HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet 04/07/1998• • Becky Upton NOTE: HEARING DEVICES AVAILABLE FOR THOS] Clerk AGENDA PORT ANGELES CITY COUNCIL 321 EAST FIFTH STREET PORT ANGELES, WASHINGTON April 7, 1998 REGULAR MEETING - 5:30 p.m. I. CALL TO ORDER - Regular Meeting I1. ROLL CALL III. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE IV. CEREMONIAL MATTERS/PROCLAMATIONS A. Donation from Daishowa America toward downtown fountain renovation project B. Proclamation recognizing Earth Day on April 22, 1998 C. Proclamation recognizing Ex -POW's Day on April 9, 1998 (George Durham to accept proclamation) V. WORK SESSION A. Interviews for vacancies on Boards & Commissions (Four scheduled) B. Presentation by consultant on Electrical Strategic Plan (20 minutes) VI. APPROVAL OF MINUTES of March 17, 1998 regular meeting VII. FINANCE: A. Bid award for Parks ballfield maintenance machines B. Bid award for Library shelving C. Amendment #3 to Para.metrix contract for landfill VIII. CONSENT: A. Out-of-state travel - Finance B. Contracts for tourist promotion C. Council approval for PWTF (Public Works Trust Fund) applications for: 1. 8t' Street construction 2. Reservoir covers D. Letter to Congressional delegation concerning PUHCA (Public Utilities Holding ;Company Act) repeal E. Payroll - March 22, 1998 - $421,370.97 F. Check list - April 3, 1998 - $1,653,719.88 MAYOR WILL DETERMINE TIME OF BREAK City Council Agenda April 7, 1998 Page 2 IX. CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS Council Member McKeown - Teen Scene funding (verbal) X. ITEMS FROM THE AUDIENCE/COUNCIL/STAFF TO BE CONSIDERED OR PLACED ON THIS AGENDA ORA FUTURE AGENDA (This is the opportunity for members of the public to request to speak to specific items on the agenda.) XI. LEGISLATION AND OTHER CONSIDERATIONS A. ORDINANCES NOT REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS: 1. Fire sprinkler system rebates 2. Outdoor music festival licensing requirements B. RESOLUTIONS NOT REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS: (suspended) C. PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES/ACTION ITEMS: (suspended) D. OTHER CONSIDERATIONS: 1. Grant award announcement: Housing Rehabilitation Program Phase IV (short presentation) 2. Housing Authority presentation by Pam Tietz re: grant application for multi -family project 3. Appointments to fill vacancies on Boards & Commissions 4. Port Angeles Works - Next steps 5. Recommendation of consultant for William Shore Pool Feasibility Study 6. Appointment of interim City Manager XII. PUBLIC HEARINGS (7:00 P.M.) XIII. ADDITIONAL LATE ITEMS _ XIV. ADJOURNMENT Public Hearings Public hearings are set by the City Council in order to meet legal requirements pertaining to matters such as, land use permit applications, proposed amendments to City land use regulations, zoning changes, annexations. In addition, the City Council may set a public hearing in order to receive public input prior to making decisions which impact the citizens. Certain matters may be controversial, and the City Council may choose to seek public opinion through the public hearing process. Public Hearing Procedure: All comments must be made at the podium atter the speaker first gives his/her name and address so that comments and speaker identification become part of the record. The Mayor may indicate the amount of time available for each hearing. So that all persons have an opportunity to speak, the Mayor may limit the amount of time permitted each speaker. In making your presentation to the Council, the following format may be helpful: PURPOSE: What is the idea you wish to present? Begin with an "I statement" outlining your idea, such as, "I am here to (support/oppose)..." REASON: Why are you making this point? This is an important step so the listener does not make assumptions about your motives. EXAMPLE: Brief and relevant example to clarify and make your point concrete. SUMMARY., What condition will be changed or improved if your point is adopted? 0 CITY OF PORT ANGELES CITY COUNCIL MEETING I. CALL TO ORDER - REGULAR MEETING: II. ROLL CALL: Members Present: / Mayor Braun V Councilman Campbell Councilman Doyle Councilman Hulett -�— Councilmember McKeown Councilman Wiggins —^ i Councilman Williams Staff Present: / Manager Pomeranz Attorney Knutson Clerk Upton B. Becker S. Brodhun B. Collins K. Godbey S. Ilk J. Pittis III. ADJOURN TO EXECUTIVE SESSION: Reason: Approximate IV. RETURN TO OPEN SESSION: V. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Led by: April 7, 1998 CITY OF PORT .ANGELES CITY COUNCIL MEETING Attendance Roster DATE OF MEETING: April 7,1998 LOCATION: City Council Chambers :.4v. •:ii\44 y, � xv221i` : •.:xv.:::vv xxx:x};.;;;n:•. : xxv:. xxxv..x xxxxxxx•::.:: xxx:. v ti3.i: • x}:;,:, xxw:::.•. .v •.vw.::•nn:::x:w:yyxx••.:{i.>.i��4iiii�{i�:M1Y{:. •i:•:$i4:��: L..v i•`.:\iiviii�tii�iiLv� v vt ... i'`ii`« M1`•v.•.v 4x xh:•.xx::i:.•n::"""ikii•: by : �•'::"1 : M1 r City of Port Angeles Ordinance/Resolution Distribution List City Council Meeting of. 2, j 9 g q City Manager City Atty. (1)`� Planning City Clerkr Deputy Clerk Personnel Cust. Svcs. Finance Dir./Mgr. Police Dept. Fire Dept. Light Dept. Pub. Works (2) Parks & Rec. MRSC (1) PDN (Summarv) / Extra Copies TOTAL • IV. CEREMONIAL MATTERS/PROCLAMATIONS A. Donation from Daishowa America toward downtown fountain renovation project (Page 1) B. Proclamation recognizing Earth Day on April 22, 1998 (Page 3) C. Proclamation recognizing Ex -POW's Day on April 9, 1998 (George Durham to accept proclamation) (Page 5) • �J • IV CEREMONIAL MATTERS/PROCLAMATIONS: A. Donation from Daishowa America toward downtown fountain renovation project • No paperwork in packet • 00t • • • 0 0 :'. • PROCLAMATION Of EARTH DAY April 22, 1998 WHERE", :April 22, 1998 has bow declared Earth Day by the President of the United States; and WHEREAS, Washington State, as lead in environmental issues, declared April 1 through April 21 as countdown to Earth Day; and WHEREAS, We are fortunate to live in a city so bountifully endowed with natural assets and feel a natural, continuing responsibility for preserving our environment by keeping it cion, healthy, and beautiful; and WHEREAS, This is the twenty -sem anniversary of EARTH DAY, and WHERE", The City of Part Moles has proclaimed April 19 as . -RESIDENTIAL GLEAM -UP DAY; and WHEREAS, This endeavor is worthy of our support and cooperation so that we may preserve the :natural beauty of our community, NOW, THEREFORE, I, Gary Braun, Mayor of Port Angeles, do hereby proclaim April 22, 1998 as EARTH DAY in the City of Port Angeles, and invite all citizens, businesses, and civic organizations to participate in this noble effort by developing and carrying out imaginative projects which will serve to enhance, restore or maintain the beauty of all neighborhoods in our community. &AAAA_ Gary Bra n, Mayor 003 k 5 n EARTH DAY '98 WHAT: ANNUAL SPRING CLEAN-UP DAY WHEN: SUNDAY APRIL 19,10:00 A.M. TO 3:00 PM. WHERE: P.A. LANDFILL FEES: LANDFILL FEES ARE WAIVED FOR THE CLEAN-UP EVENT. DONATION OF 6 FOOD ITEMS OR $5.00 PER LOAD WILL BE ACCEPTED FOR THE P.A. FOOD BANK. INFO: DALE MILLER 417-4874 AUTOMOTIVE/M_ OTORCYCLE PARTS, HAZARDOUS WASTES NOT ACCEPTED. y NO COMMERCIAL LOADS oot= C • PROCLAMATION ,MNAE ICAft EX -PRISONERS O F' `VAR DAY April 9, 11:998 l' 1�,7�a�1^'lks, talt�I°e tla�ta �,��i�i�� nnri°inane veseass cotafinetf ley a'n,taiir.•s of the 'UniteJ States of `"itnerit•a Juring t1w four major ronflir.•t; J dais Century; and V�T-IER11?'AS, many •Atnerican Prisoners of War have endure4l, inhumane tet tatment which was q in vioiation of International ,'Cotte rat]al'('ue:tonis for the qtr ettla a nt of praboners of war, and tnauny of Frit oners diet! frow suvla tatist.retAt—m my -and S'i'TJIERE;AS, American Prisoners of War are dc:erring of recognition for their sacrifice, pairiotism and dedication; and VVII iffi' RE S, April r� is the day fhat Batawi Jill and the. large-st sing1t aro-tf -neriv a.n soldiers ever to fall into enemy hands were taken 13n wner; NOW, THEREFORE, 1, GARY BRAUN, ', ayor of Y ot'L 1 ugel•f i, Jo ftere-bl y proclaim .Aprd 9tL in jierprtulty ras P1'�. 3,()NE-jRS O i VV.A \ :l \:SJ'C-0 k,' y 'l:iTI`V'1. •l D ':lr itl the .C'it.y of Port Angeles, ravel 11 urge. J-1 citizens to join vane in tLis observe net- in order ito honor the hravery auJ perseverance of thi-se American service members. / Aril 7.11998 `\ IS tuT Braun, Mayor I L • • • 006 V. WORK SESSION A. Interviews for vacancies on Boards & Commissions (Four scheduled) (Page 7-18) B. Presentation by consultant on Electrical Strategic Plan (20 minutes) (Page 19) • is City Manager's Office Memorandum Jeffrey A. Pomeranz City Manager 0 Sharon "Sam" Martin Exec. Admin. Assistant Becky J. Upton, CMC City Clerk/ Management Assistant Robert Coons Human Resources Manager Camille Headrick Human Resources Assistant • April 1, 1998 TO: Manager Pomeranz, Mayor Braun and City Council FROM: Becky J. Upton, City Clerk/Management Assistant SUBJECT: Interviews for Vacancies on City Boards & Commissions At the City Council meeting of April 7, 1998, the Council will complete interviews of those applicants interested in filling vacancies on City Boards ,& Commissions. The vacancies are: ► Parks, Recreation & Beautification Commission - one vacancy for unexpired term ending 3/1/2000 ► Planning Commission - one vacancy for term ending 3/1/2002 ► Building Code Board of Appeals - one vacancy for term ending 3/1/2002 ► Civil Service Commission - one vacancy for term ending 3/1/2002 Interviews have been set for Tuesday, April 7, 1998, commencing at 5:30 p.m., as follows: 5:30 p.m. George Bower 5:40 p.m. -Matthew Kirsch 5:50 p.m. Michael Reetz 6:00 p.m. Melody Charno The applications for the April 7 interviews are attached for your review.. Because the interviews will have been completed, the Council will be asked later in the meeting to make appointments to fill the vacancies. Attachments 00 FEB r 01998 CITY OF PORT ANGc�c� CITY CLERK CITY OF PORT ANGELES, WASHINGTON Application for Appointment to a Board, Commission, or Committee Board, Commission, or Committee to which you are seeking appointment Civil Service Commission Board or Commission Full Name Board or Commission Full Name Board or Commission Fvll Name Applicant Name and General Information George BOWER E. 3/19/34 Finsc Inst MI Birthdate (M/D/Y) 1115 Madrona Home street address Port Angeles WA 98363 City State Zap Code 457-6661 Home phone number Worm phone number Please Note: To ensure comoliance with Chaoter 2.26.020 PAMC, apolicants for the _law Enforcement Adviso only will be subiect to a criminal histo check. All other applicants need not submit a date of birth. Certification and Location Information cirtk one Are you currently a City employee?: Ye ;No Are. you a citizen of the United States? Yss No t LG Y.va&„4 —i<roi-z �V Ca you C;.i-r i-nanage a ,i Nali'ess Alii the �ILY! I as Do you hold any professional licenses, registrations or certificates in any field (list below)? Yes 6 Are you aware of any conflict of interest which might arise by your service on a City Board or Commission? If so, please explain: A16 In compliance with the American Disabilities Act, if you will need special accommodations because of a physical limitation, please contact the City Clerk, 417-4634, so appropriate arrangements can be made. (OVER) 009 Work Experience List most recent experience first (or elaborate on.a resume if you prefer) 0 1._P_A Police Animal Control Officer Jan 77 Aug 97 (Refired) Employer Your Title From (M/Y) To (NM First Animal Control Officer, responsible to the Chief for the Brief job description Animal Coontrol Program. 2.0 S Navy Administrative/Personel A„q rK Mar 75 (RP i ed) Employer - Your Title From (Nft TO (M/Y) Three Staff Jobs In'Personel, 1 Tour Recruiter/2 Tours in Aviation Brief job description 3. Employer Your Title From (M/Y) To (Mm Brief job description Education List most recent experience first 1.San Diego State Two Quarters Yes No Institutiow1omuon Credits earned/Major area of study Graduated? Ye No 2.01ympic Junior Collage AA General Studies Institution/Location Credits earned/Major area of study Graduated? Yes o 3. Port Angel PG High Scowl InstitutiorvLomtion Credits earned/Major area of study Graduated? Charitable, Social, and Civic Activities and Memberships List major activities you have participated in during the last five years 1.Shrine Organization. iner Hospitals for Orthopedic location Group's purpose/objective # of members Past Fres. local Club/District Deputy for Shrine Clubs (18) Brief description of your participation - 2P. A. Lodge #69 F&AM As men to better ourselfs Organization and location Group's purpose/objective # of members Chairman of the Scholarship committe (6 years) Brief description of your participation hppIic:ar5,5fgnature Date Submit completed forms to. Office of the City Clerk, City of Port Angeles, 321 E. 5th Street, P. O. Box 1150, Port Angeles, Washington, 98362 010 FEB _5 L:PrC:ORT AtiI -;TY CLERK CITY OF PORT ANGELES, WASHINGTON Application for Appointment to a Board, Commission, or Committee Board, Commission, or Committee to which you are seeking appointment Pett �5 1K-t:�.z" ei(..�1 i.'i� ��.Yk;� �(:�,c�,tt-('T t t;si'�Z � !� CtJYv1 M � S`� � D ►� Board or Commission Full Name �-(:lu ' Gttyrc-ytneyl ( t�•,. S",r`1 �jxc.�-cQ Board or Commission Full Name Board or Commission Full Name Applicant Name and General Information Lil- t7'1tool 72 Fust last N41 Birthdate (NVDm Home street addrtss 7:1,4 �a,l,s u; 4 C) -is 3 i.-, Z City state Zip Code ,)X152 -`A 55 (3(6,o)g17-2-42-1 Home phone number Work phone number Please Note: To ensure compliance with Chapter 2.26.020 PAMC, applicants for the Law Enforcement Advisory Board oniwwill be subiect to a criminal history check. AU other applicants need not submit a date of birth. Certification and Location Information Circk one Are you currently a City employee? Ye No Are you a citizen of the United States? es)No Are you a City resident? es No Do you own/manage a business in the Citv? Ye Noi Do you hold any professional licenses, registrations or certificates in any field (list below)? Yes Nod Are you aware of any conflict of interest which might arise by your service on a City Board or Commission? If so, please explain: -i�1-� ✓ Q. - In compliance with the American Disabilities Act, if you will need special accommodations because of a physical limitation, please contact the City Clerk, 4174634,. so appropriate arrangements can be made. (OVER) Oil Work Experience List most recent experience first (or elaborate on a resume if you prefer) 1. �«.i(U..,.i (,A!A4U Employer Brief job 2. �-, t i Employer Brief 1 'ob description PL,4 A►I cl.b ��}- 1 ? �' Your Title From (M/Y) To (M/Y) Gt,VaC (,;bf - vji -tt, yCLI f'l'- , n c . ���,-h led Idly Your Title From (M/Y) To (M/Y) �� r 3. ��ln �oY� ��� ��_+�;:I Iron r �.}:�� I Lltlrj •}� I tto Employer Your Title From (M/1') To (MM Brief job description Education List most recent experience first hY Yes) No 1. 1;.st. 5t• -tn,t.��.a( �USk�� Irna InsututiorVIA=uon Credits earned/Major area of study Graduated? No 2. Institutiowlocation Credits earned/Major area of study Graduated? 3 InstituuorvLoc ation Credits earned/Major area of study Yes No Graduated? Charitable, Social, and Civic Activities and Memberships List major activities you have participated in during the last five years Organizauon and location Group's purpose/objective # of members Brief description of y ur participation 2. Voce , Srfi s45CU Organization and location Group's purpoWobjective f # of members C�-��� � C�t�rr�it,ic �E. �j<�� �(-f-f"�jG� li , li � ���• bLc�� �- C-C.C.� �" Brief descnpuon of your participation L L�rL Applicant Signature Z -/4 - Submit /4 - Submit eompieted forms to: Office of the City Clerk, City of Port Angeles, 321 E. 5th Street, P. O. Box 1150. Port Angeles, Washington, 98362 01if-, • 11 C CITY OF PORT ANGELES, Application for Appointment to a Board, MAR 91998 ` `. i CITY OF PORT ANGcLi 5 C!TY CLERK WASHINGTON Commission, or Committee Board, Commission, or Committee to which you are seeking appointment I-/�r�S /�'r�r�A�ia:� � .�tar�t�l��a:•: ����ssic.i Board or Commission Full Name Board or Commission Fa Name Board or Commission Full Name Applicant Name and General Information V First - last Ml - Birthdate (IN/D/Y) Home street address city Ile state Zip Code Home phone number Work phone number Please Note: To ensure compliance with Chapter 2.26.020 PAMC. Anticants for the law Enforcement Advisory Board only will be subject to a criminal history check. All other applicants need not submit a date of birth. Certification and Location Information circle one Are you currently a City employee? Yet5) Are you a citizen of the United State�No Are -- 1 a city re�iL�en Voa .0 Do ;oto own/ nanage a business hn the C-ity? . eg No Do you hold any professional licenses, registrations or certificates in any field (list below)? es o su�.rr� /3!</ISPS /iioTPS /o�.1/ o+'t'-r��1'..•��e^`f s Are you aware of any conflict of interest which might arise by your service on a City Board or Commission? If so, please explain: !!D In compliance with the American Disabilities Act, if you will need special accommodations because of a physical limitation, please contact the City Clerk, 4174634, so appropriate arrangements can be made. (OVER) 013 Work Experience List most recent experience first (or elaborate on a resume if you prefer) Employer /Your Title From From (M/Y) To (NM Brief job description 2. Employer Your Title From (M/Y) To (M/Y) Brief job description 3. Employer Your Tick From (NM To (M/Y) Brief job description Education List most recent experience first 0 A, /3X57777 �o Insutuuon/l,ocauon Credits earned/Major area of study Graduated? Yes No 2. Institution/Location Credits earned/Major area of study Graduated? Yes No 3. Institutiorvlocation Credits earned/Major area of study Graduated? Charitable, Social, and Civic Activities and Memberships List major activities you have participated in during the last five years 1. E/mss - of, Organization and location Brief description of your Group's . 71� # of members Organization and location Group's purposeJobjective # of members Brief description of your participation Applicant Signature Date • Submit completed forms to: Office of the City Clerk, City of Port Angeles, 321 E. 5th Street, P.O. Box 1150, Port Angeles, Washington, 98362 014 MAR 4 1998 C IT) OF FONT ANGELES CITY OF PORT ANGELES, WASHINGTON Application for Appointment to a Board, Commission, or Committee Board, Commission, or Committee to which you are seeking appointment Board or Commission Full Name Board or Commission Full Name Board or Commission Full Name Applicant Name and General Information First Iasi Home street address l TTt I/ Q� VSA City i State Home phone Mi �v Zip Code r Work phone ,number Birthdate (M/D/17 Please Note: To ensure compliance with Chapter 2.26.020 PAMC, avalicants for the law Enforcement Advisory Board ordv will be subiect to a criminal history check. All other applicants need not submit a date of birth. Certification, and Location Information Cirt3e one Are you currently a City employee?. Yes6� Are you a citizen of the United States? 6� _ No Are you a Citv resident?fe No Do you own/manaee a business in the Citv? Yes Do you hold any professional licenses, registrations or certificates in any field (list below)? Yes 6 Are you aware of any conflict of intere� which might arise by your service on a City Board or Commission? If so, please explain: KD In compliance with the American Disabilities Act, if you will need special accommodations because of a physical limitation, please contact the City Clerk, 417-4634, so appropriate arrangements can be made. (OVER) 015 Work Experience List most recent experience first (or elaborate on a resume if you prefer) 1. - "1'l C VC i i .'i. y � - Employer U -&ur Title From (M/Y) I To (M/Y) Brief job description 2. Employer YourTitle From (NM To (M/Y) as -lwo 0 Brief job description 3. Employer Your Title From (MM To (MM Brief job description Education List most recent experience first No 1 �►' �Iniy. �rkeg sc0���� In stitution/location 3 1 Credits earned/Major arta of study Graduated? Institution/Location tredits eamed/Major area of study JGradua ? Yes No 3. Institution/Location Credits earned/Major area of study Charitable, Social, and Civic Activities and Memberships List major activities you have participated in during the last five years Vvf�w.' vP. 1.1M' f1f..l-1 ,YPP'kl-oi. riI'VyzI�Shlkv" At I -Pay k, lin'i^il Ort anizatioAand location ; yyl f, pn jyI jJVIG-up's purpo-Yob*ctive Brief 2.0 Graduated? # of members �1.O' -- etc � Submit completed forms to: Office of the City Clerk, City of Port Angeles, 321 E. 5th Street, P. O. Box 1150, Port Angeles, Washington, 98362 Gib t P.O. Box 3070 Port Angeles, WA 98362-0339 Work: 360/452-8361 Melody Fiester Charno Education 1976-1979 De Anza Community College, Cupertino, California A.A. Fine Arts With Honors 1988-1990 Catholic University of America, Washington, D.C. B.A. Art History Cum Laude 1991 Studied woodblock printinq under Japanese Master Printer Un-Ichi Hiratsuka Juried Exhibits The Athenaeum, Alexandria, Virginia April and May 1995 Bethesda Women's Club, Bethesda, Maryland November 1994 Capitol Hill Art League, Washington, D.C. May 1995 April 1996 October 1996 March 1997 April 1997 May 1997 September 19 97 October 1997 The Art League, Alexandria, Virginia November 1994 December 1994 February 1995 August 1995 December 1995 April 1997 May 1997 One -Artist Shows Le Palais du Chocolat, 19'" at M Streets. N.W., Washington. D.C. December 1994 and January 1995 Le Palais du Chocolat, Connecticut Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C. January and February 1995 Prudential Carruthers Realtors, Capitol Hill, Washington, D.C. April and,May 1997 Washington Home of Stewart Mott, Capitol Hill, Washington, D.C. June through September 1997 017 • • • 018 "Maintaining and building a better community" Jack Pittis Director[4801] Phyllis Raster Administrative Assistant [4805] Cate Rinehart Administrative Assistant [47001 Bob Titus Deputy Director [4701] Ken Ridout Deputy Director [48021 Gary Kenworthy City Engineer [4803] Steve Hursh Engineering Manager [4702) Tim Smith Contract & Project 0ministrator [4804] 0uHaehnlen Sr. Building Inspector [4816] Tom Sperline Sr Electrical Inspector [4735] Scott McLain Power Manager [4703] Ralph Ellsworth Water, Wastewater Collection Superintendent [4855] Pete Burrett Equip. Services Superintendent [4835] Mark Shamp Light Operations Manager [4731] Kevin Curtis Treat. Plant Supervisor [4845] Tom McCabe SW Collection Supervisor [4876] Steve Evans Landfill Supervisor 873] MEMORANDUM DATE: April 3, 1998 TO: City Manager Pomeranz, Mayor Braun and Council Members FROM: Bob Titus, Deputy Director of Utility Services SUBJECT: Consultant`s Report on City Light Strategic Plan Gary Seleba and .Charley Earl from EES Consulting, Inc. will be at the City Council meeting to report on the interview stage of the City Light Strategic Plan. They will have about a 20 -minute presentation and will then answer questions. Reporting to the City Council will complete the 2nd step of the 6 -step process identified in the scope of work for the strategic plan. This meeting will also provide the City Council with an opportunity to review the scope of work and adjust it if desired. 0 0 W� • • ora OE QORTgN �IL- Mr—�H "Maintaining and building a better community" Jack Pittis Director (4801] Phyllis Raster Administrative Assistant [4805] Cate Rinehart Administrative Assistant [4 7001 Bob Titus Deputy Director [4701] Ken Ridout Deputy Director (4802] Gary Kenworthy City Engineer (4803] Steve Hursh Engineering Manager [4702] Tim Smith Contract & Project rAdministrator (4804] Lou Haehnlen Sr. Building Inspector [4816] Tom Sperline Sr. Elechicallnspector [4735] Scott McLain Power Manager [4703] Ralph Ellsworth Water, Wastewater Collection Superintendent (4855] Pete Burrett Equip. Services Superintendent [4835] Mark Shamp Light Operations Manager (4731] Kevin Curtis Treat Plant Supervisor [4845] Tom McCabe SW Collection Supervisor [4876] Steve Evans Landfill Supervisor •(4873] �F MEMORANDUM DATE: April 3, 9998 TO: City Manager Pomeranz, Mayor Braun and Council Members FROM: Bob Titus, Deputy Director of Utility Services SUBJECT: Presentation by EES Consulting, Inc. Gary Seleba from EES just faxed up this handout that he is intending to use during his presentation at the Council Meeting on Tuesday. You will get a better copy at the meeting but I thought it might be helpful for you to see what he was planning to cover ahead of time so that you could think about any questions that you might like answered. Because of the fuller agenda we have asked that the presentation last no more than 20 minutes so that there is more time for questions. 04/03/98 FRI 10:3; FAI 206 452 9299 EES CONSLLTING PORT LNGELES City of Port Angeles City Council Briefing on Strategic Planning Study for Electric Utility April 7,1998 Presented by: Gary S, Saleba, President EEE Consulting, Inc. A registered proFessionai engineering corporation with offices in the Seattle, Portland and Calgary metropolitan areas and Charlie Ear! The Charlie Earl Company z 002 r� u I . 011,,03%98 FRI 10:37 Fr1I 206 152 9299 ON Agenda EES CONSULTING PORT ANGELES ■ Introduction and Session Objectives ■ What's Going On Out There? ■ Strategic Options Available for Elcctric Utility ■ Options Available for Electric Utility ■ How Does Study Fit into Strategic Planning Proccss? ■ Study Scope 0 ■ Study Timeline ■ Interviews ,with Customers ■ Overri ew of T n. tenview Results ■ Responses to interviewee's Specific Questions ■ Next Steps ■ Discussion/Adjournment z 005 0 04%03/98 FRI 10:38 F.0 206 452 9299 EES CONSULTI?G +• PORT LNGELES Introductions and Session objectives ■ Project Team • City staff • Electric utility staff • EES Consulting, Inc. ✓ Background ✓ Rule in study • Charlie Earl Background ✓ Role in study ■ Session Objectives • Initial Briefing to council on deregulation • Confirm study scope and timeline •. Present results of initial customer interviews • Outline next steps 2 Z00 r1 • a 04/03/98 FRI 10:98 M 206 452 9299 EES COiVStLTI\G WhatsGoingOnOutTherei ■ How is Business Changing? • Juice and wires • Deregulationlcornpetitionlrestruct uring • Genco, Poolco, Gridco, Disco, Service Co Customer choice • Juice market is now commodity 0 ■ Results • Freedom of entry into power .supply • Open access to high voltage transmission • Lots of competition Downward pressure on prices Wholesale competition is here Retail competition is coming Fundamental change in how utilities have operated the last 100 years --►- PORT ANGELES z 005 3 04%09/98 FRI 10:39 FAX 206 452 9299 EES CONSULTING - FORT ANGELES Strategic Options Available for Electric Utility ■ New Utility Structure/Functionally Separated • Generator • Aggrega urs • Wires • Energy services ■ Must $c Functionally Separated ■ Pros/Cons of Each Function ■ R-egulatory /Institutional Constraints • Level playing field for all • No cross subsidies between wires business and other lines of business • Need access to venture capital for all but wires business and ability to sustain losses 4 Q006 0 0 I 04%03%98 FRI 10:39 FAz 206 452 9299 EES CO\S LTING --+- PORT ANGELES 0 Options Available for Electric Utility 0 C:nn.w.mv ive Aggressive Sell out 7 Wires Only Wires Plus Aggregation for Core Load V1r'ires Plus Aggregation for.Core Plus Energy Services F es Plrts Aggregation for Core Load Energy Services Plus Marketing to Non -Core Run All Wires and Pipes Into Residences and Providing Juice Q00 04iO3/98 FRI 10:40 FAX 206 452 9299 EES CONSL,LTING PORT ANGELES Hove Does Study Fit into Strategic Planning Process? ■ Focus on Strengths/Weaknesses of City's Electric Utility ■ Identify What Customers Expect and/or Want from F,lectric Utility ■ Perform Internal Review of Electric Utility's Performance/Competitiveness ■ Focus Policy Attention on Defining Future Role of Electric Utility ■ Provide Policy Makers with Independent Analysis of Electric Utility Options 4L ■ Provide Focal Poing for Subsequent Policy Discussions i(, rlj FA 008 ` c: y 0.1.03/98 FRI 10:40 FA% 206 152 9299 EES CONSULTING PORT ANGELES iL0oa 0 0 Study Scope • ■ Scope of Study Task 1 • Task 2 • Task 3 • Task 4 • Task 5 • Task 6 Interviews with key external customers Initial project conference Organizational efficiency review and analysis to include employee interviews, benchmarking, utility policy review, and financial analysis Identification and evaluation of business options Post study conference Firial report 04%01/98 FRI 10:41 FAX 206 452 9299 StudyTfineline EES CONSULTING -4- PORT ANGELES 2 010 ' Task April May June July i 3 4 5 b • � 8 7 • y 04/09.98 FRI 10:11 FAX 206 452 9299 EES CO\SILTING PORT ANGELES Z011 :7 0 interviews with Customers ■ List of Interviewees Number 6 3 i 1 3 3 1 1 2 1 1 3 1 1 30 Type of Interviewee Electric Utility's 6 largest customers Electric Utility's 3 largest ryuipment vendors BPA Account Executive for Electric Utility Clailam Count<J Department heads (e.g. Roads, Public Works, Economic Development, etc.) Chamber of Commerce representative Key Downtown business people Clallam County PUD senior managementicommissioners School District representative Senior citizen representative Environmental ,:unj uiuuity representatives Port Commission repreacntative Coast Guard representative Small User,'Residential representatives Representative from local telephone company Representative from local cable con TOTAL 9 0408/98 FRI 10:41 FAM 206 432 9299 EES CONSULTING --►- PORT A.NGELES Overview of Interview Results ■ Perceived Strengths • Reliability/durability of system • Consistent business practices • Staff is responsive and promp LOW rates • Combined bill ■ Perceived weaknesses • Not many service options • Don't understand demand charges • DSM no longer available • High deposits for renters • Too many field staff • Lack of information about deregulation 10 16012 " CJ • 04,03/98 FRI 10:42 PAZ 206 452 9299 � Responses to i Questions 0 EES CONSULTING PORT INGELES 1 Ol:i nterviewee's Specific ■ Is Local Control of Electric IJtil.ity Important? 0 Yes Lo must • Results in lower rates, good service and responsiveness • Contrast to phone company • Important since "we are at the end of Lhe line" ■ Should Electric Utility be Publicly or Privately Held? • Many prefer public but not all • 'Cost and service are more important • QuesLiuli of government competing with private business 04.03%98 FRI 10:42 FAX 206 452 9299 EES CONSULTING PORT :ANGELES tQ}01� Responsestol Questions n#erviewee's Specific ■ Should Electric Utility Provide Additional Services? ■ • Don't lose focus • Don't compete with private enterprise • Natural gas would be very gaud • A few: "compete in communications to force better service" What Do You Think About the Deregulation of the Electric Utility rndustrv? I 6 Welcome competition and customer choice • Much uncertainty • Expect rates to rise • Appreciate that strategic planning study is being done ■ Other Observations 12 • • I 04/03/98 FRI 10:43 FAX 206 452 9299 EBS CONSULTING ,-+y PORT ANGELES 1015 0 0 Next Steps ■ Internal Interviews ■ Independent Management/Operational Review ■ Business Options for Electric Utility ■ Delineate Options for Subsequent Policy Review 13 04,09/98 FRI 10:49 FAX 206 452 9299 EES CONSULTING Discussion/Adjournment »-.-+ POP.T LNGELES Z016 I 14 • • City of Port Angeles City Council Briefing on Strategic Planning Study for Electric Utility April 7,1998 Presented by: Gary S. Saleba, President EES Consufting, Inc. A registered professional engineering corporation with offices in the Seattle, Portland and Calgary metropolitan areas and Charlie Earl The Charlie Earl Company Agenda ■ Introduction and Session Objectives ■ What's Going On Out There? ■ Strategic Options Available for Electric Utility ■ Options Available for Electric Utility ■ How Does Study Fit into Strategic Planning Process? ■ Study Scope ■ Study Timeline ■ Interviews with Customers r Overview of Interview Results ■ Responses to Interviewee's Specific Questions a Next Steps ■ Discussion/Adjournment 1 Introductions and Session Objectives ■ Project Team • City staff • Electric utility staff • EES Consulting, Inc. ✓ Background ✓ Role in study • Charlie Earl ✓ Background ✓ Role in study ■ Session Objectives • Initial Briefing to council on deregulation • Confirm study scope and timeline • Present results of initial customer interviews • Outline next steps 2 What's Going On Out There? ■ How is Business Changing? • Juice and wires • Deregulation/competition/restruct uring • Genco, Poolco, Gridco, Disco, Service Co • Customer choice • Juice market is now commodity ■ Results Strategic Options Available for Electric Utility ■ New Utility Structure/Functionally Separated • Generator • Aggregators • Wires • Energy services Must Be Functionally Separated Pros/Cons of Each Function ■ Regulatory/Institutional Constraints • Level playing field for all • No cross subsidies between wires business and other lines of business • Need access to venture capital for all but wires business and ability to sustain losses 4 Options Available for Electric Utility Conservative Sell out F7 Wires Only Wires Plus Aggregation for Core Load F ires Plus Aggregation for Core Plus Energy Services FU res Plus Aggregation for Core Load s Energy Services Plus Marketing to Non -Core Run All Wires and Pipes Into Residences and Providing Juice Aggressive 5 How Does Study Fit into Strategic Planning Process? ■ Focus on Strengths/Weaknesses of City's Electric Utility ■ Identify What Customers Expect and/or Want from Electric Utility ■ Perform Internal Review of Electric Utility's Performance/Competitiveness ■ Focus Policy Attention on Defining Future Role of Electric Utility i �l Provide Focal Point for Subsequent Policy Discussions 6 r Study Scope ■ Scope of Study • Task 1 Interviews with key external customers • Task 2 Initial project conference • Task 3 Organizational efficiency review and analysis to include employee interviews, benchmarking, utility policy review, and financial analysis • Task 4 Identification and evaluation of business options • Task 5 Post study conference • Task 6 Final report Q � w Study Timeline 1 Task April May June July 1 2 3 4 5 6 Interviews with Customers ■ List of Interviewees Number 6 3 1 2 1 3 3 1 1 2 1 1 3 1 1 30 Type of Interviewee Electric Utility's 6 largest customers Electric Utility's 3 largest equipment vendors BPA Account Executive for Electric Utility Clallam County Department heads (e.g. Roads, Public Works, Economic Development, etc.) Chamber of Commerce representative Key Downtown business people Clallam County PUD senior management/commissioners School District representative Senior citizen representative Environmental community representatives Port Commission representative Coast Guard representative Small User/Residential representatives Representative from local telephone company Representative from local cable cor TOTAL 9 Overview of Interview Results ■ Perceived Strengths • Reliability/durability of system • Consistent business practices • Staff is responsive and promp • Low rates Combined bill Perceived weaknesses Not many service options • Don't understand demand charges • DSM no longer available • High deposits for renters • Too many field staff • Lack of information about deregulation Responses to Interviewee's Specific Questions ■ Is Local Control of Electric Utility Important? • Yes to most • Results in lower rates, good service and responsiveness • Contrast to phone company • Important since "we are at the end of the line" ■ Should Electric Utility be Publicly or Privately Held? • Many prefer public but not all • Cost and service are more important • Question of government competing with private business ■ Responses to Interviewee's Specific Questions ■ Should Electric Utility Provide Additional Services? C • Don't lose focus • Don't compete with private enterprise • Natural gas would be very good o A few: "compete in communications to force better service" What Do You Think About the Deregulation of the Electric Utility Industry? • Welcome competition and customer choice • Much uncertainty • Expect rates to rise Appreciate that strategic planning study is being done ■ Other Observations ' 12 Next Steps ■ Internal Interviews ■ Independent Management/Operational Review ■ Business Options for Electric Utility ■ Delineate Options for Subsequent Policy Review 13 � Discussion/Adjournment 1� W 14 • VI. APPROVAL OF MINUTES of March 17, 1998 regular meeting (Page 21-25) • • • • CITY COUNCIL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington March 17,1998 CALL TO ORDER - Mayor Braun called the regular meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at 5:30 REGULAR MEETING: p.m. ROLL CALL: Members Present: Mayor Braun, Councilmembers Campbell, Hulett, McKeown, Wiggins, and Williams Members Absent: Councilman Doyle. Staff Present: Attorney Knutson, Deputy Clerk Hagar, S. Brodhun, B. Collins, S. Ilk, K. Ridout, L. Haehnlen, T. Smith, and N. Wu. Public Present: L. Lee and J. Jones, Jr. Interviews for Vacancies The following were interviewed to fill vacancies on various Boards and Commissions: on Boards & Commissions Patsy Feeley, Penny Beane, Johnie Key, Mack Campbell, and Paul Ziakin. PLEDGE OF The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Parks & Recreation Director Brodhun. ALLEGIANCE: APPROVAL OF Councilmember McKeown moved to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of MINUTES: March 3, 1998. Councilmember McKeown pointed out an error on Page 24 of the packet regarding the mural project. She felt the request for funding for the mural project should be part of the regular budgeting process, not part of the hotel/motel tax allocation. Councilman Wiggins seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. FINANCE: Suspended. CONSENT AGENDA: Councilman Wiggins moved to accept the Consent Agenda, including: 1) Payroll - March 8, 1998 - $385,279.76; 3) Check list - March 13, 1998 - $722,953.27. Councilman Williams seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. COMMITTEE Councilmember McKeown received a copy of a letter from Charles Smith regarding art REPORTS: work downtown. The Downtown Association has a design committee which will be approaching the Downtown Forward Committee regarding artwork donated by an artist for presentation downtown. Councilmember McKeown will bring further information to future meetings. Councilmember McKeown stated she was not prepared to discuss the budget or provide further information regarding the Boys and Girls Club. Pam Tietz has received a $10,000 two-year grant and the Regional Boys and Girls Club has committed $10,000 to the project. Councilman Campbell, along with Manager Pomeranz and Councilman Doyle, attended the National League of Cities Conference in Washington D.C. Councilman Campbell summarized the issues covered at the Conference, including the Tax Freedom Act, takings -1- Ur'1 CITY COUNCIL MEETING March 17, 1998 COMMITTEE legislation, and transportation legislation. Councilman Campbell stated that the Majority REPORTS: (Cont'd) Leader indicated there would be no bill on restructuring of the electrical industry this session, and he explained the driving force behind this restructure. Also discussed was balancing of the federal budget and how to best utilize any budget surplus, unfunded federal mandates, and building stronger communities. Councilman Campbell stated a visit was made to the Coast Guard Headquarters for a meeting with Rear Admiral Thad Allen, Coast Guard Resource Manager. Rear Admiral Allen said the Coast Guard has no plans for expansion in Port Angeles, as funding is tight. Councilman Campbell felt the Conference was an awakening experience. - It put in perspective, on a federal level, the things that are happening in Port Angeles. Councilman Campbell hoped the Council would continue to budget for representation at this conference in future years. He also suggested the City consider becoming a member of this organization, as it has many benefits. As the time was approaching 7:00 p.m., Mayor Braun suggested the representatives form the Washington State Department of Transportation be moved up on the agenda as a courtesy. Other Considerations SRI Bridge Presentation A. Presentation by WSDOT on SRI Bridge Mayor Braun introduced Ms. Gerry Ellis of the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) and, Mr. Tom Horkan of United Infrastructure, project manager for the SRI Tacoma Narrows Project, who gave a power point presentation. Ms. Ellis stated this project is being developed as part of the (WSDOT) public/private partnership program. It was created by the legislature to encourage private investment in the transportation infrastructures, as there is greater need than there is money to fund these projects. Ms. Ellis then reviewed the other advantages of the public-private partnership. Mr. Horkan reported that the entire corridor extending from the Pierce/Kitsap County line to I-5 is being studied Mr. Horkan then provided the history of this corridor and stated the bridge usage was less than 10,000 vehicles per day in 1964, and is expected to be almost 100,000 vehicles per day by the year 2000. Mr. Horkan went on to describe the problems with the current bridge and what will happen without capacity improvements. He described the existing bridge and the proposed bridge. Mr. Horkan stated tolls will only be collected eastbound, and commuters can purchase transponders. Transponders are attached to the windshield with velcro straps and have the technology to be read at 99 per hour. Occasional users can pay manually with an adequate number of booths on the exterior of the freeway. This project will have a true financial partnership. The bridge and toll facilities will be privately financed for approximately $302 million, and the debt will be paid off with tolls. The State has a proposed transportation package on the November ballot which would allocate $334 million of State funds. There are efforts being made by WSDOT, the Legislature, the U.S. Senate, and the U.S. House to help lower the tolls in various ways, including approval of a bill that would lower the cost of borrowing to finance the project. Ms. Ellis explained that only those areas directly impacted by the bridge will be allowed to vote in the November 3, 1998, advisory election. All of Clallam County is eligible to vote on this issue. Ms. Ellis reviewed the schedule for the bridge construction which, if approved, is expected to be open to traffic in late 2003 or early 2004. Ms. Ellis explained that if the new bridge is not approved, there is no Plan `B". The State currently has an unfunded transportation need exceeding $30 billion, and this bridge would be a decade or CITY COUNCILMEETING March 17, 1998 SR16 Bridge Presentation two into the future. (Cont'd) Ms. Ellis and Mr. Horkan then responded to questions directed by the Council and offered further clarification. Mayor Braun thanked Ms. Ellis and Mr. Horkan for taking the time to give tonight's presentation. WORK SESSIONS: Suspended. ITEMS FROM THE Attorney Knutson stated there was a need for an Executive Session for approximately one- AUDIENCE/COUNCIIJ half hour at the end of the meeting. STAFF TO BE CONSIDERED OR Councilman Williams stated he had attended the Clallam Transit Authority meeting and PLACED ON THIS OR noted that there had been 1800 riders during the two days that the trolley ran the circuit for A FUTURE AGENDA: the KONP Home Show. Also during that meeting, discussion was held regarding upgrading the lighting at the Oak Street transfer station. Councilman Williams suggested this lighting upgrade could be done in partnership with lighting of the mural near that location. Councilman Williams also attended the Utility Advisory Committee, where the marine bluff stability was discussed. He suggested the City contact FEMA to see about getting a grant for this project. LEGISLATION: 1. Ordinances Not Requiring Public Hearings Solid Waste Rate for 1. Revisions to Solid Waste Rate Ordinance for Non -Profit Agencies Non -Profit Agencies Ordinance No. 2985 Mayor Braun reviewed the information provided by the City Attorney's office and asked 0 Deputy Public Works Director Ridout if he had any further comment. Mr. Ridout explained that the self -haul from the Housing Authority would be checked at the landfill to ensure it was detritus from move outs and not garbage being dumped. Mayor Braun then read the Ordinance by title, entitled ORDINANCE NO. 2985 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, extending the special land fill rate for charitable organizations to include the Clallam County Housing Authority and amending Ordinance 2317 as amended and Chapter 13.56 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code. Councilman Hulett moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title. Councilmember McKeown seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. Activities Within City 2. Revision to Regulations for Activities Within City Parks and Trails Parks and Trails Ordinance No. 2986 Mayor Braun reviewed the information provided by the City Attorney's office and asked Attorney Knutson if he had any further input. Attorney Knutson noted that the Police can still arrest and cite people for possession and consumption, but not just for being under the influence. Discussion followed, and Police Chief Ilk stated this Court decision probably dated back to the 1970's when the Legislature decriminalized "drunk in public". ORDINANCE NO. 2986 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, revising regulations of activities within City parks and trails, amending Ordinance 2987 as amended and Chapters 12.04 and 12.12 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code. n V�v -3- CITY COUNCIL MEETING March 17, 1998 LEGISLATION: Councilmember McKeown moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title. (Cont'd) Councilman Campbell seconded the motion. Discussion followed. Councilmember McKeown was concerned that money is being spent to revitalize the downtown, and Activities Within City someone can just get drunk and lay there. Chief Ilk explained that there are some options. Parks and Trails If someone is so drunk they are incapacitated or a physical danger to themselves, they can Ordinance No. 2986 be brought to a treatment facility by the police. Also, if someone is drunk and being loud (Cont'd) and obnoxious, they can be arrested for disorderly conduct. Following further brief discussion, a vote was taken on the motion, which carried unanimously. 2. Resolutions Not Requiring Public Hearings: None. 3. Planning Commission Minutes/Action Items: None. 4. Other Considerations Mural Project B. Nor'WesterRotaryMural Project Funding Request Councilmember McKeown reviewed her memo provided in the packet and urged the Council to support the Rotary by funding $1,500 for the protection sealer and $4,000 for "seed" funding for the next project. She suggested the lighting, etc., should go through the normal budget process. Councilmember McKeown felt the best vehicle to bring these projects forward would be via the Downtown Forward Executive Committee. Councilman Wiggins asked if the $5,500 should come from the 1998 budget, and Councilmember McKeown answered affirmatively. Jim Hess, 606 S. Alder Street, Rotary Club representative, presented the Council with two videos, one on the Kalakala and one on the Sluicing of the Hogback. Mr. Hess again expressed the hope that the lighting of the mural would be handled by the City. Councilmember McKeown stated she supported this project wholeheartedly; however, the Council felt everyone must follow the same procedures, which means going through the regular budgeting process. Mr. Hess said the Club would be happy to get the money for the sealant and seed money and offered to answer any questions the Council might have. Councilman Wiggins asked Mr. Hess to prioritize the needs for the mural project, and Mr. Hess deferred the question to Fire Chief Becker. Chief Becker felt the seed money to be the most important in order to keep the momentum going. The fourth mural will not be painted until the summer of 1999; this is the time when the artist and rendering must be secured and the print made. Councilmember McKeown felt a proposal could be drafted for the fall budget process, which would cover all the future mural needs. Further discussion ensued regarding the lighting of the murals and the worthiness of this cause. Councilman Wiggins moved to donate $5,500 from the 1998 budget to the Nor'Wester Rotary Mural project. Councilmember McKeown seconded the motion. Councilman Campbell reminded the Council that part of the request was to have the Downtown Forward Executive Committee be the vehicle for the smaller projects. Therefore, Councilman Wiggins agreed to amend his motion to have the other funding come through the Downtown Forward Executive Committee. Councilmember McKeown agreed as seconder. A vote was taken on the motion, which carried unanimously. 11, Boys and Girl Club C. Funding Request for Boys and Girls Club at Housing Authority n 1 Funding Request 0 `:1 Deferred to meeting of April 7, 1998, at Councilmember McKeown's request. -4- CPTYCOUNCILMEETING March 17, 1998 LEGISLATION: D. Appointments to Planning Commission and Building Code Board of Appeals (Confd) 0 Deferred to meeting of April 7, 1998. Appointments to Board and Commissions • Draft Letter to E. Draft Letter to Clallam County Re: Additional 2% Room Tax Clallam County Mayor Braun reviewed the history of this item. Councilman Wiggins asked that the last sentence of the letter be changed fi orn ...... as everyone...... to ...... since tourism on the North Olympic Peninsula could reap benefits". Councilmember McKeown stated that, while she thinks the letter is well written, she will be voting against this issue, as she believes the City should not be in this arena with the Clallam County Commissioners. Discussion ensued regarding the pros and cons of sending this letter, and Mayor Braun asked Tim Smith, Contracts and Projects Administrator, for his comments on this issue. Mr. Smith said he had received a call from Jim Rumpeltes, County Administrator, this afternoon. Mr. Rumpeltes was interested in the City's Resolution creating the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee and RFP for Tourism Marketing. Mr. Smith felt the County is heading in this direction. Mr. Smith stated that Sequim and Forks have already submitted similar letters to the County. Following further limited discussion, Councilman Wiggins moved to authorize the Mayor to sign the letter to the County Commissioners. Councilman Hulett seconded the motion, which carried by a majority vote, with Councilmember McKeown voting in opposition. Site Lease Agreement with F. Site Lease Agreement with Western Telepage, Inc. Western Telepage Removed from the agenda. Break Mayor Braun recessed the meeting for a break at 8:07 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 8:15 p.m. ADJOURN TO The meeting adjourned to Executive Session at 8:15 p.m. to discuss an item of real estate EXECUTIVE SESSION: and potential litigation for approximately one-half hour. RETURN TO OPEN The meeting returned to open session at 8:43 p.m. SESSION: ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 8:43 p.m. Becky J. Upton, City Clerk -5- Gary Braun, Mayor 0�5 • • 0�6 • VII. FINANCE: A. Bid award for Parks ballfield maintenance machines (Page 27-29) B. Bid award for Library shelving (Page 31) C. Amendment #3 to Parametrix contract for landfill (Page 33-36) • • • • 0 i] of VOR7 4P "Maintaining and building a better community" Jack Pittls Director[4801] Phyllis Resler Administrative Assistant [4800] Cate Rinehart Administrative Assistant [4700] Bob Titus Deputy Direotor[4701] Ken Ridout Deputy Director [4802] Gary Kenworthy City Engineer [4803] Tim Smith Contract & Project Administrator[4804] Lou Haehnlen Sr. Building Inspector 4816] Speriine r. Electrical Inspector [4735] Scott McLain Power Manager [4703] Ralph Ellsworth Water, Wastewater Collection Superintendent [4855] Pete Burrett Equip. Services Superintendent [4835] Mark Shamp Light operations Manager [4731] Kevin Curtis Treat. Plant Supervisor [4845] Tom McCabe SW Collection Supervisor [4876] Steve Evans Landfill Supervisor [4873] Dave Wilcox Street Maintenance Supervisor[4825] 9 MEMORANDUM DATE: APRIL 7, 1998 TO: CITY MANAGER, MAYOR BRAUN AND CITY CO I FROM: JACK PITTIS, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS SUBJECT: AWARD OF BIDS FOR PARKS BALLFIELD M j NT NANCE MACHINES SUMMARY and RECOMMENDATION: The Parks Department utilizes four Honda ATV's to accomplish ballfield maintenance. We received bids on March 10, 1998 from four vendors. The Public Works Department and Parks and Recreation Department recommends that the City Council take the following action on the bids: 1. Reject the bid from Western Equipment for a Toro Sand Pro 2000. 2. Reject the bid from Farwest for a Smithco Easy Rider. 3. Reject the bid from Machinery Components for a Cushman Groom Master. 4. Accept and award the bid from Barnett Implement for a John Deere Bunker Field Rake in the amount of $6,854.00 plus tax. In addition, the Parks Department wants to scrap two of the old ATV's, give one to School District and store one as a backup for the new equipment. ISSUE: Should bids be awarded for three ballpark maintenance machines? BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS: On March 10, 1998 bids were opened for three ballpark maintenance machines. Bids were received from four vendors as follows: Farwest Equipment Aurbun, WA $6,245.00 plus tax Western Equipment Kent, WA $6,677.00 plus tax Barnett Implement Snohomish, WA $6,854.00 plus tax Machinery Components Seattle, WA $8,550.00 plus tax The bids were reviewed by Parks and Public Works personnel for conformance to the specifications. The specifications stated that the award would be based upon the price, ease of operator usability, parts availability and maintenance serviceability. Machine weight was considered one of the major criteria due to potential compaction of fields during use and the need to operate the equipment during our wet season. The review of the bids yielded the following: 1. Farwest Equipment for a Smithco Easy Rider. The equipment demonstration report is attached. Key items are: 1) Operators had problems with controls, 2) equipment operation required a lot of shifting, and 3) references indicated that the equipment had reliability problems. 2. Western Equipment for a Toro Sand Pro 2000. This equipment has mainly been used on golf courses and not for ballfield maintenance. The equipment demonstration report is attached. Key items are: 1)The quoted equipment was over weight by 135 pounds, 2) the machine did not have a full pressure lube system and it seemed to bog down, 3) some adjustments could be made to the equipment to get good performance but those items would add to the cost and were not bid by the vendor. The basis of the rejection is that the equipment does not meet the minimum specifications and does not perform to our operator's satisfaction. 3. Barnett Implement for a John Deere Bunker Field Rake. Met all specifications. The equipment demonstration report is attached. Key items are: 1) Unit performed as required, 2) had the full pressure lube system for engine, and 3) good user references. 4. Machinery Components for a Cushman Groom Master. The basis of the rejection is that the equipment does not meet the minimum specifications as the unit bid weighs approximately 400 pounds over the minimum. JNP:jp Disk: N:\PWKS\EQUIPSVC\98EQUIP\BALLMTD.398 File: Equipment 98-01.03 U � kk``__ MEM!ORANDUM DATE: March 26, 1998 TO. JACK PITTIS, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS "Maintaining and building a better FROM: PETE BURRETT, EQUIPMENT SUPERINTENDENT community" SUBJECT: BALL PARK MACHINE, EVALUATION jackPittis Over the past week Parks and I again reviewed Ball Park Machines from three different Dln3ctor(48011 manufacturers, here are the results of demonstrations and comments from other users: Phyllis Raster Administrative Assistant(4800) TORO SAND PRO 2000—From Western Equipment Distributors, Inc. This test was conducted at the Erickson ball field just after having it tilled by our tractor, so the field was fairly loose. Cate Rinehart Adrrdnlstrathre Present were Scott Brodhun, John Hicks, Ralph Dyker, Pete Burrett and operator's Corey Assistant [47001 Delikat and Darryl Anderson. The unit did the required duties of a ball park machine. Comments from the operators were: from Corey the implements were too touchy he was not Bob Tttus Do" Director [47011 able to rake the field, gave it up to Darryl who could rake the field. Darryl's comment was that because the rake and scarifier were in the rear, he kept having to turn around to see what was Ken RkW DG" Director [4802] happening with the implements. This is hard on a person bending around to see what the adjustments were. The front blade because the handle was mounted on one side, caused GaryKenwormy CityEngineer [4803] the blade to dig into the ball field on one side causing an uneven surface. The fuel tank was accessible from the outside, a plus. It had a welded tube frame, seat support and offered a SteveHumh Engineering Manager two-year warrantee. Did not have a carbide tipped scarifier teeth, the hydraulic tank was too [4702] close to the muffler, which is plastic. Specifications called for a 550# machine. This machine Tim Sn m comes in at 685# . On the engine I specified a full pressure lube system and no more than contract & Pt*ct 20 cubic inches. This machine did not have a full pressure system and seemed to bog do Administrator (4804] even under its 29 cubic inches and 12 horse power. We also tested the machine at C LouHaehnlen Field, which did provide a fairer comparison field to work on, worked as expected. T !� s'knngl°Specror hydraulics of this machine, were driving two wheel motors and a pump. That is the reason for the engine having more horse power yet still acting like its still bogging down or doesn't have Tom Spedine Sr. Electrical Inspector the power. It uses up the power to run the hydraulics. Comments from other users were (4735) neutral. The list provided contained seven referrals half of which I could contact. The most useful info from them was that they were satisfied with the Toro. All of the contacts did not Scott McLain PowerManager(4703] have machines with plows. Just with drag mats and scarifies, they did the plow function with other machines, parts were expensive, one had that special Rahn Groomer drag assembly. Ralph Ellsworth water wastewater The company sales person keep trying to up grade us into other implements: To do a better Collection job than we were getting, the groomer which was priced at $1400.00 would have done the job superintendent (4855) that we wanted. They didn't get specific but trading in the implements that didn't work plus Peteeurrett $400.00 more from us was mentioned. Equip. Servkres Superintendent (4835] SMITHCO EASY RIDER--Was tested March 19th at the new Dry Creek ball park. Present Maksnamp Light Operations were Scott Brodhun, Pete Burrett, Darryl Anderson and Corey Delikat . The company y Manager(4731] representative, Daryn Clark from Farwest, brought in a two-year-old machine that he barrowed Kevin Curtis from another user. They had no new ones available and to get one you were looking at up to Treat Plant 45 days out. The machine did have the desired functions, plow, mid scarifier and rake. When $Opervisor [4845] the operators used the machine they had trouble with the controls, meaning that when you TomMccabe used one the other implement activated at the same time. This unit was a manual 123 gear Swcoiwdon box and ran out of power between two and three making lots of shifting necessary and adding Supervisor[48761 to the operators having more operations to do. From my notes: the seat had a low back Steve Evans support. The fuel tank was not accessible from the outside, one year warrantee, the Lanm48731 supervisor transmission was extremely noisy, front blade not stable along with the inherent problem the TORO. I am sure that a new unit would have made a better impression than the Dave HeicoX Street Maintenance presented. Users that I called indicated that the unit was cheap, and not reliable. One out ! Supervisor[4825] had one roll over and catch fire. Lots of comments on the Kohler engine, not having enough power. When we were checking out the demo, we noticed that the carburetor had been replaced. 0 � v • JOHN DEERE 1200A—This ungiested`March 18th at Civic field. Unit performed as a ball park machine, square welded , 0 frame, fuel tank accessible from the out side, seat has a full back for more support, scarifier has carbide teeth, a differential lock that won't let it get stuck, disk brakes, separate lift on back rake for more down pressure, scarifier is mid mounted and has a two year warrantee. One of #he,things that set this machine apart from the other units was the fact of how the #ront blade was mounted and controlled, it had a lever on one side but extended over to the other side for an even plow action, also the frame for the plow was a box tube, instead of an angle on one unit and a channel on the other unit. This machine was the only one that had a full pressure lube system for the engine. User feed back was very good with little maintenance and easy operation as attested from Darryl Anderson and Corey Delikat. Other people at the test were Ralph Dyker and me. 029 • • • 01-'0 "Maintaining and building a better community" Jack Pi is Director[48011 Phyllis Raster Adrninishadve Assistant [4800] Cate Rinehart Administraf+e Assistant [4700] Bob Titus Deputy Director [47011 Ken RkW Deputy Director [4802] Gary Kenworthy City Englneer[4803] Steve Hursh Engineering Manager [4702] Tim Smith Contract &Project dministrator[48041 Lou Haehnien Sr. Building Inspector [4816] Tom Sperfine Sr. Electrical Inspector [4735] Scott McLain Power Manager [47031 Ralph Ellsworth Water, Wastewater Collection Superintendent [4855] Pete Burrett Equip. Services Superintendent [4835] Mark Shamp Light Operations Manager[4731] Kevin Curtis Treat Plant Supervisor [4845] Tom McCabe SW Collection Supe-isor[4876] Steve Evans Landfill Supervisor W4ave 873] W lcox Sheet Maintenance Supen4sor[4825] MEPAORANDUM DATE: APRIL 7, 1998 TO: CITY MANAGER, MAYOR BRAUN AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: JACK PITTIS, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS & UTILITIES RE: LIBRARY BID FOR SHELVING SUMMARY and RECOMMENDATION: Bids for Shelving for the new Port Angeles Library were opened on March 24, 1998. After reviewing the bid from the apparent low bidder at their meeting on the same day, the NOLS Board recommended that the City Council award the bid for shelving for the new Port Angeles Branch Library to Technical Furniture Systems, Inc., in the amount of $132,737.80 plus sales tax. ISSUE: Should the Council award the bid for shelving for the new library to Technical Furniture Systems, Inc. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS: As a part of the construction project for the new Port Angeles Branch Library, bids were advertised for provision and installation of library shelving for the new 26,000 square foot Port Angeles Branch Library on March 11, 1998. A single bid was received and opened on March 24th. The bid materials were in order and the bidder appears to be well qualified to perform the work requested in the bid. The bid was reviewed by the NOLS Board at their meeting later the same day. The NOLS Board recommended that the City Council award the bid to Technical Furniture Systems in the amount of $132,737.80 plus tax. The bid includes both the shelving and installation of the shelving. Funding for the shelving and the furniture for the library is being provided by the library system. of Public Works N:\PROJECTS\94-19LIB\CONSULT\SPECS\CC-SHELV.WPD 431 0*pO� RT"We, CITY OF PORT ANGELES - PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM "Maintaining and building a better community" DATE: April 7, 1998 TO: CITY MANAGER, MAYOR BRAUN AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: JACK PITTIS, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS SUBJECT: EXTENSION OF PARAMETRIX CONTRACT - ADDENDUM #3 SUMMARY and RECOMMENDATION: Phase I and most of Phase II of our contract with Parametrix for solid waste engineering services is complete. The contract provides for extension upon identification of the scope of work and agreement of both parties. Attached is a letter from Parametrix providing a summary of the additional scope. of work and cost increases for Phase III final design of the cell, Phase IV construction services, Phase V landfill operations help, and added Phase VII storm outfall design and construction assistance. The Public Works Department recommends that the City Council authorize the Mayor to execute the Addendum #3 (additional amount not to exceed $114,245) with Parametrix Inc. for solid waste planning and engineering services. ISSUE: Should the contract with Parametrix Inc. for solid waste planning and engineering services be amended? BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS: Our current contract with Parametrix Inc. was outlined in five phases and a sixth phase was added earlier in response to the Solid Waste Management Plan. Phase I and most of Phase II have been completed. The landfill construction bids last August were higher than expected and subsequentley rejected, delaying De construction. The contract allows for extension upon agreement of both parties and identification of successive opes of work as the issues to be addressed become clear. The design has been revised to remove areas of bidding uncertainty, add items reponding to our requests and ecology comments, and to provide a construction schedule incorporating a more predictable weather period. Due to the construction delay labor rates have increased (4%) and related task costs need adjusting. We have also requested additional support in construction management, inspections, operations assistance, and installation of a new monitoring well required by our permit. A new task has been added for design of the Cemetary Stormwater Outfall Repairs to replace the outfall damaged during the 1996 storms. This new task and construction costs are eligible for FEMA reimbursement. The letter from Parametrix (attached) contains a summary of the major items addressed in this addendum. A copy of the more detailed scope is available. Unfortunately, the landfill business is an expensive undertaking involving many permitting agencies and requires a wide variety of highly specialized professional disciplines. The attached spreadsheet summarizes all costs to date. The performance of Parametrix Inc. has been professional and responsive. Their ability to quickly respond to our needs as we identify them has been of particular value since the issues to be addressed are complex and changing within the regulatory and political framework of several agencies. Issues still before us include timing and implementation of disposal options, landfill permitting [specifically FAA] and construction, landfill closure, interlocal agreements, financial planning and inter -agency cooperation. Parametrix has provided appropriately qualified professionals in a very timely manner for the work of Phase I and Phase II an a expect that o continue. Gary W. Kenworthy, City Engineer GWKtgk ttachment: Parametrix letter of Feb. 25, 1998 pies: Tom McCabe, Steve Evans, Dale Miller, Ken Ridout n 'Iffillillsk: N:\PROJECTS195-24LFXCONSULTICONTRACTICONTXTND.398; File: 95-24.04A Jack Pitts, Director Gary Kenworthy, City Engineer Tom Sperline, Sr. Electrical Inspector Phyllis Rasler, Administrative Assistant Steve Hursh, Electrical Engineering Manager Ken Ridout, Deputy Director Tim Smith, Contracts Administrator Scott McLain, Power Manager Ralph Ellsworth, Water Superintendent Bob Titus, Deputy Director Ken Maike, Conservation Manager Pete Burrett, Equip. Services Superintendent Cate Rinehart, Administrative Assistant Lou Haehnlen, Sr. Building Inspector Mark Shamp, Light Operations Manager APR -02-98 THU 15:36 PARAMETRIX INC FAX N0. 3604795961 P.02/02 Parametrix, Inc. = k7StdJArifSit) EAprtiGenngurdErvimnmsntal$^gar.-� r �0 iiitsaf] w�iy 3U :(1'202 5reme^.o^, 4NA 98312-2234 206.87:-0014 - Fan. 206-479-59EI Abruary 25. 1998 423-2191-05 Mr. Jack Pittis, P.E., Director of Public Works City of Port Angeles P.U. Box 1150 Port Angeles, Washington 98362 Subject: Contract Budget Amendment Proposal for Engineering, Operarions, Permitting and Construction Services, Port Angeles Landfill. Dear Jack: Enclosed is a Contract Ameiidiiient Proposal h1v.3 for Pwwnetrix work with the City of Port Angeles related to the Port Angeles Landfill. The proposal includes the following work elements and modifications: • Task 3.3: Final Design Submittal: Additional budget request for this task is for finalizing the construction documents including incorporating additional site work such as the gas collection header, paved white goods stockpile area, incorporating ecology comments, and removing the interum plastic cover from the project. 0 Tasks 4.1— 4.5: Construction Services: The additional budget requested for these tasks includes a small labor rate adjustment from 1997 to 1998 which will be approximately 40/0 effective April t " as well as the specific elements described below. • Task 4.1: Construction Management: The additional budget request for this task is to provide support for the 1998 bidding including pro -bid meeting, pre -award mcetii+g, bid evaluation.,. etc. • Task 4.3: Specialty Inspections: The additional budget request for this task is principally to include AGR A's geotechnical evaluation of soil liner borrow sources. Task 5.1: General Operations Assistance: Additional budget requested for this task includes continued operations support for the landfill on an as -needed basis, routine site visits and consultation with the superintendent, and provides for construction support for the leachate breakout work. • Task 5.3: Gas Control Operations Assistance- Additional budget requested for this task is to provide for construction support for the installation of the lateral collection trenches (design submitted), to evaluate the gas control system in the vicinity of GP -3, and provide for assistance in specifying maintenance and minor modifications to the flare system per discussions Aith Steve Evans. 03� � � ?rtintti�q tin Recycl�r' °9�e� APR -02-98 THU 15:29 PARAMETRIX INC FAX NO. 3604795961 P.02/04 Mr. Jack Pittis Pebruary 25, 1998 Page 2 • Task 5.5: hydrogeology Investigation: The additional budget requested for this task is to provide for the construction of the new monitoring well (MW -8) which Crary Kenworthy requested Parametrix contract directly with the driller to install. a Task 7: Cemetery Stormwater Outfall. Design and Constniction: This new task is provided for the design and construction oversight of the stormwuter outfall dumaged during the 1996 swan event. It includes the preparation of plans and contract documents which will become schedule A of the Cell 3 work with separate plans, specifications, and bid tab to facilitate tracking costs for FEMA reiumbursoment. The total amount of the contract modification requested is $114,245, of which approximately 548,000 ie, for suhconsultantlsuhcontraetor work. We did not budget any additional work under "Leacclzate Pre-Treatnient Operations Assistacice" (Task 5.2). In talking with Kevin Curtis, lie is still unsure what approach to take on work that may be. desired for the leachate pre-treatment system, some Menus he wants to do in-house, and others he wants to confirm permitting conditions for proceeding. If minor consultation were required related to the leachate pre-treatment system we can provide assistance under the General Operations Assistance Task. Please consider this a draft proposal, and let me know if you desire any revisions, additions, or deletions. , Sinucrcly, PARAISTIUX, INC. T. Patrick Allen, P.E. Assistant Project Manager cc: Butch Dunlap, PMX Bremerton H. TPA • 03-5 • VIII. CONSENT: A. Out-of-state travel - Finance (Page 37) B. Contracts for tourist promotion (Page 39-126) C. Council approval for PWTF (Public Works Trust Fund) applications for: (Page 128-133) 1. 8 h Street construction 2. Reservoir covers D. Letter to Congressional delegation concerning PUHCA is (Public Utilities Holding Company Act) repeal (Page 134- 135) E. Payroll - March 22, 1998 - $421,370.97 (Page 136) F. Check list - April 3, 1998 $1,653,719.88 (Page 138-205) Finance Department Memorandum Kay Godbey, C.P.A. Director Tanya O'Neill Information Services Administrator Yvonne Ziomkowski Accounting Manager - Carol Hagar Administrative Assistant • April 3, 1998 To: Manager Pomeranz, Mayor Braun, City Councilmembers From: Kay Godbey, Finance Director /61 Re: Out of State Travel Issue: Should the City Council approve out of state travel for the Finance Director to attend the Government Finance Officers Association's (GFOA) annual conference in San Francisco, CA.? Background/Summary: The GFOA annual conference is being held this year in San Francisco. Sessions provide information in all major areas of governmental finance and financial management, and also provides 20 hours of continued professional education credits that are necessary for me to maintain my certification as a C.P.A. in the State of Washington. The cost of the three day conference is as follows: Airfare- $209.00 Registration 275.00 Meals 105.00 Airport Shuttle 20.00 Lodging @ $85/night*92 0.70 Total $899.70 Ironically, the airfare to San Francisco is less expensive than the airfare to certain Washington cities. As an example, my airfare to the Washington Finance Officers Association meeting in Spokane last fall was $263. I will be available to answer any further questions that you may have. (*The allowable hotel rate is $120 plus taxes.) 037 • • • 43VQ City Manager's Office Memorandum Jeffrey A. Pomeranz City Manager Sharon "Sam" Martin Exec. Admin. Assistant Becky J. Upton, CMC City Clerk/ Management Assistant Robert Coons Human Resources Manager Camille Headrick Human Resources Assistant • April 1, 1998 TO: FROM: SUBJECT: Manager Pomeranz, Mayor Braun and City Council Becky J. Upton, City Clerk/Management Assistant 01/ 1998 Tourist Promotion Contracts SUMMARY/RECOMMENDATION: During the 1998 budget process, the City Council adopted funding levels for tourist promotion in the City of Port Angeles, as per the recommendations of the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee. The approved funding allocations relate to the original 2% lodging tax; the additional 2% tax will be addressed at a future date. In order to provide this funding, a contract for services must be executed. To that end, it is recommended that the City Council approve and authorize the Mayor to sign the contracts with the Peninsula College Marine Lab, Juan de Fuca Festival of the Arts, Hurricane Ridge Winter Sports Club, The Story People of Clallam County, Clallam County Historical Society, Port Angeles Lions Club, and Chamber of Commerce/North Olympic Peninsula Visitor & Convention Bureau. ISSUE: Should the City Council approve and authorize the Mayor to sign the attached tourist promotion contracts? BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS: The City Council completed review and approval of the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee recommendations for 1998 hotel/motel tax allocations. The contracts are quite similar to those of past years. However, as a follow- up to recommendations made by the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee, the contract language requires the contractors to include in their activity reports identification as to how the work has contributed to increased lodging visits to Port Angeles. In addition, the City has attempted to provide a contract that allows the contractor certain flexibility as relates to the expenditure of funds, still within the parameters set forth in RCW 67.28.1815. For example, the contractor may find other marketing opportunities during the year which are deserving of further pursuit with lodging tax funds. It is intended that the contractor have the freedom to pursue those opportunities without having to seek City Council approval each time, provided they have already met the intent and/or accomplished the intended products or services outlined in the original proposal. Certainly, the activity reports submitted to the City would reflect the specific activities in which the contractor was engaged for that reporting period. Attachments 039 1 ] • 040 THIS CONTRACT is entered into this day of 1998, by and between the City of Port Angeles, Washington, herein- after called "City", and Peninsula College (Marine Lab), hereinafter called "Contractor". 1. It is in the public interest for hotel/motel tax funds to be expended for the purpose of attracting visitors and encouraging the expansion of tourism within the City of Port Angeles. 2. Chapter 67.28 RCW and PAMC 3.48.050 authorize the expenditure of hotel/motel tax funds for advertising, publicizing, or otherwise distributing information for the purpose of attracting visitors. 3. The Contractor desires to provide tourist promotion services through a contract with the City of Port Angeles. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the above representations and the payments, covenants and agreements hereinafter mentioned, to be made and performed by the parties hereto, the parties covenant and agree as follows: 1. Scone of Services. A. The Contractor will provide services and information which promote marine environment visitor attractions to be found in Port Angeles and the surrounding area as tourist attractions by displaying said marine environment and by the distribution of information related thereto. The Marine Lab is encouraged to open 0 to the public at 7:00 a.m. during the tourist season. 041 - 1 - B. Additional Services. (1) The Contractor shall provide the services described in is the Section and as more specifically described in the attached Exhibit "A". (2) The Contractor may provide additional services consistent with those services described in the Section, provided that the City will compensate the Contractor for each additional service only to the extent that all services described within Section have been satisfactorily performed and to the extent that funds remain under the total payment amount set forth in Section 3. 2. Duration of Contract. The performance by the Contractor shall commence on the 1st day of January, 1998, and terminate on the 31st day of December, 1998. The duration of the contract may be extended or terminated upon mutual written agreement of the parties hereto and pursuant to the terms and conditions of the Contract. 0 3. C_omnPnsat;nn and Method of Payment. In consideration for the services rendered as specified in Section 1 of this Contract, the City shall pay to the Contractor $12,600.00. Said payment shall be payable quarterly on a reimbursement basis in equal installments of $3,150 due on receipt and acceptance by the City Manager of the Marine Lab quarterly reports as required under Paragraph 4-C of this Contract. The Contractor will invoice the City for the quarterly reimbursements. 4. Recordkeening and Reporting. A. The Contractor shall provide the City with the Marine Lab's 1998 budget, which reflects a breakdown of salaries and benefits f,or all staff by position and which is attached to this Contract as Exhibit "A". B. The Contractor shall maintain accounts and records which accurately reflect the costs of tourist promotional activities covered under this Contract. These financial records and all - 2 - records relating to the performance of this Contract shall be 4Davailable for City inspection. C. The Contractor shall provide the City with quarterly reports fully describing what work has been performed pursuant to this Contract, how the work relates to the services and activities set forth in Section 1 identifying how the_ work has contributed to increased lodging visits to Port Angeles and including a current statement of revenues and costs. Said reports shall accompany the quarterly invoices. The final quarterly report shall include a complete report describing and detailing how the performance of the contemplated services has been accomplished in accordance with this Contract. D. The Contractor shall use its best efforts to economize on overhead expenses to the maximum extent feasible in providing the services to be performed pursuant to this Contract. 5. Travel. The City has adopted policies for the reim- bursement of travel expenses. Designed to conserve public funds, 0 these policies limit reimbursement for transportation, lodging and meal expenses to Federal per diem standards (attached as Exhibit "B"). The City strongly encourages the Contractor to adopt similar policies for any travel supported by City hotel/motel tax funds. 6. Independent Contractor Status. The relation created by this Contract is that of independent contracting entities. The Contractor is not an employee of the City and is not entitled to the benefits provided by the City to its employees. The Contractor, as an independent contractor, has the authority to control and direct the performance of the details of the services to be provided.+ The Contractor shall assume full responsibility for payment of all Federal, State, and local taxes or contributions imposed or required, including, but not limited to, unemployment insurance, Social Security, and income tax. 04 - 3 - 7. Hold Harmless and Indemnification. Each party to this agreement shall be responsible for any and all claims, damages or other liability, including costs of defense and attorney's fees, arising out of the acts or omissions of its off icers, employees and/or agents in the performance of its obligations under this contract. Neither party assumes responsibility for the consequences or any act or omission of any person, firm or . corporation not a party to this agreement. 8. Breach. A. In the event of either party's material breach of the terms or conditions of this Contract, the non -breaching party reserves the right to withhold payments or services until corrective action has been taken or completed. However, the party shall not exercise this right until they have given written notice of such material breach to the breaching party and ten days have passed since the receipt of such notice. This option is in addition to and not in lieu of the parties' right to terminate this Contract or any other right which State law offers for breach of contract. B. If either party shall materially breach any of the covenants undertaken herein or any of the duties imposed upon it by this 0 Contract, such material breach shall entitle the other party to terminate this Contract, provided that the party desiring to terminate for such cause shall give the offending party at least twenty days' written notice, specifying the particulars wherein it is claimed that there has been a violation hereof, and if at the end of such time, the party notified has not removed the cause of complaint, or remedied the purported violation, then the. termination of this Contract shall be deemed complete. 9. Non -Discrimination. The Contractor shall conduct its business in a manner which assures fair, equal and non- discriminatory treatment of all persons, without respect to race, creed or national origin, and, in particular: A. The Contractor shall maintain open hiring and employment practices and will welcome applications for employment in all positions, from qualified individuals who are members of minorities protected by federal equal opportunity/affirmative action requirements; and, 044 - 4 - • 11 B. The Contractor shall comply with all requirements of applicable federal, state --or local laws or regulations issued pursuant thereto, relating to the establishment of non- discriminatory requirements in hiring and employment practices and assuring the service of all persons without discrimination as to any person's race, color, religion, sex, Vietnam era veteran's status, disabled veteran condition, physical or mental handicap, or national origin. 10. Entire Contract. The parties agree that this Contract is the complete expression of the terms hereto and any oral represen- tation or understanding not incorporated herein is excluded. Further, any modification of this Contract shall be in writing and signed by both parties. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto caused this Contract to be executed the day and year first hereinabove written. CITY OF PORT ANGELES By Mayor ATTEST: Becky J. Upton, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: PENINSULA COLLEGE By: Title ATTEST: Title Craig D. Knutson, City Attorney M•PC - 5 - U4 Exhibit "A' • 1998 TOURIST PROMOTION BUDGET WORKSHEET for ART FEIRO MARINE LAB Revised 10 FEBRUARY 98 0.40- 0 What is the expected contract time funded by this request? four 4 months Request to CAN, Other Cash Other Cash TOTAL Contribution Contribution A. Personnel 2 full-time staff/ Director's summer salary salaries and required and benefits. Provided by benefits Peninsula College $12.575.00 $7.700.00 $20.275.00 B. Personal Services 40 man-hours of marine science and communica- tion training as a part of Staff training by Friends of the Lab $600.00 $600.00 C. Project Related Required Citv-of Port Support service and Expenses Angeles Peddlers maintenance/custodial Permit supplies from Peninsula College $25.00 $650.00 $675.00 D. Travel N/A E. Grant 8.5% administrative fee Administration by Peninsula College $1.020.00 $1.020.00 TOTALS $12.600.00 $9.970.00 $22,570.00 0.40- 0 • PENINSULA COLLEGE/FEIRO MARINE LAB PROJECTED BUDGET, 1998-1999 FISCAL FEBRUARY 1998 INCOME: Use of facility fee from Port Angeles Schools ....... $ 1,000 -*Admissions ........................................ 17,835 *Sales (books, T-shirts, etc.) ...................... 859 Income from investments ............................. 650 City of Port Angeles (Tourist Promo.)................ 12,600 TOTAL 32,944 EXPENSES: Salaries: Director ....... (Paid by College)....................$30,500 Summer Employees (Tourist Promo) .................... 10,060 LabAide ............................................ 3,200 Benefits: 0 Director ....... (Paid by College) .......... ..... .. 7,000 Summer Employees (Tourist Promo)..... 2,515 LabAide ............................................ 640 Materials and Supplies... ................................ 2,000 Merchandise for resale...... ................. .... .. 644 City Peddlers Permit... ................................ 25 TOTAL $56,584 • Estimated by totaling admissions_ over the last twelve years, subtracting the highest and the lowest value and divide by 10. • Estimated by totaling net income from sales over the last 12 years, subtracting the highest and lowest values and dividing by 10. Prepared and submitted by: c Terry . �LaDuron, Director Art Feiro Marine Laboratory 4 1 • • C7 048 •►MU;.yI 0) mw • T ;•7"• (0) k, THIS CONTRACT is entered into this day of 1998, by and between the City of Port Angeles, Washington, herein - after called "City", and the Juga de Fuca Festival of the Arts, a non -profit corporation, hereinafter referred to as "Contractor". 1. It is in the public interest for Hotel/Motel Tax Funds to be expended for performing and visual arts facilities for the City of Port Angeles. 2. The City of Port Angeles is authorized to expend special excise tax funds under RCW 67.28.210 for the acquisition or opera- tion of performing and visual arts center facilities. 3. The Juan de Fuca Festival of the Arts desires to pay for performing and visual arts facilities and to pay for promotional advertising utilizing Hotel/Motel Tax funding through the -City; and the City Council has budgeted for such funding. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the above representations and the payments,,covenants, and agreements hereinafter mentioned, to be made and performed by the parties hereto, the parties covenant and agree as follows: - 1 - 0 049 A. The Contractor shall organize, develop and conduct a four- day visual and performing arts festival in May, 1998, and other performing arts events during 1998, within the City of Port Angeles at performing and visual arts center facilities capable of seating persons on a regional basis. F-IONEWITe re .'_ -� - (1) The Contractor shall provide the services described in the Section and as more specifically described in the attached Exhibit "A". (2) The Contractor may provide additional services consistent with those services described in the Section, provided that the City will compensate the Contractor for each additional service only to the extent that all services described within Section have been satisfactorily performed and to the extent that funds remain under the total payment amount set forth in Section 3. 2. Duration of Contract. The performance of the Contractor is for one year only and shall commence on the ist day of January, 1998, and terminate on the 31st of December, 1998. 3, The City shall pay the Contractor $4,650 on a reimbursement basis which shall be spent for renting or operating adequate performing and visual arts center facilities and for advertising for the purpose of attracting visitors to Port Angeles and encouraging tourist expansion. The Contractor will invoice the City for such payment on March 31, 1998, and June 30, 1998. - 2 - r 050 • • • A. The Contractor shall provide the City with the Contractor's - 1998 budget, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and includes current salaries and benefits for all employees and classifications of employees, and shall notify the City within 30 days of any increases in salaries or benefits from the previous year. B. The Contractor shall maintain accounts and records which accurately reflect the revenues and costs for the Juan de Fuca Festival of the Arts. These financial records and all records relating to the performance of this Contract shall be available for City inspection. C. The Contractor shall provide the City with quarterly reports fully describing what work has been performed pursuant to this Contract, how the work relates to the services and activities set forth in Section 1 identifying how the work has contributed to increased lodging visits to Port Angeles and including a current statement of revenues and costs. The final quarterly report shall include a complete report describing and detailing how the performance of the contemplated services has been accomplished in accordance with this Contract. D. The Contractor shall use its best efforts to economize on overhead expenses to the maximum extent feasible in providing the services to be performed pursuant to this Contract. 5. Travel. The City has adopted policies for the reim- bursement of travel expenses. Designed to conserve public funds, these policies limit reimbursement for transportation, lodging and meal expenses to Federal per diem standards (attached as Exhibit "B"). The City strongly encourages the Contractor to adopt similar policies for any travel supported by City hotel/motel tax funds. 6. Tndenendent Contractor Status. The relation created by this Contract is that of independent contracting entities. The 3 Contractor is not an employee of --the City and is not entitled to the 0 benefits provided by the City to its employees. The Contractor, as an independent contractor, has the authority to control and direct the performance of the details of the services to be provided. The Contractor shall assume full responsibility for payment of all federal, state and local taxes or contributions imposed or required, including, but not limited to, unemployment insurance, Social Security, and income tax. 7. Hold Harmless and Indemnification. The Contractor shall protect, defend, save harmless, and indemnify the City, its officers, agents and employees, from and against any and all claims, damages, losses and expenses, including reasonable attorney's fees occurring, arising or resulting from supplying work, services, materials or supplies in connection with the performance of this Contract. 8. Breach. A. In the event of either party's material breach of the terms or conditions of this Contract, the non -breaching party reserves the right to withhold payments or services until corrective action has been taken or completed. However, the party shall not exercise this right until they have been given written notice of such material breach to the breaching party and ten days have passed since the receipt of such notice. This option is in addition to and -4- 05.: not in lieu of the party's right to terminate this Contract or any other right which State law offers for breach of contract. B. If either party shall materially breach any of the covenants undertaken herein or any of the duties imposed upon it by this Contract, such material breach shall entitle the other party to terminate this Contract, provided that the party desiring to terminate for such cause shall give the offending party at least twenty days' written notice, specifying the particulars wherein it is claimed that there has been a violation hereof, and if at the end of such time, the party notified has not removed the cause of complaint or remedied the purported violation, then the termination • of this Contract shall be deemed complete. 9. Non -Discrimination. The Contractor shall conduct its business in a manner which assures fair, equal and non- discriminatory treatment of all persons, without respect to race, creed or national origin, and, in particular: A. The Contractor shall maintain open hiring and employment practices and will welcome applications for employment in all positions, from qualified individuals who are members of minorities protected by federal equal opportunity/affirmative action requirements; and, B. The Contractor shall comply with all requirements of applicable federal, state or local laws or regulations issued pursuant thereto, relating to the establishment of non-discriminatory requirements in hiring and employment practices and assuring the service of all persons without discrimination as to any person's race, color, religion, sex, Vietnam era veteran's status, disabled veteran 053 5 - 0 condition, physical -or mental handicap, or national origin. 10. Entire Contract. The parties agree that this Contract is the complete expression of the terms thereto and any oral repre- sentation or understanding not incorporated herein is excluded. Further, any modification of this Contract shall be in writing and signed by both parties. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto caused this Contract to be executed the day and year first hereinabove written. CITY OF PORT ANGELES JUAN DE FUCA FESTIVAL OF THE ARTS • -k) \ By By Q"2ML,- r'.- Mayor President S. 0 Board of Directors ATTEST: Becky J. Upton, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO.FORM: Craig D. Knutson, City Attorney ATTEST: - 6 - C"MF • • • Exhibit "A" PROJECTED APPORTIONMENT OF THE 1998 GRANT FROM THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES 5`h Annual Juan de Fuca Festival Design work $ 250 Stage schedules x 10,000 $ 750 Rack cards x 10,000 $ 845 Posters x 350 $ 314 Mailing / ferry distribution $ 850 Print advertising $ 500 Season Brochure Printing x 10,000 $1,750 Design work $ 250 Mailing and distribution $1,000 ESTIMATED TOTAL $6,509 "The grant from the City will cover a portion of the outlined costs. 055 Juan de Fuca Festival of the Arts is a 501(c)(3) organization committed to the development and promotion of the Arts for the cultural, economic and educational benefit of Washington's North Olympic Peninsula. JUAN] DE FUCA Pt�t. Wk 98362 FESTIVALPhone & Fax (360) 4,57-,411 ;,, maii: fest�irls it olymhus.net OF THE ARTS JUAN DE FUCA FESTIVAL OF THE ARTS BUDGET - �'� Y 1998 REVENUE Fund Balance $ 4,644.00 Street Fair Booths $ 7,500.00 Fund Raisers $ 3,200.00 Grants / Contributions $ 35,000.00 Membership $ 7,000.00 Sales $ 3,000.00 School Field Trips $ 800.00 Sponsorships $ 14,000.00 Ticket Sales $ 86,000.00 TOTAL $161,144.00 EXPENSES Administration $ 40,300.00 Advertising/Marketing (City $ will be dedicated here) $ 12,000.00 Financial $ 2,500.00 Fund Raisers $ 500.00 Performers' Fees & Production (Including residency costs) $104,000.00 TOTAL $159,300.00 056 Juan de Fuca Festival of the Arts is a 501(c)(3) organization committed to the development and promotion of the Arts for the cultural, economic and educational benefit of Washington's North Olympic Peninsula. • • _161U6106 too WI 1� THIS CONTRACT is entered into this 10 day of yU �v� 1998, by and between the City of Port Angeles, Washington, hereinafter called "City", and the Hurricane Ridge Winter Sports Club (Club), a non-profit corporation, hereinafter called "Contractor". 1. It is in the public interest for hotel/motel tax funds to be expended for services to promote the expansion of tourism in the City of Port Angeles. 2. The Contractor desires to provide the above-described 0 services, utilizing hotel/motel tax funding through the City. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the above representations and the payments, covenants and agreements hereinafter mentioned, to be made and performed by the parties hereto,- the parties covenant and agree as follows: A. The Contractor shall perform advertising services in the form of production and distribution of a brochure and various forms of direct advertising to promote Hurricane Ridge winter recreational opportunities. Said tourist promotion efforts shall 9 be coordinated with the City's Parks and Recreation Department. 057 . B. Additional Services. t 0 (1) The Contractor shall provide the services described in the Section and as more specifically described in the attached Exhibit "A". (2) The Contractor may provide additional services consistent with those services described in the Section, provided that the City will compensate the Contractor for each additional service only to the extent that all services described within Section have been satisfactorily performed and to the extent that funds remain under the total payment amount set forth in Section 3. 2. Duration of Contract. The performance of the Contractor is for one year only and shall commence on the 1st day of January, 1998, and terminate on the 31st day of December, 1998. 3. Compensation and Method of Payment. The City shall pay the Contractor $5,600 toward the cost of the services specified in Section 1 of this Contract. Said amount shall be paid quarterly on a reimbursement basis in equal installment payments of $1,400 due on receipt and acceptance by 'the City Manager of the Contractor's quarterly reports as required under Paragraph 4-B of this Contract. The Contractor will invoice the City for the quarterly reimbursements. 4. Recordkeening and Reporting. A. The Contractor shall provide the City with the Club's 1998 budget, which is attached to this Contract as Exhibit "A". B. The Contractor shall maintain accounts and records which accurately reflect the revenues and costs for the Club. These x.15 6 - 2 - financial records and all records relating to the performance of this Contract shall be available for City inspection. C. The Contractor shall provide the City with quarterly reports fully describing what work has been performed pursuant to this Contract, how the work relates to the services and activities set forth in Section 1 identifying how the work has .contributed to increased lodging visits to Port Angeles and including a current statement of revenues and costs. Said reports shall accompany the quarterly invoices. The final quarterly report shall include a complete report describing and detailing how the performance of the contemplated services has been accomplished in accordance with this Contract. D. The Contractor shall use its best efforts to economize on overhead expenses to the maximum extent feasible in providing the services to be performed pursuant to this Contract. 5. Independent Contractor Status. The relation created by this Contract is that of independent contracting entities. The 0 Contractor is not an employee of the City and is not entitled to the benefits provided by the City to its employees. The Contractor, as an independent contractor, has the authority to control and direct the performance of the details of the services to be provided. The Contractor shall assume full responsibility for payment of all Federal, State, and local taxes or contribu- tions imposed or required, including, but not limited to, unemploy- ment insurance, Social Security, and income tax. 6. Hold Harmless and Indemnification. The Contractor shall protect, defend, save harmless, and indemnify the City, its 0 officers, agents, and employees from and against any and all 059 - 3 - claims, damages, losses, and expenses, including reasonable attorney's fees, occurring, arising, or resulting from the perfor- mance of this Contract. 7. Breach. A. In the event of either party's material breach of the terms or conditions of this Contract, the non -breaching party reserves the right to withhold payments or services until corrective action has been taken or completed. However, the party shall not exercise this right until they have given written notice of such material breach to the breaching party and ten days have passed since the receipt of such notice. This option is in addition to and not in lieu of the parties' right to terminate this Contract or any other right which State law offers for breach of contract. B. If either party shall materially breach any of the covenants undertaken herein or any of the duties imposed upon it by this Contract, such material breach shall entitle the other party to terminate this Contract, provided that the party desiring 0 to terminate for such cause shall give the offending party at least twenty days' written notice, specifying the particulars wherein it is claimed that there has been a violation hereof, and if at the end of such time, the party notified has not removed the cause of complaint, or remedied the purported violation, then the termination of this Contract shall be deemed complete. 8. Non -Discrimination. The Contractor shall conduct its business in a manner which assures fair, equal and non- discriminatory treatment of all persons, without respect to race, creed or national origin, and, in particular: A. The Contractor shall maintain open hiring and employment practices and will welcome applications for employment in all positions, from qualified individuals who are members of minorities protected .by federal equal opportunity/affirmative action requirements; and, B. The Contractor shall comply with all requirements of applicable federal, state or local laws or regulations issued .:i 6 0 - 4 - pursuant thereto, relating to the establishment of non- discriminatory requirements in hiring and employment practices and assuring the service of all persons without discrimination as to any person's race, color, religion, sex, Vietnam era veterans status, disabled veteran condition, physical or mental handicap, or national origin. 9. Entire Contract. The parties agree that this Contract is the complete expression of the terms hereto and any oral repre- sentation or understanding not incorporated herein is excluded. Further, any modification of this Contract shall be in writing and signed by both parties. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto caused this Contract to be executed the day and year first hereinabove written. 0 , CITY OF PORT ANGELES By: Mayor ATTEST: Becky J. Upton, Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: HURRICANE RIDGE WINTER SPORTS CLUB Presi nt ATTEST: Secretary Craig D. Knutson, City Attorney C97.HRW 061 - 5 - 3 HURRICANE RIDGE Exhibit "A" Hurricane Ridge Winter Sports Club 908 Church Port Angeles, WA 9836 (360) 457-5559 PROPOSED REVISED BUDGET FOR 1998 HOTEL/MOTEL TAX GRANT FEBRUARY 1998 I. MARKETING BROCHURES (25,000) $2500 BROCHURE DISTRIBUTION $1500 WASHINGTON WINTER GUIDE $500 MEDIA ADVERTISING $500 II. EVENT SPONSORSHIP INVITATIONAL RACE $600 ti J 0s() • HURRICANE RIDGE WINTER SPORTS CLUB — PROPOSED BUDGET FOR 1997-98 INCOME DUES / DONATIONS 4,000 FAMILY PASSES 3,000 INDIVIDUAL SEASON PASSES 3,500 TICKET SALES 22,000 SKI SWAP 2,200 WEATHER/EQUIPMENT FUND 31,000 CITY GRANT 3,800 69,500 EXPENSES ACCOUNTING 840 FUEL 5,500 OFFICE SUPPLIES 150 INSURANCE 8,500 SALARY / WAGES 12,500 REPAIRS & SUPPLIES 6,000 TAXES (excise, sales, employment, etc.) 6,200 PROPERTY TAXES 130 PARK FRANCHISE FEE 300 MARKETING 3,800 SNOW CAT PURCHASE 25,000 MISC. 300 69,220 • 063 Sheet1 90-91 1 91-92 92-93 93-94 94-95 95-96 96-97 INCOME 1 1 Donations / Dues 41601 30851 3957' 36301 37651 26051 3820 Family Passes — 29361 48601 30401 27951 16451 2700 Individ. Season Pass — 23251 21481 20951 27951 16451 3600 Ticket Sales 289301 197921 238231. 201481 190071 122471 19531 Ski Swap 2353 20591 23261 3811! 36931 37141 2263 Other 314 1878(2) 1 — — — I — 'i 13250(4) TOTALS 35757 331481 372461, 328131 32166 256461 45164 i EXPENSES Fuel 54371 4404' 37331 3926' 31111 3960' 5475 Insurance: 9202i 89041 89021, 89441 84801 85751 8275 Repairs 50381 60791 4848! 67441 36941 28371 5535 Taxes 50531 59001 6930 41431 30521 41091 6192 Net Wages 57921 95191 9702: 86381 9011 95461 9740 Other (Major stuff) 4065(l) 375(3) 11 375(3) 374(3) 355(3) — 9347 (5) 384 (3) TOTALS 40763 375731 35765: 359231 293221 303761 46218 I PROFIT / LOSS -24501 -4426; 1481 -31101 28431 -4730' -1030 (1) "Contract Labor' (painting) I I (2) Lake Crescent Dinner (3) Insurance Stock (4) Weather & Equipment Fund ! (5) Weather/Equip. Expense 064 Page 1 E • CONTRACT FOR TOURIST INFORMATIONAND TOURIST PROMOTION SERVICES THIS CONTRACT is entered into this ! day of %%p�j—, 1998, by and between the City of Port Angeles, Washington, herein -after called "City", and The Story People of Clallam County, a non-profit corporation, hereinafter called "Contractor" REPRESENTATIONS It is in the public interest for lodging tax (also known as hotel/motel tax) funds to be expended for tourist promotion services in the City of Port Angeles. 2. Pursuant to RCW 67.28.1815, the City of Port Angeles is authorized to expend special excise tax funds for "tourist promotion purposes", which is defined in RCW 67.28.080(6) to mean activities and expenditures designed to increase tourism, including but not limited to advertising, publicizing, or otherwise distributing information for the purpose of attracting and welcoming tourists, developing strategies to expand tourism, operating tourism promotion agencies, and funding marketing of special events and festivals designed to attract tourists. 3. The Contractor desires to provide tourist promotion services in the form of advertising, publicizing, or otherwise distributing information for the purpose of attracting and welcoming tourists and operating tourism promotion agencies. AGREEMENTS NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the above representations and the payments, covenants and agreements hereinafter mentioned, to be made and performed by the parties hereto, the parties covenant and agree as follows: • - 1 - U65 • A. Tourist Promotion Activities. The Contractor will provide tourist promotion services in the form of advertising, publicizing, or marketing for The Story People of Clallam County's Fourth International Story Telling Festival In Port Angeles on September 18 - 20, 1998 in accordance with its application for lodging tax funding, which is attached hereto as Exhibit A. B. Additional Services. The Contractor may provide additional services consistent with those services described in this Section, provided that the City will compensate the Contractor for each additional service only to the extent that all services described within this Section have been satisfactorily performed and to the extent that funds remain under the total payment amount set forth in Section 3. 2. Duration of Contract. The performance of the Contractor shall commence on the 1st day of January, 1998, and terminate on the 31 st day of December, 1998. The duration of the Contract may be extended or terminated upon the mutual written agreement of the parties hereto and pursuant to the terms and conditions of the Contract. 3. Compensation and Method of Payment. The City shall pay the Contractor $3600 toward the cost of the services specified in Section 1 of this Contract. Said amount shall be paid on a reimbursement basis due on receipt and acceptance by the City Manager of the Contractor's report as required under Section 4 of this Contract. The Contractor will invoice the City for the reimbursement. A. The contractor shall provide the City with its 1998 budget, which is attached to this contract as Exhibit B. 0 - 2 - 066 9 performance of this Contract shall be available for City inspection. C. The Contractor shall provide the City with a report fully describing what work has been performed pursuant to this Contract and how the work relates to the services and activities set forth in Section 1, identifying how the work has contributed to increased lodging visits to Port Angeles, and including a current statement of revenues and costs. Said report shall accompany each invoice. The final report shall include a complete report describing and detailing how the performance of the contemplated services has been accomplished in accordance with this Contract. D. The Contractor shall use its best efforts to economize on overhead expenses to the maximum extent feasible in providing the services to be performed pursuant to this Contract. 5. Independent Contractor Status. The relation created by this Contract is that of independent contracting entities. The Contractor is not an employee of the City and is not entitled to the benefits provided by the City to its employees. The Contractor, as an independent contractor, has the authority to control and direct the performance of the details of the services to be provided. The Contractor shall assume full responsibility for payment of all Federal, State, and local taxes or contributions imposed or required, including, but not limited to, unemployment insurance, Social Security, and income tax. 6. Hold Harmless and Indemnification. The Contractor shall protect, defend, save harmless, and indemnify the City, its officers, agents, and employees from and against any and all claims, damages, losses, and expenses. including reasonable attorney's fees, occurring, arising, or resulting from supplying work, services. materials. or supplies in connection with the performance of this Contract. A. In the event of either party's material breach of the terms or conditions of this Contract, the non -breaching party reserves the right to withhold payments or services until corrective action has been taken or completed. However, the party shall not exercise this right until they have given written notice of such material breach to the breaching party and ten days have passed since the receipt of such notice. This option is in addition to and not in lieu of the parties' right to terminate this Contract or any other right which State law offers for breach of contract. B. If either party shall materially breach any of the covenants undertaken herein or any of the duties imposed upon it by this Contract, such material breach shall entitle the other party to terminate this Contract, provided that the party desiring to terminate for such cause shall give the offending party at least twenty days' written notice, specifying the particulars wherein it is claimed that there has been a violation entitle the other parry to terminate this Contract, provided that the party desiring to terminate for such cause shall give the offending party at least twenty days' written notice, specifying the particulars wherein it is claimed that there has been a violation hereof, and if at the end of such time, the party notified has not removed the cause of complaint, or remedied the purported violation, then the termination of this Contract shall be deemed complete. 8. Non -Discrimination. The Contractor shall conduct its business in a manner which assures fair, equal and non-discriminatory treatment of all persons, without respect to race, creed or national origin, and, in particular: A. The Contractor shall maintain open hiring and employment practices and will welcome applications for employment in all positions, from qualified individuals who are members of minorities protected by federal equal opportunity/affirmative action requirements: and, B. The Contractor shall comply with all requirements of applicable federal, state or local laws or regulations issued pursuant thereto, relating to the establishment of non-discriminatory requirements in hiring and employment practices and assuring the service of all persons without discrimination as to any person's race, color, religion, sex, Vietnam era veteran's status, disabled veteran condition, physical or mental handicap, or national origin. 9. Entire Contract. The parties agree that this Contract is the complete expression of the terms hereto and any oral representation or understanding not incorporated herein is excluded. Further, any modification of this Contract shall be in writing and signed by both parties. x.16 P4 - 4 - • • 9 • IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto caused this Contract to be executed the day and year first hereinabove written. CITY OF PORT ANGELES Mayor ATTEST: Becky J. Upton, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Craig D. Knutson, City Attorney A:•.C9$.SPC - 5 - THE STORY PEOPLE OF CLALLAM COUNTY ATTEST: B` Secretary 063 CITY HOTEUMOTEL FUND GRANT APPLICATION COVER SHEET 1. Applicant: The Story People of Clallam County Address: 1320 S. Cherry Street Port Angeles, WA 98362 Phone: (360)457-3169 Exhibit "A' • 4: Amount of Funding Requested: S 8,000.00 5. Brief Project Description: The project is to produce the Fourth International Forest J P P J 6. Storytelling Festival in Port Angeles, Washington 7. September 18, 19, 20, 1998 I hereby certify that I am authorized by The Story People of Clallam County to submit this application to the City of Port Angeles. Name/Title: Josephine W. Pedersen President, The.Story People of Clallam County Co -Director of International Forest Storvtellina Festival Signature: Date: ". 2 Ci', 9 7 • vr�3 STORY PEOPLE- OF CL.kL.LAM COUNTY ALLOCATION REQUEST TO 1998 CITY OF PORT ANGELES LODGING TAX FUND 5a A. _ This proposal is a request for funds in the amount of $8,000.00 to help produce the Fourth International Forest Storytelling Festival, to be held in Port Angeles during the weekend of September 18, 19, and 20, 1998. These funds will be primarily used to increase our advertising and mailings to media sources in the Northwestern States, in Canada, and enable us to penetrate the entire United States to attract more participants. B. Although the International Forest Storytelling Festival has never received support from the Lodging Tax Fund during our previous three years, our registration information shows that the 1997 Festival resulted in over 160 additional overnight stays in Port Angeles lodging facilities during the weekend of the Festival. 80 people from outside the area who were here for two nights. C. One of our goals, in addition to providing an attractive program, is to become self- sufficient. Our analysis of costs and attendance suggests that we will reach that goal of self-sufficiency by reaching an attendance of about 300 registrants. We know the program is attractive for the 1997 attendance of 80 full program (entire weekend) registrants, from Alaska to Arizona in 1997, exactly doubled from our 1996 pre -registration of 40. While this shows that we produce a quality program, the kind of event people would expect in Port Angeles, it also testifies to the limited advertising we have been able to conduct so far, plus help from word of mouth. advertising also helps us reach people in our local and rural communities. For example, Pat Mendoza came to the 1997 International Forest Storytelling Festival as a guest, and was. then asked to speak on our "open mike," where anyone can sign up to be heard. On the strength of audience reaction after those 10 minutes, and later confirming recommendations, Pat Mendoza will be our featured artist during TELLEBRATION!, a nationally -coordinated event being presented locally in Joyce, Port Angeles, and Sequim on Saturday, November 22. Throughout the year, other storytelling events are planned. For example, a storytelling institute on February 14-15 will feature master teller Donald Davis. He only accepts 12 students who will pay $200.00 for a weekend of instruction. So far, nine have paid their pre -registration fees and are making arrangements for lodging. While word of mouth is certainly gratifying, we cannot depend on that alone to bring about self-sufficiency. Through support of the Lodging Tax Fund, we can "prime the pump" to bring about self-sufficiency, and shorten the time needed for the International Forest Storytelling Festival to generate and sustain maximum lodging traffic. 071 This proposal seeks to address the need for assistance in mounting a professional advertising campaign, and also to provide funds to purchase space in area newspapers and magazines, such as Sto , elling World, and radio and television media, and pamphleteering state ferries. Our 1997 registrants came here from the western states, from Alaska to Arizona, and many states in between, as well as from western Canada, as well. (Someone mailed a brochure to a New Zealand friend, who attended the Festival.) While we intend to concentrate on the western region, we should expand to include the Midwestern states, and also begin to reach more potential attendees who live in eastern states. Of course one measure of the effectiveness of an improved way of getting the word out 'about an attractive program will be an increase in the number of overnight stays in Port Angeles. As more people become aware of the program, and perhaps touch base with others who have first- hand experience, we can expect the number of attendees will increase, thus bringing about a corresponding increase in motel room occupancy. (Based on these numbers, one would expect corresponding growth in restaurant and shopping activity.) We have consulted with Bruce Skinner, International Festival Association, the Port Angeles Chamber of Commerce and the Juan de Fuca Festival of the Arts, and with Jim Cammack, Ed Hanson, and Rick Hart. Also we have had advice from Jimmy Neil Smith, of Jonesboro, TN, founder of the National Storytelling Festival, and from the President of the Orem Friends of the Library, founder of the Timpangas Storytelling Festival in Utah The International Forest Storytelling Festival came about after Port Angeles area storytellers and their friends attended events in other areas of the country and realized that the many attractions of Port Angeles, scenery, people, and other cultural activities, made our city a prime location for a storytelling program.. And by their repeat attendance, visitors from as far away as Alaska and Arizona have voted their agreement. Our surveys of participants (plus repeat - registrations) tell us we have a fine program: We have the best site from the Yukon to Tennessee! What we need to do is eet the word out! -III- GOALS FOR 1998 1. Increase attendance at the 1998 Fourth International Forest Storytelling Festival by 40 full program participants. (There were 80 full program prepaid registrations in 1997.) 2. Provide matching funds of $100.00 per school to four more area schools in 1998, to provide professional storytellers in each school. There were 10 schools in the program. in 1997 that matched the S 100.00 gift offered them by The Storytelling People of Clallam County. U7 C7 0 _ _IV_ As mentioned above, outside assistance has been utilized through attendance at other storytelling events, through discussions with presenters and event coordinators, and through reading articles in journals such as Storytelling? World. Because of our reputation, we have found that many really professional storytellers and presenters compete to come to Port Angeles; many consider it an honor to be invited. Beyond this, the expertise and judgment of Artistic Director Josephine Pedersen can be counted on to select only the best. Coordination of the Forest Storytelling Festival is assured by scheduling the Festival one year in advance, and notifying the Port Angeles Chamber of Commerce and the Tourist Bureau. The Juan de Fuca Festival of the Arts schedules no other activity during the month, and the Washington State Arts Commission funds a Project Grant to help bring culture to our rural areas Advance planning and scheduling are necessary for success of the International Forest Storytelling Festival. It could be adversely affected if competing major events were scheduled to overlap. Involvement of several key local leaders in planning helps avoid this problem. • We expect to continue use of our survey form which asks attendees where they traveled from, where thev staved during the International Forest Storvtelling Festival, how they enjoyed the event, and asks for recommendations for improvement. The Story People of Clallam County, sponsor of the International Forest Storytelling Festival, through either the Festival Director, Josephine Pedersen, or Don Patzman, the Festival Manager, have authority to make adjustments during the Festival program to insure success. Group consensus is also used. The International Forest Storytelling Festival program is now a three-day event, insuring at least a two -night stay per registrant. Some reported remaining for as many as five days. We have had requests to arrange transportation to Hurricane Ridge for people who have utilized air or ferry transportation. We will continue to collect attendance data, and will compare it with information gathered from previous festivals. The desired end product will be happy and satisfied attendees who will return again and again, as many have in the past. This will naturally increase the number of overnight stays and the extent of restaurant and shopping activity. U13 Again, we anticipate that the proposed increased advertising program will increase attendance, so that within four years, we will reach the level of 300 full program participants, the level at which we expect to be self sustaining.. BUDGET WORKSHEET Request to City Other Cash Contributions Other in -Kind Cont. TOTAL A. Personnel 7.200.00 3,600.00 10,800.00 B. Personal Services 500.00 15,000.00 15,500.00 C. Project Related Exp. 8,000.00 2,000.00 3,000.00 13,000.00 D. Travel 1,500.00 1,500.00 E. Grant Administration 1,500.00 1,500.00 TOTALS 8,000.00 11,200.00 23,100.00 42,300.00 • Uf� THE STORY PEOPLE OF CLALLAM COUNTY 1998 INTERNATIONAL FOREST STORYTELLING FESTIVAL BUDGET Anticipated Revenue Ticket Sales $ 7,500 Story People 1,000 WSC for Arts 1,000 Friends of the Library 5,00 City of Port Angeles 3,600 Total $ 16,600 Expenses Tellers Fees $ 8,400 Tellers Transportation 1,500 Advertisement • 4,650 ✓ Rent 1,000 Production 300 Insurance 300 Snack Foods 200 Administration 200 Total $ 16,550 • Deatiled Advertisement Budget Ferry System Ads $ 600 Postage 1,000 Y 6v/,ny 0/1 Brochures, incl. printing and design 1,600 Out side city newspaper ads 500 / National Magazine ad 200v ^ ��,/ya✓ , �, �U' y Festival Tickets 500 Festival 800 phone service 200 Local Banner 50 ✓ - Total $ 4,650 In kind contributions include meals and lodging, local transportation for tellers est. at $ 1.200. Volunteer hours estimated at $ 10,000. • Exhibit "B" • 11 • Aji U CONTRACT FOR MUSEUM SERVICES THIS CONTRACT is entered into this day of 1998, by and between the City of Port Angeles, Washington, hereinafter called "City",'and the Clallam County Historical Society (Museum), a non-profit corporation, hereinafter called "Contractor". 1. It is in the public interest for hotel/motel tax funds to be expended for museum/visual art center services to promote the expansion of tourism in the City of Port Angeles. 2. The Contractor desires to provide the above-described services, utilizing hotel/motel tax funding through the City. AGREEMENTS NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the above representations and the payments, covenants and agreements hereinafter mentioned, to be made -and performed by the parties hereto, the parties covenant and agree as follows: A. The Contractor shall provide museum/visual art center services for the purpose of attracting visitors and encouraging tourism at the Museum, which is currently located in the old Clallam County Courthouse. The Contractor will keep the museum open at least five days a week and at times convenient to visitors -1- U77 to the City and will provide _tours for special visitors or groups on a pre -arranged basis. In addition, the Contractor will provide special displays on a rotating basis, with displays provided whenever possible in the downtown area. rMINEF-Mr-TIMVe- - - (1) The Contractor shall provide the services described in the Section and as more specifically described in the attached Exhibit "A". (2) The Contractor may provide additional services consistent with those services described in the Section, provided that the City will compensate the Contractor for each additional service only to the extent that all services described within Section have been satisfactorily performed and to extent that funds remain under the total payment amount set forth in Section 3. 2. Duration of Contract. The performance of the Contractor is for one year only and shall commence on the 1st day of January, 1998, and terminate on the 31st day of December, 1998. 3. Compensation and Method of Payment. The City shall pay the Contractor $4,600 toward the cost of operating museum/visual art center facilities at which the services specified in Section 1 of this Contract are rendered and for the cost of publicizing or 0 U7V - 2 - on a reimbursement basis in equal installment payments of $1,150 due on receipt and acceptance by the City Manager of the Contractor's quarterly reports as required under Paragraph 4-B of this Contract. The Contractor will invoice the City for the quarterly reimbursements. A. The Contractor shall provide the City with the Museum's 1998 budget, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and includes current salaries and benefits for all employees and classifications of employees, and shall notify the City within 30 days of any increases in salaries or benefits from the previous year. B. The Contractor shall maintain accounts and records which accurately reflect the revenues and costs for the Clallam County Museum. These financial records and all records relating to the performance of this Contract shall be available for City inspection. C. The Contractor shall provide the City with quarterly reports fully describing what work has been performed pursuant to this Contract, how the work relates to the services and activities set forth in Section 1 identifying how the work has contributed to increased lodging visits to Port Angeles and including a current statement of revenues and costs. Said reports shall accompany the quarterly invoices. The final quarterly report shall include a complete report describing and detailing how the performance of the contemplated services has been accomplished in accordance with this Contract. D. The Contractor shall use its best efforts to economize on overhead expenses to the maximum extent feasible in providing the services to be performed pursuant to this Contract. P U79 - 3 - otherwise distributing information for the purpose of attracting visitors to the community. Said amount shall be paid quarterly on a reimbursement basis in equal installment payments of $1,150 due on receipt and acceptance by the City Manager of the Contractor's quarterly reports as required under Paragraph 4-B of this Contract. The Contractor will invoice the City for the quarterly reimbursements. A. The Contractor shall provide the City with the Museum's 1998 budget, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and includes current salaries and benefits for all employees and classifications of employees, and shall notify the City within 30 days of any increases in salaries or benefits from the previous year. B. The Contractor shall maintain accounts and records which accurately reflect the revenues and costs for the Clallam County Museum. These financial records and all records relating to the performance of this Contract shall be available for City inspection. C. The Contractor shall provide the City with quarterly reports fully describing what work has been performed pursuant to this Contract, how the work relates to the services and activities set forth in Section 1 identifying how the work has contributed to increased lodging visits to Port Angeles and including a current statement of revenues and costs. Said reports shall accompany the quarterly invoices. The final quarterly report shall include a complete report describing and detailing how the performance of the contemplated services has been accomplished in accordance with this Contract. D. The Contractor shall use its best efforts to economize on overhead expenses to the maximum extent feasible in providing the services to be performed pursuant to this Contract. P U79 - 3 - 5. Travel. The City --has adopted policies for the reim- bursement of travel expenses. Designed to conserve public funds, these policies limit reimbursement for transportation, lodging and meal expenses to Federal per diem standards (attached as Exhibit "B"). The City strongly encourages the Contractor to adopt similar policies for any travel supported by City hotel/motel tax funds. 6. T_ndenendent Contractor Status. The relation created by this Contract is that of independent contracting entities. The Contractor is not an employee of the City and is not entitled to the benefits provided by the City to its employees. The Contractor, as an independent contractor, has the authority to control and direct the performance of the details of the services to be provided. The Contractor shall assume full responsibility for payment of all Federal,- State, and local taxes or contribu- tions imposed or required, including, but not limited to, unemploy- ment insurance, Social Security, and income tax. 7. Hold Harmless and Indemnification. The Contractor shall protect, defend, save harmless, and indemnify the City, its officers, agents, and employees from and against any and all claims, damages, losses, and expenses, including reasonable attorney's fees, occurring, arising, or resulting from the perfor- 'USO - 4 - • mance of this Contract and the use by the Contractor of space in the City Light Building. 8. Breach. A. In the event of either party's material breach of the terms or conditions of this Contract, the non -breaching party reserves the right to withhold payments or services until corrective action has been taken or completed. However, the party shall not exercise this right until they have given written notice of such material breach to the breaching party and ten days have passed since the receipt of such notice. This option is in addition to and not in lieu of the parties' right to terminate this Contract or any other right which State law offers for breach of contract. B. If either party shall materially breach any of the covenants undertaken herein or any of the duties imposed upon it by this Contract, such material breach shall entitle the other party to terminate this Contract, provided that the party desiring to terminate for such cause shall give the offending party at least twenty days' written notice, specifying the particulars wherein it is claimed that there has been a violation hereof, and if at- the end of such time, the party notified has not removed the cause of complaint, or remedied the purported violation, then the termination of this Contract shall be deemed complete. 9. Non -Discrimination. The Contractor shall conduct its business in a manner which assures fair, equal and non- discriminatory treatment of all persons, without respect to race, creed or national origin, and, in particular: A. The Contractor shall maintain open hiring and employment practices and will welcome applications for employment in all positions, from qualified individuals who are members of minorities protected by federal equal opportunity/affirmative action requirements; and, U$i - 5 - B. The Contractor shall comply with all requirements of applicable federal, state or local laws or regulations issued pursuant thereto, relating to the establishment of non- discriminatory requirements in hiring and employment practices and assuring the service of all persons without discrimination as to any person's race, color, religion, sex, Vietnam era veteran's status, disabled veteran condition, physical or .mental handicap, or national origin. 10. Entire Contract. The parties agree that this Contract is the complete expression of the terms hereto and any oral repre- sentation or understanding not incorporated herein is excluded. Further, any modification of this Contract shall be in writing and signed by both parties. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto caused this Contract to be executed the day and year first hereinabove written. CITY OF PORT ANGELES CLALLAM COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY By: By: r i,. ✓1�v� w� Mayor sident ATTEST: ATTEST: Becky J. Upton, Clerk Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM: Craig D. Knutson, City Attorney COXCH 0-342 - 6 - C� Clallam County Historical Society 1998 Budget $32,700.00 Expenditures Wages Budget._ Revenues 4,900,.00 Membership 6,100.00 Donations 5,000.00 Museum Store (net) 1,500.00 Research/copy income 300.00 Hotel/motel 4,600.00 I nvestment- income 5,600.00 Reserve 9,600.00 $32,700.00 Expenditures Wages 17,600.00 Personnel Benefits 4,900,.00 Strait News -History 800.00 Dues, fees, license 350.00 Office supplies 1,000.00 Postage 700.00 Liability insurance 900.00 Advertising/publishing 800.00 Museum programs 50.00 Conservation 1,500.00 Equipment/maintenance 500.00 Outside photography 200.00 Exhibit production 200.00 Moving 3,000.00 Fundraising 200.00 ------------------ $32,700.00 • 033 Exhibit "A" THE MUSEUM OF THE CLALLAM COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY P.O. Box 1327 Port Angeles, WA 98362-0244 360-417-2364 PROPOSED USE OF HOTEL/MOTEL TAX FUNDS FROM THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES Amount Received $4,600.00 Disbursements: Wages $4,000.00 Advertising 400.00 Exhibit Production 200.00 TOTAL. $4,600.00 03 • 11 • CONTRACT FOR TOURIST INFORMATION AND TOURIST PROMOTION SERVICES THIS CONTRACT is entered into this I I day of MfiRcti 1998, by and between the City of Port Angeles, Washington, herein -after called "City", and the Port Angeles Lions Club, a non-profit corporation, hereinafter called "Contractor". jaus-w-jaeffm• It is in the public interest for lodging tax (also known as hotel/motel tax) funds to be expended for tourist promotion services in the City of Port Angeles. 2. Pursuant to RCW 67.28.1815, the City of Port Angeles is authorized to expend special excise tax funds for "tourist promotion purposes", which is defined in RCW 67.28.080(6) to mean activities and expenditures designed to increase tourism, including but not limited to advertising, publicizing, or otherwise distributing information for the purpose of attracting and welcoming tourists, developing strategies to expand tourism, operating tourism promotion agencies, and funding marketing of special events and festivals designed to attract tourists. 3. The Contractor desires to provide tourist promotion services in the form of advertising, publicizing, or otherwise distributing information for the purpose of attracting and welcoming tourists and operating tourism promotion agencies. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the above representations and the payments, covenants and agreements hereinafter mentioned, to be made and performed by the parties hereto, the parties covenant and agree as follows: • u85 1. Scope of TouristA. Promotion • The Contractor will provide tourist promotion services in the form of advertising, publicizing, or marketing for the Port Angeles Lions Club's Second Annual Strait Bluegrass Festival to be held at the Clallam county Fairgrounds on September 11 - 13, 1998 in accordance with its application for lodging tax funding, which is attached hereto as Exhibit A. The Contractor may provide additional services consistent with those services described in this Section, provided that the City will compensate the Contractor for each additional service only to the extent that all services described within this Section have been satisfactorily performed and to the extent that funds remain under the total payment amount set forth in Section 3. 2. Duration of Contract. The performance of the Contractor shall commence on the 1 st day of January, 1998, and terminate on the 31st day of December, 1998. The duration of the Contract may be extended or terminated upon the mutual written agreement of the parties hereto and pursuant to the terms and conditions of the Contract. 3. Compensation and Method of Payment. The City shall pay the Contractor $900 toward the cost of the services specified in Section 1 of this Contract. Said amount shall be paid on a reimbursement basis due on receipt and acceptance by the City Manager of the Contractor's report as required under Section 4 of this Contract. The Contractor will invoice the City for the reimbursement. A. The contractor shall provide the City with its 1998 budget, which is attached to this contract as Exhibit B. B. The contractor shall maintain accounts and records which accurately reflect its revenues and costs. These financial records and all records relating to the -2- 086 B. The contractor shall maintain accounts and records which accurately reflect its revenues and costs. These financial records and all records relating to the performance of this Contract shall be available for City inspection. C. The Contractor shall provide the City with a report fully describing what work has been performed pursuant to this Contract and how the work relates to the services and activities set forth in Section 1, identifying how the work has contributed to increased lodging visits to Port Angeles, and including a current statement of revenues and costs. Said report shall accompany each invoice. The final report shall include a complete report describing and detailing how the performance of the contemplated services has been accomplished in accordance with this Contract. D. The Contractor shall use its best efforts to economize on overhead expenses to the maximum extent feasible in providing the services to be performed pursuant to this Contract. 5. Independent Contractor Status. The relation created by this Contract is that of independent contracting entities. The Contractor is not an employee of the City and is not entitled to the benefits provided by the City to its employees. The Contractor, as an independent contractor, has the authority to control and direct the performance of the details of the services to be provided. The Contractor shall assume full responsibility for payment of all Federal, State, and local taxes or contributions imposed or required, including, but not limited to, unemployment insurance, Social Security, and income tax. 6. Hold- Harmless and Indemnification. The Contractor shall protect, defend, save harmless, and indemnify the City, its officers, agents, and employees from and against any and all claims, damages, losses, and expenses, including reasonable attorney's fees, occurring, arising, or resulting from supplying work, services, materials, or supplies in connection with the performance of this Contract. A. In the event of either party's material breach of the terms or conditions of this Contract, the non -breaching parry reserves the right to withhold payments or services until corrective action has been taken or completed. However, the party shall not exercise this right until they have given written notice of such material breach to the breaching party and ten days have passed since the receipt of such notice. This option is in addition to and not in lieu of the parties' right to terminate this Contract or any other right which State law offers for breach of contract. B. If either parry shall materially breach any of the covenants undertaken herein or any of the duties imposed upon it by this Contract, such material breach shall 3 - 3/ hereof, and if at the end of such time, the party notified has not removed the cause of complaint, or remedied the purported violation, then the termination of this Contract shall be deemed complete. 8. Non -Discrimination. The Contractor shall conduct its business in a manner which assures fair, equal and non-discriminatory treatment of all persons, without respect to race, creed or national origin, and, in particular: A. The Contractor shall maintain open hiring and employment practices and will welcome applications for employment in all positions, from qualified individuals who are members of minorities protected by federal equal opportunity/affirmative action requirements; and, B. The Contractor shall comply with all requirements of applicable federal, state or local laws or regulations issued pursuant thereto, relating to the establishment of non-discriminatory requirements in hiring and employment practices and assuring the service of all persons without discrimination as to any person's race, color, religion, sex, Vietnam era veteran's status, disabled veteran condition, physical or mental handicap, or national origin. 9. Entire Contract. The parties agree that this Contract is the complete expression of Is the terms hereto and any oral representation or understanding not incorporated herein is excluded. Further, any modification of this Contract shall be in writing and signed by both parties. 0 8 IS -4- • • IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto caused this Contract to be executed the day and year first hereinabove written. CITY OF PORT ANGELES Mayor ATTEST: Becky J. Upton, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Craig D. Knutson, City Attorney A:\C99.LC 0 !&E PORT ANGELES LIONS CLUB By: TA Pr sident ATTEST: `JSecretary 080 Exhibit "A' CITY HOTEL/MOTEL FUND • GRANT APPLICATION Port Angeles Lions Club P.O. Boz 466 Port Angeles, WA 98362 Bob Titus, President 417-4701 Amount of Funding Requested: $1,000 . The Port Angeles Lions Club is requesting $1,000 from the City of Port Angeles Lodging Tax Fund to support the 2nd Annual Strait Bluegrass Festival to be held at the Clallam County Fairgrounds on September 1 I-13, 1998. I hereby certify that I am authorized by the Port Angeles Lions Club to submit this application to the City of Port Angeles. W-tZw�l v;AL'J. Titus, President 20 November, 1998 0 090 0 SUMMARY/REVIEW The Port Angeles Lions Club had been looking for some time for a major project to provide our club with additional funds to be used in support of the less fortunate in our community. With a reduction of government support at all levels, service clubs such as the Lions have seen a steady increase in requests for assistance over the last few years and have been unable to keep up with _ the increased volume of requests. After considering a variety of projects, the Lions Club decided that sponsoring an annual bluegrass music festival in Port Angeles offered us the best opportunity for generating significant revenues while utilizing the talents and labor pool offered by our membership. Thus we sponsored the first annual Strait Bluegrass Festival in September 1997 and drew 355 paying customers to the two-day event. •Considering that a utilized all -volunteer labor and didn't start working on the project until April, we were very happy to make almost S 1.000 from the festival in 1997. This was particularly gratifying, considering all the first year mistakes that we made and the knowledge we gained. We feel certain that we can grow the festival annually to the point were we will have 1,000-2,000 attendees within a few years. Similar festivals in other rural areas have attendance figures ranging from 1,000 to 10.000 fans annually and draw people from a large geographical area. In researching this project we found that there were no major festivals in the Northwest in September and in talking to other festival sponsors on the West Coast, and the regional bands that we brought to Port Angeles, it was the consensus of everyone that we had all the ingredients for hosting a very successful festival. • 09A. OPPORTUNITY/PROBLEM STATEMENT This project has the potential to bring a significant number of people to our town after the close of the prime tourist season. If the festival is ultimately as successful as we hope there is the potential to fill 200-300 hotel/motel rooms. In addition, the community will benefit from the festival on an ongoing basis as the Lions Club returns the funds that the festival will generate back to the less fortunate. One hundred percent of the proceeds are returned to the community less only direct out of pocket expenses incurred by the club. Thus the hotel/motel owners and other area businesses will benefit from increased customers and the community's needy will benefit year -around from increased funding for their special needs. GOALS AND OBJECTIVES STATEMENT 0 The goal of the Lions Club is to generate funds to be returned to the community. The Strait Bluegrass Festival will help us to achieve our goal if it can provide a sizeable. consistent source of funds over the years. Based on our budget projections we can be completely self sufficient when attendance reaches 1000 which should be within the next year or two. WORK PLAN SCHEDULE Support for this project comes entirely from our membership and we have not. nor do we contemplate, utilizing any consultants. We do, however, intend to work with other community groups to offer them an opportunity to provide assistance and receive financial support from the qJn :. proceeds of the festival. In 1997 we involved members from four other peninsula service clubs to assist us. In addition, we were very successful in soliciting financial support from the business community and in particular radio station KONP. KONP was a major festival sponsor and provided thousands of dollars worth of free and reduced cost advertising, as well as establishing a web site for the festival. We expect to continue this close relationship in the future. We have also discussed joint marketing with Port Townsend, which hosts their small boat festival the same weekend as the Strait Bluegrass Festival. The idea would be to jointly promote both events in pre -event ads and to have on-site advertising for the other event in an effort to attract additional tourists to both events (one day in Port Angeles and one day in Port Townsend). We are also exploring the possibility of working with Victoria, BC to have them 0 host a festival the same weekend so that tourists could commute between festivals on the Coho. • The only major potential obstacle. to our event's success, other than lack of attendance, is to become too successful. The City has a "Outdoor Music Festival' ordinance that requires law enforcement personnel to be onsite during all hours of the event (1 officer for every 200 attendees) plus additional officers to oversee traffic starting 2 hours prior to opening until 2 hours after closing (again 1 officer for every 200 attendees). As you can see this could rapidly become very expensive. We recognize that the ordinance is fairly old and was undoubtedly a response to Woodstock or a similar event. however, by holding the event at the fairgrounds we feel that extra law enforcement officials are not necessary. We utilized service club members to assist with parking and event security and had no problems this year. I know it is not the function 093 of the advisory committee to deal with issues such as this but a change in the ordinance could potentially be more valuable than the direct funding we are requesting. EVALUATION STATEMENT The degree of success of the festival will be evaluated within 30 days after the event when all bills have been received and a final accounting made. If overnight lodging counts are important we could survey attendees at the gate to determine if they are local or have traveled from outside of the area. Of the 355 attendees at the 1997 festival approximately 60 were from out of county with 15 coming from Canada. Obviously at a 2 -day event (next year will be 3 days) people are staying overnight and visiting area businesses. In 1998 the festival will have acts performing until 11:00 P.M. on both Friday and Saturday nights which would almost ensure overnight stays. Having drawn 355 attendees in 1997 we are hoping to double this number for 1998 and will use ing da a figure of 700 or more as a measure of success. The festival should be self-supporting once attendance reaches 1000 or more. • BUDGET REVENUES Actual 1997 Tickets Sales $5,524.00 Food Sales $2,082.63 Vendor Rentals $560.00 Sponsorships $2,825.00 Request to City na Total $10,991.63 EXPENSES Printing, Postage & Advertising $3,254.82 Bands $2,100.00 Fair Grounds Rental $1,346.00 Cleanup $0.00 Food $1,751.11 Equipment Rental $88.43 Payment to Other Service Clubs $863.79 Misceilaneous $532.14 Total $9,936.29 1998 Budget $10,000.00 $4,500.00 $640.00 $4,000.00 $1,000.00 $20.140.00 $5,000.00 $3,000.00 $2,000.00 $200.00 $3,500.00 $200.00 $1,000.00 $750.00 $15.650.00 U 0 J Exhibit "B" • • U fj G CONTRACT ACT FOR TOURIST INFORMATION AND TOURIST PROMOTION SERVICES THIS CONTRACT is entered into this day of , 1998, by and between the City of Port Angeles, Washington, herein -after called "City", and the Port Angeles Chamber of Commerce and the North Olympic Visitor and Convention Bureau, non-profit corporations, hereinafter called "Contractor". 1. It is in the public interest for hotel/motel tax funds to be expended for tourist promotion services in the City of Port Angeles. 2. Pursuant to RCW 67.28.1815, the City of Port Angeles is authorized to expend special excise tax funds for "tourist promotion purposes", which is defined in RCW 67.28.080(6)to mean activities and expenditures designed to increase tourism, including but not limited to advertising, publicizing, or otherwise distributing information for the purpose of attracting and welcoming tourists, developing strategies to expand tourism, operating tourism promotion agencies, and funding marketing of special events and festivals designed to attract tourists. 3. The Contractor desires to provide tourist promotion services in the form of advertising, publicizing, or otherwise distributing information for the purpose of attracting and welcoming tourists and operating tourism promotion agencies. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the above representations and the payments, covenants and agreements hereinafter mentioned, to be made and performed by the parties hereto, • the parties covenant and agree as follows: 1. Scope of Services. The Contractor will maintain and operate a tourist facility for the distribution of tourist -related information as follows: (1) The Contractor will furnish the following services: (a) Services generally considered to be of an informational and assistance nature to tourists or visitors to the community, including travel directions, directions to points of interest, lodging accommodations and other hospitality services, recreational activities, cultural events, emergency services, and other referral services. (b) Interpretive displays, audio-visual programs, or other media designed at promoting the City and County tourist attractions. (2) Hours of Operation: The Contractor, to the maximum extent feasible, shall maintain hours of operation for the information facility sufficient to keep it open and available to the public the year around, but particularly, will adjust hours of operation to best cover the peak tourist months. During the generally recognized tourist season, hours of operation, as much as possible, shall be coordinated with the arrival and departure schedule of the Black Ball Transport, Inc., "COHO".ferry system or such other schedule of operation so as to provide optimum coverage in proportion to the demand on the facility for tourist services. (3) Staffing: The Contractor will provide qualified, trained staff to operate the tourist information facility in a professional and competent manner. (1) The Contractor will perform tourist promotion services in the form of a joint marketing program, in accordance with the lodging tax funding request set forth in the attached Exhibit "A" (except that the toll free 1-800 number will be excluded) and the revised, more - 2 - 0�s . detailed funding allocation set forth in the attached Exhibit `B". (2) The Contractor agrees that all tourist promotion funds received from the City will promote tourism within the City of Port Angeles and not individual members of the Contractor. C. Additional Services. The Contractor may provide additional services consistent with those services described in this Section, provided that the City will compensate the Contractor for each additional service only to the extent that all services described within this Section have been satisfactorily performed and to the extent that funds remain under the total payment amount set forth in Section 3. 2. Duration of Contract. The performance of the Contractor shall commence on the I st day of January, 1998, and terminate on the 31st day of December, 1998. The duration of the Contract may be extended or terminated upon the mutual written agreement of the parties hereto and 0 pursuant to the terms and conditions of the Contract. • 3. Compensation and Method of Payment. The City shall reimburse the Contractor for services rendered as specified in Section 1 as follows: A. Maintenance and Operation of Tourist Facility aniiWourist Promotion Activities. - In consideration of the services to be performed in Section 1 with respect to maintenance and operation of the tourist facility and other tourist promotion activities, and upon receipt and acceptance by the City Manager of the Contractor's monthly invoices for maintenance and operation expenses and invoices for advertising expenses, the City will reimburse the Contractor for services rendered provided that the total of the monthly payments shall not exceed $37,000.00 for the operation of the Visitor Center or $32,300 for the joint marketing program. B. Annual Dues. The City will also pay to the Contractor the additional sum of $527.00, representing dues for the City as a member of the Chamber for calendar year 1998. - 3 - 000- 4. Record Keeping and Reporting. 0 A. The Contractor shall provide the City with the 1998 budgets of the Port Angeles Chamber of Commerce and the North Olympic Peninsula Visitor and Convention Bureau, copies of which are attached hereto as Exhibit "C" and include current salaries and benefits for all employees and classifications of employees, and shall notify the City within 30 days of any increases in salaries or benefits from the previous year. B. The Contractor shall maintain accounts and records.which accurately reflect the revenues and costs for the operation of the Port Angeles Chamber of Commerce and Tourist Information Facility. Accounting for maintenance and operation of the Port Angeles Visitor Information Center, as a separate cost center, shall be maintained by the Contractor. These financial records and all records relating to the performance of this Contract shall be available for City inspection. C. The Contractor shall provide the City with reports fully describing what work has been performed pursuant to this Contract, how the work relates to the services and activities set forth in Section 1, identifying how the work has contributed to increased lodging visits to Port Angeles, and including a current statement of revenues and costs. Said reports shall accompany the monthly invoices. The final monthly report shall include a complete report describing and detailing how the performance of the contemplated services has been accomplished in accordance with this Contract. D. - The Contractor shall use its best efforts to economize on overhead expenses to the maximum extent feasible in providing the services to be performed pursuant to this Contract. 5. Travet. The City has adopted policies for the reimbursement of travel expenses. Designed to conserve public funds, these policies limit reimbursement for transportation, lodging and meal expenses to Federal per diem standards (attached as Exhibit "D"). The City strongly encourages the Contractor to adopt similar policies for any travel supported by City hotel/motel tax funds. 6. Independent Contractor Status. The relation created by this Contract is that of independent contracting entities. The Contractor is not an employee of the City and is not entitled • - 4 - L 0 to the benefits provided by the City to its employees. The Contractor, as an independent contractor, has the authority to control and direct the performance of the details of the services to be provided. The Contractor shall assume full responsibility for payment of all Federal, State, and local taxes or contributions imposed or required, including, but not limited to, unemployment insurance, Social Security, and income tax. 7. Hold Harmless and Indemnification. The Contractor shall protect, defend, save harmless, and indemnify the City, its officers, agents, and employees from and against any and all claims, damages, losses, and expenses, including reasonable attorney's fees; occurring, arising, or resulting from supplying work, services, materials, or supplies in connection with the performance of this Contract. 8. Breach. A. In the event of either party's material breach of the terms or conditions of this Contract, the non -breaching party reserves the right to withhold payments or services until corrective action has been taken or completed. However, the party shall not exercise this right until they have given written notice of such material breach to the breaching party and ten days have passed since the receipt of such notice. This option is in addition to and not in lieu of the parties' right to terminate this Contract or any other right which State law offers for breach of contract. B. If either party shall materially breach any of the covenants undertaken herein or any of the duties imposed upon it by this Contract, such material breach shall entitle the other party to terminate this Contract, provided that the party desiring to terminate for such cause shall give the offending party at least twenty days' written notice, specifying the particulars wherein it is claimed that there has been a violation hereof, and if at the end of such time, the party notified has not removed the cause of complaint, or remedied the purported violation, then the termination of this Contract shall be deemed complete. 9. Non -Discrimination. The Contractor shall conduct its business in a manner which assures fair, equal and non-discriminatory treatment of all persons, without respect to race, creed or national origin, and, in particular: • A. The Contractor shall maintain open hiring and employment practices and will welcome applications for employment in all positions, from qualified individuals who are members of minorities protected by federal equal opportunity/affirmative action requirements; and, B. The Contractor shall comply with all requirements of applicable federal, state or local laws or regulations issued pursuant thereto, relating to the establishment of non-discriminatory requirements in hiring and employment practices and assuring the service of all persons without discrimination as to any person's race, color, religion, sex, Vietnam era origin. veteran's status, disabled veteran condition, physical or mental handicap, or national 10. Entire Contract. The parties agree that this Contract is the complete expression of the terms hereto and any oral representation or understanding not incorporated herein is excluded. 1.0 - 6 - L` 0 • Further, any modification of this Contract shall be in writing and signed by both parties. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto caused this Contract to be executed the day and year first hereinabove written. CITY OF PORT ANGELES Mayor ATTEST: Becky J. Upton, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Craig D. Knutson, City Attorney A:\C98.CHA PORT ANGELES CHAMBER OF COMMERCE C - Secretary NORTH OLYMPIC VISITOR AND CONVENTION BUREAU By. r President ATTEST:'--) C, By: it S�Cretary i - 7 - �0 Exhibit "A" from the Port Angeles Chamber of Commerce and the North Olympic Peninsula Visitor & Convention Bureau e AV`s • r� u • from the Port Angeles Chamber of Commerce Forks Chamber of Commerce Sequim-Dungeness Valley Chamber of Commerce Clallam Bay-Sekiu Chamber of Commerce North Olympic Peninsula Visitor & Convention Bureau -105 i05 SUMMARY OF CONTENTS • I. joint Statement . II. Current Aspects and Trends of Tourism on the North Olympic Peninsula . III. Market Analysis . IV. Goal V. Strategies VI. Objectives VII. In Closing • by the Chambers of Commerce of Clallam County and the North Olympic Peninsula Visitor & Convention Bureau I. JOINT STAMMENT 0 The Chambers of Clallam County and the NOPVCB have pledged to work together on common promotional ground. We are pleased to submit this joint marketing proposal for your consideration in allocating room tax- funds for the next three to five years. We believe that a cooperative effort and a syner- gistic attitude will be of the greatest benefit in increasing tourism throughout the Peninsula, for each city and the county as a whole. 10 II. � CUMZENT ASPECTS AND TRENDS OF TOURISM ON THE NORTH OLYMPIC PENINSULA One of the best indicators of tourism trends is room tax revenues. For the last five years, they have been stagnant or shown very little growth. Clallam County has actually seen a decrease in total room rentals. Between 1988 and 1994, Clallam County saw a 1.8% increase in room sales*. After factoring in room rate increases, there has been a net loss of market share. 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 Port Angeles 164,671 165,118(+0.01%) 165,236 (flat) 173,510 (+5%) 172,608(-0.05%) Forks 37,773 29,041 31,221 33,263 33,358 Sequim 34,370 32,625 35,111 46.079 43,289 Port Townsend 114,485 118,215 112,498 125,166 137,520 Clallam County 93,365 95,366 (+2.1%) 82,427 (-13.5%) 99,851 (+21.1%) 87,864 02%) Jefferson County 1 72,858 94,531 1 81,765 1 100,264 1 109,045 Another source of visitation levels is the yearly Olympic National Park count. Over the last five years, these have risen from 3.6 million to 4.3 million. This increase in Park visitation is not reflected in hotel/ motel revenue figures. When considered with the net loss in room nights, it shows a pattern of non -tax generating day trips and pass-through visitation that doesn't capture extended stays. - 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 3.6 million 3.6 million 4.3 million 1 4.6 million 4.3 million up 35% YTD A look at the passenger counts of the previous five years for the Coho ferry to Victoria also shows a pattern of flat or declining travel. In addition, the Dean Runyon study found that two thirds of those inter- viewed had not visited the Peninsula before; only one third were repeat visitors. We can conclude that we need to generate more overnight stays, and that we need to increase repeat visitation. Vehicles Percentage increase/decrease over prior year 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 (to Aug.) +.010 -.061 +.043 +.043 -.041 -.025 Passengers +.039 -.075 -.022 +.042 -.033 -.033 *1994 Dean Runyon study • • i08 • III. MARKET ANALYSIS According to the study conducted in 1994 by Dean Runyon, based on over 1000 site interviews, we have ascertained the following: • The majority of visitors to our area come from the Pacific region of the US, including Wash- ington, Oregon and California. Metropolitan Seattle is the biggest Washington market. Foreign visitors account for one in eight visitors, half of whom are Canadian. • First time visitors are common. Less than one third have been here before. For those who have been here before, the number of previous visits is low, indicating a pattern of only periodic travel. • Average length of stay is about two nights. Eighty per cent of travelers are on vacation or coming to see family and friends. The most common travel party is two people, a bit higher in 0 size during the summer. Some important considerations: the perception of our location as remote is a sig- nificant factor in whether tourists choose to visit; transportation is an issue as well; and the Olympic Peninsula is not perceived as a destination. Other considerations include: • Demographics: Average age is 45, well educated and with a household income of about $47,000. Travelers who stay in commercial accommodations generate approximately $183.00 a day in spending. • Seventy-three per cent of all visitors to the Olympic Peninsula visit Olympic National Park and Port Angeles. • The top reason for visiting the Olympic Peninsula is to see Olympic National Park and the sce- nic wonders of the area. Other important reasons are urban activities, such as shopping and historical/cultural activities, and visiting family and friends. (From the 1994 Dean Runyon study.) • .LO9 Based on consideration of the preceding mar- ket situation, the Chambers and the NOPVCB intend to increase tourism by presenting the North Olympic Peninsula as a destination to en- courage longer stays; by increasing repeat visitation; by increasing spring and fall travel; and by developing partnerships with private en- terprise to leverage marketing dollars. The results of these efforts will be measurable by increases in the room tax revenues of 5% a year for the next three years (1998 - 2000). • • • V Strategies To accomplish this goal, we will implement the following strategies: 1. Capitalize on the presence of Olympic National Park. 2. Emphasize the Peninsula's inherent natural and cultural at tractions in all promotions, tying together each area's theme. 3. Promote special events year-round. 4. Promote and facilitate better customer service. • 5. Expand and integrate tourism promotion on the Internet. 6. Continue to develop and expand our current niche markets including group tours, RV promotion, film and video, meetings and conventions, marine opportunities, and the international market, specifically Germany, Great Britain and Asia. 7. News media promotion. 8. Continue and expand efforts to provide information and assistance to visitors and prospective visitors. 9. Conduct conversion and evaluation studies for all projects funded under this proposal. VI. • Objectives These are the means by which we will achieve the strategies. l To capitalize on Olympic National Park: *Trade shows targeting outdoor activities: Seattle/Portland Sportsman Shows, Trailfest'98, Bike Show and others. (E)* • Support/enhance partnerships with ONP. (E) • Promote ONP through web site. (E) e Print promotions aimed at outdoor activities. (E) 2. Emphasize the Peninsula's inherent natural and cultural attractions in all promotions, tying together each area's theme and addressing visitors' perceptions of the Peninsula as a destination: . • Co-op ad campaigns that connect each city's theme with the larger county theme and with each other's campaigns, i.e. `Visit (name of city) on Washington's Olympic Peninsula," using same type style, logo and/or slogan. (N) s Tie each city's theme into promotions about specific events or destinations. (N) • Create a peninsula -wide Adventure Guide. (N) • Investigate tie-ins with Coastal Corridor program. (N) • Expand promotion of eco -tourism and soft adventures. (E) 3. Promote special events year-round: e Produce a county -wide calendar of events that lists everything going on in the whole area; update quarterly as events are added; mail yearly and periodic calendars to all relevant state contacts and media entities; act as clearing house for community events. (N) • Provide promotional support for special events through existing promotions. (N) • Tie in all event promotions with local and county themes. (N) • Develop Internet page for each event. (N) • Inclusion in press packets and updates to regional calendars. (C) 'C = Continuing activity / E = Expands on continuing activity / N = New activity 0 (Objectives, coni.) 0 4. To promote and facilitate customer service and cross -selling relationships: • Offer seminars for front-line service personnel. (C)* • Sponsor Secret Visitors' program. (N) • Awards program for tourism businesses: 'Tourist Host.' (N) • Visitor Center staff training and incentives. (C) S. Expand Internet marketing: • Install counters and response mechanism on each home page. (N) • Off season coupons available on net. (N) • Accommodation listings with phone numbers and web addresses. (N) • Control content internally and get staff training by contracting out for web services. (N) • Create specific web pages for special events. (N) • Add beneficial links to other sites such as Victoria, BC. (E) 6. Continue to expand and develop our current niche markets: Meetings and Conventions - • Advertise in Northwest Meeting Planners guide. (C) • Produce an Olympic Peninsula Meeting Planner Guide highlighting meeting locations. (N) • Attend MTC and the Summit trade shows. (E) • Join Western Association of VCB, Tourism Victoria and the Association of Society Executives. (E) • Redesign and print Vern Burton information for the City of Port Angeles. (N) • Direct mail campaign to ad leads and meeting planner list with follow-up telephone calls. (E) • Conduct a meeting planners' familiarization tour. (N) • Update meeting location list and readerboard list. (C) • Sales blitz to Seattle every year. Add Portland and Victoria in upcoming years. (C) 'C = Continuing activity / E = Expands on continuing activity / N = New activity .j -4 n yJL%J (Objectives, con't.) _ Film and Video Recruitment - • Buy a digital camera and zip drive storage, and start a digital photo library for quick response to film leads. Tie into Olympic National Park digital photo library. (N) • Attend the 1998 Location Expo with the State Film and Video Office. (N) • Letterhead and business cards for Olympic Peninsula Film Commission. (N) • Produce an Olympic Peninsula Film and Video resource guide for employment and possible contractors, such as caterers, flight rentals, etc. (N) • Start and maintain a slide file from outside sources like the state tourism division and ONP. (N) Buy quantities of KC publication, Olympic: The Continuing Story," for a direct mail campaign about the beauty of our area to location scouts. (C) Group Tours - • Attend the National Tour Association annual fall meeting, TIA POW WOW trade show. (C) • Organize a follow-up direct mail campaign to tour operators. (C) Include a page in the NTA Internet site; update our Internet site to include a page for travel agents and tour operators. (N) International Visitors - • Buy a supply of Olympic Peninsula books in foreign languages, and direct mail them to overseas operators as gifts and information. (N) • Develop multi -language signs for the Peninsula, especially at access points. Lan- guages to be included would be German and Japanese. (N) • Cooperate with the state tourism division on international marketing efforts. (N) Marine Opportunities - e Work to have the Navy stop at the Ports on the way to Seattle Seafair for tours and to pick up passengers to deliver to Seafair. (C) a Work with a Canadian company on another cruise ship visit. Work to establish cruises from Seattle to Port Townsend on the Victoria Clipper, coupled with tours of the area. (C) Increase small passenger cruise ships for Sequim and Neah Bay. (C) RV Promotion - • Attend Tacoma RV Show. (N) • Advertise in RV Life Directory. (N) 'C = Continuing activity / E = Expands on continuing activity / N = New activity 0 (Objectives, coni.) 7. News media promotions: • Contract with a local writer to create press releases. (N) • Use a clipping service. (N) • Host individual writers as referred by the state tourism division. (C) • Apply again for a regional Press Fam grant from the state tourism division. (C) • Host regional Fam Tour. (N) • Produce a list of writers and publications that would run articles about the Olympic Peninsula. (N) • Produce and direct mail a "What's New?" newsletter to media contacts. (C) • Join Travel Writers Association. Work towards hosting Travel Writers Association with Victoria. (N) 8. Continue and expand efforts to provide information and assistance to visitors and prospective visitors: • Continue to operate current Visitor Centers. (C) • Continue to mail information to those who request information in response to pro motions. (C) • Continue the 1-800 number programs in place to service inquiries about traveling to the Peninsula. (C) 9. Conduct evaluation studies for all projects funded under this proposal: * Run evaluation study for all chambers and the bureau, measuring. projects' effec- tiveness. (C) * Pursue grant for a new tourism survey like the Runyon study to be conducted in 1999, to be used for evaluating this plan and for comparisons with the benchmark 1994 study. (N) r�)�6 �� 'C = Continuing activity / E = Expands on continuing activity / N = New activity 1998-2000 HOTEL/MOTEL TAx REQUEST FROM THE � PORT ANGELES CHAMBER OF COMMERCE `rte `� AND THE NORTH OLYMPIC VISITOR & CONVENTION BUREAU FOR BUDGET PEAR 1998 Existing 2% Request PORT ANGELES. Visitor Information Center operating costs $37,000.00* Toll Free 1-800 number 4000.00 Redesign and print Port Angeles brochure 10,000.00 Reprint maps and Things to Do 3,500.00 *Does not include matching funds from the Chamber NOPVCB. Telephone and postage 8000.00 Special events promotion 6000.00 Meetings and convention promotions (Vern Burton Center) 6000.00 $74,500.00 Additional 2% Request PORT ANGELES. 'Base Camp' video $6,000.00 Display ads in Sunset Magazine 18,000.00 Display ads in Adventure West 4,000.00 Display ads in Outside Magazine 5,000.00 Display ads in Alaska Magazine 2,500.00 Internet Yahoo advertising 10,000.00 Advertising Development: Print - advertising design and production 5,000.00 Television - Produce TV ad (to be used over period of three years) 10,000.00 TV broadcast advertising in Seattle/Spokane/Portland markets 74,000.00 COOPERATIVE PROJECTS. Total Project Cost Port Angeles' Portion Adventure Guide $30,000.00 $10,000.00 Calendar of Events 5,000.00 2,000.00 Customer Service Seminars 5,000.00 1,000.00 Trade Shows 12,000.00 2,500.00 Sportsman Shows, Trailfest, Bike Show & others Internet 20,000.00 7,500.00 Advertising (out of area) 80,000.00 15,000.00 Conduct evaluation of results 10-000.00 2500.00 $162,000.00 $175,000.00 i 1998-2000 HOTEL/MOTEL TAx REQUEST FROM THE NORTH OLYMPIC VISITOR & CONVENTION BUREAU AND THE PORT ANGELES CHAMBER OF COMMERCE CLALLAM BAY-SEKIU CHAMBER OF COMMERCE .� FORKS CHAMBER OF COMMERCE NEW,SEQUIN-DUNGENESS VALLEY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE FOR BUDGET YEAR 1998 Existing 2% Request NOPVCB operations and marketing (year three of three year contract) $95,000.00 Additional 2% Request CLALLAM COUNTY Clallam Bay/Sekiu Co-op Advertising Program $12,000.00 Group Trade Shows 7,000.00 Film and Video Marketing Grant 3,000.00 Group Tour Planner 2,500.00 Marketing Planner Guide 2,500.00 $27,000.00 COOPERATIVE PROJECTS. Total Project Cost County Portion Adventure Guide $30,000.00 $14,700.00 Calendar of Events 5,000.00 1,600.00 Customer Service Seminars 5,000.00 1,900.00 Trade Shows 12,000.00 6,000.00 Sportsman Shows, Trailfest, Bike Show & others Internet 20,000.00 Jefferson Co. 8,000.00 Advertising (out of area) 80,000.00 25,600.00 15,000.00 Conduct evaluation of results 10,000.00 29,500.00 $162,000.00 $76,700.00 1998-2000 HOTEL/MOTELTAxREQUEST FROM THE SEQUIM-DUNGENESS VALLEY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE AND THE NORTH OLYMPIC VISITOR & CONVENTION BUREAU FOR BUDGET YEAR 1998 Original 2% Request Visitor Information Center operating costs $22,500.00 Ditchwalkers / Irrigation Festival / Float Shed 3000.00 NOPVCB 6,000.00 $32,500.00 Additional 2% Request SEQUIM.- New Sequim brochure $7,000.00 Bike Map (over run) 11000.00 Farm Tour (over run) 1,000.00 Event promotion 10,000.00 Lavendar Festival, Farm Tour COOPERATIVE PROJECTS. Total Project Cost Sequim's Portion Adventure Guide $30,000.00 $5,000.00 Calendar of Events 5000.00 1,000.00 Customer Service Seminars 5000.00 1,000.00 Trade Shows 12,000.00 4,000.00 Sportsman Shows, Trailfest, Bike Show & others Internet 20,000.00 4,000.00 Advertising (out of area) 80,000.00 9,000.00 Conduct evaluation of results 10,000.00 1,000.00 $162,000.00 $44,000.00 � A � ]998-2000 HoTEL/MoTELTAxREQUEST 0 FROM THE FORKS CHAMBER OF COMMERCE AND THE NORTH OLYMPIC VISITOR & CONVENTION BUREAU FOR BUDGET YEAR 1998 Existing 2% Request Visitor Information Center operating costs NOPVCB Additional 2% Request FORKS: Five Day Travel Planner (30,000) Destination Advertising Cross -Selling Fam Tour Forks Full Color Brochure (50,000) COOPERATIVE PROJECTS: Total Project Cost Adventure Guide $30,000.00 Calendar of Events 5000.00 Customer Service Seminars 5000.00 Trade Shows 12,000.00 Sportsman Shows, Trailfest, Bike Show & others Internet 20,000.00 Advertising (out of area) 80,000.00 Conduct evaluation of results 10.000.00 $162,000.00 $25,000.00 7,500.00 $32,500.00 $1,600.00 10,600.00 300.00 10,000.00 $22,500.00 Forks' Portion $300.00 400.00 100.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 200.00 $2,500.00 NOPVCB Request NOPVCB Request Cross -Sell. Forks -Color Farn Tour Full I (Visitor Inlor. Cnt r. Cosh New Farm Tour Sequ im Tour V _�Cnfor. Cntc Irrigation Festival Yahoo 1998 JOINT MARKI�,'FING PLAN Adver- Port 'Base tising Angeles of the C* pp. Brochure Chambers of Commerce Visitor Infor. Cntr. D1, of Clallam County & the NOPVCB PORT Costs vt ANGELES: y The Gateway to.. NOPVCB oRequest Washingtn's Olympic Calendar of Events Peninsula, Toll -Free 800 Number W'd 'C. ormir pstVi A TV Print :futlidemaps Adver- I 11111(js using Aa �"Oftkc' 1()1)0 V.': "o Internetut-of-Area Pr6jects r­­­�Advertising Clallarn Bay/ Sekiu C6 -0p Advertising Program Eval, of Re" is Mktng. Planner Guide (Group Trade 0 4� Original 2% Room To Additional 2% Room Tax �) Shows 'Oper-' ations & r0� *== f he Forks, Port Angeles, Sequim and Clallam Bay/Sekiu Chambers of Commerce and the North Olympic Peninsula Visitor and Convention Bureau have pledged to work together on common pro- motional ground. The Chambers and the NOP VCB believe that an integrated approach as outlined in this proposal will have long-term benefits for the economy and citizens of the Peninsula. We hope this will meet with your approval, and we thank you for your- consideration. - President, Sequim-Dungeness Valley Chamber of Commerce President, Forks Chamber of Commerce President, Clallam Bay/Sekiu Chamber of Commerce President, Port Angeles Chamber of Commerce President, North Olympic Peninsula Visitor Ft Convention Bureau Executive Director, Sequim-Dungeness Chamber of Commerce Executive Director, Forks Chamber of Commerce Chair, Lodging Committee, Clallam Boy/Sekiu Chamber of Commerce Executive Director, Port Angeles Chamber of Commerce Executive Director, North Olympic Peninsula Visitor St Convention Bureau Why the Joint Marketing Proposal � Makes Sense: 0 Leveraged money from all communities works together. We are an established local option. • Greater opportunity for flexibility. We are asking for: 1. Support of our tourism marketing plan to benefit all businesses. 2. A three to five year commitment. l)�ti��„�i•i � .-+jam: • Port Angeles Chamber of Commerce and North Olympic Peninsula visitor and Convention Bureau Joint Request for 1998 Hotel/Motel tax. PORT ANGELES CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Visitor Center operational costs .......... $37,000.00 Redesign and print Port Angeles brochure... 8,800.00 Reprint maps and things to do brochure..... 3,500.00 CHAMBER TOTAL $49,300.00 NORTH OLYMPIC PENINSULA VISITOR AND CONVENTION BUREAU Telephone and postage ..................... $8,000.00 • Special Events promotion: ................ 6,000.00 Big Hurt Triathlon Tourism Week Seattle Sales Blitz Film and video recruitment, location Expo trade show Meeting and Special Event Promotion........ 6,000.00 .Prospect leads Send out information to prospective meeting planners on the Vern Burton MTC meeting planner trade show VCB TOTAL ....... $20,000.00 TOTAL BOTH ORGANIZATIONS $69,300.00 • Exhibit 'B" � 4j PORT ANGELES CHAMBER OF COMMERCE =998 BL --GET ANALYSIS Prepare :anuary 20, :998 SUMi4AR f 0i. TC=AL REVENUES 02. TC _AL EXPENSES 03. NET INCOME !LOSS) REVENUES 04. •IE:IBERSHIP DUES 05. BUILDING RENTAL 06. CC;,'NTER SALES 07. S = RED EXPENSE REIMB. 08. ANN JAL BANQUET 09. F' D RAISER - AUCTION _NARY -OFFICE _•LANAGER = �7. D RAISER - OTHER il. I_.":= -REST EARNED 12. 3RCCh'URE DISTRIBUTION 13. DC_:ATIONS i4. C:__•IBER SERVICES =5. RE==REMENT PRCMOTON _ __..CERTS 0:7 _' E PIER CONATIONS 17. ='--' 4TH FUND DRIVE 1,156 3_S=NESS RETENTION _9. SHOWCASE SALES 20. AF=ER HOURS _. SA._E OF EQUIPMENT « . :•II= CELLANEOUS TOTA � .-- • =-7UES _._- E^ISE= $135,084 '•'_=_ERIALS-COUNTER SALES =4. :6C=C SHOWCASE CONSIGN. _2. S =.CRY-EXECUTI7 E 134,127 _.'PT E I1�.A EXEC. & OFF . MGR . .. 3C_. -JS -EXECUTIVE =9. _NARY -OFFICE _•LANAGER _9. _=CA TAX 30. Z. UNEMPLOYMENT TAX 3-_-� UNEMPLOYMENT TAX _ .371TE: -E INDUSTRIAL INS . 25,000 'IC P.Z IYROLL :'AX A.LLCCATION 20,300 Exhibit "C" OPERATING FUNDS PRC -^SED ACTUAL BUDGET p p y B17 -GET 1996 1997 1997 �98 $119,827 $135,084 $138,223 $134,229 127,407 122,773 142,600 134,127 ($7,580) $12,311 ($4,377) $102 $60,577 $59,000 $57,410 $59,000 2,505 3,084 2,925 2,904 21,200 25,000 19,980 20,300 267 10 1,156 2,000 2,000 5,004 5,000 6,397 6,000 4,565 14,500 21,732 22,575 3,018 2,500 2,650 2,200 1,038 1,000 270 250 2,968 3,000 2,198 2,200 68 95 100 5,000 11,943 10,000 12,316 X0,000 245 5,293 10,000 6,920 77,000 225 75 $135,084 $138,223 $134,229 $119,827 $12,064 $15,000 $11,569 $12.000 3,702 7,500 5,194 5,250 44,290 44,290 44,290 44,290 917 2,7776 8,012 8,412 8,412 3,933 4,614 4,500 4,675 4,330 112 112 182 191 258 301 (744) (786) 1Z4 • • • PORT 'A".SE_ES CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 1998 ANALYSIS Prepared :anuary 20, 1998 9 OPERATING FUNDS ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL 1,996 1997 9-7 1998 34. 3&3 TAX $ - $ - $ - $ - 35. MEDICAL INS. -EXECUTIVE. 3,142 4,000 5,578 5,000 36. :%:=DICAL INS. -OFFICE MGR. 571 643 554 554 37. _EPSONAL PROPERTY TAXES 22 30 27 30 36. _::.BIL --TY & FIRE INS. 122 88 82 100 39. CHARGES 479 500 929 950 40. ..F?ICE SUPPLIES 632 1,000 1,200 1,200 41. C-F7_CE EQUIPMENT 15 1,100 1,061 300 42. .1-7:70 ALLOWANCE 3,600 3,600 3,.600 3,600 43. ::---=-S & SUBSCRIPTIONS 798 800 1,248 1,250 44. `I-_.tiSLETTER 700 700 45. OFFICE RENT 5,830 4,048 4,049 4,048 46. _ STAGE 3,316 2,526 3,542 3,600 47. -:LITIES 548 417 326 325 48. =::;IPMENT RENTAL 629 929 710 710 49. _c=EPHGNE 864 550 562 550 & MAINTENANCE 107 170 296 225 100. 1. _==AIRS '.ECUTIVE'S EXPENSES 797 800 1,115 1,000 52. -EXECUTIVE TRAINING 800 984 53. .FF:CE RENOVATION 3,185 54. _FF --CE MGR'S EXPENSES 303 360 1,056 1,000 3ANQUET 2,018 2,200 283 2,000 56. _ ST SPEAKER MEALS 435 360 507 500 57. CC:•-�•IUNITY DEVELOPMENT 193 452 300 c;8. =C::CER':S ON THE PIER 1,950 1,800 4,525 1,800 ::9. 7- FOURTH FIREWORKS 10,000 10,000 10,00 10,000 60. __ FOURTH EVENT 2,204- 500 187 200 61. ==:--REMENT PROMOTION 62. _•=ASSADORS/HOSPITALITY 100 19 100 63. __':ERNMENT RELATIONS 13 100 90 100 64. 7:---RIST PROMOTION 3,800 3,750 2,601 2,600 65. -_CCIJNT:NG SERVICES 4,200 66. =-----z--NESS RETENTION 909 67. 7_7_7D RAISER - AUCTION 1,218 1,000 2,237 1,800 68. -=:D RAISER - OTHER 6,066 13,958 7,556 69. Z_' --_.=0U HARRIS CONCERT 4, 3 6 7 0. --:'_R HOURS EXPENSE 71. .--.=CELLANEOUS EXPENSE 124 200 113 150 �. =::3ERSHIP DEVELOPMENT 1,936 389 3. , -_ INGTON D.C. FLY- IN 4. 717 ---POLL TAX PENALTY 159 _ CT..L 7__=-`+SES$127, 407 $122, 773 $142,600 $134,127 PO=T ANGELES ^_HA,1BER OF COMMERCE 1999 BUDGET ANALYSIS Pr=_nared January 20, 1997 VISITOR CENTER FUNDS PROPOSED ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET 1996 1997 199'7 1998 S'v: V.ARY 01.. TOTAL REVENUES $42,509 $47,000 $45,887 $50,300 02. TOTAL EXPENSES 55,643 47,926 43,469 50,300 03. NET INCOME(iOSS) ($13,134) ($926) $2,418 $0 REVENUES 04. CITY ALLOCATION $42,509 $47,000 $45,887 $50,300 'ZT_=,L REVENUES $42,509 $47,000 $45,887 $50,300 05. BROCHURES & PROMOTION $22,543 $10,000 $8,240 $14,900 06. MEDICAL INSURANCE 571 643 554 554 07. OFFICE RENOVATION 1,372 ^3. OFFICE EQUIPMENT 84 206 200 _:. SALARY - OFFICE MANAGER 8,012 8,412 8,412 8, 833 OFFICE RENT 10,365 12,147 12,146 12,146 :=. UTILITIES 973 1,250 979 980 _2. REPAIRS & MAINTENANCE 265 330 979 675 __. OFFICE SUPPLIES 2,624 2,975 2,829 2,830 __. EQUIPMENT RENTAL 944 1,458 2,131 2,130 __. POSTAGE 5,632 7,875 4,233 4,250 :_. BUILDING :.NSURANCE 218 262 247 250 _'. TELEPHONE 1,296 1,650 1,727 1,730 __. PAYROLL TAXES 744 924 786 822 7= -.mL EXPENSES $55,643 $47,926 $43,469 $50,300 0 ��J • • North Olympic Pemnsuls Visitor Convention Bureau Budget 1998 I +/) P . e1 i Equipment Expenses ---------- TOTAL Jan'89 Feti Mar 10 Apr'99 May V9 Jun •88 Jul'99 Aug '11,11 Sep'99 Oct *111111 Nov'" Doe" Jan -Dee'" 250 Income I000 -Opening Balance 5.868.00 1,81500 2011 -Phone System Loan Paym 169 169 169 5.968.00 169 Funding Partners 180 169 180 1.52100 2012 -Cellular Poples 93.33 8333 8333 83.33 1010-Clallam County 7,916.87 7.916.67 7.918.67 7.918.87 7,918.67 T-01887 7,916.67 7,918.67 7.916.67 7,916.67 7,916.67 7,918.63 95,00010 250 1015 -Port Angeles 250 5.000.00 250 5,000.00 250 5.000.00 5,000.00 20.00000 1020Sequlm 1,050.00 1,050.00 1,050.00 700 1,050.00 4.200.00 2.333.33 1025 -Forks 2.333.34 625 625 625 625 2.500.00 Total Equipment Expense Total Funding Partners 7,916.67 7,91657 14.591.67 7,818.67 7,918.67 14,591.67 7,916.67 7,918.67 14,591.67 7,916.67. 7,916.67 14,591.83 121.70000 Grants - 1040.NFS-FdmB Video 2060Sa4newBenefi4 9,367.16 7,000.00 9,387.16 9,367.16 9,387.16 9,367.16 9.367.16 9.367.16 9,367.16 9.367.16 7.000-w 9,367.20 Total Grants 2061 -Newsletter 7,000.00 125 125 125 125 7.000.00 125 Internet 750 2063�.ommrsston Sales 208.33 208.33 208.33 208.33 208.33 208.33 208.33 206.33 206.33 208.33 1050-Advertong 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 3.000.00 Total Internet 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 3.000.00 250 Membership 250 i,o0O.00 Total Membership Expense 9,700.49 9.992.16 9,700.49 9,742.16 9.950.49 9,742.16 9.700.49 1060-N- Members 9,700.49 9,742.16 1,250.00 9,742.22 11765600 1,250.00 Operation Expenses 1,250.00 1,25000 5.00000 1061-98 R-% 375 375 375 375 375 375 7,500.00 7,500.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 375 375 20.000.00 833.33 Total Membership 375 375 1,625.00 375. 375 1,625.00 7,500.0 7,50000 2.26D.00 1,00000 375 1,62500 25.1700.00 12.5 Membership Events 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 150 3032 -Insurance 450 1065-Bd Mtg, X-mas, Education 108.33 10833 108.33 106.33---. 108.33 108.33 108.33 10833 108.34 106.34 108.34 108.34 1.300.00 41667 1066-Misc 41.67 41.67 41.67 41.67 41.67 41.67 41.67 41.67 41.67 41.67 41.65 4165 500 _ 208.33 Total Membership Events 150 150 150 150 -- - 150 150 150 150 150.01 150.01 149.99 149.99 1,900.00 _ 3037 -Postage Operations 82.5 62.5 62.5 62.5 62.5 625 62.5 62.5 62.5 62.5 62.5 750 1070 -Interest 20.83 20.83 20.67 20.83 20.53 20.53 20.83 20.83 20.83 20.83 20.83 2027 250 1092.00 1071 -Miscellaneous, 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 276 Total Operations 43.83 43.83 43.83 43.83 43.83 43.83 43.93 43.83 43.93 43.831 43.83 43.87 526 1,624.33 Special Events 21,052.00 Professional Services 1080 -Big Hurt 40O0-Accournbng 116.67 116.67 118.67 116.67 116.67 116.67 116.67 116.67 116.67 Registration 116.67 116.63 1,40000 4010 -Legal 500 3.000.00 3.011,3.00 600000 Sponsorship 500 4015 -ADP -Payroll Processung 1,5DO.OD 1.000.00 500 50 50 3.000.00 50 Total 1080.8ig Hurt 50 50 50 50 600 1,500.00 4.000.00 3.500.00 166.67 168.67 9.000.00 166.67 Total Special Events 186.67 168.67 166.67 166.67 16663 250000 1,500.00 4,000.00 3,600.00 9.000.00 Visitor Guide 5010 -National Tourism Week 1085 -Visitor Glade Advertising 250 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 30,000 00 Total Visitor Guide 14,000.00 14,000.00 26.000.00 10.000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 30.000.00 Total Income 14,603.50 8,735.50 23,660.50 8.735.50 8,735.50 16,660.50 17,360.50 1928030 20.785.51 19,380.51 18.735.49 28,660.49 203,99400 I +/) P . e1 i Equipment Expenses ---------- 2010 -Compeer Payment 250 250 250 250 250 250 315 1,81500 2011 -Phone System Loan Paym 169 169 169 169 169 180 180 169 180 1.52100 2012 -Cellular Poples 93.33 8333 8333 83.33 83.33 83.33 83.33 8333 83.33 83.33 83.33 83.37 1.000.00 2013 -Equip Repave 8 Upgrades 250 250 250 250 1,000.00 2014-CopwiPodage Lease 175 175 175 175 700 2015-NFS Grant-Equiome t 2.333.33 2.333.33 2.333.34 7.00000 Total Equipment Expense 2.585.68 2335.88 3,26027 502.33 752.33 677.33 SD2.33 817.33 42733 83.33 333.33 258.37 13.036.00 Membership Expense - 2060Sa4newBenefi4 9,367.16 9.367.18 9,387.16 9,367.16 9,387.16 9,367.16 9.367.16 9.367.16 9,367.16 9.367.16 9,367.20 9,367.20 112,40600 2061 -Newsletter 125 125 125 125 125 125 750 2063�.ommrsston Sales 208.33 208.33 208.33 208.33 208.33 208.33 208.33 206.33 206.33 208.33 208.33 208.37 2.500.00 2064 -Membership Everts 166.67 168.87 166.67 186.87 166.87 166.65 1.00000 2065-Medmgs 6 Education 250 250 250 250 i,o0O.00 Total Membership Expense 9,700.49 9.992.16 9,700.49 9,742.16 9.950.49 9,742.16 9.700.49 9.992.16 9,700.49 9,742.16 9,950.53 9,742.22 11765600 Operation Expenses - _ 3030-Tmvei 8 Auto Experwea 833.33 833.33 833.33 833.33 833.33 63.3.33 833.33 833.33 833.33 833.33 -833.33 833.37 10.000.00 3031 -Bank Fee 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 150 3032 -Insurance 450 - - 450 303506k:e Supplies 416.67 41667 416.67 416.67 416.67 416.67 416.67 416.67 416.67 416.67 418.67 416.63 5.00000 3036 -Phone 208.33 208.33 208.33 208.33 208.33 208.33 208.33 208.33 208.33 208.33 208.33 208.37 2.500.00 3037 -Postage 62.5 82.5 62.5 62.5 62.5 62.5 625 62.5 62.5 62.5 62.5 62.5 750 3038 -Rent 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 1092.00 3039-Memoershipv8uoscnptwn 450 165 180 165 165 1,11000 Total Operation Expenses 2.074.33 1.769.33 2.074.33 1,624.33 1,789.33 1,624.33 1,624.33 1,624.33 1.789.33 1,789.33 1,624.33 1,624.37 21,052.00 Professional Services 40O0-Accournbng 116.67 116.67 118.67 116.67 116.67 116.67 116.67 116.67 116.67 116.67 116.67 116.63 1,40000 4010 -Legal 500 500 4015 -ADP -Payroll Processung 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 600 Total Professional Services 666.67 18667 166.67 168.67 166.67 166.67 166.87 186.67 168.67 166.67 166.67 16663 250000 Project Expenses 5010 -National Tourism Week 250 250 5012 -Visitor Guide 14,000.00 14,000.00 26.000.00 50135a1es Blitz 500 500 5014-Bg Hurt 8,000.00 6 000.00 5015-Chrktrtua Parry 900 900 Total Project Expenses 250 500 8.000.00 14,000.00 14,900.00 37,650.00 Promotion 6000-800-Teledwne Lim 333.33 333.33 333.33 333.33 333.33 333.33 333.33 333.33 333.33 333.33 333.33 333.37 4.00000 6020-Trad..t s 500 500 1.000.00 2.000.00 4.000 00 6025-Viador Man Postage 250 250 300 350 350 350 350 300 300 300 200 200 3.50000 6050 -Preis Fam Gram 125 125 125 125 500 Total Promotion 1.208.33 1 083.33 633.33 683.33 1.808.33 808.33 683.33 75833 2.633.33 633.33 533.33 533.37 12 000 00 Total Expense 16.235.48 15.867.15 15,835.49 12,718.82 14,717.15 13.518.82 12,677.15 13.358.82 22.717.15 12,414.82 26.6178.19 27.224.96 203.89400 Net income -1,631.98 -7.131.65 7,825.01 J,983.32 5,981.65 3.141.68 4,683.35 6,501.68 -1.931.64 6.945.69 -7,872.70 364.47 0 I +/) P . e1 i • • 0 . I .-) 'j.�7 Q poor "Maintaining and building a better community" Jack Pittis Director[4801] Phyllis Rasler Administrative Assistant [4800] Cate Rinehart Administrative Assistant [4700] Bob Titus Deputy Director [4701] Ken Ridout Deputy Director [4802] Gary Kenworthy City Engineer [4803] Steve Hursh Engineering Manager (47021 Tim Smith aContract 8 ProiecProject'dministrator [4804] Lou Haehnlen Sr. Building Inspector [4616] Tom Spertine Sr. Electrical Inspector (47351 Scott McLain Power Manager [4703] Ralph Ellsworth Water, Wastewater Collection Superintendent [4855] Pete Burrett Equip. Services Superintendent [4835] Mark Shamp Light Operations Manager (47311 Kevin Curtis Treat, Plant Supervisor (48451 Tom McCabe SW Collection Supervisor [4876] Steve Evans Landfill Supervisor W-a3, 7ve Wilcox Street Maintenance Supervisor (48251 ►ITiTZ4 JA10 1 i f. D �J►�iI DATE: MARCH 21, 1998 TO: CITY MANAGER POMERANZ, MAFations N, AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SUBJECT: Public Works Trust Fund Loan A 'SUMMARY and RECOMMENDATION: The Capital Facilities Plan includes a project for the! reconstruction of Eighth Street, and the construction of Reservoir Covers. These projects are eligible for funding through the Public Works Trust Fund (PWTF) low-interest loan program. The loans, which would be for a term of 20 years, are subject to a competitive application process and would also be subject to final approval in the 1998-99 State legislative process. Staff recommends Council approve the PWTF loan applications and authorize the Mayor to sign the attached Applicant Certification. ISSUE: Shall the City Council authorize the submission of applications for Public Works Trust Fund loans for reconstruction of Eighth Street and for the construction of reservoir covers? BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS: The Council included projects for the reconstruction of Eighth Street and potential construction of reservoir covers in the 1998-2003 City Capital Facilities Plan. These projects are eligible for funding through the Public Works Trust Fund (PWTF) low-interest, competitive loan program. Estimated cost for the projects are: Eighth Street Reconstruction (Race to Cherry) $1,800,000 Reservoir Covers (estimates updated 3/98) Jones Street $289,000 Black Diamond $736,000 Peabody Street $405,000 $1,430,000 The local match required for a PWTF loan is a minimum of 10 % per project. If successful, the term of the awarded loans would be 20 years. Actual loan application .approval is tied to the State 1998-99 legislative process. RECOMMENDATION: We recommend that Council instruct staff to develop the loan applications for the reconstruction of Eighth Street, and the construction of Water Reservoir Covers, and authorize the Mayor to sign the attached Applicant Certification Form necessary to submit the applications. Timothy J. Smith Contracts/ Projects Administrator C:\DATA\WP\WP60\GRANTS\PWTF9901.WPD 8th Street Reconstruction Project #: TR -61 Project Description Estimated Project Costs This Transportation project involves the reconstruction of 8th Street from Cherry Street to Race Street including removing e existing asphalt and overlaying the roadway and modification of the traffic signal at 8th and Cherry. I Pre -Construction: $200.000 Land/Right-of-Way: $o Construction: $1,600,000 Other $0 Total: $1,800.000 Estimated Project Funding Fund Transfer. $0 Donations/Grants/Loans: $1.440,000 Rates/Taxes: $360,000 Unknown: $0 Tota I: $1.800.000 Yearly Expense Summary - Capital/Net Operating Prior Years 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 Total $0 $0 $1,800,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $1,800,000 First Year of Operating Cost: Operating Cost Amount: $0 Sources of Funding Grant ITIB Grant $1,440,000 (Taxes lGeneral Fund or Bonds $360,000 $1,800,000 Legal Mandate: No Concurrence: No Contract: No Department: Public Works & Utilities Division: Street Department Contact: Jack Pittis Department Priority: 19 Justification: This Public Works project involves improving roadway conditions. The pavement has reached the end of its life cycle and maintenance of the surface is costly and difficult due to the volume of traffic on the roadway. This arterial is a critical link between the east and west sections of the cite and maintenance of a good roadway surface enhances the economics of using the roadwa%. The roadway has been overlayed a number of times resulting in a high roadway crown and little or no gutters. This causes poor drainage control and extra maintenance. In addition, the pavement surface has developed wheel rutting due to heavy wear of the surface. This wheel rutting is a place for water to accumulate during rains and can result in hydroplaning of tires. The existing signal is constructed with poles and span wires and old style and sized signal heads without loop detection or pedestrian signals. Installation of an updated signal configuration will improve safety and the efficiency of the signal to move traffic on 8th Street which is a vital arterial across the citv. Consequences: Continued increased maintenance, escalated costs for final repair, increased costs for users of the roadway due to roadway roughness and potential for additional accidents. If not funded the current signal will continue to provide service for the intersection, but at a lower service level. As traffic increases on 8th Street, the need for this upgrade will increase. 71 is • • Jones Street Reservoir Cover Project #: WT -54 Project Description Estimated Project Costs This Water project involves constructing a cover over the Jones Street Reservoir to protect the water supply from third party contamination. Pre -Construction: $37.018 Land/Right-of-Way: $0 Construction: $222.982 Other $0 Total: $260.000 Estimated Project Funding Fund Transfer: $0 Donations/Grants/Loans: $260.000 Rates/Taxes: so Unknown: $0 Total: $260.000 Yearly Expense Summary - Capita!/Net Operating Prior Years 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 Total $0 $37.018 $222,982 SO SO $0 SO $260.000 First Year of Operating Cost: Operating Cost Amount: $0 Sources of Funding Loan Public Works Trust Fund 266.66 )6,g rM.0 Legal Mandate: Yes Concurrency: No Contract: No Department: Public Works & Utilities Division: Water Department Contact: Jack Pittis Department Priority: 4 Justification: The construction of a cover over all reservoirs is recommended by the State Department of Health to eliminate potential risks of contamination of the water supply. Installation of the roofs will also reduce the amount of disinfection necessary at the reservoirs. Consequences: (Continued exposure of potential contamination risks. 104 Cover Black Diamond Reservoir Project #: WT -59 Project Description Estimated Project Costs This Water project involves constructing a cover for the reservoir to improve water quality and exposure to contamination. Pre -Construction: $70,000 $0 Construction $640,000 Construction Other $0 Total $710.000 Estimated Project Funding Fund Transfer $0 Donations/Grants/Loans $710.000 Rates/Taxes $0 Unknown: $0 Total $710.000 Yearly Expense Summary - CapitatgVet Operating Prior Years 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 Total s0 I $0 J $0 $710.000 $0 $0 $0 $710.000 First Year of Operating Cost: Operating Cost Amount: $0 Sources of Funding Loan IPublic Works Trust Fund$ Legal Mandate: Yes Concurrency: No F Department: Public Works & Utilities Division: Water Department Contact: Jack Pinis Department Priority: 6 Jurtifiratinn: Contract: No The construction of a cover over all reservoirs is recommended by the State Department of Health to eliminate potential risks of contamination of the water supple. Installation of the roofs will also reduce the amount of disinfection necessary at the reservoirs. Consequences: Continued exposure of potential contamination risks. itelme c Peabody St. Reservior Cover Project #: WT -31 Project Description Estimated Project Costs This Water project involves constructing a cover over the Peabody Street Reservoir to protect the water supply from third party contamination. Pre -Construction: $70.000 Land/Right-of-Way: s0 construction: $280.000 Other: s0 Total: $350.000 Estimated Project Funding Fund Transfer so Donations/Grants/Loans: $350.000 Rates/Taxes: s0 Unknown: s0 Total: $350.000 of Funding Public Works Trust Fund Legal Mandate: Yes Concurrency: No Contract: No Department: Public Works & Utilities Division: Water Department Contact: Jack Pittis Department Priority: 7 Justification: The construction of a cover overall reservoirs is recommended by the State Department of Health to eliminate potential risks of contamination of the water supple. Installation of the roofs %vill also reduce the amount of disinfection necessary at the reservoirs. Consequences: Continued exposure of potential contamination risks. 107 APPLICANT CERTIFICATION WHEREAS, City of Port Angeles Js applying to the Washington State Public Works Trust Fund program for a low-interest loan for an eligible project; and WHEREAS, RCW 43.155.070 requires that applicants planning under RCW 36.70A.040 must have adopted comprehensive plans in conformance with the requirements of chapter 36.70A RCW, and must have adopted development regulations in conformance with the requirements of chapter 36.70A RCW; and WHEREAS; RCW 70.95 requires a comprehensive Solid Waste Management plan adopted by the city or county; and WHEREAS, RCW 43.155.070 requires that county and city applicants must have adopted the local optional one-quarter of one percent Real Estate -Excise Tax, as described in Chapter 82.46 RCW; and WHEREAS, the local governing body has approved submission of this application for a Public Works Trust Fund loan; and WHEREAS, it is recognized and acknowledged that the entire application packet consists of Part A, Part B, Part C, Part D, and Part E all of which contain policy and procedural information applicable to the program. Only Part D need be returned for review by the Public Works Board; and WHEREAS, the applicant recognizes and acknowledges that the information in Part D is the only information which will be considered in the evaluation and rating process. Incomplete responses will result in a reduced chance of funding. In order to ensure fairness for all, the Public Works Board does not accept any additional written materials or permit applicants to make presentations before the Board; and WHEREAS, the information provided on the Wetlands Disclosure form (Section VI) is accurate to the best of the local government's knowledge and ability; and WHEREAS, it is necessary that certain conditions be met as part of the application process; and WHEREAS, RCW 43.155.060 requires that the project will be advertised for competitive bids and administered according to standard local procedure; and WHEREAS, the loan will not exceed 90 percent of eligible costs incurred for the project; and WHEREAS, any loan arising from this application constitutes a debt to be repaid, and (person/title) Kay Godbey, Finance Director has reviewed and concluded it has the necessary capacity to repay such a loan; and WHEREAS, the information provided in this application is true and correct to the best of the government's belief and knowledge and it is understood that the state may verify information, and that untruthful or misleading information may be cause for rejection of this application or termination of any subsequent loan agreement. NOW THEREFORE, (name of local government) City of Port Angeles certifies that it meets these requirements, and further that it intends to enter into a loan agreement with the Department of Community, Trade and Economic Development, on behalf of the Public Works Board, provided that the terms and conditions for a Public Works Trust Fund loan are satisfactory to both parties. Signed Title Name Date ATTEST Part D: Application Form 24 1999 PWTF Construction Application "Maintaining and building a better community" Jack Pittis Director [4801] Phyllis Raster Administrative Assistant [4805] Cate Rinehart Administrative Assistant [4700] Bob Titus Deputy Director [4701] Ken Ridout Deputy Director [4802] Gary Kenworthy City Engineer [4803] Steve Hursh Engineering Manager [4702] Tim Smith Contract & Project *ministrator (4804] u Haehnien Sr Building Inspector [4816] Tom Sperline Sr Electrical Inspector [4735] Scott McLain Power Manager [4 703] Ralph Ellsworth Water, Wastewater Collection Superintendent [4855] Pete Burrett Equip. Services Superintendent [4835] Mark Shamp Light Operations Manager [4731] Kevin Curtis Treat. Plant Supervisor [4845] Tom McCabe SW Collection Supervisor [4876] Steve Evans Landfill Supervisor 0 73 MEMORANDUM DATE: April 3, 1998 TO: City Manager Pomeranz, Mayor Braun and Council Members FROM: Bob Titus, Deputy Director of Utility Services SUBJECT: Letter to Congressional Delegation Concerning PUHCA Repeal SUMMARY and RECOMMENDATION: Legislation has been introduced in the Senate to repeal the Public Utility Holding Company Act (PUHCA). Without deregulation and true competition, repeal of PUHCA would remove some consumer protections and promote large-scale mergers. The Northwest Public Power Association is recommending that utilities send a copy of the attached letter to all members of their congressional delegation. Staff recommends that the City Council authorize the Mayor to sign copies of the attached letter to all members of our congressional delegation. BACKGROUND AND ANALYSIS: The attached letter describes the issues and concerns that public power in the northwest has with regard to repeal of PUHCA. PUHCA prohibited the electric industry from ending up like the telephone industry with only a few major players and, for years, an absolute monopoly. Repeal of PUHCA would promote large- scale mergers and acquisitions that would likely benefit investors much more than consumers. It would also be an attractive vehicle for amendments detrimental to the interests of the northwest. It is clearly in the best interest of our citizens to see that PUHCA is not repealed. CITY OF PORT ANGELES 321 East Fifth Street. PO Box 1150 PUBLIC WORKS Port Angeles, Washington 98362-1150 & UTILITIES April 7, 1998 The Honorable Slade Gorton Senator of Washington 730 Hart Office Building Washington, D.C. 20510 Dear Senator Gorton: Phone (360) 417-4805 TTY Phone (360) 417-4645 Fax (360) 417-4609 pubworks@ci.port-angeles.wa.us It is my understanding that in April the Senate may address stand-alone legislation (S.621) to repeal the Public Utility Holding Company Act (PUHCA). I am writing to strongly urge you to oppose S. 621. In our view, PUHCA provides essential consumer protections that should only be repealed once structural competition in the utility market is firmly in place. Repeal of PUHCA at this time, in the absence of true competition could subject consumers to market power abuses and lead to more mergers and acquisitions that could thwart the development of a competitive industry. For these reasons the Northwest Public Power Association opposes stand-alone repeal of PUHCA. In addition to a number of utility and consumer advocate organizations, the Consumer Federation of America and the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners both oppose stand-alone PUHCA repeal. The Clinton Administration has also stated that it would veto any legislation that repeals PUHCA on a stand-alone basis. We are also concerned that if PUHCA is addressed on the Senate floor, harmful amendments on the Bonneville Power Administration will be offered. I have heard that Senator John Glenn (D -OH) may offer an amendment to S.621 to require power from the BPA and other federal power marketing administrations to be sold at market rates, rather than at cost -based rates. If this happens, please oppose the amendment. As you are well aware, the numbers of mergers in the electric utility industry is increasing rapidly. As further industry consolidation occurs, the threat of market power abuses also grows. One effective way to deal with market power is to preserve the ability of the PMAs to sell at cost -based rates and remain a yardstick of competition for private power companies. Repealing the regulatory aspects while leaving the rest of the system in place will simply put too much power in the hands of a small group of very large utilities. I hope you will vote against this measure while we work to find a means to phase PUHCA out in an appropriate fashion and at the right time. Sincerely, Gary Braun -- Mayor • • PUBLIC WORKS & UTILITIES April 7, 1998 CITY OF PORT ANGELES 321 East Fifth Street, PO Box 1150 Phone (360) 417-4805 TTY Phone (360) 417-4645 Port Angeles, Washington 98362-1150 Fax (360) 417-4609 pubworks@ci.port-angeles.wa.us The Honorable Slade Gorton Senator of Washington 730 Hart Office Building Washington, D.C. 20510 Dear Senator Gorton: It is my understanding that in April the Senate may address stand-alone legislation (S.621) to repeal the Public Utility Holding Company Act (PUHCA). I am writing to strongly urge you to oppose S. 621. In our view, PUHCA provides essential consumer protections that should only be repealed once structural competition in the utility market is firmly in place. Repeal of PUHCA at this time, in the absence of true competition could subject consumers to market power abuses and lead to more mergers and acquisitions that could thwart the development of a competitive industry. For these reasons the Northwest Public Power Association opposes stand-alone repeal of PUHCA. In addition to a number of utility and consumer advocate organizations, the Consumer Federation of America and the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners both oppose stand-alone PUHCA repeal. The Clinton Administration has also stated that it would veto any legislation that repeals PUHCA on a stand-alone basis. We are also concerned that if PUHCA is addressed on the Senate floor, harmful amendments on the Bonneville Power Administration will be offered. I have heard that Senator John Glenn (D -OH) may offer an amendment to S.621 to require power from the BPA and other federal power marketing administrations to be sold at market rates, rather than at cost -based rates. If this happens, please oppose the amendment. As you are well aware, the numbers of mergers in the electric utility industry is increasing rapidly. As further industry consolidation occurs, the threat of market power abuses also grows. One effective way to deal with market power is to preserve the ability of the PMAs to sell at cost -based rates and remain a yardstick of competition for private power companies. Repealing the regulatory aspects while leaving the rest of the system in place will simply put too much power in the hands of a small group of very large utilities. I hope you will vote against this measure while we work to find a means to phase PUHCA out in an appropriate fashion and at the right time. Sincerely, Gary Braun Mayor • AUTHORIZATION TO TRANSFER FUNDS Transfer to Payroll Fund for Pay Period Ending 03-22-98 Mayor/Council 2,600.00 City Manager 72,976.91 Human Resources 3,821.97 Finance 22,998.67 City Attorney 7,825.25 Planning 5,982.12 Police 84,263.81 Fire/Medic 1 46,286.22 Utility Services 41,605.84 Park/Recreation 31,888.56 Cemetery 395.63 Total General Fund 320,644.98 Street Light 13,472.23 24,648.92 Water 18,757.16 Wastewater 9,934.52 Solid Waste 17,360.63 Equipment Services 6,578.15 Information Services 4,784.14 Firemen's Pension 1,150.32 Esther Webster Trust 4,039.92 Total Payroll 421,370.97 • y � U �J 137 98/04/02-12:08 City of Port Angeles April 02 1998 Page 1 CHECK REGISTER Date From 03/14/98 To 04/03/98 Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount Number Name Number Number 001 44531 Culver Company Inc. 03049 VHS-Pigopolis 1 2370000 23.91- 44545 Gall's Inc. 07027 Strobe Minibar 1 2370000 16.83- 44571 MTA of US & Canada 13303 Accounting publications 1 2370000 6.33- 44685 MS Associates 13257 6 Carved glass crystal statues 1 2370000 29.44- 44706 Reliable 18284 Storage cubes 1 2370000 4.05- 44730 WA State Patrol - WASIS (HA) 23359 Criminal History -J ELzner 1 2295000 24.00 44763 CLallam Co. Treasurer 03075 CVCA January 1998 1 2294000 141.16 CVCA February 1998 1 2294000 204.89 44771 Fox International 06190 Shove knife 1 2370000 .64- 44783 IAPMO 09059 1997 Code books 1 2370000 24.48- 44805 Nelson Marketing 14440 Safety mugs, key ring light 1 2370000 92.75- 44810 PC Connections 16375 Zip driver for Windows NT 1 2370000 1.97- 44815 PLantronics/Santa Cruz 16089 Headsets 1 2370000 6.17- 44822 Quill Corporation 17000 Computer paper 1 2370000 6.16 - Steno book,stapler,envelopes 1 2370000 3.68 - Steno book,stapler,envelopes 1 2370000 12.20 - Reinforcing strips 1 2370000 2.26- 44846 WA State Patrol - WASIS 23281 Criminal history-Quattrocchi 1 2295000 25.00 44850 Washington State Treasurer 23120 District court revenue 1 2293000 6,878.33 Feb 98 District Ct revenue 1 2293000 9,616.27 0 Total for Department 16,658.78 0001 44501 Advanced Travel 01090 B Coons to San Diego 2-22 113 4310 106.00 B Coons to Renton 3-12-98 113 4310 153.92 B Coons to Issaquah 3-5-98 113 4310 37.92 44515 Bergsma Showroom 02296 Frame City Manager resolution 112 3101 49.63 44541 Employees Association 05041 Contributn-Mgr Farewell Party 111 4150 250.00 44542 Evergreen Meats 05033 City Breakfast supplies 111 4155 76.44 44548 Gross's Nursery -Florist 07023 Pot covers,prim roses-Breakfst 111 4155 53.68 44549 HartnageL Building Supply Inc. 08052 J Abernathy plaque 111 4155 22.63 44570 Lucent Technologies 12215 3-2 Billing 111 4210 24.57 3-2 Billing 113 4210 24.57 3-2 Billing 111 4210 8.19 44586 Olympic Paper Company 15111 Paper 111 4150 85.89 Placemats-Breakfast 111 4155 16.94 44590 Olympic Stationers Inc. 15030 Postcard,disk,labels,folders 111 3101 56.33 Labels, index cards, envelopes 111 3101 25.16 Paper clips, pens, badge 112 3101 9.71 44594 Pacific Office Equipment Inc. 16004 Deskjet 111 3101 62.58 44597 Penic, Shelley A. 16368 Reimbursement- City Breakfast 111 4155 113.67 44598 Peninsula Daily News 16012 Ordinance summary -2979-2981 111 4410 26.64 44603 Port Angeles -City Treasurer 03062 Petty cash reimbursement 111 4990 9.71 44620 Safeway Inc. 19045 Cookies 111 3101 16.95 Cookies 111 3101 16.99 Cookies 111 3101 16.95 44623 Seattle Daily Journal of Comm. 19058 Tourism Marketing Program 111 4150 r) r) 125.40 '44627 Sunny Farms 19490 City Breakfast 111 11 4155 1 .) 91.07 44641 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 February Scan charges 113 4210 19.90 February Scan charges 111 4210 71.97 February Scan charges 111 4210 156.60 98/04/02-12:08 City of Port Angeles April 02 1998 Page 2 Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Number Name CHECK REGISTER Date From 03/14/98 To 04/03/98 Vendor Description GL Code Number Number 44685 MS Associates 13257 44693 Nor'wester Rotary 14056 44694 OAPCA 15017 44697 Pacific Quick Stitch 16331 44701 Port Angeles -City Treasurer 03062 44702 Portside Inn 16177 44725 US West Communications 21001 44740 AT&T 01085 44743 Advanced Travel 01090 44744 AirTouch Cellular 01105 44798 McKeown CPA, Cathleen A 13318 44817 Port Angeles T.V. Productions 16107 44834 Summit Law Group PLLC 19437 44843 Virginia Mason Hospital 22048 44847 Waldron & Company 23399 44849 Washington Audiology Svcs Inc. 23274 6 Carved glass crystal statues 111 4990 City donation 111 4150 1998 Contribution 111 4150 Embroidery 111 4155 Petty cash reimbursements 112 3101 Petty cash reimbursements 111 3101 Interview Brd Member-Pencom 113 4310 3-14 Billing 111 4210 3-14 Billing 113 4210 3-14 Billing 111 4210 3-13 Billing 111 4210 Campbell to WA DC 03-06 112 4310 Doyle to WA DC 03-06 112 4310 Upton to Wenatchee 03-17 111 4310 03-15 billing 111 4210 Daishowa party expenses 111 4990 Video coverage Daishowa party 111 4990 Professional svc-General Labor 113 4150 Hazmat Team physical -Gunn 113 4131 Hazmat Team physical -Manning 113 4131 Consulting -City Manager Search 111 4150 Professional services 113 4131 Total for Administration 0002 44501 Advanced Travel 01090 B Kajfasz to Tacoma 2-23-98 240 4310 V Moroz to Tacoma 2-23-98 240 4310 Ziomkowski,Godbey-Seattle 3-06 201 4310 44520 Camera Corner 03044 Prints 230 4990 44570 Lucent Technologies- 12215 3-2 Billing 201 4210 3-2 Billing 230 4210 3-2 Billing 240 4210 44571 MTA of US & Canada 13303 1998 Member dues-Ziomkowski 230 4901 Accounting publications 230 3101 Accounting publications 240 3101 44574 Microflex Inc. 13203 Tax audit program 230 4150 44586 Olympic Paper Company 15111 Paper 201 3101 Paper 240 3101 Paper 205 3101 Paper 205 3101 Paper 230 3101 Paper 205 3101 44587 Olympic Printers Inc. 15027 Deposit slips 240 3101 Rule legal sheets 201 3101 Business cards -E Menshew 240 3101 Deposit slips 240 3101 44590 Olympic Stationers Inc. 15030 Labels, letter openers, rulers 240 3101 Action postcards 201 3101 Name plate 240 3101 Frame, sorter, post cards 201 3101 44594 Pacific Office Equipment Inc. 16004 Color cartridge, toner refill 201 3101 i3`'' J 0 Amount 402.10 5,500.00 6,295.00 18.34 29.45 3.31 55.02 70.70 70.70 23.57 6.18 832.18 944.68 282.60 9.39 278.80 157.76 117.00 61.00 101.50 6, 73 24,395.79 223.30 223.30 96.92 11.49 40.96 57.34 65.42 136.00 16.19 70.14 326.12 31.18 31.18 155.92 520.47 31.18 374.20 422.10 197.13 78.12 296. 4 1 4 . 0 16.62 37.68 83.08 98/04/02-12:08 City of Port Angeles April 02 1998 Page 3 • Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Number Name 44602 Polk & Company, R. L. 44638 United Parcel Service 44641 Washington (DIS), State of CHECK REGISTER Date From 03/14/98 To 04/03/98 Vendor Number 16020 21005 23111 44775 Gov't Finance Officers Assn 07003 44797 44648 Xerox Corporation 24001 Pitney Bowes Inc. 44650 Postmaster 16028 17000 44690 NWPPA 14013 0003 44508 44698 Pitney Bowes Inc. 16018 Lucent Technologies 44701 Port Angeles -City Treasurer 03062 16004 44703 Price Costco Credit card Pmts 03261 205 44710 Safeguard Business Systems 19359 4210 44724 US Telecom 21070 February Scan charges 44725 US West Communications 21001 44775 Gov't Finance Officers Assn 07003 44797 Lunsford & Associates Inc 12179 44814 Pitney Bowes Inc. 16018 44822 Quill Corporation 17000 44842 Viking Office Products 22054 0003 44508 Angeles Temporary Services 01076 44570 Lucent Technologies 12215 44594 Pacific Office Equipment Inc. 16004 44641 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 44648 Xerox Corporation 24001 44688 Municipal Research & Svc. Ctr. 13069 44725 US West Communications 21001 44739 ANP Publishing 01247 44766 CLallam Jefferson Public Dfndr 03274 44768 Defense Research Institute Inc 04041 44812 Pena & Associates, K.M. 16357 0004 44501 Advanced Travel 01090 44533 Dale R Standley 19489 44540 Economic & Engineering Svc Inc 05004 Description GL Code Number Color cartridge, toner refill 230 3101 Color cartridge, toner refill 240 3101 Calculator 240 3101 Cartridge 201 3101 Cash register tape 240 3101 Size down cubicle panel 230 3101 Toner 201 3101 Toner, core credit 201 3101 Toner 201 3101 City directory publication 240 3101 Shipping services -pe 3-6-98 205 4210 February Scan charges 201 4210 February Scan charges 230 4210 February Scan charges 240 4210 Meter usage 5065FIN pe 2-20 205 4810 Postage for bulk mailing 205 4210 Registration -Bob Kajfasz 240 4310 Meter rental April thru June 205 4530 Petty cash reimbursements 230 3101 Drive, modem, computer 201 3101 Form, laser 240 3101 Software support maint pe 4-99 240 3101 3-14 Billing 201 4210 3-14 Billing 230 4210 3-14 BiLLing 240 4210 Publications on investing 230 3101 Rent storage #A104 for April 201 4530 Tape rolls 205 3101 Computer paper 240 3101 Stick on frame 201 3101 Total for Finance R Davis pe 3-15-98 311 4150 3-2 Billing 311 4210 File, table, chair 311 3101 WordPerfect 6.1 311 3101 February Scan charges 311 4210 Black dry ink 311 3101 WA Officials Directory 311 3101 3-14 Billing 311 4210 Attorney Red Book for WA 1998 311 3101 Public Defender fees for April 311 4150 1998 membership dues -Dickson 311 4901 Interpretations 311 5090 Total for Atty B Collins to Seattle 2-26-98 411 4310 Partial rfd of application fee 400 9706 Prof Svcs -Annexation pe 12-97 411 4150 Amount 83.08 83.09 107.90 14.01- 80.93 107.90 142.43 108.96- 64.74 91.72 11.26 29.24 24.38 16.27 780.52 5,000.00 330.00 356.30 28.35 40.00 4,810.51 253.56 117.83 164.96 188.19 90.95 115.00 86.57 84.08 13.46 16,787.15 212.10 32.77 188.83 106.82 18.63 124.09 45.00 94.27 58.59 2,500.00 125.00 381.00 1 `f �) 3,887.10 59.92 130.51 3,498.54 98/04/02-12:08 Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Number Name 44570 Lucent Technologies 44586 Olympic Paper Company 44590 Olympic Stationers Inc. 44598 Peninsula Daily News 44641 Washington (DIS), State of 44725 US West Communications 44743 Advanced Travel 0005 44498 AT&T Wireless Services 44501 Advanced Travel 44507 Angeles Millwork 44520 Camera Corner City of Port Angeles April 02 1998 Page 4 CHECK REGISTER 3101 Processing, prints Date From 03114/98 To 04/03/98 Digital film 530 Vendor Description GL Code Amount Number 530 Number Photos 12215 3-2 BiLLing 411 4210 32.77 15111 Paper 411 3101 31.18 15030 Envelopes, cleaner 411 3101 26.79 16012 Determination -Family Medicine 411 4410 46.75 3101 6 Month subscription 411 4901 52.50 Printer maintenance agre-March Determination -M Sommers 411 4410 41.47 534 Determination -E Nebert 411 4410 39.21 4810 Determination -W Rasmusen 411 4410 42.22 Shredder, waste basket Ordinance summary -2979-2981 411 4410 13.32 530 Determination-Daishowa 411 4410 87.46 4810 Notice-Daishowa permit 411 4410 30.91 Scanner Determination-Standley 411 4410 44.49 534 Determination-OMH 411 4410 42.22 3101 Determintn-NW permit Baldridge 411 4410 51.27 Flasher, Labor Determination-Baldridge Group 411 4410 49.76 530 Notice-Baldridge Group 411 4410 37.70 23111 February Scan charges 411 4210 20.05 21001 3-14 Billing 411 4210 94.27 01090 Collins to Victoria 03-24 411 4310 119.77 20000 01090 01073 03044 44549 HartnageL Building Supply Inc. 08052 44570 Lucent Technologies 12215 44586 Olympic Paper Company 15111 44590 Olympic Stationers Inc. 15030 44594 Pacific Office Equipment Inc. 16004 44604 Port Angeles -Police Department 16105 44612 Richmond 2 -Way Radio 18009 44624 Seattle University 19488 Total for Planning 2-28 BiLLing 530 4210 Zappey,SiLva,Wood-Seattle 2-23 530 4310 Fasteners, Laminate 584 4810 Battery 530 3101 Processing, prints 530 4990 Digital film 530 4990 Processing, prints 530 4990 Processing,�prints 530 4990 Photos 530 4990 Slide drawer. 584 4810 3-2 BiLLing 534 4210 Paper 534 3101 Pens 530 3101 Stamp pad 534 3101 Printer maintenance agre-March 511 4810 Printer maintenance agre-March 534 4810 Corel draw 534 4810 Blue task chair 530 4810 Black ink,color cartridge,dram 511 3101 Shredder, waste basket 530 3501 Toner 530 3101 Double ped desk 530 4810 Toner 530 3101 Scanner 530 3101 Copier 534 6410 Petty cash reimbursment 530 3101 Petty cash reimbursment 530 4210 Flasher, Labor 530 4810 Registration -E Schilke 530 4310 4,59310 60.11 247.87 20.93 19.31 6.22 19.31 40.10 26.42 48.24 17.12 81.92 124.73 10.79 4.65 32.37 107.90 462.89 134.88 107.63 67.98 47.48 269.75 47.48 322.62 5,4549 104. 28.75 70.13 250.00 98/04/02-12:08 City of Port Angeles ApriL 02 1998 Page 5 • Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Number Name • 4 44631 Swain's General Store Inc CHECK REGISTER Date From 03114/98 To 04/03/98 Vendor Number 19037 44638 United Parcel Service 21005 44640 WA State Crime Prevention Assn 23099 44641 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 44645 Washington Fire & Safety Equip 23004 44665 Clallam Co. Sheriff's Dept. 03074 44706 Reliable 18284 44717 Territorial Supplies Inc. 20001 44725 US West Communications 21001 44728 WA State Criminal Justice 23175 44731 Washington (DOL), State of 04088 44743 Advanced Travel 01090 44744 AirTouch Cellular 01105 44756 Business Interiors Northwest 02351 44762 Clallam Co. Humane Society 03072 44773 Gall's Inc: 07027 44785 Ilk, Steve 09024 44804 National Animal Control Assn 14156 44822 QuiLL Corporation 17000 44835 Sutton, Christine 19409 44837 Territorial Supplies Inc. 20001 44838 US West Communications 21001 44845 WA Assn of Sheriffs & Police 23003 44499 AWC Assn of Washington Cities 01080 44501 Advanced Travel 01090 44502 ALL Phase Electric Supply Co. 01061 44544 Ferrellgas (Inc) 06024 Description GL Code Number Film, sound 530 3101 Scope covers 530 3101 Supplies for Police Standoff 530 3101 Shipping services -pe 3-6-98 530 4210 Registration-E.Schilke 530 4310 February Scan charges 511 4210 February Scan charges 534 4210 February Scan charges 530 4210 Service extinguisher, powder 530 3101 Inmate Care - January 1998 512 5099 Storage cubes 534 3101 Rifle racks,electric lock 530 3501 Rifle rack accessories 530 3501 3-14 Billing 534 4210 RCW Selected Titles - 1997 Ed 530 3101 Notary renewal -Valerie Raines 534 4150 McLane to Bremerton 03-13 530 4310 Miller to McNeil Island 530 4980 Ilk/Riepe to Port Ludlow 03-19 511 4310 03-15 billing 530 4210 03-15 billing 530 4210 03-15 billing 530 4210 03-15 billing 530 4210 03-15 billing 530 4210 03-15 billing 530 4210 03-15 billing 530 4210 03-15 billing 530 4210 Aeron work chair 530 4810 March 1998 contract payment 530 4150 Megaphone 530 3501 Reimburse airfare to Las Vegas 511 4310 McCaw.ley 1998 membership 530 4901 Envelopes, micro cassette 530 3101 Envelopes, micro cassette 530 3101 Steno book,stapler,envelopes 534 3101 Tuition reimbursement-WSU 530 4310 Rifle gunlock, shotgun Lock 530 3501 03-20 billing 534 4210 Monitoring Svcs- February 512 5099 Total for Police Amount 47.20 14.83 26.70 27.82 55.00 66.37 7.95 93.12 20.50 15,257.80 55.31 1,999.00 194.72 235.66 219.24 20.00 15.00 845.90 15.00 9.39 15.30 9.39 9.39 13.44 44.96 13.66 53.98 755.27 3,325.00 87.98 176.00 35.00 95.17 6.97- 50.31 263.03 544.34 219.65 592.25 33,761.15 Workshop registr-B Becker 645 4310 75.00 Rose,Bogues,Becker to Everett 645 4310 42.71 K Bogues to Oak Harbor 3-1-98 645 4310 443.22 D Moroz to Emmitsburg 2-7-98 643 4310 231.00 B Becker to Bellevue 3-3-98 645 4310 81.90 B Gunn to Snohomish 3-10 641 4310 4 , 130.52 FLourescent light bulb 684 4810 327.81 FLourescent light bulb 684 4810 216.88 Propane 684 4710 263.48 98/04/02-12:08 City of Port Angeles April 02 1998 Page 6 Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Number Name CHECK REGISTER Date From 03%14/98 To 04/03/98 Vendor Description GL Code Number Number 44545 Gall's Inc. 07027 44553 Jirikowic, Reece 10103 44559 King Co. Fire Prevention Ofc's 11147 44560 Kits Cameras 11016 44566 Lincare Inc. 12134 44567 Lincoln Industrial Corp. 12047 44570 Lucent Technologies 12215 44579 North Coast Electric Company 14173 44585 Olympic Laundry & Clnrs Inc. 15026 44586 Olympic Paper Company 15111 44587 Olympic Printers Inc. 15027 44590 Olympic Stationers Inc. 15030 44594 Pacific Office Equipment Inc. 16004 44596 Parker Paint Mfg Co. Inc. 16201 44612 Richmond 2 -Way Radio 18009 44622 SeaWestern Inc. 19104 44629 Sunset Do -It Best Hardware 19035 44631 Swain's General Store Inc. 19037 44635 Transfac Funding Corporation 20059 44641 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 44645 Washington Fire & Safety Equip 23004 44703 Price Costco Credit Card Pmts 03261 44711 Sanderson Safety Supply Co. 19048 44725 US West Communications 21001 44743 Advanced Travel 01090 44744 AirTouch Cellular 01105 44761 Clallam Co. EMS Council 03068 44771 Fox International 06190 44784 ICBO (Int'l Conference of 09001 44793 Larry's Janitor Service 12040 44816 Port Angeles Fire Department 16025 Strobe Minibar 641 4520 Instructor- CPR class 643 3108 Registration -Dan McKeen 642 4310 Prints 642 3101 Film 642 3101 Cylinder refills 643 3101 Tanks hydrotests 641 3101 Tanks hydrotest 641 3101 3-2 Billing 641 4210 Terminal kit 684 4810 Doorbell relays terminal block 684 4810 Laundry services -February 641 4990 Laundry Svcs -February 641 4990 Laundry bags 641 4990 Business Cards -Becker, Bogues 611 3101 Labels 641 3101 Paper clips, disk file 611 3101 Disk file, paper clips 611 3101 Cable printer 641 3101 Paint 648 3120 Tested circuit board, labor 643 3114 Friction buckle double "D" 641 3101 Ball valve, elbow, nipple 684 4810 Air compressor parts credit 684 4810 Air compressor parts 684 4810 Wax, automotive 641 3101 Telephone wire 641 3101 Cleaner, tape 648 3120 Hardware 641 3101 Shipping services 641 3101 February Scan charges 611 4210 February Scan charges 643 4310 February Scan charges 641 4210 No smoking signs 642 3101 Drive, modem, computer 684 3101 Drive, modem, computer 641 6410 Responder suit 641 3101 Responder suit 641 3101 3-14 Billing 641 4210 McKeen to Renton 03-15 642 4310 Reid to Snohomish County 03-10 641 4310 03-15 billing 641 4210 03-15 billing 643 4210 03-15 billing 641 4210 Medic 1 Advisory for April 643 4150 Shove knife 641 3101 UBC/UFC volume 1 tabs 642 3101 Janitorial svcs March,towels 684 4150 Janitorial svcs March,towels 684 3120 Reimburse petty cash 611 3101 0 Amount 229.81 25.00 125.00 9.74 c 6.86 30.00 122.68 122.68 89.99 10.36 27.62 10.23 11.65 85.29 104.02 10.78 7.62 14.90 20.45 42.62 640 . 11.23 2.15- 2.02 14.47 6.44 8.57 28.71 53.94 28.49 13.66 1.66 32.37 305.61 2,303.64 615.87 615.87 258.89 486.86 314.23 9.56 32.85 17.19 500.00 8.6 35 A 395. 4 .I 82.06 28.36 98/04/02-12:08 0 Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Number Name City of Port Angeles CHECK REGISTER Date From 03/14/98 To 04/03/98 Vendor Description GL Code Number Number April 02 1998 Page 7 Amount Total for Fire 9,215.70 0007 44501 Advanced Travel 01090 Kenworthy to Pt Townsend 3-09 711 4310 44507 Angeles Millwork 01073 Acetone sunnyside 784 3101 44520 Camera Corner 03044 Photos 711 3101 Photos 711 3101 44528 Compatable Products 03415 Motherboard, Windows NT 711 3101 44547 General Construction Company 07031 Prof Svcs - Wood Debris 711 4150 44551 ICBO (Int'l Conference of 09001 98 Annual dues-Haehnlen 711 4901 44556 K Ply Inc. 11050 Labor -Peabody Crk Pond Fill 711 4150 44560 Kits Cameras 11016 Camera repair, battery, case 711 4810 44564 Larry's Janitor Service 12040 Trash bag liners, ammonia 784 3101 February Janitor Svcs 784 4150 44570 Lucent Technologies 12215 3-2 Billing 711 4210 44586 Olympic Paper Company 15111 Floor wax stripper 784 3101 Paper 711 3101 Paper 711 3101 Paper hot cup bistro, straws 711 3101 Towels, garbage bags, cleaner 784 3120 Towels 784 3120 Cleaner, mop, towels 784 3101 44590 Olympic Stationers Inc. 15030 Sheet protectors 711 3101 44594 Pacific Office Equipment Inc. 16004 Software upgrade 711 3101 Case mid tower ATX 711 3101 Toner 711 3101 CD ROM Mitsumi 711 3101 44602 Polk & Company, R. L. 16020 City directory publication 711 3101 44616 Roto Rooter Plumbers 18229 Plumbing services -restroom 784 4150 44620 Safeway Inc. 19045 Film 711 3101 44629 Sunset Do -It Best Hardware 19035 Threaded rod, coupler nut 784 3101 Hook, hard hat 711 3101 44631 Swain's General Store Inc. 19037 Gloves 711 3101 44641 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 February Scan charges 711 4210 February Scan charges 711 4210 February Scan charges 711 4210 February Scan charges 711 4210 February Scan charges 711 4210 February Scan charges 711 4210 44648 Xerox Corporation 24001 5322ZTAHS copier lease pe 3-99 711 4530 Black dry ink, cartridge 711 4530 44671 Federal Express Corp. 06022 Shipping services - March 711 4210 44715 Snug Harbor Inc 19491 EZ reachers, litter busters 784 3101 44725 US West Communications 21001 3-14 Billing 711 4210 44743 Advanced Travel 01090 Haehnlen to Tumwater 03-04 711 4310 44744 AirTouch Cellular 01105 03-15 billing 711 4210 03-15 billing 711 4210 44783 IAPMO 09059 1997 Code books 711 4990 44842 Viking Office Products 22054 Frame, legal folders, pads 711 3101 Stick on frame 711 3101 44854 Xerox Corporation 24001 5065FIN meter usage pe 2-20 711 4530 ..44 4 4 41.25 4.31 12.43 7.15 849.18 4,284.10 195.00 2,263.75 125.14 35.50 2,200.00 122.76 18.59 311.83 31.19 52.96 74.79 73.48 133.41 47.75 369.02 207.17 49.63- 98.19 91.72 62.58 25.87 15.86 13.25 7.41 38.54 3.41 6.12 12.91 12.68 7.95 511.45 453.18 19.50 77.69 353.16 124.00 18.16 22.08 334.33 73.51 33.60 201.00 98/04/02-12;08 City of Port Angeles April 02 1998 Page 8 Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Number Name 0008 44500 Ace Equipment Company CHECK REGISTER Date From 03/14/98 To 04/03/98 Vendor Description Number 01055 44501 Advanced Travel 01090 44502 ALL Phase Electric Supply Co. 01061 44507 Angeles Millwork 01073 44512 Barnett Implement Company 02357 44516 Blake Sand & Gravel Inc. 02045 44520 Camera Corner 03044 44537 Dosco 04072 44549 HartnageL Building Supply Inc. 08052 44552 Jackson's Signs 10018 44569 Lovell Paint & Decorating 12184 44570 Lucent Technologies 12215 44578 NADCO Marble Vases 14439 44579 North Coast Electric Company 14173 44580 Northwest Electronics 14441 44581 Northwest Fence Co. 14071 44586 Olympic Paper Company 15111 44590 Olympic Stationers Inc. 15030 44591 Oregon Brass Works 15032 44596 Parker Paint Mfg Co. Inc. 16201 44598 Peninsula Daily News 16012 44609 Race Street Auto Parts 18048 44611 Restaurant Appliance Svc Inc. 18168 44629 Sunset Do -It Best Hardware 19035 44631 Swain's General Store Inc. 19037 GL Code Number Total for Public Works Sharpening services 865 4810 Sharpening services 865 3120 Sharpen chains 865 3120 Brietbach,White to Tacoma 2-25 865 4310 Battery, screwdriver 861 3120 Hinge 865 3120 Troy-Bilt mini tiller 865 3501 Sand 866 3120 Prints 861 3101 Sealing tape dispense 866 3101 Twist nozzle 862 3120 Deposit -foam Litters, logo 865 4810 Primer, handles, thinner 862 3120 3-2 Billing 811 4210 3-2 Billing 861 4210 3-2 BiLLing 862 4210 3-2 Billing 863 4210 3-2 Billing 865 4210 3-2 BiLLing 866 4210 Cemetery vase 866 3401 Circuit breaker 863 3120 Belt 862 4810 Fence materials 865 3120 Towels, soap dispenser 861 3120 Female products 862 3101 Cleaner, air freshener 861 3120 Glass cleaner, garbage bags 861 3120 Towels 863 3120 Bathroom tissue 861 3120 Pencils, markers 862 3101 White out 861 3101 Ink, stamp 865 3101 India ink, calligraphy pen 861 3101 Bronze Plaque -Sapp 866 3401 Paint 865 3120 Recreation Counselor 861 4410 Pool Renovation study 862 6510 Spark plug 865 3120 Valve kit 863 3120 Oxygen, acetylene 865 3120 Clamps, hinge, gasket 863 3120 Grease hose 865 3120 Houseware, electrical 861 3120 Socket extension 865 3501 Film, sound 862 3101 Automotive, hand tools 865 3501 Paint, holder 866 3120 Hand tools 865 3501 Coveralls 866 3120 {45 0 Amount 14,029.28 12.14 48.56 49.47 370.44 103.73- 6.75 354.00 138.65 10.28 13.13 6.11 1,599.00 73.26 24.57 32.77 8.19 8.19 40.96 16 10 35 155.38 30.00 1,710.22 65.71 75.48 25.37 88.76 24.49 48.82 42.53 11.36 18.70 7.64 54.00 18.88 137.40 39.96 3.88 52.64 42.02 31.86 27.39 51.95 5.15 61 18. 29.82 5.07 33.31 98/04/02-12:08 City of Port Angeles April 02 1998 Page 9 Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Number Name • 44633 Thurman Supply 44636 US West Communications 44641 Washington (DIS), State of CHECK REGISTER Date From 03/14/98 To 04/03/98 Vendor Number 20005 21001 23111 44657 Angeles Temporary Services 01076 44661 Bradley, Tami 02364 44669 Dungeness Turf Farm Inc. 04060 44701 Port Angeles -City Treasurer 03062 44712 Sandpiper Roofing 19184 44718 Teufel Nursery Inc. 20028 44725 US West Communications 21001 44740 AT&T 01085 44743 Advanced Travel 01090 44744 AirTouch Cellular 01105 44748 BSN Sports West 02194 44760 Captain T's 03048 44767 Country Dried FLorals 11014 44776 Grainger Inc. 07015 44786 Jim's Trophies 10007 44789 Kelco Supply Company 11115 44799 McKiernan, Duncan Yves 13164 44819 Professional Cartridge Care/WA 16324 44823 Restaurant Appliance Svc Inc. 18168 44838 US West Communications 21001 44852 Wayne's Nursery 23063 Description GL Code Number Hand saw 865 3501 Automotive, paint, accessories 862 3120 Paint, accessories, hardware 866 3120 Power tools,paint,accessories 862 3120 Electrical tape,baLLasts,nuts 861 3120 Toilet bowl, seat, wax ring 865 3120 3-2 Billing 863 4210 February Scan charges 811 4210 February Scan charges 866 4210 February Scan charges 861 4210 February Scan charges 862 4210 February Scan charges 863 4210 C Kochanek pe 3-15 866 4150 Rfd class registration fee 862 9451 Sod 865 3140 Petty cash reimbursements 862 3101 Roofing materials, Labor 865 4810 Soil, peatmoss 865 3101 Peatmoss 865 3101 3-14 Billing 862 4210 3-14 Billing 811 4210 3-14 BiLLing 861 4210 3-14 BiLLing 862 4210 3-14 Billing 863 4210 3-14 Billing 865 4210 3-14 Billing 866 4210 3-14 BiLLing 865 4210 3-14 Billing 862 4210 3-8 Billing 866 4410 3-13 BiLLing 862 4210 Dyker/Kochanek to Seattle 3-27 866 4310 03-15 billing 861 4210 03-15 billing 861 4210 Tennis net 865 3120 Logo embroidery 861 3101 Beautification program ApriL 865 4150 Battery, lantern 862 3120 Dial caliper 865 3501 Brass plate 866 3401 Urn,presentation bags 866 3401 Repair Peace Trade Bell 865 4810 Printer cartridge 861 3101 Float switch,gasket,valve 863 4810 03-14 billing 863 4210 03-20 billing 863 4210 03-20 billing 863 4210 Destiny restaurant shrubs 865 3140 Amount 17.95 54.79 27.24 47.55 52.45 82.36 32.86 10.44 4.78 35.95 7.14 2.63 168.98 54.00 118.69 3.04 183.43 1,329.00 1,149.46 37.76 70.70 94.27 23.57 23.57 117.83 47.13 49.59 36.37 80.50 6.18 12.92 9.39 9.39 638.07 15.56 550.00 199.21 86.48 19.42 105.11 172.64 118.69 173.90 40.54 47.81 -. 4�, 47.81 J 118.36 Total for Parks & Recreation 11,998.60 Total for General Fund 135,326.63 L 98/04/02-12:08 City of Port Angeles April 02 1998 Page 10 CHECK REGISTER Date From 03/94/98 To 04/03/98 Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Number Name Number 101 0001 44527 CoastWise Consulting 18133 44598 Peninsula Daily News 16012 44752 Brewer, David 02055 1 102 0007 44507 Angeles Millwork 01073 44516 Blake Sand & Gravel Inc. 02045 44520 Camera Corner 03044 44530 Cornell Auto Parts 03092 44549 Hartnagel Building Supply Inc. 08052 44563 Lakeside Industries Inc. 12036 44570 Lucent Technologies 12215 44587 Olympic Printers Inc. 15027 44590 Olympic Stationers Inc. 15030 44601 Pharos Corporation 16319 44629 Sunset Do -It Best Hardware 19035 44631 Swain's General Store Inc. 19037 44633 Thurman Supply 20005 44641 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 44649 Zumar Industries Inc. 26001 44664 Carsonite International Corp. 03284 44699 Points Sharp Steel Inc. 16092 44725 US West Communications 21001 44732 Washington (DRS), State of 23141 44743 Advanced Travel 01090 44744 AirTouch Cellular 01105 44832 Star Rental & Parts 19183 Description GL Code Number DCTED Tourism Develpmnt Prgm 115 4150 Proposals- Tourism 115 4150 Contract services for ApriL 115 4990 Total for Convention Center Fund Lumber 752 3101 Neon tape 752 3501 Minwax, tack cloth 752 3101 Oak mould 752 3101 Anchors, fasteners 752 3101 Trowel, plywood 752 3101 Notched trowel 752 3101 Concrete seal 752 3101 Concrete mix, jet set 752 3101 Concrete mix, jet set 752 3101 Concrete mix, jet set 752 3101 Sprayer, steel, bonding agent 752 3101 Concrete mix, jet set 752 3101 Polaroid film 752 3101 Buff wheel, wegniors 752 3101 Melamine 752 3101 Asphalt 752 3101 3-2 Billing 752 4210 Business Cards -D Wilcox 752 3101 Paper cutter 752 3125 Prof Svcs pe 2 -28 -Airport 752 4150 Cut of wheel 752 3501 ELbow 752 3101 Steel band 752 3101 Rule tape, screw 752 3125 Steel band 752 3101 Ear muffs 752 3101 Hardware 752 3101 Pipe 752 3101 Hour tube 752 3101 February Scan charges 752 4210 Signs, borders, radius corners 752 3125 Roadmarker, sign support 752 3125 Asphalt cutter, chisel 752 3101 3-14 Billing 752 4210 Statewide pensioners for Feb 752 2010 Smith to Seattle 03-22 752 4310 03-15 billing 752 4210 Front wheels 752 3501 Total for Street Fund 107 0005 44497 APCO (Assn of Public Safety . 01158 98 Annual dues-Pencom 532 4901 44522 Captain T's 03048 Polo, jacket embroidery 532 2080 44546 Gateway 2000 07195 Pentium PC, monitor, printer 532 6410 0 Amount 780.00 24.88 100.00 904.88 7.24 10.78 15.52 7.42 11.87 12.06 2.79 5.11 42.57 44.13 39.65 43.04 35.60 28.00 23. 10 31. 592.67 24.57 78.12 74.29 480.40 88.75- 104.61 11.63 22.37 11.63 35.37 26.17 8.62 87.08 2.31 3,074.77 866.01 19.51 70.70 39.99 235.58 4.27 39.92 6,183 66.00 194.24 3,340.61 98/04/02-12:08 City of Port Angeles April 02 1998 Page 11 CHECK REGISTER Date From 03/14/98 To 04/03/98 Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount Number Name Number Number Pentium PC, monitor, printer 532 6499 430.50 44570 Lucent Technologies 12215 3-2 Billing 532 4210 81.80 44577 Motorola Inc.-Western Division 13155 AEI/channel upgrade,manuaL 532 6310 11,896.80 44586 Olympic Paper Company 15111 Paper 532 3101 93.55 44632 TDI 20192 24 EASE reference cards 532 3101 30.21 44638 United ParceL Service 21005 Shipping services-pe 3-6-98 532 4210 8.88 44641 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 February Scan charges 532 4210 43.65 44687 Motorola Inc.-Western Division 13155 WWVB Interface 532 6310 1,487.64 44725 US West Communications 21001 3-14 BiLLing 532 4210 235.33 44729 WA State Patrol 23057 Reimbrsmnt for ACCESS user fee 532 4810 3,339.51 44743 Advanced Travel 01090 ALtfiLish to Seattle 01-25 532 9626 226.21 Wu to Ellensburg 03-18 532 4310 9.42 44746 Angeles Communications Inc 01069 Single line telephone 532 3501 48.55 44782 I-COM 09109 Romberg registration 532 4310 210.00 44810 PC Connections 16375 Zip driver for Windows NT 532 4810 26.87 44815 PLantronics/Santa Cruz 16089 Headsets 532 3501 84.17 44822 Quill Corporation 17000 Envelopes, micro cassette 532 3101 32.31 Envelopes, micro cassette 532 3101 2.37- Steno book,stapler,envelopes 532 3101 166.67 Reinforcing strips 532 3101 30.91 44838 US West Communications 21001 03-23 billing 532 4210 47.81 Total for PenCom 22,129.27 110 0001 44831 Silk Purse 19456 Final bill Governor Summit Rpt 130 4150 1,320.00 Total for "Port Angeles Works" 1,320.00 208 0002 44511 Bank of New York, The 02175 Prof Svcs pe 3-2-98 292 4150 43.50 Total for L.I.D. Control Fund 43.50 310 0007 44561 Kitsap Bank 11139 Retainage Acctll 0187718620 781 4150 6,587.51 44563 Lakeside Industries Inc. 12036 School Sidewalks pmt #2 792 4150 48,877.65 School Sidewalks pmt N2 792 4150 178,821.49 44582 Northwestern Territories Inc. 14017 Prof Svcs-LID 215 pe 2-20 p#13 781 4150 5,108.75 44594 Pacific Office Equipment Inc. 16004 Desk 781 3101 161.85 44608 R. V. Associates Inc. 18268 LID 215 Proj 9505.14 pmt #4 781 4150 135,571.03 44828 Seattle Daily Journal of Comm. 19058 Library Restoration/Occupancy 796 4150 68.40 Total for Public Works 375,196.68 0008 44549 HartnageL Building Supply Inc. 08052 Cap, paste flux 895 3101 4.93 Lags, washers, nuts, screws 895 3101 46 20.09 Lumber 895 3101 36.69 Total for Parks & Recreation 61.71 Total for Capital Improvement Fund 375,258.39 314 0007 44777 Halberg Pacific Appraisal Svcs 08049 AppraisL Svcs-Waterfront Trail 715 4150 1,856.25 98/04/02-12:08 City of Port Angeles April 02 1998 Page 12 Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Number Name CHECK REGISTER Date From 03/14/98 To 04/03/98 Vendor Description Number GL Code Number Total for Capital Improvement Fund 316 0008 44507 Angeles Millwork 01073 Flagging tape 860 3120 44821 Puget Safety Equipment 16248 Nitrile gloves 860 3120 321 0007 44520 Camera Corner 03044 44524 Clallam Co. Treasurer 03075 44806 Nixon Associates Inc., Robert 18131 44807 North Sound Bank 14177 44818 Primo Construction Inc. 16033 44828 Seattle Daily Journal of Comm. 19058 Total for Lincoln Park Improvement Fund Photos 716 3101 Prints 716 3101 Photos 716 3101 Process prints 716 3101 Prints 716 3101 Prints 716 3101 1998 Library site property tax 716 4150 Prof Svcs pe 1-31-98 - Library 716 4150 Escrow acct #750800542 716 4150 Library proj 94-19 pmt #12 716 4150 Library furnishing bid 716 4410 Library shelving bid advrtsmnt 716 4410 Total for Library Construction Fund 401 44514 Bell, Betty 02362 Utility deposit rfd-001937-007 401 2131100 44518 Brazzell, Richard 02363 Utility deposit rfd-044130014 401 2131100 44523 Castro, Rose 03422 Utility deposit rfd-018449016 401 2131100 44528 CompatabLe Products 03415 Motherboard, Windows NT 401 2370000 44550 Hendricks, Jerry 08302 Energy Smart Design incentive 401 1342000 44554 Jones, Kari 10145 Utility deposit rfd-051071021 401 2131100 44555 Jones, Linda A 10146 Utility deposit rfd-4012131100 401 2131100 44565 Lesky, William 12263 Utility deposit rfd-043214030 401 2131100 44568 Lopez, Jose 12127 Utility deposit rfd-051128021 401 2131100 44573 McNally, Dawn 13371 Utility deposit rfd-081523037 401 2131100 44592 PacifiCorp 16360 Relay settings 401 2370000 44599 Peninsula Home Furnishings 16074 Energy Smart Design Incentive 401 1342000 44603 Port Angeles -City Treasurer 03062 Tank rebate -Patrick Kane 401 1343300 Tank rebate -J Clark 401 1343300 Tank rebate -Deborah Gilbert 401 1343300 Tank rebate -William Isenberger 401 1343300 44610 Restaino, Donna 18282 Utility ovrpmt rfd-033944010 401 1222200 44614 Romberg, Lewis 18283 Utility deposit rfd-124244003 401 2131100 44621 Schroeder, Rose 19327 Utility deposit rfd-018163014 401 2131100 44647 Western States Electric Inc. 23025 Conduit 401 1414000 44668 Doyle, Genelle 04205 Utility overpmt rfd-085707002 401 1222200 44677 Gregory, Cynthia 07248 Utility overpmt rfd-051322003 401 1222200 44683 Landmark Property Management 12008 Utility overpmt rfd-059056019 401 1222200 44686 McGimpsey, Yvette 13372 Utility deposit rfd-052027019 401 2131100 44691 Newark Electronics 14114 Test clip, test clip covers 401 1411000 44692 Nilsen, Lisa M 14442 Utility deposit rfd-081469034 401 2131100 44701 Port Angeles -City Treasurer 03062 Tank rebate -Don Edgmon 401 1343300 Petty cash reimbursements 401 2451000 44708 Roberts, Cindy 18285 Utility deposit rfd-052256012 401 2131100 0 Amount 1,856.25 7.96 29.65 37.61 7.15 72.45 21.47 34.51 7.47 61.84 15.44 5,533.72 14,990.76 308,509.87 399.30 412.50 330,066 96.87 121.03 125.00 62.18- 8,543.00 125.00 125.00 89.16 76.06 64.03 276.50- 21,637.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 126.09 37.35 250.00 3,908.23 18.57 � n. 38.96 4j 34.06 74.59 4* 3 25.00 8.00 111.01 98/04/02-12:08 City of Port Angeles April 02 1998 Page 13 Total for Department 42,559.24 9 44501 Advanced Travel 01090 S McLain to Fife 3-2-98 911 4310 0 B Titus-PUD,WPAG,Conf 2/25-27 911 4310 44502 ALL Phase Electric Supply Co. CHECK REGISTER Elbow 911 3403 Date From 03/14/98 To 04/03/98 911 4810 Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount Number Name Number Number Battery 44714 Security National 19492 Utility overpmt rfd-030287003 401 1222200 111.63 44735 Williams, Kenneth 23400 Heat pump loan 911 3403 401 1344000 5,124.17 44751 Booher, Richard 02367 Utility deposit rfd-044148035 401 2131100 96.97 44753 Bridger, Angela 02365 Utility overpmt rfd-063703005 401 1222200 16.49 44758 Campbell, William 03421 Utility overpmt rfd-094826001 401 1222200 432.44 44774 Gariepy, Charles 07249 Utility overpmt rfd-020036001 401 1222200 104.67 44779 Heckman, James C 08016 Utility overpmt rfd-047554007 401 1222200 22.32 44781 Hybrid Zone 08322 Internal zip drive 911 3101 401 2370000 8.30- 44796 Lucas M.D. ABFP, Walter W. 12032 Utility overpmy rfd-082791002 401 1222200 107.24 44808 Northern Hydraulics Inc. 14153 Trash pump, hose, strainer 401 2370000 103.57- 44824 Richmond, Jimie 18286 Utility depost rfd-124555002 401 2131100 44.52 44825 Rider, Wynn 18287 Utility deposit rfd-018490024 401 2131100 27.47 44826 Rudolph, Emma 18288 Utility deposit rfd-087092024 401 2131100 79.88 44827 Scott, Jack 19495 Utility deposit rfd-004278018 401 2131100 125.00 44830 Severson, DR J A 19493 Utility overpmt rfd-070866002 401 1222200 190.20 44836 Teel, Corrine 20195 Utility deposit rfd-094893003 401 2131100 50.71 44853 Western States Electric Inc. 23025 Tape, stubbing band, clamp 401 1411000 661.43 Total for Department 42,559.24 9 44501 Advanced Travel 01090 S McLain to Fife 3-2-98 911 4310 0 B Titus-PUD,WPAG,Conf 2/25-27 911 4310 235.34 79.10 234.77 230.01 438.40 9.62 8.63 8.11 81.27 26.77- 27.52 56.97 200.91 200.91 252.82 10.01 10.51 377.65 433.76 289.17 377.65 377.65 504.91 1,132.95 679.77 19.23 11.38 4,445.62 3,556.50 66.08 38.63 44502 ALL Phase Electric Supply Co. 01061 Elbow 911 3403 Base pulse 911 4810 Elbow, conduit 911 3403 Conduit plug 911 3403 Battery 911 4810 Galvanized nipple 911 3403 Adapter, bimetal 18TPI 911 3403 -Gasket, conduit body 911 3403 Fuse 911 4810 Conduit, adapter, cover, plug 911 4810 Safety kit 911 3403 Safety kit 911 3402 PVC plug, quick set 911 3403 Battery 911 3101 Connector 911 3101 44505 Angeles Concrete Products 01070 Control density fill 911 3101 Concrete fibermesh 911 3101 Concrete fibermesh 911 3101 Control density fill concrete 911 3101 Concrete 911 3101 Concrete fibermesh 911 3101 Control density fill concrete 911 3101 Control density fill 911 3101 44507 Angeles Millwork 01073. Duct tape, stakes, lumber Nails 911 3101 911 3101 •44510 Asplundh 01119 Tree trimming services 911 4150 Tree trimming services 911 4150 44511 Bank of New York, The 02175 Prof services pe 3-2-98 911 4150 44516 Blake Sand & Gravel Inc. 02045 Bark 911 3403 235.34 79.10 234.77 230.01 438.40 9.62 8.63 8.11 81.27 26.77- 27.52 56.97 200.91 200.91 252.82 10.01 10.51 377.65 433.76 289.17 377.65 377.65 504.91 1,132.95 679.77 19.23 11.38 4,445.62 3,556.50 66.08 38.63 98/04/02-12:08 City of Port Angeles April 02 1998 Page 14 Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Number Name 44520 Camera Corner CHECK REGISTER Date From 03/14/98 To 04/03/98 Vendor Number 03044 44521 Campbell, William or 03421 44529 Complete Line, The 03087 44530 CorneLL Auto Parts 03092 44531 Culver Company Inc. 03049 44539 EES Consulting Inc. 05140 44549 Hartnagel Building Supply Inc. 08052 44563 Lakeside Industries Inc. 12036 44570 Lucent Technologies 12215 44572 Marsh Mundorf Pratt & Sullivan 13287 44586 Olympic Paper Company 15111 44590 Olympic Stationers Inc. 15030 44592 PacifiCorp 16360 44606 Public Utility Dist CLallam Co 16038 44625 Sound Analytical Services Inc. 19025 44629 Sunset Do -It Best Hardware 19035 44631 Swain's General Store Inc. 19037 44633 Thurman Supply 20005 44641 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 44646 Wayne's Nursery 23063 44690 NWPPA 14013 44700 PoLk & Company, R. L. 16020 44703 Price Costco Credit Card Pmts 03261 44709 Rohlinger Enterprises Inc. 18087 44725 US West Communications 21001 44732 Washington (DRS), State of 23141 44740 AT&T 01085 44743 Advanced Travel 01090 44744 AirTouch Cellular 01105 Description GL Code Number Top soil 911 3402 Top soil 911 3402 Prints 911 3101 Photos 911 3101 Reimbrsmnt-Pole installation 911 9907 Keyboard shelf 911 6410 Universal, extension 911 3501 VHS-Pigopolis 911 3101 Prof Svcs pe 2-98 911 4901 Stringline holder 911 3403 Asphalt 911 3101 3-2 Billing 911 4210 Prof Svcs pe 2-28-98 911 4901 Teri wiper 911 3101 Paper towels 911 4810 Paint brush 911 3403 Relay settings 911 4150 SR 101 & Euclid Ave -March 911 3350 Morse Creek Dam- February 911 3350 oiL samples testing 911 4150 Chalkline, couple nuts, rod 911 3403 Threaded rod, washer, nut 911 3403 Hex nut, flat washer 911 3403 Shovels 911 3501 Shoe accessories, housewares 911 3101 Pipe, coupling 911 4810 Double pole upper stat 911 4810 Coupling, strap 911 4810 Single pole 240 volt 911 4810 February Scan charges 911 4210 Plants 911 3402 Seminar registration -S McLain 911 4310 City directory publication 911 3101 Drive, modem, computer 911 3101 Drive, modem, computer 911 3101 Recondition ratchet cutter 911 4150 Amp bag,knife,sheath,pad 911 3501 Recondition chance hook Link 911 4150 Clean/test hot stick, telepoLe 911 4150 Recondition shot gun, stick 911 4150 3-5 Billing 911 4210 3-14 Billing 911 4210 3-14 Billing 911 4210 Statewide pensioners for Feb 911 2010 3-13 Billing 911 4210 Madison to Purdy, WA 03-19 911 4310 03-15 billing 911 4210 03-15 billing 911 4210 03-15 billing 911 4210 03-15 billing 911 4210 03-15 billing 911 4210 Amount 104.66 62.80 13.99 4.65 432.44 331.49 25.69 326.55 489.27 2.71 184.99 220.47 467.05 134.34 72.74 3.64 3,776.50 14.33 196.68 112.50 18.je68. 20.33 120.29 12.52 16.60 16.50 1.93 12.61 29.04 12.81 900.00 366.86 167.23 119.74 172.96 707.54 86.48 86.48 585.90 43.85 634.27 52.86 200.16 �. 6.43 J 1 9.00 9 9. 29.26 9.39 9.39 e � 98/04/02-12:08 City of Port Angeles April 02 1998 Page 15 Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Number Name 4* 0003 • CHECK REGISTER Date From 03/14/98 To 04/03/98 Vendor Description GL Code Number Number 44770 First Trust New York 06139 44781 Hybrid Zone 08322 44808 Northern Hydraulics Inc. 14153 44820 Public Utility Dist Clallam Co 16038 44840 Utility Underground Loc Center 21010 44848 Washington (Stores), State of 03131 44583 Nurnberg Scientific 14092 44644 Washington (Rev), State of 23118 44745 American Water Works Assoc. 01066 44500 Ace Equipment Company 01055 44519 Brown and Caldwell 02057 44536 Dobson's 04054 44549 Hartnagel Building Supply Inc. 08052 44570 Lucent Technologies 12215 44583 Nurnberg Scientific 14092 44589 Olympic Springs Inc. 15029 44590 Olympic Stationers Inc. 15030 44594 Pacific Office Equipment Inc. 16004 03-15 billing 911 4210 03-15 BILLING 911 4210 03-15 BILLING 911 4210 03-15 BILLING 911 4210 03-15 billing 911 4210 03-15 billing 911 4210 03-15 billing 911 4210 CSPE Acct #96020130 for April 911 3320 Internal zip drive 911 6499 Trash pump, hose, strainer 911 3501 Lauridsen Blvd & L St -March 911 3350 Morse Creek Dam -March 911 3350 Scoop riser, scoop, J -Box 911 3402 February locates 911 4150 Diskette,file folders,note pad 911 3101 Total for Light Total for Light Fund Cylinder,timer 402 2370000 Fecal coliform 402 2370000 Fecal coliform 402 2370000 Spectro check 402 2370000 February Excise taxes 402 2370000 February Excise taxes 402 2371000 Standard Methods 19th edition 402 2370000 Safe drinking water updates 402 2370000 Total for Department Parts for ariens, bearing 354 3101 Prof Svcs -WW System pe 2-20 p4 354 4150 Prof Svcs -WW System pe 2-20 p4 354 4150 Filter 354 3101 filter 354 3101 Lumber 354 3101 3-2 Billing 354 4210 Cylinder,timer 354 3101 Fecal coliform 354 3101 Fecal coliform 354 3101 Spectro check 354 3101 Bottled water, cups 354 3101 Water, cups 354 3101 Water,cups 354 3101 Monthly rental fee 354 3101 Scissors, binders, calendars 354 3101 Calendar refill 354 3101 Calendar refill 354 3101 Service laserjet printer 354 4150 Toner 354 3101 152 Amount 9.39 9.39 9.39 9.39 9.39 9.39 9.39 1,694.65 113.30 1,414.53 19.84 183.57 567.37 56.77 62.21 30,060.64 72,619.88 5.64- 9.47- 9.55- 8.30- 240.91 11.67 11.61- 11.85- 196.16 56.65 6,711.63 638.95 70.87 70.86 12.44 16.38 77.00 129.35 130.40 113.30 22.44 12.79 22.44 8.58 91.32 5.05 4.84- 137.03 60.15 98/04/02-12.08 City of Port Angeles April 02 1998 Page 16 Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Number Name 44629 Sunset Do -It Best Hardware 44631 Swain's General Store Inc. 44633 Thurman Supply 44637 USA BlueBook 44638 United Parcel Service 44641 Washington (DIS), State of 44644 Washington (Rev), State of 44653 AT&T Wireless Services 44655 AmTest Inc. 44667 Dorner Products Inc. 44676 Granich Engineering Inc. 44682 L.D.R. Flooring Services 44725 US West Communications 44744 AirTouch Cellular 44809 Olympic Chemical Corporation 44838 US West Communications CHECK REGISTER Date From 03/14/98 To 04/03/98 Vendor Number 19035 19037 20005 21060 21005 23111 23118 20000 01034 15099 07142 06120 21001 01105 15117 21001 44840 Utility Underground Loc Center 21010 Description GL Code Number Hardware 354 3101 CLamp,Labor,seaL,Red Horizon 354 3101 Sand cloth 354 3101 Bushing 354 3101 Lockwash, hex cap 354 3101 Hose, bolt clamp 354 3101 Pin shackle 354 3101 Lawn mower 354 3101 Automotive, miscellaneous 354 3101 Film, sound, automotive 354 3101 Plumbing 354 3101 OiL, hose adapter, PVC riser 354 3101 Pipe, caulking, vent, elbow 354 3101 Air compressor parts 354 3101 Rolotape measuring wheel 354 3101 Shipping services -pe 3-6-98 354 4210 Shipping services -pe 3-6-98 354 4210 February Scan charges 354 4210 February Excise taxes 354 4950 3-1 Billing 354 4210 Water sample analysis 354 4150 Water sample analysis 354 4150 OPS Tech Support Subscription 354 4150 Seal assembly 354 3101 Carpet cleaning services 354 4150 3-14 Billing 354 4210 03-15 billing 354 4210 Sodium Bisulfite 354 3101 03-23 billing 354 4210 03-23 billing 354 4210 03-23 billing 354 4210 03-23 billing 354 4210 03-23 billing 354 4210 03-23 billing 354 4210 03-23 billing 354 4210 03-20 billing 354 4210 February locates 354 4150 0 Amount 11.61 57.35 6.14 7.45 12.56 52.00 9.70 1,164.85 34.53 31.47 29.51 12.39 35.65 22.93 126.74 75.15 9.20 50.91 5,001.78 32.39 2,279. 2,430 250. 511.56 122.40 47.13 5.62 1,157.81 28.11 47.81 47.81 47.81 47.81 47.81 28.11 28.11 28.38 Total for Wastewater 22,323.23 0007 44500 Ace Equipment Company 01055 Plug, Labor 753 3101 18.61 44501 Advanced Travel 01090 T Smith to Olympia 2-26-98 753 4310 52.50 44505 Angeles Concrete Products 01070 Concrete fibermesh 753 3101 36.15 Concrete 753 3101 64.74 44507 Angeles Millwork 01073 Bit, extension cord 753 3101 _ ^ 15.90 44509 Anjo Soils 01057 Soil 753 3101 312.62 44513 Baxter Farms 02035 Grass seed 753 3101 90 44562 L & L Tool Specialties 12035 Hex key set 753 3101 44570 Lucent Technologies 12215 3-2 Billing 753 4210 32.77 44586 Olympic Paper Company 15111 Chlorine 753 3101 339.89 Table skirting, table cover 753 3101 7.66 �a 98/04/02-12.08 City of Port Angeles April 02 1998 Page 17 CHECK REGISTER Date From 03/14/98 To 04/03/98 Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount Number Name Number Number Liquid chlorine 753 3101 169.94 44590 Olympic Stationers Inc. 15030 Disc holder, discs 753 3101 26.95 44594 Pacific Office Equipment Inc. 16004 Disk zip pack 753 3101 57.13 Disk zip pack 753 3101 57.13 Zip dive holder 753 3101 7.50 44602 Polk & Company, R. L. 16020 City directory publication 753 3101 183.42 44612 Richmond 2 -Way Radio 18009 Battery 753 3101 97.11 44629 Sunset Do -It Best Hardware 19035 Screw driver 753 3101 9.06 Strap, bolt, cap, screw 753 3101 5.27 Cord 753 3101 2.91 Switch, hacksaw blade 753 3101 12.56 ELL, entrance 753 3101 3.66 Powerlock tape 753 3101 18.29 Novus blue/gray, blue/clear 753 3101 37.16 Valve ball 753 3101 15.52 44631 Swain's General Store Inc. 19037 Miscellaneous supplies/meters 753 3101 2.17 Film, sound 753 3101 8.35 Film, sound, cleaning supplies 753 3101 13.06 Candy for the Home Show 753 3101 33.66 44633 Thurman Supply 20005 Fasteners, strap 753 3101 13.53 Sprinkler/plumbing supplies 753 3101 35.46 Aluminum pipe, waterplug 753 3101 8.84 Waterplug 753 3101 17.26 Gasket,cover,reducing bushing 753 3101 5.03 Polytarp 753 3101 18.02 44637 USA BLueBook 21060 Rolotape measuring wheel 753 3101 126.74 44638 United Parcel Service 21005 Shipping services -pe 3-6-98 753 4210 25.22 44641 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 February Scan charges 753 4210 15.13 44642 Washington (DOH), State of 23117 Exam fee- Water Distribtn Mgr 753 4310 25.00 44644 Washington ('Rev), State of 23118 February Excise taxes 753 4950 7,514.54 44699 Points Sharp Steel Inc. 16092 Point, chisel, asphalt cutter 753 3101 21.68 44703 Price Costco Credit Card Pmts 03261 Drive, modem, computer 753 3101 134.86 44704 Public Utility Dist CLallam Co 16038 Crown Z Water Rd -March 753 4710 23.41 44720 Transfac Funding Corporation 20059 Shipping services 753 4210 96.24 44723 US Filter/Pacific Water Works 21077 Gate rubber 753 3101 328.45 44725 US West Communications 21001 3-14 Billing 753 4210 94.27 44733 Washington (Health), State of 23107 Permit/certification fees 753 4990 5,604.80 44742 Admiral Ship Supply Inc. 01303 Solid plug,cored plug 753 3101 24.34 44743 Advanced Travel 01090 Beverford,Becker to Wenatchee 753 4310 536.52 Knutson to Seattle 03-20 753 4310 18.70 44745 American Water Works Assoc. 01066 Standard Methods 19th edition 753 3101 158.61 Safe drinking water updates 753 3101 161.85 44838 US West Communications 21001 03-23 billing 753 4210 59.20 44839 Utility Services Associates 21021 Professional svcs-surveying 753 4150 4,950.00 44840 Utility Underground Loc Center 21010 February Locates 753 4150 �: 28.38 44844 Volk, Phillip and Elizabeth 22063 Refund for tap on Milwaukee 753 9619 y .) 371.52 Total for Public Works 22,154.12 TotaL for Water/Wastewater Fund 44,673.51 98/04/02-12:08 City of Port Angeles April 02 1998 Page 18 Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Number Name 404 0007 421 44500 Ace Equipment Company 44501 Advanced Travel 44503 AmTest Inc. 44506 Angeles Machine Works Inc 44507 Angeles Millwork CHECK REGISTER Date From 03/14/98 To 04/03/98 Vendor Number 01055 01090 01034 01072 01073 44535 Design One Inc. 04164 44549 Hartnagel Building Supply Inc. 08052 44557 KONP Radio 11019 44570 Lucent Technologies 12215 44576 Middleton Motor Parts Co. 13117 44584 Olympic Drywall Supplies Inc. 15023 44586 Olympic Paper Company 15111 44588 Olympic Refrigeration 15085 44594 Pacific Office Equipment Inc. 16004 44600 Pettit Oil Company 16302 44603 Port Angeles -City Treasurer 03062 44612 Richmond 2 -Way Radio 18009 44629 Sunset Do -It Best Hardware 19035 44631 Swain's General Store Inc. 19037 44638 United Parcel Service 21005 44641 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 44671 Federal Express Corp. 06022 44725 US West Communications 21001 44743 Advanced Travel 01090 44851 Waste Management - Northwest 23060 44504 Anderson, Kurt J. and Lori A. 01365 44701 Port Angeles -City Treasurer 03062 44603 Port Angeles -City Treasurer 03062 44701 Port Angeles -City Treasurer 03062 Description GL Code Number Wedge 755 3101 T McCabe to Tacoma 2-27 755 4310 Water chem,micro analysis 755 4150 Water chem,micro analysis 755 4150 Labor, extend shafts, cuts 755 3101 Masking tape 755 3101 Lumber 755 3101 Pens 755 4410 roller cover, paint, brush 755 3101 Paint 755 3101 February commercials 755 4410 3-2 Billing 755 4210 Battery,core deposit,terminal 755 3101 Masking paper, tape 755 3101 Toilet tissue 755 3101 Removed freon 755 4150 HP deskjet 755 3101 Ribbon 755 3101 Ultra duty grease 755 3101 Petty cash reimbursement 755 3101 Replaced camera connectors 755 4810 Oxygen 755 3101 Flashlight,plier,wrench,cutter 755 3101 Threaded rod, hardware, tube 755 3101 Lawn mower 755 3101 Garden rake 755 3101 Utility knives 755 3101 Hardware, hand tools 755 3101 Plumbing 755 3101 Plumbing supplies 755 3101 Men's accessories 755 3101 Shipping services -pe 3-6-98 755 4210 February Scan charges 755 4210 Shipping services - March 755 3101 3-14 Billing 755 4210 Miller to Olympia 03-17 755 4310 March recycling 755 4150 Total for Solid Waste Fund Rfd ovrpmt Weatherization loan 421 1223000 Petty cash reimbursements 421 2451000 Total for Department Petty cash reimbursement 913 4990 Petty cash reimbursements 913 4990 Total for Light Total for Conservation Fund 0 Amount 4.86 37.50 678.30 640.05 151.23 4.27 29.33 311.88 66.20 69.88 100.95 40.96 90.26 11.72 56.81 1,773.88 31.29 24.99 37.39 12.00 259* 10. 114.01 205.72 1,164.86 42.06 53.63 56.01 5.48 7.63 16.12 45.75 20.20 12.00 117.83 30.00 37,831.80 44,147.31 108.19 24.00 132.19 19. 22 41.00 173.19 98/04/02-12.08 City of Port Angeles CHECK REGISTER Date From 03%14/98 To 04/03/98 ApriL 02 1998 Page 19 Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Number Name Number Number 451 0009 44582 Northwestern Territories Inc. 14017 Prof Svcs pe 2-20-98 - Survey 930 4150 Total for Light Construction 452 0007 44613 Rocket 04043 44663 CH2M Hill 03005 44747 Angeles Plumbing Inc. 01039 44780 Homestead Welding Auto Repair 08324 44790 Key Bank of Washington 11128 44833 Strider Construction Cc Inc 19447 453 0007 44520 Camera Corner 03044 44558 Key Bank of Washington 11128 44626 Strider Construction Co Inc 19447 44749 Beck and Associates, R.W. 02037 44842 Viking Office Products 22054 501 44678 H. A. Holden Inc. 08318 0007 44530 Cornell Auto Parts 03092 44534 Denver's Tire Co. Inc. 04044 • Prof services Proj 94-22 793 4150 Fire sprinkler modification 793 4150 Engineering Svcs-Resevoir 793 4150 Re-route main sewer line 793 4150 Sandblast City fountain 793 4150 Escrow acct #473544001802 793 4150 Watermain proj 94-22 pmt $5 793 4150 Total for Water Construction Prints 794 3101 Retainage -Escrow #473549007259 794 4150 Retainage -Escrow #473549007259 794 4150 Prof Svcs-Ediz hook pmt #5 794 4150 Prof Svcs-Ediz hook pmt #5 794 4150 Prof Svcs pe 2-28-98 794 4150 Prof Svcs pe 2-28-98 794 4150 Pads,hi-Liters,LabeL inserts 794 3101 Total for WasteWater Construction Stationary switch 501 2370000 Total for Department Perma,coiL inserts, TPS 760 3101 Micro torch 760 3501 Hose T 760 3101 Fas pac 760 3101 Fas pac 760 3101 OiL cap 760 3101 Plugs, help 76951 760 3101 Polish 760 3101 Bumper bolts 760 3101 oiL filler cap 760 3101 Flat repair, wheel change 760 4810 Flat repair, wheel change 760 4810 flat repair, wheel change 760 4810 Labor, repair alternator 760 4810 Labor, safety check 760 3101 Labor, safety check 760 4810 Tires, valve, casing charge 760 3101 G. Tires, valve, casing charge 760 4810 i J V Air cleaner, repair spot Light 760 3101 Air cleaner, repair spot Light 760 4810 Converter, Labor 760 3101 Converter, labor 760 4810 Amount 7,695.20 7,695.20 1,726.25 2,404.36 7,685.89 626.01 323.70 18,050.17 371,472.40 402,288.78 7.15 1,060.63 870.30 21,827.81 17,910.77 702.38 1,334.01 48.32 43,761.37 2.72- 2.72- 56.29 61.05 10.14 4.21 8.42 4.69 9.55 6.14 10.52 4.69 24.28 24.28 24.28 29.13 13.22 17.26 257.00 20.50 22.58 46.39 257.73 5.82 98/04/02-12:08 City of Port Angeles April 02 1998 Page 20 CHECK REGISTER Date From 03/14/98 To 04/03/98 Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Number Name Number Number Tires,wheel balance,alignment 760 3101 Tires,wheeL balance,alignment 760 4810 Casing charge, tires 760 3101 Casing charge, tires 760 4810 Battery, labor 760 3101 Tires, retread 760 3101 Mount, demount, wheel change 760 4810 Flat repair 760 4810 Tires, mount, wheel change 760 3101 Tires, mount, wheel change 760 4810 Flat repair, wheel change 760 4810 Tires, wheel balance, stem 760 3101 Tires, wheel balance, stem 760 4810 Service call, starter, labor 760 4810 Service call, starter, labor 760 3101 Safety check, labor 760 3101 Safety check, Labor 760 4810 Window switch, labor 760 3101 Window switch, labor 760 4810 Rear Lens assembly, labor 760 3101 Rear lens assembly, Labor 760 4810 Starter, labor 760 3101 Starter, labor 760 4810 Flat repair, wheel change 760 4810 Battery, labor 760 3101 Battery, labor 760 4810 Heater, labor 760 3101 Heater, labor 760 4810 Labor, safety check 760 4810 Safety check, labor 760 3101 Safety check, labor 760 4810 44536 Dobson's 04054 Beam 760 3101 V Belt 760 3101 44544 Ferrellgas (Inc) 06024 Propane 760 3212 Propane 760 3212 44570 Lucent Technologies 12215 3-2 Billing 760 4210 44576 Middleton Motor Parts Co. 13117 Neo cord 760 3101 Drop Light 760 3101 Net 760 3101 CLo roll 760 3101 Oil filter 760 3101 Oil filter 760 3101 Disc pad, wheel kit 760 3101 Wheel kit, return 760 3101 Fuel filter,oiL filter,wipers 760 3101 Clamp 760 3101 Fuses 760 3101 Clamp 760 3101 Door handle 760 3101 Door handle, wiper blade 760 3101 Core plug 760 3101 J 0 Amount 125.16 46.35 504.28 41.00 109.41 144.24 25.90 19.42 111.46 17.80 27.51 173.93 15.11 79.85 69.48 13.22 17.26 15.10 43.71 86.32 29. 58. 69.48 24.28 93.87 14.57 107.90 58.27 36.42 13.22 51.79 13.57 10.81 59.80 166.69 8.19 42.83- 58.04- 47.46 40.11 27.68 55.35 50.45 .75 159.55 1.06 *2 5.37 42.05 6.46 98/04/02-12:08 City of Port Angeles April 02 1998 Page 21 • Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Number Name 44600 Pettit Oil Company 44603 Port Angeles -City Treasurer 44607 Quality 4x4 Truck Supply 44612 Richmond 2 -Way Radio 44617 Ruddell Auto Mall 44629 Sunset Do -It Best Hardware 44631 Swain's General Store Inc 44634 Tony's Distributing CHECK REGISTER Date From 03/14/98 To 04/03/98 Vendor Description GL Code Number Number Fuel filter 760 3101 Ignition 760 3101 Sleeve 760 3101 Insert, sleeve 760 3101 Lamp 760 3101 Adapter 760 3101 Male elbow 760 3101 Male connector 760 3101 Muffler, pipe 760 3101 Junction 760 3101 Oil filter, air filter, pliers 760 3101 Jun blok 760 3101 Adapter 760 3101 Male connector 760 3101 V belt 760 3101 Silicone 760 3101 Disc pad 760 3101 Washer 760 3101 Nut, coupler 760 3101 Gaskets 760 3101 Coupler 760 3101 Flasher 760 3101 Connector 760 3101 Air filter, washer, oil filter 760 3101 Sensor 760 3101 Cool cap 760 3101 16302 Kardlock purchases -February 760 3210 Kardlock purchases -February 760 3211 Oil, haz mat 760 3220 Sample bottle 760 3101 Diesel 760 3211 Diesel 760 3211 Gasoline 760 3210 03062 Petty cash reimbursement 760 3101 17006 Flange yoke, U J kit 760 3101 Gasket - compressor 760 3101 18009 Install mostar EQ#1542 760 3101 18019 Service veh #1458 760 3101 Clip 760 3101 Bolt kit 760 3101 Cap hub 760 3101 19035 Cylinder rent 760 3101 Flat bar 760 3101 Flat bar 760 3101 Street elbow, T12 barb 760 3101 Adapter, plug, cap, 0 ring 760 3101 Cylinder rent -February 760 3101 Washer 760 3101 19037 Head light 760 3101 20145. Auto repair manuals 760 3101 Truck repair manuals 760 3101 iJJ Amount 9.04 36.14 .78 5.83 51.96 .86 4.99 3.24 123.06 9.98 220.87 30.47 2.59 8.09 13.96 23.18 33.67 5.83 79.84 3.98 2.69 35.78 8.65 367.09 37.49 2.95 1,649.33 71.88 931.07 184.51 1,262.60 2,981.50 2,589.60 16.16 79.00 3.55 102.50 18.72 7.99 15.98 55.96 25.46 11.87 46.34 15.56 57.31 25.46 1.50 28.71 472.63 281.84 98/04/02-12:08 City of Port Angeles April 02 1998 Page 22 CHECK REGISTER Date From 03/14/98 To 04/03/98 Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Number Name Number 502 0002 44641 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 44645 Washington Fire & Safety Equip 23004 44654 AWC Warehousing Co 01328 44658 44660 44678 44681 44689 44696 44713 44725 44734 44754 44811 Associates Capital Bank 20003 Bens Cleaner Sales Inc. 02012 H. A. Holden Inc. 08318 Int'L Belt & Rubber Supply Inc 09049 N C Machinery Co. 14001 Olympic Laundry & CLnrs Inc. 15026 Seattle Daily Journal of Comm. 19058 US West Communications 21001 Western Equipment Distrib. Inc 23019 Burrett, Peter W. 02163 Pacific Utility Equipment Inc. 21011 44517 Boxlight Corporation 02350 44538 Dungeness Communications & 04210 44570 Lucent Technologies 12215 44586 Olympic Paper Company 15111 44594 Pacific Office Equipment Inc. 16004 44618 44641 44725 44743 44744 44813 44819 SFG Technologies Inc. 14074 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 US West Communications 21001 Advanced Travel 01090 AirTouch Cellular 01105 Pioneer Standard Electronics 16373 Professional Cartridge Care/WA 16324 Description GL Code Number February Scan charges 760 4210 Extinguisher maintenance 760 3101 Transport Police cars -Tacoma 760 4810 Transport Police cars -Tacoma 760 4810 Transport Police cars -Tacoma 760 4810 Transport Police cars -Tacoma 760 4810 Card purchases -March 760 3210 Inlet Water filter 760 3101 Stationary switch 760 3101 Urethane 760 3101 Shaft, cap, gasket, nut, wiper 760 3101 Laundry services -February 760 4990 Bid - BaLLfield maint machines 760 4410 3-14 Billing 760 4210 Mower blades 760 3101 Personal mileage reimbursement 760 4310 Sensor tank 760 3101 Total for Public Works Total for Equipment Services Fund Hardcase for Toshiba projector 250 4810 Projector replcmnt Lamp,remote 250 3101 February maintenance 250 4150 3-2 Billing 250 4210 Paper 250 3101 Service laser printer 250 4810 Epson printer, drawer 250 3101 UPS backups 250 4810 Modem 250 4810 SFG Software.Support/Maint 250 4810 February Scan charges 250 4210 3-14 Billing 250 4210 Kheriaty to Vancouver BC 03-11 250 4310 03-15 billing 250 4210 AIX version,perf aide,program 250 6410 IBM 4049 Optra high yld 250 3101 IBM 4039 Marathon OEM 250 3101 Total for Information Systems Fund 0 Amount 7.83 10.79 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 15.74 20.64 37.15 21.67 97.43 181.73 270.60 23.56 156.22 40.28 148.29 17,014.40 17,011 481.05 562.12 137.50 24.57 346.90 40.46 2,453.65 111.14 140.27 816.59 11.21 70.70 309.32 16.30 8,987.51 302.12- 215.80 14,422.97 503 0001 44501 Advanced Travel 01090 M Hall to Seattle 2-20-98 118 4909 299.46 44656 Angeles Electric Inc. 01071 Replace broken light- A Miller 119 4999 156.77 44659 Balser, Sharyn 02078 Disability Board Claim- March 121 4635 100.00 44674 Fox, Kenneth 06191 Disability Board Claim -March 121 4635 45.52 44679 Hall, Michael D. 08002 Disability Board Claim -March 121 4635 27� '-`� 44684 Loucks, Jasper 12186 Disability Board Claim -March 121 4635 18. 44697 Pacific Quick Stitch 16331 Jacket, embroidery 118 4909 61.77 44705 Regence Blue Shield 18234 Dental claim Administrtn-April 117 4601 868.00 44707 Riepe, Tom 18081 Disability Board Claim -March 121 4635 80.00 98/04/02-12:08 City of Port Angeles April 02 1998 Page 23 • Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Number Name • 602 0002 CHECK REGISTER Date From 03/14/98 To 04/03/98 Vendor Description GL Code Number Number 44719 Thompson, Bruce 20083 44721 UNUM Life Ins Co of America 21000 44736 Woodruff, Marcy 23401 44741 AWC Employee Benefit Trust 01231 44750 Bishop, Virgil 02019 44757 Cameron, Kenneth 03252 44759 Camporini, Richard 03273 44764 Clallam Co. YMCA 03076 44769 Evans, Sid 05103 44772 Frank Gates Service Company 07208 44778 Hansen, George D. 08048 44787 Johnson, Donald G 10052 44788 Johnson, Harry 10047 44791 Kitsap Fire Dist #15 11067 44792 Kochanek, Harry 11017 44794 Lindley, James K. 12019 44795 Loucks, Jasper 12186 44800 Miesel, Phil 13261 44801 Morgan, Roy 13145 44802 NW Admin Transfer Acct (Non -S) 14169 44803 NW Admin. Transfer Acct (SW) 14016 44805 Nelson Marketing 14440 44829 Sequim Aquatic Recreation Ctr. 19015 Disability Board Claim -March 121 4635 Disability Gov prem -April 121 4631 Reimbrsmt-Shoes stolen at Pool 119 4999 April 1998 Insurance 121 4630 April 1998 Insurance 121 4632 April 1998 Insurance 121 4634 Reimburse April Medicare Prem 121 4635 Reimburse April Medicare Prem 121 4635 Reimburse April Medicare Prem 121 4635 Buckmaster renewal to 3/99 121 4150 Reimburse April Medicare Prem 121 4635 Professional svcs Jan -Mar 1998 118 4140 Reimburse April Medicare Prem 121 4635 Reimburse April Medicare Prem 121 4635 Reimburse April Medicare Prem 121 4635 Settlement claim #56-97 119 4999 Reimburse April Medicare Prem 121 4635 Reimburse April Medicare Prem 121 4635 Reimburse April Medicare Prem 121 4635 Reimburse April Medicare Prem 121 4635 Reimburse April Medicare Prem 121 4635 Medical,dental,vision April 121 4633 Medical,dental,vision April 121 4633 Safety mugs, key ring light 118 4909 German 1998/99 membership 121 4150 Amount 32.00 1,698.17 64.02 64,118.95 1,176.85 9,754.50 94.00 65.70 46.10 586.00 42.50 1,250.00 46.80 43.80 42.50 12,750.00 85.00 43.80 85.00 46.10 46.10 2,206.10 9,260.90 1,266.75 205.00 Total for Self - Insurance Fund 106,713.16 44662 Braun, Gary 02173 Disability Board Claim- March 225 4635 44670 Evans, Sid' 05103 Disability Board Claim -March 225 4635 44741 AWC Employee Benefit Trust 01231 April 1998 Insurance 225 4635 Total for Firemen's Pension Fund 33.78 145.99 2,297.00 2,476.77 621 0002 44525 Clallam Jefferson CAC Inc. 03022 Loan fee -Jeffrey Green 214 4150 423.08 44673 Folbre Construction, Bill 06059 Final pmt -Lorraine Thomas 214 4150 7,500.00 44675 Garland Construction & Maint 07063 Partial pmt - Rick Moon 214 4150 1,619.61 44765 Clallam Jefferson CAC Inc. 03022 Loan fee -Richardson 96PA17LC 214 4150 418.04 625 0008 44501 Advanced Travel 01090 44631 Swain's General Store Inc. 19037 44639 WA Recreation & Park Assn/WRPA 23034 44666 District 13 04050 44701 Port Angeles -City Treasurer 03062 44743 Advanced Travel 01090 44755 Bushwacker, The 02129 Total for P.A. Housing ReHab Project 9,960.73 B Peterson to Richland 3-6-98 881 4310 D Estes to Richland 3-6-98 880 4310 B -Ball tournament scorebooks 880 3101 B -Ball Federation Team Registr 882 4150 Softball sanction fee, guide 881 4150 Softball sanction fee, guide 880 3101 Petty cash reimbursements 888 3120 Estes to Marysville 03-21 880 4310 Gift certificate for volunteer 888 3101 345.37 270.50 32.18 49.00 750.00 600.00 41.06 69.42 50.00 98/04/02-12:08 Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Number Name 1 627 0005 44841 Viada, Jason 1 641 0008 44506 Angeles Machine Works Inc 1 650 44619 Saba & Associates City of Port Angeles April 02 1998 Page 24 CHECK REGISTER Date From 03/14/98 To 04/03/98 Vendor Description GL Code Amount Number Number 22045 01072 19300 652 0008 44543 federal Firesafety Inc. 06023 44549 Hartnagel Building Supply Inc. 08052 44570 Lucent Technologies 12215 44586 Olympic Paper Company 15111 44595 Paint Store, The 16064 44596 Parker Paint Mfg Co. Inc. 16201 44605 Pro Rentals Inc. . 16034 44631 Swain's General Store Inc. 19037 44633 Thurman Supply 20005 44641 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 44725 US West Communications 21001 44838 US West Communications 21001 1 654 0008 44507 Angeles Millwork 44516 Blake Sand & Gravel Inc 01073 02045 44549 Hartnagel Building Supply Inc. 08052 Total for Recreational Activities Fund Dare pizza parties at schools 531 3101 Total for D.A.R.E. Fund Cut tubing, tube 823 3120 Total for Senior Center Maintenance Rfd PBIA -Pacific Quick Stitch 650 2319200 Total for Off - Street Parking Fund Security service call -Fine Art 868 4810 Galton gas can 868 3120 Fasteners 868 3120 3-2 Billing 868 4210 Concrete sealer,wax applicator 868 3120 Black hi pro strippin 868 3120 Wall scraper 868 3501 Paint 868 3120 Paint, paint & stain pad 868 3120 Paint 868 3120 Polisher/sander 868 4530 Polisher/sander credit 868 4530 Paint, accessories 868 3120 Paint, accessories, electrical 868 3101 Hardware 868 3101 Paint, accessories 868 3120 Paint, accessories 868 3120 Receptacle plate, switch plate 868 3120 February Scan charges 868 4210 3-14 Billing 868 4210 03-14 billing 868 4210 03-23 billing 868 4210 Total for Esther Webster Trust Fund Lumber, screw, insert bit 873 3199 Wood glue, caulk, hardware 873 3199 Lumber,bit,strand board,screws 873 3199 Crushed rock 873 3199 Stakes, crushed rock 873 3199 Stakes, sand 873 3199 Gravel, cement 873 3199 -, Gravel, cement 873 3199 y u A - Gravel 873 3199 Adjustment Inv #44708 873 3199 Jet set 873 3199 Stud anchor wedge 873 3199 98/04/02-12:08 0 Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Number Name 44591 Oregon Brass Works 44596 Parker Paint Mfg Co. Inc 44615 Rose Lumber City of Port Angeles CHECK REGISTER Date From 03/14/98 To 04/03/98 April 02 1998 Page 25 Vendor Description GL Code Number Number 15032 Plaque- Hoagland 873 3199 16201 Paint 873 3199 18016 Sealer, brushes 873 3199 Total for Waterfront Trail Fund 698 44672 Flex -Plan Services Inc. 06062 44680 ICMA Retirement Trust -401 09083 44695 Office of Support Enforcement 15072 44716 States West Life Insurance Co. 19313 44722 US Department of Education 21075 44726 United Way 21028 44727 Volunteer Fire Association 22060 rl Payroll deductions pe 3-22-98 698 2315210 Payroll deductions pe 3-22-98 698 2315220 Payroll deductions pe 3-22-98 698 2315210 Supplemntl Life Ins prem -April 698 2315160 Payroll deductions pe 3-22-98 698 2315210 Payroll deductions pe 3-22-98 698 2315240 Payroll deductions pe 3-22-98 698 2315210 Total for Accounts Payable Clearing Fund Grand Total y�n Amount 73.25 1.93 41.15 692.81 1,079.79 7,588.34 311.54 737.80 54.98 453.34 42.00 10,267.79 1,653,719.88 of PORT 0 N March 30,1998 CITY OF PORT ANGELES - PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM "MAINTAINING AND BUILDING A BETTER COMMUNITY" TO: Kay Godbey, Finance Director FROM: Jack Pittis, Public Works Director RE: Port Angeles Public Library -Project #94-19 (Payment #12) PREPARED BY APPROVED B Project PW -178 (Rev. 111931 N: \PROJECTS\94-19LIB\PROJMGTIPAYMENTS\PAY.012 U :� Y: Direc r f Public Works i I 1 CONTRACT THIS PAY REQUEST PREVIOUS PAYMENTS TOTAL WORK TO DATE Original Contract Amount $3,476,800.00 Change Orders to Date (12) $72,432.31 Subtotal $3,549,232.31 $299,815.23 $2,606,583.79 $2,906,399.02 Sales Tax (7.9% of subtotal) LESS Retainage (5% of subtotal) $23,685.40 $14,990.76 $205,920.13 $229,605.53 $130,329.19 $145,319.95 Contractor Payments Authorized to Date Project Completion $308,509.87 $2,682,174.73 $2,990,684.60 81.89 DISBURSEMENT SUMMARY (Account No. US7517-9419-4150 ) CONTRACTOR: Primo Construction, Inc. 970 Carlsborg Road Sequim WA. 98382 $308,509.87 RETAINAGE: Escrow acct. #750800542 North Sound Bank P.O. Box 3850 Sequim, WA. 98382 $14,990.76 TOTAL DISBURSEMENT FOR THIS PAYMENT $323,500.63 CHANGE ORDER COMMENTS: PREPARED BY APPROVED B Project PW -178 (Rev. 111931 N: \PROJECTS\94-19LIB\PROJMGTIPAYMENTS\PAY.012 U :� Y: Direc r f Public Works i I 1 APPLICATION AND CERTIFICATE FOR PAYMENT TO (OWNER): CITY OF PORT ANGELES 321 East Fifth Street Port Angeles, WA 98362 ATTENTION: Jack N. Pittis, P.E. PROJECT: PORT ANGELES PUBLIC LIBRARY CONTRACT FOR: AIA DOCUMENT G702 PAGE ONE OF 5 APPLICATION NO: —4f� Distribution to: ADDITIONS �Z OWNER PERIOD FROM: 2/24/98 [ ] ARCHITECT TO: 3/27/98 [ ] CONTRACTOR $ 64,443.87 Approved This Month Number ARCHITECT'S 11 2/13/98 PROJECT NO 94-19 12 CONTRACT DATE: April 22, 1997 CONTRACTOR'S APPLICATION FOR PAYMENT Application is made for Payment, as shown below, in connection with the Contract. Continuation Sheet, AIA Document G703, is attached. CHANGE ORDER SUMMARY Change Orders approved ADDITIONS DEDUCTIONS in previous months by Owner TOTAL $ 64,443.87 Approved This Month Number Date Approved 11 2/13/98 $ 7,564.49 12 3/5/98 $ 423.95 TOTALS $ 72,432.31 $ - Net Change by Change Orders $ 72,432.31 The undersigned Contractor certifies that to the best of his knowledge, Information and belief the Work covered by this Application for Payment has been completed in accordance with the Contract Docu- ments, that all amounts have been paid by him for work for which previous Certificates for Payment were issued and payments received from the owner, and that current payment shown herein is now due. CONTRACTOR: PRIMO CONSX1 ARCHWECIrS CERTIFICATE FOR PAYMEN In accordance with the Contract Documents, based on on-site obser- vations and the data comprising the above application, the Architect certifies to the Owner that the Work has progressed to the point indicated; that to the best of his knowledge, information and belief, the quality of the Work is in accordance with the Contract Docu- ments; and that the Contractor is entitled to payment of the AMOUNT CERTIFIED. A90k The present status of the account for this Contract is as follows: ORIGINAL CONTRACT SUM $ 3,476,800.00 Net Change by Change Orders $ 72,432.31 CONTRACT SUM TO DATE $ 3,549,232.31 TOTAL COMPLETE & STORED TO DATE $ 2,906,399.02 ........................... Washington State Sales Tax @ 7.9% $ 229,605.52 RETAINAGE 5% $ 145,319.95 TOTAL EARNED LESS RETAINAGE $ 2,990,684.59 LESS PREVIOUS CERTIFICATES FOR PAYMENT $ 2,682,174.72 PAGES URRENT PAYMENT DUE $ 308,509.87 �- CQQK ate of: WASHINGTON County of: CLALLAM 7���A scribed and swot me this 27 March, 1998 No ry Public: iommission Expires: May 1 1998 MOUNT CERTIFIED' ................................................................................. (Attach exp/anado if amo t c . ed differs from the amount applied for.) ARCHITECT: By: (,� l' Date: Gj This certi cate is not negotiable. The AM NT CERTIFIED is payable only to the Cont ctor named herein. Issuance, payment and acceptance of payment are without prejudice to any rights of the Owner or Contractor under this Contract. Ai THE AMERICAN INSTnT'MWARICHITECTS;1735 NEW YORK AVENUE, N.W., WASHINGTON, D.C. 20006 NW MW G702-1978 CONTINUM SHEET AIA DOCUMENT G703 AIA DocurneW15702, APPLICATION AND CERTIFICATE FOR PAYMENT,containing Contractor's signed Certification is attached. In tabulations below, amounts are stated to the nearest dollar. Use Column I on Contracts where variable retainage for line items may apply. PAGE 2 OF 5 APPLICATION NUMBERW 12 APPLICATION DATE: 3/27/98 PERIOD FROM: 2/24/98 TO: 3/27/98 ARCFIITFCT'S PRc1.IFCT NO: 94-19 ,w mom. �, �,M ,, ,.,... _......_..._. _........._... ... - THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARICHITECTS;1735 NEW YORK AVENUE, N; W., WASHINGTON, D.C. 20006 B C D I E F G H I J A WORK COMPLETED TOTAL COMPLETED AND STORED % BALANCE RETAINAGE This Application ITEM DESCRIPTION OF WORK SCHEDULED TO DATE (G/C) TO FINISH No. VALUE (D+E+F) (C -G) Previous Stored Materials Applications Work in Place (not in D or E) 1 Bonding & Insurance $ 37,742.00 $ 37,742.00 $ 37,742.00 100% $ - $ 1,887.10 2 Temporary Facilities $ 17,050.00 $ 16,700.00 $ 16,700.00 98% $ 350.00 $ 835.00 3 Job Supervision $ 75,350.00 $ 62,567.00 $ 6,279.00 $ 68,846.00 91% $ 6,504.00 $ 3,442.30 4 Permits & Fees $ 20,411.00 $ 20,411.00 $ 20,411.00 100% $ - $ 1,020.55 5 Field Engineering $ 26,950.00 $ 23,997.00 $ 2,953.00 $ 26,950.00 100% $ - $ 1,347.50 6 Selective Demolition $ 5,335.00 $ 5,335.00 $ 5,335.00 100% $ - $ 266.75 7 Sitework & Utilities $ 267,537.00 $ 260,006.00 $ 5,000.00 $ 265,006.00 99% $ 2,531.00 $ 13,250.30 8 Hot Mix Asphalt Paving $ 66,550.00 $ 53,240.00 $ 53,240.00 80% $ 13,310.00 $ 2,662.00 9 Irrigation System & Landscaping $ 104,500.00 $ 18,070.00 $ 4,539.00 $ 22,609.00 22% $ 81,891.00 $ 1,130.45 10 Striping & Exterior Signage $ 1,320.00 $ - 0% $ 1,320.00 $ - 11 Cast -In -Place Concrete $ 260,723.00 $ 245,723.00 $ 5,000.00 $ 250,723.00 96% $ 10,000.00 $ 12,536.15 12 Special Concrete Finishes $ 10,560.00 $ 138.00 $ 138.00 1% $ 10,422.00 $ 6.90 13 Unit Masonry $ 70,650.00 $ 40,000.00 $ 23,585.00 $ 63,585.00 90% $ 7,065.00 $ 3,179.25 14 Structural Steel & Metal Fabrication $ 211,000.00 $ 211,000.00 $ 211,000.00 100% $ - $ 10,550.00 15 Steel Joists & Steel Deck $ 79,970.00 $ 79,970.00 $ 79,970.00 100% $ - $ 3,998.50 16 Steel Erection $ 128,197.00 $ 128,197.00 $ 128,197.00 100% $ - $ 6,409.85 17 Rough Carpentry $ 15,840.00 $ 15,840.00 $ 15,840.00 100% $ - $ 792.00 18 Building Materials $ 33,000.00 $ 33,000.00 $ 33,000.00 100% $ - $ 1,650.00 19 Finish Carpentry $ 64,350.00 $ 54,350.00 $ 5,000.00 $ 59,350.00 92% $ 5,000.00 $ 2,967.50 20 Interior Architectural Woodwork $ 66,000.00 $ 18,590.00 $ 18,590.00 28% $ 47,410.00 $ 929.50 21 Building Insulation $ 7,920.00 $ 7,920.00 $ 7,920.00 100% $ - $ 396.00 22 Metal Roofing $ 222,436.00 $ 166,827.00 $ 11,122.00 $ 177,949.00 80% $ 44,487.00 $ 8,897.45 23 Single Ply Membrane Roofing $ 71,475.00 $ 41,396.00 $ 30,079.00 $ 71,475.00 100% $ - $ 3,573.75 24 Flashing & Sheet Metal $ 47,615.00 $ 44,699.00 $ 44,699.00 94% $ 2,916.00 $ 2,234.95 25 Skylight Structures $ 41,580.00 $ 31,686.00 $ 31,686.00 76% $ 9,894.00 $ 1,584.30 26 Steel Doors & Frames $ 9,945.00 $ 9,945.00 $ 9,945.00 100% $ - $ 497.25 27 Flush Wood Doors $ 12,221.00 $ 12,221.00 $ 12,221.00 100% $ - $ 611.05 28 Aluminum Storefronts & Entrances $ 62,077.00 $ 55,564.00 $ 55,564.00 90% $ 6,513.00 $ 2,778.20 29 Door Hardware $ 25,338.00 $ 20,310.00 $ 20,310.00 80% $ 5,028.00 $ 1,015.50 30 Portland Cement Plaster Total $ 45,980.00 1. $ 2,109,622.00 $ 36,784.00 j $ 1,711,777.00 $ 6,897.00 $ 140,905.00 $ - $ 43,681.00 $ 1,852,682.00 95% 88% $ 2,299.00 $ 256,940.00 $ 2,184.05 1 $ 92,634.10 ,w mom. �, �,M ,, ,.,... _......_..._. _........._... ... - THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARICHITECTS;1735 NEW YORK AVENUE, N; W., WASHINGTON, D.C. 20006 CONTINUATION SHEET AIA DOCUMENT G703 PAGE 3 OF 5 PAGES AIA Document G702, APPLICATION AND CERTIFICATE FOR PAYMENT,containing APPLICATION NUMBER: 12 Contractor's signed Certification is attached. APPLICATION DATE: 3/27/98 In tabulations below, amounts are stated to the nearest dollar. PERIOD FROM: 2/24/98 Use Column I on Contracts where variable retainage for line items may apply. TO: 3/27/98 ARCHITECTS PROJECT NO: 94-19 A B C D E F G H I J WORK COMPLETED TOTAL COMPLETED AND STORED % BALANCE RETAINAGE This Application ITEM No. DESCRIPTION OF WORK SCHEDULED VALUE TO DATE (D+E+F) (G/C) TO FINISH (C-G) Previous Stored Materials Applications Work in Place (not in D or E) 31 Gypsum Board Assemblies $ 244,420.00 $ 195,536.50 $ 39,605.50 $ 235,142.00 96% $ 9,278.00 $ 11,757.10 32 Ceramic Tile $ 4,070.00 $ 3,663.00 $ 3,663.00 90% $ 407.00 $ 183.15 33 Acoustical Panel Ceilings $ 23,980.00 $ 2,398.00 $ 4,796.00 $ 7,194.00 30% $ 16,786.00 $ 359.70 34 Floor Coverings & Base $ 157,630.00 $ - 0% $ 157,630.00 $ - 35 Painting $ 31,790.00 $ 11,127.00 $ 11,127.00 35% $ 20,663.00 $ 556.35 36 Visual Display Boards $ 2,101.00 $ - 0% $ 2,101.00 $ - 37 Toilet Compartments $ 2,959.00 $ - 0% $ 2,959.00 $ - 38 Signs $ 4,400.00 $ - 0% $ 4,400.00 $ - 39 Fire Extinguishers & Cabinets $ 1,100.00 $ - 0% $ 1,100.00 $ - 40 Operable Panel Partition $ 17,600.00 $ - 0% $ 17,600.00 $ - 41 Toilet & Bath Accessories $ 4,869.00 $ - 0% $ 4,869.00 $ - 42 Bike Rack $ 1,127.00 $ 1,127.00 $ 1,127.00 100% $ - $ 56.35 43 Miscellaneous Specialties $ 9,207.00 $ - 0% $ 9,207.00 $ - 44 Fire Protection $ 84,370.00 $ 80,057.00 $ 80,057.00 95% $ 4,313.00 $ 4,002.85 45 Plumbing $ 59,631.00 $ 47,044.00 $ 47,044.00 79% $ 12,587.00 $ 2,352.20 46 HVAC Rough-In $ 199,721.00 $ 164,747.00 $ 30,857.00 $ 195,604.00 98% $ 4,117.00 $ 9,780.20 47 HVAC Equipment $ 112,827.00 $ 99,719.00 $ 7,467.00 $ 107,186.00 95% $ 5,641.00 $ 5,359.30 48 HVAC Trim/TemperatureControls $ 73,414.00 $ 26,620.00 $ 1,173.00 $ 27,793.00 38% $ 45,621.00 $ 1,389.65 49 Temporary Power $ 17,050.00 $ 17,050.00 $ 17,050.00 100% $ - $ 852.50 50 Electric Trenching/Light Pole Bases $ 11,357.00 $ - 0% $ 11,357.00 $ - 51 Electrical Rough-In $ 66,338.00 $ 61,751.00 $ 2,520.00 $ 64,271.00 97% $ 2,067.00 $ 3,213.55 52 Electrical Materials $ 133,046.00 $ 90,301.00 $ 11,206.00 $ 26,147.00 $ 127,654.00 96% $ 5,392.00 $ 6,382.70 53 Electrical Labor $ 49,052.00 $ 24,575.00 $ 4,856.00 $ 29,431.00 60% $ 19,621.00 $ 1,471.55 54 Electrical Trim $ 11,462.00 $ 4,715.20 $ 353.00 $ 5,068.20 44% $ 6,393.80 $ 253.41 55 Fire Alarm $ 7,083.00 $ 3,450.00 $ 63.00 $ 3,513.00 50% $ 3,570.00 $ 175.65 56 Sound/Intercom/Phone $ 3,193.00 $ 1,191.00 $ 1,191.00 37% $ 2,002.00 $ 59.55 57 Data $ 18,081.00 $ 8,369.00 $ 8,369.00 46% $ 9,712.00 $ 418.45 58 Alternate#2 $ 15,300.00 $ 13,464.00 $ 13,464.00 88% $ 1,836.00 $ 673.20 59 Change Order #1 $ 9,208.50 $ 9,208.50 $ 9,208.50 100% $ - $ 460.43 60 Change Order #2 $ 3,589.84 $ 3,589.84 $ 3,589.84 100% $ - $ 179.49 $ 3,489,598.34 1 $ 2,558, .04 1 $ 266,960.50T$ 26,147.00 1 $ 2,851,428.54 82% $ 638,169.80 1 $ 142,571.43 G703 -1978 ALA U0C THE AMERI r ON AND CERTIFICATE FOR PAYMENT APRIL 19111 LUIIIUN 19M OF ARICHITECTS;1735 NEW YORK AVENUE, N.W., WASHINGTON, D.C. 20006 CONTINUM SHEET AIA DOCUMENT G703 AIA Documen G702, APPLICATION AND CERTIFICATE FOR PAYMENT,containing Contractor's signed Certification is attached. In tabulations below, amounts are stated to the nearest dollar. Use Column I on Contracts where variable retainage for line items may apply. PAGE 4 OF 5 APPLICATION NUMBIW 12 APPLICATION DATE: 3/27/98 PERIOD FROM: 2/24/98 TO: 3/27/98 ARfa-IITFr.T'C PPO.IF(-.T Mr)- 9419 nu��wumcmo ,.... ,.. -.., ......-._.--- - ._._ lilui _ lula THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARICHITECTS;1735 NEW YORK AVENUE, N.W., WASHINGTON, D.C. 20006 B C D E F G H I J A WORK COMPLETED TOTAL COMPLETED AND STORED % BALANCE RETAINAGE This Application ITEM No. DESCRIPTION OF WORK SCHEDULED VALUE Previous TO DATE (D+E+F) (G/C) TO FINISH (C -G) r� Stored Materials Applications Work in Place (not in D or E) 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 Change Order #3 Change Order #4 Change Order #5 Change Order #6 Change Order #7 Change Order #8 Change Order#9 Change Order #10 Change Order#11 Change Order #12 $ 3,909.91 $ 3,758.70 $ 7,059.59 $ 3,361.84 $ 25,150.49 $ . 985.91 $ 4,737.41 $ 2,681.68 $ 7,564.49 $ 423.95 $ 3,909.91 $ 3,007.00 $ 6,354.00 $ 3,361.84 $ 25,061.00 $ 493.00 $ 4,190.00 $ 1,886.00 $ 492.91 $ 547.41 $ 795.68 4447.78 423.95 $ 3,909.91 $ 3,007.00 $ 6,354.00 $ 3,361.84 $ 25,061.00 $ 985.91 $ 4,737.41 $ 2,681.68 $ 4,447.78 $ 423.95 $ - 100% 80% 90% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 59% 100% 0% $ - $ 751.70 $ 705.59 $ - $ 89.49 $ - $ - $ - $ 3,116.71 $ - $ - $ 195.50 $ 150.35 $ 317.70 $ 168.09 $ 1,253.05 $ 49.30 $ 236.87 $ 134.08 $ 222.39 $ 21.20 $ - $ - 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% $ $ - $ - 0% $ $ - $ - 0% $ - $ $ - 0% $ $ - $ - 0% $ - $ $ - 0% $ - $ $ - 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% $ - $ $ - 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% $ $ - $ - 0% $ - $ $ - 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% $ $ - $ - 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% $ - $ - Total $ 3,549,232.31 $ 2,606,583.79 $ 273,668.23t$ 26,147.00 $ 2,906,399.02 82% $ 642,833.29 $ 145,319.95 nu��wumcmo ,.... ,.. -.., ......-._.--- - ._._ lilui _ lula THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARICHITECTS;1735 NEW YORK AVENUE, N.W., WASHINGTON, D.C. 20006 BILLING BREAKDOWN PAGE 5 OF 5 PAGES ITEM NO DESCRIPTION SCHEDULED VALUE PREVIOUS BILLING TOTAL BILLED TO THIS BILLING DATE % BILLED BALANCE 7 Sitework & Utilities: Clearing $ 23,732.00 $ 23,732.00 $ 23,732.00 100% $ - Cut & Fill $ 69,538.00 $ 69,538.00 $ 69,538.00 100% $ - Footing Excavation/Backfill $ 29,610.00 $ 29,610.00 $ 29,610.00 100°% $ - Finish Grade $ 24,118.00 $ 19,118.00 $ 19,118.00 79% $ 5,000.00 Storm System $ 84,071.00 $ 81,540.00 $ 81,540.00 97°% $ 2,531.00 Water $ 20,803.00 $ 20,803.00 $ 20,803.00 100%1$ $ - Sewer $ 15,665.00 $ 15,665.00 $ 15,665.00 100%1$ $ - Total Sitework & Utilities $ 267,537.00 $ 260,006.00 $ - $ 260,006.00 97% $ 7,531.00 ITEM NO DESCRIPTION SCHEDULED VALUE PREVIOUS BILLING TOTAL BILLED TO THIS BILLING DATE % BILLED BALANCE 11 Cast -In -Place Concrete: Foundation $ 74,361.00 $ 74,361.00 $ 74,361.00 100% $ - Columns $ 29,700.00 $ 29,700.00 $ 29,700.00 100°% $ - Slab on Grade $ 66,154.00 $ 66,154.00 $ 66,154.00 100% $ - Curbs & Walks $ 57,118.00 $ 50,339.00 $ 5,000.00 $ 55,339.00 97% $ 1,779,00 Concrete on Roof $ 3,850.00 $ 3,850.00 $ 3,850.00 100% $ - Courtyard $ 2,420.00 $ - 0% $ 2,420.00 Staff Patio $ 4,840.00 $ - 0% $ 4,840.00 Service Court $ 1,925.00 $ 964.00 $ 964.00 50% $ 961.00 Diamonds $ 2,200.00 $ 2,200.00 $ 2,200.00 100% $ - Rebar $ 18,155.00 $ 18,155.00 $ 18,155.00 100% $ - $ 260,723.00 $ 245,723.00 1 1 $ 250,723.00 96% $ 10,000.00 PRIMO CONSTRUCTION, INC. 970 Carlsborg Road Sequim, WA 98382 March 27, 1998 Ron Johnson City of Port Angeles PO Box 1150 Port Angeles, WA 98362 Re: Port Angeles Public Library Phone (360) 683-5447 Fax (360) 683-6475 The undersigned Contractor certifies that to the best of his knowledge, information and belief, the above mentioned project is 20 working days behind schedule due to color choice conflicts. Contractor: Primo Construction, Inc. Gregory V40 , Vice President SANDRA L. COOK STATE OF WASHINGTON NOTARY ----PUBLIC �!. Commission Expires 5-10.98 State of Washington County of Clallam Signed and sworn to before me on March 27, 1998 by Gregory V. Parrish Nolary Public 169 1] • • • • WAIVER AND RELEASE OF LIEN UPON PROGRESS PAYMENT To: CITY OF PORT ANGELES PO Box 1150 Port Angeles, WA 98362 Project: PORT ANGELES PUBLIC LIBRARY Project Number: 94-19 Contract Date: 4/22/97 The undersigned, upon receipt of the payment in the amount of $ l q . 3 go ° ° and other valuable consideration, does hereby waive and release any and all claims, of any type, kind or character, including any mechanic's or materialman's lien, equitable lien, stop notice, retainage fund, or bond claim (public or private) that the undersigned has or may ever have in any manner arising out of any work, labor, services, equipment, material or supplies furnished by or through the undersigned in connection with the project or the contract through the date of a-as•g�' In consideration of this progress payment, the undersigned hereby agrees to indemnify and hold Owner and Primo Construction, Inc. harmless from any claim, cause of action or liability, including but not limited to costs, expenses, interest, and attorney's fees arising from any claims hereafter made on account of work, labor, services, equipment, materials or supplies covered by this progress payment. This waiver and release shall also be effective in the event of any bankruptcy court action that may ultimately deprive the undersigned of entitlement to the payment hereunder. Subcontractor or Supplier: (x'O 0 f' f r ei c Con r f<« c t 1, 0 n L L C, - Address: Ll- e, alc e, Po 4- t A,4 e l —e -J , r�1ie- 9 83 6 �-- By: L-- Si?6a1kT,Off7itle of Auth rized Individual THIS FORM MUST BE NOTARIZED Subscribed and sworn to before me this 2346 day of MAR -c9 Notary Public: My Commission Expires: _. -GOK WAIVER AND RELEASE OF LIEN UPON PROGRESS PAYMENT To: CITY OF PORT ANGELES Project Number: 94-19 PO Box 1150 Port Angeles, WA 98362 Project: PORT ANGELES PUBLIC LIBRARY Contract Date: 4/22/97 The undersigned, upon receipt -of the payment in the amount of $ / 0 43 f . "D and other valuable consideration, does hereby waive and release any and al, claims, of any type, kind or character, including any mechanic's or materialman's lien, equitable lien, stop notice, retainage fund, or bond claim (public or private) that the undersigned has or may ever have in any manner arising out of any work, labor, services, equipment, material or supplies furnished by or through the undersigned in connection with the project or the contract through the date of In consideration of this progress payment, the undersigned hereby agrees to indemnify and Owner and Primo Construction, Inc. harmless from any claim, cause of action or liability, including but not limited to costs, expenses, interest, and attorney's fees arising from hereafter made on account of work, labor, services, equipment, materials or supplies c� this progress payment. This waiver and release shall also be effective in the event of any bankruptcy court action that may ultimately deprive the undersigned of entitlement to the payment hereunder. Subcontractor or Supplier: o n e =gp l r Address: (, o �j IiJ . ln�r�, ; tio-ion Jf- a A /',M W Pr- g F3 If�2­ By: Signature and' Title of Authorized Individual THIS FORM MUST BE NOTARIZED Subscribed and sworn to before me this ,73 R e day of til A,2C u 19 qg Notary Public: My Commission Expires: P_J • WAIVER AND RELEASE OF LIEN UPON PROGRESS PAYMENT • To: CITY OF PORT ANGELES 321 East Fifth Street Port Angeles, WA 98362 Project: PORT ANGELES PUBLIC LIBRARY Project Number. 9419 Contract Date: 4/22/97 The undersigned, upon receipt of the payment in the amount of $ I S , S 15'. oro and other valuable consideration, does hereby waive and release any and all claims, of any ty(m, kind or character, including any mechanic's or materiaiman's lien, equitable lien, stop notice, retainage fund, or bond claim (public or private) that the undersigned has or may ever have in any manner arising out of any work, labor, services, equipment, material or supplies fumished by or through the undersigned in connection with the project or the contract through the date of.L In consideration of this progress payment, the undersigned hereby agrees to indemnify and hold Owner and Primo Construction, Inc. harmless from any claim, cause of action or liability, including but not limited to costs, expenses, interest, and attorney's fees arising from any claims hereafter made on account of work, labor, services, equipment, materials or supplies covered by this progress payment. This waiver and release shall also be effective in the event of any bankruptcy court action that may ultimately deprive the undersigned of entitlement to the payment hereunder. Oubcontractor or Supplier. Address: By THIS FORM MUST BE NOTA w; �w �&(.as: tJA- g8 39 Z Cat J tl f 'Authorized Individual oW,�r RIZED. Subscribed and swom to before me this 0 Notary Public: ( day of My Commission Expires: S/fo /9 I It-�n 14, WAIVER AND RELEASE OF LIEN UPON PROGRESS PAYMENT To: CITY OF PORT ANGELES 321 East Fifth Street Port Angeles, WA 98362 Project: PORT ANGELES PUBLIC LIBRARY Project Number. 94-19 Contract Date: 4122/97 The undersigned, upon receipt of the payment in the amount of $ 31,606.50 and other valuable consideration, does hereby waive and release any and all claims, of any type, kind or character, including any mechanic's or materialman's lien, equitable lien, stop notice, retainage fund, or bond claim (public or private) that the undersigned has or may ever have in any manner arising out of any work, labor, services, equipment, material or supplies furnished by or through the undersigned in connection with the project or the contract through the date of 2-28-98 In consideration of this progress payment, the undersigned hereby agrees to indemnify and hold Owner and Primo Construction, Inc. harmless from any claim, cause of action or liability, including but not limited to costs, expenses, Interest, and attorney's fees arising from any claims hereafter made on account of work, labor, services, equipment, materials or supplies covered by this progress payment. This waiver and release shall also be effective in the event of any bankruptcy court action that may ultimately deprive the undersigned of entitlement to the payment hereunder. Subcontractor or Supplier: SCHMITT' S SHEET METAL, INC. Address: 3341 EAST HIGHWAY 101 PORT ANGELES, WASHINGTON 98362 By: i� l� �- r%•-'�� �� PRESIDENT Signature and Title of Authorized Individual THIS FORM MUST BE NOTARIZED. Subscribed and swom to before me this 18TH day of Notmv Public: FEBRUARY 1 1998 My Commission Expires: MAY 1. 1999 .j i 0 • • • WAIVER AND RELEASE OF LIEN UPON PROGRESS PAYMENT • To: CITY OF PORT ANGELES 321 East Fifth Street Port Angeles, WA 98362 Project: PORT ANGELES PUBLIC LIBRARY Project Number. 9419 Contract Date: 4/22/97 The undersigned, upon receipt of the payment in the amount of $ 6-5/0.-I c7, and other valuable consideration, does hereby waive and release any and all claims, of any type, kind or character, including any mechanic's or materialman's lien, --c!--;table lien, stor, notice, retainage fund, or bond claim {p_,bl;c or private; that the undersigned has or may ever have in any manner arising out of any work, labor, services, equipment, material or supplies furnished by.or through the undersigned in connection with the project or the contract through the date of a��.� Ng In consideration of this progress payment, the undersigned hereby agrees to indemnify and hold Owner and Primo Construction, Inc. harmless from any claim, cause of action or liability, including but not limited to costs, expenses, interest, and attorney's fees arising from any claims hereafter made on account of work, labor, services, equipment, materials or supplies covered by this progress payment. This waiver and release shall also be effective in the event of any bankruptcy court action that may ultimately deprive the undersigned of entitlement to the paymerttr under. Subcontractor or Supplier� Me, 9jy Address: �� 0�0 P�C) �t By Sigr THIS FORM MUST BE NOTARIZED. Subscribed and sworn to before me this Notary Public: d.ld C-tlaof Auth, day of Individual 19 q �< My Commission Expires: WAIVER AND RELEASE OF LIEN UPON PROGRESS PAYMENT To: CITY OF PORT ANGELES 321 East Fifth Street Port Angeles, WA 98362 Project: PORT ANGELES PUBLIC LIBRARY Project Number: 94-19 Contract Date: 4/22/97 The undersigned, upon receipt of the payment in the amount of $ 3 8 , 0 0 0.0 0 and other valuable consideration, does hereby waive and release any and all claims, of any type, kind or character, including any mechanic's or materialman's lien, equitable lien, stop notice, retainage fund, or bond claim (public or private) that the undersigned has or may ever have in any manner arising out of any work, labor, services, equipment, material or supplies furnished by or through the undersigned in connection with the project or the contract through the date of 2/28/98 In consideration of this progress payment, the undersigned hereby agrees to indemnify and hold Owner and Primo Construction, Inc. harmless from any claim, cause of action or liability, including but not limited to costs, expenses, interest, and attorney's fees arising from any claims hereafter made on account of work, labor, services, equipment, materials or supplies covered by this progress payment. This waiver and release shall also be effective in the event �f any bankruptcy court action that may ultimately deprive the undersigned of entitlement to the payment hereunder. Subcontractor or Supplier: MTR Sheet Metal. Inc 8724 S. 222nd Street Address: Kent, WA 98031 By: Sign�����e o Author Individual THIS FORM MUST BE NOTARIZED. S:,bscnhed dnd sv orn to before me this 'f i day of Jotary Public: COO l My Commission Expires: • • WAIVER AND RELEASE OF LIEN UPON PROGRESS PAYMENT To: CITY OF PORT ANGELES PO Box 1150 Port Angeles, WA 98362 Project: PORT ANGELES PUBLIC LIBRARY Project Number. 9419 Contract Date: 4/22/97 The undersigned, upon receipt of the payment in the amount of $ ) 6, 000 .0 (3 and other valuable consideration, does hereby waive and release any and all claims, of any type, kind or character, including any mechanic's or materialman's lien, equitable lien, stop notice, retainage fund, or bond claim (public or private) that the undersigned has or may ever have in any manner arising out of any work, labor, services, equipment, material or supplies furnished by or through the u ersi ed •p connection with the projector the contract through the date of In consideration of this progress payment, the undersigned hereby agrees to indemnify and hold Owner and Primo Construction, Inc. harmless from any claim, cause of action or liability, including but not limited to costs, expenses, interest, and attorney's fees arising from any claims ' hereafter made on account of work, labor, services, equipment, materials or supplies covered by this progress payment. This waiver and release shall also be effective in the event of any bankruptcy court action that may ultimately deprive the undersigned of entitlement to the payment hereunder. Subcontractor or Supplier: %-Ele ?k l'" Address:_ u.)A o c-�, J T By: kq THIS FORM MUST BE NOTARIZED of Authorized Individual J7 Subscribed and sworn to before me this T� day of ' r J A , 19� o Notary Public: My Commission Expires: 11 _ . fv w 9 WAIVER AND RELEASE OF LIEN UPON PROGRESS PAYMENT To: CITY OF PORT ANGELES Project Number: 94-19 PO Box 1150 Port Angeles, WA 98362 Project: PORT ANGELES PUBLIC LIBRARY Contract Date: 4/22/97 The undersigned, upon receipt -of the payment in the amount of $ � c-)C'l :50 and other valuable consideration, does hereby waive and release any and all claims, of any type, kind or character, including any mechanic's or materialman's lien, equitable lien, stop notice, retainage fund, or bond claim (public or private) that the undersigned has or may ever have in any manner arising out of any work, labor, services, equipment, material or supplies furnished by or through the undersigned in connection with the project or the contract through the date of In consideration of this progress payment, the undersigned hereby agrees to indemnify and hold Owner and Primo Construction, Inc. harmless from any claim, cause of action or liability, including but not limited to costs, expenses, interest, and attorney's fees arising from any claims hereafter made on account of work, labor, services, equipment, materials or supplies covered by this progress payment. This waiver and release shall also be effective in the event of any bankruptcy court action that may ultimately deprive the undersigned of entitlement to the payment hereunder. 0 Subcontractor or Supplier: Address C. By Signature and Title irized Individual THIS FORM MUST BE NOTARIZED Subscribed and sworn to before me this I 17-u day of MQ Qca 19 5g Notary Public: My Commission Expires: a 9 S • • WAIVER AND RELEASE OF LIEN UPON PROGRESS PAYMENT To: CITY OF PORT ANGELES PO Box 1150 Port Angeles, WA 98362 Project: PORT ANGELES PUBLIC LIBRARY Project Number: 94-19 Contract Date: 4/22/97 The undersigned, upon receipt of the payment in the amount of $ 1,590.00 and other valuable consideration, does hereby waive and release any and all claims, of any type, kind or character, including any mechanic's or materialman's lien, equitable lien, stop notice, retainage fund, or bond claim (public or private) that the undersigned has or may ever have in any manner arising out of any work, labor, services, equipment, material or supplies furnished by or through the2undersl d in connection with the project or the contract through the date of In consideration of this progress payment, the undersigned hereby agrees to indemnify and hold Owner and Primo Construction, Inc. harmless from any claim, cause of action or liability, including but not limited to costs, expenses, interest, and attorney's fees arising from any,clarms hereafter made on account of work, labor, services, equipment, materials or supplies covered by this progress payment. This waiver and release shall also be effective in the event of -any bankruptcy court action that may ultimately deprive the undersigned of entitlement to the pa/ hereunder. ' 8��f0 1 Subcontractor or Supplier: Clark Land Office PLLC Address: P.O. Box 2199 Sequim, WA 98382 7 By: Office Manager Signature and Title of Autho6tedlndividual THNS Fvo1".1 ".".UST BE NOTARIZED Subscribed and sworn to before me this z day of fy) 0 Notary Public: _.,,,My_ Commission Expires: 9 N ,TaR,.��' V' it WAIVER AND RELEASE OF LIEN UPON PROGRESS PAYMENT To: CITY OF PORT ANGELES Project Number: 94-19 PO Box 1150 Port Angeles, WA 98362 Project: PORT ANGELES PUBLIC LIBRARY Contract Date: 4/22/97 yF�G�� The undersigned, upon receipt of the payment in the amount of $ 49.68 and other valuable consideration, does hereby waive and release any and all claims, of any type, kind or character, including any mechanic's or materialman's lien, equitable lien, stop notice, retainage fund, or bond claim (public or private) that the undersigned has or may ever have in any manner arising out of any work, labor, services, equipment, material or supplies furnished by or through the undersigned in connection with the project or the contract through the date of 1/10198 In consideration of this progress payment, the undersigned hereby agrees to indemnify and hold Owner and Primo Construction, Inc. harmless from any claim, cause of action or liability, int-hirrlinn hitt not limited to costs, expenses, interest, and attorney's fees arising from any claims hereafter made on account of work, labor, services, equipment, materials or supplies covered by this progress payment. This waiver and release shall also be effective in the event of any bankruptcy court action that may ultimately deprive the undersigned of entitlement to the payment hereunder. Subcontractor or Supplier: Lakeside Industries Address: P . " 0. Box 7016 Issaquah, WA 98027 By: Signature and Title of Authorized Individual THIS FORM MUST BE NOTARIZED Subscribed and sworn to before me this �_ day of L i _ 19� _ Notary Public: �.- My Commission Expires: I CRE�, ,t i J = Qj•�r 01 AR /Fin• �U 4`C, • G • • • 17,� WAIVER AND RELEASE OF LIEN UPON PROGRESS PAYMENT To: CITY OF PORT ANGELES PO Box 1150 Port Angeles, WA 98362 Project: PORT ANGELES PUBLIC LIBRARY Project Number. 94-19 Contract Date: 4/22197 The undersigned, upon receipt of the payment in the amount of $ 23,750.00 and other valuable consideration, does hereby waive and release any and all claims, of any type, kind or character, including any mechanic's or materialman's lien, equitable lien, stop notice, retainage fund, or bond claim (public or private) that the undersigned has or may ever have in any manner arising out of any work, labor, services, equipment, material or supplies furnished by or through th J0 unders' d in connection with the project or the contract through the date of an In consideration of this progress payment, the undersigned hereby agrees to indemnify and hold Owner and Primo Construction, Inc. harmless from any claim, cause of action or liability, including but not limited to costs, expenses, interest, and attorney's fees arising from any claims;----.-- hereafter made on account of work, labor, services, equipment, materials or supplies covered this progress payment. This waiver and release shall also be effective in the event of any-, bankruptcy court action that may ultimately deprive the undersigned of entitlement to the pay hereunder. /I g6B �U Subcontractor or Supplier: Jung's Masonry I g� Address: PO Box 422- Port 22 Port Arles, WA 98362 By: P Jung - Owner Signature and T' of Authorized Individual THIS FORM MUST BE NOTARIZED Subscribed and sworn to before me this 18th day of February Notary Pub 'c: My Commission Expires: 10/01/2001 F4H31 � 18"A V MA grtid�Yoti -- om WAIVER AND RELEASE OF LIEN UPON PROGRESS PAYMENT To: CITY OF PORT ANGELES PO Box 1150 Port Angeles, WA 98362 Project: PORT ANGELES PUBLIC LIBRARY Project Number: 94-19 Contract Date: 4/22/97 The undersigned, upon receipt of the payment in the amount of $ 83.89 and other valuable consideration, does hereby waive and release any and all claims, of any type, kind or character, including any mechanic's or materialman's lien, equitable lien, stop notice, retainage fLipd, or bond cl?im (puhlic or private) that the undersigned has or may ever have in any manner arising out of any work, labor, services, equipment, material or supplies furnished by or through the undersigned in connection with the project or the contract through the date of 1/24/98 In consideration of this progress payment, the undersigned hereby agrees to indemnify and hold Owner and Primo Construction, Inc. harmless from any claim, cause of action or liability, including but not limited to costs, expenses, interest, and attorney's fees arising from any claims hereafter made on account of work, labor, services, equipment, materials or supplies covered by this progress payment. This waiver and release shall also be effective in the event of any bankruptcy court action that may ultimately deprive the undersigned of entitlement to the payment hefe:ulldul. Subcontractor or Supplier: Lakeside Industries Address: P. O. -Box 7016 Issaquah, WA 98027 Signature and Title of Authorized Individual THIS FORM MUST BE NOTARIZED • ' v Subscribed and sworn to before me this 1�'t day of Notary Public: My Commission Expires: J d"rpTAgr•A .cp r LP! -021 ,lip WAS ����� ���11111��� • LNC r� WAIVER AND RELEASE OF LIEN UPON PROGRESS PAYMENT o� To: CITY OF PORT ANGELES Project Number: 94-19 PO Box 1150 Port Angeles, WA 98362 Project: PORT ANGELES PUBLIC LIBRARY Contract Date: . 4!22/97 The undersigned, upon receipt of the payment in the amount of $ and other valuable consideration, does hereby waive and release any and all claims, of any type, kind or character, including any mechanic's or materialman's lien, equitable lien, stop notice, retainage fund, or bond claim (public or private) that the undersigned has or may ever have in any manner arising out of any work, labor, services, equipment, material or supplies furnished by or through the undersigned in connection with the project or the contract through the date of In consideration of this progress payment, the undersigned hereby agrees to indemnify and hold Owner and Primo Construction, Inc. harmless from any claim, cause of action or liability, including but not limited to costs, expenses, interest, and attorney's fees arising from any claims hereafter made on account of work, labor, services, equipment, materials or supplies covered by this progress payment. This waiver and release shall also be effective in the event of any bankruptcy court action that may ultimately deprive the undersigned of entitlement to the payment hereunder. Subcontractor or Supplier: — - : ' Address: By: Signature and Title of Authorized Individual THIS FORM MUST BE NOTARIZED Subscribed and sworn to before me this Notary Public: THU . F: y ✓GHFt4,2c°�. day of� '19 My Commission Expires: WAIVER AND RELEASE OF LIEN UPON PROGRESS PAYMENT _ NAS 1998 - RICOR To: CITY OF PORT ANGELES Project Number: 94-19 PO Box 1150 Port Angeles, WA 98362 Project: PORT ANGELES PUBLIC LIBRARY Contract Date: 4/22/97 The undersigned, upon receipt'of the payment in the amount of $ 206.38 and other valuable consideration, does hereby waive and release any and all claims, of any type, kind or character, including any mechanic's or materiaiman's lien, equitable lien, stop notice, retainage fund, or bond claim (public or private) that the undersigned has or may ever have in any manner arising out of any worn, labor, services, equipment, material or supplies furnished by or through the undersigned in connection with the project or the contract through the date of 2/21/98 In consideration of this progress payment, the undersigned hereby agrees to indemnify and hold Owner and Primo Construction, Inc. harmless from any claim, cause of action or liability, including but not limited to costs, expenses, interest, and attorney's fees arising from any claims hereafter made on account of work, labor, services, equipment, materials or supplies covered by tnis progress payment. This waiver and release shall also be effective in the event of any bankruptcy court action that may ultimately deprive the undersigned of entitlement to the payment hereunder. Subcontractor or Supplier: Lakeside Industries Address: P. O. -Box 7016 Issaquah, 14A 98027 By: I Signature and Title of Authored Individual THIS FORM NAUST BE NOTARIZED Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of 19 Notary Public: My Commission Expires: zaur'.., of AR oupt,G ••.,,��� �'• 0 ; ,m5-02 .' C' 1] • WAIVER AND RELEASE OF LIEN UPON PROGRESS PAYMENT To: CITY OF PORT ANGELES PO Box 1150 Port Angeles, WA 98362 Project: PORT ANGELES PUBLIC LIBRARY Project Number: 94-19 Contract Date: 4/22/97 The undersigned, upon receipt of the payment in the amount of $ J�7, S `�� , Z Z and other valuable consideration, does hereby waive and release any and all claims, of any type, kind or character, including any mechanic's or materialman's lien, equitable lien, stop notice, retainage fund, or bond claim (public or private) that the undersigned has or may ever have in any manner arising out of any work, labor, services, equipment, material or supplies furnished by or through the undersi ned in connection with the project or the contract through the date of 2 •lei• 5'� In consideration of this progress payment, the undersigned hereby agrees to indemnify and hold Owner and Primo Construction, Inc. harmless from any claim, cause of action or liability, including but not limited to costs, expenses, interest, and attorney's fees arising from any claims hereafter made on account of work, labor, services, equipment, materials or supplies covered by this progress payment. This waiver and release shall also be effective in the event of any bankruptcy court action that may ultimately deprive the undersigned of entitlement to the payment hereunder. Subcontractor or Supplier: Address: By: THIS FORM MUST BE NOTAF Subscribe and sworn to b re me this Z 3rd day of Nota u ic: My Commission Expires: t�OTA{�y A O Subscribe and sworn to b re me this Z 3rd day of Nota u ic: My Commission Expires: t�OTA{�y A WAIVER AND RELEASE OF LIEN UPON PROGRESS PAYMENT To: CITY OF PORT ANGELES PO Box 1150 Port Angeles, WA 98362 Project: PORT ANGELES PUBLIC LIBRARY 14 8E61 U Project Number: Contract Date: 4/22/97 The undersigned, upon receipt of the payment in the amount of $ and �(• other valuable consideration, does hereby waive and release any and all claims, of any type, kind or character, including any mechanic's or materialman's lien, equitable lien, stop notice, retainage fund, or bond claim (public or private) that the undersigned has or may ever have in any manner arising out of any work, labor, services, equipment, material or supplies furnished by or through the u dersigne in connection with the projector the contract through the date of In consideration of this progress payment, the undersigned hereby agrees to indemnify and hold Owner and Primo Construction, Inc. harmless from any claim, cause of action or liability, including but not limited to costs, expenses, interest, and attorney's fees arising from any claims hereafter made on account of work, labor, services, equipment, materials or supplies covered by this progress payment. This waiver and release shall also be effective in the event of any bankruptcy court action that may uitimateiy deprive tha undersigned of entitlement to the paym--nt hereunder. Subcontractor or Supplier: Address: 1 1�V Ly lG' 1 ILL By: cla Signature and Title of Atithorid Ind, idual THIS FORM MUST BE NOTARIZED Subscribed and sworn to before me this il�day of 19 Notary Pil`Jiic: My Commission Expires: 185 C L r • • • WAIVER AND RELEASE OF LIEN UPON PROGRESS PAYMENT To: CITY OF PORT ANGELES PO Box 1150 Port Angeles, WA 98362 Project: PORT ANGELES PUBLIC LIBRARY Project Number. 9419 Contract Date: 4/22/97 The undersigned, upon receipt of the payment in the amount of $ 22 , 6 3 5.6 5 and other valuable consideration, does hereby waive and release any and all claims, of any type, kind or character, including any mechanic's or materialman's lien, equitable lien, stop notice, retainage fund, or bond claim (public or private) that the undersigned has or may ever have in any manner arising out of any work, labor, services, equipment, material or supplies furnished by or through the undersigned in connection with the project or the contract through the date of 2/28/98 In consideration of this progress payment, the undersigned hereby agrees to indemnify and hold Owner and Primo. Construction, Inc. harmless from any claim, cause of action or liability, including but not limited to costs, expenses, interest, and attorney's fees arising from any claims hereafter made on account of work, labor, services, equipment, materials or supplies covered by.:� �; ^ this progress payment. This waiver and release shall also be effective in the event of any _ bankruptcy court action that may ultimately deprive the undersigned of entitlement taLpe paym � hereunder. Subcontractor or Supplier: MTR Sheet Metal Inc. O %�°�` y Address: 8724 S.. 222nd Street By: THIS FORM MUST BE NOTAR Kent, WA. 98031 Subscribed and sworn to before me this 3 day of Co rc4i , 19 Cy Notary Public: My Commission Expires: is G, OF pORT.% V."'k CITY OF PORT ANGELES - PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT CEO; -MEMORANDUM 4�L1CW000 J "MAINTAINING AND BUILDING A BOM COMMUNITY" March 13, 1998 TO: Kay Godbey, Finance Director FROM: Jack Pittis, Public Works Director RE: Ediz Hook/USCG Base Wastewater Facilities -Project No.92-11.14 (Payment #5) CONTRACT THIS PAY PREVIOUS TOTAL WORK REQUEST PAYMENTS TO DATE Original Contract Amount $408,265.00 Chane Orders to Date (5) $22,314.92 Subtotal $430,579.92 $38,618.64 $363,861.00 $402,479.64 Sales Tax (7.9% of subtotal) $3,050.87 $28,745.02 $31,795.89 LESS Retainage (5%of subtotal) $1,930.93 $18,193.05 $20,123.98 Contractor Pavments Authorized to Date $39,738.58 $374,412.98 $414,151.56 n-..---- 93.47% DISBURSEMENT SUMMARY (Account Nos., See Below for Distribution) CONTRACTOR: US 7511-9721-4150,$21,827.81 Strider Construction Co. US 7511-9722-4150, $17.910.77 2430 East Bakerview Rd. TOTAL $39,738.58 Bellingham, WA 98226 RETAINAGE: Escrow acct.#473549007259 US 7511-9721-4150,$1,060.63 Key Bank Of Washington US 7511-9722-4150, $ 870.30 1200 12th Street TOTAL 5130.93 Bellingham, WA 98225 TOTAL DISBURSEMENT FOR THIS PAYMENT $41,669.51 CHANGE ORDER COMMENTS: Change orders no. 4 & 5 attached. PREPARED BY: --APPROVED BY: i City Engineer Dir ct r of Public Works Loc:N:\PROJECTSU2-11 EDZ\PROJMGT\PAYMENTS\PAYRE05.GWK 11 • • • STRIDER CONSTRUCTION CO.. INC _ 2430 E. Bakerview Road Bellingham. WA 98226 _ (360) 676-5094 FAX (360) 734-5309 SCI Job # EZ Invoice Date: 02/28/98 To. PROJECT TITLE. Ediz Hook Ron Johnson City of Port Angeles CONTRACT NO.: 92-11 P.O. Box 1150 _ Port Angeles. WA 98362 ESTIMATE NO.: 5 PHONE (360) 417-4806 REPORT PERIOD) Ending February 28. 1998 FAX (360) 417-4609 Original Contract Amount w/wsst $ 440.517.94 Amount of Approved Change Orders No. 1-5 w/wsst $ 24.077.80 Total Estimated Contract Amount: S 464.595.74 Previous Amount Total _Worts Comoleted Amount This Estimate Aunt Base Contract S 407.451.00 S 363.861.00 $ 43.590.00 $ 407.451.00 Change Orders S - S (4.971.36) ($4.971.36) Extra Work S S $0.00 Materials on Hand $ S $ Gross Billing S 402179.64 Sales Tax (7.9% of gross billing) S 31 795.89 Subtotal (gross billing * sales tax) S 434.275.53 Retainage (5% of gross Ddling) - -- S (20.123.98) Net Amount (suctotal - retainage) S 414 151.55 Payments Received as of 02/28/98 S 374 412.98 Still Owing From Previous Billings Adjustment* TOTAL AMOUNT DUE THIS ESTIMATE: $ 39.738.57 We hereby represent that the above is a true estimate of the work completed under the above contract to date. By 9 Title: Project Manager Date 2j28/98 'Xr'LAIVM I Iver n n"'-ICU- CITY OF PORT ANGELES PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER NO. 4 SHEET 1 OF 1 Project Name Ediz Hook/USCG Base Wastewater Facilities DATE: February 18. 1998 Contractor Strider Construction Company Project No. 92-11 LID No. State/Fed. Aid No. • DESCRIPTION OF WORK You are ordered to perform the following described work upon receipt of an approved copy of this Change Order: CITY Schedule A Work: Additional cost to repair unmarked water line breaks per attached sci 6. Additional costs to replace specified pipe nipples with 2" brass per attached dcvr no.7/sci 7. Delete 8 service connections (dem 11 a) at unit cost and owner to purchase materials or pay restock charges per attached dcvr no. 8. Additional costs at Daishowa Mill to relocate force main to North side of road and associated locate costs per attached sci 12. City's share (14%) of added costs for tracer wire per attached sci 17. City share (50%) of added bollard costs at City pump stations OB -3 & OB -5 per attached sci 27. USCG Schedule B Work: Credit for using abandonded water line on USCG base for insertion of 4" force main in lieu of trenching from sta.113+00 to 130+70,1770 feet per attached dcvr no. 9/sci 9. Standby costs while waiting for locate crew on unmarked USCG fiber optic break per attached dcvr 9/sci 11. Additional costs to hand excavate trench due to USCG storm line conflict per attacheo dcvr no. 9/sci 23. Additional costs to repair unmarked USCG underground air lines per attached sci 15. USCG's share (86%) of added costs for tracer wire per sci 17. USCG's share (50%) of bollard cost at USCG pump stations 1 & 6 per sci 27. Such work will be compensated by: [ ] Increase or [ ] Decrease in bid items: [ ] Force Account; [ X ] Negotiated Price: The . ._ . .. -- _. -___ __4i, -.4,4, -AJ -r Adalotuc hire itPMq as follows' ' Sales Tax Not Included All worK, materials and measurements to be in accordance with the provisions of the original contract and/or the standard specifications and special provisions for the type of construction involved. The payments and/or additional time specified and agreed to in this order include every claim by the Contractor for any extra - __ -_ ____ ... w . kn j h. -,n inmiidinn delays to the overall Drolect. Dayment or extension OT time wnh reSDCc, to a �e wo .+�.�• •w�• • • -• -•• •...._.__..._ CURRENT • EST. NET CHANGE TOTAL CHANGE ORDERS. EST. CONTRACT AFTER • ORIGINAL' CONTRACT THIS CHANGE ORDER INCLUDING THIS ONE THIS CHANGE ORDER CONTRACT CONTRACTOR PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR i ✓ $408.265.00 $413.587.32 -$1,186.63 $4.135.69 5412.400.69 DAYS: 70 DAYS: 89.5 DAYS: 1 DAYS. 20.5 DAYS: 90.5 ' Sales Tax Not Included All worK, materials and measurements to be in accordance with the provisions of the original contract and/or the standard specifications and special provisions for the type of construction involved. The payments and/or additional time specified and agreed to in this order include every claim by the Contractor for any extra - __ -_ ____ ... w . kn j h. -,n inmiidinn delays to the overall Drolect. Dayment or extension OT time wnh reSDCc, to a �e wo .+�.�• •w�• • • -• -•• •...._.__..._ APPROVED BY: SIGNATURE: DATE: ARCHITECT/ENGINEER CITY ENGRJ USCG PROJ. ENGR CONTRACTOR PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR i ✓ AA CITY MANAGER CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL DATE: Loc:N:1PROJECTS192-11EDZ1PROJMGT\CC004.GWK', Fne:91-11.7* � � Strider Construction PROJECT ESTIMATE SUMMARY SHEET PROJECT TITLE: EDIT HOOK OWNER: CITY OF PORT ANGELES ESTIMATE NO. 5 REPORT PERIOD: FEBRUARY 28, 1998 2/28/98 PRICE SCHEDULE PREVIOUSLY APPROVED THIS PERIOD TOTAL TO DATE REMARKS ITEM DESCRIPTION UNITS unit Total NO QUANITY Price Price Quonity Amount Quanily Amount Ouanity Amount SCHEDULE A • OFF BASE FACILITIES 1 Mobilization I LS j 18,000.00 $ 18.000.00 1 $ 18.000.00 0.00 $ - 1.0 j 18.000.00 2 Maintenanc a and F4oteclion of Traffic 1 I.$ $ 2.000.00 j 2.000.00 0.85 j 1.700.00 - 0.15 $ 300.00 1.0 j 2.000.00 3 bnftiCContn4lahor 200 HR j 32.00 j 6.400.00 196 $ 6.272.00 0.00 j 196.0 j 6.272.00 4 Construction Surveying I is j 3.000.00 j 3.000.00 1 $ 3,000.00 0.00 $ 1.0 j 3.00000 5 hench Solely System I LS j 1.000.00 j 1.000.00 1 j 1.000.00 0.00 $ 1.0 ' j 1.000.00 6 4' D.I. Coi iol Crossing and Connection I LS j 7.000.00 j 7.000.00 0.9 j 6,300.00 010 $ 700.00 1.0 j 7.000.00 7 4'" 110111 on rn loinn 2385 t $ 12.00 j 28.620.00 2555 $ 30.660.00 0.00 $ 25550 j 30 660 00 8 4' Cleari (tit Assembly 6 EA j 1.300.00 j 7.800.00 6 $ 7,800.00 0.00 $ 6.0 j 7.800.00 9 Cut in f Ciocrn tlut Assembly 17 EA j 1,700.00 j 28.900.00 17- $ 28:900.00 0.00 $ - 17.0 j 28.900.00 10 Repair Existing 4" Forcemain: Sto 21455 1 LS $ 800.00 $ 800.00 1 $ 800.00 0.00 $ 1.0 j 800.00 1 I Service Connection 16 EA j 500.00 j 8.000:00 7 $ 3.500.00 9.00 j 4.500.00 16.0 $ 8.000.00 12 2"HDPE Service Connection Forcemain 315 1F j 12.00 j 3,780.00 300 $ 3.600.00 0.00 $ - 300.0 j 3.600.00 13 Asphalt Powment Repair 2215 LF j 11.00 j 24.365.00 3700 j 40.700.00 0.00 It 3700.0 j 40.700.00 14 OBA System. Slo 20-00 1 LS j 6.000.00 $ 6.000.00 0 $ - 1.00 $ 6.000.00 1.0 j 6.000.00 15 OB 2 Syslem SIa 34-00 I is $ 6.000.00 j 6.000.00 0 $ 1.00 $ 6.000.00 1.0 j 6.000.00 16 OB 3System Stu 102-00 l 15 j 6.000.00 j 6.000.00- 0.75 j 4.500.00 0.25 j 1"50000 1,0 j 6.000.00 17 OB 4System. Sta 105170 I IS j 15.000.00 j 15.000.00 0.75 j 11.250.00 0.25 j 3.750.00 10 j 15.000.00 18 08 5 Systern. Sla 109+30 I LS j 6.000.00 j 6.000.00 0.75 $ 4,500.00 0.25 j 1,500.00 1.0 $ 6.000.00 19 Restaalion and Cleanup I LS j 5.000.00 j 5,000.00 0.5 j 2.500.00 0.00 j 0.5 j 2.50000 20 Spare Equipment I LS j 2,000.00 j 2.000.00 1 $ 2.000.00 0.00 $ 1.0 j 2,000.00 21 Automatic Air Release Valve Assembly 3 EA j 1.400.00 $ 4.200.00 3 j 4.200.00 0.00 j - 3.0 j 4,200.00 , Subtotal $ 189.865.00 $ 181,182.00 j 24,250.00 205.432.00 SCHEDULE B • USCG BASE FACILITIES I Mobilization 1 LS $ 15.1X10.00 $ 15.000.00 1 $ 15,000.00 0 $ 1 $ 15.00000 2 Maintenance a Protection of Traffic I LS j 3,000.00 j 3,070.00 0.85 $ 2.550.00 0.15 $ 450.00 1 $ 3.000.00 3 Traffic Control Labor 160 HR j 32:00 $ 5,120.07 44 $ 1.408.00 20 $ 640.00 64 $ 2,048.00 4 Construction Surveying I LS j 3.000.00 j 3.000.00 1 $ 3.000.00 0 $ - 1 $ 3.000.00 5 bench Safely System 1 lS $ 1.000.00 j 1.000.00 1 $ 1.070.00 0 $ 1 $ 1.000.00 6 4" HDPE Fon.emoin 2685 LF j 12,00 j 32.220.00 2675 $ 32.100.00 0 $ 2675 j 32.100.00 7 3' HDPE Foremain 1005 LF $ 10.00 $ 10.050.00 1005 $ 10.050.00 0 $ 1005 $ 10.050.00 8 2' HDPE Sarvice Connection forcemain 1570 LF j 7.00 $ 10.990.00 1503 $ 10.521.00 0 $ 1503 $ 10.521.00 9 4" Cleanout Assembly 7 EA j 1.300.00 j 9,100.00 7 $ 9,10000 0 $ 7 j 9.1 00 00 IU 3' Cleanout Assembly I EA $ 1.100.00 $ 1.100.00 1 $ 1.100.00 0 $ 1 $ 1100.00 I t Asnhntl Pa-nimd Repair 570 IF $ 11.00 j 6.270.00 S00 $ 5.500.00 0 $ 500 j 5.5oxo'00 ITEM DESCRIPTION NO. • ^"'��-' •"`" �-'- --' --- ESTIMATE NO. 5 12 Cement Concrete Sidewalk 13 USCG- I. CPO Club System 14 IISCG 2 Syslein, Medical/Exchange System 15 IISCG 3 System. Croup Supporl/Dock System 16 USCG 4 System, Adminisllation Building System 17 USCG 5 System. I longer System 18 lISCC, 6 Sysl,•,n, woihdown Pad System 19 llwssuee Ch, i, 20 keoowlim sued f'h,onup 21 Sl ,I,e Fduil mienI No. TOTAL ORIGINAL CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER TOTAL GRAND TOTAL PROJECT COST (WITHOUT TAX) OJECT ESIIMAIt SUMMAKT N1tt1 $ 407,4511H) f (4,971.361 • ^"'��-' •"`" �-'- --' --- ESTIMATE NO. 5 S 38.618.64 REPORT PERIOD: Z\) h L. FEBRUARY 28. 1998 I1 LivC>— PRICE SCHEDULE PREVIOUSLY APPROVED THIS PERIOD TOTAL TO DATE :- UNIIS unit Price Total Price Ouanity Amount Ouanity Amount Ouanily Amount OUANITY 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 10 SY LS $ $ 45.00 8.000.00 $ 450.00 $ 8.000.00 0.75 $ 6,000.00 0.25 $ 2.00000 1 $ 8.000.00 I LS $ 14,000.00 $ 14.000.00 0.75 $ 10.500.00 0.25 $ 3.500.00 $ 1 LS $ 36.000.00 $ 36,000.00 0.75 $ 27.000.00 0 f 01 27,000.00 1 LS 1 14.00000 $ 14.000.00 0.75 $ 10.500.00 025 $ 3.500.00 1 $ 14,000.00 1 LS $ 12.000.00 $ 12.000.00 0.75 $ 9.000.00 0.25 $ 3.000.00 1 $ 12.00000 1 LS $ 25,000.00 $ 25.000.00 0.75 i 18.750.00 025 $ 6.250.00 $ 2 5.000-00 2 E A $ 55000 000 $ 1,1()000 2 S 1.100.00 0 i 2 2 $ 1.10000 I Is $ 5,00000 $ 5.00000 0.5 $ 2.50000 0 i $ 2,500-00 1 I S i 6.000 00 $ 6.000.00 I $ 6.000.00 0 i I 601X) U S 18,179,23 $ 408,265.00 $ 363.861.00 $ 22.315.69 $ $ 430.580.69 $363,86100 3 43.590.00 $ 407,4511H) f (4,971.361 i (4.971.36( S 38.618.64 $ 402.479.64 Z\) h L. I1 LivC>— CITY OF PORT ANGELES urpf Ppm "� PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER NO. 5 SHEET 1 OF 1 Project Name Ediz Hook/USCG Base Wastewater Facilities DATE: February 20. 1998 400intractor Strider Construction Company Project No. 92-11 LID No. State/Fed. Aid No. DESCRIPTION OF WORK You are ordered to perform the following described work upon receipt of an approved copy of this Change Order: Non project costs to replace and relocate approx. 650 feet of 6 inch ac water main in conflict with force main per attached dcvr 13. Non project costs to abandon City Parks and Boat House Septic Tanks per dcvr 18. r Such work will be compensated by: [ ] Increase or [ ] Decrease in bid items; [ ] Force Account; [ X ] Negotiated Price: The described work affects the existing contract items and/or adds and/or deletes bid items as follows: Item No. I Description I DCVR 0 C05A j 6" waterline 1 13 replacement C05A I Abandon City 18 Septic Tanks ORIGINALTI ' CURRENT CONTRACT $408,265.00 $412.400.69 Quantity I Unit Orig. Rev. I LS I LS Ong. Rev. LS LS $1.906.00 $1.906.00 EST. NET CHANGE TOTAL CHANGE ORDERS. THIS CHANGE ORDER INCLUDING THIS ONE $18.179.23 $22,314.92 $1,906.00 EST. CONTRACT AFTER THIS CHANGE ORDER $430,579.92 DAYS: 70 DAYS 90 5 DAYS 7 DAYS' 27.5 1 DAYS: 97.5 I Sales Tax Not Included All work. materials and measurements to be in accordance with the provisions of the original contract and/or the standard specifications and special provisions for the type of construction involved. The payments and/or additional time specified and agreed to in this order mcluoe every claim oy the Contractor for any extra navment or extension of time with respect to the work described herein. including delays to the overall project. APPROVED BY: SIGNATURE: DATE: ARCHITECT/ENGINEER CITY ENGRJ USCG PROJ. ENGR. CONTRACTOR I Zp I PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR CITY MANAGER CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL DATE: Loc:N:1PROJECTS192-11EDZ1PROJMG11CC005.GWK; • • 4r') .► a s. o f portT CITY OF PORT ANGELES - PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM MAINTAINING AND BUILDING A BETTER COMMUNITY" �'8uc zoo March 13, 1998 TO: Kay Godbey, Finance Director FROM: Jack Pittis, Public Works Director - - RE: High School and Franklin School Sidewalks - Projects No. 95-14 & 96-16, Payment No. 2 * Overages primarily due to quantity increases in traffic control labor, paving, & rock wall items.. PREPARED BY: APPROVED BY: City En ineerirecOr of Public Works Loc:N:\PROJ ECTSU5-14HS\PROJMGTIPAYRE02.GWK CONTRACT THIS PAY PREVIOUS TOTAL WORK REQUEST PAYMENTS TO DATE Original Contract Amount $342,065.00 Change Orders to Date (0) $0.00 Subtotal $342,065.00 $227,699.14 $165,619.00 $393,318.14 Sales Tax (Exempt, 0 %) $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 LESS Retainage (None, Bond Provided) $0.00 $0.00 $0.0 Contractor Pavments Authorized to Date $227,699.14 $165,619.00 $393,318.14 Project Completion f 114.980to* DISBURSEMENT SUMMARY (Accounts Nos., See Below) CONTRACTOR: US 7503-9514-4150 $ 48,877.65 Lakeside Industries, Inc. US 7503-9616-4150 $178.821.49 - $227,699.14 P.O. Box 728 Total $227,699.14. Port Angeles, WA 98362 RETAINAGE: $0.00 5% ($17,103.25) Retains a Bond Provided TOTAL DISBURSEMENT FOR THIS PAYMENT $227,699.14 CHANGE ORDER COMMENTS: * Overages primarily due to quantity increases in traffic control labor, paving, & rock wall items.. PREPARED BY: APPROVED BY: City En ineerirecOr of Public Works Loc:N:\PROJ ECTSU5-14HS\PROJMGTIPAYRE02.GWK • • _N Lakeside Industries LIP.O. Box 7_8. Pon An¢eies. WA 98362 , Phone (360) 452-7803 / Fax (360) 457-',932 02/25/98N#2 PROGRESS BILLING #2 LAKESIDE INDUSTRIES JOB # 047199 WORK THROUGH 01 /21/98 CITY OF PORT ANGELES, HIGHSCHOOL & FRANKLIN SCHOOLS PAGE 1 ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT 'QUANTITY TOTAL UNIT AMOUNT TOTAL * THIS QUANTITY PRICE THIS AMOUNT PERIOD PERIOD 001 (SCH A) MOBILIZATION LS 0.001 100% 9,500.00 0.001 9,500.00 002 (SCH A) MAINT & PROTECT TRAFF LS 20%1 10096 10,000.00 2,000.00 i 10,000.00 003 (SCH A) TRAFFIC CONT LABOR HR 571 463 30.001. 1,710.001 13,890.00 004 (SCH A) SAWCUTTING LF 0.00 ! 2,071 2.50 0.001 5,177.50 005 (SCH A) REMOVE CEMENT CONC CURB LF 455. 1,243 7.00 3,185.001 8,701.00 3" "- 006 (SCH A) REMOVE ASPH CONC PVMT SF 9801 4,360 0.50: 490.00 i 2,180.00 , 007 (SCH A) REMOVE CEMT CONC S/WALK SF 317:, 572 5.00 ! 1,585.00 ! 2,860.00- 008 (SCH A) REMOVE-CEMT CONC D /WAY SF 0.00( 800 5.00I 0.001 4,000.00 L o- 009 (SC'H'A) EXCAV INCL HAUL CY 96 i 844. 10.00 960.001 8,440.00 ' `J 010 (SCH A) GRAVEL BORROW INCL HAUL TON 104.97! 492.95 15.00 ! 1,574.55; 7,394.25 a - 011 (SCH A) ACP CLASS -r TON 45.29 145.88 200.00 9.058.00 29,176.00 012 (SCH A) CRUSHEVStIPPMP COURSE TON 9.97' 50.05 50.00 498.50' 2,$02.50 " 013 (SCH A) BALLAST TON 0.001 0.00 20.00 0.001 0.00 014 (SCH A) STRUCT EXCAV CL B CY 0.001 32' 10.00 0,001 320.00 ' 015 (SCH A) TRENCH SHORING SF 0.00! 0.00 2.50. 0.001 0.00 J . 016 (SCH A) REMOVE & REPLACE MAT. CY 0.00 i 0.00 50.00 0.00 i 0.00 017 (SCH A) BANKRUN GRAVEL TON 0.001 0.00 20.00: 0.001 0.00 018 (SCH A) GRAVEL BACKFILL TON 32.181 32.18 20.00 643.60 f 643.60 019 (SCH A) PVC STORM SEWER PIPE 6" LF 0.00! 191 18.00 , 0.001 3,438.00 'j r 020 (SCH A) CATCH BASIN TYPE B-26 EA 0.00 -11 650.00 0.00 7,150.00 021 (SCH A) YARD DRAIN - EA 0.001 0.00 200.00 0.00 i 0.00 *000,022 (SCH A) ADJ BASIN INSTALL COVER EA 5 . 9 300.00 1,500.00 i 2,700.00 023 (SCH A) ADJ VALVE BOX EA 11 15 100.00 1,100.001 1,500.00 ' J 024 (SCH A) CEMT CONC CURB/GUTTER LF 0.001 1,163. 8.80! 0.001 10,234.40 025 (SCH A) CEMT CONC SIDEWALK SF 0.00: 16,646 2.10 0.00 , 34,956.60 y 7 026 (SCH A) CEMT CONC DR/WAY 7 DAY SF 0.001 4,036 3.05' 0.00' 12,309.80 027 (SCH A) ROCKWALL TON 77.901 133.90! 200.00 i 15,580.001 26,780.00 028 (SCH A) RESTORATION! CLEANUP LS 50%' 100% 2.500.00 1,250.00' 2,500.00 029 (SCH A) REMOVE/RELOCATE MAILBOX EA 3' 5 200.00 600.00! 1,000.00 L7 07 030 (SCH A) TOPSOIL (2") CY Y .ice i-6 8 50.00 4,4W-00: 2.486.00' 031 (SCH A) SOD REMOVE/NEW SOD SY 4441 444 .75' 333.00' 333.00 032 (SCH A) REMOVE/RELOCATE FENCE LF 2301 230: 17.00' 3,910.001 3,910.00 --590.00 �'�✓; SUB -TOTAL SCH A 48,877.65 214,496.65 IVU Z Lakeside Industries Mi' P.O. Box 728. Port A.naeles. WA 98362 " Phone 13601452-7803 /Fax 1360 457-7932 02/25/98 PROGRESS BILLING #2 LAKESIDE INDUSTRIES JOB # 047199 WORK THROUGH 01 /21 CITY OF PORT ANGELES, HIGHSCHOOL & FRANKLIN SCHOOLS SIDEWALKS PAG #6 ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT QUANTITY TOTAL UNIT AMOUNT TOTAL THIS QUANTITY PRICE THIS AMOUNT PERIOD 10,800.001 10,800.00 8,100.001 8,100.00 14,265.001 14,265.00 3,757.501 3,757.50 2,700.001 2,700.00 1,800.00 I 1,800.00 1,000.001 11000.00 9,400.001 9,400.00 3,196.981 3,196.98 20,149.651 20,149.65 13 3,089.971 3,089.97 4,567.501 4,567.50 n" 9,600.001 9,600.00 0.001 0.00 0.001 9,572.491 9,572.49 4 3,496.401 3,496.40 "' y 17, 505.001 17,505.00 2,100.001 2,100.00 'y - 4,550.001 4,550.00 � 400.001 400.00 15,000.001 15,000.00 1,000.001 1,000.00 15,065.601 15,065.60 +M" 10,521.001 10,521.00 6,978.401 6,978.40 .; a 150.001 150.00 +' 0.001 0.00 .L 56.001 56.00 17 8, 821.491,178, 821.491,,, ISUB-TOTAL SCHED A I 48,877.651214,496.65 TOTAL 227,699.14 93,31 PERIOD 101 (SCH B) MOBILIZATION LS 100%1 100%1 10,800.00 102 (SCH B) MAINT & PROTECT TRAFF LS 90%1 90%1 9,000.00: 103 (SCH B) TRAFFIC CONT LABOR HR 475.501 475.501 30.00 104 (SCH B) SAWCUTTING LF 1,503 'I 1,5031 2.501 105 (SCH B) REMOVE ASPH CONC PVMT SF 6,0001 6,0001 0.45' 106 (SCH B) REMOVE CEMT CONC S/WALK SF 1801 1801 10.00 107 (SCH B) REMOVE BASIN/PLUG PIPE EA 21 21 S00,00 108 (SCH B) EXCAV INCL HAUL CY 9401 9401 10.001 109 (SCH B) GRAVEL BORROW INCL HAUL TON 355.221 355.221 9.00 110 (SCH B) ACP CLASS "B" TON 447.77' 447.77' 45.00 1 1 1 (SCH B) CRUSHED SURF TOP COURSE TON 162.63: 162.63 19.00 112 (SCH B) BALLAST TON 652.501 652.501 7.00 i 113 (SCH B) STRUCT EXCAV CL B CY 960 i 9601 10.00 I 114 (SCH B) TRENCH SHORING SF 0.001 0.001 2.501 1 1 S (SCH B) REMOVE & REPLACE MAT. CY 0.001 0.001 15.00! 116 (SCH B) BANKRUN GRAVEL TON 1,063.61 1,063.61 9.00. 117 (SCH B) GRAVEL BACKFILL TON 349.64! 349.641 10.00 118 (SCH B) STORM SEWER PIPE 8" LF 1,167 1,167 ' 15.00' 119 (SCH B) STORM SEWER PIPE 6" LF 701 70 I 30.00' 120 (SCH B) CATCH BASIN TYPE I EA 7 7 650.00 121 (SCH B) YARD DRAIN EA 2 ! 2 ! 200.001 122 (SCH B) MANHOLE TYPE 1 (48") EA 31 31 5,000.001 123 (SCH B) ADJ CATCH BASIN/MANHOLE EA 4; 41 250.00: 124 (SCH B) CEMT CONC CURB/GUTTER LF 1,712! 1,712' 8.80: 125 (SCH B) CEMT CONC S/WALK SF 5,0101 5,0101 2.10; 126 (SCH B) CEMT CONC DR/WAY 7 DAY SF 2,2881 2,2881 3.05 127 (SCH B) RESTORATION /CLEANUP LS 10%1 10%1 1,500.00 ' 128 (SCH B) TOPSOIL (2") CY 0.001 0.001 25.00' 129 (SCH B) SOD REMOVE/NEIN SOD Sy 561 561 1.00 , SUB-TOTALSCHED B PERIOD 10,800.001 10,800.00 8,100.001 8,100.00 14,265.001 14,265.00 3,757.501 3,757.50 2,700.001 2,700.00 1,800.00 I 1,800.00 1,000.001 11000.00 9,400.001 9,400.00 3,196.981 3,196.98 20,149.651 20,149.65 13 3,089.971 3,089.97 4,567.501 4,567.50 n" 9,600.001 9,600.00 0.001 0.00 0.001 9,572.491 9,572.49 4 3,496.401 3,496.40 "' y 17, 505.001 17,505.00 2,100.001 2,100.00 'y - 4,550.001 4,550.00 � 400.001 400.00 15,000.001 15,000.00 1,000.001 1,000.00 15,065.601 15,065.60 +M" 10,521.001 10,521.00 6,978.401 6,978.40 .; a 150.001 150.00 +' 0.001 0.00 .L 56.001 56.00 17 8, 821.491,178, 821.491,,, ISUB-TOTAL SCHED A I 48,877.651214,496.65 TOTAL 227,699.14 93,31 pORT OF gNC CITY OF PORT ANGELES - PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM q� MAINTAINING AND BUILDING ABErm cowuNITY "CLIC 1AIChL�' March 16, 1998 TO: Kay Godbey, Finance Director FROM: Jack Pittis, Public Works Director RE: Upper Golf Course Road Sewer L.I.D. #215 - Project #95-05.14, (Payment #4) PREPARED BY: APPROVED BY: —2jr City gineer cfire Ir of Public Works Lx:N:\PROJECTS\.5 LID\PROJMGTIPAYMENTS\PAYREQ.004 i{Ai CONTRACT THIS PAY PREVIOUS TOTAL WORK REQUEST PAYMENTS TO DATE Original Contract Amount $467,659.50 Change Orders to Date (1) $5,733.97 Subtotal $473,393.47 $131,150.27 $340,055.37- $471,805.64 Sales Tax (7.9% of subtotal) $10,408.27 $26,864.38 $37,272.65 LESS Retainage (5% of subtotal) $6,587.51 1 $17,002.77 1 $23,590.28 Contractor Payments Authorized to Date $135,571.03 $349,916.98 $485,488.01 Project Completion 99.66% DISBURSEMENT SUMMARY (Account No., See Below) CONTRACTOR: R V. Associates, Inca US 7523-9505-4150 $135,571.03 5135,571.03 1333 Lloyd Parkway DW 2519-0001-4150 $ . 0.00 Port Orchard, WA 98366 Total $135,571.03 RETAINAGE: Escrow No. 0187718620 $6,587.51 Kitsap Bank US 7523-9505-4150 $6,587.51 P.O. Box 9 DW 2519-0001-4150 S 0.00 Port Orchard, WA 98366 Total $6,587.51 TOTAL DISBURSEMENT FOR THIS PAYMENT $142,158.54 CHANGE ORDER COMMENTS: PREPARED BY: APPROVED BY: —2jr City gineer cfire Ir of Public Works Lx:N:\PROJECTS\.5 LID\PROJMGTIPAYMENTS\PAYREQ.004 i{Ai yob Number: 731GCS CI:'Y OF PORT ANGELES P:•oject 1 . 95-051LIV 1115 Apalication 50.: 5 - Pon oc From: 01/31/93 Page Number 2 __ --------------------------------------- Avoice Number 5.7 898 Thru: 02/2CONTRACT ITEM--------------------------------- N4 DESCRIPTION OF WORK OOA1f9'I.. -------(f--------------------------------------------- PRICEIT CONTRACT QUANTITY MONETARY ----------------- QUANTITY N MONETA ----------------------------------------- --------------------•------------ ... „M'IpM? THIS MOMTH THIS MONTH TO DA TO 00 GOLF COURSE SEWER MULE A ------------------------------------ ------ ---VAT- cl sF.iaER MOBILIZATION 02 2' PVC FROM UIDER PAVEMENT 1.00 LS 18000.0000 18,000.00 .01 ,00 1.00 ✓ 18,000.00 . 03 1" PVC FROM NO PAV61iEiR' 40.00 260.00 :f LF 46.W 9.7500 1,600.00 2,535.00 0i, 2Q.00 � 800.00 04 6" SEWER U21nER PAVEitEyq' 110.00 LF tA.lSOpp 2 604.00 90.001 877.0 350.00 3,412.50 05 6SEMk PAVEMEKT 12.00 LF 25.0000 300.00 40.00 137.00 744.00 y 06 bSIDE SEWER- � - PAVEq@4T . 840.00 LF 16.5000 13,860.00 36.Ou 3,425.00 149.00 � 3,725.00 07 6 SIDE SEW NO PAVEMBMi 527.00 LF 14.0000 7,378,00 87.00 627.00 1,218.00 249.0061 4,108.50 08 8� sun pAYEII$lIT 09 8 SEWER NO PAVgN Z 1122-MLF 22.0000 24,706.00 448.00 9,856.00 8b3.00 � 1233.00 ✓ 12,082.00 10 EXTRA EXCAVATING 8 + DEPTH 3938.00 71M.00 LF LF 18.5000 8.0000 72,853.00 713.00 13,190.50 3782.00 ' 69,967.00 11 8 X 6 TEE 18.00 EA ;5.0000 16,800.00 800.00 6,400.00 2815.00 / 22,760.00 12 6 X 6 TEE 13 6" PLUG 6.00 IA 30.0000 630.00 180.00 2.00 1.00 70.00 SU. UO 21.00 6.00 735.00 180.00 14 8' PLUG 27.00 2.00 EA EA 20.0000 lo.o04o 540.00 6.00 120.00 31.00 ✓ 620.00 15 6" CLEAN OD? ASSEMBLY 6.00 EA 250.0000 G0.00 11500.00 1,DO x.00 3.00 V 90.00 16 8" CLEAR OUT ASSEMBLY 1.00 EA 300.0000 3.00 750.00 17 MA}QIHOLE PAVEIM TO 8' 4.00 Ek -,M.0000 8,000.00 .00 1.00 '' 300.00 18 MANHOLE 110 PAVEMEMT Al 19 SADDLE KMLE 8, DEEP 16.00 V 1600.0000 28,800.00 .00 2.L)c .00 3,600.004.00 12.00 % 8,000.00 21,600.00 20 KkMLE um mm pAvEMENT 1.00 15.00 EA VP 1900.0000 200.0000 1 1,900.00 1.00-- 1,900.00 21 MINBOLE EXTRA DEPTH NO PAVEl01T ;7.00 VF 200.0000 3,0000.00 3,400.00 2.i( .4& 7,wrj % -,ae r.->� 5.36 ✓ 1,072.00 V 22 INTERCIOa9' RXtSTINC SEWER 2.00 EA 1000.0000 2,000.00 a � 17.65 3,530.00 23 Rik ASPHALT 8168.00 SF 7.5000 53,510.00 .00 . 4.00 4,000. . 24 UISMITAR12 EXCIVITION 25 SELECT BACKFILL 100.00 CY 12.8000 1,200.00 ► 23. .00 277.32 1713.00✓ 32.01 12,847 384.12 26 NON RMWAY RESTORATIOM 500.00 2930.00 C! SY 15.0000 11.o000 71500.00 1294.43 19,416.45 4305.21✓ 64,578.15 27 SHOULDER RESTORATION 2109.00 Sy 11.0000 32,230.UV 23,199.00 4774.00 52,514.00 6581.00 �� 72,391.00 28 YARt) RESTORATION 726.00 Sy 11.0000 7,Y86.00 .00 .00 .00 J .r0 29 SHORING �n TRAFPIc CONTROL sEw>;R 51500.00 SF .5M 25,750.00 .00 11491.00 .40 5,745.50 695.50./ 53477.00 7,650.50 N,,738.50 31 FLAGGING - SgWgt 1.00 1200.00 LS HR 5000.0000 35.0000 5000.00 42,000.00 QO .00 .80V 4,000.00 32 CLEAR L GRUB 1.60 Ac 280U.M 1,480;00 230.00 8,050.00 1034.00✓ 36,190.00 Total GOLF COURSE SEWER SHEDOLE A .10 280.00 .78'' 2,184.00 423,801.00 ,%) �•+ 135,162.77 ✓ 01 GOLF COURSE ROAD SCHEDULE 8 1�3. Z7 �.•- 01 )MILISAMON 02 8" C-900 WATtRMAa 1.00 710.00 LS LF 50V0.0000 5,000.00 ,00 00 1.00 5,000.00 03 8" GATE VALVE d DOg 1.00 to 17.4500 560.0000 12 389.50 560.00 .00 ,00 738.00 12,878.10 01 HYDRANT ASSSMBif 1.00 EA 2000,0000 Z 000.00 .00 .00 (..x;�i 00 t1Z040-5Lu 05 8" HOT ".'AP 1.U0 EA 1435.0000 1,435.00 .00 no 06 BENDS i FITTTifGS 6.00 EA 300.0000 1,800.00 .00 .00 1.00 1,435.00 1 07 UNrVIKISC. 20.00 CY 12.0000 240,00 .00 .00 3.00 900.00 SELECT 08 SELI;C! BACJCFILL 50.00 CY 15.M 750.00 .00 OC .00 -co .00 09 NOP ROAMAY RESTORATION 1000.00 SY 11.0000 11,000.00 .00 '� .00 10 YARD RESTORATION 184.00 SY 11.0000 2,024.00 .00 .0000 .00 .00 1 TRAFFIC COMOL 1.00 LS 1000.0000 1,000.00 .tut .00 .00 42 FLAGGINC X6.00 HR ?°.0000 560.00 ,U0 1.00 1,000.00 13 CLpaR 6 GRUB 14 NISC. TRENCSIIIG b BACi(FILL .30 400.00 AC 7000.0000 2,100.QQ .GO ,CO .00 .00 ,00 .30 .00 2,100.00 Total GOLF COURSE ROAD S(IMLE B LF 7.5 � 3.000.00 On .00 698.00 5,235,00 43,858.50 ,00 ✓ 3,� - t � �J ' -.Cb Nu r: 731GC1 (;1TY OF PORT ANGELES application No.: 5 Period Froa: 01/31/98 Page Miaber 3 Project i : 95-05/LID 1215 ------------ ----------------------------------------•------------------- Invoice Nuber : 577 Tbzv: 03/28/98 IT$N 001TRACT UNIT --- CONTRACT ---------- ---------- —--------- QUIInn MONETARY ------- QUANTITY --------- MONETARY DESCRIPTION OF Ww ----------------------------------------------- QUANTITY UNIT •------------------------------ PRICE AMOUNT THIS HUM TRIS MOM TO DATE TO DATE CU C WGB ORDERS ---------- -------- ------------------.__-_.., ._ 01 35a SEWER EpOKUP .00 .S -HOOD 1,205.47 .oc, .00 .00 i,M.47 02 34a FORCE MIR UU" TUBE .00 LS .0000 450.00 .OG .0000 450.00 va 03 2b 8" PVC NATER MAIN CUSS 200 710.00 TJ 1.9500 1,394.50 .00 .00 731" 1,439.0W'✓ 04 33a EXCISE SEWER 2.00 EA 1347.0000 2,694.00 .W1 13'17:%A6-%,.0 2 694.00" Total CHAAGE ORDERS 5,733.97 V/ .00 .51 J o b T o t a 1 a 173,393-47 ift,14r.Z7 ¢orf 3g: 131 .150. X Z411) 00 • 0 9OR AHCFI �N CITY OF PORT ANGELES - PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 'MEMORANDUM 10, �Uc�vi O "MAINTAINING AND BUILDING A BETTER COMMUNITY" March 26,1998 TO: Kay Godbey, Finance Director FROM: Jack Pittis, Public Works Director RE: Downtown Sidewalk-Watermain Reconstruction -Project #94-22 ( Payment #5) i. A PREPARED BY/L= _ Ci Engineer PW -178 (Rev. 11/931 APPROVED BY: DirPublic Works 1 • CONTRACT THIS PAY REQUEST PREVIOUS PAYMENTS TOTAL WORK TO DATE Original Contract Amount $2,055,487.45 $103,017.31 $2,158,504.76 $361,003.30 $1,069,151.70 $1,430,155.00 Change Orders to Date (2) Subtotal Sales Tax (7.9% of subtotal) $28,519.26 $84,462.99 $112,982.25 LESS Retainage (5% of subtotal) $18,050.17 $53,457.59 $71,507.76 Contractor Pavments Authorized to Date $371,472.40 $1,100,157.10 NEW66.26 $1,471,629.50 Project Completion DISBURSEMENT SUNIlMARY (Account No.US-7510-9422-4150 ) CONTRACTOR: Strider Construction Co. 2430 East Bakerview Rd. Bellingham, WA 98226 $371,472.40 RETAINAGE: Escrow acct.#473544001802 Key Bank Of Washington 1200 12th Street Bellingham, WA 98225 $18,050.17 TOTAL DISBURSEMENT FOR THIS PAYMENT "Contains $57,320.26 For Stored Materials $389,522.56 CHANGE ORDER COMMENTS: i. A PREPARED BY/L= _ Ci Engineer PW -178 (Rev. 11/931 APPROVED BY: DirPublic Works 1 • • STRIDER CONSTRUCTION CO., INC 2430 E. Bakerview Road Bellingham, WA 98226 (360)676-5094 FAX (360) 734-5309 SCI Job # PA Invoice Date: 228/98 To: PROJECT TITLE Port Angeles Downtown Ron Johnson City of Port Angeles CONTRACT NO. 94-22 P.O. Box 1150 Port Angeles, WA 98362 ESTIMATE NO.: 5 PHONE (360) 417.4806 REPORT PERIO Ending February 28, 1998 FAX (360) 417-4609 Original Constract Amount w/wsst $ 2,055,487.45 Amount of Approved Change Orders $ 111,155.60 Total Estimated Contract Amount: $ 2,166,643.05 Work Previous Amount Total Completed Amount This Estimate Amount Base Contract $1,328,005.10 �-1-S_J1-1-6_0, /O $ $ 339,045.00 / Z91/Lo,�•:la $ ; Change Orders $ 35,929.00 $ 35,929.00 $ 42,700.64 $ 78,629.64 Extra Work $ - $ - $0.00 Materials on Hand $ 78,062.60 $ (20,742.34) $ 57,320.26 Gross Billing -36/, O 3 3. 30 $.4 0196607 /'y3a Sales Tax (7.9% of gross billing) - 4421MMA5 ` Subtotal (gross billing + sales tax) $ +34663.46- S C'!/,So'>. 7S� Retainage (5% of gross billing) $ Net Amount (subtotal -retainage) $ 4 7/ 5 0 i 69.865:1 $ 1100 �' to Payments Received as of 0288/98 Still Owing From Previous Billings Adjustment %Z• S'0 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE THIS ESTIMATE: $ .0+ �I We hereby represent that the a is a true estimate of the work completed under the above contract to date. By: Title: Project Manager Date 288/98 ' EXPLANATION ATTACHED • sf irl- Cnnstruction PROJECT ESTIMATE SUMMARY SHEET PROJECT TITLE: Port Angelet/Downtown OWNER: City Of Port Angeles 6A nn oacnor acalnn Fndina February 28. 1998 2/28/98 t�11MN1[ NV. J PRICE SCHEDULE �. v, ,,,...-„•... �.. PREVIOUSLY APPROVED .. _. _ _ _ THIS PERIOD _ TOTAL TO DATE REMARKS ITEM DESCRIPTION UNITS unit Price Total Price Quantity Amount Quan Amount Quantity Amount NO. QUANTITY l LS $ 18.000.00 $18.000.00 50.0% $ 9,000.00 10.0% $ 1.800.00 60.0% $ 10.800.00 1 Restoration and Clean-up I LS $ 20.000.00 $20,000.00 65% $ 13,000.00 10.0% $ 2.000.00 75.0% $ 15.000.00 2 Maintenance & Protection of Traffic I LS $ 180.000.00 $180.000.00 1.0 $ 180.000.00 - i 1.0 $ 180.000.00 3 Mobilization 1.800 HRS. $ 32.00 $57.600.00 801.0 $ 25,632.00 1,423.5 $ 45.552.00 2.224.5 $ 71,184.00 4 Traffic Control labor I LS $ 35.000.00 $35.000.00 65% $ 22,750.00 10.0% $ 3.500.00 75.0% $ 26.250.00 5 Temporary Traffic Control Devices SF $ 20.00 $3.70000 192.0 $ 3.840.00 - $ 192.0 $ 3,840.00 6 Construction Signs, Class A 185 I LS $ 20,000.00 $20.000.00 65.0% $ 13.000.00 10.0% $ 2,000.00 750% $ 15,000.00 7 Temp. Ped. Saniers. Fences and Buss. access SY $ 6.00 $390.00 89.0 $ 534.00 31.0 $ 186.00 120.0 $ 72000 8 Remove On -Grade Cement Con. Driveway 65 SY $ 50.00 $101.50000 669.0 $ 31450.00 7540 $ 31.700.00 1,423.0 $ 71,150.00 9 Remove Cement Con. Hollow Sidewalk 2,030 SY $ 15.00 $39.225.00 922.0 $ 13.830.00 843.0 $ 12,645.00 1.765.0 $ 26.475.00 10 Remove On -Grade Cement Con. Sidewalk 2.615 $4,000.00 3.0 $ 12.000.00 $ - 3.0 $ 12.000.00 11 Aboveground Storage Tank Removal I EA EA $ $ 4.000.00 6,000.00 $12.000.00 7.0 $ 42.000.00 1.0 $ 6.000.00 8.0 $ 48.000.00 12 Underground Storage Tank Abandonment 2 EA $ 500.00 $10,000.00 4.0 $ 2.000.00 5.0 $ 2,500.00 9.0 $ 4,500.00 13 Remove Existing Vert. Con. Cylinder Tree Pit 20 $ $ $ 14 Extra Depth Asphalt Con. Pave. Sawcutting 100 LF $ 2.50 4.50 $250.00 $2.0.00 1.528.0 $ 6.876.00 770.0 $ 3.465.00 2,298.0 $ 10.341.00 15 Extra Depth Cement Con. Pave. Sawcutting 640 LF $ $ $ $ 16 Extra Depth Misc. Cemt. Con. Pave. Sawcutting 50 LF $ 7.00 $350.00 - $ $ 17 Remove Cement Concrete Hollow Driveway 28 SY $ 65.00 $1,820.00 $780.00 408.0 $ $ - 1,632.00 770.0 $ 3.080.00 1,178.0 $ 4.712.00 IS Remove Cement Concrete Curb and Gutter 195 LF SY $ $ 4.00 5,00 $4.62500 1.046.0 $ 5,23000 171.0 $ 855.00 1,217.0 $ 6.085.00 19 Remove Asphalt Concrete Pavement 925 SY $ 900 $6.849.00 371.0 $ 3.339.00 128.0 $ 1.152.00 499,0 $ 4,491.00 20 Remove Cement Concrete Pavement 761 $ - $ $ 21Valve Abandonment 20 EA EA $ $ 400.00 600.00 $8.000.00 $600.00 4.0 i 2.400.00 _ $ 4.0 $ 2.400.00 22 Remove Existing Hydrant I - $ - - $ $ 23 Asphalt Concrete Pavement. Class 5 214 SY $ 15.W $3.210.00 $ - - $ $ 24 Asphalt Concrete Pavement, Class G 267 SY SY $ $ 16.00 3.00 $4,272.00 $1.230.00 126.7 $ 380.10 3010 $ 921.00 433.7 $ 1,301.10 25 Planing Asphalt Pavement 410 $ $ $ 26 Sidewalk Paver Structural Support System I LS $ 15.000.00 $15,000.00 $ $ 27 Cement Concrete Pad 5 CY SF $ $ 200.00 32.00 $1.000.00 $263,040.00 3,304.0 $ $ 105.72800 3.555.0 $113.760.00 6,859.0 $ 219,488.00 28 Permanent Geo -Wall 8.220 EA $ 200.00 $600.00 $ 1.0 $ 200.00 10 $ 200'00 29 Relocate Gutter Inlet 3 $ - - $ $ 30 Relocate Type I Catch Basin 2 EA $ 50,00 $1,000.00 - $ $ 31 Sharing SW SF CY $ $ 3.00 45.00 $1,500.00 $21.375.00 134.6 $ $ 6.057.00 $ _ 134.6 $ 6.057.00 32 Controlled Density Fill 475 CY $ 50.00 $2.500.00 $ 40.0 $ 2.00000 40.0 $ 2,000.00 Oil Tanks 33 Remove and Replace Unsuitable Material 50 8.0 $ 14,400.00 - $ 8.0 $ 14,400.00 34 Connect to Existing IO' Diam. Water Main 7 EA $ 1,800.00 $12.600.00 $ _ 8.0 $ 8,800.00 35 Connect to Existing 6" Diam. water Main 9 EA $ 1.100.00 $9,900.00 8.0 $ 8,800.00 - $ - 2.0 $ 2.000.00 36 Connect to Existing V Diam. Water Main I EA $ 1,000.00 $1,000.0 2.0 $ 2,000.00 1.0 $ 500.00 4.0 $ 2.000.00 37 Connect to Existing 2" Diam. Water Main 2 EA $ 500.00 $1.000.00 3.0 $ $ .1.500.00 128.790.0 $ 1,431.0 $ 128,790.00 38 DI Pipe for Wafer Main 12' Diam. (Roadway Area) 1,422 LF $ 90.00 $127.980.00 1,431.0 $ - 1,985.00 41.0 j 11 39 DI Pipe for Water Main 10" Diam. )Roadway Area) 137 LF $ 85.00 $11.645.00 141.0 $ 11.985.0 128.0 $ I0,240.00 40 DI Pipe for Water Main 8" Diam. (Roadway Area) 128 LF $ 8000 $10.240.00 128.0 $ 10.240.00 $ - 277.0 j 19.390.00 41 DI Pipe for Water Main 6" Diom, )Roadway Area) 80 LF $ 70.00 $5.600.00 205.0 $ 14.350.00 72.0 $ 5,040.00 793.0 39,650.00 11 n. o _ w,. a ;, r,)„ ni- 10 -r -de Sidewalkl 737 LF $ 50.00 $36.85( 793.0 $ 39,65000 - $ - j Strider Construction 2/28/98 PROJECT ESTIMATE SUMMARY SHEET PROJECT TITLE: tort Angeles/Downtown ESTIMATE NO. 5 Contrdcl No. 94-22 OWNER: City Of Port Angeles REPORT PERIOD: Ending February 28. 1998 PRICE SCHEDULE PREVIOUSLY APPROVED THIS PERIOD TOTAL TO DATE REMARK$ ITEM DESCRIPTION UNITS unit Total NO. QUANTITY Price Price Quantity Amount Quan Amount Quantity Amount 43 Dl Pipe. Water Main 8" Diam. (On -Grade Sidewalk) 42 LF $ 40.00 $1,680.00 54.0 $ 7,160.00 S - 54,0 $ 2,160.00 44 DI Pipe. Water Man 6'Diam. (On -Grade Sidewalk( 1.085 LF $ 35.00 $37.975.00 717.0 $ 25.095.00 204,0 $ 7,140.00 921.0 j 32.235.00 45 DI Pipe lot I7' Diam (Hollow Sidewalk Filled Area( 37 LF $ 180.00 $6.660.00 28.0 $ 5,040.00 - $ 28.0 $ 5,040.00 46 D1 Pipe, Water Man 8" Diam (Hollow Sidewalk Filled) 327 LF $ 45.00 $14.715.00 319.0 $ 14.355.00 19.0 $ 855.00 338.0 $ 15.210.00 47 Dl Pipe, Water Man &' Diam (Hollow Sidewalk Filled( 823 LF $ 3S.00 $28.805.00 312.0 $ 10.920.00 .370.0 $ 12.950.00 682.0 $ 23.870.00 48 Dl Pipe, Water Main 6'Diom. (Hollow walk Remain( 225 IF $ 35.00 $7,875.00 205.0 $ 7.175.00 $ - 205.0 $ 7.175.00 49 Double Check Valve Assembly, 9' 1 EA $ 3.800.00 $3400.00 - $ - - $ - $ - 50 Double Check Valve Assembly, 6' 2 EA $ 2,800.00 $5.600.00 $ $ $ 51 Double Check valve Assembly. 4" 6 EA $ 2.000.00 $12.000.00 - $ - $ - - $ - 52 Double Check valve Assembly, 7' 2 EA $ 75000 $I.500,00 - $ - $ - $ - 53 Gate Valve, 7' Diam. I EA $ 300.00 $300.00 2.0 $ 600.00 20 $ 60000 4.0 $ 1.20000 54 Gate Valve. 4" Diom. I EA $ 400.00 $400.00 2.0 $ 800,00 2.0 $ 800.00 4.0 $ 1,600.00 55 Gate Valve, 6' Diam. 18 EA $ 500.00 $9,000.00 70.0 $ 10,000.00 4.0 $ 2.000.00 24.0. $ 12.000.00 56 Gale Valve, S' Diam. 11 EA $ 650.00 $7.150,00 9.0 $ 5.850.00 $ - 9.0 $ 5,850.00 57 Gate Valve, 10' Diann. 3 EA $ 900.00 $2,700.00 4.0 $ 3.600.00 - $ 4.0 $ 3,600.00 58. .Gate Valve, 17'Diam. 10 EA $ 1.100.00 $11,000.00 10.0 $ 11.000.00 $ - 10.0 $ 11.000.00 59 Hydrant Assembly 8 EA $ 2.200.00 $17,600.00 10.0 $ 22,000.00" - $ 10.0 $ 22,000.00 60 Reconnect Existing Hydrants 5 EA $ 1.500.00 $7.500.00 2.0 $ 3.000.00 - $ 2.0 $ 3.000.00 61 Reconnect Existing I" Diam Service Connection 41 EA $ 30000 $12,30000 IBA $ 5.40000 12.0 $ 3.600.00 30.0 $ 9.00000 62 Reconnect Existing 2" Diam Service Connection 3 [A $ 350 W $1.050.00 2,0 $ 71)11.001 4.0 $ 1.40000 6.0 $ 2.100,00 63 Reconnect Existing 2 112 " Diam Service Connection 2 EA $ 37500 $750.00 $ $ - . $ - 64 - Reconnect Existing 4" Diam Service Connection - 4 EA $ 400.00 $1,600.00 2.0 $ 800.00 2.0 $ 800.00 4.0 $ 1.600.00 65 Reconnect Existing V' Diam Service Connection - 2 EA $ 700.00 $1,40000 2.0 $ 1,400.00 1.0 $ 700.00 3.0 $ 2,100.00 66 Reconnect Existing 8" Diam Service Connection 1 EA j 1.100.00 $1.100.00 ;; 1.0 $ 1.100.00 $ - 1.0 $ 1,100.00 67 Relocate Water Meter and Box 2 EA $ 150.00 $300.00 4.0 $ 600.00 1.0 $ 150.00 5.0 $ 750.00 68 Water Meter Box, No.1 27 EA $ 100.00 $2.700.00 1.0 $ 100'.00 16.0 $ 1,600.00 17.0 $ 1.700.00 69 Water Meter Box, No. 2 4 EA .. $ 150.00 $600.00 r 70 New. Water Meter and Service Connection C 1 EA $ 2,500.00 $2,500.00- 71 Tree 50 EA $ 600.00 $30,000.00- 72 Tree Grate 50 EA ' , . $ 550.00 $27,500.00- 73 Cement Concrete Bander Curb and Gutter 195 LF $ 40.00 $7.800.00 'tet 87.0 $ 3,481,00 $ - 87.0 $ 3.480.00 74 Cement Concrete Entryways 414 SF - $ 9.00 $3,726.00 $ - - $ - - $ - 75 Cement Concrete Sidewalk 1,440 SY $ 35.00 $50.400.00 '„ 1.439.0 $ 50.365.00 $ - 1.439.0 $ 50.365.00 76 Cement Concrete Driveway 142 $Y $ 55.00. $7.810.00 111.0 $ 6.105.00 $ - 111.0 $ 61105.W 77 Crosswalk Concrete Unit Pavers 2.960 SF $ 15.00 $44.400.00 $ - - $ - - $ - ' 78 Sidewalk Concrete Unit Pavers 26,533 SF - $ 12.00 $318.396.00 # $ - 1,971.0 $ 23.652.00 1,971.0 $ 23.652.00 79 Antique Color Sidewalk Paver (Z 3/8" Thick( 1 BNDL$ 240.00 $240.00 4 $ - - $ - - S - So Charcoal Color Sidewalk Paver (2 3/8' Thick( 1/2 BNDL•_ $ 240.00 $120.00 A $ - - $ - - $ - 8I Antique Color Crosswalk Paver 13 1/64 Thick( I BNDL -! $ 140.00 $140.00,i $ $ $ 82 Charcoal Color Crosswalk Paver 13 1/8" Thick( 1/2 BNDL $ 140.00 $70.00 V $ - - $ - - $ - 83 Monolithic Cement Concrete Sidewalk 1 Is $ 8.000.00 $8.000.00 10 $ 8.000.00 0.20 $ 1.600.00 1.20 $ 9,600.00 90' in lieu of 72' 84 PVC Conduit Pipe Y'Diam. 1.190 IF $ 2.00 $2,380.00 r $ - 1,573.0 $ 3,146.00 1,573.0 $ 3,146.00 , • • • PROJECT ESTIMATE SUMMARY SHEET PROJECT TITLE: Port Angelos/Downfown OWNER: City Of Port Angeles Strider Construction ESTIMATE NO. 5 Contract No. 94-22 REPORT PERIOD: Ending February 28. 1998 2/28/98 PRICE SCHEDULE PREVIOUSLY APPROVED THIS PERIOD TOTAL TO DATE REMARKS ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNITS unit Price Total Price Quantity Amount Quan Amount Quantity Amount NO. 2 EA $ 3.000.00 $6,000.00 $ $ $ BS Utility Vault 3.105 TONS $ 12.00 $37.260.00 1.456.0 $ 17.472.00 2.183.0 $ 26.196.00 3.639.0 $ 43.668.00 86 Aggregate for Gravel Base 120 SF $ 15.00 $1.800.00 50.0 $ 750.00 $ 500 $ 750.00 87 CMU Wall - 24 EA $ 700.00 $16.800.00 1.0 $ 700.00 10.0 $ 7.000.00 11.0 $ 7.700.00 88 Downspout Drain 200 LF $ 4.50 $900.00 $ - ; $ A-1 Extra Depth Cement Con, Pavement Sawcutting 4.00 $480.00 $ - $ $ A-2 Remove Cement Concrete Curb and Gutter 120 LF $ $ $ $ - A-3 Asphalt Concrete Pavement, Class G 250 SY $ 16.00 $4.000.00 $ $ 3 EA $ 200.00 $600.00 $ A-4 Relocate Gutter Inlet I EA $ 500.00 $500.00 $ $ $ A-5 Relocate Type I Catch Basin 120 LF $ 5000 $6.000.00 $ - $ $ - A-6 Cement Concrete Bonier Curb and Gutter 2000. $70.000.00 $ - $ $ A-7 Crosswalk Concrete Unit Pavers 3.500 SF $ Subtotal 1.904.993.00 $952,960.10 339.045.00 1.292,005.10 Change Orders 409 SY 35.00 14.315. 263.3 9. 15.50 49.7 1.739.50 313 10.45500 1-I EMENT CONCRETE SIDEWALK 40.00 6. - 6 U. .nee uev ss A 8 173 L • PINNED URB 870 SF 12.00 10,4 . - - 0 - - I-4 BRICK PAVERS EA 526.00 4. .00 6 3.156.00 3 1.578.00 9 4.734.00 1-5 RELOCATE . D. INLET 126 Y 9.00 1.134.00 56 504.00 127 1,143. 183 1,64 7.00 I-6 REMOVE CEMENT CONCRETE PAVEMENT 4.50 2,212.50 365 1,642.50 265 1,192.50 630 2.835.00 1-7 SAWCUT EXTRA -DE H AC PAVEMENT 505 LF 5.00 2.475.00 263 1,315.00 93 46 .00 356 1,780.00 I-8 REMOVE AC PAVEMENT 495 SY 4.00 3. 40.00 509 2,036.00 270 1. .00 77 ,116.00 I REMOVE CONCRETE URB 6 UTTER 960 LF 0 T " 1-10 MONOLITHIC PINNED CURB 289 LF 23.00 21.00 6.647.00 4.305.00 100 - 2.100.00 0 - 100 2.100.00 -11 MONOLITHIC CURB 205 LF 0 " 1-12 AC PAVE-M-EAT77-7 80 SY 16.00 1.280. 0 - 1 PAVER SEALER 180 GAL 53.60 .648. - 1 8.325.98 1 8,325.98 3 CROSS AT FRONT AN OAK I LS 8,325.98 8.325.98 1 500.00 1 500.00 3-3 DEVELOP FOUNTAIN ESTIMATE I LS 500.00 500.00 - 490 7,207.90 490 7.207.90 4 ADD STRUCTURE EX L. - 7' 7 CY 14.71 10.297. - 1 2.058.1 V 2.958W 3-5 REMOVE COAL HUES 1 LS o58.0i 2.058.01 I 1,350.27 1 1 35027 6 C.B. FRONT AND OAK STREET I LS 350'27 1'350'27 I 4.0 I 4,020.47 7 BUSH LINCOLN ST. ID AL I L 4.020.4 - .47 1 328461 1 3.284.61 8 ORNERS A! FR NT AND LIN LN 1 LS 114,D20.47 284.61 3.284.61 - I 873.50 1 873.50 IS V R IND. WATER I LS 873.50 873.50 - 66099 I 660.99 0 BRICKI SLIDE REM VAL LS 660.99 660.V 1-32.935.64 1 2.935.64 I1 REM VE WOOD DEBRIS 1 LS ,935.64 2.935.64 - Construction PROJECT ESTIMATE SUMMARY SHEET PROJECT TITLE: Port Angel"IDOwnlown OWNER: City Of Port Angeles ISIrk* 2/28/98 ESTIMATE NO. 5 Contract No. 94-22 REPORT PERIOD: Ending February 28, 1998 PRICE SCHEDULE PREVIOUSLY APPROVED THIS PERIOD TOTAL TO DATE REMARKS ITEM DESCRIPTION UNITS unit QUANTITY Price Total Price Quantity Amount - Quan - Amount Quantity Amount NO. 3-12 RAILROAD AVE. WATER BREAK I LS 306.27 306,27 - I 3D627 1 306.27 Ira Work TOTAL ORIGINAL CONTRACT $1,904.993.00 $952.960.10 $339.045.00 .$1.292:00.5.10 CHANGE ORDER TOTAL $103.017.24 $35,929.00 $42.700.64 $78.629.64 GRAND TOTAL PROJECT COST ATHOUT TAX) W $ $988.889.10 $381.745.64 $1.370.634.74 NOTES A. THIS PAY APPLICATION DOWS NOT INCLUDE ALPHALT PAVING WHICH IS IN DISPUTE WITH CITY. B. THIS PAY APLICATION.DOES NOT INCLUDE MONO CURB POURED. ON LINCOLN STREET DUE TO NO PAY ITEM. C. THE UNIT PRICE ON C/O NO. 1.2 NEEDS MODIFIED TO REFLECT 12" WIDE CURB IN LIEU OF 6" P -j V) ,-I!1 C1? GRAND TOTAL OWNER: CITY OF PORI ANGELES MATERIALS ON HAND SHEET 5 OF 5 PROJECT: PORI ANGELES DOWNTOWN February 28, 1998 111 DESIGNATE WITH ASTERISK WHEN ENTRY I$ BALANCE CONTRACT NO.: 94-22 STORED FOLLOWING REMOVALS IN PRIOR REQUESTS. CONTRACTOR: STRIDER CONSTRUCTION INVOICE. PAY RI OUT SI NO. 7 IVAY RIQUI SI NO. I 3 IPAY REQUEST NO. IPAY REQUf$1 NO. 1 5 $ VAI LITE ,ME OF SUPPLIER & PI ACED IN STORAGE $ VAI UE REMOVED $ VAT UE REMOVED BALANCE IN $ VALUE REMOVED BALANCE IN $ VALUE REMOVED BALANCE IN SCRIPTION NO. DATE BID ITEM NO. UNIT QUANTITY UNIT PRICE III FROM STORAGE BALANCE IN STORAGE FROM STORAGE STORAGE FROM STORAGE STORAGE FROM STORAGESTORAGE ruble Detector Check Valve 49 THRU 52 LOT 1 $ 13.092.00 $ 13.092.00 - $ 13.092.00 12.582.00 - $ j 13.092.00 $ - $ 12.582.00 $ 6.291.00 $ 13.092.00 $ - $ 6.291.00 $ 1.264.00 $ 13.092.00 2,027.00 D/1 Pipe 44 8 O FT 1800 $ 6.99 $ 12,582.00 - $ - $ 434.24 - j 434.24$ 217.12 $ 217.12 $ 217.12 $ Gate Valve 53 54 EA €A 4 $ 9 $ 108.56 $ 431.24 173.89 $ 1.565.01 - $ 1.565.01 j 1.56501 $ 521.67 $ 1.043.34 $ 1.043.34 j 10.00) Gale Valve 55 EA 9 $ 224.98 $ 2.024.82 $ 2.021.82 j 2.021.82 $ 1.574.86 $ 449.96 $ 119.96 j 0.00 Gale Volvo 56 LA 9 $ 345.45 $ 3.109.05 J. 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CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS Council Member McKeown - Teen Scene funding (verbal) (Page 206) • • IX CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: Council Member McKeown - Teen Scene funding (VERBAL) No paperwork in packet 20G April 1, 1998 O Port Angeles City Council 321 E. Fifth St. Clallam County Port Angeles WA 98362 Family YMCA 302 S. Francis Street Dear Members of the City Council: Port Angeles, WA 98362 360-452-9244 FA have learned FAX 360-452-7140 � City I hjust ld that the $15,000 the Ci awarded the Y to fund their FA programs for at-risk youth may be in jeopardy. It has been explained to me that Executive Director this is due to a provision in the grant award that required a match by one of three Dan Maguire entities -- the County, the School District or the S'Klallam Tribe. I must confess Board of Directors that, until today, my understanding was that the funding was only contingent Chris Anderson upon raising matching funds, not necessarily restricted to the three entities listed Steven Bays above. To date, the YMCA has raised over $40,000 in funds to match the Len Borchers $15,000.. I should add, however, that a grant by the United Way Foundation of Edie Brunk James F. Butler $3,000 is contingent upon the $15,000 City grant. Other funding may also be Michael Carr jeopardized by the loss of the City grant. Gail Frick Dan Gase Please know that the defending of these programs seriously jeopardizes the Carl Gay continuation of our very successful programs serving at risk youth. We would Michael Gentry r5' P � g Kristin Prater Glenn probably be forced to choose between eliminating either the YMCA weekend Julie Grattan programs or the downtown teen center.- The weekend night programs, held at Ray Gruver the YMCA, have been successfully operating for over three years and are an Jim Haller Stephanie Haygood integral part of the youth community. Participation levels vary throughout the Rick Hert year but frequently exceed over 100 a night. The teen center is also a very Steve Ilk successful program with as many as 50 visitors on weekdays and over 100 Robert Jones visitors per day on weekends. Jim Jones, Jr. Carol A. Knebes Norma McCormack It is my understanding that a possible impetus behind the defunding is a Joe Michalczik controversy overrthe downtown teen center. Although the pros and cons of the Mary Ann Miller teen center is certainly a legitimate concern for the City Council, I would hope John Pope that that discussion be kept separate from a discussion about matching funds. In Steve Rogers P P P, Gina E. Romiza the interest of fairness, it seems to me that one discussion should not impinge Roger Rudolph upon the other. After all, the City Council already approved the YMCA funding Lucille Schmitt by unanimous vote several months ago. Dana Shaltry Brooke Taylor Joseph A. Urquia That being said, however, the YMCA is more than willing address the concerns Beth Volk of the City Council as they relate to the teen center. I would note that the R. Duane Wolfe YMCA is very committed to working with the community (teens, businesses, Chris Zook City agencies, etc.) to resolve any concerns that may exist. Of course, it also goes without saying that the YMCA is only interested in operating programs that are safe and are making a positive difference for young people and the community as a whole. We build strong kids, An example of this commitment is reflected in our recent cut-back of the teen strong families, center's open hours to a closing time of 7 PM each night. This cut-back in hours strong communities. was a response to both community and our own concerns about the program. I strongly believe, however, that a complete close down of the teen center would be a big loss, both for the teens and for us all, now and into the future. Many studies, for example, indicate that most teen crime, pregnancies, etc. occur during after-school hours (teen center hours). Interestingly, I just met with many of the .� teens at the teen center yesterday. (The meeting was in response to teen unhappiness with the shortened schedule of the teen center. At the time of the A United Way Agency meeting, I was unaware of the possible defunding by the City.) Nothing I heard from the teens at this meeting made me believe that the closure of the teen center would be any kind of solution to the problem of young people in the downtown area. In any event, it certainly seems appropriate to get more insight into community feelings about the teen center. Perhaps another public forum, similar to the one sponsored by the Downtown Business Association about a year ago, would provide the council with a broad cross-section of opinion by the downtown community (see enclosed article). I also understand that the Boys and Girls Club has been told that the $15,000 in question could be made available to them in the event that the YMCA is defunded. This raises two questions in my mind -- 1. Why wouldn't the match requirement apply to them as it does the YMCA and 2. If the issue is not the match requirement but actually the closure of the downtown teen center, I would note that the YMCA has many other programs for youth that could certainly benefit from these funds. It's my belief, in fact, that the $15,000 grant award was for teen outreach programs, not the teen center per se. In any case, if the City Council does not feel it can support the $15,000 YMCA funding at this time, I would request that you delay a decision for another month. The reasons are as follows: As you know, the YMCA is very interested in developing the Veterans Center as a Youth Center in the event that it becomes available. If that came to pass, the Y would then shift the teen center program from its current location to the Veterans Center. At minimum, the Y requests that the City Council delay its decision until the Veterans Center question is resolved. It should be noted that even with the availability of the Vet Center, the Y would still be interested in maintaining our current center in the interim. We think the long range success of the new site along with the significant success we are currently achieving with many of the teens would be compromised by even a six month closure of the teen center. 2. Because I just learned of the matching requirements, I would like the opportunity to go back to the County and School District in light of this new information. I had not explained to them in my previous request that the City would withdraw their funding if their specific support was not forthcoming. 3. The YMCA Board of Directors has not had a chance to be informed of this new development. I would hope that they would have a chance to formulate a response to this new information. Other youth serving agencies, including United Way and the Youth Task Force should also be given an opportunity to respond. A delay would also give us time to organize a public forum, as previously suggested. Please know that the loss of these programs is of major concern to the YMCA. We are very committed to finding a way to keep these programs in place. I also want to reemphasize that the YMCA is truly committed to working with the community to ensure that all of Clallam County benefits from the presence of the teen center and other YMCA programs. Thank you for your consideration. I continue to have the utmost respect for the City Council. I do understand the challenge of serving the many different constituencies to which you are responsible. Sincerely, Iguire •XI. n 40 LEGISLATION AND OTHER CONSIDERATIONS A. ORDINANCES NOT REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS: 1. Fire sprinkler system rebates (Page 207-211) 2. Outdoor music festival licensing requirements (Page 213-216) B. RESOLUTIONS NOT REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS: (suspended) C. PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES/ACTION ITEMS: (suspended) D. OTHER CONSIDERATIONS: 1. Grant award announcement: Housing Rehabilitation Program Phase IV (short presentation) (Page 217-224) 2. Housing Authority presentation by Pam Tietz re: grant application for multi -family project (combined with # 1) 3. Appointments to fill vacancies on Boards & Commissions (Page 225) 4. Port Angeles Works - Next steps (Page 227-232) 5. Recommendation of consultant for William Shore Pool Feasibility Study (Page 233) 6. Appointment of interim City Manager (Page 235-236) F PORT qNQ MEMORANDUM Coral Wheeler Administrative Assistant ext 4650 Bruce W. Becker 0 Fire Chief ext 4651 Daniel K. McKeen Fire Marshal ext 4653 L. Keith Bogues Training Officer ext 4652 James B. (Duke) Moroz Medical Officer ext 4665 360-417-4655 • DATE: March 30, 1998 TO: Mayor Braun and City Council Members FROM: Bruce Becker, Fire Chief Dan McKeen, Fire Marshal RE: $500 Rebate Towards the Cost of Installing a Fire Sprinkler System in Newly Constructed Residences ISSUE: Should the City Council modify the Urban Service Ordinance allowing a $500 rebate towards the cost of installing a fire sprinkler system in newly constructed residences regardless of their location within the City. RECOMMENDATION: The Fire Department recommends the City Council modify the Urban Service Ordinance to allow a $500 rebate towards the cost of installing a fire sprinkler system in newly constructed residences within all areas of the City. BACKGROUND: Currently the City provides a $500 rebate towards the cost of installing a fire sprinkler system in newly constructed residences outside the Fire Department's four -minute response area (see attached map and ordinance). A Bureaucracy Busting suggestion was submitted to provide an incentive to all residents within the City to install a fire sprinkler system capable of providing increased protection against injury, life loss, and property damage. Residential fire sprinklers have been shown to reduce life loss by 98.50, an increase of 480 over that of smoke detectors. 20 Mayor Braun Page 2 March 30, 1998 This suggestion is consistent with the department's mission of proactively protecting citizens and their property from the affects of fire and the City's goal of promoting high quality of health and public safety. The Bureaucracy Busting suggestion has passed required committee reviews and internal postings. ANALYSIS: The $500 rebate would only occur when an individual installed a fire sprinkler system in a residential (R-3) occupancy,' which was not a requirement of a subdivision or planned residential development (PRD). These developments usually benefit by allowing other incentives which may include smaller lot sizes and setbacks, increased hydrant distances, and smaller required turn -a -rounds. The $500 rebate would be deducted from the applicant's building permit fees. Since the adoption of a_$500 rebate towards installing a fire sprinkler system outside the fire department's four -minute response area, two rebates have been distributed. Fire Sprinkler Rebates Distributed -1995 - 1997 Number of years Number of rebates Total $ amount rebate was distributed distributed available 2 2 * $1,000 * 5/20/96 - 1525 W 13th; 7/9/97 - 1823 Woodhaven Lane Attachments ' Dwellings, family child care day homes, and lodging houses. Uniform Building Code 317.1 �j v .7 EO1Z HOOK µ0. �\� ANCF�FS H,q�BOR ,rcAerr� 4,R/Hf C •. DR 1 FIRE STATION H y, l ya• r ubR/OSEN 1 ?� / 8r ' BLVp oo X000 T T � J yam, T HYff 101 v N Y 101 lAU SOS BCVp � PARK AVE. va rc 0 0 00 Qu MELOOr LT `^ CAMPBELL A', AHLYERS RD. f 9a RHODES RD. L-� q ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, providing a $500 rebate for the cost of installing residential sprinkler systems anywhere within the City and amending Ordinance 2857 as amended and Chapter 18.08 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code. THF CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES DOES BEREB"Y ORDAIN as follows-. Seajoll-j. Ordinance 2857 as amended and Chagtn 18.Q8 of the Port Angeles Municipal CMe are hereby amended by amending PAMC 18.08, 110 to read as follows: A. All single-family residences and duplexes shall either be located within a four minute response time from a City of Port Angeles fire station or shall meet the following fire suppression requirements: 1. Each single-family residence and duplex outside the four minute response time, except for residences within new sub -divisions as provided for in subsection A2, shall have either of the following: a. a residential sprinkler system that is installers and maintained in accordance with Uniform Fire Code (UFC) and National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) standards, for which the City will provide a $500 rebate for the cost of installation, provided that said rebate shall be subject to annual review by the City Council; or b. -an outside alarm bell that is electronically connected to the residential smoke alarm system in accordance with the requirements of the Fire Chief or designee. 2. Each single-family residence and duplex within a new subdivision outside the four minute response time shall be equipped with a residential sprinkler system that is installed and maintained in accordance with Uniform Fire Code (UFC) and National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) standards, provided that such subdivisions shall be allowed to have the following reduced standards for cul -dc -sac size and fire hydrant spacing: a. cul-de-sac diameter measured from curb tD curb may be reduced from the normal 100 feet standard to either 90 feet or, if the cul-de-sac is restricted and posted for no parking, to 80 feet; and b. distance between fire hydrants may be increased from the normal standard of 500 feet average spacing between hydrants to not more than 1,000 feet. B. All multi -family residential developments shall have automatic sprinkler systems as set forth in Chapter 14.26 PANIC. C. The requirements of this section shall apply only to newly constructed • residential buildings and reconstruction of residential buildings to an extent that exceeds seventy- five percent (75 %) of the existing assessed value of the building. j� in add' 'on to nrpyidiM a X500 rebate under 18.08-1 lQA for ft Cos of instff,ng NpriiLklut s• `tew 'n re i &nces outside the forminus r s- ons time, in neva► copstructed , or recona�cted homes, the City will aLT proyidt a $500 mb= for the voluntarUy insling sUdnkl fle family resid:=s and ftjgas anywhere within the QW lection 2 -Severability, if any pwvisio s of this Ordinance, or its applic�ti0 to tiny person or circumstances, is held invalid.. the remainder of the Ordinance, or application of the provisions of the Ordinance to other persons or circumstances, is not affected. . This Ordinance shall take effect five days after the date of publication. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said Council held on the day of '1998. • ATTEST: Becky J. Upton, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Craig D. Knutson, City Attorney PUBLISHED: By Summary moo+ • -2- MAYOR TOTAL P.03 "Maintaining and building a better community" Jack Pittis Director [4801] Phyllis Raster Administrative Assistant [4805] Cate Rinehart Administrative Assistant [4700] Bob Titus Deputy Director [4701] Ken Ridout Deputy Director (4802] Gary Kenworthy City Engineer (4803] Steve Hursh Engineering Manager [4702] Tim Smith Contract 8 Project 0mistrator [4804] 0rUHaehnIen Sr. Building Inspector [4816] Tom Sperline Sr. Electrical Inspector [4735] Scott McLain Power Manager [4703] Ralph Ellsworth Water, Wastewater Collection Superintendent [4855] Pete Burrett Equip. Services Superintendent [4835] Mark Shamp Light Operations Manager (4731] Kevin Curtis Treat. Plant Supervisor [4845] Tom McCabe SW Collection Supervisor [4876] Steve Evans Landfill Supervisor 4873] MEMORANDUM DATE: April 3, 1998 TO: City Manager Pomeranz, Mayor Braun and Council Members FROM: Becky Upton, City Clerk VJ SUBJECT: Revisions to Outdoor Music Festival Ordinance SUMMARY and RECOMMENDATION: The Port Angeles Lions Club has asked that the City revise its Outdoor Music Festival Ordinance (circa 1980) to help the club with its Strait Bluegrass Festival. The Lions Club proposed some language changes that were reviewed by City Departments, which suggested some changes of their own. The revised ordinance is attached. Staff recommends that the City Council adopt the revised Outdoor Music Festival Ordinance. BACKGROUND AND ANALYSIS: The City adopted an Outdoor Music Festival ordinance in 1980 which anticipated events like Woodstock where large events would be held in areas with little if any parking and sanitation facilities and limited access. The ordinance prescribed a number of requirements that the Lions Club felt were excessive for small events, particularly ones held at the Clallam County Fairgrounds where access, parking and sanitation are not issues. When the Club successfully competed for hotel/motel monies to help advertise their bluegrass festival this September, they pointed out to the review committee that the City could help the club out even more by revising the Outdoor Music Festival ordinance. The Lions Club recently submitted a revision to the ordinance that was circulated to Police, Fire and the Attorney's office for comment. The revised ordinance, including changes suggested by the reviewing departments is being recommended for adoption by the City Council. The major change is the addition of section 5.52.090 which exempts some specific licensing requirements when smaller events are held at the Fairgrounds and instead provides for general review and approval by the Fire and Police Departments. ORDINANCE NO. 0 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, revising the business license regulations for outdoor music festivals, establishing an exemption for outdoor music festivals at the Clallam County Fairgrounds, and amending Ordinance 2050 and Chapter 5.52 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES DOES HEREBY ORDAIN as follows: Section 1. Chapter 13 of Ordinance 2050 and Chapter 5.52 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code are hereby amended by amending PAMC 5.52.040 and 5.52.090 to read as follows: 5 52 040 License - Application - Contents. Application for an outdoor music festival license shall be made not less than thirty days prior to the first scheduled day of the festival, and shall be accompanied by the proper permit fee. In addition to all other information required of an applicant for a business license, each applicant for an outdoor music festival license shall provide the following information: 0 A. The name of the person or other legal entity on behalf of whom said application is made; provided, that a natural person applying for such permit must be eighteen years of age or older; B. Financial statement of the applicant; C. Nature of the business organization of the applicant; D. Names and addresses of all persons having a ten percent or more proprietary interest in the festival; E. Principal place of business of the applicant; F. Legal description of the land to be occupied, the name and address of the owner thereof, together with a document showing the consent of the said owner to the conduct of an outdoor music festival if the land be owned by a person other than the applicant and a site plan indi a i g the 12roRocPd layout of the festival; G. The scheduled performances and program; 9 -1- moi.► H. Written confirmation from the local health officer that he has reviewed and approved plans for site and development in accordance with rules, regulations and standards adopted by the State and local boards of health; I. Written confirmation from the Chief of Police of the City that Police have been contracted for or otherwise provided by the applicant meeting the following conditions: 1. One commissioned police officer or deputy sheriff for each two hundred persons reasonably expected to be in attendance at any time during the event for purposes of traffic and crowd control outside the confines of the actual outdoor music festival, which officers shall be present outside the festival for a minimum of two hours before the beginning and two hours after the close of the festival; 2. One commissioned police officer or deputy sheriff for each two hundred persons reasonably expected to be in attendance at any time, which officer shall be within the confines of the actual outdoor music festival for the entire time it is open to the public; J. Written confirmation from the Chief a€ Police Chief and the Fire Chief of the City that sufficient access roads are available for ingress and egress to the parking areas of the festival, and that parking areas are available on the site of the festival or immediately adjacent thereto which are capable of accommodating one auto for every four persons in estimated attendance at the outdoor music festival; K. Written confirmation from the Fire Chief of the City that all fire prevetition requirements of the Uniform Fire Code have been complied with, L. Written statement of the applicant that all State and local law enforcement officers, fire eentfel officials and other necessary governmental personnel shall have free access to the site of the outdoor music festival at any time during the festival: M. Written statement that the applicant will abide by all requirements of this Chapter; N. Verification of the applicant warranting the truth of all matters set forth in the application to the best of applicant's knowledge, under the penalty of perjury. 5 52 090 Clallam County Fairgrounds Exemption The Clallam County Fairgrounds are hereby acknowledged to have amenities that satisfy many of the requirements for large outdoor imtherinas.Therefore outdoor music festivals held at the Clallam county Fairgrounds shall be exempt from the licensing requirements of Subsections 5 52 040 F I J & K.- provided that estimated attendance is less than 5,000. and provided further that the applicant shall furnish the following: A. A signed contract with Clallam County or the Clallam County Fair Board for use • of the appropriate Fairgrounds facilities B Written confirmation from �• _ �L=-r �--a �:*�� Fire hief that they_ the City Tali e Chi u are satisfied with safety and securitr plaris for the festival. Section 2 - Severa ility. If any provisions of this Ordinance, or its application to any person or circumstances, is held invalid, the remainder of the Ordinance, or application of the provisions of the Ordinance to other persons or circumstances, is not affected. publication. Section 3 - Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect five days after the date of PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said Council held on the day of , 1998. ATTEST: Becky J. Upton, .City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Craig D: Knutson, City Attorney PUBLISHED: By Summary 98.10 B -Z MAYOR 21r • • I ] FpORTAV, MEMORANDUM V k, - "Maintaining DATE: April 3, 1998 and building a better community" TO: City Manager, Mayor Braun City Council FROM: Public Works Department Jack Pittis Director[4801] SUBJECT: Presentation regarding gra t a rd for Port Angeles Housing Rehabilitation Phyllis Administrativee Program, Phase IV. Administrative Assistant (4800) Cate Rinehart Administrative Assistant[4700] Attached is a letter (3/18/98) from the Department of Community, Trade and Economic Bob Titus Development announcing a grant award to the City of $750,000 for Phase IV of our Port Deputy Director [47011 Angeles Housing Rehabilitation Program. Ken Ridout Deputy Director [48021 The first, second, and third phases of the Housing Rehab. Program have now completed Gary Kenworthy approximately $1.5 million in housing repairs to nearly 150 homes within the City limits, City Engineer [48031 providing direct benefits to over 350 city residents. These home repair funds have been Steve Hursh provided through zero-interest, deferred loans, (and in a few cases grants for emergency or Engineering Manager handicapped access purposes) to low-to-moderate income households. This three+ year old [4702] City Program is implemented under a contract with Clallam-Jefferson Community Action, and Tim Smith is noted for providing family wage jobs within our community by helping to support dozens of Contract Project f0u local building contractor businesses and the employees they hire and by utilizing residential oH strator(4804] building supplies purchased from local building material suppliers. Haehnlen Sr. Building Inspector [4816] Phase IV of the program, has been awarded $750,000, which brings the total program awards TomSperline to $2,500,000. Most of these funds will eventually return to the City where they can then be Sr. Electrical Inspector re-directed into future housing and community development projects for the citizens of Port (4735] Angeles. It should also be noted, that because of the success of the Port Angeles effort, the Scott McLain community of Forks was awarded a similar grant last year to begin a program in that Power Manager (4703J community, and this year, Clallam County has received an award. The Forks and Clallam Ralph Ellsworth County-programs have been specifically modeled after ours, and will utilize and share the cost Water, Wastewater of the technical/administrative capacity which the City/Community Action program has Correction Superintendent [4855] developed and fine-tuned in Phases 1, II and III. Pete Burrell There will be a brief presentation (5-10 minutes) by staff regarding the recent award and Equip. Services Superintendent (4835] program accomplishments to-date. Mark Shamp Light Operations Following this will be another presentation by Public Works and Pam Tietz, Executive Director Manager[4731] for the Housing Authority of Clallam County, regarding the development of a potential Kevin Curtis partnership project (see letter 4/1/98) during Phase IV of the Port Angeles Housing Rehab. Treat. Plant Program. Supervisor (4845) Tom McCabe / SW Collection Supervisor(48761 Timothy J. Smith Steve Evans Contracts/Projects Administrator Landfill Supervisor W 873J ave Wilcox Street Maintenance Supervisor [4825] C:\DATA\WP\WP60\PAHRP.IV\OiOI—Dl.WPD �aE s'CAT Op o {� e $ v �y1 lase aC STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY, TRADE AND ECONOMIC r3DE 60) s3 OP MENT 906 Columbia St. SW • p0 Box 48300 • Olympia, Washington 98504-8300 March 18, 1998 Jeffrey A. Pomeranz Manager, City of Port Angeles Post Office Box 1150 Port Angeles, Washington 98362 Dear Mr. Pomeranz: I am pleased that the City of Port Angeles has been selected by the Washington State Department of Community, Trade and Economic Development (CTED) to receive up to $750,000 in Community Development l Dfunds or s eare ��y forward to working with you an your city on this worthwhile project. This letter our office to begin incurring costs, as of March 16, 1998, for the following activities contained in the project application: • Administration including staffing, travel, and other administrative expenses; Environmental studies; Preliminary. engineering feasibility studies to the extent needed for environmental assessment; and Professional service contracts for any of the above activities. This list includes only those activities that are needed to begin your project and that do not require an environmental review. Costs for activities that require an environmental review cannot be incurred until specific procedures required by the h stion it Environmental Section 6 Policy Act have been completed and the time period for public review "Environmental Review Requirements" of the CDBG Management Handbook Handbook is enclosed.ibhow the City of Port Angeles can meet these requirements. A copy of the Costs incurred for the eligible activities listed above will be reimbursed by CTED once a contract agreement between the Department and the City of Port Angeles has been formally executed. In addition, please be certain that all incurred he Management Handbook). and 5 of eral requirements (see Section 1 - contract boilerplate o 9 the CDBG Management Handbook outlines the required procurement procedures for hiring any consulting, engineering, or other professional services. In the event that work is started on the basis of this letter, the terms and met irements in it and the requirements in the The maximum amount of costs incurred cannot Management Handbook must be exceed $75,000 until the contract is in place. 0 • 0 Is Jeffrey A. Pomeranz March 5, 1997 Page Two Prior to signing the contract between the Department and the City of Port Angeles, the city must: Submit income survey documentation if an income survey was conducted to determine percentage of low-income beneficiaries; • Submit a completed and signed Title VI certification (Attachment 10-A in Section 10 of the CDBG Management Handbook) stating the needs of protected groups within the community or target area have been analyzed; • Develop and adopt a Residential Anti -displacement and Relocation Assistance Plan (Attachment 11-A in Section 11 of the CDBG Management Handbook); and Develop and adopt a policy prohibiting the excessive use of force and enforcing applicable state and local laws. Model documents to assist you in developing a Title VI Certification, Residential Anti - displacement and Relocation Assistance Plan and a policy prohibiting the excessive use of force by law enforcement agencies are enclosed. I congratulate you and others in your city for your efforts thus far. Staff within our program are available to help you with your project. If you have any questions about this letter or grant, please contact Kaaren Roe at (360) 586-6925. Sincerely, Sandra L. B€nbrook Assistant Director Enclosures c: i HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE COUNTY OF CLALLAM 2603 South Francis Street Port Angeles, WA 98362 (360) 452-7631= (360) 457-7001 Fax April 1, 1998 City of Port Angeles P.O. Box 1150 Port Angeles, WA 98362 Dear City Council Members: As most of you are probably aware over the last couple of years, the Housing Authority of the County of Clallam (HACC) has been investigating the feasibility of converting the Lee Hotel and Lee Annex into affordable housing. Up until recently, the cost and unavailability of funding were significant barriers to accomplishing such an enterprise. Through dedication, hard work and enthusiasm, I believe that I have devised a method that could accomplish both the extensive rehabilitation of these historically significant structures while also providing affordable housing • in the downtown area. 0 I have enclosed, for your information an excerpt from the Housing Trust Fund application which outlines the proposed project. As you can see, we anticipate being able maintain the historical quality of the building while still creating 48 units of affordable housing with rents in the $150 - $160 range and over 8,000 square feet of commercial space. Twenty percent (20%) of the residential units will be set aside for the disabled and we anticipate adopting an admission preference for elderly applicants (allowing application for all low income households but renting first to those 55 and older) for all remaining units. Use of commercial space could be determined during the project development. With your help, and through the use of the following sources of funds, I believe that we can access sufficient capital to purchase the building, rehabilitate it into a combination of commercial and residential space, and maintain it as such for the next 50 years: Washington Community Development Loan Fund Washington State Housing Finance Commission Tax Credit Program Federal Home Loan Bank (application to be submitted by First Federal Savings & Loan) Washington State Housing Trust Fund Affordable Housing Program City of Port Angeles Rehabilitation Program • 2na w 8 fjFJ9Ci Port Angeles Downtown Association Terry Roth. President Phone/Fax (360) 457-9614 P.O. Box 582 Port Angeles. WA 98362 April 3, 1998 Ms. Pamela Tietz Executive Director Housing Authority of the County of Clallam 2603 South Francis Port Angeles, WA 98362 Dear Ms. Tietz: The Port Angeles Downtown Association's "Main Street" revitalization program encourages new uses for old spaces in our historic structures, Downtown. Upper story residential combined with retail street -level space is not only desirable for Downtown but is highly beneficial to revitalization efforts. The proposed Lee Hotel project, as presented to the Board of Directors on April 1, 1998, provides needed affordable housing for the community while rehabilitating the structure, one of the City's architecturally significant historic buildings. The Board of Directors, at the April 1 meeting, adopted the following resolution: "Whereas downtown housing is key to successful revitalization efforts, be it resolved that the Port Angeles Downtown Association whole heartily supports the Housing Authority's efforts to create affordable housing within the Downtown core." We wish you continued progress and success in this important project for Downtown. Page 2 a By coordinating all these funding sources, we can attain a sufficient level of funding to complete this project in a manner that will sustain the building over a long period of time. Local commitment (by the City of Port Angeles) will be key to accessing the other sources of funding. I am requesting your support of this endeavor by asking that you formally amend the Port Angeles Housing Rehabilitation Program guidelines to provide access to non -profits like the Housing Authority to the Rehabilitation Program funds for use in the renovation of multi -family structures. Specifically, I am asking that the City of Port Angeles Rehabilitation Program support the Lee Hotel development by providing $250,000 of funding towards the construction costs. The Rehabilitation funding would be utilized only if other funding is secured and the project goes forward. Anticipating the need for their support, I have presented the proposed development of the Lee Hotel to the Downtown Association and have obtained their wholehearted support of the proposal. The Executive Board of the Downtown Association passed a resolution and wrote a letter of support for use in funding applications the Housing Authority anticipates submitting. In addition, I am scheduled to present the project to the Downtown Forward Advisory Committee at a special meeting on April 6, 1998. Current status of the development project is as follows: 1. The Housing Authority has tendered offers on both properties. Final agreement has not been reached at this time. 2. Funding applications have been submitted to the Washington Community Development Loan Fund for predevelopment funds and to the Housing Trust Fund to support acquisition and construction costs. 3. The Federal Home Loan Bank application is due April 15, 1998. 4. The Tax Credit application is Due April 28, 1998. Each of the sources of funding is extremely competitive. There is no guarantee that we will be successful; however, I believe that the nature of the project lends itself to scoring high in the required criteria. If I had to guess, I would guess that we have a better than average chance of securing the funds. I believe that we can accomplish both affordable housing and downtown revitalization through this innovative solution. I plan to attend the City Council Meeting on April 7th and look forward to discussing these issues with you and answering your questions. I hope you will support the concept. If you have any questions prior to the April 7th meeting, please do not hesitate to contact me at 452-7631, extension 22. Sincerely, Pamela J. Tietz, PHM Executive Director Enclosure J�� Housing Authority of the County of Clallam Lee Hotel Physical and Structural Components The Housing Authority of the County of Clallam proposes to purchase and rehabilitate two structures located in downtown Port Angeles known as the Lee Hotel and the Lee Annex. These two properties are interconnected; however, they are owned by separate parties. The properties combined, include 150 feet of store -front in downtown Port Angeles. With the exception of two of these store fronts, both structures have been vacant for a number of years. Both the Lee and the Annex are local landmarks. Although not designated "historic buildings," both have a tremendous historic significance for the community. Lee Hotel History Built in the late 1920's, the Lee Hotel was once a popular destination hotel and nightclub. Views of the Straight of Juan De Fuca and active nightlife attracted many celebrities and vacationers. Most recently (until 1989) the Lee was the home for a popular Chinese restaurant. The forty-eight hotel units have been vacant since 1970. The hotel as currently configured, has approximately 23,000 square feet (excluding the full unfinished basement) comprised of a main floor containing a restaurant, bar and dance floor; a half -floor mezzanine with private dining facilities and offices and three floors of hotel rooms. Each of the three ! upper floors of living space contain 5,100 square feet with 16 rooms, each with a full bath. Some rooms were equipped with kitchenettes. The building has deteriorated significantly, Vandalism, a leaking roof and general neglect have contributed to this deterioration. The City of Port Angeles, Building Division, has recently taken action to require the owners to take steps necessary to prevent further damage and to reduce the risk of arson or injury to persons in the community. If the owners fail to comply, it could lead to condemnation of the building. Annex History The Annex was built approximately one year after the Lee Hotel as an expansion of the hotel by a developer who then leased the building back to the owners of the Lee Hotel (which explains why there are two separate owners even though the structures are connected). The Annex as currently configured has approximately 13,000 square feet (excluding full unfinished basement) comprised of a main floor containing two retail shops, and three floors of hotel rooms. Each of the three upper floors of living space contain approximately 3,250 square feet with approximately 5-7 rooms on each floor. Some rooms were equipped with kitchenettes. The Annex is in considerably better shape than the Lee Hotel. Current owners have taken steps to detou vandalism and to stop deterioration of the structure. 4 26-2 Housing Authority of the County of Claitam Lee Hotel } Structural Characteristics Please reference Stickney &Murphy site visit report included under TAB 2. Proaosed Rehabilitation Preliminary investigation identifies that major renovation of the structures will be required as they have been vacant for over fifteen years and continually deteriorating. In order to convert the sites from hotels to an apartment complex, major demolition of interior structures/systems will need to occur. New major systems include: electrical, plumbing, heating, elevator, fire, etc. In addition, the building will need to remove and re -install existing interior partitions, add all new kitchen and bath spaces, install floor coverings, windows, paint, weatherization, appliances, and restore the building facade. The full scope of work will be determined by completing structural and architectural analysis during the development period. Status of DueDiligence on Rehabilitation Issues Trilogy Group, Inc. has completed a preliminary Due Diligence Assessment Report of the Lee Hotel and the adjoining Annex. The sole purpose of this summary is to assess and identify the required reports necessary to move forward with the reconstruction of the property. To identify potential issues as it relates to hazardous materials, asbestos and lead -base paint, it will be necessary to have a Phase I and Phase II Environmental Assessment report completed by a qualified firm. In addition, due to significant issues as it relates to the overall structural integrity of the buildings. it will be necessary to have a structural engineer inspect and complete a detailed structural analysis. Approximately two years ago a company called Mid -State Land complete a detailed structural analysis of the structures; however, they have refused to provide or sell the reports to the Housing Authority. During the month of February, 1998, the Housing Authority had a structural engineer, Craig Owens, conduct a preliminary walk-through of the building. Mr. Owen's did not provide formal report; however, he has indicated to the Housing Authority that the structural damage he witnessed was definitely in a condition which could be restored. It is my understanding that as a result of the City of Port Angeles most recent building inspection, the current owner of the Lee Hotel has contracted Mr. Owens to complete a detailed structural report. The report has not yet been completed; however, we will attempt to obtained the report when it is available. A soils engineer should also be contracted to ascertain the condition of the hill at the rear of the project. After an on-site inspection, the engineer should complete a geo-technical report, which indicates the condition of the hill and the required remediation, if applicable. Again, approximately two years ago, Mid -State Land completed soils reports on the hillside. Although the company also refused to provide or sell copies of the reports to the Housing Authority, verbal discussions indicated that there was not a significant problem at that time. 0 Housing Authority of the County of Clallam Lee Hotel Based on as -built drawings, Trilogy Group, Inc is preparing preliminary designs for unit configuration. Design will be subject to change based on final structural engineering reports. Number of Configuration of Units We are anticipating that the development, as completed, will include 48 units (18 studios and 30 1 - bedroom units) and approximately 8,000 square feet of commercial space. This mix is an estimate and may be changed based on further architectural analysis. Approximately 30% of the commercial space will be rented out as retail or office space at market value.. We anticipate that the remaining 70% of commercial space will be utilized to provide office space for providers willing to offer supportive services for building residents. The basement that spans the length of both buildings will be utilized to house building maintenance and resident storage lockers. Square Footage of the Project The total of residential and commercial square footage is approximately 36,000 square feet. Of this total, approximately 28,000 is residential space and 8,000 is commercial space. Approximately 8,000 square feet of basement space also exists. Location in the Community The site is located in the heart of the downtown area on one of the two main streets. The buildings are situated on a level street; however, a bank juts up immediately behind the structures which rises to a height approximately level with the roof of the four story building. The first floor of the rear of the structures abuts the hillside. Lot dimensions total 150 feet wide (100 ft Lee, 50 ft. Annex) by 140 feet deep (from the street to the hillside). Zoning of the site is "Central Business District" which allows for multifamily housing. To the east of the site is a retail clothing store, to the. west and to the north are several retail variety shops, and ori the top of the bluff to the south of the building is a mixed neighborhood of hotels, multi -family units and single family residences. Access to Essential Community Services The Lee Hotel/Annex are located downtown and provide unlimited access to shopping, transportation, medical, social services, employment centers, etc. City water and sewer are available to the building. • City Manager's Office Memorandum Jeffrey A. Pomeranz City Manager 40 Sharon "Sam" Martin Exec. Admin. Assistant Becky J. Upton, CMC City Clerk/ Management Assistant Robert Coons Human Resources Manager Camille Headrick Human Resources Assistant April 1, 1998 TO: FROM: SUBJECT Manager Pomeranz, Mayor Braun and City Council Becky J. Upton, City Clerk/Management Assistant V Appointments to Boards and Commissions Recommendation: It is recommended that the City Council make one appointment each to the Planning Commission; the Parks, Recreation & Beautification Commission; the Building Code Board of Appeals; and the Civil Service Commission to fill current vacancies as set forth below. Planning Commission: One position for the term ending, March 1, 2002: Applicants Interviewed: Paul Ziakin Leanne Jenkins David Johnson Holly Kaas Parks Recreation & Beautification Commission: One position for the term ending March 1, 2002: Applicants Interviewed: Patsy Feeley Paul Ziakin David Johnson Matthew Kirsch Holly Kaas Penny Beane Melody Charno Michael Reetz Building Code Board of Appeals: One position for the term ending March 1, 2002: Applicants Interviewed: Paul Ziakin David Johnson Paul Howe Johnie Key Mark Lenz Civil Service Commission: One position for the term ending March 1, 2002: Applicants Interviewed: Patsy Feeley George Bower Mack Campbell Please be reminded that some individuals expressed interest in more than one Board or Commission. • • �'j,)r 22V "Maintaining and building a better community" Jack Pittis Director[4801] Phyllis Resler Administrative Assistant [4800] Cate Rinehart Administrative Assistant [4700] Bob Titus Deputy Director(4701] Ken Ridout Deputy Director [4802] Gary Kenworthy City Engineer [4803] Tim Sm" Contract 6 Project Administrator (4804] Lou Haehnlen r. Building Inspector 161 Tom Tom Spedine Sr Electrical Inspector (4735] Scott McLain Power Manager [4703] Ralph Ellsworth Water, Wastewater Collection Superintendent (4855] Pete Burreff Equip. Services Superintendent [4835] Marc Shamp Light Operations Manager[4731] Kevin Curtis Treat. Plant Supervisor [4845] Tom McCabe SW Collection Supervisor (4876] Steve Evans Landnll supervisor [4873] Dave Wilcox Street Maintenance 0upervisor (4825] JiI 77A Lel ; f " 1 6: f 0-111 iTT - DATE: APRIL 7, 1998 TO: MAYOR BRAUN AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: JACK PITTIS, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS SUBJECT: PORT ANGELES WORKS - NEXT STEPS Jeff has asked that I prepare a draft of some ideas for your review related to the tasks or steps needed to make Port Angeles Works a reality. These ideas are intended to initiate some additional ideas that you may have on the subject. The Council and staff have not had much opportunity to discuss this issue, so please excuse me if some areas may be a little off the wall. I am sure that Jeff will add his last bit of instruction at the April 7th meeting as well. Listed below are some of the steps that could be taken in moving forward with the Economic Development Steering Committee. I have also attached a copy of the ordinance and memo that established the committee. A. City Council adopt the ordinance establishing the Economic Development Steering Committee. B. City Council select the three council members to be on the committee. C. Council confirm the role, time line and budget of the Economic Development Steering Committee (see section 2.66.050 of the ordinance) 1. Establish the time frame for the effort (3 to 5 years) 2. Confirm the budget to be used. (or wait and do it in conjunction with Action Plan review and adoption) 3. Citizen/business members (5) should consist of respected policy makers within the community that can work together. 4. How much implementation should the committee try to accomplish? Suggest that staffs of Port/EDC/contractor and City be charged with implementation of committee/City Council policies and Action Plan. 5. Committee recommend approval of Action Plan to City Council 6. Suggest that committee meet quarterly (could help attract high-level community business leaders who are busy) 7. Committee evaluate efforts and ensure accountability for expenditures. D. How aggressive should City Council and/or Committee be toward encouraging participation of other agencies in this effort? E. Suggest that the Port/EDC and City staffs develop first draft of Action Plan for consideration by the Committee so that they would have something to work with from the beginning. F. Advertise and recruit business/community leaders for the Economic Development Steering Committee. Suggest that City staff develop flyer on role of committee adopted by City Council which can then be used to assist in recruiting for the committee. G. Interview and select the business/community members for the Economic Development Steering Committee. H. The Economic Development Steering Committee/City Council adopts Action Plan and method of implementation, whether by local agencies, by a separate contractor or a combination of methods. Disk: N:\COUNCIL\ECON SC\IDEAS.498 File: Economic Development Steering Committee Attachments: Ordinance Copy: Jeff City Attorney's Office Memorandum Craig D. Knutson City Attorney Dennis C. Dickson Sr. Assistant City Attorney Candace Kreider Legal Assistant Chrystina Bruneau Administrative Assistant Jeanie DeFrang Administrative Assistant • February 27, 1998 TO: City Council FROM: Craig D. Knutson, City Attorney I MI =;W011163111 57M 1011W.14 Summary/Recommendation: At its recent goal setting session, the City Council determined that it is necessary and appropriate to create a steering committee for the purpose of establishing an economic development program for Port Angeles. It is recommended that the City Council adopt the attached ordinance establishing the Port Angeles Works Economic Development Steering Committee. jig: Should the City Council adopt the attached ordinance establishing the Port Angeles Works Economic Development Steering Committee? Background/Analysis: In order to effectively utilize the $300,000 donation from Rayonier, Inc. for an economic development effort sometimes referred to as "Port Angeles Works", the City Council and City Manager have determined that creating a steering committee would be an effective way to establish an economic development program for Port Angeles. The attached ordinance would create a nine member Economic Development Steering Committee, consisting of three Council members, five Port Angeles citizens or business representatives, and one representative of the Port of Port Angeles. The Committee would act in an advisory capacity to the City Council. It would investigate economic development opportunities, make recommendations to the Council as to prioritizing such opportunities, and develop and monitor an action plan for implementing the Council's priorities. The Committee would also be charge with coordinating its efforts with other economic development groups within Clall County and the Olympic Peninsula. February 27, 1998 , Page 2 • Also attached as background information are materials provided by the City of Forks related to its Economic Development Steering Committee. The materials include an ordinance creating Forks' Committee as well as the Committee's statements of its mission, goal, objectives, and expectations. Craig D. Kn on City Attorney CDK:jd Attachments ORDINANCE NO. 2982 4 AN ORDINANCE of the City of port Angeles, Washington, establishing the Economic Development Steering Committee, defining its membership, duties and organization, and adding a new Chapter 2.66 to the Port Angeles Municipal Code. WHEREAS, the City of Port Angeles has received from Rayonier, Inc. a $300,000 donation for the purpose of establishing an economic development program sometimes referred to as "Port Angeles Works"; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that it is necessary and appropriate to establish an economic development steering committee for the purpose of investigating and making recommendations to the City Council as to economic development opportunities that would benefit the Port Angeles economy; and WHEREAS, pursuant to RCW 35.21.703, the State legislature has declared it a public purpose for cities to engage in economic development programs; NOW. THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES DOES HEREBY ORDAIN as follows: Section 1. A new Chapter 2.66 is hereby created and added to Title 2 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code to read as follows: 266.010 M• 2. 11V - �141U.MvL�xte Created .• 1'1 Organization •• 1 1Duties • 2,66.010 - Puroos�. The declared purpose of this Chapter is to establish an economic development steering committee to be constituted and have the duties as set forth herein. The recommendations to the City Council n Economic Development Steering Committee will make pportunities for the benefit of the economy of Port matters related to economic development o Angeles and on other matters as may be referred to the Committee by the City Council. 2-66.020 Com mitteeCreat • There is hereby created the Port Angeles .Works ich shall be constituted, organized, and have the Economic Development Steering Committee. wh "duties as set forth in this Chapter. 66 030 - \Iem)ershiR. A. Composition. The Economic Development Steering Committee shall be composed of the following nine members: 1. Three City Council members. Five members who are residents of the City or representatives of businesses within the City. 3. e of the Port of Port Angeles. One member who is a representativ B. Terms. 1. The term of office shall be one year. 2. Members may be appointed by the City Council for successive terms. ;. Appointments to fill in unexpired terms shall be only for the remainder of that term, after which a reappointment may be mak., 66 040 - Ora anization. A. - The chairperson of the Committee shall be one of the three Council members. The vice chairperson shall be one of the other two Council members. B. The City `'Tanager shall designate Citv staff to provide administrative support for the Committee, including being responsible for written minutes of the Committee's meetings, publication of meeting notices, and other administrative and clerical functions for the Committee. C. The Committee shall hold meetings as deemed necessary by the Committee and the Citv Council to carry out its duties. All meetings shall be conducted in Act. Chapter 0 compliance with the Open Public Meetings nduct of offic al business Five members shall constitute a quorum for the co 2 231 2 66 050 - Duties. The duties of the Committee shall include the following: A. Act in an advisory capacity to the City Council in striving to improve the Port Angeles economy by facilitating and encouraging the development of economic opportunities in the industrial, commercial and public sectors, as may be determined by the Committee and the Council to be most appropriate for and capable of creating a stable, healthy and diversified employment base. B. Review and investigate economic development opportunities that will benefit the economy of Port Angeles, make recommendations to the City Council as to prioritization of such opportunities, recommend to the City Council an action mic development priorities, and assist the plan for achieving the City's econo City Council in implementing and monitoring said action plan. C. Coordinate the Committee's efforts with other economic development groups within Clallam County and the Olympic Peninsula. Section 2. Severability. If any provisions of this Ordinance, or its application to any • person or circumstances, is held invalid, the remainder of the Ordinance, or application of the provisions of the Ordinance to other persons or circumstances, is not effected. o Section 3 -Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect five days after the date of publication. PASSED by the City Council of the Citv of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 3rd day of March. 1998. ATTEST: A0 _. Oh 96A, PUBLISHED: 'March 8, 1998 By Summary ;8.03 i MAYOR APPROVED AS TO FORM: Craig D. tso , City Attorney -3- •,ren • • March 27, 1998 To: - Interim Manager Pittis, Mayor Braun and Council Fr: Scott Brodhun, Parks & Recreation Director Re: Selection of an Architect to perform William Shore Pool Feasibility Study ISSUE: Should Council authorize staff to negotiate a contract with ARC Architects for pool feasibility and renovation project? BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS: A consultant selection team consisting of Councilmen Dolye and Wiggins, Park Board member Diana Tschimperle, former Port Angeles swim coach and school teacher Don Fairbairn, former Park Board chairman Len Beil, Port Angeles School District representative Jim Widsteen and Recreation Manager Hicks, interviewed four architectural firms on March 25. Those firms receiving interviews were as follows: * Lindberg Architects * Calvin Jordan Associates * ORB Organization * ARC Architects All of the firms interviewed presented a professional approach toward conducting a feasibility study for possible renovations and/or improvements to the William Shore Pool. The firms expressed an excellent understanding of public involvement, a project with limited resources, as well as a general understanding of the project. The firm of ARC Architects presented a very energetic and logical approach. They have experience in similar projects involving renovation of aquatic facilities. Additionally, ARC has excellent procedures developed to track project costs and keep change orders to a minimum. Specifically, the selection committee identified the following as major strengths of the firm ARC. * ARC has assembled a team which includes two local firms, Polaris Engineering and Mike Gentry, AIA. * The firm displayed a high level of energy and showed excitement relative to the architectural attributes of the existing facility. * Projects which the firm has been involved with have excellent records in staying within budget and maintaining low levels of change orders. * ARC displayed a very good understanding of the project by examining the facility beforehand. * The firm had a very good working relationship with the City on the Senior Services Community Center project and performed well with the steering committee. RECOMMENDATION: The Pool Project Steering Committee recommends that the City Council authorize the staff to negotiate a contract with ARC Architects. • L J E 234 City Manager's Office Memorandum Jeffrev A. Pomeranz City Manager Sharon "Sam" Martin Exec. Admin. Assistant Becky J. Upton, CMC Citv Clerk/ Management Assistant Bob Coons Human Resources Manager Camille Headrick Human Resources Assistant L April 1, 1998 TO: Mayor Braun and City Council Members FROM: Bob Coons, Human Resources Manager RE: Appointment of Acting City Manager The City Council needs to make an appointment for Acting City Manager for the period of time the position is vacant following the departure of Jeff Pomeranz. It is my understanding that Jack Pittis was selected by Manager Pomeranz to become Acting City Manager. However, this action needs City Council approval for the appointment, as well as setting the salary level. For City Council consideration, I have prepared the attached Personnel Action form appointing Jack Pittis as Acting City Manager, effective 03/30/98, with a salary increase of 7.5% above his present salary. This salary represents an increase of $515 per month. It is my understanding this out -of -class pay was agreeable to Manager Pomeranz and Jack Pittis. If the City Council concurs with the appointment and salary level, they need to authorize the Mayor to sign the Personnel Action form. Thank you. Bob Coons, Human Resources Mgr. Attachment cc: Jeff Pomeranz Jack Pittis 2.35 I. GENERAL INFORMATION Employee No. Name Address Home Phone Birthdate Job Title Dept. & Div._ Start Date S.S.# PERSONNEL ACTION FORM Date 04/01/98 FOR CURRENT EMPLOYEES Employee No. Name Jack Pittis Dept. & Div. Public Works & Utilities Job Title PW & Utilities Director II. EMPLOYMENT STATUS (New Employees) ❑ Regular, Full-time ❑ Regular, Part-time ❑ Police Reserve ❑ Volunteer Firefighter ❑ Probationary Appt. Temporary Appointment: From To Hours/Week Pay Rate: Range Step Monthly Rate $ Hourly Rate $ PERSONNEL ACTION REQUESTED ❑ Transfer 0 Promotion ZI Retirement Leave of Absence with Pay ZI Voluntary Resignation 0 Termination Effective Date of Action 03/30/98 Title Change: From Pay Status Change: :1 Merit Increase ZI Longevity Pay Z! Educational Pay 2 Special Pay Adjustment Pay Change: From Range 43 Step 10 To Range 48 Step 7 IV. PAYROLL COMMENTS: Payroll Implemented: Initial Date Recorded: Initial V. ROUTING SIGNATURES Supervisor/Division Head Department Head Human Resource Manager City Manager Reclassification ❑ Layoff ❑ Disability Retirement ❑ Leave of Absence without Pay ❑ Job Title Change ❑ Other/Explain To ZI Other/Explain: Acting City Manager 7.5% increase Monthly $ 6,865 Hourly$ M"onthly $ 7, 3 8 5 Hourly $ Date Date Date Date Z p Rev. 4/97 • 0 PUBLIC HEARINGS (7:00 P.M.) NONE • INFORMATION: 1. Prop osal to dispose of PCB oil and transformers (Page 237) ` 2. Status on International Gateway Project (Page 239) 3. Bonneville Power Administration subscription process status report (Page 241-242) 4. United Way Human Services funding report (Page 243-248) 105. Draft Utility Advisory Committee minutes - March 16, 1998 (Page 249-251) 6. Council agenda format ideas (Page 253-255) 7. Government Financial Officers Association (GFOA) Certificate of Achievement Award (Page 257-260) • "Maintaining and building a better community" Jack Pittis Director (4801] Phyllis Rasler Administrative Assistant [4805] Cate Rinehart Administrative Assistant [4700] Bob Titus Deputy Director (4701] Ken Ridout Deputy Director (4802] Gary Kenworthy City Engineer (4803] Steve Hursh Engineering Manager [4702] Tim Smith 1Pinistrator[48041 ract & Project Lou Haehnlen Sr Building Inspector [4818] Tom Sperline Sr. Electrical Inspector [4735] Scott McLain Power Manager [4703] Ralph Ellsworth Water, Wastewater Collection Superintendent (4855] Pete Burrett Equip. Services Superintendent [4835] Mark Shamp Light Operations Manager (4731] Kevin Curtis Treat. Plant Supervisor [4845] Tom McCabe SW Collection Supervisor (4878] Steve Evans andfil/ Supervisor �731 y i MEMOR![1iD. UM DATE: April 3, 1998 TO: City Manager Pomeranz, Mayor Braun and Council Members FROM: Bob Titus, Deputy Director of Utility Services 40 SUBJECT: Disposal of PCB Contaminated Substation Transformers Over the course of our 4 kV conversion project several old substation transformers were taken out of service. With the completion of the project we no longer have a use for these transformers and because of their age and voltage they have no market value. The City Council previously declared these transformers surplus and the time has come to dispose of them. Because they are PCB contaminated they require special processing and we have a limited period of time to properly dispose of them. The oil in the transformers must be drained into a special tanker truck and hauled away for incineration. The oil -filled bushings must be removed and also transported away for incineration. Finally the transformers themselves must be lifted onto special lowboy trailers for transport to a special hazardous waste landfill. We budgeted $78,000 for this work in the 1998 budget and need to complete some of the disposal by June of this year to comply with federal requirements. This work qualifies as a service (and is environmental work) which is exempt from bidding laws so we asked for a quote from Laidlaw Environmental Services, one of the few national firms that do this kind of work, and with whom we have worked previously. Laidlaw bid $50,565.75 plus tax. The City Council does not need to take any action since a formal bidding process is not required and the cost of disposal will be under that budgeted for in the 1998 budget. We are including this as an information item so that you will know what is occurring prior to it showing up on a future voucher list and raising questions because of the amount. RJT: bt Disk: N:\PVNKS\LIGHT\DIRECTOR\FILES\pcb_memo.doc P-1 43 "Maintaining and building a better community" Jack Plttls Director[4801] Phyllis Rasler Administrative Assistant [4800] Cate Rinehart Administrative Assistant[4700] Bob Titus Deputy Director[4701] Ken Ridout Deputy Director [4802] Gary Kenworthy City Engineer [48031 Tim Smith Contract 8 Project Administrator [4804] Lou Haelinien Building Inspector 16] Tom Spedine Sr. Electrical Inspector [4735] Scott McLain Power Manager [4703] Ralph Ellsworth Water, Wastewater Collection Superintendent [4855] Pete Burrett Equip. Services Superintendent [4835] Mark Shamp Light Operations Manager [4731] Kevin Curtis Treat. Plant Supervisor (4845] Torn McCabe SW Collection Supervisor [4876] Steve Evans Landfill Supervisor (4873] Dave Wilcox treat Maintenance lWipervisor [4825] MEMORANDUM DATE: APRIL 7, 1998 -- TO: CITY MANAGER, MAYOR BRAUN AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: JACK PITTIS, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS SUBJECT: STATUS OF INTERNATIONAL GATEWAY PROJECT PROJECT REVENUES/COSTS A. Estimated costs are $4.9 million B. Revenues to date committed 1. FTA - $2 million 2. TIA - $1.5 million Totals $3.5 million C. Shortfall funding is being pursued from FTA $1 25% ($375,000) million and TIA allowable increases at about PROJECT MANAGEMENT A. Site selection has been made to be in Tidelands East Block B. Had coordination meetings with FTA to clear up confusion with the purchase of Heckman property. 1. Environmental Analysis a. Commitment to perform a historical properties inventory b. Submitted (2/98) request for categorical exclusion related to the property purchase c. Requested a letter of no prejudice which will allow closure of the purchase option with Heckman and provide possibility to reimburse city for funds spent. C. Attended Federal Workshop for management of transit funded projects. D. Will complete in April the application, in coordination with Clallam Transit, needed to access FTA funding for Environmental Assessment. E. Will complete in April the application for TIA funding access. SCHEDULE April Access Funding April Develop plan/agreement for project management responsibilities with partners. May Begin consultant selection process June Select consultant, begin environmental process July Start right of way process July Start design Oc#'-98 Earliest start for construction (optimistic) JaJ-6, Piths Di Dire for of P blit Works J N P:jp Disk: N:IPROJECTS\93-21MM\MEMOS\,STATUS.498 File: Gateway Project Attachments: None Copy: Dan DiGulio, Clallam Transit "Maintaining and building a better community" Jack Pittis Director (4801] Phyllis Rasler Administrative Assistant [4805] Cate Rinehart Administrative Assistant [4700] Bob Titus Deputy Director [470 11 Ken Ridout Deputy Director (4802] Gary Kenworthy City Engineer (4803] Steve Hursh Engineering Manager [4702] Tim Smith ontract 6 Project inistrator (4804] u Haehnlen Sr Building Inspector [4816] Tom Spertine Sr. Electrical Inspector [4735] Scott McLain Power Manager [4703] Ralph Ellsworth Water, Wastewater Collection Superintendent [4855] Pete Burrett Equip. Services Superintendent (4835] Mark Shamp Light Operations Manager [4731] Kevin Curtis Treat. Plant Supervisor [4845] Tom McCabe SW Collection Supervisor [4876] Steve Evans Landfill Supervisor 0 73 DATE: April 3, 1998 TO: City Manager Pomeranz, Mayor Braun and Council Members FROM: Bob Titus, Deputy Director of Utility Services SUBJECT: Issue Paper on BPA Subscription The attached issue paper on the BPA subscription process is for information only. This is ati issue that could require quick action on the part of the UAC and City Council in the future. The issue paper was discussed with the UAC in March. RJT: bt Disk: N:\PWKS\LIGHT\DIRECTOR\FILES\subscipt.doc ISSUE PAPER BPA SUBSCRIPTION The Bonneville Power Administration finds itself in a difficult position on many fronts not the least of which is in the area of power supply. With the bulk of its energy coming from hydro resources, the amount of energy it has to market varies considerably from year to year and seasonally. At the same time most of its public power customers have full or partial requirements contracts that require BPA to supply a variable load. In the past BPA power was below market and it had no trouble selling as much power as it could produce at fret power rates which bring in the highest revenues. When BPA's energy costs went above market, however, it lost load to competitors and was forced to sell increasing amounts of power on the short term or spot market at much lower rates. As they looked to the future they saw this problem growing worse as their contracts with utilities expired. This presented major political problems since by law the first expense that is foregone if revenues don't equal expenses is their treasury payment. As part of the Regional Review, it was suggested that utilities be required to sign long term (30 year) take or pay contracts with BPA as a way to ensure treasury payments and to finance fish and wildlife mitigation measures. Utilities would be required to enter into these contracts without knowing what the costs would be. At the time (1996) BPA's energy costs were above market and expected to remain above market well past 2001 when almost all of BPA's power sales agreements terminated. The fear was that utilities would not sign firm power contracts with BPA for power at above market costs and this would result in a revenue shortfall for BPA. To encourage utilities to sign new contracts, they were threatened with the loss of future preference to federal power that at some point in the future was expected to again be below market. In the year and a half since the Regional Review many of the same issues remain but most in the region realize that all of the tenets espoused in the Regional Review are not practical (30 yr. contracts) or legally enforceable (loss of preference). The reality today is that BPA is content with 3+ year contracts for the period 2001-2006 and that it is a buyers market and contract terms and conditions need to reflect that fact. BPA has pledged to reduce costs and offer power at competitive rates as an inducement to have utilities subscribe to power after 2001. In order to accomplish this, BPA has been working with customer and interest groups to identify a variety of products that would be of interest to their diverse customer base. The subscription process was also expanded to include a pre -subscription offering which raised some new issues. The timing of the subscription process has been a major issue since. BPA didn't want to wait until 2001 to find out what utilities were going to do. As a result they got permission to market a fixed amount of power in the region and a fixed amount of power outside of the region prior to the start of the official subscription process which is currently scheduled to commence after rate hearings this summer. BPA marketed the in -region block of power at current rates and found enough takers to use up the allotted amount of power. This was encouraging to BPA and raised the prospect that if utilities wait too long there might not be federal power left for them to purchase. BPA will set aside a block of power for public power in the subscription process that will commence after the rate hearings. Other blocks of power will be set aside for other customer groups. Since BPA is primarily interested in selling as much power as possible at firm power rates they will be hard pressed to turn down sales to other groups in order to preserve the public power block if sales are slow to public utilities. However, if sales are slow to all groups then utilities that wait to sign new contracts will likely be able to negotiate better contract terms and rates. Obviously, we will need to monitor this situation closely to get the best possible contract. WPAG will be assisting us in this and in fact have been a party to most of the work group sessions associated with the subscription process to date. Until the rate case is concluded it is impossible to determine which products we might want to purchase from BPA and which products or services we might want to purchase on the open market. However, after the rate case is concluded we may need to act rapidly to take advantage of limited opportunities. This issue paper is therefore for information purposes only and is intended to bring the UAC and the City Council up to date so that future decisions can be made more rapidly. 249 United Way of Clallam County April 2, 1998 PO Box 937 Port Angeles, WA 98362-0161 Voice: (360) 457.3011 To: Port Angeles C' t cil Members Fax: (360) 457.0529 From: Patty Hannah Re: 1997 human se vices funding Enclosed is the 1997 year-end report from the agencies which received city of Port Angeles human services funding. I think you will find it interesting. The column farthest to the left is the total number of client contacts, as defined by the agency. The next column is the total number of people served by the agency or program. And on the far right is the number of people who were unable to receive services from the agency and who were not referred to another service provider. In comparing the services to 1996, I first noted that 8 fewer programs received funding in 1997 than in 1996. In looking at just those programs which were funded both years, 1997 saw a 33% increase in the number of clients served. Yet even with this large increase in client load, the agencies reported fewer people were turned away in 1997. I think that speaks very well to their ability and desire to help people in need. In 1997 we began asking the agencies to track the number of Rayonier families seeking help. You can see -that 119 Rayonier families received services. The majority of that help was in free health and -legal services. Your funding of these programs was extremely important for these families. We will continue to - track Rayonier families' usage of services in 1998. The City of Port Angeles allocated $100,011 to these programs in 1997. Approximately half of all people served live within the city. I hope you agree with me that this is a valuable and important use of city money. If there is anything more you would like United Way to be doing in terms of monitoring the agencies' use of your funds or questions you would like addressed in the 1998 six-month report, please let me know. It continues to be a pleasure to work with you in meeting community needs. Thank you for your support. 243 4 ll United Way of Clallam County - 1998 City of Port Angeles Human Services Funding Total-- Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 9,100 2,275.00 2,275.00 2,275.00 2,275.00. 7,700 1,925.00 1,925.00 Agency/Program 1,925.00 Boys & Girls Club 1,925.00 PA West End 1,925.00 Community Action ` Adult Action 875.00 Health .Care Access 875.00 Senior Nutrition 475.00 Concerned Citizens 475.00 DD Access/Advocacy 400 Diversified Industries 100.00 Employment Support 100.00 Residential 1,450.00 Family Planning 1,450.00 Clinic Services 3,100 Community Education 775.00 Middle School Education 775.00 First Step Family Support Center 625.00 Drop -In Center 625.00 Healthy Families 2,500 Exchange Club Center 625.00 Safe Home/Sexual Assault 625.00 Sexual Abuse Treatment 500.00 Lutheran Social Services 500.00 Counseling 4,500 Parent Line 1,125.00 Peninsula Community Mental Health 1,125.00 Crisis Line 1,100.00 Older Adults 1,100.00 Charitable Care 4,500 Peninsula Dispute Resolution Center 1,125.00 Pro Bono Lawyers 1,125.00 YMCA 24,512.50 Scholarships 24,512.50 Summer Camp/Child Care Youth at Risk Program Totals Total-- Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 9,100 2,275.00 2,275.00 2,275.00 2,275.00. 7,700 1,925.00 1,925.00 1,925.00 1,925.00 7,700 1,925.00 1,925.00 1,925.00 1,925.00 3,500 875.00 875.00 875.00 875.00 7,600 1,900.00 1,900.00 1,900.00 1,900.00 3,000 750.00 750.00 750.00 750.00 1,250 312.50 312.50 312.50 312.50 1,800 450.00 450.00 450.00 450.00 1,900 475.00 475.00 475.00 475.00 400 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 7,700 1,925.00 1,925.00 1,925.00 1,925.00 1,500 375.00 375.00 375.00 375.00 13,600 3,400.00 3,400.00 3,400.00 3,400.00 1,000 250.00 250.00 250.00 250.00 250 62.50 62.50 62.50 62.50 750 187.50 187.50 187.50 187.50 5,800 1,450.00 1,450.00 1,450.00 1,450.00 3,100 775.00 775.00 775.00 775.00 2,500 625.00 625.00 625.00 625.00 2,500 625.00 625.00 625.00 625.00 2,000 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 4,500 1,125.00 1,125.00 1,125.00 1,125.00 4,400 1,100.00 1,100.00 1,100.00 1,100.00 4,500 1,125.00 1,125.00 1,125.00 1,125.00 98,050 24,512.50 24,512.50 24,512.50 24,512.50 United Way 1,961 490.25 490.25 490.25 490.25 GRANTS TOTAL 100,011 25,002.75 25,002.75 25,002.75 25,002.75 United Way of Clallam County - City of Port Angeles Human Services Report - 12 Months Ending December 1997 ETHNICITY GENDER RAYONIER CLIENTS Not AGENCY TOTAL TOTAL RESIDENCE Nat EMP CONT UNDUP Uninc Referred Referred BI k # mer Hisp they Fem Male Page 1 a 0 2 3 1 6 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 60 76 0 01 0 Seq PA Forks Cnt auc ac Program Community Action Council 6 mo 24 19 1 10 0 8 19 1 14 19 5 9 Adult Action Center 28 6 15 1 6 27 12 mo 38 6 mo 148 116 15 81 2 3 94 1 1 1 3 3 4 2 6 63 81 53 82 Health Care Access 163 22 122 12 7 149 12 mo 217 6 mo 24471 944 221 550 18 92 650 0 49 62 5 8 240 445 606 847 338 451 Senior Nutrition 12 mo 48789 1379 349 782 112 136 864 0 Concerned Citizens 13 32 6 mo 1080 45 0 29 16 0 30 0 67 0 6 3 0 2 0 0 38 34 DD Advocacy 12 mo 1107 72 1 65 4 2 Diversified Industries 21 1 9 13 Residential 6 mo 22 22 22 22 22 21 1 8 t4 12 mo 22 Family Planning Services 6 mo 836 578 115 405 23 35 528 4 9 14 14 25 23 35 578 894 8 Clinic Services 12 mo 1462 894 187 626 45 36 813 7 388 209 Community/Peer Education 6 mo 2068 597 120 477 907 680 454 12 mo 4105 1134 227 First Step Family Support Center 214 38 "- Drop -In Center 6 m 559 252 10 42 239 413 0 1 3 4 417 3 30 9 1 387 73 12 m 2202 460 � L7 Page 1 a 0 2 3 1 6 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 60 76 0 01 0 City of Port Angelesn Services Report - 12 Months Ending December 1997 United Way of Clailam County - UNSERVED ETHNICITY GENDER RAYONIER CLIENTS Not AGENCY TOTAL TOTAL RESIDENCE Uninc Nat EMP # Referred Referred CONT UNDUP Forks Cnty auc Black mer Hisp they Fern Male Seq PA Pro ram Healthy Families of Ciallam County 0 102 60 1 0 0 Exchange Club 6 mo 2120 162 30 86 44 157 4 15 1 8 38 142 44 4 19 102 267 7 0 201 121 12 mo 3291 322 3 0 0 6 mo 2784 127 8 102 4 13 116 5 3 2 172 5 6 4 1 33 94 3 59 131 5 Intensive Outpatient 12 mo 5504 190 36 152 0 2 0 6 mo 13 12 1 12 0 0 11 1 1 0 10 0 1 0 p 2 11 0 2 g 0 0 3 Interim Pre -Treatment 11 11 9 2 0 0 12 mo 493 262 47 159 0 35 223 3 19 3 5 15 186 76 22 434 139 3 29 0 Safehome/Sexual Assault 6 mo 573 91 332 3 100 503 3 40 12 mo 1020 4 0 8 0 Abuse Treatment Plan mo 104 15 1 10 26 0 4 14 0 1 0 0 11 39 0 3 0 0 11 0 31 11 0 9 1 Sexual 12 mo 170 2 42 5 Port Angeles DARE Program 2 mo 1800 1800 1800 T 1 Peninsula Community Mental Healt 96 36 2 0 0 6 mo 132 132 7 44 23 35 0 1 0 0 0 3 1 185 61 0 297 222 140 2 Crisis Line 12 mo 362 362 26 94 0 31 0 6 mo 9581 540 131 302 .0 101 491 2 25 15 38 16 7 262 278 9 377 388 2 2 43 Charitable Care 12 mo 10364 765 188 437 2 138 69 4 0 6 mo 2157 170 65 87 4 6 0 17 160 0 5 0 6 0 129 41 0 179 72 0 0 1 Older Adults 12 mo 4128 251 111 117 0 23 240 0 0 75 44 5 32 0 7 38 1 4 1 1 0 13 gt 1 22 48 0 0 �. Jail Services 6 mo 12 mo 126 70 10 47 0 13 62 1 5 i Page 2 I age 3 it Human Services Report - 12 Months Ending December 1997 United Way of Clallam County - City of Port Angeles UNSERVED ETHNICITY GENDER RAYONIER CLIENTSNot TOTAL TOTAL RESIDENCE Nat EMP AGENCY CONT UNDUP Uninc Black mer Hisp they Fern Male Male Referred Referred Seq PA Forks Cnty auc Program Peninsula Dispute Resolution Cente 2 10 0 38 140 11 37 292 0 7 9 0 0 123 176 1 0 252 391 2 10 Dispute Resolution Services mo 1789 309 96 295 15 40 606 0 12 6 mo 494 363 42 159 15 136 278 3 22 10 52 8 52 232 131 19 217 540 28 51 0 24 173 Pro Bono Lawyers 12 mo 1650 825 122 364 38 230 527 Serenity House 5 0 40 104 21 17 Emergency Shelter 6 mo 297 8 38 99 5 0 127 14 4 328 1 11 10 31 9 7 99 286 35 39 12 mo 421 385 385 16 YMCA 40 5 6 268 443 Outreach to Teens At -Risk mo 242 1711 60 1665 0 685 16 119 4 8 409 666 12 mo 6198 10 Scholarships 6 mo 673 673 1175 12 mo 96 176 5 Summer Camp/Child Care 6 mo 11400 272 16 2B2 4 3 7 154 143 12 mo 297 130 765 Youth Sports 6 mo 895 660 990 12 mo 1650 rn 6 m 65056 9194 5697 884 5697 104 596 3654 25 448 63 397 3608 118 1052 6595 3114 4945 132 20 85 44 119 30 TOTALS 12 93193 12194 1653 269 1046 6556 67 469 age 3 it UTMITY ADVISORY CONED rrEE Port Angeles, Washington March 16, 1998 I. Call to Order: Chairman Doyle called the meeting to order at 3:05 p.m. Draft II. Roll Call.- Members all.Members Present: Councilmen Campbell, Doyle, and Williams, Bill Myers and Joe Michalczik. Members Absent: None. Staff Present: C. Knutson, J. Pittis, K. Ridout, B. Titus, C. Hagar, and D. Sawyer. III. Approval of Minutes: Joe Michalmik moved to approve the minutes of the February 24, 1998, meeting. Bill Myers seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. IV. Discussion Items: A. Marine Bluff Issues Public Works Director Pittis explained that he had discussed marine bluff issues with Attorney Knutson and Planning Director Collins. Marine bluff issues impact the City's storm water, sewer, and electrical systems; therefore,. the UAC is being asked to give direction to staff regarding policy issues. Director Pittis then reviewed the information contained in the packet and asked Dave Sawyer, Senior Planner, for input regarding a geotechnical study of the marine bluff. Mr. Sawyer stated he had not had the opportunity to discuss the study with Planning Director Collins, therefore, he did not know how he planned on financing it. Currently, the Environmentally Sensitive Areas (ESA) ordinance states that, before development occurs on the marine bluff, it must first be determined if it will be within the 50 -foot buffer of the edge of the bluff. If development is to be outside the 50 -foot buffer, a letter from an engineer stating it is safe to develop within that area will be accepted by staff. Mr. Sawyer then explained the remainder of the process in developing bluff areas. Mr. Sawyer felt that, in view of letters received from the Port and private property owners, a coordinated effort to look at the marine bluff may make sense. This would enable the City to -1- 243 Utility Advisory Committee March 16, 1998 have an overall, coordinated report for the bluff, rather than piecemeal reports which would be more expensive to the property owners. Discussion followed. Councilman Doyle was concerned that, if the City performed the study for the marine bluff, it would be liable to perform geotechnical studies for any and all problem areas in the City. Councilman Williams informed the Committee that he had spoken to Bob Freitag at FEMA, who informed him of a pilot program that covers this type of situation. Councilman Williams suggested staff seek FEMA funds to help defray the expenses of a geotechnical study. Director Pittis stated that the City is not liable for damage caused by mud slides, especially when they occur on private property. However, it would be in the City's best interest to be involved in preventing them if at all possible. Therefore, he felt the City could take an active role in procuring a geotechnical study and taking steps to prevent more slide damage. Attorney Knutson stated that private citizens could not be forced to participate in funding a study; however, the City could provide an incentive. If FEMA funding is obtained, it could be used as matching funds for areas where residents are willing to financially participate in the study. After further discussion, it was the general consensus of the Committee that staff should investigate possible FEMA funding and return this item to a future UAC meeting. B. Landfill Financial Analysis - Revenue Options (Jefferson County Disposal) [Continued from Meeting of February 24, 1998] 0 Director Pittis stated he and Finance Director Godbey had met with Jefferson County staff, Klara Fabry and Frank Hall, .regarding the price per ton for use of the Port Angeles landfill. Also, he had sent them a letter stating the City's lowest rate for tipping fees is $40 and asking if there was room for negotiation. Director Pittis stated there are two options being explored: 1) an interlocal agreement between Port Angeles and .Jefferson County, or 2) Jefferson County's contractors would ask for a, rate from the City.. Director Pittis indicated he discussed the possibility of increasing the rate higher than Jefferson County's original proposal of $21.15 by allowing the City to share in the transportation cost savings. Ms. Fabry thought this might be possible. Discussion followed, and Director Pittis responded to questions from the Committee. Joe Michalczik felt it was unfair to charge residents $63 per ton and Jefferson County a much lower rate. Director Pittis explained that landfill rates are based on a cost of service. City and County residents having been using the landfill over a period of many years, and they should pay a share of landfill closure and clean up. Jefferson County is not liable for these past expenses; therefore, they could be charged a lower rate. Attorney Knutson reminded the Committee that the landfill users can be given a reduction in rates based on the money made from Jefferson County. Director Pittis stated the money could also be used to stabilize the container conversion project. Also, if the landfill must close in the year 2000, this money will help pay the shortfall in landfill closure fees. -2- 250 Utility Advisory Committee March 16, 1998 Councilman Doyle asked what it cost the City to handle a ton of garbage. Director Pittis did not have that number, and Councilman Doyle felt this information was needed before a decision could be made on this issue. Director Pittis felt staff could work out the cost, establish a rate, and inform Jefferson County that Port Angeles will offer this rate to any bidders that come to them. Further discussion, ensued and Councilman Campbell asked for a progress report on the composting project, which was provided by Director Pittis and Deputy Director Ridout. Brief discussion followed regarding the container conversion program. Director Pittis stated he would get the necessary information regarding tipping fees and bring this item back to the next meeting. V. Information Only Items A. Issue Paper on BPA Subscription Bob Titus, Deputy Director of Utility Services, distributed a handout on Subscription Principles received from Bonneville. This gives more information on the subject. This is for information only to keep the UAC and Council abreast of activities, since when it is time to make a decision, • time will be of the essence. Brief discussion followed, and Deputy Director Titus responded to questions and offered clarification. VI. Late Items None. VI. Next Meeting: The next meeting will be April 13, 1998, at 3:00 p.m. VIII. Adjournment. The meeting adjourned at 4:15 p.m. Chairman is Deputy City Clerk -3- 2JL AGENDA PORT ANGELES CITY COUNCIL 321 EAST FIFTH STREET, PORT ANGELES, WASHINGTON April 7, 1998 - REGULAR MEETING - 5:30 p.m. I CALL TO ORDER - Regular Meeting (5:30 p.m.) II ROLL CALL III PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE IV CEREMONIAL MATTERS/PROCLAMATIONS Mayor &A. Donation from Daishowa America toward fountain Manager renovation project B. Proclamation recognizing Earth Day on April 22nd Mayor C. Proclamation recognizing Ex -POW's Day on April 9th Mayor Y [George Durham to accept proclamation] V APPROVAL OF MINUTES of March 17, 1998 regular Action meeting VI WORK SESSION for Boards and Commissions [4 appl.] Interview A. Interview applicants B. Presentation by consultant on Electrical Strategic Plan (20 Info only Y minutes) VII LATE ITEMS TO BE PLACED ON THIS OR FUTURE AGENDAS (By Council, Staff or Public) VIII FINANCE: Action A. Bid award for Parks ballfield maintenance machines (3) Action B. Bid award for new library shelving Action C. Amendment #3 to Parametrix contract for Landfill IX CONSENT AGENDA: Action A. Out -of -State travel for Finance Director B. Contracts for Tourist Promotion C. Council approval for PWTF (Public Works Trust Fund) applications for: 1. 8th Street Reconstruction 2. Reservoir covers D. Letter to Congressional delegation concerning PUHCA (Public Utilities Holding Company Act) repeal E. Payroll - March 22,1998,,$421,370.97 F. Check list - Apri13, 1998 - $ X CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS XI PUBLIC COMMENT FOR ITEMS NOT ON AGENDA (This is the opportunity for members of the public to speak to the City Council about anything not on the agenda, please keep comments to 5-10 minutes.) XII ORDINANCES NOT REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS Action A. Fire sprinkler system repates Action B. Outdoor music festival licensing requirements XIII RESOLUTIONS NOT REQUIRING PUBLICHEARINGS I�None NOTE: HEARING DEVICES AVAILABLE FOR THOSE NEEDING ASSISTANCE MAYOR TO DETERMINE TIME OFIBREAK. 7 1998 "Maintaining and building a better community" Jack Pittis Director [4801] Phyllis Rader Administrative Assistant (4800] Cate Rinehart Administrative Assistant [4700] Bob Titus Deputy Director (4701] Ken Ridout Deputy Director [48021 Gary Kenworthy City Engineer [4803] Tim Smith Contract & Project Administrator (4804] Lou AftBuilding Inspector s] Tom Speriine Sr. Electrical inspector [4735] Scoff McLain Power Manager (4703] Ralph Ellsworth Water, Wastewater Collection Superintendent [4855] Pete Burrett Equip. Services Superintendent (4835] Mark Shemp Light Operations Manager[4731] Kevin Curtis Treat. Plant Supervisor (4845] Tom McCabe SW Collection Supervisor (4876] Steve Evans Landfill Supervisor (4873] Dave Wilcox .mhpeet Maintenance Wrvi—[48251 MEMORANDUM DATE: APRIL 7, 1998 TO: FROM: MAYOR BRAUN AND CITY COUNCIL JACK PITTIS, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS SUBJECT: COUNCIL AGENDA FORMAT Attached at the back of your packet is a copy of the April 7th agenda in a new proposed format. The agenda is on an 11" x 17" foldout . The suggested changes are made in an attempt to improve the agenda as a communication tool and to make it easier for your use. A few meetings ago, we revised the time and some of the other agenda items. The following changes are suggested as a continuation of that approach. A number of the changes, if approved, would result in a need to revise your Rules of Procedure. We also suggest that some flebbility on the order of items be given, since the timing of your meeting is different if public hearings are scheduled. Besides the obvious physical change to a table, the major suggestions involve: 1. We would put the agenda page copied front to back at the beginning of the agenda, but we would also place it at the back in an 11" x 17" foldout. This allows you to have the agenda visible and space to make notes throughout the meeting. 2. Insert the first page number of each agenda item in the second column from the left. 3. Insert if any action is requested on the item in the third column. 4. Provide a last column for notes on the action taken. 5. Move the items in order. For example, place the workshops as item V. 6. Make a new item for Late Items to be placed on this agenda. 7. A new item for Council Committee Reports. A suggestion is that we can put a written report in the packet or let everyone know who has a report either verbal or written to make. [The key to this would be that council members would need to let us know when you have a report so it can be listed.] 8. Change Public Comment period to be public comment on anything rather than limit it to a request to speak to a specific item on the agenda. We have not restricted public comment to only public hearing items, so why not be open to all comments, within a reasonable time period. The Mayor always has the option to request a shorter presentation, move to another agenda for more input, or to even say no. 9. A separate item for Planning Commission Minutes. Action items are public hearings or in other categories. 10. Add a distinction between Quasi -Judicial Public Hearings and normal public hearings, so that you will know which ones cannot be discussed outside of the public hearing process. 11. Include the listing of the information items included in the packet. These are just suggestions. If you have some other ideas you think would work, we are prepared to make the necessary changes. If you wish to discuss these suggestions during the meeting, Becky and Craig will be able to respond. As I mentioned previously, if you like these ideas, we will need to modify your Rules of Procedure at the next meeting to implement these or other suggestions. JNP:ip Disk: WCOUNCIUAGENDAOFTAGEND.498 File: Council Communications Attachments: Draft format Copy: Department Heads :53 XIV PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES None XV OTHER CONSIDERATIONS A. Grant Award announcement for Housing Rehab. Info only Program Phase IV with short presentation by Pam Tietz on grant Info only B. Housing Authority presentation application for munti-family project Action C. Funding request for Boys and Girls Club Action D. Appointments to fill vacancies on Boards & Commissions Info only E. Port Angeles Works - Next Steps F. Recommendation of consultant for William Shore Pool Action Feasibility Study G. Appointment of Interim City Manager Action XVI PUBLIC HEARING -QUASI-JUDICIAL (�:oo F.M. or soon thereafter) None XVII PUBLIC HEARINGS - OTHER None XVIII EXECUTIVE SESSION (As needed and determined by City A 11 11tomey) XIX ADJOURNMENT Action XX INFORMATION: A. Proposal to dispose of PCB oil and transformers [p. B. Status of Internatio-. Gateway Project [p. C. Council agt- ,.-a format ideas [p. D. Bonneville Power Administration subscription process status report (p. Association (GFOA) Certificate of Achievement AGAEX E. Government Financial Officers Hp PUBLIC HEARINGS and use permit Public hearings are set by the City Council in order a d use regulations zoning met-legal ges, annexations.)ning to matters such as, l In addition, the City Council may set a public hearing proposed amendments toCity making decisions which impact the citizens. Certain matters may be controversial, and the City Council in order to receive public input prior to through the public hearing process. may choose to seek public opinion dress Public Hearing Procedure: All comments must be made at theafter the speaker first may indicate the mount of /timeher name availableand ad acso that The comments and speaker identification become part of the record.Mayor So that all persons .have an opportunity to speak, the Mayor may limit the amount of time permitted each speaker. In making you[ presentation to the Council, the following format may be helpful: PURPOSE: What is the idea you wish to present? Begin with an "I statement' outlining your idea, such as, "I am here to (supportloppose).. ' REASON: Why are you making this point? This is an important step so the listener does not make assumptions about your motives. EXAMPLE: Brief and relevant example to clarify and make your point concrete. SUMMARY: What condition will be changed or improved if your point is adopted? ACTION: (If appropriate depending on the situation) What needs to be done and who will do it? � J'J NOTE: HEARING DEVICES AVAILABLETIME OF NEEDING E ASSISTANCE MAYOR TO DETERMINE April 7, 1998 Port Angeles City Council Meeting 9PA Finance Department Memorandum Kay Godbey, C.P.A. Director 0 Tanya O'Neill Information Services Administrator Yvonne Ziomkowski Accounting Manager Carol Hagar Administrative Assistant 1 ] April 3, 1998 To: Manager Pomeranz, Mayor Braun, 1City Councilmembers Godbe , Finance Director 1 From: Kay Y qor Yvonne Ziomkowski, Accounting Manager and City Re: Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting We have been notified by the GFOA that the City's comprehensive annual financial report (CAFR) for the fiscal year ended December 31, 1996 qualifies for a Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting. The Certificate of Achievement is the highest form of recognition in governmental accounting and financial reporting and its attainment represents a significant accomplishment by the Finance Department. The requirements for a Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting are much more complex and rigorous than the requirements for the Distinguished Budget Award . Since the CAFR is a financial report, there are strict accounting and disclosure requirements that must be met to qualify for the certificate of achievement. The preparer's checklist that we used to submit the CAFR for GFOA's review is 42 pages long! The attainment of the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting is truly a team effort, from reporting all of thecomprehensivetransactions learly and accurately to annual financial report. the analysis, adjustments, and preparation Therefore, the award is presented to the Finance Department as a unit. The Citv's Certificate of Achievement plaque will be presented to the City Council at a later date. 257 The Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada presents this AWARD OF FINANCIAL REP ORTING ,ACHIEVEMENT to: Finance Department City of Port Angeles, Washington ile clow'? OO The Award of Financial Rtothoseindi�vidua�lsrwhoh at is rve beendinrstrtinne rtal in trh eir Finance officers Association government unit acncial hievrng�c� rve nen °f presented to t)>tise government units whose Reporting. A Certificate of annual financial reports are judged to adhere to program standards and represents tile highest award i n gove nmeit ji nancial report i ng. Executive Du ectorNip Date March 20, 1998 GOVERNMENT- FINANCE OFFICERS ASSOCIATION 180 North Michigan 7 9700 *Fax 31/2/977 4806 1300. Chicago. Illinois 60601 March 20, 1998 Ms. Katherine Godbey Finance Director City of Port Angeles P.O. Box 1150 Port Angeles, WA 98362 Dear Ms. Godbey: leased to notify you that your comprehensive annual We are p year ended December 31, 1996 financial report (CAFR) for the fiscal y qualifies for a Certificate of p'icateeofnAchievementt for liscthen q The Certificate Financial Reporting. vernmental accounting and highest form of recognition in go financial reporting, and its attainment represents a significant accomplishment by a government and its management. he program. lations for having satisfied the high standards of the program. We hope that your example will encourageothers ferssin theirof efforts to achieve and maintain an appropriate excellence in financial reporting. rtificate of Achievement Each entity submitting a report to the Ce provided with a "Summary of Grading Results" review process is p suggestions for pos- form and a confidential s finaf comments and chniques. Your sible improvements in its you are st stronreporgly encouraged to -implement list has been enclosed. You are strongly the recommended improvements into the submissions tsand hould be1your to the program. Accompanying f earing on the list. These detailed response to each comment app ose Special Review Committee mem- responses will be provided to th bers participating in the review. When a Certificate of Achievement is awarded to a government, Achievement is also presented an award of Financial Reporting the government as primarily to the individual designated by responsible for its having earned the certificate. Enclosed is an award for Financial Reporting Achievement for: Finance Department, City of Port Angeles, WA WASHINGTON OFFICE~ 1750 K street 2027429-2750 • Fa : 202/42Washington, 2755C 20006 Ms. Katherine Godbey March 20, 1998 Page 2 • Your Certificate of Achievement plaque will be shipped under eks. We hope that you will arrange separate cover in about eight we for a formal presentation of the Certificate and Award of Finan- cial Reporting Achievement, and that appropriate publicity will be given to this notable achievement. 'provide mpcopieswofritetoethes been enclosed. We suggest t y local newspapers and radio and television stations. In addition, enclosed is the 1996 Certificate Program Results representing the most recent statistics available. A current holder of a Certificate of Achievement may include a reproduction of the ofathelawards inmitsaimmediatelyusubsequent CAFR. camera reproduction a camera ready copy of your certificate will be forwarded to you or this purpose in about eight weeks. If you reproduce your certificate in your next report, please refer to the enclosed instructions. A Certificate of Achievement is valid for a period of one year. To continue to participate in the Certificate of chievemento Pro- gram it will be necessary for you to submit your our review process. In order to expedite your submission we have enclosed a Certificate of Achievement Program application form to facilitate a timely ed and submission of.your next.report. This form should be cthreetcopies mailed (postmarked) with three copies of your report, of your application, three copies of your written responses to the suggestions for improvement from the prior program's comments and year, and any other pertinent material with the appropriate fee by June 30, 1998. Your continued interest in and support of Achievement program is most appreciated. further assistance, please contact Delores Sincerely, GOVERNMENT FINANCE OFFICERS ASSOCIATION Stephen J. authier Director/Technical Services Center the Certificate of - if we may be of any Smith. SJG/kas Enclosures 0 ti