HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet 02/21/2007 WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. ~~ AGENDA CITY COUNCIL MEETING 321 East 5th Street February 21,2007 SPECIAL MEETING - 5 :00 pm REGULAR MEETING - 6:00 pm . FORTANGELES Note: The Mayor may determine the order of business for a particular City Council meeting. The agenda should be arranged to best serve the needs and/or convenience of the Council and the public. The items of business for regular Council meetings may include the following: A. CALL TO ORDER - Special Meeting (5 :00 p.m.) B. ROLL CALL C. INTERVIEWS 1. Vacant positions on City Boards and Commissions C-l 1. Interview applicants D. CALL TO ORDER - Regular Meeting (6:00 p.m.) PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE PUBLIC CEREMONIES/PRESENTATIONS 1. Proclamation in Recognition of Retiring D-1 Police Sergeant Jim Baertschiger E. WORK SESSION 1. Present Proclamation to Sergeant Baertschiger . F. (1) LATE ITEMS TO BE PLACED ON THIS OR FUTURE AGENDAS as determined by City Manager or Council member (2) PUBLIC COMMENT This is an opportunity for members of the public to speak to the City Council about anything. To allow time for the Council to complete its legislative agenda, comments should be limited to no more than 5 minutes per person and a total of 15 minutes for this comment period. (These time periods may be lengthened or shortened at the discretion of the Mayor.) G. CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS H. ORDINANCES NOT REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS RESOLUTIONS OTHER CONSIDERATIONS 1. Appointments and Reappointments to City Boards and Commissions 2. Department of Health Agreed Order 3. Modification to Automatic Aid Agreement with Clallam Coun Fire District #2 K. PUBLIC HEARINGS - QUASI-JUDICIAL . (7:00 P.M. or soon thereafter) L. PUBLIC HEARINGS - OTHER I. J. J-l 1. Make Appointments J-3 J-5 2. Approve Agreed Order 3. Approve Modification . NOTE: HEARING DEVICES AVAILABLE FOR THOSE NEEDING ASSISTANCE MAYOR TO DETERMINE TIME OF BREAK February 21, 2007 Port Angeles City Council Meeting Page - I FINANCE 1. Francis Street CSO Pre-Design M-l 1. Approve Amendment Consultant Amendment 2. Equipment Purchase - Medium Duty Trucks M-5 2. Approve Purchase 3. Compact Fluorescent Lighting Promotion M-7 3. Approve Agreement Agreement 4. EUGA Sewer Easements M-9 4. Approve Easements 5. Senior Center Addition Project M-13 5. Authorize Advertisement of Bid 6. NPDES Phase II Stormwater Permit M-15 6. Authorize Supplemental Personnel Request Requirements 7. Department of Ecology Coordinated M-19 7. Accept Grant Prevention Offset C cle A eement N. CONSENT AGENDA 1. City Council Minutes dated February 6,2007 N-l Accept Consent Agenda 2. Surplus Equipment: Landfill N-9 3. Resolution to Set Public Hearing Date for N-ll First Christian Church Street Vacation 4. Expenditure Approval List: 1/27/07 - 2/9/07 N-19 $810,141.82 O. INFORMATION 1. City Manager Reports: 2. Police Department Monthly Report - 11/06 3. Police Department Monthly Report - 12/06 4. Port Angeles Downtown Association - 2006 4th Quarter Report 5. Hotel/Motel Grant - 2006 4th Quarter Report 6. Department of Community and Economic Development 2006 Annual Re ort EXECUTIVE SESSION (As needed and determined by City Attorney) 0-1 0-9 0-19 0-23 0-25 P. Q. ADJOURNMENT PUBLIC HEARINGS Public hearings are set by the City Council in order to meet legal requirements pertaining to matters such as land use permit applications, proposed amendments to City land use regulations, zoning changes, and annexations. In addition, the City Council may set a public hearing in order to receive public input prior to making decisions which impact the citizens. Certain matters may be controversial, and the City Council may choose to seek public opinion through the public hearing process. NOTE: HEARING DEVICES AVAILABLE FOR THOSE NEEDING ASSISTANCE MAYOR TO DETERMINE TIME OF BREAK February 21,2007 Port Angeles City Council Meeting . Page - 2 ~ORTANGELES WAS H I N G TON, U. s. A. CITY COUNCIL MEETING I. CALL TO ORDER - SPECIAL MEETING: II. ADJOURN SPECIAL MEETING: III. CALL TO ORDER - REGULAR MEETING: IV. ROLL CALL: Members Present: Mayor Rogers Deputy Mayor Williams Councilmember Braun Councilmember Headrick Councilmember Munro Councilmember Petersen Councilmember Wharton Staff Present: Manager Madsen Attorney Bloor Clerk Upton G. Cutler D. McKeen T. Riepe y. Ziomkowski v V / v' / V'" V February 21. 2007 ~D."1Y\. . I ~~SL l>. 'fY\... I (fJDSp.vn . III. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Led by: (kJl-^t~~J)~ A^~ .J · ~ORT.ANGELES WAS H J N G TON, U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL MEETING Attendance Roster DATE OF MEETING: February 21. 2007 LOCATION: City Council Chambers City of Port Angeles ~ORTANGELES Ordinance/Resolution Distribution List WAS H I N G TON. U. S. A. City Council Meeting of Februarv 21, 2007 ~. 5-0'7 ~L~ City Manager / City Atty. (1) I / / Planning 1 ~ City Clerk (1) I V Codifier (1) lL Personnel Cust. Svcs. Finance Dir. /Mgr. Police Dept. Fire Dept. Light Dept. Parks & Rec. Pub. Works MRSC (1) I / PDN (Summary) ~ Extra Copies .J--l '[) 0 J / I-PIJA t- -~ / I TOTAL I q . . . ~ORTANGELES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: February 21,2007 To: CITY COUNCIL Sherry Wright, Assistant to the City ManagercevJ FROM: SUBJECT: Interview Schedule for Vacancies on City Boards and Commissions Summarv: A special City Council meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, February 21,2007 at 5: 00 p.m. for the purpose of interviewing applicants for upcoming vacancies on City Boards and Commissions. Recommendation: ,Conduct interviews as set fOlth below and be prepared to make appointments and reappointments to the Planning Commission, Board of Adjustment and Civil Service Commission. Back2'round I Analvsis: As of February 28,2007, there will bevarious -y:acancies on City Boards and Commissions. The City Council is responsible for interviewmg appliq~ts and making appointments to the following three Boards and Commissions: . Board of Adjustment . Civil Service Commission . Planning Commission 1 vacancy due to resignation 1 vacancy due to term expiration 2 vacancies due to term expiration The following interviews have been scheduled for this evening: ; ','1: . ; (, J;' ; 1 Ii ......1.\..'.. 5:00 p.m. 5:10 p.m. 5:20 p.m. 5:30 p.m. 5 :40 p.m. John Smith - Board of Adjustment John Smith - Civil Service Commission Kevin Snyder - Planning Commission David Johnson - Planning Commission Patsy Feeley - Civil Service Commission , I In addition to making appointments and reappomtments to fill the vacancies on these three Boards, the Council will also need to approve recominendations to fill two vacancies on the Parks, Recreation and Beautification Commission. This item will be discussed under "Other Considerations" on tonight's agenda and Council will make appointments and reappointments to the v~ous Boards and Commissions at that time. 'I .... C -1 , .... ". / C-2 . . . ,'j I) e! no. RT A ]NGTI'L1IS 1:::' ," iA .' '.00' ,ll . fDP (nO IH ~ lll1. 2 6 2007 l!J WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. CITY OF PORT ANGELES CllY CLERK Application for Appointment to a Board, Commission, or Committee Board, Commission, or Committee to which you are seeking appointment: ~~'\) eQ ~~ V\--- ~ C(....,~ \ s.-~\e~ C ~,c:S';-- Board or Commission Full Applicant Name and General Information ~o\.~ -V. C;;~, ~ .~) First MI Last ~ "l. \ ~ s:'o~\ ~Lo. t ~ ~~ef' t- Home street address\. VC)O(~ ~~d~> W~ 9.~3~L City State Zip Code t( ., 1 - \ 1.. \\ Home phone number Work pho!l"e. number , E-Mail Address: Sm-,-\\... :..7..\S-@ ~$r-) .(ovv-- 5/"Ll It{Y Date of Birth (To be completed only by applicants for Law Enforcement Advisory Board for purposes of criminal history check to ensure compliance with 2.26.020 P AMC) Certification and Location Information (Circle one) Are you currently a City employee? Yes No Are you a citizen of the United States? Yes No Are you a City resident? Yes No Do you own/manage a business in the City? Yes No Do you hold any professional licenses, registrations or certificates in any field (list below)? . Yes N (l / Are you aware of any conflict of interest which might arise by your service on a City Board or c'ommission? If so, please explain: e) In compliance with the American Disabilities Act, if you will need special accommodations because of a physical limitation, please contact the City Clerk, 417-4634, so appropriate arrangements can be made. M' CeD 1/;;LGI07- J3Db CoDnS (OVER) C-3 , . Work Experience List most recent experience fIrst (or elaborate on a resume if you prefer) 1 l ,I I 1. ~~i.) I Employer, _~",.",! Your Title From (MIY) . To (MIY) Brief job description 2. Employer From (MIY) To (MIY) Brief job description 3. Employer From (MIY) To (MfY) . Brief job description Education List most recent experience fIrst 1. L\~OL.N (.'ih~ ~c:...~oo \ Institution/Location <;;'~" U. L.~U-:) I - Credits eamed/Major area ofstiIdy ~NO Graduated? Yes No 2. Institution/Location Credits eamed/Major area o(smdy Graduated? . Yes No 3. lnstitution/Location Credits eamed/Major area of study Graduated? Charitable, Social, and Civic Activities and Memberships List major activities you have participated in during the last five years 1. Organization and location Group's purpose/objective # of members Brief description of your participation 2. Organization and location J I Group's pUrpose/objective # of members Brief description of your participation Why are you interested in serving on this particular Board or CoITunission? Qe~e. CC2~ ~(,""'4\-€,,-r;;- . (OVER) C-4 . .=) ..) What in your background or experience do you think would help you in serving on this Board: might wish to make regarding your application: ~ Appli nt Si ature 1/2- (../0 7 Date Submit completed forms to: Office of the City Clerk City ofPort Angeles . 321 E. 5th Street P. O. Box 1150 Port Angeles, Washington, 98362 12/06 , / C-5 ....~ .. C-6 . . . . ...- ) .~. .-) JOHN D. SMITH 3215 South Peabody Street Port Angeles, W A 98362 (360) 457-1211 EMPLOYMENT mSTORY June 2006 - August2006: Legal Consultant, for law firm DLA Piper Rudnick on Insurance Commissioner of the State of California v. Cambridge Integrated Services. Inc. June 2004 - June 2006: Retired September 1998 - June 2004: Chief Counsel, State of California, Office of Administrative Law. Managing and supervising the work of 30 employees; conducting legal reviews of regulations; representing the office in judicial and administrative proceedings. October 1997 - September 1998: Board Member, Agricultural Labor Relations Board. Reviewing and voting on agricultural labor relations issues submitted to the Board. I March 1986 - October 1997: Director, State of California, Office of Administrative Law. Managing and supervising the work of 30 employees, including 16 attorneys; management of all administrative C\f[airs of the office including personnel, budget, and the publication ofllie _ California Code of Regulations, and the California Notice Register; primary contract for the Governor's Office, the Legislature, and other state agencies; testifying b.~fQre the Legislature; drafting legislation and regulations. - . July 1984 - March 1986: Assistant to the Director, State of California, Native American Heritage Commission. Provided legal interpretation of statutes and regulations for the director, the Commission, and the Native American community; developed administrative policies; in conjunction with the Department of Justice, developed legal procedures for ensuring the preservation of Native American cultural sites. OTHER ACTIVITIES Board Member, Millious Children's Services Governor's Office Chair, United Way Campaign Mentor, for grade school children PROFESSIONAL LICENSES Admitted to the California State Bar, and the Federal Court, Northern District of California 1979. License is currently inactive. o)'! :'1. C-7 Why are you interested in serving on this particular Board or Commission? . Board of Adjustment: I developed an interest in land use as a result of zoning and variance issues I dealt with during my legal career. I also have an interest in seeing that government, whether state or local, be sufficiently flexible to deal with issues that may not 'be specified in rules and regulations in order to treat everyone in a fair and just manner. Civil Service Commission: During my career in state government I had the opportunity to deal with a number of civil service issues, and I came to respect the system as one which not only protects government workers, but helps to provide a talented aild energetic workforce. What in your background or experience do you think would help in serving on this Board: Board of Adjustment: I have a general appreciation for the issues which would come before the Board having owned several properties during my lifetime, as well as exposure to some land use issues during my legal career. Also, my legal education and experience would assist me in analyzing the legal concepts dealt with in any particular issue. Civil Service Commission: As a director and chief counsel of a state agency I personally dealt with a variety of c~vil service issues, and while the specific issues may differ at the local government level, I believe I have sufficient background to correctly interpret and apply the law in a just manner. . What is your understanding of the responsibilities of this particular Board/Commission? . -- ... Board of Adjustment: It is my understand that the Board grants v~~cesirom land use laws and regulations based upon special needs and circumstances. . Civil Service Commission: The Commission hears appeals from decisions made by the Chief Examiner, makes decisions on disciplinary actions, as well as investigates issues relating to Civil Service rules. . . , , / ) . C-8 .~-, e-\ .~) e-) fOP In HI[ ~ l1lJ JAN I 8 2007 [!J ;}l FORT ANGELES- CITY OF PORT ANGELES CITY CLERK W A 5 H'I N G TON. U, 5, A, Application for Appointment to a Board, Commission, or Committee Board, Commission, or Committee to which you are seeking appointment: FW\-I-l. ..4u.lt- ~ ~t-' LOV". Board or Commission Full Name Applicant Name and General Information \<t:V~~ First ~\{hE1C- Last L. lv1I i~b t..\ t:. \"i!: ~""l"'"" Home street address ~<<:- ~(, ~ City ~A State ~~ ~ ~ "1...- Zip Code 3~o-t../6 () - 2.Co S 3/t;o- %0 -2.Jio ~ Home phone number' .. Work phon,e- number ,<. E-Mail Ad;~~:;:""'~"--ki-If/,.g~ (!.7e7t/Rte'M44 . .WrL Date of Birth (To be completed only by applicants for Law Enforcement Advisory Board for purposes of criminal history check to ensure compliance with 2.26.020 P AMC) Certification and Location Information (Circle one) Are you currently a City employe~ A:e you a citizen of the United States?@No Are you a City residen~ No Do you own/manage a business in the City? Y@ Do you hold any professional licenses, registrations or certificates in any field (list below)? Yes No , , Are you aware of any conflict of interest which might arise by your service on a City Board or Commission? If so, please explain: In compliance with the American Disabilities ActT if you will need special accommodations becauSe of a physical limitation, please contact the City Clerk, 417~4634, so appropriate arrangements can be made. ... (j~: CED iaLf~r '(OVER) C-9 Work Experience List most recent experience first (or elaborate on a resume if:(ou Q~efer) - /'t:A ~/l .. ~Ut'" S,n. L rYle- &o~/g- ~e7 t#€ //thtA-1-'1 E!!lpl,oyer Your Title I . riJ~A-CjVJ ~.~ );eSlt-,t) Bi:i~fjob descriptfon tJ6/P7 From (MIY) f4tJ/o ~ To(MlY) . 2. Employer Your Title From (MIY) To (MIY) Brief job description 3. Employer Your Title FlOm (MfY) To (M/Y) Brief job description Education List most recent experience first tlltz;~ 411 Credits eainedlMajor area of study ~No 1.. ~A/k~ Institution/Location Graduated? 2. Pf/f}S Instihltion/Location . blf?~4- Credits eamedIMajor area of;stLidy @ :", Graduated? . 3. Institution/Location Yes No Credits eamedlMajor area of stLldy Graduated? Charitable, Social, and Civic Activities and Memberships List maj or activities you have participated in during the last five years ~,~~ ~muP'" pmpo",/obj"uv. # of rn<:l11bers Brief description of your participation 2. Organization and location ,. / Group's pUrpose/objective # of members Brief description of your participation . (OVER) C -10 r. e.. Please feel free to add any additional comments you might wish to make regarding your application: ! -/2-0 '1 Date Submit completed forms to: Office of the City Clerk City ofPort Angeles 321 E. 5th Street P. O. Box 1150 Port Angeles, Washington, 98362 12/06 .~) -- e) C -11 / / C -12 K ... . . . e e) RECEIVED \ January 24, 2007 JAN 2 4 2007 City of Port Angeles. Becky Upton, City Clerk City of Port Angeles PO Box 1150 Port Angeles, WA 98362 REAPPOINTMENT TO PLANNING COMMISSION Dear Ms. Upton: This letter is to inform the City of Port Angeles of my desire to serve a second term as a City Planning Commissioner. My term of office on the Planning Commission expires February 28,2007. The completed Planning Commission application is enclosed. If you have questions or need additional information, please call me at 360-417-0107. ...., ", Sincerely, David N. Johnson , , , . ' f!e: CE]) it), tf I Dr C -13 FORTANGELES . WAS H I N G TON. U. S. A. Application for Appointment to a Board, Commission, or Committee Board, Commission, or Committee to which you are s~eklJ1g appointment: . . PlCA.(\W\:~ o..OiY\(V\ I S~'l or'\. Board or Co. . sion Full Name Applicant Name and General Information '"DA-,,'\r\ N.. Jt>~Y\S.ov1 First MI Last ~ Ea.S+ ~ S1-~~~ Home street address fuj JV'\~~J~s . \AlA C(g3la'2- City . I State Zip Code 3(QQ-L1\1-0\07 '3f:o -'-{77-o315""" Home phone number Work phone number 5~ Q.q /45 .c . ... .. Date fBirth (To be completed only by applIcants for Law Enforcement Advisory Board for purposes oJ criminal history check to ensure compliance with 2.26.020 PAMC) . Certification and Location Information (Circle one) Are you currently a City employee? Yes@ Are you a citizen offue Unit~~'States;~No' Are you a City residenteo Do you own/manage a business in the City? yes@ Do you hold any professional licenses, registrations or c(lrtllcates in any field (list below)? Yes No ~er-&~ t\v.d:Atrf" '/ rn~o--r- Are you aware of any conflict of interest which might aI;ise by your service on a City Board or Commission? If so, please explain: / In compliance with the American Disabilities Act, if you will need special acco=odations because of a physical Iimitlltion, please contact the City Clerk, 417-4634, so appropriate anangements can be Wilde. (OVER) . C -14 e eH ,. .~-~, e.. . . Work Experience List most recent experience first (or elaborate on a resume if you prefer) 1.<2 I~ \ lo..m ~o.(\-\- dJL~OI l'eSef\ t- Employer YourTi Ie From (MIY) To (M/Y) \ l?e'5.,deV\.~ :~.\ OVv'\.d tf)W\M~l-~Ic)" \ -e.t\e t'-~~ -e.~( ~leN1.~/r~(~ Brief job description V?U b <2 t-VS-\ ~€.<y-S. U .' 2. Employer Your Title From (M/Y) To (M/Y) Brief job description 3. Employer Your Title From (MIY) To (lyl/Y) Brief job description Education List most recent experience first Yes~ 1. -p,e l'\ ;-r'"\ 'Su t ~ ~(r\ ~ Institution/Location' -e.-- /Major area of study Graduated? 2.0" r v(,M bt~ \pa..s'l n. Institution/Location Yes~ ~Ml.-t\",\j- Credits e~ed/ -- study Graduated? , 3. L r'\y\ ''', '. Yes~. 13 e V\. {171\. CO"'f\ItVrt u ~.1 Graduated? Credits eamed/ Charitable, Social, and Civic Activities and Memberships List major activities you have participated in during the last five years 1. t\\a.va.1. -t\Ks GA~L....lf- 3S ~ Organization and location Group's purpose/objective m~b~r Brief description of your participation # of members 2. Organization and location Group's purpose/objective # of members Brief description of your participation , / Why are you interested in serving on this particular Board or Commission? (OVER) C -15 ~i ~~:) {PPIi;a~t~~re 1/2.1101 Date Submit completed forms to: Office of the City Clerk City of Port Angeles 321 E. 5th Street P. O. Box 1150 Port Angeles, Washington, 98362 12/06 ) -_/ , , \.... ,J C -16 . . . .' .') -~ .,,) ,'1 fDJm&~uw~rnl UiJ DEG I 5 2006 ~ FOR1ANGELES WAS H I N G TON, U, S. A. CITY OF PORT ANGELES " CITY CLERK Application for Appointment to a Board, Commission, or Committee Board, Commission, or Committee to which you are seeking appointment: ~b~ \\\\~t\rY/) ~\~\'v ~Y/~~\eil/ t~Y'{\ffi\~ \t~ Board or Commission Full Name f~pplicant Name and General Information ~ ~~b~' 'v. Frrt NIT ~ .t. V~ q\o y~ ~/~~~ Last Home street address Q,~M~\~~~ \jiO City .' , ,', ,..", ' ('~~~J ~ ~ \; ,q D ~ 4' Home phone number ' w~ q4~~v , ,State' Zip Code UllAt \ ~ ~ b ~ G 1\ ~~~ ..... Work phoneni.unber Date of Birth (To be completed only by applicants for Law Enforcement Advisory Board for purposes of criminal history check to ensure compliance with 2.26.020 P AMC) Certification and Location Information (Circ1eone) .A.re you currently a City employee? Yes ~ .A.re you acitizen of the United StateS?GNo Are you a City resident? 0'0 Do you ownlmana~e a business in the City? Yes No , Do you hold anyprofessional'licenses, regtstrations or certificates in any field (list bylow)? g No tJ~\~t~~\\\1\~ ~~t ~ ~i1~~R t,D\\~~t. ' ~bi\~ ~~'f\\ t'!l~ ~Q~t,\hI\1~\~ ~~6~R~ ~ Dc.\1). \rDt;~1\ b\~ft'v ~t Rb\\'-l\~I\DN - ~ 'Ie. OfrW~ \~&lON Me you aware of any conflict of interest which might arise by your service on a City Board or Commission? If so, please 'explain: ' .. , ~~~fI' In compliance with the American Disabilities Act, if you will need :special accommodations because of a physical liinltation, please contact the City Clerk, 417-4634, so appropriate arrangements can be made. ' (OVER) ~1b : &r.D ~ Jr!l- /5 .. ()(P &A.. C -17 ,,') . , Work 'Experiend~ List most recent exp,eri~ce,mst (or I'llabora~ o~ a resume if'you prefer) . ' ~1 ~,~ d., r W \A~\1 \ ~ 0'\ 0\'\ '_ \I~, '" , l.W(1. t\\f'rlt::- ~~~'l\"'\e " \,.. q?J. 6)'\\v,o\~ef \ ~~ Employer,',;."j: ' , Your Title From (MIY) " To (MIY) " ' ~ ~t~ V~ ~~~ \~'t;~ ~,~~\ ~\ f-rN\ ~ tjt-\\\\''\D R-S\W\ \\i\t0\tt)V~' Brief job description 2,~0y/~~" tD~~\)\r\'f\~\5 ~ bW~~t \C\~~ \~q~ Employer Your Title From (MIY) To (WB-D ~\ 'IT'v.- s.te.,U (LIT~ ~ D~ti\\O N'i\ \" ~D \) t\ 6t\,,\ ~tr -~~ ~~R<f\t~t 'N\'(j-"n Vt- lr~t1) ~ t1niJ~Uoff-\1 \~ Brief job description , C,,\hv--o (\'{1-tt\~ 3~f1 ~ ~m~ CJ~\Ro~f\~\0 ~6S\, ~-' \q~~ Employer Your Title From(MIY) To (M/Y) _ ~~ ffi~~. Brief job description " . ~ , . , \ -1~ Education List most recent experience fIrst 1.lbjJ . -- ~t-'i1~~ \rt I ill it Institution/Location ' '~ 'tl ~ ~~ ~ \;.6 ~\\ Credits e~medIMajor area of study @o Graduated? 2~~~Y.1\~b\\tC,t /\)M+fIb 1'1-. U\\~~Mct'\tJ @__. InSti~C~ _ ~ t1~Q~S t\~ts e~'~s~~11M\:D\"o~\ Graduated? ,/ 3~~~ lU tt.6n~ 6~ b f \'flU \ t>\ \I. V ~~. ~~ . \ n\ ,yo, tv t. ~~D efJl~ t:b~tto~tt( \ ~ ~ ~6 \\ \\&V\?J~~W~ill ~a Oft~dOv~ ~ (~~raduated? Charitable, So ial, and Civic Activities and Memberships List major ac iv'ti you ave articipated in during the last five years 1. Org3nizatio~ ~d lccatio:1 Grol.lP'SPUJ.-posc/obj~.:;tivc , # of wemoe;rs Brief description of your participation 2. Orgallizatio~~ndlocation Group's pmpose/objective # of members Brief description of your participation Why are you interested in serving on this particular Board or Commission? '"J 'I >.. ~:. ~, ~\t.'.' "~,.: ", \ -, " ~, , . " " t' ", ", :.. ~ " (Q'V'ER) , "I.l"" , C -18 "I . e~) e-,) ~) ~ uti Please feel free to add any additional comments you might wish to make regardirig your application: \y/ i/ ~.~ Date Submit completed, forms to: Office of the City Clerk City ofPort Angeles 321 E. 5th Street P. O. Bbx 1150 Port Angeles, Washington, 98362 10/02 .' .. , . , , , C -19 , ...., ". , / . , C - 20 . . ';" ; . . .. ....:=:c=:.~::~.::::=:..:::.. -_-:.:..: _.=::::.. ...::.....:_.:: .C:=.:::::_:_ --::J r.. ....::. .... ...... .... . II .....d\q-~;5Q...Q-7l..~...._...-c......._-~~-_.._-_...._..-~-~._--..-_._--------tlr ..--"- ......... ... -I-------.---------~ 7\?fY'l.---------rit--.----C . \ ' .., ~. "t I" :..~~~.~~~:~~-~~.-...Il.-_.~~~=~~~-~~-- - - ~. l~~~ _ ~.--' .. ij(\~~'. l~...;.....-.._.--..----.-. \tvI1-~ "-. .... --~~S\-. 'f\r~-" -. .-.. IIy.......~.-._..-..--.-.-- __..h__.._._.~_ ('.~~ J~..\-~..-_-_-~ . . . /'., i fo. / '1' 11 ----- --'''- ---------- - -------..---,--- rr~'t.."'"...~.--_..-.--.- --.=~~~- Tb~~ - .~==~-~~~=== -..--......--..-...--.--...-.---.-......--___.__~..._._._.________..__...__~..J.\\t._--__-_--..._.._- If I I ._._..___" __..__.____.~~_.. \YYJ.~'.t ~ . ... -.---. . .. . --'-----"--'1"1" ,--.--..---..- :~--------- ~~~~~-; -'. ,....r---- ~-~\:~-c =-~(Vi- ~fITi\J~ :..!......G. --'---~_..__. -_. .. .. --~- .._~-_.... . ' ! .. . . \\ I . , . . ~ -m~ ,-'---"-'-' ~_._\l_~.. ~ ~~ 7\'\~ ~G ~~ -- \ QQ'1.' . ~. 0If\(\l .-~ (W ~ ~\)J -~\)Ir-"'--"----- ~-~ -~~. \.-1..,.12---- --.' -. "'t~- . ~- . .. '~~~~m ~-~ ~~- UlYt\ . =-~~~'l~---- - ! --.- .. - ~ L-Q ~ . . .. rt:f~ . ~YJ1\fY~~~ ~l~----- ~}_bD\. .rJ (~~ \~- }(Mj\~C-~- ~-- ..~~-~;\.~.~~~~~- -1QQ~'1W ~~~~~~\=-". II d zz -::> ______________________~..-.-----.. ~---------.--~-------------------- i .; ~ .; .--------------1-.----... ..----------- ". , , . I ~ .1 --L......~__~_____< i j" ~---"--- , .' ,. j;. ! I ~---_._--- ; j; ) I' i [ --r~-.--- l;.~ i' ), (: L .~ ; j.' I', ~ ~ ; j 1: p, b d .. l; d If' Hi !" H~ n~ " \, ~ ih l (W1ri ::! ~ Pi' F~(\l~~fJ ~ mn~ -\l~mJt~ ~ . 11,"". '. \ .fl ('IJtin~ 6 (VV\(~. ~--t~ cry.~rT9 ~~~~ pr ,f: iff nt n, . lit ~ : ,. c: 'if Hi ~c Or IL, ~iH- Ii pH m Ii.;'. t'. i}r, ~ , ' nij ,;!; :1'(, 5:00 pm Interview John Smith, Board of Adjustment 1. Are you familiar with the State statutes that govern the actions of the Board of Adjustment? 2. Why are you interested in serving on the Port Angeles Board of Adjustment? 3. What experience do you have that makes you qualified to serve on the Board of Adjustment? 4. Are there any situations that may cause you to have a conflict of interest that would result in not being able to act on an item before the Board? 5. Board of Adjustment members serve in a quasi-judicial manner which requires the ability to be independent, fair, and follow set policies and procedures. What in your background provides you with experience to serve in this capacity? 5:10 pm Interview John Smith, Civil Service Commission 1. Why are you interested in serving on the Port Angeles Civil Service Commission? 2. What experiences in your work history makes you qualified to serve on the Civil Service Commission? 3. Is there anything in your background that would result in you having close ties with either police or fire professions that may be a conflict of interest? 4. The role of a Civil Service Commissioner is to serve in a quasi-judicial process and to have the ability to be independent, fair, and follow policies and procedures. What in your background provides you with experience to serve in this capacity? 5:20 pm Interview Kevin Snyder, Planning Commission 1. Why are you interested in serving on the Port Angeles Planning Commission? 2. What experiences in your work history makes you qualified to serve on the Planning Commission? 3. Can you think of anything in your background or current life situation that would result in an appearance of fairness concern, or be perceived as a conflict of interest in actions you may take as a Planning Commissioner? 4. The role of a Planning Commissioner is to serve in a quasi-judicial manner, and Planning Commission members must have the ability to be independent, fair, and follow set policies and procedures. What in your background provides you with experience to serve in this capacity? 5. In the past year of serving on the Commission, what issues have you been asked to consider that have provided you with the most interesting analysis as a Planning Commissioner? 5:30 pm Interview David Johnson, Planning Commission 1. Why are you interested in serving on the Port Angeles Planning Commission? 2. What experiences in your work history makes you qualified to serve on the Planning Commission? 3. Can you think of anything in your background or current life situation that would result in an appearance of fairness concern, or be perceived as a conflict of interest inactions you may take as a Planning Commissioner? 4. The role of a Planning Commissioner is to serve in a quasi-judicial manner, and Planning Commission members must have the ability to be independent, fair, and follow set policies and procedures. What in your background provides you with experience to serve in this capacity? 5. In the past year of serving on the Commission, what issues have you been asked to consider that have provided you with the most interesting analysis as a Planning Commissioner? 5:40 pm Interview Patsy Feeley, Civil Service Commission 1. Why are you interested in serving on the Port Angeles Civil Service Commission? 2. What experiences in your work history makes you qualified to serve on the Civil Service Commission? 3. Is there anything in your background that would result in you having close ties with either police or fire professions that may be a conflict of interest? 4. The role of a Civil Service Commissioner is to serve in a quasi-judicial process and to have the ability to be independent, fair, and follow policies and procedures. What in your background provides you with experience to serve in this capacity? PROCLAMATION In Recognition of PORT ANGELES POLICE DEPARTMENT SERGEANT JIM BAERTSCHIGER WHEREAS, Sergeant James Baertschiger has dedicated 35 years to a career in law enforcement, the last 27 of which was in Port Angeles; and WHEREAS, since his employment with the Port Angeles Police Department on February 19, 1980, he has lived up to his very first performance evaluation held that year which stated, in part, "Potential to be an exceptional officer!"; and WHEREAS, Sergeant Baertschiger, while in his many police department assignments, including Patrol Officer, Patrol Sergeant, Detective Sergeant, and Lead Defensive Tactics Instructor, always distinguished himself as a dedicated and professional police officer of the highest caliber; and WHEREAS, on numerous occasions he risked his own life to ensure the safety and security of his fellow Port Angeles citizens; and WHEREAS, he has earned the admiration and high regard of those with whom he has come into contact, and the affection of his fellow public servants, who are proud to call him "friend" . NOW, THEREFORE, I, Karen A. Rogers, Mayor, ON BEHALF OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF PORT ANGELES, do hereby express our sincere appreciation and thanks to Sergeant Jim Baertschiger for his distinguished service to the community, and highly commend him for the mam1er in which he was carried out his duties and responsibilities and we further extend to him and his family our sincere best wishes for many years of happiness in his retirement. Karen A. Rogers, Mayor 0-1 February 21. 2007 The CLALLAM COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY PO Box 1327 Port Angeles, Washington 98362-0224- Telephone: 360-452-2662 e-mail: artifact@olypen.com FAX: 360-452-2662 Museum: First and Oak Street Downtown Port Angeles Lincoln School Complex 9th at C Street Administration Office Archives Library Artifact Storage Facility Genealogy Library 15 February 2007 Mayor Karen A. Rogers and Members of the Port Angeles City Council Port Angeles City Hall 321 East 5th Street Port Angeles, WA 98362 Dear Mayor and Council: Part of the "Mission Statement" of the Clallam County Historical Society calls on members to "preserve the region's cultural heritage ..." The Board of Directors and society members have interpreted this statement as a mandate to use our efforts to make people aware of the values inherent in the places, people and activities which comprise the cultural heritage of Clallam County, cause them to be known and recognized and work to preserve them. As such, we are concerned about the destruction of many historic structures in the City of Port Angeles -- as well as throughout the county. We have learned with dismay of the Council decision to surplus, without restrictions, the old fire hall on Lincoln Street. Although we understand that the structure is in poor shape and needs an immense amount of work to become a modern useable building, we feel there are options that will help preserve the culture of the building and retain the history of the site that should be considered. With respect to the heritage of the City of Port Angeles and the affection which pioneer and other long-time citizens have for familiar structures -- it would benefit everyone if consideration is given toward retaining the historic facade of the building, even if the deteriorating building behind it were to be rebuilt. At the very least, a plaque or monument at the site commemorating the fire hall / police station / jail / city council chamber which once occupied the building as well as its original designation by the US Congress in the first townsite survey as land designated for local government uses, seems to be in order. Thank you for your consideration of these ideas. Sincerely, ~~ ~~~~ June Robinson President Lincoln School- the Future Home of the Museum CLALLAM COUNTY HERITAGE ADVISORY BOARD c/o Clallam County Courthouse 323 East Fourth Street - Suite 4 Port Angeles, Washington 98362 14 February 2007 Mayor Karen A. Rogers and Members - Port Angeles City Council Port Angeles City Hall 321 East 5th Street Port Angeles, Washington 98362 Dear Mayor and Council: The County Heritage Advisory Board has learned with dismay that it is the intention of the Port Angeles City Council to surplus the old Port Angeles Fire Hall on Lincoln Street without restrictions -- which we take to mean that any purchaser of the land may do as they wish with the lot and building without taking into con- sideration the role the building has played in the history of the city. At one time it was hoped that the lots on the east side of Lincoln Street from Second to Fourth streets would be designated a small historic district and a jewel which would serve as a model for other communities. We understand that the building is in dire need of work to make it useable, but feel that even if it becomes necessary to destroy the structure, the facade could be retained and a modern structure built behind it. Hopefully some of what remains of the original uses of the building could be rescued and turned over to the Historical Society or incorporated in the new building The lots on Lincoln Street were originally designated in the first survey of the Port Angeles townsite for local government purposes. The building was erected as a fire hall. It included the police station and jail for many years. The City Council met in the upstairs suite. it was an important part of the cultural heritage of Port Angeles. At the very least, a historically correct marker should/could be erected to identify its former uses and its original designation. Photographs are probably available which could be used to tell more of the story. Thank you for your consideration of our letter. If we can be of any help in retaining the heritage of the building, please call on us. Sincerely, c--) '" ~~[~~~~ June Robinson, Chairman . . . DATE: To: FROM: SUBJECT: ~ORTANGELES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO February 21,2007 CITY COUNCIL Sherry Wright, Assistant to the City Manage~ Appointments and Reappointments to Boards, Commissions and Committees Summary: Various terms of office on City Boards and Commissions will be expiring as of February 28,2007. ill addition, there are also two vacancies due to resignations. It is timely to consider making appointments and reappointments and to identify additional vacancies that will need to be filled. Recommendation: It is recommended that the City Council approve the appointments and reappointments to City Boards, Commissions, and Committees as set forth below, and to direct staff to seek interested applicants to fill the remaining vacancies. Board of Adjustment , . ..... ". Recommendation Jack Powell Resigned Council to conduct interviews earlier in meeting. Council may appoint applicant to four-year term, 3/1/07 - 2/28/11 Civil Service Commission ~~G~ ~;y;~r:rt~~;~~f3ili]t::i\,!~',;,P.:.;~i;', .\ :~::;-::,~,:"~;.\,;;'~,:,_?',....,'::';: ')' -.',"'; >" ':'-~ ':'''.'',:'; ;=,i ;:;,:.i 7'<" ;:'< ,:: :; ,";~';:'1~:~~1':; ~;:i:;,~"il:f0~~!::'2~~~~1 Jim MacDonald '. "; Term expires:;',;, 2/28/07, not eligible for rea ointment Council toconducf interviews earlier in meeting. Councilinay appoint applicant to four-year term, 3/1/07'-- 2/28/11 Law Alan Barnard Enforcement, Maria Pefia Advisory Board Kathy Steinkamp, Terms expire 2/28/07 Staff recommends Council not to reappoint at this time. This committee will be restructured in the near future. An . . . ordinance is being written to create a new Police and Fire Public Safety Advisory Board, which will supercede this Board. Ordinance will be presented to Council at a later. date for consideration. ~ '.1 ;'. " ,<':,\ 'il j ::.ll; 1 '. /', '\\. II I :".', ~ I!;! ~', .. . \ r r l i I I", . I \!,' \. \ , : l', ' \. ~ '. \ I!;',' . I " !' \', J-1 Memo to Council February 21,2007 Appointments to Boards and Commissions Page 2 i.:l(',- . ~" l' . lj .' : ,.. '. (" . Recommendation Lodging Tax Pat Davis Terms expire To date, 5 members have submitted Advisory Bob Harbick 2/28/07 - all applications seeking reappointment. Committee Jack Harmon eligible for Direct staff to continue seeking interested Karen McCormick reappointment applicants. Interviews to be conducted Joseph Mollerus except Joseph by Mayor Rogers, Councilmember Dave Neupert Mollerus as he Munro and Manager Madsen at a later Bill Rinehart recently moved date. Brian Sava e Parks, , Diana Tschimperle Term expires Appoint Eleanor Tschimperle to four- Recreation and 2/28/07, not year term, 3/1/07 -2/28/11, as Beautification eligible for recommended by Parks Commission Commission rea ointment based on 2/15/07 a lic"ant interviews. Chuck Whidden Term expires Reappoint Chuck Whidden to four-year 2/28/07, term, 3/1/07 - 2/28/11, as recommended eligible for by Parks Commission based on 2/15/07 rea ointment a licant interviews. Taylor Jennings Resigned Appoint Penny Pittis to fill unexpired . effective 2/16/07 term; 2/21/07 - 2/28/09, as recommended by Parks C01I$isSiol;l based on 2/15/07 a licant interVl'ews. Planning David Johnson Term expires Council to conduct interviews earlier in Commission 2/28/07, meeting. Council may appoint applicant eligible for to four-year term, 3/1/07 - 2/28/11 rea ointment; Kevin Sy~der Term expires Council to conduct interviews earlier in 2/28/07, meeting. Council may appoint applicant eligible for to four-year term, 3/1/07 - 2/28/11 rea ointment I" , , ' ," ')-" j.I .... -t ~ ".. . r-~-! ".""."'" ,,,.,,,,,,, T'" . J-2 . . . WAS H IN G TON, U". S . A CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: February 21,2006 TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: Glenn A. Cutler, Director of Public Works and Utilities ~ SUBJECT: Department of Health Agreed Order Summary: The Washington State Department of Health (DOH) and City staffs have negotiated a new Agreed Order for the City water system. This was necessary, in part, due to the lack of progress in the design/construction of the Port Angeles Water Treatment Plant (P A WTP) by the National Park Service (NPS) as part of the federal Elwha Dam Removal Project. Recommendation: Approve and auth?rize the Director of Public Works and Utilities to sil!n a new Aeree<;l Order with the DOH. Background/Analysis: The City's water system has two water quality issues of concern that it is currently addtessing: (1) exceedence of the "action level" for copper under the federal Lead and Copper Rule, and (2) the designation of the Ranney Collector well water source as Groundwater Under the Influence of Surface Water. This designation reguires the City to comply with the EPA's Surface Water Treatment Rule (SWrRL. '. ""_ In the last ten years, two Bilateral Compliance Agreements and an Agreed Order were entered into by the City and DOH addressing these two issues. The attached City Council memo dated September 2005 summarizes the background and history of these agreements. The September 2005 Agreed Order currently in place combined the two issues and acknowledged that both would be adequately addressed by the construction of the P A WTP. Unfortunately, due to circumstances out of the control of the City, the process of obtaining [mal design approval from DOH for the P A WTP was stopped by the NPS' for eight months last year. The DOH had provided 95% review comments on the P A WTP construction documents prepared by the NPS consultant engineers, URS Corp., in February 2006. Afterisix months of waiting for and not receiving responses to their comments, DOH expressed concern to the City that the P A WTP mi~ht not meet the September 2005 Agreed Order construction deadline date of August 30. On October 16, 2006, DOH sent a letter to the City confirming their concern outlining the steps they desired the City to take to ensure that the two issues are met, regardle&s of the status of the federal project, by August 30, 2008. DOH initially proposed issuance of a Department Order. City staff discussed available options with the DOH, and later met with DOH staff on January 25. After further discussions, the DOH agreed to issue a revised Agreed Order, adding additional deliverables and interim deadlines, as outlined in the following table. N:\CCOUNCIL\FINAL\Dept of Health Agreed Order Rev I.doc J-3 Deliverable Sept. '05 Agreed Feb. '07 Agreed Order Date Order Date Submit P A WTP construction documents for Nov. 30, 2005 approval - Notify customers of "treatment technique" - March 30, 2007* violation quarterly Complete Gonstruction of P A WTP Aug. 30, 2008 Sept. 30, 2009 3-log interim CTvia chlorine (currently 2-log) . - April 1, 2007 Submit monthly report verifying 3-log CT is - April 2007 being met on a daily basis Submit Water System Plan Amendment/funding - . April 30, 2007 strategy v Submit corrosion control report - April 30, 2007 Submit design and construction documents for - Sept. 4, 2007 corrosion control , Submit action plan addressing interim mitigation & "what if Elwha Dam Project doesn't happen" - Dec. 31, 2007 scenano Obtain approval of construction documents for - Dec. 31, 2007 corrosion control Install corrQ~ion control treatment facility - June 29, 2008 Approved treatment plant operators in place - Oct. 31, 2009 before P A WTP startup . - " Verify P A WTP treatment processes meet .' -, mandated "2- to 4-log removal" requirements of - Dec. 31, 2009 SWTR February 21,2007 City Council Re: DOH Agreed Order Page 2 * And by mail every quarter until P A WTP is in place and operating . . There will be an increased cost to the City in an estimated amount of $60,000 due to this new Agreed Order, especially as it relates to the design, approval, and construction of a temporary corrosion control facility and an approximate annual operations cost of $60,000. The Utility Advisory Committee, at its February 13 meeting, forwarded a favorable recommendation to City Council that it approve and authorize the Director of Public Works and Utilities Director to sign the terms of the new Agreed Order~ I Attachmen:,; September 20, 2005 City Counell memo . J-4 . . . DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: FORTANGELES WAS H [ N G TON, U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO February 21,2007 CITY COUNCIL Dan McKeen, Fire Chief o~ Modification to the Automatic Response Agreement Between the City of Port Angeles and C1allam County Fire District #2 Summary: To provide a;more efficient use of school district facilities, medically fragile special needs students are being moved from Franklin School in Port Angeles to Roosevelt School just outside the City. To address the concern that Roosevelt School is not covered by a guaranteed paramedic response, Clallam County Fire District #2 and the City modified its existing Automatic Response Agreement to provide an immediate paramedic response from the City to Roosevelt School. '. ,< ': Recommendation: Approve the revised Automatic Response Agreement with Clallam County Fire District #2 and authorize the Ma or to si the Agreement. Background/Analysis: As part of the Port Angeles School District's Facilities Efficiency Plan, a number of medically fragile special needs students are being moved from Franklin School in Port Angeles to Roosevelt School, just outside the City. During discussions related to the move, parents voiced a concern that Roosevelt School is not covered by a guaranteed paramedic response. Responding to the concerns, the school district approached the City tc? explore the possibility of annexing Roosevelt and Monroe Schools into the City. An option that sur'facedduring the discussion was the possibility of amending the existing Automatic Response Agreementbetween the City and Clallam COl.lnty Fire District #2 (CCFD #2). The existing Automatic Response Agreement with CCFD #2 has worked extremely well since its inception, providing citizens of both jurisdictions an improved level of emergency service that could not have been accomplished individually. By amending the Automatic Response Agreement, both CCFD #2 and the City would be dispatched simultaneously to Roose','elt Scho()l for ~med~c~l <lid ~equ~st" thus ,increas~g the likelihood that there will be an immediate paramedic response. J-5 City Council Page 2 February 21, 2007 . The proposed modification to the Automatic Response Agreement makes sense for the following reasons: . The area to be served by Medic I is small and clearly limited. The area contains a special population that creates circumstances different from the surrounding area. The area is contiguous with the existing city limits. A significant portion of the students attending Roosevelt School are City residents. Although the details are lost in history, this provision of service to the school dismct is fiot without precedent. When Medic I was established, the City's paramedics responded routinely to Roosevelt and Monroe Schools. The City currently provides Medic I services as a j oint response with CCFD #2 to other small areas outside the City. . . . Both CCFD #2 and the City understand that the most positive outcomes are the direct resu1tofthe rapid deployment of appropriate resources. We feel this collaborative effort between CCFD #2 and the City will accomplish this within the existing resources from each agency. . The Council's Health & Safety Subcommittee, at its February q...2007 ~~eting, voted unanimously . to forwaI'd a favorable recommendation to the full Council toappr9v~~ the revised Automatic Response Agreement with CCFD #2. . ... .' DM/cw Attachment: Agreement " I ~ ; '.' ' . J-6 . . . Automatic Response Agreement Between The City of Port Angeles and Clallam County Fire District #2 This Agreement is entered into this _ day of ,2007, between the City of Port Angeles (hereinafter "City") and Clallam County Fire District #2 (hereinafter "District"). A. Purpose The City's and District's boundaries abut each other, and in order to provide the most effiCient and effective level of service to the citizens of each, the City and District desire to enter into an agreement which will seek to provide a more timely response to structure flres and medical emergencies in remote areas of their respective jurisdictions. The Agreement 'is intended to supplement the Master Mutual Aid Agreement between the City and District. This Agreement supercedes and rep~aces the previous Automatic Response Agreements between the parties. B. Response 1. The City will provide automatic emergency. medical services and/or fire suppression response to the District in the following areas as indicated below;".. :~. , ....t.o:- a. Fire Suppression and Emergency Medical Services. The geographical area designated as area "A" on the map attached hereto as Exhibit I, generally described as the area south of the City limits along Mount Angeles Road including, Bent Cedars Road. b. Fire Suppression and Emergency Medical Services. The geographical area designated as area "B" on the m~p attached hereto as Exhibit T, generally described as Breachin Bluffs, an area east of Wabash Avenue. c. Fire Suppression and Emergency Medical Service~. The geographical area designated as area "F" on the map attached as Exhibit T, generally described as the area off Benson Road. / d. Fire Suppression and Emergency Medical Services. The geographical area designated as area "G" on the map attached as Exhibit T, generally' described as the area off Doyle Road and Old Joe Road. Page 1 of 4 '; . ! ',:'11' : ; . , '. ~ l. . \ 1 ~ ~ , " t {, I I J-7 '. , e. Fire Suppression and Emergency- Medical Services. The geographical area designated as area "H" on the map attached as EXhibit I, generally described as Coyote Run Lane. . f. Emerl!ency Medical Services. The geographical area designated as area "J" on the map attached as Exhibit L generally described as Roosevelt School. 2. The District will provide automatic emergency medical services and/or fire suppression response to the City in the following areas as indicated below: a. Fire Suppression and Emergency Medical Services. The geographical area designated as area "C" on the map attached hereto as Exhibit I, generally described as that area north of Edgewood Drive between Airport Road and Lower Elwha Roads. b. Fire Suppression and Emergency Medical Services. The geographical area designated as area "D" on the map attached hereto as Exhibit I, generally described as Harborcrest, that area west of the Third Avenue and Chestnut Street intersection. c. Fire Suppression. The geographical area designated as area "E" on the map attached as Exhibit I, generally described as the Eclipse Industrial Parkway near Gakin Road to Cameron Road. . d. Fire Suppression. The geographical area desi~}!ted as m;~a."I" on the map attached hereto as Exhibit I, generally described as the W elco.me Inn.J!ailer CoUrt, 1215 West Highway 101. ., ',' . .' . 3. Automatic response under this Agreement shall include responding with appropriate emergency vehicle(s), equipment, and personnel, when dispatched by Pencom emergency dispatch center to one of the geographical areas designated in this Agreement. 4. Each party agrees that automatic response under this Agreement should not jeopardize or interfere with the immediate emergency 'response needs within its own jurisdiction. If for any reason an automatic response cannot be made, the requested agency will immediately notify the Pencom emergency dispatch center. c. Command Responsibility .' I Command tesponsibility rests with the jurisdiction where the incident re'quiring automatic aid has occurred. Either jurisdiction has the option to pass command to a higher ranking officer from the jurisdiction responding. Said Incident Commander will be in command of the operations under which the. equipment and personnel sent by the responding party shall serve; provided that the responding equipment and personnel will be under the immediate supervision of the responding jurisdiction's officer in charge of said equipment and personnel. Page 2 of 4 . J-8 ~ ' " l \.-.- I, '..'" , , ,,_ ~.; t.. '_ ,.' " '- .'. "_,' .,. . ~.,' '- - The equipment and personnel of the responding party will be released from service and returned to . their jurisdiction by the Incident Commander as soon as conditions warrant. D. Pre-Emergency Planning/Run Cards The Chief officers of the parties may, from time to time, mutually establish pre-emergency plans which shall indicate the types and locations of potential problem areas where emergency assistance may be needed and the types of equipment that should be dispatched under various possible circumstances. Such plans shall take into consideration and ensure proper protection by the responding party of its own geographical area. E. Employees Neither party's employees shall be deemed to be employees of the other party in any manner whatsoever. F. Compensation Each party agrees that it will not seek compensation for services rendered under this Agreement from the other party. G. Hold Harmless . In rendering assistance under this Agreement, each party agrees to protect, defend and hold harmless the other party from and against all liability, claims, damages, losses, expenses, including attorney fees occurring, arising or resulting from the parties rendering of such assistance; provided that nothing in this Agreement shall prohibit any party to this Agreement from seeking damages from any individual or entity which may have been responsible for the emergency conditions for which automatic aid was initiated. H. Insurance Each party agrees to maintain adequate automobile insurance and General Liability insurance coverage for its own equipment and personnel. Limits of such coverage shall be no less than $1 million combined single limit per occurrence. I. Training In order to assure safety during joint operations, a joint training exercise will be planned and conducted at least twice annually to facilitate the cross-training of personnel. . J. Modifications Page 3 of 4 J--0 It is recognized that the emergency response characteristics of both jurisdictions are subject to continual change. As changes occur, it may be necessary to modify this Agreement. Modifications can be made at any time; provided that such modifications shall be submitted to the Chiefs and governing bodies of the City and District for approval prior to inclusion. . K. Duration The duration of this Agreement shall be for one year. However, the Agreement shall be automatically continued from year to year unless terminated as provided below. L. Termination Either party can terminate this Agreement by providing a letter of intent to terminate with not less than 30 days notice prior to the termination date. Said letter shall be sent to the Chief and governing body of the 'affected jurisdiction. M. Filing As provided by RCW 39.34.010, the Agreement shall be filed with the County Auditor. N. Complete Agreement This agreement is the full and complete understanding of the parties and there are no other . agreements, either verbal or written, which would alter the terms of this document. City of Port Angeles Clallam County Fire District #2 By: By: Karen A. Rogers, Mayor Richard E. Ruud, Chairperson Attest: By: David R. Whitney, Commissioner By: By: Becky Upton, City Clerk Thomas D. Martin, Commissioner Approved as to form: '- Attest: William Bloor, City Attorney M. Joan Noal, District Secretary . J~{O Page 4 of 4 ..., ~ ?;~ ; ~ in :: S;;l ~~. 1:;;' ~~ 5 [~~. := ~ 5 ~ t:..- ~~~: ~. ~ ~ ~ Qt:.. s. ~ c ::.<Q.,~ ;"d=5 ;~2. l'l;l ~ e. s.~ t) l't,~it' ~ r,., ~ {i'cl-a. g~. ~ ~ ~ i:S ~~ ~. ~:: c' <Q.,~?=l ;t~ Q~ 'i!~ ~ . .y.,. ""4 ',~% <c>" :I \0, j'i '." ~\\Ov;ee"'. fJf'-;.o"\\\\'I. r"ll7ar"~L": MI.AngelesRd. DOss Rd. S, Tarat,.,. WailerRd. f . ~ ! . " ~ ~ . ~ fJ " ~ f . 'f .if N. TarBln ~ I i ~ tD! i 8- ~ I ! '< ! i i....___....J PeeleRd 1_ SoutMageOr. Old MlIIRd n ! 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'11 ... \ o ~ o ~ . ~~ ~ ~. is 0 ~~ " . :; :: - /I ~~ 02:j f:::~ ~ . . . DATE: To: FROM: SUBJECT: WAS H I N G TON, U'. S . A . CITY COUNCIL MEMO February 21, 2007 CITY COUNCIL Glenn A. Cutler, Director of Public Works and Utilities ~ . Francis St. CSO Pre-design Consultant Agreement Amendment, Project 06-01 Summary: In July 2006, the City selected the engineering firm of Brown and Caldwell, Inc. (B & C) to complete the pre-design of several Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) projects. After an evaluation of alternatives for routing wastewater from Francis St. Park to the Wastewater Treatment Plant was completed, several other routes were identified in consultation with City staff. Additional design effort is needed to complete the pre-design work for the preferred alternative before detailed design can begin. Recommendation:' Authorize the Mayor to sign Amendment No.1 to the Agreement with Brown and Caldwell, Inc. for pre-design of the first three of the CSO projects, increasing the maximum compensation amount under the agreement by $86,000, from $339,000 to $425,000.00. . _ . . Background/Analysis: In April of2004 the Washington Department of Ecology issued an administrative order requiring the City to reduce CSO discharges by 2015 to no more than one event, on average, per year at each CSO outfall. In response, the City developed a CSO plan and incorporated it into the General Sewer Plan to address scope, costs, funding and timing of the required projects. This resulted in Ecology approval of an updated CSO Reduction Facilities Plan/General Sewer Plan, dated June 2006, and the signing of Agreed Order 3853 in October 2006. B & C was selected to provide professional services for the CSO proj ects. The original, negotiated agreement consisted of the City's standard consultant agreement with attachments defining a scope of work and budget for each task (see Tasks 1-7 below). The initial agreement and scope of work covered the pre-design of the first three CSO projects only: . Fr~cis Street Sewer Main (CSO 10) , · Forte Mains from Pump Station 4 . Railroad Avenue Sewer Main The pre-design effort was needed to evaluate different route possibilities for the Francis Street sewer line as well as to analyze where cost savings may be obtained for the group ofprojects using joint permitting, etc. On November 1, 2006, four alternative configurations were presented to the City. Based on the presentation, the City requested that three additional alternatives be evaluated to minimize the impact of construction for that portion of the work across Rayonier property. This work has been completed and was not in the original scope of work, but was ac'complished within the budget of the original agreement. N:\CCOUNCIL\FINAL\Francis St cso Predesign Amendment No1.doc M -1 February 21,2007 City Council Re: Francis St. CSO Pre-design Consultant Agreement Amendment Page 2 The agreement with B & C needs to be amended to provide adequate funding now to complete the . evaluation of the preferred alternative (Alternative 7 - see attached drawing). The amendment will cover revision of the scope of work to account for the evaluation oLthe three additional alternatives (Task 8) and added Tasks 9 and 10 for work needed to complete the pre-design effort. These tasks, along with the original tasks, are itemized below: Task 1 - Proiect Management Coordinate, monitor, and control the project resources to meet the technical, communication, and contractual obligations required for developing and implementing the preferred alternative. Task 2 - Industrial Waterline (IWL) Condition Assessment and Base Mapping Determine the suitability of the IWL for pulling the Pump Station 4 force mains or otherwise used as a conduit for the pipe(s) to be installed as part of the CSO Plan, and to a~senible project base maps from City GIS mapping for the three alternativ~ alignment corridors. Task 3 - Preliminary Cultural Resources Assessment Determine the likelihood of encountering cultural resources, consult with the Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe, and to develop a plan for identifying and protecting cultural resources during the design phase. Task 4 - Preliminary Geotechnical Engineering Determine the soil characteristics and ground conditions along pipelines alignments and how those characteristics and conditions will influence construction, focusing on assessing conditions for application of trenchless construction methods. Task 5 "' Environmental Characterization and Permit Identification ..:. ' Identify environmental issues that may require specific consideration:.in the design and construction phases, including the development of a list of anticipated permits based on the evaluated route alternatives. . Task 6 - Proiect Alternatives Development and Evaluation Develop alternatives in sufficient detail, based on further flow analysis, to make a comparative selection. Conduct a process rv alue EngineeringlBusiness Case Evaluation), involving key City staff and decision makers for selection of the most cost effective and efficient project for meeting CSO control objectives. ' Task 7 - Engineering Report , Document the evaluation of alternatives and selection of a project to advance into detailed design. Identify the basis for design, implementation ~equirements and issues, the schedule for design, bidding, and construction, including the estimated cost of construction. I / Task 8'': Evaluate Three Additional Alternatives Based on discussions at the meetings held at the City on November 1 and 30 (as described in Task 6 above), develop additional alternatives. Present alternatives to joint UAC/City Council meeting. Task 9 - Plant Flow Management System Refinement Refme the flow management concept for handling all of the increased wastewater flows to the WWTP. ;',1' . -'j' . N:\CCOUNCIL\FINAL\Francis St CSO Predesign Amendment Nol.doc M - 2 February 21, 2007 City Council Re: Francis St. CSO Pre-design consultant Agreement Amendment Page 3 . Task 10 - Additional Cultural Resources and Geotechnical Work Provide specific archaeological/geotechnical services associated with Alternative 7. The information developed through Tasks 8-10 will be incorporated into a revised engineering report that will be used as a basis for negotiating a detailed design task with B & C, ~s well as approaching the Department of Ecology with changes to the CSO project delivery schedule. The following is a breakdown of the costs associated with each Task, and the total contract amount spent to date: . TASK ORIGINAL . AMENDED CONTRACT CONTRACT 1. Project Management . $16,QOO $19,011 2. Industrial Waterline (IWL) Condition Assessment and ~ Base Mapping $36,600 $36,600 3. Preliminary Cultural Resources Assessment $7,000 , $7,000 4. Preliminary Geotechnical Engineering $66,100 $66,100 5. EnvironmentaLCharacterization and Permit Identification $22,800 $22,800 6. Project Alternatives Development and Evaluation $167,190 $167,100 7. Engineering-Report $22,300 $22,300 8. Evaluate Three Additional Alternatives . "." . ,., . ..... . .. - $16,735 -. . ~', -. 9. PlantF10w Management System Refmement .' .' ':"- $59,092 - 10. Additional Cultural Resources and Geotechnical Work - $8,025 Total $338,800 $424,763 Total of payments made to Consultant to date = $293,718.28 Funds for this work are available from a low iI;1terest design lo~m secured from the Public Works Trust Fund, to be repaid by Wastewater Utility rates. This design loan is in the process of being rolled into a construction loan, where the scope of the design work will be modified to reflect this additional work and the subsequent detailed design work. . The Utility Advisory Committee, at its Febru'\fY 13 meeting, forwarded a favorable recommendation to City Co~cil to authorize the Mayor to sign Amendment No.1 to the Agreement with B & C for pre-design/of the first three of the CSO projects, increasing the maximum compensation amount undertoe agreement by $86,000, fro~ $339,000 to $425,000.00. Attachmept: Drawing of Alternative 7 . N:\CCOUNCIL\FINAL\Francis.St CSO Predesign Amendment Nol.doc M -3 lWI..b..,,,,,,...,.IO....UIlJ.IIJII.tlw.... ~~~D~~~:t"',:,:;~m;'~ / M -4 -=,"~-,!-)1, _ c,..:..- ~ .....,...~ .. . ~....-; -~ - .. ":"t"'r,rt> - .....~..-!'ft'j~ . . (~i-. '-= ~- """ liWUr.n.,.,.~n)l' ~c..."NA.lI'J6J \~ 500 Feet . Len"" WNater Treatment Plant . ennis Creek Project 06-01 - Gravity MoIn _ PrC.:I5UrC Moln . . . . WAS H I N G TON, U'. S . A . CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: February 21,2007 To: CITY COUNCIL FROM: Glenn A. Cutler, Director of Public Works and Utilities ~ SUBJECT: Equipment Purchase: Medium Duty Chassis Cabs Summary: Bids were solicited for two new medium duty chassis cab trucks from the local and out of town automobile dealerships, as well as using comparative pricing from the State bidding contracts. Bids opened on February 13,2007 were from Port Angeles Ford and Sound Ford in Renton. After considering the tax revenue from local businesses, Port Angeles Ford had the lowest pricing for each of the vehicles that were bid. Recommendation: Authorize the City Manager to sign the contract and purchase orders for the Medium Duty Chassis Cabs for the bid amounts with Port Angeles Ford for schedules A and B. Background/Analysis: Two new medium duty chassis cab vehicles were approved in the 2007 budget. The budgeted vehicles include a crew truck to support the Street'Division replacing two vehicles, a 16-year-old utility support vehicle and a 15-year-old one-ton dump truck. The other vehicle will be for fire and rescue purposes to support the Fire Department; it will also be replacing two vehicles, a 19-year-old box truck and a 12-year-old utility van. Bids were received on February 13, 2007 from Port Angeles Ford and Sound Ford. Whenever the City is required to make purchases from the lowest bidder or from the supplier offering the lowest price for the items desired to be purchased, the City may, at its option per RCW 39.30.040 when awarding a purchase contract; take into consideration tax revenue it would receive from purchasing the supplies, materials, or equipment .from a supplier located within its boundaries. If so, the City must award the purchase contract to the lowest bidder after such tax revenue has been considered. For vehicles, the tax rate applied is base~ on the dealer's location. After consiqering local sales taxes, Port Angefes Ford bid the lowest cost for each of the scheduled vehicles in/comparison to Sound Ford and the State bid contract. Funding sufficient for this procurement has been identified in the 2007 budget, and the additional funds are. available from the Equipment Services fund reserves. The bidding results are summarized in the following table. N:\CCOUNCIL\FINAL\Medium Duty Chassis Cab purchase 07 Rev I.doc M - 5 Bids for Medium Dl!ty Chassis Cabs Purchase Contract No. 07-03 A & B (Prices Include Sales Tax and Fees) Vehicle Sound Schedule Type State Bid PA Ford Ford Budget F-450 Bid: $33,685.76 A Crew (Tax advantage) - 309.78 Cab 4x2 $33,816.68 Evaluated: $33,375.98 $33,452.24 $32,000.00 F-550 Bid: $34,129.26 B Standard (Tax advantage) - 313.86 Cab 4x2 $35,141.18 Evaluated: $33,815.40 $34,224.67 $33,000.00 \. '; . - : ...~. .; , 'J:~. , / M -6 . . . . . . ~ORrANGELES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: February 21,2007 To: CITY COUNCIL FROM: Glenn A. Cutler, Director of Public Works & Utilities ~~ SUBJECT: Compact Fluorescent Lamp Markdown Promotion Agreement Summary: Portland Energy Conservation, Inc. has offered an agreement to the City to participate in the "Change a Light, Change the World" compact fluorescent lamp (CFL) markdown promotion. All City expenses under the agreement are eligible for reimbursement under the Bonneville Power Administration's Conservation Rate Credit program. Recommendation: Authorize the Public Works and Utilities Director to sign a CFL Markdown Promotion Agreement. '-' .... '~ .. ..,. . ~. '.- .., " ..;, . Background/Analysis: The "Change a Light, Change the "World'-, Cptnpact Fluorescent Lamp (CFL) Markdown Promotion Agreement was recently offered to.the"t:ity by Portland Energy Conservation, Inc. The proposed agreement is in connection with a region-wide promotion by the Bonneville Power Administration. The term of the proposed agreement is six months and is anticipated to result in City payment of up to $15,000 to Portland Energy Conservation, Inc. City payments to Portland Energy Conservation, Inc. will be used to markdown prices at local retailers, which will ultimately reduce the cost of compact fluorescent lamps purchased, by Port Angeles electric utility customers. All City expenses under the proposed agreement are eligible for reimbursement under the Bonneville Power Administration's Conservation Rate Credit program. ' The City Attorney has reviewed the proposed agreement. On February) 3, 2007, the Utility Advisory Committee forwarded a favorable recommendation to City Coun,cil to authorize the Public Works and lJtilities Director to sign the Compact Fluorescent Lamp Ma:rkdown Promotion Agreement. N:\CCOUNCIL\FINAL\CFL Markdown Promotion Agreement Rev I.doc M -7 ~ .:~. .~ " ".. . ....:t'=:'. , / M - 8 . . . . . . DATE: To: FROM: SUBJECT: WAS H I N G TON, U". S . A . CITY COUNCIL MEMO February 21,2007 CITY COUNCIL Glenn A. Cutler, Director of Public Works and Utilities ~ Easements for Eastern Urban Growth Area (EUGA) Sewer System Summary: In order to minimize construction costs, easements from two property owners were needed to allow construction of several portions of the sewer system on private property. Recommendation: Approve and authorize the City Manager to sign the easements and associated documents for the EUGA Sewer Project. Background/Analysis: The City and Clallam County signed an agreement for coordinating the construction, administration, and operation of the sewer system for the Port Angeles Eastern Urban Growth Area. The City will own and operate the system and the Co.unty will fund the construction. There are two easements that are needed to allow constructiofrof several, portions of the sewer system on private property. ' Location Les Schwab Tire Store Former Kmart Pro e Purpose Compensation Run pressure sewer around east and north sides of property 1. One equivalent residential unit sewer connection (physical cost of connection and system development fees) 2. Physical decommission of existing se ta e s stem $1.00 and "valuab~e considerations" I Lift Station No. 13 , The Utility,Advisory Committee, at its February 13 meeting, forwarded a favorable recommendation to City Council to approve and authorize the City Manager to sign the two easements. Attachment: Easement Site Maps N:\CCOUNCIL\FINAL\Easemenls for EUGA Sewer System Rev I.doe M - 9 , / JJIllI...,.,....................1II............. 1lCI=~...&':'.:'.'==::.:.::;;~ ':'!"". :-1 . M -10 . 9"~ ""'.. "'- -HAY!>" .lbtudlolo..u..JW)U11 L\ N 200 Feet . Leg end Project O5-ao _ Gravity Main _ ProSlure Mam e Manhole .... Pun,!, o Par." . . , / lJII,..."".........,..,~.,..,...,..,.. nu~I.~q..C't;p.1'wl....,.wJwllr__w~ .........._.uu...................,.".....,..,,". ar,. -1'".,,) ...,......'~- . """:';-t M -11 fj. IhtU/DlI_ "/lIlID" H..u.MJDoIIoII-NAl)IJ/fJ , Legend Parcel CJ Waste Water line . - : ..... .~ , , M -12 . . . . WASHINGTON, U.S.A CITY COUNCIL MEMO Date: February 21,2007 To: City Council From: Glenn A. Cutler, Director of Public Works & Utilities~ Senior Center Addition Subject: Summary: In late 2005, Council authorized design of the Senior Center Addition. The 1,792 square foot addition includes expansion of the first floor lounge area and the second floor computer classroom area. The proposed funding for the project is identified from:two sources: remaining funds from the original Senior Center Bond Issue of December 1991, ~d the City's 2007 Capital Facilities Plan. The design is complete and ready to bid. . Recommendation: Authorize the Director of Public Works and Utilities to advertise the Senior Center Addition project with the restroom modification as an additive alternate bid item. Background/Analysis: The patronage at the Senior Center has-continlil~d to increase and space is at a premium. A need exists to increase the facility by an additional t,792 square feet. The additional space will permit expansion of the first floor lounge and the second floor computer classroom. The Senior Center facility was constructed in 1993 utilizing funds authorized by a bond vote on November 5, 1991. There is approximately $336,000 remaining of the bond proceeds. In July 2006, the Council tentatively identified $60,000 in the Governmental Fund Account (GFA) for capital construction. The proposed expansion would utilize the remaining bond funds and the GF A fund set aside. In late 2005, after many discussion meetings, (i.e. Parks Commission, Parks/ Facilities Oversight Committee and Senior Center member focus groups), Council directed staff to begin the design. It is also necessary to create a family restroom by modifying a portion of the men's restroom on the second floor of the building. This remodeling was added to the expansion design task. The design and the construction cost estimates are complete. Attached is a summary of costs and available funding. The Finance Committee discussed the project and it was recommended that Council authorize the project be advertised. It is recommended that the Director of Public Works & Utilities be directed to advertise the Senior Center Addition Project with the restroom modification as an additive alternate bid item. . Attachment: Summary of Costs and Funding '.' , M -13 February 21,2007 City Council Re: Senior Center Addition Page 2 SUMMARY OF COSTS AND F~ING FInancial Consideration: 1. Expansion Proiect (Restroom Remodeling not included): Construction cost estimate. $374,000 Construction management fee 22,000 Permits 5,500 Total estimated expansion cost $401,500 Funding available 1991 Bond balance 2007 CFP $336,000 60,000 $396,000 Estimated shortage ($5,500) (Note: This estimated shortage is within range of the construction cost estimate, which includes a 5% contingency) I 2. Expansion Proiect (with Restroom Remodeling including): Estimated expansion cost $401,500 Estimated restroom remodeling cost 12.500 Total estimated construction cost $414,000 __ . ...~. '. Funding available Estimated shortage $396,000 ($18,000) I , N:\CCOUNC'J I ,\fll',:\ I'\S(:!li(lf (:en!<::r /\d,lili(lll !{<::v till)<:: M - 14 2 . . . . . . WAS H I N G TON, U'. S . A . CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: February 21,2007 To: CITY COUNCIL Glenn A. Cutler, Director of Public Works and Utilities J>.fAe..", FROM: SUBJECT: NPDES Phase II Stormwater Permit Requirements Summary: The City has been included in the Western Washington Phase II MunicipalStormwater permit (Permit). The Permit was issued January 17, 2006 and became effective February 16, 2007. The Permit contains numerous requirements for implementation. Additional staff will be required to meet the permit needs. At this time, one additional engineer is required to evaluate the impacts and changes required to comply with the permit. The position was not included in the current budget. due to the uncertainty of the City's inclusion in the permit. ' I Recommendation: Authorize the addition of one engineering position in Public Works and Utilities De artment, to be funded e uail b the Stormwater and Wastewater Utilities. Background/Analysis: The City of Port Angeles has been included in the Western Washington Phase II Municipal Stormwater permit (permit). The Permit became effe,ctive February 16,2007. The City opposed inclusion in the Permit. Attached is material prepated'by Foster Pepper PLLC as a background on the Permit's impacts. As supported by the City Council, the City is appealing some of the Permit requirements along with other cities included in Phase II. In addition, the City will be petitioning the Department of Ecology (DOE) to include the surrounding watershed areas. The City is required to submit a Notice of Intent (NOl) for coverage under the Permit by March 16, 2007. The NOI requires compliance with the Permit requirements for coverage. The filing of the appeal and petition does not suspend our need to comply with the Permit's requirements during the appeal process. Unless the City is removed from the Permit, the requirements are modified, or other legislative relief is forthcoming, additional staffmg will be required early this yeat. At a minimum, one additional Civil Engineer position will be needed to review what effort will be required for the Stormwater,Management Plan, review and revise our current ordinances, standards, procedures (Office and Field), develop schedules to meet the permit requirements, review funding requirements, and work with the development community and residents to implement the permit requirements. In that the proposed position will be working with Combined Sewer Overflows and Stormwater, it is proposed to fund the position equally from the Stormwater and Wastewater Utilities. . The full impact of the staffmg and funding needs for the permit will not be known until a more complete evaluation ofthe entire DOE requirements is performed. The City will also have to review the Stormwater Utility funding rates later this spring and adjust them to meet the new permit staffing requirements and construction cost inflation. N:\CCOUNCIL\FINAL\NPDES II Stormwater Added Staffing Rev I.doc M -15 February 21, 2007 City Council Re: Additional Engineering Staff for Stormwater Phase II Page 2 Both the Finance and Utility Advisory Committees support the need for a new engineering position in Public Works and Utilities Department to meet the Permit requirements. It is r~commended that City Council authorize the addition of a new engineering position to be funded equally by the Stormwater and Wastewater Utilities. . Attachment: Background material prepared by Foster Pepper PLLC 'z .~ I , M -16 . . . [ITL1.9/2007~ GC!..ry.J<~~worthY - TEXT.htm --~ ~--=- -~: ~ -=-= ~::.: :,~---- P?9~11l . On January 17, 2007, the Washington state Department of Ecology issued the Phase II municipal stormwater permIts for Eastern and Western Washington. The permits, fact sheets and response to comments are available on Ecoloov's website . ' The permits require, among other things, that municipalities develop a Stormwater Management Program that includes: . . Publlc EducaUon and Outreach · Publlc Involvement and Participation . illicIt Discharge, DetectIon, and Elimination · Controlling Runofffrom New Development and Redevelopment. · Construction Site Runoff Control ; "". .~ · Pollution Prevention/Operation and MaIntenance for Municipal Operations.." The following provisions of the permit are particularly important: · Water Quality Standards (Special Condition 54): The permit requires compliance with wa,ter quality standards. (Special Condition S4). Because munIcipalities do not have complete control over substances that enter storm drains, this requirement unfairly exposes municipalitIes to liability. Ecology added to the final permit a series of required responses to violations of water quality standards, but did not Include language stating that compliance with these response actions constitutes compllanca with water quality standards. In the Response to Comments, Ecology states that it will exercise discretIon in bringing) enforcement actions for violations of water quality standards, but this does not eliminate municipal exposure' to third party lawsuits. (Response to Comments, page 62). i · illicit plscharge Detection and ElImination (Special CondItion S5C.3): This condition contains extensive requirements that may be difficult to comply with. · Controlling Runoff from Development, Redevelopment, and Construction Sites (Special Condition . M -17 [O!I~Q71 ~aij-':'~~~Orthy-:'fEXT.htm ~==-~~:~====:~== ~ _:==~:~=~~==~-=--=--=~_ __~:~ =:=~=~~~.?J . 5C.4): The permit requIres the use of Ecology's stormwater management manuals or a demonstration that alternate approach protects water quality, reduces pollutants to the maximum extant practicable, and onstltutes all known, available and reasonable methods of prevention and treatment (AKART). While cology's Response to Comments states that Ecology's stormwater manuals are guidance, the response Iso states, "As part of the permit, compliance with the requirements contained In Appendix 1 [portions of cology's Stormwater Manuals] (or an equivalent approved by Ecology) is a permit requirement. The permit Iso references relevant portions of the stormwater manuals which then become permit requirements." Response to Comments, p. 27). Therefore, the Stormwater Manuals (or an equivalent approach) has been levated to an enforceable standard and must be followed to avoid violating the permit. With regard to ppendlx 1, which contains portions of Ecology's Storm water Manuals, the substantive requirements remain he same as the draft permit, except that Ecology has Included a one.acre threshold. Note that the one-acre hreshold is not available for Jurfsdlctlons with ordinances that currently regulate sites of less than one acre. ppendlx 1 also now authorizes adjustments and exceptlonslvariances, subject to meetlng certain _ . equJrements. The deadline for adopting ordinances and implementing programs to control stormwater from ew development, redeveJopment, and construction sites was extended from 24 months to 30 months from e effective date of the permit. ecause of the extensive requirements contained In the permits, regulated entftles should carefully review e permits as soon as possible to determine compliance capabilities. Appeals of the permit must be flied ilhin 30 days. , . or additional information, contact: Lori Terrv or Kathv Gerla. . . . earn about other important legal bulletins In the Foster Pepper newsroo~.ii.you do n~(~ish to receive e- all announcements from Foster Pepper, please send a message to news(Q1fosler.com> Foster Pepper PLLC .:./ j! , / . .t~}.:~1 f~. :\"....:.:J>!~r:r- t.~. ! M -18 . . . DATE: To: FROM: SUBJECT: WASHINGTON, U.S.A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO Feb 21, 2007 CITY COUNCIL Glenn A. Cutler, Director of Public Works and Utilities ~ DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY (DOE) COORDINATED PREVENTION OFF-SET CYCLE AGREEMENT GRANT # G00700148 Summary: The City applied for DOE Coordinated Prevention Grant (CPG) Off-Set Cycle funds for 2007-2008. This application has been approved by the Department of Ecology for total costs of $32,000. The grant is a 75/25 match, and the local share for the grant is $8,000. The eligible costs are for food waste compo sting ($12,000) and for electronics recycling ($20,000). Recommendation: Accept and authorize the Director of Public Works and Utilities to sign the Coordinated Prevention Grant agreement for total eligible costs of $32,000. Background/Analysis: The City previously received one Coord.ip.ated P!evention Grant (#G0600218), including one amendment, for the 2006-2007 cycle. That grant reimburses the City for waste reduction public outreach, school recycling assemblies; business:.w~:Ste reduction audits, compost education, the Moderate Risk Waste Facility collection and disposal, and the Comprehensive Solid Waste Management Plan Update. This new grant is for the off-set cycle, years 2007-2008. The funds in this grant will be used for two projects: · Food Waste Composting - The goal of this project is to create a demonstration compo sting site for large volumes of food waste. A local' business/institution will operate a tub composter or another appropriate technology. The Waste ReductiQn Specialist and mem1:>ers of the Clallam County Solid Waste Advisory Committee, Waste Reduction Group will assist with logistics, I coordination, and promotion of the program. The business will contribute 25% of the cost of the composter. , · E~ectronics Recycling - The Waste Reduction Specialist will work' with the Waste Reduction Group to sponsor 1-2 electronics collection events for residents of Clallam County. A private contractor will collect electronics on a Saturday in May at a central location. Participants will pay.a fee of $5 per monitor and $8 per television, which will cover the local share (25% match). The Utility Advisory Committee recommended acceptance of this grant at their February 13,2007 meeting. It is recommended that Council accept and authorize the Director of Public Works and Utilities to sign the Coordinated Prevention Grant agreement for total eligible costs of $32,000. N:\CCOUNCIL\FINAL\CPG Gran.t Off-Set Cycle 2007-2008 Rev I.doc M -19 . . . CALL TO ORDER- REGULAR MEETING: ROLL CALL: PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: PRESENTATIONS, CEREMONIAL MATTERS & PROCLAMATIONS: Recognition of Chiefs McKeen & Riepe, United Way Co-Chairs for City Congratulations to Contemporary Issues Class , / Proclamation in Recognition of Fire Department Support Officers CITY COUNCIL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington February 6, 2007 Mayor Rogers called the regular meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at 6:05 p.m. Members Present: Mayor Rogers, Deputy Mayor Williams, Councilmembers Braun, Headrick, Munro, Petersen, and Wharton. Members Absent: None. StafJPresent: Manager Madsen, Attorney Bloor, Clerk Upton, G. Cutler, D. McKeen, T. Riepe, Y. Ziomkowski, N. West, S. Roberds, S. Johns, T. Pierce, and p.~ Bartholick. Public Present: D. G. Michelson, G. Douglas, R Curry, P. Lamoureux, C. Millar, B. Kuh, J. Dedman, C. Kidd, P. Toth, T. Jennings, C. Lucero, K. Keehner, W. Ostrand, T. & R Lipman, and R Stone. All others present in the audience failed to sign the roster. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Deputy Mayor Williams. Mayor Ro gers issued a reminder of the passing}~;f former. Copncilmember Jack Pittis one year ago. She asked all those present to join her inam~~ent of silence in his honor. 1. Recognition of Chiefs McKeen &Riepe, United Way Co-Chairsfor City: Mayor Rogers recognized Police Chief Riepe and Fire Chief McKeen for their efforts in co-chairing the City's United Way fundraising. The City was recently recognized at the United Way dinner for the employees' donations. At this time, Mayor Rogers announced she will be the Chair for the 2007 United Way campaign. 2. Congratulations to Contemporary Issues Class: Mayor Rogers extended congratulations to the students of the Contemporary Issues class who, had just completed a project on the creation of marketing and business plans for innovative busip.ess ventures. Many of the projects have been placed on display in the lobby. 3. Proclamation in Recognition of Fire Department Support Officers: Mayor Rogers, who wasj oined by Chief McKeen, read a proclamation recognizing Fire Department Support Officers Jerry Dean, Glen Douglas, David R Moffitt, and Vincent D. Murray. Unable to attend were Michael G. Carr and Barbara Wilson.. Chief McKeen provided background information on the Support Officers Program. - 1 - N -1 CITY COUNCIL MEETING February 6, 2007 Annual Report from Chamber of Commerce WORK SESSION: LATE ITEMS TO BE PLACED ON TillS OR FUTURE AGENDAS & PUBLIC COMMENT: CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: Break PUBLIC HEARINGS - OTHER: Lipman Street'Vacation 4. Annual Report from Chamber of Commerce: Rhonda Curry, Chamber of Commerce President, made introductory remarks to the Council, expressing the hope that the Chamber will have a collaborative relationship with the community this coming year as it serves as a conduit with the community partners. . Russ Veenema, Executive Director, presented the Annual Report, distributing a packet of information to the Council that introduced the new Chamber logo, provided an overview of the 2007 Budget, and summarized tasks, action items, and areas in which the Chamber plans to be pro-active in 2007. Mr. Veenema reviewed the statistical report on room tax collections that reflected a record year for 2006, and he summarized sales tax collections, occupancies, and.the door count at the Visitor Center. He noted that occupancies were impacted by gas prices, but favorable weather in the third quarter proved helpful. Mr. Veenema discussed the 2007 Media Plan and scheduled events, and he noted concerns for 2007 related to the passport issue and weather impacts on access to Olympic National Park. He also presented the 2007 Vacation Planner, which included a value added program with coupons. The Council expressed-appreciation for the report. None. There were no late items added to the agenda. David Michelson, a resident on 3,d Avenue in the County, addressed Skate Park improvements under consideration, urging the Council to not proceed with improvements based on the amount of damage done by the skateboarders in town. He felt the skateboarders should raise funds to pay for the Skate Park, and he expressed concern with the fact that skateboarders are still using sidewalks and damaging City . property. Mayor Rogers, Chief Riepe, and Port Angeles Downtown Association President Thompson noted the tremendous improv,einent in the downtown area since the addition of the Skate Park. Mayor R()gers ~d'nirector Cutler then responded to Mr. Michelson's inquiry related to the ~ewe!. extension and combined sewer overflows. Paul Lamoureux, 602 Whidby, a City resident, reiterated previous statements expressing concern with cost overruns on City projects. Mayor Rogers issued a reminder of the upcoming Home Show; Councilmembers will be participating in the City's booth. Mayor Rogers recessed the meeting for a break at 7:00 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 7:16 p.m. 1. Lipman Street Vacation: Planning Manager Roberds summarized the request to vacate a portion of Vine Street, situated between the Lopez/Whidby and Lopez/areas alleys. She indicated that street vacations are typically requested because they involve encroachments in rights-of-way and because the abutting owners wish to acquire the property: However, Ms. Roberds noted that this vacation is unusual, as it involves a right-of-way that, while never developed, has served as a well traveled public thoroughfare since prior to annexation to the City in 1965. Planning Manager Roberds indicated that, although staffreviewed the request and agreed it would be in the public interest, further review has resulted in questions raised as to whether approval would be in the public interest. She felt that further review is warranted and that there is no pressing need for immediate action. The vacation would result in the closure of a popular secondary route in and out ofthe subject neighborhood, so staffis recommending that further consideration be given to . - 2- N-2 . . . PUBLIC HEARINGS - OTHER: (Cont'd) Lipman Street Vacation (Cont'd) \ , / CITY COUNCIL MEETING February 6, 2007 measures necessary to address the neighborhood's safety concerns as 'to the unimproved roadway. She continued that one of the two petitioners, the Stones, do have an encroachment issue that can be addressed, by a minor vacation of a portion of the remaining 40' right-of-way while leaving at least a 26' travel surface. She felt that the vacation of this small portion of right-of-way would be in line with the longstanding precedent apparent in past street vacation actions. The other petitioners, the Lipmans, do not have an encroachment. Planning Manager Roberds reported that the Planning CoIIi!11ission. forwarded a recommendation to vacate the right-of-way pursuant to staffs recommendation at the time; whi<;:h was based on past actions that allowed the vacation of unopened rights~of- way in previous vacations in the Vine Street corridor. The subject right-of-way is opened and, from all accounts, has served a public purpose for many years. It also contains major utility lines. Ms. Roberds advised the Council that, at this time, staffs recommendation is to allow the clearing oftitle to the Stone property with a reasonable side yard setback and to refer the matter for further consideration of closure of the traveled corridor to the committee and staff. With the use of PowerPoint slides, Planning Manager Roberds showed the area in question, as well as its. relationship to the Housing Authority's construction project. Mayor Rogers opened the public hearing at 7:29 p.m. Patricia Toth, 437 Lopez Avenue, indicated she is married to Randy Stone, and they are petitioning with the Lipmans to vacate a portion of Vine Street. Ms. Toth provided a letter to the Council stating their position, and she indicated the people in the neighborhood have concerns with the safety of what they term to be a dirt lane that serves as a convenient shortcut for people in the area. Ms. Toth was not sure it would be in the public interest for continued use by the high school students, particularly because one neighbor has young ones playing in a nearby yard. Further, the right-of- way has never been maintained by the City, who has shown no interest init as a thoroughfare. Ms. Toth was only made aware'tllat the staff recommendation had. changed this past Friday. She indicate4-they~er6,pnhappy with the compensation amount, so she researched the compen~ation on other vacated prbperties on Vine Street, learning they were statutorily vacated with one petitioner paying $1. She bro~ght this to the attention of the Planning Department, and the matter was further delayed so it could be referred back to the Real Estate Committee. She urged the Councilto make a decision, since land is being cleared for the Housing Authority project, and it wouldn't make sense to not make a decision this evening. The right-of-way is not needed as an access route for the Housing Authority development. Ms. Toth added that they have agreed to a utility easement and a 20' setback for the side yard. She felt approval of the vacation is the right thingto do. Jerry Dedman, 517 Lopez, a resident for 14 years, agreed witl1 Mrs. Stone in that the street is a definite hazard, is not maitJ.tained, has potholes, and has a large drop-off on to Vine Street from Lopez. He indicated the City does not maintain the street, and high school students use it during lunch time and after school. He felt it to be a travesty to charge people for a'vacated street when there has been no previous compensation.. Mr. Dedman indicated the alleys would take care of the entrance and exit for those living in thenew housing proj ect. He note4 there is a regular dust storm created by the traffic, and he urged the Council to look to the benefit of citizt:lls living in the area by closing the street. Chris Millar, 1226 Craig Avenue, informed the Council that he lives above the College and walks down and cuts through the Housing Authority area. He shared commentaries about almost being hit by cars, noting that speed is a factor. He indicated the area is sloppy, dusty, and dangerous. He supported approval of the vacation and then entered into discourse with the Council as to whether the area he identified was, in fact, the area under consideration for vacation. Upon receiving clarification, he indicated the area - 3 - N-3 CITY COUNCIL MEETING February 6, 2007 PUBLIC HEARINGS - OTHER: (Cont'd) Lipman Street Vacation (Cont'd) J / in question should be vacated. Cathy Lucero, 509 E. Whidby, shared her observation that traffic on this portion of . Vine Street represents more than just high' school students. She felt the safety issue arises because the roadway hasn't been maintained, and it would clearly be a road ifit were to be developed. Ms. Lucero pointed to the available map, showing where alleys would have to be used for ingress and egress by the re~idents, with an increase in congestion because of the Housing Authority development. She felt that the area under consideration is one of the few access routes north and south; and she spoke in support of staff's recommendation, as there was no reason for the Lipman vacation. Ms. Luce.ro acknowledged that the Stone's are encroaching on the right-of-way. Katie Keehner, 433 Lopez, has resided.in the neighborhood for 3 years. Also speaking on behalf of a person living next door to the Lipman residence, she agreed with Ms. Toth that the street should be closed for safety reasons. With children playing in the area and residents walking on Vine Street, one cannot meet an approaching car without stepping into someone's yard. She added that, during school, there is a tremendous amount of traffic. Ms. Keehner felt that if the City feels it should re!!).ain as a street, then it should be fixed. An increased population in the area will result in more traffic and a bigger safety issue. Ms. Keehner did not agree that this is a popular secondary route. Randy Stone, indicated he was speaking on behalf of Winnie, Ostrand, who lives two houses west. Ms. Ostrand has been a resident in the area since the 1940's, and Vine Street has been a dirt road for 50 years. She would like to have it closed, as her house is filled with dust. The Housing Authority understands they must use the alleys for access to their garages and, if the closures do happen, then people will stop using the road, and there will be less traffic. Tina Lipman, 438 Lopez, one of the petitioners, shared pictures with the Council, . showing Vine Street as it presently <;~sts. She,~s~ibuted and read a letter to the Council, speaking in support of the vacation whi~h"is,~ifferent than what was approved by the Planning Commission. . She felt it oDvious' that this area was meant to be vacated, similar to other portions that were previously vacated.; Ms. Lipman felt it unfair to the neighborhood residents who are seeking safety. Katie Keehner returned to the podium indicating that, if Vine Street is vacated before or after the construction, the Council could still vote tonight and let the trucks through for construction. However, Manager Madsen interjected that, once the area is vacated, then the control of the property would revert to those property owners - the City would have no control. Tina Lipman returned to th~ podium and informed the Council that the Housing Authority had not expressed any concerns with the proposed vacation. They did, however, ask that the right-of-way' not be blodked until after construction. Both petitioners had agreed not to block access during construction; it would only be blocked after construction. Cathy Lucero returned to the podium and informe'd the Council that the right-of-way is large enough that cars can pass each other. On the matter of safety, she inquired as to how emergency response could access the area. She felt the petitioners were exaggerating the situation. There being no further testimony, Mayor Rogers closed the public hearing at 8 :24 p.m., and the Council began deliberations. Lengthy discussion ensued, with. the Councilmembers expressing their individual opinions on the proposed vacation. . Consideration was given to the history of the area before annexation, the length of time the right-of-way has been used for vehicular traffic, whether roadway improvements - 4- N-4 .1. t,' " r\' "'," , -, l"', . . . PUBLIC HEARINGS - OTHER: (Cont'd) Lipman Street Vacation (Cont'd) Break Municipal Code Amendments - Title 17 Ordinance No. 3272 / / CITY COUNCIL ,MEETING February 6, 20.0.7 would be appropriate, whether a vacation would be in the public interest, and whether priority should be given to keeping streets connected. . Deputy Mayor Williams moved to vacate Vine Street between the OrcaslLopez alley and the. Orcas/Whidby alley at no compensation imd to reserve the utility corridors. ' The motion was seconded by Councilmember Petersen. Fire Chief McKeen responded to an inquiry from thy Council as to access for emergency vehicles, and Planning Manager Roberds reiterated staff's recommendation, indicating the vacation could be denied without prejudice. Manager Madsen informed the Council that improvements to Vine Street had been included in a past CFP but, beca).lSe it was a lower priority, a proj ect did not move forward. Staff provided further clarification to the Council in that the Planning Commission did not have all of the information at hand. Attorney Bloor responded to an inquiry by explaining this is a legislative matter that could be referred back to staff and/or the Planning Commission for further review. He also provided clarification on what the City is allowed to charge, as well as the legal implications of an 1889 law on statutory vacations. He felt the City has no evidence to say whether this street was vacated or not and, if a vacation were to be advanced, the process would still need to be followed. The Council continued to discuss and debate the issue, and the desire was expressed to take the time necessary to make a sound decision. A vote was taken on the motion, with Mayor Rogers, Deputy Mayor Williams, and Councilmember Petersen voting in favor of the motion, and Councilmembers Headrick, Munro, Braun, and Wharton voting in opposition. The motion, therefore, failed. It was pointed out that this vote is without prejudice, so staff could return at a future date on the proposed vacation. Mayor Rogers recessed the meeting for a break at 9:24 p.m., The meeting reconvened at 9:34 p.m. Deputy Mayor Williams moved to continue the meeting beyond 10:00 p.m. The motion was seconded by Councilmember Munro and carried unanimously. '''',. .. 2. Municipal Code Amendments ~' Title 17: Associate Planner Johns referenced the discussion held at the recent City Coup.cil work session, wherein discussion was held concerning proposed housekeeping amendments to the Zoning Code: The majority of the changes were intended to correct typographical errors and gramrilatical mistakes. Many were brought forward in the interest of accomplishing consistency. Planner Johns provided a synopsis of changes made to Title 17 as an outcome of the Council's work session, to include added flexibility to landscaping, the removal of the dwelling unit definition, and changes to building height.Mn Johns reviewed, other changes that were incorporated, and discussion followed, with suggestions made as to future changes that might be considered to Title 17. At 10:0.3 p.m., Mayor Rogers continued. the publ~c hear.ing.' . fl.- q David Michelson, a resident on 3'd Avenue in the County, posed questions as to building height requirements, all of which were re'sponded to by Manager Madsen. There being no further testimony, the public hearing was closed at 10.:0.7 p.m. Mayor Rogers read the Ordinance by title, entitled ORDINANCE NO. 3272 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, amending a portion of the Zoning Code, Title 17, of the Port Angeles Municipal Code. - 5- N-5 CITY COUNCIL MEETING February 6, 2007 Municipal Code Amendments - Title 17 Ordinance No. 3272 (Cont'd) ORDINANCES NOT REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS: Transfer Station Ordinance Revision Ordinance No. 3273 RESOLUTIONS: Elwha Surface Water Intake Easement with National Park Service Resolution No. 4-07 OTHER CONSIDERATIONS: Solid Waster ~ransfer Station Interlocal Agreement PUBLIC HEARINGS - QUASI-JUDICIAL: Deputy Mayor Williams moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title. The motion was seconded by Councilmember Braun and carried unanimously. . 1. Transfer Station Ordinance Revision: Director Cutler summarized the housekeeping changes incorporated in the Transfer Station Ordinance, after which Mayor Rogers read the Ordinance by title, entitled ORDINANCE NO. 3273 AN ORDINANCE of the City.ofPort Angeles, Washington, revising definitions and rates for the City's solid waste processing facility and amending Chapter 13.57 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code. Councilmember Braun moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title. Councilmember Headrick seconded the motion, which carried u!!-animously. 1. Elwha Surface Water Intake Easement with National Park Service: Director Cutler informed the Council that, as part of the Memorandum of Understanding with the National Park Service (NPS), the City agreed to grant an easement over portions of its properties adjacent to the Elwha River. The easement will allow the National Park Service to construct the Elwha Surface Water Intake (ESWI) facilities, aild operate and maintain the ESWI during the dam removal impact period. Director Cutler, indicating this is the second of three easements,. used PowerPoint slides to show the area of involvement. He added that the terms and conditions of the easement are similar to those for the water treatment plant, but the . City will be required to modify the lease with Fish & Wildlife for the relocation of the facility caretaker. Mayor Rogers rea~=the Resol~tJon by title, entitled -. . RESOLUTION NO: 4~07 A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, authorizing the City Manager to execute an easement with the United States of America, acting by and through the National Park Service, for the Elwha Surface Water Intake and related facilities. Councilmember Wharton moved to pass the Resolution as read by title. The motion was seconded by Councilmember Munro and, following brief discussion, a vote was taken on the motion, which carried unanimously.' 1. Solid Waste Transfer Station InterlocaliAgreement: Director Cutler reviewed the Solid Waste Export and Transfer Station System Interlocal Agreement that was entered into between the City and the County in July of 2004. The City of Sequim recently decided to j'ointhe Interlocal Agreement, and Director Cutler summarized Sequim's desire to maintain flexibility on the term of the agreement, so it can opt out at the end of a five-year period if so desired. Deputy Mayor Williams moved to authorize the City M~nager to sign the revised interlocal agreement that includes the City of Sequim. Councilmember Braun seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. None. . - 6- N..;6 FINANCE: . Equipment Purchase - Light Duty Vehicles Eastern Urban Growth Area Sewer Project . Erickson Park Skate Park Improvements Equipment pui-chase - Aerator & Top Dresser Bids . CONSENT AGENDA: CITY COUNCIL MEETING February 6, 2007 . 1. Equipment Purchase - Light Duty Vehicles: Director Cutler provided information relative to the purchase of four light duty vehicles, noting that approximately $12,060 was saved by the realignment of some equipment. Discussion ensued concerning a vehicle for the archeologist and the use of 4 x 4 vehicles. Councilmember Braun moved to authorize the City Manager to sign the contract and purchase orders for the light duty vehicles with Ruddell Auto Mall for Schedules A, B, C, and D. The motion was seconded by Councilmember Petersen and carried unanimously. 2. Eastern Urban Growth Area Sewer Project: Manager Madsen reported that bids for the Eastern Urban Growth Area Sewer Project came in higher than the engineer's estimate, so there is a need'to amend the Interlocal Agreement. He outlined the major points of the amendment in that the County agrees to pay all construction costs up to $6 million; the City will take action to apply to EUGA residential, industrial, and commercial customers the same rate as that applied to City residential, industrial, and commercial, without a sewer utility~ surcharge; and the County system development charge is increased from $2,600 to $3,000. Following brief discussion, Councilmember Munro moved to approve and authorize the Mayor to sign the amended interlocal agreement. Deputy Mayor Williams seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. . Manager Madsen informed the Council that an award of the contract has been temporarily delayed. Director Cutler indicated that discussions have been held with the Washington Department of Transportation on easements and franchises for the installation of the sewer line. The City had expressed its desire for an open cut, and WSDOT just today indicated its preference for a jack and bore for the utility corridor. Director Cutler indicated that further discussions must be held with WSDOT before a recommendation can be forwarded to the Council. 3. Erickson Park Skate Park Iiriprovements~~: .~ ,r. '. ~_.. . ~. '~~"". Director Cutler provided a summary of fInish work to be completed at the Skate Park, to include the installation of additional fencing, sidewalkS, entrance ramp, topsoil work, and seeding in the area. He indicated this is the second time out forbids, and ~o bid~ were submitted. Councilmember Munro moved to award and authorize the M:ayor to sign the contract with RJ Services, Inc., of Port Angeles, in the amount of $34,606.70, including tax, for the Erickson Park Skate Park Improvements, Project 06-23 and, further, to authorize' an additional Governmental Fund allocation in the amount of$8,000 ($38,000 total) for the project. The motion was seconded by Councilmember Petersen.. Discussion. ensued on the. matter of contingency funds included in the project and the likelihood oficompleting the project without the contingency. Therefore, Councilmember Muiiro.amendedthe motion to exclude additional contingency funds. Councilm(lmber Petersen, as seconder of the motion, agreed to the amendment. A vote was taken on the motion, which carried unanimously. 4. Equipment Purchase - Aerator & Top Dresser Bids: Director Cutler reviewed the proposed purchast;: of an aerator and top dresser for the Parks Maintenance Division. Councilmember Munro moved to authorize the City Manager'to sign a contract and purchase order 'with Western Equipmellt Distributors, Inc., for a ProCore 880 and a 414 Dakota Turf Tender. The motion was seconded by Councilmember Headrick and carried unanimously. The Council was informed that a corrected expenditure approval list had been distributed earlier. Councilmember Braun moved to accept the Consent Agenda, - 7- N-7 .,..:,u .... .. " .~" .... ~ \~..... - ., . .. , . "-. ., .. ~ . ~ >'. . ~" \, .. CITY COUNCIL MEETING February 6, 2007 CONSENT AGENDA: (Cont'd) INFORMATION: EXECUTIVE SESSION: ADJOURNMENT: / to include: 1.) City Council Minutes dated January 16; 2.) City Council Minutes dated January 30,3.) USDA Wildlife Management Agreements; and 4.) a corrected . Expenditure Approval List - 1/6/2007-1/26(2007 - $ 4,136,394.67. The motion was seconded by Councilmember Munro and carried unanimously. The next meeting of the City Council is scheduled for Tuesday, February 20, 2007, during which time an important RTPO meeting has also peen scheduled. In order to allow Council representation at the RTPO meeting, Councilmember Petersen Iiuived to continue the February 20th Council meeting to Wednesday, February 21, 2007. Councilmember Munro seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. Because the 2nd Seder ofPesach falls on Tuesday, April 3, CouncilmeIilber Munro moved to continue the City Council meeting of April 3, 2007, to Wednesday, April 4, 2007. The motion was seconded by Councilmember 'Petersen and carried unanimously. The Council was reminded of those traveling to the A WC Legislative Conference this coming week. None. The meeting was adjourned at 10:58 p.m. Karen A. Rogers, Mayor Becky 1. Upton, City Clerk "", '. ,:1'.1' ! \,J''''''' ! - 8- N-8 . . . . . DATE: To: FROM: SUBJECT: WAS H I N G TON, U-. S . A CITY COUNCIL MEMO February 21,2007 CITY COUNCIL Glenn A. Cutler, Director of Public Works and Utilities J;>v--v Surplus Equipment: LandfIll Summary: Since operations ceased for solid waste collections at the Port Angeles Landfill on December 31, 2006, the dumpster boxes used at the Z-wall to collect refuse are no longer needed. The boxes on the attached list have been depreciated and should be surplused. Recommendation: Declare the equipment on the attached list as surplus, and authorize the Director of Publi~ Works and Utilities to dispose of it in the most efficient manner. Background/Analysis: Since operations ceased for solid waste collections at the Port Angeles Landfill on Dec.ember 31, 2006, the dumpster boxes used at the Z-wall to collect refuse are no longer needed. The Fleet Manager has 'determined that the dumpster boxes on the surplus list are excess and no longer needed to meet City requirements. The.boxes hav~ been fully depreciated and are ready to be auctioned or sold for surplus value. .': . Surplus List 1 EQUIPMENT REASON FOR NUMBER DIVISION YEAR QTY DESCRIPTION SURPLUS NA Solid 1993 6 30 yd dumpster Determined excess Waste box , , / l. N:\CCOUNCIL\FINAL\Surplus dumpster boxes Rev I.doc N-9 : ,.'~ ~.' '. :.:r-1". , / N -10 . . . . . . DATE: To: FROM: SUBJECT: FORTANGELES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. CITY C 0 U N C I LM E M,Q . February 21,2007 CITY COUNCIL SUE ROBERDS, PLANNING MA~ Street Vacation Petition - STY 07-01 First Christian Church - 2606 South Race Street Summary: A petition requesting the.vacation of unopened right-of-way has been received. Per RCW 35.79.010, the City Council shall fix a time when the petition will be heard apd determined by the City Council. , . . . i'-k. Recommendation: Council should adopt the attached resolution setting a public hearing for consideration of the petition for April 3, 2001. . . - ; ~ "," Background / Analysis: A petition to vacate unopened right-of-'Yay has:b~en received by the City, and reviewed by the City's Real Estate <;onunittee. The righi-pf-way is a portion of alley and unopened Bye Street which is located at the northwest comer of the intersection of Race Street and Park Avenue. The property is cwrently occupied and is owned by the First Christian Church. The Church development encroaches upon the unopened alley. The vacation of property would allow redevelopment of the Church site. Council's adoption of the resolution setting a public hearing date will allow the Planning Commission to consider the matter in MClfch,artd forward a recommendation on the matter for Council's April 3, 2007, regular meeting: The resolution, petition, and map is attached for your information. Attachments .,.'. .' 'I I' ,".; \\ L' ,... II T:\FORMS\CityCo~1\cilmemoFirstChristianChurch. wpd ..:. . ~ <.' ...1 N -11 . .{ z. ~~ ... "~:a-~. , I / N -12 . . . ~~ >>.>/ (l,J)).Mw t-l ~ da;tL RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, setting a hearing for April 4, 2007 on a petition to vacate a portion of Bye Avenue and the alley lying within Block 8, Dann's Park Addition, in Port Angeles, Clallam County, Washington. WHEREAS, a petition is on file with the City of Port Angeles to vacate a portion of Bye Avenue and the alley lying within Block 8, Dann's Park Addition to the Townsite of Port Angeles, Washington, legally described as follows: That portion of Bye Avenue abutting Lot 2, Lot 8, Lot 9, and Block A, together with said alley abutting Lots 2 through 9 inclusive, Block 8 of Dann's Park Addition to the Townsite of Port Angeles, Washington, as per plat thereof recorded in Volume 2 of Plats, Page 90, records of Clallam County. WHEREAS, the petition has been signed by the owner of more than two-thirds of the property abutting the right-of-way to be vacated; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles as follows: Section 1. The petition to vacate the above-described City right-of-way shall be heard and determined by the City Council in the Council Chambers, 321 East Fifth Street, at the Council's regular meeting on April 4, 2007, at 6:00 p.m., or as soon thereafter as possible. Section 2. The City Clerk is hereby directed to give at least twenty (20) days notice of the pendency of the petition and the time and place of the hearing in accordance with the provisions ofRCW 35.79.020. PASSED by the City Council ofthe City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said -1- , 1 , ,. \ \ . \ , '. '\ '.:' . " . ; ~ ". . \ . :. ... . J , ..', . \ I Council held on the Attest: day of February, 2007. Becky J. Upton, City Clerk Approved as to Form: William E. Bloor, City Attorney G:\Legal_BackupIORDINANCES&RESOLUTIONS\R2007-03.First Christian STV.021307.wpd (February 15,2007 -2- MAYOR Attachment A . RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, setting a hearing for April 3, 2007 on a petition to vacate a portion of Bye Avenue and the alley lying within Block 8, Dann's Park Addition, in Port Angeles, Clallam County, Washington. WHEREAS, a petition is on file with the City of Port Angeles to Vacate a portion of Bye Avenue and the alley lying within Block 8, Dann's Park Addition to the Townsite of Port Angeles, Washington, legally described as follows: That portion of Bye Avenue abutting Lot 2, Lot 8, Lot 9, arid Block A, together with said alley abutting Lots 2 through 9 inclusive, Block 8 of Dann's Park Addition to the Townsite of Port Angeles, Washington, as , per plat thereof recorded in Volume 2 of Plats, Page 90, records of Clallam County. . WHEREAS, the petition has been signed by the owner of more than two-thirds ofthe property abutting the right-of-way to be vacated; ,- - ..... ". . .". ~.,.. ... NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles as follows: Section 1. The petition to vacate the above-described City right-of-way shall be heard and determined by the City, Council in the Council Chambers, 321 East Fifth Street, at the Council's regular meeting on April 3, 2007, at 6:00 p.m., or as s<;>on thereafter as possible. I Section 2. The City Clerk is ,hereby directed to give at least twenty (20) days notice of ilie pendency of the petition and the time and place of the hearing in accordance with the provisions ofRCW 35.79.020. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting ,of said . -1- N -13 Council held on the day of February, 2007. Attest: Becky J. Upton, City Clerk Approved as to Form: William E. Bloor, City Attorney . G:\Legal_Backup\ORDINANCES&RESOLUTIONS\R2007.03.First Christian STV.021307.wpd (February 15,2007) , I -2- . ~ ", .. MAYOR N -14 . . . . Attachment B CITY OF PORT ANGELES' STREET VACATIONPETITIONq m1fe fCUWfe iDJ . ~OV 07 2006 . TO: The City 'Council of the City of Port Angeles, PVaslzington- CITY OF PORT ANGELES . Dept. of, C,ommunit Development . ,.q. \- "... ._..eomeTIowibe'undE:Tsigned"petitioners'and'purs~antto"Chapter'3~~79 'R resp '" . . A /I e.'1 IAA... o~k- '8 ) 1. The undersigned petitioners request that the following described portiOD. of ~n h~<' 7 d.. rk Street/Alley in the. City of Port Angeles be vacated pursuant to Chapter:5. 79 RCW (legally descR~e the . . property requested for vacation below). c:t II ~ d.. G ~ ( 10 fs 2.. ~L{~ 'f I 6QoJ( ~ J ~ci)~Y\5 p~. . - 2. Each ofllie undersigned petitioners is -the owner of all interest in real estate abutting on the above descnoed area. . ' ' , . b\rt);~~ 3. ~p~ own pr~erty abutting on said area. 4. The names and addresses of property owners abutting an said m-eas are as follows: Name Address J;d C~IW~ a~ f;)0Jefo S1<d~ st-, .- . . . '. . ~ r6vt Avcteles LOt4 . q<63~ ; .to . :1 Z. .~ . . 5. The undersigned petitioners constitUte more than two thirds of the oWners of scrid abuttincr '. . t::> property. . , ~O~ ~l~aers.~thatpr~ceedings be cDn:p:n~ce4:hereDn for the -Vacation Dfsald area ofsmd j)Q,~ ;'l~ l>d rk. Street/~ey-m themarm.eI.p~escnbed ill C~apter 35.79 RCW. Respectfully submitted, Name. .. 1\~ss . ~V'd-/~n~ .!ALoOl.D.f dJ1...e st, .. ~~. .. . . t;Q !' ~~!vt-(,;:i~!~;"tLClt4q~~..... "Q~" . "Of( J~'" .". ... ..... .... ........... .. f . Phone ~ ~;;2983 . . . .. ,~.,'''.' ._"_' ._;~'-""''''T~ _..~,,~_...:..T""""'~".'.'" ~.. ,....~,..-=.. ............. ...-""'-"-,=..... '.A~_..:.u.=r_J...T. ., . ,.... ",J~' ......... ..... '..' -.~ ..... -~.~ \. File No. I' . N ~ 15 r1T"J'T\1 nTlnn"DT /l').Tn:OT'UC' "J'J1 "tln,..t.l:;'.;.ftl, ~h-"u;r." 1) () 'J:l.,.,v 11t;n "D~ ^,,"n..la." 1lTJ. OV-:lt:.'1 I'"JCn", "',,..., A"1rn .'..... : . .~.~- i , N -16 . . . FkS)~ Chr~S)~~aU1 Church S~ree~ Vaca~~oU1 = STV 01=011 e I Attachment C i I __~i '-, , First Christian Church /IQ ~ 0, ro W ~, ro' ro ~ r: ' ,': ~ , / ,- . ~ \ " '" ' \~ ",.? " r;~ \ ~-fJ \~ '::::-Y /.,"'- ,\::,\;; "",\ ?"/ ~ \~ '- " \~ \ ',~, ',~\\ \ '"w \ \~ /! ~ \ , " P<8lr~ Avenue l(8;@(8;lTilrdj II II Proposed Street Vacation Buildings Date: 2/14/2007 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report . From: 1/27/2007 To: 2/9/2007 Vendor -Bescription Account Number Invoice Amount ANIXTER Television EquiplAccess 001-0000-237.00-00 -1,617.12 COLLEGIATE PACIFIC SCOREBOARD COVERS 001-0000-237.00-00 -14.62 DEPARTMENT OF LICENSING Concealed Pistol Licenses 001-0000-229.60-00 288.00 Concealed Pistol Licenses 001-0000-229.60-00 -288.00 GOVCONNECTION, INC Pencom 001-0000-237.00-00 -745.92 Pencom 001-0000-237.00-00 -423.88 Pencom 001-0000-237.00-00 -84.78 Pencom 001-0000-237.00-00 -169.45 Pencom 001-0000-237.00-00, -1,074.20 Pencom 001-0000-237.00-00 -972.58 Pencom 001-0000-237.00-00 -369.90 Pencom 001-0000-237.00-00 -598.19 Pencom 001-0000-237.00-00 -250.12 LYNN PEAVEY COMPANY POLICE EQUIPMENT & SUPPLY 001-0000-237.00-00 -14.07 POLICE EQUIPMENT & SUPPLY 001-0000-237.00-00 -22.34 Lauri Fuller RFD DEP 001-0000-239.10-00 50.00 PEGGY WHITE/NW DINNER THEATER Dining Room Deposit Ref 001-0000-239.93-00 50.00 Serenity House DEP RFD 001-0000-239.10-00 150.00 . MITY-L1TE INC Supplies 001-0000-237.00-00 -87.28 NATIONAL RESTAURANT SUPPLY CO INCCITllENS ACADEMY 3 DOl 001-0000-237.00-00 -8.71 TASER INTERNATIONAL HOLSTER & WARRANTY 001 ~e:iObO-237 .b,o~bo -11.96 WA STATE PATROL Dec Background Checks 001-0000-229.50:.:'00 176.00 Dec Background Checks 001-0000-229.50-00 -176~00 WA STATE PATROL-WAS IS CHRI FBI PRINTS 001-0000-229.50-00 24.00 WASIS FBI PRINTS 001-0000-229.50-00 24.00 WASHINGTON (DOL), STATE OF Concealed Pistol Licenses 001-0000-229.60-00 288.00 Division Total: -$5,879.12 Department Total: -$5,879.12 OLYMPIC PRINTERS INC Business cards sales tax 001-1160-511.31-01 3.01 SAFEWAY INC REFRESHMENTS 001~1160-511.31-01 31.25 Legislative Mayor & Council Division Total: $34.26 Legislative , I;Jepart"!f!nt Tot~/; $34.26 Gary Brooks KEYBOARD MOUSE LABELS 001-1210-513.31-60 79.12 OLYMPIC STATIONE~S INC Supplies 001-1210-513.31-01 -0.05 , 001-1210-513.42-10 QWEST , 1-23 alc 206T302306084B 18.59 City Manager Department City Manager Office Division Total: $97.66 OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC ELECTRIC ST APLER,FOLDERS 001-1220-516.31-01 95.49 QWEST 1-23 alc 206T302306084B 001-1220-516.42-10 18.59 City Manager Department Human Resources ' , Division Total:' $114.08 INTL INST MUNICIPAL CLERKS 2007 IIMC ANNUAL CONF 001-1230-51,4.43-10 740.00 . QWEST 1-23 alc 206T302306084B 001-1230-514.42-10 9.29 WMCA -WA MNCPL CLERKS ASN 2007 WMCA CONF REGISTRA TI 001-1230-514.43-10 425.00 Page 1 N -19 . .... ... Page 2 . . . N - 20 Date: 2/14/2007 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report . To: 2/9/2007 From: 1/27/2007 Vendor XEROX CORPORATION Finance Department Description FINAL LEASE PMT 0107 Reprographics Finance Department Sharp C;opier Lease OFFICE MACHINES & ACCESS Business cards sales tax 1-23 ale 206T302306084B Attorney Office JANUARY COURT COSTS Public Defender Fees Sharp Copier Lease OFFICE MACHINES & ACCESS Business cards sales tax 1-23 ale 206T302306084B Prosecution Attorney Account Number 001-2080-514.45-30 Division Total: Department Total: 001-3010-515.45-30 001-3010-515.45-30 001-3010-515.31-01 001-3010-515.42-10 Division Total: 001-3021-515.50-90, 001-3021-515.41-50 001-3021-515.45-30 001-3021-515.45-30 001-3021-515.31-01 001-3021-515.42-10 Division Total: Department Total: 001-4010-558.31-01 001-4010-558.44-10 001-4010-558.44-10 00 1 ~p-1 0-558.4~-: 10 001 ~401 0-55.8:4~~1 0 DiVision Total: 001 ~4020-524.45-30 001-4020-524.45-30 001-4020-524.43-10 001-4020-524.42-10 001-4020-524.42-10 ,', : Division Total:' Departtp~nt Tot;Jl: Od1-5010-521.42-12 001-5010-521.42-10 001-5010-521.31-01 ' 001-5010-521.42-10 001-5010-521.31-01 001-5010-521.42-10 001-5010-521.42-10 001-5010-521.31-01 001-5010-521.42-10 001-5010-521.42-10 001-5010-521.42-10 001-5010-521.49-01 Division Total: , ".' I ,:" ' '-;) ~.; ,;' . 11.1 Invoice Amount 671.85 $5,651.51 $12,490.22 139.06 105.42 3.00 23.23 $270.71 6,467.64 .2,750.00 139.06 105.42 3.00 9.29 $9,474.41 $9,745.12 218.30 9.20 61.75 46.55 18.59 $354.39 86.59 93.79 50.00' 39.18 59.04 $328.60 $682.99 172.00 35.77 43.36 16.15 112.36 60.00 370.30 26.00 199.02 53.44 32.53 305.00 $1,425.93 GREAT AMERICA LEASING CORP OLYMPIC PRINTERS INC QWEST Attorney CLALLAM CNTY DIST 1 COURT CLALLAM JEFFERSON PUBLIC DFNDR GREAT AMERICA LEASING CORP OLYMPIC PRINTERS INC QWEST Attorney CAPTAIN T'S ShirtslEmbroidery Ordinance #3270 Development app-Hopf Public Hearing Notice 1-23 ale 206T~02306084!3 Planning Sharp Copier Lease OFFICE MACHINES & ACCESS NPBA Dinner Mtg-Roberds 1-15 ale 264214908-00005 1-15 ale 264214908-00005 ," H'T ' , Building Community Dev~/opm.t Dept INet-City Hall 1-24 ale 995527092 SIGNS, SIGN MATERIAL 1-30 ale 0362837-7 , NATIONAL REST AURf\NT SUPPLY CO INC CITIZENS ACADEMY 3 DOZ NEXTEL COMMUNIc'ATIONS 1-26 ale 312753523 ' " PENINSULA DAILY NEWS Law Enforcement Adv PORT ANGELES POLICE DEPARTMENT Refreshments PENINSULA DAILY NEWS . QWEST Community Developmt Dept GREAT AMERICA LEASING CORP PORT ANGELES CITY TREASURER VERIZON WIRELESS Community Deveiopmt Dept CAPACITY PROVISIONING INC CINGULAR WIRELESS-CORPORATE COPY CAT GRAPHICS METROCALL QWEST 1-20 ale 2062200017790B 1-20 ale 206T816598137B 1-23 ale 206T302306084B 1 YEARS DUES CHIEF Administration . WA ASSN OF SHERIFFS & POLICE Pollee Department " III '.,:~ " '.! .1. Page 3 N - 21 Date: 2/14/2007 ....l.' '. . <If:" I' City 'of Port Angeles.,)t I'", IV ; . City Council Expenditure Report . From: 1/27/2007 To: 2/9/2007 Vendor Description Account Number Invoice Amount BLUMENTHAL UNIFORMS & EQUIP CLOTHING & APPAREL 001-5021-521.20-80 92.46 LYNN PEAVEY COMPANY POLICE EQUIPMENT & SUPPLY 001-5021-521.31-01 181.47 Steve Coyle CL THG ALLOW SCOYLE SHOES 001-5021-521.20-80 65.27 NEXTEL COMMUNICATIONS 1-26 ale 312753523 001-5021-521.42-10 101.00 OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL 001-5021-521.35-01 18.70 PORT ANGELES POLICE DEPARTMENT Supplies 001-5021-521.31-01 19.38 Fuel 001-5021-521.43-10 10.00 QUILL CORPORATION OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL 001-5021-521.44-30 193.56 QWEST 1-23 ale 206T302306084B 001-5021-521.42-10. 4.65 Police Department Investigation Division Total: $686.49 AMSAN OLYMPIC SUPPLY HAND TOOLS ,POW&NON POWER 001-5022-521.31-01 -22.02 HAND TOOLS ,POW&NON POWER001-5022-521.31-01 22.02 BAGS,BAGGING,TIES,EROSION 001-5022-521.31-01 44.12 BLUMENTHAL UNIFORMS & EQUIP CLOTHING & APPAREL 001-5022-521.20-80 21.75 CLOTHING & APPAREL 001-5022-521.20-80 352.31 CLOTHING & APPAREL, . 001-5022-521.20-80 366.49 CAPTAIN T'S CLOTHING & APPAREL 001-5022-521.20-80 52.03 EASTERN WASHINGTON HAY & UHAUL ARCO AND KILO FOOD 001-5022-521.49-80 148.46 EVERGREEN COLLISION CENTER Tow vehicle 001-5022-521.49-90 144.17 . Tow vehicle 001-5022-521.49-90 144.18 Tow vehicle 001 ~5b~2-521.4.9~90 144.17 LYNN PEAVEY COMPANY POLICE EQUIPMENT & SUPPLY 001-5022-52~1.31::01 288.24 METROCALL 1-30 ale 0362837-7 001-'5022-521.42-10 16.00 Dan Morse DMORSE TASER 2 TRNG 001-5022-521.43-10 512.72 NEXTEL COMMUNICATIONS 1-26 ale 312753523 001-5022-521.42-10 632.12 OLYMPIC PRINTERS INC Business cards sales tax 001~5022-521.41-50 3.01 PORT ANGELES POLICE DEPARTMENT Stinger Switch 001-5022-521.31-80 13.20 Postage 001-5022-521.42-10 109.00 QUILL CORPORATION OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL 001-5022-521.31-01 127.45 RESULTS GROUP L TD, THE: EXEC ACADEMY JVIADA 001~5022-521.43-10 475.00 RICHMOND 2-WAY RADIO RADIO & TELECOMMUNICATION 001-5022-521.31-14 16.26 SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL 001-5022-521,49-90 . 4.78 OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL 001-5022-521.49-90 1.80 TASER INTERNATIONAL HOLSTER & WARRANTY 001-5022-521.20-80 154.28 WESTERN STATESAOSTAGE NEGOTIATORS CONF & DUES 001-5022-521.43-10 175.00 NEGOTIATORS CONF & DUES D 001-5022-521.43-10 175.00 Pollee Department Patrol ' Division Total: $4,121.54 BLUMENTHAL UNIFORMS & EQUIP Nametag 001-5026-521.35-01 13.55 GALLS INCORPORATED FLAG PIN 001-5026-521.31-11 22.19 TIETAC 001-5026-521.31-11 22.20 OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC OFFICE SUPPLIES,' GENERAL : 001-5026-521.31-11 2.43 . PEN PRINT INC OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL 001-5026-521.35-01 773.33 Page 4 N - 22 . ~ '~'~::~~': :~r' .;_o.Jt Vendor WA STATE CRIMINAL JUSTICE Police Department GREAT AMERICA LEASING CORP OLYMPIC PRINTERS INC PACIFIC OFFICE FURNITURE PEN PRINT INC PORT ANGELES POLICE DEPARTMENT QUILL CORPORATION QWEST Police Department CAPACITY PROVISIONING INC GREAT AMERICA LEASING CORP . OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC QWEST Fire Department QWEST Fire Department BRD FOR VOLUNTEER FIREFIGHTERS P&W Fire Department Coral Wheeler PORT ANGELES CITY TREASURER QWEST Fire Department Coral Wheeler OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC PORT ANGELES CITY TREASURER , / Fire Depart11Jent CINGULAR WIRELESS-CORPORATE . DAILY JOURNAL OF COMMERCE GREAT AMERICA LEASING CORP Date: 2/14/2007 City of Port Angeles City Counc~ Expenditure Report From: 1/27/2007 To: 2/9/2007 Description Account Number 2006 RCW SELECTED TITLES,.. 001-5026-521.43-10 Reserves & Volunteers Sharp Copier Lease OFFICE MACHINES & ACCESS Business eards sales tax DESK FOR CJ OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL Supplies OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL 1-23 ale 206T302306084B Records Police Department INet-Fire Station Sharp Copier Lease OFFICE MACHINES & ACCESS Supplies 1-23 ale 206T302306084B Administration 1-23 ale 206T302306084B Fire Supresslon REMITTANCEVOL FFPENSION Minitor V/Charger Fire Volunteers OFFICE SUPPLIES ,I" CITIZENS ACADEMY Citizen's Aeademy-Wh~eler 1-23 ale 206T302306084B Fire Prevention. CITIZENS ACADEMy.".. Supplies Supplies-Montana Citizen's Aeademy-Wheeielr' t Fire Training Fire Department 1-17 a/e140326463 1-2(;3 ale 9!;l204~600 . . .. . A & E CONSULTANT'S ROSTER Sharp Copier Lease OFFICE MACHINES & ACCESS :1 Division Total: 001-5029-521.45-30 001-5029-521.45-30 001-5029-521.31-01 001-5029-521.31-80 001-5029-521.31-01 001-5029-521.31-01 001-5029-521.31-01 , 001-5029-521.31-01 001-5029-521.31-01 001-5029-521.31-01 001-5029-521.42-10 Division Total: Department Total: 001-601 0-522.42-12 001-6010-522.45-30 001-601 0-522.45-30 001-6010-522.31-01 001-6010-522.4f~10 . l5ivislon. i~t~/: 00 1-6020-522A2~1 0 Division Total: 001-6021-522.49-01 001-6021-522.31-14 Division Total: 001-6030-522.31-01 001-6030-522.31-01 001-6030-522.31-01 001-6030-522.42-10 Division Total: 001-6040-522.~1-01 001-6040-522.31-01 001-6040-522.31-01 001~6040~522.3,1~of . Division Total: Department Total: 001-7010-532.42-10 001-7010-532.42-10 001-7010-532.44-10 001-7010-532.45-30 001-7010-532.45-30 - ;.,'~ ... " Invoice Amount 292.68 $1,126.38 396.38 396.38 3.01 785.36 552.84 1.59 234.08 49.43 -42.30 -8.28 23.23 $2,391.72 $9,752.06 172.00 213.03 230.73 -11.07 23.23 $627.92 13.94 $13.94 1,470.00 4,839.00 $6,309.00 109.87 63.52 44.32 4.65 $222.36 63.53 0.08 14.36 44.33 $122.30 $7,295.52 25.99 3.66 204.75 65.02 70.41 Page 5 N - 23 Vendor APWA 2007 Spring Conference Contract Solutions Group OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC PACIFIC OFFICE FURNITURE PENINSULA DAILY NEWS PORT ANGELES CITY TREASURER QWEST VERIZON WIRELESS WENGLER SURVEYING & MAPPING XEROX CORPORATION Public Works-Gen Fnd ASM SIGNS CAPACITY PROVISIONING INC CINGULAR WIRELESS-CORPORATE Marl Bilsborrow OLYMPIC PRINTERS INC OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC PORT ANGELES CITY TREASURER QWEST RICOH CORPORATION-COPIES Parks & Recreation CAPACITY PROVISIONING INC EXPRESS PERSONNEL SERVICES GREAT AMERICA LEASING CORP MITY-L1TE INC OLYMPIC PRINTERS INC PORT ANGELES CITY TREASURER , , QWEST / Parks & Recreation AM SAN OLYMPIC SUPPLY ASPEN PUBLISHERS INC CAPACITY PROVISIONING INC Ross Edwards Date: 2/14/2007 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 1/27/2007 Description WA CHAPTER SPRING CONF WA CHAPTER SPRING CONF FEB 28TH WEB CONFERENCE TOWELS CENTER DRAWER SMALL WORKS ROSTER Postage 1-23 ale 206T302306084B 1-06 ale 264707060-00001 SUPPLIES JAN/FEB FINAL LEASE PMT Administration Public Works-Gen Fnd MISCELLANEOU~ SERYI~E~. . INet-Fine Arts Center 1-26-a/e 994753890 OFFICE REIMB REC RECEIPT BOOKS OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL Pies/Gavel-Sterling 1-23 ale 206T302306084B 1-23 ale 206T302306084B' JAN 07 COPIES Administration INet-Senior Center Part Time Program Assist Part Time Program Assist Part Time Program Assist Sharp Copier Lease OFFICE MACHINES & ACCESS Supplies Newsletter NEWSLETTER PRINTING Volunteer Trng-BellemEmte 1-14 ale 3604577004947B 1-20 ale 206T217227465B 1-23 ale 206T302306084B Senior Center VINYL GLOVES EMPLOYERS GUIDE INet-Wm Shore Pool BINDE, CAL, ":- !-), . To: 2/9/2007 Account Number 001-7010-532.43-10 001-7010-532.43-10 001-7010-532.43-10 001-7010-532.31-01 001-7010-532.31-01 001-7010-532.44-10 001-7010-532.42-10 001-7010-532.42-10 001-7010-532.42-10 . 001-7010-532.45-30 001-7010-532.45-30 Division Total: Department Total: 001.-8010-574.41-50 001-8010-574.42-12 001-8010-574.42-10 001-8010-574.31-01 001-8010-574.31-01 001-8010-574.31-01 001 ~~~1 0-57 4.~} -.~1 001-8010-574.42-10 "..-1-,,- 001-8010-574.42-10 001-8010-574.49-60 Division Total: 001-8012-555.42-12 001-8012-555.41-50 001-8012-555.41-50 001-8012-555.41-50 001-8012-555.45-30 . . ,- ~ . .-. 001~8012-555.45-30 001-8012-555.31-01 001-8012-555.~1-01 . 001-8012-555.44-10 001-8012-555.43-10 001-8012-555.42-10 001-8012-555.42-10 001-8012-555.42-10 Division Total: 001-8020-576.31-06 001-8020-576.31-01 001-8020-576.42-12 001-8020-576.31-01 Invoice Amount 400.00 400.00 99.00 34.73 60.16 49.24 39.00 130.12 15.86 1,200.00 2,489.10 $5,287.04 $5,287.04 571.14 172.00 26.24 132.65 191.87 26.50 54.56 13.94 9.29 50.45 $1,248.64 172.00 258.26 274.39 338.95 171.55 185.81 1,126.32 917.61 888.61 25.32 38.11 57.46 13.94 $4,468.33 156.97 188.05 172.00 109.19 . . Page 6.,': !'.:.:' , '. ",") ", :, ' '11) N - 24 . Vendor PORT ANGELES CITY TREASURER QWEST RICOH CORPORATION-COPIES Parks & Recreation BLAKE SAND & GRAVEL INC CAPACITY PROVISIONING INC QWEST XEROX CORPORATION Parks & Recreation CAPACITY PROVISIONING INC OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC ORKIN EXTERMINATING COMPANY INC PACIFIC OFFICE EQUIPMENT INC , QWEST . SOUND RESTAURANT SUPPLY INC XEROX CORPORATION Parks & Recreation CAPTAIN T'S XEROX CORPORATION Facilities Malntanance BREWER, DAVID Convention Center . CAPACITY PROVISIONING INC OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC ORKIN EXTERMINATING COMPANY INC ,- PACIFIC OFFICE EQUIPMENT INC PORT ANGELES CITY TREASURER PUD #1 OF CLALLAM COUNTY PUGET SAFETY EQUIPMENT INC QWEST SUNSET DO-IT BEST HARDWARE Public Works-Street City of Port Angeles . . ,City ,Council Expenditure Report I.C From: 1/27/2007 To: 2/9/2007 Description Account Number Supplies-Oliver 001-8020-576.31-06 1-14 ale 36045702410107 001-8020-576.42-10 1-23 ale 206T3023060848 001-8020-576.42-10 JAN 07 COPIES 001-8020-576.49-60 William Shore Pool Division Total: ROAD/HWY MAT NONASPHAL TIC 001-8050-536.31-20 INet-Cemetery Office 001-8050-536.42-12 1-23 ale 206T3023060848 001-8050-536.42-10 Lease 001-8050-536.45-30 , Ocean View Cemetery Division Total: INet-V8 Community Center 001-8080-576.42-12 INet-Park Facilities 001-8080-576.42-12 INet-Carnegie Library 001-8080-576.42-12 Supplies 001-8080-576.31-01 POISONS:AGRICUL & INDUSTR 001-8080-576.48-10 COPYING MACHINE SUPPLIES 001-8080-576.31-01 1-20 ale 206T8139536238 001-8080-576.42-10 1-23 ale 206T3023060848 001-8080-576.42-10 Kitchen Dishwasher Repair 001-8080-576.48-10 Lease . 001-8080-576.45-30 Park Facilities .DNislon Totiil: Parks & Recreation Departme.nt Total: CLOTHING & APPAREL Lease Custodial/Janitorial Svcs Facilities Malntanance General Fund Contract Services Convention Center Convention Center Lodging Excise Tax Fund INet-Corp Yard Supplies POISONS:AGRICUL & INDUSTR .. ... ... "., "'" COPYING MACHINE SUPPLIES Callout Meal-Money Lauridsen & L St 1/0 clear lens 1-23 alc 206T3023060848 Equipment Supplies Street Public Works-Street Page 7 00~';8130';518.31-01 001-8130-518.45-30 Division Total: Department Total: Fund Total: 101-1430-557.49-90 Division Total: Department Total: Fund Total: 1 02-7230-542.~2-12 102-7230-542.31-01 102-7230-542.48-10 .' ." .. . ...... w' I'~ I 102-7230-542.31-01 102-7230-542.43-10 102-7230-542.4 7-10 102-7230-542.31-20 102-7230-542.42-10 102-7230-542.31-20 Division Total: t;Jepartm~nt Total: :.' . , Date: 2/14/2007 Invoice Amount 50.34 39.81 4.65 46.57 $767.58 34.31 172.00 4.65 136.60 $347.56 172.00 172.00 172.00 0.93 181.64 458.17 53.44 4.65 269.07 136.60 $1,620.50 $8,452.61 86~95 136.60 $223.55 $223.55 $49,470.28 100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 172.00 0.93 181.64 458.15 14.75 17.99 -3.25 13.94 33.28 $889.43 $889.43 N - 25 Vendor QWEST Economic Development AHRENS. KENNETH E CAPTAIN T'S COSCO/FEDERAL FIRESAFETY INC GOVCONNECTION, INC JOBS AVAILABLE INC NEW WORLD SYSTEMS OLYMPIC PRINTERS INC QUILL CORPORATION QWEST RICHMOND 2-WAY RADIO Pen com EXPONENT, INC , , Housing/Co1!'m Develop CHARLES, FRANCIS COLLEGIATE PACIFIC HOLLOWAY. MICHAEL KETCHUM III, JOHN W City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 1/27/2007 Description Street Fund 1-23 ale 206T302306084B Economic Development EconomIc Development Economic Development Rent CLOTHING & APPAREL CLOTHING & APPAREL HALON PANEL TROUBLE Monitors Pencom Pencom Pencom Pencom Pencom Pencom Pencom Pencom Pencom COMM MGR LINE AD GIS SOFTWARE (ESRI) Business cards sales tax OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL 1-23 ale 20614119188738 1-23 ale 206T302306084B Pencom repairs Pencom repairs Centracom Upgrade Centracom Upgrade Pen com Pen com PeT]com Fund Prof Services Re:Rayonier Code Compliance Housing/Comm Develop Repalr/Demol/Code Compl REFEREE PAYMENT SCOREBOARD COVERS REFEREE PAYMENT REFEREE PAYMENT Page 8 To: 2/9/2007 Account Number Fund Total: 103-1511-558.42-10 DivIsion Total: Department Total: Fund Total: 107-5160-528.45-30 107-5160-528.20-80 107-5160-528.20-80 107-5160-528.41-50 . 107-5160-594.64-10 107-5160-594.64-10 107-5160-594.64-10 107-5160-594.64-10 107-5160-594.64-10 107-5160-594.64-10 107-5160-594.64-10 107-5160-594.64-10 .~ ,-~. - .- -.." 107-5160-594.64-10 107-5160-594.64-10 1 07 ~~J60-528.1~1-~0 107-5160-528~48::1 0 107 -5160-528.31~01 107-5160-528.31-01 107-5160-528.31-01 107-5160-528.42-10 107-5160-528.42-10 107-5160-594.64-10 107-5160-594.64-10 107-5160-594.64-10 107-5160-594.64-10 Division Total: Department Total: .. I . I .. I . .. . ~" " I ' . - Fund Total: 130-4230-559.4 ~ -50 DivisIon Total: Department Total: Fund Total: 174-8221-574.41-50 174-13221-574.31-01 174-8221-574.41-50 174-8221-574.41-50 Date: 2/14/2007 . Invoice Amount $889.43 4.65 $4.65 $4.65 $4.65 700.00 214.63 210.22 441.73 '. 1,279.70 9,625.92 5,469.98 1,094.00 2,186.71 13,862.21 12,550.92 4,773.46 7,719.42 3,227.70 201.96 1,084.00 3.00 25.99 27.47 57.46 79.00 1,549.92 1,633.43 10,829.16 11,348.13 $90,196.12 $90,196.12 $90,196.12 217.50 $217 .50 $217.50 $217 .50 105.00 188.59 192.00 264.00 . . N - 26 ,::.~~ ,10\,';; " &.....' : ; [r- ?\.. . " Wtr""'l~~ J " .". ./.'..." Vendor Capital Projects-Pub Wks GENTRY ARCHITECTURE Capital Projects-Pub Wks NORTHWESTERN TERRITORIES INC Capital Projects-Pub Wks SHOTWELL CORP, JONATHAN Capital Projects-Pub Wks LARKIN GROUP Capital Proj-Parks & Rec BERGERlABAM ENGINEERS INC Capital Proj-Parks & Rec LINDBERG & SMITH ARCHITECTS INC Capital Proj-Parks & Rec AMERICAN SAFETY UTILITY CORP CEO/CONSOLIDATED ELEC DIST INC HALL'S SAFETY EQUIPMENT HUGHES UTILITIES L TO L & L MACHINERY CO., INC AGUILAR, MISAEL BOYD, YVONNE M CLAPLANHOO, VALERIE GARCIA, NICOLE GARMAN, JAMES GROCE, BRADLEY HEATHERS, LOUISE (PEGGY) IVORY, ADELINE KNOWLES, HOLLY NEWTON, JODI City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 1/27/2007 To: 2/9/2007 Description Account Number Cap Improvmt Admin Division Total: City Hall Space Study 310-7919-594.41-50 GF-Pub Wks Projects Division Total: DRY CR BRIDGE PLANNING 310-7930-595.41-50 GF-Street Projects Division Total: ENVIRONMENTAL&ECOLOGICAL 310-7965-595.65-10 ROAD/HWY MATERIALS ASPHL T 310-7965-595.65-10 ROAD/HWY MATERIALS ASPHLT 310-7965-595.65-10 ROAD/HWY MATERIALS ASPHL T 310-7965-595.65-10 ST-Multl-Modal Transp Ctr Division Total: Capital Projects-Pub Wks Department Total: Aquatic Center Study 310-8921-594.41-50 Wm Shore Pool Renovation Division Total: Ediz Hook Boat Launch 310-8985-594.41-50 Misc Parks Projects Division Total: Capital proJ-Parks & Rec Department Total: Capital Improvement Fund Total: Senior Center 319-8955-594.41-50 Sr Center Construction Division Total: Capital ProJ-Parks & Rec Department Total: Senior Center Constr . - . F'!Il~' Total: HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS 401-0000-237 .oo~bo HAND TOOLS ,POW&NON POWER401-boOO~237.00-00 ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-0000-141.40-00 HAND TOOLS ,POW&NON POWER401-0000-237.00-00 ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-0000-141.40-00 FASTENERS, FASTENING DEVS 401-0000-141.40-00 ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-0000-141.40-00 ELECTRIPAL ~QU.IP!lo SUPPLY 401 rPOOO-1.41.40-00, ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-0000-141.40-00 ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-0000-141.40-00 ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-0000-141.40-00. UB CR REFUND-FINALS 401-0000-122.10-99 UB CR REFUND-FINAls 401-0000-122.10-99 UB CR REFUND-FINALS 401-0000-122.10-99 UB CR REFUND-FINALS 401-0000-122.10-99 . .,..". .'.....: '11 UB CR REFUND-FINALS 401-0000-122.10-99 DEPOSIT REFUND 401-0000-122.10-99 OVERPAYMENT -519 OAK ST #6 401-0000-122.10-99 UB CR REFUND-FINALS 401-0000-122.10-99 UB CR REFUND-FINALS 401-0000-122.10-99 UB CR REFUND-FINALS 401-0000-122.10-99 Page 10 Date: 2/14/2007 . Invoice Amount $20,868.47 3,060.00 $3,060.00 3,830.00 $3,830.00 8.13 54.20 63.96 18.97 $145.26 $27,903.73 5,000.00 $5,000.00 897.50 $897.50 $5,897.50 $33,801.23 1,696.25 $1,696.25 $1,696.25 $1,696.25 -20.35 -38.41 354.53 -38.88 3,007.45 199.46 187.54 360.06 623.90 96.91 17,101.39 43.76 97.32 55.05 71.66 125.00 125.00 16.03 93.21 65.33 51.82 . . N - 28 . Vendor ORSBORN, MICHAEL & OLIVIA PATRY,KATHRYN PRIMO CONSTRUCTION PROPERTIES BY LANDMARK INC REYNOLDS, MARY M RIEKER, LINDSAY TAITANO, APRIL A NORTH COAST ELECTRIC COMPANY ADVANTICA INC CAPACITY PROVISIONING INC Terry Dahlquist NORTHWEST PUBLIC POWER ASSN UNITEK EDUCATION . Public Works-Electric CAPACITY PROVISIONING INC NORTHWEST PUBLIC POWER ASSN PUD #1 OF CLALLAM COUNTY Public Works-Electric AMERICAN SAFETY UTILITY CORP ANGELES MILLWORK & LUMBER CO BUSINESS ANSWERPHONE SERVICE CAPACITY PROVISIONING INC CED/CONSOLlDATED ELEC DIST INC FEI EVERETT 3023(FAMILlAN) FLUKE REPAIR CENTER GENERAL PACIFIC INC , , / GREAT AMERICA LEASING CORP . HACH COMPANY Date: 2/14/2007 City of Port Angeles . City Council Expenditure Report From: 1/27/2007 To: 2/9/2007 Description Account Number OVERPAYMENT-1831 W 13TH 401-0000-122.10-99 UB CR REFUND-FINALS 401-0000-122.10-99 OVERPAYMENT-517 S LINCOLN 401-0000-122.10-99 OVERPAYMENT-1627 E 5TH ST 401-0000-122.10-99 OVERPAYMENT-727 CHRISTMAN 401-0000-122.10-99 UB CR REFUND-FINALS 401-0000-122.10-99 FINAL CREDIT-138 W PARK 401-0000-122.10-99 ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-0000-141.40-00 Division Total: . Department Total: SynerGEE 401-7111-533.48-02 I Net-LighUEngineering 401-7111-533.42-12 TRAVEL REIMBURSEMENT 401-7111-533.43-10 February Staking Programs 401-7111-533.43-10 SUPPLIES 401-7111-533.43-10 SUPPLIES 401-7111-533.43-10 Engineering-Electric Division Total: INet-LighUResource Mgmt 401-7120-533.42-12 MEMBERSHIP DUES 401-7120-533.49-01 2110 Glass Rd! 1 . ~ . ,.....:,... i: 401 :7120-533.33-50 . . . Power Resource Mgmt -D7vlslon TQtal: HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS 401-7180-533:35:01 HAND TOOLS ,POW&NON POWER401-7180-533.35-01 HAND TOOLS ,POW&NON POWER401-7180-533.35-01 COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 401-7180-533.42-10 . . . INet-Light 401-7180-533.42-12 HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS 401-7180-533.31-20 HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS 401-7180-533.35-01 AIR CONDITIONING &,HEATNG 401-7180-533.48-10 ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401.07180-533.48-10 CONCRETE & METAL CULVERTS 401-7180-533.48-10 ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS 401-7180-533.48-10 Self Laminating Tags 401-7180-533.31-20 ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-7180-533.48-10 ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-7180-533.48-10 ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-7180-533.48-10 ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-7180-533.48-10 ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-7180-533.48-10 RENTAL OR LEASE SERVICES 401-7180-533.45-30 Sharp Copier Lease 401-7180-533.45-30 OFFICE MACHINES & ACCESS 401-7180-533.45-30 POWER GENERATION EQUIPMEN 401-7180-533.48-10 Invoice Amount 66.36 97.52 12.95 183.17 118.41 32.26 51.55 5,564.13 $28,704.13 J28,704.13 1,914.38 231.05 358.00 1,410.00 1,796.66 -1,796.66 $3,913.43 231.05 13,862.50 112.91 $14,206.46 262.56 495;64 255.74 160.00 1,848.36 56.37 75.88 117.18 81.65 379.40 543.73 271.00 639.99 419.51 372.90 435.77 415.71 42.43 186.66 . 202.18 737.01 . . "i" ~ ....... f' (0 . ~ ," I I 1 "; ~ - .", r: ':" ": .). ~ ""1 Page 11 . N - 29 Vendor HALL'S SAFETY EQUIPMENT HERMANN BROS LOGGING & CONST IMSA-INTNL MUNICIPAL SGNL ASSC Associated Builders & Cont. NORTH COAST ELECTRIC COMPANY OLYMPIC LAUNDRY & DRY CLEANERS OLYMPIC PRINTERS INC OLYMPIC SPRINGS INC OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC PACIFIC OFFICE EQUIPMENT INC PENINSULA DAILY NEWS PORT ANGELES CITY TREASURER PUD #1 OF CLALLAM COUNTY PUGET SAFETY EQUIPMENT INC QUILL CORPORATION QWEST RADIOSHACK SOUND SAFETY STUSSER ELECTRIC SUNSET DO-IT BEST HARDWARE , , I THURMAN SUPPLY UTILITY VAULT COMPANY INC VERIZON WIRELESS ',:/ Date: 2/14/2007 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report . From: 1/27/2007 To: 2/9/2007 Description Account Number HAND TOOLS ,POW&NON POWER401-7180-533.35-01 MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 401-7180-533.48-10 Cert Renewals-Oman 401-7180-533.43-10 TABIN BECKETT RIGGER TRAI 401-7180-533.43-10 HAND TOOLS ,POW&NON POWER401-7180-533.35-01 ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-7180-533.35-01 HAND TOOLS ,POW&NON POWER401-7180-533.35-01 TAPE(NOT DP,SOUND,VIDEO) 401-7180-533.48-10 ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-7180-533.48-10. Tape 401-7180-533.48-10 ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-7180-533.48-10 ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-7180-533.48-10 FASTENERS, FASTENING DEVS 401-7180-533.48-10 LAUNDRYIDRY CLEANING SERV 401-7180-533.48-10 PRINTING,SILK SCR,TYPSET 401-7180-533.31-20 FOODS: PERISHABLE 401-7180-533.31-20 OFFICE SUPPLIES,. GENERAL 401.-7180-533.31-01 Supplies 401-7180-533.41-70 OFFICE MACHINES & ACCESS 401-7180-533.48-10 Ordinance #3270 401-71 ~0-533.4~-,1 0 Callout Meal-Wahto 40F7T80-533.4~-10 , -~.- Callout Meal-Williams 401-71.80-533.43-10 Callout Meals-McCabe 401":7180"-533.43-10 Wheeling Chgs Oct-Dee 06 401-7180-533.33-30 FIRST AID & SAFETY EQUIP." 4()1:7180-533.31-20 CLOTHING & APPAREL 401-7180-533.31-20 FIRST AID & SAFETY EQUIP. 401-7180-533.31-20 ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS 401-7180-533.48-10 OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL 401-7180-533.31-01 1-23 ale 206T302306084B 401 ~7180-533.42-1 0 CLOCKS 401-7180-533.31-20 CLOTHING & APPAREL' -. 401-7180-533.31-20 . ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY. 401-7180-533.48-10 FUEL,OIL,GREASE, &LUBES 401-7180-533.31-20 HAND TOOLS ,POW&NON POWER401-7180-533.35-01 .. . r. ~ . . ". . ,. .. . ~ . HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS 401-7180-533.48-10 ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-7180-533.48-10 ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-7180-533.48-10 ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-7180-533.48-10 1-15 ale 564535287-00001 401 :7180:533.42-1 0 1-12 ale 770251124-00002 401-7180-533.42-10 1-12 ale 770251124-00002 401-7180-533.42-10 Invoice Amount 501.63 25.05 90.00 240.00 28.18 803.04 56.45 421.19 26.72 -11.12 14.54 71.95 50.09 35.72 347.86 13.50 7.50 0.93 102.98 18.40 14.75 29.50 14)5 9,518.44 431.43 284.98 118.05 767.36 107.83 65.06 195.02 885.79 168.07 16.10 70.23 14.22 24.63 57.98 1,318.66 35.62 51.69 42.18 . . Page 12 N - 30 . .'.,".......''''...''''''.l'r''.' .'..'.......'....'.'........ ",.~'....'.. L. :1; . .: . t F: ~ ..:r~l . :0.',< City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 1/27/2007 To: 2/9/2007 Date: 2/14/2007 Vendor VERIZ0N WIRELESS WAGNER-SMITH EQUIPMENT CO WESCO DISTRIBUTION INC . ZEE MEDICAL SERVICE CO Public Works-Electric ANGELES ELECTRIC INC CAPACITY PROVISIONING INC OLYMPIC PRINTERS INC OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC ORKIN EXTERMINATING COMPANY INC PORT ANGELES CITY TREASURER PUD #1 OF CLALLAM COUNTY QWEST , RYAN HERCO PRor)UCTS CORP S & B INC SUNSET DO-IT BEST HARDWARE VERIZON WIRELESS Public Works-Water . Description Account Number 1-12 ale 7702511203-00001 401-7180-533.42-10 1-12 ale 770251124-00003 401-7180-533.42-10 1-19 ale 370251125-00001 401-7180-533.42-10 1-19 ale 270251239-00001 401-7180-533.48-10 FIRST AID & SAFETY EQUIP. 401-7180-533.31-20 FIRST AID & SAFETY EQUIP. 401-7180-533.35-01 ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-7180-533.35-01 ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-7180-533.35-01 HAND TOOLS ,POW&NON POWER401-7180-533.35-01 . ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-7180-533.35-01 HAND TOOLS ,POW&NON POWER401-7180-533.35-01 HAND TOOLS ,POW&NON POWER401-7180-533.35-01 HAND TOOLS ,POW&NON POWER401-7180-533.35-01 FIRST AID & SAFETY !:QUIP. 401-7180-533.35-01 HAND TOOLS ,POW&NON POWER401~7180-533.35-01 HAND TOOLS ,POW&NON POWER401-7180-533.48-10 ELECTRICAL CABLES & WIRES 401-7180-533.48-10 ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-7180-533.48-10 FIRST AID & SAFETY EQUIP. 401-7180-533.31-20 Electric Operations Division Total: Public Works-Electric Def;fartmept ,Total: Electric Utlllty Fund Filnc/Total: 402-7380-534.31-20 402-7380-534.42-12 402-7380-534.31-01 402-7380-534.31-01 402-7380-534.31-01 402-7380-534.48-10 402-7380-534.31-01 402-7380-534.31-20 402-7380-534.47-10 . i 402-7380-534.42-10 . 402-7380-534.42-10 402-7380-534.42-10 402-7380-534.31-05 402-7380-534.31-20 402~ 7380-5:3~.48- t 9 402-7380-534.42-10 402-7380-534.42-10 Division Total: Department Total: Fund Total: Fuses I Net-Water Time Cards Supplies Office Supplies POISONS:AGRICUL & INDUSTR Supplies-Baar , . Hydrant Rapl si.ippl~BB "~,, ; '."" Crown Z Water,Rd 1-10 ale 360Z100240955B 1-23 ale 206T411255315B , 1-23 ale 206T302306084B PLUMBING EQUIP FIXT,SUPP Battery Supplies , 1-15 ale 264214908-00001 1-15 ale 264214908-00002 Water Public Works-Water ' Water Fund Invoice Amount 41.50 38.73 42.76 340.48 48.55 48.51 1,048.26 156.14 126.22 -.2,203.79 144.88 247.47 51.1 0 84.42 39.30 27.77 406.64 1,033.60 169.80 $31,376.54 $49,496.43 $78,200.56 102.24 356.82 197.18 0.93 30.04 181.64 11.78 20.98 15.50 366.84 64.27 4.65 1,219.21 54.40 12.54 38.20 38.93 $2,716.15 $2,716.15 $2,716.15 . 1].': q;. Page 13 -".'1-:".' 'L"_'-J.....,-.., .J '''',j I N - 31 APPLIANCES, HOUSEHOLD 403-7480-535.31-20 Waste Station Repairs 403-7480-535.31-20 Waste Station Repairs 403-7480-535.48-10 PRODUCTION&MANUFACTURING 403-7480-535.31-20, WWater/Stormwater Proj 403-7480-535.41-50 INet-Wastewater 403-7480-535.42-12 EQUIP MAl NT & REPAIR SERV 403-7480-535.31-20 ". EQUIP MAl NT & REPAIRSERV-403-7480-535.31-20',,-c EQUIP MAINT & REPAIR SERV 403,-7480-535.31-20 APPLIANCES, HOUSEHOLD 403-7480-535.31-20 CHEMICAL, COMMERCIAL,BULK 403-7480-535.31-05 12-31 alc 0362272-7 403-7480-535.42-10 Cleaning Comp/Solvent 403-7480-535.31-20 CHEMICAL LAB EQUIP & SUPP 403-7480-535.31-20 BLDG CONSTRUC. SERVICES- 403-74eO-535.48-10 . . - ,...... .. '. -I'!"" .... I ... :.J /". I . . '.. ;;..... . ~ , ".' ~ '"" I Repair Sample Machine '. ., 403:7480~5~~.4-a~10 Electrical Work 403-7480-535:4a~10 Electrical Work 403-7480-535.48-10 Electrical Work 403-7480-535.48-10 Time Cards 403-7480-535.31-01 FOODS: PERISHABLE 403-7480-535.31-01 FOODS: PERISHABLE 403-7480-535.31-01 Rental 403-7480-535.31-01 SUPPLIES 403-7480-535.31-01 Supplies 403~7480-535.31-01 LAB EQUIP,BIO,CHEM,ENVIR 403-7480-535.31-20 ORKIN EXTERMINATING COMPANY INC POISONS:AGRICUL & INDUSTR 403-7480-535.~8-10 . . , " , I,.... _.. . , ,...( " . 11 ' . . ' . .,. .' ~"; "'\.. ~'. " I POLYCHEM SYSTEMS ROAD/HWY EQUIP EARTH,GRD 403-7480-535.48-10 WA TER&SEWER TREATING CHEfv' 403-7480-535.31-05 Postage-Young 403-7480-535.42-10 Safety Lunch-Yo~ng 403:7480:535.43:10 QWEST 1-23 a/c 206T302306084B 403-7480-535.44-10 SANDY'S RACE STREET AUTO PARTS BELTS AND BELTING 403-7480-535.31-20 SUPPLIES 403-7480-535.31-20 FASTENERS, F,ASTENING DEVS 403-7480-535.31-20 'IH j. ',". . SUPPLIES 403-7480-535.35-01 CLOTHING & APPAREL 403-7480-535.31-01 Vendor NCL N0RTH CENTRAL LABORATORIES POL YCHEM SYSTEMS POL YDYNE INC A & A APPLIANCE SERVICE, INC ANGELES ELECTRIC INC BAXTER AUTO PARTS #15 BROWN AND CALDWELL CAPACITY PROVISIONING INC CORRECT EQUIPMENT HARTNAGEL BUILDING SUPPLY INC JCI-JONES CHEMICALS INC I METROCALL MIDDLETON AUTO AND TRUCK INC NCL NORTH CENTRAL LABORATORIES OLYMPIC ELECTRIC CO INC OLYMPIC PRINTERS INC OLYMPIC SPRINGS INC OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC POL YDYNE INC , PORT ANGELES Cl'rY TREASURER SUNSET DO-IT BEST HARDWARE SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC Date: 2/14/2007 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report . ,:" ,::.. From: 1/27/2007 .., , ." . To: 2/9/2007 Description Account Number CHEMICAL LAB EQUIP & SUPP, 403-0000-237.00-00 ROAD/HWY EQUIP EARTH,GRD 403-0000-237.00-00 WATER&SEWER TREATING CHEfv'403-0000-237.00-00 Division Total: Department Total: Invoice Amount -12.88 -252.99 -286.44 -$552.31 -$552.31 1,461.23 785.90 300.81 57.76 -...6,513.04 654.18 370.20 3,179.31 829.80 65.00 4,825.20 33.09 33.93 166.15 939.83 633.71 682.92 318.91 971.26 173.77 13.50 27.00 21.58 130.22 0.93 8.78 181.64 3,264.67 3,696.44 8.30 44.39 9.29 35.51 25.85 35.03 60.87 73.58 . . Page 14 N - 32 . . City of Port Angeles ... _ . '._ City Council Expenditure Report' , From: 1/27/2007 To: 2/9/2007 Date: 2/14/2007 Description Account Number CLOTHING & APPAREL 403-7480-535.31-01 SUPPLIES 403-7480-535.31-20 WA STATE DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY ENVIR9.NM~NT~h~ECQ~QGJPA.~. 4Q~-7480-Q~.!5.49:9Q. ENVIRONMENT AL&ECOLOGICAL 403-7480-535.49-90 Wastewater Division Total: Public Works-WW/Stormwtr Department Total: Wastewater Fund Fund Total: INet-Solid Waste-Corp Yd 404-75aO-537.42-12 REAL PROPERTY,RENT/LEASE 404-7580-537.44-10, POISONS:AGRICUL & INDUSTR 404-7580-537.41-51 1-23 a/c 206T302306084B 404-7580-537.42-10 Solid Waste-Collections Division Total: Public Works-Solid Waste Department Total: Solid Waste-Collections Fund Total: REAL PROPERTY,RENT/~EASE 405-7538-537.44-10 WCWI CONSTRUCTION MATTERS 405-7538-537.41-50 COMPOST SEMINAR TOM MCCBE 405-7538-537.43-1 0 Supplies ._ 40?:7538-5~7.31-01 Meeting Meal-McCabe 405-7538-537.43-10 SW - Transfer Station . .I?lY.lslon T,~ta.l: INet-Solid Waste-Landfill 405-7585-537.42:-,12 Solid Waste-Landfill " Division"Total: Public Works-Solid Waste Department Total: Solid Waste-LF/Trf Stn Fund Total: Vendor SWAINlS GENERAL STORE INC Public Works-WW/Stormwtr CAPACITY PROVISIONING INC CLALLAM CNTY FAIR BOARD ORKIN EXTERMINATING COMPANY INC aWEST Public Works-Solid Waste CLALLAM CNTY FAIR BOARD LASHER HOLZAPFEL SPERRY Grant CD . OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC PORT ANGELES CITY TREASURER Public Works-Solid Waste CAPACITY PROVISIONING INC Public Works-Solid Waste CASCADIA LAW GROUP Public Works-WW/Stormwtr EDNA AIKINS MEDICARE PREMERA REGENCE BLUE SHIELD , I / CLALLAM CNTY, EMS Duke Moroz . Erik Sundin PENINSULA DAILY NEWS Prof Services Re:Rayonier . . \.. Stormwater Public Works-WW/Stormwtr Storm water Fund COVRD BY LEVY, PT PORTION A CLAYTON,1106251241010 R FISHER, ZKT 600223977-0 S BREITBACH, 32591 406-7412-594.41-50 Division Total: Department Total: Fund Total: 409-0000-213.10-90 409-0000-213.10-90 409-0000-213.' 0-90 409-0000-213.10-90 . . _ Division,Tota!;, " ,p,epartm.~~t Tot~/: 4Q9-6025-526.41-50 409-6025-526.31-08 409-6025-526.31-08 409-6025-526.31-08 409-6025-526.31-08 409-6025-526.31-08 409-6025-526.44-10 Invoice Amount 97.42 4.21 6,998.40 6,001.50 $43,735.11 $43,735.11 $43,182.80 187.00 124.26 181.64 23.23 $516.13 $516.13 $516.13 150.00 1,376.25 80.00 0.93 20.31 $1,627.49 187.00 $187.00 $1,814.49 $1,814.49 882.02 $882.02 $882.02 $882.02 52.30 346.82 33.00 426.40 $858.52 $858.52 600.00 250.00 200.00 -250.00 -200.00 200.00 23.87 .." I . Iii Medic I Advisory FIRST AID 1/31 & CPR 1/30 FIRST AID & CPR CLASS 2/1 FIRST AID 1/31 & CPR 1/30 FIRST AID & CPR CLASS 2/1 FIRST AID/CPR CLASS 1/29 Ordinance 3238 j;.. . \. ~ II...... ,~ ....J ~ .. I Of. iJ.',.~ ....... ~'.' ..., .. t' "'" j " ~. .,~ I. Page 15 . N - 33 . ~.'."".C''''''..'.'' ;~' .,,' '~i,~t '.r~;~~"!;\ Vendor QWEST Fire Department C & F INSULATION CAN-DO CONSTRUCTION INC GLASS SERVICES CO INC Lee Shames Margaret Spoon Peggy Lundgren Tyler Peninger Public Works-Electric GENTRY ARCHITECTURE Public Works-Electric BROWN AND CALDWELL CASCADIA LAW GROUP Public Works-WW/Stormwtr / PENINSULA DAILY NEWS Public Works-Solid Waste NAPA AUTO PARTS . Vendor BAXTER AUTO PARTS #15 BRIM TRACTOR COMPANY INC CAPACITY PROVISIONING INC CHEVRON USA COpy CAT GRAPHICS CSK AUTO INC (SCHUCK'S) EVERGREEN COLLISION CENTER FASTENAL INDUSTRIAL . GIIT'S SPRING & MANUFACTURING H & R PARTS & EQUIPMENT INC HEARTLlNE LES SCHWAB TIRE CENTER MARK'S MOBILE TUNE MATCO TOOLS N C MACHINERY CO NAPA AUTO PARTS , / NELSON TRUCK EQUIPMENT CO INC NEXTEL COMMUNICATIONS NORTH END TRUCK EQUIPMENT INC OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC . ORKIN EXTERMINATING COMPANY INC OVERALL LAUNDRY SERVICES INC Date: 2/14/2007 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 1/27/2007 " Description" AUTO & TRUCK MAl NT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS INet-Equlpment Services Gas Purchases EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES AUTO & TRUCK MAl NT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAl NT. ITEMS AUTO SHOP EQUIPMENT & SUP AUTO & TRUCK MAl NT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAl NT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAl NT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK' MAl NT; ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO SHOP EQUIPMENT & SUP Ubolt Kit AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAl NT. ITEMS Wheel Switch/Tires Flat RepairlWheel Switch . ""1 ."t." EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES AUTO & TRUCK MAl NT. ITEMS EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES AUTO & TRUCK MAl NT. ITEMS Hose AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAl NT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAl NT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAl NT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAl NT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAl NT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAl NT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 1-26 a/c 975491337 AUTO & TRuck MAl NT. ITEMS Supplies Mailing Labels POISONS:AGRICUL & INDUSTR LAUNDRY/DRY CLEANING SERV Page 17 /... "" To: 2/9/2007 Account Number Division Total: Department Total: " 501-7630-548.48-10 501-7630-548.48-10 501-7630-548.48-10 501-7630-548.42-12 501-7630-548.32-10 501-7630-548.34-02 501-7630-548.34-02 . 501-7630-548.34-02 501-7630-548.35-01 501-7630-548.48-10 501-7630-548.48-10 501-7630-548.48-10 50t~ 7630-548.48-10 501-7630-548.34-02 501-7630-548.34-02 501-7630-548.48-10 501-7630-548.48-10 501-7630-548.48-10 501':7630-548.4~-1 0 501-7630-548:48~1 0 50 1 ~"7630"-548 .48-10 501-7630-548.48-10 501-7630-548.48-10 501-7630-548.48-10 501-7630-548.34-02 501-7630-548.48-10 501-7630-548.34-02 501 ~7630-548.34-02 501-7630-548.48-10 501-7630-548.48-10 " 501-7630-548.48-10 501-7630-548.48-10 501-7630-548.48-10 501-7630-548.48-10 501-7630-548.42-10 501 :7630-548.48-1 0 501-7630-548.31-01 501-7630-548.31-01 501-7630-548.48-10 501-7630-548.49-90 Invoice Amount $228.90 $228.90 3.63 22.49 149.98 41.00 62.39 758.80 39.12 .39.12 180.97 4.74 6.95 52.08 78.05 222.85 86.74 77.42 202.27 173.33 676.74 114.90 323.00 323.00 246.23 16.26 7.57 122.50 159.58 33.55 18.25 87.58 4.87 12.49 8.13 42.26 38.98 120.41 0.92 22.03 181.64 10.41 "1. N - 35 Vendor OVERALL LAUNDRY SERVICES INC PENINSULA DAILY NEWS PORT ANGELES TIRE FACTORY QWEST RICHMOND 2-WAY RADIO RUDDELL AUTO MALL SUNSET DO-IT BEST HARDWARE VALLEY FREIGHTLlNER INC WESTERN POWER & EQUIPMENT WESTERN SYSTEMS & FABRICATION Public Works-Equip Svcs ANGELES COMMUNICATIONS INC CAPACITY PROVISIONING INC INSIGHT PUBLIC SECTOR Gary Brooks QWEST RICK'S PLACE UNITEK EDUCATION , , I WASHINGTON (DIS), STATE OF Finance Department City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 1/27/2007' , " To: 2/9/2007 ' Description Account Number LAUNDRY/DRY CLEANING SERV 501-7630-548.49-90 LIGHT DUTY VEHICLES 501-7630-548.44-10 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548.34-02 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548.48-10 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548.48-10 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548.48-10 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548.48-10 AUTO & TRUCK MAl NT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.48-10 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548.48-10 , EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548.48-10 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548.48-10 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548.48-10 . EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 50h7630-548.48-10 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548.48-10 1-23 alc 206T302306084B 501-7630-548.42-10 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548.48-10 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT.ITEMS 501-7630-548.48-10 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT.ITEMS 501-7630-548.48-10 AUTO & TRUCK MAl NT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.48-10 RENTAULEASE EQUIPMENT 501-7630-548.45-30 AUTO 8. TRUCK MAl NT: ITEMS 501~il)~0-54~.48~10 AUTO & TRUCK MAl NT. ITEMS 501-7630-548Aa:'10 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT.ITEMS 501"'7630~548.48-10 AUTO & TRUCK MAl NT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.48-10 Adj press switch 501-7630-548.48-10 Whisker Switch 501-7630-548.48-10 Equipment Services Division Total: Public Works-Equip Svcs Department Total: Equipment Services Fund Total: Council Chambers Wiring 502-2081-518.41-50 INet-IT 502-2081-518.42-10 VISUAL EDUCATION EQUIPMNT 502-2081-518.~ 1-60 KEYBOARD MOUSE LABLES 502-2081-518.31-01 , 1-23 a/c 206T~02306084B 502-2081-51,8.42-10 SUPPLIES 502-2081-518.31-01 : ' -' ~:,' . l~ ,j- !,' !' ;'."\' , 'I . . ... .'!.~ _ I 1 I I HUMAN SERVICES 502:2081~518.43-10 HUMAN SERVICES 502-2081-518.43-10 HUMAN SERVICES 502-2081-518.43-10 COMPUTERS,DP & WORD PROC. 502-2081-518.31-60 DATA PROC SERV &SOFTWARE 502-2081-518.31-60 Information Technologies Division Total: Flnanc;e,Department Department Total: Page 18 Date: 2/14/2007 . Invoice Amount 92.53 18.65 108.40 14.04 82.85 241.57 20.54 86.67 14.04 27.64 305.49 33.60 27.64 26.02 4.65 35.77 100.23 31.81 4.28 28.46 76.68 71.81 50.88 992.1 0 355.27 313.42 $7,860.03 $7,860.03 $8,088.93 1,925.90 500.00 643.51 40.64 13.94 84.95 3,593.34 -3,593.34 3,593.34 1,876.03 474.94 $9,153.25 $9,153.25 . . N - 36 Date: 2/14/2007 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Repo~t . From: 1/27/2007 To: 2/9/2007 Vendor Description Account Number Invoice Amount Information Technology Fund Total: $9,153.25 ASSOCIATION OF WASHINGTON CITIES MEDIDENNlS PREMIUMS 503-1631-517.46-30 174,650.18 LTD PREMIUM._... .-.--.--..----.---.. . 503-1631-517.46-31 .n . 4,986.78 LIFE INS PREMIUM 503-1631-517.46-32 1,697.12 BAILEY, JAMES A Medicare Reimb-January 503-1631-517.46-35 93.50 BALSER, FRED Reimb Medicare-January 503-1631-517.46-35 88.50 BISHOP, VIRGIL Reimb Medicare-January 503-1631-517.46-35 205.70 CAMERON, KENNETH Reimb Medicare-January 503-1631-517.46-35 120.30 CAMPORINI, RICHARD Reimb Medicare-January 503-1631-517.46-35 93.50 CLELAND, MICHAEL A Reimb Medicare-January 503-1631-517.46-35 93.50 Disability Board-January 503-1631-517.46-35 596.72 GLENN, LARRY Reimb Medicare-January 503-1631-517.46-35 93.50 GOODRICH, RUTH L Disability Board-January 503-1631-517.46-35 424.75 GROOMS, MICHAEL Reimb Medicare-January 503-1631-517.46-35 93.50 Disability Board-January 503-1631-517.46-35 80.00 HALL, MICHAEL D Disability Board-January 503-1631-517.46-35 692.01 JOHNSON, DONALD G Reimb Medicare-January 503-1631-517.46-35 93.50 JOHNSON, HARRY Reimb Medicare-January 503-1631-517.46-35 93.50 . Disability Board-January 503-1631-517.46-35 211.21 JORISSEN, ROBERT R Reimb Medicare-January 503-1631-517.46-.35 105.80 LIND, DARWIN PETER Reimb Medicare-January 503: 1'631-517 .4~-35 93.50 LINDLEY, JAMES K Reimb Medicare-January 503-1631-517.46~'35 93.50 LOUCKS, JASPER Reimb Medicare-January 503-1631'-517.46-35 187.00 MIESEL JR, PHILIP C Reimb Medicare-January 503-1631 ~517 .46-35 86.50 CINDY KOCHANEK MEDICAL REIMBURSEMENT 503-1631-517.46-30 36.63 ERIK SUNDIN MEDICAL REIMBURSEMENT 503: 1631-517 .46-30 155.79 JERRY BENOFF MEDICAL REIMBURSEMENT 503-1631-517.46-30 43.74 LARRY WALDRON MEDICAL REIMBURSEMENT 503-1631-517.46-30 16.89 TOM MORSE MEDICAL REIMBURSEMENT 503-1631-517 .46-30 48.00 MORGAN, ROY Reimb Medicare-January 503-1631-517.46-35 93.50 NW ADMIN TRANSFER ACCT FEB MED/DEN PREMIUMS 503-1631-517.46-33 54,587.50 RETIREE PREMIUMS 503-1631-517.46-34 12,742.70 THOMPSON, BRUCE Reimb Medicare-January 503-1631-517.46-35 80.50 Self Insurance Other Insurance Programs Division Total: $252,779.32 ALDERSONS AUTO BODY & PAINT INC INHOUSE CLAIM SETTLEMENT 503-1671-517.49-98 628.98 BLUE MOUNTAIN TREE SERVICE INC TREE REMOVAL EAST 8TH 503-1671-517.49-98 3,523.00 CARL PETERS INHOUSE CLAIM SETTLEMENT 503-1671-517.49-98 150.00 Self Insurance Camp Liability Division Total: $4,301.98 Self Insurance Department Total: $257,081.30 Self-Insurance Fund Fund Total: $257,081.30 . ASSOCIATION OF WASHINGTON CITIES FIRE RETIREES PREMIUM 602~6221 ~517 .46-35 4,732.35 BRAUN,GARY Reimb Medicare-January 602-6221-517.46-35 93.50 Page 19 N - 37 . . . City of Port Angeles . City Council Expenditure Report From: 1/27/2007 . To: 2/9/2007 Date: 2/14/2007 Vendor OFFICE OF SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT . PERS POLICE ASSOCIATION UNITED WAY (PAYROLL) WASHINGTON (UNEMP). STATE OF WSCCCE AFSCME AFL-CIO Totals for check period , / Description P/R Deductions pe 1-28 P/R Deductions pe 1-28 P/R Deductions pe 1-28 P/R Deductions pe 1-28 P/R Deductions pe 1-28 P/R Deductions pe 1-28 Empl Security-Fullerton P/R Deductions pe 1-28 Account Number 920-0000-231.56-20 920-0000-231.51-10 920-0000-231.51-11 920-0000-231.51-12 920-0000-231.55-10 920-0000-231.56-10 920-0000-231.56-30 920-0000-231.54-40 Division Total: ' Department Total: Fund Total: Invoice Amount 169.85 3,425.00 8,213.27 25,888.18 240.00 445.00 138.90 3,693.99 $65,621.74 .$65,621.74 $65,621.74 $810,141.82 Payroll Clearing From: 1/27/2007 To: 2/9/2007 .~ ',' ',;" ~ . ",.. t . .. ~, ~," ~". . '....,. -. '~I. :>1) (.: ='.: _'1 { I,' ":':1.',";:": r(lf':'," Page 21 N - 39 . . . 0-1 Mission Statement: In partnership with our community, the Port Angeles Police Department recognizes its mission to ~erve in a compassionate, courteous, and professional . manner, to promote freedom and peace'ofmind, pride in our neighborhoods, and the safety of our families. (~ Offense November # Previous Amount of Percent YTD YTD Amount 'of Percent Threshold Total Month Change Inc/Dec 2006 2005 Change Inc/Dec (Norm) Homicide 0 0 - - 0 - - - - Rape/Sex Offense 2 0 2 N/C 24 29 -5. -17% 11 - 27 Robbery 0 0 - - 10 6 4 67% 4 - 12 Felony Assault 3 5 -2 -40% 47 33 14 42% 19 - 37 Assault 4th Degree 24 19 5 26% 227 236 -9 . -4% 227-285 Burglary 7 21 -14 -67% 161 153 8 ~)% 139-191 Theft 52 83 -31 -37% 736 678 58 9% 627-789 Motor Veh. Theft 4 11 -7 -64% 82 83 -1 -1% 3 1 - 64 Arson 0 0 - - 19 26 -7 -27% 9 - 21 DV Offenses 33 26 7 27% 242 256 -14 -5% 138-240 Juvenile Arrests 29 23 26% 267 230 " 16% Adult Arrests 103 79 30% 951 824 15% November 2006 Crime Statistics Analysis The chart above shows the number of Uniform Crime Report-Part I Crimes reported to the Port Angeles Police Department in November 2006. A comparison is made with the number of like crimes reported in the previous month. Crimes year-to date for 2005 and 2006 are also contrasted. Readers must view this chart with caution. Crime trends cannot be determined by comparing changes over short durations. However, evaluation of significant short- term changes can give an early warning of possible upward or downward trends. Upward trends do not necessarily mean that crime is oui of control. Hiring more police officers can cause an increase in crirv-e and arrest statistics, as can a criIi'Ie "spree." Down'ward trends could mean crime is down, or that people are just not reporting crime for some reason. A threshold is a range of numbers representing "normal" that is calculated from historical data. Theoretically, if crime statistics fall within the threshold, there is little cause for alarm; however, further evaluation oflarge swings may still be necessary. Readers must also keep in mind that small numbers yield high percentage differences when only a few ~.. I I :l"~~ ...1"'-'" ................. ...J-''''~ . more incide~tshave occ~ed. Note Robbery. Some evaluation Of the data above yields the following clarifying infomiation: . Monthly comparisons show the occurrence of crime unchanged or down in seven of the ten categories analyzed. . The monthly rate for Robbery has not increased for the past 5 months. . Motor Vehicle Theft and Arson rates have not increased for the past three months. . There was a continued drop (now two months) in the occurrence of Felony Assault, but the total is higher than normal for the year. . Theft totals, too, are high for the year; however their numbers did drop in November. Vehicle prowls and "other" thefts remain the highest subcategories. . Domestic Violence offenses remained a bit high compared to earlier months. The yearly total remains lower than last year and should not eclipse the threshold considered "normal." . Vehicle thefts, in November, reached their lowest montWy total since April 2006. Motor Vehicle thefts in 2006 are not alarmingly high in comparison to 2005 (2005 year-end total was 85). . Page 1 0-2 . . . POLICE VOLUNTEERS Our Police Department Volunteers provide many hours 'of service. During November of 2006, our Police Volunteers dedicated hours in the following categories: \ Events Office work for P APD, City Attorney* Radar/speed watch Vacation home checks Bank Run Night Patrols Sex Offender notifications Other details Volunteer Training Volunteer Administration TOTAL VOLUNTEER HOURS FOR NOVEMBER, 2006 34.0 49.0 74.0 8.0 30.0 52.0 - 0.0 20.5 3.5 53.5 324.5 , ...~ '. >"Office time is spent processing pawn slips, making copies for court and prosecutors, and assisting in the City Attorney's office and District Court. Our Police Volunteers are a highly valued part of the Port Angeles Police Department team. me of the These are just SO volunteers , 0 that our servIces hOs month. , oded t I proVI Patrol 52 Volunteer Hours Office Work for Records & City Attorney 49 Volunteer I-lours Page 2 Radar/Speed Watch 74 Volunteer Hours Bank Runs 30 Volunteer Hours Events Jingle Bell Run Veterans Day Xmas Tree Escort 0-3 PENCOM ACTIVITY . ENFORCEMENT ACTIVITY . . Page 3 . , . ~'-"'r''''':' -.... .i", ',~~;- ,-:'~;;.?t,{;-,.:~.-;,~,~-".", '<l1\~!'4:'''''~ . 0-4 . TRAFFIC VIOLATIONS 2006 30 28 5 16 25 20 15 10 o fo'3 -i'& ~O~ ~ .,&~ '3 . t;.fli C:J,cf V ~~o;; ~~ , " '" v ".0" ' , ,13'" ',0 & 0" CO.... 0.... f"v ~ co'" 0 '-5.~ ;~1lJ ,s.fli .~ ,0 ~ '" <v+~' <::)' ,~o;; XW x ....~ :}.O follJ C:J'''' ..s..'~ ~O o (i .~'" .lOO XW j..' s".0 XO ^1lJ .^~- 'O~ 1,.oy .,:;.~- ~ ~ <::)....... .~fli :s:-O 1lJ~ ~~~ ~;P r!tC$ <Q1lJ .~c[, ~'lj ~ ~ '" COIlJ rlJ~ CO~ ~~~ rlJ~ CO~ follJ 1lJ~ 00 130 f:::o~ rlJ ~<o~ co ~ o'$' ~ o September Il1!I October .. November . NOVEMBER TRAFFIC COLLISIONS 60 55 50 45 40 30 25 D 2005 112006 . Page 4 0-5 PART 1 CRIMES . Offense November YTD Total 2006 November Jan. - Nov. 2005 2006 2005 Homicide 0 0 0 0 Rape/Sex Offenses 2 24 3 24 Robbery-All 0 10 2 . 6 Assault-Felony 3 . 47 5 33 Assault-4th 24 227 21 236 . Burglary-Residential 2 80 13 80 Burglary-Other 5 81 5 73 Theft-Shoplifting 7 67 9' ~. 66 Theft-from Vehicle 13 300 41 294 . Theft-from Bldg 8 95 7 111 Theft-Vehicle 4 82 9 , 83 Theft-Other 24 274 30 207 Arson-All 0 1.9 1 27 Total , 92 1306 146 1240 PART 2 CRIMES . . Resistin /Obstructin . Stalking/Harassment! Endan erment ~IBC/Fraud/Embezzle/ 5 101 7 Pro ert Malicious Mischief- 5 , 84 2 Felon Malicious Mischief-3rd 13 164 7 Wea ons Violations 2 17 2; , Crimes Against Child/ 2 33 3 Sex Offense Drug Violation 11 117 11 ' Domestic - Verbal 9 119 8 DUI 6 84 8 Alcohol Violations 3 61 4 Violate Protection Order 13 87 8 Runawa ....-.... .".. ""'..^_. 7!'"''~''''' """~'"'..~o;,88'-"""'-' """""-''''''''''''''8'-~;\ISll",,~. . Miscellaneous/Other Total 5 88 61 1128. 7 84' 62 72 119 24 36 102 99 71 54 84 56 94 . 956 0-6 Page 5 ANIMAL CONTROL INCIDENTS November 2006 30 Total Calls 2006 Part I Domestic Violence Crimes Reported . \ Animal-Other 4 Animal-Vicious 3 Animal-Stray 3 Animal-Noise 9 Animal-Complaints Animal-Lost Aflimal-lnjured/Sick 4 Animal-Found Animal-Dead Animal-Abused 4 Month Tickets Revenue Tickets Revenue . 2006 2006 2005 2005 Jan 220 $2,490 ._c.' 295 :~ . $2,028 . . Feb 129* $905* 286. $2,403 Mar 253 $3,052 '205 $1,630 Apr 230 $1,687 226 $1,968 May 251 $2,918 147 $2,458 June 335 $2,350 393 $3,035 July 425 $3,548 432 $3,155 Aug 420 $3,861 376 ' $2,750 Sept 341 $3,216 316 i $2,645 Oct 132 $2,555 168 $2,444 Nov , , 158 $2,048 226 $2,133 , I Dee Total 2894 $28,630 3070 $26,649 * February 2006 statistics were significantly less than average due to the Parking Enforcement Officer's vaca- . tion during the end of January and sick leave for most of February. Page 6 0-7 Parking Ticket Statistics ....", .. ~.' >,,;:~. , / 0-8 . . . e e. j ':"~' e 0-9 .. -~ Mission Statement: In partnership with our community, the Port Angeles Police Department recognizes its mission to serve in a compassionate, courteous, and professional manner, to promote freedom and peace' of mind, pride in our neighborhoods, and the safety of our families. . ~ Offense December # Previous Amount of Percent YTD YTD Amount 01 Percent Threshold Total Month Change Inc/Dec 2006 2005 Change Inc/Dec (Norm) 1H0micide 2 0 2 N/C 2 0 - - - Rape/Sex Offense 1 2 -1 -50% 25 30 -5 c -17% 11 - 27 Robbery 1 0 1 N/C 11 7 4 57% 4 - 12 lFelony Assault 6 3 3 100% 53 . 35 18 51% 19 - 37 IAssault 4th Degree 19 24 -5 -21% 246 259 ' -13% -5% 227-285 lBurglary 16 7 9 129% 177 169 8 --5% 139-191 Theft 61 52 9 17% 797 760 37 5% 627-789 Motor Veh. Theft 5 4 1 25% 87 85 2 . 2% 31 - 64 lArson 0 0 - - 19 27 -8 , -30% 9 - 21 IDv Offenses 26 33 -7 -21 268 280 -12 -4% 138-240 Juvenile Arrests 10 29 -66% 277 246 13% IAdult Arrests 84 103 -18% 1035 893 16% December 2006 Crime Statistics Analysis The chart above shows the number of Uniform Crime Report-Part I Crimes reported to the Port Angeles Police Department in December 2006. A comparison is made with the number of like crimes reported in the previous month. Crimes year-to-date for 2005 and 2006 are also contrasted. Readers must view this chart with caution. Crime trends cannot be determined by comparing changes over short durations. However, evaluation of significant short- term changes can give an early warning of possible upward or downward trends. Upward trends do not necessarily mean that crime is out of control. Hiring more police officers can cause ap increase in crime and arrest statistics, as can a crime "spree." Down~ard trends could mean crime is down, or that people are just not reporting crime for some reason. A threshold is a range of numbers representing "normal" that is calculated from historical data. Theoretically, if crime statistics fall within the threshold, there is little cause for alarm; however, further evaluation oflarge swings may still be necessary. . . - ; .. Readers mus~ alsokecp)n mind that small numbers yield high percentage ~ffe~ences when only a few more incidents have occurred. Note Robbery. Some evaluation of the data above yields the following clarifying information: . The number of reported Rape, Arson, Assault 4th Degree, and Domestic Violence Offenses dropped in 2006. Only Arson was down significantly though. . In 2006, Felony. Assault, Motor Vehicle Theft, I Domestic Violence Crime, and Theft were all outside the threshold (higher than the "norm.") . The increase in the number of reported Felony Assault bears further evaluation. The rate of occurrence is significantly higher than 2005 rates, and significantly outside the historical threshold. . Although outside the threshold, it is positive to note that there were fewer Domestic Violence Crimes than in 2005. . Page 1 0-10 . . POLICE VOLUNTEERS Our Police Department Volunteers provide many hours of service. During December of 2006, our Police Volunteers dedicated hours in the following categories: "'Office time is spent processing pawn slips, making copies for court and prosecutors, and assisting in the City Attorney's office and District Court. Our Police Volunteers are a highly valued part of the Port Angeles Police Department team. . SOme of the These are Just volunteers o that our serv1ces h.s month. oded t 1 proV1 Office Worl{ for Records & City Attorney 85 Volunteer Hours Radar/Speed Watch 84 Volunteer Hours , , / Patrol 53 Volunteer Hours Page 2 Bank Runs 33 Volunteer Hours Events 37.5 Volunteer Hours 0-11 MICHAEL ROGGENBUCK, son of Sergeant Glen RogglEnb.H~k CAITL YN JACOBI, daughter of Carla Jacobi, Records Specialist GLORE~ HANSON, with Sunny and Ginger '~botogtapb!i ltlitb ~anta ,(~olunte.et3Ltm .Walsv) ~eteml1er 13tb For several years the Records Division has sponsored Santa pictures for City employees and their families. This year the photos were taken . by Dawn Mabrey, daughter of Records Specialist Vicki Morgan. As you can see, Dawn did a beautiful job. It looks as if Santa had a good time, too, even though Mrs. Claus (Volunteer Marilyn Walsh) had to work this year and wasn't abJeJo assis~..", 0 - 12 Page 3 . Depurrimeni Upd~ies-_... GOOD-BYE TO OFFICER SEAN.RYAN . SEAN RYAN left us this month to join his wife Rachelle in Arizona, where she is attending dental school. Although he took a one-year leave of absence, it is mos~ . likely that he will stay in ArIzona,' ,~::Where he will be . working . for 'the Gilbert Police Department. We wished Sean well at a potluck just before Christmas. COMING IN 2007 ,. ...... - ....' -;,;~ -- .....'.. + --- -r--..__ ~ ) ~ The Police and Fire Departments will hold their'fIrst Citizens Academy for up to 30 people. This Academy is open to our Volunteers; and. Advisory Board members, but the majority of openings, will be fIlled by others who can also make a differe1)ce in our communjty. A curriculum for the Police ,Department has been drafted, and recruiting will be done after the holidays. This 12-week Academy begins on January 25th. ~ We will hav~ J~ur ope,!!ings for Patrol. . Officer ,~arly ll;~xt year. Dallas Maynard has been hired to fIll one position and will begin work on January 2nd. That leaves two new openings that were recently approved by the City Council, . with another vacancy when Sergeant Jim Baertschiger retires. Page 4 0-13 PENCOM ACTIVITY . ENFORCEMENT ACTIVITY ,. ! I / . .!~~~~.,.. ' Page 5 .~ 0-14 . TRAFFIC VIOLATIONS 2006 30 5 23 25 20 18 15 10 o <4 ..s.~ '0<: ~/b .ff ~o ~e 0~ 0 . o-ffl i:J~ ,C3 ~{lj 0-0 \>CJ ~~...::.~ , O~, ~~ ",,00 \~ "~ f:J0 O~ ~ /.v ., '0"" &y ~ C:J~ ,0 .... O~ .&0 .,:;.0 .j.'lf ''1:,.,0 ~ /.~ o/~ <::J'''' ,~~ <<~<< .... ~.,<,~ A .""~ .O~ c"Q 0' .,,- 0" .,:;.",-, ~ ~ ~ '00 ~ '\> <:)~ . o-'lf .~0 0 C:J<< 00 ~ ...::.~ oy ~ r_O' ......0(:' ~ 00 ' ~..J (:S:.'<1 <() ~ 0 Oct b .~CfJ ..:-,..0'<1 W 9.0 0 er 'O0~ " C:J0 C:J~Cj I'iI November C:J<< . December . , "', .. DECEMBER TRAFFIC COLLISIONS 60 55 50 45 40 35,/ 30 25 02005 112006 . Page 6 0-15 PART 1 CRIMES . Offense December YTD Total December Jan. - Dec. 2006 2006 2005 2005 Homicide 2 2 0 0 Rape/Sex Offenses 1 25 2 26 Robbery-All 1 11 1 7 Assault-Felony 6 53 2 35 Assault-4th 19 246 23 259 . Burglary-Residential 9 89 7 87 Burglary-Other 7 88 9 82 Theft-Shoplifting 10 77 10 - - 76 " Theft-from Vehicle 18 318 26 320 Theft-from Bldg 11 106 15 126 Theft-Vehicle 5 87 2 , 85 Theft-Other 22 296 31 238 Arson-All 0 19 0 27 Total , 111 1417 128 1368 PART 2 CRIMES .,' . · Resistin /Obstructin Stalking/Harassment! Endan erment U I BC/Fraud/Embezzle/ 7 108 13 75 Pro ert Malicious Mischief- 5 ,89 2 74 Felon Malicious Mischief-3rd 14 178 11 130 . Wea ons Violations 1 18 Oi 24 : Crimes Against Child/ 5 38 0 36 Sex Offense Drug Violation 12 129 15 117 Domestic - Verbal 8. .127 3 102 DUI 2 86 7 78 Alcohol Violations 1 62 4 58 Violate Protection Order 9 98 12 94 Runawa 13 ,.,. 101 ./' .,' 6 62 Miscellaneous/Other 6 67 4 98 . Total 88 1218 82 1036 P~ge 7 , 0-16 ANIMAL CONTROL INCIDENTS For December 2006 40 Total Calls 2006 Part I Domestic Violence Crimes Reported Animal-Stray 10 . \ Animal-Other Animal-Vicious 7 Animal-Noise 10 Animal-Complaints Animal-Lost Animal-Injured/Sick Animal-Found 4 4 Animal-Dead Animal-Abused 3 Parking Ticket Statistics Month Tickets Revenue Tickets Revenue . 2006 2006 2005 2005 Jan 220 $2,490 295 , $2,028 "0 .', .. Feb 129* $905* -286- $2,403 Mar 253 $3,052 205 $1,630 Apr 230 $1,687 226 $1,968 May 251 $2,918 147 $2,458 June 335 $2,350 393 $3,035 July 425 $3,548 432 $3,155 Aug 420 $3,861 376 ' $2,750 Sept 341 $3,216 316 i $2,645 Oct 132 $2,555 168 $2,444 Nov , , 158 $2,048 226 $2,133 / Dec 161 $1,215 174 $2,260 Total 3055 $29,845 3244 $28,909 * February 2006 statistics were significantly less than average due to the Parking Enforcement Officer's vaca- . tion during the end of January and sick leave for most of February. Page 8 0-17 , / . .: ~,. "~ '>::.,., 0-18 . . . . . . WASHINGTON STATE MAIN STREET PROGRAM LOCAL PROGRAM MANAGER'S QUARTERLY REPORT The local Downtown Revitalization program manager must submit a quarterly report to the state program by the Sth of January, April, July, and October for the previous three months. This is required for all Main. Street organizations in the state of Washington. The manager should attach two copies of materials that further profile activities that the local program has accomplished during the reporting period. Manager's Name: Port AngeJes Downtown Association City:_Port Angeles, W A Current date: _January, 2007 _Months & year that this report covers: Oct., Nov., Dec. ORGANIZA liON 6~~ · If any of your officers or board members have changed, please attach an update for our mail/phone list (name, position, address, phone) or list below: * The Association's Manager retired the end of October. A search for a replacement has begun with application deadline o~December 1 st. Until her replacement's starting date, the Vice President has taken primary responsibility for keeping up on day to day operations and the President and other Board members are covering other commitments. , ',.... ....., : "" to" . , .. ..".. ~ , .......... ",~.' .. ".." "'^"",,, __.~" .. '" . _~.,...... 4_. ~" Ip._. . * Nominations for the 2007 Board of Directors were accepted in November, as presented, by the Nominating Committee. Prior to the ballots being mailed to the membershiP .in December, the membership list was given a final check against the City's Parking Business Improve~ent-Area (pBIA) list as only members in good standing may vote in any election. Results will be announced in January. * Contributions from the membership continue to come in to help offset the ever increasing cost of purchasing and installing the light for the winter season, in the Downtown street trees. The Association also purchases the lights for the "Eommunity Tree" put up at the fountain area by the City. The cost in the beginning of this project 9 years ago was about $2800 dollars but with the expansion of the number of trees lighted and the safety requirement of using the lights for only one season, the cost is now over $7000. Funding until now was from PBIA assessment money and miscellaneous funds but this year we asked the membership to contribute so that the same number of trees could be done. · Current number of board members: 13 , / ! 1!1~" iP} (,' l'l..:,Htf I, \ >......,."1..1: 1\ ! d j\'I:j(;~,I...."11J' · Current n~ber of active committee members. Do not include yourself in the count: Promotion: _6_ Design:_ 6 _ Economic Restructuring: _ 4_ . Other (Art on the Town): _6_ Other (parking): _5_ · Current number of volunteers: 42 · Number of volunteer hours dedicated to program activity support this quarter: 1182 . ,'I '. "1':!'- \'1' ',-.J:~ i-!!:\ \.-'n:.'il'lJJ. ~\"''''';:')'::!''''' "'"lit il~' (lIJIIUUrl~ ,'U.IlI ' :j ,. 'd\ , 0-19 . Are you working on updating or creating any new organizational materials? If so, please describe below or attach if complete (i.e., bylaws, evaluations, volunteer applications, grant proposals, brochures, newsletters, . ~: . * No . Describe significant outreach activities conducted recently to build relationships with other organizations (i.e., presentations, meetings, correspondence, joint projects): * We continue to provide the Chamber with the Downtown Business Directory with the downtown map and the Art on the Town brochure. * We continue to work with the Exchange Club on the flags that are placed throughout the downtown on special occasions and holidays. * Worked with the Elks Club for our evening Halloween event, Olympic Kiwanis on the street tree lighting, and DeMolay and P ALOA for holiday events. PROMOTION . Give a synopsis of promotional activities just completed. Include name of event or activity, total cost, source(s) offunds, a short description of the event or "activity, and an evaluation of its success. Also attach copies of brochures, posters, etc. connected to the event: A. T~ck or Treat saw about 1800 children come Downtown for ~~loween ,~andy and treats. . This event . brmgs many people Downtown who normally come Downtown and pr(j~des an opportunity for them to " see what businesses are here. " ". B. We continue the Second Saturday Art Walk:. Businesses that do not sell art procure some pieces for show on the day of the event and "gallery" and all the businesses provide snacks and many also have some type of live art activity. Art on the Town does an art walk of the downtown sculpture program. The art tour guide moves the walk past as many of the demonstrations as possible and ends the walk at a participating business. " The sculpture walk has grown from having 4 or 5 local individuals attend to a high of 34 people doing the sculpture tour, many of them from out of town who come to Port Angeles specifically for the art event and most are staying overnight. Cost is approximately $500 for promotion and part of that is contributed by participants. C. The Main Street Magazine was produced and printed for distribution the day after Thanksgiving. D. The holiday Open House did not grow in the amount of customers but more businesses participated. E. The Community Tree Lighting was held Thanksgiving weekend. First Federal Savings donated small gift bags for the children and the Association provided the rest of the event. F. The second annual lighted parade was held the weekend after the snowstorm and unfortunately many participants and attendees were unable to show up. This event, however, will be continued with hope that next December will have better weather. . i 0'- 20 . Highlight other promotional activities in the planning stage, include dates" if known: e * The committee is working on the 2007 Events Calendar and it should be ready in January. * Plans are underway for Customer Appreciation Week that will be in conjunction with Valentines Day. . Attach key media releases or articles written about your program/projects during the reporting period. DESIGN · Describe any significant design activities not included in statistics (assistance with sign ordinances, design review, workshops, contests, historic district formation, building surveys, clean-up days, etc.). If the activity is complete and has resulted in a written product, please attach: A. The Committee continues to work on the new benches for downtown. B. The committee continues to work with business and property owners on future signage and storefront design changes. ECONOMIC RESTRUCTURING e. e Current number of businesses, in the project area: _225 . ~.Source: ;lGity and Association counts · Current number of employees in downtown: _1543 Source: _Association counts_ · Retail Sales: _3_% up/down from previous quarter Source: Business owners in business over 5 years. . _even_% up/down from previous year · Explain any efforts made in assisting individuals or groups to obtain financing for an improvement project. List efforts to provide other business assistance and education: . . I * Continue to provide input regarding vacancies for prospective new businesses or relocations. , · Give a synopsii of your efforts in market analysis and business recruitment. Summarize any other Economic Restructuring activities: * The committee has updated the. data base and is updating the Downtown square footage. * The committee continues to work with the acquisition of information from the University of Wisconsin for development of new businesses. 0-21 I."i".. ." .'. . ......." / 0-22 . . . . . . CITY OF PORT ANGELES HOTEL/MOTEL GRANT FOURTH QUARTER REPORT OCTOBER 1-DECEMBER 31,2006 We, at the Port Angeles Recreation Division, have been very busy during the tourth quarterot 2006 with recreational activities that have brought additional visitors to Port Angeles~ In keeping with our goal to impact tourism through the promotion and hosting ot recreational events, we respectfully submit our Fourth Quarter Report. During the tourth quarter ot 2006, Hotel/Motel Grant Funds helped make possible tour basketball tournaments, one for men's teams and three. tor youth teams. The Talking Rain Tip-Off Classic, an invitational tournament for men's basketball teams, was held October 28th & 29th. Five teams took part, including two trom out-ot- town. The three youth basketball tournaments held in the months of November and December attracted a total ot 32 boys' and girls' teams, including 21 trorl] out of town, with one coming from Portland, Oregon. t " Ii. .. I ' 4th Quarter Sports Events Date Event ':-totaL ' , , " Out-Ot-Town Teams Teams October Talking Rain Sparkling Water 5 2 , 28-29 ' ,(adult basketpallb ill.. ~" :! r Ii,'; Ill! Ii . ,-' , November Tipoff Tourney 4 3 4:'5 (youth basketball) November Turkey Shoot 13 8 18-19 (youth basketball) .,', j December Holiday Hoops 15 10 9..10 ' .,,(y,OLlth bas~e,tbaIQ. ~1., . "'''.' . .. ..,-" ,. / "All told, the four events held in the 4th Quarter of 2006 to bring people to Port Angeles accounted for about 460 players, coaches, and spectators spending one or two nights in town, with a direct economic impact ot over $52,000.00 to the community. , r, '111C~ 0-23 " .'. ". ' .' ~":t-=:,. / 0-24 . . . . . . DATE: To: FROM: SUBJECT: F."'. .O.....R..T..'.~:. N',.'G"'.E:"L.-E'.-:S"-.I. ; .! ': .;.. " /::'. ;_ 1 ~ :_ ; : ...' ..../ ...'. .... ./__ .:.. 'n'" '~~H' ___} .____....1 '_.~' : I .. .---.., '-".-.' --'-"" WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. C IT Y C au N elL M E M a February 21, 2007 CITY COUNCIL NATHAN A WEST A/V PRINCIPAL PLANNER Community and Economic Development Department':' 2006 Annual Reporf Summary: The 2006 Annual Report of the Community and Economic Development Department provides an overview of Departmental activities and accomplishments over the last year. Recommendation: Review the Community and Economic Development Department 2006 Annual Report. Background I Analvsis: . . , The Community and Economic Development Department had aprodu9tiye:year in 2006. The Department's annual report provides details on applications processed"long'range planning achievements and a variety of staff accomplishments. The annual report will be distributed at the Council meeting for your review. . I) .,1; . ... .. II \: Jill!: ~ '11"111. , / I:\Memos\City Council- Annual Report Feb21.doc 0-25 THE CITY OF PORT ANGEtES W ASHINGTON~ U.S.A. 2 Code Compliance 4 Comprehensive Plan Changes ~t ~e e\O~ ~~b e~ 1) · c " o~\ o~~ ~e~ ~co~ ~vl)\ ~~/~ ~ ~ ~\~ A\e~ ~v I)~\V (P~ "e~ 6 Policy Issues 7 Municipal Code Changes 10 Certification of Building Inspectors 13 Top Priorities for 200 7 14 , I ~ Page ii '" > ,,'{"l , ,'i>!!i , ~ ,> [!JSll @f [F~GllJ[R([ES AN If)) 1fA~UES /Figures Figure 1. 2006 Building permits issued by sector_2 Figure 2. 2003-2006 Building permits issued _2 Figure 3. 2003-2006 Value of permits issued __2 Figure 4. 2006 building permits issued by quarter_3 Figure 5. 2006 permitted project, hospital addition 3 Figure 6. Port Angeles planning areas 3 Figure 7 -A. 2006 Code compliance case before enforcement 4 Figure 7-B. 2006 Code compliance case after enforcement 4 Figure 8-A. 2006 Code compliance case before enforcement 4 Figure 8-B. 2006 Code compliance case after enforcement 4 Figure 9-A. 2006 Code compliance case before enforcement 4 Figure 9-B. 2006 Code compliance case after enforcement 4 Figure 10-A. 2006 Code compliance case before enforcement 4 Figure 10-B. 2006 Code compliance case after enforcement 4 Figure 11. Comprehensive plan diagram 6 Figure 12. Land Development Guide 7 Figure 13. Clallam County's Built Green Checklist_7 Figure 14. Department of Ecology Low Impact Development Grant 8 Figure 15. New zoning map 9 Figure 16. Pre-2006 zoning map 9 Figure 17. City/County cooperation 9 Figure 18. Port Angeles Municipal Code 10 Figure 19. Housekeeping changes 10 Figure 20. FEMA Compliance 11 Figure 21. Distribution of Port Angeles land by use_11 Figure 22. Northwest Environmental Summit_12 Figure 23. HTE tracking system 12 Figure 24. Community and Economic Development Department Staff 13 Figure 25. Residential Building Inspector Certification 13 Figure 26. Example of a Low Impact Development Subdivision 14 Figure 27. Example of state recommended airport overlay zon'es 14 Ta[bl~es Table 1. Subdivisions 2004-2006 5 Table 2. Conditional Use Permits 2004-2006_5 [8UE(cQJ1f~VE SUWuMA~V The year 2006 was extremely productive for the Community and Economic Development Department. The Planning and Building Divisions were equally busy with record development in the first six months of the year. By May of 2006, the City had received 11 subdivision applications for over 300 new lots compared to a yearly total of 12 subdivisions and 105 lots in 2005. As of June 2006, the City had seen a 2% increase in the number of building permits and a 86% increase in the value of building permits issued. While the number of applications and permits slowed to a more standard pace over the remainder of the year, the Building Division was inundated with inspections on all the permitted projects. 2006 came to a close with a total of 804 applications collectively processed by both Building and Planning Divisions. The first full year of a dedicated code compliance officer also proved successful for enforcement throughout the City. A total of 104 code compliance cases were brought to a close which is an increase of 150%, over 2005. Departmental achievements were not limited to applications and permits. A number of substantial improvements were made to the City's Comprehensive Plan and Municipal Code. Comprehensive Plan changes layed the foundation for upcoming affordable housing initiatives. Municipal Code changes enabled Federal Emergency Management Agency compliance. As a result of Planning Division efforts, the City was the recipient of three separate grants all of which contribute to improving the City's low impact development standards. Planning Division staff represented the City on over 13 local and regional committees. Training enabled the Department to take the first steps towards comprehensive tracking of all in-house tasks. Staff took advantage of the City's HTE tracking system in an effort to maximize its benefit to the Department. The Community and Economic Development Department expects to continue its hard work in 2007 by taking on a number of important issues. Looking ahead, affordable housing, airport land use compatibility, and low impact development are at the top of next year's priorities. Building Permits 2003.2006 permits issued and was still higher than all A total of 677 building 800 permits were issued in construction value were other previous years on 2006 with a value of the highest on record for record. The number of 750 $37.6M. In 2005, 781 the City of Port Angeles. permits issued was only 700 permits were issued While there was a small surpassed by 2004 and valued at $48.5M. decrease in 2006, the 2005 development 650 2005's number of value of permits issued counts. 600 '?? oJ? <3- ~ f"igure 2. 8llllOlng IJeln-,lls ISSL'"'' 'no."': lC1 2006. 677 building The majority of permits productive sector with 73 Commercial issued were for various new single family developments are valued permitJ were iuued repair and alteration to residences valued at at $5.5M, with 11 in 2006 valued at existing structures. New $10.7M. There were 9 Industrial developments $37.6M single family residences Multi-family developments at $2M. were the next most valued at $3.2M, 8 new 2006 Building Permits Issued by Sector Value of Building Permits Issued 2003-2007 69% Millions 0000 V:>~cJ1(1) o Single Family Residential . Multi-Family Residential . Commercial o Industrial $50 $45 $40 $35 $30 $25 $20 $15 $10 $5 $- Ci~~,j'C' 1. ?J2c; 2_i :'~':i~~ 'J2,T~-,!':S :ssLle~i t::_ SC:\:~:: - .~~, c" 3. \::~'.",. n' ::~ ~J,'; ,S3_,=~ ~::'~-;: ...' '-' ,-' Q[JJarterly Activity The Building Division was busiest between April and June of 2006 issuing 32% of the year's building permits in the second quarter. The third quarter was also very active with 30% of permits issued between July and September. 21% were issued in the first quarter, and 17% were issued in the fourth quarter of 2006. A 44% drop in building permits was experienced between the third and fourth quarters. Building Permits Issued by Quarter Figure 4. 2006 Building permits issued by quarter Dnstriltmtion of Permits by Plall1Hl1ling Area Building permits were distributed as follows: The most permits were issued in the Northwest and North Central planning areas with each hosting 32% of the year's permits. The East planning area was not far behind with 22% of those permits issued. Another 12% of permits issued were located in the South Central planning area. The Harbor area had less than 2% of those permits issued and the Southwest planning area received less than 1% of those permits issued. Figure 5. 2006 permitted project. hospital addition. Buildingpermit adiviry Jlowed in thefourth quarter with a 44% drop in permitJ i.Hued (()mpared to the third quarter. .j~' ~; '\,.-~' H i"~"- -- " Figure 6. POli Angeles Planning Areas. . '1' I Page 4 '.1 . ,-..:;' BEFORE Figure 7 -A. Before enforcement. Figure 8-A. Before enforcement. The before and qfter photo.\' demomtrate jitJt a few if the JttcceJ~fttl ((}de ((}mpliance i'aJeJfrom 2006. Figure 9A Before enforcement Figure 10-A. Before enforcement. CODE ENfORCEMENT Cases Closed During 2006, the Code Compliance Officer's time was spent dealing with a wide range of code violations including tall grass and weeds, mud slides, illegal residential units, junk vehicles, illegal dumping, sewage overflow on private property, and noise control. In this first year of funding the Code Compliance Officer position part time, 140 cases were closed compared to 56 cases closed in 2005. Success Stories In a majority of cases, success has resulted in gaining voluntary cleanup and compliance. Visibly successful private property locations include the removal of junk vehicles, "stuff", and garbage from properties on West 5th Street and the cleanup and removal of many junk vehicles from a commercial property located on West First Street. Ennis Creek Cutoff has long been a dumping ground for junk vehicles and garbage. The site has housed many abandoned junk vehicles that were trailered or driven there and dumped, some being filled with garbage. With the cooperation of both the Public Works and Utilities Department and Clallam County, the area has been cleared of vehicles and garbage, and eco-blocks were placed to prevent future dumping. We are happy to report that, to date, no further incidents have occurred at that location. County residents along Benson Road continue to complain about unacceptable industrial noise levels from the Eclipse Industrial Park. Residents indicated that noise levels have been a concern for many years but have never been satisfactorily addressed. Callers do not specifically attribute the increase in disturbance to the new mill activity, and, in most cases, applaud the new mill management with attempting to address issues of concern. A noise study provided for the new mill operation identifies that the operation is largely in compliance with State standards. The change or increase in noise levels appears to be from previously existing uses. Staff believes that it is a combination of the noise level and the tone of noises being generated that is most disturbing to some neighbors. Staff is working with business owners within the industrial site to voluntarily implement noise mitigation measures in an attempt to address the concerns. AFTER Figure 7-8. After enforcement. Figure 8-8. After enforcement. Figure 9-8. After enforcement. Figure 10-8. After enforcement. The Planning Division had a year full of accomplishments. The first two quarters were especially active with numerous current planning applications. A total of 127 applications were processed by Planning Division staff. Approximately 42% of those applications were for State Environmental As noted in Table 1, there were a total of 18 land divisions in 2006 creating a total of 333 new lots. Land divisions result from a number of applications including: subdivisions, short plats, binding site plans, and planned residential developments. The majority of new lots came from two planned residential developments (PRD's) approved in early Conditional use permits (CUP) continue to be one of the most common types of applications submitted to the Planning Division. In 2006, 9 conditional use permits were processed including: Policy Act (SEPA) reviews. Boundary line adjustments were the second most common application type submitted constituting approximately 10% of Planning Division applications. Conditional use permits and shoreline substantial development permits constituted another 10% of 2006. The Reserve at Valley Creek PRD was approved with 140 new lots, and the Green Crow PRD was approved with a total of 43 new lots. As a result of these projects most of 2006's new lots were located in southcentral Port Angeles. There were 8 major subdivisions in 2006 consisting of 123 new lots. Half of these 7 accessory residential units, 1 duplex, and 1 modification to the Housing Authority of Clallam County Olympic Vista development. Average processing time for CUP's was 35 days. applications submitted. The remaining 38% of applications processed were distributed among the remaining 19 applications types. subdivisions were located in northwest Port Angeles. Two were located in Port Angeles' South Central planning area and two were located in east Port Angeles. The remaining land divisions consisted of 6 short plats creating 15 new lots, and 2 binding site improvement plans resulting in 12 new industrial lots. Accessory residential units are supported by the City's Comprehensive plan in that they provide for low cost additional housing units. . Page 5 ~ . t 1 "'" \, ~ ' 2004 Number of Number Subdivisions of Lots 15 289 2005 Number of Number Subdivisions of Lots 12 105 2006 Number of Number Subdivisions of Lots 18 333 2004-2006 Total Subdivisions 45 Total Lots 727 In 2006, a total ql333 new !otJ were created in 2004 Number of CUP's for Conditional Accessory Use Permits Residential (CUP's) Units 10 2 2005 Number of CUP's for Conditional Accessory Use Permits Residential (CUP's) Units 10 7 2006 Number of CUP's for Conditional Accessory Use Permits Residential (CUP's) Units 9 7 2004-2006 Number of CUP's for Conditional Accessory Use Permits Residential (CUP's) Units 29 16 Page 6 ".' f > ':[2'~,-~: 1-~. C8:"1j.>c:ilcr:;;\;:; ]-<01; l:iJgi,)lll: IlllIslrall11ie, tlWl tile , " " r ~G,-";;i[;!lel-,S'\:2 ijl(:I~ is L.~S '1 Ll.....:)' ric;l:rm of eltl planlllng. ChangeJ were made to the ComprehenJive Plan that make wqyfor mew qlfordable houJing regulatory changeJ. In early 2006, in collaboration with the Port Angeles Business Association, the City joined in forming the Clallam County Affordable Housing Task Force. The task force was charged with making recommendations on improving availability of affordable housing throughout the county. The initial recommendations resulted in multiple proposed changes to the Comprehensive Plan. After public hearings and input from the Planning Commission and City Council, a total of 12 housing changes were incorporated into the Comprehensive Plan amendments which were passed by City Council in June of 2006. These In January of 2006, the Artist Summit meeting was held to better educate the business community on the needs and issues facing local artists. It was specifically intended to educate the community about the difficulties artists face as part of running a changes make way for the development of affordable housing regulatory changes and incentives expected to be a primary focus of the Department's 2007 workplan. Below are a few of the new policy changes incorporated into the Comprehensive Plan: . The City should investigate the appropriate siting of additional land to be designated medium density and high density; . ...Inclusion of affordable, attainable housing in residential development projects, floor area ratios; . Revisions to existing planned unit residential business. As a result of this effort, Community and Economic Development Staff met with local artists to discuss issues pertinent to land use planning. After a number of meetings, several proposed amendments to the Comprehensive Plan . development regulations, increased height limits in medium and high density residential zones and high density detached single family residential developments, such as cottage colonies or housing clusters; and The City should strive to achieve an appropriate balance between attainable market-rate housing and affordable housing and ensure that affordable housing is provided in a way that contributes to the physical appearance and economic and social health of the City's neighborhoods and the City. were identified. The inclusion of live/work and work/live objectives in the Comprehensive Plan will help to facilitate regulatory changes that will provide a variety of options for the artist community. The purpose of the Land Development Guide is to promote City vitality through the efficient and functional use of land and natural resources. Preservation of local architectural characteristics and a visual quality that is complementary to the surrounding environment is also an important focus of the guide. The guide serves as a reference book of land use recommendations that developers are encouraged to meet or strive to achieve. The guide aims to build upon In October of 2005, the Clallam County Built Green Committee formed to aid in the implementation of Built Green certification for the County. "Green" building focuses on better use of natural resources, energy efficiency, sustainability and healthy building the historical character of the City by documenting ideal aesthetic, landscaping, historical significance, and sustainable development practices. The guide provides a source of recommendations rather than requirements. Additionally, where possible, the City has attempted to make suggestions that are cost effective and realistic for the average resident or builder. There are a number of ways individuals and developers can assist local government in materials. Planning Division staff was very active in supporting the Built Green effort. In addition to being on the Built Green Committee, staff took part in several committees to assist in the development of the Built Green Checklist. In September, 2006, a enhancing the best aspects of the community while building a better place to live. Focusing on a few small design changes and making the effort to explore various options is a good way to start. The guide provides suggestions on how to improve building fagades, roofing, exterior detailing, and design for producing more attractive and compatible buildings that fit into existing neighborhoods. checklist was officially released documenting three levels of Built Green certification. The checklist is available at the permit counter and Department staff are listed as resources for information on various components of the checklist. ~:(; Page 7 ;)i,,*t.iiI: . " .. ,. ., ' The Land Development Guide iJ a rr:ference book qf recommendationJ develope?:r are enaJuraged to achiez1e. - -~"=",,,,~,,,,,,,,,,,<,,,,,,_-,,,,,,~,""'''''-<'--''-'_.,".=-~.~-~.-".-...~"...- ,'-__ _.......,.._.__._. ~.__ '...."8_.-_0." l!~~~~~~:'~~~;Jr-=r~~~i. ~,...::.;..,,:=;:::._::.:_.... - .' .:;:~',f ., ,--.,,--...~ .....~.._.....- . "'---'-";~ 'O'-;;;;.:;-,;.::-:-~-~:;~._.__..~;<~,_;':~;;:_~=_=_ .... " _._ _"_':;';::;;:;;;: . S"-';~%c~if~5:I:ff?:'0;:~. I ~.~~ . ~''''''''-''-.''.''-''''''.-..'''''-.''''.'I . . .. ~""='""O,,~="'. :.1~~~t2f2~~~?~:L~L:- '~~"~~;~ ':2,''',i,'''~';'':;;;; ;::;;. The Ciry haJ foi'tmd on impr01Jing itJ exiJting Low Impact DelJe!opment 5 tandardJ '.'; :', SI I N r, 1 ~ t. S :. 1 . o ~ p :~ ~ . I! E ',. 0 F E C 0 LOG Y Figure lLf. The Cepalimcllt of Ecolag) 1...01'" Impact Develop- I'lent Gra I It. Ti'o gra nt 8 ppllca- tlor. re:Ci\ cd tile illgilcsl num 'Jor of rJO'llts Of al';' grant apoli- ~?l.:.- S;.<;'~~'I~'LeU. The City was awarded a Washington State Community Trade and Economic Development The City was awarded an assistance grant from the Puget Sound Action Team. This grant provided technical assistance from the staff at AHBL, an engineering, planning, landscape design group from Tacoma/Seattle area, to aid the city in finding ways to incorporate LID techniques into the City's development regulations A third grant is a monetary grant from the Department of Ecology in the amount of $109,000. This grant is to aid the city in the development of a demonstration project in conjunction with the North Peninsula Builders Association's (NBPA) Future Builders program. The monies are intended to be used to develop a two block section of city street involved in the NPBA subdivision to LID standards. The resulting streetscape will include a narrow curvilinear travel surface, pervious paving systems for on-street parking areas, and rain 2006/2007 Competitive Grant. The grant awarded $35,000 to develop a land development guide and codes. AHBL has provided the city with a final draft of a Planned Low Impact Development overlay zone, a draft Clearing, Grading, and Drainage ordinance to replace the existing ordinance, and designs for LID streets, parking lot landscaping beds, and a tree pit design that incorporates stormwater treatment techniques into gardens designed to capture and treat stormwater before it reaches the city's stormwater system. Once the street is complete, it will serve as an example to other builders, developers, designers, or engineers of how stormwater can be managed in a more environmentally friendly manner. A monitoring program will be included to measure quantities of stormwater entering the City stormwater system from the development, and the levels of contaminants that are included in that and parks and recreation element for the Cities' Comprehensive Plan. element. landscaped planting areas. A list of potential developer incentives to encourage the use of LID techniques is also included. The draft ordinances and designs must now be reviewed by City departments, amended as necessary, and then adopted into the Municipal code or as standards and guidelines. stormwater. This is the first year that DOE has offered this particular grant. It is envisioned that the funds awarded this year and future projects will create a data base of information that can be used to justify a shift in the approach taken to manage storm water. The Port Angeles grant application received the highest amount of points awarded to grant applicants throughout the Puget Sound region in this application period. In 2006 the Department reinvented the City's zoning map. The new map clarifies City Boundaries and urban growth areas. It also reflects on the surrounding natural amenities of the Strait of Juan De Fuca and the Olympic Mountains. The Department made an effort to make sure the cost of the map remains unchanged. The City of Port Angeles began early 2006 with a Strategic Planning Process. City Council and staff conducted an analysis analysis outlining strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT). Multiple \.d:.::.-=- ...._.__...._K.....~~ ...'.-......_........_,,._.--.b._.*__ ~. - ~~-'~--,,-'._~--.'~. i,G,1 i-(: __> !;-:~ ,CCC:-j!!-::,'C( /~-I:'!: "J I'::~'= ~_J~'1,-t 'I,~'....~,~~ _,I"':'::-Ll. i Ccc; i:". meetings were conducted from which staff derived vision statements, goals and objectives. The Community and Economic Development Department was charged with deriving statements for "Planning for the Future" and "Live and Work." The topics The Community and Economic Development Department of the City of Port Angeles and The Community Development Department of Clallam County have agreed to work closely on an approach for developing the Port Angeles Urban Growth Area (UGA). Specifically, the Departments agreed to ensure that development standards in the UGA are consistent with those in ~ :.>IUU) fret I ~~~';';:;":';;~: I ~ Ie,':: ,3S ~-:... ,\; included: Land Use, Infrastructure, Growth Management, Community Design, Maintenance, Culture, Transportation, Economic Development, Community Development, Recreation, Environment, and Education. the City. Areas being discussed include water, fire, sewer/septic systems, building code interpretation, streets, landscaping, signage, stormwater, parks and critical areas. " Page 9 ~, ~ e ! j ! \ :=ig;"2 '6 I ~~~ pre '-~J~C) /;ji-il:l~~ !~! 'a I: In 2006, the Ci!} conducted virioning workJhopJfor a new Strategic Plan =;:1" '" ~L ~ 7 7,"-:; Cit\ Gr PC':: ~ 1I,1gc ~s 0 ,,~' ",:: ,(I -j C':::"~:.-~\ IU\CC' . '::.-.. c - ;!i':~ JJ ~; ,-l":;.s ::":-::1 Page 10 ':{ ',. Figure 18. In 2006 there were 2 sets of proposed changes to the Municipal Code. These included housekeeping changes and FEMA compliance changes. The Department'J annual houJekeeping ~/lortJ are aimed to improve upon the Mttnicipal Code to facilitate a Jmooth and ~/ficient del}elopment proceJJ. Figure 19. Housekeeping cllanges included a modification of landscaping requirements. LONG-RANGE PffUUIECTS-CONTINUED lHousekeepill1lg As part of our annual housekeeping, the Community and Economic Development Department reviewed Title 17 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code (PAMC) for necessary amendment. Amendments are a result of specific applications or inquiries that brought flaws in the Code to our attention. Changes in required landscaping are proposed throughout various sections of the code. Based on review of other jurisdictions landscaping requirements the present requirement is below standard. Staff recommended changes incorporating a landscaping standard of 1 tree for every 6 parking spaces. Presently the standard is 1 tree for every 10 spaces. A second component to proposed landscaping changes requires that landscape islands be interspersed between parking spaces with no more than 8 consecutive spaces. Working through Planned Residential Development applications over the last few yea rs has demonstrated needed amendments in several areas of the PRD regulations. These proposed changes are also reflected in the Planned Industrial Development (PID) regulations. Amendments help to ensure that application submissions are of a quality nature enabling easier review. During review of recent rezone applications it was noted that numerous inconsistencies exist between the various commercial zones. Permitted and conditional uses in the various zones use different wording with synonymous intent. Changes resolve conflicts and provide consistency in terminology. Presently, most of the commercial zones permit residential development consistent with the Residential High Density Section of the Municipal Code. Staff is concerned ~ --; that this allowance may jeopardize the commercial integrity of these zones. At present, commercial zoning in the City has the least remaining developable area compared to other land use classifications. While staff agrees with residential use at the RHD standard, the primary use our the City's commercial land should be commercial. In late 2005, the Department of Ecology (DOE) submitted a letter to the Mayor indicating that specific changes to the Port Angeles Municipal Code were In the first few weeks of 2006, the Department undertook a review of land use throughout the City. A breakdown by zone was conducted with the number of parcels and acreage of developed required for compliance with the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). Planning Division staff drafted revisions that conformed to DOE recommendations and in vs. undeveloped land. The distribution of land by zone demonstrated that 43% of the City's land base is zoned residential, 29% industrial, 22% public buildings and parks and 6% commercial. Excluding January 2006, the changes required to Title 15.12 were unanimously approved by City Council ensuring that the code is once again FEMA compliant. public buildings and parks, a majority of land in all the City's various zones is developed. Some zones have less than 7% of parcels available for development. Community and Economic Development Staff participated on a number of local and regional committees in 2006. Those committees include: . Built Green Committee . Built Green Site and Water Committee . Built Green Innovation, Grants, and Additional Action Committee · Housing Affordability Task Force . Lead Entity Group Committee . Marine Resource Committee · North Olympic Peninsula Rural Conservation and Development Council . Peninsula RTPO Policy Board · Peninsula RTPO Technical Advisory Committee · Port Angeles Business Association · Port Angeles Downtown Association Parking Committee · Port Angeles Downtown Association Economic Restructuring Committee · Tse Whit Zen Remediation Permitting Team ~~,t ; I~,I';',' ," Page 11 -'''",;}n" , , rlr~, ~~::I'. .~Iti FEMA l<rNO s'i.'::-' 43% ~fthe Ciry'J land baJe iJ midential!y ::;,oned. Distribution of Land by Use ~=~ [ : Commercial G Industrial r:::: Public Buildings & Parks . Residential Page 12' : ::!j<';:", . :":~ ~~/ HJB Software enableJ the trarkitzg qlall Department proreJJeJ. '~'_...~<.."~t:i 5~'-.'i._'",~ Mol..'" :+0:.'.1 ~~~"~~L~~~~~ ~:t~ ;:::~~ -' ;;.m:~r_~ t_ .o.":'l-H~~[Hi" 1-.",nl ~~~:i;~~~';~':"~;~ "'..r_ll [_'''oj "'.F."'Xrt9 f.I~n' ~'r-:;loE:t "":'~',,"3,;ifl':.- ~L" .. 'r1',..c:."-'.'.~1 I'M':'J"':t~-y - "Jr .1.-r.....,..,1 "_~r_"J.'-..:-,,- ., ..,'~-,,1 <;-,-.tn.~ ",.,cr. ~'n' -t._"n.;'_ ,,~"[ - [l,,,,.,-,r,; In October, two CED staff members along with the City Manager and City attorney attended the Northwest Environmental Summit in Tacoma WA. The two day conference was designed to help officials stay ahead of environmental law, regulation, policy and technology best practices. The conference incorporated: a technical program, a basics track From March 28th to March 30th, the Community and Economic Development Department had a special training session on the City's HTE tracking software. The focus of the training was to enable the Department to become more familiar with the software and to improve its ability to track planning applications. building permit covering fundamentals of environmental management, and a track on emerging issues. Staff attended a variety of workshops with subjects ranging from wetland mitigation to energy efficient technologies and incentives. Some of the most significant information was related to the new National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System applications and code compliance issues. In the past, permit related statistics have been generated manually through excel spreadsheets. Training has enabled staff to produce these statistics through the HTE system, and all monthly reports for the remainder of the year were produced with the assistance of HTE. (NPDES) Phase II Stormwater permit requirement that the City will be operating under beginning in early 2007. Successful brownfield redevelopment strategies were also presented which included field trips to successful brownfields developments in the Tacoma area. The Planning Division has incorporated all activities from planning applications to long range planning items as trackable tasks in the HTE syste m. -",; 2 n.~ ,:,...1, ~:j 'c :~~,\ ,-:,OJ~'~'J _ ;:'~cl . ie'"; t~; i'ig,l . Dr1\,'I(: Y~~Sl ..!(~:; ~i :.:: r~!I"'[; ,;~-;)C:=:: . ~ .-; ,;';:~,,:,<:~ '-J~lliF'!il~_!, 1\'1L~I"'~',I,~r. \ , . ~ " " " ~~c(jH _;C),~:lS ,,,i-\S:;~-I~: P,C:; 'I . :1~Cr:, . '~c :",<,C!, C,_;.' ~,3.~C-~ \;!-~, \i:.'. ,r'" \ '" ' i 1; ~ ,- Building qfjidall' are certijied in o'Ommenial and midential development I\TEll:\ATIO\AL CODE COl\CII. I -..><<.- f- PAT HARTlIOUCK 4- ___#-' #.___.._______~............... ~~~-~.y...,::O""--#....,_ +--......---....~-~-~--~ --....M'.._~.-i~..:,...s.___.;.~_ RLSWE.vrIA1. RI'Il.nr'lr. f'\"SPF--<.iOR ._.._.,0..-.:'>>>> ..:"~~.:,- :,~.!.::.=:-~ I ,'2 '1r~ ~C~;(_\I~~;E1' 2. Ic:ing IC'C';; '}, '.: -::~,;:;:. ..... -c ~:::\ C:i I;. '-~:--, ~i :t,'; ,C:'\. ':C' Patrick Bartholick, Code Compliance Officer and Assistant Building Inspector, achieved state certification this past year as a residential building inspector. Patrick expects to obtain his commercial building inspection certification in 2007. By membership in the Washington Association of Code Enforcement (EACE) Officer's Association in order to In June of 2006, the Community and Economic Development Department hired Lara Kawai, a student with the Huxley program at Western Washington University. Lara assisted in researching key components of the new Land Development Guide. She was also responsible for taking numerous pictures of buildings and architecture throughout keep informed of current legislation and practices. His attendance at the yearly fall conference was an invigorating experience where code compliance reports were freely shared. Jim Lierly, Building Inspector, continued his professional education th is past yea r by becoming certified as a plumbing inspector. The Port Angeles. As a result of her efforts, the Draft Land Development Guide was presented to City Council in December of 2006. In addition to her work on the land development guide the internship was a opportunity for her gain a better understanding of local planning processes as well state environmental reviews in " . r Page 13 '~i . course was extensive, and achievement of the certification was very rewarding as Jim had been working toward the goal for several years. Jim continues to be involved in the International Code Council activities where members discuss often confusing regulations and how they are being handled in various jurisdictions. association with the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA). Lara also contributed significantly to Departmental organization by helping with upkeep of the City's Laserfiche system. Lara is majoring in Environmental Studies and is expected to graduate in June of 2007. Page 14 ], ~, J ~ As a continuation of the two awarded Low Impact Development Grants, the City intends to implement low impact development into the Port Angeles Municipal Code. The term "Low Impact Development" (LID) refers to techniques used to manage stormwater runoff in a manner that mimics natural processes and reduces the adverse impacts to the environment from runoff As a follow up to Comprehensive Plan changes in early 2006, the Department expects to make regulatory changes to help facilitate the goals and objectives In early 2007, staff will review airport land use compatibility with the objective of ensuring compliance with the Growth Management Act (GMA). The GMA requires that airports be preserved as essential facilities. In 1998, the Washington Department of Transportation (WSDOT) released handled in more traditional ways. The principles involved with LID include reducing the amount of stormwater runoff created, treating stormwater runoff as close to its source as possible, using more natural techniques, such as infiltration into the local soils, and the use of vegetation to slow down and filter out pollutants from stormwater runoff. related to affordable housing. Affordable housing is a statewide concern and the Governor has prioritized the issue creating an affordable housing advisory board. recommendations on airport land use compatibility. These recommendations include consideration for compatible land uses, height restrictions, and noise impacts surrounding airports. The William Fairchild International Airport is a very important public facility that provides a A low impact development option for developers is required by the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Phase II Permit which will become active in early 2007. It is anticipated that a number of incentives will be provided to developers who choose the low impact development option. Planning Division staff will be working to insure that incentives are available to developers to encourage the development of affordable housing. valuable service to the City of Port Angeles and Clallam County. Part of the airport borders the Clallam County jurisdictional boundary. City staff will be working with Clallam County and Port or Port Angeles Officials to ensure compatibility for everyone. Low impact development sjte plan ,.. "",J .'~.:;'~:~(~ ~~j ~ ,r. -=-_\c1: l":iJ,~ ()'] t;: ,0" I '1:;aCi Uu C~O,):lli:l1\ Suhell\ 'sian ~,:;ch:~ ,'"]'o\.'l["oc' :);' PL~'{;,--'~ SO~II;~' " .'~~'J/l -/ ~:();i~. The Governor haJ prioritized eliminating bamerJ to development qf qflordable hotlJing. L.r.~,'e.~ :_\21 ~.J'2 of S'~c:;'~c ~T~ :J.-:l ~ilE:I-,C2( !-\It PCl! l 0\ 81'i;]), 'Zones. Community and Economic Development Department-Annual Report 2006 F or more information consult the City's Website. The City's Comprehensive Plan, and Zoning Code are available online at: www.cityofi:>a.us The Department's Mission: To serve public interests and pro- tect individual rights through the planned and orderly development of the lands and environs of the City of Port Angeles, Additional statistics are available upon re- quest by emailingsmartgrowth@cityofpa.us or calling 417-4750. I,. O' ~/ Date: r~b, ~/ () 7 Expected length of session: cr 0 EXECUTNE SESSION hi ,'no Is action expected following the session: Mlk.v6v / Reason for Executive Session: To consider matters affecting national security. l.o . \::>( To consider the selection of a site or the acquisition of real estate by lease or purchase when public knowledge regarding such consideration would cause a likelihood of increased price. To consider the minimum price at which real estate will be offered for sale or lease when public knowledge regarding such consideration would cause a likelihood of decreased price. However, final action selling or leasing public property shall be taken in a meeting open to the public. _ To review negotiations on the performance of public bid contracts when public knowledge regarding such consideration would cause a likelihood of increased costs. _ To consider, in the case of an export trading company, financial and commercial information supplied by private persons to the export trading company. _ To receive and evaluate complaints or charges brought against a public officer or employee. However, upon the request of such officer or employee, a public hearing or a meeting open to the public shall be conducted upon such complaint or charge. ~ To evaluate the qualifications of an applicant for public employment or to review the performance of a public employee. However, subject to RCW 42.30.140(4), discussion by a governing body of salaries, wages, and other conditions of employment to be generally applied within the agency shall occur in a meeting open to the public, and when a goveming body elects to take final action hiring, setting the salary of an individual employee or class of employees, or discharging or disciplining an employee, that action shall be taken in a meeting open to the public. , 'I _ To evaluate the qualifications of a candidate for appointment to elective office. However, any interview of such candidate and final action appointing a candidate to elective office shall be in a meeting open to the public. ~ To discuss with legal counsel representing the agency matters relating to agency enforcement actions, or to discuss with legal counsel representing the agency litigation or potential litigation to which the agency, the goveming body, or a member acting in an official capacity is, or is likely to become, a party, when public knowledge regarding the discussion is likely to result in an adverse legal or financial consequence to the agency. Closed session under RCW 42.30.140: _ To discuss proceedings concerned with the fonnal issuance of an order granting, suspending, revoking, or denying any license, permit, or certificate to engage in any business, occupation, or profession, or to receive a license for a sports activity or to operate any mechanical device or motor vehicle where a license or registration is necessary; or _ Meeting of a quasi-judicial body relating to a quasi-judicial matter between named parties as distinguished from a matter having general effect on the public or on a class or group. _ Matters governed by chapter 34.05 RCW, the Administrative Procedure Act. _ Collective bargaining session with employee organization, including contract negotiations, grievance meetings, and discussions relating to the interpretation or application of a labor agreement or a portion of a meeting which the governing body is plarming or adopting the strategy or position to be taken by the governing body during the course of any collective bargaining, professional negotiations, or grievance or mediation proceeding, or reviewing the proposals made in the negotiations or proceedings while in progress. Time session began: 3 ; ;LO Time session ended: Was session extended by announcement: f-ej ~~SO If so, when: Mayor City Clerk G:\LEGALIForms\EXECUTIVE SESSION-10-17-05.wpd