HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet 03/01/2000 r I. FORr,ANGELES CITY OF PORT ANGELES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING CALL TO ORDER - REGULAR MEETING: II. ROLL CALL: Members Present: Mayor Doyle . Councilman Campbell Councilmember Erickson Councilman Hulett Councilmember McKeown Councilman Wiggins Councilman Williams Staff Present: Manager Quinn Attorney Knutson . Clerk Upton S. Brodhun B. Collins G. Cutler S.Ilk D. McKeen Y. Ziomk:owski ~ ~ \/ 'v ,/ =i= ~ III. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Led by:. ~ ~~ March 1,2000 hlJl2 F CITY OF PORT ANGELES · ~ORTANGELES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING Attendance Roster DATE OF MEETING: March 1,2000 LOCATION: City Council Chambers Please indicate on the attendance roster if you plan to address the City Council this evening. qo S- vJ /% 70~ S.FRt'lwe/:.5 I S"3 ~ I/' 1..,../" ~ ,/1" ..j'~n; S/,rC/H-1L1 ~ CITY OF PORT ANGELES ~ORTANGELES WAS H I N G TON, U.S. A. CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING Attendance Roster DATE OF MEETING: March 1,2000 LOCATION: City Council Chambers - Please indicate on the attendance roster if you plan to address the City Council this evening. o , t Today's Presentation · Current Project Scope · Why are We Replacing the Watermains? · Plan to Replace and Upgrade Downtown Watermains . History or How Did We Get Where We Are Today? · Early Flood Control Methods · What is the Concern? . Process of Locating~ossible Preservation Sites · Project Alternatives · Unknown Factors to Consider · Questions???? 1 " Project Scope · Watermain'Replacement · Location of Work ~ .o~ .--- I PHASE 2 PROJ ECT LOCATION 2 Project Scope · Watermain Replacement · Location of WOrk · Sidewalk Improvements · Tree Replacement · How Accomplished /'- BUWNG Fi{;( / CONCR[1[ ElOONG ST~P " r "",ROX. "".-3'" '. ! REHFORCE WIni 2ll2,W'2.9xW2.9 ! PAVER ~D BID /..- SEE SPECW. PR<MSlONS _ ElECTFatAl. CONDUIT / I NEW WATER hWi ! SEE o.E~ PlANS / / coNcREJE UNIT EXtSTtlG CLRe 10 BE REMOl/ED 1/ r PA\'tR , I NolD REf'\.ACEO 12" ~RIER CURB / ' I 'I SEE OETAlL x;x-x ~~ '-, 7 /B~ MARINE GRADE PL yWQQo 'vx.... TO SUPPORT OOlI1lMRED -Y.'-. EDGE or 8lEN[)NG srRlP ~ KEYSTONE C<>.lPAC UN" ~'" ~, , . 0'" f^....~"j _,.'Y.,: ":' ...;..... . ,."!" ....:,.z_..; ~~.,. .;: .._" ..'~.::-',:,.,-'~.;, i'<;;"',,:..;.,:,:":....,f''<,;::.,.~~ -..... "'l. ~:~::<~(<:/S(~5( (;s!./~~~ (<'<~S(:{/~< .... /" 'Y/-K -'/ ':/'Z' <~w.(' -<(-<(/<.:,.0(: ~;,~~,~~~~.:~~-;~~~~~~i~:~; .~~~~~<.- , )'/, Fj)'// /,>/~ /)v;. /"/;/.."//Y'/ /'j /' // .~<x(,,<;\>:;;, ','>'-< ,\<;:>; "'<-.~ ")~;'>.:s;~<<",'{":'.">) '. ///"</?:.~'\" <.?~:/",~;z ;i'<~::'j~~ /:(-~/':(':)"<.:<'<" ,/~ ;1*:~~:~,\~,%~~1~~;~:'~S~~~>/..: '(./"y,<' '<,:"0/"~ -:~'f',.<." ,.-,-,,(<.:,,/ ...::~;~'!?t:7:',:;~~~(~:_:~.~~:.~;~~..7.1y' -~. , /',~. /><>,>\ ),"/ ~:-...~, '. L GEOGRIC - SEE ", _ ' ,,,,,<//.:.,,,.,,, ,SP[C~ PROVISIONS .. , c~ ' \ ~-=~N~~~t(lTO ",,- 6" CONCRaE - GROOm PRIOR TO PtJONG LOOING PAD nLL CAA\El.. BACKALl -FOR WAllS SfI ST,.tH[),t.JlD SP(C. FILL CONSTRUCTION DETAIL 3 Phase I Progress Photo Phase I Progress Photo 4 Project Scope · Watermain Replacement · Location of Work · Sidewalk Improvements · Tree Replacement · How Accomplished · Cost $1.1 M - City Funds $112,000 and Loans $1.0 M Why Are The Downtown Watermains Being Replaced . Identified in Water Comprehensive Plan · Original watermains from 1914 · Unreliable - Breaks · Rupture due to Earthquake · Fire Flow Improvements 5 . Plan to Replace and Upgrade Downtown Watermains · Phased Approach _ PHAlE 1 _ PHAlli 2 illIlIi\,'.lWiIlIJ!illii PHAIE a GATBMolY 'l ..#' .~ ,rY . 6 Plan to Replace and..Upgrade Downtown Watermains · Phased Approach · Improve the Downtown Area BEFORE AFTER 7 J Plan to Replace and Upgrade Downtown Watermains · Phased Approach · Improve the Downtown Area · Affordable Cost · Leverage City Funds with Loans History or How Did We Get Where We Are Today? · City Ordihances # 8 & 9, 1890 - Improve the Downtown Roads and Streets · City Ordinance # 424, 1913 - Formed Local Improvement District #11 8 r, Early Flood Control Methods · DikeIRetaining Wall Construction 9 Early Flood Control Methods · Dike/Retaining Wall Construction · Soil Sluicing 10 Front Street looking East near Chase Street Early Flood Control Methods · DikeIRetainingWall Construction · Soil Sluicing · Results of Work 11 Front Street looking West fm Laurel Street 12 13 " 14 \i.Wwmm'@ SllMlW(\I'CIP' _ -.wALM\I'CElIS..AC7I1>>IWP'KII.5I! MOWA~~ ~ ( J'~._ ._. o h1Il~LD III I'm ,. ~[? ~1~1U3f:]IG ~ .... .n on'" ~ Ib\Jn II IFll ~ i Ih ~L n ~ ril FCi EXISnNG OPEN AREAS UNDER THE SIDEWALK What is the Concern? · T ourism/Heritage · Historic or Possible of Historical Storefront Preservation Opportunities · Potential Economic DevelopmentlUnderground Mall Opportunities c- 15 Restoration or Preservation of Possible Historic Sites · Letters to Organizations/Citizens · Media Coverage · Location of the Four Identified Sites ~~ t >I":~.~ / i ~ ~ (: ) ..1~) Jl:/y'U~. , i vJ'Id...~ " ~. ._,~-[ /' .J..-' 1 I/- J I ~ ' ....... f' \' I I I r. . .. (;< . . _. ______..~..~\ .~-o ( .~< ..,,--- r------.~~J: ..... --...--,.."............ ~ --"'-:/~':c, POTENTIALLY SIGNIFICANT SITES 16 Location of former Brothel >' / ~ // /. /.~.I.~ Existing Family Shoe Store ~.P~ BUILDING IS OHAPIER FOUNDATION. NO BAS EMENT FORMER BROTHEL W. -~//.~ //~~pf(? ~/o'.z LOCATION OF FORMER v if ELWHA THEATER "' ~'/~ //~ 'c-0 .r / ....1'1' ./;/)'-' ..>--/ /0 ,- /W " /'>'" ~ NATUREWAY HEALTH FOODS AND GREBIN'S JEWELRY BASEMENT FORMER ELWHA THEATER 17 ElllSrtlGCOHCREl"E FLOOR ',?J'"1)T;nF. APPROXIMII MJRAL LOCATION ~ [t (HERE AND OPPOSITE ~ ~Ld'~' WALL) ,., . '.,.. ~4'~~~ . o,;_,,~ *,; THE MURALS UNDER PEDAL AND PADDLE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE READING ROOM AND HUTCHINSON'S JEWELRY STORE FRONT ON LAUREL STREET 18 Storefront on Laurel Street Looking East Under Odyssey Book Store 19 Looking East Under Family Shoe Store Under the Sidewalk at Pedal 'n Paddle Looking West 20 ',,,,:~,':';'~.C," '"",:1' ;',,1 .",t"" ,-,~ ""/~i~,l""~.f':'?'("'" Potential Economic Development · Vision - Additional Retail Space: Build Down vs. Tear Down - Attraction · Discussion at Utility Advisory Committee/City Council Meeting Concept . .'-.. : ... .~. . ~ ... ... ...... ......: . ..... . Underground .' ..... .....:.' . 21 Project Alternatives · Execute Project as Designed · Construct Structural Sidewalks · Relocate Watermains to Roadway . Preserve a Portion of the Underground in Phase III Execute Project as Designed · Watermains Replaced . Sidewalks Enhanced & Trees Replaced · Schedule · Cost: Project $l.lM 22 Construct Structural Sidewalks · Watermains Replaced · Sidewalks Enhanced & Trees Replaced · Underground Preserved for Future Development Cross Section of Structural Sidewalk fACE Of BUILDIN EXISTING SIDEWALK TO BE REMOVED AND REPLACED WITH NEW SIDEWALK AND BRICK PA\lERS. SAND BE REINfORCED CONCRETE STEEL DECK (LEe. UTILlTlE MATCH ELEVATION or EXISTING SIDEWALK CURB _......~-- _....--..;....;.:~.............. ...- . ...,:..:-.- NEW COWMN AND BEAM TO SUPPORT SIDEWAlK AT PROPERTY UNE ATERMAlN EXISTING RETAlNING WAll '" w 0' ;; BASEMENT fLOOR 23 Construct Structural Sidewalks · Watermains.Replaced . Sidewalks Enhanced & Trees Replaced . Underground Preserved for Future Development · Schedule - Delayed - Loan Agency Approval · Cost - Project: $1.6 - Underground: Unknown - Funding Availability Relocate Watermains to Roadway · Watermains Replaced . Sidewalks Not Enhanced nor Trees Replaced . Underground. Open and Preserved .. 24 '/BUlLDING FACE ~ SIDEWALK STRUCTURE / NEW WATER SERVICES TO BEYOND ~ PENETRATE RETAINING WALL AND ~ CONNECT TO EXISTING METERS 0, '/ -<< //, '/ f? Cl. STREET SURFACE i / NEW WATERMAIN EXISTING STREET RETAINING WALL OPEN AREAS PRESERVED WATERMAIN IN ROADWAY Relocate Watermains to Roadway · Watermains Replaced . Sidewalks Not Enhanced nor Trees Replaced · Underground Open and Preserved · Schedule - Delayed - Loan Agency Approval · Cost - Project: $O.5M (Expanded Scope: $1.1M) - Underground: Unknown - Funding Availability 25 Preserve a Portion of the Underground in Phase III · How - Structural Sidewalks · Ensure Watermain is located on Eastside of Laurel Street - Hutchinson Jewelry Store - RecreateIRelocate other storefronts SIDEWALK VOIDS SIDEWALK VOIDS IMPACTED BY PHASE TWO WA7ERMAlN CONSTRUCTION fa ti ~ :5 () c:\"f::~%r:""''''7.~ E. FRONT ST. W. FRONT" ST. EXISTING OPEN AREAS UNDER THE SIDEWALK 26 ,---- Storefront on Laurel Street Preserve a Portion of the Underground in Phase III ( continued) · Watermains Replaced . Sidewalks Enhanced & Trees Replaced · Schedule - Original Project Proceeds - 2001/2002 · Future Costs and Impacts Evaluated . Additional Sidewalks Length 140 feet Costs: $50,000 · Potential Tours Available 27 1 "' Unknown Factors to Consider . Does the business community support delay of the project? · Are additional funds available? . Would property owners support a Local Improvement District? . Would people take the tour or shop in the Underground? . Will the Underground be Viable and Profitable? . What improvements to the existing structures would be required to permit occupancy in the basement areas? What will $500,000 Buy! · Pavement Program · Laurel Street Slide Repairs · Carnegie Library Repairs · Pool Renovation · Convention Center 29 Questions ???? . . . . 30 ,~~~~YYP~(.:)!lm . . From: Glenn & Kari Goldberg [guts@tenforward.com] Sent: Wednesday, March 01, 2000 10:05 AM To: City Council Port Angeles Subject: Preserve the underground city! Page 1 of 1 Dear Council members: we're writing to express our passionate and unequivocal support for efforts to do whatever it takes to preserve the underground city block on Front Street. This is a fantastic potential resource for building our community, economically and spiritually, and we urge you to take the long view and support the very reasonable proposals for preserving this underground city. We've been talking for years about the vital importance of doing something dramatic and e.ffective to build our city as a tourist destination, and we also know that this project will build the kind of civic pride and unity it will take for our community to successfully face our challenging future. Please, don't be penny-wise and pound-foolish on this issue! .If this resource and opportunity is lost, we will hold the City Council accountable for a terrible misjudgment. Thank you for considering our views. Glenn and Kari Goldberg, 310 Hillcrest Drive, PA 457-7049 3/1/00 Becky Upton From: Sent: To: Subject: Robert Morgenstern [rmorgen@tenforward.com] Tuesday, February 29,2000 10:13 PM council@ci.port-angeles.wa.us Opportunity I certainly didn't like the ulfimatum published in the newspaper but that is not the point. The point is that you have an opportunity to do something that will give tourists a reason for sticking around town.! work at the Marine Center and talk to tourists all summer. Time and time again they say there is nothing to do or see in Port Angeles. Sure there is the ridge and tongue point but other than the marine center there is little to encourage people to stay in PA. We are in the same fix that Leavenworth, WA was a few years ago. People there said no to those with a vision. But look at what happened when the town made a decision not to die. Everyone got on the band wagon and made the town what it is today. they proved the naysayers wrong. You have that chance to help save Port Angeles. I sincerely hope you will take the chance and make this first step in promoting our history as one of the oldest cities on the west coast. We already have the history all we have to do is to clean up the water front and promote ourselves. The underground city is our chance. Thanks. Bob Morgernstern 457 4471 ~':lb 8 - 1- tJ{) ~~ ~~ ~ 1 Page 1 of 1 ,~~.~~.Y-..y. p!~~. ..................................... ........... .............. From: Viki Kocha [viki@olympus.net] Sent: Monday, February 28,20005:38 PM To: council@cLport-angeles.wa.us Subject: Underground SAVE THE UNDERGROUND!! I think it is very important to the local history as well as a $ producing tourist attraction. What could be better placed than downtown near the Ferries and Convention Center area. I would hope that some $ would be donated privately. I would support such a drive! Please consider the future and don't close it up and fill it in just because it is cheaper. Do we want to be known as a cheap town or a wise town. &p:tu :w . ~~ ~~ &- , 6), - tRq - O() 2/29/00 ------Page 1 oCl-- ~~~~YY.P~~'.:'m. .mm_mm.. .. From: Eric Ericks [polaris.eric@prodigy.net] Sent: Friday, February 25, 2000 2:24 PM To: council@cLport-angeles.wa.us Subject: Underground Port Angeles My wife and I both feel some effort should be made to retain some of the wealth of history below our city streets. Granted, we do not get a chance to really know what is down there but we would love to know more about our city. If it's there do not destroy it! It probably would make a very good tourist attraction. Deanie and Eric Ericks 3620 Old Mill Rd. Port Angeles, W A ~1o:~~~ ~~ ~-o<q~ ao & 2/25/00 Page 1 of 1 ,~_~~~y._~e~~~__ """"". .""..,."."..,.,.._mmm_m.._.___.._"'_ From: Ray Schmuck [rschmuck@olypen.com] Sent: Monday, February 21. 2000 11: 11 AM To: council@ci.port-angeles.wa.us Subject: re: underground I am a Sequim resident - born in PA in the 30's and have lived most of my days in this county. I have seen photos of the underground stores on Front Street and ask you to help preserve this as a museum and tourist attraction for my children and my grandchildren to enjoy in the future - - PLEASE ~irJ ~t:: eR-~-OD & 2/22/00 Page 1 of 1 ~ .~~~~y'~p!~~ .. ..... .mm... ...mm..... ..mmmm_. From: LoAnn Linn [Ionniel@olypen.com] Sent: Sunday, February 20,20004:21 PM To: council@ci.port-angeles.wa.us Subject: Port Angeles Underground City Please save our old town. Even if you do not care about our history, we that were born and raised here do. Thank you, LoAnn Linn b.ltp:/ ;vVy.I'V'{. 0 1}:J2.en. COrn/lOillliel/ pa 0/<12 Ound er .htm 1 ~in' ~~ ~~t5(~-06 &. 2/22/00 Port Angeles Underground City Page 1 of3 . 2/20/00 Pod Angeles, Washington 1890s ~r,'-~ ,~~ Did you know Port Angeles downtown was really downtown at one time? The original II Business District" used to sit at sea level. With the turn of the new century, the townfolk started pressuring the city council to do something about the odor from high tide and sewers or lack of them??? 1914 This started the "sluicing" of the IIhog back". The steep hill east of town was washed down to present town by sea water. This was no easy task and took many hardworking man hours. First they had to build concrete walls along each side of the street, and of course this concrete was mixed by hand. Then they made temporary dams to contain the dirt so it wouldn't wash away with the powerful force of those jets. This is so unbelievable without the equipment of modern day! While all this was happening, the businesses of this section of town realized the new streets were going to be 10-14 feet high. Some of these structures were torn down, but many added onto their buildings with a second story. The 1I0ldll store was now a basement. Some store owners rented their basements out to other companies, since most had stair access. In the later years, these "basements" were closed to the public and the city ran the utility lines through them. Once again the city is up grading our town by replacing the sewer and water lines. This is the perfect time to save our "underground town" and open it to tours. I recently went on such a tour with my camera. WOW! Did you know the sidewalk is 011 open under Front Street from Lincoln to Oak Streets? And the building down there are just waiting for some tender loving care and company. The city council will be voting on this soon and I will get back to you on the outcome. If you would like to write to the council with your comments on this project, EtlJ;i!J'-_lounciLPlease do so quickly, the vote will be on March 6, 2000. Thank you. Here are some photos of my tour. Enjoy! The first photo is the sidewalks under the sidewalks on F rant street!!! http://www.olypen.com/lonniel/pa %20under .html 2/22/00 Ii Port Angeles Underground City Page 2 of3 http://www.olypen.com/lonniel/pa%20under .html 2/22/00 1------ I :. Port -Angeles Underground City Page 3 of3 Home http://www.olypen.com/lonniel/pa%20under.html 2/22/00 Page 1 of 1 ~ ~~~_~y_y.p._~~~ _____________mm_______mm____._m_m__ ____________________________ ________________ ___m________________________________________ From: Bob and Janis Thomsen [bobjanis@prodigy.net] Sent: Sunday, February 20,20009:14 PM To: council@cLport-angeles.wa.us Subject: Underground city To the Honorable City Council Members of Port Angeles, Wow, what a great opportunity to preserve the Underground Shops for the Olympic Peninsula to enjoy when finished. It CAN be done. Seattle did it. Please vote to preserve them. Port Angeles needs this for tourism. We vote for this project to be a county undertaking. It is time to roll up our sleeves and just DO it! Money, what's that?!? Any project worth saving takes dollars. Come on, City Council Members, think about how unique it will be! You have shown the wonderful interest in the murals upground, why not underground, too? Such a historic place to unveil. Very sincerely, Bob and Janis Thomsen P.O. Box 333 Sequim, WA 98382 360-683-5234 ~~ cR . ~t5l- 00 ~ ~nJL ~ aut~-L- ~ 2/22/00 Becky Upton From: Sent: To: Subject: Jane Brae-Bedell [opmed@olypen.com] Sunday, February 20, 2000 9:47 PM council@cLport-angeles.wa.us Re: PA Underground Dear Council Members, The PA Underground City is only one of 2 such cities in the northwest. Seattle has commercialized their underground attraction; why can't we do the same? In order to keep downtown PA viable, you need the tourist dollars, and that means we need to have something attractive to show the visitors. Could oUr Underground possibly be the thing that keeps our downtown alive if you decide to develop it rather than destroy it? Let's not be cutting off our noses to spite our faces: take advantage of the opportunities this special resource affords PA. I was born here, and although I live in the county, I am concerned for my hometown. Once the Underground City is gone, there is no way to replace it. Think twice before throwing away our history, and such a great opportunity. Basil D. Bena ~~I tR- AA-OD ~~ ~~ b 1 Becky Upton From: Sent: To: Subject: Roy Leach [rleach@tenforward.com] Monday, February 14. 20006:17 PM council@ci.port-angeles.wa.us please save undergound city!!! My husband and I recently toured under Pedal and Pack and were impressed with the potential of our historical underground city and would greatly encourage the city council to save this piece of history. We urge you to not fill in this potential tourist attraction and a possible source of downtown pride. Roy, Karen Troy.Tracy and Tammy Leach ~ to. 1'Y\,'lbA NH,'nll ~~ C:<-/5-0D &- 1 Page 1 of 1 ~~C?~y~p~~~ ... .......... .mmm From: Judith Scott Uudyscott@tenforward.com] Sent: Saturday, February 12, 2000 5:49 PM To: council@cLport-angeles.wa.us My name Is Erin Adolphsen. I live here in PA and just got back from a tour of underground Port Angeles. Now you may not want to here about it from a teens point of view because some don't care what we think. Sometimes you want money to do some of these special projects. Well all we are asking you to do is to move the pipe you plan on replacing out to three feet. How hard can that be ? It would probably bring money form tours like that. I would be happy to help restore this historic landmark. I could help clean it up and stuff like that.! know a lot of people who would. You went on a tour . What was the problem with the Idea. I'm behind it all the way. Maybe you should rethink what you are deciding. If you can take out a dam, then why can't you save a historical landmark that is part of our heritage. I hope you take a time to think it over. If you have any questions e-mail meathypererin(iVhotmail.com (Icp~ ;fn . ~~ t5(- J<./ -OD &- 2/14/00 Clear Day Page 1 of 1 .~..~.~~y....Yp.!~.~...... From: Judy Perry [djcjc@tenforward.com] Sent: Sunday, February 06,20009:29 PM To: council@cLport-angeles.wa.us Subject: Underground city Port Angeles is not a destination point. People come here to catch the ferry to Victoria. People stop here on their way to camping. When they are here for whatever reason, there needs to be something for them to do. Having an underground tour would be a great way for people to spend some time. Not only is it a way to generate money but also has historical significance. The marine lab is another draw for people. Unfortunately, it is not open consistently. Many of the Canadians that I have talked with come here to buy liquor, cigarettes. and some groceries that are cheaper here; there is nothing else here that is different from what they have in Victoria. A lot of people have left town because they can't find jobs. We need to be thinking about the future. Developing what is left of the underground city is a great idea. Please support these efforts to preserve this historical part of our town. Judy Perry 2/9/00