HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet 03/02/2010AGENDA L S �-�m��R CITY COUNCIL.MEETING- ; = OR'F ®N 321 East'S`h'Street WASHINGTON, U.S.A. March 2, 2010 SPECIAL MEETING — 4:30 p.m. REGULAR MEETING — 6:00 p.m. SPECIAL MEETING — PLANNING COMMISION and CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION INTERVIEWS — 4:30 p.m. Conduct interviews, may adjourn into Executive Session as per RCW, to evaluate qualifications. It is expected that Council will proceed to make appointments during the regular meeting that will follow at 6:00 p.m. AGENDA ITEM First Page RECOMMENDATION Note: The Mayor may determine the order of business for a particular City Council meeting. The agenda should be arranged to best serve the needs and/or convenience of the Council and the public. The items of business for regular Council meetings may include the following: A. CALL TO ORDER — REGULAR MEETING AT 6:00 p.m. B. ROLL CALL PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE CEREMONIAL MATTERS, PROCLAMATIONS & EMPLOYEE RECOGNITIONS 1. Martin Luther King, Jr. Essay Contest Winners --- 1. Present Certificates of Achievement - 2. United Way —2010 Local Funding Recommendations B-1 2• Jody Moss, Executive Director PUBLIC COMMENT. During this portion of the meeting, citizens are invited to talk with the Council about topics that are not scheduled for public testimony. All persons wishing to be heard are asked to sign in with the Clerk. The Alayor may arrange the order of the speakers so that testimony is heard in the most logical groupings. To allow time for the Council to complete its legislative agenda, comments should be limited to no more than 5 minutes per person and a total of 15 minutes for this comment period. At the discretion of the A,fayor, these time periods may be lengthened or shortened. No speaker may convey or donate his or her time for speaking to another speaker. !f many people wish to speak to a particular issue, the Mayor may limit the total amount of time dedicated to that single issue. Written comments may be .submitted into the record of a Council meeting by presenting the written document to the Clerk prior to the meeting, in which case a copy of the document will be provided to each Council Member. C. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS D. WORK SESSION E. LATE ITEMS TO BE PLACED ON THIS OR FUTURE AGENDAS as determined by City Manager or Council member PUBLIC HEARINGS Public hearings are set by the City Council in order to meet legal requirements. In addition, the City Council may set a public hearing in order to receive public input prior to making decisions which impact the citizens. Certain matters may be controversial, and the City Council may choose to seek public opinion through the public hearing process. • NOTE: HEARING DEVICES AVAILABLE FOR THOSE NEEDING ASSISTANCE MAYOR TO DETERMINE TIME OF BREAK March 2, 2010 Port Angeles City Council Meeting Page - I M. INFORMATION City Manager Reports: 1. Parks, Recreation & Beautification Board Meeting Minutes M-1 for January 2010 2. Public Works Contract Status Report M-5 3. Public Works Grant & Loan Status Report M-6 4. Olympic Region Clean Air Agency (ORCAA) January M-7 2010 Reports N. EXECUTIVE SESSION - O. ADJOURNMENT - NOTE: HEARING DEVICES AVAILABLE FOR THOSE NEEDING ASSISTANCE MAYOR TO DETERMINE TIME OF BREAK March 2, 2010 Port Angeles City Council Meeting Page - 2 AGENDAITEM ... L .' x.x: First Page .RECOMMENDATION . " F. CONSENT AGENDA 1. City Council Meetings Minutes of Jan. 12, 13; Feb. 16, F-1 1. Accept Consent Agenda. 2010 2. Expenditure Approval List from 2/6/10 to 2/19/10 for F-17 $658,583.74 3. Marine Drive Asphalt Repair, ST -10-003 — Award Contract F-44 4. Dept. of Commerce Community Development Block Grant F-45 Housing Enhancement Grant Agreement. 5. Request for Re -Appropriation of 2009 Grant Award for F-76 Community -At -Work: Painting the Downtown 6. Pellet Street Vacation — Set Public Hearing F-78 7. Utility Advisory Committee Appointment F-82 G. ORDINANCES NOT REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. Western Urban Growth Area (WUGA) Connection Charges G-1 1. 3`d Reading; Adopt Ordinance Ordinance Amendment 2. Port Angeles Forward - Lincoln Street Banner Program G-5 2. Approve. Ordinance and Policy H. RESOLUTIONS NOT REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS ---- I. OTHER CONSIDERATIONS 1. Maloney Heights Agreement 1-1 1. Approve 2. Race Street Slide Funding, Project TRO1-2010 1-3 2. Authorize to add to CFP; Begin bid process 3. Appointments to Planning Commission & Civil Service 1-5 3. Conduct interviews; consider appointments. Commission J. PUBLIC HEARINGS — QUASI-JUDICIAL (7:00 P.M. or soon thereafter) - K. PUBLIC HEARINGS — OTHER (7:00 P.M. or soon thereafter) 1. Industrial Wastewater Pretreatment Program Ordinance K-1 1. Open Public Hearing and Continue to April 6, Amendments 2010; Conduct I" Reading on March 16, 2010. 2. Street Vacation Petition — STV 09-05 / Lipman -Stone K-5 2. Open Public Hearing; Conduct I' Reading; Portion of Vine Street Continue to second meeting in March, 2010. L. FINANCE 1. Port Angeles Downtown Association Special Task Order L -I 1. Approve Request — Schallert Group Business Workshop M. INFORMATION City Manager Reports: 1. Parks, Recreation & Beautification Board Meeting Minutes M-1 for January 2010 2. Public Works Contract Status Report M-5 3. Public Works Grant & Loan Status Report M-6 4. Olympic Region Clean Air Agency (ORCAA) January M-7 2010 Reports N. EXECUTIVE SESSION - O. ADJOURNMENT - NOTE: HEARING DEVICES AVAILABLE FOR THOSE NEEDING ASSISTANCE MAYOR TO DETERMINE TIME OF BREAK March 2, 2010 Port Angeles City Council Meeting Page - 2 I II PQRTANGELEI CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL/REGULAR WASHINGTON, U.S.A. MEETING March 2, 2010 CALL TO ORDER - SPECIAL/REGULAR MEETING ROLL CALL: Members Present: Mayor Di Guilio Deputy Mayor Perry Councilmember Collins Councilmember Downie �— Councilmember Kidd Councilmember Mania Councilmember Nelson ,�: 33 Sok ^''(�• CJ Staff Present: Other Staff Present: Manager Myers _� " Attorney Bloor ✓ Clerk Hurd G. Cutler � o T. Gallagher D. McKeen N. West Y. Liomkowski ✓ :. 8 PeaA-- PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: S' Led by: �Q1Y1�✓ ' ��vkA�AF� . PUBLIC INTEREST SIGN-UP SHEET PORTANGELES W A S H I N G T 0 N. U. S. A. DATE OF MEETING: March 2 2010 You are encouraged to sign below if: CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING LOCATION: City Council Chambers 1. You are here to listen to the City Council discussion on a particular agenda item; 2. You want to speak during the Public Comment period of the agenda. If several members of the public are interested in a particular agenda item, the Mayor may move that item so it is discussed earlier in the meeting. AIso, the Mayor may use the information provided to organize the Public Comment period. During the Public Comment portion of the meeting, the Mayor will invite citizens to talk with the Council about topics that are not scheduled for public testimony on the evening's agenda. Prior to the start of the "Public Comment" portion of the public hearing, all persons wishing to be heard are asked to sign in with the Clerk, giving their names and addresses, and topic. The Mayor may arrange the order of speakers so that testimony is heard in the most logical groupings. To allow time for the Council to complete its legislative agenda, comments should be limited to no more than 5 minutes per person and a total of 15 minutes for this comment period. At the discretion of the Mayor, these time periods may be lengthened or, shortened. Following any public comment, the Mayor may allow time, limited to five minutes, for response from City Council members and/or City staff. No speaker may convey or donate his or her time for speaking to another speaker. If many people wish to speak to a particular issue, the Mayor may limit the total amount of gime dedicated to that single issue. Written conunents may be submitted into the record of a. Council meeting by presenting the written document to the Clerk prior to the meeting, in which case a copy of the document will be provided to each Council. Member, but the document will not be read aloud; or a document may be distributed to the City Council, with a copy to the Clerk, by a speaker while the speaker is addressing the Council. q3S 41 i�l 4-71- Z.OAI" -P�eAJ & rR .r A:;Z- !![rrj,; Y 1 N /Mac v ?-) e w, l )C � N t -o Vo N Pao+ 4-D) r7 L -C PAZ, V t N G:1Group\C1erk\Fonns\CouncR Attendance Rester.doc PUBLIC INTEREST SIGN-UP SHEET .i Name Address` Agenda'Topic_ Plan to;Speak T1 6) C- � �1 �-- �'� �'� � 1 n z � � Y / N Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N G:\Group\Clerk\Forms\Council Attendance Roster.doc RTANGELES WASH I N G T O N, U.S.A. IMfti-SMffaM1'.NrmM� Nit-MTrl DATE: March 2, 2010 TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: TERESA PIERCE, EXECUTIVE COMMUNICATIONS COORDINATOR SUBJECT: PLANNING COMMISSION & CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION APPLICATIONS Please find attached the applications for the Planning Commission & Civil Service Commission. The interview schedule is as follows: Civil Service Commission Interview 4:30 p.m. Glenn Wiggins Planning Commission Interviews 4:45 p.m. Deborah Frazier 5:00 p.m. Werner Beier 5:15 p.m. Doc Reiss 5:30 p.m. Sissi Bruch Suggested Questions for City Council Interviews Civil Service Commission 1. Why are you interested in serving on the Civil Service Commission for the City of Port Angeles? 2. Are you aware of any possible conflict of interest with you being a Civil Service Commissioner and hearing an appeal affecting any police or .fire department personnel? 3. What in your background would make you a good candidate to be on the Civil. Service Commission? 4. In your past employment or other endeavors, have you served in a capacity to be involved in conflict resolution, if so, please explain. 5. Are you able to commit: to a 4 year term of office on the Commission, if appoiJIted? e E 'M X E P L A44, - R, Martin Luther King, P R_,) M, A _l N. Equality Week Essay U,,- -1 L H u €r��! You have demonstrated an exemplary performance in sharing what the spirit of Martin. Luther King, Jr.'s life and message of equality means to you. Your essay reflects high ethics and a tremendous sense of fairness. The Port Angeles City Council and members of the Community Multi -Cultural Alliance want you to know we are very proud of your accomplishment. Daniel A. Iii. Guilio, Mayor March 2, 20 10 n .■!vNOOINS EXEMPLA PERFORMA r Martin Luther King, Jr. Race Equality Week Essay BRIAUNA SIMPSO You have demonstrated an exemplary performance in sharing what the spirit of Martin Luther. King, Jr.'s . Life and message of equality means to you. Your essay reflects high ethics and a tremendous sense of fairness The Port Angeles City Council and members of the Community Multi. -Cultural Alliance want you to know we are very proud of your accomplishment. Daniel A. Di Guilio, Mayor March 2, 2010 � 4�� ! ONMNMNNN� 51 ' ."L A10 _ Q NAL EXEMPLA -R -Y, PERFO Rr-� M,, -A CE Martin Luther. King, Jr. Race Equality Week Essay E -- r m. l_ _ ! _ ' - � B, RI, - it �` You have demonstrated an exemplary performance in sharing what the spirit of Martin Luther King, Jr.'s life and message of equality means to you. Your essay reflects high ethics and a tremendous sense of fairness. The Port Angeles City Council and members of the Community Multi -Cultural. Alliance want you to know we are very proud of your. accomplishment. Daniel A. Di Guilio, Mayor March 2, 2010 x DMA LA it C 4F w LT —1. L Mr EMY"? L'A r — —A k," K' P vE, F � d' 'N R i /', , 1" E E' X N Martin Luther King, Jr. Race Equality Week Essay I r_.A_j '_F OD You have demonstrated *an exemplary performance in sharing what the spirit of Martin Luther King, Jr.'s life and message of equality means to you. Your essay reflects high ethics and a tremendous sense of fairness. The Port Angeles City Council and members of the Community Multi -Cultural Alliance want you to know we are very proud of your accomplishment. March 2, 2010 t5 _ Fri= ■ r• Y■ Vim\ tXEM._.'PL P E R FO 1 RMA CE Martin Luther King, Jr. Race Equality Neck Essay c l BA ill E l ��LL,0 "■ �■ Yr1 You have dem in sharing what life and zr. Your essay reflects hid .rte:✓ * The fort Ange MOW r� Community MI we are ver, Daniel A. Di Guilin May � f � ■ �■ \/i \/off nstrated an exemplary performance he spirit of Martin Luther KinJr. King, � s ssage of equality means to you. ethics and a tremendous sense of fairness. r Is City Council and members of the >.N' 00 e.%oiti -i-Cultural Alliance want you to know proud of your accomplishment. I;r - - March 2, 201+0 rI J r1 11 r.. r f Y. p 1 / s P_Tj' RX N '�-' Pr r +r0 R/MMA C E Martin Luther King, Jr. Race Equality Week Essay Kl r. _ r, l , F AL,, -,E, -'X/ A N, DE R. You have demonstrated an exemplary performance in sharing what the spirit of Martin Luther King, Jr.'s life and message of equality means to you. Your essay reflects high ethics and a tremendous sense of fairness. The Port Angeles City Council and members of the. Community Multi -Cultural Alliance want you to know we are very proud of your accomplishment. Daniel A. Di. Guiho, Mayor March 2. 2010 M EXEMP LPERFORMIANCE Martin Luther King, Jr. Race Equality Week Essay S- AC C -A, - You have demonstrated an exemplary performance in sharing what the spirit of Martin Luther King, Jr.'s life and message of equality means to you. Your essay reflects high ethics and a tremendous sense of fairness. The Port Angeles City Council and members of the Community Multi -Cultural Alliance want you to know we are very proud of your accomplishment. Daniel A. Di Guilio, Mayor March 2, 2010 { #. 0�.i - r I Q ■ • 3 i r. — � 6 c fJ i•AAr /f �EF—, i. i ���. � � Rl' Mv � � �. �. ^ fE EM P _ Y E_ R .' ! 0 _AI� E Martin Luther Ding, Jr. Race Equality Week Essay A 's.)A,,- N,,,rD RA - L,--il B A.- c. c u,' s ■� 1r Y • � • w You have demonstrated an exemplary performance in sharing what the spirit of Martin Luther Ding, jr.'s life and message of equality means to you. �► Your essay reflects high ethics and a tremendous sense of fairness. The Port Angeles City Council and members of theme■ ■ Community Multi -Cultural Alliance want you to know we are very proud of your accomplishment, Daniel A. Di Cuilio, Mayor March 2, 20 10 OUVEd M - 64 M P _E._..A R Y. P E R FOR..€ lJ f.AN C `1 3 i94 Martin Luther King, Jr. Dace Equality Week Essay ANNA G )ENTRY' You have demonstrated an exemplary performance in sharing what the spirit of Martin Luther King, Jr.'s life and message of equality means to you. Your essay reflects high ethics and a tremendous sense of fairness. The Port Angeles City Council and members of the Community Multi -Cultural Alliance want you to know we are very proud of your accomplishment. Daniel A. Di Cuilio, Mayor March 2, 201 Q D 04 • J Jr i L1 4 E X El', M, R Y TA, N � � 4, -1- 1 T - L PERFORM -- Martin Luther King, Equality Week Essay f TT _ �� r` r You have demonstrated an exemplary performance in sharing what the spirit of Martin Luther King, Jr.'s life and message of equality means to you. Your essay reflects high ethics and a tremendous sense of fairness. The Port Angeles City Council and members of the Community Multi -Cultural. Alliance want you to know we are very proud of your accomplishment. Daniel A. Di Guilio, Mayor March 2, 201 0 � w ■ S; t Martin Luther K1 ; • ■ ■IAY t 4 You have dem r_ in sharing What Life and m Qf Your essay reflects hig Daniel A. Di Guilo, May • E P-E-_:,'RFOR)MANNCE ng, Jr. Race Equality f� E ECA S�' j d El �`_ _cL onstrated an exemplary perform the spirit of Martin Luther Kin essage of equality means to you. h ethics and a tremendous sens e or Meek Essay •� V V � ■ • i ance g,Jr.s of fairness. ■ • i March 2, 2010 Epps i The Port Angeles City Council and members of the. Community Multi -Cultural Alliance want you to know we are very proud of your accomplishment. 0 A i D E'-'--xE M P L A- k f � Y , " Ems ' RF OR, Mi/ , NN E Martin Luther King, Jr. Race Equality Week Essay CY, D 1 You have demonstrated an exemplary performance in sharing what the spirit of ,Martin Luther King, Jr.'s life and message of equality means to you. Your essay reflects high ethics and a tremendous sense of fairness.. The Port Angeles City Council and members of the Community Multi -Cultural Alliance want you to know we are very proud of your accomplishment. Daniel A. Di Gui.lio, Mayor March _23 2010 - E'F-,,'� XE M. P L A Rr) Y, , " Martin Luther King, Jr. Race OR-Mm"AONCE uality Week Essay You have demonstrated an exemplary performance in sharing what the spirit of Martin Luther King, Jr.'s life and message of equality means to you.. Your essay reflects high ethics and a tremendous sense of fairness. The Fort Angeles City Council and members of the Community Multi -Cultural. Alliance want you to know we are very proud of your. accomplishment. Daniel A. Di Guilio, Mayor ' 1p) ILARX/' _'ERFOR, 4__ _. NICE Martin Luther King, Jr. Race Equality Week Essay TYLER LLARRABEE You have demonstrated an exemplary performance in sharing what the spirit of Martin Luther King, Jr.'s life and message of equality means to you. Your essay reflects high ethics and a tremendous sense of fairness. The Port Angeles City Council and members of the Community Multi -Cultural Alliance want you to know we are very proud of your accomplishment. Daniel A. Di Guilio, Mayorr... 4 v. � __ a ..__q FM..__ March 2, 2010 • Imp 11M 0 WIMP r4 E-L'IXIMPLA r Y' PER'FOR-MarA CE Martin Luther King, Jr. Race Equality Week Essay HEATHER HENDRICKSON You have demonstrated an exemplary performance in sharing what the spirit of Martin Luther King, Jr.'s life and message of equality means to you. Your essay reflects high ethics and a tremendous sense of fairness. The Port Angeles City Council and members of the Community Multi -Cultural Alliance want you to know we are very proud of your accomplishment. Daniel A. Di Guilio, Mayor March 2, 2010 yy,, tt J 3k Lt X _ate M PLLA f f_ Martin Luther King, D,/AN,"I[CA RFORMANNCE Equality Week Essay You have demonstrated an exemplary performance in sharing what the spirit of Martin. Luther King, Jr.'s life and message of equality means to you. Your essay reflects high ethics and a tremendous sense of fairness. The Tort Angeles City Council and members of the Community Multi -Cultural Alliance want you to know we are very proud of your accomplishment. Daniel. A. Di Cuilio, Mayor March 2, 20 10 _ s .�- �.�- ■ � P � Win- �,�. E-,--,,x_EMPLARN P-­E,R,,Fr_0R,, r - i r - �■ V■ VS Martin Luther King, Jr. Race Equality eels Essay K"t-NNW'E,_AV,/"E_'.,R You have demonstrated an exemplary performance in sharing what the spirit of Martin Luther. Kixag, Jr.'s life and message of equality means to you. Your essay reflects high ethics and a tremendous sense of fairness. t The bort Angeles City Council and members of the • Community Multi -Cultural .Alliance want you to know we are very -proud of your accomplishment. March 2, 2010 Daniel A. Di Gui.lio, Mayor rMOV ■ qb •rA e 4m h, S !i. ■� •� .fid:..,. Q ■ . -- D 0 'E • ifit _. -; .'..__ - •� i ;;. I 'Ill) 1L �� - ExEmPLARYR1)F-0R, MA- CE Martin Luther King, Jr. Race Equality Week Essay MADDE LY C_',Ar-_R,_-'_V//E-IL. You have demonstrated an exemplary performance in sharing what the spirit of Martin Luther King, Jr.'s life and message of equality means to you. Your essay reflects high ethics and a tremendous sense of fairness. The Port Angeles City Council and members of the Community Multi -Cultural Alliance want you to know we are very proud of your accomplishment. Daniel A. Di Guilio, Mayor March 2, 2010 yam" V;O. 7 I. E-� �-. -s E t � - it u ` � - :-F'' Martin Luther K/--Y,T'--I,`EI RF-,0R,-M-,,-',-A-NNCE Equality You have demonstrated an exemplary performance in sharing what the spirit of Martin Luther King, Jr.'s life and message of equality means to you. Your essay reflects high ethics and a tremendous sense of fairness. The Port Angeles City Council and members of the Community Multi -Cultural Alliance want you to know we are very proud of your accomplishment. Daniel A. Di. Cuilio, Mayor r�1 in �7. _EM _- L-_R,Y PERFO AN, C E Martin Luther King, Jr. Race Equality BECCA AMER- Week Essay —. You have demonstrated an exemplary performance in sharing what the spirit of Martin Luther King, Jr.'s a life and message of equality means to you. Your essay reflects high ethics and a tremendous sense of fairness. 4 The Port Angeles City Council and members of the • Community Multi -Cultural Alliance want you to know we are very proud of your accomplishment. 4 Daniel A. Di Guilio, Mayor • March 2, 2010 00 lqlhkWilk ® ® • •� 0 ® E E M P,Y PERO-R,,_NCE Martin Luther King,jr. Race Equality Week Essay SEAm., -, u s H-,_[ A--N,,,'L You have demonstrated an exemplary performance in sharing what the spirit of Martin Luther King, Jr.'s ® life and message of equality means to you. Your essay reflects high ethics and a tremendous sense of fairness. The Port Angeles City Council and members of the s Community Multi-Cultural Alliance want you to know we are very proud of your accomplishment. March 2, 2010 Daniel A. Di Guilio, Mayor EXEMP LAR ;ec' Martin Luther King, P E E _FO Mm AN C E Equality Week Essay K",A P 0 R-, T F E � R You have demonstrated an exemplary performance in sharing what the spirit of Martin Luther King, Jr.'s life and message of equality means to you. Your essay reflects high ethics and a tremendous sense of fairness. The Port Angeles City Council and members of the. Community Multi- Cultural Alliance want you to know we are very proud of your accomplishment. Daniel. A. Di. Gui.lio, Mayor March 2, 20 Ia c tIl CJ I k E X E M P L - A Rf-, Y' P E IR Z' � F R Mi A N Martin Luther King, Jr. Equality Week Essay L- A-- C H L i N B" E. LL, D U F F Y You have demonstrated an exemplary performance in. sharing what the spirit of Martin Luther King, Jr,'s life and message of equality means to you.. Your essay reflects high ethics and a tremendous sense of fairness. The Port Angeles City Council and members of the Community Multi -Cultural Alliance want you to know we are very proud of your accomplishment. Daniel A. Di Guilio, Mayor E XEmP�RY P E R FO R, M1, AN � [C E Mn va Martin Luther King, jr. Race Equality Week Essay _A- ci;,ATC H E.L0R You have demonstrated an exemplary performance in sharing what the spirit of Martin Luther King, Jr.'s life and message of equality means to you. Your essay reflects high ethics and a tremendous sense of fairness. The Port Angeles City Council and members of the Community Multi -Cultural Alliance want you to know we are very proud of your accomplishment. Daniel A. Di Guilio, Mayor • March 2, 2010 T' f j .r• I I' TOR E PE Rr,-, r M, CE E X' �,'Mv L, A -R," Yr Martin Luther King, Jr. Race Equality Week Essay t a JAs _ _ RUJNDIN 0 0 You have demonstrated an exemplary performance in sharing what the spirit of Martin. Luther King, Jr.'s life and message of equality means to you. Your essay reflects high ethics and a tremendous sense of fairness, The Port Angeles City Council and members of the Community Multi -Cultural Alliance want you to know we arevery proud of your accomplishment. March 2, 2010 Daniel A. Di Cuilio, Mayor El 0 El 'rQk _ .Y - �Mr 4A., E !e iit .�rb r—f"TA _ r i rte.._ C w.._r Martin Luther King, K/I� -s,,Y PD j � R M-7 - ',!A-,- N UNFO C' Equality L ''..A.e —,, f You have demonstrated an exemplary performance in sharing what the spirit of Martin Luther King, Jr.'s life and message of equality means to you. Your essay reflects high ethics and a tremendous sense of fairness. The Port Angeles City Council and members of the Community Multi -Cultural Alliance want you to know we are eery proud of your accomplishment. Daniel A. Di Guilio, Mayor March 2, 2010 Ex,/ -E -- m L,Ar f , Y/ E E F) T,I 0 R Mm, © � E C E Martin Luther King, Jr. Race Equality Week Essay � JA -OBI THOMm"AS, You have demonstrated an exemplary performance in sharing what the spirit of Martin Luther. King, Jr.'s life and message of equality means to you. Your essay reflects high ethics and a tremendous sense of fairness. The Port Angeles City Council and members of the Community Multi -Cultural Alliance want you to know we are Very proud of your accomplishment. Daniel A. Di Guitio, Mayor March 2, 20 10 �r ■ �� r�r.� � ■ i ■ ■ P E R F 0 R'. MU,- A N-,,,iC E E X E � Mm P L A A Yr Martin Luther King, Jr. Race Equality Week Essay € Wil° � S H r ,A N f s Wr You have demonstrated an exemplary performance in sharing what the spirit of Martin Luther King, Jr.'s life and message of equality means to you. Your essay reflects high ethics and a tremendous sense of fairness. The. Port Angeles City Co Community Multi -Cultural we are very proud of Daniel A. Di Guilio, Mayor rS` } uracil and members of the Alliance want you to know your. accomplishment. March 2, 201® T `` P! LA' r Y" FERFO RM CE Martin Luther King, Jr. Race Equality Week Essay EG-jA,--I You have demonstrated an exemplary performance in sharing what the spirit of Martin Luther King, Jr.'s life and message of equality means to you. Your essay reflects high ethics and a tremendous sense of fairness. The Port Angeles City Council and members of the Community Multi -Cultural Alliance want you to know we are very proud of your accomplishment. Daniel A. Di Gultio, Mayor March 2, 20 1.0 ry cc, 7r e �J i - t i E f AT 1,1,,A,,, -,"MU, / ,A R-� Y -, - E - -PL. R B(DN R, M C E -.- -j Martin Luther King, Jr. Race Equality Week Essay L A J R, , _'I_ :'. You have demonstrated an exemplary performance in sharing what the spirit of Martin Luther King, Jr.'s life and message of equality means to you Your essay reflects high ethics and a tremendous sense of fairness. The Fort Angeles City Council and, members of the Community Multi -Cultural Alliance want you to know we are very proud of your accomplishment. Daniel A. Di Gu.ilio, Mayor E A i 2 rt', -�'' ■ ' � � ■ • �� `azo ■ �■ Vw ^S E--, x m P � LF_ A P E R FO Rv - � M-1 A 1 N i,C E Martin Luther King-, Jr. Race Equality Week Essay KAR, �r�..I OC _ N OUI You have demonstrated. an exemplary performance in sharing what the spirit of Martin Luther King, Jr.'s life andmessage of equality means to you. Your essay reflects high ethics and a tremendous sense of fairness. The Port Angeles City Council and members of the Community Multi -Cultural Alliance want you to know we are very proud of your accomplishment. Daniel. A. Di. Cuili.o, Mayor March 2, 2010 w ■ M7, r w w w� w ! ■ i THE UNITED WAY OF CLALLAM COUNTY United WayP.O. BOX 937 • PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 [owl of Clallam County 360457-3011 • infb@unitedwayclallam.org www.unitedwayclaflam. ori • February 24, 2010 To: Port Angeles City Council Members; Kent Myers, City Manager Re: Port Angeles Health & Human Service Funding for 2010 — application spreadsheet attached Agency 12 month report summary — 2009 funding — spreadsheet attached (March 2, 2010 City Council Meeting Agenda Items) The United Way of Clallam County's fund distribution committee met February 18, 2010 with representatives from the cities of Port Angeles and Sequim and from Clallam County for the purpose of reviewing applications for local government funding. For Port Angeles funding, there were 16 applications totaling $134,750. Budgeted funding for 2010 totals $56,250. Council member Patrick Downie reviewed the applications and helped with recommendations. The current criteria are for programs addressing health and human service needs. There was a focus to look at prevention programs, services for youth and for seniors, as well as a desire to meet basic needs of Port Angeles' most vulnerable community members. The recommendation process was especially difricult this year due to the decreased funding available for 2010. Attached is the funding recommendation spreadsheet. The committee made the following recommendations: Boys & Girls Club (PA location) $4,800 Family Planning $3,000 First Step $5,500 • Friendship Dinner at Methodist Church $1,250 Healthy Families $4,500 Lutheran Community Services/Parent Line $4,000 Olympic Community Action Programs $3,000 Parenting Matters Foundation $1,700 Peninsula Community Mental Health Center $4,000 Peninsula Dispute Resolution Center $2,375 Serenity House $5,000 SNAP $1,500 Volunteers in Medicine of the Olympics Clinic $7,000 YMCA of Clallam County $7,500 Sub -total $55,125 United Way administrative charge (2%) $1,125 TOTAL $56,250 We must have final decisions from the City of Port Angeles no later than March 31 2010. The grants, once approved, will be paid to agencies in two parts — half upon notification of the award and the second half in September and upon receipt of the agencies' mid -year reports. Thank you for allowing United Way to be part of this allocation process. After approved by the Council, l will notify the agencies of your final funding awards and arrange a media release. ?Joy, Executive Director, United Way of Clallam County B- United Way of Clallam County - 2010 City of Port Angeles Human Services Funding Agency/Program 2007 '2008 2009 2010 2010 Use of funding Outcomes Served Program Program _ Alloc, Alloc. After. Request Allocation This program Budget Budget _ P. A. for P.A. for Agency 7 Boys and Girls Club P. A. Club: $5,000 $5,0M $4,000 $9,000 $4,800 1)Purchass food for daily lunches and snacks for Healthy eating, nutrition for youth who are In 184 $9,000 $112,200 (Basic Needs) $6,000 - Food low Income youth from public housing project. need. Homework resource / assistance / (Computer Upgrade Project) - 2) Upgrade old computers to allow use of new research with use of eminent computer software / $3,000 to complete project that donated software ($34,003) from Microsoft - for hardware. Provides user-friendly environment to has $2,000 edged by Walklin Pi g completion of project partially funded by Walkffng learn complete homeuwk Foundation grant Fcand. Will help upgrade obsolete computer lab, add desks, chairs 2 Family Planning Youth Education Program $10,000 $10,000 $4,000 $7,000 $3,000 Fund a health educator who will facilitate increased knowledge of teen pregnancy and 2,b89 37,OOD $7,000 (teaches life/social skills and support / educ. sessions in the high school, at STDs, reduced number of unplanned increases awareness of risky Juvenile Detention facility, and Dream Center. pregnancies & STDs, reduction in risky behaviors) Provides info on relationships, birth control, behavior, improved decision making. Emphasis coping with stress, peer pressure, decision on prevention of unplanned pregnancies and making skills, and facilitates the Baby Think It unhealthy life choices by youth. Provides Over program access to Info and health care. 3 First Step Family Support _ Center P. A. Drop -In Center $13,000 $13,W0 $5,000 $7,980 $5,500 Funds a staffer (wages, benefits) for dropdn FamOfeV support systems improved, people 920 $7,950 $7,950 (for parent support of stressed, center two afternoons per week Gives help, access needed resources and basic need vulnerable, low income famlies resources, referrals, mrsc assistance to low items, children have positive & stimulating with young children) income parents with children age 0-5 years environments to play in. Overall, families get the (diapers, clothes, formula, snacks, etc}. help they need (food, clothing, legal, counseling, family literacy, employment, etc). Saw 22% increase in client visits In 2009. 4 First United Methodist Church Friendship Dinner Project $3,000 $3,000 $1,600 $4,000 $1,280 Purchase food, food storage, maintain community Better health and nutrition for needy individuals, 6,000 4t city $17,b00 518,075 kitchen, facility costs. For low Income citizens, seniors, and families wffh young children who 1,000 untncorp provides free weekly Friday right dimmers cooked need hot meats - meets basic nutritional needs by volunteer teems. of low Income citizens. Serves as a catalyst for ' community building for all. Also works with PA Food Bank to ekpand food sources. 5 Healthy Families _ Core Services: $13,000 $13,000 $9,000 $18,000 $4,600 Suppnrts sarvlces not completely covered by Participants loam esteem building &kilts, 675 in city $59,096 $64,159 Children & youth support other contracts. Provention'educallon, shelter, substance abuse prevention skiffs, coping skills. 37 unincorp. groups, Prevention Education, support groups, counseling for victims of domestic Youth learn personal safety education; crisis Crisis intervention 8 Emergency violence; crisis intervention for youth; parenting intervention when necessary. Families are Shelter skills classes, case management, legal advocacy. sheltered. Emphasis on prevention, putting an Funds cover salaries, laxer, benefits of staff. end to the cyclo of domestic violence, sexual Parenting Skids classes assault, and child abuse. Results documented by pre / post questionnaires. C� rM; • Page 1 of 4 United Way of ClaOem County - 2010 City of Port Angeles Human Services Funding i AgencylProgram 2007 2008 2009 2010 2010 Use of funding Outcomes # Served Program Program Parenting Plans (mediation) $7,000 for low income and Attoc. Alloc, Alloc. Request Allocation parents This program Budget Budget 6 Lutheran Comm. 9ervluma that redueos family and child stress, resolves positive communication to lids and reduced C Jew kids out of conflict, less _ P. A. for P.A. for Agency (Parent Lino)510,000 Mount Angeles View Family / $10,000 557000 56,000 54,000 Funds staff time (partial), supplies, resources Teach prevention strategies to reduce violence, 930 In city $27,805 $27,805 Resident Center activities: and educational materials for financial literacy, child abuse and neglect, chemtcel dependency, 185 urrincorp. conflicts to escalate. Overall, gives a better Family nlghL Dads support groups home ownership, parenting, and life skills so families will be good community mombere Page 2 of 4 communication in families. "Stay and Play' child groups, classes. Provides support services to families and learn to be more stable, indepandenL Parenting and computer classes, living at Mt Angeles View public housing, Parents access higher education, berme more Finance( Literacy Into sell sufficient. Teaches home management skills. Parenting skills benefit kids — sociallyfacademically 7 Olympic Community Action 1) Oral Health Care Access 2) Adult Day Care (dementia $9,500 $9,500 58,000 $15,000 $3,000 Subsidizes assistance to low income people for Batter access to dental care and prophylaxis for 1243 In city 5582 838 $917,950 dental care and prescription assistance (silding low Income families and kids. Serves uninsured 15 unkhoorp seniors) and caretaker respite fee). Flovitde treatments to Head Start kids and and underinsured. Collaboration with brei dental sealants for 2nd graders. Adult day care, doctors, dentists, VIMO free clinic; OMC. Fnr respite care for families who care for elderly seniors with dementia, safe and affordable day family members with dementia Fills funding gap. pre allows critical respite for farnrly caregiver 8 Parenting Matters Foundation Parenting Support In Port $0 $6,300 $1,700 Parenting newsletter, developmental cents, end Parents teem of health, nutrition, and safety 2,495 tmlrwa p. 534,755 $34,755 Angeles - First Teacher Gasses for Port Angeles parents. An extension of Issues, Crow to cope with stress, help kids be Prevention Program the First Teacher Progam used in Sequ'm for ready for school, understand Importance of many years. Teaches prevention or problems early literacy. Results In increased bonding (antisocial behavior, lack of school neediness, between parents / kids, decreased child neglect poor health and safely habiis,etc). I abuse, better knowledge of resources available - helps kids stay and succeed In =beat. 9 Peninsula Community Mental _ Health Mental Health Services for $9,500 $97500 $6,000 $10,00a $4,000 1) Supports costs of mental health services, 1) Better access to mental heats services for 67 in city $80,227 $M,227 Children, Adults, and Seniors, medication msnngnmaM, and educt programs for low Income clients. 2) Prevents abuse and 12 unlncorp and Access for at risk youth to clients not eligible for stale funded services. 2) neglect of kids With behavioral disorders by summer Adventure Bounnd Therapeutic Summer Camp program addresses providing needed respite to femfles during Prem social and behavioral health problems In kids, per vacallon (Imes. Decreases angry and violent Individual treatment plans. Includes food / behaviors in participating youth - teaches transport (for a weeks) problem solving techniques, social skills, better self confidence. 10 Peninsula Dispute Resolution Ctr. Parenting Plans (mediation) $7,000 for low income and $7,000 $4,000 51 D,000 $2,376 Funds staff and overhead to provide fee -waived Increased ecoms to justice, bolter B2 in city $8,260 $10,000 parents state -mandated Parenting Plans with mediation understanding of (tow to parent separately with youth - prevention program to that redueos family and child stress, resolves positive communication to lids and reduced C Jew kids out of conflict, less conflict, deals with underlying family Issues that stress for all. Keeps kids out of the middle of umatized. affect the whole family. Usually two or three disputes, thus happier and can do better in t sessions are needed to arrive at each final Plan. school, activities, etc. Parents can use PDRC (J for follow-up sessions rather than allowing conflicts to escalate. Overall, gives a better outcome for kids due to less conoid, better Page 2 of 4 communication in families. United Way of Clallam County -2010 City of Port Angeles Human Services Funding Agency/Program 2007 2008 2009 2010 2010 Use of funding Outcomes # Served Program Program AOoe. Allot. Allan, Request Allocation This program Budget Budget _ fallen person from floor. Operated by law air and multiple staff when trying to rift fallen P. A. for PA for Agency resident. Prevents calling 94-1 to help floor uninfured person, gets person off the floor 11 Serenity House quicker and vdth more safety and dignity 14 Volunteers In Modiclna of the Coordinated services to children $9.000 $9,000 $5,000 $6,000 $5,000 Dred basin need services for children: Childcare, Children receive high quality child care, adult 82 in city $174,000 $174,000 from homeless and at-rsk $8,000 $7,000 $7,500 $7,000 Patient supplies and services: prescriptions, on child advocacy, family case management, healthy family members able to seek /maintain 2 uninkxrp uninsured and underinsured site Rx formulary, subsidizes labs and X-rays. families $86,628 nutrition, pmsrhnot and aftersc pool program for employment, housing, treatment. Kids learn plus general racirity operations (paid pan time worsening conditions. Helps parents meet aut unb=rp staff). Funds provide critical subsidy of OMC 84 children of 60 homeless and at -risk families at social, study, behavioral skills. Helps families allowance. baste health cars, plus chronic disease clinics, the Commons, in west P.A. Maintains capacity, ' brook out of poverty, and nurtures kids of mental health services. Oils funding gap after state funding cuts of homelesslat risk families - Improves their childcare subsidies, chance to succeed. 12 SNAP Classes and programs for $3,000 $3,000 $1,60D $0,200 $i,6o0 . Funds support Programs: Life Skills, Self Participants learn social and Independent living 218 unincorp. $51.363 382,3133 developmentally disabled people Awareness, Social Well Being, etc - educational skllls'lo maximize levels of independence, and classes 6 recreational eclivitles . Pays for staff, make friends, increase confidence, learn jab supplies, transport, etc. These activities give skills, eta Attendance records, focus groups, support and respite for families and caregivers, and evaluations me done to gauge progress, also. success. ' 13 St. Andrews Place Assisted Living _ Purchase a Complete Air $3,200 $0 Purchase CAMEL device to help lift and sit up a Prevents risk of injury to both fallen resident 41 $3,200 $3,200 Moving Elevating Lift (CAMEL) fallen person from floor. Operated by law air and multiple staff when trying to rift fallen to lift fallen senior clients from pressure, suitable for large clients. resident. Prevents calling 94-1 to help floor uninfured person, gets person off the floor quicker and vdth more safety and dignity 14 Volunteers In Modiclna of the Olympics Clinic (VIMO) _ Free Medical Clinic for $8,000 $8,000 $7,000 $7,500 $7,000 Patient supplies and services: prescriptions, on Pntionts receive needed meds and timely care, 502 In City $106,067 city 3223,754 uninsured and underinsured site Rx formulary, subsidizes labs and X-rays. thus won'tresort to F.R. tranbnent or develop 410 Unmcorp. $86,628 citizens plus general racirity operations (paid pan time worsening conditions. Helps parents meet aut unb=rp staff). Funds provide critical subsidy of OMC of pocket casts of rare - provides access to allowance. baste health cars, plus chronic disease clinics, mental health services. 16 Vision Loss Center Secure additional Training Room for $9,600 $0 Funds lease of adjacent room to current space, Provides training, tools, technology to help low 501n city $9,600 $9,600 demo, training on adaptive allowing expansion of services to Increasing client vision clients become more independent, 20 unincorp. technology, low vision olds, base. Also hinds overhead of cement space, productive community members. Prevents independent living skills allowing all -volunteer staff to offer [raining and clients from making difficult trip to Seattle technology to blind! low vision vulnerable clients. Vision Center 90 miles away. Serves large, increasing senior population on Peninsula. 16 YMCA of Clallam County UFhikJcare Program - Y -Kids $19,000 $19,D00 $8,250 $io,00o $7,600 Fee subsidies for preventative yourth programs Kids develop skills, confidence, character and 901n city $215,504 $215,504 for low Income families: childcare end associated core values, make friends, get learning i programs - music, an, science technology, activities - get the appropriate affirmation and physical activity, etc. Subsidizes overhead for support they need for well being. Kids feel safe program, so no family Is turned away due to and can develop to their best potential. Inability to pay. • • • United Way of Clallam County - 2010 City of Port Angeles Human'Services Funding lenaneVM-m I ---- I -___ I ---_ Page 4 of 4 av,v cuiv vse ur lunamg Outcomes #Served Program Program Alloc. Alloc.1�1� Request Allocallon Thfe program Budget Budget Program Totals gr $118,000 $119,000 $56,126 P. A. for P.A. for Agency United Way Administration $2,500 $2,500 $1,125 17,809 51278,696 $1,946,349 Total from the City $124,500 $124,500$56260 W$62Z.500. $55,125 ' Page 4 of 4 GIVE. ADVOCATE. VOLUNTEER LIVE UNITED. United Way of Clallam County • P.O. BOX 937 - Port Angeles • WA 98362 360-457-3011• info@uiiitedwgyclallam.org February 22, 2010 To: Kent Myers, Port Angeles City Manager From: Jody Moss, Executive Director, United Way of Clallam County Re: City of Port Angeles Human Services Funding — Year End Report 2009 In 2009, the Port Angeles City Council allocated $62,500 to 13 local health and human service agencies from the Port Angeles Health and Human Services Fund. As we see state budgets cutting health and human services completely, it is even more critical for cities and counties to continue their support of their most vulnerable populations. On behalf of the board of United Way Board and the agencies that received funding, please accept my thanks for your support and your continued commitment to this role. In 2009, Port Angeles supported after school programs for youth, child care access, programs addressing behaviors which put youth at risk, support for increasing parenting skills, family violence'prevention, a feeding program for those who are homeless, financial literacy and other family/neighborhood programs, respite for caregivers of seniors with dementia, respite for parents of youth with significant behavioral health problems, mediation for divorced or separated parents, programs for developmentally disabled individuals, and free medical and dental care. • Last year, 18, 294 individuals received help through the funded programs; 15, 703 of those individuals reside in the Port Angeles area. This comes to an astounding $3.98 per resident — what a significant return on investment! As you can see, most agencies see their clients more than once. Since the City funds many prevention programs, this is exactly what you would want and expect to have happen. Continuing involvement by the clients is one measure that the program is establishing relationships and is able to affect a more permanent change in that client's life. The specific services and numbers per agency are detailed in the attached spreadsheet. Again, I commend your leadership in recognizing the value and continuing to provide funding for these . essential health and human services. This is a very important part of our local. funding picture and a component of the prevention work which happens across our county. Thank you, too, for allowing United Way to be a part of your work. It's always a pleasure working with you. With warm regards, jyM utive Director, United Way of Clallam County Attached: 2009 midyear report summary spreadsheet AM • 20ty of Port Angeles Health 1 Human Services funding report Jan. - December 2009 Healthv Families of Clallam Cn Core Services: Youth support $13,000 $13,000 $5,000. 449 7,07.8 449 0 0 Coping skills, support groups, and crisis intervention for teens groups, crisis intervention & emerg. dealing with domestic violence. Teen outreach at Dream Center. Shelter, prevention education. Parents complete "Children to the Middle" curriculum and 12 parenting skills classes week parenting classes. 8,171 shelter bednights provided. Lutheran Community Services Support Services for Families at $10,000 $10,000 $5,000 590 3,065 460 In city 0 0 Reduce family risk factors, strengthen local Mt. Angeles ML Angeles View Housing: Famlly • 33 unfneorp. community, improve quality of their lives. Parents and young kids night, Dads support groups, experience activities to build early literacy, early teaming skills. parenting and computer classes, Families team financial and parenting skills, completing GED 1Vancial Literacy Info education, etc. r 2007 200B 2009 Unduplicated Total Port Unserved ! Clients Selected Outcomes Clty of P.A. Funding Funding_ Client Client Angeles Clients Not AgeneyiPragram Fundinn Count Contacts Residents efe efe d 12 months 12 months 12 months 12 months Family Planning of Clallam County Youth Education Program i 2,734 1,225 0 Boys and Girls Club (teaches Iife/soclal skills and reproductive health, Improved awareness and use of clinical Increases awareness of risky Health and Human Services Program - PortAngeles location $5,000 $5,000 $4,000 164 18,880 158 In city 2 unincorp. 0 0 Providelmaintain P.A. facility with qualified staff, daily free meal to all kids in attendance. Planted an on-site garden, updated their computer lab, hired an education coordinator. Provides after scimol homework help, focus on math, reading, science. Provides a positive place for kids. Healthv Families of Clallam Cn Core Services: Youth support $13,000 $13,000 $5,000. 449 7,07.8 449 0 0 Coping skills, support groups, and crisis intervention for teens groups, crisis intervention & emerg. dealing with domestic violence. Teen outreach at Dream Center. Shelter, prevention education. Parents complete "Children to the Middle" curriculum and 12 parenting skills classes week parenting classes. 8,171 shelter bednights provided. Lutheran Community Services Support Services for Families at $10,000 $10,000 $5,000 590 3,065 460 In city 0 0 Reduce family risk factors, strengthen local Mt. Angeles ML Angeles View Housing: Famlly • 33 unfneorp. community, improve quality of their lives. Parents and young kids night, Dads support groups, experience activities to build early literacy, early teaming skills. parenting and computer classes, Families team financial and parenting skills, completing GED 1Vancial Literacy Info education, etc. r Clallam County YMCA Youth and Family Programs, $19,000 $19,000 $8,250 6,561 12,367 4,802 in city NIA NIA Chiktcare access for all families, regardless or Income. Provides Quality Affordable childcare 276 unincorp. fun and positive programs for teens, youth - builds self esteem, leadership skills, social skills. Fee subsidies available for all programs, allowing participation by all. Family Planning of Clallam County Youth Education Program $10,000 $10,000 $4,000 1,225 2,734 1,225 0 0 Reduced teen pregnancy and SID rates; Increased knowledge of (teaches Iife/soclal skills and reproductive health, Improved awareness and use of clinical Increases awareness of risky services. Saw a,54% decrease In positive preg. tests in girls age behaviors) 17 and younger, compared to 2008. I First Step Family Support Cntr Drop -In Center ( for parent support) $13,000 $13,000 $5,000 383 2,964 322 0 0 Social support netvrorks increased; Resources accessed; positive Two operating days weekly environment for kids to play and grow. Parents knowledge of child development, family literacy skills has increased - better parenting skills leads to less child neglect First United Methodist Church Friendship Dinner Program $3,000 $3,000 $1,500 5,898 5,age 5,000 In city 0 0 Able to provide the Increase in meals needed this year so far. Hot 700 unincorp. nutritious meal available to anyone who needs It, with some takeaway for the weekend. Expanded relationship with PA food bank allows streamlined food acquisition procedures. Better planning with 13 -14 volunteer cooking teams. Healthv Families of Clallam Cn Core Services: Youth support $13,000 $13,000 $5,000. 449 7,07.8 449 0 0 Coping skills, support groups, and crisis intervention for teens groups, crisis intervention & emerg. dealing with domestic violence. Teen outreach at Dream Center. Shelter, prevention education. Parents complete "Children to the Middle" curriculum and 12 parenting skills classes week parenting classes. 8,171 shelter bednights provided. Lutheran Community Services Support Services for Families at $10,000 $10,000 $5,000 590 3,065 460 In city 0 0 Reduce family risk factors, strengthen local Mt. Angeles ML Angeles View Housing: Famlly • 33 unfneorp. community, improve quality of their lives. Parents and young kids night, Dads support groups, experience activities to build early literacy, early teaming skills. parenting and computer classes, Families team financial and parenting skills, completing GED 1Vancial Literacy Info education, etc. r 2009 City of Port Angeles $7,000 $7,000 $4,000 72 530 50 30 10 Worked µnth 50 fam[Ilas in 2009. Durable parenting plans decrease parental conflict, keep kids "out of the middle", improve positive communication with kids in families who are separating. Health / Human Services funding report Jan. - December 2009 2007 2008 CI 20H7—Unduplicated Total Port Unserved Unserved Clients I Selected Outcomes Serenity House of Clallam County of P.A. Funding Funding Client Client Angeles Clients Not 0 More kids from homeless/vulnerable families can attend Agan IPro ram Funding Cou —COntacts Residents eferred R e ed skills, are cooperative with peers, family, staff. Improved staff Olympic Community Action 1 12 months 12 months 1 12 months 12 months Participation In Early Childhood Education Initiative 11 k I 1) Oral Health Care Access 2) Respite pre for families of elderly $9,500 $9,500 56,000. 1,717 7,896 1,243 in city 0 191 Dental services: low Income uninsured patients seen in over ("Encore" Adult day pre program) Classes and programs for developmentally disabled people 15 unincorp. 100 Classes help clients build their daily basic life skills, plus 5,000 visits. Big increase in pt. access, working to reduce recreational, arts, and science activities. Increased volunteer opportunities , retail sales in community for clients and their backlog. Elderly pre: 40 families / clients are provided safe families - increases acceptance and Inclusion of clients, they becomre more productive with Increased self esteem. Provides and effective. day pre services, respite, etc. Developing speciflc needed respite for families, too. r programs for dementia patients. Penin. Comm. Mental Health Cntr. t Free Medical Clinic for under- and $8,000 $8,000 $7,000 883 2,858 418 in city 0 0 Eligibility screening and nominal patient donations maAmize uninsured Respite services - Adventure Bound Summer program for kids with social 59,500 $9,500 $5,00058 227 35 in city N/A .0 Note: Program began June 30. increases socially appropriate J behavioral problems twice the number of patient visits In 2009, and more people are 5 unincorp, receiving the medical services they need. behaviors, expressions of empathy and concern for others, compliance with rules in group setting. Less visits to detention, school suspensions, removals from home. Peninsula Dispute Resolution Ctr I I Parenting Plans (mediation) for low Income parents $7,000 $7,000 $4,000 72 530 50 30 10 Worked µnth 50 fam[Ilas in 2009. Durable parenting plans decrease parental conflict, keep kids "out of the middle", improve positive communication with kids in families who are separating. Parents have increased access to justice. They understand how they will parent separately, Parents can also get follow up I—Isessions to prevent escalation of conflict Serenity House of Clallam County i Childcare Center at the Commons $8,000 59,000 $5,000 78 26,467 78 0 0 More kids from homeless/vulnerable families can attend childcare, improves family stability. Kids learn communication skills, are cooperative with peers, family, staff. Improved staff training and parent participation Improve the quality of childcare. Participation In Early Childhood Education Initiative I Special Needs Advocacy Paresis Classes and programs for developmentally disabled people $3,000 $3,000 $1,500 200 800 200 N/A 100 Classes help clients build their daily basic life skills, plus recreational, arts, and science activities. Increased volunteer opportunities , retail sales in community for clients and their families - increases acceptance and Inclusion of clients, they becomre more productive with Increased self esteem. Provides needed respite for families, too. r Volunteers in Medicine Clinic Free Medical Clinic for under- and $8,000 $8,000 $7,000 883 2,858 418 in city 0 0 Eligibility screening and nominal patient donations maAmize uninsured 342 unincorp, resources and their appropriate use: Hired medical director to provldo direct services and revise staff duties. Provided almost twice the number of patient visits In 2009, and more people are receiving the medical services they need. 301 March 2, 2010 To: Port Angeles City Council Re; .Follow up to public meeting of Feb. 24, 2410 On Feta 24, 2010 the environmental council hosted a public meeting, in the county commissioners meeting room, regarding options to decrease the problem of combined. sewer overflows.. Thank you to three city council members, the city manager and a representative of the public works department for attending and participating in the discussion. As a follow up to that discussion :I am seeking additional information.. First: the cost of disconnection of downspouts to the sewer system. A presentation from the a non profit organization in Seattle stated the average cost was $400 per household, including permitting fees ( which the city is considering lifting) and in other cities it has been done for a similar cost, or less. I would like to better understand how the city of Port Angeles seems so far out of the mainstream with a predicted cost of $4000 per household. The public works representative stated that whether it is a few dollars of $4000 it doesn't make any difference. I would beg to differ. The projected cost has huge public policy implications. Secondly there was a discussion of a specific place that installed a new 5 million gallon tank for approximately $4.5 million. Yet if I understood the position of the city iWthe cost of a similar plan here would be $60 — 90 million. I formally request an detailed explanation, in writing, as to what the $60 - $ 90 million figure would cover Thank you — Norma Turner 3928 Mt Angeles Ind PA • City Council Special Meeting/Utility Advisory Committee Public Works Conference Room Port Angeles, WA 98362 January 12, 2010 3:00 p.m. L Call To Order Glenn Cutler, Director of Public Works and Utilities called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m. H. Roll Call Councilmembers Present: Councilmembers Absent: Utility Advisory Committee Members Present: Mayor Di Guilio, Max Mania, Brooke Nelson Cherie Kidd, Pat Downey, Don Perry Paul Elliott, Orville Campbell Staff Present: Kent Myers, Bill Bloor, Glenn Cutler, Yvonne Ziomkowski, Larry Dunbar, Steve Sperr, Phil Lusk, Terry Dahlquist, Cate Rinehart Others Present: Cody Blevins - Citizen Tom Callis — Peninsula Daily News Ill. Nomination And Election Of Officers Orville Campbell moved to nominate Mayor Di Guilio as Chairman. Paul Elliott seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. Paul Elliott moved to nominate Orville Campbell as Vice Chairman. Councilmember Mania seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. IV. Approval Of Minutes Chairman Di Guilio asked if there were any corrections to the minutes of December 8, 2009. Chairman Di Guilio moved to approve the minutes. Paul Elliott seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. Orville Campbell abstained due to absence. V. Late Items: None VI. Discussion Items: • F-1 A. Electric Utility Service Fee Ordinance Amendments Terry Dahlquist, Electrical Engineering Manager, advised that the Municipal Code did not adequately address procedures for refunding electric service fees on cancelled projects and that a $250 cancellation fee per residential lot was proposed. There was a brief discussion. Orville Campbell moved to recommend City Council to conduct a first reading of the proposed amendments to Chapters 3.70 and 13.12 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code and continue the matter to the February 2, 2010 Council Meeting. Councilmember Mania seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. R Lighting And Conservation Funds Ordinance Amendments Larry Dunbar, Deputy Director of Power Systems, explained that the City is planning to increase its energy conservation programs using Electric Utility funds but some clarifications need to be made to the Municipal Code. There was a brief discussion. Councilmember Nelson moved to recommend City Council conduct a first reading of the proposed amendments to Chapter 3 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code and continue the matter to the February 2, 2010 Council Meeting. 0 C. Energy Northwest Interlocal Agreement Modification No. I For The Morse Creek Hydroelectric Project 0 Larry Dunbar, Deputy Director of Power Systems, pointed out that the recent Federal Energy Regulatory Commission license and Ecology 401 Water Quality Certification created additional unfunded mandates including spill prevention containment and control, and stormwater pollution prevention plans. There was a brief discussion. Orville Campbell moved to recommend City Council authorize the Mayor to sign Modification No. 1 to the interlocal Agreement with Energy Northwest in an amount not to exceed $10,945, and authorize the City Manager to make minor modifications to the agreement, if necessary. Councilmember Mania seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. D. Consultant Agreement amendment No. I For Advanced Metering Infrastructure Project And Demand Response Grant Program Larry Dunbar, Deputy Director of Power Systems, advised that Staff had negotiated an additional scope of work and pricing for consulting services in support of the Advanced Metering Infrastructure project and the Bonneville Power Administration Demand Response grant program. A discussion followed. F-2 • • Councilmember Mania moved to recommend City Council authorize the City . Manager to 1) amend the consulting services agreement with EES Consulting in an additional amount not to exceed $24,900 to assist staff in preparing the Advanced Metering Infrastructure Project Request for Proposals and a proposal that would be submitted to the Bonneville Power Administration under their Demand Response Grant Program, and 2) make minor modifications to the agreement, if necessary. Orville Campbell seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. VIL Information Only Items A. Industrial Water Metering Information only. No discussion or action taken. B. Washington State Hydroelectric Generation Facility Legislation Information only. No discussion or action taken. VIII. Next Meeting Date: February 9, 2010 IV. Adjournment: 4:43 p.m. • Dan Di Guilio, Mayor Dan Di Guilio, Chairman NApwks\light\cons\tate\jan 121nect • Janessa Hurd, City Clerk Cate Rinehart, Admin. Spec. 11 F-3 MINUTES Regular Meeting of the PORT ANGELES PLANNING COMMISSION • Special Meeting of the PORT ANGELES CITY COUNCIL Port Angeles, Washington 98362 January 13, 2010 6:00 p.m. Note: A quorum of City Council Members was present at this regular meeting of the Planning Commission causing a special meeting to need to be called. Council Members were present to observe a special presentation to the Commission made by the American Institute of Architects. No actions were taken by the City Council, and Council Members left the room following the presentation. ROLL CALL Planning Commission Chair Doc Reiss called the combined meeting of the Planning Commission and City Council to order at 6:05 p.m. Planning Commission Members Present: John Matthews, Werner Beier, Mike Caudill, Doc Reiss, Tim Boyle, Nancy Powers Member Excused: Carla Sue Council Members Present: Mayor Dan Di Guilio, Cherie Kidd, Brooke Nelson, Pat Downie • City Staff Present: Nathan West, Roberta Korcz, Scott Johns, Bill Bloor, Kent, Myers, Steve Sperr, Heidi Greenwood, Sue Roberds Public Present: Deborah Frazier, Tom Callis, Rodney and Tina Lipman, Randy Stone and Patti Toth, Don Schuba, Ed Chadd, Tara Demeris, Cathy Lucero, Amanda Clark, Tom Underwood OTHER MATTERS: Follow up discussion with American Institute of Architect (AIA) Representatives from the Sustainable Development Assessment Team's (SDAT) 2009 visit to Port Anp,eles Community and Economic Development Director Nathan West opened a presentation regarding the American Institute of Architect (AIA) Sustainable Design Assessment Team's report. The report is all about creating a positive experience for both residents and visitors alike. Mr. West provided a brief background of the SDAT process indicating that the motivation came from the North Peninsula Builder's Association that established a Built Green committee that identified the SDAT Grant opportunity for the City of Port Angeles. In conjunction with that program, Gentry and Associates agreed to be the local sponsor for the grant application and helped to make it a successful project along with the City's Port Angeles Forward Committee. Mr. West thanked all F-4 Planning Commission Minutes January 13. 1010 Page 2 the volunteers who participated in the three day intensive planning process that took place -.in March, 2009. He additionally thanked both the Planning Commission and. City Council Members for their insight and courage in taking a number of steps to go ahead and implement some of the pieces of the SDAT recommendations to date. He shared examples of the City's efforts to implement items highlighted in the SDAT report and highlighted some of the projects planned for 2010.and future years. The City received a preliminary report from the SDAT Committee on March 18, 2009, and within a month of that time, 30 items from the report were forwarded to the Port. Angeles Forward. committee for prioritization. Revisions to the City's Comprehensive Plan and. Capital Facilities Plan were then made by early summer, 2009, to form the foundation for desired recommendations to be implemented. A facade improvement pilot program was instituted utilizing Community Development Block Grant funds to provide a matching grant for private entities willing to implement facade improvements in commercial zones. A big part of implementation is public involvement. Director West and the City Manager attended a number of committee and group meetings throughout the City and presented the details of the SDAT report and tried to get the community involved wherever possible. Community leaders organized a facade improvement project that resulted in over 40 structures being upgraded, mainly in the Downtown area, including facade painting, and general cleaning. Private sector involvement was amazing led by determined local leaders. A sign inventory has begun in 2010 for the First and Front. Street corridors in an effort to document what signage exists and to be used as a baseline for future improvement. Design work has begun for Waterfront Promenade improvements and Municipal Code amendments will be proposed to encourage new development in the Downtown. A revitalization district proposal will be brought to the Planning Commission and City Council in February/March for the Downtown area that utilizes new state legislation whereby the City can take advantage of increased investment and tax assessments in the Downtown to be reinvested in infrastructure in the Downtown. Signage and wayfinding and entryway monument RFPs will be sent out in March, 20I O. Two additional rounds of the facade improvement program to award at least 6 additional project funding are expected to be awarded in 2010..We will continue efforts to work in coordination with upgrade of the Black Ball Ferry Terminal in planning for development of the Waterfront Promenade. Mr. West noted that the Planning Division was very aggressive in grant applications looking to find ways to implement many of the AIA suggested items. He used a Power Point presentation to identify prioritized items from the SDAT report that funds have been sought to implement. The SDAT process has worked as a catalyst creating a "together we can" attitude that stimulates investment in the community. Staff is working with numerous partners throughout the community In implementing these desired improvements to the entire Port Angeles community such as the Chamber of Commerce and. CIallam County. "Visiting AIA representatives will be reviewing all of the achievements thus far, walking around town, visiting with various committees that initially worked with the larger AI.A group; and staff is will be further be talking with the members hoping for suggested strategies as to how to continue F-5 Planning Commission Minutes January 13, 2010 Paye 3 to be successful. He then introduced Wayne Fieden and Erin Simmons, AIA representatives. Is Wayne Fieden noted that he is very impressed by the work Port Angeles has done since the AIA SDAT visit last year. It is truly impressive. When the team arrived in. March, 2009, Port Angeles felt very tired to the group. Just the fagade improvement done largely in the Downtown since the 2009 visit has made such a huge improvement in the initial view of the City. One of the things that made Port Angeles easier to analyze for the SCAT was that Port Angeles has always had a strong vision where it wanted to go and a lot of good plans for development. The City just. seemed to need a little nudge. The community really carne together and took off with just a little encouragement. He would like to see that momentum continue. A lot of money has not been spent, big, big changes have not been made, but the changes that have been accomplished have made such a large difference. The City has strong bones that can carry a great redevelopment without losing a sense of self. Chair Reiss culled afve minute break at 6:25 p.m. City Council members, City Manager Myers, and ,Attorney Bloor left the meeting at this time and did not return. Chair Reiss reconvened the Planning Commission regular meeting at 6:3Op. m. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Commissioner Beier moved to approve the December 9, 2009, minutes as presented. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Matthews, and passed 6 — 0. PUBLIC HEARING: Chair Reiss noted that those who speak during the public hearing need to sign the attendance roster. STREET VACATION ,PETITION - STV 09-05 - LIPMANISTONE: Vacation of a portion of Vine Street between the Whidb lLo ez and Lo ez/Orcas Avenue Alleys. Planning Manager Sue .Roberds reviewed the Staff Report recommending approval of the street vacation with two conditions. Ms. Roberds noted that a petition had been received on. January '1.2, 2010, signed by 6 residents of the area and one visitor objecting to the street vacation, and an additional letter from one of the persons who signed the petition in opposition of the vacation. The letter and petition were included in the Planning Commission's materials presented for the public hearing. Patti Toth, 437 Lopez Avenue spoke in favor of the street vacation indicating that her home has encroached into the remaining (west) portion of Vine Street for more than 40 years. It is not possible to widen the roadway to a. City standard given that only approximately 20 feet of right of way exists beyond the residential encroachment and the adjacent property line. The roadway is unimproved, pot holed, and narrow. The east portion of Vine Street was previously vacated and the remaining small corridor results in a safety hazard to those who live and travel along it. Travel along the corridor is unsafe and she provided pictures indicating tire marks from an incident where an automobile ran into the timbered landscaping rather than the sidewall of her home in the past. F-6 Planning Commission Minutes January 13. 20/0 • Page 4 In response to Commissioner Boyle, Ms. Toth responded that traffic passes both north and south along the street. The remaining right of way provides a shorter route to Lauridsen Boulevard than traveling west to Peabody Street and the busy intersection. She will block off the currently traveled way if vacated, but her property will retain access to the alley with easy access to Lauridsen Boulevard. Randy Stone, 437 Lopez Avenue agreed that the street should be vacated. People who signed the petition asking that the right of way not be vacated live on Whidby and use the short cut route to Lauridsen Boulevard but can use Peabody Street or Eunice Street. They don't need to use Vine Street north to the Boulevard but can continue to use the south end of Vine Street to Whidby for egress from the area. Cathy Lucero, 509 Whidby Avenue stated that the Peabody Street intersection at Lauridsen Boulevard is very, very congested. Neighbors prefer to use the subject right of way as egress from the area to void the intense congestion. Although she supported vacation of the area of the Stone property development that encroaches into the corridor, she asked that the remaining small portion of right of way remain open so that residents who have always used the route can continue to choose the short route if desired. It is unimproved but it's better than nothing. There is no encroachment abutting the Lipman property. John Underwood, 503 Lopez Avenue is a new resident to the neighborhood and agrees that the • right of way is narrow. He supported vacation of the right of way. Tina Lipman, owns 438 Lopez Avenue and supported vacation of the right of way. There being no further testimony, Chair Reiss closed the public hearing. Commissioner Beier moved to recommend that the City Council vacate the right of way per Street Vacation Petition STV 09-05 with the following conditions, findings, and conclusions in support of that action: Conditions: I . Property owned by the petitioners and right-of-way acquired through the subject vacation shall be combined into one building site per Zoning Lot Covenant prior to the issuance of quit claim deeds for the right-of-way. 2. A perpetual easement shall be retained along the east 30 feet of property over the existing utility corridor in favor of the City of Port Angeles. The area shall remain free of structures and access shall not be hindered at any time to the area for service or construction within the utility corridor. Findinzs: 1. A petition requesting the vacation of Vine Street abutting Lot 1, Block 12 Puget Sound Cooperative Colony, 2nd Addition and Lot 20, Block 17, Puget Sound Cooperative • Colony 2nd Addition was submitted on November 9, 2009, by abutting property owners Rodney and Tina Lipman and Randy Stone and Patti Toth. F-7 Planning Commission A4inutes January 13, 2010 Page 5 2. RCW 58.17 requires the signatures of two thirds of abutting property owners to be valid when the vacation of right-of-way is proposed. The subject petition is signed by 100% of the abutting property owners. 3. The subject area is zoned RS -7 Residential Single Family and is developed with single family structures. The RS -7 zone allows the basic single family. 4. The east one-half of Vine Street in the subject area was vacated in 1987 leaving the remaining (west) portion of Vine Street between the Orcas/Lopez Avenue Alley and the Whidby/Lopez Avenue Alley reduced to one-half its platted 80' width at 40'. The remaining right-of-way contains City utilities (sewer and electric), and is encroached upon by an abutting residence (Stone) at 437 Lopez Avenue. 5. Lopez Avenue extending east from the vacated Vine Street centerline was vacated in 1957 6. The City's Comprehensive Plan and Land Use Map were reviewed for consistency with the proposed vacation of right-of-way. Land Use Element, Map Goals, Policies, and Objective Element Goal A is relevant to the proposal. 7. The Port Angeles City Council's Real Estate Committee met on December 7, 2009; and concluded support for the vacation of right of way based on encroachment (Stone property) issues and given the unimproved state of the roadway, and agreed that retention of the small portion adjacent to the Lipman property is of no value to the City as long as a utility easement is retained. 8. The vacating of a street is categorically exempt from a State Environmental Policy Act • (SEPA) review per Section 197-11-800 (2) (h) of the Washington Administrative Code. 9. The site was posted regarding the proposed land use action on January 4, 2010. No written public comment was received prior to the public hearing that was scheduled for January 13, 2010. 10. Pertinent issues analyzed in the review process are as follow: • Traffic Patterns: Established traffic patterns in the area will change. Based on testimony, the unimproved corridor is regularly used. However, traffic, high speed, the deplorable condition of the road surface, and the narrowness of the remaining corridor caused both by the historic encroachment of residential property and use and previous vacations, generated a request for further closure of the corridor. Circulation to areas north of the site can be gained via Peabody Street and Eunice Streets, west and east, respectively, from the site. Use of the Whidby/Lopez Avenue Alley straight through to Peabody Street without using Whidby Avenue may also occur but is not recommended. The Peabody/Lauridsen Boulevard and Eunice/Lauridsen Boulevard intersections will experience additional congestion during peak periods but are designed as major use intersections for areas south of Lauridsen Boulevard. • Development Patterns: Residential lots in the area are primarily served by Lopez and Whidby Avenues. Eight homes served by the Whidby/Lopez Avenue Alley will continue to access Vine Street (immediately north of Whidby Avenue) from the remaining spur of right-of-way to Whidby Avenue. Access to neighborhood parking at the extreme east end of Lopez Avenue will remain available from Lopez Avenue. The established • Planning Commission Minutes January 13. 2010 Page 6 • parking area is not required parking for the residential development it abuts, but provides street parking as in any other neighborhood in lieu of full street development. • Environmentally Sensitive Areas: No environmentally sensitive areas exist in the vicinity of the proposed street vacation. • Public Health, Safety and Welfare: The approximately 300 lineal feet of right-of- way is undeveloped. The City has no immediate plans to develop the remaining 40' width of right-of-way. Multiple prior street vacations have jeopardized the ability to create a viable through street in this location. The City's minimum street standard requires 60' of right-of-way. The encroachment of structures into the remaining 40'of right-of-way inhibits the ability to develop even substandard street improvements. [NW 1 ] Vine Street south of Whidby Avenue has been completely vacated due to historic encroachment issues. The requested vacation will address the remaining residential encroachment into the Vine Street corridor north of Whidby Avenue leaving a short portion of Vine Street (Lipman) remaining at the intersection with Whidby Avenue for needed access to residents who are served from the Whidby/Lopez Avenue Alley. While the Lipman ownership does not experience encroachment, vacation of the remaining short stretch (approximately 140') of remaining narrow, unimproved right-of-way will result in elimination of potential neighborhood disruption that may be caused by retention of the remnant unimproved right-of-way. The right-of-way corridor serves no real public purpose other than as a utility corridor. • Vacation of the right-of-way may result in slight disruption to residents of Whidby Avenue closest to the corridor who choose to use the unimproved corridor due to its close proximity to their residence rather than Peabody Street. However, the action will resolve long standing neighborhood traffic issues along the narrow, unimproved corridor as well as the encroachment concern. 11. Consolidation of the right-of-way following vacation can be accomplished by the filing of Zoning Lot Covenants which would combine vacated property with abutting lots owned by the applicants such that no remnant lots will be created by vacation. 12. At its December 15, 2009, regular meeting, the Port Angeles City Council established a public hearing date by resolution for action on the street vacation petition as February 2 7, 2010. 13. The Port Angeles Planning Commission held a public hearing on the proposed street vacation on January 13, 2010, and forwarded a recommendation to the City Council for consideration. Conclusions: A. The right-of-way currently provides a short-cut route for traffic in the area but is not needed as primary access to any property. The remaining corridor serves no purpose in fulfilling either the current or long range transportation planning needs of the City. B. The 40' right of way corridor is insufficient to accommodate street development. Additionally, the long standing residential encroachment into the remaining right-of-way • inhibits the ability to develop even substandard street improvements without significant disruption to long standing neighborhood development. ME Planning Commission Minutes January 13, 2010 Page 7 Vacation will result in the elimination of residential encroachment and closure of a • narrow, undeveloped, remnant right-of-way corridor that has been a cause of concern to the immediate neighborhood due to traffic issues. C. Access to established residences will not change from existing primary access points. D. As conditioned, consolidation of the petitioners' property ownerships with the vacated right-of-way is in accordance with expected land management and development policies, and is consistent with development standards of the RS -7 Section 17.10 ( RS -7 Zone) of the Port Angeles Municipal Code. Property consolidation will appropriately combine the vacated right-of-way with adjacent property thus avoiding the creation of remnant, nonconforming lots. E. As conditioned, the existing utility infrastructure will remain accessible at all times for maintenance and construction needs thus ensuring the public interest and welfare. F. The proposal is consistent with the goals and policies of the City's Comprehensive Plan specifically Land Use Map Goal, Policies and Objective Element Goal A. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Powers, and passed 6 — 0. COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE PUBLIC None STAFF REPORTS • Director West noted that the City Council acted favorably on the Municipal Code Amendments that were recommended by the Commission and staff with the exception of those amendments relative to side yard setbacks. That work will be revisited for clarification of wording. In response to Commissioner Matthews, Mr. West indicated that staff will be bringing recommendations to the Commission in review of building height amendments later in the year. Associate Planner Scott Johns noted that Commission Elections will be on the April agenda and encouraged Commissioners to be thinking of that event. Staff encouraged Commissioners to keep abreast of the development plans being worked on by the Port Angeles Harbor Works committee. The information can be found on the Internet at harborworks.ory. REPORTS OF COMMISSION MEMBERS None F-10 Planning Cammi.rsian rMinwes January 13, 20110 Page 8 ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 7:15 p.m. SIGNING FOR THE PLANNING COMMISSION: Sue Roberds, Secretary SIGNING FOR THE CITY COUNCIL:: Dan Di Guilio, Mayor PREPARED BY: S. Roberds • Doe Reiss, Chair Janessa Hurd, City Clerk. F- 11 CITY COUNCIL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington February 16, 2010 • CALL TO ORDER- Mayor Di Guilio called the special meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to SPECIAL MEETING: order at 5:03 p.m. ROLL CALL: Members Present: Mayor Di Guilio, Deputy Mayor Perry, Councilmembers Collins, Downie, Kidd, Mania, and Nelson. Members Absent: None. Staff Presenr Manager Myers, Attorney Bloor, Clerk Hurd, and B. Coons. PLEDGE OF The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Deputy Mayor Perry. ALLEGIANCE: Washington Cities Insurance Authority Public Officials Liability Training Session, Bob Coons, Human Resources Manager introduced Lisa Roberts, Risk Services Manager, from the Washington Cities Insurance Authority. Lisa Roberts conducted a Public Officials Liability Training Session. Council discussion followed the presentation. ADJOURNMENT: Mayor Di Guilio adjourned the meeting at 5:50 p.m CALL TO ORDER- Mayor Di Guilio called the regular meeting of the fort Angeles City Council to REGULAR MEETING: order at 5:03 p.m. ROLL CALL: Members Present: Mayor Di Guilio,:Deputy Mayor Perry, Councilmembers Collins, Downie, Kidd, Mania, and Nelson. Members Absent: None. Staff Present: Manager Myers, Attorney Bloor, Clerk Hurd, G. Cutler, T. Gallagher, D. McKeen, N. West, Y. Ziomkowski, J. Hall, M. Karjalainen, B. Kroh, P. Lusk, J. Mason, T. Pierce, and S. Sperr. PUBLIC CEREMONIES/ 1. Port Angeles Firefighters — Haiti Relief Effort PRESENTATIONS & EMPLOYEE Captain Jamie Mason, Firefighter Bryant Kroh, Paramedic Mark. Karjalainen; and RECOGNITIONS: Paramedic John Hall provided a presentation on their mission to Haiti. Mayor Di Guilio presented Fire Chief McKeen and his staff with a Proclamation in recognition of their relief efforts and service. Captain Jamie Mason thanked the community for their support. • F-12 CITY COUNCIL MEETING February 16, 2010 • PUBLIC COMMENT: Vicci Rudin, 1002 Strait View Dr., and Anne Murray, on behalf of the League of Women Voters, presented Council with balloons and read a letter thanking them for their service. The following members of the public spoke regarding the proposed WUGA Ordinance Amendments: Richard Kott, 94 Sutter Road; Evan Bradow, 4614 S. Bay Road; and Ken Spencer, 1330 Hwy 101 West. Ed Chadd, 307 W. 6`h Street, spoke regarding the Roof Drain Disconnection Program. Darlene Schanfald, PO Box 2664, Sequim, spoke regarding the Roof Drain Disconnection Program and the Agreed Order with the Department of Ecology. CITY COUNCIL Councilmember Collins and Mania spoke regarding their attendance at the AWC COMMITTEE Training Session in Tacoma. REPORTS: Councilmembers Downie, Nelson, and Kidd had no report Deputy Mayor Perry spoke regarding the Groundbreaking Ceremony for the Lower Elwha Klallam Fish Hatchery. He presented the City with a painting from the Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe. • Mayor Di Guilio spoke regarding his attendance with Councilmember Nelson at the first City Council table at the Saturday Farmer's Market. LATE ITEMS TO BE There were no late items added to the Agenda. PLACED ON THIS OR FUTURE AGENDAS: • CONSENT AGENDA: Mayor Di Guilio pulled the Eastern Corridor Phase 11, Area 2, Project US 06-21 and the Expenditure Approval List from 1/23/10 to 2/5/10 for $3,677,104.70 from the Consent Agenda. These items were added to the Other Considerations section. WORK SESSION: I . 4`h Street Parking Revision Proposal Manager Myers described staff's request for direction from Council regarding the 4'h Street Parking Revision Proposal. Public Works and Utilities Director Cutler provided a presentation regarding the proposed changes to 4`h Street between Lincoln and Peabody Streets. Joel Winborn, Manager of Clallam County Parks/Fair/Facilities Department, and Commissioner Doherty answered questions and expressed support for the proposal. Following Council discussion, It was moved by Mania and seconded by Downie to: Direct staff to provide more information to Council regarding the Proposal. Motion carried 7-0. 2 F-13 CITY COUNCIL MEETING February 16, 2010 CONSENT AGENDA: Mayor Di Guilio pulled the Shared Resource Conservation Manager Interlocal • (Cont'd) Agreement with Clallam County. This item was added to the Other Considerations section. WORK SESSION: 2. Roof Drain Disconnection Program (Cont'd) City Engineer Sperr provided a presentation regarding the Roof Drain Disconnection Pilot Project and information as it related to the Combined Sewer Overflow requirements. Councilmember Mania presented possible supplemental programs, to coincide with the Roof Drain Disconnection Program. Following Council discussion, Council agreed by consensus to have staff move forward with the Phase I program, a voluntary disconnect program, and possibly include the program in the 2011 Preliminary Budget. Director Cutler played a video that was originally shown as an introduction to the CSO presentation at the Port Angeles Business Association meeting. ORDINANCES NOT 1. Western Urban Growth Area (WUGA) Connection Fees Ordinance REQUIRING PUBLIC Amendment HEARINGS: ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, revising Chapter 13.75 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code relating to Connection Charges for Western Urban Growth Area (WUGA). 0 Director Cutler addressed the comments received from the public during the public comment period, and explained the reasons for the Ordinance Amendment. Following Council discussion, It was moved by Mania and seconded by Downie to: Table the Ordinance until the next regularly scheduled Council meeting. Motion Carried 7-0. Break Mayor Di Guilio recessed the meeting for a break at 7:53 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 8:02 p.m. RESOLUTIONS: 1. City Council Rules of Procedure Manager Myers presented the changes made to the City Council Rules of Procedure. Following Council discussion, It was moved by Mania and seconded by Nelson to: Pass Resolution No. 05-10, A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, adding a new section 6 and amending Section 8 of the Council Rules of Procedure. Motion carried 6-0, with Collins absent from the room at the time of the vote. • 3 F-14 CITY COUNCIL MEETING February 16, 2010 OTHER 1.. W il.liam Shore Memorial Pool District. Contract Extension CONSIDERATIONS: Manager Myers presented the William Shore Memorial Pool District. Contract Extension. It was moved by Mania and seconded by Nelson to: Approve and authorize the City Manager to sign an extension to the Pool Contract with the William Shore Memorial 'Pool District to May 31, 20 10, Motion carried 5-0, with Councilmembers Downie and Kidd abstaining. 2. Maloney Heights Agreement This item was removed from the Agenda. 3. Eastern Corridor Phase 1.1, Area 2, Project US 06-21, Final :acceptance Councilrnember Kidd asked for clarification regarding the adjustment to the contract. Following Council Discussion, It was moved by Perry and seconded by Downie to: Approve the Eastern Corridor Phase 11, Area 2, Project. US 06-21, Final Acceptance. Motion carried 7-0. 4. Shared Resource Conservation Manager Interlocal Agreement with Clallam County Mayor Di Guilio moved this item back to the Consent Agenda. PUBLIC HEARINGS — None. QUASI-JUDICIAL: PUBLIC HEARINGS- None. OTHER: FINANCE: 1. Western Public Agencies Group (WPAG) Consulting Agreements Director Cutler presented information regarding the WPAG Agreement. Following Council Discussion, Mayor Di Guil.io suggested changing the amount authorized to not exceed $20,000 with the stipulation that the City Manager report to Council any expenditures that exceed $1.1,356. It was moved by Perry and seconded by Nelson to: Authorize the City Manager to sign agreements with EES Consulting, Inc., and Marsh Mundorf Pratt. Sullivan & McKenzie in an amount not to exceed $20,000. Motion carried 7-0. • F-15 CITY COUNCIL. MEETING February '16, 2010 CONSENT A It was moved b y Nelson and seconded b Kidd to approve the Consent Agenda C AGENDA: a ) y pp g (Cont'd) to include: 1.) City Council Meeting Minutes of Jan. '12.. 1.4; Feb. 2,5,2010-5 2:) Industrial Wastewater Pretreatment Program Ordinance Amendments, Set Public Hearing; and 3.) Shared Resource Conservation Manager Interlocal. Agreement with Clallam County. Motion carried 7-0. OTHER 5. Expenditure Approval. List from 1123/1.0 to 215110 for $3,677,104.70 CONSIDERATIONS: (Cont'd) Councilmember Kidd and Mania inquired about CMMS software fees and Qwest. charges. Following Council discussion, It was moved by Perry and seconded by Nelson to: Approve the Expenditure Approval List from 1/23/10 to 2/5110 for $3,677,104.70. Motion carried 7-0. INFORMATION: Manager Myers directed Council to the reports included in the packet. He discussed the need to continue the March 16" Council meeting to March l S'", due to 3 Counci[members and the City Manager being out of town. Council approved continuing the March 16`' Council meeting to March 18°i at 6:00 p.m. Following. Council discussion, It was moved by Collins and seconded by Mania to: Continue the City Council Regular Meeting of March 1.6, 2010 to March 18, 2010 at 6:00 p.m. Motion Carried 7-0. EXECUTIVE SESSION: None. ADJOURNMENT: Mayor Di Guilio adjourned the meeting at 8:23 p.m. Dan Di Guilio, Mayor Janessa. Hurd, City Clerk F-16 • �y Date: 2/24/2010 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 21612010 To: 2/1912010 Vendor Description Account Number Invoice Amount MCMENAMIN & MCMENAMIN OVERPAYMENT 001-0000-213.10-90 17,74 CLALLAM GNTY TREASURER CVCA TO CLALLAM CO TREAS 001-0000-229.40-00 323.19 WA STATE PATROL LIVE SCAN PRINTS FOR JAN 001-0000-229.50-00 250.25 WASHINGTON STATE TREASURER BUILDING SURCHARGE 1/10 001-0000-229.10-00 94.50 DIST CT REV TO ST TREA 11 001-0000-229.30-00 13,318.86 Division Total. $14,004.54 Department Total: $14,004.54 ADVANCED TRAVEL AWC Legis Conf-DiGuilio 001-1160-511.43-10 265.42 AWC Training-Downie 001-1160-511.43-10 99.70 AWC Legis Conf-Kidd 001-1160-511.43-10 310.92 AWC Conf Nelson 001-1160-511.43-10 237.72 Omni Shoreham Hotel DC HOTEL - KIDD 001-1160-511.43-10 262.21 DC HOTEL - DOWN IE 001-1160-511.43-10 262.21 DC HOTEL -DI GUILIO 001-1160-511.43-10 262.21 OLYMPIC PRINTERS INC BUSINESS CARDS FOR DI GUI 001-1160-511.31-01 58.54 PENINSULA AWARDS & TROPHIES NAME TAGS FOR CITY COUNCI 001-1160-511.31-01 54.74 Legislative Mayor & Council Division Total: $1,813.67 Legislative Department Total: $1,813.67 ADVANCED TRAVEL AWC Conf-Myers AWC Conf-Pierce 001-1210-513.43-10 001-1210-513.43-10 206.42 537.50 Omni Shoreham Hotel DC HOTEL - MYERS 001-1210-513.43-10 252.21 QWEST 2-5 NC 36045298876528 001-1210-513.42-10 1.14 2-5 A1C 3604529882811 B 001-1210-513.42-10 1.14 2-5 A1C 3604523712585B 001-1210-513.42-10 1.71 2-5 A1C 36045238778178 001-1210-513.42-10 1.14 2-5 A1C 3604525109623B 001-1210-513.42-10 1.14 2-5 A1C 3604525834211 B 001-1210-513.42-10 1.36 1-23 AIC 206T302306084B 001-1210.513.42-10 20.37 VERIZON WIRELESS COM MUNICATIONSIMEDIASERV 001-1210-513.42-10 139.98 WASHINGTON {DIS}, STATE OF RADIO & TELECOMMUNICATION 001-1210-513.42-10 2.34 City Manager Department City Manager Office Division Total: $1,176.45 ADVANCED TRAVEL WCIA MtglTrng-Goons 001-1220-516.43-10 250.33 CLINICARE OF PORT ANGELES INC PRE-EMPLOY DRUG SCREEN 001-1220-516.41-31 25.00 PETEK, THOMAS C PHD PSYCH INTERVIEW 001-1220-516.41-50 300.00 ❑WEST 2-5 A1C 3604529887652B 001-1220-516.42-10 0.23 2-5 NC 3604529882811 B 001-1220-516.42-10 0.23 2-5 A1C 3604523712585B 001-1220-516.42-10 0.34 2-5 A/C 3604523877817B 001-1220-516.42-10 0.23 2-5 AIC 36045251096238 001-1220-516.42-10 0.23 2-5 A1C 36045258342118 001-1220-516.42-10 0.27 1-23 AIC 206T302306084B 001-1220-516.42-10 4.08 VERIZON WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONSIMEDIASERV 001-1220-516.42-10 57.10 F-17 Page 1 City of Port Angeles Dace 2r2412010 City Council Expenditure Report From: 216/2010 To: 211912010 Vendor Description Account Number Invoice Amount WASHINGTON (DIS), STATE OF RADIO & TELECOMMUNICATION 001-1220-516.42-10 16.43 City Manager Department Human Resources Division Total: $654.07 ADVANCED TRAVEL WAPRO Mtg-Hurd 001-1230-514.43-10 34.50 PENINSULA DAILY NEWS LEGAL ADS 001-1230-514.44-10 107.09 OWEST 2-5 AIC 3604529887652B 001-1230-514.42-10 0.11 2-5 AIC 3604529882811 B 001-1230-514.42-10 0.11 2-5 A1C 36045237125858 001-1230-514.42-10 0.17 2-5 AIC 36045238778178 001-1230-514.42-10 0.11 2-5 AIC 3604525109623B 001-1230-514.42-10 0.11 2-5 A1C 3604525834211 B 001-1230-514.42-10 0,13 1-23 A1C 206T302306084B 001-1230-514.42-10 2.04 WASHINGTON (DIS), STATE OF RADIO & TELECOMMUNICATION 001-1230-514.42-10 4.07 City Manager Department City Clerk Division Total: $148.44 City Manager Department Department Total: $1,978.96 ADVANCED TRAVEL WFOA Mtg-Ziomkowski 001-2010-514.43-10 73.00 HEWLETT-PACKARD COMPANY RENTAL OR LEASE SERVICES 001-2010-514.31-60 414.09 OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC LABELS 001-2010-514.31-01 24.93 QWEST 2-5 A1C 3604529887652B 001-2010-514.42-10 0.80 2-5 AIC 3604529882811 B 001-2010-514.42-10 0.80 2-5 AIC 3604523712585B 001-2010-514.42-10 1.20 2-5 A1C 3604523877817B 001-2010-514.42-101 0.80 2-5 A1C 3604525109623B 001-2010-514.42-10 0.80 2-5 A1C 3604525834211 B 001-2010-514.42-101 0.96 1-23 AIC 206T302306084B 001-2010-514.42-10 14.28 VERIZON WIRELESS COMM UNICATIONSIMEDIA SERV 001-2010-514.42-10 57.14 WASHINGTON{DIS), STATE OF RADIO & TELECOMMUNICATION 001-2010-514.42-10 10.19 WFOA-WA FINANCE OFFGRS ASSN BARS TRNG - KHERIATY 001-2010-514.43-10 50.00 ADV GOVL RPRTG - KHERIATY 001-2010-514.43-10 250.00 Finance Department Finance Administration Division Total: $898.99 GOVT FINANCE OFFCRS ASN GFOA TRAINING 02117/10 001-2023-514.43-10 85.00 OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC PAPER/LABELS 001-2023-514.31-01 66.38 BUDGET PAPER 001-2023-514.31-01 280.24 QWEST 2-5 A1C 36045298876528 001-2023-514.42-10 1.03 2-5 A1C 3604529882811 B 001-2023-514.42-10 1.03 2-5 A1C 36045237125858 001-2023-514.42-10 1.54 2-5 A1C 36045238778178 001-2023-514.42-10 1.03 2-5 A1C 36045251096238 001-2023-514.42-10 1.03 2-5 PJC 3604525834211 B 001-2023-514.42-10 1.24 1-23 AIC 206T302306084B 001-2023-514.42-10 18.35 WASHINGTON (DIS), STATE OF RADIO & TELECOMMUNICATION 001-2023-514,42-10 3.55 WFOA-WA FINANCE OFFCRS ASSN BARS TRNG - PARKER 001-2023-514.43-10 50.04 BARS TRNG - NEVARIL 001-202.3-514.43-10 50.00 F -1S Page 2 t'cr ° Date: 212412010 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 21612010 To: 211912010 ' Page 3 Vendor Description Account Number Invoice Amount WFOA-WA FINANCE OFFCRS ASSN BARS TRNG - AGESSON 001-2023-514.43-10 50.00 BARS TRNG - NORBERG 001-2023-514.43-10 50.00 BARS TRNG - POSSINGER 001-2023-514.43-10 50.00 ADV FIN RPRTG - NEVARIL 001-2023-514.43-10 250.00 ADV GOVL RPRTG - NORTON 001-2023-514.43-10 250.00 ADV GOVL RPRTG-POSSINGER 001-2023-514.43-10 250.00 Finance Department Accounting Division Total: $1,450.42 ACCURINT PERSON SEARCHES 001-2025-514.41-50 54,20 ADVANCED TRAVEL Collection Seminar -Haney 001-2025-514.43-10 144.37 EQUIFAX CREDIT REPORTS 001-2025-514.41-50 $0.88 PACIFIC OFFICE EQUIPMENT INC TONER CARTRIDGE 001-2025-514.31-01 162.83 QWEST 2-5 AIC 3604529887652B 001-2025-514.4210 1,48 2-5 A1C 3604529882811 B 001-2025-514.42-10 1.48 2-5 AIC 3604523712585B 001-2025-514.42-10 2.22 2-5 AIC 36045238778178 001-2025-514.42-10 9.48 2-5 AIC 3604525109623B 001-2025-514.42-10 1.48 2-5 A1C 3604525834211 B 001-2025-514.42-10 1.79 1-23 A1C 206T302306084B 001-2025-514.42-10 26.51 SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC TOOLS FOR SERVICE TRK - F 001-2025-514.31-80 21.54 WASHINGTON (DIS), STATE OF RADIO & TELECOMMUNICATION 001-2025-514.42-10 13.27 Finance Department Customer Service Division Total: $493.53 DATA BASE RECORD DESTRUCTION 001-2080-514.41-50 443.73 GREAT AMERICA LEASING CORP JAN COPIER LEASE 001-2080-514.45-31 268.55 JAN COPIER LEASE 001-2080-514.45-31 143.72 JAN COPIER LEASE 001-2080-514.45-31 607.63 JAN COPIER LEASE 001-2080-514.45-31 638.27 MORNING5IDE JAN COPY RM SERVICES 001-2080-514.41-50 855.00 Finance Department Reprographics Division Total: $2,955.90 Finance Department Department Total. $5,809.84 ADVANCED TRAVEL CSO Meeting-Bloor 001-3010-515.43-10 80.20 GREAT AMERICA LEASING CORP COPIER LEASE-FEBURARY 001-3010-515.45-31 163.47 QWEST 2-5 A1C 3604529887652B 001-3010-515.42-10 0.70 2-5 A1C 3604529882811 B 001-3010-515.42-10 0.70 2-5 A1C 36045237125858 001-3010-515.42-10 1.02 2-5 A1C 36045238778176 001-3010-515.42-10 0.70 2-5 AIC 36045251096236 001-3010-515.42-10 0.70 2-5 A1C 36045258342116 001-3010-515.42-10 1.08 1-23 A1C 206T302306084B 001-3010-515.42-10 12.24 VERIZON WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 001-3010-515.42-10 57.10 WASHINGTON (DIS), STATE OF RADIO & TELECOMMUNICATION 001-3010-515.42-10 3.48 WEST GROUP LEGAL RESEARCH -JANUARY 001-3010-515.31-01 368.10 Attorney Attorney Office Division Total: $589.49 F-19 Page 3 Date: 2/24/2010 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report DI=LL MARKETING LP From: 2/6120'10 To: 219912090' PENINSULA DAILY NEWS LEGAL ADS 001-4010-558.44-10 294.52 QWEST Vendor Description Account. Plumber Invoice Amount 2-5 AIC 3604529882.811 B ADVANCED TRAVEL PersonalityWkshp-Mahlum 001-3021-515.43-10 61.00 001-4010-558.42-10 1.28 Personality Wkshp-Moore 001-3021-515.43-10 70.00 0.86 GREAT AMERICA LEASING CORP COPIER LEASE -FEBRUARY 001-3021-515.45-31 163.47 MYERS, STAN DEF ATTY-LARSON PCR15972 001-3021-515.50-90 175.00 1-23 AIC 206T302306084B 001-4010-558.42-10 DEF ATTY-WINSLOW PCR16005 001-3021-515.50-90 175.00 001-4010-558.42-10 57.10 DEF ATTY-FOUST PCR15536 001-3021-515.50-90 175.00 206.51 DEF ATTY-MANWELL PCR14476 001-3021-515.50-90 60.00 Community Development Planning DEF AT7Y-JOHNSON PCR16135 001-3021-515.50-90 175.00 2-5 A1C 36045298876526 001-4020-524.42-10 DEFATTY-HOYLMAN PCR15966 001-3021-515.50-90 175.00 001-4020-524.42-10 0.29 DEF ATTY-CR ITCH FIELD PCR1 001-3021-515.50-90 175.00 0.44 DEF ATTY-FLORES PCR15469 001-3021-515.50-90 100.00 DEF ATTY-JOHNSON PCR 15232 001-3021-515,50-90 60.00 DEF ATTY-STEWART PCR 1866 001-3021-515.50-90 60.00 DEF ATTY-SHEA PCR 13112 001-3021-515,50-90 175.00 ❑WEST 2-5 A/C 3604529887652B 001-3021-515.42-10 0.46 2-5 A1C 3604529882811 B 001-3021-515.42-10 0.46 2-5 A/C 3604523712585B 001-3021-515.42-10 0.68 2-5 A/C 3604523877817B 001-3021-515.42-10 0.46 2-5 A1C 36045251096238 001-3021-515.42-10 0.46 2-5 A1C 3604525834211 B 001-3021-515.42-10 0.55 1-23 A1C 206T302306084B 001-3021-515.42-10 8.16 VERIZON WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONSIMEDIA SERV 001-3021-51.5.42-10 57.10 WASHINGTON {DIS], STATE OF RADIO & TELECOMMUNICATION 001-3021-515,42-10 6.66 WEST GROUP LEGAL RESEARCH -JANUARY 001-3021-515.31-01 368.10 Attorney Prosecution Division Total: $2,242.56 Attorney Department Total: $2,932.05 DI=LL MARKETING LP COMPUTER HARDWARE&PERIPH1001-4010-558.31-60 84.01 PENINSULA DAILY NEWS LEGAL ADS 001-4010-558.44-10 294.52 QWEST 2-5 AIC 36045298876528 001-4010-558.42-10 0.86 2-5 AIC 3604529882.811 B 001-4010-558.42-10 0.86 2-5 A1C 36045237125858 001-4010-558.42-10 1.28 2-5 A1C 36045238778178 001-4010-558.42-10 0.86 2-5 A1C 3604525109623B 001-4010-558.42-10 0.86 2-5 NC 3604525834211 B 001-4010-558.42-10 1.03 1-23 AIC 206T302306084B 001-4010-558.42-10 15.30 VERIZON WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 001-4010-558.42-10 57.10 WASHINGTON (DIS), STATE OF COMPUTERS,DP & WORD PROC. 001-4010-558.31-60 206.51 RADIO & TELECOMMUNICATION 001-4010-558.42-10 27.40 Community Development Planning Division Total: $690.59 ❑WEST 2-5 A1C 36045298876526 001-4020-524.42-10 0.29 2-5 AJC 3604529882811 B 001-4020-524.42-10 0.29 2-5 AIC 3604523712585B 001-4020-524.42-10 0.44 F-20 Page 4 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report Date: 2/24/2010 From: 21612010-- .. To: 2179/2070' Vendor- Description Account Number Invoice Amount QWEST 2-5 A/C 3604523877817B 001-4020-524.42-10 0.29 2-5 A/C 36045251096238 001-4020-524.42-10 0.29 2-5 A/C 3604525834211 B 001-4020-524.42-10 0.35 1-23 A/C 206T302306084B 001-4020-524.42-10 5.30 WASHINGTON [DIS], STATE OF RADIO & TELECOMMUNICATION 001-4020524.42-10 3.57 Community Development Building Division Total: $10.82 QWEST 2-5 A/C 3604529887652B 001-4030-559.42-10 0.04 2-5 A/C 3604529882811 B 001-4030-559.42-10 0.04 2-5 A/C 36045237125858 001-4030-559.42-10 0.07 2-5 A/C 36045238778176 001-4030-559.42-10 0.04 2-5 A/C 3604525109623B 001-4030-559.42-10 0.04 2-5 A/C 3 604 5258 34 2 1 1 B 001-4030-559.42-10 0.015 1-23 A/C 206T302306084B 001-4030-559.42-10 0.82 WASHINGTON (DIS), STATE OF RADIO & TELECOMMUNICATION 001-4030-559.42-.10 0.81 Community Development Corse Compliance Division Total: $1.91 Community Development Department Total: $703.32 AUTO ADDITIONS, INC AUTO & TRUCK ACCESSORIES 001-5010-521.35-01 24.52 AUTO & TRUCK ACCESSORIES 001-5010-521.35-01 -24.52 CAPACITY PROVISIONING INC ]Net Chgs-City Mall 001-5010-521.42-12 172.00 QUILL CORPORATION OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL 001-5010521.31-01 53.65 OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL 001-5010-521.31-011 53.65 OWEST 2-5 A/C 3604529887652B 001-5010-521.42-10 1.83 2-5 AIC 3604529882811 S 001-5010-521.42-10 1.83 2-5 A/C 36045237125858 001-5010-521.42-10 2.73 2-5 A/C 36045238778178 001-5010-521.42-10 1.83 2-5 A/C 36045251096238 001-5010-521.42-10 1.83 2-5 A/C 3604525834211 B 041-5010-521.42-10 2.20 1-23 A/C 206T302306084B 001-5010-521.42-10 32.63 VERIZON WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 001-5010-521.42-10 175.10 WASHINGTON (DIS), STATE OF RADIO] & TELECOMMUNICATION 001-5010-521.42-10 62.96 Police Department Police Administration Division Total: $562.24 ADVANCED TRAVEL Taser Recerk-Viada 001-5021-521.43-10 379.82 Big People Scooters 2 SEGWAY TIRES DB 001-5021-521.35-01 112.18 PENINSULA DAILY 'NEWS COP TIPS CAMPAIGN ADVERTI 001-5021-521.44-30 999.96 PORT ANGELES POLICE DEPARTMENT Bridge Toll 001-5021-521.43-10 8.00 Bridge Tall 001-5021-521.43-10 4.00 QUILL CORPORATION OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL 001-5021-521.31-01 503.36 QWEST 2-5 A/C 36045298876528 001-5021-521.42-10 1.14 2-5 A/C 3604529882811 B 001-5021-521.42-10 1.14 2-5 A/C 36045237125858 001-5021-521.42-10 1.71 2-5 A/C 36045238778178 001-5021-521.42-10 1.14 2-5 A/C 3604525109623B 001-5021-521.42-10 1.14 F-21 Page 5 teC;, •cr n . ,J Date: 2J241201 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 21612010 To: 2119/2010 Vendor Description . - Account Number Invoice Amount QWEST 2-5 A1C 36045258342118 001-5021-521.42-10 1.37 1-23 A1C 206T302306084B 001-5021-521.42-10 20.39 VERIZON WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 001-5021-521.42-10 513.33 WASHINGTON [DIS], STATE OF RADIO & TELECOMMUNICATION 001-5021-521.42-10 13.27 Police Department Investigation Division Total: $2,561.95 ACTION COMMUNICATIONS INC 6 PTBL RADIO CHGRS A BRUS 001-5022-521.31-14 326.28 DAY WIRELESS SYSTEMS ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS 001-5022-521.48-10 2,164.31 EVERGREEN TOWING AUTO MAJOR TRANSPORTATION 001-5022-521.49-90 121.68 AUTO MAJOR TRANSPORTATION 001-5022-521.49-90 184.82 LINCOLN STREET STATION LATENT PRINTS TO LAB,PATR 001-5022-521.42-10 16.07 PKG TO TOX LAB, PATROL LR 001-5022-521.42-10 26.42 King County Ernerg Med Sry EMS SUBSCRIPTION SS 001-5022-521.31-01 250.00 EMS SUBSCRIPTION SS 001-5022-521.49-01 250.00 MODEL "'I" SALES COMMANDO KITS/30 ROUND MA 001-5022-521.35-01 2,635.00 OLYMPIC MEDICAL CENTER REQ VENIPUNCTURE PETREE 001-5022-521.41-50 100.00 PACIFIC OFFICE EQUIPMENT INC OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL 001-5022-521.31-01 122.56 OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL 001-5022-521.31-01 53.31 COLOR HP TONER PATROL 001-5022-521.31-01 122.56 PORT ANGELES POLICE DEPARTMENT Postage 001-5022-521.42-10 53.70 Postage 001-5022-521.42-10 23.80 Comp Removal -Patrol Car 001-5022-521.43-10 34.97 QWEST 2-5 A1C 36045298876528 001-5022-521.42-10 3.19 2-5 A1C 3604529882811 B 001-5022-521.42-10 3.19 2-5 A1C 36045237125858 001-5022-521.42-10 4.78 2-5 A1C 36045238778178 001-5022-521.42-10 3.19 2-5 A1C 3604525109623B 001-5022-521.42-10 3.19 2-5 A1C 3604525834211 B 001-5022-521.42-10 3.85 1-23 AIC 206T302306084B 001-5022-521.42-10 57.10 REID & ASSOCIATES INC, JOHN E POLICE EQUIPMENT & SUPPLY 001-5022-521.43-10 605.00 TWENTY FIRST CENTURY COMM UNICATI REV 911 EMERG ALERT ESPRE 001-5022-521.42-10 261.39 VERIZON WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONSIMEDIA SERV 001-5022-521.42-10 1,372.12 WASHINGTON (DIS), STATE OF RADIO & TELECOMMUNICATION 001-5022-521.42-10 39.95 WESTERN STATES HOSTAGE 2010 DUES DOMBROWSKI,ROGG 001-5022-521.49-01 70.00 Police Department Patrol Division Total: $8,1312,43 COPY CAT GRAPHICS SIGNS, SIGN MATERIAL 001-5026-521.31-01 75.88 PORT ANGELES POLICE DEPARTMENT Ink Cartridge 001-5026-521.31-01 16.23 AARP Safety Course 001-5026-521.31-01 12.00 Dry Cleaning 001-5026-521.31-11 8.94 AARP Safety Course 001-5026-521.43-10 19.95 Police Department Reserves & Volunteers Division Total: $133.00 BLUMENTHAL UNIFORMS & EQUIP CLOTHING & APPAREL 001-5029-521.31-11 98.62 CANON USA, INC OFFICE MACHINES & ACCESS 001-5029-521.45-31 384.71 F - 22 Page 6 Date: 2124/2010 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Deport �'r:•.z -} From: 21612010 To:'2I1912010 Vendor Description. Account Number. Invoice Amount QWEST 2-5 AIC 36045298876528 001-5029-521.42-10 1.34 2-5 A1C 36045298828116 001-5029-521.42-10 1.14 2-5 A1C 36045237125858 001-5029-521.42-10 1.71 2-5 AIC 36045238778178 001-5029-521.42-10 1.14 2-5 A1C 3604525109623B 001-5029-521.42-10 1.14 2-5 AIC 3604525834211B 001-5029-521.42-10 1.37 1-23 AIC 206T302306084B 001-5029-521.42-10 20.39 WASHINGTON (DIS), STATE OF RADIO & TELECOMMUNICATION 001-5029-521.42-10 10.54 Police Department Records Division Tatar: $521.90 Police Department Department Total: $12,691.52 CAPACITY PROVISIONING INC [Net Chgs-Fire Station 001-6010-522.42-12 172.00 OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC FOLDERS 001-6010-522.31-01 6.12 PEN PRINT INC SPIRAL BOOKS 001-6010-522.31-01 41.73 QWEST 2-5 A1C 3604529887652B 001-6010-522.42-10 1.60 2-5 AIC 3604529882891 B 001-6410-522.42-10 1.60 2-5 A1C 3604523712585B 001-6010-522.42-10 2.39 2-5 A1C 36045238778178 001-6410-522.42-10 1.60 2-5 AIC 3604525109623B 001-6010-522.42-10 1.60 2-5 AIC 3604525834211 B 001-6410-522.42-10 1.92 1-23 AJC 206T302306084B 001-6410-522.42-10 28.55 2-5 AIC 3604529887652B 001-6010-522.42-11 0.46 2-5 A1C 3604529882811 B 001-6010-522.42-11 0.46 2-5 AIC 3604523712585B 001-6010-522.42-11 0.68 2-5 A1C 36045238778178 001-6010-522.42-11 0.46 2-5 A1C 3604525109623B 041-6010-522.42-11 0.46 2-5 AIC 36045258342118 001-6010-522.42-11 0.55 1-23 A1C 206T302306084B 041-6010-522.42-11 8.16 VERIZON WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 001-6010-522.42-10 57,15 WASHINGTON {DIS}, STATE OF RADIO & TELECOMMUNICATION 001-6010-522.42-10 6.94 RADIO & TELECOMMUNICATION 401-6010-522.42-11 5.44 Fire Department Fire Administration Division Total: $339.83 ❑WEST 2-5 A1C 36045298876528 001-6420-522.42-10 1.48 2-5 A1C 3604529882811 B 001-6020-522.42-10 1.48 2-5 A1C 3604523712585B 001-6020-522.42-14 2.22 2-5 A1C 36045238778178 001-6020-522.42-10 1.48 2-5 A1C 36045251096238 041-6020-522.42-10 1.48 2-5 A1C 3604 525834211 B 001-6020-522.42-10 1.79 1-23 A1C 206T302306084B 001-6020-522.42-10 26.51 WASHINGTON (DIS), STATE OF RADIO & TELECOMMUNICATION 001-6020-522.42-10 1.31 Fire Department Fire Supression Division Total: $37.75 BLUMENTHAL UNIFORMS & EQUIP UNIFORMS 001-6021-522.31-11 567.99 QWEST 2-5 A1C 3604529857652B 001-6021-522.42-10 0.11 F-23 Page 7 Date: 2/24/2010 City of Port Angeles City Council. Expenditure Report From: 2/6/2010 To: 219912010. Vendor Description... Account. Number Invoice Amount QWEST 2-5 A1C 3604529882811 B 001-6021-522.42-10 0.11 2-5 AIC 3604523712585B 001-6021-522.42-10 0.17 2-5 AIC 3604523877817B 001-6021-522.42-10 0.11 2-5 A1C 3604525109623B 001-6021-522.42-10 0.11 2-5 A1C 3604525834211 B 001-6021-522.42-10 0.13 1-23 AIC 206T302306084B 001-6021-522.42-10 2.04 Fire Department Fire Volunteers Division Total: $570.77 QWEST 2-5 A1C 36045298676528 001-6030-522.42-10 0.23 2-5 A1C 3604529882811 B 001-6030-522.42-10 0.23 2-5 A1C 3604523712585B 001-6030-522.42-10 0.34 2-5 A1C 3604523877817B 001-6030-522.42-10 0.23 2-5 A1C 3604525109623B 001-6030-522.42-10 0.23 2-5 A1C 36045258342118 001-6030-522.42-10 0.27 1-23 A1C 206T302306084B 001-6030-522.42-10 4.08 VERIZON WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONSIMEDIA SERV 001-6030-522.42-10 57.14 WASHINGTON (DIS), STATE OF RADIO & TELECOMMUNICATION 001-6030-522.42-10 6.72 Fire Department Fire Prevention Division Total: $69.43 ADVANCED TRAVEL Fire Council Mtg-Bogues 001-6040-522.43-10 16.50 Fire Trng-Bogues 001-6040-522.43-10 295.20 PORT ANGELES FIRE DEPARTMENT SUPPLIES & REFRESHMENTS 001-6040-522.31-01 90.69 QWEST 2-5 A1C 36045298876528 001-6040-522.42-10 0.23 2-5 A1C 3604529882811 B 001-6040-522.42-10 0.23 2-5 A1C 3604523712585B 001-6040-522.42-10 0.34 2-5 A1C 3604523877817B 001-6040-522.42-10 0.23 2-5 A1C 36045251096238 001-6040-522.42-10 0.23 2-5 A1C 36045258342118 001-6040-522.42-10 0.27 1-23 AIC 206T302306084B 001-6040-522.42-10 4.08 WASHINGTON (DIS), STATE OF RADIO & TELECOMMUNICATION 001-6040-522.42-10 0.73 Fire Department Fire Training Division Total: $408.73 QWEST 2-5 AIC 36045298876528 001-6060-525.42-10 1.03 2-5 A1C 3604529882811 B 001-6060-525.42-10 1.03 2-5 AIC 36045237125858 001-6060-525.42-10 1.54 2-5 AIC 36045238778178 001-6060-525.42-10 1.03 2-5 A1C 3604525109623B 001-6060-525.42-10 1.03 2-5 A1C 3604525834211B 001-6060-525.42-10 1.24 1-23 A1C 206T302.306084B 001-6060-525.42-10 18.35 Fire Department Emergency Management Division Total: $25.25 Fire Department Department Total: $1,451.76 ADVANCED TRAVEL Park Service Mtg-GCISS 001-7010-532.43-10 30.50 APWA Mtg-Cutler 001-7010-532.43-10 78.45 CAPACITY PROVISIONING INC Dark Fiber -City HaIIICp Y 441-7010-532.42-10 108.40 COMPLETE LINE, THE CUPSIFOLDERSIBATTERIES 001-7010-532.31-01 85.69 F-24 Page 8 • • °` •rcrRFr Date: 2/24/2010 ' City of Port Angeles s City Council Expenditure Report r`Y"_,� ` re"r, 216120.10. To: 211912010 Vendor .. ..Description Account Number .. Invoice Amount GREAT AMERICA LEASING CORP JAN COPIER LEASE 001-7010-532.45-31 760.16 PENINSULA DAILY NEWS PUBLIC WORKS INSPECTOR AD 001-7010-532.44-10 401.25 QWEST 2-5 A/C 3604529887652B 001-7010-532.42-10 3.54 2-5 A/C 3604529882811B 001-7010-532.42-10 3.54 2-5 A/C 3604523712585B 001-7010-532.42-10 5.29 2-5 A/C 3604523877817B 001-7010-532.42-10 3.54 2-5 A/C 3604525109623B 001-7010-532.42-10 3.54 2-5 A/C 3604525834211 B 001-7010-532.42-10 4.27 1-23 A/C 206T302306084B 001-7010-532.42-10 63.22 SHARP ELECTRONICS CORP COPIER MDL 260ON-FEB 2010 001-7010-532.45-31 142.87 WASHINGTON (DIS), STATE OF RADIO & TELECOMMUNICATION 001-7010-532.42-10 90.88 Public Works -Gen Fnd Pub Wks Administration Division Total: $1,785.14 Public Works -Gen Fnd Department Total: $1,785.14 BRYANT'S UPHOLSTERY FLAGS, POLES, BANNERS,ACCES 001-8010-574.31-99 303.52 QWEST 2-5 A/C 36045298876528 001-8010-574.42-10 0.34 2-5 A/C 3604529882811B 001-8010-574.42-10 0.34 2-5 A/C 36045237125858 001-8010-574.42-10 0.51 2-5 A/C 36045238778178 001-8010-574.42-10 0.34 2-5 A/C 3604525109623B 2-5 A/C 3604525834211B 001-8010-574.42-10 001-8010-574.42-10 0.34 0.41 1-23 A/C 206T302306084B 001-8010-574.42-10 6.12 VERIZON WIRELESS 1-22 a/c 571136182-00005 001-8010-574.42-10 13.09 WASHINGTON (DIS), STATE OF RADIO & TELECOMMUNICATION 001-8010-574.42-10 5.32 Parks Dept Parks Administration Division Total: $330.33 CAPACITY PROVISIONING INC INet Chgs-Senior Center 001-8012-555.42-12 172.00 QWEST 2-2 a/c 36041719424138 001-8012-555.42-10 47.76 2-5 a/c 3604529861819B 001-8012-555.42-10 42.96 2-5 A/C 3604529887652B 001-8012-555.42-10 0.34 2-5 A/C 3604529882811 B 001-8012-555.42-10 0.34 2-5 A/C 3604523712585B 001-8012-555.42-10 0.51 2-5 A/C 36045238778178 001-8012-555.42-10 0.34 2-5 A/C 3604525109623B 001-8012-555.42-10 0.34 2-5 A/C 36045258342118 001-8012-555.42-10 0.41 1-23 A/C 206T302306084B 001-8012-555.42-10 6.12 WASHINGTON (DIS), STATE OF RADIO & TELECOMMUNICATION 001-8012-555.42-10 1.78 Parks Dept Senior Center Division Total. $272.90 CAPACITY PROVISIONING INC INet Chgs-Cemetery Office 001-8050-536.42-12 172.00 MATTHEWS INTERNATIONAL CEMETERY MARKERS 001-8050-536.34-01 186.04 NAPA AUTO PARTS HAND TOOLS ,POW&NON POWER001-8050-536.31-20 13.50 HAND TOOLS ,POW&NON POWER 001-8050-536.31-20 16.36 • OLYMPIC PRINTERS INC BUSINESS CARDS -T MORSE 001-8050-536.31-01 58.53 QWEST 2-5 A/C 3604529887652B 001-8050-536.42-10 0.23 F-25 Page 9 n` 4 Date: 2/24/2010 City of Port Angeles ' City Council Expenditure Report From: 21612010 To: 211912010, Vendor Description .. Account Number Invoice Amount QWEST 2-5 A/C 3604529882811 B 001-8050-536.42-10 0.23 2-5 A/C 3604523712585B 001-8050-536.42-10 0.34 2-5 A/C 3604523877817B 001-8050-536.42-10 0.23 2-5 A/C 3604525109623B 001-8050-536.42-10 0.23 2-5 A/C 3604525834211 B 001-8050-536.42-10 0.27 1-23 A/C 206T302306084B 001-8050-536.42-10 4.08 SUNSET DO -IT BEST HARDWARE PAINTS,COATINGS,WALLPAPER 001-8050-536.31-20 36.99 RENTAULEASE EQUIPMENT 001-8050-536.45-30 14.09 VERIZON WIRELESS 1-28 a/c 271138138-00001 001-8050-536.42-10 69.55 WASHINGTON (DIS), STATE OF RADIO & TELECOMMUNICATION 001-8050-536.42-10 1.95 Parks Dept Ocean View Cemetery Division Total: $574.62 4 SEASONS ENGINEERING, INC BUILDING MAINT&REPAIR SER 001-8080-576.48-10 865.00 ANGELES MILLWORK & LUMBER CO LUMBER& RELATED PRODUCTS 001-8080-576.31-20 64.00 HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS 001-8080-576.31-20 87.79 PLUMBING EQUIP FIXT,SUPP 001-8080-576.31-20 50.89 FASTENERS, FASTENING DEVS 001-8080-576.31-20 26.88 BAILEY SIGNS & GRAPHICS MARKERS, PLAQUES,SIGNS 001-8080-576.31-20 325.20 CAPACITY PROVISIONING INC INet Chgs-Vern Burton 001-8080-576.42-12 172.00 INet Chgs-Park Facilities 001-8080-576.42-12 172.00 INet Chgs-Park Cameras 001-8080-576.42-12 90.00 INet Chgs-Carnegie 001-8080-576.42-12 172.00 FAMILY SHOE STORE SHOES AND BOOTS 001-8080-576.31-01 150.00 SHOES AND BOOTS 001-8080-576.31-01 150.00 SHOES AND BOOTS 001-8080-576.31-01 150.00 FASTENAL INDUSTRIAL HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS 001-8080-576.31-20 4.42 HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS 001-8080-576.31-20 10.59 HERMANN BROS LOGGING & CONST BUILDING MAINT&REPAIR SER 001-8080-576.31-40 15.00 KNIGHT FIRE PROTECTION INC FIRE PROTECTION EQUIP/SUP 001-8080-576.48-10 169.10 LINCOLN INDUSTRIAL CORP METALS, BARS,PLATES,RODS 001-8080-576.31-20 14.93 METALS,BARS,PLATES,RODS 001-8080-576.31-20 64.30 METALS, BARS, PLATES, RODS 001-8080-576.31-20 14.28 OLYMPIC LAUNDRY & DRY CLEANERS RAGS,SHOP TOWELS,WIPING 001-8080-576.31-01 15.18 OLYMPIC PRINTERS INC BUSINESS CARDS -C DELIKAT 001-8080-576.31-01 58.53 PACIFIC OFFICE EQUIPMENT INC RADIO & TELECOMMUNICATION 001-8080-576.31-20 28.29 PORT ANGELES POWER EQUIPMENT SHOES AND BOOTS 001-8080-576.31-01 150.00 QWEST 2-5 A/C 3604529887652B 001-8080-576.42-10 1.14 2-5 A/C 3604529882811 B 001-8080-576.42-10 1.14 2-5 A/C 3604523712585B 001-8080-576.42-10 1.71 2-5 A/C 3604523877817B 001-8080-576.42-10 1.14 2-5 A/C 3604525109623B 001-8080-576.42-10 1.14 2-5 A/C 36045258342116 001-8080-576.42-10 1.37 • 1-23 A/C 206T302306084B 001-8080-576.42-10 20.39 F-26 Page 10 Date: 2/24/2010 �►..`,�.. City of Port Angeles ` City Council Expenditure Report From: 216/2010 To: 2/19/2010 Vendor Description :. Account Number Invoice Amount SUNSET DO -IT BEST HARDWARE FASTENERS, FASTENING DEVS 001-8080-576.35-01 25.64 RENTAULEASE EQUIPMENT 001-8080-576.45-30 21.14 VERIZON WIRELESS 1-22 a/c 571136182-00003 001-8080-576.42-10 78.13 1-28 a/c 271138138-00004 001-8080-576.42-10 70.57 WA RECREATION & PARK ASSNfWRPA EDUCATIONAL SERVICES 001-8080-576.43-10 480.00 WASHINGTON (DIS), STATE OF RADIO & TELECOMMUNICATION 001-8080-576.42-10 4.57 XEROX CORPORATION RENTAULEASE EQUIPMENT 001-8080-576.45-31 39.04 Parks Dept Park Facilities Division Total: $3,767.50 Parks Dept Department Total: $4,945.35 QWEST 2-2 a/c 3604170786905B 001-8112-555.42-10 30.75 SOUND RESTAURANT SUPPLY INC Door Switch/Jet Kleen 001-8112-555.31-20 270.24 Facilities Maintanance Senior Center Facilities Division Total: $300.99 AMSAN OLYMPIC SUPPLY PAPER & PLASTIC-DISPOSABL 001-8130-518.31-01 271.38 QWEST 2-5 A/C 3604529887652B 001-8130-518.42-10 0.11 2-5 A/C 3604529882811 B 001-8130-518.42-10 0.11 2-5 A/C 3604523712585B 001-8130-518.42-10 0.17 2-5 A/C 36045238778178 001-8130-518.42-10 0.11 2-5 A/C 3604525109623B 001-8130-518.42-10 0.11 2-5 A/C 3604525834211 B 001-8130-518.42-10 0.13 • 1-23 A/C 206T302306084B 001-8130-518.42-10 2.04 VERIZON WIRELESS 1-22 a/c 571136182-00005 001-8130-518.42-10 13.33 Facilities Maintanance Custodial/Janitorial Svcs Division Total: $287.49 AIR CONTROL INC ROAD/HGWY HEAVY EQUIPMENT 001-8131-518.31-20 811.96 SHIPPING AND HANDLING 001-8131-518.31-20 43.36 ANGELES PLUMBING INC EQUIP MAINT & REPAIR SERV 001-8131-518.48-10 531.84 CED/CONSOLIDATED ELEC DIST INC ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 001-8131-518.31-20 43.62 ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 001-8131-518.31-20 9.09 NAPA AUTO PARTS MACHINERY & HEAVY HRDWARE 001-8131-518.31-20 27.63 PARKER PAINT MFG CO INC PAINTS, COATI NGS,WALLPAPER 001-8131-518.31-20 88.64 PAINTS, COATI NGS,WALLPAPER 001-8131-518.31-20 74.01 QWEST 1-16 a/c 206T355724768B 001-8131-518.42-10 57.46 1-20 a/c 206T813953623B 001-8131-518.42-10 53.45 2-2 a/c 3604175328784B 001-8131-518.42-10 39.70 2-5 A/C 3604529887652B 001-8131-518.42-10 0.11 2-5 A/C 3604529882811 B 001-8131-518.42-10 0.11 2-5 A/C 3604523712585B 001-8131-518.42-10 0.17 2-5 A/C 3604523877817B 001-8131-518.42-10 0.11 2-5 A/C 3604525109623B 001-8131-518.42-10 0.11 2-5 A/C 3604525834211 B 001-8131-518.42-10 0.13 1-23 A/C 206T302306084B 001-8131-518.42-10 2.04 • SUNSET DO -IT BEST HARDWARE HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS 001-8131-518.31-20 14.71 WASHINGTON (DIS), STATE OF RADIO & TELECOMMUNICATION 001-8131-518.42-10 1.86 F-27 Page 11 Date: 2/24/2010 City of Port Angeles eii= City Council Expenditure Report ,.,.*.•IleFrom: 216/2010 To: 2119/2010 • Vendor Description Account Number Invoice Amount Facilities Maintanance Central Svcs Facilities Division Total: $1,800.11 Facilities Maintanance Department Total: $2,388.59 General Fund Fund Total: $50,504.74 PORT ANGELES CHAMBER OF COMM '10 MARKETING & MEDIA CAM 101-1430-557.50-83 34,062.59 Lodging Excise Tax Lodging Excise Tax Division Total: $34,062.59 Lodging Excise Tax Department Total: $34,062.59 Lodging Excise Tax Fund Fund Total: $34,062.59 AMERICAN TRAFFIC SAFETY SVC ASSN TRAFFIC CONTROL MANUALS 102-7230-542.31-01 400.90 AMSAN OLYMPIC SUPPLY PAPER & PLASTIC-DISPOSABL 102-7230-542.31-20 198.39 ANGELES MILLWORK & LUMBER CO LUMBER& RELATED PRODUCTS 102-7230-542.31-20 6.74 HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS 102-7230-542.31-20 5.24 BATTERIES PLUS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 102-7230-542.31-25 158.18 BLAKE SAND & GRAVEL INC ROAD/HWY MAT NONASPHALTIC 102-7230-542.31-20 85.22 CAPACITY PROVISIONING INC [Net Chgs-Corp Yard 102-7230-542.42-12 172.00 HOLCOMB & COMPANY, D ROAD/HWY MAT NONASPHALTIC 102-7230-542.31-20 733.09 LAKESIDE INDUSTRIES INC ROAD/HWY MATERIALS ASPHLT 102-7230-542.31-20 985.04 OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC SUPPLIES 102-7230-542.31-01 106.38 SUPPLIES 102-7230-542.31-01 129.54 SUPPLIES 102-7230-542.31-01 40.32 SUPPLIES 102-7230-542.31-01 45.84 • PACIFIC OFFICE EQUIPMENT INC HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS 102-7230-542.31-01 21.63 QWEST 2-5 A/C 3604529887652B 102-7230-542.42-10 0.57 2-5 A/C 3604529882811 B 102-7230-542.42-10 0.57 2-5 A/C 36045237125858 102-7230-542.42-10 0.85 2-5 A/C 3604523877817B 102-7230-542.42-10 0.57 2-5 A/C 3604525109623B 102-7230-542.42-10 0.57 2-5 A/C 3604525834211 B 102-7230-542.42-10 0.68 1-23 A/C 206T302306084B 102-7230-542.42-10 10.20 VERIZON WIRELESS 1-22 a/c 571136182-00003 102-7230-542.42-10 85.54 1-28 a/c 271138138-00004 102-7230-542.42-10 70.57 WA STATE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH MEMBERSHIPS 102-7230-542.43-10 77.00 WASHINGTON (DIS), STATE OF RADIO & TELECOMMUNICATION 102-7230-542.42-10 0.32 XEROX CORPORATION RENTALILEASE EQUIPMENT 102-7230-542.45-31 39.06 Public Works -Street Street Division Total: $3,375.01 Public Works -Street Department Total: $3,375.01 Street Fund Fund Total: $3,375.01 DELL MARKETING LP COMPUTER HARDWARE&PERIPHI103-1511-558.31-60 84.01 QWEST 2-5 A/C 3604529887652B 103-1511-558.42-10 0.06 2-5 A/C 3604529882811 B 103-1511-558.42-10 0.06 2-5 A/C 3604523712585B 103-1511-558.42-10 0.09 2-5 A/C 3604523877817B 103-1511-558.42-10 0.06 • 2-5 A/C 3604525109623B 103-1511-558.42-10 0.06 F-28 Page 12 Date: 2/24/2010 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report • _' From: 216/2010 To: 2119/2010 Vendor Description Account Number.. Invoice Amount QWEST 2-5 A/C 3604525834211B 103-1511-558.42-10 0.06 1-23 A/C 206T302306084B 103-1511-558.42-10 1.02 Economic Development Economic Development Division Total: $85.42 Economic Development Department Total: $85.42 Economic Development Fund Total. $85.42 QWEST 2-5 A/C 36045298876528 106-1512-558.42-10 0.11 2-5 A/C 36045298828118 106-1512-558.42-10 0.11 2-5 A/C 3604523712585B 106-1512-558.42-10 0.17 2-5 A/C 3604523877817B 106-1512-558.42-10 0.11 2-5 A/C 3604525109623B 106-1512-558.42-10 0.11 2-5 A/C 36045258342118 106-1512-558.42-10 0.13 1-23 A/C 206T302306084B 106-1512-558.42-10 2.04 WASHINGTON (DIS), STATE OF RADIO & TELECOMMUNICATION 106-1512-558.42-10 4.60 Economic Development Archaeologist Division Total: $7.38 Economic Development Department Total: $7.38 Cultural Resources Fund Total: $7.38 ADVANCED TRAVEL Pub Ed Mtg-Homan 107-5160-528.43-10 84.45 E911 Mtg-Romberg 107-5160-528.43-10 231.85 WCIA Mtg-Romberg 107-5160-528.43-10 285.65 CAPACITY PROVISIONING INC INet Chgs-PenCom Rental 107-5160-528.42-10 165.00 CENTURYLINK 2-6 a/c 300509854 107-5160-528.42-11 96.91 2-6 a/c 406063845 107-5160-528.42-11 160.22 2-6 a/c 300539444 107-5160-528.42-11 85.82 INSIGHT PUBLIC SECTOR COMPUTERS,DP & WORD PROC. 107-5160-528.31-01 236.03 MCMENAMIN & MCMENAMIN OVERPYMT FOR PUBLIC DISCL 107-5160-369.90-00 45.00 NEW WORLD SYSTEMS DATA PROC SERV &SOFTWARE 107-5160-528.48-10 106,611.40 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 107-5160-594.65-10 1,240.28 COMPUTER SOFTWARE FOR MIC 107-5160-594.65-10 13,580.00 PORT ANGELES POLICE DEPARTMENT Canned Air 107-5160-528.31-01 19.50 QUILL CORPORATION OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL 107-5160-528.31-01 9.70 OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL 107-5160-528.31-01 10.72 QWEST 1-23 a/c 206T411918873B 107-5160-528.42-10 57.46 2-5 A/C 3604529887652B 107-5160-528.42-10 3.08 2-5 A/C 3604529882811 B 107-5160-528.42-10 3.08 2-5 A/C 3604523712585B 107-5160-528.42-10 4.61 2-5 A/C 3604523877817B 107-5160-528.42-10 3.08 2-5 A/C 3604525109623B 107-5160-528.42-10 3.08 2-5 A/C 3604525834211 B 107-5160-528.42-10 3.72 1-23 A/C 206T302306084B 107-5160-528.42-10 55.06 2-2 a/c 360ZO20380301B 107-5160-528.42-11 1,031.56 • VERIZON WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 107-5160-528.42-10 171.54 WASHINGTON (DIS), STATE OF RADIO & TELECOMMUNICATION 107-5160-528.42-10 102.45 F-29 Page 13 ccr fit,{ Date: 2/24/2010 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 2/6/2010 To: 211912010' • Vendor Description Account Number Invoice Amount Pencom Pencom Division Total: $124,301.25 Pencom Department Total: $124,301.25 Pencom Fund Fund Total: $124,301.25 AMERICAN RED CROSS -PA LG AND CPR CERTS 121-8021-576.43-10 88.00 AMSAN OLYMPIC SUPPLY Stop Slip 121-8021-576.31-06 258.53 CLEANING SUPPLIES 121-8021-576.31-06 72.87 CAPACITY PROVISIONING INC INet Chgs-Wm Shore Pool 121-8021-576.42-12 172.00 QWEST 2-5 A/C 3604529887652B 121-8021-576.42-10 0.69 2-5 A/C 3604529882811 B 121-8021-576.42-10 0.69 2-5 A/C 3604523712585B 121-8021-576.42-10 0.68 2-5 A/C 3604523877817B 121-8021-576.42-10 0.69 2-5 A/C 3604525109623B 121-8021-576.42-10 0.69 2-5 A/C 3604525834211 B 121-8021-576.42-10 0.55 1-23 A/C 206T302306084B 121-8021-576.42-10 8.16 WASHINGTON (DIS), STATE OF RADIO & TELECOMMUNICATION 121-8021-576.42-10 0.41 Parks Dept Wm Shore Mem Pool Dist Division Total: $603.96 Parks Dept Department Total: $603.96 AIR CONTROL INC ROAD/HGWY HEAVY EQUIPMENT 121-8121-576.31-20 477.39 SHIPPING AND HANDLING 121-8121-576.31-20 21.68 AQUATIC SPECIALTY SERVICES STEAM & HOT WATER BOILERS 121-8121-576.31-05 1,771.26 CED/CONSOLIDATED ELEC DIST INC ELECTRICAL CABLES & WIRES 121-8121-576.31-20 7.97 FASTENAL INDUSTRIAL FASTENERS, FASTENING DEVS 121-8121-576.31-20 78.30 HOME DEPOT SUPPLY INC, THE ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 121-8121-576.31-20 221.01 Facilities Maintanance Pool Facilities Division Total: $2,577.61 Facilities Maintanance Department Total: $2,577.61 Wm Shor Mem Pool Dist Fund Total: $3,181.57 HOLLOWAY, MICHAEL REFEREE PAYMENT 174-8221-574.41-50 110.00 PIMENTEL, HENRY REFEREE PAYMENT 174-8221-574.41-50 44.00 QWEST 2-5 A/C 3604529887652B 174-8221-574.42-10 0.11 2-5 A/C 3604529882811 B 174-8221-574.42-10 0.11 2-5 A/C 3604523712585B 174-8221-574.42-10 0.17 2-5 A/C 3604523877817B 174-8221-574.42-10 0.11 2-5 A/C 3604525109623B 174-8221-574.42-10 0.11 2-5 A/C 3604525834211 B 174-8221-574.42-10 0.13 1-23 A/C 206T3023060848 174-8221-574.42-10 2.04 RAMSEY, SCOTT REFEREE PAYMENT 174-8221-574.41-50 396.00 ROONEY, RANDY L REFEREE PAYMENT 174-8221-574.41-50 308.00 SADDLER, CHARLES M REFEREE PAYMENT 174-8221-574.41-50 44.00 THAYER, JEFFREY REFEREE PAYMENT 174-8221-574.41-50 132.00 WASHINGTON (DIS), STATE OF RADIO & TELECOMMUNICATION 174-8221-574.42-10 3.23 Recreation Activities Sports Programs Division Total: $1,040.01 • ADAMICH, BRANDI ANN SCOREKEEPER PAYMENT 174-8222-574.41-50 70.00 F-30 Page 14 Lyz' F14 •. ' Date: 2124/2010 City of Fort Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 2/612010 To: 2119/2070: :Vendor . _ ._ _ : _. Description ._ _ _:.. Account Number invoice Amount ADAMICH, CHASE SCOREKEEPER PAYMENT 174-8222-574.41-50 140.00 ANDERSEN, BRIAN L REFEREE PAYMENT 174-8222-574.41-50 286.00 AT&T MOBILITY 1-26 a/c 994753890 174-8222-574.42-10 27.85 BAKER, LARRY REFEREE PAYMENT 174-8222-574.41-50 242.00 CORNELL, CHRISTOPHER S REFEREE PAYMENT 174-8222-574.41-50 220.00 DARLING, ROBERT L REFEREE PAYMENT 174-8222-574.41-50 176.00 FARRINGTON, DAVID REFEREE PAYMENT 174-8222-574.41-50 242.00 HALBERG, JAMES G REFEREE PAYMENT 174-8222-574.41-50 198.00 HOLLOWAY, ASHLEY REFEREE PAYMENT 174-8222-574.41-50 132.00 HOLLOWAY, MICHAEL REFEREE PAYMENT 174-8222-574.41-50 264.00 JEFFERS, TAYLYN NICOLE SCOREKEEPER PAYMENT 174-8222-574.41-50 140.04 .ZONES, KIAH N SCOREKEEPER PAYMENT 174-8222-574.41-50 70.00 KNOWLES, ALISON SCOREKEEPER PAYMENT 174-8222-574.41-50 50.00 LOGAN, ADAM PAUL WERNER REFEREE PAYMENT 174-8222-574.41-50 264.00 MACY, TONY E REFEREE PAYMENT 174-8222-574.41-50 396.00 MASON, ROBERT P SCOREKEEPER PAYMENT 174-8222-574.41-50 200.00 PARKER, PAUL RAMON REFEREE PAYMENT 174-8222-574.41-50 242.00 PIMENTEL, HENRY REFEREE PAYMENT 174-8222-574.41-50 242.00 QWEST 2-5 A1C 3604529887652B 174-8222-574.42-10 0.11 2-5 A1C 36045298828118 174-8222-574.42-10 0,11 2-5 A1C 36045237125858 174-8222-574.42-10 0.17 2-5 A1C 36045238778178 174-8222-574.42-10 0.11 2-5 A1C 3604525109623B 174-8222-574.42-10 0.11 2-5 A1C 3604525834211 B 174-8222-574.42-10 0.13 1-23 A1C 206T302306084B 174-8222-574.42-10 2.04 RAMSEY, SCOTT REFEREE PAYMENT 174-8222-574.41-50 352,00 REID, ELISE M SCOREKEEPER PAYMENT 174-8222-574.41-50 140.00 ROBINSON, JASON SCOREKEEPER PAYMENT 174-8222-574.41-50 60.00 ROONEY, RANDY L REFEREE PAYMENT 174-8222-574.41-50 198.00 STEWART, PETER ALLAN REFEREE PAYMENT 174-8222-574.41-50 44.00 STONE, RICHARD REFEREE PAYMENT 174-8222-574.41-50 66.00 THAYER, JEFFREY REFEREE PAYMENT 174-8222-574.41-50 198.00 WASHINGTON (DIS), STATE OF RADIO & TELECOMMUNICATION 174-8222-574.42-10 9.53 WEEKES, BRIAN K REFEREE PAYMENT 174-8222-574.41-50 242.00 WITHEROW, PAIGE SCOREKEEPER PAYMENT 174-8222-574.41-50 70,00 Recreation Activities Special Events Division Total: $4,984.16 QWEST 2-5 A1C 36045298876525 174-8224-574.42-10 0.11 2-5 A1C 3604529882811 B 174-8224-574.42-10 0.11 2-5 A1C 3604523712585B 174-8224-574,42-10 0,17 2-5 A/C 3604523877817B 174-8224-574.42-10 0.11 2-5 A1C 3604525109623B 174-8224-574.42-10 0.11 2-5 A/C 3604525834211 B 174-8224-574.42-10 0.13 F-31 Page 15 Date- 212412010 u" City of Part Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 21612090 To: 2119/2010 Vendor _.. Description° Account Number Invoice Amount OWEST 1-23 AJC 206T302306084B 174-8224-574.42-10 2.04 VERIZON WIRELESS 1-22 a/c 571136162-00005 174-8224-574.42-10 26.18 Recreation Activities YouthlFamily Programs Division Total: $28.96 Recreation Activities Department Total: $6,053.13 Recreational Activities Fund Total: $6,053.13 BILL'S PLUMBING & HEATING INC SANIKAN RAYONIER SITE DEC 186-0000-239.91-00 85.00 SANIKAN RAYONIER SITE FEB 186-0000-239.91-00 85.00 SANIKAN RAYONIER SITE HAN 186-0000-239.99-00 7.59 Division Total: $177.59 Department Total: $177.59 Waterfront Trail Fund Total: $177.59 Transportation Engineering NW MALONEY HTS TRAFFIC STUDY 310-7930-595.41-50 2,976.07 PERTEET, INC Fema Projects 310-7930-595.41-50 10,349.15 Ferna Projects 310-7930-595.41-50 3,628.75 Fema Projects 310-7930-595.41-50 2,410.00 Fema Projects 310-7930=595.41-50 115.00 Fema Projects 310-7930-595.41-50 350.00 PROJECT PERMITTING 310-7930-595.41-50 5,409.45 PROJECT PERMITTING 310-7930-595.41-50 4,238.20 PROJECT PERMITTING 310-7930-595.41-50 8,397.24 PROJECT PERMITTING 310-7930-595.41-50 8,718.41 PROJECT PERMITTING 310-7930-595.41-50 10,691.25 ZENOVIC & ASSOCIATES 5th & LIBERTY STAKING 310-7930-595.65-10 1,479.2.1 Capital Projects -Pub Wks GF -Street Projects Division Total: $58,762.73 Capital Projects -Pub Wks Department Total: $58,762.73 Capital Improvement Fund Total: $58,762.73 ASPLUNDH TREE EXPERT CO Release Retainage 401-0000-223.40-00 2,703.25 CED/CONSOLIDATED ELEC DIST INC ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-0000-141.40-00 162.60 ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-0000-141.40-00 360.32 HUGHES UTILITIES LTD ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-0000-141.40-00 428.18 ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 4011-0000-141,40-00 1,037.83 ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-0000-141.40-00 764.00 LUMBER& RELATED PRODUCTS 401-0000-141.40-00 2,330.60 CAMERON, ESTATE OF L FINAL SILL REFUND 401-0000-122.10-99 82.52 GREEN CROW PROPERTIES FINAL BILL REFUND 401-0000-122.10-99 300.60 KANDOLL, BRIAN W MANUAL CHECK 401-0004-122.10-99 204.03 LOGHRY, KIM A FINAL BILL REFUND 401-0000-122.10-99 21.77 OVERPAYMENT -4020 NEWELL 401-0000-122.10-99 74.30 MCDANIEL, JOSHUA FINAL BILL REFUND 401-0000-122.10-99 70.89 PACIFIC METERING INC ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-0000-237.00-00 -16.83 PLATT ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC ELECTRICAL CABLES & WIRES 401-0000-141.40-00 3,624.34 WESCO DISTRIBUTION INC LUMBER& RELATED PRODUCTS 401-0000-141.40-00 622.76 F-32 Page 16 Date 2/24/2010 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 21612070 To: 2/79/2070 _. Vendor-, w ... ...-Description. t .. .. Account Numbers-: Invoice Amount Division Total: $12,771.16 Department Total: $12,771.16 ADVANCED TRAVEL Staking Trng-Anders 401-7111-533.43-10 924.11 CAPACITY PROVISIONING INC INet Chgs-LT-Engineering 401-7111-533.42-12 225.24 OWEST 2-5 AIC 3604529887652B 401-7111-533.42-10 0.34 2-5 AIC 3604529882811 B 401-7111-533.42-10 0.34 2-5 AIC 3604523712585B 401-7111-533.42-10 0.51 2-5 AIC 36045238778178 401-7111-533.42-10 0.34 2-5 AIC 3604525109623B 401-7111-533.42-10 0.34 2-5 AIC 3604525834211 B 401-7111-533,42-10 0.41 1-23 AJC 206T302306084B 401-7111-533.42-10 6.12 WASHINGTON (DIS), STATE OF RADIO & TELECOMMUNICATION 401-7111-533.42-10 2.99 Public Works -Electric Engineering -Electric Division Total. $1,160.74 ADVANCED TRAVEL ENWIWPAG Mtgs-Dunbar 401-7120-533.43-10 614.58 CAPACITY PROVISIONING INC INet Chgs-LT-Power Systms 401-7120-533.42-12 225.24 PUD 41 OF CLALLAM COUNTY Wheeling Chgs-Qct-Dec 09 401-7120-533.33-50 8,406.52 QWEST 2-5 AIC 36045298876528 401-7120-533.42-10 0.34 2-5 AIC 3604529882811 B 401-7120-533.42-10 0.34 2-5 A1C 3604523712585B 401-7120-533.42-10 0.51 2-5 A1C 3 604 523877 8 1 7B 401-7120-533.42-10 0.34 2-5 AIC 3604525109623B 401-7120-533.42-10 0.34 2-5 AIC 3604525834211 B 401-7120-533.42-10 0.41 1-23 AIC 206T302306084B 401-7120-533.42-10 6.12 WASHINGTON (DIS), STATE OF RADIO & TELECOMMUNICATION 401-7120-533.42-10 53.74 Public Works -Electric Power Systems Division Total: $9,308.48 ALPINE PRODUCTS, INC MARKERS, PLAQUES,SIGNS 401-7180-533.34-02 489.98 AMSAN OLYMPIC SUPPLY TRASH BAGS/COFFEE CUPS 401-7180-533.3101 50.159 OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL 401-7180-533.31-01 210.78 ANGELES CONCRETE PRODUCTS ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-7180-533.34-02 65.04 PW CONSTRUCTION & RELATED 401-7180-533,34-02 43,25 CONSTRUCTION SERVICES,TRA 401-7180-533.34-02 165.85 BAXTER AUTO PARTS #15 ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-7180-533.34-02 ' 73.56 BLAKE SAND & GRAVEL INC METALS, BARS, PLATES, RODS 401-7180-533.34-02 39.86 BUILDERS HARDWARE & SUPPLY CO ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-7180-533.34-02 1,167.55 CAPACITY PROVISIONING INC INet Chgs-Light Ops 401-7180-533.42-12 458.85 Dark Fiber -Light Ops 401-7180-533.47-10 216.80 CED/CONSOLIDATED ELEC DIST INC ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-7180-533.34-02 102.39 ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-7180-533.34-02 28.13 ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 4017180-533.34-02 102.39 ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-7180-533.34-02 196.34 FASTENAL INDUSTRIAL FASTENERS, FASTENING DEVS 401-7184-533.34-02 53.92 GRAINGER ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-7180-533.34-02 928.44 F-33 Page 17 Date: 212412010 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 2/6/2010 To: 211912010 Vendor " 'Description Account Number . invoice Amount GRAINGER SUPPLIES 401-7180-533.34-02 272.68 BARRELS, DRUMS, KEGS, CTN 401-7180-533.35-01 2,211.36 FURNITURE, OFFICE 401-7180-533.35-01 768.94 HARTNAGEL BUILDING SUPPLY INC BUILDING MAINT&REPAIR SER 401-7180-533.31-20 139.84 HOLCOMB & COMPANY, D ROADIHWY MAT NONASPHALTIC 401-7180-533.31-20 1,821.12 HUGHES UTILITIES LTD ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-7180-533.34-02 1,331.50 MASON COUNTY PUD #3 SECURITY,FIRE,SAFETY SERV 401-7180-533.41-50 2,218.46 SECURITY,FIRE,SAFETY SERV 401-7180-533.41-50 2,218.46 MATCO TOOLS HOSP SURG ACCES & SUNDRIS 401-7180-533.34-02 26.45 ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 441-7180-533.35-01 421.24 ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-7180-533.35-01 102.93 ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-7180-533.35-01 132.68 NORTH COAST ELECTRIC COMPANY ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-7180-533.34-02 185.83 ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-7180-533.34-02 34.82 NORTHWEST LINE JATC HUMAN SERVICES 401-7180-533.43-10 1,472.54 OLYMPIC LAUNDRY & DRY CLEANERS LAUNDRY/DRY CLEANING SERV 401-7180-533.41-50 64.42 OLYMPIC PRINTERS INC BUSINESS CARDS -T PEPPARD 401-7180-533.31-01 58.55 PACIFIC METERING INC ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-7180-533.34-02 217.17 PORT ANGELES CITY LIGHT Safety Meeting Snacks 401-7180-533.31-01 4.99 Engraving Materials 401-7180-533.31-01 13.55 Fasteners 401-7180-533.31-01 1.56 Donuts -Safety Mtg 401-7180-533.31-01 4.99 Donuts -Safety Mtg 401-7180-533.31-01 9.99 Gas -Halsey 401-7180-533.43-10 36.94 PUD #1 OF CLALLAM COUNTY MISC. PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 401-7180-533.41-50 118.42 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 401-7180-533.41-50 14.96 PUGET SAFETY EQUIPMENT INC FIRE PROTECTION EQUIP/SUP 401-7180-533.31-01 295.86 QUILL CORPORATION OFFICE MACHINES & ACCESS 401-7180-533.31-01 159.98 OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL 401-7180-533.31-01 14.62 PAPER (OFFICE,PRINT SHOP) 401-7180-533.31-01 86.50 OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL 401-7180-533.31-01 90.09 QWEST 2-2 a/c 36041780953368 401-7180-533.42-10 42.96 2-2 a/c 206ZO20411942B 401-7180-533.42-10 65.05 2-5 alc 3604529541353B 401-7180-533.42-10 39.70 2-5 a/c 3604526236776B 401-7180-533.42-10 42.15 2-5 A1C 3604529887652B 401-7180-533.42-10 2.74 2-5 AIC 3604529882811 B 401-7180-533.42-10 2.74 2-5 AIC 36045237125858 401-7180-533.42-10 4.10 2-5 A1C 3604523877817B 401-7180-533.42-10 2.74 2-5 A1C 36045251096236 401-7180-533.42-10 2.74 2-5 A!C 3604525834211 B 401-7180-53142-10 3.30 1-23 AIC 206T302306084B 401-7180-533.42-10 48.94 F-34 Page 18 c•°`z, Date: 2/24/2010 �► City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 2/6/2010 To: 2119/2010 ' Vendor Description Account Number Invoice Amount REGULATORY COMPLIANCE SERVICES PUBLICATION/AUDIOVISUAL 401-7180-533.34-02 395.00 ROHLINGER ENTERPRISES INC CLOTHING ACCESSORIES(SEE 401-7180-533.35-01 45.53 TESTING&CALIBRATION SERVI 401-7180-533.48-10 141.53 SEARS COMMERCIAL ONE ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-7180-533.35-01 119.23 SECURITY SERVICE NW, INC SECURITY,FIRE,SAFETY SERV 401-7180-533.41-50 600.00 SNAP-ON TOOLS - CHUGGER DEANE ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-7180-533.34-02 702.86 CLOTHING ACCESSORIES(SEE 401-7180-533.35-01 27.10 SUNSET DO -IT BEST HARDWARE ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-7180-533.34-02 22.42 ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-7180-533.35-01 25.63 ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-7180-533.35-01 356.64 ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-7180-533.35-01 48.76 SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC FASTENERS, FASTENING DEVS 401-7180-533.34-02 1.46 PAINTS, COATI NGS,WALLPAPER 401-7180-533.34-02 15.01 ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-7180-533.34-02 21.43 TACOMA SCREW PRODUCTS INC FASTENERS, FASTENING DEVS 401-7180-533.34-02 308.19 VERIZON WIRELESS 1-22 a/c 571136182-00002 401-7180-533.42-10 122.10 1-28 a/c 271138138-00003 401-7180-533.43-10 61.06 WAGNER-SMITH EQUIPMENT CO ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-7180-533.35-01 210.10 • WASHINGTON (DIS), STATE OF WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY RADIO & TELECOMMUNICATION HUMAN SERVICES 401-7180-533.42-10 401-7180-533.34-02 21.68 345.00 WESCO DISTRIBUTION INC ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-7180-533.34-02 1,703.51 Public Works -Electric Electric Operations Division Total: $24,496.67 Public Works -Electric Department Total: $34,965.89 Electric Utility Fund Fund Total. $47,737.05 DEFUSCO INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY HAND TOOLS ,POW&NON POWER 402-0000-237.00-00 -58.75 Division Total: -$58.75 Department Total: -$58.75 BUILDERS HARDWARE & SUPPLY CO FIRE PROTECTION EQUIP/SUP 402-7380-534.31-20 169.87 CAPACITY PROVISIONING INC INet Chgs-Water 402-7380-534.42-12 521.82 Dark Fiber -Water Trtmnt 402-7380-534.47-10 379.40 DEFUSCO INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY HAND TOOLS ,POW&NON POWER 402-7380-534.35-01 758.10 KELLER SUPPLY COMPANY SUPPLIES 402-7380-534.31-20 149.96 QWEST 1-23 a/c 206T411255315B 402-7380-534.42-10 64.59 2-5 A/C 3604529887652B 402-7380-534.42-10 0.68 2-5 A/C 3604529882811B 402-7380-534.42-10 0.68 2-5 A/C 3604523712585B 402-7380-534.42-10 1.03 2-5 A/C 3604523877817B 402-7380-534.42-10 0.68 2-5 A/C 3604525109623B 402-7380-534.42-10 0.68 2-5 A/C 3604525834211 B 402-7380-534.42-10 0.82 • WA STATE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH 1-23 A/C 206T302306084B ENVIRONMENTAL&ECOLOGICAL 402-7380-534.42-10 402-7380-534.49-90 12.24 6,457.40 WASHINGTON (DIS), STATE OF RADIO & TELECOMMUNICATION 402-7380-534.42-10 11.02 F-35 Page 19 Date: 2/24/2010 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 2/6/2010 To: 2/19/2010 • Vendor Description Account Number. Invoice Amount XEROX CORPORATION RENTAULEASE EQUIPMENT 402-7380-534.45-31 39.06 Public Works -Water Water Division Total: $8,568.03 Public Works -Water Department Total: $8,568.03 Water Fund Fund Total: $8,509.28 NCL NORTH CENTRAL LABORATORIES CHEMICAL LAB EQUIP & SUPP 403-0000-237.00-00 -82.18 CHEMICAL LAB EQUIP & SUPP 403-0000-237.00-00 -23.95 Division Total: -$106.13 Department Total: -$106.13 ANGELES MILLWORK & LUMBER CO SUPPLIES 403-7480-535.31-01 18.80 BAXTER AUTO PARTS #15 BELTS AND BELTING 403-7480-535.31-20 86.57 BELTS AND BELTING 403-7480-535.31-20 113.86 MASS TRANS,ACCES& PARTS 403-7480-535.31-20 5.14 SHIPPING AND HANDLING 403-7480-535.42-10 26.67 CAPACITY PROVISIONING INC INet Chgs-Wastewater 403-7480-535.42-12 654.17 CED/CONSOLIDATED ELEC DIST INC PLUMBING EQUIP FIXT,SUPP 403-7480-535.31-20 90.70 FASTENAL INDUSTRIAL PAPER & PLASTIC-DISPOSABL 403-7480-535.31-01 70.42 HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS 403-7480-535.31-01 19.61 NCL NORTH CENTRAL LABORATORIES CHEMICAL LAB EQUIP & SUPP 403-7480-535.31-01 1,060.51 CHEMICAL LAB EQUIP & SUPP 403-7480-535.31-01 309.05 OLYMPIC PRINTERS INC PRINTING,SILK SCR,TYPSET 403-7480-535.31-01 205.04 • OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC SUPPLIES 403-7480-535.31-01 117.66 SUPPLIES 403-7480-535.31-01 66.13 SUPPLIES 403-7480-535.31-01 36.87 SUPPLIES 403-7480-535.31-01 52.05 PETTIT OIL COMPANY FUEL,OIL,GREASE, & LUBES 403-7480-535.32-11 1,076.14 FUEL, OIL, GREASE, & LUBES 403-7480-535.32-11 1,658.38 PUD #1 OF CLALLAM COUNTY Service @ Masters Rd 403-7480-535.47-10 374.20 PUGET SAFETY EQUIPMENT INC FIRST AID & SAFETY EQUIP. 403-7480-535.31-20 56.88 QWEST 2-2 a/c 3604170591196B 403-7480-535.42-10 39.70 2-2 a/c 3604170190080B 403-7480-535.42-10 61.77 2-5 A/C 3604529887652B 403-7480-535.42-10 0.91 2-5 A/C 3604529882811B 403-7480-535.42-10 0.91 2-5 A/C 3604523712585B 403-7480-535.42-10 1.37 2-5 A/C 36045238778176 403-7480-535.42-10 0.91 2-5 A/C 3604525109623B 403-7480-535.42-10 0.91 2-5 A/C 3604525834211 B 403-7480-535.42-10 1.10 1-23 A/C 206T302306084B 403-7480-535.42-10 16.31 SIEMENS INDUSTRY, INC ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS 403-7480-535.48-10 7,685.39 SUNSET DO -IT BEST HARDWARE HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS 403-7480-535.31-01 28.27 FIRST AID & SAFETY EQUIP. FERTILIZERS & SOIL CONDTN 403-7480-535.31-01 403-7480-535.31-05 15.69 17.54 • PLUMBING EQUIP FIXT,SUPP 403-7480-535.31-20 18.04 F-36 Page 20 Date: 2/24/2010 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report • `'_`r'�' From: 216/2010 To: 2/1912010 .. - Vendor Description Account Number Invoice Amount . SUNSET DO -IT BEST HARDWARE PIPE FITTINGS 403-7480-535.31-20 11.77 PIPE FITTINGS 403-7480-535.31-20 -0.20 METALS, BARS, PLATES, RODS 403-7480-535.31-20 38.61 METALS, BARS, PLATES, RODS 403-7480-535.31-20 26.32 FASTENERS, FASTENING DEVS 403-7480-535.31-20 4.14 PIPE FITTINGS 403-7480-535.31-20 6.14 SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC COMPUTER ACCESSORIES&SUPF403-7480-535.31-01 43.08 HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS 403-7480-535.31-01 32.10 CHEMICAL, COMMERCIAL,BULK 403-7480-535.31-01 16.06 JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 403-7480-535.31-01 10.09 HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS 403-7480-535.31-01 8.39 THURMAN SUPPLY PIPE FITTINGS 403-7480-535.31-20 9.21 USA BLUEBOOK CHEMICAL LAB EQUIP & SUPP 403-7480-535.31-01 295.18 FOOD PROC & CAN EQUIP SUP 403-7480-535.31-20 797.55 FOOD PROC & CAN EQUIP SUP 403-7480-535.31-20 172.35 STEAM & HOT WATER FITTING 403-7480-535.31-20 15.30 VERIZON WIRELESS 1-22 a/c 571136182-00004 403-7480-535.42-10 53.41 1-28 a/c 271138138-00006 403-7480-535.42-10 45.15 .WA STATE DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY ENVIRONMENTAL&ECOLOGICAL WASHINGTON (DIS), STATE OF RADIO & TELECOMMUNICATION 403-7480-535.49-90 403-7480-535.42-10 8,412.50 11.47 XEROX CORPORATION RENTAULEASE EQUIPMENT 403-7480-535.45-31 39.06 Public Works-WW/Stormw Wastewater Division Total: $24,035.35 Public Works-WW/Stormwtr Department Total: $24,035.35 Wastewater Fund Fund Total: $23,929.22 NORTHERN SAFETY CO INC FIRST AID & SAFETY EQUIP. 404-0000-237.00-00 -23.74 Division Total: -$23.74 Department Total: -$23.74 AMSAN OLYMPIC SUPPLY PAPER & PLASTIC-DISPOSABL 404-7580-537.31-01 198.40 CAPACITY PROVISIONING INC INet Chgs-SW-Corp Yard 404-7580-537.42-12 187.00 NORTHERN SAFETY CO INC FIRST AID & SAFETY EQUIP. 404-7580-537.31-20 306.27 PENINSULA DAILY NEWS Recycle Adv 404-7580-537.44-10 168.00 Recyle Adv 404-7580-537.44-10 168.00 QWEST 2-5 A/C 3604529887652B 404-7580-537.42-10 0.46 2-5 A/C 36045298828118 404-7580-537.42-10 0.46 2-5 A/C 3604523712585B 404-7580-537.42-10 0.68 2-5 A/C 3604523877817B 404-7580-537.42-10 0.46 2-5 A/C 3604525109623B 404-7580-537.42-10 0.46 2-5 A/C 3604525834211 B 404-7580-537.42-10 0.55 1-23 A/C 206T302306084B 404-7580-537.42-10 8.16 •SUNSET DO -IT BEST HARDWARE SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS HARDWARE,AND 404-7580-537.31-20 3.86 ALLIED ITEMS 404-7580-537.31-20 12.66 WASHINGTON (DIS), STATE OF RADIO & TELECOMMUNICATION 404-7580-537.42-10 5.32 F-37 Page 21 4`"'cram .' City of Port Angeles Date: 2/24/2010 City Council Expenditure Report From: 2/6/2010 To: 2/19/2010 Vendor Description Account Number Invoice Amount Public Works -Solid Waste Solid Waste -Collections Division Total: $1,060.74 Public Works -Solid Waste Department Total: $1,060.74 Solid Waste -Collections Fund Total: $1,037.00 CAPACITY PROVISIONING INC INet Chgs-SW-Transfer Stn 405-7538-537.42-12 187.00 OLYMPIC PRINTERS INC BUSINESS CARDS -H FREILICH 405-7538-537.31-01 58.53 PENINSULA DAILY NEWS MWRF Adv 405-7538-537.44-10 117.52 OWEST 2-5 a/c 3604522245145B 405-7538-537.42-10 39.74 2-5 a/c 3604528100532B 405-7538-537.42-10 39.70 2-5 A/C 3604529887652B 405-7538-537.42-10 0.46 2-5 A/C 3604529882811 B 405-7538-537.42-10 0.46 2-5 A/C 3604523712585B 405-7538-537.42-10 0.68 2-5 A/C 36045238778178 405-7538-537.42-10 0.46 2-5 A/C 3604525109623B 405-7538-537.42-10 0.46 2-5 A/C 3604525834211 B 405-7538-537.42-10 0.55 1-23 A/C 206T302306084B 405-7538-537.42-10 8.16 RADIO PACIFIC INC (KONP) COMMUNICATIONSWEDIA SERV 405-7538-537.44-10 477.00 COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 405-7538-537.44-10 350.00 SUNSET DO -IT BEST HARDWARE CHEMICAL, COMMERCIAL,BULK 405-7538-537.31-20 41.25 TAYLOR -SPARKS REFRIGERATION INC ENVIRONMENTAL&ECOLOGICAL 405-7538-537.48-10 872.08 WASHINGTON (DIS), STATE OF RADIO & TELECOMMUNICATION 405-7538-537.42-10 4.92 • WORC-WA ORGANIC RECYCLING CNCL MEMBERSHIPS 405-7538-537.49-01 125.00 XEROX CORPORATION RENTAULEASE EQUIPMENT 405-7538-537.45-31 39.05 Public Works -Solid Waste SW - Transfer Station Division Total: $2,363.02 BAXTER AUTO PARTS #15 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 405-7585-537.31-20 120.22 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 405-7585-537.31-20 -13.55 EDGE ANALYTICAL TESTING&CALIBRATION SERVI 405-7585-537.31-20 164.00 WA STATE DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY ENVIRONMENTAL&ECOLOGICAL 405-7585-537.49-90 6,683.50 Public Works -Solid Waste Solid Waste -Landfill Division Total: $6,954.17 Public Works -Solid Waste Department Total: $9,317.19 Solid Waste-LF/Trf Stn Fund Total: $9,317.19 EDEN EXCAVATING INC 4th St Stormwater Impvmts 406-7412-594.65-10 15,284.40 Identity Links PROMOTIONAL GLOVES 406-7412-538.43-10 2,329.80 QWEST 2-5 A/C 3604523712585B 406-7412-538.42-10 0.34 2-5 A/C 3604525834211 B 406-7412-538.42-10 0.27 1-23 A/C 206T30230608413 406-7412-538.42-10 4.08 WASHINGTON (DIS), STATE OF RADIO & TELECOMMUNICATION 406-7412-538.42-10 3.96 ZENOVIC & ASSOCIATES INSP & DOCUMENTTION 406-7412-538.41-50 705.60 Public Works-WW/Stormw Stormwater Division Total: $18,328.45 Public Works-WW/Stormwtr Department Total: $18,328.45 Stormwater Fund PROGRESSIVE MEDICAL INTERNATIONAI MEDICAL SUPPLIES Fund Total: 409-0000-237.00-00 $18,328.45 -75.62 • MEDICAL SUPPLIES 409-0000-237.00-00 -4.28 F-38 Page 22 {'F7 Vic•° Ij Date: 2/24/2010 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report n�� :r�•„o w�, From: 216/2010 To: 2119/2010 Vendor Description Account Number Invoice Amount Division Total: -$79.90 Department Total: -$79.90 OLYMPIC OXYGEN OXYGEN 409-6025-526.31-13 25.69 PROGRESSIVE MEDICAL INTERNATIONAIMEDICAL SUPPLIES 409-6025-526.31-02 55.13 MEDICAL SUPPLIES 409-6025-526.31-02 975.82 QWEST 2-5 A/C 3604529887652B 409-6025-526.42-10 1.37 2-5 A/C 3604529882811 B 409-6025-526.42-10 1.37 2-5 A/C 3604523712585B 409-6025-526.42-10 2.05 2-5 A/C 36045238778178 409-6025-526.42-10 1.37 2-5 A/C 3604525109623B 409-6025-526.42-10 1.37 2-5 A/C 3604525834211 B 409-6025-526.42-10 1.65 1-23 A/C 206T302306084B 409-6025-526.42-10 24.47 Fire Department Medic I Division Total: $1,090.29 Fire Department Department Total: $1,090.29 Medic 1 Utility Fund Total: $1,010.39 ADVANCED TRAVEL ARRA Wkshop-Lusk 421-7121-533.43-10 82.00 BAILEY SIGNS & GRAPHICS BANNERS 421-7121-533.44-10 271.00 BONNEVILLE POWER ADMIN REGISTRATION 421-7121-533.43-10 195.00 EVERWARM HEARTH & HOME INC CITY REBATE 421-7121-533.49-86 980.58 • CITY REBATE 421-7121-533.49-86 1,586.76 Amanda Sanders CITY REBATE 421-7121-533.49-86 25.00 Barbara Comer CITY REBATE 421-7121-533.49-86 100.00 Helen Harvey CITY REBATE 421-7121-533.49-86 25.00 Jacque Rush CITY REBATE 421-7121-533.49-86 50.00 John Gallagher CITY REBATE 421-7121-533.49-86 50.00 Shirl Nelson CITY REBATE 421-7121-533.49-86 25.00 Therese Agesson CITY REBATE 421-7121-533.49-86 50.00 Tom Nash CITY REBATE 421-7121-533.49-86 857.28 McKinstry Essention, Inc. GRANT Application EFFORTS 421-7121-533.41-50 4,860.00 PORTLAND ENERGY CONSERVATION CITY REBATE 421-7121-533.49-86 4,176.50 RADIO PACIFIC INC (KONP) WEATHERWISE ADS 421-7121-533.44-10 1,275.00 Public Works -Electric Conservation Division Total: $14,609.12 Public Works -Electric Department Total: $14,609.12 Conservation Fund Total: $14,609.12 CED/CONSOLIDATED ELEC DIST INC Wire 451-7188-594.34-02 958.68 Conduit 451-7188-594.34-02 16.80 ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 451-7188-594.34-02 5.04 NORTH SKY COMMUNICATIONS 69 KV REBUILD 451-7188-594.41-50 4,989.00 SUNSET DO -IT BEST HARDWARE ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 451-7188-594.34-02 8.95 FASTENERS, FASTENING DEVS 451-7188-594.34-02 7.19 S THURMAN SUPPLY ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 451-7188-594.34-02 19.74 Public Works -Electric Electric Projects Division Total: $6,005.40 F-39 Page 23 Date: 2/24/2010 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report ARAMARK LAUNDRY/DRY CLEANING SERV From: 2/6/2010 To: 2/19/2010 LAUNDRY/DRY CLEANING SERV 501-7630-548.49-90 Vendor Description Account Number Invoice Amount BAXTER AUTO PARTS #15 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 Public Works -Electric Department Total: $6,005.40 41.28 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS Electric Utility CIP Fund Total: $6,005.40 501-7630-548.34-02F BROWN AND CALDWELL Phase 1 CSO Project 453-7488-594.41-50 61,916.76 Phase 1 CSO Project 453-7488-594.41-50 -2,666.67 Phase 1 CSO Project 453-7488-594.41-50 53,113.98 Public Works-WW/Stormw Wastewater Projects Division Total: $112,364.07 Public Works-WW/Stormwtr Department Total: $112,364.07 WasteWater Utility CIP Fund Total: $112,364.07 BAXTER AUTO PARTS #15 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-0000-141.40-00 24.23 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-0000-141.40-00 51.34 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-0000-141.40-00 35.14 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-0000-141.40-00 53.92 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-0000-141.40-00 38.57 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-0000-141.40-00 138.96 LEAVITT MACHINERY USA, INC AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-0000-141.40-00 29.19 MCMASTER-CARR SUPPLY CO PLUMBING EQUIP FIXT,SUPP 501-0000-237.00-00 -5.13 MATERIAL HNDLING&STOR EQP 501-0000-237.00-00 -21.77 ROAD/HGWY HEAVY EQUIPMENT 501-0000-237.00-00 -6.77 HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS 501-0000-237.00-00 -3.17 MOTOR TRUCKS INC AUTO & TRUCK ACCESSORIES 501-0000-141.40-00 1,558.41 • N C MACHINERY CO AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-0000-141.40-00 10.84 NAPA AUTO PARTS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-0000-141.40-00 8.76 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-0000-141.40-00 12.11 AUTO & TRUCK ACCESSORIES 501-0000-141.40-00 20.34 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-0000-141.40-00 25.48 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-0000-141.40-00 50.97 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-0000-141.40-00 72.97 AUTO & TRUCK ACCESSORIES 501-0000-141.40-00 292.94 NELSON TRUCK EQUIPMENT CO INC AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-0000-141.40-00 138.74 PETTIT OIL COMPANY FUEL,OIL,GREASE, & LUBES 501-0000-141.20-00 4,519.22 FUEL,OIL,GREASE, & LUBES 501-0000-141.20-00 2,824.51 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-0000-141.40-00 437.30 WASHINGTON FIRE & SAFETY EQUIP AUTO & TRUCK ACCESSORIES 501-0000-141.40-00 496.47 Division Total: $10,803.57 Department Total: $10,803.57 ARAMARK LAUNDRY/DRY CLEANING SERV 501-7630-548.34-02 50.33 LAUNDRY/DRY CLEANING SERV 501-7630-548.49-90 31.82 LAUNDRY/DRY CLEANING SERV 501-7630-548.49-90 27.53 BAXTER AUTO PARTS #15 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 105.18 FUEL,OIL,GREASE, & LUBES 501-7630-548.34-02 41.28 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 6.29 • AUTO SHOP EQUIPMENT & SUP 501-7630-548.34-02F _2Q0 Page 24 "ca+i�r Date: 212412010 ' City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report ,From: 21612010, To: 211912010,, - 199120'60.'•Vendor: vend o r,.: ° :•.Description Account Number,:... Invoice Amount BAXTER AUTO PARTS #15 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 -34.88 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7634-548.34-02 4.34 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 4.34 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 35.47 CAPACITY PROVISIONING INC INet Chgs-Equip Svc 501-7630-548.42-12 41.00 CSK AUTO INC (SCHUCK'S) AUTO SHOP EQUIPMENT & SUP 501-7630-548.34-02 13.60 AUTO SHOP EQUIPMENT & SUP 501-7630-548.34-02 -13.60 HARTNAGEL BUILDING SUPPLY INC MATERIAL HNDLING&STOR EOP 541-7630-548.31-01 37.93 HEARTLINE AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 302.27 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 80.16 LEAVITT MACHINERY USA, INC AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7634-548.34-02 122.43 LES SCHWAB TIRE CENTER EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548.48-10 97.56 LINCOLN INDUSTRIAL CORP AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 323.90 MATCO TOOLS AUTO SHOP EQUIPMENT & SUP 501-7630-548.35-01 411.92 MCMASTER-CARR SUPPLY CO PLUMBING EQUIP FIXT,SUPP 501-7630-548.34-02 66.15 ROADIHGWY HEAVY EQUIPMENT 501-7630-548.34-02 87.37 MATERIAL HNDLING&STOR EQP 501-7630-548.34-02 280.94 HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 40.85 MODERN MACHINERY AUTO & TRUCK ACCESSORIES 501-7630-548.34-02 85.64 MOTOR TRUCKS INC AUTO & TRUCK ACCESSORIES 501-7630-548.34-02 -487.80 NAPA AUTO PARTS AUTO SHOP EQUIPMENT & SUP 501-7630-548.34-02 9.76 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 12.11 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 100.04 NORSTAR INDUSTRIES INC SPRAYING EQUIPMENT 501-7630-548.34-02 418.35 PACIFIC OFFICE EQUIPMENT INC COMPUTER ACCESSORIES&SUPF501-7630-548.31-01 122.56 PETTIT OIL COMPANY FUEL,OIL,GREASE, & LUBES 501-7630-548.32-10 1,100.57 PORT ANGELES TIRE FACTORY AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 192.50 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548.48-10 43.25 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548.48-10 75.88 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548.48-10 77.73 OWEST 2-5 A1C 3604529887652B 501-7630-548.42-10 0.80 2-5 AIC 3604529882811 B 501-7630-548.42-10 0.80 2-5 A1C 3604523712585B 501-7630-548.42-10 1.20 2-5 AIC 3604523877817B 501-7630-548.42-10 0.80 2-5 A1C 3604525109623B 501-7630-548.42-10 0.80 2-5 A1C 3604525834211 B 501-7630-548.42-10 0.96 1-23 AIC 206T302306084B 501-7630-548,42-10 14.28 SAH LBERG EQUIPMENT CO INC, JF AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 381.39 SIX ROBBLEES' INC AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 230.46 SUNSET DO -IT BEST HARDWARE AUTO SHOP EQUIPMENT & SUP 501-7630-548.34-02 21.30 RENTALILEASE EQUIPMENT 501-7630-548.34-02 35.23 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 2.71 F-41 Page 25 Date; 2/24/2010 City of Fort Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 21612010 To: 211912010 .Vendor _ ,_. , . Description.., - . -. Account Number. Invo'tce Amount. SUNSET DO -IT BEST HARDWARE AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 '1.30 WASHINGTON (DIS), STATE OF RADIO & TELECOMMUNICATION 501-7630-548.42-10 5.95 XEROX CORPORATION RENTALILEASE EQUIPMENT 501-7630-548.45-31 39.06 Public Works -Equip Svcs Equipment Services Division Total: $4,672.41 Public Works -Equip Svcs Department Total: $4,672.41 Equipment Services Fund Total: $15,475.98 LEAF FUNDING, INC BUYOUT LEASE 015 6712110 502-0000-231.96-00 12,458.74 Division Total: $12,458.74 Department Total: $12,456.74 CAPACITY PROVISIONING INC INet Chgs-IT 502-2081-518.42-12 500.00 PENINSULA DAILY NEWS SUPPORT SPEC AD 502-2081-518.44-10 403.25 OWEST 2-5 A1C 36045298876528 502-2081-518.42-10 1.03 2-5 A1C 3604529882811 B 502-2081-518.42-10 1.03 2-5 A1C 3604523712585B 502-2081-518.42-10 1.54 2-5 AIC 3604523877817B 502-2081-518.42-10 1.03 2-5 A1C 3604525109623B 502-2081-518.42-10 1.03 2-5 A/C 3604525834211 B 502-2081-518.42-10 1.24 1-23 A/C 206T302306084B 502-2081-518.42-10 18.35 WASHINGTON (DIS), STATE OF Finance Department RADIO & TELECOMMUNICATION Information Technologies 502-2081-518.42-10 Division Total: 7.65 $936.16 Finance Department Department Total: $936.16 Information Technology Fuad Total: $13,394.90 MEDICAL REIMBURSEMENT 543-1631-517.46-30 26.95 MEDICAL REIMBURSEMENT 503-1631-517.46-30 179.52 MEDICAL REIMBURSEMENT 503-1631-517.46-30 85.10 Self Insurance Other Insurance Programs Division Total: $291.57 DEPT OF LABOR & INDUSTRIES 4th Quarter L&R Report 503-1661-517.49-50 29,656.60 Self Insurance Workers Compensation Division Total: $29,656-60 Self Insurance Department Total: $29,948.17 Self-insurance Fund Fund Total: $29,948.17 BAILEY SIGNS & GRAPHICS Sign 652-8630-575.31-01 86.72 CAPACITY PROVISIONING INC INet Chgs-Fine Arts Ctr 652-8630-575.42-12 172.00 PENINSULA DAILY NEWS Adv -PA Chamber 652-8630-575.31-02 105.00 QWEST 2-5 AJC 3604529887652B 652-8630-575.42-10 0.34 2-5 A/C 3604529882811 B 652-8630-575.42-10 0.34 2-5 A1C 3604523712585B 652-8630-575.42-10 0.51 2-5 A1C 36045238778176 652-8630-575.42-10 0.34 2-5 A1C 3604525109623B 652-8630-575.42-10 0.34 2-5 AIC 3604525834211 B 652-8630-575.42-10 0.41 Esther WebsterlFine Arts 1-23 AIC 206T302306084B Esther WebsterlFine Arts 652-8630-575.42-10 Division Total: 6.12 $372.12 F-42 Page 26 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report �``' •Tye From: 2/6/2010 To: 2/19/2010 • Vendor AFSCME LOCAL 1619 DIMARTINO/WSCFF DISABILITY EMPLOYMENT SECURITY DEPT FIREFIGHTER'S LOCAL 656 IBEW LOCAL 997 LEOFF OFFICE OF SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT PERS POLICE ASSOCIATION UNITED WAY (PAYROLL) WSCCCE AFSCME AFL-CIO • Totals for check period • Description Esther Webster/Fine Arts Esther Webster Fund P/R Deductions pe 2-7 P/R Deductions pe 2-7 P/R Deductions pe 2-7 P/R Deductions pe 2-7 P/R Deductions pe 2-7 P/R Deductions pe 2-7 P/R Deductions pe 1-24 P/R Deductions pe 2-7 P/R Deductions pe 2-7 P/R Deductions pe 1-24 P/R Deductions pe 1-24 P/R Deductions pe 1-24 P/R Deductions pe 2-7 P/R Deductions pe 2-7 P/R Deductions pe 2-7 Payroll Clearing Account Number Department Total: Fund Total: 920-0000-231.54-40 920-0000-231.54-40 920-0000-231.53-40 920-0000-231.56-30 920-0000-231.54-30 920-0000-231.54-20 920-0000-231.51-21 920-0000-231.56-20 920-0000-231.56-20 920-0000-231.51-10 920-0000-231.51-11 920-0000-231.51-12 920-0000-231.55-10 920-0000-231.56-10 920-0000-231.54-40 Division Total: Department Total: Fund Total: From: 2/6/2010 To: 2/19/2010 Date: 2/24/2010 Invoice Amount $372.12 $372.12 90.00 180.00 1,281.97 170.25 1,620.00 947.39 23,066.34 1,181.32 169.85 1,733.82 8,192.49 32, 380.92 256.00 527.27 4,236.37 $76,033.99 $76,033.99 $76,033.99 $658,583.74 F-43 Page 27 ORT NGELES W A S H I N GTO .N,, U.S. A.. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: March 2, 2010 TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: Glenn A. Cutler, P.E., Director of Public Works & Utilities SUBJECT: Marine Drive Asphalt Repair, ST -10-003 — Award Contract Summary: A single bid was received on February 17, 2010 for the repair of the street asphalt at the 1200 block of Marine Drive from Lakeside Industries Inc. The total bid was $32,027.15. Recommendation: Award and authorize the Mayor to sign a contract with Lakeside Industries Inc., in the amount of $32,027.15, for asphalt repair at the 1200 block of Marine Drive. Background/Analysis: A broken water main under the asphalt was repaired by City personnel in • December 2009. The asphalt overlay of this damaged area remains. Presently, traffic is diverted around this area. In order for traffic to flow efficiently and safely, the asphalt needs to be repaired. A single bid was received on February 17, 2010 from Lakeside Industries Inc., in the amount of $32,027.15. A bid summary is provided below. Purchase Contract, ST -10-003 Company Name Bid Amount Lakeside Industries Inc. $32,027.15 Government Estimate $33,120.00 It is recommeded that the City Council award and authorize the Mayor to sign a contract with Lakeside Industries Inc., in the amount of $32,027.15, for asphalt repair at the 1200 block of Marine Drive. N:\CCOUNCILTINALMarine Drive Asphalt Repair ST -10-003 - Award Contract.doc F —44 1-1 `�RJ ;, ri'GE fE W A ,S H I_ N G T D N, U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: March 2, 2010 To: CITY COUNCIL FROM: NATHAN A.WEST, DIRECTOR COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT SUBJECT: DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT HOUSING ENHANCEMENT GRANT AGREEMENT Summary: On August 18, 2009 Council accepted an award for a $450,000 Community Development Block. Grant (CDBG) to contribute to the completion of the ]Maloney Heights Project. The City has received from the Washington State Department of Commerce the Dousing Enhancement Grant Agreement for approval and signature. Recommendation: Approve the Housing Enhancement Grant Agreement and Authorize the City's CDBG Responsible Official sign the agreement with minor modifications as necessary. Background 1 Analysis: The City has received the attached Housing Enhancement. Grant Agreement from the Washington State Department of Commerce from the State administered Community Development Block {Grant (CDBG) program. On. August 1.8, 2009 Council officially accepted the grant award. The agreement provides for administration of the $450,000 CDBG grant in accordance with State and Federal requirements. The grant was submitted by the City on behalf of the Clallam. County Housing Authority, Habitat for Humanity_ and Serenity House for the proposed Maloney Heights development project. Habitat for Humanity will act as the sub -recipient for the grant. Staff recommends that Council approve the grant agreement and authorize the City's CDBG Responsible Official to sign the agreement and make minor modifications as necessary. Attachment A Department of Commerce CDBG Grant Agreement F-45 Grant Agreement with: City of Port Angeles. through Community Development Block Grant.(CDBG} Program_ Housing Enhancement Grant For: Infrastructure for the. Habitat of Humanity of Clallam County's (HHCC) Maloney Heights housing project. Start date: August 10, 2609 Washington Mate Department.of Commerce www.COMMERCE;wa.gov F 46 • • TABLE OF.CONTENT&:..: FACE SHEET. CONTRACT TERMS AND CONDITIONS _ Special. Terms .and. Conditions' .. 1 1. Definitions ........... •...... ....:.............. ..... 1' 2. Access to Records ......... ......:....................:.............................:........... �. 3'• 4. Acquisition and,DispositionofAssets.. ; ,; •. . Agreement Management..:.........:.:..............................•........................... 2:. 5. Anti -Lobbying Certification and Disclosure Form .............:....:............ :.. 6. Billing Procedures and Payment..:.....:.....:...................•........................... 2 7. Closeout ................................. I ....... I ....................... .•.... • .........................2' 8. Environmental Review..:.......:......................:...............•.......................... 3 9. Equal Opportunity Treatment for Faith Based Organizations,:...* .............. 4 10. Insurance ................................... ................................................................... 4 11. Subcontracts for Engineering Services....., ............... 6, 12. Program Income ............................. 0 ..................................................... 6 13. Reports. .............. ...........:•....:... ....................... ...................... ......6 6 14. Order of Precedence•..............................................................•....... General Terms and Conditions 1 Definitions......................................................... .................................. ...... 2. All Writings Contained Herein ............. ............... ............................... . 1 . 3. 4. Amendments..,.....................................I.............. ............................. 1 Assignment.... ............: ....... .............I...................... ........................1 5. Attorney Fees...........................................................................I.............. 1 6. Audit........................................................................'.......:....:.........:..........1 7: Cedification Regarding Debarment, Suspension or Ineligibility or Ineligibility and Voluntary. Exclusion.. ........:.............:...............:...:.:.......... 3 8, Confidentiality/Safeguarding of Information .... .......................... ....:...:...... 3 9.. Conformance ................... .........•...•.....................................................4 10. Copyright Provisions............................................................................... 4 11. Disallowed Costs 12. Disputes ...........:....................•..........:................................:.....:...... 5 13. Duplicate Payment ........................................ . ....... .............. ............ 5 .14. Ethics/Conflicts of Interest .................. . ........................ .....................'5 15. Governing Law and Venue.............•........,...:..........•................................. 5 16, indemnification.....:.. ................................:....•........:.............. 5 17. Independent Capacity of the Contractor ... ............................. I.................... 6 18. Industrial Insurance Coverage..........................:................................:...... 6 19. Laws........:.:..•.................:...........................................................6 20. Licensing, Accreditation and. Registration....... ............................................ 8'. 21. Limitation Of Authority ................... ••••••••.. 8 22•. Noncompliance With Nondiscrimination Laws...........................................8 23. Political Activities ........... ......... .................•..... .. .......................... 8 24., Prevailing.Wage Laws ..................... ....... ................................... .........8 25.. Procurement Standards. for Federally Funded Programs........... ............... 9. 26. Prohibition Against Payment Of Bonus Or Commission ............:.............. 9 • 27. 28.. Publicity......:....................:.............•....................... ..t....•.............. 10 Recapture.......................I..... 10 29: ............................................................. • Records Maintenance......................................•..•..................... ...... 10: 30. Registration With Department Of Revenue .:......................... .................. 1 CF - 47 31. Savings...........:..........................I.....................•. ............. ...........10 32. 33. 34. Severability ................... ............................. .......................... ..-: . ".. . I ;. �, Subcontracting ............................................................ SUrviVal .......................... * ......................................................... ................ .... * —* ........ M.. .............. 10 10 11 -35 '''Taxes .36'. 37' ............. * ............. ................................ ... ....... .......... .......... Termination for Cause/Suspenpion ............................... ................ . Termination for Convenience.......... .......... 38 39. Termination Procedures .................... ......................... Waiver ........................................................... ....... ....... .............. ........ .2,; • FACE SHEET Contract Number: 10-64100-013 Washington State Department of Commerce Local Government Division Community Development Programs Community Development Block Grant (CDBG.) Housing Enhancement Grant 1. Contractor 2. Contractor Doing Business As (optional) City of Port Angeles PO Box 1150 321 East 5ih Port Angeles, WA 98362 3. Contractor Representative Nathan West, Director of Community Development Phone: (360)417-4751 Fax: (160) 417-4711 Email: nwest@cltyofpa.us 5. Agreement Amount 6. Funding Source N/A 4. COMMERCE Representative Kaaren Roe, Project Manager Phone: (360) 725-3018 Fax: (360) 664-3123 Kaaren.roe cr commerce.wa.gov 7. Start Date PO Box 42525 906 Columbia Street SW Olympia, WA 98504-2525 8. End Date $450,000 Federal: ® State: ❑ Other: ❑ N/A: ❑ 8/10/2009 11/30/2012 9. Federal Funds (as applicable) Federal AEcnc CFDA Number 333.14.228 U.S. Department of Housing 14228 and Urban Developmenl HUD 10. 'Tax ID # 711. SWV # 12. UBI # 13. DUNS # 91-6001266- 0007712-00 N/A 148344047 14. Agreement Purpose • The City of Port Angeles is awarded a $450,000 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Housing Enhancement Grant to fund public, offsite infrastructure for Habitat-ofHumanityof Clallam County's (HHCC) Maloney Heights housing project. A full description of this project is in Attachment "A" — Scope of Work and Budget. COMMERCE, defined as the Department of Commerce, and the Contractor, as def ned above, acknowledge and accept the terms of this Agreement and attachments and have executed this Agreement on the date below to start as.of the date and year referenced above.: The rights and obligations of both.parties to this Agreement are governed by this Agreement and.the following other documents incorporated by reference: Contractor Special and General Terms and Conditions including Attachment "A" — Scope of Work and Budget, Attachment "B" -- Statc and Federal Requireme0ts and Assurances, Attachment "C" — Letter to Incur Costs (if applicable), Attachment."D"- Additional Conditions and Agreement for Interim Financing/CDBG Float -Funded Activity (if applicable), and Attachment "E" — Assignment of Rights, Title, and Interest (if applicable), and the following documents incorporated herein by reference: Contractor's application for funding and the Community Development Block Grant Policies and Procedures, prepared by Commerce. FOR CONTRACTOR FOR COMMERCE Nathan A. West, Director of Community Development Karen J. Larkin, Assistant Director City of Port Angeles Local Government Division Date Date APPROVED AS TO FORM ONLY Alice Blado, Assistant Attorney General (Signature on File) May 29, 2009 • Date F-49 SPECtAL.TERMSS;AN:D CONDITIONS, .. COMM UNITYDEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT.PROGRAM 1.- 'DEFINITIONS_ "Subcontractor" -an: the, General Conditions', of,thls.;Agreement..:shall,. mean the ;same' as the term "subrecIplene , found:. In. the ;federa{ Communjty ; Developmorit: Block Grant...(CDBG) .rules and .. . regulations and the term °contractor found in the procedures and pollciesJR state's;.CDBG : Management Handbook. B."Low- .and moderate -Income" shall' meah•`a household Inc'ome equal to or-less'than 80. percent`of' area median income adjusted by family size.. C. "Low-', moderate -,'and middle-income" shall rhean'a househoid fncoii:me'equal to:.or',Iess.than.120 percent of the area .median income,.measutred as 2.4 times .the current Section 8.ihcome jim{t,for households below 50 percent of mediah.Tncome`, 46 'Us family size: D. For .purposes of -the Neighborhood: -Stabilization,P.rogram. on; ly;, the,. term•!',low- ands--moderate- ,income -:person:!.as.,Ita appears. 1hroughout. the • CDDGi regulations: at.24: CFR .part:•�57;0 shall be :. deflned.as:a::member of a low-, moderate;;i.- middledneome-,household.-: 2 ,:A.CCf`SS Tb RECORbS;;. ': : • ...:.:':� '::..... :. • :. .:;. . _ -:. • . .: . •' COMMERCE and duly. authorized officials of_ the state and the federal "gover�timent shall have f6`11 `access and the right'to: examine, excerpt, or transcribe any pertinen# documents,' papers; records, andbooks �ofthe Contractar'and of person's or'organlzatlons with which the Contractor rrtay contract, 'Involving transactions related to the project and this contract. 3. ACQUISITION AND DISPOSITION OF ASSETS The. ConfractorWill: account,forany 'taxigibl"e personal propertyacqulred with grantfunds: The.use and dispositlon of real property and equipment under this. Agreement will be In compliance- wlthAhe=requlrements of -'24 CRR Part-84-and•24 CFR'570;5021:570:503,'870;5041; as,applicabfe whichInclude •but'are not.IImited to the fol l'owlrig: • Real property that was acquIred' or improved, 1n whole or In.�part; withSCommunity Dev00' 0meht..131106k Grant (CDBG) funds under this Agreement In excess of $25,000 shall be used 'to°meet one of the •- CDBG national objectives for ten (10) years after the -Agreement is closed. Any exception must be made with COMMERCE's. approval and the Contractor wlll. be responsible;to pay COMMERCE an amount equal to the current fair market value of the property less any* portlon,of`the,valud attributable to expenditures of non-CDBG funds for acqulsltion.of, or Improvement to;:fhe.property:;Such payment from the disposition of real property acquired with grant funds'within 40 -years of:cioseout of this Agreement shall be treated as program Income under Sectidn 1'2':of:these Special Terms and- Conditions. Incases ln.Which equipment acquired$'In,�whole:or impart, with' funds. underthls Agreenierit•Is sold; the>prooeeds.wlll,bel'program+income. • Real property. acquired, improved -or sold;.in whole or part: with,•Neighborhood,Stabilizatlon�Prograin (NSP) funds shall comply with the`requlrem ents-of Public Law 110-289, Housing and Recovery Act of 2008.(HERA) ; •section ;2301;' which:inoludes:but•is- hot. Ilinited-to; ' Sectlon.2301(d)(1) current market appraisal requirements to -determine the statutory purchase:_ discount and to ensure purchasers are paying below-market Value for the home or property; ri Section:2302(d)(3),s6le.amount restrictiohs'•forany abandoned or: foreclosed=upon:home or residential pro Odrty.purch`ased; Eredeveloped, or other:wlse sold to�an Ind ividual..as.:a'.pr'Imary �residerice to an amount equal to or less than the cost to acquire and redevelop or rehabliftate;sucNhome or property up to a decent, safe, and habitable condition; and Section 2301(f)(3).affordabillty requirements as stipulated ln-24iCFR92;252-for rental housing -units.. or 24 CFR 92.254 for owner -occupied housing units or fora longer period of time if.practicable; • . F-50 COMMERCE / Local Government Agreement for•Federal Funds SP.ECIA,L TERMS.AND "CQND,ITIONS. COMMUNITY DE1fELOPME,NT BUCK GRANT PRC]GRAM.. 4. AGREEMENT MANAGEMENT 'The' I eprPsent@tiv.e'fdr each of the parties`lderiEifietl'vn ithe: ace Sheat of this Agreerrmerit sf�all be responalb]6 for and shall de the confect person fear elf comma ations and"bill ngs'regarding'tlie p6rf6rmance cif tW A�reemenf. 5.;.,ANTI-LOBSYI!AIG:.CERTIFICATI©N_,,,AND.DISG.LOSURE,-F.-DRM',: .- . Con#tactor, defined as the primary par{icipank and It principals, certifies by signing these Special Term's acid Cordlfinns `fhat, A � No federal apprcpriatsd.fuV'or"a', s have been paid -or ►n�iiffl?a'paId, by dr on bdNif:of fhe undersigned, to any person for influencitterripting to influence an officer or erriftyee of airy agency, a :. ,Member-ofCtingress, air officer-or-empioyee'of Congress, or an!:empioyse.of.aiEvi.en berof+. .,Congress1n connection; with the,awardihQ 6f;any federal-oantract,:fhs makIng, any.fedorai grant, the,making of ahy: fed`dral !lean; -the entering -into of any cooperative" agreernent;.:and=;the extension, continuation, renewal, amendment, or: modification of any.`federal contrap�, grant,..lcan, . or: coop.eratly ogresmrent; = i3. The above ravls.lons will be rr�et i# the,6rani: award from CgMM> R� ea<ceeds $104,4R� and will further i�nsure'that ,thelr provisions ars,Included in ariy sub grant,.cot�tract, and sui7contracts exceeding $1D0,0006f grant funds, - S. BILLING PROCEDURES AND PAYMENT COMMERCEwill pay...the C,on.tractor for;allow; fble:expenses,#led to approved proJset.activ�ties • ; according -to Attachment A, Scope of Work and Budget. i.1 4:. . invoices must.be submitted on a;Vllshingtcn 5tatq liivolce Voucher form The vaucher::form must ; report -all federal funds on hand as of the date of sub mittal..Any .cash, ori, handmust basubtracted From the amount of funds requested. .Program income earned during the reporting'period.must also beiclsduGted:from tine arnount`requesfad..,- .. r;._ . '•; " -'= . Invoices: shalI3, be mailed. to: . Departrnerit:of Commerce Local: averr?rnent Dlvlslon:: x ,42526 Olympia,:Washin.gton:::9aS.D4-:2525: .. Attention; Contrasts Administration Unit (CAU) Project Manager. In..voices shall :descrilae and=dicumertt;=fo,C:pMMPiGP.'s.:satisfgotion, .the,wark perf�armed, the progress of the project, and fees. The invoice shall include the, Agreement number,:.if.expen, ses are: . involeed, provide a detailed breakdown bf each type. A receipt must accompany any single expenses inithe amcunt:of154:00 or.;moro,Inj order, too receive reimbursement: Payment shall be considered timely if made by:�CC3MMERCE within"thirty (K)•calendar.days:afterr receipt of properly completed Invoices. Payment shall be'sent to the address designated by the Contractor,: , . , f r COMMERCE may, in its sole discretion, terminate -the Agreement or withhold payments claimed by the Confractor:for,servloes rendered: If the Contractor faiIs.to 8ntlsfactorily,corn ply.with' any•terrn or: :oonditlon of th;Is:.AgreemenA Includingf.completion of the Enylronrnenta[ Review acid"the-:release.:af funds:{If:applicable:}:.;+ No payments in advance or in anticipation of services or supplies to be provided under this Agreement,shali besmade?by;COMMERCE-,- 7. CLO; EDUT ...... . . F-51 COMMERCE/ Local Government Agreement for Federal Funds... s0.E0AL :TERM-4'AND CONDITIONS. - oy COMMUNITY []E11ELvi?HENT BLt]CK GRANT PROGRAM The COMMERCEviikll advls� the. 66ntractor tp init€ate'closeo'ut prooedures`w11en tbere.are.no, impediments tv closing and the following `cr€terla..k6ve been me or.saon will be Ali costs have beers incurred with the :exception of closeout costs'and'any unsettled fhlyd-party claims agalnst the Contractor. Costs -are incurred when goods and services are received -or contract work is performed, B. The:Co.ntra tor.has i�eld:a publis.,hearing, fo.review program p rformanoe, - ; •- C. The Contractor has submitted the lural Close cut.Performanoa Report, Fa€lure.to submit:a•report will.not.prpolude the COM MERC E.frorneffecting,closeout;if It, s deemedtnbe"In the -state's intIera'st Any excess grant amounf.irt the Conkracfar's.possessfdn sl,ail.tae returned in, the event of fal ure td;finish or'update:the teport �. Otl1e'r resports1bi13fi1es of thp Can#raGtor, under thls,Agreement tan any closeout Agraement and applicable'}aws aric€;reg ,latJ9ns appear to have open Carried outsatlsfacfari[y or there is no further state intens# in keeping the grant open forthe'purpose of securing: performance.' i 8. ENVIRONMENTAL.REVIEW f1n.apnl'�-iia.inaa` I.Jiicinn'.Fn4taiir mianf' fifnanhFinr'hnnH .^iaFiEli�afirin'-ati[i: A'['hvhry (Grants Funding In excess of the amount -stipulated in Attachment G',",l:e#ter to Incur Cpsts; shall not be, released to a Contractor by COMMERCE until the following conditions are met::" A. The Contractor rnusf prepare an environmental assessment of the project and make a finding. af'snv[rorirriet�fat'Impac#, i°A notice°6f this flnding must be published along with a notic bf the Contractor's intent to request release of funds far the protect unless. the praJeat Is axemp#`from the publication requirements as described. 'The Contractor must allay a seven (T"} or fifteen (15) day period for public review and comment follow] ng'pilbiicatlon of:the,-notices ur'tless exempt under the •Naticnal, Environmental Palley Act (NEPA),and the.Washington State. Environmental Poitd,y Act ;SEPA},.' 1lvtien this review and calnment period expires; .the ,,.. Cantractor..niay, after Ccnsi;dering any commeilt� received, subrrnt a l'equest fc�r release of: f{�rids to CCIMMERCE Upon receipt of the req.ues#, C.QNIMERGE must allow.a fll teen (1:5} day period for public review and comment, -When CQMMERCE's public re,viLw and m coment'. period expires, COMMERCE may; after oansidering any comments ..form. notify the Contractor In,wrlting of the. release cf.federal funds for the protect: B: This speeialcondltlon is satisflW.1when the Confracl:D''&ompletes the onvironn ental review and 'request for'release of funds from -.COMM R' E. ;The special `bonditl(5n �ls effectively°rarnoved an` " the date GDMrVIERCE'prnvides the Contractor -with written Wdtl'ce=.of°release pf fun.ds ' I'rtim#ne.n.t i lireat. GCatlfs Fun. c3Ing shill not b®"re, leasd:a an.4rnnilnot �}ireet grant reciplent.uijt€1.t3ie follow,ing.conditlons are met The Coritrac}oras"lures that assisted actMtlei a`r - for t�mparPry.;ar perrnanent Improverrierits Ilmited'%o the-prdtectlon,°repair or arrest'of imrnineh threats i6,public healt}t aril safety -or physicai.deterioratlonz,°Thd Contractor further assures that assisted activities wN result In either no change or minlmal change in the environme'rntal,condltions;that eklsted=prlor•to: thei e�rlergency. In,addltion,, the,Contractor..assures.ltwill.document, in wrltingl itsdeterminatlbn that cavil ac#ivity or project is axempt ar?`d meots'the.candltlons specified for'such exemptlan under Secticiri 58:34 of 24 CFR, Esvlroram®r�tal Revler-1?raoadures'far Title 1 CbE3G Programs In: cases w�ere`Can#raetors must taice'aation immediately, or wlthii a tirne;too short to allow full SEPA compliance; fb avoid. aft imminent threat to ipubllc health,or:safety,,`t, piavent an.;l -. Nnent ' danger to public or'privata propeor o'prevent an immediate threat of sorious environmental ;E -_,,d egradati'orl,:such actions are -''ex 197'11-880,.': Planhin Onto anrt Public 9 OrVILew Grants Funding shall fat be•released to a RaRr lni Qnly;or,R'ublkc;Services, grant recipient until th e - following oondlt'10' are met: Th6 Confrac#ar assures that assisted activities are exempt under NEPk(24 CFR 58:32).arid categcrlcally exernpt'under SE'PA,(RCllll 43:210,110} Ti e 0ontracicr further assures; that the activ[ti�es da ,list conio illidar>the pul irleln+ of any. other fegeral state; an"d, known local environmental'laws; statutes, regulations or-exeoutl'vp'orders..-'Irti addition, F'- 52 Is COMMERCE /'Local Government Agreement for Federal Funds 3. • • • SPE.C,IAL.:TERMS AND.:CO.NDiTiONS COMMU.NITY,DEVELOP:MENT .BLOC;K :G.RANT: PROGRAM, the Contractor assures It will document,, 16 ut!riting,1ts..determination that each activity,•.or: pr.•oject is exempt aril meets the condlti`ons specifed forsuch::exemption, under (NEPA) 24 CFR 58,34(3)• (for POG) or 58134(4) (tor PS}'and SEI A AC.197'11,=800 (for POG) or-1NAC.19.7-11=305.(for Float-Funded Activity Grants ` Funding shall not.be released4o 4 Float-Funded Activity,grant reclplent untl[JI)wfollowing conditions are'tinet;. A:. 'tifafie'Contractor`compleied'a CDBG erivirohmentaF*rev lew;for`the'project undrrr a'previous C ' BG:'and' has written notlficatlori'from COMMERCE of the %r6lbaise, of:federal*funds -under that grant, the Contractor must „provide.a,letter.of Continuation notifft'C' MMERCE that 'the envlronmental.revlew-requiremenfs liave`b' h, met, 'The Letter of �Copffnuatlon musi reference'th granf under which°CD$G envlrbnriienial: roview'requirer tints. were met, it must also confi'r'm that the prQject'scop'e has-h6fbh nged`and no additionai`ehVironmen al review activities are required, B. If the Contractor'has not completed a CDBG environmental revf'ew.for the project under a : .',,previous, grant,.,.it must-;meet the. same.conditio.n.srequired forahat grant as_,described,in this Enviror>menta! Review chase 9. EQUAL OPPORTUWtY`TREATM 'T'FOR'FAITH 8ASEbbRGANiZA710.NS''. ' The; Contractor agrees; to comply with:,the:applicaple requfrements of 2A;:CF;R..6 0::200(J:)::Housing and UrbanDave,lopm t,Qepartment.(HUQ);..... 10: INSURANCE:. The C6 6, proulde'insurance.coverage as"set out in`tlais section,'Thelnient•of the required Insurance'ls-to protect COMMERCE-should there be any claims; sult`s�; aotions,`,costs, damages or experises arising from;any loss,.'or negligent or intentienai act o� oml$slon of:.the Contractor or Stlbt;onkractor, or agents o eltlier; while performing, urider the terms of this Agreement. The;ansurance: regp)red.-shalf be: issued, by an:Insurance corn pahy`authoiiized to do-:busine'ss within the state of Washington. Except.for Professional Llablllty:or-Errors,and;Omissions; Insurance, the insuranceshali:,name;the:.state o.f Washington,jts.agents,;:officers.;and. e(nployees;as. I dditional ipsureds under the insurance.pollcy, All poiicles ishan be,;primary.: to any-other:valld and:.collectable Insurance the Contractor shall,lnstruptthe_insurers to,.g)ve COMMERCE thir!t)! (30)'caiendar:days advance notice of any insurance cancellation; non:renewal or modlficat!Qn. The Contractor shall submit to COMMERCE within fifteen (15) calendar, days of, the Agreement start date,, a certificate-of insurance which outlines the.covera.ge.and limits definedAn this insurance: section; bur)ng the fe'rm'offhe Agreement;: the'Cottractor's`hall, submit renewal`ceFt)ficates not less than th:loy. (30�, calei)dar days` prior to' expiration of each policy re'q:ulred'ander: al is s.'ectlon +: ..... . The .Contractor. shall,*provld.eansurance;coverage.that:shall be maintained.an-fuil_force .and. effect during: the term .of!thls.Agreernent; gas: follows: Commerc'ial,Generat Liabilitylnsurartce'Pollcy;;.PCovIde'.a Cotrimerctal`Gi� eral'Liabhity,. Insura'nde`Policy.;`:i'rjclu�Ijig contracfuai Ifabi'llty,;writteii o`r an'gccurcence'.:5asfsnln.adouafe. quan'tlty to protect agalns# legal liability 00arising, out of,'Agreeimbrit activity but,no .less than $1,0,000 per occurrence Additionally, tete_ Contractor is responslbie.for ensuring that an:y `` :Silbcontractors .provide adequafe Insurance coverage .fol .the,activitios arising out :of sub'cantracts. AutomoblI&Liabilitw—In:the:+.event that! performance::pursuant-to-thIs:•Agreemenf. involves. the use of vehicles, owned'or operated" by the Contractor or, its _Subcontractor; automobile ;liability. insurance shali be required,-.The.min)mum limit for automobile liability is $1;OO:q,;000 per occurrence, iisin"' a Gombined'Sinq l unit fo'r bodiIy`I'q ry attd property damage, ' ProfelssIonal Laa,gllity,, Errors:and;,Omissions:lnsurance..The : Contractor: shall maintain..: .Prpfessional Liability or. Errors,an0 Omisslons.lnsurance The:Contractor.shall m-alntaln.minimum • ; ;Ilrnits of no less t0an,$1;000,000. per occurrence to.cavera)l;activitles,by.the,Contractor: and F 53. COMMERCE / Local Government Agreement for Fede'ral;F.unds S"P.ECIALTERiVIS.ANO:CONDITIONS `.,: COMMUNiTYb8VELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT•PROGRAM licensed staff`bf' ployed•'or under contract to'the Contractor. 7iie. state '6f'WbshIngton, .ts agehts; • officers, .and employees•need. not be. named as addlilorial`lnsureds under `this policy: Fidelity {nsarance. Every'offioer; dlector, employee; or`agerit who"!`s aufhorized`.to act'on `b`ehalf .,6f 'the Contraotorfor tftie'purpose of"receiving'or tlepositing funds I.nto'pro�rarri accodnfs ar I'suing'financlandocuments,' checks, or other instruments of payment for pro'gra'm` costs shall be . Insured to provide protection against losei A. The amount of fidelity coverage secured, -pursuant to this Agreem, en(sh4lt be $;100;000. or the hlghest;of::planned reimbursement:for:the:Agre.ement,perlod, whichever:Is-lowest.:;Fidellty: :insurapce.secured:pursuantao:this.,paragraphahall.nam e:COMMERCE as beneficfary: Subcontractors ti'at rQcelve $10,',000`4r more'per'year;In:fun�dlrig througii.`this Agreement shall. '.aecu're'fidelity'Insut•an'e'e as'noted above. Fidelit ihsarance'secured:by"SubcoritracYors ':pursuant to:4his par agraph;dhail nanie`the'0ontradtor asp f;ensficiary: The1Contractor shall;provide; at �COMMERCE'srrequest;,copies of insurance:lnstrwrnents:or. cer,,tlfications frpm the'insuranca Issuin.g:.agency.,, Thelco.ples:or. certifications Shall show=the ' insurance,coyerage,,,the,designated beneficiary, whg1s:covered; the'arnounfs; theyperlod;of :.:..coverage; and that, COMMERCE wili;be,provlded,thirty (30:) days advance:written notice•of:: cancellation. Additional' Provisions: AIJQ0e�Insurance'po4cy si alll {nc:166 9 the follovvin .proV1sions; .• ... .,. i .. r ;1 .. r. �:f ... .. ... .. .iii ... 1... •.. .. 1. ;AddltlohaL:Inswred::The state of Washington,: COMMERCE;ilts elected, and�;appolnted!officials, agents.;and,-employees:sflall be:narrmed;es:an•additional•Insured owall.:general lfatillity, excess, umbrella,and;property!insurrance:policfes.. AI6'Insurance,provided•in compllancewith.this . ,greement:shall ;be. primary-as,:to;any; other;lnsurance or::self-.insuran'ce.program s afforded to -or. . rnaintalned, by the: State, 2.. fdentiflcatiori.-�The'policy`n ustref6r. rid6'COMMERCE's'A�reementnumber and'tfie.Sfate agency name, 3,.:,,Insurance:Car:rier:Rating..;All,insurance and. bonds should:be issued,bycompanfes�admltted:to; ;do 'business.wIthin.ithe:state ofiWashington::and':have a..rating, of.A=,, C.lass VIVO better::in: the most. . recently pubiished;.edltionof:,Best's;Reports.Any:ekoeptlonshall: be:revlewed.and:approved:by COMMgR, QE's:R1sk.,Manager;. or.#he. Risk Manager for:the state of:W.ashfngton;: before;the: Agreement:is:accepted or. work:may.begln:.I If;an:insurer�is;.not admitted;;' alb lnsurance;poiicies . and procedures -for lssuing'the;lnsu.rance pbllcles:must.cornply with--;C.hapter4B,15 RQ. Wand 284- ' 15 WAC. 4. Excess Coverage, By; requiring Jnsurance herein, COMMERCE does. not represeht that coverage 'arid Ilrnits"wiflz'be adequate to'protect Cohtractor and such"cove'rage 6nd'1I'r fs sf ali;not limit` Contractor's iiabiilty under the indemnitles•.and relmbursements'granfed to COMMERCE in this Agreement. Local Government Contractors that Participate in a' Self=lnsuratice'Proaram- Self-Insured/Liabfllty'Pool or Self -Insured -Risk Management Program - With prior•approval from COMMERCE, -the Coniractor.may,provide the coverage above under a. self.;insured/liability pool or self=Insured risk management program. in order to obtain permission from COMMERCE, the Contractor shall provide: (1) a description of Its self-insurance program, and: (2). a certificate an/or letter of coverage that outlines coverage limits and deductibles. All self-insured risk management programs or self-Insured/liability pool financial reports must comply with Generally Acicepted Accounting Principles. (GAAP) and adhere to accounting -standards promulgated by: 1) Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB), 2) Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB); and 3)'the Washington State Auditor's annual Instructions for financial reporting. Contractor's. participating in joint risk pools shall rnaintaln sufficient documentation to'support the aggregate claim liability irfformatlon•reported on the balance sheet.. The state of Washington; Its agents, and employees need F-54 COMMERCE /Local Government Agreement for Federal' F6hds' `. 6` SPE IAL.TERMS.Atha,CONDIT,IO S. . CoNfMUNITY,DEVELOPMENT B ,6Qlk 6RANT PROGRAM not b}e named as additional, insured tinder, a sa{fRin, cured proper[yllfaN Ity,.poel if the pofli fs prohibited from narriing third parties aS addilortaf ipsured ,. Goritractar small provide annual!to _GChIlMERCF,;ntra summary- of coverages and,a.:letter of self insurance, evidericing �ontriiued coverage under Coactor's setf insure'dJllablllty poi l;or se'lfrinsured risk management prgg4a n., Such annual -summary of, average and letter of self lnsurance;w�fl; be provld'ed'en the a; n"niversary of the'sta'rt date of this %greemgnt.' l 1, .SUBCONTRACTS.FO[Z'ENGIN.EERtNG SERVICES Englneering flrms must' -Certify tffat they are authorized ta'do buslrl°esstin'the'state of Washington and are In fu compliance-with.the'reaulremeiits�of #fie-Board-of!ProfesVorial'Beglstration. The steal! requlre that professional services providers be covered; bY.errors and omissions, nsurance in an . amotant bot _Iess;thaC1'the arrioiinto fhe firm's SuCol lf.. he.firrn.is-unaOle to obtain -errors and omiss�ans iii§ui- be;`the firm snail post I�And wjfh the Contractor far not less:thah.the arnvunt of the subcontract. Such Insurance or bond shall remain in effect for the entire farm-af the srtt�oohtract: The subcoritract:sl�ail' provide thataartca'lla#len°or lapse of .thebond or insurance during the term Qf`the subcontract shall c6nstltute a'.mater.iai,breacf#.of the subcontract'and-cbbse'for-sub'eb"t dct terrninptron Thej0-ontractor sh! alkcause the�su'beantra'ctor to, provide 30-day:hbtice of cancellation. If the enginearirig ffrrn.ls•afso the- i`o act adn inlstrator; ilia Gnr #ractar chili require that,th'e-bond or Insurance shall be for not less than the amount of;the entire CDBG' project. 72. PROGRAM INCOME Program income, as defined -in 24 CFR 57.0,489(e); .retains federal- identity. will be,used,before, drawing additional CDBG or NSP funds to complete activitles;l'nelud`ed In the'SGape-ofWork'a;nd Btrdgst i ha::Gontraotor must rnairtairi iecors:of program ircame reaelved and°expended; acid annually repdrt program, income �recelved:afker dloseout of Ahis, Agreernant, if thbAotem amd0t;of program.:inddm. elreoeived:ln be used to-Continue'the: same.,aotiv:ities;to: ben'efiilow-'and` moderate.;lncorne'•persons'or'.wlthl ()OMMERCE - approval, for other activities to benefit low- and moderate-inceme persons, '-Interest`earne&on C013G. I. or NS, funds in e*cess_of $1.00 must;be remitted. -to CQ,MiVFERCE.for.•retum.-to the tJ, S.. �reas,�.ry• 13. REPORTS The.Contractor,:atrsuchv-tlmr;s,'and in'suoh1orm. sial :CDIVIMERCE rr ay -require; shall "furnish,:periodic repents perfalnirlg.td''trie:a tivlti'as undertalteri,purs'uantto thls;Agreement,: These reporfs'rnayrincluaie envitonrnental:rev lew.retards:pud#igatlon.affldavits, prccure+rieritand coritradting records, documentation:of;cornpliariceiwith HUD civil-rights, requirements; jgb'treatlon records -,-"Program, income+reports;-reports rf.the;costs:and.obilgations incurred in'corinoctlori1herewitt itJhe ficial• :closeout!report,�and any otheftnatterstcovered'by this Agreem-ent,- i a 14. ORDER OF: PRECE13ENCE. =E -16 itis event of an lncansistOncy jrs.t. s Ag eemont,.the inconsistency shall,be resolveei icy giving . precedence in ;the foll'oi��fng order ' Applicable federal and istafeof Washington statutes acid regulations • Speclaf Terms and Conditions • General Terms an.d;Condilipns;. Scope of Work and Budget F-55 COMMERCE I Local Government Agreement for Federal -Funds,.;. „ 6 GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS. 1. I[ili=Fl1►�ITit']N5 ' „ , . ; .. - As used throughout this Agreernent,"the following terms shal[�have:the meaning seta -forth -below: A:' "Author€zed° Riapresentative"'sliali mean,the .Di"rector and/or the designeetautliorized: in writing to acton th`e''Dlrebtor's behalf., B. "Contractor" shall, mean`the entity identified on th'elface sheet perfonn`ing. services) Undai this Contract, and shall include all employees and agents of the, Contractor, C:. "COMM ERCEq-shaII. nMe1;a6Jhd!Department of;C:CMMERCE,or Its successor agency: D. `"Personal Information" shall mean Infonnation identifiable to any person, Including, buf naC limited t6 ihforrnahibn;thk.'f6l ilesito a persoWs name, health,=.finances; educaiion;'bu9iness',.use�ar receipt of governmerftal services -or other activitids,�,addresses, •telephone nurn, bers,Isocial . ' seeurlty-numbers, driver' lioer[se numbers; iother identifying numbers, attd'any, financiol' identifiers, E. "State" shall mean the state of Wa,4 ngton. F "Subcontractor" shall' mean.one.. not Iri'the omolbyment of the Contractor; -Who is °perforrriing all or part of those services under this Agreement under a separate contract with -the, Gortractor, The terms "subcontractor' and "subcontractors" mean subcontractor(s) in any tier' ::,;" ;,. 2.' ALL WRITINGS CONTAINED H1=REIN r This Agreement contains all the: te'rrn's:•andr eondition's agreed :upon�'t1y' the, parties: No other understandings, oral or otherwise, regarding the subject matter`af this Agreement shall be deemed io exist or to bind any of the partlesbereto: 3. 'AMENDMENTS This Agresrnent.may be amended by mutual agreement of the parties,'Sucf3,aipendmei# shall not be binding. unless they are in writing -and signed by personnel authorized to.bid each of;th� parties.0 4 ASSIGNMENT' Neither:thls 46ropment;:rior;an, claim.;arising-un+�er-this, P+green?ent,; shall `�q transferred. or assigned g Y by;tlie Guntractor with 'dt prior written consenf pf CO111111 C :RCI= r : 5. ATTORNEYS' FEES Unless expressly permitted under another pravisjon of the Agreement, in the event of l€tigatibb or other action brougtt-tol ihforce'Agreerrient terms, each party�agree' to bear ita own'attorneys: fees, and costs. Jr A. General Reguiremein#s .Contractors are: to procure audit services based on the following guidelines.;, The Contractor shall maintain its redords and'accognts`lso as to facilitate the aitdlt'requirement and shall ensure that Subcontractors also maintaln-auditable r'ecards ,: . The Contractor is responsible for -any audit exceptions incurred, by €ts;own organizatiap.or that of Its Subcontractors. CflMiUIERCE reserves tine right to recover from the Contractor all disallowed casts resulting from 1. the audit. F-56 COMMERCE 1 Local Government Agreemerit'fvrFederal-Funda'' �' IF—] GENERAL_ TERMS -AND OND (TIONS. As applicable, Contractors required .to have -an audit must ensure.the audits -are perrarmed in accordance. with Generally Accepted Auditing Standards (GAAS); Government Auditing. :Standards;(fhe Re►rised:Yeilow.Bvak),.developed;bythe-:Comptroller-General:. Responses1o.any unresolved management: findings an disallowed or questioned cgsts shall be included with'the audit report. The Contractor must respond to CCMMERCE,regaests.for, , .Information or corrective action concerning, audit issues wlttiin thirty (30) days:of the dale of request: B3 Federal Funds•:Reaulrernents =:G.IU B.-CArcular AA33•-Aud[t,.q.nf tafa-S.. I nnnIl .C%noalrnmanfa Contractors expend1ng.c'p517[] 040-:ar more,lfi a_fiscal.:year-in federa).1on4s.from all,sources, direct and in.direct;'=are,requlred'to have an.audit,conducted in ;aceordanse vvith;C)ffice,of; IV[anagement an di Budget:(OMB)�Revised�!Gircula r,,• A -t 3$ "Audits-,Pf. ;States,. i;cpa1,Govor - . encs, and; Non -Profit Organizations." Revised OMB A-133 requires the Contractor to provide the auditor with a schedule:of Federal Expenditure for the fiscal yeaei'rtg- Udited:. The,Schedule of:State Financia'( Asslstance must<be included.; Bothls.ghedules V, clude;: Gr'an(vr agency Curie" i - Federal.agency: �. Federal.program name Other identifying agreement numbers Catalog of FederaPI)ornestic,As$i#anc'e_(Cf=DA) number,- �Grantor agreement number,..;. Total award amount including amendments (total grarlt,award). ; Beginning balance Current year revenues Current year expenditures Eri ing,�b'alance . i prog'rari: total' If the Contractor is a state or local: government entity, the. Office of the State Auditor,shaiF.conduct :. the audit. Audits of non -,profit organizations are to be conducted by a certifiied public accountant s®l6cted`by Lha" Coniform 'Ad rnWit rati`ve Requirements far Grants and Agreements with'Ih°stitutioris'of'Higfien,l✓ducafiari; ,Hospitals Fa6d' Other Non -Profit Organizations." The. Contractor shall include the above audit.re9uirements in any supeontracts; In:an.yicase;;the Contractor--s:financial.recvrds.rnust-ba:avallahle for review.. y G4MCUiERC . C. Documentation Reclulrements The Contractor must send a copy of any required auditzReporting Package as de5cribed,in10,MB Circular -A-11 33, Part C, Section 320(c) no, later than nine (9) months after the end of the Contractor's fiscal years) to: Department of`Corr meFce .. ;ATT Nt�-Audit;Review;and Resolutian:Office;; 906 Columbia Street,SW, Fifth Floor PQBox 42525 Glyrnpla'Vlfti 985842525 + Corrective action plan for.audit findings,within three (3) months of the audit being .., . recefvedl5y cor�i�>�cE. ■ Copy of the Management tetter F-57 COMMERCE f Local Government Agreement for Federal .'Funds 2. GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS 7. CERTIFICATION REGARDING D`EBARMEN7' St1SP�ENSIO-WOR INELIGIBILITY XND, vni-iiwrAov F]Cif_f rIQie) —, Pr21W1A?V'AMn:'1 nYVFR TIFR r.OVFRFn TRANSACTIONS A:+' Contraetor; defined'as the'', ar pard 1pant and it,pr!n6 als, ceitffies by signing.these General Terms and Conditions tliatta the'•best:.vf its kriowledge and`belief:thatthey: 1'.Are not presently debarred suspenddd; propr}sed for debar.--rhent,-declared;., ineligible"; or 'volunkarilyexcluded iromcovered #tansacifons byany Federal :departmenf.or agency; ° .` Have nQt within a these year period preceding this Agi,11 'ent, beers convicted of, or had a - civiI judgmen rev Bred against thio f' - cornrnissiptt t�f fraud'or a criminai offenseIn conraeGtlon with obtaining,, atternpt�rlg #o,obfa3n, .ar perforf�7ing ,a public or private agreement or transaction, violation of Federal or State antitrust statutes oc commission of ernf?ezzlement, theft forger}+, brif3ery, faislticati6n or.destructlan ,+�f records, making Use statements,, tax evasiari,:receiving stolen property, making false,alalm§, or obstructron Qf�ustice, 3: Are not presently lndloted for or otherwise crirrilh6t[ r -dr elviily°dharged: by a'govem, m6ntal 'entlty (Federa4, State; or local)4Ithi:commission of any of the' c�fferises enumerated In paragraphv(1)(b)`ofthis: sectlan an-&- 4,, Have not W ithin a fhfee-year,per od ,precodirlg the slgnirig, of -this 'Agreemen had one of more . public transactions [Federal, State-, or lora[) terminated fcr cause of `default. B. Wher,•e .the Cor;fract0'.'s' r is,unable-ta certify to, arty at the statements �r� this Agreement, the CDntractar shall attach an expianafian to. Phis AgreeTent, , C. The .Contractor agrees by signing this Agreement that it shall net knowingly enter Into any lbwer tier covered, transactidn with a person who is debarred, suspended,, declared neligible;` dr- vpiunfairily,excluded;from par cipaflon.ln this covered transactio%,unless allthorized:f3y.,, }, COMMERCE. D. The Contractor further agrees by signing this Agreement that it wlll'ihciude the -clause titled "Cartiticatlon Regarding-Debarment,'Suspension, Ineligibility. and Voluntary Excluslon:-..Lower Tier,: Covered -Transaction," as foliowsi, without modification, Jr). ali,iower.tier, covarod transactions. -and [n all .solipiiations for lower tier covered transactions J_0WER TIER.,COVERE137RANSACTIONS _8Y., Jhr lower fierr.contractor cbrilfies, by signing this Agrleement-tliat.-nelther it nor.its principalsJ6 presently debarred., susper>ded pr.aposed fordebajment,'declared iriellgibie;,or v+?luntanly,. excluded from participation in this transaction by any Federal dopartmenf or agency. oaf Where the.lowerjler contractor is urratile to be 1rAIty ta.ariy of the state"ments,In this. Agreement, suchcontractor-shraliattach an explanation to;this greement. �,.. E. - The terms covered transaction, debarred, suspended, Inellgible lower'tler,covet&d • _- transaction, person; primary, covered transaction; principal,, and voluntarily, excluded, as. used k,this.sec#lon„ flave the meanings set out tri the Deti'nit;ons,and Coverage.sect{e7ris of,the rotes implementing ExecutW Order 1254.9: -gnu may contact CO.NiMEfiCE fi?r,as5istaraoe, in , abtaEhing copy.p iegialati4ns: 8...!CON F101~N71ACEftTY15AF1=GUMDING-`OF'11NF0RMATIO.I+I. A.:,;'Gonfidential InformatiW as used�ln thls.section includes: ; t' ''i: AII' Matdria! provided=to the-C6ntractor by.C`OMMERCE-that is'designated' as "'confidential"' 'by -:COMMERCE All,materialprodl�ced by the Cgxitractor-tfiat,is designated as'"confidential ;[3y COMMERCE; and F-58 COM MERGE 1 Local Government Agreement'far Federal Funds 3 GENERAL, TERMS. AND CONDITIONS. • 3. All Personal information in the.possession of the Contractor that may not be.disclosed° under state.or.federal law. "Personal information" Includes but.'is not limited to infonmation.related_to a person's name, health; flnances; ' ducatlon, busiriess; use of government serveces,' add resses;'teiephone numbers, social,security•number,.�driver'� license number. and'other` identifyirig numbers,:and."P.rgtected:Health.lnformatioh" underthe:federalH'ealth;lnsurance Portabllity,and Accountability:Act:of.1.996 (HIPAA):.::. B. The Contractor:shall. comply: with all, -state and!federal.laws. related, to, the use;; sharing; transfer, sale;, or disclosure!of Confidential lnformation:,The:Contractor,shall: use,Confidential:,Information solely for, the purposes of this Agreement and shall not use, .share, transfer, sell or disclose any Confidential lnformatiori. to any, -:third party except with ith priorwritten consent of COMMERCE or as, may'be requlro by law. The Contractor shall:take, all•necessarysteps to assare`that Coni ideritiallhformafion Is safegGarded.to pr eventunauthorized_use, sharing, transfer, --sale or disclosure of Cor hdehtial lnforimationor iilolation,of'any state or federal laGfs: related thereto. Upon teguest, the Contrasti 'ctor'all`pfovide.COMMERCE with its policies .Hd procedures on confidentiality:'COMMERCE�may' require chang'esto siach'pohcres and ps'oceduresas•they apply ::;to,this;Agreement whenever. CO MM ERCEreasonab.ly.detbrmInes ahat:changes;are;:necessary to prevent, unauthorized: disclosures:;.The Contractor shall: make the, changes.wlthin;the;time period specified by COMMERCE. Upon request, the ContractQr;ahall immediatelyrreturr=to COMMERCE any Confidential Information that COMMERCE. reasonably -determines has not been adequately protected by&itConteacfor ag.alnsf'unaufhorized`tirsc{osdre C. Unauthorized Use or Disclosure., The.Cgntractor shall notify COMMERCE within�five (5) working days of a'ny unauthorized use `or disclos&d of any cdnfidential lnformatlon aiid shall take. ' necessary steps to.mitigate the•harrrif6feffecfs'of-sUch'use'orndisclosure: 9. CONFORMANCE.;...':i .. „...�. . If any provision'of ttiis Agreement Violat'es`anystatute;or°r`dW of`latii of'the stale of Vyashingtoti itis -considered modified to conform to that statute or rule of law.. ' 10. •COPYRiGHT,R:ROVISIONS•, 'Uniess othervi ise pedVided;°all Mai6rials pr6dUced-under,ti is Agreement shad. be:considered'uworks for hire" as defined by the U".S. Copyright Act and sllall-b6 owned'by COMMERCE'. COMMERCE shall.be considered .the author of such Materials. in.the;event the,Materials:are-notconsidered- 'W.orks for hire" under the U.S. Copyright laws, the onhereby irrevocably assigns all right, "trti'e, andiNterest in'all Materiels'; including all intellectuah'prop�'rtyrighfs; rrtoral,nghts; and rights of publl`city, fe5`COMMERCE`effecfive;from'the moment of.creatlon.of such Materials: "Materlais"`means, all: Items in any format and includes, ;but is not limited to; data, reports, documents, pamplilefs, advertisements; iBooks,�magazlnes,`.sirnieys;"studies;,computer programs;'fiims, tdpes, and/or sound reproductions. "Ownership"` ncludes'the'rlgh't fb' copyrlght;'patent, Feglster and the ability .to transfer these rights;. ; k: Materials that:are. dei v6r6d,.u*' ' I he ftbemeof," �ut that'into'rporate'pre=existing`materla`Is not p.66ced`Under the Agreemont,`theieContractor`hereby grants`to`COiViMERCa=' a non$xclusive; roy'alty�free.' irrevocable'licen 4-(- rith-tights t&' bbilcense fo `ofher's} i'n'such Materiais to translate, reproduce, distribute, prepare derivative works,. publicly perform, and`publicly'dispiay `The Contractor warrants and represents that the Contractor has all: rights.and. permissions,, including, intellectual property rights, moral rights and rights of'publ cify; necessary to grants.uch a•,iicense to,COMMEkCE. The Contractor shall exert all reasonableIW6 t f&a" dvise COMMEIRCE';=at`th6-ihie`of delis ery of Materials:fumished:under .this,iAgreement,:,of all, known, or. -potential lnvasions,of,privacy. .contained therein and. of any portion of such document which was not produced in the pdrformance; of this Agreement.. The.... Contractor shall ,provide. COMMERCE with. prompt written notice of each: notice or clain7 `of.infringement reoeived by th•e Contractot'with` respect fo any'Mafertals tletiVered:under this ' Agreement. 'COMMERCE. shall have the right to modify or remove any restrictive markings placed upon the Materials by the Contractor. F-59. . COMMERCE /Local .Government Agreement for:Federal Funds 4._ GE.NERAL TERMS. AND'CONDITIONS 11. DISALLOWED COSTS The Contractor;Is:.responsibfe fob an.y, audit except(ons;or disallowed:costs incurred by. its own.;,..... organization or that of its Subcontractors. 12.. DISPUTES .... :,.. . Except'as otherwise provided'in:this Ajreem6ht, when°a dispute arises between the!parties,--and'It• cannot be resolved by:dlrect negotiation 'dither 1pa4 may requesf d:dispute hearing withAhe'Director of COMMERCE, who may designate a neutral person to decide the dispute. The request for a dispute hearing must: . - � be;i,rj,writing; , .�.< , I,. +.. • . .: .st6te':the;disppted.Issues; :. . state the: relativepositions:of.the. parties;:,:' •, state the Contractor `s.name, address,; and Agreement. number. and,, >; • be matled:to`the:Dlrector•and thepthef party!s#espondent's) Agreement.Representative, within three (3) working .days after the parties agree that they cannot resolve the dispute. The respondent shall send a written answer to the requestor's'statement'to both the Director or the: .Director..s designee iand-,the .requestpr 1thin. five -(5) working.days., ;;;:; ; , .::.,• :.:: :..' • .. . 'The Director or des�.gnee_,shelf'review the ..wrltfen stgterti;ents and'''reply:in:wrifIng t6bo'th parties within fen'(10) working days The plrectoror'deSlgnee °may extend'this period i necessary by notifying the .. :i �: ... .,; ;: .: 4 :`. .:.-., .,t..','; 1''•":: i:" ::; .:.., 1! ;. i�..i ,:.. ..: ;.iii :. ,.,..::. ... I:: :. :: ... ': .. .. parties: The.decisionshall not be;admissible in -any succeeding judicial:or..quasl;judicial -proceeding...:.:,-..:,,. , The parties agreethat'"' Is d'j'; e processahall-precede any acfion 'in a jutllcial'or'' quasi-jud.iclal',' tribunal. • - ' - Nothing in this. Agreement shall be construed to -limit the parties' cholce of a mutually acceptab'le`. . alternate dispute. resolution (ADR) method,ln addition to the dispute;hearing procedure. outlined :, 'above: .. ... 13. DUPLICATE PAYMENT ; The Contractor certifies that work to be performed under this Agreement does not duplicate -,any work to be,charged against any-other:contract, subcontract,.orother.source.. :.. . 14. ETHICS/CONFLICTS OF INTEREST -In. performing under.this Agreement, the Contractor shall assure co' plian'ce`with•'the Ethics in-Public Service Act (Chapter 42.52 RCW ) and any other.:applicable state or.fiederal. lava related to -.ethics or conflicts of interest. 15. GOVERNING LAW -AND VENUE This:,Agreementshall;be construed;and interpreted in accordance;with:the„Iaws.of,the,stale of..: Washington, and the venue of any action brought hereunder shall be in the Superior;Court fqr. . Thurston County. 16. INDEMNIFICATION-.... To the fullest extent permitted by law, the Co*Actor'shalI1hdemhify, defend .arid hold.barmless the state of Washington, COMMERCE, all other agencies of. the state and all officers, agents and. COMMERCE,, employees of the State, from and all`clairris or damages for°(njuries to persohs°'or property or death arising,out,of.orincidenttq:. eLontraotors.perfgrrrn.anee or;fallure.ioperform the,Agreemenf. The Contractor's obllgation;to lndemn fy, defend, and;hold;harmloss ncludes an , claim :y.: F-60 COMMERCE !'Local Government Agreement forFederal 'Functs -,5 GENERAL:TERMS,AND CONDITIONS. the Contractor's agents, employees, representatives,. or. any Subcontractor or its.agents, employees, • or representatives.. The Contractor's obligation to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless shall not be.eliminated. by any actual or alleged eoncurreht negligence'of the` State writs -agents, agencies;;`errployees and'o'ffioers. Subcontracts shall include a comprehensive indemnification clause holding -harmless the Contractor, COMMERCE, the state of Washington,, its officers, employees and authorized agents. The .Contractor.waives Its1mmUnity:under Title:51 RCW.aoahe.e.xtent,it-is.:requlred to:;indemnify, . :defend:.andaholdbarmless',theState,and: Its a9encies,.,officers, agents or. employees.. 17. INDEPENDENT CAPACITY OF THE CONTRACTOR The parties intend that an independent contractor relationship will ,be created by this Contract. The Contractor and Its employees or agents .performing under this Agreement are nonemployees or agents of the state of Washington .or COMMERCE. The Contractor will not°hold' itself out as or claim to bean .officer oremployee.of COMMERCE orof the-state;of'Washir'gton'by ieason. hereof; nor will the Contractor make any claim' ofi•ighfi privilege orbenefif whichwould,accrue'to such ofNcer!or employee under 19W • Coriduct-and;!controlof the work'will:be 'solely-'with�the'Contractor. 18. INDUSTRIAUNSUR� ANCE CQXERAGE The Contractor shall comply with W:applicable provisions of Title-51-RCW,'industrial.�lnsurance. 'if fhe. Contractor fails to, provide, industrial..insurance cover.9 or.falls to .pay premiums or penalties, on ,beiialf,of its employees as; may; be required by Jaw, COMMl 1. Fnay. collecffrom the Contractor the full amount payable to the industrial Insurance Accident'Fund. COMMERCE'ma ' deduct'the amount owed by the Contractor to the accident fund from the amount payable to the Contractor by COMM ERCbmd'etlthls*-Contract,`arid'ttaihsmlt;the:deducted:.aniount 64he:Departme&of.Laborland Industries,,L&I:, Diuision of.lnsu ance Services, This provision does not waive any of L&I's ri- hts.to- • collect from the Contractor, 19. LAWS' -:t: The'Contractor shall comply with all `applicable laws, ordinances, codes; regulations, and° policles;'of local, state, and federal governments,' as now or hereafter amended, including, but not limited to: United States Laws, Regulations and Circulars (Federal) 'A: Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Revised Circular A-1.33 ".Audits of States, Local Governments, and Non -Profit Organizations." <Labor.and Safety.Stan:dards Conviof L'6b6r,18 U:S:C: 751,'T52; 4081; 4082: Drug -Free Workplace Act of 1988, 41 USC 701 et-seq. Federal Fair Labor Standards Act, 29 U.S.C. 201 et seq. Work.H64s"'and Safety;Actof 1962;•40 U:S:C`327-'330.2ndioepariment�6f`Labor Regulations;. 29 CFR Part 5. C. ' Laws against Discrimination Age Discrimination Act of 1975, Rublic, Law 94-135, 42 U.S.C. 6101-07,.45 -CFR .Nppc Iscriminat on in:Federally.Assisted P:rograms.,. Amerscans,with;Dlsabilfties;Actof.1.990,,PublicLaw1.0;1.-336. Equal :Erriploymenf Opporfun`ity; Executive'Order [ 246; as came' d6' by Executive''Order"1 137- 5 and supplemented In U:S'.'`Dep; rtrnent;df Labor' Regulations; 41 CSR Chapter 60:' F-61 COMMERCE / Local Government Agreement ,for,Federal,Funds GENERAL TERMS AND .CONDITIONS Executive Order 11246, as amended by E0:.11375, 11478, 12086 and 121:02. ,Handicapped Empigypes of Government Contractors,. Rehabilitation Act,of 1973, Section 503, 29 'U S.C; 793. Handicapped Recipients of Federal Financial'Assistanoe; Rehabilitation;:Act of 19:73, Section 504, 29 U.S.C. 794.' Minority Business Enterprises, Executive Order..:,11.625,,;15 U,S,C..631. Mjnority. Business .Enterprise Development„,Executive.Order.12432,.48 FR 32551., Nondiscrimination and Equal Opportunity, 24 CFR 5,105(a). Nondiscrimination in.benefits, Title VI of the`Civil Rlglifs Aet of 4964; Publfc Law 88352; 42' U.S.C. 2002d et seq, 24 CFR Part 1. ,+ ; Nondiscrimination in efnpioyment; Title,Vll .of.1he Gfvil Rights Aqt of 1964,; Public Law,88-352. Nondiscrimination in federally Assisted Construction Contracts, Executive Order 11246, 42 . U.S.C. 2000e, as amended by Executive:Order-11375,.41 CFR Chapter160: Section 3;'-Housing and Urban- development Act of`1:968;.12'•USC 1701ul(See 24 CFR' r° 570.607(by); �,. D. Office of Management and Budget Circulars Cost ,r1.ngj0.les,for..State„.Local,and..Indian.Tribal Governments,.OMB,Circular. A-87,,2-:CFR,: Part 225 Cost Principles for Nonprofit Organizations; OMB Clreular X122 *(If the; Contractor is-a>:nonprofit organization). Grants and Cooperative Agreements-with State and LocalGovernments,:OMB Circular'A=1'02'(if •''the;Contraotor l's a local'goVernMent orfederally:recognized'lndiantribakgovernment . _Uniform; Administrative Requirements for Grants. and.066(Agreements with;.fAitutions of Higher ;; .Ed`ucation,. Hospitals, and. Otkier.Nopp. o. anizations; OMB Circular A-110:: Anti-Kickback Act, 18 U.S,C. 874; 40 U:S:C. 27615,'.276c; 4,1: U­..8* ;.51-54. Governmental Guidance' for New Restrictions on Lobbying; Interim Final: Guidance, Federal Register 1, Vol. 54,. No. 243\Wednesday, December 20, 1989. Hatch Politl'cafActlOtyAct 5%Uf ;S:C:'1501-8;' ”' Internal Revenue Service Rules,, August 31, 1990.. Lobbying and Disclosure, 42 USC 3537a-and 3545 and 31 USC 1352.(Byrd:Anti-L9bbying .., -Amendment). 31 U.S.C. 1352 provides that contractors who apply or bid for an award of $1'00,000 or more must file the required certification. Each tier certifies to the.tier above. will:not.and . has not used Federal appropriated funds to pay any person•or organization for. Infiuenc'ing or 'attempting to'lhfluence;an'officer:or.-'employee of'any agency, aomemberbf Congress, officer or employee;of Congress; or-an ernployee.of;a Meriiber of Corigress. In c6nnectlon. With obtaining any Federal contract, grant or other award covered by 31 U.S.C. 1352. Each;tier must disclose any lobbying:with: non -Federal funds that takes; place; in. conneotlon:with obtaining any. Federal : award.,' Such disclosures are forwarded from tier to tier-,up t- the recipient. .. . -.Non; Supplanting Federal'Funds. ' Section '8 Housing'Asslstance,PaymenfV'Program'. F. Privacy Privacy :Act of.1974.,. 5. U.S ;C:;552a F-62 COMMERCE / Local Government Agre'emenf for Federal Funds ' 7- ' GENERAL. TERMSAN D. ;CONDITIONS Washinaton State Laws and Regula#ions -.,.A..,affirmative action, RCW 4106.020 �(l 1). B. Boards of directors or officers of non-profit -corporations- Liabjlify,- l imitations, Rb W- 4 -.2- 4". 264. C. :Disclos.ure•cam, paign. financea-lobbyl r)g-, -Chapter:42.17 RCW' D. Dischrrilination-human rights commission, Chapter 49.60 RCW. E Ethics, in public service" 6ha'pter42. 52- IR_ C*' F. Office ofmii'n or a women's business enterprlses�,'Ch.0ter8O.'l§:'RCW and OhE(ot6r73,26-02 WAC G. Open. publfc�meetlngs,;4ot,.i Chapter42;30;RCW, H. Public records act, Chapter 42.56 RCW. 1. 'State'btidbetlh'6, acco,6nti'hg" '-,`a1 .1RC1lU, 20. LICENSING, AC CREDIT&TI OU AND REGISTRATION cabJe, , '�-,and: federal ljcensing..,accredftatip�,-an d The Contractor shall: com ply. with;al 1:-appli' - ; local, state;,.and registration requirements or standards necessary for theperformanceof this Cont6acti 21. LIMITATfON OF AUTHORI the Authorized '!Re.prose;ntatti6,6'ALjih0'rizEi4'!.R',j''p'r-es-eq6t!ve,s-'desi-gneeby'-w'ritln'ql(d6c-tignition to be made prior to action), shall have the express, Implied, -or apparent authority .to alter, amend, d, me modify, nor -waive any: clause -pr cond itim.of. this -Contract.; 22. NONCOMPLIANCE WITH. -NONDISCRIMINATION LAWS ,) ... o; - -, 1 , r. i � , . , 1 -.", f . t. ... - :7 During theperformance .of.th�sAgreement .,:the :p - or sh Contractor all.comply with, all,federal,, state,,,and -::.local nondiscrimination laws,. regulationsand policies.- In the event of. (he Contractor's non-compliance dr reFusal''ta` comp.y.With'ariy nomiriatlon, I- w"r6gulat ion or policy, this Agrbenne'ntim2"ty; rescinded, cancel e'd 'or terminated' l n *h6leor'16 part; ah,d'th­6'C- 6 nt'r-a6tor,"m- aybe !decl6r6d';in'elig lbJe for further Agreements with COMMERCE. The Contractor shall, however, be given - areasqn0le -time in which tocure this noncorppliance.. Any dispute may bQ.resolved in accordance with the 41)isputes"procedure 'set f6rth'hewh? .23. POLITICAL ACTIVITIES Political activity of Contractor empfoyees and, officers are jlrnitediby,the-statp--Campaign FInpn, ces and Lobbying provisions of Chapter 42,17 RCW an'd.the'Federal Hatch Act, 5 U_�&i 61 60 160b. No fund6, maybe used for working for or a o all❑'t measures or or against the candidacy of anye' prs 24. 'PRIEVAILI Np- WAGtIAWS All opotrac.tersr.a.nd-subbont.ractors performing work on n 6 construct! fundedthro4 19- _pT0jPqt through this agree Ment.sh all,c9m ply, with prevail-Ing-wageJaW5. by PPYingithe.hIgher of.state or. era`l;pre�yaillng w8gQ&q9cord1ng1o!., p- ie- r- fuhded by Stat6 rovailln JjUbllb'-Wb�k8r;C6 applidabl&:,to "tent to P49�'Pr6valllng this agreement, includiiig.-but not I!m-L lta.;-th'e rig 8t,4'16 m6ht!of. !In Wag eso,and "Affidavit of Wages Paid" as required by RCW 39.1'2';040 - The -don- tractor i§h 11 L a nt a :m in I a records sufficient to evidence compliance with Chapter 39A Chapter L_ _ 2-R RCW, �,arid shall,make such;records available for COMMERCE's,reViow upon request; or The -Davis Bacon Act, 40 U.S.C.. S.C. 276a -276a-5 and- related federal acts Provide that ail laborers and. mechanics employed by coritractors or subcontractors in the 6fforrnan6' sh' allb6 "Pala -Wage's"'at F - 63 COMMERCE 1 Local Govern mont Agreement -for., Federal Fu nds GENERAL. TERMS',AND CONDITIONS rates, not less than thole prevailing on similar constructian. in the locality as deterrkllned by the; : •, - Secretary of Labor. 25. PROCUREMENT- STAN DARDS FOR FEDERALLY FUNDED PROGRAMS A Contractor which is a, local, government or Indian Tribal -government must establish. procurement policies and procedures iii accordance tie€th' dl�i6 Circulars A -i02, lfniform AdHiNstrative Requirements far Grants in Aid far Stati and ocaf Governments, for-allpurdhases•funded by thls -Agrsemerif :'.. . A Contractor which is a nonprofit organization skull establish procurement policies in accordance with OMB Circular A-110, Uniform Administrative Requirements for Grants and Agreements -with :Nonprofit Agencies, for all purchases4unded by this Agreement.. Thoantraotar, s -procurement system should:Inc lUde at least the following:: 1 A-ccede':or-stand6vd'lof`ibonduct°ihat sYiali goVern the'p'eoorrriance;gf its officers, employees, or agents engaged In the awarding of contracts using federal funds."':- 2. unds.":2. Procedures that ensur@ all procurement transactions shall be conducted,, in:a; manner to. provide,•to the;maximm u -extent practical, open -and frea,.cgrnpetit€on.. .- " ': 3. "Iwiniiurn'prcedura! re-�ulrem®rtes`,` as follows: jF a., Followa procedure to assure the;avoidance. of purehasiilg,unnecessary or,duplicative, • Items. ;b. Solteitations shall ;be <�ased;:upon a.clear,and accurate description. of .the technical requirements of :tbe;prgcorod items.; c, Positive efforts shall be made to use small and minority-owned businesses, d. The type of procuring 1nstrument3tfixed.price; cast-relrnbursement) shall:be determined by. the Contractor, but must be appropriate for the particular propu rement and. for promoting tie.best €merest of'ttie pragrarn involved e. Contracts shall be made only,%iIth reasonable subcontractors who possess the potential ability to perform successfully under the terms and ccnditions of -the proposed procurement. ; ;f, ; Some,form of pace :ar.,cost arlalysis-should be perforrned.in,connection with;eve.ry ;p.rocurement;aotion- g: Pracurlmen# records arial'files for purchases sliali`include•all'af tKe'faliow€ng: 1) Contractor selection or rejection. 27, . The 'bask for the cost or price. 3) �Justificat on for �adit of cornpet'itiVe'bids lf-affers`br;e not o�ialr3ed. ... f.. . k A system forrAgreement'adr6inlstration:to::ensure Gontrector conformance with.terms; conditions:and� specifications sof this AgreernentCand to ensure adequate andtimely. follow-up of all purchases. 4.' Contractor and Subcontractor must receive prior approval from COMMIERC.E,for using, -funds from -this Agreement to enter into a sole source Agreement or an Agreehi ntwhere-only'one bid a proposal: is;recelved when ,value,of: this:Agreement:ls;expected to; exceed $S,DflO:, :' Prior approval requests skull Include"a copy of proposed coiitr4c •and -any related prvccirement�decuments,and justification :for non-competitive prvcurement,:kf applleable 26. PROHIBITION AGAINST` -PAYMENT OF BON US:OR:COMMISSIdN; Tne funds`provided rrri+ler'this Agreemenf'shall, not.beused in payment of'any bands or commission for the purpose of obtaining VW apprbof the, appllcatlari•for such funds or any other approval or - F -64 COMMERCE 1 local Government Agreement for Federal Funds GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS F concurrence under this Agreement provided, however, that reasonable fees or bona fide technical. , _ consumin't; marlagerlaf or other�Such services; other than actual.solicltatfvn,`are not hereby prohibited if otherwise eligible as project casts. 27. PUBLICITY ; The Contractor, agrees �not.to,publish, or use any advertising or..publrcity,materials. €n.whrch the::state of Vlfash,ingtan or COMM ERG 's name is mentioned, or iangu�ge used .from whldh .the.connection-urlth the state of Washington's or GC?MMERCl `s name may reasonably be inferred'or implle�, without he prior written consent of COMMERCE, 28.'AIECAPTURE In the event that the Contractor fails to perform this. Agreer ie; t in accordance with state Iavus, federal laws, and/or the provisions°of'tl i9 Agraerh' t, Ct7MMERCE reserves,-the� right tba recapture fundsiin an amount to compensate.CC7#1 MJ RCE.for th noncom{ [igrlce;ir�-additi n.te ar:y th r..remodies a►iailabie of law or in equity: , ; 29. RECQ.Ri]S MAIINTtNANCE The Contractor shall malhfah all hooks 'records; dncumM.. ts; data aril#other evidendo`refating to this .Agreement and performance of the services described herein,,: including.but not;limited,to.aecounting' procedures and practices which sufficiently -and properly reflect all direot and indir'ecf costs of any nate' re4xpende� in tfie pe Fiirrnanee of this Agrcernent +=Cdrltractor shalh retain; sr ch records for a period of six years following the date of final payment. : •r If any litigation; cl'a#rn dr' audit 1s started.`before the explratloh -af tf a six (6): year pbrI6& the`re'cords shall. be retained until all litigation, claims, or -audit .finding' s,1nvaiving!the records-nave�been finally resolved. 3l}:` -REGISTRATION-WITH: DEPARTMENT OF -REVENUE - . If required bylaw, the Contractor shall camplefe registratlan with. the Washingfon State Department of Revenue. 31. -SAVINGS;: , l In the event funding From state, federal or other sources is withdrawn, reduced, cr limited in any way after t€ d'effeetive date of thl6Agree ment and•prior td -normal compldkn :GflMMERGE may terminate the Agreement under the "Term [nation for Convenience" clause, with. o0t,the�--tenr calendar day -notice requirement;;.ln.fieu of.termination, the.Agreerent.may be i5mpnded, to.reflect the new funding limitations bin conditlans; 32.. SEVERABILITY If any provision of this Agreement or any. provision of any.documei t incorporated by reference shall be held jnvalid, such'inva'hd! y!shalj not`af'6di the other provisions of this Agreement that can be given effeotwithout the invalid -prvv€sidn',-€f'such remainder cenforrns to; the; requiremer ts:,of:'lawand the fund.�mehtal_purpose !of this. Agreement: and to this-end�the prbvislbns;of�.this-.Agrdementare declared to be severable. 33. Si16GONTUCTING The;Cantractor may ohlysubcontract work:contemplatdd•,under this.AgreementIfi it obtains the prior written approval-pfCOMMERCf. . ILI If COMM ERC R approves s0contrai ting, the Contractor shali 'maintain:written procedures;rdlated to subcontracting, as well as copies of all subcontracts and records related to subcontracts. For cause, COMM ERC E•in writing may: {a} require the'Coritractar to aimend,-its subcontracting,0rocedu,�e6.as.' ' #hey relate to this Contract; {b} prohibit, the gontractor from subcontracting with: a particular person or entity; or (c7 require V Q; orftra& or to resglnd. Qr amend a subcaritrac, F -'65 COMMERCE Local Government Agreement for Federal. Funds 10 - GENERALTERMS AND CONDMONS' Every supgontra A,shall;bind the Subaontractor.io follow ail applicable, terms of this Cantracf. The tractor is responsible to GDMMERC if the',Subcaritraotor fails to comply vrrri any, appllcabEe term :.'& candiiian vf. fhls. Contract The:ContractorOall .appropriately monitor :the�activities of h' 'G `- Subcontractor to assure fiscal condltions of this Contract, �n no event shall -the existence. of a subGpritraot o'perate't'6miease or ri6dbc6l th& liability of the, Gor tractor. to -C- OMMERGE-forany breach in the performance of the Contractor's duties; Every subbd tract. -shall Includwa term --that' CUMMERCE and the,State.af Washington,are not JiabI6, for�clalr s, •or, damages arising fr6m'.a S'ubcontractor's performance of the subcontract 34 SURVIVAL The terms, conditions, and warranties contained in ibis Agreement`ttrat by their sense ani eoritext are int6nded to survive tlie'com fetion of-tho,perforrriance;'canbellation!or termination:-of.thls Agreement shall so survive. 35:.TAXE All' payments ad&Ued bn' account of Payroll't€ ce5 'unernp16ymbnt oontnibutions„the`-C' Qntractor's .4: ° - uricbrt"e or gross r6oelpts,l any other taxes, insurance dr expenses, for+the �C�aritraotor. DHts'staff shall be the sole responsibility of the'Contractar`' 36. TERM INAtION FOR CAUSE I SUSPENSION In event COMMERCE detenmines that the Contractor failed to compiywith any term or condition of this Agreement, COMMERCE may terminate the Agreement in -whole or in' part upon written notico to' the Contractor. Such termination shall, be. deemed "for cause.” Termination shall take effect on the date specified in the notice. . In the alternative, COMMERCE upon written -,)Vice may allow the Contractor a specific period of time in which to correct the non-compliance, touring the corrective -action time period, C.OMMERCI✓ may . suspend.further payment to the Contractor In whole or"In hart, or rmay'restrlct the,Contractor% right to perform duties under this Agreement. Failure, by, the Contractor to take timely corrective actors shall allow GOMMFRC E to terminate the Agreement upon written notice to the Contractor. "Termination for Cause" small be deemed a "Terminatlon for Convenience"'when COMMERCE determines that the Contractor did not.fail to cornply with the terms of the Agreement or When COMMERCE determines the failure was not caused by the Contractor's actions or, negligence. If the Agreement Is terminated for cause, the Contractor shall be liable for damages as authorized by law, including, but not limited to', any cost difference between tare original Agreement and the replacement Agreement, as well as all costs associated with entering into the replacement Agreement (I.e.., competitive bidding,mailing, advertising, and staff time). 37. TERMINATION FOR CONVENIENCE Except as otherwise provlded In this Agreement, COMMERCE may, by ten (10) business days written notice, beginning on.the second day after the mailing, terminate this Agreement, in whole or in.part. If this Agreement is so terminated, COMMERCE shall be liable only for payment required under e.. terms c4this Agreement for services rendered or goods thdelivered prior to the effective date of termination. 38. TERMINATION PROCEDURES After receipt off -a notice of termination, except as otherwise directed by COMMERCE, the Contractor, shall:: A. Stop work under the -Agreement on the date,- and to the -extent specified, in the nonce; B. Place no further:orders or subcontracts for materials, services, or facilities related to the Agreement; F-66 COMMERCE 1 Local Government Agreerhen'F for Federal F'u'r ds 1 • .. • W. GENERAL. TERMS A.ND CONDITIONS - G. Assign to COMMERCE all .of the rights, title, and. interest,of the. Contractor under the'orde'rs:and subcontracts sa terming#ed, rn which case COMM R01w f as theiright, of its disoretlon; tv.settle or pay arty-ar ail claims, arising out of the terminat'[on of sudh orders and �subcvntraets Anyattempt by the'Contradti3r to se"ttle such claims rrrUst have'ff a prior Written approval 6KOMMI RCE, ,and D:; Preserve' and transfer,any, materials, Agreement deliverables and/orCOMMERCR prop r#y in the Contractor's possession .as directed. by COMMERCE; Upon- termination.,of the. Agreement;-COMI ERGE.;shall gay the Cori.tractor for anyservrceI. prflvided by the Contractor: under the;Agreement;prior tb fhe date.af termination:o.M111lER, CE'rnay, withheiid any amount due as COMMERCE reasonably determines is:necessary to protect COMMERCE against potential loss or liability resulting from the termination. COMMERCE shall pay an"withheld. , amount to the Contractpr if COMMERCE later determines that loss -or liability will not.occur. The!rlghts and remedles.of C❑MMERC.underthrssection.are, lr� acid€tlart.to;anyotFier rights and, remedies provided under this Agreement or otherwise provided under law. 39. WAIVER Waiver. of - any . default, or; breaehv.shall; nat.;be deemed, to be waiver;of any:subsequant default or: 'breach : Any waiver.shalljnot'be oonstrued;to be. a modification of.the,terrrrs.of,this Agreement unless stated to be such in writing and signed by Authorized Rep' resentatiVe.of C0MlVlERCE., F-57 COMMERCE 1 Local Government Agreement for Federal Funds 12 ATTACHMENT A -- SCOPE OF WORK AND BUDGET Contractor: City of Port Angeles Contract No. 1.0-64100-093 Budget Category Goals/Expected ResultslProducts 21A Genual Admin. = Satisfy all requirements for the proper handling and distribution of state CDBG Ecoids targeted to this project. I 033 WaterfSewer Improvements 03K Street Improvements = Establish and maintain administrative point of contact and program administration procedures, record keeping and. financial management systems in accordance with federal and state requirements. ■ Compile, complete, and submit all necessary reports, as requested. ■ Ensure compliance with all state and federal regulations and procedures. = Construct public, offsite infrastructure including water, sewer, stomia water, utility, and street improvements necessary for the development of two affordable housing units with. HHCC and a 28 unit permanent supportive housing project with Serenity House. i ATTACHMENT A -- SCOPE OF WORK AND BUDGET Contractor: City of Port Angeles Contract No. 10-64100-013 .Sec .. ... .. _ .......:...... .._. ule9and�Budget: •- .,. ,.:....:- ..... Budget Budget Category Project Activities Schedule Amount.". 21A - General Admin- ■ Execute grant agreement with Commerce. 11/09 $5,500 ■ Establish and maintain administrative, financial, reporting, and record keeping Ongoing systems_ ■ Complete applicable civil rights requirements. 2/10 Prepare and submit payment requests. Ongoing ■ Submit a Grantee Closeout Performance Report_ 11/11 .03J Water/Sewer ■ Establish subrecipient agreement with Habitat for Humanity of Clallam County. 11/09 $174,200 Improvements ■ Complete an environmental review and prepare environmental review record. 11/09 ■ Monitor program progress and compliance with applicable federal and state Ongoing I regulations_ 03K Street Improvements ■ Advertise for engineering/architectural services; send to MWBE. Complete 5270,300 ■ Select engineer/architect and verify they are not on the federal Excluded Parties List Complete System (EPLS). Provide documentation to Commerce. Notify engineer/architect to check eligibility of any subcontractors. ■ Complete final design and plans. 12/09 Request federal and state prevailing wage rates. 12/09 i ■ Prepare bid documents. 12/09 Advertise and solicit bids for construction; send to MWBE. 1/10 ■ Conduct bid opening. 1/10 ■ Select contractor- Verify selected contractor is not on the federal Excluded Parties 2110 List System (EPLS) and provide documentation to Commerce. Notify contractor to check eligibility of any subcontractors. ■ Award contract. 2/10 ■ Issue notice to proceed on site work. 3/10 ■ Conduct preconstruction conference. 3/10 ■ Begin construction_ 3/10 I -T Submit first week labor standards package. 4/10 cD 1E 0 ATTACHMENT A - SCOPE OF WORK AND BUDGET Contractor: City of Port Angeles Contract No. 10-64100-013 :,.......::::.:... :- .: :: •:..; r..- :.: Secf"ron'°.C: Pro ec =h --o ' . :..:...:.:.... .tie eclue.a..- a .n#tde=°...... ... .......... Budget Category j g g ry Project Activities Budget Schedule Amount continued_ .. Regularly monitor engineering, certified payrolls, construction and conduct progress Ongoing continued-..: meetings. ■ Complete offsite infrastructure construction and conduct final inspection. 11/10 ■ Resolve all monitoring issues from the Contract Administration Unit. 11/10 ■ Conduct public hearing to assess project performance. 1 t/10 ■ Complete retainage release process. 1/11 = Request final five percent (5%) of CDBG funds. 1/11 ■ Complete construction and occupancy of 30 affordable housing units. 11/11 ■ Arrange for an audit. As scheduled ■ Close grant agreement with Commerce. 12/11 3 TOTAL: $450,000 ATTACHMENT B STATE ANb FEDERAL ; . ,.i • REQUIREMENTS AND ASSURANCES In addition to laws,listed• in the;genera( terms..apd: conditions of :this •Agreement; .the .Grantee . assures compliance'•with the following regulations as they, pertain to the local project, - Contact -the StateJf you.•want assistance:iw6btaining,a copy.of:these regulations,.. A.- HOUSING' AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 1. Public Law. 90»284i-Title;VIII of the..Civil�Rights Act•of 1.968. (42:U..S.C. 360.1 .et seq:);` commonly referred to as the Federal Fair Housing Act, as amended by the Fair Housing Amendrrien'ts:Act of 19881(P:L 100-430) 2. Executive Order 11063, -as amended by Executive Order 12259 (24 CFR -Part 107) 3. The Housing and Comm unity.Development'Act of 1974,'66 amendedahrough 1992:. Sections. 109; 104 (b) 4; 104 (d); and 104 (1), which prohibit discrimination and require identification .of housing'and:community.';development.needs';. a;"reside'ntial anti displacement and relocation assistance plan"; and adoption and enforcement of;policies prohibiting the use of excessive force. 4. Title II and .111 of the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies •Act of.197O(42 U3..C'-4630)-.as amended in.1989). ; ! :' .`• 5. Title IV of the Lead -Based .Paint Poisoning Prevention Act (42 U.S.C. 4831 b) 6. Public Law 1107289, section 3, "Emergency'Assistance'forthe Redevelopmentof, Abandoned and Foreclosed -Homes" (also referred -to as the Neighborhood Stabilization P:rogram),'of the`Housing and Economic:Recovery Act; 2008:,(Docket Na. FR=5255=1'= 01) 7. The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009• B. LABOR 1. Davis -Bacon Act, as amended (40 U.S.C. 3941 etseq) 2. Prohibition of'Use oftbbG for Job-Plriting`Activities;' 24:CFR, Part 570.482(f);'revlsed June 2006 C. ENVIRONMENTAL AND CUL rURAL 1. -The Na#conal Environmental Pollcy'Act'of 1969`(NEPA) (42-0-.'S.C. Sedtion 4321 et se`q:,` and 24 CFRPart'58). . 2. The Clean Air Act, as amended (42 U:S.C..7401 et seq.) 3. HUD Environmental:Criteria and'Standards '24`CFR Parf51) • 4. Executive Order 11990, May 24, 1977, as amended by Executive Order 11990: Protection of Wetlands (42 FR 26961 et seq.) F=71 5.. The. Wild and Scenic Rivers Act of 1968, as amended (16 U.S.C. 1.271 et. seq.) 6. Executive Order •11988, May241 1977:.. Floodplain 'Management and Wetland Protection (42 FR 26951 et seq.. 7. Coastal Zone Mana ement Act of 1972, as amended 1.6 U.S:C. 1451 et seq-.)• 9 ( 8.'`:The'E.ridangered`Species`Act of 1973; a's amended (16"U;S:C:°153`1 et seq.} J. 9. The Reservoir Salvage Act 0`f'%1960':.a8;ameinded`by the{A-rch'aeologioal and Historic' Preservation Act of 1974 (16 U.S.C, 469 et seq.) 10. The Safe Drinking Water Act of 1974, as amended (4 U.S:C. 300f*et seq.; 21'U.S.C. 34%-asamended,.and,40 CFR- Part,149;(Environmental Protection•Agen'cy));°;, 11. The Federal Water -Pollution Control Act of 1972; as amended,-including,othe,Clean- Water Act of 1977, Public Law 92-212.(33 U.S.C. Section 1251 et seq.) 12. The Solid Waste Disposal -Act, as amended by the Resource Conservation and Recovery. ActioP1976:.(42 U:S'.C;:Section 69.04,et:seq-.) 13. The Fish:.and,Wildlife'Coordination:Act�of1958,;as amended (16:U.S':C, Section-.661::et 14. The National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 (1611.S.C. 470) 15. The Archaeological and Historical Data;:Preservatiorf Act of 1974;(1:6 :U S::C:,4.69a-I'- et seq ) 16. Executive Order 11593, Protection and -Enhancement of the Cultural Environment, -May 1304 17. Farmland;Profection,:Po1icy4Act!of�,1,981:.(T!U..S,C..42GI et-.seq and'7::GFR Part -658)•; 1&' Environmental Justice (Executive Order 12898), as amended by- Executive Order 12948 19. Explosive and- Flammable Operations (Section 2 of the Housing Act of 1949, as amended (42 U.S.C. 1441), Section 7(d) of the Dept HUD Act of 1965 (42 U.S ;,.C.. - 3535(d)), Section 2 of the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1969 (42. U:S.C... 1441(a))•,: and 24 CFR Part 51, Subpart C); 20. Airport; Ci.ear..;Zones ;and:Accident..Potential: Zones.-.(Secti.on.2 of -the, Housing;Act.of,1.949 .: as amended. (42 U.S.C. 1441), affirmed by Section 2 of the Housing and Urban : Development Act of 1969, P.L. No 90-448, Section 7(d) of the Dept -HUD Act of 1-965'.- (42 .965(42 U.S.C. 3535(d)), and 24. CFR Part 51 Subpart D} 21. Toxic. Chemicals.and Radioactive: Materials:(Comprehensive. Enyironimental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 as amended by Superfund:•Amendments and Reauthorization. Act and 24 CFR 58:5(i)) . 22. Determining Conformity of Federal Actions to State or Federal)ml plementation Plans (Environmental Protection,Agercy;:�,40 CFR..Parts 6,_51., and.93)- F-72. STATE 1. -Relocation Assistance and Real Pro perty:Acquisition Policy, Chapter 8.26 RCW • 2. Prevailing Wages on Public Works, Chapter 39.12 RCW' 3.. State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA), Chapter 43.21'C RCW 4. State Building Code, Chapter 19.27 RCW; Energy Related Building Standards, Chapter 19.27A RCW; and Provisions in Buildings for Aged and Handicapped Persons., Chapter 70.92 RCW 5. Interlocal Cooperation Act, Chapter 39.34 RCW 6. State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA), Chapter 43.21(C) RCW 7. Noise Control, Chapter 70.107 RCW 8. Shoreline Management Act of 1971-, Chapter 90.58 RCW 9. Governor's Executive Order 89-10, December 11, 1989: Protection of Wetlands, and Governor's Executive Order 90-04, April21, 1990 Protection of Wetlands. F-73 • STATE -OF WASHINGTON• - r . ;- DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY,TRADE AND ECONOMIC. DEVELOPMENT •` 128 - 101h. Avenue SW • PO,Box 42525 Olympia, Washington 98504-2525.060) 72574000 August 17,2009:. Mr. Nathan Community Development Director City of Port.Angeles' Post Office Box:11,SQ; Port Angeles, WA 98362: , Dear Mr. West; I am pleased to inform that the City 'of Port Angeles has been selected'by;the.Depat�-..en t.of you Commerce (Commerce), formerly CTED, toreceive up to $450,000 ln. Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds for 2009. This award is based on the City's Housing Enhancement Grant application to construct offsite infrastructure in support.of the.Habitat for Humanity of Clallarri County and the Serenity House_affordable housing projects in. Maloney.Heights• This letter allows the City of Port Angeles to begin incurring _costs as of,August '1:0, 2009.,111 a . . amount not to exceed ten percent of your award, .for the following activities •y t requaring..an environmental review, which maybe needed to begin your project; zi Administration costs: including staffing, travel and other administrative expenses; • 'Preliminary environmental studies and review of 24 CFR 58.5 laws. and authorities including - Sect -ion 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1.996, . • Preliminary. engineering .feasibility studies to the extent needed for environmental assessment; • Subrecipient agreements or professional service contracts for'any.of the above activities. - All eligible costs will be reimbursed by the Commerce after a grant agreement between the City of Port Angeles and Commerce has been formally executed and an environmental review is complete. All costs to be reimbursed. must comply with applicable state and federal . requirements. Costs for activities requiring an environmental review -cannot be incurred, nor can HUD .or non - HUD funds be committed (Refer to 24 CFR 58,22), until specific procedures required by the State Environmental Policy Act and the. National Environmental Policy Act have been completed and the time period for public review, if applicable, has expired. The environmental review procedures are described the CDBG Management Handbook,. Section 6, which is available electronically at www,commerce.wa•.gov/cdbg and will be sent.to you under separate cover. • F-74 • • Mr, Nathan West August.17, 2009 Page -Z' The required;.....; procurement procedures for hirin described in the CDBG Man g professional services and contractors are work• is started on the basis of this letter, CDBG pxocu eme andbook, Sections 5 and 7 respectivel . requirements must be met. Y In the event nt procedures, terms and We expect to finalize ibis. contractto,the within 90 da s from rescission of this ato reapply fora. C r, 'A delay may lead Y m the date of this lette Grrantant next year, ward and an InvitationDBG Housing Enhancerxaent Kaaren- Roo has been assigned to develop .this contract, 1 letter or your grant, please contact TCaaren at. 3 ont . If you have an ; kaaren.roe co Y questions abotii this @ mmcrce,vca.goy, i } 725-3018 or. -via email at X congratulate you and others for your efforts thus this w W oitliwh pr ject.: s far. e lookf orward to wor ng wi you o Sincerely;'' �> '•. , .. -.,�-.,', ,� .... � ,,. .- , ... n. . F- 75 NGELES DATE: March 2. 2010 TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: NATHAN A. WEST, DIRECTOR COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR RE -APPROPRIATION OF 2009 GRANT AWARD FOR COMMUNITY - AT -WORK: PAINTING THE DOWNTOWN Summary: At a meeting held on July 21, 2009, City Council authorized a 2009 allocation of Lodging Tax Funds for Community -At -Work Painting the Downtown. The recipients of the Lodging Tax Grant Award have requested contract extensions into 2010. Council must authorize reallocation of funds into the 2010 Budget. Recommendation: Authorize re -appropriation of funding award to the 2010 Budget and Authorize the City Manager to make necessary contract changes. Background / Analysis: The Lodging Tax Advisory Committee convened on July 8, 2009, to consider a grant application for 2009 funding assistance in support of the Community -At -Work: Painting the Downtown effort. Following discussion, the Committee resolved to recommend granting $12;000 from lodging tax funds to assist the Community -at -Work project. The Grant consists of $5,500 in Marketing, $5,500 in a matching program for buildings not yet committed to painting, and $1,000 for empty building displays. The remaining balance of the award to be carried forward to 2010 is $2,900. The Community -At -Work effort has invested thousands of dollars and volunteer staff hours in the Port Angeles Community. The improvements associated with this project have a direct positive impact on tourism in the City of Port Angeles. Staff recommends that Council re -appropriate remaining funding award of $2,900 to the 2010 Budget and Authorize the City Manager to make necessary contract changes. Attachment Community -At -Work Letter F-76 • L December 28, 2009 Port Angeles City Council City of Port Angeles 321 E. 5`" Street Port Angeles, WA 98362 Re: Lodging Tax Grant E C E DEC 2 9 2009 CITY OF PORT ANGELEI Dept. of Community Devefopmgnt As, you know, Our Community at Work (OCAW) had a very successful summer with work being done on 46 buildings from May to October. The lodging tax funds received • through the $12,000.00 grant for this project was invaluable in helping us to get to this point. We still have work to do and hope to assist those building and business owners that would still like our help in 2010. There is approximately $2,900.00 remaining in undisbursed funds from the grant and we would like to request an extension of the grant funding period to September 15, 2010. The remaining funds would allow us to fund equipment rentals to accomplish our goal of completing the task we started—a new look to Downtown and our surrounding community. We still have five buildings that we would hope to finish downtown this summer, and it's been great to see businesses outside of the CBD joining in this project— we rojectwe currently have a request for design assistance on a building on E. First Street and another project looking for our help west of downtown. This has been a great experience for all of us involved in OCAW and for the community. Thank you for your support of our endeavor. Sincerely, OUR COMMUNITY AT Edna Petersen and Jan Pick, -Chairs POB 59,2, Port Angeles, WA 98362 • (360) 452-8248 or 457-6400 F - 77 '' ;RT' I�GELE.S.Spq�W ASH I N G. T O N, U.S.A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: MARCH 2, 2010 TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: NATHAN A. WEST, DIRECTOR COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT SUBJECT: STREET VACATION PETITION - 09-06 PELLET—PORTION OF HAZEL STREET AND THE HAZEUMADRONA ALLEY • Summary: Consideration of a petition to vacate a portion of Hazel Street and the Hazel/Madrona alley abutting 1014 Hazel Street. Recommendation: Council should adopt the attached resolution setting a public hearing for April 6, 2010, in consideration of the attached petition. ti n of right of • Background: A petition requesting vacation way abutting o g y ag 1014 Hazel Street has been received by the City. The petition is signed by one hundred percent of the abutting property owners and is therefore valid. The petitioner's property receives access from Hazel Street east of the site. Hazel Street west of the site and north of the subject site has been previously vacated (see attached map). Per RCW 35.79.010, the owners of interest in any real estate abutting upon any street or alley may petition the legislative authority to vacate any or all of a street or alley. Once such a petition is received, the City shall fix a time when the petition will be heard and determined which time shall be no less than 20 nor more than 60 days from that notice. The City's Real Estate Committee reviewed this matter at its February 2, 2010, regular meeting. it is appropriate at this juncture to set the public hearings for further consideration of the matter. Attachments: Resolution Petition and map F-78 • • RESOLUTION NO. _ A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, setting a hearing date of April 6, 2010 for consideration of a petition to a vacate portion of Hazel Street. WHEREAS, a petition is on file with the City of Port Angeles to vacate a portion of Hazel Street abutting Lot 5, Block 12, and the Madrona/Hazel Alley abutting Lots 4 and 5, Block 12, Penn Park Addition to the Townsite of Port Angeles, Washington; and WHEREAS, the petition has been signed by the owners of more than two-thirds of the property abutting upon the right-of-way to be vacated; and WHEREAS, City Council has determined it will hear and consider the Petition. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles as follows: • Section 1. The petition to vacate the above-described City right-of-way shall be heard and determined by the City Council in the Council Chambers, 321 East Fifth Street, at the • Council's regular meeting at 7:00 p.m., or as soon thereafter as possible, on April 6, 2010. Section 2. The City Clerk is hereby directed to give twenty (20) days notice of the pendency of the petition and the time and place of the hearing in accordance with the provisions of RCW 35.79.020. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said Council held on the day of March, 2010. ATTEST: Janessa Hurd, City Clerk MAYOR APPROVED AS TO FORM: William E. Bloor, City Attorney G:\LEGAL\ORDINANCES&RESOLUTIONS\RESOLUTIONS.2010\2 - Hazel Street Vocation (Pelett).012910.wpd F-79 Filing fee: $325 File # 09 - -Date Recd ,3/ dy CITY OF PORT ANGELES STREET -VACATION .P.ETITION . TO: The City. Council of the City of Port Angeles: e the undersigned petitioners request that the following described.part:of � .. C/ in the City of. Port.Angeles be vacated pursuant to, Chapter 35:7:9 W.. The right-of-way is I gall described as: ©t ' There ire 1' owner�of property abutting said right-of-way. The undersigned petitioners are. .{ the owners of interest in real estate abutting the above described area:.: :. Name Address X61'1 S ���� Tf r� .s o: t Acv' `8363 to , , .... . r. The undersigned petitioners constitute more than two-thirds of the .owners of said abutting property. WHEREFORE, the etitioners pra s that proceedings be had hereon for the.vacation of said area of. z '� Respectfully submitted, PHONE NO. DATE �417 S�� • STV O06 Pellet ® Previously vacated Proposed vacation --------- Existing utility line 0 15 300 90 120 Feet NGELES W A S H I N G T d N, CITY COUNCIL MEMO Date: March 2, 2010. To: CITY COUNCIL From: Glenn A. Cutler, Director of Public Works & Utilities Subject: Utility Advisory Committee Community Representative Appointment Summary: The Utility Advisory Committee's Community Representative concluded his appointment at the February 23, 2010.meeting. Applications for appointment to the committee were solicited, an application was received, and the applicant was interviewed by the Utility Advisory Committee. Recommendation: Appoint Mr. Dean Reed as the Community Representative to the Utility Advisory Committee effective immediateiv. Background/Analysis: The Utility Advisory Committee's Community Representative (Orville Campbell) reached the end of his first four-year term last month. The City Manager's office recently announced that applicants were being sought for the Community Representative on the Utility Advisory Committee, including a February 1.6, 2014 application deadline. An application (see attachment) was received for the Community Representative, which is intended. to be an advocate for customers of the City's utilities. In accordance with the City Council Rules of Procedure, the Utility Advisory Committee reviewed the application, interviewed the candidate in open public session at its :February 23, 2010.meeting, and forwarded a favorable recommendation to City Council to appoint Mr. Dean Reed as the Community Representative to the Utility Advisory Committee effective upon appointment of the Council. Attachment: Application for Community Representative on the Utility Advisory Committee F -S2 N:ICCOCTNCI.L\FrNAL\UAC Community Representative Appointment.doc • X � + W A 5 H I N G TO N. U. S. A. ,pots �•� APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT TO BOARD, COAENIISSTONG ONBUTTEE Board, Commission or Committee to which you are seeking appointment; Applicant .Name and. General. luformation First M1 00 E Home Street Address -- -- _ City State Zip Dame phone uric phone Cell phone E-mail address Date of Birth (to he completed only by applicants for Public. Safety Advisory .Board for purposes of criminal history check to ensure compliarree with. Port Angeles Muni cipa] Code 2:26.020) Certification and Location Information (circle one) Are you employed by the City of Port Angeles? Yes No Are you a citizen of the Unites] States? ye .... No Are you a City resident? Yes No If so, how Jong 35 Do you own/manage a business in the City? Yes _ Na . Do you hold any professional licenses, registra6wis or certificates in any field? Yes No If so, please F-83 Are you aware of any conflict of interest which might arise by your- service an a City Board or Commission? If so, please explain:: Work Experience - List most recent experience first, or attach a resume � 3 ■ �:1lr, i:: 1 Employer Title Fron� Briefjob description :Employer Title 'From (MfV) To Employer 'title ;From (WY-) To Briefjob description Education.- List most recent experience first. 11vE 1nW11�1 �� S . i�l� ��lC No Ystitution/L.ocation' Degreee eanied/Major area of study. Graduated? InstitutionfL.ocation T Degree eamedllvlajor area of study ---9dusted? Institutionf%.ocation Degree 6arneAWajor area of study L uated? Charitable, Social raid Civic Activities and 'Memberships - List major activities you have participated in during the last five years Organization/Location Group's purpose/objective # of members Bfief description of your participation: TMU�5--\, W�UiL� W -M• ` Organization/Location. Group's puTosefobjective # of members Brief description of your participation:, h 2 • • Questions Why are you interested in serving on this particular Board or Commission? • C� +� �� / Lit � ���� f _ \i1V � i'3' �)� �' \/. � O__ t�1� � � ► �• 0 What •ur understanding of •e responsibilities of particular :•. • or •u • • QE R MERA:\ —+ ►1T ms`s` ►�! �� ia� Please feel free to add any additional comments you wish to make regarding your application. ---� i(knb .. Applicant Signature Submit completed forms to: OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER City of Port Angeles 321 E. 5°i Street PO Box 1150 Port Angeles, WA 98362 Date In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special accommodations because of a physical limitation, please contact the City Manager's Office at 417.4500 so appropriate arrangements can be made. F-85 • F-1 • WASHINGTON, CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: March 2, 20 10 TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: Glenn A. Cutler, P.E., Director of Public Works & Utilities SUBJECT: WUGA Connection Charges Ordinance Amendment Summary: Chapter 13.75 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code is being amended to more clearly defirle how to calculate the connection charges applicable to new water and sewer customers in that area of the Western Urban Growth Area that was annexed in 2005. Recommendation: Conduct a third reading then adopt the proposed amendment to Chapter 13.75 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code. Background/Analysis: See the City Council memos dated February 2 and 1.6, 2010 for the background on this amendment. On February 2, 2010,.the City Council conducted a first reading of the proposed amendment to Chapter 13.75 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code. There were no suggested changes to the draft ordinance made at that meeting. At the February 16, 2010 City Council meeting, a second reading was conducted. City Council decided at this meeting to allow more time for citizens potentially impacted by this amendment to have their concerns discussed with City staff. Subsequently, the Public Works and Utilities Director met and corresponded with several people with properties in or near the effected area. Also, a third information meeting was held at City Hall on the evening of ;February 23, 2010. Notification letters were sent to all property owners in the 2005 annexation area. Five property owners attended the February 23, 20 10 meeting. There was a good exchange of information. After City Council conducts a third reading; it is recommended that they then adopt the proposed amendment to Chapters 13.75 of the Port Angeles Municipal. Code. Attachment: Proposed Ordinance Amendment. N�1CCOLTNCTLNFINAl.AWUGA Connection Charges Ordinance Amendment- 3rd. Read ing.doe G-1 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the City of Part Angeles, Washington, revising Chapter 13.75 of the Port Angeles Municipal. Code relating to Connection Charges for Western. Urban. Growth Area (WUGA). THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES DO HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Ordinances 3233 and 3350, as amended, and. Chapter 13.75 of the Port. Angeles Municipal. Code relating to WUGA Water and. Wastewater Connection. Charges are hereby amended as follows: Sections WUGA Water and. Wastewater Connection Charges Established. 13.75.020 Addition to Other Char ems. WUGA Water Connection. Charge - Amount. 13.75.050 WUGA Wastewater Charge Connection Charge - Amount. Addition to Other eharges-. 13.75.090 WUGA Water and. Wastewater Connection Charges - When Collected. WUGA Water Connection Charge - Distribution of Funds Received. 13.75.130 WUGA Wastewater Connection Charge - Distribution of Funds Received. Interest Charge. 13.75.170 Notice. - WUGA Water and Wastewater Connection. CharesEstabl_ished. There is hereby established a charge for connection to the WUGA water and wastewater mains for all new service connections to, or served by the water and wastewater mains constructed by the City in. U.S. 101 between Doyle Avenue and Eclipse Industrial Parkway, and along Eclipse Industrial Parkway. - Addition to Other Charges. The WUGA water and wastewater connection charges imposed pursuant to this Chapter shall be in addition to the charge for the actual cost of connecting to the City's water and wastewater systems, the tapping fees includin standard. service connection fees, the system development charges, and to all other charges imposed by ordinance. 13.75.030 - WUGA Water Connection. Charge - Amount. The WUGA water connection charge shall be the following:$6,330.00 for , 95 0. 06 f6i ire vv and expairded sei %, ices plus art added charg -1- G - 2 • $5,085.00, , less H, H.69.050. A. For Dry Creek Water Association (DCWA) residential customers being disconnected from the DCWA system and connected to the City Water System. the amount shall be equal to the current DCWA Residential Membership share amount refunded to the customer by DCWA, minus both the amount of the Water Service Connection Fee (per PAMC 3.70.110.G) and the Water System Development Charge (per PAMC 13.69.030). B. For Dry Creek Water Association (DCWA) commercial customers beim disconnected from the DCWA system and connected to the City Water System, the amount shall be equal to the current DCWA Commercial Membership share(s) amount(s) refunded to the customer by DCWA, minus both the amount of the Water Service Connection Fee (per PAMC 3.70.110.B) and the Water System Development Charge (per PAMC 13.69.030). C. For new customers that are not currently served by the DCWA, to whom no DCWA membership shares) are being refunded, the amount shall be $3950.00 plus the product of $5,085.00, multiplied by the remainder that results when 1.0 is deducted from the ea_uivalent water meter factor, as defined in PAMC 13.69.050. 13.75.050 - WUGA Wastewater Charge Connection Charge - Amount. The WUGA wastewater connection charge shall be $5,200.00 plus the productan added charge of $2,150.00, multiplied by the remainder that results when 1.0 is deducted from the equivalent water meter factor, ; less 1. , as defined in PAMC 13.69.050. • 13.75.090 - WUGA Water and Wastewater Connection Charges - When Collected. The WUGA water and wastewater connection charges shall be paid upon application for a water or wastewater permit. Connection to the system shall not be made until the WUGA water and wastewater connection charges, standard corniection chargcs, the tapping fees service connection fees, the system development charges, and any other charges imposed by ordinance have been paid. For existing DCWA customers being disconnected from DCWA and connected to the City water system, these fees must be paid to the City within 1,4 days of the applicant's receipt of the refunded amount of applicable membership share(s) from DCWA. 13.75.110 - WUGA Water Connection Charge - Distribution of Funds Received. The proceeds from the WUGA water connection charge shall be deposited in the Water Utility Fund until the sum of $2,920,000 has been deposited. 13.75.130 - WUGA Wastewater Connection Charge - Distribution of Funds Received. The proceeds from the WUGA wastewater connection charge shall be deposited in the Wastewater Utility Fund until the sum of $862,000 has been deposited. 13.75.150 - Interest Charge. Pursuant to RCW 35.92.025, there shall be added to the amount of water and wastewater connection charges provided for in this Chapter, interest on the amount of each charge, from the date of construction of the water and wastewater main until payment of the water and wastewater connection charges, not to exceed ten years. The interest rate shall be set at six percent per year as authorized by applicable State law. The total interest • charge shall not exceed the amount of the trunk sewer connection charge unless authorized by applicable State law. -2- G-3 13.75.170 - Notice. The City shall record appropriate notice with the County Auditor • concerning real property that has been specifically identified by the City Engineer and approved by the City Council as property for which the WUGA water and wastewater main has been constructed, for which a special connection charge will be levied upon connection of such property to the City water and wastewater system, pursuant to the requirements of RCW 65.08.170 and RCW 65.08.180. Such notice shall be effective until there is recorded with the County Auditor a certificate of payment and release executed by the City, which certificate shall be recorded at the owner's expense within thirty days of full payment of such special connection charge. Section 2 - Corrections. The City Clerk and the codifiers of this ordinance are authorized to make necessary corrections to this ordinance including, but not limited to, the correction of the scrivener's/clerical errors, references, ordinance numbering, section/subsection numbers and any references thereto. Section 3 - Severability. If any provisions of this Ordinance, or its application to any person or circumstances, are held invalid, the remainder of the Ordinance, or application of the provisions of the Ordinance to other persons or circumstances, is not affected. • Section 4 - Effective Date. This Ordinance, being an exercise of a power specifically delegated to the City legislative body, is not subject to referendum. This ordinance shall take effect five days following the date of its publication by summary. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said Council held on the ATTEST: Janessa Hurd, City Clerk day of February, 2010. PUBLISHED: February 2010 By Summary MAYOR APPROVED AS TO FORM: William E. Bloor, City Attorney G:\Legal_Backup\ORDINANCESS.RESOLUTIONS\ORDINANCES.2010\3 - Chapter 13.WUGA Conn Chgs.012610.wpd (January 27, 2010) • -3- G - 4 • • " t €LES LATE: March 2, 2010 To: CITY COUNCIL FROM: NATHAN A. WEST, DIRECTOR COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT SUBJECT: PORT ANGELES FORWARD - LINCOLN STREET BANNER PROGRAM ORDINANCE AND POLICY Summary: At a meeting held on January 5, 2010 the City Council received a recommendation from the Port Angeles Forward Committee as reported by Councilmember Kidd. Council requested that staff prepare the necessary policy and ordinance changes to enable the Blue Star Banner Program as proposed by Wave Broadband. Recommendation: Staff recommends that Council: 1.)Conduct a 1`t heading of the attached ordinance and 2.) Adopt the attached City Streetlight Pole Banner Policy for the Lincoln Street Corridor. Background/ Analysis: On December 10, 2010.the Port Angeles forward Committee received a presentation from Mike Sturgeon representing Wave Broadband. Mr. Sturgeon presented the Blue Star Banner Program a. program already implemented in Silverdale, Port Orchard, Bremerton and multiple other Washington. State Communities. The Port Angeles Forward. Committee forwarded a recommendation to City Council to approve the project for the Lincoln Street Corridor. Banners will be placed on streetlight poles on Lincoln Street between 3rd Street and Lauridsen .Boulevard. Existing policy and code restrictions presently limit the ability to proceed with the program. Restrictions are primarily related use of City Streetlight Poles. On January 5, 20 10, Councilmember Kidd, Chair of the Port Angeles Forward Committee presented the item to City Council and Council requested that staff prepare the necessary policy and code changes to facilitate the program. A cooperative effort between the City's Public Works and Utilities Department, Legal Department and Community and Economic Development Department has resulted in the following three specific documents: the City Streetlight. Pole .Banner Policy, an ordinance amending Title 8 of the Port. Angeles Municipal Code, and a sample light pole banner agreement. G-5 Staff recommends that Council conduct a I" Reading of the attached ordinance and adopt the attached City Streetlight. Pole Banner Policy for the Lincoln Street Corridor. Following the second reading and adoption of the attached ordinance staff will execute a specific agreement for the proposal. Attachment A City Streetlight. Pole Banner Policy Attachment. B Ordinance Amending Title S of the PAMC Attachment. C light Pole Banner Agreement Attachment D Banner Examples +G-6 • • • CITY STF,EETLIGHT PULE BANNER POLICY Lincoln Street Corridor (3r1 Street to Lauridsen Boulevard) 1. PURPOSE: 1.1 The City Council has found and declared that it is in the Public Interest to allow and promote public recognition of those honorably serving in the military services. 1.2 The purpose of this policy is to promote public recognition by allowing placement of banners recognizing such service on certain streetlight poles in accordance with the policy set foie below. 2. DEPARTMENTS & PERSONNEL AFFECTED. 2.1 Department of Public Works and Utilities. 2.2- Director of Public Works and Utilities, Deputy Director of Recreation, Electrical Engineering Manager. 3. DEFINITIONS 3.1 Public Facilities — all facilities, property and land under ownership, management and/or control of the City of Port Angeles. 3.2 Banner — a piece of manmade or natural cloth or fabric, displaying a distinctive design and securely attached by two or more edges to a streetlight pole. 4. PHILOSOPHY: 4.1 A banner satistying the criteria of this policy is not a sign as defined in PAMC 14.36. The non-commercial banners covered by this policy are allowed only on Lincoln Street, between 3rd Street to Lauridsen Boulevard, and only for the express purpose of recognizing those :honorably serving in the military services. These banners would occupy space within the public right of way on facilities owned and maintained by the City of Port Angeles. City code determines that those banners should be permitted only when they are in the public interest and preserve the health, safety, and welfare of the public. The message presented and the appearance of the banners would make a strong impression on residents and visitors alike. -1- G-7 5. POLICY: • 5.1 This policy shall regulate all banners affixed to streetlight poles in the City of Port Angeles and shall be in addition to other municipal code provisions or regulations. 5.2 All banners to be displayed on streetlight poles in the City of Port Angeles shall require the authorization of the Deputy Director of Recreation and the Electrical Engineering Manager. 5.3 Banners shall not provide commercial advertisement. Banners may recognize sponsors as long as the business or entity is preceded by the words "sponsored by" and as long as the sponsor recognition is subordinate to the banner message, 6. PROCEDURES: 6.1 The type, location, size, design, content and duration of any banner is subject to approval and therefore will be specified by use of the City of Port Angeles Light Pole Banner Agreement and related diagrams and/or drawings if requested. 6.2 Light Pole Banner Agreements (hereafter, "Agreement") will be valid for a term not to exceed five years, subject to annual review. 6.3 All Agreement requests must be submitted to the Electrical Engineering Manager and. Deputy Director of Recreation. 6.4 The Deputy Director of Recreation and Electrical Engineering Manager will review all Agreement requests and make a decision on the proposed Agreement. 6.5 Banners shall recognize the service of current honorably serving members of the United States Coast Guard or Armed Forces. Information other than the honorees name, rank, and branch of service will not be allowed on banners. 6.6 Banners shall be 5 feet x 2 feet in dimension, 6.7 Banners will be installed at a height of no less than twelve feet above the ground and no higher than four feet below the lowest point of overhead conductors. 6.9 Banner material shall be of a durable, weather -resistant material like canvas, nylon or vinyl -coated fabric. All banners, b -racket material, and installation shall be approved by the Electrical Engineering Manager. 6.9 If existing brackets are not currently installed in the desired location, the City of Port Angeles Public Works and Utilities Department will supervise and approve 11 -2- G - 8 • bracket installation. Bracket material cost and installation labor shall be at the sponsor's expense. 6.10 No banners will be allowed on any light poles with traffic signals or utility power poles. Banners may not block any public signs or lighting, 6.11 The City reserves the right to disallow the installation of banners if they are deemed not of a quality to withstand the elements. The City also reserves the right to remove banners because of construction, damage, or any other practical reason, at the sponsor's expense. 6.12 Installation shall be performed by entities licensed and insured in. accordance with Chapter 11.12 of the PAMC, or their designated contractors. The installing entity shall be liable for any consequential damages and for ensuring proper installation and compliance with all applicable State and City requirements. 7. APPEAL PROCESS: 7.1 Requests for banners that are determined to be disallowed by the Deputy Director of Recreation and/or the Electrical Engineering Manager may be appealed to the Director of Public Works and Utilities and the City Manager for final determination. 07.2 The Director of Public Works and Utilities and the City Manager will base all final decisions on the following criteria: • 7.2.1 Location of the proposed banner. 7.2.2 The proposed design of the banner. 7.2.3 Whether or not the proposed banner complies with this policy and codes and regulations of the City. GALegal_Backup\AGREEMENTS&CONTRACTS\2010 Agrmts&ContractALight Pole Banner Policy. 021210.doe (2124/2010) -3- G-9 ORDINANCE NO. • AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, revising Chapter 8.30 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code relating to Nuisances. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES DO HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Ordinance 3229, as amended, and Chapter 8.30.045 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code relating to specific nuisances are hereby amended by amending Subsection (N)(2), Nuisances Specifically Defined, as follows: N. Unauthorized Signs. I . All unauthorized signs, signals, markings or devices that are displayed to • resemble an official traffic control device. 2. Any sign, poster or other advertising matter of any nature placed upon a light, telephone or other poles, trees, sidewalks, streets, signs, traffic signs or other traffic -control devices or other structures or places within streets, alleys or other public places or rights of way: unless such sign has been authorized by City issued permit, is consistent with City policy, and is otherwise pennitted by Title 14 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code. Section 2 - Corrections. The City Clerk and the codifiers of this ordinance are authorized to make necessary corrections to this ordinance including, but not limited to, the correction of the scrivener's/clerical errors, references, ordinance numbering, section/subsection numbers and any references thereto. Section 3 - Severability. If any provisions of this Ordinance, or its application to any person or circumstances, are held invalid, the remainder of the Ordinance, or application of the provisions of the Ordinance to other persons or circumstances, is not affected. • -1- G-10 • Section 4 - Effective Date. This Ordinance, being an exercise of a power specifically delegated to the City legislative body, is not subject to referendum. This ordinance shall take • • effect five days following the date of its publication by summary. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said Council held on the day of March, 2010. ATTEST: Janessa Hurd, City Clerk PUBLISHED: March 2010. By Summary MAYOR APPROVED AS TO FORM: William E. Bloor, City Attorney G:ILEGALIORDINANCES&RESOLUTIONS\ORDINANCES.201016 - Pole-Benner.Chepter 8.30.045. 02.18.10.wpd (February 24, 2010) -2- G-11 LIGHT POLE BANNER AGREEMENT • Banners honoring those in military service may be displayed from certain City light poles in the Lincoln Street corridor with prior written authorization from the City and compliance with City policies regarding such display. No banner shall be affixed to any light pole except by written authorization of the City. A permit must be approved by the Deputy Director of Recreation prior to installation. Banners shall be of a durable, weather -resistant canvas, nylon or vinyl -coated fabric, 60 x 24 inches in dimension, approved by the City. Grommets must be installed in the top and bottom corners of the banner one inch above the bottom rod pocket and one inch below the top rod pocket. Grommets must be of brass construction and installed in a minimum of four layers of fabric, with the hole size of the grommet being 3/8 inch in diameter or larger. Location of light poles for display of banners will be limited to those poles approved by the City. City of Port Angeles Public Works and Utilities Department will supervise and approve bracket installation, design and construction. Bracket material cost and installation labor shall be at the sponsor's expense. No banners are allowed on any light poles with traffic signals, or on utility power poles. Banners may not block or impair any public signage or lighting. The City reserves the right to disallow banners if they are deemed not of a quality to • withstand the elements. The City also reserves the right to remove banners because of poor construction, damage, deterioration, or any other reason, at the discretion of the City. Removal is at the sponsor's expense. No authorization shall be granted without proof of public liability insurance in the amount of one million dollars ($1,000,000) single event coverage naming the City as additional insured, with a 1.0 -day written cancellation notice to the City. Should the policy be cancelled, the banners shall be removed immediately. REQUEST FOR AFFIXING BANNERS TO LIGHT POLES hereby requests permission to affix banners to the light pole(s) at the following locations: in between the cross streets of and in between the cross streets of and in between the cross streets of and (If more, please attach additional page listing locations.) G-12 • 11 I have read., understood, and will comply with the requirements attached. (initial) Attached is a copy of a public liability insurance policy in the sum of one million (initial) dollars ($1,000,00(1) naming the City of Fort Angeles as additional insured. Attached is a copy of the banner design with the banner dimensions listed. (initial) Organization's Contact Name: Phone number: Address: Signature: FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY APPROVAL, Deputy Director of Recreation: Date: Date: Electrical Engineering Manager: Date: 0:1L.eO SackuplAGREI;MCNTS&CONTPACTS1203.0 Agrmts&Can[raM%Light Pole Banner Agreement.012610.doc 211$12010 9:49 AM • G-13 G-15 • NGELES WASH ING TO N, CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: MARCH 2, 2010 TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: KENT MYERS, CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: MALONEY HEIGHTS AGREEMENT Summary: Habitat for Humanity applied for approval of an Infill Overlay Zone (10Z) in connection with its Maloney Heights project. The application was given preliminary approval, subject to a number of conditions. One condition required Habitat to make improvements to 16th Street. Habitat later filed an action in Superior Court to appeal the imposition of that condition. The Superior Court action is still pending. Shortly after that action was filed, the City and Habitat agreed that a traffic study should be preformed by an independent engineer. That was done, and • the traffic study determined that the full improvements to 16th Street were not needed. Recommendation: Authorize the City Manager to effect and execute a settlement of the lawsuit to include the provisions described below. • Baek2round / Analysis:. Authorize the City Manager to effect and execute a settlement of the lawsuit to include: A. Dismissal of the LUPA action with prejudice and without any costs or fees to the City; B. Modification of the language of Condition No. 10 to comply with the conclusion of the traffic study; Habitat proposes to develop some property located between 16th Street and 18th Street to provide some low\moderate income housing and to provide other housing for the chronically homeless. To facilitate in that goal, Habitat applied for an Infill Overlay Zone. After conducting a public hearing, the Planning Commission recommended approval of the application, subject to several conditions. One condition, number 10, required the applicant to make improvements to 16th Street. 1-1 Condition No. 10. No access shall be permitted to lots accessing off Habitat Court until West 16th Street is • developed to City standards. Improvements to 16th Street prior to final plat approval shall include a 27 -foot wide paved surface (one half width plus 10') with curb and sidewalk along the entire site frontage extending east to the improved portion of 16th Street west of "N" Street. Improvement to Sixteenth Street west of the property frontage to "O" Street shall include paving (30'), concrete walkway, and ditches. Later, the City Council approved the recommendation of the Planning Commission, granting preliminary approval to the IOZ application, subject to the same conditions, including Condition No. 10. After that, Habitat filed a Land Use Petition Action (LUPA) in the Superior Court. This action is the procedural means by which Habitat could appeal the imposition of Condition No. 10. That action is still pending today. Shortly after that action was filed, Habitat proposed that an independent, objective traffic study be performed. Habitat would pay the cost. If the traffic study showed that the full improvements were needed to 16th Street, Habitat would construct those improvements without additional cost or funds from the City. Conversely, if the traffic study showed that the full improvements to 16th Street were not needed, City staff would support a recommendation that Condition No. 10 be modified in accordance with the traffic study. in the meantime, no further action would be taken on the pending LUPA action. The parties proceeded on this basis, and a traffic study by an independent engineer was completed last week. The traffic study concluded that, although the Habitat development will have some impact on 16th Street, the full improvements, as required by Condition No. 10, were not needed as • a consequence of Habitat's development. It is a standard practice of the City, in instances where development is permitted without full improvement of adjoining streets, to require that the developer sign an agreement covenanting to consent to a future LID, if one is ever proposed, to complete improvements to the adjoining streets. If Condition No. 10 is modified so that Habitat is not required to fully improve 16th Street in accordance with applicable street standards, then Habitat should be required to sign such a covenant. Conclusion: Recognizing the conclusion of the traffic study, Staff recommends that the City Council authorize the City Manager to effect a settlement of the pending action. The settlement authorized will include: A. Dismissal of the LUPA action with prejudice and without any costs or fees to the City; B. Modification of the language of Condition No. 10 to comply with the conclusion of the traffic study. • 1-2 NGELEs DATE: March 2, 2010 TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: Glenn A. Cutler, P.E., Director of Public Works and Utilities SUBJECT: Race Street Slide Funding, Project TRO1-2010 Summary: The design of slope stabilization facilities at a location on Race Street in the vicinity of Park Avenue that experienced extensive storm damage on November 16, 2009 is almost complete. Recommendation: Approve the addition of Race Street Slide Repair, Project TR01-2010, to the Capital Facilities Plan, and approve advertisement of the work upon completion of the design. Background/Analysis: The greater Port Angeles area experienced extended periods of rainfall for several days prior to an exceptionally heavy rainfall event that occurred on the evening of November 16, 2009. This exceptionally heavy rain, coupled with already saturated soils, resulted in significant areas of localized flooding, causing landslides and erosion damage to a number of areas in the City. A slide along Race Street between Lauridsen Blvd. and Park Avenue was particularly damaging to • the roadbed supporting Race Street. On November 17, 2009, Council declared of a state of emergency to enable the City and other affected parties to waive some bid requirements, which enabled more immediate corrective measures. Then, on December 15, 2009; the City Council authorized the Mayor to sign an agreement with Hammond, Collier, Wade & Livingston (HCWL) for professional services in an amount not to exceed $29,220 and approved total expenditures of $33,720 for survey, design, and permitting in association with Project TRO 1-2010 (concurrent with the HCWL contract award, Johnston Land Surveying, a local survey company, was hired to complete surveying services in support of the project in the amount of $3,000). An anticipated Governor or Presidential Disaster Proclamation was never made, so there are no State or Federal funds available for this project. The need to stabilize the slope and complete a permanent repair is still needed, however. It is estimated that a total of $190,000, including the $33,720 already obligated, will be needed to complete the construction of the improvements. Staff recommends that the City Council approve the addition of Race Street Slide Repair, Project TROT -2010, to the Capital Facilities Plan (CFP), and approve advertisement of the work upon completion of the design. Once bids are received, staff will return to City Council to provide a recommended funding source, request approval and award of the contract, as well as any needed inspections and testing work if outside sources are required. • Attachment: Race Street Slide Repair CFP Information 1-3 N:\CCOUNCIL\FINAL\Race St. Slide Funding, Project TRO I -2010.doe RACE STREET SLIDE REPAIR • TROT -2010 —Transportation Project Description: Repair a slide that occurred on Race Street (Westside) between Lauridsen Blvd. and Park Ave. The project would consist of placing rockfill to establish the slope to support the shoulder and guard rail as well as installation of storm water utility to intercept water prior to spilling over the hill side. Justification: In November 2009, a storm event occurred that caused a slope failure just north of Park Ave. The slope failure was triggered by heavy stormwater runoff flowing from Race Street over the edge of the slope. Stormwater runoff from the street likely saturated the weak surficial soil on the slope face resulting in the slope failure. Impact if not executed: If no repairs are completed to the slope, it is expected that surface water runoff from the roadway and precipitation falling on the bare slope will result in continued erosion of the slide area and sloughing of soil from the head scarp area. Additional regression of the pavement shoulder in the landslide area will occur, followed by complete roadway failure. Timing: • 2010 Project cost: $190,000 Funding: 100% General Fund — Real Estate Excise Tax • NACCOUNCIL\FINAL\Race St Slide Repairs CFP Information.doe 1 - 4 I7 j-,,,,0,R,T DATE: March 2. 2010 TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: SCENT MYERS, CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: APPOINTMENTS TO PLANNING COMMISSION & CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION Summary: Terms of office have expired for two positions on the Planning Commission and two positions on the Civil Service Commission. Recommendation: Following interviews, proceed with the appointment of two of the applicants to the Planning Commission, and one appointment to the Civil Service Commission Background / Analysis: The Planning Commission acts as the City Council's hearing body and. forwards recommendations to the City Council on land development actions that include preparation of the City's comprehensive plan, which is the framework for land development within the City, and zoning regulation. The Planning Commission also has specific authority vested by the City Council to approve certain land use issues, such as conditional use permits and shoreline activities, with appeal to the City Council. Terms on the Planning Commission are four years. Two terms of office expire as of February 28, 2010. Applicants are: Sissi Bruch, Warner Beier, Deborah Frazier, and Doc .Reiss. Applications and interview questions will be provided separately. The Civil Service Commission investigates concerns and reports on all matters relating to enforcement and effect of these rules; hears and determines appeals or complaints or administrative work of the Chief Examiner; and decides on disciplinary actions (when needed) for Civil Service employees of the City of Port Angeles. The Civil Service Commission consists of three positions. Two terms of office expire as of February 2.8, 2010. Only one application was received. The applicant is Gary Wiggins. The Civil Service Commission is currently without a quorum. It is suggested for Council to conduct the interview and consider appointment so that the Civil Service Commission can conduct business if necessary. The application and interview questions will be provided separately. Following the interview process, Council may elect to adjourn into Executive Session to evaluate qualifications of the candidates. Council may then proceed to make an appointment in open session41 . as part of your regular City Council meeting. 1-5 • • • JOR-7 Date: March 2, 2010 To: CITY COUNCIL VGELES From: Glenn A. Cutler, P.E., Director of Public Works & Utilities Subject: Industrial Wastewater Pretreatment Program Ordinance Amendments, Open Public Hearing Summary: The Wastewater Utility is required by the Washington State Department of Ecology (DOE) to update its industrial pretreatment program to comply with the Wastewater Treatment Plant's (W WTP) National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit, and to comply with Environmental Protection Agency standards. A staff presentation will be given on the proposed changes to implement the required program. In addition to revising the Port Angeles municipal code, the updated program will specifically address the management of fats, oils, and grease in the sanitary sewer system. Recommendation: Following a presentation, open the public hearing, and continue the hearing to April 6, 2010. A first reading of the proposed ordinance will occur at the second Council meetinE in March. Background/Analysis: The purpose of the Industrial Wastewater Pretreatment Program is to protect the public, protect the process and equipment of the City's publicly owned treatment works (POTW), which includes the W WTP and sewer collection system, and ultimately to protect the waters of Port Angeles Harbor. The Program is managed by the Wastewater Utility, and codified in the City's Port Angeles Municipal Code (PAMC) chapter 13.06. Chapter 13.06 was substantially written in 1984, with minor revisions in 1990 and 1996. After issuance of the current NPDES Permit for the City's WWTP, DOE performed an inspection of the POTW in 2007. This resulted in several recommendations and requirements, including the need to update the City's Industrial Wastewater Pretreatment (IWP) Program. Staff has completed a draft IWP Program update, and DOE has provided preliminary feedback. In addition to necessary revisions to the PAMC, the updated program will specifically address the management of septic waste and the accumulation of fats, oils, and grease (FOG) in the sanitary sewer system. A presentation will be given to review the requirements of the NPDES permit, the proposed ordinance amendments, and revised local limits to pollutant discharges by industrial users of the WCCOUNCURNALUndustrial Wastewater Pretreatment Ordinance Amendments, Open Public Hearing.docK - 1 Industrial Wastewater Pretreatment Ordinance Amendments March 2, 2010 Page 2 • wastewater system, and the proposed IWP Program implementation. In general, the IWP Program requirements include updated procedures and policies, and formal documentation of actions taken. Wastewater Utility system users who are most impacted by this IWP Program update are minor industrial users (MIUs). MIUs are defined as industries and other businesses that have some discharges that could cause elevated levels of metals or toxics in the quarterly pretreatment monitoring conducted at the WWTP, or that potentially discharge chemicals or dangerous waste to the WWTP. Since November 2009, City staff has held two informative workshops with MIUs and one workshop with restaurant owners. In the past year, all MIUs on the City's current list have been contacted and their facilities have been inspected. Copies of the draft ordinance amendments and FOG information are available on the City's website at www.cityofpa.us/pwWasteWtr.htm#lndWpp, and are subject to change before and during the public hearing process. For additional information, a fact sheet is attached. Following a presentation, it is recommended that Council open the public hearing, and continue the hearing to April 6, 2010. A first reading of the proposed ordinance will occur at the second Council meeting in March. On February 9, the Utility Advisory Committee forwarded a favorable recommendation to City Council to set a public hearing for March 2 to receive a presentation and comments on the proposed ordinance amendments. is Attachments: Wastewater Pretreatment Program Fact Sheet K-2 U GOAL : It is the goal of the Wastewater Pretreatment. Program to protect the public, protect the process and equipment of the City's Publicly [awned Treatment Works (POTW), and ultimately protect the waters of the State. This will help maintain a cleaner environment, and also extend the life and capacity of the POTW to serve the City's future growth. BACKGROUND: The Environmental Protection Agency, (EPA) mandates the implementation. of the General Pretreatment Regulations 40 CFR 403 to all businesses that may affect the City's publicly owned treatment works (POTW) by the use of a Wastewater Pretreatment Program, The Washington. State Department of Ecology (DOE) administers the regulations through the NPDES Permit issued to the wastewater treatment system. The objective of the City of Port. Angeles's Wastewater Pretreatment Program is to protect the community and our POTW from pollutants discharged by certain businesses into the public sewer. These pollutants can cause equipment damage, interference with plant processes, or pass through into the receiving waters of Port Angeles Harbor. The program is implemented by issuing permits to businesses, taking samples of wastewater and testing them for several parameters to ensure that each business discharging to the City's POTW remains in compliance with Federal, State, and local standards. WHO IS AFFECTED? Non-residential customers are regulated by the ;Industrial Wastewater Pretreatment. Program. Significant Industrial Users (SIUs), such as the landfill, are regulated directly by DOE. Businesses are classified as minor industrial users (MIUs) based on the is category of the business, and by the characteristics and volume of wastewater being discharged. Typical businesses covered under this program include manufacturing facilities, processing plants, hospitals, automotive repair shops, detailing shops, and car/truck washes. Olympic Medical Center and the US Coast Guard are examples in Port Angeles. Other businesses monitored by the program include, but are not limited to, restaurants, cafes, cafeterias, bars or clubs, hotels, school kitchens,. bakeries, or other establishments that serve or prepare food where grease may be introduced to the sewer system If identified as a MIU, the Port Angeles Municipal Code (PAMC) Chapter 13.06 requires identified users to obtain and comply with a discharge permit. The permit facilitates compliance with wastewater discharge limits. The limits are based on local conditions and are set by an. analytical method approved by DOE=. The Pretreatment Program defines and explains wastewater discharge requirements, and monitors business as needed to assure compliance. For instance, potentially flammable wastes, acids, or other harmful chemicals are prohibited from being discharged to the POTW. Petroleum products are monitored to prevent interference with the city's POTW and pass-through into the harbor; or spills into stormdrains that lead to surface water. Concentrations of heavy metals and sediments are limited but not prohibited.. The DOE regulates the allowable concentration level of metals in the effluent to be discharged to Puget. Sound by the City's POTW. The Wastewater Pretreatment Program monitors for metals in. businesses such as automotive repair shops, doctor and dental clinics, metal fabricators, printing shops, and photo shops, to name a few. K-3 STRONG WASTE: Strong waste is defined as process wastewater having concentration levels greater than 400 mg/IL for biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) and/or total suspended solids (TSS). A business identified through testing as discharging strong waste will be subjected Zn to a surcharge on their wastewater utility bill, once ordinance amendments to the PAMC are approved. The surcharge will be based on the concentration of BOD and TSS and the amount of process wastewater discharged. FATS, OILS, and GREASE: One parameter of great concern is fats, oils, and grease (FOG). FOG causes tremendous problems for the City's POTW. Heavy concentrations of FOG have the potential to cause back-ups within the collection pipes leading to the flooding of wastewater into homes or businesses. It also interferes with the proper functioning of the POTW. Not only is this an extremely expensive and unpleasant situation, it is a health hazard. The limit for FOG concentration being discharged into the City's POTW is 1.00 mg/L, in. accordance with. PAMC Chapter 13.06. The Wastewater Pretreatment Program strictly enforces this limit when it monitors businesses. Enforcement action is taken in accordance with PANIC Chapter 13.06 when businesses do not remedy as situation after they are warned. In 2010, the City approved amendments to the PANIC relating to wastewater rates, fees and charges. These changes include a surcharge assessed to those businesses that discharge FOG above the local limit of 1.00 mg/L. Violators of this limit may also incur enforcement action. leading to possible administrative penalties in accordance. The Wastewater Pretreatment Program monitors businesses that serve or prepare food where fats, oils or grease may be introduced to the sewer system. These businesses shall have grease traps or interceptors to prevent the discharge of fat waste, oil or grease. Other businesses monitored by the Pretreatment Program for FDG include, but are not Limited to, automotive repair shops, detailing shops, and car/truck washes. Discharges of process water from these facilities must be directed through a grease interceptor prior to discharging into the City's POTW. The City's Wastewater Utility will evaluate if a grease trap or grease interceptor is required for a particular business per the PANIC. They will refer to the Uniform Plumbing Code to determine the sizing and Location of the grease trap or interceptor to be installed. The installation of a grease trap or interceptor does not assure compliance with the FOG limit. The volume of discharge, the type of discharge, any pre -wash cleaning procedures, and. frequency of grease trap/ interceptor cleaning, vary for each business and have a direct result on the final outcome. The Wastewater Pretreatment ;Program relies on actual test results to indicate if a business is in compliance with the effluent limits. The City's Wastewater Pretreatment. Program initiated a FOG program in 2010..The program focuses on educating the managers of businesses that introduce FDG into the POTW of proper FOG disposal. The program monitors businesses to ensure grease traps or interceptors are being maintained and cleaned on a regular basis. Business owners and managers are responsible for maintaining grease traps or interceptors, and documenting the cleaning schedule. Documentation must be available at the time of inspections that are conducted by the Wastewater .Pretreatment Program staff. Cleaning can be done by a rendering company or by the business itself. K-4 • • Industrial Wastewater Pretreatment Program Update G4 Port Angeles City Council March 2, 2010 Presentation Outline • Background - Acronyms and definitions - Purpose - Categories of Users • NPDES Requirements • Local limits analysis • IWP Ordinance • Program Implementation • FOG Program 1 Acronyms • DOE — Department of Ecology • NPDES — National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System • IWP — Industrial Wastewater Pretreatment • POTW — Publicly Owned Treatment Works • WWTP — Wastewater Treatment Plant WWTP 2 Hew ae \ N zaoo 0 F!!1 R. yunier Site � u WWTP F -US NwY f01 POTW More Acronyms • MAHL — Maximum Allowable Headworks Loading • Local Limits — apply to each Minor Industrial User (MIU) • mg/I — milligrams per liter = 1 part per million • mgd — million gallons per day (flow rate) • FOG — Fats, Oils, and Grease • BMP — Best Management Practices • ERP — Enforcement Response Plan K `y VAP Ri.1N! Background City of Port Angeles - Owns and maintains the POTW - Holds a Wastewater Discharge NPDES Permit from DOE - Is required by DOE to update the IWP Program - Goal of the Program is to protect the community, the wastewater facilities (POTW), and the environment . Industrial (non-domestic) Users must have a permit • Federal and State Standards apply to all communities • Local limits are tailored to our City and our WWTP • FOG does not belong in the POTW Who is impacted? - Users of the wastewater system • SIU — Significant Industrial User • MIU — Minor Industrial User • FSE — Food Service Establishment • NFD — Non -FSE FOG Discharger • Residential users rd Minimum Requirements From Section 6 of 2008 WWTP NPDES Permit A. Enforce local limitations B. Issue industrial waste discharge permits to MIUs c. Identify MIUs that will become SIUs D. Maintain records identifying pollutants from industrial users to POTW Minimum Requirements (continued) E. Annual inspections and monitoring of MIUs F. Assist DOE with SIUs - annual inspections, sampling, emergency response G. Enforce and obtain remedies for MIU non- compliance H. Publish a list of significant violators 5 Minimum Requirements (continued) I. Sampling for regulated pollutants i. Data management system K. Maintain adequate staff, funds and equipment L. Establish contracts with any contributing jurisdictions Additional Requirements • Accidental Spill Prevention Program - Implement per approved 1990 program • Evaluate need for slug discharge control plan - For each M I U - At least once every two years • DOE may take corrective action against an industrial user or the City, if the City fails to respond within 30 days to a notice of violation. 0 1'WP Annual Report • Update of non-domestic inventory • Results of wastewater sampling - Evaluate the adequacy of existing local limitations • Status of program implementation • Status of compliance activities Instances of interference, upset, or permit violations directly attributed to industrial users - Lists of users inspected/monitored and summary of results What's new with the 1WP Program? • Updated local limits • Updated definition of an MIU • More defined enforcement process ■ Rewritten Ofdinance providing required authority Survey forms from all non-domestic users Permit applications for Mlles and SIUs - Discharge and SNIP permits - Inspections - Ability to recover costs for sampling, analysis, and extra maintenance • More comprehensive documentation 7 Local Limits Local Limits Goals • Prevent pollutants interfering with the function of the POTW and/or polluting Port Angeles harbor • Protect worker health and safety' • Promote beneficial reuse and recycling of sewage sludge (biosolids) 0 ■ Discharge limits for each MIU r Technically based evaluation • DOE methodology ■ Based on wastewater characteristics and G4 operations of WWTP Local Limits Goals • Prevent pollutants interfering with the function of the POTW and/or polluting Port Angeles harbor • Protect worker health and safety' • Promote beneficial reuse and recycling of sewage sludge (biosolids) 0 Basis of Analysis • Historical data from 2005- 2008 • How much pollutant each process can handle, based on water quality standards • Flows: Permitted li_!s 0.04 mgd All IUs 0.17 mgd Hauled Waste 0.11 mgd Domestic 1.4 mgd 2008 Monthly 1.72 to 3.78 Average mgd Local Limits summary T. -!b I e i,-' a I'm xzk-d Local I..imily Pollutant Proposed Loral Limit (mgJL) Arsenic 021 Cadmiun 0,14 CFxorn int s? COOM 2.43 Cyande 0,50 Lead 1.09 mefcury 009 Mclybderrnm OM Pr Range 5.0-10,0 Seler num 086 SIIVP-r 08-9 Zinc 2.33 • Few metals coming to the plant from IDs ■ Residential use is accounted for ■ TSS and BOD limits are 400 mg/L • FOG limits are 100mglL • Results incorporated into proposed IWP Ordinance 9 Industrial Wastewater Pretreatment (IWP) Ordinance • Need to codify the updated IWP Program • Completely replaces PAMC Chapter 13.06 that dates from 1984 (minor revisions 1990 and 1996) • New IWP Ordinance is based on - D❑E/EPA Model ordinance - EPA streamlining rules - NPDES Permit requirements 2007 DoE Pretreatment Inspection report Highlights of IWP Ordinance • Reprised definition of NII] r Updated requirements for • Surveys • Permits • Inspections • Enforcement ■ Added ability to charge fees to recover costs for sampling, analytical work, and extra maintenance 10 Highlights of lWP Ordinance coat. • Establishes Prohibited Discharge Standards . Enhanced Reporting Requirements • Administrative and Judicial Enforcement Remedies • Draft Ordinance on City's website; 1st reading scheduled for March 18 SlUs, MIUs and FSEs (oh my...) Significant Industrial Users (regulated by ❑OE): - Landfill (current) - Pen -Ply (potential) . Minor Industrial Users - 6 . Food Service Establishments - dozens 11 Program description- for SiUs • Survey • Classification • Permit conditions — written and administered directly by DOE. ■ City must assist as requested Program description- for M[Us • Survey • Classification • Permit conditions -- BMPs and limits • Sampling. • Reporting and records retention • Inspections and technical assistance • Enforcement Response Plan 12 Program description- for FSEs • Survey & Classification • FOG Abatement Program • BMPs and grease removal system • Maintenance • Reporting and records retention • Inspections and technical assistance • Enforcement Response Plan 7 Prosper disposal of faits; oils and grease protects your bus ness, public health and the environment. 13. FOG Program • Every FSE must have a grease reduction system (GRS) • Every required grease trap or grease interceptor must be properly maintained • City inspections at least annually Grease Trap schematic AIR INTAKE VENT Ems_ a.x� INLET. t F Ow REGULATORY 1) CF ! REMOVABLE BAFFLES LOCK AND UFT CLEANOUT RING Y, SOLIDS ACCUMULATION 14 FOG does not belong In the Collection System • Best Management Practices Manual for restaurant owners e Fat -Free Sewers brochure for homes Consultation Education - Communication - Technical Assistance • Enforcement when required Example BIVIPs • Train kitchen staff ■ Post `NQ GREASE' signs • "Dry wipe" pots, pans and dishware prior to dishwashing • Recycle waste cooking oil • No garbage disposals connected to grease traps • Clean grease traps weekly • Keep a maintenance log 15 Schedule for IWP Implementation • DOE review (ongoing) and final legal review • lWP Ordinance public hearings and approval by Council • DOE/EPA Approval • Public outreach • MlU workshops in November 2009 and January ■ FSE workshop in January 2010 • Future workshops and individual site visits. • Permits issued under the new Ordinance Questions? 16 • 1-1 • DATE: March 2, 2010 TO: CITY COUNCIL, FROM: NATHAN A. NEST, DIRECTOR SUBJECT: STREET VACATION PETITION- STV 09-05 LI.PMANISTONE - PORTION OF VINE STREET Summary: Consideration of the vacation of portions of Vine Street situated between the WhidbylLopez Avenue alley and Lopez Avenue and Lopez Avenue and the LopezlOrcas Avenue alley. Recommendation: It is recommended that the City Council conduct the public hearing and a first reading of the attached ordinance concurring with the Planning Commission's recommendation to approve vacation of the right-of-way subject to 2 conditions, 13 findings, and 7 conclusions as listed in Exhibit A to the attached ordinance. Back round 1 Analysis: On January 1.3, 2010,.the Planning Commission conducted a public hearing in consideration of vacation of Vine Street situated south of the OrcaslL.opez Avenue Alley and Lopez Avenue and Lopez Avenue and the LopezlWh.idby Avenue alley. The entire east one half of Vine Street adjacent to the right-of-way being petitioned for vacation was vacated in 1987. If approved, a small portion of Lopez Street as shown on Exhibit B of the attached ordinance will remain open to access properties to the east of Vine Street. The petitioners requested vacation of the subject right-of-way in 2006. Due to a large portion of the neighborhood being under construction at that time, Council denied the petition but noted that the matter could be considered in the future following completion of neighborhood development when the resulting traffic pattern would be apparent. Testimony was provided at the public hearing by proponents and opponents of the vacation petition, both in person and by petition. Following close of the Planning Commission's public hearing, the Commission recommended vacation of the remaining portion of Vine Street by a vote of 6 — 0. Following the Planning Commission hearing but during the comment period for Council's public hearing, an additional petition was received in support of the vacation along with photos of the right-of-way corridor to depict testimony provided during the public hearing by petitioner Stone, and additional documentation was received from opponents to the vacation action who testified during the public hearing. That documentation is attached to this memorandum for your information. K-5 LipmanlStone STV 09-05 Cily Council Memo March 2. 2010 In consideration of the street vacation petition, the City Council's Real Estate Committee met in December, 2009, and again on February 1, 2010, to determine compensation for the right-of-way. The Committee agreed that the right-of-way appears to be of no value to the City as a . transportation corridor and it is not improved. The matter of compensation was divided somewhat in that although the Stone property experiences a historic encroachment, the Lipman property does not. Past vacation actions along the Vine Street corridor have largely been done to clear encroachments and, with the exception of one property, no compensation has been charged. Vacation of the right-of-way would result in added lot area for the Lipman ownership that permits an increase in buildability. Although a utility easement would restrict the location of structures to within the east 10 feet of acquired right of way, vacation would result in the ability to increase the density of the property ownership by some 1.680 square feet in footprint area because density is calculated on the entire lot area. Vacation could potentially permit the construction of a second residential unit on the site (by conditional use permit) or permit a significant increase in the existing structure therefore significantly increasing the property's value. The Real .Estate Committee recommended that compensation be set for the right of way adjacent to the Lipman ownership at approximately one-half the assessed valuation of property in the area, or $4.50 per square foot.. The Stone property is the remaining property along Vine Street that experiences a historic encroachment. Vacation of the adjacent right-of-way would only accomplish the acquisition of property that has been historically used for the residential site for nearly 40 years and is largely landscaping and driveway. Although there would be an increase in property area, site development restricts density expansion without demolition of the well maintained residential structures. The Staff Report in support of the vacation is attached to this memorandum as well as an excerpt from the Planning Commission's January 1.31" public hearing. It is expected that Council will hear testimony of supporters and opponents alike at the March 2'd public hearing. Staff will be available for discussion during the public hearing. Attachments: A —Ordinance and Exhibits A and B B- Staff report including letter and petition from neighbors opposing street vacation C - Planning Commission Minutes of January 1.3, 2010. D. Photos from proponent P. Toth supporting testimony provided during public hearing E. Petition and photos (1125110) provided following Planning Commission public hearing in support of vacation F. Documentation provided in opposition to vacation by neighbor Lucero • K-6 • ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, vacating portions of Vine Street, Port Angeles, in Clallam. County, Washington. WHEREAS, a petition is on file with the City of Port. Angeles to vacate a portion of Vine Street between Whidby and. Orcas Streets, Townsite of Port Angeles, Clallam. County, Washington; and. WHEREAS, street vacations are categorically exempt from the requirements of the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) rules as set forth in. WAC 197-11-800(2)(h); and. WHEREAS, a public hearing has been held by the City Council following public notice pursuant to Chapter 35.79 RCW; and WHEREAS, said vacation appears to be of benefit to and in the interest of the public. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES DO HEREBY ORDAIN as follows: Section 1 - Vacation. Subject to the terms and conditions of this Ordinance, the following portions of Vine Street, as depicted on Exhibit. -B,- are hereby vacated: That portion of Vine Street abutting Lot 20, Block 17, Puget Sound Cooperative Colony's 2"d Addition to the Townsite of Port Angeles, Washington, and abutting Lot 1, Block 12, Puget Sound Cooperative Colony's 2"a Addition to the Townsite of Port Angeles, all in Clallam County, Washington, Section 2 - Reservation. The City shall reserve a perpetual easement over, under, across, and through the east 30 feet in the vacated street right of way for a utility corridor to install, -1- K-7 operate, maintain, repair, and reconstruct public utilities in the City's discretion. The City shall 0 have at all times the right to full and free ingress and egress. Neither the grantors nor the grantors' successors in interest shall erect or place any structure, building, tree, or shrub on the above-described land without the express written permission of the City's Public Works and Utilities Department. The rights herein granted shall inure to the benefit of the grantee's successors and assigns. Section 3 - Conditions. The attached Conditions, Findings and. Conclusions, identified. as Exhibit' A," hereby are adopted and incorporated herein. Section 4 - Compensation. A. No compensation shall be required from the adjoining owners for vacation of the street abutting the property described below except the required recording fee. That portion of Vine Street abutting Lot 20, Block 17, Puget Sound Cooperative Colony's 2"d Addition to the Townsite of Port Angeles, Washington, in Clallam County, Washington. B. Compensation required for the vacation of this street is $4.50 per square foot for the property described below plus the required recording fee. That portion of Vine Street abutting Lot 1, Block 12, Puget Sound. Cooperative Colony's 2' Addition to the Townsite of Port Angeles, Washington, in Clallarn. County, Washington. Section. 5 - Effective Date. This ordinance, being an exercise of a power specifically delegated to the City legislative body, is not subject to referendum. This Ordinance shall be effective only upon the payment of the required compensation. Upon that satisfaction, the City Clerk is hereby directed to publish this Ordinance and to file a certified copy with the Clallam. County Auditor and the Clal,lam County Assessor. If full payment is not received within ninety -2- HE • days of the date of approval, then this ordinance will be deemed to be void and shall have no effect. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said Council held on the day of March, 2010. ATTEST: Janessa Hurd, City Clerk. APPROVED AS TO FORM: William E. Bloor, City Attorney 0 PUBLISHED: 2011 By Summary MAYOR. Exhibit A: Conditions, Findings & Conclusions Exhibit B: Map GALEGA MR.DINANCES&RESOLUTION SIORAINAN CES.201012-Lipman-Slune.91.I L 1 O.wpd —3— K-9 10.14a16031 i RTA CONDITIONS FINDINGS, AND CONCLUSIONS IN SUPPORT OF STREET VACATION PETITION - STV 09-05 LIPMAN/STONE Conditions: Property owned by the petitioners and right-of-way acquired through the subject vacation. shall be combined into one building site per Zoning Lot. Covenant prior to the issuance of quit claim deeds for the right-of-way. 2. A perpetual easement shall be retained along the east 30 feet of property over the existing utility corridor in favor of the City of Port Angeles. The area shall remain free of structures and access shall not be hindered at any time to the area for service or construction within the utility corridor. Findings: 1. A petition requesting the vacation of Vine Street abutting Lot 1, Block 12 Puget Sound Cooperative Colony, 2nd Addition and Lot 20, Block 1.7, Puget Sound Cooperative Colony 2nd Addition was submitted on November 9, 2009, by abutting property owners Rodney and Tina. Lipman and Randy Stone and Patti. Toth. 2. RCW 58.17 requires the signatures of two thirds of abutting property owners to be valid. when the vacation of right-of-way is proposed. The subject petition is signed by 100% of the abutting property owners. 3. The subject area is zoned RS -7 Residential Single Family and is developed with single family structures. The RS -7 zone allows the basic single family. 4. The east one-half of Vine Street in the subject area was vacated in 1987.leaving the remaining (west) portion of Vine Street between the Orcas/Lopez Avenue Alley and the Whidby/Lopez Avenue Alley reduced to one-half its platted 80` width at 40.' The remaining right-of-way contains City utilities (sewer and electric), and is encroached upon by an abutting residence (Stone) at 437 Lopez Avenue. S. Lopez Avenue extending east from the vacated Vine Street centerline was vacated in 1957. C. The City's Comprehensive Plan and Land. Use Map were reviewed for consistency with the proposed vacation of right-of-way. Land Use Element, Map Goals, Policies, and Objective Element Goal A is relevant to the proposal. 7. The Port Angeles City Council's Real Estate Committee met on December 7, 2009, and concluded support for the vacation of right of way based on encroachment (Stone property) issues and given the unimproved state of the roadway, and agreed that retention. of the small portion adjacent to the Lipman property is of no value to the City as long as a utility easement is retained. • K-10 Findings and Conclusions — LipmanlStone STV 09-05 March 2, 2010 Page 2 • . r 8. The vacating of a. street is categorically exempt from a State Environmental Policy Act. (SEPA) review per Section 197-11-800 (2) (h) of the Washington Administrative Code. 9. The site was posted regarding the proposed land use action on January 4, 2010. No written public comment was received prior to the public hearing that was scheduled for January 1.3, 2010. 10. Pertinent issues analyzed in the review process are as follow: Trak Patterns: Established traffic patterns in the area will change. Based on testimony, the unimproved corridor is regularly used. However, traffic, high speed, the deplorable condition of the road surface, and the narrowness of the remaining corridor caused both by the historic encroachment of residential property and use and previous vacations, generated a request for further closure of the corridor. Circulation to areas north of the site can be gained via Peabody Street and Eunice Streets, west and east, respectively, from the site. Use of the Whidby/Lopez Avenue Alley straight through to Peabody Street without using Whidby Avenue may also occur but is not recommended. The Peabody/Lauridsen Boulevard and EunicelLauridsen Boulevard intersections will experience additional congestion during peak periods but are designed as major use intersections for areas south of Lauridsen Boulevard. 0 Development. Patterns: Residential lofts in the area are primarily served by Lopez and Whidby Avenues. Eight homes served by the Whidby/Lopez Avenue Alley will continue to access Vine Street (immediately north of Whidby Avenue) from the remaining spur of right-of-way to Whidby Avenue. Access to neighborhood parking at the extreme east end of Lopez Avenue will remain available from Lopez Avenue. The established parking area is not required parking for the residential development it abuts, but provides street parking as in any other neighborhood in lieu of full street development. Environmentally Sensitive Areas: No environmentally sensitive areas exist in the vicinity of the proposed street vacation. ■ Public Health, Safety and Welfare: The approximately 300 lineal feet of right- of-way ight- ofway is undeveloped. The City has no immediate plans to develop the remaining 40' width of right-of-way. Multiple prior street vacations have jeopardized the ability to create a viable through street in this location. The City's minimum street standard requires 60' of right-of-way. The encroachment of structures into the remaining 40'of right -of: --way inhibits the ability to develop even substandard street improvements.. Vine Street south of Whidby Avenue has been completely vacated due to historic encroachment issues. The requested vacation will address the remaining residential. encroachment into the Vine Street corridor north of Whidby Avenue leaving a short portion of Vine Street (Lipman) remaining at the intersection with Whidby Avenue for needed access to residents who are served from the WhidhylLopez Avenue Alley. While the Lipman ownership does not experience encroachment, vacation of the remaining short stretch (approximately 140') of remaining narrow, unimproved right -of --way will K-11 Findings and Conclusions — LipmanlSlone STY' 09-05 March 2, 1010 Page 3 result in elimination of potential neighborhood disruption that may be caused by retention. of the remnant unimproved right-of-way. The right-of-way corridor serves no real public purpose other than as a utility corridor. Vacation of the right-of-way may result in slight disruption to residents of Whidby Avenue closest to the corridor who choose to use the unimproved corridor due to its close proximity to their residence rather than Peabody Street. However, the action will resolve long standing neighborhood traffic issues along the narrow, unimproved corridor as well as the encroachment concern. 1.1. Consolidation of the right -of way following vacation can be accomplished by the filing of Zoning Lot Covenants which would combine vacated property with abutting lots owned by the applicants such that no remnant lots will be created by vacation. 1.2. At its December 15, 2009, regular meeting, the Port Angeles City Council established a. public hearing date by resolution for action on the street vacation petition as February 2 7, 2010. • 1.3. The Port Angeles Planning Commission held a public hearing on the proposed street vacation on January 13, 2010, and forwarded a recommendation to the City Council for consideration, 0 Conclusions: A. The right-of-way currently provides a short-cut route for traffic in the area but is not. needed as primary access to any property. The remaining corridor serves no purpose in fulfilling either the current or long range transportation planning needs of the City. B. The Wright of way corridor is insufficient to accommodate street development. Additionally, the long standing residential encroachment into the remaining right-of-way inhibits the ability to develop even substandard street improvements without significant disruption to long standing neighborhood development. C. Vacation will result in the elimination of residential encroachment and closure of a. narrow, undeveloped, remnant right-of-way corridor that has been a cause of concern to the immediate neighborhood due to traffic issues. D. Access to established residences will not change from existing primary access points. E. As conditioned, consolidation of the petitioners' property ownerships with the vacated right-of-way is in accordance with expected land management and development policies, and is consistent with development standards of the RS -7 Section 17. 10 ( RS -7 Zone) of the Port Angeles Municipal Code. Property consolidation will appropriately combine the vacated right-of-way with adjacent property thus avoiding the creation of remnant, nonconforming lots. K-12 Findings and Conclusions — Lipman/Stone -STV 09-05 March 2, 2010 Page A F. As conditioned, the existing utility infrastructure will remain accessible at all times for maintenance and construction needs thus ensuring the public interest and welfare.. G. The proposal is consistent with the goals and policies of the City's Comprehensive :Plan specifically Land Use Map Goal, Policies and Objective Element Goal A. Adopted by the :Port Angeles City Council at its meeting of .2010. Dan DiGuilio, Mayor 3anessa Hurd; City Clerk. • K-13 L'IPMANISTONE STV 09-05 fl Proposed street vacation (3D' Utility easement to be retained} Exhibit $�� 0 ao so 7 so 240 320 •CITY OFOR rr GELESP A, . . . ...... . ...... . ....... . .... .. ....... ... ............. MORS - W A 5 H I N G T O N, U. S. A. COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT TD:. DATE: Planning Commission. Sue Roberds, Planning Manager January 13, 2410 RE: Street. Vacation Petition — STV 09-05 Lipman/Stone Vacation of the remaining portions of Vine Street situated between the WhidbylLopez Avenue and Lopez/Oreas Avenue Alleys PETITIONERS Randy Stone and. Patti Toth and Rodney and Tina Lipman. OWNER: City of Port Angeles DEPARTMENT RECOMMENDATION: The Department of Community & Economic Development recommends that the Planning Commission forward a recommendation of approval with hvo conditions to the City Council for Street Vacation petition. STV 09-05. Twelve (1.2) findings and 7 conclusions are provided in support of the action. BACKGROUND: A petition was filed requesting vacation of the remaining portion of Vine Street abutting Lot 1, Block 1.2, and. Lot 20, Block 17, Puget Sound. Cooperative Colony, 2" `r Addition to fort Angeles by 100% of the abutting property owners. Abutting property owners are petitioners. Randy Stone and Patti Toth and Rodney and. Tina Lipman. The abutting (east) portion of Vine Street in the neighborhood has been previously vacated by ordinance leaving the subject (west) portion as a narrow 40' right -of -wary corridor. The existing traveled way is unimproved but utilized by local traffic. A public sewer line exists in the subject right-of-way. DEPARTMENT COMMENTS: City Departments reviewed the proposal and provided the following comments: The Fire Department, Police_ _Department, and Building Division of CED had no concerns. The .Public Works and. Utilities De2artment will require a perpetual 20' utility casement over the subject right-of-way. No structures shall be constructed over the easement.and the casement area shall not be obstructed. Clallarn Transit Authority stated that they do not travel the route_ K-15 L;pmanIStone STV 09-05 Januaq .13, 2009 Page 2 PUBLIC COMMENT: Time site was posted for land use action on January 4, 2010..To date, no written public comment has been received. Public comment will be taken up to and through the public hearing that will be conducted on January 13, 2010, by the. Planning Commission. BACKGROUND: The area was platted in the late 1$90's as the Puget Sound Cooperative Colony's Second Addition. Residences were developed in a haphazard manner, partially due to surveying errors that resulted in significant encroachments into the Vine Street right -of --way within the Addition. Subsequently, all of Vine Street south of Whidby Avenue has been vacated by ordinance. The east one half of Vine Street north of Whidby Avenue, the subject area (see Exhibit 13) has also been vacated leaving an unimproved, narrow travel corridor. The current petition was submitted. by property owners (Stone) who also experience a historic development encroachment, and a. second property owner (Lipman) who does not experience an encroachment. A petition was filed in. 2006 (by the current petitioners) requesting vacation of the subject (remaining) portion of Vine Street. At that time, the Department of Community & Economic Development and the Planning Commission recommended approval of the street vacation based on time unimproved status, previous vacation that has caused narrowing of the corridor, and testimony of neighbors that travel through the corridor is unsafe due to the speed of travel. However, because of the imminent residential development of a large property in the area for housing, the City Council denied the vacation „petition without prejudice. Petitioners were told that they could resubmit at a future date when neighborhood development is complete and a more clear determination can be made as to the need for the right-of-way subsequent to full build. out of the neighborhood. The six new homes were finaled in 2007 completing the neighborhood. build out. In September, 2009, the City Council agreed to vacate yet another portion of the right-of-way (the northeast corner of the intersection of Vine Street and Whidby Avenue) due to a historic encroachment of the abutting residence. Following that action, petitioners Lipman/Stone determined to resubmit the petition for vacation of the remainder of Vine Street north of the Whidby/Lopez Alley to the .Lopez/Orcas Alley. ANALYSIS: When deter:mmining whether to vacate .right-of-way, it is important to analyze specific issues. Those issues are summarized as follows: • Traffic Patterns: Established traffic patterns in the area will change with the vacation. Detailed testimony was provided during the Lipman/Stone Street Vacation petition STV 06-08 public bearing, conducted on October 25, 2006, that the unimproved corridor is heavily misused by speeders. Excess, high speed, traffic and the unimproved condition of the road surface generated the request for vacation as well as residential encroachment into the remaining narrow corridor. As shown by the attached map (Attachment B), neighborhood properties are served from Whidby Avenue, Lopez Avenue, and areas Avenue. Those access points will not change. While it can be surmised (given previous testimony) that residents of Whidby Avenue east of the intersection of Whidby and. Vine currently use the unimproved corridor as a route to other areas of the City, those residents can use the improved Peabody Street/Lauridsen Boulevard access and, Eunice Street (to the east), and, with the exception of the closest residents, may prefer to do so given time unimproved state of Vine Street. Newer residents to time neighborhood who currently access their properties via the Whidby/Lopez Avenue Alley would continue to use the remaining K-16 Lipinan/Siane STV 09-05 January 13, 2009 Page 3 portion of Vine Street south of the Whidby/Lopez Avenue Alley with continued access via either Peabody or Eunice Streets. Use of the Whidby/Lopez Avenue Alley straight through to :Peabody Street may also occur but is not recommended. The Peabody/Lauridsen Boulevard intersection. will experience additional congestion during peak. periods. However, the intersection is designed as a major use intersection, and Eunice Street east of the site is developed to handle local traffic. Development Patterns: The proposal will not adversely impact further development in. the area. A few remaining larger properties east of the subject location remain as developable but, due to location, they would not receive access from the subject corridor. Access to the developed parking area at the extreme east end of Lopez Avenue will remain unchanged. The developed area is not required parking for the abutting development but provides public street parking as would be found in a more typical neighborhood. • Environmentally Sensitive Areas: No environmentally sensitive areasexist in the vicinity of the proposed street vacation. Public Ifealth, Safety and Welfare: The narrow, short stretch (approximately 300 linear feet) of right -of way is undeveloped. Although funding for the roadway improvement has been reviewed as part of the Cit}' Capital Facilities planning, the City has no immediate plans to develop the remaining right-of-way. City utilities are .located in the east portion of the right-of- way, and access to those utilities may not be hindered. A perpetual easement for existing utilities, including any future utilities or utility repair work is required along the east 30 feet of the 40 foot right-of-way corridor. Vacations of the right-of-way will address the remaining encroachment along the Vine Street right-of-way { property) g p� g p. p gh40 . ht -of wa corridor the Stoneand will enlarge the Lipman ownership. Althou enlargement of the Lipman property is not a matter of public interest leaving the small. portion of unimproved right-of-way open may cause unneeded disruption to the neighborhood by those who may .inadvertently enter the area only to encounter a dead end.. Vacation of the right-of-way will result in disruption to those residents of Whidby Avenue closest to the corridor who may choose to use the unimproved corridor as a short cut even given its narrow, unimproved state; however, Peabody Street and Eunice Streets do offer improved exits from the area. The action will result in the creation of a closed neighborhood that no longer serves as a thoroughfare where speed is an issue, particularly given the narrowness of the corridor and the unimproved nature of the roadway. STATE ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY ACT (SEP'A) REVIEW: The vacating of a street is categorically exempt firom the State Environmental :Policy Act (SEPA) review per Section 197-11-800 (2) (h) of the Washington Administrative Code. Attachments: A - Conditions, Findings, and Conclusions B - Area map C - Petition • K- 17 Lipmanl,Sione STV Q9-05 January 73, 2009 .Page ATTACHMENT "A" 0 Conditions, Findings, and. Conclusions in Support of Street Vacation Petition - STV 09-05 Lipman/Stone Conditions: 1. Propeirty owned by the petitioners and right-of-way acquired through the subject vacation shall be combined into one building site per Zoning .Lot. Covenant prior to the issuance of quit claim deeds :for the right-of-way. 2. A perpetual easement shall be retained along the east 30 feet of property over the existing utility corridor in favor of the City of Port Angeles. The area shall remain free of structures and access shalt not be hindered at any time to the area for service or construction within the utility corridor. Findings: I. A petition, requesting the vacation of Vine Street abutting Lot 1; Block 12 Puget Sound Cooperative Colony, 2"d Addition and Lot 20, Block .1.7, Puget Sound. Cooperative Colony 2"0 Addition was submitted on November 9, 2049, by abutting property owners Rodney and. Tina. Lipman and Randy Stone and Patti Toth, 2. RCW 58.1.7 requires the signatures of two thirds of abutting property owners to be valid when the vacation of right-of-way is proposed. The subject petition is signed by 100% of the abutting property owners. 3. The subject area is zoned RS -7 Residential Single .Family and is developed with, single family structures. The RS -7 zone allows the basic single family. 4. The east one-half of Vine Street in the subject area was vacated in 1987 leaving the remaining (west) portion of Vine Street between the OrcaslLopez Avenue Alley and the WhidbylLopez Avenue Alley reduced to one-half its platted 80' width at 40.' The remaining right-of-way contains City utilities (sewer and electric), and is encroached upon by an abutting residence (Stone) at 437 Lopez Avenue, 5. Lopez Avenue extending east from the vacated. Vine Street centerline was vacated in. 1957 6. The City's Comprehensive Plan and Land Use Map were reviewed for consistency with. the proposed vacation of fight -of -way. Land Use Element, Map Goals, Policies, and. Objective Element Goal A is relevant to the proposal. The Port Angeles City Council's Real Estate Committee met on. December 7, 2009, and. concluded support for the vacation of right of way based on encroachment (Stone property) issues and given the unimproved state of the roadway, and agreed that retention of the small portion adjacent to the Lipman property is of no value to the City as long as a utility easement is retained. 8. The vacating of a street is categorically exempt from a State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) review per Section 197-11-804 (2) (h) of the Washington Administrative Code. rREF LipmanlStone STV 0905 January 13, 2009 Page 5 & The site was posted regarding the proposed land use action on January 4, 2010..No written public comment was received prior to the public hearing that was scheduled for. January 13, 2010. 9. Pertinent issues analyzed in the review process are as follow: ra is Patterns: Established traffic patterns in the area will change. Based on testimony, the unimproved corridor is regularly used. However, traffic, high. speed, the deplorable condition of the read surface, and the narrowness of the remaining corridor caused berth. by the historic encroachment of residential property and use and previous vacations, generated a request for further closure of the corridor. Circulation to areas north of the site can. be gained via Peabody Street and Eunice Struts, west and east, respectively, from the site. Use of the Whidby/Lopez Avenue Alley straight through to Peabody Street without using Whidby Avenue may also occur but is not recommended. The Peabody/Lauridsen Boulevard and. Eunice/Lauridsen Boulevard intersections will. experience additional congestion during peak periods but are designed as major use intersections for areas south of Lauridsen Boulevard. Development .Patterns: Residential lots in the area are primarily served by Lopez and Whidby Avenues. Eight homes served by the Whidby/Lopez Avenue Alley will continue to access Vine Street (immediately north of Whidby Avenue) from the remaining spur of right -of --way to Whidby Avenue.. Access to neighborhood parking at the extreme east and of Lopez Avenue will remain available from Lopez Avenue. The established parking area is not required parking for the residential development it abuts, but provides street parking as in any other neighborhood in lieu of full street development. a Environmentally Sensitive Areas: No environmentally sensitive areas exist in the vicinity of the proposed street vacation. + Public Health, Safet}r and Welfare: The approximately 300 lineal feet of right-of-way is undeveloped. The City has no immediate plans to develop the remaining 40' width of right-of-way. Multiple prior street vacations have jeopardized the ability to create a viable through street in this location. The City's m:i.nimumm street standard requires 60' of right-of-way; The encroachment of structures into the remaining 40'of right-of-way inhibits the ability to develop even substandard street improvements. Vine Street south of Whidby Avenue has been completely vacated due to historic encroachment, issues. The requested vacation will address the remaining residential encroachment into the Vine Street corridor north of Whidby Avenue leaving a short portion of Viae Street (Lipman) remaining at the intersection with Whidby Avenue for needed access to residents who are served from the Whidby/Lopez Avenue Alley. While the Lipman ownership does not experience encroachment, vacation of the remaining short stretch (approximately 140') of remaining narrow, unimproved right-of-way will. result in elimination of potential neighborhood disruption that may be caused by retention of the remnant unimproved right-of-way. The right-of-way corridor serves no real public purpose other than as a utility corridor. Vacation of the right -of way may result in slight disruption to residents of Whidby Avenue closest to the corridor who choose to use the unimproved corridor due to its close proximity to their residence rather than Peabody Street. However, the action will resolve K-19 Lipmart.IStone STS' 09-01 January 13, 2009 Page 6 long standing treig�boyhood traffic issues along the narrow, unimproved corridor as well as the encroachment concern. 10. Consolidation of the right-of-way following vacation can be accomplished by the fling of Zoning; Lot Covenants which would combine vacated property with abutting lots owned by the applicants such. that :no remnant lots will be created by vacation. 11. At its December 1.5, 2009, regular, meeting, the Port Angeles City Council established a. .public hearing elate by resolution for action on the street vacation petition as February 2 7, 2010. 12. The Port Angeles .Planning Commission held a public hearing on the proposed street vacation on January 1,3, 2010, and forwarded a recommendation to the City Council for consideration. Conclusions: A. The right-of-way currently provides a short-cut route for traffic in the area but is not needed as primary access to any property. The remaining corridor serves aro purpose in. fulfilling either the current or long range transportation planning needs of the City. B. The 40' right of way corridor is insufficient to accommodate street development. Additionally, the long standing residential encroachment into the remaining right-of-way inhibits the ability to develop even substandard street improvements without significant disruption to long standing neighborhood development. C. Vacation will result in the elimination of residential encroachment and closure of a narrow, undeveloped, remnant right-of-way corridor that has been a cause of concern to the immediate neighborhood due to traffic issues. D. Access to established residences will not change from existing primary access points. E. As conditioned, consolidation of the petitioners' property ownerships with the vacated right-of-way is in accordance with expected land management and development policies, and is consistent with development standards of the RS -7 Section 17.10 ( RS -7 Zane) of the Port Angeles Municipal Code. Property consolidation will appropriately combine the vacated right-of-way with adjacent property thus avoiding the creation of remnant, nonconforming lots. F. As conditioned, the existing utility infrastructure will remain accessible at all times for maintenance and construction needs thus ensuring the public interest and welfare. G. The proposal is consistent with the goals and policies of the City's Comprehensive Plan. specifically Land Use Map Goal, Policies and Objective Element Goal. A. '1':p[atnning[:S'I'VU009il:ipn3an Stoiie 09-05 K-20 • • VpmanlSlonc STV 09 -DJ Januaiy .i3, 2009 Page 7 ATTACHMENT B COMPREHENSIVE PLAN and ZONING ORDINANCE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN The subject property is designated as Low Tensity Residential (LDR) on the City's Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map, The Comprehensive Platy was reviewed in. its entirety in consideration of the proposed street vacation, and the following goals and policies were found to be most relevant to the proposal: Land Use Map Goal, Policies, and Objective Goal A - To guide current and future development within the City in a manner that provides certainty to its citizens about future .land use and the flexibility necessary to meet: the challenges and opportunities of the .future. ZONING The site and surrounding areas are zoned R5-7 Residential Sizable Family (RS -7) on the City's Zoning Map. The purpose of the RS-7.Zone is: "This is a lays, density residential zone intended to create and preserve urban single family residential neighborhoods consisting of predominantly single family homes on standard Townsite-size lots. User which are compatible with and f enctionally related to a single,family residential environment may also be located in this zone." K-21 Filing I've: $325 File ]date Recd L-io �T,;,:-- 0-� - Li �—, CITY OF PORT ANGELES STREET VACATION PETITION TO: The City Council of the City of Porn Angeles ECEC VE NOV - 9 2009 CITY OF PORT ANGELES Dap}. of Community Development We, the undersigned petitioners request that the following described part of �I;"►�� 5 FrP � �- in the City of Port Angeles be vacated pursuant to Chapter 35.79 RCW. The right-of-way is legally described as: D,ou ff7 lot zO b loc. k 1-7 PG C. C- a fq C a iu-F+,oq iot 1 b1ac.k-- i;>, PIS -Ca, _-� There are c�, owners of property abutting said right-of-way. The undersigned petitioners are the owners of interest in real estate abutting the above described area. Name R. an d a // Sfo /10-- q - —1 Address A • A, WA gg The undersigned petitioners constitute more than two -thirsts of the owners of said abutting property. WHEREFORE, the petitioners prays that proceedings be had hereon for the vacation of said area of.y/ in & S fie e t Respectfully submitted, NAME PHONE NO. 366--45a-3q1 DATE lr-- °' ll- — K-22 • • • 0 0 D Port Angeles, wA 9832 I 12 70 January 8, 2010 coli p �,�p #� OT vacate Fine Street between the Whidb ez .0 opeZ/Orcas alley. When the ci took comments n homes that were built on the Eastern and of Lopez, rI tints on Concern regarding increased traffic on the alley. Having -lived voiced Qrcas Street, and still renting out the house there, I am painfully ai at 414 aware of the number of cars that traverse that alley. Orcas Street t is twice as wide as the alley and seems to have fewer vehi steet is vacated, there will be even more traffic on the narrow aline eys. There are few enough roads in Port Angeles due to creeks and other natural barriers. Closing a now open street will hinder traffic circulation. The fire department,'Paratransit and other commerc will be negatively impacted on closing Dine street. e All the people on Vine Street knew the street was open when bought their property. The complaint I have heard voiced is that i is dusty because part of the street is not paved. Chi and tar ht Chip remainder of Vine and the dust will go away. the S' Corel , �i Ra &Via elgel f 5, -, e!9—'- Wf-� ray r' 430 E. Whidby St" V- 3 LAO- c040 -���,� "1 C Jan. 12, 1 010 CE#vE l To The Planning Commission SAN 12 2010 Upon reading the report to the planning commission regardin the v c TAG portions of Vine, I have some rebuttals to make. It is stated tat sit ow ve rfYpeve�p� esf does not travel the route that is seeking to be Vacated. Pa ratransit however, does use Vine street portion that 5tone&ipman wish for their own. The bus is owned by Clallam Transit even K A is managed by Paratransit May Page 3 states, "Use of the' to have a�poli eht rmanhon the comto er? also occur but is not recommended. Do you p How is this going to be in enforced it is also enc"ng bgestiQn to the point thatuddsen intersection will experience additional congestion. l is� rrentlex t Y P. there really is need for traffic revision. This petition will only increase the congestion and the likely hood of traffic accidents. "The city has no immediate plans to develop the remaining right-of-way." All the etition is app osv citizens of Port Angeles currecome the owner of theown this 300' tright of -way and may purchase it approved, Stone/Lipman will be for the "toed rate." The city city addr ss lto MAKE issu s of high speed traffic th their lans to surface the road which Will alone address the dust issue. The city traffic monitor on other streets, why not on this one? Page 5 "Vacation of the right-of-wayemat wit{ �� a�lslgigh�disr%ptiontion �' Any accresident ident Whidby.., hidby." The residents of Whidby do not on Peabody or Eunice will make a real traffic backup. Are the residents of Whidby less citizens of Port Angeles than the parties abutting the 300' of Vine? Page 6 "8" The 43' right of way corridor is insufficient for accommodate street development." Yet all the residents at the end of Lopez. are going to be funneled into the ally ways smaller yet than Vine streeereforced foto planned those case ]the�allays exclusively s are not surfaced at Vine street so that when the residents the width of Vine will become a big hole in the road. Page 7 "Goal A" "fiexibliity necessary to meet the challenges and opportunities of the future." How can pe the into singof � operty open opportunities leAbility to meet challenges? turning public property p sincerely, Via Weigel • K- 25 PLANNING COMMISSION JANUARY 13, 3010 - MINUTES EXCERPT S'T'REET VACATION PETITION - STV 09-05 - LI.PMANISTONE: Vacation of a. portion of Vine Street between the Whidby/Lopez and Lopez/Orcas Avenue Alleys. Planning Manager Sue Roherds reviewed the Staff Report recommending approval of the street vacation with two conditions. Ms. Roberds noted that a petition had been received on January 12, 2010, signed by 6 residents of the area and one visitor objecting to the street vacation, and an additional letter from one of the persons who signed the petition in opposition of the vacation. The letter and petition were included in the Planning Commission's materials presented for the public hearing. Patti Toth, 437 Lopez Avenue spoke in favor of the street vacation indicating that her home has encroached into the remaining (west) portion of Vine Street for more than 44 years. It is not possible to widen the roadway to a City standard given that only approximately 20 feet of right of way exists beyond the residential encroachment and the adjacent property line. The roadway is unimproved, pot holed, and narrow. The east portion of Vine Street was previously vacated and the remaining small corridor results in a safety hazard to those who live and travel along it. Travel along the corridor is unsafe and she provided pictures indicating tire marks from an incident where an automobile ran into the timbered landscaping rather than the side wall of her home in the past. In response to Commissioner Boyle, .Ms. Toth responded that traffic passes both north and south along the street. The remaining right of way provides a shorter route to Lauridsen. Boulevard than traveling west to Peabody Street and the busy intersection. She will block off the currently traveled way if vacated, but her property will retain access to the alley with easy access to Lauridsen Boulevard, Randy Stone, 437 Lopez Avenue agreed that the street should be vacated. People who signed the petition asking that the right of way not be vacated live on Whidby and use the short cut route to Lauridsen Boulevard but can use Peabody Street or Eunice Street. They don't need to use Vine Street north to the Boulevard but can continue to use the south end of Vine Street to Whidby for egress from the area. Cathy Lueero, 509 Witidby Avenue stated that the Peabody Street intersection at Lauridsen Boulevard is very, very congested. Neighbors prefer to use the subject right of way as egress from the area to void the intense congestion. Although she supported vacation of the area of the Stone property development that encroaches into the corridor, she asked that the remaining small portion of right of way remain open so that residents who have always used the route can continue to choose the short route if desired. It is unimproved but it's better than nothing. There is no encroachment abutting the Lipman property. John Underwood, 503 Lopez Avenue is a new resident to the neighborhood and agrees that the right of way is narrow. He supported vacation of the right of way. K-26 • Tina Lipman, owns 438 Lopez Avenue and supported vacation of the right of way. There being no further testimony, Chair Reiss closed the public hearing. Commissioner Beier moved to recommend that the City Council vacate the right of way per Street Vacation Petition STV 09-05 with the following conditions, findings, and conclusions in support of that action: Conditions: Property owned by the petitioners and right-of-way acquired through the subject. vacation shall be combined into one building site per Zoning Lot. Covenant prior to the issuance of quit claim deeds for the right-of-way. A perpetual easement shall be retained along the east 30 feet of property over the existing utility corridor in favor of the City of Port Angeles. The area shall remain free of structures and access shalI not be hindered at any time to the area for service or construction within the utility corridor. Findings: A petition requesting the vacation of Vine Street abutting Lot 1, Block 12 Puget Sound Cooperative Colony, 2nd Addition and Lot 20, Block 17, Puget Sound Cooperative Colony 2nd Addition was submitted on November 9, 2009, by abutting property owners Rodney and Tina Lipman and Randy Stone and. Patti Toth. 2. RCW 58.17 requires the signatures of two thirds of abutting property owners to be valid when the vacation of right-of-way is proposed. The subject petition is signed by 100% of the abutting property owners. 3. The subject area is zoned RS -7 Residential Single Family and is developed with single family structures. The RS -7 zone allows the basic single family. 4. The -east one-half of Vine Street in the subject area was vacated in 1987 leaving the remaining (west) portion of Vine Street between the OrcaslLopez Avenue Alley and the Whidby/Lopez Avenue Alley reduced to one-half its platted 80' width at 40.` The remaining right-of-way contains City utilities (sewer and electric), and is encroached upon by an abutting residence (Stone) at 437 Lopez Avenue. 5. Lopez Avenue extending east from the vacated Vine Street centerline was vacated in 1957 G. The City's Comprehensive Plan and Land Use Map were reviewed for consistency with the proposed vacation of right -of --way. Land Use Element, Map Goals, Policies, and Objective Element Goal A is relevant to the proposal. 7. The Port Angeles City Council's Real Estate Committee met on December 7, 2009, and concluded support for the vacation of right of way based on encroachment (Stone property) issues and given the unimproved state of the roadway, and agreed that retention of the small portion adjacent to the Lipman property is of no value to the City as long as a uti Iity easement is retained. • K-27 8: The vacating of a street is categorically exempt from a State Environmental Policy' Act (SEPA) review per Section 1.97-1.1-500 (2) (h) of the Washington Administrative Code. 9. The site was posted regarding the proposed land use action on January 4, 2010. No written public comment was received prior to the public hearing that was scheduled for January 13, 2010. IO. Pertinent issues analyzed in the review process are as follow: • Trak Patterns: Established traffic patterns in the area will change. Based on testimony, the unimproved corridor is regularly used. However, traffic, high speed, the deplorable condition of the road surface, and the narrowness of the remaining corridor caused both by the historic encroachment of residential property and use and previous vacations, generated a request for further closure of the corridor. Circulation to areas north of the site can be gained via. Peabody Street and Eunice Streets, west and east, respectively, from the site. Use of the Whidby/Lopez Avenue Alley straight through to Peabody Street without using Whidby Avenue may also occur but is not recommended. The Peabody/Lauridsen Boulevard and Eunice/Lauridsen Boulevard intersections will experience additional congestion during peak periods but are designed as major use intersections for areas south of Lauridsen Boulevard. • Development Patterns: Residential lots in the area are primarily served by Lopez and Whidby Avenues. Eight homes served by the WhidbylLopez. Avenue Alley will continue to access Vine Street (immediately north of Whidby Avenue) from the remaining spur of right-of-way to Whidby Avenue. Access to neighborhood parking at the extreme east end of Lopez Avenue will remain available from Lopez Avenue. The established parking area is not required parking for the residential development it abuts, but provides street parking as in any other neighborhood in lieu of full street development. • Environmentally Sensitive Areas: No environmentally sensitive areas exist in the vicinity of the proposed street vacation. • Public Health, Safety and Welfare: The approximately 300 lineal feet of right-of-way is undeveloped. The City has no immediate plans to develop the remaining 40` width of right-of-way, Multiple prior street vacations have jeopardized the ability to create a viable through street in this location. The City's minimum street standard requires 60' of right-of-way. The encroachment of structures into the remaining 40'of right-of-way inhibits the ability to develop even [ Crnertt NWS In°n r nian ` . substandard street improvements. _ _________________________________ fuoiridningshauldhave rtoihingoidarwith Vine Street south of Whidby Avenue has been completely vacated due to is decision. historic encroachment issues, The requested vacation will address the remaining residential encroachment into the Vine Street corridor north of Whidby Avenue leaving a short portion of Vine Street (Lipman) remaining at the intersection with Whidby Avenue for needed access to residents who are served from the Whidby/Lopez Avenue Alley. While the Lipman ownership does not experience encroachment, vacation of the remaining short stretch (approximately 1.44') of • K-28 remaining narrow, unimproved right-of-way will result in elimination of potential neighborhood disruption that may be caused by retention of the remnant unimproved right-of-way. The right-of-way corridor serves no real public purpose other than as a utility corridor. Vacation of the right-of-way may result in slight disruption to residents of Wh.idby Avenue closest to the corridor who choose to use the unimproved corridor due to its close proximity to their residence rather than Peabody Street. However, the action will resolve long standing neighborhood traffic issues along the narrow, unimproved corridor as well as the encroachment concern. 11. Consolidation of the right-of-way following vacation can be accomplished by the filing of Zoning Lot Covenants which would combine vacated property with abutting lots owned by the applicants such that no remnant lots will be created by vacation. 1.2. At its December 1.5, 2009, regular meeting, the Port Angeles City Council established a public hearing date by resolution for action on the street vacation petition as February 2 7, 2010. 1.3. The Port Angeles Planning Commission held a public hearing on the proposed street vacation on January 1.3, 2010, and forwarded a recommendation to the City Council for consideration. Conclusions- A. onclusions:A. The right-of-way currently provides a short-cut route for traffic in the area but is not needed as primary access to any property. The remaining corridor serves no purpose in fulfilling either the current or long range transportation planning needs of the City. B. The 40` right of way corridor is insufficient to accommodate street development. Additionally, the long standing residential encroachment into the remaining right- of-way inhibits the ability to develop even substandard street improvements without significant disruption to long standing neighborhood development. Vacation will result in the elimination of residential encroachment and closure of a narrow, undeveloped, remnant right-of-way corridor that has been a cause of concern to the immediate neighborhood due to traffic issues. C. Access to established residences will not change from existing primary access points. D. As conditioned, consolidation of the petitioners' property ownerships with the vacated right-of-way is in accordance with expected land management and. development policies, and is consistent with development standards of the RS -7 Section ( RS -7 Zone) of the Port Angeles Municipal Code. Property consolidation will appropriately combine the vacated right-of-way with adjacent property thus avoiding the creation of remnant, nonconforming lots. E. As conditioned, the existing utility infrastructure will remain accessible at all times for maintenance and construction needs thus ensuring the public interest and welfare. • K-29 1/28/2010 A 1 F. The proposal is consistent with the goals and policies of the City's Comprehensive Plan specifically Land :Use Map Goal, Policies and Objective Element Goal A. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Powers, and passed 6 — U. C • K-31 r t: � ,iy�t_ 1 r e h, � e� ZY .4 ✓,E . � i. T.„ Vine Street, looking south — showing how dirt lane narrowsT,� ( (before Olympic Vista homes were built) �3 Width of unimproved gravel section of Vine is 19 feet at its widest (at green arrow), and 12 feet at its narrowest (further up, next to Lipman property) • ._ r '.T'a. "�.. "lit r•. idth of paved road of this point is 40 feet to other curb Randy Stone standing at entry to Lopez/Orcas Alley (at end of paved section of Vine, with Stone house in background) 1/28/2010 Vine Street, looking south — showing how dirt lane narrows (after Olympic Vista homes were built) Paved section to the north is 40 feet wide; dirt lane ranges from 12-19 feet wide. , , A Potholes: Fookingnorth on VineR ' • • 2 • End of Vine Street, looking east — showing entry to parking area for Olympic Vista homes •/28/2010 End of Vine Street — south side of Olympic Vista homes 3 Orca's Lopez Alley —paved & 20 feet wide behind north side of Olympic Vista homes 13 ........ . . . ..... . . 1/28/2010 4 r ' 1 ' � �.��, l , • � � • � .��� �, A �� ' ter. �- �J t lir, .k ':: � A'i! .. ..`�1>'r '•. � v 4s � ✓ `� r . � - i • "` ' '. F vi •_ — `� � i �� 7 v � �K, w� is 't i( �� • ' � � � � aka M 7. �. < •:v� ��`° �Y, y.• � �' t'" ''jr �9. r7� Ali i;" �. 14 G3i ]%r i r•i,g y lot, 6 Lipman house ---��_ � - 4 a�—'T'R�► �; t � -_ a �t (fromI I w rn 1/28/2010 R El Members of the Port Angeles City Council: Jwma?y 2010 Pleas approve e petition to vacate, Vine Street next to the Stone. and Lipman properties. We are residents. and homeowners in the area and want t 0 - sections Of Vine Street closed. The narrow unimproved dirt road is safety hazard anddanger to the community. JAN 2 5 20107 Nam Signature(s) Address' 1 — T QFPORTANAFIj;: _79FPORTAN FIJ:. IWI Y 1) q,.v c 4 010e �PFZ--� AUE +� 0 () �� Aum 0k- Jr "I'M To. Port Angeles City Council flECEOVE 1. -February 2, 2010. JAN. 2 5 2010 CITY yr PORT ANGELES Dept, of Community Devefopmdr t We wholeheartedly support the petition to vacate Vine Street adjacent to the Stone and Lipman property. Ars Olympic Vista homeowners on Lopez Street immediately east of these sections of Vine Street, we consider this narrow unimproved dirt road an ongoing safety hazard and danger to our children and others. Names . _6printed) Signatureisl Address Id C-' Rqj cast �o�. rd 5c ->Ll fie, P -e;_;' 'a, V -P, mol c4m p '5ta z�: I-bpez Ave, fr VAPIf.1,rJOL� 24810.] • • To: Port Angeles City Council -RECEHE February 2, 2010 JAN 2 5 2010 CITY OF PORT ANGELES Dept. of Community development We wholeheartedly support the pefibon.to vacate Vine Stre ce. E 10 the Stone and Lipman. property. As Olympic Vista homeowners on Lopez Street immediately east of these sections of Vine Street, we consider this narrow unimproved dirt road an ongoing safety hazard and danger to our children and others. Nam e Us (printed) SignatuM Us Address Arf UJA. Additional Comments: b& j n S. stae-t�Z'i7 up gvta� �6�1» -�'� raFee oh � �`�y iris .� �U� n�ljc��P flc� �tlhen �Ce �9/. f�/�� L/ s�-��� awn ��- � C2 j"e T d 0 �1?G!?r/ dins o1� � ih rn,vl- g�� �'� K - ss ATTACHMENT`F EC H JAM L D Giii _ CITY Dear City Council: We ask you to deny the request to vacate the 40 foot wide City right -of way at the middle block of South Vine Street. Instead, we ask that you approve the previous staff recommendation. When this some proposal was presented to City Council in 2007, a February 6 City Council Memo advised the following: Staff recommends that the City Council vacate only that portion of the Vine Street right-of-way abutting petitioner Stone's property thereby allowing clear title to that property development (total of 14 ft.Y but deny Upman's request, retaining that area of Vine Street for public use of this time and direct staff to prepare an ordinance in support of this action. Please consider delaying action on this request until there has been sufficient time to review all of the information we are presenting along with this letter. Not all interested parties could accommodate the hearing on February 2, 2010 which was set by resolution prior to any public notice. Vacating Vine Street would have a measurable negative impact to the surrounding community. It would allow the petitioners to create two dead ends in the middle of a through, public road. While closing these sections will reduce traffic volume for some, petitioners will disrupt up to 94% of the normal traffic pattern (documented during an unofficial traffic study) and concentrate it into other areas. It would also force the - majority of the neighborhood from their present route to an intersection with 12 times the accident rate. Es. Vacating public land should not adversely affect the public benefit, One petitioner would like to close the road to reduce traffic and dust near his property and the other is interested in obtaining sufficient lot square footage to build a larger house. Ironically, the City'plans to retain a 30 foot unbuildable utility easement. So, while the road closure will advance private objectives, it conflicts vvith public benefit by decreasing the level of service currently provided by Vine Street. This runs counter to the City's own Municipal Code 11.02.010 built on national standards (the NFCSR) which specifically relate trip travel distance and wait times to level of service. Since this action will increase both in an area that is already underserved with through crass -streets, it creates an unnecessary adverse impact. Street safety is also a consideration for public benefit, While the petitioners attempt to supersede the adverse affects of rerouting with concerns about speeding and public safety, Vine Street's incident record shows it is actually the safer travel route. Vacating I • tlhe recommended 14 feet of right-of-way abutting Stone's property would not narrow the road's current -width. The remaining 26 foot right-of-way would still be consistent with older Port Angeles Street widths (see 2005 city staff report) and even allows Vine's drivable width to be increased if needed in the future. Closing these portions, on the other hand, would concentrate more traffic on fewer reads and increase congestion at the Jefferson Elementary School zone, where if could most affect children's safety. The attached information substantiates our objections to closing the road. It was collected to quantify impacts to normal traffic patterns and evaluate hazards to pubfic safety, and to show which properties will benefit and which will be adversely affected. We are also submitting a petition from 12 affected residents to demonstrate there are considerable objections to the proposal before you from affected neighbors. We have provided evidence that closing this public road does not make sense, nor is it necessary, even to accommodate the stated goals of the proponents. At minimum, we ask that any vacation be conditioned to allow Vine to remain unobstructed to local traffic from Whidby to Lauridsen Blvd. There are a variety of safe places to be found for children to play not only within the Olympic Vista development itself, but also within one or two blocks including two public schools, a city park and a Bays and Girls Club. There is no need for parents to feel their children are endangered by exposure to traffic on Vine Street. All the evidence points to keeping S, Vine Street open! Thank you for consideration of this matter. Sincerely, Cothy"LAeroa�- 509 Whidby A/ 6/,7 ✓ ri CI, i VINE STREET TRAFFIC STUDY j JAN 2 :.n. NEED AI+iI PRr'C�S: 4 right of -w, y*S©ii#h Vtr r The City of Port Angeles is considering a request to vacate 2 of the remainingh - ,street which would_result in the closure, of this public road. Currently, S Vine Street.serves as cr-Main p thoroughtare for the neighborhood between Lourdisen Boulevard and Whidby Avenue. (See Map A) Proponents and opponents of this action have presented conflicting opinions on the impact thaf road closure will eunaffected by the have on the surrounding neighborhood. Of the two petitioners, one will o � y. YVhi#elright of way vacation o mss restrictions they are requesting, the other does not reside in the neigh not unknown, they are usually considered where the right-of-way is unopened. That is not the case with Vine Street which is an active public street that collects traffic from adjoining roads b is formore thane other just ns otheft los public road grid were vacated long ago. Closing portions of S. Vine Street of landowners. Over twelve residents who would be affected hove already submitted a petition against this action. Despite the amount of discussion surrounding the prespasal, to date, neither side has presented any data to substantiate their claims, At their .January 13th meeting, the City Planning Commission received a staff report concluding that the traffic reroutes that result from the proposed closure will be only slightly inconvenient and safer. This report, however, is incomplete; it is limited in scope and Goes not drawconclusions about impacts affect or, based on any quc;intifiable facts. The report does not give full consideration to the the burdethe e gre neral r+scted traffic or any consideration to those landowners who will specifically be te. Closing the road velli also cut off neighborhood foot and bicycle and a subsequent more hazardous travel rou traffic, an impact which was not addressed in the staff report. The City of Port Angeles report did not contain any traffic pattern information pertaining ed and pedestrian, bicycle ics cle or vehicle usage On S. Vine Street. Public traffic and incident records were no validit of� therefore unclear what fact -based information the most recent City report uses, calling into question e y its conclusions. To more objectively understand traffic flow rind usage on S, Vine Street residents undertook an unofficial traffic study. We observed and recorded vehicle and foot traffic over the course of three days. We also obtained t relevant intersections. The trends our direct observations revealed public records of infractions and accidents a are key to making a reasoned and informed decision in this matter. CONCLUSIO . Public interest cannot be served by an action that benefits few landowners, buff disrupts 90% v all neighborhood traffic, increases local traffic wait times and travel distances, forces drivers to use a more dangerous, unmetered intersection and increases congestion at a school zone. e significantly decreases traffic passing the proponents' residences, Closing the proposed portions of Vin and pushes it onto other roads or alleys. Closing through traffic on S. Vine Street will disrupt up to 90 o of normal traffic flown in the immediate neighborhood. the Vinell auridsen Boulevard intersection. Over 2/3 of all through trips involve ■ The Majority of the disruption caused by closing Vine will be born by homes at the Vine/Whidby intersection and along Whidby's 400 block. K-42 • Closing portions of S. Vine Street will as much as triple the amount of traffic entering Whidby Ave from S. Vine Street. qP Redirecting traffic to Lauridsen via Whidby triples opportunities for drivers to encounter ClaIlarm Transit buses (Route 22) which pass every 30 minutes.. Although Whidby and Lauridsen are developed to 34 foot width, with cars often parked on both sides, this leaves less than 6 feet'for oncoming cars to pass. + S dine traffic blocked from direct access to Lauridsen Blvd. will be shifted to the much more dangerous, congested intersection Lauridsen/Peabody Street, where 12 accidents (including 1 fatality) have occurred, versus the 1 accident at the Vine/Lauridsen intersection.(see attached city records). + If Vine Street is closed to through traffic, more vehicles will be entering and exiting Lauridsen Bivd. in the Jefferson Elementary School Zone, an area of high safety concern for children. + Less than 8% of traffic passes through the neighborhood on outside business + All reports of excessive speed on S. Vine are anecdotal; no speeding citations have been issued and no accidents recorded within the sections of Vine St. under consideration for closure. Details of the citizen traffic study conducted in January 2€10 and a summary of police traffic incident and accidents records from 2000-2010 are attached. • K-43 STUDY i� 111 STREET TRAFFIC: F CITY OF PORT ANIGaaf STUDY METHOD: Dept. of Cammuni f)ev81a �h+ On Thursday January le, 2010 we recorded trips involving Lopez and Whidby. These observ;�t�o�c`i areas; • Trips at the east and west Whidby alleys where they intersect with Vine, Trips from Lopez (or north of ) to Whidby, Trips generated from Whidby to Lopez (or north of). observations occurred from 6:00 a.m. to 10:15 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. The six hour gap did not include a critical time period covering potential after-school traffic that might be generated from the Port Angeles High School. In an attempt to collect more comprehensive data, we completed a second day of more intensive observation on Friday, January 151", 2010.. We collected Friday's data from a new vantage paint that allowed a more complete view of street traffic, its origin, route , and destination. These observations included activity of all of Vine Street, from orcas St. and Lauridsen Boulevard south to Whidby Ave. and were recorded from 6:00 a.m, to 9:35 a.m. and then from 10:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. The one hour gap occurred at a time when the previous day's information showed relatively slow traffic usage. Stopping after 4:00 seemed reasonable, as no real trend difference was detected from the day before. observations were more complete on the second day, but did not appear to show any real difference in overall treads. A final,more casual day of observations took place Saturday January 160, 2010 to see if trends detected can week days varied significantly from weekend travel. This information was not entered into the spreadsheet, as there was no significant difference; traffic started a little later and was steady until later in the evening. (A detailed spread sheet with observations and notes is available for Jan 14'h and January 15'4). RESULTS: Overall observations: • Heavier traffic occurred in the morning when people were going to work or children to school, and again from early afternoon to early evening when people were returning from work and children from school. However, there was a fairly steady stream of traffic throughout the day. As much as 90% of traffic is directly related to activity in the immediate neighborhood. • The bulk of traffic (68%-79%) went to or from Lauridsen Boulevard. ® No one appeared to speed on any day, The width of the road appears sufficient for the volume of traffic. No cars passed side by side, nor had to malt to avoid doing so. There were no close calls. No young children were observed playing along Vine or traversing it, one child picked up mail at the mailbox row on Vine where it intersects with the east Lopez parking tot. Several high school students walked to and from school. ® Garbage cans from both petitioners, placed out for Thursday's collection but not taken in by Friday morning, posed the greatest hazard during the entire time. Two wind blown cans sprawled across half of Vine, and one across the west Whidby alley. 10 cars successfully and easily negotiated both hazards in poor visibility (before dawn and during a drenching rain). K-44 SUMMARY FROM INFORMATION COLLECTED ON January le: approx 8 hrs-(6:00-10:00, 4:010-8:00) • 48 total trips (including two different walker trips) • 79% of traffic (38 trips) is trying to access or comes from Lauridsen Blvd. to the neighborhood -these would be blocked. } • 19% of traffic (9 trips) is accessing or corning from Whidby 5t. -(two were trips by City of port. Angeles vehicles). • 6 cars drove through, but at least two of these lived directly within the Whidby block. (not until Friday did we recognize that most were cars destined for homes in the adjacent block on Whidby) • 90% of trips (43 out of 48) would be disrupted or re-routed by the proposed road closures. • 34 new trips (71% of recorded trips) would be forced through Whidby/Whidby alley; most likely to intersect with Peabody. ■ Road closure would approximately triple the traffic that is currently going past the Whidby/Vine intersection: increasing it from 9 vehicles to 34. SUMMARY FROM INFORMATION COLLECTED ON Friday, January 15t": approx 9 hrs-(6:00-9:34.10:30-4:00) • "here were .115 total trips (including 14 walkers recorded as 11 trips, where two or more walked together), • 42 other trips were recorded between Lopez. alleys and Lauridsen Boulevard which gives some indication of traffic volume occurring between Lopez alley.and Lauridsen Boulevard. (Traffic traversing Orcas to Lauridsen was not recorded), • • 69% of traffic (79 trips) traveled to or carne from Lauridsen Blvd. to the neighborhood -these would be blocked. ■ 14% of traffic (16 trips) is accessing or coming from Whidby St, nearly 1/3 (5 of 16) were walkers, only 12 trips (10%) was vehicle traffic. • 6 vehicles grove through Vine from Lauridsen to Whidby that couldn't readily be associated with adjacent block; one of these was a Domino's pizza delivery, one was the Clallarn Paratransit.. ■ 87% of trips (100 out of 115) would be disrupted or re-routed by the proposed road closures • 37 new trips would be forced through Whidby Ave/Whidby alley; most likely to intersect with Peabody. • Road closure would increase the traffic that is currently going past the Whidby/Vine intersection by more than 3 times: increasing it from 11 vehicles to 37 K-45 PORT ANGELES POLICE TRAFFIC INCIDENT RwEW: If S. Vine is closed to through traffic: { +Most neighborhood trips will be pushed to the Laur dsen,(Peabody intersection which has the worst accident record in the area -12 (based on Port Angeles Police Department reports) +Up to Three times snore traffic than currently uses the Whidby/Vine intersection will be shifted to Whidby Ave� which shows the second highest incident record -4 +5. Vine enjoys the 'best safety record -1 No'speedinglaccidents were reported within area requested for closure. In the summary table below, hlghfl cells show intersections thatrace:�e.irtcr as�d�t'Fi d rl r��o road closure. "1 Traffic Incidents from 2000-2010 based on Part Angeles Police Department Records* Occurred on Gross Street Incident type 1. AURI6SEBQ �. E. Lauridsen Blvd. E. Lauridsen Blvd. dse Blvd.,,, MLL E. Lauridsen Blvd. E. Lauridsen Blvd. S. Lincoln St Accidents 5. Chase St Accidents S. Vine 5t S. Eunice St I Accidents 3 2 0 2 (from '07210) "hiIi#BY E Whidby S. Lincoln Accident 14'07} 2, 1 (b661M, E Whidby tse i6fffic 4.`033 i E. Whidby S. Eunice 0 4 S. Vine* 'below area considered fw closure E. Louridsen Blvd .occident; traffic 1, 1 ('04, 00) S. Vine E. Orcas 0 *Documents requested from Port Angeles Police Department and Port Angeles city engineers included: All accidents and traffic infractions recorded on S. Vine, from E. Lauridsen to E Whidby; on E. Whidby from Eunice to S. Peabody; on S. Peabody from Park Ave to E. Laurisen Blvd; on E Lauridsen Blvd from Eunice Street to Lincoln Street. Port Angeles Police records went back to 2000; the engineers report only 2007-2010. Incident locations are recorded by intersection, based on the street on which it occurs and the nearest cross street. 0 K-46 S. Vine Street Characteristics wo petitioners are asking`to vacate and subsequently close the middle block of S. Vine Street. This action would create. o new dead -ends and block through traffic between Whidby Ave and Lauridsen Blvd. One petitioner has an issue with a minor encroachment but also dislikes having traffic and dust near their residence. The other wishes to build a bigger house, and lacks sufficient square footage in their present lot to do so_ Closure will force traffic away from the proponents' homes, increasing pressure on the remaining routes. S. Vine Street is an active city street extending from Lauridsen Blvd. 3 blocks south to Whidby Ave. This street has been opened and used by the public in an area already underserved by through cross -streets. It has safely accommodated the traffic volume of this neighborhood for the past 2.5 years. An August 9, 2009 City Staff Report (CP75(2)0 ),accurately described Vine Street as "a minimally maintained gravel road." In the most recent staff report, however, the portion of S. Vine under consideration is merely referred to as an "unimproved road." Traffic on S. Vine Street never utilizes the full 40 feet of right of way available: only 20 feet has been developed into a drivable gravel surface. Vine Street begins with a .34 foot paved section at the north end between Lauridsen Blvd and arcas St. The narrowest point occurs at Petitioner Lipman's property, where the street is 13 feet wide. All utilities are located in the currently used S. Vine right -of- way. Many neighbors park on S Vine Street, but do so off of the road's gravel surface. This leaves the full 2D feet of gravel surface open for vehicular traffic; the road is 20 feet wide plus its shoulders. With this in mind its surface is consistent with most of Port Angeles's older but functional streets. According to the City Staff Report dated August 1.6, 2006 -CUP 75(2)1 pg 2, paragraph 4. Most alleys within the City are only developed to a 10 foot width with service streets developed to a 24- 34 foot improved width. eimproved width of a road, however, is a deceptive indicator of safety; parking on both sides quickly narrows the viable width from 34 feet to 18. To better understand the implications for road safety, we measured road widths and also considered the effect that street parking and the size of vehicles using the road would have on its drivable surface. For example, the proposed street vacation would reroute cars to Whidby Ave. and Peabody Ave., both developed to 34 feet wide. Cars typically park on both sides of Whidby. This leaves less than 18 feet driving room. Additionally, both are part of the #22 City Transit route. The 12 foot wide Clallam Transit bus passes through the neighborhood every 30 minutes. On Whidby there is often fess than 6 feet remaining for cars to pass. The Bus traverses most of S. Peabody Ave and Whidby Ave and crosses at least four different intersections along its route. If road width is equated to safety, then Vine Street, which is not part of a city bus route is safer than the wider, paved alternative. Vine Street does not need to be closed to address the legitimate encroachment issue raisers by Petitioner Stone. We support clearing Petitioner Stone's title, as recommended in the 2007 staff report (by vacating 14 feet), which would leave a 26 foot right-of-way, well within the general standard of most Port Angeles streets. The Lipman property, however, has. no such right-of-way encroachment -there is a full 40 foot right -of way available to the City. While S. Vine Street could be improved by some widening and/or chip seal, the City does not currently have money to do so at this time. Those who are dissatisfied with the street's conditions have not offered to pay. Current conditions do not warrant closure.. Listed below are at least 12 other named, through- roads with minimally maintained (dirt/gravel surfaces), at least one block long (if not longer) within the City of port Angeles. There are at least as many non -paved alleys. All serve 'their neighborhoods; none are proposed for closure. 1) S. Upland Ln. S} S. Flores 9) 1 St 13) W. 11" 2) S. Franklin Rd. 6) S. Butler 1Q} L_ St 14) W 13`h 3) W. Hamilton Way 7) W. Miwauke 11) M St. 1.5) W .12`x` 4) Westview Dr. 8) G St. 12) D St K-47 Children Safe Play Areas Proponents have expressed concern about children playing safely along Vine Street. There are many safe, children friendly areas within a few blocks. Some are listed below: 1. East Lopez Ave. -Within the neve Olympic Vista subdivision -approximately 1 acre -open space that was to be a playground -not currently developed. Children frequently ride bikes and play in the east Whidby alley. Nene have ever been observed playing along or in S Vine Street. 2. Jefferson Elementary School grounds -Lauridsen Blvd. 3. Port Angeles High School -Park Ave. 4. Port Angeles Boys and Girls Club-Whidby Ave. • 21MU." � v e x M ° ,t r r r ev .. i .. P ORT , G. ELES W ASHINGTO.- N, U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: ��ebru�,2007 TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: SUE ROBERDS, PLANNING MANAGER SUBJECT: Street Vacation Petition - STV 06- Lipman/Stone - Portion of Vine Street Summary: The City received a request to vacate a portion of Vine Street situated between the Lopez/Whidby and Lopez/Orcas alleys in September, 2006. Following a public hearing conducted by the Planning Commission in October, 2006, staff has continued to work with parties to the action to address concerns. The Council's public hearing has been successively continued to February 6, 2007, for action at the petitioners' requests. Recommendation: Staff recommends that the City Council vacate only that portion of the Vine • Street right-of-way abutting petitioner Stone's property ownership thereby allowing clear title to that property development, but deny the Lipman's request retaining that area of Vine Street for public use at this time and direct staff to prepare an ordinance in support of the action. Background/ Analysis: On October 25, 2006, the Planning Commission conducted a public hearing in consideration of a request by petitioners Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Lipman and Mr. and Mrs. Randy Stone for vacation of a one block portion of Vine Street. The subject area is the remaining open portion of the Vine Street right -of. -way situated between Park Avenue and Lauridsen Boulevard. Acting on the information available, the Planning Commission unanimously agreed with staff s recommendation to recommend that Council vacate the requested right-of-way with conditions relevant_to public safety and other development in the area. The staff report and minutes of that meeting are attached foi your information. Subsequent to the Planning Commission review, the petitioners requested (twice) that the City Council's consideration of the petition be continued to a date when all of the interested parties would be able to address the Council. On another occasion, the public hearing was continued to allow a party of record to the Planning Commission's hearing to attend, and for staff to gather additional information. The public hearing was successively continued to February 6, 2007, to accommodate those requests. In the interim period between the Planning Commission's review and the Council's public hearing, staff sought specific clarification from the City Attorney's office with regard to rights-of- way that were dedicated while in the county that were later annexed. An act of law in the early 1900's allowed for the vacation of certain. rights -:of -way under specific circumstances that had not K-50 • • ORT GELES !R1 Ai, ❑ r W t N t: T O -N_ U -.S_ A_ DEPARTMENT OF CCiNDIUNiTY & ECONOIIUC DEVELQPMENT T.O: Planning Commission FROM: Scott Johns, Associate Planner . DATE: .4u€t 16, 2006 RE: Conditional Use Permit Amendment APPLICANT: Housing Authority of Clallam County LOCATIEON: Sane 501 R Lopez PROPOSAL: Amend Conditional Use Permit 75(2) 1 to allow the standard development of the subject lots under the density allowed for the RS -7 zone. The original conditional use permit dealt with the development of a 10 unit apartment structure on the site (12 lots or 2.1 acres). The .original permit was later amended to allow the structure to be situated on only a portion (6 of the 12 lots) of the orighW site area. And, the structure was only constructed to be a 4 plex, not a 1.0 plea. py2 Rear loading of the residential lots through the all is partially mitigated by the applicants by development of the alleys to a full 20 -foot width. Most alle within th& City are nniv develop ed to a 10 -foot width with service streets developed to a 24 to 34 foot improved width. Two car garages and an addii on . on-site par ng space are propose to provide a equate on-site parldng and alley setbacks have teen increased to a minimum of 12 feet from the required 10 feet to ensure additional. parking area in the rear of the resid -nees behind the proposed garages. Restrictions to parking in the • K-51 Ccsmmunity & Economic Development Deprtttment Stasi' Report Augur Z61 2� STY 09-01 — LUCM Page 2 The Fire Department has no objection to the proposed street vacation. The Police Department made no comment on the proposed street vacation. Areas cif potential impact of the proposal erre summarized as follows: Traffic Patterns: Established traffic patterns in the area will not be affected by the vacation. Daily traffic in the corridor normally funnels along the wester portion of the street because the eastern portion of Vine Street between Whidby Avenue and Lauridsen Boulevard. has been vacated with the exception of the subject property. Vine. Street: is a minimally maintained gravel surfaced roadway between Whidby Avenue and Lauridsen Boulevard] • • K-52 PORT ANGELES POLICE PL0050SI 1/15/10 Incident Inquiry ORI #: WA0050100 + PAPD Reset Location: �� J �� ` ci - -2,000 � e options, press Enter. 5=Display 6=Print 9=Cases 10=Fld Invst 11=NCIC History 14=Status/Disposition 15=Suspect Vehicles 16=Names 17=Times 18=Radio Log 19=Dispatch 20=Plates 21=Review 22=Additional 23=Case Doc .24=Documents Opt Incident # Location _ 2001-00017392 E LAURIDSEN BLVD 2001-00015677 E LAURIDSEN BLVD _ 2001-00013062 E LAURIDSEN BLVD _ 2001-00008800 E LAURIDSEN BLVD _ 2001-00004820 E LAURIDSEN BLVD _ 2001-00003945 E LAURIDSEN BLVD _ 2001-00000745 E LAURIDSEN BLVD _ 2000-00017744 E LAURIDSEN BLVD _ 2000-00017674 E LAURIDSEN BLVD _ 2000-00011444 E LAURIDSEN BLVD T3 -=Exit F4=Prompt F5=Refresh F9=Resequence F11=View 1 F12=Cancel G2 a.cc,�,�s,�v13 �`ic -&0C)0 —X)0 i • r S PEABODY ST • (ACTS P More . . F17=Print F21=Review View K-53 More: + - Cross Street IncTyp S PEABODY ST ATC P S PEABODY ST (_A CP-) P S PEABODY ST TRF P S PEABODY ST CRT P S PEABODY ST TRH P S PEABODY ST ANI P S PEABODY ST msc P S PEABODY ST o T P S PEABODY ST MED F S PEABODY ST • (ACTS P More . . F17=Print F21=Review View K-53 PORT ANGELES POLICE PL0050S1 1/15/10 Incident Inquiry ORI #: VA0050100 + PAPD Reset Location: gko8 j�-zy b��y-L003-Zoo-Z Type options, press Enter. • 5=Display 6=Pr-int 9=Cases 10=Fld Invst 11=NCIC History 14=Status/Disposition, 15=Suspect Vehicles 16=Names. 17=Times 18=Radio Log 19=Dispatch 20=Plates 21=Review 22=Additional 23=Case Doc 24=Documents More: + - opt Incident # Location _ 2003-00005127 E LAURIDSEN BLVD _ 2003-00004922 E LAURIDSEN BLVD _ 2003-00000543 E LAURIDSEN BLVD _ 2003-00000441 E LAURIDSEN BLVD _ 2002-00017295 E LAURIDSEN BLVD _ 2002-00016971 E LAURIDSEN BLVD _ 2002-00014851 E LAURIDSEN BLVD _ 2002-00013621 E LAURIDSEN BLVD _ 2002-00010926 E LAURIDSEN BLVD 2002-00002791 E LAURIDSEN BLVD Y;3 -=Exit F4=Prompt F5=Refresh F9=Resequence F11=View 1 F12=Cancel Cross Street S PEABODY ST S PEABODY ST S PEABODY ST S PEABODY ST S PEABODY ST S PEABODY ST S PEABODY ST S PEABODY ST S PEABODY ST S PEABODY ST F17=Print F21=Review View IncTyp WDO P ° TRF P TRH P MMI P ALR P OAA P v TRF P DRK P DUI P DUI P More... K - 54 • FORT ANGFsLES POLICE 1/15/10 ORI #: VA0050100 + PAPD PL0050SI Incident Inquiry Reset: Location: e options, press Enter. Display 6=Print 9=Cases 10=Fld Invst ll =NCIC Hiotory 14=Status/Dispasiticn 15=Swspeet .yTehicles 16=Names I7=Times 19=Dispatch 20=Plates 21 -Review 22=Additional 23=Case Doc Opt Incident # Location _ 2005-00006463 E LAMIDSEN BLVD 2005-00005723 E LAURIDSEN ,BLVD _ 2005-00002170 E LAURIDSEN BLVD 2004-00015716 is LAURIDSEN BLVD _ 2004 - 00012302 H LAURIDSEN BLVD] 2004-0001.1535 E LAURIDSEN BLVD 2004--00004356 E LAURIDSEN BLVD 2004-00002669 E LAVRXDSHM BLVD 2003-0001443.9 E LAURIDSEN BLVD _ 2003--00012352 E LAVRIDSEN BLVD F3=Exzt F4=Prompt, F5=Refresh F9=Resequence Fll=View 1 P12=Cance2 • Cross Street 3 PEABODY ST S PEABODY ST S PEABODY ST S PEABODY ST S PEABODY ST S PEABODY ST S PEABODY ST S PEA13ODY" ST S PEABODY ST S PEABODY ST 18=Radio Log 24 = Documen t;s More + - I (ACDF a TRF P A TRH P s TRF P SPV P Z V P CRT P --TRF P ABJ P TRH P Mere... P17=Print F21.=Review View K- 55 PORI` ANGELES POLICE .1115/10 CRT' #: WA0050100 f PAPD PL0050S1 Incident Inquiry Reset Location; W.-. Type options, press Enter. _ S=Display 6=Print 9 -Cases 10=F:id Invst 11=NCIC. H,is.tory 24=Status/Disposition 15=Suspect Vehicles 16=Names 17=Times 19=Dispatch 20=Plates 21=Review 22=Add.itionai 23=:Case, Doc. Opt Incident # Locations 2006-007.08963 E LAURIDSEN BLVD 2006-0000.7981 E LAURIDSEN BLVD 2006-00006677 X LAURIDSEN BLVD �. 2006-00003906 B LAURIDSEN BLVD 2006- 0 00 03 781 E LAURIDSHM BLVD 2006-00000369 R LAURIDSEN BLVD 2005--00014097 E LAURIDSEN BLVD 2005-00013.172 E LAURIDSEN BLVD 2005-00012557 E LAURIDSEN BLVD .2005--00008771 E LAURIDSEN BLVD Y3 -=Exit F4=Prompt F5=Refresh F9=Resegaaence F11=View 1 F12=Cancel I Cross Street S PEABODY ST S PEABODY ST S PEABODY ST S PEABODY ST S PEABODY ST S PEABODY ST S PEABODY ST S PEABODY ST S PEABODY ST 5 PEABODY ST 18=Radio Lag 24 =Document s more: + - IncTyp Fav P a ZEV P oZBV,P P TRH P a -V P f ay P HUP P NUI P SPV P More.... F1.7=Print F21=Review VieW K-56 C] • PORT ANGELES POLICE PL0050S1 1/15/10 Incident Inquiry ORI #: WA0050100 + PAPD Reset Location: e options, press Enter. =Display 6=Print 9=Cases 10=Fld Invst 11=NCIC History 14=Status/Disposition 15=Suspect Vehicles 16=Names 17=Times 19=Dispatch 20=Plates 21=Review 22=Additional 23=Case Doc Opt Incident # Location _ 2007-00016026 E LAURIDSEN BLVD _ 2007-00015866 E LAVRIDSEN BLVD _ 2007-00014489 E LAURIDSEN BLVD _ 2007-00014381 E LAURIDSEN BLVD _ 2007-00014120 E LAURIDSEN BLVD _ 2007-00006740 E LAURIDSEN BLVD 2007-00003343 E LAVRIDSEN BLVD _ 2007-00001866 E LAURIDSEN BLVD 2007-00001864 E LAURIDSEN BLVD _ E LAURIDSEN BLVD _2006-00014650 F3=Exit F4=Prompt FS=Refresh F9=Resequence F11=View 1 F12=Cancel • • Cross Street S PEABODY ST S PEABODY ST S PEABODY ST S PEABODY ST S PEABODY ST S PEABODY ST S PEABODY ST S PEABODY ST S PEABODY ST S PEABODY ST 18=Radio Log 24=Documents More: + - XnCTYP P a p THH P ERV P C T P P P SCD P XXX P ERV P More... F17=Print F21=Review View K-57 PORT ANGELES POLICE PL0050S1 1/15/10 Incident Inquiry ORI #: VA0050100 + PAPD Reset Location: fiW n 1 .2z)09- Lkn?--7 Type options, press Enter. • S=Display 6=Print 9=Cases 10=F1d Invst 11=NCIC History 14=Status/Disposition 15=Suspect Vehicles 16=Names 17=Times 18=Radio Log 19=Dispatch 20=Plates 21=Review 22=Additional 23=Case Doc 24=Documents More: + - Opt Incident # Location _ 2009-00015661 E LAURIDSEN BLVD _ 2009-00006879 E LAURIDSEN BLVD _ 2009-00001754 E LAURIDSEN BLVD _ 2008-00008860 E LAURIDSEN BLVD _ 2008-00007018 E LAURIDSEN BLVD _ 2008-00004714 E LAURIDSEN BLVD _ 2008-00004433 E LAURIDSEN BLVD _ 2008-00003550 E LAVRIDSEN BLVD _ 2008-00002622 E LAURIDSEN BLVD _ 2007-00017222 E LAVRIDSEN BLVD F3=Exit F4=Prompt FS=Refresh F9=Resequence FII=View 1 F12=Cancel Cross Street S PEABODY ST S PEABODY ST S PEABODY ST S PEABODY ST S PEABODY ST S PEABODY ST S PEABODY ST S PEABODY ST S PEABODY ST S PEABODY ST F17=Print F21=Review View IncTyp ATC P ATC P TaH P a P a (AR P SPV P op a P A P More... K-58 • • PORI' ANGELES POLICE PL0050S1 1/15/10 Incident Inquiry ORI #fi: WA0050100 f PAPD Reset Location. I:v�?r�t7{3 � ►�sc �'� � ' �� (e options, press Enter. =Display 6=Print 9= Cases 10=F1d Invst 11=NCIC History 14=Status%Disposition 15=Suspect Vehicles 16=Names 17=Times 19=Dispatch 20=Plates 21=Review 22=Additional 23=Case Doc opt Incident # Location 2003-00005069 E WHIDBY AVE 2002--00002308 E WHXDBY AVE _ 2005--00008376 100 E WHIDBY AVE 2005-00007721 100 E WHIDBY AVE _ 2002- 00005759 .100 S WHIDBY AVE 2008-0000.1952 101 F WHIDBY AVE 2008-00001730 1+01 E 'WHIDBY AVS 2008-00001557 101 E WHIDBY AVE 2008-00001563 101 E WHIDBY AVE 2008--00001586 10.E E .WHIDBY AVE F3 =E.xi t F4 =Prompt F5=Refresh F9=Resequence F11=View 1 F12=Cancel 11 r T Cross Street S VINE ST S VINE ST 18=Radio Log 24=Documents More: + - XncTyp TS P TFT P HUP P mml P SPV P ASM P PMC P HUP P SPV P ATC P More... F.17=Print F21=Review View K-59 PORT ANGELES POLICE PLOO505I I/35/10 Incident Inquiry ORI 4: WA0050100 + PAPD Reset Location: k -� -Z.- 05:-- Z103 Type options, press Enter. S=Display 6=Print 9=Cases 10=Fld rnvst - 1I=NCIC History 14=Status/Disposition 15=Suspect Vehicles . I5=Names 17=Times 19=Dispatch - 20=Plates - 2-1=Review 22=Addi.tional 23=Case Doc Opt incident # Location. _ 2005-000.041-54 E WHIDBY AVE 2005-00002151 -E WHIDBY AVE 2004--000.1046'4 E WHIDBY AVE 2004-00008374 E WHIDBY AVE 2004-00007701 E WHIDBY AVE 2003-00008433 E WHIDBY AVE 20103-04005043 E WHIDBY AVE _ 2002--00000532 E WHIDBY AVE _ 2001 -00018494 E WHIDBY AVE 2001-00001791 E WHIDBY AVE F3=Exit F4=Prompt F5=Refresh. F9=.Resequence FII=View I F12=Cancel I Cross Street S PEABODY ST S PEABODY ST S PEABODY ST S PEABODY ST S PEABODY ST S PEABODY ST S PEABODY ST S PEABODY ST S PEABODY ST S PEABODY ST - 18=Radio_ -Log 24=Documents More: + - IncTyp WPD P �TRFP S-Pv P � A P P .LIQ P DUI P ANV P SPL+' P ■ TRH P More... F17=Pri.nt F21=Review View K-60 t PORT ANGELES POLICE PLODSOSI 1115110 Incident Inquiry ORI #: WA0050I001 + PAPD Reset Location: to'q 0�-)M I L-A to e options, press Enter. =Display 6=Print 9=Cases 10=F.Id Invst 11=NCIC History 14=5ta.tus/Disposi tion . 15=Suspect Vehicles, I6=Names 1.7=Times 19=Dispatch 20=Plates 21=Review 22=Additional 23=Case Doc Opt Incident # Location 2010-00000020 S WHXD.BY AVE 2005-00007792 S WHIDBY AVE 20107-00011913 E WHIDBY AVE 20107•-00005697 H WHIDBY AVE 2,007-00003292 E WHIDBY AVE 2005-00008075 S WHIDBY AVB 2009-00014.604 B WHIDBY AVE 2008--00015384 B WHIDBY AVE _ 20017-00006503 L WE17DBY AVE TY.2006-00010616 E WHIDBY AVE F3=Exit F4=Prompt F5=Refresh F9=Resequezzce F11=View 1 F12=Cancel ip Cross Street S LAUREL ST S LAUREL ST S LINCOLN ST S LINCOLN ST S LINCOLN ST S LINCOLN ST S PEABODY ST S PEABODY ST S PEABODY ST S PEABODY ST 18=Radia Log 24=Documents more: + - IncTyp ATC P 1 .T P ANM P SPV P r P spryP L-rQ P XXX P WRA P RFP P More... F17.=Print F21=Review View K-61 PORT ANGELES PGLICE PL0.050SI 1/15/1.0 Inci dent . Inquiry GRI #: WA0050100 + PAPD Reset Location: V 1 Qt7, 1 Type options, press Enter. 5=Display- 6=Print- 9=Cases 1.O=Fl.d Invst 11=NCIC History 14=St'atus/D.isposition 15=Suspect Vehicles 16=Names ..3.7=Times �..18=Radi.o Lag 19=Dispatch .20=Prates 21=Review 22=Additional 23=Case Doc 24=Documents More: + - Dpt- .incident # . Location Crass Street XncTyp 2009-00005771 S VINE ST E LAURXDSEN BLVD o ERV P 2005-tiQOOS017 S VINE ST E LAQRIDSEN BLVDP 2,_00 _ 9_-00012491 S VINE ST L LAURIiiSEN BLVD 4 P 20001-00012910 S VIM'S ST E LAURIDSEN BLVD C T P 200U-00006325 S VINE ST E LAURII7SEN BLVD TS P 2008-00003459 S VINE .ST E LOPEZ AVE MI P 2003-030005746 SVINE ST E LOPEZ AVE CRT P _ 2007-00014656 S VINE' ST E ORCAS AVE ANA P 2008-00008651 S VINE ST E IST ST ANM P 2003-00002143 S VINE ST B .1ST ST PKC P F3=E.rit F4=Prompt F5=Refresh More... F9=Resequence F11=View x F1.2=Cancel F17=Print F21=Review View K-62 • 0 Crash Record System J8 Technology Inc. Corridor Report City of Port Angeles Thursday, January 21, 2010 Corridor: Lauridsen Blvd. from Lincoln Street to Race Street Report Period: Monday, January 01, 2007 to Monday, November 15, 2010 Lauridsen Blvd. at Lincoln Street Case Report Day Of Crash Crash Direction Severity Tot Number Number Week Date Time Location Type of Crash Vehicle 1Nehilce 2 Fat lnj PDO Veh 09015386 3201213 Fri 12/18/2009 04:19 PM Lauridsen Blvd. at Lincoln Street Right Angle NB Left / EB Thru X 2 09011299 2981821 Fri 09/11/2009 05:08 PM Lauridsen Blvd. at Lincoln Street Sideswipe EB Thru / EB Thru X 2 09002924 3201709 Fri 03/13/2009 07:50 AM Lauridsen Blvd. at Lincoln Street Right Angle NB Thru / EB Thru X 2 08-11536 2981838 Sat 09/13/2008 05:28 PM Lauridsen Blvd. at Lincoln Street Head On X 2 Between Lincoln Street and Chase Street Case Report Day Of Crash Crash Number Number Week Date Time Location Direction Severity Tot Type of Crash Vehicle I/Vchilce 2 Fat Inj PDO Veh 08013646 2867398 Fri 10/31/2008 09:15 AM Lauridsen Blvd., 5 R. North of Lincoln Street Sideswipe WB Thru / WB Left X 1 07005551 2434457 Wed 05/02/2007 10:54 AM Lauridsen Blvd., 50 ft. East of Lincoln Street Right Angle EB Thru / NB Thru X 2 G7 Page t Crash Record System JB TechnolM Inc. Corridor Report City of Port Angeles Thursday, January 21, 2010 Lauridsen Blvd. at Peabody Street Case Report Day Of Crash Crash Direction Direction Direction Severity Tot Number Number Week Date Time Location Type of Crash Vehicle 1/Vehilce 2 Fat Inj PDO Veh 08007018 2981702 Fri 06/13/2008 09:30 PM Lauridsen Blvd. at Peabody Street Rear End EB Thru / EB Thru 1 2 08003550 2629025 Fri 03/28/2008 10:11 AM Lauridsen Blvd. at Peabody Street Approach Turn EB Left / WB Thru 2 2 08002622 2764626 Thu 03/06/2008 02:16 PM Lauridsen Blvd. at Peabody Street Rear End EB Thru / EB Thru X 2 07015866 2629342 Tue 11/27/2007 05:53.PM Lauridsen Blvd. at Peabody Street Rear End EB Thru / EB Thru X 2 07006740 2628794 Sun 05/27/2007 10:21 AM Lauridsen Blvd. at Peabody Street Rear End NB Thru / NB Thru 2 2 00703343 2434429 Sat 03/17/2007 03:00 PM Lauridsen Blvd. at Peabody Street Rear End EB Thru / EB Thru 1 2 0701342 2629395 Fri 02/02/2007 03:10 PM Lauridsen Blvd. at Peabody Street Rear End EB Thru / EB Thru I 3 Z'► X310 � Between Peabody Street and Vine Street Case Report Day Of Crash Crash Direction Direction Severity Tot Number Number Week Date Time Location Type of Crash Vehicle I/Vehilce 2 Fat Inj PDO Veh 070.16026 2628908 Sat 12/01/2007 08:15 PM Lauridsen Blvd., 40 ft. East of Peabody Street Rear End EB Thru / EB Thru X 2 Lauridsen Blvd. at Albert Street Case Report Day Of Crash Crash Direction Severity Tot Number Number Week Date Time Location Type of Crash Vehicle 1/Vehilce 2 Fat Inj PDO Veh 08015589 2981974 Tue 12/16/2008 03:12 PM Albert Street at Lauridsen Blvd. Rear End WB Thm / WB Thru X 2 Page 2 Crash Record System JB Technolov Inc. Corridor Report City of Port Angeles Thursday, January 21, 2010 Between Albert Street and Eunice Street Case Report Day Of Crash Crash Number Number Week Date Time Location Direction Severity Tot Type of Crash Vehicle INehilce 2 Fat Inj PDO Veh 00801657 2629313 Thu 02/21/2008 04:57 PM Lauridsen Blvd., 60 ft. West of Eunice Street Fixed Object/Parked Vehicle EB Thru / I I Lauridsen Blvd. at Eunice Street Case Report Day Of Crash Crash Fri 07/25/2008 08:01 AM Lauridsen Blvd., 20 ft. West of Race Street Rear End EB Thru / EB Thru 1 2 Direction Severity Tot Number Number Week Date Time Location Type of Crash Vehicle INehilce 2 Fat Inj PDO Veh 08001451 2629311 Thu 02/07/2008 02:52 PM Eunice Street at Lauridsen Blvd. Sideswipe EB Thru I EB Left X 2 Between Eunice Street and Francis Street Case Report Day Of Crash Crash Fri 07/25/2008 08:01 AM Lauridsen Blvd., 20 ft. West of Race Street Rear End EB Thru / EB Thru 1 2 Direction Severity Tot Number Number Week . Date Time Location Type of Crash Vehicle INehilce 2 Fat Inj PDO Veh 09013459 3201078 Sun 11/01/2009 04:28 PM Lauridsen Blvd., 200 ft. East of Eunice Street Fixed Object/Parked Vehicle EB Thru / I I Between Francis Street and Race Street Case Report Day Of Crash Crash Number Number Week Date Time Location Direction Severity Tot Type of Crash Vehicle INehilce 2 Fat Inj PDO Veh 09015503 2981847 Tue 12/22/2009 04:22 PM Lauridsen Blvd., 185 ft. West of Race Street Rear End EB Thru / EB Thru 2 4 09012674 3201302 Wed 10/14/2009 07:50 AM Lauridsen Blvd., 30 ft. West of Race Street Rear End EB Thru / EB Thru 2 2 @809057 2981752 Fri 07/25/2008 08:01 AM Lauridsen Blvd., 20 ft. West of Race Street Rear End EB Thru / EB Thru 1 2 O) Page 3 Crash Record System JB Technoloizy Inc. Corridor Report City of Port Angeles Thursday, January 21, 2010 Lauridsen Blvd. at Race Street Case Report Day Of Crash Crash Number Number Week Date Time Location Direction Severity Tot Type of Crash Vehicle I/Vehilce 2 Fat ' Inj PDO Veh 09011643 3201206 Sat 09/19/2009 08:33 AM Lauridsen Blvd. at Race Street Right Angle SB Thru / EB Left X 2 09005482 2981992 Thu 05/14/2009 07:39 AM Lauridsen Blvd. at Race Street Fixed Object/Parked Vehicle SB Thru / X 1 09002865 2766132 Wed 03/11/2009 03:42 PM Lauridsen Blvd. at Race Street Pedestrian/Cyclist Involved NB Right / NB Thru X 2 09001559 2981871 Mon 02/09/2009 11:08 AM Lauridsen Blvd. at Race Street Approach Turn NB Left / SB Thru X 2 08 15617 2764660 Wed 12/17/2008 05:35 AM Lauridsen Blvd. at Race Street Right Angle SB Right / EB Left X 5 08005558 2629046 Mon 05/12/2008 11:00 AM Lauridsen Blvd. at Race Street Right Angle NB Thru / WB Thru X 2 07016500 2629346 Thu 12/13/2007 06:00 PM Lauridsen Blvd. at Race Street Approach Turn SB Thru / NB Left 1 2 07011398 2434222 Fri 08/24/2007 11:32 AM Lauridsen Blvd. at Race Street Fixed Object/Parked Vehicle NB Left / X I 00700682 2434660 Tue 01/16/2007 03:38 PM Lauridsen Blvd. at Race Street Right Angle SB Thru / WB Thru 1 3 00700221 2434765 Fri 01/05/2007 05:12 PM Lauridsen Blvd. at Race Street Sideswipe WB Thru / WB Left 2 2 Page 4 0 0 0 Crash Record System JB TechnoloqyInc. Corridor Report City of Pori Angeles Thursday, January 21, 2010 Corridor: Whidby Avenue from Lincoln Street to Francis Street Report Period: Monday, January 01, 2007 to Monday, November 15, 2010 Between Chase Street and. Peabody Street Case Report Day Of Crash Crash Number Number Week. Date Time Location Between Chase Street sad Peabody. Street Direction Severity Tot Type of Crash Vehicle I/Vehilce 2 Fat lnj PDO Veh Case Report Day Of Crash Crash Direction Severity Tot Number Number Week Date Time Location Type of Crash Vehicle I/Vehilce 2 Fat Inj PDO Veh 09001275 2764719 Sun 021E71/2009 02:13 PM Whidby Avenue, 60 ft. East of Chase Street Rear End EB Thru I EB Thru x I Page 4 Crash Recant SwIern .1B Technaip Inc. Corridor Report City of Port Angeles Thursday, January 21, 2010. Peabody 'Street at Lauridsen Blvd. Case Report Day Of Crash Crash Direction Severity Tot Number Number Week Date Time Location 'Type of Crash Vehicle INehilce 2 Fat Inj PDO Weh 08007018 2981702 Fri 0511312008 09:30 PM Lauridsen Blvd. at Peabody Street 'Rear Fnd EB Thru I EB Thru 1 2 08003550 26290125 Fri 03/2812008 10:11 AM Lauridsen Blvd. at Peabody Street Approach Turn E13 Left 1 WB Thru 2 2 08002622 2764626 Thu ' 031016/2008 02:16 PM Lauridsen Blvd. at Peabody Street Rear End ES Thru 1 EB Thru x 2 07015866 2629342 Tue 11/2712007 05:53 PM Lauridsen Blvd at Peabody Street Rear End ��^^f EB Thru / EB Thru _._x_ �_...._ 2 07006740 2628794 Sun 05/27/2007 10:21 AM Lauridsen Blvd. at Peabody Street Rear End NB Thru 1 NH Thru 2 2 00703343 2434429 Sat 03117120€17 03:60 PM Lauridsen Blvd. at Peabody Street Rear End EB Thru I FB Thru 1 2 0701342 2629395 Fri 02/02/2007 03:10 PM Lauridsen Blvd. at Peabody Street Rear End EB Thru 1 EB Thru 1 3 6] Page 2 0 0 0 Crash Record System JB Technoloqy Inc. Corridor Report City of Port Angeles Thursday, January 21, 2010 Corridor: Peabody Street from Park Avenue to Lauridsen Blvd. Report Period: Monday, January 01, 2007 to Monday, November 15, 2010 X Peabody Street at Park Avenue Case Report Day Of Crash Crash Direction Direction Severity Tot Number Number Week Date Time Location Type of Crash Vehicle I/Vehilce 2 Fat Inj PDO Veh 08014129 3201551 Tue 11/11/2008 04:07 AM Park Avenue at Peabody Street Fixed Object/Parked Vehicle NB Thru / X 1 Between Whidby Avenue and Lopez Avenue Case Report Day Of Crash Crash Direction Direction Severity Tot Number Number Week Date Time Location Type of Crash Vehicle 1/Vehilce 2 Fat Inj PDO Veh 08008000 2764630 Thu 07/03/2008 10:07 PM Peabody Street, 100 ft. South of Lopez Avenue Right Angle NB Thru / WB Thru X 2 yQ- Peabody Street at Oreas Avenue Case Report Day Of Crash Crash Direction Severity Tot Number Number Week Date Time Location Type of Crash Vehicle 1/Vehilce 2 Fat Inj PDO Veh 07012153 2629221 Fri 09/07/2007 02:50 PM Orcas Avenue at Peabody Street Rear End NB Thru / Prk Veh 2 2 i 07 . Page t ia,i (`•FN i.W f !A" ? 01 2L111 CITY OF POR:" ANGELES Guct.at om ur€t� oc ic.m:nt 2010 Vine Street Traffic Pattern Study Date Thursday 14 -Jan observations from indoors, unobstructed view of Whidby alley, Whidby Ave Start Time 6:00 a.m. limited view of east and west Lopez and Lopez alley 11 Stop Time 10:00 a.m. Start Time 4:00p.m. 8:00 o.m. 0 -0 _ Z _ Time From 1 1 1 6:35 a.m. Stop Time 1 1 - ----- -- 1 6:40 a.m. 8 hrs. total 1 Lauridsen Blvd. a east Whidby alley 1 1 1 7:28 a.m. east Whidby alley 1 1 1 7:40 a.m. - e_aSt Whidby alley H o a 1 7:48 a.m. •-----------.- v 1 1 o Lauridsen Bivd. 1 m W u a north on Vine E L CL E 1 1 0 1 8:04 a.m; \ ? 7 Lauridsen Blvd. --- --------------------- 1 8:00 o.m. 0 -0 _ Z _ Time From 1 1 1 6:35 a.m. Whidby/Vine -__................ .. ... 1 1 - ----- -- 1 6:40 a.m. east Whidby alley - 1 Lauridsen Blvd. 1 7:27 a.m. east Whidby alley 1 1 1 7:28 a.m. east Whidby alley 1 1 1 7:40 a.m. - e_aSt Whidby alley 1 1 1 7:48 a.m. •-----------.- east Lopez parking lot _.,:.._-- -_-•------------- 1 1 1 7:50 a.m. Lauridsen Bivd. Menning, east Whidby alley resident (sole access) visiting f-imily weather conditions: light rain � 1 no shading indicates trips that could occur w closure gray indicates trips eliminated by closure Route Destination Notes: Trips/hr yellow indicates routes north on VineLauridsen Blvd, Miminated by closure. _. . ----------- -•.--_--a__..- north on Vine .---------------•--_----- Lauridsen Blvd-- 2 south on Vine_M _----� Whidby Ave. - Y north on Vine Lauridsen Blvd. ._- ----------- -_ north on Vine _-- Lauridsen Blvd. north on Vine Lauridsen Blvd' .- --------- -- _ .------------ - south on Vine -- --- . �- east WhidbyaIle 1 1 1 7:54 a.m. east Whidby alley north on Vine - • Lauridsen Blvd_ - 1 7:55 a.m. west Lopez alley across Vine east Lopz alley City garbage pickup 8 l 7;58 a.m. Lopez-- --- -, south on Vine -------- east Whidby alley - - ----.- ; City garbage pickup -hack clown alley 1 8:01 a.m. east Whidby alley across Vine -- -_ west Whidby alley ,- City garbage pickup -forward into next alley 1 1 1 8:01. a.m. east Whidby alley north on Vine Lauridsen Blvd 1 1 0 1 8:04 a.m; Whidby __ --- north on Vine .---- ---- ------------------ Lauridsen Blvd. --- --------------------- 1 1 --- 1 8:20 a.m. -_ ----- west Whidby north on Vine - -- - ------ Lauridsen Blvd.-� performed turn in alley/Vine intersection to get into position 1 1 i:_ 22a.m•------ 1 :, s--- ou•--rce-------•unsure- - __.. sout h on Vine _.-•••---- W hidby Ave_- _ - _, to go north 1 1 1 8:50 a.m. Lauridsen Bivd. south onVine --, west Whidby alley _--_ 1 1 1 8:50 a.m. east Whidby alley north on Vine Lauridsen Blvd 1 1 8:50 a.m. Whidby north on Vine west Whidby alley - City Of PA truck - K-71of3 0 0 0 0 0 0 2010 Vine Street Traffic Pattern 5 u K-7)of3 Iv o N v � � 7 « � V E p E v ; G 0 W °Time From Route Destination Notes: Trips/hr yellow indicates routes 1 1 1.8:52 a.m. east Whidby alley north on Vine Lauridsen Blvd. 1 1 1.8:58 a.m. Laurldsen Blvd. -- south on Vine --------- -----° east WhidbyaIle 10 1 1 1 0 1 9:00 a.m. .-•------------ ------------- Lauridsen Blvd. --_.._ __---------- ----------- south on Vine -- --- Y--- -- - -------- Whidby Ave, lives on the block 1 1 1 9:15 a.m. - Lauridsen Blvd. •----------------------•-w- south on Vine _--•--- - - -- ----- east WhidbyaIle 1 1 1:9:15 a.m. ---- -- - Lauridsen Blvd, -------- ------- ----- -- _ south on Vine - ---- --------------------------------------------------- east Whidby alley 1 1 1 1'9:17 a.rn. .----------- Whidby ---------------•------------ north on Vine - --------------- -._ Laurldsen Blvd. —.---- -•_------ Cit Of PA truck -Y 1 1 1 0 1 9:35 a.m.Lauridsen •-------------- Blvd. ---- — --- ----------- south on Vine Whidby Ave- lives on the block 1 1 1 9:45 a.m. •-•-• ------- Whidby/Vine ---_ .—_- •--------------------------- north on Vine _- - ----------- ,Lauridsen Blvd. 1 1 1 9:55 a.m. ------- ---- east Whidby alley _ w_--------------- •-------------------- _ north on Vine -- �-••-- ----- ------------- Laurldsen Blvd. 7 1 1 1 1 10:10 a.m. ---- Whidby •---------------------------.....W---------------------- north on Vine Laurldsen Blvd. 1 1 -- �_« 1 10:15 axh. _.._ -- -- -------- Whidby/Vine -- --- - ------- ---- -- north on Vine --------------------------- Lauridsen Blvd. 2 not full hour Observation GAP Observation GAP Observation GAP 1 1 1'4:00 p.m. - --- Lauridsen Blvd; - south on Vine Whidby Ave./Vine 1 14:05 p.m. _-- ----- east Whidby alley • ----- --- --------------- - - north on Vine —--- unsure walking i 114:15 p.m. unsure source south on Vine-- -----------•-------------_. Whidby walking 1 1 _._______-- 1'.4:30 p.m. - - _______. - Lauridsen Blvd. ------ - south on Vine -- - ------------------ - — — - east Whidby alley­­ lley _—__. 1 1 14 :32 p.m. Lauridsen Blvd. -south on Vine east Whidby alley 1 1 1.4:37 p.m. Lauridsen Blvd south on Vine east Whidby alley 1 1 1'4:47 p.m, Laurldsen Blvd. south on Vine -_ - east Whidby alley - 7 1 1 ;5:01 P.M. Whidby - — _ north on Vine• — — east Whidby alley 1 1 1.5:12 p.m. ------------- Lauridsen Blvd.- ----------------- south on Vine _--- east Whidby alley 1 1 V5:12 p.m. west Whidby alley north on Vine — Lauridsen Blvd. 1 1 0 1'5:19 p.m. Whidby ----- - - --------- north on Vine ------- Lauridsen elvd. 1 1 0 i-------------- 1;5:20 p.m. -- -- Whidby --- = ----- -------------- -- ------------., north on Vine — — •------------------------- ._--------------- -- - Lauridsen Blvd. -_: 1 1 1:5:25 p.m west Whidby alley north on Vine -•----------- Lauridsen Blvd. 1 1 1;5:25 P.M. Lauridsen Blvd. south on Vine east Whidby alley 7 K-7)of3 2010 Vine Street affic Pattern S- uc K-73of3 0 0 0 v � w 0 o v a � a o E -0 v i a z E m 0 LL 0 Z 3 0 V .E 7 3 m a ° a Time From Route Destination !dotes: Trips/hr yellow indicates routes 1 16:20 p.m, easttWhidby alley north on Vine Lauridsen Blvd. 1 1 ..... 1 6 35 p.m. ..... ......... --------- - ------- ------------------- ------ unsure source - south on Vine ---. --_ - Whidby--- 1 1 1 6:50 p.m. west Whldby alley north on Vine -..— Lauridsen Blvd. 3 — ---- -------------- 1 1 1 7;10 p.m. ...... . .-_- Lauridsen Blvd. south rill Vine , eastWhidby alley 1 1 1 8:00 p.m. source unsure south on Vine Whidby knot full hour 38 9 6 34 5 431 48 79% 19% 71% 1U% o 9U/o ____ _ r '— Wa —&- T- l JSummary: On January 14th -has 6 hour gap in middle of day, limited observation point 48 total Total Observed Trips 43 of 48 Trips or 90% would be disrupted 38 of 48 Trips or 79% accessing Lauridsen Blvd. 6 of 48 Trips not stopping on Vine- most lived in 400 block from 9 to 34 Increase vehicle trips to Peabody via Whidby/Vine intersection K-73of3 0 0 0 2010 Vine Street Traffic Pattern Study Date Friday 15 -Jan Increased view point: observations from corner east Whidby alley/Vine, unobstructed view Start Time 6:00 a.m, East Whidby alley/vine residents gone for the day Stop Time 9:35 a.m. Menning still gone to family Start Time 10:34 a.m. weather conditions: Raining very hard -(3-5 inches predicted) sun in late afternoon Stop Time 4:07 p.m. no shading indicates trips that could occur w closure 9 hrs total gray Indicates trips eliminated by closure • Route r m north on Vine-- - ------•------- - -- Lauridsen Blvd `- eliminated by closure. --------- north on Vine ---------------- Lauridsen Blvd -- north on Vine -- � � r south-on Vine Whidby 2 walkers w ------ Lopez turn around O E across Vine _ p -- Lopez north on Vine Laurldsen Bivd — north on Vine - - --- ---------- m LL oCL - - - ------------ Lauridsen Blvd-- - north on Vine - -- ---- —�--- Lauridsen Blvd --------- north on Vine - , ..—------ ------------ ------- Lauridsen Blvd `o LL o 3 a L "' o Time From •--------------------------- Lauridsen Blvd 6:31 a.m.Whidby/Vine 1 1 1 •------------- 6:32 a.m.east --- - - ---- --- ---- ----- ..----- Whidby alley -------------------------- 1 1 1 6:40 a.m. east Whidby alley 1 1 7:19 a.m. Lauridsen Blvd. _ — �_-- 1 -- ---------- 1 7:20 a.m. --------- ------ ------- --- east Whidby alley 1 7:24 a.m. 7:- -------------- ------------------ ------- Lopez •------------------------- 1 7:27 a.m. Lopez 1 7:28 a.m. east Lopez parking lot 1 1 1 7:30 a.m. west Whidby alley 1 1 ------- - - - 7:32 a.m. ------------------------- east Lopez parking lot 1 1 1 7:35 a.m. west Whidby alley 1 1 1 7:36 a.m. east Whidby alley 1 1 7:37 a.m. east Lopez parking lot 1 NOTE: can now see Lipman propert 1 1 7;41 a.m� = east Lopez parking lot 1 1 7:41 a, m. Ileast Lopez parkins lot • Route Destination Notes: Trips/hr yellow indicates routes north on Vine-- - ------•------- - -- Lauridsen Blvd `- eliminated by closure. --------- north on Vine ---------------- Lauridsen Blvd -- north on Vine -- - - - ---------- Lauridsen Blvd 3 --------------------- south on Vine ----------------------- east Lopez perking lot ---- south-on Vine Whidby 2 walkers across Vlne ------ Lopez turn around across Vine - -- ----- ------------ - - - east Lopez parking lot ------------------------- across Vine _ p -- Lopez north on Vine Laurldsen Bivd — north on Vine - - --- ---------- Lauridsen Blvd north on Vine-- - - - ------------ Lauridsen Blvd-- - north on Vine - -- ---- —�--- Lauridsen Blvd --------- north on Vine - , ..—------ ------------ ------- Lauridsen Blvd rbage can, which appears to have blown over blocking half of west Whidby alley -still dark north on VineLauridsen Blvd --------------------- north on Vine •--------------------------- Lauridsen Blvd 7:41 a.m. NOTE: can now see both Stone's garbage cans were not -- ------ --- -- - - ------------------- -------------------------- Blocking the west half of the road. 1 1 7:42 a.m. Lauridsen Blvd, south on Vine ea 1 1 7s43 a.m. st Lo eapez parking lot north on Vine - La 1 d 7:43 a.m. east Lopez parking lot south on Vine ----- W - brought in from yesterday and blew over into the roadway. -------------------------- st Lopez parking lot -------------------------- Lau Blvd ------------------------ hidby -----� walker K - 7�of 5 2010 Vine Street 7:44 a.m. 1 1 1 7:51 a.m. Traffic Pattern Study Lauridsen Blvd - m north on Vine -- -- - --- ---._.------------------ 1 1 a 2 1 north on Vine_ _ -- 1 m north on Vine -- - ------ o Lauridsen Blvd. south on Vine O E 1 n a a 1 1 o 8:0_3 a.m. 3 io 1 8:07 a.m. o z z Time From Route Destination Notes: Trips/hr yellow indicates routes 8:26 a.m. 1 •---------- east Whidby alley - 1 8:27 a.m. 1 _ 1 1 1 7:44 a.m. east Whidby alley north on Vine Lauridsen Blvd 7:44 a.m. 1 1 1 7:51 a.m. north on Vine Lauridsen Blvd - west Lopez alley ------ north on Vine -- -- - --- ---._.------------------ 1 1 1 7:54 a.m.__ 1 north on Vine_ _ -- 1 7:55 a.m north on Vine -- - ------ east La ez alley p ---- Lauridsen Blvd. south on Vine east Lopez parking lot •---------------------------- east Lopez parking lot -------- 1 8:03 a.m. — 1 1 1 8:0_3 a.m. i onto Lopez 1 8:07 a.m. 1 Lipman Vine parking Car turned around went back down Vine out Blvd •------•-•------------- 1 8:26 a.m. 1 •---------- east Whidby alley - 1 8:27 a.m. 1 1 1 8:31 a.m. --- 1 1 8:43 a.m. 8:47 a.m. 1 1 1 8.48 a.m_. 1 8:53 a.m._ -- - 1. 18:57 a.m._ NOTE: after car finished p,ssing- Stone's resident came out and picked up cans. Ten cars naivgated around in dark •----------------------------- --------------------------- •----------------------------- Just getting light. during heavy rain. east Whidby alley north on Vine Lauridsen Blvd •----n-'; ------------------------------------------- , e•--------------------------- Lauridsen Blvd. south an Vine east Lopez parking lot east Whidby alley north on Vine —- Lauridsen Blvd — east Lopez parking lot north on Vine Lauridsen Blvd - west Lopez alley ------ north on Vine -- -- - --- ---._.------------------ Lauridsen Blvd 21 --- - - --- - • -. Lauridsen Blvd. south on Vine Lopez Whidby/Vine north on Vine_ _ -- _ Lauridsen Blvd --------------- Lo ez — — Lopez F ---------- north on Vine -- - ------ east La ez alley p ---- Lauridsen Blvd. south on Vine east Lopez parking lot •---------------------------- east Lopez parking lot -------- ----------- --------------- north on Vine -------------- ----------- -------------- ----------- --- Lauridsen8lvd - -------- ----- --------- --------------------- east Whidby alley ---------------------- north on Vine ----------------- -- -- — --- Lauridsen8lvd ----------------------------- .----- Lauridsen Blvd. south on Vine onto Lopez Renter picks up blown down garbage container bl?cking half of west Whidby alley Lauridsen Blvd. south on Vine -------------_�__--_.-- Lipman Vine parking Car turned around went back down Vine out Blvd •------•-•------------- -------------------------- west Whidby alley/Vine --------- west Whidby alley ----------------__ Peabody St _- --- - --------------- •---------- east Whidby alley - north on Vine -------------------------- Lauridsen8lvd - --------- east Whidby alley south on Vine Whidby Ave walker 11 1 1 1 9:24 a.m. Lauridsen Blvd. 1 1 1 Whidby Me lives in block 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 is -------------- ._—_...--------- 9:24 a.- m. — Lauridsen Blvd. 9.35 a.m Lopez - — ------- --.—pe!----------- 9:36 a.m. Whidby/Vine OBSERVATIO d GAP 10:34 a.m. Lauridsen Blvd. 10:34 a m Lauridsen Blvd: __ _ ------------Y ------ 10:36 a.m. Whidb south on Vine Whidby Me lives in block south on Vine Whidby Ave ------- lives in block followed previous ----- south on Vine - east alley -- north - - on Vine _Whidby Lauridsen8lvd 4:not full hour south on Vine west Whidy alley ----- south ------- -------- on Vine - .----- ---._--------- WhidbyAve/Vine ------- ------ north ------ -- - on Vine - - - east Whidby alley K-71of5 0 0 0 2010 Vine Street ---- —dy-- f K- 7�0 5 0 a� s ,° o Time From Route Destination Notes: Trips/hr yellow indicates routes F 1 10:38 a.m. east. Whidfsy alley saufh on gine Vti hidby 1 1 1 1 10:43 a m iauradsen Blvd -- south an eineldby 1 1 1 10 :43 a rndasf UVh�dhy alley iirirfhonifin uridseBii!dJW 1 1 1 14 49 a m i�prnan Vine parking north n Vme 4urEdsenl3tud 1 14.55 a m i rdsen Blvd south vn Vin type = 8 ngt full ho r 11 O a m t northh an Vm gra, p x Slley City of PA - 1 j0_011 m 1 Lopez,illey north on Vine Lau e vd 1 1 1 1 1108 a r 1 dsen BI_Vd South on Vine WFi[ pita delivery I 11 f3 m� fez .4: south on,Ule Lipa Vert-eiking^ w 1 11:15 a m Lopez across Vine east Loper Barking lot 1 1 i 11I$ a rpm east aAfhidby alley7 north an vide ldsenatd 1 1 -11:26 a rn Lauridsen Blvd --- south a ine t 1 1 1 11.30a m Lipnjar}Vine parking th�txn lie itlseriBI#` e 1 1 11.3_2 a m Lauradserr sr3itho i!lne jLvpeiarkrng ». lir`' 1 1133 a m east Lopez par,W ]rpt north aY 4fine »»»»: µ - iadr�dsen6[vd »»»»»w 1134 34 a m rcas mouth o dine --------------- __11 l sipez U5 Postal truck S 1 11;38am a eastLOpet pa lot earth me tayridsenBivd - - 1 1 1 114a a m e LopererossVre - - 11 44 a m Lopez - _ nvrtFt V ne i auridsessBfyd - US Postal truck -stopped on Vine to deliver to - eas l ejalley teat€kavxes near east Lopez parking Int I 1 1 1 11 4d a rn- Loper -- - --- - 11 4b a rri Lopez alley i south on V€fie %res€Yytd aIle - -- ; .�. svutFt pit Vine t+yh[ci 1 11 47 a m Whidby north on Vine west Whidby alley 1 1 ] _r _»» »»„ 114_8 a m Lauridsen Blvd sauten V€n� LipWora Vrnekang 1 1 1 11:55 a.m. east Whidtryiiy nprth Y!E-2, LaurdsenBlvd 19 1 1 1 12:03 a m b(jrjdsen r(O3'south. on Vine � east Whadby�alley 1 1 12 07 a m [fur dsen Bind sough on Vine oLi FedEx #ruck. 1 1 12 Ip a m east Whidby alley - - m nv h vn�!!n8 Lis Laur#dsen cr picas 04) v jU#ne Cla!lain Paratrans€t loos K- 7�0 5 2010 Viae Street m E N o ............ `a ell° © ' Time From Route 12-3, ase Laurrdsen Blvd south 1 x ------------ 12 38 a m I o� ez r6rtth x 1 x 4n OR f lZURN81u4 Seth 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 x 1 x 1 1 1 1 1 1 Destination Notev Trips/hr yellow indicates routes east whidby alley' -- Lattridsent�� ea_ �h€d ,y�a7ley ' Whitl ---� »- - x 12:45 a.m. Wh€dlay`Vme (west Whidby alley Peabody 5t 10 1 1.44 O.M. west Whitlby alley/Vine across Vine east Viihid6y alley 5t [ ofS7 ark€11g fzst_UFS' delivery made stops wiidb _ -walket t=tabid � Rx�]ley, _ LLISenlvd walker 10 ea t�L�s�pdx'parkirag lot »» »»:----------- � Loper�p �a 1 2:38 p m. WC€dhy north an Vine K-------- 2:38 »». Z 38 p m I t�rrtlseri Blvd south on V€mi�� ---------- ng p m inpez north do Vine ----------- — _ - ----- - ------ ------------- - 12:41 p.m. east Lopez parking lot across Vine------------ - _ - 2 42 p mT� Whidby, north on;V�ne 1 "W 2`4 6 prn� laur€dsen 131vd south on V€ne 23p m east Lopeeoaftpg loth north on�Vrre _-- 2 :56a Lnpex Qrth ❑nVln 2 walkers K - 7�nf 5 0 9 0 2010 Vine Street 1 79 16 6 37 100 15 69% 14% 5% 87%� 115 total 5 walkers to Whidby 100 of 115 100A vehicle i 79 of 115 i 6 of 115 from 11 to 37 1. Lauridsen Blvd. south on Vine east Vdhidby alley viewed from inside - •----------- ------- -- ---- --- --- - --- - ----------------- -----..__ 1. Whidby - north on Vine east Lopez parking lot 3 notfull hoer 115 Summary: On January Total Observed Trips not include early evening traffic after 4:00 Trips or 87% would be disrupted Trips or 69% accessing Lauridsen Blvd. i Trips or 506 not stopping on Vine !including Pizza delivery, Clallam Paratransit Increase vehicle trips to Peabody via Whidby/Vine intersection K-77 5of5 Traffic Pattern Study Co v as 0 = t D v o o ycL fJ E DtJ a z LL LL j 3 ` o _Q o z Time From Route Destination Notes: Trips/hr yellow indicates routes 1 1 1 2:58 P.M. west Whidby alley north on Vine LauridsenBlvd 15 1 1 3:01 p.m. ---------- west Lopez alley _ .� - - - - south on Vine - _ .. Whidby- _.... 1. 1 3;02 P.M. _ , - ---- Lauridsen Bivd. ----------------------- south on Vine ----.•--------------- 0------- Lopez ---• ---------------------------- walker 1 1 3:`10 p.m. -------•-- east Lopez parking lot ------------ --------------- north on Vine LauridsenBlvd 1 1 3:14 pm. Lopez _ -------------------------- north on Vine •--------------------------- LauridsenBlvd walker 1 1 3:18 pari -- --- - w — Lauridsen Bivd. - ----- - -- -- - - - south on Vine ------ ------------------- Lopez ---_______________ _ .__ 1 1 330 p.m. -- Lopez -------------.-.. _ -- north on Vine ----_.e_...•. ------ _ LauridsenBivd . US Postal Truck 1 3;31 p.m. -- Whidby --- __.. - -- north on Vine ------ ...>»..-------------- ------ Lopez walker 1 1 .3,32 p.m. Lauridsen Blvd. _ _ - south on Vine — - W ------- -_ Lipman Vine parking 1 1 1 3:33 p.m. _ .. ..- Lipman Vine parking north on Vine LauridsenBlvd 1 1 3.37 p in. ---- ---- Lauridsen Blvd _.--------- — - south on Vine --:.---- -------------------. east Lopez parking lot walker 1 1 3:39 p.m. --- .. -_ Lopez -_ . north on Vine --- - LauridsenBlvd 1 1 1 1 p m. -------- _� _.�-- --- Lauridsen Blvd. ----------- south on Vine -- ------------- ..---------------- Whidby 1 1 ---- - -- -- 3:54 p.m. ---- ----- - ----- -- — Whidby _--------- -------------- north on Vine . _._- -- ---- --- ---------- Lopez 2 walkers 17 1.4:04 D.M. Whidby north on Vine east Whidby alley 1 79 16 6 37 100 15 69% 14% 5% 87%� 115 total 5 walkers to Whidby 100 of 115 100A vehicle i 79 of 115 i 6 of 115 from 11 to 37 1. Lauridsen Blvd. south on Vine east Vdhidby alley viewed from inside - •----------- ------- -- ---- --- --- - --- - ----------------- -----..__ 1. Whidby - north on Vine east Lopez parking lot 3 notfull hoer 115 Summary: On January Total Observed Trips not include early evening traffic after 4:00 Trips or 87% would be disrupted Trips or 69% accessing Lauridsen Blvd. i Trips or 506 not stopping on Vine !including Pizza delivery, Clallam Paratransit Increase vehicle trips to Peabody via Whidby/Vine intersection K-77 5of5 ,i��E�ra?wa�n�1�@r 1 �:r - irbwht Ila1 chno m1 111'.1 +VJ111, III Poll 'li:.- 7,�n n...i•,Ll :i' rrzl� I bolht���.. «««w+ COMS'LGA)MILIOD611- Olher lc-mN jw riecd ielpan �ifeo; I i¢I.r,n i ctiw.-.pIl hloA wCs Aywila.rth" fi on the S.r l ul clplB Jyr,ohf I s cgn--, w .non¢I rrPr•r. /� \.\\AF�ƒ m �:- / . . z. �\, -: 2 � /� \.\\AF�ƒ m 'LEASE Maybe we need more signs or traffic calming devices. DO NOT BLOCK VINE STREET ACCESS TO LAURIDSEN Deny both requests to vacate all 40 feet of right of way INSTEAD Give Stone/Toth the 144 feet needed to clear encroachment as recommended by staff in 2007 - this leaves the road exactly where it is. Allow Lipman's to buy a similar strip, if absolutely necessary. Index 1. Aerial photo of area 2. Aerial photo: closer view 3. Aerial photo: close-up showing Stone & Lipman property lines 4. Aerial close-up showing Stone lot & property line and 40 foot Vine St. right-of-way 5. Vine St., looking south toward Whidby - showing how Vine narrows (before Olympic Vista homes were built) 6. Vine St., looking south toward Whidby - showing how Vine narrows (after Olympic Vista homes were built) 7. Randy Stone standing at entry to Lopez/Orcas Alley (looking south toward Whidby) 8. Potholes on dirt road portion of Vine St. near Stone house 9. Potholes on dirt road portion of Vine St. near Stone house 10. End of Lopez Street, looking east - showing entry to parking area for Olympic Vista homes 11. End of Lopez Street - north side of Olympic Vista homes 12. End of Lopez Street - south side of Olympic Vista homes 13. Orcas/Lopez Alley - behind north side of Olympic Vista homes 14. Orcas/Lopez Alley - behind Stone house 15. Truck travelling north on Vine (before Olympic Vista homes were built) 16. Car travelling north on Vine (before Olympic Vista homes were built) 17. Truck travelling north on Vine (after Olympic Vista homes were built) 18. Aerial photo showing roads that serve this area 19. House in Olympic Vista across from Lipmans' (w/fire hydrant in photo) 20. Photo of Lipman house (taken from Olympic Vista, w/fire hydrant in foreground) 21. Photo of Stone house as it appears today 22. Stone house in 2007 - showing car crash damage 23. Stone house in 2007 - showing car crash damage 24. Stone house In 2007 - showing car crash damage Materials Submitted by'P. Toth & R. Stone aU, h ,gargling Petition to Vacate a Portio .t of Vine S z Stone Olympic Vista (9 homes) Lipman 1 fi �Y2 � C & A. d' #5 1 f 5 `S { A �5� i 9 `e' �i£ f f . $ # 2✓ yJ ty4� .y x f y1 � w xAMWOWvi� N , "let,, r' � _ `�• ��..'{`� �� .. 'w,q,� ,, �✓ w "� Y ' "g -' **'fin .t ..� s ,�,. ei � t �^` -' �' �.�' i 3x , t S x H ^^+,3i s.. ; w ria r .xs..xdy,„�'+,✓ e'ifE c i ^ t 7:7 FA £ 4 n .R n �.t �}S "fit` r .rsw,�-Wx • ran a z �{ of "' a s 5 1. �-Y tom' - e .mss. rd Scree,,, .-ter ��y�,f.,,eec�`deiu. (cif ;s 4Q { ori to th e north mak' r �� " kms,=•� Width of unimproved ravel section of Vine is 19 feet at its widest at green arrow p g ( 9 ), and 12 feet at its narrowest (further up, next to Lipman property) e _ is point is 4u4 otner cc Randy Stone standing at entry to Lopez/Orcas Alley (at end of paved section of Vine, with Stone house in background) 17 it Hill V'�S'ia".'+Tc'�Y k.,. +S r �. a ,. �,s5^ fix' ar..- ...wEL:. �'w•1t�.3:7s mw ;`�:. . _ � .. - . f ..'ik� � ,... . � .. _ .. - � zn, , ` .. ,.W , ,<s' s'"• ..�, z xs• � s�, £'�.. w�� ,rte r +, z �; a i a Vista homes' "-. ` �. '� �� � ��'x :;r. f.��, � � - � `� -�-' rti�, z � *�*{a ,�"k�aa � �,� . w 33'.F^m` °s ; � t �k •. � -. a � _ Rl Al " � e ry rig . �;��ar ;:� s � �t *r`M1 s e � "�," �� ,�', ��, � � t; '�• � ,p � ¢ F � `ra ' ,r �`.,,c', c�° ,s�. '�� s 9 ��"; � '[- �` .:. i •4 �., � a� ° vt. ; r N " w 3� 'max 4r } 13 d Stone house It ov — hehln Rl - a 4 � k �t. t� 17 Lim x s r •' �'�+_"� i:. ,*ate V, .. _.. ay„"p,• 7�.� - �Ex �. x. y - x P p •, - ', j A t a x xe e x b - w. 'aT ej*>tb r e ✓,1��' � � � ( "5. .. a 't� '� fat `:•, ,y. k,,t �` %� ��� AN "rt F 0 �,.-• �. 1��\, ������I II j��\ [�l\'Sv , I`\J,J , C '� Ir\'�J` --, _�I� �l 1 AS!lI�J v 'aT ej*>tb r e ✓,1��' � � � ( "5. .. a 't� '� fat `:•, ,y. k,,t �` %� ��� AN "rt F 0 Hershel Lester 415 Lopez Ave. Port Angeles, WA 98362 360.417.6950 March 2, 2010 Subject: The closing off Vine St. from the alley at Orcas and Lopez to Lopez St. Also the portion of Vine St. from the alley at Lopez and Whidbey. 1. The PDN on Feb. 4, 2010 (page A7), had an article announcing that Habitat for Humanity of Clallam County will not have to pave or widen the road on West 18th Street. The City of PA was able to make this decision based upon; "A traffic study of the Maloney Heights development." One of the questions I have is: Was a traffic study done on the area impacting Vine Street, and Lopez West to Peabody? If so where are the results and can we see the results and recommendations? 2. If Vine is blocked, Lopez (from Peabody) will be a dead end with no other egress except to turn around and travel back West to Peabody. It seems that is an un -necessary hindrance to all City emergency vehicles and personnel. Are provisions being made to expand the parking area at the Clallam Housing development into a cul-de-sac to enable emergency vehicles and others to safely turn around for egress back to Peabody? 3. 1 live at 415 Lopez (middle of the block) and on the North side. We use Vine Street every time we return to our home from where ever we have been. By using Vine St. and turning West on Lopez we are oriented properly to park on the N. Side of the Street. If Vine St. is blocked off, everyone that lives on Lopez from Vine to Peabody (both South side and North side), (fourteen homes), will have to turn around in the street to be able to park legally or egress back to Peabody. 4. Based on the fact that we have owned and lived at 415 Lopez since 1991; and have observed the traffic patterns on Lopez. I can assure you that the traffic on Lopez from Peabody to Vine will increase two fold. Lopez was not designed for that traffic load. This stretch of Lopez will not be as safe for families as it is today, let alone the arrival and departure of emergency vehicles. S. Lastly, since this Vine St. proposal is not planned; or studied and no effort to discover impact; why is it being considered? Respectably Submitted, Hershel Lester 360.417.6950 handrlester@olypen.com Wayne E.Hostetler 426 Lopez Port Angeles, wa. 360-452-6469 I was approached and presented a petition in favor of closing portions of Vine Street, I willingly signed. However, the very next day I had just washed a vehicle in my back yard near the alley. When I finished a vehicle came down the alley very rapidly and went through a puddle of water and sprayed the project I had just finished. The driver never looked my way and I am fairly confident he had no concern of his driving. Since this incident I have been more observant of what takes place on Lopez and the alley. I have seen children walking the street, people walking their pets and a lot more traffic than I had thought. I would like it known that if my name and signature can be removed from the petition it is my wish to have this done. I am apposed to this motion. I have had my home on Lopez since the mid 1970's. The neighborhood has grown considerably, bringing families and their children and pets. This has always been a desirable neighbor hood. Many families like the neighborhood because what it has to offer, I feel this would be drastically compramised and only benefit sa few at the expense of many. I am a commercial driver and know that one of the most dangerous maneuvers in a vehicle is backing, All residents in the 400 block of Lopez will be forced to do this at least on an every arrival and departure. The safety issues are too drastic to ignore. If drivers currently do not have the awareness of my little car washing chore I cannot see that pedistrians and personal property will not be adversely affected. Due to my work schedule 1 am unable to attend the hearing on this matter and submit this letter in my absence. Wayne E. Hostetler February 24, 2010 To: Hershel Lester and To Whom it May Concern at the City of Port Angeles RE: PUBLIC NOTICE for closure of section of Vine Street from alley of Orcas and Lopez to Lopez I (Katherine O'Connor and my husband (Michael O'Connor) and I agree with Mr. Lester's comments regarding the above . We do not like the idea of Vine being closed in the vicinity being proposed. We travel every day down Vine to park in front of our home oriented the proper direction. Since a housing development was constructed a few years ago we have already experience an increase in traffic on Lopez. If anything we would like to see Vine improved (paved) not closed. Already we see and hear speeding vehicles, particularly on Friday and Saturday nights rushing down Lopez to the housing development at the end of the street. It 's difficult to make U-turns now, because Lopez is not a particularly wide street to begin with. Another issue is that Lopez St on this block has no streetlight. It is pitch dark in winter and with this extra traffic I fear more a risk of hitting children, animals and cars parked along the street. Sincerely, �14 oc" Katy O'Connor 425 E. Lopez St. (360) 452-6624 Will you miss using Vine St. if it closed? HFRF 1S WHAT YOU CAN DO TO RFLP $AVE OUR CITY STREET - Option A. You can fill out this form and submit it at the meeting Tuesday March 2, 2010at7PM. Option B. Fill out the form and either drop it off or call and I will pick it up and take it to the meeting for you. Hershel Lester 415 Lopez, PA, - (360) 417-6950. Do you use Vine St.? 0 Yes ❑ No If so about how many times a week? ld — ZO Do you: ❑ Rent Own Do want Vine St. Closed off as de- scribed? ❑ Yes �To Name: t9ol Xs L j N 19 L Iy Address: Ld P ft Z Port Angeles, WA 98362 rT. The City of Port Angeles will consider the possibility of closing off Vine St. That portion of Vine St. from the alley at Orcas and Lopez to Lopez St. a l Blocked here ' C rtM uCv. N:j Blocked here <\ WeFp •`e.4 Nns.• M1M.p n~rp Also the closing of Vine St. from Lopez to the alley at Lopez and Whidbey. (See Illustration map above) RE YOU AWARE OF THIS UBLIC MEETING? March 2, 2010 7 P City of Port Angeles 'W '. PUBLIC i AROING ITNNS `NOTICE ACT It CONTt THEPORT ANGELES COMMUNITY t CONOMIC DEVELOPMENT �Z EPO AT NOTICE 321 FtM -44750 1360) PHONE- 1i ►- Be Informed Stay Informed My Name is : Hershel Lester® I live at 415 Lopez St. The following are some questions and concerns that I have. e SDN on Feb. 4, 2010 (page A7), had an article announcing that Habitat for Humanity of Clallam County will not have to pave or widen the road on West 18th Street. The City of PA was able to make this decision based upon; `A traffic study of the Maloney Heights development." One of the questions I have is: Was a traffic study done on the area impacting Vine Street, and Lopez West to Peabody? If so where are the results and can we see the results and recommendations? If Vine is blocked, Lopez (from Peabody) will be a dead end with no other egress except to turn around and travel back West tc Peabody. It seems that is an un -necessary hindrance to all City emergency vehicles and personnel. Are provisions being made to expand the parking area at the Clallam Housing development into a cul-de-sac to enable emergency vehicles and others to safely turn around for egress back to Peabody? I live at 415 Lopez (middle of the block, North side). We use Vine Street every time we return to our home from where ever w have been. By using Vine St. and turning West on Lopez we are oriented properly to park on the N. Side of the Street. If Vine St. is blocked off, everyone that lives on Lopez from Vine to Peabody (both South side and North side), (fourteen homes), will have to turn around in the street to be able to park legally or egress back to Peabody. Based on the fact that we have owned and lived at 415 Lopez since 1991; and have observed the traffic patterns on Lopez. I can assure you that the traffic on Lopez from Peabody to Vine will increase two fold. Lopez was not designed for that traf- fic raffic load. This stretch of Lopez will not be as safe for families as it is today. The arrival and departure of emergency vehicle; and large delivery trucks (UPS, Appliance, Furniture, etc.) inhibit traffic flow worse than it does today. Lastly, since this Vine St. proposal is not planned; or studied and no effort to discover impact; why is it being considered? Respectably Submitted, I Hershel Lester 360.417.6950 handrlester@olypen.com Will you miss using Vine St. if it closed? HFRF IS WHAT YOU CAN DO TO RFLP $AVE OUR CITY $7XEET- Option A. You can fill out this form and submit it at the meeting Tuesday March 2, 2010at7PM. Option B. Fill out the form and either drop it off or call and I will pick it up and take it to the meeting for you. Hershel Lester 415 Lopez, PA, - (360) 417-6950. Do you use Vine St.? Yes ❑ No If so about how many times a week? -O if Do you: ❑ Rent 0–Own Do want Vine St. Closed off as de- scribed? ❑ Yes DI To Name: W a YH e- r. C%s 74e fle�,4-- Address: --I— Port Port Angeles, WA 98362 Signature: The City of Port Angeles will consider the possibility of closing off Vine St. That portion of Vine St. from the alley at Orcas and Lopez to Lopez St. �4 Blocked here iZE \S � Blocked here Com' ° Also the closing of Vine St. from Lopez to the alley at Lopez and Whidbey. (See Illustration map above) RE YOU AWARE OF THIS UBLIC MEETING? March 2, 2010 7 P City of Port Angeles i .. k4 PUBLIC NOTICE. LW . . FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION REGARDING THIS NOTICE CONTACT THE PORT ANGELES COMMUNITY A ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Dfl"T. AT 321 EAST FIFTH STREET PORT ANGELES. WASH. 95362 PHONE: 1360) 417-4750 Be Informed II/AA Stay Informed My Name is : Hershel Lester. I live at 415 Lopez St. The following are some questions and concerns that I have. 1e PDN on Feb. 4, 2010 (page A7), had an article announcing that Habitat for Humanity of Clallam County will not have to pave or widen the road on West 18th Street. The City of PA was able to make this decision based upon; "A traffic study of _,,Athe Maloney Heights development." One of the questions I have is: Was a traffic study done on the area impacting Vine Street, and Lopez West to Peabody? If so where are the results and can we see the results and recommendations? If Vine is blocked, Lopez (from Peabody) will be a dead end with no other egress except to turn around and travel back West tc Peabody. It seems that is an un -necessary hindrance to all City emergency vehicles and personnel. Are provisions being made to expand the parking area at the Clallam Housing development into a cul-de-sac to enable emergency vehicles and others to safely turn around for egress back to Peabody? I live at 415 Lopez (middle of the block, North side). We use Vine Street every time we return to our home from where ever w have been. By using Vine St. and turning West on Lopez we are oriented properly to park on the N. Side of the Street. If Vine St. is blocked off, everyone that lives on Lopez from Vine to Peabody (both South side and North side), (fourteen ? hpmes), will have to turn around in the street to be able to park legally or egress back to Peabody. Based on the fact that we have owned and lived at 415 Lopez since 1991; and have observed the traffic patterns on Lopez. I can assure you that the traffic on Lopez from Peabody to Vine will increase two fold. Lopez was not designed for that traf- fic load. This stretch of Lopez will not be as safe for families as it is today. The arrival and departure of emergency vehicle, and large delivery trucks (UPS, Appliance, Furniture, etc.) inhibit traffic flow worse than it does today. Lastly, since this Vine St. proposal is not planned; or studied and no effort to discover impact; why is it being considered? Respectably Submitted, 4,4� Hershel Lester 360.417.6950 handrlester@olypen.com Will you miss using Vine St. if it closed? HFRF IS WHAT YOU CAN DO TO RFLP M VE OUR CITY $7REET: A. You can fill out this form and submit it at the meeting Tuesday March 2,2010at7PM. Option B. Fill out the form and either drop it off or call and I xvill pick it up and take it to the meeting for you. Hershel Lester 415 Lopez, PA, - (360) 417-6950. Do you use Vine St.? Yes ❑ No If so about how many times a week? A k -11111 , � Do you: ❑ Rent 13/own Do want Vine St. Close ff as de- scribed? ❑ Yes eNo Name Address: w �_.'Qe'-). 'S t - Port Angeles, WA 98362 Signature: � 1 0"44r The City of Port Angeles will consider the possibility of closing off Vine St. That portion of Vine St. from the alley at Orcas and Lopez to Lopez St. a Blocked here / v If Blocked here \; •j �a YQ s wmo «.ego w+..o w.wn a.�wa Also the closing of Vine St. from Lopez to the alley at Lopez and Whidbey. (See Illustration map above) RE YOU AWARE OF THIS UBLIC MEETING? March 2, 2010 \ 7 PM City of Port Angeles V, PUBLIC ADDITIONAL10. INFORMATION REGARDING THIS NOTICE CONTACT THE PORT ANGELES COMMUNITY A EDEVELOPMENT AT NOTICE OZ PORTASH ANGE BS, 417750 Be Informed Stay Informed My Name is : Hershel Lester. I live at 415 Lopez St. The following are some questions and concerns that I have® Ie PbN on Feb. 4, 2010 (page A7), had an article announcing that Habitat for Humanity of Clallam County will not have to pave or widen the road on West 18th Street. The City of PA was able to make this decision based upon; "A traffic study of _the Maloney Heights development." One of the questions I have is: Was a traffic study done on the area impacting Vine Street, and Lopez West to Peabody? If so where are the results and can we see the results and recommendations? If Vine is blocked, Lopez (from Peabody) will be a dead end with no other egress except to turn around and travel back West tc Peabody. It seems that is an un -necessary hindrance to all City emergency vehicles and personnel. Are provisions being made to expand the parking area at the Clallam Housing development into a cul-de-sac to enable emergency vehicles and others to safely turn around for egress back to Peabody? I live at 415 Lopez (middle of the block, North side). We use Vine Street every time we return to our home from where ever w have been. By using Vine St. and turning West on Lopez we are oriented properly to park on the N. Side of the Street. If Vine St. is blocked off, everyone that lives on Lopez from Vine to Peabody (both South side and North side), (fourteen homes), will have to turn around in the street to be able to park legally or egress back to Peabody. Based on the fact that we have owned and lived at 415 Lopez since 1991; and have observed the traffic patterns on Lopez. I can assure you that the traffic on Lopez from Peabody to Vine will increase two fold. Lopez was not designed for that traf- fic load. This stretch of Lopez will not be as safe for families as it is today. The arrival and departure of emergency vehicle: and large delivery trucks (UPS, Appliance, Furniture, etc.) inhibit traffic flow worse than it does today. Lastly, since this Vine St. proposal is not planned; or studied and no effort to discover impact; why is it being considered? Respectably Submitted, Hershel Lester 360.417.6950 handrlester@olypen.com Will you miss using Vine St. if it closed? HFRF 1S WHAT YOU CAN DO TO RFLP $AVE OUR CITY STREET: A. You can fill out this form and submit it at the meeting Tuesday March 2, 2010at7PM. Option B. Fill out the form and either drop it off or call and I will pick it up and take it to the meeting for you. Hershel Lester 415 Lopez, PA, - (360) 417-6950. Do you use Vine St.? M Yes ❑ No If so about how many times a week? 1'1' Do you: ❑ Rent dOwn Do want Vine St. Closed off as de- scribed? [3 Ye w No Name: A%c keL A, K,<TKtV4PG 0 Ia' 01L Address: 42_�; L©,�Ez AUG Port Angeles,, QWA 98362 Signatur The City of Port Angeles will consider the possibility of closing off Vine St. That portion of Vine St. from the alley at Orcas and Lopez to Lopez St. Blocked here ' Blocked here i Also the closing of Vine St. from Lopez to the alley at Lopez and Whidbey. (See Illustration map above) 4eA St--QQ : P( eu.s e_ d.o fxj'CQ- GU l'f -e... Vrl 21�h�. G�- uvc— wel `dam- �ca+� W I, PUBLIC NOTICE. FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION REGARDING THIS NOTICE CONTACT THE PORT ANGELES COMMUNITY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Of IT. AT 321 EAST FIFTH STREET PORT ANGELES, WASH. 98362 PHONE: (360) 417-0750 Be Informed r Stay Informed My Name is : Hershel Lester. I live at 415 Lopez St. The following are some questions and concerns that I have. CDN on Feb. 4, 2010 (page A7), had an article announcing that Habitat for Humanity of Clallam County will not have to I or widen the road on West 18th Street. The City of PA was able to make this decision based upon; "A traffic study of the Maloney Heights development." One of the questions I have is: Was a traffic study done on the area impacting Vine Street, and Lopez West to Peabody? If so where are the results and can we see the results and recommendations? If Vine is blocked, Lopez (from Peabody) will be a dead end with no other egress except to turn around and travel back West tc Peabody. It seems that is an un -necessary hindrance to all City emergency vehicles and personnel. Are provisions being made to expand the parking area at the Clallam Housing development into a cul-de-sac to enable emergency vehicles and others to safely turn around for egress back to Peabody? I live at 415 Lopez (middle of the block, North side). We use Vine Street every time we return to our home from where ever w have been. By using Vine St. and turning West on Lopez we are oriented properly to park on the N. Side of the Street. If Vine St. is blocked off, everyone that lives on Lopez from Vine to Peabody (both South side and North side), (fourteen homes), will have to turn around in the street to be able to park legally or egress back to Peabody. Based on the fact that we have owned and lived at 415 Lopez since 1991; and have observed the traffic patterns on Lopez. I can assure you that the traffic on Lopez from Peabody to Vine will increase two fold. Lopez was not designed for that traf- fic raffic load. This stretch of Lopez will not be as safe for families as it is today. The arrival and departure of emergency vehicle: and large delivery trucks (UPS, Appliance, Furniture, etc.) inhibit traffic flow worse than it does tpday. Lastly, since this Vine St. proposal is not planned; or studied and no effort to discover impact; why is it being considered? Respectably Submitted, E 2011 / E� Hershel Lester 360.417.6950 handrlester@ol)Ten.com Will you miss using Vine St. if it closed? HFRF IS WHAT YOU CAN DO TO RFLP UVE OUR CITY STREET Option A. You can fill out this form and submit it at the meeting Tuesday March 2,2010at7PM. Option B. Fill out the form and either drop it off or call and I will pick it up and take it to the meeting for you. Hershel Lester 415 Lopez, PA, - (360) 417-6950. Do you use Vine St.? IN Yes ❑ No If so about how many times a week? s 1,e.- w e Do you: ❑ Rent to Own Do want Vine St. Closed off as de- scribed? ❑ Yes ®No Name: , P s C. rg, ,e.O Address: _t'1W f 14 e Port Angeles, A 98362 Signature: 1 The City of Port Angeles will consider the possibility of closing off Vine St. That portion of Vine St. from the alley at Orcas and Lopez to Lopez St. ,+ Blocked here Blocked here Also the closing of Vine St. from Lopez to the alley at Lopez and Whidbey. (See Illustration map above) RE YOU AWARE OF THIS UBLIC MEETING? March 2, 2010 7 P City of Port Angeles PUBLIC NOTICE. FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION REGARDING THIS NOTICE CONTACT THE PORT ANGELES COMMUNITI' 8 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DE IT. AT 321 EAST FIFTH STREET PORT ANGELES. WASH. D8362 PHONE. (360) 417-4750 Be Informed 1 Stay Informed My Name is : Hershel Lester. I live at 415 Lopez St. The following are some questions and concerns that I have, e PDN on Feb. 4, 2010 (page A7), had an article announcing that Habitat for Humanity of Clallam County will not have to pave or widen the road on West 18th Street. The City of PA was able to make this decision based upon; "A traffic study of the Maloney Heights development." One of the questions I have is: Was a traffic study done on the area impacting Vine Street, and Lopez West to Peabody? If so where are the results and can we see the results and recommendations? If Vine is blocked, Lopez (from Peabody) will be a dead end with no other egress except to turn around and travel back West tc Peabody. It seems that is an un -necessary hindrance to all City emergency vehicles and personnel. Are provisions being made to expand the parking area at the Clallam Housing development into a cul-de-sac to enable emergency vehicles and others to safely turn around for egress back to Peabody? I live at 415 Lopez (middle of the block, North side). We use Vine Street every time we return to our home from where ever w have been. By using Vine St. and turning West on Lopez we are oriented properly to park on the N. Side of the Street. If Vine St. is blocked off, everyone that lives on Lopez from Vine to Peabody (both South side and North side), (fourteen homes), will have to turn around in the street to be able to park legally or egress back to Peabody. Based on the fact that we have owned and lived at 415 Lopez since 1991; and have observed the traffic patterns on Lopez. I can assure you that the traffic on Lopez from Peabody to Vine will increase two fold. Lopez was not designed for that traf- fic load. This stretch of Lopez will not be as. safe for families as it is today. The arrival and departure of emergency vehicle and large delivery trucks (UPS, Appliance, Furniture, etc.) inhibit traffic flow worse than it does today. Lastly, since this Vine St. proposal is not planned; or studied and no effort to discover impact; why is it being considered? Respectably Submitted, Hershel Lester 360.417.6950 handrlester@olypen.com Will you miss using Vine St. if it closed? HFRF 1S WHAT YOU CAN DO TO RFLP SAVE OUR CITY STRFFT- Option A. You can fill out this form and submit it at the meeting Tuesday 'March 2, 2010 at 7 PAVI . Option B. Fill out the form and either drop it off or call and I will pick it up and take it to the meeting for you. Hershel Lester 415 Lopez, PA, - (360) 417-6950. Do you use Vine St.? D Yes ❑ No If so about how many times a week? off 6- � The City of Port Angeles will consider the possibility of closing off Vine St. That portion of Vine St. from the alley at Orcas and Lopez to Lopez St. ,o u i Blocked here v .rw .m.ev Wy Blocked here < v Ws,O v.av wq• MW4 M.�.v Do you: ❑ Rent [Own Also the closing of Vine St. Do want Vine St. Closed off as de- from Lopez to the alley at scribed? ❑ Yes ® No Lopez and Whidbey. Name: Address: 41-7 Port Angeles, XVA 98362 Signature: (See Illustration map above) RE YOU AWARE OF THIS UBLIC MEETING? I March 2, 2010 7 P City of Port Angeles PUBLIC TOME RFOR EGARDING THIS N CONTACT THE PORT ANGELES COMMUNITY d ECONOMIC AT NOTICE FIFTH STREET ` PORAEAST GELES, WASH. PHONE SO362 Lq Be Informed Stay Informed My Name is : Hershel Lester. I live at 415 Lopez St. The following are some questions and concerns that I have. PDN on Feb. 4, 2010 (page A7), had an article announcing that Habitat for Humanity of Clallam County will not have to 18th Street. The City of PA was able to make this decision based upon; "A traffic study of pave or widen the road on West the Maloney Heights development." One of the questions I have is: Was a traffic study done on the area impacting Vine Street, and Lopez West to Peabody? If so where are the results and can we see the results and recommendations? If Vine is blocked, Lopez (from Peabody) will be a dead end with no other egress except to turn around and travel back West tc Peabody. It seems that is an un -necessary hindrance to all City emergency vehicles and personnel. Are provisions being made to expand the parking area at the Clallam Housing development into a cul-de-sac to enable emergency vehicles and others to safely turn around for egress back to Peabody? I live at 415 Lopez (middle of the block, North side). We use Vine Street every time we return to our home from where ever w have been. By using Vine St. and turning West on Lopez we are oriented properly to park on the N. Side of the Street. If Vine St. is blocked off, everyone that lives on Lopez from Vine to Peabody (both South side and North side), (fourteen homes), will have to turn around in the street to be able to park legally or egress back to Peabody. Based on the fact that we have owned and lived at 415 Lopez since 1991; and have observed the traffic patterns on Lopez. I can assure you that the traffic on Lopez from Peabody to Vine will increase two fold. Lopez was not designed for that traf- fic raffic load. This stretch of Lopez will not be as safe for families as it is today. The arrival and departure of emergency vehicle: and large delivery trucks (UPS, Appliance, Furniture, etc.) inhibit traffic flow worse than it does today. Lastly, since this Vine St. proposal is not planned; or studied and no effort to discover impact; why is it being considered? Respectably Submitted, 11 ♦1 0��, �, 1 Hershel Lester 360.417.6950 handrlester@olypen.com Will you miss using Vine St. 1f it closed? AER E rS W11A T YOU CAN DO TO �11�PSSIVEOUR CrTY STREET: Option A. You can fill out this farm and. submit it at the meeting Tuesday March 2,2010at7PM. option B. Fill out the form and either drop it off or call and I will pick it up and take it to the meeting for you. Hershel Lester 415 Lopez, PA, - (360) 417-6950. Do you use. Vine St.? IM Yes ❑ No If so about how many tines a week? t -5 - Do you: 0 Rent IM Own Do want Vine St. Closed off as de- scribed? [3 Yes EM No Name: Zlqnie j i`J[��[��a� .Address: `i 12. L 1-o ea A ve. Port Angeles, WA 9€ 362 Signature: )L -J 972&� The City of Port Angeles will consider the possibility of closing off Vine St. That portion of Vine 5t. from the alley at orcas and Lopez to Lopez St. Blocked here �� s r Blocked here Also the closing of Vine St. from Lopez to the alley at Lopez and Whidbey. (See Illustration map above) YOU AWARE OF TRIS IUBLIC MEETIHBP 2, 2010 7PM City of Part Angeles PUBLICPOR ADOITIONAL. INFORMATION - REGARDING THIS NOTICE CONTACT' THE FORT ANGELES COMMON7�Y d ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT' FS�'T. AT NOTICE 321 EA�T FIFTSTREET 417 4 PORTPHONES 3 0) 50 — Be Informed Stay Informed My flame is : Hershel Lester. I live at 415 Lopez St. The following are some questions and concerns that I have. e bN on .Feb. 4, 2010 (page A7), had an article announcing that Habitat for Humanity of Clallarn County will not have to pave or widen the road on. West 18th Street. The City of PA was able to make this decision based upon; "A traffic study of the Maloney Heights development." One of the questions I have is: Was a traffic study done on the area impacting Vine Street, and Lopez West to Peabody? If so where are the results and can we see the results and recommendations? If Vine is blocked, Lopez (from. Peabody) will be a dead end with no other egress except to turn around and travel back West tt Peabody. It seems that is an un -necessary hindrance to all City emergency vehicles and personnel. Are provisions being made to expand the parking area at the Clalla n Housing development into a cul-de-sac to enable emergency vehicles and others to safely turn around for egress back to Peabody? I live at 415 Lopez (middle of the block, North side). We use Vine Street every time we return to our home from cohere ever w have been. By using Vine St. and turning West on Lopez we are oriented properly to park on the N. Side of the Street. If Vine St, is blocked off, everyone that lives on Lopez from Vine to Peabody (both South side and North side), (fourteen. homes), will have to turn around in the street to be able to park legally or egress back to Peabody. Based on the fact that we have owned and lived at 415 Lopez since 1991; and have observed the traffic patterns on Lopez. I can assure you that the traffic on Lopez from Peabody to Vine will increase two fold. Lopez was not designed for that traf- fic raffic load. This stretch of Lopez will not be as safe for families as it is today. The arrival and departure of emergency vehicle, and large delivery trucks (LIPS, .Appliance, Furniture, etc.) inhibit traffic flow worse than it does today. Lastly, since this Vine St. proposal is not planned; or studied and no effort to discover impact; why is it being considered? Respectably Submitted, Hershel Lester 360.417.6950 handrleste:r@olypen.com Will you miss using Vine St. if it closed? HFRF IS WHAT YOU CAN DO TO HELP SAVE OUR CITY STREET - Option A. You can fill out this form and submit it at the meeting Tuesday March 2, 2010at7PM. Option B. Fill out the form and either drop it off or call and I xvill pick it up and take it to the meeting for you. Hershel Lester 415 Lopez, PA, - (360) 417-6950. Do you use Vine St.? Z(Yes ❑ No If so about how many I times a week? 3+6 i` M CL d cup Do you: [3Rent tOwn G Do want Vine St. Closed off as de- scribed? ❑ Yes )z No Nam e• 1• Rosiell Address: 1io1 a L.O DC7_ Port Angeles, WA 98362 The City of Port Angeles will consider the possibility of closing off Vine St. That portion of Vine St. from the alley at Orcas and Lopez to Lopez St. Blocked here a is ra was ' artlry Blocked here e +.emra rya �ws.o Also the closing of Vine St. from Lopez to the alley at Lopez and Whidbey. (See Illustration map above) RE YOU AWARE OF TNIS UBLIC MEETING March 2, 2010 7 P ON of Port Angeles PUBLIC NOTICE. FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION REGARDING THIS NOTICE CONTACT THE PORT ANGELES COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DE IT. AT 321 EAST FIFTH STREET PORT ANGELES. WASH. 96162 PHONE: (360) 417-4750 Be Informed Stay Informed � IMy Name is : Hershel Lester. I live at 415 Lopez St. The kk following are some questions and concerns that I have. P e /DN on Feb. 4, 2010 (page A7), had an article announcing that Habitat for Humanity of Clallam County will not have to pave or widen the road on West 18th Street. The City of PA was able to make this decision based upon; "A traffic study of �he Maloney Heights development." One of the questions I have is: Was a traffic study done on the area impacting Vine Street, and Lopez West to Peabody? If so where are the results and can we see the results and recommendations? If Vine is blocked, Lopez (from Peabody) will be a dead end with no other egress except to turn around and travel back West tc Peabody. It seems that is an un -necessary hindrance to all City emergency vehicles and personnel. Are provisions being made to expand the parking area at the Clallam Housing development into a cul-de-sac to enable emergency vehicles and others to safely turn around for egress back to Peabody? I live at 415 Lopez (middle of the block, North side). We use Vine Street every time we return to our home from where ever w have been. By using Vine St. and turning West on Lopez we are oriented properly to park on the N. Side of the Street. If Vine St. is blocked off, everyone that lives on Lopez from Vine to Peabody (both South side and North side), (fourteen homes), will have to turn around in the street to be able to park legally or egress back to Peabody. Based on the fact that we have owned and lived at 415 Lopez since 1991; and have observed the traffic patterns on Lopez. I can assure you that the traffic on Lopez from Peabody to Vine will increase two fold. Lopez was not designed for that traf- fic load. This stretch of Lopez will not be as safe for families as it is today. The arrival and departure of emergency vehicle; and large delivery trucks (UPS, Appliance, Furniture, etc.) inhibit traffic flow worse than it does today. Lastly, since this Vine St. proposal is not planned; or studied and no -effort to discover impact; why is it being considered? Respectably Submitted, 4iA4M 4i)li� Hershel Lester 360.417.6950 handrle s ter@olyp en. com 0 GELES DATE: March 2, 2010 TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: NATHAN A.WEST, DIRECTOR COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT SUBJECT: PADA SPECIAL TASK ORDER REQUEST — SCHALLERT GROUP BUSINESS WORKSHOP Summary: The Port Angeles Downtown Association (PADA) has requested funding per section 3 of the 2010 Funding Agreement to hold a workshop for small businesses. Recommendation: Authorize the City Manager to execute a $4,000 task order in conjunction with the 2010 PADA Funding Agreement for a small business workshop. • Background / Analysis: The Port Angeles Downtown Association is requesting funding to host a local business workshop in conjunction with Section 3 of their 2010 Funding Agreement with the City of Port Angeles. Per the agreement special projects involving economic development and commercial redevelopment activities can be funded through specific task orders. The workshop will feature Jon Schallert an internationally recognized speaker and small business strategist. The event will inform small businesses on issues such as operating during difficult economic times, current marketing trends, increasing sales, and ensuring best profit scenarios. The cost of the workshop is $8,000 and the task order will cover 50% of that cost. The remaining $4,000 would be covered by ticket sales and other sponsors. Details of the proposal are attached. Small businesses are the core of our local economy and it is critically important that during these difficult economic times the City support its local small business community. This effort will assist us in ensuring that our small businesses are equipped with the knowledge and resources to survive challenging market situations. The workshop is an investment that will contribute to the development of solid and sustainable business plans and a more resilient economic foundation for our City. City Staff recommends that Council authorize the City Manager to execute a $4,000 task order in conjunction with the 2010 PADA Funding Agreement for a small business workshop. 0 Attachment A PADA Request Letter Attachment B Sample Workshop Agreement and Speaker Details L-1 2010 BOARD OF DIRECTORS ,lack Harmon, Preaid:en-t Vlckda Express ...,360-452-6088 Jan Harbick, vlce-President Individual Member 3804$2-8248 Greg 1%oytes, Treasurer = Voyles Insurance " 3p6417-2663 Richard Stephens, Secretary 1 Peninsula Daily News 3601417,3544' Vicki Adams Sound Bikes & Kayaks, :. , 360.452-1240 • • •Donya Alward Red tion Hotel' 360-452-9215 April Beilenid Odyssey Bcokshbp ' 360.4571045. Bill Jackson.' ' 8arderAuto-. ' 360.457-3318 .' . . ?essa Jackson . Individual Member - 38"61 -6956 ' Bob Lumens Northwest Fudge & Confections. 360-452-8299 Ribk Mathis, . Rick's Place 360452-8683 Charles Smith. rindlx rg & Smith Qrohilects 360452,6116. Kim Trenerry-tMogi . • Danled by Twilight . . 860.452.8800 PORT ANGELES }, . A,- S•OCIA,TiON _ Dear'Wbal>, . The Port Angeles Downtown Association' requests funds as a part of the new 20 10 funding agreement . , - ` _. ... between the City and the PADA for special projects:: The'funds would 'facilitate patcipation'by march'iarlts of the PADA in an'.ecorioniic•deveIopmeiit through marketing:pragram with'Jon Schallert and Destination University. Seminars. .. We would like to bring Jon Schallert to Port Angeles•for an all day worksh6p vV h businesses;, As you will see on the enclosed "Sample Letter of Agrieenne'nt";,there is a morning seminar; followed by: a Marketing Roundtable with tliose.who participated. in the seminar. The afternoon Focus Group meets for an hour and eve would'invite property owners and real estate agents fora focus on retail recruitment within the CBD. A ist of possible topics for the workshop is attached' : Mr: Schallert has along history and Teputa#on for,supporting'small business and•Main Street'cornmunities, md.erstandiitg.how they work and providing the,tools and mindset to help them:succeed. Re came to'Port Angeles on April 2&, 2000`for a"seminar.' We still have business owners downtown today that continue tp use the cools he provided.then' We feel,•that.this is'an excellentopportunity.to shore Op our downtown: merchants and businesses throughout the community with corumon sense marketing tools that.they can put o vse.imiirediately. In 2009, 17 businesses within.the CBD -closed and many'others-are struggling to find their way in a new economy: The workshop would benefit businesses by: • Informing owners of current market trends' : Expanding their knowledge of operating a. small business in -these economic times • • Providing encouragement-aad, support • ' Networking'with other businesses regionally and locally : • ' .. Bolstering & reenergizing the mindset of the business community' Three years of constructibn and a deep i'ecession:bive taken their tollon the downtown business tonnmu pity. A proactive; joint effort by the City and iM PADA. providing information and positive reinforcement for the business community will.better prepare them to meet the challenges of sustaining, rebuilding and - growing their business base. The cost for the one day workshop is $8;000.00.We are requesting $4,000.00 to bedisbursed by the City at the'tirne of signing.the booking co=46t: (upfront deposit). We anticipate seminar.sponsorships-and'tieket. . sales .vyill fvnii the balance.of'expenses for travet;'lodging, meals and the remainder of the contract with Mr., SchallerL The PADA considers this to be an opportunity to provide the -necessary tools -to heI businesses that w Barbara Frederick know are struggling in the current economic chmute and'•we feel that a partnership between the City and our Executive•Director association can make it.happen Please contact Us for any.further information or. gpestions'that you might 380.457-9614 have. 268 N. Laurel. - P.O. Box 582 Port Angeles, WA 98362 Sincerely, Barbara Frederick Executive Director.** Phone: 360-457-9614 - F-Maili director®portangelesdowntown.comJ / J- axa ���/ 2 www:portangeiesdowntown,com Oxr w fi-6X zr 6 [i,E'l'C6 ax roslwte a luaftl400 A�'Of�CYDNf ovxev ' • • • • Date of Agreement: Client* Contact: Phone: Email: SAMPLE L1=717ER OF AGREEMENT CONSULTATION DETAILS Date: To be determined Location: Seminar Title: Increasing Safes & Profits as a Destination Business Seminar Time: 8:30 a.m. —11:45 a.m. (3 -hours with one 45 -minute breaks) Lunch: 12 noon —1:00 p.m. Marketing Roundtable: 1:00 p.m. — 2:00 p.m. (1 hour) Jon Schallert will meet with seminar attendees to answer questions and discuss his Destination principles and their specific application to the community and individual businesses. Focus Group Meeting: 2:00 — 4:00 p.m. (2 hours) Jon will meet with a select group of decision makers in the community, to address their most pressing concerns. This time slot can also be used for Jon to consult with individual business owners. Schedule of Times: Please note that the above times may be adjusted and will need to be coordinated to accommodate Jon's flight schedule. Fee; $8,000.00 plus applicable expenses Fee quoted Includes: Honorarium, Telephone calls to your organization planning your session, 15 posters (11X17) to distribute locally to help promote the seminar, and LCD projector. Appendix A: Appendix A is an integral part of this Agreement Phone: 303-774-6522 2917 Emerald drive, Longmont, CO 80504 Fax: 856-553-1336 wstuw,JonSchallert_com Email: info@JonSchatlert.com www.L)estinabonBDotCamp.com L-3 Letter of Agreement: Page Two Method of Payment: 1. A deposit of 1/2 the Total Fee is required with signed Agreement to hold the date. 2. The balance of the Total Fee is due on or before speaking date. 3. Expenses will be invoiced at completion of consultinglspeaking date and due within 15 days of receipt of invoice.. Applicable Expenses to be paid by your Organization: • Roundtrip Coach Airfare to the destination city from the office of The Schallert Group Inc_, or city location where Jon Schallert will be traveling from, or roundtrip mileage (if applicable). ■ Roundtrip mileage and tolts from the office of The Schallert Group, Inc. to departure airport and airport parking. • Meals and gratuities to and from your location. • Ground transportation, rental car, parking, and tolls while at your location_ • Hotel and meals while at your location. Please make arrangement for the hotel bill to be charged directly to your organization (see Appendix A, Note 6)_ To Be Provided By Your Group: • Rental of seminar/meefing facility with any refreshments. • 10 -foot projection screen for largest screen your room can hold). a • Reproduction of handout material for seminar participants. We will send you a Master from which you may reproduce the handout material. ■ Drawing pad on an easel with markers. • Wireless lavaliere microphone. Acceptance of Terms of Letter of Agreement Deadline: Two weeks from date of Agreement After reviewing the details of this Letter of Agreement and Appendix A, please sign below and fax to our office at (866) 653-1336. If we have not received this signed Acceptance by the deadline date, this date will be made available to other clients and we can make no guarantees as to the availability of this date_ ACCEPTANCE OF TERMS OF LETTER OF AGREEMENT The Schallert Group, Inc. A Colorado Corporation By: AM X04AZZ601—Date: C. Schallert. As its resident I have read both the Letter of Agreement and Appendix A and agree to the terms and conditions contained in both. Signature --- 11tle Print Name Phone: 303-774-6522 www..f on5cha l lert. com Date 2117 Emerald Drive, Longmont, CO 80504 t=ax: 866-653-1336 Email: lnfn@JonSrhallert.corn v;vm.DestinationBootCarnp.com L-4 �i • C� • l Appendix A Note I — Reserving Engagement Dates' Because of the numerous inquiries we receive and our desire to give clients. an immediate answer, we do not reserve engagement dates prior to receiving a completed Letter of Agreement. Until this Letter of Agreement is received in accordance with the date specified in the Agreement, the engagement dates specified in the Agreement will be considered open. Note 2 — Cancellation: 1f this Agreement is -canceled by your group, the following percent of the fee will be forfeited. This percentage is calculated from the time written notification Is received at the offices of The Schallert Group, Inc. In Longmont, Colorado. The percentage of the fee due that will be forfeited if the engagement is canceled will be: 100% ........90 or fess days before engagement 50% ........121-180. days before engagement 75% ........91-'120 days before engagement 25% ........181.360 days before engagement Consultant will have the right to reschedule speaking/consultation date at a future date If weather or flight delays cause a delay or postponement of speaking date. Agreements which are canceled and rebooked are subject to a 10% rebooking charge. if far any reason, this Agreement is cancelled by The Schallert Group, Inc. for reasons not outlined in this Agreement or Appendix A, any deposits paid will be refunded to Client upon cancellation. Note 3 — Ownership & Recording: The Schallert Group, Inc. shall have all copyright, trademark, and patent rights with respect to all materials developed in the course of performing"this speaking P consulting service. The fee quoted is leased on the fact that there will be no audio or visual recordings made of the presentation. An announcement will be made reminding the audience that no recording is permitted. If Client desires an audiotape of presentation, Client may order this under Additional Training Component Options section of this Agreement. The Schallert Group, Inc. retains ownership of all Master tapes. Mote 4 — Audience: Because a speaker cannot determine actions of others, you hereby agree to defend, indemnify, and hold Jon Schallert and/or The Schallert Group, Inc. harmless against any actions individual members of the audience or your group might take. Additionally, this includes all costs, expenses, and losses (Including reasonable attorney's fees and costs) incurred through claims of third parties against Jon Schallert and/or The Schallert Group Inc. Dote 5 — C2,071plete Agreement: This agreement contains the entire Agreement between the parties. No other agreements, representations, warranties or other matters, oral or written, purportedly agreed to or represented by or on behalf of The Schallert Group, Inc., by any of its employees or agents, or contained in any safes materials or brochures, shall be deemed to bind the parties. You are entering into this Agreement solely on the basis of the representations contained herein. Additionally, in the event that it becomes necessary for any reason to construe this Agreement, it shall be deemed to have been jointly prepared and drafted by all parties hereto, and this agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Colorado. Note S — Hotel Bill: Hotel accommodations should be paid for and charged directly to the Client for a minir't'iPhi of one night, or more as determined by terms as specified in this Agreement. These charges include lodging, food, 166N telephone calls and 800 numbers, BUT NOT long distance calls, charges to gift shop, golf, etc. A late check-out should be arranged ff possible. Note 7 —Air Travel Arrannements: All airline arrangements and booking of flights will be made by The Schallert Group, Inc. through their designated Travel Agency to accommodate Jon Schallert's travel schedule. Flights will be booked upon receipt of Client deposit. Cost of flight will be paid for by Client. Arrival and departure times will be determined by the presentationlconsultafion times as agreed to in the Letter of Agreement. if there are no flights available to allow departure the same day, the Client will have the option of changing the times of the various speaking/consultations times to accommodate flights available to .mon Schallert. If a change is not agreeable to Jon Schallert and Client, Client may be responsible for an additional nights lodging, meals, and subject to 5S -day consulting rate. If any segment of the flight is two (2) hours or more in length, Jon 5challert reserves the right to book in a class allowing a guaranteed upgrade to 1 s'class. /Vote 8 — Reference Letter Upon Project Completion: Recognizing that word-of-mouth marketing is the most powerful form of marketing, Client agrees to provide Consultant with a Letter of Reference within 30 days of speaking/consultation engagement, if, and only if, Client is completely and thoroughly pleased with the performance of Consuftant's work. Note 9 — Pa men#; Payment is due according to the terms oullined and agreed to in the Letter of Agreement. The Schallert Group, Mc. reserves the right to charge a fee of not less than $100.00 and up to 10% of the total fee per month if payment is not made according to the terms as outlined in this Letter of Agreement, L-5 NSA National Speakers Association Motivational Inspirational Keynote Speaker Jori ScL.. Page I of 2 NSA National Speakers Associatiori Motivational lnspiratlonal Keynbte speaker Jon Schallert,..:...... . . Member National Speakers Association NSA i ABOUT JON SCHALLERT NSA KEYNOTE SPEAKER, MARKETING CONSULTANT, BUSINESS COACH Jon Schallert is an internationally -recognized speaker and small business expert who teaches businesses and communities how to turn themselves into Consumer Destination. Schallert speaks to thousands annually on his proprietary 14 -step "Destination Business" process, which he developed over the course of twenty-one (21) years of working with small business owners. Jon's Destination Business strategy has been used extensively by cities, towns, downtowns, shopping centers, retail chains, franchises, and independent small business owners. Jon Schallert was born in VVisconsin, raised in Colorado, and graduated from the University of Colorado. For ten years, Schallert worked for greeting card giant Hallmark Cards, where his unique marketing strategies were publicized throughout the company as "the Schallert Method". Hallmark used his expertise on a nationwide multi-million dollar new product rollout, and tapped Schallert's experience for their national reinvention of their card shop channel into "destination" stores. In 1996. Schailert left his successful career at hallmark Cards and started his consulting firm, The Schallert Group, Inc. He began speaking to small business owners in cities, downtowns, and communities around the country. After years of annually conducting hundreds of on-site consultations, and studying the most successful small business owners in the country, Schallert developed his proprietary 14 -step Destination Business process that he teaches today. In 2002, while maintaining his extensive travel and speaking schedule, Schallert launched his 'Destination Business BootCampe, where clients spend two and one-half days with him, leaming how to reinvent their businesses and marketplaces into Destinations. His Bootcamps are now conducted three times a year. In 2004, in order to give more assistance to small business owners, Schallert started his small business ane -on -one consulting program, the "Destination Success Networld'. Members of the Destination Success Network call in to receive monthly consulting assistance from Schallert, receive Schallert's monthly, subscription -only newsletter, "Destination Business °, and participate in group Tele - Seminars. In 2007, The Schallert Group, Inc. invested in rich media training technology to bring Schallerrs proprietary workshops to small business owners around the world. Now, owners can access Schallert's exclusive trainings at Destination University (w_wnnr.DestinationUniversi .corn). The Schallert's insight is frequently seen in national publications such as The Wall Street Journal and Entrepreneur Magazine. He is the only consultant in the world to receive the "Top Motivator" Marketing Award from Potentials Magazine. He is a member of the National Speakers Association, the Intematonal Downtown Association, and the National Main Street Network. To learn more about reinventing your business into a consumer destination, click here. To team more about business strategist Jon Schallert and his speaking and consulting services, Blick hqr . Subscribe to Jon's free online newsletter by signing up below. L-6 2/1912014 htip://www jonschallerLromhneet j on/defau�lt.asp?action�rint 9 City of Port Angeles Parks, Recreation & Beautification Commission Port Angeles, Washington .January 21, 2010 CALL TO ORDER - Chairperson J. Hordyk called the regular meeting of the Port. Angeles Parks, REGULAR MEETING: Recreation & Beautification Commission to order at 6:00 p.m. in Vern Burton Meeting Room #3. ROLL CALL: Members Present: Chairperson 1. Hordyk, Vice Chairperson D. Shargel, Commissioners E. Tschimperle; 1. Harmon, F. Stratton, and P. Pittis. Members Absent: Commissioner C. Whidden. Staff Present: Deputy Director R. Bonine, Parks Superintendent C. ❑elikat, and Administrative Specialist 1.1 C. Kochanek. Audience: Kim Weimer, Susan. Lynch -Ritchie, and Torn. Callis. All others present in the audience failed to sign the roster. Approval of Minutes By consensus, the Board moved to accept the minutes of the December 1.7, 2009 December 1.7, 2009 meeting. meeting: Items From Audience None. Not On Agenda: Parks, Recreation & Chairperson Hordyk informed the Commissioners that Vice Chairperson Shargel and Beautification Term Limits: Commissioner Harmon will have reached their term limits as of February 28, 2010. She encouraged them to still attend the Park Board meetings and after a one year break in service, to reapply. She directed staff to move forward with the proper procedures to fill the two vacant positions. Deputy Director Bonine discussed the process for filling the vacant positions. .He stated that he will have all the information and applications at the March 18, 2010.meeting and reminded the Commissioners that the student nonvoting position is still open. Commissioner Pittis asked if the student position had to be a high school senior. Deputy Director Bonine replied that it could be a high school sophomore or above. Dog Park Discussion: Deputy Director Bonine commented that this was an information item only. He informed the Commissioners that he had been approached by a community service group that is very interested in pursuing the construction of a dog park with some caveats, one being that the dog park must be at Lincoln Park. He stated that Parks Superintendent Delikat is doing locates at the proposed site and may be moving a couple of the disc golf baskets on the course. Commissioner Tschimperle asked if there was any ground growth in the proposed area. Parks Superintendent Del ikat replied that there is very little growth and there will need to be some ground leveling in the area before a dog park can be placed in the proposed area. M-1 Dog Park Discussion: Commissioner Tschimperle asked Parks Superintendent DeIikat about the condition of (Cont'd) the restroom that was named after her husband. Parks Superintendent. DeIikat reassured her that her husband's restroom was not the restroom that was hit and that her husband's restroom was in good working order. He informed the Commissioners that about a week after the restroom at Lincoln Park was hit, pump station number four, located on Front Street, was hit for the second time. He stated that Engineering was able to combine the two contracts so both facilities will be repaired at the same time. There was a brief discussion. 9111 Memorial Discussion: Deputy Director Bonine stated that this was an information item only. He reminded the Commissioners about the U. S. Coast Guard's proposal to place a 9/11 memorial at Francis Street Park that he brought before the Parks, Recreation & Beautification Committee at the October 1.5; 2009 meeting. He informed the Commissioners that the U. S. Coast Guard has requested an actual piece of the (World) Trade Center from the Port. Authority of New York and New Jersey that would become the focal point of the memorial at Francis Street Park. He noted that there have been several hundred requests to the Port Authority and that the Port now has a backlog of about three months before they will be able to get to the U. S. Coast Guard request. He stated he will update the Commissioners when he receives more information. Naming/Renaming of Public Chairperson 1-Iordyk stated that she would like to place a memorial plaque at the Senior Facilities Discussion: Center dining room for Ruth Wells who started the Senior Nutrition Program in 1972. She commented that she would be filling out the application and would try to bring it back before the deadline of February I' for review. Deputy Director Bonine commented that, with a motion from the Commissioners, the date could be changed. Vice Chairperson Shargel informed Deputy Director Bonine that the deadline date use to be later but the Commissioners would run out of time so the date was pushed back. This policy change had to go before the City Council. Commissioner Harmon brought to the attention of the Deputy Director and the Commissioners that the application deadline states February ISL and the policy deadline states January l " There was a brief discussion. Administrative Specialist .[I Kochanek informed the Commissioners that she would go back to the original 2406 minutes and memos and make the proper correction to the document and inform the Commissioners of the correction at the next meeting. i Parks & Recreation Survey Chairperson Hordyk reviewed, with the Commissioners, the 2409 Parks & Recreation Discussion: Survey. She stated that the most essential services and least essential services, for the most part, match. The most essential service was community park maintenance and the least essential service was community park maintenance and, if you go down the Eine, they were almost all that way. She commented that the top three program suggestions were the swimming pool, dog park, and Frisbee disc golf. 'There was a brief discussion. Vice Chairperson Shargel reported on the hiking/biking trails and downtown beautification, commenting that the hiking/biking trails were the most essential to the community. Chairperson Hordyk asked Parks Superintendent DeIikat about the condition of the slide that took place east of the Rayonier MiII on the Waterfront Trail. Parks Superintendent Delikat informed the Commissioner that the slide has been removed and the site cleaned up. He stated that the area where the slide took place, at the 2.5 and 3.5 mile markers, is a real problem area. He commented that Engineering is is working with FEMA on recovering funds and he's hopeful some of the rgck w l armor will be replaced. M Parks & Recreation Survey Deputy Director Bonine discussed with the Commissioners the event suggestions of Discussion: (Cont'd) the survey pertaining to community gardens. He stated that he is a big proponent of community gardens and, in fact, he just found out that Port Angeles has opportunities in the community for individual citizens to lease a piece of land for a garden and has already signed up for one. Kim Weimer spoke to the Commissioners about the availability in the community for individuals that would like to have a plot of land in a community garden. A discussion took place about how to set up a policy and the cost for a community garden. Chairperson Hordyk directed Deputy Director Bonine to find out more information on a policy for a community garden and to keep the Commissioners informed on the progress of the garden. Commissioner Stratton reported on the Fine Arts Center, commenting that it was rated as one of the most essential and one of the least essential for the community. He stated that one of the positive comments is that it is good for the City's quality of life and one of the negatives was it is a waste of money. Commissioner Tschimperle commented that the Senior Center did not get much of a rating. She stated that one of the comments stated that the community would like to see a Youth Center equal to the Senior Center. She commented that it is universally declared by every out-of-town visitor that walks through the door that it's one of the nicest Senior Centers they have ever seen. Deputy Director Bonine added that the survey is basically the reader's digest of what the people in the community thought. He stated that it is not a scientific survey but it really keeps him grounded and helps him to see through other peoples eyes. He • informed the Commissioners that he would not have a problem setting up one of these surveys every six months. There was a brief discussion. Year End Budget Review: Deputy Director Bonine gave the Commissioners a brief synopsis of the 2009 year end budget. He informed the Commissioners that if there are questions, they should feel free to ask him or Administrative Specialist It Kochanek who would be more than happy to help answer any questions. He stated that the report is a pretty good ballpark of what was done in the Recreation Division last year. He will be giving the Commissioners these reports each month. Commissioner Pittis asked if the money paid to the City for managing the Pool is returned to the Recreation Division. Deputy Director Bonine stated no, that the funds are a complete wash. Chairperson Hordyk asked where the parks maintenance was in the budget report. Parks Superintendent Delikat informed the Commissioner that there are only a couple of Park's budget items listed in the Recreation's budget report. Deputy Director's Report & Deputy Director Bonine informed the Commissioners that he had just received Late Additions: information pertaining to the Port of Port Angeles Master Plan through two or three people that the Port of Port Angeles put in their yearly budget a request for money to hire a consultant to do a Lincoln Park Master Plan. He's heard that they are now interviewing perspective consultants. The Port is paying for it so they will pick the consultant and then the consultant will be coming before this group. He stated that he has not heard this from the Port but through the grapevine. The good news is that the • Port has the money and is looking at hiring a consultant and this is why this Board is going to be very busy. He commented that when the consultant is finally selected, this Board is going to be in charge of the consultant. He stated we are going to have the consultant working for us to provide a long range plan of Lincoln Park. M-3 Deputy Director's Report & Commissioner Harmon replied, with no disrespect to the Deputy Director, that the Late Additions: (Cont'd) consultant will be working for the Port of Port Angeles not the City of Port Angeles. Deputy Director Bonine commented that he sees what Commissioner Harmon is saying, that being, he does not agree. He stated that if this was brought to him he would say "Mr. Consultant you are working for this Board and you need to take their directive and do what they say and I do not care who pays for your salary because it is our park". He stated again this is our park. There was a brief discussion. Commissioner Harmon stated that someone may have said this is a master plan for Lincoln Park but he is telling the Deputy Director and the Commissioners that it is the master plan for the removal of the trees at Lincoln Park. Deputy Director Bonine replied that he is not interested in that. He does not need a master plan for the removal of trees. He can figure that out himself. Chairperson Hordyk informed Deputy Director Bonine and the Commissioners not to speculate until they hear what the Port of Port Angeles has to say. Commissioner Harmon asked Deputy Director Bonine to call the Port of Port Angeles and ask them exactly what is going on. Deputy Director Bonine stated that he would contact the Port of Port Angeles. He stated this is our park and this Board is going to be in charge. There was a brief discussion. Chairperson Hordyk commented that they will need to see what comes before the Board and to be careful not to spread too many rumors or jump to any conclusions until they see what is going on. • Susan Lynch -Ritchie asked if it was possible to donate money to the Parks Division by having it placed on the utility bills. Chairperson Hordyk responded by stating that there is one way to find out and that is to look into it and see where it takes us. She stated that it was a very good question and directed Deputy Director Bonine to check into that for her. Commissioner Tschimperle asked where the building maintenance shows up in the budget report that was handed out. Parks Superintendent Delikat explained that park maintenance is listed as budget line item number 8131 and that includes City Hall, Vern Burton, Fine Arts Center, Marine Life Center, Old Fire Hall, Boardwalk Cafd, and Carnegie. The other Park Facilities are listed under 8080 and that the Senior Center is listed under 8112. He informed the Commissioners that he would be happy to bring a copy of his budget to the next meeting. Adjournment: By consensus, the Board moved to adjourn at 7:00 p.m. Next Meeting: February 18, 2010 6:00 p.m. Vern Burton Meeting Room 43 OM • PUBLIC WORKS CONTRACT STATUS REPORT March 2010 (COSTS SHOWN INCLUDE APPLICABLE TAXES) ACTIVE CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTS AWARDED BY CITY COUNCIL ST LA BUDGET ORIGINAL PREVIOUS LA MONTH REVISED PROJECT TITLE {Construction) CONTRACT CHANGE CHANGE CONTRACT AMOUNT ORDERS ORDERS AMOUNT none CONTRACTS AND PURCHASE ORDERS UNDER $25,000 APPROVED BY CITY MANAGER IN LAST 30 DAYS CONTRACTOR CONTRACT OR VENDOR IPO # * Small Works Roster Contract • DESCRIPTION DATE AWARDED AMOUNT UPCOMING PUBLIC WORKS CON'T'RACTS (NEXT 30 DAYS; ESTIMATED DATES SHOWN) PROJECT T ADVERTISE �� BID OPENING START END BIDS CDNSTRUCTION 'I CONS TRUCTION 2010 Street. Overlays March. March April May 16 1Street Sidewalks (G to Stevens) February March April June 1 't & Peabody Streets and Front & Lincoln Streets February March May :lune Traffic Signals Laurel Street Substation February March. April. August Cable Restoration Phase 2 February March April August 201 D Water Main Replacement March March April. June M-5 N:1C000NCIUFINAU3-iD Monthly Cantract Status Report.doc PUBLIC WORKS GRANT & LOAN STATUS REPORT March 2010. List of Acronyms BRAC: GRANT MATCH. DOE: Department of Ecology PROJECT PROJECT GRANT/LOAN OR AWARD Puget Sound Partnership DESCRIPTION COST SOURCE & COST LOAN DATA LISTING STATUS Valley Creek $122,000 SRF Board $122,000 Dec. Pre -design work Phase 3 Design Washington State Department of Transportation 2009 underway Energy Efficiency $364,000 Washington $1.35,000 grant August Finalizing the and Conservation Department of $ 37,300 BPA 2009 terms of the Block Grant Commerce $191,700 City agreement CSO Phase 1 $1,1.,800,000 PWTF Loan - 0.5%,20- .January Design underway Projects, Construction Yr, 15% 2008 Construction Loan $10,000,000 ($1.8M) local match Sidewalks $310,000 TIB ,Pedestrian & TIB $175,000 March Bid March. 1.61h, G -Stevens School Grants City $ 85,000 2008 PASD $ 54,000 Dry Creek ;Bridge $725,000 RCO Grant $361,708.00 Spring Design underway for Olympic 2009 Discovery Trail Stormwater Ongoing DOE Pass- $50,000; no local August Grant agreement Phase 2 (Program) Through Grant match required 2009 signed in October Implementation 2009 List of Acronyms BRAC: Bridge Replacement Advisory Committee DOE: Department of Ecology DWSRF or SRF Drinking Water State Revolving Fund or State Revolving Fund PASD Port Angeles School District PSP Puget Sound Partnership PWB: Public Works Board, administers the PWTF Program PWTF: Public Works Trust Fund RCO: Recreation and Conservation Office SRF: Salmon Recovery Funding TIB, AIP or PSM P: Transportation Improvement Board, Arterial Improvement Program or Pedestrian. Safety and Mobility Program. WSDOT: Washington State Department of Transportation M-6 • OLYMPIC REGION CLEAN AIR AGENCY OLYMPIC REGION CLEAN AIR AGENCY 0 2940 B Limited Lane NW Olympia, Washington 98502 BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING January 13, 2010 Members present: Clay Harwood, Pacific County (Chair) Lynda Ring -Erickson, Mason County Mike Doherty, Clallam County Phil Johnson, Jefferson County Mary Dean, representing City of Lacey Craig Ottavelli, City of Olympia Terry Willis, Grays Harbor County 0 Grant Munro, City of Port Angeles Representative Art Starry, Thurston County Members absent: Ecology: Sean Lundblad Legal Counsel: Fred Gentry of Bean, Gentry, Wheeler & Peternell Page 1 of 8 Staff Present: Fran McNair, Executive Director; Robert Moody, Compliance Supervisor, Mark Goodin, Professional Engineer; Dan Nelson, Public Information Officer; Lynn Harding, Administrative Services Manager; Jimmy Werner, Senior Air Monitoring Technician; and Debbie Moody, Recorder The meeting was called to order at 10:05 a.m. Harwood introduced Lynda Ring -Erickson who will be the new Mason County representative. Harwood also introduced Mary Dean who is representing the City of Lacey. Harwood also took a moment to thank Grant Munro for his service to the Board. Munro thanked the Board and staff for their hard work. •Harwood noted there have been some changes in the Agenda format, per the state auditor's suggestions. There were two additions to the Agenda under New Business: Board assignments (Vice Chair) and Finance Committee assignments. We have also added M-7 _ http://webaccess.cityofpa.us/gwlwebacclfr5usdTpbjml ej6Iu8/GWAPIAREF/2?action=Attac... 2/5/2010 OLYMPIC REGION CLEAN AIR AGENCY Page 2 of 8 Executive Session as a regular place holder on the Agenda. We will be having an Executive Session regarding a personnel matter this morning. There were no omissions to the Agenda. • With those changes, Harwood asked for approval of the agenda. Doherty moved approval of the amended Agenda. Ottavelli seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. Harwood noted the Consent Agenda consisted of December 9, 2009 Minutes as well as the payroll, benefits and Warrants 63002547-63002601 for December 9, 2009 through January 7, 2010. Ottavelli moved approval of the Consent Agenda. Johnson seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. PUBLIC COMMENT / INTRODUCTION OF GUESTS Westport Shipyard McNair introduced Denny Lawrence, representing Westport Shipyard. Lawrence thanked the Board for allowing him the opportunity to share what Westport Shipyard does. Lawrence gave a brief history of the four facilities — the main facility in Westport, a facility in Hoquiam and Port Angeles, as well as the interior shop in Port Angeles. Lawrence noted they started out, in Westport, as a builder of fishing boats and moved up to yachts. Lawrence went over the air pollution control equipment as well. He noted not only do they have good control equipment; they have chosen to use less polluting materials as well. Lawrence explained they work.very closely with ORCAA staff with regards to permitting and compliance. He also stated they have a facility in LaConner and work with the Northwest Clean Air Agency. The Board asked general questions about their different boats and yachts. Lawrence briefly • explained the difference between the pleasure crafts and the utility crafts. Lawrence also went over some of the newer materials they are .using that have not only less emissions, but also less harmful emissions. He noted they continue to look for safer products that perform well. The Board thanked Lawrence for the presentation. NEW BUSINESS Rule Revision McNair reminded the Board that we need to file some rule revisions with the Code Revisor. The changes were a result of a hearing before the PCHB having to do with the service of notice and owner/operator. We also need to update our woodstove rule and clean up the definition section. We hope to bring it back to you in February. Munro moved that staff proceed with the revisions. Starry seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. Doherty stated he hoped there is some uniformity with the air agencies across the state so when there is an operator in different regions, the rules are similar so to make it easier on our customers. McNair stated the rules are not consistent and they are organized differently. Gentry noted our rules are similar to Puget Sound's however he was not sure how they compare to others. Doherty felt this was a good goal for the agency to try to get all the other agencies to have similar rules. McNair noted she felt the content is very similar, but the Is organization would be different. M-8 http://Webaccess.cityofpa.uslgwlwebacelfr5usdTpbjml ej 6Iu8lGWAPIAREF/2?action=Attac... 2/5/2010 OLYMPIC REGION CLEAN AIR AGENCY Page 3 of S O.ttavelli asked if there is a directors working group? McNair stated there, is, we meet every other month. We could certainly put it on the agenda and discuss it. Ottavelli requested it be discussed at the next director's meeting and have a, report to the Board. _ Ottavelli felt we, were. the best group to bring this_ forward to work for consistency. Ottavelli asked if he could get a copy of the rule revisions. McNair noted we could send them out. Willis asked where we get our rules, are they RCWs? McNair noted the rules come from the RCWs and WACs and then each agency interprets them for their own rules. Ring -Erickson agreed with Doherty that it would be nice to have consistency across the state. Doherty felt a simple diagram could be done as well that would help the customers know where EPA, DOE and the local agencies have authority. Vice -Chair assignment Harwood noted Joan Machiis had been our Vice -Chair and because she is no longer on the Board we do need a replacement. Harwood noted he would not be attending the February meeting and would need the Vice -Chair to run the meeting. Harwood asked for volunteers. Dean nominated Ottavelli as Vice -Chair. Ottavelli stated he would accept the position contingent upon his official appointment to the Board. Johnson moved we close the nominations. Harwood noted it appeared it was unanimous to assign the Vice -Chair position to Ottavelli. Harwood did request that in the event Ottavelli is not appointed to the Board that Ottavelli attend the February meeting and choose a replacement Vice -Chair. Finance Committee member assignment Harwood noted Ross Gallagher had been a member of the finance committee, and he too is no longer serving on the Board. Ring -Erickson stated she had agreed to serve in Gallagher's place. Harwood stated Munro will be leaving as well and we need another volunteer. Willis volunteered. DIRECTOR'S REPORT Compliance Update Robert Moody, Compliance Supervisor announced we have received our second annual payment from Soil Key. We have committed to 41 woodstove change outs and have completed 25 of them at a cost of approximately $18,000. We do have one open burning case that is under appeal. We will be going to hearing in May for a burn he did last July. Incidentally he was recently cited (December) for burning during the burn ban. Our guess is he will appeal the second one and the cases will be combined and heard at once. ORCAA Permit Actions Mark Goodin, Professional Engineer explained he typically reports on permits associated with industrial sources. The NSR sheet in the packets lists all current applications, as well as any that have been finalized (and paid their fees) since the previous Board meeting. Goodin noted if any Board member has a question regarding a particular case to let us know and we can M-9 http//webaccess.cityofpa.uslgwlwebacelfr5usdTpbjmlej6lu8lGWAPIAREF12?action=Attac_.. 2/5/2010 OLYMPIC REGION CLEAN AIR AGENCY Page 4 of 8 have an, engineer get the information for you. Goodin explained we are a grant manager for a study that looks at the air quality consequences of -woody biomass associated with lumber logging in our. jurisdiction. The, options range from burning the material onsite to moving the material out and utilizing it for fuel. There are many options in between. The study is geared toward looking at the various options and taking a good look at the emissions associated With each option. Staff was asked to contact cities and counties to alert them that there are certain equipments, we regulate, they may have that would need to be registered with us. The equipment would be things such as generators, small boilers, and compost facilities operated by cities or counties. Goodin stated a letter was drafted and mailed out. We have had some response from about half of those we sent out. Goodin handed out a summary of who has responded and who has not, along with a copy of the letter that was sent. Goodin requested the Board take a look at the list and asked them to remind anyone in their jurisdiction to respond if they haven't yet done so. Willis asked when the biomass study would be complete. Goodin stated we should be done in June. Dean asked if the wood is removed is it then a product that they receive a profit on? Goodin stated the product is sold to the mills. Goodin stated that we will be drafting a SEPA policy. This is a requirement of air agencies and to date, we have been relying on DOE's default SEPA manual. Most other air agencies do the same thing, however we thought it would be a good time to clarify where we veer off of Ecology's manual. We will bring a draft of the policy to a meeting at a later time. Education and Outreach Dan Nelson, Public Information Officer, reminded the Board that we had launched our new website in August of last year. We began taking web metrics in September and in December we saw our numbers double. We had over 87,000 visits in December with 3,800 unique visitors. Nelson believes part of this was driven by the burn bans that we did have in December. Nelson felt this increase shows how much more user friendly our website has become. Nelson stated we did a quick survey with regards to the bum ban and the results are in the Board packets. We did see a lot more coverage of our burn ban in the media this time around. We had more coverage on both KING and KOMO, and less on KIRO TV however KIRO radio had good coverage of our area. Nelson stated our email alert system also increased. We went from about 125 members to almost 640 members. Nelson pointed out many of the new signups are administrators from schools who disseminate the email to all of their staffs. Ring -Erickson stated KING TV has definitely picked up on Mason County — she has noticed a big difference. Administrative Services Update Lynn Harding, Administrative Services Manager stated the finance committee did meet prior to our meeting this morning. Harding noted we discussed where we stand at 6 months into the fiscal year. We are on target and there is nothing unusual to discuss at this point. We have M-10 http:llwebaccess.cityofpa.uslgw/webacc/fr5usdTpbjml ej61u8/GWAP/AREF/2?action=Attac... 2/512010 OLYMPIC REGION CLEAN AIR AGENCY Page 5 of 8 just undergone an audit that covered December 1, 2007 through June 30, 2009. Harding stated the auditors will be holding a meeting in February to go over the audits. Harding noted the Enduris Annual Report that was in the Board packets. She felt it was an excellent report. and added Enduris is always looking for volunteers for their Board. McNair added the auditor meeting has been published as an open meeting so the entire Board is welcome to attend if they choose to do so. The meeting will be held at 0:30am on February 10, prior to the regular Board meeting. Nelson explained we are currently working with PSCAA and wanted to give R.Moody and his staff recognition – we are doing a clean home heating campaign (with PSCAA and NWCAA) and there is going to be a series of clinics being held at various woodstove stores. The clinics will teach people to use their woodstoves correctly, burning cleanly. We have a clinic scheduled in Olympia, Port Angeles, and Port Townsend. Nelson stated he, along with R.Moody's compliance staff will be attending the clinics to make sure that our concerns are addressed as well. The clinics will be held on January 23 (Saturday). McNair wanted to also note that she and R.Moody had attended a meeting at Nisqually Pines last weekend. This is a development of approximately 800 lots located just outside of Yelm. The community has a chipper and we thought it would be good to go out and have a conversation with them regarding the use of the chipper to help reduce burning. We thought they could become the first Clean Air Community. Apparently the community received, some miscommunication – they were under the impression that we were coming out to ban all. burning. Suffice it to say, there was a large turnout of citizens. McNair and R.Moody were happy to have a large crowd, they got the word out to more people, they answered a lot of questions and learned there was a lot of confusion over different types of burning. McNair stated we did not get them to agree to no burning, but they did agree to think about A. They were interested in composting – and we did give away B bins. We do think the meeting went well and they understood the program was voluntary. The association did say they were willing to chip every weekend—so it will be available. Doherty asked if this is something we can do throughout the jurisdiction, is there an incentive where we can share cost on a chipper. McNair noted we did have an event at Surfside in Pacific County. We do not have the money to purchase chippers, etc, but we can assist in getting the process going. Ring -Erickson noted Mason County has communities that would be great to talk to, Shore Crest for instance. She didn't feel it was a money issue so much as they need someone to facilitate the process. Some general discussion followed. McNair noted if anyone has a community we should contact, let us know and we can go out and meet with them. Harwood wondered if, like our lawnmower exchange, there is a similar program staff could look into for the future. Doherty noted some of the smaller tub -grind owners have gone to communities to grind, so if there is a way to slowly diminish open burning; it would be good for small businesses as well. McNair stated we are now in the legislative session and she will update the Board each month until it is over. McNair included some information in the packets. HB2545 is the greenhouse gas bill and was before committee yesterday. It did receive some positive marks and will go before Senator Rockefeller's committee on Friday morning. McNair noted she will be attending. McNair wanted to accomplish a couple of things – first we don't want another layer of government put on top of our sources, We can deal with our sources with regards to M-11 htip:l/Webaccess.eityofpa.uslgwlwebaccl&5usdTpbjmlej61u81GWAPIAREF12?action Attac... 2/512010 OLYMPIC REGION CLEAN AIR AGENCY Page 6 of 8 greenhouse gases when we are out there on inspections. The other concern we have is thee, - reporting methodology. We feel it should be consistent between the state and federal government so it is evaluated in the same way. The forms should be consistent as well. We want to remain being the.entity to work with our sources. We can accommodate this in our,. , permits. McNair noted in Engrossed Substitute HB1514 is a bill that passed out of the House last year and is starting out in Senator Rockefeller's committee, does not have a hearing yet. We did discuss this at the directors' meeting. This bill puts in place a fee on petroleum pollution. McNair noted on the 5th page, it allows local jurisdictions to apply for a grant program for retrofit projects to address the petroleum contamination of storm water. McNair thought this might be helpful to the Board for their local governments — if it goes through. There is one other piece of legislature that is still a zdraft — basically the governor is looking at reducing the number of committees, as a way of saving money. The PCHB will be the recipient of more responsibility as a result of that decision. One change that is worth mentioning is Ecology will lose the ability to use the PCHB for mediation. We didn't want to lose that so if you look on line 34 you will see that the local airs were added in. We feel that is an important part of the appeal process. Doherty stated DNR has a couple of bills out that will be heard next week. One is to give DNR longer term contracts to remove biomass on their state lands, Doherty hopes we are - encouraging that. Doherty asked if we need to have a motion to have staff support the bills. Ring -Erickson felt a motion was in order. Doherty moved to have the Executive Director support the DNR bills that relate to biomass removal. Johnson seconded the motion. Ottavelli asked if the intent of the motion was to support in writing or to simply through testimony. Doherty stated she would sign in, in support, however if there is any question, she could testify if need be. McNair stated she would likely be able to just sign in support. Munro stated he didn't know much about the bills, but was cautious in the industry with longer term contracts because they don't always work as intended. He wanted them to be cautious and read it thoroughly. Doherty stated he did read it and it just gives authority for longer term leases. Munro asked if the price can change. Doherty stated yes, price can change but they have a duty to get the better price. Harwood called for the question and the motion carried unanimously. Harwood noted we do not have anyone on the Thurston Regional Planning Council and wondered if we needed to have someone assigned. McNair stated Burgman and Machlis had been on the committee. Machlis had been representing Olympia and Burgman was representing us. Harwood asked if Dean felt we should wait to address this at a later time. Dean agreed that we should wait as she wasn't sure what the assignments would be. Harwood stated he could discuss this with McNair at a later time. Air Quality Summary Jimmy Werner, Senior Air Quality Technician noted the graph in the newsletter is preliminary. Werner noted we called a burn ban in early December when we had some really cold air come in from Frasier Valley. We recorded our highest values of the year at our Lacey monitoring station. The high values caused us to go directly into a stage 11 burn ban, meaning the only M-12 http:Ilwebaccess.eityofpa.us/gw/webacc/fr5u sdTpbjml ej6lu81GWAP/AREF/2?action=Attac... 2/5/2010 • OLYMPIC REGION CLEAN AIR AGENCY Page 7 of 8 buming that could -occur was if your woodstove was a sole source of adequate heat,.in the home. ... Werner b6efiy went through the newsletter and explained the differences in stage-I and stage 11 burn bans. Werner explained the procedures the monitoring staff goes through on a daily basis. Harwood wanted to comment on the report. He noted the newsletter report has been a great improvement and wanted to thank Werner and his staff for the improvements. Ottavelfi asked what areas the Lacey monitor covers — what does this tell us about our area. Dean wanted to know what area, geographically is covered. Werner noted you can't monitor everywhere, so what has happened over the years is we monitor different areas until we found an area with high values. Dean noted she would like to know how large an area does the monitor record. Werner stated the Lacey site is neighborhood scale, whereas Cheeka Peak is regional scale. Sean Lundblad, Department of Ecology noted neighborhood scale is typically 2-5 kilometers (radius). Ottavelli would like to see on a map where the monitor is located and what area it covers. Lundblad went into a little more detail with regards to EPA guidelines with regards to where to site the monitors. In the case of the Lacey monitor it is sited on school grounds, this way we aren't actually sampling someone's chimney. Neighborhood scales are typically up to 5km, however there are always things that can limit the air shed (topography, etc). EXECUTIVE SESSION Prior to Executive Session, Harwood called for a 7 minute break, noting the Executive Session would commence at 12:40 noon. Executive Director Evaluation Per RCW 42.30.110, the Board went into Executive Session at 12:00 pm to discuss personnel matters with regards to the Executive Director's evaluation. Harwood noted they would be in session for 15 minutes. The regular meeting re -convened at 12:20 pm. Harwood noted no action will be taken as a result of the Executive Session. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 12:21 pm PRESENTED BY: Francea L. McNair, Executive Director 0 APPROVED BY: M-13 http://webaccess.eityofpa.us/gw/webace/fir5usdTpbjml ej6luS/GWAP/AREF/2?action=Attac... 2/512010 OLYWIC REGION CLEAN AIR AGENCY Page 8 of 8 • APPROVED and SIGNED this day of 2010 Cl M-14 http:llwe,baccess.city ofpa.us/gw/webacc/fr5usdTpbjml ej 6lu8/GWAP/AREF/2?action=Attac... 215!2010 M 15 Inspections Complete. Printed. 214/2010 2:23:41 PM Between 1/7/2010 and 2/412010 Insp. Date Inspection a He # Source Name Location AD 02I01120I0 So=c Test 164 SAFEWAY - PORT TOWNSEND 44608 PORT TOWNSEND 02/0312010 Source Test 198 SAFEWAY -SEQUIM#1448 SEQUIM 02/0322010 Source Test 519 COSTCO GASOLINE FACILMY #64 - TU TUMWATER 0210312010 Source Test 612 COSTCO GASOLINE #740 -LACEY LACEY 02193/2010 Source Test 937 -7 EI.E`IEN 32932 - CROSBY BLVD TUMWATER 0210422010 Source Test 853 SAFEWAY -MARTIN WAY E 41173 LACEY FLM 01/29/2010 Announced 674 WESTPORT S131PYARD - PA WATERFR PORT ANGELES 01129!2010 Announced 675 WESTPORTSHIPYARD RgTERiORPLAN Port Angeles GG 0111412010 Anno=ced 619 INTERFOR PACIFIC INC - FORKS DIVi.SI FORKS 01/2112010 Unwounced. 767 SILVER SPRINGS ORGANICS LLC Pkwm JTK 0122212010 Announced 767 SILVER SPRINGS ORGAMCS LLC RARQER MS 01/07/2010 Unannounced 1040 FIVE STAR FORD LINCOLN-MERCURY ABERDtEN 01113/2010 Unannounced ' 709 RICHARDSONS CUSTOM AUTO BODY I HOQUTAM 011141201.0 Unannounced 1069 ELMA SHELL PIZZA & BURGER E ?vfA 011.1.512010 Unannounced 1234 TEMTCO STEEL INC TUMWATER 01120/2010 Unannounced 270 NELSON CRAB Tokeiand 01/20/2010 Driveby 280 SUN CORP - HOQUTAM HOQUTAM 0112012010 D&eby 286 SUPT CORP - ABERDEEN ABERDEEN 01120120I0 Driveby 750 SNAPCO INC HOQUTAM 01f20f2010 Unannounced 1069 ELMA SHELL P17ZA & BURGER ELMA 01120/2030 Unannounced 1202 CARROCERIAYPINTURA HOQUTAM 01122/2010 Unannounced 1214 CAPITOL CITY HONDA OLYMPIA 011221201.0 Unannounced 17.23 TOYOTA OF OLYMPIA OLYMPIA 0112511010 Unannounced 316 NORT11TH IRSTON SCHOOL DIST #3-T LACEY 01125/2010 Unannounced 648 PACIFIC CLEANERS OLYMPIA 01/2812010 Unannounced 462 LEMAY INC ABM- EBN Page 1 aft M 15 Insp. Date Inspection Type File* Source Name Location. 01!2812010 Driveby 750 SNAPCOINC HOQUTAM OIM9/2010 Announced 627 FERN HILL CEvIEMY ABERDEEN 02/01/2010 Driveby 1200 ATLAS SHELTQN SHELTON 02101I20I0 Driveby 570 MASON COLINTY'FORESTPRODUCfS SEnT)ON RC 01/12/2010 Business Assistance 223 LOT/ ALLIANCE SATELLITE PLANT - L LACEY 01/12/2010 Driveby 368 PENPLY PORT ANGELES 01/1412010 Announced 619 INTERFOR PACIFIC INC - FORKS DIVISI FORKS 01/1412010 Driveby 368 PENPLY PORT ANGELES 0112912010 Announced 674 WESTPORT S11PYARD - PA WA.TERFR PORT ANGELES 01/29/2010 Announced 675 WESTPORT SHIPYARD INTE111ORPLAN Part Angeles 02/03/2010 Unannounced 279 SEQUIN CLEANERS AND LAUNDRY LT SEQ01M 02/04/2010 Driveby 619 IN ERF'OR PACIFIC INC - FORKS DIVISI FORKS 02/04/2010 Unannounced 1247 INTERFOR PACIFIC INC - BEAVER DIVI BEAVER 07/04!.2010 Driveby 0 TEXACO CARDLOCK Sappho RTM OW912010 Announced 674 WESTPORT SHIPYARD - PA W'ATERPR PORT ANGELES. 0112412010 Announced + 675 WESTPORT SHIPYARD INTERIORPLAN Port Anger SS 0112112010 Unannounced 767 SILVER SPRINGS ORGA3±IIC$ LLC RAINIER 011211201.0 Uuannounced 640 PILOT TRAVEL CENTERS LLC TUMWATER 0=2010 Announced 767 SILVER SPRINGS ORGANICS LLC RAINIER Page 2 of 2 M-16 • • Asbestos Permit status Report Permit # Staff Recd Address City Completlon Date Actual Status Completion OBASSOD2660 AD 3139/2009 2651 Martin Way Olympia 412109 AD ashastos permit for 3 structure 4/1/2010 09ASS002772 AD 81712009 1717 E. Beacon Street Montesano First amendment 8/18109 -an hDId. Me Sl 09ASSOO 781 AD 812012009 16DO-SleaterKinneyRoad SE Lacey 08120109- Walking forsurvey 412/2010 09ASBQO285Q AD 10/26/2009 1901 Legion Way SE Olympia 61112010 O9ASBOD2877 M5 12/312009 901 Mount View Drive Shelton Flrst amendment change start date to 1 1713112009 09ASBCt12880 MS 121812009 110 W. FranKn Street Shelkon 114110 - On hold via a phone call from De 09ASB0112881 RTM 121912009 Capitol Campus Olympia IM112010 09ASBG02686 RTM 12/1712009 See attached List Olympia 17!3112010 09ASBOO2889 65 12/2212009 504 -15th Avenue Olympia 6P3012Q10 . 1OASSO02902 SS 1/5/2019 1215 273rd Place Ocean Park 1Fd12010 10AS13002907 SS 1/14/2010 1318 Yelm Avenue. West Yelm Now survey. ,Joint compound is negative. 2AM2010 10AS6002908 MS 1/19/2010 2321 West Dayton Airport Rd Shelton Annual permit. Quantities to be reported 1 DASBOO2917 MS 1/26/2010 1020 Nell Street NE Olympla 217112010 1 OASBM9713 MS 1/27/2010 1771 Oak Bay Road Port Hadlock RC: reo'd re -Inspection from NW Asb Co 2178/2010 2/312010 iQASB002920 MS 1/2912010 4010 Shadow Circle NE Olympia 211912010 1 DASB00292.1 MS 1129/2010 4611 Tumwater Valley Drive Se Tumwater 1st amendment: On hold and change of 2/5/2010 7 DASBGD2922 MS 2/1/2010 915 Anderson Drive Aberdeen Work will he on Fridays only 6;00 pm - mi 312612010 10ASB002923 RC 211/2010 157 W. Washington Slreet Sequlm 2116/2010 I DASBOO2924 MS 711!2090 211 V Street Aberdeen 214110 - Awaiting survey US 2117/2010 1OASS002925 RC 21212010 2639 Washington Street Port Townsend 211912010 7 DASBDO2926 RC 713/2010 261 Bay Way Port Ludlow 2117/2010 1OAASBOO2927 MS 71412010 300 Heron Street Aberdeemb 21117/2010 r Thursday, February 04, 2010 Pagel of 2 i co Completion Date Actual Permit # Staff Rec'd Address city Status Completion 16ASBOOZ928 AD 7/4121}10 4806 20th Avenue 8E Lacey - 2/15/2010 Thursday, February 04, 2090 Page 2 of 2. 0 0 0 Complaint Report for period from 1/7/2010 to 2/4/2010 Date Source city Recd Formal Oncall Online Smoke Odor Open Tire Dust Woodstov Other Referred to: AD ❑ 01/25/2010 Randy and Virginia Kunde Yelm MS ❑ ❑ ❑ 0 02/01/2010 Eden & Fazella Ganle Olympia AD 01/25/2010 unknown Olympia SS ❑ ❑ ❑ 02/04/2010 Sudit Chhabra Olympia RTM ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 0 ❑ ❑ Referred to: MS 0 0 ❑ ❑ ❑ 01/27/2010 steve's front end Raymond MS 01/07/2010 Joe Grayland RTM ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 01/07/2010 Joe Martonfy and Melissa Cedar Grayland RTM ❑ ❑ ❑ 0 ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 01/08/2010 Heath Property- John Jones/Guy Raymond MS ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ [I R] ❑ ❑ tbd Glenn RTM ❑ ❑ ❑ 0 ❑ RI 11 operation 01/08/2010 Linda Maggard Raymond MS ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ RI ❑ ❑ 01/09/2010 Meme Heath Property - Guy Glenn Raymond MS ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 0 ❑ ❑ (Probate Executor CO 01/12/2010 Alfredo and Selina Gomez-Beloz Tenino MS ❑ ❑ ❑ © ❑ 0 ❑ ❑ 01/13/2010 Roger O'Connor Montesano SS ❑ ❑ ❑ 0 ❑ ❑Q ❑ ❑ 01/14/2010 Peter and Sandra Yeaman Belfair DJM 0 ❑ ❑ 0 ❑ 0 ❑ ❑ 01/15/2010 Peter and Sandra Yeaman Belfair MS ❑ ❑ ❑ 0 ❑ 0 ❑ ❑ 01/15/2010 Peter and Sandra Yeaman Belfair DJM 0 ❑ ❑ © ❑ 0 ❑ ❑ 01/18/2010 Steven and Linda Elmore Olympia MS ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ® ❑ ❑ 01/22/2010 Dan & Nailla Vanderkolk Olympia SS ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 01/22/2010 Edgar Mcaferty Olympia SS ❑ ❑ ❑ 0 © ❑ ❑ 01/25/2010 Chuck Rogers Yelm SS ❑ ❑ ❑ 0 0 ❑ ❑ ❑ 01/25/2010 Chuck Rogers Yelm SS ❑ ❑ ❑ 0 0 ❑ ❑ ❑ 01/25/2010 Chuck Rogers Yelm MS ❑ ❑ ❑ 0 0 ❑ ❑ ❑ 01/25/2010 Chuck Rogers Yelm MS ❑ ❑ ❑ 0 ❑ 0 ❑ ❑ 01/25/2010 Randy and Virginia Kunde Yelm MS ❑ ❑ ❑ 0 ❑ 0 ❑ ❑ 01/25/2010 unknown Olympia SS ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 01/26/2010 Charles Bishop Hoodsport MS ❑ ❑ ❑ 0 0 ❑ ❑ ❑ 01/27/2010 steve's front end Raymond MS ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ operating an unregistered paint 0 112 7/2 0 1 0 tbd Tenino RTM ❑ ❑ ❑ 0 ❑ RI 11 operation ' 0112712010 TBD - wood carver Ocean Beach MS ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ® ❑ ❑ CO _ Thursday; February 04, 2010 - Page I of 3 Date Source City Recd Formal Oncall Online Smoke Odor Open Fire Dust Woodstov Other 01/28/2010 Kelm Auto Body Raymond MS operating a paint shop - unregistered Referred to: RC 01/11/2010 to be determined Port Angeles RTM 01/15/2010 Carl Lindstrom Port Angeles SS ❑ ❑ ❑ © ❑ ❑ ❑ 21 01/21/2010 Jeff and Terry Ann Norberg Port Angeles KLE ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 0 01/23/2010 TBD Sequim RC ❑ ❑ ❑ 0 R1 9 ❑ ❑ 01/28/2010 John Warrick and Ruth Jenkins Port Angeles RC ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ © ❑ Cl 02/01/2010 Jay and Jeffery McFarland Port Angeles RC ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑a ❑ © ❑ ❑ 02/03/2010 EVERGREEN FIBRE INC PORT ANGELES RTM ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 0 Cl Referred to: RTM 01/20/2010 Raymond T Hankins & Patricia A Yelm RTM 13 Li Li U 6if U Li Fetterly 01/27/2010 PENPLY Port Angeles KLE ❑ ❑ ❑ © ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Referred to: SS 01/07/2010 SILVER SPRINGS ORGANICS LLC RAINIER SS 01/11/2010 Ryan & Cecily Niemi Olympia SS ❑ ❑ ❑ 21 21 ❑ ❑ ❑ 01/13/2010 Daniel Dicicco Yelm SS ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 01/14/2010 Cary Thormodsgard Yelm SS ❑ ❑ ❑ ® © ❑ ❑ ❑ 01/15/2010 James Land Lacey SS ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ D 01/20/2010 Charles Norman Lacey SS ❑ ❑ ❑ 0 ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 01/20/2010 Larry Clemons Lacey SS ❑ ❑ ❑ R) ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 01/20/2010 Louise & Arcilla Garcia Yelm SS ❑ ❑ ❑ M ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 01/20/2010 SILVER SPRINGS ORGANICS LLC RAINIER SS ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ © ❑ ❑ ❑ 01/20/2010 SILVER SPRINGS ORGANICS LLC RAINIER SS ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 01/21/2010 SILVER SPRINGS ORGANICS LLC RAINIER RTM ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ © ❑ ❑ ❑ 01121/2010 SILVER SPRINGS ORGANICS LLC RAINIER SS ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ © ❑ ❑ ❑ 01/21/2010 SILVER SPRINGS ORGANICS LLC RAINIER SS ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 01/21/2010 SILVER SPRINGS ORGANICS LLC RAINIER SS ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ © ❑ ❑ ❑ 01/24/2010 SILVER SPRINGS ORGANICS LLC RAINIER SS ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ i 01/24/2010 SILVER SPRINGS ORGANICS LLC RAINIER SS ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 0 ❑ ❑ ❑ ! 01127/2010 BELFAIR WASTE WATER Belfair RTM ❑ ❑ ❑ © ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ TREATMENT PLANT ! 01/27/2010 Don Massoth, Susan Marie Olympia KLE ❑ ❑ ❑ Sa ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ , lv C:) Thursday, February 04, 2010 Page 2 of 3 0. 0 0 Date Source City Rec'd Formal ®neat] OnUne Smoke Oder Open Fire Dust Woodstov Other 0112512010 BELFAIR WASTE WATER Selfair RTM Li 1A Li wi U Li TREATMENT PLANT 01/28/2010 James Lard Lacey SS ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 01/2912010 Joe Zaino Olympia SS ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 01/29/2010 SILVER SPRINGS ORGANICS LLC RAINIER SS ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ® ❑ ❑ ❑ 01/29/2010 Susan Hartman Olympia SS ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑I 02/01/2010 BELFAiR WASTE WATER NIA KLE ❑ ❑ TREATMENT PLANT 02/01/2010 SILVER SPRINGS ORGANICS LLC RAINIER SS ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ fl ❑ ❑ ❑ 021010010 SILVER SPRINGS ORGANICS LLC RAINIER RTM ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ © ❑ ❑ ❑ 0210312010 SILVER SPRINGS {ORGANICS LLC RAINII;R SS ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ® ❑ ❑ ❑ 02103/2010 Tim Day Prestige Marine 8. Auto Olympia SS ❑ ❑ ❑ © 0 ❑ ❑ 0 Thrrtraday, February 04, OY7 : Page 3 of 3 Demolition Permit Status Report Permit# Recd Staff Address City Status AsbSurvey AsbPermit-A 09DEM002287 2/212009 RC 131 Shore 0rIve Part Ludlow ❑ ASB 09DEM002288 212!2009 AD 2425 Marvin Road Lacey Lacey Fire Department brought In tral ASB 09DEM002297 211912009 MS 2 Barley Lane Menlo this will probably be a tralnig Eire fort Q ASB 09DEM00230D 2123/2009 SS 1718 Jones Road Shetion ❑ ASB 09E)EM002311 3/912009 AD 840 Backed Point Port Townsend ASB 091)EM002312 3110/2009 AD 189 Marjory Lane Sequlm Asbestos present on survey. No asb ASB 09DEM002317 3118%2009 MS 1603 Washington Avenue N. Long Beach ❑ ASS 09DEM002319 3117/2009 AD 19405 Johnson Road SE Yelm 10127/09 AD mag ❑ ASB 09DEM002323 3/25/2009 AD 981 Gibbs Lake Road Chimacum 07120M9 Parks and Reo - Not reside ❑ ASB 09DEM002326 3126/2009 MS 94W Oak Flay Road Part Ludlow KDS will send kr asbestos applicatio ASB 09DFM002342 4113/2009 AD 25602 Z Street [Waco © ASB 09DEM002345 4117/2009 AD 127 Daniels Street Aberdeen ASB 09DEM002357 412312009 NIS 3101 W. tat street Hoqulam ASB 09DEMQ02381 4/28/2009 MS 604 First St Westport ® ASB 09DEM002302 412812009 MS 680 W Spokane Westport Q ASB 09DF-M002375 5111/2009 RC 2025 Keller Dr Port Angeles RC: The appriaaiion was dropped off a ASB 09DEM002385 5/18/2009 IVIS 4911 Tumwaler Valley Dr Tumwafer will be cuntacting us with contractors Q ASB { 09DEM002409 6/11/2009 AD 301 Ocean Beach Blvd North Long Beach On hold- Until atter burn ban © ASB i 09DEM0024i6 81.1812009 AD 100 E. North Bay Place Allyn 08118/09 AD contacted Rey, builder. ASB 09DEM002417 8/99/2009 AD 55th and Sandridge Road Long Beach Pacific FD #1 training bum. Mike K © ASB 09DEM002430 7113/2009 AD 917 Yelm Avenue West Yelm 10127109 AD talked to Scott Ritter. T p A58 J 09DEM002434 7/1712009 AD 300 Disney Road Nordland ASB II I 09DEMOG2440 7/22/2009 AD 2520 Simpson Avenue Hoqulam Case on hold until May and June of 2 ❑ ASB j r Thursdays, February 04, 2010 Page i of 3 I It] Thursday, February 04, 2010 Page 2 of 3 N W I I PennIt# Reed Staff Address Ctty Status Asb Survey AsbPermit# CODEM002461 9/812008 AA 21107 Pacfl7c Way Ocean Park 09/27109 AD pmof of asbestos remo ASB 09DEM0024'56 9118P2009 AD 4830 Pacific Avenue se #12 Laosy Asbestos abatement cornpletecl 1012 © ASB 09DEM002482 1016/2009 AD 1600 Sleater Kinney Road 5E Lacey 10108109 AD walking on asbestos re fl 09ASBW2781 09DEM002483 10198009 SS 3748 80th Ave 6E Olympia ❑✓ ASB 09DEM002486 10113/2009 AD 2142 S. Capital Way S. Olympia 10/13/09 AD called owner. She will n ❑ ASfd 09DEM002491 10/1512009 AD 2712 Levis Road Olympia Pending asbestos removal. ® ASB OBDEMM2506 11112099 33 625 Black Dake Baufevard SW Olympia ❑ ASB OPDEMOD2513 11116/2009 $8 292 Oyster House Road Sequim 1III fi109 - On hold until we get a star ASB 09DEMOD2515 1411812009 SS 3471 E. Kolonals Way Port Angeles ❑ ASB 09DFMOO2516 11/18/2009 SS 214 Nath 8. Street Aberdeen Q ASS 09DEM002517 11!2012009 SS 3152 SR 109 Copalis Beach No asbestos survey; no contractor. ❑ ASB 09DEM002518 i 1/20/2009 MS 607 Water Street Part Townsend Watlhg on survey. MS 11-30-09 95 AS8 OPDEM002522 11/30/2009 MS 2310 Simpson Avenue Haquiam No asbestos surveylpermit. No start ❑ ASB 09DEM002524 12/312009 MS 4911 Sequlm Dungeness Way Sequlm ® ASB 09DEM002528 121412009 SS 7906 Mountain Aire Loop SE Olympia ❑ ASB 09DEM0OMR 121812009 SS 341 Verner Avenue Port Ludlow 12115/09 - reeved payment. $35.00 ❑ ASB OSDEM00253D 12/1012009 SS 41 Hiller Dr Port Hadlock ❑ ASB 09DEM002533 12/188009 MS 2315 Westhaven Drive Westport Q ASS OBOEM002634 12/18/2009 SS 6770 lUMmtin Way East Lacey © ASB OBDEM002836 1ZQM009 RTM 201 Simmomvs Street 14W Olympia Robert received pictures In lieu of sur ❑ Ase 02DEMO02539 12/2812009 MS 2525 Capital Mall DR SW Olympia Note: Dates handwritten by Kathy an ❑ ASB CODEM002640 IMU2009 SS 6210 Prather Road SW Centratfa ❑ ASB 1017EM002544 1/6/2010 MS 45 Aberdeen Gardens Rd, Aberdeen - B ASB 1 ODEM002646 . 1/11/2010 SS 324 Bromley Lane NE atympia Customer sent in pictures of bam. K ❑ ASB IODEM002546 1/12/2010 MS 20 Appaloosa Place Brinnon ❑✓ ASB Thursday, February 04, 2010 Page 2 of 3 N W Permit# Reed Staff Address City Status Amb Survey AsbPermit# IODEM002549 1/1912010 SS 1318 Yelm Ave W Yelm d 10AS9002907 IODEM002550 112112010 MS 379 Bay Center Road bay center d ASIS 10DEM002552 1/2212010 S5 2802 Pacific Avenue Olympia ASB IODEM002553 112912010 SS 716 Witsen Street OVVIA © ASB 1ODEM002554 2=010 AD 1006 Randall Street Aberdeen ® A813 1 ODEM002555 213f2010 AD 111 S. Nenant Bucoda 02/03110 commercial permit. They w ® ASB 10DEM002556 2012010 RG 1771 Oak Bay goad Port Hadlo* ❑ 10A woni 9 10DEM002557 7!412010 AD 1705 Capitol Way South Olympia Will call In start dale. Kle ❑ AS13 r Thursday, February 04, 2010 IV 0 Page 3 of 3 NOV Monthly Deport For the period 1/7/2010 to 214/2010 NOV R Name Issued City Regulation(s) HARBOR NOV Penalty Amount Amount Penalty GRAYS 3.1(d) by $400.00 HARBOR Issued Assessed Suspended Paid issued 2605 SOIL,KEY RTM THJRSTON 8.5(c) Odor emissions interferes unre 06/29/2007 $1.0,000.00 ',10,000:00 08/08/2007 THURSTON 3.1(d) 2850 SUPER CLEANERS MS person's use and enjoyment of 3.1(a) 2851 NORTHWEST MS 2746 ARMOR COATINGS RC CLALLAM 3.1(d) Failure to pay annual Wstrat 11/19/2009 $7,000.00 SUN CORP - ABERDEEN 01!0812010 2747 ]IMS AUTO BODY � RC JEFFERSON 3.1(d) Failure to pay annual Registrat 11/19/2009 $1,300.00 SUN CORP - HOQULAM 01/08/2010 2832 MASON COUNTY MS MASON 8.8 Violation ofnot maintainingai 03/12/2009 $2,000.00 $2,000.00 05/18/2009 GRAYS FOREST PRODUCTS LLC equipment in good operating o 2861 WDWREY SS THURSTON 6.2(a)(1) repair. 2846 BAIN MS GRAYS 6.2(x)(1) open fire containing pminbitei 111181,7009 $1 000 00 - Ol/ISIZOI.O Failure to pay annual Registrat 11/19/2009 $100.00 $100.00 0110812010 Failure to pay annual Re&trat 11/19/2009 $400.00 Failuretopayannual Registrat 11/19/2009 $100.00 $1[]0.00 HARBOR 111191200$ 2847 SNAPCOINC MS GRAYS 3.1(d) 11/19/2009 $400.00 HARBOR 2848 ROAD RUNNER GAS MS THURSTON 3.1(d) AND GROCERY 2849 AM CLEANERS MS THURSTON 3.1(d) 2850 SUPER CLEANERS MS THURSTON 3.1(a) 2851 NORTHWEST MS GRAYS 11(d) COLLISION 2 HARBOR 2852 SUN CORP - ABERDEEN MS GRAYS . 3.1(d) - HARBOR 2853 SUN CORP - HOQULAM MS GRAYS 3.1(d) HARBOR 2854 JOHNSON MS GRAYS 6.1(a) HARBOR 2861 WDWREY SS THURSTON 6.2(a)(1) - Ol/ISIZOI.O Failure to pay annual Registrat 11/19/2009 $100.00 $100.00 0110812010 Failure to pay annual Re&trat 11/19/2009 $400.00 Failuretopayannual Registrat 11/19/2009 $100.00 $1[]0.00 Failure to pay annual Regishat 111191200$ $100-00 $100.00 Failure to pay annual Rrgistrat 11/19/2009 $100.00 $100.00 Failure to pay annual Re&trat 11/19/2009 $400.00 Failure to pay annual Registrat 1 111 912 0 09 $400.00 YioIation ofnot applying for 01/19/2010 Construction for business Opeaf-roatainingprolubita 06/25/2009 $1,000.00 01/08/2010 01/08/2010 01/08/2010 01/08/2010 01/08/2010 01/08/201.0 $500.00 $500.00 08/2112009 NOV # Ntttne Issued City Regulation(s) by 2873 SILVER 7TK THURSTON ¢•3 (G) ORGANICS LLC: Condition 7 2877 PACIFIC GRO LLC TTK PACIFIC 4.3 (G) 8.5 (a) 2878 PACIFIC GRO LLC 7TK PACIFIC 6.1(a)(2) 2885 MCFADDEN SS THURSTON 6.2(a)(I) 2887 BRINNON G NERAL SS JEFFERSON 3.1(d) STOREINC 01/27/2010 28$$ CHAMBERS PRAIRIE SS THURSTON 3.1(d) 1210412009 GENERAL STORE $100.00 2891 L11J"AUP STORE & SS MASON 3.1(d) MOTEL 2893 SK STATION SS THURSTON 3.I(d) 2897 KUNDE MS THURSTON 6-2($)(I) 2914 NORTHWEST MS GRAYS 3•l(d) - SPECIALTY WOODS INC HARBOR 2915 SOUTAGATE DRY MS THURSTON • 3.1(d) CLEANERS 2928 OPDAHL MS THURSTON 6.2(x)(2) 2929 MAGGARD MS PACIFIC 6-2(a)(I) 2930 CARRELL SS MASON 6.2(a)(1) 2931 THORMODSGARD SS THMTiON 6.2(a)(1) IV 47 NOV Penalty Amount Amount renalty Issued Assessed Suspended Paid Issued. Failureto hnplementmeasures 09/08/2009 $400.00 $400.00 01/28/2010 fugitive dust in some opmtic Violation of Silver Springs NC Failure to irnpieanent measures 09/2212009 $1,000.00 fugitive dust in source operati[ Failure to operate reasonably a technology to minimum cmissi bearing gases Violation of Notice ofConstru 09/2212009 $1,200.00 application modification requfi soumes Open fm evntainin grohibita 11/0412009 $100.00 Fnilrne to pay annual Registrat 11/19/2009 $100.00 $1.00.00 Failure to pay annual Registrat 1112012009 $100.00 ' $100.00 Failuro to pay annual RgOstrat 11/1912009 $400.00 Failure to pay anneal Registral 11/20/2009 $$00.00 Open fire containing pruhibitel 01/27/2010 -Failure to pay annual Registrat 1210412009 $100.00 $100.00 Failure to pay annual Registrat 1210412009 $100.40 $100.00 Open fire during episode of of 0110g/2010 quality defined in Chapter 70.5 Open fine containing proNbite+ 01/1212010 Open fire containing prohibite 01/1512010 Open fire containing prohibita 01/15/2410 01/29/2010 01/29/2010 $100.00 12/18/2009 01/08/2010 0110812010- 01/0812010 01/08/2010 01115/2010 01/1512010 NOV # Name Issued City Regulation(s) NOV Penalty Amount Amount Penalty by Issued Assessed Suspended Paid Issued 2933 SILVER SPRINGS 7TK THURSTON 7.14 ORGANICS LLC 01/26/2010 Failure to pay annUalRegistiat 01/29/2010 2934 ' ROGERS MS THURSTON 6.2(a)(6) 2935 ROGERS MS THURSTON 6.2(a)(1) 2936 SANDYS DELI MART MS MASON 3.1(d) INC 2937 LALONDE AD THURSTON 6.2(a)(1) N) 4 Conditions in approval orders 01/26/2010 No ORCAA burning permit ac 01/26/2010 burning site. Open fire containing prohibiter 01/26/2010 Failure to pay annUalRegistiat 01/29/2010 Open fire containing prohibita 02/03/2010 Totals: $30,400.00 $3,300.00 $12,600.00 Z +��G�umn aeLyA� �CAA `'Cr.�„6yM1`q Current ORCA.A Land Clearing Burn Permit FireDistrict Expiration # Legal Desc Burn Site Address City Last Name CompanyName Phone East Jefferson Fre 2/5/2010 3015 8457 SR 20 Port Townse Henrickds Centerllne (360) 301-0185 Department (360) 2048250 South Bend Fre Construction 55 Giles Lane JFD #1, Chimacum 2/5/2010 3016 1076 -1124 Schwartz Road Nordland Sanders (360) 301-2055 JFD #2, Quilcene 3/3/2010 3023 Sec03 T27R02W 364 River•Ridge Road Quilcene Bauman (360) 732-7126 nursday, February 04, 2010 Page 1 of 1 3/5/2010 3024 Sec12 T28R02W 733 Crocker Lake Road Quilcene Nisbit Nisbit limber (360) 732-7700 JFD #3, Port Ludlow 2/18/2010 3019 87 Garten Rd Port Ludlow Arnold (360) 2048250 South Bend Fre 3/23/2010 3017 Sec19 T14R09W 55 Giles Lane South Bend Rowe (360) 875-6518 Department TFD #11, Littlerock 2/20/2010 3020 Sec35 T17R03W 11500 Endicott Road SW Olympia Vestal Vestal & Sons (360) 352-7491 TFD #6, East Olympia 2/19/2010 3018 10621 Katle Ann Lane SE Olympia Rogers ro (360) 359-8242 TFD #8, South Bay 2/20/2010 3021 8314 Johnson Point Road Olympia McBride McBride Construction (360) 791-1112 nursday, February 04, 2010 Page 1 of 1 L • NSR and AOP Summary Report Report for all NSR and AOP revision applications currently pending and applications finalized between 1/712010 to 2/4/2010 Business Name Insp Eng NOC# Location Project Description Date Final Xcid 4TH AVE FOOD MART 372 Nreg GG 09NOC695 OLYMPIA Perform site remedlation ❑ on a lot contaminated with gasoline. 7456 CORPORATION 'AD GG 09NOC704 ROCHESTER install spray booth ❑ AQUATIC CO JAW MVG 1 OAOP726 YELM renew air operating permit ❑ ARMOR COATINGS RC JTK 09NOC703 SEQUIM ❑ BELCO SHELTON MILL AD GDL 09NOC683 SHELTON ❑ BELFAIR CLEANERS MS GDL 08NOC650 BELFAIR install dry cleaning ❑ machine CITY OF LONG BEACH MS GG 09NOC715 LONG BEACH install a diesel -fired ❑ backup generator CITY OF PORT ANGELES RC GG 10NOC723 PORT install standby generators ❑ WATER UTILITY ANGELES (installed 2005) CITY OF RAYMOND MS GG 1 ONOC725 RAYMOND install and operate WATER TREATMENT backup generators PLANT CITY OF SEQUIM, DEPT. Nreg GDL 09NOC660 SEQUIM Install a 500kW ❑ OF PUBLIC WORKS - emergency generator WWTP and increase WRF capacityfrom.80 mgd to 1.67 mgd CITY OF SHELTON - WWTP AD GDL 09NOC694 SHELTON COAST SEAFOODS MS 09NOC711 SOUTH BEND install an emergency COMPANY - SOUTH BEND diesel generator. CONNALLY FINISHES SS • GG 09NOC709 YELM install cyclone/bahouse and intake air filters DEPARTMENT OF RTM GG 09NOC712 OLYMPIA install emergency INFORMATIONAL SERVICES ELWHA SURFACE WATER RC INTAKE - TEMP DIVISION PUMPS ELWHA WATER RC TREATMENT PLANT FORKS HIGH SCHOOL - RC QUILLAYUTE VALLEY SCHOOL DISTRICT Thursday, February 04, 2010 GDL 10NOC730 PORT ANGELES GDL 10NOC731 PORT ANGELES MVG 10NOC734 FORKS generators install emergency backup (standby) generators Install emergency backup (standby) generators INSTALL 2.85 Mmbtu/HR Biomass Boiler, a cyclone collector and a baghouse. Page 1 of 3 M -29 _ Business Name Insp Eng NOC# Location Project Description Date Final Xcid GR SILICATE NANO- MS GDL 09NOC721 HOQUTAM 0 FIBERS AND CARBONATES LLC GRAYS HARBOR ENERGY RTM MVG 09AOP672 ELMA LLC GRAYS HARBOR PAPER LP RC GDL 08NOC607 HOQUTAM install and operate a fuel O dryer GULL HARBOR AD GG 09NOC676 OLYMPIA perform soil and MERCANTILE groundwater remediation at gas station. HOWARDS PRESTIGE SS GDL 08NOC647 OLYMPIA install dry cleaning El CLEANERS machine INNOVATIVE AUTO BODY MS GG 09NOC700 BELFAIR install and operate an O automotive spray booth. INTERFOR PACIFIC INC - RC GG 09MOD677 FORKS modify Condition 6(1) of FORKS DIVISION 02NOC236 INTERNATIONAL PAPER MS GDL 09NOC718 LACEY install Bobst Diecutter and Printer LOTT ALLIANCE AD GDL 10MOD735 LACEY modify Condition 1, 4 & 7 El SATELLITE PLANT - LACEY of 04NOC370 MASON COUNTY FOREST MS JTK 06NOC479 SHELTON Construct a lumber mill PRODUCTS LLC (after the fact approval) NIPPON PAPER RC JTK 08NOC645 PORT Add De-ink plant drum • INDUSTRIES USA CO LTD ANGELES pulper rejects to list of Items to be burned at the NO.8 power boiler OLYMPIC PANEL RC JTK 09AOP688 SHELTON renew AOP PRODUCTS LLC PANELTECH INT. LLC JAW GG 08NOC648 HOQUTAM install 2 treater lines, 1 reactive thermal oxidizer, 1 bomposit press and a 3mil btu hot oil boiler PENPLY RC MVG 08AOP640 PORT renew AOP permit ANGELES PORT ANGELES WATER RC GDL 10NOC733 PORT install emergency backup TREATMENT PLANT ANGELES (standby) generators RAINSHADOW ROASTING RC GG 09NOC722 SEQUIM install coffee roaster COMPANY RANNEY WELL CITY OF RC GDL 10NOC732 PORT install emergency backup PORT ANGELES ANGELES (standby) generators RUDDELL LEASE SALES RC GG 09NOC655 PORT install spray in bedliner O INC ANGELES booth RYANS AUTO DETAILING & SS JTK 08NOC602 LACEY After the fact approval of 0 SPRAY ON VORTEX a truckbed lining BEDLINER operation Thursday, February 04, 2010 Page 2 of 3 L M-30 _ • • Business Name Insp Eng NOG# Location Project Description Date Final Xcld SANDQUIST CABINETS RC GDL 08NOC610 BRINNON install a spray booth ❑ SHEARER BROS CHIPPER SS GG 08NOC603 SHELTON install and operate chip ❑ LLC mill and log yard SI CUSTOMS SS JTK 08NOC631 OLYMPIA. After the fact approval of ❑ an automotive spraycoating facility SIERRA PACIFIC RTM GG 09REV699 ABERDEEN modify monitoring ❑ INDUSTRIES - parameters for COGENERATION particulate control equipment. SIERRA PACIFIC RTM GG 08AOP625 ABERDEEN application ❑ INDUSTRIES - LUMBER MILL SIMPSON DOOR CO MS JTK 09AOP717 MCCLEARY AOP Renewal- Wood ❑ Door Manufacturer. SIMPSON LUMBER CO LLC RTM MVG 09REV678 SHELTON ❑ SIMPSON LUMBER CO LLC RTM MVG 09AOP690 SHELTON renew AOP ❑ ST PETERS HOSPITAL SS GG 09NOC710 OLYMPIA install an emergency. ❑ generator STAFFORD CREEK MS GDL 10NOC727 ABERDEEN install In -vessel ❑ CORRECTIONS CENTER composting unit WESTPORT SHIPYARD INC RTM GDL 09REV702 WESTPORT ❑ WESTPORT SHIPYARD INC RTM GDL 09N01682 WESTPORT ❑ WINDFALL LUMBER RTM GG 10N01728 TUMWATER Install dust collection ❑ PACIFIC GRO LLC MS JTK 09NOC718 RAYMOND High speed air drying 01)12/2010 ❑ system for shellfish PORT ANGELES RC GG 09MOD713 PORT modify Condition 5 and 8, 01/19/2010 ❑ LANDFILL - COMPOST ANGELES and Table One of Permit FACILITY 05NOC681 DART CONTAINER CORP AD GG 10MOD724 TUMWATER deviate from 01/22/2010 ❑ OF WASHINGTON approvedplans, drawings, data nad specifications in Dart's permit 09NOC685 GIRARD WOOD PRODUCTS MS 10N01729 ELMA airless paint sprayer 01/22/2010 ❑ ARCO #5719 BPWC - PORT AD JTK 09NOC720 PORT replace existing Stage 1 02/02/2010 ❑ ANGELES ANGELES fill equipment with new OPW EVR certified fill PACIFIC GRO LLC MS JTK 09N01714 RAYMOND 02/02/2010 ❑ Thursday, February 04, 2010 Page 3 of 3 M-31