HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet 02/20/2001:s..,sk..: •f.. `u .H /::?£:'�8noi^z:•:?y ..}).. iw:s!: ,.Hm'S..�'%�i:.Hiv.+,:.: v:.%✓73: .r;....' F .. .'.,. .., . A. CALL, TO ORDER - Regular Meefing'(6:00 p.m.) ROLL CALL - ` PLEDGE Off' ALLEGIANCE �CEREMONIAL MATTERS -&, PR(OCLAMATIONS B. WORK SESSION Joint Work- Session with -Port of Port' Angeles 1 ' Commissioners and City of Port Angeles Council , . Members C. LATE ITEMS TO BE PLACED ON THIS OR FUTURE AGENDAS <�y Council; -Stuff or Publip) AND PUBLIC COMMENT FOR -ITEMS NOT ON AGENDA., (This -is the opportunity for members of the . . public to speak to the City;Council about anything not on the,ggenda, please keep,eomments,to 5-10 minutes) • ., D. FINANCE 1. 'Acceptance of bid for Police Patrol uehicles 3 Action 2. Award Water Materials Bid 6 Action E. ` CONSENTAGENDA 1. City Council minutes of February 6, 2001 - 9 Action 2. Check Register - February 12, 2001- 15 '$1,407,426.14 F. `' CITY COUNCIL,COMIVIITTEE,REPORTS , G.. ORDINANCES NOT REQUIRING PUBLI HEADINGS _ `mass::•! ..;�,v, =::y: •.:A:..sS., 5 .6 # Uzi Y} WE L, OTHER CONSIDERATIONS, - 1 .' Transfer of School District'lot to North Olympic 67; Action Home Builders 2..WAPG Contract for 2001 73 Action 3. Appointment of citizen -at -large to Cable TV 83 - Action Government & Education- Channel Advisory 'Committee 4. Appointments to Board of Adjustment 87 -Action 5. Free Dump Day 91 Action 6. Reimbursable Work Agreement with Clallam 97 Action County `. J. . PUBLIC HEARINGS - QUASI-JUDICIAL (7:00'P.M. or soon thereafter) Rezone Request - REZ 91-01 - Morningview,, 103 Action Southeast corner of Lindberg and Golf Course_ Roads: Rezone of 9+ acres from RS -9, Residential Single Family to RHD, Residential.High Density K. , PUBLIC HEARINGS - OTHER L. INFORMATION 1, City Manager's Calendar (Page 139 * Grant Status (Page 141) * Southwood Public -Meeting (Page. 143).. * Planning Commission vacancy/appointment schedule (Page 145) * Cable TV.Frarchise -Renewal (Page 147) 2. Authorization to'�go to -bid: Francis Street Park (Page 149) 3. Chamber of Commerce - Visitor Information. Center Report -.December 31,. 20p0 (Page 153) Parks, Recreation-& Beautification Board minutes for Jarni 25,- 200"'1 , (Page ,.1 55) ' 5: Planning Commission minutes- January 24, 2001 (Page 161) b. Public Works & Utilities Monthly Report - January 2001 (Page 167) 7. , Department of Community Development Monthly Report - January 2001 (Page 169) 8. Fire Department Monthly Report - January 2001 (Page 171) 9.1. -Police Department Monthly Report - 'January 2001 - (Pagel -79) M. EXECUTIVE SESSION (As needed and-determined'by OryAtto,rney) N. ADJOURNMENT PUBLIC HEARINGS Public herings.are set by the City Council; in order to meet legal requirements,pertailiing4o tnatter5 such as, Iand use permit applications, proposed amendments to City land -use' egulations, zoning changes, annexations: in addition, the Citi+ Council may setia public'bearing in order to,rem.ve public ij put prior to making decisions which impact the citizens.- Certain matters maybe controversial. and the`City Couneil�may choose to seek public a6ini6n thrdugh the public hearing. process. ' PQRTAMULES WASH I N G 7 O N. U. S. A. CITY OF PORT ANGELES CITY COUNCIL MEETING I. CALL TO ORDER - REGULAR MEETING: II. ROLL CALL: Members Present: Mayor Doyle Councilman Campbell Councilmember Erickson Councilman Hulett Councilmember McKeown Councilman Wiggins �z Councilman Williams z Staff Present: Manager Quinn Attorney Knutson Clerk Upton B. Collins M. Connelly G. Cutler D. McKeen ✓ T. Riepe Y. Ziomkowski III. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Led by: February 20, 2001 PQRT NGELE W A S H I N G T O N, U. S. A. CITY OF PORT ANGELES CITY COUNCIL MEETING Attendance Roster PLEASE SIGN IN DATE OF MEETING: February 20, 2001 LOCATION: City Council Chambers Please Note: IF I plan on testifying by signature below, I certify that my testimony is true and correct under penalty of perjury by the laws of the State of Washington. City of Port Angeles PQRT � GELES Ordinance/Resolution Distribution List WASH I N G T O N, U.S.A. City Council Meeting of r� • TN ELES ... A WASHINGTON. U.S.A. t:ITY I:OUNCIL MEMO DATE: February 20, 2001 TO: MAYOR DOYLE AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: Michael Quinn, City Manager SUBJECT: WORK SESSION The work session scheduled for the Council meeting is a joint session with the Port Commissioners. The purpose of the meeting is to concentrate on a couple of issues at hand in order to gain a better understanding and better sense of direction for their resolution. Because we desire to keep the work session to an hour, we have oriented the work session agenda to common waterfront issues of interest. We have set the following for discussion: A. Update on Estuary Project - City Parks B. Update on Ship Yard / Log Yard Project - Port C. Oak Street Property Considerations - Both 1. Tideland swap 2. Hold options on mutual property 3. Temporary or Interim use 4. Coordination for Waterfront Plan We expect to discuss the above items with staff presentation at the meeting. The desire is to have an open and informal discussion. GAEXCHANGE\CITYMGR\wsport.wpd 1� • • z • • . P ORTGELES �� WASHINGTON, U.S.A. City Council Memo Date: February 20, 2001 To: Mayor Doyle and City Council lq From: Tom Riepe Police Chief Subject: Purchase of Police Patrol Vehicles - Acceptance Of Bid From Koenig Chevrolet Summary: The Police Department's 2001 budget includes funds for the replacement of three 1991 patrol vehicles. The department would like to purchase three 2001 Chevrolet Impalas with the 9C 1 police package. hi recent testing by the Michigan State Police, the front wheel drive Chevrolet Impala outperformed the Ford Crown Victoria in most categories and received an overall much higher endorsement. The Michigan State Police has been evaluating police vehicles for 25 years, and its reports although not endorsements - are used by law enforcement agencies nationwide to assist them in making vehicle purchase decisions. In addition - on the state bid - the base price of the hnpala with department required additional equipment is $2,205.00 less than a similarly equipped Crown Victoria and the front wheel drive V6 Impala receives significantly better gas mileage than the V8 equipped Crown Victoria. It is usually difficult for local dealers to match the state bid price for vehicles, but Bill Koenig Chevrolet has given us a matching state bid price of $59,016.00 plus sales tax for the purchase of three 2001 Chevrolet Impalas with the 9C 1 police package and department requested additional equipment. The cost per the state bid of three similarity equipped 2001 Ford Crown Victoria police vehicles is $66,231.00 plus sales tax. Recommendation: Authorize the Police Department to accept the bid from Bill Koenig Chevrolet for the purchase of three 2001 Chevrolet Impalas, as specified, for the price of $59,016.00 plus sales tax. Background / Analysis: The three 1991 patrol vehicles scheduled for replacement are mechanically unreliable and it would not be cost effective to keep them in service. The Department had originally requested the replacement of five patrol vehicles in 2001 but, due to limited City revenues, received budget approval for the replacement of three patrol vehicles. 101-01-007 3 • • n • • ?01 SORT NGELES WASH ING TO N, CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: February 20, 2001 TO: MAYOR DOYLE AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: Glenn A. Cutler, Director of Public Works & Utilities SUBJECT: Water Utility Materials Bid Summarv: It is necessary to bid water utility materials on an annual basis. Bids for Water Utility Materials were opened on February 13, 2001 The call forbids included Schedule A, water meters, Schedule B, pipe and fittings and Schedule C, fire hydrants. Recommendation: Authorize Public Works & Utilities Department personnel to purchase Schedule A from H.D. Fowler, Schedule B from U.S. Filter and Schedule C from Familian NW. Background/ Analysis: Bids forwater utility materials were opened on Tuesday, February 13, 2001. Vendors were asked to bid on the three separate schedules or any combination of schedules. The bids were reviewed and analyzed as follows: VENDOR SCHEDULE A Water Meters SCHEDULE B Pipe Fittings SCHEDULE C Fire Hydrants Familian NW, Sequim $4,207.42 $17,083.45 $2,230.60 H.D. Fowler, Bremerton $3,634.11 $17,754.41 $2,268.95 U.S. Filter, Puyallup $3,864.88 $16,781.56 $2,589.04 Western Utilities, Seattle $4,036.16 $17,348.05 $2,528.63 ABB Water Meters, Florida no bid no bid no bid APPARENT LOW BIDDER H.D. Fowler U.S. Filter Familian N.W. During our recalculation of the bid prices some mathematical errors were found. The figures above reflect the bids as recalculated. This did not result in a change of awarding the bids. The Water Division budget includes approximately $40,000 for the purchase of utility supplies for the year. Bid items include the bulk of.that purchase. NAPR0JECTS\21-03\CCAWARD.wpd [2/14/01] CITY COUNCIL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington February 6, 2001 CALL TO ORDER - Mayor Doyle called the regular meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at REGULAR MEETING: 6:00 p.m. ROLL CALL: Members Present: Mayor Doyle, Councilmembers Campbell, Hulett, McKeown, Wiggins, and Williams. Members Absent: Councilmember Erickson. Staff Present: Manager Quinn, Attorney Knutson, Clerk Upton, B. Collins, M. Connelly, G. Cutler, D. McKeen, T. Riepe, Y. Ziomkowski, K. Dubuc, J. Mason, T. O'Neill, K. Bogues, C. Wheeler, R. Johnson, M. Sanders, P. Rose, L. Dunbar, S. McLain, G. Brooks, T. Smith, and G. Darling. Public Present: L. Lee, K. Duncan, V. Duncan, G. Gleason, J. Emery, D. Jacobs, L. Kross, J. Haum, and T. Price. PLEDGE OF The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Mayor Doyle, followed by a moment ALLEGIANCE: of silence for Councilman Wiggins' mother who recently passed away. CEREMONIAL Fire Chief McKeen introduced the City's new Fire Marshal, Ken Dubuc, who has over MATTERS/ 12 years experience in the fire service field. In the process of selecting a Fire Marshal, PROCLAMATIONS: Fire Chief McKeen had the Fire Department staff, various members of the community, and the Union President help in the decision making. Fire Marshal Dubuc's wife, Introduction of Fire Teresa, presented Fire Marshal Dubuc with his badge. Marshal WORK SESSION: None. LATE ITEMS TO BE Manager Quinn added to Public Comment an informational report on the oil spill that PLACED ON THIS OR occurred this past week in the Port Angeles harbor. Various community members have A FUTURE AGENDA: assisted with clean up, as have members of the Fire Department, Coast Guard, and Department of Ecology, who were present to address the situation and answer any questions. Fire Chief McKeen informed the Council that the response and recovery time were exceptional for this cleanup effort. An informational memo was provided to the Council with regard to highlights and a critique of the spill Fire Chief McKeen commended the citizens of Port Angeles, Clallam County, and all others who did an outstanding job of acting quickly in response to the oil spill. Lt. Andrew Tucci of the Coast Guard Marine Safety Office in Seattle acted as the Federal Coordinator for the oil spill cleanup, and he summarized for the Council some of the preparations the Department of Ecology, Coast Guard, and oil industry had undertaken for these devastating occurrences. These preparations were a key to the success of the operation. They enabled the varying organizations to become familiar ,. 9 CITY COUNCIL MEETING February 6, 2001 LATE ITEMS TO BE with each other, identify ecologically sensitive areas, preplan systems to protect the PLACED ON THIS OR ecological areas, and use the command systems. There is still some oil remaining in the A FUTURE AGENDA: Port Angeles harbor, but it is very small. (Cont'd) Eric Heinitz, Department of Ecology, advised the Council that it was his role to protect the interests of the citizens and natural resources of the State. In this instance, the Department of Ecology represents all State agency interests, and some concerns the State had centered around the salmon spawning grounds, migratory fish, birds and other wildlife issues. Mr. Heinitz felt that the success of the operation was due to the familiarity that has been gained between organizations because of the frequent training efforts. John Ripperger, Vice President and Chief Operating Officer of the Alaska Tanker Company, expressed the company's apology for this incident. The incident was avoidable, but the fact remained there was an oil spill in the Port Angeles harbor. Mr. Ripperger relayed the company's immediate response and commitment to implement a structure for cleanup. He thanked Fire Chief McKeen and County Emergency Coordinator Ciarlo for their counsel and response. Mr. Ripperger assured the Council that the Alaska Tanker Company would make certain this situation does not present itself again. Brief discussion followed. On another matter, Councilmember McKeown requested a status report sometime in March on the Francis Street Park Project. Gary Gleason, 2211 East 7' Avenue, Port Angeles, requested the Council's future consideration of the Morse Creek lease for the hydro project. Mr. Gleason noted that water to be used in the project will include a bypass of one mile of spawning habitat for salmon, and he requested that something be written into the contract to prohibit the operator from jeopardizing the salmon spawning beds in this particular habitat. FINANCE: 1. Telecommunications Design Consultant Award Telecommunications Mayor Doyle summarized the information submitted by Public Works & Utilities with Consultant Award regard to the telecommunications design award. Director Cutler pointed out that, even with the authorization of this agreement, there would be no action taken until a business plan is completed and approved. Power Resource Manager Dunbar stated that by authorizing this agreement and having the consultants obtained previous to the business plan, it ensures that the plan can be enacted quickly. In response to an inquiry from Councilman Hulett, Resource Manager Dunbar explained the intent of the business plan and what is involved in its preparation. It will present several different options for the development of a fiber optic network. Once complete, the business plan will be distributed for comment to the Utility Advisory Committee, as well as the Port Angeles Works! Committee. After further brief discussion, Councilmember McKeown moved to authorize the Mayor to sign the professional services agreement to retain MCC and authorize completion of stage La -c of the scope of work in an amount not to exceed $166,882 if the business plan verifies the overall feasibility of the fiber optic backbone. The motion was seconded by Councilman Williams and carried unanimously. Tree Trimming Contract 2. Tree Trim Contract Acceptance and Release Final Acceptance Mayor Doyle summarized the information submitted by Public Works & Utilities with regards to the release of the Asplundh Tree Company retainage. Director Cutler indicated this work had been done in various locations throughout the City. Councilman Wiggins moved to accept the project and authorize the release of 10-2- r CITY COUNCIL MEETING February 6, 2001 Tree Trimming Contract Asplundh Tree 91p+trt Co. retainage in the amount of $2,749.68 upon receipt of Final Acceptance (Cont'd) clearances from the Departments of Revenue and Labor & Industries. The motion was seconded by Councilman Campbell and carried unanimously. Lease with Olypen for 3. Lease with Olypen for Wireless Communications Tower Wireless Communications Tower Mayor Doyle summarized the information submitted by Information Technology Manager O'Neill, who reviewed the proposed lease agreement with Olypen for the use of a City -owned 110 foot light pole to install a whip -antenna to deploy wireless Internet access to various locations. The antenna will provide a section of Port Angeles with high speed Internet access, and in conjunction with providing Olypen with use and service of the pole, Olypen has agreed to provide City Hall and the City's remote locations with high speed Internet services at no extra charge. In addition to this, the City will be receiving a tower from Olypen that will provide Intemet access and wide area network services from the Corp Yard facilities to City Hall. Ms. O'Neill summarized the benefits of the lease agreement to the City, and Jared Emery, Olypen, expanded on what this project would do for the community in that anyone who can see the tower can access this high speed Internet. Discussion followed, and Attorney Knutson pointed out a correction to Page 2 of the lease agreement in the last sentence of Section 6 which states, "except that, at the City's option, ownership of the pole or tower shall transfer to the City", and should be replaced with, "unless otherwise authorized by the City". Councilman Campbell moved to authorize Mayor Doyle to sign the lease agreement as modified with Olypen for the use of the City -owned 110 footlight pole located at the southwest corner of Civic Fleld for the purpose of installing a whip -antenna to deploy wireless Internet access to certain areas of Port Angeles and for the City of Port Angeles to accept Internet services at the rate described and accept the donated 68 foot tower with extensions. The motion was seconded by Councilman Williams and carried unanimously. Carnegie Library 4. Carnegie Library Restoration/Renovation Project 97-08 Phase #2 Restoration/Renovation Project Mayor Doyle summarized the information submitted by Public Works & Utilities with regard to the proposed agreement with Olympic Design Works. Director Cutler stated the plan being presented is an effort to move forward with plans and specifications for the Carnegie building. Once plans have reached the 35 percent stage, then information will be returned to the Council as pertains to the cost of renovation versus restoration. The City is awaiting a proposal from a Seattle firm for value engineering. After brief discussion, Councilman Hulett moved to authorize the Mayor to sign the negotiated agreement with Olympic Design Works Inc. to provide architectural and engineering services for Part Two of Phase Two of the Carnegie Library Building Restoration/Renovation Project. The motion was seconded by Councilman Wiggins and carried unanimously. CONSENT AGENDA: Councilmember McKeown moved to accept the Consent Agenda, to include: 1) City Council minutes of the January 16, 2001 regular meeting; and 2) Out -of -State Travel for Assistant Civil Engineer. The motion was seconded by Councilman Campbell and carried unanimously. PUBLIC HEARINGS - 1. Availability and Potential for Submission of CDBG Planning Only Grant OTHER: Mayor Doyle reminded the Council that this was a public hearing continued from the Availability and Potential January lb, 2001 City Council meeting. He reviewed the information provided by for Submission of CDBG Economic Development Director Smith on the CDBG Planning Only Grant. Mayor Planning Only Grant Doyle continued the public hearing at 7:00 p.m. There being no public testimony, Resolution No. 3-01 Mayor Doyle closed the public hearing at 7:00 p.m. ' 11 CITY COUNCIL MEETING February 6, 2001 PUBLIC HEARINGS - OTHER: Availability and Potential for Submission of CDBG Planning Only Grant Resolution No. 3-01 CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: ORDINANCES NOT REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS: RESOLUTIONS: OTHER CONSIDERATIONS: Mayor Doyle then summarized the information provided on the proposed resolution authorizing submission of an application for a Planning Only Community Development Block Grant application researching the feasibility of building a new facility to replace the existing adult homeless shelter. Mayor Doyle read the Resolution by title, entitled RESOLUTION NO. 3-01 0 A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, authorizing the application for a planning only Community Development Block Grant to research the feasibility of building a new facility to replace an existing adult homeless shelter. Councilmember McKeown moved to pass the Resolution as read by title. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hulett. Councilman Wiggins asked if a new homeless shelter would be in the same location, and Mr. Smith indicated that particular matter would be addressed in the planning process if funded by this grant. A vote was taken on the motion, which carried unanimously. Councilmembers Wiggins and Campbell had no reports. Councilmember McKeown attended a Gateway Committee meeting, at which time approval was given for additional money to be spent on better site renderings. These renderings will help by allowing better visualization of the proposed project. Councilman Williams indicated the Downtown Forward Executive Committee is still reviewing ideas for the Transit portion of the project, and Manager Quinn stated the new drawings should be available by March 5, 2001. There is an attempt to involve other community groups during the presentation of the drawings. Councilmember McKeown also reported on her helicopter tour of the recent oil spill. Councilman Hulett attended various annual meetings and dinner events. Councilman Williams accompanied the Director of Clallam Transit to a meeting with Pierce Transit, during which they spoke on the tax passed in Clallam County to benefit Transit. Mayor Doyle also attended annual meetings. He participated in the annual meeting of the Port Angeles Downtown Association for the installation of officers. On February 2, 2001, Mayor Doyle attended the Cascadia Mayors Conference; the agenda included discussions on salmon recovery, climate change and global warming, the 4(d) Rule, as well as regional energy in the West Coast electric market. Mayor Doyle offered the Victoria City Council the opportunity to visit Port Angeles and meet with this City Council. Mayor Doyle referenced a draft discussion paper with regard to developing a program to address regional substance abuse problems. None. None. Bilateral Compliance Agreement Mayor Doyle summarized the information submitted by Public Works & Utilities on the matter of the Bilateral Compliance Agreement. Director Cutler introduced Mr. John Ryding, Regional Engineer with the Department of Health, who was present this evening. Director Cutler reviewed the agreement, which he indicated he will be signing on behalf of the City. He advised the Council that the City had asked if the agreement 12 -4- • • • OTHER CONSIDERATIONS: (Cont' d) Bilateral Compliance Agreement (Cont'd) Human Services Funds CITY COUNCIL MEETING February 6, 2001 could be slid back depending on funding available from grant sources, but this could not be allowed in view of current WACs. The Department of Health will, however, support the City's request for funds for design and construction. Lengthy discussion followed on the matter of construction of the filtration system, associated costs, and how the timing will relate to the removal of the Elwha Dams. This item was submitted for informational purposes; no action was taken. 2. Human Services Funds Mayor Doyle inquired of Councilmember McKeown as to whether she had any commentaries regarding the contract with United Way. Councilmember McKeown directed kudos to United Way for their ongoing assistance in the administration of the Human Services funds, as well as assistance in a current situation about which reports are being sought. Councilmember McKeown moved to authorize the Mayor to sign the contract with United Way for the administration of the City's 2001 Human Services funds. The motion was seconded by Councilman Campbell and carried unanimously. Carnegie Library Historic 3. Declaration of Historic and Cultural Significance for Carnegie Library Declaration Building Mayor Doyle summarized the information submitted by Public Works & Utilities with regard to the designation of the Carnegie Library building as "historically significant" to the City of Port Angeles. Director Cutler stated that, by dedicating the building as "historically significant", the City could apply less stringent energy codes and have greater flexibility when working on the building. Brief discussion ensued, after which Councilmember Wiggins moved to designate the Carnegie Library building as "historically significant" to the City of Port Angeles. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hulett and carried unanimously. Fair Board Representation 4. Fair Board Representation Mayor Doyle summarized the information submitted by Parks & Recreation Director Connelly in regard to the vacancy for the City's representative to the Clallam County Fair Board. Director Connelly advised the Council that Ann Leonard had submitted an application to fill the position. Councilman Campbell moved to recommend to the Clallam County Commissioners that Ann Leonard be appointed as the City representative to the Fair Board. The motion was seconded by Councilmember McKeown and carried unanimously. AWC Shoreline Master S. AWC Shoreline Master Program Unfunded Mandate Claim Program Unfunded Mandate Claim Mayor Doyle summarized the information submitted by Community Development Director Collins with regard to submitting an unfunded mandate claim form, based on the modification made by the Community Development Director to the AWC/Department of Ecology estimate. The estimate the City has given is lower than the Department of Ecology's estimate, and Director Collins, stated that the primary costs consist of hiring a consultant for providing draft language that would satisfy the update requirements. The Shoreline Master Program was updated in 1995 which adopted many of the current regulations of the Shoreline Master Program. This claim form does not involve a lawsuit, but rather is a way of working with other cities and counties to send a message about unfunded mandates to the Legislature. Councilmember McKeown departed the Council meeting at 7:50 p.m. After further discussion and clarification, Councilman Hulett moved to authorize the Mayor to sign the claim form for an amount of $50,000.00 based on the -5- 13 CITY COUNCIL MEETING February 6, 2001 AWC Shoreline Master Program Unfunded Mandate Claim (Cont'd) PIRA Contract modification by the Community Development Director of the AWC/Department of Ecology estimate. The motion was seconded by Councilman Campbell and carried unanimously. 6. Peninsula International Relations Association Contract J Mayor Doyle summarized the information submitted by Manager Quinn regarding the proposal to designate the Peninsula International Relations Association as the City's coordinator for the Official Mutsu City Visit in May, 2001. Manager Quinn briefly discussed the contract and summarized the official visit being planned from Port Angeles to Mutsu City. He noted the community's economic interests and schools would be involved in this exchange. After brief discussion, Councilman Campbell moved to approve the contract with PIRA and designate PIRA as thie City's coordinator of the Official City Visit in May, 2001; in acc9rdance with the contract terms. The motion was seconded by Councilmen Wiggins and carried unanimously. Manager Quinn noted that he had distributed to the Council information about PIRA,, as well as a report on PIRA's 1999-2000 accomplishments. INFORMATION: City Manager's Report: Manager Quinn advised the Council that, at its February 20, 2001, meeting, there is a tentative workshop slated with the Commissioners of the Port of Port Angeles to discuss such items as the downtown area, the Oak Street property, the Rayonier property, the Waterfront Vision, development of Ediz Hook, and shoreline mitigation. In addition, Manager Quinn reviewed the Community Work Plan, as well as project status reports included in the Information Agenda. He advised the Council of an appreciation letter from the Salvation Army for the Angel Tree program, as well as a letter regarding the City's possible participation in the earthquake/tsunami study. Brief discussions were held concerning the memorandum,on the property tax levy, the Ben and Myrtle Walkling Memorial Trust request, and Governor Locke's order to conserve energy. Director Cutler identified methods by which the City plans to reduce its power consumption by 10%. Discussion followed concerning power rates and the potential impact on City customers. It was suggested that City staff meet with the larger power consumers to discuss conservation measures. Brief discussion was then held regarding the annexation brochure available to the public. Break Mayor Doyle recessed the meeting for a break at 8:25 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 8:35 p.m. EXECUTIVE SESSION: The meeting adjourned to Executive Session at 8:35 p.m to discuss potential litigation for approximately 15 minutes. RETURN TO OPEN This meeting was returned to Open Session at 9:00 p.m. SESSION: ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was_adjoumed at 9:00 p.m. Becky J. Upton, City Clerk 14 ° Larry Doyle, Mayor • 321 EAST FIFTH STREET • P. 0.13OX 1 150 • PORT ANGELES,,WA 96352-0217 PHONE: 360-417-4500 • FAX: 360-4.17-4509 • TTY: 360-417-4.645 E-MAIL: CITYMGR@CI.PORT-ANGELES.WA.US 01/02/12-09:06 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE February 12 2001 Page 1 Old Dpt Check Vendor Number Name 001 61623 CDW Government Inc. 61663 Lynn Peavey Company CHECK REGISTER Date From 01/06/2001 To 02/09/2001 Vendor Number 03336 12056 61666 Munimetrix Systems Corporation 13220 61688 Rotary Corporation 1 18017 61697 WA State Patrol - WASIS 23281 61748 Governing 07178 61811 WA State Patrol - WASIS 23281 61812 WA State Patrol - WASIS (HA) 23359 61822 911 Magazine 14103 61843 CDW Government Inc. 03336 61947 APWA/Amer. Public Works Assn 01359 • 62016 WA State Patrol - WASIS 23281 62022 CLallam Co Treasurer 03075 62034 Archive Index Systems Inc. 01298 62049 Davis & Stanton 04318 62079 Lab Safety Supply Inc. 12004 62130 WA State Patrol - WASIS 23281 62135 Washington (DOL), State of 04137 62136 Washington State Treasurer 23120 Description Computer,drive ID Envelopes,check protectors ID envelopes 'CCAR' Software Support Gasket sets,bars,line,wheeLs Air filters,tool,cables,belts Criminal history -Harsh 2001 postage -handling Criminal History -Hein Criminal history -Howard Criminal history-SLipper Criminal history -Hillstrom Criminal history -Morse Criminal history -Toner Criminal history -McKenzie One Yr Subscription-Pencom Quantum Snap server Cisco router,Cisco Enet Software-'ArcServe' Transportation books 'Pedestrian Safety' book Video tape -'With Wings' 'Building Tr Print Reading' Awards display case Labels,fotders,correction tape 2 -ply calculator tape W-21s,click erasers,pens Replacement W -21s Additional W -21s W -2's Credit W -21s Criminal history -Heckman Criminal history -Erb Criminal history -Heath Criminal history -Hein (add'L) Criminal history -Peterson CVCA remittance -December 5 -User assurance,upgrade plan Commendation bars -mountings PLugs,scale Criminal history -Bogan Criminal history -Edgar Criminal history -Rooney Concealed pistol licenses -Jan State District Court revenue State District Court revenue GL Code Number 1 2370000 1 2370000 1 2370000 1 2370000 1 2370000 1 2370000 1 2295000 1 2370000 1 2295000 1 2295000 1 2295000 1 2295000 1 2295000 1 2295000 1 2295000 1 2370000 1 2370000 1 2370000 1 2370000 1 2370000 1 2370000 1 2370000 1 2370000 1 2370000 1 2370000 1 2370000 1 2370000 1 2370000 1 2370000 1 2370000 1 2370000 1 2295000 1 2295000 1 2295000 1 2295000 1 2295000 1 2294000 1 2370000 1 2370000 1 2370000 1 2295000 1 2295000 1 2295000 1 2296000 1 2293000 1 2291000 Total for Department 0001 61613 Advanced Travel 01090 Doyle to Victoria BC 11-11 112 4310 Quinn to Kirkland 11-16 111 4310 Amount 61956 American Racing Pigeon Union 01484 61957 American Technical Publishers 01306 62004 QuarterMaster 17023 62005 Quill Corporation 17000 • 62016 WA State Patrol - WASIS 23281 62022 CLallam Co Treasurer 03075 62034 Archive Index Systems Inc. 01298 62049 Davis & Stanton 04318 62079 Lab Safety Supply Inc. 12004 62130 WA State Patrol - WASIS 23281 62135 Washington (DOL), State of 04137 62136 Washington State Treasurer 23120 Description Computer,drive ID Envelopes,check protectors ID envelopes 'CCAR' Software Support Gasket sets,bars,line,wheeLs Air filters,tool,cables,belts Criminal history -Harsh 2001 postage -handling Criminal History -Hein Criminal history -Howard Criminal history-SLipper Criminal history -Hillstrom Criminal history -Morse Criminal history -Toner Criminal history -McKenzie One Yr Subscription-Pencom Quantum Snap server Cisco router,Cisco Enet Software-'ArcServe' Transportation books 'Pedestrian Safety' book Video tape -'With Wings' 'Building Tr Print Reading' Awards display case Labels,fotders,correction tape 2 -ply calculator tape W-21s,click erasers,pens Replacement W -21s Additional W -21s W -2's Credit W -21s Criminal history -Heckman Criminal history -Erb Criminal history -Heath Criminal history -Hein (add'L) Criminal history -Peterson CVCA remittance -December 5 -User assurance,upgrade plan Commendation bars -mountings PLugs,scale Criminal history -Bogan Criminal history -Edgar Criminal history -Rooney Concealed pistol licenses -Jan State District Court revenue State District Court revenue GL Code Number 1 2370000 1 2370000 1 2370000 1 2370000 1 2370000 1 2370000 1 2295000 1 2370000 1 2295000 1 2295000 1 2295000 1 2295000 1 2295000 1 2295000 1 2295000 1 2370000 1 2370000 1 2370000 1 2370000 1 2370000 1 2370000 1 2370000 1 2370000 1 2370000 1 2370000 1 2370000 1 2370000 1 2370000 1 2370000 1 2370000 1 2370000 1 2295000 1 2295000 1 2295000 1 2295000 1 2295000 1 2294000 1 2370000 1 2370000 1 2370000 1 2295000 1 2295000 1 2295000 1 2296000 1 2293000 1 2291000 Total for Department 0001 61613 Advanced Travel 01090 Doyle to Victoria BC 11-11 112 4310 Quinn to Kirkland 11-16 111 4310 Amount 01/02/12-09:06 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE February 12 2001 Page 2 CHECK REGISTER Date From 01/06/2001 To 02/09/2001 Fnd Opt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code t Number Name Number Number Williams to Pt Townsend 11-17 112 4310 31.85 61644 FLex-PLan Services Inc. 06158 Monthly processing -December 111 4155 108.00 61647 Gina's Bakery 07132 Cookies 112 3101 187.92 61650 Costco Credit Card Pmts 03261 OPS Luncheon -taco fixings 111 4155 250.40 61652 Hansen's Trophy 08047 Plates,engraving 112 3101 11.87 61674 Paymentech 16421 Business meal 111 4310 4.51 61693 United Way of ClaLLam County 21048 Human svcs-Qtr4,Admin fee 114 4971 37,370.25 61705 Washington (OMWBE), State of 23115 Operating costs -prorated share 111 4150 75.00 61709 AWC Assn of Washington Cities 01080 Reg -Quinn 2001 Leg Conf 111 4310 90.00 Reg-Campbell,Wiggins 112 4310 180.00 Reg-Doyle,Williams 112 4310 180.00 61775 Olympic Medical Center 15028 Supplies -Fire Dept 07439-07454 113 4131 29.18 X-Ray-McCaleb 113 4131 121.65 Tests -Fire Dept,Ward 113 4131 71.00 Tests -Fire Dept, Agar 113 4131 71.00 X -Ray -Fire Dept,Ager 113 4131 211.30 Tests -Fire Dept,FLores 113 4131 75.00 61776 Olympic Paper Company 15111 OPS Award Luncheon 111 4155 48.77 Council refreshments 112 3101 48.77 61780 Olympic Stationers Inc. 15030 Rubber fingers,scissors,clips 124 3101 9.09 Envelopes 111 3101 38.80 Binders, dividers 111 3101 lie Calendars 111 3101 Binders 113 3101 51.53 61783 Pacific Office Equipment Inc. 16004 Copier maintenance 111 4810 32.46 Toner 111 3101 63.66 61787 Peninsula Daily News 16012 Firefighter ad 06/14 113 4410 48.30 Warrant Entry Clerk ad 08/06 113 4410 82.00 Ord 3066,3067 124 4410 33.60 Vendor List Applications 124 4410 17.60 Ord 3070 124 4410 16.54 61788 Peninsula Radiologists P.S. 16014 X-Ray-McCaleb #449114812 113 4131 24.00 61795 Radio Pacific Inc. 11019 Home Show 2001 Balance Due 111 3101 385.00 61807 Swain's General Store Inc. 19037 Christmas decorations 111 3101 26.80 Christmas decorations 111 3101 10.73 Charge for Gift certificate 111 4155 25.00 Christmas lights 111 3101 29.04 61809 Thurman Supply 20005 Christmas lights 111 3101 154.34 61814 WMCA (WA Municipal Clerks Assn 23027 2001 Membership Dues 124 4901 60.00 61816 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 December Scan chgs 111 4210 198.79 December Scan chgs 113 4210 5.04 December Scan chgs 124 4210 3.21 61825 AVAYA INC 12215 01-02-01 Billing 111 4210 31.26 01-02-01 Billing 113 4210 31.26 01-02-01 Billing 124 4210 15.63 61826 AWC Assn of Washington Cities 01080 Conference reg -McKeown 112 4310 80.00 61855 Day -Timers Inc. 04040 Organizer inserts 124 3101 61872 Jobs Available Inc 10022 Police Officer ad 113 4410 61888 Olympic Air Pollution Cont Aut 15017 2001 Contribution 111 4901 7,110.00 61921 Scott MD, Robert L. 19634 Fire Department physicals 113 4131 1,255.55 61928 Terryberry 20002 Service pins 113 4150 743.83 16 01/02/12-09:06 City of Port Angeles 0„SIVE MACHINE February 12 2001 Page 3 0002 61613 Advanced Travel 01090 61650 Costco Credit Card Pmts 03261 61665 Microflex Inc. 13203 61675 Pen Print Inc. 16009 61676 Pitney Bowes Inc. 16018 61686 Ricoh Business Systems 18398 61701 WFOA (WA Finance Officers Assn 23006 61726 Cayenta Canada Inc 14074 61742 Diversified Resource Center 04052 61773 Olympic Delivery Service Inc. 15020 61774 Olympic Laundry & Clnrs Inc. 15026 61776 Olympic Paper Company 15111 61777 Olympic Printers Inc. 15027 Total for Administration Hamilton to Portland 11-12 240 4310 Kajfasz to Portland 11-12 CHECK REGISTER 4310 Kenyon to Portland 11-12 240 4310 Papandrew to Everett 11-03 Date from 01/06/2001 To 02/09/2001 Supplies 201 Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Billing statements Number Name Number 205 Number Service call -Mailing machine 61938 WMCA (WA Municipal Clerks Assn 23027 Conference registration -Upton 124 4310 205 61951 Albertson's Inc. 01204 Council refreshments 112 3101 4901 61955 American Planning Assn 01063 'Winter Conference' -Erickson 112 4310 Copy Center Svcs -December 61977 CliniCare of PA Inc. 03080 Medical -Anderson 113 4131 201 3101 Computer paper 205 Tetanus shot -McNally 113 4131 3101 Window envelopes 240 3101 Medical -Ager 113 4131 62006 Qwest 21001 01-14 Billing 111 4210 01-14 Billing 113 4210 01-14 Billing 124 4210 62014 Verizon Wireless, Bellevue 01105 01-15 Billing 111 4210 01-15 Billing 111 4210 62026 AT&T Business Service 01085 01-13 Billing 111 4210 62045 Clallam Co Dept of Health and 03065 Hepatitis A 113 4131 62064 Flex -Plan Services Inc. 06158 Annual Plan Fee,January svcs 111 4150 62093 Olympic Medical Center 15028 X -Rays -Anderson 113 4131 Medical -Anderson -Fire Dept 113 4131 X -Rays -Flores 113 4131 Medcial-Dubuc-Fire Dept 113 4131 Medical -Ager -Fire Dept 113 4131 Medical -Ward -Fire Dept 113 4131 Medical -Flores -Fire Dept 113 4131 Drug screen,X-Rays-Ward 113 4131 62099 Peninsula College 16011 Motivation Workshop 125 4150 62100 Peninsula Radiologists P.S. 16014 X -Rays -Ager #8020128545 113 4131 62103 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 Office supplies 111 3101 0002 61613 Advanced Travel 01090 61650 Costco Credit Card Pmts 03261 61665 Microflex Inc. 13203 61675 Pen Print Inc. 16009 61676 Pitney Bowes Inc. 16018 61686 Ricoh Business Systems 18398 61701 WFOA (WA Finance Officers Assn 23006 61726 Cayenta Canada Inc 14074 61742 Diversified Resource Center 04052 61773 Olympic Delivery Service Inc. 15020 61774 Olympic Laundry & Clnrs Inc. 15026 61776 Olympic Paper Company 15111 61777 Olympic Printers Inc. 15027 Total for Administration Hamilton to Portland 11-12 240 4310 Kajfasz to Portland 11-12 240 4310 Kenyon to Portland 11-12 240 4310 Papandrew to Everett 11-03 230 4310 Supplies 201 3101 Supplies 230 3101 Monthly Tax tools Reports -2001 230 4150 Billing statements 240 3101 Service call -Mailing machine 205 4810 Service call -Mailing machine 205 4810 December lease pmt -#3313 205 4530 December lease pmt -#6010 205 4530 December lease pmt -#6010 205 4530 Member Dues 2001-Ziomkowski 201 4901 2001 Maintenance fees 2014810 November Copy Center svcs 205 4530 Copy Center Svcs -December 205 4530 December delivery service 240 4150 Tablecloths a/c 6275 12/14/00 201 3101 Computer paper 205 3101 Computer paper 205 3101 Window envelopes 240 3101 Time cards 230 3101 01/02/12-09:06 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE February 12 2001 Page 4 Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Number Name 61780 Olympic Stationers Inc. CHECK REGISTER Date From 01/06/2001 To 02/09/2001 Vendor Number 15030 61783 Pacific Office Equipment Inc. 16004 61807 Swain's General Store Inc. 19037 61816 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 61824 AT&T Wireless Services 01404 61825 AVAYA INC 12215 61882 Microflex Inc. 13203 61898 Pitney Bowes Credit Corp 16127 61903 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 61907 Professional Edge 16520 61910 Puget Sound Finance Officers 16304 61917 Ricoh Business Systems 18398 61931 United Parcel Service 21005 61940 Washington (Unemp), State of 23178 61945 Professional Edge 16520 62005 Quitl Corporation 17000 62006 Qwest 21001 62020 Xerox Corporation 24001 62035 Asset Valuation Services Inc. 01264 18 Description GL Code Number Time cards 230 3101 Laser claim fund checks 230 3101 Pens,hangers,paper,pendaflex 230 3101 Pens,hangers,paper,pendaflex 205 3101 Pens,hangers,paper,pendaflex 201 3101 Paper 205 3101 Legal pads 230 3101 Paper,labels 205 3101 Paper,labels 230 3101 Paper,laminate pouches 230 3101 Paper,laminate pouches 240 3101 Paper,laminate pouches 205 3101 Correction tape 201 3101 Hanging file frame,files 230 3101 Hanging file frame,files 240 3101 Toner 240 3101 Toner 230 3101 Pack 240 3111 HP Laserjet Printer 230 6410 MS License Activity 240 3160 December Scan chgs 201 4210 December Scan chgs 230 4210 December Scan chgs 240 4210 Credit dup pmt -Y Jacobsen 240 4210 01-02-01 Billing 201 4210 01-02-01 Billing 230 4210 01-02-01 Billing 240 4210 Tax Audit Program -December 230 4150 Mailing machine -4th Qtr 205 4530 Gelled wrist pad 201 3101 Pen,wipes 240 3101 Reg-Veldhouse,Possinger Gov't 230 4310 2001 Membership Dues 201 4901 Color copies pe 01-27 205 4530 Black & white copies pe 01-27 205 4530 01-06 Shipping chgs 230 4210 4th Qtr Unemployment Ins 240 2060 Veldhouse,Possinger-balance 230 4310 2 -ply calculator tape 240 3101 W-21s,click erasers,pens 240 3101 Replacement W -21s 230 3101 Additional W -2's 230 3101 W -21s 230 3101 Credit W -21s 230 3101 01-14 Billing 201 4210 01-14 Billing 230 4210 01-14 Billing 240 4210 5800 Duplicator lease -December 205 4530 DC230SLX System lease -December 205 4530 DC214S lease -December 205 4530 Annual Support Renewal 2001 230 4150 Alt 159.53 695.64 111.39 37.77 48.54 283.08 69.19 377.65 20.13 37.77 37.77 113.30 3.43 25.23 25.23 107.90 107.90 12.81 4,842.99 607.14 13.10 84.63- 31.26 39.07 93.77 159.58 1,173.66 7.55 11.23 275.00 40.00 50.51 12.44 222.77 3,822.00 275.00 178.50 16.39 22.70 47.57 62.28 22.70- 93.36 116.70 2 1f 2,5 377.18 70.94 325.80 01/02/12-09:06 City of Port Angetes jji� VE MACHINE February 12 2001 Page 5 Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Number Name CHECK REGISTER Date From 01/06/2001 To 02/09/2001 Vendor Number 62091 Olympic Delivery Service Inc. 15020 62106 Postmaster 16028 62113 Ricoh Business Systems 18398 Description GL Code Amount Number January services 240 4150 100.90 Reimburse postage due 205 4210 100.00 Copier rental 205 4530 632.13 Total for Finance 53,323.66 0003 61622 Baumann Attorney -at -Law, Mark 02494 Prof svcs pe 12-06 312 5090 155.63 61627 Clallam Co District Court 1 03069 December Court costs 312 5090 5,128.61 61661 Lexis Law Publishing 12311 WA Defending DUI Issue 2 311 3101 66.77 WA Stats/Decs-December 2000 311 3101 53.95 WA ST Envrn Pol Act #12 311 3101 88.19 WA Employment 4E Issue #2 311 3101 64.07 WA Admin Law Prac Man Issue#10 311 3101 66.77 61671 Ortloff Atty. at Law, Kimberly 15146 December svcs 312 4150 762.70 61760 LSP Publishing 12331 Criminal Caselaw Notebook 312 3101 80.00 61777 Olympic Printers Inc. 15027 Time cards 311 3101 28.17 61780 Olympic Stationers Inc. 15030 Pins,appt book 312 3101 18.93 Paper,laminate pouches 311 3101 75.51 61783 Pacific Office Equipment Inc. 16004 Furniture,files,tables 312 3101 728.33 Labeling system 311 3101 145.67 Trade in desk 312 3101 43.28- 61816 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 December Scan chgs 311 4210 11.84 61825 AVAYA INC 12215 01-02-01 Billing 311 4210 54.70 61868 IMLA (Int.Municipal Lawyers) 09084 Membership renewal -Knutson 311 4901 580.00 61871 Jefferson County Courthouse 10216 Pmt for transmitted fax 311 4210 2.50 61874 Law Seminars International 12188 Purchases & Sales Conf-Knutson 311 4310 515.00 61903 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 Ideal stampers 312 3101 32.46 61925 Spacesaver Northwest LLC 19476 Labels,folders 311 3101 85.47 61942 West Group 23018 WA Practice V25 2000 311 3101 38.03 WA DIG 2D V31.V31A 311 3101 105.20 WA Appellate Reports V98 311 3101 22.55 Bankruptcy Handbook pages 311 3101 162.39 WA Practice Series V13A,B 311 3101 67.44 Family,Comnunity Property Law 311 3101 78.77 61975 Clallam Jefferson Public Dfndr 03274 Public Defender fees -February 312 4150 2,500.00 61985 Gish Atty at Law, Steven C. 07245 Prof svcs pe 12-14 312 4150 132.00 62006 Qwest 21001 01-14 Billing 311 4210 163.38 62020 Xerox Corporation 24001 DC220SLX lease -December 312 4530 238.36 DC220SLX lease -December 311 4530 102.16 62046 Clallam Co District Court 1 03069 January 2001 Court costs 312 5090 6,911.32 Total for Attorney 19,223.59 0004 61646 Gateway Companies Inc 07195 Computer 411 3160 1,742.60 61777 Olympic Printers Inc. 15027 Time cards 411 3101 67.01 61780 Olympic Stationers Inc. 15030 X -stamper 411 3101 33.99 Paper,laminate pouches 411 3101 37.77 Pens, napkins, plates 411 3101 18.01 Daily, weekly calendars 411 3101 10.95 61783 Pacific Office Equipment Inc. 16004 Toner 411 3101 240.62 61787 Peninsula Daily News 16012 Associate Planner ad 411 4410 3219 01/02/12-09:06 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE February 12 2001 Page 6 Fnd Opt Check Number 0005 20 61813 61816 61825 61833 61842 61853 61903 61957 62002 62006 62014 62103 62140 Vendor Name WCPDA (WA City Planning Washington (DIS), State of AVAYA INC American Planning Assn Brooks, Gary Coastal Geologic Services Inc Port Angeles City Treasurer American Technical Publishers Port Angeles City Treasurer Qwest Verizon Wireless, Bellevue Port Angeles City Treasurer Zumar Industries Inc. 61613 Advanced Travel CHECK REGISTER Date From 01/06/2001 To 02/09/2001 Vendor Number 23188 23111 12215 01063 02277 03597 03062 01306 03062 21001 01105 03062 26001 01090 61625 City of Forks 06075 61631 Colt Firearms Attn:Sgt Wieland 03593 61634 Database Technologies Inc 04283 61663 Lynn Peavey Company 12056 61664 Metrocall 20000 61674 Paymentech 16421 61685 Reid & Assoc. Inc, John E 18403 61687 Riepe, Tom 18081 61699 WA Assn of Sheriffs & Police 23003 61724 Camera Corner 03044 61728 Chinook Pharmacy 03513 61730 Clallam Co Dept of Health and 03065 61736 Cutting Edge Training 03413 61777 Olympic Printers Inc. 15027 61780 Olympic Stationers Inc. 15030 61781 Onvia.com 15207 61783 Pacific Office Equipment Inc. 16004 Description GL Code Number Rezone Morningview Development 411 4410 Ord 3071 411 4410 Develop Shoreline-Rayonnier 411 4410 Place 86' Telecomm Tower 411 4410 Rezone RS9 SF to CN 411 4410 Cond Use Permit -Virg Mason 411 4410 Ord 3073 -Vacate Crossover Dr 411 4410 2001 Membership Dues -Collins 411 4901 December Scan chgs 411 4210 01-02-01 Billing 411 4210 Registration-Hewins,Nutter 411 4901 Reimburse computer memory 420 3101 Prof svcs 11-16,11-17/2000 411 4150 Office supplies 411 3101 'Building Tr Print Reading' 420 3101 Home Builders Assoc mtg 420 4310 01-14 Billing 411 4210 01-15 Billing 420 4210 Office supplies 411 3101 'Environmentally Sensitive' 411 4810 Total for Planning Peninger to Gig Harbor 10-22 530 4310 Baertschiger to Seattle 11-29 530 4310 December Board bill 512 5099 Register Armorer's School -Wood 530 4310 December svcs 530 4150 ID Envelopes,check protectors 530 3101 ID envelopes 530 3101 12-23 Billing 530 4210 Winfield to Reno 530 4310 Register Zappey,Lowell 3-19 530 4310 Reimburse tuition expense 511 4310 Electronic monitoring -December 512 5099 Photo processing 530 4990 Photo processing 530 4990 Photo processing 530 4990 Inmate prescriptions 512 5099 10/29 City inmate agreement 512 5099 Reg. Hall 'Decision Making' 530 4310 Time cards 534 4990 Letterhead 534 4990 Lowell,Zappey,Gallagher,Kovatc 534 4990 Pens,hangers,paper,pendaflex 534 3101 Paper,laminate pouches 534 3101 Digital camera,AC Adapter 534 3501 Copier maintenance 511 4810 Copier maintenance 534 4810 Copier maintenance 534 4810 Shredder oil 534 3101 0 Amount 48.80 33.06 25.60 44.80 48.80 64.00 20.40 50.00 14.87 31.26 40.00 97.37 890.00 48.50 327.97 40.00 93.36 9.60 49.09 370.74 4,* 415.80 21.90 7,301.69 375.00 44.00 86.92 77.58 66.89 218.50 990.00 484.82 287.50 32.05 20.16 61.30 332.93 10,894.82 97.00 301.05 201.45 185.97 113.30 75.53 1,00 54.10 167.82 17.22 i 01/02/12-09:06 City of Port AngelestIVE MACHINEFebruary 12 2001 Page 7 CHECK REGISTER Date From 01/06/2001 To 02/09/2001 Fnd DPt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount Number Name Number Number Static -free spray 530 3101 5.40 Toner 530 3101 96.03 Toner 530 3101 96.03 61792 ProTAC Tactical Awareness Con. 16517 'Stress Mgt'-MiLLer,Dombrowski 530 4310 200.00 61796 Richmond 2 -Way Radio 18009 Repair radio 530 4810 107.90 Repair radio 530 3114 37.76 Add scrambler to radio 530 3114 377.65 61807 Swain's General Store Inc. 19037 Tarp straps 1530 3101 18.55 Flagging tape,baggies 530 3101 30.93 Velcro tape 530 3101 .53 Work clothing 530 3111 174.49 Step Ladder 511 3101 31.80 Credit boots,hats,gloves 530 3111 112.03- 61816 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 MS License Activity 530 3160 119.50 December Scan chgs 511 4210 21.50 December Scan chgs 530 4210 83.47 December Scan chgs 534 4210 14.98 61819 Washington Fire & Safety Equip 23004 Extinguisher maintenance 530 3101 33.45 61825 AVAYA INC 12215 01-02-01 Bitting 511 4210 54.70 01-02-01 Billing 534 4210 39.07 01-02-01 Billing 530 4210 7.81 61841 Brodsky's Uniforms 02219 Holster,beLts,gtoves,pouch 530 2080 380.73 61848 Ctallam Co Humane Society 03072 Contract pmt -January 2001 530 4150 3,528.52 61849 CLaLLam Co Sheriff's Dept 03074 Work Release pmts -October 512 5099 29,573.88 Work Release pmts -November 512 5099 27,019.19 61861 GTE Communications Systems 07005 Calibrate traffic radar 530 4810 69.52 Calibrate Doppler radar 530 4810 69.52 61877 LEIRA 12185 2001 Membership Dues 534 4901 115.00 61925 Spacesaver Northwest LLC 19476 Property room shelving 584 4810 359.29 61931 United Parcel Service 21005 01-06 Shipping chgs 530 4210 75.38 61962 Blumenthal Uniforms & Equipmt 02047 Credit samptes 530 2080 5.65 - Belt buckles,buttons,svc bars 530 2080 56.66 Credit belt keeper,coLLar 530 2080 19.49 - Pants 530 2080 93.34 Credit Pants sample 530 2080 93.34 - Belt keepers 530 2080 18.87 Credit uniforms 5302080 17.16 - Chiefs caps 530 3111 207.68 Jacket,service bar-Viada 530 2080 300.22 Ticket holder,pants-Roggenbuck 530 2080 207.72 Pocket partner,cuff-Winfield 530 2080 30.30 Baton case-Riepe 530 2080 27.14 Shirt,emblems-Baertschiger 530 2080 71.93 61973 Ctallam Co Sheriff's Dept 03074 Work release pmts -December 512 5099 31,143.49 62003 Port Angeles Police Department 16105 Postage 530 4210 62.47 Laundry,svice 530 4990 10.18 OR DMV photo 530 4990 7.00 Candy canes 534 3101 12.87 Batteries 530 3101 5.38 62004 QuarterMaster 17023 Awards display case 530 3101 68.06 62005 QuiLL Corporation 17000 Labets,folders,correction tape 511 3101 2 1 01/02/12-09:06 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE February 12 2001 Page 8 Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Number Name 0006 22 62006 Qwest CHECK REGISTER Date From 01/06/2001 To 02/09/2001 Vendor Number 21001 62014 Verizon'Wireless, Bellevue 01105 62015 WA State Crime Prevention Assn 23099 62045 Clallam Co Dept of Health and 03065 62049 Davis & Stanton 04318 62054 Eastern Washington Hay & UHaul 05135 62067 GTE Communications Systems 07005 62074 Inti Assn for Property and 09067 62092 Olympic Drywall Supplies Inc. 15023 62094 Pathology Associates 16521 62103 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 62111 RadioShack Accounts Receivable 18003 62121 Sol Duc Clinic 19750 62124 Territorial Supplies Inc. 20001 61613 Advanced Travel 01090 61615 All Weather HeatingCooling Inc 01060 61632 CompuCare 03506 61646 Gateway Companies Inc 07195 61650 Costco Credit Card Pmts 03261 61660 Larry's Janitor Service 61662 Lighthouse Uniform 61664 Metrocall 61674 Paymentech 61689 SeaWestern Inc. 61710 Ace Equipment Company 61748 Governing 61757 Jim's Pharmacy (Inc) 61777 Olympic Printers Inc. 61787 Peninsula Daily News 61796 Richmond 2 -Way Radio 61798 Ruud Lighting Inc. 61804 Sunset Do -It Best Hardware 61807 Swain's General Store Inc. 12040 12046 20000 16421 19104 01055 07178 10020 15027 16012 18009 18099 19035 19037 Description GL Code Number 01-14 Billing 511 4210 01-14 Billing 534 4210 01-14 Billing 530 4210 01-20 Billing 534 4210 01-15 Billing 530 4210 2001 Membership -Lowell 530 4901 City inmate care -Nov, December 512 5099 Commendation bars -mountings 530 3111 Dog food 530 4980 Calibrate traffic radar 530 4810 Renew Membership Dues 2001 530 4901 Masking tape,Beadex,poly clear 584 4810 Birkland-#8369401 512 5099 Batteries 530 3101 Batteries,charger 530 3501 Medical-Birkland #12249 512 5099 Medical-Birkland 512 5099 Medical -O'Sullivan 512 5099 Ammunition 530 3101 Kuch,Huffman to No Bend 12-08 Mckeen,Mason-Vancouver 11-22 Install two fan motors Computer components Computer components Computers Towels,paper,lights Towels,paper,lights Towels,paper,lights Printer PC Tools Slow cooker Janitorial svcs-December Dress Uniforms deposit Dress Uniforms deposit 12-23 Billing Kitchen supplies Fire helmet Generator repair Generator part 2001 postage -handling Glucose monitor Time cards Inspection notices Ord 3069 3 New Pagers Fluorescent lighting Connector Soap dish,lumber Total for Police 641 4310 641 4310 684 4810 642 3101 611 3101 641 3160 611 3101 642 3101 684 3101 645 3101 641 3101 684 3101 684 4150 641 2080 643 2080 644 4210 684 3101 641 3111 641 3501 641 3501 611 4901 643 3101 611 3101 642 3101 644 4410 644 3114 684 4810 643 3101 684 3101 4 Punt 163.38 116.70 23.34 260.95 299.27 50.00 3,530.89 50.86 106.79 69.52 40.00 20.44 80.60 46.27 81.10 1,114.00 199.00 125.75 925.25 01/02/12-09:06 Ond Dpt Check Vendor Number Name • • City of Port Angeles a01VE MACHINE CHECK REGISTER Date From 01/06/2001 To 02/09/2001 Vendor Description GL Code Number Number 61816 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 61824 AT&T Wireless Services 01404 61825 AVAYA INC 12215 61878 Mathews Glass Co. Inc. 13107 61904 Port Angeles Fire Department 16025 61931 United Parcel Service 21005 61936 WA State Patrol 23057 61940 Washington (Unemp), State of 23178 61949 Acordia Northwest Inc. 01265 61962 Blumenthal Uniforms & Equipmt 02047 61972 Clallam Co EMS/ 61990 Lavey, Thomas J 62006 Qwest 62020 Xerox Corporation 62048 Curtis & Sons Inc, L. N. 62071 Grainger Inc. 62079 Lab Safety Supply Inc. 62080 Larry's Janitor Service 62093 Olympic Medical Center 62098 Peninsula Awards & Trophies 62104 Port Angeles Fire Department 62116 SeaWestern Inc. 62129 Verizon Wireless, Bellevue 62133 WSAFC 0007 61613 Advanced Travel 03068 12343 21001 24001 03098 07015 12004 12040 15028 16061 16025 19104 01105 23304 01090 Rake 684 3120 Sheet set 684 3101 December Scan chgs 611 4210 December Scan chgs 641 4210 December Scan chgs 643 4210 01-03 Billing 611 4210 01-03 Billing 644 4210 01-03 Billing a/c#45598455 611 4210 01-03 Billing a/c#45598455 645 4210 01-02-01 Billing 611 4210 01-02-01 Billing 642 4210 01-02-01 Billing 641 4210 01-02-01 Billing 643 4210 Furnish glass 684 4810 Cellphone cover,supplies 611 3101 01-06 Shipping chgs 611 4210 01-06 Shipping chgs 643 4210 Background checks -December 644 4410 4th Qtr Unemployment Ins 611 2060 Group Accident Renewal pe 1-02 644 4901 Shipping chgs 644 2080 Credit shipping chgs 644 3111 Pants -Nielsen 643 2080 Pants -Denton 641 2080 Knife-Sekac 641 2080 Medic 1 Advisory -February 643 4150 Teach CPR class 01-16 643 3108 01-14 Billing 611 4210 01-14 Billing 642 4210 01-14 Billing 643 4210 01-14 Billing 641 4210 DC220SS System lease -December 611 4530 Bunker boots 641 3111 Respirators,filters 643 3199 Plugs,scale 641 3101 Janaury services 684 4150 First aid supplies -Fire Dept 643 3199 Engraving Name tags -Fire Dept 644 3111 Bakery,copies,office supplies 611 3101 Bunker coats 641 3111 01-15 Billing 643 4210 01-15 Billing 642 4210 01-15 Billing 6434210 01-15 Billing 641 4210 'Essentials FireFighting' 4th 645 3101 Kenworthy to Pt Hadlock 11-16 711 4310 Papandrew to Everett 11-03 711 4310 Kenworthy to Pt Hadlock 12-07 711 4310 February 12 2001 Page 9 Total for Fire Amount 5.69 42.88 12.60 4.04 2.11 4.38 9.10 9.35 9.52 39.07 7.81 23.44 7.81 32.62 44.57 10.92 4.47 40.00 159.07 799.42 5.78 30.41- 120.85 120.85 61.85 500.00 25.00 116.70 23.34 23.34 70.02 197.42 209.15 112.93 100.41 395.00 78.30 35.71 51.84 1,825.57 .68 16.18 36.97 9.60 246.24 17,011.67 29.50 21.00 222 3 01/02/12-09:06 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE February 12 2001 Page 10 CHECK REGISTER Date From 01/06/2001 To 02/09/2001 Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount Number Name Number Number Sperr to Tacoma 12-14 711 4310 72.50 61639 Engineered Electrical Systems 05196 PA Plan Review -adjusted bill 711 32210017 105.00 61640 Federal Express Corp. 06022 12-26 Shipping chgs 711 4210 5.55 61649 Gordy's Pizza & Pasta 07272 Business lunch 711 3101 47.06 61666 Munimetrix Systems Corporation 13220 'CCAR' Software Support 711 3101 1,294.80 61698 WABO 23136 Annual Member Dues-Haehnlen 711 4901 50.00 61729 Clallam Co Auditor 03018 Xerox map copies 711 4990 30.00 61732 Clallam Co Util Coord Council 03021 2001 Member Dues 711 4901 25.00 61766 Middleton Auto and Truck Inc. 13117 Hose clamps,washers.adhesive 711 3101 15.25 61776 Olympic Paper Company 15111 Paper towels 711 3101 47.48 Computer paper 711 3101 35.00 61780 Olympic Stationers Inc. 15030 Folders 711 3101 24.25 Envelopes 711 3101 7.54 Foot rest 711 3101 58.22 Paper 711 3101 226.57 61783 Pacific Office Equipment Inc. 16004 Audio cassettes 711 3101 55.68 Toner 711 3101 91.72 61787 Peninsula Daily News 16012 Ord 3072 -Speed Limit 711 4410 20.40 61796 Richmond 2 -Way Radio 18009 Repair radio 711 4810 76.07 61807 Swain's General Store Inc. 19037 Platinum film 711 3101 26.94 61816 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 MS Publisher 2000 711 310116 0 MS License Activity 711 3101 December Scan chgs 711 4210 1 61824 AT&T Wireless Services 01404 01-03 Billing 711 4210 22.61 61825 AVAYA INC 12215 01-02-01 Billing 711 4210 211.05 61857 EES Consulting Inc. 05140 Slice Participants -1/8 share 711 4901 289.60 2000 WPAG 711 4901 156.55 2000 WPAG svcs-pe 12-31-00 711 4901 499.56 61858 Economic & Engineering Svc Inc 05004 Electric/SW Rate Study pe -Oct 711 4901 3,995.50 Electric/SW Rate Study pe Nov 711 4901 2,932.40 61903 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 Stamps 711 4210 34.00 Filing fees 711 4990 50.00 61922 Seattle Daily Journal of Comm. 19058 Fiber Optic cable ad -November 711 4410 201.60 Fiber Optic cable -December ad 711 4410 201.60 61931 United Parcel Service 21005 01-06 Shipping chgs 711 4810 18.66 61933 Utilities Underground Loc Ctr 21010 Underground locates -December 711 4150 20.34 61946 AGC Education Foundation 01474 Mahlum,Groff,Gloor-Sediment 711 4310 525.00 61947 APWA/Amer. Public Works Assn 01359 Transportation books 711 3101 75.74 'Pedestrian Safety' book 711 3101 37.87 61952 All Flags Travel Inc. 01015 Gloor to San Francisco 02-11 711 4310 218.00 61979 Complete Line, The 03087 Inkjet cartridges 711 3101 678.87 Matte photo 711 3101 134.69 61993 Marsh Mundorf Pratt & Sullivan 13287 WPAG pe 12-00 711 4901 374.92 Transmission rate Case -12-00 711 4901 390.00 62006 Qwest 21001 01-14 Billing 711 4210 653.49 62014 Verizon Wireless, Bellevue 01105 01-15 Billing 711 4210 10.72 62020 Xerox Corporation 24001 DC265 copier lease -December 711 4530 DC420SLX System lease -December 711 4530 3 DC214S lease -December 711 4530 70.94 62042 Cascade A & E Supplies Co. Inc 03053 Service,repair Xerox copier 711 4810 472.42 62047 Complete Line, The 03087 Color cartridges,plotter paper 711 3101 537.17 2 4 Total for Public Works 29,497.99 0008 61612 k{ a 01404 12-03 Billing 865 4210 12-03 Billing 865 4210 61613 Advanced Travel 01090 Brown to Kent 12-20 861 y( 61615 All Weather HeatingCooling Inc 01/02/12-09:06 City of Port Angeles IVE MACHINE 4810 February 12 2001 Page 11 CHECK REGISTER 830 4810 61617 American Red Cross Date From 01/06/2001 To 02/09/2001 Lifeguard Training,CPR/PR 862 3101 Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount Number Name Number Number 62055 Economic & Engineering Svc Inc 05004 Electric/SW Rate Study pe-Dec 711 4901 5,919.00 62057 Engineered Electrical Systems 05196 City of PA Plan Review 711 32210017 495.00 62069 Gateway Companies Inc 07195 4 Computers 711 3160 6,288.59 62077 Kenworthy, Gary 11013 Reimburse mileage 711 4310 45.50 62103 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 Auditor fees 711 4990 16.00 62118 Seattle Daily Journal of Comm. 19058 A & E Services Roster 711 4410 160.20 Total for Public Works 29,497.99 0008 61612 AT&T Wireless Services 01404 12-03 Billing 865 4210 12-03 Billing 865 4210 61613 Advanced Travel 01090 Brown to Kent 12-20 861 4310 61615 All Weather HeatingCooling Inc 01060 Sates Tax correction 830 4810 Repair iced -up unit 830 4810 61617 American Red Cross 01032 Lifeguard Training,CPR/PR 862 3101 Morris -Recertification 862 3101 CPR/PR Recertification 862 3101 61618 Angeles Temporary Services 01076 C Kochanek pe 12-15 866 4150 C Kochanek pe 12-31 866 4150 61619 Arrow Septic Tank Pumping 01047 Pump septic tank at Cemetery 865 4810 61630 CliniCare of PA Inc. 03080 DOT Physical-Breitbach 865 4990 61655 Jackson's Signs 10018 Metal City Hall signs -balance 830 4150 61657 Kochanek, Cindy Lou 11136 December commission sales 866 4990 61678 Port Angeles Downtown Assn. 16024 'San Juan Getaway' Sculpture 830 6601 61680 Duiring Monuments Inc. 17001 Marker -Klotz 866 3401 Plaques -Peninsula College 866 3401 5% Discount 866 3401 5% Discount 866 3401 61683 RadioShack Accounts Receivable 18003 Cable 830 3101 61688 Rotary Corporation 18017 Gasket sets,bars,line,wheels 865 3120- 120Air Airfilters,tool,cables,belts 865 3120 61696 WA Recreation & Park Assn/WRPA 23007 Member fees -Connelly 811 4901 61706 York Bronze Co 12289 Bronze plate -Carr 866 3401 Bronze plate-Metropo Lit 866 3401 Marker -Vail 866 3401 61707 Olympic Medical Center 15028 Damage Dep Rfd-less clean-up 865 34730018 61708 Pacific Office Equipment Inc. 16004 1/3 Copier repair-PAHS share 862 4810 61710 Ace Equipment Company 01055 Weedeater parts 865 3120 Chainsaw repair 865 3120 Gasket,rings 865 3120 61716 Angeles Machine Works Inc. 01072 Weld rings 862 4810 61717 Angeles Millwork 01073 Connector 865 3120 Return connector 865 3120 Connector 865 3120 Gloves 865 3120 Parts for fountain railing 865 3120 Ceramic knob,lumber 861 3120 Ties for fence repair 865 3120 WD 40 - restrooms 865 3120 Twine 865 3120 Staples 865 3120 01/02/12-09:06 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE CHECK REGISTER Date From 01/06/2001 To 02/09/2001 Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Number Name Number Number 61718 Automated Business Sys. Inc. 01050 Cell phone case 865 3120 61720 Blake Sand & Gravel Inc. 02045 Top soil 865 3120 Topsoil -Webster Park 865 3120 Blended soil 865 3120 Top soil,blended soil 865 3120 61743 Dobson's 04054 V-Belt,dead blow(mower equip) 865 3120 Hose,hose clamp(mower) 865 3120 Hose for paint sprayer 865 3120 Line painter 865 3120 V -Belt 866 3120 61749 Grainger Inc. 07015 Flush valves,handle repairs 865 3120 61752 Hartnaget Building Supply Inc. 08052 Gate valves,wood patch 830 3101 61766 Middleton Auto and Truck Inc. 13117 Screws,sockets 830 3101 61776 Olympic Paper Company 15111 Cleaner 862 3120 Paper 862 3101 Victory mats 830 3101 Wastebaskets,smoking urns 830 3101 Vacuum,duster 830 3101 Gloves 862 3120 Waste receptacle 830 3101 Victory mat 830 3101 Wastebasket 830 3101 Return mats 830 3101 Black plastic liners 865 3120 Duster,plastic liners 830 3101 Disinfectant deodorizer 830 3120 61777 Olympic Printers Inc. 15027 Time cards 862 3101 61780 Olympic Stationers Inc. 15030 Pens, calendar 866 3101 Paper,laminate pouches 862 3101 Planners 866 3101 61783 Pacific Office Equipment Inc. 16004 Ink rolls for calculator 862 3101 Ink rolls for calculator 862 3101 Chair 862 3101 61787 Peninsula Daily News 16012 Kids Club 4/17,4/19 862 4210 Water,Boat Safety Day -May ads 862 4210 Kids club 5/22,5/24 862 4210 After School Program ad 08/09 861 4410 Big Hurt ad 09/21 861 4410 Prearrangement ad 11/19 866 4410 'Prearrangement' ad 866 4410 Kids club ad 12-18,12-20 862 4210 61791 Port Angeles Power Equipment 16122 Oil seaL,ring set,carb kit 865 3120 Wheel extension 865 3120 Gasket for edger 865 3120 61804 Sunset Do -It Best Hardware 19035 Cylinder rentals 865 3101 Cylinder rentals 866 3101 Screw extractor set 865 3140 Blade,duct tape,nuts,bolts 830 3101 Flood lights,bulbs 830 3101 Bolts,stove pipe 862 3120 Bolts,washers,wax ring 862 3120 26 February 12 2001 Page 12 *Amoult 17.25 122.39 42.94 42.94 75.15 23.87 8.09. 6.22 26.41 8.24 514.07 11.82 14.27 233.97 199.40 191.37 214.40 711.28 81.96 226.14 109 71 1�- 258.64 126.09 14.44 103.91 17.13 43.41 36.21 11.33 11.33 85.24 50.00 341.74 50.00 136.32 100.00 90.00 90.00 50.00 66.57 51.79 5.38 16.19 10.79 Is 53.79 15.31 16.10 P x 01/02/12-09:06 City of Port Angeles�4IVE MACHINE February 12 2001 Page 13 CHECK REGISTER Date From 01/06/2001 To 02/09/2001 Fnnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount Number Name Number Number Bolts,washers 865 3120 2.85 Botts,screws,bits.WD-40 862 3120 28.66 Wheels for push mower 865 3120 13.79 Hardware 861 3120 11.62 61807 Swain's General Store Inc. 19037 Dustpan 865 3120 17.23 Restroom cleaning supplies 865 3120 11.42 Wire connectors 865 3140 9.83 Teflon joint paste,connector 862 3120 15.96 Antifreeze 865 3120 12.85 Pruning tools 865 3501 48.03 Pliers,tools,scrapers 830 3101 17.64 WD 40,spray paint,glue 866 3120 45.07 Power center-Christmas tree 865 3120 16.69 Tissue,sponges,office supplies 862 3120 72.07 Safety glasses,chain saw file 865 3501 9.97 Gasoline treatment-mowing eq 865 3120 5.25 Barricade tape 865 3120 17.71 Work gloves-Webster Park 865 3120 5.42 Padlock,hasp,hardware 830 3101 15.33 Downtown bathroom repair 865 3120 4.61 Hasp,hardware 830 3120 7.27 Pliers,knife,wrenches 830 3120 27.00 Armor all protectant,cord 865 3120 7.60 Drain cleaner 830 3120 15.76 Tarp 865 3140 8.49 Barrel bolt 861 3120 2.45 61809 Thurman Supply 20005 Parts for Backflow Preventer 865 3140 2.65 Electrical tape,crimper,nuts 865 3140 9.76 Teflon tape,paste,putty 865 3120 9.02 Lights,receptacles,breakers 830 3120 343.21 61816 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 December Scan chgs 811 4210 5.09 December Scan chgs 861 4210 23.27 December Scan chgs 863 4210 .09 December Scan chgs 865 4210 1.01 December Scan chgs 866 4210 2.68 61823 A & A Appliance Service Inc. 01002 Repair dryer 862 3120 97.06 61824 AT&T Wireless Services 01404 01-03 Bitting 861 4210 9.10 01-03 Billing 865 4210 155.49 01-03 Billing 865 4210 24.99 61825 AVAYA INC 12215 01-02-01 Billing 811 4210 23.44 01-02-01 Billing 866 4210 7.81 01-02-01 Billing 865 4210 7.81 01-02-01 Billing 861 4210 15.63 01-02-01 Billing 862 4210 7.81 01-02-01 Billing 863 4210 23.44 61827 Air Control Inc. 01058 Filters 830 4810 2,118.28 61830 All Weather HeatingCooling Inc 01060 Compressor 830 4810 827.73 61834 American Red Cross 01032 CPR Challenge 12-15 862 3101 10.00 Small First Aid kits 862 3101 70.00 Adult CPR,First Aid classes 865 4990 330.00 61836 Angeles Communications Inc 01069 Move phone and network 811 4210 X8.69 01/02/12-09:06 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE February 12 2001 Page 14 CHECK REGISTER Date From 01/06/2001 To 02/09/2001 Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code tount Number Name Number Number 61864 Grainger Inc. 07015 Light bulbs,contactors 830 3120 327.05 61865 HMIS Cemetery Software 08220 2001 Annual Maintenance 866 4150 222.75 61903 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 Cards 862 3101 5.85 61911 Owest 21001 01-02 Billing 863 4210 50.40 61929 Thousand Mile Outdoorwear Inc 20266 Ultimates,shorts,shirts,covers 862 3120 561.66 61931 United Parcel Service 21005 01-06 Shipping chgs 866 4210 8.85 61939 WSU-CANE Cashier 23438 Recertification-Breitbach 865 4310 70.00 61940 Washington (Unemp), State of 23178 4th Qtr Unemployment Ins 865 2060 9,692.65 61941 Wayne's Nursery 23063 Plants 865 6510 2,589.60 61953 All Phase Electric Supply Co. 01061 Straps,cable,conduit,wire 861 3120 557.94 2% Discount 861 3120 10.34- 61954 All Weather HeatingCooling Inc 01060 Check Computer room A/C unit 830 4810 77.90 61958 Angeles Lock Shop 12050 Lock set,key tag 862 3120 7.03 61960 Bergstrom, Gerry 02582 Damage deposit refund 863 36240025 100.00 61970 Captain T's 03048 Custom embroidery 862 3101 27.51 Shirts,custom embroidery 862 3120 277.80 Shirts,embroidery 811 3101 43.01 61987 Image Soccer 09137 Refund Damage fee 865 34730018 45.00 62002 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 Lessons (conflict) 862 34760013 30.00 62006 Qwest 21001 01-02 Billing 830 4710 33.45 01-14 Billing 862 4210 4 09 01-14 Billing 811 4210 01-14 Billing 866 4210 01-14 Billing 865 4210 23.34 01-14 Billing 861 4210 46.68 01-14 Billing 862 4210 23.34 01-14 Billing 863 4210 70.02 01-14 Billing 865 4210 39.39 01-14 Billing 863 4210 41.02 01-14 Billing 862 4210 47.31 01-20 Billing 863 4210 60.33 62020 Xerox Corporation 24001 DC220SS System lease -December 863 4530 197.42 DC220SS System lease -December 861 4530 197.42 62021 York Bronze Co 12289 Name,date scroll-Critchfield 866 3401 44.18 62036 Bilsborrow, Mari 02188 Reimburse office supplies 811 3101 27.85 62043 Chemsearch 14004 Petroleum cleaner 865 3120 595.84 62076 Johnstone Supply Inc. 10026 Flush valve,fuses 862 3120 98.90 62088 OPAEYC 15208 Registration-RingiiL,Trudeau 861 4310 45.00 62092 Olympic Drywall Supplies Inc. 15023 Corners,tape,Beadex,Silver set 830 3120 31.88 62109 Owest Communications 21087 360 PTA 0201 201 01-08-2001 866 4410 293.65 62111 RadioShack Accounts Receivable 18003 Remote microphone for gym 861 3120 162.28 62117 Sears Commercial One 19109 Wrench,hex key 866 3120 97.36 62137 Watermill Inc., The 23010 Sodium bicarbonate,Harborlite 862 3120 1,589.41 Total for Parks & Recreation 45,579.38 Total for General Fund 360,29 101 0001 61771 North Olympic Peninsula 14127 Joint Marketing Svcs 122 4150 410.00 61964 Brewer, David 02055 Contract svcs-February 115 4990 100.00 61998 North Olympic Peninsula 14127 Joint Marketing services 122 4150 20,170.98 28 t 01/02/12-09:06 City of Port Angeles tp NE MACHINE February 12 2001 Page 15 CHECK REGISTER Date From 01/06/2001 To 02/09/2001 Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount Number Name Number Number 62102 Port Angeles Chamber Of Comm. 16023 102 0007 61613 Advanced Travel 01090 61646 Gateway Companies Inc 07195 61712 All Phase Electric Supply Co. 01061 61715 Angeles Concrete Products 01070 61717 Angeles Millwork 01073 61742 Diversified Resource Center 04052 61761 Lakeside Industries Inc. 12036 61764 McCurdy OD, Thomas 13140 61776 Olympic Paper Company 15111 61777 Olympic Printers Inc. 15027 61780 Olympic Stationers Inc. 15030 61783 Pacific Office Equipment Inc. 16004 61787 Peninsula Daily News 16012 61799 Safety & Supply Company 19003 61804 Sunset Do -It Best Hardware 19035 61807 Swain's General Store Inc. 19037 61824 AT&T Wireless Services 01404 61825 AVAYA INC 12215 61873 Kaufmann, Tom 11131 61918 Ridout, Ken 18011 61934 Verizon Wireless, Bellevue 01105 61946 AGC Education Foundation 01474 61970 Captain T's 03048 62006 Qwest 21001 62014 Verizon Wireless, Bellevue 01105 62028 All Phase Electric Supply Co. 01061 'Riski Business Photographics' 122 4150 971.00 'WA Winter Sports' programs 122 4150 507.50 'Olypen Baseball Labor Day' 122 4150 200.00 Reimburse expenses -December 115 5083 1,639.10 Total for Convention Center Fund 23,998.58 Stromski,Kaufmann-Seattle 12-8 752 4310 Flores,Money,.Foster-Tumwater 752 4310 Computer 752 3101 Receptacle box,cover,conduit 752 3101 Ecology blocks 752 3101 Ecology blocks 752 3101 Bolts 752 3101 Lumber 752 3101 Lumber,screws 752 3101 Screws,tape,fiberglass 752 3101 Dowel,glue 752 3101 Masking tape 752 3101 Parts 752 3101 Screws.sandpaper 752 3101 Coat hook 752 3101 December janitorial svcs 752 4150 Asphalt 752 3101 Asphalt 752 3101 Medical svcs 7-27 N Wells 752 3101 Coffee filters,towels,tissue 752 3101 Time cards 752 3101 Paper 752 3101 Calendars 752 3101 Computer desk 752 3101 8th St Revision ad 12-01 792 4410 8th St Revision ad 12-03 792 4410 Halogen flood lights 752 3101 Light wire guards 752 3101 Sash chain,pins,silicone 752 3101 Hobby knife,'exit' signs 752 3125 Coveralls 752 3101 01-03 Billing 752 4210 01-03 Billing 752 4210 01-03 Billing 752 4210 01-02-01 Billing 752 4210 Reimb Pesticide lic,training 752 4310 Reimburse mileage 752 4310 01-05 Billing 752 4210 Two people -'Sediment Control' 752 4310 Sweatshirts,shirts 752 3120 01-14 Billing 752 4210 01-15 Billing 752 4210 Lights,ballasts,screwdrivers 752 3120 2% Discount 752 3120 01/02/12-09:06 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE CHECK REGISTER Date From 01/06/2001 To 02/09/2001 Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Number Name Number Washington (DIS), State of Number 62030 American Industrial Supply Inc 01476 Limolene,biodegradable asphalt 752 3120 62047 Complete Line, The 03087 Cable organizer 752 3101 62053 Diversified Resource Center 04052 Janitorial svcs-January 752 4150 62138 Zenovic & Associates 26216 Prof svcs pe 01-25 792 4150 16301 2001 Dues 123 2% Discount 792 4150 February 12 2001 Page 16 Aft 533.97 21.82 77.83 2,027.50 40.50 - Total for Street Fund 8,908.98 103 0001 61789 Ripley Enterprises 18313 1 yr Subscription -PA Journal 123 4901 25.99 61816 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 December Scan chgs 123 4210 8.79 61825 AVAYA INC 12215 01-02-01 Bitting 123 4210 7.81 61847 Ctallam Co EDC 03067 4th Qtr 2000 123 4150 5,000.00 61900 Port Angeles Business Assn. 16301 2001 Dues 123 4901 40.00 61901 Port Angeles Chamber Of Comm. 16023 Contribution -Speaker 01-27-01 123 4150 300.00 61903 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 Business meals -EDC 123 3101 28.63 61914 Ravenhurst Development Inc 18362 PA Conference Ctr pe 12-18-00 123 4150 525.00 62006 Qwest 21001 01-14 Billing 123 4210 23.34 62103 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 Chamber of Commerce luncheon 123 3101 8.50 Total for Economic Development 5,968.06 107 0005 61611 APCO (Assn of Public Safety 01158 2001 Memb Dues -Stevens #101141 532 4901 2001 Memb dues -Rife #102531 532 4901 2001 Member dues -Wu #57241 532 4901 60.00 2001 Memb Dues -Baughman #99667 532 4901 45.00 2001 Dues -Van Sickle #99668 532 4901 45.00 2001 Member dues -Barber #99755 532 4901 15.00 61613 Advanced Travel 01090 Wu to Vancouver WA 12-06 532 4310 66.50 61674 Paymentech 16421 Wu to Vancouver 532 4310 195.26 61681 Qwest 21001 12-23 Bitting 532 4210 77.03 61700 WCIA 23204 2001 premium-PENCOM 532 4610 11,755.00 61780 Olympic Stationers Inc. 15030 Pens,hangers,paper,pendaflex 532 3101 75.53 61783 Pacific Office Equipment Inc. 16004 Toner 532 3101 155.21 Toner 532 3101 157.53 61796 Richmond 2 -Way Radio 18009 Service call,repair console 532 4810 113.62 61816 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 December Scan chgs 532 4210 54.44 61822 911 Magazine 14103 One Yr Subscription-Pencom 532 4901 20.51 61825 AVAYA INC 12215 01-02-01 Billing 532 4210 132.84 61931 United Parcel Service 21005 01-06 Shipping chgs 532 4210 4.53 61970 Captain T's 03048 Shirts,custom embroidery 532 2080 264.36 Shirts,custom embroidery 532 2080 70.14 Shirts,custom embroidery 532 2080 146.20 Shirts,embroidery 532 2080 242.91 Shirts,embroidery 532 2080 238.58 Shirts,embroidery 532 2080 136.87 62005 Quill Corporation 17000 Labels,fotders,correction tape 532 3101 21.07 62006 Qwest 21001 01-14 Bitting 532 4210 30 01-23 Billing 532 4210 62011 Sharper Image, The 19748 Ionic Breeze air purifier 532 3501 379.70 Total for PenCom 14,967.94 30 01/02/12-09:06 City of Port Angeles t,f1IVE MACHINE CHECK REGISTER Date From 01/06/2001 To 02/09/2001 February 12 2001 Page 17 Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Number Name Number Progs 03022 Number 109 0005 61628 Clallam Co YMCA 03076 Trsfr Grant funds -Teen Center 541 4150 172 0002 61875 Lindquist Construction 12200 61976 Clallam Title Company 03286 62001 Olympic Community Action Progs 03022 174 0008 61614 Albertson's Inc. 01204 61629 Claudette Mingori 13601 61650 Costco Credit Card Pmts 03261 61780 Olympic Stationers Inc. 15030 61829 Albertson's Inc. 01204 61856 District 13 04050 0 61903 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 61956 American Racing Pigeon Union 01484 61970 Captain T's 03048 62002 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 62036 Bilsborrow, Mari 02188 62103 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 176 0005 61912 R & T Specialty Inc. 18129 182 0005 62023 Washington State Treasurer 23120 184 0008 61966 C.J. Cabinets 03141 6 0008 61684 Rainshadow Greenhouse 18347 61706 York Bronze Co 12289 61752 Hartnagel Building Supply Inc. 08052 62021 York Bronze Co 12289 Total for P. A. Teen Help Contractor pmt -Meek 98PA44L 214 4150 Reconveyance-Norlin 214 4941 2% Loan fee -Meek 214 4150 Total for PA Housing Rehab Project Food 888 3101 Refund 'After School' credit 888 34760023 Napkins,juice,eggs 888 3101 Pens,hangers,paper,pendaflex 881 3101 Indexes,markers,pens,envelopes 884 3101 Binder, legal pads 882 3101 Binders 882 3101 Refreshments 888 3101 Adult 'D' BB Officials -2nd 1/2 882 4150 'Open' BB Officials -2nd 1/2 882 4150 Co-ed Volleyball Officials 884 4150 3 -Ring binders 880 3101 Refund BB player fee 882 34760020 Reimburse After School expense 888 3101 Reimburse office supplies 884 3101 Video tape -'With Wings' 888 3101 Shirts,embroidery 881 3101 Chamber dinner 889 3101 Reimburse office supplies 888 3101 Reimburse office supplies 882 3101 - After School supplies 888 3101 Total for Recreational Activities Fund DARE shirts,bumper stickers 531 3101 Total for D.A.R.E. Fund 10%-2000 drug,property forfeit 536 36990000 Total for Drug Task Force Aluminum track 823 4830 Total for Senior Center Maintenance Cherry trees 873 3401 Plaque-Datton 873 3401 Wedge -WF Trail benches 873 3101 Plaque -Koester 873 3401 Plaque -Rhoads 873 3401 01/02/12-09:06 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE CHECK REGISTER Date From 01/06/2001 To 02/09/2001 Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Number Name Number Number February 12 2001 Page 18 Total for Waterfront Trail Fund 1,290.15 310 0007 61659 Land Title Company 12129 Close escrow on land swap 774 4150 1,403.12 61763 Mathews Glass Co. Inc. 13107 Install replacement glass 774 4150 318.15 61832 Alternative Technologies 01465 Edgewood Dr Realign pmt 6 774 4150 1,844.13 61851 Clallam Transit 03145 Gateway Project Planning -20% 777 4150 6,889.69 61913 R J Services Inc. 18108 Building demolition 774 4150 6,431.25 62029 Alternative Technologies 01465 5% Retainage-Edgewood Realign 774 4150 3,457.22 62110 R J Services Inc. 18108 Retainage -Bldg Demolition 774 4150 312.50 Total for Public Works 20,656.06 0008 62138 Zenovic & Associates 26216 Centennial Trail pe 01-25 896 4150 2% Discount 896 4150 1,495.00 29.90 - Total for Parks & Recreation 1,465.10 Total for Capital Improvement Fund 22,121.16 316 0008 61619 Arrow Septic Tank Pumping 01047 Pump septic tank at Lincoln Pk 860 3101 296.73 61715 Angeles Concrete Products 01070 Crushed rock 860 3101 30 2 61720 Blake Sand & Gravel Inc. 02045 60/40 soil mix 860 3101 61809 Thurman Supply 20005 Mogul base bulb 860 3101 61837 Angeles Electric Inc. 01071 Scoreboard wiring materials 860 3101 988.08 61971 Chamberlin's Appliance 03285 Repair GE range 860 3101 122.36 61999 Northwest Fence Co. 14071 Chain link fence material 860 3101 837.80 Total for Lincoln Park Improvement Fund 2,585.49 401 61635 Deborah Wetzel 23557 Utility overpmt rfd-099406039 401 1222200 11.37 Utility deposit rfd-099406039 401 2391200 36.16 61723 Burton, Angie 02581 Utility deposit rfd-044440019 401 2391200 77.70 61727 Chancellor, Casey 03595 Utility deposit rfd-063126048 401 2391200 96.68 61734 Coatsworth, Brian 03596 Utility deposit rfd-001104022 401 2391200 97.26 61738 Deason, Sherry 04359 Utility deposit rfd-049417020 401 2391200 45.73 61750 Griggs, Heidi 07341 Utility deposit rfd-059820013 401 2391200 56.78 61753 Hatfield, Nathan 08477 Utility deposit rfd-105228013 401 2391200 33.36 61756 Howell, Robert 08475 Utility deposit rfd-063118012 401 2391200 56.84 61794 Quick, Derek 17028 Utility deposit rfd-092169026 401 2391200 125.00 61831 Allen, Debra 01482 Utility deposit rfd-087424007 401 2391200 250.00 61835 Anderson, Daniel 01483 Utility deposit rfd-005495015 401 2391200 97.15 61840 Barrett, Brenda 02319 Utility deposit rfd-034255003 401 2391200 125.00 61884 Morgan, Joni 13604 Utility deposit rdf-050997028 401 2391200 61.31 61886 Nevill, Doug 14505 Utility deposit rfd-042781016 401 2391200 250.00 61899 Plewe, Kenneth 16519 Utility deposit rfd-025771006 401 2391200 85.12 61903 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 Refund overpmt 401 1222200 30.00 Hot water tank rebate 401 1343300 61920 Satchell, Diane 19747 Utility deposit rfd-023680013 401 2391200 1 6 61943 Western States Electric Inc. 23025 Connectors,bolts,fuses 401 1411000 1,355.50 Wire 401 1411000 198.54 Connectors 401 1411000 446.32 pot� 01/02/12-09:06 City of Port Angeles -�ai,IVE MACHINE February 12 2001 Page 19 Qd Dpt Check Vendor Number Name • CHECK REGISTER Date From 01/06/2001 To 02/09/2001 Vendor Number 62005 Quill Corporation 17000 62017 Walter, Robert 23559 62019 Western States Electric Inc. 23025 62027 Alcantar, Anthony 01485 62044 Cheney, Brandy 03599 62051 Di Amore, Cosmo 04322 62060 Eyl, Crisie 05229 62083 Manders, Sean 13377 62085 Morris, Eric M 13607 62087 Nutter, Brian C 14507 62132 WESCO Distribution Inc. 23150 0009 61613 Advanced Travel 01090 61620 Asplundh Tree Expert Co. 01119 61630 CliniCare of PA Inc. 03080 61640 Federal Express Corp. 06022 61695 Viking Office Products 22054 61735 Cornell Auto Parts 03092 61742 Diversified Resource Center 04052 61744 Equifax - Credit Information 05160 61755 Highline Equipment Inc. 08063 61758 Jobs Available Inc 10022 61769 New Hermes Inc. 14468 61772 Northwest Fence Co. 14071 61777 Olympic Printers Inc. 15027 61782 Snohomish County PUD 19389 61783 Pacific Office Equipment Inc. 16004 61785 Parsinen Landscape Maintenance 16258 61787 Peninsula Daily News 16012 61791 Port Angeles Power Equipment 16122 61793 Puget Safety Equipment 16248 Description Oxide inhibitor Clamps,bolts Insulators Film,clips,pens,post-its Utility deposit rfd-055212002 Arrestors,fuses Arrestors Midget fuses Secondary boxes Utility deposit rfd-002984011 Utility deposit rfd-083933013 Utility deposit rfd-051110043 Utility deposit rfd-091600023 Utility deposit rfd-089575005 Utility deposit rfd-034254002 Utility deposit rfd-035092024 Amp cartridges Overhead transformers Overhead transformers Amp wedge clamps Amp wedge clamps Overhead transformer Overhead transformer Hagan to Portland 11-13 Hagan to Everett 11-03 Tree trim pe 12-16 less 5% DOT Physical -Marks DOT Physical -Drake 12-26 Shipping chgs Binders Semi-rigid repair December janitorial svcs Member svc fees pe 12/20 Grips Hard hat lights Take -off clip 01/09/01 Commercial Energy Analyst ad Gravoply,plate holders,cement City rental panels Time cards 4 ABB Brand,DPU Relays S-1950 Cable modem cord Laptop computer Landscape maintenance -Dec PA Operations Mgr ad Single Mode Stranded Fiber Op Spark plugs,chain Safety glasses GL Code Number 401 1411000 401 1411000 401 1411000 401 2370000 401 2391200 401 1411000 401 1411000 401 1411000 401 1411000 401 2391200 401 2391200 401 2391200 401 2391200 401 2391200 401 2391200 401 2391200 401 1411000 401 1414000 401 1411000 401 1414000 401 1411000 401 1414000 401 1411000 Total for Department 911 4310 911 4310 911 4810 911 4310 911 4310 930 4210 911 3101 911 4810 911 4150 911 4150 911 3501 911 3501 911 3501 911 4410 911 3501 911 3501 911 3101 911 3501 911 3501 911 3160 911 4150 911 4410 930 4410 911 4810 911 3501 Amount 155.81 547.53 956.76 6.15- 250.00 1,875.03 165.09 167.25 453.18 141.69 18.20 55.29 68.11 40.01 115.12 100.97 777.77 3,560.25 299.06 773.00 794.46 1,186.75 100.87 16,302.44 262.00 28.50 967.48 72.00 72.00 9.90 509.72 12.59 175.10 31.79 386.97 364.36 38.36 73.60 86.32 145.67 215.48 72.15 13.97 2,379.32 1,116.76 122.60 83.20 24.82 3382.33 01/02/12-09:06 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE February 12 2001 Page 20 Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Number Name 34 CHECK REGISTER Date From 01/06/2001 To 02/09/2001 Vendor Description GL Code Number Number 61796 Richmond 2 -Way Radio 18009 61804 Sunset Do -It Best Hardware 19035 61807 Swain's General Store Inc. 19037 61809 Thurman Supply 20005 61816 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 61817 Washington (DRS), State of 23141 61818 Washington (Ecology), State of 23104 61824 AT&T Wireless Services 01404 61825 AVAYA INC 12215 61852 CliniCare of PA Inc. 03080 61854 Country Barbecue & Deli 03598 61866 Hansen Supply Company Inc 08478 61869 Ireland, David H 09133 61881 Metropolitan Communications 13568 61902 Port Angeles City Light 16083 61903 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 61909 Public Utility Dist Clallam Co 16038 61911 Qwest 21001 61919 Rohlinger Enterprises Inc. 18087 61924 Smith & Associates Inc.,David 19122 61931 United Parcel Service 21005 61937 WESCO Distribution Inc. 23150 61953 All Phase Electric Supply Co. 01061 62005 Quill Corporation 17000 62006 Qwest 21001 Batteries 911 4210 Nuts,screws,washers 911 4810 Duct tape 911 4810 Battery booster 911 3101 Extension cords 911 4810 Extension cords 911 4810 Glue 911 4810 Motor oil 911 4810 Caulking gun 930 4810 Double pole breakers 911 4810 December Scan chgs 911 4210 Statewide Pensioners -December 911 2030 HydroElectric Water Use Permit 911 4150 01-03 Billing 911 4210 01-03 Billing 911 4210 01-03 Billing 911 4210 01-03 Billing 911 4210 01-02-01 Billing 911 4210 DOT Physical -O'Donnell #13050 911 4310 Refreshments 930 3101 'Labelizer Plus',Markware 911 6410 Tape cartridges 911 3101 Reimburse hot water tank 911 4810 Community Telecom Planning 911 4150 Hole punch,donuts 911 3101 Spring,bushing,locknut 911 4810 Batteries 911 3101 Dinner stipends-Ediz Hook 930 4810 01-12 Billing-SR101 and Euclid 911 3350 01-18 Billing -Lauridsen Blvd 911 3350 12-28 Billing 2110 Glass Rd 911 3350 01-16 Billing -Golf Course Rd 911 3350 01-02 Billing 911 4210 Test linemens gloves,blankets 911 4150 Photogrammetric svcs 930 4150 01-06 Shipping chgs 911 4810 01-06 Shipping chgs 911 4210 Distribution protection unit 911 4810 TPV 2000 911 4810 Credit duplicate invoice 911 4810 Credit Breaker simulator 911 4810 Fuses 911 4810 2% Discount 911 4810 Brackets 911 4810 2% Discount 911 4810 Parts 911 3501 2% Discount 911 3501 Film,clips,pens,post-its 911 3101 01-05 Billing 911 4210 01-14 Billing 911 4210 01-14 Billing 911 4210 105.74 5.40 8.61 86.18 17.47 29.24 5.87 1.80 2.45 38.82 30.86 200.16 1,601.28 14.23 12.09 17.97 16.96 109.40 72.00 54.79 3,014 61 1, 1 9,875.00 95.97 3.33 10.48 114.00 16.39 18.60 83.75 15.46 71.98 254.27 1,605.60 8.99 11.09 5,040.60 5,040.60 5,040.60- 4,394.25- 29.35 .54- 98.24 1.82- 11.64 0 42.98 326.76 42.10 '09d V 01/02/12-09:06 City of Port Angeles I",,;;LIVE MACHINE February 12 2001 Page 21 Ond Dpt CHECK REGISTER Date From 01/06/2001 To 02/09/2001 Check Vendor Vendor Number Name Number 62008 Rohlinger Enterprises Inc, 18087 62013 TriAxis Engineering Inc 20274 62014 Verizon Wireless, Bellevue 01105 62028 All Phase Electric Supply Co. 01061 62039 Business Answerphone Service 02166 62053 Diversified Resource Center 04052 62065 Fluke Electronics 06262 62072 Graybar Electric Co. Inc. 07040 62075 Ireland, David H 09133 62105 Port Angeles Marine Supply 16103 62114 SOS Consulting 19749 402 61633 Coville, Brandon 03572 61719 Bavco Backflow Apparatus & 02346 61843 CDW Government Inc. 03336 61887 Nurnberg Scientific 14092 61983 Familian NW 06020 • 62000 Nurnberg Scientific 14092 62037 Bingham, Vance 02583 62041 CSUS Foundation Inc. 03277 62044 Cheney, Brandy 03599 62058 Environmental Resource Assoc. 05030 62086 Newark Electronics 14114 62127 USA BlueBook 21060 Description GL Code Number Steel pole climber hooks 911 3501 'Handy Sharp' sharpener 911 3501 Climber pads 911 3501 Ediz Hook,'I'-'M' St pe 12-29 930 4150 Ediz Hook,'I'-'M' St pe 12-29 930 4150 01-15 Billing 911 4210 01-15 Billing 911 4210 01-15 Billing 911 4210 01-15 Billing 911 4210 01-15 Billing 911 4210 01-15 Billing 911 4210 2% Discount 911 3402 2% Discount 911 4810 Wire 911 3402 Wire 911 3402 Wire 911 3402 February service 911 4810 Janitorial svcs-January 911 4150 Amp clamp 911 3501 Panduit,junction box 911 4810 Panduit floor guards 911 4810 Reimburse mileage pe 01-29-01 911 4310 Poly rope 911 3501 First Aid training 911 4310 Total for Light Total for Light Fund Utility overpmt rfd-083933012 402 1222200 Relief valves,rubber kits 402 2370000 Stem and diaphragm assembly 402 2370000 Back Ups Pro 650 402 2370000 Stir bars,buffers 402 2370000 Couplings,plugs 402 1414000 Couplings,plugs 402 1411000 Repair clamps 402 1414000 Repair clamps 402 1411000 Megalug kits 402 1414000 Megalug kits 402 1411000 Filter paper,bags,petri dishes 402 2370000 Utility overpmt rfd-070050002 402 1222200 Water Treatment Operations 402 2370000 Utility overpmt rfd-083933013 402 1222200 NPDES Testing for 2001 402 2370000 Relays,bases 402 2370000 Relays 402 2370000 Parts 402 2370000 Pipe locator 402 2370000 Total for Department 01/02/12-09:06 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE February 12 2001 Page 22 Fnd Opt Check Vendor Number Name 0007 36 61608 ADS Equipment Inc 61613 Advanced Travel 61616 All World Scientific 61621 Babbitt Construction Inc 61640 Federal Express Corp. 61642 Fisher Scientific Inc. 61645 Foster Pepper & Sheffelman CHECK REGISTER Date From 01/06/2001 To 02/09/2001 Vendor Number 01003 01090 01377 02562 06022 06085 06063 61651 Hach Company 08124 61656 Key Bank National Association 11089 61664 Metrocall 20000 61670 Olympic Chemical Corporation 15117 61673 Paco Pumps Inc. 16006 61681 Qwest 21001 61694 Verizon Wireless, Bellevue 01105 61703 Washington (DOH), State of 23107 61704 Washington (DOH), State of 23108 61710 Ace Equipment Company 01055 61711 All Flags Travel Inc. 01015 61714 AmTest Inc. 01034 61715 Angeles Concrete Products 01070 61717 Angeles Millwork 01073 61719 Bavco Backflow Apparatus & 02346 61720 Blake Sand & Gravel Inc. 02045 61721 Brickie's 02578 61742 Diversified Resource Center 04052 61743 Dobson's 04054 61746 Familian NW 06020 Description GL Code Number Heater thermostat 754 3101 Cutler to Seattle 12-18 793 4310 Cutler to Seattle 11-15 753 4310 Knutson to Seattle 12-13 753 4310 Sperr to Denver 11-05 793 4310 Timers 754 3101 Contract pmt#3-Water Main Impr 793 4150 12-26 Shipping chgs 793 4210 12-26 Shipping chgs 793 4210 Shelf 754 3101 Muffle furnace 754 3101 Water Rights Issues pe 12-22 753 4150 Elwha Dam Removal pe 12-22 793 4150 Free chlorine reagent kits 753 3101 Retainage-Escrow#471452022950 793 4150 12-23 Billing 753 4210 Sodium Bisulphite 754 3101 Booster pumps 753 3101 12-20 Billing 754 4210 12-15 Billing 754 4210 Water Works Renew-Beverford 753 4901 Water Works Renewal -Messinger 753 4901 Water Works Cert Renew -Becker 753 4901 Water Works Renew -Edgington 753 4901 Water Works Renewal -Wilcox 753 4901 Water Works Cert Renew -Johnson 753 4901 Water Works Renewal-Siebens 753 4901 Water Works Renew -McGinley 753 4901 Water Works Cert Renew -Foster 753 4901 Backflow Tester Renewal -Becker 753 4901 Backflow Test Renew -Edgington 753 4901 Backflow Test Renew-Beverford 753 4901 Sharpen saw 754 3101 Sperr to Denver 02-04 793 4310 Silver test 754 4150 Crushed rock 753 3101 CDF mix 753 3101 Crushed rock 753 3101 Ecology blocks 754 3101 Plywood,lumber,brushes 753 3101 Laminate 753 3101 Parts 753 3101 Batteries 753 3101 Relief valves,rubber kits 753 3101 Stem and diaphragm assembly 753 3101 Patio blocks 753 3101 Crushed rock 753 3101 Storm call out meals 753 3101 December janitorial svcs 753 4150 Filters 754 3101 Couplings,adapters,elbows 754 6510 138.16 46.81 5.20 398.70 664.99 53.67 46,429.37 19.60 32.85 167.25 1,537.58 526.10 857.84 383.99 2,256.04 31.15 1,320.18 2,142.68 56.09 14.01 27 0 27.00 27.00 27.00 27.00 27.00 27.00 27.00 27.00 27.00 5.13 433.00 14.45 5,799.63 141.62 5,799.63 544.90 78.55 44.80 3.72 6.44 129.48 118.15 12.82 0 77.83 163.07 1,788.13 01/02/12-09:06 City of Port Angeles ;.;LIVE MACHINE February 12 2001 Page 23 *Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Number Name 17J • 61749 Grainger Inc. 61752 61759 61761 61766 CHECK REGISTER Date From 01/06/2001 To 02/09/2001 Vendor Number 07015 Hartnagel Building Supply Inc. 08052 Kaman Industrial Technologies 11.082 Lakeside Industries Inc. 12036 Middleton Auto and Truck Inc. 13117 61768 Nalco Chemical Company 14170 61774 Olympic Laundry 8 Clnrs Inc. 15026 61776 Olympic Paper Company 15111 61777 Olympic Printers Inc. 15027 61778 Olympic Springs Inc. 15029 61780 Olympic Stationers Inc. 15030 61783 Pacific Office Equipment Inc. 16004 61785 Parsinen Landscape Maintenance 16258 61787 Peninsula Daily News 16012 61790 Pettit Oil Company 16302 61804 Sunset Do -It Best Hardware 19035 61807 Swain's General Store Inc. 19037 Description GL Code Number Plug valve gear box 754 6510 Clamp kit,pincer 754 3101 Ear clamp 754 3101 Laminate 753 3101 Ceramic heater 754 3101 754 3101 Asphalt 753 3101 Asphalt 753 3101 Terminals,washers,locknuts 754 3101 Washers 754 3101 Washers,terminals 754 3101 Plug wire,fuse kit 753 3101 Adapter 753 3101 Screws,nuts 754 3101 Flocculant 754 3101 Flocculant 754 3101 White rags Inv#320010108 753 3101 Coffee filters,towels,tissue 753 3101 Time cards 754 3101 Time cards 753 3101 Cooler rentals 754 3101 Envelopes 753 3101 Post -it notes,calendars 754 3101 Paper 753 3101 Desk calendars 753 3101 Chair mat 753 3101 Spray glue,foam core 753 3101 Tape, file folders, pens 754 3101 Binders,pens,tabs 754 3101 Landscape maintenance -Dec 754 4150 - Ord 3064 753 4410 Ord 3065,3068 754 4410 Oil 754 3101 Diesel 754 4710 Diesel 754 4710 Lenses,weld helmet,knives 753 3101 Botts 753 3101 Starting fluid 753 3101 Bushings,plug,hacksaw blade 754 3101 Straps,push pins,washers,bolts 754 3101 Flat bar,clamps,bushings 754 3101 Shovels 753 3101 Belt 753 3101 Sponge mop, bleach,cleanser 754 3101 Christmas lights,ornaments 753 3101 Tweezers,coveralls 754 3101 Overalls 754 3101 Coveralls 754 3101 Tarp 753 3101 Spray paint,batteries,tarp 754 3101 Windshield washer fluid,pen 754 3101 Amount 1,408.28 84.40 39.69 17.73 19.41 460.55 529.63 159.61 69.65 9.71 20.72 8.59 5.71 182.35 3,190.06 355.44 27.59 72.59 128.19 116.70 21.47 7.55 28.06 75.54 32.97 51.71 20.72 27.15 109.34 1,116.77 16.80 33.60 551.66 969.32 1,100.85 82.47 5.40 9.65 13.19 7.37 23.09 333.62 46.01 29.82 9.51 50.51 91.43 48.41 32.23 69.93 01/02/12-09:06 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE February 12 2001 Page 24 Fnd Opt Check Vendor Number Name 61809 Thurman Supply CHECK REGISTER Date From 01/06/2001 To 02/09/2001 Vendor Number 20005 61816 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 61821 Wengler Surveying & Mapping 23491 61824 AT&T Wireless Services 01404 61825 AVAYA INC 12215 61837 Angeles Electric Inc. 01071 61843 CDW Government Inc. 03336 61844 CH2M Hill Inc 03005 61870 JCI Jones Chemicals Inc. 10027 61873 Kaufmann, Tom 11131 61887 Nurnberg Scientific 14092 61903 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 61906 Port Book & News 16136 61909 Public Utility Dist ClaLLam Co 16038 61911 Qwest 21001 61931 United Parcel Service 21005 61933 Utilities Underground Loc Ctr 21010 61946 AGC Education Foundation 01474 61950 Airport Garden Center 13409 61953 All Phase Electric Supply Co. 01061 Description GL Code Number Battery,eye drops 754 3101 Boots 753 3501 Bolts 753 3101 Boots 753 3101 Snow,ice melt,steel rod 754 3101 Acetone,fasteners 754 3101 Riser,tee,ball valve,bushing 754 3101 Pipe wrap,staple edge,tape 753 3101 Pole breaker,thermostat 753 3101 PVC cement,coupling,adapter 754 3101 Cobalt bits 754 3101 Vinyl tubing 754 3101 Orange connectors 754 3101 Ball valve,staking tool 753 3101 Garden valve,nipples 753 3101 December Scan chgs 753 4210 December Scan chgs 754 4210 Research,mapping,drafting 793 4150 01-03 Billing 753 4210 01-02-01 Billing 754 4210 01-02-01 Billing 753 4210 Install recept for WW furnace 754 3120 Back Ups Pro 650 754 3101 Elwha Dam Removal 793 4150 Water System Plan Update 793 4150 GWI Compliance Assistance 793 4150 Black Diamond Improvements 793 4150 Peabody Hts Floating Cover 793 4150 Sodium hypochlorite 754 3101 Chlorine 753 3101 Deposit refunds 753 3101 Reimb Pesticide lic,training 754 4310 Stir bars,buffers 754 3101 Meal ticket 754 3101 Refreshments -Safety Mtg 754 4310 Auger wheels 754 3101 MS Office 2000 books 754 4310 01-22 Billing Crown Z Water Rd 753 4710 01-10 Billing 203 Reservoir Rd 753 4710 01-02 Billing 754 4210 01-02 Billing 754 4210 01-06 Shipping chgs 754 4210 Underground locates -December 753 4150 Underground locates -December 754 4150 Two peope-'Sediment Control' 753 4310 Seed 753 3101 Conduit 754 3101 2% Discount 754 3101 Conduit 754 3101 2% Discount 754 3101 Conduit 754 3101 0 Amount 9.32 86.11 9.52 53.81 26.80 16.45 5.79 55.70 30.36 4.07 12.84 3.13 10.23 16.01 13.57 4.48 27.84 4,489.00 22.32 15.63 2 2940 5,484.65 1,120.77 121.82 13,759.67 423.28 2,916.88 2,667.60 1,350.00- 25.00 136.65 6.19 20.52 29.97 81.13 14.22 97.22 42.39 42.39 12.97 10.18 10.18 350.00 64.90 1,610 32.46 .60- 35.16 01/02/12-09:06 0Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Number Name • City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE 61965 Brown and Caldwell 61969 Canal Pumps & Service Inc 61983 Familian NW 62000 Nurnberg Scientific 62006 Owest 62014 Verizon Wireless, Bellevue 62019 Western States Electric Inc. 62026 AT&T Business Service 62028 All Phase Electric Supply Co. 62033 Anjo Soils 62041 CSUS Foundation Inc. 62045 Clallam Co Dept of Health and 62050 Dept of Community Development 62053 Diversified Resource Center 62058 Environmental Resource Assoc. 62061 Familian NW 62066 Foster Pepper & Sheffelman CHECK REGISTER Date From 01/06/2001 To 02/09/2001 Vendor Number 02057 03134 06020 14092 21001 01105 23025 01085 01061 01057 03277 03065 03066 04052 05030 06020 06063 62068 Gary's Plumbing 07215 62069 Gateway Companies Inc 07195 62086 Newark Electronics 14114 62103 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 62108 Qwest 21001 Description GL Code Number 2% Discount 754 3101 Contactor 754 3101 2% Discount 754 3101 Wire,hubs,hole saw,nipples 754 3101 2% Discount 754 3101 PVC flex,wire 793 3402 2% Discount 793 3402 WW System Improvements pe 1-05.754 4150 Pump,splice kit 793 3101 Gaskets,plugs 753 3101 PVC pipe 754 3101 Ball valve,switch 754 3101 Filter paper,bags,petri dishes 754 3101 01-14 Billing 754 4210 01-14 Billing 753 4210 01-08 Billing 754 4210 01-16 Billing 754 4210 01-23 Billing 753 4210 01-10 Billing 753 4210 01-10 Billing 753 4210 01-10 Billing 753 4210 01-10 Bitting 753 4210 01-15 Billing 753 4210 01-15 Billing 754 4210 01-15 Billing 754 4210 Secondary boxes 793 3402 01-15 Billing 753 4210 Lights,ballasts,screwdrivers 753 3120 2% Discount 753 3120 Soil mix 753 3101 Water Treatment Operations 754 4310 Tetanus shot 754 4310 Water tests 753 4810 Janitorial svcs-January 753 4150 NPDES Testing for 2001 754 4150 Plugs 754 3101 Couplings 754 3101 Water Rights Issues pe Dec 00 753 4150 Etwha Dam Removal pe 12-12-00 793 4150 Wax rings 753 3101 2 Computers 754 6410 2 Computers 754 3160 Relays,bases 754 3101 Relays 754 3101 Parts 754 3120 Ferry fare 753 3101 01-20 Billing 754 4210 01-20 Billing 754 4210 01-20 Billing 754 4210 01-20 Bitting 754 4210 01-20 Billing 754 4210 February 12 2001 Page 25 Amount .65- 54.48 1.01- 26.66 .49- 224.52 4.15- 13,903.41 443.24 70.55 22.84 530.76 2,174.26 46.68 23.34 39.39 57.26 63.97 161.61 56.34 54.96 54.96 16.09 24.63 12.03 453.18 31.58 135.15 2.50- 189.35 102.79 10.00 732.00 77.83 276.56 583.34 156.19 125.00 475.58 5.13 3,889.71 1,894.66 199.83 40.40 20.20 19.50 57.26 57.26 57.26 57.26 57.26 01/02/12-09:06 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE February 12 2001 Page 26 Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Number Name CHECK REGISTER Date From 01/06/2001 To 02/09/2001 Vendor Description Number 62111 RadioShack Accounts Receivable 18003 62117 Sears Commercial One 19109 62127 USA BlueBook 21060 62131 WA Water Utilities Council 23061 01-20 Billing 01-23 Bitting 01-23 Bitting 01-23 Billing 01-20 Billing Exchange terminal strip Turntable tray Filters for wet/dry vacuum Refrigerator Filters Pipe Locator 2001 Dues GL Code At Number 754 4210 57.26 754 4210 57.26 754 4210 57.26 754 4210 57.26 754 4210 40.64 754 3120 .87 754 3101 41.64 753 3101 34.60 754 3120 805.96 754 3120 69.20 754 3501 756.60 753 4901 500.00 Total for Public Works 148,020.40 Total for Water/Wastewater Fund 149,807.61 404 61725 Carolina Software 03258 WasteWORKS Support -Qtr 1 2001 404 2370000 16.40 - Total for Department 16.40- 0007 61613 Advanced Travel 01090 Stromski,Kaufmann-Seattle 12-8 755 4310 McCabe to Bellevue 12-01 755 4310 61626 Citybank Harbour Point 03555 Retainage -Escrow 6237-00497006 795 4150 3,668.84 61640 Federal Express Corp. 06022 12-26 Shipping chgs 755 3101 66.95 61648 Glacier Environmental Svcs Inc 07223 Contract pmt#5-L/F Closure 795 4150 75,724.88 61653 Hermann Bros. Inc. 08127 Grind wood waste 755 3101 7,445.10 61679 Preston Gates & Ellis LLP 16175 Prof svcs pe 11-30 755 4150 80.00 61717 Angeles Millwork 01073 Strap hinges,window bolts 755 3101 8.14 Battery,insert bit 755 4810 163.44 61725 Carolina Software 03258 WasteWORKS Support -Qtr 1 2001 755 3101 216.40 61731 Clallam Co Fair Board 03340 Fair Space #06-07 8/16-8/19/01 755 4901 200.00 61742 Diversified Resource Center 04052 December janitorial svcs 755 4150 194.54 61774 Olympic Laundry & Clnrs Inc. 15026 December laundry svcs 755 3101 92.85 61776 Olympic Paper Company 15111 Coffee filters,towels,tissue 755 3101 72.59 61777 Olympic Printers Inc. 15027 Time cards 755 3101 46.94 61780 Olympic Stationers Inc. 15030 Calendars,journaL 755 3101 33.57 Stampers 755 3101 193.95 61783 Pacific Office Equipment Inc. 16004 Calculator, paper 755 3101 151.06 Toner 755 3101 55.03 61784 Pacific Rim Industrial & 16515 City Landfill work 755 4810 4,123.72 61787 Peninsula Daily News 16012 90 Gallon ads 05-25,05-29 755 4410 50.00 Reduce to 90 Gallon ad 11-29 755 4410 113.60 SW,Recycling ad 12/17 755 4410 90.88 SW,Recycling ad 12-22 755 4410 90.88 SW,Recycling ad 12-31 755 4410 68.16 61795 Radio Pacific Inc. 11019 KONP Christmas commercials #71 755 4410 KIKN CommerciaLS-December #71 755 4410 KONP Comnerials-December #71 755 4410 37.50 61807 Swain's General Store Inc. 19037 Flagging tape,ammunition 755 3101 80.53 61808 TaylorSparks Refrigeration Inc 20290 Remove freon,compressors 755 3101 648.60 40 01/02/12-09:06 Ond Dpt Check Analytical Resources Inc. Number 61816 61820 61825 61828 61838 61845 61895 ", 'g City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE CHECK REGISTER Date From 01/06/2001 To 02/09/2001 Vendor Vendor Name Number Washington (DIS), State of 23111 Waste Management - Northwest 23060 AVAYA INC 12215 Airgas-Norpac Inc. 01411 Automotive Environmental Svcs 01041 CSI Geosynthetics 03316 Parametrix Inc. 16155 61924 Smith & Associates Inc.,David 19122 61944 Clallam Co Department of 03020 61984 Gateway Companies Inc 07195 62000 Nurnberg Scientific 14092 62002 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 62006 Qwest 21001 62009 Sanderson Safety Supply Co. 19048 62018 Washington (Ecology), State of 23106 62028 All Phase Electric Supply Co. 01061 62107 Preston Gates & Ellis LLP 16175 62111 RadioShack Accounts Receivable 18003 62122 TaylorSparks Refrigeration Inc 20290 421 0009 61747 62031 Analytical Resources Inc. 01252 Hart, Jack 62040 Byrne Specialty Gases Inc. 02060 13602 62043 Chemsearch 14004 61880 62053 Diversified Resource Center 04052 Milliren, Pat 62096 Parametrix Inc. 16155 62107 Preston Gates & Ellis LLP 16175 62111 RadioShack Accounts Receivable 18003 62122 TaylorSparks Refrigeration Inc 20290 421 0009 61747 Gagnon, Charlie 07340 61751 Hart, Jack 08351 61767 Mitmoen, Muriel 13602 61815 Wahlsten, Jim 23558 61880 McMillian, Lisa 13605 61883 Milliren, Pat 13603 61903 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 62032 Andaleon, Amelia 01479 62059 Everwarm Inc. 05013 62082 Maike, Michelle 13606 • Description GL Code Number December Scan chgs 755 4210 December Recycling 755 4150 01-02-01 Billing 755 4210 Hazardous material 755 3101 Antifreeze processing 755 4150 Non -woven textiles 755 3101 LF Engineering,Permittting 795 4150 L/F Engineering 2001- pmt 1 795 4150 Photogrammetric svcs 755 4150 Landfill permit 755 4990 Computer,accessories 755 3160 Tubing,evaporating dishes 755 3101 Safety mtg food 755 3101 01-05 Billing 755 4210 01-14 Billing 755 4210 Bunker boots 755 3101 'Dangerous Waste' - McCabe 755 4310 Lights,ballasts,screwdrivers 755 3120 2% Discount 755 3120 Ground water analysis -4th Qtr 755 4150 Cylinder,gas 755 3120 Petroleum,hand cleaner 755 3120 Janitorial svcs-January 755 4150 LF Engineering,Permitting 2000 795 4150 LF Engineering,Permitting #2 755 4150 LF Engineering,Permitting #2 795 4150 LF Engineering,Permitting #2 795 4150 Prof svcs pe 12-31 755 4150 Telephone 755 4210 Remove freon,compressors 755 4150 February 12 2001 Page 27 Total for Public Works Total for Solid Waste Fund Energy rebate -Insulation 913 4986 Energy rebate -Insulation 913 4986 Energy rebate -Insulation 913 4986 Energy rebate -Heat pump 913 4986 Energy rebate -windows 913 4986 Energy rebate -insulation 913 4986 Filing fee 913 4990 Stop pmt chg check #61423 913 4986 Energy rebate-Insulation,windo 913 4986 Energy rebate -Sandwick windows 913 4986 Energy rebate -insulation 913 4986 Total for Conservation Fund Amount 10.12 41,616.06 39.07 12.25 120.00 1,184.70 5,152.38 23,540.15 13,493.54 2,400.00 1,747.45 256.39 5.99 85.20 116.70 592.84 40.00 135.15 2.49- 4,582.00 828.70 527.34 194.54 2,325.26 10,581.14 315.77 1,095.90 40.00 21.61 584.28 205,536.14 205,519.74 167.17 189.00 250.00 250.00 250.00 441.35 8.00 15.00- 786.00 250.00 150.45 2,726.97 501 61879 McMaster -Carr Supply Co. 13202 Signs 501 2370000 31.65- 62084 McMaster -Carr Supply Co. 13202 Storage rack 501 2370000 44- 01/02/12-09:06 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE February 12 2001 Page 28 Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Number Name 0007 61713 Alpine Auto Inc 61722 Bryant's Upholstery 61735 Cornell Auto Parts 61740 Denver's Tire Co. Inc. 42 CHECK REGISTER Date From 01/06/2001 To 02/09/2001 Vendor Description Number GL Code Number Total for Department 01427 Timing cover 760 3101 02059 Recover truck seat cushion 760 4810 03092 Stick lube 760 3101 Wheel cylinder assemblies 760 3101 Turn rotor 760 3101 Variable resistor 760 3101 Safety flares,hand cleaner 760 3101 04044 Replace brake,rebuild light 760 3101 LOF,lubra kleen,air cleaner 760 3101 LOF,safety check,lubra kleen 760 3101 Mount,demount,wheel change 760 3101 Flat repair,motor oil 760 3101 Water pump,antifreeze,gasket 760 3101 LOF,safety kleen,lubra kleen 760 3101 LOF,lubra kleen,dash bulbs 760 3101 Belt tensioner,valve covers 760 3101 LOF,idler arm,belt,alignment 760 3101 Demount,mount tire,tube 760 3101 Steering gear box 760 3101 Wheel change 760 3101 Flat repair 760 3101 Light relacement,labor 760 3101 Muffler,tail pipe,connector 760 3101 Fuel filter 760 3101 Flat repair 760 3101 Waste hauler lug 760 3101 Waste hauler lugs,retreads 760 3101 LOF,lubra kleen,fuel filter 760 3101 Belt,valve,plugs,cap,rotor 760 3101 Flat repair 760 3101 LOF,safety check,lubra kleen 760 3101 Rotor,cap,wires 760 3101 Demount,mount,balance tires 760 4810 Demount,mount,balance tires 760 4810 Demount,mount,balance tires 760 4810 Demount,mount,balance tires 760 4810 Warranty alternator repair 760 4810 Battery 760 3101 Battery 760 4810 Front brakes,turn rotors 760 4810 Front brakes,turn rotors 760 3101 LOF,demount,mount,bal tires 760 4810 LOF,demount,mount,bal tires 760 3101 Demount,mount, balance tires 760 3101 Demount,mount,balance tires 760 4810 Tires,demount,mount,balance 760 3101 Tires,demount,mount,balance 760 4810 PCV valve,plugs,filter 760 3101 PCV valve,plugs,filter 760 4810 WMWM�,1r ��y s E zsShgeN .. r. 01/02/12-09:06 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE February 12 2001 Page 29 CHECK REGISTER Date From 01/06/2001 To 02/09/2001 Ond Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount Number Name Number Number LOF,safety check,lubra kleen 760 3101 13.22 LOF,safety check,lubra kleen 760 4810 17.26 LOF,lubra kleen,plugs,belt 760 3101 101.70 LOF,lubra kleen,plugs,belt 760 4810 46.39 Headlight lamp 760 3101 18.07 Flat repair 760 4810 10.79 Demount,mount,balance tires 760 4810 17.26 Tires,demount,mount,balance 760 3101 147.97 Tires,demount,mount,balance 760 4810 22.66 LOf,water pump lube,filter 760 3101 35.34 l.Of,water pump lube,filter 760 4810 49.09 Demount,mount,balance tires 760 4810 34.53 LOF,demount,mount baL tires 760 3101 13.23 LOF,demount,mount bal tires 760 4810 34.52 LOF,front brakes,rotors 760 3101 310.22 LOF,front brakes,rotors 760 4810 66.35 Tires,retread 760 3101 356.07 Exchange waste hauler lug 760 3101 14.03- 61742 Diversified Resource Center 04052 December janitorial svcs 760 4150 116.70 61745 Evergreen Collision -Body Shop 05000 Boil out,check radiator 760 3101 392.78 Radiator 760 3101 185.84 61754 Heartline, The 08054 Batteries,bolts 760 3101 220.57 61762 Lincoln Industrial Corp. 12047 Material for water box keys 760 3101 6.53 Repair hinge,fender,paint 760 4810 678.69 Repair hinge,fender,paint 760 3101 147.55 Pipe 760 3101 75.92 61766 Middleton Auto and Truck Inc. 13117 Switch 760 3101 97.85 Belt 760 3101 3.62 Brakes,core deposit 760 3101 282.90 Rotor,distributor cap,contact 760 3101 26.13 Oil filters,switch 760 3101 44.47 Cable tie 760 3101 6.14 Cap screws 760 3101 64.87 Batteries 760 3101 9.58 Grinding wheel 760 3101 60.31 Starter,core deposit 760 3101 182.76 Control 760 3101 87.50 V -Belt 760 3101 13.10 Socket 760 3101 1.79 Refund core deposit 760 3101 76.07- Lenses,lamps,filters,solenoid 760 3101 188.84 Light bulbs 760 3101 11.18 Clamp 760 3101 5.07 Strap 760 3101 56.10 Break -away 760 3101 9.37 Tubing 760 3101 52.54 Floor mat 760 3101 16.18 Bulb,filters,switch 760 3101 86.41 Brake parts 760 3101 12.85 Epoxy 760 3101 21.13 Connectors 760 310143 1014 3.34 01/02/12-09:06 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE February 12 2001 Page 30 Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Number Name 61770 Norstar Industries Inc. 61774 Olympic Laundry & Clnrs Inc. 61776 Olympic Paper Company 61777 Olympic Printers Inc. 61780 Olympic Stationers Inc. 61790 Pettit Oil Company 61797 Ruddell Auto Mall 61800 Schwab Tire Center, Les 61802 Simpson's Used Auto Parts 61804 Sunset Do -It Best Hardware 61807 Swain's General Store Inc. CHECK REGISTER Date From 01/06/2001 To 02/09/2001 Vendor Description GL Code Number Number Relays 760 3101 Oil filters 760 3101 Horn button 760 3101 Floor mat 760 3101 Fuses 760 3101 Pigtails,chemical 760 3101 Bulbs 760 3101 Back-up alarms 760 3101 Leak tester 760 3101 Filters,bushings,wire 760 3101 Fittings 760 3101 Screw adjusters 760 3101 V -Belt 760 3101 Heater valve 760 3101 Black paint 760 3101 14108 Camlock,nipple,ball valve,hose 760 3101 15026 November laundry svcs 760 4990 15111 Wiper pop-up box -shop 760 3101 Wiper pop-up box 760 3101 15027 Time cards 760 3101 15030 Dymo tape 760 3101 Envelopes 760 3101 16302 December cardlock 760 3210 Gasoline 760 3210 Diesel 760 3211 Diesel 760 3211 Diesel 760 3211 18019 Handle 760 3101 19459 Tire Life,repair tires,0-rings 760 3101 Dismount,mount,balance tires 760 3101 Tires,studs,balance wheels 760 3101 Tires,studs,balance wheels 760 4810 Repair tires,valve stems 760 3101 Tires,studs,balance wheels 760 3101 Tires,studs,balance 760 3101 Tire repairs 760 3101 Repair flats,valve stems 760 3101 19199 Front bumper 760 3101 19035 Electrodes,brush handle 760 3101 Clevis hooks,chain 760 3101 Pulley,pins,hardware 760 3101 Hardware 760 3101 Cutoff wheels,nipper 760 3101 Contact tip,insulator,diffuser 760 3101 Fasteners 760 3101 Bolt 760 3101 19037 Floor mats 760 3101 Paint,hardware 760 3101 Tarp,cord 760 3101 Pulley,tarp,cord 760 3101 Tarp 760 3101 0 Amount 32.41 8.91 4.66 16.18 5.27 12.72 54.73 86.28 7.54 55.45 8.00 25.92 13.04 35.58 8.29 177.08 238.68 70.33 70.33 56.33 5 2,82 . 3,757.00 4,043.00 2,559.12 388.75 9.82 164.97 67.98 512.53 79.67 378.64 172.94 209.05 27.19 46.13 162.30 18.05 51.43 44.07 11.83 38.34 24.73 3.24 9.02 0 31.19 6.99 10.00 01/02/12-09:06 Ond Dot Check Vendor Number Name • • ry k City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE CHECK REGISTER Date From 01/06/2001 To 02/09/2001 Vendor Description Number 61816 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 61819 Washington Fire & Safety Equip 23004 61824 AT&T Wireless Services 01404 61825 AVAYA INC 12215 61839 BBC Dodge Burien 02062 61846 Schuck's 19008 61859 Evergreen Collision -Body Shop 05000 61876 Craft, Don 03424 61879 McMaster -Carr Supply Co. 13202 61885 N C Machinery Co. 14001 61892 Olympic Laundry & Clnrs Inc. 15026 61893 Pacific Coast Truck Center 16002 61894 Pacific Detroit Diesel Allison 16060 61896 Parts Incorporated 18126 61897 Pettit Oil Company 16302 61903 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 61905 Port Angeles Ford Lincoln 16158 61908 Public Fleet Managers Assn 16409 61916 Richmond 2 -Way Radio 18009 61931 United Parcel Service 21005 61978 Commercial Brake & Clutch Inc 03444 61996 N C Machinery Co. 14001 62006 Qwest 21001 62053 Diversified Resource Center 04052 62068 Gary's Plumbing 07215 62070 Glass Services Co. Inc. 07037 62081 Craft, Don 03424 62084 McMaster -Carr Supply Co. 13202 62095 Pacific Utility Equipment Inc. 21011 62115 SeaTac Ford Truck Sales Inc 19261 62120 Simpson's Used Auto Parts 19199 62124 Territorial Supplies Inc. 20001 Tarp,bungee hook Paint December Scan chgs Extinguisher maintenance Extinguisher maintenance 01-03 Billing 01-02-01 Billing Dodge Ram Pickuo Early pmt discount Truck cover Fixed leak in heater core Spring tool, Service jack Spring tool, Service jack Signs Hose,seal Laundry svc-December Heater fan motor Transmission kit Pressure switches Oil,drum return License plates Damaged plates Gasket,studs,seal Renew membership -Burrett Install equipment Install equipment 01-06 Shipping chgs Cover assembly,disc,flywheel Cover assembly,disc,flywheel Gasket Parts 01-14 Bitting Janitorial svcs-January Floor drains Furnish,install safety glass Furnish,install safety glass Ratchet wrench sets Storage rack Horn Button assembly Steering cylinder end Loader rack Rubber bumper Lights,flashers Lights,flashers Lights,flashers February 12 2001 Page 31 GL Code Number 760 3101 760 3101 760 4210 760 4810 760 3101 760 4210 760 4210 760 6410 760 6410 760 3101 760 3101 760 3101 760 3101 760 3101 760 3101 760 4990 760 3101 760 3101 760 3101 760 3220 760 4990 760 4990 760 3101 760 4901 760 4810 760 3101 760 3101 760 3402 760 4810 760 3402 760 3402 760 4210 760 4150 760 3101 760 4810 760 3402 760 3501 760 3101 760 3101 760 3101 760 3402 760 3402 760 3402 760 3402 760 3402 Total for Public Works Amount 37.13 2.13 5.38 23.74 101.43 18.00 7.81 18,405.62 75.00- 66.18 24.35 19.36 242.73 432.21 30.27 293.53 67.06 605.94 140.25 226.21 18.25 6.00 71.38 100.00 565.39 251.41 4.76 233.24 24.88 2.05 115.70 23.34 116.70 300.79 54.10 121.73 108.09 551.27 25.21 168.31 503.13 32.46 110.93 110.92 110.92 50,966.14 Total for Equipment Services Fund 50,892.71 502 0002 61613 Advanced Travel 01090 Harper to Bellevue 12-03 250 4310 046 01/02/12-09:06 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE February 12 2001 Page 32 Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Number Name 61623 CDW Government Inc. 61650 Costco Credit Card Pmts 61724 Camera Corner 61776 Olympic Paper Company 61781 Onvia.com 61783 Pacific Office Equipment Inc 61816 Washington (DIS), State of 61825 AVAYA INC 61843 CDW Government Inc CHECK REGISTER Date From 01/06/2001 To 02/09/2001 Vendor Number 03336 03261 03044 15111 15207 16004 23111 12215 03336 61867 IBM Corporation 09020 61889 OLYPEN 15147 61931 United Parcel Service 21005 61981 Dungeness Communications & 04210 62006 Qwest 21001 62014 Verizon Wireless, Bellevue 01105 62034 Archive Index Systems Inc. 01298 62078 Kirsch, David 11180 503 0001 61628 Clallam Co YMCA 03076 61637 Dyker, Ralph 04204 61700 WCIA 23204 61733 Clallam Co YMCA 03076 61737 Darling, Greg 04004 61741 Ditzenberger, Dennis 04080 61786 Patterson, Jake 16516 61801 Servicemaster 19069 61810 UNUM Life Ins Co of America 21000 61850 Clallam Co YMCA 03076 61862 Gellor Insurance .Inc. 07030 61863 Gordy's Pizza & Pasta 07272 61915 Regence Blue Shield 18290 61923 Sequim Aquatic Recreation Ctr. 19015 61927 Summit Law Group PLLC 19437 61948 AWC Employee Benefit Trust 01231 61959 Balser, Fred 02243 61961 Bishop, Virgil 02019 61963 Braun, Gary 02173 61967 Cameron, Kenneth 03252 61968 Camporini, Richard 03273 61974 Clallam Co YMCA 03076 61980 Dept of Labor & Ind (Qrtr rpt) 04046 61982 Evans, Sid 05103 61988 Johnson, Donald G 10052 61989 Johnson, Harry 10047 46 3160 3,528.74 Description Computer,drive Surge protector Enlargements Computer paper Network cards Tapes MS License Activity December Scan chgs 01-02-01 Billing Quantum Snap server Cisco router,Cisco Enet Software-'ArcServe' Hard drives Install Breezecom radios 01-06 Shipping chgs December maintenance 01-14 Billing 01-15 Billing 5 -User assurance,upgrade plan Work on computers pe 02-01 GL Code Amount Number 250 3160 1,778.68 250 4810 60.55 250 3101 23.74 250 3101 201.34 250 4810 271.23 250 3101 33.40 250 3160 290.15 250 4210 24.23 250 4210 23.44 250 3160 1,979.80 250 3160 3,528.74 250 3160 1,163.17 250 3.160 2,778.21 250 3160 859.11 250 4210 8.75 250 4150 125.00 250 4210 70.02 250 4210 16.64 250 4800 2,148.86 250 4150 145.00 Total for Information Technology Fund Renew Drake,McCabe 121 4150 Reimburse medical expenses 121 4630 2001 premium -City of PA 119 4610 Annual Dues -G. Ian McCaleb 121 4150 Disability Board claims -Dec 121 4634 Reimburse medical svcs 121 4630 Reimburse medical svcs 121 4630 Claim Settlement #27-00 119 4999 February premium 121 4631 Renew member -J Hall #013433101 121 4150 Renew Policy #0612233 pe 2003 118 4950 Safety meeting refreshments 118 4909 Admininstrative fee -February 117 4601 Annual Membership -Lusby 121 4150 General Labor Rep pe 12-31-00 119 4150 February premium 121 4630 February premium 121 4632 February premium 121 4634 Reimburse Medicare premium -Feb 121 4635 Reimburse Medicare premium -Feb 121 4635 Reimburse Medicare premium -Feb 121 4635 Reimburse Medicare premium -Feb 121 4635 Reimburse Medicare premium -Feb 121 4635 Renew-DeFrang #01-30350-01 121 4150 Workers Comp 4th Qtr Report 118 4950 Disability Board claims -Jan 121 4635 Reimburse Medicare premium -Feb 121 4635 Reimburse Medicare premium -Feb 121 4635 Reimburse supplies,travel 868 3210 0 Total for Esther Webster Trust Fund 697 62097 Pease, Irene J 16522 Refund overpmt-Medic Transport 697 2391000 'i 01/02/12-09:06 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE February 12 2001 Page 33 CHECK REGISTER IS Date From 01/06/2001 To 02/09/2001 Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount Number Name Number Number 61991 Lindley, James K. 12019 Reimburse Medicare premium-Feb 121 4635 45.50 61992 Loucks, Jasper 12186 Reimburse Medicare premium-Feb 121 4635 85.00 61994 Miesel, Phil 13261 Reimburse Medicare premium-Feb 121 4635 46.10 61995 Morgan, Roy 13145 Reimburse Medicare premium-Feb 121 4635 46.10 61997 NW Admin Transfer Acct 14169 Non sworn group 121 4633 12,631.30 Sworn officers 121 4633 15,609.00 Retirees 121 4634 7,019.00 62007 Qwest-Claims 21033 Claim Settlement #03-01 119 4999 95.30 62010 Sequim Aquatic Recreation Ctr. 19015 Additional due Member-Lusby 121 4150 20.50 62012 Sweatt, Johnnie 19146 Reimburse Medicare premium-Feb 121 4635 65.70 62038 Brown, Mike 02276 Reimburse medical expenses 118 4992 55.08 62112 Rainier EAP Inc. 18057 Assessment and Referral-01-01 121 4150 330.00 62125 UNUM Life Ins Co of America 21000 February premium 121 4631 2,210.57 62139 Ziegler, Ken 26221 Claim settlement #1-01 119 4999 1,153.11 Total for Self - Insurance Fund 360,558.61 602 0002 61982 Evans, Sid 05103 Reimburse Medicare premium-Feb 225 4635 45.50 61986 Hansen, George D. 08048 Reimburse Medicare premium 225 4635 46.80 Total for Firemen's Pension Fund 92.30 *2 0008 61682 Qwest Communications 21087 Directory advertising 868 4210 270.00 61724 Camera Corner 03044 Slides 868 3101 8.36 61780 Olympic Stationers Inc. 15030 Poster boards 868 3101 12.62 Vinyl letters, paper 868 3101 14.61 Envelopes 868 3101 7.13 61783 Pacific Office Equipment Inc. 16004 Paper 868 3101 14.03 61787 Peninsula Daily News 16012 Subscription-2001 #40019715 868 4901 105.00 61803 Slemmons, Rod 19746 Honorarium 868 4150 200.00 61807 Swain's General Store Inc. 19037 Drill bits,knife,caulking 868 3101 8.50 Fasteners,paint,bits,screws 868 3101 12.56 Spray paint,hobby knife 868 3101 8.61 Numbers set,spray paint 868 3101 6.96 Gloves 868 3101 8.49 61809 Thurman Supply 20005 Flood lights 868 3120 66.39 Flood lights 868 3120 9.16 61816 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 December Scan chgs 868 4210 102.11 61825 AVAYA INC 12215 01-02-01 Billing 868 4210 7.81 62006 Qwest 21001 01-14 Billing 868 4210 23.34 01-14 Billing 868 4210 68.86 01-23 Billing 868 4210 60.33 62119 Seniuk, Jake 19014 Reimburse supplies,travel 868 3120 7.01 Reimburse supplies,travel 868 3101 43.66 Reimburse supplies,travel 868 4210 13.60 Reimburse supplies,travel 868 4310 81.98 Reimburse supplies,travel 868 3210 0 Total for Esther Webster Trust Fund 697 62097 Pease, Irene J 16522 Refund overpmt-Medic Transport 697 2391000 01/02/12-09:06 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE February 12 2001 Page 34 CHECK REGISTER Date From 01/06/2001 To 02/09/2001 Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount Number Name Number Number Total for Accts.Receivable Clearing Fund 493.00 698 61609 AFSCME Local #1619 01152 Payroll deductions pe 01-07 698 2315200 80.00 61610 AFSCME Local #1619 Scholarship 01153 Payroll deductions pe 01-07 698 2315200 160.00 61624 Chapter 13 Trustee 03105 Payroll deductions pe 01-07 698 2315210 175.00 61636 DiMartino/WSCFF Disability 06052 Payroll deductions pe 01-07 698 2315190 774.36 61638 Employees Association 05041 Payroll deductions pe 01-07 698 2315210 324.00 61641 Firefighter's Local #656 06076 Payroll deductions pe 01-07 698 23.15200 1,020.00 61643 Flex -Plan Services (Payroll) 06062 Payroll deductions pe 01-07 698 2315210 1,000.94 61654 IBEW Local #997 09034 Payroll deductions pe 01-07 698 2315200 665.30 61658 LEOFF 12043 December contribution 698 2315120 22,518.99 61668 Office of Support Enforcement 15072 Payroll deductions pe 01-07 698 2315210 1,471.78 61669 Office of Support Enforcement 15166 Payroll deductions pe 01-07 698 2315210 89.08 61672 PERS 16016 December contribution 698 2315130 49,152.84 61677 Police Association 16156 Payroll deductions pe 01-07 698 2315210 171.00 61690 Teamsters Local #589 20056 Payroll deductions pe 01-07 698 2315200 1,822.00 61691 US Department of Education 21075 Payroll deductions pe 01-07 698 2315210 69.41 61692 United Way (payroll) 21028 Payroll deductions pe 01-07 698 2315240 422.07 61702 WSCCCE, AFSCME, AFL-CIO 23167 Payroll deductions pe 01-07 698 2315200 2,850.93 61860 Flex -Plan Services (Payroll) 06062 Payroll deductions pe 01-21 698 2315210 1,000.94 61890 Office of Support Enforcement 15072 Payroll deductions pe 01-21 698 2315210 1,47 8 61891 Office of Support Enforcement 15166 Payroll deductions pe 01-21 698 2315210 61926 States West Life Insurance Co. 19313 February Premium 698 2315160 50 61930 US Department of Education 21075 Payroll deductions pe 01-21 698 2315210 69.41 61932 United Way (payroll) 21028 Payroll deductions pe 01-21 698 2315240 410.07 61935 Volunteer Fire Association 22060 Payroll deductions pe 01-21 698 2315210 40.00 62024 AFSCME Local #1619 01152 Payroll deductions pe 02-04 698 2315200 80.00 62025 AFSCME Local #1619 Scholarship 01153 Payroll deductions pe 02-04 698 2315200 160.00 62052 DiMartino/WSCFF Disability 06052 Payroll deductions pe 02-04 698 2315190 774.36 62056 Employees Association 05041 Payroll deductions pe 02-04 698 2315210 320.00 62062 Firefighter's Local #656 06076 Payroll deductions pe 02-04 698 2315200 1,100.00 62063 Flex -Plan Services (Payroll) 06062 Payroll deductions pe 02-04 698 2315210 1,000.94 62073 IBEW Local #997 09034 Payroll deductions pe 02-04 698 2315200 652.30 62089 Office of Support Enforcement 15072 Payroll deductions pe 02-04 698 2315210 1,471.78 62090 Office of Support Enforcement 15166 Payroll deductions pe 02-04 698 2315210 89.08 62101 Police Association 16156 Payroll deductions pe 02-04 698 2315210 171.00 62123 Teamsters Local #589 20056 Payroll deductions pe 02-04 698 2315200 1,772.00 62126 US Department of Education 21075 Payroll deductions pe 02-04 698 2315210 69.41 62128 United Way (payroll) 21028 Payroll deductions pe 02-04 698 2315240 360.07 62134 WSCCCE, AFSCME, AFL-CIO 23167 Payroll deductions pe 02-04 698 2315200 2,850.93 Total for Accounts Payable Clearing Fund 97,227.65 Grand Total 1,407,426.14 • 0 0 City of Port Angeles Solid Waste Ordinance Revisions February 20, 2001 Today's Presentation • Why Modify Solid Waste Ordinances? • Ordinance Development • Ordinance Changes • Impacts to Commercial Customers • Impacts to Residential Customers • Enforcement • Publicity • Questions ? ? ? Why Modify Ordinances ? • Increased Yard Waste Anticipated • Burn Ban Effective January 1, 2001 • Smaller Refuse Containers Increase Recycling • Increase Recycling Efforts — Hog Fuel — Class "A" Compost Ordinance Development • Business and Residential Forum: Oct 2000 • Verified Commercial Alternatives • Curbside Test for Removing Plastics Ordinance Changes Eliminate Plastics from Yard Waste • No Longer Accepted for Composting: — Construction & Demolition Debris — Branches andprunings: >4" D &/or > 4' L (May be place in Cell) — Rocks, Sod and Dirt (accepted at no fee) • Ban Yard Waste from Refuse Containers • Yard Waste in Containers < 32 Gallon • Clarification of Commercial Charges (no change in fees) Impacts to Commercial Customers • Most large material to go to local commercial processor • Uniform Billing of $20/ton • No Wood or Tree Limbs — > 4 inches in Diameter &/or > 4 feet in Length Impacts to Residential Customers • No Use of Plastic Bags — Currently Voluntary at Landfill • 32 Gallon Container acceptable at Curbside • Bundles Acceptable at Curbside • No Wood or Tree Limbs — > 4 inches in Diameter &/or > 4 feet in Length • No fee for Yard Waste at Landfill (current practice) • No Yard Waste in Refuse Containers Enforcement • Informational Enforcement for March • Enforcement for April Publicity • Utility Bills • KONP Home Show • County Fair • Information at Scale Shack • Channel21 • Press Releases Questions ? ? CITY OF ORT NGELES Q4.. WASHINGTON, U.S.A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: February 20, 2001 TO: MAYOR DOYLE AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: Glenn A. Cutler, Director of Public Works & Utilities �� SUBJECT: Solid Waste Ordinance Summary: It is proposed to modify existing solid waste City Ordinances to reflect; 1) the impacts of the Washington State regulations that prohibit outdoor burning of yard waste including land clearing debris in Port Angeles and its surrounding urban growth area; and 2) remove plastics from the yard waste stream to permit greater flexibility in recycling. Recommendation: Adopt the proposed Ordinance. Background / Analysis: Effective January 1, 2001, yard waste and debris from land clearing operations may not be burned inside the City limits nor in the Urban Growth Area around the City per Washington State law. A presentation by Olympic Air Pollution Control Authority (OAPCA) staff was given at the September 19, 2000 City Council meeting. The Public Works and Utilities and Fire Department staffs have been working with OAPCA and local contractors, businesses and citizens to develop a policy on how to implement the burn ban, determine the potential impacts on the landfill, and get the word out. When the ordinance is adopted it will; 1) change the policy at the landfill for accepting yard waste by eliminating the presence of plastics and limiting the size of material to be accepted and; 2) modify the curbside collection program by eliminating plastics from yard waste and prohibiting yard waste from being placed into refuse containers. Yard Waste is projected to increase by twenty-five per cent as a result of the following factors: A) Burn Ban B) Banning yard waste from residential containers C) 90 gallon residential conversion program On October 24, 2000, a public forum on the outdoor burn ban was held at City Hall for contractors, business owners, and citizens. Olympic Air Pollution Control Authority staff, the Fire Chief, and the Director of Public Works and Utilities made presentations to the group with a question and answer period. The focus was to provide information on State law, current yard waste regulations, and feedback on potential impacts. 49 City Council Memo Dated February 20, 2001 Page 2 City staff has developed a plan that addresses the various issues and concerns in the yard waste program. Ban Plastics from the Yard Waste Stream By removing plastics from the yard waste stream, two new opportunities will be available for yard waste. Clean yard waste will facilitate making Class "A" compost and/or using it for hog fuel. Yard waste comes to the landfill by two different methods. Customers throughout the county bring their yard waste directly to the landfill, and City collection customers have their yard waste picked up at the curbside. The City experimented with the removal of plastics with mixed results. a) The Port Angeles Landfill has a voluntary plastics removal program in place. The landfill attendant informs the user when they come across the scales to empty their plastic bags. The landfill provides 2 - 300 gallon containers for citizens to dispose of their plastic bags. This program is very successful and has a high compliance rate. 70% of the plastic has been eliminated; b) Waste Management conducted a 30 day trial at no cost to the City. Waste Management instructed their drivers to remove yard waste from the plastic bags. The trial period allowed them to determine if it was cost effective and efficient to remove the plastic bags at the curb. They found that a significant extra effort was required and added cost to the operation. Ban yard waste from the residential containers Yard waste that is disposed of in residential containers goes directly into the landfill cell. This ban will help to effectively use landfill cell space, reduce collection cost, and materials will be recycled. This will be especially critical when the City begins long hauling solid waste after the current landfill is closed. Now is the time to start changing customers habits. The attached ordinance will: 1. Ban plastics from the yard waste stream. 2. Exclude construction and demolition debris from yard waste. Debris, if appropriate, may be placed in the cell. 3. Exclude wood and tree limbs exceeding 4 inches in diameter and/or exceeding 4 feet in length, rocks, sod and dirt from yard waste. Wood and tree limbs may be placed in the cell at the customary tipping fee. Rocks, sod and clean dirt will be accepted at no fee. 4. Prohibit yard waste from being placed in refuse containers 5. Yard waste to be placed in containers not exceeding 32 gallons, or tied in bundles. 6. Clarify that commercial users shall be charged a $20 per ton fee for yard waste. 50 • City Council Memo Dated February 20, 2001 is Page 3 Publicity for Ordinance Changes A public relations program will be developed to assist the citizens with the transformation. This would be done by the following methods: a) Information in City utility bills. . b) Information available at the KONP Home Show and County Fair. c) Information available at the landfill scale. d) Informational advertisements on Channel 21 e) Press releases f) Informational enforcement for the entire month of March with strict enforcement effective April 2, 2001. An ordinance revising the City's solid waste collection and disposal regulations and rates relating to recycling and yard waste has been drafted by the City Attorney. The Utility Advisory Committee reviewed and agreed with the proposed changes at their February 12, 2001 meeting. Attachments: Ordinance 0 NAPWKS\SWASTE\CCbanplastic.wpd • 51 ORDINANCE NO. • AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, revising the City's solid waste collection and disposal regulations and rates relating to recycling and yard waste and amending Ordinance 2317 as amended, Ordinance 2630, and Chapters 13.54 and 13.56 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES DOES HEREBY as follows: Section 1. Ordinance,2317 as amended and Chapter 13.54 PAMC are hereby amended amending PAMC 13.54.020 to read as follows: 13.54.020 Definitions. For the purposes of this Chapter, the following words and have the meanings respectively ascribed to them by this Section: A. "Ashes" means solid waste products produced after the combustion of c other fuels, and other combustible material. B. "City business" means any business whose principal place of business is within City limits of Port Angeles. C. "City resident" means any person residing within the legal City limits of Port D. . "Collector of refuse" means the Solid Waste Utility within the Department of Works and any person having a contract with or license from the City for the removal of se, or any State -licensed refuse collector operating outside the City. E. "Commercial dwelling" means a building or group of buildings designed, for, or used for any purpose other than single or multiple dwellings, and shall include office Any building or group of buildings where combined residence and business is -1- 52 • here such business is advertised by a sign of any type on the premises and/or is listed in the telephone directory as a business, shall be classified as commercial, unless specifically exempted P rY Py the City Manager or his designee, based on the services rendered. F. "Container" means a receptacle which is of the type approved by the City and by the City for use with its mechanical refuse collection system. The container shall not he less than 60 gallons nor more than 300 gallons in capacity. The two types of containers are roll - containers and stationary containers. Roll-out containers are 60 or 90 gallons in capacity and wheels for ease in moving the containers. Stationary containers are 300 gallons in capacity and used in alleys and for commercial applications. G. "Contractor" means any authorized person contracting with or having a license permit to collect and dispose of refuse in the City, or his authorized agent. H. "Dangerous waste" means any discarded, useless, unwanted, or abandoned substances, including but not limited to certain pesticides or any residues or of such substances which are disposed of in such quantity or concentration as to pose a present or potential hazard to human health, wildlife, or the environment because such or constituents or combinations of such wastes: 1. have short-lived, toxic properties that may cause death, injury or illness have mutagenic, teratogenic or carcinogenic properties; or 2. are corrosive, explosive, flammable, or may generate pressure through ion or other means I. "Dead animals" means all animals, large or small, which may die or be killed for than food purposes. -2- J. "Director" means the Director of Public Works for the City of Port Angeles, and authorized supervisors. K. "Garbage" means all putrescible animal or vegetable wastes resulting from preparation, cooking and consumption of food in any private dwelling house, multiple hotel, restaurant, building or institution. the State. L. "Health officer" means the City or County health officer as defined by the laws M. "Landfill" means the Sanitary Landfill disposal area as administered and by the City under Chapter 13.56 PAMC. N. "Multiple dwelling" means a building or group of buildings designed as, or for, or used as two or more dwellings, such as apartments, rooming houses, multiple houses courts and tenant houses; provided such building or group of buildings are under common and have a common refuse disposal site; and provided further, that such group by nature of construction or reference infer multiplex dwelling, except tourist courts, hotels and trailer courts, or any other establishment catering to transient residents; and that, for the purpose of this Chapter, three rooms shall be equal to one apartment and any of rooms shall be billed to the nearest multiple of three. O. "Offal' means waste animal matter from butcher, slaughterer or packing houses. P. "Person" means every person, firm, partnership, association, institution and The terms also mean the occupant or owner of the premises for which service is pursuant to this Chapter. Q. "Recycling Container" means a receptacle which is of the type approved by the and furnished by the recycling contractor for the collection of recyclable materials. Sim 54 R. "Recyclable materials" includes all metals, all glass, some plastics (at a inimum, two -liter soda bottles and gallon milk jugs), and some paper (at a minimum newsprint, ledger paper, and computer paper). S. "Refuse" means garbage, rubbish, trash, and offal, as defined herein, placed and tored together in a standard refuse container. T. "Rubbish" means all cardboard, plastic, metal, glass, food containers, astepaper, rags, sweepings, small pieces of wood, excelsior, rubber, leather and similar waste materials that ordinarily accumulate around a home, business or industry including lawn cuttings. t does not include bulk waste, tree and hedge trimmings, dead animals, dangerous wastes, azardous materials, industrial waste or building waste resulting from construction or alterations. U. "Sanitation service charge" means a charge imposed by the City Council for the ervices performed by the Solid Waste Utility. V. "Single dwelling" means a building designed as, or intended for, or used as, a esidence for a single family or a group of persons other than a single family, using such building s a single housekeeping unit. W. "Trash" means all waste matter not subject to decay or putrefaction which, for e purpose of this Chapter, includes ashes. X. "Waste" and "wastes" means all discarded materials and/or substances. ;. Y. "Yard Wastes" includes leaves, grass, flowers, etc., as well as branches and runing, less than four inches (4") in diameter and four feet (4') in length. "Yard Wastes" excludes food waste, metals, plastics, and synthetic fibers, construction and demolition debris any wood or tree limbs over four inches (4") in diameter and/or exceeding four feet (4) in length, rocks, sod, and dirt contmifinated soils. (Ord. 2630, §1,4/l/91; Ord. 2317 §2,10/26/84) -4- 55 Section 2. Ordinance 2317 as amended and Chapter 13.54 of the Port Angeles icip al Code are hereby amended by amending PAMC 13.54.060 to read as follows: 0 13.54.060 Container Requirements. A. Required. It shall be the duty of every person in possession, charge or control any single dwelling, multiple dwelling, or commercial dwelling where waste is created or at all times to use City -owned containers, or other containers as approved by the , in accordance with this Chapter and to deposit or cause to be deposited refuse therein. If a person is furnished a roll-out container, then such person shall be responsible for maintaining container in a clean condition. B. Sunken cans and containers shall be prohibited. C. Location. No containers shall be kept or stored within the confines of any street public alley in the City, except as otherwise provided in this Chapter. In blocks in which there alleys, stationary containers shall be kept on private property in a convenient and tion adjacent to such alley; provided that stationary containers may be located in City alley =way if the Director determines that such placement is safe and practical. In blocks where are no alleys, roll-out containers shall be kept on private property until the day of collection; that such roll-out containers shall be placed so that the lid opens toward the collection when it is dumped and in a readily accessible location to the traveled roadway of the street the curb so that the automated collection vehicle can reach them on the appropriate day and ; and provided further that such roll-out containers shall be removed from the curb within 24 after their collection. For multiple dwellings and commercial dwellings, the stationary containers shall placed in a readily accessible location on private property, as approved by the Director for -5- 56 ollection using the mechanized vehicle. Mobile home parks shall be required to provide central storage areas throughout he mobile home parks for the location of refuse containers; provided that no individual mobile home owner shall be required to walk more than 150 feet in any direction from his mobile home to deposit or pick up his waste in the containers. D. Special Containers. Suitable containers, such as compactor units and drop boxes, ay, with permission from the Director, be used by establishments which dispose of refuse in such uantity that containers, as defined in this Chapter, would be impractical or inefficient. These ontainers shall be kept in good condition with close -fitting lids and watertight construction. Should he condition deteriorate, the Director may, upon notification in writing to the owner, require the ontainer to be replaced or repaired within 48 hours. E. Prohibited Materials. 1. No rocks or dirt are to be placed in containers. 2. No manure, animal droppings, or human excrement are to be placed in ontainers, but such are to be placed in separate containers and hauled by the owner to the Landfill t the owner's expense. 3. No tree or hedge ftinmringr=_yMd waste is to be placed in refuse ontainers. F. Container Damage and Replacement. If any container shall be damaged through buse by a residential or commercial user, the user shall replace the same or pay for its repair. (Ord. 317 §3, 10/26/84) -6- 5 Section 3. Ordinance 2360 and Chapter 13.54 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code are amended by amending PAMC 13.54.065 to read as follows: 13.54.065 Recycling Eontaincr Requirements. A. Participation in the recycling program shall be voluntary. AB. Recyclable materials shall be deposited into City -provided recycling containers, other containers as approved by the Director. PaIticipation in the xecychng progiam shall be $C. Recycling containers shall be placed at the location and time designated by the for collection and shall be removed from that location within 24 hours after their collection. ED. All materials deposited into the City -provided recycling containers are the of the City. No unauthorized person shall scavenge, separate, collect, carry off, or dispose such materials unless authorized to do so by written permit of the Director. BE. Yard waste to be collected shall be placed at the location and time the City for collection. Yard waste shall be placed in approved yard waste containers for ion andsuchexcept that prunings and branches meeting the definition of "yard waste" may Yard waste containers shall be removed from the Ilection location within 24 hours after collection. An approved yard waste container shall be either Plastic bags shall not be used as 1✓F. No materials other than recyclable materials as defined herein and as designated the Director shall be placed in recycling containers. The presence of nonrecyclable materials will the container to be treated as refuse and a special pick-up charge assessed to the account. -7- • • • EG. If any City -provided recycling container shall be damaged through the abuse the user, the user shall replace the same or pay for its replacement or repair. H. Each loaded container shall weigh a maximum of fifty pounds. Section 4. Ordinance 2317 as amended and Chapter 13.56 PAMC are hereby amended amending PAMC 13.56.020 to read as follows: 13.56.020 Rates. A. All Landfill users shall be charged and shall pay the following rates for dumping at the Sanitary Landfill site (except as set forth herein): Rate $76.80 per ton with a $2.00 minimum charge. B. In addition to the fees established by subsection A of this Section, uncovered shall be charged an additional $5 fee. C. Refuse requiring special handling, including but not limited to asbestos and low radioactive materials, shall be charged $190 per ton; provided that the minimum charge for requiring special handling shall be $190. Special handling includes manifesting, immediate hand unloading and/or placement in the disposal pit by Landfill crews. D. (1) Landfill users' clean yard waste, as determined by the Landfill attendant, that be converted to compost will not be charged a fee except that commercial users, including but C �1�1A�A���I �l�l�ii���i���►�r.��w7�r.��ea �ii���Ki�t�»�iy r.��iir������r.�ente �r.��e���r.��i IF -110 �Vn .urt.►.�.��� n..^� ►asp n i. a.�►utiaaK.n niter•►.r•.►.�►�.��►iyn.xsnu� iia. � E. The Director may waive the Landfill fee for disposal of refuse and litter which collected and disposed of as a part of a City -sponsored beautification or cleanup program. F. Recyclable materials being recycled at the Landfill will not be charged a fee. G. The landfill tonnage rate shall be reduced by 4.6% for solid waste collectors who ve filed a certificate of exemption under WAC 458-20-250 from payment of the 4.6% solid waste ion tax, so that the rate in effect on April 1, 1994, shall be $73.27. H. The landfill tonnage rate shall be reduced by 4.6% for the federal agencies and instrumentalities, and all refuse service contracts for such shall be exempt under AC 458-20-250 from payment of the 4.6% solid waste collection tax, so that the rate for same be $73.27. (Ord. 2908, 3/1/96; Ord. 2894, 10/27/95; Ord. 2813, §1, 7/1/94; Ord. 2803 §1, Ord. 2790 §1, 4/1/94; Ord. 2784 §2, 1/1/94; Ord. 2729 §2, 1/1/93; Ord. 2630 §5, 7/1/91; 2599 §3,8/l/90; Ord. 2454 §1, 8/24/87; Ord. 2436 §2,3/l/87; Ord. 2378 §2,2/7/86; Ord. 2317 , 10/26/84) Section 5. Ordinance 2317 as amended and Chapter 13.56 PAMC are hereby amended amending PAMC 13.56.060 to read as follows: 13.56.060 Landfill Disposal Area Regulations. A. Use Generally. The City Sanitary Landfill disposal area shall be open at imes designated by the Director. Those persons hauling their own refuse to the disposal site shall lace such refuse where directed by the operator of the disposal area and shall pay those fees as set orth by the City Council. B. Origin of Refuse. Acceptable refuse originating within the City limits and ransported to the Sanitary Landfill by any person shall be accepted for disposal during the esignated hours of operation. All persons offering such acceptable refuse may be required to submit proof of origin of the material in the form of a certificate certifying ownership and that the Iaterial originated within the City. Use of the Sanitary Landfill site by persons living outside the ity limits shall be upon the basis of a special service charge set by the City Council. Waste originating outside Clallam County shall be unacceptable for disposal at the Sanitary Landfill except s otherwise provided in PAMC 13.54.070. C. Burning. It is unlawful for any unauthorized person to set fire to, or burn, any waste in the Landfill grounds used by the City unless granted permission by the Director to do so. D. Scavenging. All materials delivered to and disposed of at the Landfill are the roperty of the City. No unauthorized person shall scavenge, separate, collect, carry off, or dispose f, such material unless authorized to do so by written permit of the Director. E. Unlawful Entry. It is unlawful for any person to enter the Landfill area except when an attendant is present during the designated hours of operation. F. Yard waste. Yard waste may be accepted at the landfill composting facility, but t shall be free of contaminants includiniz but not limited toplastic bas refuse rocks sod dirtand construction and demolition debris. -10- 6 Section 6. Severability If any provisions of this Ordinance or its application to any or circumstances, is held invalid, the remainder of the Ordinance, or application of the provision* the Ordinance to other persons or circumstances, is not affected. Section 7. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect five days after the date of PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said held on the day of )2001. TTEST: J. Upton, City Clerk AS TO FORM: D. Knutson, City Attorney 15,2001 62 By Summary -11- MAYOR • • 0 WASHINGTON, CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: February 15, 2001 TO: MAYOR DOYLE AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: Mike Quinn, City ManagerJ(V)�)__ SUBJECT: Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Approve Modifications to Existing Labor Agreements umma : Staff has prepared a resolution designed to: • Decrease the number of non -economic issues brought to the bargaining table during formal labor agreement negotiations, and • Provide a more timely resolution of contract interpretation issues that are part of an existing labor agreement. This resolution encourages staff to address issues as they surface, allowing the City Manager the ability to approve modifications to existing labor agreements within reasonable limitations. Recommendation: Adopt the attached resolution allowing the City Manager to approve changes to labor agreements which are non -economic or have a one-time only economic impact of less than or equal to $5,000. Background: The City's labor agreements are negotiated with Union represented employees every two to three years, depending upon the terms of the contract. During these negotiations, it is not uncommon to have numerous issues on the table, many of which are operational and have no, or minimal, economic impact to the city. Many of these issues brought to the table could have been resolved throughout the year, but instead, were delayed until the start of formal labor agreement negotiations. Postponing discussions not only adds considerable time to the formal labor agreement negotiation process, but could also delay implementation of a procedure or practice designed to improve the effectiveness of a department. It is the Staff's goal to address these issues as they surface, working with the City's unions to make modifications to the labor agreements as needed. As each of the City's labor agreements are ratified by both the City Council and by the labor unions, staff recognizes that any change to an existing labor agreement must be approved by the City Council along with the appropriate labor union. 63 Mayor Doyle Page 2 February 15, 2001 To decrease the number of labor agreement modifications that would be taken to the City Council, the Council could authorize the City manager to approve modifications based on the following reasonable limitations: The modifications are non -economic, or The modifications have a one-time economic impact of less than or equal to $5,000. The authorization will allow the City Manager the ability to approve changes to a labor agreement during the terms of that agreement. All new labor agreements will still require approval by the City Council. It is the goal of this proposed change to improve the efficiency in negotiating labor agreements and to allow for a more timely resolution of contract interpretation issues that are part of an existing labor agreement. DM/cw Attachment: Resolution • 0 • • RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, delegating authority to amend collective bargaining agreements with regard to provisions that are either non -economic or have a one-time only cost to the City of no more than $5,000. WHEREAS, RCW 35A. I 1.010provides that the City may contract and be contracted with by and through the City Council; and WHEREAS, the City Council enters into union contracts, also referred to as collective bargaining agreements, with the unions representing City employees pursuant to Chapter 41.56 RCW; and WHEREAS, given the typical multi-year duration of collective bargaining agreements, authorizing the City Manager to approve limited modifications will facilitate more efficient and effective labor relations between City management and unions ; and WHEREAS, it is in the interest of efficient administration of City government to set forth the terms for delegating authority to the City Manager to amend collective bargaining agreements so long as such authority is within certain well defined limits; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles as follows: The City Manager is hereby authorized to negotiate and execute amendments to collective bargaining agreements between the City and the labor unions representing City employees, provided that such amendments shall be limited to provisions which are either non -economic or have a one- time only cost to the City of no more than $5,000. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said Council held on the day of , 2001. ATTEST: Becky J. Upton, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: MAYOR Craig D. Knutson, City Attorney F:\ORDINANCES&RESOLUTIONS\R2001.02.wpd 0 11 February 14, 2001 6 • • • COUNCIL DATE: February 15, 2001 NGELES TO: MAYOR DOYLE AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: Craig Knutson, City Attorney SUBJECT: TRANSFER OF LOT FROM PORT ANGELES SCHOOL DISTRICT TO NORTH PENINSULA BUILDING ASSOCIATION FOR FUTURE HOMEBUILDERS COOPERATIVE PROJECT Summary: The Port Angeles School District has requested the City to help facilitate a transfer of a lot at 10th and H streets to the North Peninsula Building Association (NPBA). The property will be used for the Future Homebuilders cooperative program. The City's involvement has been requested due to the fact that the City's legal requirements for surplusing and transferring property are less cumbersome and time consuming than the School District's. The urgency is due to the NPBA's need to borrow additional funds to finish the project that is currently underway. The transaction will be structured to assure that the City receives compensation for the right-of-way that the Council recently vacated for this project. Recommendation: It is recommended that the City Council authorize the City Mana er to execute the appropriate documents to facilitate the transfer ofproperty from the Port Angeles School District to the North Peninsula Building Association for use in the Future Homebuilders cooperative Background / Analysis: At the February 12, 2001 School Board meeting, the Port Angeles School District authorized the Superintendent to make an intergovernmental transfer to the City of Lot 19, Block 306, Townsite of Port Angeles. (See attached School Board resolutions.) The reason .for transferring the lot to the City is to facilitate the property's use in the Future Homebuilders cooperative program. The North Peninsula Building Association has an urgent need to acquire clear title to the lot so that additional funds can be borrowed to complete the project that is currently underway. Since the City's legal requirements for surplusing and transferring property are less cumbersome and time consuming than the School District's, the City's help in facilitating the process will allow the project to be finished by the students who are presently working on it. The City's involvement will also assure that the City receives the compensation required for the right-of- way that the Council recently vacated for this project. (See attached street vacation ordinance.) The deal will be structured so that the City receives $2,925.78 for the vacated right-of-way (2,046 square feet times $1.43 per square foot) and the School District receives $8,774.22 for the lot ($13,000 appraised value times ninety percent minus $2,925.78). This compensation will be received no later than the closing of the sale of the property after the house is completed. The details of the transaction and the necessary legal documents will be finalized after further discussions between First Federal Savings & Loan, Port Angeles School District, North Peninsula Building Association, Clallam Title, and City staff. C:UMEM0\2-14-01co=ci1.mem.%Vd 67 Resolution # 001-04 1 The Port Angeles School Board of Directors hereby declares lots 5, 16 17 18, 19 and 20 All in Block 306, T.P.A., together with the westerly one-half of vacated "H" street adjacent to said lot 20, as surplus to the current or future needs of the Port Angeles School District No. 0121. Resolution # 001- 05 As authorized under RCW 37.33.010, the Port Angeles School Board of Directors hereby authorizes the Superintendent, or his designee, to make an intergovernmental transfer of lot 19, block 306 T.P.A., to the City of Port Angeles, with conditions of transfer sufficient to assure that the property will be used in the Future Homebuilders cooperative program and on terms that provide a payment to the district of $8,774.22 (which price is 90% of the fair market value of the property as determined by an appraisal dated December 11, 2000, less the cost of the 2046 square ft of vacated street right of way to the City) either upon transfer, or upon sale of the lot by the future homebuilders cooperative program. ApPR.O%0 6v ,3a .4a 4 .;tfi7 Q 11 AAsrT/.JG• m • • 0 ORDINANCE NO. 3073 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, vacating a portion of the 8th/1 Oth Crossover Drive in Lots 13 - 20, Block 306 of the Townsite of Port Angeles. WHEREAS, a petition is on file with the City of Port Angeles to vacate the street commonly identified as the 8th/1 Oth Crossover Drive in Lots 13 - 20, Block 306, of Port Angeles; and WHEREAS, the petition was signed by the owners of more than two-thirds of the abutting upon the right-of-way sought to be vacated; and WHEREAS, the City Council initiated said vacation by Resolution No. 14-00; and WHEREAS, street vacations are categorically exempt from the requirements of the Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) rules as set forth in WAC 197-11-800(2)(h); and WHEREAS, a public hearing has been held by the City Council following public notice to Chapter 35.79 RCW; and WHEREAS, said vacation appears to be of benefit to and in the interest of the public; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES HEREBY ORDAIN as follows: Section 1 - Vacation. Subject to the terms and conditions of this Ordinance, the ing described right-of-way as shown on the attached Exhibit A is hereby vacated: That portion of the undeveloped street commonly identified as the 8th/l Oth Crossover Drive in Lots 13 - 20, Block 306 of the Townsite of Port Angeles, Washington. -1- Section 2 - Compensation. Pursuant to RCW 35.79.030, the compensation require vacation of this street is $1.43 per square foot. Section 3 - Quit Claim Deed. The owners of abutting property entitled to the vacated pursuant to RCW 35.79.040, may present a quit claim deed to the City of Port Angeles for by the Mayor, who is hereby authorized and directed to execute such quit claim deed. Section 4 - Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect five days after publication. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said held on the 19TH day of December, 2000 MA TTEST: n!9Wrl�T�/.�• . AS TO FORM: Attorney DECEMBER 24, 2000 By Summary 70 IW41 • Exhibit "A"° NINTH ST. z TENTH ST. ai CITY OF PORT ANGELES PUBLIC WORKS I L*07 — L Ptot Date, x SCALE loo I 'CROSSOVER' VACATION REQUEST BLK.306 te+ x • • 72 • • NGELES DATE: February 20, 2001 To: MAYOR DOYLE AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: Glenn A. Cutler, Director of Public Works and Utilities %111L_ SUBJECT: Western Public Agencies Group (WPAG) contracts for 2001 Summary: The City has been a member of the Western Public Agencies Group for several years. It is comprised of 22 Washington public utilities with similar interests. Each year the group contracts with two consultants and develops a scope of work for issues expected during the year. This year's total contract' amount is estimated to be $219,000, of which the City's share will be less than $10,000. This expense was included in the 2001 budget. Recommendation: Authorize the Director of Puhlic Wnrlrc an�� to sign the attached agreements with Marsh, Mundorf, Pratt and Sullivan, and EES Consulting for WPAG services during the year 2001 for an amount not to exceed $10,000. Background / Analysis: The City of Port Angeles, along with 21 other public utilities in Washington, are members of the Western Public Agencies Group. This group was formed in 1980 to share costs in contracting with experts in the regional power field. The law firm of Marsh, Mundorf , Pratt and Sullivan, and EES Consulting are the two primary consultants to WPAG. Each year, the members of WPAG establish a budget based on expected regional issues for the year. Allocations of the total budget are divided among the participating utilities based on number of customers, KWH sales, and utility investment. The City's share of a total WPAG budget of $219,000 is $8,198 or 3.7%. This expense was included in the City's 2001 budget. The budget in the prior year was about $260,000 with the City's share about $9,854. As this budget is an estimated amount, and not all utilities participate in the entire scope of work, it is requested that the City enter into the agreement with a cap of $10,000. - Attached are the scope of work and agreements for the 2001 calendar year with Marsh Mundorf Pratt and Sullivan, and EES Consulting. -These agreements have been reviewed by the City Attorney. The UAC has reviewed and recommended that the City Council enter into these agreements for 2001. Attachments: Marsh Mundorf Pratt and Sullivan agreement EES Consulting Agreement N:\PWKS\LIGHT\POWM\MEMOS\ccwpag2001.wpd 73 EXHIBIT A Western Public Agencies Group � 2001 Scope of Services and Budget The Western Public Agencies Group (WPAG) comprises 22 publicly owned utilities in the state of .Washington: Benton REA, Clallam County P.U.D. No. 1, Clark Public Utilities, the City of Cheney, the City of Ellensburg, Grays Harbor County P.U.D. No. 1, Kittitas County P.U.D. No. 1, Lewis County P.U.D. No. 1, Mason County P.U.D. No. 1, Mason County P.U.D. No. 3, Pacific County P.U.D. No. 2, the City of Port Angeles; Snohomish County P.U.D. No. 1, and members of the Pierce County Cooperative Power Association, which includes Alder Mutual Light Company, the Town of Eatonville, Elmhurst Mutual Power and Light Company, Lakeview Light and Power Company, the City of Milton, Ohop Mutual Light Company, Parkland Light and Water Company, Peninsula Light Company and the Town of Steilacoom. Together the WPAG member utilities serve more than one million customers and purchase more than 12 billion kilowatt-hours from the Bonneville Power Administration (`Bonneville") each year. WPAG member utilities also own or receive output from more than 500 megawatts of non - Bonneville generation and purchase more than 400 megawatts of power from sources other than Bonneville. WPAG members are winter -peaking utilities with lower annual load factors. 0 WPAG members' similar characteristics have caused them to join together to represent their interests before Bonneville, and in other forums in the Pacific Northwest and the United States since 1980. WPAG has intervened as a group in every major Bonneville rate proceeding since enactment of the Pacific Northwest Electric Power Planning and Conservation Act of 1980. WPAG's interests have also been represented in Congress, before the Northwest Power Planning Council, and in other regional forums. The scope of services presented here includes areas that various other organizations, of which WPAG members might also be members, cannot advocate for WPAG members due to conflicts of interest within those organizations. WPAG thus fills a need that is unmet by membership in the Public Power Council, the Northwest Public Power Association, the Pacific Northwest Utilities Conference Committee and other similar groups. 74 " EXHIBIT A Scope of Services The 2001 scope of services for WPAG is proposed as follows: ` ■ Reopened Rate Case R ATEs BPA has reopened the rate case and is proposing a 20% increase to die. In addition, it is proposing. many changes detrimental to our interests, including a four month CRAC collection period, unfiltered ability to increase rates without review, and exempting others (IOUs, DSIs) from certain increases. Vigorous participation is warranted. ■ General WPAG Activities and Meetings During 2000, EES Consulting and MMP&S will monitor and comment on regional and federal activities of general interest to include BPA -related legislation, ISO/RTO progress, Regionalization of BPA, and any other new topic of mutual interest and relevance. Monthly meetings will be held to brief WPAG members on these activities. ■ RTO Stage 2 of the RTO filing will take place in the December -May time period. This will include agreement drafting, lobbying, FERC comments and possible litigation. This is the process that decides who will benefit from the regional transmission system. ■ Northwest Chapter While the tie in the Senate makes major policy initiatives less likely, it appears likely that there will be a push on electric issues that may include Northwest and BPA issues. Lobbying and legislative drafting may be necessary if this takes off. ■ DSI Survivability BPA is considering additional subsidies to keep the DSIs in operation. Strenuous efforts should be made to reclaim this power for service to public loads. ■ Regional Benefits There is likely to be another push to reallocate the federal power among the IOU, public power and DSI interests. WPAG participation will be important to presenting a strong public power position. "° 75 EXHIBIT A ■ Olympia Legislative Session The 2001 legislative session is not expected to deal with WPAG-related activities in any major fashion such as industry restructuring or deregulation, but will undoubtedly touch on other utility issues such as taxation, financial/rate information sharing, telecommunication issues, etc. EES Consulting and MMP&S will monitor these activities on behalf of WPAG's specific interests. This monitoring will be greatly assisted by Mason County PUD #3's on- site support. ■ Litigation A challenge to the Subscription ROD is pending, and additional challenges to BPA rate and subscription decisions may be initiated. These decisions and budget amounts will be made on a case by case basis. ■ Public Agency Exchange Buyout About one-half of the WPAG utilities participated in the Exchange. BPA must offer Exchange contracts, which may present a buyout opportunity, and would include analysis, negotiation and contract drafting. A budget for this activity will be offered on a utility - specific basis. As has been the case in past years, individual WPAG member utilities may choose not to participate in one or more elements of the above scope of services. The budget provided below, and the allocation that is attached, assumes that all member utilities will participate in all elements of the scope of services. It should be noted that the BPA Slice Product technical and legal work product will be administered via a utility -specific agreement and outside of this WPAG contract. Budget The budget for the scope of services described above is calculated at the following billing rates for EES Consulting and MMP&S: EES Consulting President.................................................................................. $120 per hour Vice President...........................................................................110 per hour Project Manager........................................................................100 per hour Analyst or Engineer............................................................. 80 — 95 per hour Clerical................................................................................ 40 — 60 per hour 76 A • • • EXHIBIT A MMP&S Principal.................................................................................. $135 per hour Associate...................................................................................110 per hour These billing rates will remain in effect through December 31, 2001. On the basis of the above billing rates, the labor budgets of EES Consulting and MMP&S are estimated separately as follows: Labor Bud et Only Task EES Consulting MMP&S Other Total Reopened Rate Case $50,000 $30,000 $80,000 General 20,000 30,000 50,000 RTO 5,000 10,000 15,000 NW Chapter 5,000 5,000 10,000 Regional Benefits 10,000 10,000 20,000 Litigation Olympia 5,000 5,000 5,000 15,000 TOTAL LABOR $95,000 1 $90,000 $5,000 $190,000 In addition to labor costs, out-of-pocket expenses will be billed to WPAG members at their cost to EES Consulting and MMP&S. At 15 percent of labor costs, it is estimated that $29,000 in total out-of-pocket expenses will be incurred for all work elements as a whole. Out-of-pocket costs will be billed by whichever organization actually incurs the expense. As always, the allocation of the budget among WPAG members is open to negotiation by the participants. We have attached an inter -utility allocation predicated on the most recent available utility data, assuming a 15 percent maximum allocation to any one utility. This allocation assumes that all current WPAG member utilities will participate in all of the 2001 activities. After a final count of WPAG participants, a final budget by utility will be prepared. An example of the budget's allocation is attached at the end of this narrative. Project Staffing The staffing for this project will be similar to that for past WPAG activities. Gary Saleba and Terry Mundorf will be the principal representatives for EES Consulting and MMP&S, respectively. Additionally, an ad hoc work group of technical representatives from each utility may be used to address specific needs. "' 77 CONSULTING SERVICES AGREEMENT EES CONSULTING, INC. Billing Address P.O. Box 52810, Bellevue, Washington 98015-2810 (425)452-9200 Work Order #16130 This Consulting Services Agreement (herein Agreement) is made between EES Consulting, Inc., (hereinafter "EES CONSULTING") and the City of Port Angeles, P.O. Box 1150, Port Angeles, Washington 98362 (hereinafter "CLIENT"). f. SCOPE, COMPENSATION AND QUALITY OF CONSULTING SERVICES EES CONSULTING will provide the services and be compensated for these services as described in Exhibit A, attached hereto. EES CONSULTING shall render its services in accordance with generally accepted professional practices. EES CONSULTING shall, to the best of its knowledge and belief, comply with applicable laws, ordinances, codes, rules, regulations, permits and other published requirements in effect on the date this Agreement is signed. H. TERMS & CONDITIONS OF CONSULTING SERVICES AGREEMENT 1. Timing of Work. EES CONSULTING shall commence work on or about January 1, 2001. 2. Relationship of Parties, No Third -Party Beneficiaries. EES CONSULTING is an independent contractor under this Agreement. This Agreement gives no rights or benefits to anyone rat named as a party to this Agreement, and there are no third parry beneficiaries to this Agreement. 3. Insurance. a. Insurance of EES CONSULTING. EES CONSULTING will maintain throughout the performance of this Agreement the following types and amounts of insurance: i. Worker's Compensation and Employer's Liability Insurance as required by applicable state or federal law. ii. Comprehensive Vehicle Liability Insurance covering personal injury and property damage claims arising from the use of motor vehicles with combined single limits of $1,000.000. iii. Commercial General Liability Insurance covering claims for personal injury and property damage with combined single limits of $1,000,000. iv. Professional Liability (Errors and Omissions, on a claims -made basis) Insurance with limits of $1,000,000. b. Interpretation. Notwithstanding any other provision(s) in this Agreement, nothing shall be construed or enforced so as to void, negate or adversely affect any otherwise applicable insurance held by any party to this Agreement. 4. Mutual Indemnification. EES CONSULTING agrees to indemnify and hold harmless CLIENT and its employees from and against any and all loss, cost, damage, or expense of any kind and nature (including, without limitation, court costs, expenses, and reasonable attorneys' fees) arising out of injury to persons or damage to property (including, without limitation, property of CLIENT, EES CONSULTING, and thew respective employees, agents, licensees, and representatives) in arty manner caused by the negligent acts or omissions of EES CONSULTING in the performance of its work pursuant to or in connection with this Agreement to the extent of EES CONSULTING's proportionate negligence, if any. CLIENT agrees to indemnify and hold harmless EES CONSULTING and its employees from and against any and all loss, cost damage, or expense of any kind and nature (including without limitation, court costs, expenses and reasonable attorneys' fees) arising out of injury to person(s) or damage to property (including, without limitation, property of CLIENT, EES CONSULTING, and their respective employees, agents, licensees and representatives) in arty manner caused by the negligent acts or omissions of CLIENT or other(s) with whom CLIENT contracts ("CLIENT's agents") to perform work pursuant to or in connection with this Agreement, to the extent of CLIENT'S or CLIENT'S agents proportionate negligence, if any. 5. Resolution of Disputes, Attorneys' Fees. The law of the State of Washington shall govern the interpretation of and the resolution of disputes under this Agreement. If any claim, at law or otherwise, is made by either party to this Agreement, the prevailing party shall be entltled to its costs and reasonable attorneys' fees. 6. Termination of Agreement. Either EES CONSULTING or CLIENT may terminate this Agreement upon thirty (30) days written notice to the other sent to the addresses listed herein. In the event CLIENT terminates this agreement, CLIENT specifically agrees to pay EES CONSULTING for all services rendered through the termination date. EES CONSULTING, INC. By: Gary Saleba Title: President CITY OF PORT ANGELES By: Title: Date: December 18, 2000 Date: 0 m LEGAL SERVICES AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT is made between BENTON RURAL ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, WASHINGTON; CITY OF PORT ANGELES, WASHINGTON; CITY OF CHENEY, WASHINGTON; CITY OF ELLENSBURG, WASHINGTON; CITY OF MILTON, WASHINGTON; TOWN OF EATONVILLE, WASHINGTON; TOWN OF STEILACOOM, WASHINGTON; ALDER MUTUAL LIGHT COMPANY, ELMHURST MUTUAL POWER AND LIGHT COMPANY, WASHINGTON; LAKEVIEW LIGHT AND POWER COMPANY, WASHINGTON; OHOP MUTUAL LIGHT COMPANY, WASHINGTON; PARKLAND LIGHT AND WATER COMPANY, WASHINGTON; PENINSULA LIGHT COMPANY, WASHINGTON; PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT NO. 1 OF CLALLAM COUNTY, WASHINGTON; PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT NO. 1 OF CLARK COUNTY, WASHINGTON; PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT NO. 1 OF GRAYS HARBOR, WASHINGTON; PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT OF KITTITAS COUNTY, WASHINGTON; PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT NO. 1 OF LEWIS COUNTY, WASHINGTON; PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT NO. 1 OF MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON; PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT NO.3 OF MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON; PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT NO. 2 OF PACIFIC COUNTY, WASHINGTON; PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT NO. 1 OF SNOHOMISH COUNTY, WASHINGTON; (Public Utilities); and MARSH MUNDORF PRATT & SULLIVAN (Attorney) for the provision of legal services and the payment of compensation as specified herein. WHEREAS, the Public Utilities presently purchase electric power from the Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) pursuant to wholesale rate schedules determined by BPA after public hearing pursuant to Section 7 of the Pacific Northwest Electric Power Planning and Conservation Act (Act); WHEREAS, BPA is considering adoption of various policies, rate forms and long-term contracts which would have a major impact on the wholesale rates of the Public Utilities, and WHEREAS, BPA is preparing to conduct hearings and public processes to decide issues which will affect Bonneville's wholesale rate schedules and Power Sales Contracts for the Public Utilities; and WHEREAS, the Public Utilities wish to actively participate in these hearings and processes to protect the interests of their ratepayers, and WHEREAS, the Public Utilities may wish to diversify their power supply sources, It is Therefore Agreed That: 1. The Attorney shall advise, assist and appear on behalf of the Public Utilities in hearings and public processes relating to issues set forth Exhibit A referenced . herein attached and as directed by the Public Utilities. Pagel of 2 79 2. Public Utilities shall compensate the Attorney for these services at an average hourly rate not to exceed $135.00. Out-of-pocket expenses, such as telephone, telecopy, copying and postage, and reasonable and necessary travel expenses shall be in addition to the hourly rate. The Attorney shall send each of the Public Utilities an itemized statement for legal services rendered and out-of-pocket expenses on a monthly basis. 3. The Attorney fees and out-of-pocket expenses incurred hereunder shall be divided among the Public Utilities according to the formulas attached in Exhibit A. 4. The activities encompassed by this Agreement are set forth in Exhibit A attached hereto. No other activities shall be undertaken without prior authorization of the Public Utilities. It is understood that the length and amount of work necessary in these proceedings is unique and the cost may exceed these estimates. 5. Files of the Attorney relating directly to the foregoing legal services shall be available for examination by the authorized representative of the Public Utilities or their attorneys and shall, upon reasonable request, be turned over the Public Utilities if the Attorney ceases to act as attorney for the Public Utilities. 6. Because the attorney-client relationship is dependent upon mutual trust and full confidence, an individual Public Utility, the Public Utilities collectively, or the Attorney may terminate this Agreement at any time upon written notice. MARSH MUNDORF PRATT & SULLIVAN Date: January 1. 2001 By: �'`"�'`� -: .0, zr'c"� Terence L. Mundort UTILITY Date: By: Manager Page 2 of 2 • Individual Utilities Benton Electric REA Clallam County PUD Clark Public Willies City of Cheney City of Ellensburg Grays Harbor County PUD Kittitas County PUD Lewis County PUD No. 1 Mason County PUD No. 1 Mason County PUD No. 3 Pacific County PUD No. 2 Peninsula Light Company City of Port Angeles Snohomish County PUD No. 1 Pierce County Cooperative Power Association Alder Mutual Light Company Town of Eatonville Elmhurst Mutual Power and Light Company Lakeview Light and Power Company City of Milton Ohop Mutual Light Company Parkland Light and Water Company Town of Steilacoom Subtotal Piece County Cooperative Power Association Total Western Public Agencies Group Proposed Budget for 2001 Scope of Services EES Consulting and Marsh Mundorf Pratt & Sullivan Source: 2000-2001 Northwest Electric Utility Directory (NWPPA) December 18, 2000 Total Budget Labor $ 190,000 Expenses $ 29,000 Total $ 219,000 Note: allocation percentages assume full participation by all member utilities and will be revised if members are added or removed. Average of Customers, Energy Sales and Investment Customers Energy Sales Investment Budget Allocation With 15% Without Cap Cap with Cap percent of percent of percent of percent of percent of number total kilowatt-hours total dollars total total total dollars 12,205 1.9% 422,286,675 2.4% $ 57,211,528 2.4% 2.2% 4.9% $ 10,834 24,661 3.9% 566,896,616 3.2% $ 53,581,570 2.2% 3.1% 6.7% $ 14,752 145,560 23.2% 4,077,462,964 22.7% $ 524,600,000 21.8% 22.6% 15.0% $ 32,850 3,400 0.5% 107,700,000 0.6% $ 2,253,239 0.1% 0.4% 0.9% $ 1,913 7,300 1.2% 177,307,000 1.0% $ 13,658,142 0.6% 0.9% 2.0% $ 4,287 38,612 6.2% 997,312,095 5.6% $ 148,364,960 6.2% 6.0% 13.2% $ 28,860 2,608 0.4% 60,595,000 0.3% $ 11,527,647 0.5% 0.4% 0.9% $ 2,002= 28,509 4.6% 761,785,533 4.2% $ 87,892,473 3.7% 4.2% 9.1% $ 19,923-" 4,602 0.7% 59,590,691 0.3% $ 12,367,935 0.5% 0.5% 1.2% $ 2,521' 27,884 4.5% 589,976,601 3.3% $ 94,719,646 3.9% 3.9% 8.6% $ 18,769 15,704 2.5% 298,152,832 1.7% $ 33,424,998 1.4% 1.9% 4.0% $ 8,788 - 26,000 4.1% 490,234,000 2.7% $ 44,606,000 1.9% 2.9% 6.3% $ 13,721 9,619 1.5% 484,673,614 2.7% $ 22,500,000 0.9% 1.7% 3.7% $ 8,198 245,000 39.1% 8,045,948,000 44.8% $ 1,250,589,000 52.0% 45.3% 15.0% $ 32,850 221 0.0% 3,317,585 0.0% $ 304,166 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% $ 104 1,150 0.2% 18,199,806 0.1% $ 1,150,000 0.0% 0.1% 0.2% $ 515 12,130 1.9% 241,056,205 1.3% $ 12,475,569 0.5% 1.3% 2.7% $ 5,890 8,624 1.4% 277,594,053 1.5% $ 9,727,671 0.4% 1.1% 2.4% $ 5,189 2,780 0.4% 54,178,000 0.3% $ 2,378,975 0.1% 0.3% 0.6% $ 1,305 3,420 0.5% 62,734,217 0.3% $ 8,446,034 0.4% 0.4% 0.9% $ 1,981 3,887 0.6% 108,112,100 0.6% $ 10,600,000 0.4% 0.6% 1.2% $ 2,651 2,670 0.4% 39,454,413 0.2% $ 1,700,000 0.1% 0.2% 0.5% $ 1,099 34,882 5.6% 804,646,379 4.5% $ 46,782,415 1.9% 4.0% 8.6% $ 18,733 626,546 100.0% 17,944,568,000 100.0% $ 2,404,079,553 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% $ 219,000 Note: allocation percentages assume full participation by all member utilities and will be revised if members are added or removed. El E E3'? • 0 VGELES WASHINGTON, CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: February 20, 2001 TO: MAYOR DOYLE AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: Becky J. Upton, City Clerk/Management Assistant VP SUBJECT: Appointment of Citizen at Large to Cable TV Government & Education Channel Advisory Committee (Channel 21) Summary There are presently two (2) vacancies for citizen at large members on the City's Cable TV Government & Education Channel Advisory Committee. Dennis Bragg previously served as a member of the committee, representing Northland Cable Television. In that Dennis is no longer associated with Northland Cable, he has submitted an application to fill a vacancy as a citizen at large member. Recommendation: It is recommended that the City Council appoint Dennis Bragg to a citizen at large position on the Cable TV Government & Education Channel Advisory Committee. Background / Analysis: The Cable TV Government & Education Channel 21 was implemented in 1992, at which time Dennis Bragg was appointed to the membership of the Advisory Committee as a representative of Northland Cable Television. In that Dennis is no longer associated with Northland Cable, he has applied to serve on the committee as a citizen at large. Dennis was extremely helpful during the formative stages of Channel 21, and he has a wealth of expertise in the field that would be most beneficial as the City considers potential growth for Channel 21. In addition, Dennis can share his knowledge in terms of improving and increasing communications to the public via Channel 21. .Attachment /�~,y.• . P PR, T GEIS Etiff—:YOF WASHINGTON, U.S.A. RT ANGELES C CITY ITY CLERK Application for Appointment to a Board, Commission, or Committee Board, Commission, or Committee to which you are seeking appointment Board or Commission Full Name Board or Commission Full Name Board or Commission Full Name Applicant Name and General Information T)OJN t S ` P2 First MI Last (0Q 6 ` )Q Home street address S� 10 t&#A . �33� a City State Zip Code Home phone number Work phone number Certification and Location Information Circle one Are you currently a City employee? Yes P Are you a citizen of the United States. YG No Are you a City resident? Yes No Do you own/manage a business in the City. Ye No 'Do you hold any professional licenses, registrations or certificates in any field (list below)? Yes No '2W10 %GI.&V iSl VK Aiftk6 Are you aware of any conflict of interest which might arise by your service on a City Board or Commission? If so, please explain: M2 In compliance with the American Disabilities Act, if you will need special accommodations because of a physical limitation, please contact the City Clerk, 417-4634, so appropriate arrangements can be made. (OVER) E�7 Work Experience List most recent experience first (or elaborate on a resume if you prefer) Day -W57 ?120D LIC -7 7 1W-5 Employer Your Title From (M/Y) To (M/Y) IMV -4) / AAsn •!l.— M1-an,AA �fl.°)t)iJPr' 1A/'1J.ISi_Li.: Brief job description Employer Your Title From (MN) To (MN) job description 3. kAD Rn��� 101'71 o f l L Employer Your Title From (M/Y) To (M/Y) Brief job description Education List most recent experience first 1. Institution/Location 2. Institution/Location 3. Institution/Location Credits eamed/Major area of study Credits eamed/Major area of study Credits earned/Major area of study Charitable, Social, and Civic Activities and Memberships List major activities you have participated in during the last five years 1. Com. 71 Abvi5ft C;cyAatr rrz5 Organization and location V Group's purpose/objective &100014 i. 'W C.46 L 6 ', r,,1w Sfan+'Mr7V,, Brief description of your participation I Yes No Graduated? Yes No Graduated? Yes No Graduated? # of members Organization and location Group's purpose/objective # of members Brief description of your participation \�.J Applicant Signature Date Submit completed forms to: Office of the City Clerk, City of Port Angeles, 321 E. 5th Street, P. O. Box 1150, Port Angeles, Washington, 98362 1/99 • • DATE: To: FROM: SUBJECT: r VGELES ASH ING TON, CITY COUNCIL MEMO February 20, 2001 MAYOR DOYLE AND CITY COUNCIL Becky J. Upton, City Clerk/Management Assistant Appointment to Fill Vacancy on Board of Adjustment Summary: The Board of Adjustment has been unable to conduct business recently because of the lack of a quorum, due in part to the two vacancies in the Board's membership. Mr. Bill Rinehart has applied to fill one of the vacancies, and it would be helpful to make an appointment as quickly as possible so that the Board can proceed with the conduct of its business. Recommendation: If the Council is willing to forego an interview with Mr. Rinehart, it is recommended that Bill Rinehart be appointed to the Board of Adjustment for the unexpired term ending February 28, 2002. If the Council would prefer to conduct an interview, such an interview could be scheduled for the March 6, 2001, Council meeting. Background / Analysis: The Board of Adjustment is comprised of five members and, at the present time, there are two vacancies. The Board could not meet recently due to the lack of a quorum. It has been extremely difficult to function with only three members, and it would be helpful to at least fill one of the vacancies so that the Board of Adjustment can continue to conduct business on a timely basis. Mr. Bill Rinehart expressed a willingness to be considered to fill one of the vacancies. He currently serves on the Building Code Board of Appeals, as well as the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee. The Board of Adjustment has most recently been meeting on an as -needed basis, and Mr. Rinehart felt he could be of service to the Board in addition to his other responsibilities. An application previously submitted by Mr. Rinehart for another appointment is attached for your reference. Because the City Council members are familiar with Mr. Rinehart from previous interviews, staff is asking the Council to consider waiving the formality of an interview and proceed with an appointment of Mr. Rinehart to the Board of Adjustment. Should the Council wish to conduct an interview with Mr. Rinehart, such an interview could be scheduled for the March 6, 2001, Council meeting. Attachment m CITY OF PORT ANGELES, WASHINGTON Application for Appointment to a Board, Commission, or Committee Board, Commission, or Committee to which you are seeking appointment Lodging Tax Advisory 0wrdttee Board or Commission Full Name Board or Commission Full Name Board or Commission Full Name Applicant Name and General Information William E Rinehart OB/27/46 Fisc Last M[ Birthdate (M/D/Y) 536 East Faxt-h Street Home street address Fbrt Angeles, WA 9B362 City State 360-452-2132 Home phone number Zip Code 360-452-2132 Work phone number Please Note: To ensure compliance with Chapter 2.26 020 PAMC applicants for the law Enforcement Advisory Board only+ will be subject to a crurunal history check All other applicants need not submit a date of birth. Certification and Location Information circle one Are you currently a Citv employee? Yet(No Are you a citizen. -of the United States. Yes No Are You a City resident.Yes No Do you own/manage a business in the CiLyK Yes o Do you hold acy professional licenses, registrations or certificates in any field (list below)? Yes No Are you aware of anv conflict of interest which might arise by your service on a City Board or Commission? If so, please explain: In compliance with the American Disabilities Act, if you will need special accommodations because of a physical limitation, please contact the City Clerk, 4174634, so appropriate arrangements can be made. (OVER) m Work Experience List most recent experience first (or elaborate on a resume if you prefer) I Rinehart's Construction Ki9t Owner 7 Years Employer Your Title From (WY) To (NM paperwork Specialist for people in Construction Trades and doing building project Brief job description 2. From (M/Y) To (SIMM Employer Your Title Brief job description E From (MJY) To (NM Employer Your Title Brief job description Education List most recent experience first YRs "- 1 Eastern Washiragt-,on State College, Cheney, Washirgton - Business Adm & Accounting -BS Degree Institution/lAxation Credits earned/Maior aces Ruin Graduated? Yes No 2. Institution/Location Credits earned/Major area of study Graduated? Yes No Institution/Location Credits earned/Major area of study Graduated? Charitable, Social, and Civic Activities and Memberships List major activities ,You have participated in during the last five years 1. Organization and location Group's purpose/objective<r # of members Brief description of your participation 2. Organization and location Group's purpose/objective # of members Brief description of your participation `Date Signature l Submit completed forms to: Office of the City Clerk, City of Port Angeles, 321 E. 5th Street, P. O. Box 1150, Port Angeles, Washington, 98362 u • VGELES WASH ING TON, CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: February 20, 2001 TO: MAYOR DOYLE AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: Glenn A. Cutler, Director of Public Works and Utilities,pw SUBJECT: Free Dump Day Summary: A free dump day at the Port Angeles landfill has been an annual event for many years. It is proposed to hold a free dump day on April 29, 2001 with the following conditions: Restrict the size of the vehicles to 3/4 ton pick-ups or cars with trailers not to exceed 5' x 9'. One load per household with a limit of four tires and one each for refrigerators, freezers, and other appliances such as washers and dryers. Recommendation: Approve the annual Free Dump Day at the City's Landfill for April 29, 2001 with the proposed restrictions. Background / Analysis: For many years the City of Port Angeles has sponsored an annual Free Dump Day for all Clallam County residents. Historically this event has been scheduled as an Earth Day Celebration. This year's event is planned for April 29, 2001. Landfill fees are waived for this one day (five hour) event and participants are asked to donate a token fee of $5.00 or six food items for the Port Angeles Food Bank. The Food Bank volunteers provide traffic control personnel, collect statistical data, and help residents unload. The Utility Advisory Committee, after reviewing past practices both positive and negative of Free Dump Day, it concurred with staff's recommendation to place additional restrictions on those that bring material. Due to abuses of Free Dump Day it is recommended that the following restrictions be placed on residents: Restrict the size of the vehicles to 3/4 ton pick-ups or cars with trailers not to exceed 5' x 9'. One load per household with a limit of four tires and one each for refrigerators, freezers, and other appliances such as washers and dryers. Attached for your information is a copy of the memorandum that was reviewed by the Utility Advisory Committee. Attach: UAC Memo dated 2/12/01 NAPWKS\S WASTE\DumpDayCC2.wpd SORT NGELES ADVISORY COMMITTEE DATE: February 12, 2001 TO: UTILITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE FROM: Tom McCabe, Solid Waste Superintendent Dale Miller, Recycling Coordinator SUBJECT: Free Dump Day Summary The City of Port Angeles sponsors an annual Free Dump Day for all Clallam County residents. Tighter controls are needed to prevent abuse of the program by non residential users. Recommendation: Review the alternatives for the Annual Free Dump Day and place a limit on the quantity of material and the size of the vehicle that brings items to be disposed and the number of trips permitted. Background / Anal The City of Port Angeles has sponsored an annual Free Dump Day for the past few years to permit residents of Clallam County to dispose of unwanted non -hazardous waste. It is proposed to sponsor another Free Dump Day, also known as Clean -Up Days and Recycle Days in other communities, but with restrictions on the quantity and type of material and the size vehicle that will be permitted to haul the material. Free Dump Day is free to the residents that dispose of material, but there is a cost associated with the operation. Also it should be noted that the tipping fee collected from commercial operators and residents includes the cost of operating the Free Dump Day. The UAC is requested to review the background information and options and direct staff to prepare a final recommendation to the City Council. Staff has a preferred recommendation. Summary of previous events with special emphasis on the 2000 Free Dump Day Table 1 summarizes the direct costs and waived tipping fees for the one day event. TABLE 1 COST 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 Tip Fee & Other Misc $28,475.12 $25,559.04 $19,779.84 $23,235.84 $28,516.61 $15,533.58 Labor Not Avail. Not Avail. $1,373.97 $1,556.77 $4,105.39 $ 3,254.00 Total $28,475.12 $25,559.04 $211153.61 1 $24,792.61 1 $32,622.00 1 $18,787.58 • • • Free Dump Day February 12, 2001 Page 2 In 1995 and 1996 only tip fee costs were recorded. In 1997 and 1998 staff began tracking labor cost. In 1999 and 2000 all costs including site preparation cost and event overtime were included into the labor totals. Attached is January 31, 2001 memo detailing costs for site preparations needed for Dump Day. From 1995 to 1999 vehicles arriving at the landfill site were only categorized by their point of origin and the number of vehicles. This is illustrated in Table 2. TABLE 2 Vehicles 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 City 478 368 275 373 329 County 488 472 362 420 1 472 In 2000 additional data was collected concerning point of origin of the participants and the tonnage delivered. This is illustrated in Table 3. TABLE 3 Agency Vehicles Tons City of Port Angeles 474 76.08 City of Sequim 172 59.18 Forks 22 3.96 East County 157 39.80 West County 90 23.25 TOTAL: 1 915 202.27 The UAC last year directed staff to request that other agencies assist with the event. Clallam County had two individuals from the Environmental Health Division Ci , of Sequim usually has a five-day spring clean-up for their residents. In the past this tonnage came to the Port Angeles Landfill as part of Free Dump Day. In 2000, Sequim paid for four of the five days they collected waste from their spring clean-up. They were billed $3,414.93 for 54.2 tons. The City of Sequim was allowed to dump one day for free as part of Dump Day for a total of 13.56 tons. Free Dump Day February 12, 2001 Page 3 Clallam County Road Department paid $747.25 for 9.73 tons hauled by and from the Clallam Bay Corrections facility. This material was generated by residents in the west end of the county who normally do not use the Port Angeles Landfill. Olvmnic Coast Clean -Un and the Olympic National Parks collected and hauled 3.69 tons of materials from the beaches in the West End. Per City ordinance, fees were discounted by 50% for a total amount of $283.40. Staff Concerns ► The need to construct a safe dumping area at the working face of the landfill cell that reduces capacity and increases cost. ► Abuse of Dump Day by non-residential users. ► The volume of waste received is double of the average daily rates. Materials are piled up until the following work day. ► Proper separation of materials is not possible allowing for poor compaction rates. Mixed loads that may contain metal, appliances, and tires are dumped into the working cell. No. Inspection of potentially unacceptable materials cannot be accomplished based on the volume of waste and number of vehicles anticipated for this event. The potential exists for dumping of hazardous materials. Alternatives/Options Staff supports the Free Dump Day with the restrictions noted in the following Option number 1. This would help reduce abuse by non-residential users. Restrict the size of vehicles to 3/4 ton pick-ups or cars with trailers not to exceed 4'x8'. One load per household with a limit of four tires and one each for refrigerators, freezers, and other appliances such as washers and dryers. 2. Restrict materials to only tires, appliances, and scrap metal. Residential only. 3. Change Dump Day to Saturday to reduce cost. 4. No change to the current program. Also attached for your information is a table that summarizes four agencies that offer similar programs to Port Angeles. 0 Free Dump Day February 12, 2001 Page 4 PROGRAM PROFILES AGENCY VEHICLE SIZE NUMBER OF LOADS APPLIANCES ACCEPTED FEE'S TIRES ACCEPTED FEE'S SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS (1) Port Angeles no no yes no yes no Donation for Food Bank (2) Olympia n/a n/a yes no yes no no refrigerators/freezers. Curbside p/u (3) Lewis County no no no no no no none (4) Thurston County no no (4)refrigerators others $10.00 $ 5.00 yes $ 1.00 Only recyclable materials (5) Mason County no no yes no yes(4) no Sign up. Food Bank donation. 1. Port Angeles does not have restrictions on vehicle size or the number of loads. All non -hazardous waste material are accepted on Dump Day.- 2. ay: 2. City of Olympia provides a clean up day. All materials are placed at the curb. Materials are collected on regular solid waste collection days. No refrigerators or freezers are accepted. 3. Lewis County no vehicle or load restrictions. They are considering implementation of vehicle restrictions. No appliances or tires are accepted. All other materials are permitted. 4. Thurston County have two recycle day events. Only recyclable materials are accepted. Not a disposal opportunity. 5. Mason County accepts all non hazardous waste for the event. Participants must sign up prior to the event. NAPWKSIS WASTE\Dump_Day.wpd to • • • m E • SORT DATE: February 20, 2001 NGELES TO: MAYOR DOYLE AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: Glenn A. Cutler, Director of Public Works and Utilities *'" SUBJECT: Reimbursable Work Agreement with Clallam County Summary: The Reimbursable Work Agreement with Clallam County expired December 31, 2000. The City needs to enter into a new agreement with the County to perform work in the areas of chip sealing, striping and bridge inspection. Recommendation: Adopt the Ordinance and approve the Reimbursable Work Agreement with Clallam County to perform work for the City, and authorize the Mayor to sign. Background / Anal In July 1996, the City Council passed Ordinance No. 2922, authorizing an agreement with Clallam County for performance of work on city streets. This agreement expired on December 31, 2000 and it is necessary to have a new agreement in place for the work anticipated in 2001 through 2005. The work Clallam County currently performs for the City is chip seal (approximately $50,000 per year) and striping (approximately $5,000 per year). This agreement will also permit the City to negotiate a fee with the County to inspect our bridges. The City has three bridges and estimates the cost at $1,500 per year. The County has performed chip sealing and striping for the City by agreement since 1986 and we have maintained an excellent working relationship. Clallam County crews have the expertise and are available to do the work in a timely fashion. The City Attorney has redrafted the ordinance and the agreement for the reimbursable work. The ordinance is basically the same as was passed in 1996. The agreement is also the same with the exception that the sections dealing with indemnification have been updated. Attach: Ordinance Agreement N:\Agree-Contract\ReimbWkAgmtCICoCC_a.wpd 97 AGREEMENT This agreement, made and entered into this day of 17 by and between Clallam County, Washington, a political subdivision of the State of Washington and City of Port Angeles, P.O. Box 1150, Port Angeles, WA 98362, and shall remain in force until December 31, 2005. In consideration of the mutual covenants and promises contained herein, it is hereby agreed by the parties to this agreement as follows: 1. Upon written request from the City of Port Angeles made upon a form supplied by Clallam County, Clallam County agrees to perform work requested by the City of Port Angeles, reserving however, the right to deny or approve each application of the City of Port Angeles on an individual basis. 2. Clallam County shall not be responsible for assuring that the bid laws, and bid law limitations, and other Federal, State and local regulations of the performance of road or public work by the City of Port Angeles are complied with before the County does the requested work. The County assumes that the request as made is lawful and assumes no liability should there be irregularities or illegalities in the request made by the City of Port Angeles for work. 3. The City of Port Angeles hereby agrees to reimburse the County for the costs of the work performed by the County, based on the actual cost of labor, equipment rental, engineering, materials used in the construction or maintenance work involved, plus all costs for fringe benefits to labor, including but not limited to, social security, retirement, industrial and medical aide costs, prorated sick leave, holidays and vacation time, and group medical insurance. The County shall submit to the City of Port Angeles a certified statement of the costs incurred in performance of the project, and within thirty (30) days thereafter the City of Port Angeles shall pay to the County the amount of the statement. 4. It is understood and agreed between the parties that this contract cannot be assigned, transferred or any portions subcontracted hereunder by the County without the prior written permission of the City of Port Angeles. It is further understood and agreed between the parties that the City of Port Angeles may not assign or subcontract any of its rights under this agreement. 5. The parties hereby agree to save, indemnify, and hold each other harmless against any and all liability, loss, expense, claims, suits, costs, damages of any nature, or causes of action whatsoever, including the cost of defense and attorneys fees, for personal injury or death or property damage, made against either party, its appointed -1- • t • and elected officers, agents, and employees, asserted or arising directly or indirectly out of or in connection with the work which is the subject of this agreement in proportion to the extent of their fault. The parties further agree with respect to the performance of this agreement and as to claims against themselves, their appointed and elected officers, agents and employees to expressly waive their immunity under Title 51 of the Revised Code of Washington, the Industrial Insurance Act, as now or hereafter amended, for injuries to their employees and agree that the obligations to indemnify, defend and hold harmless provided in this Agreement extend to any claim brought by or on behalf of any of their employees. This waiver is mutually negotiated by the parties to this Agreement. 6. If the other party to this agreement is a city, the County, in its performance of the work under contract shall abide by the provisions of RCW 35.77.020, .030, .040 and WAC 136-32. CITY OF PORT ANGELES BOARD OF CLALLAM COUNTY COMMISSIONERS as Larry Doyle, Mayor Date: ATTEST: Becky J. Upton, City Clerk Approved as to form: Craig D. Knutson, City Attorney F:WGREEMENTS&CONTRACTSUiabagrmt.doc Howard V. Doherty, Chair Steve Tharinger Mike Chapman F.,V9M�M Trish Perrott, Clerk of the Board Approved as to form: Deputy Prosecuting Attorney ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington authorizing the execution of an agreement with Clallam. County for the performance of work on City streets and repealing Ordinance No. 2922. WHEREAS, RCW 35.77.020 provides that the City may enter into an agreement the County authorizing the County to perform work on City streets and that such agreement be approved by ordinance of the City Council and by resolution of the Board of County nissioners: and WHEREAS, the City and County previously entered into an agreement providing said services on July 2, 1996, as authorized by Ordinance 2922; and WHEREAS, the July 2, 1996 agreement is outdated and both the City and County (ish to update the agreement, providing for such services until December 31, 2005; and WHEREAS, it is in the interests of both the City and the County as well as the itizens thereof that the County be authorized to perform work on City streets on a reimbursable NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT GELES DOES HEREBY ORDAIN as follows: Section 1. Ordinance 2922, adopted by the City Council of the City of Port teles, on July 2, 1996, and published on July 7, 1996, is hereby repealed. Section 2. The Mayor of the City of Port Angeles is hereby authorized to execute agreement for performance of work on City streets by Clallam County on a reimbursable as set forth in the agreement which is attached hereto as Exhibit A. Section 3. The Director of the Department of Public Works or his designee is to request the performance of work pursuant to the agreement with Clallam County December 31, 2005. 100 �� 1 • Section 4.This Ordinance shall take effect five days after publication. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of Council held on the 20th day of February, 2001. TTEST: ecky Upton, City Clerk PPROVED AS TO FORM: raig D. Knutson, City Attorney UBLISHED: By Summary :\ORDINANCES&RESOLUTIONS\2000-26.ord.wpd ebruary 13, 2001 2 Larry Doyle, Mayor 101 • • 102 • �J �fflii y , COUNCIL DATE: February 20, 2001 To: MAYOR DOYLE AND CITY COUNCIL FRoM: Brad Collins (/ SUBJECT: Morningview Development REZ 0101 Heerschap Family LLC Summary: The applicants are requesting a rezone from Residential Single Family (RS -9) to Residential High Density (RHD). The site is a little larger than 9 acres and is located at the southeast corner of Lindberg Road and Golf Course Road. In June, 2000, the City Council approved a change in the Comprehensive Plan land use designation for the area from Low Density Residential (LDR) to High Density Residential (HDR). The area is part of the Golf Course Road annexation and ULID 215 which brought sewer improvements to the site. Previous analyses have demonstrated that there is a relative shortage of vacant developable land designated for high density residential use in comparison to land designated for low density residential use. Recommendation: The Planning Commission and the Department of Community Development recommend that the City Council approve Morningview Development rezone application REZ 0101 and cite the attached 13 findings and 5 conclusions in support of the rezone approval. Background / Analysis: The property is located adjacent to the Peninsula Golf Course. The Bonneville Power Administration transmission lines cross the southern portion of the subject site. Recent sewer improvements to the area have brought services to the site. The property has been primarily used for pasturing. Since the Rayonier Mill Closure in 1997, there has been little new housing development in Port Angeles. The applicant hopes to build market rate multifamily housing for retirees if the rezone is approved. Attachments: Findings and Conclusions Ordinance Excerpt of the Planning Commission 1/24/01 Minutes Amended Staff Report and Morningview Development's Rezone Application G ACNCLPKTVLANNING\010220. W PD 103 • 104 RECOMMENDED FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS IN SUPPORT OF REZONE APPLICATION - REZ 01-01 - MORNINGVIEW: Based on the information provided in the public record and any written comments received during the public comment period, and the Planning Commission's deliberation, the City of Port Angeles Planning Commission makes a recommendation of approval of REZ 01-01 based of the following 13 findings and 5 conclusions: Findings: The rezone is proposed by a property owner, Heerschamp Family L.L.C. for a change in the zoning designation from Residential, Single Family (RS -9) to Residential, High Density for one parcel of land located at the southeast corner of Lindberg and Golf Course Roads. The legal description of the property is as follows: The West 4.5 acres of the Northeast quarter of the Southwest quarter of the Northwest quarter and the North half of the Northwest quarter of said Southwest quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section 13, Township 30 North, Range 6 West, W.M., Clallam County, Washington, excepting the North 20 feet and the West 30 feet, and the portion conveyed to the City of Port Angeles in Auditor File No. 1997 0 1000500. 2. The proposal encompasses a small area between the Bonneville Power Administration electrical transmission lines and Peninsula Golf Club. 3. The applicant previously requested a change the Comprehensive Plan Land Use designation for the subject property from Low Density Residential (LDR) to High Density Residential (HDR), under CPA 00-03 which was approved by the City Council. 4. The proposed Zoning Map amendment would increase the vacant, buildable high density residential land available in the City by approximately 9 acres and reduce the vacant, buildable, low density residential land availability by the same. 5. The most recent land use analysis in Port Angeles was summarized in the Community Profile Section of the Comprehensive Plan. This section states that there are 12 acres of buildable areas zoned high density residential multi -family lands, as compared to 491 acres of buildable areas zoned low density residential. The low density residential zoning designations comprises approximately 46% of the total land base within the City limits, as compared to 4% of the high density residential. 105 Findings and Conclusions REZ 01-01 February 20, 1001 6. The Clallam County Housing Needs Assessment (1999) indicated that there were 1,878 multi -family rental units in 1998. According to the Washington State Office of Financial Management, the City's April 2000, official population estimates were based on 78% single family and 22% multi -family housing units with a declining household size. The trend in single family and multi -family housing percentages in other communities also indicates increasing needs for multi -family zoned land. There have been minimal changes in the City's development in the second half of the decade of the 1990's. 7. The Comprehensive Plan has been reviewed with respect to the proposed amendment, and the City's Comprehensive Plan Growth Management Element Goal A, Policies A.1 d, Land Use Element Goal B and C, Policy C.1 -C.4, Utility and Public Services Goals A and D, Policies A.1, D.1, D.11, Housing Element Goal A, Policy A.5, Capital Facilities Element Goal A, Policies A.9 and A.10, and Economic Development Goals B and Policy B.5 were found to be the most relevant. These goals and policies encourage a variety of residential opportunities and densities within a community of viable districts and neighborhoods, creating the desired urban design of the City where housing in available and affordable. 8. The properties in the area along Golf Course Road were annexed into the City several years ago, and a Utility Local Improvement District (ULID) was formed to provide sewer services. 0 9. Although the subject area is served by Lindberg and Golf Course Roads, both of which are arterial streets, roadway improvements will be needed at the time of development for City street standards to be met and projected traffic demand to be satisfied. In addition, compliance with all other requirements set forth by the PAMC will be necessary at the time of development of the subject property. 10. The Comprehensive Plan goals and policies also direct that utility services be provided in an efficient and cost-effective manner, distributed equitably across the City, and designed for the maximum planned density and/or land use intensity of a given area. 11. There are several other High Density Residential designations in the vicinity of the subject area adjacent to the Peninsula Golf Club, including Melody Lane and DelGuzzi Drive. 12. A Determination of NonSignificance was issued per WAC 197-11-355 on May 23, 2000. 13. The public comment period for this application concluded December 27, 2000, during which time, no comments were received. 0 106 • 1 ] • Findings and Conclusions REZOI-01 February 10, 1001 Conclusions: A. The proposal to change the Residential, Single Family (RS -9) zoning designation at the southeast corner of Golf Course and Lindberg Roads to Residential, High Density (RHD) is consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan Map, Comprehensive Plan Growth Management Goal A and Policy A.1.d, and Land Use Element Goals B and C, Policies C.1 -C.4, Utilities and Public Services Element Goals A and D, Policies A.1, D.1, and DA 1, Housing Element Goal A and Policy A.5, Capital Facilities Element Goal A and Policies A.9 and 1. 10, and Economic Development Element Goal B and Policy B.5. B. Medium and high density housing should be located in areas of the community most suitable for such uses, based on existing services, public facilities, and transportation. C. High density housing could be deemed a transitional use between the Bonneville Power Administration electrical transmission lines and the golf course without adversely impacting the residential nature of the housing and vacant lands in the area. D. The proposed Zoning map amendment is consistent with other developments in the Peninsula Golf Course area which are oriented to retirement and recreational interests. E. The City's action on Zoning Map Amendment REZ 01-01 is consistent with the established procedures for amending the Zoning Code set forth in Section 17.96.100, Port Angeles Municipal Code. Adopted by the Port Angeles City Council at its meeting of February 20, 2001. Larry Doyle, Mayor . Becky J. Upton, City Clerk 107 • • • ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, rezoning approximately 9.17+ acres located at the southeast comer of Lindberg Road and Golf Course Road from RS -9, Residential Single Family, to RHD, Residential High Density, and amending Ordinance 2801, as amended. WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Port Angeles has held a public meeting and recorded its recommendation to the City Council in the Planning Commission minutes January 24, 2001; and WHEREAS, the requirements of the State Environmental Policy Act (Chapter 43.21 C IRCW) have been met; and WHEREAS, the City Council, after a public hearing, finds that said rezone would be in the best interest of the City and its citizens and would be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan; NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES DOES HEREBY ORDAIN as follows: Section 1. The Official Zoning Map, Ordinance 2801 as amended, is hereby amended to change the zoning of the following described property from RS -9, Residential Single Family, to RHD, Residential High Density, as shown in the attached Exhibit "A": The west 4.5 acres of the northeast quarter of the southwest quarter of the northwest quarter and the north half of the northwest quarter of said southwest quarter of the northwest quarter of Section 13, Township 30 north, Range 6 west, W.M., Clallam County, Washington; EXCEPTING therefrom the north 20 feet and the west 30 feet; ALSO EXCEPT that portion conveyed to the City of Port Angeles by instrument recorded November 17, 1997, under Auditor's File No. 1997 1000500. Section 2. The City Clerk is hereby directed to attach a copy of this Ordinance to the Official Zoning Map and to file a certified copy with the Clallam County Auditor and Clallam County Assessor. Section 3 - Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect five days after the date of publication. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 20th day of February, 2001. -1- Larry Doyle, Mayor 10 ATTEST: Becky J. Upton, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Craig D. Knutson, City Attorney PUBLISHED: By Summary F.\ORDINANCES&RESOLU7IONS72001-02.wpd 110 — 2 — • • K�l 01 ............. ppp� .............. ................ .................... ............................ ............................ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..................... REzome ol UNDappa ..................... RHD CITY OF PORT ANGELES PUBLIC WORKS AN tff Plot late; 01/03/01 PBP PRD R89 REZ 01-01 REZONE FROM RS -9 TO RHD Datet x X. RHD CITY OF PORT ANGELES PUBLIC WORKS AN tff Plot late; 01/03/01 PBP PRD R89 REZ 01-01 REZONE FROM RS -9 TO RHD Datet x 1�1 112 Planning Commission Minutes January 24, 2001 Page 3 REZONE REQUEST REZ 01-01 MORNINGMIEW DEVELOP ENT, Southeast corner of Lindberg Road and Golf Course Roads: Request for rezone of approximately 9+ acres from RS -9, Residential Single Family, to RHD, Residential High Density. (Continued from January 10, 2001.) Planner Barnes reviewed staff s report recommending approval of the rezone as proposed and responded to questions regarding school enrollment data, sewer capacity, and other utility improvements in the area. Information regarding school enrollment impacts was not considered in analysis of the rezone application as the applicant has not submitted development plans at this point. In responding to a question from Commissioner Norton, Terry Larson, David Evans and Associates, 3700 Pacific Highway East, Suite 311, Tacoma, WA 98424, stated that the sewer capacity along Golf Course Road and Lindberg Roads is adequate to serve a high density development on the site through a recent utility improvement project. The development is intended to be high quality and will provide access for properties to the south that currently travel across the site for access. It is intended that there will be an access off Golf Course Road and off Lindberg Road. There is not much demand for single family development within the City at this time. The site will probably be developed as a multi -family development. The Bonneville Power Administration easement restricts development of the south portion of the property. Commissioner Nutter expressed concern that the property is located in the area where the crosstown traffic route is planned, that a high density development will cause increased enrollment in the school system that has not been analyzed, and that the area is already developed with a good deal of high density uses. Such a proposal will ultimately be costly to the City's residents in terms of an increase in expected services. Commissioner Norton moved to recommend approval of the rezone as proposed citing the findings and conclusions as follows: Findings: 1. The rezone is proposed by a property owner, Heerschamp Family L.L.C. for a change in the zoning designation from Residential, Single Family (RS -9) to Residential, High Density for one parcel of land located at the southeast comer of Lindberg and Golf Course Roads. The legal description of the property is as follows: The West 4.5 acres of the Northeast quarter of the Southwest quarter of the Northwest quarter and the North half of the Northwest quarter of said Southwest quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section 13, Township 30 North, Range 6 West, W.M., Clallam County, Washington, excepting the North 20 feet and the West 30 feet, and the portion conveyed to the City of Port Angeles in Auditor File No. 1997 1000500. 113 Planning Commission Minutes January 10, 1001 Page 4 2. The proposal encompasses a small area between the Bonneville Power Administration electrical transmission lines and Peninsula Golf Club. 3. The applicant previously requested a change the Comprehensive Plan Land Use designation for the subject property from Low Density Residential (LDR) to High Density Residential (HDR), under CPA 00-03 which was approved by the City Council 4. The proposed Zoning Map amendment would increase the vacant, buildable high density residential land available in the City by approximately 9 acres and reduce the vacant, buildable, low density residential land availability by the same. 5. The most recent land use analysis in Port Angeles was summarized in the Community Profile Section of the Comprehensive Plan. This section states that there are 12 acres of buildable areas zoned high density residential multi -family lands, as compared to 491 acres of buildable areas zoned low density residential. The low density residential zoning designations comprises approximately 46% of the total land base within the City limits, as compared to 4% of the high density residential. 6. The Clallam County Housing Needs Assessment (1999) indicated that there were 1,878 multi -family rental units in 1998. According to the Washington State Office of Financial Management, the City's April 2000, official population estimates were based on 78% single family and 22% multi -family housing units with a declining household size. The trend in single family and multi -family housing percentages in other communities also indicates increasing needs for multi -family zoned land. There have been minimal changes in the City's development in the second half of the decade of the 1990's. 7. The Comprehensive Plan has been reviewed with respect to the proposed amendment, and the City's Comprehensive Plan Growth Management Element Goal A, Policies A.ld, Land Use Element Goal B and C, Policy C.1 -C.4, Utility and Public Services Goals A and D, Policies A.1, D.1, D.11, Housing Element Goal A, Policy A.5, Capital Facilities Element Goal A, Policies A.9 and A.10, and Economic Development Goals B and Policy B.5 were found to be the most relevant. These goals and policies encourage a variety of residential opportunities and densities within a community of viable districts and neighborhoods, creating the desired urban design of the City where housing in available and affordable. 8. The properties in the area along Golf Course Road were annexed into the City several years ago, and a Utility Local Improvement District (ULID) was formed to provide sewer services. 9. Although the subject area is served by Lindberg and Golf Course Roads, both of which are arterial streets, roadway improvements will be needed at the time of development for City street standards to be met and projected traffic demand to be satisfied. In addition, compliance with all other requirements set forth by the 114 PAMC will be necessary at the time of development of the subject property. Planning Commission Minutes January 10, 2001 Page S 10. The Comprehensive Plan goals and policies also direct that utility services be provided in an efficient and cost-effective manner, distributed equitably across the City, and designed for the maximum planned density and/or land use intensity of a given area. 11. There are several other High Density Residential designations in the vicinity of the subject area adjacent to the Peninsula Golf Club, including Melody Lane and DelGuzzi Drive. 12. A Determination of NonSignificance was issued per WAC 197-11-355 on May 23, 2000. 13. The public comment period for this application concluded December 27, 2000, during which time, no comments were received. Conclusions: A. The proposal to change the Residential, Single Family (RS -9) zoning designation at the southeast corner of Golf Course and Lindberg Roads to Residential, High Density (RHD) is consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan Map, Comprehensive Plan Growth Management Goal A and Policy A.Ld, and Land Use Element Goals B and C, Policies C.1 -C.4, Utilities and Public Services Element Goals A and D, Policies A.1, D.1, and D.11, Housing Element Goal A and Policy A.5, Capital Facilities Element Goal A and Policies A.9 and 1. 10, and Economic Development Element Goal B and Policy B.5. B. Medium and high density housing should be located in areas of the community most suitable for such uses, based on existing services, public facilities, and transportation. C. High density housing could be deemed a transitional use between the Bonneville Power Administration electrical transmission lines and the golf course without adversely impacting the residential nature of the- housing and vacant lands in the area. D. The proposed Zoning map amendment is consistent with other developments in the Peninsula Golf Course area which are oriented to retirement and recreational interests. E. The City's action on Zoning Map Amendment REZ 01-01 is consistent with the established procedures for amending the Zoning Code set forth in Section 17.96.100, Port Angeles Municipal Code. Commissioner Craver seconded the motion which passed 4 -1 with Commissioner Nutter voting in the negative. She stated that her negative vote was due to the reasons previously discussed. 115 • • • 116 I P ORT NGELES W AS H I N G T O N, U. S. A. DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT STAFF REPORT AMENDED DATE: January 10, 2001 TO: Chair Fred Hewins and Planning Commission FROM: Debi Barnes, Associate Planner RE: REZ 01-01 APPLICANT: Morningview Development OWNER: Heerschap Family L.L.C. LOCATION: A portion of the Northwest Quarter of Section 13, Township 30 North, Range 6 West, Willamette Meridian located at the southeast corner of Golf Course and Lindberg Roads REQUEST: The proposal is to rezone approximately 9 acres from Residential, Single Family (RS -9) to Residential, High Density (RHD) RECOMMENDATION The Department of Community Development, Planning Division recommends the Planning Commission forward to the City Council a recommendation for approval of rezone application REZ 01-01 as proposed, citing the 13 findings and 5 conclusions included in Attachment A. A draft ordinance is attached to this report. THE PROPOSAL The applicant is requesting a rezone from Residential, Single Family (RS -9) to Residential, High Density (RHD). The subject site contains approximately 9 acres The application materials, including a map of the area proposed for rezone, are attached as Attachment B. The application is for a rezone only, and not approval for any specific, subsequent development that may be an allowed land use according to the Zoning Code. In the application materials, the applicant states their intent to construct apartment buildings and appurtenances in several phases, ultimately providing 200 units that would house between 400-450 persons. 117 Planning Department Staff Report January 10, 2000 REZ 01-01 - Heerschap Family LLC Page 2 The subject property is legally described as: The West 4.5 acres of the Northeast quarter of the Southwest quarter of the Northwest quarter and the North half of the Northwest quarter of said Southwest quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section 13, Township 30 North, Range 6 West, W.M., Clallam County, Washington, excepting the North 20 feet and the West 30 feet, and the portion conveyed to the City of Port Angeles in Auditor File No. 1997 1000500. STAFF ANALYSIS The proposed area consists of one property approximately 9 acres in size. The subject property contains one single family dwelling and the remainder of the property is mostly pasturelands with few trees. The subject property can be described as rolling, with an approximate 8-10% slope. The property is situated on a topographic bench with a significant slope south the existing power lines. The Bonneville Power Administration easement and electrical transmission line bisects the property near the southern property line. The width of the easement is 225 feet and encumbers approximately 3.5-:9 2^8 of the 9.0 acres (31 %) of the subject property. An access road off of Lindberg Road serving three properties southeast of the subject property exists on the eastern portion of the subject property which is shown on the site plan (Attachment B). Adjacent zoning designations include PBP to the north (Peninsula Golf Course), and RS -9 to the east, south and west (single family or vacant land uses). The majority of these lands are also generally large tracts (.76 to 5.0 acres in size). Approximately 350 feet to the northwest, the zoning designation changes from RS -9 to RHD. The Uplands Development is located here which consists of a mix of single and multi -family uses. Northeast of the subject property along DeIGuzzi Drive exists RHD and RS -9 zones with the majority having a Planned Residential Development (PRD) overlay zone. Photographs of the site are provided in Attachment C. Several previous analyses of the amount of the City's land uses have shown that there is a relative shortage of high density residential to low density residential designated areas. The most recent land use analysis in Port Angeles was summarized in the Community Profile Section of the Comprehensive Plan. This section states that there are 12 acres of buildable areas zoned high density residential multi -family lands, as compared to 491 acres of buildable areas zoned low density residential. The low density residential zoning designations comprises approximately 46% of the total land base within the City limits, as compared to 4% of the high density residential. There have been minimal changes in the City's development trends or patterns in the second half of the decade of the 1990's. The Clallam County Housing Needs Assessment (1999) indicated that there were 1,878 multi -family rental units in 1998. According to the Washington State Office of Financial Management, the City's April 2000, official population estimates were based on 78% single family and 22% multi -family housing units with a declining household size. The trend in single family and multi -family housing percentages in other communities also indicates increasing needs for multi -family zoned land. This rezone application is limited to one "open record" public hearing before the City Council. According to R.C.W. 36.70B, Local Project Review ("The Regulatory Reform Act"), the Planning Commission's shall hold a public meeting which may include an informal hearing, and make a recommendation to the City Council. The recommendation is to be based solely on the information contained in the official file which includes any 118 Planning Department Staff Report January 10, 2000 REZ 01-01 - Heerschap Family LLC Page 3 public testimony that was received. is COMPREHENSIVE PLAN. ZONING & DEVELOPMENT REGULATION REVIEW Comprehensive Plan. The proposal to change the single-family residential zoning designation of RS -9 at the southeast corner of Golf Course and Lindberg Roads to the RHD (high density residential) is consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan Map, GMA Goal A and Policy A.1.d, and Land Use Element Goals B and C, Policies C.1 -C.4, Utilities and Public Services Element Goals A and D, Policies A.1, D.1, and D.11, Housing Element Goal A and Policy A.S, Capital Facilities Goal A and Policies A9 and A10, and Economic Development Element Goal B and Policy B.S. The entire Comprehensive Plan has been reviewed, and the most relevant are provided in Attachment D. The applicant has also provided copies of these Comprehensive Plan Elements in application materials provided in Attachment B. There are several other High Density Residential Comprehensive Plan designations on lands located adjacent to the Peninsula Golf Club. The land use designation for the subject property was changed in 2000 from low density residential to high density residential under CPA 00-03. As shown on the comprehensive plan map, the latter designation is located along Golf Course (along Melody Lane) and DelGuzzi Roads northerly of Lindberg Road intersection and is considered to be contiguous to the subject property. The adopted Comprehensive Plan goals and policies encourage a variety of residential opportunities and densities within a community of viable districts and neighborhoods, creating the desired urban design of the City where housing is available and affordable. Both medium and high density housing should be located where a higher density concentration of residents is compatible with the surrounding area. This should include areas of the community that are most suitable for such uses, based on existing services and public facilities, including transportation. In addition, the Comprehensive Plan notes that medium and high densities could be a transitional use between different land uses. This is often found between single family and commercial or industrial land uses. In this area, high density housing could be a transitional use between the Bonneville Power Administration electrical transmission lines and the golf course without adversely impacting the residential nature of the housing in the area. The properties in the area along Golf Course Road were annexed into the City several years agog and a Utility Local Improvement District (ULID) was formed to provide sewer services. Although the subject area is served by Lindberg and Golf Course Roads, both of which are arterial streets, roadway improvements will be needed at the time of development for City street standards to be met and projected traffic demand to be satisfied. The Comprehensive Plan goals and policies also direct that utility services be provided in an efficient and cost-effective manner, distributed equitably across the City, and designed for the maximum planned density and/or land use intensity of a given area. The proposal is in an area of new development, 119 Planning Department Staff Report REZ 01-01 - Heerschap Family LLC January 10, 2000 Page 4 which is/can be served by sanitary sewers which are part of a Utility Local Improvement District (ULID). The City adjusted the ULID assessments with the expectation that new developments such as are proposed would take place within the ten-year bond period and make the assessment costs more equitable. At the time of development of the property, extension and connection to city services will be required in accordance to the PAMC. Zoning Code. RS -9 (PAMC 17.11). The purpose of the RS -9 zone is to provide a low density residential zone intended to create and preserve urban single family residential neighborhoods consisting of predominantly single family hones on larger than standard Townsite-sized lots. Uses that are compatible with and functionally related to a single family environment may be located in this zone. The maximum building height is 30 -feet. The density allowed in RS -9 is 4.84 dwelling units per acre. Based on the gross acreage (approximately 9 acres) of the subject property, a total of forty-three 9,000 square foot lots (or residential units) could be obtained through the standard platting configuration. However, due to the encumbrance of BPA easement (totals approximately 2.8 acres according to applicant) which allows use of the easement area but precludes construction of buildings, approximately thirty= erre 9,000 square foot lots may be able to be created. Through a Planned Residential Development (PRD) process, 3.95 d.u. per acre could be pursued for a total of 24-35 units left. The uses allowed in RS -9 are primarily detached single family residences. RHD (PAMC 17.15). The purpose of the RHD zone is to provide for multi -family residential structures. The major differences in allowed or conditional uses between the RHD and RS -9 zones are the opportunities for multi -family units, golf courses, utility buildings and structures, and social services agencies providing 24-hour care which could be allowed in RHD but not RS -9. The maximum building height is 35 - feet, or 5 -feet higher than that allowed in RS -9. The RHD allows a density up to 38.56 units per acre. Based on the gross acreage of the subject property, a total of 347 units could possibly be obtained, or 56 lots with single units. Again, due to the BPA easement, the available land area for development is limited whereby approximately 38- 7,000 square foot lots could be configured, or a total, potential density of 239 units. Through a Planned Residential Development (PRD), approximately 173-252 units could be sought. The following table summarizes the densities allowed by the RS9 and RHD zoning. Figures for RMD are also provided for a comparison. Again, these figures are estimates based on approximately acreage for the subject property, as well as the area encumbered by the BPA easement. 120 • • is • Planning Department Staff Report January 10, 2000 REZ 01-01 - Heerschap Family LLC Page 5 Zoning Designation Potenital Number of Potential Potential Lots/Units (based on gross number of number of acreage of 9.0 acres) Lots/Units units through (Based on a PRD net acreage - process minus BPA easement of 6.2 acres) RS9 43 lots / 43 units 30 lots / 30 24-35 units units RMD 56 lots/ 112 units 38 lots / 77 60-88 units units RHD 56 lots / 347 units 38 lots / 239 173-252 units units Any amendment to Title 17, Zoning Code, shall be consistent with Section 17.96.100 of the Zoning Code, which reads as follows: 17.96.100 Amendments. A. In determining if an amendment to these regulations is needed, the City Council shall give due consideration to the proper relationship of such amendment to the Comprehensive Plan and the entire Zoning Regulations; it being the intent to retain the integrity and validity of the zones herein described and to avoid any isolated spot zoning changes in the Zoning Map. B. Any amendments adopted by the Council may be modified from the form in which they were advertised within the limits necessary to relate properly such amendment or amendments to the Zoning Regulations. Final action on such modifications shall be subject to review and report of the Planning Commission prior to final passage by the City Council. C. No application for a change of zoning of any lot, parcel or portion thereof shall be considered by the Council within one year of the final action of the Council upon a prior application covering any of the same described land. This provision, however, shall not impair the right of the Council to propose by their own action any amendment or change in the boundaries of any of the zones in these regulations. As noted above, the land use designation for the subject property, which consists of one parcel of land, was changed in 2000 from low density residential to high density residential. There is a general test to determine if a proposal would be considered to be an illegal `spot zone' which includes: 1) a small parcel of land is singled out for special and privileged treatment; 2) the singling out is not in the public interest but only for the benefit of the land owner; and 3) the action is not in accordance with the comprehensive plan. Upon staff review of these criteria, we do not believe that all three tests can be made by the application, specifically the second and third criteria, because of the need by the community for additional multi -family residential units, as well as the recent approval of the Residential High Density comprehensive plan designation on the subject property. The first criteria would require a determination of the meaning 121 Planning Department Staff Report REZ 01-01 - Heerschap Family LLC January 10, 2000 Page 6 of a 'small parcel'. The size of the subject property should be considered in this review, which is the approximate equivalent of three Townsite blocks. Ideally, when placing a comprehensive plan or zoning designation, the local jurisdiction would include more than one parcel of land or ensure that the spot zone would meet the above test and not be considered an illegal spot zone. In sum, the potential density for the subject property under the RHD zone is greater than that allowed by the RS -9 zone. The Comprehensive Plan notes that medium and high densities could be a transitional use between different land uses, which in this case would be the golf course, single family residences and the BPA power lines. Other. There are no environmentally sensitive areas located on or adjacent to the subject property. Subsequent development of the property would require compliance with various chapters of the Port Angeles Municipal Code, as it applies. COMMENTS The Public Works Department and Building Division each indicated that they have no objections to the proposed rezone. The City Engineer provided the following comments that would be required at the time of development of the subject property: 1. The east portion of the subject property is outside 215 ULID (sanitary sewer) boundary. Development of that portion of the subject property outside of the ULID would need to extend sewer to DelGuzzi Drive due to topography and elevations of the existing sewer line. 0 2. Storm drainage including detention facilities will be required with development. 3. Roadway and right-of-way improvements will be required with development. 4. There is an existing 8" watermain on the north side of Lindberg Road; extension of the watermain the length of the subject property up Golf Course Road may be required with development. The public comment period for this application concluded December 27, 2000 whereby no written comments were received. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The City's State Environmental Policy Act Responsible Official issued a Determination of NonSignificance for the proposal per WAC 197-11-355 on May 23, 2000. This determination was made on both the comprehensive plan and zoning amendment applications. REZ0101.WPD 122 Planning Department Staff Report January 10, 2000 REZ 01-01 - Heerschap Family LLC Page 7 Recommended Findings and Conclusions for REZ 01-01 Based on the information provided in the public record and any written comments received during the public comment period, and the Planning Commission's deliberation, the City of PortAngeles Planning Commission makes a recommendation of approval of REZ01-01 based of the following 13 findings and 5 conclusions: Findings: The rezone is proposed by a property owner, Heerschamp Family L.L.C. for a change in the zoning designation from Residential, Single Family (RS -9) to Residential, High Density for one parcel of land located at the southeast corner of Lindberg and Golf Course Roads. The legal description of the property is as follows: The West 4.5 acres of the Northeast quarter of the Southwest quarter of the Northwest quarter and the North half of the Northwest quarter of said Southwest quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section 13, Township 30 North, Range 6 West, W.M., Clallam County, Washington, excepting the North 20 feet and the West 30 feet, and the portion conveyed to the City of Port Angeles in Auditor File No. 1997 1000500.. 2. The proposal encompasses a small area between the Bonneville Power Administration electrical transmission lines and Peninsula Golf Club. 3. The applicant previously requested a change the Comprehensive Plan Land Use designation for the subject property from Low Density Residential (LDR) to High Density Residential (HDR), under CPA 00-03 which was approved by the City Council. 4. The proposed Zoning Map amendment would increase the vacant, buildable high density residential land available in the City by approximately 9 acres and reduce the vacant, buildable, low density residential land availability by the same. 5. The most recent land use analysis in Port Angeles was summarized in the Community Profile Section of the Comprehensive Plan. This section states that there are 12 acres of buildable areas zoned high density residential multi -family lands, as compared to 491 acres of buildable areas zoned low density residential. The low density residential zoning designations comprises approximately 46% of the total land base within the City limits, as compared to 4% of the high density residential. 6. The Clallam County Housing Needs Assessment (1999) indicated that there were 1,878 multi -family rental units in 1998. According to the Washington State Office of Financial Management, the City's April 2000, official population estimates were 123 Planning Department Staff Report REZ 01-01 - Heerschap Family LLC January 10, 2000 Page 8 based on 78% single family and 22% multi -family housing units with a declining household size. The trend in single family and multi -family housing percentages in other communities also indicates increasing needs for multi -family zoned land. There have been minimal changes in the City's development in the second half of the decade of the 1990's. 7. The Comprehensive Plan has been reviewed with respect to the proposed amendment, and the City's Comprehensive Plan Growth Management Element Goal A, Policies A.1d, Land Use Element Goal B and C, Policy C.1 -C.4, Utility and Public Services Goals A and D, Policies A.1, D.1, D.11, Housing Element Goal A, Policy A.5, Capital Facilities Element Goal A, Policies A.9 and A.10, and Economic Development Goals B and Policy B.5 were found to be the most relevant. These goals and policies encourage a variety of residential opportunities and densities within a community of viable districts and neighborhoods, creating the desired urban design of the City where housing in available and affordable. 8. The properties in the area along Golf Course Road were annexed into the City several years ago, and a Utility Local Improvement District (ULID) was formed to provide sewer services. 9. Although the subject area is served by Lindberg and Golf Course Roads, both of which are arterial streets, roadway improvements will be needed at the time of development for City street standards to be met and projected traffic demand to be satisfied. In addition, compliance with all other requirements set forth by the PAMC will be necessary at the time of development of the subject property. 0 10. The Comprehensive Plan goals and policies also direct that utility services be provided in an efficient and cost-effective manner, distributed equitably across the City, and designed for the maximum planned density and/or land use intensity of a given area. 11. There are several other High Density Residential designations in the vicinity of the subject area adjacent to the Peninsula Golf Club, including Melody Lane and DeIGuzzi Drive. 12. A Determination of NonSignificance was issued per WAC 197-11-355 on May 23, 2000. 13. The public comment period for this application concluded December 27, 2000, during which time, no comments were received. 124 0 Planning Department Staff Report REZ 01-01 - Heerschap Family LLC Conclusions: January 10, 2000 Page 9 A. The proposal to change the Residential, Single Family (RS -9) zoning designation at the southeast corner of Golf Course and Lindberg Roads to Residential, High Density (RHD) is consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan Map, Comprehensive Plan Growth Management Goal A and Policy A. 1.d, and Land Use Element Goals B and C, Policies C.1 -C.4, Utilities and Public Services Element Goals A and D, Policies A.1, D.1, and D.11, Housing Element Goal A and Policy A.5, Capital Facilities Element Goal A and Policies A.9 and 1. 10, and Economic Development Element Goal B and Policy B.5. B. Medium and high density housing should be located in areas of the community most suitable for such uses, based on existing services, public facilities, and transportation. C. High density housing could be deemed a transitional use between the Bonneville Power Administration electrical transmission lines and the golf course without adversely impacting the residential nature of the housing and vacant lands in the area. D. The proposed Zoning map amendment is consistent with other developments in the Peninsula Golf Course area which are oriented to retirement and recreational interests. E. The City's action on Zoning Map Amendment REZ 01-01 is consistent with the established procedures for amending the Zoning Code set forth in Section 17.96.100, Port Angeles Municipal Code. REZ0101.WPD • 125 • C7 • 126 1 I I Vr r' 6JR i ^I'M%7GLL ATTACHMENT E Rezone Application PLEASE READ ALL INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE COMPLETING THIS FORM Attn: Terry Larson 1. (A) APPLICANT Morningview Development Daytime Phone 253-922-9780 Address 3700 Pacific Hwy. E., #311, Tacoma, WA 98424 Phone (B) PROPERTY OWNER (if other than applicant) Heerschap Family, L.L.C. Property Owner's Address (if other than applicant) Auburn, Washington Daytime Phone (C) APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE if other than applicant or property owner Terry Larson @ David Evans and Associates, Inc. Phone 253-922-9780 2. (A) Legal Description of Subject Property Refer to Attached Exhibit "A" (B) General Location of Subject Property Refer to Attached Exhibit "B" N/A N A 9.17+ 3. Size of Subject Property sq.ft. / blocks _ acres. 4. Zoning of Subject Property RS9 Proposed Zoning Designation RM 5. Characteristics of Subject Property (how is it developed) currently undeveloped. 6. Characteristics of Surrounding Area (what uses are around the property) to the north is the Peninsula View Golf Course, to the west is residential, to the south is undevelo 7. Comprehensive Plan Designation of Property High Density Residential 8. Comprehensive Plan Designation of Surrounding Properties Low Density Residential. CITY OF PORT ANGELES Planning Department, 321 East Fifth Street, P.O. Box 1150, Port Angeles, WA 98362 (360) 417-4750 127 Rezone Application Page 2 of 2 9. Applicable Comprehensive Plan Policies Element - Gals B&C, VI. Transportat Goals A,B,C,D&E, VIII. Housing -Goal XI. Economic Development - Goals A b 10. JUSTIFICATION FOR ZONING CHANGE Refer to attached Exhibit "C`, V. sand se .ion -Goal B, VII. Utilities & Public Services- P.&B, X. Capital Facilities -Goal A,B&C. (A) Relationship to Comprehensive Plan Rezone reguest is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan designation. • (B) Suitability of Property for Proposed Zoning Property is perfectly suitable as evidenced by the City's recent Comprehensive Plan Amendment from Low Density Residential to High Density Residential. (C) Change in Circumstances Since Original Zoning City recently, at the applicant's request, changed the Comprehensive Plan designation from Low Density Residential to High Density Residential. (D) Inappropriateness of Current Zoning Please refer to items 10. (A), (B) & (C) above. A& 11. 1 CERTIFY that all of the above statements are true to the best of my knowledge and acknowledge that wilful misrepresentation of information will immediately terminate this application. Ir File No. e6,L7 Received /17�,Z Hearing(s)-'2- / 1 IGNATURE 1 _ lam' -3 Date EXHIBIT "A" File No.:CL-39648 DESCRIPTION: The West 4.5 acres of the Northeast quarter of the Southwest quarter of the Northwest quarter and the North half of the Northwest quarter of said Southwest quarter o 'the Northwest quarter of Section 13, Township 30 North, Range 6 West, W.M., Clallam County, Washington; EXCEPTING therefrom the North 20 feet and the West 30 feet; ALSO EXCEPT that portion conveyed to the City of Port Angeles by instrument recorded November 17, 1997, under Auditor's File No. 1997 1000500. 6.17t Wa- • 0 All D L: PORT ANGELES APARTMENTS PRELIMINARY SITE PLAN PE�INS6L30LF ....... — SAND 00�TRY CLUB UN ER RD. 77 HEtRS�HAW X381)9 -or 8.88 X.382 6-11C Akk X.IHO I x 3112A f X M) 9 IRP 6 0 r -------- 1RCEL: BO 'AR R01II JE 230 B At C 14, 150 0 150 300 Ow fm SCALE: 1 150' WIN�111_ )AVI'I') EVAN'S 4 j AND ASSOCIATES, 3700 PACIFIC 111GHWAY EAST; SUITE 311 TACOMA, WA 981211' 922-9790 AC 11 • • 132 • • REZ 01-01 - Heerschap Family LLC ATTACHMENT C Photographs of Site Page t C Photo 1. At SW property corner on Golf Course Road Photo 2. At SW property comer looking NEJE across the looking north subject property Photo 3. From Lindberg Road looking South/Southwest across subject property. Photo 4. From Lindberg Road looking East 133 I ]l • • 134 REZ 01-01 - Heemchap Family LLC Page 12 ATTACHMENT D 0 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN GOALS AND POLICIES • Growth Management Goal A. To manage growth in a responsible manner that is beneficial to the community as a whole, is sensitive to the rights and needs of individuals and is consistent with the State of Washington's Growth Management Act. Policies Al. In all its actions and to the extent consistent with the provisions of this comprehensive plan, the City shall strive to implement the following goals of the State Growth Management Act: d. Housing. Encourage the availability of affordable housing to all economic segments of the population. Promote a variety of residential densities and housing types, and encourage preservation of existing housing stock. Land Use Element Goal B. To have a community where residential development and use of the land are done in a manner that is compatible with the environment, the characteristics of the use and the users, and the desired urban design of the City. Goal C. To have a community of viable districts and neighborhoods with a variety of residential opportunities for personal interaction, fulfillment and enjoyment, attractive to people of all ages, characteristics and interests. Policies C 1. Residential land should be developed on the district and neighborhood concept. Although such districts may be composed primarily of residential uses of a uniform density, a healthy, viable district should be composed of residential uses of varying densities which may be augmented by subordinate and compatible uses. Single family and multi -family homes, parks and open -spaces, schools, churches, day care and residential services, home occupations, and district shopping areas are all legitimate components of district development and enhancement. A neighborhood should be primarily composed of low, medium, or high density housing. C2. Medium and high density housing should be located in areas of the community 135 .v y ucNu. w.u.•.ou (�cNuu REZ 01-01 - Heemehap Family LLC most suitable for such uses. based on existing services. public facilities. and transportation. Pape 13 C3. Medium and high density housing should be served by arterial streets of sufficient size in order to satisfy traffic demand and to lessen neighborhood traffic congestion. C4. Medium and high density housing could be a transitional use between different land uses, provided such other uses would not adversely impact the residential nature of the housing. Utilities and Public Services Element Goal A. To provide or allow the opportunity for services and facilities which enhance the quality of life for Port Angeles citizens of all ages, characteristics, needs, and interests. Policy A I. Public facilities should be equitably distributed across the City's planning areas. Goal D. To provide utility services in an efficient and cost-effective manner. Policies D 1. Urban services should be designed for the maximum planned density and/or land use intensity of a given area as designated on the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map. D 11. New development should be served by sanitary sewers. Housing Element A. To improve the variety, quality, availability, and affordability of housing opportunities in the City of Port Angeles. Policies A5. The City should plan for sufficient urban services to support future housing in a variety of allowable densities. Capital Facilities Element A. To provide and maintain safe and financially feasible urban services and capital facilities at or above stated levels of service to all City residents and the general public. 9. The City shall require concurrency at the time of development for the following utilities 136 • r� REZ 01-01 - Heerschap Family LLC Page is and services: * streets. * water service, * sanitary sewer service, and * electrical service. 10. The City should require the following utilities and services at the time of development: * solid waste collection, * stormwater management, * telecommunications servicc, and * emergency services (police, fire and emergency medical response). Economic Development Element Goal B. To have a healthy local economy that co -exists with the community's high quality of life through the protection, enhancement, and use of the community's natural, historical, and cultural amenities. B5. The City should encourage the availability of housing that meets the needs of the entire spectrum of the community's work force. 137 • 138 • • GELES WASH ING TON. CITY COUNCIL MEMO CITY MANAGER'S CALENDAR / REPORT February 20, 2001 CITY MEETING SCHEDULE DATE TIME . ...,:::::>::...::::: f,; ,n: /v:.vp.. v:::::::•'frii:a:"'4:,::: ;;'.;:n;{.�:.3,�:,.A..n.. •!.. .}:3;r .....v:..v:...:.::::: nn:+.,. .f» n.ffq .•�.. .3f, .rW...:.., ... 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C ..,. d. .:.... r ......, r. ,..%/ .....r:,: .r::.,(/,...r:.�.t fd: r::: ......, �.::.:...... :.:.:.............r�. :b?,..n .1� •\... .::i`:3:if:: ..$,ft<: .H,4k:;.. �,.:A.;�:t;?•t;?k?i t>f:::,.;.; ., i�':::2i•:�:Co'.k'< Monday, February 19 CLOSED City Council Meeting Tuesday, February 20 6:00 p.m. KONP Home Show Sat & Sun, Feb 24 & 25 All Day No. Olympic Peninsula Cities Association (3 Mayors) Tuesday, February 27 6:00 p.m. Planning Commission Meeting Wednesday, February 28 7:00 p.m. C ,4':: »'.:'. ni.•:::a.. ' w.. ,: i:.: itt;':?'t;.:^.iM.... frft:f%: ::: ...... f Jr r.: :.;:..n;;.a;;;c:::::. ....:.. ... f. r f: fr ir3:f3v ::.::.::.:. ... / .... n... / .f r .................. .... » :. ...... f. 4ff:` . .. .. !,/i f r ,.%f ... .. .. ... ... .............. ....». .ir.::. .. ..... .. F /f.f. �. ... ... rl ::. »lr.. »»:. t�.:�,.v.n: n. ..v».., �/ .... ........ .... ..... .» A}. .. ,.. .....:..:.. ., .. ..%.�' .. ....... ...... . .Y............,........,:,...�n.i�:,::.,.:::::r:.,t.:�.::.:.::rt.,.,nA.:!i•:::..:': . .. .., .. r....... 1, r :.. ... ... .. ,... ..... .. ,,..ri....:.......:.... .....:.t .i..... :..,. ....n,.,.. .........,.,.,,'F: . ...:..,...... :.:.. r., f,1. .., ,f: .... .., ....:......\...................................v...�......r....:,..::n:::::,. Gateway Committee Meeting .. n�,:;:333;;.;.:` ;.3:' .. .. ...;n . .v{: .......::. ..,. .. f.:r::::;4i;i>;, ., .,.Fn.: k ✓:.:.:::G.:.v,x,.::...�.v Thursday, March 1 {.{:a;:{;: r`:ti 3,;..3;• :t; r,::;:::: fix..,.: a:.t •::. s...,. :;£ti'n> 8:15 a.m. Downtown Forward Executive Committee Meeting Monday, March 5 7:00 a.m. Utility Advisory Committee Meeting (Rescheduled from Mar. 12) Monday, March 5 3:00 p.m. City Council Meeting Tuesday, March 6 6:00 p.m. Public Development Authority Bd of Directors Meeting Wednesday, March 7 7:00 p.m. National League of Cities Conference March 9 - 13 Wa., D.C. Real Estate Committee Meeting (meet as needed) Tuesday, March 13 4:00 p.m. Law Enforcement Advisory Board Meeting Wednesday, March 14 6:30 p.m. Planning Commission Meeting Wednesday, March 14 7:00 p.m, Parks, Recreation, & Beautification Meeting Thursday, March 15 7:00 p.m. City Council Meeting Tuesday, March 20 6:00 p.m. Planning Commission Meeting Wednesday, March 28 7:00 p.m. 0 G:%CNCLPKT\CTYMGRiCMREPT\2001101-0220.WPD 139 • • • J MW • • JORT NGELES WASH IN GTO N, PUBLIC WORKS & UTILITIES DEPARTMENT DATE: February 20, 2001 To: MIKE QUINN, CITY MANAGER FROM: Glenn A. Cutler, Director of Public Works and Utilities SUBJECT: City Grants Status This memo is a status of grants that the Public Works and utilities Department, Police Department, Attorney Department, Clerk's Office and Parks Department have applied for in 2000. PUBLIC WORKS TEA -21 Enhancement Grant - Approved Grant to install curbs, gutters, sidewalks and trees along Front Street from Golf Course Road westerly to Ennis Street. Also included in the project are bicycle lane striping on First and Front Streets between Golf Course Road and Lincoln Street. Estimated Costs $213,000 Grant $173,000 Construction Year: 2002 Transportation Improvement Board (T.I.B.) Traffic Safety Near Schools - Pending Additional Funding Grant to install curb, gutters and sidewalks at two locations on school walking routes. One on `I' Street from 13`' Street to 16' Street and the other on Lauridsen Blvd. from Jones St. to Liberty Street. `I' Street Estimated Costs $150,000 Grant $112,500 Lauridsen Blvd. Estimated Costs $150,000 Grant $112,500 Transportation Improvement Board (T.I.B.) Arterial Improvement Program (AIP) - Not Approved Grant to widen the bridge over Peabody Creek on Lauridsen Blvd. at Race Street, install sidewalks on Lauridsen Blvd. where currently none exist, improve the intersection a Lincoln Street, and provide an asphalt overlay to restore the failing pavement between Lincoln and Race Streets. Estimated Costs $2,303,000 Grant $1,842,000 Staff will evaluate the project for reapplying in 2002. 141 WSDOT Fish Passage Barrier - Not Approved Grant to replace (2) culverts in Ennis Creek under the sewer treatment plant access road. The project was to remove a fish barrier in Ennis Creek. Estimated Costs $150,000 Grant $112,500 WSDOT Hazard Elimination Safety - Pending Two WSDOT grants to install a signal at the intersection 5th Street and Race and install curb, gutter and sidewalk along 5t`' Street between Vine Street and Eunice Street. Signal Estimated Costs $186,000 Curb, gutter and sidewalk Estimated Costs $100,000 Grant $167,400 Grant $ 90,000 POLICE DEPARTMENT The following is a listing and brief description of operational grant funding currently being received by the police department: WA State Community Trade & Economic Grant $30,000/year Grant Term: 7/00 - 6/02 Development / School Resource Officer SRO School District 121 / High School SRO Grant $18,540 Grant Term: 9/00 - 6/01 WA State via School District 121/ Middle Grant $25,000 Grant Term: 9/00 - 6/01 School SRO PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT No new grants were applied for in 2000. IAC [Francis St. Park] Grant $ 32,000 Grant Ends: 6/30/2001 DNR [Langley Deane Property Acquisition] Grant $148,000 Grant Ends: 5/31/2001 DNR [Valley Creek Estuary Uplands] Grant $ 75,000 Grant Ends: 5/31/2001 WSDOT [Rayonier East Trail Development] Grant $411,688 Grant Ends: Open CITY ATTORNEY'S OFFICE Health Families STOP Grant Grant $3,067 Grant Term: 7/00 - 6/01 N:\GRANTAPP\2000 Grant Status.wpd 142 • • • • • W A S H I N G T O N, PUBLIC WORKS & UTILITIES DEPARTMENT DATE: February 20, 2001 To: Mike Quinn, City Manager From: Glenn A. Cutler, Director Public Works and Utilities (? SUBJECT: Southwood Community Meeting The landlocked overhead electric facilities in the Southwood area are scheduled to be replaced with underground facilities in the street right of way this summer. The construction contract for this project will be advertised for bids on February 16 and 20, 2001. A meeting with the residents and property owners has been scheduled to inform them of the project and what to expect. Letters are being mailed to each household inviting them to attend the public meeting scheduled for 6:00 PM February 22, 2001 in the City Council Chambers. Notices of the meeting will appear in the Peninsula Daily News on February 14' and 18th. The Southwood homeowners and residents may experience disruption of traffic in the neighborhood and some damage to landscaping by the excavation. They will also be required to have an electrician convert their overhead service to underground. The City Council on September 19, 2000 approved a recommendation to assist the home owners with this conversion cost by reimbursing them 90% of the lowest bid or actual invoice cost, whichever is lower. The methodology of how this -assistance is to be accomplished will be explained and discussed with the customers and/or homeowners affected. The above information was shared with the UAC at their February 12, 2001 meeting. Attach: Map 143 • • 144 C7 • "T NGELES A' WASH I N G T O N, U.S.A. CITY UOUNCIL MEMO DATE: February 20, 2001 TO: MAYOR DOYLE AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: Becky J. Upton, City Clerk/Management Assistant SUBJECT: Interviews of Applicants to Fill Vacancies on Planning Commission At the present time, the City has received two applications from individuals wanting to be considered for appointment to fill the vacancy on the Planning Commission. It is anticipated that staff will schedule the interviews for the March 6, 2001, City Council meeting during the Work Session portion of the meeting. 145 C, • • 146 is NGELES PUBLIC WORKS & UTILITIES DEPARTMENT DATE: February 20, 2001 To: Mike Quinn, City Manager FROM: Glenn A. Cutler, Director of Public Works and Utilities %� SUBJECT: Cable Television Franchise Renewal - Public Proceeding Commencement On December 15, 1987, City Council approved a fifteen -year non-exclusive cable television franchise that will expire on September 30, 2003. On October 3, 2000, the cable operator requested its franchise be renewed in accordance with the formal procedures of the Cable Communications Policy Act (Act). On October 17, 2000, the City Council approved a professional services agreement with Metropolitan Communications Consultants (MCC) that included a public proceeding and preparation of a draft cable television franchise for renewal negotiations. A formal three-step process is used to renew a franchise in accordance with the Act. The process includes 1) a public proceeding, 2) consideration and negotiation of the cable operator's franchise renewal proposal, followed by a public notice and comment period prior to adoption, and 3) an administrative hearing (if required). In order to preserve the City's authority under the Act, the City must commence with Step 1 of the renewal process (public proceeding) before April 1, 2001. The public proceeding includes an assessment to determine the future cable -related needs and interests of the community; and to review the cable operator's performance and compliance with the current franchise. Upon completion of the assessment, a report will be prepared by MCC for City Council consideration. After the report's findings and recommendations are approved by City Council, MCC will prepare a draft franchise to be used for negotiations with the cable operator. The involvement strategy for current and prospective subscribers is to conduct a cable television service survey (under development) followed by a public meeting in late March or early April, 2001. The survey is anticipated to commence on February 23, 2001 and be completed by late March 2001. An advertisement in the local newspaper will invite citizens to complete a survey. The Cable Operator, Cable TV Government & Education Channel Advisory Committee, Utility Advisory Committee and City Council will be involved to assess the City's future educational and governmental access channels, upgrade requirements, past performance and franchise compliance, and standard provisions of the new franchise. The above information was provided to the UAC on February 12, 2001. NAPW KS\LIGHT\PO W M\CATV3.wpd 147 • • DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: P-ORTA;NG-ELES W ASH I N G T O N, U.S.A. CITY COUNCIL MEMORANDUM February 14, 2001 Mayor Doyle and Council Marc Connelly, Parks & Recreatio recQ� John Hicks, Recreation Manager Francis Street Park Project Upd to Summary: The Francis Street Park plans and project manual are progressing through the engineering review stage with the City Public Works Engineering Department. Once the review process has been completed, we anticipate advertising for bid on the project immediately. A tentative project time -line is as follows: Advertise for bid Council approval Contract signing Begin construction February 26 - March 16 March 20 March 22 April 3 Recommendation: None at this time, for information only. Background / Analysis: At the October 3rd City Council Meeting, the Francis Street Project was presented by project consultant Mike Gentry from Terma Planners and Architects. Council responded with several questions regarding -lighting, trail width, security and the possibility of creating an amphitheater. Additionally, concern was raised over the large grassy area, sprinkler system and the potential for a future stormwater detention facility in this area. Consultant Gentry has addressed these issues in the final park layout. In discussions with Public Works Department engineers, it was determined that a stormwater detention facility may need to be situated within the open grassy area of the park in the future. If that occurs the middle park access path would be eliminated and an alternate route would have to be established. The addition of the storage facility would alter the looks of the park. A significant portion of the detention facility would be located underground. The main access points, pavilion and other important features of the park would remain intact. 149 An area near the pavilion is being considered as a potential site for a small scale gathering place and electrical outlets from the pavilion will be able to service this. The issue of security is addressed with the lighting plan for the park. Light standards and fixtures will be located throughout the park pathways, parking lot and pavilion areas. A gate at the parking entry is also being considered. Additional security such as video cameras and police patrols will be discussed with police department officials when the park has been completed. The project construction budget is $318,000. The budget includes funding from the following sources: • IAC property funds $250,000 • City General Fund. $ 50,000 • Soroptimist Jet -Set $ 18,000 The final project construction cost estimate is $407,000, as a result the project will be bid with the flag plaza as an alternate. The added projected costs are a result of changes in the plan. When the original plan was drafted, the handicap parking and access path to the pavilion were not included. This was added to accommodate persons with disabilities. Additionally, a power pole guy wire which was initially thought to be out of the way, will now have to be removed requiring the rerouting of some power lines. In addition, a substantial amount of landscaping has been eliminated to reduce project costs to within the amount available for construction funding. • • 150 • . . . . . . . . . . . 8 • 152 153 PORI ANGELES CMAMHER OF COMMERCE STATEMENT OF VISITOR CENTER FUNDS-REINIMSEMENT 2% For Period Ended December 31, 2000 ACTUAL ACTUAL 2000 BUDGET 2000 ACTUAL 1999 INCREASE (DECREASE) CURRENT YEAR YEAR CURRENT YEAR CURRENT YEAR MONTH TO-DATE TOTAL MONTH TO-DATE MONTH TU-DATE REVENUES CITY ALLOCATION S 2,102 S 2,102 f 1,120 2 Z.102 1 961 EXPENDITURES POSTAGE 0128) 1,956 (128) 1.956 EQUIPMENT 1,6" (1,664) EXPENSE REIM6URSEME — 132 (132) TOTAL EXPENDITURRs (1211) 1.9'S5 1.T9d (128) 16p EXCESS (DEFICIENCY) S _ S ) S S See Accountants, Compi(8tion Report. 153 REVENUES CITY ALLOCATION For Period Ended Deeeeiber 31, 2000 ACTUAL ACTUAL 2200 BUDGET 2000 ACTUAL 1444 _ INCREAS,k,(SEC AS CURRENT YEAR YEAR CURRENT YEAR CURRENT YEAR MONTH TO -DATE TOTAL MONTH TO -DATE MONTH to -DAVE s 11,882 s 48,000 s 48,000 s 7,5% s 50,944 S 4,286 S (2,943) EXPENDITURES VIC CONSUl7AN7 S 206 S 1,043 BROCHURES i ADVERTISING 17,232 3,467 VIC MEDICAL INSURANCE 532 539 VIC RENOVATION 4,041 4,041 VIC EGUIPMENT 739 871 VIC WAGES 792 9,559 VIC RENT 1,010 12,120 VIC UTILITIES 898 898 VIC REPAIR 8 MAINT. 57 335 VIC OFFICE SUPPLIES 210 3,698 VIC EQUIPMENT RENTAL 144 2,269 VIC POSTAGE 450 3,619 VIC BUILDING INS. $28 356 VIC TELEPNONE 308 2,732 VIC PAYROLL TAXES 98 _ m TOTAL EXPENDITURES 9.453 46.446 EXCESS (DEFICIENCY) s! D 3 ssl 154 See Accomtents• Compileclon Report. • 7 • s 206 s 1,043 7,596 (3,217) 17,232 3,217 (13,765) 532 355 184 4,041 4,041 739 871 9,512 773 9,512 19 47 12,156 1,012 12,156 (2) (37) 1,006 1,006 898 (108) $28 17 $26 39 (192) 3,410 67 3,410 142 288 1,941 141 1,941 4 329 7,500 38 3,447 413 172 334 332 24 2,600 172 21600 637 132 U5 90 835 7 m 48-000 1907) 53.4% 3EL 60 (6.95Zmacumm 8) s ' s ) s JjA7�) s 4,015 See Accomtents• Compileclon Report. • 7 • • Parks, Recreation & Beautification Commission January 25 2001 Minutes 1. Call to Order: The January 25, 2001 meeting of the Parks, Recreation & Beautification Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Vern Burton Community Center Meeting room by Pat McDonagh, Chairperson. 11. Roll Call: Members Present: David Morris, Matt Kirsch, Diana Tschimperle, and Pat McDonagh Members Absent: Leslie Perrizo Staff Present: Marc Connelly, John Hicks, Mari A. Bilsborrow, Jason Brown, Cindy Kochanek, Patty Reifenstahl and Tanya O'Neil, Information Services Manager. Aaaroval of Minutes and Audio Taoe Disaosition of November 16.2000: Dave Morris moved to approve the minutes as presented and dispose of the tapes in the usual manner. Diana Tschimperle seconded the motion which carried unanimously. IV. Items from Audience not on agenda: None V. Monthly Update: The monthly update was briefly discussed. The recently installed ADA pool doors were also acknowledged. The Board was also updated on the new parks brochure being developed which lists parks, and overview of each facility listing their features and including color photographs. VI. Finance: - December 11, 2000 voucher listings were briefly discussed. VII. Legislation: A. Introduction of New Park Department Employees - Marc Connelly, Park Director, Jason Brown, Youth Recreation Coordinator and Cindy Kochanek, Cemetery Assistant, were introduced to the Park Board. Each new employee provided Park Board with brief personal backgrounds. 155 Park Board 2 January 25, 2001 B. Employee Promotion: Patty Reifenstahl, Aquatics Coordinator, was introduced, after which she also shared her background with the board. Note: Item "E" was moved up to allow Ms. O'Neil the opportunity to leave early. E. -Discussion on Proposed Installation of Wireless Communication Antenna on Light Pole at Civic Field - Tanya O'Neil Information Services Manager: Tanya O'Neil, Information Services Manager, was in attendance to review and seek approval from the Park Board for the Olypen wireless antenna installation proposal. Ms. O'Neil explained that Olypen and the City of Port Angeles are attempting to form an agreement/partnership for joint benefit. Olypen desires to install a transceiver broadband 4 ft. whip antenna on an existing 110 foot pole located at the south -westernmost location of Civic Field. Their purpose is to provide high quality internet access in an always - available connection. The installation will permit wide access throughout the city business area. Ms O'Neil stated that no conditional use permits are required for an existing structure. 0 In return, Olypen will donate a 68 foot free-standing tower and 18 foot extension to the City for location at 1703 South B Street (Corp Yard Facility). This tower will provide line -of -site communications to the E - Street Reservoir providing the City with the ability to develop a Wide Area Network incorporating remote locations into the already existing city Local Area Network. The E -Street Reservoir will provide direct line -of -site communications to city Hall and surrounding areas. (Building Permit and SEPA in process.) In addition, Olypen will provide internet access at no charge for a period of two years in lieu of rental fees for their use of the light pole located at Civic Field. (Contract/Lease being developed by Craig Knutson, City Attorney.) At this time Richland Radio is analyzing the tower at E -Reservoir for capacity of a city -owned transceiver broadband 4 foot whip antenna. The Olypen proposal will be of benefit to the City by allowing the Senior Center and Corp Yard to be connected to the city's internal network. 156 Park Board 3 .January 25, 2001 These facilities currently have access via dial-up modem. It will also eliminate current modems (city hall and corp yard) allowing Internet/Intranet access at 30kbs through the city routers and network. This will free up the telephone lines currently being used for internet use. Additional telephone equipment to increase outgoing lines to eliminate usage bottlenecks will not be required (a savings of $15,000). Through this agreement, all internet access service charges will be eliminated for two years (savings of $10,000). At the end of the two year agreement, the contract will be renegotiated. Once the tower is located and the wireless backbone is complete the City is in a position to hook -in other locations like Waste Water Treatment Plant, Fire, Light Ops, Library, EDC, proposed Convention Center, Chamber of Commerce, Visitors Bureau, etc. Questions and discussion followed. Matt Kirsch moved to approve the proposal allowing installation of an Olypen wireless whip antenna, according to agreed terms, to the southwestermost Light pole at Civic Field. David Morris seconded the motion which carried unanimously. C. Discussion of Establishina Procedures for Filling Vacant Park Board Positions: Staff reminded Park Board that in September 1999, City Council adopted Resolution No. 15-99 granting the Parks, Recreation and Beautification Commission responsibility for interviewing and recommending candidates to fill vacant positions. Since that time vacancies have gone unfilled. Staff suggested that the Commission establish a process for selection that would fulfill their responsibility for filling these and future vacancies. Staff further suggested that the Commission's recommendations for appointments be forwarded to City Council for consideration at their Murch 6, 2001 regular meeting. This will enable the new appointments to begin their terms at the regularly scheduled March 14th, 2001 Park Board meeting. Staff mentioned that the Council resolution required that the board interview applicants. Given the short time period to conduct these interviews (withperhaps5 or more applicants), staff suggested either interviewing all applicants over a series of days or collectively at the February, 2001 Park Board meeting. Staff also suggested that the board 157 Park Board 4 January 25, 2001 could also consider using a supplemental questionnaire to screen the applicants or just utilize the originally submitted application. Staff suggested that the Board consider specific criteria for selecting members including but not limited to the applicant's interest for wishing to serve on the Commission, their expected availability to serve in this capacity, and geographical location in which they live. In regards to student members, Diana Tschimperle suggested that April is the best time to pursue filling the vacancies for the 2001-2001 school year. Discussion also ensued on types of questions and length of interviews. The Commission decided to conduct interviews on February 15th, prior to their regular agenda. The applicants will be allowed five minutes to share their backgrounds and reasons for wanting to serve on the board, after which ten minutes would be devoted to questions from Park Board. Park Board requested staff develop a list of interview questions. D. Adoption of Administrative Equipment use Policy: At their regular November, 2000 meeting, the Commission reviewed a draft policy regarding use and/or rental of Vern Burton Center equipment by outside organizations. At that time several revisions were suggested and discussed. Staff recommended the Board review and approve the revised Equipment Policy. Short discussion ensued after which Matt Kirsch moved to approve the Equipment Policy as amended. David Morris seconded the motion which carried unanimously. VIII. Park Board Late Items: Proposed Lincoln Park Little League Concession Stand: During the November meeting the Board discussed the relocation of a "new" little league concession stand at Lincoln Park. At that time specific information and building plans were unavailable. Staff distributed building plans and updated the Board regarding the recently received building proposal (which the board had requested). The Board was asked to review the proposal for future questions and Park Board January 25, 2001 discussion. 5 The little league board would like to have permission from the Park Board soon as they would like to begin the first phase of this project by early spring. Director Connelly shared his view regarding buildings and structures in City Parks. He indicated that Park facilities should feel like they are part of an overall park master plan and that changes to City parks should take into consideration future.park needs. Consequently, criteria should be utilized during discussion for locating any new structures in City parks, including but not limited to considering location based on use, parks maintenance and operations, as well as impact on the eventual further development of the park sites. In addition, he expressed a desire for the Board to consider the appearance of buildings as another potential asset to the character of the City's park system. He also acknowledged that these issues can raise costs affecting the ability of some organizations to complete projects. Even though volunteer organizations usually are the primary users of these facilities, the buildings still are community -wide assets that residents should be proud of. Specific questions should be asked of the volunteers such as what is the exterior cladding, how is the building to be maintained, what will the roof look like, and first impressions of the buildings, prior to any consideration for approval. Discussion regarding this issue followed. Pat McDonagh asked about the contract between the city and county in regards to the fair grounds in terms of the facilities and how they are used - specifically the RV parking. She felt the county wasn't making the money they should, therefore the city isn't getting the tax benefit and that the city should look into this issue. A copy of the city/county agreement will be made available for park board's review. IX. Adjournment: David Morris moved for adjournment, Diana Tschimperle seconded the motions which carried. Meeting adjourned at 8:45 pm. Next meeting will be held on February 15th, beginning at 6 pm for Park Board interviews. 159 • 1] • 160 • • ROLL CALL Members Present: Members Excused: Staff Present: Public Present: APPROVAL OF MINUTES MINUTES PLANNING COMMISSION Port Angeles, Washington 98362 January 24, 2001 7:00 p.m. ,Fred Norton, Linda Nutter, Fred Hewins, Mary Craver, Charles Schramm Bob Philpott (One vacancy) Brad Collins, Sue Roberds, Debra Barnes, Ken Dubuc Terry Larson Commissioner Nutter moved to approve the January 10, 2001, meeting minutes as presented. Commissioner Norton seconded the motion which passed 3-0 with Commissioners Craver and Schramm abstained due to absence at the meeting. CONTINUED PUBLIC MEETINGS: REZONE REQUEST - REZ 01-02 - VIRGINIA MASON CLINIC, Southwest corner of Vine and Seventh Streets: Associate Planner Debra Barnes noted that the applicant has withdrawn the application. REZONE REQUEST - REZ 01-01 - MORNINGVIEW DEVELOPMENT. Southeast corner of Lindberg Road and Golf Course Roads: Request for rezone of approximately 9+ acres from RS -9, Residential Single Family, to RHD, Residential High Density. (Continued from January 10, 2001.) Planner Barnes reviewed staff's report recommending approval of the rezone as proposed and responded to questions regarding school enrollment data, sewer capacity, and other utility improvements in the area. Information regarding school enrollment impacts was not considered in analysis of the rezone application as the applicant has not submitted development plans at this point. In responding to a question from Commissioner Norton, Terry Larson, David Evans and Associates, 3700 Pacific Highway East, Suite 311, Tacoma, WA 98424, stated that the sewer capacity along Golf Course Road and Lindberg Roads is adequate to serve a high density development on the site through a recent utility improvement project. The development is intended to be high quality and will provide access for properties to the south that currently travel across the site for access. It is intended that there will be an access off Golf Course 161 Planning Commission Minutes January 24, 2001 Page 2 Road and off Lindberg Road. There is not much demand for single family development within the City at this time. The site will probably be developed as a multi -family development. The Bonneville Power Administration easement restricts development of the south portion of the property. Commissioner Nutter expressed concern that the property is located in the area where the crosstown traffic route is planned, that a high density development will cause increased enrollment in the school system that has not been analyzed, and that the area is already developed with a good deal of high density uses. Such a proposal will ultimately be costly to the City's residents in terms of an increase in expected services. Commissioner Norton moved to recommend approval of the rezone as proposed citing the findings and conclusions as follows: Findings: The rezone is proposed by a property owner, Heerschamp Family L.L.C. for a change in the zoning designation from Residential, Single Family (RS -9) to Residential, High Density for one parcel of land located at the southeast corner of Lindberg and Golf Course Roads. The legal description of the property is as follows: The West 4.5 acres of the Northeast quarter of the Southwest quarter of the Northwest quarter and the North half of the Northwest quarter of said Southwest quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section 13, Township 30 North, Range 6 West, W.M., Clallam County, Washington, excepting the North 20 feet and the West 30 feet, and the portion conveyed to the City of Port Angeles in Auditor File No. 1997 1000500. 2. The proposal encompasses a small area between the Bonneville Power Administration electrical transmission lines and Peninsula Golf Club. 3. The applicant previously requested a change the Comprehensive Plan Land Use designation for the subject property from Low Density Residential (LDR) to High Density Residential (HDR), under CPA 00-03 which was approved by the City Council. 4. The proposed Zoning Map amendment would increase the vacant, buildable high density residential land available in the City by approximately 9 acres and reduce the vacant, buildable, low density residential land availability by the same. 5. The most recent land use analysis in Port Angeles was summarized in the Community Profile Section of the Comprehensive Plan. This section states that there are 12 acres of buildable areas zoned high density residential multi -family lands, as compared to 491 acres of buildable areas zoned low density residential. The low density residential zoning designations comprises approximately 46% of the total land base within the City limits, as compared to 4% of the high density residential. 162 Planning Commission Minutes January 10, 2001 Page 3 6. The Clallam County Housing Needs Assessment (1999) indicated that there were 1,878 multi -family rental units in 1998. According to the Washington State Office of Financial Management, the City's April 2000, official population estimates were based on 78% single family and 22% multi -family housing units with a declining household size. The trend in single family and multi -family housing percentages in other communities also indicates increasing needs for multi -family zoned land. There have been minimal changes in the City's development in the second half of the decade of the 1990's. 7. The Comprehensive Plan has been reviewed with respect to the proposed amendment, and the City's Comprehensive Plan Growth Management Element Goal A, Policies A.1d, Land Use Element Goal B and C, Policy C.I-C.4, Utility and Public Services Goals A and D, Policies A.1, D.1, D.11, Housing Element Goal A, Policy A.5, Capital Facilities Element Goal A, Policies A.9 and A.10, and Economic Development Goals B and Policy B.5 were found to be the most relevant. These goals and policies encourage a variety of residential opportunities and densities within a community of viable districts and neighborhoods, creating the desired urban design of the City where housing in available and affordable. 8. The properties in the area along Golf Course Road were annexed into the City several years ago, and a Utility Local Improvement District (ULID) was formed to provide sewer services. 9. Although the subject area is served by Lindberg and Golf Course Roads, both of which are arterial streets, roadway improvements will be needed at the time of development for City street standards to be met and projected traffic demand to be satisfied. In addition, compliance with all other requirements set forth by the PAMC will be necessary at the time of development of the subject property. 10. The Comprehensive Plan goals and policies also direct that utility services be provided in an efficient and cost-effective manner, distributed equitably across the City, and designed for the maximum planned density and/or land use intensity of a given area. 11. There are several other High Density Residential designations in the vicinity of the subject area adjacent to the Peninsula Golf Club, including Melody Lane and DelGuzzi Drive. 12. A Determination of NonSignificance was issued per WAC 197-11-355 on May 23, 2000. 13. The public comment period for this application concluded December 27, 2000, during which time, no comments were received. 163 Planning Commission Minutes January 10, 2001 Page 4 Conclusions: A. The proposal to change the Residential, Single Family (RS -9) zoning designation at the southeast corner of Golf Course and Lindberg Roads to Residential, High Density (RHD) is consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan Map, Comprehensive Plan Growth Management Goal A and Policy A. Ld, and Land Use Element Goals B and C, Policies C.l-C.4, Utilities and Public Services Element Goals A and D, Policies A.1, D.1, and D.11, Housing Element Goal A and Policy A.5, Capital Facilities Element Goal A and Policies A.9 and 1. 10, and Economic Development Element Goal B and Policy B.5. B. Medium and high density housing should be located in areas of the community most suitable for such uses, based on existing services, public facilities, and transportation. C. High density housing could be deemed a transitional use between the Bonneville Power Administration electrical transmission lines and the golf course without adversely impacting the residential nature of the housing and vacant lands in the area. D. The proposed Zoning map amendment is consistent with other developments in the Peninsula Golf Course area which are oriented to retirement and recreational interests. E. The City's action on Zoning Map Amendment REZ 01-01 is consistent with the established procedures for amending the Zoning Code set forth in Section 17.96.100, Port Angeles Municipal Code. Commissioner Craver seconded the motion which passed 4 - 1 with Commissioner Nutter voting in the negative. She stated that her negative vote was due to the reasons previously discussed. COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE PUBLIC None. STAFF REPORTS Continued discussion - Proposed DRAFT Telecommunications Ordinance information. Planning Specialist Sue Roberds noted that the previous discussion on the proposed draft resulted in questions concerning the Unclassified Use Permit (UUP) process and staff's proposal to consider telecommunication towers in residential areas as a UUP. She noted that the latest draft contains added information regarding the UUP application process, and clarified that a use permitted by a UUP is not a permitted use. UUP applications are 164 Planning Commission Minutes January 10, 2001 Page 5 reviewed for proof of substantial need for a particular use in the requested zone. It is staff s suggestion that tower sitings be through the UUP process rather than by specific zones. Issues such as landscaping or stealth design would be incorporated into such an application process. Director Collins further explained the UUP process and noted that the Planning Commission may refuse to issue a permit if it is not satisfied that the proposal will comply with the character and purpose of the zone in which it is proposed. The alternative is to prohibit towers in certain zones which would result in a complicated process if such a use is identified as being needed in a prohibited zone in the future. There are residential areas within the City that may be more appropriate for a tower use than in some highly visible commercial areas. Staffs proposal addresses those instances. A lengthy discussion of telecommunication facilities proposed for exemption resulted in staff being directed to review specific FCC exemptions for compliance. It was suggested that the exemption table be reworked for clarity and intent. Additional wording regarding enforcement of the section proposed to address abandoned poles was also discussed. Separation distances were discussed with regard to possible reduction in some instances where towers are permitted to allow for grouping. REPORTS OF COMMISSION MEMBERS Planner Barnes reminded Commissioners of the American Planning Association's Winter Conference on January 27, 2001, 9 a.m., Guy Cole Convention Center, Sequim. She encouraged those who could attend to do so. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 9:25 p.m. Brad Collins, Secretary Fred Hewins, Chair PREPARED BY: S. Roberds • 165 • 166 • 1.J °. -ORT CITY OF PORT ANGELES PUBLIC WORKS & UTILITY DEPARTMENT w MONTHLY REPORT JANUARY 2001 AVERAGE DAILY WATER DEMAND LAST YEAR TO DATE MG 2.58 HIS YEAR TO DATE MG 2.62 SEWER/STORM SYSTEM MAINTENANCE MONTH (FT) I YR. SEWER SYSTEM JETTED23,669 23,669 STORM DRAINS JETTED 0 0 SYSTEM TV INSPECTED 0 0 TOTAL LANDFILL DISPOSAL TOTAL wY TONS l.mm w. NEs wxx nfv oP sEausa 2.75 RECORD HIGH THIS MONTH w. wM. I1M1L 0 MALVMPIc OISPOSN. LANDFILL ANNUAL TONS HIS YR TO DATE (TONS) 41188 LAST YR TO DATE (TONS) 31260 (FALL DATA 10 YR AVG. TOTAL TO DATE 4.28 THIS YR TO DATE IN 2.75 RECORD HIGH THIS MONTH 11.06 RECORD LOW THIS MONTH 0.51 ■ ■ ■ ■MINES Bills 11 167 PUBLIC WORKS & UTILITY DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT JANUARY 2001 WATER ' Renewed watermain in 1100 Block of West 8th ' Repaired three 2" watermain leaks and one 6" watermain leak Repaird two 3/4" service leaks ` Changed out 5 water meters ` Assessed r/w for both Elwha and Morse Creek ` Installed meters on service lines off transmission main WASTEWATER COLLECTION ' Pump Stations 2, 5, 7 and 9: installed thermostats Installed power failure alarms at all pump stations ` Jetted problem lines ' Dye tested drains at 927 E. 1 st Street ' Assisted "Stream Keepers" in water sampling of Tumwater, Valley and Peabody Creeks WASTEWATER TREATMENT ' Received DOE Permit for land application of biosolids ' Installed waste activated sludge pump and piping ' Sampled monitoring wells at the Landfill ' Worked with Light Division to install new controllers on influent flumes EQUIPMENT SERVICES ` Work Orders: 134 Danvers Work Orders: 28 ' Service Orders: 35 Denvers'Service Orders: 15 ' #18 1993 Ford Taurus, finish engine work ' #13 Fire Ambulance, wiring #124 Ford Chipper Truck, rear brakes #131 Digger Derrick, repair work at the Dealer ` #1372 Flat Bed, front suspension and body work #1554 Dump Truck, bumper and front suspension #1580 Sweeper, tires, wiring, brooms and service ' #1581 Dump Truck, wiring, fabricate back-up lights ' #1856 New Parks Pickup, in service #1907 Refuse Truck, electrical, brakes, hydraulic repair Pr - e poH74 W SOLID WASTE RECYCLING: Completed waste audit for Olympic MRI Center Completed waste audit for Clallam Co. Courthouse Placed 155 new 90 -gallon containers Requests for recycle bins: 8 LANDFILL: ` Shipped and baled 167.74 tons of metal ' Received 912.59 tons of concrete, rubble and dirt from downtown watermain project STREET ' Install rip -rap at Valley Creek ' Pothole Patch - city wide ' Clean catch basins ' Gravel/Grade unpaved steets ' Dig out/restore utility cuts - Grant Avenue ' Apply anti -icing agent • Annual cleaning of Downtown serpentines ' Install culvert at 103 L Street ' Pour concrete pad at Landfill ' Install concrete flow -line at 9/10 alley West of Laurel ' Cleanup on Ediz Hook, extreme high tides ' Construct storage shed at Landfill ' Reconstruct kitchen cabinets at Senior Center ' Crew safety meeting ' Annual nighttime reflectivity sign survey ENGINEERING & PERMITS ' Southwood - landlocked facilities construction support ' Airport Road Realignment right of way completed ' Annexation support ` 8th Street reconstruction project construction support ` Elwha Dam removal mitigation support ' I & I Pilot Program Support ' "A" Street/Grant Avenue watermain construction support • Downtown Waterline/Sidewalk Replace., Ph. II construction support ' Gateway Project support ' Landfill Cover Project construction support ' Aerial Mapping contract support ' Laurel Street Side Repair design support ` Distribution System rebuild construction advertised ' Rayonier to Lee's Creek trail design support ' Attended RTPO and SR -104 meetings ' "I" Street Substation transformer station design support ' Ennis Street slide repair ' Front Street sidewalk design ' Ediz Hook OH -UG conversion design support ` Substations LTC Filter purchase advertised LIGHT OPERATIONS ` Repaired damage to pole by vehicle ' Replaced pole broken by forklift ' Replaced bad trasmission pole ' Completed cutout replacement in high vault area ` Removed tree and repaired damage from wind ' Completed 21 work sketches ' Received the Downtown Partner Award from PADA • OR. A�; GSLES WASH IN GTO N, U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL M EMO DATE: January 16, 2001 To: Mayor Doyle and City Council Members FROM: Sue Roberds, Planning Specialist SUBJECT: Department of Community Development Planning Division Monthly Report - January, 2001 CURRENT PLANNING APPLICATIONS: Appeals 0 Bed and Breakfast Permit 0 Boundary Line Adjustments 0 Conditional Use Permits 0 Environmentally Sens. Areas 1 Home Occupation Permit 0 Minor Deviations 0 Parking Variance 2 Retail Stand Permit 0 Rezone 0 Shoreline Substantial Development Permits 3 Shoreline Exemptions 2 Short Plat 1 Street Vacation 0 Subdivisions 0 Variance 0 Wetland Permits 0 Code Enforcement 0 SEPA ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY: Determinations of NonSignificance 4 Determinations of Significance 0 Mitigated Determinations of NonSignificance 0 DEVELOPMENT REVIEW APPLICATIONS: Building Permits Clearing and Grading Permits 4 0 1 ] 170 • Port Angeles • r] Fire Department Saving Hearts and Homes January 2001 171 250 200 150 100 50 January 2001 Total Fire Dept. Calls 1999 2000 2001 Jan 01/00 Total Calls 240/249 2001 Total Calls YTD 240 2000 Total Calls YTD 249 172 Fire $ Loss/Saved 800,000 — --- -- 700,000 600,000 { 500,000 400,000 300,000 -- — — 200,000--- 100,000 -- p -- - 2001 2000 saved Loss Saved Loss 2001 YTD 179,000 126,000 2000 YTD 706,700 118,300 Auto Brush Haz Mat 2000 • Year to Date Fires > $5,000 Fires < $5,000 Auto Fires t Brush Fires Haz Mat Incidents 2001 2 4 2 0 2 2000 3 6 3 1 2 Fire & Life Safety Insp Prevention Activities YTD 140 - 25 — ---- - -- -- __ 120 - 20- 100 0 100 ---- = 15 r 80 10 60 —j - 5 -- 40 f 0- 20- 20 — 2001 2000 0 Inspections Reinspections �f 2001 2000 100 T 80 60 1 40 20 L— i 0 Medic I Transports ALS 2001 M 2000 Permit Inspections Plan Reviews Public Education Contacts Inspections Reinspections 2001 YTD 140 63 2000 YTD 133 71 100 T 80 60 1 40 20 L— i 0 Medic I Transports ALS 2001 M 2000 Permit Inspections Plan Reviews Public Education Contacts 150 100 50 0 BLS Advanced Life Support (ALS) & Basic Life Support (BLS) Fire Dept. Permit Inspections Plan Reviews Public Ed Contacts 2001 7 3 0 2000 22 3 1 150 100 50 0 BLS Advanced Life Support (ALS) & Basic Life Support (BLS) Fire Dept. 2001 2000 % ALS - YTD 86 82 4.6 1 BLS - YTD 7 8 12.51 Patients Assisted ------- Fire Dept. Olympic Ambulance E 2001 2000 Patients Assisted Fire Dept. 2001 2000 % YTD 186 196 5.11 173 1 FIRE January PREVENTION ACTIVITIES 2001 Plan Checks: 1. Commercial This Month Year to Date Last Year This Month Last Year Year to Date Fire & Life Safety Inspection 140 133 Fire & Life Safety Reinspection 63 71 Code Violations Found 280 172 Code Violations Corrected 100 129 Building Survey 0 0 Complaints Investigated 0 3 Fire Drills Supervised 0 0 Lectures, Classes, Demonstrations, Station Tours 0 1 Fires Investigated 2 3 Fire Alarm Test 9 6 Sprinkler System Test 4 20 Hydrants 0 0 Permit Inspection 7 22 Juvenile Fire Setters Counseled 0 9 Plan Checks: 1. Commercial 2 2 2. Multi -family 0 0 3. Sprinkler System 1 0 4. Fire Alarm 0 1 FP -32 174 Revised 10/4/95 • • • t Medic I Statistics January, 2001 * Note: PAFD -- Port Angeles Fire Department OLY --Olympic Ambulance Private -- Private auto, taxi, funeral home, etc. No Transport -- patient refused or required no transport Total Medic I Patients Assisted ALS BLS PRIVATE NO TRANSPORT PAFD OLY PAFD OLY Cardiac Arrest 1 0 0 0 0 1 Cardiac, Other 30 0 0 0 0 0 Major/Minor Medical 48 1 2 5 7 13 Motor Vehicle Accident 2 0 1 5 2 3 Drug/Alcohol 2 0 1 2 1 1 Accident, Other 3 0 3 1 24 6 22 False all 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total 86 1 7 36 1 16 1 40 11 * Note: PAFD -- Port Angeles Fire Department OLY --Olympic Ambulance Private -- Private auto, taxi, funeral home, etc. No Transport -- patient refused or required no transport Total Medic I Patients Assisted This Month Year to Date This Month Last Year Last Year to Date 186 186 196 196 Medic II Statistics Citizens trained in CPR and airway management This Month Year to date This Month Last Last Year to Date Year 7 7 15 15 1751 PENINSULA DAILY NEws ftninsul orthw, tunice ,t. on rnuay nngnt. Fire hits PA home; damage set at $80,000 PENINSULA DAILY NEWS PORT ANGELES Fire damaged the living room of a home Friday night. Resident Michele Smith awoke from a nap about 8:50 p.m. to see flames in the living • room of her house at 2321 S. to the living room, although Eunice St., Port Angeles Fire smoke residue spread through - Marshal Ken Dubuc said. out the house, officials said. She and her 3 -year-old son, Dubuc estimated damage at Kaden Galatioto, immediately $80,000. The cause of the blaze left the home to call emergency remains under investigation. dispatchers. The family, including a 12 - Firefighters limited damage year-old daughter who was not home at the time, is staying with friends. A smoke detector found in the debris was missing its bat- tery, Dubuc said. 177 "WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 24, 2001 Blaze damages PA home Carpets near heater may be to blame PENINSULA DAILY NEWS PORT ANGELES — Car- pets stored next to an electric heater may have started a fire that damaged a Mount Ange- les Road home Tuesday morn- ing, authorities said. Firefighters arriving at 3413 Mount Angeles Road dis- covered flames billowing out of a single-family dwelling. They quickly contained the blaze to the living room and front entry, Fire Marshal Ken Dubuc said. John Ambis, who owns the residence, was not home at the time of the fire, Dubuc said. A passerby with a cellular telephone reported the blaze to emergency dispatchers. The fire started in the liv- ing room, where investigators ftninsul • n sULA Debris remains outside this fire -damaged house at 3413 Mo u tiAngelesN Angeles Road after firefighters extinguished a blaze Tuesday morning. found rolled carpets against an operating electric base- board heater, Dubuc said. He reminded homeowners that combustible materials should be kept away from igni- tion sources and that even turned -off heaters may restart at low temperatures. Dubuc estimated damage to the structure and contents at $35,000. Besides Port Angeles fire- fighters, equipment and per- sonnel from Clallam County Fire District Two responded to the blaze. • tf t ,y, ._' aFFI�< �► �=T 'A416E 811 179 Mission Statement: In partnership with our community, the Port Angeles Police Department recognizes its mission to serve in a compassionate, courteous, and professional manner, to promote freedom and peace of mind, pride in our neighborhoods, and the safety of our families. Police officers responded to the report of a car owner interrupting a vehicle prowler. Upon arrival, the officers observed a group of young men, who fled into a vacant building. Officers quickly set up a security perimeter and a K-9 search of the building was conducted. Five suspects were quickly located and taken into custody without incident. Unknown to officers, a sixth suspect was still in hiding. After securing the first five, the search continued and the K-9 located the suspect hiding under a pile of styrofoam blocks. The suspect refused to follow officers orders. He did not surrender nor would he show himself or his hands. Arco was sent in to apprehend the subject and after a brief encounter with the K-9, the suspect surrendered and was taken into custody. In addition to breaking into the building and being charged with the trespass, the group (all between the ages of 14 and 19) had also been illegally drinking intoxicants and one admitted to the vehicle prowl which sparked the entire incident. All were referred to the appropriate prosecutor for charges. Officers responded to a report of a domestic disturbance in the 100 block of West 4th St. A 25 -year old male had confronted the 25 -year old female he lives with, as she was driving to the couple's home on west 4th St. The male reportedly ran at the car screaming and extremely angry. As he reached the car, he punched his fist through the drivers side window, shattering the glass and striking the female in the jaw. The suspect then reached through the window and attempted to pull the female through the broken window. He was temporarily frightened off when a neighbor, hearing the commotion yelled that she was calling police. Upon arrival police made contact at the suspect and victim's house. The front door was ajar and a male could be heard yelling in the back. Officers entered the residence and announced themselves. The female immediately ran past the officers asking for help as the male pursued her in an obvious rage. When the male spotted the officer, he moved directly at the officer while ignoring orders to stop and desist. There was a brief struggle as the male fell into a livingroom chair where he was temporarily subdued. Back-up officers arrived and the male continued yelling and screaming threats and obscenities at the officers as they tried to get his cooperation. Police attempted to place the male into handcuffs but he continued to resist and struggled with police. The officers and the male wrestled back and forth through the livingroom (where a window was broken) down the hall, and into the kitchen. A third officer arrived and the male was finally subdued on the kitchen floor and placed into wrist restraints. One officer had his glasses broken during the altercation. Additional leg and ankle restraints had to be added when the suspect continued to struggle against his bonds. Due to the restraints and the suspects continuing resistance, he had to be carried out to the waiting patrol car. The male was charged with Domestic Violence Assault, Malicious Mischief, and Resisting Arrest. • • • A vehicle was stopped for running the stop sign on Chambers at First Street. After running a routine drivers license check on the driver the officer learned that the driver had an outstanding arrest warrant for a previous D.U.I. Upon being taken into custody, the suspect was also found to be in possession of two bindles, (small paper packets) containing a white powdery substance, which field-tested positive for cocaine. The driver was booked on the warrant as well as the felony violation of the controlled substance act. The driver of a. 1983 Chevrolet truck stopped at Fairmont grocery where he ran inside for only a moment, leaving the vehicle running and the keys in the ignition. He came back out of the store in time to see his truck being driven away by a women known to him. Several hours later police received a tip that the car thief was hiding in a residence on W. 12th St. Officers searched the residence and found the perpetrator hiding under a sheet of insulation in the attic. She was taken into custody without incident and booked into the jail for auto theft and an outstanding arrest warrant for driving with a suspended license. The truck was found abandoned a short time later, also on the west side of town. School Resource Officer Bruce Knight arrested three male juveniles at the high school after a 14 -year old student was found in possession of a small quantity of marijuana. Officer Knight's investigation led to another 14 -year old -and 15 -year old student that were involved in the sale and delivery of the contraband. All three youths were transported to the juvenile detention facility and the case referred to the prosecutor's office for formal charges. A Peninsula College student was sentenced to 45 days in jail and $1610 in fines for Possession of Stolen Property in the Second Degree and Unlawful Possession of a Controlled Substance with Intent to Deliver Marijuana. • During a burglary investigation Corporal Tyler Peninger located an identifiable fingerprint. The fingerprint led to the arrest of an adult male for burglary. • While driving by the BP Service Station at intersection of First and Race, Sergeant Jim Baertschiger noticed flames coming from one of the gas pumps. Upon further investigation he found a 1992 Cadillac partially embedded in the gas pump. The Cadillac was also fully ablaze. Apparently the car collided with the pump starting the fire. The fire was extinguished by fire department personnel. • A male was arrested for residential burglary and assault after forcibly entering his ex- wife's house to assault her new boyfriend. Officers responded to the report of a house that was fully engulfed in flames. Witnesses reported seeing the flames, watching a figure run out of the house and flee in a car. The investigation revealed that the resident drove to the Market Basket phone booth to call the fire department. The phone booth was occupied, so she drove to a girlfriend's house to report the incident. Officer Swayze observed a vehicle being driven by a mate .with a suspended drivers license. Officer Swayze attempted to contact the driver in the Albertson's parking lot, but the driver attempted to' walk away. The driver refused to yield to the commands of the officer. The officer awaited the arrival of back-up before taking the Constitutionalist driver into custody after a brief struggle. The Constitutionalist argued all the way to jail about the freedom granted by the Constitution to drive. 181 Sergeant Baertschiger attempted to stop a pickup truck. The driver accelerated rapidly and attempted to elude the officer. After a short period of time the pursuit was discontinued. It was called off due to the suspects unsafe driving in a residential area with uncontrolled intersections. Other officers located the truck a few minutes later and followed it to Glenwood and Fairmount where two occupants fled on foot. Two days after the pursuit the owner of the truck came to the station and attempted to report it stolen. The owner just happens to live in the vicinity of Glenwood and Fairmount. During a domestic violence assault an investigation officer arrested a very large male. As they attempted to take him into custody, the male announced that he had a gun and reached for it. The suspect actions were halted and the gun was seized without any further incident. • Officer Viada stopped a car for egging Crazy Mike's Video Store. Once stopped and advised of their rights, the kids admitted to smashing mailboxes a couple of weeks earlier. Electronic Home Monitoring The City of Port Angeles has terminate its EHM program. WASPC has agreed to ac- cept responsibility for the programs man- agement and has hired . Bill Loman to oversee the program. responsibility for all EHM participants in the County. WASPC will assume responsibility for all EHM participants in the County 182 CRIME PREVENTION Detective Jack Lowell Crime Prevention: • Two new Crime Stoppers profiles • Crime Fax Alerts • Safe Kids Coalition Meeting • Crime Stoppers Meeting • DUI Task Force Meeting • Mental Health Board • Clallam Responders Program Miscellaneous: • Departmental report • Issued in car video cameras. • Updating the Field Training Manual for new police officers. Investigations: • Follow up investigations on earlier cases. • Registered Sex Offender Checks • Served Search Warrant at 1125 Glenwood • Photo -montages Our Police Department Senior Volunteers provided 199.5 hours of service during the month of January. Most of this was dedicated to office work, vacation house checks, radar/speed watch, animal control and other services. Last year the Senior Volun- teers worked 1422 hours • 0 Law Enforcement Advisory Board Minutes January 10, 2001 Call to Order: Chairman Leland Lee called the meeting to order at 6:37 pm. Members present - Leland Lee (Chairman), Rod Anderson, Leonard Beil, Frank Prince, and Jim Jones, Jr. Members ab- sent; David Brewer, Chuck Lisk, Lynda Minor and Dennis Wilcox. Staff present - Chief Tom Riepe, Secretary Lena Washke. Guests; Gerald Swayze, Patrol Officer. Minutes: The minutes were not available for review. Communications and Letters: There were no letters. Committee Reports: There were no committee reports. Old Business: There was no old business. New Business: Officer Swayze After introduction of Officer Swayze to the Board, he went over a few issues and responded to ques- tions and concerns. Officer Swayze began by expressing his support of the new uniform proposal, pointing out the officer safety aspect of the new uniform. There was discussion on the OPTICOM system, which allows the officers to keep the light green or change the light in an emergency. Some lights of concern are the 8th & Race Street lights and down- town lights. Chief Riepe will look into the timeline and Budget proposals regarding this issue and with the Board support encourage the installation. Officer Swayze answered a question regarding blue headlights being installed on vehicles. This prac- tice can result in a traffic infraction being issued. Election of Chair and Vice Chair persons It was motioned by Rod Anderson and seconded by Jim Jones that the Board Officers remain the same. A unanimous decision was reached; Leland Lee, Chair and Jim Jones, Vice Chair. Members Reappointment Jim Jones, Leonard Beil and Dennis Wilcox were all reappointed by the City Council. Lynda Minor unfortunately declined to be reappointed. Active recruiting will begin and include a newspaper ad and any nominations by the Board. Department Updates , The Department has begun having regular staff meetings on the last Wednesday of the month. Annexation. The Department continues to evaluate additional staffing requirements resulting from the annexation of the East Urban Growth area. When this occurs, arrangements could be made with the Clallam County Sheriff's Office and the Washington State Patrol to phase in our service of this area. The Department will request additional officers for next budget year. We must show how efficient and effective our officers are and how the additional staff is necessary. This discussion led into the possi- 183 Three new patrol vehicles will be ordered. Local bids must be the same or lower as the state bid. The new vehicles will be front wheel drive Chevy Impalas. Recruitment for two new officers will begin soon. They will be open to both lateral and entry level applicants. It was requested that officers turn their lights on during hours of dusk or poor weather and to be sure to use their signals. There was also discussion regarding the possibility of scrambling the depart- ment's radio frequency. This has been evaluated in the past and the cost is in the tens of thousands of dollars. WRICOPS will, hopefully, be here toward the end of the year to perform an internal audit of our Community Oriented Policing Policy and Procedures. SUMMARY OF POLICE OFFICER OVERTIME HOURS January 2001 (thru 02-04-01) * Range, K-9 Training, DUI Emphasis, Firearms Instruction, Special Events Activity Hours YTD Callback 5.5 5.5 Committees and Meetings 4.5 4.5 Com Thre 36 36 DARE, School Resource Officer, School Patrol 9.5 9.5 Paid Details (outside funding) 10 10 Holiday 155 155 In Custody Arrests 5 5 Investigaticns/Domestic Violence, Wan -ants 23.5 23.5 Report Writing 26.5 26.5 Shift Coverage 90 90 Training and Travel 169.75 169.75 Twelve Hour Rule 0 0 Miscellaneous* 2 2 Total 537.25 537.25 Percent of Scheduled Work Hours 13.6% 13.6% *Range, K-9 Training, DUI Emphasis, Firearms Instruction, Special Events 5 • • Pi 11 L r r� L • 911 Calls Yf DOois ae read rn to ri f t srde m v c PD DispaUm 200 c c 0 m 0O ---1=YTD 2001 or �. 0 ? CD `G (a a -0 O< CD 42 �' Cn 3 m 3 � 19000 22000 CD (D N � - + -'=911 C i1s1996 ---0=911 R� C IIs19m : X 911 t 18000 17000 1700 16000 14000 Yf DOois ae read rn to ri f t srde Police Department Dispatches YTD totals are read on me rght scale 2000 --G- PD Dspat&".1999 . —x— PD Dis)etcIm 20pp PD DispaUm 200 30000 1999', , . --■--YTD2000. , ---1=YTD 2001 29000 ♦ A • 20000 24000 19000 22000 20000 18000 17000 1700 16000 14000 15000 1600 12000 10000 8000 1500 O• O 6000 4000 11000 1400 O- O O 2000 0 v o 0 0 O O N N OD (D O O Police Department Dispatches YTD totals are read on me rght scale 2000 --G- PD Dspat&".1999 . —x— PD Dis)etcIm 20pp PD DispaUm 200 -♦-YTD 1998—YTD 1999', , . --■--YTD2000. , ---1=YTD 2001 1900 19000 1800 17000 1700 A 15000 1600 13000 1500 O• O 11000 1400 O- O O 9000 1300 O O 7000 1200 5000 1100 3000 1000 1000 m Q m 79 m C E C m 0 0 0 N C n = `< CD fO ? fD O CCD Q 0 0 0 0 12 m 2 -m- m 3 0 m 3 — co — co N 0 N 0 - N CCD (0 CDO —O . `O - - PD Dispatches 1998 --G- PD Dspat&".1999 . —x— PD Dis)etcIm 20pp PD DispaUm 200 -♦-YTD 1998—YTD 1999', , . --■--YTD2000. , ---1=YTD 2001 6 185 O - -A Ut Arrests 1998—D—AdLtt Arrests 1999 —X— Adult Arrests 2000 --M-Adult Mests 20 YTD 1998 --—YiD1999 --0 YTD 2000 —41—Y1D2001 'K'rt HIGHER ARREST STATS ARE DUE TO A CHANGE IN REPORTING REQUIREMENTS 7 7 • • Calls for Service YTD totals are read on the right scale 2500 120 1100 • 20000 • 19000 1000 100- 18000 2000 .c 17000 900 16000 X,� '�rr 800 80 15000 IL�14000 1500��0 , � � 13000 A 0 600 12000 500 40 11000 A' • 400 10000 1000 300 20 9000 200 8000 100 0 7000 TO 6000 500--5000 m T CTUD � v D W O 'D Z 0_ c a) 2c o 7 3 3 n 3 O O io 0 0 4000 Cr Cr (o coC(too 0 0 3000 2000 0 1000 (D ;' C m O o = CD CD C7 C7 `2 .y-. Q (D N Q ((O N N co OCD O O '. CFS x 998 fl- a CFS 1999 CFS2000 .—E--CFS2001 =�—YTD 1998 �k-YTD 1999 --• ---YTD 2000 "YTD2001 .; O - -A Ut Arrests 1998—D—AdLtt Arrests 1999 —X— Adult Arrests 2000 --M-Adult Mests 20 YTD 1998 --—YiD1999 --0 YTD 2000 —41—Y1D2001 'K'rt HIGHER ARREST STATS ARE DUE TO A CHANGE IN REPORTING REQUIREMENTS 7 7 • • Adult Anvsts YTD totals are read on the right scale 120 1100 • 1000 100- 900 800 80 700 60 A 0 600 500 40 A' • 400 O, 300 20 200 100 0 TO m T CTUD � v D W O 'D Z 0_ c a) 2c o 7 3 3 n 3 O O io 0 0 Cr Cr (o coC(too 0 0 O - -A Ut Arrests 1998—D—AdLtt Arrests 1999 —X— Adult Arrests 2000 --M-Adult Mests 20 YTD 1998 --—YiD1999 --0 YTD 2000 —41—Y1D2001 'K'rt HIGHER ARREST STATS ARE DUE TO A CHANGE IN REPORTING REQUIREMENTS 7 7 • • �J 11 224 T CD N p�j C C C 0 Z Q Cr 2 a — < m m o v v o v CT CD CD CO co 0 ❑JumileAnestsa HeAneste99v ue2001..: s ■YM2001 ❑YTD 1996 MYTD.1999 0YTD 2000 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 YTD totals are read on the right scale Accidents 70 500 • � 0 60- 450 50 50 350 O 300. 40 'p - - -0- -..250 O. 200 30 150 20 ❑ 100 50 10 0 41 m .D _ �_ C W 0 0 Q �'wCD C 2 ? _ iD CD W v o v v N CDv to Ila � (D to o 0 W N oo C0 O -+ - - O - -Accidents 1998 --❑—Accidents 1999 —X—Accidents 2000 —f—Accidents 2001 —4 YTD 1998 ---f—YTD 1999 —•—YTD 2010—•--YTT) 2001 8 187 Traffic Mdadons 1000 X ;o D D W (n -i -1 -1 -1 D 900 ,0) -- ---- - -- -- - -- - -- - - - S --- - - -- . . W ---- - 00 800-- —700 '00— .W3` C C1 X 700----- --- o O Co Jr, 600 600 - -- - - - - - - _ - - W 500 - - - 0 _ 3 3 -- 400- ? < W 300 coo :, y "2 200 a cD W 100 6 5 0 W 2 ¢2 12 7,5 � it : 16 ` 0 t3 _ 2 2 m x v <. < < m O C -n S in -n m T. T T d o Co v Co v z W Co W to D r -c - vi m 0 p� �N 7n .. (00 0=7� O O £ ...� d j C. �S Co 7 W (p AA W C Na CD W< w W O v O v W 8 a m 7� min O S W C. W �_/? n o 0 M. o o) t0 m f3 0 250 200 150 100 50 Part I Qimes 2 X ;o D D W (n -i -1 -1 -1 D 3 ,0) 00 N CA N Co y a C S S S S S N W C C ai0 '00— .W3` C C1 X o O Co Jr, A < W S d 0 ao 3 3 ? < W coo :, y a cD W 0 W t3 9 • • • AIffEd Ca*d (arent mo*) 2 D c. 2 D n o « D D •f -f 50- 0005000500050 m d a m v m w - O O 00- � 2L 7 m y 7 •1 7 co 0 0 50- O C y y 1 O o Do- a CL 1 m 50- 11 50- )0- 00 50- 5o )0 - )050 50. i� i0 t6 29� I2 1-�164 5i4 0 • p, � � ... 8 •.• 3M111 � !1 AIffEd Ca*d (arent mo*) 2 c _. 2 D c. 2 D n o D D D -f 50- 0005000500050 m d a m v m w - O O 00- � 2L 7 m y 7 (n 7 7 co 0 0 50- O C y y 0 O o Do- a CL m 50- 30- 50- )0- 00 50- 5o )0 - )050 50. i0 t6 29� I2 1-�164 5i4 0 p, 2 c _. 2 D c. 2 D n o D D D -f m m d a m v m w - O O o � 2L 7 m y 7 (n 7 7 co 0 0 O C y y 0 O o a CL m 10 4,000 Jail Expense YTD totals are read on the right scale $50,000 3,500 $350,000 $45,000 $30,000 _ O $301,671 $300,000 $40,000 p $266;137 2,500 $262,282 2,000 $35.000 13'$236.757 $250,000 $15,000 1,500 $230,726 $30,000 O'$211,225 $189,925 1.622 $200,000 $25,000 - , '$163, 500 64,522 $20,000 146, 35 $150,000 0 &;Hoki 12 , 16s $15,000 $0 01 m m Cr c c m $72,3 "-;01,604 $100,000 $10,000 CD to N42 a, N N 3$56,455 $50,000 $5.000 a' (CD ®Parking Tickets 1999 OMonthly Revenue 1999 Parking Tickets 2000 -gh-Monthly Revenue 2000 -ice-YTD 2000 Revenues $0 $0 ` c c m nO oZ CO j m K �D c �.CD c > m O oZ p 0 (O W CO (O S N ,� V C CD (1D 4- Jarl.E$6*u :=WfjmnCounty-m�ailEVense=Torics ',,: tl!7D,1999.==YTD.2000 4,000 Parking Tickets 3,500 $30,000 $25,000 3,000 2,500 $20,000 2,000 $15,000 1,500 $10,000 1,000 500 $5,000 0 &;Hoki 16s $0 01 m m Cr c c m O Z p a 03 2 S CD to N42 a, N N Cr (D Cr N a' (CD ®Parking Tickets 1999 OMonthly Revenue 1999 Parking Tickets 2000 -gh-Monthly Revenue 2000 -ice-YTD 2000 Revenues 190 • • �I • • 12 191 YiD total is read on the right scale YMCA Teen Scene 4,000 15,000 14,417 3,500 ,0'13,313 13,500 ,9'12,137 12,000 3,000 • ' ,0'10,937 10,500 2,500 - - - --- - • '01,731 9,000 1018,338 2'000 A. ,x'7,188 , 7,500 1500 • gq , ' O. 4.6,065 .O. _ , C 6,000 3:2?- ,� 5111 d' ' • 93 19500 , 00 ,150 1,000 ,•, O 2,689 4,011 3,000 500 ••' - '1,195 1,500 0 1 i i 0 v v d m O o 0 �. 2 S ,� .� � o m 3 Cr CD Q 3 �+� a Visas �jr Nbnth X1999r� - -Vsits Nbnth Z000's -YTD TotalVs�ts 2000 12 191 • C� 192