HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet 04/02/2002 WAS H I N G TON, USA -~. ~ AGENDA $~ CITY COUNCIL MEETING ~~/( 321 EAST FIFTH STREET ( . ~ORTANGELES April 2, 2002 REGULAR MEETING - 6:00 p.m. A. CALL TO ORDER - Regular Meetmg (6:00 p.m.) ROLL CALL - PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - PUBLIC CEREMONIES, PRESENTATIONS AND PROCLAMATIONS 1. Earth Day ProclamatIOn 2. DIsaster Preparedness Month ProclamatIOn 3 InternatIonal Bmldmg Safety Week 1 3 5 Read ProclamatIOns . B. WORK SESSION C. LATE ITEMS TO BE PLACED ON TillS OR FUTURE AGENDAS (By Counczl, Staff or Public) AND PUBLIC COMMENT FOR ITEMS NOT ON AGENDA (ThiS is the opportunity for members of the public to speak to the City Council about anythzng not on the agenda, please keep comments to 5-10 minutes.) D. FINANCE E. CONSENT AGENDA 1. CIty CounCIl Minutes - March 19,2002 7 Accept Consent Agenda regular meetmg 2. Check RegIster - March 22,2002 - 11 $1,010,940.73 3. Payroll InformatIOn -. March 17, 2002 - 37 $437,335.88 4. 8th Street RestoratIon, Fmal Acceptance 39 F. CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS G. ORDINANCES NOT REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS ModIfy ordmance that provIdes legal 41 Adopt Ordmance representatIOn to CIty employees and offiCIals H. RESOLUTIONS . NOTE: HEARING DEVICES AVAILABLE FOR THOSE NEEDING ASSISTANCE MAYOR TO DETERMINE TIME OF BREAK Apnl 2, 2002 Port Angeles CIty CouncIl Meetmg Page - 1 \ . I. OTHER CONSIDERATIONS I. Appomtment to Plannmg CommIsSIOn 2 Rate Study for Water/Wastewater UtIlIty 3. 2001 Year-End FmancIal Report 47 53 59 Appoint Member AuthOrIze Agreement PresentatIOn of Report J. PUBLIC HEARINGS - QUASI-JUDICIAL (7:00 P.M. or soon thereafter) K. PUBLIC HEARINGS - OTHER L. INFORMATION 1. CIty Manager's Calendar (Page 84) . Goals Project Status Report (Page 86) . Change Orders & Contracts under 15K (Page 96) 2. HTE Contract SIgned (Page 98) 3. Planmng CommIsSIon Mmutes - March 13,2002 (Page 100) 4. Parks & RecreatIOn Department Monthly Report - February 2002 (Page 112) 5. PublIc Works & UtIlItIes Monthly Report - February 2002 (Page 130) 6 FIre Department Monthly Report - February 2002 (Page 132) M. EXECUTIVE SESSION (As needed and determined by City Attorney) N. ADJOURNMENT . PUBLIC HEARINGS Public hearings are set by the City Council In order to meet legal reqUirements pertaining to matters such as, land use permit applications, proposed amendments to City land use regulations, zOning changes, annexations. In addition, the City CounCil may set a public heanng In order to receive public input pnor to making deciSions which impact the citizens Certain matters may be controverSial, and the City CounCil may choose to seek publiC opinion through the public hearing process. G \CNCLPKT\AGENDA\02-0402 wpd . NOTE: HEARING DEVICES AVAILABLE FOR THOSE NEEDING ASSISTANCE MAYOR TO DETERMINE TIME OF BREAK AprIl 2, 2002 Port Angeles CIty Council Meeting Page - 2 FORTANGELES WAS H I N G TON, USA CITY OF PORT ANGELES CITY COUNCIL MEETING I. CALL TO ORDER - REGULAR MEETING: II. ROLL CALL: Members Present: Mayor Wiggins Councilman Braun Councilman Campbell Councilmember Erickson Councilman Headrick Councilmember Rogers Councilman Williams Staff Present: Manager Quinn Attorney Knutson Clerk Upton B. Collins M. Connelly G. Cutler D. McKeen T. RIepe y. Ziomkowski ~ ~ V/ V V' ~ April 2. 2002 ~ f,m I III. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Led by: ()~.(A~~ Q rt('vJy\fh-O.~~ ~ ~~.LoA " CITY OF PORT ANGELES · FORTANGELES WAS H I N G TON, USA CITY COUNCIL MEETING Attendance Roster DATE OF MEETING: April 2. 2002 LOCATION: City Council Chambers crOb t,J. 11-4- G W{-JI ~dl t: Cf-'" (0\'\ S +- 12 i1tt "3/1 to /tf City of Port Angeles FORT ANGELES Ordinance/Resolution Distribution List WAS H I N G TON. USA City Council Meeting of April 2. 2002 , t)M.5/IO <lilith" oltldo " ~ 11I\ ,,(j ,'. ,1 v\ 'A' ~(J~7I ; y' . 71"'Il~ ~ n City Manager / City Atty. (l) Jt/' Planning Ij CIty Clerk (2) ,!)~ Deouty Clerk (1) I / Personnel 1./ Cust. Svcs. Finance I V/ Dir .IMgr. Police Deot. ,7 Fire Dept. ,7 Light Dept. Pub. Works (2) d // Parks & Ree. I 7 MRSC (1) I V' PDN (Summary) ~J nA M ~ Extra Copies I TOTAL I~ -r I I " ! , I ! I I I I ! II _II ~ i ~ I I ~ ~ 1 I ij I '--- ~ PROCLAMATION EARTH DAY April 22, 2002 WHEREAS, April 22, 2002 has been declared Earth Day by the President of the United States; and WHEREAS, Washington State, as a leader in environmental issues, declared April 22 as Earth Day; and WHEREAS, We are fortunate to live in a city so bountifully endowed with natural assets, and feel a natural, continuing responsibility for preserving our environment by keeping it clean, healthy, and beautiful; and WHEREAS, This endeavor is worthy of our support and cooperation so that we may preserve the natural beauty of our community; NOW, THEREFORE, I, GLENN WIGGINS, ON BEHALF OF THE CITY COUNCIL, do hereby proclaim Apnl 22, 2002 as EARTH DAY In the City of Port Angeles, and invite all citizens to participate In this noble effort by developing and carrying out imaginative projects which will serve to enhance, restore, or '" maintain the beauty of all neighborhoods in our community. Glenn Wiggins, Mayor I I I i II I ~ ~ II II II i ~ I K b; L I I ~ I I II f ~ . . . 2 · r- I I I I I ! j ! .If q I i I t ! ! I I I . ";'- p,.oclamation DISASTER PREPAREDNESS MONTH WHEREAS, Port Angeles has expenenced disasters m the past, and WHEREAS, the lost of life and property damage can be greatly reduced If disaster preparedness measures are taken prior to a natural or man-made disaster, and WHEREAS, the cItizens of Port Angeles need to prepare themselves to be self-sufficient for at least three days followmg a disaster, and WHEREAS, City departments and employees should be prepared so they can contmue to provide essential public services after a disaster; and support the City's disaster response and recovery mission; NOW THEREFORE, I, Glenn Wiggms, Mayor of the City of Port Angeles, do hereby proclaim Apnl, 2002, as Disaster Preparedness Month in Port Angeles Dunng DIsaster Preparedness Month: The Fire Department wIll provide trammg to both City employees and their families in order to encourage preparedness for a dIsaster. Encourage schools to participate in the state-wide Drop, Cover, and Roll earthquake exercise 111 Apnl 18,2002. Encourage CIty residents to take better steps to better prepare themselves and our commumty for a dIsaster. More mf0n11ation on disaster preparedness is avaIlable through the Port Angeles Fire Department at 4 17 -4655 or Clallam County Emergency Management at 417- 2483. Glenn WIggins, Mayor April 2, 2002 l I I i < , ~ l ! . I II ~ I I I I I ( I ! II I I . . . 4 ., I I ~ i I ! I ; . . ,'l!'_ PROCLAMATION INTERNATIONAL BUILDING SAFETY WEEK WHEREAS, the safety of the buildmgs we occupy daily IS essential to the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of the world; and WHEREAS, among the world's most fundamental laws are those whIch provide safety standards for the construction of buildmgs in which people live, work and play; and WHEREAS, for construction and buIldmg codes to be effective and enforced, understandmg and cooperatIOn must exist between code officIals and the people they serve; and WHEREAS, through the efforts of code officials worldwide, and theIr cooperative relationship with the constructIOn industry, the administratIOn of these health and life-safety standards is assured; and WHEREAS, Ul1lts of government across the world - along with such prestigious organizatIons as Building Officials & Code Administrators (BOCA) International, Inc., International Conference of Building Officials (ICBO), International Code Council (ICC), Southern Building Code Congress International (SBCCI), Inc., the Council of American BUIlding Officials (CABO), th'e National Conference of States on Building Codes and Standards (NCSBCS), and the World Organization of Building Officials (WOBO) - are Joining to promote the use of building and construction codes today, for a lifetime of building safety, through the observation of International BUlldmg Safety Week; and WHEREAS, the theme of InternatIOnal BUlldmg Safety Week 2002 has been establIshed as "Setting the Standard for Building Safety." NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES m consIderation of the above findings: The week of April 7-13, 2002, shall be known as INTERNATIONAL BUILDING SAFETY WEEK. We urge all citIzens to partIcipate in International BUlldmg Safety Week activities to help promote buIldmg safety, to create awareness as to the Importance of construction and buIldmg codes, and to spotlight the role of the dedicated code offIcial in admini~termg those codes. Glenn Wiggins, Mayor 2002 l I I ~ ~ I ! I t ! ~ ; l I f . I € , I i I I I I , i ~ . . . 6 . . . CALL TO ORDER - REGULAR MEETING: ROLL CALL: PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: LATE ITEMS TO BE PLACED ON THIS OR FUTURE AGENDA: WORK SESSION: FINANCE: CH2M Hill Agreement Amendment PUBLIC CEREMONIES, PRESENTATIONS AND PROCLAMATIONS: Report from Rick Hert reo MOVie Filmed on OlympiC Penmsula CITY COUNCIL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington March 19,2002 Mayor WIggms called the regular meetmg of the Port Angeles City Council to order at 6'00 p m. Members Present Mayor WIggms, Councllmembers Braun, Campbell, Enckson, Headnck, Rogers, and Williams Members Absent None. Staff Present Manager Qumn, Attorney Knutson, Deputy Clerk Penmno, B. Collins, M. Connelly, G Cutler, D McKeen, T Riepe, Y ZlOmkowskl, T McCabe, K. AsqUith, T. O'Neill, and L. Khenaty. PublIc Present: T. Pnce, L. Lee, and L. Rasmussen. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Deputy Mayor Orville Campbell. Manager QUinn requested that diSCUSSIOn and authonzatlOn of the Mayor's signature on a real estate contract lIstmg be added to the agenda. Mayor WIggms mdlcated thiS Item would be placed under Other ConsideratIOns followmg the Plannmg CommiSSIOn Item. None. J CH2M Hill Agreement Amendment Public Works & Utilities Director Cutler began by revlewmg the contract and background regardmg the selectIOn of CH2M HIll, Inc , to provide engmeering services for projects mvolving the City'S water system. He also pomted out the vanous projects mime for their services. Councllmember Rogers complimented Mr. Cutler on mcludmg budget mformation regarding the momes mvolved to amend the contract. Followmg a bnef question and answer sessIOn regardmg unfunded mandates, Councilmember Rogers moved to authorize the Mayor to sign an Amendment to the Agreement for Professional Services with CH2M Hill, Inc. Councilman Braun seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. PresentatIOn / Reportfrom Rick Hert re Movie Filmed on OlympiC Pemnsula Rick Hert, 3909 Nygren Place, began by descnbmg hiS mvolvement m the filmmg of the Paramount Picture "The Hunted", mentIomng the economical Impact on the City and the County. Local mnkeepers, Park employees, medical, fire, and off-duty polIce personnel were solicited to assist those involved m the productIOn, and all left-over construction materials and other items have been cleared and donated to local orgamzatIons. Followmg his report, Mr. Hert presented Mayor Wlggms With a "much coveted" baseball-style cap dlsplaymg the title of the movie A bnef and 7 - I - CITY COUNCIL MEETING March 19, 2002 Report from Rick Hert reo Movie Filmed on OlympiC PenInsula (Cont'd) FINANCE: (Cont'd) Authonze Contract with HTE Inc for New FInanCIal System CONSENT AGENDA: ORDINANCES NOT REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS: MInimum Landfill Fee Ordinance No. 3112 complImentary discussIOn followed regardIng the local press coverage of the productIon. 2 Authorzze Contract wzth HTE Inc. for the New Fmanczal System . FInance Drrector ZlOmkowskl Introduced Dan Conway, DIrector of Sales, Western RegIOn, from HTE, Inc., and CIty staff members LInda Khenaty, Karen AsqUIth, and Tanya O'Neill, all of whom have been Involved In the RFP and selectIOn process for thiS contract. Director ZlOmkowskI briefly summanzed the process for the selectIOn and the reasons behInd the necessity of a new Integrated finance system for the City CounCllmembers Enckson and Campbell expressed complIments to the FInance staff for the preparatIon and thoroughness of the matenals LInda Khenaty reported on conversatIOns with other compames/entltles who have worked with HTE, Inc , statIng that none of those questIOned had anythIng untoward to say regardIng HTE, all were extremely complImentary and highly endorsed workIng With the company. Dan Conway, HTE Director of Sales for HTE, addressed the Council, proVidIng a thumbnail sketch of the company and then expressed his satisfactIOn with the contract and that the company IS lookIng forward to workIng with the CIty. InformatIOn Technology Manager Tanya O'Neill spoke to the Council on the mInimum reqUIrements for the hardware for the City and on future lInkIng possibilIties, via the hardware, With other state and City agencies. FolloWIng a brief diSCUSSIOn regardIng Homeland SecuntIes appropnatlOns, system benefits for customers, vOIce-actIVated availabilIty, Councilmember Erickson moved to authorize the Mayor to sign the contract with HTE for the total financial system, including financial software, . hardware, and operating software. Councilman Williams seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. FollOWIng bnef comments and clanficatlOns regardIng the Water QualIty Report, the Interlocal Agreement With the Department ofFish and WildlIfe for the Valley Creek RestoratIOn, and the CIty Authonzed RetaIler Agreement, Councilman Braun moved to accept the Consent Agenda to mclude' 1) Benefit Dump Day, 2) Water QualIty Report; 3) CIty Authonzed Retailer Agreement; 4) Interlocal Agreement With Department ofFish and WildlIfe for Valley Creek RestoratIon, 5) TermInatIOn of Light UtIlIty Access Easement; 6) City CounCil MInutes - March 5, 2002 speCial meeting / regular meetmg; 7) Check Register - March 12, 2002 - $568,72026; 8) Electromc Payments - March 8, 2002 - $1,836,997.52; 9) Payroll Information - March 3, 2002- $447,010.17; and 10) Water UtIlIty Matenals' Bid. Councilman Campbell seconded the motion. Councilman WIllIams asked that hiS vote be abstaIned from the acceptance of the City CounCil MInutes because he was absent from that meetIng FollOWIng bnef questIOns and answers, the motion carried 6 - O. I Mmimum Landfill Fee Director Cutler summanzed the major Issues Involved In IncreaSIng the Landfill fee and stressed the overall benefits from the increase. FollOWIng DIrector Cutler's summary and a brief questIOn and answer seSSIOn, Mayor WiggInS read the Ordmance by title, entItled ORDINANCE NO. 3112 . AN ORDINANCE of the City ofPort Angeles, WashIngton, increasing the 8 - 2- . . . Mmlmum Landfill Fee Ordinance No. 3112 (Cont'd) RESOLUTIONS: OTHER CONSIDERATIONS: Appomtment to Planmng CommIssIOn Real Estate Contract PUBLIC HEARINGS - QUASI-JUDICIAL: PUBLIC HEARINGS - OTHER: INFORMATION: CITY COUNCIL MEETING March 19,2002 mmimum charge for dumpmg refuse at the CIty'S samtary landfill and amendmg Ordmance 2317 as amended and Chapter 13 .56 of the Port Angeles Mumclpal Code. Councilman Williams moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title. Council member Erickson seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. None. 1. Appointment to Plannmg Commission Mayor WIggms revIewed the events of the previous CouncIl meetmg WIth regard to the tIe vote for the appomtee to the Plannmg CommIssIOn and the deCISIon to allow CouncIlman WIlhams to revIew the taped mtervlews and break the tIe CouncIlman WIlhams reported that he had hstened to the mtervlews, but, because the tape dId not record sufficIently Mr. Bolster's responses, he would not be able to make an mformed declSlon and asked that the appomtment be delayed Followmg the dIrectIOn of the CouncIl, CouncIlman Williams will personally mtervlew both candIdates and make a final declSlon. 2 Real Estate Contract Manager Qumn bnefly explamed the need for a one-tIme hstmg agreement WIth Carroll Realty for the CIty-owned property along the Morse Creek area Because the CIty needs to know more mformatlOn about the mterested buyers, and because the realtor WIll not dIvulge mformatIon unless a contract is in place, a contract IS necessary m thIS mstance to protect the realtor m dlsclosmg mformatlOn about the chent Manager Qumn then requested that the Council authonze the Mayor to SIgn a listmg agreement WIth Carroll Realty. CouncIlman Williams asked to abstam from the vote because of hIS employment with Carroll Realty. Council member Erickson moved to authorize the Mayor to sign a one-time real estate listing agreement with Carroll Realty, Inc. Councilmember Rogers seconded the motion, which carried 6-0. with Councilman Williams abstaining. None None. Mayor WIggms thanked those who attended the Chamber of Commerce meetmg Councilman Headrick mquired about the Law Enforcement CommIttee meeting; CouncIlman Braun answered that a confirmed date IS stIll forthcommg and that he would pass the date and tIme along to those concerned. Mayor Wlggms then mformed CouncIl that the April meetmg of the Gateway CommIttee had been cancelled. The next scheduled meeting is m May, 2002. Manager Quinn reported that the CIty IS m the process of obtammg ItS NatIOnal Pollutant DIscharge EhmmatIon System PermIt (NPD ES), whIch IS the permIt to operate the wastewater system. He further mentIOned that the CIty IS awaItmg a report on the FIre Hall roof repairs, WhICh should be m by the end of March, 2002, and the 2002 Paving Program. Director Cutler added a bnef summary of the program and answered questIOns from the CounCIl. 9 - 3 - CITY COUNCIL MEETING March 19, 2002 INFORMA TION: (Cont'd) CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: EXECUTIVE SESSION: ADJOURNMENT: Manager Qumn mformed the Councll of the 6-3 ruhng of the State Supreme Court m not allowmg the contmuation of the petltion method of annexatlOns; he dlscussed the alternative lssues for the Clty to conslder. Councllmember Enckson thanked Dennls Yakovlch and Green Crow for the offer to form a partnershlp to develop a park faclhty m the Mount Angeles nelghborhood, commenting on the generoslty and the cornmltment of Port Angeles cltizens She requested that Parks & RecreatlOn Dlrector Marc Connelly draft a letter of thanks, to whlch Dlrector Connelly readlly agreed. CounCllman Braun welcomed more than fifty owners of AlfStream trailers to the area; he also attended the Translt Meetmg and mentlOned Leo Sunny's nnd blrthday on May 25, 2002 and asked the Counclllf they could send a letter of congratulatlOns Earher thls date he also attended the Contemporary Issues class at Port Angeles Hlgh School and descnbed the vanous projects that had been completed by students Councllmember Rogers attended the UAC meetmg focusmg on Landfill lssues and expressed her appreclatlOn of staffs patience m the exammatlOn of fee mcreases, she also mentlOned Senator Murray's vlsit to Port Angeles on Apnl 2, 2002. Mayor Wlggins mentlOned hls, Councllmen Campbell and Wllhams', and Manager QUlnn's attendance to the NLC, whlch gave them the opportumty to speak about LEVX. On March 27,2002, the Mayor has also been asked to Judge "healthy food" prepared by City department heads He extended the invltatlOn to all other Councllmembers to asslst hlm m this task. None. The meetmg was adjourned at 8:05 p.m. Glenn Wlggms, Mayor Becky J Upton, Clty Clerk 10 - 4 - . . . 02/03/22-12:59 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE March 22 2002 Page CHECK REGISTER . Date From 03/09/2002 To 03/22/2002 Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount Number Name Number Number 001 68859 WA State Patrol - WASIS 23281 Criminal history-Johnson 2295000 24.00 68862 Zappey, Erick C. 26002 Sony digital recorder 2370000 7.38- 68864 ARTnews 01311 1 Yr subscription pe 04-2003 2370000 3.28- 68919 LaMotte Company 12006 Test tubes 2372000 4.33- 68926 Macworld 13680 12 Issue subscription 2370000 1.64- 68961 Primavera Systems Inc 16524 Support program renewal 2370000 108.24- 69020 WA State Patrol - WASIS 23281 Criminal history-McDougall 2295000 24.00 Criminal history-Erdmann 2295000 24.00 69048 Collegiate Pacific 03575 Pickle ball master set 2370000 10.29- 69058 Elmers Flag and Banner 05250 American,Washington flags 2370000 33.24- 69072 ICBO (Int'l Conference of 09001 Basic Fire Alarm,Sprinklers 2370000 16.24- 69079 Lab Safety Supply Inc. 12004 Poly tray package 2370000 6.64- 69082 MIG Communications 13665 'Safety First Checklist' 2370000 12.78- 69120 Quill Corporation 17000 File folders,file guides 2370000 6.08- Cassette transcriber 2370000 16.40- Bulletin board 2370000 3.45- Pocket portfolio 2370000 2.43- 69146 WA State Patrol - WASIS 23281 Criminal history-Morrish 2295000 24.00 Total for Department 136.42- .0001 68866 AVAYA INC 12215 03-02 AVAYA billing 111 4210 39.05 03-02 AVAYA billing 113 4210 39.05 03-02 AVAYA billing 124 4210 19.52 68889 Camera Corner 03044 Photo processing 112 3101 3.99 Photos 112 3101 5.95 68899 Evergreen Meats 05033 OPS Luncheon deli meat 125 3101 126.50 68913 JPMorganChase 16421 Travel expenses-Campbell 112 4310 963.61 Lodging-Training presenter 125 4310 98.08 Lodging expenses-Headrick 112 4310 237.91 Travel expenses 111 4310 117.80 Travel-Wiggins,Williams 112 4310 449.44 68947 Olympic Paper Company 15111 Plastic cups 112 3101 57.95 68948 Olympic Printers Inc. 15027 Business cards-Campbell,Wiggin 112 3101 58.43 68950 Olympic Stationers Inc. 15030 Fi le labels 124 3101 44.11 Mat boards,binder clips 112 3101 14.52 Envelopes 111 3101 27.01 Staples 111 3101 9.71 68951 Pacific Office Equipment Inc. 16004 Printer ink 111 3101 68.71 March lease agre-NUP08604 111 4810 32.46 68955 Peninsula Daily News 16012 Civil Service ordinance #3108 113 4410 26.66 68997 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 February scan charges 111 4210 145.14 February scan charges 113 4210 20.26 February scan charges 124 4210 3.82 69010 Chestnut Cottage Restaurant 03265 Gift certificates 125 1019 50.00 . 69014 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 Office supplies-Connelly 113 3101 40.96 69024 Advanced Travel 01090 Connelly to Lacey 02-07 113 4310 61.25 Coon, Knutson to Seattle 03-06 113 4310 57.30 Campbell to Atlanta 12-04 112 4310 946.40 W)lliams to Olympia 01-29 112 4310 60.50 Campbell to Olympia 01-29 112 4310 24.23 02/03/22-12:59 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE Fnd Opt Check Number Vendor Name 69109 peninsula College 69136 Terryberry 0002 68865 AT&T Wireless Services 68866 AVAYA INC 68872 Angeles Lock Shop 68907 Costco Credit Card Pmts 68913 JPMorganChase 68924 MTA of the us & Canada 68944 Olympic Delivery Service Inc. 68947 Olympic Paper Company 68948 Olympic Printers Inc. 68950 Olympic Stationers Inc. 68951 Pacific Office Equipment Inc. 68954 Peninsula Collection Services 68955 Peninsula Daily News 68995 United Parcel Service 68997 Washington (DIS), State of 69006 Postmaster 69014 Port Angeles City Treasurer 69024 Advanced Travel 69085 Maybee's Deli 69093 Microflex Inc. 69107 Papandrew, Karen E 69113 Pitney Bowes Credit Corp 69119 Puget Sound Finance Officers 69124 Ricoh Business Systems 0003 68866 AVAYA INC 68892 Clallam Co District Court 1 68913 JPMorganChase CHECK REGISTER Date From 03/09/2002 To 03/22/2002 Vendor Number 16011 20002 01404 12215 12050 03261 16421 13303 15020 15111 15027 15030 16004 01364 16012 21005 23111 16028 03062 01090 13036 13203 16568 16127 16304 18398 12215 03069 16421 Description Quinn to Olympia 01-29 Headrick to Olympia 01-29 Williams to Pt Hadlock 02-01 Wiggins to Olympia 01-30 Self-Development w/s 02-21 Sales tax Employee service awards GL Code Number 111 4310 112 4310 112 4310 112 4310 125 4310 113 3101 113 3101 March 22 2002 Total for Administration 03-02 AT&T a/c 45946522 03-02 AVAYA billing 03-02 AVAYA billing 03-02 AVAYA billing Locks,change safe combination Annual fee Memory chips,walkie talkies Memory,parts,batteries CD Burner-Hagar HTE demo refreshments Dues-Ziomkowski YZ98362 February delivery service Copy paper Business cards-Asquith Business cards-Huffman Copy paper Credit core fee deposit Purple ribbons Purple ribbons Client ref #081949022 Cashier-02-17,02-24 ads Credit P04515997 10-21-01 February shipping charges February scan charges February scan charges February scan charges Replenish 'Postage Due' acct After hours meals-Ziomkowski Kheriaty-Olympia,Lacey 02-07 Performance Budget lunches Tax audit program Accounting,consulting svcs Mailing machine-1st Qtr 2002 2002 Membership Copier lease 03-02 AVAYA billing 1r~uary Court costs Photocopies 240 4210 201 4210 230 4210 240 4210 240 4810 201 3101 205 3101 205 3101 201 3101 201 3101 201 4901 240 4150 205 3101 230 3101 240 3101 230 3101 230 3101 240 3101 240 3101 240 4150 240 4410 201 4410 230 4210 201 4210 230 4210 240 4210 205 4210 201 3101 201 4310 201 3101 230 4150 230 4150 205 4530 201 4901 205 4530 311 4210 312 5090 311 4990 Total for Finance Page 2 . Amount 83.95 68.50 23.00 71.80 1,000.00 20.50 1,867.47 6,985.54 32.98 39.05 48.81 117.15 134.34 40.00 819.45 953.43 183.93 16.08 150. 95. 104.20 29.22 29.21 37.87 27.06- 18.94 22.73 44.32 116.39 5.00- 40.04 57.20 17.63 12.14 200.00 17.03 97.09 153.37 49.31 1 ,905 .00 1,559.64 40.00 632.03 7,78. 68.34 7,175.02 12.00 02/03/22-12:59 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE March 22 2002 Page 3 . CHECK REGISTER Date From 03/09/2002 To 03/22/2002 Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount Number Name Number Number 68950 Olympic Stationers Inc. 15030 Copy paper 311 3101 37.87 68952 Pacific Office Furniture 16518 Credit duplicate pmt-chair 312 3101 107.12- 68997 Yashington (DIS), State of 23111 February scan charges 311 4210 9.24 69005 Xerox Corporation 24001 DC220SLX Jan lease agreement 312 4530 239.03 DC220SLX Jan lease agreement 311 4530 102.44 69008 Kitsap County Clerk 11267 Fax fees for case 00-2-00648-1 311 4990 16.00 69014 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 Copies, stamps-Pierce 311 4990 5.02 69024 Advanced Travel 01090 Knutson to Seattle 02-28 311 4310 56.00 69149 Yest Group 23018 Municipal corporations 311 3101 203.42 Total for Attorney 7,817.26 0004 68865 AT&T Yireless Services 01404 03-02 AT&T a/c 44324994 420 4210 18.27 68866 AVAYA INC 12215 03-02 AVAYA billing 411 4210 39.05 68908 Hartnagel Building Supply Inc. 08052 Safety glasses 420 3501 9.51 68955 Peninsula Daily News 16012 Determination-Nancy Bloom 411 4410 51.60 Determination-Green Crow 411 4410 50.74 Determination-Port of PA 411 4410 56.76 Notice-Serenity House 411 4410 36.98 . Amend zoning map 411 4410 61. 06 Determination-Clallam Co/City 411 4410 55.04 Determination-City of PA 411 4410 55.04 Notice-conditional use permit 411 4410 32.68 Determination-Victoria tours 411 4410 51. 60 Determination-Pat McDonaugh 411 4410 51.60 Residential bldg-petersen 411 4410 44.72 UG Storage tanks-RHL Design 411 4410 54.18 68997 Yashington (DIS), State of 23111 February scan charges 411 4210 36.34 69014 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 Refreshments-Roberds 411 3101 13.48 Sheet protectors 420 3101 9.73 Home Bldrs mtg-Haehnlen 420 4310 19.00 69023 AT&T Yireless Services 01404 03-14 AT&T a/c 49079080 420 4210 8.13 69024 Advanced Travel 01090 Collins to Seattle 03-04 411 4310 44.50 Total for Community Development Dept 800.01 0005 68855 FBINAA Yashington Chapter Inc. 23043 Membership-Riepe 511 4901 65.00 68862 Zappey, Erick C. 26002 Sony digital recorder 530 3501 97.37 68866 AVAYA INC 12215 03-02 AVAYA billing 511 4210 68.34 03-02 AVAYA billing 534 4210 48.81 03-02 AVAYA billing 530 4210 9.76 68885 Blumenthal Uniforms & Equipmt 02047 Special vest 530 2080 723.44 Credit bulletproof vest 530 2080 716.99- Credit shipping charge 530 2080 6.45- Belt,keyring holder-Scairpon 530 2080 12.46 . Emblems-volunteers 530 3111 399.73 Flashl ight parts 530 3111 37.21 Drug test kits 530 3101 212.11 Pants-Kovatch 530 2080 126.48 ~l~es,mace holder 530 2080 62.16 Pants,shirt,emblems-Viada 530 2080 279.64 02/03/22-12:59 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE Fnd Opt Check Number Vendor Name 68889 Camera Corner 68907 Costco Credit Card Pmts 68946 Olympic Medical Center 68947 Olympic Paper Company 68948 Olympic Printers Inc. 68950 Olympic Stationers Inc. 68951 Pacific Office Equipment Inc. CHECK REGISTER Date From 03/09/2002 To 03/22/2002 Vendor Number 03044 03261 15028 15111 15027 15030 16004 68969 RadioShack Accounts Receivable 18003 68970 Richmond 2-~ay Radio 68975 Ruddell Auto Mall 68987 Swain's General Store Inc. 68995 United Parcel Service 68997 ~ashington (DIS), State of 18009 18019 19037 21005 23111 69011 Hall, Michael 0 08002 69015 Port Angeles Police Department 16105 69019 Scairpon, Rik 19753 69023 AT&T ~ireless Services 01404 69024 Advanced Travel 01090 69028 Angeles Communications Inc 69057 Eastern ~ashington Hay Co 69060 Evergreen Towing 69079 Lab Safety Supply Inc. 69090 Metrocall 69103 Olympic Lock & Key 69120 Quill Corporation 01069 05135 03207 12004 20000 15198 17000 Description Fi lm Photo processing Photo processing Photos Photo prints Prints Batteries,shredder,sipplies Medical chgs-PA Police Carry bag Dog,cat license applications Cards-Zenonian,King,Scairpon Copy paper Ledger book Inkjet cartridges Cartridges Toner,cartridge March lease agre-CSL90926 March lease agre-NBZ08561 March lease agre-NGM21820 Phones, dashboard mounts, cases Recorders,handset controls Change evidence locker codes Bulb,repair ignition relay Radio antenna Car parts Spraypaint Flex tubing Flexogen hose February shipping charges February scan charges February scan charges February scan charges Reimburse uniform allowance Reimburse postage Ribbons,tapes,office supplies Reimburse combat eye wear 03-05 AT&T a/c 49470974 Reidel to Longview 02-10 Swayze to Seattle 01-28 ~ood to Vancouver ~A 01-30 Zappey,Ensor to Seattle 02-11 Kovatch,Kuch to Seattle 03-03 Zenonian to Everett 02-14 Lowell to Bellevue 03-14 Repair jack 4-14 Dog food Tow 1985 Blazer to PAPD lot Poly tray package 02-23 billing st~ice call-Datsun Sentra Cassette transcriber GL Code Number 530 4990 530 4990 530 4990 530 4990 530 4990 530 4990 530 3101 512 5099 530 3101 534 4990 534 4990 534 3101 530 3101 534 3101 530 3101 534 3101 511 4810 534 4810 534 4810 530 3101 530 3180 530 4810 530 4810 530 3114 530 4810 530 3101 530 3101 530 3101 530 4210 511 4210 530 4210 534 4210 530 2080 530 4210 530 3101 530 3111 511 4210 534 4310 530 4310 530 4310 530 4310 530 4310 534 4310 530 4310 530 4150 530 4980 530 4150 530 4810 530 4210 530 4150 534 3101 March 22 2002 Page 4 . Amount 12.66 15.60 6.88 3.79 7.80 71.65 224.90 50.00 48.40 265.47 146.07 151.48 50.59 102.79 30.30 286.62 32.46 54.10 167.82 134.10 28. 64. 78.59 16.77 55.43 1.05 6.88 35.57 39.64 37.45 55.86 3.45 376.11 43.03 58.41 32.49 52.62 456.97 336.96 230.54 615.64 430.56 118.43 189.10 59.51 1~. 87.52 61.82 59.51 216.39 02/03/22-12:59 City of Port Angeles - LivE MACHINE March 22 2002 Page 5 . CHECK REGISTER Date From 03/09/2002 To 03/22/2002 Fnd Opt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount Number Name Number Number Bulletin board 534 3101 45.44 Pocket portfolio 534 3101 32.05 69121 Qwest 21001 02-20 Qwest billing 534 4210 139.45 69122 RadioShack Accounts Receivable 18003 Cell phone adapter 530 4810 8.65 69123 Richmond 2-Way Radio 18009 Remote 530 3114 117.94 Fuse tap,fuse,co-pilot light 530 4810 36.78 Antenna repair 530 4810 127.79 Total for Pol ice 8,072.15 0006 68865 AT&T Wireless Services 01404 03-02 AT&T a/c 47951801 643 4210 30.01 03-02 AT&T a/c 43736255 644 4210 8.31 03-02 AT&T a/c 45598455 642 4210 9.81 03-02 AT&T a/c 47190061 645 4210 8.64 68866 AVAYA INC 12215 03-02 AVAYA billing 611 4210 48.81 03-02 AVAYA billing 642 4210 9.76 03-02 AVAYA billing 643 4210 9.76 03-02 AVAYA billing 641 4210 29.29 68868 Ace Equipment Company 01055 Sharpen chain 641 3101 8.11 68885 Blumenthal Uniforms & Equipmt 02047 Pants 642 2080 129.42 . Credit pants 642 2080 122.89- 68889 Camera Corner 03044 Photo processing 642 3101 10.98 Photo processing 642 3101 45.85 68900 Ferrellgas (Inc) 06024 Propane 684 4710 308.39 Hook up new range 684 4810 81.15 68913 JPMorganChase 16421 Palm Pilot cradle 641 3101 37.38 Palm Pilot cradle 645 3101 37.38 Travel and training 611 4310 189.39 Travel and training 642 4310 170.54 Office suppl ies 642 3101 24.95 68945 Olympic Laundry & Clnrs Inc. 15026 February laundry svcs 641 3101 93.87 68948 Olympic Printers Inc. 15027 Mason,Moroz,Acting Captain 641 3101 93.69 Dubuc 642 3101 31.27 FF,Paramedic 643 3101 31.23 Letterhead paper 611 3101 97.70 68950 Olympic Stationers Inc. 15030 Cash book,pens,paid out sl ips 611 3101 10.19 Notepad 642 3101 4.80 Labels 643 3108 3.98 68951 Pacific Office Equipment Inc. 16004 Hard drive 645 3101 259.68 Copies,binding 611 3101 14.61 Toner cartridge 641 3101 70.33 68970 Richmond 2-Way Radio 18009 Service pagers 641 3114 48.69 68979 SeaWestern Inc. 19104 Waist belt clip 641 3501 36.71 68985 Sunset Do-It Best Hardware 19035 Aqualung hydro test 641 3501 189.50 Wax,battery 643 3101 18'.78 . 68987 Swain's General Store Inc. 19037 Batteries 641 3101 24.25 Steering wheel cover 643 3101 8.08 Break-free aerosol 641 3101 17.03 Lithium battery 641 3101 6.21 'l&es hooks 684 3120 10.97 Clothes hooks 643 3101 15.19 02/03/22-12:59 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE Fnd Dpt Check Number Vendor Name CHECK REGISTER Date From 03/09/2002 To 03/22/2002 Vendor Number 68990 Thurman Supply 20005 68995 United Parcel Service 21005 68997 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 68998 Washington Fire & Safety Equip 23004 69005 Xerox Corporation 24001 69013 Harborview Training Center 69018 Reid, Terry 69023 AT&T Wireless Services 69024 Advanced Travel 69072 ICBO (Int'l Conference of 69081 Life Assist 69115 Positive Promotions 69147 WSAFC 08425 18007 01404 01090 09001 12202 16262 23304 0007 68865 AT&T Wireless Services 01404 68866 AVAYA INC 12215 68894 Dell Marketing L P 04308 68913 JPMorganChase 16421 68915 Kenworthy, Gary 11013 68947 Olympic Paper Company 15111 68948 Olympic Printers Inc. 15027 68950 Olympic Stationers Inc. 15030 68951 Pacific Office Equipment Inc. 68955 Peninsula Daily News 68961 Primavera Systems Inc 68987 Swain's General Store Inc. 68996 Utilities Underground Loc Ctr 68997 Washington (DIS), State of 69005 Xerox Corporation 69014 Port Angeles City Treasurer 69024 Advanced Travel 69049 Complete Line, The 69121 Owest 16004 16012 16524 19037 21010 23111 24001 03062 01090 03087 21001 Description GL Code Number Nozzle gun, hose 641 3101 Ballast 684 3120 February shipping charges 611 4210 February scan charges 611 4210 February scan charges 641 4210 February scan charges 642 4210 February scan charges 643 4210 Dry chemical 641 3101 DC220SS Jan lease agreement 611 4530 DC220SS Feb lease agreement 611 4530 Recertify Lavey-BLS instructor 643 4310 Reimburse clothing allowance 641 2080 03-02 AT&T a/c 46898102 611 4210 Chastain trips to Sequim 2001 641 4310 Basic Fire Alarm,Sprinklers 642 3101 EKG paper 643 3101 Safety stickers, rulers 642 3101 Registration fee-Wheeler 611 4310 02-27 AT&T a/c 48966287 711 4210 03-02 AVAYA billing 711 4210 Computer,monitor 711 6410 APWA Conference 711 4310 Reimburse mileage expense 711 4310 Copy paper 711 3101 Letterhead paper 711 3101 Paper 711 3101 Correction-pens 711 3101 Pencils,portfolios 711 3101 Pencils,portfolios 711 3101 Foam core board 711 3101 Credit core fee deposit 711 3101 Toner 711 3101 Cartridges 711 3101 Toner cartridge 711 3101 Notice-Util Advisory Committee 711 4410 Support program renewal 711 4810 Batteries 711 3101 Battery 711 3101 February locates 711 4150 February scan charges 711 4210 DC265 Jan lease agreement 711 4530 DC420SX Jan lease agreement 711 4530 filing fees-Funston 711 4990 Sperr to Issaquah 03-05 711 4310 Report covers 711 3101 Pens, indexes, envelopes 711 3101 Plr~tion tray,CD rack 711 3101 03-05 Owest billing 711 4210 March 22 2002 Total for Fire Page 6 . Amount 42.67 18.38 59.01 23.00 .45 .09 1.09 54.10 197.97 476.89 20.00 44.37 31.50 150.00 214.24 63.60 109.17 225.00 ,."::. 263.60 8,357.39 295.00 63.50 69.46 303.93 117.29 41.98 33.31 11. 89 95.24 27.06- 92.51 649.20 124.44 18.06 1,428.24 10.68 10.84 20.36 129.89 730.91 341.47 5~. 76.60 30.90 43.41 42.66 02/03/22-12:59 . City of Port Angeles - LivE MACHINE Fnd Dpt Check Number . . Vendor Name 0008 68865 AT&T Wireless Services 68866 AVAYA INC 68870 Angeles Communications Inc 68876 Angeles Millwork CHECK REGISTER Date From 03/09/2002 To 03/22/2002 Vendor Number 01404 12215 01069 01073 Description GL Code Number March 22 2002 Total for Public Works 03-02 AT&T a/c 44704773 865 4210 03-02 AT&T a/c 46008926 865 4210 03-02 AVAYA billing 811 4210 03-02 AVAYA billing 866 4210 03-02 AVAYA billing 865 4210 03-02 AVAYA billing 861 4210 03-02 AVAYA billing 862 4210 03-02 AVAYA billing 863 4210 Refurbished partner phone 863 4210 Staples,gloves 830 3120 Anchor wedge,sealant 830 3120 Sealant, anchor wedge 830 3120 Strike anchor 830 3120 50 Square foot bag 830 3120 Credit inv 256067,wallboard 830 3120 Strand board,mud,joint tape 830 3120 Duct tape 830 3120 Plywood, boards, screws, bits 830 3120 CH arson-lumber,wallboard 830 6310 Plywood 866 3120 CH arson-credit wallboard 830 6310 CH arson-coverall,strand board 830 6310 CH arson-siding, lumber 830 6310 CH arson-building supplies 830 4810 CH arson-Lumber 830 4810 CH arson-lumber 830 4810 CH arson-casing,cedar shims 830 4810 CH arson-credit siding 830 4810 Nuts,bolts,washers 865 3120 Head screws, lumber 830 3120 Joist hanger,screws,anchor 830 3120 Bolts 865 3120 Staples,ties,strand board 830 3120 Door for handicap room 862 3120 Lumber,strand board 830 3120 Door,hinge 830 3120 Screws,woodgrain 830 3120 Woodgrain hardisoffit 830 3120 Belt snap 865 3120 CH arson-Door jamb set 830 4810 Snapper shear 830 3120 CH arson-Door 830 4810 City Hall arson-brush,urethane 830 4810 Paint for handicap door 862 3120 Socket 865 3501 CH arson-Lumber 830 4810 Door closer,spray enamel 830 4810 ~~eries,self-leveler 865 3120 Slidelock tape 865 3501 Page 7 Amount 13,922.23 7.39 8.56 29.29 9.76 9.76 19.52 9.76 29.29 144.79 25.29 18.22 77.51 7.74 227.26 100.97 - 76.04 6.47 84.46 90.65 137.89 1. 07- 50.75 496.25 118.96 17.53 27.74 5.51 155.81- 67.75 404.99 69.09 2.81 75.95 326.76 168.19 264.01 38.88 172.72 15.58 117.94 17.85 319.19 17.44 9.75 4.53 45.49 120.23 3.38 37.22 02/03/22-12:59 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE CHECK REGISTER Date From 03/09/2002 To 03/22/2002 Fnd Dpt Check Number Vendor Name Vendor Number 68884 Blake Sand & Gravel Inc. 68893 Cornell Auto Parts 02045 03092 68897 Eclipse C Corp. 19019 68908 Hartnagel Building Supply Inc. 08052 68919 LaMotte Company 12006 68922 Lincoln Industrial Corp. 12047 68929 Metrocall 20000 68934 Mobile Music Unlimited 13181 68945 Olympic Laundry & Clnrs Inc. 15026 68947 Olympic Paper Company 15111 68948 Olympic Printers Inc. 15027 68950 Olympic Stationers Inc. 15030 68951 Pacific Office Equipment Inc. 16004 68955 Peninsula Daily News 16012 68959 Port Angeles Power Equipment 16122 68963 Puget Safety Equipment Inc 16248 68965 Quiring Monuments Inc. 17001 68966 Qwest 21001 Description Yire brush,bristle brush,pail Blade scraper Paint brush Pulp mulch Paint,sanding disc Coupler Courtesy light Slip joint,utility knife Rust shield,activator,part Screened sand Concrete rubble,screened sand CH arson-primer,screen,bucket CH arson-hardware, super bar Kickplate Test tubes Yire,mount kits,lights Credit lights,mount kits,wire Yire,connectors 03-02 Metrocall billing 03-02 Metrocall billing Pagers Two bags of rags Handle Burgundy victory mat Laundry detergent,cleaner Hand soap Credi t-cleaner Paper towels,bathroom tissue Towel rolls Tissue Mop,ozitape refill,bath Business cards-Kochanek Letterhead paper Copy paper Binders,mono correct Tab dividers,paper shredder Copy paper Service copier Printer cartridge Nokia cell case Cartridge 02-04,02-06 Kids Club Prearrangement-Cemetery Yheel,bolt shield Credit duplicate pmt Safety cabinet Marker-Fey,hand set Credit letters #14242 Credit letters #14242 9P~2 Qwest billing 03-02 Qwest billing GL Code Number 865 3120 865 3120 865 3120 865 3140 865 3120 865 3120 865 3120 865 3120 865 3120 866 3120 865 3120 830 6310 830 6310 862 3120 862 3105 865 3120 865 3120 865 3120 865 4210 865 4210 865 4810 865 3120 862 3106 830 3120 862 3106 862 3106 862 3106 830 3120 862 3106 866 3120 tissue 830 3120 866 3101 811 3101 811 3101 866 3101 866 3101 861 3101 862 4810 861 3101 865 3101 863 3101 862 4210 866 4410 865 3120 865 3120 865 3120 866 3401 866 3401 866 3401 863 4210 863 4210 March 22 2002 Page 8 . Amount 9.22 3.07 2.56 678.14 213.62 26.00 6.30 77.64 270.88 151.48 81.15 96.97 23.43 28.66 57.04 52.55 7.89- 21.79 45.63 9..3 19 21. 33.49 206.81 124.53 61. 94 21.78- 257.88 111. 01 19.79 446.34 58.43 97.70 37.87 12.19 80.22 37.87 61.19 46.53 21.59 34.35 50.00 275.00 16.21 306.93- 92. 21 19.00- 182.00- 31.36 39.86 02/03/22-12:59 City of Port Angeles - LI VE MACH I NE March 22 2002 Page 9 . CHECK REGISTER Date From 03/09/2002 To 03/22/2002 Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount Number Name Number Number 68980 Sears Commercial One 19109 Socket set,tools 865 3501 58.41 68983 Strait Music 19347 Yireless microphone system 811 3101 37.87 68985 Sunset Do-It Best Hardware 19035 Cylinder rentals 865 3101 16.23 Cylinder rentals 866 3101 10.82 Caulk 865 3120 5.72 Socket, adapter 865 3120 11.86 Nuts,bolts 865 3120 23.80 Pipe tap,drill bit,pipe die 865 3501 116.38 Gloves 866 3120 12.63 Cylinder rentals 866 3101 11.36 Cylinder rentals 865 3101 17.04 68987 Swain's General Store Inc. 19037 Flapper bulls-eye 865 3120 3.11 Ajax 865 3120 .94 Fi lm sheet 830 3120 10.68 Reflectors, bol ts 865 3120 15.75 Dremel wheel set,wire brush 866 3120 19.74 Caulk, epoxy glue 830 3120 13.97 Hold down strap 865 3120 3.61 Fasteners,ratchet,nuts 865 3120 22.36 . License plate frame, terminals 865 3120 32.96 Lightbulbs,gloves 865 3120 6.35 Markers,pens,air freshener 862 3101 102.85 Nozzle 865 3140 3.60 Cut-off wheel 865 3120 7.76 Drill bits,plier,cable tie 865 3501 216.59 68990 Thurman Supply 20005 Plugs, caps, elbows, nipples 862 3120 149.51 Flusher fixer kit 865 3120 7.74 Brass bent garden valves 863 3120 9.20 Lamp 830 3120 34.08 Lamps 830 3120 48.63 Tube guard, lamp 866 3120 24.89 68997 Yashington (DIS), State of 23111 February scan charges 811 4210 9.44 February scan charges 861 4210 39.18 February scan charges 862 4210 2.78 February scan charges 863 4210 6.49 February scan charges 865 4210 .27 February scan charges 866 4210 10.50 69005 Xerox Corporation 24001 DC220SS Jan lease agreement 863 4530 197.97 DC220SS Jan lease agreement 811 4530 197.97 69014 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 License fee-Leonard 865 4990 20.00 Swim lesson rfd-Richison 862 34730014 50.77 Office suppl ies 861 3101 16.17 69024 Advanced Travel 01090 Breitbach to Pt Orchard 02-19 865 4310 186.82 69032 Best Access Systems 02606 CH-mortise lock replacement 830 4810 272.60 69043 Cascade Recreation Inc 03651 Skate stopper kits 865 3101 1,245.85 . Skate stopper kits 830 3101 1,314.70 69044 Chemsearch 14004 Bodyguard wipes 865 3120 889.96 69058 Elmers Flag and Banner 05250 American,Yashington flags 865 3120 438.57 69074 Jackson's Signs 10018 Plaque 811 3101 48.69 69077 Jim's Refrigeration Service 10054 ~~ice call walk-in cooler 830 4810 60.59 69082 MIG Communications 13665 'Safety First Checklist' 865 3101 168.60 02/03/22-12:59 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE March 22 2002 CHECK REGISTER Date From 03/09/2002 To 03/22/2002 Fnd Opt Check Number Vendor Name Vendor Number Description GL Code Number 69084 Matthews International 13664 69110 Peninsula Daily News 16012 69118 Puget Safety Equipment Inc 16248 69145 ~A Recreation & Park Assn/~RPA 23007 Bronze plate-Thompsen 'Summer recreation' #4000238 Orange reflective vests Conference-Cole 866 3401 861 4410 865 3120 861 4310 Total for Parks & Recreation Total for General Fund 101 0001 68958 Port Angeles Chamber Of Comm. 16023 PA Media Plan,Joint Marketing 115 5083 Reimburse Visitor Ctr expenses 115 5083 Total for Convention Center Fund 102 68991 Titan Industries NA Inc 20339 Company baseball caps 102 2370000 Total for Department 0007 68865 AT&T ~ireless Services 01404 03-02 AT&T ale 43263680 752 4210 03-02 AT&T ale 43487438 752 4210 68866 AVAYA INC 12215 03-02 AVAYA billing 752 4210 68876 Angeles Millwork 01073 Drywall anchor 752 3101 Boards 752 3120 Hinge 752 3120 Paint brush,sandpaper 752 3101 Hardware 752 3120 68877 Anjo Soils 01057 Screened sand 752 3120 68884 Blake Sand & Gravel Inc. 02045 Expansion joint 752 3120 68886 Border Cafe 16318 Storm call-out meals 752 4310 68888 Brickie's 02578 Call-out meals-snow storm 752 4310 68896 Dobson's 04054 Clamp 752 3120 68897 Eel ipse C Corp. 19019 Concrete rubble 752 3120 68917 L & L Tool Specialties 12035 Blades 752 3120 68920 Lakeside Industries Inc. 12036 Asphalt 752 3120 Asphalt 752 3120 68950 Olympic Stationers Inc. 15030 Correction-markers,planners 752 3120 Stencils 752 3125 68957 Points Sharp Steel Inc. 16092 Points,chisel,asphalt cutters 752 3120 68959 Port Angeles Power Equipment 16122 Trash pump 752 3120 Suction hose,coupler,nipple 752 3120 68985 Sunset Do-It Best Hardware 19035 Bolts,nuts,washers 752 3120 Cable,tape,staples,clips 752 3120 ~ire,staples 752 3120 Sign tubes 752 3125 68987 Swain's General Store Inc. 19037 Spray paint 752 3125 68990 Thurman Supply 20005 Fasteners 752 3120 68991 Titan Industries NA Inc 20339 Company baseball caps 752 3120 68995 United Parcel Service 21005 February shipping charges 752 4210 68997 ~ashington (DIS), State of 23111 February scan charges 752 4210 69014 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 ~()-out meals-~ells,Miller 752 4310 69034 Border Cafe 16318 Call-out meals 752 4310 Page 10 . Amount 70.00 338.15 78.03 215.00 15,626.94 64,763.21 13,734.92 4,739.01 18,473.93 11.46- 11.46- 11.92 12.79 29. 3. 6.17 29.48 12.74 9.82 212.07 46.53 11.63 15.53 4.07 54.10 18.96 561. 77 381. 73 .08 8.22 23.87 1,287.58 152.69 11.47 238.09 103.96 4.54 7.35 1. 15 6.64 .36 57.91 17.13 02/03/22-12:59 . Fnd Opt Check Number 103 0001 .0005 174 0008 . City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE Vendor Name CHECK REGISTER Date From 03/09/2002 To 03/22/2002 Vendor Number 69036 69039 69049 Breitbach's Brickie's Complete Line, The Sharpening Service 02247 02578 03087 69122 RadioShack Accounts Receivable 18003 69143 Verizon ~ireless, Bellevue 01105 68866 AVAYA INC 68997 ~ashington (015), State of 69014 Port Angeles City Treasurer 69016 Port of Port Angeles 69024 Advanced Travel 68866 AVAYA INC 68890 Captain T's 68907 Costco Credit Card Pmts 68913 JPMorganChase 68950 Olympic Stationers Inc. 68951 Pacific Office Equipment Inc. 68995 United Parcel Service 68997 ~ashington (015), State of 69024 Advanced Travel 69053 Dictaphone Corporation 69096 New ~orld Systems 69120 Quill Corporation 69121 Qwest 68865 AT&T ~ireless Services 68867 Abreu, John 68879 Baker, Larry 68882 Bissonette, Laura 68883 Bissonette, Luke 68887 Boudreau, Eric 68902 Goter, Tina 68903 Gregory, Dexter 68905 Guerra, Joe 68910 Helpenstell, Scott 68911 Hert, Rick 68916 Kepler, Tom 12215 23111 03062 16027 01090 12215 03048 03261 16421 15030 16004 21005 23111 01090 04047 14184 17000 21001 01404 01530 02663 02664 02527 02665 07293 07376 07377 08539 08173 11266 Description Carbide saws,chisels,bits Call-out meals Pens, indexes, envelopes Pens Telephone 03-05 Verizon billing 03-02 AVAYA billing February scan charges Chamber luncheons.Smith 1/2 PA/Victoria parking-2001 Smith to Olympia 03-12 Smith to Snohomish 03-12 March 22 2002 GL Code Number 752 3120 752 4310 752 3101 752 3101 752 4210 752 4210 Total for Public ~orks Total for Street Fund 123 4210 123 4210 123 4310 123 36230000 123 4310 123 4310 Total for Economic Development 03-02 AVAYA billing Fleece,parka,embroidery Monitor-~u Travel-~u Copy paper Service printer equipment February shipping charges February scan charges Baughman to Renton 02-13 ~u to Shelton 03-06 Romberg to Everett 02-14 Renew maintenance contract Consult,install software File folders,file guides 02-23 Qwest billing 03-05 AT&T a/c 49208770 03-05 AT&T a/c 49208598 Officiate Hoopfest BB Tourney Officiate Hoopfest BB Tourney Officiate Hoopfest BB Tourney Officiate Hoopfest BB Tourney Officiate Hoopfest BB Tourney Officiate Hoopfest BB Tourney Officiate Hoopfest BB Tourney Officiate Hoopfest BB Tourney Officiate Hoopfest BB Tourney ~fJciate Hoopfest BB Tourney Officiate Hoopfest BB Tourney 532 4210 532 2080 532 3160 532 4310 532 3101 532 4810 532 4210 532 4210 532 4310 532 4310 532 4310 532 4810 532 4810 532 3101 532 4210 Total for PenCom 854 4210 854 4210 852 4150 852 4150 852 4150 852 4150 852 4150 852 4150 852 4150 852 4150 852 4150 852 4150 852 4150 Page 11 Amount 153.95 16.02 15.44 34.56 54.09 11. 62 3,792.67 3,781.21 9.76 15.54 30.73 8,213.75 76.50 28.00 8,374.28 165.96 195.30 216.39 188.19 75.74 186.22 5.20 41. 74 53.50 60.00 65.43 7,792.54 375.00 80.18 36.10 9,537.49 9.40 9.40 160.00 180.00 30.00 100.00 60.00 120.00 300.00 300.00 140.00 240.00 200.00 02/03/22-12:59 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE CHECK REGISTER Date From 03/09/2002 To 03/22/2002 Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Number Name Number 68923 Lusk, Shane 12411 68932 Minor, Elizabeth 13682 68933 Mitrovich, Mark 13456 68936 Murphy, Robert C 13683 68940 O'Hara, Patricia 15228 68941 Ochs, Andy 15227 68942 Oden, Sean M 15230 68960 Porto, Tony 16584 68971 Robinson, Jason 18461 68974 Rooney, Randy 18462 68981 Serrianne, Michael 19808 68987 Swain's General Store Inc. 19037 68989 Thayer, Jeff 20338 68995 United Parcel Service 21005 68999 IJebber, Joe 23635 69002 IJilson, Don 23636 69014 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 69025 Albertson's Inc. 01204 69048 Collegiate Pacific 03575 69050 Cottam, Leonard 03636 Description Officiate Hoopfest BB Tourney Officiate Hoopfest BB Tourney Officiate Hoopfest BB Tourney Officiate Hoopfest BB Tourney Officiate Hoopfest BB Tourney Officiate Hoopfest BB Tourney Officiate Adult Volleyball Officiate Hoopfest BB Tourney Officiate Hoopfest BB Tourney Officiate Adult 'D' BB League Officiate Hoopfest BB Tourney Officiate Hoopfest BB Tourney Masking tape,manual Officiate Hoopfest BB Tourney February shipping charges Officiate Hoopfest BB Tourney Officiate Hoopfest BB Tourney Food for Officials-Peterson After school supplies Pictures Birthday supplies Soda After school movies Pickle ball master set DJ-Middle School dance 3/15 March 22 2002 GL Code Number 852 4150 852 4150 852 4150 852 4150 852 4150 852 4150 851 4150 852 4150 852 4150 851 4150 852 4150 852 4150 850 3101 852 4150 880 4210 852 4150 852 4150 852 3101 854 3101 851 3101 854 3101 854 3101 854 3101 854 3101 854 4150 Total for Recreational Activities Fund 176 0005 68951 Pacific Office Equipment Inc. 16004 Inkjet cartridges 531 3101 68985 Sunset Do-It Best Hardware 19035 Hel ium 531 3101 68997 IJashington (DIS), State of 23111 Off i ce XP Pro 531 3101 Total for D.A.R.E. Fund 182 0005 69007 Zappey, Erick C. 26002 Drug investigation funds 536 3101 Total for Drug Task Force 186 0008 68876 Angeles Millwork 01073 Primer spray 873 3101 Caulk gun 873 3101 68884 Blake Sand & Gravel Inc. 02045 Plaque-lJaterfront Trai l 873 3101 Flex tubes 873 3101 68927 Matthews International Inc 13459 Plaque-Donated by Local 873 3401 68965 Quiring Monuments Inc. 17001 Refinish bronze plaques 873 3401 69089 Meierjohan-lJengler Inc 13681 Plaque-Parks 873 3401 Plaque-Smith 873 3401 Plaque-Gaskill 873 3401 Plaque-The Yacht El Dorado 873 3401 69112 Pettit Oil Company 16302 Bulk kerosene 873 3101 22 Total for IJaterfront Trail Fund Page 12 . Amount 40.00 50.00 120.00 300.00 30.00 60.00 135.00 80.00 70.00 140.00 180.00 100.00 45.62 200.00 5.64 300.00 140.00 52.55 8.64 8.29 1. 4.99 135.73 561.06 4,644.82 75.74 44.89 311.41 432.04 1,000.00 1,000.00 5.39 10.26 24.83 28.09 65.00 104.50 88.26 ;. 75.00 26.31 577.64 02/03/22-12:59 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE . CHECK REGISTER Date From 03/09/2002 To 03/22/2002 Fnd Dpt Check Number Vendor Name Vendor Number 310 0007 68869 69004 69102 69126 All Weather HeatingCooling Inc Wiss Janney Eistner Assoc Inc Olympic Bank Sargent Engineers Inc 01060 23619 15132 19795 0008 69043 Cascade Recreation Inc 03651 316 0008 68876 Angeles Millwork 01073 68990 Thurman Supply 20005 '0007 69003 Winnop's Excavation Services 23637 401 68860 Washburn, Denise 23634 68972 National Career Workshops 14059 69022 ABB Power T&D Company Inc 01321 69120 Quill Corporation 17000 69128 SensorLink corporation 19870 69150 Western States Electric Inc. 23025 0009 68865 AT&T Wireless Services 01404 68866 AVAYA INC 68876 Angeles Millwork 12215 01073 . 68893 Cornell Auto Parts 03092 Description March 22 2002 GL Code Number Change filters 12-26-01 783 4810 Fire Station roof pe 02-03 783 4150 Retainage-Delhur Industries 774 4150 Bridge Evaluations-Elwha,M Crk 783 4150 Skate stopper kits Skate stopper kits Total for Public Works 896 3101 897 3101 Total for Parks & Recreation Total for Capital Improvement Fund Lumber Lumber,concrete mix, brackets Latch,hinge,concrete mix Track kit 860 3101 860 3101 860 3101 860 3101 Total for Lincoln Park Improvement Fund Carnegie Dumbwaiter-final pmt 796 4150 Utility deposit rfd-058840034 Communication Skills Handbook Repair cost to meter Tape dispensers, pens, post-its Clock,markers,towels,soap Can liners Averaging ampstick Credit for wrong item 03-02 AT&T a/c 44625127 03-02 AT&T a/c 44690139 03-02 AT&T a/c 45528387 03-02 AT&T a/c 45570652 03-05 AT&T a/c 48555460 03-02 AVAYA billing Screws,door pin Plywood Pipe,adaptor,hex nuts,washers Glue Boards,braces PVC pipe,tee,coupling,elbow Trowel 23nsion cord Door handle Total for Carnegie Library 401 2391200 401 2370000 401 2370000 401 2370000 401 2370000 401 2370000 401 2370000 401 1411000 Total for Department 911 4210 911 4210 911 4210 911 4210 911 4210 911 4210 911 3402 911 3402 911 6510 911 6510 911 3402 911 6510 911 3501 911 3402 911 4810 Page 13 Amount 271.37 450.00 1,687.19 3,773.70 6,182.26 599.14 925.34 1,524.48 7,706.74 69.20 240.07 25.72 32.44 367.43 3,183.24 3,183.24 64.02 1.07- 8.82- 6.44- 4.91- 2.46- 2.52- 238.04- 200.24- 8.02 7.72 10.50 18.81 55.80 136.67 6.19 31. 79 9.49 2.25 5.39 7.69 11. 30 46.24 8.21 02/03/22-12:59 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE Fnd Opt Check Number Vendor Name 68898 Equifax - Credit Information 68907 Costco Credit Card Pmts 68908 Hartnagel Building Supply Inc. 68912 Ireland, David H 68913 JPMorganChase 68929 Metrocall 68948 Olympic Printers Inc. 68950 Olympic Stationers Inc. 68951 Pacific Office Equipment Inc. 68959 Port Angeles Power Equipment 68962 Public Utility Dist Clallam Co 68966 Qwest 68968 Radio Pacific Inc. 68972 National Career ~orkshops 68973 Rohlinger Enterprises Inc. 68977 Sanderson Safety Supply Co. 68978 Schmitt's Roofing Inc. 68985 Sunset Do-It Best Hardware 68987 Swain's General Store Inc. CHECK REGISTER Date From 03/09/2002 To 03/22/2002 Vendor Number 05160 03261 08052 09133 16421 20000 15027 15030 16004 16122 16038 21001 11019 14059 18087 19048 19571 19035 19037 Description Cleaner,chemtool Hitch adapter February credit fees Batter i es Braces,plywood adhesive Molding Thorocrete,spray paint Mill Calif framer Ireland to Reno 04-14-02 Conservation class 03-02 Metrocall billing Cards-Drake,Oman,Marks Cards-Kajfasz Stampers,tray,date stamp Printer ink Shim,seal,pump repair 02-28 billing 2110 Glass Rd 03-02 Qwest billing February KONP commercials 'Communication Skills'-Smith Communication Skills Handbook Battery powered cutter Stationery contact,breaker Compression tool kit Strap, strap hoist Paddles,handles Tread plate,mailbox Tread plate,mailbox Tape,spraypaint,wire brush Conduit Holesaw kit,switch,cover Coupling,adapter,strap Holesaw,PVC elbows, plug Fasteners,jobber bit,drill bit Taps,bolts Taps,bolts Taps,bolts Bolts,lockwashers,nuts Self-drill screws,screwdriver Holesaw,drill bit Holesaw Fasteners Fasteners Bar tie wire,hammer bit Bar tie wire,hammer bit Anchor wedge,drive anchor,pan Levels,powerbit,chrome bit Tool caddy Mailbox,glue 221it-mai lbox Tool caddy GL Code Number 911 3402 911 3501 911 4150 911 3501 911 3402 911 3402 911 3402 911 3501 911 4310 915 4310 911 4210 911 3101 915 3101 911 3101 911 3120 911 3501 911 3350 911 4210 915 4410 911 4310 911 4310 911 6410 911 4810 911 6410 911 3501 911 3501 911 3402 911 3120 911 4810 911 6510 911 3501 911 6510 911 6510 911 6510 911 4810 911 3402 911 3501 911 3402 911 6510 911 3501 911 3501 911 3402 911 3402 911 3402 911 3501 911 3402 911 3501 911 3501 911 4810 911 3402 911 3501 March 22 2002 Page 14 . Amount 15.23 8.40 32.42 78.75 7.47 2.77 13.59 24.33 164.00 50.00 19.94 75.12 50.08 66.29 36.25 112.65 112.38 37.16 749.00 1~:..00 2,953. 163.39 2,124.13 270.95 275.23 40.45 102.78 44.69 3.99 12.07 14.70 23.19 12.05 8.64 2.50 15.01 15.84 13.83 35.09 6.48 4.80 1.73 3.88 8.54 ~. 14.19 10.76 5.38- 33.10 02/03/22-12:59 . City of Port Angeles - LivE MACHINE Fnd Opt Check Number . . Vendor Name 68988 Tacoma Screw Products Inc. 68990 Thurman Supply 68995 United Parcel Service 68997 Washington (DIS), State of 69005 Xerox Corporation 69014 Port Angeles City Treasurer 69021 Washington (DRS), State of 69022 ABB Power T&D Company Inc 69023 AT&T Wireless Services 69024 Advanced Travel 69029 Angeles Millwork 69033 Bill's Plumbing Heating Inc. 69049 Complete Line, The 69065 Gateway Companies Inc 69068 Grainger Inc. 69069 Hartnagel Building Supply Inc. 69075 Jaco Analytical Laboratory Inc 69091 Metropolitan Communications 69104 Olympic Synthetic Products 69116 Potelco Inc 69117 Public Utility Dist Clallam Co 69120 Quill Corporation 69122 RadioShack Accounts Receivable 69128 SensorLink Corporation 69131 Snap-on Tools - Chugger Deane 69150 Western States Electric Inc. 69151 Zee Medical Service Co. CHECK REGISTER Date From 03/09/2002 To 03/22/2002 Vendor Number 20191 20005 21005 23111 24001 03062 23141 01321 01404 01090 01073 02041 03087 07195 07015 08052 10233 13568 15064 16537 16038 17000 18003 19870 19108 23025 26005 Description GL Code Number Spraypaint,remover,washers 911 3402 Spraypaint,remover,washers 911 3402 Jobber drills,machine bits 911 3501 Jobber drills,machine bits 911 3501 Jobber drills,machine bits 911 3501 Jobber drills,machine bits 911 3501 Pipe,primer,coupling,elbows 911 6510 Pipes,elbows,fasteners,unions 911 6510 Slip union,adapter,elbow 911 6510 Pipe,pipe wrap, adapters 911 6510 Ball valve,coupling,primer,tee 911 6510 Cap,adapter,union,elbow,tee 911 6510 Valve,PVC male adapter 911 6510 Pipe,pipe cutting tool,cement 911 6510 Threaded plug,sewer cap 911 3501 Threaded plug,pipe cap 911 3402 February shipping charges 911 4210 February shipping charges 911 4210 February scan charges 911 4210 DC220SS Jan lease agreement 911 4530 Filing fees-Rinehart 911 4990 Statewide Pensioners-February 911 2030 Repair cost to meter 911 4810 02-27 AT&T a/c 48531602 911 4210 McLain to Poulsbo 02-14 915 4310 McLain to Fife 02-21 915 4310 Adams to Gresham OR 03-07 911 4310 Ireland to Seattle 01-28 911 4310 Energy Star co-op advertising 915 4410 Filters 911 4810 Report covers, pens, copy stamp 911 3101 Computer, accessories 914 3160 'Robabin' revolving storage 911 4810 Divider 911 3120 Energy Star co-op advertising 915 4410 PCB in oil tests 911 4810 Community Telecom Planning 2 911 4150 Shock absorbing lanyard 911 3120 Release retainage 930 6510 03-18 billing SR101 & Euclid 911 3350 03-12 billing Golf Course Rd 911 3350 Tape dispensers,pens,post-its 911 3101 Clock,markers,towels,soap 911 3120 Can liners 911 3120 Phone headset 911 4210 Averaging ampstick 911 3501 Liner,sockets 911 3501 Bayonet fuselink 911 4810 Parallel clamp 911 3402 ~f)t aid supplies 911 3120 March 22 2002 Page 15 Amount 12.35 15.11 94.03 94.03 94.03 94.03 70.49 120.87 27.02 96.32 75.76 25.08 104.22 39.36 9.74 30.95 4.69 4.59 32.83 277.97 9.00 200.16 108.82 32.81 31.50 7.50 565.04 471.04 160.60 101.86 26.13 1,361.17 688.16 3.81 13.75 351.00 10,557.63 38.23 ,3,720.17 20.52 13.82 84.89 64.80 32.45 32.45 907.80 138.79 455.93 684.91 105.39 02/03/22-12:59 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE CHECK REGISTER , Date From 03/09/2002 To 03/22/2002 Fnd Dpt Check Number Vendor Name Vendor Number 402 68939 Nurnberg Scientific 14092 69027 American ~ater ~orks Assoc 01066 0007 68865 AT&T ~ireless Services 68866 AVAYA INC 01404 12215 68871 Angeles Concrete Products 01070 68873 Angeles Machine ~orks Inc. 68876 Angeles Millwork 01072 01073 68884 Blake Sand & Gravel Inc. 02045 68893 Cornell Auto Parts 03092 68896 Dobson's 04054 68897 Eel ipse C Corp. 19019 68900 Ferrellgas (lnc) 06024 68914 Kaman Industrial Technologies 11082 68920 Lakeside Industries Inc. 12036 68922 Lincoln Industrial Corp. 12047 68935 Morrison Escavating Inc 13013 68939 Nurnberg Scientific 14092 68947 Olympic Paper Company 15111 68949 Olympic Springs Inc. 68950 Olympic Stationers Inc. 15029 15030 Description Electrode,fecal coliforms Filter paper.solution Filter paper Acid solution Instrumentation manual 03-02 AT&T a/c 46031977 03-02 AVAYA billing 03-02 AVAYA billing Crushed rock Control density fill,gravel Control density fill Crushed rock Sharpen bits Hammer,stakes Brass nipple Compressor, brass tee,air hose Lumber PVC sl ip cap Twine Brass nipple Concrete forms Patio blocks Air control unit,fittings,plug V-belt Concrete rubble Propane 10-26-01 Flex flange, flex sleeve Ball valve Asphalt Asphalt Crane, labor Crane, labor Escavating services Electrode,fecal coliforms Filter paper.solution Filter paper Acid solution Liquid chlorine Liquid chlorine Bathroom tissue,towels Liquid chlorine Monthly cooler rental 2tsers box Paper,paper clips March 22 2002 GL Code Number Tota l for Light Total for Light Fund 402 2370000 402 2370000 402 2370000 402 2370000 402 2370000 Total for Department 753 4210 754 4210 753 4210 753 3402 754 3120 753 3402 753 3402 753 3402 753 3402 753 3402 793 6510 753 4810 754 3120 753 3402 753 3402 754 3120 753 3402 754 3120 754 3120 753 3402 754 3120 754 3120 754 3120 753 3402 753 3402 754 6510 754 6510 754 4810 754 3120 754 3120 754 3120 754 3120 753 3105 753 3105 753 3120 753 3105 754 3120 754 3101 754 3101 Page 16 . Amount 30,769.34 30,569.10 30.36- 19.18- 24.29- 6.95- 5.95- 86.73- 25.48 19.52 9.76 6,120.38 532.83 378.70 5,833.31 9.41 2. 331.84 3.26 3.42 5.85 2.86 1 ,460. 70 8.96 151.35 29.99 48.69 173.66 61.66 417.18 624.62 595.10 773.63 597.26 541. 00 400.51 253.06 320.49 91.65 178.96 17. 21 178.96 21.53 8.08 77.38 02/03/22-12:59 , City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE . Fnd Dpt Check Number . . Vendor Name CHECK REGISTER Date From 03/09/2002 To 03/22/2002 Vendor Number 68951 Pacific Office Equipment Inc. 16004 68952 Pacific Office Furniture 16518 68955 Peninsula Oaily News 16012 68956 Pettit Oil Company 16302 68957 Points Sharp Steel Inc. 16092 68959 Port Angeles Power Equipment 16122 68966 Qwest 21001 68969 RadioShack Accounts Receivable 18003 68976 S & B Inc. 68977 Sanderson Safety Supply Co. 68985 Sunset Do-It Best Hardware 68987 Swain's General Store Inc. 68990 Thurman Supply 68992 Transfac Funding Corporation 68994 US Filter Envirex 19040 19048 19035 19037 20005 20059 21092 Description GL Code Number Pencils,portfolios 754 3101 Indexes 754 3101 Ink cartridge 754 3101 Copies,publishing services 754 3101 Cartridges 754 3101 March lease agre-1414889 753 4210 Adjustment-chair 754 3120 Bid invitation-Yater materials 753 4410 Diesel fuel 754 3211 Points,chisel,asphalt cutters 753 3402 Handle, labor 753 3402 Cam lock coupling 754 3120 03-02 Qwest billing 754 4210 03-02 Qwest billing 754 4210 Snap terminal 754 3120 Test clips 754 3120 Tech support-Singer valve 753 3402 Ball valve 793 6510 Tank valve,magnetic p/up tool 793 6510 Holesaw kit,switch,cover 753 3402 Paint spray 754 3120 Jig saw blades 754 3120 Handle 753 3402 Split lockwash 754 6510 Galvanized IYRC,rope clip 753 3402 Anchor wedge 753 3402 Yet cement,adapter 754 3120 Gloves 753 3402 Battery,Magellan GPS 754 3120 Toggle bolts,labels,scraper 754 3120 Duct tape, paint brush, hook 754 3120 Hand saw 754 3120 Extension cord,clips 753 3402 Goggles 793 6510 Hammer handle 753 3402 Spade, fork 754 3120 Chlorox bleach 753 3402 Ball valve,plumbing manuals 753 3402 Drain ball valve,credit valve 753 3402 Conduit,connectors 753 3402 Coupling 753 3402 Cable 753 3402 Valve 753 3402 Galvanized nipples 754 3120 Teflon paste,primer,cement 753 3402 Reel,PVC tee, connector, adapter 753 3402 Pressure gauge,switch,valve 753 3402 Reducing valve 753 3402 Reel,PVC cover 753 3402 ~)7chg-Yromans Chicago 754 4210 Cable for trash screen 754 3120 March 22 2002 Page 17 Amount 11.89 7.52 72.47 51.94 95.22 20.85 .15 87.72 500.75 26.58 14.07 47.55 40.32 40.32 13.51 2.91 195.84 73.94 9.82 100.62 8.63 42.60 12.22 4.11 95.69 3.03 27.08 95.82 175 . 28 11.62 8.00 21.61 6.64 4.05 4.30 62.47 2.96 14.94 8.44- 67.15 1.99 21.64 13.53 3.43 53.45 66.12 29.73 56.53 22.06 321.82 125.51 02/03/22-12:59 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE March 22 2002 CHECK REGISTER Date From 03/09/2002 To 03/22/2002 Fnd Opt Check Number Vendor Number Vendor Name 68995 United Parcel Service 21005 68996 Utilities Underground Loc Ctr 21010 68997 ~ashington (DIS), State of 23111 69014 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 69024 Advanced Travel 01090 69025 Albertson's Inc. 01204 69027 American ~ater ~orks Assoc 69040 Brown and Caldwell 01066 02057 69042 Canal Pumps & Service Inc 03134 69063 Fowler Company, H. D. 06110 69066 Geotivity, Inc 07375 69073 JCI Jones Chemicals Inc. 10027 69092 Michigan State University 13271 69097 Newark Electronics 14114 69101 Olympic Bagel Co Inc 15229 69106 Pacific Office Equipment Inc. 16004 69117 Public Utility Dist Clallam Co 16038 69121 Owest 21001 69134 Steam Supply 69135 TEC (Treatment Equipment Co) 69139 Transfac Funding Corporation 69141 US Filter/Stranco 641119496 Snelson Companies Inc 642119502 US Bank 19290 20259 20059 19380 19828 21029 404 69108 Parts Incorporated 69129 Slope Indicator Co. 18126 19078 0007 68863 A & A Gutters 01518 68866 AVAYA INC 12215 68873 Angeles Machine ~orks Inc. 01072 68876 Angeles Millwork 01073 68878 Automotive Environmental Svcs 01041 68880 Beckwith & Kuffel 02275 68893 Cornell Auto Parts 03092 68913 JPMorganChase 16421 68918 L & S Tire Company 12396 Description GL Code Number February shipping charges 754 4210 February locates 753 4150 February locates 754 4150 February scan charges 753 4210 February scan charges 754 4210 Safety lunch-Young 754 4310 Owens to Pt Orchard 02-20 754 4310 Meeting refreshments 754 4310 Meeting refreshments 754 4310 Instrumentation manual 753 3101 Collection System activities 794 4150 Storm water permitting 794 4150 Braided hose, adapters 793 6510 PVC adapter 753 3402 Data processing 794 4810 Removals of Flowtone 794 4810 Hypochlorite 754 3120 Supervisory Mgt-Beverford 753 4310 500 ft spool 754 3120 Bagels,schmear 754 4310 Rubber stamps 754 3101 Additional rubber stamps 754 3101 03-13 billing 203 Reservoir Rd 753 4710 03-08 Owest billing 754 4210 03-10 Owest billing 753 4210 Valves 753 3402 Rental of GAC units 793 6510 Shipping chgs-LLoyd Electric 793 6510 Shop labor 753 3402 Black Diamond reservoir #3 793 6510 Retainage-Snelson Companies 793 6510 Total for Public ~orks Total for ~ater/~astewater Fund Credit joystick Service repair 404 2370000 404 2370000 Total for Department Install downspouts, adapters 03-02 AVAYA billing Pump mount plates Concrete mix Antifreeeze processing Rebuild submersible pump Bussman product Plastic tubs 28cle tires Recycle tires 755 4810 755 4210 755 3501 755 4810 755 4810 755 4810 755 3120 755 3120 755 4810 755 4810 Page 18 . Amount 6.03 10.17 10.17 23.35 41. 00 30.44 173 . 70 22.64 57.85 78.45 10,242.73 436.50 301.66 63.49 3,000.00 1,050.00 2,700.55 205.00 226.57 57.78 32. 32. 50.23 39.08 1,115.15 809.15 1,466.08 83.51 82.00 583,751.17 28,282.52 657,984.48 657,897.75 68.04 9.16- 58.88 2,867.30 48.81 2,963.76 14.15 40~ 2,50'" 3.85 34.58 750.00 750.00 02/03/22-12:59 . Fnd Opt Check Number . 421 0009 . 68938 68945 68947 68948 68952 68977 68985 68987 68990 68992 68997 69009 69014 69035 69038 69095 69108 69110 69121 69129 68913 68962 69026 69031 69041 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE . \ Vendor Name Novus Windshield Repair Olympic Laundry & Clnrs Inc. Olympic Paper Company Olympic Printers Inc. Pacific Office Furniture Sanderson Safety Supply Co. Sunset Do-It Best Hardware Swain's General Store Inc. Thurman Supply Transfac Funding Corporation Washington (DIS), State of AWC Assn of Washington Cities Port Angeles City Treasurer Branom Instrument Company Brem-Air Disposal Inc NW Linings & Geotextile Pr Inc Parts Incorporated Peninsula Daily News Qwest Slope Indicator Co. JPMorganChase Public Utility Dist Alcafaras, Arnel Baltezore, Sandra C & F Insulation CHECK REGISTER Date From 03/09/2002 To 03/22/2002 Vendor Number 14206 15026 15111 15027 16518 19048 19035 19037 20005 20059 23111 01080 03062 02090 23060 14012 18126 16012 21001 19078 16421 Clallam Co 16038 R0290 R0291 03102 69045 Childers, Theresa 69046 Clarin, Stuart 69051 Cunningham, Oz 69054 Dotson, Terry or Maryann 69055 Drobny, Marion 69061 Everwarm Hearth & Home Inc 69064 Funk, John R0292 R0293 R0294 04108 R0295 05013 R0028 Description Laminated glass Laundry cleaning services Balance of Quicksorb order Paper towels,bath tissue Pole extension, fountain brush Cards-Stromski Chair, rolling pad,covers Boots Cable ties Wire connector, connector Abrasive,cutting wheel Gloves,carpet tape,notebook Broom, scrubber Circuit breaker Bird control supplies Tie wraps,cement,primer,pipe Frt chg-Beckwith & Kuffel February scan charges Seminar registration-Loghry CDL-McCabe Safety mtg food-Stromski Pictures,cameras-Stromski Warrick level controls CPI adj January,February Non woven geotextile Credit joystick Reduce from 300 to 90 gallon 03-05 Qwest billing Service repair GL Code Number 755 4810 755 4810 755 3120 755 3120 755 3120 755 3101 755 3101 755 3120 755 3120 755 3101 755 3501 755 3120 755 3120 755 3120 755 4810 755 4810 755 4210 755 4210 755 4310 755 4310 755 3120 755 3120 755 3120 755 4150 755 3120 755 4810 755 4410 755 4210 755 3120 March 22 2002 Total for Public Works Total for Solid Waste Fund Software Energy Star banners-20% share City rebate program City rebate program City rebate program-Webster City rebate program-Ferrie City rebate program-Hassel City rebate program City rebate program City rebate program City rebate program City rebate program City rebate program-Hilton City rebate program-Orr City rebate program-Orr ~~ rebate program-Tinkham City rebate program 913 3101 913 4410 913 4986 913 4986 913 4986 913 4986 913 4986 913 4986 913 4986 913 4986 913 4986 913 4986 913 4986 913 4986 913 4986 913 4986 913 4986 Page 19 Amount 194.76 76.52 133 . 36 171. 79 153.04 25.04 697.89 256.38 25.73 21.13 16.19 35.57 19.93 18.90 57.87 56.97 59.08 8.45 50.00 20.00 9.23 28.71 231. 09 1,134.04 267.64 897.72- 195.00 83.75 120.81 13,251.42 13,310.30 97.20 243.25 55.00 100.00 459.50 2,952.00 6,304.58 55.00 50.00 112.00 150.00 103.35 173.12 1,068.00 3,426.50 1,014.13 100.00 02/03/22-12:59 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE CHECK REGISTER Date From 03/09/2002 To 03/22/2002 Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Number Name Number 69070 Hempton, Jul i e R0180 69071 Hostvedt, David R0296 69078 Kambeitz, Deborah 11055 69086 Mayfield, Lance R0297 69087 McKelvie, Ion R0298 69088 McLean, George R0299 69094 Morris, Ken 13411 69098 Nichols, Bert R0300 69105 Owens, Karena R0301 69111 Peninsula Heat Company 16327 69114 Porter, Rick R0020 69125 Rogers, David R0302 69127 Schreiner, Denis R0303 69132 Speer, James M 19639 69137 Thompson, Donald R0304 69138 Thompson, Fred R0305 Description City rebate program City rebate program City rebate program City rebate program City rebate program City rebate program City rebate program City rebate program City rebate program City rebate program-Cushman City rebate program City rebate program City rebate program City rebate program City rebate program City rebate program GL Code Number 913 4986 913 4986 913 4986 913 4986 913 4986 913 4986 913 4986 913 4986 913 4986 913 4986 913 4986 913 4986 913 4986 913 4986 913 4986 913 4986 March 22 2002 Total for Conservation Fund 501 68928 McMaster-Carr Supply Co. 13202 Oilfilled bearing pad 501 2370000 Hose,couplers,adapters 501 2370000 68956 Pettit Oil Company 16302 Diesel fuel 501 1412000 Diesel, gasol ine 501 1412000 Diesel fuel 501 1412000 Diesel fuel 501 1412000 0007 68865 AT&T Wireless Services 01404 68866 AVAYA INC 12215 68873 Angeles Machine Works Inc. 01072 68891 Chevron USA (Credit Card pmts) 03060 68893 Cornell Auto Parts 68895 Denver's Tire Co. Inc. 03092 04044 Total for Department 03-02 AT&T a/c 46204277 760 4210 03-02 AVAYA billing 760 4210 Shaft replacement 760 3402 EQ25 February gasoline 7603210 EQ501 February gasoline 760 3210 EQ25 February gasoline 760 3210 EQ25 February gasoline 760 3210 Airscriber tool 760 3501 Tires,balance,studding 760 4810 Tires,balance,studding 760 3110 Inspection 760 4810 Inspection 760 4810 Safety check, labor, lubra kleen 760 4810 Safety check, labor, lubra kleen 760 3402 Safety check, labor, lubra kleen 760 4810 Safety check,labor,lubra kleen 760 3402 Safety check,labor,lubra kleen 760 4810 Safety check,labor,lubra kleen 760 3402 Tire product 760 3110 Wiper blades,labor,filter 760 4810 Wiper blades,labor,filter 760 3402 ~ty check,labor,lubra kleen 760 3402 Safety check,labor,lubra kleen 760 4810 Page 20 . Amount 43.27 60.00 164.44 150.00 55.00 100.00 219.44 35.00 55.00 800.00 25.00 43.27 150.00 55.00 30.00 100.00 18,549.05 8.70- 2e 19 5,096.00 1,415.91 259.76 6,928.97 15.48 9.76 562.64 9.29 9.16 8.40 11.03 53.01 18.88 136.66 17.31 17.31 17.31 13.26 17.31 13.26 17.31 ~. 31.92 46.80 13.26 17.31 02/03/22-12:59 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE . Fnd Opt Check Number . . Vendor Name 68896 Dobson's 68904 Groeneveld Pacific West Inc CHECK REGISTER Date From 03/09/2002 To 03/22/2002 Vendor Number 04054 07290 68906 H & R Parts & Equipment Inc. 08045 68909 Heartline, The 08054 68914 Kaman Industrial Technologies 11082 68921 Les Schwab TireCtr-Solid Waste 19755 68922 Lincoln Industrial Corp. 12047 Description GL Code Number Wiper blades, labor 760 3402 Wiper blades, labor 760 4810 Tires,valve,wheel balance 760 3110 Tires,valve,wheel balance 760 4810 Safety check,labor,spot light 7603402 Safety check, labor, spot light 760 4810 Flat repair 760 4810 Safety check,labor,lubra kleen 760 3402 Safety check, labor, lubra kleen 760 4810 Safety check,brakes,labor 760 4810 Safety check,brakes,labor 7603402 Safety check, labor, lubra kleen 760 4810 Safety check, labor, lubra kleen 760 3402 Sensor, labor 760 3402 Sensor, labor 760 4810 Valve,wheel balance,tire 760 3110 Valve,wheel balance, tire 760 4810 Flat repair 760 4810 Switches 760 3402 Quick link check 760 3402 Fittings,lube stations,plugs 760 3402 Credit-core 760 3402 Lens 760 3402 Motor,boot 760 3402 Two speed kit 760 3402 Two speed motor 760 3402 Battery 760 3402 Radial bearings 760 3402 Heavy duty inner race 760 3402 Heavy duty inner race 760 3402 Tires,wheel balance 760 3110 Flat repair 760 4810 Wastehauler lug,repair,mount 760 4810 Wastehauler lug,repair,mount 760 3110 Tire,casing,mount,dismount 760 3110 Tire,casing,mount,dismount 760 4810 Tire,casing,mount,dismount 760 3402 Flat,radial repairs 760 4810 Flat,radial repairs 760 4810 Recaps,casings,tubes,flaps 760 3110 Recaps,casings,tubes,flaps 760 4810 Recaps,casings,tubes,flaps 760 3402 Hinges,latches,cutting svcs 7603402 Hinges,latches,cutting svcs 760 4810 Hinges,latches,cutting svcs 760 3402 Hinges,latches,cutting svcs 760 4810 Sandblast front bumpers 760 4810 Sandblast bumper 760 3402 Sandblast bumper 760 4810 ~ttnish truck boxes 760 4810 Refinish truck boxes 760 4810 March 22 2002 Page 21 Amount 27.59 4.38 175.28 48.69 27.86 17.31 10.82 13.25 17.32 86.56 142.82 14.57 16.00 54.10 29.21 107.56 24.34 6.49 39.71 34.92 326.86 10.82- 42.72 42.86 48.11 38.75 55.13 316.05 10.42 56.55 237.24 28.67 123.49 42.54 160.46 16.23 75.74 51. 23 36.19 154.70 16.23 115.29 52.21 197.76 52.21 191. 75 41.12 29.71 31. 96 173.12 173.12 02/03/22-12:59 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE Fnd Dpt Check Number Vendor Name 68925 Craft, Don 68928 McMaster-Carr Supply Co. 68931 Middleton Auto and Truck Inc. CHECK REGISTER Date From 03/09/2002 To 03/22/2002 Vendor Number 03424 13202 13117 Description 1 lb VHMW D-rings Steel tube P l i er wrench Oilfilled bearing pad Hose,couplers,adapters Oil filter,air filter,washer Disc pad Bolts Switch Fitting Switch Part for Vehicle 1907 Wiper arm Fitting Switch Muffler,tail pipe Air filters,fuel filters Decal Lamp Credit core deposit Elbow Oil filter Radiator cap Air filter Oil filters,fuel filters Oil filter Cleaner Antifreeze Solvent Flasher light Display U-bolts,oil filters,fittings Spray way U-bolt,fitting Air filter Ignition Spark plug Oxygen sensor Bushing,fitting Screw Plug Hydraulic hose Hose Oi l cap Loom Fitting Cap Fi lters,brake, lens 32rol Water pump,thermostat,gasket GL Code Number 760 3402 760 3402 760 3402 760 3501 760 3402 760 3402 760 3402 760 3402 760 3402 760 3402 760 3402 760 3402 760 3402 760 3402 760 3402 760 3402 760 3402 760 3402 760 3402 760 3402 760 3101 760 3402 760 3402 760 3402 760 3402 760 3402 760 3402 760 3402 760 3402 760 3402 760 3402 760 3402 760 3402 760 3402 760 3402 760 3402 760 3402 760 3402 760 3402 760 3402 760 3402 760 3402 760 3402 760 3402 760 3402 760 3402 760 3402 760 3402 760 3402 760 3402 760 3402 March 22 2002 Page 22 . Amount 4.22 83.28 19.43 101.70 114.72 364.72 27.73 34.09 8.02 39.15 10.02 29.78 16.22 15.87 18.91 11.86 87.24 175.76 17.64 164.57 38. 6. 6.71 5.66 35.44 29.20 6.52 6.36 38.89 20.77 78.03 24.54 43.43 27.17 13.37 5.62 54.38 10.30 31.16 6.35 12.44 1. 10 597.81 527.48 5.54 ~. 49.00 286.30 8.53 90.55 02/03/22-12:59 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE March 22 2002 Page 23 . CHECK REGISTER Date From 03/09/2002 To 03/22/2002 Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount Number Name Number Number Fitting 760 3402 .84 V-Belts 760 3402 16.23 Spark plugs 760 3402 5.15 68937 N C Machinery Co. 14001 Cutting edge,bolts,nuts 760 3402 559.15 68938 Novus Windshield Repair 14206 Tinted laminated glass 760 4810 194.76 68943 Olympic Arma Coatings,Inc 01109 Coating front bumpers 760 4810 108.20 Coating front bumpers 760 4810 108.20 68945 Olympic Laundry & Clnrs Inc. 15026 Coveralls 760 4990 187.29 68947 Olympic Paper Company 15111 Pop up wipe boxes 760 3101 333.91 68948 Olympic Printers Inc. 15027 Cards-Burrett 760 3101 25.04 68956 Pettit Oil Company 16302 EC4 Feb gasoline 760 3210 1.02 EC7 Feb diesel 760 3211 43.42 EC12 Feb gasoline 760 3210 11. 05 EQ14 Feb gasoline 760 3210 7.13 EC15 Feb gasoline 760 3210 29.52 EC18 Feb gasoline 760 3210 15.33 EQ21 Feb gasoline 760 3210 12.79 EQ28 Feb gasoline 760 3210 51.67 EQ30 Feb gasoline 760 3210 63.42 EQ40 Feb gasoline 760 3210 76.77 . EC41 Feb gasoline 760 3210 66.20 EC42 Feb gasoline 760 3210 32.68 EQ43 Feb gasoline 760 3210 113.48 EQ44 Feb gasoline 760 3210 127.49 EC45 Feb gasoline 760 3210 16.26 EQ46 Feb gasoline 760 3210 26.74 EC47 Feb gasoline 760 3210 69.97 EQ48 Feb gasoline 760 3210 65.67 EC66 Feb gasoline 760 3210 90.16 EC70 Feb gasoline 760 3210 95.22 EC73 Feb gasoline 760 3210 99.20 EQ77 Feb gasoline 760 3210 44.85 EQ78 Feb gasoline 760 3210 21.67 EQ80 Feb gasoline 760 3210 46.33 EQ81 Feb gasoline 760 3210 43.20 EQ82 Feb gasoline 760 3210 62.97 EQ83 Feb gasoline 760 3210 136.44 EQ84 Feb gasoline 760 3210 155.46 EC85 Feb gasoline 760 3210 49.33 EQ86 Feb gasoline 760 3210 41.51 EC87 Feb gasoline 760 3210 44.32 EQ88 feb gasoline 760 3210 62.77 EC89 Feb gasoline 760 3210 46.20 EQ90 Feb gasoline 760 3210 23.43 EQ95 Feb gasoline 760 3210 46.72 . EC96 Feb gasoline 760 3210 35.29 EC136 Feb gasoline 760 3210 62.30 EQ151 Feb gasoline 760 3210 28.37 EC191 Feb gasoline 760 3210 13.23 ~~95 Feb diesel 760 3211 4.59 68964 Quality 4x4 Truck Supply 17006 Governor,freight 760 3402 346.91 02/03/22-12:59 Fnd Opt Check Number City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE Vendor Name CHECK REGISTER Date From 03/09/2002 To 03/22/2002 Vendor Number 68967 Race Street Auto Parts 18048 68970 Richmond 2-Way Radio 18009 68975 Ruddell Auto Mall 18019 68982 Snap-on Tools - Chugger Deane 19108 68985 68995 68997 69000 69001 69030 69047 69049 69068 69076 69080 69083 69108 Sunset Do-It Best Hardware United Parcel Service Washington (DIS), State of Western Power & Equipment Western Systems & Fabrication Automotive Environmental Svcs Coastline Ford Tractor Co Inc. Complete Line, The Grainger Inc. Janssen Tool Repair Les Schwab Tire Center (City) Machinery Components Inc. Parts Incorporated 19035 21005 23111 23276 23625 01041 03082 03087 07015 10236 19459 13101 18126 69130 Smith Tractor & Equip. Co.lnc 19023 69131 Snap'on Tools - Chugger Deane 19108 68866 AVAYA INC 68997 Washington (DIS), State of 69056 Dungeness Comm & Design 502 0002 503 0001 68861 Wolfley Trust Account, Lane J 68946 Olympic Medical Center 68993 UNUM Life Ins Co of America 12215 23111 04210 23421 15028 21000 Description Vacuum modulator Replace relay on logic board Antenna harness, fuse, labor Antenna harness, fuse, labor o cover Test leads,clips Screwdrivers Cylinder rentals Flat bars a-rings Screws Springs Hose Protective wrap C-clamps Filter Cylinder rent for February Credit snap ring February shipping charges February shipping charges February scan charges Shock absorbers Seal kit Antifreeze,processing Ignition key Pens, indexes, envelopes Selector valve Impact wrench repair Wrench repair Rotate tires Scrap tire disposal fee Brake kits,cylinders,wheels Cyl inder, wheel Long grip gear,bushing,hub Rod eye grip cylinder Brake shoes Battery,test adapter, lamp March 22 2002 GL Code Number 760 3402 760 4810 760 3402 760 4810 760 3402 760 3501 760 3501 760 3101 760 3402 760 3402 760 3402 760 3402 760 3402 760 3402 760 3402 760 3402 760 3101 760 3402 760 3402 760 3402 760 4210 760 3402 760 3402 760 3402 760 3402 760 3101 760 3402 760 3501 760 3501 760 4810 760 3110 760 3402 760 3402 760 3402 760 3402 760 3402 760 3501 Total for Public Works Total for Equipment Services Fund 03-02 AVAYA billing February scan charges February maintenance 250 4210 250 4210 250 4150 Total for Information Technology Fund Claim settlement #06-99 ~ #16-01 V005787775 Admin April premium 119 4999 118 4992 121 4631 Page 24 . Amount 18.44 97.38 588.60 81.15 215.10 61.65 26.62 27.05 7.66 4.74 3.57 8.31 22.06 7.47 11.44 47.48 28.40 5.16- 10.92 1~~ 15_ 59.38 690.03 11. 82 15.44 54.17 101. 74 101. 74 64.92 20.00 142.22 32.56 786.12 477.44 162.79 101.05 16,503.78 23,432.75 29.29 10.09 262.50 30. 75,000.00 67.00 1,260.34 02/03/22-12:59 . Fnd Opt Check Number City of Port Angeles - LivE MACHINE Vendor Name 69017 Ralston, Berwin J 69037 Breitbach, Paul 69052 Curves for Women 69067 Gordy's Pizza & Pasta 647129564 Healthcare Mgt Administrators 602 0002 69012 Hansen, Estate of George 0 652 0008 68858 Seniuk, Jake CHECK REGISTER Date From 03/09/2002 To 03/22/2002 Vendor Number 18463 02023 03618 07272 08492 08048 19014 68864 ART news 01311 . 68866 AVAYA INC 12215 68881 Bergner, Lanny 02524 68884 Blake Sand & Gravel Inc. 02045 68889 Camera Corner 03044 68908 Hartnagel Building Supply Inc. 08052 68926 Macworld 13680 68947 Olympic Paper Company 15111 68950 Olympic Stationers Inc. 15030 68953 Parker Paint Mfg Co. Inc. 16201 68985 Sunset Do-It Best Hardware 19035 68987 Swain's General Store Inc. 19037 68997 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 698 68856 68857 69059 69062 69099 69100 69133 69140 69142 69144 69148 . LEOFF PERS Washington (Unemp), State of Flex-Plan Services (Payroll) Office of Support Enforcement Office of Support Enforcement States West Life Insurance Co. US Department of Education United Way (payroll) Volunteer Fire Association WSCFF/Employee Benefit Trust 12043 16016 23178 06062 15072 15166 19313 21075 21028 22060 23628 Descr i pt i on Police-IBEW April premium Claim #27-01 Reimburse medical expenses Membership-Emery Safety committee lunch 03-13 Weekly claims pd by EFT March 22 2002 GL Code Number 121 4631 118 4992 121 4630 121 4150 118 4909 117 4601 Total for Self - Insurance Fund Funeral expense benefit 225 4110 Total for Firemen's Pension Fund Film,office supplies,paper Ferry tickets, business meals Gasol ine Stamps Trailer rental 1 Yr subscription pe 04-2003 03-02 AVAYA billing Artist honorarium Sand Photos Beveled trim 12 Issue subscription Wax applicator,cleaner,mop Dividers Paint,roller cover, tray liner Paint,tray,roller cover Rope Clear fi lm sheet Line February scan charges 868 3101 868 4310 868 3210 868 4210 868 4530 868 4901 868 4210 868 4150 868 3101 868 3101 868 3120 868 4901 868 3120 868 3101 868 3120 868 3101 868 3101 868 3101 868 3101 868 4210 Total for Esther Webster Trust Fund February contribution February contribution Payroll deductions pe 03-17 Payroll deductions pe 03-10 Payroll deductions 03-17 Payroll deductions pe 03-17 April premium Payroll deductions 03-17 Payroll deductions pe 03-17 Payroll deductions pe 03-17 Payroll deductions pe 03-17 698 2315120 698 2315130 698 2315210 698 2315210 698 2315210 698 2315210 698 2315160 698 2315210 698 2315240 698 2315210 698 2315210 35 Total for Accounts Payable Clearing Fund Grand Total Page 25 Amount 1,089.46 13,500.00 375.00 381.84 88.66 6,933.30 98,695.60 500.00 500.00 222.76 54.15 46.34 6.80 91.48 43.23 9.76 250.00 32.42 8.39 28.02 21.61 34.72 3.01 18.63 24.84 13.15 12.84 1.81 23.15 947. 1 1 15,796.92 23,329.97 299.60 950.96 824.96 181.38 553.40 69.41 419.56 44.00 1,425.00 43,895.16 1,010,940.73 . . . 36 . MEMO FINANCE DEPARTMENT Yvonne ZlOmkowski Finance Director [4601] Karen Asquith Accounting Mgr. [4605] ~ Carol Hagar ~istrative AssIstant [4600] . DORT'" AN lGE' "'LE" is ~ .1_,_' I-A 'JI r~ _ ,r~ WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. Date: March 21, 2002 To: Mayor Wiggins and City Council From: Lynne Bryant, Payroll Specialist Re: Payroll Information for March 17, 2002 For March 17th, 2002, the payroll was $437,335.88. Overall the year-to-date increase from 2001 to 2002 is 5.87%. There was a slight change in the General Fund. There are no significant changes from last pay period. · The 3.50% decrease in Attorney is the result of an employee being on unpaid leave for 2 Y2 months this year. · The 3.83% decrease in Recreation Activities is the result of decreased activity during the winter months. Suggestions and comments are welcome. 37 PAYROLL INFORMATION AS OF MARCH 17, 2002 . Current 2001 2002 2001 YTD Fund/Department for PP # 06 for PP # 06 TOTAL TOTAL VARIANCE 03/17/02 03/18/01 YTD YTD $ % General Fund Mayor/Council 2,950.00 2,850.00 8,850.00 8,550 00 300.00 City Manager (Adm,HR,Clerk) 12,473.12 11,917.74 74,547.11 70,938.58 3,608.53 5.09% Superior Performance/OPS 848.10 4,547.02 5,414.66 5,343.54 71.12 1.33% Finance 31,648.31 28,901.86 190,221.97 180,464.30 9,757.67 5.41% City Attorney 8,661.30 8,744.59 59,970.80 62,146.55 (2,175.75) -3.50% Community Development 10,033.84 9,191.36 50,390.02 54,465.64 (4,075.62) -7.48% Police Department 74,595.23 70,330.38 457,219.90 412,180.74 45,039.16 10.93% Fire Department 53,576.83 52,681.18 325,608.42 307,358.00 18,250.42 5.94% Public Works and Utility Services 28,808.61 30,418.12 181,380.42 196,658.33 (15,277.91) -7.77% Park and Recreation 35,810.96 34,355.89 212,182.28 233,911.45 (21,729.17) -9.29% Facility Maintenance 3,181.21 2,759.34 19,096.65 17,019.56 2,077.09 12.20% Total General Fund 262,587.51 256,697.48 1,584,882.23 1,549,036.69 35,845.54 2.31% Economic Development 2,529.36 2,452.09 15,129.81 14,659.20 470.61 3.21% Pen Com 27,052.96 30,372.96 167,783.62 161,368.29 6,415.33 3.98% Street 18,988.45 14,760.48 101,441.52 92,923.00 8,518.52 9.17% Recreation Activities 2,244.10 2,153.26 12,745.72 13,253.62 (507.90) -3.83% Electric Utility Fund 47,391.68 46,140.37 287,579.60 240,961.02 46,618.58 19.35% Water 18,894.93 17,941.15 121,081.93 109,737.82 11,344.11 10.3' Wastewater 13,667.02 13,508.58 87,933.92 81,393.02 6,540.90 8.0 Solid Waste 23,691.21 22,689.67 161,709.35 134,565.78 27,143.57 20.1700 Equipment Services 8,990.32 8,309.84 53,308.19 51,201.28 2,106.91 4.11% Information Technology 6,663.09 6,402.56 39,698.16 38,040.23 1,657.93 4.36% Firemen's Pension 1,736.37 1,704.36 5,568.82 5,113.08 455.74 8.91% Esther Webster Trust 2,898.88 2,758.88 17,343.41 16,714.64 628.77 3.76% Total Payroll 437,335.88 425,891.68 2,656,206.28 2,508,967.67 147,238.61 5.87% . 38 . . . FORTANCELES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: April 2, 2002 To: MAYOR WIGGINS AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: Glenn A. Cutler, Director of Public Works and Utility Services SUBJECT: 8th Street Restoration Project 99-08, Final Acceptance Summary: Lakeside Industries has completed all work associated with the project. The project has been inspected and accepted as complete. Final payment has been processed. Recommendation: Accept the project as completed by Lakeside Industries, and authorize the release of the retain age bond in the amount of $84,225.93 upon receipt of clearances from the Departments of Revenue and Labor and Industries. Background / Analysis: Lakeside Industries has completed the restoration of 8th Street from Race Street to 'c' Street as defined in the contract documents. This project was budgeted at $2,700,000. Funding was provided through a Public Works Trust Fund loan ($1,932,000) and local matching funds ($768,000) from the street fund. The original contract amount was $1,684,518.60 and the final contract, including change orders in the amount of$131,858.84, was $1,816,377.44. Increased unit quantities totaling $389,277.14 were added to this amount. The final contract amount is $2,205,654.58. Change order work included the repair of the water main and pavement on Laurel Street ($56,503.00), revised roadway section ($72,840.31), storm sewer revisions ($11,204.00) and reduction of pavement markings (-$8,688.47). The unit quantity variation consisted primarily of increased traffic control requirements($122,832.50), additional sidewalk, curb and gutter installation ($68,704.37), changing roadway typical sections ($165,865.64) and other miscellaneous items ($31,874.62). The watermain and pavement work on Laurel Street was reimbursed (87.5%) through FEMA for emergency earthquake repairs. Original Contract Change Orders Unit Quantity Final Cost Project Cost Amount (5) Variations Variance $1,684,518.60 $131,858.84 $389,277.14 $2,205,654.58 30.9% N '\PROJECTS\99-08S1\Pay Estlmate\CCacpt wpd 39' . . . 40 . . . ~-- ORT'}lNG' E'LE'SI , ,_ I > I ; , ,; f I ! \ ~ J l:pi" l I' " 1 ! J' I f i' ,~l! ii, . . i. _.!" _e' -..'. . ~- ,;_ __-: '-' _:_..J ....1 ...:._! ~ WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: March 22, 2002 To: MA YOR WIGGINS AND CITY COUNCIL ~\ Craig Knutson, City Attorn ' Dan McKeen, Fire Chief l - FROM: SUBJECT: Proposed Amendment to the City's Ordinance that Provides for Legal Representation of City Officials and Employees Summary: Chapter 2.64 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code requires the City to provide legal representation for a City official or employee in order to defend a claim or lawsuit filed against the official or employee relating to acts or omission within the scope of their service or employment with the City. Recently, a concern was raised regarding a section of this chapter that prohibits an official or employee from providing their own legal representation. After review, City staff determined that the Municipal Code should be modified to allow the official or employee the option to provide their own legal representation provided that: · The official or employee has a written agreement with the City that the official or employee's legal counsel will cooperate with and defer to the lead role of the City's legal counsel, and · Any expenses associated with the additional official or employee-provided counsel shall be the responsibility of the official or employee. Recommendation: It is recommended that the City Council approve the proposed amendment to the Port Angeles Municipal Code by adoption of the attached ordinance. Backeround / Analysis: During the previous labor contract negotiations between the City and Firefighters Local #656, the issue of legal representation for City employees in defending against work-related claims or lawsuits was raised. Specifically, the firefighters questioned why the City's Municipal Code does not allow a City employee the ability to provide their own legal representation in a work-related claim or lawsuit - even if that claim or lawsuit specifically names the City employee. There was much discussion with the firefighters as to the intent of the existing idemnification language contained in the Municipal Code. It was decided by both parties to remove this item from negotiations, with a verbal agreement to discuss the item at a later date. 41 City Council Page 2 March 22, 2002 After reviewing the existing language, and discussing it with WCIA, it was determined that the Municipal Code should be modified to allow City officials or employees the option to provide their own legal representation in addition to the City's legal representation for a claim or lawsuit that involves the official or employee, provided that: 1. The official or employee has a written agreement with the City that the official's or employee's legal counsel will cooperate with and defer the lead role to the City's legal counsel, and 2. Any expenses associated with the additional official or employee provided counsel shall be the responsibility of the official or employee. The firefighters local supports the proposed change. DM/cw Attachment 42 . . . . ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, amending the City's ordinance providing for legal representation of City officials and employees in defending against claims or lawsuits and amending Ordinance 2196 and Chapter 2.64 ofthe Port Angeles Municipal Code. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES DOES HEREBY ORDAIN as follows: Section 1. Ordinance 2196 and Chapter 2.64 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code are hereby amended by amending P AMC 2.64.050 and 2.64.070 to read as follows: 2.64.050 Representation and Payment of Claims - Conditions. The provisions of this Chapter shall be applicable, provided that the following conditions are met: . A. In the event of any incident or cause of conduct potentially giving rise to a claim for damage, or the commencement of a suit, the official or employee involved shall, as soon as practicable, give the City Attorney written notice thereof, identifying the official or employee involved, all information known to the official or employee with respect to the date, time, place, and circumstances surrounding the incident or conduct giving rise to the claim or law suit, as well as the names and addresses of all persons allegedly injured or otherwise damaged thereby, and the names and addresses of all witnesses. B. Upon receipt thereof, the official or employee shall forthwith deliver any claim, demand, notice, or summons or other process relating to any such incident or conduct to the City Attorney, and shall cooperate with the City Attorney or an attorney designated by the City Attorney, and, upon request, assist in making settlements of any suits and enforcing any claim for . any right of subrogation against any persons or organizations that may be liable to the City because 43 - 1 - of any damage or claim of loss arising from the incident or course of conduct. . C. Such officials or employees shall attend interviews, depositions, hearings and trials and shall assist in securing and giving evidence and obtaining attendance of witnesses; and D. Such officials or employees shall not accept nor voluntarily make any payment, assume any obligation, or incur any expense; other than for first aid to others at the time of any incident or course of conduct giving rise to any such claim, loss, or damage. COrd. 2196 ~5, 2/15/82.) E. Such officials or employees may provide their own legal representation as long as there is a written agreement with the City that the officials' or employees' counsel will cooperate with and defer to the lead role of the City's counsel. The expense associated with such additional counsel shall be the responsibility of the individual official or employee. 2.64.070 Failure to Comply With Conditions. In the event that any official or . employee fails or refuses to comply with any of the conditions of Section 2.64.050, or clccts to provide his/heI own repICsent<ltion ~ith respect to <lIlY stich claim or litigation, then all of the provisions of this Chapter shall be inapplicable, and have no force or effect with respect to any such claim or litigation. COrd. 2196 ~7, 2/15/82.) Section 2 - Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect five days following the date of its publication by summary. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said Council held on the _ day of March, 2002. MAYOR . - 2 - 44 . ATTEST: Becky J. Upton, City Clerk PUBLISHED: By Summary F \ORDINANCES&RESOLUTIONS\2002-02 oed wpd . . APPROVED AS TO FORM: Craig D. Knutson ,City Attorney - 3 - 45 . . . 46 . . . ~,- )o~ R' FlTf'PJ.' / N, :G; 'E: ,iL: E, ,IS' ,~ ,,~ ,'. I I, J : .' ' i ![/ , V ,~~~^ ' WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: April 2, 2002 TO: MAYOR WIGGINS AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: Becky J. Upton, City ClerklManagement Assistant W Appointment to Planning Commission SUBJECT: Summary: At a special meeting of March 5, 2002, the City Council interviewed applicants to fill a vacancy on the Planning CommissIOn. Subsequently, during the regular meeting, the names of Leonard Rasmussen and Michael Bolster were placed in nomination, and a vote of the Council resulted in a tie. The Council agreed to await CouncIlman Williams' return to have the tie broken. Unfortunately, upon his return, Councilman Williams was unable to use the taped recording in his deliberations, so he sought additional time to speak with the two candidates before making his recommendation. The matter was, therefore, deferred to the April 2 Council meeting. Recommendation: The Council can either ask that Councilman Williams cast a ballot for his preferred candidate in order to break the tie, or all ofthe Councilmembers can vote again on who should be appointed to fill the Planning Commission vacancy. Background / Analvsis: At the March 5, 2002, special meeting of the City Council, applIcants for various Board & Commission vacancies were interviewed. The following applicants were interviewed for the Planning Commission: Larry Little, Leonard Rasmussen, Greg Bondy, Michael Bolster, and Nancy Lynn Newman. Upon completion of the interviews, the meeting adjourned to the Caucus Room, and the Council discussed the process for selection of a Planning Commissioner. It was agreed the list should be narrowed down by placing the names of preferred candidates in nomination to fill the vacant position. Therefore, during the regular Council meetmg, the names of Leonard Rasmussen and Michael Bolster were placed in nomination. A subsequent vote of the Council resulted in a tie, with Councilmembers Rogers, Campbell, and Erickson casting ballots for Mr. Rasmussen, and Mayor Wiggins and Councilmembers Braun and Headrick casting ballots for Mr. Bolster. Because of this tie vote, Attorney Knutson advised the Council that one of them would have to change their vote or they should wait for Councilman Williams' vote to break the tie. It was agreed to await Councilman Williams' return. Unfortunately, upon his return, Councilman Williams was unable to use the taped recording in his deliberations, so he sought additional time to speak with the two candidates before making hIS recommendation. The matter was, therefore, deferred to the April 2 Council meeting. 47 . . . 48 . ~ORT ANGELES WAS H I N G TON. U. 5 A. OO~~:3~~~rn! . I CITY OF PORT ANGELES CITY CLERK Application for Appointment to a Board. Commission, or Committee Board. Commission. or Committee to which you are seeking appointment J) ~ ~ }J ~ n~ G ~ tJ fY\ ~ \ S S 1 '() rJ Board or CommiSSIOn Full Name eL. ~ (.~ e t-J" M~ '- 'D,y< \ 0 ~ SV\~ tV) S~ t Q 1 tv<; ~ M '" ;'TT c:~ Board or CmmmssIOn Full Name Board or Commission Full Name . AP~licant Name and Generallnformatio~ IE CNI'7 Y2- D rIv'. .J-(A~fv) v.ss E N First MI Last JJI~ /;JeST S.T~cr: 'j '& 13~ Home street address PORI G-'\tJ GG L{ .s State iAJA 98"-3" 3 Zip Code CIty 3 bD - Jj;;~- Home phone number C; 0 ,31 Work phone number Certification and Location Information Cm:le one Are you currently a City employee? Yes 0 Are you a citizen of the United States? G No Are you a City resident?@>No Do you own/manage a busmess m the City? Yes~ Do you hold any professional licenses, regIstrations or certIficates in any field (list below)? YeS@ Are you aware of an conflict of interest which mIght arise by your service on a CIty Board or CommiSSIOn? If so, please explain: . In comphance with the Amencan DisabIlitIes Act, If you Will need special accommodahons because of a physical limitation, please contact the City Clerk, 417-4634, so appropriate arrangements can be made. (OVER) 49 Work Experience' , List most recent expenence first(or elaborate on a resume If you prefer) 1. ~~'\,eED d/~tJoc Employer '.t .., ,j Your Title From (M/Y) . To (M/Y) ~ Brief job descnption , ,~ ..,. h" ..I...... ,t ). (AD .~ Ii"; 1 C AoJ Your Title M()T~ tiP/c' 'S I cy/rj 90 alae? () e) I From (M/Y) To (M1Y) , C M uT~R. Sel?Ylre 2, G f\ P Employer 3. (! SAA /JeT/,AJ(J{()<, U Employer Your Title From (M/Y) To (M1 ) ~)~~~,jJ~ ~lef~~(f)tion~(4 ~ ftmd~ ~ g//7(~- Education List most recent experience first IV~~ InstitutIon/Locatl 19 C J 7//99:3 ves@ Graduated? @NO . Graduated? Yes No 3. Institution/Location Credits eamedlMajor area of study Graduated? Charitable, Social, and Civic Activities and Memberships List major activities you have parttcipated in during the last five years <J:ap a;;>L - ~ ... vtt 6>~ # of members #. of menWe~ I"l (,<:0" ~. , . Submit completed forms to: Office of the City Clerk, City of Port Angeles, 321 E 5th Street, P O. Box 1150, Port Angeles, Washmgton, 98362 50 1/99 rD)~@UW~~ unl ~28m I~ CITY OF PORT ANGELES CITY CLERK . ~ORT .ANGELES WAS H I N G TON, U. 5 A Application for Appointment to a Board, Commission, or Committee Board, Commission, or Committee to which you are seeking appointment Pl ~n",: ""~ ( O.v\M" 5S.; o~ Board or ComlmSSlOn Fu ame Board or CommissIOn Full Name Board or Commission Full Name Applicant Name and General Information H ; Lh.Gl~ I 50 \ 5-\-e r It 3 {, T. MI 4-t...... 16 - Last First . w. Home street address A "j i' \ l S __~~9 B -_~~-1 B r or+ WQ. . 1~3~S Zip Code CIty State Home phone number (;.<63-5447 Work phone number Certification and Location Information CIrcle one Are you currently a CIty employee? Yes ~ Are you a citizen of the Umted States? ~ No Are you a City reSIdent? (!J8 No Do you own/manage a business in the City? Yes rfP> Do you hold any professional licenses, regIstratIOns or certIficates III any field (list below)? 0 No BSC~) tIT (CIVIL €~6INe:-E42ffj6) Are you aware of any conflIct of mterest which mIght arise by your service on a CIty Board or Commission? If so, please explain: . In complIance WIth the Amencan Disablhues Act, If you will need specIal accommodatIOns because of a physIcal limitatIOn, please contact the City Clerk, 417-4634, so appropnate arrangements can be made. ^ (OVER) 51 Work Experience List most recent experience first (or elaborate on a resume if you prefer) . 6n,d.",~ 1. r,..;""o ~",s+("LAc...+I'o~ En. '~ee,.... Employer Your TItle 10/00 ~r' From (MIY) e a. r +L"JO Y k. 1~lov-t bf- e.~SpOl"\.S; l:.lt Brief job descnptlOn 2. ~ (D.y~t \4. .g,roS. Employer K4n. S~ V~ r~ , Fore r--e\....... Your Title '('8 From (MIY) lonS4-r'-'\ l Brief job descnptlOn Ib 'i 7 From (MIY) h~~v 3. e'tSc k.S Employer (iv: I tl'\ .... WorK Brief job descnptlOn Education List most recent expenence first 1. Ut'\;ve--c;~-l- Instltutlon/LocatlOn c.f B~ c. t uJtsk: A -b" Credits eamedlMajor area of study 2. Pe;..~nSt.(fo.. InstitutlOn/Location (ot Ie L APs 3. '"Po,..~ ,..l"'Yl1t'5 InstltutJon/LocatlOn W : i l ~ L Loo ) ( j ~ 8 , ) Credits eamed/Major area of study Charitable, Social, and Civic Activities and Memberships List major actlvltJes you have participated in during the last five years 1. OrganizatIOn and location Pr~ S e^---t: To (MIY) Clp ere. -l-: (:I ~ t . 5"(06 To (MIY) S '78 To (M/Y) (9 No Graduated? @NO Graduated? . (9NO 'Graduated? Group's purpose/objective # of members Brief description of your participatIon 2. Orgamzation and location Group's purpose/objective # of members Bnef description of your particIpation --tt1+d-J \. e.,.f~ Applicant Signature o t /, '5" Ie; L ___l.__ _I -- _ Date . Submit completed forms to: Office of the City Clerk, City of Port Angeles, 321 E. 5th Street, P. O. Box 1150, Port Angeles, Washmgton, 98362 52 1/99 . . . ~ORT.ANGELES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: April 2, 2002 To: MA YOR WIGGINS AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: Glenn A. Cutler, Director of Public Works and Utilities SUBJECT: Rate Study for Water/Wastewater Utility Summary: The financial performance of each of the City's utilities is analyzed every three years to determine the appropriate rate levels for the utility. The Water/Wastewater Utility was last evaluated in 1999 and the study needs to be updated this year for any necessary changes starting in 2003. Recommendation: Authorize the Mayor to sign an agreement with Economic and Engineering Services, Inc. to perform a comprehensive water and wastewater rate study with a total cost not to exceed $26,150. Backeround / Analysis: All of the City's utilities are reviewed at least every three years to evaluate their financial performance and to assure that the retail rates are appropriate over the following three year period. The analysis normally covers the following five year period, with retail rates established for the next three years. A rate study is composed of three separate but related analyses. First is a revenue requirements analysis, which reviews the projected revenues and expenses for the utility to determine the overall level of rate adjustment needed. Second is a cost of service analysis, which allocates and "fairly" distributes revenue requirements to the various customer classes. Last is a rate design analysis, which takes the targeted level of revenue to collect from each class of service and develops a rate to collect the fixed and variable charges in an equitable manner. Economic and Engineering Services has been under agreement for several of the City's previous studies and their performance has been very good in the past. It is expected that the study will be complete by the end of August of this year. This year's rate analysis for each utility was budgeted at $15,000, for a total of $30,000. Attach. 53 N .\PWKS\LIGHT\POWM\Cost of ServIce StudIes\ Water wastewater 2002\cc040202eesagreement wpd '.. '... ..:. ~ , . . CITY OF PORT ANGELES ..WATER AND WASTEWAYEIt RATE STUDY UPDATE . INTRODUCTION The City of Port Angeles (City) has requested technical assistance from Economic and Engineering Services, Inc. (EES) to update the water and wastewater rate study previously developed. Given that EES conducted the previous rate study and is familiar with the City's issues and data, this update should require less effort and cost to complete. Provided below is a discussion of the tasks involved and the proposed fees to complete the study. SCOPE OF SERVICES. WORK TASKS The following discussions will provide an overview of the tasks that are required in order to complete the update of the water and sewer rate studies. It should be noted that the water and wastewater study will be developed on a financially independent basis, yet conducted concurrently. Task i-Data Collection and Review of Issues to be Addressed . Task Objective - Provide a list of data items needed to complete the rate update. In addition, identify any issues that need to be addressed in the rate study. EES will provide a written data request to the City. The data request will be similar to the information needs of the last rate study. Any data constraints will be identified and discussed. In addition, before the technical analysis begins, we will jointly discuss with Port Angeles any specific or unique issues that should be addressed in the study. Task 2--Technical Analysis Task Objective - To develop a technical analysis that produces results that reflect the costs being incurred by the water and wastewater systems of Pon Angeles. The results should be "fair and equitable" and should allocate costs to customers in a manner which reflects their usage patterns and facility requirements. In developing cost based rates, three inter-related analyses are typically conducted. They are revenue requirement, cost of service and rate design. Each of these analyses will be conducted for each utility on an individual stand-alone basis. Each of these analyses is discussed in more detail below. . PropoNI City of Port Angele. 54 EI~ 1 . . . . Re,'enue Requirements - Develop a methodology and analysis to determine the total overall financial needs of the utility. A "cash basis" approach will be utilized which will consider or take into account O&M expenses, taxes/transfers, debt service, capital projects, reserve balances and financial covenants. These items will be reviewed over an extended period of time (3 to 5 years) to assure development of a fiscally sound financial plan. . Cost of Service - A cost of service takes the revenue requirements and allocates the total costs to various customer classes of service based upon class usage patterns and facility requirements. Cost allocation must be perceived as "fair and equitable" by the City's customers and the public. The final allocation of costs must balance "fairness" with the availability of accurate or measured data to allocate the costs. Among the issues to be considered in the allocation methodology are the following: Water Utilitv ./ Customer Class Water Consumption ./ Class Contribution to Peak Usage ./ Customer Metering Costs ./ Customer ServicelBiJJing Costs Wastewater Utilitv ./ Volumes of Wastewater by Class ./ 1&1 ./ Strength of Wastewater by Class ./ Customer ServicelBiJJing Costs . Rate Design- Proposed rate designs can be developed based upon the results of the revenue requirements and cost of service analysis. Various rate options will be developed, and bill comparisons provided for each. A bill comparison is used to demonstrate the impacts upon a customer's bill at the existing and proposed rates, for various levels of consumption. EES will review the results of the revenue requirements and cost of service with the Port Angeles project team to ensure that all issues have been addressed to Port Angeles's satisfaction before moving on to rate design. Task 3-Written Reports Task Objective - Provide a well-wrillen report that documents the approach, findings and conclusions of the study. A written report will be prepared discussing our approach, findings, conclusions and recommendations. EES will provide a draft report for review and comment by Port Angeles staff. EES will provide fifteen (15) copies of the final report to the City. Task 4-Public Presentation(s) Task Objective - Meet with the City Council and public to discuss results, findings and recommendations of the study. EES is willing to provide public presentations on the results, findings and recommendations of the rate study process. Three public presentations will be provided. They will cover the following topics. EI~ 50 2 Propo..' City of Port Ange'e. . Review of the Revenue Requirements and Cost of Service Results . Review of the Rate Design Options . Present Finds of the Study at a Public Hearing . The above scope of services may be modified to meet the specific needs of the City. PROPOSED PROJECT FEES A rate study update generally requires 12 to 16 weeks to complete. A more definitive time schedule can be developed once the project is begun. EES makes every effort to meet our client's schedule needs. Tom Gould and Angie Sanchez were involved in the previous rate study conducted for the City and will provide project oversight and management of the effort for the rate study update. Shawn Koom, a Rate Analysis with EES, will be used for technical analysis and spreadsheet modeling efforts required to update the rate models. The proposed project fees utilize the following hourly billing rates. The fee estimates for this project have been developed based upon the following billing rates: Tom Gould Angie Sanchez Shawn Koom $150.001hr 120.001hr 73.00/hr . Based upon the above hourly billing rates, the following labor and expense estimates are provided for the water and wastewater rate study update. City of Port Angeles estimated Fees for the Comprehensive Water and Wastewater Rate Stud)' Update lAbor: Water Wastewater I2!!! Revenue Requirements $2,000 $2,000 $4,000 Cost of Service 3,000 3,000 6,000 Rate Design 2,500 2,500 5,000 Reports - Draft and Final 2,750 2,750 5,500 Public Presentations 2.250 2.250 4.500 Grand Total Labor $12,500 $12,500 $25,000 Expenses: TravellMeals $200 Misc. (phone, copies, fax) 950 Total Expenses $1,150 Grand Total $26.150 . EI~ Proposal 56 3 City of Port Angeles .. . . EES is willing to enter into a "not-to-exceed" contract with the City for these proposed services. Should additional services be requested by the City under this contract, it will be provided at the hourly billing rates stated above. Three public meetings have been included in the proposed budget. Any additional meetings/presentations will be provided at time and materials plus travel related expenses. All portions of this proposal can be expanded or reduced as mutually agreed upon in writing by the City and EES. The above quoted fees will remain in effect until June 1, 2002. 57 4 EI~ Proposal City of Port Angele. . . . 58 . DATE: To: FROM: SUBJECT: pORTANGELES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO APRIL 2; 2002 MAYOR WIGGINS AND CITY COUNCIL YVONNE ZIOMKOWSKI, FINANCE DIRECTOR 2001 YEAR END FINANCIAL REpORT I am pleased to present the budget status report for the General Fund and utilities for the year ended December 31, 2001. This report shows the results of City operations as compared with the amended budget and prior year actuals. This report is segregated by fund and shows revenue by source and expenditures by object. General Fund Summary . As of December 31,2001, General Fund revenues amounted to $13,428,556, expenditures totaled $13,523,432 and included a $600,000 transfer from the 2000 budget surplus to support capital projects. As compared to the amended budget, the actual overall financial operations resulted in almost $400,000 of additional funds. According to the City's Operating Budget Policy, the City Council may allocate these funds to capital projects in the year 2002. Table I shows a summary of revenues, expenditures, and fund balance for the General Fund. General Fund Reserves 2001 Variances 2000 2001 Amended Actual vs. Actual Budget Budget Beginning Fund Balance 3,010,710 2,481,610 2,481,610 Add: Revenues 12,970,779 13,428,556 13,284,106 144,450 Less. Operating Expenditures 11,866,144 12,368,432 12,696,742 (328,310) Transfers for CIP projects 345,000 555,000 555,000 Transfers to Equipment Services 438,735 Transfers from reserves/surplus to CIP 650,000 600,000 600,000 Transfers from reserves to Contingency 200,000 . Increase (decrease) In Fund Balance (529,100) (94,876) (567,636) 472,760 Ending Fund Balance 2,481 ,610 2,386,734 1 ,913,973 472,759 Revenues General Fund revenue by major revenue source is depicted in Table II. . General fund Revenue Actual vs. Budget 8 7 6 ., 5 c ~ 4, ~ 3 2 1 o j.0" *-" (\~0" . c0" ~0" ~0" " ,\(\ ~0- ~0& <?-0~0 '?J0~~ ~e~':s 0~0(;1. <;,\0~ <;, ~ ~~ \0' __ Q. ~o .,,, ~ ~,0-(;I. <;,0 0(;1. ~0" <;,~ 00" \,\00(;1. 0'(\~ v~'lf. ~\(\0 'l:~0-(;I. ~~o~ ~\"O \(\\0 The collection of property taxes, the larg- est single source of revenue, was slightly below the levy as a result of uncollectible accounts. In comparison to the prior year, this revenue increased by $45,000 or 1.6%. During the past three years, the City in- creased the property tax levy by only 0.85% in 1999, 1.4% for the year 2000, and only 0.5% in 2001. Sales Tax 900 800 700 III 600 "C lij 500 III g 400 ~ 300 200 100 o Overall, actual revenues exceeded the amended budget by $144,450, or 1 %, and show a 3.4% in- crease over the 2000 level. Tax revenues, which comprise 60% of the General Fund budget and in- clude property, sales and use, utility, telephone, telecable, leasehold, and gambling taxes, came in at 1.4%, or $114,142 over the budget and 2.6% ($177,702) over 2000 levels. This increase over the year was attributed to higher utility taxes. Top Five Revenue Sources for the General Fund Intergovern- mental 4% Charges for Services 33% Property Tax 24% ~ 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 -Construction -Wholesale ,Automoti\e -Retail -Services/Hotels -Other . Utility Taxes 19% . . . . . Sales tax, the second largest source of revenue in the General Fund, is the revenue we monitor very closely (Schedule A). Since sales tax is very sensitive to economic conditions, and highly unstable, it is also diffi- cult to predict. The higher than esti- mated receipts were surprising, es- pecially as the receipts for the first six months came in below budget. Unusually high receipts for Septem- ber 2001 (July sales) accounted for this difference. Mostly higher than usual retail sales attributed to this in- crease. Unfortunately construction still has a decreasing trend, as shown on Schedule Al and graph. . . . . We don't like to hear nor say the "n" word, but I think it is clear we are in the middle of an economic recession. It is becoming increasingly important to enhance our efforts toward economic development. Utility taxes, which include electric at 6% and water, wastewater, and solid waste at 8% each, is the most positive growth resource in the General Fund as a result ofthe increasing rate structure necessary in our municipal utilities. This tax increased more than 6% as compared to 2000, and the actual collection exceeded budget by 3% or $68,356. This increase is a direct result of an 8% water and wastewater rate increase, but the major increase is attrib- uted to the closing of Daishowa's hydroelec- tric plant in March 2000, which increased the mill's electric utility consumption by more than 40%, and by increasing electric rates by 19.5% in October of2001. Not knowing exactly how much revenues would increase, due to promoting conser- vation, and taking a conservative approach, we underestimated power usage. City Utility Taxes 2,500 2,000 III 'tI C III 1,500 :J o .c .... 1,000 500 o 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 Telephone taxes, levied at 5.5%, also exceeded expectations. Due to the increasing popularity of cellular phones, this revenue source continues to grow faster than our estimates. In 2001, collection was 5% or $24,457 more than last year. There is almost no growth in other revenue sources. Leasehold tax was almost 16% ($18,000) below last year. Intergovernmental revenues, which are mostly state shared revenues, grants, and local agencies participating in our programs, were $25,000 or 5% less than in 2000. However, the good news is that we still received $40,000 more than budget. Unanticipated revenue from the Olympic Peninsula Narcotics Enforcement Team (OPNET) accounted for most of the variance. Higher than anticipated interest revenue was the result of the market valuation of the City's Investment Portfolio as of Decem- ber 31, 2001. Since interest rates were decreasing, the City recognized unrealized gains on its invest- ments. Miscellaneous revenues include interest and penalty on delinquent bills, City Pier moorage, Ediz Hook and other leases, donations, reimbursement for court time for Police Officers, and other one time revenue. An interesting situation occurred withfines andforfeitures. In prior years we underesti- mated this revenue source however, in 2001 this revenue came in at 10% below last year receipts and 7% less than budgeted. Since this revenue is closely related to jail costs, this is another category we are monitoring very closely. Expenditures General Fund operating expenditures were $12,368,432 and were supplemented by a $1,155,000 transfer to Street and Capital Improvement Funds. Of this amount, $600,000 was the result of budgetary sur- plus in the year 2000. Operating expenditures were 2.6% or $328,310 below the budget. Most of this savings is in the salaries and benefits category. General Fund Expenditures Actual vs. Budget 10.000 9,000 8.000 '" 7,000 ~ 6,000 g: 5,000 ~ 4,000 3.000 2,000 1,000 o 0\~'i> ~\\C0'i> '^0(\....~ o~~'?>'" o~.... ~0<;< ",0" ((\'" ~ ~0~'i> f:'0' \O~ O~0 R~'IJ' ~ ~,?>(\'i> <(0~'i>O(\ r;c.,?>~Q,0'i> ,(\....0~g 0'1J' 'b-V ~\0'i> "'~~~ Personnel costs, including wages and benefits, represent over 71 % of the operating budget and were 3.6% or $327,823 below estimates. This is attributed to several short-term vacancies in most of the departments, allocating some engineering labor expenses to capital projects, and a decrease in state . retirement rates. Unfinished projects in Parks, Police, and Public Works Departments resulted in a surplus in the capital outlay budget. Weare recommending that this surplus be reappropriated for these purposes in 2002. Weare still very concerned over the growing cost of the county jail. In 2001, contributions to the county jail increased by 18% or $75,000. As compared to 1999, only two years ago, this cost has increased by $180,598 or 60%! This increase is a direct result ofthe number of incarcerations and not a rate increase. However, we might expect an increase injail rates in 2003. Weare very pleased that in the year 2001 we were able to designate $1,155,000 in additional funds for capital improvement projects. Of this money, $50,000 is designated for the Carnegie Library project, bringing the total amount reserved for this project to $900,000. Overall, during the years 1999-2001 almost $3.3 million was designated for capital improvement projects. Major projects included 8th Street reconstruction, paving and chip sealing program, and Francis Street Park. Reserves In the years 1991-1998, fund balances in the ~ _u__ General Fund consistently improved as a result of a very controlled approach to both revenues and expenditures. In 1999 and 2000, the City Council designated $1,650,000 toward capital improvement programs, reserved $350,000 in the special contingency fund, and transferred $438,735 to the Equipment Services Fund to bring replacement costs current. With an almost $2.3 million budgeted decrease in the fund bal- ance, the 2001 General Fund reserve or fund balance was estimated at $1.9 million. Reserves of approximately $2 million represent 15% of current expenditures and are in compliance with the City's Financial Management Policy. However, it is very important that we continue to walk the conservative road because ofthe overall economic outlook and not allow hits on the reserves. ~ -- -- --- ---::--:-- - -- - -- ~---~l General Fund i Unreserved Fund Balances ! ~ - ~ . ' . , III r:: I~ :l1 5 4 3 2 _ 1 o "OJ'" "OJ~ "OJ'J. "OJ~ pJo ~'\ ~tQ ~OJ ~<:;, ~..... ^e.... "'." "'." "'." "'." ",C!i ",C!i ",C!i ",C!i ",1iS !\ e b~ ~<:;, ~-s 'li ~<:;,'" 'li Other Funds HotellMotel Tax (Schedule B) The sole source of revenue for these programs is the Hotel/Motel tax. This is a 4% tax on the cost of renting a room in a hotel or motel within the City. The first 2% is derived by taking 2% of the State's 6.5% sales tax and rebating it back to the community for local programs to promote tourism. The additional 2%, which was authorized in 1998, is to be used solely for tourism marketing. and promo- . tion. . Lodging tax receipts for 2001 were $379,939, one percent below the budgeted level. Expenditures were $335,034 or $34,935 below budget. Some of the mar- keting budget was not spent. It is interest- ing to note that with all the effort placed on a marketing program during the past three and a half years, the increase in revenue is still only at approximately 2.5% annually. HotellMotel Tax Revenue $400,000 $300,000 $200,000 $100,000 In 2001, the City Council approved Lodg- $0 ing Tax Committee recommendations to 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 reserve $100,000 annually for a period of 20 years and to designate these funds for acquisition and construction of a new convention center. Electric Utility Revenues in the Electric Utility fund were be- low budget, largely as a result of overestimat- ing power consumption for residential and commercial customers. Apparently conser- vation marketing and incentives had better results than anticipated. However, we didn't do a good job estimating power costs from BP A. We estimated a lower increase than the actual average increase of 46%. Lower rev- enues were also the reason for lower utility and excise taxes. During 2001, Tourism Marketing Campaign has been reoriented to the Chamber of Commerce without direct control by the Visitor & Convention Bureau, along with an emphasis upon special events promo- tion. In addition, the City would like to establish performance criteria to measure these programs. Actual 2001 revenues for Street were $1,192,143, $64,108 or 5.1 % less than 2000 and 1.3% below the . amended budget. Uncollectible property taxes account for this difference. Expenditures of$1,252,563 were $62,024 or 4.7% below budget. There were some savings in person- nel costs, supplies, and charges for services. Also over $30,000 of equipment replacement was deferred to 2002. For the third year, more than $300,000 was designated for the street pavement restoration program. Since the outside funding sources for the Street Fund are relatively static, there is pressure on local funding sources to maintain the service level support or be forced to reduce services. While we were fortunate to levy the second 1/4% Real Estate Excise tax in 2000, the proceeds will need to be dedicated to the 8th Street reconstruction project. Debt payment of more than $100,000 annually will utilize this revenue for the next 20 years. In the future, if we wish to begin other major street projects, we will likely have to seek voter approval for a special street levy or a similarly approved source. Street Fund Electric Utility Expenses Personnel 4% Supplies & Charges for Serv Taxes 10% 9% . Debt SerVIce 2% Several capital projects came in under budget for a total savings of approximately $70,000 and one of the projects, PCB storage area at Valley substation, was deferred to 2002. Utilities usually have a flexible budget and are analyzed to ensure that revenues are adequate enough to pay expenses and fund smaller capital projects. With more than $7 million in unreserved cash bal- ance and $1.7 million designated for rate stabilization, it would seem that this fund is very stable. Unfortunately, with the current en- ergy crisis and unpredictable BP A rate increases, stability of this fund can be questioned. Weare hoping for stable rates in 2002 and at this time there are no customer rate in- creases planned. Water and Wastewater Funds . Cash Balances - Utilities III C ~ :e 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 o 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 -Electric -Water/Wastewater -Solid Waste Actual water and wastewater revenues came within 1 % of the budget. Operating expenses were 5.7% less than budgeted. Most of the budget savings were in professional services and Public Works over- . head cost allocations. Almost $700,000 of the capital projects have been deferred to 2002 and 2003 The major project deferred is the Black Diamond Reservoir in the Water Division. The major portion of this project was completed in 2001, however payment was deferred to 2002. In addition, some projects, such as the rebuild of three pump stations, sewer line repairs, and Crown Park storm overflow design, were postponed to 2002. A major project, phase II of the Downtown Watermain and Sidewalk Project, was accomplished in 2000 and 2001 and we will begin phase III in 2003 depending on funding. Large capital projects during the past four years contributed to increased water and wastewater rates in 2000,2001, and 2002. The cash balance is estimated at almost $3.8 million. Additionally, there is $2 million in a rate stabilization fund that will be used to minimize necessary increases in years 2002 - 2005. Solid Waste Fund While Solid Waste operating revenue exceeded budget by 7.9%, or $386,726, for the first time in three years they also surpassed last year's revenue. Operating revenues, both residential and landfill collec- tion exceeded expectations. Additionally, interest revenue was more than $100,000 as a result of mar- ket valuation. In relation to higher revenue, some expenses, such as professional services and leachate expenses, exceeded budget as well. Partial closure for cell 1 and part of cell 2 started in 2001 and will be continuing in 2002. The cash balance in Solid Waste is a healthy $4 million. Additionally, cash of more than $3.5 million is reserved for landfill closure and post closure. Personnel costs were 7.7% over 2000. Part-time help and overtime was increased to help reflect the current workload. . Internal Services Funds . This group includes Equipment Services, Information Technology, and the Self-Insurance Fund. All these funds operate on the basis of reimbursement and had reasonable cash balances necessary for operation at 2001 year-end. Equipment Services expenses exceeded budget by 20% or $326,125. This variance was in the area of capital outlay. Because most of the equipment purchases budgeted in 2000 were deferred to 2001, this line item exceeded budget by $340,750. These purchases included: Medic One unit, patch truck for Street, Aquatech JetNac for sewer utility, and some parks equipment. As the preliminary analysis of the ten- year replacement program has shown, this fund has adequate reserves ($3.1 million) for the future replacement program of small equipment and vehicles. Our challenge is our inability to cover the gap in unfunded equipment costs from the General Fund operation and to replace large or specialized equipment such as the fire pumper or construction equipment with the diversion of operational funds because of the huge cost impact. Information Technology expenses were $29,581 below the amended budget. All the reserves and surplus in this fund are designated for the future replacement of the financial operating system. We have just selected HTE., Inc. as our total finance system solution provider. We are planning to com- plete this project by the end of2002. . Self Insurance expenses were on budget and only 2.3% more than 2000. We are self-insured for dental coverage and have traditionally had rates comparable to those obtained in the marketplace. In the past years our claims increased significantly, but fortunately in 2001 they came in at 8% below the 2000 level and we hope that this expenses will be more stable in the future. The Workers' Compensa- tion program, which is also self-funded, was 14% more than in 2000. The increase in the medical and vision plan reflected rate small premium increases. After several years of increasing liability claims, the year 2001 was the first year in a long time that our liability claims were lower by 9%. Every year, we analyze the impact of going to first dollar coverage with WCIA rather than maintaining a $100,000 deductible. However, because ofthe initial impact on the budget, we keep delaying this decision until the future budget process. In the meantime, we will continue to analyze current coverage. Attached are the summaries of revenues and expenditures for other funds. As always, I will be available to answer any questions at the Council meeting. . . . . General Fund _ummary of Financial Activities or the Year Ended December 31, 2001 Revenues: Taxes Licenses & Permits Intergovernmental Revenues Charges for Services Fines & Forfeitures Interest on Investments Miscellaneous Revenues Other Financial Sources (ROI) Transfers -In Total Revenues Operating Expenditures by Object: * Personnel Benefits * Supplies & Charges for Services * Intergovernmental * Contribution to Pencom * Contribution to County Jail . * Capital Outlay * Operallng Transfers out Total Expenditures Other Financing Uses: Transfer for Capltallmpr projects Transfer from reserves to Contingency Fund Transfer from reserves for equipment repl Transfer from reserves for CIP projects Transfer from 2000 Budget Surplus to CIP Fun Total Other Financing Uses Total Outflow Increase (Decrease) in Reserves Beginning Fund Balance Ending Fund Balance . ~ 7~.o~ ":;~7~ ~6'>~ft? di' '7th';, ~ :.,t~:; ,. ,.;:.,~< ~:;' x Actual ;',<'1 ::~~)~l1'7:; 2000,,, ,;. J1;)/";ln ," /',; :~~;t~/,~:::'r ;~2tY{2z~~~ 7 ,670,507 ~i~~;~~~~~~~~' 260,594 ;o"~;,,,;o238,3~,~ 470 181 1J~r'4:a6;647:' 3,437:850 ;!1~;:;~i,~~~~:~g[ 339,766 ,;,~~"",,;3Q~,~?J 372,471 :;' ,;" ;,301);1'22; 147184 :! 8;i!'4t~' , u' ,,",~.. ,<u 59,200 "u~';ro5: 213,026 " :gJ;~<<~"Q;>'~/,> g' ,1t '",>"'" ;,V't,'j,,"'f''', 12,970, 779 ;h!}~:~a~~J~~~: ~t~ ~ ;'~~~H~~:, ~:i~~~~f{~~?~ 8,461, 778 <>:ii/;t~9'/ii9, 2,168,106 )r2:;4~1,3j~ 80,299 ;:~:;', ,,;6,O:7;~:~' 411 ,481 i;;;:';;;;;Ai!~:?r~, 407 ,572 i:i>~::!::4~2:,5q~; 266,289 i~:;;;~i';;,iZ~':4?4' 70,619 ;:i;~de:;::8j:ObQ; ~:; !ii~~~r~~~ ~?~~ :~'>{fA';~~; 11 866 144 ;:,,''12 j'68"432' , , ji!~;~~i~!~!!j!;j;!~!i' ~ :;:,:~,; f ~t~: Ji :-~~;i~;;t~<> ';~ 345,000 ;;1,;,;,,,;;,55 ' 200,000 (' u 438,735 650,000 ,Q0Q, ;,~gR; J:~~~n~" 13,499,879 ;;f;::1:~;~~~';~~~; ",,,,,,,,,,,,', ,<>.,,,.,,,, (529 1 00 ~l!;;;[t;~ijf~~~i~~ 3,010:710 if~~! 2 481,610 ;;j~:(;2"386"13Jf 67 %Of Change ':1!1~~1U~~~t; ;;m~~#g~~~!l~~;: Variances Actual vs. Amended Bud. Positive (Negative) $ % ." .,;::",<><>"., "",.,,,-,,,.,,,,,,,f,,, " ,,,';t~',E;~Z~1 f'~ ;t.~i~}l~iit 2 26 :;!W;;~7/:734''06:7: ;'j~;, >":;z(:tn:t~~;;~.rJ"~'~J: (9 31 l",,,;,:,,,,,265.0q1 (5 27 :!;;~L;';ll,49~~~~$' 10 40 :11'::t;3~'89Z;E321 (11 85 ;;:;;J;;;<~~~~;9'QQ (2369 i;ti:;;'\,:2'55;o66 20 19 ';:;::;',;";';1,:Z:3;'8~h (1 4~ :i:~jt;:;;q, ''';~O,~: <>'--" , 3.41 ~l1~~~~ 389 ':;;;i;;"g-':1H'e!/S52' (;~ ~~ '~~i~Jlf{3~~&~W: 7 80 ,,;,t!,;t:i,51~,~)57,,~, 1840 -;:;q:;":4&O';QG:11 (71 68 :r:;~:;, :\:i49\~~'~, 14 70 Jii:;i1i:~:;:;8J:'QOO' ;~;;_:!:jil~~'3;973' 114,142 (26,642 40,339 (55,821 (24,219 46,122 60,526 (9,997 144,450 327,823 (90,418 18,969 (2,569 74,505 328,310 328,310 472,760 472761 148 (1005 993 (143 (738 1809 4885 (454 1.09 360 (386 2380 (054 4969 2.59 2.43 83.29 General Fund Summary of Revenues For the Year Ended Ended December 31, 2001 REVENUE SOURCE TAXES Property Taxes Sales Taxes UlIlity Taxes - City Utllilles Utility Taxes - Non-City Utilities Leasehold Taxes Gambling Taxes Telephone Taxes Other Taxes TOTAL TAXES INTERGOVERNMENTAL Motor Vehicle/Mobile Home Excise Taxes Local Government Assistance Sales Tax Equalization Liquor Excise Tax Liquor Board Profits Border Patrol Impact Fees Criminal Justice Enlltlement Other Intergovernmental TOTAL INTERGOVERNMENTAL Licenses & Permits Charges for Services Medlc-1 Revenues Fmes & Forfeitures Interest on Investments Interfund Charges Return on Investments (ROI) Transfers-m Miscellaneous Revenues TOTAL GENERAL FUND REVENUES Actual 2000 t;j\;~~i~~lhil;!\ ;; :M;:/ ;itiitt;;!i!l\Y; ~,!,~'~<.J:<>.;"',~ ';~~EF~ x..1,"0' taJ:z,~? "~ ',:z:':{~bt',,;,;:J '" ~'"y' ~'" "" ~" "'" 50,854 ~fJ~~ 60,606 Ii, ,,"w.1'4;~;;?;4;3f ~~:~~~ Hf~il;!1~1~~j;~~ 115 002 n:i:::!>fa~.i084; , ;:rl~;i;;~;::~~2!c>:Jg2~ 3,135 ',," 1'~'.":H~I~gZ. 24 719 ";":.:;;;":26\:34'6; I c, ' "'/""'''' '''.''~ 129,059.:~J~\4e~ 470,181 "..:;{6rlfli.7f ~i;1j1ii~lhU~jHii~$ 260594 t,,'(:">23'8l38'9: , ~" f::l!;"d~:;7"; 408 333 ' ,5'66'51 r ,;,,,::..,,In,;u,,,r,~~ 436,732 "'.".,.,A28:;'7~a; '/;;~ ,:";?- ~1..~~J~t~",.;;.> >",~,;, 339 766 ":::'\"~3b3'7a:1 i I ~'Z';~~:};;,<,i:;-::;~, J".,:;':'<>"Z 3 72,4 71 '~?~;:'~\;;'3,61:"12:2' ",-,>,<>,' ~'''.u '~"v ""."'" ~ 2,592,785 ii;tl21;932,'40Z ,;;,,,v." <;~,:,:,:""~"~,,a'.::g:,;:"':. 2~~:~~~ i~~l~:~~~~;~~~,~: 147,184 :;,:r::{t8.4;4t~, , "" , ~ g k~$~~t~,~?,:.,.',i":',t,,:', , ~?,g""?,';: % <;~ 1<;/<; <" , ':;" ',~ '~t~ ~~, :oz.::~z.-?,':::t,'';: ;,,~ ;~ _~;<;z~x~ 12970 779 ,;;:a"3"4'28~553~ 68 . %Of Change ',"""''''',','"'-,, """ ",,'~, '.' <li";';.,;,:!J,;,, Variances ~2'::'"i"",,), ""E, ~,,2',;!,!,~,~ ~ !~~!,}lj\~p~:~~j,: Actual vs. Amended Bud. ;:1;~;~1~~l;~~l~;;; P~sitive (Negat~;.e) "'<,,,,'" ~:i~ u: ~: ~g;; 1 67 ;;;]):> . ..,,' " ':4&, (1 32 ;'i;~:'~;~t:~!~a~; 5: ~~ ;@t~ml~:~1~~{ (15 56 ~ml:K:~~,,;:.,':t) 3182 ;;',,::',;d.OZ:'J?,'Z~ (~ ~t~;;t1~~~~i~~~; (2 33 ,,",",; "..;"",,1;00, 2.32 ;:i:!W7::73~;9~j;~ '';;'" 2 X1;/~' ;,~~~,~,; %22Z',',,, " , u ,,,""', ~ ",',',',',',,, 'f.,,, "~~"i"'~i'j" ,,;, ;2"" ,;',,/~i~' ?i~~ ;~ ~~'::&i: ;;'::2 ; ,~i~ ~~~, I;i' ~H; i~~r ~':~,~: ~*i:', t"~~~$_' (1]li'li (12 1 0 !I;!!ij,j~1\9,~,!~.~R (2035 ''''W''. :1"638 ;~n~~;:'J(n; t"~"";';t"t:: (1781 ;;,mz:.:" ;2E?i~..~5,. 7 26 '.'9;~~Hi: (5.01 {i:l::0~, o6i30~f (16,476 68,356 24,470 492 (2,230 4,124 35,254 151 114,142 2,339 (5,681 859 (5,919 48,741 40,339 (26,642 49,373 8,531 (24,219 46,122 (113,725 (10,000 60,526 144447 (060 309 1 16 4920 (224 384 788 151.00 1.48 N/~ N/ 3.85 (5.32 5 (2 5434 9.93 (1005 11 58 203 (738 1809 (373 (455 4885 1.09 . . . Schedule A . CITY OF PORT ANGELES SALES TAX COLLECTION FOR THE YEARS 1997 - 2002 " _ > ~"u",,,.,,,,,,,,,,,, E, ' %OF :..U~ *,,~j.,.~:ifZg~"--;:; %OF Yo OF BUDGETE Y~?r;~;::t?;~2H~;E r 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 ;" 20oiil;~1;: CHANGE CUM. CHANGE AMOUNT ,,,,.,,-,,,, ""''''''' "u' ',',u,,, ,,," ,.<-,,~ "'>'-""""'" "'''','''''' .. :mi:;;;,t;;ii;;'H~:; 2002 TO 2001 2002 TO 2001 COLLECTED JANUARY 155,868 171 ,053 173,158 177,103 -7.18% (7.18 7.40% F~RUARY 189,874 209,075 229,281 229,841 13.03% 3.57 10.24% MARCH 183,425 212,048 168,839 163,755 -11.60% (1 48 7.50% APRIL 133,492 170,548 146,266 168,512 MAY 166,101 194,575 187,102 185,468 JUNE 164,244 193,174 183,587 201,726 JULY 177,591 157,255 182,078 177,198 AUGUST 182,129 198,912 195,383 209,714 SEPTEMBER 214,701 204,416 212,895 184,286 OCTOBER 225,998 207,406 210,347 201,891 NOVEMBER 199,053 214,952 201,801 233,789 DECEMBER 194,605 200,161 191,383 175,439 : TOTAL 2187081 2 333 575 2282 120 2 308 722 2 278 356 ,1' ,; ;':;:$Q5' -75.95% 75.95 25.13% BUDGET 2001 2,210,000 I 2,180,000 I General Fund Summary of Expenditures For the Year Ended December 31, 2001 EXPENDITURE BY OBJECT: . Personnel Wages and Benefits · Supplies . Charges & Services . Intergovernmental . Contnbulion to Pen com · Contnbutlon to County Jail . Capital Outlay . Transfer to Equipment Services . Opearatlng Transfers out . Transfer for CIP projects . Transfer to Contingency Fund . Transfer for Equipment Replacement . Transfer from Reserves for CIP projects · Transfer from 2000 Budget Surplus to CIP Fun TOTAL GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE BY DEPARTMENT: . City Council . City Manager · City Attorney . Finance . Planning . Fire · Police . Parks & Recreation . Public Works · FacIlity Maintenance . Health & Community Services . Transfer for CIP projects . Transfer from reserves to CIP Fund · Transfer from reserves for Equipment Repl · Transfer from reserves to Contingency Fund . Transfer from 2000 Budget Surplus to CIP Fun TOTAL GENERAL FUND YTD 2000 70 . % Of Change _,>,r",'" >",~",,, NO' ", ,c ""U', """,F, '''', l~~~:~~~~i~~u Actual :~r:;:~:ed Bud. ;'~q~,y:d,Q!!:\\~'! Positive (Negative) ~,' "~~,;:~"zn~zz':J,Z',%;',A" \i;~F ;2(foa;;:j~jl!; $ % i;;;liti1i;j;fj;;]ilii::1: " 3 89 n,\r,;"gi2rt:8.5,~~ 7 59 \i';i"0"""~~~~74 13 53 '1,;7;;421' (2439 ii,;,;'i", ~~~~71 7 80 i'I,;,li,:;' ,,,,~Ag91 18 40 it;;;j;O~:~~HIQ()1 (71 68 :lj;;;H";:1'iig:9~9 26 76 wl!;!i~il~;~~i~B9, 8 43 ',",,: 0;;;' ';56 '000 :', :: ;;<>~~z ~( .' tZ,;" ~!tt{~~e H 3784 ;:iii;<:::R,?:?i99Q ~~iiilt~~t "',/';-2/', 1 00 00 ~:g6:g96 0.17 :"1;,13'S'S,r742 327,823 360 (22,889 (491 (67,529 (360 18,969 2380 (2,569 (054 74,505 4969 328310 50 30,172 27,795 8,669 17,834 (17,428 104,514 69,582 85,309 2,344 (531 328310 009 548 626 0.59 520 (082 290 328 549 082 (034 2.37 . ~OTELlMOTEL TAX FUND "SUMMARY OF REVENUES & EXPENDITURES For the Year Ended December 31, 2001 Actual 2000 <:" ."<~~',~ ;':;:;/;:":',~f:;,,/, ~,~ "JtZ'.t~<'~,'~~"~J:: ,'t'~ '-,'" ,- ~ ,~", ,"', ,'"c , o,i,j;r A'at~i"''''!~;, ;1F:;;::~~'iji;~ ,',u ,,'<;' ..,0, ','u ~~:;? f:!,r:,:>~:::'~~;;t":>"J,,,; ,~;,:~: J.xz~,<~;;::~'~g::?J! REVENUES Taxes - First 2% Taxes - Second 2% Interest on Investments TOTAL REVENUES ,< ,>?Q' "J' '" ",,~, " f":';~<J ~<'~";";f~;::,Y 185,280 ,,:::(;:'1:189 4i95 ';/U~'j' j''''/,'' ;');';-"/!7N 185 246 :': :, :)190>444 , ~~~~<~L~:):, r1~'~ ~;' ,', 11,833 ","'" ,,,AQ,9:1~, 382,359 ,:;'I:;::;;::$!3:9;952 EXPENDITURES Charges & Services Intergovernmental (Allocallon to AgenCies) Marketing Transfer to Recreation Program Transfer to Manne Life Center .Debt Service TOTAL EXPENDITURES 'u " "J' -' ~" '" \ u "u~ '''u Un '",-",", " ~ J"~'~ un 0, ;" ~5}t~f;~;~E:~~~~:f~e; <{~~ '-, tkZ;~,.o:..; ,~F?~'''.,~ "" ",,"' J' '"'0''''''' ""0', ';h" ,~~,,:;;':;~:~j ,~;>;/'),~';;'; ','''', ",'-' E > ",r", ,. ""~ :l~~ i;!~mm;O;;1!;~:;~!1 1 ,200 ::1:,;:i:;;",;:;;1j~9Pi ",.~~ ,','u-" ", .,F""'J ' 1 09,471 ;,~:,,;;;"~p~';1,Q4, ',,,. ,', , "', ''''''''''~~'U 118,968 ;;~ ',,<;i ~g7 ~?;~ii 30,000 ~>~;;;l:;; ~,~~:RP,Q; 13,000 :;: < 'F':;~:;'IE>~; Zr ',~~~,,~ "ZJ:L'';''''v~g:? 46,060 :,;;;:;L,'~4;f3&Q' 318,699 ';/ ''''3j5!oM, NET INCREASE/DECREASE IN FUND BALANCE ,,"','!: </:,:~r,:~~~:::, >, ~~' :?f,~ L, ";~~;:h';;'Zj ;~,:,_~' ~J~,;,~,u t)1:~;: 63,660 H;i;:i~;';g~i;~J~~i ;lfi;t~!;U~'61~~~ 197561 !,;L)'152'!4Z9j Reserved for Convention Center FUND BALANCE . 71 %Of Change "'1ii,,'::;1:;,);;:j;;;}:,,,;: Variances , '"";>,'",,,' , ,;;;:~m~~~~~;!;~ Actual vs. Amended Bud. ";;',:13'udge'tf!i;i-- Positive (Negative) . " ~ "" "'" """""''''''' ,"', ',:,;;,:; 200'1'j;::;;:!; $ % -'-" ,,, ,~,,'" ""~ "'''v~ ""<\ ' , ~" " _ "",. '''~ "",,-,, u ,",,, J"""~ "', '" ~'" 'u,', , ;;Z,'~' "';:,,, "',.,Z'u' "cf;' 2 27 i;!~,;;:;::~~f~~~9 2,81 ;6,:> 'j'91;256 ~' :,' ,',.,"~, ,'~ ;>J,,, ,',,,' (15 38 :::;;(;,;;;1~;i:'~{Q90; 1 99 ;:';;j;;)~87~.5O:0 '" _'>u ~~ ,~,.~" ' "u,,',,',', _", ,'n u '" ,,,"',. ""~' _ ,uu",,"'" v",uu "'''' " ", $-.''' u"', ''''' ,/~; ";)'~~f~~:,~~~C;:';:;'~;, $~~",t,~;;,: "fjHf:J~?;;{;i?" ",,,,v,'o, ",<\""" ,u , , "~ "" ",,' ~ ','U""u"",u"""""uM",,, ' '" , '''''''N~' '" ,""u" ~, ,,,,, "'~ vv '" ,'~UN > ;".,''j:t:'~~v,,:;: v ,Y"'~,;,";:~ ~, - .r;;'i,;~f';;~:~W:~~~~ 3986 ";; ::;' ~'1'45'~99' "'t'~ ~~,~'~~' "',!v,t~<",.",' (9 35 ;!,;;~:': 1':50":'00"'0" ~...;; ::;,,;"" ";:""<<<<M,t"",.,.,,,,,, ,;:>~;~;~s;~~~;~~< (2 56 ;~:::i:, ,!:'"it~h~~,Q 5 13 ':;;>;369;97:9' ",,;,.-;' n'<-.,h",~"t '" "";>;>" "'~' ';" ~ ~, F "'J uu""",,~ '" '" ,'" "",u );;;:'~:~!;;~::;'~:.: ';~;t;;~: (13 73 ~);~~j: i j;~;~;;:j: ,1:2Q;Q~O 22.82 r'i'ilt,;;;f-t:5'Q82i (1,755 (806 5,013 2,452 (7,205 42,150 34,945 37,397 37397 (092 (042 1 00 26 063 (494 2810 945 Schedule B 1997 JANUARY FElBRUARY ~CH APRIL MAY JUNE JULY AUGUST SEPTEMBER OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER 5,992 4,909 7,090 13,047 7,249 8,909 15,096 19,821 30,050 35,407 21,924 9,945 TOTAL BUDGET 2001 179,439 . CITY OF PORT ANGELES HOTEL/MOTEL TAX COLLECTION FOR THE YEARS 1997 - 2002 Both Levies (40/0) 1998* 1999* 6,237 13,633 5,481 11 ,434 6,507 12,717 6,413 14,105 7,858 11,923 18,654 18,372 27,167 27,116 36,874 36,413 60,278 54,899 66,912 78,386 47,270 42,621 30,865 40,770 320,515 362,389 '?,'l',;/, ';;,:, ,;;;0,:;, % OF % OF Yo OF BUDGETE 2000 2001 !11~:;B,I~.;';o~d,i1;~'~ CHANGE CUM. CHANGE AMOUNT ;:::;~;n:::! . ?1W':'1 2002 TO 2001 2002 TO 2001 COLLECTED 13,328 14,506 9,882 13,614 16,586 23,136 29,455 43,950 60,994 62,906 57,742 24,420 370,520 . "~ 'u''''__'u-' ,,,r~,,,~u.,./,,ru,>,,'u i!~';;;!~l!';!f;i;;~',:;;V;; 15 438 O,;,t""A:~,30/:'l, , :~r,L:~L:?;: ~~~~:!~~,~,~~~~~~; 15864 jllC;';::;2-3',204;, , ~~/,~ ,/5' ,~~-::;i:;,u-~t;.?Z~:;::;::;:iz1~ 11 658 ;;i(i~;;:'tf6r831r , ;;",~,,";~ :" ,;; ,;, '~,~, ;:,' 15 184 Lri,;:';';; '(j^: , /,r:t :':;;' J ,rf~ 20 268 ::;.,J:;;,:' 0: , :;:~~";~~~:;:'J J~'~; 21 236 };t;::;j" 0"': , ii}~J~;f2 "; (/ 28,720 1:;;~;;\ ;'Q!1 44 996 ^' 't): , ~, E, ",,:;:;};t'~; 64,018 ,>j, 'n; , .,,,,,,,,,9; ,""'"r"'~, -"', "."~" ,u,',' ,r i~:m ;!~~!~ fE~~~~~rf E ~;'i~~~~1?,,;;;/ > ,,'>'Eo- '''~" r "~r" " ' 380 886 ;;V:;;"";o' '!1""'4""0" '6"'; /'.JJ;;'J;...~ ,~ ,:<:J , "~~'?J~,,~i~~ ',?,'~ ,/ ~ , 382,500 I 385,000 I -26.34% 46.27% 44.36% (26.34 10.46 19.66 -86.50% 86.50 . 2.95 6.03 4.37 13.35 .TREET FUND SUMMARY OF REVENUES & EXPENDITURES For the Year Ended December 31, 2001 ~_"u~" 'u (~';~>';,~~ , - ,.' ,A:m~n4~,(, ";"';'~U~9,~:~!1~,~ u"u 2001, ,,<w ":i., ~~~',~~,~'~;~',r:~~,'~::r :'J;? ~~~~rJ;\i~~; 'u, / ",." , "". >~ '.{i;/',' ;,....-~:; ";';,,/>'~E,:::U . ".,>~ " ~, r, \"""~'" ~;t:::;;",y~,.g.s.Ll,~>f_"';;'; "~.....: Variances Actual vs. Amended Bud. Positive (Negative) $ % % Of Change Actual 2000 ~,~"r"u.> ~x,' "U/~,.,.,., '" , 'u,> ~ ,,> ,> n",' ,')"f.>~; f{?:,,:>J/: ' 1 13 ~:/';:';:455!OQi) (~: :~ l;;~}~~:~i,;~< (88 79 ~ii;:,';': 1~,q??: (27 98 \j;;1"::;;:"1~:6ob, '!-"';,;~' ~,~~uu:? ':<; ,'/'< N/ ',,'Y\ '150'000' (50 00 :~i:~1:\:"< ~Qt9~9; - ;;~:;,:~' (']~Q,<OQQ, (5.10 ; 'YfJ07:6if~: u" ,'u" ..",,' un ~':~' :;. ;~;(:;tt~:; ~;:I >;,~"~, 431 106 'X' ,J~~5::97';3; , '" ""n" ,.u>" ,<<' ,n ~.,< 420 835~d'r:;;/'4bf375 1 ~~:~~ ~~;1~!~i~~~ 26 166 /",,,,,,.' "846' , - ;\i\;;~;~1~~~~9' 1 00,000 ;Y::~'-:':!:56;'000 ,I ';~~y>;; U.,!' ~7;~"u 1 00,000 1;{Ni{::.'1j:}QJ~O:Q 1,256,251 :"; ?1', f 92':143' REVENUES T axes (Property) Intergovernmental (Gas Taxes) Interest on Investments Grants Other Transfer from General Fund Transfer from REET #1 Transfer from Solid Waste Fund TOTAL REVENUES (4 18 (005 501 (769 2564 (19,027 (213 1,002 (1,078 3,846 N/ (1.28 (15,470 ~:' ,.,u~~;",~~~L:~~',:>;':' '~,~ ': ~;:' ',:~L ~" J~:j~:;~~~:!i;:!:f:,m' ;:, :y"')'::"':';, , ' u 2 98 ,~;{:?~~;~6~; ',U .-"'n? ~ Q~," f? ';", 11 18 .;:':::L;,1&i~,~q9 2832 ,;;::::::::292;;145 (74 14 1i~;;i;;()~;4'~j~z:~; (1 00 00 ;;:~i:>i' ':;",>;: :;:~~f' (8 94 t;''~;!:'275j:06o (0.64 '::1~34:~~~ij:7; ;,~;-.~;., .," ;;:y;~ ~~ ',;<;;.' ~', ;~~~.;. ~ ~~1~~1~~ 502,029 ;j;~;:':;;~;~~,~j:~~i: 123,664 ~~r;}I~i;tt~t:i~~8: 211 ,055 (;;:,:;;jj::~~i5;8,~3 68,800 ti;;;;'i':;;;;;ittt9} 15,214 il1i1'::i ;d"'lt 339,849 ~!i;::/ ';:S 1,260,611 ?;:;;';1~~~~;;~63; ~XPENDITURES ..-.ersonnel Supplies Charges & Services Transfer to EqUipment Services Capital Outlay Capital Improvement Projects TOTAL EXPENDITURES 28,267 518 16,412 1066 21,313 730 30,487 6315 (34,455 (1253 62,024 4.72 ,^, u < '> ''';''~'''''''' <~ <Q"~" ,~<, 0' __ d .", ","'<>u,^~" ~,~uu ,~v ,1~l~~'r~:t;J,;~;1~}t;iit 1,285 78 W; ";'(l'bEF974 ':Y:;~i5~?;:ljj;:i; ::J:i: 11.97 Y~:itU;'397~62:1' NET INCREASE/DECREASE IN FUND BALANCE (4,360 jll;~;~~~t~~~~:f;~;i:~ 504,601 '",,;;,,;, ,4~4",18,j: 4352 46,554 46,554 FUND BALANCE . 73 REAL ESTATE EXCISE TAX#1 SUMMARY OF REVENUES & EXPENDITURES For the Year Ended December 31,2001 Actual 2000 '~'~> ,~'-;< <<~'~:'~>:;:\:; 'un " ~,' , ' , '>' ;~;;" Ao&rtiil1,;;~r: '<.';~:n ~;>'!,,;'::gy'~ n ~:;:.:, ;:::,'f2'Q0.1!!!;~h;; ;,:,f:'Zf"""~n":"':} ~';~;.;':~' , ;'~;t-y~~.i>",;.,.,~~t~'.,,:~~, .".." n~ ,up"" u',u,~ "'~_N "'~ """ ,"0' ", _',,,.,/~ REVENUES Taxes Interest on Investments TOTAL REVENUES EXPENDITURES Transfer to Street Debt Service TOTAL EXPENDITURES NET INCREASE/DECREASE IN FUND BALANCE "" -::', ':n>:' "'",,-''' (46 ,855 ;:~;,f:":t:,(~~~~~4: 390,801 t~::o;f,'36i.:1;1;t FUND BALANCE 74 %Of Change ,rr,.' ,,', ,r " '~"", ,"',','" " :,{;, 'I, >,;~'"J"';"';'('::~~' "'" """""'" , 'J ' ,u "'~U "" ~!lili:' ;: ::~;:~/1;1!::~f;;ji;L ':, (3 69:,',,"':" ,'t2,91QQ,Oj </ /" ,f ,,~'," '" "y'" (1558 Ci::: :i:Y,1$;'QO'Q, (5.77 ;ii,'::;>::1~:9;OP'OI <<" ,,-,,,"<<"""'-'" I ~., ""~, v' ,,~ ,""'''' ~ ",', ,'u u'~" , . ,~ '" '" .>v.;,'" ,< / '.;,,',', ',>" " '" ,.~~, O'>u > "" , . ,~,,,,,.., , ,'". / ,,"'''~''' >"'~', '" """ /' , }:~< ~{~ir:!::,:E':;,~:~F /t,,; ~,.,/U"~~,"'" E '" ~~'" .~;,;. " "rc"" '" >.", n,' c,." ~r,~hr", "', '" " 'v "",.,~,'/"<)",;,,,~ "'~";;"'->';":" ; ,; "'-;:5:';'; "e"",..,/", ",~...";, (50 00 ::;:I;li,g~":~~;~~9' 16 64 ;i".:l';,A23';668: (15.711];3;~6'~; ''''' ,~, , < ,~"''''> ",'u'u', ,,'" J' >u ,-,u' ,,,, , '" "'''''',' E ,,';"nun' '-','u' ~ ...>>~ >', ,u' " .'" , """',', ~~';:5:';~~;.,.n~''! :,--;,~1;~':;,~ J,f:~;lt~ ~ :f ~ ~~ ~:;~ ~ /~i~~~i~ *: (49 45 :":;j;;b~~~;t;~~"t: 6.06 ~i~~~::;c;356Sf33 . Variances Actual vs. Amended Bud. Positive (Negative) $ % 6,433 4,550 10,983 10,984 10,984 536 2395 7.90 N/ 000 0.00 . -REAL ESTATE EXCISE TAX#2 SUMMARY OF REVENUES & EXPENDITURES For the Year Ended December 31,2001 REVENUES Taxes Interest on Investments TOTAL REVENUES " ~~1v":?"'~'/J;U"~, ), ,"1 _'~;" ':0', f,;;J"","',,' ":?J;J; Actual '. 6i~~~1\:!~i;; % Of 2 000 1i;;::;\~!ij~~~;;;!;;':: C hang e ::::: :~::~":Z::~~' ~~ :~~::~ EXPENDITURES Debt Service (8 Street) TOTAL EXPENDITURES -NET INCREASE/DECREASE IN FUND BALANCE x~-<.<-~" ;?~,;/, ",fr """ ,~"", " ,','"""',"',,, " i:;;:::~tt;i ~ ;;;~;J;~~ ~, 122,430 ':iii;;;;::;\X ;'866; >~);'''''> f;,:"t;~", -;;~~~~~~~: ,~~i~~:;j ;~J;~~' 122,430 i;(:;;:~:,:2~E(236' "", - t' ;; ,; ''', >' ..".., , u~ '" ," ,," <~ >'uu EU' .)'x;::;v;~ ;", v~, ;;. "....J;J;: " u ,,, 'u """',U"",,,,",,'" , y'U'",', "'"' ", ~'" ,< ""~, ... ' , '>N < ~ """,' ">,, ,>,~, ~ 'k:: ,;'~'~ ~;" ";";:,'},' , "v;' "',.nu '" >, > 112 .~~l~lIQ, 1 01.12 :!~;:';;,235l3501 FUND BALANCE - 75 Variances Actual vs. Amended Bud. Positive (Negative) $ % 6,433 4,453 1 0,886 536 6851 8.61 1 0,886 964 10,886 4.63 . ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT FUND SUMMARY OF REVENUES & EXPENDITURES For the Year Ended December 31, 2001 _ ~',,,,,, '" ,Uu" '~"', ~.> _ f ~)"" , '; / -':'~ '" ~~<>" L~~~~~,,~ff ':~1'W:li~~~~\:i',:, ,-, ",2001 ,Mn'" ~r~~u ,<c,<.u . ? < ,y v.'; ;~ ;,;, ~ ~';', or" ,~,' ,,',' "~" ~:~:1~)~&~~;~;;(' ,,"','" 'u ,',.,' , " E ~ ~~',~ '~:-3~:;<~/'.,"; ~u ;,>~ ;~/<;,,, X;",,;.::''j'u,_r-; Variances Actual vs. Amended Bud. Positive (Negative) $ % %Ot Change YTD 2000 . .0-",,, ,,,,,,,,, ~ E '." "" u u ,',,~ ',.." ," '" u' "',,, ~:,~:.,;;:~ ,r.,~>>>~,<: :~~~: "', '0 '''~ ,>. ., r ~ 19,913 ::~;~,:},,~;~~~~~, 150,000 'i};i'i;j~O:QQO 169,913 \i;;,!;,;;',1:~6,~9:8, /'" u", ','" ''':S';:? ~~~~, /"" ~\O,q,q: "j5b,qo~r , 1, 66~'5O:0, REVENUES Interest on Investments Other Revenue Transfers from other funds TOTAL REVENUES 11 36 284 498 0.31 ",,,,',', - <' , ~~!~ ::':F')x::~~;;':/ ~~f~' 'u u, """, NU'U ^,',' ,'n " n" '>, ,r,,, 2 20 ,;;,~,;f;i"{>~:~~~~~' (60 94 H"c, // ,<(' 5t1~ ";$'~",~,'.', ,,~)" ~ - ,u..'/~ (1(~~ ~~ ':~j~:~::,~:';~~~, (30.50 ;:14,4~'i04' EXPENDITURES Personnel Supplies Charges & Services Transfer to ElectriC Ulility Rural Econ Dev, Fund TOTAL EXPENDITURES (2,775 60 7,079 (344 11 74 11 13 76,114 1 ,462 86,907 50,000 214,483 a;;!1;,:~:1~9;ij~8j 3.02 4,364 v, 'N , 'u ''', ",' """, '>' r ~t:~i-:~< ,,,;'~/~~',,,;' ~ ... ' ~ ." "., ~ " ~ , , "~""'" '....>, '"'' ,'" V~, ~"o> _~ ~ o>~O>"~'i ~~' , ':<" ,>~:~v':.~'ry ,~..'/' f-~r 0> ~, ' ,~ , (126 77 ~i;k:".':1'~;tQ$: ~;~':;::;t:;~;;:,i;:;;:;:: 93.28 "t,,",,,,,,, ,28,585, .. ,~ v~, v~ , ,,0>' u."<~,,, " ",.;' _ ',r ~', ~", ~/ 'JO>' ";g', ~'~",.C'-'~'~ '::'~ ~~t~:~': ~, "~:"f,'~:~~"!;:~ '/' ~"."~,, ;f,~~~',~,',~~,' , , , /,.,,~ ~ "~~ ...~' (44 570 ,I',i;r;:"-''1'1''930 , ;~';;~)0f~;;ii:;~:;'~i 12,789 ,"A,,'/,,24,7:19, NET INCREASE/DECREASE IN FUND BALANCE (3,866 (24 47 13.52 3,866 FUND BALANCE . 76 . PENCOM SUMMARY OF REVENUES & EXPENDITURES For the Year Ended December 31,2001 u' u., .,,? ,"<.>, ,~, "',,"', ''';,~ u;,,~' '; '~ ;' " ." ':;:i? J;::iiY~l~i~i![ ,;:t.i:;2'O&lH;';;;::: '" 'u,'"M, ~? ,"" "" ','^,""',,, ''''''''''''''~'' ,','," ~ ", .'u,'UN , " ,~......,,;t' ,WJ:;:;;-:';'/" 2~'::Zu\:::,' "'f''',''''''>>''''''>,'> ",'''~ ,>, u"', ,u < /~?"'~ ,<- , ~ .. , ;u " 'u(', , ." '-,',',',' ,u '" 'f" i...."V;>"',:f ",~<-:;:; ~<-, ~ ' f~~ ,,' ~~~:n9~~~. ,:;:,;j~:q~~~!:~:.:' ",<",,200,1, '" A" Variances Actual vs. Amended Bud. Positive (Negative) $ % Actual 2000 % Of Change ~/,~t~J~r:~~;;"j~;~5, ~~;itt: " ''>''0 u v <"v, "'~' :'.. -:.'" ,V,-,7-;.::;;~"u; 'v~'" ,'" <,,'u "u;'''u' , 483,793 :;j:i~;:;" ",:",,:~i 411 ,481 ;;:I~!;,j4~~~~~,4 165,826 ';1;' ;,j>:~;Jr3;~~~~ 2 263 "'" J.ii;2;67e' I :>::':i'''~;', ',,~~,"r 1 , 795 ~;':;i,;;o6'i, 1,065,158 ( "'''1~t~~ :::'~;~~;1;h'J ~i:':;:/';f;; ~, ',,, """'''''~ 'u'u...>, "'~ ',}.:<:;::.;(~, /::'~uf, ~t~,,:', ,'" ,'>''> ,^U,Uu :~::i~{::~~:;~~~ ~~~:~;{ a < I 7 71;', '";''' g~~~,2p4'1 7 80 ':;;::;)::liii~":~j911 (73 80 J:!;it:;~ :;:55:-<)60 18 25 :;ri;;li;;i;;::,;j1,;,~6'91 (4423 ';:"::il;;;';;';::::,tdQ (5.01 g;:';;:1i,Q~'~:'9~:3. REVENUES Intergovernmental . Other AgenCies . General Fund 911 Revenue Interest on Investments Miscellaneous Revenues TOTAL REVENUES 3,837 15 (11,558 1,676 901 (5,129 074 000 (21 01 167 60 901 00 (0.50 , '~'< <""'~< ,E , , r ,<" ~,>,,> ,~~::"';2f,,:i":'f, /)'zr'::';;,;:/,,\;,,>,t/""'<::'J,~t' Co, "'" " >", ,"~ '>' UUE '" ", E ."" , ~!;fjl~lJ~i:i;/~~~il~ 880 872 ,;r:1""H;9ti8!~68' , ~ri~'J<~J,~'7'?; 'f':Z2;~ ~ 9515 ',::UU,:"j, /"9462 51 :922 :~~;jU;~,~~t~~~; 164,268 OJ,:;,:':):''' t6,34Q. 1,106,577 "!l,;';ji,O-'(S;:!!Q!; ,"''''~ "'" u'v ,r 'n~':: ~'J<':.'..~.f<::~2", , 3 11 /,;::/':'961':741t (0'56 ~;;;ti;:,,:J:;f;~i~~;~; (:~~: ~;;;;;;~!~~;~i~~~1~! (7 92~t;;;1;;Q~:Q;752' EXPENDITURES Personnel Supplies . Charges & Services Capital Outlay TOTAL EXPENDITURES 43,479 (1,906 (3,388 (16,340 21,845 457 (2522 (4 16 N/ 2.10 NET INCREASE/DECREASE IN FUND BALANCE , i3' / !:fi;~i~~& 38221 [;:;;;':';:::')31'098; 16,716 FUND BALANCE 16716 NI . 77 ELECTRIC FUND SUMMARY OF REVENUES & EXPENDITURES For the Year Ended December 31,2001 Actual 2000 Un ,',u' n', M,~" , ~, ., 'u "'" '" ~~(Y, > ~:~\~i~~~{~i~:,~: "A'f'T"" ;;{r'~'ib~~;~;;\~i~ "'''' ,." ',.:',qu, ''''>'>'~ ,"~,,,,,,, ,.o, ,,,,~u, ' '",~~;~~~~';' 1""';,, " ' ~' > ,,', ~ '''''~JJ''''>''''u ~'u REVENUES Operating Revenues Interest on Investments Intergovernmental (SPA - Conservation) Construction Contribution Other Revenue TOTAL REVENUES 20,245,183 ;::;~~~i~~:~~~, 652,646 ::;<:':;',~~;7,'~~g~; 26 868 ':',j," ;-;'::25;~52 82:2 3 9l;;~;;:~m~~?,6.~' 84,351 ''', ':';<f:i104,36~i 21,091,287 } ~:~i;2'5t4~,1( EXPENSES BY OBJECT Personnel Supplies Power Purchase Charges & Services UlIllty Taxes Capital Outlay Return on Investment - General Fund TOTAL EXPENDITURES ','""""'.,,,,,,~,,,,~,', """"'" ?" ,'n u" 'uN' ,~~;;;~,: 1t!Pi>:f:J:>:-, tjy 'j,;','? ~'~U'\>tu;~':'u';; u ,~ , ..,,,> v '0 u'u " ., "JJ "', L "I, ,::,,,' 992,208 :.~;', 'br ",,~,;,r{~, 246 863 '!:<;:,':;."238'238' , '!-.;;t:"~'~" ,~~,!;;,~!, ,<, 14,288,982 ;:,ii;'j;~~~~~~~1~: 2617829 'X1?;:,2:'85b"650 , , ~~" ''''''','k,~~~'',;'',,;'~;;~~ 1 ,207,515 't~;''' 0;'00000',3&4: 3 807 ,iF! !~39 I ;~ ,:Q~~ ~i;, 59,200 ;~O:Q; 19,416,404 ;{;?'~j~:2q~'!~~~' NON-OPERATING REV. (EXP) Construclion Projects Transfer to Economic Development Fund Transfer to EqUipment Services Debt Service TOTAL NON-OPERATING m:lj!r~~~~rfil;if~rJ 375,392 ;a;i;;;n:~9!l,1'iI?X 75,000 ~ji;Jhi;:;:7,,~,:~~Q; ;1;l~~F' ~~~:~t!1,~ 419,048 o,::;:::,~",4;1?~t,.,1'5' 869,440 t:~,>:.ji;~7Ii~'~:i't Total Expenses :?~";~~~.:>.; ti, ,Z:';'.::~g:i'nl.''''':t' """',,',"'<n',' , 20285 844 ',;;"2:Hi' 1';'322 , , ,~;';'~~~~~~\~1~"~:~!:~h~{~; '''::,.;:>'''' J/', ,,:'t',';:$'::-:}~ ;~t" -' "" " ~~ ' " , 805,443 ili:;~':1t~~~~:~~~ ~~~~~~~~~:l~J~t;;~:~;~:;:;~:: /-~g~~;,-~"~;" ;}"~ ;;: ;,t, ""', "'" "'''' "" uu ~ "2:}tJ'''"'''"''''M",~;:;r:,;E ,;,~) ',U, u, U, r' ,~...,>,,,, 1 ,700,000 jf~?i:1,<7g9',~QRQ; 8,615,848';;;;:,7,;~Eili';39'3 CHANGE IN CASH FLOW Cash deSignated for Rate Stabllizallon Unreserved Cash Balance 78 %Of Change ~'; vg r' ~ ,"" ;;<~ ';'J:'., ~"~;;c:. ", ,1"0- ';;Am~~r~!'~;::: ':';,Biid~etFF" · " :2'00':1;;:::1,;:" Variances Actual vs. Amended Bud. Positive (Negative) $ % ""'~ ",,, ,'" ~u, / , ~ ,.. ",,/ ", , "",,,",,'> ';gt~\/,~;;,:,,'::,;; ,,1" r5~ 6 32 ;;:',:~:C9;f~j:~M (16 08 7i:~~I':A~i;;9l?Q (5 27 ;1~ :;; ';~;';~,5.:~~9! (32 19,::i:u';:;;;.'J?;9~~ 23 73 !,,:;; :':rh":S90 5.53 :',,,22';6~t;'~QO, /' /'",,'" U",h"" u', ~ " ,j:~'~j:J:;~1:or,ril'j 1 11 ;,,,::''''F;jb8~226. ,...' " '" 0" """ "",~?,,>f " (3 49 ';';,':;: :,:i~1;) ~'6: , ? ,""""",t"",, >", 1 0 24;:/X~l~~~~~~P' 8,89 ;:/1','2"'~3'7o;tt)1 >:"~2.(,,~';,;} ;", ,!~ <!",E~, ,- 6.78 ;;::[fij,299~3QO 250.38 Ii;:~;~i~i:{~,t'QQ9: - ~~KJt;iV!5~~'~Q6' 9.22;:;~1~I4~Wi~J :~~~r(f~~:;~l~!ljti~i 188 96 1}(:%F2:1:a"oo' "0'" .~L~~>~:':~~,;~g~~;i:;~2;' .,- - "~;";,,,.,,.,,75,000, ~~i:~ ...(,;;~ :~~~":;; ~~?~t ,;~4( ,,, '''.'' 77 500, ~~>~~z:;;":{:~~~ -:,1& ~1"7Fi, (0 10 "::,;:":':,:M~h5(?,!? 92.62 ;;r;'~:t8'~';'06!$: .-.'-.;; .::.::::::":;' ~h'~ ',"" , ",. / ~ ....."" '-'- "",, <r~r,~~~,E?}';; Z ; ,~~,f, >"'u'~ ''',~~, , , u' ~~,",'" ,~~ ," ,- I' '" 1279 ;""22'934'682 ,:!:~;;;C;;; ;::;'!';,:;"'. (177 46~'1~~1 '7'" <{;;7';'0' 0'" "0' 0' 0" ~,:} ~,;" ~'~ ' " ,~tr: ,:;~"~;,.L~ 16.79 <,;;,:8,318~966 (388,802 96,686 452 (19,236 (69,436 (380,336 105,053 (17,108 (263,061 86,511 9,916 17,661 (61,028 133,279 (50 (114,388 (53,360 (326,976 . (177 2144 1 81 (25 65 (3995 (1.68 948 (774 (1 70 295 076 5 1094 (001 (6.39 (023 110 14 . ~ATERNVASTEWATER ~UMMARY OF REVENUES & EXPENDITURES For the Year Ended December 31, 2001 Actual 2000 " . ,,> '~'" ", ., ~~,,,,,,,,,,' "~' in.."', ,'~" ,"" ',~",~"'"'' ~6'" NY"" ;;1~';,\~cty:~(lij;~~, ml';!~~~~~~11jji;1::'; P~'~{t~i~~,t:/~:~~l' -~j~:,~ REVENUES Operating Revenues - Water Operating Revenues - Wastewater Grants Interest on Investment Other Revenues TOTAL REVENUES ; ~.;:-:" ",~~~;:::'H';~'/"r;/f,~, 2 396 267 ;;i;'\j;i;~d~~~g " 'u~",,/i',' "f.:!,~u~!,:~-,-.~, 3,321 ,219 .,;;;jj'I~M;~f25 710,084 ~/~;:':",',5~';,I~5' ~u, 'N " ~ ,y ~ 382,814 ;i~n;'}':'~~@:,~6'% 51,912 it!i:L)ljP4:;9~~; 6,862,296 ;;~':i;';6';5M:Q~2' EXPENSES BY OBJECT Personnel Supplies Charges & Services Utility Taxes .aPltal Outlay OT AL EXPENDITURES "" ,-"v' 'v unE /" 1!!~1~"l;1(!:~~:1~~;,!!; 1,040,914 ;\;l:;', 1WY99:3~~f 295 948 ~:;l;;Fl;':::jo3r9~4' I _ _ ';:,', ",'; ,~~ .;:" l " ",""; 1 ,91 0 515 ;H;':~<956'O$7,: , n<,I'M"'"'''''''''' ' JU E, ',un '",~ I." 435,504 ':, ~5~':,~~~; 19,954 ',;.'*!r;::!;;~s;&~~r 3, 702,835 ;1;!i~),8,47;3!7.1j NON-OPERATING REV. (EXP) Construction Projects Transfer to Economic Development Transfer to EqUipment Services Fund Debt Service TOTAL NON-OPERATING <.., ",>" ~~~f f "',,' /u .<. '" f ,~"., '" "" '0 uu",~ ," J 'C, , , " u ,u 'u, ,', ',{ UJ';' ,',,'u'" , '" ~ u ',<'- U,Q "" ,M {~l;~~~~:~;i~P~~::~ ~~::...~t: ),~~2~,~';,.,~,' ';~<;'! ';' u 1,400,849l"i}:ii1',6f8<308: c'$~5</:i~~;,(t' /-'? ~t<1:;', 50,000 ,:t:;Ht:,~O,QP.Q: - ~:llii~;:.,;tl;~i~~!~~: 1 ,230,692 iF:;i;;f:f9q';q~~i 2,681 ,541 :!l0i;~wv'''':{i::'3,~6' ,>;.ufo!",>",,;;;, 6 384 376 ;liir'!6\{fi~,'i~f , , l~~;~:~S:~:!~f~:fE~~'Y~ ~nQJ ,." QBQ~t:;~:V"Q~,j,,, ~.." v ~.;:t, 477,920 ';;;''1'(233';785 ~~;~~t ~:;,t~~';";:i:;,:;i~~~ :~ft;;~ ,,-t~ ;, :-5f ;j~> $:,,:,:::fit:' /':;,~' ~ ~~;r;,;~~~~~~}~i~ :; Jt:i~/';~i~;J~:*i:~';tQ~:~ ~; j:n:!'~',t~J,t:';t" :',':;~~,- ff:~!'~:~~:,;" ,; >ni~;~;(; ~; 477 , 92 0 l~~I;~lll!;~~j~;;~;l;~: ';~;';~.,'" '"J:! ':;;:;,,;:;, <>.~,; ;:t;;51l~;i~::~iE'~1iil;i~ 2,000,000 f;jili; ~~6o,6, 'Q~(} , " c'c',<' ~,,< ,.,,~w, ,woe 2,844,911 J!;;;.:3':78:ofio'f Total Expenses CHANGE IN CASH FLOW Transfer from Rate Stabilization Proceeds from PW and SRF Loans NET INCREASE/DECREASE IN CASH FLOW Cash deSignated for rate stablllzallon Unreserved Cash Balance . 79 %Of Change ~', '::: '>, ~G\~~~~' .,,.,,,,.2,001,,,.,,, . '~"U'< ,G ','-, ," ~, ~;f;!';~ i~~: ~;~t;;~;:~d;v 4 60} )2 49~505' 't' /; u~,!',;-:;~,,:,':.~,<;~,~>/ 6 90 '~{)J;:i~~~{~~~ (13 83 ',~':';;::r256 '000 ,.,",- ""~,,,..,' 1 02 13.::!;J\:: 'ao:%o(i "'-"v'," ~ "j'U~'NJ' (4 .63;;~;:,:, :6;4~j):155: ry.,.,."" " ' r~)'; -2, ",~f;. u '>, " u', ~" ~ ,$'':>',';;' ,;::::.;,?~' '~~:;' ~F 5 61 ,,:,~":1j1221':358; m~~~ii~~ ':;;::i;:::6:2~OO:6, 3.90 :,i;;';A;080;2~:~r ".>C<> < ~"'''''' .. "'<,_~,.,,,/ ,"'" v""''''''v''''. ,r.. f, ...,< ,-~?~", ,,,r~U,,, ,r , , , ,> , .. n'. / u t,;;" ,'J):;:' '," " :;?~;,;;::~~ r,>;~~~~~it ( ::;:i~~1 9.31 ,\:':i:': 3;:725~'25i: *,r;~ "'< ,,';!;!',:f;1~~; '}:lt~i~~~~:'~~~, ';;~:'~:.::;:~:;:;(D~~: ;':'/::/250:'000: .~~~ j :r~;~;;~~~ l;~ ~:{~:;r ?:;~~ i:;; ,,",;';. ,;0 4t2l'4a6 :;~j~~~~~i :~i~,d ~,,?;~,00~QP,9 ,,;:!,~, 3',257' 3.9'1: Variances Actual vs. Amended Bud. Positive (Negative) $ % 11,993 048 (104,729 (287 53,195 79,867 3195 24,431 3035 64,757 1.00 23,015 2,05 (21 ,584 (764 204,367 946 734 016 26,331 232,863 5.71 685,692 (29 76 (5,780 1076 114,019 (865 793,931 (21.31 1,026,794 1,091,551 522,704 16.05 SOLID WASTE SUMMARY OF REVENUES & EXPENDITURES For the Year Ended December 31,2001 Actual 2000 .. ~ ,,,~~ , :. ,. .,.::." "ii~"; REVENUES Operating Revenues Interest on Investments Grants Other Revenues TOT Al REVENUES ~ '" , ,~<<v, u ,un , ,V" "~"EJ F" u'" 4,460,423 ;",:'__;~,~:1~~\~~~~ 422,879 ~;!;1;;~;:;4ci9,Q9,3' 36,571 ',,;:jlL;i;:/;~!h~i; 21,567;E:: ',;:':~::ii;49, 4,941,440 '!'Tt763'j3~5 EXPENDITURES Personnel Supplies Charges & Services Utility Taxes TOTAL EXPENDITURES " ~.,,>,,,,,,,,.,. ",,,,,,;:, "",7 ' J:, ~ "",,~'~ ,',',,/ '" , " u '~~J:~~ ':;"''';:'' .,':' ,',,;,~~j~,{'~,;'; :~:' , ~ ~V*>,E " E",""'''",', ' , ~:~:~~~ ;~:;::t;r~j~~~t~~;, 1 ,968,586 ':~::;"2!?1~;?2~i 357,634 ;:j"''':C;3B:4';28Q 3, 185,995 H:k?:~45;;,9'P?' NON-OPERATING REV. (EXP) Construclion Projects Transfer to Street Fund Transfer to EqUipment Services TOTAL NON-OPERATING :iJ::;~~~;;~ ;g~~~~': ,:f~~;;' :~:;~> ,,:;:5,ii~X,~, " " "J~ ';z/: ~-"~"! .{;~ ;.' '~ ,;r';.,~,:," '; '~f;~"~~7-i~tf ;,; ~ 1, 126,251 1t;;:~":"2~~~?;M 1 00,000 ::;1Z,;::1:~ 66'0'00 - ,,!g;;:A:!}~4f~~~\ 1,226,251 ;:p;':::< 454;;Q1'~, Total Expenses H"" .",u u~ <'~, "u.' . ........ > u,,,,,...,,,~~., ,>/,,,J< "~~" ,>Z...,,!;.~/,r~~:N~~ "" ,,, ,,. u..,.., ".,., 4 412 246 ;;;':';;:f999'01'4' I I :~J~~!~~~~}g;;,:t~f5i~t~:, 529 194 ;;;'" , , If CHANGE IN CASH FLOW Transfer for landfill Closure and Postclosure J\ }~~;<'>:;'1 ~"'~ ",,(, 8 :3"^9'20~ - ~~~~~~~J~; ,>>....,~ ',.::';'.$;;',n ':", 529 194 ji>i,:': f82J9't9 , ~iij;~',:~~it~~r[i~;;:;~f: 1 ,762, 777 \~i~;,~J~~92;:Z;;?7" 1,286,765 i/:;;;':H7M!1:~7 3,139,156 ')>'3',91,7;'521'. NET INCREASE/DECREASE IN CASH FLOW Cash reserved for landfill Closure Cash reserved for landfill Postclosure Unreserved Cash Balance 80 . %Of Change UN""""" ." '" , '" ~;~;~~;1~~~';i, L~:;;'~9:~~~~ri~:~; , " 2001' ",,' , , '.' """ '>' " ; ,< , ~~~~;~)',> Variances Actual vs. Amended Bud. Positive (Negative) $ % '" ,>"" ,,,,,, u',,,,, '>' '" u.', , '>', '> u ,. /,';'; ,5;'; /,'j~ " . /'2" .; ;;~, :; '" ,'v'" u '''~ '" >, 7 97 r,;~,;r562:;800' ',E, ',;',:,;,-:,;",::,,/;1.""5;: (3 12 ;r. ,:;;';;300;QOQ : ~'> ~ > ,~v ~ ,="~" ,,'j, \ ;'~5; "'';:',~ N/ u "13'299 <<;;;~', 'j '?' , ,"u u' ,', 'A__, , ~,' .,"'. r~" ~ , (97 92 i;:~,';;?;:~i;'::, 5QO' 6.51 :;::',:'4';876;"599 ," ,,'" 'UN '>' "''' ,,' .,"a,'u', '>',,' u "''' 'u' ~" ,~,,' ;{:<:t .:';~ ;:,y~: ,;;,," , , ,'}. ...~.. ""'" ~." F, , ", "" 'v'W.' ",,, , 7 67Z\<i',76,~f':7?'~ (0 34'i;;,"":<{eiis50 )~~F{~;f ,; "5;J~';~~"";,,,' A~ 14 13,'; ';:::2"1t4' 889 N/'j~, ,;;~?,.,., ,,;,,'/,'.;~'::/''j..';';, 7 45 ':C,',,:::;:'36J;16Ji 11.27 ,;:3';3Z~~~Zi: (937 r~~f!!7: ";>";01 '~075::722 ~;~;11i~i~1,2ll?!~;> ! ?~~~~f;50J '%,:" Q54'472 ;::;!';;~~;;:;;~~:;ll~;':' , ';: '/u'~ ,76~,ni71 ';;.;;';:~ :;~6"'8";\'1"'''5/'71 c~' ';',:t;/~u-:.;~~~,,' ~ 26.71 :.,';-3;393;628 253,252 109,693 23,832 (51 386,726 (27,610 14,024 (131,919 (23,120 (168,625 (19,730 (9,782 (29,512 (198,137 188,589 583,893 555 3656 179 20 (1020 7.93 (373 872 (624 (640 (4.99 17.21 . <<QUIPMENT SERVICES UMMARY OF REVENUES & EXPENDITURES For the Year Ended December 31, 2001 Actual 2000 ,., '" ,,"~" ,,' ,. ,,< ~<:~, "" u" , '.', ,,, r>' Ji>;o~~fd~Clfi:', '>~ ~'><;-:::f-:~':;;?" ',,;,/, ",< '" ""2' '0' 0'1'1' , ,/ :S;i~;:;:~;::; :!> ]1~~:;; REVENUES Charges for Services Interest on Investment Interfund Charges Miscellaneous Revenues Transfer from other funds Transfer from GF reserves TOTAL REVENUES "~ "'u",,, , ,. , ,~yU 581 11;~:!~:~;j]tl~;:~~~~' 224,461 ;; u~;:;"~3,~y~~~, 953,325 ,;tj:i2ii,'2'1'2 .,',,) ;'"/""-:,,.,,',:,,, ,; - ,: "';:;,>43,002: '" F,''''iv' ~,;;,J.,!';-Y. , 483,975 ii;'~< "'}~lA~t; 438,735 :, ;;lfr'!;',,>{ :";":; 2,101,077 bn;;;1;~O~:47~ EXPENDITURES Personnel ~upplles -=:harges & Services Capital Outlay Transfer to 1992 G 0 Bond Debt Payment (Fire truck) TOTAL EXPENDITURES , , ''', "~' "",' ,::;H?:::~j::';~lii!{: ~;,'f~ ,~I,", ~,):' f:~':~iul~, ~?:; ~:.; >::!,~;: (j;;J~;{/L :: ~.., 'fE, ,.' , ,. ,,,f I,,~ ;; 260 917 :"1",; ',295' 1 '09' I "';""" '},:;".-_ 378,908 ;,>;::;;3r?,~i)~, 171 548 ,/;:"; 172794 I ,. ':;'~'~f ,f ,,"'<' ,~ ,. 253,371 ~j;:u'1;65,9',4JQ , ,'n, ," 'f'" ' ,0','" 23,410 ;J::;;r' ~i~~~: 28,577 ~g1:~j:<,;:28;5~,'Z; 1, 116,731 /,'J',8~p~1~4' NET INCREASE/DECREASE IN CASH BALANCE :~/; ~J :';g, ~~ 'I-; ,~~: 't;?;::;,':; ',u,', u 'UN" V 'u' ',}'/;'J,;J, '" , ' , ,::::"'::-::,::~,, ;~i:;;l~ji,~<~~\;;;;~ 984 346 ;:',;0';':<'('''3''l,''!Ag'' , ii~;i:l;~(;~~jl~' 0';;' 772,764 ::}"$(:'j'i!2'<, 4" 'V,,?'A,,' ;; ~ ~!::-,,/' ,:: ,;;, 3 980,933 ;;::3'<3 '146'440, Cash reserved for replacement Unreserved Cash Balance . 81 %Of Change " >, '," "'~' 'v'" EV' , ;:;f:~!~~~,~;": , ,,;EJ~dge.h;;'/ ; ;i;:' ,::2 06:1'1;;' l:;,' u ':";<:;~<f;~Y<~ ~,> (:: ':" ,,,;,..., ,>" ~ , 303 10 "'-:1"";,' :;;'2"050 '':;J 'vu }',1,Jn u 5 80 ,:".~ 2~q;,q0q, 28 73 < ;;1"1'9~r596' , ,~ '-,' "~" , ,u ~ <.; ,,' 'N'I' ERR :: ';,,::1 o;obp ~ " u>,.",<~ ,}~, , (39 58 " "")5,S;3ze N/ ;. :';,';' ,; :\:;~ (14.21 ,<1;;66~;9i4 , , ,'-"" u' '. oAr, u~ . ,,;:~v;;.'.::;;v ;{;J:,.::-,,:' \:~'~j';;:~:j~D~~~;~' />~ti>~'~~~;~:::;. ,;/ ~;. '~';,;;:';i" ~"?::,~ ,,,,~,..,,::~ 13 1 0 ;'E:"';:~~,~;~~~4; (1626," n "'~?4.~~9 073<,1'82,'673 , ">,,,>;,,,,'>;;f/r, 31813. ;;;,)'f~;6~0 (3 7~ :'f';:~:;:~Jj,~!~~~ . ,,,.,,, ,28,57:7 69.76 ""'C56~:~99! ~v "",0' "" '~"'"., c''''''~'' "> u~" '" _"',,,~ ,'v, , "';"1-"', ,; '"'' '/~::' > > ", 'v _,' uo>., "~if~l51 :; ,', > ,,,' ,',''';~ :,';.?:}/,/; \j'f,;[\~:{1?~:7.64 . 20.96 '.3:'30'3;544. Variances Actual vs. Amended Bud. Positive (Negative) $ % 342 1710 37,482 1874 32,616 273 33,002 330 02 34,059 13 18 137,501 8.26 (2,795 (096 7,541 232 9,879 541 (340,750 (4741 (326,125 (20.78 157,104 4.76 INFORMATION SYSTEM SUMMARY OF REVENUES & EXPENDITURES For the Year Ended December 31, 2001 Actual 2000 "'''' '.~ , , ,,~, n ''>' " UN'" ',_,' '" f , -, ,," """, "'~ u~", ',,,,,, ~ "", , '"'u"n ,,, u' 'u',',','", c~;)};A ~tci'~l:t;i';:: )~::i;>;Oiq~~j{':[~: ,~< <. ~ ' ~ ~,.,.," N ":;;'~~:~:: <~,',;:,:u,~)~~;:' REVENUES Interfund Charges Interest on Investment Transfers from other funds TOTAL REVENUES '" '~""'''u~ '.u, ,... '-"" ~ ,,>- v,,'> "",-",..,. ~"N'r'''' ,,~,,~, ,'~ "'. f::- -;>: f,,~ ;,N",,[',,::~~f'-~~;:. 417 17 4 !g:,:\::::3~4i494 1 ,- J' ""UU, , .f,<,'.- , 9,482 ),':;1>; ;'~"":':~:~~@: 426,656 H;r::;;c:o~'42':9'06 EXPENDITURES Personnel Supplies Charges & Services Capital Outlay TOTAL EXPENDITURES "'''' ~"',,"', "'''''''''''' ~~ ',,>, ,. /';":if~~~,z ,~~~/.,g?: y ; ',~ ~ ~~ti;,g:~tt'::; ~~:~r f'~ , ,F,~ g",x t/", ;N/,/';g", ",,,,, ',-'>'J U U 'u' <""""'~'''' "'~6 JJ,."'V.~'" .. N ,,,>.,,, " """ ",-,,,,, u ~ g:~~;>:-:Z{:/',".."0z:, </'<. 'J'. '<uOJ ''-''''~ ,.~,.., , ';''' "", ""~ , , : ~~..;\ ~:;t<~~,~:;/:'>"..., ~~n::~,~~ ,~,' ,,"'::f. ., " 'v y, <', < '~'''' .~. ." ,"yr, u' ,., N '" '" n,,, 238,404 ;~~y:';;:'j05;4M 40,435l:!;lj::ii:f;J~~'i~~ 92,515 ;?::';""'6,e';91s: , ~-.. M"" "",,,~ E 24,897 ji:1::(i!;;r:,;;9:~~1:, 396,251 N" ,:297:25,7 NET INCREASE/DECREASE IN CASH BALANCE , " '" :. ~ ,~~yy' '~~" ,Z' ~~ t:,:,iE!;~;~jf;:\\:;j;;::;: :~!:::'~;x~ };'; ;iz.,;~~:;':};;, 2:,' ~,;{,;, ~!:<.j~/,;, z?': X''' 3 0,4 05 fi:~1;ii!~i;ff:~~~~~l ,!~l: ;;mm~:~ :l:Jf;;;:j~ 113,345 ,'1\'<;:?"17,1';23i:f Cash Balance 82 %Ot Change "" ;A~m~~~~~;~f : N:::~:~~~~fi: J ,,200L, ' "',~" "" ,"'u ~.,,,,,,' '" ' " ',<'"., ~ u ""'" '" '" ~ u'" ;: :', > ':~: :'," J~; I' ~f.''';,.j.j :';~...'- (19 82 jE;:;,,;;:'~~:~:~~4 (11 28 r:'}::,:c;"").~j6O:o '" ",,~, ,''> " ,." ;:.,~?\'>. ".'-d;,"'f.' f. :,>.j~~'f-" , ',;:"/,'; J ...,., , , (13 82 ;';vt?~~~1~l (62 53 : 'i;;H:~~:,1,;~,g~~ (27 60 i;~;i31;;:~i;~~ (61 20 "," ',J/"C, 25,199, (24.98326;83"i1: '~~:~~;;~': ~~ ~r{:;f:~~r:"f ~~: ,';f.:~"" ?/~ :;~;" ,:f;i;r! ;;:~~~~!;il;\ ~:, ':ii~;;;!;j , 1'3;65:6 ,,;l;;~l~~:~,: ,:~";~~::t:: ,'0:::'" 127,00,,1 . Variances Actual vs. Amended Bud. Positive (Negative) $ % 2,412 2,412 1,365 (2,148 14,866 15,498 29,581 44,234 4020 071 066 (1652 18 16 6160 9 34.83 . AELF INSURANCE ~MMARY OF REVENUES & EXPENDITURES For the Year Ended December 31, 2001 Actual 2000 ; ,~" > "'~,~ , REVENUES Interfund Charges . Dental benefits . Workers Compensation . Liability Insurance . Medical & VIsion . Other Interest on Investment TOTAL REVENUES 102,300 u '1";4,~,,"51,3 230,151" 2.4TZ91 , ~ru ,,.?U~ N< " 315,201 u,.;}~8l~~,8, 1, 199,353 >)>:,1~~~~;~~2 29698 u" <1:2'148 I ~j'".' /,;,'" , ,~,;ju 46,204 :'?>' '~4,j3:0; 1 ,922,907 .2;136;5~~' 'H4 EXPENDITURES .ental benefits orkers Compensation TIme Loss (due to Workers Comp ) Liability Insurance Medical & VIsion Other TOT AL EXPENDITURES u . 147,698 ' u,;:H'35;'791' 220,739 ',251"490' ,,;,/,'" -,' ,,;,," 112,092 ;:':;:,,::?,f;8~6: 322,562:"j~' 293~542 UJ""'~U/ r'~' ~',,-!, u , , 1,212,098 :j':,:;};::~~2;~OO; 38,417 :",u.!)r34:()~.t 2,053,606,'::' 2,101;94)) ,/ ';,;" :t<':n)C:;~'~ ,.'~~~t~: ~:/{:t?\~~~J:r;~;j';; '"",,, ,< 5;~yY.~)L'~, ~r::,r {>~{;:~~~f,,:f ;;;':};<<'" ;< (130'699ltl'j;~iti~4;~{~J NET INCREASEIDECREASE IN CASH BALANCE Cash reserved for Workers Compensation Cash Balance . %ot Change Variances Actual vs. Amended Bud. Positive (Negative) $ % 4323 (7,477 (486 484 2339 (11,135 (278 700 (15,112 (1 16 2,548 643 9,330 3732 (21,846 (1.01 (812 1393 (24 27 (900 744 (11 44 , 2.35 <13~j~~5 203~3,i:3 ',::"- ',"'," '9.1,2,86 ) St4'Oa 1 , un''! ,'~ ",:,/' 1'326:'963 /+:~" J>~( -~-~~ Z"~, "j..I' 39,Q~Q o2;113J~2a' 2,654 (48,177 6,400 20,539 24,663 5,509 11,588 1 92 (23 70 701 654 1 86 1394 0.55 15,090 (2.54 . . . 83 /~ 1/ ~~~ ~~~~~ "'~~4 ~ . ~ Financial Report For the Year Ended December 31, 2001 ~ t:: ~ ~~~ ~~~~ V ,,~~.., ~ Total Expenditures $59 Million Personnel $13.9M or 24% Supplies and charges for services (includes $15.7M of power purchase) $31.3 M or 53.3% Intergovernmental (includes $2.1M of utility taxes, PenCom, County Jail) $3.1M or 5% Internal transfers $1.9M or 3% Capital and capital projects $5.3M or 9% Debt service $3.3M or 5.6% Capital & Capital PrOjects Supplies & Charges for Sel'Vlces 1 :::;~ r/ Accounting Structure ::::::, ="'~ ~ General Governmenta' Fund Types Proprietary Self Insurance 3 v~ ~ ~~ ~~:?~ ~~L9 ~ ~ General Fund Summary rT Revenue $ 13/428/556; 3.40/0 increase from 2000 u Operating expenditures $12/368/432; 4.20/0 more than 2000 (? Transfers to CIP Fund $1/155/000 ~l. Estimated Fund balance (reserves) $2/386/734 :-- 7":'~ 4 2 1/ ~ ~ ~~ ~4~ ~ General Fund Revenue Total revenue $13.4 million; 10/0 more than budgeted (f' Taxes of $7.8 M represent almost 600/0 of GF revenue; 1.50/0 or $114,142 more than budgeted; , 2.30/0 or $177,702 more than 2000 IT Charges for services represent almost 290/0 of GF; 760/0 of this category is internal cost allocation Intergovernmental includes state shared revenues, grants, and revenue from other agencies (County) Miscellaneous includes moorage, various leases, ~ty, delinquenrinter~t - 5 ~ 'if ~ ~,,~ ,_~.4 ~ ~ General Fund Revenues 2001 Variances Amended Positive (Negative) Actual Bud~e t $ % Taxes 7,848,209 7,734,067 114,142 1.48 licenses &Permits 238,389 265,031 (26,642) (10.05) Jnte rgove mme nta 1 Re ve nue ~ 446,647 406,308 40,339 9.93 Charges iOrServices 3,836,800 3,892,621 (55,821) (1.43) Fines &Forreitures 303,781 328,000 (24,219) (7.38) Miscellaneous Revenues 544,741 438,093 106,648 24.34 Transrers -in 209,989 219,986 (9,997) (4.54) Total Revenues 13,428,556 13,284,106 144,450 1.09 ,,----~ ~;:;;'" 6 3 ~" ~ v ~~~ ~---=- ~~~A~ ~~ General Fund Revenue General Fund Revenues Budget vs. Actual 8 7 Ul 6 ~ ~ :i 3 2 1 o <<_-<-0'<> .~\\.'<> ",\;).0'<>_i\~'<> ...\;)."(.0'<> ",\;).0'<> ~;,.'(\ ,"0"- ~0' 1'010" ",r \e'~ 1'010" ~0"(.'" ~,<>0'<> ~ ~\.~ ~~ \0"(. <:>: ~ ~o"(. 0\;).'<> ~0 ~ '(3.'(\5 \)~ 0"(''(\'('(\~'(\'3-"(.~0 ~\~0 0~'3-'(\e ~~0..J ~\~ \'(\\.0 iii Actual ~"~BUdget 7 '~ " ~ Sales ~ ~ 2 I,fcr~~ ~ - ~~;0,JJU (j'" Sensitive to economic condition (j'" Unstable for the last six years . Construction . Businesses moving outside of city limits . Internet sales · $68,356, or 3% more than amended budget · $30,369 or 1.3% decrease over 2000 · 17% of GF revenue (declining from 22%) 2,400,000 , 2,350,000 2,300,000 2,250,000 2,200,000 2,150,000 2,100,000 2,050,000 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 - 8 4 250,000 200,000 150,000 100,000 50,000 900 800 700 III 600 't:l :; 500 III 5 400 ..c:: I- 300 200 100 o Sales Tax Comparison ~~ o ~ ~ o~ ~ ~~ ~<v ,0';;' ~4- ~<v<?- ~<v<?- ~<v<?- ~<v<?- -:?-~"?' ~"?' _~~.{? is '$ ~0 ,,~ ~o ,,~ ,,~ )"?' ~q;: ....- "?' ~"v .-c, O":!"V ".ov <<<() 0<() u- ~ <:r 1-.-2000 -2001 -"-20021 9 ~ ~..7~ Componerifsof ~s Tax -'" 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 -Construction -Wholesale . Automotl\.e -Retail -Sei'\1ces/Hotels -Other 5 ~~ 1/ ~~~ ~ ~~~.d~ ~~~ Sales Tax Per Resident 50 250 200 150 100 o 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 ~ I ~~ A~;cles 0 ~equi~-=;=ClaIlam Cql I ~ ~ ~~~ ~~ w ~~~~~ ~~ Property Tax - $2,750,964 (j $45 K or 1.70/0 increase over 2000 (l" Rate $3.10 per $1,000 cr 1.10/0 increase in assessed valuation (due to new construction) CT 140/0 of property taxes allocated to Street (j No area to grow (j Initiative 747 - 12 6 ,;~ v 3,300,000 3,200,000 3,100,000 3,000,000 2,900,000 2,800,000 2,700,000 2,600,000 - ~~~ ~ --- ---....", ""~............. 4 ~ ~ Property Tax - Regular Levy 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 13 /-~ ~~~ ~ --~ f' f/ ""~ ............. 4 ~ ~ Utility Taxes - $2,126,002 $125K or 6.30/0 more than 2000 :r $24K or 1.1 % more than budgeted r Reasons: . Water and wastewater rate increases . 19.50/0 increase in electric rates in October 2001 - ."'."'''~ 1,600,000 1 ,400,000 1,200,000 1,000,000 800,000 600,000 400,000 200,000 o f'l~ f'l\' f'll\ f'l'b f'l~ ~~ ~" ~~-"'~ .....~ ~~ -~ ~~- ~~ 14 7 ~~ ~~ ~41 ~ ~ Other Revenues :j'" Telephone taxes $482,471; $35,254 over budget tT Leasehold taxes $97,270; $4,124 over budget but $18K below last year Intergovernmental revenue $446,647; $40,339 over budget . Liquor excise tax and board profit $164,188 . OPNET $46,619 . SRO Grant $26,620 Fines and Forfeitures $303,781; $24,219 less than budgeted and 100/0 or $71K less than 2000 15 t;/~ ~ ~~.".~ W ..~41~ ~ Other Revenues conti Transfers-in $209,986 from Criminal Justice Fund Medic I $428,733; $8,531 over budget G7" Interest on investments $301,122; $46,122 more than budget (included unrealized gain) but $71K less than in 2000 Miscellaneous revenue of $184,419 was $60,526 over the budget and included one time reimbursements such as court time, ~ions,moorage, cifYleases~enalties. 16 8 ""~...4Y ~ ;t; ,,-- ~ ~~a~ V _~.... ~ ~ General Fund Expenditures III '0 C C1I III = o .c t- 10,000 9,000 8,000 7,000 6,000 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 o e~\\S \Ces e~\~ v~~'\ ov\ e\ 'Ce~ t se~ N0t~~ n\\~ 0 ~s\etS o~~ eS \0 ~~o G~'y ~ ~ ~etS X\~t~ \~\e 'boG 'eS I I ~ Sv~~~ iii Actual 2001 . Amended Budget 2001 17 ~ ~' ~ ~~~ ~4~ ~ General Fund Expenditures 2001 Amended Actual 8Jdget Variances Actual vs. Amended 8Jd. Positive (Negative) $ % Expenditures by (J)ject: R:lrsonnel Bene! ds 8,790,729 9,118,552 327,823 3.60 Supplies & Olarges for ServICes 2,434,413 2,343,995 (90,418) (3.86) Intergovemrrentaf 986,866 1,003,266 16,400 163 0lprtaI OJIlay 75,424 149,929 74,505 4969 Trans! ers out 81,000 81,000 0 000 Total ~rating Expenditures 12,368,432 12,696,742 328,310 2.59 - ~- - 18 9 r; ~ ~ v General " ~~, ............... '" ~ -"" una-E)t~ditures ;J" Personnel $8.8M or 71 % of operating budget; $327,823 or 3.60/0 below budget and 3.90/0 or 329K more than 2000 (r Supplies and services $2.3M; 40/0 or $90K over budget :l'" Intergovernmental $482,569; on budget; jail cost 180/0 or $75K more than 2000 and 600/0 or $180K more than'1999 ;J" Capital outlay $75,424; 500/0 less than budget: . Police cars $26,737 . Public Works $16,452 . Pool projects $11,139, park facilities $8,190 - ~ . City Hall improvements $12,906 - 19 ;1 ~ ~ ~-;::,~~ V ~~ ~ ~ General Fund Expenditures conti Transfers out and other uses $1,945,312 included: . Transfer to Economic Development $25,000 . Transfer to Equipment Services $28,000 for Senior Center van . Transfers to CIP $555,000; included additional $50,000 for Carnegie Library . Transfer to CIP $600,000 from 2000 budget surplus - . Tr:aosfers to.....erE-fund foc.SCBAJ1.6.,illlO and front counter remodel $12,000 20 10 t;~ llf ~~~ ~~.:7~ ~~~L7~ General Fund Reserves ~ 2001 Variances 2000 2001 Amended Actual vs. Actual Budget Budget Beginning Fund Balance 3,010,710 2,481,610 2,481,610 Add Revenues 12,970,779 13.428,556 13,284,106 144.450 Less Operating Expend~ures~ 11,866,144 12,368,432 12,696,742 (328,310) Transfers for C1P projects 345,000 555,000 555,000 Transfers to 8:jUlpment ServICes 438,735 Transfers from reserves/surplus to C1P 650,000 600,000 600,000 Transfers from reserves to Contll1Qency 200,000 Increase (decrease) In Fund Balance (529,100) (94,876) (567,636) 472,760 Ending Fund Balance 2,481,610 2,386,734 1,913,973 472,759 ~ 21 ~~ V ~~~ ~~-7~ ~~~L7 ~ General Fund Reserves ~ 5 4 3 III c .2 :::i!! 2 o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -Q ~, ~- "::' <ii' <S- ~ =--- 22 11 r; ~ ~~~ .-.:: --- ~--' v ""~ ................ ~ Lodging Tax Fund r Revenue $389,952 r Expenditures $335,034 Marketing program $470K in 3.5 years Reserves $152,479 400 350 300 0) -g 250 !I 200 o f3. 150 100 50 o 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 23 ~~ V ~ ---.;& ~-' Lodging Tax ~2000 __2001 2002 I 70,000 60,000 50,000 40,000 30,000 20,000 10,000 o ~ ~ 0~ ~v { ~<v ~ s" ~<<:- ~<<:- r.v<<:- ~<<:- ~~ ~'?' ~ ~ ~ i5 i5 0'5 ~<Q & $J ~<Q ~~ ~~ ~ ~ f..,,<() 0" ,4,<() 0<() <<<() C:J<3 0 ~o Q<() - 24 12 t:;~ ~ Street Fund (f Revenues $1,192,143 :T Almost 37% derived from property taxes (f 34% from gas taxes (declining trend) (T 25% from transfers ~ $150,000 GF lJ $50,000 REET #1 ~ Solid Waste $100,000 -=::::::t 450 440 III 430 'tl ~ 420 III ~ 410 .c I- 400 390 380 "OJ~ "OJOJ" "OJ~ "OJ~ "OJct "l? "OJ~ "OJqy. "OJ~ "OJ<fl rv(;:)~ rv(;:)(;:)" 25 ~~~ ~~-""~ ~~ ~ LJ ~ -=::::::t Street Fund Expenditures $1,252,563 (( Includes $309,455 for paving program. tJ" $60,420 decrease in reserves ((" Reserves $444,181 1,400,000 1,200,000 1,000,000 ' 800,000 600,000 400,000 200,000 o 1999 2000 2001 Iii Revenue. Expenses 0 Reserves I 26 13 ~ ---...... -' {;~ v Governmental Capital Projects r 8th Street Restoration: cost to date almost $2.4M; financed by PWTF loan and CFP reserves; if Street paving and chip sealing program $309,455. This was the third year for this program with almost $lM invested. - 27 t; ~ ~ ~ ~-~ V Governmen at~'Lapr&(Projects -' Carnegie Library Fa<;ade: cost to date $237,165; Accumulated funds include: . 1998 from Library $400,000 . 1999 from General Fund reserves $200,000 . 2000 from General fund $250,000 . Budgeted in 2001 from General Fund $50,000 . Total available funds $700,000 - . eossible qrants 28 14 ~ ~~~~4~ --- ~~ Governmental Capital Projects Airport Road Realignment cost to date $1.9M ($1,168,941 in 2001); funded by TIS grant Gateway Multi-Model Center cost to date $87,143 ($18,471 in 2001) 29 /. ~ ~ ~ ~~.. .-4 r f/' ~ , ........"" -" ~ -- Governmental Capital Projects rT Francis Street Park, total cost to date $867,545 . $384,859 property acquisition . Design $37,593 . Construction $445,093 if Available Funds $869,281 . $272,000 lAC grant . $22,423 donation from Soroptimist Jet Set . $190,000 supported by GF ~ 30 15 /~.~ ~ W ~d1~ ".~~ Utilities (Enterprise Funds) Expenses $33,659,033 Accounts for over 60010 of total City expenses r:r Rates are set to recover operating cost, debt payment, and to fund capital projects I!I Water/Wastewater . Electnc 0 Solid Waste 31 ~ ~ ~ Electric Utility Revenue $22,257,464 . $1,166,177 or 5.5010 increase over 2000 . $380,336 or 1.70/0 less than budgeted ( conservation) Operating Expenses $21,206,645 . $1.5M or 10.30/0 increase in power purchases . Power purchases $263,061 or 1.70/0 more than budget . Power purchases represent 74010 of operating ex enses ~- ....... ,rn" ~ . Utility Taxes 3.8010 over last year; 0.8010 over budget 16 ~~ 'r/ Electric Fund ~~~ ~~c7~ ~~~L!# ~ ~ Construction of almost $1.1M included: it "I" Street substations upgrade $600,000 it Ediz Hook underground it Landlocked Facility conversion it "I" Street circuit rebuild it "0" Street reconductoring CT Cash balance more than $7.1M plus $1.7M designated for rate sta bi I ization :--::- 33 t; ~ ~~, ~~~ r/' Water & ~sfewater Utility ~ J Revenue $6,544,912; 50/0 less than last year tJ Operating expenses $3,847,371; 3.90/0 more than 2000 and 5.70/0 less than budget (f Debt service $1,203,523 represents 240/0 of operating budget (excluding construction) WaterlWastewater unlity 16% .,"'"", Capital and cons trucnon 2% Transfer Out 18% unllty Tax 24% =~ "'Ii Supplies & Charges for serv 7% 33% 34 17 /-~ ~~'- ~--- r , "'~ ............ JI1 ~ ~ -' Water & Wastewater Utility Construction $1,618,308 ($685,692 below budget) included: . Black Diamond reservoir . Downtown watermain, phase II . SCADA system . Surge tank replacement @Elwha cr Projects deferred to 2002: . Final payments on Black Diamond reservoir . Crown Park storm overflow & Lincoln St. drainage Cash reserves almost $3.8M plus $2,000,000 e1e5i~'flatCfrf6r-rate-sroatHrat-ien 35 ~~~ ~ ~ ~-' ~~~JI1 ~ Solid Waste Utility Revenue $5.3M; 6.50/0 more than 2000 and 80/0 more tha n budget ;7 Operating expenses $3,545/002/ 11.30/0 more than 2000 and 50/0 more than budget (professional services and purchase of Island View estates) Landfill cell partial closure $289/730 - 36 18 // ~ ~~""~ ~~-7~ 1f/ ~~~L!P ~ ~ Solid Waste Utility cont'd r:T No rate increases from 1994 (j'" Cash reserves almost $4M r:T Cash reserved for landfill closure and post closure $3.5M 37 /~ ~ ~~ ~~.7~ ~~~L!P~ ~ Investment Review As of February 28, 2001 38 19 ~ ~~ ~ ~~----'4 ~ ~ ~ Market Overview (j'" Growing inflation Slow economy ,j"" 12 rate decreases in past 12 months !j'" Fed rates decreased from 6.50/0 to 1.750/0 and discount rates to 1.250/0 <:r Two year Treasury rates decreased from 6.51 % to 2.720/0, this is 379 bp in one year Is Greenspan done? - ...- -- ~"""""""'''''''''- 39 r- 6 5 4 3 2 o ~-<s- ~? ~o ~t..O~ ~ ~~. ..J.0~? ~ ..J.0~? ..J.0~? ..J.0~? ":> \(:) ~(:) 4.69on 2/28/01 1.86 on 2/28/02 40 20 ~~~ ~~=-~ ~~~d~~ ~ City's Investment Portfolio C? Major objectives: safety, liquidity, yield if Almost $36 million invested Average return was over 40/0 C? Diversification for types of investments and maturities (/" Unrealized gain on investments $175K ~- 4\ ~~ ~ ~'<'~ ~ ~-=~ I~ cr- ~~~4 ~~ ~ Investment Portfolio 40,000,000 35,000,000 30,000,000 25,000,000 20,000,000 15,000,000 10,000,000 5,000,000 o ~ N M v ~ ~ ~ ro m 0 ~ m m m m m m m m moo m m m m m m m m moo ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ N N = 42 21 / ~ ~ ~"'~ ~~~ 7ff' ~~~~ ~ ~ Maturities of Investments < 3 years 10% 2-3 years 27% 1-2 years 17% 43 GASB 31 Example if Purchase date 5/31/01 (r FNMA, par value $500,000 (! Market value as of 12/31/01 $519,200 u Gain of $19,200 in 2001 (f Cash received at maturity on 11/14/02 $500,000 (r Loss in 2002 $19,200 ~ 44 22 ~"~~4~ ~~~ Questions? 45 23 . ~ORTANGELES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO CITY MANAGER'S CALENDAR / REPORT April 2, 2002 AP~L.". --- Patty Murray Meeting - Council Chamber II'r . ~ Tuesday, April 2 Noon City Council Meeting North Olympic Peninsula Mayor's Association Meeting Tuesday, April 2 6:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 8:15 a.m. PublIc Safety Committee Meetmg (WIgginS, Headnck, Braun) Wednesday, April 3 Thursday, April 4 Monday, April 8 Tuesday, April 9 Wednesday, April 10 Thursday, April 11 ' Tuesday, April 16 Thursday, April 18 Thursday, April 18 10:00 a.m. Gateway Committee Meeting - cancelled UtIlity Advisory Committee Meeting . Planning Commission Meeting Parks, Recreation & Beautification Committee Meeting City Council Meeting 3.00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. Parks, Recreation, & Beautification Commission Meeting Comprehensive Park Open Space and Recreation Plan Workshop (Hamilton School) Community & Economic Development Committee Meeting Downtown Forward Executive Committee Meeting Friday, April 19 Monday, April 22 Wednesday, Apnl24 Wednesday, April 24 Thursday, April 25 12:00 noon 7:30 a.m. Law Enforcement Advisory Committee Meeting 6:30 p.m. 7.00 p.m. 10.00 a.m. Planning CommIssion Meeting Finance Committee Meeting . ~';' \' . !. ~ .'fl'! ~ ' ,I ,I'" MAY. .' Public Development Association Bd of Directors Meeting Gateway Committee Meeting - cancelled Wednesday, May 1 Thursday, May 2 7:00 p.m 8:15 a.m. . City Council Meeting * City Manager out of office April ,} - 5 Tuesday, May 7 6:00 p.m. %1 . . . ?5 . . . CITY COUNCIL GOALS - OBJECTIVES - PROGRAMS / PROJECTS (Adopted 12/18/01) Revised 2/5/02 2002 - OUR COMMUNITY WORKPLAN PROJECT UPDATE - MARCH GOAL: FINANCIAL STABILITY Provide consistent and quality municipal services through the adequacy, utilization, and development offinancial resources that maximize return on investment, leverage of outside sources, and equity for local taxpayers. < ~^r y>>y<"i.U'~~'^ -t ""' ";,, Prc)""j-amsV ~'x.. kg~. ~<" .<, 1. Refinance and/or redevelop LID211 (Del Guzzi), along with other potential issues, to improve finances and reduce long-term debt liability (****) Staff is still working on the preliminary plat design with our consulting engineer, Northwestern Territories, Inc. We are looking at the addition of a sidewalk, streetlights, and storm drainage as major additions with consideration of assuring broadband connections as well. The project will go through the preliminary plat process of the City by late Spring. Stabilize the Fine Arts Center Budget and broaden revenue support for continuing operations (****) Staff is analyzing internal operations and coordinating with stakeholders for efficiencies and opportunities for resource generation. In addition, staff is working on a proposal for a self-sustaining arts education program and facility at the Fine Arts Center campus with interest by the Nor/Wester Rotary and School District. Evaluate the financial system software and hardware proposals for operational implementation (****) The contract with HTE has been finalized and signed by the Mayor as authorized at the last Council meeting. Now, the work begins on implementation. Pursue outside funding sources/grants for capital projects like the Downtown Convention Center, Downtown Parking, planning phase ofthe Pool Renovation, facilities such as the 2. 3. 4. -1- 86 5. Fine Arts Center and Marine Life Center, Lauridsen Boulevard bridge, 5th & Race signalization, Ennis Creek bridge, non-motorized improvements, and the Carnegie Library building renovation (***) A request for an additional $JM appropriation through FTA(Federal Transit) was presented to our Congressional delegation for the Gateway Project to fund the structure construction for preservation of underground parking and improvements to Railraod Ave. We hope to hear back on the request proposal by Fall. Analyze water and wastewater utility rate structure The April 2nd agenda has an agreement with Engineering & Economic Services (EES) to perform the rate studies. The studies are scheduled for completion by Fall in order to be considered as part of the City's Budget process. Increase revenue for Ocean View Cemetery operations through increased marketing efforts Staff has l11creased efforts in the marketing through targeted advertising to women, veterans, and other markets, as well as personalizing our advertising messages. Our first effort netted $6,000 in business from our modest advertising. Future efforts include public tours and open house, and we are installing management software to enable direct mail. 6. GOAL: INTERGOVERNMENTAL RELATIONS Promote communications, legislative influence, and agency cooperation with all public entities on the f!Vorth Olympic Peninsula, as well as State, Federal, and Tribal agencies which impact our community and environment. ~~y ~_ , _r? ..,'~~0 ~--"'" ^",-"" -- = pHt ram's':V"Pro.-ects>\> . : , '" g~y" .. ..."'. ./', _4.J~"'d" .,. 1. Pursue Interlocal Agreements for Urban Services in the UGA with the County, PUD, Fire District, and other service purveyors (*******) Staffs of both the City and County have made progress on a draft agreement for service provision and revenue sharing in the UGA. In addition, we have been a partner in staff efforts associated with the Rayonier Clean-up, and the Port's review of harbor facilities. Schedule regular joint meetings with other jurisdictions (****,***) The Planning Commissions of Clallam County, Forks, Sequim, and Port Angeles held a joint meeting on stormwater management. Obtain a 5-year renewal permit for landfill operations and continued execution of the Wildlife Hazard Management Plan (***) A one year permit has been issued to operate the landfill because the County 2. 3. -2- 87 . . . . . . 4. regulations do not permit multiple years. The County has been requested to change their regulations. Implement City Standards in the UGA for plans review, development, testing, and other areas of operational efficiency (***) Discussions continue with Clallam County PUD #1 and the County considering water and fire flow requirements for the UGA. Contacts have also been made at the local level for sewer lme considerations along the commercial corridor in the UGA. Coordinate with Clallam County staff on the development of a strategy for telephone services and IT Our IT Manager, Tanya O'Neil!, has attended an Agencies Working Together meeting to review the basics of such a strategy and explore ways for public agencies to coordinate these services. 5. GOAL: QUALITY MUNICIPAL SERVICES Organize and provide municipal services that are oriented toward meeting the needs of our citizens, effectively utilizing available resources, and achieving improvements in our communi's uali 0 li e. Programs / Projects 1. Develop Stormwater Management strategy and program with utility-type funding options (******) Public outreach meetings are being planned with the Chamber of Commerce for April 22, PABA for April 23, and the general community for April 25 & 30. In addi(ion, the new Associate Planner has been assIgned to assist with storm water options analysis. Revise the 5-year pavement management program and continue the chip seal and street overlay program (****) The program was presented to Council on March 19th and is scheduled for construction in July. Strengthen the one-stop permit process through user-friendly code language and assigned staffliaison for significant projects (***) The Planning Commission is reviewing the recommendations by the Citizen Code Advisory Committee on sign, parking, environmental, subdivision, and zoning regulations. Complete the construction of the Black Diamond reservoir cover and install a new disinfection system(***) The construction is nearing completion and the reservoir is anticipated to return to service during the month of May. 2. 3. 4. -3- 88 5. Replace the Spruce and McDougal Street Fire Pump Stations (**) The process to select a consultant for design services has commenced. A consultant agreement will be brought to the City Council within the next 30 days. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Clean the interior of the water reservoirs (**) - COMPLETE Develop an information data base of emergency services information accessed through wireless support The Fire Department staff has researched the use of Personal Digital Assistants (PDA's), and is exploring their expansion use for the storage of checklists and resource information. Replace major portions of the concrete water main transmission service The process to select a consultant for design services has commenced. A consultant agreement will be brought to the City Council within the next 30 days. Implement the Water Comprehensive Plan upon State Health Department's approval The public hearing was held March 22. Continue Parks Maintenance Plan through miscellaneous irrigation projects, landscaping, and facility maintenance Staff is developing a Renovation Plan for all parks and recreation facilities with the first ten sites due by mid-April. Reduce the occurrence and severity of Emergency Incidents through tactical training, inspection, smoke detectors, public education, and strategic planning for risks Through a collaborative effort between the Fire Department and Community Action, personnel from Head Start have been trained in the propoer location, testing, and installation of battery-powered smoke detectors for homes. Through a PDN grant, 80 smoke detectors have been provided for such installation. Develop procedures for a Customer Assistance Program through the Fire Department to assist "needy" victims of emergency situations This program has been launched wlth the first recepzent being a person suffering from low blood sugar during a response whereby the firefighters purchased lunch for the victim and he was able to walk home without further assistance. Increase Senior Center membership by 5% A membership drive is underway, and the use of the new van will greatly assist in such efforts. Explore the feasibility of a Reserve Police Officer Program A recent article on the subject in the PDN has stimulated interest and we are in the process of developing procedures for implementation this Fall. 11. 12. 13. 14. -4- 89 . . . . . . GOAL: EMPLOYEE EXCELLENCE Expand programs and policies that enhance the work environment, stimulate employee performance, and promote customer service to assure the provision of quality municipal services and prepare our employees for the future challenges in municipal government. Fk-~o:~:'tf1lrtt~~~'.R~~':f~ts:'i ' ,- <>.,...,.gti1k~h:::; <' :. '"<,,,.'ie',, ~_:MJ... ,.-<<, < "<,% > 1. Continue Leadership Academy training courses and participation with outside agencies. The management group participated in training on "Business Ethics". 2. Initiate a Police Department awards ceremony for staff and volunteers (***) The first annual Recognition Dinner was held March 7th at the Senior Center. It was a group recognition for the officers and volunteers as a team, and everyone enjoyed the event. COMPLETE., GOAL: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Develop policies and promote implementation measures that enact our Comprehensive Plan, preserve the character of our community, and provide the necessary public facilities and infrastructure consistent with our vision for the future. , , n. , ""nAY" """ " Prti-" ram~tl PrO "ects' j" '^ >>4g., .;-<0'1"'a j:' ~ > ~'" J.J""" ^ >'. 1. Implement the Telecommunications Plan for providing Fiber Optics (***) Negotiations are underway and expected to be completed by May 31, with Northland Communications to provide various services as requested by the City. Construct Laurel Street slope stabilization project (***) Construction is planned to commence by the first of April. Commence design of the Southeast reservoir for the high zone system with the cooperation of the Clallam PUD (***) Discussions have commenced with the PUD on participation in this project. Annexation Plan public outreach and education to be completed, and recommendations to the City Council for final authorization (**) The public outreach program has completed the initial phase of explaination regarding the preliminary impacts. The second phase will be instituted upon the final recommendations. This element has been put on temporary hold while we concentrate on 2. 3. 4. -5- 90 the interlocal service and revenue-sharing agreement issues which may lead to certain alternatives to providing urban services besides annexation. 5. Expand the UGA to the Deer Park area (**) This application to the County has been on hold pending the City's Comprehensive Plan Update, currently under formulation. In addition, the recent State Supreme Court decision regarding the petition method of annexation approval impacts this issue as well. 6. Complete the Carnegie Library improvement project and partner with the Historical Society for museum operations (**) Pre-final design is scheduled to be completed by mid-April with award of a construction contract in early July. A draft operating agreement with the Historical Society has been developed pending further legal review before being submitted for final negotiations. 7. Reactivate the Morse Creek Hydro Facility via lease with private sector and complete environmental reviews (**) The pipeline repair is complete. Negotiations with agencies continues due to the financial impacts associated with the reduced instream flows. 8. Conduct a Pool Project feasibility study (**) A pool steering commzttee has developed a preferred floor plan and layout for the pool, reviewed operational estimates, and is preparing a request for conceptual drawings to be approved by the Council in May. 9. Prepare a "Domestic Terrorism Vulnerability & Threat Assessment" Plan of Operations and risk assessment to our community. The Police and Fire Departments have participated in recent seminars on terrorism and homeland security to maximzze the deployment and coordination of our public safety resources. In addition, preparation is underway for an emergency management training program for City employees to be conducted in April. 10. Update the Comprehensive Plan per the S-year GMA review with an emphasis on the HarborlDowntown planning area (*) The informal public input process has been completed with significant input from the P ADA, Chamber, Port, and Rayonier. The City is proceeding with the update even though we have some flexibility with new legislation to extend until 2004. 11. Update the Comprehensive Plan for Parks, Open Space, and Facilities (*) A neighborhood based approach has been adopted by the Parks Commzssion for this project. Four workshops will bw conducted, with the first being April 18th at tpm at Hamilton School. Surveys and interviews will be engaged in the Summer with all stakeholders to help determine the parks and recreation needs within the community as a guide for strategic planning associated with this plan. 12. Update Regional Transportation Plan, CIP, Shorelines Master Program, Zoning, etc. The State Legislature's action to develop a new set of shoreline regulation guidelines has put this project on hold. The Courts have invalidated the prior path A & B guidelines and we will work with the appropriate jurisdictions to proceed ahead. 13. Negotiate a floating easement across Rayonier property for Centennial Waterfront Trail (executed) and secure the trail from interference with the cleanup on the site Construction along the easement and east to Morse Creek will be managed as one -6- 91 . . . . . . 14. project for coordination. Ennis Creek will be crossed with a bridge obtained from the Port at such time the trail improvements are in place. Zenovic & Associates is mapping the right of way and we are hopeful that construction will begin in late Summer. Complete the installation of the Friendship Bridge at Valley Creek Estuary J&J Construction will be constructing the bridge and coordinating its installation. Footings have been excavated by the City, and we willfollowup with landscapingfollowing bridge installation. Complete design of the Port Angeles Fine Arts Center "Front Yard" Plan This project has been incorporated into the Arts Education Center project previously reported. Replace playground equipment at Lions and Erickson Parks The Erickson Park has a preliminary design concept incorporated as a Super Playground with a community based fundraising effort and volunteer effort to complete the project. The Lions Park plan is currently being worked on with the Lions Club. 15. 16. GOAL: ECONOMIC DEVELOPl\1ENT Stimulate the community's economy through a combination ofpolicies and programs which diversify the economic base, support the community and resource-based activities, provide adequate infrastructure and support, promote the opportunities for high technology and innovative applications for our business and industrial base, and establish the community's prominence as the service and activity center of the North Olympic Peninsula. Programs / Projects 1. Market Del Guzzi property and develop a business plan for use (****) Staff is developing a Preliminary Subdivision Plat on this property as a proposal to seek a return on investment for the bonded improvements on the site and add value to the community. The marketing will be done through a professional real estate agreement. 2. Secure the site and construction for the Gateway Project (***) The architects have conducted two community-wide planning and design workshops to engage the public in their design ideas. We are proceeding with a lid design to preserve some parking 111 the area, and are working on the final design features. -7- 92 GOAL: COMMUNITY LIVABILITY . Protect, preserve and enhance the quality of living within our community which fosters a commitment toward excellence in environmental, cultural, social, and physical benefits to our citizens. Programs / Projects 1. Continue Watershed Planning efforts with planning agencies and coordinate with local committees such as WRIA 18, EMMT, and LEG EMMT is completing its recommended actions on Morse Creek and is starting their analysis on other City streams starting with Valley Creek. City staff has been an integral part of the process. 2. Review feasibility of accepting septage at the WWTP Five septage haulers have sIgned agreements to bring waste to the WWTP. Testing has been completed and a final report will be forthcoming in April. It looks positive in terms of operations and finances for moving forward. 3. Develop and implement a Playground Safety Inspection Program Staff has been trained through the National Playground Safety Institute, certified, . and the program is in place. COMPLETE GOAL: COMMUNITY RELATIONS Enhance citizen - government communication in order to promote a more responsive and accountable municipal organization which functions with understanding and support for its constituency. P<~Jt"""'" ,'. ,7";,":; 'P~ c~~''';,~" "'td~;,,+>,~.%;L' :.,t , xogramS:/~ rOl~c s';,<:,;.07:;'; ,;iZ':; , ~ ~~ > " ;:N j 0 ~ ". ~ {' kJ ~"'^ "1;",", '" , :L~> 1. Incorporate performance measures into the annual budget process (****) Staff has attended a special training session on these procedures and is working on reasonable measures of operational performance. Explore use of Internet for utility billing/financial transactions . 2. -8- 93 . . . 3. While not on the Internet, the Fire Department has worked closely with Finance to develop an electronic billing system for medical responses and our disposable supply charge. While being more efficient, it will also improve our collection percentage. Develop an ad-hoc committee concerning the feasibility of instituting Medic II citizen first aid classes.(***) The Medic II/First Aid Committee has met and decided to move forward with such a class. Community response has been great and an addiotional class has been added in April. C \MyFlles\Update _ GOALS2002 _Mar 28_ Update dat -9- 94 . . . 95 . PUBLIC WORKS PROJECT CHANGE ORDERS PROJECT BUDGET ORIGINAL PREVIOUS CHANGE REVISED TITLE CONTRACT CHANGE ORDERS CONTRACT AMOUNT ORDERS THIS AMOUNT MONTH Airport Rd. Realign., 91-07 $1,200,000 $951,589.91 $86,445.69 $0.00 $1,038,035.60 Black Diamond Res., 99-1 $1,000,000 $890,913.07 $68,042.81 $0.00 $958,955.88 Francis Street Park, 21-07 $414,000 $312,605.93 $75,659.46 $0.00 $388,265.39 Laurel Ret. Wan, 96-05 $180,000 $116,405.77 $56,150.00 $0.00 $172,555.77 Ranney Surge Tank, 21-20 $75,000 $40,171.00 $0.00 $0.00 $40,171.00 Water SCADA II, 21-22 $60,000 $43,810.00 $2,348.00 $0.00 $46,158.00 ACTIVE CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS, MARCH, 2002 (Costs shown do not include taxes) . PUBLIC WORKS CONTRACTS/PURCHASE ORDERS APPROVED BY CITY MANAGER MARCH, 2002 (Costs shown do not include taxes) CONTRACTOR Project- DESCRIPTION AMOUNT OR VENDOR PO# None for March, 2002 N \PWKS\ENGINEER\MGRRPT\co03-02 wpd . 96 . . . 97 . . . DATE: To: FROM: SUBJECT: FORTANGELES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO APRIL 2, 2002 MAYOR WIGGINS AND CITY COUNCIL / YVONNE ZIOMKOWSKI, FINANCE DIRECT~ ~ HTE CONTRACT At its meeting of March 19,2002, the City Council approved the Mayor to sign a contract with HTE, Inc. On March 26,2002, Mayor Wiggins signed the contract, and HTE is now the designated vendor for the City's new financial computer system. Staff feels very positive about the contract and about the company overall. Implementation of the new system will begin in April with a three day meeting with HTE's designated Project Manager. The Finance Department would like to take this opportunity to thank the Council and other City Staff for all the input, time, and energy that went into the RFP process and the choosing of the financial system vendor. 98 . . . .99 . . . MINUTES PLANNING COMMISSION Port Angeles, Washington 98362 March 13 , 2002 7:00 p.m. ROLLCALL Members Present: Bob Philpott, Fred Hewins, Fred Norton, Rick Porter, Chuck Schramm, Mary Craver, One Vacancy Members Absent: None Staff Present: Brad Collins, Sue Roberds, Scott Johns Public Present: Laurie Kross, Mary Wyman, Patti Hicklin, Ron Parker, Dan Jacobs, Ken Hays, Emily Marcus, Susan Lamica, Len Rasmussen, William Sallee, Amy Bahl, Desiree Boyer, Nancy Newman, Patricia Walker Community Development Director Brad Collins introduced the City's new Associate Planner Scott K. Johns to the Commission. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Commissioner Norton moved to approve the February 13, 2002, minutes with a correction on page 9 (fourth paragraph) to read "Director CoUins answered "no" and then noted that there has been a change in household size identified in the 1990 Census." The motion was seconded by Commissioner Hewins and passed 5 - 1 with Commissioner Craver abstaining due to her absence at the meeting. Commissioner Norton moved to approve the February 27, 2002, minutes as submitted. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Porter, and passed 5 - 1 with Commissioner Craver abstaining due to her absence at the meeting. PUBLIC HEARING Vice Chair Schramm indicated that those who testify must sign the "Sign In" log and affirm that their testimony will be truthful to the best of their knowledge. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT - CUP 01-10 - SERENITY HOUSE, 2321 West Eighteenth Street: Request for a conditional use permit to allow a social service agency providing 24-hour care for a 50 - 70 resident emergency single adult shelter in the RMD, Residential Medium Density zone. (This item is continued from December 12, 2001.) 100 PlannIng CommIssIOn Mmutes March J 3, 2002 Page 2 Assistant Planner Sue Roberds reviewed the Planning Division's staff report recommending approval ofthe conditional use permit application. Vice Chair Schramm opened the public hearing. Laurie Kross, 2602 1/2 West 18th Street, Program Director for the Serenity House Single Adult Shelter, explained shelter policy and operation. Registered sex offenders are not allowed at the shelter. Additionally, a "do not admit" list ensures that former residents who have been a problem in the past are not allowed to visit or be housed on the property. Individuals who are afforded housing are required to sign a contract that details expectations oftheir stay which includes compliance with house rules and being actively involved in a case managed program defining short term goals and the course of action needed to achieve independent living. The shelter is partially resident managed which fosters community spirit and cooperation. Programs offered at the shelter are intended to help achieve self esteem, confidence, employability, and responsibility. The concept of giving back to a supportive community is instilled in the residents by doing weekly volunteer work which also helps transition into the community. Housing will be provided to single adults over the age of 18 including couples. The shelter is not co-ed, couples would be housed in separate rooms. In response to Commissioner Porter, Ms. Kross answered that, on average, 12 to 14 individuals are turned away each month for lack of space. F orty- five (45) persons were turned away due to lack of space during the month of February, 2002. Emergency shelters across the nation are turning people away as homelessness increases. In response to Commissioner Hewins, Ms. Kross responded that funding for the shelter is dependent on renewable government funding and grants. The Serenity House Thrift Store is a major fund source. If funding sources should become unavailable in the future, other sources would have to be sought to continue operation of the shelter activities or the property could be sold. Commissioner Schramm asked how many clients who were turned away during the month of February, 2002, were repeat clients. Ms. Kross responded that the ability to revisit the shelter is not set in stone. Everything done in the shelter depends on an individual action plan based on a client's performance, their ability to work within the community, their ability to work on their own goals, and to show some growth in what is expected of them. If advances are made and a client leaves but due to situations beyond their control need to return, they could again be housed until they could leave once more. If clients go absent without leave or have shown little progress throughout the year they are put on the "do not admit" list for a period of time. Consequences need to fit the individual situation and client. Commissioner Craver asked what process is used to determine if a person is a registered sex offender. Ms. Kross responded that she is able to access the Washington State data banks whenever someone applies for residency. She checks for background prior to admittance. She responded to a question about the number of instances the current shelter has had to call for Fire Department or Police Department assistance. The Police are called to assist if a resident is evicted and does not wish to leave. The Fire Department often comes by mistake when calls are made to any Serenity House use. She did not see a problem with a condition that no registered sex offenders would be allowed at the facility because they are not now and will not be allowed on the property. Only one fourth or fewer residents have operating vehicles. Government grants allow discrimination in the admittance to shelters of sexual offenders. Such offenders would not even be allowed to visit the property. 101 . . . . . . Planning CommissIOn Mmutes March 13, 2002 Page 3 Ken Hays, Hays Architect 120 West Bell Street, Sequim, WA 98382 described the site design and intended use areas. The site can support 42 off-street parking spaces. The use is planned for approximately 2 acres at this time. Other than the proposed development, there are currently no plans for the remaining 2.31 acres. Ron Parker, 2602 1/2 West 18th Street, Life Skills and Case Management Director for Serenity House, emphasized that Serenity House residents are required to seriously pursue a course of action which would arrest conditions which cause homelessness while rebuilding their lives. The enforced structure of the programs provide a solid foundation for the possibility of success. Mary Wyman, 266 Colville Road, is a mental health counselor and a chemical dependency professional in Port Angeles. She does not work for Serenity House although she has volunteered at Serenity House in the past. The shelter provided her with a place to find a balance to her life and to pursue an education such that she has been able to work as an active professional in the Port Angeles community since 1991. Serenity House is a safe place to help those down on their luck with hope for better times. The people served by Serenity House are normal people who for unfortunate reasons have found themselves in unacceptable circumstances. Nancy Newman, 2711 West 14th Street, is a neighbor in the area and expressed support for the conditional use permit. As a neighbor, she frequently walks in the vicinity of both the adult shelter and the family apartments operated by Serenity House and has never felt threatened or afraid to do so. Serenity House offers a clarity of purpose and sound rules through which they assist clients working through the unfortunate circumstances that have brought them to this time in their lives. They are currently very overcrowded and need to expand. She is confident as a neighbor that a new shelter will be of benefit to the community and will be good neighbors. William Sallee, 2421 West 18th Street, is a neighbor directly west of the subject property. The rezone ofthe property by the City Council on March 5, 2002, brought home the reality that the character of his neighborhood has dramatically changed from what he believed it would be when he purchased property in 2001. Although he knew that the property would at some point in time be developed, he expected that it would be single family residential development as that is how it was zoned. He did not anticipate that it would become rezoned for medium density housing. While he understands the convenience of Serenity House activities being close together, the close approximation of a single adult shelter to the established family shelter seems incongruous. He has observed that people walking along the street going to and from the existing adult single shelter appear to have some issues with life and may be distressed. This is the situation that he finds incompatible with the neighborhood setting. He asked that ample fencing and landscaping be placed along the perimeters of the site, with the exception of 18th Street, in excess ofthe minimum required under zoning regulations to ensure soundproofing and to establish a visual buffer and defined site perimeters. Lighting needs to be discreet and designed to be sensitive to surrounding residential uses such that those areas are not negatively impacted due to security needs on the site. Outdoor recreational activities and group activities should be restricted to early evening hours such that the rural neighborhood character can be preserved. Finally, development of the site will not encompass the entire 4 acre parcel. Weeds on the undeveloped areas ofthe site should not be allowed to become overgrown and result in a site or fire hazard during growing months. The current shelter site has at times appeared to be untidy. The existing shelter operation has been a good neighbor, and he hopes that will continue. 102 Plannmg CommiSSIOn Mmutes March /3. 2002 Page 4 Mr. Sallee responded to Commissioner Porter that, while he did not have any specific concerns with the existing adult shelter, it's more concern with potential situations that may be outside ofthe norm of an average residential community. Emily Marcus, 2223 West 18th Street, Program Director for Evergreen Village, stated that single adults who are served by the shelter are no different than any other single adults with the exception of circumstance. The residents are part of a strict living program. She is confident that their presence will bring stability to the neighborhood. Clients in the programs are supervised and supported by trained professionals which ensures the observance of a strict set of rules. Amy Bahl, 2405 West 18th Street, is a neighbor west of the proposed site. She was initially very surprised and disturbed by the possibility that the existing Serenity House adult single family sheltyr use anticipated expansion and relocation to the proposed location. Ample fencing and contrdIled lighting will be very important to neighbors who value their privacy and neighborhood quality and to shelter residents. Good fencing will provide an important boundary ensuring that clients are aware of the limits of their usable areas and that private properties surrounding the site remain private. A 10:30 p.m. curfew is acceptable as long as it is strictly enforced. She has had no direct negative contact with clients ofthe existing shelter, but the mannerisms of some ofthe people who walk along the street from the bus stop to the shelter are sometimes cause for concern. The current single shelter has been very untidy on a number of occasions, and it is important for the new use to be kept in a more tidy residential manner as it will be more visible. Ms. Bahl agreed with the previous speaker and felt that by providing sufficient barriers, ample but not overbearing lighting, and adequate staffing, the result should be that tenants behave in a manner that continues to reflect well upon Serenity House. Nancy Newman, 2711 West 14th Street, said that she can empathize with the previous two speakers particularly because she is a single woman living alone and is more fearful than some who do not live alone in a rural area. She also understands the surprise and concern expressed due to the fact that no one in the area expected the property to eventually be rezoned to allow an increase density development. However, she felt compelled to counsel people to be careful not to make assumptions about the homeless population and to label the quality of those people as different simply because they are homeless at present. She was concerned that requirements are not placed on the proposed development in excess of a permitted development just because the use is for the homeless. William Sallee, 2421 West 18th Street, asked for a review of the conditional use permit in two year's time to evaluate compliance with established conditions and issues that may have come up. The Commission took a break at 8:35 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 8:40 p.m. . . Pat Walker, 1815 East 3rd Street, asked if the population of Serenity House is drawn from a regional or local population. She is concerned that Port Angeles is inadvertently being advertised as a home for the indigent and destitute. She read that eighty percent (80%) of the homeless shelter population visits a shelter once in a lifetime, ten percent (10%) regularly, and ten percent (10%) are chronic users. Ifthe proposed site is a regional facility, rather than more for local purposes, it should undergo a more stringent siting examination. . Dan Jacobs, 2203 West 18th Street, Executive Director of Serenity House, does not believe that the proposed use could be classified as regional. No other facility within one hundred miles of Port Angeles offers the amenities offered by Serenity House. The facility serves the entire OlYmpic 103 . . . Planmng CommISSIOn Mmutes March J 3. 2002 Page 5 Peninsula. Approximately one hundred forty-nine (149) persons were served from Clallam County last year with one hundred fourteen (114) being from Port Angeles. Commissioner Porter asked Mr. Jacobs ifpeople being identified as homeless from outside ofClallam County are coming here for assistance. Mr. Jacobs responded that approximately 15% to 20% of the resident population comes from outside ofClallam County. In response to Commissioner Norton, Mr. Jacobs stated that the development plan will address the neighbors' stated concerns regarding fencing, landscaping, lighting, and other site development issues. Serenity House will make the plan available to the neighborhood for input prior to its finalization. The intent is to do more than what's required. A condition that would require a review ofthe permit in two years would seriously jeopardize financing. He would not have a concern with review by the Commission and neighbors of operating procedures, specific issues, or making adjustments after a period of operation due to neighborhood concerns, but not of the permit itself. Getting together with the Commission and neighbors to review performance would not jeopardize financing. Pat Walker, 1815 East Third Street, read from the Serenity House conditional use permit application dated August 15,2001 that "... one halfto three quarters of referrals come from formerly homeless individuals, hospitals, treatment centers, and social service agencies around the state." Approximately 400 people are served per year. If, as Mr. Jacobs stated, 149 come from Clallam County with 114 from Port Angeles, the remainder must come from somewhere else. Dan Jacobs responded to Ms. Walker by explaining the difficulty of addressing the homeless population who are constantly moving from place to place. Director Collins noted that staffs recommendation is that fencing be required to establish a definite boundary for the area that is consistent with the neighborhood. At the time of development, appropriate landscaping and fencing will be determined based on development in the neighborhood. The testimony provided regarding landscaping, fencing, lighting, and fire suppression systems will be given considerable weight during the building permit review process. The applicants have indicated that they are anxious to be good neighbors. The site plan included in the staff report should not be approved as a final site plan but is intended to be conceptual. Staff would not recommend a required review of the conditional use permit at a given time in the future because when a considerable investment is required, some sense of longevity is needed for the applicant. If conditions of a conditional use permit are not complied with the permit may be voided at any time. It may be appropriate to ask for a report on the pertinent issues within a certain period of time. He noted that improvements to Sixteenth Street may be required when the north side of the site is developed. Ken Hays, Hays Architects, 120 West Bell Street, Sequim, WA, asked that a definite landscaping/fencing barrier height not be established until more final plans are submitted in order to allow for creativity and sensitivity to surrounding residential uses when development plans are complete. There being no further testimony, Vice Chair Schramm closed the public hearing. Director Collins responded to Commissioner Hewins that, if at some point sexual offenders are on-site and it is a condition of the permit that they be excluded, the conditional use permit could be voided. Commissioner Porter preferred that a minimum 5' fence height be established along the western boundary of the site. 104 Planmng CommiSSIOn Mznutes March 13, 2002 Page 6 Conunissioner Hewins expressed concern that if Serenity House is not successful, any social service agency providing 24-hour care could locate in the proposed facility. Other uses such as a half-way house could locate in the facility in the future ifthe proposed use is approved. Conunissioner Porter asked Ms. Kross to elaborate on the curfew rules. Ms. Kross responded that a 10:30 p.m. curfew is presently in place and is intended to continue. Residents must be inside at 10:30 p.m. or be counted as absent without leave (A WOL). Lights out is at 11 p.m. Only Walkman (personal radio devices) are permitted outside - no boom boxes or loud music generating devices are allowed. In response to Commissioner Porter, Ms. Bahl stated that there is a large population of children in the neighborhood. Director Collins clarified that conditional use permits are issued for specific purposes, at specific locations, and to specific applicants. If the proposed use is not successful, another applicant would have to reapply to conduct a similar activity at the site. Otherwise, only those uses permitted in the RMD zone would be allowed to occupy the site. Commissioner Hewins was concerned with the lack of information on the site plans. Commissioner Craver felt that most Commission members are not qualified to review detailed site plans but should be dealing with the proposed use. Lengthy discussion took place regarding the height of required fencing and the amount of landscaping that should be required. Commissioner Norton moved to approve the conditional use permit with the following conditions, findings, and conclusions: Conditions: 1. Approval is for a conditional use permit to establish a transitional housing/emergency shelter activity described in the application presented to the City on September 10, 2001 for CUP 01-10 by Serenity House for up to 50 residents with a maximum of70 residents in short term emergency shelter situations. 2. The applicant shall operate under the guidelines prescribed by the Washington Department of Health at all times. 3. Final building plans shall include the provision of a minimum of 42 improved off-street parking spaces. 4. The site shall be fenced on the east and west property lines with fencing along the north boundary of the building area. Solid fencing shall be to a minimum of 5' with a landscape buffer such that the fencing will blend in a manner that will complement the neighborhood. 5. The applicant is aware that the site is located opposite an industrial location, specifically the William R. Fairchild International Airport and industrial park, and that residential use of such a site may result in adverse aviation and related noise. Additionally, the applicant realizes that site development of the industrial park is not complete. 6. Sexual offenders shall not be allowed to either visit or be housed on the site at any time. 105 . . . . . . Planning Commission Mmutes March J 3, 2002 Page 7 7. An L.I.D. No Protest Agreement for improvements to Sixteenth Street in the event of future development shall be signed prior to issuance of a building permit. 8. A 10:30 p.m. curfew shall be strictly observed as described by the applicant. Findings: Based on the information provided in the October 10, 2001, staff report for CUP 01-10, including all of its attachments, and the Planning Commission's discussion and deliberation during the March 13, 2002, public hearing, the Planning Commission hereby finds that: 1. The applicant, Serenity House of Clallam County, applied to operate a social service agency providing 24-hour residential care service on September 10, 2001, in a Residential Medium Density (RMD) zone. The proposal consists of two lots that equal a total of 188,074.28 square feet in size and are undeveloped at this time. 2. The purpose of the RMD zone is to allow for a mix of single family, duplexes, and apartments at a density of greater than single family neighborhoods but less than the RHD zone. RMD density is allowed to be up to 15 units/acre. The subject proposal would result in a density ratio of 11.6 units/acre 3. A social service agency providing 24-hour residential care is a conditionally permitted use in the RMD zone. 4. Properties to the east of the subject site are designated, zoned, and developed for medium density multiple family residential uses, including the Serenity House family housing complex. Properties to the west and north of the subject site are designated, zoned, and generally developed in low density single family residential uses. Properties to the south across 18th Street are designated, zoned, and developed for industrial uses as the William R. Fairchild International Airport and the Airport industrial park. 5. The Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map designates the area as a margin between Low Density Residential (LDR) and Medium Density Residential (MDR). 6. The Comprehensive Plan has been reviewed with respect to the proposal. The most relevant goals, policies, and objectives are as follows: Growth Management Element Goal A, Land Use Element Goal A, Policies Al and A2, Objective AI, Goal B, Goal C, Policies C.l-CA, Housing Element Goal A, Policies Al and A7, Goal B, Policies B.l, B.2, B.6, B.9, Objectives B.l and B.2. 7. The site is located in the Northwest Planning Area of the City which contains the largest segment of undeveloped residential land in the City. 106 Planmng Commission Mznutes March J 3, 2002 Page 8 8. A Determination of Non-Significance was issued for the proposed project on October 9, 2001. This satisfies the City's responsibility under the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA). . 9. The subject site is served by 18th Street, which is a designated arterial. Clallam Transit provides bus service along 18th Street with a bus stop in the near vicinity. 10. Serenity House provides housing and other social services in the near vicinity at 2201 West Eighteenth Street. An existing emergency shelter was established at 2602 1/2 West 18th Street in 1983 for 33 up to residents. The applicant has stated that the site has become overcrowded and cannot be expanded. 11. The City's Police and Fire Departments have not indicated that an unusual amount of disturbance or aid calls have resulted over the past 18 years of operation at the existing 2602 1/2 West 18th Street location. 12. The proposed site location adjacent to the airport may pose a noise concern for the shelter activity. However, the proposal is for temporary emergency shelter housing as opposed to typical long term residential housing. Construction techniques should compensate for additional off-site noise. 13. The existing site location at 2602 1/2 West 18th Street has operated for the past 18 years in an industrial zone. The applicant is aware of the potential aviation and industrial activities that occur in the area. . 14. Transitional housing for the homeless is a special housing need that is specifically addressed in the Comprehensive Plan. 15. The 18th Street location provides amenities for multiple housing needs such as public transit, an arterial street, vacant affordable land, and a non-profit service provider. 16. A local Continuum of Care Needs Assessment study done in 1999 places a high priority on the need for maintaining existing emergency shelter and related supportive services. 17. The Public Works, Fire, Building, and Police Departments have no objection to the proposed activity. 18. The City's State Environmental Policy Act Responsible Official issued a Determination of NonSignificance for the proposal per WAC 197-11 on October 5, 2001. Subsequent development of the property would require compliance with various chapters of the Port Angeles Municipal Code as applies. . 107 . . .\ Plannmg CommISSIOn Mmutes March 13, 2002 Page 9 19. Public Notice was given on September 19, 2001, identifying a written comment deadline of October 4, 2001, for consideration in the staff report and the Planning Commission recommendation. The staff received two written comments from William and Jeanie Sallee and from Amy Bahl on October 4,2001, requesting that the proposal be denied. 20. The social service use is regulated by the Washington Department of Health. 21. The applicants have indicated that approximately one fourth of the resident population are expected to have access to vehicles. 22. The October 10, 2001, public hearing for Conditional Use Permit CUP 01-10 Serenity House, was continued to December If, 2001, in order for the City Council to take an action on the requested rezone ofthe property. That public hearing was further continued to March 13,2002, due to Council's nonaction on the rezone request. 23. The site was rezoned to RMD by action of the City Council on March 5, 2002. Conclusions: The City of Port Angeles Planning Commission hereby concludes that: A As conditioned, the proposed use is consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan including but not limited to Growth Management Element Goal A, Land Use Element Goal A, Policies Al and A2, Objective AI, Goal B, Goal C, Policies C.1-CA, Housing Element Goal A, Policies Al and A.7, Goal B, Policies B.I, B.2, B.6, B.9, Objectives B.1 and B.2. B. As conditioned, the proposed use is consistent with the City's Zoning Ordinance including the intent of the RMD zone. C. A typical residential neighborhood is not established along 18th Street due to its location opposite the Airport and Airport industrial park. D. Because three quarters of the residents are not expected to have automobiles, the provision of 42 parking spaces is adequate. E. As conditioned, the proposed project is not contrary to the public use and interest. F. The need for emergency housing has been identified and can be seen as a transitional use between more intensive uses such as airport/industrial and less intensive low density residential land uses. The proposal is found to be beneficial to the community as a whole and is compatible with the desired urban design of the City. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Philpott. 108 Plannmg CommISSIOn Mmutes March J 3, 2002 Page 10 Commissioner Porter asked Mr. Jacobs if a 10:00 p.m. curfew would be acceptable. Mr. . Jacobs responded that the current activity has operated under a 10:30 p.m. curfew for many years with no problems. Given the public bus service used by many residents, it may be difficult for some to observe a 10:00 p.m. curfew. The Commission was polled and the majority concurred that the 10:30 p.m. curfew would be acceptable. Tbe motion passed 5 - 1 witb Commissioner Hewins voting in tbe negative. Mr. Hewins stated that he opposed the rezone because ofthe increase in density and is opposed to the proposed conditional use because this neighborhood should not have to absorb the facility. PROPOSED MUNICIPAL CODE AMENDMENTS - MCA 01-02 - CITY OF PORT ANGELES. City-Wide: Suggested changes to the City's sign, parking, environmental, subdivision, and zoning regulations (Titles 14-17). The changes were largely recommended by the Citizens Code Advisory Committee appointed by the City Council in 2001. Director Collins indicated that he had not been able to complete the revisions discussed by the Planning Commission at the special January 30th workshop and asked that, following the public hearing, the item be continued to the March 27th meeting for further review. Vice Chair opened the public hearing. There being no one to comment on the proposed amendments, the public hearing was closed. Commissioner Porter moved to continue discussion on the proposed amendments to the . March 27,2002, regular meeting. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Norton and passed 6 - o. Commissioner Craver left the meeting room as she is a property owner in the vicinity of the next item and felt there may be an appearance of fairness concern. PUBLIC MEETING REZONE - REZ 02-03 - PORT ANGELES SCHOOL DISTRICT - School District-owned properties located adjacent to the Port Angeles High School to be rezoned from RS-7, Residential Single Family to PBP, Public Buildings and Parks. Vice Chair Schramm opened the public meeting. It was determined that it would be best to separate the rezone from the Municipal Code Amendments. Commissioner Norton moved to continue the deliberation to the April 10, 2002, regular meeting. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Porter and passed 5 - O. Commissioner Craver rejoined the meeting. COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE PUBLIC Mr. Leonard Rasmussen, 2133 West 14th Street, was present and indicated that he is under . consideration for appointment to the Planning Commission to fill the one commissioner vacancy. 109 Plannmg CommISSIOn Mmutes March J 3, 2002 Page J J . ELECTIONS . . Vice Chair Schramm opened elections for the term 2002-2003: Commissioner Norton nominated Commissioner Schramm as Chair. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Hewins and passed 6 - o. Commissioner Philpott nominated Commissioner Hewins as Vice Chair. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Norton and passed 6 - o. STAFF REPORTS Mr. Collins distributed the draft minutes ofthe City Council's March 5, 2002, minutes with regard to the Serenity House Rezone proposal. Mr. Collins noted that he did not make a presentation to the City Council either on behalf of the staffs recommendation or the Planning Commission's recommendation. A public hearing was held and when it was his turn to speak let Council know that they had two recommendations, but he did not promote either recommendation actively. He indicated to Council that he was prepared to support both the staffs recommendation and the Commission's recommendation and answer any questions they might have accordingly. The City Council took a different view of some of the issues from the Planning Commission. Mr. Collins tried to address in his memorandum to the Council some of the concerns raised by the Planning Commission regarding the rezone such as the number of units and what changes had occurred in the development of not only the area but City-wide and to try to provide information that was not in the staff report to the Planning Commission but was raised by questions during the Commission's deliberations. Commissioner Schramm expressed his concern that the item was an issue of a rezone not of an intended use. The intended use should not have been an issue in this matter. It was strictly a rezone. He is very disappointed in Council's decision because there was a lot of politics in play in this instance. The City may need to move to a hearing examiner process because this was a poor example of the system at work. Commissioner Hewins agreed that the point of the rezone became an issue of the entity asking for the rezone rather than the rezone standing on its own merits. It became very political because the applicant was Serenity House. Commissioner Porter asked what it would take to go to a hearing examiner process. Director Collins responded that it would take an action ofthe City Council to hire a hearing examiner. Staff has encouraged a hearing examiner in the past, but the Planning Commission has not been in agreement and neither has the City Council. Commissioner Porter stated that it seems that there is support for such a system at this point. A budget would have to be established and would be an increase of about $40,000 a year from the existing budget. Commissioner Porter responded that from a liability perspective it makes a lot of sense to have a hearing examiner and it would free up the Commission to do more planning than acting on applications. Mr. Collins responded that he would draft documentation to present the strategy to the Council if that is the consensus of the Planning Commission. Commissioner Philpott noted that he will be able to attend the March 16th meeting County Planning Commission/City Planning Commission workshop. Commissioner Norton will be attending in the afternoon only. Other Commission members will not be in attendance. Mr. Collins indicated that the subject under discussion will be stormwater management and the City's proposal to establish a stormwater utility. He will an}t~@ for a presentation on the stormwater utility proposal to the Planning Commission in the near future, either March 27 or April 24th. The State Planning CommissIOn Minutes March 13. 2002 Page 12 Legislature extended Comprehensive Plan review to 2004 so there is not a need to do a complete . review ofthe Plan this year. However, the current Comprehensive Plan update process will continue as it has been started. REPORTS OF COMMISSION MEMBERS Commissioner Philpott asked how the repair work is going on the "8th Street bumps". Mr. Collins noted that the bumps have been ground down and that the City is waiting for good weather to complete the overlay. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 10:30 p.m. Brad Collins, Secretary Charles Schramm, Chair PREPARED BY' S Roberds . . 111 . . Port ftngeles Fine ftrts Center . 112 PARKS & RECREATION REVENUE February 2002 REVENUE-GENERAL FUND This Month This Month This Year Last Year Last Year To Date To Date Ocean View Cemetery $15,182.48 $6,291.78 $24,961.62 $12,275.95 William Shore Memorial Pool $13,560.05 $14,097.34 $26,510.09 $27,191.77 Vern Burton Community Center $1,155.00 $659.00 $5,224.00 $1,267.00 Senior Services Center - Rentals $821.00 $393.50 $1,803.50 $1,054.00 Senior Services Center- Kitchen Fees $0.00 $50.00 $180.00 $130.00 Senior Services Center - Leases $550.00 $550.00 $1,100.00 $1,100.00 Banner $915.00 $765.00 $1,095.00 $885.50 Lincoln Park Camping Fees $0.00 $120.00 $0.00 $0.00 City Pier Moorage Fees $0.00 $0.00 $282.21 $0.00 General Fund Revenue Total $32,183.53 $22,161.62 $61,156.42 $43,904.22 LINCOLN PARK, This Month This Month This Year Last Year To IMPROVEMENT FUND " Last year To Date Date Longhouse/Clubhouse $500.00 $630.00 $1,100.00 $1,125.00 Lincoln Park Camping Fees $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Improvement Fund Total $500.00 $630.00 $1,100.00 $1,125.00 REVENUE- This Month 'This Month This Year Last Year RECREATIONAL ACTIVITIES Last Year To Date To Date FUND Vern Burton Kitchen Fees $247.50 $35.00 $712.50 $115.00 Co-Rec Volleyball $0.00 $50.00 $5.00 $360.00 Volleyball Tourney Fund $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Slowpitch $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Slowpitch Tourney Fund $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Mens Basketball $217.50 $30.00 $1,462.50 $2,160.00 Basketball Tourney Fund $79.50 $119.00 $537.00 $277.50 Youth Programs $4,640.50 $2,407.00 $8,996.00 $5,984.00 Adult Programs $305.00 $371.00 $1,141.25 $540.00 Adult Soccer $0.00 $60.00 $25.00 $60.00 Recreation Activities Fund Total $5,490.00 $3,072.00 $12,874.25 $9,496.5 113 . "A",b,', ~j!. >Activities" '" , t~j~ <;"'~: >,,' ^ ,::ffii1, \ \ > ,^ ""')L h~ 'h >~ "~~:> >:~> '<, ;,. RECREA TION--- , William Shore Memorial Pool Monthly Attendance/Revenue Report February 2002 : Y':'T~I" h ': ", 'mitis M'~ih~j~,' ,fthis~yf;rtb' 1>>:'1 "";la~tYei:;l~';; " ,.,\, .I;,'~.: . .;L', '!''''w, '~c' "'hi" ,/,...'lfr 'g~' 7" .0.. , " . " .v',?"'" ," '01bast' Year : ~i"',& ;Date\! >i "",,:w. .'Bate :.:, -'.,~ (/;v...... "G,;.,ph~ ",y., \'th :, ' ';''<1j)' >t\ \%/,C ,,,,~fl' -<""A v&;;o. ;:0'-1""', E 2'Li<c :fJi/;d~ ;'~ Children Adult Middle School Nite/Kid's Day Pool Parties/Participants ~RiGR'~~N~:F'~~ '';>'0 ""@,,,.,.< ~~'l~"J;,#ij",^"v.jh 862 841 1,423 1,860 1,903 1,825 3,840 4,094 0/29 25/25 13/51 56/56 1 0/226 21/197 31/439 40/430 ","'~ <<<</ < ;,:",,:,:oI>.(j,{ " 61~, ".,:&6'" INSTRUCTION --- Children Adults Parent/Child Orientation Pre-School Water Exercise . School District Pool Rentals/Classes Instruction Totals }~~:)()i!tATf~NDAN~E~e1i~,~~I;;~~", ~ POOL OPERATIONS --- 689 818 1,317 1,389 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 327 248 665 394 630 603 1,318 1,267 496 516 1,515 1,551 509 864 1 ,453 1,261 2,651 3,049 6,268 5,862 '?~6~11:~, ~5 96\~lil~~~";~12t034 sw-:::?r>~} ~~ ,:;: :~f~I::QQ8 , .."' 0<< , VWHh>..Mw....-.... ^,J Days Open Hours Open REVENUE --- Rental: Suits, towels, caps $201.27 $231.36 $372.55 $567.44 Admissions $2,084.19 $2,110.44 $3,688.18 $4,637.92 Lessons $5,709.80 $5,976.50 $11,228.30 $10,884.50 Aerobics $1,426.00 $1.291.86 $2,927.50 $3,038.86 Passes $2,805.00 $3,198.87 $5,208.26 $5,128.48 Showers $18.53 $20.38 $26.87 $27.32 . Lockers $110.50 $103.75 $189.25 $293.25 Pool Rentals $727.40 $655.57 $1,949.53 $1,633.73 Sales Tax $4.7~.~6 $508.61 $919.65 $980.27 enn'., 'iftEVE".U' E 'TnTfAI:..'c\/" \'7:, 4'{,' f ~~ T.--'- 'T ,,'W " ~'" f'", :,.. 'JfP!!!:"" "" " /" '10' ,_we: f"",'A ;, tjfrpf~~~ '~ff'> ,I~ ',c >'I;V .;11'\ ' ~} ",:<' f, f $t3,5~pJt5: ,,' ,f:$14}~9i't3:4rL;i: $26;~!~:.o,~l:' .' $2:7,1~1.,11; 26 357.00 28 391.25 55 58 775.75 811.25 William Shore Pool Activities February 2002 I ADMINISTRA TlON *Conducted Red Cross Life Guard Program *Added Monday & Friday to the "Ladies Morning Swim" *Conducted Monthly In-Service Training Class for Pool Staff *Added "The Anchored Aerobic Class" to Wednesday morning schedule INSTRUCTIONAL Exercise classes for September: * Combination AM classes * Water Aerobics AM classes * Deep Water AM classes * Deep Water PM classes * Water Walking AM classes Swim Lessons Schedule: * February 25 - March 29 * February 26 - March 28 * On-going Grade-school Pre-school Private Lessons CLUBS AND ORGANIZA TlONS * Port Angeles Swim Club 5:30-7:00 pm Monday thru Friday * Port Angeles Diving Club On vacation * Port Angeles School District 7:45 am - 8:15 am 9:05 am - 9:35 am 1:00 pm -1:30 pm Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri Wednesday Monday thru Friday * United States Coast Guard 7:45 - 9:00 am Rescue Swimmer Training RECREA TIONAL SWIMMING February 23 Kid's Day February 23 Middle School Night -~-~ ~.l~,,~ --~... 115 . Tu & Thur Mon - Fri Mon & Fri Tu & Thur Mon, Wed. Fri . PE Classes PE Classes Special Education Class Tues & Thurs -- 29 Participants Closed -~~ ~~ ~~ . . . . ;~;>' \j,;' / :')fit:,: Av~,;1 ~< " vt ." ,,? ;If!; B,ecr~~ll()~: ~~l)Y1CeS N1()n!8!~ "~ctiv!ir~"s;r ' ~; {{" E- t;/.~, (,\. '16: '"2""0# '0'" V '.iiii' "c;:!j;€fJrL!9r)"~, . n: Vern Burton Community Center Main Hall Events February attendance: 1.770 Date Attendance Event 160 150 30 80 400 250 80 120 350 150 February 1-2 February 9 February 10 February 14 February I 6-1 7 February I 8 February 2 I February 22 February 23 February 28 Girl Scout Sleep Over Amencan Heart Association Heart Day Hot Spots Competition Roosevelt Middle School Basketball Game Presidents' Day Youth Basketball Tournament Puget Sound Blood Drive Roosevelt MIddle School Basketball Game Erickson Playground Kick-off CampaIgn Just Dolls of Washington Show & Sale Port Angeles Symphony - set up for Auction Regular Vern Burton Gym Users February Attendance: 418 Noon Basketball . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225 After School Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183 Gym Walker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Vern Burton Meeting Room Events February Attendance: 585 Date Event Attendance February I Rains Memorial Gathering 40 February I - 2 Girl Scout Sleep-over 160 February 6 Clallam County Food Handlers Class 30 February 9 American Heart ASSOCIation Heart Day 150 February I I Ostomy Support Group 15 February I 2 AARP Seminar 25 February I 2 -I 3 55 Alive DefenSive Driving Class 52 February I 3 Elwha Management Team MeetIng 20 February I 8 Olympic Round Up Meeting 12 February 20 Clallam County Food Handlers Class 35 February 22 State of Washington. Department of Personnel Testing 16 February 23 Electrical Training 30 116 Vern Burton Meeting Room - Regular Users February Attendance 521 Kiwanis . . . . 143 Land Trust . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Transit UnIon . . . . . . . 25 Juan de Fuca Festival . . . . . . 12 Board of Appeals . . . . . . . . . . 22 Non-motorized Meetmg . . . . . . . . 20 Bike Club . . . . . . 20 After School Program . . . . . . . 90 Cal Ripken Youth Baseball . . . . . . . 75 Swim Club . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Park Board . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 10 Ski Club . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. . . . .. . . . . . 12 Junior Babe Ruth . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Education Foundation . . . . . . . . . . 12 City Hall Council Chambers - Users February Attendance 452 City Council Meetings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130 DUl Victim's Panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Board of Adjustment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Historical Society Lecture . .. . . . . . . . . . . 40 Planning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Phone Guy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Software Demos . . . . . . . . 60 American Heart Day . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 Park & Facility Rentals Venue February Year to Date Monthly uses Clubhouse 3 5 Scouts: Each Wednesday Longhouse 0 0 No monthly uses scheduled LoomIS Building 6 1 1 4-H 151 & 4111 Tues Scouts: 3"1 Tuesday Fly Fishermen 151 Monday Lions Park 0 0 No monthly uses scheduled Veterans Park 1 1 Veterans Program Last Friday Conrad Dyar Fountain 0 0 No monthly uses scheduled Scheduled City Pier Uses This Month: 0 Year to Date: 0 Date I Event I I Nothing Scheduled I I Date Up Coming Pier Uses/Events I I Event April 13- 14 Kayak Symposium May 4 MG's On The Pier 117 . . . . . . Recreation Division Programs 16 1 Participants Square Dance Lessons 35 enrolled 25 enrolled 35 particIpants LIne Dance Lessons .................. 2 1 participants 45 enrolled Country Western Dance Class ........ After School Program Franklm School . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Vern Burton Center. .... ......... Parks & Recreation Special Events Approximately J 200 PartiCIpants February 1 "Teacher Day" - Day Camp Program for kids ages 5-12 29 Children Participated February I 0 Hot Spots Competition 30 Youth Participants February I 6- 1 7 Presidents' Day Tournament 54Teams; 44out-of-town February 19 "Snow Day" - Day Camp Program for kids ages 5-12 19 Children Participated Upcoming Recreation Programs Date Event March 9-1 0 Spring Hoopfest March 23-24 Men's washington Recreation Basketball Federation State Tournament April 1-5 "Spring Break" - Day Camp Program for kids ages 5-12 Apnl 6-7 April Fool's Boys & Girls, 5th - Varsity Basketball Tournament May 4-5 BOys & Girls 511" 61h, 711), Sill, 9111, Varsity & Jr. VarsIty Tournament Miscellaneous Weekly Elementary & Scheduling for: Soccer, Middle School Gym & Field Youth Basketball 118 Vern Burton Center Attendance February 2002 This Month This Month This Year to Last Year Last Year Date to Date Main Hall/Gym 1,770 2,505 3.115 4,005 Special Uses Main Hall/Gym 418 250 1,131 815 Regular Uses Meeting Rooms 585 415 1,241 585 Special Uses Meeting Room 521 295 888 550 Regular Uses Council Chambers 452 400 979 760 Total Attendance 3,746 3,865 7,354 6,715 Park & Pier Facilities Uses City Pier 0 0 0 0 Park & Park Facility 10 7 18 18 Rentals Total Uses 10 7 18 18 Recreation Participants Rec Programs 161 56 322 161 Special Events 978 576 2,228 1,836 Total Participants 1,139 1,341 2,550 1,997 119 . . . e PORT ANGELES SENIOR CENTER MONTHLY ACTIVITY REPORT February 2002 f'-~ 'w"~ /'tW if: ..;: 9~%ti % ;,~CI~~'TriATTE~"PANCf : , PARTJGJPATlpN;; . ~ Information & Referral >> ~/r,> ~ ~l > x ~-<<- '" ,,)~.<<~, > x..:>> 'TH '. HIS"MG>NTH h, ~,r V" }, "'"4'~," ,.-.., , . " ::;; .". L~s;r YEA&" : '. ''<:%Ai< ". '." tl11ti. .. 1,317 1 ,489 5,873 6,304 508 600 874 884 1,580 1,256 3 3 35 46 182 186 1,934 1,397 150 139 83 94 67 45 Estimated Attendance Health Programs Education Programs Social/Events/Prog rams/Meals e Trips: Taken Passengers Volunteers: Hours Membership: City County 'e 120 :VJ~ ' >l!Q ~' y,' ':%# v~ ~00:,' '~; "1:-' ) ~q:'%;t if, ; nus YE~R ,< LJAS:r){EAR:: tft:~n~{%; >, , ~ v ~,. 8: '7 #<; "'" :::.~,.:rP .DATE/ 1\;';' "if;.Q;!OATE'Y\c , ,;~'<;1k>>S G; J- v:: / v, $$ {J " 3,182 3,482 10,964 11,425 1,076 1,224 1,861 1,420 3,172 2,421 3 3 35 46 3,862 1,556 1,280 1,307 844 883 436 424 . Senior Center Community Events Date Events February 9 February 1 2 February 16 February 19 February 22 February 22 February 23 Fire Department Ball Evergreen GUild Memorial Service School District Public Heanng Clallam County Juvenile Services Art Felro Marine Lab peninsula Pre-School I Regular Senior Center Users I Senior Nutrition Board CCSW AS SoroptimIst Jet-set Virgima Mason Fine Arts Center Venture Club Rhody Society Board Meeting Non Motonzed Meeting Eckankar Jazzerclse Peninsula College Cnme Stoppers HUrrIcane Ridge Ski Club Senior Center Sponsored Events & Programs Date Event February 5 Hearing & Hearing Aids. Rob Fmdlay, Phd CCC-A February 1 1 Long Term Care Issues and Answers, An Educational Workshop February 12 Personal Safety - Tips from the polIce Department February 1 9 Free papering with Mary kay . Senior Center Sponsored Health Programs Weight Training/Stretch AlzheImer Support Group Low VIsion Support Group Bench Stepping Hearing Aid Repairs/Testing Blood Pressure Check . 121 . . . Senior Center Sponsored Educational Programs Round Table on Politics Computer Classes Spnng Chicken Band Investment Group Conversational Spanish Tap Dance Classes Creative Writing Drawing Infimte Variety of Music Harmonica Lessons Italian Computer lab Water Color Class Oil Painting Investment Class Senior Center Sponsored Social & Recreational Programs Semor Swingers Dance Bridge Paint on Your Own Olympic Peninsula Chess Club At the MOVIes - Monday vIdeo Pinochle Bingo Crafts Poker Lessons - - - Pickle ball Golden Agers Club Pool Canasta Cribbage Coffee Lounge Senior Minute Committee The Old Music Guy Tax Assistance 122 ,OCEAN, VIEW CEMETERY , ' ,~ , " " . REVENUE February 2QO?' THIS MON'TH THIS.1y1QNTH' THjS}AONTH'~ THis MONTH';': ' , , 2000"; , 2002 " 2001 1999" $ 15,182.48 $ 6,291.78 $ 10,969.45 $ 4,161.55 REVENUE YEAR TO DAT~ '. ,2002 ' , 2001 2000 1999 $ 24,961.62 $ 12,275.95 $ 19,543.90 $ 21,673.16 , , PRQPERTY SALES , TH;IS MONTH YEAR 'i'O DATE " TH~S MONTH YEAR TODAJ'E 2002 ' 200~', 2001' ., ,', 2001 , , , , , , ,. , , 6 13 2 3 . Ground Burial Inumments 20,02' 7 1 3 '20011, .,~' , '2<100 ,~ J ' < , ,>. >, INTERMENTS:,;". ;""" ,',: ," , [' l~' ,>' ,'" ,,', ' , ,'~', " Ground Burials 4 o 5 5 2 1 o 8 1999,:;' 3 2 o o I 5 I Niche Inumments Entombments I Year to Date Totals o 1 I 11 I 10 I L PRE-NEED SALES ! I THIS MONTH THIS YEAR THIS MONTH LAST YEAR TO DATE LAST YEAR TO DATE $9,495.78 $11,278.28 $3,265.00 $4,249.62 . 123 Parks & Cemetery Monthly Division Report February 2002 Accomplishments Turf Management 11I1"- Mowing and trimming ALL locations .. .... .. .. .. .......... .... .. .. .. .. .... .......... .. .. .. .... ...... .. .. ...... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 29.0 hours III" Turf renovation/Repairs .. .. .. .. .. .............. ...... .. .......... ...... .. .. .. .......... .... .. .. .... .. .. .. .. .. .... .. .... .. .. .... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 0.0 hours 1111"- Equipment repairs and maintenance ........ .. .. .. .......... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .... .... ...... .. .. .. .... ........ .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 71.0 hours Total Hours Previous Year: 210.5 Total Hours Current Year: 100.0 Beautification III" Downtown planter maintenance(cleanup water etc.) ....................................... 49.5 hours 1111"- Maintenance of planted areas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 21.0 hours 1111"- Greenhouse, plant maintenance ....................................................... 17.0 hours III" Tree well cleaning and maintenance ................................................... 15.0 hours Total Hours Previous Year: 238.0 Total Hours Current Year: 102.5 Amenities 1111"- Pier general maintenance ............................................................. 1.5 hours 1111"- Floats; repairs to Ediz Hook Floats. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 0.0 hours 111'''- Washroom servicing, cleaning and general maintenance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 44.0 hours 1111"- Park sign maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 10.5 hours 111'''- Play equipment maintenance: ......................................................... 32.5 hours II'" Other: Fences, Pier Octopus planting, ponds and fountain. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28.0 hours Total Hours Previous Year: 94.5 Total Hours Current Year: 117.5 124 Sports Facilities Field Makeup and Maintenance 1111. Baseball and softball including; Civic, Lincoln, Volunteer, Dry Creek, Shane and Elks fields .................................................................... 77.5 hours 1111. Soccer fields ...................................................................... 16.0 hours 1111. Football field. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 13.0 hours 1111. Tennis ..........................................".................................. 5.5 hours 1111. Field lighting repairs ................................................................. 0.0 hours Total Hours Previous Year: 48.0 Total Hours Current Year: 112.0 Waterfront Trail 1111. Bench and memorial installations/maintenance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . 65.0 hours Total Hours Previous Year: 38.5 Total Hours Current Year: 65.0 Building Maintenance . General Maintenance and Repairs 1111. William Shore Pool ................................................................ 60.0 hours 1111. Vem Burton Community Center. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..99.0 hours III" City Hall and Police Dept.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .162.0 hours 1111. Senior Center. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105.0 hours Total Hours Previous Year: 428.5 Total Hours Current Year: 426.0 Civic Complex City Hall mowing, atrium and planted areas 1111. Atrium; tree and flower bed maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3.0 hours Total Hours Previous Year: 7.0 Total Hours Current Year: 3.0 . 125 Parks General Maintenance III'" Litter pickup from various park locations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55.5 hours III" Park improvements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .93.0 hours 1111. Building maintenance;. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ......................................... 15.5 hours 1111. Forest Management;. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .46.5 hours Total Hours Previous Year: 459.5 Total Hours Current Year: 210.5 Special Events 1111. Other: ..... .... . . ... ... . .. . . . .. . .. . .. ... ... . . . .. . . . .... . ... .. . .. .. . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . 28.0 hours 1111. Total Hours Previous Year: 2.0 Total Hours Current Year: 28.0 Campground Site cleaning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 0.0 hours 1111. Total Hours Previous Year: 0.0 Total Hours Current Year: 0.0 Cemetery III" Ground burial interments ............................................................ 81.0 hours III'" Cremation interments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4.0 hours 1111. Crypt entombment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ......................0.0 hours III'" Niche inurnments .................................................................. 1.0 hours 1111. Memorial marker settings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2.0 hours 1111. Mowing and trimming. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ., 0.0 hours 1111. Building/Chapel cleaning and maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 46.0 hours 1111. Grave site refilling/regrading .......................................................... 8.0 hours 1111. Customer Service .................................................................. 8.5 hours Total Hours Previous Year: 107.5 Total Hours Current Year: 150.5 126 Parks Administration 111* Daily supervision, crew training and safety meetings . . ......... .. ..... . .. .. .. . .. . ... . . .. .174.0 hours Total Hours Previous Year: 209.0 Total Hours Current Year: 174.0 Sub Total Hrs Previous Year: 1,843.0 Sub Total Hrs Current Year: 1,489.0 NON Productive Hrs previous year: (Illnesses, doctor/dental, vacations) 110.0 I I NON Productive Hrs Current Year: 389.0 (Illnesses, doctor/dental, vacations) Total Parks & Cemetery Division Hours: Previous Year: 1,953.0 Current Year: 1878.0 . . 127 Ediz Hook Volunteer Mr. Don Walker- Monthly Report -The following is a report for the month of February, from Volunteer Mr. Don Walker of Port Angeles (one ofthe many citizens who provide the city with many hours of valuable volunteer labor). Mr. Walker has for the last several years volunteered to maintain the "sign" (and immediate area) on the East side ofthe Ediz Hook restrooms. Mr. Walker has constructed several wind vanes that you see on top of the Army Corps Reclamation sign, as well as beautified the area underneath it by installing flowers in a planter area. The following is a summary of his monthly activities; . 2/10 Picked up miscellaneous debris around sign are. General areas (sign and restroom) appeared to be in good condition. . 2/19 Picked up eight(8) 4 inch pots of crocus plants at greenhouse. Trip to Ediz Hook sign-everything okay. . 2/28 Removed three(3) red cabbage plants and planted crocus clumps. Weeded flower bed and cleaned sign area of miscellaneous debris. Lubricated wind vane. Liquid fertilizer applied to plants. . 1/9 Repainted handicap symbol plaque. Remounted plaque and direction arrow and took picture. Liquid fertilizer on flowers at sign. . . 128 Total Monthly Maintenance Hours February 200' lJ #1 Turf Management 100 hrs. II #3 Amenities 117.5 hrs. II #5 Waterfront Trail 65 hrs. II #7 Civic Complex 3 hrs. II #9 Special Events 28 hrs. II # 11 Cemetery 150.5 hrs. !8 #13 Time Loss 389 hrs. . II #2 Beautification 102.5 hrs II #4 Sports Facilities 112 hrs. II #6 Building Maintenance 426 hrs. II # 8 Parks General Maintenance 210.5 hrs. II # 1 0 Campground 0 hrs. II #12 Parks Administration 174 hrs. . 129 AVERAGE DAILY WATER DEMAND ;~ASl YEAR TO DATE (MG) 262, ~EAR TO DATE (MG) 267: . SEWERlSTORM SYSTEM MAINTENANCE i MONTH (FT) T' ISEWER SYSTEM JETTED , ...1 3180; ISTORM DRAINS JETTED .! 670; :SYSTEM TV INSPECTED ., 1453! . . CITY OF PORT ANGELES PUBLIC WORKS & UTILITY DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT FEBRUARY 2002 WATER DEMAND RAINFALL >- c( c in z o ::l~ c( Q , Cl ::l I r ~u~4f Iii ! i- i- ...J ...J c( LL Z 4: 0:: , I r- ~------ I u= ill_D_ ___D__ MAT JUl 'EP FE. .... AU. OCT DEC 02001 . 2002 02001 _ 2002 - 10 Year Average RAINFALL DATA (mches) 110YRAVG TOTAl IODATE I 671: :THIS YR TO DATE I 11761 r;~THISMO~~ iRE CORD LOW THIS MONTH I 0001 AVERAGE ELECTRICAL USE ILAST YEAR TO DATE (M kwh) ITHI5 YEAR TO DATE (M Kwh) 63'31'1 577'591 TEMPERATURE I TOTAL LANDFILL DISPOSALi W 0:: ::l . I-ll:" c( ~ 0: ~ Oll Wii' 11.0 ::E -. W I- I I I -----1 I I CJ 2001 _ 2002 -. 10 Year Average ELECTRICAL USAGE W C) c( In . ~L, c(" , o g ~ ~i o . W ...J W , ,I illnum~ ~- -- ---- -- - ----- -=- ==- LANDFILL ANNUAL TONS ;THIS YR TO DATE (TONS) ,LAST YR TO DATE (TONS) 7.~ 7,115: 02001.2002 130 _---.J -- i i I 1 -; -..! 1 i -; I I 1 , -! PUBLIC WORKS & UTILITY DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT FEBRUARY 2002 WATER ------1 Repaired SIX 2~ watermaln breaks RepaIred five water service leaks Installed two new water selVlces Renewed 2- water main Whidby & Chase Changed out SIX Inoperable water meters leak Detection on approx 25 miles of pipeline Surveyed/repaired pressure reduClr19 valves. system Wide Installed Phase II of SCADA at Jones and "EM Street Reservoirs Installed Phase II of SCADA at Elwha emergency valve statIon i WASTEWATER COLLECTION ASSisted WVl/TP change out sewer hft pumps allhe Landfill Cleaned/Jetted drain at Landfill Wheel Washing Stauon Adjusted elevatIOn of sewer manhole for landscapmg MaIntenance of alarms at sewer pump 11ft stations Annette Owens re-certlflcatlon 01 WSOA PestICide license i WASTEWATER TREATMENT NPDES monthly repon showed no VIolatIOns Staff Installed generalOr and transler sWitch on pad RebUlIl Circulation pump In diSInfectIOn bUilding Installed 400 feet of drain pipe at the compost faCIlity Collected and shipped momtonng well samples from Landfill Completed annual blosohds report sent to EPA and WDOE EQUIPMENT SERVICES Work Orders 120 Service Orders 38 #0001 1982 Fire Pumper rebUilt Jake brake #0140 Cable Reel Trailer fabncale adapter and dnve reet #1520 Sweeper, repaired wmng problem #1575 Eductor Truck, replace govemor #1649 Vactor Jet Truck repaired Wlnng problem #1907 Refuse Packer, Installed JOY stick and paddle #1920 Refuse Packer, rebuilt paddle LIGHT OPERATIONS Installed eye wash stations In all substatiOns Restored power to Hamilton School Completed maintenance at ~I. Street SubstatIOn ~ pOkT.<II-\! ~c~., ~~"" it 'E4 ~~f <'t'~~ ~.~ . SOLID WASTE ------~----I RECYCLING KONP Home Show SpecIal card board collectIons 201 COLLECTIONS Total 90s placed for conversiOn 1568 Requests for recyhng services In conversion area 252 Special collections due to conversion 12 Golf Course AnnexatIon area began pIckup seMce on 2122102 Delivered 31 contaIners to Golf Course Annexation area . Recycling bins to 8 reSidents In Golf Course Annexation area ~- -- STREET --------~--I Utility cut repairs. vanous locallons Pothole patch. City Wide SIdewalk repairs. vanous locatIOns Sanding and antHclng - Clly Wide Grade and gravel roads. vanous locatiOns Mudsllde repaIr at Enms Creek Cutoff Road Install storm drain at 7th & liberty Educt catch basins. oly Wide Repairs at City Hall due to arson fIre Repair zlg zag Start change from metal to fabnc signs TrainIng Academy class. Self Development ! ENGINEERING FranCIS Street Park constructIOn suppor1 Crown Par1l. deSIgn support CIrCUit SWltcher design contrad support Elwha Dam removal mltlgahOn suppor1 I & I Pilot Program support Gateway Project workshops High Zone ReservoIr support Laurel Street Slide RepaIr constructlon suppon SCAOA Phase 11 support Waterfront Trail Rayonler to Lee's Creek design support SIgnal design 5th and Race EnniS Street shde repair design support Black Diamond Reservoir Cover constructIOn sUPPJrt Camegle LIbrary design support Stonnwater Utility fonnatlon support Ranney Well SurgeTank replacement Del GUZZI SUbdiVISion support Fire Hall roof repaIr support Front Street Sidewalk design Laundsen Blvd Sidewalk design ~t~ Street Sidewalk design Water ProJeds consultant selected 2002 PaVIng Projects des'9n 2002 ElectlC Rebuild design consultant selected . . 131 . t:::1 I, r~'~\ t: . ~" - ,.' - : "',' ,.,.~., ~",," t\':~,',~"~~",.:,':._\,:,, .<< "., c_ - r _~. '-'. ,,> - ~ "'~ !~--:...::~,~ , . t~" ~,~" r~ r t~~. r; i!." ~~~f)~:F;~ ~;F\~~f~;;;';:: r-:~;.r," ~, - ~ r ~ i.~.~~ t%~ ' .~ [?c'. ~;.~, f:,. ~;: E, J\ fl,""Jc:~;, ~iIb-::; :;>;'~; ~.,,~' ~\i;, ftt:~ f,;!t;t ~ f;~ ft"'::".~f,.~~~-r'-~ "'ll--"~~_'1:'11:-~ ~~J~ ,':' ;.~i~z, ~" -~.. ;~~~f-"~!.~,~~1t~!t~ ~fi 18;,2 J;.1<fr t<!,'. ~~!~ ~::! . . '" "'~~;: " j;;~ ..;:r .'~"'"":N~Z'f"~""''''-;;;-'''''-~~ .;. ,":. 1f;:_'=~:',;{'i~~J~;~;';?-i~~..~~;j~~~: t"(i\~ ~ ~ "cr' ~ f';, '\~ -1 ( t~'i, l~t ~~ ,~ t~~~'~,f'7~;:~,,?~ \~:;~~-d~~ i'~' L '" f.'\' I~ (;:, rH~ 'I)' ~,.~, }~-tJ; f~ ~~ K,',L t:$,"(\ ~r1~~: '~:'~::~~"f.~7:T.;.~~1f f".:: f;t' ~11 \:r.I~ r~~ ~~t:~ ;1 ~ ~'-.~ ~\;~ f~( ~~ ~. Port An8eles Fire Department It is the purpose of the Port Angeles Fire Department to improve the quality of life for the citizens and visitors of the city while providing a broad range of services designed to save lives and property. February Monthly report 132 P AFD Monthly Report for February 2002 . Operations 2000 2001 2002 % Increase or decrease over prevlOUS year Total number of calls to date 466 476 525 9.3 1 Total Medic I patient contacts to date 382 365 417 12.4 1 Total number of volunteer firefighters N/A 334 184.5 44.7 1 hours of service to date Average daily responses per crew this 7.8 8 9 12% 1 month Operations . We are exploring the possibility of using Personal Digital Assistant's (PDA) to gain operational efficiencies. Several PDA's are already in use by our personnel. . We have worked closely with the Clallam County Fire Chiefs Association to finalize the standardization of radio frequencies for the areas fire departments. Standardization will allow for better coordination at large events -- resulting in increased efficiency and safety. . . Work is underway on the installation of the new breathing air compressor. This new compressor will greatly enhance our ability to quickly and safely provide essential breathing au. Prevention 2001 2002 Fire and life safety inspections to date 206 269 PermitsIPlan reviews to date 16 17 Number of fire investigations performed to date 5 5 Number of public education contacts to date 6 6 Prevention . We have been very involved with a number of fire investigations. These fires include an arson fire in the 700 block of East 2nd, the Pershing Hotel Fire and the recent arson spree involving multiple locations throughout the City -- including City Hall. We are working closely with the Police Department on these cases. 133 . / . . . Training 2001 2002 Career personnel: Total number of training hours to date 610 1,270 (21 career firefighters) Volunteer personnel: Total number of training hours to date 197 212 (22 volunteer firefighters) Number of citizens trained in CPR 54 23 Number of citizens trained in first aid n/a 0 Number of citizens trained in disaster preparedness n/a 0 Training · We are moving forward with the provision of citizen first aid classes. The first scheduled first aid class will be in April. We expect these classes to be very popular! · We participated in Heart Day 2002. Volunteer and career Fire Department personnel provided CPR certification classes for citizens. . Dan McKeen and Ken Dubuc attended a 24 hour Hazardous Materials On-Scene Incident Commander training class. This is required training for all persons who assume command at hazardous materials incidents. Department News Our Mission Statement has been changed. The new mission statement is shorter, more easily remembered and an accurate reflection of how our members think, perform and impact the community in a positive way. Our Firefighter's ball and recognition banquet was held this month. A great time was had by all! The highlight of the evening was an outstanding multi-media presentation put together by Volunteer Firefighter Jay Cline. 134 . . . 135