HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet 05/05/1998 . . . AGENDA Sca9Jjed to LaserFlche r;-eRf-06 PORT ANGELES CITY COUNt 321 EAST FIFTH STREET, PORT ANGELES, WASHINGTON May 5,1998 - REGULAR MEETING - 5:30 p.m. AGENDA ITEM First Action ? Action Taken . I Paae I CALL TO ORDER - Regular Meeting (5:30 p.m.) II ROLL CALL U9\OO eec\<-~ \<- III PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - Led by Peter Ripley c\e{ IV CEREMONIAL MA TTERS/PROCLAMA TIONS A Proclamation recognizing National Tourism 1 Read Week, May 3-9,'98 (Rick HertlVCB) B. Proclamation recognizing National Scholar- 3 Read ship Month, May 1998 V WORK SESSION A. Update on Financial Planning and Capital 5 Discuss projects - verbal presentation VI APPROVAL OF MINUTES of April 21, 1998 7 Action regular meeting and April 28, 1998 special 17 meeting VII LATE ITEMS TO BE PLACED ON THIS OR FUTURE AGENDAS (By Council, Staff or Public) VIII FINANCE' A Final Acceptance for LID #215 - Sewer 19 Action Construction on Golf Course Road B. Bid award for Water Utility Materials 21 Action IX CONSENT AGENDA: Action A. Payroll -April 19, 1998 - $352,698.88 23 B Check list - May 1, 1998 - $1,339,882.35 25 X CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS None XI PUBLIC COMMENT FOR ITEMS NOT ON AGENDA (This is the opportunity for members of the public to speak to the City Council about anything not on the agenda, please keep comments to 5-10 minutes.) XII ORDINANCES NOT REQUIRING PUBLIC None HEARINGS XIII RESOLUTIONS NOT REQUIRING PUBLIC None HEARINGS XIV PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES 55 Action Planning Commission Meeting - April 22, 1998 XV OTHER CONSIDERATIONS A. Approval of Extension of Parametrix Contract 63 Action for Landfill Monitoring B. Set date for Real Estate meeting. verbal 75 Action NOTE: HEARING DEVICES AVAILABLE FOR THOSE NEEDING ASSISTANCE .. MAYOR TO DETERMINE TIME OF BREAK Mav 5, 1998 Port Angeles City Council Meeting Page - 1 AGENDA ITEM XVI PUBLIC HEARING-QUASI-JUDICIAL (T 00 P.M or soon thereafter) XVII PUBLIC HEARINGS - OTHER A. Comprehensive Plan Amendment - CPA 98-01, - La Rue - Eighth Street between "G" and "H" : Request for redesignation of property from Low Density Residential to High Density Residential on the City's C<:>mprehensive Plan Map. B. Municipal Code Amendment - MCA 98-01- City of Port Angeles, City wide: Proposal to process shoreline permits administratively. C. Municipal Code Amendment - MCA 98-02 Port of Port Angeles, Shoreline between Cedar and Valley Streets: Amendment to the City's Shoreline Master Program and map. D. Municipal Code Amendment - MCA 98-03 - City of Port Angeles, City wide: Proposal to amend the time period for judicial appeals. I First I Action? P~lI" , Action Taken None 77 Continue to 6/2198 79 Continue to 6/2198 81 Action 99 Action XVIII EXECUTIVE SESSION (As needed and determined by City Attorney) XIX ADJOURNMENT XX INFORMATION: A. Feiro Marine Lab - Report for 1 st Quarter, 1998 (Page 115) B Fire Department - March 1998 (Page 117) C. Appointments to Leadership Academy for Leadership and Service (Page 123) PUBLIC HEARINGS Public heanngs are set by the City Council In order to meet legal requirements pertaining to matters such as, land use permit appllcattons, proposed amendments to City land use regulations, zOning changes, annexations In addition, the City CounCil may set a public heanng In order to receive public Input pnor to making decIsions which Impact the citIZens Certain matters may be controversial, and the City Council may choose to seek public opinion through the publiC heanng process Public Hearing Procedure: All comments must be made at the podium after the speaker first gives his/her name and address so that comments and speaker Identification become part of the record The Mayor may indicate the amount of time available for each heanng. So that all persons have an opportunity to speak. the Mayor may limit the amount of time permitted each speaker. In making your presentation to the Council, the follOWing format may be helpful PURPOSE What IS the Idea you Wish to present? Begin WIth an "I statement" outlining your idea, such as, "I am here to (support/oppose)..." REASON' Why are you making thiS point? ThiS is an important step so the listener does not make assumptions about your motives EXAMPLE Bnef and relevant example to clarify and make your pOint concrete. SUMMARY What condition will be changed or improved if your point IS adopted? ACTION (If appropnate, depending on the situation). What needs to be done and who will do it? C 198-0505cc age wpd . NOTE: HEARING DEVICES AVAILABLE FOR THOSE NEEDING ASSISTANCE MAYOR TO DETERMINE TIME OF BREAK May 5, 1998 Port Angeles City Council Meeting Page - 2 CITY OF PORT ANGELES CITY COUNCIL MEETING I. CALL TO ORDER - REGULAR MEETING. 5~ II. ROLL CALL: Members Present: ~ Mayor Braun Councilman Campbell Councilman Doyle ~ Councilman Hulett Councilmember McKeown Councilman Wiggins Councilman Williams 5 </J2 ~ Staff Present: + Interim Manager Pittis Attorney Knutson Clerk Upton V B. Becker V S. Brodhun \/ B. Collins V K. Godbey ~ S.Ilk III ADJOURN TO EXECUTIVE SESSION: Reason: Approximate Length: IV. RETURN TO OPEN SESSION: Mav 5. 1998 v. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Looby --P~t;),L ~~J~ CITY OF PORT ANGELES CITY COUNCIL MEETING Attendance Roster PLEASE SIGN IN DATE OF MEETING: Mav 5. 1998 LOCATION: City Council Chambers Please Note: IF I plan on testifying by signature below, I certify that my testimony is true and correct under penalty of perjury by the laws of the State of Washington. NAME: ADDRESS: I would like to testify on Agenda Item No.. L~2 r=7N.b L~~ YO "':... t.<J /I~ -~ /" 338> )J+ Sf- xlJ/I-C ~/V("~ .~'"'" AI- I L..---' C7~ City of Port Angeles OrdinancelResolution Distribution List CityCoun<HMeetlngOf~4 (5, /qq9: Onfkuutee I - I~I I I I I I R~udon-f\UL -- City Manager / City Atty. (1) // Planning J/ City Clerk cQv/ Deputy Clerk I // Personnel ,/ Cust. Svcs. Finance Dir./Mgr. Police Dept. Fire Dept. / Light Dept. I V / Pub. Works (2) -" ./ - Parks & Rec. MRSC (1) I PDN (Swnmary) ~J M I'll V " Extra Copies TOTAL In . PROCLAMA TION . NATIONAL TOURISM WEEK May 3 - 9,1998 WHEREAS, The travel and tourism industry carries tremendous importance for Port Angeles, Washington, contributing to our employment, economic prosperity, international trade and relations, peace, understanding, and goodwill. WHEREAS, Every citizen benefits from the effects of travel and tourism The mdustry substantially enhances our personal growth and education, while promoting intercultural understanding and appreciation of our city's geography, rustory, and culture. WHEREAS, In recognition of the unique significance of the travel and tourism industry in the lives of the citizens of Port Angeles, NOW, THEREFORE, I, Gary Braun, Mayor or Port Angeles, Washington, on behalf of the Clty Council, do hereby proclaim the week beginning May 3, 1998 as National Tourism Week in Port Angeles, and call upon the people of Port Angeles, to observe this week with appropriate ceremonies and activities ~~ I~k~~/ Ga Braun, Mayor 11/ "f}""'r " l"7" 1;"".-_ Mav 5. 1998 .....,' - ~ . .. I " I.~~-- .~ -)~ , r-'~ -~~ ~~~: . ,- \--=;:--~ ~ ~7,-~ 001 . . 002 · . ~ ,.~~ -- .. ~ OFFiCiAL PROCLAMA TiON NATIONAL SCHOLARSHIP MONTH MAY 1998 ,\'YHEREAS, man}' students are able to pursue their postsecondary educational dreams because of millions of dollars in scholarship support from the private sector and we wish to applaud those organizations, businesses, individuals and communities that have and continue to help students with scholarships; VllHEREAS, the potential of tomorrow's leaders is being realized in this nation because of scholarship support, from a wide range of sources, including the grassroots efforts of Dollars for Scholars; \VHEREAS, citizens and corporations throughout the country are increasing I}, recognizing that a better-educated citizenry will ultimately pay big dividends to the nation's general wf"lI-bf"ing; and , ,\Y1HEREAS, it is imperative that scholarship support not only contmue, hut gruw to meet students' n~eds; ~o'vr. THEREFORE. rr. Gary Braun. 1\1I.ayor of Port Angeles, on behalf of the Cit}, Counril, declare on this 5th day of 1\1ay Jl998, that May Jl998 is officially designated as ~ atiDnal ScholarshIp 1\1I.onth, CA~.~ Ga~ Braun. Mayor' .\..",1,. ~ '\ \ . , '.J I ' ..... >) 2 -~ I) ;.) ..... ;'J/ ;, T { ;~'"t-' ~ i" \ ) '),,3 (:;J......-.; ,~::.c:~~~\. ,::::~/...-,:'J ),:.55:5: .' ~~ I~l~, ',:;:/ n ~.).:;~" ';. , ~ 4.)"'''>- S~ "":"~-~:; ~ f' t,~,";./,t ~ - - ......, >))~ , R-) c.~ 1!:'1' IL'\ [':L- jF:= ,--,~;t;J .;-, "" . ') ';;";:'l c::: "-::1::;. a ~f:.-L...:+.~ ~l _I ':)... ~J,,:-_ .t ~ -:-,') -$'Z0~~ tP..r:J) ,.:') J _ ;=- . ,,~ -.) 0_ \ v ~.~;; . ,~, ,;)' :>::':)""'- -.:' -;'~Jf,p.-:7~n:::c;)o.),- -;-... ~,;:.' "7,~.,~J.,:.; '_-I'\1~\\ -!.",...~ "/J' J; )'\.1..;; .....- ~ tJ:~.L~. ~ l' \ ~ \t...,"r-.'\: Mav 5,11.998 003 . . . 004 . Finance - Department Memorandum Kay Godbey, C.P A DIrector . Tanya O'Neill Informahon Services Adnurustrator Yvonne llOmkOWSla Accountmg Manager Carol Hagar Adnurustratlve AssIstant . May 1, 1998 To: Interim City Manager Pittis, Mayor Braun, City Councilmembers From Kay Godbey, Finance Director 0 Re. Five Year Forecast/Capital Improvement Project Funding Options Jack and I will be presenting the updated five year forecast in conjunction with the capital improvement projects that were identified as priorities during the goal setting process. We will be presenting the forecasted financial position of the General Fund, as well as funding options that are available to City Council. This is informational and no action is necessary at this time. 005 OOG . . . Finance Department Memorandum Kay Godbey, C.PA Director Tanya O'Neill Information Services Administrator Yvorme Ziomkowski Accotmtmg Mana~er Carol Hagar AdministratIve Assistant May 5, 1998 To: Interim City Manager Pittis, Mayor Braun and City Councilmembers From: Kay Godbey, Finance Director I ~ Re: Five Year Forecast The last five year forecast was presented on April 29, 1997. The forecast has been updated, based on 1997 actual data. and changes in revenue and expenditure estimates. A decline in overall tax revenue has been partially mitigated by a record year of commercial construction. As a result, sales tax projections reflect a less conservative approach in this new forecast. The 1997 year end General Fund reserve levels are now at $3.2 million. I recommend that City Council designate $1.0 million of fund balance for the capital improvement program. This amount would reduce undesignated fund balance to $2.2 million, which is 20% of annual expenditures. The designation of fund balance IS not legally binding, but merely documents the intent to utilize fund balances for a specific purpose. Assumptions m the forecast mc1ude: . Three percent (3.0%) cost of living adjustments from 1999 through 2002 . A slight property tax increase, from $3.05 to $3.10 per thousand . An additional $230,000 in property taxes is estimated in 2000 due to the retirement of the 1985 City Hall General Obligation Bond. . A $90,000 increase in sales taxes, based on 1997 levels less new constructio1'1. . Staffing levels 1999-2002 at status quo. . No increases in expenditures. . Increases in capital outlay due to public safety vehicle replacements. JfUnd 1fia.' . '9. 2000 2G01:'::~:f: . tOOl ft9984002 Ave.-'t-ear Fore.c:ast Staclaef. Foft!CUt forecast Fctecast~: famcat Revenues 10,773,487 11,036,145 11,317,445 11,417,813 11,504,738 Operating Expenditures 10,576,787 10,838,780 11,084,825 11,338,236 11,599,235 CIP & Capital Outlay 196,700 197,365 232,620 100,000 100 000 Surplus (DefiCit) 0 0 0 -20,423 -194,497 Projected Fund Balance 3,277,013 3,277,013 3,277 ,013 3,256,590 3,062,093 Revenue Growth Rate -1.2% 24% 2.5% 0.9% 0.8% Expenditure Growth Rate -1.2% 2.4% 2.5% 1.1% 2.3% . . . CALL TO ORDER- REGULAR MEETING: ROLL CALL: PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: CEREMONIAL MATTERSI PROCLAMATIONS Recogruzing Rose Cnunb WORK SESSION: DISCUSSion With Waldron Annexation Discussion CITY COUNCIL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington April 21, 1998 Mayor Braun called the regular meeting of the Port Angeles CIty CouncIl to order at 5 :30 p.m. Members Present: Mayor Braun, Councilmembers Campbell, Doyle, Hulett, McKeown, Wiggins, and Williams Members Absent: None. Staff Present: Interim Manager Pittis, Attorney Knutson, Clerk Upton, B. Becker, B. Collins, K Godbey, S. Ilk, and D. Miller. Public Present: B. Taylor, M. Roberts, 1. Lee, and P. Cronauer The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by ROTC Cadet JeSSIca Knoll. Proclamation Recognizmg Rose Crumb Mayor Braun read a proclamatIon recogrnzmg Rose Cnunb Ms Cnunb thanked the Council. A. Council D,SCUSSIOn with Waldron Thomas Waldron of Waldron and Company gave a bnefreview of the steps Ius company has taken in the search for the next CIty Manager. He stated 143 resume have been received, many with City Manager expenence. The list has been reduced to 58 candidates, which will be further reduced based on responses to a supplemental questionnaire. At a work sessIon scheduled for May 5, 1998, these candidates will be reviewed Mr. Waldron stated his company was pleased With the number and quality of the responses, and the search IS on schedule Mr. Waldron then responded to questIons posed by the Council. Staff will help form two ad hoc commIttees, one made up of community leaders and one made up of CIty staff members, who will participate in the selectIon process Mr Waldron asked that these COmmIttees be aVailable also for the May 5, 1998, meeting Council will meet at 9'00 a m. on May 5, 1998 for a work session With the CIty Manager's Team, Waldron Co., and the two ad hoc COmmIttees. It is anticipated that fmal interviews will be conducted on May 29 and 30, 1998. B. AnnexatIOn DiSCUSSIOn Mayor Braun reviewed the information provided by the Plannmg Department and asked DIrector Collins for further input Director Collms stated that there were questions left unanswered from the last work session The purpose of tomght' s work seSSIOn was to 007 - 1 - CITY COUNCIL MEETING April 21, 1998 Annexation Discussion (Cont'd) complete the questions and make some policy decisions regarding the annexation, such as why, when, where and how the City Council might wish to inItiate an annexation vote in . a portion of the Urban Growth Area (UGA). He pointed out that Attachment No.2 in the packet provides a rough time line, and Attachment No. 3 is the scope of work for a grant to provide some asslstance to the City in deciding whether or not to move forward with annexation. Director Collms stated that staff has reVlewed the questions and believes annexation should go forward. Director Collins then read the questions aloud, gave brief clarification, and asked Councll for its opirnon on the issues. The first question dealt with revenue, and CouncIlman WigglDS felt a long range projection on revenue must be completed before a declslOn can be made Discussion followed regarding possible negative and posltive revenue lmpacts and a shared revenue plan with the County. Regardmg the annexation method, Director Collins stated that staff recommends a resolution for an election and not wait for a petition. He felt an election for the eastern UGA was the most lOgIcal way to proceed. He stated the issues were the same for the Gales Addition area, as they are for the bluffs behmd Wal-Mart and K-Mart Director Collms felt an election process would be the most efficient method to follow, and it does not preclude petltloning Director Collins responded to questlOns and provlded clarmcatlon regardmg the method for annexation. Regardmg how qUlckly the transfer of servlces should occur after annexatlon, Interlm Manager Pittis stated that water and electncal issues are being worked out through a COmmlttee that lS workmg with the PUD. A deregulatlon study IS also bemg performed by the PUD, and some of these issues will be worked out regardless of annexatlon Councilman Williams expressed concern over level of pohce and fire services for the east end Dlrector Collins stated that level of servlce standards would have to be worked out, . as the City may not be able to absorb the east end easily for these serviceS As far as lmposmg a utility tax m newly annexed areas, Drrector Collms stated that with deregulation of electncity, this question may arise inside the City as well He felt the answer should be yes, but thts would have to be worked out m the annexation process The PUD is the current service provider m the annexation area, and a utihty tax is imposed Drreclor Collms felt the entire eastern area should be considered for annexatIOn, rather than zone by zone However, he felt a western annexation vote should be separate from an eastern annexatlon. Drrector Collins explained that, m all annexation petitions, there is a requrrement that the annexed area assume a proportionate share of City mdebtedness A vote can be made for the annexation, but against the indebtedness The Council would have to declde whether to allow the annexation to occur. Drrector Collms felt the annexatlon should mclude the mdebtedness share in the vote Council would still have the option to allow annexation wtthout mdebtedness At the COunCIl'S request, Drrector Collins explamed the voting process for annexation and whether the mdebtedness question could be incorporated mto the annexation question. Attorney Knutson stated that he believed there was an option, under the election method, to combine the ballot measures mto one questlon that requires 60% approval for both the annexatlon and assumptlon of indebtedness. There lS also a requirement that 40% of those who voted m the last election must turn out in regards to the 60% mdebtedness question Drrector Collins felt thts was not the best method, as it requrres the annexatlon to obtain a 60% vote as well. Responding to the f1nal questlon, Director Collms stated that if mdebtedness lS not assumed . by the annexed area, then the current residents should not have to pay for mdebtedness designed specifically for facilities in the annexed area. Annexations usually lead to system Wide costs, such as main sewer lines, etc. 008 - 2 - . . . Annexation Discussion (Cont'd) APPROVAL OF MINUTES: ITEMS FROM THE AUDIENCE/COUNCIIJ STAFF TO BE CONSIDERED OR PLACED ON lHIS OR A FUTURE AGENDA: FINANCE: Bid Award - Library Funnshmgs & Equipment l,~~ t-; '. .1. , ./1"'.;1.' " I I ~ ~, " " <I CITY COUNCIL MEETING April 21, 1998 Finance Drrector Godbey infonned the Council that, if the citizens of a newly annexed area did not assume debt for the hbrmy, fire hall, and senior center, the current rates charged per thousand would not change. If they were to assume debt for these projects, the assessed value would increase and the rate would decrease for everyone in the City. If a new fire or pohce station was constructed m the annexation area to serve those residents, everyone m the City would be required to pay for that improvement. Interim Manager Pittis stated that the utilities could develop a systems charge relative to a particular trunk sewer or water system. This could also be done for specific roadways. Councilman Wiggins asked Director Godbey to perform a long range projection on costs, operatmg budget, and revenues so that the Council could make a more informed deciSIOn Director Godbey said forecasting revenues is easy; however, a five-year forecast on expenditures IS more difficult, as level of service for year one compared to year five IS harder to estabhsh. Interim Manager Pittis suggested extending It to a ten-year forecast; however, it would still be based on assumptions. Interim Manager Pittls then descnbed the best way to achieve this end. Discussion followed, and Intertm Manager PlttlS and Councilman Campbell reviewed the large annexahon that took place in Vancouver, Washmgton, and compared It to the annexahon of the eastern Port Angeles UGA. Councilman Campbell stated the annexahon time line prepared by Drrector Collins contained many of the elements of a process needed to establish a plan for annexation. He agreed with Councilman Wlggms m that a fmanclal forecast and operating plan would be necessary for the annexation Voters will have to be sold on the idea of annexation. The Council was m agreement that February, 1999, would be too early for an election. Drrector Collms referred to the tlme lme and felt It may have to be extended to allow for adequate tlme to sell the annexation to the electorate. However, econoffilc development is bemg held up, as the City is already getting requests for City services in the UGA. Councilman Campbell asked if the City had the resources to develop the mformatlon, formulate a plan, and sell it to the voters. Director Collins felt the City did not have the necessary resources, and he stated this would need to be addressed durmg the next budget process Discussion ensued, and Director Collins responded to queshons and provided further clarification regarding the tlme line. Director Collms sununanzed the diSCUSSion m that an elechon method should be pursued, the eastern UGA m its enmety should be COOSldered, and February, 1999, IS too early to pursue annexahon After further diSCUSSion and mput by the Council, Interim Manager PlttlS stated that staff will gather the necessary mformahon and forward it to the Council in the near future Councilman CampbeU moved to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of April 7,1998. Councilmember McKeown seconded the motion. Councilman Doyle noted that the mohon regardmg the field rakes (page 12 of the packet) should read ". three John Deere Bunker Field Rakes m the amount of $6,854 each plus tax." A vote was taken on the motion, which carried unanimously. Councilman WIggms suggested that dtscussion regarding the vandalism on the Waterfront Trail be held at a future meehng A. Award of Library Furnishmgs & Equipment Mayor Braun reviewed the information provided by the Pubhc Works Department and asked Intertm Manager Pittis for further mput and clarification, which he provided. Followmg dtscussion and further clanficahon, Councilman Wiggins moved to reject the - 3 - 009 CITY COUNCn. MEETING April 21, 1998 FINANCE: (Cont'd) BId Award - LIbrary Fumishmgs & Eqwpment (Cont'd) CONSENT AGENDA: COMMITTEE REPORTS: Funding of Teen Scene apparent low bid from Commerclal Office Interion and award Base Bid A and Add Alterative for Base Bid A to Barday Dean Interion in the amount of $121,182.85 . (including tax), and award Base Bid B and Add Alternative Bid B to Commercial Office Interion in the amount ofSI91,067.25 (including tax). Councilman Doyle seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. Councilmember McKeown moved to accept the Consent Agenda, including: A. Out- of-state travel to NWPP A meeting; B. Disposal of PCB Contaminated sub statton transfonners; C. Payroll- AprilS, 1998 - $359,518.40; and D. Check list - April 17, 1998- $107,535.14. Councilman Campbell seconded the motion. Followmg bnef discussion, a vote waS taken on the motion, which carried unanimously. A. Fundingfor YMCA Teen &ene Councilman Wiggins stated he had attended a meeting this morning on this subject, and he requested that Mr. Brooke Taylor step forward and provide an update on the Teen Scene. Brooke Taylor, 853 Strait VIew Drive, President of the Clallam County Family YMCA Board ofDrrectors, stated an incredtble amount of acttVlty has occurred on this Issue, all of whtch is poslttve He stated the Teen Scene IS open and operating on a reduced schedule, due to concerns expressed by downtown merchants. The CounCIl commttted $15,000 to assist m the continued operation of the Teen Scene, contingent upon the YMCA ratsmg addttional funds from other governmental agencies. The YMCA Board and staff have ratsed an addittonal $57,000 toward the operatton of the Teen Scene; however, the fundmg did not come from the sources the Council had specified. In addttton, It was the consensus that, while this is a good program, It IS in the wrong location . The group targeted by tills program has mhablted downtown Port Angeles for years Many will continue WIth tills habit, whether the Teen Scene moves or not If the faclhty IS not avatlable in the downtown area, It will not be utihzed by these kids. These people were never reached by the YMCA mtil the downtown facility was opened. As of tills afternoon, a verbal conumtment was received from a downtown property owner for an alternative sIte on West First Street. It is a larger facihty, less VISIble, and not surrounded by retaIl businesses that depend on walk-ins The owner will not only rent it to the YMCA for the Teen Scene, but IS wl11mg to subsidize the rent and cooperate with tmprovements Mr. Taylor stated that he understands from Police Chtef Ilk that there is another grant available which could provide fundmg of $40,000 per year for three years The Pohce Department is supportIve of the site being conSIdered, but WIll not support a grant at the eXIsting locatton The grant must be applied for withm the next three weeks; If awarded, the fimding would be available by July. Mr. Taylor then responded to questtons posed by the Council Councilmember McKeown applauded the YMCA for workmg so hard at solving the problem. Mr. Taylor mdicated the School DIstrict has been very involved by offenng assistance m areas other than financial Councilmember McKeown stated the School DIstrIct had offered portables at elementary schools, but the YMCA felt these kIds would not leave downtown for these other locations. Also, the Teen Scene opens at 2:30 p.m., and the grade schools are just letting out then, and it would not be good to mix these two age groups Mr Taylor described the many ways the School DIStnCt and YMCA work in partnershtp Mr. Taylor asked for the Comcil's support of this issue, especIally because It would be key . to a grant applicatlon for fimdmg He stated the YMCA considers the CIty of Port Angeles to be one of the most significant, major partners, and this has been borne out m the cooperative effort.. Thanks to Council's approval of a rezone and a grant from the Clallam - 4 - 010 . . . " ' , .' CITY COUNCIL MEETING April 21, 1998 COMMfITEE REPORTS: (Cont'd) Physicians Benefit Food, the YMCA has started an addition to Its facility. He mvited Cooocil to drive by and see the work that has begun. Foodmg of Teen Scene (Cont'd) Councilmember McKeown moved to allocate $15,000 to the YMCA for the Teen Scene. Councilman Campbell seconded the motion. Cooocilman Wlggms reminded Cooocilmember McKeown of a termination date which had been discussed. Councilmember McKeown amended her motion to add that the Teen Scene must be moved out of its present location by October 1, 1998. Cooocilman Campbell, as seconder of the motlon, agreed with the amendment to the motlon Cooocilmember McKeown explamed that the YMCA will submit future fundmg requests through the Human Servlces allocatlon process. Followmg brief discussion, a vote was taken on the motion, which carried unanimously. Peninsula College - DiverSity program Penmsula College Request/or Funding/or DiverSity Program B. Cooocilmember McKeown stated she is a member of the Superintendent's Multi-Ethmc COmmlttee She referred to a letter from Stefany Tyler deUnda, requestmg that the City make a contribution to the Peninsula College Cultural Diversity Committee CoOOCilmember McKeown stated she had explamed about budgetlng problems, but felt the final decision should rest With the Council Drrector Godbey reminded the Council that she and Interim Manager PlttlS wIll be presenting the five-year fmancial forecast at the meeting of May 5, 1998 She understood the needs of tills organization, but she urged the Council to look at the fmancial conmtlon of the City before committing any monies. DiscUSSion followed, and Councilman Hulett noted that the City has been receIVmg many finanCial requests after completion of the budget process. Councllmember McKeown and Mayor Braun agreed and felt the fmancial picture should be exammed first DiSCUSSIOn followed. It was the general consensus of the Council that this request be demed, and the Cultural Dlverslty Commlttee be adVised to apply for fundmg durmg the regular budgeting process m the fall Councilmember McKeown will so advise Ms deUnda, and Intenm Manager PlttlS offered to have staff draft a letter to Ms de deUnda, supplemental to Councllmember McKeown's commumcation Downtown Forward Downtown Forward c. Councllmember McKeown reported that the Downtown Association has a Mam Street program It IS followmg, which has some suggestions regarding a marketlng survey Councilman Wlggms stated there is a committee set' up to begm this process Councllmembers Wiggins and McKeown had feared it would not take place m a timely manner; however, It has m fact started Councilmember McKeown stated the Downtown Forward COmmlttee wants a short term approach to the Oak Street property This area IS unattractive, and local busmesses are puttmg money mto the downtown to fix it up The Chamber of Commerce beheves the short term approach is cntical A sign which states the property is for lease IS necessary, and a sign is available for tills. In late June, the Chamber will hold a carmval in this area, and the Port has removed much of the wood debris The County, in cooperation With the City, has done much of the grading and is donatmg 800 cubic yards of topsoIl It is important to have the Waterfront Trail identlfied and parking issues and seating arranged The whole City can take ownership of this area until it is actually developed Wild flowers or grass will be planted for the short term. Interim Manager Pittis read a hst of downtown projects that are m process or being considered for the downtown area, demonstratlng that a great deal has been accomplished by the commitment of this community to the revitalization of the downtown area. - 5 - 011 CITY COUNCIL MEETING April 21, 1998 Downtown Forward (Cont'd) Manne Lab ExpansIOn Break PUBLIC COMMENT FOR ITEMS NOT ON AGENDA: LEGISLATION: Drug Free Zones Ordinance No. 2989 Interim Manager PittIs reminded the Council that this Saturday, April 25, 1998, is downtown clean up. He mvited Council to jom City staff and citizens at 9:00 a.m at the City Light barn . D. Manne Lab Expansion Project Councilmember McKeown reported that she and Councilmembers Campbell and Wiggins had attended a meetmg regarding the Marine Lab expanSIOn The $20,000 allocated by Council is bemg spent prudently Mr. Eric Anderson, the archItect, made a three-part suggestIon: I) have a maintenance plan, 2) make the Lab viSible; and 3) redIrect the traffic flow inside the Lab Councilmember McKeown described what the suggestions would entail Also, Jean FarrchIld, former owner of the Tourist Trap, conducted research into openmg a gift shop that would pay for Itself The shop would need 800 square feet, whIch would take up too much space. Therefore, the gentleman who nms the College book store will try having a movable cart from which to retail gifts and mementos On another matter, Councilmember McKeown stated that Charlie Srmth from Lmdberg Architects requested a Council representatIve for a deSign comrmttee for outdoor art displays as part of Downtown Forward Intenm Manager Pittis informed the Council that he and Jake Semuk of the Fine Arts Center are members of this comrmttee CouncIl felt thIs was sufficient representation Councilman Wiggins mformed the Council that he and Councilman Campbell had met with the Lodgmg Tax AdVISOry Cormmttee earlIer today. Three Requests for Proposals amved and are bemg evaluated by the Comrmttee Interviews will be held next Tuesday, and a report and recommendatIon from the Committee will be presented at the May 19, 1998, Council meetmg . Councilman Doyle reported that he and Intenm Manager PlttIS had attended the Sequim bypass ground breakmg Councilman Campbell stated the Crown PacIfic air operatmg perrmt received no publIc comment, therefore, there Will be no publIc hearing It goes to the EnvlTonmental ProtectIon Agency for fmalIzatIon. Mayor Braun recessed the meetmg for a break at 7.45 p.m The meetmg reconvened at 8:00 p m Intenm Manager PlttIS mtroduced Jesse Hamilton from Peninsula DaIlv News, who wIll be covermg Council meetmgs Ordinances Not Requirmg Public Heanngs A. Ordmance Relatmg to Drug Free Zones in Public Housmg Projects Mayor Braun reviewed the mformation provided by the PolIce Department and requested further mput from PolIce ChIef Ilk. Chief Ilk urged the Council's support of thIs Ordmance and explamed that Pam Tietz, ExecutIve Director of the Housmg Authonty, has worked very hard to clean up some of the areas descnbed. DiSCUSSIOn followed, and further clarification was provided as to those areas covered by the Ordinance . Mayor Braun read the Ordmance by title, entitled -6- 012 . . . LEGISLATION: (Cont'd) Drug Free Zones Ordinance No. 2989 (Cont'd) Fllmg Judicial Appeals Council Rules of Procedure Resolution 6-98 1998 Goals and Objectives CITY COUNCIL MEETING April 21, 1998 ORDINANCE NO. 2989 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, relating to drug free zones in public housmg projects and amending ordinance 2129 as amended and Chapter 9.34 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code. Councilman Doyle moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title. Councilman Wiggins seconded the motion. Following limited disc~sion, a vote was taken on the motion, which carried unanimously. B. Ordmance Amendmg Time Periods for FIlmg Judicial Appeals Attorney Knutson stated that this item is also on the Plannmg ComrrusslOn agenda for tomorrow evening Therefore, Attorney Knutson suggested that this Item be contmued to the next Council meetmg Councilman Hulett moved to continue this item to the meeting of May 5, 1998. Councilmember McKeown seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. ResolutIOns Not Requinng Public Hearings Mayor Braun reviewed the information provided by the City Manager's office and asked Council for input. Councilman Hulett felt moving ceremornal matters to the top of the agenda Will ensure more pubhc participation. lntenm Manager PlttlS noted that there IS wordmg m the ResolutIOn which allows for agenda changes for particular meetmgs. Discussion ensued regarding changes to the format of the packet Mayor Braun read the Resolution by title, entitled RESOLUTION NO. 6-98 A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washmgton, revising the Council's Rules of Procedure by changmg the Order of Business and amendmg Resolution No 13-86, as amended Councilman Hulett moved to pass the' Resolution as read by title. Councilman Williams seconded the motion. Followmg hmited discussion, a vote was taken on the motion, which carried unanimously. Planmng CommiSSIOn Mmutes/ActlOn Items: Suspended. Other Considerations A. J 998 City Goals and Objectives Review Mayor Braun reviewed the information provided and asked Finance Director Godbey for additional mput. Director Godbey stated she felt another work session to fmahze goals would be appropriate. It would give the Council the opportunity for review and reVision. lntenm Manager Pittls suggested Counctl read the draft goals and objectives and decide on changes ~ey would like to discuss. 013 -7- CITY COUNCIL MEETING April 21, 1998 LEGISLATION: (Cont'd) Solid Waste Container Conversion B. PresentatIOn on Residential Container Conversion for Solid Waste CollectIOn . Interim Manager Plttis gave a power point presentation on residential solid waste contamer conversion. He stated the conversion would entail removmg all 300 gallon residential contamers and replacing them with 90 gallon containers. The City would provide weekly or bl-weekly collection, as the customer chooses. Customers would be allowed to change therr pick up schedule only once every six months. Interim Manager PittIs then reviewed the benefits m makmg thts conversion such as cleaner alleys, lower mamtenance of trucks and contamers, and a pay for what you use approach. Interim Manager Plttis stated about 3,900 containers would have to be purchased at a cost of $292,500. Labor for conversion will be approximately $15,000, for a total cost of $307,500 There has been money set aside m the financial forecast for the sohd waste utthty that will help cover these expenses. Interim Manager Piths then descnbed what would be done with the 300 gallon containers taken out of circulation. Intenm Manager Piths stated that one of the older garbage trucks needs to be replaced. There are eXisting container repatrs of $56,000 needed, whIch will be aVOIded by converting to 9O-gallon containers A survey in 1997 indIcated 55% of residentIal customers would change to bl-weekly pick up if it were less expensive. Bi-weekly pick up can be accompltshed With eXisting manpower and eqwpment if at least 22% change over. Interim Manager PlttlS then reViewed the three different rate options He stated It is impossible to predict revenues, as It is unknown how many people will choose bl-weekly vs weekly pick up. Interim Manager PithS felt an ad campaign was necessary, and flyers should be sent out He explamed that stickers would be used to show pick up schedules, four months would be needed to implement the conversion, and rates will be reviewed after . the first SIX months. Interim Manager Piths then reviewed the possible Council actIons on thts project, responded to questions, and provided clarification. Councilman Wtlhams felt that mitlally residents should be allowed to change pick up after three months He stated that while a low volume user will have reduced costs, It may be necessary to raise rates in the future He suggested that the bi-weekly rates be advertised as an economy rate optIon as thts IS a very sensitive issue Mayor Braun stated that allowmg a three month change may cause an unfair workload for the Fmance Department and asked Director Godbey for mput Director Godbey was not concerned With the work load, but With the revenue stream for the solid waste utihty due to the unknowns relative to landfill closure and post closure. She felt that 1f a customer chooses weekly rather than bl-weekly they would pay more. After SIX months, there would be a hIstory as to how revenues are affected At that pomt, the City could decide whether or not to offer diSCOunts Councilman Hulett was concerned With the effort mvolved in movmg the 90-gallon containers to the curb He mquired if60-gallon contamers could be available to those who may want them Interim Manager Piths stated thts would be the deciSion of UAC and Council, 1f too many chOIces are given he feared it would be too confusmg He reminded the Council that the City does have a program which allows staff to help mdlVldual property owners who have a problem puttmg out their trash. Councilman Hulett stated thts should be noted m the advertising camp81gn, and Interim Manager Plttls agreed Councilman Campbell pointed out that reduced rates will be available not only to low voh.me users, but also to those who focus on recycling thereby reducmg the volume m their containers This will also be helpful m the future when the City must long-haul. Following further diSCUSSIon and clarificatlon, Interim Manager PlttiS stated details will be worked out with UAC and the Finance Department and a final plan brought back to Council. . Councilman CampbeU moved to approve the concept of container conversion and advertise for bids for the replacement of the truck. Councilman Doyle seconded the - 8 - 014 . . . LEGISLATION: (Cont'd) Solid Waste Container ConversiOn (Cont'd) Legal Intern Lme ExtensIon PolIcy ADJOURN TO EXECUTIVE SESSION: RETURN TO OPEN SESSION: ADJOURNMENT: ,I' , , , CITY COUNCll..MEETING April 21, 1998 motion, which carried unanimously. c. Work Study Contract for Legal Intern to Assist with Domestic Violence Case/oad Mayor Braun reviewed the information provided by the City Attorney's office and asked Attorney Knutson for further input. Attorney Knutson stated domestic ViOlence cases are a large part of the misdemeanor case load; tlus grant and hirIng of an mtem wIll allow the City to do more. Following bnef discussion and clarification, Councilman Wiggins moved to authorize the execution of a Work Study Contract with the state's Higher Education Coordinating Board and whatever legal documents are necessary in order to retain a legal intern to assist in handling domestic violence cases. Councilmember McKeown seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. D. City Light Lme extensIOn Polley Mayor Braun reviewed the information provided by the Public Works Department and asked Interim Manager PittIs for further mput. Interim Manager PittIs gave a brief history of this PolIcy and explamed why he felt the change was necessary, Followmg Ilffilted discussIon and clarification, Councilman CampbeU moved to eliminate the service credit for underground electric line extensions. Councilman Hulett seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. Councilman WIlliams stated he was sensitive to the fact that CounCIl WIshed to postpone dIscussion of the vandalIsm of the Waterfront Trail; however, he WIshed to make a bnef statement With the Mayor's pem11SSl0n, Councilman Williams stated the vandalIsm of the Trail was an atrocIty. He urged the CounCIl to act in some formal manner to condemn the recent mCldent on the Waterfront Trail and asked the perpetrators to step forward, admIt their guIlt, and accept the consequences for this senseless and deplorable act Mayor Braun thanked Councilman WIlliams and stated he wished tlus kmd of energy could be put into somethmg proactive instead of destructive The meetmg adjourned to ExecutIve SeSSIon at 9:00 p.m. to dISCUSS a matter of real estate and lItigation for approXImately tlurty mmutes. The meetmg returned to open seSSiOn at 9:45 p.m The meetmg was adjourned at 9 45 P m Becky J Upton, CIty Clerk Gary Braun, Mayor 015 -9- 016 . . . . . . CALL TO ORDER- SPECIAL MEETING: ROLL CALL: ADJOURN TO EXECUTIVE SESSION: RETURN TO OPEN SESSION: ADJOURNMENT: CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington April 28, 1998 Deputy Mayor Doyle called the special meeting of the Port Angeles City COlDlcil to order at 11:00 a m. Members Present: Deputy Mayor Doyle, COlDlcilmembers Hulett, McKeown, and Williams. Members Absent: Mayor Braun, Councilmembers Campbell and Wiggins. Staff Present: Interim Manager Pittis, Attorney Knutson, S Brodhun, and T. Smith. The meeting adjourned to ExecutIve SessIon at 11 :00 a.m. to discuss a matter of real estate for approximately 30 mmutes. The meeting returned to open session at 11.50 a.m. The meeting was adjourned at II :50 a.m. Becky 1. Upton, CIty Clerk Gary Braun, Mayor 017 - I - 018 . . . , Jack Plttis Director {4801 J Phytlls Rasler Administrative AssIstant {4800J Cate RInehart Administrative Assistant {4700J Bob Titus Deputy Director {4701J Ken Ridout Deputy Director {4802J Gal}' Kenworthy City Engineer {4803J Stelle Hursh Engmeenng Manager {4702] Tim Smith ~tract & Project ~mmlstrator {4804J Lou Haehnlen Sr BUildIng Inspector {4816J Tom Sper/me Sr. Electrlcallnspector {4735J Scott McLain . Power Manager {4703J Ralph Ellsworth Water, Wastewater CollectIOn Supenntendent {4855J Pete Burrett EqUIp ServIces Superintendent {4835J Marie Shamp Light Operations Manager {4731J Kevin Curtis Treat Plant Supervisor {4845J Tom McCabe SW CollectIOn Supervisor {4876J Steve Evans ai:andflll SUpervIsor ., ._73J Daile Wilcox StTget Maintenance Supervisor {4825J A MEMORANDUM DATE: May 5. 1998 TO: CITY MANAGER. MAYOR BRAUN AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: JACK PITTIS. DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS ~ RE: Final Acceptance- Upper Golf Course Road Sewer L.I.D. # 215, Project 95-05 SUMMARY and RECOMMENDATION:.The construction of the Upper Golf Course Road Sewer L.I.D. #215 Project 95-05 has been inspected and accepted as complete and the final payment to the contractor has been made. The Public Works Department recommends that the City Council accept the project and authorize release of the total retainage in the amount of $33,891.12 upon the receipt of clearances from the Department of Revenue and Labor and Industries. ISSUE: Should the City Council accept the Upper Golf Course Road Sewer L.I.D. #215 Project 95-05 and authorize release of the retainage? BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS: The construction project to install sewer mains to serve the annexed area along Golf Course Road above Melody Lane has been completed by R.V. Associates, Inc.. The project was completed on schedule and we were pleased with the contractors performance and dealing with the property owners during construction. The original contract amount of the project was $467,659.50 (not including sales tax). Three change orders totaling $10,783.97 increased the contract amount to $478,443.47. The final project cost, not including tax, was $677,822.45. The project's' significant cost overrun res~lted from extremely poor soil conditions that required large quantities of additional backfill and restoration materials not anticipated in the original estimate for bidding. The final project cost also includes the construction costs for water main ($48,828.20) and underground power conduit ($6577.50) extensions. When the final L.I.D. costs are compiled a full report will be provi ed for Council review prior to Public Hearings. GWK gk Lac N \PROJECTS\95-05L1D\PROJMGT\PAYMENTS\CCACCPT.GWK File. 97-04 21 018 020 . . . f "ORT A~ .6 "Maintaining and building a better community" Jack Plttis Director [4801} Phyllis Raster Administrative Assistant [4800} Cate Rinehart Administrative Ass/stant [4700} Bob Titus Deputy Director [4701} Ken Ridout Deputy Director [4802} Gary Kenworthy City Engineer [4803} Stelle Hursh Englneenng Manager [4702} Tim Smith ~tract & Project ~ .dmlnlstrator [4804} Lou Haehnlen Sr Building Inspector [4816} Tom Sperilne Sr Electncallnspector [4735} Scott McLain Power Manager [4703} Ralph Ellsworth Water, Wastewater CoIleclJon Superintendent [4855} Pete Burrett EqUIp. ServICes Superintendent [4835} Mark Shamp Light Operations Manager [4731} Kevin Curtts Tf98t Plant SUpervisor [4845} Tom McCabe SW Collection Supervisor [4876} Stelle Evans . Landfill Supervisor [4873} Daile Wilcox Street Maintenance Supervisor [4825} -, ! . "-"" MEMORANDUM DATE: MAY 5,1998 CITY MANAGER, MAYOR BRAUN AND CITY COUNCIL JACK PITTIS, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS AND UTILITY S TO: FROM: RE: WATER UTILITY MATERIALS BID SUMMARY and RECOMMENDATION: Bids for Water Utility Materials were opened on April 28, 1998. The Public Works & Utilities Department recommends that the City Council reject the bid from H.D. Fowler for Schedule A and award the bid for Schedule A to Familian NW; award the bid for chedule B to milian W; and award Schedule C to U.S. . er. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS: Bids for water utility materials were opened on Tuesday, April 28, 1998, The bids were reviewed and analyzed as follows: VENDOR SCHEDULE A SCHEDULE B SCHEDULE C Water Meters Pipe Fittings Fire Hydrants Familian NW, Sequim $7,465.76 $18,347.42 $4,531.47 H.D. Fowler, Bremerton $7,391.15 $18,995.70 $4,476.77 U.S. Filter, Puyallup no bid $18,653.95 $4,527.27 Western Utilities, Seattle $7,544.64 no bid $5,222.58 ABB Water Meters, Florida $8,219.28 no bid no bid APPARENT LOW BIDDER Reject H.D. Fowler Familian H.D. Fowler Award Familian H.D. Fowler bid $7391.15 for water meters. We have had an ongoing problem with the type of meter they propose to provide. We made changes to the specifications in 1997 to resolve this problem. We do not feel that the meters proposed by H.D. Fowler meet our specifications. We recommend that the bid from H.D. Fowler for Schedule A be rejected for failure to meet the specifications, and award the bid to the second bidder, Familian NW, in the amount of $7465.76. The net difference between the bids is $74.61. Familian NW provides a Badger meter that we have used with excellent results. The Water Division budget includes approximately $50,000 for the purchase of utility supplies for the year. Bid items include the bulk of that purchase. / 021 U22 . . . . AUTHORIZATION TO TRANSFER FUNDS Transfer to Payroll Fund for Pay Period Ending 04-19-98 Mayor/Council 2,600.00 City Manager 3,085.60 Human Resources 3,822.00 Finance 22,732.18 City Attorney 7,842.04 Planning 5,982.14 Police 83,151.15 FirelMedic I 45,340.58 Utility Services 42,924.68 ParklRecreation 33,395.37 . Cemetery 430.16 Total General Fund 251,305.90 Street 13,673.54 Lig ht 24,002.80 Water 19,327.49 Wastewater 9,369.94 Solid Waste 18,736.28 Equipment Services 6,578.13 Information Services 4,784.14 Firemen's Pension 961.66 Esther Webster Trust 3,959.00 Total Payroll 352,698.88 . 023 u24 ~~,t f~ I'"' l.~:r ~~~ I ; / e. t , I . . 98/04/30-15:58 . City of Port Angeles Fnd Opt Check Number Vendor Name 001 . 0001 0002 . 45182 WA State Patrol - WASIS 45186 Washington (Rev), State of 45193 Washington (Rev), State of 45223 GlobaL Computer Supplies 45228 Ins1ght D1rect Inc. 45251 Nat10naL Computer SaLes 45253 Northern Hydraulics Inc. 45262 Power Phone Inc 45268 Quill Corporation 45283 Union Pen Company 45287 WA State PatroL - WASIS 45098 Advanced Travel 45103 Bergsma Showroom 45124 GLass SerV1ces Co. Inc. 45137 Lucent Technologies 45179 US West Communications 45184 Washington (DIS), State of 45196 45215 45221 45224 45261 AT&T BUS1ness Service Creat1ve DeLights Catering Flex-Plan Services Inc. Goldz1mer Consulting Group Port AngeLes City Treasurer 45098 Advanced Travel 45137 Lucent Technolog1es 45156 Quill Corporat10n 45179 US West Communicat10ns 45184 Washington (DIS), State of CHECK REGISTER Date From 04/18/98 To 05/01/98 Vendor Number 23281 23118 23118 07013 09085 14431 14153 16140 17000 21078 23281 01090 02296 07037 12215 21001 23111 01085 03347 06158 07080 03062 01090 12215 17000 21001 23111 Description Criminal history-K Mitchell Criminal history- S Deason Crim1nal History Cr1minal History -P Richardson 1st Qtr excise taxes 1st Qtr excise taxes 1st qtr Leasehold Excise Taxes Monitor arm Hard drives memory kit Printer Expans10n board IBM controller Briggs engine 911 Liability book Printer ribbon Self inking stamp Key tags Cr1minal history-D Robbins GL Code Number 1 2295000 1 2295000 1 2295000 1 2295000 1 237??oo 1 2373000 1 2375000 1 237??oo 1 237??oo 1 237??oo 1 237??oo 1 237??oo 1 237??oo 1 237??oo 1 237??oo 1 2370000 1 237??oo 1 237??oo 1 2295000 April 30 1998 Total for Department B Coons to Renton 4-10 113 4310 J Pomeranz to WA DC 3-6 111 4310 Mural fram1ng-Manager's office 111 3101 Glass top for desk 111 3101 ApriL biLLing 111 4210 ApriL bill1ng 113 4210 4-14 BiLL1ng 111 4210 4-14 Bill1ng 113 4210 4-14 BilL1ng 111 4210 March Scan billing 113 4210 March Scan biLl1ng 111 4210 March Scan biLl1ng 111 4210 4-13 bilLing 111 4210 Awards Luncheon 113 4150 ApriL services 111 4150 Professional svcs March 1998 111 4155 Petty cash re1mbursement 111 3101 Total for Administration Y Ziomkowski to CheLan 4-7 April bilLing April billing Apri l bi II ing Computer paper 4-14 Billing 4-14 B1 II ing 4-14 Billing March Scan billing 201 4310 201 4210 230 4210 240 4210 240 3101 201 4210 230 4210 240 4210 201 4210 025 Page 1 Amount 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 2,207.32 1,154.14 1,621.68 4.63- 266.55- 49.38- 12.57- 3.56- 64. so- 12.41- 5.80- 4.54- 3.98- 14.91- 25.00 4,661.01 9.42 982.18 156.46 28.05 46.50 31.00 72.64 72.64 24.20 17.29 52.51 144.33 6.18 1,329.87 119.40 748.62 4.28 3,845.57 450.15 31.00 38.74 93.00 n.92 121.06 169.48 193.35 24.84 98/04/30-15:58 Fnd Opt Check Number City of Port Angeles Vendor Name 45186 Washington (Rev), State of 45191 Xerox Corporation 45240 Lunsford & Associates Inc 45244 Hlcroflex Inc. 45257 Pacific NW SFG User Group 45260 Pltney Bowes Inc. 45261 Port Angeles Clty Treasurer 0003 45137 45150 45160 45166 45179 45184 45191 45202 45213 Lucent Technologies Perkins Coie LLP Ritchle & Strohmeyer CHECK REGISTER Date From 04/18/98 To 05/01/98 Vendor Number 23118 24001 12179 13203 16292 16018 03062 12215 16370 18242 Shepard's Inc. US West Communlcations Washlngton (OIS), State of Xerox Corporatlon Angeles Temporary CLallam Jefferson 19073 21001 23111 24001 SerVlces 01076 Public Ofndr 03274 45098 Advanced Travel 45137 Lucent Technologies 45179 US West Communications 45184 Washington (OIS), State of 0004 0005 45098 Advanced Travel 45123 GTE/ERS Inc. 45137 Lucent Technologies 45156 Quill Corporation 45179 US West Communications 45184 Washington (OIS), State of 45187 Washington (Unemp), State of 01090 12215 21001 23111 01090 07005 12215 17000 21001 23111 23178 Description April 30 1998 GL Code Number Harch Scan billing 230 4210 Harch Scan billing 240 4210 1st Qtr excise taxes 230 4950 Web fuser, staples 205 3101 Web fuser, staples 205 3101 Rent storage #A104 for Hay 201 4530 Tax audit program 230 4150 Hay User Group meeting 230 4310 Hay User Group meetlng 240 4310 Scale rent 01-01 thru 03-31-98 205 4530 Petty cash reimbursement 201 3101 Petty cash relmbursement 230 4210 Total for Finance April billing 311 4210 Registratlon-Craig Knutson 311 4310 Legal Services - Richard Smith 311 5090 Legal serVlces - W Singleton 311 5090 Legal Services - Todd Perszyk 311 5090 Legal services-R Wright 311 5090 Service 2-98 to 3-99 CD Rom 311 3101 4-14 Billing 311 4210 Harch Scan bllling 311 4210 Cartridge 311 3101 R OaV1S pe 04-15-98 311 4150 PubllC Defender fees for Hay 311 4150 B Collins to Boston 4-4 April billing 4-14 Blll1ng Harch Scan biLLlng J Winfield to Olympia 4-17 L Zenonlan to Winthrop 3-31 J Lowell to Silverdale 4-8 E Schilke to Seattle 3-22 Doppler traffic radar Aprll billing April billing April bill i ng Adjustment for calendar refill 4-14 Bi II ing Harch Scan billing Harch Scan billing Harch Scan billing 1st Qtr 98 Unemployment Total for Atty 411 4310 411 4210 411 4210 411 4210 Total for Planning 530 4310 534 4310 530 4310 530 4310 530 4810 511 4210 534 4210 530 4210 534 3101 534 4210 511 4210 534 4210 530 4210 533 2060 026 Page 2 . Amount 35.80 12.16 147.58 535.91 147.83 115.00 705.76 10.00 20.00 106.83 6.03 5.17 3,048.21 54.24 75.00 171 .00 81.00 50.50 79.. 698. 96.85 20.62 495.27 383.80 2,500.00 4,705.96 818.89 31.00 96.85 16.31 963.05 4.71 238.68 15.00 425 .70 73.01 54.25 38.75 7.75 4._ 242. 61. 6.96 68.65 853.39 98/04/3<r15:58 City of Port Angeles Apri l 30 1998 Page 3 . CHECK REGISTER Date From 04/18/98 To 05/01/98 Fnd Opt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount Number Name Number Number 45201 Angeles Communications Inc 01069 Wire dispatch/detectives 530 4210 219.41 45206 Blumenthal Uniforms & Equipmt 02047 Badge 530 3111 105.15 Ticket holder 530 2080 26.36 Rain cover, strap 530 3111 13.01 Holster,grip 530 2080 140.82 Pants,shirt,emblem,holster 530 2080 411.38 Shirt, emblem, felt, insignia 530 2080 61.50 Narcotice test kits 530 3101 90.55 "ethamphetamine test 530 3101 17.79 Holster 533 2080 29.64 45212 Clallam County Humane Society 03072 April 1998 contract payment 530 4150 3,325.00 45222 Gellor Insurance Inc. 07030 Bond renewal-Zenonian 534 4150 75.00 45268 QUlll Corporatlon 17000 Aluminum frame, tape, clips 534 3101 25.35 Aluminum frame, tape, clips 530 3101 23.99 45282 US West Communications 21001 4-20 bill i ng 534 4210 219.65 Total for POll ce 6,870.35 0006 45098 Advanced Travel 01090 Denton,Peterson,"anning-N Bend 645 4310 115.17 . B Becker to Wenatchee 4-8 645 4310 163.24 C Wheeler to Port Ludlow 3-25 611 4310 24.50 45117 Doyle, Lance 04239 Clothing allowance reimbursmnt 643 2080 64.92 45137 Lucent Technologles 12215 April billing 611 4210 38.75 April billing 642 4210 7.75 April billing 643 4210 7.75 April billing 641 4210 23.25 45139 "ason, James 13031 Clothlng allowance relmbrsment 641 2080 60.59 45151 PhYS10 Control Corporation 16017 BLS instructor manuals 643 3108 72.37 45153 Po~t Angeles Fire Department 16025 Relmburse petty cash 611 3101 26.57 45179 US West Communications 21001 4-14 Billlng 641 4210 265.98 45184 Washlngton (DIS), State of 23111 "arch Scan billlng 611 4210 24.66 "arch Scan billing 642 4210 .35 "arch Scan billing 643 4210 6.37 "arch Scan billlng 641 4210 1.24 45191 Xerox Corporation 24001 5320 copier maint agre-pe 3-30 641 4810 127.86 45199 American Heart Assn. 01025 Reglstration- "ike Hansen 643 3108 75.00 45206 Blumenthal Uniforms & Equipmt 02047 Jacket, emblem 641 2080 201.45 Badge,bugles 641 3111 87.23 Pants 641 2080 107.46 45211 Clallam County E"S Council 03068 "edic I Advlsory for "ay 643 4150 500.00 45216 Oar ling, Greg 04004 Clothing allowance 641 2080 53.94 45223 Global Computer supplies 07013 "onitor arm 641 3101 63.27 45255 Olymplc "emorial Hospital 15028 Paramedic supplies 643 3101 15.50 45273 SeaWestern Inc. 19104 Facepieces 641 6410 1,341.44 Commando coat w/li~er 641 3111 545.81 . 45283 Union Pen Company 21078 Key tags 642 3101 203.64 45292 Ziegler, Kelly G. 26208 Clothing allowance 641 2080 133.31 Total for Fire 4,359.37 0007 45098 Advanced Travel 01090 J Shay to Seattle 3-13 711 4310 027 28.26 98/04/30-15:58 City of Port Angeles April 30 1998 Page 4 CHECK REGISTER . Date From 04/18/98 To 05/01/98 Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount Number Name Number Number J Pittis to Tacoma 4-7 711 4310 220.80 45125 Graphic Products Inc. 07050 Laminated pouch 711 3101 155.75 45134 Kochanek, Harry 11017 Letter delivery 711 4990 15.00 45137 Lucent Technologles 12215 April billing 711 4210 23.25 April billing 711 4210 15.50 April billing 711 4210 31.00 Aprll billing 711 4210 85.25 April billing 711 4210 62.00 45179 US West Communications 21001 4-14 Billlng 711 4210 362.83 45184 Washlngton (DIS), State of 23111 March Scan billing 711 4210 56.33 March Scan billing 711 4210 2.42 March Scan billing 711 4210 134.97 45214 Complete Line, The 03087 Tabs,label holders, card stock 711 3101 99.45 Index tabs 711 3101 7.87 45227 Inland Pacifl c 09026 Pre-lnked stamp 711 3101 58.27 45228 Insight Direct Inc. 09085 Pri nter 711 3501 171.57 Expanslon board 711 3501 48.56 45261 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 Petty cash reimbursement 784 3101 40.89 Petty cash reimbursement 711 3101 4.73 Petty cash reimbursement 711 4990 18.00 45270 Rocket 04043 Fire sprinkler lnspectlon 784 4150 281.. 45285 Viklng Offlce Products 22054 Pens, envelopes, paper, CllpS 711 3101 78. Stapler, lndexes, labels, disk 711 3101 39.90 Coat tree, post it pads, tape 711 3101 52.75 45288 Washlngton (DIS), State of 23111 Autocad upgrades 711 3101 3,729.98 Total for Public Works 5,825.12 0008 45098 Advanced Travel 01090 J Whlte to Vancouver 3-18 865 4310 2n.00 45099 Amerlcan Red Cross 01032 Water Safety Instructor Course 86Z 3101 190.00 45120 Federal Flresafety Inc. 06023 SerVlce amplifier 861 4810 188.83 45137 Lucent Technologles 12215 April billing 811 4210 23.25 April billmg 866 4210 7.75 April billing 865 4210 7.75 April billlng 861 4210 15.50 April billing 862 4210 7.75 April bllllng 863 4210 23.25 45148 penlnsula Bottling Co. Inc. 16071 Soda for fishing derby 861 3101 52.00 45179 US West Communlcatlons 21001 4-14 Billlng 862 4210 40.97 4-14 Billing 811 4210 72.64 4-14 Billing 861 4210 96.85 4-14 Billing 862 4210 24.21 4-14 Billlng 863 4210 24.21 4-14 Billing 865 4210 121.06 4-14 Billing 866 4210 48.42 4-14 Billing 865 4210 38.1t 4-14 Billlng 862 4210 36. 45183 WA State Patrol ID & Criminal 23116 Criminal history records 861 3199 40. 45184 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 March Scan billlng 811 4210 12.06 March Scan billing 866 4210 6.14 March Scan billing 865 4210 u28 .18 98/04/30-15:58 . Fnd Dpt Check Number . 101 0001 . 0007 City of Port Angeles Vendor Name CHECK REGISTER Date From 04/18/98 To 05/01/98 Vendor Number 45186 Washlngton (Rev), State of 23118 45187 Washlngton (Unemp), State of 23178 45189 West Coast Grocery Co. 45196 AT&T Buslness SerVlce 45202 Angeles Temporary Services 45204 Best Locking Systems 45218 Eclipse C Corp. 45233 KeLco Supply Company 45253 Northern Hydraulics Inc. .45261 Port Angeles City Treasurer 45265 puget Safety Equ1pment 45271 Roto Rooter Plumbers 45282 US West Communicatlons 23016 01085 01076 01079 19019 11115 14153 03062 16248 18229 21001 45286 WA Recreation & Park Assn/WRPA 23007 45207 Brewer, Davld 45186 Washington (Rev), State of 45137 Lucent Technologies 45163 Schmitt's Sheet Metal Inc. 02055 23118 12215 19007 Description March Scan billing March Scan billing March Scan billing March 98 excise taxes March 98 excise taxes March 98 excise taxes March 98 excise taxes March 98 excise taxes March 98 excise taxes March 98 excise taxes March 98 excise taxes 1st Qtr excise taxes 1st Qtr excise taxes 1st Qtr excise taxes 1st Qtr excise taxes 1st Qtr excise taxes 1st Qtr excise taxes 1st Qtr 98 Unemployment 1st Qtr 98 Unemployment Cooking pot, lids, condiments 4-13 billing C Kochanek pe 04-15-98 Tubular lock backset,padlocks Sand Washed sand Urn, presentation bags Briggs engine Petty cash reimbursement Petty cash reimbursement Petty cash reimbursement Petty cash reimbursement Nltrile gloves Unplug lines-Erickson Field 4-14 billing 4-08 billing Registration - Hicks Contract services for May April 30 1998 GL Code Number 861 4210 862 4210 863 4210 862 9450 862 9452 862 9454 862 9455 865 9457 862 9612 862 9451 862 9626 866 9431 866 9435 866 9436 866 9426 866 9430 866 9434 8652060 863 2060 861 3101 862 4210 866 4150 865 3120 866 3120 866 3120 866 3401 865 3120 862 9450 862 3101 862 3101 865 4901 866 3120 865 4810 863 4210 866 4410 861 4310 Total for Parks & Recreation Total for General Fund 115 4990 Total for Convention Center Fund 1st Qtr excise taxes Apri l bi II ing Sheet metal, thread, nuts 102 2370000 Total for Department 752 4210 752 3101 029 Page 5 Amount 60.70 .89 10.32 1,250.57 213.56 79.40 17.45 350.45 4.19 201.31 30.53 121 .86 111.93 62.01 77.96 148.89 131 .31 4,634.73 1 ,737. 11 86.85 6.18 639.71 310.53 75.53 37.76 9.32 169.45 18.50 13.00 7.54 26.00 26.82 110.06 34.54 SO.50 205.00 12,456.92 46,735.56 100.00 100.00 1,040.58 1,040.58 23.25 486.00 98/04/30-15:58 Fnd Dpt Check Number 107 0005 310 0007 316 0008 320 0006 321 0007 401 City of Port Angeles April 30 1998 Vendor Name 45179 45192 45204 45265 45293 US West Communications Zee Medical Service Co. Best Locking Systems puget Safety Equipment Zumar Industries Inc. 45098 Advanced Travel 45128 I-COM 45137 Lucent Technologies 45179 US West Communications 45184 Washington (DIS), State of 45262' powerPhone Inc 45268 Qu,ll Corporation 45133 K,tsap Bank 45157 R. V. Assoc1ates Inc. 45172 T & J's Nursery 45162 Ryan Swanson & Cleveland 45252 North Sound Bank 45263 Pr1mo Construction Inc. 45102 45110 45127 45135 45136 45149 45168 45173 Anthony, Stephanie Daniel, Linda Hooper, Michael Lane, James Loyal Order of the Moose #996 Pen1nsula College Sisneros, Lawrence R. Thanem, Courtney CHECK REGISTER Date From 04/18/98 To 05/01/98 Vendor Number 21001 26005 01079 16248 26001 01090 09109 12215 21001 23111 16140 17000 11139 18268 20020 18205 141n 16033 01367 04238 08327 12267 12268 16011 19498 20196 Description GL Code Number 4-14 Billing First Aid Supplies Padlock, weather cover Chore gloves Slgn posts, letters Letters Sign posts Sign posts 752 4210 752 3101 752 3101 752 3101 752 3125 752 3125 752 3125 752 3125 Total for Public Works Total for Street Fund D Altfilish to Kennewick 3-22 532 4310 M O'Connor to SeaTac 4-7 532 4310 K Roedell to Selah/Yakima 4-16 532 4310 Registration - D Hamlin 532 4310 April billing 532 4210 4-14 Billing 532 4210 March Scan b1lling 532 4210 911 Liability book 532 3101 Printer ribbon 532 3101 Total for Pen Com Reta1nage Acct #018n18620 Prof Svcs-LID 215 pmt #5 781 4150 781 4150 Total for Capital Improvement Fund Black pine,red cedar trees 860 3140 Total for Lincoln Park Improvement Fund Profess1onal svcs-Fire Hall 621 4150 Total for F1re Station Construction Fund Escrow Acct #750800542 716 4150 Project 94-19 Library pmt #13 716 4150 Total for Library Construction Fund Utility deposit rfd-013641019 Utility overpmt rfd-03441oo21 Utility deposit rfd-099333033 Utility ovrpmt rfd-020354oo3 Energy Smart Design Incentive Energy Smart Design Incentive Utility deposit rfd-12n04012 Utility deposit rfd-023981030 401 2131100 401 1222200 401 2131100 401 1222200 401 1342000 401 1342000 401 2131100 401 2131100 030 Page 6 t t f' t . Amount 72.64 117.89 300.57 41.34 223.33 84.48 451.05 626.34 2,426.89 3,467.47 504.42 19.00 219.92 210.00 131.75 241.n 44.23 79.2.5 61. 1,512.24 9,157.92 188,469.90 197,627.82 746.67 746.67 267.31 267.31 12,920.45 265,902.86 278,823.31 46.46 27.15 66.03 500.. 3,633. 1,947.00 250.00 13.13 98/04/30-15:58 . Fnd Dpt Check Number 0009 . . 45190 45220 45225 45238 45250 45274 45275 45277 45281 45291 45098 45106 45107 45111 45119 45126 45137 45138 45154 45161 45175 45179 45184 45187 45188 45196 45197 45234 45261 45264 45274 45276 45279 45284 City of Port Angeles Vendor Name Western States Electric Inc. Finister, Lynda Graybar Electric Co. Inc. Lockhart, Misty Naki, Katheryn Sellstrom/RTC Simpson, Sam Tacoma Screw Products Inc. Trilllngham, Wilma M Wilkes, Stephen J Advanced Travel CHECK REGISTER Date From 04/18/98 To 05/01/98 Vendor Number 23025 06193 07040 12269 14443 19494 19500 20191 20090 23404 01090 Buslness Answerphone Service 02166 CED/Consolidated Elec.Dist.lnc 03267 Daugaard Plumbing, D. K. 04039 EES Consultlng Inc. 05140 Green Thumb Garden Center 07191 Lucent Technologies 12215 Marsh Mundorf Pratt & Sullivan 13287 PubllC Utllity Dist Clallam Co 16038 Ruud Lighting Inc. 18099 Transfac Funding Corporation 20059 US West Communlcations 21001 Washlngton (DIS), State of Washlngton (Unemp); State of Wayne's Nursery AT&T BUSlness Service AT&T Wlreless Services Keller Supply Company 23111 23178 23063 01085 20000 11086 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 Public Utllity Dist Clallam Co 16038 Sellstrom/RTC 19494 TDT Inc. 20133 Transfac Fundlng corporation 20059 Utillty Underground Loc Center 21010 45186 Washington (Rev), State of 45203 Bavco 45228 Inslght Direct Inc. 23118 02346 09085 Description Transformer Utillty depost rfd-004073025 Conduit Utility deposit rfd-001465019 Utility deposit rfd-118834007 Tripods, lifeline Utility deposit rfd-015555015 Stalnless steel fasteners Utility overpmt rfd-127713oo2 Utility deposit rfd-104671031 M Brown to Seattle 3-25 B Titus to Fife 3-26 April services Spider boxes Install water cooler Prof Svcs-Strategic Pln 3-98 Prof Svcs-prog WPAG pe 3-98 Juniper, lawn mix April billlng Legal serVlces pe 3-31-98 SR 101 & Euclid Ave-April Fountain llghting luminaires Shipping services 4-14 Billlng 4-14 Billing March Scan bllling 1st Qtr 98 Unemployment Ivy plants' 4-13 billlng 3-21 bi III ng Water cooler,fllter Underslnk filter Petty cash reimbursement Lauridsen Blvd & L St-April Trlpods, l ifel ine Gas-in-oll testing Shlpping charges for tripod March locates March 98 excise tax March 98 excise tax Double cheek valve Prlnter Expanslon board April 30 1998 GL Code Number 401 1414000 401 2131100 401 1411000 401 2131100 401 2131100 401 2370000 401 2131100 401 1411000 401 1222200 401 2131100 Total for Department 911 4310 911 4310 911 4210 911 3402 911 3101 911 4150 911 4901 911 3402 911 4210 911 4901 911 3350 911 3402 911 3101 911 4210 911 4210 911 4210 911 2060 911 3402 911 4210 911 4210 911 3101 911 3101 911 3101 911 3350 911 4150 911 4150 911 3101 911 4150 Total for Llght Total for Light Fund 402 2370000 402 2371000 402 2370000 402 2370000 402 2370000 U31 Page 7 Amount 1,777.12 125.00 379.40 24.00 69.24 66.79- 196.74 159.67 15.09 48.24 9,210.48 9.42 68.25 130.00 1,211.78 480.01 13,231.16 764.90 91.68 108.50 421.05 15.36 1,218.19 295 . 81 651.64 41.12 40.00 12,019.00 12.81 6.43 7.11 478.34 84.06 34.51 19.22 912.23 140.00 244.47 62.63 32,799.68 42,010.16 114.51 1.89 18.66- 12.56- 3.56- 98/04/30-15:58 City of Port Angeles CHECK REGISTER Date From 04/18/98 To 05/01/98 Fnd Dpt Check Number Vendor Name Vendor Number 45268 Quill Corporation 17000 0003 45137 Lucent Technologies 12215 45164 Sears 19297 45179 US West Communications 21001 45184 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 45185 Washlngton (Ecology), State of 23106 45186 Washington (Rev), State of 45214 Complete Llne, The 45228 Insight Direct Inc. 23118 03087 09085 45254 Northwest Blosolids Mgmt Assn 14152 45261 Port Angeles Clty Treasurer 03062 45267 Quality Control SerVlces Inc. 17005 45284 Utllity Underground Loc Center 21010 0007 45098 Advanced Travel 01090 45108 CH2M Hill 03005 45113 Dept of Community Development 03066 45122 Foster Pepper & Sheffelman 06063 45133 Kltsap Bank 11139 45137 Lucent Technologies 12215 45142 Mine Safety Appllances Company 13218 45154 PubllC Utility Dist Clallam Co 16038 45157 R. V. Associates Inc. 18268 45165 Seattle Daily Journal of Comm. 19058 45179 US West Communications 21001 45184 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 45186 Washington (Rev), State of 23118 45187 Washington (Unemp), State of 23178 45200 American Water Works Assoc. 01066 45203 Bavco 02346 45228 Inslght Direct Inc. 09085 45231 Jones Chemicals Inc. 10027 45264 Public Utility Dist Clallam Co 16038 45268 QUlll corporation 17000 45284 Utility Underground Loc Center 21010 45290 Washlngton State University 23009 Description GL Code Number Self inking stamp 402 237??oo April 30 1998 Page 8 . Amount 1.33- Total for Department 80.29 April billlng 354 4210 Filters 354 3101 4-14 Billing 354 4210 March Scan billing 354 4210 Discharge permit Jan-June 1998 354 4990 Discharge permit Jan-June 1998 354 4990 March 98 excise tax 354 4950 Deluxe bond, binders 354 3101 Printer 354 3501 Expansion board 354 3501 Annual membership 354 4901 Petty cash reimbursement 354 3101 Petty cash reimbursement 354 3101 Petty cash reimbursement 354 3101 Recertify weights 354 3101 Repairs,calibrate thermometer 354 3101 On-site serVlce 354 3101 March locates 354 4150 Total for D Madison to Olympia 4-13 753 4310 Englneerlng Svcs-Water Supply 753 4150 March water tests 753 3101 Legal Svcs-Water Rlghts 4-98 753 4150 Retainage Acct #0187718620 753 4150 April billing 753 4210 Annual service on Dynevacs 753 4810 203 Resevoir Rd - April 753 4710 Prof Svcs-LID 215 pmt #5 753 4~50 Water Utility Bid Invitation 753 4410 4-14 Billing 753 4210 March Scan billlng 753 4210 March 98 excise tax 753 4950 1st Qtr 98 Unemployment 753 2060 AWWA annual dues 753 4901 ReVlsions subscription 753 3101 Double check valve 753 3101 Printer 753 3501 Expansion board 753 3501 Chlorine cylinder 753 3101 Chlorine 753 3101 Deposit refund-chlorine cylndr 753 3101 Ranney Well 04-17 753 4710 Self inking stamp 753 3101 March locates 753 4150 Salmon in the City conf-Smith 753 4310 15.50 51.76 48.42 40.49 5,853.00 38.60- 4,872.16 650.17 85.78 24.28 200.00 15.00 15.00 10.68 32.00 65.00 91._ 31. Wastewater 12,063.68 73.50 1,617.83 486.00 1,864.94 1,142.92 7.75 125.23 86.78 23,521.40 273.90 96.85 12.70 7,187.84 663.69 99.00 200.00 254.92 85.78 24.28 600.00- 2,313.. 1,350. 18. 18.11 U32 31.32 165.00 98/04/30-15:58 . Fnd Dpt Check Number 404 0007 . 421 0009 451 0009 452 0007 453 0007 . 501 Vendor Name City of Port Angeles Apri l 30 1998 CHECK REGISTER Date From 04/18/98 To 05/01/98 Vendor Number 45169 Smith & Associates Inc.,David 19122 4519' Washington (Rev), State of 23118 45098 Advanced Travel 01090 45100 Analytical Resources Inc. 01252 45114 Design One Inc. 04164 45137 Lucent Technologies 12215 45169 Smith & Associates Inc.,David 19122 45179 US West Communications 21001 45184 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 45193 Washlngton (Rev), State of 23118 45241 Lyndes III M.D., Harry E. 12033 45258 Penlnsula Machlne Inc 16377 45259 PhilllpS Scale Co. Inc. 16139 45280 Triangle Pump and Equipment In 20141 45289 Washlngton (Ecology), State of 23106 45261 Port Angeles City Treasurer 45268 Quill Corporation 45108 CH2M Hi II 45132 Key Bank of Washington 45171 Strider Construction Co Inc 45198 America's Finest 45132 Key Bank of Washington 45171 Strider Constructlon Co Inc 45186 Washington (Rev), State of 45242 McLoughlin & Eardley Corp. 03062 17000 03005 11128 19447 01368 11128 19447 23118 13300 Description GL Code Number Total for Public Works Total for Water/Wastewater Fund Color photo enlargements 1st qtr excise taxes 404 2370000 404 2370000 Total for Department McCabe/Ridout to Tacoma 4-12 Water chemical testing Bags April billing Color photo enlargements 4-14 Billing March Scan billing 1st qtr eXClse taxes DOL physical for Stromski Manufacture plate,guides Scale maintenance Sealing washer Discharge permit 755 4310 755 4150 755 4410 755 4210 755 3101 755 4210 755 4210 755 4950 755 4901 755 3101 755 4150 755 3101 Jan-June 1998 755 4990 Total for Public Works Total for Solid Waste Fund 913 4990 Petty cash reimbursement Self inklng stamp Total for Conservation Fund 930 3101 Total for Light Constructlon Engineering svcs pe 3-27-98 793 4150 Retainage acct #473544001802 793 4150 Prof Svcs-Watermain pmt #6 793 4150 Water damage Angeles Music 793 4150 Total for Water Construction Retainage acct#473549007259 794 4150 Retainage acct#473549007259 794 4150 Prof Svcs USCG WW proj pmt #6 794 4150 Prof Svcs USCG WW proj pmt #6 794 4150 Total for WasteWater Construction 1st Qtr excise taxes Rotating beacons 501 2370000 501 2370000 Page 9 Amount 38,421.69 50,565.66 8.14- 1,393.40 1,385.26 15.00 3,300.00 311.68 38.75 111.14 121.06 17.37 36,972.56 71.50 695.96 328.40 151.51 4,730.00 46,864.93 48,250.19 33.00 33.00 54.32 54.32 4,122.75 26,575.89 546,931.90 365.00 577,995.54 239.82 1,674.24 4,935.46 34,455.89 41,305.41 033 370.35 37.02- 98/04/30-15:58 City of Port Angeles April 30 1998 Fnd Dpt Check Number Vendor Name '0007 45137 Lucent Technologies 45145 Novus Windshield Repair 45147 Olympic Laundry & Clnrs Inc. 45152 Points Sharp Steel Inc. 45155 Quality 4x4 Truck Supply 45167 Simpson's Used Auto Parts 45179 US West Communications 45184 Washington (DIS), State of 45232 Kaman Industr1al Technologies 45236 Les Schwab Tire Center 45242 McLoughlin & Eardley Corp. 45266 Qqest Software Systems 502 0002 45098 Advanced Travel 45101 Angeles Communications Inc 45118 Dungeness Communications & 45137 Lucent Technolog1es 45179 US West Commun1cat10ns 45184 Washington (DIS), State of 45228 Insight Direct Inc. 45251 National Computer Sales 45257 Pac1fic NW SFG User Group 503 0001 45109 Cleland, Mike 45112 Daugaard, Vern 45129 Johnson, Donald G 45130 Johnson, Harry 45140 McGinley, Doyle 45141 Merriwether, James 45143 Myers, William 45158 Ra1nier EAP Inc. 45174 Thompson, Bruce 45176 Turton, F. Gale 45171 UNUM Life Ins Co of America 45205 Bishop, Virgil 45208 Cameron, Kenneth 45209 Camperini, Richard 45219 Evans, Sid 45226 Hansen, George D. 45229 Johnson, Donald G CHECK REGISTER Date From 04/18/98 To 05/01/98 Vendor Number 12215 14206 15026 16092 17006 19199 21001 23111 11082 19459 13300 17015 01090 01069 04210 12215 21001 23111 09085 14431 16292 03263 04234 10052 10047 13215 13113 13130 18057 20083 20041 21000 02019 03252 03273 05103 08048 10052 Description GL Code Number Total for Department April billing Repair glass Laundry services Chisel, asphalt cutter Flex flare Flexi flares U Joint, key wax, yoke Towing services 4-14 Billing March Scan billing Coupling hub,sox Lawn & garden tube Rotatmg beacons Service agreement 760 4210 760 4810 760 4990 760 4810 760 3101 760 3101 760 3101 760 4810 760 4210 760 4210 760 3101 760 3101 760 3101 760 3101 Total for Public Works Total for Equ1pment Services Fund T O'Neill to Vancouver BC 3-11 Run computer wire, supplies Website ma1ntenance-March April billing 4-14 Billmg March Scan bill1ng Hard drives memory k1t - IBM controller May User Group meet1ng 250 4310 250 4150 250 4210 250 4210 250 4210 250 4210 250 4810 250 4810 250 4810 250 4310 Total for Information Systems Fund D1sability Board Cla1ms-April 121 4635 Reimbrsmnt-98 Chiropractic fee 121 4630 D1sability Board Cla1ms-April 121 4635 Disability Board Claims-April 121 4635 Deductible reimbrsmnt-surgery 121 4630 Disability Board Claims-April 121 4635 Disability Board Claims-April 121 4635 EAP services- March 121 4150 Disabil1ty Board Claims-April 121 4635 Disability Board Cla1ms-April 121 4635 Long term disability May 1998 121 4631 Reimburse May Medicare Premium 121 4635 Reimburse May Medicare Premium 121 4635 Reimburse May Medicare Premium 121 4635 Reimburse May Medicare Premium 121 4635 Reimburse May Medicare Premium 121 4635 Reimburse May Medicare Prem1um 121 4635 034 Page 10 . Amount 333.33 7.75 64.74 158.35 15.18 91.72 96.99 50.42 53.95 24.21 14.26 19.82 6.71 505.67 239.00 1,348.71 1,682.10 337.. 81.08 160.00 23.24 72.64 16.49 3,640.55 674.38 885.05 20.00 5,910.89 151.22 60.00 2,203.46 14.00 48.00 378.00 71.83 330.00 103.00 71.98 1,668.01 94..- 65. 46.1 42.50 46.80 43.80 98/04/30-15:58 . Fnd Dpt Check Number 602 0002 621 0002 . 45230 45235 45237 45239 45245 45246 45248 45249 45269 45278 City of Port Angeles April 30 1998 Vendor Name Johnson, Harry Kochanek, Harry Lindley, James K. Loucks, Jasper Miesel, Phil Morgan, Roy NW Admin Transfer Acct (Non-S) NW Admin. Transfer Acct (SW) Regence Blue Shield Taylor, Mildred 45104 Braun, Gary 45116 Doyle, Jerry CHECK REGISTER Date From 04/18/98 To 05/01/98 Vendor Number 10047 11017 12019 12186 13261 13145 14169 14016 18234 20197 02173 04022 45243 Meyer Construction & Roofing 13376 45272 Schoenfeldt Constructlon, Dick 19141 45285 Vlklng Office Products 22054 625 0008 45115 Distnct 13 04050 45210 Captaln T's 03048 45217 Dlstrlct 13 04050 45247 Musco Sports l1ghting Inc. 13227 45261 Port Angeles Clty Treasurer 03062 650 652 0008 .8 697 45186 Washington (Rev), State of 45105 Budden, Jan 45137 Lucent Technologies 45179 US West Communications 45184 Washington (DIS), State of 45144 Natural Structures 45256 Oregon Brass Works 45131 Jones, Robert S. 23118 02368 12215 21001 23111 14145 15032 10149 Description GL Code Number Reimburse May Medicare Premium 121 4635 Reimburse May Medicare Premium 121 4635 Reimburse May Medicare Premium 121 4635 Reimburse May Medicare Premium 121 4635 Reimburse May Medicare Premium 121 4635 Reimburse May Medicare Premium 121 4635 Medical,dental,vision May 121 4633 Medical,dental,vision May 121 4633 Dental administration May 117 4601 Settlement claim #14-98 119 4999 Total for Self - Insurance Fund Dlsabllity Board Claims-April 225 4635 Dlsability Board Claims-April 225 4635 Total for Firemen's Pension Fund Project 96PA74E-final Anderson 214 4150 ProJect 96PA80E-final Cebelak 214 4150 Stapler, indexes, labels, disk 214 3101 Coat tree, post it pads, tape 214 3101 Total for P.A. Housing ReHab Project . Amateur Softball Assn fees 881 4150 T shirts 882 4150 Umpire pmts 1998 SB Tournament 881 4150 Lens,ring assembly 881 3120 Petty cash relmbursement 888 3101 Petty cash reimbursement 888 3101 Total for Recreational Activities Fund 1st Qtr excise taxes 650 2319100 Total for Off - Street Parking Fund Lecture Honorarium April billing 4-14 Billing March Scan billing 868 4150 868 4210 868 4210 868 4210 Total for Esther Webster Trust Fund Benches Plaque-Donnelly 873 3199 873 3199 Total for Waterfront Trail Fund Refund overpmt on Medic I 697 2391000 035 Page 11 Amount 42.50 85.00 43.80 85.00 146.10 46.10 9,260.90 2,206.10 1,166.20 325.43 18,757.53 32.61 49.29 81.90 6,865.68 7,072.52 51.63 13.33 14,003.16 3,260.00 364.16 1,216.00 75.54 47.42 12.47 4,975.59 57.33 57.33 200.00 7.75 24.21 34.26 266.22 2,250.43 57.00 2,307.43 208.56 98/04/30-15:58 City of Port Angeles CHECK REGISTER Date From 04/18/98 To 05/01/98 Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Number Name Number 45159 Regence Blue Shield 18290 45170 Smith, Susan 19499 698 45121 45146 45178 45180 45181 Flex-Plan Services Inc. Office of Support Enforcement US Department of Educatlon United Way Volunteer Flre Association 06062 15072 21075 21028 22060 Description Rfd overpmt Medic I-Williams Rfd overpmt on Medic I April 30 1998 GL Code Number 697 2391000 697 2391000 Total for Accts.Receivable Clearing Fund Payroll deductions pe 4-19-98 Payroll deductions pe 4-19-98 Payroll deductions pe 4-19-98 4-19 Billing Payroll deductions pe 4-19-98 698 2315210 698 2315210 698 2315210 698 2315240 698 2315210 Page 12 . Amount 192.42 50.00 450.98 1,064.79 311.54 49.04 425.19 44.00 Total for Accounts Payable Clearing Fund 1,894.56 Grand Total 1,339,882.35 036 . . . . . -3' U l CITY OF PORT ANGELES - PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM . "MAINTAINING AND BUILDING A BEITER COMMUNITY" APRIL 27,1998 TO: Kay Godbey, Finance Director FROM: Jack Pittis, Public Works Director RE: Port Angeles Public Library-Project #94-19 (payment #13) CONTRACT THIS PAY PREVIOUS TOTAL WORK REQUEST PAYMENTS TO DATE Ongmal Contract Amount Change Orders to Date (12) $72,432.31 Subtotal $258,409.00 Sales Tax (7.9% of subtotal) $20.414.31 $229,605.53 $250,019.84 LESS Retainage (5% of subtotal) $12,920.45 $145,319.95 $158,240.40 Contractor Payments Authorized to Date $3,256,587.46 Project Completion DISBURSEMENT SUMMARY (Account No. US7517-9419-4150) CONTRACTOR: Primo Construction, Inc, 970 Carlsborg Road SeqUlID W A. 98382 1'=>033 $265,902,86 RET AINAGE: Escrow acct. #750800542 North Sound Bank P.O. Box 3850 SeqUlID, W A. 98382 $12,920.45 TOTAL DISBURSEMENT FOR THIS PAYMENT $278,823.31 CHANGE ORDER COMMENTS: . PREPARED BY:~~' ~ _ APPROVED BY: Project M~ Direc PW.178 (Rev 11/931 N IPROJECTSI94-19LlBIPROJMGTlPA YMEI'ITSIPAY 013 U38 APPLlCA T AND CERTIFICATE FOR PAYMENT A UMENT G702 PAGE ONE OF 5 PAGES TO (OWNER) PROJECT APPLICATION NO 13 Distribution to CITY OF PORT ANGELES PORT ANGELES PUBLIC LIBRARY ] OWNER 321 East Fifth Street PERIOD FROM 3/28/98 ] ARCHITECT Port Angeles, WA 98362 TO 4/24/98 [ ] CONTRACTOR [ ) ATTENTION CONTRACT FOR ARCHITECT'S [ ) Jack N PlttlS, P E PROJECT NO 94-19 CONTRACT DATE April 22, 1997 CONTRACTOR'S APPLICATION FOR PAYMENT Application is made for Payment, as shown below, In connection with the Contract Continuation Sheet, AlA Document G703, IS attached CHANGE ORDER SUMMARY Change Orders approved ADDITIONS DEDUCTIONS In prevIous months by Owner TOTAL $ 72,43231 Approved This Month Number Date Approved TOTALS $ 72.43231 $ - Net Change by Change Orders $ 72,432 31 The present status of the account for this Contract is as follows ~/ 'U()'~ ,,\ URRENT PAYMENT DUE ........................................................... ....."" \, :\()" ~., \:~~\ ~~,\:;.l.,,\\~~ ,CSta of WASHINGTON County of CLALLAM \ '.:....: ('.X ,.\ R\:)fO\;. \ijilBsGirlbedand~worn ethls 2 ~daYOf April. 1998 \ ~ ..~ V r {.... \ f .", ~.' / ~', J " ,'.'L';," N~FY'Publlc tfj.:1.", 1t\' \'S;':.', ,-' .\J~ '1iycommlssionExpires May1 :1998 RTIFICATE FOR PAYMENT '.' ,,' LESS PREVIOUS CERTIFICATES FOR PAYMENT $ 3,476,800 00 $ 72,43231 $ 3,549,23231 $ 3,164,80802 $ 250,01983 $ 158,240 40 $ 3,256,587 45 $ 2,990,684 59 $ 265,90286 ORIGINAL CONTRACT SUM Net Change by Change Orders CONTRACT SUM TO DATE .... ............................................... TOTAL COMPLETE & STORED TO DATE Washington State Sales Tax @ 7 9% RETAINAGE 5% The underSigned Contractor certifies that to the best of hiS knowledge, Information and belief the Work covered by thiS Application for Payment has been completed In accordance With the Contract Docu- ments, that all amounts have been paid by him for work for which pre,'lolls Certificates for Payment were Issued and payments received !Il}rn the owner, and that current payment shown herein IS now due TOTAL EARNED LESS RETAINAGE \. / AMOUNT CERTIFIE (Attach explan 0 ARCHITECT' I . om. j. t,{J91 This certificate I not 0 e. he AMOUNT CERTIFIED Is payable only to th Contractor named herein Issuance. paymen and acceptance of payment are without prejudice to any rights of the Owner or Contractor under this Contract By' In accordance with the Contract Documents, based on on-site obser- vations and the data comprising the above application. the Architect certifies to the Owner that the Work has progressed to the point indicated, that to the best of his knowledge, Information and belief, the quality of the Work Is In accordance with the Contract Docu- ments, and that the Contractor Is entitled to payment of the AMOUNT CERTIFIED AlA DOCUMENT G702 APPliCATION AND CER IIFICATE FOR PAYMENT APRIL 1978 EDmoN 1978 THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARICHITECTS, 1735 NEW YORK AVENUE, N W , WASHINGTON, 0 C 20006 c w w G702- 1978 CONTINUATION SHEET AlA DOCUMENT G703 AlA Document G702, APPLICATION AND CERTIFICATE FOR PAYMENT,contalnlng Contractor's signed Cerllficallon IS attached In tabulations below, amounts are stated to the nearest dollar Use Column I on Contracts where variable retalnage for line Items may apply PAGE 2 OF 5 PAGES APPLICATION NUMBER 13 APPLlCA TlON DATE 4/24/98 PERIOD FROM 3/28/98 TO 4/24/98 ARCHITECl 'S PROJECT NO 94-19 A B C 0 E I F G H I J WORK COMPLETED TOT AL COMPLETED T his Application AND STORED % BALANCE RET AINAGE ITEM Ol:SCHIPfION OF WORK SCHEDULE[) TO DATE (GIG) TO FINISH No VALUE (D+E+F) (C-G) PrevIous Stored Malenals Applicalions Work In Place (nolln D or E) 1 Bonding & Insurance $ 37,74200 $ 37,74200 $ 37,74200 100% $ - $ 1,88710 2 Temporary Facilities $ 17,05000 $ 16,70000 $ 16,70000 98% $ 350 00 $ 835 00 3 Job Supervision $ 75,35000 $ 68,846 00 $ 6,50400 $ 75,350 00 100% $ - $ 3,76750 4 Permits & Fees $ 20,411 00 $ 20,411 00 $ 20,411 00 100% $ - $ 1,020 55 5 Field Engineering $ 26,95000 $ 26,950 00 $ 26,950 00 100% $ - $ 1 ,347 50 6 Selective Demolition $ 5,335 00 $ 5,33500 $ 5,335 00 100% $ - $ 266 75 7 Sltework & Utilities $ 267,53700 $ 265,006 00 $ 265,00600 99% $ 2,531 00 $ 13,250 30 8 Hot MIx Asphalt Paving $ 66,55000 $ 53,240 00 $ 53,240 00 80% $ 13,31000 $ 2,662 00 9 Irrigallon System & Landscaping $ 104,50000 $ 22,609 00 $ 25,45300 $ 48,062 00 46% $ 56,43800 $ 2,40310 10 Striping & Exterior Slgnage $ 1,320 00 $ - 0% $ 1,320 00 $ - 11 Cast-In-Place Concrete $ 260,72300 $ 250,72300 $ 3,630 00 $ 254,35300 98% $ 6,37000 $ 12,717 65 12 SpeCial Concrete Finishes $ 10,56000 $ 13800 $ 13800 1% $ 10,42200 $ 690 13 Unit Masonry $ 70,650 00 $ 63,585 00 $ 63,585 00 90% $ 7,06500 $ 3,179 25 14 Structural Steel & Metal Fabrlcallon $ 211,00000 $ 211,000 00 $ 211,000 00 100% $ - $ 10,55000 15 Steel Joists & Steel Deck $ 79,97000 $ 79,97000 $ 79,97000 100% $ - $ 3,998 50 16 Steel Erection $ 128,19700 $ 128,19700 $ 128,19700 100% $ - $ 6,40985 17 Rough Carpentry $ 15,84000 $ 15,840 00 $ 15,840 00 100% $ - $ 792 00 18 Building Matenals $ 33,00000 $ 33,000 00 $ 33,00000 100% $ - $ 1,650 00 19 FInish Carpentry $ 64,350 00 $ 59,35000 $ 59,350 00 92% $ 5,000 00 $ 2,967 50 20 Intenor Architectural Woodwork $ 66,00000 $ 18,59000 $ 13,630 00 $ 32,220 00 49% $ 33,78000 $ 1,61100 21 BUilding Insulation $ 7,92000 $ 7,92000 $ 7,92000 100% $ - $ 396 00 22 Metal Roofing $ 222,43600 $ 177,94900 $ 177,94900 80% $ 44,487 00 $ 8,897.45 23 Single Ply Membrane Roofing $ 71,47500 $ 71,47500 $ 71,475 00 100% $ - $ 3,573 75 24 Flashing & Sheet Metal $ 47,61500 $ 44,699 00 $ 44,69900 94% $ 2,91600 $ 2,234 95 25 Skylight Structures c:-' $ 41,58000 $ 31,68600 $ 9,89400 $ 41,58000 100% $ - $ 2,07900 26 Steel Doors & Frames ~ $ 9,945 00 $ 9,945 00 $ 9,945.00 100% $ - $ 497 25 27 Flush Wood Doors c.::> $ 12,221 00 $ 12,221.00 $ 12,221 00 100% $ - $ 611.05 28 Aluminum Storefronts & Entrances $ 62,077 00 $ 55,564 00 $ 5,139.00 $ 60,703 00 98% $ 1,37400 $ 3,035.15 29 Door Hardware $ 25,33800 $ 20,310.00 $ 5,028 00 $ 25,338 00 100% $ - $ 1,266.90 30 Portland Cement Plaster $ 45,98000 $ 43,681.00 $ 2,299 00 $ 45,980.00 100% $ - $ 2,299 00 T I $ 2,109,622 00 $ 1,852,682 00 $ 57,947.00 $ 13,63000 $ 1,924,259.00 91% $ 185,363.00 $ 96,212 95 1978 THE AMERICAN OF ARICHITECTS, 1735 NEW YORK AVENUE, N W , WASHINGTON, 0 C 20006 G703 -1978 . CONTINU HEET AlA DOCUMENT G703 AlA Documen 702, APPLICATION AND CERTIFICATE FOR PAYMENT,contalnlng Contractor's signed Certlficalion IS attached In tabulations below, amounts are stated to the nearest dollar Use Column I on Contracts where variable retalnage for line Items may apply PAGE 3 OF 5 ES APPLICATION NUMBER 13 APPLICATION DATE 4/24/98 PERIOD FROM 3/28/98 TO 4/24/98 ARCHITECT'S PROJECT NO 94-19 A B C D E F G H I J WORK COMPLETED TOTAL COMPLETED This Applicalion AND STORED % BALANCE RET AINAGE ITEM DESCRIPTION OF WORK SCHEDULED TO DATE (G/C) TO FINISH No VALUE (D+E+F) (C-G) PrevIous Stored Matellals Appirca lions Work In Place (not III [) or E) 31 Gypsum Board Assemblies $ 244,42000 $ 235,14200 $ 7,57800 $ 242,720 00 99% $ 1,700 00 $ 12,13600 32 Ceramic Tile $ 4,070 00 $ 3,663 00 $ 3,663 00 90% $ 407 00 $ 18315 33 Acoustical Panel Ceilings $ 23,98000 $ 7,19400 $ 7,19400 $ 14,38800 60% $ 9,592 00 $ 71940 34 Floor Coverings & Base $ 157,63000 $ 117,81000 $ 117,81000 75% $ 39,82000 $ 5,890 50 35 Palnllng $ 31,79000 $ 11 ,127 00 $ 10,000 00 $ 21,12700 66% $ 10,663 00 $ 1,056 35 36 Visual Display Boards $ 2,10100 $ - 0% $ 2,10100 $ - 37 TOilet Compartments $ 2,95900 $ - 0% $ 2,95900 $ - 38 Signs $ 4,40000 $ - 0% $ 4,40000 $ - 39 Fire ExtingUishers & Cabinets $ 1,10000 $ - 0% $ 1,10000 $ - 40 Operable Panel Partition $ 17,60000 $ - 0% $ 17,60000 $ - 41 Toilet & Bath AcceSSOries $ 4,869 00 $ - 0% $ 4,86900 $ - 42 Bike Rack $ 1 ,127 00 $ 1 ,127 00 $ 1,12700 100% $ - $ 5635 43 Miscellaneous SpeCialties $ 9,207 00 $ - 0% $ 9,207 00 $ - 44 Fire Protecllon $ 84,370 00 $ 80,057 00 $ 80,057 00 95% $ 4,31300 $ 4,002 85 45 Plumbing $ 59,631 00 $ 47,044 00 $ 661 00 $ 47,70500 80% $ 11,92600 $ 2,385.25 46 HVAC Rough-In $ 199,72100 $ 195,60400 $ 4,11700 $ 199,721.00 100% $ - $ 9,986 05 47 HVAC EqUipment $ 112,827 00 $ 107,18600 $ 5,641 00 $ 112,827.00 100% $ - $ 5,641 35 48 HVAC Trimrremperature Controls $ 73,41400 $ 27,79300 $ 28,002 00 $ 55,79500 76% $ 17,61900 $ 2,789.75 49 Temporary Power $ 17,05000 $ 17,05000 $ 17,05000 100% $ - $ 852 50 50 Electric Trenching/light Pole Bases $ 11,357 00 $ - 0% $ 11 ,357 00 $ - 51 Electrical Rough-In $ 66,338 00 $ 64,271 00 $ 64,271 00 97% $ 2,067 00 $ 3,213 55 52 Electrical Materials $ 133,046 00 $ 127,65400 $ 1 ,885 00 $ 129,53900 97% $ 3,507 00 $ 6,476.95 53 Electrical Labor $ 49,052 00 $ 29,431 00 $ 3,098 00 $ 32,529 00 66% $ 16,52300 $ 1 ,626 45 54 Electrical Trim $' 11 ,462 00 $ 5,068 20 $ 530 00 $ 5,598 20 49% $ 5,863 80 $ 27991 55 Fire Alarm $ 7,08300 $ 3,513 00 $ 7200 $ 3,585 00 51% $ 3,498 00 $ 179 25 56 Sound/Intercom/Phone C: $ 3,19300 $ 1,19100 $ 244 00 $ 1,43500 45% $ 1,758 00 $ 7175 57 Data ~ $ 18,08100 $ 8,369 00 $ 8,369 00 46% $ 9,71200 $ 41845 58 Alternate #2 ~ $ 15,300 00 $ 13,46400 $ 13,464 00 88% $ 1,836.00 $ 673 20 59 Change Order #1 $ 9,208 50 $ 9,208 50 $ 9,208 50 100% $ - $ 460 43 60 Change Order #2 $ 3,589.84 $ 3,589 84 $ 3,589.84 100% $ - $ 179.49 Total $ 3,489,598 34 $ 2,851,428.54 $ 126,969 00 $ 131,440.00 $ 3,109,837.54 89% $ 379,760 80 $ 155,491.88 APRIL 1978 mE AMERICAN INSllTUTE OF ARrCHITECTS, 1735 NEW YORK AVENUE, N W . WASHINGTON, 0 c 20006 G703 -1978 CONTINUATION SHEET AlA DOCUMENT G703 AlA Document G702, APPLICATION AND CERTIFICATE FOR PAYMENT,contalnlng Contractor's Signed Certlflcalion IS attached In tabulalions below, amounts are stated to the nearest dollar Use Column I on Contracts where variable retain age for line Items may apply PAGE 4 OF 5 PAGES APPLICATION NUMBER 13 APPLICATION DATE 4/24/98 PERIOD FROM 3128198 TO 4/24/98 ARCHITECT'S PROJECT NO 94-19 A B C D E F G H I J WORK COMPLETED TOT AL COMPLETED ThiS Application AND STORED % BALANCE RET AINAGE ITEM DESCRIPTION OF WORK SCllEDUl ED TO DATE (GIC) TO FINISH No VALUE (D. E+F) (C-G) PrevIous Stored Matenals Applicahons Work In Place (nolln 0 or E) 61 Change Order #3 $ 3,909 91 $ 3,90991 $ 3,909 91 100% $ - $ 19550 62 Change Order #4 $ 3,75870 $ 3,007 00 $ 3,007.00 80% $ 751 70 $ 15035 63 Change Order #5 $ 7,05959 $ 6,35400 $ 6,35400 90% $ 705 59 $ 317 70 64 Change Order #6 $ 3,361 84 $ 3,361 84 $ 3,361 84 100% $ - $ 16809 65 Change Order #7 $ 25,15049 $ 25,061 00 $ 25,061 00 100% $ 8949 $ 1,253 05 66 Change Order #8 $ 98591 $ 98591 $ 985 91 100% $ - $ 4930 67 Change Order #9 $ 4,73741 $ 4,737 41 $ 4,73741 100% $ - $ 236 87 68 Change Order #10 $ 2,681 68 $ 2,681 68 $ 2,681 68 100% $ - $ 13408 69 Change Order #11 $ 7,56449 4447 78 $ 4,44778 59% $ 3,11671 $ 222 39 70 Change Order #12 $ 423 95 423 95 $ 423 95 100% $ - $ 2120 $ - 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% $ - $ - C' $ - 0% $ - $ - ~ $ - 0% $ - $ - ~.) $ - 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% $ - $ - Total $ 3,549,232.31 $ 2,906,399.02 $ 126,969.00 $ 131,440.00 $ 3,164,808 02 89% $ 384,42429 $ 158,240.40 c,,~ 1916 THE AMERI OF ARICHrrECTS. 1735 NEW YORK AVENUE, N W , WASHINGTON, 0 C 20006 G70J -1978 . . ~~~~ . BILlINGeKDOWN PAGE 5 OF 5 aES SCHEDULED PREVIOUS TOTAL BILLED TO % ITEM NO DESCRIPTION VALUE BILLING THIS BILLING DATE BILLED BALANCE 7 Sltework & Utilities Cleanng $ 23,73200 $ 23,732 00 $ 23,732 00 100% $ - Cut& Fill $ 69,53800 $ 69,53800 $ 69,538 00 100% $ - Footing Excavallon/Backfill $ 29,61000 $ 29,61000 $ 29,610 00 100% $ - Finish Grade $ 24,11800 $ 19,11800 $ 19,11800 79% $ 5,000 00 Storm System $ 84,071 00 $ 81,540 00 $ 81,540 00 97% $ 2,531 00 Water $ 20,803 00 $ 20,803 00 $ 20,803 00 100% $ - Sewer $ 15,665 00 $ 15,665 00 $ 15,66500 100% $ - Total Sltework & Utilities $ 267,53700 $ 260,006 00 $ - $ 260,00600 97% $ 7,531 00 SCHEDULED PREVIOUS TOTAL BILLED TO % ITEM NO DESCRIPTION VALUE BILLING THIS BILLING DATE BILLED BALANCE 11 Cast-In-Place Concrete Foundation $ 74,361.00 $ 74,361 00 $ 74,361 00 100% $ - Columns $ 29,700 00 $ 29,70000 $ 29,700 00 100% $ - Slab on Grade $ 66,15400 $ 66,15400 $ 66,15400 100% $ - Curbs & Walks $ 57,11800 $ 55,339 00 $ 55,339.00 97% $ 1,77900 Concrete on Roof $ 3,85000 $ 3,850 00 $ 3,850 00 100% $ - Courtyard $ 2,420 00 $ 1,21000 $ 1,210.00 50% $ 1,21000 Staff Patio $ 4,840 00 $ 2,420 00 $ 2,42000 50% $ 2,42000 Service Court $ 1 ,925 00 $ 964 00 $ 964 00 50% $ 961 00 Diamonds $ 2,200 00 $ 2,200 00 $ 2,200 00 100% $ - Rebar $ 18,15500 $ 18,15500 $ 18,155.00 100% $ - $ 260,723 00 $ 250,72300 $ 254,353.00 98% $ 6,370 00 c p W CITY OF PORT ANGELES - PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM . April 21, 1998 \\ 'UAl}.. TAINING AND BUILDING A BEITER COMMUNITY" ,\/\ i \,,\ ' \C\ TO: Kay Godbey, Finance Director FROM: Jack Pittis, Public Works Director RE: Ediz Hook/USCG Base Wastewater Facilities-Project No.92-11.14 (Payment #6) CONTRACT THIS PAY REQUEST PREVIOUS PAYMENTS TOT AL WORK TO DATE Pr01ect Com letJOn $408.265.00 $29.564 85 On mal Contract Amount Change Orders to Date (7) Subtotal Sales Tax (7 9% of subtotal) LESS Retama e (5% of subtotal) $38,281.20 $3,02421 $1,91406 $402,47964 $31,795 89 $20,123 98 $34,820 10 $22,038 04 $453,542.91 Contractor Pa"ments Authonzed to Date 10067% CONTRACTOR Strider Construction Co. 2430 East Bakervlew Rd Bellin am. W A 98226 RET AlNAGE Escrow acct #473549007259 Key Bank Of Washington 1200 12th Street Bellm ham. W A 98225 DISBURSEMENT SUMMARY (Account Nos, See Below for DlstpbutlOn) US7511-9721-4150 $4,93546 US 7511-9722-4150 $34.45589 TOTAL $39,391.35 US 7511-9721-4150 $ 23982 US 7511-9722-4150 $ 1.67424 TOTAL $1,914.06 TOTAL DISBURSErv1ENT FOR THIS PA Y1vfENT $41,305.41 CHANGE ORDER COMMENTS Change no 6 attached PREPARED BY: __/..'J--\ '-- I~ City EngJne~r APPROVED BY: . Lee N \PROJECTS\92-11 EDZ\PROJMGT\PAYMENTS\PAYREQS GWK u44 l- ei e e sel JI,", I' To Ron J(,I n'~~lfl City <)1 PO H I I Port (<r I i I PHOn jFAX I , \ i I / I o I :\ngele5 ''1 ~ ',:.) '~l'-.'~ W A. 9[\.';;: Ij6JI417.~S06 /35014'7.4609 I I I ~ I Base C \^:ork Comoleted ()1"',IC':t J. 422221 00 / Chang~ C, If-rs I I I Extra 'v I() . i ! Mater/olio /1 Hand : (;'OS5 ~!I ,1J I 1 :Sale., -: i Subto:, i I ,. . -, 9% of gf<'SS billing t . I" <)<;s billing. 'ale:; la~1 r~(,lalr,.')e :,r" of gross tll'mg) Net A" III '1Isubtola' '"Iamag"" , i I ! PaVf'T"':'lll.. . rC:~lv(.d C) I r,l '~3 :q 98 J ! Still ('" if (0m Plf",,' 'U~ 811ltnas I /~,dlll~'1 1" IHlT^1 r\" OUNT OUr:: ililS E~ TIMAn- I ", STRIDER CONSTRUCTION CO 2430 E BakervlPw Road Bellingham WA 98226 (360) 676-5094 FAX ('360) 73.1-5309 INC InvOice Date 03/31/98 PR~')JE:.,_ T TITLE Edlz Hook C:CJI~ff,"-CTNO "2.'1 [S1H\'1i.~E' NO FINAL IREPOF-' PERIOD E"dlng March 31,1998 . Original C~ntract ,amour.' .., WSS' Amoll!"t 01 Apprr.ved C h;;-ne Order::. "0 1," w/wsSt Total Estimated Contract ':'mount PrevIous Ll.mount $ 407451 00 ,/ s ',49-;-' 36) v s s ,>,mount T'1ls Estimate '.i '477000", s z. ., SII.1.cJ ~8 ~ ,.,.. s s 'he above [Qntlact to date 'Ne Ih- -, '-pre5l'i1' .... '11I.'.!~ d 'Ill" l--,!,mdte l" \'1e "/r.lh' ornplt:lea III',E il3Y ~~CJ A ~ ;llIe P'0:l!C1Managnr I : [Xf" '.~, . ION f...~~ 1.[ L' Date Total , Amount - , --- V- I $ 422.221 00 I ,g.-;-~.j ~ $ ~ , I - $ - -- -- - i$ $ or. --- -- 1.11./071#0 t: I . ,$ J -- J5 6Q1 14 , "4 "-2..>. l $ 'l67',4T7 16 lip> Slo. q $ (~3~ ('Q.}'3Q. ~ -181 888 ..3 "''''1 ~ 44 $ $ 41415156 '" $ ~ ~6.TJU1 ~CJ -,=, I. 1) I &1(......--'" 3/31/98 u45 CITY OF PORT ANGELES PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER NO. 6 SHEET -L- OF PrOject Name EDIZ HOOK! USCG CONSTRUCTION DATE. March 16. 199. Contractor STRIDER CONSTRUCTION INC. Project No. 92-11 LID No. StatelFed. Aid No. DESCRIPTION OF WORK You are ordered to perform the following described work upon receipt of an approved copy of this Change Order: This work is to pump and abandon additional septic tanks In addition to those noted in C.O. #3. As described in C.O. #3 payment for the septic tank pumping will be for the actual amount pumped as indicated on the delivery tickets from the disposal facility. Such work WIll be compensated by: [ ] Increase or [ ] Decrease in bid items; [ ] Force Account; [X] Negotiated Price: The d 'b d k ff d d d I . f II escn e wor a ects the existmq contract items and/or ad s an lor e etes bid items as 0 ows: Item Descnptlon DCVR Quantrty Unrt -$ Cost Per -$ Cost -Net $ Cost Ad; No # Unrt Davs 25-8 DecommiSSion SCI Ong Septic tanks #30 #1 & #4 Rev Est. Est.. $6.372.51 $6.372.51 $6.372.51 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . ~HI I . ORIGINAL . CURRENT . EST NET CHANGE TOTAL CHANGE ORDERS EST _ CONTRACT AFTER CONTRACT CONTRACT THIS CHANGE ORDER INCLUDING THIS ONE THIS CHANGE ORDER ~ '!: ~'':'I '1:;' - $ 408.265 00 $ 430.579 92 $ 6.372 51 $~7.i87 e - A...,.I~ $ 436.952 43 DAYS 70 DAYS' 97 5 CAYS 1 uAYS 285 DAYS &8.5 . Sales Tax Not Included All work. matenals and measurements to be In accordance with the proVIsions of the onglnal contract and/or the standard specifications and speclal provISIO/1S for the type of construction Involved The payments and/or addrtlonal time specified and agreed to In this order Include every claim by the Contractor for any extra payment or extension of tune with respect to the work descnbed hereIn. Including delays to the overall project APPROVED BY' SIGNATURE. DATE' ARCHITECT/ENGINEER CONTRACTOR PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR CITY MANAGER CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL DATE PW-404_04 (10195) N:\PROJECTS\92-11EDZ\PROJMGT\CCOO6.GWK u46 . STRIDER CONSTRUCTION. INC 2430 E BAKERVIEW ROAD 3ELLlNGHAM WA 98226 OWNER CITY OF PORT ANGELES JOB NAME EDll HOOK/USCG STATION 92-11 SCI No DCVR NO CHANGE ORDER 30 DESCRIPTION ABANDON IN PLACE SEPTIC TANKS AT USCG NO 1 AND 4 25-Feb-98 DETAILED COST ESTIMATE XX IS 1$ NOT ATTACHED LABOR $ 69173 MATERIAL $ 476.00 EQUIPMENT $ 1.090.50 SUBCONTRACOR $ 3.437.51 SUBTOT AL $ 5.695.74 ADD LABOR $ 69173 200:, $ 138.35 MATERIAL $ 476.00 1 ~ex. $ 71.40 . EQUIPMENT $ 1 .090.50 15ex. $ 163.58 SUBCONTRACTOR 5ex. $ SUBTOTAL $ 6.069.06 INSURANCE & BOND $ 6.069 06 5ex. $ 303.45 GRAND TOTAL S 6.372.51 WE REQUEST AN ADDITIONAL ~ DA YS BE ADDED TO OUR CONTRACT IF YOU REQUIRE ADDITIONAL CLARIFICATlOt-l. PLEASE CONTACT ME AT 360-417-2860 /..-, ~.'1~ ,L1 ~ DONALD A RASMUSSEN PROJECT MANAGER . U47 : 1/-1 <~: :. b-"Qf) , " !dj/U!_l~ ~:~M ANAL YSI~ SLJMMAR~ i ~. .. :' ii, : " ,', \ ; " \ ;- ~I I t tMNO ----^:J: ..:jL) I 11EMhB(-".L'r~"I~l..drr\OUANrITY: pLAN I ,I ,'TAKEOFf,' ~1-VI;,==t:-- I. '. 'll\ [ , i i ; <~:r~1 :I~II ~"~I,TI. 'I" \ I ' i \ .~ I~' "1 - - _.- ~ I I \A ~ <L-_ 1=1 I' - - C bA <L I . ! I - - . I :. I I ! ! . ~ : . i. . _.. _ I ill I _ I I I I I --I _ _ _ _.. _ _ h __ ___ _'_ __ _ n'_ -.l' ! - I : ~. : .. - I -. L. - --. lil-.... - . -- -. i I -. - --. -- _. - --' . _. - .- ._- -- .-- - - -- .- u ~I:_h -~ I. I zi-- --. - -- ~I 11- l.. . - - Z - >J:' -.' :. /. - -- -- -- ~ -- n --.- -- -- - -' .- - -- '- -- --: _.I-~~t-~-':_J-=I=~ _~'. -~.~------- -.-.- - - ...----- -- -.- .--- _h'_' - ---------.~-=~ ==1._ , I. - - -.- -.- ..- -- -- -- - -- - - - - .--. -. -- -- -- - .-. - - -1- - - - I :- I-'f- j-!---;---.,.-f--.I.-,h.--------:-,- --- " - ..---.---- . -..------------- --.- __.____t_ o. __.. ..l . " . .J . , . I .. I . . __ . _ _ _ h _ . __ _ '" _ UNIT DESCRIPTION lABOR EQUIPMENT HAUL MATERIAL SUBS TOT AL RENT AL . RENTAL OTHER IB~ 'PU ~ I s1S1 ~- 51) ./ .3- 3 -- /~ 8x3.:f / "77V~'D FI\-L 4{)g ~ -- ~ 4 )~I - 3: 40(, - ~ 531 - c,' = -'5 ~ .:.- . '2 S) I r r C' ~ 00 73 - 5'1 ~ - ....... (,/11 - 3~5 .~I 4r---.~ 4".,.,' oS I-J 5(.l.j5 . "MAINTAINING AND BUILDING A BETTER COMMUNITY" CITY OF PORT ANGELES - PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM April 21, 1998 /\ _I Iv\ \ l \ TO Kay Godbey, Finance Director FROM. Jack Pittis, Public Works Director RE' Downtown Sidewalk-Watennain Reconstruction-Project #94-22.14 ( Payment #6) CONTRACT On mal Contract Amount $2,055,487 45 $162,74200 Chan e Orders to Date (3) Subtotal . Sales Tax (79% of subtotal) LESS Retama e (5% of subtotal) $531,517.88 $41,98991 $26,575 89 $1,430,155.00 $112,98225 $71,507 76 Contractor Pa\ments Authonzed to Date Prolect Com letlOn DISBURSEMENT SUMMARY (Account No US 7510-9422-4150) CONTRACTOR Strider Construction Co. 2430 East Bakef\1ew Rd Bellm ham. W A 98226 RET AINAGE Ke~ Bank Of Washington 1200 12th Street BelhnQham. W A 98225 Escrow acct #473544001802 TOTAL DISBURSEMENT FOR THIS PA Y1v1ENT **Contams $49.002 51 For Stored Matenals CHANGE ORDER COMMENTS PREPARED BY ,JJ...-;i-- /{'.~APPROVED BY - City Engm r Dlr ctor . PW.1781Rev 11/93) N \PROJECTS\94-22WM\PROJMGT\PA YMENTS\PA YREQ 006 **$1,961,672.88 $154,972.16 $98,083.65 $2,018,561 40 8843% S5-16,931.90 $26,575.89 $573,507.79 U49 STRIDER CONSTRUCTION CO.. IN<: 2430 E. Bakerview Rood Bellingham. W A 98226 (3601 676-5094 FAX (360) 734-5309 . .SCI Job # PA To Ron Johnson City of Port Angeles POBox 1150 Port Angeles. WA 98362 PROJECT TITLE. Port Angeles Downtown Invoice Date 3/31/98 CONTRACT NO 94-22 ESTIMATE NO 6 PHONE FAX (360) 417-4806 (360) 417-4609 REPORT PERIOD Ending March 31. 1998 $ 2.055.487 45 Onglnal Constract Amount wtwsst Amount of Approved Change Orders Total Estimated Contract Amount Work Completed PrevIous Amount Amount This Estimate l , t."'~ I u{. iii ......... ~ .~g2. e05 it) t:r 78.629 64 ./ Base Contract $ 1.813.997 10 $ $ 521,192.00 ;" $ 18,643.63 ./ Change Orders $ 35.929 00 $ Extra Wort<. $ $ Matenals on Hand $ Gross Billing 57.32026 ./ $ (8.317 75) .; '31/5n,SC Sales Tax (7 9% of gross billing) Subtotal Igross billing + sales tax) Retalnage (5% of gross billing) Net Amount (subtotal - retalnage) Payments Received as of 03/31/98 Stili Owing From PrevIous Billings AdJustment' TOTAL AMOUNT DUE THIS ESTIMATE. $ 175.59854 $ 2.231.085 99 Total Amount f- S\5 '3''', Ie $ 1 ~81 :U~'g7 10 $ 97,273.27 ,,/ . $000 $ 49.002.51./ $ 1,9&9,272.88 \ "1#' '-".89 $ 184,861-56 \ S 4.t en '1... ,~ $~11S.1~<t4 'Z.- 1\ (, ftIA.t->.O 't $ (98.913'604) .,~ O'I'S. ~A.f $ !,O I T.l:l6 79 M.o\ -z. ol~ S'<Dl, ~ $1,199.167 ~ \, ~71c..-v,. "5"0 $ ~~i~~~9. ~ ~ We hereby represent that the above IS a true estimate of the wort<. completed under the above contract to date By '0:-,.... -I.cJ " ;:J.. "TItle Project Manager .' ~.~_l_~ . EXPLANATION ATIACHED Date 3/31/98 . U50 CITY OF PORT ANGELES - PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM ".\fAINTAINING AND BUIWING A BE1TER COMMUNm" April 21, 1998 TO: Kay Godbey, Finance Director FROM: Jack Pittis, Public Works Director RE: Upper Golf Course Road Sewer L.I.D. #215 - Project #95-05.14, (Payment #5) CONTRACT nnSPAY REQUEST PREVIOUS PAYMENTS TOTAL WORK TO DATE Chan e Orders to Date (3) Subtotal $467,659 50 $10,78397 On mal Contract Amount Sales Tax (7 9% of subtotal) $206,016.81 $16,275.33 $10,300.84 $471,805.64 $37,272.65 $23,59028 $677,822.45 $53,54798 $33,891 12 $697,479.31 LESS Retama e (5% of subtotal) Contractor Pavrnents Authonzed to Date ProJect Com letlOn 141.67% DISBURSEMENT SUMMARY (Account No., See Below) CONTRACTOR R. V. Associates, Inc. 1333 Lloyd Parhvay Port Orchard. W A 98366 US 7523-9505-4150 $188,208.74 DW 2519-0001-4150 $ 17,01431 LT 2904-0001-4150 $ 6,76825 $211,991.30 RETAlNAGE Escrow No 0187718620 Kitsap Bank POBox 9 Port Orchard. W A 98366 $10,300.84 US 7523-9505-4150 $9,145.23 OW 2519-0001-4150 $ 826.74 L T 2904-000 1-4150 $ 328.87 TOTAL DISBURSEMENT FOR TI-llS PAYMENT I CHANGE ORDER COMMENTS. $222,292.14 .PREPARED BY: ~1-~- L- ~ - City Engteer' ~ ____APPROVED BY: Loc N \PROJECTSI95-05L1D\PROJMGT\PA YMENTS\PA YREQ OSR - -4 U0i . From: RV ASSOCIATES, INC. 1333 U.OYO ~ARKWA y PORT ORCHARD, WA 98366 Bill To: CITY OF PORT ANGELES P.OBOX 1150 PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 ATTN: ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT Job. CITY OF F'ORT ANGt:L.tt; P.O. BOX 1150 POt-( r A.NGEL.ES, WA 98362 RE: UPPER GOLF COURSE ROAD SeWER JOB # B02BIP Invoice No.: l=lenOd From: Period Thru: 590 :\/31/98 4125/98 ---------~---------_._.._~--------.._-----------_...------._-.-----._---_.---~_.--------~._--_._------- Onglnal Contract Amount: Approved Change Orders. Total ContrAct To Date: 467,659.50 10,183.97 478,443.47 Total Billed To Date: Total Retainage: 5% 5 677,822.4K .' 33,891.1K' ,/ . . Current Sales Tax: (-1..::i) I~) .~;; 643,931.~ ,/'f !:; 3 '747.1t6 S4 lJ .t1: p--' ",,/ Total Earned Less Retainage: Less Payments RecslvedTo Date: ..,. "/ \ 1,28, 846. ee') CK #42886 ./ (95,163.77) CK i643610 / (125.906.56) CK#43970 / (135:571.03) 'CK #<<606 12/12197 1/23198 2/13/98 3120198 Current Amount Due: ~13 J4e.SQ L\\ =J:J]I."3..:., ! (:r- ..........-- . u5~2 . luJ.ber: 731GCS eI'l'Y 0' POR! ANGELES Application 10.: ., Pflriod Prell: 03/31/98 I"Olge 1taIber 2 / .oject , : 95-o5iLID '21~ Invoice !UJl)er : S90 fbru: 04/25/98 -------------------------.----------------------------------------- ----------------------._---._-----._------~~------._---- IrE)! COlI'1'RAcr OlIn COlITRACT OVAllI7Y MOmARY QUARTITY MOIIETARY lfO DESCRIPTIO! OF q QUlli'rITY UlilT PRICE AHOUlIT m~ lIm 'MIS NOJI'fB 1'0 DATE TO DArE -------~-------------------._--------------.----------------~._-------------.---.-- ----~-----.._----------.._-----------... co ca.r COORS! SMR SIIEOOL! 1 01 SIWEK Q!L1ZA'fIOI 1.00 LS 18000.??oo 18,000.00 .00 .00 1.~O 18,000.00 02 2' PVC FROM OlDER P1VEllBlll 40.00 L1 40. ??oo 1,600.00 6.00 ~.o.OO 26.00 1,040.00 03 2" pve FRCllIO P1VEHERr 260.00 LF 9.7500 2,535.00 5.00- 4S.75- 345.00 3,!63.75 04 6' sa OIDBR P1VEMm.' 140.00 LP 18.6000 '-,li04.00 39.00- '125.40- 146.00 2,iI5.60 O~ 61 SEWER JfO P1VllME1lT 12.00 LF 25. ??oo 300.00 137.00- 3,425.00- 12.00 300.00 06 6' SIDE sa - P1VIlMDT 840.00 LF 16.5000 1'\,86(1.00 ~.OO 1,561.50 344.00 5,676.00 0' 6R SIDE SMR 1<<) PAVEMDtT 527.00 LF 14. ??oo 7,378.00 73.00 1,022.00 936.00 13,104.00 08 S' SO - PAVEHDT 1123.00 LF 22.??oo "4,706.00 19.00 410.00 1252.00 27,544.00 09 8R SEWER IrO PAVDIERT 3938.00 Ll 18.5000 72,853.00 ~2.00- 222.00- 37iO.OO 69,745.00 10 EXTRA EXC1VATD<<; 8 + DEPTlI 2100.00 L1 B :onno 16,aoo.OO .00 .00 2845.00 22, .'bU.OO :l 8 X 6 TEE 18.00 EA 35.??oo 530.00 4.00 140.00 25.00 875 . 00 12 6 X 6 TEE 6.00 RA '30 . 0000 180.00 .00 .00 6.00 180.00 13 o~ PLUG 27.00 E! 20 .??oo 540.00 1.00 20.00 32.00 640.00 14 8ft PLUG 2.00 EA j(). ??oo 60.00 I.ocr 30.00- .2.00 60.00 15 Oil CL!AIJ em ASSEMBLY 6.00 EA 250.COOO 1,500.00 .00 .00 3.00 750.00 16 8" CWJI em .a.ssEHBLY 1.00 U 300.??oo 300.00 .00 .00 1.00 3~.OO 17 MAJOOl)LE PAVEMENT ro 8' 4.00 EA 2000.0000 8,000.00 1.00 2,000.00 5.00 10,000.00 18 JWIlICLE 110 PAVEMENT 8' Hi.OO U 1800.??oo :8,800.00 1.00 1,800.00 1"1.00 30,600.00 19 SADDLE HAnOLE 8' DEEP 1.00 EA 1900.??oo 1,900.00 1.00- l,900.00- .00 .00 . 20 MADOLE EmA DEPl! PAVEHm 15.00 '-7 200 . ??oo 3,000.00 4.28 8S6.00 9.64 1,928.00 21 MA!!IOLE EXTRA DEP'l'H IfO PAVEHHT 17.00 VF 200.0000 3,400.00 6.36 1,272.00 24.01 4,802.00 22 IHTERCEPT BXISTIlfG SEWER 2.00 EA 1000. ??oo 2,000.00 .00 .00 4.CO 4,000.00 23 R&R ASPHALt' 8468.00 SF 1.5000 63,510.00 112.50 843.75 15626.50 117,198.75 24 OlISOITABLE EXCAVATION 1oo.CO CY 12.??oo 1,200.00 .00 .00 32.01 384.12 25 SElECT BAcn'ILL 500.00 CY 15.??oo 7,500.00 :27.42 1,911.30 4539.65 68,094.75 26 NOB ROADWAY RESroRATION ;930.00 SY 11.0000 32,230.00 188.21 2,070.31 7214.21 79,356.31 27 SHOOLOER RESTORlTIOli 2109.00 SY 11.??oo 23,199.00 56.00- 616.00- 255(,00 28,094.:>0 28 YUD RESroRATTOII i:!'.oo SY 11. ??oo 7,986.00 69.00 759.00 2054.00 22,594.00 ~9 SHORIIIG 51500.00 SF - .5000 25,750.00 .CO ,00 54711.00 27,355.50 30 TRAFFIC C01'I''IlOL SEliD l.OO Llj SOOO. ??oo 5,000.00 .00 .00 1.00 5,000.00 31 rLAGGIllG - SEWER ~200.00 RR 35.??oo 42,000.00 5.50 192.50 1283.50 44,922.50 j2 CUAR ir GRUB 1.60 AC 2800.??oo 4,430.00 .00 .00 2.28 6,384.00 Total GOII COURSE se SREOOLE A 423,801.00 8,145.21 617/7~7.28 01 GOLF <XXlRSB ROAD SCIIEOOLE B 01 ICOBILIZAfIOlf 1.00 LS !JOOO. ??oo ~,ooo.oo .00 .00 1.00 5,000.00 02 8 ~ C-900 WATERMAIB no.oo LP 17.4500 12,389.50 .00 .00 738.00 12,8iR.l0 03 8~ GA'1E VALVE & BOI 1.00 U 560. ??oo 560.00 1. 00- 560.00- 1.00 5&) . 00 C4 HYDRABT ASSEMBLY 1.00 !1 2000. ??oo 2,000.00 .00 .00 1.00 ',000.00 05 8" HO'l T}JI 1.00 El 1135.??oo 1,435.00 .00 .JO 1.00 1,435.00 06 MISC. aD << m'l'DfGS 6.00 E.\ 300. ??oo 1,800.00 .00 .00 3.00 900.00 07 UJfSUrTABLES 20.00 Cy 12.??oo 240.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 os SB1EC'1 BAatPILL 50.00 CY 15. ??oo 750 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 09 !IO!f ROADllAY RIM'ORATIOJl ~ooo.oo SY 11. ??oo 11,000.00 585.00 6,435.00 1789.00 19,679.00 10 YARD BESroIllTIOIl 184.00 Sf 11. ??oo 2,024.00 17.00- 181.00- 167.00 1/837.00 . :1 'm.AfPIC COBTROL 1.00 LS 1000. ??oo 1,000.00 .00 .00 1.00 1,000.00 i2 FLAGGIBG 16.00 !R 35.??oo 500.00 .00 .Ol) .00 .00 13 CLUR << GRlJ8 .30 AC 7000.??oo 2,100.00 .00 .00 .30 2/100.00 1 ~ JllSC. mHCIfIlIG & BAClPILL 400.00 ;., 7.5000 3,000.00 .00 .CO 698.00 5,~35.CO L. T Total GOLF COD1SE ROAD SUWlOLE B 43,858.50 5/688.00 u53- 52,624.10 - -- - - . -- Job 1UIber: 731GCS em or PORT AlGELES Project' : 95-05/LID #215 Application Ro,: 7 Invoice 1fUI))er: 590 Period Fro.: 03/31/98 Pa9t HUIber 3 'l'bru: 04/25/98 . --------------..------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- mil !to DESCiIPTIOI OF imK 00flRAC! urn QCmIfY DlIT PRICE COI'l'RACT QUOOITY )l)JftARY oomm !MOllRt ms MOI!B ms MOJID ro DATB tmErm TO DATI -----------------------._-------~._------------......-------------------------------------.--------------....---------..------ co CWGB CIDERS 01 351 SDIR JIX)ltJp ,00 LS ,0000 1,205.47 ,00 .00 .00 1,205.47 .'>- 02 34a lORCE MAIl LlOICI !DB! ,00 IS ,0000 450.00 .00 .00 -r~~~: 450.00 03 2b 81 PVC lAm WI CLASS 200 710.00 LF 1.9500 1,384.50 .00 .00 1,n9:P8' . 10 04 331 DCASI S_ 2.00 El 1347.0000 2,694.00 ,00 .00 .00 2,694.00 05 l' A.C. OVERL1Y 5000.00 SF ,9500 4,750.00 lU3.16 1,342.50 1413.16 1,342.50 L.T 06 100 25' OF 4' CCIl!lII DiAt! 25.00 LF 12.0000 300,00 25.00 300 .00 25.00 300.00 Total C!AJG! ORDERS 10,783.97 1,6.2.50 ? ,431.06 Job Totals .78t443.47 15,475.71 67i,822.44' 5" I~l . . 05-1 PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES Meeting of April 22, 1998 ACTION EXPLANATION: CONTINUED PUBLIC MEETING: REZONE APPLICATION - REZ 98-03 - NORTHWEST PERMIT, Ninth Street hetween Lincoln and Laurel Street: Request for rezone of four lots zoned RS-7, Residential Single Family, to CSD, Community Shopping Distnct'. (ContInued from March 11,1998.) (To be continued) No action is required at this time. PUBLIC HEARINGS: COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT - CPA 98-01- LaRue, West 8th Street hetween "G" and "H" Streets. Request for redesignation of property currently designated LDR, Low Density Residential, to HDR, High Density Residential. Council should contll1ue thzs ztem under "Public Hearings" MUNICIP AL CODE AME~DMENT - MCA 98-02 - PORT OF PORT ANGELES, shoreline areahetween Cedar and Valley Streets. Amendment to Chapter 18.02 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code to amend the City's Shoreline Master Program and Map such that a property currently designated as Aquatic Harbor will be redesignated for a property currently designated Urban Harbor and vice versa in association with a previously approved shorelme permit at that location. Council has a pubhc hearing scheduled for this ztem under "Public H earll1gs .. MUNICIP AL CODRAMENDMENT - MeA 98-01 - CITY OEJ~OR'L ANGELES, City wide. A proposal to amend Chapter 15 (Environment) of the Port Angeles Municipal Code to process shoreline substantIal development permits administratively. Counczl should contl11ue this public hearing under "Publzc Hearzngs". MUNICIPAL C.ODRAMENDMENT- MCA 98-02 - CITY OF PORT ANGELES, City wide..: A proposal to amend Section 15 (Environment) of the Port Angeles Municipal Code such that the time period for submittal of judicial appeals is extended from 15 days to 21 days. Council has a publzc hearing scheduled under "Public Hearings". 053 ~:~!, " ~~ ~", "j .j\, ... i~';'::"~'~; 9~n MINUTES PLANNING COMMISSION Port Angeles, Washington 98362 April 22, 1998 7:00 p.m. ROLL CALL Members Present: Linda Nutter, Fredric Hewins, Dean Reed, Mary Craver, Bob King, Paul Ziakin Member Absent: Cindy Souders Staff Present: Brad Collins, Sue Roberds PublIc Present: Kenneth Sweeney, Theresa SchmId, Kathleen Bailey APPROV AL OF MI1'.'UTES Commissioner Nutter moved to approve the March 11, 1998, meeting as submitted. The motion was seconded by Commissioner King and passed 3 - 0 with Commissioners Craver, Hewins. and Ziakin abstaining. CONTINUED PUBLIC MEETING REZONE APPLICATION - REZ 98-03 - NORTHWEST PERMIT. Ninth Street between Lincoln and r ,aurel Street. Request for rezone of four lots zoned RS- 7, ResIdentIal Single Family, to CSD, Commuruty Shopping District. (Continued from March 11, 1998.) Plannmg Specialist Sue Roberds reviewed staffs memorandum updating the Plannmg CommIssioners ~n thIS agenda Item. As the required traffic study has not been submitted, staff recommended that the issue be continued one additional time to the June 10, 1998, meetmg, as requested by the applicants. Staff has been working with the neighborhood group providing updates on the applicatIOn process and has been in contact wIth the applicants regarding progress of the traffic study. The study is due by April 30th. Commissioner King moved to postpone the continued meeting to June 10, 1998, 7 p.m. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Craver. Commissioner Nutter would not be votmg for the continuation because she believes it is unfair to the public who has been waItmg for the meeting since March. She favored the applIcant's withdrawal of the application untIl the traffic study is prepared. The motion passed 4-1 with Commissioner Nutter voting in the negative and Commissioner Ziakin abstaining. u5? Planning CommIssIOn Minutes Aprl122. 1998 Page 2 ..~ ..,~" PUBLIC HEARINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT-CPA 98-01- LaRue, West 8th Street between "G" and "H" Streets..: Request for redesignation of property currently designated LDR, Low Density Residential, to HDR,-High Density Residential. Chair Reed opened the public hearing. Planning Director Collins reviewed the Planning Department's memorandum recommending contmuatIOn of this application. The applicant is in favor of the request for continuation ofthe item. ' As there was no one to speak to the issue, Commissioner Nutter moved to continue the public hearing to May 13, 1998. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Hewins and passed 6 - o. MUNICIP AI, CODE AMENDMENT - MCA 98-02 - PORT OF PORT ANGELES, shoreline area between Cedar and Valley Streets: Amendment to Chapter 18.02 of the Port Angeles MUnIcipal Code to amend the City's Shoreline Master Program and Map such that a property currently designated as Aquatic Harbor will be redesignated for a property currently designated Urban Harbor and vice versa in association with a previously approved shoreline permit at that location. Chair Reed opened the public heanng. Planning Director Collins reviewed the Planning Department's report recommending approval of the amendment as proposed. He responded to CommIssioner Reed that the proposed amendment is a condItion of approval of a shorehne permit approved f?r the Port of Port Angeles in 1997. Kenneth Sweeney, Port of Port Angt:les Environmental Manager, 338 W. FirsrStreet, agreed with the staffs recommendation. As a member of the City's Shoreline Management Advisory Committee, he helped to Identify and map areas ofthe shoreline depending on their charactenstics. The two areas under discussion were designated as they now exist due to their topographical characteristIcs at that time WhICh have been significantly altered. The most westerly area was filled and is now dry land, and the area to the east was excavated to create an aquatic enVIronment as the City's new estuary. Thus, the proposed designatIOns will identify and allow existing uses to continue. There bemg no further testimony, Chair Reed closed the public heanng. Commissioner Nutter moved to recom~end approval of the proposed Municipal Code amendment with the following findipgs and conclusions: Findings: Based on the information provided in the April 22, 1998, Staff Report for MCA 98-02 (including all of its attachments), comments and information presented during the public 053 ~J\\ Planning Commission Minutes April 22.1998 Page 3 ~,l~ -.' ";11- heanng, and the Plannmg Commission's discussion and deliberation, the City of Port Angeles Plannmg Commission hereby finds that: Findings.: 1. The applicant, the Port of Port Angeles, applied for amendment to the City's Shoreline Master Program on March 30, 1998. The applicatIon was determined to be complete on April 10, 1998. 2. A DetermmatIOn of Non-Significance was issued on June 11, 1991, by the Port of Port Angeles SEP A Responsible Official and was adopted for the proposal on March 31, 1998. .-\n EIS for the Shoreline Master Program was issued on September 1,' 1994, by the City of Port Angeles SEP A Responsible Offical and was adopted for the proposal on April 2, 1998. 3. The applIcation and hearing process was advertised in accordance with the legal requirements of the City of Port Angeles and the State of Washington. 4. The Port .!\ngeles Shoreline Master Program, Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Ordinance and Environmental Sensitive Areas Protection Ordinance have been reviewed WIth respect to this application. 5. The sites are designated Industrial in the City's Comprehensive Plan, Industrial- Heavy in the CIty'S Zomng Ordmance, and Urban Harbor and Aquatic Harbor in the City's Shoreline Master Program. 6. Chapter 5 of the City's Shoreline Master Program indicates uplands are found in the U-H designation and submerged lands are found in the A-H designation. 7. The redesignatIOns were reqUIred of the Port of Port Angeles by conditions of a previous shoreline permit allowmg the filling of the K-Ply mill log pond and the excavaction of the Valley Creek estuary. 8. No comments were receIved from the Department of Ecology or the Lower Elwha Tribal Council dunng the comment period following the distributIOn of the application. Conclusions: Based on the informatIon provIded m the Apnl 22, 1998, Staff Report for MCA 98-02 including all of its attachments, comments and information presented during the public hearing, the Planmng CommIssion's discussion and deliberation, and the above listed findings, the City of Port Angeles Planning CommIssion hereby concludes that: A. The followmg adopted City policies are most relevant to the proposed project, ComprehensIve Plan Land Use Element Policy A-2, ConservatIOn Element Policy C-8, and Economic Development Element Policy A-3, the City's Industrial, Heavy zone, and the City's Shoreline Master Program's Urban-Harbor and Aquatic-Harobr designations, and Chapter 5, Management Policies D 1-11 and F 2-3. 053 Planning Commission Minutes April 22. 1998 Page 4 B. c. D. The amendment is consIstent WIth the following adopted City policies, Comprehensive Plan Land Use Element Policy A-2, ConservatIOn Element Policy C-8, and Economic Development Element Policy A-3, the City's Industrial, Heavy zone, and the City's Shoreline Master llrogram's Urban-Harbor and Aquatic-Harbor designations, and Chapter 5, Management Policies D 1-11 and F 2-3. The City's waterfront trail, which provides public access to the shorelines of Port Angeles Harbor, runs along Manne Drive west of V alley Street, and the Valley Creek Estuary will prOVIde a better PPyslcal and visual transition as the trail by-passes the heavy industrial areas before It extends out onto Ediz Hook. The operation ofthe K-Ply Mill will be more efficient resulting in less dust and noise impacts to adjacent properties, and the Valley Creek Estuary will provide landscaping and screening that buffer commercial uses to the east from industnal uses to the west. E. The Valley Creek Estuary will re-establish the natural aquatlc system once found there. F. The amendment will not be detrimental to the shoreline. G. The amendment wIll not mterfere with the public use oflands or waters subject to the public trust doctrine. H. The envIronmental deSIgnatIOn changes satISfy the shoreline permIt (No. SMA 97- 158) condition for fillmg the log pond and reopening the estuary. The motion was seconded by Commissioner King and passed 6 - o. MUNICIPAL CODE AMENDMENT - MCA 98-01 - CITY OF PORT ANGELES, City wide~ A proposal to amend Chapter 15 (Environment) of the Port Angeles Mumclpal Code to process shorelme substantlal development permIts admimstratlvely. Director Collins reviewed the Plannmg Department's memorandum recommending the amendment be approved. Chair Reed opened the public hearing. Kenneth Sweeney, Port of Port Angeles Environmental Manager, 338 W. First Street, spoke in support ~fthe proposed amendment to process shoreline permIts admmistratIVely. In response to Commissioner Craver, as a frequent applicant, Mr. Sweeney answered that he has no concerns with the permIts being processed administratively rather than through the public hearing process as there IS always an appeal option to the City Council. The permits are largely approved under the City's Shoreline Master Program and rarely is any public testimony received under the public hearing process. U60 Planning CommIssion Minutes April 11. ]998 Page 5 Following questions of staff as to the mtent of the optIon which would allow the Planning Director to schedule a public heanng pnor to a decision on a shoreline applIcation, staff offered to rework some of the wording at the CommissIOn's dIrectIon followmg their dIscussion and bring the draft ordmance back to the CommIssion's May 13 meeting. Commissioner Craver moved to continue the public hearing to May 13, 1998, 7 p.m. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Nutter and passed 6 - O. MUNICIPAL CODE AMENDMENT - MCA 98-03 - CITY OF PORT ANGELES, l:ity WIde' A proposal to amend Section 15 (Em']ronment) of the Port Angeles Municipal Code such that the time period for submittal of Judicial appeals ]s extended to 21 days. Planning Specialist Sue Roberds revIewed the Planning Department's memorandum recommending approval of the amendment as proposed. Chair Reed opened the public hearing. Mr. Collins agreed with Commissioner Hewins that the proposed ordinance amends appeal penods for applicatIOns and processes other than just those handled by the Planning Commission. The proposed ordinance provides a comprehensive change throughout the Municipal Code where Jud]cial appeals are provided to be consistent WIth new state statutes. There being no public testImony, ChaIr Reed closed the public heanng. As the CIty'S Attorney suggested the amendment, Commissioner King moved to recommend the City Council approve the proposed amendment to the City's Municipal Code citing the following findings and conclusions: Findings.: The State of Washington recently adopted the Land Use PetitIon Act WhICh requires judiCIal appeals of many kInds ofland use decIsions to be filed wIthin 21 days of the deCISIOns. 2. On March 19, 1996. the CIty of Pon Angeles adopted a consolIdated development permit process (OrdInance 2911) In association with ESHB 1724 that mcludes a 21- day filing period for Jud]cial appeals. 3. Certain CIty ordinances stIll allow filing periods for judicial revIew which vary from 14 to 30 days. 4. The proposed amendment allows for consIstency with new state statutes for judicial appeal tune lines and elimmates specific judicial requirements from the nuisance and Board of Adjustment ordInances. Conclusions' u61 ! ..,~}. -- Planning-Commission Minutes April 22. 1998 Page 6 f:, ....'-..; ~- - - ~ t '$ A. The amendment allows for consistency throughout the City's permitting process where judicial appeals are provided. B. The proposed ordinance is in the public's interest. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Craver, and passed 6 - O. COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE PUBLIC Theresa Schmid, 114 East Ninth Street, asked if the Planning Commission had received the public input that was submitted for a rezone application that was to be heard in March but which was continued to June. . CommIssioner Nutter noted that because the item was continued, the material will not be received by the Commissioners untillt is provided as a complete packet prior to the meeting to WhICh the item was continued. Mrs. Schmid asked for clarification that if the public comment period for an application is closed, in the case of a continuatIOn, she understands that the public cannot continue to subrmt additional comments until the public meeting. Chair Reed confirmed that is correct. She asked if under the existing law there is ever an opportunity for a public hearing before the Planning Commission and at the City Council. Director Collins responded that area wide rezones allow for two public hearings. However, site specific rezones are allowed only one public hearing, which in the City of Port Angeles, is provided by the City Council with only a public meeting by the Planning CommIssion. ST AFF REPORTS Staff noted items for upcoming meetings. REPORTS OF COMMISSION MEMBERS CommIssion members welcomed Paul Ziakin as the newest Commissioner. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 8:05 p.m. Dean Reed, Chair PREPARED BY S Roberds 062 "Maintaining and building a better community" Jack Plltis Director [4801} Phyllis Ras/er Administrative Assistant [4800} Cate Rinehart Administrative Assistant [4700} Bob Titus Deputy Director [4701} Ken Ridout Deputy Director [4802} Gary Kenworthy City Engmeer [4803} Steve Hursh Engineering Manager [4702} Tim Smith 4fntract & Project mlstrator [4804} ou Haehnlen Sr Building Inspector [4816} Tom Sperlme Sr Electncal Inspector [4735} Scott McLam Power Manager [4703} Ralph Ellsworth Water, Wastewater Collection Superintendent [4855} Pete Burrett EqUIp SeNlces Supenntendent [4835} Mark Shamp Light Operations Manager [4731} Kevm CurtiS Tlllat Plant supeNlsor [4845} Tom McCabe SW Collection SUpeNlsor [4876} Steve Evans .Landflll SupeNlsor 73} Dave Wilcox StIllet Maintenance Supervisor [4825} A MEMORANDUM DATE: April 29, 1998 i: CITY MANAGER, MAYOR BRAUN AND CITY COUNCIL KEN RIDOUT, DEPUTY DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS FOR E TIONS GROUND WATER MONITORING CONTRACT AT THE PORT ANGELES LANDFILL TO: FROM: SUBJECT: SUMMARY and RECOMMENDATION: Parametrix Inc. has submitted a scope of work for groundwater analysis and quarterly report generation that is the same as previous years. The cost for the work has increased by $1,180 from the 1997 contract due to the addition of one new well the City was required to install and an increase in the Consultant's staff wages. W e recommend that the City extend the contract with Parametrix for the scope of work as described in the A reement Extension in the amount of $25,982.00. ISSUE: Should the City extend the existing contract with Parametrix for the Port Angeles Landfill groundwater monitoring program? The contract also includes analysis of laboratory results of the groundwater testing and preparation and submittal of mandated reports to regulatory agencies. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS: Regulatory requirements for the operation of the Landfill mandate statistical analysis and understanding of the chemical properties of the groundwater sampling program that is beyond our staff capabilities. This contract extension is for Parametrix to perform the statistical analyses and write the quarterly reports required by the Clallam County Health Department and the Washington State Department of Ecology. City staff will take the samples and send them to the Laboratory for analysis. Sampling by the City and direct payment to the Lab by the City will avoid additional costs that could be incurred if these functions were a part of the Parametrix contract. The scope of the extension is the same as it was for the previous 4 years. Costs have risen by $1,180 over the 1997 contract, partially due to the additional monitoring of one new required well (4 additional tests required the 1 st year) and an increase in wages for the Consultant's staff. KE'N RIDO T Deputy Director Public Works KDR:kr Attach cc: JACK PITTIS File Name C.\DATA\WP\SOLWASTE\PMTXCONT.498 063 EXTENSION OF AGREEMENT FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES BETWEEN THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES AND P ARAMETRIX, INC. RELATING TO: GROUNDWATER ANALYSES AND REPORTS This Agreement is made and entered into this 1st day of May 1998, by and between the CITY OF PO,RT ANGELES, a non-charter code city of the State of Washington (hereinafter "CITY") and P ARAMETRIX, INC., a private corporation (hereinafter "CONSULTANT"). WHEREAS, the City and the Consultant entered into an Agreement, dated July 19, 1994, for the preparation of the Port Angeles Landfill Quarterly and Annual Groundwater Monitor Reports for the 1994 calendar year, as more fully described in Exhibit A to said Agreement, and . WHEREAS, the City has extended the Agreement annually during 1995, 1996 and 1997, and wishes to extend said Agreement for the preparation of the quarterly and annual groundwater reports for the 1998 calendar year, now, therefore; ) In consideration of the terms, conditions, covenants and agreements set forth in that certain agreement between the parties, dated July 19, 1994, said Agreement is extended for the 1998 calendar year. The Scope of Work and Budget for the services to be performed in 1998 is attached hereto as Exhibit A. In WITNESS THEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the day and year first written above. CITY OF PORT ANGELES P ARAMETRIX, INC. GARY BRAUN, MAYOR TITLE: APPROVED AS TO FORM: CRAIG KNUTSON, CITY ATTORNEY ATTEST: BECKY UPTON, CITY CLERK N IPWKSlSWASTEIlANDFILL\GW_MONIPMXj,GMn1 007\98AGMT 064 EXHIBIT A SCOPE OF WORK AND BUDGET PORT ANGELES LANDFILL GROUNDWATER MONITORING PROGRAM FOR 1998 Objective: To comply with the reporting requirements of WAC 173-304 (closed landfill) and WAC 173- 351 (active landfill), the Solid Waste Handling Permit issued by the Clallam County Health I _ Department (Health Department), and the Groundwater Sampling and Analysis Plan (Parametrix 1994). To meet this objective, our services have been divided into the following tasks: , Task 1. Task 2. Task 3. Project Management Quarterly Groundwater Monitoring Coordination and Reporting Annual Groundwater Monitoring Report (1998 Calendar Year) Each of these tasks are described below. 1998 Scope of Work and Budget Port Angeles Landfill Groundwater Monitoring 1 55-2191-03(01) April 16, 1998 065 TASK 1. PROJECT MANAGEMENT Objective: _ To ensure effective management of the technical tasks, project schedule, and budget for this task, and provide effective coordination with the City of Port Angeles staff and regulatory agencies throughout the project. Services: The services to be provided under this task include the following: · Provide general administration of tasks. · Review analytical laboratory subcontractor invoices and forward to City for payment. · Prepare progress reports to accompany monthly invoices for services rendered during the previous month. · Attend one meeting with the City and/or regulatory agencies. This meeting is to address potential groundwater issues concerning the site that may develop during the year. 1998 Scope of Work and Budget Port Angeles Landfill Groundwater Monitoring 2 55-2191-03(01) April 16, 1998 l' ------- -- ~ - - .8K 2. QUARTERLY GROUNDWATER MONITORING COORDINATION AND REPORTING Objective: To comply with the reporting requirements of WAC 173-304 and WAC 173-351, validate data quality and objectives, and assess and compare data results for groundwater to state and federal standards, as applicable. Services: The services to be provided under this task include the following: Parametrix will coordinate the quarterly sampling events with the analytical laboratory and the City, including review of tide tables and preparation of sample container request forms. Sample collection will be conducted by City of Port Angeles staff in accordarice with the Groundwater Sampling and Analysis Plan (Parametrix 1994). Four monitoring events will be required in 1998 from both active and closed landfill wells (March, June, September, and December). In accordance with WAC 173-351, four additional sampling events during the first year of monitoring (April/May; July/August; October/November; January/February) will also be conducted for new well MW -8 to be installed in April 1998. . Three quarterly groundwater monitoring reports (first through third quarters) will be prepared for submittal to the Health Department and Ecology for the 1998 calendar year. The data for additional MW -8 sampling events will be presented in the subsequent quarterly or annual report. Data analysis for the fourth quarter of 1998 will be conducted under this task, and the results included in the annual report for 1998 (Task 3). The quarterly groundwater monitoring reports shall be comprised of two parts; one part in reference to the active landfill under WAC 173-351 and the second part in reference to the closed landfill under WAC 173-304. The monitoring reporting for the active and closed portions of the site shall meet their respective regulatory requirements. Monitoring requirements for the closed landfill are regulated under WAC 173-304 along- with any additional requirements specified within the Solid Waste Handling Permit. Monitoring requirements for the active landfill are regulated under WAC 173-351 along with any additional requirements specified within the Solid Waste Handling Permit. Elements of the quarterly monitoring reports will include: . Conduct QA/QC of data results and laboratory QA/QC data packet. . All groundwater monitoring data for the sampling period. 1998 Scope of Work and Budget Port Angeles Landfill Groundwater Monitoring 3 55-2191-03(01) April 16, 1998 u67 , . ,,,~. '"i . , .......~ ':"~ . All shifisfical 'calculations"and 'summaries. t, ',' ,.:../'j . Time-series plots showing all historical data. . Notification of any statistical increase and concentrations above state groundwater standards (MCLs). . Static water level readings for each monitoring well for each sampling event. . Potentiometric surface elevation maps depicting groundwater flow rate and I direction (active landfill only). . Cation-anion balances and trilinear diagrams. Products: . Three 1998 quarterly groundwater monitoring reports (first through tl1ird quarters), and data analysis for the fourth quarter. Each quarterly report is required to be submitted to the Health Department and Ecology within 60 days after receipt of the analytical data results from the laboratory. 1998 Scope of Work and Budget Port Angeles Landfill Groundwater Monitoring 4 55-2191-03(01) April 16, 1998 U68 .~K3. ANNUAL GROUNDWATER MONITORING REPORT (1998 CALENDAR YEAR) Objective: To comply with the reporting requirements of WAC 173-304 and WAC 173-351, validate data quality and objectives, and assess and compare data results for groundwater to state and federal standards, as applicable. Se",ices: Elements of the annual report will include: · Presentation of laboratory and field data for the fourth quarter of 1998. · A brief summary of statistical results and/or any statistical trends including any findings of any statistical increases for the year. Updated prediction limits and tolerance limits for the upcoming year. · A brief summary of groundwater flow rate and direction for the year, noting any trends or changes (active landfill only). · A copy of all potentiometric surface maps developed for each quarter (active landfill only). · A summary geochemical evaluation noting any changes or trends in the cation-anion balances, trilinear diagrams and general water chemistry for each well. · As appropriate, recommendations for improvements or necessary changes for the 1999 monitoring program. May include recommendations for changes in routine tested parameters, if applicable. Products: · 1998 annual groundwater monitoring report (as part of the facility annual report). The annual report is required to be submitted to the Health Department and Ecology by March 1, 1999. 1998 Scope of Work and Budget Port Angeles Landfill Groundwater Monitoring 5 55-2191-03(01) April 16, 1998 U69 1998 PORT ANGELES LANDFILL GROUNDWATER MONITORING PROGRAM BUDGET SUMMARY TASK 1 2 3 TITLE Project Management Quarterly Groundwater Momtonng Coord. and Reportmg Annual Groundwater Monitoring RepOrt (1998 Calendar Year) TOT ALS: I PROJECT TOTAL: LABOR COST $4,962 $14,380 $5,982 DIRECT COST $158 $400 $100 TOTAL COST $5,120 $14,780 $6,082 $25,324 I $25,982 $6581 $25,982 070 JJect Name: PORT ANGELES LANDFILL 1998 Project No.: 55-2191-03 Task Name: Project Management Task No.: 1 Date: 30-Mar-98 Total Cost: $5.120 LABOR COSTS LABOR STAFF HOURS RATE TOTAL Client Manager 24 $97 $2.328 Project Manager 24 $98 $2.352 Word Processing 6 $47 $282 Total Labor Cost $4,962 , DIRECT COSTS MIleage (180 miles @ .32/mile) $58 MIscellaneous , $100 Direct Cost Subtotal $158 TOTAL COSTS $3,120 Assumptions I) Includes preparatIOn of monthly progress reports and lDVOIces. 2) One meetmg In Port Angeles. , U71 PrOject Name: PORT ANGELES LANDFILL 1998 Project No.: 55-2191-03 Task Name: Quarterly Grndwtr. Mon.Coord. and Report Task No.: 2 Date: 30-Mar-98 Total Cost: $14,780 LABOR COSTS LABOR STAFF HOURS RATE TOTAL Senior Hydrogeologist 40 $98 $3,920 Staff HydrogeoIogist 64 $66 $4,224 StatisticianfData Base 48 $77 $3,696 GraphiCS 12 $55 $660 Word Processing/Clerical 40 $47 $1,880 Total Labor Cost $14,380 DIRECT COSTS Pnntmg and Reproduction $300 Miscellaneous $100 Direct Cost Subtotal $400 TOTAL COSTS $14.'180 Assumptions 1) Sample collection Will be performed by City of Port Angeles staff. 2) Laboratory mvOlces will be checked by Parametnx and forwarded to City for direct payment. 3) Th,ee quartedy report, (fi"l through lhml quarte,,) ,hall he prepa'" fo< the 1997 mumlonng p,ogmm. 4) Data aualy'" will he conducled fo' the fonrth quart" and mcluded m lhe 1998 annual report (TO'k 3). 5) Data for additIOnal MW-8 sampling events will be meluded m quarterly or annual reports. O. .- f) , '4 !i; h.,~~,...,,~ , ,..~ ~c-.!1~\f r-'~; ~:J ',,'IJ .' '~ . . . ~ .....Ject Name: PORT ANGELES LANDFILL 1998 Project No.: 55-2191-03 Task Name: Annual Groundwater Mon. Report (1998) Task No.: 3 Date: 30-Mar-98 Total Cost: $6,082 LABOR COSTS LABOR STAFF HOURS RATE TOTAL SeDlor Hydrogeologlst 16 $98 $1,568 Staff Hydrogeologlst 16 $66 $1,056 Statistician/Data Base 32 $77 $2,464 Graplucs 6 $55 $330 Word Processmg/Clerical 12 $47 $564 Total Labor Cost $5,982 DIRECT COSTS Pnntmg and ReproductIOn $100 I Direct Cost Subtotal $100 TOTAL COSTS $6.082 Assumptions 1) One annual report shall be prepared (1998 momtonng program). 073 i,~:~ l~'~~ f.o~ L<~ ~';~~ ,<. ~~~ .;: ~; >.:; " , -, . . 074 . . . XV OTHER CONSIDERATIONS .B. . Set date for Real Estate meeting - verbal NO PAPERWORK IN PACKET 075 r.,tf f}j:.!I\~ . "X i,"~~ ~~J t1J Or ;t'1~ (';;. I' .,~~ " ;": . c 076 . ~-'~~ ,~__1.;-.... .- " ~,..--.. -..,.. [~~..' ~ . ..,-o;~ ~. '--~~ I ~, .~ ;, _~ ,~ 'f4t : ':~J.1f: ;.'. , .. I .. . .' i ":.1. . . '- PLANNING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM Brad Collms Director ExtensIOn 4751 Sue Roberds ExtensIOn 4750 David Sm'yer ExtensIOn 4752 April 30, 199~ TO: Mayor Braun, City Councilmembers, and Intenm Manager Pittis, FROM: Planmng Department, Brad Collins, Planning Director SUBJ: COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT - CPA 98-0 I LaRue - Eighth Street between '~ and "H" Streets "1 ty RECOMMENDA TION/ ACTION: Council should open the scheduled public hearzng and contznue Its dZscussIOn to June 2, 1998. 7p.m BACKGROUND/SUMM A RY: The CIty'S ComprehenSIve Plan proVIdes only one opportumty for amendments by June of each year. AddItIOnally, mdividuals may propose amendment to the Plan by applicatIOn If submItted no later than March 31st of each year. One proposal for amendment IS proposed for 1998, which was submitted by the La Rue family. At ItS regular meeting of April 22, 1998 (mmutes included elsewhere m this packet), the Plannmg CommIssion continued thIS Item to Its regular meetmg of May 13, 1998. There has been no controversy WIth this item. and the applicant agreed to the contmuation. Staff will be available for questIOns. / ~ -Sue Roberds, PI 077 078 .;~ .. ~~~ . . , I' , PLANNING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM -- Brad Collms DucclOr, LllcnslOn 4751, Suc Roberds, ExtensIOn 4750, David SalVICT ExtensIOn 4752 Apn1 30, 1998 TO: Mayor Braun, City CouncIlmembers, and Interim Manager PittIs, FROM: Planning Department, Brad Collms, Planning Director SUB}: MUNICIP AL CODE AMENDMENT - MCA 98-01 Amendment to the City's Shoreline PermIt Process RECOMMEND A TION/ ACTION: Councd should open the scheduled puhlzc hearmg and contmue Its dZscussIOn to June 2, J 998, 7 p.m. BACKGROUND/SUMM ARY: A proposal was submItted to the Plannmg CommISSIOn that shoreline permIts be acted upon admimstratI\'~ly in an effort to accelerate the permIt process. Shoreline permIt applicatIOns reqUIre an extraordman1y lengthy public notificatIOn period, which is required by the state, and a 21-day appeal penod following the local actIOn. Permits are processed under the gUIdelmes of the City's Shorelme Master Program and very little public testImony has been presented at public heanngs over the past twenty years. The Planmng Cormnisslon began diSCUSSIOn on the proposal at its April 22nd meetmg but directed staff to provIde additional mformatlOn for its May 13th meetmg. Thus, Coupcil wIll need to contmue Its scheduled public heanng to allow for the recommendation from the CommISSIOn to be presented for Council's June 2nd meetmg. TestImony was received at the CommIssion's April hearIng (mmutes are contained elsewhere in this packet) in favor of the proposed procedural amendment. Staff WIll be available for comment. ~// ,-/;;,~' ~ /./ --- '-- Sl~e Roberds,'Pl:' ing SpeCIalist ,079 -~ [-~~"... \...'-~~~, .,~ r - - ,,> ...........~~ :-",--' .-~~ I - ,~':j ~!~ - .;: , . >~ -- , i- . 080 · ~ r.-' ~ ~ PLANNING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM Brad ColIJ//s DIICClOl EUCIISIOI1.J751, Suc RohClds LXlenslO1I 4750 Dnvuf Snwl'cr EXlensI0114751 Apnl 30, 1998 TO: Mayor'Braun, CIty Council~embers, and Intenm Manager Pittis, FROM: Planning Department, Brad CollIns, Planning Director SUBJ: MUNICIP AL CODE AMENDMENT - MCA 98-02 Port of Port Angeles - Amendment to the City's Shorelme Master Program Map RECOMMENDA TION/ ACTION: Followzng the scheduled public hearzng. staff recommends the CIty Counczl concur wIth-the reconzmendallOn of the Plannmg ConzmlsslOn by adopllOn of the attached draft ordmance cltzng the findmgs and concluslOns noted by the Plawlll1g CommlsslOll winch are attached to the ordznance. BACKGROl1NillSl1.MMARY: A shorelme permit was approved by the City for the Port of Port Angeles m 1997 to allow the filling of the K-Ply log pond. creatmg a dry land area, and to excavate the area that IS now the City's estuary proJect. creating an aquatIc envIronment at that site. A conditIOn of that shorelin.e permIt approval was that the applicant apply to amend the CIty'S Shoreline Master Program Map denotmg those changes. The Port submItted the necessary application for that process which is what IS under consIderatIOn at thIS time. Followmg a publIc heanng conducted on April 22, 1998. and with no opposItion from the public, the Planning CommiSSIOn moved to recommend that the City CouncIl adopt the attached ordmance which will amend the City's Shoreline Master Program EnvIronment Map which IS an exhibIt to the shorelme ordmance. Staffs report and an excerpt of the Commission's mmutes IS attached for your mformatIOn and reference. Staff will be avaIlable for comment. t '\-- /.// ~-LL Attachments. Staff report and mInutes Ordinance U8i .082 , ,",;,,~ t"".~~ ;;~"tl''t~..::~ :' ...,,~<< '..... . ':r: l?,l. ll".:J:, . ~ .' ;- .'; " .J '.,~'s . ,. . . PLANNING DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT TO: Planning CommissIon FRO~\f: Brad Collins, Planning Director DATI:: April 22, 1998 RE: SMA 98-02 (Shoreline Master Program Amendment) APPLICANT: Port of Port Angeles LOCATION: Adjacent to Port Angeles (Ediz Hook) Harbor, 200 Block of Front Street to 400 Block of Marine Drive PROPOSAL: The proposed amendment is change the Shoreline Environment Designations for two areas In the K- Ply Mill yard. At the K-Ply mill pond between Valley and Cedar Streets (400 Block of Manne Dr.), the Shorelme Environment would be changed from AquatIC Harbor to Urban Harbor, and at the Valley Creek estuary between Valley and Cherry Streets (200-300 Blocks ofFrontlMarine Dr.), the Shoreline Envlronment.would be changed from Urban Harbor to AquatIC Harbor. BACKGROUND: Numerous shoreline permits for a variety of projects have been approved for this site in the past. ThiS proposed amendment is made as a requirement of a shoreline permit that allowed for the fi lling of the mIll pond and the reopening of the Valley Creek estuary. Quite simply, . one open water area designated AquatiC Harbor was filled in and is now charactenzed as Urban Harbor, and another area deSignated Urban Harbor was excavated to reform the open water Valley Creek estuaty and is now charactenzed as Aquatic Harbor. Other mitigatIOn measures were also required in replaCIng the mill pond WIth the estuary, and the redesignatIon recognizes the permitted shoreline environment changes that have taken place. STATE ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY ACT REVIEW: A Detef!Ilination of Non-Significance for the mill log pond was issued by the Port of Pon Angeles SEPA Responsible Official on June II, 1991, and was adopted by the Port of Port Angeles for this proposed amendment on March 31, 1998. An EIS for the Shoreline Master Program was i~sued by the City of Port Angeles SEP A Responsible Official on September 1, 1994, and was also adopted by City of Port Angeles Planmng Department, 321 E. 5th St., Port Angeles, W.A, (voIce) 360-417-4750, (fax) 360-417-4609 i I R :i Plannmg Department Staff Report SMA 98~2, (port of Port Angeles) April 22, 1998 Page 2 the Pon of Port Angeles for this proposed amendment on April 2, 1998 ENVIRONMENTALLY SENSITIVE AREAS (ESA) PROTECfION ORDINANCE REVlEW: The City's ESA Ordinance identifies Port Angeles Harbor and the K-Ply mill log pond as shoreline and assocIated wetlands environmentally sensItive areas and Valley Creek estuary as shoreline and assocIated wetlands and stream environmentally sensitive areas. The proposal is therefore subject to its regulatIons and will require an administrative ESA approval. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN REVIEW: Designation The site is designated as Industrial in the Comprehensive Plan. The Land Use Map designates only one IndustrIal category, thus providing maximum flexibility to the City's Zoning OrdInance In regulatIng the types of industrial uses and their permitted locatrons. Policies The follOWIng policies appear to be the most relevant to the proposed project Land Use Element Goal A, Policy No.2 - "AlI land use decisions and approvals made by the City Councrl and/or any of its appomted Commissions, Boards or Commlltees should be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and its land use map. " The redeslgnatlons of shoreline envIronment are part of the continued use of the land In accordance with the CIty'S ComprehensIve Plan and its Land Use Map. Conservation Element Goal C, Policy No. 8 - "Shoreline uses and acnvltles should be located to aVOid enVlronmentallisensltlve and ecologically valuable_areas and to msure the preservanon and protecnon of shorelme natural areas and resources. " The redesignations of shorelIne environment recognize the reestablishment of the previous shorelme natural area and resource of the Valley Creek Estuary as part of Port Angeles Harbor. Economic Development Element Goal A, Policy No. 3 - 'The City should prom ore long-term economIc stability by encouragrng busmesses and industnes to invest m modemlzanon and enVlronmentally sound technology. The redeslgnatlOns of shorelIne envIronment are a direct result of public and private Investment in the continued and future use of the sIte as one of the region's pnmary industrIal facIlIty. ZONING CODE REVlEW: Design,ation The site is zoned Industrial, Heavy (IH). The purpose and intent of the ill zone IS as followsO 8 4 , ' i ,~ Planning Department Staff Report ,---",,-, -"SMA98"()1.-(Port,oLP-ort,APg~~), Apnl 22, 1998 Page 3 ~.~~ IH Zone - This is the least restnctlve mdustrial zone intended to be the area in which heavy industry could develop causmg the least Impact on other land uses. A plywood mill is a pePmitted use in the IH zone (P AMC 17.34.020-MlUN), The proposed amendment does not change the impacts already permitted on this site. SHORELINE MASTER PROGRAM REVIEW: Designation The property is designated as Urban Harbor and Aquatic Harbor. The purpose'; of these designations are as follows: Urban Harbor: uT 0 ensure optimum use of shorelines within urbanized areas by providing for intensive public and commercial activities and by managing development to enhance and mamtain shorelines for a multiplicity of urban uses:' AquatIC Harbor: "To promote the intensive use of the harbor areas for water- dependent industrial, commercial, and recreational uses and to protect the water quality and integrity of natural aquatic systems." Chapter 5 mdIcates U-H desIgnation is for areas of high intensity land and shoreline use featunng a mIX of industrial, commercIal, and residential development and are shorelines that front largely on navIgable water of varying depth and have varying levels of upland access U-H designated areas are upland of the ordinary high water mark (OHWM). A-H designated areas are submerged lands lymg within the Ediz Hook Harbor. Policies The followmg Shoreline Master Program policies appear most relevant to this proposal: Chaoter 5. EnVIronment DesuzoatlOns D. Urban Harbor Management Pohcies 1. Encourage development within already developed areas and areas planned for redevelopment. 2. Continue the City's program of enhancing public access along the shoreline. Encourage public access, both physical and visual, and develop public attractions that provide the opportunity for people to enjoy the shoreline. 3. Give prionty to existing industries and those new industries and activities which are dependent on a shoreline location. 4. Encourage landscaping and screening of existing and new activities which have the potential for adversely affecting adjacent properties. U 8 5 Plamung Department Staff Report SMA 98-02, (port of Port Angeles) April 22, 1998 Page 4 5. Encourage continued efforts by public and private industries to improve the quality of air and water. . 6. Encourage actions to address additional problems of nOIse, visual impact, dust, light, etc. 7. Encourage redevelopment of eXlstmg under-used shoreline areas by designating spoils disposal sites. 8. Encourage recognition of identified historical, archaeological, or cultural aspects which may exist in these urban areas. 9. Encourage a mix of compatible water-oriented uses and supportmg services which provide opportunities for industrial, recreational, and commercial development. 10. Upgrade the Visual qualities of the environment. 11. Increase phYSical, functIOnal, and economic connections between the downtown and the waterfront. F Aquatlc Harbor Management Policies 2. Developments within the Aquatic Harbor EnVironment should be compatible with the adjOIning upland environment . 3. Diverse pubhc access opportunities to water bodies should be encouraged and developed and should be compatible With the eXlstmg shorelmes and water body uses and environment. DEPARTMENT COMMENTS: The proposal was Circulated to the Department of Ecology and the Lower Elwha S'Klallam Tribe but not to the Public Works Department, the Light Division, and the Fire Department, smce It is a nonproJect actIon. The Planmng Departtnent did not receive a comment from the Lower Elwha Tribal Council, and it is our understandmg the excavation previously reViewed by the Tribe recognized that the areas excavated for the Valley Creek Estuary did not contain native soils but were entirely filled tideland areas. The Department of Ecology did not comment but will have their own review of the proposed Shoreline Master Program amendment, as approved by the City. PLANNING DEPARTMENT ANALYSIS The Planning Department feels the proposed amendment is consistent with the all of the above referenced policies. In particular, the Shoreline Environment redesignations recogmze the changed environments altered under previously approved shoreline permits. This is a nonproject proposal that makes no alterations to the shoreline but allows for revised policies and regulations for activities that . 086 . --~.))- - -- - . -Plannmg. DepanmentStaffReport SMA 98-02, (port of Port Angeles) April 22, 1998 Page 5 may subsequently take place in essentIally new environments. the City's Comprehensive Plan, Shoreline Management Plan and Zoning Code. PLANNING DEPARTMENT RECOMMENDATION: The Planmng Department recommends the Planning Commission approve Shoreline Master Program Amendment SMA 98-02, citing the following findings and conclusions: Findings . Based on the information provided in the April 22, 1998, Staff Report for 9MA 98-02 (including all of its attachments), comments and information presented dunng the public hearing, and the Planning Commission's discussion and deliberation, the City of Port Angeles PlannIng Commission hereby finds that: 1. The applicant Port of Port Angeles applied for a Shoreline Master Program Amendment on March 30, 1998, and the application was determined complete on April 10, 1998. 2. A Determination of Non-Significance was issued on June II, 1991, by the Port of Port Angeles SEP A Responsible Official was adopted for the proposal on March 31, 1998, and an EIS for the Shoreline Master Program was issued on September 1, 1994, by the City of Port Angeles SEP A Responsible Offical was adopted for the proposal on Apnl 2, 1998. 3 The application and hearing process was advertised in accordance WIth the legal requirements of the City of Port Angeles and the State of Washington 4 The Port Angeles Shoreline Master Program, ComprehensIve ~lan, ZonIng Ordmance and EnVironmental Sensitive Areas Protection Ordinance have been reviewed WIth respect to this applicatIon. 5. The sites are designated Industnal in the City's Comprehensive Plan, Industrial-Heavy In the City's Zomng Ordinance, and Urban Harbor and Aquatic Harbor In the City's Shoreline Master Program. 6. Chapter 5 of the City's Shoreline Master Program indicates uplands are found in the U-H designation and submerged lands are found in the A-H designation 7. The redesignations were required of the Port of Port Arlgeles by conditions of a previous shoreline permit allowing the filling of the K-Ply mill log pond and the excavaction of the Valley Creek estuary. 8. No comments were received from the Department of Ecology or the Lower Elwha Tribal Council during the comment period following the distribution of the ' applIcation. -U87 -~~ Planrung Department Staff Report . .~ --- '-'----St;{A-98:02-;-WorCofP6rt Angeles) April 22, I 998 Page 6 Conclusions o Based on the mformation provided in the April 22, 1998, Staff Report for SMA 98-02 mcluding all of its attachments, comments and information presented dunng the public hearing, the Planning CommIssion's discussion and deliberation, and- the above listed findings, the City of Port Angeles Planning Commission hereby concludes that: A The folloWIng adopted City policies are most relevant to the proposed project, Comprehensive Plan Land Use Element Policy A-2, Conservation Element Policy C-8, and Economic Development Element Policy A-3, the City's Industnal, Heavy zone, and the City's Shorelme Master Program's Urban-Harbor and Aquatic-Harobr designatIOns, and Chapter 5, Management Policies D 1-11 and F 2-3 B The amendment is consistent with the following adopted ~Ity policies, Comprehensive Plan Land Use Element Policy A-2, Conservation Element Policy C-8, and Economic Development Element Policy A-3, the City's industrIal, Heavy zone. and the City's Shorelme Master Program's Urban-Harbor and AquatIc-Harbor desIgnatIOns, and Chapter 5, Management Policies D 1-11 and F 2-3 c. The City's waterfront trail, which provides public access to the shorelmes of Port Angeles Harbor, runs along Marine Drive west of Valley Street, and the Valley Creek Estuary WIll provide a better physical and Visual transition as the trail by-passes the heavy mdustnal areas before it extends out onto Ediz Hook. ()..- ~ "~ ';; ~~ D The operation of the K-Ply Mill will be more effiCIent resultmg m less dust and nOIse Impacts to adjacent properties, and the Valley Creek Estuary will prOVide landscapmg and screenmg that buffer commerCial uses to the east from mdustnal uses to the west E. The Valley Creek Estuary will reestablish the'natural aquatic system once found there. F The amendment will not be detnmental to the shoreline. G The amendment will not mterfere With the public use oflands or waters subject to the publIc trust doctnne. S:-"IA980: U88 ___ _~i~~/;~~3i'~riJc~_~_:- _:::- __= c co to tnn 101 >TES: The aquallc envlronmente, I.e. Aquallc Harbor end Aquellc Conl.rVlncy, extend waterward 'rom the ordinary high water mark to Ihe City Limit.. (Inlernallonal US/Canada Boundary In Ihe canler 01 Ihe Strait 01 Juan De Fuca.) The Urban Shoreline Prolectlon and Aquallc Conlervancy envlronmenll exlend to Ihe Urbln Growlh arel to Ihe eaal and will be Implemenled 8B proper tiel become annexed Inlo Ihe ClIy. The upland envlronmenta, I.e. Urban Harbor and Urban Shorlllne Prolectlon, ex lend 200 'eel landward from the ordinary high waler mark. I - j ---- i --- -1' -1 ....." au 1ER IIARBOR lIN[ -- INN[R HARBOR lIN[ "" r f . [OIOJ URBAN HARBOR """ URBAN SHORELINE ,"'" PROTECTION I :':-.:-:::.1 AQUATIC HARBOR I I AQUATIC CONSERVANCY cnrv Off /PORT A~GlElIES SHORlEl~~1E IEINJ V~ROINJMlElNll /D)IES~GINJ A r~olNJ 1M! AlP 5/23/95 Ot ~/CUAP / U90 '* [I I t:,! .8 I: . . . . . Planning Commission Minutes April 22, 1998 Page 3 MUNICIP AL CODE AMENDMENT - MCA 98-02 - PORT OF PORT ANGELES, shoreline area between Cedar and Valley Streets: Amendment to Chapter 18.02 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code to amend the City's Shoreline Master Program and Map such that a property currently designated as Aquatic Harbor will be redesignated for a property currently designated Urban Harbor and vice versa in association with a previously approved shoreline permit at that location. Chair Reed opened the public hearing. Planning Director Collins reviewed the Planning Department's report recommending approval of the amendment as proposed. He responded to Commissioner Reed that the proposed amendment is a condition of approval of a shoreline permit approved for the Port of Port Angeles in 1997. Kenneth Sweeney, Port of Port Angeles Environmental Manager, 338 W. First Street, agreed with the staffs recommendation. As a member of the City's Shoreline Management Advisory Committee, he helped to identify and map areas ofthe shoreline depending on their characteristics. The two areas under discussion were designated as they now exist due to their topographical characteristics at that time which have been significantly altered. The most westerly area was filled and is now dry land, and the area to the east was excavated to create an aquatic environment as the City's new estuary. Thus, the proposed designations will identify and allow existing uses to continue. There being no further testimony, Chair Reed closed the public hearing. Commissioner Nutter moved to recommend approval of the proposed Municipal Code amendment with the following findings and conclusions: Findings: Based on the information provided in the April 22, 1998, Staff Report for MCA 98-02 (including all of its attachments), comments and information presented during the public hearing, and the Planning CommIssion's dIscussion and deliberation, the City of Port Angeles Planning Commission hereby finds that: Eindings: 1. The applicant, the Port of Port Angeles, applied for amendment to the City's Shoreline Master Program on March 30, 1998. The application was determmed to be complete on April 10, 1998. 2. A Determination of Non-Significance was issued on June 11, 1991, by the Port of Port Angeles SEP A Responsible Official and was adopted for the proposal on March 31, 1998. An EIS for the Shoreline Master Program was issued on September 1, 1994, by the City of Port Angeles SEP A Responsible Offical and was adopted for the proposal on April 2, 1998. 3. The application and hearing process was advertised in accordance with the legal requirements of the City of Port Angeles and the State of Washington. 091 Planning Commission Minutes April 22, 1998 Page 4 4. The Port Angeles Shoreline Master Program, Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Ordinance and Environmental Sensitive Areas Protection Ordinance have been reviewed with respect to this application. . 5. The sites are designated Industrial in the City's Comprehensive Plan, Industrial- Heavy in the City's Zoning Ordinance, and Urban Harbor and Aquatic Harbor in the City's Shoreline Master Program. 6. Chapter 5 of the City's Shoreline Master Program indicates uplands are found in the U-H designation and submerged lands are found in the A-H designation. 7. The redesignations were required of the Port of Port Angeles by conditions of a previous shoreline permit allowing the filling of the K-Ply mill log pond and the excavaction of the Valley Creek estuary. 8. No comments were received from the Department of Ecology or the Lower Elwha Tribal Council during the comment period following the distribution of the application. Conclusions.: Based on the information provided in the April 22, 1998, Staff Report for MCA 98-02 . including all of its attachments, comments and information presented during the public hearing, the Planning Commission's discussion and deliberation, and the above listed findings, the City of Port Angeles Planmng Commission hereby concludes that: A. The following adopted City policies are most relevant to the proposed project, Comprehensive Plan Land Use Element Policy A-2, Conservation Element Policy C~8, and Economic Deyelopment Element Policy A-3, the City's Industrial, Heavy zone, and the City's Shoreline Master Program's Urban-Harbor and Aquatic-Harobr designations, and Chapter 5, Management Policies D 1-11 and F 2-3. B. The amendment is consistent with the following adopted City policies, Comprehensive Plan Land Use Element Policy A-2, Conservation Element Policy C-8, and EconomIC Development Element Policy A-3, the City's Industrial, Heavy zone, and the City's Shoreline Master Program's Urban-Harbor and Aquatic-Harbor designations, and Chapter 5, Management Policies D 1-11 and F 2-3. C. The City's waterfront trail, which provides public access to the shorelines of Port Angeles Harbor, runs along Marine Drive west of Valley Street, and the Valley Creek Estuary will provide a better physical and visual transition as the trail by-passes the heavy industrial areas before it extends out onto Ediz Hook. D. The operation ofthe K-Ply Mill will be more efficient resulting in less dust and noise impacts to adjacent properties, and the Valley Creek Estuary will provide landscaping and screening that buffer commercial uses to the east from industrial uses to the west. . 092 . . . Planning Commission Minutes April 22, 1998 Page 5 E. The Valley Creek Estuary will re-establish the natural aquatic system once found there. F. The amendment will not be detrimental to the shoreline. G. The amendment will not interfere with the public use of lands or waters subject to the public trust doctrine. H. The environmental designation changes satisfy the shoreline pennit (No. SMA 97- 158) condition for filling the log pond and reopening the estuary. The motion was seconded by Commissioner King and passed 6 - O. I I t i I 093 .~ -f ~~ fit' t ~l.( I'.:.. . .l" r. ',~ . . U94 096 .'{ . . \J96 l ~_~:-a ""<~I'~ , " t.~'-~n~ k;~] r,,-.(,'~ ~~ \?:~ .'~- . . FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS N SUPPORT OF MUNCIP AL CODE AMENDMENT _ MCA 98-02: Findings: 1. The applicant, the Port of Port Angeles, applied for amendment to the City's Shoreline Master Program on March 30, 1998. The application was determined to be complete on April 10, 1998. 2. A Determmation ofNon-Sigmficance was issued on June 11, 1991, by the Port of Port Angeles SEP A Responsible Official and was adopted for the proposal on March 31, 1998. An EIS for the Shoreline Master Program was issued on September 1, 1994, by the City of Port Angeles SEP A Responsible Offical and was adopted for the proposal on April 2, 1998. 3. The application and hearing process was advertised m accordance with the legal reqmrements of the City of Port Angeles and the State ofWashmgton. 4. The Port Angeles Shoreline Master Program, ComprehensIve Plan, Zomng Ordmance and Environmental Sensitive Areas ProtectIOn Ordmance have been reviewed with respect to this applicatIOn. 5. The sites are desIgnated Industrial in the City's Comprehensive Plan, Industrial- Heavy m the City's Zomng Ordinance, and Urban Harbor and Aquatic Harbor in the City's Shoreline Master Program. 6. Chapter 5 of the City's Shorelme Master Program indicates uplands are found in the U-H designation and submerged lands are found in the A-H designatIOn. 7. The redesIgnatIOns were reqUIred of the Port of Port Angeles by COndItIOns of a preVIOUS shorelme permIt allowmg the fillmg of the K-Ply mill log pond and the excavactIOn of the Valley Creek estuary. ' 8. No comments were receIved from the Department of Ecology or the Lower Elwha Tribal Council during the comment penod following the distributIOn of the applIcation. CDnclusions.: Based on the mformation provided in the April 22, 1998, Staff Report for MCA 98-02 including all of its attachments, comments and information presented during the public heanng, the Plannmg CommISSIOn's dIscuSSIOn and deliberatIOn, and the above listed findings, the City of Port Angeles Planning Commission hereby concludes that: A. The following adopted City policies are most relevant to the proposed project, Comprehensive Plan Land Use Element Policy A-2, Conservation Element Policy C-8. and EconomIC Development Element Policy A-3, the City's Industnal, U97 l,....:~ I ,,';,,:; , ! "';~ Hea\")! zone:arid-ihe City's ShorelIne Master Program's Urban-Harbor and Aquatic-Harobr designatlOns, and Chapter 5, Management PolicIes D 1-11 and F 2-3. B. The amendment is consIstent WIth the followmg adopted City policies. Comprehensive Plan Land Use Element Policy A-2, Conservation Element Policy C-8, and EconomIc Development Element Policy A-3, the City's lndustnal, Heavy zone, and the City's Shoreline Master Program's Urban-Harbor and Aquatic-Harbor designatIons, and Chapter 5, Management PolICIes D 1-11 and F 2-3. C. The City's waterfront trail. which provides public access to the shorelmes ofPon Angeles Harbor, runs along Manne Drive west of Valley Street, and the Valley Creek Estuary will provIde a better physIcal and visual transition as the trail by- passes the heavy industrial areas before it extends out onto Ediz Hook. D. The operatlOn of the K-Ply Mill will be more effiCIent resulting m less dust and nOIse Impacts to adjacent propertIes, and the Valley Creek Estuary will provIde landscapmg and screenmg that buffer commercial uses to the east from industnal uses to the west. E. The Valley Creek Estuary wIll re-establIsh the natural aquatIc system once found there. F The amendment WIll not be detnmental to the shoreline. G. The amendment will not mterfere wIth the public use of lands or waters subject to the public trust doctnne. H. The environmental desIgnatlOn changes satlsfy the shoreline permIt (:";0. SMA 97 -158) condItion for fillmg the log pond and reopemng the estuary Adopted by the Port Angeles CIty CouncIl at ItS meetmg of May 5, 1998. Gary Braun, Mayor A TTEST: Becky J. Upton. City Clerk U98 O~ f'ORT 41\1Q ------,,4. - ----- - ,~- -- --- - -0' , ~ ,,~,- ~ _ l '>.-~_.. ~ "'.' i:~~i~tt~~~.: PLANNING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM Brad Collzns DlreclOr ExtensIOn 475/. Sue Roberds EuenslOn 4750 DavId Saw\'er EXlenslOn 4752 Apnl 30, 1998 TO: Mayor Braun, City Councilmembers, and Intenm Manager Pittis, FROM: Planning Department, Brad Collms, Planning Director SUBJ: MUNlCIP AL CODE AMENDMENT - MCA 98-03 City of Port Angeles - Amendment to judiCIal appeal penods REC.OMMENDA TION/ ACTION: Followzng the scheduled publzc hearing, staff recommends the City Counczl concur with the recommendatIOn o/the PlanlZlng CommIssIOn hy adoption o/the attached draft ordznance cztzng the findzngs and conclusions noted by the Plannl1lg CommIssIOn whIch are attached to the ordinance. BACKGROllND/SlJMMARY: Followmg a public heanng conducted on April 22, 1998, and with no oppositIOn from the public, the Planning Commission moved to recommend that the City Council adopt the attached ordinance. The amendment was proposed by the City's Attorney as a result of the recently enacted Lind Use PetItion Act and wIll reVIse the City's provisions for judicial appeal periods to be conSIstent with the new state statutes. Staffs report and an excerpt of the CommIssIOn's mmutes IS attached for your mformatlOn and reference. Staff will be available for comment. __~ 0/c-{' y~~~ Y-~ ,-- ... Sue Roberds, PlannmgJpecialist Attachments: Staff report and minutes Ordinance ) .-/ U99 ~;cm \.,,,",,.,, '-~i' t'.-., ~,:~ ,;~~ f:~ ! ~Y.~ I ~_~ .:.:' '. " ! i- , . . 100 '~H~~l1'!lmwD~~~, ~ Ilml! it' "''''"' l " l5 ~ lJj>- T~ ~~ ~ .::!. ~ o ~ 5 > ~ z 2 a 0:: Q. II: ~ ~ 0 N 0 ~ ') 0 N ~ II ~ 1 ~ i1 t: i r:~ lJ Ii: '" if 0 I N .... ., I I .... N i i ~ Ii ~J , p ~; u Illl s ~ ... li J~ I \...: I I I I / I I / I I , I I I I I , I , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I / y'" ./ \ ,,"\-. \ , ."'-.. '\ . \ . \ \ '::::~~----- \....~~.---.-... (/ ._-::--~~. , , >-i :00. .~~ ~~ ~"" l:'l ltlCl. II:~ ~:i ,<~ J.o 0:) Q- ii:~~ , ~ ~ ~ ~, i: ;l12 ltl ...., , .~~ I~~>- '" '...... lX:Ii ~ ~ ~ ~ ~...., ~J!",,~ ..\....,~~:~~,..,.,.... ; ~l'i~~ ...., \ ',,- \ , \b\'iJt" , \ \~, :/ 9 l~ ~ >- ( ___../t:?s$E) ! Vlo~ ~ ~ ~~~ \. '- -/~~~~~ ') / ./' " r-............ " / ( f _/ o 8 0. c;- 'z- - , , I , I I I I I I I ..' ..- I I I I I I I I / / I' I II I I r I I , /"W., .' "'-- "'-- i "'-- / "'--- , \ '.' ~"'--- ..'--..-...... ~'-- "'\.. .. " /'.. f'..... " ' , " Ol Ol ~ w Z ~ .. a ~ i ! i ...... ,...,..... 'fit ~ MEMORANDUM 321 East Fifth Street. Port Angeles. Washington 98362 Phone: (360) 417-4750 Brad Collins Director EnenslOn 475/ SlIe Roberds E\lellSlOn 4750 Dalla Sm~'er. ExtensIOn 4752 Apnl 15, 1998 TO: Chair Reed and Planrung C~nnrusslOners Uu.,p Sue Roberds. PJannmg SP~ 1 Municipal Code Amendm'ent - MCA 98-01 Proposal to amend judIcial appeal filIng penods FROY!: SUBJ' .-\ recent state statute. the Land Use PetItIon Act. reqUIres JUdICIal appeals of many kmds of land use decIsIons to be filed wIthIn 21 days of a decIsIon. The City has already adopted a consolIdated development permn process ordinance that mcludes a 21-day filing penod for JudicIal appeals of the kinds of decisIons covered by the recent state statutes. However. for consistency's sake. the CIty'S Attorney has recommended that th~ other filing penods whIch vary from 14 - 30 days be amended to a standard 21 days. Sra[f recommends that the Plan/llng CommiSSlOll move to recommend that the City Council adopt the auached ordinance which 1\ ould effect the proposed amendme11l to the A1u/llcipal Code with regard to ,udlczal appeal. The CommissiOn could cue the followl11g findl11gs and concluslOns In support of the rccommendatlOn' F lllcimgs. The State ofWashmgron recently adopted the Land Use Petmon Act wruch reqUIres Judicial appeals of many kInds ofland use decIsIOns to be filed withIn 21 days of the deCISIOns. .., On March 19. 1996. the City of Pon Angeles adopted a consolIdated development permIt process <Ordinance 2911) m aSSOCIatIon with ESHB 1724 that mcludes a 21-day filIng period for JudICIal appeals. CertaIn City ordmances stIll allow tIling penods for JudICIal revIew which vary from 14 to 30 days. -+ The proposed amendment allows for consIstency WIth new state statutes for JudiCIal appeal time lines and eliminates speCIfic Judicial reqUIrements from the nUIsance and Board of Adjustment ordinances. C onclllSlQIL -\. The amendment allo\\"s for consIstency throughout the City's permIttIng process where judicial appeals are provIded. B. The proposed ordmance IS In the public's Interest. 101 102 .;'" ~~ ~,<, ,~~;!~~ ~ ~ ~ .t'\' t 'r:7 , ...A: . . . . . Planning Commission Minutes April 22, 1998 Page 6 I f! ~ rl:~ , . MUNICIP AL CODE AMENDMENT - MCA 98-03 - CITY OF PORT ANGELES, City wide: A proposal to amend Section 15 (Environment) of the Port Angeles Municipal Code such that the time period for submittal of judicial appeals is extended to 21 days. v , , Planning Specialist Sue Roberds reviewed the Planning Department's memorandum recommending approval of the amendment as proposed. Chair Reed opened the public heanng. Mr. Collins agreed with Commissioner Hewins that the proposed ordinance amends appeal periods for applications and processes other than just those handled by the Planning Commission. The proposed ordinance provides a comprehensive change throughout the Municipal Code where judicial appeals are provided to be consistent with new state statutes. There being no public testimony, Chair Reed closed the public hearing. As the City's Attorney suggested the amendmel1t, Commissioner King moved to recommend the City Council approve the proposed amendment to the City's Municipal Code citing the following findings and conclusions: Eindings.: 1. The State of Washington recently adopted the Land Use Petition Act which requires judicial appeals of many kinds ofland use decisions to be filed within 21 days of the decisions. 2. On March 19, 1996, the city of Port Angeles adopted a consolidated development permit process (Ordinance 2911) in association with ESHB 1724 that includes a 21- day filing period for judicial appeals. 3. Certain City ordinances stIll allow filing periods for judicial review which vary from 14 to 30 days. 4. The proposed amendment allows for consistency with new state statutes for judicial appeal time lines and eliminates specific judicial requirements from the nuisance and Board of Adjustment ordmances. Conclusions.: A. The amendment allows for consistency throughout the City's permitting process where judicial appeals are provided. B. The proposed ordinance is in the public's interest. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Craver, and passed 6 - O. 103 104 . JA !<<~ ~~ p~~ l'~; r.~* k;&:'t ...~-(! t.",.4! , . .. t,~ ~~ t~~ [-.. .' f" , I ,. ~ ' ~. r [ . . ORDINANCE NO AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, establishing uniform time periods for filing appeals of City land use, construction code, and civil service decisions, revising the procedure for nuisance enforcement appeals, and amending Ordinances 2858, 1709, 1796, 2511, 1631,2655, 2552, 2410, and 2469, as amended, and Chapters 2.22, 2.~2, 8.04, 14.01, 15.24, 16.08, 17.25, 17.96, and 18.04 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES DOES HEREBY ORDAIN as follows: Section 1. Section 1 of Ordinance 2552 and Chapter 14.01 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code are hereby amended by amending PAMC 14.01.090 to read as follows: 14.01.090 Appeals. A. Appealable Issues. This Section shall govern appeals of orders, decisions, or determmations, made by the Building Official, Fire Chief, Electrical Inspector, their designees, or any enforcement officer as defined in PAMC 14.01.060, regarding the SUitability of alternative _ materials and methods of construction and the application and interpretation of the construction codes of the City of Port Angeles and any other building regulations or codes as may be designated by ordinance. - B. Construction Code Board of Appeals. Appeals of issues set-forth in PAMC 14.01.090 shall be heard by the Construction Code Board of Appeals (Board). The Board shall conslSt of five members appointed by the City Council, all of whom shall serve Without compensation, and who shall be qualified by experIence and training to pass upon the matters set forth III PAMC 14.01.090. All present members of the Building Code Board of Appeals are hereby confirmed as members of the Construction Code Board of Appeals and shall remain on the Board for the period of their present appointments. Thereafter, all appointments shall be for four- year terms, provided that any vacancy shall be filled for the period of the unexpired term. None of the five appointed members shall serve more than two consecutive four-year terms. The Fire Chief, the Building Official, and the Electrical Inspector shall each act as an ex-officio member of the Board for matters governed by the construction code that is his or her primary responsibility to administer and enforce and shall either act as secretary to the Board or designate another City staff member to act in such capacity. - 1 - 105 C. Limitations of Authority. The Board shall have no authority relative to interpretation of the administrative provisions of the construction codes nor shall the Board or any other person or enforcement officer be empowered to waive any requirements of said codes. D. Filing of Appeals. An appeal may be filed with the Board by any person having legal standing or a legal interest in the building or land involved in the appealable issue. Such appeal shall be filed in writing with the City Clerk within thirty (30) days from the date that notice of any appealable action is served by either personal delivery or by deposit in the United States Mail, except where other service is specifically provided in the construction codes. The filing fee shall be $75. The filed appeal shall contain: 1. A heading in the words: "Before the Construction Code Board of Appeals of the City of Port Angeles"; 2. A caption reading: "Appeal of _", giving the names of all appellants partiCipating in the appeal; 3. A brief statement setting forth the legal standing, or legal interest in the bUIldmg or the land mvolved in the notice and order of each of the appellants; 4. A brief statement in ordinary and concise language of the specific order, decision, or determination appealed, together with any material facts claimed to support the contentions of the appellant; 5. A brief statement in ordinary and concise language of the relief sought and the reasons why it IS claimed that the appealed order, decision, or determination should be reversed, modified, or otherwise set aside; 6. The signatures of all parties named as appellants and their official mailing addresses; 7. The verification, by declaratIon under penalty of perjury, by at least one appellant as to the truth of the matters stated in the appeal. . E. Procedures of the Board. The Construction Code Board of Appeals shall follow the procedures set forth in thiS Section and in any other reasonable rules and regulations that the Board may see fit to adopt, subject to the approval of the City Council. . F. Scheduling and Noticing Appeal for Hearin~. As soon as practicable after recelvmg a wntten appeal. the Secretary shall fix a date, time, and place for the hearing of the appeal by the Board. Such date shall be not less than ten (10) days nor more than sixty (60) days from the date that the appeal was filed with the City Clerk. Wntten notice of the time and place of the hearing shall be given at least ten (10) days prior to the date of the hearing to each appellant by the secretary of the Board either by personal delivery or by deposit in the United States Mail. G. Record and Findings on Appeal. All hearings and appeals before the Board shall be recorded and every decision of the Board shall be m writing and shall include findmgs of fact and conclusions representmg the official determmatlon of the Board and specifying the basis for the deCision. All parties to the appeal shall be notified of the Board's decision either by personal delivery or by mail. A copy of the record or any part thereof shall be transcribed and furnished to any person upon request therefor and payment of the reasonable costs thereof. - 2 - 106 -.:=-, ", H. Scope of Board's Review. In rendering its decision, the Board may, in conformity with the applicable construction code, reverse or affirm, wholly or in part, or may modify, the order, decision, or determination appealed from, and may make such other order, decision, or determination as the Board deems necessary and proper. I. Judicial Review. The decision of the Board shall be final and conclusive unless within fifteen (15)twenty-one (21) days from the date of service by either personal delivery or deposit in the United States Mail the appellant files a petition for writ of certlorari to the Superior Court of the State of Washington for Clallam County. The proper and timely filing of such petitIon shall stay the enforcement of the decision of the Board during the pendency of the Superior Court litigation, except when a stay of the decision presents an exigent danger to the health and safety of persons or property. (Ord. 2552 ~ 1, 10/25/89.) , Section 2. Ordinance 2655 and Chapter 15.24 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code are hereby amended by amending PAMC 15.24.100 to read as follows: 15.24.100 - Judicial ReVIew. Any decision or order issued by the City of Pon Angeles pursuant to this Chapter, including decisions concerning denial, approval, or conditional approval of a Wetland Permit, may be Judicially reviewed in the Clallam County Superior Court, provided that: A. available admmistrative remedies, including appeals available pursuant to SubsectIon 15.24.060I, have been exhausted; and B. such litigatIon is commenced within fifteen (15)twemy-one (21) days after service of such order or issuance of notIce of such deCIsion, as the case may be. Based on these proceedings and consistent WIth any deCIsion of the Court that IS adverse to the City of Port Angeles, the City may elect to: 1. InstItute negotiated purchase or condemnatIOn proceedmgs to acquire an easement or fee interest in the applicant's land; 2. Approve the permit applicatIon with lesser restrIctIons. or conditions; or 3. Other appropriate actions ordered by the Court that fall within the jurisdictIon of the City of Porr Angeles. (Ord. 2655 ~ 1 (part), 11/29/91.) Section 3. Ordinance 1631 as amended and Chapter 16.08 'of the Porr Angeles Municipal Code are hereby amended by amending PAMC 16.08.050 to read as follows: 16.08.050 - Procedure A. PRELIMINARY STEPS. The developer shall submit a sketch of a proposed subdivision of land to the City Planning Department for review prior to submittal of the - 3 - 107 I I I .. Preliminary Plat. B. PRELIMINARY APPROVAL. The developer or his surveyor shall then transmit six (6) (or more if required) copies of the Preliminary plat, together with a filing fee, to the City Planning Department. The amount of the filing fee shall be as established by ordinance and set forth in Chapter 3.70 PAMC. The City Planning Department shall submit written recommendations to the Planning CommissIon prior to the Commission's public hearing in which the Preliminary plat is on its agenda. - The proposed plat shall be prepared by a licensed land surveyor and shall be submitted to tbe City Planning Department at least thirty days prior to the next public hearing of the City Planmng Commission. Notice of the public hearing on a proposed plat or subdivision shall be posted by the developer in a conspicuous place on or adjacent to the land proposed to be subdivided. Such notices shall clearly indicate the time and place of the public hearing and shall be posted not less than ten days prior to the hearing. The Planning Commission shall examine the proposed plat, along WIth written recommendatIons of the City Departments, and shall either approve or disapprove and shall make recommendations thereon to the City Council. Within a period of ninety (90) days after a preliminary plat has been submitted to the City Planning Department and other affected agencies, the City Council shall either approve or disapprove the proposed Preliminary plat. The ninety (90) days time period may be extended with the consent of the applicant. If an Environmental Impact Statement is required, the mnety (90) day period shall not include the time spent preparing and CIrculating the EIS. Following final action of the City Council on a prelimmary plat, the Planning Department shall notify the developer regarding changes required and the type and extent of Improvements to be made. A copy of the CommiSSIOn I s action and recommendations shall be forwarded to the developer and to any agency submItting recommendations m regard to the "prelimInary plat. Approval of a preliminary plat shall be considered condItional approval of the prelImInary plat, and shall not constitute" approval of the Final plat; it shall be conSIdered only as approval of the layout submitted on the preliminary plat as a guide to the preparation of the Final plat. If the preliminary plat is approved by the City Council. the developer, before requesting final approval, shall elect to install or assure installatIon of the Improvements required by Sectlon 16.08.070 PAMC by one of the followmg methods: 1. Actual installatIon of the required improvements, to the satIsfactIon and approval of the City Engineer; 2. (a) Furmshing to the City a subdIvision bond, with an approved Insurer, in an amount equal to the cost of the improvements as determined by the City Engineer, which bond shall assure to the City actual installation of the required Improvements to the satisfactIon and approval of the City Engmeer. The City Engineer shall determine the period of the bond. (b) Furnishing to the City an assignment of a savings account or placing in trust. an amount equal to the cost of the improvements as determined by the City -4- ~ r~~~ ~.j~ ~ i; ) , 1 " p EngIneer, which assignment of savings account or trust shall assure to the City the installation of ------- - - - --- - -- ----- the .improvements, to the satisfaction and approval of the City Engineer. This savings account or trust shall be conditioned so that no amount may be removed therefrom without prior written approval of the City, and shall further provide that, if the Improvements are not installed within the time limitations set by the City Engineer, or not installed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer, then the City may withdraw from the savings account or trust the amount necessary to complete the improvement. The c;ity Engineer shall determine the period of the assignment of the savings account or the trust. After completion of all required improvements the City Engineer and any government agency involved shall submit a written notice to the Planning Department stating that the developer has completed the required improvements in accordance with Section 16.08.070 PAMC and with required installation standards. C. FINAL APPROVAL. The Final plat shall conform to the Preliminary plat as approved by the City Council. If deSIred by the developer, the Final plat may constItute only that ponion of the approved Preliminary plat which he proposes to record and develop at the time. The Final plat shall be submItted to the Planning Department WIthin five years after City Council approval of the Preliminary plat. Said preliminary approval' shall become void unless a FInal plat is submitted. The developer shall submit a Mylar tracIng and six (6) prints (or more if required) of ~ !he. Final plat and other required exhibits, including a filing fee, to the City Planning Depanment at least founeen days prior to the meeting in which the Final plat is to be considered by the Planning CommissIOn. The amount of the fee shall be set by Resolution of the City Council and may be amended or changed by Resolution from time to time, or as necessary. The Planning Commission shall review the Final plat to determine if the plat conforms with the Preliminary plat, the provisions of the Comprehensive Plan, the Zoning Code and other land use regulations, the Urban Services Ordinance, and these SubdiVIsion Regulations and shall make its recommendation to the City Council. If the Planning Commission approves the Final plat, the Chairperson shall sign the Final tracmg. Following the approval of the Final plat by the Planning Commission, the City Planning Depanment shall obtain the signatures of the County Health Officer (when required by the Commission), City Engineer, City Clerk, City Manager, Fire Chief, City Light Director, Planning Director, and City Attorney on the Final tracing and shall submit the tracing of the Final plat to the City Council for approval and signature by the Mayor. At least ten days prior to the public hearing of the City Council in which the Final plat is to be considered, the developer shall post a notice regarding said hearing in a conspicuous locatIon on the site. Within thirty (30) days the City Council shall act upon the Final plat. The thirty (30) day limit may be extended from the date of the Final plat being filed with the Planning Department with the consent of the applicant. The developer shall have his Final plat recorded within thirty (30) days from the date his Final plat is approved by the City Council. After obtaining signatures of City officials and prior to thirty (30) days after recording, the developer shall obtain and give to the City Engineer a Mylar or equivalent duplicate - 5 - t {j j ( .' of the Final plat. D. APPROV AL AND REVIEW OF PRELIMINARY AND FINAL PLATS. When a proposed plat or subdivision is situated adjacent to the right-of-way of state highways, said plat or subdivisIon shall be submitted to the Director of Highways. Approval by the Commission shall be withheld until said Director or his assistant has made a report to the Commission. When a proposed plat, subdivision or dedication is adjacent to unincorporated territory notice of such proposed plat shall be given to the Clallam County Planning Commission. Any decision by the City Council approving or refusing to approve a plat or subdivision shall be reviewable for arbitrary, capricious or corrupt action or non-action, by writ of rc';icw petition before the Superior Court of Clallam County, by any property owner of the county having jurisdiction thereof who deems himself aggrieved thereby. Prgvided, that due application for such writ of fe', icw petition shall be made to such court within thittytwem;y-one days from the date of any decision so to be reviewed. (Ord. 2880 ~2 (part) 8/25/95; Ord. 2789 ~12 1/1/94; Ord. 2743 ~1, 1/29/93; Ord. 2719 ~2, 11/13/92; Ord. 2143 ~2, 5/31/81; Ord. 2034 Sl, 7/16/79; Ord. 1631 ~4, 11/14/67.) Section 4. Ordinance 2511 as amended and Chapter 17.25 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code are hereby amended by amending PAMC 17.25.100 to read as follows: 17.25.100 Appeals. Any person aggrieved by the decision of the City Council as to any Conditional Use Permit applied for pursuant to this Chapter shall make appeal to the Clallam County Superior Court within fifteen (15)twenty-one (21) days following the decision of the City Council. (Ord. 2861 SI (part), 3/17/95; Ord. 2511 Sl (part) 10/4/88.) Section 5. Ordinance 1709 as amended and Chapter 17.96 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code are hereby amended by amending PAMC 17.96.150 to read as follows: 17.96.150 Appeals. Any appeal of a final decision rendered by the City Council pursuant to this Title shall be filed in Clallam County Superior Court within fiftcen (15)twenty-one !2.ll days of such final decision or be barred. (Ord. 2668 S12 (part), 1/17/92; Ord. 2595 S3, 6/27/90.) Section 6. Ordinance 2858 as amended and Chapter 18.04 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code are hereby amended by amending PAMC 18.04.100 to read as follows: 18.04.100 - Appeals. Any appeal of a final decision rendered by the City Council pursuant to this Title shall be filed in Clallam County Supenor Court within fifteen (15)twenty-one .L2..ll days of such final decision or be barred. (Ord. 2858,2/17/95.) - 6- 110 r', ,l~~ "I' i Section 7. Ordinance 2469 as amended and Chapter 8.04 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code are hereby amended by amending PAMC 8.04.060 to read as follows: 8.04.060 Abatement - Suit. Whenever a public nuisance exists, pursuant to PAMC 8.04.050, the City may proceed by a suit in the Clallam County Superior Court to enjoin and abate it in the manner provided by Chapter 7.48 RCW as amended; or it may elect to enforce the provisions of this Chapter by complaint, citation and/or warrant in Clallam County District Court. 'Nhenever, in MiY action brotlght m. the Stlf'crior Cotlft, it is C3tablisheti that a fttli3ance existg as defined in thig Chapter, the COtlft 3haU, t6gcther with the eh'il fine or penalty imp03cd, if MY, enter an order of abfttCment ft3 a pMt of the jtldgment in the case, which order 3hall direct either: A. That the ntlisance be abated or removed by the defendant within the time limited b) the C()tlft, and not execeding thil'f) (30) 6ftyS, or n. That the nui3ance may be abated by the City at the cost of the defendant, in which case the Court 3h8:l1 inquire into 8:ftd e3timate as neMl} as may be the sum nece33Mj' to defray the experne of the abatement, and ft33e3S and enter it as pMt of the pcnalty i~~o:cd, ~~ the sum shftH be a pM't of the jtldgment in the e8:3e, and 3hftH be collee~d and enforced in the same rmutnt:r thftt fifiC3 and C03ts Me by la\\ collected and enforced and 8:3 providcd in RCVl 7 .48.~80 as amended. (Ord. 2773 ~3, 8/13/93; Ord. 2469 ~1, 1/22/88.) Section 8. Ordinance 1796 as amended and Chapter 2.52 of the Port Angeles MUnIcipal Code are hereby amended by amending PAMC 2.52.120 to read as follows: 2 52.120 Appeals from Decisions Orders. It All decisions and orders of the Board shall be final and conclusive, unless, within tefltwenty-one days from the date of the action, the o~iginal applicant or an adverse party ~';;:~: f:.:u:i=v~wlDllke3 llI'plicaoen to the Superior Court of the County fe,.. ."it , - I hI i~~, or a \\'flt ()f fflftftflftmw. Thc applIcatIOn mtl3t bc filed WIth the Clerk of the Stlperim Cotlrt and the office of the Plannmg DepMtmcnt within ten da)s from the rcnckring of the dccigIon or order, Such af'plicatmn shall set forth the fl'2lllie 8:ftd addre3s ~ ~~ applicant, the date of the order or decision and shall 3ct forth 8. wrnct COP) of the order or deci3ion for which a \Hit i3 3ought. D. At the time of filing the application with the Clerk of 3aid Superior Court, the at'pliamt sh21l\ excctl~ and file with him a sufficient bend in the penal 3um of t~ 0 h~~ ~~~~~ with at le8:3t MO stlf'cties to be appro'yeti by the jtldge of the COI:tl't, or 8. s1:lrcty e5mpMY atlthorizcd to do btlsine33 in the State ()f \Vft3hingtofl, oonditioned to pro3ceute the writ ';y ith()ut dela), and if tm3tleee33ful to I'll:)' 8:ll costs to which the City ig put by rC8:3on of the action. Upon applicatiofi therefor, the court may order the applie8:1'1t 16 exectlte and file stlch additional bonds 8:3 the neccssity of the case may" rcquire. C. Within t'Wcnty dsys from the filing of the application, the applicant 3hall file -7- 111 ~~ k,~ ~ ~ with the Clerk of the Superior C(}tift ll. traIDeript of all of the proceedings before. the DOM<t, incltlding the order or decision for \\hicn the tvrit i:3 :3ought. The trll.nscrif't shll.ll be prcpMcd . under the :3uf'er. i:3ion of the Seerewy of the Dmtrd ll.nd ghll.ll be certified b)' the Seercwy t6 cont1l.in a ftIll, true, Md correct c6f'Y of ttll Mll.UerS ll.nd proceedings reqtlm:d to be in the trM:Seript. The fee for preparing ftftd ccrtifying 35:id trftmcript shttll be one dollar for the fir:3t legal si:z:c pll.ge 8fid fifty eents for each additioml:llegal sm: pll.ge, which fee shll.ll be f'll.id to the office of the rIMming Def'Mtment. The SeeretMy of the DOMe :3hll.ll be tInder no duty to stlrrender the trM:Seript to the 8f'pliCftftt tlntil gMd fCC3 arc pll.id. AH fees gO rced ..cd shall be surrendered by the office of the rlmm:ing Department to the City Trca::mrer for deposit in the General [und of the €tty-:- D. Within ii'/e dftY:3 ll.ftcr the filing of the tr8.meript with the Ckrk of the Superior Court, the: ftf'pliCftfit shll.ll give notice: to the head of the legal depMtment of the City'ltfitl to the City Clerk thll.t the transcript hft3 been filed. The notice shll.llll.lso st:ftte ll. time, not less thM fi'/e dftys from the clftte of service thereof, when the 8f'pliC8:ftt wiH call 1:11' the ell.1:1se fur 'hearing. (Ord. 2525 Sl, 3/15/89; Ord. 1887 S7, 7/15/76; Ord. 1796 S12, 7/26/73.) Section - Severability. If any provisions of this Ordinance, or Its application to any person or circumstances, is held invalid, the remainder of the Ordinance, or application of the provisions of the Ordinance to other persons or circumstances, is not affected Section - Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect five days after the date of publication. . PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said Council held on the day of , 19~. MAYOR ATTEST: Becky J. Upton, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Craig D. Knutson, City Attorney PUBLISHED: By Summary 97.1~ . - 8 - 11 () ..... "- ~".... .._"... --PIND1NDS--AND-CONCLUSIONS IN SUPPORT OF APPROVAL OF MUNICIPAL CODE AMENDMENT - MCA 98-03: F indmgs.: 1. The State of Washington recently adopted the Land Use Petition Act which requires JudIcial appeals of many kinds ofland use decisions to be filed within 21 days of the decisions. 2. On March 19, 1996, the city of Port Angeles adopted a consolidated development permit process (Ordinance 2911) in associatIOn with ESHB 1724 that mcludes a 21- day filing period for judicial appeals. 3. Certam CIty ordmances still allow filing penods for judicIal review which yary from 14 to 30 days. 4. The proposed amendment allows for consistency with new state statutes for judicial appeal tlme lmes and eliminates specific judIcial reqUIrements from the 'nUIsance and Board of Adjustment ordmances. Conclusions: 'A. The amendment allows for consIstency throughout the City's permittmg process where judicial appeals are prOVIded. B. The proposed ordmance IS in the publIc's interest. Adopted by the Port Angeles City Council at its me~tmg of May 5, 1998. Gary Braun. .\1ayor Becky J. Upton, City Clerk 113 ~ ~ ~ . . ....... , . I ,(~l.. , . ~-~~'T"~-.!'i~-7::' ,."l'~~r~ .l,., -i'.:.r ,I ,,~T);U~i:l~ tJ.~"ll.1;:;A ....~~ f~4tr""4'Af"'~{ Peninsula College/Feiro Marine Lab City of Port Angeles Summer Tourist Promotion Contract Report for theIst Quarter 1998 January, 1998 Report Submission Date 21 APRIL 98 A new comprehensive job description was completed to more accurately reflect the duties apd responsibilities associated with the summer naturalist positions made available through the dty's hotel/motel tax allocation This was done to emphasize the importance of designing our summer programs of talks; beach walks, pier walks, campfire talks and demonstration programs to specifically encourage out of town visitors to "linger longer" in Port Angeles. February, 1998 New job announcements were written for publication both locally and nation wide. (see attached) On February 20, 1998 our ads began to appear in The Job Seeker, a nation wide employment publication widely used in the fields of interpreters, naturalists, and related areas The response was phenomenal considering the rate of pay of only $8 00 per hour for two full time summer naturalist positions ' larch, 1998 , By mid- March, we were receiving several resumes and cover letters a day from allover the country By the end of March, I had to pull the ads because we already had more applications than what I felt we could fairly process in a timely manner April, 1998 Since late March and early April, we have been pouring through resumes, trying to rank and order them so we could set up interviews with the most promising candidates. The final candidates were selected for mterview by April 10th and we started conducting interviews shortly thereafter. The interview process will continue until April 30th or until the final selections are made EXPENDA TURES: None to date from the City of Port Angeles HotellMotel Tax Grant Funds All expenses associated with the above tourist promotional activities were underwritten by Peninsula College. Submitted by. -- ~/: /~ Z?I. ( n ,,/. '/ i. {/~....- ~ -.:<-t {-1.~ r erry C. -L"a&:ron, irector Art F eiro Marine Laboratory 115 To: EnvIronmental Opportunities, FAX (508) 627-7418 Fr: Teny LaDuron Feiro Marine Lab (360) 417~254 Re: Job Advertisements Please run the following two job adverusements throUgll April, 1998. These are both seasonal posItions. one pmd and one mtern. Thanks! PosIllon Manne Educator (2 positions to be filled) Job DescnptlOn researches and presents mformation to marine lab Vlsit()IS 011 Pacific Northwest mtertldal manne organisms and theIr environment; mteracts with families an" other visitors to heiR them understand the importance of manne ecosystems; works closely with Lab ])irector, docents and Board members; mamtallls aquaria; assIst Lab Director with special projects Other Informauon: The Feiro Marine Lab is a small aquanum located in Polt Angeles, W A (pop. 20,000) on the StraIt of Juan de Fuca. Port Angeles is the gateway community to Olympic National Park and offers a d1versny of recreauonal opportunities. Season Length Mid-May through mid-September SalaY'}. nurumum of $8.00 per hour (40 hour work week) ApplicatIon InformaUon: Submit cover letter, resume and list ofthrec profeSSional references and phone numbers to. Terry LaDuron, Marine Lab Director. Perunsula CoIlegelFeir() Marine Lab, 1502 E. Laundscn Blvd., Port Angeles, WA 98362. For adcbtional informauon call (360) 417-6254. Closmg Date. When filled. PosIllon Intern Manne Educator (2 poSitiOns to be filled) Job Descnpuon researches and presents InfonnaUon to mannc lab VISitOrs on Pacific Northwest mtertldal manne orgarusms and their environment, interacts With families aDd other VISItOrs to help them understand the Importance of manne ecosystems; works closely with Lab Director, other staff, docents and Board members. mamtalns aquana; assist Lab Director With speCial proJects. Other Information The Feiro Manne Lab IS a small aquanum located III Port Angeles, W A (pop. 20.0(0) on the StraIt of Juan de Fuca. Port Angeles is the gateway community to Olympic National Park and offers a cbverslty of recreauonal opportunities Season Length MId-May through mid-September (begmrung and end dates negouable) Sal3T}' SUpend to cover housing and liVIng expenses. Application Informauon: Submit cover letter, resume and lIst of three professional references and phone numbers to: Terry LaDuron, Marine Lab Director, Peninsula CoIlege/Feiro Marine Lab, 1502 E. Laundsen Blvd.. Port Angeles, W A 98362. For additIOnal information call (360) 417-6254. Closmg Date: When filled. 116 I I f LIT . S66 I ~Ji11W . , . ~ SJULOH PUl1 5:}111JH {fuIAl1S lUJlUli11dJG Jild SJIJh'uv 110d . ~;~; ~, ;;,.", ~ ; 4:' ?~~ ~i ,- , _ -0 -_0' ..:'"". P-ORT ANGELES FIRE DEPARTMENT March, 1998 This This Year This Last Year % Change Month to Date Month to Date Year to - Last Year Date I TOTAL CALLS I 187 I 570 I 205 I 634 I 10 1 I Medical Aid 155 458 164 506 9.4 ~ Level I (singlE! engine 31 106 40 124 14.5 1 responses) . Level II (2 or more eng~ne responses) 1 6 1 4 33.3 n Type of Emergency Fires: Structure (> $5000) 2 4 0 7 42.8 ~ Chimney 4 7 4 9 22.2 ~ Auto 2 8 0 2 75 n Brush 0 1 1 2 50 ~ Other (< $5000) 4 10 2 11 9 1 Hazardous 9 28 6 16 42.8 n Material/Condition False Alarms 11 54 28 81 33.3 ~ t Method of Alarm 9-1-1 177 521 194 588 11. 3 ~ Alarm System Activations 10 49 11 46 6.1 n Type of Action Taken Medic I Transports 84 251 71 251 Extinguish Fire 11 25 7 27 7.4 1 Investigate Only 10 28 :16 50 44 ! Public Assist 11 59 18 51 13.5 n .1 LO FIR E PREVENTION ACTIVITIES March 1998 Tbis Year to Last Year Last Year Montb Date Tbis Year to Montb Date Fire & Life Safety 99 250 80 284 Inspection Fire & Life Safety 96 212 75 259 Reinspection . Code Violations Found 202 375 104 366 Code Violations Corrected 170 362 110 411 Building Survey 0 1 3 6 Complaints Investigated 11 20 8 23 Fire Drills Supervised 0 6 1 1 Lectures, Classes, 4 9 3 7 Demonstrations, Station Tours Fires Investigated 0 7 0 2 Fire Alarm Test 17 43 3 25 Sprinkler System Test 14 39 5 22 Hydrants 1 4 0 7 Permit Inspection 18 71 19 79 Permits Issued 0 23 8 28 Juvenile Fire Sett8rs 0 0 5 5 Counseled Plan. Checks: l. Commercial 2 6 3 10 2. Multi-family 2 2 0 0 3. Sprinkler System 2 4 0 7 4. Fire Alarm 1 3 2 5 FP - 32 119 Revised 10/4/95 . ::=- ~~ k , Medic I Statistics ,") March, 1998 ALS BLS PRIVATE NO TRANSPORT PAFD . OLY PAFD OLY Cardiac Arrest 2 0 0 0 0 0 Cardiac, Other 22 0 0 0 0 0 . Major/Minor Medical 43 0 0 7 1 9 Motor Vehicle Accident 1 0 1 2 0 5 Drug/Alcohol 1 0 5 2 2 1 Falls 3 0 1 7 3 9 Accident, Other 3 0 2 3 4 16 Total 75 0 9 21 10 40 * Note: PAFD -- Port Angeles Fire Department OLY -- Olympic Ambulance Private -- Private auto, taxi, funeral horne, etc. No Transport -- patient refused or required no transport .) Total Medic-I Patients Assisted This Month Year to Date This Month Last Last Year to Date Year 155 458 164 506 Medic II Statistics Citizens trained in CPR and airway management This Month Year to date This Month Last Last Year to Date Year 36 118 8 91 .J 120 I -.- ( ~ vl J L1 I drive a big truck. tx.. ' . Sometimes I wear boots a heavy coat. ~ \ l.. c:)( ~J; f ,j (~ I need water to do my job. f L CA \ I r 'j r~:- -~. -~'I jI (j ( I / e V\ C\ I Y;J ~'\>.)'" I ~ --:C:-~\~}"\"t't. \ . 1 .Jl'):lj-I S\ \J () '" ! f:< · [ - ~ .-.'!,. i <::::::> : , ;1_1...._....__.._ .~. II i ..If r. I I \ \ I !v . (\ 0 ({ 379),1\111" lor ~oVo '-~ II ~ ho 1A5 e. NLCatf2J bBf(llk Thank You L lJ \.A ( ~ f-b le.j 121 ~ 1 ~ . ~ B Q, ~ .~. --ie, ~ ~ ~ m:, ':\ '" . ~ ~ ~ _ 'S ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~j~~~ ~ _~ t~ ~ ~~ l ~ 1 s ~ ~ ~ i :\J ~ ~ ~ ~ ~.~ ~ ~ ~,j " ! ~ ~ J ~ ~ ~ ~,~ ~ .~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ "! _ ~ 'i'~ I: ~ ~ j ~ ~ -r ~~ ~ ~ ~ Q :s 0 . ~ ':: ~ a --{ s ~ ~ " ) \ ---0 ~ \.< ~ AJ ~--1}- ~ ~ . . . If)f) '- ~~ "Maintaining and building a better community" Jack Plttls Director [4801} Phyllis Rasler Administrative Assistant [48oo} Cate Rinehart Administrative Assistant [4700} Bob Titus Deputy Director [4701} Ken RIdoUt Deputy Director [4802} Gal}' Kenworthy City Engineer [4803} Tim Smith Contract & ProjeCt Administrator [4804} ~aehnlen .,tdlng Inspector Tom Sperllne Sr ElectrK;al Inspector [4735} scott McLain Power Manager [4703} Ralph Ellsworth Water, Wastewater CoIlecllon Superintendent [4855} Pete Surratl Equip Servtces superintendent [4835} Mark Shamp Ught OperationS Manager [4731} Kevtn Curtis Treat Plan! Supervtsor [4845} Tom McCabe SW Collection Supervtsor [4876} Steve Evans Landfill Supervrsor [4873} -=Dave Wilcox t Maintenance pervtsor [4825J MEMORANDUM t-,;:~ < - '~ . -~ t' 'Oil ( .. DATE: APRIL 28, 1998 PHYLLIS RASLER BRUCE BECKER ERIC ZAPPEY BOB COONS (FlICIlltator. non-votlng] BILL BEVERFORD (CCSC Ialson-non-votlng] BRAD COLLINS SCOTT KENYON TO: JACK PITTIS, INTERIM CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: PORT ANGELES ACADEMY FOR LEADERSHIP AND SERVICE APPOINTMENTS FROM: This memo is to inform you that you have been appointed to the above committee by either the Customer Commitment Steering Committee or City Manager. Your volunteering for this committee is greatly appreciated and I know that your efforts will be rewarding for yourself and the City. As you know the purpose of the Academy is to "Improve the effectiveness of the administrator, managers, and supervisors in their leadership roles and to improve the effectiveness of the management structure within the City administration." The first meeting of this group is scheduled for Thursday April 30th at 11 :00 am in the Public Works Conference Room. I wish you all great success in your efforts. JNP:Jp Disk: N:\PWKS\ADMIN\CUSTCOMM\LEADSHIP\APPOINT.498 File. Leadership Academy Attachments' None Copy: A'rooIe Itst Tonya O'Neill 123 124 ~,i< .~ ~.~ ~~ f, ti ;~: .f': f I" ,,- L L f" ,- f. . .