HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet 04/02/2013The Mayor may determine the order of business for a particular City Council meeting The agenda should be arranged to best serve the needs and/or convenience of the Council and the public. Mayor to determine time of break. The items of business Jbr regular Council meetings may include the following: A. CALL TO ORDER REGULAR MEETING AT 6:00 P.M. B. ROLL CALL PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE CEREMONIAL MATTERS, PROCLAMATIONS EMPLOYEE RECOGNITIONS I. Proclamation Arbor Day B -1 2. Proclamation Mayor's Day of Recognition for National Service Day Community Day of Caring B -2 C. PUBLIC COMMENT PORTANGELES W A S H I N G T O N U.S.A. D. LATE ITEMS TO BE PLACED ON THIS OR FUTURE AGENDAS AGENDA CITY COUNCIL MEETING 321 East 5 Street APRIL 2, 2013 REGULAR MEETING 6:00 p.m. E. CONSENT AGENDA Approve 1. City Council Minutes for: March 16, and March 19, 2013 E -I 2. Expenditure Approval List: 03/09/13 to 3/22/13 for $895,126.50 E -7 3. Farmers' Market Facility Use Agreement Gateway Pavilion E -38 4. Electronic Records Management Upgrade, Conversion Deployment E -47 5. Material Purchase: Transmission and Distribution Fiberglass Poles, LO -13 -006 E -52 6. Underground Cable Replacement, Project CL02 -2011 E -53 F. QUASI JUDICIAL MATTERS REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS (6:30 P.M. or soon thereafter) None G. PUBLIC HEARINGS OTHER (6:30 P.M. or soon thereafter) 1. Street Vacation Petition STV 13 01 Lindley, et.al !Close Public Hearing; Conduct 2 Reading: Adopt G 1 H. ORDINANCES NOT REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. Facade Improvement Program Ordinance Amendment Conduct 2 Reading. Adopt H I. RESOLUTIONS NOT REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS None April 2, 2013 Mayor to determine time of break Hearing devices available for those needing assistance. Port Angeles City Council Meeting Page 1 J. OTHER CONSIDERATIONS I. Harbor Clean Up Participation Environmental Services Agreements Approve 1 1 K. FINANCE None L. COUNCIL REPORTS M. INFORMATION City Manager Reports: I Planning Commission Minutes M -I 2. Public Works Utilities Contract Status Report M -5 3. Public Works Utilities Grants Loans Status Report M -6 N. EXECUTIVE SESSION O. ADJOURNMENT PUBLIC HEARINGS Public hearings are set by the City Council in order to meet legal requirements In addition, the City Council may set a public hearing in order to receive public input prior to making decisions, which impact the citizens. Certain matters may be controversial, and the City Council may choose to seek public opinion through the public hearing process April 2, 2013 Mayor to determine time of break Hearing devices available for those needing assistance. Port Angeles City Council Meeting Page 2 PROCLAMATION In Recognition of ARBOR DAY APRIL 10, 2013 WHEREAS, in 1872, J. Sterling Morton proposed to the Nebraska Board of Agriculture for a special day to be set aside for the planting of trees, hence the holiday, called Arbor Day, was first observed with the planting of more than a million trees in Nebraska; and WHEREAS, Arbor Day is now observed throughout the nation and the world; and WHEREAS, trees can reduce the erosion of our precious topsoil, lower heating and cooling costs, moderate the temperature, clean the air, produce oxygen, and provide habitat for wildlife; and WHEREAS, trees are a renewable resource giving us paper, wood to build our homes, fuel for our fires, and countless other wood products; and WHEREAS, trees in our City increase property values, enhance the economic vitality of business areas, and beautify our community; and WHEREAS, trees, wherever they are planted, are a source of joy and spiritual renewal; and WHEREAS, the City of Port Angeles desires to continue being recognized as a Tree City USA, so then this Arbor Day observance is a required and most appropriate action. NOW, THEREFORE, I, Cherie Kidd, Mayor, ON BEHALF OF THE CITY COUNCIL of PORT ANGELES, do hereby proclaim APRIL 10, 2013, as ARBOR DAY in the CITY of PORT ANGELES, and I further urge all citizens to plant and care for trees to gladden the heart and promote the well -being of this and future generations. Cherie Kidd, Mayor __April 2, 2013 PROCLAMATION for MAYORS DAY of RECOGNITION for NATIONAL SERVICE WHEREAS, WHEREAS, WHEREAS, WHEREAS, WHEREAS, Cherie Kidd, Mayor the nation's mayors are increasingly turning to national service and volunteerism as a cost effective strategy to meet city needs; and AmeriCorps and Senior Corps address the most pressing challenges facing our cities and nation, from educating students for the jobs of the 21st century and supporting veterans and military families to preserving the environment and helping communities recover from natural disasters; and national service participants serve in more than 70,000 locations across the country, bolstering the civic, neighborhood, and faith -based organizations that are so vital to our economic and social well being; and national service represents a unique public- private partnership that invests in community solutions and leverages non federal resources to strengthen community impact and increase the return on taxpayer dollars; and the Corporation for National and Community Service shares a priority with mayors nationwide to engage citizens, improve lives, and strengthen communities; and is joining with mayors across the country to support the Mayors Day of Recognition for National Service on April 9. 2013. NOW, THEREFORE, I, Cherie Kidd, Mayor, ON BEHALF OF THE CITY COUNCIL of PORT ANGELES, do hereby proclaim APRIL 9, 2013, as NATIONAL SERVICE RECOGNITION DAY in the CITY of PORT ANGELES, and 1 further and encourage residents to recognize the positive impact of national service in our city, to thank those who serve; and to find ways to give back to their communities. April 2.2013 Print Name Clearly Address Agenda Topic Plan to Speak V/ Ce r dtk. fo-oz ch-a; Vielw}»?A Ox/ o AF5 ©i N y k 06 l 7>A k% t t 0/ N )N,'ti i's 53:: 7 N, 1 L jj l,. t 1IL(t L ell d UU,4Y J ,..,ikt 32, "`s. °o, i.-cs abasisetz Y/N Y/N Y/N PORTANGELES W A S H I N G T O N U S.A DATE OF MEETING: April 2, 2013 LOCATION: City Council Chambers You are encouraged to sign below if: PUBLIC INTEREST SIGN -UP SHEET CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING 1. You are here to listen to the City Council discussion on a particular agenda item; 2. You want to speak during the Public Comment period of the agenda. If several members of the public are interested in a particular agenda item, the Mayor may move that item so it is discussed earlier in the meeting. Also, the Mayor may use the information provided to organize the Public Comment period. During the Public Comment portion of the meeting, the Mayor will invite citizens to talk with the Council about topics that are not scheduled for public testimony on the evening's agenda. Prior to the start of the "Public Comment" portion of the public hearing, all persons wishing to be heard are asked to sign in with the Clerk, giving their names and addresses, and topic. The Mayor may arrange the order of speakers so that testimony is heard in the most logical groupings. To allow time for the Council to complete its legislative agenda, comments should be limited to no more than 5 minutes per person and a total of 15 minutes for this comment period. At the discretion of the Mayor, these time periods may be lengthened or shortened. Following any public comment, the Mayor may allow time, limited to five minutes, for response from City Council members and /or City staff. No speaker may convey or donate his or her time for speaking to another speaker. If many people wish to speak to a particular issue, the Mayor may limit the total amount of time dedicated to that single issue. Written comments may be submitted into the record of a Council meeting by presenting the written document to the Clerk prior to the meeting, in which case a copy of the document will be provided to each Council Member, but the document will not be read aloud; or a document may be distributed to the City Council, with a copy to the Clerk, by a speaker while the speaker is addressing the Council. G: \Group \Clerk \Forms \Council Attendance Roster.doc STROLL THE WOODS SUNRISE TO SUNSET YEAR-ROUND. 1 '111,ety. ii 1- -1/ lr-Sf ?if kii;: _......L' r renilir'-re‘::•*‘•::-Alliii". -4-= C:-. flittF•t" f. es r il Iwo" r.' All 4, 1 t t 1 C I. Olympic National Park Headquarters Forks Lake Cresent Neah Bay Tatoosh Aberdeen Port Angeles Fine Arts Center Webster's Woods Art Park ART NATURE PORT ANGELES FINE ARTS CENTER WEBSTER'S WOODS ART PARK FINE a -N N 2 between PortAngeles B.C. Canada N Peninsula College Hurricane Ridge PORT ANGELES FINE ARTS CENTER WEBSTER'S WOODS ART PARK 1203 E. LAURIDSEN BLVD. PORT ANGELES WA 98362 3 60 457 3532 PAFAC g OLYPEN,COM PAFAC.ORG ART IN NATURE BE INSPIRED WELCOME TO THE WOODS w w rilted e° HIKE PICNIC PLAY READ MEDITATE GALLERY GIFT SHOP COURTYARD AND ENTRANCE TO THE GALLERY THE PORT ANGELES FINE ARTS CENTER OPENED To THE PUBLIC IN 1986 AS AN ART GALLERY IN WHAT WAS THE HOME OF THE LATE ESTHER WEBSTER. SURROUNDING THE HOME IS THE FIVE ACRE ART PARK NOW CALLED WEB- 5TER VISITORS CAN EXPLORE THE GROUNDS INDEPENDENTLY BY FOL- LOWING THE PARK TRAILS AND DISCOV- ER OVER 100 SCULPTURES AND OTHER WORKS OF ART HANGING FROM TREES, PARTIALLY BURIED IN THE GROUND AND CAMOUFLAGED BY THE NATURAL BEAUTY OF THE FOLIAGE. THE CEN- TER'S GALLERY AND WEBSTER'S WOODS ARE OPEN AND FREE TO THE PUBLIC. ONLY THE GALLERY IS CLOSED ON MONDAY AND TUESDAY THE WOODS REMAINS OPEN YEAR-ROUND FROM SUNRISE TO SUNSET. GALLERY HOURS: WEDNESDAY SUNDAY MARCH OCTOBER: 11 NOVEMBER FEBRUARY: 10 4 FA ART NATURE ADMISSION. FREE DONATIONS WELCOMED. I 'II 1". N U ROM I Ink iillq IMPS 1101111 IN I 1111 Pi �0].����iT��� Ishii A i|��0��' 1) Set up a savings account or trust for monies to be deposited in toward savings in cleaning up landfill. Monies which could be raised and resources already available could be deposited in this account. 2) Allow landfill mining operations for salvaging of any recyclables and or historic treasures, monies generated in salvaging fees could be deposited into savings. 3) A surcharge on utility payers should be collected for landfill removal for a brief period of time perhaps for a two year period. Monies collected could be deposited into the landfill trust fund. 4) waterfront park should include carnival rides such as these electrical passenger trains that can give guided tours of the park and the waterfront and marina areas, monies raised in ticket sales could be deposited into the landfill savings account or trust fund. (other rides could be added later such as: merry go rounds, Ferris Wheel, and roller coaster. The city could start hosting an annual waterfront carnival to draw crowds of tourist which will spend money on rides and so forth all toward raising money for the landfill clean up.) 5) use any monies we have at our disposal to put into this trust fund annually. if we can use monies from: the landfill closure fund, utilities, and solid waste collections funds, plus any other monies that may be used toward savings. UNKO A TY! FRIDAY, APRIL 19th 6:30 PM Start Port Angeles Senior Center Corner of 7th and Peabody EVERYONE WELCOME! TICKETS $10.00 at Port Angeles Senior and Port Book and News Refreshments, Door Prizes, 50/50 Drawing All funds raised support our local Senior Games SPONSORS: Angel Crest Nursery, Pen Print, Park View Villas, Port Angeles Senior Center INFORMATION: 457 -7004 PA Senior Center Port Angeles Senior Center Facebook page CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING Port Angeles Fire Hall, 102 East 5 Street Port Angeles, Washington March 15, 2013 CALL TO ORDER SPECIAL MEETING: Mayor Kidd called the special meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at 8:34 a.m. ROLL CALL: Members Present: Mayor Kidd, Deputy Mayor Collins, Councilmembers Bruch, Di Guilio [arrived at 8:43 a.m.], Downie, Mania, and Nelson. Members Absent: None. Staff Present: City Manager McKeen, Attorney Bloor, Deputy Clerk Pierce, B Olson, G. Cutler, N. West, T. Gallagher, K. Dubuc, C. Delikat, B. Coons, T. Nevaril. COUNCIL RETREAT LONG -RANGE FINANCIAL PLANNING Using PowerPoint slides City Manager McKeen and Chief Financial Officer Olson gave a presentation regarding long -range financial planning. Presentation covered the project schedule, process, issues and objectives for long range financial planning. Council discussion followed. BREAK: Mayor Kidd called for a break at 10:10 a.m. Meeting reconvened at 10:26 a.m. Manager McKeen reviewed the tentative schedule including a second retreat on April 13, 2013. However, It was determined a full Council would be available instead on April 20, 2013. Exact time and location to be determined. ADJOURNMENT: Mayor Kidd adjourned the meeting at 12:20 p.m. Cherie Kidd, Mayor Teresa Pierce, Deputy City Clerk E -1 CITY COUNCIL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington March 19, 2013 CALL TO ORDER- REGULAR MEETING Mayor Kidd called the regular meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at 6:00 p.m. ROLL CALL Members Present Mayor Kidd, Deputy Mayor Collins, Councilmembers Di Guilio, Downie, Mania, and Nelson. Members Absent Councilmember Bruch. It was moved by Collins, and seconded by Mania, to excuse Councilmember Bruch. Motion carried 6 -0. Staff Present: City Manager McKeen, Attorney Bloor, Deputy Clerk Pierce, B. Olson, G. Cutler, N. West, T. Gallagher, K. Dubuc, C. Delikat, D Bellamente, R. Korcz, K. Neal, M. Puntenney, P. Lusk, M. Abed, T. McCabe, J. Burke, J. Paynter, and B. Coons. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Councilmember Di Guilio led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag PUBLIC COMMENT D Bellamente from the Port Angeles Senior Center announced the upcoming Pickle Ball Marathon with proceeds to benefit the Captain Joseph House Foundation. Peter Ripley, 114 E. 6' Street, spoke regarding the Landfill Bluff Stabilization Project and encouraged Council to find alternatives to move, recycle and sell the garbage. LATE ITEMS TO BE PLACED ON THIS OR FUTURE AGENDAS as determined by City Manager or Councilmember City Manager McKeen requested to add a Resolution affirming the Declaration of Emergency for PenCom Auxiliary Generator Failure. Item was placed on the agenda in Section J Other Considerations. CONSENT AGENDA Council discussion followed. It was moved by Nelson and seconded by Di Guilio to approve the Consent Agenda to include: 1. City Council Minutes for: February 12. and March 5, 2013 2. Expenditure Approval List: 02/23/13 to 03/08/13 for $5, /33,583 69 3. Concrete Cylinder Pipe Replacement, Project WT02-2009 Final Acceptance 4. Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Appointments 5. Equipment Purchase: Police Vehicles 6. CP1 Telecommunications Right -of -Way Lease Agreement Renewal No 2 7. Lapsed Agreements 8. Simple Steps Promotion Agreement Motion carried 6 -0. E -2 PORT ANGELES CITY COUNCIL MEETING MARCH 19. 2013 QUASI- JUDICIAL MATTERS NOT REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS 1 Pendley Estates Subdivision Community Economic Development Director West requested Council conduct the first reading of the ordinance; waive the second reading and approve. Mayor Kidd read the Quasi Judicial Proceeding procedure to determine if any Councilmembers should be disqualified. No Councilmembers were disqualified and there were no statements to disqualify from the audience. Mayor Kidd conducted a first reading of the ordinance by title, entitled, ORDINANCE NO 3474 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington. approving a 17 -lot subdivision in the RS -9 zone known as Pendley Estates Subdivision It was moved by Mania and seconded by Downie to: Waive the second reading and adopt the Ordinance with twenty-two findings and four conclusions as read by title Motion carried 6 -0. ORDINANCES NOT REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. Facade Improvement Program Ordinance Amendment Director West stated the amendment provides the ability to designate a "redevelopment area" to correspond with large local public or private sector investments. The intent for the first year is to encourage improvements along Railroad Avenue corridor and increase flexibility in the program. Director West recommended conducting the first reading of the ordinance and continue to April 2, 2013. Council discussion followed. Mayor Kidd conducted a first reading of the ordinance by title, entitled, AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, amending Ordinance 3373 as amended, establishing a Facade and Signage Improvement Program. RESOLUTIONS NOT REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. Solid Waste Comprehensive Plan Amendment Public Works Utilities Director Cutler introduced Engineering Manager Neal. Neal noted Clallam County's current Solid Waste Comprehensive Plan does not include the Landfill Bluff Stabilization Project. Plan amendments must be done by Council Resolution. Council discussion followed. Mayor Kidd read the Resolution by title, entitled, RESOLUTION NO 04 -13 A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, to adopt and approve an amendment to the Clallam County Comprehensive Solid Waste Management Plan Update 2006. Council discussion followed It was moved by Di Guilio and seconded by Downie to: Pass the Resolution as read by title. Motion carried 6 -0. Page 2 of 5 E -3 PORT ANGELES CITY COUNCIL MEETING MARCH 19. 2013 PUBLIC HEARINGS OTHER I. Street Vacation Petition STV 13 -01 Lindley, et.al Director West noted the location for the Street Vacation and the purpose being to provide clear title to the applicant. Director West recommended the Mayor open the public hearing, conduct first reading, and continue to April 2, 2013. Mayor Kidd opened public hearing at 6:41 p.m. There were no comments from the public. Mayor Kidd continued the public hearing to April 2, 2013. Mayor Kidd conducted a first reading of the ordinance by title, entitled, AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, vacating a portion of alley right -of -way in Port Angeles, Washington, Clallam County BREAK Mayor Kidd recessed the meeting for a break at 6:48 p.m. Meeting reconvened at 6:53 p.m. OTHER CONSIDERATIONS I. Landfill Bluff Cell Stabilization Phase 1, Project SW02 -2012 Engineering Manager Neal introduced Tom Bourke of Herrera who participated via conference call. Using Powerpoint slides, Manager Neal gave a presentation regarding background on the project Council discussion followed. Manager Neal reviewed comments and questions from the March 5, 2013, meeting and provided answers from staff. Council discussion followed. It was moved by Di Guilio and seconded by Downie to: Approve and authorize the City Manager to sign Amendment 3 to the 2011 On -Call Landfill Bluff Stabilization Professional Services Agreement with Herrera in an amount not to exceed $1,171.121, which will increase the contract amount to $1,567,771, and to make minor modifications to the agreement, if necessary Motion carried 5 1, with Mania voting in opposition. 2. AFSCME Labor Contract 2013 -2014 Human Resources Manager Coons outlined the previous of the contract and the union has ratified the agreement. Council discussion followed. It was moved by Downie and seconded by Mania to: Approve and authorize the Mayor to sign a labor contract between the City and AFSCME Local 11619, for the contract period covering January 1, 2013 through December 31, 2014, including retroactivity for the wage increase. Council discussion followed. Motion carried 6 0. 3. Waterfront Transportation Project West End Park 60% Design Director West introduced Dean Koonts, of HBB Landscape Architecture, Steve Zenovic, and Assistant Planner Korcz. Using Powerpoint Slides, Mr. Koonts led a presentation featuring the 60% design of the Waterfront Transportation Improvement Project. Council discussion followed. Staff requested Council provide comments by the end of the week. No action taken. Page 3 of 5 E -4 4. Waterfront Transportation Project West End Park 100% Design Director West explained the amendment is for 100% design of the West End Park. Council discussion followed. PORT ANGELES CiTY COUNCIL MEETING MARCH 19, 2013 It was moved by Downie and seconded by Nelson to: Approve and authorize the City Alanager to sign Amendment 4 of the agreement for professional services with Studio Cascade, Inc., in an amount not to exceed $168.615 to develop bid -ready construction documents for IVest End Park, and authorize the City Manager to make minor modifications to the amendment as necessary Council discussion followed. Motion carried 5 -1, with Mania voting in opposition. 5. Declaration of Emergency for PenCom Auxiliary Generator Failure. Police Chief Gallagher explained the need for the City Manager to declare an emergency for the PenCom generator. Council discussion followed. Mayor Kidd a resolution by title, entitled RESOLUTION NO 05 -13 A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, affirming and ratifying the Declaration of Emergency issued by the City Manager of March 18, 2013. It was moved by Collins, and seconded by Mania to: Pass the resolution affirming and ratifying the Declaration of Emergency issued by the City Manager in respect to the generator that serves as a secondary power source for PenCom. Motion carried 6 -0. BREAK Mayor Kidd recessed the meeting for a break at 9:03 p.m. Meeting reconvened at 9:09 p.m. FINANCE 1. Allocation of Federal Surface Transportation Program (STP) Funds Director Cutler noted $4.776 million in federal funds were just approved for the Lauridsen Boulevard Bridge. There is no longer a need to include the Bridge project for STP funding. STP funding can be used for the 18 Street overlays. Director Cutler noted no comments were received since the last meeting. Council discussion followed. It was moved by Di Guilio and seconded by Nelson to: Direct staff to proceed with preparing and fonvarding documentation to WSDOT to obligate STP fuunds for the 18' Street Overlay and negotiate an interlocal agreement with the Port of Port Angeles to manage and design the Boat Haven Bulkhead Repair Project utilizing Port of Port .4 ngeles STP funds and indemnify the City's matching funds Motion carried 6 -0. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS Deputy Mayor Collins reporting attending a meeting with the Municipal Research Service Center Director, a Councilperson from East Wenatchee, and State Senator James Hargrove. The State Legislature will be hard pressed to find funding. No other reports given. Page 4 of 5 E -5 PORT ANGELES CITY COUNCIL MEETING MARCH 19, 2013 INFORMATION Manager McKeen spoke regarding the reports included in the packet. EXECUTIVE SESSION It was determined there was no need for an executive session. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Kidd adjourned the meeting at 9:20 p.m. Cherie Kidd, Mayor Teresa Pierce, Deputy City Clerk Page 5 of 5 E -6 Vendor CLALLAM CNTY TREASURER COPLOGIC ELECSYS INT'L CORP Dave Holden City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 3 /9/2013 To: 3/22/2013 Description Account Number CVCA TO CLALLAM CO TREAS 001 0000 229.40 -00 MEMBERSHIPS 001- 0000 237.00 -00 RADIX MAINTENANCE 001 0000 237.00 -00 RFD DEPOSIT VB EVENT 001 0000 239.10 -00 PORT ANGELES FINE ARTS CENTER FNCPRINTING,SILK SCR,TYPSET 001- 0000- 237.00 -00 US BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT SYSTEI City Credit Card Pmt 001 0000 213.10-00 City Credit Card Pmt 001- 0000 213.10 -95 Volunteer Psnl Awards -KD 001- 0000 237.00 -00 Headset/Parts Schilke 001 0000 237.00 -00 Book -Olson 001 0000 237.00 -00 Table Kochanek 001 0000 237.00 -00 Fit Tester Parts Bogues 001 0000 237.00 -00 Fit Tester Parts Bogues 001- 0000 237.00 -00 Vertex Radio Batteries -KB 001- 0000 237.00 -00 Minitor Pager Batteries 001 0000 237.00 -00 Trng Books -Wray 001 0000 237.00 -00 City Pins /Coins- Pierce 001 0000 237.00 -00 Crime Scene Equip -TG 001- 0000 237.00 -00 Elvis Concert Decorations 001 0000 237.00 -00 Printer Ink Mozingo 001 0000 237.00 -00 USB Hub Mozingo 001- 0000 237.00 -00 Subscription Hanley 001 0000 237.00 -00 WASHINGTON STATE TREASURER FEBURARY BUILDING SURCHAR 001 0000 229.10 -00 DIST CT REV TO ST TREAS 001- 0000 229.30 -00 Division Total: Department Total: ADVANCED TRAVEL AWC Conf -Bruch 001 -1160- 511.43 -10 AWC Conf -Kidd 001 1160 511.43 -10 US BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT SYSTEIConf Reg- Kidd /Bruch 001 1160 511.43 -10 Legislative Mayor Council Division Total: Legislative Department Total: ADVANCED TRAVEL Prothman McKeen 001 1210 513.43 -10 CENTURYLINK -QWE5T 02 -23 NC 206T302306084B 001- 1210- 513.42 -10 02 -23 A/C 206T310164584B 001 1210 513.42 -10 03 -05 NC 36045298828118 001 1210- 513.42 -10 03 -05 NC 36045251096236 001 1210 513.42 -10 03 -05 NC 3604523877817B 001 1210 513.42 -10 03 -05 NC 36045298876528 001 1210 513.42 -10 03 -05 NC 3604525834211B 001 1210 513.42 -10 03 -05 NC 3604523712585B 001 1210 513.42 -10 OLYMPIC REGION CLEAN AIR AGCY SUPPLIES 001 1210 513.49 -10 US BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT SYSTEI City Pins /Coins- Pierce 001 1210 513.31 -01 Page 1 Date 3/27/2013 Invoice Amount 301.10 308.70 21.34 150.00 -14.44 14,984.53 14,300.27 -23.74 -19.05 0.34 -73.65 -5.88 -5.88 -13.85 3.27 -59.13 -11.34 23.08 -13.00 -7.30 -2.18 -16.72 126.00 12,801.34 $12,071.29 $12,071.29 318.54 289.04 270.00 $877.58 $877.58 108.60 20.33 27.74 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.38 2.10 8,586.00 146.34 E -7 V•c r, Vendor Description US BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT SYSTEI Lunch Meetings McKeen Conf Reg- McKeen Membrship Rnwl- Downie 02 -25 NC 671402094 -00001 RADIO TELECOMMUNICATION City Manager Office WCIA Mtg -Coons 02 -23 NC 206T302306084B 02 -23 NC 206T310164584B 03 -05 NC 36045298828118 03 -05 NC 36045251096238 03 -05 NC 3604523877817B 03 -05 NC 36045298876528 03 -05 NC 36045258342118 03 -05 NC 36045237125858 US BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT SYSTEITvIlTrng -Coons VERIZON WIRELESS WASHINGTON (DES/TBS). STATE OF City Manager Department ADVANCED TRAVEL CENTURYLINK -QWEST VERIZON WIRELESS WASHINGTON (DES/TBS), STATE OF City Manager Department ADVANCED TRAVEL CENTURYLINK -QWEST DATA BASE SOUND PUBLISHING INC WASHINGTON (DES/TBS), STATE OF City Manager Department ADVANCED TRAVEL CENTURYLINK -QWEST City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 3/9/2013 To: 3/22/2013 02 -25 NC 671402094 -00001 RADIO TELECOMMUNICATION Human Resources WMCA Audit Mtg -Hurd 02 -23 NC 206T302306084B 02 -23 NC 206T310164584B 03 -05 NC 3604529882811B 03 -05 NC 36045251096238 03 -05 NC 36045238778178 03 -05 NC 36045298876528 03 -05 NC 36045258342118 03 -05 NC 36045237125858 SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES RADIO TELECOMMUNICATION City Clerk City Manager Department Pub Sector CFO -Olson 02 -23 NC 206T302306084B 02 -23 NC 206T3101645848 03 -05 NC 3604529882811B 03 -05 NC 3604525109623B 03 -05 NC 36045238778178 03 -05 NC 36045298876528 03 -05 NC 36045258342118 Page 2 Account Number 001 1210 513.31 -01 001 1210 513.43 -10 001 1210 513.49 -01 001 1210 513.42 -10 001 1210 513.42 -10 Division Total: 001 1220 516.43 -10 001 1220- 516.42 -10 001 1220 516.42 -10 001 -1220- 516.42 -10 001 -1220- 516.42 -10 001 1220 516.42 -10 001 1220 516.42 -10 001 1220 516.42 -10 001 1220 516.42 -10 001 1220 516.43 -10 001 1220 516.42 -10 001 1220 516.42 -10 Division Total: 001 -1230- 514.43 -10 001 1230 514.42 -10 001 1230 514.42 -10 001 1230 514.42 -10 001- 1230 514.42 -10 001 1230 514.42 -10 001 1230 514.42 -10 001 1230 514.42 -10 001 1230 514.42 -10 001 1230 514.41 -50 001 1230 514.41 -50 001 1230 514.44 -10 001 1230 514.42 -10 Division Total: Department Total: 001 2010 514.43 -10 001 2010 514.42 -10 001 2010- 514.42 -10 001 2010- 514.42 -10 001 2010- 514.42 -10 001 2010- 514.42 -10 001 2010 514.42 -10 001 2010 514.42 -10 Date' 3/27/2013 Invoice Amount 210.78 135.00 50.00 109.24 4.21 $9,406.52 125.65 4.07 5.55 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.27 0.42 151.74 54.62 10.68 $353.96 159.24 2.03 2.77 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.14 0.21 227.54 227.54 41.08 1.88 $662.95 $10,423.43 46.25 14.23 19.42 0.86 0.86 0.86 0.86 0.96 E -8 Vendor Description CENTURYLINK -QWEST 03 -05 NC 36045237125858 US BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT SYSTEI Book -Olson VERIZON WIRELESS WASHINGTON (DES/TBS), STATE OF WASHINGTON RESEARCH COUNCIL Finance Department CENTURYLINK -QWEST MICROFLEX INC OLYMPIC PRINTERS INC OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC Book -Olson WCMA Renewal -Olson 02 -25 NC 671402094 -00001 2013 DUES OLSON Finance Administration 02 -23 NC 206T3023060848 02 -23 NC 206T310164584B 03 -05 NC 3604529882811B 03 -05 NC 36045251096238 03 -05 NC 36045238778178 03 -05 NC 3604529887652B 03 -05 NC 36045258342118 03 -05 NC 36045237125858 FEB TAX AUDIT PROGRAM WINDOW ENVELOPES OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL US BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT SYSTEI Webinar Reg(3) -Hagar WASHINGTON (DES/TBS), STATE OF WFOA -WA FINANCE OFFCRS ASSN Finance Department CENTURYLINK -QWEST ELECSYS INT'L CORP OLYMPIC PRINTERS INC PACIFIC OFFICE EQUIPMENT INC SHARP ELECTRONICS CORP WASHINGTON (DES/TBS), STATE OF Finance Department MORNINGSIDE OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC PACIFIC OFFICE EQUIPMENT INC City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 3/9/2013 To: 3/22/2013 RADIO TELECOMMUNICATION 001 -2010- 514.42 -10 RADIO TELECOMMUNICATION 001 2023 514.42 -10 MEMBERSHIPS Accounting 02 -23 NC 206T302306084B 02 -23 NC 206T310164584B 03 -05 NC 36045298828118 03 -05 NC 36045251096238 001 2025- 514.42 -10 03 -05 NC 3604523877817B 001 -2025- 514.42 -10 03 -05 NC 36045298876528 001- 2025 514.42 -10 03 -05 NC 3604525834211B 001 2025 514.42 -10 03 -05 NC 3604523712585B 001 -2025- 514.42 -10 RADIX MAINTENANCE 001- 2025 514.48 -10 BANK DEPOSIT SLIPS FOR TR 001 2025 514.31 -01 COMPUTER ACCESSORIES &SUPF001 2025 514.31 -01 OFFICE SUPPLIES,PAPER/RIB 001 2025 514.31 -01 COMPUTER ACCESSORIES &SUPF001 2025 514.48 -10 OFFICE MACHINES ACCESS 001 2025 514.45 -31 RADIO TELECOMMUNICATION 001 2025 514.42 -10 Customer Service Division Total: COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 001 2080 514.41 -50 OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL 001 2080 514.31 -01 OFFICE MACHINES ACCESS 001 2080 514.45 -31 Page 3 Account Number 001 2010 514.42 -10 001 2010 514.31 -01 001 2010 514.31 -01 001 -2010- 514.49 -01 001 2010 514.42 -10 001 2010 514.49 -01 Division Total: 001 2023 514.42 -10 001 2023 514.42 -10 001 2023 514.42 -10 001 2023 514.42 -10 001 2023 514.42 -10 001 2023 514.42 -10 001 2023 514.42 -10 001 2023 514.42 -10 001 2023 514.41 -50 001- 2023 514.31 -01 001 2023 514.31 -01 001 2023- 514.43 -10 001 2023 514.49 -01 Division Total: 001 2025 514.42 -10 001 2025 514.42 -10 001 2025- 514.42 -10 Date. 3/27/2013 Invoice Amount 1.47 35.61 4.34 151.00 54.62 4.07 275.00 $610.41 18.30 24.97 1.07 1.07 1.07 1.07 1.24 1.92 45.54 695.28 125.74 150.00 2.64 200.00 $1,269.91 26.44 36.07 1.55 1.55 1.55 1.55 1.79 2.73 275.34 311.76 169.84 97.17 431.14 388.56 13.86 $1,760.90 855.00 1,847.14 109.06 E -9 Vendor PACIFIC OFFICE EQUIPMENT INC SHARP ELECTRONICS CORP Finance Department CENTURYLINK -QWEST GREAT AMERICA LEASING CORP US BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT SYSTE VERIZON WIRELESS WASHINGTON (DES/TBS), STATE OF Attorney CHINOOK PHARMACY CLALLAM CNTY SHERIFFS DEPT FRIENDSHIP DIVERSION SERVICES Attorney BLACK, JOHN D PLLC CENTURYLINK -QWEST CLALLAM CNTY DIST 1 COURT GREAT AMERICA LEASING CORP VERIZON WIRELESS WASHINGTON (DES/TBS), STATE OF Attorney CENTURYLINK-QWEST City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 3/9/2013 To: 3/22/2013 Description OFFICE MACHINES ACCESS OFFICE MACHINES ACCESS Reprographics Finance Department 02 -23 NC 206T302306084B 02 -23 NC 206T310164584B 03 -05 NC 36045298828118 03 -05 NC 3604525109623B 03 -05 NC 3604523877817B 03 -05 NC 36045298876528 03 -05 NC 36045258342118 03 -05 NC 36045237125858 FEB COPIER LEASE ITvI/Trng -Bloor WSAMNWAPRO Dues 02 -25 NC 671402094 -00001 RADIO TELECOMMUNICATION Attorney Office FORKS JAIL MEDICAL JAIL BILL FOR JANUARY FEBRUARY EHM Jail Contributions BLACK ATTY. PCR 18772 BLACK ATTY. PCR 18963 02 -23 A/C 206T302306084B 02 -23 NC 206T310164584B 03 -05 NC 3604529882811B 03 -05 NC 3604525109623B 03 -05 NC 36045238778178 03 -05 NC 3604529887652B 03 -05 NC 36045258342118 03 -05 NC 3604523712585B D CT FEB FILINGS FEB COPIER LEASE 02 -25 NC 671402094 -00001 RADIO TELECOMMUNICATION Prosecution Attorney 02 -23 NC 206T302306084B 02 -23 NC 206T310164584B 03 -05 NC 3604529882811B 03 -05 NC 3604525109623B Page 4 Account Number 001 -2080- 514.45 -31 001 2080 514.45 -31 Division Total: Department Total: 001 3010 515.42 -10 001 3010 515.42 -10 001 3010 515.42 -10 001 3010 515.42 -10 001 3010 515.42 -10 001 3010 515.42 -10 001 3010 515.42 -10 001 3010 515.42 -10 001 3010 515.45 -31 001 3010- 515.43 -10 001 3010 515.49 -01 001 3010- 515.42 -10 001 3010- 515.42 -10 Division Total: 001 3012- 598.51 -23 001 3012- 598.51 -23 001 3012 598.51 -23 Division Total: 001 3021 515.41 -50 001 3021 515.41 -50 001 3021 515.42 -10 001 3021 515.42 -10 001- 3021 515.42 -10 001 3021- 515.42 -10 001 3021- 515.42 -10 001 3021- 515.42 -10 001 3021- 515.42 -10 001 3021 515.42 -10 001 3021 515.50 -90 001 3021- 515.45 -31 001 3021- 515.42 -10 001 3021 515.42 -10 Division Total: Department Total: 001 4010- 558.42 -10 001 4010 558.42 -10 001 4010 558.42 -10 001 4010 558.42 -10 Date: 3/27/2013 Invoice Amount 66.49 147.10 $3,024.79 $6,666.01 12.20 16.65 0.72 0.72 0.72 0.72 0.82 1.26 163.47 238.29 75.00 54.62 13.78 $578.97 54.71 43,193.18 607.00 $43,854.89 135.00 195.00 8.13 11.10 0.48 0.48 0.48 0.48 0.55 0.84 9,545.00 163.47 109.24 4.67 $10,174.92 $54,608.78 15.25 20.81 0.90 0.90 E -10 4 Vendor Description CENTURYLINK QWEST 03 -05 NC 3604523877817B 03 -05 NC 3604529887652B 03 -05 NC 3604525834211B 03 -05 NC 36045237125858 US BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT SYSTEIAPA Conf Reg Johns PDN online renewal -SR VERIZON WIRELESS 02 -25 NC 671402094 -00001 WASHINGTON (DES/TBS), STATE OF Community Development CENTURYLINK -QWEST SHARP ELECTRONICS CORP WASHINGTON (DES/TBS), STATE OF Community Development CENTURYLINK -QWEST WASHINGTON DES/TBS), STATE OF Community Development CENTURYLINK -QWEST COPLOGIC City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 3/9/2013 To: 3/22/2013 RADIO TELECOMMUNICATION Planning 02 -23 NC 206T302306084B 02 -23 NC 206T310164584B 03 -05 NC 36045298828118 03 -05 NC 36045251096238 03 -05 NC 36045238778178 03 -05 NC 36045298876528 03 -05 NC 36045258342118 03 -05 NC 36045237125858 OFFICE MACHINES ACCESS RADIO TELECOMMUNICATION Building 02 -23 NC 206T302306084B 02 -23 NC 206T310164584B 03 -05 NC 3604529882811B 03 -05 NC 36045251096238 03 -05 NC 3604523877817B 03 -05 NC 3604529887652B 03 -05 NC 36045258342118 03 -05 NC 36045237125858 RADIO TELECOMMUNICATION Code Compliance Community Development 02 -23 NC 206T411918873B 02 -23 NC 206T031979835B 02 -23 NC 206T302306084B 02 -23 NC 206T310164584B 03 -05 NC 3604529882811B 03 -05 NC 3604525109623B 03 -05 NC 36045238778178 03 -05 NC 36045298876528 03 -05 NC 3604525834211B 03 -05 NC 36045237125858 MEMBERSHIPS Page 5 Account Number 001 4010 558.42 -10 001 4010 558.42 -10 001 4010 558.42 -10 001- 4010- 558.42 -10 001 4010 558.43 -10 001 4010 558.49 -01 001 4010 558.42 -10 001 4010 558.42 -10 Division Total: 001 4020 524.42 10 001 4020 524.42 -10 001 4020 524.42 -10 001 4020 524.42 -10 001 4020 524.42 -10 001 4020 524.42 -10 001 4020 524.42 -10 001- 4020- 524.42 -10 001 4020 524.45 -31 001 4020 524.42 -10 Division Total: 001 4030 559.42 10 001 4030 559.42 -10 001 4030 559.42 -10 001 4030 559.42 -10 001 4030 559.42 -10 001 4030 559.42 -10 001- 4030 559.42 -10 001 4030 559.42 -10 001 4030 559.42 -10 Division Total: Department Total: 001 -5010- 521.42 -10 001 5010 521.42 -10 001 5010 521.42 -10 001 5010 521.42 -10 001 -5010- 521.42 -10 001 5010 521.42 -10 001 5010 521.42 -10 001 5010 521.42 -10 001 -5010- 521.42 -10 001 -5010- 521.42 -10 001 5010 521.41 -50 Date: 3/27/2013 Invoice Amount 0.90 0.90 1.03 1.58 695.00 42 00 27.31 23.72 $830.30 5.29 7.21 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.36 0.55 388.56 1.28 $404.49 0.81 1.11 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.08 5.50 $7.75 $1,242.54 57.46 64.74 32.54 44.39 1.91 1.91 1.91 1.91 2.20 3.37 3,983.70 E -11 Vendor SQUAD ROOM EMBLEMS US BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT SYSTEI Office Supplies Gallagher VERIZON WIRELESS 02 25 NC 671402094 00001 WASHINGTON (DES) DEPT OF ENTERPRI MEMBERSHIPS WASHINGTON DES/TBS), STATE OF Police Department CENTURYLINK -QWEST Police Administration 02 -23 NC 206T302306084B 02 -23 NC 206T310164584B 03 -05 NC 36045298828118 03 -05 NC 3604525109623B 03 -05 NC 3604523877817B 03 -05 NC 36045298876528 03 -05 NC 3604525834211B 03 -05 NC 3604523712585B PORT ANGELES POLICE DEPARTMENT Thumb Drives Bridge Toll VERIZON WIRELESS WASHINGTON (DES/TBS), STATE OF WEST GROUP Police Department BLUMENTHAL UNIFORMS EQUIP CENTURYLINK -QWEST DAY WIRELESS SYSTEMS EVERGREEN COLLISION CENTER INSIGHT PUBLIC SECTOR PACIFIC OFFICE EQUIPMENT INC PEN PRINT INC Description COFFEE MUGS COFFEE MUGS PORT ANGELES POLICE DEPARTMENT Repair Patrol Door Bridge Toll US BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT SYSTEI Picture framing mats City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 3/9/2013 To: 3/22/2013 RADIO TELECOMMUNICATION 001 5010 521.42 10 Division Total: 001 5021 521.42 10 001 5021 521.42 -10 001 5021 521.42 -10 001 5021 521.42 -10 001 5021 521.42 -10 001 5021 521.42 -10 001 -5021- 521.42 -10 001 5021 521.42 -10 001 5021 521.31 -60 001 5021 521.43 -10 Account Number 001 5010 521.31 -01 001 5010 521.31 -01 001 -5010- 521.31 -01 001 5010 521.42 -10 001 5010 521.49 -01 PRORIDER INC PARK,PLAYGROUND,REC EQUIP 001 5021 521.44 -30 SHIPPING AND HANDLING 001 5021 521.44 -30 US BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT SYSTEI Crime Scene Equip -TG 001 5021 521.31 01 WHIAC Dues /Conf Reg 001 5021 521.43 -10 02 -25 NC 671402094 -00001 001 5021 521.42 -10 RADIO TELECOMMUNICATION 001 5021 521.42 -10 COMPUTER SOFTWARE FOR MIN 001 5021- 521.41 -50 Investigation Division Total: PLASTICS 02 NC 206T302306084B 02 -23 NC 206T310164584B 03 -05 NC 3604529882811B 03 -05 NC 3604525109623B 03 -05 NC 3604523877817B 03 -05 NC 3604529887652B Page 6 001 5022 521.31 -11 001 -5022- 521.42 -10 001 -5022- 521.42 -10 001 -5022- 521.42 -10 001 5022 521.42 -10 001 5022 521.42 -10 001 5022 521.42 -10 03 -05 NC 3604525834211B 001 5022 521.42 -10 03 NC 3604523712585B 001 -5022- 521.42 -10 TESTING &CALIBRATION SERVI 001 5022 521.48 -10 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 001 5022 521.49 -90 COMPUTER HARDWARE &PERIPHI001 5022 521.31 -60 EQUIP MAINT REPAIR SERV 001 5022 521.48 -10 PRINTING,SILK SCR,TYPSET 001 -5022- 521.31 -01 001 -5022- 521.31 -01 001- 5022 521.43 -10 001 -5022- 521.31 -01 Date: 3/27/2013 Invoice Amount 123.91 30.33 14.07 149.35 400.00 54.68 $4,968.38 20.33 27.74 1.19 1.19 1.19 1.19 1.37 2.10 16.23 26.30 503.09 63.90 297.88 1,350.00 567.98 11.37 202.71 $3,095.76 107.53 56.94 77 69 3.35 3.35 3.35 3.35 3.85 5.89 1,766.92 277.24 182.10 92.14 119.24 2.61 5.00 56.36 E -12 Vendor VERIZON WIRELESS WASHINGTON (DES/TBS), STATE OF Police Department COPY CAT GRAPHICS VERIZON WIRELESS 02 -25 NC 671402094 -00001 Police Department Reserves Volunteers ADVANCED TRAVEL NWS Grp Mtg- Jacobi CENTURYLINK -QWEST 02 -23 NC 206T302306084B 02 -23 NC 206T310164584B 03 -05 NC 36045298828116 03 -05 NC 36045251096236 03 -05 NC 36045238778176 03 -05 NC 3604529887652B 03 -05 NC 3604525834211B 03 -05 NC 3604523712585B PACIFIC OFFICE EQUIPMENT INC OFFICE MACHINES ACCESS OFFICE MACHINES ACCESS QUILL CORPORATION VERIZON WIRELESS WASHINGTON (DES/TBS), STATE OF Police Department ADVANCED TRAVEL CENTURYLINK -QWEST OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC PACIFIC OFFICE EQUIPMENT INC City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 3/9/2013 To: 3/22/2013 Description Account Number 02 25 NC 671402094 00001 001 5022 521.42 10 RADIO TELECOMMUNICATION 001 5022 521.42 -10 Patrol Division Total: COMMUNICATIONS /MEDIASERV 001- 5026 521.31 -11 001- 5026- 521.42 -10 Division Total: 001 5029 521.43 -10 001 5029 521.42 -10 001 -5029- 521.42 -10 001 5029 521.42 -10 001 5029 521.42 -10 001 -5029- 521.42 -10 001 -5029- 521.42 -10 001 -5029- 521.42 -10 001 -5029- 521.42 -10 001 5029 521.45 -31 001 5029 521.45 -31 COMPUTERS,DP WORD PROC. 001 5029 521.31 01 US BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT SYSTEI Headset/Parts- Schilke 001- 5029 521.31 -11 02 -25 NC 671402094 00001 001 5029 521.42 -10 RADIO TELECOMMUNICATION 001 5029 521.42 -10 Records Police Department Systems Design -Dubuc 02 -23 NC 206T302306084B 02 -23 NC 206T310164584B 03 -05 NC 3604529882811B 03 -05 NC 36045251096238 03 -05 NC 3604523877817B 03 -05 NC 36045298876528 03 -05 NC 36045258342118 03 -05 NC 36045237125856 02 -23 NC 206T302306084B 02 -23 NC 206T310164584B 03 -05 NC 3604529882811B 03 -05 NC 36045251096238 03 -05 NC 36045238778178 03 -05 NC 36045298876528 03 -05 NC 3604525834211B 03 -05 NC 36045237125858 SUPPLIES OFFICE MACHINES ACCESS Page 7 Division Total: Department Total: 001 6010- 522.43 -10 001- 6010 522.42 -10 001 6010 522.42 -10 001 6010 522.42 -10 001 -6010- 522.42 -10 001 6010 522.42 -10 001- 6010 522.42 -10 001 6010 522.42 -10 001 6010- 522.42 -10 001 6010 522.42 -11 001- 6010 522.42 -11 001 6010 522.42 -11 001 6010 522.42 -11 001 6010 522.42 -11 001 6010 522.42 -11 001 6010 522.42 -11 001 6010- 522.42 -11 001 6010 522.31 -01 001 6010- 522.45 -31 Date 3/27/2013 Invoice Amount 2,336.58 28.47 $5,131.96 52.03 34.62 $86.65 191.99 20.33 27.74 1.20 1.20 1 20 1.20 1.37 2.10 161.04 64.47 421.96 245.81 79.85 17.02 $1,238.48 $14,521.23 49.00 28.47 38.84 1.67 1.67 1.67 1.67 1.92 2.94 8.13 11.10 0.48 0.48 0.48 0.48 0.55 0.84 9.11 34.51 E -13 Fire Department BRD FOR VOLUNTEER FIREFIGHTERS CENTURYLINK -QWEST City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 3/9/2013 To: 3/22/2013 Vendor Description PORT ANGELES FIRE DEPARTMENT PSAB MEETING EXPENSES QUILL CORPORATION SUPPLIES WASHINGTON (DES/TBS), STATE OF RADIO TELECOMMUNICATION RADIO TELECOMMUNICATION WSAFC SPRING WORKSHOP Fire Department Fire Administration CENTURYLINK QWEST 02 -23 NC 206T302306084B 02 -23 NC 206T310164584B 03 -05 NC 3604529882811B 03 -05 NC 36045251096238 03 -05 NC 3604523877817B 03 -05 NC 3604529887652B 03 -05 NC 3604525834211B 03 -05 NC 3604523712585B Cascade Fire Equipment HOSE TURN TABLE QUILL CORPORATION SUPPLIES US BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT SYSTEI Fit Tester Parts Bogues WASHINGTON (DES/TBS), STATE OF RADIO TELECOMMUNICATION Fire Supression ANNUAL REMIT VOL FF RELIE 02 -23 NC 206T302306084B 02 -23 NC 206T310164584B 03 -05 NC 3604529882811B 03 -05 NC 36045251096238 03 -05 NC 36045238778178 03 -05 NC 36045298876528 03 -05 NC 36045258342118 03 -05 NC 36045237125858 US BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT SYSTEI Volunteer Psnl Awards ND Fit Tester Parts Bogues Vertex Radio Batteries -KB Minitor Pager Batteries Online Trng -Dubuc Fire Department Fire Volunteers CENTURYLINK QWEST 02 -23 NC 206T302306084B 02 -23 NC 206T310164584B 03 -05 NC 36045298828118 03 -05 NC 3604525109623B 03 -05 NC 36045238778178 03 -05 NC 36045298876528 03 -05 NC 36045258342118 03 -05 NC 36045237125858 Page 8 Account Number 001- 6010 522.31 -01 001- 6010 522.31 -01 001 6010 522.42 -10 001 6010 522.42 -11 001 6010 522.43 -10 Division Total: 001 6020 522.42 -10 001 6020 522.42 -10 001 6020 522.42 -10 001 6020 522.42 -10 001 6020- 522.42 -10 001 6020 522.42 -10 001 6020 522.42 -10 001 6020- 522.42 -10 001 6020 522.31 -02 001 6020 522.31 -01 001 6020 522.31 -01 001 6020 522.42 -10 Division Total: 001 6021 522.49 -01 001 6021- 522.42 -10 001 6021 522.42 -10 001 6021 522.42 -10 001 6021 522.42 -10 001 6021 522.42 -10 001 6021 522.42 -10 001 6021 522.42 -10 001 6021 522.42 -10 001 6021 522.31 -01 001 6021 522.31 -01 001 6021 522.31 -11 001- 6021- 522.31 -11 001 6021- 522.43 -10 Division Total: 001 6030 522.42 -10 001 6030 522.42 -10 001 6030 522.42 -10 001 6030 522.42 -10 001 6030 522.42 -10 001 6030 522.42 -10 001 6030 522.42 -10 001 6030 522.42 -10 Date 3/27/2013 Invoice Amount 58.44 58.58 3.09 3.44 85.00 $402.56 26.44 36.07 1.55 1.55 1.55 1.55 1.79 2.73 165.85 56.80 75.88 1.51 $373.27 1,440.00 2.03 2.77 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.14 0.21 306.38 75.88 178.76 42.25 95.00 $2,143.90 4.07 5.55 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.27 0.42 E -14 Vendor US BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT SYSTEI Online Trng -Dubuc VERIZON WIRELESS Fire Department CENTURYLINK -OWEST WASHINGTON (DES/TBS), STATE OF WSAFC Fire Department MRS CLEAN OLYMPIC RESTAURANT EQUIPMENT OLYMPIC SEWER DRAIN CLEANING SUNSET DO -IT BEST HARDWARE Fire Department CENTURYLINK -QWEST Fire Department APWA WASHINGTON STATE CHAPTER CENTURYLINK -QWEST CLALLAM CNTY AUDITOR Maher Abed MUNICIPAL RESEARCH SVC CTR OFFICE DEPOT Description City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 3 /9/2013 To: 3/22/2013 02 25 NC 671402094 00001 Fire Prevention 02 -23 NC 206T302306084B 02 -23 NC 206T310164584B 03 -05 NC 3604529882811B 03 -05 NC 3604525109623B 03 -05 NC 3604523877817B 03 -05 NC 3604529887652B 03 -05 NC 36045258342118 03 -05 NC 3604523712585B RADIO TELECOMMUNICATION SPRING WORKSHOP Fire Training BUILDING MAINT &REPAIR SER REPAIR STOVE REPAIR SHOWER DRAIN MASS TRANS,ACCES& PARTS Facilities Maintenance 02 -23 NC 206T302306084B 02 -23 NC 206T310164584B 03 -05 NC 36045298828118 03 -05 NC 36045251096238 03 -05 NC 36045238778178 03 -05 NC 36045298876526 03 -05 A/C 3604525834211B 03 -05 NC 36045237125858 Emergency Management Fire Department MEMBERSHIPS 02 -23 NC 206T302306084B 02 -23 NC 206T310164584B 03 -05 NC 36045298828118 03 -05 NC 36045251096238 03 -05 NC 3604523877817B 03 -05 NC 36045298876528 03 -05 NC 3604525834211B 03 -05 NC 36045237125858 1020 DUNKER DR. CERTIFICA MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT MEMBERSHIPS SUPPLIES Page 9 Account Number 001 6030 522.43 -10 001 6030 522.42 -10 Division Total: 001 6040 522.42 -10 001 6040 522.42 10 001 -6040- 522.42 -10 001 6040 522.42 -10 001- 6040 522.42 -10 001 6040 522.42 -10 001 6040 522.42 -10 001 6040 522.42 -10 001 6040 522.42 -10 001 6040 522.43 -10 Division Total: 001 6050 522.41 -50 001 6050 522.48 -10 001 6050 522.48 -10 001 6050 522.48 -10 Division Total: 001 6060 525.42 -10 001 6060 525.42 -10 001 6060 525.42 -10 001 6060 525.42 -10 001 6060 525.42 -10 001 6060 525.42 -10 001 6060 525.42 -10 001 6060 525.42 -10 Division Total: Department Total: 001 7010- 532.43 -10 001 -7010- 532.42 -10 001 7010- 532.42 -10 001 7010 532.42 -10 001 7010 532.42 -10 001 7010 532.42 -10 001 7010 532.42 -10 001 7010 532.42 -10 001 7010 532.42 -10 001 7010 532.49 -90 001 7010 532.31 -01 001 7010- 532.49 -01 001 7010 532.31 -01 Date 3/27/2013 Invoice Amount 79.00 54.62 $144.89 4.07 5.55 0 24 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.27 0.42 1.96 85.00 $98.23 395.00 676.65 141.60 24.00 $1,237.25 18.30 24.97 1.07 1.07 1.07 1.07 1.24 1.89 $50.68 $4,450.78 500.00 63.04 86.01 3.71 3.71 3.71 3.71 4.27 6.52 72.00 114.70 480.00 62.59 E -15 Vendor OFFICE DEPOT OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC PACIFIC OFFICE EQUIPMENT INC SHARP ELECTRONICS CORP SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC US BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT SYSTEI Books Wray 001 7010 532.31 VERIZON WIRELESS WASHINGTON (DES/TBS), STATE OF Public Works -Gen Fnd CENTURYLINK -QWEST LITHTEX NW, LLC OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC PACIFIC OFFICE EQUIPMENT INC SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 3/9/2013 To: 3/22/2013 Description SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES OFFICE MACHINES ACCESS OFFICE MACHINES ACCESS MX2600N COPIER -MARCH 2013 HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS Digital Book Hanley Subscription Hanley Contracting Appl Dues -LH 02 -28 a/c 271138138 -00002 02 -22 a/c 571136182 -00001 02 -25 NC 671402094 -00001 RADIO TELECOMMUNICATION Pub Wks Administration Public Works -Gen Fnd 02 -23 NC 206T302306084B 02 -23 NC 206T310164584B 03 -05 NC 3604529882811B 03 -05 NC 3604525109623B 03 -05 NC 3604523877817B 03 -05 NC 3604529887652B 03 -05 NC 3604525834211B 03 -05 NC 3604523712585B PRINTING,SILK SCR,TYPSET OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL OFFICE MACHINES ACCESS PAI NTS,COATI NGS, WALLPAPER US BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT SYSTEI Office Supplies Kochanek Clock Kochanek Trays Kochanek Office supplies Mozingo Office Supplies- MOzingo Table Kochanek Table Kochanek VERIZON WIRELESS 02 -22 a/c 571136182 -00005 WASHINGTON DES/TBS), STATE OF RADIO TELECOMMUNICATION Parks Dept Parks Administration CENTURYLINK 02 -23 NC 206T302306084B 02 -23 NC 206T310164584B Page 10 Account Number 001 7010 532.31 01 001 7010 532.31 -01 001 7010 532.31 -01 001 7010 532.45 -31 001 7010 532.45 -31 001 7010 532.45 -31 001 7010 532.31 -01 001 7010 532.31 -01 001 7010- 532.49 -01 001 7010 532.49 -01 001 7010 532.42 -10 001 -7010- 532.42 -10 001 7010 532.42 -10 001- 7010 532.42 -10 Division Total: Department Total: 001 8010 574.42 -10 001 8010 574.42 -10 001- 8010- 574.42 -10 001 8010 574.42 -10 001 8010- 574.42 -10 001- 8010- 574.42 -10 001 8010 574.42 -10 001- 8010 574.42 -10 001- 8010- 574.49 -60 001 8010 574.31 -01 001- 8010 574.31 -01 001- 8010- 574.45 -31 001 8010 574.31 -01 001 8010 574.31 -01 001- 8010- 574.31 -01 001 8010 574.31 -01 001 8010 574.31 -01 001- 8010 574.31 -01 001 8010 574.31 -80 001 -8010- 574.31 -80 001 8010 574.42 -10 001- 8010 574.42 -10 Division Total: 001- 8012 555.42 -10 001- 8012 555.42 -10 Date 3/27/2013 Invoice Amount 76.95 48.52 -32.09 398.31 366.08 161.39 8.39 763.05 71.07 215.72 350.00 37.40 116.75 86.41 65.30 $4,137.22 $4,137.22 6.10 8.32 0.36 0.36 0.36 0.36 0.41 0.63 1.695.38 22.91 15.99 14.94 29.13 180.42 19.50 32.57 603.68 34.67 950.41 757.72 38.04 18.38 $4,430.64 6.10 8.32 E -16 Vendor CENTURYLINK -QWEST PACIFIC OFFICE EQUIPMENT INC WASHINGTON (DES/TBS), STATE OF Parks Dept ANGELES MILLWORK LUMBER CO AUTOMATIC WILBERT VAULT CO INC CENTURYLINK -QWEST QUIRING MONUMENTS INC VERIZON WIRELESS WASHINGTON (DES/TBS), STATE OF Parks Dept ADVANCED TRAVEL ANGELES MILLWORK LUMBER CO CENTURYLINK-Q WEST CHEMSEARCH City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 3/9/2013 To: 3/22/2013 Description 03 -05 NC 3604529882811B 03 -05 NC 36045251096238 03 -05 NC 36045238778176 03 -05 NC 3604529887652B 03 -05 NC 3604525834211B 03 -05 NC 36045237125858 03 -02 NC 3604171942413B 03 -05 NC 3604529861819B OFFICE MACHINES ACCESS OFFICE MACHINES ACCESS RADIO TELECOMMUNICATION Senior Center LUMBER& RELATED PRODUCTS CEMETERY SUPPLIES 02 -23 NC 206T302306084B 02 -23 NC 206T310164584B 03 -05 NC 3604529882811B 03 -05 NC 36045251096236 03 -05 NC 36045238778176 03 -05 NC 36045298876528 03 -05 NC 3604525834211B 03 -05 NC 36045237125858 CEMETERY MARKERS CEMETERY MARKERS CEMETERY MARKERS SOUND PUBLISHING INC COMMUNICATIONS /MEDIA SERV US BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT SYSTEI Perm markers Mezingo 02 -22 a/c 571136182 -00005 RADIO TELECOMMUNICATION Ocean View Cemetery Pesticide Recert- Brooke HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS 02 -23 NC 206T302306084B 02 -23 NC 206T310164584B 03 -05 NC 36045298828118 03 -05 NC 36045251096238 03 -05 NC 36045238778178 03 -05 NC 36045298876528 03 -05 NC 3604525834211B 03 -05 NC 36045237125856 03 -02 NC 36041753287848 JANITORIAL SUPPLIES Page 11 Account Number 001 8012 555.42 -10 001 8012 555.42 -10 001 8012 555.42 -10 001 8012 555.42 -10 001 8012 555.42 -10 001 -8012- 555.42 -10 001 8012 555.42 -10 001 8012 555.42 -10 001 8012 555.45 -31 001 8012 555.45 -31 001 8012 555.42 -10 Division Total: 001 8050 536.31 -20 001 8050 536.34 -01 001 8050 536.42 -10 001 8050 536.42 -10 001- 8050 536.42 -10 001- 8050 536.42 -10 001 8050 536.42 -10 001 8050- 536.42 -10 001 8050 536.42 -10 001 8050 536.42 -10 001 8050 536.34 -01 001 8050- 536.34 -01 001 -8050- 536.34 -01 001 -8050- 536.44 -10 001 8050 536.31 -01 001 -8050- 536.42 -10 001 8050 536.42 -10 Division Total: 001 8080 576.43 -10 001 8080 576.31 -20 001 8080 576.42 -10 001 8080 576.42 -10 001 -8080- 576.42 -10 001- 8080 576.42 -10 001 8080 576.42 -10 001 8080 576.42 -10 001 8080 576.42 -10 001 8080 576.42 -10 001 8080- 576.42 -10 001- 8080 576.31 -01 Date 3/27/2013 Invoice Amount 0.36 0.36 0.36 0.36 0.41 0.63 42.14 45.02 13.44 60.26 2.41 $180.17 218.71 3,957.00 4.07 5.55 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.27 0.42 145.00 90.00 90.00 270.00 6.57 82.42 5.72 $4,876.69 154.16 46.89 20.33 27.74 1.19 1.19 1.19 1.19 1.37 2.10 41.76 277.46 E -17 4 Vendor CROP PRODUCTION SERVICES, INC FASTENAL INDUSTRIAL HERMANN BROS LOGGING CONST OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC OVERTON SAFETY TRAINING, INC SKAGIT GARDENS INC SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC THURMAN SUPPLY US BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT SYSTEI Safe- Kochanek VERIZON WIRELESS Parks Dept OLYMPIC RESTAURANT EQUIPMENT ORKIN EXTERMINATING COMPANY INC POISONS:AGRICUL INDUSTR Facilities Maintenance Senior Center Facilities AMSAN HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS CENTURYLINK QWEST 02 -23 NC 206T302306084B 02 -23 NC 206T310164584B 03 -05 NC 36045298828118 03 -05 NC 360452510962313 03 -05 NC 3604523877817B 03 -05 NC 36045298876528 03 -05 NC 36045258342118 03 -05 NC 36045237125856 03 -02 NC 36041707869058 SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS TAPE(NOT DP,SOUND,VIDEO) US BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT SYSTEI Key Control Cabinet Batteries- Mozingo VERIZON WIRELESS 02 -22 a/c 571136182 -00005 Facilities Maintenance Custodial /Janitorial Svcs AIR CONTROL INC AIR CONDITIONING HEATNG ANGELES MILLWORK LUMBER CO PAINTS,COATINGS,WALLPAPER CED /CONSOLIDATED ELEC DIST INC PIPE FITTINGS CENTURYLINK -QWEST City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 3/9/2013 To: 3/22/2013 Description FERTILIZERS SOIL CONDTN FASTENERS, FASTENING DEVS ROADSIDE,GRNDS,REC, PARK OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL EDUCATIONAL SERVICES NURSERY STOCK SUPPLIES FIRST AID SAFETY EQUIP HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS PAINTS,COATINGS,WALLPAPER TAPE(NOT DP,SOUND,VIDEO) PIPE AND TUBING 02 -22 a/c 571136182 -00003 02 -25 NC 671402094 -00001 Park Facilities Parks Dept BUILDING MAINT &REPAIR SER Page 12 Account Number 001 8080 576.31 -40 001- 8080 -576 31 -20 001 8080 576.31 -20 001 8080 576.31 -01 001 8080 576.31 -01 001 8080 576.43 -10 001 8080 576.31 -40 001 8080 576.31 -01 001- 8080 576.31 -20 001 -8080- 576.31 -20 001 -8080- 576.31 -20 001 8080 576.31 -20 001 8080 576.31 -20 001 8080 576.31 -20 001 -8080- 576.42 -10 001 8080 576.42 -10 Division Total: Department Total: 001 8112 555.31 -20 001 -8112- 555.48 -10 Division Total: 001 8130 518.31 -01 001 -8130- 518.42 -10 001 8130 518.42 -10 001 8130 518.42 -10 001- 8130- 518.42 -10 001- 8130- 518.42 -10 001 8130 518.42 -10 001- 8130- 518.42 -10 001 8130 518.42 -10 001 8130 518.42 -10 001 -8130- 518.31 -01 001 8130 518.31 -01 001- 8130 518.31 -01 001 -8130- 518.31 -01 001 8130 518.42 -10 Division Total: 001 8131 518.31 -20 001 8131 518.31 -20 001- 8131 518.31 -20 METALS,BARS,PLATES,RODS 001 8131 518.31 20 02 23 NC 206T302306084B 001 8131 518.42 -10 Date' 3/27/2013 Invoice Amount 895.13 28.60 56.85 9.31 52.80 1,301.92 3,985.95 108.29 167.74 16.06 74.73 4.38 13.97 596.19 122.14 54.62 $8,065.25 $17,552.75 61.99 63.20 $125.19 374.11 2.03 2.77 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.14 0.21 32.81 10.71 45.88 178.20 9.07 19.02 $675.43 922.61 233.32 110.58 27.48 2.03 E -18 Vendor C ENTU RYLIN K -Q WEST FASTENAL INDUSTRIAL M P GARAGE DOORS ORKIN EXTERMINATING COMPANY INC SUNSET DO -IT BEST HARDWARE SWAINS GENERAL STORE INC THURMAN SUPPLY THYSSENKRUPP ELEVATOR CORP TYCO INTEGRATED SECURITY US BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT SYSTEI Door Sweep Kochanek Facilities Maintenance Central Svcs Facilities Facilities Maintenance CENTURYLINK -QWEST DARLING, ROBERT L DOBYNS, THERESA EATON, INGA PACIFIC OFFICE EQUIPMENT INC PIMENTEL, HENRY RAMSEY, EMILY RAMSEY, SCOTT ROONEY, RANDY L THOMAS, GREGORY WARDELL, ADAM Recreation Activities AT &T MOBILITY City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 3/9/2013 To: 3/22/2013 Description 02 -23 NC 206T310164584B 03 -05 NC 36045298828116 03 -05 NC 3604525109623B 03 -05 NC 3604523877817B 03 -05 NC 36045298876528 03 -05 NC 3604525834211B 03 -05 NC 36045237125858 03 -05 NC 3604523954268B FIRST AID SAFETY EQUIP. Account Number 001 8131 518.42 -10 001 8131 518.42 -10 001 -8131- 518.42 -10 001 8131 518.42 -10 001 -8131- 518.42 -10 001 8131 518.42 -10 001 -8131- 518.42 -10 001 8131- 518.42 -10 001 8131 518.31 -20 BUILDING MAINT &REPAIR SER 001 -8131- 518.48 -10 POISONS.AGRICUL INDUSTR 001 -8131- 518.48 -10 FASTENERS, FASTENING DEVS 001 -8131- 518.31 -20 PAINTS,COATINGS,WALLPAPER 001 -8131- 518.31 -20 HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS 001 8131 518.31 -20 AIR CONDITIONING HEATNG 001 8131 518.31 -20 BARRELS, DRUMS, KEGS, CTN 001 8131 518.31 -20 BUILDING MAINT &REPAIR SER 001 8131 518.48 -10 SECURITY,FIRE,SAFETY SERV 001 -8131- 518.42 -10 001 8131 518.31 -20 Division Total: Department Total: 02 -23 NC 206T3023060848 001 8221 574.42 -10 02 -23 NC 206T310164584B 001 -8221- 574.42 -10 03 -05 NC 3604529882811B 001 8221 574.42 -10 03 -05 NC 3604525109623B 001 8221 574.42 -10 03 -05 NC 36045238778178 001 8221 574.42 -10 03 -05 NC 36045298876528 001 8221 574.42 -10 03 -05 NC 36045258342118 001 8221 574.42 -10 03 -05 NC 36045237125856 001 8221 574.42 -10 REFEREE PAYMENT FOR CITY 001- 8221- 574.41 -50 SCOREKEEPER PAYMENT FOR C 001- 8221 574.41 -50 OFFICIAL'S PAYMENT FOR VO 001 8221 574.41 -50 OFFICE MACHINES ACCESS 001 8221 574.45 -31 REFEREE PAYMENT FOR CITY 001 8221 574.41 -50 SCOREKEER PAYMENT FOR CIT 001 8221 574.41 -50 REFEREE PAYMENT FOR CITY 001- 8221- 574.41 -50 REFEREEPAYMENT FOR CITY L 001 8221 574.41 -50 OFFICIAL'S PAYMENT FOR VO 001 8221 574.41 -50 REFEREE PAYMENT FOR CITY 001 -8221- 574.41 -50 REFEREE PAYMENT FOR CITY 001 8221 574.41 -50 Sports Programs Division Total: Dan Estes Cell Phone 001- 8222 574.42 -10 Page 13 Date' 3/27/2013 Invoice Amount 2.77 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.14 0.21 84.78 29.40 167.97 83.16 4.98 33.64 27.90 29.35 68.58 857.32 54.14 10.29 $2,751.13 $3,551.75 2.03 2.77 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.14 0.21 44.00 220.00 150.00 37.36 462.00 390.00 1,012.00 44.00 300.00 550.00 880.00 $4,094.99 11.77 E -19 Vendor BAKER, LARRY CAPTAIN T'S CENTURYLINK -QWEST DARLING, ROBERT L DRAKE'S PIZZA SUBS EDGAR, KELSEY FAIRCHILD, NICK FRAZIER, BRIAN D GUNDERSON, HAYDEN HALTTUNEN, DESHAWN A HENSEN, JAMES C ISETT, TRISTAN J JEFFERS, KYLEE B KETCHUM III, JOHN W MUDGE, KRISTA PACIFIC OFFICE EQUIPMENT INC PARKER, PAUL RAMON PIMENTEL, HENRY PORT ANGELES SCHOOL DISTRICT RAMSEY, EMILY RAMSEY, SCOTT ROBINSON, JASON RODOCKER, PAXTON ROONEY, RANDY L SADDLER, CHARLES M SOLOMON SHELBY STEPHENS, BRENT THOMAS, GREGORY WARDELL, ADAM WASHINGTON (DES/TBS), STATE OF WILSON, DONALD L Recreation Activities CENTURYLINK -QWEST City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 3/9/2013 To: 3/22/2013 Description Account Number REFEREE PAYMENT FOR HOOPF 001 8222 574.41 -50 CLOTHING APPAREL 02 -23 NC 206T3023060848 02 -23 NC 206T310164584B 03 -05 NC 3604529882811B 03 -05 NC 3604525109623B 03 -05 NC 3604523877817B 03 -05 NC 3604529887652B 03 -05 NC 3604525834211B 03 -05 NC 36045237125858 001 8222 574.31 -01 001 8222 574.42 -10 001 -8222- 574.42 -10 001 8222 574.42 -10 001 -8222- 574.42 -10 001 8222 574.42 -10 001 8222 574.42 -10 001 8222 574.42 -10 001 8222 574.42 -10 REFEREE PAYMENT FOR HOOPF 001 8222 574.41 -50 FOODS: PERISHABLE 001 8222 574.31 -01 REFEREE PAYMENT FOR HOOPF 001 8222 574.41 -50 SCOREKEEPER PAYMENT FOR H 001 8222 574.41 -50 REFEREE PAYMENT FOR HOOPF 001 8222- 574.41 -50 SCOREKEEPER PAYMENT FOR H 001 8222 574.41 -50 REFEREE PAYMENT FOR HOOPF 001- 8222 574.41 -50 REFEREE PAYMENT FOR HOOPF 001 8222- 574.41 -50 SCOREKEEPER PAYMENT FOR H 001 8222 574.41 -50 SCOREKEEPER PAYMENT FOR H 001 -8222- 574.41 -50 REFEREE PAYMENT FOR HOOPF 001 8222 574.41 -50 REFEREE PAYMENT FOR HOOPF 001 8222- 574.41 -50 OFFICE MACHINES ACCESS 001 8222- 574.45 -31 REFEREE PAYMENT FOR HOOPF 001 8222 574.41 -50 REFEREE PAYMENT FOR HOOPF 001 8222 574.41 -50 BUILDING MAINT &REPAIR SER 001- 8222- 574.41 -50 BUILDING MAINT &REPAIR SER 001- 8222- 574.41 -50 SCOREKEEPER PAYMENT FOR H 001 8222 574.41 -50 REFEREE PAYMENT FOR HOOPF 001 8222- 574.41 -50 SCOREKEEPER PAYMENT FOR H 001 8222 574.41 -50 SCOREKEEPER PAYMENT FOR H 001 8222- 574.41 -50 OFFICIAL'S PAYMENT FOR HO 001 8222- 574.41 -50 REFEREE PAYMENT FOR HOOPF 001 -8222- 574.41 -50 SCOREKEEPER PAYMENT FOR H 001 8222 574.41 -50 REFEREE PAYMENT FOR HOOPF 001 -8222- 574.41 -50 REFEREE PAYMENT FOR HOOPF 001 8222- 574.41 -50 REFEREE PAYMENT FOR HOOPF 001 8222- 574.41 -50 RADIO TELECOMMUNICATION 001 8222- 574.42 -10 REFEREE PAYMENT FOR HOOPF 001 8222 574.41 -50 Special Events Division Total: 02 -23 NC 206T302306084B 001- 8224- 574.42 -10 02 -23 NC 206T3101645846 001 8224 574.42 -10 Page 14 Dale 3/27/2013 Invoice Amount 110.00 972.35 2.03 2.77 0.12 0 12 0.12 0.12 0.14 0.21 220.00 452.48 132.00 110.00 220.00 50.00 220.00 88.00 70.00 120.00 110.00 220.00 74.72 242.00 242.00 236.52 294.95 50.00 176.00 110.00 80.00 110.00 242.00 110.00 242.00 220.00 242.00 7.38 242.00 $6,033.80 2.03 2.77 E 20 Vendor CENTURYLINK -Q WEST Description 03 -05 NC 3604529882811B 03 -05 NC 3604525109623B 03 -05 NC 3604523877817B 03 -05 NC 36045298876528 03 -05 NC 3604525834211B 03 -05 NC 36045237125858 US BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT SYSTEI Elvis Concert Decorations Office Supplies Mozingo USB Hub Mozingo VERIZON WIRELESS 02 -22 a/c 571136182 -00005 WASHINGTON (DES/TBS), STATE OF Recreation Activities ADVANCED TRAVEL ANGELES CONCRETE PRODUCTS ANGELES MILLWORK LUMBER CO CENTURYLINK -QWEST FASTENAL INDUSTRIAL HARTNAGEL BUILDING SUPPLY INC HOLCOMB COMPANY, D HOME DEPOT SUPPLY INC, THE OLYMPIC LAUNDRY DRY CLEANERS ORKIN EXTERMINATING COMPANY INC OVERTON SAFETY TRAINING, INC PORT ANGELES POWER EQUIPMENT PUD #1 OF CLALLAM COUNTY QUARRY, THE PORT ANGELES, LLC QUILL CORPORATION SHARP ELECTRONICS CORP SOUND PUBLISHING INC SUNSET DO -IT BEST HARDWARE City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 3/9/2013 RADIO TELECOMMUNICATION Youth /Family Programs Recreation Activities General Fund Pesticide Recert- Hartley Pesticide Recert- Hayduk ROAD /HWY MAT NONASPHALTIC LUMBER& RELATED PRODUCTS LUMBER& RELATED PRODUCTS 02 -23 NC 206T3023060848 02 -23 NC 206T310164584B 03 -05 NC 36045298828118 03 -05 NC 36045251096238 03 -05 NC 3604523877817B 03 -05 NC 3604529887652B 03 -05 NC 3604525834211B 03 -05 NC 3604523712585B To: 3/22/2013 Account Number 001- 8224- 574.42 -10 001 8224 574.42 -10 001 8224 574.42 -10 001- 8224 574.42 -10 001- 8224 574.42 -10 001 8224 574.42 -10 001 8224 574.31 -01 001 -8224- 574.31 -01 001 8224 574.31 -01 001 -8224- 574.42 -10 001 -8224- 574.42 -10 Division Total: Department Total: Fund Total: 102 7230 542.43 -10 102 7230 542.43 -10 102 7230 542.31 -20 102 7230 542.31 -20 102 7230 542.31 -20 102 7230 542.42 -10 102 7230 542.42 -10 102 7230 542.42 -10 102- 7230 542.42 -10 102 7230 542.42 -10 102 7230 542.42 -10 102 7230 542.42 -10 102 7230 542.42 -10 FASTENERS, FASTENING DEVS 102 7230 542.31 -25 HAND TOOLS ,POW &NON POWER 102- 7230 542.35 -01 FASTENERS, FASTENING DEVS 102- 7230 542.31 -20 ROAD /HWY MAT NONASPHALTIC 102- 7230- 542.31 -20 PLUMBING EQUIP FIXT,SUPP 102 -7230- 542.31 -20 RAGS,SHOP TOWELS,WIPING 102 -7230- 542.31 -01 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 102- 7230 542.41 -50 EDUCATIONAL SERVICES 102 7230 542.43 SUPPLIES 102 7230 542.31 -01 Lauridsen L St 102- 7230 542.47 -10 ROAD /HWY MAT NONASPHALTIC 102 7230 542.31 SUPPLIES 102 7230 542.31 01 RENTAL /LEASE EQUIPMENT 102 7230 542.45 -31 COMMUNICATIONS /MEDIA SERV 102 -7230- 542.44 -10 HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS 102- 7230 542.31 -01 Page 15 Date: 3/27/2013 Invoice Amount 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.14 0.21 167.78 411.66 28.16 38.04 0.38 $651.65 $10,780.44 $140,883.80 154.16 154.16 47.12 -63.05 195.24 10.17 13.87 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.69 1.05 64.52 60.10 17.05 1,170.63 266.64 15.18 365.06 1,301.84 59.61 13.89 9.85 113.45 89.91 65.95 1.90 E -21 Vendor SUNSET DO -IT BEST HARDWARE SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC ADVANCED TRAVEL CENTURYLINK -QWEST SUSTAINABLE CONNECTIONS VERIZON WIRELESS Economic Development US BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT SYSTEI USB to DVI Convtr- Romberg ADVANCED TRAVEL CENTURYLINK CENTURYLINK -QWEST City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 3/9/2013 To: 3/22/2013 Description HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS SUPPLIES Account Number 102 -7230- 542.31 -01 102 7230 542.31 -25 102 7230 542.31 -25 HAND TOOLS ,POW &NON POWER 102 7230 542.35 -01 HOSES, ALL KINDS 102 7230 542.35 -01 HAND TOOLS ,POW &NON POWER 102 -7230- 542.35 -01 TRAFFIC SAFETY SUPPLY CO MARKERS, PLAQUES,SIGNS MARKERS, PLAQUES,SIGNS VERIZON WIRELESS 02 -22 a/c 571136182 -00003 WASHINGTON (DES/TBS). STATE OF RADIO TELECOMMUNICATION Public Works- Street Street Public Works- Street Street Fund Feiro Project -West 02 -23 NC 206T302306084B 02 -23 NC 206T310164584B 03 -05 NC 3604529882811B 03 -05 NC 3604525109623B 03 -05 NC 3604523877817B 03 -05 NC 3604529887652B 03 -05 NC 36045258342118 03 -05 NC 3604523712585B 102 7230 542.31 -25 102 7230 542.31 -25 102 7230 542.42 -10 102 7230 542.42 -10 Division Total: Department Total: Fund Total: 103 1511 558.43 -10 103 1511 558.42 -10 103 1511 558.42 -10 103 1511 558.42 -10 103- 1511- 558.42 -10 103- 1511 558.42 -10 103- 1511- 558.42 -10 103- 1511- 558.42 -10 103 1511 558.42 -10 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 103- 1511- 558.41 -50 02 -25 NC 671402094 -00001 103- 1511 558.42 -10 Economic Development Economic Development Division Total: Department Total: Economic Development Fund Total: WCJTC /CTO -Rife NWS User Grp- Brooks NWS Conf- Christopher NWS Grp Mtg -Homan NWS Mtg- VanSickle 03 -06 NC 406063845 03 -06 NC 300509854 03 -06 NC 300539444 02 -23 NC 206T302306084B 02 -23 NC 206T310164584B 03 -05 NC 3604529882811B 03 -05 NC 3604525109623B Page 16 107 0000 237.00 -00 Division Total: Department Total: 107 -5160- 528.43 -11 107 5160 528.43 -11 107- 5160- 528.43 -11 107 -5160- 528.43 -11 107 -5160- 528.43 -11 107 5160- 528.42 -11 107 5160 528.42 -11 107 -5160- 528.42 -11 107- 5160 528.42 -10 107- 5160 528.42 -10 107 -5160- 528.42 -10 107- 5160 528.42 -10 Date. 3/27/2013 Invoice Amount 32.16 30.07 45.76 21.54 33.51 37.80 349.98 585.77 116.14 5.95 $5,390.07 $5,390.07 $5,390.07 60.95 1.02 1.39 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.07 0.11 970.75 27.31 $1,061.84 $1,061.84 $1,061.84 -5.79 -$5.79 -$5.79 0.19 106.28 223.21 205.34 186.74 160.22 99.59 81.78 54.90 74.91 3.23 3.23 E -22 Vendor CENTURYLINK -Q WEST OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC US BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT SYSTE VERIZON WIRELESS WAPRO WASHINGTON (DES/TBS), STATE OF Pencom EXELTECH CONSULTING INC Capital Projects -Pub Wks FARALLON CONSULTING, LLC STUDIO CASCADE, INC VANIR CONSTRUCTION MGMT, INC Capital Projects -Pub Wks ANGELES MILLWORK LUMBER CO Capital Proj -Parks Rec GENERAL PACIFIC INC HD SUPPLY POWER SOLUTIONS, LTD LOWER ELWHA KLALLAM TRIBE (TEQ) BARNETT, CHRISTOPHER J BOUGHTON, EURLESS I CURRY, MARY A DELANEY, GRETCHENJ EWING, DIXIE C HANNAM, GERALD HAVENS, SIERA JAMES ASSOCIATES City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 3/9/2013 Description 03 -05 NC 3604523877817B 03 -05 NC 3604529887652B 03 -05 NC 3604525834211B 03 -05 NC 3604523712585B 03 -02 NC 360Z020380301B PLASTICS IUSB to DVI Convtr- Romberg Portable Heaters Romberg APCO Dues /Conf Reg 02 -25 NC 671402094 -00001 SECURITY,FIRE,SAFETY SERV RADIO TELECOMMUNICATION Pencom Pencom Pencom Fund CONSULTING SERVICES GF Street Projects ENVIRONMENTAL &ECOLOGICAL CONSULTING SERVICES CONSULTING SERVICES ST- Sidewalk Improvement Capital Projects -Pub Wks HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS Misc Parks Projects Capital Proj -Parks Rec Capital Improvement ELECTRICAL EQUIP SUPPLY ELECTRICAL EQUIP SUPPLY ELECTRICAL EQUIP SUPPLY ELECTRICAL CABLES WIRES ELECTRICAL EQUIP SUPPLY ELECTRICAL EQUIP SUPPLY LUMBER& RELATED PRODUCTS REFUND DEPOSIT ZBYLSKI FINAL BILL REFUND FINAL BILL REFUND FINAL BILL REFUND FINAL BILL REFUND FINAL BILL REFUND FINAL BILL REFUND FINAL BILL REFUND FINAL REFUND -2215 CHASE 6 Page 17 To: 3/22/2013 Account Number 107- 5160- 528.42 -10 107 5160 528.42 -10 107 -5160- 528.42 -10 107- 5160- 528.42 -10 107 -5160- 528.42 -11 107 -5160- 528.31 -01 107- 5160 528.31 -60 107 5160 528.31 -80 107 -5160- 528.43 -11 107 5160- 528.42 -10 107 5160 528.43 -10 107 5160 528.42 -10 Division Total: Department Total: Fund Total: 310 -7930- 595.65 -10 Division Total: 310 7961 595.65 -10 310 7961 595.41 -50 310 7961- 595.65 -10 Division Total: Department Total: 310- 8985- 594.65 -10 Division Total: Department Total: Fund Total: 401 0000 141.41 -00 401 0000 141.41 -00 401 0000 141.41 -00 401 0000 141.41 -00 401- 0000 141.41 -00 401- 0000 141.41 -00 401 0000 141.42 -00 401 0000 245.10 -01 401 0000 122.10 -99 401 0000 122.10 -99 401 0000 122.10 -99 401 0000 122.10 -99 401 0000 122.10 -99 401- 0000 122.10 -99 401 0000 122.10 -99 401 0000 122.10 -99 Date. 3/27/2013 Invoice Amount 3.23 3.23 3.71 5.68 1,067.42 35.77 74.76 47.63 903.00 163.86 125.00 84.20 $3,717.11 $3,717.11 $3,711.32 19,681.35 $19,681.35 1,636.20 31,014.11 33, 751.68 $66,401.99 $86,083.34 42.96 $42.96 $42.96 $86,126.30 446.61 545.79 237.40 2,413.82 502.99 634.95 2,091.31 660.00 30.35 103.61 250.00 106.67 24.88 29.55 164.87 44.99 E -23 Vendor JOHNSON. DANE C PATTERSON, SHOSHANA M PETERSON TRUST, KENNETH L SMITH. THADDAEUS US BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT SYSTEI Line Trk Equip Harrell WESCO DISTRIBUTION INC ADVANCED TRAVEL CENTURYLINK -QWEST QUILL CORPORATION US BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT SYSTEIHotel -Amiot VERIZON WIRELESS WASHINGTON (DES/TBS), STATE OF Public Works- Electric CENTURYLINK -QWEST EES CONSULTING INC MARSH MUNDORF PRATT SULLIVAN CERTIFIED FOLDER DISPLAY NORTHWEST PUBLIC POWER ASSN WASHINGTON (DES/TBS), STATE OF Public Works- Electric ADVANCED TRAVEL City of Port City Council Expe From: 3/9/2013 Description FINAL BILL REFUND FINAL BILL REFUND FINAL BILL REFUND OVERPAYMENT -309 E 6TH ST LUMBER& RELATED PRODUCTS ELECTRICAL EQUIP SUPPLY ELECTRICAL EQUIP SUPPLY ELECTRICAL EQUIP SUPPLY ELECTRICAL EQUIP SUPPLY FASTENERS, FASTENING DEVS SWPPA Staking -Amiot 02 -23 NC 206T302306084B 02 -23 NC 206T310164584B 03 -05 NC 3604529882811B 03 -05 NC 3604525109623B 03 -05 NC 3604523877817B 03 -05 NC 3604529887652B 03 -05 NC 3604525834211B 03 -05 NC 3604523712585B SUPPLIES 02 -22 a/c 571136182 -00001 RADIO TELECOMMUNICATION Engineering 02 -23 NC 206T302306084B 02 -23 NC 206T3101645848 03 -05 NC 3604529882811B 03 -05 NC 3604525109623B 03 -05 NC 3604523877817B 03 -05 NC 3604529887652B 03 -05 NC 3604525834211B 03 -05 NC 3604523712585B MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVICE CONSULTING SERVICES MARKETING BROCHERS "FREE EDUCATIONAL SERVICES RADIO TELECOMMUNICATION Power Systems WWCSG Mtg -Klarr Page 18 Angeles nditure Report To: 3/22/2013 Account Number 401 0000 122.10 99 401 0000 122.10 -99 401 0000 122.10 -99 401- 0000 122.10 -99 401 0000 237.00 -00 401 0000 141.41 -00 401 0000 141.41 -00 401 0000 141.41 -00 401 0000 141.41 -00 401- 0000 141.41 -00 401 0000 141.41 -00 Division Total: Department Total: 401 7111 533.43 -10 401 7111 533.42 -10 401 7111 533.42 -10 401 7111 533.42 -10 401 7111 533.42 -10 401 7111 533.42 -10 401 7111- 533.42 -10 401 7111 533.42 -10 401 7111 533.42 -10 401 7111 533.31 -01 401 7111- 533.43 -10 401 -7111- 533.42 -10 401 7111- 533.42 -10 Division Total: 401 7120 533.42 -10 401 -7120- 533.42 -10 401 -7120- 533.42 -10 401 7120- 533.42 -10 401 7120 533.42 -10 401 7120 533.42 -10 401 7120 533.42 -10 401 7120 533.42 -10 401 7120 533.41 -50 401 7120 533.41 -50 401- 7120 533.42 -12 401 7120 533.43 -10 401 7120 533.42 -10 Division Total: 401 7180 533.43 -10 Date 3/27/2013 Invoice Amount 55.46 357.08 234.25 476.72 -19.44 704.33 466.73 1,094.75 1,011.91 1,838.47 124.12 $14,632.17 $14,632.17 111.75 6.10 8.32 0.36 0.36 0.36 0.36 0.41 0.63 249.31 196.08 63.09 1.21 $638.34 6.10 8.32 0.36 0.36 0.36 0.36 0.41 0.63 804.47 832.85 552.00 80.00 23.95 $2,310.17 11.50 E -24 d Vendor ADVANCED TRAVEL AIRGAS SAFETY BAXTER AUTO PARTS #15 CAPTAIN TS CED /CONSOLIDATED ELEC DIST INC CENTURYLINK -QWEST CERTIFIED HEARING INC HANSEN SUPPLY COMPANY INC HD SUPPLY POWER SOLUTIONS, LTD MASON COUNTY PUD #3 MATCO TOOLS MI -TECH SERVICES, INC Bruce Rowley Greg McCabe Michael Cyr Richard Hixson OLYMPIC LAUNDRY DRY CLEANERS OVERTON SAFETY TRAINING, INC PACIFIC OFFICE EQUIPMENT INC PEN PRINT INC PLATT ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC PORT ANGELES POWER EQUIPMENT PUD #1 OF CLALLAM COUNTY City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 3/9/2013 Description Supdnts Mtg -Klarr Solar PV trng Peppard FIRE PROTECTION EQUIP /SUP FIRE PROTECTION EQUIP /SUP FIRE PROTECTION EQUIP /SUP FIRE PROTECTION EQUIP /SUP FIRE PROTECTION EQUIP /SUP ELECTRICAL EQUIP SUPPLY ELECTRICAL EQUIP SUPPLY FIRE PROTECTION EQUIP /SUP FIRE PROTECTION EQUIP /SUP ELECTRICAL EQUIP SUPPLY 02 -23 NC 206T302306084B 02 -23 NC 206T310164584B 03 -05 NC 3604529882811B 03 -05 NC 3604525109623B 03 -05 NC 36045238778178 03 -05 NC 3604529887652B 03 -05 NC 36045258342118 03 -05 NC 36045237125858 03 -05 a/c 36045295413538 03 -02 a/c 36041780953368 03 -05 a/c 3604526236776B PROSTHETIC,HEARING AID ET ELECTRICAL EQUIP SUPPLY ELECTRICAL EQUIP SUPPLY EDUCATIONAL SERVICES ELECTRICAL EQUIP SUPPLY PW CONSTRUCTION RELATED MEAL REIMBURSEMENT MEAL REIMBURSEMENT MEAL REIMBURSEMENT MEAL REIMBURSEMENT LAUNDRY /DRY CLEANING SERV LAUNDRY /DRY CLEANING SERV LAUNDRY /DRY CLEANING SERV EDUCATIONAL SERVICES RENTAL OR LEASE SERVICES ELECTRICAL EQUIP SUPPLY ELECTRICAL CABLES WIRES ELECTRICAL EQUIP SUPPLY MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVICE Page 19 To: 3/22/2013 Account Number 401 7180- 533.43 -10 401 7180- 533.43 -10 401 7180 533.31 -01 401- 7180 533.31 -01 401 7180 533.31 -01 401 7180 533.31 -01 401 7180 533.31 -01 401 7180 533.34 -02 401 7180 533.34 -02 401 7180- 533.48 -10 401 7180 533.48 -10 401 -7180- 533.35 -01 401 7180 533.42 -10 401- 7180 533.42 -10 401 7180 533.42 -10 401 7180- 533.42 -10 401 7180 533.42 -10 401 -7180- 533.42 -10 401- 7180- 533.42 -10 401 7180 533.42 -10 401 -7180- 533.42 -10 401 -7180- 533.42 -10 401 7180 533.42 -10 401 7180 533.48 -10 401 7180- 533.34 -02 401- 7180 533.34 -02 401 7180 533.41 -50 401 7180 533.35 -01 401- 7180 533.41 -50 401- 7180 533.31 -01 401 7180 533.31 -01 401- 7180 533.31 -01 401 7180 533.31 -01 401 7180 533.41 -50 401 7180 533.41 -50 401 7180 533.41 -50 401 7180 533.43 -10 401 -7180- 533.45 -31 401 7180 533.34 -02 401 7180 533.34 -02 401 7180 533.34 -02 401 7180 533.41 -50 Date' 3/27/2013 Invoice Amount 182.39 61.00 631.90 1,214.34 2,226.21 51.29 215.90 27.75 7.70 61.92 36.56 110.57 48.80 66.59 2.87 2.87 2.87 2.87 3.30 5.05 41.76 45.02 44.28 140.92 787.24 159.35 3,780.21 335.95 1,549.85 30.50 30.50 30.50 30.50 74.76 74.76 74.76 1,790.03 145.97 162.60 101.48 58.54 145.69 E -25 Date: 3/27/2013 Vendor PUGET SAFETY EQUIPMENT INC ROHLINGER ENTERPRISES INC SECURITY SERVICE NW, INC SNAP -ON TOOLS CHUGGER DEANE SUNSET DO -IT BEST HARDWARE SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC THURMAN SUPPLY ELECTRICAL EQUIP SUPPLY ELECTRICAL EQUIP SUPPLY ELECTRICAL EQUIP SUPPLY ELECTRICAL EQUIP SUPPLY ELECTRICAL EQUIP SUPPLY US BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT SYSTEI Safety Commitee Luncheon Line Trk Equip- Harrell Training Peppard UTILITIES UNDERGROUND LOC CTR MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES VERIZON WIRELESS WAGNER -SMITH EQUIPMENT CO WASHINGTON (DES/TBS), STATE OF WESCO DISTRIBUTION INC Public Works Electric FERGUSON ENTERPRISES INC ANDERSON SONS GRAVEL BAXTER AUTO PARTS #15 CENTURYLIN K -QWEST City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 3/9/2013 To: 3/22/2013 Description ELECTRICAL EQUIP SUPPLY ELECTRICAL EQUIP SUPPLY EQUIP MAINT REPAIR SERV EQUIP MAINT REPAIR SERV COMMUNICATIONS /MEDIA SERV ELECTRICAL EQUIP SUPPLY ELECTRICAL EQUIP SUPPLY ELECTRICAL EQUIP SUPPLY ELECTRICAL EQUIP SUPPLY ELECTRICAL EQUIP SUPPLY EQUIP MAINT REPAIR SERV ELECTRICAL EQUIP SUPPLY 02 -28 a/c 271138138 -00003 02 -22 a/c 571136182 -00002 ELECTRICAL EQUIP SUPPLY SHIPPING AND HANDLING RADIO TELECOMMUNICATION ELECTRICAL EQUIP SUPPLY ELECTRICAL EQUIP SUPPLY ELECTRICAL EQUIP SUPPLY ELECTRICAL EQUIP SUPPLY ELECTRICAL EQUIP SUPPLY Electric Operations Public Works Electric Electric Utility Fund PLUMBING EQUIP FIXT,SUPP ROAD /HWY MAT NONASPHALTIC SUPPLIES AUTO SHOP EQUIPMENT SUP 02 -23 NC 206T3023060848 02 -23 A/C 2067310164584B Page 20 Account Number 401 7180 533.31 -01 401- 7180- 533.35 -01 401 7180 533.48 -10 401 7180- 533.48 -10 401 -7180- 533.41 -50 401 7180- 533.35 -01 401 7180- 533.35 -01 401 7180 533.34 -02 401 7180 533.34 -02 401 7180 533.48 -10 401- 7180 533.48 -10 401 -7180- 533.34 -02 401 7180 533.34 -02 401 -7180- 533.34 -02 401 7180- 533.34 -02 401 -7180- 533.34 -02 401 -7180- 533.34 -02 401- 7180- 533.31 -01 401 7180 533.34 -02 401 7180 533.43 -10 401 7180 533.49 -90 401 7180- 533.42 -10 401 7180- 533.42 -10 401 7180 533.35 -01 401 7180 533.48 -10 401 7180- 533.42 -10 401 7180 533.34 -02 401- 7180 533.34 -02 401 7180 533.34 -02 401 7180 533.34 -02 401 7180- 533.35 -01 Division Total: Department Total: Fund Total: 402 0000 141.40 -00 Division Total: Department Total: 402 7380 534.31 -20 402 7380- 534.31 -20 402 -7380- 534.35 -01 402- 7380- 534.42 -10 402 7380 534.42 -10 Invoice Amount 267.90 277 14 121.41 10.79 650.00 116.32 150.02 21.51 38.05 51.72 51.72 6.36 29.31 39.22 4.42 2.22 58.24 108.00 250.89 20.00 20.39 64.21 258.18 474.19 102.07 12.35 105.69 39.01 822.76 2,624.17 1,028.72 $15,542.54 $18,491.05 $33,123.22 657.95 $657.95 $657.95 447.15 5.02 253.15 18.30 24.97 E -26 a Vendor CENTURYLINK -QWEST DITCH WITCH FASTENAL INDUSTRIAL FERGUSON ENTERPRISES INC FOSTER PEPPER PLLC HACH COMPANY HARTNAGEL BUILDING SUPPLY INC INSIGHT PUBLIC SECTOR L L TOOL SPECIALTIES OFFICE DEPOT OLYMPIC LAUNDRY DRY CLEANERS ORKIN EXTERMINATING COMPANY INC OVERTON SAFETY TRAINING, INC PETTIT OIL COMPANY QUILL CORPORATION SEARS COMMERCIAL ONE SHARP ELECTRONICS CORP SUNSET DO -IT BEST HARDWARE SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 3 /9/2013 To: 3/22/2013 Description 03 -05 NC 36045298828118 03 -05 NC 36045251096238 03 -05 NC 36045238778178 03 -05 A/C 36045298876528 03 -05 NC 36045258342118 03 -05 NC 36045237125856 02 -23 a/c 206T4112553158 03 -05 a/c 36045245874796 03 -05 a/c 36045252309788 Account Number 402 7380 534.42 -10 402 -7380- 534.42 -10 402- 7380 534.42 -10 402 -7380- 534.42 -10 402 7380 534.42 -10 402 7380 534.42 -10 402 -7380- 534.42 -10 402 -7380- 534.42 -10 402 -7380- 534.42 -10 HAND TOOLS ,POW &NON POWER402- 7380 534.31 -20 FASTENERS, FASTENING DEVS 402 -7380- 534.31 -20 HAND TOOLS ,POW &NON POWER402- 7380 534.35 -01 PIPE FITTINGS 402 7380 534.31 -20 PIPE AND TUBING 402 7380 534.31 -20 PIPE FITTINGS 402 -7380- 534.31 -20 PIPE FITTINGS 402- 7380 534.31 -20 PIPE FITTINGS 402 7380 534.31 -20 FLUORIDE APPEAL 402 -7380- 534.41 -50 WATER SEWAGE TREATMENT EQ402- 7380 534.31 -20 PAINTING EQUIPMENT ACC 402- 7380 534.31 -20 PAINTING EQUIPMENT ACC 402 7380 534.31 -20 COMPUTER HARDWARE &PERIPHI402 7380 534.48 -02 HAND TOOLS ,POW &NON POWER402- 7380 534.35 -01 SUPPLIES 402 7380 534.31 -01 RAGS ,SHOP TOWELS,WIPING 402 7380 534.31 -20 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 402 7380 534.41 -50 EDUCATIONAL SERVICES 402- 7380 534.43 -10 MACHINERY HEAVY HRDWARE 402 7380 534.31 -20 SUPPLIES 402 7380 534.31 -01 HAND TOOLS ,POW &NON POWER402- 7380 534.35 -01 RENTAL/LEASE EQUIPMENT 402 -7380- 534.45 -31 FIRST AID SAFETY EQUIP. 402 7380 534.31 -01 SUPPLIES 402 -7380- 534.31 -20 SUPPLIES 402 7380 534.31 -20 GASES CONT.EQUIP:LAB,WELD 402- 7380 534.31 -20 GASES CONT.EQUIP:LAB,WELD 402- 7380 534.31 -20 HAND TOOLS ,POW &NON POWER402- 7380 534.31 -20 GASES CONT.EQUIP.LAB,WELD 402 7380 534.31 -20 HAND TOOLS ,POW &NON POWER402- 7380 534.35 -01 HAND TOOLS ,POW &NON POWER402 -7380- 534.35 -01 SHOES AND BOOTS 402 7380 534.31 -01 SHOES AND BOOTS 402 7380 534.31 -01 Page 21 Date: 3/27/2013 Invoice Amount 1.07 1.07 1.07 1.07 1.24 1.89 64.59 97.20 130.59 68.75 63.93 640.54 164.02 184.37 124.52 444.72 159.20 2,718.27 2,879.06 235.66 -43.01 93.80 71.96 42.47 22.76 365.06 1,952.90 190.88 113.44 41.91 89.93 24.38 48.74 31 16 88.91 117.06 17.15 23.19 70.95 277.13 138.64 97.42 E -27 r ib- lam... Vendor Description SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC SUPPLIES FUEL,OIL,GREASE, LUBES HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS HOSES, ALL KINDS THURMAN SUPPLY ELECTRICAL EQUIP SUPPLY TWISS ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES TESTING &CALIBRATION SERVI TESTING &CALIBRATION SERVI TESTING &CALIBRATION SERVI US BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT SYSTEIParking -Bloor UTILITIES UNDERGROUND LOC CTR MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES VERIZON WIRELESS 02 -28 a/c 271138138 -00005 WASHINGTON (DES/rBS), STATE OF RADIO TELECOMMUNICATION Public Works -Water Water Public Works -Water Water Fund DETECTION INSTRUMENTS, INC SHIPPING AND HANDLING ADS, LLC CONSULTING SERVICES ADVANCED TRAVEL Correct Equip- Divelbiss ANGELES MILLWORK LUMBER CO SUPPLIES CENTURYLINK -QWEST 02 -23 NC 206T302306084B 02 -23 NC 206T3101645848 03 -05 NC 36045298828118 03 -05 NC 36045251096238 03 -05 NC 3604523877817B 03 -05 NC 36045298876528 03 -05 NC 36045258342118 03 -05 NC 3604523712585B DETECTION INSTRUMENTS, INC FIRST AID SAFETY EQUIP. SHIPPING AND HANDLING OLYMPIC PARTY CUSTODIAL SUPPLIE: LAB &FIELD EQUIP,BIO,BOT OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC OVERTON SAFETY TRAINING, INC PACIFIC OFFICE EQUIPMENT INC PETTIT OIL COMPANY SUNSET DO -IT BEST HARDWARE City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 3 /9/2013 To: 3/22/2013 SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL EDUCATIONAL SERVICES COPYING MACHINE SUPPLIES ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS Diesel Fuel FUEL,OIL,GREASE, LUBES FASTENERS, FASTENING DEVS SUPPLIES Page 22 Account Number 402 7380 534.31 -20 402 7380 534.31 -20 402 7380 534.31 -20 402 7380 534.31 -20 402- 7380 534.31 -20 402 7380 534.41 -50 402- 7380 534.41 -50 402 7380 534.41 -50 402 7380 534.43 -10 402 7380 534.49 -90 402 7380 534.42 -10 402 7380 534.42 -10 Division Total: Department Total: Fund Total: 403 0000 237.00 -00 Division Total: Department Total: 403 7480- 535.41 -50 403 7480 535.43 -10 403 7480- 535.35 -01 403 7480- 535.42 -10 403 7480- 535.42 -10 403 7480- 535.42 -10 403 7480- 535.42 -10 403 7480 535.42 -10 403 7480 535.42 -10 403 7480- 535.42 -10 403 -7480- 535.42 -10 403 -7480- 535.35 -01 403 7480 535.42 -10 403 -7480- 535.31 -01 403 -7480- 535.31 -01 403 7480- 535.31 -01 403 7480- 535.31 -01 403 7480 535.43 -10 403 7480 535.31 -01 403 7480 535.31 -01 403 7480 535.32 -11 403- 7480 535.32 -11 403- 7480- 535.31 -20 403 7480 535.31 -20 Date 3/27/2013 Invoice Amount 115.36 43.76 42.08 36.79 217.23 215.00 215.00 173.00 2.00 20.39 112.43 14.08 $13,815.37 $13,815.37 $14,473.32 128.77 $128.77 $128.77 4,868.97 74.70 130.07 16.27 22.20 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.96 1.10 1.68 1,650.19 11.38 422.76 180.58 8.80 83.08 1,139.18 892.67 105.17 1,632.91 2,050.87 41.95 72.56 E -28 City Council Expenditure Report Vendor Description SUNSET DO -IT BEST HARDWARE METALS,BARS,PLATES,RODS THURMAN SUPPLY PLUMBING EQUIP FIXT,SUPP PLUMBING EQUIP FIXT,SUPP PLUMBING EQUIP FIXT,SUPP PLUMBING EQUIP FIXT,SUPP PLUMBING EQUIP FIXT,SUPP PLUMBING EQUIP FIXT,SUPP SUPPLIES US BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT SYSTEIFanSNVWTP VDF Blower UTILITIES UNDERGROUND LOC CTR ENVIRONMENTAL &ECOLOGICAL WASHINGTON (DES/TBS), STATE OF RADIO TELECOMMUNICATION Public Works- WW /Stormw Wastewater Public Works -WW /Stormwtr CENTURYLINK -QWEST OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC ORKIN EXTERMINATING COMPANY INC OVERTON SAFETY TRAINING, INC PEN PRINT INC QUILL CORPORATION SEARS COMMERCIAL ONE WASHINGTON DES/TBS), STATE OF WASTE CONNECTIONS, INC Public Works -Solid Waste ADVANCED TRAVEL BAILEY SIGNS GRAPHICS CENTURYLI NK -QWEST 02 -23 NC 206T302306084B 02 -23 NC 206T310164584B 03 -05 NC 3604529882811B 03 -05 NC 36045251096236 03 -05 NC 3604523877817B 03 -05 NC 36045298876528 City of Port Angeles From: 3/9/2013 To: 3/22/2013 Wastewater Fund 02 -23 NC 206T302306084B 02 -23 NC 206T310164584B 03 -05 NC 3604529882811B 03 -05 NC 3604525109623B 03 -05 NC 3604523877817B 03 -05 NC 3604529887652B 03 -05 NC 3604525834211B 03 -05 NC 3604523712585B SUPPLIES EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES EDUCATIONAL SERVICES MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES RADIO TELECOMMUNICATION ENVIRONMENTAL &ECOLOGICAL Solid Waste Collections Public Works -Solid Waste Solid Waste Collections Page 23 Account Number 403 -7480- 535.31 -20 403 7480 535.31 -20 403 7480 535.31 -20 403 7480 535.31 -20 403 7480 535.31 -20 403 7480 535.31 -20 403 7480 535.31 -20 403 7480 535.35 -01 403 7480 535.31 -20 403 7480 535.49 -90 403 7480 535.42 -10 Division Total: Department Total: Fund Total: 404 7580 537.42 -10 404 7580 537.42 -10 404- 7580 537.42 -10 404- 7580 537.42 -10 404 7580 537.42 -10 404 7580 537.42 -10 404 -7580- 537.42 -10 404 7580 537.42 -10 404 7580 537.31 -01 404 7580- 537.41 -50 404 7580 537.43 -10 404 7580 537.44 -10 404 7580 537.31 -01 404 7580 537.31 -01 404 -7580- 537.42 -10 404 7580 537.41 -51 Division Total: Department Total: Fund Total: DOE TM /JP /JB 405 7538- 537.43 -10 Pesticide Recert- Paynter 405 7538 537.43 COMMUNICATIONS /MEDIA SERV 405- 7538 537.44 -10 405 -7538- 537.42 -10 405 7538 537.42 -10 405- 7538 537.42 -10 405- 7538 537.42 -10 405 7538 537.42 -10 405 7538 537.42 -10 Date: 3/27/2013 Invoice Amount 40.95 5.62 107.32 22.09 310.89 7.57 12.54 5.86 688.42 20.38 13.26 $11,380.01 $11,380.01 $11,251.24 8.13 11.10 0.48 0.48 0.48 0.48 0.55 0.84 181.83 365.06 325.45 54.20 113.45 140.91 4.37 46,287.14 $47,494.95 $47,494.95 $47,494.95 45.75 154.16 70.46 8.13 11.10 0.48 0.48 0.48 0.48 E -29 Vendor CENTURYLINK -QWEST Description 03 -05 NC 3604525834211B 03 -05 NC 3604523712585B 03 -05 a/c 3604522245145B 03 -05 a/c 3604528100532B BLDG CONSTRUC. SERVICES TESTING &CALIBRATION SERVI MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT SUPPLIES SUPPLIES COMMUNICATIONS /MEDIA SERV RENTAULEASE EQUIPMENT SUPPLIES ENVIRONMENTAL &ECOLOGICAL RADIO TELECOMMUNICATION ENVIRONMENTAL &ECOLOGICAL BLDG CONSTRUC. SERVICES ENVIRONMENTAL &ECOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL &ECOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL &ECOLOGICAL WORC -WA ORGANIC RECYCLING CNCL SHIPPING AND HANDLING Public Works -Solid Waste SW Transfer Station HERRERA ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTAM ENGINEERING SERVICES ENGINEERING SERVICES JORDAN EXCAVATING ROADSIDE,GRNDS,REC, PARK CLALLAM CNTY SOLID WASTE DEPT EDGE ANALYTICAL April Amundson Sonja Coventon OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC PACIFIC OFFICE EQUIPMENT INC RADIO PACIFIC INC (KONP) SHARP ELECTRONICS CORP SUNSET DO -IT BEST HARDWARE WAK -IN MAN, INC WASHINGTON (DES/TBS), STATE OF WASTE CONNECTIONS, INC Public Works -Solid Waste ADVANCED TRAVEL CENTURYLINK-QWEST CLALLAM CNTY ROAD DEPT DATABAR INCORPORATED OVERTON SAFETY TRAINING, INC UTILITIES UNDERGROUND LOC CTR City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 3/9/2013 To: 3/22/2013 Solid Waste- Landfill Public Works -Solid Waste Solid Waste LF/Trf Stn Stmwtr Wkshop Boehme Pesticide Recrt- Brockopp 02 -23 NC 206T302306084B 02 -23 NC 206T310164584B 03 -05 NC 3604529882811B 03 -05 NC 3604525109623B 03 -05 NC 3604523877817B 03 -05 NC 3604529887652B 03 -05 NC 36045258342116 03 -05 NC 36045237125856 TESTING &CALIBRATION SERVI COMMUNICATIONS /MEDIA SERV EDUCATIONAL SERVICES MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES Page 24 Account Number 405 7538 -537 42 -10 405 -7538- 537.42 -10 405- 7538 537.42 -10 405 -7538- 537.42 -10 405 7538 537.49 -90 405 7538 537.41 -50 405 7538 537.31 -01 405 -7538- 537.31 -01 405 7538 537.31 -01 405 7538 537.31 -01 405 7538 537.44 -10 405- 7538- 537.45 -31 405 7538 537.49 -90 405 7538- 537.48 -10 405- 7538 537.42 -10 405 7538 537.41 -51 405 -7538- 537.41 -51 405- 7538- 537.45 -30 405 -7538- 582.75 -10 405 7538 592.83 -10 405- 7538- 537.44 -10 Division Total: 405 7585 537.41 50 405- 7585 537.41 -50 405 7585 537.48 -10 Division Total: Department Total: Fund Total: 406 7412 538.43 -10 406- 7412 538.43 -10 406 -7412- 538.42 -10 406 7412- 538.42 -10 406 7412 538.42 -10 406 7412 538.42 -10 406 7412 538.42 -10 406 -7412- 538.42 -10 406 7412 538.42 -10 406 7412- 538.42 -10 406 7412 538.41 -50 406 7412 538.44 -10 406 7412 538.43 -10 406 7412 538.49 -90 Date: 3/27/2013 Invoice Amount 0.55 0.84 41 87 41.76 2,737.96 150.00 16.95 102.83 28.77 94.20 285.00 89.93 152.15 1,120.31 2.64 1,318.37 228,804.31 5,367.27 27,706.29 35,072.44 51.53 $303,477.49 17,554.22 16,553.35 25,208.85 $59,316.42 $362,793.91 $362,793.91 520.82 154.16 4.07 5.55 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.27 0.42 673.05 1,028.72 325.46 20.38 E -30 Vendor VERIZON WIRELESS WASHINGTON (DES/TBS), STATE OF Public Works -WW /Stormw BLUMENTHAL UNIFORMS EQUIP CENTURYLINK -QWEST CORDERY, SHARON GE HEALTHCARE SERVICES Engineered Packaging Solutions OLYMPIC MEDICAL CENTER OLYMPIC OXYGEN PEN PRINT INC ZOLL MEDICAL CORPORATION Fire Department ADVANCED TRAVEL Public Works -WW /Stormw ADVANCED TRAVEL C F INSULATION CENTURYLINK -QWEST City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 3/9/2013 To: 3/22/2013 Description 02 -22 a/c 571136182 -00001 RADIO TELECOMMUNICATION Stormwater Public Works -WW /Stormwtr Stormwater Fund CLOTHING APPAREL 02 -23 NC 206T302306084B 02 -23 NC 206T310164584B 03 -05 NC 3604529882811B 03 -05 NC 36045251096238 03 -05 NC 3604523877817B 03 -05 NC 3604529887652B 03 -05 NC 3604525834211B 03 -05 NC 3604523712585B CPR CLASS 2/26/13 PAFD ENGINEERING SERVICES PELICAN CASE SALE SURPLUS /OBSOLETE STEAM HOT WATER BOILERS SUPPLIES ELECTRODES Medic 1 Fire Department Medic I Utility PLP /DOE Mtg -Bloor DOE- McKeen PLP Mtg -West US BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT SYSTEI Ferry Wastewater Remediation Public Works -WW /Stormwtr Harbor Clean Up ACI Conf- Currie BPA Mtg -Lusk CITY REBATE 02 -23 NC 206T3023060848 02 -23 NC 206T310164584B 03 -05 NC 3604529882811B 03 -05 NC 3604525109623B 03 -05 NC 3604523877817B 03 -05 NC 3604529887652B 03 -05 NC 3604525834211B 03 -05 NC 3604523712585B Page 25 Account Number 406 7412 538.42 -10 406 7412 538.42 -10 Division Total: Department Total: Fund Total: 409 6025 526.20 -80 409 6025 526.42 -10 409 6025 526.42 -10 409- 6025 526.42 -10 409- 6025 526.42 -10 409 6025 526.42 -10 409- 6025 526.42 -10 409 6025- 526.42 -10 409- 6025 526.42 -10 409 -6025- 526.31 -08 409 6025- 526.41 -50 409 -6025- 526.31 -02 409 6025 526.31 -13 409 6025- 526.31 -13 409 6025 526.31 -08 409 6025 526.31 -02 Division Total: Department Total: Fund Total: 413 7481- 535.43 -10 413 7481- 535.43 -10 413- 7481 535.43 -10 413 -7481- 535.43 -10 Division Total: Department Total: Fund Total: 421 7121 533.43 -10 421 7121 533.43 -10 421 7121 533.49 -86 421 7121 533.42 -10 421 7121 533.42 -10 421 7121 533.42 -10 421- 7121 533.42 -10 421 7121 533.42 -10 421 7121- 533.42 -10 421 7121 533.42 -10 421 7121 533.42 -10 Date. 3/27/2013 Invoice Amount 19.23 11.52 $2,764.61 $2,764.61 $2,764.61 427.10 24.40 33.29 1.43 1.43 1.43 1.43 1.65 2.52 50.00 80.76 1,026.69 51.60 20.54 21.68 552.84 $2,298.79 $2,298.79 $2,298.79 68.50 13.15 44.90 7.70 $134.25 $134.25 $134.25 694.45 377.53 2,143.96 4.12 5.60 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.27 0.42 E -31 r 4 Vendor DAVE'S HEATING COOLING SVC City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 3/9/2013 To: 3/22/2013 Description CITY REBATE CITY REBATE CITY REBATE CITY REBATE CITY REBATE CITY REBATE CITY REBATE CITY REBATE CITY REBATE CITY REBATE CITY REBATE CITY REBATE CITY REBATE CITY REBATE CITY REBATE CITY REBATE CITY REBATE LIGHT BULBS CITY REBATE CITY REBATE RADIO TELECOMMUNICATION Conservation Public Works- Electric Conservation COLUMBIA TELECOMMUNICATIONS COR RADIO TELECOMMUNICATION EVERWARM HEARTH HOME INC FLUID MARKET STRATEGIES GLASS SERVICES CO INC MATHEWS GLASS CO INC ADA BAAR COLBY WAIT HENRY FOLDEN JIM FISH JOHN CHRISTENSEN LETUSHA MINKS ROGER DECKARD SANDY SOELTER SERGEY GONCHAROV TOM PAULA WAHL ILLUMINATING RESOURCE PORT ANGELES SCHOOL DISTRICT TRACY'S INSULATION WASHINGTON (DES/TBS), STATE OF Public Works- Electric GARDICO INC GENERAL PACIFIC INC TRIAXIS ENGINEERING INC Public Works- Electric HDR ENGINEERING, INC PRIMO CONSTRUCTION INC SOUND COMMUNITY BANK Public Works -Water CONLEY ENGINEERING, INC Public Works- WW /Stormw ELECTRICAL EQUIP SUPPLY ELECTRICAL EQUIP SUPPLY ARCHITECTURAL &ENGINEERING Electric Projects Public Works- Electric Electric Utility CIP CONSULTING SERVICES PW CONSTRUCTION RELATED PW CONSTRUCTION RELATED Water Projects Public Works -Water Water Utility CIP CONSULTING SERVICES Wastewater Projects Public Works -WW /Stormwtr Waste Water Utility CIP Page 26 Account Number 421- 7121- 533.49 -86 421 7121 533.49 -86 421 7121- 533.49 -86 421 7121- 533.49 -86 421 -7121- 533.49 -86 421 7121 533.49 -86 421 7121 533.49 -86 421 7121 533.49 -86 421 7121 533.49 -86 421 7121 533.49 -86 421 7121- 533.49 -86 421 7121- 533.49 -86 421 -7121- 533.49 -86 421 7121 533.49 -86 421 7121 533.49 -86 421 7121 533.49 -86 421 7121 533.49 -86 421 7121 533.49 -86 421 7121 533.49 -86 421 7121 533.49 -86 421 7121 533.42 -10 Division Total: Department Total: Fund Total: 451 -7188- 594.41 -50 451- 7188- 594.65 -10 451 7188 594.65 -10 451 7188 594.65 -10 Division Total: Department Total: Fund Total: 452- 7388- 594.65 -10 452 7388 594.65 -10 452- 7388 594.65 -10 Division Total: Department Total: Fund Total: 453 -7488- 594.65 -10 Division Total: Department Total: Fund Total: Date 3/27/2013 Invoice Amount 1,500.00 1,500.00 331.98 6,113.45 228.36 313.32 246.00 15.00 100.00 115.00 50.00 754.80 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 150.12 176.00 1,307.74 4.14 $16,383.22 $16,383.22 $16,383.22 11,279.07 175.41 1,112.51 668.00 $13,234.99 $13,234.99 $13,234.99 3,696.82 796.04 38.49 $4,531.35 $4,531.35 $4,531.35 1,036 25 $1,036.25 $1,036.25 $1,036.25 E -32 US BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT SYSTEI Truck Parts- McBride ARAMARK AUTOMOTIVE RESOURCES INC CENTURYLIN K -OWEST H R PARTS EQUIPMENT INC City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 3/9/2013 To: 3/22/2013 Vendor Description LOWER ELWHA KLALLAM TRIBE (TEQ) CONSULTING SERVICES Public Works- WW /Stormw CSO Capital Public Works -WW /Stormwtr CSO Capital Fund BAXTER AUTO PARTS #15 AUTO TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO TRUCK MAINT ITEMS MOTOR TRUCKS INC AUTO TRUCK ACCESSORIES AUTO TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO TRUCK ACCESSORIES AUTO TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS MURRAY MOTORS INC AUTO TRUCK MAINT ITEMS NAPA AUTO PARTS AUTO TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO TRUCK ACCESSORIES AUTO TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS PETTIT OIL COMPANY FUEL,OIL,GREASE, LUBES FUEL,OIL,GREASE, LUBES SIX ROBBLEES' INC AUTO TRUCK ACCESSORIES SOLID WASTE SYSTEMS, INC AUTO BODIES ACCESSORIES SUNSET DO -IT BEST HARDWARE AUTO TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS LAUNDRY /DRY CLEANING SERV LAUNDRY /DRY CLEANING SERV AUTO TRUCK MAINT ITEMS 02 -23 NC 206T302306084B 02 -23 NC 206T310164584B 03 -05 NC 3604529882811B 03 -05 NC 36045251096238 03 -05 NC 3604523877817B 03 -05 NC 3604529887652B 03 -05 NC 3604525834211B 03 -05 NC 36045237125856 AUTO TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS Page 27 Account Number 463 7489 594.65 -10 Division Total: Department Total: Fund Total: 501- 0000 141.40 -00 501- 0000 141.40 -00 501 0000 141.40 -00 501- 0000 141.40 -00 501- 0000 141.40 -00 501 0000 141.40 -00 501 0000 141.40 -00 501 0000 141.40 -00 501- 0000 141.40 -00 501- 0000 141.40 -00 501 0000 141.40 -00 501- 0000 141.40 -00 501 0000 141.40 -00 501 0000 141.40 -00 501 0000 141.40 -00 501 0000 141.40 -00 501 0000 141.40 -00 501 0000 141.40 -00 501 0000 141.20 -00 501- 0000 141.20 -00 501 0000 141.40 -00 501- 0000 141.40 -00 501- 0000 141.40 -00 501- 0000 237.00 -00 Division Total: Department Total: 501- 7630 548.49 -90 501 7630 548.49 -90 501 7630 548.31 -01 501- 7630 548.42 -10 501- 7630 548.42 -10 501 7630 548.42 -10 501- 7630 548.42 -10 501 7630 548.42 -10 501- 7630 548.42 -10 501- 7630 548.42 -10 501 7630 548.42 -10 501 7630 548.34 -02 Date' 3/27/2013 Invoice Amount 761.92 $761.92 $761.92 $761.92 39.80 79.58 45.38 71.10 71.10 4.68 273.31 117.05 273.31 21.77 13.59 14.16 7.13 6.27 64.68 44.88 154.20 87.80 7,747.02 7,656.94 138.75 110.81 13.82 -8.65 $17,048.48 $17,048.48 28.43 51.53 91.53 14.23 19.42 0.84 0.84 0.84 0.84 0.96 1.47 56.23 E -33 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 3/9/2013 To: 3/22/2013 Date 3/27/2013 Vendor Description Account Number Invoice Amount H R PARTS EQUIPMENT INC AUTO TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501 7630 548.34 -02 74.83 HEARTLINE AUTO TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501 7630 548.34 -02 270.95 AUTO TRUCK MAINT ITEMS 501 7630 548.34 -02 370.57 LES SCHWAB TIRE CENTER AUTO TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501- 7630 548.34 -02 516.22 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501 7630 548.34 -02 56.68 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501- 7630 548.34 -02 56.58 MATCO TOOLS AUTO TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501 7630 548.35 -01 32.84 ROBERT LANE CDL REIMBURSEMENT FEE 501- 7630 548.49 -90 85.00 MOTOR TRUCKS INC AUTO TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501- 7630 548.34 -02 98.59 MURRAY MOTORS INC AUTO TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501- 7630- 548.35 -01 355.54 NAPA AUTO PARTS BELTS AND BELTING 501 7630 548.34 -02 51.79 NORTHWEST PUMP AND EQUIPMENT CC AUTO TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501 7630 548.49 -90 159.61 SHIPPING AND HANDLING 501 7630 548.49 -90 23.04 AUTO TRUCK MAINT ITEMS 501 7630 548.49 -90 -23.04 ENGINEERING SERVICES 501 7630 594.64 -10 12,478.85 ORKIN EXTERMINATING COMPANY INC EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501- 7630 548.49 -90 365.05 OVERTON SAFETY TRAINING, INC EDUCATIONAL SERVICES 501- 7630 548.43 -10 488.22 PACIFIC POWER PRODUCTS AUTO TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501 7630 548.34 -02 240.51 PETTIT OIL COMPANY FUEL,OIL,GREASE, LUBES 501 7630 548.32 -13 1,762.10 FUEL,OIL,GREASE, LUBES 501 7630 548.32 -13 1,105.30 FUEL,OIL,GREASE, LUBES 501 7630 548.32 -13 772.96 FUEL,OIL,GREASE, LUBES 501 7630 548.32 -13 335.57 PUMPS ACCESSORIES 501- 7630 548.35 -01 1,587.74 PORT ANGELES TIRE FACTORY AUTO TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501- 7630 548.34 -02 44.76 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501- 7630 548.34 -02 108.40 AUTO TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501- 7630 548.34 -02 336.43 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501 7630- 548.34 -02 28.18 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501 7630 548.34 -02 20.54 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501 7630 548.34 -02 20.54 PRICE FORD LINCOLN AUTO TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501 7630 548.34 -02 222.38 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501- 7630 548.34 -02 938.73 QUALITY 4X4 TRUCK SUPPLY AUTO BODIES ACCESSORIES 501 7630 548.34 -02 699.18 AUTO TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501- 7630 548.34 -02 78.03 AUTO TRUCK MAINT ITEMS 501 7630 548.34 -02 75.68 AUTO TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501 7630 548.34 -02 220.51 RICHMOND 2 -WAY RADIO AUTO TRUCK ACCESSORIES 501- 7630 548.34 -02 119.84 RUDDELL AUTO MALL AUTO TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501- 7630 548.34 -02 146.91 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501- 7630 548.34 -02 11.80 RUDY'S AUTOMOTIVE EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501- 7630- 548.34 -02 54.63 AUTO TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501 7630 548.34 -02 34.36 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501- 7630 548.34 -02 10 41 AUTO TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501 7630 548.34 -02 225.30 E -34 Page 28 Vendor RUDY'S AUTOMOTIVE Description EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES AUTO TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS RENTAULEASE EQUIPMENT AUTO TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS RENTAULEASE EQUIPMENT AUTO TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES US BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT SYSTEI Truck Parts McBride Truck Parts McBride Drill Bits McBride Ferry Ticket -Equip Svc 02 -22 a/c 571136182 -00003 SETINA MFG CO INC SHARP ELECTRONICS CORP SUNSET DO -IT BEST HARDWARE SYSTEMS FOR PUBLIC SAFETY, INC VERIZON WIRELESS WASHINGTON (DES/TBS), STATE OF Public Works -Equip Svcs US BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT SYSTEI Battery backup unit -JH CENTURYLIN K -OWEST MICROSOFT CORPORATION NORTHPOINT CONSULTING INC City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 3/9/2013 To: 3/22/2013 RADIO TELECOMMUNICATION 501 7630 548.42 -10 Equipment Services Division Total: Public Works -Equip Svcs Department Total: Equipment Services Fund Total: 02 -23 NC 206T302306084B 02 -23 NC 206T310164584B 03 -05 NC 3604529882811B 03 -05 NC 3604525109623B 03 -05 NC 3604523877817B 03 -05 NC 3604529887652B 03 -05 NC 36045258342118 03 -05 NC 3604523712585B COMPUTERS,DP WORD PROC. 502 2081 518.48 -02 2 HRS NEXUS CONFIG 502- 2081 518.41 -50 2.5 HRS TRAVEL TIME (.50) 502- 2081 518.41 -50 LODGING 502 2081 518.41 -50 US BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT SYSTEI Battery backup unit -JH SUGA Membership- Harper RADIO TELECOMMUNICATION Information Technologies LUMBER& RELATED PRODUCTS LUMBER& RELATED PRODUCTS LUMBER& RELATED PRODUCTS PW CONSTRUCTION RELATED HARTNAGEL BUILDING SUPPLY INC BUILDING MAINT &REPAIR SER BUILDING MAINT &REPAIR SER WASHINGTON DES/TBS), STATE OF Finance Department ANGELES MILLWORK LUMBER CO Page 29 Account Number 501 7630 548.34 -02 501- 7630 548.34 -02 501 -7630- 548.34 -02 501 7630 548.45 -31 501 7630 548.34 -02 501- 7630 548.45 -30 501 7630 548.34 -02 501 -7630- 548.34 -02 501 7630 548.34 -02 501 7630 548.34 -02 501 7630 548.34 -02 501 7630 548.43 -10 501- 7630 548.42 -10 502 0000 237.00 -00 Division Total: Department Total: 502- 2081 518.42 -10 502 2081 518.42 -10 502- 2081 518.42 -10 502 2081 518.42 -10 502 2081 518.42 -10 502 2081 518.42 -10 502- 2081 518.42 -10 502 2081 518.42 -10 502 2081 518.48 -10 502- 2081 518.49 -01 502 -2081- 518.42 -10 Division Total: 502 2082 594.65 -10 502- 2082 594.65 -10 502 2082 594.65 -10 502 2082 594.65 -10 502- 2082 594.65 -10 502- 2082 594.65 -10 Dale 3/27/2013 Invoice Amount 91.05 182.32 161.71 89.93 262.72 49.32 179.35 393.84 111.61 969.50 175.45 6.20 25.20 8.28 $27,316.53 $27,316.53 $44,365.01 -74.53 $74.53 $74.53 18.30 24.97 1.07 1 07 1.07 1.07 1.24 1.92 964.76 370.00 462.50 264.70 961.77 195.00 22.44 $3,291.88 11.21 466.12 181.41 42.18 59.18 41.55 E -35 Vendor NORTHPOINT CONSULTING INC Finance Department YONGJIN DENG WCIA (WA CITIES INS AUTHORITY) Self Insurance CENTURYLINK -QWEST WASHINGTON (DES/TBS), STATE OF Economic Development PA DOWNTOWN ASSN CENTURYLINK QWEST DATABAR INCORPORATED OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC PACIFIC OFFICE EQUIPMENT INC PORT ANGELES FINE ARTS CENTER City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 3/9/2013 To: 3/22/2013 Description 7.5 HRS VMVIEW FIREWALL C IT Capital Projects Finance Department Information Technology IN HOUSE LIABILITY CLAIM FEBRUARY LIABILITY CLAIMS Comp Liability Self Insurance Self Insurance Fund 02 -23 NC 206T302306084B 02 -23 NC 206T310164584B 03 -05 NC 36045298828118 03 -05 NC 36045251096236 03 -05 NC 3604523877817B 03 -05 NC 3604529887652B 03 -05 NC 3604525834211B 03 -05 NC 3604523712585B RADIO TELECOMMUNICATION Archaeologist Economic Development Cultural Resources FEB 2013 DECAL SALES FEB 2013 PBIA DUES FEB 2013 DUPAR /1ST STREET Off Street Parking Fund 02 -23 NC 206T302306084B 02 -23 NC 206T310164584B 02 -23 NC 206T418577331B 03 -05 NC 3604529882811B 03 -05 NC 3604525109623B 03 -05 NC 3604523877817B 03 -05 NC 3604529887652B 03 -05 NC 36045258342118 03 -05 NC 3604523712585B COMMUNICATIONS /MEDIA SERV OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL OFFICE MACHINES ACCESS FNC PAINTS,COATINGS,WALLPAPER EDUCATIONAL SERVICES Page 30 Account Number 502 -2082- 594.65 -10 Division Total: Department Total: Fund Total: 503- 1671 517.49 -98 503 1671 517.41 -50 Division Total: Department Total: Fund Total: 504 1512 558.42 -10 504- 1512 558.42 -10 504- 1512- 558.42 -10 504 1512 558.42 -10 504 1512 558.42 -10 504 -1512- 558.42 -10 504 1512- 558.42 -10 504 -1512- 558.42 -10 504- 1512 558.42 -10 Division Total: Department Total: Fund Total: 650- 0000 231.91 -00 650 0000 231.92 -00 650 0000 231.93 -00 Division Total: Department Total: Fund Total: 652 8630 575.42 -10 652- 8630 575.42 -10 652- 8630 575.42 -10 652 8630 575.42 -10 652- 8630 575.42 -10 652 -8630- 575.42 -10 652 8630- 575.42 -10 652 -8630- 575.42 -10 652 8630 575.42 -10 652 -8630- 575.31 -01 652 8630 575.31 -01 652 8630 575.45 -31 652 -8630- 575.31 -01 652 8630 575.41 -50 Date 3/27/2013 Invoice Amount 1,387.50 $2,189.15 $5,481.03 $5,406.50 288.64 3,051.91 $3,340.55 $3,340.55 $3,340.55 2.03 2.77 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.14 0.21 0.68 $6.31 $6.31 $6.31 141.25 3,479.11 2,045.58 $5,665.94 $5,665.94 $5,665.94 6.10 8.32 57.46 0.36 0.36 0.36 0.36 0.41 0.63 32.52 48.89 8.96 105.85 625.00 E -36 City of Port City Council Expe From: 3/9/2013 Vendor Description PORT ANGELES FINE ARTS CENTER FNCMISC PROFESSIONAL SERVICE PRINTING,SILK SCR,TYPSET US BANK CORPORATE PAYMENT SYSTEI Printer Ink Mozingo Esther Webster /Fine Arts Esther Webster /Fine Arts Esther Webster /Fine Arts Esther Webster Fund AFLAC AFLAC SUPP INS AFSCME LOCAL 1619 PAYROLL SUMMARY PAYROLL SUMMARY DIMARTINOANSCFF DISABILITY PAYROLL SUMMARY FIREFIGHTER'S LOCAL 656 PAYROLL SUMMARY GUARANTEED EDUCATION TUITION PAYROLL SUMMARY IBEW LOCAL 997 PAYROLL SUMMARY LEOFF P/R Deductions pe 03 -03 OFFICE OF SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT P/R Deductions pe 03 -03 P/R Deductions pe 03 -03 PERS P/R Deductions pe 03 -03 P/R Deductions pe 03 -03 P/R Deductions pe 03 -03 POLICE ASSOCIATION PAYROLL SUMMARY UNITED WAY (PAYROLL) PAYROLL SUMMARY WSCCCE AFSCME AFL -CIO PAYROLL SUMMARY Totals for check period Account Number 652 8630 575.41 -50 652 8630 575.49 -60 652 8630 575.31 -01 Division Total: Department Total: Fund Total: 920 0000 231.53 -10 920 0000 231.54 -40 920 0000 231.54 -40 920- 0000 231.53 -40 920- 0000 231.54 -30 920 0000 231.56 -95 920 0000 231.54 -20 920 0000 231.51 -21 920- 0000 231.56 -20 920 0000 231.56 -20 920- 0000 231.51 -10 920 0000 231.51 -11 920 0000 231.51 -12 920- 0000 231.55 -10 920 0000 231.56 -10 920 0000 231.54 -40 Division Total: Department Total: Payroll Clearing Fund Total: From: 3/9/2013 To: 3/22/2013 Page 31 Angeles nditure Report To: 3/22/2013 Date 3/27/2013 Invoice Amount 600.00 186.26 94.24 $1,776.08 $1,776.08 $1,776.08 1,374.60 94.00 188.00 1,375.39 1,701.00 263.50 1,300.96 22,693.38 670.09 169.85 1,677.87 10,837.58 39,729 46 440.00 598.46 3,996.62 $87,110.76 $87,110.76 $87,110.76 $895,126.50 E -37 P ORT! NGELE S W A S H I N G T O N U.S.A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: APRIL 2, 2013 To: CITY COUNCIL FROM: COREY DELIKAT, PARKS RECREATION DIRECTOR SUBJECT: FARMER'S MARKET FACILITY USE AGREEMENT GATEWAY PAVILION Summary: The Port Angeles Farmer's Market (PAFM) has been using the Gateway Pavilion to sell locally grown or produced goods and services since 2009. This contract will allow the PAFM to make rent payments on a bi- annual basis, instead of monthly payments, in efforts to help make the PAFM become more sustainable during the slow winter months. Payments will be due on July 31, 2013 and December 31, 2013 and will cover the Saturday's and Wednesday's the Gateway is used for their events. This agreement shall be deemed to be in full force and effect as of April 2, 2013 and will expire December 31, 2013. Recommendation: 1) Approve and authorize the City Manager to sign the annual contract with the Port Angeles Farmer's Market for use of the Gateway Pavilion for $100 per day for Saturday's use and $50 per day for Wednesday's use, and allow the Market to make rent payments on a bi- annual basis which will be due on July 31, 2013 and December 31, 2013, and to make minor modifications to the agreement, if necessary. Background Analysis: The Port Angeles Farmer's Market (PAFM) has been using the Gateway Pavilion to sell locally grown or produced goods and services since 2009. This has become a valuable attraction for the Port Angeles Downtown and helps create an economic activity that is supported by residents and visitors alike. This contract will allow the PAFM to continue to use the Gateway Pavilion on Saturday's year around and on Wednesday's beginning June 19, 2013. The rental rate through December 31, 2013 will stay the same from last year and is set for $100 per day for Saturday use and $50 per day for Wednesday use. In efforts to help the PAFM to become more sustainable during the winter months, rent payments are now due bi- annually, instead of monthly. Payments will be due on July 31, 2013 and December 31, 2013 and will cover the Saturday's and Wednesday's the Gateway is used for their events. This agreement shall be deemed to be in full force and effect as of April 2, 2013 and will expire December 31, 2013. E -38 FACILITY USE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES AND THE PORT ANGELES FARMERS' MARKET This Facility Use Agreement "Agreement is made and entered into this day of 2013 by and between the City of Port Angeles, "City a Washington municipal corporation, and the Port Angeles Farmers' Market, "PAFM a Washington non profit corporation. WHEREAS, the City is the owner /manager of the pavilion deck area at the Gateway, located at 125 East Front Street, Port Angeles, Washington; and WHEREAS, PAFM sells goods and products made and produced in the City of Port Angeles region directly stimulating the local economy; and WFIEREAS, PAFM is a valuable attraction for Downtown Port Angeles creating an economic activity supported by residents and visitors alike; and WHEREAS, the City is committed to creating a vibrant and active Downtown experience that will be enhanced by the presence of PAFM; and WHEREAS, it is in the City's and the public's interest to allow PAFM to use the Gateway pavilion deck area for operation of the farmers' market subject to the terms specified within this Agreement; and WHEREAS, this Agreement is for a one year period, however, it is the intention of both parties that the Gateway become the long term home of the PAFM and that this document be renewed at the end of each calendar year; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the promises and commitments made herein, the sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, it is agreed as follows: 1. Premises. The City hereby agrees to allow PAFM to use the pavilion deck area at the Gateway which is graphically depicted in Exhibit "A a copy of which is attached and incorporated by this reference, for the sole purpose of operating a farmers market upon the following terms and conditions. PAFM may place a sign on the south and east facing portion of the clock tower for the term of this Agreement. The PAFM sign shall be subject to the approval of the Parks and Recreation Director. 2. Term. This Agreement shall be deemed to be in full force and effect as of April 2, 2013. The use permitted under this Agreement shall expire December 31, 2013, unless extended or modified in a subsequent written agreement between the parties. E -39 3. Use. PAFM shall use the premises for the sole purpose of operating a farmers' market, which includes the sale of locally grown or produced goods and services, entertainment, and on -site consumption of products sold at PAFM. All other uses are expressly prohibited without the prior written consent of the City's Parks and Recreation Director. Additional compensation at fair market rates shall be required for authorization of any extended or additional uses of the premises. 4. Facility Protection and Cleanup. The parties agree that facility protection and clean up will be in accordance with the provisions set forth in Exhibit `B which is attached hereto and incorporated herein. 5. Dates and Hours of Operation. A. On all Saturdays from 6:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. during the term of this Agreement, the area depicted on Exhibit "A" shall be reserved for the use of PAFM except that, at its sole option, the City may schedule the described area for other uses, thus displacing PAFM from use of the Gateway facility, on no more than three Saturday dates during the contract term provided that the City give PAFM no less than thirty (30) days notice of said alternate use. During those dates when PAFM is displaced, the signage on the clock tower may be covered at the sole discretion of the Parks and Recreation Director. B. For the Wednesday farmers' market, PAFM shall have use of the pavilion deck on all Wednesdays beginning June 19, 2013 thru September 18, 2013 from 6:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. 6. Parking. PAFM may reserve the southern most parking space on the west side of Lincoln Street and the three most easterly parking spaces on the north side of Front Street, adjacent to the Gateway pavilion, for the purpose of vendor loading and unloading for two hours before and after the market event. Signage for this purpose will be provided to PAFM and PAFM shall be responsible for the placement and removal each market day. Any other parking agreements must be negotiated with appropriate parking managers. City parking ordinances will be enforced. 7. Rental Fees. The rental rate through December 31, 2013, is set at $100 per day for Saturday use and $50 per day for Wednesday use. In the event that this Agreement is extended beyond December 31, 2013, the rental rate shall be subject to negotiation. Rent shall be paid on a bi- annual basis and is due on July 31, 2013 and December 31, 2013. All dates covered by this Agreement are reserved for farmers' market use only, with the exception of no more than three Saturday dates as specified in section 5 above. 8. Duties of the PAFM. A. PAFM agrees to include in its vendor guidelines and market promotion that the farmers' market will adhere to the City's policy of no smoking in city parks and public facilities. -2- E -40 B. PAFM understands that this Agreement and the terms described herein cover solely the use of the pavilion deck at the Gateway for the specified days of the farmers' market. Any additional uses of facilities will be subject to additional rental fees. PAFM shall at all times have an identified representative of authority on the premises. This person shall be designated before each event and have proper contact information on file with the City's Recreation Services Manager. C. PAFM shall at no time charge admission fees to non vendors. D. PAFM shall adhere to all federal, state, county and local laws and regulations during the operation of the farmers' market at the Gateway pavilion deck facility. E. At the end of each day's occupancy, trash and debris generated by PAFM shall be cleaned up by PAFM and deposited in the trash cans located at the Gateway. F. PAFM agrees to use the Gateway as its only venue unless written permission is granted for temporary relocation by the City. 9. Indemnification. PAFM shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City of Port Angeles, its officials, employees and volunteers from and against any and all claims, suits, actions or liabilities for injury or death of any person, or for loss or damage to property, which arises out of the use of the Gateway pavilion deck facility or premises, or from any activity, work or thing done, permitted, or suffered by user in or about the facility or premises, except only such injury or damage as shall have been occasioned by the sole negligence of the City of Port Angeles. 10. Insurance. PAFM shall procure and maintain for the duration of the Agreement, insurance against claims for injuries to persons or damage to property which may arise from or in connection with the use of the facility or premises. PAFM shall provide a certificate of insurance evidencing: General liability insurance covering premises, products completed operations and contractual liability. The City shall be named as an insured on PAFM's general liability insurance policy. The general liability insurance shall be written with limits of no less than $1,000,000 each occurrence, $2,000,000 general aggregate. The insurance policy shall contain, or be endorsed to contain a clause that states that PAFM's insurance coverage shall be primary insurance with respect to the City. Any insurance, self insurance, or insurance pool coverage maintained by the City shall be excess of PAFM's insurance and not contribute with it. PAFM shall provide to the City a certificate of insurance evidencing the required insurance before using the facility or premises. Insurance is to be placed with insurer's current A.M. Best rating of not less than A:VII. 11. Assignment. This Agreement may not be assigned or transferred without the written approval of the City. -3- E -41 12. Anti Discrimination. In all services or activities and all hiring or employment made possible by or resulting from this Agreement, there shall not be discrimination against any employee or applicant for participation in the farmers' market operation because of sex, age, (except minimum age and retirement provisions), race, color, creed, national origin, marital status, sexual orientation, or the presence of any sensory, mental, or physical handicap, unless based upon a bona fide occupational qualification. PAFM shall observe and fully comply with any and all applicable federal, state, or local law or regulations regarding non discrimination. Any violation of this provision shall be considered a violation of a material provision of this Agreement and shall be grounds for cancellation, termination, or suspension in whole or in part of this Agreement by the City, and may result in ineligibility for further City agreements. PAFM will also comply with other anti discrimination laws or requirements of any and all jurisdictions having authority. 13. Compliance with All Laws and Regulations. In using the premises, PAFM will comply with all applicable laws, ordinances and regulations from any and all authorities having jurisdiction. PAFM specifically agrees to comply and pay all costs associated with achieving such compliance without any notice from the City, and further agrees that the City of Port Angeles does not waive this section by giving notice of demand for compliance in any instance. 14. Notice. Any notice or information required or permitted to be given to the parties under this Agreement may be sent to the following addresses unless otherwise specified in a subsequent written directive: City of Port Angeles Corey Delikat, Parks and Recreation Director P.O. Box 1150 321 E. 5t Street Port Angeles, WA 98362 Port Angeles Farmer's Market Hank Gibson, Board President P.O. Box 336 Port Angeles, WA 98362 15. Goveming Law. This Agreement shall be governed, construed and interpreted by, through and under the Laws of the State of Washington. Venue for any claims that might flow from this Agreement shall be with the Clallam County Superior Court. 16. Severability. If any provision of this Agreement or the application thereof shall, for any reason and to any extent, be invalid or unenforceable, neither the remainder of this Agreement nor the application of the provision to other persons, entities or circumstances shall be affected thereby, but instead shall be enforced to the maximum extent permitted by law. -4- E -42 17. Entire Agreement. By signing this Agreement the City of Port Angeles and PAFM understand and concur that this Agreement is considered to be all of the covenants, promises, agreements and conditions, oral or written between the parties. The parties hereby agree that this document contains the entire agreement between the parties and that this Agreement shall not be modified, changed, altered or amended in any way except through a written amendment signed by all of the parties hereto. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the City and PAFM have executed this Agreement the date and year indicated. CITY OF PORT ANGELES PORT ANGELES FARMERS' MARKET By: Dan McKeen, City Manager By: Hank Gibson, Board President Attest: Janessa Hurd, City Clerk Approved as to form. William E. Bloor, City Attorney C.\Docmnents and Settings \ckochane\DcsktopWannersMarket FachldiesUse Agmt.3.7313 o.pd -5- E -43 a) ct J N CO Plaza Area Exhibit "A" Front St 0 v E -44 Exhibit "B" PUBLIC WORKS UTILITIES DEPARTMENT USE REGULATIONS Gateway Use Regulations 1.0 PURPOSE i 1 To establish written regulations and procedures for The Gateway facility management. 2 0 DEPARTMENT/DIVISION/PERSONNEL AFFECTED: 2.1 Department of Public Works Utilities, Recreation Division 3.0 PUBLIC FACILITIES 3.1 The public facility affected is The Gateway, a public gathering place located at 125 East Front Street, Port Angeles, Washington. The area to be regulated by this policy is comprised of the decking and pavilion area of the Gateway Facility, not to include the public restrooms, parking facilities, transit lanes, offices or sidewalks which surround the venue. 4.0 REGULATIONS 4.1 Smoking will not be allowed within 25 feet of the facility per RCW Chapter 70.160.075. This regulation includes all spaces open to the public. 4.2 Skateboard and bicycle riding will not be allowed at the facility. 4.3 Maximum occupancy is 990 persons. 4.4 Alcohol sales will be allowed by permit only, in an established and controlled area of the pavilion area. 4.5 No more than one vehicle is allowed on the pavilion deck at any one time (gross vehicle weight shall not exceed 6,000 Ibs). Trailers will be allowed on the pavilion deck for both transportation and/or sale of goods (gross vehicle weight of trailers shall not exceed 6,000 Ibs) 4.6 Any vehicle parked more than two consecutive hours on the pavilion deck shall have an approved protection device placed beneath said vehicle to protect the deck. 4.7 No banner or sign shall be hung on Gateway property unless in compliance with City of Port Angeles Municipal Code 14.36 4 8 No tents and /or other temporary structures shall be secured to cables, drain spouts, fire suppressant systems. electric equipment or similar structures. 4.9 Protective deck covering must be used if any substance in a users charge. other than water, could be spilled onto the Gateway w,vatking surface E -45 4 10 Users shall make no alteration onmprovements to or upon the premises, or install any fixtures, without first obtaining written approval from the City's Deputy Director of Recreation. 4,11 Equipment will be provided for proper cleanup. Users shall leave the pavilion deck area in the same condition that it was found, prior to each day's occupancy. All City equipment shall be returned to proper storage at the facility. 4 12 User groups will at no time charge admission fees to the general public Charging for goods or services is allowable, but no facility entry fee, nor minimum purchase requirements, shall be enforced. 4.13 User groups will in no way restrict general public use of the facilities public restrooms E -46 DATE: APRIL, 2, 2013 To: CITY COUNCIL PORTANGELES W A S H I N G T O N U.S.A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO FROM: BYRON OLSON, CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER JANESSA HURD, CITY CLERK SUBJECT: ELECTRONIC RECORDS MANAGEMENT UPGRADE, CONVERSION DEPLOYMENT Summary: The current electronic records system implemented in 1997 is a document management system and not an electronic records management system. This difference being our current system is a document storage system with minimal search capabilities versus a robust electronic records system with encompassing searching and retention guideline capabilities. The existing system is very limited in its ability to adequately conduct complex document searches. Recommendation: Authorize the Mayor to sign the necessary purchase agreements to authorize the acquisition of Laserfiche Certified Records Management Software with annual maintenance and training support in the amount of $76,352.25 as more fully described in the attached product/services quote. Background Analysis: The existing system is regarded as an electronic document management system which is a document archival system with its own security and searching capabilities. It was originally installed in 1997 and has, through the years, received various upgrades and capabilities. One of the upgrades was to allow for the digitalization of all City Council records prior to 1999. This, as well as other records, were made available through a upgrade of a product called WebLink which is currently available through the City's website. This product allows the general public, on their own, to search, read, print, and download City records which have been deemed open and accessible. Additional records are added as they become available. The current Laserfiche document management application was scheduled for a necessary upgrade in 2012. This was delayed due to the increasing need for a robust records management system to meet the needs of automated retention schedules, file formats and document end -of -life requirements to meet other record retention requirements of the State. E -47 ELECTRONIC RECORDS MANAGEMENT UPGRADE, CONVERSION DEPLOYMENT PAGE 2 A new records management system will allow for the automation of this process based on document type, content and originator. Upgrading our current system to the more advance management application will allow for increased capabilities of generating a city -wide search for documents not only retained within Laserfiche but elsewhere within the City network based on security protocols to include shared storage and user workstations. This will be perfonned via automated workflows, automated records identifications, retention schedule guidelines and allow for the ability for the Legal Department to lockout document removal or destruction. Additionally, with moving toward this robust records management system with its legal lockout capabilities and retention parameters, we will meet the state requirements for certification as a "physical record destruction after certified digitalization" capability. Once certified by the State, we would be able to destroy all physical records it deems acceptable for certified digitalization as the primary copy. This would allow for the significant reduction of need for physical records storage currently being retained and expanded. The projected costs for the project are as follows: Software Maintenance: Laserfiche Software Upgrade Annual Maintenance Less Return Credit for prior Software Less Credit for prior annual maintenance Sub -Total sza Sales Tax 8.4% stti Total Cost Technical Services Training: Technical Services 9 Applicable Sales Tax on Rio products Total Cost $89,755.00 18,202.00 47,015.00 8,000.00 $52,942.00 4,447.13 $57,389.13 $18,855.60 107.52 $18,963.12 Grand Total Project Costs: 352.25 Project is currently budgeted for $140,000 in 2013. The project will be done in stages with stage one being done first followed by stage 2 consisting of possible email /workflow turnkey tasks. Stage one consists of setup, conversion and configuration and training. Product cost is $89,755 with a credit to be applied of $47,015 for existing licenses. Stage Two will follow once training needs, additional licenses and direction for email archiving have been determined from the remaining funds. Any funds not utilized by project will be retained within the Information Technology budget. Impact: Without a robust records management platform, the ability to inventory, search and implement legal lockouts, we would be unable to apply and gain approval for certification by the state for our records management system as the primary city record retention system. We will also be unable to meet state audit requirements for document destruction timelines as well as the continuing ongoing costs for archiving, storing and physically searching for public records within our physical records. E -48 Account Representative Department Quote Valid Through Page Jennette Derschon City of Port Angeles 4/12/2013 1 QTY. DESCRIPTION PRICE DISC TOTAL LO II, N N Laserflche Software Annual Maintenance Quote LASERFICHE RIO Includes DoD Certified Records Management, Unlimited LF Servers, Adv Audit Trail, Email, Snapshot, Web Access, Workflow, *Digital Signatures, Web Admin Console ('requires Server 8.3 or later) Laserfiche Rio Pilot Named Full Users $900.00 $22,500.00 Rio Records Management Module $2,250.00 $2,250.00 Laserfiche Rio Forms Internal $2,250.00 $2,250.00 Laserfiche Quick Fields $595.00 $595.00 Laserfiche Quick Fields Complete $15,000.00 $15,000.00 Laserfiche Quick Fields Agent (Rio) $10,000.00 $10,000.00 Laserfiche Import Agent $1500.00 $1500.00 Laserfiche Rio ScanConnect $165.00 $165.00 Laserfiche RIO Public Portal Includes 25 Weblink -Only Users $25,000.00 $25,000.00 Laserfiche SDK Toolkit $2,500.00 $2,500.00 Laserfiche Forms Portal Add -on Allows form submission from unlicensed users $7,995.00 $7,995.00 Subtotal $89,755.00 Annual Maintenance Laserfiche Rio Pilot Named Users 25 Software Assurance Plan $180.00 $4,500.00 Laserfiche Records Mgmt Rio Software Assurance Plan $450.00 $450.00 Laserfiche Rio Forms Internal Software Assurance Plan $450.00 $450.00 Laserfiche Quick Fields Software Assurance Plan $120.00 $120.00 Laserfiche Quick Fields Complete Software Assurance Plan $3,000.00 $3,000.00 Laserfiche Quick Fields Agent Software Assurance Plan $2,000.00 $2,000.00 Laserfiche Import Agent Software Assurance Plan $300.00 $300.00 Laserfiche RIO ScanConnect Software Assurance Plan $33 00 $33.00 Laserfiche RIO Public Portal 25 Weblink -Only Retrieval Software $5,000.00 $5,000.00 Assurance Plan SUBTOTAL SHIPPING SALES TAX Thank you for giving us this opportunity TOTAL Bill To: City of Port Angeles P.O. Box 1150 Port Angeles, WA 98362 90971 S. Willamette Street PO Box 8549, Coburg OR 97408 541 687 -0594 PRODUCT SERVICES QUOTE Ship To: City of Port Angeles P.O. Box 1150 Port Angeles, WA 98362 Quote Number: RioPilot Dale: 3/13/2013 E -49 Account Representative Department Quote Valid Through Page Jennette Derschon City of Port Angeles 4/12/2013 2 QTY. DESCRIPTION PRICE DISC TOTAL Laserfiche SDK Toolkit Software Assurance Plan $750.00 $750.00 Laserflche Forms Portal Add -on Software Assurance Plan $1,599.00 $1,599.00 Annual Maintenance Subtotal $18,202.00 Return Credit Laserfiche Software $47,015.00 ($47,015.00) Credit annual maintenance credit amount is based on new product purchase date (amount listed is valid for 20 days) $8,000.00 ($8,000.00) SUBTOTAL $52,942.00 SHIPPING $0.00 SALES TAX $4,447.13 Thank you for giving us this opportunity TOTAL $57,389.13 Bill To: City of Port Angeles P.O. Box 1150 Port Angeles, WA 98362 90971 S. Willamette Street 1 1 PO Box 8549, Coburg OR 97408 541- 687 -0594 PRODUCT SERVICES QUOTE Ship To: City of Port Angeles P.O. Box 1150 Port Angeles, WA 98362 Quote Number: RioPilot Date: 3/13/2013 E -50 Account Representative Department Quote Valid Through Page Kristine Butcher Rio Services; City of Port Angeles 4/12/2013 QTY. DESCRIPTION PRICE DISC TOTAL Technical services to be performed via remote connection, consulting /training onsite Services are an estimate. Actual hours to be billed at milestones completion of project 8 Installation Configuration of Rio products and upgrade from v.8.x to $160.00 81,280.00 8.3 12 Laserfiche Forms Training for 1 Simple Form, Pilot Project. $160.00 $1,920.00 4 Laserfiche Rio Administrative training: Training on Rio license manager new Rio tools $160.00 $640.00 72 Laserfiche Rio Records Management Implementation Includes all consulting services as defined in the proposal submitted with this quote. $160.00 $11,520.00 12 Per diem: per person/trip $225.00 $2,700.00 1,360 Mileage: 2 round trips 680 miles each $0.58; $795.60 mileage is an estimate. actual trips to be billed as milestones. SUBTOTAL $18,855.60 SHIPPING $0.00 SALES TAX $107.52 Thank you for giving us this opportunity TOTAL E tq 963.12 Bill To: City of Port Angeles P.O. Box 1150 Port Angeles, WA 98362 90971 S. Willamette Street PO Box 8549, Coburg OR 97408 541 687 -0594 PRODUCT SERVICES QUOTE Ship To: City of Port Angeles P.O. Box 1150 Port Angeles, WA 98362 Quote Number: Rio Sry Date: 3/13/2013 Company Name Base Bid Amount (including tax) Shakespeare Composite Structure 40,840.57 RS Technologies, Inc. $47,130.51 General Pacific, Inc. Non Responsive Government Estimate $62,000.00 CITY OF PORTANGELES W A S H I N G T O N U.S.A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: April 2, 2013 TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: Glenn A. Cutler, P.E., Director of Public Works Utilities SUBJECT: Material Purchase: Transmission and Distribution Fiberglass Poles, Contract LO -13 -006 Summary: Bids were received on March 21, 2013 for the purchase of 27 fiberglass power poles for the Light Operations Division. Three vendors bid on this material purchase. Recommendation: Award and authorize the City Manager to sign a contract and purchase order with Shakespeare Composite Structure of Newberry, South Carolina in the amount of $40,840.57 for 27 fiberglass power poles, including sales tax, and to make minor modifications to the contract, if necessary. Background /Analysis: Bids were received on March 21, 2013 for 27 fiberglass power poles. This procurement is to replenish the Light Operations Division's inventory. The poles will be used throughout the year on replacement of existing deteriorated power poles and /or construction of new power requirements. Funds are available for this inventory procurement from the Light Operations Utility budget. Three vendors bid on this material purchase: Shakespeare Composite Structure of Newberry, South Carolina; RS Technologies, Inc. of Calgary, Canada; and General Pacific, Inc. of Fairview, Oregon. A bid summary is provided below. Material Purchase Contract LO 13 006 (Prices Include Sales Tax and Fees) It is recommended that Council award and authorize the City Manager to sign a contract and purchase order with Shakespeare Composite Structure in the amount of $40,840.57, including tax, for 27 fiberglass power poles, and to make minor modifications to the contract, if necessary. N: \CCOUNCIL\FINAL\Material Purchase Transmission Distribution Fiberglass Poles, LO- 13- 006.doc E -52 Contractor Bid Magnum Power, La Center, WA 94,362.20 Olympic Electric, Port Angeles, WA 113,787.48 City Pacific Services, Olympia, WA 122,340.24 Moza Construction, Tacoma, WA 160,974.00 Engineer's Estimate $150,000.00 WASHINGTON, U S A CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: April 2, 2013 To: CITY COUNCIL FROM: Glenn A. Cutler, P.E., Director of Public Works and Utilities SUBJECT: Underground Cable Replacement, Project CL02 -2011, Award Contract Summary: This project is to replace direct buried underground electric distribution cable that has failed at several locations. Recommendation: Award and authorize the City Manager to sign a contract with Magnum Power of Tumwater, WA in the amount of $94,362.20, including tax, for Underground Cable Replacement. Background /Analysis: Over the last few years, several underground electric cables installed in the 1970's have failed. These cables are directly buried and cannot be easily replaced. Customers have been subsequently served through alternate cables, which are also directly buried and as old as the ones that have failed. To maintain reliability, this project replaces the failed cables with new cables that will be installed in conduit to facilitate future replacement. The work involved is more extensive than can be performed by City crews. An Advertisement for Bids was sent to all electric line contractors on the City's Small Works Roster. Four bids were received and opened on March 22, 2013. The lowest responsible bid was from Magnum Power Corp. The total bid amount includes the base bid plus two additive bid items. They are summarized in the following table and include sales tax: Funding for this project was identified in the 2013 Electric Utility capital budget in the total amount of $150,000 for construction. It is recommended that the City Council award and authorize the City Manager to sign a contract with Magnum Power of Tumwater, WA in the amount of $94,362.20, including tax, for the Underground Cable Replacement. N \CCOUNCIL \FINAL\Underground Cable Replacement, Project CL02 -201 I. Award Contract.doc E -53 CITY OF PORTANGELES W A S H I N G T O N U.S.A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: April 2, 2013 To: CITY COUNCIL FROM: NATHAN A. WEST, DIRECTOR COMMUNITY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT SUBJECT: STREET VACATION PETITION STV 13 -01 LINDLEY ALLEY BETWEEN HAZEL /SPRUCE AND FAIRMOUNT AND EUCLID AVENUES Summary: Consideration of a vacation of right -of -way. Recommendation: Council should (1) close the continued public hearing; and (2) conduct second reading; and (3) adopt the attached ordinance citing the 10 findings and 5 conclusions attached to the ordinance. Background Analysis: The City received a petition from abutting property owners to formalize vacation of an alley on February 8, 2013. The subject right -of -way is the Hazel /Spruce Alley between Fairmount and Euclid Avenues. A map of the area is included with the attached ordinance. The Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on this matter on February 27, 2013, and unanimously recommended that the matter be finalized on behalf of the petitioners. No one spoke in opposition to the proposed action at Council's public hearing that was opened on March 19, 2013, and continued to April 2. During the March 19, 2013, City Council hearing, Deputy Mayor Collins inquired as to the status of Euclid Avenue. Although Euclid Avenue is largely undeveloped, it has not been officially vacated. The north /south platted right -of -way could be a desirable through street between Spruce Street and Highway 101 at a future date. Staff will be available to respond to questions. Attachments: Ordinance, findings and conclusions G -1 ORDINANCENO. AN ORDINANCE, of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, 'Vacating 'a portion of alley right of -way lb Port Angeles; Clallam County, Washington. WHEREAS, a petition is on file,with'tbe City of-Port Angeles:to vacate thealley within' Block B,,Pennsylvania;Park Addition,_Eort Angeles, as shown on the attached Exhibit A, Port, .Angeles; and WHEREAS, street Vacations are categorically exempt from the requireinents'of'the State Envitonmental Policy. Act (SEP.A) rules its set forth'in WAC :197- 11- 800(2)(h); and WHEREAS, a public, hearing'has beenheld by the.City Council TollmVing public :notice pursuant to Chapter 35.79 KW. and WHEREAS said,vacation:appears to beef benefibto and'i'n, the interest;of the public per the findings and conclusions.listed,in Ekhibit'B; NO \V., THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL'OF THE CITY'OF PORT ANGELES DO HEREBY' ORDAIN -as follows: Section 1 Vacation. Subject to:the terns and conditions of this Ordinance; the, City right -o( -way, located,_as described aboveand as shown on the attached map..ExhibitA: §hall be; vacated. subject to the following conditions; Conditions: 1. Property owned by the petitioners and right -ol =nay acquired.through the-subject vacation shall-be combined into one building site per Zoning Lot Covenant_ prior to the issuance ofa claim deed for the right- of=way. -1- G -2 2'. ,A 20'.utility easement shalfhe included.in the are vacated for unobstrt cted "access 'to' public utilifics;it5 the corridor. Section 2 Findings and Conclusions. The_aitached'Findings and Conclusions: identified as Exhibit'"B; "'hereby are adopted and incorporated herein: Section-3 .Effective Date. This ordinance, being;an exercise of a.power specifically delegated.to the.City legislative body, stint subject to.referendran. The City Clerks hereby directed to ptiblishtliis Ordinahce.attd to flea certified:copy :with the'Clallani County Auditor grid the Clallani County Assessor after'fhe conditions stated iiiiParagraph 1 above re "satisfied. P,ASSED,bv the City Council 6f the City of -Port Angeles at a regular ineetingiof said Council_ held on the day of .2013: ATTEST: TEST: Janessa Flurd, City Clerk .APPROVED AS TO FORA William E. Bioor, City Attorney PUBLISHED: 2013 By Summary Exhibit A: Map Exhibit Bs 'Findings Conclusions IHGAI {a ORDINANC SklIFSoI.LTIoNsORDISAKCEs1ul o± Undley03'12.I± iy,d Cherie Kidd, .Mayor G -3 Findings, and Conclusions inSupporrof Sti eetVacation Petition STY 93 -01 Lindley et, al, EXHIBIT "B" Finilinus:' I Apetition requesting vacation of fight -o£ -way lilatted to scrve,as an alley in Block 8, abutting Lots, 1 20, Peiiisylvaiiia Part: Additibnwas submitted to the-City on Febru ary8, 2013., The area'was platted in..l 590.:and,was,annexed into'the Cityaii 965. The right -of way'is:20`iniwidth and 500`_in length for a total area of;10;000.sq. ii: 2. RCW 35.79 requires that a petition for vacation ofright- ofwayshall besigned by'two tfiit`ds ofthe atiutting propertybwriets to be eoiisitlercd' valid. The.petition issighed by ,83 %0 ofthe.abutting property owners: 3. The City's Public Works -and Utilities and Fire Department staffreviewedthe_petition_ and.had no concerns with the proposal. A sewer utility line is-located in portions of the'alley and a 20' utility casement tinistbe niaiintained along the alley for:service.and future line e tensions whete,sewer is or willbe'extended. The alleyas not,open and, 'as such, has not beenused for accesstaabutting properties or "for:generaLcirculation. 4, The "City's Comprehensive Plan.and Land; Use iy1ap were reviewed, for consistency with 'tlie proposed. vacation of right- of-way. .Land Use Element, Map Goals, Policies, and:Objei;tive Element Goal A'is relevant t� the proposal. 5. T e City's standing policy has:been to assist abuitingproperty'owners to, vacate unopened rights -of -way that may have'been,vacated by statute without requiring compensation. 6. The vacating of a street iseategorically.exemptIrom a:State''Envirotunental Policy -Act ,(S EPA) review per "Section;19.7 -11 -800 (2),(h).ofthe Washington Administrative Code. 7. The site.was regafding the proposed land rise actionon February -8, 2013, with legal publication;appearing in the Peninsula Daily News on'Febritary 10, 20)3'. tN'otice of the.actionwas mailed to abutting property.owners who were:not party to'ihe requested action on February (l, 201.3:. No wiilten connnetitstiaye,been:received: 8. .Consolidation `of the light- of-way With:the abiitling properties followingwacationean .he''accomplished by filing a Zoning Lot Covenant. 2: The Port Angeles City Council set a,.publichearing date. for,action:on.thestreet vacation petition' by'Resolutiomon:Mar_ch.19; 2013. '10. The Port Angeles Planning Cotitinission held a public hearing on the proposed street vacation on.Fcbruary 2,7; 2013. Conclusions: A. Vacation of the subject.poilion of alley will not alter access to properties.inthe area :for'emergency purposes, nor will theiji:06sed vaication:result in it ch ifige.ii daily G -4 scwice needs to ex isting properties or prevent the-public's use of the alley to public ftcilitieS. F3: No' compensation is required "for this vacati'on'request as.itwas intended that the. property be vacated;under, the 1906 gallant County Road Statute. The action will provide the.propeity.owners with title to the right-of-way-that was intended by the 1906'statitte. C. The vacation will place_utitieeded property, on the City's. tax rolls-and completean action that was under the.C:illam County' 1906 Road Statute: D. As conditioned, site consolidation will appropriately combinethe vacated _;right-of way With the,abitttitig properties, E: The :proposal is.consistent'with the goalsland policies of. tlie:City's ConiprehensiVe Plan specifcally Land use Map Gba1,,Policies °and Objective Element Goal A. G -5 .Spruce Street Hazel Street C I D 6) Lots 1 20, Block 8 Pennsylvania Park Addition to Port Angeles EXHIBIT A Lindley STV 13 -01 PORTANGELES W A S H I N G T O N U.S.A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: April 2, 2013 TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: NATHAN A. WEST, DIRECTOR COMMUNITY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT SUBJECT: FACADE IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Summary: Facade Improvement Program "Redevelopment Areas" Recommendation: Conduct 2nd Reading: Adopt Ordinance. Background Analysis: In 2009, Council authorized the Facade and Signage Improvement Program to encourage and assist business and property owners within core commercial areas improve the visual aesthetics of their buildings. Funding for this program is derived from Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) income which must be expended prior to future CDBG consideration. Grants are awarded as matching funds and have been limited to a maximum $10,000 City match. The City has since received interest regarding program flexibility for larger redevelopment projects requesting increased City contributions in return for greater private investment. During 2013, to coincide with the downtown waterfront redevelopment project currently under construction, the Railroad Avenue corridor will be specified as a focus "redevelopment area" for Facade Improvement Grant Program funding. The City will target property and business owners within this area to encourage continued economic redevelopment and enhancement of the physical appearance, accessibility, and overall value of the City's International Waterfront Gateway corridor. On March 19, 2013, the City Council conducted a first reading of a redevelopment areas ordinance intended to allow flexibility in providing grant funding for redevelopment projects in specified areas. The Council continued action on the ordinance to April 2, 2013. Attachment: Ordinance H -1 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, amending Ordinance 3373 as amended, establishing the Facade and Signage Improvement Program. WHEREAS, the City Council adopted Ordinance 3373 on August 4, 2009 establishing the City's Facade and Signage Improvement Program and WHEREAS, the City Council amended Section 6 and Section 8 of Ordinance 3373 on May 4, 2010; and WHEREAS, the City Council amended Section 7 on September 21, 2010; and WHEREAS, the City Council now finds it appropriate to amend Section 7 of Ordinance 3373, and to authorize codification of the amended ordinance. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES DO HEREBY ORDAIN as follows: Section 1. Ordinance 3373 is hereby amended to read as follows: Title. The program authorized by this ordinance shall be called the Community Facade and Sign Improvement Program (the Program.) Program adoption. A Facade and Signage Improvement Program for commercial buildings is hereby authorized, approved, and adopted. Purpose. The City recognizes the benefits to the City and the public that can result from a facade improvement program. The City has received, and expects to receive in the future, Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) generated income that can be used for a facade H -2 improvement program. A facade and sign improvement program focused on commercial properties located within core commercial zones throughtout the City is one method to promote new investments, spur economic development, and increase the Ctiy's revenues. Program Administration. The Director of the City's Department of Community and Economic Development is authorized to administer the Program. The Director shall adopt policy to implement and administer the Program in accordance with this ordinance, the guidelines established therein, and the grants that provided the funds to be used for the Program. Funds and Limitation. The Facade Improvement Program shall be financed with $115,992. That amount shall be taken form the Housing Rehabilitation Fund currently held by the City as a result of CDBG grant income that specifically allows use of the money for a facade improvement program. That amount shall be shown as a separate line item in the City's Economic Development Fund and shall be maintained and dept separately from other economic development funds. The Program shall be funded only from federal or state grants that expressly authorize use of the money fora facade improvement program. No general funds of the City shall be used for this program. Location. To be eligible for the Program, a property must (1) be located in one of the following zones: Commercial Arterial (CA), Commercial Shopping District (CSD), Commercial Neighborhood (CN), Commercial Office (CO), and Commercial Business District (CBD) zones or (2) be a conforming commercial use in a non commercial zone. Program Elements. The Program will provide a grant for funding of facade improvements that will enhance the physical appearance, accessibility, and overall value of individual buildings as well as surrounding areas. H -3 Awards will be issued as grants for up to $10,000 or no more than 50% the total project cost (whichever is less). Upon budget availability and identification of a specified "redevelo ment area "fundin contributions may be increased on a per parcel basis. Such consideration will be given when the City is engaged in the design process. The Program will also provide a grant for funding of sign improvements and replacement that enhances the physical appearance, accessibility, and overall value of individual buildings as well as surrounding areas. Awards will be issued as grants for up to $1,000 or no more than 50% the total project cost (whichever is less). Improvements using these funds must be made pursuant to applicable building permit(s) and in accordance with the City of Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan and zoning requirements Eligibility Criteria. Buildings must be located within the CBD or on an arterial roadway. The City may designate a "redevelopment area" that correspond to large local public or private sector investments. The owner, for himself and his successors, shall agree to maintain improvements for a minimum of a 5 year period. The project shall (1) increase taxable value of building and shall be considered New Construction per RCW 36.21.080. Or (2) is a project on property that is not subject to property tax but that does increase the valuation of surrounding property. The project shall increase taxable value of building and shall be considered New Construction per RCW 36.21.080. The owner, for himself and his successors, shall agree to maintain improvements for a minimum of a 5 year period. Eligible Program Items. The following shall be eligible for funding through the Program: H -4 Program. Rehabilitation, reconstruction, or restoration to the exterior, streetside of a participating building facade; Glass, windows, doors, trim, and accessories that are part of the streetside facade; Signage; Professional architectural/design/contractor fees as deemed appropriate for eligible works; Awnings, canopies, fences, and landscaping features; Street grade entrances which contribute to activity along street edge. Ineligible Program Items. The following shall not be eligible for funding through the Interior improvements; Roof repairs; Non street facing entrances; Non arterial street locations inside a commercial zone, but, outside the Central Business District; Signs resulting in an increase in sign area as defined by PAMC 14.36.020; Non permanent or temporary structures. Evaluation Criteria and Prioritization. In evaluating proposals for funding under the Program, the following factors shall be considered: Private contribution over and above the required match; Present condition of existing facade or sign; The building's overall public visibility, i.e., the building's relationship to public parking, widely utilized civic spaces, or public parks; Expected increase in assessed value of improvement; Historical preservation; Context in the block or neighborhood; Priority will be given to projects that benefit partner projects on same block; Other factors relevant to the purpose of the Program may be considered. Process. The administrative procedure to be adopted by the Director for reviewing and evaluating applications for funding under the Program shall be fair and objective. At a minimum, the review and evaluation process shall include in the following: H -5 1. Arrange pre application meeting with staff to determine eligibility. 2. Submit application along with relevant paperwork, including, but not limited to: Written summary of how the project addresses evaluation criteria; An itemized cost breakdown; Historical documentation; Architectural renderings; Site photos and/or plans. 3. Staff will perform initial site visit(s) and inspection(s) of the property. 4. A recommendation will be made by staff and forwarded to the City Planning Commission: Projects located within the CBD will be circulated to the Port Angeles Downtown Association (PADA) Design Committee for comment. 5. Upon selection by Planning Commission, a grant agreement is made and construction of the approved work may begin. 6. Upon completion of work, staff will conduct final site visit(s) and inspection(s) to ensure compliance with grant agreement. 7. Upon review and approval, the City will issue a grant check to the applicant for the full amount of approved finding. Section 2. This ordinance, being an exercise of a power specifically delegated to the City legislative body, is not subject to referendum. This ordinance shall take effect five days after its publication by summary. Section 3. The codifier is directed and authorized to codify this ordinance under Title 2 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said Council held on the day of 2013. Cherie Kidd, MAYOR H -6 ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: Janessa Hurd, City Clerk William E. Bloor, City Attorney PUBLISHED: By Summary G \LEGAL1a ORDINANCES &RESOLUTIONS\ORDINANCES 301311 Amd Facade Stage Improv Pragram01 31 13 wpd -6- H -7 CITY OF Purpose of the Documents: PORT ELES W A S H I N G T O N U.S.A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: April 2, 2013 To: CITY COUNCIL FROM: DAN MCKEEN, CITY MANAGER WILLIAM BLOOR, CITY ATTORNEY SUBJECT: HARBOR CLEANUP PROCESS- PARTICIPATION AGREEMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES AGREEMENT. SUMMARY: The Participation Agreement and Environmental Services Agreement are needed to engage our technical consultants and to begin drafting a Sampling and Analysis Plan (SAP). That work must begin now in order for the PLP group to keep to its desired schedule. Recommendation: Authorize the City Manager to sign the Participation Agreement on behalf of the City and to approve minor modifications to the agreements; and Authorize the City Manager to approve and sign an Environmental Services Agreement provided the Agreement is substantially similar to the one presented to Council and is consistent with the terms and structure established in the Participation Agreement. BACKGROUND/DISCUSSION: The Participation Agreement and Environmental Services Agreement formalize the arrangements by which the City will join together with other potentially liable persons (PLPs) —the Port, Nippon, Merrill Ring, and Georgia Pacific (collectively the PLP group) to share costs necessary to produce a Remedial Investigation and Feasibility Study (RI FS). The Investigation and the Study are the two documents that will provide information to guide the harbor cleanup. The PLP Group will perform these tasks in a thorough, yet cost efficient, manner. All participants in this group intend that these initial tasks will be followed by a cleanup process that itself is thorough, cost efficient, and final. One means to achieve those goals is by adherence to a strict schedule for performing the work. To keep our desired schedule and complete the RI FS process by the end of 2014, we need to begin the sampling in June 2013. If we miss that date, we will lose an entire year. In order to begin sampling in June 2013, we need to have a Sampling and Analysis Plan (SAP) approved by Ecology by early June. To meet that goal, our technical consultants must begin writing the SAP immediately. J -1 The Participation Agreement and Environmental Services Agreement are needed to allow that to happen. Description of the Agreements: Participation Agreement: Is the document by which the City, Port, Nippon, Merrill Ring, and Georgia Pacific establish the terms and structure of their agreement to work together, share costs to comply with the Agreed Order, hire technical consultants, and produce the Remedial Investigation and Feasibility Study (RI FS). Environmental Services Agreement: This is a companion document to the Participation Agreement. Production of the RI FS is largely a technical, scientific undertaking. The PLP group has already identified four technical consultants to work on the RI FS, each one with a specified piece of the work. We also have selected one consultant, FLOYDISNIDER, to act as coordinator. So, the PLP group will contract with FLOYDISNIDER, which in turn will subcontract with the other three consultants. This is the most efficient way to have all the consultants working efficiently toward a single end product. The City, and each of the other entities in the PLP group, will need to sign the Environmental Services Agreement. The Participation Agreement is in final form. There should be no substantive changes to it. The Environmental Services Agreement is a draft. It has not been accepted by FLOYDISNIDER. Therefore, it is likely that there will be some changes to it. Nevertheless, the major elements the structure of the agreement and the budget should not change. The Port approved the Participation Agreement at its regular meeting on March 25. At the same meeting, the Port also authorized Jeff Robb to sign the Environmental Services Agreement when it is ready. Recommendation: 1. Authorize the City Manager to sign the Participation Agreement on behalf of the City and to approve minor modifications to the agreements; and 2. Authorize the City Manager to approve and sign an Environmental Services Agreement provided the Agreement is substantially similar to the one presented to Council and is consistent with the terms and structure established in the Participation Agreement. G \LEGAL\a MEMOS \MEMOS 2013 \Council PLP Agnnt ESA 03 21 13wpd.wpd J -2 PARTICIPATION AGREEMENT FOR THE WESTERN PORT ANGELES HARBOR 72405241.3 0012033 -00061 DATE: 20 J -3 PARTICIPATION AGREEMENT FOR THE WESTERN PORT ANGELES HARBOR This Participation Agreement for the Western Port Angeles Harbor "Agreement is made and entered into by and among those parties whose authorized representatives have executed this Agreement (collectively, the "Participants" and individually, a "Participant This Agreement has been formed through settlement negotiations pursuant to that Common Interest Agreement, dated July 22, 2008, and amended effective May 7, 2012 (the "CIA which remains in effect between its signatories. However, to the extent that there may be inconsistencies between this Agreement and the CIA, the provisions of this Agreement shall prevail. RECITALS A. The Participants have been identified as potentially liable persons "PLPs by the Washington Department of Ecology "Ecology under the Washington Model Toxics Control Act, Chapter 70.105D RCW, as amended "MTCA and may otherwise be alleged to be liable for alleged releases of hazardous substances and natural resource damages "NRD The Western Port Angeles Harbor means the Western Port Angeles Harbor site as defined in the Agreed Order. The Agreement is intended to provide a process for funding the costs of work required under an Agreed Order with Ecology for a Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study "RI/FS in Western Port Angeles Harbor and any other work approved under this Agreement by the Participants' Group by unanimous vote (collectively the "Work B. The Participants have certain common interests relating to Western Port Angeles Harbor. The Participants recognize that their common interests will be best served at this time through mutual cooperation and agreement. 72405241.3 0012033 -00061 J -4 C. Without admitting any fact, responsibility, fault, or liability in connection with Port Angeles Harbor, the Participants agree, in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth herein, to cooperate with each other to provide a funding mechanism among themselves on an interim basis for the costs of the Work and to solicit the participation of other PLPs in remedial actions at Western Port Angeles Harbor. D. Certain of the Participants and Ecology have conducted prior investigations or other work in Western Port Angeles Harbor; and, to the extent practicable, the Participants intend to use the information, and analyses that were prepared previously by Participants or Ecology (to the extent use of the Ecology information is in the Participant's interest) in order to promptly and cost effectively perform the Work. TERMS 1.0 DEFINITIONS 1.1 "Agreed Order" shall mean the Agreed Order that the Participants anticipate executing with Ecology that will require completion of a Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study for the Western Port Angeles Harbor Site. 1.2 "Authorized Representative" shall mean those persons so designated on the signature page of this Agreement. 1.3 "CERCLA" shall mean the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980, as amended, 42 U.S.C. 9601, et seq. 1.4 "Confidential Information" shall mean any and all information, data, analyses, or correspondence and documents created, produced, or employed pursuant to this Agreement by the Participants or their Authorized Representatives, until disclosed to a non Participant and only to the extent specifically disclosed to a non- Participant, including documents created by the Participants and/or their Authorized Representatives pursuant to this Agreement (e.g., without 72405241.3 0012033 -00061 2 J -5 limitation, drafts, position papers, technical reports or correspondence, including email correspondence, among the Participants, collectively, "Participant- Created Documents Notwithstanding the foregoing, Confidential Information shall not include any document or other information that has been obtained from public or other sources outside of the Participants to this Agreement. 1.5 "Consulting Agreement" shall mean the agreement between the Participants and the Group Consultant(s) to implement the Agreed Order. 1.6 "Coordinating Consultant" shall mean Floyd/Snider. 1.7 "Day" shall mean calendar day unless provided otherwise. 1.8 "Effective Date" shall mean the date set forth in Section 9. 1.9 "Group Consultant(s)" shall mean Exponent, Inc., Anchor QEA, Integral Consulting, and Floyd/Snider. 1.10 "Group Remedial Costs" shall mean all fees and expenses incurred after February 26, 2013 in support of the Work on tasks that are specifically approved by the Participants as Group Remedial Costs. Except as provided otherwise in Section 4.0, Group Remedial Costs shall not include fees or expenses incurred for any Participant's private attorney or consultant, internal expenses of any Participant such as salaries or benefits, or for any other costs incurred on behalf of and for the benefit of an individual Participant. 1.11 "Hazardous Substances" shall mean those substances defined as such under MTCA, and shall also include wood debris. 1.12 "MTCA" shall mean the Model Toxics Control Act, as amended, Chapter 70.105D RCW. 72405241,3 0012033 -00061 3 J -6 1.13 "Participants" shall mean those individuals or entities that have executed this Agreement, that have not withdrawn from this Agreement, and that are in compliance with the provisions of this Agreement. 1.14 "Participants Group" shall mean, collectively, all of the Participants who are in good standing under this Agreement. 1.15 "Voting Power" shall mean the number of votes collectively held by all Participants. Each Participant in good standing shall have one vote on all matters expressly requiring a vote under this Agreement or otherwise required for its implementation, including all decisions involving amendments to this Agreement; provided, however, that Nippon Paper Industries USA Co., Ltd. and Merrill Ring shall share a single vote. 1.16 "Work" shall mean those activities described in Recital A of this Agreement. 2.0 ADMINISTRATION 2.1 Meetings. Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, no activity or action under this Agreement shall be undertaken unless approved at a meeting or by email vote of the Participants in accordance with the procedures set forth in this Section 2.0. Meetings shall be open to all Participants in good standing. 2.2 Call of Meetings. Meetings of the Participants may be called at any time by the Participants representing twenty -five (25) percent or more of the Voting Power. 2.3 Notice of Meetings. Notice of the time, place, and purpose of any meeting of the Participants, including any telephonic meeting, shall be provided by the Participant or Participants calling the meeting to all other Participants at least five (5) business days before the date of such meeting either personally, by telephone, by mail, facsimile, or e -mail addressed to each Participant at the addresses set forth on the signature page of this Agreement. Such notice shall include sufficient detail of the subjects to be considered and the substance of any votes to 72405241.3 0012033 -00061 4 J -7 be taken to provide adequate notice to each Participant. To the extent practicable, any documents to be considered at a meeting shall be distributed with notice of such meeting. A meeting may be called on less than five (5) business days' notice if the call for the meeting is initiated, approved or ratified by Participants constituting at least seventy -five (75) percent of the Voting Power. 2.4 Proxy Voting. Any Participant may appoint in writing any other Participant to act as its proxy at a meeting. 2.5 Quorum. The presence of Participants, in person, by telephone, or by proxy, at any duly- convened meeting (under Section 2.3) representing seventy -five (75) percent of the Voting Power shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. Alternatively, if more than seventy -five (75) percent of the Voting Power responds within seven (7) days to a request to vote by e -mail, those responses shall be deemed to qualify as an e -mail quorum for purposes of voting on an activity or action under this Agreement. In the event a quorum is not present, no action may be undertaken, and the meeting shall be adjourned and rescheduled by notice as provided in Section 2.3. The Participants at a duly- convened meeting at which a quorum is present may continue to conduct business until adjournment following departure of any Participant(s), provided that at least one -half of the Voting Power remains at the meeting. 2.6 Voting Procedure. The Participants shall attempt to make all decisions under this Agreement by unanimous consent. Except in instances where unanimous vote is specified by this Agreement, any matter that cannot be decided by unanimous consent shall be decided upon the favorable vote of at least seventy -five (75) percent of the Voting Power present in person, by Authorized Representative, or by proxy at any duly- convened meeting, or by e -mail vote as provided for in Sections 2.1 and 2.5. A vote may be held on a subject not identified in the notice 724052413 0012033 -00061 5 J -8 of Meeting under section 2.3 upon the favorable vote of at least seventy -five (75) percent of the Voting Power. For purposes of this Paragraph 2.6, only Participants in good standing shall be counted in determining the Voting Power. 2.7 Approval of Deliverables and Communications with Ecology. The Participants shall have an equal opportunity to review and comment on all draft deliverables and draft substantive written communications to be transmitted to Ecology. Prior to transmission to Ecology, all such deliverables and substantive written communications shall be approved by the Participants in accordance with the Voting Procedure set forth in section 2.6 above. 2.8 Authorized Representative. Upon execution of this Agreement, each Participant shall designate in writing on the signature page to this Agreement one or more Authorized Representatives who shall have the power to receive notices of meetings, participate in meetings, participate in committees, authorize or object to payment of invoices, and, where appropriate, vote on its behalf under this Agreement. Upon five (5) days' written notice to the other Participants, any Participant may change its Authorized Representative. 2.9 Committees. The Participants may form any committee comprised of less than all of the Participants. A Committee under this Section may make recommendations to the full group of Participants, but may not make any binding decisions for the Participants without the prior authorization of all the Participants. Any committee created under this Section shall meet as necessary in the opinion of the Committee members and shall promptly report to the Participants any actions, recommendations, or proposals. Membership on a Committee shall be voluntary and without compensation. Committee meetings shall be open to all Participants. Any Participant shall be entitled to have its Authorized Representative serve on any or all Committees formed under this Agreement. 72405241.3 0012033 -00061 6 J -9 2.10 Group Consultant. Consistent with the attached RI /FS Scope of Work and Cost Estimate (the "Scope of Work the Participants will retain Floyd/Snider as the Coordinating Consultant to implement the Scope of Work, with Exponent, Inc., Anchor QEA, and Integral Consulting as subcontractors to the Coordinating Consultant. 2.11 Conflicts of Interest. The Participants expressly waive any possible conflict of interest that might have arisen or may arise in the course of executing the Scope of Work by a Group Consultant(s); and activity or conduct by a Group Consultant(s) as part of the Scope of Work shall not be the basis to disqualify a Group Consultant(s) in a future matter unrelated to the subject matter of this Agreement. Each time any new Participant joins the Group after the Group's execution of the Agreed Order, the Participants shall provide the name of each new Participant to the Group Consultant(s) and shall require the Group Consultant(s) to disclose promptly whether the consultant and /or any employee of the consultant who is or may be assigned to perform any aspect of the Work is performing or has performed services for such new Participant. However, any new Participant that joins the Participants Group in accordance with section 3.3 below cannot preclude the continued use of Group Consultant(s) already retained. Each Participant reserves the right to use a Group Consultant(s) previously retained by the Participant as an expert witness. 724052413 0012033 -00061 3.0 MEMBERSHIP 3.1 Participants. There shall be one class of Participants under this Agreement, except that Nippon Paper Industries USA Co., Ltd. and Merrill Ring shall share a single vote on all matters arising under this Agreement. 3.2 Funding and Rights. Participants shall be responsible for providing funding throughout the Work, as provided more specifically in Section 4 of this Agreement. Participants 7 J -10 in good standing may vote on all actions and decisions requiring a vote for implementation of this Agreement, including all decisions involving amendments to this Agreement. 3.3 New Participants. Any party may join the group as a Participant after the Effective Date upon (1) the favorable vote of all (100 of the Voting Power (for purposes of this Paragraph 3.3, only Participants in good standing shall be counted in determining the Voting Power), (2) payment of an amount determined by favorable vote of all (100 of the Voting Power, and (3) compliance with any other conditions established by the Participants Group. New Participants shall also agree to and execute the CIA. 3.4 Withdrawal. A Participant may withdraw from this Agreement upon written notice to each of the other Participants, effective the date the notice is postmarked or transmitted by facsimi or e -mail. Any Participant that withdraws from participation in this Agreement shall have no further rights under this Agreement but shall remain subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement applicable to withdrawing or removed Participants, including, without limitation, all of the provisions of Section 5 relating to confidentiality, and shall remain liable to pay its share of Group Remedial Costs approved and assessed pursuant to this Agreement up to the date of withdrawal. No Participant may obtain refunds for sums contributed prior to the date of withdrawal, except by unanimous approval of the other Participants. This paragraph 3.4 shall terminate automatically on the effective date of the Agreed Order. 3.5 Default. In the event a Participant fails to make any contribution or payment by the due date or breaches any other term or condition of this Agreement, such Participant shall be in default under this Agreement. If such Participant fails to pay all amounts due, including interest for late payment, within fifteen (15) days after receiving written notice of such Participant's default, or fails to cure within thirty (30) days any other breach of this Agreement, 72405241.3 0012033 -00061 8 J -11 or breaches an incurable provision of this Agreement, such Participant shall be deemed to be in default but shall remain subject to all of the provisions of Section 5 relating to confidentiality, and shall remain liable to pay its share of Group Remedial Costs approved and assessed pursuant to this Agreement. Any Participant deemed to be in default shall not be considered in good standing for purposes of this Agreement. In the event the defaulting Participant does not pay its share of costs incurred by the Group Consultant(s), the other Participants shall consider paying for the defaulting Participant's share on a per capita basis to the extent necessary to fund the Work. 3.6 Reinstatement. A Participant that has been removed as provided herein may rejoin the Participants Group upon the favorable vote of at least 75% of the Voting Power (for purposes of this Paragraph 3.7, only Participants in good standing shall be counted in determining the Voting Power) and upon compliance with any conditions established by the Participants Group. 4.0 COSTS 4.1 Apportionment of Group Remedial Costs and Initial Assessments. Group Remedial Costs shall be apportioned among all Participants as set forth in this section subject to the reservation of rights in section 4.5 below. Each Participant shall be responsible for one equal share of Group Remedial Costs, except that Nippon Paper Industries USA Co., Ltd. and Merrill Ring shall be treated as a single Participant for purposes of sharing Group Remedial Costs pursuant to this Agreement. Each Participant shall make an initial Group Remedial Cost contribution of $242,000.00 within fourteen (14) days after the Effective Date of this Agreement. Payments shall be made directly to the Group Account, held and administered by the Participant Group Cashier authorized under section 4.6 herein. The amount of scheduled future contributions shall be based on Work Orders approved by the Participant Group. The Group 72405241 3 0012033 -00061 9 J -12 Date Contribution is Due Contribution Not to Exceed Within 30 days after Participant Group approval of Second Work Order $128,000.00 Within 30 days after Participant Group approval of Third Work Order $105,000.00 Consultant(s) shall periodically prepare Work Orders to implement the Work, and shall distribute them to the Participants for review and approval. Each Participant shall pay an equal share of the amount specified in the second and third Work Orders approved by the Participants, not to exceed the amounts shown below. The Participants shall make additional contributions at the times specified below: Additional contributions shall be assessed and paid in accordance with Section 4.2 of this Agreement. 4.2 Payment of Additional Group Remedial Costs. Any assessments against Participants for Group Remedial Costs beyond the contributions described in section 4.1 above can be approved only by favorable vote of all the Participants. Each Participant shall pay additional assessments of equal shares of Group Remedial Costs to the Group Account within thirty (30) days after the date of such a favorable vote of all the Participants. Additional assessments of equal shares of Group Remedial Costs will be made only as often as necessary to fund the Work. Late payments shall accrue interest at prime plus two (2) percent. Each assessment shall be issued in advance of the performance of the portion of the Work that the assessment is expected to fund. If necessary to perform the Work, the Participants shall consider reassessing and paying on a per capita basis any amounts due from a Participant(s) who is in default for such costs. Nothing herein shall preclude a Participant from seeking reimbursement 72405241 3 0012033 -00061 10 J -13 for these reassessed costs from the Defaulting Participant(s). Any remaining (unused) balance of amounts assessed for Group Remedial Costs shall be returned to the Participants in proportion to their paid -in contributions. 4.3 Accounting. The Consulting Agreement shall require the Group Consultant(s) to provide to the Participants written monthly invoices for the efforts expended on Work under this Agreement. Within ten (10) days of receipt of an invoice, each Participant shall send written notice to the Participant Group Cashier either (a) approving payment of that invoice, or (b) providing specific objections to the invoice. The Participant Group Cashier shall pay all undisputed portions of an invoice within the time specified in the Consulting Agreement. The Participants will immediately work in good faith with the Group Consultant(s) to resolve any disputes over invoices, including but not limited to use of any dispute resolution process set forth in the Consulting Agreement. The Consulting Agreement shall further require that, upon termination of this Agreement, the Group Consultant(s) shall, upon request, provide to the Participants a final accounting of monies received, spent or obligated under this Agreement. 4.4 Purpose of Funds. All monies paid by the Participants pursuant to this Agreement shall be used solely for the purposes of this Agreement and shall not be considered as payment for any fines, penalties, or monetary sanctions. The Participants agree that, to the extent possible, the monies paid to any Group Consultant(s) pursuant to this Agreement shall be viewed as necessary costs of remedial action and response under applicable federal and state law. 4.5 Interim Allocation. Except as provided otherwise in section 4.1 with respect to Nippon Paper Industries USA Co., Ltd. and Merrill Ring, the Participants are contributing equal shares of Group Remedial Costs on an interim basis in order to timely commence the Work. All costs paid by the Participants under this Agreement are subject to reallocation in a 72405241.3 0012033 -00061 11 J 14 subsequent proceeding. In any future reallocation, the liability of Nippon Paper Industries USA Co., Ltd. and Merrill Ring shall be allocated separately. The Participants reserve all rights that each may have regarding a final allocation of liability for expenses incurred pursuant to this Agreement. The Participants expressly agree that this interim allocation is non binding and shall have no precedential or evidentiary effect with respect to Western Port Angeles Harbor or any other site and shall not be disclosed to the trier of fact, presiding judge, arbitrator, or other decision maker, except (a) for purposes of reallocation, (b) (and only as necessary) as evidence that a Participant was not recalcitrant, or (c) in a proceeding to enforce this Agreement. Prior to or after completion of the Work, the Participants may unanimously agree upon revised allocation percentages among themselves and/or other parties, or the Participants may commence alternative dispute resolution or litigation to determine final allocation percentages. 4.6 Participant Group Cashier. The Port of Port Angeles shall serve as the Participant Group Cashier (Cashier). The Cashier shall be responsible for (i) managing the Group Account (which shall be held in an account established by the Cashier); (ii) sending out assessments to each Participant for its share of Group Remedial Costs; (iii) sending out a current ledger of the Group Account to each Participant prior to each vote on further assessments of Group Remedial Costs; (iv) making deposits; (v) signing checks for the payment of Group Remedial Costs; (vi) sending default notices for non payment; and (vii) such other duties as the Participants may delegate. The Cashier may be removed at any time by a vote of 75% of the Voting Power. Upon removal or resignation of the Cashier, the Participants may, by a vote of 75% of the Voting Power, select a successor Cashier to perform the duties set forth herein. 4.7 Ecology Oversight Costs. Pursuant to Section VIII (B) of the Agreed Order, the Participants are required to reimburse Ecology for costs incurred by the agency associated with 72405241.3 0012033 -00061 12 J -15 overseeing implementation of the Agreed Order. These Ecology oversight costs shall be apportioned equally among the Participants, except that Nippon Paper Industries USA Co., Ltd. and Merrill Ring shall be treated as a single Participant for purposes of sharing such oversight costs. Each Participant shall pay its portion of the oversight costs directly to Ecology. Each Participant shall promptly review each oversight cost invoice upon receipt of such invoice from Ecology. Within fourteen (14) days of receipt of an Ecology invoice, the Participants shall either (a) approve the invoice by a favorable vote of all the Participants, or (b) pursue further discussion with Ecology regarding the invoice. Invoices modified through discussion with Ecology must be approved for payment by a favorable vote of all the Participants. If additional discussions with Ecology fail to resolve the Participants' concerns with the invoice, the Participant Group may by favorable vote of all the Participants pursue dispute resolution with the agency pursuant to Section VIII (J) of the Agreed Order. Failure by a Participant to pay its share of an Ecology oversight invoice within sixty (60) days of a favorable vote of the Participants Group regarding the invoice or the conclusion of the Agreed Order dispute resolution process will constitute default under this Agreement. If necessary to preserve the Participants' compliance with the terms of the Agreed Order, the Participants shall consider reassessing and paying on a per capita basis any amounts due from a Participant(s) who is in default for such costs. 72405241 3 0012033 -00061 5.0 CONFIDENTIALITY AND USE OF INFORMATION 5.1 Confidential Information. Throughout the term of this Agreement, the Participants may disclose or transmit Confidential Information to each other, to each other's representatives, or to any common counsel or consultant retained by the Participants, pursuant to the CIA and the provisions of this Agreement. Confidential Information may be disclosed to, or transferred among the Participants orally or in writing or by any other appropriate means of 13 J -16 communication. No claim of attorney- client privilege, joint defense privilege, work product immunity, deliberative privilege, or any other privilege or protection shall be waived as a result of the exchange or transmittal of Confidential Information. 5.2 Preservation of Privilege; Designated Documents. It is the purpose of this Section 5 and the CIA to ensure that the exchanges and disclosures of Confidential Information contemplated by this Agreement do not diminish in any way the confidentiality of the Confidential Information and do not constitute a waiver of any privilege or protection otherwise available, including all protections available under Chapter 42.56 RCW and other applicable law. The Participants agree to be bound by the terms of this Agreement and the CIA in any subsequent litigation between or among Participants and/or non Participants, and to forego in such proceeding any argument that another Participant has waived any privilege or protection otherwise available by the exchange of Confidential Information in this Agreement. The Participants intend by this Section 5 to protect from disclosure all Confidential Information exchanged among any Participants or between any Participant and common counsel or any consultant retained by the Participants to the greatest extent permitted by law regardless of whether or not the Confidential Information is marked "Confidential." Although Confidential Information need not be marked "Confidential" to receive protection under this Agreement, each of the Participants and their Authorized Representatives shall be deemed to have actual notice that information contained in any document stamped or otherwise designated in writing as "Confidential" is considered to be Confidential Information as defined in this Agreement. 5.3 Maintenance of Confidentiality. Each Participant agrees to the extent permitted by law that all Confidential Information received from any other Participant or its counsel, or any consultant retained by the Participants, shall be held in strict confidence by the receiving 72405241 3 0012033 -00061 14 J -17 Participant. The Participants subject to public disclosure laws shall maintain confidentiality to the extent permissible for public disclosure requests on any grounds that, in the legal judgment of the Participant to whom the request is directed, are available under Chaptcr 42.56 RCW and other applicable law. Confidential Information shall be used only for the purposes of this Agreement, and shall not be used for any other purpose (such as in the ordinary course of business or for competitive purposes) without the prior written consent of the Participant that produced or created the particular Confidential Information. Each Participant agrees that, except for disclosure authorized under Section 5.8 or compelled under Section 5.5, Confidential Information shall only be provided to the Authorized Representative designated by each Participant, counsel for each Participant (including attorneys, paralegals, clerical or support staff), employees of each Participant who provide expert advice or other assistance for the purpose of this Agreement, Group Consultant(s), "outside" independent consultants retained by individual Participants or a Participant's insurer(s). Every person or company that receives Confidential Information is obligated to maintain its confidentiality in accordance with this Agreement. 5.4 Settlement Discussions; Anticipation of Litigation. The Participants agree that the matters undertaken pursuant to this Agreement, including without limitation, the exchange of Confidential Information, are being undertaken for purposes of defending MTCA or other claims and as a joint defense in anticipation of litigation which could be expected. The Participants agree that all Confidential Information developed, generated, exchanged or otherwise produced in connection with this Agreement is work product generated for purposes of settlement discussions and in anticipation of litigation. 724052413 0012033 -00061 15 J -18 5.5 Compelled Disclosure. If Confidential Information becomes the subject of an administrative or judicial subpoena or interrogatory or demand for production pursuant to litigation or order or public disclosure request requiring disclosure by a Participant or its custodian of records, then he or she must satisfy confidentiality obligations hereunder by objecting to production of any such Confidential Information on grounds of confidentiality (or, for public disclosure requests, on any grounds that in the legal judgment of the Participant to whom the request is directed are available under Chapter 42.56 RCW or other applicable law) and/or seeking an order for protection from disclosure. The Participant subject to any such disclosure request or demand shall notify the Participant that generated the Confidential Information at least fourteen (14) days prior to any disclosure and shall inform the generating Participant of all material information concerning such disclosure request or demand. If the generating Participant believes the requested information is Confidential Information as provided in this Agreement and objects to production thereof, the generating Participant will join the Participant from whom the information has been requested in objecting to production and/or seeking an order for protection from discovery. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, if the generating Participant does not join the Participant in objecting to production and/or seeking an order for protection, the Participant to whom the disclosure request or demand is made shall be under no obligation to object to production or seek an order for protection. 5.6 Survival of Section. The confidentiality obligations of the Participants under this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect, without regard to whether a Participant is in default, whether this Agreement is terminated, or whether any action arising out of Western Port Angeles Harbor is terminated by formal judgment or settlement. 724052413 0012033 -00061 16 J 19 5.7 Non Confidential Information. A Participant may disclose to others, or use in any manner, information which the Participant can show has been published and /or has become part of the public record. 5.8 Disclosure of Confidential Information to Trustees. Any disclosures of Confidential Information to the Trustees under this section for purposes of negotiating a settlement of alleged natural resource damages liability, shall only occur after a favorable vote of at least seventy five (75) percent of the Voting Power present at a duly convened meeting, which shall include the favorable vote of the generating Participant that provided the Confidential Information. 5.9 No Obligation to Share. Except as is necessary to perform the Work, the Participants and their individual counsel, representatives, and independently retained consultants shall not be required to share or exchange any and all information they may possess. 6.0 DENIAL OF LIABILITY 6.1 Each Participant understands and agrees that, by entering into this Agreement, it and every other Participant specifically denies liability or fault for any and all of the facts, legal contentions, and occurrences alleged against it with respect to the Western Port Angeles Harbor. Neither this Agreement, nor any information submitted or any action taken by any Participant pursuant to this Agreement, shall constitute, be interpreted, construed, or used as evidence of any admission of liability or a waiver of any right or defense. 7.0 RESERVATION OF RIGHTS; STANDSTILL 7.1 Nothing contained in this Agreement shall waive or release any right, claim, defense, interest, or cause of action that any Participant may have with respect to any other person, entity or agency including, without limitation, Ecology, the United States, the Trustees, the State of Washington, other Participants, or non- Participants. Each Participant agrees that, 72405241 3 0012033 -00061 17 J 20 until expiration, termination or its withdrawal from this Agreement, it shall not initiate action against any other Participant for any claims or causes of action relating to the Work; provided, however, that this limitation does not apply to initiation of action against a Participant who does not pay its share of costs incurred by the Group Consultant(s). A Participant may pursue such claims or causes of action in order to protect its interests in any action that may be initiated against the Participant by any non Participant. 7.2 All applicable statutes of limitations shall be tolled and all claims of laches shall be waived for any claims or causes of action, relating to the subject matter of this Agreement, that one Participant may have against other Participants for the period of time during which each is a Participant under this Agreement. Nothing in this Agreement is intended or should be construed to limit, bar, or otherwise impede the enforcement of any term or condition of this Agreement against any Participant. This standstill section is not retroactive and becomes effective upon the Effective Date. 8.0 RELATIONSHIP OF PARTICIPANTS 8.1 Each Participant represents that it has sought and obtained any appropriate legal advice it deems necessary prior to entering into this Agreement. No Participant or its Authorized Representative shall act or be deemed to act under this Agreement as legal counsel or representative of any other Participant. No attorney- client relationship is intended to be created between Participants and the Authorized Representatives of any other Participant as a result of the operations of this Agreement. Nothing herein shall be deemed to create a partnership or joint venture and/or a principal and agent relationship between or among the Participants or their representatives. No Participant or Participant's representatives shall have authority to act as general agent for any other Participant or to bid for or to undertake any contracts enforceable against any other Participant, unless specifically provided in this Agreement. Notwithstanding 72405241.3 0012033 -00061 18 J 21 the foregoing, and as provided in Section 5.4, the Participants intend that the matters undertaken pursuant to this Agreement are being undertaken as a joint defense in anticipation of litigation with respect to Western Port Angeles Harbor. The Participants expressly waive any possible conflict of interest that might have arisen or may arise in the course of their joint activity or conduct undertaken pursuant to this Agreement. This Agreement shall not be the basis to disqualify counsel to any of the Participants in a future matter unrelated to the subject matter of this Agreement. The Participants further agree that all communications pursuant to this Agreement are made in the course of compromise negotiations and are inadmissible to the extent specified in Federal Rule of Evidence 408 and Washington Rule of Evidence 408. 8.2 Public Statements. Press releases and other public statements made on behalf of the Participants Group shall be approved in advance by the Participants by a vote of 75% of the Voting Power. Each Participant may respond on its own behalf to inquiries from the public or press so long as such Participant makes clear that it is not speaking on behalf of the Participants Group. 8.3 Insurance. The Participants do not intend by entering into this Agreement to prejudice any Participant with respect to its insurers and instead, the Participants anticipate that the actions taken pursuant to this Agreement will benefit such insurers. 9.0 EFFECTIVE DATE; DURATION; TERMINATION 9.1 The Participants intend to execute this Agreement in conjunction with or subsequent to signing the Agreed Order. The effective date of this Agreement shall be 2013, provided this Agreement is executed by all of the PLPs that sign the Agreed Order. This Agreement will automatically terminate upon receipt of a certification by Ecology that the Work under the Agreed Order has been satisfactorily completed. Provided, however, the payment obligations under this Agreement shall remain in effect until satisfied. 72405241 30012033 -00061 19 J 22 10.0 DISPUTES REGARDING INTERPRETATION OF AGREEMENT 10.1 If disputes regarding interpretation of this Agreement arise, such disputes shall be resolved in the first instance by mutual agreement of the Participants. If the Participants cannot resolve any such disputes within thirty (30) days, the Participants shall seek to retain a mediator to resolve the disputes in a non binding mediation. If mediation is not successful, such disputes shall be resolved by applicable legal processes. 11.0 NOTICES 11.1 All notices, bills, invoices, reports, and other communications to or by a Participant shall be sent to the Participant's Authorized Representative designated in accordance with Section 2.8. 7 0012033 -00061 12.0 AMENDMENTS 12.1 This Agreement may be amended only by written agreement of all Participants, except as otherwise provided in this Agreement for decisions to be made by voting power percentages. 13.0 SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS; NO THIRD -PARTY BENEFICIARIES 13.1 This Agreement shall be binding upon the successors and assigns of the Participants. No assignment or delegation of the obligation to make any payment or reimbursement hereunder shall release the assigning Participant without the prior written consent of the other Participants. Nothing in this Agreement is intended or shall be interpreted to create any rights in any person not a party to this Agreement. 14.0 NONWAIVER 14.1 Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to waive any rights, claims, or privileges which any Participant shall have against any other Participant or any other person or entity. If the Participants Group does not act on any default under this Agreement by any 20 J 23 Participant, the Participants Group shall not be deemed to have waived its right to take action on any future defaults hereunder. 15.0 AUTHORITY OF PARTICIPANTS 15.1 Each Participant represents and warrants that it has all requisite power, and has taken required procedures corporate, public, municipal or otherwise, to enter into and be bound by the terms and conditions of this Agreement. 16.0 COUNTERPARTS 16.1 This Agreement shall be executed in multiple counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original, but all of which shall constitute one and the same instrument. 17.0 ENTIRE AGREEMENT 17.1 This Agreement, and any subsequent amendments, shall constitute the entire understanding of the Participants with respect to its subject matter. 18.0 GOVERNING LAW 18.1 This Agreement shall be construed under and in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington. Venue for any lawsuit arising out of this Agreement shall be in Clallam County. 19.1 Except as otherwise stated herein, the Participants shall bear their own attorneys' fees and costs incurred in connection with the negotiation and implementation of this Agreement. Notwithstanding the foregoing, in any action brought to enforce the terms of this Agreement, the prevailing Participant shall be entitled to recover reasonable attorneys' fees and costs incurred therein. 724052413 0012033 -00061 19.0 ATTORNEYS' FEES AND COSTS 21 J 24 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Participants hereto enter into this Agreement. Each person signing this Agreement represents and warrants that he or she is duly authorized to enter into this Agreement by the company or entity on whose behalf that person is signing. 72405241.3 0012033 -00061 22 J 25 Name of Part icipant: Port of Port Angeles Signature: Printed Name: Title: Date: Authorized Representatives (First listed representative receives notices and information): Name: Title: Address: Phone: Fax: Name: Title: Address: Phone: Fax: 72405241 3 0012033 -00061 23 J 26 Name of Participant: Georgia Pacific LLC Signature: Printed Name: Title: Date: Authorized Representatives (First listed representative receives notices and information): Name: Title: Address: Phone: Fax: Name: Title: Address: Phone: Fax: 72405241.3 0012033 -00061 24 J 27 Name of Participant: Nippon Paper Industries USA Co. Ltd. Signature: Printed Name: Title: Date: Authorized Representatives (First listed representative receives notices and information): Name: Title: Address: Phone: Fax: Name: Title: Address: Phone: Fax: 72405241.3 0012033-00061 25 J 28 Name of Participant: City of Port Angeles Signature: Printed Name: Title: Date: Authorized Representatives (First listed representative receives notices and information): Name: Title: Address: Phone: Fax: Name: Title: Address: Phone: Fax: 72405241.3 0012033 -00061 26 J 29 Name of Participant: Merrill Ring Signature: Printed Name: Title: Date: Authorized Representatives (First listed representative receives notices and information): Name: Title: Address: Phone: Fax: Name: Title: Address: Phone: Fax: 72405241.3 0012033 -00061 27 J 30 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES AGREEMENT THIS ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES AGREEMENT (this "Agreement is made as of j 2013 (the "Effective Date by and between the Port of Port Angeles, the City of Port Angeles Nippon Paper Industries USA Co., Ltd., Merrill Ring, Inc., and Georgia- Pacific LLC, (collectively, "Clients and Floyd'Snider, Inc., having its principal place of business at Seattle WA (hereinafter "Contractor WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, Clients desire to retain Contractor to furnish to Clients certain assessment, testing, consulting, planning and other similar professional services with respect to environmental evaluation, management and remediation, as more fully described in Section 2(a) below. WHEREAS, Contractor, having represented that it has the necessary skill, expertise and other qualifications to perform such services, desires to furnish such services to Clients. NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the premises and mutual promises herein contained, the parties hereto, intending to be legally bound, hereby agree as follows: 1. DEFINITIONS. a. "Affiliate" shall mean, with respect to any entity, any existing or future entity that directly or indirectly controls, is controlled by, or is under common control with, such entity. b. "Applicable Law" shall mean all applicable laws, rules, regulations, ordinances, orders, priorities and restrictions of any federal, state, provincial, local or other governmental authority. c. "Contract Price" shall mean all amounts to be paid by Clients to Contractor in connection with a particular Project, whether determined on a Lump Sum Basis, a Cost Reimbursable Basis or a Time and Materials Basis, as designated in the Work Order for such Project. d. "Cost Reimbursable Basis" shall mean a method of determining the amount of payment due for all or any portion of a Project that is based on Contractor's costs and expenses actually and reasonably incurred for labor, materials and subcontractors used in the performance of the Work, along with any Project specific permit costs, any agreed mark -ups or fees, and any other costs agreed in advance to be reimbursable, all as set forth in the applicable Work Order. e. "Deliverables" shall mean all reports, studies, plans, designs, data and other similar work product produced or developed by Contractor as part of the Work in accordance with a Work Order. f. "Government Interaction" shall mean each of the following actions: (i) making any verbal, written, or electronic representation, commitment or other communication on Clients' behalf to any federal, state, provincial, local or other governmental authority; (ii) preparing, reviewing, approving, signing, or submitting on Clients' behalf any data, records, reports, applications or other documents required to be generated, submitted or maintained by Clients in order to meet the requirements of Applicable Law; or (iii) otherwise engaging in any interaction with any federal, state, provincial, local or other governmental authority on Clients' behalf. g. "Lump Sum Basis" shall mean a method of determining the amount of payment due for all or any portion of a Project that is based on a single pre determined sum for the total amount due, irrespective of actually incurred costs or other variables, as set forth in the applicable Work Order. h. "Project" shall mean the Work and Deliverables to be provided under a Work Order. I of 16 CONFIDENTIAL 31 "Work Order" shall have the meaning ascribed to such term in Section 2(a) of this Agreement. j. "Time and Materials Basis" shall mean a method of determining the amount of payment due for all or any portion of a Project that is based on the actual time during which Contractor's personnel were engaged on such Project (at the rates set forth in the applicable Work Order), plus the actual cost of materials (including corresponding markups or fees as set forth in the applicable Work Order), plus any other agreed -upon costs, all as set forth in the applicable Work Order. k. "Work" shall have the meaning ascribed to such term in Section 2(a) of this Agreement. 2. THE WORK. a. Clients may, from time to time on a project -by- project basis, engage Contractor to perform certain assessment, testing, consulting, planning and other similar professional services with respect to environmental evaluation, management and remediation, as more fully set forth in the applicable Work Order (substantially in the form attached hereto as Exhibit C or such other form as may be acceptable to the parties) issued by Clients and accepted by Contractor pursuant hereto (each, a "Work Order and Contractor shall, in consideration of the payment of the Contract Price, perform or provide for Clients the services described in each such Work Order (the "Work and deliver or furnish to Clients the Deliverables described in each such Work Order in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement and such Work Order. b. Each Work Order shall include the following information (collectively, the "Project Elements (i) a description of the Work to be performed; (ii) the commencement and completion dates for the Work, together with any interim milestone dates; (iii) a description of any Deliverables that Contractor will provide to Clients as part of the Project and the corresponding delivery dates; (iv) the specifications, acceptance criteria and other requirements for the Work and Deliverables; (v) the location at or with respect to which the Work is to be performed and /or to which the Deliverables are to be delivered; (vi) the Contract Price, the payment schedule applicable thereto, and whether the Contract Price (or any portion thereof) is determined on a Lump Sum Basis, a Cost Reimbursable Basis or a Time and Materials Basis; (vii) the address to which invoices are to be delivered; and (viii) the identity(ies) and role(s) of any key personnel. As to the Project Elements, the terms and conditions set forth in a Work Order shall govern over any conflicting terms and conditions set forth elsewhere in this Agreement, but only to the extent of such conflict and only with respect to such Project. All other terms and conditions contained in any Work Order that conflict with the terms and conditions of this Agreement shall not apply to the extent of such conflict unless the parties expressly indicate in writing that such terms and conditions shall apply notwithstanding this Section 2(b). Separate estimated fees shall be assigned to each Work Order for the purpose of attributing and apportioning activities and costs. c. All Work shall be performed to the reasonable satisfaction of Clients and in accordance with the terms, conditions, plans, specifications, acceptance criteria and other requirements outlined in this Agreement and the applicable Work Order. d. Except as otherwise specified in the applicable Work Order, Contractor agrees to furnish and pay for all labor, materials, services, supervision, tools and equipment necessary to perform the Work and furnish the Deliverables. e. It is understood that, notwithstanding any plans, specifications or other expressed descriptions of the Work to be performed and /or Deliverables to be furnished hereunder, Clients are relying on Contractor's skill and judgment to accomplish the Work and furnish the Deliverables in a manner satisfactory to Clients. 2 of 16 CONFIDENTIAL 32 f. In the performance of this Agreement, Contractor shall operate as an independent contractor and not as agent, employee or representative of Clients. No agent, employee or representative of Contractor or any subcontractors shall be deemed under any circumstances to be agents, employees or representatives of Clients. Absent express written delegation of authority from Clients in accordance with all applicable Clients' policies and Applicable Law, neither Contractor nor any agent, employee or representative of Contractor shall engage in any Government Interaction; except that Contractor may prepare or generate (or supervise or direct the preparation or generation of) data, records, reports, applications or other documents as specified in the applicable Work Order. The Contractor's Project Manager is authorized to maintain the role of project coordinator with respect to implementation of Agreed Order No. DE 9781, issued by Washington Department of Ecology. In this role, it is understood that the Contractor's project coordinator is authorized to discuss options, data, ideas, reports, and approaches, but is not able to make commitments for the Clients, without prior authorization from the Clients (in accordance with the applicable provisions of the Participation Agreement for the Western Port Angeles Harbor, as executed on [j/''. 1 /2013). The Contractor's Project Manager may be supported at Ecology meetings by other personnel of the Contractor (including its subcontractors). The Contractor's project coordinator is not authorized to discuss the project with the Public, other Regulatory Agencies, the Tribes, or the State's Attorney General's Office, without express permission from the Clients. g. Clients may designate certain of Contractor's personnel as key to the Work to be performed. Contractor agrees that, for so long as such key persons are employed or affiliated with Contractor, such persons shall perform Work as a priority to any other project, and shall not be replaced without providing Clients prior written notice of at least three weeks and receiving prior written consent from Clients regarding the replacement persons. h. Nothing contained in this Agreement shall be construed as conferring upon Contractor the exclusive right to perform any or all services that may be required by Clients; nor shall anything contained in this Agreement be construed as requiring Clients to purchase any services from Contractor except as set forth in the applicable Work Order. 3. TIME OF COMPLETION. All Work shall be completed by the date(s) specified in, or in accordance with any schedules or timetables set forth in, the Work Order relating to the Project, and shall be compliant with the schedule of deliverables /actions set forth in Agreed Order No. DE 9781. Time of completion of the Work is of the essence of this Agreement and Contractor will use its best efforts to adhere to any and all such deadlines, schedules or timetables. If Contractor is unavoidably delayed at any time in the progress of the Work by any breach of this Agreement by Clients, by any unusual weather conditions not reasonably anticipatable, by any acts of governmental authority through no fault of Contractor, by any acts of war, sabotage or terrorism, or by any labor disputes or strikes not reasonably anticipatable and beyond Contractor's reasonable control, then the Completion Date shall be extended for such reasonable time as Clients may agree to in writing; provided that, in order to be excused from such delay, Contractor must use its best efforts to remedy the cause of such delay, and provided further that if such delay continues for more than a reasonable period of time, Clients may terminate this Agreement. No such extension shall be granted unless Contractor gives written notice of delay to Clients within three (3) days after Contractor first has knowledge of the event causing such delay. 4. PAYMENTS; MONTHLY REPORTS. a. Payment of the Contract Price shall be made by Clients in accordance with this Agreement and the applicable Work Order for the Project to which the Work relates. All payments are subject to and conditioned upon the Work being free from errors and deficiencies, compliant with this Agreement, and satisfactory to Clients, and Contractor not then being in default under any terms of this Agreement. Absent agreement to the contrary (contained in the Work Order). Contractor shall issue invoices monthly. Payment of invoiced amounts (other than any portion thereof that is disputed by 3 of 16 CONFIDENNAL 33 Clients or withheld or offset by Clients in accordance with this Agreement) shall be due based on the following schedule: 1. The Contractor will submit an invoice no later than the 25 of the month for the previous month. This delay allows for invoices from subcontractors to arrive and be included in the invoice. 2. The Clients will have 10 business days to review the invoice and identify specific costs that they wish to dispute, if any. 3. At the end of the 10 day period, the Clients will process for payment all undisputed items on the invoice to the Contractor and, if necessary, initiate the dispute process as provided in Section 25 below. 4. All invoices shall be sent by Contractor to Clients at the address(es) specified for such purpose in the applicable Work Order. b. In the event that the Work Order relating to a Project provides that the Contractor will be reimbursed and paid all or a portion of the Contract Price on a Cost Reimbursable Basis or a Time and Materials Basis, Contractor shall submit with each invoice or application for payment such other data or documentation supporting Contractor's right to payment as may be required by Clients, including, without limitation, receipted bills for all labor, and materials and equipment furnished, and payments made to subcontractors, vendors or suppliers. c. In addition to the retainage, if any, provided for in the Work Order relating to a Project, Clients may withhold payments to such extent as they deem necessary to protect Clients from loss due to: Defective Work not remedied; Claims, liens, security interests or encumbrances of any kind filed against property of Clients or the Work, or reasonable evidence indicating probable filing of such claims, liens, security interests or encumbrances; Failure of Contractor to make payments properly to subcontractors or vendors or suppliers; or Persistent failure by Contractor to prosecute the Work in accordance with this Agreement. d. Monthly progress reports may be required to be submitted as set forth in Exhibit B, as determined by the Clients' representative. 5. ACCEPTANCE, FINAL PAYMENT AND LIENS. a. Upon receipt of written notice that Work and /or Deliverables for a Project are ready for final inspection, Clients shall have a reasonable period of time (not to exceed thirty (30) days) to inspect the Work and Deliverables. In the event Clients determine that the Work or Deliverables do not meet the specifications or other requirements set forth in this Agreement or the applicable Work Order, are not free of errors and deficiencies, or otherwise are not acceptable, Clients shall so notify Contractor and shall describe the reasons why the Work or Deliverables are not acceptable, and Contractor shall have fifteen (15) days from the date of such notice to correct any and all described defects in the Work or Deliverables. The above procedure shall be repeated until Clients accept the Work and Deliverables. Final payment of any unpaid portions of the Contract Price, including the retainage, if any, provided for in the Work Order relating to a Project, less sums, if any, Clients shall have withheld or spent to cure Contractor's default pursuant to Section 4(c) or 5(b) of this Agreement shall be invoiced by Contractor upon Clients' acceptance of the Work and Deliverables. b. Contractor shall promptly cause the removal of any claims, liens, security interests or encumbrances of any kind filed against property of Clients based on any claim relating to the Work or Deliverables, and Contractor shall indemnify and hold Clients harmless therefrom. 4 of I6 CONFIDENTIAL 34 c. No payment made to Contractor, nor partial or entire use of the Work or Deliverables by Clients shall be an acceptance of the Work or Deliverables or any portion thereof, which is not in conformance with this Agreement. 6. TITLE TO THE WORK AND DELIVERABLES; WARRANTIES. a. Ownership of, and all right, title, and interest in, any and all Work and Deliverables on account of which Clients have made payment, shall vest in Clients free and clear of all liens, claims, security interests or encumbrances of any kind. b. It is expressly understood and acknowledged that all reports, studies, plans (e.g., SAP /QAPP, LISP), data, and similar technical documents produced or developed by Contractor are specially ordered by Clients and, to the extent that they constitute copyrightable works, are intended to be works made for hire as would be construed under the United States copyright laws, irrespective of where in the world such work product is produced or developed. In the event that such Deliverables do not constitute works made for hire under United States copyright laws for any reason, Contractor shall and does hereby assign to Clients, without any additional consideration, any and all right, title, and interest which Contractor may have in such Deliverables in perpetuity, including, without limitation, any copyrights under the laws of the United States or of any other jurisdiction. Contractor shall assist and cooperate with Clients and execute all appropriate documents to perfect Clients' rights in the Deliverables described herein. Contractor represents and warrants to Clients that all persons performing services on behalf of Contractor for the creation of such Deliverables under this Agreement are either full time employees of Contractor who perform such work within the scope of their employment, or are part time employees or independent contractors who prepare or make contributions as works made for hire as would be construed under the United States copyright laws, and who are bound by written agreement to assign all of their right, title and interest in and to all inventions and copyrightable works that may be incorporated in such Deliverables to Contractor and that such assignments and transfers have been affected. c. Contractor warrants that the Work and Deliverables shall meet all specifications and other requirements set forth in this Agreement, and shall be performed and completed in accordance with the generally accepted standards and practices of (and in a manner consistent with that level of care and skill ordinarily exercised by the members of) the applicable calling, occupation, business or profession practicing under similar conditions in Western Washington as of the time such services are performed or Deliverables are developed. Contractor does not warrant and assumes no responsibility for the use of the Work and Deliverables for uses other than those intended, for uses by other parties, and for uses on other sites. The Work and Deliverables were produced to meet specific specifications unique to this agreement and are not applicable outside of those uses envisioned in this contract without approval by the Contractor. d. Contractor warrants that all Work and Deliverables shall comply with Applicable Law in force at the time of completion or delivery, as applicable. e. Contractor shall, at Clients' option and Contractor's expense, correct, replace or re- perform, any item of Work or Deliverables that fails to meet the requirements of the foregoing warranties. The foregoing warranty obligation shall not be construed as a waiver by Clients of or a limitation on Contractor's indemnification obligations or liability for any damage on account of errors or omissions of Contractor in the performance of the Work. Any correction, replacement, or re- performance of Work and /or Deliverables or portions thereof shall be additionally and automatically subject to the same warranties and remedies. Contractor's re- performance of certain work shall not be an admission by Contractor that the original work did not meet contractual requirements. f. In addition to Contractor's warranties, Contractor shall use reasonable best efforts to secure for the benefit of Clients the best available warranties of third party vendors, subcontractors and suppliers with respect to portions of the Work finished by them and Deliverables developed or provided by them, 5 of 16 CONFIDENTIAL 35 and Contractor shall use its reasonable best efforts to enforce such warranties and to cooperate with Clients in Clients' enforcement of such warranties. g. All warranties shall survive any inspection or acceptance of the Work or Deliverables, any payment made therefore or with respect thereto, and any expiration or termination of this Agreement. 7. INDEMNITY. a. The Contractor agrees to and shall, to the fullest extent permitted by law, defend, indemnify and save harmless Clients, and their respective members, officials, officers, agents or employees, from and against claims, losses or expenses, including but not limited to judgments, settlements, attorneys' fees and costs, by reason of any and all claims and demands upon Clients and their respective members, officials, officers, agents or employees for damages because of (1) personal or bodily injury, including death at any time resulting therefrom, sustained by any person or persons, and /or (2) damage to property including loss of use thereof, in the event that such injury to persons or damage to property is due to the negligence or intentional misconduct of the Contractor or any subcontractor in the performance of services pursuant to the terms of this Agreement, but only to the extent that (1) the Contractor's, or its subcontractor's negligence or intentional misconduct caused such loss or expense, and except for the proportionate share of such injury or damage occasioned by the negligence of Clients and their respective members, officials, officers, agents or employees, and (2) to the sum of a) the monetary limits of Contractor's insurance listed on Exhibit A, b) any self insured retention or deductible, and c) if the negligence or intentional misconduct of any subcontractor contributed to the injury or loss, the monetary limits of the subcontractor's insurance and the subcontractor's self insured retention or deductible. b. The parties shall not be responsible to each other for any special, incidental, indirect, or consequential damages (including lost profits) incurred by any party or for which any party may be liable to any third party, which damages have been or are occasioned by services performed or reports prepared or other work performed hereunder. The foregoing exclusion shall not apply and have no effect in the event of a failure to perform. c. With respect to the performance of this Agreement and as to claims against Clients and their respective members, officials, officers, and employees, the Contractor expressly waives its immunity under Title 51 of the Revised Code of Washington, the Industrial Insurance Act, for injuries to its employees and agrees that the obligations to indemnify, defend and hold harmless provided in this Agreement extend to any claim brought by or on behalf of any employee of the Contractor. This waiver is mutually negotiated by the parties to this Agreement. d. Contractor shall maintain the insurance(s) required in Exhibit A for a period of 36 months following the termination of this Agreement. 8. TERM; TERMINATION; SUSPENSION. a. The tern of this Agreement shall commence on the Effective Date and end 36 months thereafter, unless sooner extended or terminated in accordance with this Agreement. Completion of Work under any specific Work Order or Clients' failure to order additional Projects hereunder shall not terminate this Agreement unless this Agreement is expressly terminated in writing in accordance with this Agreement, it being the intent of the parties to leave this Agreement in effect for the stated duration in the event of future Projects. b. If Contractor, in the opinion of Clients, fails at any time to perform the Work in accordance with the applicable standard of care set forth herein, or fails to perform the Work efficiently or diligently, or fails to make prompt payment to subcontractors or vendors or suppliers for materials or labor, or violates Applicable Law or the instructions of Clients, or otherwise breaches any provision of this Agreement; then Clients shall have the right (without prejudice to any other legal right or remedy) to terminate the 6 of 16 CONFIDENT/At 36 applicable Project or this Agreement in its entirety and to take possession and control of any or all materials, subcontracts, tools and appliances, Deliverables or other work product then in progress and finish the Project by whatever method Clients may deem expedient. Thereupon, Contractor shall not be entitled to receive any further payment until the Project is finished. If, after completion by Clients, the expense of finishing the Project (including compensation for additional managerial or administrative work) exceeds the unpaid balance of the Contract Price, Contractor shall pay the difference to Clients, without prejudice to any other legal right or remedy Clients may pursue. c. Clients shall have the right to terminate any Project or this Agreement in its entirety at any time and for any reason or no reason. Such termination shall be effective immediately after Clients give written notice of such termination to Contractor unless otherwise specified in such termination notice. In the event of such termination, Contractor shall have ten (10) days to remove itself and all equipment, supplies and materials used in the performance of the Work for the particular Project or for all ongoing Work under this Agreement, as applicable, from Clients' premises, and to deliver all applicable completed or incomplete Deliverables or other work product to Clients. In the event of such termination Contractor shall be paid for that portion of the Work satisfactorily completed and Deliverables delivered in accordance with the Agreement up to the time of termination and Contractor may submit a proposal for equitable remuneration for any terminated Projects to account for any costs of demobilization and direct termination expenses to the extent such costs are solely attributable to the termination, are actually incurred by Contractor, and are documented to Clients' reasonable satisfaction. The parties shall confer and agree regarding any such equitable remuneration. d. Clients may suspend further performance of Work by Contractor under a particular Project upon two (2) days prior written notice. Suspensions for any reason exceeding thirty (30) days will, at the option of either party, make such Project subject to termination or re- negotiation. All suspensions will extend the Project completion date for specified services commensurately, and Contractor will be paid for services performed to the suspension date and for any additional costs reasonably and actually incurred as a result of such suspension. e. Contractor will also have the right to suspend work for lack of payment of invoices, but only if a dispute over an invoice remains unresolved after non binding mediation, as provided in Section 25.c. As discussed in Section 4, the Clients have the right to dispute invoiced charges within 10 business days of the date of the invoice. If a dispute remains following the 10 day period, it will be resolved in accordance with Section 25. 9. SUBCONTRACTORS. Contractor shall inform Clients as to the identity of any proposed subcontractor and the extent of Work such subcontractor is to perform, and shall not subcontract any portion of the Work without Clients' prior written consent. Contractor shall cause each approved subcontractor to be bound by the terms of this Agreement relevant to the portion of the Work to be performed by such subcontractor and to assume toward Contractor such obligations and responsibilities that will insure that no arrangement or agreement with any subcontractor is inconsistent with this Agreement or adversely affects Clients' exercise of their rights hereunder. Contractor agrees that it is fully responsible for the acts and omissions of its subcontractors and of persons directly or indirectly employed by them. Nothing contained herein shall create any contractual relationship between Clients and any subcontractor. 10. PERMITS; GOVERNMENTAL REGULATIONS; CLIENT SAFETY RULES. a. Contractor agrees to obtain, possess and maintain current and valid all licenses, permits, approvals and certifications with respect to the Work that are either (i) required to be issued in Contractor's name, or (ii) customarily maintained by a person or firm performing similar work as an independent contractor, and to pay all fees and charges in connection therewith or otherwise which are or may be lawfully demanded or required by any federal, state, provincial, local or other governmental 7 of 16 CONFIDENT/AT, 37 authority, and also to pay all license fees or occupation taxes or other like charges that are either (i) required to be paid by Contractor, or (ii) customarily paid by a person or firm performing similar work as an independent contractor. Contractor shall, as a part of its expenses, assume and pay all taxes that may be charged or assessed upon the pay of employees and the sale or use of materials used by Contractor, unless such materials are furnished by Clients. Clients shall have the right to inspect, and at Clients' request Contractor shall promptly deliver to Clients copies of, any such permits, licenses, certifications and approvals. b. The Work and Contractor's obligations hereunder shall be subject to and comply fully with Applicable Law (including but not limited to those pertaining to the protection of the environment and human health and safety). c. At all times during the term of this Agreement, Contractor shall fully comply with all rules, regulations and policies of Clients that apply to the Work, Contractor, or its employees or subcontractors, including but not limited to those related to legal compliance or protection of the environment or of human health and safety. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, during the term of this Agreement Contractor shall fully comply with Clients' then current Contractor Environmental, Health and Safety Standard(s). Contractor shall provide its employees with all proper training (including hazard communication training) and personal protective equipment necessary for them to perform the Work in a safe and efficient manner and shall familiarize its employees with all occupational health and safety rules and regulations applicable to the country, state, province and locality in which the Work is being performed and with all applicable safety rules, regulations and policies set forth by Clients. Contractor shall notify Clients immediately of any unsafe working condition at the jobsite observed by Contractor or its employees or subcontractors and shall not require its employees or subcontractors to continue to work in any unsafe area until such condition is corrected or otherwise ceases to exist. Contractor shall ensure that its subcontractors understand and specifically agree to comply with this Section 10(c), d. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, Clients and Contractor each understand and agree that they will comply with all applicable anti bribery and anti corruption laws, regulations, rules and requirements of any governmental authority of the United States of America or any other country having jurisdiction, including but not limited to the United States Foreign Corrupt Practices Act. In accordance with this understanding, Contractor represents and warrants to Clients that it, and each of its owners, directors, officers, employees, and every other person acting on its behalf, has not and will not, in connection with any business transactions involving Clients or their products, directly or indirectly: (i) offer, promise, authorize or make any payments of money or anything of value to any Government Official (as defined below) or to any agent or intermediary for further payment to any Government Official, (A) to influence the acts or decisions of such Government Official, (B) to induce the Government Official to do or omit to do any act in violation of a lawful duty, (C) to obtain any improper advantage, or (D) to induce the Government Official to use his or her influence in order to affect any government act or decision, in order to obtain, retain, or direct business to any person or entity; or (ii) otherwise offer, promise, authorize or pay any illegal bribe, kickback or other payment in violation of any Applicable Law (which prohibition includes "facilitation payments As used herein, the term "Government Official" includes any appointed, elected, or honorary official or any career or other employee of any non -U.S. national, regional or local government or of a public international organization; any non -U.S. political party or party official; or any candidate for non -U.S. political office, in any country. As used herein, the term `government" includes any agency, department, embassy or other government entity or instrumentality, and also includes any company or other entity owned or controlled by the government, in whole or in part. A person does not cease to be a Government Official by purporting to act in a private capacity or by the fact that he or she serves without compensation. Should Clients reasonably and in good faith believe that there might have been a breach of any representation or warranty of this Section 10(d), Contractor shall cooperate in good faith with Clients to determine whether such a breach has occurred. If Clients determine reasonably and in good faith that there has been a breach of any such representation or warranty, Clients shall have the right unilaterally to 8 of 16 CONFIDEN l AL 38 terminate this Agreement immediately and /or to take other appropriate action in accordance with the terms of this Agreement or Applicable Law. In addition, in the event that a violation is determined, via any lawful government process, to have occurred, Clients shall have no obligation to provide payment to Contractor for any services rendered after the violation, Contractor shall refund to Clients all compensation received under this Agreement after the date of the violation, and Contractor shall indemnify, defend, protect and hold harmless Indemnitees from and against any and all Losses arising out of or relating to such violation. 11. ADJUSTMENTS IN CONTRACT PRICE, CHANGES IN THE WORK. Clients may, at any time during the progress of the Work for any Project, alter, subtract from, or add to the Work for any such Project without violating this Agreement. Extra Work required because of such change in the Project will be done as directed in writing by Clients, with the portion of the Contract Price applicable to such Work to be determined on a Lump Sum Basis, a Cost Reimbursable Basis or Time and Materials Basis, as agreed to by the parties. No extra Work or changes shall be made unless pursuant to a Work Order from Clients and no claim for an addition or reduction of the Contract Price shall be valid unless pursuant to a Work Order from Clients. 12. INSURANCE AND PROTECTION OF THE WORK AND PROPERTY. a. Contractor shall maintain during the entire term of the Agreement insurance policies with minimum limits of coverage all as set forth in Exhibit A. Such insurance shall list each Client as an additional insured in accordance with the requirements of Exhibit A (except for Worker's Compensation and Professional Liability policies) and shall provide coverage on an "occurrence" policy form for Clients with respect to liability arising out of Contractor's work performed for Clients. b. The insurance may be subject to commercially reasonable self- insured retentions "SIRs or deductibles if disclosed and approved in advance and in writing by Clients, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. Contractor acknowledges that in no event will Clients' insurance including but not limited to any SIR or deductible be considered other insurance under the terms of Contractor's policies. Contractor shall be responsible for payment of any and all deductibles or SIRs from insured claims under its policies. The coverage afforded under any insurance policy obtained by Contractor pursuant to this Section 12 shall be primary and non contributory to any other insurance available to Clients. c. All such policies of insurance shall provide that the same shall not be canceled nor the coverage modified nor the limits changed without first giving thirty (30) days prior written notice thereof to Clients. No such cancellation, modification or change shall affect Contractor 's obligation to maintain the insurance coverages required by this Agreement. d. The minimum limits of coverage required by this Agreement may be satisfied by a combination of primary and excess or umbrella insurance policies. e. Contractor shall, before commencing work, provide Clients with a certificate of insurance and additional insured endorsement satisfactory to Clients evidencing the insurance coverages set forth above. f. Contractor shall protect any Work and Deliverables in process from damage or loss and shall make best efforts to protect Clients' property from damage or loss arising in connection with the Work. As between the parties, Contractor shall bear the full risk of, and shall make good, such damages or losses, and shall deliver the Work and Deliverables complete and in accordance with this Agreement. Contractor, at its discretion, shall insure or self insure risk of loss of or damage to Contractor's tools, equipment and other property used in connection with the Work. g- The maintenance of this insurance shall not in any way operate to limit the liability of Contractor to Clients under this Agreement, except as provided in Section 7.A. 9 of 16 CONFIDENJ4AL 39 13. CONTAMINATED MATERIALS; DIFFERING SITE CONDITIONS. a. Contractor and Clients agree that: (i) Contractor bears no responsibility whatsoever for the creation, existence or presence of any toxic, hazardous, radioactive, infectious or other dangerous substances existing at the site where the Work is being performed at the time that Contractor commences performance of the Work at said site ("Pre- existing Conditions (ii) under no circumstances will Contractor assume ownership of or legal liability for any substances that are part of a Pre existing Condition under CERCLA or any other Applicable Law pertaining to hazardous materials and wastes, or assume the status of generator, operator, storer, treater, handler, transporter or disposal facility for any substances that are part of a Pre existing Condition under RCRA or any other Applicable Law governing the treatment, storage or disposal of waste; (iii) Contractor will, at Clients' request, help Clients identify appropriate alternatives for off -site treatment, storage or disposal of substances that are pan of a Pre- existing Condition, but Contractor shall not make any independent determination about the selection of a treatment, storage, or disposal facility; (iv) one or more Clients shall sign all manifests with respect to any substances that are part of a Pre existing Condition, unless Clients authorize Contractor as a designated agent for such purpose; and (v) as between Contractor and Clients only, any hazardous materials, substances, pollutants or contaminants that are part of a Pre existing Condition shall be the responsibility of Clients and shall be disposed of, subject to the standard of care of Contractor as set forth in Section 6, in accordance with applicable laws and regulations, as determined based on the location of the site where the Work is being performed). b. Contractor shall promptly give written notice to Clients of any (i) subsurface or latent physical conditions at the site where the Work is being performed that differ materially from those indicated herein or in the applicable Work Order, or (ii) unknown physical conditions at such site of an unusual nature that differ from those ordinarily encountered and generally recognized as inherent in work of the character called for herein or in the applicable Work Order. Clients will investigate such site conditions promptly after receipt of such notice. If the site conditions do so differ and cause an increase in the cost of or time required to perform the Work, whether or not the Work is changed as a result of such site conditions, an equitable adjustment in the Contract Price may be made upon mutual agreement of the parties. 14. NOTICE. Any notice required or permitted to be given under this Agreement shall be deemed delivered upon deposit thereof in the United States mail by certified mail, return receipt requested, with postage thereof fully prepaid, addressed as follows: To Clients: For City of Port Angeles: City Manager City of Port Angeles PO Box 1150 Port Angeles, WA 98362 Attention: Dan McKeen With a copy to an the case of legal notices only): Legal Department City of Port Angeles 321 E. 5th St. Port Angeles, WA 98362 Attention: William Bloor 1 O of 16 CONFIDENTIAL 40 For Port of Port Angeles: Executive Director Port of Port Angeles PO Box 1350 Port Angeles, WA 98362 Attention: Jeffery Robb With a copy to an the case of legal notices only): David H. Neupert Platt Irwin Law Firm 403 S. Peabody St. Port Angeles, WA 98362 Phone: 360-457-3327 Fax: 360-452-5010 dhneupert@plattirwin.com For Nippon Paper Industries USA Co., Ltd.: Harold Norlund Resident Mill Manager Nippon Paper Industries USA Co., Ltd. Port Angeles Mill 1815 Marine Drive PO Box 271 Port Angeles, WA 98362 Direct: (360) 565 -7043 Company: (360) 452 -0601 Fax: (360) 452 -6576 Email: harold.norlund @npiusa.com Teruo "David Tamaki Senior Advisor Nippon Paper Industries USA Co., Ltd. Port Angeles Mill 1815 Marine Drive PO Box 271 Port Angeles, WA 98362 Direct: (360) 565 -7063 Company: (360) 457 -4474 Fax: (360) 452 -6576 Email: david.tamaki @npiusa.com With a copy to (in the case of legal notices only): Harry Edward Grant Riddell Williams P.S. 1001 Fourth Avenue, Suite 4500 Seattle, WA 98154 -1192 Direct: (206) 389 -1574 Company: (206) 624 -3600 Fax: (206) 389 -1708 I I of 16 CONFIDENTIAL 41 To Contractor: 15. CONTROLLING LAW. Email: hgrant @riddellwilliams.com For Merrill Ring, Inc.: Norm Schaaf Vice President/Timberlands Administration Merrill Ring, Inc. P.O. Box 1058 Port Angeles, WA 98362 Direct: (360) 452 -2367 Email: norm @merrillring.com With a copy to (in the case of legal notices only): Harry Edward Grant Riddell Williams P.S. 1001 Fourth Avenue, Suite 4500 Seattle, WA 98154 -1192 Direct: (206) 389 -1574 Company: (206) 624 -3600 Fax: (206) 389 -1708 Email: hgrant @riddellwilliams.com For Georgia Pacific LLC: Georgia Pacific LLC 133 Peachtree Street NE 9 Floor Atlanta GA 30303 Attn: Mike Hassett With a copy to (in the case of legal notices only): Georgia- Pacific LLC Law Department 133 Peachtree Street NE Atlanta, GA 30303 Attn: J. Michael Davis FloydiSnider, Inc. Suite 600 601 Union Street Seattle, WA 98101 Attention: Dr. Allison Geiselbrecht Provided that the addresses hereinabove specified may be changed by either party hereto by giving written notice thereof to the other pursuant to this Section 14. This Agreement shall be construed and interpreted under, and the respective rights and duties of the parties shall be governed by, the internal laws of the State of Washington, without regard to any conflict of laws principles that would indicate the use of the laws of another jurisdiction. 12(4 CONFIDENT-LL 42 16. REMEDIES AND WAIVER. The remedies specified herein shall be cumulative and in addition to any other remedies available at law or in equity. Waiver of a breach of any provision of this Agreement shall not constitute a waiver of any other or future breach of the same provision or any other provision or of the entire Agreement. 17. ASSIGNMENT. Contractor shall not assign this Agreement in whole or in part or any rights or obligations hereunder without the prior written consent of Clients, nor shall the same be transferred by operation of law or by any execution sale or by any receiver or trustee in bankruptcy or otherwise, without Clients' written consent, and any attempted or purported assignment or transfer thereof without such prior written consent shall be void and shall confer no rights on the assignee or transferee. Except as hereinabove provided, this Agreement shall inure to and be binding upon the assignees and successors in interest of the parties hereto. 18. CAPTIONS. Captions are inserted for convenience of reference only and shall not be considered as being as of any significance whatsoever in the construction and interpretation of this Agreement. 19. CONFIDENTIALITY AND INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY. Contractor agrees that information furnished by Clients to Contractor and information developed hereunder, including, but not limited to, ideas, drawings, designs, technical information, analysis, client information, and software, is the personal and proprietary property of Clients, and such information shall be held in strict confidence and not be divulged by Contractor to any third party or used in any way by Contractor or pursuant to a contract or undertaking with any person(s) except Clients, provided that the foregoing restrictions do not apply to: (a) Information which at the time of its disclosure or development hereunder is, or which thereafter becomes, other than by act or omission of Contractor, part of the public domain. (b) Information which Contractor can show was in Contractor's possession in tangible form at the time of disclosure or development hereunder and was either developed by Contractor for matters unrelated to the Project, was received from a third party who has a lawful right to disclose such information to Contractor and who did not obligate Contractor to hold such information in confidence. (c) Information which was received by Contractor after the time of disclosure by Clients or development hereunder from a third party who has a lawful right to disclose such information to Contractor and who did not obligate Contractor to hold such information in confidence. (d) In the event Clients consent, in writing, to Contractor engaging a Subcontractor for the performance of services under this Agreement, Contractor shall be permitted to disclose information to subcontractor provided the subcontractor agrees, in writing, to the same obligations as expressed in this Section 19. (e) In the event that disclosure is required by legal process or court order, or any governmental entity orders Contractor to disclose information subject to this Section 19, then Contractor shall immediately notify Clients of such event and permit Clients the opportunity to contest such process or order. If thereafter, the court or government entity orders Contractor to make a disclosure, it shall be deemed to be an authorized disclosure but shall be limited to the specific information ordered to be disclosed. 13 61 CONFIDENTIAL 43 20. RIGHT OF ENTRY /SITE OPERATIONS. 21. AUDIT. Subject to Section 24 below, Clients will provide rights of entry and access for Contractor and necessary permissions in order for Contractor to perform its services on Clients' premises. The Clients are also responsible for obtaining access agreements for entry, access, and sampling for the Contractor on properties belonging to Third Parties. Clients, their auditors or other authorized representatives, shall, at all reasonable times, be afforded access to, and shall have the right to inspect and audit, all of Contractor's records, books, correspondence, instructions, drawings, receipts, vouchers, memoranda and similar data relating to (a) the Work, (b) any portion of the Contract Price determined on a Cost Reimbursable Basis or a Time and Materials Basis, or (c) government interaction and /or anti corruption compliance, and Contractor shall preserve all such records for a period of three (3) years after the final payment, or for such longer period as may be required by Applicable Law. 22. SEVERABILITY. In the event that any provision of this Agreement is found to be unenforceable, the other provisions shall remain in full force and effect. 23. SURVIVAL. All obligations arising prior to the termination of this Agreement and all provisions of this Agreement allocating responsibility or liability between Clients and Contractor, including but not limited to Section 7 (Indemnity) shall survive the completion of the Work and the termination of this Agreement. 24. SECURITY AND CONDUCT. At all times during the term of this Agreement, Contractor shall provide the Work, and use all resources related thereto, in a secure manner and in accordance with the security requirements mandated by Applicable Law and Clients' policies, including (without limitation) the use or access of facilities. Clients shall be advised immediately in the event that any security breach or any fraud, abuse, or other inappropriate use or access of facilities occurs. If and to the extent any of Contractor's personnel are requested or required to be at Clients' facilities, Contractor shall comply, and shall require such personnel to comply, with Applicable Law, as well as with Clients' policies and standards in effect during the performance of this Agreement, including (without limitation) Clients' confidentiality requirements, Clients' policies, standards and procedures regarding security, personnel conduct, safety, ethics and substance abuse. In the event that any of Contractor's personnel do not comply with such requirements, Clients, in their sole reasonable discretion, may have such individual's access revoked and /or have such individual removed from the premises. If Clients believe that the performance or conduct of any of Contractor's personnel is unsatisfactory for any reason or is not in compliance with the provisions of this Agreement, Clients shall so notify Contractor in writing and Contractor shall promptly address the performance or conduct of such person, or, at Clients' request and at Contractor's expense, immediately replace such person with another person acceptable to Clients and with sufficient knowledge, skill, training and expertise to perform the Work in accordance with this Agreement. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, Contractor hereby agrees that its personnel, and the personnel of its subcontractors, shall be strictly prohibited from being under the influence of, bringing in, possessing, providing, manufacturing or other production of, buying, selling or using alcoholic beverages, unauthorized drugs or controlled substances on Client property or in Client vehicles. 14 or 16 CoNFIDEAAL 44 25. DISPUTE RESOLUTION. The parties will attempt in good faith to resolve any controversy or claim arising out of or relating to this Agreement promptly by negotiations between representatives or senior executives of the parties who have authority to settle the controversy as provided herein. All reasonable requests for information made by one party to the other shall be honored. a. If a controversy or claim should arise, appropriate representatives of each party ("Managers will meet at least once and will attempt to resolve the matter. The Managers will make every effort to meet as soon as reasonably possible at a mutually agreed time and place. b. If the matter has not been resolved within twenty (20) days after their first meeting, the Managers shall refer the matter to senior executives who do not have direct responsibility for administration of this Agreement ("Senior Executives Thereupon, the Managers shall promptly prepare and exchange memoranda stating (i) the issues in dispute and their respective positions, summarizing the evidence and arguments supporting their positions, and the negotiations which have taken place, and attaching relevant documents, and (ii) the name and title of the Senior Executive who will represent that party. The Senior Executives shall meet for negotiations at a mutually agreed time and place as often as they deem reasonably necessary to exchange relevant information and to attempt to resolve the dispute. c. If the Senior Executives are unable to resolve the dispute in the agreed upon time frames as set forth in the preceding paragraph, then the parties agree to submit the matter to non binding mediation, within twenty (20) days after notice by one or the other party. The parties will bear their own costs associated with a non- binding mediation and will share in a 50/50 pro -rata basis the cost of the mediator. d. If the parties are unable to resolve the matter in non binding mediation, then the parties agree that any party may bring suit in court, in accordance with Applicable Law, in order to resolve the matter. The parties agree that any such suit, irrespective of the claim or cause of action, whether brought by Clients or Contractor, and whether in law or equity, shall be brought exclusively in the Superior Court of Clallam County, Washington. Each party consents and submits to the in personam jurisdiction of such court. To the extent permitted by applicable law, each party hereby consents that all services of process may be made by certified or registered mail, postage prepaid and return receipt requested. Each party hereby waives any objection based on forum non conveniens and waives any objection to venue of any suit instituted hereunder to the extent that suit is brought in the courts identified above. Each party hereby agrees that a final judgment in any such suit shall be conclusive and may be enforced in any other jurisdiction in any manner provided by Applicable Law. e. All deadlines specified herein may be extended by written mutual agreement. f. The procedures specified herein shall be the sole and exclusive procedures for the resolution of disputes between the parties arising out of or relating to this Agreement; however, that any party may at any time seek a preliminary injunction or other preliminary judicial relief from the appropriate Court in Georgia or other jurisdictions for any alleged or actual intellectual property breaches or infringement or as the circumstances require to prevent irreparable or immediate damage. Nothing contained herein, however, shall restrict Clients' right to seek monetary damages in addition to or independent of injunctive relief for such violations. Despite such action the parties will continue to participate in good faith in the procedures specified herein, which shall survive any termination of this Agreement. 26. ENTIRE AGREEMENT; AMENDMENTS. The terms and provisions of this Agreement (including any and all Work Orders issued by Clients from time to time in accordance with this Agreement and all exhibits attached hereto, which are incorporated herein and made a part hereof by this reference) constitute the entire agreement between the parties and supersede all previous communications, negotiations, proposals, representations, conditions, 15 of 16 CONE! DENTINE 45 warranties or agreements. either oral or written, between the parties hereto with respect to the subject matter hereof. This Agreement may not be enlarged. modified or altered except in writing, signed by the duly authorized officers or representatives of the parties. 27. COUNTERPARTS. This Agreement may be executed in counterparts, each of which shall be deemed to be an original, but all of which, taken together, shall constitute one and the same agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto execute this Agreement, in duplicate, the day and year first hereinabove written. CONTRACTOR: FloydiSnider, Inc. S By: By: Name: I,rp. ro' Name: 4 Title: l Title: ii4 CLIENTS: City of Port Angeles Port of Port Angeles By: Name Title: Nippon Paper Industries USA Co., Ltd. By: Name: Title: Merrill Ring, Inc. By: 1 TT1 Name: Title: I Georgia Pacific LLC By: F _<_i Name: Title: 16 of 16 CONFIDEN'HAL 46 The Port of Port Angeles, The City of Port Angeles, Nippon Paper Industries USA Co., Ltd., Merrill Ring, Inc., and Georgia Pacific LLC 1. During the term of this Agreement, and for a period of 36 months thereafter, Contractor shall maintain, at its own expense, the following minimum insurance coverages and limits: a. Worker's Compensation, as prescribed by Applicable Law, including insurance covering liability under the Longshoremen's and Harbor Workers' Compensation Act, the Merchant Marine Act of 1920 (Jones Act) and the Outer Continental Shelf Land Act, if applicable, and Employers Liability Insurance with minimum limits of $1,000,000 each accident. Contractor shall require its insurer or insurance agent to provide, as requested by Clients, Contractor's Experience Modification Rating (EMR). b. Commercial General Liability Insurance, which shall be at least as broad as the coverage provided by a standard form Commercial General Liability Policy (ISO CG 00 01 01 96 with standard exclusions "a" through "n ISO CG 00 01 07 98 with standard exclusions "a" through "o or ISO CG 00 01 10 01 with standard exclusions "a" through "o with minimum limits of $1,000,000 Bodily Injury and Property Damage per occurrence Damage per occurrence /$5 000 000 general aggregate This insurance must include the following features: Contractual Liability coverage. Products and Completed Operations continuing in full force and effect for three (3) years following completion, expiration or termination of this Agreement. Designate the Port of Port Angeles, the City of Port Angeles, Nippon Paper Industries USA Co., Ltd., Merrill Ring, Inc., and Georgia Pacific LLC as additional insured with respect to work performed for Clients, with such additional insured endorsement providing coverage for Clients with respect to liability arising out of Contractor's work performed for Clients (including, but not limited to, liability caused or contributed to by the negligence of Contractor, its subcontractors, third parties, or the agents, employees, or officers of any of them). Coverage will include one of the following endorsements or equivalent: Additional Insured Additional Insured CG 20 10 03 97 Additional Insured CG 20 10 10 01 Environmental Services Agreement Between And FloydiSnider, Inc. EXHIBIT A INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS Owners, Lessees or Contractors (Form B) Endorsement CG 20 10 10 93 Owners, Lessees or Contractors Scheduled Person or Organization Endorsement Owners, Lessees or Contractors Scheduled Person or Organization Endorsement Coverage shall also include the following endorsement: 'Additional Insured Owners, Lessees or Contractors Completed Operations Endorsement CG 20 37 10 c. Automobile Liability Insurance, covering all owned, non owned, hired and leased vehicles with a minimum combined single limit for Bodily Injury and Property Damage of $1 000 000 per accident. This insurance must include contractual liability coverage and list the Port of Port Angeles, the City of Port Angeles. Nippon Paper Industries USA Co. Ltd. Merrill Ring, Inc. and Georgia- Pacific LLC as additional insured. J 47 The Port of Port Angeles, The City of Port Angeles, Nippon Paper Industries USA Co., Ltd., Merrill Ring, Inc., and Georgia Pacific LLC d. Professional Liability(Errors and Omissions) Insurance appropriate to Contractor's profession, with minimum limits of $2,000,000 per Claim /$5 000 000 annual aggregate, having coverage sufficiently broad to cover any Work or portion thereof that might be ineligible for coverage under Contractor's Commercial General Liability Policy by operation of a "professional services" (or comparable) exclusion or exemption, with coverage continuing in full force and effect for three (3) years following completion, expiration or termination of this Agreement. If the Contractor maintains higher limits than the minimums shown, the Clients shall be entitled to coverage for the higher limits maintained by Contractor. 2. The following coverage shall be maintained by Contractor, at its own expense, as determined by the nature of the Work (if the requirements of any subsection of this Section 2 are applicable and the dollar amount set forth in such subsection is left blank, marked "N /A" or designated with words or markings of like import, then Contractor shall be required to maintain commercially reasonable amounts of such coverage): a. If any operations require the use of aircraft, including helicopters, Contractor shall maintain or require owners of such aircraft to maintain Aircraft Liability Insurance with a limit of not less than $NA for bodily injury and property damage (including, passenger) liability. b. If any operations require the use of vessels or barges owned or bareboat chartered by Contractor, Contractor shall maintain Hull and Machinery Insurance insuring such vessels for no less than the fair market value of such vessel or barge. Coverage shall include Collision Liability Insurance with limits no less than c. If marine work is to be performed, Contractor shall maintain Protection and Indemnity Insurance including coverage for injuries to or death of masters, mates and crews of vessels used in the performance of the Agreement. The limits of liability of such insurance shall not be less than per occurrence. Contractor may cover its obligation for loss of life or bodily injury to the crew of the vessel by extension of the Workers Compensation Insurance 1.1 above (Jones Act). Coverage shall also include pollution liability for loss as specified in the requirements of applicable United States Federal and State Laws. All certificates evidencing financial responsibility shall be current and carried on board. d. If demolition work is to be performed, coverage for demolition of any building or structure, collapse, explosion, blasting, excavation and damage to property below the surface of the ground (XCU coverage), if applicable. e. If any work to be performed includes construction or demolition operations within fifty (50) feet of any railroad property and affecting any railroad bridge or trestle, tracks, road -beds, tunnel, underpass or crossing, and if Contractor's commercial general liability insurance policy is form ISO CG 00 01 11 88, then such policy will include a Railroad's Contractual Liability Endorsement CG 24 17 10 93. f. If any work to be performed includes potential loss of Clients' electronic data Electronic Data Liability Coverage (CG 00 65 12 04) providing coverage for certain damages because of loss of electronic data caused by an electronic data incident. If any work is to be performed on or near a railroad right -of -way, Contractor shall maintain, Railroad Protective Liability Insurance naming the railroad as the insured with a limit for bodily injury and property damage liability of $NA per occurrence and in the aggregate. The original of said policy shall be furnished to railroad prior to any construction or entry upon the railroad easement premises by Contractor. h. If any work to be performed involves hazardous materials or potential risk to the environment caused by pollution conditions, Contractor's Pollution Liability Insurance, in the amount of /$2,000,000 per g. Exhibit A Environmental Services Agreement Between And FloydiSnider, Inc. G \LEGAUa AGREEMENTS &CONTRACS\2013 Agrmis &Con,raets\Environmental Sen Agrml E d, A 03 27 13 doe, Page 2 0 Exhibit A Environmental Services Agreement Between The Port of Port Angeles, The City of Port Angeles, Nippon Paper Industries USA Co., Ltd., Merrill Ring, Inc., and Georgia Pacific LLC And FloydiSnider, Inc. occurrence /$5,000,000 annual aggregate, covering losses caused by pollution conditions that arise from the operations of Contractor performed under the Agreement, with coverage for (a) bodily injury, sickness, disease, mental anguish or shock sustained by any person, including death: (b) property damage. including physical injury to or destruction of tangible property, including the resulting loss of use thereof, clean up costs, and the loss of use of tangible property that has not been physically injured or destroyed: and (c) defense, including costs, charges and expenses incurred in the investigation, adjustment or defense of claims for such compensatory damages. If such policy is written on a claims -made basis, the Contractor warrants that continuous coverage will he maintained, or an extended coverage period will be exercised for a period of twelve (12) months, beginning from the time the work under this Agreement is completed. Contractor agrees to list the Port of Port Angeles the City of Pod Angeles, Nippon Paper Industries USA Co. Ltd. Merrill Ring, Inc. and Georgia- Pacific LLC as additional insured and to furnish insurance certificates showing the Contractor's compliance with this Section 2(h). 3. The insurance specified above (other than Professional Liability policies) shall contain a waiver of the right of subrogation against Clients and an assignment of statutory lien, if applicable. Any physical damage insurance carried by Contractor on construction equipment, tools, temporary structures and supplies owned or used by Contractor shall provide a waiver of the right of subrogation against Clients 4. The obligation to carry insurance required by this Exhibit shall not limit or modify in any way any other obligations assumed by the Contractor under the Agreement. Contractor shall be held accountable for all insurance coverages, including those of sub contractors. Clients shall not be under any duty to advise Contractor in the event that Contractor's insurance is not in compliance with the Agreement. ACCEPTANCE OF ANY INSURANCE CERTIFICATE SHALL NOT CONSTITUTE ACCEPTANCE OF THE ADEQUACY OF COVERAGE, COMPLIANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE AGREEMENT, OR AN AMENDMENT TO THE AGREEMENT. G\LEGAL\a AGREEMENTS &CONrRACTS12013 Agrmts&Coniracts \EnvvonmmtaI Sew Agrmt all A 03 27 13 dccx Page 3 o 3 Environmental Services Agreement Between The Port of Port Angeles, The City of Port Angeles, Nippon Paper Industries USA Co., Ltd., Merrill Ring, Inc., and Georgia Pacific LLC And FloydjSnider, Inc. EXHIBIT B PROGRESS REPORTS The monthly progress report shall have the following written sections, if requested by Clients: Work accomplished (during the previous month) Problems encountered Problems resolved Work scheduled for next month A tabulated budget status also will be part of the progress report. The table will list the project tasks and have the following column headings: Where 1. Original Budget; 3. Current Budget; 5. Achieved Value; 7. Achieved Spent Ratio. "Original Budget" means the original estimated cost to accomplish the task; "Approved Changes" means changes approved in writing by Clients to the Original Budget; "Current Budget" means the sum of the Original Budget and the Approved Changes; "Percent Complete" means the estimated fraction of the work that has been completed; "Achieved Value" means the dollar value of the work that has been completed (i.e., the Current Budget multiplied by Percent Complete); "Amount Spent" means the dollar amount that has been spent on the task; and "Achieved Spent Ratio" means a comparison of Achieved Value to Amount Spent, expressed as a ratio. In addition, a schedule in the form of a Gantt chart with highlighted critical path tasks shall be included. The schedule shall show the original schedule and the actual schedule. G LLEGAUa AGREEMENTSSCONTRACTS@DI3 Agrmts &Contracts \Environmental Sery Agrmt Exh 8 03 27 13 docx 2. Approved Changes; 4. Percent Complete; 6. Amount Spent; and Page 1 le Environmental Services Agreement Between The Port of Port Angeles, The City of Port Angeles, Nippon Paper Industries USA Co., Ltd., Merrill Ring, Inc., and Georgia- Pacific LLC And FloydiSnider, Inc. This is a Work Order as defined in, and issued pursuant to, Section 2(a) of the Agreement (as defined below). rT: "Clients and Frvr •=l "Contractor are parties to that certain Environmental Services Agreement dated as of 77 2w.,j (as at any time amended, restated, supplemented or otherwise modified, the "Agreement The Project described in this Work Order shall be governed in all respects by the terms and conditions set forth in the Agreement, except to the extent that such terms and conditions are supplemented or otherwise modified by this Work Order as permitted under the Agreement. Each capitalized term used and not otherwise defined herein shall have the meaning ascribed to such term in the Agreement. This Work Order shall be effective as of the date executed by Contractor and Clients. This Work Order, when completed and approved, will be signed by Clients and Contractor. CLIENTS: Port of Port Angeles By: Name: Title: Date: City of Port Angeles By: Name Title: Date: By: I. Description of Work:'_.. II. Description of Deliverables: III. Location of services and /or delivery point for Deliverables: IV. Schedule (commencement, completion and /or interim milestone dates)• V. Specifications, acceptance criteria and/or other requirements: VI. Key personnel: 3 :'j VII. Contract Price (including basis for determining, and payment schedules applicable thereto): VIII. Address for invoices: I 1 Nippon Paper Industries USA Co., Ltd. G \I.EGAUa AGREEMENTS &CONTRAC Agrn0s &Commao\Emnonmenml Set, Agrmm E'J, C 03 27 13 dom. EXHIBIT C WORK ORDER NO. CONTRACTOR: FloydlSnider,Inc. By: Name: Title: Date: f Page 1 o e Environmental Services Agreement Between The Port of Port Angeles, The City of Port Angeles, Nippon Paper Industries USA Co., Ltd., Merrill Ring, Inc., and Georgia- Pacific LLC And FloydiSnider, Inc. Name: IT Title: E Date: Merrill Ring, Inc. By: 7 Name: i Title: P Date: Georgia Pacific LLC By: Name: Title: Date: G \LEGAL\a AGRECMCMS &CONTRAC1S \20 Aermts &Contracts\Ennronmental Sery Await Exit C 03 27 13 doe' ROLL CALL MINUTES PLANNING COMMISSION Port Angeles, Washington 98362 January 9, 2013 6:00 p.m. Members Present: Doc Reiss, David Miller, Duane Morris, Scott Headrick, John Matthews, Thom Davis Members Excused: Tim Boyle Staff Present: Sue Roberds, Scott Johns, Heidi Greenwood Public Present: Donald Hutt PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Chair Miller opened the regular meeting at 6:00 p.m. and led the Pledge of Allegiance. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Commissioner Reiss moved to approve the regular meeting minutes as presented. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Matthews and Headrick abstaining due to absence for action items at that meeting. The motion passed 4 -0. PUBLIC HEARINGS: STREET VACATION PETITION STV 12 -03 ALLEN, Request to vacate a portion of unnamed right -of -way along the extreme west boundary of the Alderwood Acre Tracts (immediately north of Park at Cherry Street). This item has been withdrawn. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT CUP 12 -08 PROPANE NORTHWEST, 2358 Highway 101 West: Proposal to establish a propane tank distribution service in the Industrial Heavy zone. Chair Miller reviewed meeting procedures and qualified Commission members regarding Appearance of Fairness issues for quasi judicial hearings. No concerns were noted. Associate Planner Scott Johns reviewed the Department's staff report recommending approval of the conditional use permit with conditions. Planner Johns responded to brief questions regarding process information contained in the application relative to lot size. It was noted that the lot size is not relative to the requested action, but staff will check and correct if the materials indicate an error. Commissioner Morris asked for brief elaboration of past use of the site by the applicant. Chair Miller opened the public hearing. Donald Hutt, P.O. Box 1162, Canby, Oregon represented the application on behalf of Propane Northwest and was in agreement with the analysis and recommendation of City staff. M Planu, g Cwnn %l January 9 2013 Page 2 The reason for permanently locating in the area is to economize on trips to and from the home base of Kingston to better serve the many local customers that Propane Northwest has in this area. Mr. Hutt responded to brief questions from Commissioners regarding normal business activities including frequency of filling the main storage tank. There being no further testimony, Chair Miller closed the public hearing. Following brief discussion, Commissioner Reiss moved to approve the conditional use permit citing the following conditions, findings, and conclusions: Conditions: 1. The site shall be inspected and shall meet all Fire Department standards and development requirements prior to commencement of the activity. 2. The installation of additional propane tanks will require an amendment to the conditional use permit. Findings: Based on the information provided in the Community and Economic Development Staff Report for CUP 12 -08 dated January 9, 2013, including all information in the public record file, comments and testimony presented during the public hearing, the Planning Commission discussion and deliberation, and the above listed conditions of approval, the City of Port Angeles Planning Commission hereby finds that: I. Propane Northwest submitted Conditional Use Permit application CUP 12 -08 to permanently locate a 12,000 gallon propane storage tank at 2358 Highway 101 West, Clallam County Parcel Number 063007340225, on December 13, 2012. 2. The site is zoned Industrial Heavy. Surrounding zoning is primarily Industrial Heavy. Some light agriculture and residential uses exist in the area. 3. Proposed site development includes installation of a 12,000 gallon propane tank with parking for a smaller two axle delivery vehicle and a 32,000 lb. gross vehicle weight two axle delivery truck. The location proposed for the tank is approximately 450' south of the Highway. The industrial site contains other uses that include Harbinger Winery, Adventures Through Kayaking, and B D industries. The site contains a large frontage ingress /egress point to Highway 101 West. There is no other access to the site. 4. The site is located in the City's Southwest Planning Area. The Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map designates the site as Industrial. Adjacent sites are also designated Industrial. Development in the neighborhood includes agricultural use, single family residences, and a variety of industrial uses. 5. "Gas (illuminating and heating) manufacture or storage" is listed as a conditional use in the 1H zone per PAMC 17.34.040(D). 6. Per 17.96.050 PAMC, the Planning Commission shall consider applications for conditional use permits as specified in the applicable Chapter of the Zoning Regulations. The Planning Commission may grant said permits which are consistent and compatible with the purpose of the zone in which the use is located, consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, and not contrary to the public use and interest. In each application the Planning Commission may impose whatever restrictions or conditions are considered M -2 Planning Comuussjon 1Gnu Jonuon' 9. 1013 Page 3 essential to protect the public health, safety, welfare, and to prevent depreciation of neighboring property. The Planning Commission may refuse to issue a conditional use permit if the characteristics of the intended use would defeat the purpose of the City's zoning regulations. 7. The City's Comprehensive Plan was reviewed for consistency with the proposal. Land Use Element Goal A, Policy A.2, Goal D, Policy D.1, Goal H, Policy H.4, and Policy H.5 and Transportation Element Policy B.14 B.16, were found to be most relevant to the proposal. 8. A development that is approved through the conditional use permit process must remain in continual compliance with specific conditions of approval or may be revoked. 9. Reviewing City Department comments were considered in review of this application. No concerns were noted. Site development will be approved by the Fire Department. 10. Notification of the proposed action and conditional use permit application was placed in the Peninsula Daily News on December 19, 2012, posted on the site on December 19, 2012, and mailed to property owners within 300 feet of the subject property on December 18, 2012. No written comments were received during the public comment period that ended on January 2, 2013. 11. A Determination of Non- Significance was issued for this proposed action on January 3 2013. 12. The Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on the proposal at the January 9, 2013 regular meeting. Conclusions: Based on the information provided in the Department of Community Development Staff Report for CUP 12 -08 January 9, 2013, including all of the information in the public record file, comments, and testimony presented during the public hearing, the Planning Commission's discussion and deliberation, and the above listed conditions of approval and listed findings, the City of Port Angeles Planning Commission hereby concludes that: I. The conditional use permit was processed consistent with requirements for approval of a conditional use permit as specified in PAMC 17.96.050. 2. The proposal is consistent with PAMC Chapter 17.34.040(D) (Zoning). 3. As conditioned the proposal will not be detrimental to the public interest and will provide a needed service to the public. 4. The use is consistent with surrounding industrial uses and is situated in a manner that does not pose a visual impact the neighboring uses or cause a parking concern. Commissioner Matthews seconded the motion, that passed 6 0. COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE PUBLIC None M -3 Planing Commission Alurmes Jam nary 9, 2013 Page 4 STAFF REPORTS Planner Johns noted that staff had once again met with Department of Ecology representatives to review the draft revised Shoreline Master Program. It is expected that additional revisions will be made per DOE directives with the document expected to be resubmitted within two weeks. None of the changes requested by DOE will change the intent or directives of the Program from what the Planning Commission and City Council preliminarily approved in May, 2012. The changes are more format and reference materials. Planner Roberds said that Commissioner Matthews' term of appointment is due to expire on February 28, 2013, and hoped that Commissioners could pass the word around such that interested individuals are available to apply for that soon to be open position. REPORTS OF COMMISSION MEMBERS None ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 6:30 p.m. Sue Roberds, Secretary David Miller, Chair PREPARED BY: sroberds M -4 PROJECT TITLE BUDGET (Construction) ORIGINAL CONTRACT AMOUNT PRIOR CHANGE ORDERS FEB MAR CHANGE ORDERS REVISED CONTRACT AMOUNT Waterfront Development Project (TR02 -2003) $4,462,905.60 $3,908,476.80 $0.00 $0.00 $3,908,476.80 Combined Sewer Overflow Phase I (US06- 01; WW08 -2008) $17,092,350.00 $16,278,350.00 $198,015.89 $396,862.37 $16,676,829.57 Landfill Cell Stabilization Drainage Repair $201,305.00 $151,304.72 $0.00 $0.00 $151,304.72 2012 Alley Paving Railroad 2 /3` (TR05- 2012 $125,000.00 $93,407.00 $0.00 $0.00 $93,407.00 C- Street Extension Stormwater Rehab (TR04 -2005) $206,600.00 $192,751.62 $0.00 $0.00 $192,751.62 CONTRACTOR OR VENDOR CONTRACT/ PO DESCRIPTION DATE AWARDED AMOUNT *2 Grade, LLC W W01 1 I Reair Concrete Wastewater Line 01/7/2013 $15,067.60 PROJECT TITLE ADVERTISE FOR BIDS gID OPENING START CONSTRUCTION END CONSTRUCTION None PUBLIC WORKS CONTRACT STATUS REPORT February 2013 March 2013 (COSTS SHOWN INCLUDE APPLICABLE TAXES) ACTIVE CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTS AWARDED BY CITY COUNCIL PURCHASE ORDER CONTRACTS $7,500 $25,000 AND LIMITED PUBLIC WORKS PROCESS OR SMALL WORKS ROSTER CONTRACTS UNDER $25,000 AWARDED IN LAST 30 DAYS (QUOTATIONS AVAILABLE FOR INSPECTION AT CONTRACT SPECIALIST'S OFFICE *Small Works Roster Contract UPCOMING PUBLIC WORKS CONTRACTS EXT 60 DAYS; ESTIMATED DATES SHOWN N \CCOUNCIL \FINAL \February 2013 March 2013 Contract Status Report.doc M -5 PROJECT DESCRIPTION PROJECT COST GRANT /LOAN SOURCE COST GRANT MATCH OR LOAN DATA AWARD LISTING STATUS Power'Systems Demand Response Demonstration Market Project $1,101,076 Bonneville Power Administration $498,960 BPA $498,958 Waived $58,158 City $45,000 Private January 2013 Underway Residential /Light Commercial Wind Integration Pilot Project $157,000 Bonneville Power Administration $157,000 BPA August 2010 Underway Residential Demand Response Pilot Project $660,000 Bonneville Power Administration $362,750 BPA $297,250 City March 2010 Underway Broadband Technology Opportunities Program via NOANet $3,700,000 National Telecommunication Infrastructure Administration $2,600,000 BPA $1,100,000 City January 2010 Detailed design completed; Construction underway Stormwater Stormwater Retrofit and Low Impact Development Grant $1,000,000 DOE FY 2011 Proviso Grant $1,000,000 DOE $333,334 City May 2012 Agreement executed; design is underway City of Port Angeles Municipal Stormwater Capacity Grant $121,229 DOE Local Toxics Control Account No match required October 2010 Underway City of Port Angeles Municipal Stormwater Capacity Grant Extension $50,000 DOE Local Toxics Control Account No match required February 2012 Underway Engineering CSO Phase 1 Projects, Design Construction $24,751,000 PWTF Loan $1,875,000 Loan 0.5% int.; 15% match April 2007 Ongoing CSO Phase I Projects, Design Construction $24,751,000 PWTF Loan $10,000,000 Loan 0.5% int.; 15% match; may use SRF loan as match May 2008 Ongoing CSO Phase 1 Projects, Construction $20,000,000 (with contingency) DOE SRF Construction Loan $10,000,000 Loan 2.6% int.; no match required Jan. 2011 Agreement signed PUBLIC WORKS GRANT LOAN STATUS REPORT February 2013 March 2013 M -6 PROJECT DESCRIPTION PROJECT COST GRANT /LOAN SOURCE COST GRANT MATCH LOAN DATA AWARD LISTING STATUS CSO Phase 2 Projects, Design Construction $16,728,000 PWTF Loan $0 NA NA Applied May 2012 for $12.5m; Project was cut from final proposed Governor's budget. The project was below the funding cut -off because design was not done and competing projects had earlier construction start dates. City has started design without loan financing, and will submit applications for construction financial assistance in 2014. Dry Creek Bridge for Olympic Discovery Trail $725,000 RCO Grant $361,708.00 grant $50,000 PTC grant $50,000 PTC in kind $160,000 Lodging Tax $110,000 National Park Service Spring 2009 Work complete. Final reimbursement request and loan closeout in process Lauridsen Blvd Bridge Replacement $5,971,031 BRAC Grant $4,776,825 grant 1,194,206 City Nov 2010 95 Designed Advertise April/May 2013 Solid Waste 2012 -2013 Waste Reduction, Recycling, Moderate Risk Waste Disposal $214,000 DOE Coordinated Prevention Grant $160,500 grant $53,500 City Feb 2012 Ongoing July 2012 -June 2013- Solid Waste Management Plan Update $15,000 DOE Coordinated Prevention Grant $11,250 grant $3,750 City and county July 2012 Ongoing List of Acronyms BRAC: Bridge Replacement Advisory Committee BPA: Bonneville Power Administration DOE: Department of Ecology DWSRF or SRF Drinking Water State Revolving Fund or State Revolving Fund NOANet Northwest Open Access Network NOSC North Olympic Salmon Coalition PASD Port Angeles School District PSP Puget Sound Partnership PWB: Public Works Board, administers the PWTF Program PWTF: Public Works Trust Fund RCO: Recreation and Conservation Office SRF: Salmon Recovery Funding TIB, AIP or PSMP: Transportation Improvement Board, Arterial Improvement Program or Pedestrian Safety and Mobility Program WSDOT: Washington State Department of Transportation M 7