HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet 02/19/2008 . . . Gb_~LC\ AGEND~ CITY COUNCIL MEETING 321 East 5th Street February 19,2008 REGULAR MEETING 6:00 pm ~ORTANGELES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. AGENDA ITEM First Page ACTION REQUESTED Note: The Mayor may determine the order of business for a particular City Council meeting. The agenda should be arranged to best serve the needs and/or convenience of the Council and the public. The items of business for regular Council meetings may include the following: A. CALL TO ORDER - Regular Meeting (6:00 p.m.) B. ROLL CALL PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE PUBLIC CEREMONIES/PRESENTATIONS 1. Martin Luther King Jr. essay contest winners C. WORK SESSION 1. Rayonier Brownfield Planning and C-1 Redevelopment Phase I Report D. (1) LATE ITEMS TO BE PLACED ON TillS OR FUTURE AGENDAS as determined by City Manager or Council member (2) PUBLIC COMMENT This is an opportunity for members of the public to speak to the City Council about anything. To allow time for the Council to complete its legislative agenda, comments should be limited to no more than 5 minutes per person and a total of 15 minutes for this comment period. (These time periods may be lengthened or shortened at the discretion of the Mayor.) E. ORDINANCES NOT REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. Amendment to Fees Ordinance, Title 3 E-1 1. 1 sl Reading F. RESOLUTIONS G. OTHER CONSIDERATIONS 1. Interlocal Agreement with Clallam County G-1 1. Approve Agreement PUD District No. 1 H. PUBLIC HEARINGS - QUASI-JUDICIAL (7:00 P.M. or soon thereafter) I. PUBLIC HEARINGS - OTHER NOTE: HEARING DEVICES AVAILABLE FOR THOSE NEEDING ASSISTANCE MAYOR TO DETERMINE TIME OF BREAK February 19,2008 Port Angeles City Council Meeting Page - 1 AGENDA ITEM First Page ACTION REQUESTED J. FINANCE . 1. Phase I CSO Project 06-01, Amendment No.3 J-1 1. Approve Amendment to Brown & Caldwell Agreement 2. Landfill Slope Stabilization, Project 02-21 J-5 2. Approve Agreements Settlement Agreements K. CONSENT AGENDA 1. City Council Minutes dated February 5th K-1 1. Accept Consent Agenda 2. Expenditure Approval List from 1/26/08 to K-7 2/8/08 for $2,245,953.84 L. CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS 1. P A Forward Chair Appointment 1. Council to discuss purpose ofPA Forward Committee M. INFORMATION City Manager Reports: 1. Fire Department Annual Report M-1 2. Port Angeles Forward Committee December M-3 13,2007 minutes 3. 4th Quarter 2007 Recreation Division Activities M-7 Report 4. January Building Report M-ll N. EXECUTIVE SESSION (As needed and determined by City Attorney) . O. ADJOURNMENT PUBLIC HEARINGS Public hearings are set by the City Council in order to meet legal requirements pertaining to matters such as land use permit applications, proposed amendments to City land use regulations, zoning changes, and annexations. In addition, the City Council may set a public hearing in order to receive public input prior to making decisions which impact the citizens. Certain matters may be controversial, and the City Council may choose to seek public opinion through the public hearing process. . NOTE: HEARING DEVICES AVAILABLE FOR THOSE NEEDING ASSISTANCE MAYOR TO DETERMINE TIME OF BREAK February 19,2008 Port Angeles City Council Meeting Page - 2 ~ORTANGELES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL MEETING I. CALL TO ORDER - REGULAR MEETING: II. ROLL CALL: Members Present: Mayor Braun Deputy Mayor Wharton Councilmember Di Guilio Councilmember Kidd Councilmember Perry Councilmember Rogers Councilmember Williams ~ ~ ~ V Staff Present: Manager Madsen Attorney Bloor Clerk Upton v'" V v' G. Cutler T. Gallagher D. McKeen y. Ziomkowski *= February 19, 2008 ~. III. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Led by: (I {)J1 M:..!J.rrv lV'/l; Vt"" ...t?o ~ · ~ORTANGELES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL MEETING Attendance Roster DATE OF MEETING: February 19.2008 LOCATION: City Council Chambers gQtJ;n!w~u/cev DriVR.- I. I. (( L '\{,L~"4 J " . . . pORTANGELES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: February 19,2008 To: CITY COUNCIL FROM: NATHAN WEST, DEPUTY DIRECTOR COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT SUBJECT: RAYONIER BROWNFIELD PLANNING AND REDEVELOPMENT PHASE I REpORT Summary: Staff presentation of the Rayonier Brownfield Planning and Redevelopment Phase I Report. Recommendation: No action required Back2round / Analvsis: In April 2007, the City of Port Angeles entered into an interlocal agreement with the Department of Ecology. The purpose of the agreement was to facilitate a community based process focusing on the planning and redevelopment of the former Rayonier Mill site. This agreement was the first step in what is envisioned as a multi-phased process of waterfront redevelopment and harbor cleanup planning. The City began Phase I by mailing invitations to 35 stakeholder groups. Stakeholders were invited to attend individual meetings and to provide input on their vision for the future of the Rayonier site. More than 50 individuals, representing 30 stakeholders groups, participated in these meetings. Several common themes emerged during the visioning process and were identified as five core focus issues. These focus issues included: 1. Greenspaces and Ennis Creek restoration, 2. Waterfront trail and public access, 3. Economic opportunity, 4. Land Use and redevelopment, 5. Infrastructure and institutional controls. On October 11, 2007, stakeholders were invited to a public meeting where core issue groups developed a consensus vision and identified representatives to present the vision at an October 18th public forum. The forum was designed to gather community input on the core issues as identified by the stakeholder groups. The forum was a well attended public event that resulted in a broad range of stakeholder and public input. Following the forum, the public and stakeholder visions for the site were summarized into a draft report. C-1 Two steps were identified as being critical to the completion of Phase I. These included (1) a . conceptual plan identifying potential land uses on the former mill site consistent with the public vision and (2) identifying the a critical path for carrying out future phases of the project. Each of these work products was completed in early February of 2008, and will be included as part of the final Phase I report. In conclusion, the purpose of the Council worksession will be to present the Phase I report to City Council. Council is encouraged to provide comments and questions on Phase I results. . . C-2 DRAFT WATERFRONT BROWNFIELD REDEVELOPMENT CRITICAL PATH ANALYSIS keM-nsj o Decision Points C=::: Outcomes Processes Local Government State I Federal t:2J Taxies Cleanup Program VISIONING POLICY ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS PERMITTING DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION COMPLETION . conceptuat .., Develop",ent Plan E jfe ... SHQ!l-ELINE .. :" MASTE~'pROGRAM ......, ." ,. Cunent SMP .. ... ... . Restrictions an' residential davetopmeii~::;1 . La~{( of clarlty'o18Y lead'~o,f:N~ltenges:": Community Outreach' '. St$k$holder lntervie~ . PubliC Forums Market Analysis & .:., Targeted Industry Study Assumption - This task needs to be conducted early to-h")form pOlicy and planning efforts -[ UP<late SMP . Clarity Bnd Gertalntyfor m~W use o Clarify e~vir:~~r!:~ntal r~qfJir7T:~.~~~.: ' ---+ >::,. ~~<i~y'~lGp~d Property n,,, _. . .. ..-. "." . :,'-HARBORMANAGEMENT PLAN . .. UPDATE --+ --+ Marine :.'" Remed:jallnvest~g~tio", ~ Feasibility Study Cle~n~p Acti(;m}:~IEin Remedy: Impteme~taUon AliSumplion::-- T-his.wllfocr;U{in:pl)ases ":,: ,.; . .t??ordtn8ted wlth'i'edeveklPt'nant '. ,. Environmental Due Diligence CleanUp Agreement With Ecology I : 'Upland . Reme':i:ia,llnvestig3tion Feasibility Study. -. . Cle~ilup Action~liin: ... . . Review existing inform-etiol1 . ~ss financiat-risk of c1~an.up .;!iAarine R,emedlal D~sign ASsumption ~,tl1&ma.' Sediment cle~p that :.into and pier dev~l~pment-Wilfrequ~ _:; be racitit.rted hy in_CQWprBt.iori v.rideeffort .--- . . -.':::.. . :I,..~III. ~ff{;' '.J"i,~':: . ..... ~:t... ;::..\:~,~. . ...t~:~ ,~~'. "-:" . . . .I-I.-:+~'." r~ .. ~~.~...' .~~~. '~'. ~1IJ ~ ~ ~J~/ ~ ~ .<1C:<-IQ-08' .... " PROTECT THE PENINSULA'S FUTURE P.O. Box 1671, Sequim, Washington, 98382 A non..profit cotPornion dediC8J:ed to the wise land use of the North Ol....,-npic Peninsula February 19, 2008 To Port Angeles City Council From: Eloise Kailin, M.D., Secretary, PPF In early January I presented each of you with a Notice that an expert witness from the National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) has disclosed under oath that the flouorosilicic acid (FSA) certification applications submitted to NSF do not include toxicity information on FSA and its contaminants as is required by the State of Washington (and most other states as well) for compliance with NSF/ANSI Standard 60. At your last meeting I presented each of you with a copy of a letter written by Gary O. Pittman describingthe great number of potential contaminants, how FSA is produced, and why each lot is unique. Tonight I repeat the highlights from that letter and submit a copy of one of the the Materials Safety Data Sheets sent to the City. Gary worked for the phosphate industry for about 21 years. He worked in positions ranging from the analytical laboratory to pilot experimental projects His last position was supervising one-third of the Occidental Chemical Corporation's Swift Creek Chemical Complex. He and many of his co- workers became sick with usual and unusual cancers and damage to lungs, liver, muscles, heart and brain. The production of fluorosilicic acid and its salts-which I will call FSA here... starts with washing down the air pollution scrubbers at phosphate fertilizer plants. Wash water comes from evaporation or settling ponds because there are strict rules against using fresh water in Florida. Those ponds are used as re-cycling centers for general toxic wastes. Sulphuric acid is produced at these facilities and spent vanadium pentoxide catalyst, production sludge and waste water from this process go into the ponds as well as radioactive scale from reaction vessels and filters, phosphoric acid sludges, and radioactive flurosilicates chipped from scrubbing pads and chambers. In creating the FSA other chemicals are added such as oil based defoamers (possibly containing dioxins), polymers, petroleum products, naphthalene, chlorides, sulfides, Synspar and various reagents. During the phosphoric acid concentration processes these added chemicals and inherent toxic contaminants common in phosphate rock are boiled off the acid in a partial vacuum at temperatures as high as 500 degrees F. The vapors are washed and captured in the pollution scrubbers along with the fluorine and fluorosilicate gases. The reaction vessels are made from Hastelloy G-30 which cost a million dollars each and last only about 3 years. due to corrosion. They contribute nickel and beryllium to the mix as metal complexed fluorosilicates.Many new toxic products are created under these conditions. Each batch will be a unique mixture. Visit our web site at www.olympus.netlcommunity/oec/ppf.htm ~. " ,...,'. . <. . .' On the good side the Florida Department of Environmental Protection tells me clean well water is used in making up the final product. With all of these contaminants now perhaps you can begin to see the need for the requirement to meet NSF/ANSI 60 General Requirement Section 3.2.1. This calls for disclosure of all toxic materials for at least one batch of FSA per manufacturer per year. Note that we do not know that the batch actually tested is the one from which Port Angeles is supplied, And there are a number of individual phosphate plants in Florida making the stuff, each with slightly different methods. But none of these suppliers have met the requirement for full disclosure of the many, many toxic materials present, even on a one lot per year basis. I now offer you a copy of the MSDS sheet which failed to accompany the first shipment of FSA to . Port Angeles. Note the FAX label sent from Jacksonville, FI dated 6/13/06 which is a month after the City started fluoridation. Note that it claims the product is certified to NSF /ANSI 60 and contrast this to the testimony supplied to you last month saying that Section 3.2.1 has not been complied with. NCJte the very small amount of information given on contents of the solution delivered. Heavy metlas as lead is recorded at 3.17 parts per million. .A later MSDS sheet dated November 12,2007 sent with a different delivery of FSA recorded lead at 9.9 parts per million Please demand to see the documentation on compliance with NSF/ANSI standard 60. You will have no other way of knowing the nature of the material you have purchased and prescribed for public consumption. The National Sanitation Foundation is a private organization, writing its own regulations and overseeing its own industry. Its test results are not available to the public by Public Disclosure Request. ~ 06/13/06 14:27 ft904 241 1220 , ".. .:~ 213S466898'3 j~ F~ 208_~1!-!!!~~ JACKSONVILLE FL BHS MARKETING-NAMPA JR SlllPLOT C1.1STOJ(6R 5BRV . sttif'Lor ~iES ~ 005/009 PAGE 02/ El2 IiQOD% FAG: 83 .' J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY 511";" ..... ." ~.' . .t.tD. ," 000( .:.0 ''It....G .'_ ...... <'....tC''/lI. '.. . .. I. . ) / Ce~6~te of &1a1ycls (COA) SIMPLOT PHOSPHATES LLC 515 South Hwy 430 . R~k Springs, WY 82901 DATE: TO: 04/~~06 ~~_... ;: -~lCL1~~{;-:?-J~-=_ ~ ~ Pnxluct.: Bill of Lading ~bet: Rail Car Nuxn.beT~ Trailer Number: Date A~; Other Information; J;11Io~i&ie ac.id (lr&\J 1601339 QATX S2814 ~rill1~ 2006 .~1lJUI! * 6l1f418;.1 L - .... .I\IIalylIis NllJlle Sper.lflcatlOIl llIu Kbl -~ .I % AIlSa, (~~J %D %~ . .~o~~@l~ He."" JIICltals ...J..m&d ~J ~ CcitIoJ' ~t ._ -!isOI1~ ~Ilde<< "tt" ~~ 24 O.S6 o 1.228 3.17 3 non;;- - I. 1.0% 100 @ By: title: B. R. J'homas LabQ~tDt:v Ma.n~ Certified 10 .. u,e: NSF/ANSlGO S m ~.il5 :tAL ~ ~ ~..p~ ~ . ~-Iq-()g ( " STATE OF WASHINGTON GOVERNOR'S COMMITTEE ON DISABILITY ISSUES AND EMPLOYMENT Employment Security Department · P.O. Box 9046, MS: 6000 · Olympia, 11/ashington 98507-9046 Olympia (360) 438-3168 Voice · 438-3167 TrY · 438-3208 Fax Spokane (509) 482-3851 Voice · 482-3852 Tn' 2008 SELECETED LEGISLATIVE ISSUES Information provided for discussion purposes only, not an indication ofGCDE support. Items marked with "*" have a fiscal impact that is not included in the Governor's Promoting Accessible Communities-- (No Bill #) By Rep. Wallace: Provides funding for county Accessible Community Advisory Committees and for local projects to improve disability access and awareness, through an increase in disability parking fines. Disability History Month -- HB 2599 By Representative Sullivan (No Senate #) By Senator McAuliffe: Requires public schools (K-12 and higher ed.) to conduct or promote educational activities on disability history and people with disabilities, each October. Refilling Prescriptions in Emergencies-- HB 2583 By Representative O'Brien: Provides for early refills on prescriptions for a person residing in a county that is under a flood warning, a declared state of emergency, or has activated its emergency operations center. *Tax Exemption for Mobility Equipment-- SHB 1324 By Representative Hunter: Makes purchase ofprescribed mobility ~nhancing equipment exempt from state sales and use tax. *Coverage for Hearing Aides -- HB 1869, By Representative Green: Requires publicly funded health care plans that cover prosthetics to cover hearing aides on the same bases. * Low Income Housing (No Bill #) Omnibus legislation including, among other things, protection against housing discrimination based on income source (e.g. SSI, SSDI, T AN F) and creation of a housing stipend for GA-U recipients. !,;,~~:~ .....-=:;:::.-~ o .::,~,~ Disability Awareness Month: Disability History in Schools Did you know that Harriett Tubman, who led hundreds of slaves to freedom through the wzdergrozmd railroad, had a traumatic brain injury as a slave which left her with narcolepsy? Did you know the phrase "ship of fools fI comes from ships that earned people with disabilities to distant port cit- ies where they were abandoned? Did you know, as late as the 70s, there were "ugly laws" on the books in Ameriea, which said that if you had a visible disability, you could not be seen in'public? Disability is a very natural part of life, According to the Governor's Committee on Disability and Employment 932,000 Washingtonians have a disability, There are 109,796 students in special education programs in Washington, and an even greater number of students who have disabilities but don't receive special education services. People acquire disabilities as they get older. Many veterans returning from war have acquired disabilities. Medical advances enable premature babies or people with injuries to live longer lives. To promote the full inclusion of people with disabilities, we need to expand the knowledge, awareness and under- standing of the history of disability and the disability rights movement. Youth of today need to understand the efforts and contributions made by people with disabilities so that the civil rights movement moves forward, so that they are cormected to and understand their own culture, and so that history does not repeat its mistakes. Designating October as Disability History Month provides the opportunity to learn about the contributions made by people with disabilities throughout history. People with disabilities have been viewed with fear by those '-"TIO lack an understanding of their differences. This fear has led, historically, to bullying, segregation, . institutionalization, mutilation and even death for people with disabilities. Youth with disabilities are often not familiar with concepts like "disability pride." Nearly one-fourth of students with disabilities don't finish high school, and a recent sample study indicates the unemployment rate for youth with disabilities in Washington to be around 41%. Youth in Connecticut, Florida, Idaho, illinois, Iowa, Kentucky, Michigan, New York, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, West Virginia and now Washington want to change this. They believe an understanding and awareness of disability history and culture will reduce the incidences like bullying and promote more acceptance in public schools. They recognize the need for youth to be cormected to their own culture in a way that is meaningful and instills pride. These students have led efforts to create legislation that incorporates Disability History curriculum in the public schools. The Disability History Awareness Month will not create a fiscal, administrative or time-consuming burden on teachers or district personnel. This piece of legislation will, for the first time, include an important and often overlooked piece of the civil and human rights movement in public education. Prepared by The Arc of Washington State November 2007 Disability Awareness Month - Information Resource Guide Photo www.independencefirst.org \loc Rehab in California told Ed Roberts (above), the "father of the independent living movement", that he was too disabled' to work. Within a decade, he'd gone to college at the UC Berkeley and become the executive director of Voc Rehab of California. Online Resources on Disabilitv Historv Museum of disAbility History www.museumofdisability.org The museum of disAbility History is dedicated to advancing the understanding, acceptance and independence of people with disabilities. The site complements the New York-based museum and its traveling exhibits. Beyond Affliction: The Disability History Project www.npr.orglprogramsldisabilityl This four-hour documentary radio series depicts the experiences of people with disabilities from the beginning of the 19th century. Excerpts from shows and extended interviews, images, and texts used in on-air production are included. Disability Social History Project .nvw.disabilityh istory. org This site includes a comprehensive timeline, exhibits, bibliographies, web links, facts, famous people and resources on disability history. Resource Center for Independent Living www.reil.comIDisabili tyF A QIDisabi Ii tyRig h tsMovement.html This site provides a timeline of the disability civil rights movement. Parallels in Time: A History of Developmental Disabilities wlv.v.mncdd. orglparall elslmen II. html Over 150 pages regarding societal treatment, milestones and historical contributions made by people with developmental disabilities. Includes video and audio clips. Smithsonian Virtual Exhibition of the Disability Rights Movement wmv. am erica nh is tory.s i. eduldisab i I ityrig htl Online version of archiven exhibit that displays efforts to secure equality and civil and human rights for people with disabilities. Disability History Museum www.disability11l1lseltnl.org This online museum hosts exhibits. written resources, and teacher/education packets. Site is still under development. Photo of Frances Farmer courtesy Joanna Cook Moore en.wlkipedia.com Actress Frances Farmer's institutionalization helped expose many of the abuses in state mental hospitals in the 30s through 60s. "I was raped by orderlies, gnawed on by rats, and poisoned by tainted food. And I survived." NCLD-Youth's Too Five Books on Disabilitv Historv TIle National Consortium on Leadership and Disability for Youth rated the following five books as the best lor teens learning disability culture. 2. lames Fleischer, Doris, Zames, Frieda. The Disability Rights :\-10vement: From Charity to Confrontation. Temple University, 2001. 4. Longmore, Paul. The ;'IIew disability History: American Perspectives (History of Disabilit~'). New York University Press, 200 I. Shapiro, Joseph. No Pity: People with Disabilities Forging a New Civil Rights Movement, Times Books, 1994. 3.Charlton, James. Nothing About Us, Without Us. University of California Press, Berkeley, 1998. 5. Longmore, Paul. Why I Burned My Book and Other Essays on Disability. Temple University Press, 2003. Disability Awareness Month - Information Resource Guide The proposed disability awareness month legislation would bring disability history-related activities into schools and universities during the month of October in Washington. This bill recognizes the contributions made throughout history by people with disabilities, promotes acceptance and inclusion, reduces stigma, and instills pride in students with disabilities. ww.v .ha rnetlubmanbiogra phy .com HanietTubman is known for leading slaves to freedom through the underground railroad. She also sustained a traumatic brain injury as a slave during childhood. This left her with seizures and narcolepsy. This flier lists free resources, including video clips. contacts, literature and web-based information that could be used to assist disability awareness month efforts. Agencies listed below may also provide speakers that can provide resources and information. Agencies that could provide resources and/ or speakers for disability history-related activities Alliance of People with Disability Resource National Youth Self Advocates in Disabilities, Seattle Connection. Everett Leadership Network Leadership Coalition (NYLN) (SAIL) Arc of Washington State disAbility Resources of or local Arc Chapters Southwest Washington Office of the Deaf and Self Advocates of Hard of Hearing of Washington Brain Injury Association Disability Rights Washington of Washington Washington Self-Advocacy in Motion Self Help for the Hard of Project Center for Kids As Self-Advocates Hearing Independence, Tacoma (KASA) Tacoma Area Coalition National Federation of for Individuals with Central Washington National Alliance on the Blind of Washington Disabilities (TACID) Disability Resource Mental Illness (NAMI) State Information, ElIensburg State and Local Washington State Chapters American Council for Special Education Coalition of the the Blind Coalition Responsible Disabled, National Consortium on Spokane Leadership and People First of Washington State Disability for Youth Washington Developmental (NCLD-Youth) Disabilities Council n ABILITY For more information contact Christie Perkins at 253.584.7013 edadvocate@mac.com Or Andrea Abrahamson at 206-324-1521 x 241, andreaa@dr-wa.org. . . . ~ORT.ANGEtES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: February 19, 2008 To: CITY COUNCIL FROM: William E. Bloor, City Attorney SUBJECT: Ordinance Amending Fees Charged for Copies SUMMARY: In the past, the City found it efficient to provide up to 10 pages of photocopies free to the public. Ordinance 3308 completely restructured the City's fees for producing public records. It still is efficient to exempt some small amount from fees, but the language needs to be revised to reflect that the City will not charge or collect costs $1.50 or less for any photocopies, regardless of size or color. This will compensate for the higher cost of color copies and large format documents. RECOMMENDATION: Conduct the fIrst readin!! of the ordinance. DISCUSSION: The prior ordinance anticipated only black and white copies and allowed 10 free pages. The reason is that collecting a few for fewer pages, aIid accounting for such fees, was neither efficient nor cost effective. Ordinance 3308 completely restructured the fee system for public records, but did not include a fee exemption. The concept needs to be restored, but also amended to reflect that photocopy mediums, such as color copies and large format size are now available to the public. ~;ylt--. William E. Bloor City Attorney WEB\dl G;\LEGALIMEMOS.2008\Counci1.Fees Amendment Ord.021408.wpd "j I , E-1 .,~-~.,\ ; ) ORDINANCE NO. ..-,' AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Wasbington,amending Chapter 3.70 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code relating to fees. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES does hereby ordain as follows: Section 1. Ordinance 3308 and Chapter 3.70 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code is hereby amended by amending Subpart D of Section 3.70.010 as follows: t ) ~,--./ D. Fees for Supplying Prints, Copies and Other Services (as provided by all departments. ) 1. The charges for the supplying of prints and/or copies of any City document by the City of Port Angeles shall be as follows. provided. that if the total charge for photocopies would be $ 1.50 or less. no fee shall be charged or collected: (a) Paper Sizes/Types 8 'l'Z x 11 - black & white $ 0.15 each 8 Y2 x 11 - double-sided, black & white $ 0.15 each 8 Y2X 11 - made by other than City employee, black & white $ 0.15 each 8 Y2 x 11 - color $ 0.25/side 8 Y2 x 14 - black & white $ 0.15-each 8 ~ x 14.- double-sided, black & white $ 0.15 each 8 'li x 14 - made by other than City employee, black & white $ 0.15 each 8 'l'Z x 14 - color $ 0.30/side 11 x 17 - black & white $ 0.15 each 11 x 17 - double-sided, black & white $ 0.15 each 11 x 17 - made by other than City employee, black & white $ 0..15 each 11 x 17 - color $ 0.50/side 18 x 24 prints - black & white $ 3.00 each 24 x 36 prints - black & white $ 6.00 each 36 x 48 prints - black & white $ 9.00 each Zoning Code $ O.IS/page Comprehensive Plan $ 0.I5/page Shoreline Master Program $ 0.15/page Budget - black & white $ 0.I5/page Budget - color $ 0.50/page Municipal Code Book $ 0.15/page i -' -1- E-2 ~ (e) .. (b) Municipal Code Updates Plotted Sizes/Types 18 x 24 -.color . $ 5.00 24 x 36 - color $10.00 36 x 48 - color $15.00 Larger plotted sizes $ 2.00/ square foot Faxe.d copies lip to 10 pages No Charge (Documents longer than 10 pages will not be faxed) Data Types CD Rom DVD Thumb Drive (may be provided by customer w/signed waiver) $ 0.15/page (c) (d) $ 5.00 each. $20.00 each $30.00 / (5 minute increment External Hard Drive (may be provided bycustomerw/signedwaiver) $30.00 /15 minute increment $ 3.50 each Audio Tapes Other Services Notary Public Fee City Clerk Certification Deed ProcessinglRecording Computer Print-Out of Utility Service Consumption History Conversion of Electronic Formats $5.00/certification $5. DO/certification Actual Cost l $1.00/request $30.00 / 15 minute increment $30.00 /15 minute increment Preparation of GIS MapslData * $35.00 / 15 minute increment Maps or data that require exten'sive processing tim~ or require additional ink and plotting supplies will be charged at a higher rate. Copies produced by outside source Actual Cost Scanning to Electronic Format * Section 2 - Corrections. The City Clerk and the, codifiers of this ordinance are authorized to maIce necessary corrections to this ordinance including, but not limited to, the correction ofthe scrivener' s/clerical errors, references, ordinance numbering, section/subsection numbers and any references thereto. . E-3 -2- (~) "..-" Section 3 ~ Severability. If any provisions ofthis Ordinance, or its application to any person or circumstances, are held invalid, the remainder of the Ordinance, or application of the provisions of the Ordinance to other persons or circumstances, is not affected. -Section 4 - Effective Date. This ordinance, being an exercise of a power specifically delegated to the City legislative body, is not subject to referendum. This ordiriance shall take effect five days after its publication by summary. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a .regular meeting of said Council held on the _ day of February, 2008. MAYOR. ATTEST: Becky J. Upton, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: William E. Bloor, City Attorney PUBLISHED: February , 2008 By Summary G:\LesatBnckupIORDIN/.NCES&RESOLUTIONSlORDINANCES.200SI04 - Fees Arnend.021308.wpd Febnmry 14, 2008 ( i ",-/ -3- E-4 . DATE: To: FROM: SUBJECT: ~............... lOt JR.. "'TI'PJ.:. /.. N. IG! :.EI..tr EI :iSr !. , --'-""~",../'_ .. ,~_./ ,n' __ :_.____1" : , ,j'.i ,,' '<'J/ ! , ....n....;' ............! WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO February 19,2008 CITY COUNCIL Glenn A. Cutler, Director of Public Works & Utilities Interlocal Agreement with Clallam County Public Utility District No.1 Summary: Work related to the Elwha River Restoration Project will require reconstruction of power lines and transferring ownership of a section of the new lines to Clallam County Public Utility District No.1 (PUD) upon completion. The City is negotiating the detailed scope of work with the National Park Service. The work is cost reimbursable by the National Park Service. Recommendation: Approve an Interlocal Agreement with Clallam County Public Utility District No.1 for construction of electrical distribution facilities related to the Elwha River Restoration Project and authorize the City Manager to sign the agreement. Background/Analysis: Some overhead distribution power lines need to be relocated due to construction of the new water treatment plant adjacent to the Elwha River as part of the National Park Service (NPS) Elwha Restoration Project. Some of these existing distribution power lines are owned by the City of Port Angeles, and some are owned by Clallam County Public Utility District No.1 (PUD). The National Park Service is paying the entire project cost. . It is planned that the City of Port Angeles will take the lead for design coordination and contract for construction for the work required. The PUD will design and inspect their portion of the work. During discussions with the NPS, PUD, and City staffs, it was determined most appropriate for the City to take the lead on this portion of the project. The majority of the work is on the City's distribution system, and this will enable the City to keep control over the project. After completion, the PUD's portion will be transferred to them for ownership and maintenance. The facilities related to the treatment plant and Ranney Collector will be City owned. This approach provides the economy and scheduling benefits of one contractor performing all of the work. The proposed interlocal agreement formalizes the roles of the City and PUD as well as final ownership after completion of construction. The agreement has been reviewed and approved by the City Attorney's staff and the attorney for the PUD. The Utility Advisory Committee, at its February 12, 2008 meeting, forwarded a favorable recommendation to enter into this agreement. It is recommended that City Council approve an Interlocal Agreement with Clallam County Public Utility District No. 1 for construction of electrical distribution facilities related to the Elwha River Restoration Project and authorize the City Manager to sign the agreement. . Attachment: Draft lnterlocal Agreement C:\DOCUME-I \cheberli\LOCA LS-I \ Temp\XPgIpwise\PUD Interlocal Agreement.doc G-1 G-2 . . . . . . INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES AND PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT #1 OF CLALLAM COUNTY FOR CONSTRUCTION OF DISTRIBUTION FACILITIES RELATED TO THE ELWHA RIVER RESTORATION PROJECT This Interlocal Agreement (Agreement) is entered into between the City of Port Angeles, a code city in the State of Washington, hereinafter referred to as "City," and Public Utility District No. 1 of Clallam County, a Washington Public Utility District, hereinafter referred to as "District," both of which are sometimes collectively referred to as the "Parties." In mutual consideration of the promises contained herein, the Parties represent and agree as follows: I. REPRESENTATIONS 1. Pursuant to the authority extended in Title 35A RCW, City owns and operates an electric distribution system. 2. Pursuant to the authority extended in Title 54 RCW, the District owns and operates an electric distribution system. 3. The Federal Government has implemented a plan to remove two (2) dams from the Elwha River. This project is commonly known as the Elwha Restoration Project. 4. Each Party owns and maintains electrical distribution facilities that will be impacted by the proposed Elwha Restoration Project. 5. As a result of the dam removal it will be necessary to replace those electric distribution facilities. 6. The City and the District recognize the benefit in working cooperatively in the design and construction of the distribution systems that will require replacement as a result of the Elwha Restoration Project. 7. This agreement is entered into pursuant to the Washington State lnterlocal Cooperation Act, Chapter 39.34 RCW. Each party has the necessary authority to enter into this agreement. - 1 - G-3 II. AGREEMENTS . 1. Intent and Purpose. The intent and purpose of this agreement is to set forth the responsibilities and relationship between the parties with the selection of a single agency to act on behalf of both in negotiating contracts and documents under a task agreement with the National Park Service for design and construction of electric distribution facilities impacted by the Elwha Restoration Project. 2. Lead Agency, The City shall be the lead agency to act on behalf of both the City and the District in negotiating contracts and documents under a Task Agreement to be administered and paid for by the National Park Service. 3. Separate Responsibilities. The District shall be responsible for costs in excess of the amounts paid by the National Park Service for work performed on its facilities. The City shall be responsible for costs in excess of amounts paid by the National Park Service for work performed on its facilities. 4. Cooperation. The District will work cooperatively with the City to negotiate a Task Agreement between the City and the National Park Service. 5. Duration. This agreement shall commence on the date of signature by both parties and continue until the work below is completed. III. CITY RESPONSIBILITIES . 1. The City will contract for construction of all new distribution facilities to be constructed to replace facilities impacted by the Elwha Restoration Project. 2. The City will prepare the documents and issue contracts under a Task Agreement administered and paid for by the National Park Service. 3. City will be responsible for inspecting and accepting constmction relating to City facilities. 4. Any additional City project costs due to post-bid City design changes will be borne by the City. IV. DISTRICT RESPONSIBILITIES 1. District will provide City with design of those facilities that are exclusively for District's use. The design shall be supplied in a timely fashion for inclusion in the constmction contract documents. 2. District will be responsible for inspecting and accepting construction relating to its facilities. . - 2 - G-4 . . . 3. Any additional District project costs due to post-bid District design changes will be borne by the District. V. OWNERSHIP OF FACILITIES City: 1. City will own and maintain electrical facilities which are exclusively for its use. 2. City will continue to own and maintain electrical utility poles that are jointly used by both District and City. District: 1. District will own and maintain electrical facilities which are exclusively for its use. 2. District will own and maintain its pole attachments according to the existing joint use agreement between the City and District. VI. ASSIGNMENT This agreement cannot be assigned, transferred, or any portions subcontracted hereunder without the written agreement of both Parties. VII. DISPUTE RESOLUTION Both Parties agree that any dispute that arises out of the interpretation, perfonnance, enforcement, or other aspects of this agreement, shall be resolved by submitting the same to binding arbitration which shall proceed according to the rules and regulations of the American Arbitration Association; provided, however that each Party shall select a nominating person within ten (10) days of notice of the dispute from either Party to the other. The District shall elect one nominating person and the City shall elect one nominating person. The two nominating persons shall then meet to promptly select the arbitrator from the Seattle office of the Judicial Arbitration and Mediation Service List. If the nominating persons do not select a person who agrees to serve as arbitrator within thirty (30) days of the first notice, the arbitrator shall be selected by a Superior Court Judge of Clallam County. - 3 - G-5 VIII. NOTICES Any notices shall be effective personally served on the other Party or if mailed by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, to the following addresses or such other addresses as a Party may designate in writing and shall be deemed given on the date of mailing: City of Port Angeles c/o Mark Madsen, City Manager P.O. Box 1150 321 E. 5th Street Port Angeles, W A 98362 Clallam County Public Utility District # 1 c/o Doug Nass, General Manager P.O. Box 1090 2431 E. Highway 101 Port Angeles, W A 98362 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the PaIties have caused this agreement to be executed by the undersigned duly authorized officials: CITY OF PORT ANGELES CLALLAM COUNTY PUD #1 Mark E. Madsen, City Manager Doug Nass, General Manager ArrEST: ATTEST: Becky J. Upton, City Clerk Carol Biss, Executive Assistant APPROVED AS TO FORM: William E. Bloor, City Attorney G:\Legal_Backup\AGREEMENTS&CONTRACTS\2007 Agrmts & Contracts\City-PUD Tnterlocal.Elwha Restoralion 1 0-23-07. doc 2/812008 - 4 - G-6 . . . . . . fELES WASHINGTON, U.S.A CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: February 19,2008 To: CITY COUNCIL FROM: Glenn A. Cutler, Director of Public Works and Utilities SUBJECT: Design Phase 1 CSO Projects, Amendment No.3 to Agreement 06-01 Summary: The detailed design of the Phase 1 CSO Projects has been underway since April 2007. Several unanticipated elements of work critical to the design effort have been identified, and an amendment to the consultant agreement is required. Recommendation: Authorize the Mayor to sign Amendment No.3 to the Agreement with Brown and Caldwell for the detailed design of Phase 1 CSO Projects, increasing the maximum compensation amount under the agreement by $102,700; from $1,745,000 to $1.847.700. Background/Analysis: In April 2007, the scope of the detailed design effort for the Phase 1 CSO Projects was solidified in Amendment No.2 to Consultant Agreement 06-01 with Brown and Caldwell. The consultant agreement with Brown and Caldwell was planned to add additional services due to the complexity of the project. The City had previously negotiated, with the Washington Department of Ecology, an updated CSO Reduction Facilities Plan/General Sewer Plan (CSO Plan) dated June 2006, and signed Agreed Order 3853 in October 2006. Ongoing discussions continue while design progresses between Brown and Caldwell, the City, and Department of Ecology. The four projects associated known as the Phase 1 CSO Project under that CSO Plan include: · Francis Street Sewer Main · Storage Tank Modifications · Force Mains from Pump Station 4 · Wastewater Treatment Plant and Outfall Modifications Since Apri12007, and as a result of further site investigations related to pipeline routing on both City and Rayonier property, several unanticipated elements of work critical to the design effort have been identified. They are as follows, costs for which are listed in Table 1: · Discussions with the Department of Ecology (DOE) to get their support were more involved than anticipated once the design included the potential for CSO overflows to occur from the control system at the wastewater treatment plant. (Task 5.7) · In order to realize some construction cost savings, the use of existing Rayonier pipelines is being explored, reducing subsurface disturbance at the site. In order to verify their potential for re-use, condition assessments of these pipelines are needed. (Task 6.0A) C:\DOCUME-l \cheberli\LOCALS~ I \Temp\XPgrpwise\Amendment No.3 to Phase I CSO Project Agreement 06-01.doc J-1 February 19,2008 City Council Re: Amendment No.3 to Phase I CSO Project Agreement 06-01 Page 2 . Connecting pipelines to the Rayonier deep-water outfall at a different location than . anticipated requires some additional design effort. (Task 6.0B) . In order to avoid several identified wetlands, some pipeline re-alignment is required, avoiding more stringent Army Corps of Engineer permitting requirements and potential higher construction costs. (Task 6.0C) . A greater effort associated with environmental documentation for this project requires additional consultant work. (Task 6.0D) Table 1 - Summary of Additional Work Task 5.7 - DOE Support $7,400 Task 6.0 - Design A. Pipeline Condition and Locations $28,400 B. New Outfall Design . $48,000 C. Redesign for Wetlands Conflict $9,900 D. Permit Exhibits $9,000 TOTAL $102,700 Amendment No.3 to the Agreement will allow Brown and Caldwell to continue and complete the design of the Phase 1 projects. Table 2 on page 3 below summarizes the revised costs associated with the Phase 1 projects. Funds for all portions of the design work are covered by the combination of two low interest . design loans secured from the Public Works Trust Fund (PWTF) and Wastewater Utility rates. The Utility Advisory Committee, after a presentation and full discussion at its February 12,2008 meeting, forwarded a favorable recommendation to City Council to authorize the Mayor to sign Amendment No.3 to the Agreement with Brown and Caldwell for detailed design of Phase 1 CSO Projects, increasing the maximum compensation amount under the agreement by $102,700; from $1,745,000 to $1,847,700. . J-2 . . . February 19,2008 City Council Re: Amendment No.3 to Phase I CSO Project Agreement 06-01 Page 3 Table 2 -Summary of Tasks and Budgets Through Amendment No.3 Approved Amount Through Amendment Task Amend. No.2 No.3 1. Project Management $115,000 2. Survey and Base Mapping $110,600 3. Cultural Resources Consultation $23,000 4. Geotechnical Engineering $145,000 5. Permitting and Environmental $136,800 $7,400 6. Preparation of Contract Documents, including Design $1,041,100 $95,300 7. Bidding Assistance $35,300 8. Additional Alternatives $21,100 9. Plant Flow Management $109,100 10. Additional Cultural and Geotechnical Work $8,000 Total $1,745,000* $102,700 *Billings to date = $994,176.52 C:\DOCUME-I \cheberli\LOCALS-1 \Temp\XPgrpwiselAmendment No.3 to Phase I CSO Project Agreement 06-0 I.doc J-3 J-4 . . . . . . FORTANGELES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: February 19,2008 To: CITY COUNCIL FROM: Glenn A., Cutler, Director of Public Works & Utilities SUBJECT: Landfill Slope Stabilization, Project 02-21, Settlement Agreements Summary: The City entered into a contract with Glacier Construction, Inc., to construct the Landfill Slope Stabilization Project. Glacier entered into a subcontract with TBH & Associates, LLC to construct drilled shafts. TBH submitted construction claims for additional compensation. The City, Glacier, TBH, and Parametrix negotiated a total agreement for settlement in the amount of$197,963.48. Parametrix will contribute $20,000 towards this settlement amount. Two settlement agreements have been drafted. They are between the City, Glacier and TBH, and the City and Parametrix. Recommendation: 1) Approve the agreements between a) the City of Port Angeles, Glacier Construction, Inc., and TBH & Associates, LLC; and, b) the City of Port Angeles and Parametrix; and 2) authorize the City Manager to make minor, nonsubstantive change modifications to the agreements, if necessary. Background/Analysis: In May, 2006, the City entered into a Public Works Contract with Glacier Construction Services, Inc., (Glacier) for the construction of the Port Angeles Landfill Slope Stabilization (Project No. 02-21). The high risk and challenging project was required due to wave action undermining the bluff, which was composed of solid waste placed over many years. The bluff, with waste, was sloughing off into the Strait of Juan de Fuca. The scope of the project included removing major portions of the bluff, depositing the material into the landfill, and constructing a retaining wall along the Strait. Glacier entered into a subcontract with TBH and Associates, LLC (TBH) for the installation of primary and secondary drilled shafts. During the course of the project, TBH submitted construction claims for additional compensation for extra work due to a number of different circumstances. The City, Glacier, TBH, and Parametrix (City consultant for the project) met on December 12,2007. The parties were successful in resolving all outstanding claim issues on the project for a total negotiated price of$197,963.48. Settlement Agreements have been drafted between the various parties. Agreement between the City, Glacier and TBH: 1. Settles all outstanding disputed construction claims. 2. Best efforts will be made to make the settlement payment in the amount of $197,963.48 by February 29,2008. J-5 C:\DOCUME-I \cheberli\LOCALS-l \Temp\XPgrpwise\Landfill Slope Stabilization Project Settlement Agreements.doc February 19,2008 City Council Re: Landfill Slope Stabilization Settlement Page 2 3. Close out and accept the project as soon as feasible to enable final payment and release of retainage by March 28, 2008. 4. Provides for mutual release. Agreement between the City, and Parametrix: 1. Settles all outstanding disputed issues that have arisen out of the G1acier/TBH disputed claims. 2. Provides for Parametrix to give a $20,000 credit on its project invoices for services provided on the retaining wall revetment construction or other City projects. 3. Releases Parametrix from any and all claims and causes of action relating to or arising from the Glacier and TBH claims. 4. Provides for mutual release. Funding is available in the Solid Waste Transfer Station/Landfill Fund for the settlement. It is recommended that Counci11) Approve the agreements between a) the City of Port Angeles, Glacier Construction, Inc., and TBH & Associates, LLC; and, b) the City of Port Angeles and Parametrix; and 2) authorize the City Managerto make minor, nonsubstantive change modifications to the agreements, if necessary. J-6 . . . . . . CALL TO ORDER - REGULAR MEETING: ROLL CALL: PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: PRESENTATIONS, CEREMONIAL MATTERS & PROCLAMATIONS: WORK SESSION: Budget and Finance Break CITY COUNCIL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington February 5, 2008 Mayor Braun called the regular meeting ofthe Port Angeles City Council to order at 6:00 p.m. Members Present: Mayor Braun, Deputy Mayor Wharton, and Council members Di Guilio, Kidd, Perry, Rogers, and Williams. Members Absent: None. StafJPresent: Manager Madsen, Attorney Bloor, Clerk Upton, G. Cutler, T. Gallagher, D. McKeen, Y. Ziomkowski, N. West, S. Roberds, T. Pierce, and D. Beery. Public Present: D. & J. Estberg, N. & 1. Fuller, G. Gleason, D. Blood, J. Halkett, P. Lamoureux, L. Schromen- Wawrin, D. Schneider- Hobbs, S. Watson, Z. Cole, B. Wilson, and J. Hutchison. All others present in the audience failed to sign the roster. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Councilmember Williams, followed by a moment of silence in honor of recently deceased W orId War II Veteran Lee Embree and former Legislator Paul Conner. Mayor Braun introduced Sequim Mayor Laura Dubois, who was present this evening. None. 1. Budget and Finance: With the use of PowerPoint slides, Finance Director Ziomkowski provided a comprehensive review of the "Nuts and Bolts of Finance", discussing in depth the building of the City budget, governmental accounting principles, and fiscal accountability. She provided a synopsis of the Finance Department's responsibility for fiscal matters, the role of the City Council, different aspects of budgeting and accounting, as well as how the Council can monitor the budget and financial policies. She emphasized that all actions taken by the Council have a direct impact on the budget, and she likened the City to that of a conglomerate organization where multiple independent companies are accounted for in different funds working within one corporate structure. Discussion foIl owed, and Director Ziomkowski answered questions posed by the Council on such matters as revenue projections and the level of debt in the utilities. Mayor Braun recessed the meeting for a break at 6:50 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 7:01 p.m. K-1 - 1 - CITY COUNCIL MEETING February 5, 2008 PUBLIC HEARINGS - OTHER: Medic I Utility Rate Adjustment Ordinance No. 3315 LATE ITEMS TO BE PLACED ON THIS OR FUTURE AGENDAS & PUBLIC COMMENT: 1. Medic I Utility Rate Adjustment: Fire Chief McKeen indicated that a comprehensive cost of service study was presented at the last meeting. He offered to answer any questions that may arise. Mayor Braun continued the public hearing at 7:02 p.m. There being no public testimony, the public hearing was closed at 7:02 p.m. Mayor Braun conducted a second reading of the Ordinance by title, entitled ORDINANCE NO. 3315 AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, amending the monthly EMS utility fee, effective February 15,2008. Deputy Mayor Wharton moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title. The motion was seconded by Councilmember Perry and carried unanimously. Manager Madsen added an Ordinance amending a Street Vacation as Agenda Item E.3. Deputy Mayor Wharton asked to add to the agenda a discussion on climate change. Mayor Braun indicated he had previously determined that such a discussion should be deferred until the time the City has obtained findings from the Association of Washington Cities on the subject. Dan Blood, 1137 W. 5th Street, asked for Code enforcement regarding a house across the street. He noted the hazardous condition of the structure, the presence of abandoned automobiles, building materials stored inside the fence line, and fire hazards in the area. He expressed frustration with the lack of response from the City. John Halkett, 720 ''N'' Street, echoed the comments ofMr. Blood, indicating he has had difficulty obtaining feedback from the City with regard to this hazardous condition. Diana Estberg, 1022 South Cherry Street, provided her background as a chemist from the San Diego area. She addressed the matter of chemicals being added to the water in the form of fluoride, and she referenced an upcoming argument before the Court of Appeals on the Initiative and Referendum process. If justice prevails, she expressed the hope the Council would place the matter of fluoride on a ballot. Gary Gleason, Chairman of the Clallam County Planning Commission, read a letter into the record, inviting the City's Planning Commission members to meet in joint session with the County Planning Commission. The letter, co-signed by newly elected Chairman Tom Montgomery, set forth suggested topics for discussion, such as the City's request to adopt City zoning for the unincorporated Port Angeles Urban Growth Area (UGA), affordable housing, the transfer of development rights receiving areas within the UGA, and UGA economic development. Mr. Gleason indicated the primary goal is to keep communication open, and he expressed hope that the Council would authorize such a joint meeting for March or April. Laura Dubois, newly elected Mayor of Sequim, delivered greetings to the City Council, wishing them the best in 2008 and hoping to work with them this year. . . Paul Chasman, 173 E. Bachelor Rock Drive, addressed the Council on the matter of the City's possible participation in ICLEI (International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives). He thought there had been a stumbling block in the form of the entry fee for ICLEI, so he and his wife were willing to donate the $600 fee to the City. He indicated ICLEI is a resource for training, consulting, and information to assist in planning for environmental challenges and sustainable growth. Mr. Chasman stated that, if the . Council fails to take this matter up by the first meeting in March, then they would like to . have their check returned. K-2 - 2 - . . . LATE ITEMS TO BE PLACED ON THIS OR FUTURE AGENDAS & PUBLIC COMMENT: (Cont'd) ORDINANCES NOT REQillRING PUBLIC HEARINGS: UAC Industrial Representative Ordinance Amendment Ordinance No. 3316 Small Works & Consulting Services Roster Ordinance No. 3317 Amendment to Ordinance - Vacation of Cherry Street Ordinance No. 3318 CITY COUNCIL MEETING February 5, 2008 Laura Levin, 1114 E. 4th Street, spoke on poisoning of the water, feeling it is very unethical. She indicated she would leave the area as soon as she can, as she is experiencing sores in her mouth and on her body. She hoped the Council would turn away from the decision to fluoridate the water. Paul Lamoureux, 602 Whidby, expressed disappointment that more time wasn't allowed for public comment. He extended best wishes to the Council for the New Year and then distributed a letter revisiting the membership of the Utility Advisory Committee. i. Utility Advisory Committee industrial Representative Ordinance Amendment: Public Works & Utilities Director Cutler advised the Council that this Ordinance would clarify the membership of the Utility Advisory Committee by removing the term limit for the industrial representative. The Ordinance also clarifies the definition of the industrial representative. Mayor Braun conducted the second reading of the Ordinance by title, entitled ORDINANCE NO. 3316 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, amending Chapter 2.68 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code relating to the Utility Advisory Committee. Councilmember Rogers moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title. The motion was seconded by Councilmember Kidd and carried unanimously. 2. Small Works & Consulting Services Roster: Director Cutler summarized services being provided to Washington municipalities by the Municipal Research and Services Center (MRSC) as relates to the management and hosting of small works and consulting services rosters. State law requires that procedures must be adopted when cities use the rosters, and if the City moves forward in working with the MRSC, then an Ordinance must be adopted to establish the procedures. Director Cutler reviewed the options available to local contractors wanting to be placed on the list(s). He asked that the second reading of the Ordinance be waived, and that the Council proceed to adoption. Councilmember Williams moved to waive the second reading of the Ordinance. Councilmember Rogers seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. Mayor Braun read the Ordinance by title, entitled ORDINANCE NO. 3317 AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, on the subject of a small works roster process. Deputy Mayor Wharton moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title. Councilmember Di Guilio seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. 3. Amendment to Ordinance - Vacation of Cherry Street: Manager Madsen reminded the Council that, in conjunction with the vacation of a portion of Cherry Street between the Front/First Street alley and Front Street, there was a condition that full payment must be received by February 15,2008. It was intended that this date would coincide with the closing on the building; however, the closing has been pushed to March. It is, therefore, recommended that the Council adopt the amending Ordinance, changing the date for receipt offull payment to March 31, 2008. K-3 - 3 - CITY COUNCIL MEETING February 5, 2008 Amendment to Ordinance - Vacation of Cherry Street Ordinance No. 3318 (Cont'd) RESOLUTIONS: OTHER CONSIDERATIONS: Historic Artifact Agreement PUBLIC HEARINGS - QUASI-JUDICIAL: FINANCE: Department of Ecology Coordinated Prevention Grant 16th Street Sidewalk Phase I Following brief discussion, Council member Williams moved to waive the second reading ofthe Ordinance. The motion was seconded by Councilmember Di Guillo. Having not participated in any Council discussion or votes taken on this particular transaction due to possible conflict of interest, Deputy Mayor Wharton indicated she would again abstain. A vote was taken on the motion, which carried 6 - 0, with Deputy Mayor Wharton abstaining. . Mayor Braun read the Ordinance by title, entitled ORDINANCE NO. 3318 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, amending Ordinance 3303 to revise the effective date for the street vacation authorized. Councilmember Williams moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title. Councilmember Perry seconded the motion, which carried 6 - 0, with Deputy Mayor Wharton abstaining. None. 1. Historic Artifact Agreement: City Archeologist Beery presented information relative to the proposed agreement with the Clallam County Historical Society, providing a means for the City to collect select isolated historic artifacts from City projects that are deemed insignificant under federal historic preservation laws and guidelines and provide them to the Historical Society for curation, educational purposes, and exhibit. Councilmembers spoke in support of the . arrangement, and Mr. Beery provided further clarifying information based on Council inquiries. Certain Councilmembers have served and are serving as members of the Historical Society's Board of Directors, and Manager Madsen responded to their question as to a possible conflict of interest with assurance there would be no conflict by their voting on a motion. Councilmember Di Guillo moved to (1) approve the agreement to allow the City of Port Angeles to donate isolated historic artifacts to the Clallam County Historical Society for educational purposes; (2) authorize the Mayor to sign the agreement; and (3) authorize the Mayor to sign subsequent Artifact Donation Agreements as necessary in order to comply with the agreement. Councilmember Perry seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. None. 1. Department of Ecology Coordinated Prevention Grant G0800293: Director Cutler summarized the approval of the City's application for a Coordinated Prevention Grant by the Department of Ecology for total costs of $215,000 for moderate risk waste collection and disposal, waste reduction and recycling education and outreach, and organics composting. Following discussion, Deputy Mayor Wharton moved to accept the Coordinated Prevention Grant for total eligible costs of $215,000 and authorize the Director of Public Works & Utillties to sign the agreement with match as described. Councilmember Rogers seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. 2. 16th Street Sidewalk, Phase 1: Director Cutler informed the Council that the Port Angeles application was one of two projects selected in the west side of the State for the Pedestrian Safety and Mobility Program which funds activities for safety improvement projects that identify and correct . K-4 - 4 - . . . 16th Street Sidewalk Phase I (Cont'd) Landfill Slope Stabilization Project 02-21 Acceptance and Change Order #6 CONSENT AGENDA: CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: INFORMATION: EXECUTIVE SESSION: RETURN TO OPEN SESSION: s CITY COUNCIL MEETING February 5, 2008 hazardous locations, sections, and/or elements. It is intended that the matching grant will be used to construct sidewalks on "E" Street and a portion of 16th Street near Stevens Middle School. Brief discussion followed on the route of this particular phase, as well as the importance of partnering with the School District to receive these grant funds. Councilmember Perry moved to authorize the Mayor to accept on behalf ofthe City the Transportation Improvement Board grant for the construction of curb, gutter, sidewalk and storm drains and execute the Agreement for the grant in the amount of $175,000. The motion was seconded by Councilmember Kidd and carried unanimously. The Council congratulated the stafffor pursuing and receiving these grant funds. 3. Landfill Slope Stabilization Project 02-21 Acceptance and Change Order #6: Director Cutler presented information relative to Change Order #6 for the Landfill Slope Stabilization Project, as well as information on the completion of all work related to the project. He noted there had been a higher rate of change on this particular project due to unforeseen circumstances. Lengthy discussion ensued with alarm being expressed on the number of change orders that resulted in a 33% increase over the original contract amount. Director Cutler provided a series of pictures taken of the site during construction, explaining in detail the unusual and challenging aspects of the construction that resulted in the change orders. The Councilmembers noted the engineering feats of the project, and Director Cutler explained the City will be required to monitor the area over the years, so there may be some additional expenditures. He further explained the funding mechanisms for closure and post-closure of the Landfill. Councilmember Rogers moved to approve Change Order No.6 in the amount of $43,969.19, including sales tax, to the contract with Glacier Construction Services, Inc.; accept the Port Angeles Landfill Slope Stabilization, Project 02-21, as complete; and authorize release of the retainage upon receipt of the required clearances from Washington State and upon receipt of appropriate releases. The motion was seconded by Councilmember Williams and carried unanimously. Questions were raised by Councilmember Kidd with respect to certain expenditures for furniture on the Expenditure Approval List, all of which fell under the purview of Public Works & Utilities. Director Cutler indicated he would follow-up on those specific questions. Deputy Mayor Wharton moved to accept the Consent Agenda, to include: (1) City Council Minutes dated January 15'\ (2) Expenditure Approval List from 1/5/2008 to 1/25/2008 for $6,533,768.44; and (3) Appoint City Representative to Clallam County Board of Health. Councilmember Rogers seconded the motion, which carried 6 - 0, with Councilmember Kidd abstaining. None. Manager Madsen announced the installation of a new hot water tank at Civic Field. Director Cutler invited Council participation in the City's booth at the KONP Horne Show. Manager Madsen informed the Council of the passing of former Councilmember Grant Munro's father. A card is available for Council signatures. Based on input from Attorney Bloor, Mayor Braun announced the need for an Executive Session for approximately 25 minutes under the authority of RCW 42.30.110(1)(1), potential litigation, with no action to follow. The Executive Session convened at 8:28 p.m., and, at 8:53 p.m., the Executive Session was extended for an additional 20 minutes by announcement of the Mayor. The Executive Session concluded at 9: 12 p.m., and the Council convened in regular open session. No action was taken. K-5 - 5 - CITY COUNCIL MEETING February 5, 2008 ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 9:12 p.m. Gary Braun, Mayor - 6 - Becky J. Upton, City Clerk K-6 . . . Date: 2/14/2008 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report . From: 1/26/2008 To: 2/8/2008 Vendor Description Account Number Invoice Amount LYNN PEAVEY COMPANY POLICE EQUIPMENT & SUPPLY 001-0000-237.00-00 -13.71 Westport Shipyard V8CC DEPOSIT REFUND WESTP 001-0000-239.10-00 150.00 TASER INTERNATIONAL REPAIR TASER DM 001-0000-237.00-00 -29.40 T J CONEVERA'S INC REM 55GR TAPS 001-0000-237.00-00 -22.85 WA STATE PATROL 8aekground checks 001-0000-229.50-00 203.25 WASHINGTON (DOL), STATE OF CPL STATE SHARE 001-0000-229.60-00 279.00 STATE SHARE CPLS 0108 001-0000-229.60-00 420.00 Division Total: $986.29 Department Total: $986.29 PORT ANGELES CITY TREASURER Refreshments-Pierce 001-1160-511 .31-01 37.33 Legislative Mayor & Council Division Total: $37.33 Legislative Department Total: $37.33 AT&T BUSINESS SERVICE 1-13 ale 017 213-4468 001 001-1210-513.42-10 1.44 QWEST 1-23 ale 206T3023060848 001-1210-513.42-10 17.44 1-14 ale 36045766840858 001-1210-513.42-10 6.00 1-14 ale 36045704111998 001-1210-513.42-10 57.02 1-16 ale 206T3557247688 001-1210-513.42-10 1.42 City Manager Department City Manager Office Division Total: $83.32 . AT&T BUSINESS SERVICE 1-13 ale 017 213-4468 001 001-1220-516.42-10 0.48 OLYMPIC PRINTERS INC PERSONNEL ACTION FORMS 001-1220-516.31-01 477.46 OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC SPEC ORDER ENVELOPES 001-1220-516.31-01 23.10 QWEST 1-23 ale 206T3023060848 001-1220-516.42-10 5.81 1-14 ale 36045766840858 001-1220-516.42-10 2.00 1-14 ale 36045704111998 001-1220-516.42-10 19.01 1-16 ale 206T3557247688 001-1220-516.42-10 0.47 City Manager Department Human Resources Division Total: $528.33 AT&T BUSINESS SERVICE 1-13 ale 017 213-4468 001 001-1230-514.42-10 0.48 CLALLAM CNTY AUDITOR 2007 VOTER REGIS 001-1230-514.41-50 25,204.50 QWEST 1-23 ale 206T3023060848 001-1230-514.42-10 5.81 1-14 ale 36045766840858 001-1230-514.42-10 2.00 1-14 ale 36045704111998 001-1230-514.42-10 19.01 1-16 ale 206T3557247688 001-1230-514.42-10 0.47 City Manager Department City Clerk Division Total: $25,232.27 City Manager Department D~partment Total: $25,843.92 AT&T BUSINESS SERVICE 1-13 ale 017 213-4468 001 001-2010-514.42-10 0.96 OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC RU88ER FINGERS 001-2010-514.31-01 6.75 PUGET SOUND FINANCE OFFICERS Assr PSFOA MTG 2/13-ZIOMKOWSKI 001-2010-514.43-10 25.00 QWEST 1-23 ale 206T3023060848 001-2010-514.42-10 11.63 1-14 ale 3604576684085B 001-2010-514.42-10 4.00 . 1-14 ale 36045704111998 001-2010-514.42-10 38.01 1-16 ale 206T355724768B 001-2010-514.42-10 0.95 Finance Department Finance Administration Division Total: $87.30 K-7 Page 1 Date: 2/14/2008 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 1/26/2008 To: 2/8/2008 . Description 1-13 ale 017213-4468001 1099 ENVELOPES CALCULATOR RIBBONS TIME CARD LABELS PACIFIC OFFICE EQUIPMENT INC TONER CARTRIDGE - CHERYL PUGET SOUND FINANCE OFFICERS AsSrpSFOA MTG 2/13-HORTON QWEST 1-23 ale 206T302306084B 1-14 ale 3604576684085B 1-14 ale 3604570411199B 1-16 ale 206T355724768B Accounting PERSON SEARCHES- COLLECTI CREDIT REPORTS 1-13 ale 017213-4468001 CYCLES 11-15 1/17108 CYCLES 16-20 1/24/08 JAN COPIES CREDIT REPORTS CLOTH REIMBURSEMENT REIMB BOOT ALLOWANCE TOOLS FOR SERVICE TRUCK CLIP BOARDS CALCULATOR RIBBONS PENS Vendor AT&T BUSINESS SERVICE OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC Finance Department ACCURINT APEX CREDIT BUREAU AT&T BUSINESS SERVICE DATABARINCORPORATED DIGITAL IMAGING SOLUTIONS INC EQUIFAX Clark Bussell Dave Coleman OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC PORT ANGELES CITY TREASURER QWEST RADIX CORPORATION WASHINGTON (UNEMP), STATE OF Finance Department DIGITAL IMAGING SOLUTIONS INC GREAT AMERICA LEASING CORP Key eopy-Dryke Staff Mtg-Haney Ladder-Dryke 1-23 ale 206T302306084B 1-14 ale 3604576684085B 1-14 ale 3604570411199B 1-16 ale 206T355724768B MAINTENANCE FEB 08 4th Quarter Unemployment , Customer Service STAPLES FOR COPIER STAPLES JAN COPIES JAN COPIES JAN COPIES JAN COPIES JAN COPIES JAN COPIER LEASE Account Number 001-2023-514.42-10 001-2023-514.31-01 001-2023-514.31-01 001-2023-514.31-01 001-2023-514.31-01 001-2023-514.43-10 001-2023-514.42-10 001-2023-514.42-10 001-2023-514.42-10 001-2023-514.42-10 Division Total: 001-2025-514.41-50 001-2025-514.41-50 001-2025-514.42-10 001-2025-514.41-50 001-2025-514.41-50 001-2025-514.45-31 001-2025-514.41-50 001-2025-514.31-11 001-2025-514.31-11 001-2025-514.31-80 001-2025-514.31-01 001-2025-514.31-01 001-2025-514.31-01 001-2025-514.31-01 001-2025-514.31-01 001-2025-514.31-80 001-2025-514.42-10 001-2025-514.42-10 001-2025-514.42-10 001-2025-514.42-10 001-2025-514.48-10 001- 2025-514.20-60 Division Total: 001-2080-514.31-01 001-2080-514.31-01 001- 2080-514.45-31 001-2080-514.45-31 001-2080-514.45-31 001-2080-514.45-31 001-2080-514.45-31 001-2080-514.45-31 Invoice Amount 2.15 19.51 18.63 273.07 139.83 25.00 26.16 8.99 85.53 2.13 $601.00 30.00 27.10 2.15 1,851.34 1,455.74 20.97 60.11 32.51 120.22 106.71 6.01 18.63 20.02 4.05 22.73 20.46 26.16 8.99 85.53 2.13 190.46 -70.03 $4,041.99 41.19 41.19 15.79 229.87 31.49 326.25 160.30 268.55 . . K-8 Page 2 Date: 2/14/2008 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report . From: 1/26/2008 To: 2/8/2008 Vendor Description Account Number Invoice Amount GREAT AMERICA LEASING CORP JAN COPIER LEASE 001-2080-514.45-31 143.72 JAN COPIER LEASE 001-2080-514.45-31 638.27 JAN COPIER LEASE 001-2080-514.45-31 607.63 OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC YELLOW COPY PAPER 001-2080-514.31-01 180.74 Finance Department Reprographics Division Total: $2,684.99 Finance Department Department Total: $7,415.28 AT&T BUSINESS SERVICE 1-13 ale 017 213-4468 001 001-3010-515.42-10 0.96 DIGITAL IMAGING SOLUTIONS INC JAN COPIES 001-3010-515.45-31 33.55 QUILL CORPORATION OFFICE SUPPLIES -CIVIL 001-3010-515.31-01 157.00 QWEST 1-23 ale 206T3023060848 001-3010-515.42-10 11.63 1-14 ale 36045766840858 001-3010-515.42-10 4.00 1-14 ale 36045704111998 001-3010-515.42-10 38.01 1-16 ale 206T3557247688 001-3010-515.42-10 0.95 VERIZON WIRELESS CELL PHONE 001-3010-515.42-10 310.29 Attorney Attorney Office Division Total: $556.39 AT&T BUSINESS SERVICE 1-13 ale 017 213-4468 001 001-3021-515.42-10 0.72 CALDWELL PAINTING Carpet 001-3021-515.41-50 1,845.98 CLALLAM JEFFERSON PUBLIC DFNDR Public Defender Fees 001-3021-515.41-50 2,750.00 . DIGITAL IMAGING SOLUTIONS INC JAN COPIES 001 ~3021-515.45-31 33.55 PACIFIC OFFICE EQUIPMENT INC DICTATION HEADSET 001-3021-515.31-01 6.10 QUILL CORPORATION OFFICE SUPPLIES -D. CT. 001-3021-515.31-01 156.99 QWEST 1-23 ale 206T3023060848 001-3021-515.42-10 8.72 1-14 ale 36045766840858 001-3021-515.42-10 3.00 1-14 ale 36045704111998 001-3021-515.42-10 28.51 1-16 ale 20613557247688 001-3021-515.42-10 0.71 Attorney Prosecution Division Total: $4,834.28 Attorney Department Total: $5,390.67 AT&T BUSINESS SERVICE 1-13 ale 017 213-4468 001 001-4010-558.42-10 1.20 Daniel Bialzik TRAVEL REIM8URSEMENT 001-4010-558.43-10 271.28 OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL 001-4010-558.31-01 3.11 OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL 001-4010-558.31-01 47.64 PACIFIC OFFICE EQUIPMENT INC PRINT TONER CARTRIDGES 001-4010-558.31-01 134.41 PENINSULA AWARDS & TROPHIES (2) DESK PLATES 001-4010-558.31-01 17.89 PORT ANGELES CITY TREASURER Office Supplies-Roberds 001-4010-558.31-01 36.14 QWEST 1-23 ale 206T3023060848 001-4010-558.42-10 14.53 1-14 ale 36045766840858 001-4010-558.42-10 5.00 1-14 ale 36045704111998 001-4010-558.42-10 47.51 1-16 ale 206T3557247688 001-4010-558.42-10 1.18 Community Development Planning Division Total: $579.89 . AT&T BUSINESS SERVICE 1-13 ale 017 213-4468 001 001-4020-524.42-10 0.72 DIGITAL IMAGING SOLUTIONS INC JAN COPIES 001-4020-524.45-31 20.98 OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL 001-4020-524.31-01 13.35 K-9 Page 3 Date: 2/14/2008 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 1/26/2008 To: 2/8/2008 . Vendor Description Account Number Invoice Amount PORT ANGELES CITY TREASURER Ice Mtg-Lierly 001-4020-524.42-10 13.00 Ice Mtg-8artholiek 001-4020-524.43-10 12.16 QWEST 1-23 ale 206T3023060848 001-4020-524.42-10 8.72 1-14 ale 36045766840858 001-4020-524.42-10 3.00 1-14 ale 36045704111998 001-4020-524.42-10 28.51 1-16 ale 206T3557247688 001-4020-524.42-10 0.71 Community Development Building Division Total: $101.15 Community Development Department Total: $681.04 AT&T BUSINESS SERVICE 1-13 ale 017 213-4468 001 001-5010-521.42-10 1.44 DIGITAL IMAGING SOLUTIONS INC JAN COPIES 001-5010-521.45-31 3.96 GLOBALSTAR USA 1-16 ale 1.50018856 001-5010-521.42-10 36.27 WAS PC JAN 08 ASSOC DUES T.G. 001-5010-521.49-01 75.00 NEXTEL COMMUNICATIONS 1-26 ale 312753523 001-5010-521.42-10 35.90 1-26 ale 312753523 001-5010-521.42-10 110.14 1-26 ale 312753523 001-5010-521.42-10 634.15 NWPAC NW ACCREDITATION COALlTIO 001-5010-521.49-01 100.00 PUGET SOUND POLYGRAPH EXAMINERSTESTING&CALl8RATION SERVI 001-5010-521.41-50 225.00 QWEST 1-23 ale 206T3023060848 001-5010-521.42-10 17.44 1-14 ale 36045766840858 001-5010-521.42-10 6.00 . 1-14 ale 36045704111998 001-5010-521.42-10 57.02 1-16 ale 206T3557247688 001-5010-521.42-10 1.42 RICHMOND 2-WAY RADIO RADIO & TELECOMMUNICATION 001-5010-521.48-10 390.24 WASHINGTON (GA), STATE OF 2008 PROGRAMS ANNUAL FEE 001-5010-521.41-50 400.00 Police Department Police Administration Division Total: $2,093.98 AT&T BUSINESS SERVICE 1-13 ale 017 213-4468 001 001-5021-521.42-10 1.44 Cpl. Jason Viada DEMO DOLL DETS JV 001-5021-521.31-01 45.74 QWEST 1-23 ale 206T3023060848 001-5021-521.42-10 17.44 1-14 ale 36045766840858 001-5021-521.42-10 6.00 1-14 ale 36045704111998 001-5021-521.42-10 57.02 1-16 ale 206T3557247688 001-5021-521.42-10 1.42 SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC POLICE EQUIPMENT & SUPPLY 001-5021-521.49-90 10.70 Police Department Investigation Division Total: $139.76 ACTION COMMUNICATIONS INC REPAIR 843407 RADIO 001-5022-521.31-14 16.29 TRYME ACCOUSTIC EARPIECE 001-5022-521.31-80 93.40 KENWOOD TK5310 001-5022-521.49-90 16.29 ADVANCED TRAVEL CJTC Academy-Powless 001-5022-521.43-10 465.60 AT&T BUSINESS SERVICE 1-13 ale 017 213-4468 001 001-5022-521.42-10 5.02 BLUMENTHAL UNIFORMS & EQUIP CLOTHING & APPAREL 001-5022-521.20-80 297.17 8ADGES & OTHER ID EQUIP. 001-5022-521.49-80 133.40 BRATWEAR CLOTHING & APPAREL 001-5022-521.20-80 73.44 . CLOTHING & APPAREL 001-5022-521.20-80 639.20 CLOTHING & APPAREL 001-5022-521.20-80 539.65 K-10 Page 4 Date: 2/14/2008 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report . From: 1/26/2008 To: 2/8/2008 Vendor Description Account Number Invoice Amount CAPTAIN T'S CLOTHING & APPAREL 001-5022-521.20-80 170.73 COPY CAT GRAPHICS AUTO SHOP EQUIPMENT & SUP 001-5022-521.49-90 16.26 DAY WIRELESS SYSTEMS ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS 001-5022-521.48-10 86.72 ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS 001-5022-521.48-10 86.72 ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS 001-5022-521.48-10 86.72 ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS 001-5022-521.48-10 86.72 ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS 001-5022-521.48-10 86.72 ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS 001-5022-521.48-10 86.72 ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS 001-5022-521.48-10 86.72 ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS 001-5022-521.48-10 86.72 ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS 001-5022-521.48-10 86.72 ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS 001-5022-521.48-10 86.72 ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS 001-5022 -521 .48-1 0 86.72 ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS 001-5022-521.48-10 86.72 ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS 001-5022-521.48-10 86.72 ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS 001-5022-521.48-10 86.72 ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS 001-5022-521.48-10 86.72 ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS 001-5022-521.48-10 86.72 . ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS 001-5022-521.48-10 86.72 ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS 001-5022-521.48-10 86.72 ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS 001-5022-521.48-10 86.72 ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS 001-5022-521.48-10 86.72 ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS 001-5022-521.48-10 86.72 ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS 001-5022-521.48-10 86.72 ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS 001-5022 -521 .48-1 0 86.72 EVERGREEN TOWING Tow 001-5022-521.49-90 139.84 CLOTHING & APPAREL 001-5022-521.49-90 139.94 AUTO MAJOR TRANSPORTATION 001-5022-521.49-90 139.84 FAIRCHILD FLOORS Window Shades 001-5022-521.49-90 352.31 LYNN PEAVEY COMPANY POLICE EQUIPMENT & SUPPLY 001-5022-521.31-01 176.91 OPNET Refund Credit Balance 001-5022-338.21-01 5,975.24 Pro Force WPNS,AIR CARTRIDGES.JV 001-5022-521.35-01 3,022.45 Proforce BLK GRIP PLATES JV 001-5022-521.35-01 4,897.65 Region 1 Life Safety Council PIO TRAING ESCHILKE 001-5022-521.43-10 50.00 NAPA AUTO PARTS CLEANING COMPOSITION/SOLV 001-5022-521.31-01 47.31 ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 001-5022-521.31-01 11.72 PACIFIC OFFICE EQUIPMENT INC OFFICE SUPPLIES. GENERAL 001-5022-521.31-01 70.45 OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL 001-5022-521.31-01 89.96 OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL 001-5022-521.31-01 351.17 . QUILL CORPORATION OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL 001-5022-521.31-01 176.39 OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL 001-5022-521.31-01 147.26 OFFICE SUPPLIES. GENERAL 001-5022-521.31-01 920.41 K-11 Page 5 Date: 2/14/2008 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 1/26/2008 To: 2/8/2008 . Vendor Description Account Number Invoice Amount QUILL CORPORATION OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL 001-5022-521.31-01 347.57 QWEST 1-23 ale 206T302306084B 001-5022-521.42-10 61.04 1-14 ale 3604576684085B 001-5022-521.42-10 20.99 1-14 ale 3604570411199B 001-5022-521.42-10 199.56 1-16 ale 206T355724768B 001-5022-521.42-10 4.97 RICHMOND 2-WAY RADIO RADIO & TELECOMMUNICATION 001-5022-521.31-14 97.56 SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC CLOTHING & APPAREL 001-5022-521.20-80 249.18 CLOTHING & APPAREL 001-5022-521.20-80 86.58 CLEANING COMPOSITION/SOLV 001-5022-521.31-01 14.79 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 001-5022-521.31-01 27.84 POLICE EQUIPMENT & SUPPLY 001-5022-521.31-01 8.61 ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 001-5022-521.31-01 25.82 POLICE EQUIPMENT & SUPPLY 001-5022-521.31-01 41.85 POLICE EQUIPMENT & SUPPLY 001-5022-521.31-01 56.10 TASER INTERNATIONAL REPAIR TASER DM 001-5022-521.35-01 379.40 TJ CONEVERA'S INC REM 55GR TAPS 001-5022-521.35-01 294.85 WA STATE CRIME PREVENTION ASSN 2008 ACTIVE MEMBERSHIP ES 001-5022-521.49-01 50.00 08 MBMRSHP CRIME PREV ES 001-5022-521.49-01 50.00 WSPCA-WA ST POLICE CANINE ASSN SPRING REG SEMINAR AB 001-5022-521 .43-10 175.00 . 08 MEMBER A BRUSSEAU 001-5022-521.49-01 35.00 Police Department Patrol Division Total: $23,396.57 BLUMENTHAL UNIFORMS & EQUIP CLOTHING & APPAREL 001-5026-521.31-11 94.25 R& T ENTERPRISES NEOMARKERS IMP VEHS GT 001-5026-521.31-01 35.95 Police Department Reserves & Volunteers Division Total: $130.20 AT&T BUSINESS SERVICE 1-13 ale 017213-4468001 001-5029-521.42-10 1.44 BLUMENTHAL UNIFORMS & EQUIP CLOTHING & APPAREL 001-5029-521.31-11 215.51 CLOTHING & APPAREL 001-5029-521.31-11 75.09 CLOTHING & APPAREL 001-5029-521.31-11 -50.04 DIGITAL IMAGING SOLUTIONS INC JAN COPIES 001-5029-521 .45-31 60.31 JAN COPIES 001-5029-521.45-31 109.94 GREAT AMERICA LEASING CORP Copier Lease 001-5029-521 .45-31 141.33 Copier Lease 001-5029-521.45-31 255.05 OFFICE MACHINES & ACCESS 001-5029-521 .45-31 141.33 OFFICE MACHINES & ACCESS 001-5029-521.45-31 255.05 PACIFIC OFFICE EQUIPMENT INC OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL 001-5029-521.31-01 5.37 OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL 001-5029-521.31-01 30.89 OFFICE MACHINES & ACCESS 001-5029-521.48-10 81.30 MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 001-5029-521.48-10 215.72 QUILL CORPORATION OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL 001-5029-521.31-01 64.78 QWEST 1-20 ale 206Z200017790B 001-5029-521.42-10 252.46 . 1-23 ale 206T302306084B 001-5029-521.42-10 17.44 1-14 ale 3604576684085B 001-5029-521.42-10 6.00 K-12 Page 6 Date: 2/14/2008 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report . From: 1/26/2008 To: 2/8/2008 Vendor Description Account Number Invoice Amount QWEST 1-14 ale 36045704111998 001-5029-521.42-10 57.02 1-16 ale 206T3557247688 001-5029-521.42-10 1.42 Police Department Records Division Total: $1,937.41 Police Department Department Total: $27,697.92 AT&T BUSINESS SERVICE 1-13 ale 017 213-4468 001 001-6010-522.42-10 2.63 CAPTAIN T'S CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 001-6010-522.20-80 113.78 DIGITAL IMAGING SOLUTIONS INC JAN COPIES 001-6010-522.45-31 104.74 QWEST 1-23 ale 206T3023060848 001-6010-522.42-10 31.97 1-14 ale 36045766840858 001-6010-522.42-10 10.99 1-14 ale 36045704111998 001-6010-522.42-10 104.53 1-16 ale 206T3557247688 001-6010-522.42-10 2.60 VERIZON WIRELESS 1-15 ale 264230412-00002 001-6010-522.42-10 44.37 Fire Department Fire Administration Division Total: $415.61 AT&T BUSINESS SERVICE 1-13 ale 017 213-4468 001 001-6020-522.42-10 2.87 PENINSULA TRUCK LINES SHIPPING 001-6020-522.35-01 129.16 QWEST 1-23 ale 206T3023060848 001-6020-522.42-10 34.88 1-14 ale 36045766840858 001-6020-522.42-10 11.99 1-14 ale 36045704111998 001-6020-522.42-10 114.03 . 1-16 ale 206T3557247688 001-6020-522.42-10 2.84 SEAWESTERN INC FIRE PROTECTION EQUIPISUP 001-6020-522.35-01 14,534.88 VERIZON WIRELESS 1-10 ale 571099962-00001 001-6020-522.42-10 139.64 Fire Department Fire Supression Division Total: $14,970.29 AT&T BUSINESS SERVICE 1-13 ale 017 213-4468 001 001-6021-522.42-10 0.24 QWEST 1-23 ale 206T3023060848 001-6021-522.42-10 2.91 1-14 ale 36045766840858 001-6021-522.42-10 1.00 1-14 ale 36045704111998 001-6021-522.42-10 9.50 1-16 ale 206T3557247688 001-6021-522.42-10 0.24 Fire Department Fire Volunteers Division Total: $13.89 AT&T BUSINESS SERVICE 1-13 ale 017213-4468001 001-6030-522.42-10 0.48 QWEST 1-23 ale 206T3023060848 001-6030-522.42 -1 0 5.81 1-14 ale 36045766840858 001-6030-522.42-10 2.00 1-14 ale 36045704111998 001-6030-522.42-10 19.01 1-16 ale 206T3557247688 001-6030-522.42-10 0.47 VERIZON WIRELESS 1-15 ale 264230412-00005 001-6030-522.42-10 36.75 Fire Department Fire Prevention Division Total: $64.52 AT&T BUSINESS SERVICE 1-13 ale 017 213-4468 001 001-6040-522.42-10 0.48 QWEST 1-23 ale 206T3023060848 001-6040-522.42 -1 0 5.81 1-14 ale 36045766840858 001-6040-522.42-10 2.00 1-14 ale 36045704111998 001-6040-522.42-10 19.01 . 1-16 ale 206T3557247688 001-6040-522.42-10 0.47 VERIZON WIRELESS 1-10 ale 571099962-00001 001-6040-522.42-10 96.24 Fire Department Fire Training Division Total: $124.01 AT&T BUSINESS SERVICE 1-13 ale 017 213-4468 001 001-6060-525.42-10 f63 K- 3 Page 7 Date: 2/14/2008 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 1/26/2008 To: 2/8/2008 . Vendor Description Account Number Invoice Amount GLOBALST AR USA 1-16 ale 1.50018853 001-6060-525.42 -1 0 19.36 QWEST 1-23 ale 206T302306084B 001-6060-525.42-10 31.97 1-14 ale 3604576684085B 001-6060-525.42-10 10.99 1-14 ale 3604570411199B 001-6060-525.42-10 104.53 1-16 ale 206T355724768B 001-6060-525.42-10 2.60 Fire Department Emergency Management Division Total: $172.08 Fire Department Department Total: $15,760.40 AT&T BUSINESS SERVICE 1-13 ale 017213-4468001 001-7010-532.42-10 5.26 COMPLETE LINE, THE SUPPLIES 001-7010-532.35-01 650.13 DIGITAL IMAGING SOLUTIONS INC JAN COPIES 001-7010-532.45-31 10.14 JAN COPIES 001-7010-532.45-31 139.16 JAN COPIES 001-7010-532.45-31 675.34 GELLOR INSURANCE INC NOTARY RENEWAL 001-7010-532.31-01 75.00 GREAT AMERICA LEASING CORP JAN COPIER LEASE 001-7010-532.45-31 760.16 HEWLETT-PACKARD COMPANY COMPUTERS,DP & WORD PROC. 001-7010-532.31-60 306.77 Necessities & Temptations BOOKS 001-7010-532.31-01 162.33 OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC REPORT COVERS 001-7010-532.31-01 49.61 PORT ANGELES CITY TREASURER Cell phone Chgr-Sperr 001-7010-532.31-01 32.51 CIAII-Vess 001-7010-532.31-01 25.00 . QWEST 1-23 ale 206T302306084B 001-7010-532.42-10 63.95 1-14 ale 3604576684085B 001-7010-532.42-10 21.99 1-14 ale 3604570411199B 001-7010-532.42-10 209.06 1-16 ale 206T355724768B 001-7010-532.42-10 5.20 RICK'S PLACE WORKING LUNCH 001-7010-532.43-10 61 .46 WASHINGTON (DOL), STATE OF NOTARY RENEWAL 001-7010-532.31-01 30.00 WENGLER SURVEYING & MAPPING On-line Database Subserpt 001-7010-532.45-30 1,200.00 Public Works-Gen Fnd Pub Wks Administration Division Total: $4,483.07 Public Works-Gen Fnd Department Total: $4,483.07 ASM SIGNS MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 001-8010-574.41-50 654.48 AT&T BUSINESS SERVICE 1-13 ale 017213-4468001 001-8010-574.42-10 0.72 AT&T MOBILITY 1-23 ale 878841653 001-8010-574.42-10 38.37 QWEST 1-23 ale 206T302306084B 001-8010-574.42-10 8.72 1-14 ale 3604576684085B 001-8010-574.42-10 3.00 1-14 ale 3604570411199B 001-8010-574.42-10 28.51 1-16 ale 206T355724768B 001-8010-574.42-10 0.71 RICOH BUSINESS SYSTEMS-LEASES Final Bill-Rieoh 001-8010-574.49-60 133.46 Parks & Recreation Parks Administration Division Total: $867.97 AT&T BUSINESS SERVICE 1-13 ale 017213-4468001 001-8012-555.42-10 0.24 DIGITAL IMAGING SOLUTIONS INC JAN COPIES 001-8012-555.45-31 56.71 EXPRESS PERSONNEL SERVICES Part time prog Assist 001-8012-555.10-02 217.91 . Part Time Progam Assist 001-8012-555.10-02 258.26 Part Time progam Assist 001-8012-555.10-02 185.62 K-14 Page 8 Date: 2/14/2008 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report . From: 1/26/2008 To: 2/8/2008 Vendor Description Account Number Invoice Amount PORT ANGELES CITY TREASURER Stamps-8ellemente 001-8012-555.31-01 24.00 QWEST .1-14 ale 36045770049478 001-8012-555.42-10 38.20 1-5 ale 36045298618198 001-8012-555.42-10 39.36 1-20 ale 206T2172274658 001-8012-555.42-10 57.46 1-23 ale 206T3023060848 001-8012-555.42-10 2.91 1-14 ale 36045766840858 001-8012-555.42-10 1.00 1-14 ale 36045704111998 001-8012-555.42-10 9.50 1-16 ale 206T3557247688 001-8012-555.42-10 0.24 RADIO PACIFIC INC (KONP) Helpline 001-8012-555.44-10 175.00 RICOH BUSINESS SYSTEMS-LEASES Final8ill-Rieoh 001-8012-555.45-31 61.61 Parks & Recreation Senior Center Division Total: $1,128.02 AT&T BUSINESS SERVICE 1-13 ale 017 213-4468 001 001-8020-576.42-10 0.24 PORT ANGELES CITY TREASURER Lesson Refunds 001-8020-347.30-13 19.50 Office Supplies-Lafferty 001-8020-576.31-01 37.74 QWEST 1-23 ale 206T3023060848 001-8020-576.42-10 2.91 1-14 ale 36045766840858 001-8020-576.42-10 1.00 1-14 ale 36045704111998 001-8020-576.42-10 9.50 1-16 ale 206T3557247688 001-8020-576.42-10 0.24 . RICOH BUSINESS SYSTEMS-LEASES Final 8ill-Rieoh 001-8020-576.49-60 61.61 Parks & Recreation William Shore Pool Division Total: $132.74 AT&T BUSINESS SERVICE 1-13 ale 017213-4468001 001-8050-536.42 -1 0 0.24 MATTHEWS INTERNATIONAL CEMETERY MARKERS 001-8050-536.34-01 91.27 CEMETERY MARKERS 001-8050-536.34-01 168.69 CEMETERY MARKERS 001-8050-536.34-01 347.81 QWEST 1-23 ale 206T3023060848 001-8050-536.42-10 2.91 1-14 ale 36045766840858 001-8050-536.42 -1 0 1.00 1-14 ale 36045704111998 001-8050-536.42-10 9.50 1-16 ale 20613557247688 001-8050-536.42-10 0.24 SUNSET DO-IT BEST HARDWARE SUPPLIES 001-8050-536.45-30 52.60 VERIZON WIRELESS 1-28 ale 271138138-00001 001-8050-536.42-10 128.42 1-1 ale 570437205-00001 001-8050-536.42-10 8.31 Parks & Recreation Ocean View Cemetery Division Total: $810.99 AMSAN OLYMPIC SUPPLY SUPPLIES 001-8080-576.31-01 71.59 ANGELES MILLWORK & LUMBER CO ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS 001-8080-576.31-01 6.33 SUPPLIES 001-8080-576.31-20 35.97 SUPPLIES 001-8080-576.31-20 394.14 SUPPLIES 001-8080-576.31-20 102.50 SUPPLIES 001-8080-576.31-20 20.54 AT&T BUSINESS SERVICE 1-13 ale 017 213-4468 001 001-8080-576.42-10 0.96 . PACIFIC OFFICE EQUIPMENT INC COMPUTER ACCESSORIES&SUPF001-8080-576.31-01 262.63 PAINT STORE, THE PAINTS,COA TINGS,WALLPAPER 001-8080-576.31-20 1,738.03 PORT ANGELES CITY TREASURER CDL License-Hammel 001-8080-576.43-10 20.00 K-15 Page 9 Date: 2/14/2008 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 1/26/2008 To: 2/8/2008 . Vendor Description Account Number Invoice Amount QWEST 1-23 ale 206T3023060848 001-8080-576.42-10 11.63 1-14 ale 36045766840858 001-8080-576.42-10 4.00 1-14 ale 36045704111998 001-8080-576.42-10 38.01 1-16 ale 206T3557247688 001-8080-576.42-10 0.95 1-20 ale 206T8139536238 001-8080-576.42-10 53.44 SUNGARDPUBUCSECTOR CDELlKAT COGNOS LICENSE 001-8080-576.48-02 379.40 SUNSET DO-IT BEST HARDWARE SUPPLIES 001-8080-576.31-20 48.24 FASTENERS, FASTENING DEVS 001-8080-576.31-20 26.31 FASTENERS, FASTENING DEVS 001-8080-576.31-20 18.21 FASTENERS, FASTENING DEVS 001-8080-576.31-20 194.46 HAND TOOLS ,POW&NON POWER001-8080-576.31-20 -143.23 AGRICULTURAL EQUIP&IMPLEM 001-8080-576.35-01 4,510.52 SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC HAND TOOLS ,POW&NON POWER001-8080-576.31-01 24.90 ART EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIES 001-8080-576.31-20 43.97 Key 001-8080-576.31-20 2.03 VERIZON WIRELESS 1-22 ale 571136182-00003 001-8080-576.42-1 0 120.46 1-28 ale 271138138-00004 001-8080-576.42-10 112.60 WASHINGTON (AGRICUL), STATE OF 2008 PESTICIDE LICENSE - 001-8080-576.43-10 25.00 2008 PESTICIDE LICENSE RE 001-8080-576.43-10 25.00 . WASHINGTON (UNEMP), STATE OF 4th Quarter Unemployment 001-8080-576.20-60 4,502.03 XEROX CORPORATION RENTAULEASE EQUIPMENT 001-8080-576.45-31 66.15 Parks & Recreation Park Facilities Division Total: $12,716.77 Parks & Recreation Department Total: $15,656.49 ANGELES PLUMBING INC Repair Leak 001-8112-555.48-10 354.96 CED/CONSOUDATED ELEC DIST INC 8UILDING MAINT&REPAIR SER 001-8112-555.31-20 450.38 L & L TOOL SPECIAL TIES SUPPLIES 001-8112-555.31-20 44.92 SCHMITT'S SHEET METAL INC 8UILDING MAINT&REPAIR SER 001-8112-555.31-20 179.50 TAYLOR-SPARKS REFRIGERATION INC Repairs-Senior Center 001-8112-555.48-10 195.00 Facilities Maintanance Senior Center Facilities Division Total: $1,224.76 AQUATIC SPECIALTY SERVICES Pool Supplies 001-8120-576.31-05 686.18 SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC AUTO 80DIES & ACCESSORIES 001-8120-576.31-20 27.45 THURMAN SUPPLY EQUIP MAINT & REPAIR SERV 001-8120-576.31-20 16.85 Facilities Maintanance Pool Facilities Division Total: $730.48 AMSAN OLYMPIC SUPPLY JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 001-8130-518.31-01 92.41 JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 001-8130-518.31-01 43.70 JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 001-8130-518.31-01 99.12 AT&T BUSINESS SERVICE 1-13 ale 017213-4468001 001-8130-518.42-10 0.24 QWEST 1-23 ale 206T3023060848 001-8130-518.42-10 2.91 1-14 ale 36045766840858 001-8130-518.42-10 1.00 1-14 ale 36045704111998 001-8130-518.42-10 9.50 . 1-16 ale 206T3557247688 001-8130-518.42-10 0.24 SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS 001-8130-518.31-01 0.11 K-16 Page 10 . City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 1/26/2008 To: 2/8/2008 Date: 2/14/2008 Vendor VERIZON WIRELESS Facilities Maintanance ANGELES MILLWORK & LUMBER CO AT&T BUSINESS SERVICE HARTNAGEL BUILDING SUPPLY INC PARKER PAINT MFG CO INC QWEST STRAIT MUSIC SUNSET DO-IT BEST HARDWARE THURMAN SUPPLY . Facilities Maintanance BREWER, DAVID PORT ANGELES CHAMBER OF COMM Convention Center JORDAN EXCAVATING ACE PAVING COMPANY, INC AMSAN OLYMPIC SUPPLY ANGELES CONCRETE PRODUCTS ANGELES MILLWORK & LUMBER CO AT&T BUSINESS SERVICE BAXTER AUTO PARTS #15 LAKESIDE INDUSTRIES INC . OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC Description 1-22 ale 571136182-00005 Custodial/Janitorial Svcs Door jamb 1-13 ale 017213-4468001 PAINTS,COA TINGS,WALLPAPER PAINTS,COA TINGS,WALLPAPER SUPPLIES PAINTS,COA TINGS,WALLPAPER PAINTS,COA TINGS,WALLPAPER PAINTS,COA TINGS,WALLPAPER 1-23 ale 206T302306084B 1-14 ale 3604576684085B 1-14 ale 3604570411199B 1-16 ale 206T355724768B Account Number 001-8130-518.42-10 Division Total: 001-8131-518.31-20 001-8131-518.42-10 001-8131-518.31-20 001-8131-518.31-20 001-8131-518.31-20 001-8131-518.31-20 001-8131-518.31-20 001-8131-518.31-20 001-8131-518.42-10 001-8131-518.42-10 001-8131-518.42-10 001-8131-518.42-10 001-8131-518.31-20 001-8131-518.31-20 001-8131-518.31-20 001-8131-518.31-20 001-8131-518.31-20 Division Total: Department Total: Fund Total: 101-1430-557.49-90 101-1430-557.50-83 Division Total: Department Total: Fund Total: 102-0000-223.40-00 Division Total: Department Total: SUPPLIES 102-7230-542.31-20 SUPPLIES 102-7230-542.31-01 CONCRETE & METAL CULVERTS 102-7230-542.31-20 CONCRETE & METAL CULVERTS 102-7230-542.31-20 ROAD/HWY MAT NONASPHAL TIC 102-7230-542.31-20 FASTENERS, FASTENING DEVS 102-7230-542.31-20 1-13 ale 017 213-4468 001 102-7230-542.42-10 AUTO SHOP EQUIPMENT & SUP 102-7230-542.31-20 SUPPLIES 102-7230-542.31-20 SUPPLIES 102-7230-542.31-20 ROAD/HIGHWAY EQUIPMENT 102-7230-542.31-20 SUPPLIES 102-7230-542.31-01 Install RF chokes on Mie AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS SUPPLIES SUPPLIES PIPE FITTINGS Central Svcs Facilities Facilities Maintanance General Fund Contract Services 2008 MEDIA PLAN Convention Center Convention Center Lodging Excise Tax Fund Release Retainage Invoice Amount 29.07 $278.30 60.81 0.24 26.30 13.60 3.69 60.87 42.13 40.55 2.91 1.00 9.50 0.24 96.25 11 .48 7.49 5.52 5.84 $388.42 $2,621.96 $106,574.37 100.00 4,590.44 $4,690.44 $4,690.44 $4,690.44 2,220.54 $2,220.54 $2,220.54 290.27 71.64 292.68 227.64 70.81 7.80 0.96 12.92 1,124.45 368.70 711.85 11.25 K-17 Page 11 Date: 2/14/2008 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report . From: 1/26/2008 To: 2/8/2008 Vendor Description Account Number Invoice Amount CLALLAM CNTY SHERIFF'S DEPT 2008 SOFTWR MAINT PENCOM 107 -5160-528.48-10 17,920.69 EMERGENCY REPORTING FULL ERS PKG 2008 & MAINT 107 -5160-528.48-10 9,984.40 Region I Life Safety Council PU8L1C INFORMATION OFFICE 107 -5160-528.43-10 50.00 NATIONAL EMERGENCY NUMBER ASSN RENA MEM8R DUES 2008 107-5160-528.49-01 120.00 NEW WORLD SYSTEMS AEGIS 2007 CONF SR 107 -5160-528.43-10 945.00 NEXTEL COMMUNICATIONS 1-26 ale 312753523 107 -5160-528.42-10 19.06 PACIFIC OFFICE EQUIPMENT INC OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL 107 -5160-528.31-01 325.18 QWEST 1-23 ale 206T 4119188738 107 -5160-528.42-10 57.46 1-23 ale 206T3023060848 107 -5160-528.42-10 63.95 1-14 ale 36045766840858 107-5160-528.42-10 21.99 1-14 ale 36045704111998 107 -5160-528.42-10 209.06 1-16 ale 206T3557247688 107-5160-528.42-10 5.20 WASHINGTON (UNEMP), STATE OF 4th Quarter Unemployment 107 -5160-528.20-60 2,645.30 Pencom Pencom Division Total: $34,754.83 Pen com Department Total: $34,754.83 Pen com Fund Fund Total: $34,754.83 AT&T BUSINESS SERVICE 1-13 ale 017213-4468001 174-8221-574.42-10 0.24 QWEST 1-23 ale 206T3023060848 174-8221-574.42-10 2.91 . 1-14 ale 36045766840858 174-8221-574.42-10 1.00 1-14 ale 36045704111998 174-8221-574.42-10 9.50 1-16 ale 206T3557247688 174-8221-574.42-10 0.24 RICOH BUSINESS SYSTEMS-LEASES Final 8ill-Rieoh 174-8221-574.45-31 236.17 SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC SPORTING & ATHLETIC EQUIP 174-8221-574.31-01 140.92 Recreation Activities Sports Programs Division Total: $390.98 AT&T BUSINESS SERVICE 1-13 ale 017 213-4468 001 174-8222-574.42-10 0.24 QWEST 1-23 ale 206T3023060848 174-8222-574.42-10 2.91 1-14 ale 36045766840858 174-8222-574.42-10 1.00 1-14 ale 36045704111998 174-8222-574.42-10 9.50 1-16 ale 206T3557247688 174-8222-574.42-10 0.24 RICOH BUSINESS SYSTEMS-LEASES Final 8ill-Rieoh 174-8222-574.45-31 236.17 SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC SPORTING & ATHLETIC EQUIP 174-8222-574.31-01 29.65 Recreation Activities Special Events Division Total: $279.71 ALBERTSONS INC SUPPLIES 174-8224-574.31-01 28.66 AT&T BUSINESS SERVICE 1-13 ale 017 213-4468 001 174-8224-574.42-10 0.24 PORT ANGELES CITY TREASURER ReeXpress Supplies-8R 174-8224-574.31-01 15.12 QWEST 1-23 ale 206T3023060848 174-8224-574.42-10 2.91 1-14 ale 36045766840858 174-8224-574.42-10 1.00 1-14 ale 36045704111998 174-8224-574.42-10 9.50 1-16 ale 206T3557247688 174-8224-574.42-10 0.24 . RICOH BUSINESS SYSTEMS-LEASES Final 8ill-Rieoh 174-8224-574.45-31 236.17 Recreation Activities Youth/Family Programs Division Total: $293.84 Recreation Activities Department Total: $964.53 K-19 Page 13 Date: 2/14/2008 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 1/26/2008 To: 2/8/2008 . Vendor Description Account Number Invoice Amount Recreational Activities Fund Total: $964.53 PENINSULA BOTTLING CO INC COOLER, DRINKING WATER 178-5351-521.35-01 10.00 COOLER, DRINKING WATER 178-5351-521.35-01 10.00 Firearms Range Firearms Range Division Total: $20.00 Firearms Range Department Total: $20.00 Firearms Range Fund Total: $20.00 MATTHEWS INTERNATIONAL Credit 186-0000-239.91-00 -50.00 Division Total: -$50.00 Department Total: -$50.00 Waterfront Trail Fund Total: -$50.00 BANK OF NEW YORK-DEBT SVC WIRE Debt Service Pmt-EFT 214-2434-592.81-10 64,632.50 Debt Service 2005 L TGD Bond-WUGA Division Total: $64,632.50 Debt Service Department Total: $64,632.50 2005 L TGD Bond-WUGA Fund Total: $64,632.50 CLALLAM TRANSIT SYSTEM GATEWAY 310-7965-595.65-10 270,300.88 EXEL TECH CONSULTING INC GATEWAY 310-7965-595.41-50 29,419.96 Capital Projects-Pub Wks ST-Multi-Modal Transp Ctr Division Total: $299,720.84 Capital Projects-Pub Wks Department Total: $299,720.84 . Capital Improvement Fund Total: $299,720.84 ALDERGROVE CONSTRUCTION INC PW CONSTRUCTION & RELATED 319-8955-594.65-10 44,763.23 KITSAP BANK PW CONSTRUCTION & RELATED 319-8955-594.65-10 2,164.57 Capital proj-Parks & Rec Sr Center Construction Division Total: $46,927.80 Capital Proj-parks & Rec Department Total: $46,927.80 Senior Center Constr Fund Total: $46,927.80 EXEL TECH CONSULTING INC 8TH ST BRIDGES 328-7950-595.41-50 99,260.35 KUKER-RANKIN INC UTILITY VEST 328-7950-595.65-10 243.87 Capital Projects-Pub Wks 8th St Bridge Reconst Division Total: $99,504.22 Capital Projects-Pub Wks Department Total: $99,504.22 8th St Bridge Reconstr Fund Total: $99,504.22 CEO/CONSOLIDATED ELEC DIST INC ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-0000-141 .40-00 192.52 ELECTRICAL CABLES & WIRES 401-0000-141 .40-00 375.61 HUGHES UTILITIES L TO ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-0000-141.40-00 11,389.59 ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-0000-141.40-00 11,389.59 ELECTRICAL CABLES & WIRES 401-0000-141 .40-00 534.42 ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-0000-141.40-00 12,843.23 ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-0000-141.40-00 1,517.60 MCFARLAND CASCADE LUMBER& RELATED PRODUCTS 401-0000-141 .40-00 15,802.85 LUMBER& RELATED PRODUCTS 401-0000-141 .40-00 1,381.02 ALASKACATCH LLC OVERPAYMENT-102 N CEDAR 401-0000-122.10-99 1,915.25 . CAULKINS, ROBERT P UB CR REFUND-FINALS 401-0000-122.10-99 96.91 COLE, BROOKE 0 UB CR REFUND-FINALS 401-0000-122.10-99 102.78 K-20 Page 14 Date: 2/14/2008 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report . From: 1/26/2008 To: 2/8/2008 Vendor Description Account Number Invoice Amount DUDDER, JEFF DEPOSIT REFUND 401-0000-122.1 0-99 125.00 FULLER, DIANA K UB CR REFUND-FINALS 401-0000-122.10-99 77.05 KUNZ, ADAM M UB CR REFUND-FINALS 401-0000-122.10-99 39.16 NEWELL, TERESA R UB CR REFUND-FINALS 401-0000-122.10-99 39.70 PACE, WILLIS UB CR REFUND-FINALS 401-0000-122.10-99 261.11 PULLMAN, EVELYN A DEPOSIT REFUND 401-0000-122.10-99 125.00 QUICK, CRYSTAL A UB CR REFUND-FINALS 401-0000-122.10-99 41.58 RICE, AARON D UB CR REFUND-FINALS 401-0000-122.10-99 54.05 THOMPSON, AMANDA UB CR REFUND-FINALS 401-0000-122.10-99 16.94 WINDERMERE REAL ESTATE ADJUSTMENT-622 W 11TH ST 401-0000-122.10-99 4.74 NEW PIG CORPORATION MISCELLANEOUS PRODUCTS 401-0000-237.00-00 -46.67 FIRE PROTECTION EQUIP/SUP 401-0000-237.00-00 -71.75 Division Total: $58,207.28 Department Total: $58,207.28 CLALLAM CNTY PUBLIC WORKS DEPT 2008 DUES 401-7111-533.49-01 25.00 Public Works-Electric Engineering-Electric Division Total: $25.00 PORT ANGELES CITY TREASURER Bridge Toil-McLain 401-7120-533.43-10 3.00 PUBLIC POWER COUNCIL 2008 ANNUAL DUES 401-7120-533.49-01 19,227.00 . PUD #1 OF CLALLAM COUNTY 2110 Glass Rd 401-7120-533.33-50 121.29 Public Works-Electric Power Resource Mgmt Division Total: $19,351.29 AIRPORT GARDEN CENTER SEED ,SOD,SOIL&INOCULANT 401-7180-533.34-02 19.47 ALOHA FENCE CO ROADSIDE,GRNDS,REC, PARK 401-7180-533.48-10 392.41 AMSAN OLYMPIC SUPPLY PAPER & PLASTIC-DISPOSABL 401-7180-533.31-01 77.56 ANGELES MILLWORK & LUMBER CO HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS 401-7180-533.31-01 3.70 BUILDER'S SUPPLIES 401-7180-533.34-02 2.48 LUMBER& RELATED PRODUCTS 401-7180-533.34-02 18.04 LUMBER& RELATED PRODUCTS 401-7180-533.34-02 27.76 LUMBER& RELATED PRODUCTS 401-7180-533.34-02 40.25 HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS 401-7180-533.34-02 51.80 HAND TOOLS ,POW&NON POWER401-7180-533.35-01 46.74 HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS 401-7180-533.35-01 28.85 AT&T BUSINESS SERVICE 1-13 a/c 017 213-4468 001 401-7180-533.42-10 2.15 BLAKE SAND & GRAVEL INC BUILDER'S SUPPLIES 401-7180-533.34-02 22.76 BUSINESS ANSWERPHONE SERVICE COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 401-7180-533.42-10 160.00 CED/CONSOLlDA TED ELEC DIST INC ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-7180-533.34-02 57.38 ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-7180-533.34-02 280. 18 ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-7180-533.34-02 16.93 ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-7180-533.34-02 53.20 ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-7180-533.35-01 91.58 . ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-7180-533.35-01 22.60 DIGITAL IMAGING SOLUTIONS INC JAN COPIES 401-7180-533.45-31 0.61 JAN COPIES 401-7180-533.45-31 50.90 K-21 Page 15 Date: 2/14/2008 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 1/26/2008 To: 2/8/2008 . Vendor Description Account Number Invoice Amount ESCI CONSULTING SERVICES 401-7180-533.41-50 1,672.00 GRAINGER MATERIAL HNDLlNG&STOR EQP 401-7180-533.35-01 321.71 MATERIAL HNDLlNG&STOR EQP 401-7180-533.35-01 103.06 MATERIAL HNDLlNG&STOR EQP 401-7180-533.35-01 847.30 MATERIAL HNDLlNG&STOR EQP 401-7180-533.35-01 156.87 FURNITURE, OFFICE 401-7180-533.35-01 249.44 HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS 401-7180-533.35-01 826.71 GREAT AMERICA LEASING CORP RENTAL OR LEASE SERVICES 401-7180-533.45-30 42.43 JACO ANALYTICAL LABORATORY INC ENVIRONMENT AL&ECOLOG ICAL 401-7180-533.48-10 770.00 Bobby Williams PRESCRIPTION SAFETY GLASS 401-7180-533.31-01 200.00 MORNINGSIDE BUILDING MAINT&REPAIR SER 401-7180-533.48-10 331.38 NEW PIG CORPORATION MISCELLANEOUS PRODUCTS 401-7180-533.34-02 602.16 FIRE PROTECTION EQUIPISUP 401-7180-533.35-01 925.86 NORTH COAST ELECTRIC COMPANY ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-7180-533.34-02 632.70 ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-7180-533.34-02 138.11 ELECTRICAL CABLES & WIRES 401-7180-533.34-02 1,142.03 ELECTRICAL CABLES & WIRES 401-7180-533.34-02 150.24 ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-7180-533.34-02 570.11 HAND TOOLS ,POW&NON POWER401-7180-533.35-01 31.70 . HAND TOOLS ,POW&NON POWER401-7180-533.35-01 707.90 OLYMPIC LAUNDRY & DRY CLEANERS LAUNDRYIDRY CLEANING SERV 401-7180-533.49-90 38.33 LAUNDRY/DRY CLEANING SERV 401-7180-533.49-90 38.33 OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC Tabs 401-7180-533.31-01 7.14 OLYMPIC SYNTHETIC PRODUCTS HAND TOOLS ,POW&NON POWER401-7180-533.35-01 789.15 PACIFIC OFFICE EQUIPMENT INC RADIO & TELECOMMUNICATION 401-7180-533.31-01 86.50 PEN PRINT INC Work Permits 401-7180-533.31-01 330.62 PORT ANGELES CITY TREASURER Call out Meals-JS/GM/BRlR 401-7180-533.31-01 118.00 Phone Case-Peppard 401-7180-533.31-01 21.63 CDL Lieense-Hainstoek 401-7180-533.49-01 40.00 QUILL CORPORATION OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL 401-7180-533.31-01 351.17 OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL 401-7180-533.31-01 254.70 OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL 401-7180-533.31-01 16.79 QWEST 1-14 ale 3604574717777B 401-7180-533.42-10 38.20 1-23 ale 206T302306084B 401-7180-533.42-10 26.16 1-14 ale 3604576684085B 401-7180-533.42-10 8.99 1-14 ale 3604570411199B 401-7180-533.42-10 85.53 1-16 ale 206T355724768B 401-7180-533.42-10 2.13 SANDERSON SAFETY SUPPLY CO GASES CONT.EQUIP:LAB,WELD 401-7180-533.31-01 272.15 ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS 401-7180-533.31-01 169.93 STUSSER ELECTRIC ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-7180-533.34-02 16.69 . ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-7180-533.34-02 10.18 SUNSET DO-IT BEST HARDWARE FUEL,OIL,GREASE, & LUBES 401-7180-533.31-01 38.79 K-22 Page 16 Date: 2/14/2008 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report . From: 1/26/2008 To: 2/8/2008 Vendor Description Account Number Invoice Amount SUNSET DO-IT BEST HARDWARE HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS 401-7180-533.34-02 4.57 HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS 401-7180-533.35-01 86.71 HAND TOOLS ,POW&NON POWER401-7180-533.35-01 136.20 HAND TOOLS ,POW&NON POWER401-7180-533.35-01 136.57 EQUIP MAINT & REPAIR SERV 401-7180-533.48-10 74.42 SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS 401-7180-533.35-01 17.02 THURMAN SUPPLY FURNITURE, OFFICE 401-7180-533.31-20 61.79 ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-7180-533.34-02 9.14 ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-7180-533.34-02 33.84 VERIZON WIRELESS 1-22 ale 571136182-00002 401-7180-533.42-10 353.41 WAGNER-SMITH EQUIPMENT CO HAND TOOLS ,POW&NON POWER401-7180-533.35-01 163.83 WASHINGTON (DRS), STATE OF Donald Marshall 401-7180-533.20-30 200.16 Public Works-Electric Electric Operations Division Total: $15,927.83 Public Works-Electric Department Total: $35,304.12 Electric Utility Fund Fund Total: $93,511.40 GENERAL PACIFIC INC PIPE FITTINGS 402-0000-141.40-00 2,048.76 PORTABLE COMPUTER SYSTEMS COMPUTER ACCESSORIES&SUPF 402-0000-237 .00-00 -37.05 TRIDENT WATER WORKS INC PIPE FITTINGS 402-0000-141.40-00 6,743.62 . USA BLUEBOOK PIPE AND TUBING 402-0000-237.00-00 -28.64 CHEMICAL LAB EQUIP & SUPP 402 -0000- 237.00-00 -27.72 CHEMICAL LAB EQUIP & SUPP 402-0000-237.00-00 -96.19 Division Total: $8,602.78 Department Total: $8,602.78 AMSAN OLYMPIC SUPPLY SUPPLIES 402-7380-534.31-01 71.64 WATER&SEWER TREATING CHEI\/402-7380-534.31-05 448.45 ANGELES MILLWORK & LUMBER CO HAND TOOLS ,POW&NON POWER402-7380-534.35-01 39.01 AT&T BUSINESS SERVICE 1-13 ale 017 213-4468 001 402-7380-534.42-10 1.20 AWWA PACIFIC NORTHWEST SECTION MEMBERSHIPS 402-7380-534.49-01 1,000.00 BACKFLOW APPARATUS & VALVE CO PLUMBING EQUIP FIXT,SUPP 402-7380-534.31-20 274.27 CED/CONSOLlDATED ELEC DIST INC Tape 402-7380-534.31-01 128.43 CLALLAM CNTY DEPT OF HEALTH Testing 402-7380-534.41-50 20.00 Testing 402-7380-534.41-50 20.00 Testing 402-7380-534.41-50 23.00 Testing 402-7380-534.41-50 40.00 COMPLETE LINE, THE OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL 402-7380-534.31-01 39.24 CRESCENT DEVELOPMENT INC Water Utility Work 402-7380-534.48-10 4,528.95 EDGE ANALYTICAL TESTING&CALlBRATION SERVI 402-7380-534.41-50 271.00 EVERGREEN RURAL WATER OF WA EDUCATIONAL SERVICES 402-7380-534.43-10 250.00 FEI EVERETT 3023(FAMILlAN) PIPE AND TUBING 402-7380-534.31-20 511.15 . PIPE FITTINGS 402-7380-534.31-20 375.04 FOWLER COMPANY. H D PLUMBING EQUIP FIXT,SUPP 402-7380-534.31-20 868.80 K & L SUPPLY INC SUPPLIES 402-7380-534.42-10 5.65 K-23 Page 17 Date: 2/14/2008 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 1/26/2008 To: 2/8/2008 . Vendor Description Account Number Invoice Amount KW. HENDRICKSON, INC SUPPLIES 402-7380-534.48-10 136.59 LINCOLN INDUSTRIAL CORP MET ALS,BARS, PLATES, RODS 402-7380-534.31-20 72.95 MORNINGSIDE BUILDING MAINT&REPAIR SER 402-7380-534.48-10 153.85 OLYMPIC LAUNDRY & DRY CLEANERS SUPPLIES 402-7380-534.31-01 27.10 OLYMPIC PRINTERS INC Time Cards 402 -7380-534.31-01 195.66 OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC SUPPLIES 402-7380-534.31-01 125.10 SUPPLIES 402-7380-534.31-01 10.51 SUPPLIES 402-7380-534.31-01 141.67 PACIFIC OFFICE EQUIPMENT INC COMPUTER ACCESSORIES&SUPF402-7380-534.31-01 34.03 COMPUTER ACCESSORIES&SUPF402-7380-534.31-01 40.37 PORTABLE COMPUTER SYSTEMS COMPUTER ACCESSORIES&SUPF402-7380-534.31-01 478.05 PUD #1 OF CLALLAM COUNTY Crown Z Water Rd 402-7380-534.4 7 -10 13.50 QWEST 1-23 ale 206T 411255315B 402-7380-534.42-10 64.27 1-23 ale 206T302306084B 402-7380-534.42-10 14.53 1-14 ale 3604576684085B 402-7380-534.42-10 5.00 1-14 ale 3604570411199B 402-7380-534.42-10 47.52 1-16 ale 206T355724768B 402-7380-534.42-10 1.18 RADIOSHACK SUPPLIES 402-7380-534.31-01 40.06 RICHMOND 2-WAY RADIO RADIO & TELECOMMUNICATION 402-7380-534.48-10 2,742.52 . SAFETY & SUPPLY COMPANY FIRST AID & SAFETY EQUIP. 402-7380-534.31-01 179.79 SANDERSON SAFETY SUPPLY CO FIRST AID & SAFETY EQUIP. 402-7380-534.31-01 1,199.44 Hip Boot 402-7380-534.31-01 180.30 SUNGARD PUBLIC SECTOR EKLlMEK COG NOS LICENSE 402-7380-534.48-02 379.40 SUNSET DO-IT BEST HARDWARE HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS 402-7380-534.31-01 14.82 CLEANING COMPOSITION/SOL V 402-7380-534.31-01 6.89 SUPPLIES 402-7380-534.31-01 11.66 FASTENERS, FASTENING DEVS 402-7380-534.31-20 9.97 PLUMBING EQUIP FIXT,SUPP 402-7380-534.31-20 4.86 HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS 402-7380-534.35-01 24.35 HAND TOOLS ,POW&NON POWER402-7380-534.35-01 103.77 SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC FIRST AID & SAFETY EQUIP. 402-7380-534.31-01 79.45 THURMAN SUPPLY AIR CONDITIONING & HEATNG 402-7380-534.31-20 43.90 PLUMBING EQUIP FIXT,SUPP 402-7380-534.31-20 52.67 TWISS ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES TESTING&CALlBRATION SERVI 402-7380-534.41-50 145.00 TESTING&CALlBRATION SERVI 402-7380-534.41-50 165.00 TESTING&CALlBRATION SERVI 402-7380-534.41-50 165.00 TESTING&CALlBRATION SERVI 402-7380-534.41-50 170.00 TESTING&CALlBRATION SERVI 402-7380-534.41-50 165.00 USA BLUEBOOK CHEMICAL LAB EQUIP & SUPP 402-7380-534.31-20 1,241.26 CHEMICAL LAB EQUIP & SUPP 402-7380-534.31-20 357.72 . PIPE AND TUBING 402-7380-534.31-20 330.56 PIPE FITTINGS 402-7380-534.31-20 38.95 K-24 Page 18 Date: 2/14/2008 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 1/26/2008 To: 2/8/2008 . Vendor Description Account Number Invoice Amount Public Works-WW/Stormwtr Department Total: $25,364.79 Wastewater Fund Fund Total: $25,364.79 AMSAN OLYMPIC SUPPLY SUPPLIES 404-7580-537.31-01 71.63 AT&T BUSINESS SERVICE 1-13 ale 017213-4468001 404-7580-537.42-10 0.48 PORT ANGELES CITY TREASURER Safety Lunch-Paynter 404-7580-537.43-1 0 16.42 QWEST 1-23 ale 206T302306084B 404-7580-537.42-10 5.81 1-14 ale 3604576684085B 404-7580-537.42-10 2.00 1-14 ale 3604570411199B 404-7580-537.42-10 19.01 1-16 ale 206T355724768B 404-7580-537.42-10 0.47 SUNSET DO-IT BEST HARDWARE FUEL,OIL,GREASE, & LUBES 404-7580-537.31-20 18.57 SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC CLEANING COMPOSITION/SOLV 404-7580-537.31-01 219.44 SUPPLIES 404-7580-537.31-20 17.44 WASTE CONNECTIONS, INC ENVIRONMENT AL&ECOLOGICAL 404-7580-537.41-51 36,909.44 WORC-WA ORGANIC RECYCLING CNCL WORC MEMBERSHIP DUES FOR 404-7580-537.49-01 62.50 Public Works-Solid Waste Solid Waste-Collections Division Total: $37,343.21 Public Works-Solid Waste Department Total: $37,343.21 Solid Waste-Collections Fund Total: $37,343.21 ENERFLEX SYSTEMS, L TD SUPPLIES 405-0000-237.00-00 -233.17 SUPPLIES 405-0000-237.00-00 233.17 . Division Total: $0.00 Department Total: $0.00 AT&T BUSINESS SERVICE 1-13 ale 017213-4468001 405-7538-537.42-10 0.96 SONJA COVENTON Mileage Reimbursement 405-7538-537.43-10 93.51 OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC SUPPLIES 405-7538-537.31-01 57.50 PORT ANGELES CITY TREASURER Transfer Stn Overcharge 405-7538-537.31-01 31.88 QWEST 1-23 ale 206T302306084B 405-7538-537.42-10 11.63 1-14 ale 3604576684085B 405-7538-537.42-10 4.00 1-14 ale 3604570411199B 405-7538-537.42-10 38.01 1-16 ale 206T355724768B 405-7538-537.42-10 0.95 TAYLOR-SPARKS REFRIGERATION INC ENVIRONMENT AL&ECOLOGICAL 405-7538-537.48-1 0 769.64 ENVIRONMENT AL&ECOLOGICAL 405-7538-537.48-10 596.20 UNITEC CORPORATION COMPUTERS,DP & WORD PROC. 405-7538-537.48-02 2,710.00 WASTE CONNECTIONS, INC BLDG CONSTRUC. SERVICES- 405-7538-537.41-51 272,075.33 ENVIRONMENTAL&ECOLOGICAL 405-7538-537.41-51 1,176.09 BLDG CONSTRUC. SERVICES- 405-7538-537.45-30 5,367.28 BLDG CONSTRUC. SERVICES- 405-7538-591.71-10 20,336.80 BLDG CONSTRUC. SERVICES- 405-7538-592.81-10 42,441.92 WORC-WA ORGANIC RECYCLING CNCL WORC MEMBERSHIP DUES FOR 405-7538-537.49-01 62.50 XEROX CORPORATION RENTAL/LEASE EQUIPMENT 405-7538-537.45-31 66.16 Public Works-Solid Waste SW - Transfer Station Division Total: $345,840.36 . ANALYTICAL RESOURCES INC SUPPLIES 405-7585-537.41-50 395.00 SUPPLIES 405-7585-537.41-50 2,275.00 K-26 Page 20 Date: 2/14/2008 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report . From: 1/26/2008 To: 2/8/2008 Vendor Description Account Number Invoice Amount ANALYTICAL RESOURCES INC ENVIRONMENT AL&ECOLOGICAL 405-7585-537.41-50 395.00 ENVIRONMENTAL&ECOLOGICAL 405-7585-537.41-50 820.00 ENERFLEX SYSTEMS, L TO SUPPLIES 405-7585-596.48-00 2,707.98 SUPPLIES 405-7585-596.48-00 300.89 SUPPLIES 405-7585-596.48-00 -2,707.98 SUPPLIES 405-7585-596.48-00 2,707.98 SUPPLIES 405-7585-596.48-00 -300.89 PARAMETRIX INC LANDFILL 405-7585-537.41-50 7,705.46 WA STATE DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY ENVIRONMENT AL&ECOLOGICAL 405-7585-537.49-90 6,331.00 Public Works-Solid Waste Solid Waste-Landfill Division Total: $20,629.44 Public Works-Solid Waste Department Total: $366,469.80 Solid Waste-LFflrf Stn Fund Total: $366,469.80 AT&T BUSINESS SERVICE 1-13 ale 017 213-4468 001 406-7412-594.42-10 0.20 QWEST 1-23 ale 206T302306084B 406-7412-594.42-10 2.90 1-14 ale 3604576684085B 406-7412-594.42-10 0.95 1-14 ale 3604570411199B 406-7412-594.42-10 9.50 1-16 ale 206T355724768B 406-7412-594.42-10 0.18 Public Works-WW/Stormwi Storm wa ter Division Total: $13.73 . Public Works-WW/Stormwtr Department Total: $13.73 Stormwater Fund Fund Total: $13.73 AT&T BUSINESS SERVICE 1-13 ale 017 213-4468 001 409-6025-526.42-10 2.87 CLALLAM CNTY EMS Medie I Advisory 409-6025-526.41-50 600.00 MOROZ, JAMES FIRST AID CLASS 1/9/08 409-6025-526.31-08 200.00 FIRST AID CLASS 1/17108 409-6025-526.31-08 200.00 CLASSES 1/22, 1/24, 1/25 409-6025-526.31-08 450.00 QWEST 1-23 ale 206T302306084B 409-6025-526.42-10 34.88 1-14 ale 3604576684085B 409-6025-526.42-10 11.99 1-14 ale 3604570411199B 409-6025-526.42-10 114.03 1-16 ale 206T355724768B 409-6025-526.42-10 2.84 VERIZON WIRELESS 1-10 ale 571099962-00001 409-6025-526.42-10 177.56 Fire Department Medic I Division Total: $1,794.17 Fire Department Department Total: $1,794.17 Medic I Utility Fund Total: $1,794.17 CAN-DO CONSTRUCTION INC CITY REBATE 421-7121-533.49-86 542.00 CITY REBATE 421-7121-533.49-86 514.90 Cindy McGee' CITY REBATE 421-7121-533.49-86 25.00 JoAnn Hamilton CITY REBATE 421-7121-533.49-86 25.00 Louis Hall CITY REBATE 421-7121-533.49-86 75.00 Tina Hendrickson CITY REBATE 421-7121-533.49-86 50.00 . William Bork CITY REBATE 421-7121-533.49-86 25.00 PORT ANGELES SCHOOL DISTRICT CITY REBATE 421-7121-533.49-86 9,771.00 PORTLAND ENERGY CONSERVATION CITY REBATE 421-7121-533.49-86 1(!275 Page 21 Date: 2/14/2008 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 1/26/2008 To: 2/8/2008 . Vendor Description Account Number Invoice Amount Public Works-Electric Conservation Loans Division Total: $13,305.25 Public Works-Electric Department Total: $13,305.25 Conservation Loans/Grants Fund Total: $13,305.25 ALOHA FENCE CO ROADSIDE,GRNDS,REC, PARK 451-7188-594.65-10 8,698.02 Public Works-Electric Electric Projects Division Total: $8,698.02 Public Works-Electric Department Total: $8,698.02 Electric Utility CIP Fund Total: $8,698.02 AT&T MOBILITY 1-26 ale 871935823 453-7488-594.42-10 24.38 BROWN AND CALDWELL CSO PLAN UPDATE 453-7488-594.41-50 56,267.77 FRONTIER BANK CONSTRUCTION SERVICES,HEA 453-7488-594.65-10 14,514.17 PRIMO CONSTRUCTION INC CONSTRUCTION SERVICES,HEA 453-7488-594.65-10 300,152.96 Public Works-WW/Stormwi Wastewater Projects Division Total: $370,959.28 Public Works-WW/Stormwtr Department Total: $370,959.28 WasteWater Utility CIP Fund Total: $370,959.28 GLACIER CONSTRUCTION SERVICES INCCONSTRUCTION SERVICES,GEN 454-7588-594.65-10 43,969.19 PARAMETRIX INC LANDFILL 454-7588-594.41-50 27,432.63 Public Works-Solid Waste Solid.Waste Coli Projects Division Total: $71,401.82 Public Works-Solid Waste Department Total: $71,401.82 Solid Waste Utility CIP Fund Total: $71,401.82 . CSK AUTO INC (SCHUCK'S) AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-0000-141 .40-00 40.72 IBS INCORPORATED AUTO & TRUCK MAl NT. ITEMS 501-0000-141 .40-00 24.90 MCMASTER-CARR SUPPLY CO FIRST AID & SAFETY EQUIP. 501-0000-237.00-00 -2.24 NAPA AUTO PARTS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-0000-141 .40-00 19.41 AUTO & TRUCK MAl NT. ITEMS 501-0000-141.40-00 14.68 AUTO & TRUCK MAl NT. ITEMS 501-0000-141 .40-00 20.75 AUTO & TRUCK MAl NT. ITEMS 501-0000-141 .40-00 27.19 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-0000-141 .40-00 12.30 NEW PIG CORPORATION Drain blocker cover 501-0000-237.00-00 -49.43 Sump Skimmer 501-0000-237.00-00 -10.47 PETTIT OIL COMPANY Unleaded 501-0000-141.20-00 8,016.11 Diesel 501-0000-141.20-00 708.86 SOLID WASTE SYSTEMS, INC AUTO & TRUCK MAl NT. ITEMS 501-0000-141 .40-00 5,961.48 Division Total: $14,784.26 Department Total: $14,784.26 ARAMARK LAUNDRY/DRY CLEANING SERV 501-7630-548.49-90 104.02 LAUNDRY/DRY CLEANING SERV 501-7630-548.49-90 104.02 AT&T BUSINESS SERVICE 1-13 ale 017 213-4468 001 501-7630-548.42-10 0.96 BRYANT'S UPHOLSTERY EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548.48-10 408.51 COPY CAT GRAPHICS EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548.48-10 26.02 . EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548.48-10 26.01 CSK AUTO INC (SCHUCK'S) AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 16.4 7 K-28 Page 22 Date: 2/14/2008 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report . From: 1/26/2008 To: 2/8/2008 Vendor Description Account Number Invoice Amount CSK AUTO INC (SCHUCK'S) AUTO & TRUCK MAl NT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 71.19 AUTO & TRUCK MAl NT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 -9.53 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 197.10 AUTO & TRUCK MAl NT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 58.93 AUTO & TRUCK MAl NT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 9.27 AUTO & TRUCK MAl NT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 330.06 AUTO & TRUCK MAl NT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 31.39 FERRELLGAS INC Propane 501-7630-548.32-12 472.76 Propane 501-7630-548.32-12 394.96 Propane 501-7630-548.32-12 464.96 GRAINGER FIRST AID & SAFETY EQUIP. 501-7630-548.34-02 127.81 HUGHES FIRE EQUIPMENT INC AUTO & TRUCK MAl NT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 -178.82 AUTO & TRUCK MAl NT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 401.69 AUTO & TRUCK MAl NT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 375.41 AUTO & TRUCK MAl NT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 102.45 JENNINGS EQUIPMENT INC Wheel repair 501-7630-548.34-02 64.71 MA TCO TOOLS AUTO SHOP EQUIPMENT & SUP 501-7630-548.35-01 280.52 AUTO SHOP EQUIPMENT & SUP 501-7630-548.35-01 46.56 . MCMASTER-CARR SUPPLY CO FIRST AID & SAFETY EQUIP. 501-7630-548.31-01 28.87 MORNINGSIDE 8UILDING MAINT&REPAIR SER 501-7630-548.48-10 106.52 N C MACHINERY CO Repair fuel priming pump 501-7630-548.48-10 1,215.68 NAPA AUTO PARTS AUTO & TRUCK MAl NT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 64.91 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 35.20 AUTO & TRUCK MAl NT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 7.25 AUTO & TRUCK MAl NT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 72.34 AUTO & TRUCK MAl NT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 17.21 AUTO & TRUCK MAl NT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 15.37 AUTO & TRUCK MAl NT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 7.58 AUTO & TRUCK MAl NT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 139.59 AUTO & TRUCK MAl NT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 29.68 NEW PIG CORPORATION Drain blocker cover 501-7630-548.34-02 637.85 Sump Skimmer 501-7630-548.34-02 135.01 OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL 501-7630-548.31-01 7.77 OLYMPIC TRAILER & TRUCK, INC AUTO MAJOR TRANSPORTATION 501-7630-594.64-10 7,218.36 PACIFIC OFFICE EQUIPMENT INC OFFICE SUPPLIES. GENERAL 501-7630-548.31-01 99.74 PORT ANGELES CITY TREASURER License Fees-Strohm 501-7630-548.41-50 15.75 PORT ANGELES FORD LINCOLN AUTO & TRUCK MAl NT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 206.42 AUTO & TRUCK MAl NT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 56.13 QWEST 1-23 ale 206T3023060848 501-7630-548.42-10 11.63 . 1-14 ale 36045766840858 501-7630-548.42-10 4.00 1-14 ale 36045704111998 501-7630-548.42-10 38.01 1-16 ale 206T3557247688 501-7630-548.42-10 0.95 K-29 Page 23 Date: 2/14/2008 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 1/26/2008 To: 2/8/2008 . Vendor Description Account Number Invoice Amount RICHMOND 2-WAY RADIO EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548.48-10 124.66 RUDDELL AUTO MALL AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 25.12 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501- 7630-548.48-1 0 625.82 SEAWESTERN INC FIRE PROTECTION EQUIP/SUP 501-7630-594.64-10 41,722.86 STRAIT MOBILE DETAILING EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548.48-10 129.00 SUNGARD PUBLIC SECTOR JSTROM COG NOS LICENSE 501-7630-548.48-02 379.40 SUNSET DO-IT BEST HARDWARE AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 0.12 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 13.64 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 14.18 WESTERN PETERBIL T INC Sensor 501-7630-548.34-02 111.84 Resistor 501-7630-548.34-02 17.07 Temp Sender 501-7630-548.34-02 30.78 Module 501-7630-548.34-02 1,042.29 Module 501-7630-548.34-02 1,274.68 Resistor 501-7630-548.34-02 14.89 WESTERN POWER & EQUIPMENT AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 435.65 WURTH USA INC AUTO SHOP EQUIPMENT & SUP 501-7630-548.35-01 222.09 XEROX CORPORATION RENTAULEASE EQUIPMENT 501-7630-548.45-31 66.15 Public Works-Equip Svcs Equipment Services Division Total: $60,349.49 . Public Works-Equip Svcs Department Total: $60,349.49 Equipment Services Fund Total: $75,133.75 AT&T BUSINESS SERVICE 1-13 ale 017 213-4468 001 502-2081-518.42-10 1.67 CALENCE LLC COMPUTERS,DP & WORD PROC. 502-2081-518.48-02 2,704.82 GATEWAY COMPANIES, INC COMPUTER HARDWARE&PERIPHI502-2081-518.31-60 4,298.56 COMPUTER HARDWARE&PERIPHI502-2081-518.31-60 178.68 I.T. XCHANGE CORP COMPUTER HARDWARE&PERIPHI502-2081-518.31-60 1,551.83 IBM CORPORATION CONSULTING SERVICES 502 - 2081-518.45-30 31,397.28 CONSULTING SERVICES 502-2081-518.45-30 32,087.79 PORT ANGELES CITY TREASURER Office Supplies-Brooks 502-2081-518.31-02 17.32 QWEST 1-23 ale 206T302306084B 502-2081-518.42-10 20.35 1-14 ale 3604576684085B 502-2081-518.42-10 7.00 1-14 ale 3604570411199B 502-2081-518.42-10 66.52 1-16 ale 206T355724768B 502-2081-518.42-10 1.66 VP CONSULTING INC DATA PROC SERV &SOFTWARE 502-2081-518.31-60 8,195.00 DATA PROC SERV &SOFTWARE 502-2081-518.48-02 1,890.00 COMPUTER SOFTWARE FOR MIC 502-2081-518.48-02 1,944.00 Finance Department Information Technologies Division Total: $84,362.48 CALENCE LLC COMPUTERS,DP & WORD PROC. 502-2082-594.64-10 10,229.76 INSIGHT PUBLIC SECTOR COMPUTER HARDWARE&PERIPHI502-2082-594.65-1 0 2,454.64 Finance Department IT Capital Projects Division Total: $12,684.40 . Finance Department Department Total: $97,046.88 Information Technology Fund Total: $97,046.88 K-30 Page 24 Date: 2/14/2008 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report . From: 1/26/2008 To: 2/8/2008 Vendor Description Account Number Invoice Amount AWC EMPLOYEE BENEFITS TRUST MED/DENNlS PREMIUMS 503-1631-517.46-30 198,390.16 L TD PREMIUM 503-1631-517.46-31 5,002.78 GROUP LIFE PREMIUM 503-1631-517.46-32 1,732.68 BALSER, FRED Reimb Medicare-January 503-1631-517.46-35 96.40 BISHOP, VIRGIL Reimb Medicare-January 503-1631-517.46-35 212.10 Disability Board-January 503-1631-517.46-35 43.34 CAMPORINI, RICHARD Reimb Medicare-January 503-1631-517.46-35 96.40 CLELAND, MICHAEL A Reimb Medicare-January 503-1631-517.46-35 96.40 GLENN,LARRY Reimb Medicare-January 503-1631-517.46-35 96.40 Disability Board-January 503-1631-517.46-35 460.00 GROOMS, MICHAEL Reimb Medicare-January 503-1631-517.46-35 96.40 Disability Board-January 503-1631-517.46-35 118.59 JOHNSON, DONALD G Reimb Medicare-January 503-1631-517.46-35 96.40 JOHNSON,HARRY Reimb Medicare-January 503-1631-517.46-35 96.40 Disability Board-January 503-1631-517.46-35 504.60 JORISSEN, ROBERT R Reimb Medicare-January 503-1631-517.46-35 96.40 LIND, DARWIN PETER Reimb Medicare-January 503-1631-517.46-35 96.40 LINDLEY, JAMES K Reimb Medicare-January 503-1631-517.46-35 93.50 . LOUCKS, JASPER Reimb Medicare-January 503-1631-517.46-35 187.00 Disability Board-January 503-1631-517.46-35 58.32 MERRIWETHER, JAMES G Disability Board-January 503-1631-517.46-35 1,900.00 MIESEL JR, PHILIP C Reimb Medicare-January 503-1631-517.46-35 86.50 KATHY TRAINOR MEDICAL REIMBURSEMENT 503-1631-517.46-30 74.20 Keith Bogues MEDICAL REIMBURSEMENT 503-1631-517.46-30 12.94 LANCE DOYLE MEDICAL REIMBURSEMENT 503-1631-517.46-30 656.70 NW ADMIN TRANSFER ACCT SW/NONSW PREMIUMS 503-1631-517.46-33 54,520.95 RETIREES PREMIUMS 503-1631-517.46-34 11,244.75 THOMPSON, BRUCE Reimb Medicare-January 503-1631-517.46-35 84.40 WARD, DENNIS H Reimb Medicare-January 503-1631-517.46-35 93.50 Self Insurance Other Insurance Programs Division Total: $276,344.61 DEPT OF LABOR & INDUSTRIES 4th Quarter Fees 503-1661-517.49-50 22,280.17 Self Insurance VVorkers Compensation Division Total: $22,280.17 Self Insurance Department Total: $298,624.78 Self-Insurance Fund Fund Total: $298,624.78 AWC EMPLOYEE BENEFITS TRUST RETIREES PREMIUM 602-6221-517.46-35 4,372.20 BRAUN,GARY Reimb Medicare-January 602-6221-517.46-35 96.40 Disability Board-January 602-6221-517.46-35 95.00 CAMPBELL, MALCOLM 0 Reimb Medicare-January 602-6221-517.46-35 96.40 Disability Board-January 602 -6221-517.46-35 124.00 . CAMPORINI, RICHARD Disability Board-January 602-6221-517.46-35 78.04 DOYLE, JERRY L Reimb Medicare-January 602-6221-517.46-35 96.40 Disability Board-January 602-6221-517.46-35 159.25 K-31 Page 25 Date: 2/14/2008 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 1/26/2008 To: 2/8/2008 . Vendor Description Account Number Invoice Amount RYAN,ED Reimb Medicare-January 602-6221-517.46-35 86.40 Fireman's Pension Fireman's Pension Division Total: $5,204.09 Fireman's Pension Department Total: $5,204.09 Firemen's Pension Fund Total: $5,204.09 PA DOWNTOWN ASSN JAN DECAL SALES RECEIPTS 650-0000-231.91-00 627.42 JAN PBIA RECEIPTS 650-0000-231.92-00 7,394.09 Division Total: $8,021.51 Department Total: $8,021.51 Off Street Parking Fund Fund Total: $8,021.51 AT&T BUSINESS SERVICE 1-13 a/c 017213-4468001 652-8630-575.42-10 0.48 HARTNAGEL BUILDING SUPPLY INC Wire Brads 652-8630-575.31-01 9.14 QWEST 1-14 a/c 3604573532775B 652-8630-575.42-10 38.28 1-23 a/c 206T302306084B 652-8630-575.42-10 5.81 1-14 a/c 3604576684085B 652-8630-575.42-10 2.00 1-14 a/c 3604570411199B 652-8630-575.42-10 19.01 1-16 a/c 206T355724768B 652-8630-575.42-10 0.47 1-23 a/c 206T 418577331 B 652-8630-575.42-10 57.46 RICOH BUSINESS SYSTEMS-LEASES Final Bill-Ricoh 652-8630-575.49-60 61.61 SORENSEN & SORENSEN CONSULTING SERVICES 652-8630-575.41-50 3,450.00 . SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC Drain Cleaner 652-8630-575.31-01 3.76 Spray Paint 652-8630-575.31-01 5.90 Esther Webster/Fine Arts Esther Webster/Fine Arts Division Total: $3,653.92 Esther Webster/Fine Arts Department Total: $3,653.92 Esther Webster Fund Fund Total: $3,653.92 OLYMPIC COMMUNITY ACTION PRGMS PTB DISTRIBUTION 657 -0000-239.91-00 3,334.11 Division Total: $3,334.11 Department Total: $3,334.11 Util Vol Contrib Program Fund Total: $3,334.11 AFSCME LOCAL 1619 P/R Deductions pe 1-27 920-0000-231.54-40 92.00 P/R Deductions pe 1-27 920-0000-231.54-40 184.00 DIMARTINO/WSCFF DISABILITY P/R Deductions pe 1-27 920-0000-231.53-40 1,248.91 FIREFIGHTER'S LOCAL 656 P/R Deductions pe 1-27 920-0000-231.54-30 1,575.00 IBEW LOCAL 997 P/R Deductions pe 1-27 920-0000-231.54-20 819.78 LEOFF P/R Deductions pe 1-27 920-0000-231.51-21 20,468.21 OFFICE OF SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT P/R Deductions pe 1-27 920-0000-231.56-20 169.85 P/R Deductions pe 1-27 920-0000-231.56-20 1,167.10 OFFICE OF SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT-CJP/R Deductions pe 1-27 920-0000-231.56-20 16.15 PERS P/R Deductions pe 1-27 920-0000-231.51-10 3,122.68 P/R Deductions pe 1-27 920-0000-231.51-11 7,710.55 . P/R Deductions pe 1-27 920-0000-231.51-12 31,612.89 POLICE ASSOCIATION P/R Deductions pe 1-27 920-0000-231.55-10 231.00 K-32 Page 26 . . . City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 1/26/2008 To: 2/8/2008 Date: 2/14/2008 Vendor UHEAA UNITED WAY (PAYROLL) WSCCCE AFSCME AFL-CIO Totals for check period Description P/R Deductions pe 1-27 P/R Deductions pe 1-27 P/R Deductions pe 1-27 Account Number 920-0000-231.56-30 920-0000-231.56-10 920-0000-231.54-40 Division Total: Department Total: Fund Total: Invoice Amount 581.81 418.50 4,088.56 $73,506.99 $73,506.99 $73,506.99 $2,245,953.84 K-33 Payroll Clearing From: 1/26/2008 To: 2/8/2008 Page 27 . . . F............ )/iOr. /R...~T'J.l........./........N... rGr 'ELE,S. :, _<' ..._, .. ....... ..' .. .' " ....,.._ ___u... j __ ___, ..... , "__'~/ V WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: February 19, 2008 To: CITY COUNCIL FROM: DAN MCKEEN, FIRE CHIEF SUBJECT: FIRE DEPARTMENT ANNUAL REpORT It is with great pride that the Fire Department presents a copy of our 2007 Annual Refort. The report reflects the accomplishments and activities of the Department during our 116t year of dedicated service to the citizens and visitors of Port Angeles. 2007 brought many challenges and successes, with some of the year's highlights listed below and contained within the report: · Experienced two separate fires that each claimed the life of a Port Angeles resident - reminding us of the importance of fire prevention programs and built-in fire protection systems. · Responded to one of the largest wildland fires in Port Angeles' history, involving five agencies and covering eight acres. · Entered into a collaborative service arrangement with Clallam County Fire District #2 to share space and reserve apparatus. · Received a grant for over $200,000 to purchase fully compliant structural firefighting gear. · Added an intermediate supervisory level - lieutenants. I would like to thank the Council for your continued support. The Fire Department realizes that it is through this support that we can carry out our mission to provide exceptional emergency services directed at improving the quality of life for the citizens and visitors of our area. The Fire Department's 2007 annual report has been placed in your City Hall mailbox and you can also review our annual report on the City's website, located at www.cityofpa.us. To access the Fire Department, click on Public Safety under the Services section located on the left-hand side of the website home page. I can be reached at 417-4651 to answer any questions that you may have regarding our annual report. DM Pc: Mark Madsen, City Manager M-1 M-2 . . . . . . PORT ANGELES FORWARD COMMITTEE Port Angeles, Washington Meeting Minutes for December 13,2007 Mission Statement: To create a strong economically and culturally vibrant community that will enhance the lives of oufcitizens. CALL TO ORDER: ROLL CALL: Members Present: Chair Pro-tern Williams opened the meeting at 7:32 a.m. Larry Williams, Dan Di Guilio, Doug Nass, Terry Roth, Craig Johnson, Terry Weed, Mike Chapman, Dave Miller, Cherie Kidd for Dave Johnson and Pam Macas for Linda Rotmark. Staff Present: Nathan West, Scott Johns, Teresa Pierce Public Present: None. Introduction Chair Pro-Tern Williams introduced new Councilmember Dan DiGuilio. D. DiGuilio has taken Edna Petersen's position on the committee. Chair Pro-Tern Williams offered to chair this meeting as courtesy to new member D. Di Guilio which was graciously accepted. Approval of Minutes T. Roth made a motion to approve the November 2007 minutes as presented. M. Chapman second. Minutes approved unanimously. Cross-Town Route Chair Pro-tern Williams asked N. West to being the discussions based on the letter from N. West and Glenn Cutler to the committee. (Copy attached). The letter urged the committee to move forward with a recommendation to Council regarding the Cross-Town Route issue and the process for consideration of this project emphasizing that funding must be provided to conduct a transportation study by qualified traffic engineers to evaluate and determine appropriate alternatives. Once a study was completed a specific route could be chosen from those alternatives and then funding for the project would need to be identified. N. West continued that the issue has been discussed and presented to Council in the past and at the end of the day, available funding is the issue. The project would need to be added to the City's Capital Facilities Plan (CFP) as a study for both short-term and long-term alternatives rather than as specific route recommendations. The project would also have to compete with others that may already have a higher priority. C. Johnson agreed that a decision needs to be made by this committee. P A Forward has identified areas that appear to be problem areas, but we are not qualified to make a specific plan recommendation. C. Johnson referred to the September 2007 minutes and the list of identified problem area. He stated that it was time to pass the baton on to the experts but hoped that this list could be included in the Committee's recommendation to Council. M-3 Port Angeles FOlWard Meeting Minutes December 13, 2007 . D. Nass stated that it is important to include both long-term and short-term solutions in the recommendation. N. West explained that PA Forward can make a recommendation to Council, that Council would then decide whether to direct Staff to include that project as a CFP item. Every year in June, City Council looks at the entire CFP list and will then work to set priorities for each item on that list. Chair Pro- Tem Williams explained that an item has to be identified on the CFP to qualify for any existing funding and should this project be able to move forward as a CFP item, it would be considered for the 2009 Budget. D. Miller gave a brief summary of a recommendation that he and Dave Johnson prepared based on instruction from the November meeting. (Copy attached). T. Pierce suggested that any recommendation made by the Committee today could be forwarded to City Council as early as their next Council meeting on December 18, 2007 under the agenda item of City Council Committee Reports. T. Roth stated that it was important to make a recommendation to Council so that it could become a priority on the CFP list so it can move forward. C. Johnson offered to form a motion to include the list of7 items for both short-term and long-term solutions to Council. M. Chapman referred to the letter from N. West and G. Cutler for possible language for the motion. Brief discussion continued. Chair Pro-Tem Williams referred to N. West for further . clarification. M. Chapman moved that P A Forward recommend to City Council to direct Staff to add to the CFP an item funding a transportation study that evaluates both a long-term and short-term cross town route with the further recommendation that Council prioritize funding of this CFP item (study) when it comes before them in June of 2008 and that Clallam County may be encouraged to do the same and once Council has agreed to allocate funding to this item, Council could direct Staff to draft a letter from Council requesting State and County involvement with the partially funded study and that additional recommendations on route alternatives and funding could be carried out once the study is complete. Motion was seconded by C. Johnson and approved unanimously. M. Chapman emphasized that a copy of Council's letter as noted in the motion should sent to as many electeds as possible from the local level to the State, and Federal level in order to get the word out about this project and gain more support. D. Miller stated that the long-term study has to have funding so that it does not get delayed by the short- term items. Chair Pro-Tem Williams then asked the group to consider a second motion to recommend to Council that this be included in a modified 2008 Budget and/or the 2009 Budget. Discussion followed with M. Chapman stating that the elected body must make that type of decision as they have to follow a certain process that keeps projects on track. T. Pierce offered that P A Forward Committee members not only can make a recommendation to Council but they can continue to lobby their own groups to further help voice support for the project. Page 2 of 4 . M-4 . . . Port Angeles Forward Meeting Minutes December 13, 2007 M. Chapman stated that no one from the PA Forward Committee has ever come to any of the County's public hearings on the subject and further emphasized that funding is everything and preferred that money not be put into studies, but to get projects done. Chair Pro-tern Williams stated that although P A Forward has made recommendations many times for projects there is lots of competition between other projects. When people come to a City Council meeting and come to the microphone and ask for funds it sends an obvious message to Council that can get noticed. M. Chapman asked if it was wise to spend $100,000 on a traffic study when so many other projects need to be finished first. As a point of order, Chair Pro-tern Williams asked for clarification on the pending motion. Motion made by C. Johnson to recommend to City Council to consider both the short-term and long-term routes as high priorities and for Council to include these items in either a modified 2008 City Budget or the 2009 Budget. D. Miller seconded the motion. Voting "yes" were D. Nass, D. Miller, C. Johnson and P. Macas. (4 votes) Voting "no" were: D. Di Guilio, C. Kidd, T. Roth, M. Chapman and T. Weed. (5 votes). Motion did not carry. M. Chapman asked that the Committee remember that gasoline tax is based per gallon, not like how sales tax is based on the total amount of the sale. People are driving less so less money is being collected via gasoline tax so there is less money for projects. Projects are being delayed and costs are rising, but projects are being done. He cited the widening of Highway 101 between Port Angeles and Sequim and the Eastern Urban Growth Area (EUGA) Sewer project as two examples. Ten years ago no one believed that sewer would be extended and now it is. He encouraged members to keep talking to Council and to remember that things can get done it's just that important incremental steps are necessary in the process. Being that the meeting had run over the allotted time and there were no pressing member reports, Chair Pro-tern Williams adjourned the meeting at 8:42 a.m. Member Reports None. Next Meetinf! Date: January 10th, 2008 at regular starting time of7:30 a.m. in the Public Works Conference Room in City Hall. Mike Chapman, Vice-Chair Teresa Pierce Executive Communications Coordinator Minutes approved on February 14, 2008 Page 3 of 4 M-5 Port Angeles Forward Meeting Minutes December 13, 2007 . NEW AND ON-GOING ACTION ITEMS DATE DESCRIPTION RESPONSIBLE PARTY TARGET DEADLINE 1-12-06 Bring Council's project Chair Williams On-Going orioritv list to meeting 2-9-06 Continue Discussions on Group On-Going Housing / Jobs 10-2007 Further Discussion on Short Group On-Going term and long-term transoortation issues COMPLETED ACTION ITEMS DATE DESCRIPTION RESPONSIBLE PARTY TARGET DEADLINE 3-9-06 Letter to City Council, Mark Madsen Completed Planning Commission and County regarding Southern Cross-Route April-May Strategic Planning Meetings Group Completed 5-11-06 2006 with Jim February Make recommendation to Group Completed 2-8-07 2007 City Council regarding Harbor Plan May 10, Determine P A Forward Group Completed 5-10-2007 2007 representative to Lodging Tax Committee Determination ofPUD Group Completed 10-11-07 October 11, Representative 2007 Gather input regarding Cross- Group Completed 10-11-07 October Route issue . Page 4 of 4 . M-6 . Public Works and Utilities Recreation Division Activities Fourth Quarter 2007 October 1 st - December 31 st . Pre-K Play Zone . After School Program . Two Blood Drives . Cheerleading Program . Cheer for the cure . Rec. X Press Summer Program . Peninsula Pre-Three . Winter Fest. . Ski Swap . Youth Football Party . Christmas Cottage . Volleyball . Festival of Trees . OMCA Christmas Fair . United Way Fundraiser . Nile Shrine Center Christmas Variety Show . Two Memorial Services . Westport Shipyard Christmas Party . . Recreation Family Picnic . Winter Break Program . Men's Basketball . Pickleball . Country Western . Line Dance . 55 Alive Defensive Driving Classes . Kiwanis · Clallam County Historical Society . Council · Amalgamated Transit Union Meeting . Olympic Paddlers . Great West · Youth Soccer Board Meeting · Recreation Staff Meetings · Peninsula Land Trust Meetings · After School Rec. X'Press · Clallam County Health & Human Services . Clallam County DCD · Port Angeles Swim Club · North Olympic Basketball Association · State Board of Industrial Appeals · United Way . Ostomy · Port Angeles Seventh Day Adventist Church . City Fit Club · Olympic Roundup · Chamber of Commerce · Multi Cultural Group . Peninsula Trails . Engineering . Park Board · Washington Association of Retired Public Employees . Finance · Play Zone . Snap · Port Angeles Fine Arts Center · Cheerleading Sleepover · Juan de Fuca Festival of the Arts · Festival of Trees · Diabetic Education · OMCA Christmas Fair . WSU Ext. · Employee's Association · Port Angeles School District · Parks Oversight Committee . C:\DOCUME-l \cheberli\LOCALS-l \ Temp\XPgrpwise\4th Quarter 2007.doc M-7 . Exhibition: Visitors to Art Outside Exhibition: Additional Outdoor Visitors to Art Outside Exhibition: Anne Hironedale Exhibition: The Seed Event: Anne Hirondale Opening/Lecture Event: Cabinet of Wonders Event: Opening Reception Event: Docent Luncheon Event: Bottom Line Duo Concert Event: Wine Tasting Event: Gala Meeting: Joint Committee Meeting: Docent Meeting: Friends Meeting: Trustee Meeting: Gala Committee Meeting: Fundraising Committee Education: Helen Haller 2nd Grade - 5th Grade Education: Chimicum 3rd - 5th Grade Education: Franklin 3rd - 6th Grade Education: Home School Connection, Chimicum Education: Home School PATH Education: Five Acre School Education: Roosevelt 2nd Grade Education: Dry Creek 2nd & 4th Grade Education: Port Angeles High 5 Classes Education: Sequim High AP Class Crescent 3rd Grade Outreach Program: Jake at Peninsula College Community Service Workers Youth At Risk 203 Individuals Volunteered Their Time. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PortAnelesSeIiior& Communi . Halloween Breakfast Fundraiser . Flu Shots - partnered with Jim's Pharmacy . Living with Chronic Conditions partnered w/03A . Bazaar/Flea MarketIBake Sale fundraiser . Local Author (95 years old) Book Signing . Christmas Party . 9 Private Rentals . 5 Special Events - 1,121 participants . 36 Educational Programs - 926 participants . 42 Health Programs - 2,406 participants . 54 SocialIRecreation Programs - 7,941 participants . Volunteer Hours - 4,454 . Volunteers - 367 individuals . Senior Center Memberships - YTD: City-l,044 County - 581 . &Ad1l1tPro rams After School Program - 45 Kids Enrolled Pre-K Play Zone Monday & Wednesday Line Dancing Tuesday 7 pm All day youth programs for teacher conference days November 8th & 9th Holiday Picnic - December 12th Winter Break Program December 19th - 31 st . Water Aerobics, Deep Water, Combo Aerobics, and Water Walking Classes - 299 . Grade School Lesson Program - 758 Participants . Pre-school Program - 714 Participants . Parent/Tot Program - 43 pair . P.A.H.S. Disabled Swim Classes -752 Participants . Private Lessons . Life Guard Training - 8 Participants . Water Safety Instructor Training -7 Participants . Port Angeles Swim Club . Port Angeles High School Girls Swim Team . 28 Facilit Rentals . . . . . . Pickle Ball - 38 Participants Fall Co-Ed Soccer - 114 Participants Adult Volleyball-74 Participants Adult Basketball- 116 Participants . Talking Rain Sparkling Water Men's Basketball Tournament - 6 Teams . Girls Tip-off Tournament - 4 Teams . Turkey Shoot Tournament - 11 Teams . Holiday Hoops Basketball Tournament - 11 Teams . Rain-Deer Fun RunlWalk - 44 Partici ants . . . . C:\DOCUME-I \cheberli\LOCALS-1 \ Temp\XPgrpwise\4th Quarter 2007.doc M-8 . . . . Dungeness Crab & Seafood Festival . Olympic Medical Center 5-10K Wellness Weekend . Jingle Bell Run . City Council . Planning . Board of Adjustments · Clallam County DUI Victims Panel . Bob Forde · Public Works/Safety/Public Hearings for Water . Shelter Providers Network · Port Angeles School District · Clallam County Health & Human Resources . Clallam County Historical Society . Board of Industrial Appeals · P AFD Fire Training/Bid openings · Human Resources · Lumber Traders . Kiwanis . League of Women Voters . Olympic Roundup . 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The accomplishments contained within this report could not have been achieved without the collective effort of the various City departments whose commitment and dedication continue to make our community a great place to live. This past year was marked by both tragedy and success. In two separate incidents, residential fires claimed the life of a Port Angeles resident. These fires and related casualties remind us of the importance of fire prevention programs and of the need to encourage built-in residential fire protection systems. Our condolences go out to these families and to the families who every year suffer loss due to fire. In 2007, we are proud of the successes we were able to achieve, including the recent collaborative efforts with our adjoining fire district – Clallam County Fire District # 2 – combining volunteer firefighter programs, sharing reserve apparatus, and sharing administrative space. Through collaborative service arrangements, we will be better prepared to meet today’s challenges and better positioned to lead the Department into the future. Additionally in 2007, the Department added a new supervisory position – lieutenants. This was accomplished by promoting four extremely well qualified personnel from within the Department after an extensive testing process. These new lieutenants will significantly increase the performance of the Department by improving accountability, continuity, and operational effectiveness. We congratulate our four new officers. The Port Angeles Fire Department appreciates all the support provided by the community and by the City Council. It is your support that inspires each and every one of us to perform at our best every day. Dan McKeen, Fire Chief 2007 Organizational Chart Port Angeles Fire Department December 31, 2007 City Council Mayor Karen Rogers Members: Gary Braun, Dan Di Guilio, Grant Munro Don Perry, Betsy Wharton, Larry Williams City Manager Mark Madsen Fire Chief Daniel McKeen Administrative Assistant Coral Wheeler Fire Marshal / Assistant ChiefTraining Officer - Captain Ken DubucKeith Bogues Volunteer Firefighters - Adamich, Bussell, Case A Shift CaptainB Shift CaptainC Shift Captain Coleman, Cordery, DeRousie, Edgington, Gentile Hairell, Hansen, Jones, Long, Peterson, Rorebeck Jamie MasonDuke MorozTerry Reid A. Schmidt, T. Schmidt, Shideler, Smith, Warren Firefighters - Sekac, GermanFirefighters - Lt. Sanders, KrohFirefighters - Lt. Ziegler, Lt. Denton FF/Paramedics - Lt. Patterson, Chastain, KarjalainenFF/Paramedics - Doyle, Hall, ChurchFF/Paramedics - Twitchell, Sundin, Cooper Relief FF/Paramedics Gunn, Montana Fire Department Goals •Ensure financial stability •Encourage fiscal efficiency and effectiveness through partnerships with other governmental agencies •Reduce the occurrence and severity of emergency incidents •Assist with community preparedness for catastrophic events •Promote increased performance and quality throughout the Port Angeles Fire Department Goal Supported Accomplishments Ensure financial stability • –The Fire Department accepted receipt of a new ambulance. The Department worked with Equipment Services to develop a fully-funded vehicle replacement schedule that placed the ambulances on an 18-year replacement cycle. The new ambulance replaces a 21 year-old vehicle. –The Department was awarded a grant from the Department of Homeland Security, Assistance to Firefighter’s Grant program. This grant, for over $202,000, will enable the department to purchase 102 sets of fully compliant “turn-out” clothing. Turn-outs are the firefighting ensemble that includes protective pants, coats, boots, helmets, gloves and hoods. This is an outstanding opportunity that will allow the Department to provide brand new, state-of-the-art protective equipment for all career and volunteer personnel, including our “shared”volunteer firefighters from ClallamCounty Fire District #2. Goal Supported Accomplishments Ensure financial stability • –The Fire Department was also successful in obtaining a $53,000 grant from the Department of Homeland Security, Assistance to Firefighters Grant program. This grant will be used to purchase a mobile air compressor and fill station for self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA). The new SCBA compressor and fill station will be compliant with all current State and Federal standards and it will allow SCBA to be filled at the scene of an emergency –saving valuable time. This is an essential piece of equipment and this grant award will directly decrease the Fire Departments’need to access General Fund dollars. Goal Supported Accomplishments Encourage fiscal efficiency and effectiveness through • partnerships with other governmental agencies –The Fire Department has functionally consolidated volunteer firefighter programs withClallamCounty Fire District #2 (CCFD#2). This initial functional consolidation has resulted in improved volunteer retention and recruiting practices, as well as vastly improved emergency response capabilities. –Following in the footsteps of the volunteer consolidation, we have moved forward and entered into an agreement with CCFD#2 to share reserve apparatus, vehicle storage space and administrative space. We see these as very positive steps towards further cooperation between the two departments –an effort that has been furthered through a resolution to form an ad hoc committee to explore full consolidation and come back with recommendations for the elected officials. For more detailed information, see the “Consolidation”section within the Annual Report. Goal Supported Accomplishments Reduce the occurrence and severity of emergency • incidents –The Fire Department obtained preliminary results from a joint project with Peninsula College. This project is utilizing the services of the College to develop mapping that pinpoints geographic locations of emergency response incidents for the past three years. Utilizing this Geographic Information Systems data, the College has plotted incidents and determined response times throughout the City and Fire District #2. This information will enable the Fire Department to plan for the future –including possibly locating future fire stations based upon response data and future growth. –During 2007, the prevention division processed a record number of fire alarm and fire sprinkler system permits. Each of these permits represents a fire protection system in a structure. Goal Supported Accomplishments Assist with community preparedness for • catastrophic events –An All Hazard Alert and Broadcasting (AHAB) tsunami warning siren has been installed on Marine Drive. The AHAB system is capable of broadcasting both tone and voice alerts and can be utilized for any sort of emergency that might require the broadcast of alerts in the waterfront area. In the case of an impending tsunami, the AHAB siren can be activated remotely via satellite. The Port Angeles siren is one of a network of sirens that are located in coastal areas throughout the State. Goal Supported Accomplishments Promote increased performance and quality • throughout the Port Angeles Fire Department –We are very excited about the implementation of an intermediate supervisory level –Lieutenants –in the Port Angeles Fire Department. After several years of preparation and planning, we administered a comprehensive assessment center in November. Following the assessment process, we selected four new Lieutenants for the Department. The addition of Lieutenants enables the Department to meet a number of goals such as: ensuring that there is always a qualified officer on duty; providing a means for the redistribution of Department work and establishing a succession and advancement mechanism for personnel. Goal Supported Accomplishments Promote increased performance and quality • throughout the Port Angeles Fire Department –As a part of the Volunteer Fire Department consolidation with ClallamCounty Fire District #2, a new position has been established –Volunteer Station Captain. This new position fills a gap that was not previously addressed, and it will provide an avenue for volunteer personnel to rise to a leadership position within the organization. Primarily, the Volunteer Station Captain will monitor volunteer training, serve on the Volunteer Hiring Board and will serve on the Volunteer Advisory Board. 2007 Performance Measures •Measurements that gauge the Fire Department’s program efficiency and effectiveness relative to a meaningful peg or baseline. •Performance and productivity measures that will allow comparison with other cities and fire departments. For this report, the measures are grouped into four categories: –General Information –Spending & Staffing (Inputs) –Work Load (Outputs) –Results (Outcome) 2007 Performance Indicators -Total Number of Calls General Information 4,000 Six Year Call Trend 3,750 In 2007, the PAFD • experienced a 9.4% Number of Calls 3,500 increase in total calls over the previous year. 3,250 2007 calls represent a • request for service on the 3,000 average of 10.2 calls per day. 2,750 2,500 200220032004200520062007 Calls for Service 2007 Performance Indicators –Calls Per Day & Time of Day General Information 16 15 Percentage of Calls 14 9pm 13 6pm 12 3pm 11 Noon 10 9am Thursday Tuesday MondayFridaySaturday Sunday Wednesday 6am 3am Calls Per Day Midnight 01234567 Percentage of Calls Percent of Calls by Time of Day 2007 Performance Indicators -Activity by Type General Information Activity by Type Haz. Fires –120 • Fires Condition Other 3% Hazardous Condition (No Fire) –37 • 1% 14% Medical Aid –3,055 • Other –508 • Total Calls –3,720 • “Other” includes severe weather (disaster), false alarms, service calls, good intent calls and citizen Medical complaints 82% 2007 Performance Indicators –Source of Funding General Information Funding by Source Misc. Information contained in this • Revenue section is based upon the Interfund 1% Department’s amended 2007 Charges Charges for budget and includes the 2% Service City’s Medic 1 Utility, which 29% is operated by the Fire Department. The Fire Department • contributed approximately 32% of its own budget, or $1,107,273. The City’s general fund • General contribution to the Fire Fund Department, less “internal Support department” funding 68% sources, was $2,323,917. 2007 Performance Indicators –Where the Funds are Allocated General Information Fund Allocation Volunteer The Fire Department has five • Support Facilities Fire major functional areas. 1% Mgmt. & Maint. Prevention Training 1% 4% Personnel management and – 20% training –includes emergency management Emergency response – – includes emergency readiness, fire suppression, medical, hazardous materials and technical rescue Fire prevention – Emergency Volunteer support – Response 74%Facilities maintenance – 2007 Performance Indicators -Spending All Programs Spending & Staffing Port Angeles Fire Dept. The cost of fire/medical protection • per capita in 2007 was $176.94. This PAFDComparables figure is based on the 2007 combined fire/EMS budget of $3,363,638 and a population of 19,010. Comparables 2007 Cities used for comparison include • Aberdeen, Centralia, Mt. Vernon, Mukilteo, and Tumwater. Mulkilteo contracts for paramedic services, which is funded through their budget. Aberdeen and Tumwater provide paramedic services for outlying $170.00$180.00 jurisdictions in addition to their own jurisdiction. The average cost of fire/medical • protection per capita for comparison cities in 2007 was $177.88. 2007 Performance Indicators -Staffing All Programs Spending & Staffing Port Angeles Fire Dept. •The number of career firefighters per 1,000 population in 2007 was 1.2. This figure is PAFDComparables based on 23 career firefighters and a population of 19,010. •In 2007, the Department provided min. two- paramedic staffing 96% of the time and provided min. 5 firefighter staffing (including paramedics) 66% of the time. 2007 Comparables •Cities used for comparison include Aberdeen, Centralia, Mt. Vernon, Mukilteo, and Tumwater. Mulkilteo contracts for a paramedic from the Everett Fire Department. Aberdeen, and Tumwater provide paramedic services for 0.80.911. outlying jurisdictions in addition to their own jurisdiction. Centralia recently consolidated with their adjoining fire jurisdiction. Firefighters Per 1,000 Pop. •Centralia, Mt. Vernon, Mukilteo and Tumwater utilize volunteers in addition to career staff. •The average number of career firefighters in 2007 was 1.48. 2007 Performance Indicators –Average Daily Responses Work Load 9 The graph represents the • 8 average daily responses made by the Department. 7 Avg. Calls Per Day The graph includes • 6 simultaneous responses 5 covered by call-back (off- 4 duty career and volunteer) 3 firefighters. These calls 2 are separated on the next slide. 1 0 2004200520062007 FireEmergency Medical 2007 Performance Indicators –Average Weekly “Call-Back” Responses Work Load 3.5 Avg. Call-Back Responses Per Week The graph represents the • average weekly responses for 3.0 call-back (off-duty career and volunteer) firefighters. 2.5 For EMS the graph primarily • 2.0 illustrates the call-back responses required to cover 1.5 simultaneous requests for medical assistance. 1.0 For fire, the graph primarily • 0.5 illustrates the call-back of personnel required to assist at 0.0 major structure fires or protracted emergency 2004200520062006 incidents other than EMS. Fire Emergency Medical 2007 Performance Indicators –Fire Casualties Results 3.5 3.0 Casualties 2.5 There were two separate • Civilian Fire Casualties civilian fire deaths in 2007. 2.0 There was one civilian • injury due to fire in 2007. 1.5 There were two firefighter • 1.0 injuries due to fire in 2007. 0.5 0.0 2004200520062007 Civilian Casualties per 100 Fires 2007 Performance Indicators –Response Time Results Response Times 7 Firefighters respond to a wide • Avg. Response Time in Minutes variety of situations, including fire, cardiac arrest, violent acts causing 6 severe trauma, rescues, and hazardous materials. The incidents are both unscheduled and urgent. The common factor in 5 all these situations is the critical need for a rapid response. One key in judging system performance 4 aimed at maximizing the chance of a positive outcome is response time. Response time statistics were • 3 based upon the Department’s first- 2004200520062007 out medic unit and fire engine running “code”. Avg. Fire Response Time Response time is calculated from • the time of dispatch until the unit Avg. EMS Response Time arrives on scene. 2007 Performance Indicators –Fires Per 1,000 Population Results 8.5 Fires 8.0 The City’s annual number of • 7.5 Number of Fires fires represents a 16% deover the previous crease 7.0 year. 6.5 In 2007, the value of property • protected was approximately 6.0 $1,595,000,000. 5.5 The average loss per fire • increased in 2007 over the 5.0 previous year. 2004200520062007 Fires per 1,000 Population 2007 Division Reports Division Descriptions The Fire Department provides emergency services through a combination of career and volunteer firefighters. Department staff is responsible for protecting life and property from fire, hazardous materials, natural or man-made disasters, as well as for responding to medical emergencies. Administration oversees the following four divisions within the Fire Department that fulfill and support these responsibilities: Fire Suppression responds to emergency calls performing technical rescue when needed and to protect life and property from fires. Personnel from this division assist with significant emergency medical responses and assist with fire and life safety inspections for local business. Fire Prevention / Education attempts to prevent and reduce the impact of the variety of emergencies to which fire department personnel potentially respond by providing fire and life safety education to the public. In addition, the fire prevention division works with developers and contractors to maximize life safety through the building design and construction process. The Fire Department also works with building owners to ensure that life safety is maintained after a building is occupied. Medic 1 provides both basic and advanced life support services for City residents. Medic 1 personnel respond to all fire calls and special operations. TheMedic 1 division also provides CPR and first aid classes designed to provide citizens with the skills necessary to save a life. Training provides fire department personnel with the training necessary to competently and safely respond to a broad range of emergencies. The training division is also responsible for vehicle and facility maintenance. 2007 Division Reports Division Organizational Chart Fire Administration Fire SupressionFire Prevention / EducationMedic 1Training Fire SuppressionCode EnforcementEmergency Medical ResponseDepartment Training Technical RescuePublic EducationCitizen First Aid / CPRSafety HazMat ResponseInvestigationsSupport Officer ProgramMaintenance SCBA Maintenance The following areas are contained within the 2007 Division Reports: •Fire Prevention / Education •Training •Support Officer Program •Emergency Management •Technical Rescue •Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA) Maintenance •Vehicle Maintenance 2007 Division Reports Fire Prevention / Education fire inspections The majority of are conducted by the on- 2007 Inspection Activity duty firefighters. The inspections not only serve as an important part of the overall fire prevention effort, they also provide an opportunity for firefighters to walk through the Total Inspections1,228 majority of structures in the City, enabling them to become familiar with their layout, their contents and their construction. Hazards Noted479 Several of the more complex occupancies in the City are inspected directly by the Fire Marshal. These occupancies Corrections Completed404 include Nippon Paper, K-Ply and Olympic Medical Center. specialized inspections In addition, many other are conducted by the Fire Marshal. These include; inspections Special Inspections prior to shipboard hot-work, inspection of underground fuel Permits57 tank installations and abandonments, inspections in Cert. of Occupancy79 conjunction with certificates of occupancy, the inspection of all in-home daycares and the inspection and testing of all new fire alarm and fire sprinkler systems. 2007 Division Reports Fire Prevention / Education plan review During the process, the Fire 2007 Plan Review Activity Department works carefully to ensure that all new building plans meet the intent of the Building Plans Reviewed35 International Fire and Building Codes as well as other applicable National Standards. Sprinkler Plans Reviewed43 Plans for buildings, fire sprinkler systems, fire Fire Alarm Plans Reviewed14 alarm systems, restaurant hood and duct suppression systems and other specialized fire Hood and Duct Systems4 protection systems are all reviewed. When reviewing plans, The fire Department is not only working as a reviewer, but also as an Planning Dept. Reviews51 advocate for the owner, ensuring that systems are not overbuilt. Building Application Reviews199 2007 Division Reports Fire Prevention / Education A vital part of any effective fire prevention 2007 Public Education Activity public education program is an active effort. The most cost-effective way to combat the fire Lectures, Classes, Station Tours57 problem is to prevent fires before they start, and the most cost-effective way to prevent # of Public Education Contacts771 fires from starting is to educate the public about fires. In May,we conducted the 73annual Sparky rd Week! During this incredibly successful program we use a fire engine to transport An effective public education program should hundreds of second-grade students to the fire start with persons at an early age and continue station where they participate in a fun, throughout their lives. Obviously the content informative fire prevention session. In and delivery will change as the audience addition, firefighters visit assemblies at all of grows older and matures. The Port Angeles the City’s elementary schools where they Fire Department provides public education present an informative fire prevention program opportunities for thousands of individuals in conjunction with Fire Prevention Week. ranging from pre-schoolers to senior citizens. 2007 Division Reports Fire Prevention / Fire Investigation investigates The Fire Prevention Division all 2007 Fire Investigation Activity significant fires that occur in the City. Fires are investigated in order to determine the origin of Fires Investigated 14 the fire and the cause of the fire. Finding the In 2007, there was a slight increase in the origin and cause of a fire can help number of fires investigated. A review of the investigators determine whether or not a crime investigations does not reveal any particular has occurred, but more importantly, the trends, with the exception that at least four of the investigation may enable the Department to fires –including two fatal fires --were attributed prevent a similar occurrence through directed to improperly discarded smoking materials. prevention efforts. One significant fire was clearly arson –several juveniles were arrested after they were caught If a fire is determined to be suspicious in on video surveillance while setting multiple fires nature, The Fire Department investigators in the high school. work closely with the Police Department in FF/EMT PeteSekacand FF/PM Mark order to process the scene and follow-up with Karjalainencontinue to hone their skills as fire necessary investigative work. The Port investigators. Both Pete and Mark have taken the lead role in several fire investigations and Angeles Fire Department also works closely they both attended 40 hours of additional with local and regional fire investigation teams. investigation training in 2007. 2007 Division Reports Training Training Provided to PAFD Personnel In order for the Fire Department to effectively and safely prevent and/or mitigate the variety of incidents to which Response Training • it responds, its personnel must be –Fire Suppression adequately prepared through a –Emergency Medical comprehensive training program. –Special Operations Training of personnel, or professional –Firefighter Safety development, involves not only –Personal Protective Equipment conducting “hands-on” skills practice, Specialized Emergency Medical • but also providing opportunities for formal education and enrollment in Company Officer Development • associations. Personal Development • Recruit Academy • Associations / Councils • 2007 Division Reports Training - Response Fire Suppression • Firefighter Safety • –Strategy & Tactics * –Respiratory Protection –Live Fire Training * –Asbestos Awareness –Search & Rescue * –Hazard Communication –Overhaul * –Hearing Conservation –Rapid Intervention Teams * –Passport Accountability –Incident Command * –Bloodborne / Airborne Pathogens Special Operations • Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) • –Shore-Based Water Rescue –Quarterly Breathing Apparatus * –Confined Space * Competency * –Rope Rescue * –PPE Equipment Limitations * –Hazardous Materials * –SCBA Limitations Emergency Medical • * –Monthly Paramedic In-service –Monthly Medical Incident Review * * Mandatory Annual Training Medic-1 quality assurance program * –EMT Refresher –Mass Casualty Incidents 2007 Division Reports Training – Company Officer and Personal Development •Six of our personnel recently completed an intensive IFSAC Fire Officer I course. This course covered a broad range of topics and included a comprehensive testing component. Earning this nationally recognized certification is quite an accomplishment. Congratulations to Captains KeithBoguesand Jamie Mason, Firefighter/Paramedics Jake Patterson, RobGunnand John Hall and Firefighter Kelly Ziegler! 2007 Division Reports Training – Associations / Councils Clallam County Fire Chief’s Association • Washington State Association of Fire Chiefs • International Association of Fire Chiefs • National Fire Protection Association • Washington State Fire Marshal’s Association • Region 1 Life Safety Council • Region 1 Fire Investigation Council • Region 1 Training Council • Northwest Region Emergency Medical Services Council • Clallam County Emergency Medical Services Council • Puget Sound Marine Firefighting Commission • 2007 Division Reports Support Officer Program Support Officers are individuals who Support Officer Activations by donate their time to assist our community while belonging to our volunteer firefighter Agency organization. Each Support Officer has a background in counseling and crisis Clallam Clallam PA Police intervention, which is used to assist family FD #2 Sheriff 5% members during a tragic event. 15% 5% Prior to the adoption of the Support Officer program, family members were often neglected during a serious medical response as paramedics needed to concentrate their efforts on the patient, unable to spend time with family members. Now when requested, a Support Officer can be paged directly to a medical incident to provide information and assistance to PA Fire family members. The Support Officer 75%program has been well received by the community –used by various agencies as illustrated on the graph to the left. 2007 Division Reports Emergency Management •The City Emergency Operations Center (EOC) was opened three times during 2007. Once was in response to a severe windstorm that swept through the area, causing multiple power outages. Another EOC opening was prompted by some significant localized flooding that was a result of a brief, but intense storm. The third time the EOC was opened was in response to a very short notice, real-time, practice activation that was initiated by the City Manager. This exercise activation was an excellent opportunity to involve personnel from all City Departments in an emergency management exercise. •In response to a directive from the Department of Homeland Security, all Fire Department personnel have taken part in several levels of National Incident Management System (NIMS) training. In addition, the Fire Department provided NIMS training to dozens of management personnel from throughout the City. 2007 Division Reports Technical Rescue Through a collaborative effort with Clallam County Fire District #3 (Sequim), the Port Angeles Fire Department has been training for technical rescues jointly for over a year and the results have been tremendous. We have a dedicated group of individuals who participate in the drills on a regular basis. This new program provides an increase in the Departments’ ability to provide a safe, effective and efficient response to technical rescue incidents. In 2007, the technical rescue team responded to the following specialized incidents: ?? Two requests for swift water rescue on the Dungeness River ?? Swift water rescue on the Elwha ?? Swift water rescue in Jefferson County ?? Request from Clallam County Fire District #4 for rope rescue 2007 Division Reports SCBA Maintenance •Through a grant, the Fire Department purchased a mobile air compressor and fill station for self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA). The new SCBA compressor and fill station will be compliant with all current State and Federal standards and it will allow SCBA to be filled at the scene of an emergency –saving valuable time. The compressor and related equipment will be placed on a specialized vehicle, with a projected in-service date of July 2008. •5 In-house repairs and/or services were performed on SCBA air packs. –4 mask repairs –1 pack maintenance / repair 2007 Division Reports Vehicle Maintenance Description EquipmentMaint/RepairCurrentMiles Staff VehiclesYear/MakeService VisitsExpenseMileageLogged Fire Chief's Vehicle2006 Taurus1$7614,9736,867 Fire Marshal's Vehicle2004 Envoy4$92231,3507,931 Training Officer's Vehicle2004 GMC 1$6122,9535,449 Emergency Vehicles Utility 11 2007 GMC 4x45$3,176 2,0562,056 Engine 111999 Quantum22$4,637 52,101 6,559 Engine 121991 Lance6$1,173 64,891 1,411 Engine 131982 Ford4$264 73,361 597 Ladder 112006 Pierce Aerial10$2,131 4,662853 Medic 112006 Braun Ford5$152 8,9108,910 Medic 122000 Braun Ford7$641 60,489 4,838 Medic 131996 Freightliner3$817 51,052 749 Air 111995 Chevrolet1$67 24,497 517 Special Operations1987 Isuzu3$3,123 69,057 25 Engine 51954-Sparky Truck1$47NANA American LaFrance1926 Display Engine00NANA TOTAL73$17,28746,762 2007 Water Supply Improvements Provided by Public Works Fire Hydrants • –5 existing 2-port hydrants were changed to newer 3-port hydrants. –100 5” Storzadapters were purchased and installed. Water Mains • (replacing 60 to 90 year-old cast iron pipe) –1,200’ of 12” PVC C900 pipe –2,500’ of 8” PVC C900 pipe –550’ of of 6” PVC C900 pipe Note: 11 new 4” service connections (stub-ins) were added to downtown commercial buildings for future fire sprinkler systems. Major Events / News of 2007 •In January throughApril, the first ever Port •The summer and early fall was busy time for Angeles Police & Fire Citizens Academy our response crews. We responded to a was conducted and was a huge success. number of significant events, including a very This Academy brought together a number of largewildlandfire in Octoberat the west end influential persons from throughout the of the City. Situated in timber between the community and provided an in-depth look at west end of the airport and the transfer station how the Police and Fire Departments facility, this 8 acre fire was suppressed by our operate. Feedback was very positive and personnel, as well as firefighters fromClallam the attendees left with a much better County Fire Districts 2 and 3, the Department understanding of the complexities of of Natural Resources and Olympic National providing public safety services. Park. Department of Natural Resources firefighting personnel were on the scene for •In July, the Department responded to a several days mopping up hot spots. multiple vehicle accident at the intersection of Race andLauridsen. A largemotorhome, •For the 22 nd year in a row, Operation Candy descending from Hurricane Ridge, lost Cane was again a huge success. Firefighters braking power, hit several vehicles and volunteered their time to travel about the plunged over a 20’embankment. Crews community on a brightly decorated fire engine, transported 14 injured persons to the collecting food and donations for the Port hospital and unfortunately the driver of theAngeles Food Bank. This year the Department motorhomedied as a result of injuries. The collected 10,759 pounds of food and $2,464 in family using themotorhomewas from out of donations. Since its inception, Operation state, and when a call for help went out to Candy Cane has collected over 184,750 the community, the response was pounds of food and $36,450 in donations. overwhelming. Although this was a tragic accident, it was gratifying to see the positive response from the community. Consolidation This has been a year of tremendous accomplishments with respect to the ongoing consolidation effort between the Port Angeles Fire Department and Clallam County Fire District #2. During 2007 we saw continued successes with the consolidation of volunteer firefighting programs. We have improved recruitment, training, response and cooperation between the departments. The personnel are becoming more comfortable working with each other – both professionally and personally. Outside of the workplace the crews have joined together for a picnic, a bowling tournament, several dinners and another highly successful Operation Candy Cane. 2007 also ushered in another new era of cooperation between the departments. After a lengthy planning process, the departments signed an interlocal agreement to share reserve fire apparatus and administrative space. Through these agreements, the City makes use of available space in an outlying District station for storage and the District administration has moved into available space at the Port Angeles fire station. In addition, the City is now able to surplus a fire engine by making use of a District reserve engine when necessary. Finally, in what may be the biggest step forward, both the City Council and the District Commissioners have agreed to move forward with the formation of an ad hoc committee to study the feasibility of a full consolidation of the two departments. Back In Time 50 Years Ago In an Annual Report submitted by Fire Chief Clay Wolverton, the following was declared: ?? The total number of alarms for the year 1957 was 352. Of the 352 alarms, 62 were for alarms outside the City (the leading cause of alarms), 50 were responses to oil burners and furnaces, and 15 were requests for first aid. ?? The Fire Department consisted of 34 personnel, 12 career personnel and 22 volunteer personnel. ?? Engine #5, a 1954 750-gallon Seagrave pumper, was owned jointly by the City and Clallam County Fire District #2. Engine #5 responded to all rural fires and was the second pumper at all residential, commercial and industrial fires in the City. 25 Years Ago In an Annual Report submitted by Fire Chief Larry Glenn, the following was declared: ?? The total number of alarms for the year 1982 was 521. Of the 521 alarms, 198 were for fires (the leading cause of alarms) and 49 were emergency first aid requests ?? The Fire Department noted the following major accomplishments for the year. 1) Duty Company operations were established, providing more flexibility in using off-duty personnel on calls. The duty company concept is used today for large incidents and during simultaneous calls. 2) A basic life support ambulance was brought on-line, allowing for an emergency back-up ambulance when the private ambulance was unavailable. 3) Several firefighters became CPR instructors, with the Department providing on-site CPR classes. Personnel Roster –12/31/2007 Career Firefighters FF –Firefighter EMT –Emergency Medical Technician PM –Paramedic NameYears of PositionNameYears of Position ServiceService Keith Bogues16Training Bryant Kroh2FF / EMT Officer Dave Chastain16FF / PMJamie Mason18Captain Jeremy Church1FF / PMDan McKeen22Fire Chief Andrew Cooper1FF / PMDaniel Montana3FF / PM Kevin Denton8LieutenantDuke Moroz18Captain Lance Doyle11FF / PMJake Patterson7Lieutenant Ken Dubuc7Fire Terry Reid22Captain Marshal Todd German15FF / EMTMike Sanders13Lieutenant Rob Gunn11FF / PMPete Sekac27FF / EMT John Hall9FF / PMEric Sundin4FF / PM Mark Karjalainen4FF / PMMel Twitchell23FF / PM Kelly Ziegler12Lieutenant Personnel Roster –12/31/2007 Volunteer Firefighters –Station 11 FF –Firefighter PM –Paramedic EMT –Emergency Medical Technician SO –Support Officer NameYears of PositionNameYears of Position ServiceService Mike Adamich9FF / EMTScott Jones15FF / EMT Clark Bussell1FF / EMTJeremy Long1FF / EMT Christopher Case<1FFDaveMoffit14SO Larry Coleman23FFVince Murray16SO SharonCordery16EMTKevin Petersen13FF / EMT Jerry Dean5SOJoshuaRorebeck1FF / EMT MichaelDeRousie6CaptainAlec Schmidt<1FF / EMT Glen Douglas1SOTyson Schmidt4FF / EMT DennisEdgington23FFDave Shideler20FF StevieGentile1FF / EMTTristan Smith1FF / EMT Sean Hairell<1FFTrevor Warren4FF / EMT Mike Hansen18FF / EMTBarbara Wilson5SO Personnel Roster –12/31/2007 Volunteer Firefighters –Station 21 FF –Firefighter PM –Paramedic EMT –Emergency Medical Technician NameYears of PositionNameYears of Position ServiceService Dave Bibler1FF / EMTKathy McFarland1FF / EMT KC Collins1FF / EMTThomas Mitchell1PM Kelsey DeRousie1FF / EMTTomMontagne1FF Nick Gear1LieutenantLori Oakes1FF / EMT Lee Hopper1FF / EMTBrian Oman1FF / EMT Dan Huff1CaptainJulie Sexton1FF / EMT Aaron Hulett1LieutenantSky Sexton1FF / EMT Morgen Johnson1FF / EMTJohnSkow1FF / EMT Terry Johnson1FFBethVelie1FF / EMT Amber Lemon1FF / EMTDan Wagner1FF / PM Joe McFarland1FF / EMT Personnel Roster –12/31/2007 Volunteer Firefighters –Station 22 FF –Firefighter PM –Paramedic EMT –Emergency Medical Technician NameYears of PositionNameYears of Position ServiceService Susan Decker1FF / EMTShane Simpson1Lieutenant Nicole Delaney1FF / EMTFredaTallmage1FF Victor DeLeon1FF / EMTTroy Tisdale1Lieutenant Allen Hunt1PM / LTBrentTulloch1FF / EMT Earl Noonan1FF / EMTByronWoolsey1FF / EMT Al Oman1FF / EMT Patty Reifenstahl1FF / EMT 2007 Promotions Kevin Denton –promoted to lieutenant in 2007. Kevin has been with the Port Angeles Fire Department for 8 years as a firefighter / EMT. Kevin has an Associate degree in Engineering. Jake Patterson –promoted to lieutenant in 2007. Jake has been with the Port Angeles Fire Department for 7 years as a firefighter / paramedic. Jake has a Bachelors degree in Fire Services Administration. Michael Sanders –promoted to lieutenant in 2007. Mike has been with the Port Angeles Fire Department for 8 years as a firefighter / EMT. Mike has a Bachelors degree in Public Administration. Kelly Ziegler –promoted to lieutenant in 2007. Kelly has been with the Port Angeles Fire Department for 8 years as a firefighter / EMT. Kelly has an Associate degree in Fire Science. Port Angeles Fire Department th 102 East 5Street Port Angeles, WA 98362 Phone: 360.417.4655 Web Site: www.cityofpa.us