4635 Reimburse medical expenses 121 4630 Disability board claim 121 4635 Reimburse Medicare Premium Feb 121 4635 Reimburse Medicare Premium Feb 121 4635 Claim for sewer line damages 1194999 Membership-Defrang 121 4150 Membership fees-Romberg 121 4150 February premium 121 4633 February premium 121 4634 Total for Self - Insurance Fund Firemen's Pension premium Feb 225 Reimburse Medicare Premium Feb 225 ~i~urse Medicare Premium Feb 225 4635 4635 4635 Page 11 Amount 339. 75 455.25 6.48 3.25 854.78 70.07 17.21 134.94 630.00 251.81 3,063.54 81,046.91 1,292.74 5,583.65 50.00 45.50 94.00 54.00 75.00 50.00 10.37 343.43 13,764.37 147.00 50.00 50.00 54.00 85.00 46.10 330.00 54.00 40.09 54.00 166.69 198.00 65.70 50.00 242.90 570.00 343.43 30,714.10 7,872.30 143,543.28 2,687.95 45.50 46.80 02/02/12-17:58 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE February 12 2002 Page 12 CHECK REGISTER . Date From 01/26/2002 To 02/08/2002 Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount Number Name Number Number Total for Firemen's Pension Fund 2,780.25 652 0008 68058 Qwest 21001 01-14 Qwest billing 868 4210 23.36 01-23 Qwest billing 868 4210 60.50 68202 Qwest 21001 01-14 billing 868 4210 53.33 Total for Esther Webster Trust Fund 137.19 697 67986 Clallam Co Clerk 03634 Overpmt rfd-Rexford 968000196 697 2391000 115.00 67987 Clallam Co Department of 03020 Overpmt rfd-CCCOMD Parks 697 2391000 60.00 67990 Clallam Co Housing Authority 03305 Overpmt rfd-#HOUAUT 697 2391000 1,388.00 Overpmt rfd-#CCHOUS 697 2391000 577.50 67998 Daishowa America LTD 04002 Overpmt rfd-#DAIAME 5-22-95 697 2391000 1,408.92 67999 Delhur Industries Inc 04042 Overpmt rfd-04-27-00 697 2391000 45.80 68004 First Street Plaza LLC 06240 Overpmt rfd-#128022 Landfill 697 2391000 59.45 68010 Golden Crafts 07371 Overpmt rfd- #1010002470 7-20 697 2391000 80.00 68011 Gottschalk's Inc 07372 Overpmt rfd-#1010002390 7-24 697 2391000 200.00 68015 Hills, Clark, Martin, Peterson 08536 Overpmt rfd-1010001912 7/18 697 2391000 4.12 68022 Kolleen's Korner 11166 Overpmt rfd-#1000002105 7-19 697 2391000 133.00 68024 Laurel Barber Shop 12102 Overpmt rfd-#1000002110 7-00 697 2391000 80.00 68025 Lil Angels & More 12408 Overpmt rfd-#1010002488 11-01 697 2391000 30. 68029 McCrorie Interiors 13038 Overpmt rfds-1999 697 2391000 135. 68031 Merrill & Ring Tree Farm 13191 Overpmt rfd- #113735 01-03-00 697 2391000 33.79 68035 Naturway Health Foods 14520 Overpmt rfd-#1010002436 10-01 697 2391000 80.00 68036 North Olympic Library System 14101 Overpmt rfd #1010004876 12-01 697 2391000 16.89 68039 Olympic Tire Inc. 15073 Overpmt rfd-#1000001514 6-00 697 2391000 38.40 68043 Phillips, Berschauer 16420 Overpmt rfd-#128016 Landfill 697 2391000 20.30 68050 Port Angeles Lanes 16579 Overpmt rfd-#108081 697 2391000 3.17 68053 Price-Aire Inc. 16110 Overpmt rfd-#112798 697 2391000 16.89 68054 Primo Construction Inc. 16033 Overpmt rfd-04-12-99,06-12-00 697 2391000 893.95 68059 Rayonier Inc. 18218 Overpmt rfds-2000 697 2391000 705.84 68066 Saba & Associates 19300 Overpmt rfd #SHIELA 10-08-99 697 2391000 25.00 Overpmt rfd-#PROCTO 03-23-99 697 2391000 25.00 Overpmt rfd-GLENN 03-23-99 697 2391000 12.50 Overpmt rfd #000043 697 2391000 23.80 Overpmt rfd-#000041 697 2391000 15.35 68068 Scott & From Company 19860 Overpmt rfd #128006 Landfill 697 2391000 180.48 68076 Town & Country Post Frame Bldg 20088 Overpmt rfd-#127978 03-16-00 697 2391000 17.67 68078 Trilogy Group Inc 20336 Overpmt rfd-#19990000813 8-16 697 2391000 102. 17 68080 US West New Vector Group 21101 Overpmt rfds-1998 697 2391000 166.27 68083 Victoria Rapid Transit 22041 Overpmt rfd-#1000002176 7-00 697 2391000 80.00 68085 Voice Stream 22122 Overpmt rfd-02-01 double pmt 697 2391000 6,000.00 68089 West Central District #3 WIAA 23631 Overpmt rfds-#WCD3 03-09-99 697 2391000 60.00 68092 Willi Lou's 23633 Overpmt rfd-#1010002409 11-01 697 2391000 137.44 68093 Williams, Denise 23632 Overpmt rfd-#1010003030 12-01 697 2391000 100.00 68204 Regence Blue Shield 18290 Overpmt rfd-Pike 5-19-01 697 2391000 573. Total for Accts.Receivable Clearing Fund 13,645.14 698 68098 AFSCME Local #1619 01152 r.t.t II deduction pe02-03 698 2315200 84.00 68099 AFSCME Local #1619 scholarship 01153 Payroll deductions pe02-03 698 2315200 168.00 02/02/12-17:58 . Fnd Opt Check Number . . 68138 68139 68143 68145 68157 68184 68185 68192 68196 68221 68223 68227 68233 68234 City of Port Angeles - LfV~ MACHINE Vendor Name Employees Association Washington (Unemp), State of Firefighter's Local #656 Flex-Plan Services (Payroll) IBEW Local #997 Office of Support Enforcement Office of Support Enforcement Peninsula Collection Services Police Association Teamsters Local #589 US Department of Education United Way (payroll) WSCCCE, AFSCME, AFL-CIO DiMartino/WSCFF Disability CHECK REGISTER Date From 01/26/2002 To 02/08/2002 Vendor Number 05041 23178 06076 06062 09034 15072 15166 01364 16156 20056 21075 21028 23167 06052 Description Payroll deductions pe02-03 Payroll deductions pe02-03 Payroll deductions pe02-03 Payroll deductions pe 02-03 Payroll deductions Payroll deductions pe02-03 Payroll deductions pe02-03 Payroll deductions pe02-03 Payroll deductions pe02-03 Payroll deductions pe02-03 Payroll deductions pe02-03 Payroll deductions pe02-03 Payroll deduction pe02-03 Payroll deductions pe02-03 February 12 2002 GL Code Number 698 2315210 698 2315210 698 2315200 698 2315210 698 2315200 698 2315210 698 2315210 698 2315210 698 2315210 698 2315200 698 2315210 698 2315240 698 2315200 698 2315190 Total for Accounts Payable Clearing Fund 45 Grand Total Page 13 Amount 360.00 27.46 1,100.00 950.96 645.80 1,136.50 181.38 240.00 251.00 1,744.00 69.41 427.06 3,096.31 867.97 11,349.85 405,604.58 . . . 46 . MEMO FINANCE DEPARTMENT Yvonne Ziomkowski Finance Director [4601] Karen Asquith Accounting Mgr. [4605] . Carol Hagar nistrative Assistant [4600] . ~ORTAN ELES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. Date: February 11, 2002 To: Mayor Wiggins and City Council From: Lynne Bryant, Payroll Specialist Re: Payroll Information for February 03, 2002 For February 3,2002, the payroll was $452,673.18. Overall the year-to-date change from 2001 to 2002 is 8.49%, however, there is no change in the General Fund. . The decrease in Community Development is due to Associate Planner position vacancy. . The high increases in the Solid Waste Fund and Police are due to retirement payouts. · Inclement weather contributed to increased overtime in the Street and Water Funds. Suggestions and comments are welcome. 47 !--- PAYROLL INFORMATION AS OF FEBRUARY 02, 2002 . Current 2001 2002 2001 YTD Fund/Department for PP # 03 for PP # 03 TOTAL TOTAL VARIANCE 02/03/02 02/04/01 YTD YTD $ % General Fund Mayor/Council 2,950.00 2,850.00 100.00 City Manager (Adm,HR,Clerk) 12,449.30 11,836.89 37,175.37 35,283.55 1,891.82 5.36% Superior Performance/OPS 155.40 308.40 466.20 (157.80) -33.85% Finance 30,408.98 31,341.29 93,143.10 90,758.47 2,384.63 2.63% City Attorney 8,410.38 8,857.35 34,431.38 35,613.89 (1,182.51) -3.32% Community Development 8,116.96 9,098.03 24,105.75 27,951.84 (3,846.09) -13.76% Police Department 71,205.82 67,283.98 233,314.34 206,546.68 26,767.66 12.96% Fire Department 59,091.86 51,241.05 164,520.02 152,682.89 11,837.13 7.75% Public Works and Utility Services 29,452.79 30,378.78 95,767.86 92,370.22 3,397.64 3.68% Park and Recreation 37,008.58 36,898.23 106,880.82 103,056.48 3,824.34 3.71% Facility Maintenance 3,016.69 2,636.51 9,337.57 8,118.40 1,219.17 15.02% Total General Fund 259,161.36 249,727.51 801,934.61 755,698.62 46,235.99 0.00 Economic Development 2,529.37 2,488.43 7,541.73 7,302.95 238.78 3.27% Pen Com 28,145.15 26,868.62 84,350.63 79,661.07 4,689.56 5.89% Street 19,537.76 14,711.38 51,019.05 45,538.66 5,480.39 12.03% Recreation Activities 2,231.74 1,852.66 5,692.08 5,101.36 590.72 11.58% Electric Utility Fund 47,288.20 39,397.17 113,266.01 104,486.10 8,779.91 8'1 Water 20,239.18 18,108.99 62,156.55 54,572.00 7,584.55 13. Wastewater 14,268.27 13,539.40 44,083.90 40,912.74 3,171.16 7. Solid Waste 39,555.17 21,506.04 87,160.75 64,105.83 23,054.92 35.96% Equipment Services 10,199.14 8,709.13 27,346.50 25,705.31 1,641.19 6.38% Information Technology 6,618.96 6,416.20 19,708.82 18,832.54 876.28 4.65% Firemen's Pension 2,006.15 1,704.36 301.79 17.71% Esther Webster Trust 2,898.88 2,758.88 8,646.79 8,438.00 208.79 2.47% Total Payroll 452,673.18 406,084.41 1,314,913.57 1,212,059.54 102,854.03 8.49% . 48 . . . Finance Department Electronic Payments January 26, 2002 - February 08,2002 Fund 401 01-29-02 WPPSS December Power Purchase 402,756.00 401 02-04-02 WPPSS December Transmission 174,834.00 401 02-07 -02 WPPSS December Power Purchase 1,372,362.00 Total 1,949,952.00 C:\ WINNT\Profiles\Administrator\Personal\ Wires. wpd 49 . . . FORTANGELES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: February 19,2002 To: MAYOR WIGGINS AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: Glenn A. Cutler, Director of Public Works and Utilities SUBJECT: Wastewater Treatment Plant Operating System and Software Upgrade Summary: The Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) needs to upgrade its existing supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) software and hardware to control additional equipment. This upgrade will also allow increased automation at the WWTP. Staff has investigated various software and options available to upgrade the WWTP operating control system and determined that using the existing S & B Inc. software is in the City's best interest. Recommendation: Approve the purchase of operating software and associated hardware for the City's Wastewater Treatment Plant, and authorize the City Manager to sign an a2reement for a price not to exceed $75,000. Background / Analysis: The WWTP needs to upgrade the existing software and hardware so operators can add new equipment including the standby generator and other WWTP modifications and permit the WWTP to become more automated. The original plant controller (programable logic controller - PLC) and software were installed in 1993 by S & B Inc. as part ofthe plant expansion to secondary treatment. Resolution No. 10-99 was passed in May 1999, designating S & B Inc. as the sole source provider for software at the WWTP. S & B Inc. replaced the obsolete graphics and scanning system and added new software to make the WWTP Y2K compliant. The current configuration of software lacks flexibility for operating the plant. Staff is not able to make changes or edit existing alarms. It is necessary to have S & B Inc. write a new line of code for changes. Cost for their efforts on each change is not cost effective. The proposed upgrade will permit staff to make modifications and/or adjustments in-house without the time and expense of calling in S&B Inc. programmers. This will be similar to how the SCADA for the water system was designed and installed by S & B Inc. The cost for upgrading the software and associated hardware is not to exceed $75,000. The 2002 budget contains $69,000 for this acquisition. The additional $6,000 will be made available through cost savings during the budget year. The Utility Advisory Committee considered this request at their meeting on February 12,2002 and recommended approval. N:\PWKS\WW A TER\cc-S&Bupgrade.wpd 51 . . . 52 . . . DATE: To: FROM: SUBJECT: F'.."0" R..' .1' ,...'Pt... N..-G"'. 'E'."""L". E.". S~ '.. 1 'j ; i J , J , . " ,it ; .j' ; .;.', I , ,I '_I I . !'~ ",: f -,; -;!',; I; , . , .....".... '.,_._",' ' .d_.' WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO February 19, 2002 MAYOR WIGGINS AND CITY COUNCIL Glenn A. Cutler, Director of Public Works & Utilities Olympic Coast Beach Cleanup Summary: Olympic Coast Clean-Up Partners has requested waiving of tipping fees at the Port Angeles Landfill for disposal of 10 to 15 tons of ocean beach debris. They will be collecting the debris during their annual event that is scheduled for the weekend of April 20, 2002. The City Council has supported this effort in the past by reducing fees by 50%. Recommendation: Approve a reduction of 50% in the tipping fees for the Olympic Coast Clean-U Partners annual ro.ect for this ear and future ears. Background / Analysis: The Olympic Coast Clean-Up Partners has requested by their attached letter that the tipping fees at the Port Angeles Landfill be waived for disposal of material associated with their annual beach clean up event. The project is a joint effort of 20 organizations and 400 volunteers from the Olympic Peninsula and the Puget Sound Basin to clean up the ocean beaches on the Olympic Peninsula as an Earth Day event. The debris to be collected would be brought directly to the landfill by equipment donated by the Olympic National Park. In the past the project has generated approximately 3 to 4 tons of material. The P AMC permits a 50 % reduction in the tipping fees when approved by City Council for this type of project. It is recommended that City Council approve the 50% reduction for this project. Also it is recommended that future annual ocean beach clean up events be granted a reduction of 50% of the tipping fees. Current rates at the landfill are $76.80 per ton. This reduction will be a reduction of fees in the amount of approximately $135. Attach: Olympic Coast Clean-Up Partners letter dated January 16,2002 N:\PWKS\SW ASTE\RA TES\OL YMPIC 2002.wpd 53 * * * * OLYMPIC COAST CLEAN-UP * * * * April 20, 2002 Olvmpic Coast Clean-up Partners Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary Olympic National Park Quileute Tribe U.S. Coast Guard Supoortin2 Partners Clal/am Bay-Sekiu Chamber of Commerce Forks Chamber of Commerce Friends of the Trail Lost Resort, Ozette Northwest Wilderness and Parks Conference Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary Advisory Council Olympic Park Associates Olympic Peninsula Audubon Pack and Paddle Magazine ~ityofPort~Angeles-------~ REI Starbucks The Mountaineers U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Lacey, WA Office Volunteers for Outdoor Washington Washington Trails Association Washington Water Trails Association Community Information Clal/am Bay-Sekiu Chamber of Commerce 360-963-2346 Chamber@sekiu.com Forks Chamber of Commerce 360-374-2531 chamber@olypen.com 1-800-443-6757 Lost Resort, Ozelle 360-963-2899 lostresort@hotmail.com Recreation Information Center Olympic National Park and Forest 551 South Forks Ave., HWY 101. Forks 360-374-7566 jon yreston@nps.gov Jan KUppert, Clean-up Coordinator RECEIVED . JAN 1 8 2001 Glenn A. Cutler, Director Department of Public Works P.O. Box 1150 Port Angeles, W A 98362-0217 RE: Olympic Coast Clean-up - April 20, 2002 Dear Mr. Cutler, V olunteers from throughout the Olympic Peninsula and the Puget Sound Basin will be collecting and removing marine generated debris from Olympic National Park ocean beaches the weekend of April 20, 2002. Many individuals, organizations and agencies are partnering in this major coastal clean up project. The City of Port Angeles is recognized as one of the partners in this effort. This letter is a request that dump fees are waived for the collected debris. . It is anticipated 111at 30-0 - ;/JUG volunteers WIll parficipate:--They will remove between 10 to 15 tons of debris from the beaches. Staff from the Olympic National Park is providing general guidance for the project and will truck the debris to the transfer stations. Your favorable consideration of this request will be appreciated. inc~. ~K(),~~ ~- .fa . KliP~ Pro] ct Coordinator CC: Mark O'Neill, District Park Ranger Dave Morris, Park Superintendent Tom McCabe, Manager, Solid Waste Division Steve Evans, Landfill Supervisor . 206-364-2689 jpklippert@aol.com 54 14036 Meridian No. Seattle, WA 98133 ,. ~;::~;'\ . \'~\\~ & :FORT ANGELES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: February 19, 2002 To: MAYOR WIGGINS AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: Glenn A. Cutler, Director of Public Works and Utilities SUBJECT: Electric Underground Conversion Ediz Hook Phase I Project 20-06 Final Acceptance Summary: Potelco Inc. of Sumner, Washington, has completed the Electric Underground Conversion Ediz Hook Phase I, Project 20-06 which was awarded August 21,2001 in the amount of$120,825.05. The final cost, $79,561.08, is less than the contract by $41,263.97 due to variations in quantities of work. Recommendation: Accept project 20-06, and authorize release of Potelco, Inc. retain age u on recei t of clearances from the De artments of Revenue and Labor and Industries. . Backl:round / Analysis: The City Council in 1999 and the years since have approved the budgeting of $50,000 per year to underground the overhead electrical facilities along Ediz Hook. The budgeted amounts were carried forward each year with approximately $20,000 being expended in 2000 for design and $130,000 budgeted for 2001 construction of Phase 1. Phase I extends from the Police radio tower to the end of the line near the boat launch ramp, a distance of approximately 1,975 feet. This scope of Phase I was selected because it allowed Qwest to also underground their overhead fiber optic cable so the poles could be removed. The City Council on August 21,2001 awarded a construction contract to Potelco, Inc. of Sumner, Washington in the amount of$120,825.05 to underground a portion of the electric service. One change order in the amount of$2,705.00 was approved for remobilization necessary due to the late arrival of some materials, increasing the contract to $123,530.05. Potelco has completed the work and it has been approved by the Project Manager. The final cost for the contract is $79,561.08. The final cost is less than the contracted amount due to relocating the trench out of the paved area. Qwest was able to install a temporary cable overhead to bypass the underground communication cable which was in the off pavement position. This allowed trench placement out of the paved trail, significantly reducing the cost. The . . prolect costs are: ITEM ESTIMATED COST ACTUAL COST Contracted Labor and Eauioment $120.825.04 $73,531.50 Material (City supplied) $47.100.00 $71.745.43 Enaineerino 2001 $11,927.11 $11,927.11 Archeoloaical $14,985.00 $6,132.50 Total ~~4,837.15 $163,336.54 I . . . City Council 2/19/02 Electric Underground Conversion Ediz Hook Phase I Page 2 The material costs exceeded the estimate due to the requirement for special corrosion resistant materials in the salt water environment of Ediz Hook. The additional costs of these materials was not known by staff at the time of the estimate. After consideration of the actual costs associated with Phase I and discussions with the contractor as to how the experience would impact his bidding on future phases the total project cost estimate has been increased to approximately $600,000.00 in 2002 dollars, with approximately $406,000.00 remaining to be accomplished. Phase II which is currently projected for 2005 or 2006 will be approximately 2250 feet from the Police radio tower to the log dump area at an estimated cost of$200,OOO.00. Phase III extending west to the BP tanks is projected for 2009 construction at a cost of approximately $206,000.00. BEFORE AFTER N :IPWKSILIGH1\ENGRIPROJECTS\Edizhooklccfnla4. wpd 56 . . . F, ',',-'0' R- '1' -''Pl'", N-G- 'E"""L- E-"S ' , -'I ri' i' 1_ i! ~ ;:' I _' ~ . ._..____ _._m._ .. .__~ WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: February 19,2002 To: MAYOR WIGGINS AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: Glenn A. Cutler, Director of Public Works and Utilities SUBJECT: Amendment No. 1 to Consultant Agreement, Port Angeles International Gateway Transportation Center Summary: An amendment is required to the consultant agreement with the architecture firm of Merritt + Pardini to provide additional architectural and engineering services to prepare final plans, contract documents, and construction administration for the Port Angeles International Gateway Transportation Center Project 97-20. Recommendation: Authorize the Mayor to sign Amendment No.1 to the agreement with Merritt + Pardini consistent with the attached sco e, with the ne otiated fee not to exceed $371,051.00. Back2roundl Analysis: The original contract with Merritt + Pardini was entered into in July 1999. Since that time, the scope of work has changed. They have been requested to produce additional conceptual drawings, reconfigure the project's layout, investigate alternative sites, design and obtain cost estimates for a lidded parking facility, and conduct additional environmental work. These additional tasks have resulted in a change in the original timeline and caused some compensation to be redistributed between tasks. All were approved by the Gateway Review Committee. Attached is a revised Scope of Work and Compensation Matrix that covers completion of the concept design and two workshops, supplemental environmental services, geotechnical report, final design, permitting, and construction administration. Compensation is hourly, not to exceed $371,051. This is an increase of $90,000 and increases the total contract amount to $767,000. Public Works and Utilities Engineering staff conducted a cost analysis and found these fee and special services to be reasonable and within industry standards for projects of similar size and complexity. The City is the lead agency on this joint project with Clallam Transit. The project funding is provided by a $3,000,000 Federal Transit Authority grant and a $1,500,000 Transportation Improvement Board Grant; additional matching funds are not required. Attachments: Scope, cost and schedule Loc: N:\PROJECTS\97-20 Gateway\CONSULliCCamnd1.wpd File: 97-20,04A 57 Merritt +Pardini Arch~ecture Urban Design Planning Interior Design . December 19, 2001 PORT ANGELES INTERNATIONAL GATEWAY TRANSPORTA TION CENTER PROJECT SCOPE OF WORK GENERAL CLARIFICATIONS AND ASSUMPTIONS 1. Scope of Work is based on an anticipated construction budget of a $3.5 million multi-modal transportation center, public plaza, underground parking for approx. 40 cars and related amenities. Projected timeline is attached. 2. Drawings during design will be provided as AUTOCAD drawings. . Specifications during Design will be prepared by the Merritt+ Pardini design team and will include coordination and inclusion of Division 0 (General Conditions) from the Owner. TASK 1.0 - PROJECT MANAGEMENT A. Project Setup . Scope of Work preparation . Prepare previous work for presentation at Workshop #1 . Administer project staff for project duration . Maintain project budget and accounting review . Monthly Project Reports . Maintain Project Correspondence De liverables: 1. Scope of Work 2. Project Schedule 3. Project Reports 4. Invoicing . 12/19/01 58 1 . TASK 1.1 - PREDESIGN Objective: Evaluate Concept Design and confinn the vision, goals, design criteria, space program, and project budget. A. Workshop # 1 (1 day - Concept Evaluation) 1. Present and review concept designs. 2. Confirm project goals and objectives from previous work. 3. Confirm/ discuss desired facility image. 4. Confirm general project issues, opportunities, constraints and expectations. 5. Evaluate and test alternatives against building, site, and operations criteria developed in Concept Design. 6. Review conceptual site plan configurations and adjacency diagrams in conjunction with site plan alternatives. 7. Identify overall project budget. 8. Evening workshop for public input. B. Develop Predesign Level Cost Estimates Objective: Develop and evaluate cost estimate for alternative selected in Workshop # 1. . C. Concept Refinement 1. Refme concepts developed in Workshop # 1. De liverables: · Site Plan · Images to convey concepts D. Workshop #2 (1 day - Evaluate Images to Convey Refined Concepts. Select Preferred Concept.) Objective: Evaluate refined concepts. Select preferred concept. 1. Test concept development. 2. Select preferred concept (or combination of elements). 3. Update Cost Model for preferred concept. 4. Evening workshop for public comment and input. 5. City council, PADA, and CTS Board presentation as required. Deliverables: (as a result of workshop) . 1. Prepare final site plan drawing(s) of preferred concept showing the proposed development of structures, driveways, landscaping, utilities, storm detention and other significant site elements. 12/19/01 59 2 2. Prepare final cost estimates, schedule, drawing package, workshop . notes, for inclusion into a Design Report. TASK 2.0 - SUPPLEMENTAL SERVICES A. Environmental/FTA Coordination 1. Confirm all reviewing agencies 1 departments having jurisdiction. 2. Confirm required site permitting process and adopted standards 1 ordinances, etc. 3. Confirm drainage requirements. 4. Confirm NEPA/SEPA process and timing as needed. 5. Attend pre-development meetings with review agencies to review preferred site development alternative(s). B. Geotechnical Work (See Landau Scope of Work) 1. Plan and provide field work to include borings, test pits, etc. 2. Provide soils analysis and recommendations for foundations, pavement, drainage, liquifaction, etc., via a soils report. C. SurVey 1. Prepare site survey as required to complete contract documents and . design including location of all built elements, property boundaries, and topography for subject property to gutter line on far side of adjacent streets. D. Phase 2 Environmental Investigation 1. In combination with geotechnical exploration, investigate site for presence of contaimnated/hazardous materials. Submit report documenting findings. TASK 3.0 - DESIGN A. Preliminary Design Submittal (30% Complete) Objective: Provide a 30% design level submittal for review and comment by Review Committee, Authority Board, and City Council. 1. Draft soils report. 2. Survey Coordination 3. Prepare 30% design plans. 4. Submit to Owner for informal review. S. Prepare 30% cost estimate 6. Preliminary design. 7. Draft Reports (soils, drainage, structural, etc.) . 12/19/01 60 3 . B. Progress Submittal (60% Complete) Objective: Provide a 60% design level submittal for review and comment by Review Committee and/ or staff 1. Progress plans 2. Progress specifications 3. Progress cost estimate 4. Progress submittal review C. Complete Design Submittal/Permit Submittal (95% Complete) Objective: Provide a 95% design level submittal for review and comment by Review Committee, Authority Board, and City Council and for permit submittal. 1. 2. 3. 4. . 5. 6. 95% complete plans (Permit level) 95% complete specifications (Owner to provide Division 0 "boiler plate" portion of specs) Calculations as needed for each discipline will be provided (Pavement cales., structural cales., lighting, energy, etc.) 95% complete cost estimate 95% design submittal review Final Reports (soils, drainage, structural, etc. for permit level) Drawings, specifications, reports, etc., will be submitted by the Merritt+ Pardini team. The Merritt+ Pardini team will be responsible for all permit applications, submittal handling and delivering, contact with plans examiners, coordination, etc. Merritt+Pardini will provide support in answering questions, responding to review comments according to the level of effort outlined in compensation matrix. D. Final Submittal - Bid Documents (100% Complete) Objective: Provide a 100% design level submittal for review and comment by Review Committee, Authority Board, and City Council. 1. Final plans 2. Final specifications 3. Final cost estimate Final documents may not reflect responses to permit submittal due to timing of plan review. E. Contract Document Bidding . Objective: To provide bidding services to Owner as outlined below: 12/19/01 61 4 1. Respond to questions and clarifications from bidders. 2. Respond to substitution requests. 3. Prepare and distribute addenda to plan holders as needed. 4. Attend one prebid meeting at project site or City facilities. 5. Assist Owner in evaluating bid results and in evaluation of low bidder credentials. TASK 4.0 - CONSTRUCTION ADMINISTRATION Objective: To provide construction administration services as required to confirm conformance with the contract documents. Scope of work: 1. Weekly site visits and weekly structured meetings, at least through the critical construction times, and bi-weekly otherwise. Meeting minute recording at site meetings are assumed to be provided by General Contractor (GC) or Owner. 2. Review of submittals and shop drawings 3. Response to Contractor's request for information and clarification 4. This task will be performed on a on -call as needed basis and will be billed on a time and material. 12/19/01 62 . . . 5 . 0. ~ ~s International Gatewav TransDortation Center ;AL DESIGN SCOPE OF WORKlBUDGET . Architectural & Engineering S.",k:es - ... PatametrtJl . . Llrldbflg AtdlttKlI .Nn N"Il'IO~nl'" . rr.. WKI ": Brlghl ..,.. . ...... . . ArchllKIs ~nr-.'" loc"A~'trMgr SUrHylCt'll1 COft~t. ~dmln. L~d.c~O.~ _~oc. S~~ra'-. COI~E'll",.dng G.ot.u.nlcal :,TO:rAL '.. .'. """" Labo;Dollars "..... libofOolars """" . labor Dobts """" L.borOollaIS """", I.aborDollilrs Hours ". 'LaborDoltars ..... Labor[)olars ..... LabOl'DoIM ..... labQrOoRars .' TASK 1.0: PROJECT MANAGEMENT 84 9,240 30 3,300 58 6,160 17. '1.700.00 TASK 1.1: CONCEPT DESIGN 236 24,980.00 WorkshooPrell. ,. 1440 . 480 Workshoo "- Confirm P~re6m. Conca 2' 3,000 12 1440 Refine ConceDtls .0 3,600 12 WorUhon.2. Develoo Concenls 2' 3,000 12 1,440 Finalize Conca '8 .580 12 1.320 12 1,140 12 1.080 20 8 Cooncl Presentation 16 2000 . 480 TASK 2.0: SUPPLEMENTAL SERVICES . 37.~.GO ErMt'on./FTA COOfdlnation 8 880 2. 2.880 1--- Phase 2 environmental Geolec:hnbll Re 12 1320 ' - 14,400 5 18. 1.160 16,200 TASK 3B: FINAL DESIGN SERViCES -. 2,140 2QO.990.00 Oesian30% 96 8,640 32 3,040 32 2.'" 20 1.800 .0 3.600 tl2 10,640 Oesian60% 12' ",160 '8 ',560 58 5..... 2' 2,160 .. 5,320 ,.2 13490 Deslan 95% 158 14,040 .. 5,320 52 '680 32 2,880 72 6,840 164 15580 - Deslon 100% 112 10,080 '0 3800 2' 2160 2. 2,160 .. 5.320 12' 11,780 SoeciflCations .2 3,780 12 1,140 2. 2,160 12 1,080 2. 2260 32 3040 - InleriotDesian ." 3,600 12 1080 CosI Estimales 2' 2160 0 0 0 6' 7680 Permmlna 12 1,080 8 880 .8 '.560 . 360 0 0 ... 16 1.440 8 ... 38 3,420 . 360 12 1320 12 1,320 - SUBTOTAL 282,110.00 - T A~K 4: CONSTRUCTION ADMINISTRATION 120 10800 36 3.420 240 21800 32 3,040 38 3,420 84 7960 - 18 1,520 564 51,780.00 Subtotal LabOr 1,030 97 780 306 30....0 62' 58,120 0 18,200 164 14,920 296 28,300 702 63 830 72 -1.Ji60.00 16 1$,920 3,110 333,1190.00 Subconsullant Martl-up (10%) 23611 - ---5<iQ f-- 23,611.00 Reimbursable &oensu 8.500 2200 2500 800 800 250 13,550,00 , TOTAL COMPENSATION 1,030 127,191 306 32,740 6241 61,220 01 16,200 164 15,120 296 29,100 702 I 64,330 121 7,930 "I 15,920 371,051.00 NOTES: ,. Compensalion Is hourty no&-to-exceed. HouJ1y.~mouots shown are an estimated averages only. -- ---- - 2, Reimbursable expelISIlS and travel are estimated and actual PMn!es will be billed. ----- -- ---. - ---- 3. Compensation may be redistributed belWeen tasks upon Ownet's approval. I I -----. -.-.- PottAnglles8udgetflv..1s Mllrrln.PIIllinl 12119/2001 Port Anqeles International Gatewav Transportation Center DRAFT SCHEDULE 10 Task Name Duration Start 1 PROJECT MANAGEMENT 199 days Thu 11/1/01 2 CONCEPT DESIGN 36 days Tue 1/1/02 3 Workshop Preparation 12 days Tue 1/1/02 4 Workshop #1 o days Thu 1/17/02 5 Refine Concepts 9 days Thu 1/17102 6 Workshop #2 o days Thu 1/31/02 7 Finalize Concepts 14 days Thu 1/31/02 8 SUPPLEMENTAL 107 days Man 9/24/01 9 Geotechnical 32 days Mon 9/24/01 10 Survey 32 days Mon 1/7/02 11 FINAL DESIGN 141 days Wed 2/20/02 ~ 30% Design 24 days Wed 2/20/02 13 60% Design 30 days Mon 4/8/02 14 95% Design 36 days Mon 6/3/02 15 CT Review 14 days Tue 7/23/02 16 Bid Documents 18 days Mon 8/12/02 17 BID/NEGOTIATION 22 days Wed 9/4/02 18 Advertise o days Wed 9/4/02 19 Bid Period 16 days Thu 9/5/02 20 Award o days Mon 10/7/02 21 CONSTRUCTION 171 days Man 10m02 22 Construction Period 150 days Mon 10/7102 23 Closeout 21 days Man 5/5/03 Task IIlfJl ! m!Fm -" 1iI1. Summary I Progress Rolled Up Task - Milestone . Rolled Up Milestone 0 Draft Schedule-rev Finish Tue 8/6/02 Tue 2/19/02 Wed 1/16/02 Thu 1/17/02 Tue 1/29/02 Thu 1/31/02 Tue 2/19/02 Tue 2/19/02 ; Tue 11/6/01 ; Tue 2/19/02 Wed 9/4/02 Man 3/25/02 Fri 5/17/02 Mon 7/22/02 Fri 8/9/02 Wed 9/4/02 Mon 10m02 Wed 9/4/02 Thu 9/26/02 Mon 10/7/02 . Mon 6/2/03 Fri 5/2/03 Mon 6/2/03 October 2001 1 January 2002 r April 2002 July 2002 1 October 2002 1 January 2003 1 April 2003 9/23110/28112/2 1/612/1013/171412115/26 6/3018/419/8110/13111/17112/2211/2613/214/615/11 I i I ! 1 i . ; I I I I~ Iii I . i ; Ii i 11 . ; I I I I- I I I I ~l ~:J.. ~ - :J.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~--1~.. 1 ! ,1 . . . . , ; :' : : : : : : ',' . . . . . . . . . Rolled Up Progress Project Summary .-_-.:,= - ., -. ---,IIEI Split External Tasks Illllllllllllltllllllllllllllllllllll __.lUlilfll Merritt+Pardini Wed 12/19/01 . . DATE: To: FROM: SUBJECT: F:..... iOr JR;Tr/1l.' .'. N' ~Gr-' iE~;,iLr E:/S- i - ~ '.f{ _.:_ .d ___l~ ~ .1 i J .___" '! .J _.J.~.J' j , - , ' : i ....." ..-'.,- .-.'-"-' WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. C IT Y C 0 U N elL M E M 0 February 19, 2002 MAYOR WIGGINS AND CITY COUNCIL Glenn A. Cutler, Director of Public Works and Utilities Minimum Fee at the Port Angeles Landfill Summary: The Port Angeles Landfill has had a constant annual increase in the number of self- haul customers. The increase has caused extra workload for the staff. It is proposed to increase the minimum fee for disposal from $2.00 to $7.00 per transaction for self haulers. Recommendation: Amend P AMC Chapter 13.56.020A to increase the minimum rate at the Port An eles Landfill from $2.00 to $7.00 effective Monda A rill, 2002. . Background/Analysis: There has been a steady annual increase in the volume of the self-haul customers at the landfill. This has caused an increase in the number of transactions at the scales. King, Snohomish, and Pierce counties have increased their minimum rate to reduce the number of self-haul customers trips with minimal adverse comments. The counties did not report an increase in illegal dumping upon implementation of higher fees. It is anticipated that the rate increase will reduce the frequency of self haulers at the landfill. The following chart shows the annual increase in trips for self haulers. Port Angeles Landfill Self-Haul Customer Count: . Year Self Hauler Trips Per Cent Increase 1998 73,729 Baseline 1999 77,191 4% 2000 81,315 10% 2001 86,263 17% 65 ,- City Council Minimum Fee February 19,2002 page 2 . The following table is a survey of the minimum charges at some landfills and transfer stations in Washington State. A survey of Landfills / Transfer Stations: Location Landfill I Transfer Station Minimum Rate Walla Walla Landfill King County Landfill Oak Harbor Transfer Station Olympic View Landfill Thurston County Landfill Port Townsend Transfer Station West Waste Transfer Station $5.95 $13.72 $11.00 $3.61 $9.95 $5.00 $4.20 . It is recommended that the minimum rate at the Port Angeles Landfill be increased from $2.00 to $7.00 effective April 1, 2002. This equates to a minimum load increase from 52 pounds to 182 pounds. Information to customers would be disseminated utilizing: . Utility Bills . Channel 21 & 3 . Radio advertisements . Flyers at the landfill scale shack . Newspaper . Home Show Attached is an endorsement from the Clallam County Solid Waste Advisory Committee (SWAC) and survey results of fees collected from users of the landfill between June 6 and December 26, 2001. The fee change was endorsed by the Utility Advisory Committee at their February 12, 2002 meeting. Attachments: Survey SW AC Letter dated January 25, 2002 Draft Ordinance . N:\PWKS\SW ASTE\RATES\CC-MINIMUMFEE.wpd 66 The following chart is a random count done by the scales. Date Day Total Vehicles Under $5.00 Under $7.00 Above $7.00 ne6 Wednesday 242 61 ( 25% ) 93 (. 38% ) 88 ( 37% ) ne 16 Saturday 459 135 ( 29% ) 188 ( 41% ) 136 ( 30% ) July 7 Saturday 474 134 ( 28% ) 188 ( 40% ) 152 ( 32% ) July 13 Friday 364 95 ( 26% ) 140 ( 38% ) 129 ( 36% ) July 17 Tuesday 285 90 ( 32% ) 118 ( 41% ) 77 ( 27% ) July 30 Monday 385 114 ( 30.% ) 145 ( 38% ) 126 ( 32% ) August 1 Monday 312 92 ( 30% ) 123 ( 39% ) 97 ( 31% ) August 10 Friday 317 127 ( 40% ) 156 ( 49% ) 34 ( 11% ) August 15 Wednesday 301 90 ( 30% ) 114 ( 38% ) 97 ( 32% ) August 21 Tuesday 337 111 ( 33% ) 146 ( 43% ) 80 ( 24% ) August 30 Friday 283 91 ( 32% ) 119 ( 42% ) 73 ( 26% ) September 5 Wednesday 300 95 ( 31% ) 129 ( 43% ) 76 ( 26% ) September 13 Thursday 243 79 (33%) 102 ( 42% ) 62 ( 25% ) September 18 Tuesday 273 85 ( 31% ) 104 ( 38% ) 84 ( 31% ) September 29 Saturday 483 153 ( 32% ) 219 ( 45% ) III ( 23% ) .ober 3 Wednesday 267 72 ( 27% ) 98 ( 37% ) 97 ( 36% ) October 9 Tuesday 270 80 ( 30% ) 112 ( 41% ) 78 ( 29% ) October 19 Friday 237 70 ( 29% ) 100 ( 43% ) 67 ( 28% ) October 27 Saturday 319 110 ( 35% ) 157 ( 49% ) 52 ( 16% ) November 2 Friday 267 76 ( 28% ) 103 ( 39% ) 88 ( 33% ) November 6 Tuesday 248 64 ( 26% ) 91 ( 37% ) 93 ( 37% ) November 17 Saturday 457 161 ( 35% ) 227 ( 50% ) 69 ( 15% ) November 26 Monday 300 92 ( 31% ) 133 ( 44% ) 75 ( 25% ) December 3 Monday 262 84 ( 32% ) III ( 42% ) 67 ( 26% ) December 6 Thursday 188 63 ( 34 % ) 76 ( 40% ) 49 ( 26% ) December 11 Tuesday 211 74 ( 35% ) 97 ( 46% ) 40 ( 19% ) December 15 Saturday 318 136 ( 43% ) 162 ( 51% ) 20 ( 6% ) December 19 Wednesday 206 65 ( 32% ) 88 ( 43% ) 53 ( 25% ) December 21 Friday 267 99 ( 37% ) 130 ( 49% ) 38 ( 14% ) ~mber 26 Wednesday 323 134 ( 41% ) 180 ( 56% ) 9 ( 3% ) verage 307 98 ( 32% ) 132 ( 43% ) 77 ( 25%) * Column number five is vehicles over $5.00 but less than ~ 10. CLALLAM COUNTY . SOLID WASTE ADVISORY COMMITTEE January 25, 2001 Board of Clallam County Commissioners c/o Clallam County Public Works Department P. O. Box 863, 223 East Fourth Street Port Angeles, W A 98362-0149 Subject: Base Fee Increase at Landfill Dear Commissioners: At the January 17, 2002 Solid Waste Advisory Committee (SW AC) meeting, the City of Port Angeles presented a proposal to increase the base fee at the landfill from $2.00 to $7.00. Information to support the increase was presented by Mr. Tom McCabe, Utility Superintendent for the City's Solid Waste Division. Issues raised were the possibilities of increase in illegal dumping, storage of refuse for larger loads possibly contributing to vermin or creating an attractive nuisance. Mr. McCabe indicated that research has determined these concerns were of little significance in other counties were the base landfill fees have been raised. Also noted was that the City has not raised the base fee for 10 years and that surrounding counties have minimum rates ranging from $5 to $11. . The SW AC appreciates the City's bringing this proposed change to our attention, and recognizes that approval by the SW AC is not required nevertheless, the SW AC has voted to support the increase proposed by the City for a minimum base landfill use fee increase not to exceed $7.00. City of Port Angeles Utilities Advisory Committee c/o City of Port Angeles Public Works Department . 68 . ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, increasing the minimum charge for dumping refuse at the City's sanitary landfill and amending Ordinance 2317 as amended and Chapter 13.56 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES DOES HEREBY ORDAIN as follows: Section 1. Ordinance 2317, as amended, and Chapter 13.56 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code are hereby amended by amending PAMC 13.56.020 to read as follows: 13.56.020 Rates. A. All Landfill users shall be charged and shall pay the following rates for dumping refuse at the Sanitary Landfill site (except as set forth herein): . Rate $76.80 per ton with a $Z:OO $7.00 minimum charge. B. In addition to the fees established by subsection A of this Section, uncovered loads shall be charged an additional $5 fee. C. Refuse requiring special handling, including but not limited to asbestos and low level radioactive materials, shall be charged $190 per ton; provided that the minimum charge for refuse requiring special handling shall be $190. Special handling includes manifesting, immediate burial, hand unloading and/or placement in the disposal pit by Landfill crews. D. (1) Landfill users' clean yard waste, as determined by the Landfill attendant, that may be converted to compost will not be charged a fee except that commercial users, including but not limited to landscape services, lawn maintenance services, and tree pruning/removal services, shall be charged $20.00 per ton. E. The Director may waive the Landfill fee for disposal of refuse and litter which is collected and disposed of as a part of a City-sponsored beautification or cleanup program. F. Recyclable materials being recycled at the Landfill will not be charged a fee. G. The landfill tonnage rate shall be reduced by 4.6% for solid waste collectors who have filed a certificate of exemption under WAC 458-20-250 from payment of the 4.6% solid waste collection tax, so that the rate in effect on April 1, 1994, shall be $73.27. H. The landfill tonnage rate shall be reduced by 4.6% for the federal government, its agencies and instrumentalities, and all refuse service contracts for such shall be exempt under WAC 458-20-250 from payment of the 4.6% solid waste collection tax, so that the rate for same shall be $73.27. (Ord. 3075, ~4, 03/02/2001; Ord. 2908, 3/1/96; Ord. 2894, 10/27/95; Ord. 2813, S 1, 7/1/94; Ord. 2803 ~ 1,4/29/94; Ord. 2790 S 1,4/1/94; Ord. 2784 ~2, 1/1/94; Ord. 2729 ~2, 1/1/93; Ord. 2630 ~5, 7/1/91; Ord. 2599 ~3, 8/1/90; Ord. 2454 ~l, 8/24/87; Ord. 2436 92, 3/1/87; Ord. 2378 92,2/7/86; Ord. 2317 94,10/26/84) . - 1 - 69 ~ Section 2 - Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect five days following the date. of its publication by summary. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said Council held on the _ day of , 2002. ATTEST: MAYOR APPROVED AS TO FORM: Becky J. Upton, City Clerk PUBLISHED: Craig D. Knutson ,City Attorney By Summary F:\ORDINANCES&RESOLUTlONS\2002-03.ord. wpd . . 70 -2- . . . DATE: To: FROM: SUBJECT: WASHINGTON, U.S.A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO February 19, 2002 MAYOR WIGGINS AND CITY COUNCIL Glenn A. Cutler, Director of Public Works and Utilities Cable Television Franchise Renewal Summary: An informal negotiation is being held concurrent with a formal renewal process. It is anticipated that a new franchise will be negotiated under the informal method before June of this year. Although the next step ofthe formal renewal process is to either accept or render a preliminary decision to deny the October 2001 formal renewal proposal, as required by the Cable Communications Act, Northland has waived this procedural requirement under federal law. Recommendation: Authorize informal cable franchise renewal negotiation to continue throu h Ma of 2002 based on the Cable 0 erator's waiver dated Februa 6, 2002. Back2round/Analvsis: On December 15, 1987, City Council approved a fifteen-year non- exclusive cable television franchise that will expire on September 30,2003. On October 3, 2000, Northland Cable Television, Inc. (Cable Operator) requested its franchise be renewed in accordance with the formal procedures ofthe Cable Communications Policy Act (Act). On October 17,2000, the City Council approved a professional services agreement with Metropolitan Communications Consultants (MCC) that included a cable television and telecommunications public proceeding and development of a draft cable television franchise for renewal negotiations. On May 22,2001, the City Council approved professional services agreements with MCC and the law firm of Winstead, Sechrest & Minick (WSM), for technical and legal services during the cable television franchise renewal negotiations. On August 31, 2001, MCC completed the Cable Television and Telecommunications Needs and Interests Report, which was provided to the Cable Operator. On September 18,2001, Council accepted the report and authorized staff to request a formal proposal from the Cable Operator to reasonably meet future cable-related needs and interests as identified in the report. On October 19,2001, the Cable Operator submitted a formal renewal proposal to the City. On November 11,.2001, the City provided public notice that it received the October 2001 formal renewal proposal. 71 February 19, 2002 City Council Memo RE: Cable Television Franchise Renewal Page 2 . In accordance with the procedural requirements of the Act the City must either accept or render a preliminary decision to deny the October 2001 formal renewal proposal by February 19, 2002. If the City were to render a preliminary decision to deny the formal renewal proposal (not recommended at this time), upon Cable Operator request or City initiative, the City Council would conduct an administrative proceeding. An administrative proceeding would be an opportunity for the Cable Operator to present evidence on whether a formal renewal proposal is reasonable to meet the future cable-related community needs and interests. At the completion of an administrative proceeding, the City would either grant or affirm denial of the formal renewal proposal. The City has strictly complied with the formal procedures of the Act to maintain its rights under the formal process as well as its negotiation ability under the informal method. On November 6,2001, Northland's legal counsel contacted WSM to discuss the formal renewal procedures. On behalf of the City, WSM invited Northland's legal counsel to research the legal precedent supporting a waiver ofthe Act's formal renewal procedural requirements. On January 30,2002, Northland's legal counsel produced a case supporting a waiver of the Act's requirement to either accept or render a preliminary decision to deny the October 2001 formal renewal proposal by February 19, 2002. The case produced is the March 7,2001 unpublished federal district court opinion of Fron tiervis ion v Town of Naples, Maine (see attachment "A"). An extension of the informal negotiation timeline through the end of May 2002 should provide ample opportunity for both parties to refine various terms and conditions. Northland has expressly waived the relevant formal procedural requirement of the Act (see attachment "B"). The waiver means the City may delay a preliminary decision to accept or deny the October 2001 formal renewal proposal from February 19,2002 to June 19,2002. Based on the Frontiervision case and Northland's waiver, staff recommends that City Council authorize informal cable franchise renewal negotiation to continue through May of 2002. The City Attorney and WSM concur with this recommendation based upon the waiver received from Northland. . The Utility Advisory Committee supported the recommendations herein at their February 12, 2002 meeting. N,IPWKSIUGHTIPOWMICOUNCIL20.DOC . 72 1.--- .. . . " 2001 WL 220192 (Cite as: 2001 WL 220192 (D.Me.)) Attachment "A" Page 1 C Only the Westlaw citation is currently available. United States District Court, D. Maine. FRONTIERVISION OPERATING PARTNERS, L.P., Plaintiff v. THE TOWN OF NAPLES, Maine, Defendant No.01-16-P-DMC. March 7, 2001. James B. Haddow, Esq., Petruccelli & Martin, Portland, John D. McKay, Esq., McKay Law Offices, Charlottesville, VA, for Frontiervision Operating Partners LP dbaAdelphia Cable Communications, plaintiffs. Joseoh J. Hahn, Patrick J. Scully, Esq., Bernstein, Shur, Sawyer, & Nelson, Portland, for Naples, Town of, defendants. MEMORANDUM DECISION [FNl1 FNl. pursuant to 28 U.S.c. & 636(c), the parties have consented to have United States Magistrate Judge David M. Cohen conduct all proceedings in this case, including trial, and to order entry of judgment. COHEN, Magistrate J. *1 In this action arising under the Cable Act, 47 V.S.C. & 521 et seq., the plaintiff, FrontierVision Operating Partners, L.P., d/b/a Adelphia Cable Communications ("FrontierVision"), seeks preliminary and permanent injunctive relief and declaratory judgment concerning the renewal of its cable television franchise. Trial of the action on the merits has been advanced and consolidated with hearing on the plaintiff's motion for a preliminary injunction (Docket No.6) and the parties have agreed to submit the case to the court for decision on the papers. Report of Conference of Counsel and Order (Docket No.8) at 2. Accordingly, this memorandum decision addresses the substance of the plaintiff's claims on the merits and its request for injunctive relief. [FN21 The parties have jointly submitted a factual record. Record (Docket No. 19). In effect, this matter is to be tried on the papers on a stipulated record, and the court may thus resolve any disputed questions of fact. Brotherhood of Locomotive Enf!'rs v. Sorinflfield Terminal Rv. Co.. 210F.3d 18.31 (1st Cir.2000). FN2. The complaint and the motion for a preliminary injunction seek identical relief. Verified Complaint (Docket No.1) at 9-10; Amended Motion for Preliminary Injunction, etc. ("Motion") (Docket No.9) at 13. I. Factual Background FrontierVision, a limited partnership, is a "cable operator" within the meaning of the Cable Act. Verified Complaint (Record Exh. 1) ~ 1. The defendant is a "franchising authority" within the meaning of the Cable Act. Id. ~ 2. FrontierVision provides television cable service to the residents of the defendant town. Id. ~ 5. The defendant provided FrontierVision's predecessor with a fifteen-year franchise to do so under an agreement dated March 19, 1985. Id. ~ 6. There are currently approximately 900 subscribers to FrontierVision's service in Naples; FrontierVision is the only provider of such services in Naples although its franchise is not exclusive. Id. ~ ~ 7-8. FrontierVision must have a franchise in order to provide this service. Id. ~ 9. FrontierVision's franchise in Naples was due to expire on March 19, 2000. Id. ~ 11. By letter dated March 25, 1997 FrontierVision notified the defendant that it invoked formal franchise renewal proceedings under 47 V.S.C. & 546(a)(l). Id. ~ 14; Exh. A to Affidavit of Paul Bayliss ("Bayliss Aff.") (Record Exh. 2). The letter states, in relevant part: [W]e are requesting that the Town of Naples initiate renewal proceedings as prescribed by Section 626(a) [FN31 of the Cable Act. While we would welcome the opportunity to assist you in the renewal proceedings outlined in this section, we recommend that the Town temporarily suspend formal measures so that we may proceed with the renewal through informal discussions as provided for under Section 6l6(h) [sic; should read 626(h)]. FN3. 47 U.S.C. & 546(a). Letter dated march 25, 1997 from Brian D. Gasser to Board of Selectmen, Exh. A to Bayliss Aff. On November 19, 1998 and January 27, 1999 a Cable Copr. @ West 2002 No C73 to Orig. V.S. Govt. Works , , 2001 WL 220192 (Cite as: 2001 WL 220192 (D.Me.)) Advisory Committee authorized by the defendant to conduct ascertainment proceedings pursuant to 47 V.S.C. & 546(a) presented its [mdings and recommendations to the defendant's board of selectmen. Verified Complaint ~ 15. On March 29, 1999 the defendant issued a request for proposal to FrontierVision setting forth the defendant's minimum requirements for renewal of the franchise. Bayliss Aff. ~ 10 & Exh. B. A letter dated May 20, 1999 from the defendant's attorney to FrontierVision's vice-president of operations states, in relevant part: *2 The Town recently forwarded to FrontierVision a Request for Proposal pursuant to Section 626 of the Cable Act. This is to confirm that the Town would like to receive FrontierVision's response to the RFP as soon as possible, and within the date set for a response in the RFP. Upon receipt of a response, the Town anticipates that the parties would put any further formal renewal proceedings on hold and attempt to negotiate an acceptable franchise agreement. If you have any questions about this approach, please feel free to contact me. Exh. C to Bayliss Aff. FrontierVision did not respond with any objection to the suspension of formal proceedings proposed in this letter. Bayliss Aff. ~ 12. FrontierVision delivered a response to. the request for proposal on June 1, 1999. Verified Complaint ~ 17. The parties thereafter engaged in extended informal negotiations in an effort to reach agreement on a new franchise agreement. Bayliss Aff. ~ 14. At least five negotiating meetings took place between August 3, 1999 and November 16,2000. Id. At no time during this period did FrontierVision express any objection to the procedure being followed by the defendant, request that the defendant take formal action on its proposal, or object to the fact that the defendant did not take formal action on its proposal within four months of its submission.~ Id. On October 1, 1999 the interests of the partners in FrontierVision were acquired by Adelphia Communications Corporation ("Adelphia"). Affidavit of William J. Mahon, Jr. ("Mahon Aff.") (Record Exh. 3) ~ 2. FrontierVision continues to own and operate the cable system serving Naples. Id. FN4. The Cable Act provides, in relevant part: "Upon submittal by a cable operator of aproposal to the franchising authority for the renewal of a franchise pursuant to subsection (b) of this section, the franchising authority shall ..., during the 4-month period which begins on the date of the submission . ' Page 2 of the cable operator's proposal..., renew the franchise or, issue a preliminary assessment that the franchise should not be renewed and, at the request of the operator or on its own initiative, commence an administrative proceeding ...." 47 V.S.C. & 546(c)(l). . A letter from the defendant's attorney to attorneys for Adelphia dated September 19, 2000 includes the following relevant statements: It now appears that the parties are moving away from any resolution of this Franchise. *** At this point, the Town is running out of options. The Town previously conducted and completed an Ascertainment Proceeding, and issued an RFP to Adelphia, to which Adelphia responded. As negotiations appear unsuccessful, the Town's next step is to vote to accept or reject Adelphia's response to the RFP, which vote will be the Town's preliminary determination pursuant to Section 626(c). Before the Town proceeds with its vote, I would like to attempt one [mal time to get this matter resolved. Exh. E to Bayliss Aff. at 1-2. A responsive letter from Martha Hudek, a staff attorney for Adelphia, states, in relevant part: You stated in your letter to me dated September 19, 2000 that the "Town's next step is to vote to accept or reject Adelphia's response to the RFP, which vote will be the Town's preliminary determination pursuant to Section 626(c)." Subsequently, in an e- mail ... dated October 31, 2000 you stated that barring a fmal attempt to fmalize negotiations the Town's "only choice is to deny renewal and adopt a thorough cable ordinance to deal with many of the disputed issues." . *** *3 On June 1, 1999 FrontierVision ... filed a formal response to the March 1999 RFP pursuant to Section 626(b) of the Cable Act. The Town never accepted or preliminarily rejected FrontierVision's proposal in the subsequent 4-month time frame as prescribed by Section 626( c)(1). In view of the lengthy passage of time and the Town's failure to follow the statutory process, we do not believe FrontierVisions' (sic] formal response can lawfully be resurrected on a moment's notice and then denied by the Town. . *** Adelphia will submit a formal proposal to the Copr. @ West 2002 No Cla~ Orig. U.S. Govt. Works . . . 2001 WL 220192 (Cite as: 2001 WL 220192 (D.Me.)) . Town pursuant to Section 626(b) by January 31, 2001. Letter dated November 14, 2000 from Martha Hudak to Patrick J. Scully, Esq., Exh. F to Bayliss Aff., at 1. In early December 2000 FrontierVision sent the defendant a fmal draft franchise, which was unacceptable to the defendant. Bayliss Aff. ~ 19. In a letter dated January 16, 2001 to Ms. Hudak, the defendant's attorney stated: This is to notify Adelphia that the Town of Naples' Board of Selectmen will be meeting on Monday evening, January 22, 2001 at 7:00 p.m At that meeting, the Board of Selectmen will consider the adoption of a Cable Television Ordinance for the Town of Naples in accordance with 30-A M.R.S.A. & 3008. The Board of Selectmen at that meeting will also review the formal RFP submitted by FrontierVision to the Town and will make a determination whether to renew the Franchise or issue a preliminary assessment that the Franchise should not be renewed, in accordance with Section 626(c)(1) of the Cable Act. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. Exh. H to Bayliss Aff. In a letter, apparently provided to The Bridgton News and published therein on an unknown date, the Naples Cable TV Advisory Committee stated, in relevant part: In view of the difficulties the committee has encountered in its negotiations, it has asked the board of selectmen to adopt a cable ordinance for the Town of Naples. Such an ordinance would have the effect of existing law and would require any cable TV service franchise to meet its provisions. Verified Complaint ~ 25 & Exh. A thereto at [2]. The defendant "issued a press release confirming its intention to deny... renewal at the January 22 meeting based on the 1999 proposal, and its plan to enact the ... ordinance." Verified Complaint~. 25. . . FrontierVision filed its verified complaint with this court on January 22, 2001. Docket. The verified complaint alleges violation of the Cable Act, Verified Complaint ~ ~ 18, 21, 24, 27-28, and seeks declaratory and injunctive relief, id. ~ ~ 31-34. Specifically, the verified complaint seeks injunctive relief preventing the defendant from denying renewal of the franchise based on. the 1999 proposal; requiring the defendant "to accept the 1999 proposal as Adelphia's renewal franchise, or, in the alternative, to permit Adelphia to file a new formal proposal and to act on such new proposal in accordance with all of the requirements of & 546(a) through (g);" establishing a time schedule for the completion of statutory requirements with respect to the new formal proposal; and "prohibiting Naples from attempting to circumvent the legal requirements of & 546 by Page 3 enacting an ordinance to mandate the inclusion of terms in renewal franchises." Id. at 10. *4 The parties have agreed to maintain the status quo until the motion for preliminary injunction is resolved by the court. Agreed Order on Motion for Temporary Injunction ("Agreed Order") (Docket No. 5) at 1; see also Report of Conference of Counsel and Order (Docket No.8) at 2. Specifically, the defendant agreed to take no action on the 1999 proposal and the proposed ca!>le franchising ordinance and the plaintiff agreed not to submit another franchise proposal. Agreed Order at 1-2. II. Discussion A. Franchise Renewal FrontierVision bases its claims primarily on the defendant's failure to comply with the four-month deadline, running from the date on which a renewal proposal is submitted by a cable operator, imposed by section 546(c)(l) for issuance of a franchise renewal or a preliminary assessment that the franchise should not be renewed. rFN51 Motion at 4-9. The defendant responds, Defendant's Amended Objection to Plaintiffs Motion for a Preliminary Injunction, etc. ("Defendant's Objection") (Docket No. 18) at 11-14, that its "alleged error" in this regard was hannless within the meaning of section 546(e)(2) which provides that "[t]he court shall grant appropriate relief if the court frods that ... any action of the franchising authority, other than hannless error, is not in compliance with the procedural requirements of this section. " The defendant also argues that FrontierVision has effectively waived any right to insist upon enforcement of the deadline, or is estopped to make such a claim, by its agreement to suspend the formal requirements of the Cable Act; that the only available remedy for a franchising authority's failure to comply with the deadline is a court order requiring it to act on the proposal; and that the courts may not take any action until a cable operator's proposal has been rejected by a franchising authority. Id.at 14-23. The last of these contentions is plainly wrong. If such were the case, a franchising authority could refuse indefInitely to act on a cable operator's proposal for a renewed franchise, a0possibility clearly not within the letter or the spirit of the provisions of the Cable Act. FN5. The 1999 FrontierVision proposal was clearly submitted pursuant to subsection (b) of section 546. as required by section 546( c)(1 ). Copr. @ West 2002 No Cl,!to Orig. U.S. Govt. Works 2001 WL 220192 (Cite as: 2001 WL 220192 (D.Me.)) The defendant's waiver argument, however, has merit. FrontierVision devotes considerable time and effort to an argument that the statutory deadline at issue is "mandatory," Motion at 4-8; Reply Memorandum (Docket No. 14) at 5, and the defendant disputes the point, Defendant's Objection at 13, but the court need not decide this issue. The Supreme Court has made clear that mandatory statutory deadlines are subject to waiver. Zives v. Trans World Airlines. Inc.. 455 U.S. 385. 393 (1982) (statutory deadline for filing charge with EEOC "like a statute of limitations, is subject to waiver, estoppel, and equitable tolling"); see also Prou v. United States. 199 F.3d 37. 46 Ost Cir.1999) ("That [a federal statute] is phrased in obligatory terms cannot be determinative of a waiver inquiry. If it were, a whole range of constitutional and statutory provisions employing compulsory language would give rise to nonwaivable claims. The case law belies so sweeping a generalization. "). *5 "A party waives a right when it makes an intentional relinquishment or abandonment of it." United States v. Mitchell. 85 F.3d 800. 807 Ost Cir.1996) (internal punctuation and citation omitted). [FN61 FN6. FrontierVision relies on Maine case law to support its argument that the doctrines of waiver and estoppel are inapplicable here. Reply Memorandum at 5- 7. "[A]s a general proposition, the waiver of a federal right is a question of federal law." Nelson v. Cyprus Baf!dad Copper Corv.. 119 F.3d 756. 762 n.12 (9th Cir.1997); see also Herremans v. Carrera Designs. Inc.. 157 F.3d ] 118. 1122-23 nth Cir.] 998). In any event, my conclusion would be the same were I to apply Maine law. See Department of Human Servs. v. Brennick. 597 A.2d 933. 935 (Me.l991l (waiver "may be shown by a course of conduct signifying a purpose not to stand on a right, and leading, by a reasonable inference, to the conclusion that the right in question will not be insisted upon"). To be sure, every waiver need not be express; at times, one can fairly be deduced from conduct or from a collocation of the circumstances. Nevertheless, if proof of a waiver rests on one's acts, his act[ s] should be so manifestly consistent with and indicative of an intent to relinquish voluntarily a particular right that no other ~ I Page 4 reasonable explanation of his conduct is possible. irons v. F.B.i.. 811 F.2d 681. 686 (Ist Cir.1987) (internal quotation marks and citations omitted). Here, the conduct of FrontierVision can reasonably be explained only as the relinquishment of its right to a decision on its proposal within four months after it was delivered on June 1, 1999. FrontierVision engaged in four informal negotiating sessions with the defendant before mentioning the deadline for the fIrst time in a letter dated November 14, 2000, some 18 1/2 months after the proposal was submitted. The frrst suggestion that formal procedures be suspended came from FrontierVision, and FrontierVision did not object to the defendant's proposal that this suspension occur after FrontierVision submitted its response to the request for proposal. The factual circumstances in this case are not at all ambiguous on this point. See generally Union CATV. Inc. v. City of Sturgis. 107 F.3d 434. 438 (6th Cir.1977) (noting that cable operator and franchising authority agreed to waive certain procedural requirements of Cable Act). . The Supreme Court observed almost seventy years ago that [t]he applicable principle is fundamental and unquestioned. He who prevents a thing from being done may not avail himself of the nonperformance which he has himself occasioned, for the law says to him, in effect: "This is your own act, and therefore you are not damnifIed." Sometimes the resulting disability has been characterized as an estoppel, sometimes as a waiver. The label counts for little. Enough for present purposes that the disability has its roots in a principle more nearly ultimate than either waiver or estoppel, the principle that no one shall be permitted to found any claim upon his own inequity or take advantage of his own wrong. A suit may not be built on an omission induced by him who sues. R.H. Stearns Co. v. United States. 29] U.S. 54. 61- 62 (1934) (internal quotation marks and citations omitted). While FrontierVision may not have, strictly speaking, prevented the defendant from complying with the four-month deadline, its conduct most certainly induced the defendant to fail to comply with it. That is suffIcient to bar the relief sought by FrontierVision under the statute. . Even if that were not the case, I would frod that the defendant's failure to comply with the four-month deadline constitutes hannless error. While there is as yet no reported case law construing this relatively new provision of the Cable Act, the only harm suggested by FrontierVision to have resulted from the defendant's lack of compliance is the following: *6 Adelphia would, if these violations continue . Copr.@ West 2002 No ClaiJOl Orig. U.S. Govt. Works Page 1 of 1 Becky Upton From: Glenn <glenn@olypen.com> To: Larry Williams <Iarrynpa@olypen.com>; Karen Rogers <krogers@tenforward.com>; Richard Headrick <randch@olypen.com>; Orville Campbell <chris.williamson@daishowaamerica.com>; Gary Braun <gbraun@tenforward.com>; Lauren Erickson <Ierickson@co.clallam.wa.us> Cc: Becky Upton <cityclrk@cLport-angeles.wa.us>; Port Angeles City Manager <citymgr@cLport- angeles.wa.us> Sent: Sunday, February 17, 2002 7:32 PM Subject: Agenda - 2-19 Under "Other Considerations" perhaps we could add the agenda items discussed with the Dennis Sullivan and John Miller ofthe Elwha tribe on Friday. These include Ediz Hook, Rayonier site, Del Guzzi, Harbor Mgmt. Plan, Conference Center, Elwha dam, and Morse Creek. Another item is how we, as a Council, should approach the upcoming Chamber sessions so that they are not repetitive. Perhaps each of us could emphasize a topic of particular interest? Regards, Glenn 2/19/02 . FORT,ANGELES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO CITY MANAGER'S CALENDAR / REPORT February 19, 2002 Parks, Recreation, & Beautification Commission Meeting owntown Forward Executive Committee Meeting Monday, February 18 Closed Tuesday, February 19 6:00 p.m. Wednesday, February 20 3:30 p.m. Thursday, February 21 11 :30 a.m. Thursday, February 21 7:00 p.m. Monday, February 25 7:30 a.m. President's Day Holiday City Council Meeting WCIA Land Use Training EDC Meeting at Magna Force Planning Commission Meeting Friday, March 1 9:00 a.m. Tuesday, March 5 6:00 p.m. Thurs Mar 7 - 12 Out-of-Office Tuesday, March 12 3:00 p.m. Tuesday, March 12 5:00 p.m. Wednesday, March 13 6:00 p.m. Wednesday, March 13 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, March 13 7:00 p.m. Thursday, March 14 11 :30 a.m. Tuesday, March 19 6:00 p.m. Thursday, March 21 7:00 p.m. Monday, March 25 7:30 a.m. Wednesday, March 27 7:00 p.m. Gateway Design Concept final meeting City Council Meeting National League of Cities Conference - W A D.C. Utility Advisory Committee Meeting Real Estate Committee Meeting North Olympic Peninsula Cities Association Meeting Law Enforcement Advisory Committee Meeting Planning Commission Meeting Outstanding Public Service A ward Luncheon City Council Meeting Parks, Recreation, & Beautification Commission Meeting Downtown Forward Executive Committee Meeting G:\CNCLPKT\CTYMGR\CMREPT\2002\02-0219.wpd 81 . . . 82 MEMO FIRE DEPARTMENT Daniel K. McKeen Fire Chief [4651] Kenneth D. Dubuc Fire Marshal [4653] ~oral Wheeler _i~istrative Assistant [4650] L. Keith Bogues Training Officer [4652] Shift Captains Jamie Mason Duke Moroz Terry Reid [4680] . FORTAN E' Lr E' ,IS : I l'l ",,', ,~ ,I" I ',! U. S. A. WAS H I N G TON, DATE: February 13, 2002 TO: Mike Quinn, City Manager Dan McKeen, Fire Chief at, FROM: RE: Fire Department Mission Statement Mike, The Fire Department recently changed its mission statement in an effort to better reflect the direction of the Department and to provide a guide for the daily decision- making of our firefighters. Unlike most mission statements, our mission statement was not developed by a committee, but rather developed over the years through the Department's changing values and goals as demonstrated by the practices of our firefighters. The new mission statement is merely the articulated expression of those values and goals. The Department's previous mission statement was developed when it was popular to do so - focusing mainly on the major services provided by the Department. While I feel it is important to understand what services are provide~ I don't feel the majority of the public or our firefighters need a written list of those services to understand the role of the Port Angeles Fire Department. When a resident or visitor calls 9-1-1, they expect the Fire Department to respond, in a timely manner, and with a competent crew. What they may not expect is the way in which the Fire Department performs its role. Mission of the Port Angeles Fire Department The primary mission of the Port Angeles Fire Department is to provide a wide range of programs designed to protect the lives and property of the inhabitants of Port Angeles from the adverse effects of fire, sudden medical emergencies, or exposure to dangerous conditions created by either man or nature. 1990 When our firefighters respond to emergency situations, they not only attempt to mitigate the emergency itself, but also attempt to improve the quality oflife for those individuals affected by that emergency. Each firefighter, regardless of rank, is 83 Mike Quinn Page 2 February 13, 2002 . empowered within reasonable constraints to accomplish that goal. The Fire Department has implemented the following programs which are also aimed at improving our citizens and visitors quality of life: · Support Officer Program - The Support Officers are individuals who are requested by the officer on scene to assist family members at the scene of a critical incident. While our fuefighters and paramedics concentrate their efforts on the patient, the Support Officers provide assistance to family members which can range from explaining procedures being performed by the firefighters to providing support and assistance at the hospital. · Customer Assistance Program - The Customer Assistance Program is funded jointly by the City and by the Firefighters Union and is intended to fund "on-the-spoC emergency appropriations to be utilized by response personnel. This program will allow Port Angeles Fire Department personnel to spend up to $50 at a time to provide emergency support for needy customers. For example, paramedics might respond to an elderly citizen's home and notice that the refrigerator is empty. This program would allow for the immediate purchase of some grocery staples for that individual. Firefighters might also provide diapers or toys for a family that is in need or might be able to provide a few gallons of gasoline for a stranded motorist. This program is designed to impact the lives of our citizens and visitors through providing for an immediate need, with long term needs being referred to the appropriate social service agency. . The Fire Department's new mission statement is short, easily remembered by all members, and more. importantly, is a reflection of how our members think, perform, and impact our community in a positive way. It reinforces those actions that give us the most pride - making someone's quality of life bener during an adverse event. Mission of the Port Angeles Fire Department It is the purpose of the Port Angeles Fire Department to improve the quality of life for the citizens and visitors of the City while providing a broad range of services designed to save lives and property. Port Angeles Firefighters 2002 DM/cw . 84 . FORTANGElES WAS H I N G TON, U. $. A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: February 19, 2002 SUBJECT: MAYOR WIGGINS AND CITY COUNCIL Becky J. Upton, City ClerklManagement Assistant ~ Request to Set Special City Council Meeting to Interview Candidates for Boards and Commissions To: FROM: . For the last several years, the City Council conducted interviews of all applicants seeking appointment to various City Boards and Commissions. Because this was taking an unusual amount of time each and every year, the Council decided to look at alternative ways of interviewing applicants. In September of 1999, the Council amended its Rules of Procedure to establish other interviewing bodies. As a result of this reorganization, Councilmembers serving on other committees conducted interviews and then forwarded recommendations for appointment to the City Council. Because ofthe importance of decisions and actions ofthe Planning Commission, the Board of Adjustment, and the Civil Service Commission, the Council agreed to continue interviewing the applicants for those specific advisory groups. There is currently one vacancy on the Planning Commission, one vacancy on the Board of Adjustment, and one vacancy on the Civil Service Commission. The City is in receipt of applications from six (6) individuals wanting to be considered for appointment to one of these groups. Staff feels it would be advisable to set a special City Council meeting expressly for the purpose of interviewing the candidates and possibly proceeding with appointments. Please be prepared to discuss your availability for such a meeting, which could commence at 6:00 p.m., in order to accommodate the schedules ofthe applicants. The meeting should take no longer than two (2) hours. With regard to the remaining vacancies on other Boards and Commissions, the various interviewing bodies will be meeting in the near future to interview the candidates. Recommendations for appointment wi11like1y be forwarded to the City Council in March. . 85 . . . 86 1 CLALLAM CUUN IT MUIVII-\I'IC. ~nl:.L.' 1:.1'. nLrv" I I VI'\ I III- IW',-,,'O I .. ....,. ........"".---...."...., Se uim ACO i 41 41 41 2 i 3 i 21 4 i 51 11 11 11 1 i 32 LowerCDNha RTO i 01 01 O! 01 2! 01 01 OJ 01 11 1 i 01 4 _P.I.sL~icklVicious/ otherJ:!gg~-l-.-.----f4-------Ej'-f-"---'---~---'--- 4! __.___4+_________.~.t_----Llf-----l~------~.~--~t-----~f--____9+-__~~_ 19-ta,L incom!f1_gJ~Q9~-.-.J--~?j.-.---~9 i_._.._~_ill.__~_.1~---ZZ~-~--- 9 6L___LQ.L.._.___~j)J. 741 98 i 9 8! 1 05 1 ! i ! 1 ' I I I I I. 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County Cats PTS ! 2j 7! S! 11! 19! 19j 60l 56l 47j 28!. 44! 29! 327 :iAs.::c.~:~::p.jS:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::r::::::::::::::::~r::::::::::ji[::::::::::::::::::~:[::::::::::::::::::~:[::::::::::::::i?r:::::::::::::~pr:::::::::::::~:~r::::::::::::4:~r:::::::::::::i~r:::::::::::::i~:[:::::::::::::::i~r::::::::::::::::?r::::::::::?:~:?: LASOtherAnimals i 21 41 21 11 21 31 01 11 11 31 01 S1 24 .s~q~i;:;;..Oth~.~"....."'''''''i~''...''''''.....''''''['''''.........''..or................oT.................2T................or................2.f..................iT.................oT.................or...............4r................iT.................oT.................oT.............:;.o. . . . MINUTES PLANNING COMMISSION Port Angeles, Washington 98362 January 30,2002 Special Workshop 5:30 p.m. ROLLCALL Members Present: Bob Philpott, Fred Hewins, Linda Nutter, Chuck Schramm, Fred Norton Members Excused: Rick Porter and Mary Craver Staff Present: Brad Collins, Sue Roberds Public Present: None APPROVAL OF MINUTES Chair Nutter opened the meeting. Commissioner Philpott moved to approve the January 9, 2002, minutes as presented. Commissioner Hewins seconded the motion which passed 4 - o with Commissioner Norton abstaining as he was absent at the meeting. WORKSHOP ITEM: Proposed amendments to the Port Angeles Municipal Code: Discussion of amendments proposed to the Port Angeles Municipal Code as a result of a review by a the Citizen Code Advisory Committee. Director Collins began a lengthy review and report of amendments that were proposed to various chapters ofthe Port Angeles Municipal Code by the Citizen Code Advisory Code Committee in order to clarify the intent of certain regulations and to make the regulations more easily understood by the general public and those using the Municipal Code. Proposed amendment to the sign regulations are intended to provide one set of sign regulations that can be used Citywide rather than one for the Downtown and one for all other areas of the City. At present staff refers to the definitions and detailed information found in the Downtown Sign Code in dealing with signs Citywide because they are not found anywhere else. The Committee proposed to integrate the various sign information into one complete set of regulations. Over the years various parking needs have come about that were not listed in the original parking ordinance when it was adopted in 1966. Staff proposed to integrate current terminology and new uses into the ordinance at this time. The City's subdivision regulations were found to be very confusing to Committee members who suggested that additional information be provided within the regulations and that it be reviewed for uniformity. 89 Planning Commission Minutes January 30,2002 - Special Workshop Page 2 Commissioner Nutter noted that ADA standards, bicycle routes, widths, and design standards do not appear to be being worked into new construction activities. Because of the complexity of the amendments it was determined that more detailed information be prepared by staff for review and that a public hearing be set to consider the proposed amendments. . COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE PUBLIC None. STAFF REPORTS Director Collins noted that interviews for the Associate Planner position will be conducted on February 4, 2002. REPORTS OF COMMISSION MEMBERS. Commissioner Schramm noted the new Industrial Marine zone draft that was distributed for review as a new mixed use industrial marine zone with review of the Comprehensive Plan. A lengthy discussion ensued as to the redevelopment of the Rayonier site which included speculative possibilities of future development issues given the level of clean up that the property owner is . proposing. Mr. Collins discussed the possibility of perhaps rezoning portions or all of the site. Mr. Hewins spoke about Rayonier's property rights and of a survey that was conducted which identified preferred potential uses for the site as seen through the eyes of the public. Commissioner Nutter presented a congratulations card from Commission members to Sue Roberds who has been promoted to Assistant Planner. The Commission offered its congratulations and support of the promotion. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 10:20 p.m. r-. /' m" ~ Linda Nutter, Chair PREPARED BY: S. Roberds . 90 ~ ~ WATER DEMAND ~ < c en z o 5 ...Jrn ...Jz <24 C)::l W5E C) ~ W > < I CITY OF PORT ANGELES PUBLIC WORKS & UTILITY DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT JANUARY 2002 RAINFALL I- ...J ~f3 4 u.:t ZO -z < - 3 0: o 2001 . 2002 JAN MAR MAY JUL SEP NOY FEB APR JUN AUG OCT DEe CJ 2001 _ 2002 - 10 Year Average AVERAGE DAILY WATER DEMAND LAST YEAR TO DATE (M6) THIS YEAR TO DATE (MG) SEWERlSTORM SYSTEM MAINTENANCE MONTH 1FT) I TOTAL LANDFILL DISPOSALI \:'~ LANDFILL ANNUAL TONS THIS YR TO DATE (TONS) LAST VA TO DATE (TONS) . RAINFALL DATA (incheS) 10YRAVG. TOTAl TO DATE AVERAGE ELECTRICAL USE 66.6192 ..22 lAST YEAR TO DATE 1M Kwh) THIS YEAR TO DATE 1M Kwh) ....... THIS YR TO DATE 7.96 RECORD HIGH THIS MONTH 11.06 RECORD LOW THIS MONTH 0.51 YR. TEMPERATURE 1.596 .'" 1.453 W 0: :J ~ I-ii:" <ill 0:: ! .00 W'" lL~ :::!i -~ W I- , ~ '- .... CJ 2001 _ 2002 -.10 Year Average ELECTRICAL USAGE W Cl < Ul ~ 3L <'" o .!i~:IO ~~ o ~ W ...J W .... OCT DEe o 2001 . 2002 91 PUBLIC WORKS & UTILITY DEPARTMENT e -~ MONTHL Y REPORT JANUARY 2002 I WATER I I SOLID WASTE I RECYCLING: Changed out 18 old meters Review recycling contract Removed 1 water service Special card board collections: 471 Installed 1 new service Repaired 5 service leaks Repaired 3 water main breaks COLLECTIONS: Repaired 1 fire hydrant Total 90s placed for converston: 1398 Installed 1 new fire hydrant Requests recyling services in conversion area: 238 12"x6" hot tap tor Ferry Dock Fire system Special collection route: added one from conversion area Repaired Morse Creek transmission line 9Q-Conversion completed A Street - west Cleaned culverts/graveled road to Morse Creek Dam 9Q.Conversion currently between Cedar & Pine Streets Communitv Service Workers assembled 90-0alloo containers I WASTEWATER COLLECTION I I STREET I Guardrail repair @ Blvd. & Oak Storm system manhole tap-12th & Chase Grade/gravel unpaved streets Changed sewer PS alarm system to WIWWCollection staff Concrete slab at WWRP tor new generat'" Change out pumps at Landfill with WWTP crew Repair 8th Street bridge railing Snow and ice control Install eco-blocks at Landfill Install new windows in attorney's office Install temporary center1ines on new over1ays Ian McCaleb joined new wellness committee I WASTEWATER TREATMENT I Staff (2) attended rigging class NPDES monthly report showed no violations . Monthly crew safety meeting . PS#4. Light Operations repaired heat connections Staff attended W1SHA rigging class DelHur patched teachate and sludge storage tagoon liners Street Division Installed base for new generator Staff worked on monitoring wells at the Landfill . Staff pulled pumps for rebuild from Leachate PS #1 and #2 I ENGINEERING I Francis Street Park construction support I EQUIPMENT SERVICES I . Crown Park design support Work Orders: 198 Circuit S'Nitcher design contract support Service Orders: 47 . Elwha Dam removal mitigation support . #0007 Traffic Signal Van. outfitted for service I & I Pilot Program support #138.139 Light Utility Pickups. new vehicle preparation Gateway Project design suppon #1559 5 Yard Dump. axle work . High Zone Reservoir support #1562, #1580 Sweepers. brooms and hydraulic systems . Laurel Street Slide Repair construction support . #1905. #1907 Refuse Packers. electrical. arm gears. paddle SCADA Phase II support #1915 Compactor, teeth maintenance. replace windshield Waterlront Trail: Rayonier to Lee's Creek design support #1916 10 Yard Dump. maintenance on side 'Ninder Signal design: 5th and Race . #1917 Loader. new tires Ennis Street slide repair design support #1920 Refuse Packer. hydraulic system repairs Black Diamond Reservoir COver construction support . #1921 Refuse Packer, training on Rapid Rail System Carnegie Library design support I Stonnwater Utility fonnation support I I LIGHT OPERATIONS i SUfge Tank replacement awarded T&D system checked by infrared and repairs made Del Guzzi property subdivision support Loading problem at PDN resolved Fire Hall roof repair support Meters checked: 16 Front Street sidewalk design Lauridsen Blvd. sidewalk design "I" Street sidewalk design - -,- Street Substation construction completed . . . 92 . ~ORTAN ELES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DATE: February 19,2001 To: Mayor Wiggins and City Council Members FROM: Sue Roberds, Assistant Planner SUBJECT: Department of Community Development Planning Division January, 2002 Activity Report . CURRENT PLANNING ApPLICATIONS: Bed and Breakfast Permit Boundary Line Adjustments Conditional Use Permits Environmentally Sens. Areas Home Occupation Permit Minor Deviations Municipal Code Amendment Parking Variance Retail Stand Permit Rezone Shoreline Substantial Development Permits Shoreline Exemptions Short Plat Street Vacation Subdivisions Variance Wetland Permits Code EnforcementNiolations MONTHL Y SUBTOTAL o o 1 o o o o o o 2 o o o o o o o o SEP A ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY: Determinations of Non Significance Determinations of Significance Mitigated Determinations of Non Significance . DEVELOPMENT REVIEW ApPLICATIONS: Building Permits Clearing and Grading Permits Forest Practices (Class IV Conversions) 93 1 o o 4 o o 8 YEAR TOTAL o o 1 o o o o o o 2 o o o o o o o o 1 o o 4 o o 8 IlJi:i(t1ia~_iI ''''''''0,)'b~"~,!li""~".tii,,,, ,,,\1;,,,,,, ,,]!~, ; CATEGORY RESIDENTIAL.NEW ==~~=-~~~;~::====:=::=: =--=== == =::== ===::==::= =:i;j;: =::= MULTI-FAMilY " '.......................Vaiu"i;....................... .............................. ........................... ........................... .......................... ........................... ............................. .......................... .............................. ............................ .............................. ............................ ............................. ................................. ................................. ...............~~fj!i~~B!.~.~............ .......$7;10'0......... ........................... ........................... .......................... ........................... ............................. .......................... .............................. ............................ .............................. ............................. ............................. ..........7;J,oO............ ................................. 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Calls Fire $ Loss/Saved . 100 200,000 50 1,000,000 300 250 800,000 200 600,000 150 400,000 o 2000 2002 2001 . Saved 2002 o 2001 Loss Jan 02/01 Total Calls 270 / 240 2002 Total Calls YTD 270 2001 Total Calls YTD 240 Saved Loss 2002 YTD 887,000 600,000 2001 YTD 179,000 126,000 1 . 6 5 4 3 2 o Fires> 5K Fires < 5K Auto Brush Haz Mat . 2001 .. 2002 Year to Fires > $5,000 Fires < $5,000 Auto Fires Brush Fires Haz Mat Date Incidents 2001 2 4 2 0 2 2002 3 3 0 0 6 96 Fire & Life Safety Insp 140 .~ 80 60 40 20 o Inspections Reinspections .. 2001 II 2002 Inspections Reinspections 2001 YTD 140 63 2002 YTD 86 25 .0 Medic I Transports 80 60 40 20 o ALS BLS .. 2001 II 2002 Advanced Life Support (ALS) & o Of! S ( L ) Bastc Lt e upport B S Fire Dept. 2001 2002 % ALS-YTD 86 94 8.5 1 BLS-YTD 7 15 53.3 1 . 97 Prevention Activities YTO 60 50 40 30 20 10 o 2001 2002 .. Permit Inspections ~ Plan Reviews III Public Education Contacts Permit Inspections Plan Reviews Public Ed Contacts 2001 2002 7 4 3 3 54 Patients Assisted 250 200 150 100 50 o Fire Dept. Olympic Ambulance .. 2001 II 2002 Patients Assisted Fire Dept. 2001 186 2002 214 % YTD 131 FIRE PREVENTION ACTIVITIES January 2002 This Year to Last Year Last Year Month Date This Month Year to Date Fire & Life Safety Inspection 86 140 Fire & Life Safety Reinspection 25 63 Code Violations Found 96 280 Code Violations Corrected 29 100 Building Survey 0 0 Complaints Investigated 3 0 Fire Drills Supervised 0 0 Lectures, Classes, Demonstrations, Station 5 0 Tours Number of Public Education Contacts 54 -- Fires Investigated 2 2 Fire Alarm Test 5 9 Sprinkler System Test 7 4 Permit Inspection 4 7 Juvenile Fire Setters Counseled 0 0 Certificate of Occupancy Inspections 7 -- Planning Department Reviews 4 -- Building Application Reviews 4 -- Plan Checks: 1. Commercial 1 2 2. Multi-family 0 0 3. Sprinkler System 1 1 4. Fire Alarm 1 0 FP - 32 98 Revised 6/11/01 . . . . . . Medic I Statistics January, 2002 ALS BLS PRIVATE NO TRANSPORT PAFD OLY PAFD OLY Cardiac Arrest 0 0 0 0 1 1 Cardiac, Other 18 3 0 0 0 0 Major/Minor Medical 62 0 8 12 3 14 Motor Vehicle Accident 1 0 0 2 2 4 Druq/Alcohol 4 0 1 0 0 2 Accident, Other 8 1 6 15 5 28 False Call 1 0 0 0 0 12 T ctal 94 4 15 29 11 61 * Note: PAFD -- Port Angeles Fire Department OL Y -- Olympic Ambulance Private -- Private auto, taxi, funeral home, etc. No Transport -- patient refused or required no transport Total Medic I Patients Assisted This Month Year to Date This Month Last Last Year to Date Year 214 186 Medic II Statistics Citizens trained in CPR and airway management This Month Year to date This Month Last Last Year to Date Year 0 0 7 7 99 . . . 100 T'H~ CITY OF 'fit .,"'''''); . ...~( ,k ,;:;ill :Wi":::,.-'t{':'.~~f ":r:,i // /" 101 . Mission Statement: In partnership with our community, the Port Angeles Police Department recognizes its mission to serve in a compassionate, courteous, and professional manner, to promote freedom and peace of mind, pride in our neighborhoods, and the safety of our families. ~.~ -.-....ry <C'-~,.... -6=JYJYI-~ . Officer Bob Ensor attempted to stop a car driving erratically. Upon seeing the officer's emergency lights, the driver attempted to evade the officer by speeding and driving in on-coming lanes of travel. Officer Ensor pursued the vehicle eastbound on Hwy 101 out of the city. As the vehicle approached the Mount Pleasant Road intersection the driver attempted to make a quick turn onto Mount Pleasant Road. He lost control of the vehicle and struck a power pole. The driver, a 45- year old convicted felon from Port Angeles, climbed out the window and was taken into custody as he tried to flee on foot. When taken into custody the man claimed that he was not the one driving the car, but a quick medical examination revealed an impression of the steering wheel on his chest. Angeles home drive away. Believing that the home was now vacant they entered the home and started gathering items to steal. Unbeknownst to the burglars one of the residents had stayed at home and subsequently interrupted their plans. The burglars fled on foot with a hunting rifle and portable radios. . Detectives obtained a search warrant for the vehicle and located a AK-47 style assault rifle in the trunk. . A 37-year old Port Angeles man was stopped by Officer Tom Kuch when the expired license plates on the car he was driving had been switched with license plates from another car. The driver was contacted and it was learned that his drivers license had been suspended. He was arrested and a search of the car turned up several hypodermic syringes filled with a brownish liquid, as well as two plastic baggies with a small amount of methamphetamine. He was incarcerated for Driving while License · Suspended and Possession of Methamphetamine. . Two burglars watch the resident of a Port 102 Area law enforcement agencies consisting of the Sheriffs Office, Olympic National Park, State Game Agents, and the U.S. Coast Guard responded to assist the Police Department with the search of the area. During the search of the area Corporal Jack Lowell located the burglars walking on Porter Street, where an I8-year old male was taken into custody. The second subject, a 19- year old male, continued to flee on foot. Detective Jesse Winfield located this male and pursued him on foot, but the suspect was able to hide in dense brush. Corporal Kevin Miller and Arco were called to the area and within a minute that second suspect was taken into custody. . The second suspect was treated at Olympic Medical Center for dog bites. Both suspects were booked for Burglary in the First Degree (while armed). All of the stolen property was recovered by officers. This incident created a lot of alarm in the community and caused a number of schools to be locked down even though it was not school related. Fire Department personnel and officers assisted by deputies of the Clallam County Sheriffs Department responded to a structure fire at the Pershing Motel. Officer Mike Silva arrived at the scene of the fire . . . . and quickly took a 30-year old male, who recently moved to Port Angeles, into custody for Arson in the First Degree. The Pershing Motel received extensive damage (estimated to be $250,000.00) in the fire. Only the professional response of the Fire Department kept the fire contained the south end of the third floor. The Cornerhouse Restaurant was also severely damaged by the fire. . Capital Advance reported that a 19-year old Port Angeles man was attempting to cash a stolen check totaling $2,600.00. Officers responded and conducted an investigation. The man was incarcerated in the Clallam County Corrections Facility for Possession of Stolen Property in the Second Degree and Forgery. . A 48-year old Port Angeles man was stopped by Officer Bob Ensor for driving with a suspended drivers license. A search incident to arrest turned up a baggie of marijuana, a bindle of methamphetamine and a film canister containing unlabeled prescription drugs. He was incarcerated for Possession of Methamphetamine. . Another drug dealer was arrested by Officer Ensor. A traffic stop of a 27-year old Port Angeles man with a suspended license led to the arrest and search of the man and his car. A thorough search of the male turned up $800.00 in cash, and 50.9 grams of methamphetamine secreted in his crotch. A male passenger was also arrested for Possession of Methamphetamine and Drug .. .,' . Our police department Senior ..b12---s i Volunteers provided 92 hours .....11..............................................1...1:..............."........1 of service during the mo~th of .. . ..... . ...1 January 2002. Most of thIS was !.\/. dedicated to office assignments, sex offender notifications, vaca- ..... tion house checks, radar/speed watch, and other services. Paraphernalia. A search warrant was obtained for the vehicle. During the search of the vehicle officers located an additional 156.1 grams of methamphetamine. The methamphetamine would be worth in excess of $7000.00 on the street. Every year the Port Angeles Police Department invites Santa to make a special visit because city employees are very busy people and their children would like the opportunity to let Santa know they have been very good! This year we had John Hebner of the Engineering Department take professional photos of the visit so those special moments could be preserved on film and more prints ordered if desired. A special thanks to John, Lena Washke, Roger Vess and "Santa" for arranging for the visit and. the photography. 103 I LAW ENFORCEMENT ADVISORY BOARD January 9,2002 . Attendees: Leland Lee, Chairman Rod Anderson Leonard Beil David Brewer Jim Jones Chuck Lisk Joe Girard Dennis Wilcox Chief Tom Riepe Lena Washke, Secretary Guests: Officer Brusseau and Sgt. Coyle Call to Order: Leland Lee called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm. Minutes: The minutes were approved as amended. Communications and Letters: There were no letters. Committee Reports: There were no committee reports. Agenda Items . 1. Election of Chairperson and Vice Chairperson A motion was made to retain Leland Lee as Chair and Jim Jones as Vice Chair. The motion was moved and seconded. The motion carried. 2. Department Update The Department will be bringing in a new K9 Officer. K9 Officer Kevin Miller is a certified trainer who will be training the new Officer and dog. Officer Miller is currently looking for a new puppy. Officer Allen Brusseau will be on special assignment and train as the new K9 Offi- cer. Arco will continue to work. 3. Officer in Attendance Sergeant Steve Coyle is currently working swing shift. He reported that manpower is getting back to normal. Day shift tends to be pretty busy, while swing shift has more "in progress" type of calls. Since the start of shift at 3 :00 pm today, there have been three domestic calls resulting in two arrests. Current domestic violence laws require an arrest if there is evidence of an as- sault. Once again the issue of traffic enforcement was raised. Sgt. Coyle said that most patrolman is- sue approximately 20 to 30 traffic tickets per month. Typically if there are 5 officers on shift, one will be assigned to traffic enforcement. Recent crosswalk enforcement has resulted in more vehicles stopping for pedestrians. The department applied for and received a grant to fund over- time for officers to patrol school zones. There was discussion regarding a newspaper article on stun guns being marketed to the public. . 104 I-- I I . . . Sgt. Coyle was then called out to respond to a call. Later in the evening, Officer Brusseau stopped in and was congratulated on his special assignment. 4. Animal Control Ordinance Dennis Wilcox met with Dr. Schram and reviewed the Animal Control Ordinance. The current ordinance is missing many important regulations. Their recommendation is to adopt the County Ordinance with the necessary changes. If this were to happen, the County, Sequim and Port An- geles would all be consistent. Chief Riepe would like to meet with Dennis Wilcox and the City Attorney Dennis Dickson to discuss the ordinance. Then a draft copy with amendments will be presented to the board for any additional comments before being presented to the City Council. Animal control public hearings may attract attention due to the recent grass roots effort opposing the humane society. 5. 2002 Work Plan Updates City Manager Mike Quinn developed seven major operation committees. Each committee will have three Council members. One committee is Public Safety, which will include the Fire Chief and Police Chief. The committee members will work together and focus on the needs in each of the areas. Chief Riepe would like input and assistance from the Board on the work plan. There was a lengthy discussion regarding the reserve program that Officer Wood, Officer Brusseau and Corpo- ral Miller have been developing. The Board unanimously supports the Department pursuing a re- serve program in connection with Peninsula College. 6. Parking Enforcement Chief Riepe discussed with the Board the possibility of Senior Police Volunteers writing parking tickets. . 7. Items from Members Chief Riepe informed the Board that there will be a Public Safety Tribute on Saturday, January 12 at the High School at 6:30pm to recognize Public Safety Workers and Emergency Responders. Board members are welcome to come. The Department will be requesting approval of the ~urchase of three new fully equipped police vehicles at the City Council meeting on January 1St. It was suggested that Secretary Lena email the minutes and agenda rather than mail them. Leonard Beil suggested researching ordinances dealing with the regulation of private security compal11es. 105 PEN COM ACTIVITY . PAPD CFS FOR 2001 DISPATCHES FOR PAPD COUNTYWIDE 911 CALLS 1563 1563 1470 1470 2368 2368 IIZI Month 1120021 IIZI Month 112001 I I E:J Month 1120011 . ENFORCEMENT ACTIVITY 2002 ARRESTS 83 21 J "I Adult uvenl e Adult A t f Arrests for Juvenile rres s or Arrests for Ar~~~~:or Year Year month . 106 . . . PART 1 CRIMES Offense Current month Total for Year Homicide 0 0 Rape/Sex Offenses 1 1 Robbery-All 2 2 Assault-Felonv 2 2 Assault-4th 17 17 Buralarv-Residential 4 4 Buralary-Other 6 6 Theft-Shopliftinq 5 5 Theft-from Vehicle 22 22 Theft-from Bldq 17 17 Theft-Vehicle 10 10 Theft-Other 3 3 Arson-All 1 1 Total 90 90 PART 2 CRIMES Offense Current Month Total for Year Resisting/Obstructing 3 3 Stalking/Harassment/Endangerment 3 3 UI SC/F raud/Embezzle/Property 10 10 Malicious Mischief-Felony 4 4 Malicious Mischief-3rd 24 24 Weapons Violations 0 0 Crimes Against Child/Sex Offense 1 1 Drug Violation 8 8 Domestic - Verbal 6 6 DUI 7 7 Alcohol Violations 9 9 Violate Protection Order 9 9 Runaway 17 17 Miscellaneous/Other 2 2 Total 103 103 107 ANIMAL CONTROL INCIDENTS For the Current Month Totaling 143 Calls 30 2 7 7 10 4 . 54 )> )> )> )> )> )> )> )> )> :J :J :J :J :J :J :J :J :J 3' 3' 3' 3' 3' 3' 3' 3' 3' III III III III ~ ~ III III III ~ T T I: h Z ?a ~ 6 0 ." 2, 0- CD 0 0 0 0' c: III c: c: 3 (ij' ill 0' :T l/l 0. :J iil '< ~ CD 0. "0 CD c: 0. 0. W l/l en 5' 0' iii ;:<" Parking Ticket Statistics . Tickets Revenue Tickets Revenue Tickets Revenue 2000 2000 2001 2001 2002 2002 Jan 246 $2,225.00 128 $1,094 269 $1,070 Feb 292 $2,988.00 201 $1,426 Mar 291 $4,611.00 310 $2,010 Apr 219 $2,530,00 298 $2,850 May 167 $1,885.00 445 $2,832 June 147 $1,850.00 223 $2195 July 290 $1,525.00 358 $2,990 Aug 259 $2,310.00 301 $3,390 Sept 130 $1,830.00 250 $2,433 Oct 260 $1,820.00 351 $3,171 Nov 201 $1,911.00 126* $2,265 Dec 84 $1,552.00 47* $1,128 Total 2586 $27,037.00 2991 $26,656 269 $1,070 * Parking Enforcement Officer on sick leave. '. 108