HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet 05/07/2002 't" " '{Ii" ~~~RTANGBUES AGENDA ,..CITY COUNCIL'I\1:~ETJNG 321, ~AST FIFTH STREET l\'Iay 7, 2Q02 ,~GULAR MEETING - 6:00p.m.~ ASH I N G TON. U. S. A. A. CAI.,~TO ORDER - Regular Meetin~(6:00~~m.) ,.,..' ROLL CALL- PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - P~LIGCEREMONIES;PRESENTATIO~S A1W>, PR{),c:LAMA TIONS" I,'Presentation toCouncilb~',Senior Center Members, 2. Sch90ls update comm~cation by Dr. Gary Cohn, Por(Angeles School Superintendent 3;iN~tional Mf1Titime Proclamation 4. }:IJati9nal Public Works Week o o Presentation Update Read Proclamation Read ProclamatiOIl B. WOJP{ SESSIQN . 4.>J ,C. LATE ITEM:S,TQ BE PLACED Ol'lTmS;pR,FUTURE AGENDAS (By:eou~cil;Staff o~Public)MID PUBLIS COMMENT FORITEMS~C:>'J.1,ON'~GElIDA (Thisiisthe Opp01:tunifJIfor ~eifib"~f.soi't,h~ public to speak to the City Cou1!fil,aboiit:a~ything,not;on the agenda, please k~epciYmments;t~5;..lO.mi~utes.) D. F1NANCE- 1. Consultant Contract Ame~dn1~,~t fOfl"!re R,alI Roof Repair Design & CoristrhctionOv,ersight 2. ':phase III DoWntown Water:mains/Si4<<,:walkl;7 L~an Reconsideration ~ West Side of LaUrel' bet\iveenWest Side arid First Street 3. William Shore Pool Consultant Contract Amendment 4. ConsultantServiCe Contract Approv~i;EnnisCreek,,; E~tatesSuidivision,D~l GuzZi Drive ' 5 Approve Loan Amount 11 13 Approve Contract Amendment E. CONSENT AGENDA 1. C~ty C29119ilMinutes 7.t\prjl ,l~regular mee9ng and Aprif 26, 2002 speCial'JD;~ting, ' . '. 2. Check Register - April 26, 2002 - $865,835.53 3. Electronic Payments - April 26, 2002 - $376,983.80 4. Payroll Information - April 28, 2002 - $448,506.24 , 5. Tiavelexceeding $1,500 - Finance l)epartrnen! Approve Contract Acc<<,:pt COnsent ~g~nda 55 57 . F. CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS ~OTf'~'Im~~=;b~~~$li~%:~~~~m~~G~~~SIST,~CE 'May 7,2002 PortAngeIesCit)fCbuncil Meeting Page - 1 I~ '-', - ,",',,'- - "'- , OTHE~,CONSIDERATIO~S ,.'l::;Al?Poinnrients :toSpl\st!1i~tion"Code ,Boar~ of ,', 'i},:'.' '~ppe~ls ,'(" '.",' , "<:_--- :, _ ~~,~::-~'_c:' '>_',' J:>::,y:;~~,-..,: '::",' _ _: ,'~i';:/:--: _ _ ,c;:~{\~~('_::'-":;:_'~~-~':~- -:< " '~,,~~~,: ._,:_., -i 'PUBtIC~'HEARINt;s" .;. ;;i'QUASI:::JUDfCIi\V (7:00 P:M. or soon thereafter) " 1. Rezone Appiication:: REZ"'02~03: Pori Angeles School District: Request for, rezone of three .,',- C' -,' . ~""_"", -"f~- ~",'-; '--'.'1"0 .t.~<._ _---' ,,",~;;.. ..'t-"''':'-'- -,''1'/ __c. -,-c. ,'-- , ---'?-i-~-' -.. .. properties located adjacent to the Port Angeles High "School from RS.:7, R,~,~4~!l1!l!L ~itigle Family, to PBP, Public Buildings and Parks.' ';;:' K. PUBLIC HEARINGS - OTHER , ;>:. ~ ., L. INFORMATION 1. City Ma~a~er'~9al~ndar ,~,. Reports ~age 109) .' Goa]s!frojedStatu'~Repo!!,(J?~ge Ill) · Chang~J 6td~rs"cp~tI:a.c\~JJ!1iI~L15K A (l>age 121),cc." " · Reimbursement froHlONP[orDam Removal Costs "(page 123) · W atermain Break R.eporti",;Z(page, 125) 2.,'Uumane Society(Moritlily"Rep~rt~~N,Iarch2002f(page129) ';, " 3;~,Planning Comniis~ipn,Minutes;'-;,April ~ 1 0;:2002t(Rage .131~:' 4.'Pllrks &Re(;f~~tionMo\ltl1ly;\~~port-'March 2002) ," (pag~J39)\, ". ...,1 5.~WaterfrontTrail lJ'paate'lrif6fr'onfParks &'Recreation'Departifient;(Page167)'.. ;-., " f. - _ " ::. -, '," 'i~;; p--.- , :1 M;""EXEGUTIVE,SESSION. (As n~eded and dete~mined,bjJ qt5:Atto1:1J;eY):J[/' ,< N. ADJOURNMEN:f {> "--> . May7; 2002 NOTE: HEARING DEYICESA V AILABLE1\OR THOSE-NEEDING . /, . ,.' ~',:,MAYO~;fO:DEfERMiNE#OO~(fE~:aitEAKJ;~;i<:t, , '~""',~P.o.If~ge~e.sCity C01,1Dcil Meeti.Pg" .c', ;.(J,--.1";_,. ,',... ~'<"" :__'-~ ',' -,.; " ,-,,' ,--f" .,i ,^" CITY OF PORT ANGELES ~ORTANGELES CITY COUNCIL MEETING I. CALL TO ORDER - REGULAR MEETING: 6e!J II. ROLL CALL: Members Present: / Mayor Wiggins Councilman Braun ~ Councilman Campbell Councilmember Erickson Councilman Headrick Councilmember Rogers -+- Councilman Williams Staff Present: ../ Manager Quinn Attorney Knutson V Clerk Upton V B. Collins ~ M. Connelly G. Cutler * D. McKeen T. Riepe =Z= y. Ziomkowski WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. III. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Led bY:~J'\t1~M.- ~J J ~ /l..-. May 7, 2002 CITY OF PORT ANGELES ~ORTANGELES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL MEETING Attendance Roster PLEASE SIGN IN DATE OF MEETING: May 7~ 2002 LOCATION: City Council Chambers Please Note: IF I plan on testifying by signature below, I certify that my testimony is true and correct under penalty of perjury by the laws of the State of Washington. St. t- "'- lR J. City of Port Angeles FORTANGELES Ordinance/Resolution Distribution List WAS H I N G TON, U. s. A. City Council Meeting of Mav 7. 2002 ~.&114 V ,II _f I <:" / An.~-;.t: .~ .,. L,I'\ II n City Manager (J City Attv. (1) /V Planning 1-7 City Clerk (2) .!)7 Deputv Clerk (1) I 7 Personnel Cust. Svcs. Finance Dir ./Mgr. Police Dept. Fire Dept. Light Dept. J Pub. Works (2) ~~f Parks & Rec. MRSC (1) I 7 PDN (Summary) ~I_- ,/ Extra Copies ~ ill dl1n A. ) ., V ~ 'AAIlA^^A. I 7 ,:~~ 0 Q IV TOTAL I I . . . WHEREAS, WHEREAS, WHEREAS, WHEREAS, WHEREAS, ~ PROCLAMATION NA TIONAL MARITIME DAY May 22, 2002 in peace and in conflict, ships and seafarers have held a special place in our nation's history, being by extension Navy department, providing critical food, fuel and supplies to Navy ships underway, keeping the fleet at sea and mission ready. These ships, also perform a myriad of special missions for the Department of Defense, from surveying the world's oceans to supporting counter drug operations. MSC ships preposition military equipment at sea near potential hotspots around the globe. Finally, MSC ships provide fast sealift of equipment and supplies for the Department of Defense both in peacetime as well as in wartime; and we as a people and as a nation owe a debt of gratitude to all who have served us, with 62 being prisoners of war who died. During World War II more than 250,000 members of the American Merchant Marine served their county, with more than 9,751 giving their lives, hundreds being detained as prisoners of war and over 800 ships being sunk or damaged while providing every imaginable range of supplies to the troops; and every minute of every day, this nation continues to benefit from the dedication, loyalty and work of the American Merchant Marine; and on May 22, 1819 the American steam vessel, S.S. Savannah, sailed from Savannah, Georgia, to Liverpool, England, commencing the first successful crossing of the Atlantic Ocean using steam propulsion; and by joint Congressional resolution passed in 1933, May 22 was designated as National Maritime Day; NOW, THEREFORE, I, Glenn Wiggins, Mayor of the City of Port Angeles, on behalf of the City Council of Port Angeles, recognize May 22, 2002 as Maritime Day and urge all citizens to join me in giving honor and appreciation to the members of the American Merchant Marine. ~"......,:,~~~.~~... .. .,::....t_'. ':, .,.,~. ~,." .~~: ;:; I,. .. 'i~ ;:.,....... ~ ~~ . ' '1 ~ ~/~-),:. ~. ~ '" ,..:.:-...........:;.::.' ~ .:: ~.:. .:~;; ~~ : ~ ,= .:'-:[... -.~ i ~./ ~ ;:f' \1:.-:' :Ii: ~ .~ ~ :;. s:.... . ~ .-:.~. T. -'.... _ A ~~ ~ ,,'to ... ~ ..~... . . "'. .. . ...:.... ...'. - -i'.: ~ 4. ... ,,;: ~ " ~,~ .'. .:::~.,~ ::- ,~::. ,~..t .~4 ,''''':~'-:. ~;-;JJ Mav 7, 2002 Glenn Wiggins, Mayor A - . . . ~ORTANGELES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: May 7, 2002 To: MAYOR WIGGINS AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: Glenn A. Cutler, Director of Public Works and Utilities !>~V SUBJECT: National Public Works Week - May 19-25,2002 Summary: The City of Port Angeles has 86 public works employees dedicated to providing quality and cost effective services to the citizens of Port Angeles, and it is fitting that the City of Port Angeles recognize the talents of those individuals during National Public Works Week. Recommendation: Proclaim that the period of May 19- 25, 2002 be National Public Works Week in the Ci of Port An eles. I have been the Public Works and Utilities Director for the almost three years. I am very proud and impressed with the work ethic of the 86 employees that I lead and manage in providing key and essential services to the Citizens of Port Angeles. It is an honor to have the Mayor proclaim May 19-25,2002 as "National Public Works Week" in recognition of the Department's employees. Public Works employees maintain a very complex system of electrical, water, sewer, storm drain, solid waste, fleet management, and street facilities. Weare one of the few cities in the State of Washington that provide this number of services to its citizens. A listing of general categories of our services are: Wastewater Collection Wastewater Treatment Water Distribution Water Supply and Disinfection Solid Waste Collections Solid Waste Disposal Curbside Recycling Street maintenance Drainage/Storm System Maintenance Electrical Distribution System Maintenance Equipment Purchases and Maintenance Conservation Programs Civil Engineering Electrical Engineering It is a pleasure to work with such a talented and dedicated group of employees. Attach: Proclamation N:\GLENN\PW _ WK2002.wpd 3 . PROCLAMATION NATIONAL PUBLIC WORKS WEEK MA Y19-25, 2002 WHEREAS, public works services provided in our community are an integral part of our citizen's everyday lives; and WHEREAS, the support of an understanding and informed citizenry is vital to the efficient operation of public works systems and programs such as electrical, water, sewer, streets, fleet management, solid waste collection and disposal, snow removal and engineering services; and WHEREAS, the health, safety, and comfort of this community greatly depends on public works facilities and services; and WHEREAS, the quality and effectiveness of these facilities, as well as, their planning, . design, and construction, is vitally dependent upon the efforts and skill of its public works employees; and WHEREAS, the efficiency of the qualified and dedicated personnel who staff the Public Works & Utilities Department is materially influenced by the public's attitude and understanding of the importance of the work these people perform; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES in consideration of the above findings declare: The week of May 19th through May 251\ 2002, shall be known as "NATIONAL PUBLIC WORKS WEEK". I urge all citizens and civic organizations to acquaint themselves with the issues involved in providing our public works services and to recognize the contributions that public works employees make every day to our health, safety, and comfort. Glenn Wiggins, Mayor May 7 , 2002 . . . PORTAN WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. ELES CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: May 7, 2002 To: MAYOR WIGGINS AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: Glenn A. Cutler, Director of Public Works and Utilities SUBJECT: Consultant Contract Amendment for Fire Hall Roof Repair Design & Construction Oversight Summary: Wiss, Janey, Elstner (WJE) Associates has completed the roof investigation on the Fire Hall and is ready to proceed with designing the permanent roof repair. WJE is the most qualified to perform the services. An amendment to their existing consultant contract agreement is required for design and construction inspection services. Recommendation: Authorize the Mayor to sign Amendment No.1 to the current agreement with Wiss, Janey, Elstner Associates, Inc. for design and construction services for the Fire Hall Roof Repair in an amount not to exceed $84,000. Backeround / Analysis: In November 2001, the City entered into a contract with Wiss, Janey, Elstner Associates (WJE) for investigation of the deterioration of the Fire Hall roof. The scope of work, ,as defined in the contract, included determining the cause of the roof deterioration and providing a design for immediate temporary repairs. On April 2, 2002, WJE provided a final report and thereby completed the scope of work provided for in the contract. They have also provided a preliminary cost estimate of $409,000 for the permanent repair. The repair involves replacing some of the plywood roof sheathing, providing a new roof membrane, new insolation, adding ventilation, relocating heating and ventilation equipment, and refinishing the interior ceiling. In order to complete the roof repairs this construction season, we must expedite the design process. WJE's performance has been satisfactory, they have knowledge of the project and are ready to begin design immediately. The proposed amendment provides for design services, $40,000, and for construction inspection services, $44,000. Staff reviewed the fees proposed and they are considered fair and reasonable in an amount not to exceed $84,000. 5 City Council Memo 5.7.02 RE: WJS Agreement Amendment Page 2 Washington Cities Insurance Authority (WCIA) has been provided a copy of the investigation results and has been consulted with and endorsed our course of action. WCIA has advised that the City should proceed with developing design documents. They have preliminarily indicated that costs associated with the roof replacement will be covered by our insurance policy. A final determination is expected within the next two to four weeks. The repairs must be accomplished to protect the integrity of the Fire Hall, a vital City facility. Funds are being used from the General Fund Reserve Account to fund the project. During the month of June 2002 the full Council will be considering the allocation of funds in the Capital Facilities Program including surpluses from fiscal year 2001. At that time Council will have the opportunity to reprogram existing and emergent projects to match available funds. It is recommended that the Mayor be authorized to sign the amendment to the WJE agreement in an amount not to exceed $84,000. This will permit the design to move forward as soon as possible to accomplished repairs this construction season. Attach: Scope of Work N:\PROJECTS\21-14 FH Roof\wjeAmend.wpd 6 . . . . . . WJE Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates, hie. 83 South King Street, Suite 600 Seattle, Washington 98104 206.622.1441 tell 206.622.0701 fax www.wje.com ENGINEERS ARCH ITECTS MATERIALS SCI ENTISTS 25 April 2002 Mr. Terin Gloor City of Port Angeles Public Works & Utilities Department 321 East Fifth Street P.O. Box 1150 Port Angeles,W A 98362-0217 Re: Proposal for Continuing Professional Services Fire Department Headquarters Roof System Replacement WJE No. 2001.3254 Dear Mr. Gloor: At your request, Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates, Inc. (WJE) is submitting this proposal to the City of Port Angeles Public Works & Utilities Department (Public Works Department), for continued professional consulting services regarding long-term structural roof deck repairs and roofmg membrane system replacement, at the Fire Department Headquarters building located in Port Angeles, Washington. WJE's recently completed roof system investigation concluded that warm moist air infiltrating to and condensing at the underside of the roof deck caused localized decay to the roof deck system. WJE subsequently designed short-term emergency repairs for the existing roof deck system and recommended that long-term repairs include structural repairs to the roof deck and trusses, and redesign and replacement of the roofing membrane system. WJE's investigation, conclusions, and general recommendations are contained in the report entitled "Port Angeles Fire Station Limited Roof Deck Investigation," dated 2 April 2002, as previously provided to your office. SCOPE OF WORK We understand that it is the Public Work Department's intent to have the long-term roof deck structural repairs and roofmg membrane replacement work commence this summer. Based upon our discussions with you, we propose the following tasks as outlined below: Task 1 - Design Development and Construction Documents 1. Present roofmg membrane system replacement options for your review and selection, including manufacturer's warranties, anticipated service life, and performance characteristics. 2. Perform three site visits to document existing conditions in order to develop design details. 3. As required, coordinate one site visit with our mechanical consultant to review existing conditions related to ventilation of the roof deck system. This cost is included as part of this proposal. Headquarters & Laboratories-Northbrook, Illinois Atlanta I Austin I Boston I Chicago I Cleveland I D,s I Denver I Detroit I Honolulu I Houston I Memphis Minneapolis I New Haven I New York I Princeton I San Francisco I Seattle I Washington, DC WJE Mr. Terin Gloor City of Port Angeles Public Works & Utilities Department 25 April 2002 Page 2 ENGINEERS ARCH ITECTS MATERIALS SCI ENTISTS 4. Attend one meeting at the site to discuss your roofing membrane selection and the design of the new roofmg membrane system. 5. Prepare drawings and specifications for long-term structural repair of decayed roof truss components and plywood sheathing and for roofmg membrane and insulation replacement. Task 2 - Bid Administration 1. Attend a pre-bid meeting at the site with contractors selected by your office that will be bidding the construction documents, to answer questions related to the work and provide clarifications as required. 2. Issue addenda, if necessary, to the construction documents. 3. Assist the Public Works Department in reviewing bids received and provide recommendations for selection of a contractor to perform the work. Task 3 - Periodic Construction Observation . 1. Provide periodic on-site observation of the work in progress. Our observation service is intended to provide an indication that the work is proceeding in general accordance with the construction documents at the time of our visit and to assist in resolving questions that may arise during the . performance of the work. This service is not intended to be the contractor's quality assurance for the work that is performed, and WJE is not responsible for the contractor's work. 2. Immediately after the roof deck is fully exposed, provide an inspection by a licensed structural engineer of the exposed areas, to identify areas of decay that have reduced capacity and require repair. Because the building will likely remain occupied, it is unlikely that the existing roofmg membrane will be completely removed at one time. Therefore, we anticipate that this inspection work will require several coordinated site visits. 3. Provide assistance in obtaining warranties from the selected contractor. 4. Review submittals, payment requests, and change orders. 5. Issue field reports following each site visit to you and the contractor to summarize the topics addressed and actions taken. We recommend an industrial hygienist monitor the air quality during the performance of the demolition work, test for the presence of mold, and provide protocol for abatement of mold and disposal of contaminated material. We recommend that the Public Works Department contract separately with an industrial hygienist of your choice. Fees for an industrial hygienist are not included and are not part of this proposal. 8 . . . . WJE Mr. Terin Gloor City of Port Angeles Public Works & Utilities Department 25 April 2002 Page 3 ENGINEERS ARCH lTECTS MATERIALS SCIENTISTS BUDGET Task 1 - Design Development and Construction Documents......................................................... $38,000 Task 2 - Bid Administration............... ................ ........... ....... ........ ......... .......................... .......... ....... $2,000 We anticipate an estimated construction period ranging from about eight to twelve weeks. We therefore estimate 20 to 24 staff hours per week to periodically observe and document the related work. Should the construction period extend beyond the estimated period, we can continue to proVide our construction observation services at your direction, for additional fees based upon our standard hourly rates. It should be noted that WJE is not responsible for the means, methods, sequences, procedures of construction, or safety precautions employed during the performance of the repair work. WJE is not in charge of the work nor is WJE authorized to stop work at the construction site. Task 3 - Periodic Construction Observation Services .~................................,................................. $44,000 Total Budget for Tasks 1, 2, and 3 .............................................................................................. $84,000 RATES, TERMS AND CONDITIONS We will not proceed beyond the budget amounts without your prior approval. Fees for our professional services are based upon our standard hourly rates at the time our services are performed, and include reimbursable expenses in accordance with our Standard Terms and Conditions, dated May 28, 2001, which are attached as part of this proposal. Required additional work will be performed after obtaining your written approval and will be billed in accordance with our standard rate schedule. 9 WJE ENGINEERS ARCH ITECTS MATERIALS SCI ENTISTS Mr. Terin Gloor City of Port Angeles Public Works & Utilities Department 25 April 2002 Page 4 Please call if you have any questions regarding this proposal. Very truly yours, WISS, JANNEY, ELSTNER ASSOCIATES, INC. /J~ Rocco Romero Project Manager Attachment: Standard Terms and Conditions \\WJESEAIJOBS\2001\3254 Port Angeles Fire Station (RR)\Proposal-reroofmg.doc 10 . . . . . . ~ORTANGELES WASHINGTON u. s. A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: May 7, 2002 To: MAYOR WIGGINS AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: Glenn A. Cutler, Director of Public Works and Utilities SUBJECT: Phase III Downtown Watermain/Sidewalks Loan Application Reconsideration. Summary: On April 16, 2002 Council approved the Public Works Trust Fund (PWTF) loan application for Phase III of the downtown watermain and sidewalk replacement. The work on West side of Laurel Street between Front and First Streets was not included in the scope of the project. In an effort to take advantage the low PWTF interest rates, consideration should be given to including this sidewalk section in the loan application. This will enable the City to complete the sidewalk replacement in the downtown. Recommendation: Revise the PWTF loan project scope to include the sidewalk replacement on the west side of Laurel Street between Front and First Streets and authorize the Mayor to sign the PWTF loan application certification in a revised amount not to exceed $2,200,000 for Phase III of the Downtown Watermain and Sidewalk Replacement Project. In addition, if the loan is approved, authorize the Mayor to execute the PWTF loan agreement provided that the loan amount does not exceed $2,200,000. Background! Analysis: This memo requests that City Council consider adding sidewalk work on the West side of Laurel Street between First and Front Streets in the Public Works Trust Fund application that was approved at the April 16, 2002 Council meeting. On April 16, 2002 Council approved the PWTF loan application for Phase III ofthe project to replace the watermains and sidewalks in the downtown area in the amount of$I,980,000. The West side of Laurel Street between First and Front Street was not included in part due to a final decision not being made on the whether the sidewalk should be constructed to accommodate tours for vintage underground facilities. PWTF loans may be utilized for public works projects including waterline and sidewalk replacement. Utilization ofPWTF permits the City to leverage limited funds by borrowing funds at a very low interest rate of 0.5 to 2% dependent upon the City match of 5 to 15% of the loan value. The West side of Laurel Street does not have waterlines beneath the sidewalk area. Therefore, the City match of funds must come from the general fund account. There are limited programs available for constructing sidewalks and this is the most likely source of funds for this purpose. If the request for funds is not included in this request the City will be foregoing an opportunity to leverage general funds. 1 1 The cost for a sidewalk on the West side of Laurel Street between First and Front Streets constructed on fill is approximately, $150,000. To construct a structural sidewalk at the same location is approximately $270,000, an additional $120,000. A decision on a structural or fill sidewalk can be deferred until after the State makes a decision PWTF loan but before design commences. A decision on the loan is anticipated to be made this summer. . It should be noted that if the PWTF is not approved the request for funds associated with the waterline replacement and sidewalk incidental to the replacement will be considered for a Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF) Loan. If the Council decides to include the West side of Laurel Street between First and Front Streets in PWTF loan and it is approved then the City will be required to provide matching funds in the range (5 to 15%) of $7,500 to $40,500 with a preferred 15% match of $22,500 to $40,500. The annual payment (5 - 15% match) over a 20 year period is approximately $7,200 to $13,000 or with a 15% match of $6,400 to $11,500. It is recommended that the scope be revised to include the structural sidewalk replacement option on the west side of Laurel Street between Front and First Streets. This would enable the City to complete the sidewalk replacement in the downtown and take advantage of the low PWTF interest rates. It is also recommended that the Mayor be authorized to sign the PWTF loan application certification in a revised amount not to exceed $2,200,000 for Phase III of the Downtown WatermainlSidewalk Replacement Project. In addition, if the loan is approved, authorize the Mayor to execute the PWTF loan agreement provided that the loan amount does not exceed $2,200,000. . N:\PROJECTS\20-19 Downtown WaterMain Phase 3\May 7 City Council memo _ A.wpd . 12 . FORWGBLES W A 5 H I N G TON, U.S. A. I CITY COUNCIL MEMORANDUM D ATE': May 2, 2002 FROM: Mayor Wiggins and Council Members Jerry W. COI~ecreation Services Manager TO: SUBJECT:William Shore Pool Renovation Summary: The William Shore Memorial Pool Renovation Project is part of the City's adopted Capital Facilities Plan. A steering committee was appointed by the City Council in 1998 to assist with the development of a Renovation Plan for the Pool. In 1998 the City Commissioned a Renovation Plan and Feasibility Analysis to be prepared. . The original draft plan was contracted to ARC Architects for $25,000. The plan included an examination of all building systems and operations. Out of this examination came an outline of building deficiencies and three suggested plan options for fixing these deficiencies. The S tee r i n g Com mitt e ere com men d e dad d i t ion a I con suit i n g w 0 r k-, w hi c h requires an amendment to the 1998 contract with ARC Architects. The amended contract would include the following scope of work: a. Reviewing all building systems with aquatics addition. b. Analysis of zoning impacts with the west addition. c. Develop elevation studies for the addition. d. Statement of probable construction costs. e. Artist rendering of the renovated aquatics facility. Recommendation: The Staff recommends that the City Council approve funds from the Capital Facilities Program in the amount of $20,839 and enter into a contract amendment on behalf of the City with ARC Architects for the above scope of work. Backe:round I Analysis: Built by the community in 1961, the William Shore Memorial Pool has served as a tremendous community asset, for the residents of Port Angeles. Due to its age, the pool has begun to experience deterioration to the building and mechanical systems. Coupled with recent changes in declining attendance, higher maintenance costs, aquatic rules and regulations related to aquatic facilities the City commissioned a feasibility study in 1998 for renovation and aquatic upgrades to the existing facility. . The feasibility study was assessed from two perspectives: The amenities that would create a family-oriented facility offering something to every age group and the financial costs of fulfilling these goals. The scope of w 0 r kin c Iud e d a n a I y s i s 0 f e xis tin g fa ci lit y and s y s t ems, pro g ram 'm i n g new amenities, concept developlr(tnt, revenue molding, cost estimating, and presentations to Steering Committee and City Council. Between 1999 when the draft plan was completed and September of 2001 changes in the Parks and Recreation Administration put the renovation/expansion plans on hold. In September of 2001 the Steering Committee again convened along with pool and administrative staff tc begin the process of reviewing the work that had previously been done. . The Pool Steering Committee met four times between September 2001 and April 2002. At their meeting held in December of 2001 the Steering Committee made a recommendation for a draft floor plan for the William Shore Pool. (See Appendix "A") This draft floor plan addressed a number of key new state rules and regulations, as well as significant operational and maintenance issues including but not limited to: a. Swim lessons and water exercise classes were significantly impacted by previous floor plans to an extent that classes might have to be reduced because of shallow depth wall space was being reduced. The Steering Committee's floor plan allows the City to expand lessons, classes, lap swims as well as open swims. b. Competitive swim meets and practice would have continued to limit the use of the facility during their use with the previous floor plans. The Steering Committee's floor plan allows lessons, laps swims or recreational use to go on during meets and practice of swim teams. Thus not having to cancel or postpone these lessons and classes. c . Was h i n g ton I n t e r s c h 0 I as tic act i v i tie s Ass 0 cia t ion ( W I A A ) i-n December 2001 adopted new water depth ruling for use with starting platforms in high school swim meets. Schools must immediately eliminate the option for high schools teams to use the IS-inch starting platforms in pools with water depth from 3.5 to 4 feet. Changes currently being considered include the use of starting blocks (platforms only in pools with a minimum water depth of 5 feet. William Shore Pool is currently at 4-foot depth in the starting area. . In December the firm of Ballard/King and Associates was asked to develop an updated pro-forma of the revenues, operations and m a i n ten an c e c 0 s t s bas e don the S tee r i n g Com mitt e e ' s ad d e d c 0 mp 0 n e n t s . The updated pro-forma scope of work included the philosophy of operation and recommendations of operating structure, preliminary operations budget and staffing plans, a preliminary revenue budget based on a recommended fee schedule, and probable use estimates. With the updated pro-forma the Steering Committee elected to proceed to the next step, developing an updated feasibility study based on the new floor plan. The Steering Committee asked staff to have ARC Architects provide an updated outline of the scope of work and associated costs. At the same time the Steering Committee ask staff to bring the work plan and cost estimate in front of City Council for contract amendment and funding so the study could be completed. The end document will provide the City with a review of all building systems with added aquatic addition on the west side of the building, statement of probable construction costs, and conceptual floor plans and drawings. This document, when finished, will assist the Steering Committee and City to move forward with the renovation of William Shore Pool. . 14 -. Appendix "A" . . 15 E - ... ... - -- ~ . z o :II m ~ 1ft !: o ~ .- .J> ... -a o o ... >. ~ J ..1... 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CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: May 7, 2002 To: MAYOR WIGGINS AND CITY COUNCIL Brad Collins, Community Development Director ~ ENNIS CREEK ESTATES SUBDIVISION CONSULTANT SERVICES CONTRACT FROM: SUBJECT: Summary: To recover funds expended on LID 211 for the Ennis Creek Estates planned residential development on which the City foreclosed several years ago, the City has been trying to market the property for sale. Since sale of the property as a whole has been slow, the Real Estate Committee has been reviewing the possibility of subdividing the property into large single family residential lots and selling them individually. A preliminary plat for a 30 lot subdivision has been submitted, and it will require an estimated $30,000 in consultant services to do the final plat application and to design the required improvements for storm drainage. The Real Estate Committee has another meeting scheduled for 10:00 am on Friday, and their report will be made available at the May 7 City Council meeting. ~ Recommendation: Review the Real Estate Committee's report and approve their recommendation regarding authorization of a consultant services contract for preparing a final plat application. Background / Analysis: The City hired Coldwell Banker Real Estate to market the former Ennis Creek Estates property that the City received after years of foreclosure for assessment payments on LID 211, which funded the water, sewer, electrical, and street improvements along Del Guzzi Drive. Earlier this spring, the realtors and City staff concluded that sale of individual subdivision lots may be a more successful strategy in recovering funds that will be needed to pay of the LID 211 bonds, which are due for payment in September 2003. Time is of the essence, since there are only two summer selling seasons between now and the bond payment due date. The City then hired Northwest Territories Inc. (NTI) to prepare a preliminary plat application for the Ennis Creek Estates property. That subdivision application was submitted on April 12, 2002, and is scheduled for public hearing before the Planning Commission on May 8, 2002. Since most ofthe improvements required for the subdivision have already been installed, the City will be able 17 Ennis Creek Estates CC Memo May 8, 2002 Page 2 to rapidly move to a final subdivision application soon after preliminary plat approval. However, storm drainage and street lighting improvements are still needed before individual single family residential lots can be marketed and sold. It is expected that the City's street and utility funds, which would be covering the LID 211 bond repayment, will be able to pay for the additional expenses necessary for the final subdivision to be approved. The estimated $30,000 in NTI consultant services needs to be approved by the City Council for work to continue. The Real Estate Committee has been considering several options for repaying the LID 211 bonds that involve sale of the foreclosed property, and their report and recommendation will be made available prior to the City Council May 7 meeting. Staff will be available to answer any questions. 18 . . . c- DATE: To: FROM: SUBJECT: ELES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO May 7, 2002 MAYOR WIGGINS AND CITY COUNCIL Real Estate Committee and Brad Collins, Community Development Director ~ ENNIS CREEK ESTATES SUBDIVISION REpORT OF THE REAL ESTATE COMMITTEE Summary: The Report of the Real Estate Committee reviews the status of the Ennis Creek Estates Subdivision and three options for continued action. The Real Estate Committee met twice last week to consider the best strategy for recovering funds to pay for the failed assessments on Local Improvement District (LID) 211 for Del Guzzi Drive improvements. Recommendation: The Real Estate Committee recommends authorizing the Mayor to sign a consultant services contract with Northwest Territories, Inc. (NTI) for preparing a final plat design and application in an amount not to exceed $35,000. Background / Analysis: Northwest Territories Inc. (NTI) prepared a preliminary plat application for the Ennis Creek Estates property, which the City acquired through foreclosure on failed LID 211 bond assessments. The Planning Commission will hold a public hearing on the proposed 30-lot subdivision tomorrow May 8, 2002, before making a recommendation to the City Council. In order to complete the Ennis Creek Estates Subdivision plan and provide estimates for required final plat improyements, substantial engineering and planning work must be completed in a short time. Three options for proceeding ahead with the subdivision and/or sale of the property are still being considered: 1) complete the subdivision final platting requirements, 2) complete the preliminary plat and one phase of <:l final plat at reduced improvement costs, and 3) complete the preliminary plat but not proceed with final plat improvements until after a more concerted effort to sell the 29-lot residential subdivision as a whole and at a discount. Completion of the final plat design and improvement cost estimates was determined to be prudent in accomplishing anyone of these three options. The certainty afforded either the City or a developer with preliminary plat approval and final plat design and improvement costs should make sale of the property before a September 2003 LID 211 bond retirement deadline more feasible. " Real Estate Committee Report May 7, 2002 Page 2 Cost Estimates: Since many of the improvements required for the subdivision have already been installed, the costs of the final plat improvements is relatively small. Major expenses for street, sewer, water, some electrical, drainage, and telecommunications have already completed through LID 211 at a cost of approximately $1.5 million. The City or a developer must still make the following improvements to meet final plat requirements: Storm Drainage $ 100,000* Electrical and Street Lighting $ 41,000 Fencing Environmentally Sensitive Areas Tract $ 10,000 Final Plat Engineering, Design, and Planning $ 35.000 Subtotal of Required Improvements $ 186,000 * The storm drainage improvement cost estimate requires approval of the Washington Department ofFish and Wildlife (WDFW) and coordination with the engineering consultant and, therefore, has a potential for a significant increase until the engineering work is completed. Future improvements which may be desired but are not required include the following: Neighborhood Park/Play Area Construction/Maintenance $ 10,000 Telecommunications/Fiber Optic Conduit $ 2/lineal foot Sidewalk $ 20/lineal foot Clearing Views and Site Nuisance Abatement Community Service Workers Additional expenses include real estate commissions of $87,000 and LID 211 bond repayment of $1.063 million due in September 2003 total $1.150 million. Consequently, the additional final plat improvement costs would be approximately 10-20% of the City's $1.5 million total investment in LID 211. Real Estate Committee Report May 7, 2002 Page 3 ~ Sale Options: Option 1 . Authorize the Phase 2 Consultant Services Contract up to $35,000 . Authorize final plat improvements up to $151,000 at cost to various utility and street funds . Assess risk of holding lots in a depressed economy . Potential loss of the present day value of money/requires $200,000 in additional investment . Supports investment future in Port Angeles at this time . Provides opportunity to create a model subdivision and return developed property to the tax roll by selling buildable lots to prospective home builders and buyers Option 2 . Authorize the Phase 2 Consultant Services Contract up to $35,000 . Authorize final plat improvements between $86,000 and $116,000 at cost to various utility and street funds . Reduces risk of holding lots in a depressed economy but commits to individual buyers . Potential loss of the present day value of money/requires 40-60% less additional investment . Supports investment future in Port Angeles at this time but reduces more investment until lot sales reach a bond repayment comfort level before completing improvements . Provides opportunity to create a model subdivision and return developed property to the tax roll by selling buildable lots to prospective home builders and buyers Option 3 . Authorize the Phase 2 Consultant Services Contract up to $35,000 . Complete preliminary plat and cost estimates, particularly for drainage improvements, but hold off on final plat improvements for the next year . Market the 29 lots to a single developer . Assess risk of discounting the property . Potential loss 20-50% discount ($300,000 to $750,000) and potential gain of the present day value of money, . Recognizes the downside of investment in Port Angeles at this time . Slower return of developed property to the tax roll Staff will be available to answer any questions. 1- . . . CALL TO ORDER- REGULAR MEETING: ROLL CALL: PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: PUBLIC CEREMONIES, PRESENTATIONS AND PROCLAMATIONS: Chamber of Commerce Report by Russ Veenema CITY COUNCIL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington April 16, 2002 Mayor Wiggins called the regular meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at 6:00 p.m. Members Present: Mayor Wiggins, Councilmembers Braun, Campbell, Erickson, Headrick, Rogers, and Williams. Members Absent: None. Staff Present: City Manager Quinn, Attorney Knutson, Clerk Upton, B. Collins, M. Connelly, G. Cutler, D. McKeen, T. Riepe, Y. Ziomkowski, T. Reid, N. Wu, and C. Kochanek. Public Present: P. Lamoureux, L. Lee, D. Dolloff, W. Pugnetti, EJ. Beckett, K. Smith, T. Price, and L. Rasmussen. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Cub Scout Pack 686, Den 3, and Cub Master Joanne Meilink. 1. Chamber of Commerce Report by Russ Veenema Russ Veenema, Executive Director of the Port Angeles Chamber of Commerce, addressed the Council regarding the advertising and marketing strategies for the Port Angeles area. Using a power point presentation, Mr. Veenema showed the breakdown of the total amount of funds, $234,000.00, used for these purposes. He further delineated advertising venues, showing various ads as they have appeared and the changes in advertising appropriate to the seasons. A TV commercial for the City and surrounding area was also shown. In addition to the marketing strategies, Mr. Veenema spoke regarding Special Event Funding which totals $48,525.00,just under the $50,000 budget. Each event will receive more publicity because of this additional funding. Vacation Planners were distributed to the Council members, and Mr. Veenema then described the percentage of increases in the number of tourists to Port Angeles, room tax increases, town-wide occupancies, sales increases, as well as visitors to the web site. In closing, Mr. Veenema addressed the marketing opportunities that the City is missing with the delay in opening the Rayonier Trail and urged the Councillo complete the project as quickly as possible. Parks & Recreation Director Connelly provided an update on the proposed completion of the trail, specifying that this is a joint effort between Parks and Public Works. The current prospective date for construction is sometime this summer. Once approvals and bid options are completed, the project should move along at a more rapid pace. The right-of-way certification is what is holding up the process at the present time. Following questions from the Council, Public Works & Utilities Director Cutler informed the Council that the right-of-way process is quite lengthy, at which time Councilmember Rogers offered to provide any assistance necessary to move the project along. 19 - 1 - CITY COUNCIL MEETING April 16, 2002 ChronberofConnnerce Report by Russ Veenema (Cont'd) National Teleconnnuni- cators Week - April 14- 20,2002 Transit Employee Appreciation Day Proclamation LATE ITEMS TO BE PLACED ON THIS OR FUTURE AGENDA: Returning to the podium, Mr. Veenema informed the Council of the Chronber's interest in moving the Visitor Center to the new Gateway Center once it is complete. He acknowledged a question from Mayor Wiggins in that the Chamber is willing to . participate fmancially in this endeavor. Mr. Veenema announced the new History Weekend event for Port Angeles in October. In conjunction with that event, having attended Seattle's underground tour, Mr. Veenema stated that Port Angeles has as much to offer people as Seattle. With regard to future tours in the City and the Laurel street issue, he felt that the Laurel Street area should not be filled in as this area holds much history. Mr. Veenema closed by thanking the Police and Public Works Departments for their assistance in the Meltdown Ride and the Kayak demonstration. 2. National Telecommunicators Week - April 14 - 20, 2002 Mayor Wiggins read the Proclamation and then presented it to Connnunications Manager Naomi Wu of the Port Angeles Police Department. Police Chief Riepe, stressing how important connnunications are for operations and public safety, expressed gratitude to Ms. Wu and the staff for their outstanding work. 3. Transit Employee Appreciation Day Proclamation Councilmembers Braun and Williams, following Mayor Wiggins' reading of the Proclamation, accepted the certificate on behalf of the Clallam Transit System. Councilman Williams introduced Barbara Kitchens, Washington Association of Realtors, Government Office, who spoke on current changes in legislation. She mentioned and described the following bills: House Bill 1395, a rural economic development b1d'ldl .asking for allocation counts for housing units from the dco~tyl and .. providing for a ltional zoning within the connnercial regions for light in ustna that will allow the City to take less allocation count numbers for Clallron County as a whole; House Bill 2466, a multi-family rehabilitation bill designed to provide an exemption for up to ten years for private property owners on their private property tax formerly utilized because of the high population count of 50,000- which has been reduced to 30,000, making it possible for smaller cities to be eligible for rehabilitation monies and tax exemption status for the owners of property zoned multi-family; House Bill 2498, an industrial land banks bill which enables Clallron County to look at some land bank issues and take care of developments outside City limits; House Bill 2557, a metropolitan parks district bill which provides a pilot plan to establish funding for acquiring property for parks and for completing light operations and maintenance; and House Bill 2697, an economic vitality bill which increases the mandatory element section to eight with an economic development element and an element for parks and recreation. Economic Planning & Policy Guides were given to the Councilmembers to assist in learning about possibilities arising from the new legislation. Ms. Kitchens also reviewed Senate Bill 5841, a comprehensive plan update bill which expunged the review date and extended it to December I, 2004, increasing the overall review to a seven-year cycle; and Senate Bill 5832, a short plat bill which asks for cooperation with the County in the overall comprehensive plan and which will allow a short subdivision to be a maximum of nine units, not four units. It will also help with density clustering and group housing in a rural lower area. Following a brief question and answer session, Ms. Kitchens thanked the Council for their time and hoped that the information would prove useful to them. E. J. Beckett, 421 East 12th, owner of Beckett's Bike Shop, encouraged the Council to . stay in touch with the progress of the trail work, having elected them to lead the City to economic prosperity. By opening a downtown business, Ms. Beckett has shown faith that this will come about, yet, the completion of the Waterfront Trail seems to be held 20 - 2- ~ . . . LATE ITEMS TO BE PLACED ON THIS OR FUTURE AGENDA: (Cont'd) WORK SESSION: FINANCE: 2002 Electric Design Consultant Selection Phase III Downtown Watermain/Sidewalk Loan Application '/, .; CITY COUNCIL MEETING Aprill6, 2002 up by the existence of City-owned property which needs to be fenced. She expressed hope that the City will seek efficiency in opening the Trail through the Rayonier site as she needs to keep her business afloat. Paul Lamoureux, 602 Whidby, addressed the Council to clarify comments he submitted at a previous Council meeting on the matter of a stormwater utility. He maintained his support for the stormwater program and, with regard to future planning, stated that if a government mandate states this should be accomplished, and if it is not necessary and the government is not going to fund it, then he is concerned. Referring to Ms. Kitchens review of legislation, Mr. Lamoureux stressed that if a mandate is dictated, funding should be provided; but if a choice is given, then we must perform responsibly. He urged the Council to act carefully regarding future rate structures and future taxing. Kathe Smith, 607 East 4th Street, asked for clarification from Director Cutler on expediting the Trail through the mill and asked if Public Works could begin writing the specifications for the construction now, rather than waiting for the State's approval so that at the point when the state approves the plan, it could immediately go out to bid. Director Cutler responded that Zenovic & Associates is currently working on the construction portion of the Trail and that upon receipt of certification of right-of-way and receipt of funds, it would go out to bid. He would not propose an advance bid until everything is in place for the" funds. Responding to Ms. Smith's question regarding certification which was extended to March 29, 2002, Director Connelly stated that the certification is still being worked on by Zenovic & Associates and that the contract amendment that was approved had a contract deadline of April 29, 2002. None. 1. 2002 Electric Design Consultant Selection Director Cutler reviewed the two rebuild projects and summarized the process for evaluation of the qualified firm. He noted the effort to package like work in order to save the City money. Councilman Campbell moved to authorize the Mayor to sign an agreement with R. W. Beck for electrical engineering design services at a cost not to exceed $95,350.00. Councilman Braun seconded the motion. In response to an inquiry as to whether conduit would be installed for fiber, Director Cutler indicated the project needs to include coordination of the right-of-way but that he did envision installation of conduit for the future use of SCADA. A vote was taken on the motion, which carried unanimously. 2. Phase III Downtown Watermain/Sidewalk Loan Application Director Cutler briefly described the application and matching water funds and addressed questions from the Council. He noted that, if funds are used from the Drinking Water Revolving Loan, then the sidewalk portion could not be included in the work. Councilmember Erickson moved to authorize the Mayor to sign the Public Works Trust Fund (PWTF) loan application certification in an amount not to exceed $1,980,000 for Phase ill of the Downtown WatermainlSidewalk Replacement Project and, further, if the loan is approved, authorize the Mayor to execute the PWTF loan agreement provided that the loan amount does not exceed $1,980,000. Councilman Williams seconded the motion. ,Prior to the vote, Councilman Williams expressed his approval of the motion and inquired about the area from Railroad to Front on the West side of Laurel and from Laurel to Oak on the North side of Front as relates to the underground. He added that this area has adequate clearance, yet it does get a little shallow from the area of Zak's to the comer of Oak. That particular area, along with an area further east, has been considered for reservation in exchange for paving or abandoning the underground area in the last phase. Having considered the benefit for the downtown of trying to save the underground, in his 21 - 3 - CITY COUNCIL MEETING April 16, 2002 Phase III Downtown Watermain/Sidewalk Loan Application (Cont'd) Consultant Selection for 2002/2003 Water & Wastewater Projects Amendment No. 1 to Engineering Services Agreement with Parametrix, Inc. Break CONSENT AGENDA: CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: opinion, it wasn't worth the fight at this point. However, Councilman Williams expressed his desire to draw a line in the sand concerning Laurel Street between Front and First. Referencing previous discussion he introduced before the Council, Councilman Williams further expressed interest in preserving the underground for .. purposes of economic development. Councilmember Rogers supported Councilman Williams' position, adding that the area was featured on Weekend Magazine and it is important to take a hard look at something before permanent decisions are made. In response to Councilman Headrick's inquiry, Councilman Williams affirmed the existence of underground on Front between Laurel and Oak, which has a clearance of between 10 and 12 feet around the comer from Washington Mutual to Budget Tapes. He indicated that specific area was part of the continuing utility corridor from the time after the streets along First and Front were raised and bulkheads installed with fill between the bulkheads. Councilman Williams further clarified his intention to support the preservation of the entire underground on the west side of Laurel between Front and First. Following further brief discussion, a vote was taken on the motion, which carried unanimously. 3. Consultant Selection for 2002/2003 Water & Wastewater Projects Following Director Cutler's summary of the Water and Wastewater projects and brief discussion, Councilman Braun moved to authorize the Mayor to sign an agreement with Skillings-Connolly, Inc. for engineering support services in an amount not to exceed $160,000. Councilmember Rogers seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. 4. Amendment No.1 to Engineering Services Agreement with Parametrix, Inc. After summarizing the amendment, Director Cutler-mentioned the modifications to the contract, highlighting the additional work of design issues in the bluff area at the landfill where some items have been exposed and also mentioned an additional compliance item. Councilmember Rogers thanked staff for including budget numbers in the packet information. After further discussion, Councilmember Rogers-moved to authorize the Mayor to sign Amendment No.1 to the Agreement for Professional Services with Parametrix, Inc., increasing the not-to-exceed total of the agreement to $607,970.00. Councilman Campbell seconded the motion which carried unanimously. . Mayor Wiggins recessed the meeting for a break at 7 :45 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 8:00 p.m. Councilmember Erickson moved to accept the Consent Agenda to include: 1) City Council Meeting Minutes - April 2, 2002; 2) Electronic Payments - April 5, 2002 - $1,639,480.40; 3) Check Register -April 5,2002 - $604,148.89; 4) Payroll information for March 31, 2002; and 5) Water Materials Bid Award (meters). Councilman Braun seconded the motion, which passed unanimously. Councilmember Rogers attended the Peninsula Development Authority meeting; met with Mayor Walt Schubert on landfill issues, development, and annexation; and worked on the Telcom issue. Councilman Braun and the Public Safety Committee toured the Police and Fire Departments. He thanked Fire Chief McKeen and Police Chief Riepe for their hospitality. He also attended the Real Estate Committee meeting and the appreciation function for Board and Commission members. Reading a letter received expressing . support of the skating rink, Councilman Braun added that he is grateful for the continuing input and support from the community. 22 - 4- r-... . . . CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: (Cont'd) ORDINANCES NOT REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS: RESOLUTIONS: OTHER CONSIDERATIONS: PUBLIC HEARINGS - QUASI-JUDICIAL: PUBLIC HEARINGS - OTHER: INFORMATION: '" CITY COUNCIL MEETING April 16, 2002 Councilman Camp6~li informed the Council that the Conference. Center Review Committee met and reviewed the Due Diligence Response from EhmArchitects and has determined that the requirements for this phase of the project have been met. Further work, however, still needs to be done regarding parking, the business plan, the marketing plan, and the conditions under which the City's $100,000 would be paid to the developer. Councilman Headrick attended the Law & Justice meeting on April 3, 2002, at which time it was decided to change of method of selecting a chair. The meeting also centered around escalating jail costs and the possibility of enacting an additional 1/1 0 of 1 % sales tax. Mayor Wiggins mentioned the A WC Conference in June and the need for voting delegates. It was agreed that Mayor Wiggins and Councilmembers Williams and Campbell w~uld serve as voting delegates. Councilman Headrick agreed to serve as an alternate to Councilman Williams should he be unable to attend. Additionally, after brief discussion, it was agreed that the Council would conduct a retreat on Saturday, June 15 from 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 Noon at Mayor Wiggins' lake cabin. None. None. None. None. None. Manager Quinn mentioned the Finance Committee meeting on Thursday, April 25; the RTPO meeting on Friday, April 19; the Community and Economic Development meeting Friday, April 19 at 7:30 a.m.; and the Lodging Tax Commission meeting scheduled for Thursday, April 18 at 2:00 p.m. Mention was also made of Benefit Dump Day on Sunday, Apri121. Due to the A WC Conference, it was agreed to move the June 18 Council meeting to Monday, June 17. Discussion was focused on the Coast Guard communication on racist activities in the comrnunity; Chief Riepe added that the Police Department has written a letter of response and feels that the comrnunity is working well with the Coast Guard on cultural diversity, adding that the City is not responsible for the actions of all its citizens. Councilmember Rogers indicated she is working on a Chamber of Comrnerce committee on this particular matter, and she urged a coordination of responses. Councilman Headrick asked that copies of the correspondence be provided to the Council and that the issue be placed on the next agenda for discussion. The Council briefly discussed the Waterline Leak Detection 2002 results and noted that one week for detection may not be enough; they will consider the possibility of extending the detection for another week. Manager Quinn noted the Consultant 23 -5- CITY COUNCIL MEETING April 16, 2002 INFORMATION: (Cont'd) EXECUTIVE SESSION: RETURN TO OPEN SESSION: ADJOURNMENT: Contracts report on page 45 of the packet. Discussion ensued regarding the MCC contract completion and the status report on the Fire Hall roof repairs. The meeting adjourned to Executive Session at 8:50 p.m. to discuss litigation for 30- . 45 minutes. The meeting returned to Open Session at 9:30 p.m. at which time the Council engaged in a general discussion to better understand the connection between the City's Comprehensive Plan Amendment considering the future land use of the Rayonier Mill Site, and the current impacts of existing industrial zoning and the proposed cleanup schedule managed by the State Department of Ecology. With recent changes by the State Legislature, the requirements for Comprehensive Plan review have been deferred until December of 2004. It was clear that both the community and company desire to achieve economic development of the site; however, the process and push for this achievement may be different. The Council expressed concern that we do not know the results of the sampling plan yet, and this information may be useful in the future for imposing the cleanup standard and long- term land use vision. The meeting was adjourned at 10:18 p.m. Glenn Wiggins, Mayor 24 - 6- Becky J. Upton, City Clerk . . . . . CALL TO ORDER- SPECIAL MEETING: ROLL CALL: Declaration of Stage IV Water Emergency CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington April 26, 2002 Deputy Mayor Campbell called the special meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at 12:00 Noon. Members Present: Deputy Mayor Campbell, Councilmembers Erickson, Headrick, Rogers, and Williams. Members Absent: Mayor Wiggins and Councilmember Braun. Staff Present: Manager Quinn, Clerk Upton, G. Cutler, and D. McGinley. Declaration of Stage IV Water Emergency: Deputy Mayor Campbell indicated the emergency meeting of the City Council was called to declare a Stage IV water emergency. Following introductory comments by Manager Quinn, Public Works & Utilities Director Cutler reviewed the development of a leak in the City's 20 inch transmission line from the water supply source at the Ranney collector to the distribution system. The leak is located in the vicinity of 14th and "D" Streets, and Director Cutler indicated he is seeking the declaration of a Stage IV water emergency for all City domestic water users, effective Monday, April 29, 2002, at 7:00 a.m. Director Cutler explained that a Stage IV water emergency permits only essential water uses and prohibits watering of lawns, washing of sidewalks, walkways, driveways, parking lots,. patios, and other exterior paved areas, as well as washing of motor vehicles, trailers, and boats. He further explained that the declaration of an emergency should cover a 24- hour period so that the reservoirs can be filled to full capacity. Upon adjournment of this meeting, Director Cutler indicated he planned to contact all members of the media in order to obtain as much exposure as possible to the announcement of the water emergency. Discussion followed, and Water/Wastewater Collection Superintendent McGinley advised the Council that the first 24 hours should be of no concern with respect to water usage. Should repairs take longer than anticipated, the second 24 hours could be of a more critical nature, and a third 24-hour period would be more serious. Superintendent McGinley further explained the nature of the repairs on a water line that is almost 70 years old. The Council expressed concern with not commencing water conservation until Monday morning, as more damage may occur during the preceding weekend. Director Cutler emphasized the importance of having all reservoirs at full capacity before commencing repairs, especially to assure appropriate frrefighting capability. He added that Black Diamond Reservoir has been offline, but it is ready to be put back in service once water testing results are known. It is important to have this particular reservoir full as well. In the ensuing discussion, Director Cutler and Superintendent McGinley further explained the nature of the repairs, the full extent of which will not be known until the work commences. Nevertheless, it is anticipated that repairs can be completed by Monday evening unless something unforeseen should arise. Members of the Council 25 - 1 - CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING April 26, 2002 Declaration of Stage IV Water Emergency (Cont' d) reiterated their concern with not commencing conservation efforts until Monday morning. It was suggested that an announcement regarding this emergency be made immediately so that residents could start water conservation right away. It was the Council's hope that this immediate response could result in an avoidance of a blowout . of the water line. After further discussion, Councilman Williams moved to declare a Stage IV water emergency for all City domestic water users to permit repairs to the City's water transmission main effective today, April 26, 2002, at 5:00 p.m., to remain in place until the line is placed back in service and the reservoirs have had time to refill, approximately 24 hours after shutting down the line. The motion was seconded by Councilman Headrick and carried unanimously. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 12:20 p.m. Glenn Wiggins, Mayor Becky J. Upton, City Clerk . . 26 - 2- 02/04/29-13: 54 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE April 29 2002 Page . CHECK REGISTER Date From 04/06/2002 To 04/26/2002 Fnd Opt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount Number Name Number Number 001 69408 Direct Safety Company 04279 Signs, cans 2370000 6.08- Signs, cans 2370000 21.96- Signs 2370000 8.64- Signs 2370000 17.83- 69436 Northern Tool & Equipment Co. 14461 Aluminum wheel chock 2370000 4.40- 69441 Oriental Trading Co. Inc. 15033 Ornaments,artist flower pot 2370000 4.38- 69469 Washington (DOL), State of 04137 Concealed pistol licenses-Mar 2296000 554.00 69480 American Society of Civil Eng 01202 Web site ads 1 2370000 5.17- 69499 Carolina Software 03258 WasteWORKS Software pe 06-30 1 2370000 16.40- 69507 Davis & Stanton 04318 Uniform commendation bars 1 2370000 3.69- 69514 Emergency Medical Products Inc 05131 Traction spl int 1 2370000 3.65- 69532 Jerry's Sport Center Inc 10228 Scopes 1 2370000 13 . 88- 69541 LexisNexis Matthew Bender 12311 Renew 'Advance Sheets' 2002 1 2370000 7.78- 69552 Moore Medical Corporation 13063 Oxygen regulator 1 2370000 7.30- Electrodes 1 2370000 5.25- 69554 Murray, Vincent 13350 Reimburse cell phone deposit 1 2391000 100.00 69559 Nurnberg Scientific 14092 Glass tubes 1 2370000 18.27- 69596 RWE Distributing (Dogipot Inc) 04252 Dogipot bags 1 2370000 15.34- 69611 Simmons Gun Specialities Inc 19671 Scopes 1 2370000 9.42- . 69613 Southern Cross Development Inc 19800 Folding mat 1 2370000 113.08- 69658 CPS 03654 Cashiering tests 1 2370000 52.81- 69708 Quill Corporation 17000. Notepads,tape 1 2370000 4.56- 69725 WA State Patrol - WASIS 23281 Criminal history-Walters Jr 1 2295000 24.00 669156201 HTE Inc 08541 License fees per contract 1 2370000 4,685.40- Total for Department 4,347.29- 0001 69385 AWC Assn of Washington Cities 01080 Registration-Coons 2002 Labor 113 4310 125.00 69423 Int'l Inst. Municipal Clerks 09013 MMC application fee 124 4901 100.00 69424 JPMorganChase 16421 Travel,meals,lodging 111 4310 1,252.72 Travel,lodging,meals 112 4310 1,084.38 Travel,lodging,meals 112 4310 254.25 69483 Advanced Travel 01090 Upton to Lake Chelan 03-15 124 4310 532.20 Coons to Issaquah 03-28 113 4210 47.30 Coons to Renton 04-05 113 4210 12.80 Williams to WA DC 03-04 112 4310 45.00 Quinn to WA DC 03-08 111 4310 90.94 Wiggins to WA DC 03-08 112 4310 109.07 Campbell to WA DC 03-08 112 4310 963.63 69484 Albertson's Inc. 01204 City Council refreshments 112 3101 16.76 City Council refreshments 112 3101 13.23 69498 Camera Corner 03044 Frame 112 3101 12.93 Annual service award photos 113 3101 9.88 Prints 113 3101 5.29 69512 Downriggers Restaurant 04021 Catering, room use 111 4150 1,244.30 . 69570 Olympic Stationers Inc. 15030 Envelopes,binder clips 111 3101 22.17 Binders,dividers,scissors 124 3101 20.82 Paper 111 3101 37.87 Paper 111 3101 14.85 ~1 113 3101 8.08 Binders,lead,pads,clips 113 3101 37.37 02/04/29-13:54 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE CHECK REGISTER Date From 04/06/2002 To 04/26/2002 Fnd Dpt Check Number Vendor Name Vendor Number 69571 Pacific Office Equipment Inc. 16004 69579 Peninsula Daily News 16012 69581 Peninsula Int'l Relations Assn 16460 69587 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 69618 Swain's General Store Inc. 19037 69626 United Parcel Service 21005 69628 United Way of Clallam County 21048 69636 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 69644 AT&T Business Service 01085 69646 AWC Assn of Washington Cities 01080 69699 Peninsula College 16011 69709 Qwest 21001 0002 69424 JPMorganChase 16421 69466 WFOA (WA Finance Officers Assn 23006 69478 Xerox Corporation 24001 69481 AT&T Wireless Services 01404 69511 Diversified Resource Center 04052 69548 McMahon, Christopher & Suzanne 13685 69562 Olympic Delivery Service Inc. 15020 69565 Olympic Paper Company 15111 69570 Olympic Stationers Inc. 15030 69614 Washington (Auditor), State of 19270 69626 United Parcel Service 21005 69636 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 69658 CPS 03654 69686 Maybee's Del i 13036 69701 Pitney Bowes Credit Corp 16127 69706 Postmaster 16028 Description April lease agree-NUP08604 Public Svc Award ad-Wilcox Summary of ordinance no 3112 1st quarter contract payment Reimburse expenses-Martin Gift certificate Shipping charges March Qtr 1 Human svcs funds,adm fee March scan charges March scan charges March scan charges 04-13 AT&T acct 0172134468001 Labor Relations Inst-Quinn Business Ethics,Customer Svce 04-14 Qwest billing 04-14 Qwest billing 04-14 Qwest billing GL Code Number 111 4810 125 1019 124 4410 114 4972 112 3101 125 1019 113 4210 114 4971 111 4210 113 4210 124 4210 111 4210 111 4310 125 4310 111 4210 1134210 124 4210 Apr it 29 2002 Total for Administration Telephone Postage Calculator Guest speaker lodging Refreshments,Budget training BARS registration-Kheriaty BARS registration-Asquith BARS registration-Veldhouse BARS registration-Filigno BARS registration-Rudolph DC440AC lease-February DC490SLC lease-February WCP416C3 lease-February 04-02 AT&T billing 45946522 04-05 AT&T billing 49548233 Copy center svcs-March Stop pmt fee ck#69179 March delivery services Color paper Paper Paper punches, tape dispenser Paper Audit fees-March Shipping charges March March scan charges March scan charges March scan charges Cashiering tests Sack lunches-Fraud seminar ~~ge meter pe 04-30-02 Renew Bulk Imprint Permit 67 230 3101 230 4210 230 3101 201 4310 201 3101 201 4310 230 4310 230 4310 230 4310 230 4310 205 4530 205 4530 205 4530 240 4210 240 4210 205 4150 230 4150 240 4150 205 3101 205 3101 230 3101 230 3101 230 4150 230 4210 201 4210 230 4210 240 4210 240 4150 201 3101 205 4530 205 4210 Page 2 . Amount 32.46 184.20 24.08 500.00 26.94 25.00 6.60 36,337.50 139.87 18.44 5.44 57.54 125.00 2,000.00 92.93 92.93 46.47 45,776.24 ~. 135.75 109.27 9.98 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 641 .65 2,066.23 98.06 16.33 25.62 1,626.68 8.00- 92.35 292. 14 116.86 38.14 37.87 6,350.40 37.78 31. 63 . 696.81 242.37 417 . 63 125.00 02/04/29-13:54 . City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE CHECK REGISTER Date From 04/06/2002 To 04/26/2002 Fnd Opt Check Number . . Vendor Name Vendor Number 69709 Qwest 21001 69710 69711 669156201 Reserve Account Ricoh Business Systems HTE I nc 21062 18398 08541 0003 69432 Matthew Bender & Co. Inc. 13106 69442 Ortloff Atty. at Law, Kimberly 15146 69467 ~SAMA-~A Assn of Muncpl Attnys 23052 69473 ~est Group 23018 69501 Clallam Co District Court 03069 69541 LexisNexis Matthew Bender 12311 69570 Olympic Stationers Inc. 15030 69571 Pacific Office Equipment Inc. 16004 69587 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 69636 ~ashington (DIS), State of 23111 69709 Qwest 21001 69727 ~ashington State Bar Assn 23198 0004 69479 Zenovic & Associates 26216 69481 AT&T ~ireless Services 01404 69483 Advanced Travel 01090 69567 Olympic Printers Inc. 15027 69570 Olympic Stationers Inc. 15030 69571 Pacific Office Equipment Inc. 16004 69579 Peninsula Daily News 16012 69587 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 69599 RadioShack Accounts Receivable 18003 69635 ~SU-CAHE Cashier 23438 69636 ~ashington (DIS), State of 23111 69645 AT&T ~ireless Services 01404 Description GL Code Number 04-14 Qwest billing 04-14 Qwest billing 04-14 Qwest billing Prepaid postage-Meter 7117717 Copier rental License fees per contract 201 4210 230 4210 240 4210 205 4210 205 4530 230 6410 April 29 2002 Total for Finance ~A Appellate reports 311 3101 Legal services pe 03-31 312 4150 Spring conference fees-Knutson 311 4310 Spring conference fees-Knutson 312 4310 Federal civil judicial proc 311 3101 Federal civil judicial proc 312 3101 Labor Reg,Unemp,lnd Insurance 311 3101 Labor Reg,Unemp,lnd Insurance 312 3101 ~A Digest 311 3101 ~A Digest 312 3101 Court costs-March 2002 312 5090 Renew 'Advance Sheets' 2002 311 3101 Renew 'Advance Sheets' 2002 312 3101 Paper 311 3101 Paper 312 3101 Toner 311 3101 Postage-Lusby 311 4210 March scan charges 311 4210 04-14 Qwest billing 311 4210 ~A Real Property supplement 311 3101 Total for Attorney Peabody Creek Bridge pe 03-25 420 4990 Laurel Street pe 03-25 420 4990 04-02 AT&T billing 44324994 420 4210 Collins to Seattle 03-23 411 4310 Business cards-Johns 411 3101 Legal hanging file 411 3101 Pen,pen refills 411 3101 Toner cartridge 411 3101 Ordinance No 3109 411 4410 Notice Determinination-Blanton 411 4410 Credit-Blanton 411 4410 Notice of Determination-Olexer 411 4410 Notice of Decision-Serenity Hs 411 4410 Batteries-Roberds 411 3101 Speaker,batteries 411 3101 Ventilation ~orkshop-Vess 420 4310 Ventilation ~orkshop'Haehnlen 420 4310 ~ scan charges 411 4210 04-14 AT&T billing 49079080 420 4210 Page 3 Amount 92.93 116.17 278.80 5,000.00 632.13 187,904.40 207,522.55 22.13 1,125.00 135.00 135.00 15.96 15.96 133.08 133.08 204.51 204.50 6,102.00 51.31 51.31 37.87 37.87 99.54 16.25 14.77 162.63 298.11 8,995.88 205.80 730. 10 25.13 47.30 80.83 8.65 55.99 75.74 51.60 91.16 45.58- 44.72 32.68 9.72 112.50 55.00 55.00 12.12 8.53 02/04/29-13:54 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE CHECK REGISTER Date From 04/06/2002 To 04/26/2002 Fnd Opt Check Number Vendor Number Vendor Name 69709 Qwest 21001 69726 Washington (Ecology), State of 23106 0005 69395 Blakefield, Jason or Marilyn 02395 69399 Brodsky's Uniforms 02219 69402 Clallam Co Dept of Health and 03065 69424 JPMorganChase 16421 69481 AT&T Wireless Services 01404 69483 Advanced Travel 01090 69491 69492 69495 69498 Angeles Millwork Black Hills Ammunition Inc. Brodsky's Uniforms Camera Corner 01073 ... 02274 02219 03044 69500 ChoicePoint Public Records Inc 03633 69507 Davis & Stanton 04318 69527 Hartnagel Building Supply Inc. 08052 69532 Jerry's Sport Center Inc 10228 69563 Olympic Laundry & Clnrs Inc. 15026 69564 Olympic Medical Center 15028 69570 Olympic Stationers Inc. 15030 69571 Pacific Office Equipment Inc. 16004 69577 Peninger, Tyler 16171 69588 Port Angeles Police Department 16105 69599 RadioShack Accounts Receivable 18003 Description 04-14 Qwest billing Stormwater Workshop-Johns GL Code Number 411 4210 411 4310 Apri l 29 2002 Total for Community Development Dept Patches for Senior Volunteers Boots Stinger,cone Inmate care, pharmacy charges Motel,travel 03-27 AT&T billing 49430309 04-05 AT&T a/c 49470974 Unused ferry ticket-Benedict 2 ferry tickets to Zappey 2 ferry tickets to Zenonian Reidel to Longview 03-10 Riepe,McKeen-Tumwater 03-25 Zappey to Edmonds 03-22 Plywood Ammunition Uniform,shoes,belt,stripes Photos Photos Photos Prints Photos Photos Photo processing December svc fee, inquiry January svc fee February svc fee March svc fee Uniform commendation bars Walnut gunstock Plywood Spray nozzle Scopes March laundry svcs #1126 Medical chgs-PA Police Paper Laminating copies Paper April lease agree-CXL90926 April lease agree-NBZ08561 April lease agree-NGM21820 Toner cartridge,core fee Ammunition pocket,sling Bookcase,cassettes,cans Postage 00 case Phone 530 4990 530 2080 530 2080 512 5099 511 4310 530 4210 511 4210 530 4310 530 4310 534 4310 534 4310 511 4310 530 4310 584 3120 530 3101 530 2080 530 4990 530 4990 530 4990 530 4990 530 4990 530.4990 530 4990 530 4150 530 4150 530 4150 530 4150 530 3111 584 3120 584 3120 530 4810 530 3180 530 4990 530 4990 534 3101 530 3101 534 3101 511 4810 534 4810 534 4810 530 3101 530 3101 530 3101 530 4210 530 3101 530 3101 Page 4 . Amount 92.93 90.00 1,839.92 97.38 88.70 133.62 2,289.33 126.80 98.94 11.73 6.40- 12.80 12.80 339.48 16.00 35.80 31. 79 179.50 5~. 24.45 30.38 6.23 70.34 22.42 8.72 30.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 48.69 98.16 23.80 5.40 183.13 64.98 50.00 75.74 63.29 29.76 32.46 209.56 167.82 3. 71.61 90.12 32.45 5.38 02/04/29-13:54 City of Port Angeles - LI VE MACH I NE April 29 2002 Page 5 . CHECK REGISTER Date From 04/06/2002 To 04/26/2002 Fnd Opt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount Number Name Number Number 69600 Richmond 2-Way Radio 18009 Microphone 530 3114 5.41 Siren speaker driver 530 4810 97.38 Service portable radio 530 3114 64.92 69611 Simmons Gun Specialities Inc 19671 Scopes 530 3180 124.31 69613 Southern Cross Oevelopment Inc 19800 Folding mat 530 3180 1,492.08 69615 Strafford, Sandra 19670 Uniform allowance 530 2080 43.38 69618 Swain's General Store Inc. 19037 Ammunition 530 3101 23.52 Terry towels,miniature lamps 530 3101 10.47 Ziploc bags 530 3101 8.53 Band-aids 530 3101 9.64 Magnetic strips 530 3101 21.45 Bags 530 3101 7.33 69636 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 March scan charges 511 4210 16.16 March scan charges 530 4210 58.22 March scan charges 534 4210 7.40 69640 Winfield, Jesse 0 23087 Reimburse clothing 530 2080 138.88 69654 Blumenthal Uniforms & Equipmt 02047 Badge,case-Lee 530 3111 119.93 Credit badge case 530 3111 31.55- Jacket,emblems-Baertschiger 530 2080 327.84 . Extraction unit 530 3111 61.15 Pants-Peninger 530 2080 126.59 Uniforms 530 3111 82.22 Shirt,emblems,zippers,ties 530 2080 136.70 Shirts 530 3111 85.08 69683 Lentz, Ray 12414 Defensive tactics equipment 530 3101 519.36 69708 Quill Corporation 17000 Notepads,tape 534 3101 60.18 69709 Qwest 21001 04-14 Qwest billing 5114210 162.63 04-14 Qwest billing 534 4210 116.17 04-14 Qwest billing 530 4210 23.23 Total for Pol ice 9,787.80 0006 69424 JPMorganChase 16421 Batteries 644 3114 60.38 Batteries 641 3114 60.37 69436 Northern Tool & Equipment Co. 14461 Aluminum wheel chock 641 3101 57.98 69481 AT&T Wireless Services 01404 04-02 AT&T billing 46898102 611 4210 7.70 04-02 AT&T billing 47951801 643 4210 32.71 04-02 AT&T billing 43736255 644 4210 8.31 04-02 AT&T billing 45598455 642 4210 9.60 69514 Emergency Medical Products Inc 05131 Traction splint 643 3101 48.15 69551 Middleton Auto and Truck Inc. 13117 Lamp 641 3101 6.92 69552 Moore Medical corporation 13063 Oxygen regulator 643 3101 96.30 Electrodes 643 3101 69.25 69553 Moroz, James 13065 Teaching first aid classes 643 3108 320.00 . Teaching first aid class 643 3108 160.00 69563 Olympic Laundry & Clnrs Inc. 15026 March laundry svcs #150 641 3101 3.79 69567 Olympic Printers Inc. 15027 Envelopes 611 3101 134.33 Envelopes 611 3101 144.66 69570 Olympic Stationers Inc. 15030 Business card holder,envelopes 611 3101 10.46 ~labet tabs,rolodex cards 645 3101 21.17 Dividers,portfolios 611 3101 50.77 02/04/29-13:54 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE April 29 2002 Page 6 CHECK REGISTER . Oate From 04/06/2002 To 04/26/2002 Fnd Opt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount Number Name Number Number 69576 Pen Print Inc 16009 First aid cards 643 3108 47.61 69616 Sunset Do-It Best Hardware 19035 Pipe die 641 3101 46.50 Oxygen 643 3101 35.90 69618 Swain's General Store Inc. 19037 Scrubber pad, concrete mix 641 3101 24.65 69626 United Parcel Service 21005 Shipping charges March 611 4210 83.77 69636 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 March scan charges 611 4210 8.48 March scan charges 641 4210 .94 March scan charges 642 4210 .29 March scan charges 643 4210 .87 69645 AT&T Wireless Services 01404 04-02 AT&T a/c 47190061 645 4210 13.96 69650 All Weather HeatingCooling Inc' 01060 Changed contactor 684 4810 345.44 69654 Blumenthal Uniforms & Equipmt 02047 Finance chgs-Fire Dept 641 2080 3.11 69682 Kroesen's Inc. 11020 Silver bars 641 3111 30.46 69691 Nielsen, Tony 14120 First Aid classes 4-16,4-18 643 3108 160.00 69700 Pierce County 16410 'Terrorism Summit'-McKeen 611 4310 150.00 69709 Qwest 21001 04-14 Qwest billing 611 4210 116.17 04-14 Qwest billing 642 4210 23.23 04-14 Qwest billing 643 4210 23.23 04-14 Qwest billing 641 4210 69.70 69715 SeaWestern Inc. ;9104 Bunker pants, jackets, letters 644 3111 1,91. Total for Fire 4,40 . 0007 69478 Xerox Corporation 24001 DC214S lease pe 02-28-02 711 4530 142.29 DC420SX,SLX lease pe 03-30 711 4530 963.72 69480 American Society of Civil Eng 01202 Web site ads 711 4410 68.17 69483 Advanced Travel 01090 Kenworthy to Skamania 03-26 711 4310 442.06 69504 Complete Line, The 03087 Tray,triangle,ruler 711 3101 62.53 69530 IKON Office Solutions . 09121 Toner 711 3101 170.41 69542 Lighthouse Legal Copy Service 12415 Copy discovery documents 711 4990 314.19 69570 Olympic Stationers Inc. 15030 3M flags,dividers,pens,paper 711 3101 220.53 Floppy disc 711 3101 16.84 Binders,folders,envelopes 711 3101 35.49 Wall pocket 711 3101 17.05 Stamps 711 3101 36.68 Paper 711 3101 36.76 Folders, pads, pen 711 3101 32.16 69571 Pacific Office Equipment Inc. 16004 Laser printer 711 3101 201. 25 Service printer 711 4810 86.56 69593 Qwest 21001 04-05 Qwest billing 711 4210 41.34 69629 Utilities Underground Loc Ctr 21010 March locates 711 4150 20.90 69636 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 March scan charges 711 4210 103.53 69645 AT&T Wireless Services 01404 04-05 AT&T billing 48555460 711 4210 54.30 69652 American Safety Utility Corp. 01348 Truck bucket 711 3101 38.07 69709 Qwest 21001 04-14 Qwest billing 711 4210 650.59 Total for Public Works 3,75. 0008 69390 Aspen Paints 01535 Paint 865 3120 2,453.44 69408 Direct Safety Company 04279 ~,cans 865 3120 80.23 Signs,cans 865 3120 289.76 02/04/29-13:54 City of Port Angeles - Ll VE MACH I NE April 29 2002 Page 7 . CHECK REGISTER Date From 04/06/2002 To 04/26/2002 Fnd Opt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount Number Name Number Number Signs 865 3120 114.04 Signs 865 3120 235.24 69448 Quiring Monuments Inc. 17001 Marker-Robinson 866 3401 204.25 Marker,vase-Madara 866 3401 343.90 69478 Xerox Corporation 24001 DC220SS lease pe 03-30 811 4530 488.90 69481 AT&T Wireless Services 01404 04-02 AT&T billing 44704773 865 4210 8.56 04-02 AT&T billing 46008926 865 4210 8.56 69491 Angeles Millwork 01073 Hitch clips,clevis 865 3120 27.42 Hardware 830 3120 9.50 Roller cover,frame,paint tray 865 3120 8.46 Brooms 865 3120 141.85 Stakes 865 3120 17.05 Propane,acid,repair plug 865 3120 7.97 Concrete mix 865 3120 14.15 Power bit,screws 865 3120 1.45 Teflon tape,glue 865 3120 5.13 CH arson repair-siding product 830 4810 933.21 Tape,wallboard,screws 865 3120 23.41 Flange 865 3120 1.13 . Sandpaper 865 3120 5.73 Lumber 865 3120 15.62 Lumber,bits 865 3120 3.69 Divider,sponge,caulk 865 3120 9.76 Nozzle,adhesive,hose hanger 865 3120 17.32 Lumber 865 3120 81.02 69493 Blake Sand & Gravel Inc 02045 Concrete mix 865 3120 24.83 69494 Blue Mountain Tree Service Inc 02021 Tree removal 865 4810 541.00 69505 Cornell Auto Parts 03092 Fittings,oil,gasket,tubing 865 3120 74.61 Filter,fittings 865 3120 100.15 Spray gun 865 3501 180.69 69508 Delikat, Corey 04406 Reimb class fee,CDL license 865 4990 80.00 69527 Hartnagel Building Supply Inc. 08052 Bits,brush,receptacle 862 3120 35.68 Lumber 865 3120 38.14 69543 Lincoln Industrial Corp. 12047 Cutting services 865 3120 48.37 Socket,plug,sheet metal,gloves 865 3120 59.88 Wire,grommets,prong 865 3120 62.93 69547 Mathews Glass Co. Inc. 13107 Insulated window units 863 4810 156.20 69551 Middleton Auto and Truck Inc. 13117 Belts 862 3120 42.50 69563 Olympic Laundry & Clnrs Inc. 15026 Dust mop #1003 830 3120 8.66 69565 Olympic Paper Company 15111 Liners 862 3106 85.28 Paper towels,cleaner 830 3120 125.81 Towels, liners 862 3106 196.30 Carpet cleaner 830 3120 19.92 Toilet tissue 830 3120 125.51 . 69566 Olympic Peninsula Title Co 16461 Recording fees-Langley 811 4150 50.00 69570 Olympic Stationers Inc. 15030 Paper, rubber stamp 811 3101 311.99 Bookends,dividers 865 3101 71.66 Crayons, pens 866 3101 12.46 69572 Pacific Office Furniture 16518 File cabinets 861 3180 214.24 6<&ge cabinet 861 3101 107. 12 69579 Peninsula Daily News 16012 Seasonal Park Caretakers ad 865 4410 104.35 --------'---"-----'--..---- 02/04/29-13:54 Fnd Opt Check Number City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE Vendor Name CHECK REGISTER Date From 04/06/2002 To 04/26/2002 Vendor Number 69587 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 69589 Port Angeles Power Equipment 16122 69593 Qwest 21001 69594 Qwest Oex The Directory Source 21024 69595 R & R Marine Supply 18119 69596 69609 69610 69616 RWE Distributing (Dogipot Inc) Schmitt's Sheet Metal Inc. Lovell Paint & Decorating Sunset Do-It Best Hardware 69618 Swain's General Store Inc. 69621 Thurman Supply 69625 United Horticultural Supply 69636 Washington (DIS), State of 69663 CliniCare of PA Inc. 69668 Eclipse C Corp. 04252 19007 12184 19035 " 19037 20005 21103 23111 03080 ,19019 Description GL Code Number Custodian ad 03-31 830 4410 Custodian ad 03-24 830 4410 Lesson refund-Reifenstahl 862 34760013 Nut lug 865 3120 04-02 Qwest billing 863 4210 04-02 Qwest billing 863 4210 Directory listing 010964263000 8664410 Tongue jack,winch,strap 865 3120 Tongue jack 865 3120 Dogipot bags 865 3120 Aluminum hood,caulk 865 3120 Paint 863 3120 Holesaw 830 6310 Gas can spout 865 3120 Pipe,nipple,elbow 866 3120 Mower blade 865 3120 Cylinder rentals 866 3101 Cylinder rentals 865 3101 Screw 863 3120 Valve ball,drain brass boiler 866 3120 Coveralls 866 3120 Shovel 830 3120 Painting supplies 830 3120 Twine,strainer,strap,cordwheel 865 3120 Grease,lubricant,grease gun 830 3120 Measuring tape,pail,bulb 865 3120 Cable ties, snap bolt 865 3120 Keyblanks,split key ring 830 3120 Cutter tubing,valve,adapter 865 3120 Pail,wire brush 865 3120 Sprayer,measuring cup 830 3120 Tarp,bases,tape,anchor plates 865 3120 Nipples,plug,caps,elbows 862 3120 Connector,bracket,bushing 830 3120 Handle,toilet riser, lamps 8663120 Credit riser,teflon tape 866 3120 Teflon tape,nipple,elbow,tee 862 3120 Coupling,gate valve,elbow 865 3140 PVC cement,primer,caps 865 3120 Lamps 863 3120 Fertilizer,lime marking,grass 865 3140 Microsoft software licenses 862 3160 Microsoft software licenses 811 3160 March scan charges 811 4210 March scan charges 861 4210 March scan charges 862 4210 March scan charges 863 4210 March scan charges 866 4210 DOT Physical-Morse 865 4990 ~i1Physical-Anderson 865 4990 Washed sand, cover sand 865 3140 April 29 2002 Page 8 . Amount 72.06 64.63 18.50 6.49 30.04 39.87 154.50 88.56 39.98 202.39 541. 65 88.60 35.05 28.95 6.89 143.34 11.36 17.04 1.05 3. ~~ 106.19 64.36 18.40 47.19 15.44 3.56 18.51 6.58 14.22 1,171.46 149.51- 81.30 123.32 21.98 11.32 18.12 25.75 69.79 9,835.52 311.41 311.41 7.99 23' 11.43 72.00 72.00 746.58 02/04/29-13:54 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE . Fnd Opt Check Number . 101 0001 102 . Vendor Name 69670 Fairchild Floors 69676 Honest & Reliable Appliance 69681 Jim's Refrigeration Service 69697 Parker Paint Mfg Co. Inc. 69709 Qwest 69717 Skagit Gardens Inc CHECK REGISTER Date From 04/06/2002 To 04/26/2002 Vendor Number 06019 08544 10054 16201 21001 19077 69586 Port Angeles Chamber Of Comm. 1'6023 69383 A & B Reflectorizing Inc 69723 US Traffic Corporation 0007 69383 A & B Reflectorizing Inc 69481 AT&T Wireless Services 69483 Advanced Travel 69487 Angeles Concrete Products 69491 Angeles Millwork 01532 21098 01532 01404 01090 01070 01073 69493 Blake Sand & Gravel Inc .02045 69511 Diversified Resource Center 04052 69527 Hartnagel Building Supply Inc. 08052 Description Washed sand Cover sand Cover sand,washed sand Blinds Repair steamer Repair Walk-in cooler Primer,strainer,paint 04-14 Qwest billing 04-14 Qwest billing 04-14 Qwest billing 04-14 Qwest billing 04-14 Qwest billing 04-14 Qwest billing 04-14 Qwest billing 04-14 Qwest billing 04-14 Qwest billing Flowers Apr it 29 2002 GL Code Number 865 3140 866 3120 865 3140 861 6510 863 4810 863 4810 830 3120 811 4210 866 4210 865 4210 861 .4210 862 4210 863 4210 865 4210 863 4210 862 4210 865 3140 Total for Parks & Recreation Total for General Fund 2002 Marketing Plan 115 5083 Reimburse Visitor Center April 115 5083 Total for Convention Center Fund Cones, bands Conflict monitor tester Cones, bands 04-02 AT&T billing 43487438 Kaufmann,Miller-Bellingham Flores to Bellingham 03-25 Concrete Sand Controlled density fill Glue Hardware Cement Bit,leverlock tape Formi ca Liner,brush Concrete mix Janitorial services-March Melamine Scoring tool cutter 0Sity lock Wood tape 102 2370000 102 2370000 Total for Department 752 3125 752 4210 752 4310 752 4310 752 3120 752 3120 752 3120 752 3120 752 3125 752 3120 752 3120 752 3101 752 3120 752 3120 752 4810 752 3120 752 3120 752 3120 752 3120 Page 9 Amount 324.60 37.87 265.09 1,396.13 378.19 702.41 29.51 69.70 23.23 23.23 46.47 23.23 69.70 37.76 36.85 56.28 1,406.65 28,150.12 305,881.05 13,651.88 4,489.23 18,141.11 110.70- 390.32- 501.02- 1,460.70 4.82 381.28 376.27 468.51 4,643.14 378.70 9.24 1.18 19.52 30.13 25.35 9.80 59.93 77.83 97.72 8.71 7.38 13.55 ~--- 02/04/29-13:54 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE April 29 2002 Page 10 CHECK REGISTER . Date From 04/06/2002 To 04/26/2002 Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Descr i pt i on Gl Code Amount Number Name Number Number 69537 l & l Tool Specialties 12035 Switch 752 3501 16.21 69538 lakeside Industries Inc. 12036 Asphalt 752 3120 632.23 69565 Olympic Paper Company 15111 Towels,tissue 752 3120 120.19 69570 Olympic Stationers Inc. 15030 3M flags,dividers,pens,paper 752 3101 37.87 Floppy disc 752 3101 16.84 Binders,folders,envelopes 752 3101 35.49 69582 Peninsula Septic Tanks 16215 Parking curbs 752 3120 675.16 69616 Sunset Do-It Best Hardware 19035 Cover, tap 752 3120 15.76 69618 Swain's General Store Inc. 19037 Air filter 752 3120 5.38 69621 Thurman Supply 20005 Pipe, adapter 752 3120 7.74 69626 United Parcel Service '.21005 Shipping charges March 752 4210 1.57 69631 Verizon Wireless, Bellevue 01105 04-05 Verizon billing 752 4210 11.62 69636 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 March scan charges 752 4210 1.38 69645 AT&T Wireless Services 01404 04-14 AT&T a/c 48612592 752 4210 20.20 69650 All Weather HeatingCooling Inc 01060 Filters 752 3120 56.26 69664 Coral Sales Company 03036 End section,panel,posts,blocks 752 3150 457.27 69687 Mt Pleasant Country Supply 13521 Straw 752 3120 116.86 69697 Parker Paint Mfg Co. Inc. 16201 Paint gun, paint 752 3501 114.43 Filter for paint sprayer 752 3125 43.56 69709 Qwest 21001 04-14 Qwest billing 752 4210 69.70 69723 US Traffic Corporation 21098 Conflict monitor tester 752 3125 2,5_ Conflict monitor tester 752 3125 2,57 Total for Public Works 15,679.80 Total for Street Fund 15,178.78 103 0001 69446 Port of Port Angeles 16027 1st qtr parking revenue 123 36230000 1,527.80 69502 Clallam Co EDC 03067 1st Quarter 2002 123 4150 8,750.00 69587 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 Mtg commissioners/PBIA mtg 123 4310 20.73 69636 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 March scan charges 123 4210 16.40 69709 Qwest 21001 04-14 Qwest billing 123 4210 23.23 Total for Economic Development 10,338.16 107 0005 69424 JPMorganChase 16421 Travel, lodging 532 4310 102.44 69483 Advanced Travel 01090 Wu to Phoenix 03-16 532 4310 115.50 69557 New World Systems 1'4184 Software maint to 3-31-03 532 4810 26,909.34 69571 Pacific Office Equipment Inc. 16004 Toner 532 3101 157.97 69578 Peninsula College 16011 Self Development Workshops 532 4310 2,000.00 69600 Richmond 2-Way Radio 18009 Service control module 532 4810 80.45 Service pager 532 4810 129.84 Service instant call recorder 532 4810 598.62 Service radio 532 4810 97.38 69618 Swain's General Store Inc. 19037 Nozzle gun 532 4810 9.49 69626 United Parcel Service 21005 Shipping charges March 532 4210 . 69636 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 March scan charges 532 4210 69709 Qwest 21001 04-14 Qwest billing 532 4210 394.97 36 Total for PenCom 30,630.32 02/04/29-13: 54 City of Port AngeLes - LIVE MACHINE . Fnd Opt Check Number 172 0002 174 0008 . . Vendor Name 69503 CLaLLam TitLe Company 69386 Abreu, John 69388 ALLen, NichoLas 69392 Baker, Larry 69394 Bissonette, Laura 69396 Boudreau, Brad 69397 Boudreau, Eric 69401 Carver, ChLoe 69405 Crumb, ALison 69410 Fairbairn, Don 69415 Guerra, Joe 69417 HeLpensteLL, Scott 69418 Hert, Richard F 69419 Hicks, John 69421 Hoffman, Martin 69426 Johnson, Stephen 69427 Ketchum, John Y 69430 LaMont, James 69433 Minor, ELisabeth 69438 O'Hara, Patricia 69439 Ochs, Andy 69441 OrientaL Trading Co. Inc. 69451 Robinson, Jason 69454 Sather, RonaLd L 69456 Serrianne, MichaeL 0 69457 Shea, RiLey 69460 Stone, Richard 69464 Vieira, MichaeL 69471 Yebber, Joe 69476 YiLson, Don 69481 AT&T YireLess Services 69546 Martin, Victoria 69570 OLympic Stationers Inc. 69575 PavLak, Jackie 69584 Peterson, YiLfred 69587 Port AngeLes City Treasurer 69608 SchLeusner, CLifford 69648 ALbertson's Inc. 69655 BoLLinger CHECK REGISTER Date From 04/06/2002 To 04/26/2002 Vendor Number 03286 01530 01537 02663 02664 02668 02665 .0'03656 03657 06318 '07377 08539 08173 08060 08543 10241 11268 12412 13682 15228 15227 15033 18461 19871 '19808 18466 ;19872 22125 23635 23636 01404 13686 15030 16583 16587 03062 19400 01204 .02168 Description GL Code Number Reconveyance DT-730446 Horton 214 4941 ApriL 29 2002 TotaL for PA Housing Rehab Project Officiate 'ApriL FooL' tournam 852 4150 Scorekeeping 'ApriL FooL' tour 852 4150 Officiate 'ApriL FooL' tournam 852 4150 Scorekeeping 'ApriL FooL' tour 852 4150 Officiate 'ApriL FooL' tournam 852 4150 Officiate 'ApriL FooL' tournam 852 4150 Scorekeeping 'ApriL FooL' tour 852 4150 Scorekeeping 'ApriL FooL' tour 852 4150 Reimburse Spring Break program 854 34760020 Officiating 'ApriL FooL' tourn 852 4150 Scorekeeping 'ApriL FooL' tour 852 4150 Officiating 'ApriL FooL' tourn 852 4150 Officiating 'ApriL FooL' toUrn 852 4150 Officiating 'April FooL' tourn 852 4150 Officiating 'ApriL FooL' tourn 852 4150 Officiating 'ApriL FooL' tourn 852 4150 Officiating 'ApriL FooL' tourn 852 4150 Scorekeeping 'April Fool' tour 852 4150 Scorekeeping 'ApriL FooL' tour 852 4150 Scorekeeping 'ApriL FooL' tour 852 4150 Ornaments 854 3101 Artist flower pot 854 3101 Scorekeeping 'April FooL' tour 852 4150 Officiating 'ApriL Fool' tourn 852 4150 Officiating 'ApriL FooL' tourn 852 4150 Scorekeeping 'April Fool' tour 852 4150 Officiating 'ApriL FooL' tourn 852 4150 Officiating 'ApriL FooL' tourn 852 4150 Officiating 'ApriL FooL' tourn 852 4150 Officiating 'April FooL' tourn 852 4150 04-05 AT&T biLLing 49208770 854 4210 04-05 AT&T biLLing 49208598 854 4210 Refund Soccer League fee 851 34760020 Paper 854 3101 Sc~apbook class,suppLies 854 4150 Food-BB tournament officiaLs 8523101 Spring Break suppLies-Rengiil 854 3101 Supplies-Rengiil 854 3101 Ink cartridge-Cottam 854 3101 Photo processing-CoLe 852 3101 Food for BB officiaLs-Peterson 852 3101 Food for BB officials-Peterson 852 3101 Reimburse fishing derby prizes 854 3101 Punch,cookies,cups 854 3101 Condiments-Kids Fishing Derby 854 3101 ~~iments-Kids Fishing Dertiy 854 3101 Renew ASAFieLd Owner Ins-2002 851 4150 Page 11 Amount 50.00 50.00 240.00 85.00 160.00 20.00 260.00 70.00 104.00 70.00 150.00 300.00 156.00 260.00 300.00 100.00 330.00 140.00 280.00 70.00 80.00 40.00 40.90 16.88 157.00 160.00 260.00 75.00 160.00 240.00 160.00 180.00 8.41 8.64 25.00 4.37 630.00 62.43 12.87 1.98 30.26 8.24 37.47 43.19 299.06 11. 98 5.25 6.63 1,000.00 02/04/29-13:54 Fnd Opt Check Number 186 0008 310 0007 314 0007 316 0008 327 0007 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE Vendor Name 69680 Jim's Pharmacy Clnc) 69688 NRPA 69694 Oncourt Offcourt Inc 69698 Peninsula Bottling Co. Inc. 69732 Ziese, Judy 69491 Angeles Millwork CHECK REGISTER Date From 04/06/2002 To 04/26/2002 Vendor Number 10020 . 14524 15232 16071 26224 01073 69437 Northwestern Territories Inc. 14017 69477 Wiss Janney Eistner Assoc Inc 23619 69522 Flint Trading Inc. 06156 69576 Pen Print Inc 16009 69643 ASCE Geotechnical Group 01538 69649 Aldergrove Construction Inc. 01286 69650 All Weather HeatingCooling Inc 01060 69660 Clallam Co Treasurer 69491 Angeles Millwork 69479 Zenovic & Associates 69692 Olympic Design Works Inc PS 03075 01073 26216 15193 401 69412 Franco, Christy 06319 69413 Freih, Jason 06320 69416 Hahn, Herman 08486 69428 Kirkwood, John 11269 69435 Niagra Conservation Corp 14126 69450 Rivett, Rick 18467 69461 Thanem, Courtney 20341 69468 Warne, Cynthia 23639 69475 Western States Electric Inc. 23025 69531 Jaco Analytical Laboratory Inc 10233 69535 Kemmotsu, Ryoji 11202 Description Gloves, ice packs Risk Management School-Cole Stopl i ght cones Fishing Derby refreshments Refund class fees Apri l 29 2002 GL Code Number 854 3101 850 4310 851 3101 854 3101 853 34760020 Total for Recreational Activities Fund Concrete mix, spray paint,spike 873 3101 Enamel 873 3101 Page 12 . Amount 15.62 395.00 47.95 105.00 60.00 7,484.13 81.62 3.68 Total for Waterfront Trail Fund 85.30 Slide repair-Ennis Street Prof svcs 03-20 Fire station roof pe 03-03 Pavement marking materials Firestation reports Spring Seminar-Gloor proj 6.0 Release retainage Changed filters,checked unit 792 4150 783 4150 783 4150 792 6510 783 3101 783 4310 783 6510 783 4810 Total for Capital Improvement Fund Weed control-2002 taxes Weed control-2002 taxes 715 4950 715 4950 Lumber,hinges Total for Property Management Fund 860 3101 6,250.00 953.75 990.00 4,484.15 80.34 115.00 '.:. 15,330.27 8.08 940.31 948.39 17.70 Total for Lincoln Park Improvement Fund 17.70 South Lincoln pe 03-25 Consultant fees, documents 796 4150 796 4150 Total for Carnegie Library Utility deposit rfd-098990035 401 2391200 Utility deposit rfd-044415017 401 2391200 Utility deposit rfd-004243024 401 2391200 Utility deposit rfd-035408032 401 2391200 Outlet switches, rain gauge kit 401 2370000 Utility deposit rfd-005479028 401 2391200 Utility deposit rfd-011720025 401 2391200 Utility ovrpmt rfd-011720027 401 1222200 Utility deposit rfd-033049006 401 2391200 Clamps,brackets,connectors 401 1411000 Pins 401 1411000 ~~ling accessory kit 401 2370000 Utility deposit rfd-081400037 401 2391200 816.58 11,293.50 12,110.08 112.63 58.18 122.38 35.46 31.24- 125.00 50.03 2. 377.65 405.76 33.48- 106.93 ,---- 02/04/29-13:54 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE April 29 2002 . CHECK REGISTER Date From 04/06/2002 To 04/26/2002 Fnd Opt Check Number Vendor Number Description GL Code Number Vendor Name 69548 McMahon, Christopher & Suzanne 13685 Utility deposit rfd-118583020 401 2391200 69612 Sorenson, Donna 19874 Utility overpmt rfd-088412005 401 1222200 69639 Western States Electric Inc. 23025 Arrestor 401 1414000 Arrestor 401 1411000 69652 American Safety Utility Corp. 01348 Truck bucket 401 2370000 69673 General Pacific Inc. 07034 Vector connectors 401 1414000 Vector connectors 401 1411000 69679 Jaco Analytical Laboratory Inc 10233 Sales tax adjustment 401 2370000 69702 Ploudre, Laura 16395 Utility deposit rfd-040495014 401 2391200 69708 Quill corporation 17000 Ink cartridge, correction tape 401 2370000 Total for Department 0009 69420 High Tide Seafood 08064 Refund pole, transformer instal 911 39700000 69424 JPMorganChase 16421 Dues-AssnEnergy Eng 915 4901 Dues-Nat Assn Telecom Offcrs 915 4901 69435 Niagra Conservation Corp 14126 Outlet switches, rain gauge kit 915 4410 69444 parsinen Landscape Maintenance 16258 March maintenance 911 4810 69449 Qwest 21001 04-02 Qwest billing 911 4210 69452 Rohlinger Enterprises Inc. 18087 Clean, test hotsticks 911 4810 . Recondition telepoles,shotguns 911 4810 69453 Sanderson Safety Supply Co. 19048 Cross brace,power cell 911 3120 69455 Sears Commercial One 19109 Tool box 911 3501 69465 WESCO Distribution Inc. 23150 Transformer ground strip 911 4810 Socket wrenches 911 3501 69475 Western States Electric Inc. 23025 Brackets 911 3402 Pliers,cutter,back rest,belt 911 3501 Safety line hook 911 3501 69478 Xerox corporation 24001 DC220SS lease,copies February 911 4530 69481 AT&T Wireless Services 01404 04-02 AT&T billing 44625127 911 4210 03-27 AT&T billing 48531602 911 4210 04-02 AT&T billing 44690139 911 4210 04-02 AT&T billing 45528387 911 4210 04-02 AT&T billing 45570652 911 4210 04-05 AT&T billing 49335938. 911 4210 69482 Ace Equipment Company 01055 Pulley,rope,labor 911 4810 69483 Advanced Travel 01090 Kajfasz to Durham 03-27 915 4310 69491 Angeles Millwork 01073 Zip strip spray 911 4810 Hex nut,washers,plastic 2x4 911 4810 Nails 911 3402 Moulding,screws, lumber 911 4810 69493 Blake Sand & Gravel Inc 02045 Jet set 911 3402 69505 Cornell Auto Parts 03092 Disc 911 3501 Wax 911 3120 PVC grommet 911 3402 . Trim spray,connector 911 4810 Spray paint,primer 911 4810 Undercoat 911 4810 Paint 911 3101 a,r clean 911 4810 69511 Diversified Resource Center 04052 Janitorial services-March 911 4810 Page 13 Amount 129.20 103.48 489.60 69.02 5.77- 768.00 6c.98 31.84 41.58 6.50- 3,287.67 4,539.19 155.00 355.00 412.21 1,532.11 64.92 567.76 1,811.65 940.08 17.30 217.00 254. 17 149.32 201.50 195.41 340.50 8.56 57.78 8.56 13.65 23.32 236.32 34.00 115.00 90.76 34.05 10.26 338.50 50.85 3.37 6.81 3.67 17.59 10.12 3.52 4.22 12.12 175.10 02/04/29-13:54 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE April 29 2002 Page 14 CHECK REGISTER . Date From 04/06/2002 To 04/26/2002 Fnd Opt Check Vendor Vendor Description Gl Code Amount Number Name Number Number 69527 Hartnagel Building Supply Inc. 08052 Paint 911 4810 4.48 Trash container 911 3120 19.22 Bit holder 911 3501 2.71 69531 Jaco Analytical laboratory Inc 10233 Sampling accessory kit 911 4810 441. 73 69537 l & l Tool Specialties 12035 Files,chisel 911 3501 36.05 69549 Metropolitan Communications 13568 Community Telecom Planning 2 911 4150 10,946.86 69551 Middleton Auto and Truck Inc. 13117 Grommet,terminal,hitch pin 911 3402 14.41 Wrench,wire stripper 911 3501 65.46 Grommets 911 4810 4.46 Decals 911 3120 7.57 69556 NWPPA '1' 14013 Education-ESM Daily 915 4310 375.00 69570 Olympic Stationers Inc. 15030 3M flags,dividers,pens,paper 911 3101 37.87 Purchase order book 911 3101 5.73 Rediform 911 3101 114.52 Cl ip boards 911 3120 32.46 Clip boards 911 4810 45.87 Stamper 911 3120 8.71 Rolodex,folders 911 3120 33.43 Paint pens 911 3120 17.18 labels 911 3120 105. 12 Business card file,pen 911 3101 1~. Clip boards 911 4810 69571 Pacific Office Equipment Inc. 16004 Printer repair 911 4810 31.38 69587 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 Call out 4/14 Brkfst~Wahto 911 4810 19.00 Cat! out 4/14 Brkfst-Raemer 911 4810 19.00 Callout 4/14 Brkfst-Beckett 911 4810 9.50 Callout 4/14 Brkfst-Row!ey 9114810 19.00 Call out 4/14 Brkfst-Drake 911 4810 19.00 Callout 4/14 Brkfst-Marks 911 4810 19.00 Callout 4/14 Brkfst-O'Donne!l 911 4810 9.50 Callout 4/14 Brkfst-Shay 911 4810 19.00 69589 Port Angeles Power Equipment 16122 Fuel cap, weed eater supplies 911 3501 37.06 69598 Radio Pacific Inc. 11019 KONP commercials March 915 4410 504.00 69600 Richmond 2-Way Radio 18009 Panavise,bracket 911 4210 31.03 Credit panavise 911 4210 21. 98- Bracket 911 4210 58.42 Charge guard,pedestal 911 4210 144.98 69605 Sanderson Safety Supply Co. 19048 Sensor 911 3120 329.17 69616 Sunset Do-It Best Hardware 19035 Nut ny!ock,f!at washer 911 3402 4.33 Bolt,f!at washer,nylock 911 3402 3.90 Cord 911 3501 37.32 Oil 911 3501 2.79 69618 Swain's General Store Inc. 19037 Bag of foam 911 4810 5.27 Carpet tape 911 3120 2.35 Carpet tape 911 3120 2.35 Butane,toaster oven 911 4810 ~. Velcro 911 3120 69621 Thurman Supply 20005 Sewer and drain pipe 911 3402 30.58 Adapter,box,bushing,nipple 911 4810 6.28 69626 United Parcel Service 21005 2t()ping charges March 911 4210 5.01 Shipping charges March 911 4210 39.09 02/04/29-13:54 City of Port Angeles - livE MACHINE April 29 2002 Page 15 . CHECK REGISTER Date From 04/06/2002 To 04/26/2002 Fnd Opt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount Number Name Number Number Shipping charges March 911 4210 4.84 69636 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 March scan charges 911 4210 25.97 69637 Washington (DRS), State of 23141 Statewide pensioners March 911 2030 200. 16 69639 Western States Electric Inc. 23025 Back rest,support belt 911 3501 107.66 Hooks,tool bag 911 3501 441.29 Freight charges-015382-0150211 911 4210 44.37 69652 American Safety Utility Corp. 01348 . Truck bucket 911 3101 38.06 69660 Clallam Co Treasurer 03075 Weed control-2002 tax 911 4950 1.63 69661 Clearing Up: Newsdata Corp 03126 Service renewal to 7/31/02 911 4901 1,148.93 69673 General Pacific Inc. 07034 Light pole covers 911 4810 222.89 69677 IMSA NW Section 2002 Conf. 09098 Signals I Registration-Oman 911 4310 85.00 Signals II Registration-Marks 911 4310 85.00 Signals II Registration-Shay 911 4310 85.00 69689 NWPPA '14013 February Safety Training 911 4150 1,592.76 'Different Watts,Spots' 915 4310 195.00 March safety training 911 4150 1,592.76 69693 Olympic Synthetic Products 15'064 Slings 911 3501 89.76 69707 Public Utility Dist Clallam Co 16038 04-15 SR101 & Euclid 911 3350 16.18 04-19 Lauridsen Blvd & L St 911 3350 19.78 4-10 Woodhaven-Golf Course Rd 911 3350 15.81 . 69708 Quill Corporation 17000 Ink cartridge, correction tape 911 3101 85.75 69709 Qwest 21001 04-14 Qwest billing 911 4210 325.27 04-14 Qwest billing 911 4210 40.46 69713 Sanderson Safety Supply Co. 19048 'L itebox' 911 3120 150.93 Stand,flag yoke,crossbase 911 3501 664.52 69730 Winstead Sechrest & Minick PC 23610 Cable renewal matter pe 3-31 911 4150 135.58 69731 Zee Medical Service Co. 26005 Antacids,towlettes,gloves 911 3120 203.79 Total for Light 34,532.26 Total for Li ght Fund 37,819.93 402 69559 Nurnberg Scientific 14092 Autoclave tape 402 2370000 1.62- 69592 Quality Control Services Inc. 17005 Calibrate lab equipment 402 2370000 54.39- 69667 Duke Products 04150 Transducer 402 2370000 21.13- Total for Department 77.14- 0007 69424 JPMorganChase 16421 Water pump 793 3501 1,321.38 69425 WWCPA Secretary-Treasurer 23216 Sewer Maint Registration-Owens 754 4310 90.00 69440 Olympic Chemical Corporation 15117 Sodium bisulfite 754 3120 1,130.93 69445 Port Angeles Marine Supply 16103 Pump 753 3402 139.15 69481 AT&T Wireless Services 01404 04-02 AT&T billing 43263680 753 4210 4.53 69483 Advanced Travel 01090 Raymond to Clackamas 03-25 754 4310 411.56 Waldron to Clackamas 03-25 754 4310 411.56 . Richmond to Clackamas 03-25 754 4310 411. 56 Sperr to Tacoma 03-27 794 4310 85.00 Divelbiss-Bellingham 03-25 754 4310 187.80 69485 Anderson & Sons Gravel 01443 Crushed gravel 753 3402 757.40 69487 Angeles Concrete Products 01070 itr}rete 754 3120 803.39 Crushed rock 753 3402 5,882.05 I I I 02/04/29-13:54 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE Fnd Dpt Check Number Vendor Name 69488 Angeles Electric Inc. 69491 Angeles Millwork 69493 Blake Sand & Gravel Inc 69496 Brown and Caldwell 69511 Diversified Resource Center 69517 Familian NW 69518 Ferrellgas Clnc) 69527 Hartnagel Building supply Inc. 69533 K & L supply Inc. 69543 Lincoln Industrial Corp. 69559 Nurnberg Scientific 69565 Olympic Paper Company 69568 Olympic Springs Inc. 69570 Olympic Stationers Inc. 69571 Pacific Office Equipment Inc. 69572 Pacific Office Furniture 69579 peninsula Daily News 69585 Pettit Oil Company 69587 Port Angeles City Treasurer 69589 Port Angeles Power Equipment CHECK REGISTER Date From 04/06/2002 To 04/26/2002 Vendor Number 01071 01073 02045 02057 04052 06020 06024 08052 11010 12047 14092 15111 15029 15030 16004 16518 16012 16302 03062 16122 Description GL Code Number Water treatment generator 754 6510 Concrete seal 753 3402 Batteries 753 3402 Elwha pilot proj-Rope,tarp 793 6510 Battery 753 3120 Concrete fixall 753 4810 Concrete fixall 753 4810 Lumber 753 4810 Wedge, toggle bolts,nails 753 4810 Door,jamb,hinges 753 4810 Credit window 753 4810 Window 753 4810 Paint roller 753 4810 Concrete mix 753 3402 Professional svcs pe 03-29-02 794 4150 Professional svcs pe 03-29-02 794 4150 Janitorial services-March 753 4810 Sewage pump 754 3120 Propane 754 3120 Pilot proj-Lumber,hex lag 793 6510 Deodorizer,soap,gloves,pails 754 3120 Shims for new generator 754 3120 Meter sticks 753 3402 Glass tubes 754 3120 Autoclave tape 754 3120 Towels,tissue 753 3120 Liquid chlorine 753 3105 Liquid chlorine 753 3105 Paper towels 754 3120 Toi let bowl 754 3120 Water,cups 754 3120 Cooler rental 75~ 3120 3M flags,dividers,pens,paper 753 3101 Floppy disc 753 3101 Binders,folders,envelopes 753 3101 Memo book,staples,binder clips 754 3101 Hang folders, legal pads 754 3101 Pens 753 3101 color cartridges 754 3101 Cell phone 754 4210 Service cell phone 754 4210 April lease agree-NGR03174 754 4150 Table 793 6510 Notice-water system plan 793 4210 Diesel fuel, fuel conditioner 754 3211 Heating fuel 754 3211 CDL Renewal-Owens 754 4310 Disposable camera-Waldron 754 3101 Postage-Young 754 3101 ~ir saw,spring 753 3402 coupler 753 3402 April 292002 Page 16 . Amount 10,051.77 10.26 23.80 32.11 46.24 10.79 10.79 79.14 8.65 479.33 106.04- 48.69 4.10 36.01 28,902.48 212.02 77.83 1,960.58 106.05 ~ 3,3,. 4.06 240.97 21.42 120.20 178.96 178.96 71.78 49.09 23.41 21.53 37.87 16.85 35.49 32.16 24.84 38.27 95.82 108.19 78.44 477.17 27.05 17.20 659.87 5. 9.89 10.97 31.88 100.20 02/04/29-13:54 I 021 ~- Fnd Opt Check Number ::!' City of Port Ange~es, - LIVE MACHINE Vendor Name CH[CK REGISTER DateAFrom~04/06/2002 !o 04/26/2002 Vendor.r Description Number GL Code Number 04-11 billing-203 Reservoir~Rd 753 4710 Calibrate lab equipment 754 4150 04-02 Qwest billing 754 4210 04-02 Qwest billing 7544210' 04-08 Qwest billing 754 4210 04-10 Qwest billing 7534210 L . Phone c~rds, j atcks ,"~ 793 6510 h j Pha~e II scada ,system 753,2.5\0. Switches,roller arm I 7533492. Paint 754 3120 . " ~pp~C?l adaptEtl", " 754 ..~12.0 Nipple 754 3120 " J ,.Battery 753 ,3.120 Cold roll round 754,3120 O-ring 793 6510 1 Hose,lifting strap 7543120 o ring 753 3402 7...: 190371, * 'Ii Ladder,bulb 753 3402 ,;;Glo~es " ~ .153 3120 Cul~ivator,coveralls 754 3120 v;' J 1Coupler ~ ,7~4, 31.20 i('" " "I[" .Hip boots .753..3120 A r ,'i .,Water ~)"(,i4 t120 1 Rule tape ? fl 754~3120 Tape I,. 753,3101 " Wing nuts, lamp holder j & 753 ~402 , Sl,Imp pumpw 0.123 3402 A ,Sump pump switch 0 7543120 . Galvaniz~d nipple,bell re;lucer 754 }120 ~ Clamp,bushing,recept~cle plate 793 6~10 Brass bushing 753 3402 Shipping charge~ March 754 4210 Shipping~ch~rges March 753 4210 Shipping charges March 753 4210 March locates 753 4150 March locates 754 4150 Prof svcs-Locate water leaks 753 4810 March scan charges 753 4210 March scan charges 754 4210 04-15 AT&T billing 753 4210 04-02 AT&T billing 46031977 753 4210 Fi l ters Ii 753.31~0 Silver testing 754 4810 DOT Physical-Owens 754 4310 DOT Physical-Flores 753 4310 , Transducer 753 3402 Pl~nts,fertilizer 753 3120 ~p Annual dues-Young #3081762 754 4901 04-23 Crown.Z Water Rd 753 4710 2134 Qwest ,!;Ii lling 754,4210 '04-14 Qwest billing 753 4210 69590 Public Utility~Dist Clallam Co 16038 69592 Quality Control Services Inc. 17005 69593 Qwest 21001 69599 RadioShack Accounts Receivable 18003 69604 S & B Inc. 19040 69616 Sunset 00- I t Best Hardware '" ~ 19035J;) !.t. 69618 '''~ Swain's General Store Inc. 1-"'\ J, 69621 Thurman Supply ~ 69626 United Parcel~Service '.r 'l~ ~, ~ 20005 21005 69629 Utilities Underground Loc Ctr 21010 69630 Utility Services Associates 21021 69636 Washington (DIS), State of j.' 23111 4\ 69644 69645 69650 69651 69663 (~'y ~': 69667 69675 69690 69707 69709 AT&T Business Service AT&T Wireless Services All Weather HeatingCooling AmTest Inc..' CliniCare of PA Inc. "",,: 01085 01404 Inc 01060 01034 03080 Duke Products 04150 Gross's Nursery-Florist 07023 NationaV'Groundwater Assn 14488 Public Utility Dist Clallam Co 16038 Qwest 21001 ~ "AI 'l.:;'; ,;. April 29 2002 ,i) t' :i> <.' ~~H r'1 .If ([ t~ )~ .. ~, ~!;, .\ ~ <: ~t, Page 17 I ~ Amount ,<, 72.74 717.66 39.35 39.00 37.76 516.94 22.25 2,453.76 762.26 4.21 57.01 .75 43.49 11.79 3.85 119.53 2.86 39.98 34.44 76.54 5.13 75.60 14.69 11.76 4.30 9.55 143.85 17.53 9.69 11. 00 16.89 25.98 14.66 6.66 10.45 10.45 3,960.00 '1~3.90 19.81 44.71 20.75 56.26 17.00 72.00 72.00 278.74 45.03 105.00 17.83 46.47 23.23 1. 02/04/29-13: 54 City of Port Angeles - liVE MACHINE CHECK REGISTER Date From 04/06/2002 To 04/26/2002 Fnd Dpt Check Number Vendor Name Vendor Number 69518 Ferrellgas (Inc) 06024 69526 H & R Parts & Equipment Inc. 08045 69529 Heartline, The 08054 69534 Kaman Industrial Technologies 11082 69539 les Schwab Tire Center (City) 19459 69540 les Schwab TireCtr-Solid Waste 19755 69543 lincoln Industrial Corp. 12047 69545 Craft, Don 03424 69551 Middleton Auto and Truck Inc. 13117 Description Propane Credit cores Core credits lined shoes,cores,pin kits Brake shoes,cores Battery Battery Bearings Tire,balance Tire,balance Dismount,mount,balance Dismount,mount,balance Dismount,mount,balance Dismount,mount,balance Flat repai r Flat repair Tires,casings,wheel switch Tires,casings,wheel switch Tires,casings,wheel switch Tire,valve Tire,valve Cutting services Flat bar Angle Test leads Impact wrench Anti-rust Oil fi l ter Belt Spark plug Bushing kit Terminals,oil filters,bushing Cable tie Bracket Scot seal V belt Seal beam Gasket maker, gaskets Credit air filter Bushing Core deposit,wipers Belt Oil filter Wiper blades Filters,lockwash,halogen bulb Belt Belt Belt Credit belts 14' bulb lamps Gl Code Number 760 3212 760 3402 760 3402 760 3402 760 3402 760 3402 760 3402 760 3402 760 3110 760 4810 760 4810 760 4810 760 4810 760 4810 760 4810 760 3402 760 3110 760 4810 760 3402 760 3110 760 3402 760 3402 760 3402 760 3402 760 3402 760 3501 760 3402 760 3402 760 3402 760 3402 760 3402 760 3402 760 3402 760 3402 760 3402 760 3402 760 3402 760 3402 760 3402 760 3402 760 3402 760 3402 760 3402 760 3402 760 3402 760 3402 760 3402 760 3402 760 3402 760 3402 760 3402 April 29 2002 Page 22 .--\ tount) Amount 266.01 108.20- 108.20- 231. 25 250.81 49.72 50.80 185.55 55.41 9.73 48.69 59.51 24.35 48.69 72.43 19.94 493.95 69.92 264.69 347.91 439\ 'I...s..) 8_13 58.33 35.98 162.30 2.48 15.29 19.36 3.16 26.44 41. 83 11.12 11.66 29.24 24.32 26.44 49.08 5.83- 2.45 110.31 19.36 8.02 6.61 245.65 22.-'=" iY.21\ \'.34) 22.97 42.19- 96.21 106.90 02/04/29-13:54 City of Port Angeles - . Fnd Opt Check Number Vendor Name 69555 N C Machinery Co. 69558 Novus Windshield Repair . 69563 Olympic Laundry & Clnrs Inc. 69570 Olympic Stationers Inc. 69572 Pacific Office Furniture 69573 Pape' Machinery #21 69585 Pettit Oil Company . MACHINE CHECK REGISTER Date From 04/06/2002 To 04/26/2002 Vendor Number 14001 14206 15026 15030 16518 19023 16302 Description GL Code Number Filters 760 3402 Credit core deposit 760 3101 Nuts,screws,washers 760 3402 Adapter kit 760 3402 Knob 760 3402 Hose 760 3402 Thinner 760 3402 Window handle 760 3402 Window handle 760 3402 Airchucks 760 3402 Filters,plugs,cleaner 760 3402 Starter,core deposit 760 3402 Credit core deposit 760 3101 Grease 760 3402 Gasket 760 3402 Gaskets,seals,washers;bolts 760 3402 Fuel cap 760 3402 Adapter kit 760 3402 Windshield repair 760 4810 Windshield repair 760 4810 Windshield,labor,primer 7604810 Windshield repair,mirror 760 3402 Windshield repair,mirror 760 3402 Windshield repair,mirror 760 4810 March laundry services #241 760 4990 3M flags,dividers,pens,paper 760 3101 Binders, folders, envelopes 760 3101 Staple remover,file,pads,clips 760 3101 Chair 760 3101 Bolts,washers,nut locks 760 3402 Absorber,cutting edge 760 3402 EC01 March gasoline 760 3210 EC07 March diesel 760 3211 EC09 March gasoline 760 3210 EC12 March gasoline 760 3210 EC15 March gasoline 760 3210 EC18 March gasoline 760 3210 EC21 March gasoline 760 3210 EC27 March gasoline 760 3210 EC28 March gasoline 7603210 EC30 March gasoline 7603210 Ec40 March gasoline 760 3210 EC41 March gasoline 760 3210 EC42 March gasoline 760 3210 EC43 March gasoline 7603210 EC44 March gasoline 760 3210 EC45 March gasoline 760 3210 EQ46 March gasoline 760 3210 EQ47 March gasoline 760 3210 !t~ March gasoline 760 3210 EQ65 March gasoline 760 3210 April 29 2002 Page 23 Amount 71. 30 29.76- 49.56 35.24 3.09 2.42 15.44 12.17 12.37 18.99 287.12 175 . 22 53.56- 8.55 15.61 199.76 50.61 27.84 37.87 37.87 425 . 17 268.28 21.64 37.87 235.84 37.87 35.48 29.26 74.66 34.56 744.66 6.45 26.04 36.12 11.81 50.87 33.99 45.00 41. 89 34.86 101.00 96.06 60.18 51. 79 153.57 92.39 47.38 51.36 116.76 40.57 41.93 02/04/29-13:54 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE April 29 2002 Page 24 CHECK REGISTER . Date From 04/06/2002 To 04/26/2002 Fnd Opt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount Number Name Number Number EQ66 March gasoline 760 3210 161.51 EQ70 March gasoline 760 3210 172.90 EQ73 March gasoline 760 3210 205 . 72 EQ77 March gasoline 760 3210 50.24 EQ78 March gasoline 760 3210 47.21 EQ80 March gasoline 760 3210 74.13 EQ81 March gasoline 760 3210 39.94 EQ82 March gasoline 760 3210 90.22 EQ83 March gasoline 760 3120 97.46 EQ84 March gasoline 760 3210 101.43 EQ85 March gasoline 760 3210 38.91 EQ86 March gasoline 760 3210 64.16 EQ87 March gasoline 760 3210 135.46 EQ88 March gasoline 760 3210 61.26 EQ89 March gasoline 760 3210 73.52 EQ90 March gasoline 760 3210 28.18 EQ95 March gasoline 760 3210 53.67 EQ96 March gasoline 760 3210 49.33 EQ136 March gasoline 760 3210 22.37 EQ138 March gasoline 760 3210 ~I EQ143 March diesel 760 3211 EQ148 March gasoline 760 3210 1 . EQ151 March gasoline 760 3210 31.81 EQ191 March gasoline 760 3210 34.16 69587 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 Dry ice-Burrett 760 4150 12.17 Title fees-Burrett 760 4150 9.50 69591 Quality 4x4 Truck supply 17006 Blade 7603402 322.19 69597 Race Street Auto Parts 18048 Heater core 760 3402 41.88 Cap rotor 760 3402 25.67 Joint repair kit 760 3402 10.85 69603 Ruddell Auto Mall 18019 Switch 760 3402 6.01 69616 Sunset Do-It Best Hardware 19035 Holesaw 760 3501 31. 04 Strap 760 3402 2.36 Oxygen, shackle 760 3402 68.07 Oxygen, shackle 760 3101 40.23 O-ring,bolt,lockwash 760 3402 13.41 Rollers,pins,bushings 760 3402 67.63 Threaded rod 760 3402 22.69 Grind wheel 760 3402 5.60 Blades 760 3402 47.78 Blades 760 3402 47.78 Blades 760 3402 47.78 Cylinder rentals 760 3101 28.40 Quad rings, o-rings 760 3402 6.12 69618 Swain's General Store Inc. 19037 PVC tubing 760 3402 95.92 69620 Territorial supplies Inc. 20001 Siren,strobe kit,flasher,lense 760 6410 1,~. Switch box 760 6410 Screen transfer kits,panels 760 6410 275 . 15 Strobes 760 6410 161.34 SOkstik 760 6410 926.61 69621 Thurman Supply 20005 Hose 760 3402 19.37 02/04/29-13:54 . Fnd Dpt Check Number 502 0002 . 503 0001 . 69622 69626 69636 69659 69671 69703 69704 69705 69709 69722 City of Port Angeles - LIvE MACHINE Vendor Name Turbo Diesel Register United Parcel Service Washington (DIS), State of Chevron USA (Credit Card pmts) Frontier Ford Points Sharp Steel Inc. Port Angeles Auto Glass Port Angeles Ford Lincoln Qwest Tranco Transmissions Inc. 69384 AVAYA INC 69409 Dungeness Comm & Design 69570 Olympic Stationers Inc. 69571 Pacific Office Equipment Inc. 69587 Port Angeles City Treasurer 69618 Swain's General Store Inc. 69636 Washington (DIS), State of 69709 Qwest 69403 Clapshaw, Michael 69431 Love, Rhonda 69470 Washington (PERS), State of 69506 Cypress Island Inc 69520 Fitness West I Inc 69524 Gates Service Company, Frank 69618 Swain's General Store Inc. 69623 UNUM Life Ins Co of America 69638 Washington (PERS), State of 69647 AWC Employee Benefit Trust 69665 Curves for Women 69674 Gordy's Pizza & Pasta 69718 Soelter, Clint and Sydney CHECK REGISTER Date From 04/06/2002 To 04/26/2002 Vendor Number 20304 21005 23111 03060 06321 16092 16021 16158 21001 20036 12215 04210 15030 16004 03062 19037 23111 21001 03655 12413 23638 03659 06306 07208 19037 21000 23638 01231 03618 07272 19875 Description Subscription renewal 3130169 Shipping charges March March scan charges Gasoline Ford Victoria Police car Ford Victoria Police car Asphalt cutters,point Glass Air pump check valve 04-14 Qwest billing Gasket,filter assembly, fluid Gasket,filter assembly, fluid GL Code Number 760 3101 760 4810 760 4210 760 3210 760 6410 760 6410 760 3402 760 3402 760 3402 760 4210 760 4810 760 3402 April 29 2002 Total for Public Works Total for Equipment Services Fund 04-02 AVAYA billing 2504210 March maintenance 250 4150 Paper punches, tape dispenser 250 3101 Touch tape, eraser board supply 250 3101 Interface PCI serial port 250 4810 Clamps-O'Neill 250 4810 Bulk Fasteners-O'Neill 250 4810 Power cord-O'Neill 250 4810 Keyboard-O'Neill 2504810 Extension cord, phone adapte~ 250 4810 Microsoft software 250 4800 Microsoft software licenses 250 4800 March scan charges 250 4210 04-14 Qwest billing 250 4210 Total for Information Technology Fund Debris removal Partial claim settlement Word 2000 class.White Word 2000 class-White Claim settlement Membership-Kenyon Worker's Camp-2nd quarter Jacket Jacket May premium 0103248 Excel 2000,PageMaker classes-W May premium-medical May premium-life ins May premium-retirees Membership-Miller 253648 !;~ty committee lunch Claim settlement #02-09 119 4999 119 4999 118 4150 118 4992 119 4999 121 4150 118 4140 118 4909 118 4909 121 4631 118 4150 121 4630 121 4632 121 4634 121 4150 118 4909 119 4999 Page 25 Amount 37.87 14.11 5.30 21.02 23,337.85 23,337.85 18.99 17.33 23.48 23.23 174.68 23.66 88,634.96 95,510.48 1,474.11 235.00 12.96 70.24 51.94 7.70 4.28 3.21 21.10 15.63 65.09 652.09 9.50 69.70 2,692.55 56.80 1,936.65 95.00 95.00 357.22 632.97 2,500.00 61.53 61.53 2,349.80 215.00 82,722.20 1,308.64 5,583.65 365.72 95.45 2,349.91 02/04/29-13:54 Fnd Opt Check Number 602 0002 652 0008 698 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE Vendor Name 69720 Summit Law Group PLLC 69729 Weight Watchers 674165426 Healthcare Mgt Administrators CHECK REGISTER Date From 04/06/2002 To 04/26/2002 Vendor Number 19437 23640 08492 689173677 Healthcare Mgt Administrators 08492 69647 AWC Employee Benefit Trust 69498 Camera Corner 69636 Washington (DIS), State of 69660 Clallam Co Treasurer 69709 Qwest 69429 69443 69515 69521 69560 69561 69624 69627 69632 69633 69719 LEOFF PERS Washington (Unemp), State of Flex-Plan Services (Payroll) Office of Support Enforcement Office of Support Enforcement US Department of Education United Way (payroll) Volunteer Fire Association WSCFF/Employee Benefit Trust States West Life Insurance Co. 01231 03044 23111 03075 21001 12043 16016 23178 06062 15072 15166 21075 21028 22060 23628 19313 Description Labor representation pe 03-31 11 WW city participants 04-02 Weekly claims pd by EFT 04-09 Weekly claims pd by EFT 04-16 Weekly claims pd by EFT April 29 2002 GL Code Number 118 4150 121 4150 117 4601 117 4601 117 4601 Total for Self - Insurance Fund May premium"Firemen's pension 225 4635 Total for Firemen's Pension Fund Sl ides Slide processing March scan charges Weed control-2002 tax 04-14 Qwest billing 04-14 Qwest billing 868 3101 868 3101 868 4210 868 4950 868 4210 868 4210 Total for Esther Webster Trust Fund March contributions March contributions Payroll deductions pe 04-14 Payroll dedcutions pe 04-14 Payroll deductions pe 04-14 Payroll deductions pe 04-14 Payroll deductions pe 04-14 Payroll deductions pe 04/14 Payroll deductions pe 04-14 Payroll deductions pe 04-14 May premium 698 2315120 698 2315130 698 2315210 698 2315210 698 2315210 698 2315210 698 2315210 698 2315240 698 2315210 698 2315210 698 2315160 Total for Accounts Payable Clearing Fund 52 Grand Total Page 26 . Amount 236.50 1,749.00 517.00 3,580.10 1,258.40 108,128.07 2,687.95 2,687.95 8.39 8.39 23.42 1.63 23.23 61.27 12~ 17,07" 24,465.90 296.53 950.96 824.96 181.38 69.41 414.56 42.00 1,425.00 553.40 46,294.19 865,835.53 . . . . Fund 401 04-23-02 401 04-22-02 Finance Department Electronic Payments April 06, 2002 - April 26, 2002 WPPSS March Transmission Bill Avista March Power Purchase 206,459.00 170.524.80 Total 376,983.80 C: \ WINNT\Profiles\Administrator\Personal\ Wires. wpd 53 . 55 . . . 56 iu--------- . . . FORTANGELES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: May 7, 2002 MAYOR WIGGINS AND CITY COUNCIL / YVONNE ZIOMKOWSKI, FINANCE DIRECTOR \\VO TRAVEL EXCEEDING $1,5000 - HTE USERS CONFERENCE To: FROM: SUBJECT: Summary: The Council has approved, and the Mayor has signed, the contractto purchase a new financial software system from HTE, Inc. However, before installation begins, it is important that at least one representative of the Information Technology staff attend an HTE Users Conference which will be held in Orlando, Florida. Recommendation: Staff recommends Council approve the costs for the conference attendance. Back~round / Analvsis: At its meeting of March 19,2002, the City Council voted to approve the contract with HTE, Inc. for the purchase of a new financial software system. The implementation process has begun and it is very timely that the annual HTE Users conference will be held June 3 -7, 2002, in Orlando, Florida. Jim Harper, System Coordinator, is the co-chair of the new financial software implementation committee. His attendance at this conference will be beneficial to the project implementation, as it will provide him with the tools and knowledge necessary to help ensure a smooth transition between systems. This five-day conference/workshop will provide insight into other HTE installations and will also give Jim the opportunity to network with other users of the software, and develop user contacts, which could prove invaluable should questions and/or problems arise during installation/implementation. Attached is a list of the various classes/workshops which will be held during the conference and a brief summary of the information that will be provided. The following is a breakdown of expenses for the class: Class Session Lodging - 5 nights Airfare Meals Shuttle to Airport $325 900 400 252 60 $1937 57 The total cost of approximately $2000 was included in the project management budget. HUG 2002 Conference - Session Descriptions The following table contains the time, date, session title, room, and session description for the 2002 HUG Conference. You may sort the table by clicking anywhere on the table, then choose "Table" on the menu bar, and "Sort" from the drop-down. A box will appear that will allow you to select the column to sort on - as posted the Table is currently sorted by date (column 1). Be aware that "PE" and "Application Forums" have changed from previous years. PE stands for Product Enhancement and will cover changes in the next release. Application Forum will include discussion of Enhancement Requests that were entered and will be voted on after the conference. Note: Document is set up for Landscape printinf! on 8 % x 11 paper. At the end of this document is a second table containinf! definitions of Acronvms used in the first table. Date Time Session Location Description Sunday, June 2 8:00 AM Golf Tournament Pre-Conference Golf Tournament at Disney World Magnolia course, site of the PGA National Car Rental Event. Information, and link to registration page, available at HUG web site WWW.huainc.ora. Sundav, June 2 3:00-5:00 PM Early Registration Sundav, June 2 5:00-6:00 PM Welcome Reception Mondav, June 3 8:00 AM-l:00 PM Registration Monday, June 3 9:00-10:00 AM Orientation For 1 st_ Time Attendees (l st of 3) Coronado M Pre-Conference orientation for first-time attendees. 0 & A about sessions and tour of facilities. Monday, June 3 10:00-11 :00 AM Orientation For 1 st-Time Attendeei72"" of3) Coronado N Pre-Conference orientation for first-time attendees. 0 &A about sessions and tour of facilities. Monday, June 3 ll:OOAM -12:00 Orientation For 1st-Time Attendees (3'" oD) Coronado M Pre-Conference orientation for first-time attendees. Q & A about sessions and tour of facilities. PM Vendor Exhibit Coronado H HTE and HTE V AR and several ofHTE's Business Partners, such as Georgraphic Technologies; Wallace, Jacada, DDSI, Stromberg, Creditron, RVI, and Acorn, will provide displays and information that you can examine at your own pace. Vendor exhibit hours are: Monday 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Tuesday 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. ...- Wednesday 7:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. ~une3 1 :00-3 :00 PM Opening Session Coronado J, K, L Monday, June 3 3:30-5:00 PM PR Budget WS (1st of2) Coronado C, D, E This session will focus on the entire Payroll budgeting functions from setting up budget libraries to updating the general ledger. Special emphasis will be on creating projection reports and avoiding common procedure errors. This class is not only designed for the first time users but also the experienced users that need a 'refresher'. Monday, June 3 3:30-5:00 PM MDB WS (1st of2) Coronado F, G This workshop provides a technical presentation ofHTE's most powerful wireless product offering, Mobile Data Browser (MDB). Participants will gain an understanding of how the application handles dispatches from CAD, car-to-car messaging, state and federal inquiries/responses (tag check; NCIC, etc.), as well as providing "roll call" information to officers. During the session, we will also cover system requirements, wireless network support, interfaces to CAD400, CAD V, and HTE's new Message Switch. Monday, June 3 3:30-5:00 PM LG Dispatch (1st of2) Coronado M, N, P This session provides an overview of how LG Dispatch helps map and visualize active CAD call activity. Monday, June 3 3:30-5:00 PM GMBA Cash Reconciliation WS (1st of2) Coronado R, S This workshop will focus on the bank reconciliation process and the tools available in GMBA to facilitate the reconciliation of cash balances. Monday, June 3 3:30-5:00 PM CitySoft NT Mgt Briefing (I of 1) Coronado T This session will be led by the HTE Vice President or Director with the major responsibility within this area. Topics may include the function of the product, progress made, shortcomings, and goals for this vear. Monday, June 3 3:30-5:00 PM HTE Executive Briefing (1st of2) Fiesta 5 Members ofHTE's executive management team will give a company update including organization structure, new roles within the structure, and a technology overview. A question and answer session will follow. Monday, June 3 3:30-5:00 PM CX Intro WS (I" of2) Fiesta 6 This workshop is intended for new or novice users of CIS. We will provide training on basic CIS functions and concepts, including delinquencies, penalties, collection processing. It will also include an overview of the CX file structure for auerving purposes.. Monday, June 3 3:30-5:00 PM Appraisal Plus WS (1 st of 2) Fiesta 10 This appraisal and assessment workshop will explore advanced options including available interfaces, user calculations, system controls, print file configuration and update processes. This expanded session will also explain the options for income and expense valuation. Monday, June 3 3:30-5:00 PM TX Balance WS (1st of2) Monterrev 3 This workshop will offer recommendations for balancing the Tax BiIlinl! apolication monthly and . . . . . balancing the to the general ledger. This wilI include hands-on practice using balancing reports, tips for their use, and a auestions and answer session on balancing. Monday, June 3 3:30-5:00 PM NaviLine Lab (1" of3) Yucatan 3 The NaviLine series of HTE software applications has been designed to take advantage of common Windows navigation features. Blending the functionality ofHTE software applications and the Lab is by pre-registration only - lab is full advantages of a graphical interface facilitates greater ease in initiating and completing application tasks. This session provides hands on access to the NaviLine product and reviews the navigation techniques that are global to the product as compared to a traditional green screen application.. Scripts wilI be provided that highlight the different applications and how the navigation techniques are used. Monday, June 3 3:30-5:00 PM Case Mgt WS (I" of2) Baja This workshop wilI discuss the administrator's role in setting up and using the major enhancements in release 6.0. A review of the CAD400 reports and file structure wilI also be taught. There wilI also be a question and answer session at the end. Monday, June 3 3:30-5:00 PM Jalan Courts WS (1 of 1) Acapulco This workshop wilI present an overall of the functionality of the Jalan Courts Case Management System as well as some of the new features implemented in the application. The interests of the attendees wi1\ determine other topics. Monday, June 3 6:00-10:00 PM HTE Reception Coronado J, K, L Key West Party - Please come and join us for an evening of festive foods, beverages, and an electric mix of performers that wilI entertain vou throughout the evening. Tuesday, June 4 7:00-8:30 AM Registration and Continental Breakfast Coronado J, K, L Tuesday, June 4 8:30-10:00 AM GM Budgeting WS (1 of I) Coronado A, B GMBA's budgeting menu provides the ability to monitor the budget preparation process from the intial request to the adoption ofthe approved budget. This workshop presents an overview of the budgeting menu options with emphasis on budget estimate entry, budget copy/merge/clear, budget projections and budget soreadsheets. Tuesday, June 4 8:30-10:00 AM IBM iSeries Business & Strategic Initiatives Coronado C, D, E IBM's Vice President of Marketing Operations, Kimberly Stevenson, wi1\ provide an iSeries (1" of2) product update and roadmap, "powering up with power4, OS/400 and iSeries". A question and answer session wilI follow. Tuesday, June 4 8:30-10:00 AM Wireless Web Sync WS (I" of2) Coronado F, G Ever wish you could update all laptops in the field without bringing them in? How about send updates to all PC on your LAN without visiting each one? Well that's exactly what Wireless Web (JI SynC does for you. Come see how this can make LAN administration a breeze. Tue~une 4 8:30-10:00 AM CCWS(I"of2) Coronado M, N, P This session wilI concentrate on the following CRIMES Records Management topics: User- defined case print reports, alpha table codes, IBR workflow, UCR audit report enhancements, name consolidations, incident suoolements, and case management enhancements. Tuesday, June 4 8:30-10:00 AM Distribution Load Process (1 II of 2) Coronado R, S The distribution and loading of HTE software applications involve Implementer. Implementer is the change control software used by HTE. The distribution process includes HTE loading the appropriate level of software application programs onto tape or other media and your organization loading the programs from the media onto your iSeries machine. The media used to store the software application programs arrives a few weeks before your organization is scheduled to load the programs. This course explains the processes and tasks involved to successfully load HTE software application programs onto your machine and reduce common issues arising during the loading process. Topics that are discussed include updating the implementer receiver, working with the delivery tape, maintaining environments, and verifying that the load was a success. At the completion of this course, attendees wilI be able to: . Update the implementer receiver . Enroll the delivery tape . Set up an environment for multiple libraries . Set up an environment for test . Remove environments no longer needed from the system . Work with the delivery tape to complete the load . Verify that the installation and update was a success This session is targeted to employees responsible for performing the installation or upgrade of HTE software applications . Tuesday, June 4 8:30-10:00 AM CitySoft NT Fixed Assets/Gen Accounting (1 Coronado T This workshop is an overview of the .General Accounting System and SQL Fixed Asset Inventory of 1) System. It wilI focus on requisitioning to purchase ordering through accounts payable check processing. We wilI highlight the seamless interface between the General Accounting System and Fixed Assets. Tuesdav, June 4 8:30-10:00 AM QReo Advanced WS (1 of I) Fiesta 3, 4 Experienced QRep users and administrators can learn about new suooort ootions, Imoromptu version 7 deolovment and reporting tips and techniaues. Tuesday, June 4 8:30-10:00 AM Support Operations Mgt Briefing (I of I) Fiesta 5 This session will review the current Support Operations Organization, the Quality Assurance orocess and discuss the goals and obiectives of the !!fouo. Tuesday, June 4 8:30-10:00 AM Overall Integration (I It of 2) Fiesta 6 This session will cover the changes that are underway to general ledger account reconcilliation, drilldown, and common customer requirements. Cross application enhancement requests will also be covered. Tuesday, June 4 8:30-10:00 AM PI WS (I" of2) Fiesta 8, 9 The application workshop will provide an open forum or "question and answer" session related to the PI application. Whereas other conference sessions are committed to predetermined topics, this workshop allows time for users to ask questions of the presenter as well as of other users about how they handle different processes within the software. This session is intended to provide information and orocess sharing amone: users. Tuesday, June 4 8:30-10:00 AM MR Integration WS (I of I) Monterrey I This workshop will provide a high level discussion on .the integration of Accounts Receivable with HTE's accounting and other applications that use AR for billing. These applications include Building Permits, Case Management, Parking Tickets, Tax Billing, and Work OrdersJFacility Mana!!ement. Tuesday, June 4 8:30-10:00 AM TX Billing WS (I" of 2) Monterrey 3 The Tax Billing workshop will discuss answers to the most commonly asked questions about the HTE Tax Billing application. Other areas of discussion will include tax sale, lien processing and bank drafting. Tuesday, June 4 8:30-10:00 AM Jalan Mgt Briefing (1st of2) Yucatan 2 Tuesday, June 4 8:30-10:00 AM DMS Lab (I" of3) Yucatan 3 The participant will learn how to: . Convert an existing OfficeVision document to an MS Word document. Lab is by pre-registration only -lab is full . Add bookmarks to an MS Word document. . Produce an MS Word document in one of three anolications - CS, CE or CX. Tuesday, June 4 8:30-10:00 AM Fires WS (l"of2) Baja This workshop will cover the new Training Module within the Fires Management System. It will include how to work with rosters to set up certifications, forecasting PTO, and forecasting for minimum manning requirements. Also included will be the department log procedures for adding no. new personnel. A general auestion/answer session will also be available at the end of the session. TuesGJune 4 8:30-10:00 AM Jalan Courts California Certification WS (1 of Acapulco This session will be of particular interest to Court customers from the State of California. Various 1) requirements must be added to our system for us to be certified. We will show some of the features added so far and discuss others that must be made. Tuesday, June 4 10:15-11:45 AM FM Billing WS (1st of2) Coronado A, B This workshop will present an in depth look at the fleet billing process and its interface to the General Ledger system. This session is designed to educate users to be able to trouble shoot any perceived billing problems. This session should be attended by fleet managers and financial staff resoonsible for reviewine: or maintaining fleet billing information. Tuesday, June 4 10:15-11:45 AM PR Budget WS (2nd of2) Coronado C, D, E This session will focus on the entire Payroll budgeting functions from setting up budget libraries to updating the general ledger. Special emphasis will be on creating projection reports and avoiding common procedure errors. This class is not only designed for the first time users but also the exoerienced users that need a 'refresher'. Tuesday, June 4 10:15-11:45 AM FRI/FRA WS (1" of 2) Coronado F, G This session provides an explanation of the administrative processes and application design of the Field Reporting system for law enforcement. Participants will receive guidance in creating, managing, and exporting reports to the Cr\mes Records Management System. The first half of the class will focus on the life cycle of a report from the data entry process to its rejection/approval. The second half of the class will include: Crimes Management system field reporting interface, AS/400 job integration programs, screen configuration uti8lity, user security and table/picklist maintenance. Tuesday, June 4 10:15-11:45 AM GMlProject Accounting WS (1 of 1) Coronado M, N, P Tuesday, June 4 10:15-11:45 AM iSeries System Administration in the HIE Coronado R, S The session provides instruction on how to administrate the iSeries in the HTE environment. Environment (1" of 2) Attendees learn iSeries Menu and command usage, job control, message handling, job scheduling, and basic backup and recovery procedures. This class also provides a basic overview of obtaining and loadine: IBM PTF's and license code upgrades. Tuesday, June 4 10:15-11:45 AM CitySoft NT HR WS (I of 1) Coronado T This workshop will focus on the Demographic screens and the Training component of the SQL Human Resources application. We will demonstrate the complete process of the Training module from settin!! un a course catalog to creating classes and e-mailine: oarticioants. Tuesdav, June 4 10:15-11 :45 AM Click2Gov WS (l" of 2) Fiesta 3, 4 During this workshoo we will discuss the benefits ofInternet Citizen-2-Govemment (C2G) and . . . . . Business-2-Government (B2G) transactions. A demonstration of existing and emerging applications and an architectural overview will be included. We will also outline the implementation cycle for C2G, the developments in the e-government market, and HTE's product offeriUlz. Tuesday, June 4 10:15-11:45 AM GMBA Cash Reconciliation WS (2nd of2) Fiesta 5 This workshop will focus on the bank reconciliation process and the tools available in GMBA to facilitate the reconciliation of cash balances. Tuesday, June 4 10:15-11:45 AM Public Safety & Justice Product Mgt Briefing Fiesta 6 This session will be led by Del King, Vice President of Public Safety & Justice. Topics may (1st of2) include the function of Public Safety & Justice products, progress made, shortcomings, and goals for this vear. Tuesday, June 4 10:15-11:45 AM Menu Driver Introductory WS (I of I) Fiesta 8, 9 This workshop is to demonstrate the initial setup and implementation ofHTE's Menu Driver. The topics will include accessing the Menu/Security Options Menu, setting up application codes, establishing the Htegpl general user authorities, creating users, creating user groups, and annlication laver snecific additional security. Tuesday, June 4 10:15-11:45 AM Appraisal Plus WS (2nd of 2) Fiesta 10 This appraisal and assessment workshop will explore advanced options including available interfaces, user calculations, system controls, print file configuration and update processes. This exnanded session will also explain the options for income and expense valuation. Tuesday, June 4 10:15-11:45 AM LX PE (1" of2) Monterrey 3 Reyiew of the uncoming release Tuesday, June 4 10:15-11:45 AM LG Lab (I" of3) Yucatan 3 Experience how the LookingGlass applications bring together GIS and HTE application data for visualization and analysis. Lab is by pre-registration only -lab is full Tuesday, June 4 10:15-11:45 AM NaviLine for Public Safety Cancun This session will provide a demonstration ofHTE's NaviLine Public Safety applications. The demonstration will include CAD400, Crimes, and Fires. Tuesday, June 4 10:15-11:45 AM Case Mgt WS (2no of 2) Baja This workshop will discuss the administrator's role in setting up and using the major enhancements in release 6.0. A review of the CAD400 reports and file structure will also be taught. There will also be a ouestion and answer session at the end. TuesdB;.JUne 4 10:15-11:45 AM Justice System Connectivity WS (I. of I) Acapulco Join this session to learn about HTE's fully integrated Justice System. This suite of applications includes the following systems: Jails, Courts, Prosecutors, Public Defenders, Return of Service, --I Probation, Enhanced Accounting and Jury Management. We will review the justice case processing components and demonstrate how our integrated products easily allow for the tracking of all case participants as the case moves through the judicial system. We will also show integration with HTE's Crimes system, including interfaces to the Jail, Courts, and Prosecutor systems. Financial transactions in the Court, Return of Service and Enhanced Accountinl! can also be passed to HTE's financial systems (GMBA or INFISYS). Tuesday, June 4 11:45-1:15 PM Lunch Coronado J, K, L Deli Stvle Lunch Tuesday, June 4 1:15-2:15 PM FM Schedule Maintenance WS (I of I) Coronado A, B This workshop will present an in depth look at the FM schedule maintenance process. We will review the correct method to set up a maintenance schedule, as well as how equipment is selected. The workshop will cover information that drives the scheduling process and outline the best methods for accurate scheduling, how to create a scheduling period, and work with the preliminary schedule. All FM users should attend this workshop, even those who have been using the schedule maintenance nrocess. Tuesday, June 4 1:15-2:15 PM Test Environment WS (I" of2) Coronado C, D, E This session will provide detailed instruction in creating a test environment for green screen and GUI users. Session includes the library and menu driver setup, load processing and testing and refreshinl! the data. Tuesday, June 4 1:15-2:15 PM CADV Application Forum (I" of2) Coronado F, G Information on a variety of application-related topics, which may include open discussion on the requested enhancements for the upcoming year, HTE's product management direction, and a l!eneral ouestion and answer session. Tuesday, June 4 1:15-2:15 PM CAD400 Application Forum (I" of 2) Coronado M, N, P Information on a variety of application-related topics, which may include open discussion on the requested enhancements for the upcoming year, HTE's product management direction, and a l!eneral ouestion and answer session. Tuesday, June 4 1:15-2:15 PM IBM iSeries Trends and Directions (I of 1) Coronado Q Technology is ever changing and to keep up with the pace, this session will discuss where IBM stands technically with the iSeries 400 and where IBM is looking to be in the future. Discussion will involve the latest IBM announcements and how these announcements may affect the iSeries hardware and software running on your system. Tuesday, June 4 1:15-2:15 PM LG Crimes () ,. of 2) Coronado R, S This session provides an overview of how LO Crimes helps map, visualize and analyze incident activity . Tuesday, June 4 1:15-2:15 PM CitySoft NT Payroll WS (I of I) Coronado T Tuesday, June 4 1:15-2:15 PM MyHTE Overview (I" of2) Fiesta 3, 4 This session takes you on a tour through MyHTE. Y ou'll see the features that exist today as well as a preview of enhancements coming online this summer. Whether you're a veteran user of MyHTE or just curious about this FREE online support service, you'll want to attend this informative session. Tuesday, June 4 1:15-2:15 PM GM PE 0" of2) Fiesta 5 Review of the uocoming release Tuesday, June 4 1:15-2:15 PM CX WS - Print Bill to File (I of 1) Fiesta 6 This workshop will go over the feature of the CIS system that allows the bill print to produce a file that can be used to generate a bill print from a third party solution. It will include a handout of the files. Tuesday, June 4 1:15-2:15 PM Facility Management User-led (I of 1) Fiesta 8, 9 A look at the Facility Management side of Work OrderslFacility Management using the example of water back-flow preventor testing program and billing options for charging the customers for tests through the MR or CX system. Full set-uo walk through Tuesday, June 4 1:15-2:15 PM ADDraisal Plus PE (I" of 2) Fiesta 10 Review of the uDcoming release Tuesday, June 4 1:15-2:15 PM Accounting/PR Integration WS (1st of2) Monterrey I This workshop will focus on the integration between HTE's accounting products and the HTE Pavrol1/Personnel aDolication. Tuesday, June 4 1:15-2:15 PM TX Application Forum (1 of 1) Monterrey 3 Information on a variety of application-related topics, which may include open discussion on the requested enhancements for the upcoming year, HTE's product management direction, and a l!eneral auestion and answer session. Tuesday, June 4 1:15-2:15 PM LX Integration WS (I of I) Yucatan 1 This workshop will discuss how HTE's LandlParcei Management (LX) application interacts with HTE's other land-based aoolications. Tuesday, June 4 1:15-2:15 PM DMS Overview (1st of2) Yucatan 2 This session will cover the basics of DMS including how DMS works and which applications use DMS. This session will also cover the DMS installation process on the iSeries and the document server. Tuesday, June 4 1:15-2:15 PM Case Mgt Application Forum (I of 1) Baja Information on a variety of application-related topics, which may include open discussion on the requested enhancements for the upcoming year, HTE's product management direction, and a - general auestion and answer session. Tues<jlSJune 4 1:15-2:15 PM Jalan DA (prosecutor) WS (I of I) Acapulco This workshop presents an overview of new features in the Prosecutor (DA) System for Jalan customers. The discussion includes enhancements and fixes for the Prosecutor application. An overview ofDMS caoabilitv is included. Tuesday, June 4 2:30-3:30 PM IBM iSeries Business & Strategic Initiative Coronado C, D, E IBM's Vice President of Marketing Operations, Kimberly Stevenson, will provide an iSeries (2nd of 2) product update and roadmap, "powering up with power4, OS/400 and iSeries". A question and answer session will follow. Tuesday, June 4 2:30-3:30 PM HTE Message Switch Application Forum (I't Coronado F, G Information on a variety of application-related topics, which may include open discussion on the of2) requested enhancements for the upcoming year, HTE's product management direction, and a l!eneral auestion and answer session. Tuesday, June 4 2:30-3:30 PM CC Application Forum (I st of2) Coronado M, N, P Information on a variety of application-related topics, which may include open discussion on the requested enhancements for the upcoming year, HTE's product management direction, and a general auestion and answer session. Tuesday, June 4 2:30-3:30 PM IBM Maintenance and Education: What You Coronado Q Pat Grant from HTE V AR, LLC will discuss cost saving techniques for IBM Maintenance and Should Know (1 of I) Education. Find out what is available to you and if you are getting the best value for your money when it comes to Maintenance and Education. Tuesday, June 4 2:30-3:30 PM Online & Printed Help Overview (I" of2) Coronado R, S HTE's Online Help is packed with step-by-step information, overviews of features, and great tips. It can answer many of your questions about your HTE applications. Come learn how to use online help, to see what forms or online documentation are available, and how you can acquire the various forms of documentation. Tuesday, June 4 2:30-3:30 PM CitySoft NT Student Admin System WS (1 of Coronado T This workshop is an overview ofSQL Student Administration Systems. \) Tuesday, June 4 2:30-3:30 PM GM Advanced WS - Pool Equity Fund Fiesta 5 This workshop, intended for experienced users of GMBA, presents an in depth discussion of Processing (1 of 1) pooled equity fund processing including system control parameters, bank code definitions, transaction Drocessing, and disbursement nrocessin17. Tuesday, June 4 2:30-3:30 PM CX PE (1st of2) Fiesta 6 Review of the upcoming release Tuesday, June 4 2:30-3:30 PM Future of QRep (1 It of 2) Fiesta 8, 9 This session will provide an overview of new QRep catalog features, data analysis via PowerPlay and discussion of browser based reporting. Tuesday, June 4 2:30-3:30 PM Aooraisal Plus PE (2nd of2) Fiesta 10 Review of the UDCOmiDlZ release . . . . . . Tuesday, June 4 2:30-3:30 PM Account Management Overview (1st of2) Monterrey 1 This session will provide information about HTE's Account Management Team, formally known c as Customer Care. The session will review how the Account Management Team functions in coordination with the application teams, Support, Sales & Marketing, and Administration to ensure the highest level of satisfaction among our customer base - part of the added value to your organization's support maintenance. We will also review the monitoring of the Account Management "Hot Line", notification of customer process and procedure changes, management of escalated issues, tracking of customer satisfaction, and assistance to Sales. The session will then be ooen to I!eneral Questions and answers. Tuesday, June 4 2:30-3:30 PM Unifying the NaviLine Desktop Environment Monterrey 2 Implement a consistent look and feel across your entire application suite. Learn how Jacada (I of!) simplifies achieving a unified desktop look for virtually any application. Utilizing the same development tools that HTE employed to develop NaviLine, Jacada creates a productive, more efficient work environment. . Tuesday, June 4 2:30-3:30 PM TX PETl of f) Monterrev 3 Review of the uDcoming release Tuesday, June 4 2:30-3:30 PM BP PE (Ist of2) Yucatan I Review of the uocoming release Tuesday, June 4 2:30-3:30 PM CR Application Forum (I of I) Yucatan 2 Information on a variety of application-related topics, which may include open discussion on the requested enhancements for the upcoming year, HTE's product management direction, and a I!eneral Questiori and answer session. Tuesday, June 4 2:30-3:30 PM DMS Phase II (I" of2) Cancun This session will cover planned enhancements to the DMS product. A demonstration of new functions will be given. The session will also include a general discussion of possible future erihancements to the product. Tuesday, June 4 2:30-3:30 PM Fires App Forum (1'1 of2) Baja Information on a variety of application-related topics, which may include open discussion on the requested erihancements for the upcoming year, HTE's product management direction, and a I!eneral Question and answer session. Tuesday, June 4 2:30-3:30 PM Jalan ROS App Forum (1 of 1) Acapulco Information on a variety of application-related topics, which may include open discussion on the requested enhancements for the upcoming year, HTE's product management direction, and a I!eneral ouestion and answer session. Tuesday, June 4 3:45-4:45 PM Distribution Direction (1 st of 2) Coronado A, B This session will provide an overview of the planned development direction for the HTE load ~ process (MKS Release Management). It will also discuss the development plans for viewing ~ currently available HTE PTFs through the Internet. This session will conclude with an open forum . to discuss distribution related issues and topics. Tuesday, June 4 3:45-4:45 PM Technology Directions Briefing (I of 1) Coronado C, D, E Tuesday, June 4 3:45-4:45 PM MOB Application Forum (I" of 2) Coronado F, G Information on a variety of application-related topics, which may include open discussion on the requested enhancements for the upcoming year, HTE's product management direction, and a general ouestion and answer session. Tuesday, June 4 3:45-4:45 PM CCPEo. of 1) Coronado M, N, P Review of the uDcoming release Tuesday, June 4 3:45-4:45 PM PDA for Public Safety Overview (1st of3) Coronado Q PDA Functionality for PS&J will be demonstrated for both the CAD400 and CADY dispatch systems as well as a prototype of the Fires PDA functionality. These sessions will cover both existinl! functionality as well as solicit input for future erihancements. Tuesday, June 4 3:45-4:45 PM HUG Purpose & Direction, Website, Coronado R, S Learn what the HUG (HTE Users' Group) Board is planning for the organization including Discussion Groups (1 st of 4) changes to the web site. Find out how the Discussion Groups can help you share information quickly with hundreds of users in other organizations. Bring your ideas on how HUG can be improved. Tuesday, June 4 3:45-4:45 PM HTE Training Initiatives Overview (1st of3) Fiesta 3, 4 This session focuses on the training and development services provided by HTE. Topics covered include current implementation training methods, web-based training classes, on demand recorded classes, HTE Electronic Learning Pass (HELP), continuing education opportunities, Registrar, and future training goals. The session will provide the opportunity for attendees to provide feedback and suggestions related to HTE's training and development orocesses and future endeavors. Tuesday, June 4 3:45-4:45 PM GM PE (2"cf oel) Fiesta 5 Review of the uocoming release Tuesday, June 4 3:45-4:45 PM CX WS - Controls & Codes (I of I) Fiesta 6 This is a basic level presentation of the file maintenance menu that will include codes set up, svstem control and system rules. Tuesday, June 4 3:45-4:45 PM MyHTE Security Erihancements (1st of2) Fiesta 8, 9 With MyHTE's new role-based security feature, you can tailor MyHTE for each user in your organization. This session, designed primarily for system administrators, will provide an overview of this oowerful new feature. Tuesday, June 4 3:45-4:45 PM Appraisal Plus Application Forum (1 of 1) Fiesta 10 Information on a variety of application-related topics, which may include open discussion on the reouested erihancements for the upcoming year, HTE's product management direction, and a general Question and answer session. Tuesdav, June 4 3:45-4:45 PM PRPE (1" of 2) Monterrey I Review of the uDcoming release Tuesday, June 4 3:45-4:45 PM PZ PE (I of I) Monterrey 3 Review oCthe uDcoming release Tuesday, June 4 3:45-4:45 PM FM Application Forum (I of I) Yucatan 1 Information on a variety of application-related topics, which may include open discussion on the requested enhancements for the upcoming year, HTE's product management direction, and a I!eneral auestion and answer session. Tuesday, June 4 3:45-4:45 PM MR Application Forum (1 of I) Yucatan 2 Information on a variety of application-related topics, which may include open discussion on the requested enhancements for the upcoming year, HTE's product management direction, and a general Question and answer session. Tuesday, June 4 3:45-4:45 PM NaviLine Phase II (I" of2) Cancun Tuesdav, June 4 3:45-4:45 PM Fires PE (1 " of 2) Baia Review of the uDcoming release Tuesday, June 4 3:45-4:45 PM Jury Mgt WS (1 of 1) Acapulco This session wiII provide an overview of the Jury Management system. We will discuss the - various features and future direction of the product. Additional discussions will be determined by the interest of the attendees. Tuesday, June 4 6:30-10:30 PM HUG Off-Site Event at Arabian Nights Buses will be Transportation departing the Coronado Springs at 6:30 p.m. The show begins at 7:30 p.m. and ends immediately outside at approximately 9:30 p.m. During the show, you will be served dinner, which includes salad, the Coronado ballroom entree, dessert, and unlimited beverages (beer, wine, sodas, coffee and tea). After, we will have a area. private reception for networking with entertainment. Cost is $44 per person. Purchase tickets through on-line registration at HUG web site www.hu"inc.orl! Wednesday, June 5 7:00-8:00 AM Registration and Continental Breakfast Coronado J, K, L Wednesday, June 5 8:00-9:30 AM Activity Based Costing WS (I of I) Coronado A, B This workshop will provide an overview and discussion opportunity for customers using the Work Orders, Accounting, Payroll and Purchasing applications in an integrated environment to derive costing information based on activities, projects, and accounts. Useful reports will be reviewed as well. Wednesday, June 5 8:00-9:30 AM CR WS -Part I (I of I) Coronado C, D, E This workshop is intended for the users of CR that are responsible for the setup and installation of all hardware for the cash receipting stations. We will demonstrate setting up a typical Cash ~ Receipts workstation c.onfiguration. Typical configuration will include a PC connected to a cash drawer, orinter, and scanner. Wednef<I'ay, June 5 8:00-9:30 AM Demographic Profiling Overview (I" of2) Coronado F, G Many states are now mandating departments capture data concerning racial profiling. This session wiII cover existing racial profiling applications and show a prototype of what's on the drawing board. Wednesday, June 5 8:00-9:30 AM PI Application Forum (I of I) Coronado M, N, P Information on a variety of application-related topics, which may include open discussion on the requested enhancements for the upcoming year, HTE's product management direction, and a I!eneral auestion and answer session. Wednesday, June 5 8:00-9:30 AM System Admin Security (I" of2) Coronado R, S This class focuses on controlling user access to database files through ODBC, FTP, and Client Access File Transfer. Topics include an overview of iSeries security concepts and instruction in the use of a utility that changes ownership of objects and builds authorization lists. Additional topics include instructions for setting up the Implementer-Receiver load environment to retain all security changes. Wednesday, June 5 8:00-9:30 AM Click2Gov WS (2nd of2) Fiesta 3,4 During this workshop we wiII discuss the benefits orInternet Citizen-2-Govemment (C2G) and Business-2-Government (B2G) transactions. A demonstration of existing and emerging applications and an architectural overview wiII be included. We will also outline the implementation cycle for C2G, the developments in the e-government market, and HTE's product offering. Wednesday, June 5 8:00-9:30 AM Implementation Services Mgt Briefing (I of I) Fiesta 5 Overview of current and future service deliveries for new implementations as well as the continuing education and refinement for installed customers. WiII discuss expanded service offerings including web-based training, business analysis, preconfiguration and specialized consulting that allows customers to maximize their existing investment in HTE. A question and answer session will follow the presentation. Wednesday, June 5 8:00-9:30 AM CX Intro WS (2nd of2) Fiesta 6 This workshop is intended for new or novice users of CIS. We will provide training on basic CIS functions and concepts, including delinquencies, penalties, collection processing. It wiII also include an overview of the CX file structure for auervinl! ourposes.. Wednesday, June 5 8:00-9:30 AM Menu Driver Advanced WS (I of I) Fiesta 8, 9 The session wiII focus on customization techniques such as creating user functions, user menus, cODyinl!: a menu to substitute a Main Menu, user selection menu for multiDle aDolication entities. /( . . . . . .' Wednesday, June 5 8:00-9:30 AM AccountinglPR Integration WS (2nd of2) Monterrey I This workshop will focus on the integration between HTE's accounting products and the HTE PavrolllPersonnel aoolication. Wednesday, June 5 8:00-9:30 AM TX Billing WS (2nd of2) Monterrey 3 The Tax Billing workshop will discuss answers to the most commonly asked questions about the HTE Tax Billing application. Other areas of discussion will include tax sale, lien processing and bank draftinl!. Wednesday, June 5 8:00-9:30 AM Document Imaging, Spoolfile Report Mgt (l Yucatan I . An interesting look at Document Imaging and related technology in today's HTE client site. An of 1) educational and informative focus on how to plan for a system, sample budget overview of associated costs, descriptions of how govemment sites are using Imaging, Forms Processing, Spool file Report Management (COLD) and workflow in today's modern HTE enhanced operations. General overview ofHTE's Image enabled Application interfaces and how they enhance and simplify manpower and cost requirements. A new look at HTE's Naviline Image Interface. A general discussion with open questions and answers will be provided if time allows. There will be a Document Imaging COLD Report Management booth provided in the Vendor display area (see HUG conference guide for schedule). Wednesday, June 5 8:00-9:30 AM BPWS(lofl) Yucatan 2 This workshop is intended for new or novice users ofBP. We will provide a general overview of the BP application and review frequently asked questions. Ample time will be provided to answer ouestions about the use of BP. Wednesday, June 5 8:00-9:30 AM NaviLine Lab (2no 00) Yucatan 3 The NaviLine series of HTE software applications has been designed to take advantage of common Windows navigation features. Blending the functionality ofHTE software applications and the Lab is by pre-registration only - lab is full advantages of a graphical interface facilitates greater ease in initiating and completing application tasks. This session provides hands on access to the NaviLine product and reviews the navigation techniques that are global to the product as compared to a traditional green screen application.. Scripts will be provided that highlight the different applicatioI1s and how the navigation techniques are used. Wednesday, June 5 8:00-9:30 AM Fires QRep WS (1 of 1) Baja This workshop presents an overview of QRep for FIRES/EMS customers with this easy-to-use approach to query generation and introduces three levels of report writing. The discussion includes ~ report writing performance tips such as storing query results on the PC, using the file index, and monitorinl! resnonse time during reoort design. Wednesday, June 5 8:00-9:30 AM Jalan Enhanced Accounting WS (1 of 1) Acapulco This workshop will present some of the features available with the enhanced accounting system; such as setting priority on financial codes, cutting check to individuals, and trust monies that can be held and later aoolied to details. The interests of the attendees will determine other tooics. Wednesday, June 5 9:45-11:15 AM ISeries Printer Configuration & Management Coronado A, B Printer configuration and management for the iSeries is a detailed process. This course provides (1st of2) information on how to configure printers using three connection types: Twin ax cable, TCP/IP (*LAN attached printers) and using Client Access. Discussions also focus on working with printer devices, remote output queues and writers, PJL commands, host print transform and how to use the IBM resources available when selecting new printers. Wednesday, June 5 9:45-11:15 AM CR WS-Part2(1 of 1) Coronado C, D, E This workshop is intended for the new or novice users of CR. We will provide a general overview of the CR aoolication and answer any Questions about the use of CR. Wednesday, June 5 9:45-11:15 AM ACOM Presents Real-World Case Studies (1 Coronado F, G This session demonstrates how HTE users are streamlining document output and delivery from of 1) Finance Systems, Community Service, and Utility Systems with the award-winning EZeDocs for iSeries 400 solution. Wednesday, June 5 9:45-11:15 AM Field Incident Reporting Mobile Entry User- Coronado M, N, P This session will present an interactive entry for the Police Works Paperless Patrol Car process. led (1 of 1) You will see how the City of Fort Walton Beach Police Department enters data in a real-time environment from the patrol car. There will be a live wireless CDPD session to the HTE CADY Dispatch at the City of Fort Walton Beach Police Department along with a live session to the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (DHSMV) for running in-car drivers license ohotograoh retrieval. Wednesday, June 5 9:45-11:15 AM ER Application Forum (1 of 1) Coronado Q Information on a variety of application-related topics, which may include open discussion on the requested enhancements for the upcoming year, HTE's product management direction, and a general ouestion and answer session. Wednesday, June 5 9:45-11:15 AM Distribution Load Process (2nd of 2) Coronado R, S The distribution and loading ofHTE software applications involve Implementer. Implementer is the change control software used by HTE. The distribution process includes HTE loading the appropriate level of software application programs onto tape or other media and your organization loadinl! the oro=s from the media onto your iSeries machine. The media used to store the software application programs arrives a few weeks before your organization is scheduled to load the programs. This course explains the processes and tasks involved to successfully load HTE software application programs onto your machine and reduce common issues arising during the loading process. Topics that are discussed include updating the implementer receiver, working with the delivery tape, maintaining environments, and verifYing that the load was a success. At the completion of this course, attendees will be able to: . Update the implementer receiver . Enroll the delivery tape . Set up an environment for multiple libraries . Set up an environment for test . Remove environments no longer needed from the system . Work with the delivery tape to complete the load . Verify that the installation and update was a success This session is targeted to employees responsible for performing the installation or upgrade ofHTE software annlications Wednesday, June 5 9:45-11:15 AM HTE HR & Web Based Applicant Tracking Coronado T This workshop will provide an overview of the HTE Human Resources (HR) application and. HR WS (I of I) is an SQL server-based graphical application that tracks items such as demographics, skills, academics, test scores, certifications, training, reviews, skills, benefits, infractions, and OSHA. The software provides features such as online queries and reports. It also enables resumes and letters of reference to be linked (using Word and Excel) to each applicant or employee record. It provides user-defined, table-driven fields allowing for virtually unlimited customization of data retention. The current version ofHR integrates with the HTE's Payroll to share d<imographic and position/grade/level information. The next version ofHR will expand the interface features to include attendance, benefits, and salary. Application Tracking is a web-based system that enables applicants to view job postings and apply for positions on the Web. The Application Tracking svstem interfaces with the HR system. Wednesday, June 5 9:45-11:15 AM HTE Support Initiative (I" of2) Fiesta 3, 4 This session will provide information about HTE's ongoing support initiatives, including a review ~ ofMYHTE, support statistics and closed log surveys. In addition, we will review our current ~ ohone menu and orovide an open question and answer forum. Wednesday, June 5 9:45-11:15 AM Financials Year End WS (I" of 2) Fiesta 5 This workshop will provide an overview of fiscal year-end processing with emphasis on HTE's Purchasinl!! Inventorv and GMBA and INFISYS aoolications. Wednesday, June 5 9:45-11:15 AM CX Advanced WS (I sI of2) Fiesta 6 This workshop is intended for experienced CIS users, or for customers who utilize more advanced functions in the system. We will provide training on more complex CIS functions and concepts, including bank drafting in version 6.0 and how the consumption test parameters are calculated and used for the exceotion listing. Wednesday, June 5 9:45-11:15 AM NaviLine Menu Driver Introductory WS (I of Fiesta 8, 9 This workshop is to navigate through the initial setup and implementation ofHTE's Menu Driver. I) The topics will include accessing the Menu/Security Options Menu, application codes review, establishing the Htegpl general user authorities, creating users, modifYing users, creating user groups, and annlication laver soecific additional security. Wednesday, June 5 9:45-11:15 AM PR Introductory WS (I of I) Monterrey I This session will focus on training and set up issues related to the new users of PayrolllPersonnel. This session will include an overall review of the application as well as a question and answer segment. Wednesday, June 5 9:45-11:15 AM TX Balance WS (2nd of 2) Monterrey 3 This workshop will offer recommendations for balancing the Tax Billing application monthly and balancing the to the general ledger. This will include hands-on practice using balancing reports, tips for their use; and a questions and answer session on balancing. Wednesday, June 5 9:45-11:15 AM CE WS (I of I) Yucatan I This workshop is intended for new or novice users of CEo We will provide a general overview of the CE application and review frequently asked questions. Ample time will be provided to answer Questions about the use of CEo Wednesday, June 5 9:45-11:15 AM WF Application Forum (I sI of 2) Yucatan 2 Information on a variety of application-related topics, which may include open discussion on the requested enhancements for the upcoming year, HTE's product management direction, and a general auestion and answer session. Wednesday, June 5 9:45-11:15 AM LG Lab (2no of3) Yucatan 3 Experience how the LookingGlass applications bring together GIS and HTE application data for visualization and analysis. Lab is by pre-registration only -lab is full . . . . . . Wednesday, June 5 9:45-11:15 AM Jalan Jails WS (I of I) Acapulco This workshop presents an overview of new features in the Jail System for Jalan customers. The discussion includes enhancements, fixes and new modules for the single and multiple facility Jail applications. Wednesday, June 5 II :30-12:45 PM Lunch Coronado J, K, L "Not your typical" box lunch Wednesdav, June 5 12:45-1:45 PM CRPE 0" of2) Coronado A, B Review of the upcoming release Wednesday, June 5 12:45-1:45 PM Test Environment WS (2"" of 2) Coronado C, D, E This session will provide detailed instruction in creating a test environment for green screen and GUI users. Session includes the library and menu driver setup, load processing and testing and refreshing the data. Wednesday, June 5 12:45-1:45 PM FRA Application Forum (1st of2) Coronado F, G Information on a variety of application-related topics, which may include open discussion on the requested enhancements for the upcoming year, HTE's product management direction, and a general question and answer session. Wednesday, June 5 12:45-1:45 PM CC/CAD QRep WS (I st of 2) Coronado M, N, P This workshop presents an overview of QRep for CRIMES/CAD customers with an easy-to-use approach to query generation and introduces three levels of report writing. The discussion includes report writing performance tips such as storing query results on the PC, using the file index and monitoring response time during report design. Wednesday, June 5 12:45-1:45 PM Asset Mgt II Advanced User WS (I of I) Coronado R, S This session wi\1 review commonly used features in the Asset Management II application. Other topics include the JavaLine version of the application, user proposed enhancements, and advanced user training on Version 6.0 enhancements. Wednesday, June 5 12:45-1:45 PM MS SQL HR& PR WS (I of 1) Coronado T This workshop will demonstrate the seamless link between the NT SQL Payroll and NT SQL Human Resources applications. Wednesday, June 5 12:45-1:45 PM Global Financials Common Vendor WS (1 of Fiesta 5 This session wi\1 present an overview of the Global Financials (GF) Common Vendor feature, I) including installation, use, and maintenance. Future direction of the application wi\1 also be reviewed. Those customers with purchasing and general ledger applications who are considering the installation of the common vendor feature should attend this session. Some new features in the PurchasimuInventorv svstem will reauire use of the Common Vendor feature. Wednesday, June 5 12:45-1:45 PM CX PE (2'. of2) Fiesta 6 Review of the upcoming release We~day, June 5 12:45-1:45 PM Menu Driver for Public Safety & Qrep for Fiesta 8, 9 . NffiRS User-led (1 of 1) Wedn~day, June 5 12:45-1:45 PM Account Management Overview (2'. of2) Monterrey I This session wi\1 provide information about HTE's Account Management Team, formally known as Customer Care. The session wi\1 review how the Account Management Team functions in coordination with the application teams, Support, Sales & Marketing, and Administration to ensure the highest level of satisfaction among our customer base - part of the added value to your organization's support maintenance. We wi\1 also review the monitoring of the Account Management "Hot Line", notification of customer process and procedure changes, management of escalated issues, tracking of customer satisfaction, and assistance to Sales. The session wi\1 then be open to general questions and answers. Wednesday, June 5 12:45-1:45 PM INFISYS Application Forum Monterrey 3 Information on a variety of application-related topics, which may include open discussion on the requested enhancements for the upcoming year, HTE's product management direction, and a general auestion and answer session. Wednesday, June 5 12:45-1:45 PM PZ WS (1 ofl) Yucatan 1 This workshop is intended for new or novice users of PZ. We will provide a general overview of the PZ application and review frequently asked questions. Ample time will be provided to answer auestions about the use ofPZ. Wednesday, June 5 12:45-1:45 PM LX Application Forum (I of I) Yucatan 2 Information on a variety of application-related topics, which may include open discussion on the requested enhancements for the upcoming year, lITE's product management direction, and a general auestion and answer session. Wednesday, June 5 12:45-1:45 PM NaviLine for Public Safety (2"" 00) Cancun This session will provide a demonstration ofHTE's NaviLine Public Safety applications. The demonstration will include CAD400, Crimes, and Fires. Wednesday, June 5 12:45-1:45 PM Fires App Forum (2M of 2) Baja Information on a variety of application-related topics, which may include open discussion on the requested enhancements for the upcoming year, HTE's product management direction, and a general question and answer session. Wednesday, June 5 12:45-1:45 PM Jalan Probation WS (I of I) Acapulco This workshop presents an overview of new features in the Probation System for Jalan customers. The discussion includes enhancements and fixes for the Probation application. An overview of DMS capability is included. Wednesday, June 5 2:00-3:00 PM Distribution Direction (2'. of 2) Coronado A, B This session will provide an overview of the planned development direction for the HTE load process (MKS Release Management). . It will also discuss the development plans for viewing currently available HTE PTFs through the Internet. This session will conclude with an open forum to discuss distribution related issues and topics. Wednesday, June 5 2:00-3:00 PM Demographic Profiling Overview (2nd of2) Coronado C, D, E Many states are now mandating departments capture data concerning racial profiling. This session will cover existing racial profiling applications and show a prototype of what's on the drawing board. . Wednesdav, June 5 2:00-3:00 PM CADY PE (1 of \) Coronado F, G Review of the upcoming release Wednesday, June 5 2:00-3:00 PM EMS Billing Application Forum (I of I) Coronado M, N, P Information on a variety of application-related topics, which may include open discussion on the requested enhancements for the upcoming year, HTE's product management direction, and a general Question and answer session. Wednesday, June 5 2:00-3:00 PM PDA for Public Safety Overview (2nd of 3) Coronado Q PDA Functionality for PS&J will be demonstrated for both the CAD400 and CADY dispatch systems as well as a prototype of the Fires PDA functionality. These sessions will cover both existing functionalitv as well as solicit input for future enhancements. Wednesday, June 5 2:00-3:00 PM HUG Purpose & Direction, Website, Coronado R, S Learn what the HUG (HTE Users' Group) Board is planning for the organization including Discussion Groups (2nd of 4) changes to the web site. Find out how the Discussion Groups can help you share information quickly with hundreds of users in other organizations. Bring your ideas on how HUG can be improved. Wednesday, June 5 2:00-3:00 PM HTE Training Initiatives Overview (2nd of3) Fiesta 3, 4 This session focuses on the training and development services provided by HTE. Topics covered include current implementation training methods, web-based training classes, on demand recorded classes, HTE Electronic Learning Pass (HELP), continuing education opportunities, Registrar, and future training goals. The session will provide the opportunity for attendees to provide feedback and suggestions related to HTE's training and development processes and future endeavors. Wednesday, June 5 2:00-3:00 PM GASB34 Workshop (I st of2) Fiesta 5 GASB 34 is now a reality! This workshop is intended to provide implementation guidance by other HTE users that are already reporting under the provisions of GASB 34. Time will be set aside for ODen discussion at the end of the workshop. Wednesday, June 5 2:00-3:00 PM Overall Integration (2nd of 2) Fiesta 6 This session will cover the changes that are underway to general ledger account reconcilliation, drilldown, and common customer requirements. Cross application enhancement requests will also be covered. Wedne~ June 5 2:00-3:00 PM PI PE (Js, of2) Fiesta 8, 9 Review of the upcoming release Wednes , June 5 2:00-3:00 PM MR PE (1st of2) Monterrev I Review of the upcoming release Wednesday, June 5 2:00-3:00 PM Integration Opportunities with NaviLine (1 of Monterrey 2 Exchange data within the enterprise or across the Web using XML. Learn how NaviLine I) customers meet e-business needs and avoid the pain of restructuring or redeveloping applications by integrating between business applications utilizing XML technology from Jacada. Discussion will focus on how the NaviLine application can be opened to send and receive XML transactions to other applications or to present.NaviLine data over the Internet. Wednesdav, June 5 2:00-3:00 PM Jalan Mgt Briefing (2nd of if Monterrev 3 Wednesdav, June 5 2:00-3:00 PM LX PE (2nd of2) Yucatan I Review of the upcoming release Wednesday, June 5 2:00-3:00 PM CE Application Forum (I of I) Yucatan 2 Information on a variety of application-related topics, which may include open discussion on the requested enhancements for the upcoming year, HTE's product management direction, and a general auestion and answer session. Wednesday, June 5 2:00-3:00 PM DMS Phase II (2na of2) Cancun This session will cover planned enhancements to the DMS product. A demonstration of new functions will be given. The session will also include a general discussion of possible future enhancements to the product. Wednesday, June 5 2:00-3:00 PM Jalan Probation App Forum (I of I) Acapulco Information on a variety of application-related topics, which may include open discussion on the requested enhancements for the upcoming year, HTE's product management direction, and a general auestion and answer session. Wednesday, June 5 3:00-7:00 PM HTE Customer Tour HTE will be offering a tour of their corporate headquarters in Lake Mary, Florida on Wednesday, Buses will be June 5, 2002. Shuttles will start loading at Disney's Coronado Springs Resort at 3:00 PM. Upon Tour is by pre-registration only- immediately outside arrival to HTE, attendees will receive a guided tour of the facilities and refreshments. Shuttles will Tour is full the Coronado ballroom leave HTE at approximately 5:30 PM and return to Disney's Coronado Springs Resort by 7:00 PM. area. HTE will be able to accommodate up to 150 attendees for this event. Wednesday, June 5 3:15-4:15 PM Community Development QRep WS (1st of2) Coronado C, D, E This workshop is designed for HTE customers who have already enabled HTE-developed catalogs for COGNOS Impromptu. Tips, techniques and reporting ideas will be shared through an interactive discussion. Wednesday, June 5 3:15-4:15 PM FRI Application Forum (1st of2) Coronado F, G Information on a variety of application-related topics, which may include open discussion on the requested enhancements for the upcoming vear, HTE's product management direction, and a . . . . . . general auestion and answer session. Wednesday, June 5 3:15-4:15 PM EMS Billing Application Forum (Continued) Coronado M, N, P Information on a variety of application-related topics, which may include open discussion on the (1 of 1) requested enhancements for the upcoming year, HTE's product management direction, and a ll'eneral ouestion and answer session. Wednesday, June 5 3:15-4:15 PM MyHTE Overview (2nd of 2) Fiesta 3, 4 This session takes you on a tour through MyHTE. You'll see the features that exist today as well as a preview of enhancements coming online this summer. Whether you're a veteran user of MyHTE or just curious about this FREE online support service, you'll want to attend this informative session. Wednesday, June 5 3:15-4:15 PM GASB34 Workshop (2nd of2) Fiesta 5 GASB 34 is now a reality! This workshop is intended to provide implementation guidance by other HTE users that are already reporting under the provisions ofGASB 34. Time will be set aside for ODen discussion at the end of the workshoD. Wednesday, June 5 3:15-4:15 PM Jacada Interface Server Tuning (I of 1) Monterrey 2 Get the best performance from your Jacada Server. Learn about Jacada's Professional Services offering to help NaviLine customers optimize application performance through the tweaking and tuning of the Jacada Interface Server. This offering includes performance tuning, capacity planning, and fail-over support of the NaviLine application to ensure your server is up, available, and efficient. Wednesday, June 5 3:15-4:15 PM OMS Overview (2nd of2) Monterrey 3 This session will cover the basics of OMS including how OMS works and which applications use OMS. This session will also cover the OMS installation process on the iSeries and the document server. Wednesday, June 5 3:15-4:15 PM WF Application Forum (2nd of2) Yucatan 1 Information on a variety of application-related topics, which may include open discussion on the requested enhancements for the upcoming year, HTE's product management direction, and a general Question and answer session. Wednesdav, June 5 3:15-4:15 PM FM PE (1" of2) Yucatan 2 Review of the uDcoming release Wednesday, June 5 3:15-4:15 PM Jalan Courts App Forum (151 of2) Acapulco Information on a variety of application-related topics, which may include open discussion on the requested enhancements for the upcoming year, HTE's product management direction, and a ll'eneral ouestion and answer session. Thu~ay, June 6 7:00-8:30 AM Registration and Continental Breakfast Coronado J, K, L Thu~, June 6 8:30-10:00 AM WF OMS WS (1" of2) Coronado A, B OMS can be used with the 6.1 Version of WF. This session will cover the WF set up and Drocessinl! ofDMS notifications. Thursday, June 6 8:30-10:00 AM CX Application Forum (1 of I) Coronado C, 0, E Information on a variety of application-related topics, which may include open discussion on the requested enhancements for the upcoming year, HTE's product management direction, and a general Question and answer session. Thursday, June 6 8:30-10:00 AM MOB WS (2nd of2) Coronado F, G This workshop provides a technical presentation ofHTE's most powerful wireless product offering, Mobile Oata Browser (MOB). Participants will gain an understanding of how the application handles dispatches from CAD, car-to-car messaging, state and federal inquiries/responses (tag check; NCIC, etc.), as well as providing "roll call" information to officers. Ouring the session, we will also cover system requirements, wireless network support, interfaces to CAD400, CAO V, and HTE's new Message Switch. Thursday, June 6 8:30-10:00 AM CC WS (2nd of2) Coronado M, N, P This session will concentrate on the following CRIMES Records Management topics: User- defined case print reports, alpha table codes, IBR workflow, UCR audit report enhancements, name consolidations, incident supplements, and case management enhancements. Thursday, June 6 8:30-10:00 AM ISeries System Administration in the HTE Coronado R, S The session provides instruction on how to administrate the iSeries in the HTE environment. Environment (2nd of2) Attendees learn iSeries Menu and command usage, job control, message handling, job scheduling, and basic backup and recovery procedures. This class also provides a basic overview of obtaining and loadinl! IBM PTF's and license code upgrades. Thursday, June 6 8:30-10:00 AM LG Dispatch (2"" of2) Fiesta 3, 4 This session provides an overview of how LG Dispatch helps map and visualize active CAD call activity. Thursday, June 6 8:30-10:00 AM GM Advanced WS- Project Reporting (1 of I) Fiesta 5 This workshop, intended for experienced users ofGMBA, presents an in depth discussion of GMBA's Project Report writer. The project report writer enables users to create custom project reports. Participants should have a basic understanding ofGMBA's project tracking features prior to attendinl! this workshop. Thursday, June 6 8:30-10:00 AM Public Safety & Justice Product Mgt Briefing Fiesta 6 This session will be led by Del King, Vice President of Public Safety & Justice. Topics may (2nd of 2) include the function of Public Safety & Justice products, progress made, shortcomings, and goals for this vear. Thursday, June 6 8:30-10:00 AM PR Advanced WS (I of I) Monterrey I This session will explore the advanced issues ofHTE's PavrolllPersonnel (PR) application and is desil!lled for the exoerienced user. The features will include recent enhancements. Thursday, June 6 8:30-10:00 AM GM Application Forum (1 of 1) Monterrey 3 Information on a variety of application-related topics, which may include open discussion on the requested enhancements for the upcoming year, HTE's product management direction, and a general Question and answer session. Thursday, June 6 8:30-10:00 AM FA WS (1 ofl) Yucatan 1 This workshop will cover two topics related to the FA application. HTE will be soliciting user input on: 1) The use of the 'Balancing Report' and what changes are necessary to make it work for all clients. 2) Present the proposed GASB 34 conversion program. This program will allow clients to move their non-depreciable assets to depreciable. If time permits the session will be opened up for general discussion. Thursday, June 6 8:30-10:00 AM BP Application Forum (1 of 1) Yucatan 2 Information on a variety of application-related topics, which may include open discussion on the requested enhancements for the upcoming year, HTE's product management direction, and a general Question and answer session. Thursday, June 6 8:30-10:00 AM DMS Lab (2nd 00) Yucatan 3 The participant will learn how to: . Convert an existing OfficeVision document to an MS Word document. Lab is by pre-registration only - lab is full . Add bookmarks to an MS Word document. . Produce an MS Word document in one of three aoolications - CS, CE or CX. Thursday, June 6 8:30-10:00 AM Fires WS (2nd of2) Baja This workshop will cover the new Training Module within the Fires Management System. It will include how to work with rosters to set up certifications, forecasting PTO, and forecasting for minimum manning requirements. Also included will be the department log procedures for adding new oersonnel. A I!eneral Question/answer session will also be available at the end of the session. Thursday, June 6 8:30-10:00 AM Jalan ROS WS (1 of I) Acapulco This Workshop will cover the HTE /JALAN Return of Service system. The processing of Civil Papers, enforceables, non-enforceables and Subpoenas will be shown. This includes tracking the oeoole involved, associated fees and the service of the documents. Thursday, June 6 10:15-11:45 AM Wireless Web Sync WS (2M of2) Coronado A, B Ever wish you could update all laptops in the field without bringing them in? How about send updates to all PC on your LAN without visiting each one? Well that's exactly what Wireless Web Sync does for vou. Come see how this can make LAN administration a breeze. Thursda~ne 6 10:15-11:45 AM Basics of Inventory Control WS (1 of 1) Coronado C, D, E This workshop will concentrate on the Inventory portion of the PurchasinglInventory application. Inventory control principles and methods will be discussed. It will be demonstrated how to tie 0 these basics in with the inventory system. Useful system reports will be covered as well. All inventory users and financial people that want to understand how the inventory system works should attend. Thursday, June 6 10:15-11:45 AM FRIlFRA WS (2nd of 2) Coronado F, G This session provides an explanation of the administrative processes and application design of the Field Reporting system for law enforcement. Participants will receive guidance in creating, managing, and exporting reports to the Crimes Records Management System. The first half of the class will focus on the life cycle of a report from the data entry process to its rejection/approval. The second half of the class will include: Crimes Management system field reporting interface, AS/400 job integration programs, screen configuration uti8lity, user security and tablelpicklist maintenance. Thursday, June 6 10:15-11:45 AM CC Application Forum (2nd of2) Coronado M, N, P Information on a variety of application-related topics, which may include open discussion on the requested enhancements for the upcoming year, HTE's product management direction, and a general Question and answer session. Thursday, June 6 10:15-11:45 AM Basic Query User-led (I of 1) Coronado R, S Thursday, June 6 10:15-11:45 AM HTE Support Initiative (2nd of 2) Fiesta 3, 4 This session will provide information about HTE's ongoing support initiatives, including a review ofMYHTE, support statistics and closed log surveys. In addition, we will review our current ohone menu and orovide an ooen Question and answer forum. Thursday, June 6 10:15-11:45 AM GM Intro WS (1 of 1) Fiesta 5 This workshop, intended for new or novice GMBA users, will provide a general overview of the application and a review of frequently asked questions. The workshop will include ample time to answer oarticioants' Questions about the use ofGMBA. Thursday, June 6 10:15-11:45 AM CX Advanced WS (2nd of2) Fiesta 6 This workshop is intended for experienced CIS users, or for customers who utilize more advanced functions in the system. We will provide training on more complex CIS functions and concepts, including bank drafting in version 6.0 and how the consumption test parameters are calculated and used for the exceution listing. Thursday, June 6 10:15-11:45 AM NaviLine User-led (1 of 1) Fiesta 8, 9 Thursdav, June 6 10:15-11:45 AM iSeries Printer Configuration & MI!t (2nd of2) Monterrev I Printer configuration and management for the iSeries is a detailed nrocess. This course provides . . . . . .' infonnation on how to configure printers using three connection types: Twin ax cable, TCPIIP (*LAN attached printers) and using Client Access. Discussions also focus on working with printer devices, remote output queues and writers, PJL commands, host print transfonn and how to use the ffiM resources available when selectinR new printers. Thursday, June 6 10:15-11:45 AM INFISYS Advanced WS (I of I) Monterrey 3 This session will cover the more advanced features of the INFISYS application and is intended for the exoerienced INFISYS user. Thursday, June 6 10:15-11:45 AM CZWS(lofl) Yucatan I This will be a 'training' type session on Contact Management. The interface to utilities and work orders will be reviewed as well as the other features of Contact Management. Clients currently usinl!. the application or those that may be interested in use it should attend. Thursday, June 6 10:15-11:45 AM PR Application Forum (I of I) Yucatan 2 Information on a variety of application-related topics, which may include open discussion on the requested enhancements for the upcoming year, HTE's product management direction, and a l!eneral ouestion and answer sessiori. Thursday, June 6 10:15-11:45 AM LG Lab (3'" of3) Yucatan 3 Experience how the LookingGlass applications bring together GIS and HTE application data for visualization and analysis. Lab is by pre-registration only -lab is full Thursday, June 6 10:15-11:45 AM Parking Ticket WS (I of I) Baja This workshop provides an overview of version 6. Participants will be shown the changes to the Vehicle Registered Owners File, new enhanced reports and adding notices. An open question and answer session will be provided at the end of this workshoD. Thursday, June 6 10: 15-11 :45 AM Jalan Jails Application Forum (I of I) Acapulco Information on a variety of application-related topics, which may include open discussion on the requested enhancements for the upcoming year, HTE's product management direction, and a I!.eneral ouestion and answer session. Thursday, June 6 11:45AM-I:15 PM HUG Business Meeting & Luncheon Coronado J, K, L Election of Treasurer, Secretary, and President-Elect. Voting on proposed bvlaw changes. Other business, plus some valuable give awavs. Thursday, June 6 1:15-2:15 PM GTG LookingGlass Land Based Applications Coronado C, D, E This session provides an overview of how LG Viewer helps map, visualize and analyze data from (1" of2) HTE's Community Development, Utilities and Work Order applications. Thu~, June 6 1:15-2:15 PM FRI Application Forum (2nd of2) Coronado F, G Information on a variety of application-related topics, which may include open discussion on the -oi requested enhancements for the upcoming year, HTE's product management direction, and a I!.eneral Question and answer session. Thursday, June 6 1:15-2:15 PM LG Crimes (2nd of2) Coronado M, N, P This session provides an overview of how LG Crimes helps map, visualize and analyze incident activity. Thursdav, June 6 1:15-2:15 PM MR PE (2nd of2) . Coronado R, S Review of the upcoming release Thursday, June 6 1:15-2:15 PM Contingency Planning (I" of 2) Coronado T ffiM will be here to discuss the evolution of business continuity and recovery marketplace and customer challenges in building continuity at their critical business. It also covers the lesson learned from September 11th and need for integrated business continuity and shows how IBM Business Continuity and Recovery Services can help HTE customers. Thursday, June 6 1:15-2:15 PM HTE Training Initiatives Overview (3'" 00) Fiesta 3, 4 This session focuses on the training and development services provided by HTE. Topics covered include current implementation training methods, web-based training classes, on demand recorded classes, HTE Electronic Learning Pass (HELP), continuing education opportunities, Registrar, and future training goals. The session will provide the opportunity for attendees to provide feedback and sUl!.l!.estions related to HTE's traininR and development processes and future endeavors. Thursday, June 6 1:15-2:15 PM Balancing CX to the GL WS (I of I) Fiesta 6 This workshop will cover how to read the update reports from the detailed reports to the related summary reports and follow them through to the general ledger transactions. It will provide trouble-shootinl!. ideas when the CX system and the GL system appear to be out of balance. Thursday, June 6 1:15-2:15 PM PI PE (2nd of 2) Fiesta 8, 9 Review of the upcoming release Thursday. June 6 1:15-2:15 PM PR PE (2nd of2) Monterrev I Review of the upcoming release Thursday, June 6 1:15-2:15 PM OL Application Forum (1 of 1) Monterrey 3 Information ona variety of application-related topics, which may include open discussion on the requested enhancements for the upcoming year, HTE's product management direction, and a I!.eneral ouestion and answer session. Thursday, June 6 1:15-2:15 PM BP PE (2nd of2) Yucatan I Review of the upcoming release Thursday, June 6 1:15-2:15 PM CZ Application Forum (I of I) Yucatan 2 Information on a variety of application-related topics, which may include open discussion on the requested enhancements for the upcoming year, HTE's product management direction, and a l!eneral auestion and answer session. Thursday, June 6 1:15-2:15 PM NaviLine Phase II (2nd on) Cancun Thursday, June 6 1:15-2:15 PM Fires PE (2"" of2) Baia Review of the uDcominl!. release Thursday, June 6 1:15-2:15 PM Justice QRep WS (I of I) Acapulco This workshop presents an overview ofQRep for Jalan customers with this easy-to-use approach to query generation and introduces three levels of report writing. The discussion includes report writing performance tips such as storing query results on the PC, using the file index, and monitorinl! reSDonse time during report design. Thursdav, June 6 2:30-3:30 PM INFISYS PE (I of j) Coronado A B Review of the uncoming release Thursday, June 6 2:30-3:30 PM HTE Executive Briefing (2,d of 2) Coronado C, D, E Members ofHTE's executive management team will give a company update including organization structure, new roles within the structure, and a technology overview. A question and answer session will follow. Thursday, June 6 2:30-3:30 PM CADY Application Forum (2,d of2) Coronado F, G Information on a variety of application-related topics, which may include open discussion on the requested enhancements for the upcoming year, HTE's product management direction, and a l!eneral Question and answer session. Thursdav, June 6 2:30-3:30 PM CAD400 PE (I of iT Coronado M, N, P Review of the uDcoming release Thursday, June 6 2:30-3:30 PM PDA for Public Safety Overview (3'" of 3) Coronado Q PDA Functionality for PS&J will be demonstrated for both the CAD400 and CADY dispatch systems as well as a prototype of the Fires PDA functionality. These sessions will cover both existinl! functionality as well as solicit inDut for future enhancements. Thursday, June 6 2:30-3:30 PM Online & Printed Help Overview (2nd of2) Coronado R, S HTE's Online Help is packed with step-by-step information, overviews of features, and great tips. It can answer many of your questions about your HTE applications. Come learn how to use online help, to see what forms or online documentation are available, and how you can acquire the various forms of documentation. Thursday, June 6 2:30-3:30 PM Contingency Planning (2,d of2) Coronado T IBM will be here to discuss the evolution of business continuity and recovery marketplace and customer challenges in building continuity at their critical business. It also covers the lesson learned from September 11111 and need for integrated business continuity and shows how IBM Business Continuity and Recoverv Services can helD HTE customers. Thursday, June 6 2:30-3:30 PM FRA Application Forum (2'. of2) Fiesta 3, 4 Information on a variety of application-related topics, which may include open discussion on the requested enhancements for the upcoming year, HTE's product management direction, and a general Question and answer session. Thursday. June 6 2:30-3:30 PM WF PE (I of \) Fiesta 5 Review of the upcoming release Thursda~ne 6 2:30-3:30 PM CX QRep WS (I of I) Fiesta 6 This session presents an overview of HTE's QRep for customers not yet farniliar with this unique approach to query generation and report writing using COGNOS Impromptu. Discussion will include catalol!ed aDD Ii cations bv business unit, deployment, architecture, and examples. Thursday, June 6 2:30-3:30 PM Future ofQRep (i" of2) Fiesta 8, 9 This session will provide an overview of new QRep catalog features, data analysis via PowerPlay and discussion of browser based reDortinl!. Thursday, June 6 2:30-3:30 PM Click2Gov Look 'n' Feel Configuration (1 of Monterrey I During this workshop we will discuss how to maximize the benefits of the Click2Gov I) configuration properties file. We will also discuss how the configuration file has changed since the first release of Click2Gov and what chanl!es are vet to come. Thursdav, June 6 2:30-3:30 PM OL PE (1 of 1) Yucatan I Review of the uDcominl! release. Thursday, June 6 2:30-3:30 PM CPR Application Forum (I of I) Yucatan 2 Information on a variety of application-related topics, which may include open discussion on the requested enhancements for the upcoming year, HTE's product management direction, and a general Question and answer session. Thursday, June 6 2:30-3:30 PM Jalan Courts App Forum (2,d of2) Acapulco Information on a variety of application-related topics, which may include open discussion on the requested enhancements for the upcoming year, HTE's product management direction, and a general Question and answer session. Thursdav, June 6 3:45-4:45 PM CR PE (2nd of2) Coronado A, B Review of the uDcominl! release. Thursday, June 6 3:45-4:45 PM HTE Message Switch Application Forum (2'd Coronado C, D, E Information on a variety of application-related topics, which may include open discussion on the of2) requested enhancements for the upcoming year, HTE's product management direction, and a general ouestion and answer session. Thursday, June 6 3:45-4:45 PM MDB Application Forum (2'. of2) Coronado F, G Informatio,n on a variety of application-related topics, which may include open discussion on the requested enhancements for the upcoming year, HTE's product management direction, and a general Question and answer session. Thursday, June 6 3:45-4:45 PM CC/CAD QRep WS (2,d of2) Coronado M, N, P This workshop presents an overview of QRep for CRIMES/CAD customers with an easy-to-use approach to query generation and introduces three levels of report writing. The discussion includes report writing performance tips such as storing query results on the PC, using the file index and monitoring reSDonse time during report design. Thursday, June 6 3:45-4:45 PM CAD400 Application Forum (2'. of2) Fiesta 3, 4 Information on a variety of application-related topics, which may include open discussion on the requested enhancements for the upcoming year, HTE's product management direction, and a . . . . . . l I I general Question and answer session. Thursday, June 6 3:45-4:45 PM HUG Purpose & Direction, Website, Fiesta 8, 9 Learn what the HUG (HTE Users' Group) Board is planning for the organization including Discussion Groups (3'd of 4) changes to the web site. Find out how the Discussion Groups can help you share information quickly with hundreds of users in other organizations. Bring your ideas on how HUG can be imoroved. Thursday, June 6 3:45-4:45 PM PZ Application Forum (1 of 1) Monterrey 3 Information on a variety of application-related topics, which may include open discussion on the requested enhancements for the upcoming year, HTE's product management direction, and a general Question and answer session. Thursday, June 6 3:45-4:45 PM CE PE (l of 1) Yucatan I Review of the uocomimz release. Thursdav, June 6 3:45-4:45 PM FM PE (2nd of 2) Yucatan 2 Review of the upcoming release. Thursday, June 6 3:45-4:45 PM NaviLine for Public Safety (3'" of 3) Cancun This session wiII provide a demonstration ofHTE's NaviLine Public Safety applications. The demonstration wiII include CAD400, Crimes, and Fires. Friday, June 7 7:00-8:30 AM Registration and Continental Breakfast Coronado J, K, L Friday, June 7 8:30-10:00 AM GTG LookingGlass - Land Based Coronado A, B This session provides an overview of how LG Viewer helps map, visualize and analyze data from Applications (2nd of 2) HTE's Community Development, Utilities and Work Order applications. Friday, June 7 8:30-10:00 AM Future of Community Development Wireless Coronado C, D, E This session provides a technical presentation ofHTE's integrated wireless solutions for Applications (I of I) Community Development. Participants will gain an understanding of how HTE's wireless solutions will provide an integrated solution for Building Permits and Code Enforcement. We will also discuss technology innovations that are driving product development within HTE as well as procedures for implementing HTE's wireless solution. Friday, June 7 8:30-10:00 AM CAD400 WS (I" of2) Coronado F, G This workshop will discuss the administrator's role in setting up and using the major enhancements in release 6.0. A review of the CAD400 reports and file structure will also be taught. There wiII also be a Question and answer session at the end. Friday, June 7 8:30-10:00 AM Click2Gov User-led (1 of I) Coronado R, S What does it take to get Click2Gov lIJl and running? Winter Park, FL will discuss their set lIJl process and how they are running Click2Gov. What does Click2Gov look like? We will show the . BP interface from Winter Park, FL and Utilities interface from the City of Bend. This will include ...... the different views and information in each application. What about payments? Winter Park, FL will share information about on-line payments and the secure transaction process. Frid~une 7 8:30-10:00 AM System Admin Security (2nd of2) Coronado R, S This class focuses on controlling user access to database files through ODBC, FTP, and Client Access File Transfer. Topics include an overview of iSeries security concepts and instruction in the use of a utility that changes ownership of objects and builds authorization lists. Additional topics include instructions for setting up the Implementer-Receiver load environment to retain all security changes. Friday, June 7 8:30-10:00 AM HUG Purpose & Direction, Website, Fiesta 3, 4 Learn what the HUG (HTE Users.' Group) Board is planning for the organization including Discussion Groups (4th of 4) changes to the web site. Find out how the Discussion Groups can help you share information quickly with hundreds of users in other organizations. Bring your ideas on how HUG can be improved. Friday, June 7 8:30-10:00 AM " Financials Year End WS (2na of2) Fiesta 5 This workshop will provide an overview of fiscal year-end processing with emphasis on HTE's Purchasing! Inventory and GMBA and INFISYS applications. Friday, June 7 8:30-10:00 AM PI WS (2na of2) Fiesta 8, 9 The application workshop will provide an open forum or "question and answer" session related to the PI application. Whereas other conference sessions are committed to predetermined topics, this workshop allows time for users to ask questions of the presenter as well as of other users about how they handle different processes within the software. This session is intended to provide information and process sharing among users. Friday, June 7 8:30-10:00 AM WF DMS WS (200 of2) Monterrey 1 DMS can be used with the 6.1 Version of WF. This session will cover the WF set up and processing ofDMS notifications. Friday, June 7 8:30-10:00 AM DMS Lab (3'" 00) Yucatan 3 The participant will learn how to: . Convert an existing OfficeVision document to an MS Word document. Lab is by pre-registration only -lab is full . Add bookmarks to an MS Word document. . Produce an MS Word document in one of three auolications - CS, CE or ex. Friday, June 7 10:15-11:45 AM QRep for the Financials Catalog WS Coronado A, B This workshop is for novice, intermediate and other users who wish to explore the uses of QRep to (I of I) generate various reports using the information in GMBA, Payroll, AR, AP and other areas of the financial suite. Discussions will include the folder structure and location of information. Demonstrations will be conducted using this information to create various reports which may -Ui include a crosstab of income and expenses in GMBA and headcount reports. Friday, June 7 10:15-11:45 AM Community Development QRep WS (2nd of2) Coronado C, D, E This workshop is designed for HTE customers who have already enabled HTE-developed catalogs for COGNOS Impromptu. Tips, techniques and reporting ideas will be shared through an interactive discussion. . Friday, June 7 10:15-11:45 AM CAD400 WS (2nd of2) Coronado F, G This workshop will discuss the administrator's role in setting up and using the major enhancements in release 6.0. A review of the CAD400 reports and file structure will also be taught. There will also be a ouestion and answer session at the end. Friday, June 7 10:15-11:45 AM MyHTE Security Enhancements (2"" of2) Fiesta 3, 4 With MyHTE's new role-based security feature, you can tailor MyHTE for each user in your organization. This session, designed primarily for system administrators, will provide an overview of this powerful new feature. Friday, June 7 10:15-11:45 AM FM Billing WS (ind on) Fiesta 8, 9 This workshop will present an in depth look at the fleet billing process and its interface to the General Ledger system. This session is designed to educate users to be able to trouble shoot any perceived billing problems. This session should be attended by fleet managers and financial staff responsible for reviewing or maintaining fleet billing information. Friday, June 7 10:15-11:45 AM WF Preventive Maintenance WS (I of I) Monterrey I Facilities can be used to track maintenance history and costs for anything such as buildings, equipment, distribution lines and streets; This session will cover how preventive maintenance schedules for facilities are built and how the schedules are nrocessed. Friday, June 7 10:15-11:45 AM NaviLine Lab (3m of3) Yucatan 3 The NaviLine series ofHTE software applications has been designed to take advantage of common Windows navigation features. Blending the functionality ofHTE software applications and the Lab is by pre-registration only - lab is full advantages of a graphical interface facilitates greater ease in initiating and completing application tasks. This session provides hands on access to the NaviLine product and reviews the navigation techniques that are global to the product as compared to a traditional green screen application.. Scripts will be provided that highlight the different applications and how the navigation techniques are used. ...... ::. ACRONYM TABLE BP Building Permits FRA Field Accident Reporting PE Product Enhancements CC Crimes FRI Field Incident Reporting PI PurchasingJInventory CE Code Enforcement GM Government Management PR PavrolllPersonnel CPR Continuing Property Records HR Human Resources PS&J Public Safety & Justice CR Cash Receiots LG Lookinl! Glass PZ PlanninQ/Zoning CX Customer Information System LX LandlParcel Management ROS Return of Service CZ Contact Management MDB Mobile Data Browser ~ SQL Structured Query Language DA District Attorney MR Accounts Receivable TX Tax Billinl! & Collections DMS Document Management System MS Microsoft WF Work OrdersIFacility Management FM Fleet Management OL Business Licenses . . . . . . DATE: To: FROM: SUBJECT: FORT ANGELES WAS H I N G TON, U. s. A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO May 1, 2002 MAYOR WIGGINS AND CITY COUNCIL Becky J. Upton, City Clerk/Management Assistant ~ Appointments to Fill Vacancies on Construction Code Board of Appeals Summary: Three vacancies exist on the Construction Code Board of Appeals, and applicants were recently interviewed by the Community Development Director, the Building Official, and Fred Norton, a member of the Board of Appeals. Recommendation: It is recommended that the City Council appoint Terry Donnell, Michael "Doc" Reiss, and Gregory Bondy to the Construction Code Board of Appeals for the term ending F~IJruary 28, 2006. Back~round / Analysis: There are currently three vacancies on the Construction Code Board of Appeals. The terms of Hank Gibson and Bill Rinehart expired as of February 28, 2002, and both ofthe Board members were ineligible for reappointment. In addition, a vacancy was created by the untimely death of Board member John Spiess. . Interested applicants were interviewed by Community Development Director Collins, Building Official Haehnlen, and Fred Norton, a member of the Construction Code Board of Appeals. The interviewing body has recommended the appointment of Terry Donnell, Michael "Doc" Reiss, and Gregory Bondy to the Construction Code Board of Appeals for the term, March 1, 2002 - February 28, 2006. Copies ofthe applications are attached for your information. Attachments 75 MEMO DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Brad Collins, Director 417-4751 Sue Roberds, Assistant Planner 417-4750 Scott Johns Associate - Planner 417-4752 Lou Haelmlen Building Official 417-4816 Roger Vess Pennit Technician CSW Coordinator 417-4712 no-' RTe" A lNGE--LES i=- .'is. ....., , . WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. March 20, 2002 TO: Becky Upton, City Clerk . .iJ Lou Haehnlen, Building Official(j{. -I!/~ FROM: RE: Applicants for the Construction Code Board of Appeals The review board, which consisted of Brad Collins, Fred Norton and Lou Haehnlen, held interviews -on Tuesday, March 19, 2002 with the applicants for the vacant positions on the Construction Code Board of Appeals. We would like recommend that the following persons be appointed to the three vacant positions for the term 3/01102 to 2/28/06. Terry Donnell 1915 S. F Street Port Angeles . Michael "Doc" Reiss 2520 S. Laurel Port Angeles Gregory R. Bondy 714 W. 6th Street Port Angeles . 76 [D) ~ ~ ~ 0 w ~ ~! ll\1 fII - 4 trol ~ . ~ORT .ANGELES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. CllY OF PORT ANGELES CITY CLERK Application for Appointment to a Board, Commission, or Committee Board, Commission, or Committee to which you are seeking appointment EconOTYlJ('J D.elJLlopmenf .s~,n'hU\ {}ymfh)'&~. Board or Commission Full Name ":::J 12/an Y1; Y1f.t C1l'l'1rvl liS 1> I 0'1 Board or Commiss' Full Name Co)ls+n-tcA10V1 CtJdf. bO{PX-d of I+p,oeal5 Board or Commission Full Name .. Applicant Name and General Information ~%YU DonneLl Firs~ MI Last \\f 'I ~t. 1915 ~{)Ik-+h Home street address nrf ~~.I.e.s City . L!5'I-ltj () I Home phone number 'l,0 (.} State q ~ 3t, 3 Zip Code If&O-&~10 Work phone number Certification and Location Information Circle one Are you currently a City ~mployee? Yes8 Are you a citizen ofthe United Stat~s? @ No Are you a City resident@NO Do you own/manage a b~siness in the City? ye@ Do you hold any pmfessinnallicenses, regi'tration, 0' ""ificales in any fiold (Ii,' holow)1 y..8 Are you aware of any conflict of interest which might arise by your service on a City Board or Commission? If so, please explain: In compliance with the American Disabilities Act, if you will need special accommodations because of a physical limitation, please contact the City Clerk, 417-4634, so appropriate arrangements can be made. (OVER) . 77 Work Experience ',' qst ~qsHeeent e){pe~ience fir~t (or elaborate on a resume if you prefer) -.a. ~ - . From (MN) l.f . . . .. Einpldye~ , ,',' ',~ ':,j '(liJ , ""~~yY)&'ti{~~r~~ ~c{SJdrfJnf1d Brief job description . 2.J?ad~:; S:::htiO/ DISJr- fJ1tj, II/en - /.k:'ftr7+ Employer Your Title From (MN) To (MN) T aM an a,~/s-/zvJf r!a:ld1 cd- SkUtfl-8 tn,s, .(;){ -Go&tf rJ hasW/JuA. Brief job description 3. UbI<. eo'1l5-irubh'tfYI- (!~Ier q/qt, ti "I 't Employer Your Title From (MN) To ( ) , a}f p nd&R fJ.f ~ll~ LvOyX't'd I h Brief job description' Education List most recent experience first 1. rYJ~;=;4 (1JI~J InstitutionILocation S~Y1 Di~). eA- Credits earriedlMajor area of study Yes@ Graduated? Yes No Credits eamedlMajor area of study Graduated? . 2. InstitutionILocation Yes No 3. Institution/Location Credits eamedlMajor area of study Gniduated? Charitable. Social, and Civic Activities and Memberships List major activities you have participated in during the last five years l~ ?&f- ~~$ '1/Jl~#t fJa~bdI - Ocaid 0 P lJJ~ / J.- Organization and location- - . Group~s purpose/objective. ' ", #,ofmernbers m~vY\ ~f ~'I1:l.IJ )qqj Brief description of your participation +it 1'-( 2. Organiz tion nd location Group's purpose/objective rDJ n u, I qc:r 8 fVbnaqd {t karn Brief descri tion of your participation # of members and tLtr)I~rW-~ Qaard f/1 flJ11ut. , ( nJl nt;r I~lu. toh/IH. d. - tJ 3- CJd. Date '. Submit completed forms to: Office of the City Cler~, City of Port Angeles, 321 E. 5th Street, P. O. Box 1150, Port Angeles, Washington, 98362 78 1/99 . . FORT .ANGELES WAS H I N G TON. u. s. A. [O)~@~ow~~ lJl1 FEB 2 7 2{IYl ~ CITY OF PORT ANGELES CITY CLERK Application for Appointment to a Board, Commission, or Committee Board. Commission, or Committee to which you are seeking appointment y; __ ~ /' r O(JWN'"'/7; (;/AJ y~ t1c~J7"Z.v -e.:.. '-..1m ~I ~.- . Board or ConunissioD FulJ Name ~~d:'; Gcf~.fJ,~ 'f ~ Board or Commission Full Name ---..<" , Q 07:-. . /'. ffi ~u::- - --_v~"7~~.-ee Board or Commission Full Name . Applicant Name and General Information fi1,d~ 'V<:1~' K-e/:r.r First MI '2.<'2-0 S; LAuT'eL y Home street address P/fJ- Last City Ift/'A'- State. -'/ r36 'Z- Zip Cock ~f.7 -b7 7.lf Work phone number 15'2,- 3,;1. ~ Home phone number Certification and location Information drcle one .. Are you currently a City employee? yee Arc you a citizen of the United states1@ No Are you a City resident? @NO Do you own/manage a business in the City? 9 No Do you bold any professionalliccnscs. registrations or certificat~ in aD)' field (list bclow)~O ~e-J ' /;} _ L/ C~J1-~ u~:1F f'(e,/hr**02..7Jc F ;.t1kJ.//?.c-~ L:..- ~ ht#~./5'7r-/ Are you aware of any conflict of interest which might arise by your service on a City Board or Commission? If so, please, cxplain:~ # Q.... . - - In compliance with the American Disabilities Act, if you will need special accommodations because of a physical limitation, please contact the City Clerk...417-4634. so appropriate arrangements can be made. (OVER") . 79 Work Experience . List most recent experience fmt (or elaborate on a resume if you prefer) ~ 1. ree; lit ~. :{;k. l/, f ~ fir r - Employer'/ Your Title Fro (MIY) CrIl~/1!:,e ~ - ~rrfJep- ~~e;- Brief job des riptlon 2. 7lJ<<-d c// ~ ~~-c.. -' ~;7<>r ~d' - Cc.e-rr.....#. Emp!oyer' ._ our Title From ( ) To (MIY) /Jt~\~- ~~/tFrJ Brief job descri tion . " ~~ To (M/Y) e 3. Employer Your Title From (M/Y) To(MIY) Brief job description . Education List most recent experience fIrSt l. @--M1'~a.._.C~~~/l1~~~ ~ InstitutionILocatiun redits eamedlMajor ea of study ~NO Graduated? 2.dd ~/;~~ InstitutionlLocation ~.A.S-: C~r~.r; Credits eamedlMajor area of study ~o Graduated? el 3. Institution/Location Yes No Credits eamedIMajor area of study Graduated? Charitable,. Social, and Clvtc Activities and Memberships List major activities you have participated in during the last five years 1. Ma-'p;..,~rZ~ - a,,_.u~e,.,.{~~...r Organization and location Group's purp selobjective . If.rvr -ZP-lJcJ?;d~ G- Qt~ Brief description of your participation n:J-(- II of members 2. Organization and location l~F ~~ f I/~~ IIP-4-r- Brief description of your participation ~~p-U2. C~ Applicant Signa ure ~~2- Submit completed forms to: Office of the City Clerk, City of Port Angeles, 32J E. 5th Street. P. o. Box 1150, Port Angeles, Washington, 98362 1/99 e; 80 Work Experience List Il'lost recent ~xperience Iltst (or elaborate on a resume if you prefer) .. . . L KAWbU'P;='-~tQ.;\,,;)':i.... Employer "",,"'., , 1 ow v..flil.1:.... Your Title :3100 From (MN) ~~'t"" To (MN) . <61; ~"2AL Brief job description Cr;IIo.JT12Jlo.CT l..j"e:,;. ~~\ ~t..l , ~ ?~,,:~"""'\. \"II ~G 2. "E"'-l"t' '2\ ~ Employer t:.t.J"\2.00 M~'- '~\2.. \ (o'Z- OJ~'\ Your Title From (MN) To (MN) Cc>lV"t'tC.AC.\, t..JCb. Brief job description 3. AauA\"\L Employer y~~r...>\ rU <=> 8 p.t.j\J. ?1tel}l\, T\ I uJ <=> ~t.J\) I <0<:.\ ( LA~ !A-\<bti) Your Title "6 "From(M/Y) "," cQ:::> To (MIY) .,'j ~b.IU~('D"E..h. Brief job description Euu LAR llO '611-':>PO\-z.~ Or ~\-'- ~ ~\J~TU.at. . ':,.. .... - , Education" List most recent experience first ' 1. v./~E2.1J Institution/Location WtA (). t CpA') E.~; '( \;tJ\I, vO\..\G"{'~ A-~.", ~o_ ' CreditseamedlMajor area of study Graduated? 2. "RlUllUSt)~ AA~ Institution/Location tf.J(o\tU~""'e. 6""" fuK'-'\i1 Credit~ l?amedlMajor area of study ~No . Graduated? Yes No 3. Institution/Location ''''Credits eainedlMajor area of s"tudy ,~ Graduated? Charitable, Social, and Civic Activities and Memberships List major acti"ttiesyou have participated in during the last five years "1. ' ~\'-~\~~ c.c,i:a~ Organization and location " ~A.Q.^- 0'::'" ,,_A?R~~- Group'spurposc:lobjec~ve /&' ......... # of mcmibers '~i>Ii(!.~" ~ &.n~"')(;;.. Brief description of your participation Cob.2...c",. 2.~~A-" ,e'" Organization and location -r~'c~~\.~" Group's purpose/objective \ 2:.., # of members Applicant Signature z-/; -Oz. Date '. ~~VI."'..c..V~ ?~,^c.'1. ~ Brief description of your participation Submit completed forms to: Office of the City Clerk, City of Port Angeles, 321 E. 5th Street, P. O. Box 1150, Port Angeles, Washington, 98362 82 1/99 0/' ~.. ~ ~ Date: To: From: Subject: ~ORTANGELES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. Police Department May 7, 2002 Mayor, Council, City Manager Tom Riepe, Police Chief i ~ Late Item For Council A~enda: Memorandum of A~reement Between City of Port An~eles & Port of Port An~eles For Law Enforcement Services at the Airport. Please see the attached memo from Deputy Chief Gallagher. P APD Detective Mike Hall, "Port Liaison Officer," will be present at the council meeting to explain the agreement. Thank you. 101-02-019 o ~ ~ ~ DATE: To: FROM: SUBJECT: ~ORTANGELES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. POLICE DEPARTMENT MAY 06, 2002 MAYOR GLENN WIGGINS AND CITY COUNCIL Terry Gallagher, Deputy Police Chi~ Airport Security Mission and StaffiDl~ Summary: . The Port Angeles Police Department has been asked to assume checkpoint security duties at Fairchild Airport commencing May 10,2002 at 5:00 a.m. The officers will be replacing National Guard troops that have been staffing the passenger screening checkpoints since shortly after September 11, 2001. Recommendation: Authorize the Mayor to sign a contract with the Port of Port Angeles that authorizes Port Angeles police to provide security at Fairchild Airport passenger screening checkpoints and requires the Port to reimburse the City for overtime costs associated with the security duties. Background/Analysis: Shortly after the events of September 11,2001 the federal government ordered that select units of the National Guard provide security at passenger screening checkpoints across the United States. Such troops have been on-duty at our local airport since that time. On May 10, 2002 local law enforcement must assume responsibility for security at the airport because the National Guard soldiers are being withdrawn. As part of the process of using local law enforcement for airport security, staff members of the police department have participated in several meetings with representatives of the airport and the Transportation Security Administration (TSA). The TSA is the newly formed branch of the Federal Aviation Administration that bears responsibility for all transportation security issues in the United States. The Port of Port Angeles operates the local airport. The Port has signed a contract with the TSA wherein the Port agrees to use local law enforcement for checkpoint security and the TSA agrees to reimburse the Port for the costs associated with hiring local officers on an overtime basis. Officers that choose to work the security detail are scheduled to attend a special three hour training session on May 07,2002. The training will explain the duties of the officers while at the airport and will serve to familiarize them with both federal law and airport operating procedures. The training is mandatory before any officer can work an airport security detail. At the training the officers will learn that their primary duty while at the airport is to provide a highly visible, armed security presence. While maintaining a constant security presence is a new mission for the department, the responsibility for providing law enforcement services to the airport is not. The police department has been providing such services to the airport for ,. .. Mayor/Council: Page 2 several years. The task of providing security at passenger screening checkpoints must be done on an overtime basis and will entail approximately 320 hours of personnel time per month. The Port of Port Angeles and the TSA have agreed to reimburse the City at a rate of $45 per hour. A spending limit of $274,050 has been established overthe life of the program which will run a minimum of six months. Should the program be extended the contract allows for the spending ceiling to be increased. There should be no significant cost to the City in providing the required airport security nor to the Port of Port Angeles who will be reimbursed by the TSA. (The police department will bill the Port directly and be paid by the Port, thus there should not be a significant time lag in our receiving reimbursement.) 102-02-412 \' . DATE: To: FROM: SUBJECT: FORTANGELES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO MAY 7, 2002 MAYOR WIGGINS AND CITY COUNCIL Sue Roberds, Assistant Planner REZONE APPLICATION - REZ 02-03 PORT ANGELES SCHOOL DISTRICT Summary: A request was made by the Port Angeles School District to rezone three properties zoned RS-7, Residential Single Family to PBP, Public Buildings and Parks. The three properties are owned by the Port Angeles School District and are being used in association with normal school activities. Recommendation: Staff recommends that the City Council concur with the Planning Commission's recommendation to approve the rezone as proposed by adoption of the attached ordinance. Council should adopt the attached findings and conclusions cited by the Planning Commission in support of the action. . Background / Analysis: On March 13th and April 10, 2002, the Planning Commission conducted public meetings in consideration of a rezone application submitted by the Port Angeles School District to rezone three residentially zoned properties to PBP, Public Buildings and Parks. The PBP designation is one that identifies publicly owned properties and sensitive areas. The three sites are situated contiguous to the Port Angeles High School campus and are used in association with school activities. Two of the sites have been owned by the School District and used for school activities for many years with one of the sites having been purchased more recently (1997). The Plaiming Commission voted unanimously to recommend that the City Council approve the rezone(s) as requested citing the findings and conclusions identified in the April 10, 2002, minutes. The findings and conclusions are also attached to the draft ordinance included with this memorandum. Staffs report is attached for your information, and staff will be available for questions at the May 7, 2002, scheduled public hearing. . Attachments: Ordinance, findings, and conclusions Planning Commission Minutes 3/13/02 and 4/1 0/02 Staff report 83 ~ . . . 84 . ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, rezoning 3 parcels of Port Angeles School District property at the high school complex south of Park Avenue and west of Peabody Street from RS-7, Residential Single Family, to PBP, Public Buildings and Parks. WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Port Angeles has recorded its recommendation to the City Council in the Planning Commission minutes of March 13,2002 and April lOth, 2002; and WHEREAS, the requirements ofthe State Environmental Policy Act (Chapter 43.21 C RCW) have been met; and WHEREAS, the City Council, after conducting a public hearing and considering the Planning Commission's recommendation, and entering its own findings and conclusions, hereby . finds that there has been a change in circumstances since the current zoning designation was adopted and that said rezone is in the best interest of the City and its citizens and is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES DOES HEREBY ORDAIN as follows: Section 1. The Official Zoning Map, Ordinance 2801, as amended, is hereby amended to change the zoning ofthe following described property from RS-7, Residential Single Family, to PBP, Public Buildings and Parks, as shown in the attached Exhibit "A": Parcell: Lots 5-9, Block 1, Wagner's Addition to Port Angeles, according to Plat thereof recorded in Volume 3 of Plats, Page 73, records ofClallam County, Washington. . Parcel 2: The north 120 feet of Lot 5, H. Maguire's Addition to Port Angeles, according to Plat thereof recorded in Volume I of Plats , Page 11, records ofClallam County, Washington; except the west 110 feet thereof. ' 85 - 1 - I-~--- , Parcel 3: The north 250 feet of the west portion of Block 3 ofH. Maguire's Addition to Port Angeles, according to Plat thereof recorded in Volume 1 of Plats, Page 11, records of Clallam County, and Lots 1-6, Block 26, Grant's Addition to Port Angeles, according to Plat thereof recorded in Volume 1 of Plats, Page 32, records ofClallam County. Section 2. The City Clerk is hereby directed to attach a copy ofthis Ordinance to the Official Zoning Map and to file a certified copy with the Clallam County Auditor and Clallam County Assessor. Section 3 - Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect five (5) days after its publication by summary. Section 4 - Severability. If any provisions ofthis Ordinance, qr its application to any person or circumstances, is held invalid, the remainder of the Ordinance, or application of the provisions of the Ordinance to other persons or circumstances, is not affected. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 7th day of May, 2002. MAYOR ATTEST: Becky J. Upton, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Craig D. Knutson, City Attorney PUBLISHED: May 12.2002 By Summary F:\ORDINANCES&RESOLUTIONS\2002-07 .ord. wpd April 30, 2002 86 - 2 - IT "A" E){HIB . " -", --1S.I . < lL -. 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S1QR,OC[ 00'000 I \~ E 1 V ) I I f " -- \f T + I '-Tlllt' I 1== J!i-' 0 ,_r I- -- I >4-' - --- - -I ~ Ill3Q2 "I ' \, f\. ,_J ~ 1 * ,t -, h ,~~ - ~~~ ~ I :::Jr). 1 + + a t + -L . . . . . RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS, FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS IN SUPPORT OF REZONE REQUEST - REZ 02-03 - PORT ANGELES SCHOOL DISTRICT: Findings: 1. The Port Angeles School District, requested a change in the Zoning map designation of property from Residential, Single Family (RS-7) to Public Buildings and Parks (PBP). 2. The proposal consists of three building sites that are owned by the Port Angeles School District and used for associated school activities. 3. The three locations are found immediately adjacent to the Port Angeles High School site, located at 304 East Park Avenue, and are described as follows: Parcel #1 is located in the 3000 block of Maple Street along the east side of the street directly south of the school maintenance building and is developed with a residential structure and garage; Parcel #2 is located just north and west of Parcel #1 along the west side of Maple Street and is undeveloped; and Parcel #3 is located at the southwest comer of Park and Peabody Street and is developed with a large converted residential structure. Parcels #2 and #3 have been under the ownership of the school since prior to 1995. Parcel #1 was purchased in 1998-99. Parcel #1, although appearing to be residential in nature, is used for storage. Parcel #3 has been used as an auxiliary schoolroom for many years. 4. The sites are located in the South Central Planning Area of the City between Park Avenue and Viewcrest Street along Maple Street. The area is designated as Residential (R) on the City's Comprehensive Plan and Land Use Map. 5. Properties surrounding the subject sites are zoned Residential Single Family (RS-7) with the exception of the School District properties which are zoned PBP. The residential properties are mostly developed. A church use is located south of the area on Viewcrest Street. 6. The purpose of the PBP zone is "A zoning designation for publicly-owned property, or property not suitable for development by reason of its topography, geology, or some unusual condition or situation. Much of the land so designated may best be left as "green belts." Schools and school related uses are permitted in the PBP zone. 7. The Comprehensive Plan has been reviewed with respect to the proposed rezone. The most relevant goals, policies, and objectives are as follows: Growth Management Element Goal A; Land Use Element Goal A; Policy A.2; Objective A.1; Goal B; and Utilities and Public Services Element Goal A; Capital Facilities Element Goal A; Policy A.I.; Objective A.I.;Goal C; and Policy C.I. 8. Per Section 17.96.100 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code "In determining if an amendment to these regulations is needed, the City Council shall give due consideration to the proper relationship of such amendment to the Comprehensive Plan and the entire Zoning 89 Findings and Conclusions May 7, 2002 Page 2 Regulations; it being the intent to retain the integrity and validity of the zones herein described and to avoid any isolated spot zoning changes in the Zoning Map." . 9. Parcels #2 and #3 have been owned and have functioned as a part of the High School campus for many years, since prior to 1995. A change of use in Parcel #1 occurred in 1998-99 when it was purchased by the School District to be added to the High School campus. 10. The Public Works and Utilities Department, Fire Department, and the Building Division of Community Development have made no comments on the proposed rezone. 11. The City's State Environmental Policy Act Responsible Official issued a Determination of NonSignificance (#974) for the proposal per WAC 197-11-355 on March 8, 2002. There are no environmentally sensitive areas located on or adjacent to the subject property. Subsequent development of the properties would require compliance with various chapters ofthe Port Angeles Municipal Code as it applies. 12. Public Notice was placed in the Peninsula Dailv News and the site was physically posted on February 20, 2002. Notice of the intended action were sent by U.S. Mail to surrounding property owners on February 15, 2002, identifying a written public comment period terminating on March 7, 2002. No comments were received as a result of the public notification procedures. 13. This site specific rezone application is limited to one "open record" public hearing before the City Council. The meeting before the Planning Commission is not a public hearing, and oral public testimony cannot be taken. According to R.C.W. 36.70B, Local Project Review ("The Regulatory Reform Act"), the Planning Commission shall hold a public meeting, which may include an informal hearing, and make a recommendation to the City Council. The recommendation is to be based solely on the information contained in the official file which includes any written public testimony that was received by March 7, 2002. . 14. A City-wide rezone of properties for compliance with the Comprehensive Plan and Land Use Map was approved in 1995. Parcels #2 and #3 were owned and operated in association with the High School use in 1995 when the rezone was done. Parcel #1 was purchased during 1998-99. 15. The Planning Commission conducted a public meeting on the rezone application on March 13th and April 1 0, 2002, and voted to recommend that the City Council approve the action. Conclusions: 1. The application is fora rezone only which addresses all potential land uses allowed within that zone and not approval for any specific, subsequent development that may be an allowed land use according to the Zoning Code. . 2. Rezone REZ 02-03 for the Port Angeles School District is consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan, specifically withqCfwth Management Element Goal A; Land Use . Findings and Conclusions May 7, 2002 Page 3 Element Goal A; Policy A.2; Objective A.I; Goal B; Utilities and Public Services Element Goal A; and Capital Facilities Element Goal A; Policy A.1; Objective A.1; Goal C; and Policy C.1. 3. The Comprehensive Plan accepts that districts may be composed primarily of residential uses of a uniform density and that a healthy, viable district should be composed of residential uses of varying densities which may be augmented by subordinate and compatible uses. Schools are compatible uses in areas designated residential and consistent with the desired urban design of the City; 4. The rezoning of Parcel #2s and #3 was overlooked in 1995 during a City-wide rezone of inappropriately zoned properties. A change in use occurred for Parcel #1 in 1998-99 when it was purchased by the Port Angeles School District to be used in conjunction with other High School campus activities. Given the school use and adjacent ownership, the rezone is not a spot zone. 5. The City's action on Rezone REZ 02-03 is consistent with established procedures for amending the Zoning Code as specified in P AMC 17.96.100. 6. Rezone REZ 02-03 is in the public use and interest by accommodating the needs of the community's High School activities. . Adopted by the Port Angeles City Council at its meeting of May 7, 2002. . Glen Wiggins, Mayor Becky J. Upton, City Clerk 91 . . . 92 Mir\Utes . 'ssWr\ corr\Jr\\ PI(lr\r\ir\g 2002 h 13. .lore IV> 10 p(lge REZONE - REZ 02-03 - PORT ANGELES SCHOOL DISTRICT - School District-owned properties located adjacent to the Port Angeles High School to be rezoned from RS-7, Residential Single Family to PBP, Public Buildings and Parks. Vice Chair Schramm opened the public meeting. It was determined that it would be best to separate the rezone from the Municipal Code Amendments. Commissioner Norton moved to continue the deliberation to the April 10, 2002, regular meeting. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Porter and passed 5 - O. Commissioner Craver rejoined the meeting. . . 93 . . . 94 . . . Planning Commission Minutes April 10, 2002 PUBLIC HEARING: REZONE - REZ 02-03 - PORT ANGELES SCHOOL DISTRICT - School District-owned properties located adjacent to the Port Angeles High School to be rezoned from RS-7. Residential Single Family to PBP. Public Buildings and Parks. (Continued discussion from March 13,2002 public meeting.) Commissioner Hewins noted that a new staff report had been prepared since the March 13,2002, meeting specifically addressing only the Port Angeles School District rezone where originally it had been combined with a staff report for various Municipal Code Amendment proposals. Chair Schramm reminded members that a previous staff report had been read into the record on March 13, 2002. He polled the Commissioners who agreed that they did not need the new staff report read into the record at this time. Chair Schramm then opened the continued discussion indicating that Scott Brodhun, representing the Port Angeles School District, was present to respond to any questions that may not have been previously answered. In response to a question, Scott Brodhun, Port Angeles School District, 216 East Fourth Street, stated that the subject lot on the west side of Maple Street is used for overflow parking in association with the school activities, the subject east lot is used for storage, and the Peabody and Park Street property has long been used for classroom activities. The subject east lot on Maple was acquired in the past three years. The other two subject properties have been own~d by the School District for some time. Mr. Brodhun responded to Commissioner Rasmussen that the subject east lot on Maple Street was purchased because of its proximity to the High School. Prior to its being made available to the School District, it had not been planned for acquisition under any long range planning process. Its proximity to the High School made it a logical purchase. Commissioner Porter noted that he knows Scott Brodhun and his family but felt that he could act fairly on the rezone proposal. No one in the audience objected. Following brief discussion, Commissioner Hewins moved to recommend approval of the rezone proposal citing the following 14 findings and 6 conclusions: Findings: 1. The Port Angeles School District, requested a change in the Zoning map designation of property from Residential, Single Family (RS-7) to Public Buildings and Parks (PBP). 2. The proposal consists of three building sites that are owned by the Port Angeles School District and used for associated school activities. 3. The three locations are found immediately adjacent to the Port Angeles High School site, located at 304 East Park Avenue, and are described as follows: Parcel #1 is located in the 3000 block of Maple Street along the east side of the street directly south of the school maintenance building and is developed with a residential structure and garage; Parcel #2 is 95 Planning Commission Minutes April 10. 2002 Page 3 located just north and west of Parcel #1 along the west side of Maple Street and is . undeveloped; and Parcel #3 is located at the southwest comer of Park and Peabody Street and is developed with a large converted residential structure. Parcels #2 and #3 have been under the ownership of the school since prior to 1995. Parcel #1 was purchased in 1998-99. Parcel #1, although appearing to be residential in nature, is used for storage. Parcel #3 has been used as an auxiliary schoolroom for many years. 4. The site is located in the South Central Planning Area of the City between Park Avenue and Viewcrest Street along Maple Street. The area is designated as Residential (R) on the City's Comprehensive Plan and Land Use Map. 5. Properties surrounding the subject sites are zoned Residential Single Family (RS-9) with the exception ofthe School District properties which are zoned PBP. The residential properties are mostly developed. A church use is located south of the area on Viewcrest Street. 6. The purpose of the PBP zone is "A zoning designation for publicly-owned property, or property not suitable for development by reason of its topography, geology, or some unusual condition or situation. Much of the land so designated may best be left as "green belts." Schools and school related uses are permitted in the PBP zone. 7. 8. The Comprehensive Plan has been reviewed with respect to the proposed rezone. The most relevant goals, policies, and objectives are as follows: Growth Management Element Goal A; LandUse Element Goal A; Policy A.2; Objective A.1; Goal B; and Utilities and Public Services Element Goal A; Capital Facilities Element Goal A; Policy A.1.; Objective A.1.;Goal C; and Policy C.1. Per Section 17.96.100 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code "In determining if an amendment to these regulations is needed, the City Council shall give due consideration to the proper relationship of such amendment to the Comprehensive Plan and the entire Zoning Regulations; it being the intent to retain the integrity and validity of the zones herein described and to avoid any isolated spot zoning changes in the Zoning Map." 9. Parcels #2 and #3 have been owned and have functioned as a part of the High School campus for many years, since prior to 1995. A change of use in Parcel # 1 occurred in 1998-99 when it was purchased by the School District to be added to the High School campus. 10. The Public Works and Utilities Department, Fire Department, and the Building Division of Community Development have made no comments on the proposed rezone. 11. The City's State Environmental Policy Act Responsible Official issued a Determination of NonSignificance (#974) for the proposal per WAC 197-11-355 on March 8, 2002. There are no environmentally sensitive areas located on or adjacent to the subject property. Subsequent development of the properties would require compliance with various chapters of the Port Angeles Municipal Code as it applies. 96 . . 1- . . . Planning Commission Minutes April J 0, 2002 Page 4 12. Public Notice was placed in the Peninsula Dai/v News and the site was physically posted on February 20, 2002. Notice of the intended action were sent by U.S. Mail to surrounding property owners on February 15, 2002 identifying a written public comment period terminating on March 7, 2002. No comments were received as a result of the public notification procedures. 13. This site specific rezone application is limited to one "open record" public hearing before the City Council. The meeting before the Planning Commission is not a public hearing, and oral public testimony cannot be taken. According to R.C.W. 36.70B, Local Project Review ("The Regulatory Reform Act"), the Planning Commission shall hold a public meeting, which may include an informal hearing, and make a recommendation to the City Council. The recommendation is to be based solely on the information contained in the official file which includes any written public testimony that was received, by March 7, 2002. 14. A City-wide rezone of properties for compliance with the Comprehensive Plan and Land Use Map was approved in 1995. Parcels #2 and #3 were owned and operated in association with the High School use in 1995 when the rezone was done. Parcel #1 was purchased during 1998-99. Conclusions: 1. The application is for a rezone only which addresses all potential land uses allowed within that zone and not approval for any specific, subsequent development that may be an allowed land use according to the Zoning Code. 2. Rezone REZ 02-03 for the Port Angeles School District is consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan, specifically with Growth Management Element Goal A; Land Use Element Goal A; Policy A.2; Objective A.1; Goal B; Utilities and Public Services Element Goal A; and Capital Facilities Element Goal A; Policy A.1; Objective A.1; Goal C; and Policy C.1. 3. The Comprehensive Plan accepts that districts may be composed primarily of residential uses of a uniform density and that a healthy, viable district should be composed of residential uses of varying densities which may be augmented by subordinate and compatible uses. Schools are compatible uses in areas designated residential and consistent with the desired urban design of the City. 4. The rezoning of Parcel #2 and #3 was overlooked in 1995 during a City-wide rezone of inappropriately zoned properties. A change in use occurred for Parcel #1 in 1998-99 when it was purchased by the Port Angeles School District to be used in conjunction with other High School campus activities. Given the school use and ownership, the rezone is not a spot zone. 5. The City's action on Rezone REZ 02-03 is consistent with established procedures for amending the Zoning Code as specified in P AMC 17.96.100. 97 Planning Commission Minutes April 10, 2002 Page 5 6. Rezone REZ 02-03 is in the public use and interest by accommodating the needs of the community's High School activities. Commissioner Porter seconded the motion which passed 4 - 0 with Commissioner Rasmussen abstaining due to his not being seated on the Commission during the previous discussion and meeting. 98 . . . . PORTANGELES f:j FILE WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT STAFF DATE: March 27,2002 TO: Chair Schramm and Planning Commission FROM: Sue Roberds, Assistant Planner FILE #: REZ 02-03 APPLICANT: Port Angeles School District OWNER: Same . LOCATION: Southwest corner of Park Avenue and Peabody Street and property in the 3000 block of Maple Street PROPOSAL: Change the Zoning Map Designation from Residential, Single Family (RS-7) to Public Buildings and Parks (PBP) . RECOMMENDATION The Department of Community Development recommends approval ofREZ 02-03, citing the 13 findings and 6 conclusions found in Attachment A to this report. PROPOSAL The applicant has requested a change in the Zoning map designation of properties owned by the Port Angeles School District from Residential Single Family (RS-7) to Public Buildings and Parks (PBP). The request consists of several properties that comprise three building sites located adjacent to the Port Angeles High School and operated in association with school activities. (See map attached to this staff report.) . STAFF ANALYSIS The application is for a rezone of public-owned and operated properties from the current single family designation to the designation deemed appropriate for such properties, PBP. The subject properties are found in three locations surrounding the Port Angeles High School facility located at 304 East Park Avenue and are described as follows: Parcel #1 is located in the 3000 99 Community Development Department Staff Report March 27, 2002 REZ 02-03 - Port Angeles School District Page 2 pq Q IR,<t Q rJS ~ .~~ .~j .,' :' ~..,,, ....' .1 h,... <<";~ ~:l\rl6t1b:hfMap t, along the east side of the street just south of the school maintenance facility and is developed with a residential structure and garage; Parcel #2 is located just north and west of Parcel #1 along the west side of Maple Street and is undeveloped; and Parcel #3 is located at the southwest comer of Park and Peabody Street and is developed with a large converted residential structure. Parcels #2 and #3 have been owned and have functioned as a part of the High School campus for many years, since prior to 1995. A change of use in Parcel #1 occurred when it was purchased in 1998-99 by the School District to be added to the High School campus. Parcel #1, although appearing to support a residential use, is used for storage. Parcel #3 has been used as an auxiliary schoolroom for many years. All of the properties are immediately adjacent to the main High School property. . COMPREHENSIVE PLAN The Comprehensive Plan has been reviewed with respect to the proposed rezone, and the most relevant goals, policies, and objectives are as follows: Growth Management Element Goal A - "To manage growth in a responsible manner that is beneficial to the community as a whole, is sensitive to the rights and needs of individuals, and is consistent with the State of Washington's Growth Management Act. " Land Use Map. Goal. Policies and Objective . Goal A - "To guide current and future development within the City in a manner that provides certainty to its citizens about future land use and the flexibility necessary to meet the challenges and opportunities of the future. " Goal A, Policy No.2 - "Allland use decisions and approvals made by the City Council and/or any of its appointed Commissions, Boards or Committees should be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and its land use map. " Goal A, Objective No.1 -"The City will review and revise as necessary the existing Zoning Ordinance, Zoning Map, and other development regulations to ensure consistency with the Comprehensive Plan. " Goal B - " To have a community where residential development and use of the land are done in a manner that is compatible with the environment, the characteristics of the use and the users, and the desired urban design of the City. " Utilities and Public Services Element Goal A. "To provide or allow the opportunity for services and facilities which enhance the quality of life for Port Angeles citizens of all ages, characteristics, needs, and interests. II . 100 Community Development Department Staff Report REZ 02-03 - Port Angeles School District March 27, 2002 Page 3 . Capital Facilities Element Goal A. "To provide and maintain safe and financially feasible urban services and capital facilities at or above stated levels of service to all City residents and the general public. " Policy 1. "The Comprehensive Plan shall establish general level of service standards for each urban utility and service. Such standards shall be used to determine the impacts of development. " Objective 1. "Atthe time Comprehensive Plans for the City and County are reviewed, one representative each from the Port Angeles School District No. 121, Clallam County, and the City of Port Angeles will meet to consider possible recommendations for amendment of policies affecting school facilities. " Goal C. "To provide urban services at minimum levels of service for all city residents and the general public. " . Policy 1. "The Port Angeles School District should develop a capital facilities plan, which the City will consider for inclusion in the Comprehensive Plan. The capital facilities plan should contain at least a six-year plan for public financing of such facilities as may be necessary to provide adequate public schools at or greater than the following level of service standards in order to meet anticipated increases in student enrollment, which may be anticipated based on the School District's projected enrollment figures and residential growth as provided for in the Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan... " ZONING CODE The purpose of the Zoning Code is to implement the goals, policies and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan by dividing the City into zones restricting and regulating the location, construction, alteration of the use of structures and land, and to promote the orderly and appropriate development of such areas. PBP Zone (P AMC 17.40) The purpose ofthe PBP zone is "A zoning designation for publicly-owned property, or property not suitable for development by reason of its topography, geology, or some unusual condition or situation. Much of the land so designated may best be left as "green belts." Schools andrelated school activities are conditional uses in the PBP zone. . RS-7 (PAMC 17.10) This is a low density residential zone intended to create and preserve urban single family residential neighborhoods consisting of predominantly single family homes on larger than standard townsite-sized lots. Uses which are compatible with and functionally related to a single family residential environment may also be located in this zone. Density allowed is one dwelling per 7,000 s.f. with a minimum lot area of7,D1>b1f. Community Development Department Staff Report REZ 02-03 - Port Angeles School District March 27. 2002 Page 4 17.96.100 Amendments. A. "In determining if an amendment to these regulations is needed, . the City Council . shall give due consideration to the proper relationship of such amendment to the Comprehensive Plan and the entire Zoning Regulations; it being the intent to retain the integrity and validity of the zones herein described and to avoid any isolated spot zoning changes in the Zoning Map. . As required by the Zoning Code and case law, certain criteria are required to be met for the approval of rezones, which includes consistency with the Comprehensive Plan, consistency with the Zoning Code, including maintaining the validity, integrity, purpose, and intent of the zones as well as avoiding spot zones, and demonstration that there has been a change in the land use needs since the area was previously zoned. Consistency with the Comprehensive Plan goals and policies and with purposes of the Zoning Code and the zones in question were reviewed above, and the proposed rezone can be found to be consistent. The proposal, which consists of three properties, does not meet the test of a "spot zone," since it is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and contiguous with existing PBP zoning. DEPARTMENTAL COMMENTS The Public Works and Utilities, Fire Departments, and Building Division have made no comments on the proposed rezone. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The City's State Environmental Policy Act Responsible Official issued a Determination of Non significance (#974) for the proposal per WAC 197-11 on March 8, 2002. There are no environmentally sensitive areas located on or adjacent to the subject . properties. Subsequent development of the properties would require compliance with various chapters of the Port Angeles Municipal Code, as it applies. The SEP A Determination of NonSignificance did not find any significant impact due to traffic in the rezone action. At the time of any subsequent development, the traffic impacts of that development may be assessed differently. PUBLIC COMMENTS Public Notice was placed in the PeI?insula Daily News and the site was physically posted on February 20,2002. Notices of the intended action were sent by U.S. Mail to surrounding property owners on February 15,2002 identifying a written public comment period terminating on March 7, 2002. No comments were received as a result ofthe stated public notification procedures. Attachment A - Findings and Conclusions Attachment B - Application . 102 . . . Community Development Department Staff Report REZ 02-03 - Port Angeles School District March 27, 2002 Page 5 ATTACHMENT A Findings and Conclusions in support of REZ 02-03 - Port Angeles School District Based on the information provided in the public record and any written comments received during the public comment period, and the Planning Commission's deliberation, the City of Port Angeles Planning Commission makes a recommendation of approval ofREZ 02-03 based on the following 13 findings and 6 conclusions: Findings: 1. The Port Angeles School District, requested a change in the Zoning map designation of property from Residential, Single Family (RS-7) to Public Buildings and Parks (PBP). 2. The proposal consists of three building sites that are owned by the Port Angeles School District and used for associated school activities. 3. The three locations are found immediately adjacent to the Port Angeles High School site, located at 304 East Park Avenue, and are described as follows: Parcel #1 is located in the 3000 block of Maple Street along the east side of the street directly south of the school maintenance building, and is developed with a residential structure and garage; Parcel #2 is located just north and west of Parcel #1 along the west side of Maple Street and is undeveloped; and Parcel #3 is located at the southwest comer of Park and Peabody Street and is developed with a large converted residential structure. Parcels #2 and #3 have been under the ownership of the school since prior to 1995. Parcel #1 was purchased in 1998-99. Parcel #1, although appearing to be residential in nature, is used for storage. Parcel #3 has been used as an auxiliary schoolroom for many years. 4. The site is located in the South Central Planning Area of the City between Park Avenue and Viewcrest Street along Maple Street. The area is designated as Residential (R) on the City's Comprehensive Plan and Land Use Map. 5. Properties surrounding the subject sites are zoned Residential Single Family (RS-9) with the exception of the School District properties which are zoned PBP. The residential properties are mostly developed. A church use is located south of the area on Viewcrest Street. 6. The purpose of the PBP zone is "A zoning designation for publicly-owned property, or property not suitable for development by reason of its topography, geology, or some unusual condition or situation. Much ofthe land so designated may best be left as "green belts." Schools and school related uses are permitted in the PBP zone. 7. The Comprehensive Plan has been reviewed with respect to the proposed rezone. The most relevant goals, policies, and objectives are as follows: Growth Management 103 Community Development Department Staff Report REZ 02-03 - Port Angeles School District March 27, 2002 Page 6 Element Goal A; Land Use Element Goal A; Policy A.2; Objective A.l; Goal B; and Utilities and Public Services Element Goal A; Capital Facilities Element Goal A; Policy A.1.; Objective A.1.;Goal C; and Policy c.1. . 8. Per Section 17.96.100 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code "In determining if an amendment to these regulations is needed, the City Council shall give due consideration to the proper relationship of such amendment to the Comprehensive Plan and the entire Zoning Regulations; it being the intent to retain the integrity and validity of the zones herein described and to avoid any isolated spot zoning changes in the Zoning Map." 9. Parcels #2 and #3 have been owned and have functioned as a part of the High School campus for many years, since prior to 1995. A change of use in Parcel #1 occurred in 1998-99 when it was purchased by the School District to be added to the High School campus. 10. The Public Works and Utilities Department, Fire Department, and the Building Division of Community Development have made no comments on the proposed rezone. 11. The City's State Environmental Policy Act Responsible Official issued a Determination of Non Significance (#974) for the proposal per WAC 197-11-355 on March 8, 2002. There are no environmentally sensitive areas located on or adjacent to the subject property. Subsequent development of the properties would require compliance with various chapters of the Port Angeles Municipal Code as it applies. . 12. Public Notice was placed in the Peninsula Daily News and the site was physically posted on February 20,2002. Notice of the intended action were sent by U.S. Mail to surrounding property owners on February 15,2002 identifying a written public comment period terminating on March 7, 2002. No comments were received as a result of the public notification procedures. 13. This site specific rezone application is limited to one "open record" public hearing before the City Council. The meeting before the Planning Commission is not a public hearing, and oral public testimony cannot be taken. According to R.C.W. 36.70B, Local Project Review ("The Regulatory Reform Act"), the Planning Commission shall hold a public meeting, which may include an informal hearing, and make a recommendation to the City Council. The recommendation is to be based solely on the information contained in the official file which includes any written public testimony that was received by March 7, 2002. 14. A City-wide rezone of properties for compliance with the Comprehensive Plan and Land Use Map was approved in 1995. Parcels #2 and #3 were owned and operated in association with the High School use in 1995 when the rezone was done. Parcel #1 was purchased during 1998-99. . 104 Community Development Department Staff Report REZ 02-03 - Port Angeles School District March 27, 2002 Page 7 . Conclusions: 1. The application is for a rezone only which addresses all potential land uses allowed within that zone and not approval for any specific, subsequent development that may be an allowed land use according to the Zoning Code. 2. Rezone REZ 02-03 for the Port Angeles School District is consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan, specifically with Growth Management Element Goal A; Land Use Element Goal A; Policy A.2; Objective A.I; Goal B; Utilities and Public Services Element Goal A; and Capital Facilities Element Goal A; Policy A.I; Objective A.I; Goal C; and Policy C.I. 3. The Comprehensive Plan accepts that districts may be composed primarily of residential uses of a uniform density and that a healthy, viable district should be composed of residential uses of varying densities which may be augmented by subordinate and compatible uses. Schools are compatible uses in areas designated residential and consistent with the desired urban design of the City. 4. The rezoning of Parcel #2s and #3 was overlooked in 1995 during a City-wide rezone of inappropriately zoned properties. A change in use occurred for Parcel #1 in 1998-99 when it was purchased by the Port Angeles School District to be used in conjunction with other High School campus activities. Given the schooI"use and ownership, the rezone is not a spot zone. . 5. The City's action on Rezone REZ 02-03 is consistent with established procedures for amending the Zoning Code as specified in P AMC 17.96.100. 6. Rezone REZ 02-03 is in the public use and intetestby accommodating the needs ofthe community's High School activities. . 105 . . . 106 OCT-19-2001 15:29 P.02 . . PORT ANGELES SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 121 216 East Fourth Street, Port Angeles, WA 98362 (360) 457.8575 FAX (360) 457..4649 Dr. Gary CoM Tom Anderson Superintendent Asslstabt Superintendent Mary Ann Unger Executive Director Curriculum & IDStrucdon Jim Jones, Jr. Exec:utiYe Din~dor Rl1!line.'i5 & Operutiuns Ron SpanJer DJredor Student Senic:eo Scott B",dhuD Din:ctor Athletja;/Al1j~itleslFlldUties October 19, 2001 City of Port Angeles Planning Department Sue Roberds PO Box 1150 Pori Angeles W A 98362 lfB)r~ ~ ~ ~ WJ ~lm\ If] L OCT 2 2 2001 ; I U./l /"" I COMMUNI'" DEVELOPMENT J Dear Sue: . During a visit to your office this morning by one of my staff members, it was noticed that a few parcels, which are owned by the Port Angeles School District, are not properly designated. These properties include: 1. Two lots at the corner of South Peabody and Park Avenue 2. Lots 5 through 9 of Wagners Addition, located along the Northeast side of Maple Street. 3. Parcel #06301550560 (Wickering) located along the Northwest side of Maple Street. I am requesting a change be made to the city planning department maps to reflect that zoning for these parcels is appropriately designated as PBP. Sincerely, C"C~..~~?~_ _ ~~ Scott Brodhun Director of Facilities /j67-09Y9 -- . . SOA1'~7)JREC.TORS. Margaret Crawford DWQtlJy DUllcan ~h~rlie McClain Kcn Sdlr.rmu "~vin Snyder "Quality Education in a Quality Community" . . . 108 . ~ORTANGELES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO CITY MANAGER'S CALENDAR / REPORT May 7, 2002 Board of Adjustment Meeting City Council Meeting Planning Commission Meeting Parks, Recreation, & Beautification Commission Meeting at Port Angeles High School Library Utility Advisory Committee Meeting A WC Annual Labor Relations Conference Monday, May 6 7:00 p.m. Tuesday, May 7 6:00 p.m. Wednesday, May 8 7:00 p.m. Thursday, May 9 7:00 p.m. Tuesday, May 14 3 :00 p.m. W ed- Thurs, May 15-17 out-of -office Tuesday, May 21 6:00 p.m. Wednesday, May 22 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, May 22 7:00 p.m. Friday, May 24 10:00 a.m. Friday, May 24 Noon Monday, May 27 7:30 a.m. City Council Meeting Law Enforcement Advisory Committee Meeting Planning Commission Meeting Finance Committee Meeting - cancelled Community & Economic Development Committee Meeting Downtown Forward Executive Committee Meeting City Council Meeting Gateway Committee Meeting Utility Advisory Committee Meeting Tuesday, June 4 6:00 p.m. Thursday, June 6 8:15 a.m. Tuesday, June 11 3:00 p.m. Tuesday, June 11 6:00 p.m. Wednesday, June 12 6:00 p.m. Wednesday, June 12 7:00 p.m. Friday, June 21 11 :30 a.m. City/County Joint Worksession Meeting - tentative North Olympic Peninsula Cities Association Meting - tentative Planning Commission Meeting Outstanding Public Service Award Luncheon - VBMCC G:\CNCLPK1\CTYMGR\CMREPT\2002\02-0507.wpd 109 . . . CITY COUNCIL GOALS - OBJECTIVES - PROGRAMS / PROJECTS . . (Adopted 12/18/01) Revised 2/5/02 2002 - OUR COMMUNITY WORKPLAN PROJECT UPDATE - APRIL GOAL: FINANCIAL STABILITY Provide consistent and quality municipal services through the adequacy, utilization, and development of financial resources that maximize return on investment, leverage of outside sources, and equity for local taxpayers. 1. Refinance and/or redevelop LID211 (Del Guzzi), along with other potential issues, to improve finances and reduce long-term debt liability (****) Staff is still working on the preliminary plat design with our consulting engineer, Northwestern Territories, Inc. We are looking at the addition of a sidewalk, streetlights, and storm drainage as major additions with consideration of assuring broadband connections as well. The current Council agenda includes a Real Estate Committee recommendation concerning the preliminary plat design and survey work, as well as overall policy direction toward development of this parcel. Stabilize the Fine Arts Center Budget and broaden revenue support for continuing operations (****) Staff is analyzing internal operations and coordinating with stakeholders for efficiencies and opportunities for resource generation. In addition, staff is working on a proposal for a self-sustaining arts education program and facility at the Fine Arts Center campus with interest by the Nor/Wester Rotary and School District. (No change from last report). Evaluate the financial system software and hardware proposals for operational implementation (****) The contract with HTEhas been finCllized and signed by the Mayor as authorized in March. The hardware equipment has been received and staff is working with HTE to 2. 3. -1- 111 4. coordinate the various modules' implementation. We will also send a staff member to specialized training and a users conference at HTE headquarters in Florida. Pursue outside funding sources/grants for capital projects like the Downtown Convention Center, Downtown Parking, planning phase of the Pool Renovation, facilities such as the Fine Arts Center and Marine Life Center, Lauridsen Boulevard bridge, 5th & Race signalization, Ennis Creek bridge, non-motorized improvements, and the Carnegie Library renovation (***) State funding is now available for the 5th & Race signalization and we will be proceeding ahead with design and construction. The Carnegie Library project is having a grant application prepared by staff and the Historical Society to State Heritage Projects in the amount of $340, 000 dedicated toward restoration items and interactive equipment. Staff is also preparing a grant request to State DOT for installation of audible signals (chirpers) at the 5th & Lincoln signal. With a $30,000 match from our economic development budget, staff has helped prepare a $1.5 million grant with EDC for a Business Incubator Project. This project is also being coordinated with potential plans for co-location at the Lincoln School site along with a Skill Center proposed by the School District. The Pool Committee has also been reviewing capital project funding for a potential bond issue. GOAL: INTERGOVERNMENTAL RELATIONS Promote communications, legislative influence, and agency cooperation with all public entities on the North Olympic Peninsula, as well as State, Federal, and Tribal agencies which impact our community and l!nvironment. 1. Pursue futerlocal Agreements for Urban Services in the UGA with the County, POD, Fire District, and other service purveyors (*******) Staffs of both the City and County have met.again on a.draft agreement for service provision and revenue sharing in the UGA. These meetings have also been impacted by recent interest in finding a solution to service the Wal-Mart site with sewer. In addition, we have been a partner in staff efforts associated with the Rayonier Clean-up, and the Port's review of harbor facilities. Schedule regular joint meetings with other jurisdictions (*******) The staffs of the City and the Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe are meeting to discuss mutual improvements for a water and roadway project west of town. A tentative date of 2. -2- 112 . . . . . . 3. June 11th has been set for ajoint meeting with the County Commissioners at 6PM as a work session item on your agenda. We are hopeful that we can actually concentrate on resolving an issue rather than just identifying issues. Coordinate and support Elwha mitigation efforts involving Elwha water protection through agreements with the National Parks Service, Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe, and other agencies (***) A Memorandum of Understanding Agreement has been drafted and is receiving final legal review as well as final negotiation review by the National Parks Service and the Tribe. City Council briefing will be scheduled as soon as the parties have attained an acceptable proposal for submittal to the governing bodies for final review. Implement the bilateral compliance agreement with the W A state Department of Health concerning GWI and seek alternatives to construction ofa water filtration plant (***) A request is being prepared to DOH to modify the RCA to allow the Elwha process to take the place of the City separately moving ahead with the construction of a water treatment plant. It is our belief that we will accomplish the same goal of DOH with the federal project funds through the federal time schedule. Obtain a 5-year renewal permit for landfill operations and continued execution of the Wildlife Hazard Management Plan (***) A one year permit has been issued to operate the landfill because the County regulations do not permit multiple years. COMPLETE Implement City Standards in the UGA for plans review, development, testing, and other areas of operational efficiency (***) Discussions continue with Clallam County PUD #1 and the County considering water and fire flow requirements for the UGA. 4. 5. 6. GOAL: QUALITY MUNICIPAL SERVICES Organize and provide municipal services that are oriented toward meeting the needs of our citizens, effectively utilizing available resources, and achieving improvements in our communi's uali 0 li e. 1. Develop Stormwater Management strategy and program with utility-type funding options (******) Public outreach meetings have been held with good dialogue and sketchy attendance from the general public. The UA C meeting of 5/14 is tentatively scheduled for a review of the program and concerns raised by the public. There may be an impact on -3- 113 the timing of this proposal since we originally budgeted the financial impact for July, and we may need more time to deal with finalization of the program and the billing impact. 2. Strengthen the one-stop permit process through user-friendly code language and assigned staffliaison for significant projects (***) The Planning Commission is reviewing the recommendations by the Citizen Code Advisory Committee on sign, parking, environmental, subdivision, and zoning regulations for May-June review by the Council. 4. Complete the construction of the Black Diamond reservoir cover and install a new disinfection system(***) The reservoir has been placed back in service, and was instrumental to providing us the capacity reserve associated with our water main repair at 14th &D streets. The final construction punch list items need completion before project acceptance by the Council. 5. Construct the Peabody Heights reservoir cover (***) We are preparing this project for a Fall advertisement for construction in the Winter. This will enable us to remove the reservoir from operation during construction when we least need the water capacity. 6. Clean the interior of the water reservoirs (**) - COMPLETE 7. Develop an information data base of emergency services information accessed through wireless support The Fire Department staffhas met with representatives from AT&T Wireless Communications to explore such applications in our area. The goal is to incorporate this technology into Personal Digital Assistants (PDA's). 8. Execute phase IT & ill of the 300 gallon to 90 gallon conversion program for residential refuse collection The placement continues with phase II at 50% completion with positive comments from customers. 9. Replace major portions of the concrete water main transmission service Agreement with Skillings-Connolly has been executed and the design effort has been instituted. 10. hnplement the Water Comprehensive Plan upon State Health Department's approval The public hearing was held March 22, and we are awaiting final approval from DOH. 11. Obtain new NPDES permit for WWTP operations The comment period closed on 4/30/02 and all comments have been submitted to the State for review. 12. Continue Parks Maintenance Plan through miscellaneous irrigation projects, landscaping, and facility maintenance Staff is developing a Renovation Plan for all parks and recreation facilities with the first ten sites due by mid-April. 13. Reduce the occurrence and severity of Emergency mcidents through tactical training, inspection, smoke detectors, public education, and strategic planning for risks Through a collaborative effort between the Fire Department and Community Action, personnelfrom Head Start have been trained in the propoer location, testing, and installation of battery-powered smoke detectors for homes. Through a PDN grant, 50 of -4- 114 . . . ~~. . . . ~ 14. the 80 smoke detectors have beewiiist.allea.~ The'iieji'artmeiifhas'also fiizisHed'thilfourth ~- ,:,-- -:~" __,.At ". in a series of fire safety talks for the residents of th f! four largest County Housing projects . 'II" "':f'~lh'" .~, co'..;, in the City.? h t "."f Ji ~ '~. l '" ,f I I' "~J ~,..' Ii'!i . .' -x t ,- t Deve!op procedures for a Custgrp.er,,,e..ssistance Program through the Fire Department to as~ist*'.'needy';.!yt~tiws ot ~w-~rgency~~jW'!tions '.. \'; '" c.B I,~O~FLE~E 1'''~ f " \:" \j,'ll'" . Design the proj ect to re-conductor,~alJ~Y~;..Streer, ~"" I",,,' ~.,t',IJ""~\ 1 . A design agreement with the consultanlhas been executed and is anticipated to be ~ ~, co,mplete within 90 days. ..'" ':0 '.,'" ".~ ,. ".2"""'''''~:', ,,,",- ,"'"' co.;""'" f ~-~~,~ ~ 15. ., i'\ ), ~ GOAL:, EMPLO,)jE Exi:'EI5LEN.€E '" I. ,{ .Ii; \~I._~ Expand programs and policies that ekh1ince, t~e.w9~kenvironmimt,lsti#iult;te.e,nitJ/ojleefJ! ~' performance, ialld promote cuS'tomer 'service t()(Casslir~ thejrovisiolfot quwal~tY~inll;;icipalservices and prepare~'ur employees for'~h~ future ~hall~"'g~'s i;,municipalgove~n;'knt. ''''Wt'., ,{'{Ii: . ~ i {~(V-; '.f ~- A~:,?th'_:t 'Jihli~t11 ~1: _} .1.. 't " j! i,~ \_',;li.~ 1;~ ~'::j ~ ',0J;T', i ,,~- '<.~~)('t~ 1. 1 i,/ Adffiini,~t~~ an~d negot~a~ssop.tr~st'4~g21iltt<?n~,;~9EJ'l;hE12,c9P.tr519t~l:yith 1'e~~~€?!"s ~on- Sworn staff, IBEW #991, IAFF for Fire Prrs9qn~I,'.~(k~ES~ME!(:"~~'~)",u) Vj; , T~e IlJETfcon!ra,ct isAf!ing p'r:~f11Jl~~;M:lJ E~ecutiY,e Se~sion fo.r,/;pun.cJI review. It is t~ejjJ:,sJ of~hes~ multiple conlrfl:ctf!~go!iqf.~f!.n~\4u~.th!~Yf.pr., 'n" 2. ,CpntipueJJeadership Ac~demy trail!~ng cours~s ~g par.ti9ipation with qut~ide \''\ agel).cie~:(****) ,"\" ," .,'=" "t ,,:; The management group participated i1J}raJrringpn " Dealing? l;V((~ l)iffip,ult PeoRle If. " j ,'IT "" x ''','' 3. Initiate a Police Department awards ceremony for staff and volunteers,e~:n\. COMPLETE. 4. Conduct Diyersi!y Aw~eness,:rraining, \ , This tr;ain,i,ng has been planned/or. qver a'Yl(qr, anrJ;.j"Yill be ~c;onductf:d as ~oon as possible to address sensitivities expressed from Coast Guard personnel. , . ,\ -5- 11'5 !.:!...~~...u...,-",w!",,,...til ill r= -- 2. reasonable measures of operational performance. Develop an ad-hoc committee .concerning the feasibility of instituting Medic n citizen first aid classes.(***) The Medic II / First Aid Class has become an overwhelming success based upon our initial offerings. Explore the feasibility of broadcasting City Council and other public meetings on Channel 21 (***) As part of the Northland Cable TV franchise, the City has negotiated certain equipment commitments to facilitate this process upon Council direction. The Public Information Committee is also being asked to review policies and procedures for such operations. 3. C:\MyFiles\Update_ GOALS2002_May 7_ Update.dat -10- 120 e . . :~.-+' Of:}' :'" "~L;.;, PUBLIC WORKS PROJECT CHANGE ORDERS . ACTIVE CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS, APRIL, 2002 (Costs shown do not include taxes) PROJECT BUDGET ORIGINAL PREVIOUS CHANGE REVISED TITLE CONTRACT CHANGE ORDERS CONTRACT AMOUNT ORDERS THIS AMOUNT MONTH Airport Rd. Realign., 91-07 $1,200,000 $951,589.91 $86,445.69 $0.00 $1,038,035.60 Black Diamond Res., 99-1 $1,000,000 $890,913.07 $68,042.81 $0.00 $958,955.88 Francis Street Park, 21-07 $414,000 $312,605.93 $75,659.46 $0.00 $388,265.39 Laurel Ret. Wall, 96-05 $180,000 $116,405.77 $56,150.00 $0.00 $172,555.77 Ranney Surge Tank, 21-20 $75,000 $40,171.00 $0.00 $0.00 $40,171.00 Water SCADA II, 21-22 $60,000 $43,810.00 $2,348.00 $0.00 $46,158.00 . PUBLIC WORKS CONTRACTS/PURCHASE ORDERS APPROVED BY CITY MANAGER APRIL, 2002 (Costs shown do not include taxes) CONTRACTOR Project- DESCRIPTION AMOUNT OR VENDOR PO# None . N:\PWKS\ENGINEER\MGRRP1\co04-02.wpd . 121 :-------- o .c ~ nO'Rill ^ IN'' . l~;':"h<' E"ILE'S "IJ q i,m' ... WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. PUBLIC WORKS & UTILITIES DEPARTMENT DATE: May 7, 2002 To: City Council and City Manager Director of Public Works and Utilities ~V FROM: SUBJECT: Reimbursement from Olympic National Park for Future and Sunk Costs Associated with Dam Removal A contract modification in the amount of $197,830.46 has been executed by Olympic National Park and the City for city costs associated with the study of water mitigation measures during and after the removal of the dams on the Elwha River through June 30,2001. It is anticipated that the funds will be received not later than May 10, 2002. . Appropriation Previously Billed & Paid Modification Balance available $ 500,000.00 -218,953.50 -197.830.46 $ 83,216.04 The Finance Department is reviewing the expenses incurred since July 1, 2001, for submission to Olympic National Park. N:\GLENN\Sunk Cost Update2<wpd . 123 . . . 124 o tC ~ DO.. .'R' iT.r'! A1N' iG.. 'E.,LE'..S.l 1=-n: ,', ' WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. PUBLIC WORKS & UTILITIES DEPARTMENT DATE: May 7, 2002 To: City Council and City Manger FROM: Director of Public Works and Utilities SUBJECT: Water Transmission Line Repair During the week of April 23, 2002, a leak in the City's 20-inch concrete cylinder domestic water supply transmission line was located. It was necessary to make repairs. Location of the leak required shutting down the City's water source and operating from the reservoir system. Therefore, the Council declared a Stage IV water emergency to begin on Friday, April 26 at 5pm and remain in place until Tuesday, April 30 at 7am to reduce water consumption. . Repairs commenced at 7am on Monday, April 29 and were comple~ed by 5pm. Water supply service to the City from the Ranney collector commenced shortly after repairs were completed. The leak was at 14th and D Streets. The leaking section of pipe was cut out, see attached Photo A, and was replaced. A large rock was found under the location of the leak. It is suspected the line was fractured during the initial installation of the line approximately 50 years ago. The method of placing pipe at that time was to roll the pipe into the trench. Over time, the concrete lining inside the pipe eroded and the metal lining sandwiched in between the concrete rusted away, see attached Photo B. Construction techniques have improved significantly over time. Due to the low volume of the leak on this 20-inch line, it was not possible to discover when leak detection services were performed on this section of line last year. While closing valves to isolate the leak to permit repairs, a 24-inch valve at 16th and D Streets broke. The valve is located eight feet below the roadway intersection and had to be exposed to determine the cause of the failure. Fortunately, a roll pin connecting the shaft of the valve to the turning nutwas sheared and the valve did not have to be replaced. It was necessary to engage the services of two local contractors, Delhur Industries and Rand J Services, because they have construction equipment capable to reaching the pipe and valve. Also, they have large dump trucks to haul the excavated material from the site. The total cost for repairs and restoration is approximately $15,300. This cost includes the labor, material and equipment charges for the city crews, and contract costs for RJ Services and Delhur Industries. Water Fund Reserveswill be used to pay for this repair. If necessary, the budget will be amended later in the year. The normal average consumption for this time frame is 3,000,000 gallons. City customers reduced consumption by 500,000 gallons per day, or approximately 17%. This effort was commendable. A few phone calls were received concerning nonessential use of water. When customers were advised of the water emergency they immediately complied. The print, radio and TV media covered the situation and played an important role in providing regular updates to city customers. . City crews and contract personnel worked closely together to restore vital services in the shortest possible time frame. Well done to the team! N:\GLENN\Waterline Repairs.wpd 125 . ~ o ...... ,g A... . . 126 " L~ . . . 128 ,. .,;...-. . . · :TY MONTHLY REPORT DOGS 2002 JAN FEB MAR AP~ MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC YTD ACO Stray Dogs" 7 4 9 ' 20 ACO Gift Dogs 0 0 0 0 PA Citizen Stray bogs 7 4 8 19 PA Citizen Surra Dogs 11 5 7 23 . SIO Truck Stray Dogs 17 20 25 62 SIO Truck $urrender Doas 7 1 3 11 Sequtm Ace, Stray Dogs 2 4 3 9 Lower Elwha 1I1coming 3 :3 3 9 . . County Public Sttay Ddgs 20 8 11 39 County Public St.i.iTend~r Doos 24 15 23 62 Dogs Left at Shefter 9 8 9 26 City Adopted DoQs 13 14 4 31 County Adopted Dogs 26 19 17 62 Co. & Other. LAS RTO Dogs 5 4 1 10 PA ACO RT,:O Dogs 2 2 4 .. 8 PA CitizenRTO Dogs 4 6 5 15 SIO County RTO Doas 7 9 11 27 - Sequim Acp RTO Dogs 0 0 2 2 " Lower Elwha RTO , 0 2 1 3 '<; LAS PTS Dogs 1 1 6 8 PA ACO DogsP1S 1 1 0 2 PA Citizen Dogs PTS 14 2 1 17 County Dogs PTS 29 14 20 63 LAS DOA Dogs 1 1 0 2 PA ACO DOA Dogs 1 2 0 3 PA Citizen DOA Dogs 1 . 1 0 2 5/0 County DOA Dogs 1 1 . 1 3 SIO ACO Quarantine Dogs 0 0 0 0 PA ACO Quarintine Dogs 0 0 0 Other Quarantine Dogs 1 0 1 PTS/SickMcious/Other 2 3 6 11 TotaUncomlna Doas 10r 72 101 .. .. 280 Total.Adopjed Dogs 39 33 21 93 Total DogsPTS .. 45 17 26 88 Total DOA Dogs 1 5 1 7 TotalRTO Doas 18 ~3 31 72 Complaints. Handled County 3 4 4 11 Other aninijlls handled: 2, Rabbits, 1 Bird. 1 Lamb. 1 Cockatiel. 5 Guinea Pigs. DOA 2 Raccoons, 1 peahen, 2 Coyotes. . .. _IyReport CATS 2002 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oet Nov Dee YTD ACO Stray Cats. . 3 6 9 18 ACO Gift Cats 0 0 0 0 PA Citizen Stray Cats 9 5 3 17 PA Citizen Surr. Cats 14 6 10 30 S/O Truck Stray Cats 10 11 11 32 S/O Truck Surrender Cats 2 4 0 6 Sequim Aco Cat Strays 2 11 3 16 Seq. ACOCat Surrenders 0 1 0 1 County Public Stray Cats 12 10 22 44 County . Public Surrender Cats 19 14 17 . 50 Cats Left at Shelter 23 20 13 56 CitY Adopted Cats 9 12 5 26 County Adopted Cats 11 10 10 31 LAS RTO Cats 0 0 1 1 PA ACO RTO Cats 0 0 2 2 PA Citizen RTO Cats 2 6 o . 8 S/O County RTO Cats 27 9 1 37 ISiuiluim RTO Cats 0 0 0 0 aD.lOty RTO Cats 1 4 0 5 LQer Elewha RTO Cats 0 1 0 1 PA ACO Cats PTS 3 1 5 9 .. Pa Citizen Cats PTS 21 7 7 35 S10 Impound Cats PTS 8 6 4 18 County .Cats PTS 11 19 30 LAS Shelter Cats PTS 19 14 7 40 PA ACO DOA Cats 0 2 1 3 PACitizen DOA Cats 1 1 1 3 S/O County DOA Cats 3 5 6. 14 LAS DOA Cats 1 0 1 . 2 PTS/SicklFerellOther Cats 8 12 14 " 34 Total Incoming Cats 94 88 8S 270 Total Adopted Cats 20 22 15 57 Total Cats PTS 51 3~ 42 132 Total DOA Cats 5 8 10 23 Total RTO Cats 30 19 4 53 PA Citizens Other Animals 0 0 1 1 PA ACO Other Animals 1 0 4 5 County ACO Other Animals 6 8 5 19 LAS Other Animals 6 0 9 15 Sequim _nimalS 0 2 1 . 3 -= 421 .375 . 351 1147 I--U- . . . MINUTES PLANNING COMMISSION Port Angeles, Washington 98362 AprillO, 2002 7:00 p.m. ROLL CALL Members Present: Bob Philpott, Fred Hewins, Chuck Schramm and Rick Porter, Len Rasmussen Members Excused: Mary Craver, Fred Norton Staff Present: Brad Collins, Sue Roberds, Scott Johns Public Present: Scott Brodhun APPROVAL OF MINUTES Commissioner Philpott moved to approve the March 27, 2002, minutes as presented. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Porter and passed 4 - 1 with Commissioner Rasmussen abstaining due to not being seated on the Commission at that time. PUBLIC HEARING: REZONE - REZ 02-03 - PORT ANGELES SCHOOL DISTRICT - School District-owned properties located adjacent to the Port Angeles High School to be rezoned from RS-7. Residential Single Family to PBP. Public Buildings and Parks. (Continued discussion from March 13,2002 public meeting.) Commissioner Hewins noted that a new staff report had been prepared since the March 13,2002, meeting specifically addressing only the Port Angeles School District rezone where originally it had been combined with a staff report for various Municipal Code Amendment proposals. Chair Schramm reminded members that a previous staffreport had been read into the record on March 13, 2002. He polled the Commissioners who agreed that they did not need the new staff report read into the record at this time. Chair Schramm then opened the continued discussion indicating that Scott Brodhun, representing the Port Angeles School District, was present to respond to any questions that may not have been previously answered. In response to a question, Scott Brodhun, Port Angeles School District, 216 East Fourth Street, stated that the subject lot on the west side of Maple Street is used for overflow parking in association with the school activities, the subject east lot is used for storage, and the Peabody and Park Street property has long been used for classroom activities. The subject east lot on Maple was acquired in the past three years. The other two subject properties have been owned by the School District for some time. Mr. Brodhun responded to Commissioner Rasmussen that the subject east lot on Maple 131 Planning Commission Minutes April 10, 2002 Page 2 Street was purchased because of its proximity to the High School. Prior to its being made available . to the School District, it had not been planned for acquisition under any long range planning process. Its proximity to the High School made it a logical purchase. Commissioner Porter noted that he knows Scott Brodhun and his family but felt that he could act fairly on the rezone proposal. No one in the audience objected. Following brief discussion, Commissioner Hewins moved to recommend approval of the rezone proposal citing the following 14 findings and 6 conclusions: Findings: 1. The Port Angeles School District, requested a change in the Zoning map designation of property from Residential, Single Family (RS-7) to Public Buildings and Parks (PBP). 2. The proposal consists of three building sites that are owned by the Port Angeles School District and used for associated school activities. 3. The three locations are found immediately adjacent to the Port Angeles High School site, located at 304 East Park Avenue, and are described as follows: Parcel #1 is located in the 3000 block of Maple Street along the east side of the street directly south of the school maintenance building and is developed with a residential structure and garage; Parcel #2 is located just north and west of Parcel #1 along the west side of Maple Street and is undeveloped; and Parcel #3 is located at the southwest comer of Park and Peabody Street and is developed with a large converted residential structure. Parcels #2 and #3 have been under the ownership of the school since prior to 1995. Parcel # 1 was purchased in 1998-99. Parcel #1, although appearing to be residential in nature, is used for storage. Parcel #3 has been used as an auxiliary schoolroom for many years. 4. The site is located in the South Central Planning Area of the City between Park Avenue and Viewcrest Street along Maple Street. The area is designated as Residential (R) on the City's Comprehensive Plan and'Land Use Map. 5. Properties surrounding the subject sites are zoned Residential Single Family (RS-7) with the exception of the School District properties which are zoned PBP. The residential properties are mostly developed. A church use is located south of the area on Viewcrest Street. 6. The purpose of the PBP zone is "A zoning designation for publicly-owned property, or property not suitable for development by reason of its topography, geology, or some unusual condition or situation. Much of the land so designated may best be left as "green belts." Schools and school related uses are permitted in the PBP zone. 7. The Comprehensive Plan has been reviewed with respect to the proposed rezone. The most relevant goals, policies, and objectives are as follows: Growth Management Element Goal A; Land Use Element Goal A; Policy tj~ Objective A.1; Goal B; and Utilities and Public . . . . . Planning Commission Minutes April 10,2002 Page 3 8. A.1.;Goal C; and Policy C.1. Per Section 17.96.100 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code "In determining if an amendment to these regulations is needed, the City Council shall give due consideration to the proper relationship of such amendment to the Comprehensive Plan and the entire Zoning Regulations; it being the intent to retain the integrity and validity of the zones herein described and to avoid any isolated spot zoning changes in the Zoning Map." 9. Parcels #2 and #3 have been owned and have functioned as a part of the High School campus for many years, since prior to 1995. A change of use in Parcel #1 occurred in 1998-99 when it was purchased by the School District to be added to the High School campus. 10. The Public Works and Utilities Department, Fire Department, and the Building Division of Community Development have made no comments on the proposed rezone. 11. The City's State Environmental Policy Act Responsible Official issued a Determination of NonSignificance (#974) for the proposal per WAC 197-11-355 on March 8,2002. There are no environmentally sensitive areas located on or adjacent to the subject property. Subsequent development of the properties would require compliance with various chapters of the Port Angeles Municipal Code as it applies. 12. Public Notice was placed in the Peninsula Dai/v News and the site was physically posted on February 20,2002. Notice of the intended action were sent by U.S. Mailto surrounding property owners on February 15, 2002 identifying a written public comment period terminating on March 7, 2002. No comments were received as a result of the public notification procedures. 13. This site specific rezone application is limited to one "open record" public hearing before the City Council. The meeting before the Planning Commission is not a public hearing, and oral public testimony cannot be taken. According to' R.C. W. 36.70B, Local Project Review ("The Regulatory Reform Act"), the Planning Commission shall hold a public meeting, which may include an informal hearing, and make a recommendation to the City Council. The recommendation is to be based solely on the information contained in the official file which includes any written public testimony that was received by March 7, 2002. 14. A City-wide rezone of properties for compliance with the Comprehensive Plan and Land Use Map was approved in 1995. Parcels #2 and #3 were owned and operated in association with the High School use in 1995 when the rezone was done. Parcel #1 was purchased during 1998-99. Conclusions: 1. The application is for a rezone only which addresses all potential land uses allowed within that zone and not approval for any specific, subsequent development that may be an allowed land use according to the Zoning Code. 133 Planning Commission Minutes April/O, 2002 Page 4 2. Rezone REZ 02-03 for the Port Angeles School District is consistent with the City's . Comprehensive Plan, specifically with Growth Management Element Goal A; Land Use Element Goal A; Policy A.2; Objective A.l; Goal B; Utilities and Public Services Element Goal A; and Capital Facilities Element Goal A; Policy A.l; Objective A.l; Goal C; and Policy C.l. . 3. The Comprehensive Plan accepts that districts may be composed primarily of residential uses of a uniform density and that a healthy, viable district should be composed of residential uses of varying densities which may be augmented by subordinate and compatible uses. Schools are compatible uses in areas designated residential and consistent with the desired urban design ofthe City. 4. The rezoning of Parcel #2s and #3 was overlooked in 1995 during a City-wide rezone of inappropriately zoned properties. A change in use occurred for Parcel #1 in 1998-99 when it was purchased by the Port Angeles School District to be used in conjunction with other High School campus activities. Given the school use and ownership, the rezone is not a spot zone. 5. The City's action on Rezone REZ 02-03 is consistent with establIshed procedures for amending the Zoning Code as specified in P AMC 17.96.100. 6. Rezone REZ 02-03 is in the public use and interest by accommodating the needs of the community's High School activities. . Commissioner Porter seconded the motion which passed 4 - 0 with Commissioner Rasmussen abstaining due to his not being seated on the Commission during the previous discussion and meeting. PROPOSED MUNICIPAL CODE AMENDMENTS - MCA 01-02 - CITY OF PORT ANGELES. City-Wide: Suggested changes to the City's sign, parking, environmental, subdivision, and zoning regulations (Titles 14-17). The changes were largely recommended by the Citizens Code Advisory Committee appointed by the City Council in 2001. (The public hearing on this item was closed on March 27, 2002.) Chair Schramm opened the continued discussion on the amendment proposals. Community Development Director Collins reviewed the A-frame sign discussion from the previous meeting which was still under consideration as a decision was not reached at the March 13,2002 meeting. Detailed discussion began with regard to the different types and applications of A-frame signs. It was decided that real estate open house signs are a form of A-frame sign as they are freestanding and not attached to either the ground or a structure in many cases. Mr. Collins noted that, at present, real estate open house signs escape Code enforcement by practice as they are generally placed and taken . down within the same day and are difficult to administer as long as they are not placed on the City's rights-of-way. 134 . . . Planning Commission Minutes April J 0, 2002 Page 5 Following extensive discussion as to what is an A-frame sign and where they might be of value to business owners and the general public, Director Collins noted that the proposed amendment is intended to clarify sign issues, not make them more confusing than they already are. Staff is asking for a clear set of guidelines by which to administer sign issues. Staff is not asking to prohibit signs that are currently allowed by this amendment but is asking that the City's only established set of detailed guidelines for signs, those found in the Central Business (CBD) sign regulations, be officially applied to other areas of the City as well. The CBD sign guidelines provide clear definitions, prohibitions, exemptions, and temporary use situations that are not described in other zones thereby making it a matter of interpretation in a lot of cases as to what is prohibited and what is exempt. The existing sign information found for zones other than the CBD are at least 30 years old and have not been reviewed for clarity. They are very vague and allow for much interpretation. Commissioner Hewins was concerned that certain established sign uses for signs commonly found in most automobile-oriented zones such as the CA, such as banners, pennants, and flags for automobile dealers, would be prohibited if the CBD sign regulations are adopted for the entire City. Director Collins stated that there may be sign prohibitions found in the CBD that are not appropriate for all zones because the CBD is pedestrian-oriented. Those prohibitions do not have to be extended to other zones, but the bulk of the CBD sign code is a good working tool that can readily be adapted to other zones and will enable staff to provide clear direction in sign applications. Lou Haehnlen, Building Official for the City of Port Angeles, reiterated that staff is asking that an established set of rules be adopted City wide so that the administration of sign applications will be clear both to staff and to the public. At this time, signs are being handled without a clear set of rules. Chair Schramm identified that staff is asking that a set of regulations be instituted for application City-wide that will allow the consistent administration of sign regulations without so much interpretation. . Commissioner Porter was concerned that we don't create a law to support a law that we don't understand. On that note, Director Collins said that we already have the law but the wording is out dated and doesn't clearly define what are prohibited signs and what signs are exempt City wide. Should we be extending the same sign rules defined in the CBD because we don't have clear direction elsewhere, or should we stop trying to interpret the regulations and put in place a more finite set of rules that everyone can understand? In extending the definitions of the CBD sign ordinance City-wide, with a few changes in the prohibited signs, the status quo willbe retained as far as allowable sign area in other zones. Commissioner Philpott supported providing staff with the clear direction that is being requested. Lengthy discussion followed as to what staff is really asking for, and it was agreed that the CBD sign regulations do provide direction not currently available in other zones. Commissioner Hewins continued discussion as to the A-frame sign issue. It was agreed that A- frame signs placed outside of the rights-of-way and no higher than 30" high with 6 square foot 135 Planning Commission Minutes April 10, 2002 Page 6 maximum per side should not pose a vision or traffic concern. Businesses appear to be in favor of . such signs, and one sign per physical location would not seem to present any negative impacts. Commissioner Rasmussen suggested that the exemption section found in the CBD sign regulations be extended City wide but that the prohibitions section should be reviewed zone by zone to ensure compatibility. He suggested defining A-frame signs as freestanding or detached signs to enable maximum flexibility to staff for enforcement. Commissioner Hewins disagreed and suggested that prohibited signs be left: grouped as they are with the exception of specific signs prohibited in the CBD, such as banners, flags, and pennants, which are commonly found in automobile-oriented zones. Most other signs prohibited in the CBD would appropriately be prohibited City-wide. By a poll vote, the Commission agreed. Staff will bring revisions to the proposed amendments as discussed to the regular meeting of April 24,2002, for final review. In discussion of exemptions permitted under the State Environmental Policy Act (SEP A) found in WAC 197-11-908 for actions proposed in environmentally sensitive areas, Commissioner Hewins asked if staff knows of other jurisdictions that have adopted any of the exemptions. Staff was not prepared to answer the question but will report back with that information. Director Collins began a lengthy review and a detailed list of proposed purpose section amendments . for each zone within the Zoning Ordinance. He explained that the Citizen Code Advisory Committee asked that the purpose sections be amended for each zone to provide a more positive statement as to the intent of each zone. COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE PUBLIC None. STAFF REPORTS Staff welcomed Commissioner Len Rasmussen to the Commission. REPORTS OF COMMISSION MEMBERS Commissioner Schramm asked if the City had given any thought to working with the Port of Port Angeles on developing a municipal golf course on those properties that the Port and the City own which are more or less in the area of the landfill and airport. Director Collins indicated that, while the City is not pursuing a golf course plan at this time, it would be possible to work with the Port if such a proposal were to be put before the City. He agreed that other communities have successfully reclaimed landfill for municipal recreational activities; however, at this time, the City's proposal for redevelopment of the landfill property is planned to be more for utility purposes than recreational . purposes. Commissioner Schramm encouraged a recreational use if possible which would benefit the entire community. 136 . . . Planning Commission Minutes April} 0, 2002 Page 7 Commissioner Hewins noted that the new taxi business located in the 800 block of West Eighth Street is becoming a traffic hazard with vehicles crossing West Eighth Street while turning into the site. Queuing occurs which backs traffic up to the bridge. Staff will look into this. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 10: 1 0 p.m. Brad Collins, Secretary Charles Schramm, Chmr PREPARED BY: S. Roberds 137 I . . . 138 '. Port Angeles Parks 6- Recredtion . WuterFront 'Cruil Md ch 2002 . 139 I I PARKS & RECREATION REVENUE March 2002 Ocean View Cemetery $3,889.99 $10,910.50 $28,851.61 $23,186.45 William Shore Memorial Pool $9,504.69 $11,309.79 $36,014.78 $38,501.56 Vern Burton Community Center $587.50 $3,004.00 $5,811.50 $4,271.00 Senior Services Center - Rentals $671.00 $991.50 $2,474.50 $2,045.00 Senior Services Center- Kitchen Fees $60.00 $40.00 $240.00 $170.00 Senior Services Center - Leases $550.00 $550.00 $1,650.00 $1,650.00 Banner $300.00 $820.00 $1,395.00 $1,705.00 Lincoln Park Camping Fees $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 City Pier Moorage Fees $0.00 $0.00 $282.21 $0.00 General Fund RevenueTotal $15,563.18 $27,625.79 $76,719.60 $71,529.01 Vern Burton Kitchen Fees $35.00 $305.00 $747.50 $420.00 Co-Rec Volleyball $0.00 $50.00 $5.00 $360.00 Volleyball Tourney Fund $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Slowpitch $1 ,1 00.00 $0.00 $1,100.00 $0.00 Slowpitch Tourney Fund $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Mens Basketball $115.00 $0.00 $1,577.50 $2,160.00 Basketball Tourney Fund $6,034.00 $103.00 $6,571.00 $380.50 Youth Programs $14,837.75 $2,580.00 $5,841.75 $8,564.50 Adult Programs $251.50 $643.00 $1,392.75 $1,183.50 Adult Soccer $1,855.00 $2,060.00 $1,880.00 $2,120.00 Recreation Activities Fund Total $24,228.25 $5,691.50 $19,115.50 $15,188 140 - I- I I I I I \ I \ i I I 1 ! I I ! \ \ I I , i i I ! I , . ! Vern Burton Community Center Main Hall Events March Attendance: 2,017 Attendance Date Event March 1 March 9 & 10 March 1 1 March 14 Port Angeles symphony Auction spring Hoopfest Basketball Tournament Erickson playfield - Playground Community Meeting Human Resources Testing Juan de Fuca campfire Candy Awards Parks & Recreation Middle School Dance 4-H Cat Show Fairview School spaghetti Dinner & Show AAU Basketball Parents & Kids party Jefferson School Set up for 3/29 Jefferson School Carnival 200 400 40 25 100 187 50 500 40 25 450 March 15 March 16 March 2 1 March 24 March 28 March 29 Regular Vern Burton Gym Users March Attendance: 413 Noon Basketball . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225 After School Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183 Gvm Walker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Vern Burton Meeting Room Events March Attendance: 403 Date Event Attendance March 6 Clallam county Food Handler's Class 30 March 7 Washington Schools Risk Management 36 March 12 & 13 55 Alive Defensive Driving Classes 52 March 14 Washington Schools Risk Management 30 Clallam County Elwha Management Team 25 March 15 Port Angeles School District 20 March 16 county Joint Planning Meeting 30 March 17 Cal Ripken Youth Baseball ~ ... 20 March 18 Olympic Round Up Meeting 15 March 19 Junior Babe Ruth Draft 50 March 22 State of Washington Department of personnel 25 March 25 Junior Babe Ruth Draft 50 March 27 Lower Elwha meeting .. 20 141 I I Vern Burton Meeting Room - Regular Users March Attendance: 502 Kiwanis . . . . . . . . 0.' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133 Land Trust . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Transit Union . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Juan de Fuca Festival . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Board of Appeals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Non-motorized Meeting . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Bike Club . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 After School Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 Cal Ripken Youth Baseball . . . . . . . . . . . 75 Ski Club. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Park Board . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Education Foundation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Bussell/Fastpitch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Parks & Recreation Slowpitch Mtg . . . . 15 Erickson Playground Committee . . . . . . 12 penCom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 City Hall Council Chambers - Users March Attendance: 437 City Council Meetings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130 DUl Victim's Panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Board of Adjustment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Historical Society Lecture . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Planning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 KiwaniS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Gateway . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 Womenfest Lecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Waste Water Department . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Chamber of Commerce . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Cal Ripken . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Park & Facility Rentals venue March Year to Date Monthlv uses Clubhouse 7 12 Scouts: Each Wednesday Longhouse 1 1 No monthly uses scheduled Loomis Building 7 18 4-H 151 & 41h Tues Scouts: 3rd Tuesday Fly Fishermen: 151 Monday Lions Park 0 0 No monthly uses scheduled Veterans Park 1 2 Veterans Program Last Friday Conrad Dyar Fountain 0 0 No monthly uses scheduled Scheduled City Pier Uses This Month: 0 Year to Date: 0 Date I Event I i Nothing Scheduled I Up Coming pier Uses/Events Date April 13-14 Ma 4 Event Kayak Symposium MG's On The Pier 142 . . . . . I !. Recreation Division P ograms 1 16 Participants Square Dance Lessons 35 enrolled 25 enrolled . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 participants 2 1 participants Line Dance Lessons ........................ ~ After School Program: Franklin School . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Vern Burton Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Parks & Recreation Special Events Approximately 800 participants March 9-1 0 Spring Hoopfest (boys 5th, 6th, 7th, 81h, gth, JV & Varsity Basketball tourney) March 23-24 34 Teams; 28 out-of-town Men's washington Recreation Basketball Federation State Tournament 6 Teams; all out-of-town upcoming Recreation Programs Date Event April 1-5 Spring Break" - Day Camp Program for kids ages 5-12 April 6-7 April Fool's BOYS & Girls, 5th - Varsity Basketball Tournament April 20 Parks & Rec Kids Fishing Derby May 4-5 BOYS & Girls 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, gth, Varsity & Jr. Varsity Tournament Miscellaneous Weekly Elementary & Middle School Gym & Field Scheduling for: Soccer, Youth Basketball 143 Vern Burton Center Attendance March 2002 This Month This Month This Year to Last Year Last Year Date to Date Main Hall/Gym 2,017 2,855 5,132 6,860 Special Uses. Main Hall/Gym 413 636 1,544 1,186 Regular Uses Meeting Rooms 403 414 1,644 1,229 Special Uses Meeting Room 502 322 1,390 9,007 Regular Uses Council Chambers 437 509 1,416 1,269 Total Attendance 3,772 4,736 1 1 , 126 19,551 Park & Pier Facilities Uses City Pier 0 0 0 0 park & park Facility 16 4 34 22 Rentals Total Uses 16 4 34 22 Recreation Program participants Rec Programs 116 147 438 308 Special Events 800 688 3,028 2,524 Total participants 916 835 3,466 2,832 144 . . . . I PORT ANGELES FINE ART CENTER March 2002 Exhibitions Attendance: 665 Date Event Attendance March 1-31 Lanny Bergner Exhibition "Strange Fruit" 465 March 1-31 Art Outside 200 Spoken Word Attendance: 98 Date Event Attendance March 3 Lanny Bergner Slide Lecture 47 March 28 Jake Seniuk at Sequim Arts 51 . Meetings Attendance: 64 Date Event Attendance March 13 Friends 22 March 20 Docents 27 March 21 Trustees 15 . Education Attendance: 368 Date Event Attendance March 5 1 st grade, Monroe 23 March 7 4th grade, Monroe; 5th grade Grey Wolf 47 March 13 5th grade, Hamilton 27 March 14 1st grade, Monroe; 4th grade Helen Haller (3 classes) 75 March 15 4th grade, Helen Haller (3 classes) 73 March 20 5th grade, Dry Creek; Peninsula College 40 March 21 5th grade, Grey Wolf 22 March 27 Crescent High School; 3rd grade, Franklin 39 March 28 3rd grade, Franklin 22 145 Off Site Projects Attendance: 416 Date Event Attendance March 1-31 Hands-on project in classroom (18 classes/54 hrs) 416 Special Projects Attendance: 27 Date Event Attendance Outdoor sculpture project w/Grey Wolf art club x4 17 Volunteers/25 hours 5 Community service at-risk youth/30 hours 5 146 . . . .- . . co ~ - " ". "", " "' .-, ,~". _' , " -'_,_ '(0" ,'__....- Michael McCaffei'ty"s"Cir- . cumstance" ,and Sheila Klein's rj ; ',:" '"~ ',:,:) . . . ..... en o . ~"&~~ .. \ t. 41JfW l~" ~1YJ ~~. . -'"....,...,., ,. "). ~1 ---r-" ...1r:Y}jsy ; - I I . I .\ \ I I. I ! I I ! 1\ I I' I I I ! i I I . ! i : . I I I I ! I . I I. II II .j I I I I I' 'I I II i I. ! I o )> -i m z )> ~ m )> o o :::::0 m (.f) (.f) i h 151 . Senior Center Community Events Date March 3 March 7 March 9 March 9 March 15 March 16 March 19 March 23 March 30 Events poulson Campaign Kick-off police Department Recognition Dinner Decisions Unlimited P.I.R.A. Friend of Arthur Feiro Marine Lab CCDCC Klahhane Hiking Club Olympic Mountaineering Jim's Pharmacy Retirement Gathering I Regular Senior Center Users 1 .Senior Nutrition Board .CCSWAB .Soroptimist Jet-set . Virginia Mason .Fine Arts Center Venture Club .Rhody Society Board Meeting .Non Motorized Meeting . Eckankar .Jazzercise .peninsula College . Crime Stoppers .Hurricane Ridge Ski Club . Senior Center Sponsored Events & Programs Date Event March 6 Organizing Your Photos March 7 Collette Vacations Presentation March 8 Computer Lab 1 SI Anniversary open House March 9 Girl Scouts vacuumed cars for Senior Center Members March 1 1 Family Tree Maker Class March 13 Food Handlers Test fo Senior Center Members March 14 Life Line Screening March 15 & 20 CostCo Reception Senior Center sponsored Health Programs . .Weight Training/Stretch .Alzheimer Support Group .Low Vision Support Group .Bench Stepping .Hearing Aid Repairs/Testing .Blood Pressure Check .Aerobics 152 . Senior Center Sponsored Educational Programs .Round Table on Politics .Computer Classes .spring Chicken Band .Investment Group .Conversational Spanish . Tap Dance Classes . Creative Writing . Drawing .Geography of China .Infinite Variety of Music .Harmonica Lessons .Dreams Workshop . Computer lab . Water Color Class . Oil Painting .Investment Class .Personal Journal .AARP Senior Center Sponsored Social & Recreational Prograins I. I I \ \ I I I I I I I I i I I I .Senior Swingers Dance . Bridge .Paint on Your Own .Olympic Peninsula Chess Club .At the Movies. Monday video . Pinochle . Bingo . Crafts .poker Lessons .Senior Singers i It I I 153 .Pickle ball . Golden Agers Club .Pool . Canasta . Cribbage .Coffee Lounge .Senior Minute Committee . The Old Music Guy . Tax Assistance . PORT ANGELES SENIOR CENTER MONTHLY ACTIVITY REPORT March 2002 Information & Referral 1,323 1,856 4,505 5,338 Estimated Attendance 5,709 5,624 16,673 17,049 Health Programs 585 738 1,661 1,338 Education Programs 692 854 2,553 1,738 SociaIlEvents/Programs/Meals 1 ,458 1,884 4,631 3,140 Trips: Taken 4 3 7 6 Passengers 39 22 74 68 Volunteers: 191 163 Hours 1,973 1,536 5,835 4,408 Membership: 70 72 1,350 1,379 City 37 44 881 927 County 33 28 469 452 . 154 RECREA TION--- Children 805 1,184 2,228 3,044 Adult 1,756 2,130 5,596 6,224 Middle School Nite/Kid's Day 6/8 11/38 19/59 67/94 Pool Parties/Participants 20/264 17/175 511703 57/605 INSTRUCTION --- Children 937 1,203 2,254 2,592 Adults 0 0 .0 0 Parent/Child Orientation 261 0 261 0 Pre-School 446 388 1,111 782 '. Water Exercise 605 702 1,923 1,969 School District 533 505 2,048 2,056 Pool Rentals/Classes 621 522 2,074 1,783 Instruction Totals 3,403 3,320 9,671 9,182 POOL OPERATIONS --- Days Open 29 31 84 89 Hours Open 396.50 410.75 1,172.25 1,222.00 REVENUE --- Rental: Suits, towels, caps $163.29 $267.98 $535.84 $835.42 Admissions $1,926.78 $2,677.71 $5,614.96 $7,315.63 Lessons $2,600.40 $2,986.04 $13,828.70 $13,870.54 Aerobics $1,310.50 $1,578.00 $4,238.00 $4,616.86 Passes $1,868.43 $2,033.78 $7,076.69 $7,162.26 i I . Showers $18.99 $22.21 $45.86 $49.53 Lockers $112.93 $203.85 $302.18 $497.10 Pool Rentals $1,094.12 $1,044.52 $3,043.65 $2,678.25 .25 $495.70 $1,328.90 $1,475.97 . William Shore Memorial Pool Monthly Attendance/Revenue Report March 2002 William Shore Pool Activities March 2002 . A DMINISTRA T/ON *Completed Red Cross life Guard Program *Evening Parent/Child Orientation Class completed *Eight girls are participating in a Wednesday afternoon synchronized swim class for levels V & up. INSTRUCTIONAL Exercise classes for September; * Combination AM classes * Water Aerobics AM classes * Deep Water AM classes * Deep Water PM classes * Water. Walking AM classes Tu & Thur Man - Fri Man & Fri Tu & Thur Mon, Wed, Fri Swim Lessons Schedule: * February 25 - March 29 * February 26 - March 28 * On-going Grade-school Pre-school Private Lessons CLUBS AND ORGANIZATIONS * Port Angeles Swim Club 5:30-7:00 pm Monday thru Friday * Port Angeles Diving Club On vacation * Port Angeles School District 7:45 am - 8:15 am 9:05 am - 9:35 am 1:00 pm -1:30 pm Man, Tues, Thurs, Fri Wednesday Monday thru Friday * United States Coast Guard 7:45 - 9:00 am Rescue Swimmer Training RECREA T/ONAL SWIMMING March 30 Kid's Day March 30 Middle School Night -c:::. -- ------ ~ .,. 156 . PE Classes PE Classes Special Education Class Tues & Thurs 8 Participants 6 Participants . -- --~ ~y I . i. . Ground Burials 9 7 9 6 Ground Burial Inurnments 1 3 5 4 Niche Inurnments 5 5 1 1 Entombments i 0 1 0 0 I Year to Date Totals 15 ,- 16 i 15 11 THIS MONTH THIS YEAR TO DATE $11,915.28 TillS MONTH LAST YEAR $1,157.50 LAST YEAR TO DATE $5,407.12 $637.00 157 Parks & Cemetery Monthly Division Report March 2002 Accomplishments Turf Management / 1111. Mowing and trimming ALL locations IO. ... . . . . . . . ...... .. .. . . . ... .. ... . . .... .. ... . . . . .. 51.5 hours III. Turf renovationlRepairs . . ...... . IO. . . . . . .. . . . . .... .. . ... ... IO.. . IO... .. .... . . . .. .. ... .. 2.0 hours 11'" Equipment repairs and maintenance ....... .. ... ....... . IO.. . ..... IO. ... IO. ....... .. . ..... 68.5 hours Total Hours Previous Year: 387.0 Total Hours Current Year: 122.0 Beautification 1111. Downtown planter maintenance(cleanup water etc.) ....................................... 23.0 hours III. Maintenance of planted areas. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3.0 hours 111" Greenhouse, plant maintenance ........................................................ 3.0 hours II~ Tree well cleaning and maintenance .................................................... 0.0 hours Total Hours Previous Year: 85.5 Total Hours Current Year: 29.0 Amenities III" Pier general maintenance . . ...... . . . . . . ... .. . . . . . .. . . ... ... . . . .. .. .. . ...... .. .. . . . . .. . . 2.0 hours 11'" Floats; repairs to Ediz Hook Floats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.0 hours 111" Washroom servicing, cleaning and general maintenance . .. .. . .. .. ... .. IO. . . . .. .. .. . . . .. ..... 81.5 hours III. Park sign maintenance . IO.. . . .. .. ... . . ... . . . . . . ... . ... . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . .... ... . ... ..... 4.0 hours 11'" Play equipment maintenance: .. . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . IO.. . . . . . ... . .... . . . . .... 2.0 hours II~ Other: Fences, Pier Octopus planting, ponds and fountain. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31.5 hours Total Hours Previous Year: 132.0 Total Hours Current Year: 121.0 . 158 Sports Facilities Field Makeup and Maintenance II.... Baseball and softball including; Civic, Lincoln, Volunteer, Dry Creek, Shane and Elks fields ................................................................... 190.0 hours 1111" Soccer fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 29.0 hours 111* Football field. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 0.0 hours 11.... Tennis ............................................................................ 0.0 hours III. Field lighting repairs ................................................................. 0.0 hours Total Hours Previous Year: 263.0 Total Hours Current Year: 219.0 Waterfront Trail "* Bench and memorial installations/maintenance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .90.5 hours Total Hours Previous Year: 63.0 Total Hours Current Year: 90.5 Building Maintenance General Maintenance and Repairs 110" William Shore Pool .............................................................. 62.0 hours 111* Vern Burton Community Center. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .94.0 hours 111* City Hall and Police Dept.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141.0 hours II"" Senior Center. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121.0 hours Total Hours Previous Year: 485.5 Total Hours Current Year: 418.0 Civic Complex City Hall mowing, atrium and planted areas 111* Atrium; tree and flower bed maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.0 hours Total Hours Previous Year: 10.0 Total Hours Current Year: 6.0 . 159 Parks General Maintenance """ Litter pickup from various park locations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58.0 hours ".. Park improvements.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33.5 hours IInit- Building maintenance;. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ...................................... .54.5 hours 1111" Forest Management;. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .178.5 hours "" Street plowing and snow removal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85.0 hours Total Hours Previous Year: 373.5 Total Hours Current Year: 409.5 Special Events m"'Other: .... .................... ., ........ . ..... .,. ........ .. ...... . ..... .. . ...... .., 6.0 hours ".. Total Hours Previous Year: 0.0 Total Hours Current Year: 6.0 Campground "'" Site cleaning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2.0 lIu1t- Total Hours Previous Year: 2.0 Total Hours Current Year: 2.0 Cemetery "'" Ground burial interments .. .. . . . .. .. .. .. .... . . . ..... ............... . ... .... . . . . . ., . .. 22.0 hours IInit- Cremation interments . . ...... . . .... ... .. .. . . . . .. .,. .. . ..... ...... . . . .... . . . . . . . . .... . 4.0 hours "* Crypt entombment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . 0.0 hours "" Niche inurnments .. .. .... .,. . . ., ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .... .... ... .. . ... . . . .. . . . . . . .. .. 1.0 hours "'" Memorial marker settings . . . . . . '.' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.0 hours "" M' d' . 22.5 hours OWIng an trunmIng............................................................ III'" Building/Chapel cleaning and maintenance .. .. . . . . . .. .. . . . . .. ... . .... . . . . .. . . .. . . . . . . . .. 20.0 hours 1111" Grave site refilling/regrading .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . ... .... . . . ... .. ., . . . . . . . . .. 3.0 hours III'" Customer Service .. . . ...... . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . ., ... . . . . . . . .. .... ... . . . .... . . . . . . ... .. .. 8.5 hours Total Hours Previous Year: 137.0 Total Hours Current Year: 83.0 . 160 Parks Administration II'" Daily supervision, crew training and safety meetings . . ...... .. ................... . . . . .. .. 217.5 hours Total Hours Previous Year: 226.0 Total Hours Current Year: 217.5 Sub Total Previous Year: 2,164.5 Sub Total Current Year: 1,725.5 NON Productive Hrs previous year: (Illnesses, doctor/dental, vacations) 90.0 I I NON Productive Hrs Current Year: 360.5 (Illnesses, doctor/dental, vacations) Total Parks & Cemetery Division Hours: Previous Year: 2,254.5 Current Year: 2086.0 . . 161 I Ediz Hook Volunteer Mr. Don Walker- Monthly Report The following is a report for the month of February, from Volunteer Mr. Don Walker of Port Angeles (one ofllie many citizens who provide the city with many hours of valuable volunteer labor). Mr. Walker has for the last several years volunteered to maintain the "sign" (and immediate area) on the East side ofthe Ediz Hook restrooms. Mr. Walker has constructed several wind vanes that you see on top of the Army Corps Reclamation sign, as well as beautified the area underneath it by installing flowers in a planter area. The following is a summary of his monthly activities; . 3/10 Cleaned area around Ediz Hook sign. Weeded flower bed. . 3/13 Applied liquid fertilizer to flowers at Ediz Hook sign. . 3/20 Checked sign area and restrooms, no problems. . 3/31 Applied liquid fertilizer to flowers. Weeded flower bed. Removed two (2) remaining white kale plants. Picked up misc. debris around sign area. Brought four (4) more rocks (reddish/gray) up from beach and stacked behind sign. Note: Area around sign remains free of any damage or v~dalism. 162 . . . . . ! March 23,2002 Mike Quinn City Manager City of Port Angeles 321 5th Street Port Angeles, Wa 98362 Dear Mr. Quinn: ... / Port Angeles Youth Baseball would like.to express its appreciation to the City of Pqrt Angeles and the Parks and Recreation Department for its continued support of ou~ efforts to promote youth sports in the Port Angeles area. We are looking forward to this year's Pepsi tournament, which, as you may know, is scheduled for the second weekend of August at Lincoln Park. We will continue with the same format as in previous years which includes three separate 8 team baseball tournaments (10, 11 and . 12 year old) operating at the same time on 6 different fields at Lincoln Park. Port Angeles will have an entry in each division. As you might expect, our tournament is made possible by many hours of volunteer time. We continue to believe that this tournament, as well as many similar events sponsored and promoted by other youth activities organizations, provide substantial benefit to our community, not only to our youth. but to the local economy which benefits greatly by having 21 out-of-town teams, each with a roster of 12-14 players, together with their parents, grandparents and siblings, here in Port Angeles over an extended weekend. This tournament would not be possible without the support of the City of Port Angeles and Parks and Rec. Our fields and facilities have the reputation of being among the finest in the state and it is this excellence which enables tournaments such as ours to succeed. We continue to support and applaud the efforts of the City in the areas of field maintenance, field preparation and in providing organizational support for such tournaments. Without the City's assistance we would not exist and Port Angles would not benefit in the many ways that it does by sponsoring and promoting such events. (:L Ken Lane President er Wheeler Vice President cc: Marc Connelly cc: Chamber of Commerce 163 . . \ \ \. \ J}CJ-r Va Y/(3 7:" D - S \ff . ~c-h '-\1 r-- i I . I . I - _nk---~ .-r; . U th e EtA,~ ! Or----ClL- ~--'-'~ " , 4'" (during Parks & Recreation Spring Break prqsram - April 1-5 2002) , . 9' " f . I I IA^ r, A~ l- Qrp.l~ V \ () ,^I'\ ./I 164 . "Tite Lot4 has 40ne great things fat us. r-'\ 1;-1 I "A , an4 we ate Blle4 with ;oy." . I I . i........- i N c:t c:t N .. ., E e = en ....... = == 1- .. :=& en 11 11 .. J . "'j ':......r:' rt~~ ~.. -. ....i PORT ANGELES PARKS & RECREATION REFUND POLICY City of Port Angeles Refunds "Satisfaction Guaranteed" We want you to try our programs. . . Risk Free! If you are not completely satisfied with one of our programs in the first 24 hours, please contact our administrative offices at417-4550 to arrange for a refund or credit for your next class. We want you to be happy with our service. Due to circumstances beyond our control, there will be no refunds for certain pre-registered programs. Parks & Recreation Staff Administration City Council Glenn Wiggins, Mayor Orville Campbell, Deputy Mayor Gary Braun Lauren Erickson Richard Headrick Karen Rogers Larry Williams Mike Quinn, City Manager Class/Outinl: Cancellation We reserve the right to cancel an activity if enrollment is not sufficient. If an activity is canceled you will be notified. Please understand that we are trying to offer the best programs at the most reasonable prices possible. As such, we must enforce minimums on our classes just as we do maximums. Marc Connelly, Director Mari A. Bilsborrow, Admin. Assist. Recreation Services Contract Prol:rams Contract programs (those programs whom Parks and Recreation contract with) will have their own refund policies. Port Angeles Parks and Recreation is not responsible for their policy decisions. Jerry Cole, Recreation Services Manager Amber Cottam, Recreation Supervisor Bill Peterson, Recreation Supervisor Dan Estes, Events Coordinator Barb Olive, Aquatics Operations Supervisor Patty Reifenstahl, Aquatics Programs Supervisor Parks/Cemetery Staff Ralph Dyker, Parks/Cemetery Superintendent Craig Thornburg, Leadworker Jim Breitbach, Leadworker Cindy Kochanek, Cemetery Assistant Darryl Anderson, Facility Caretaker Paul Breitbach, Facility Caretaker vacant, Facility Caretaker Corey Delikat, Caretaker Leon Leonard, Caretaker Leo Lewis, Caretaker Tom Morse, Cemetery Facility Caretaker Bob Petty, Facility Caretaker Jim Swenson, Caretaker Cancellations The Port Angeles Parks and Recreation Department is aware that sometimes cancellations cannot be avoided. If you must cancel, our preference is that you choose to transfer your payment toward the registration fee for another activity. If you are unable to choose another activity, the following policy will apply: Parks, Recreation & Beautification Commission Davis Morris, Chairman Matthew Kirsch, Vice Chairman Pat Deja Larry Little Damaris Rodriguez Diana Tschimperle Charles Whidden If you need to cancel your registration for an activity, you will receive a full refund if you cancel eight (8) or more days before the date of the activity. Cancellation from seven (7) days to three (3) days (72 hours) will result in loss of an administration fee of25% of the activity fee or $10 whichever is less. Cancellation with 72 hours of the activity will result in forfeiture of the full fee. You may cancel in writing or by contacting the Parks and Recreation office at\ 417 -4550. Please be aware that your refund payment may take up to 30 days to process._,,~ ) Senior Services Community Center Jean Hordyk, Manager Fine Arts Center Jake Seniuk, Director Barbara Slavik, Assistant www.ci.port-angeles.wa.us PORT ANGELES PARKS & RECREATION SCHOLARSHIP POLICY Scholarships A limited number of scholarships are available for youth of all ages. These scholarships are made available through Port Angeles, Parks & Recreation fundraisers and other donations. Scholarship eligibility is based on income level and number of individuals in the family. Applications are available at the Parks and Recreation Offices. Each application is evaluated individually - there is no assurance of receiving a scholarship. If approved, the individual will receive a sliding scale amount based on income up to $50.00 in order to participate in a class or other recreational activity. There is a limit of one scholarship per individual per quarter (3 month period) for a program (class or event, etc.). The only exception to this rule is for Parks and Recreation sponsored programs that extend for more than three months, (i.e. after school program). For these types of programs a weekly or monthly amount can be received based upon eligibility. Scholarships are limited to individuals only. Groups and organizations are not eligible to apply. Youth Or~anzations Cal Ripken Youth Baseball Jim Lunt ................................................................... 452-9639 Junior Babe Ruth Randy Twedt ............................................................ 452-9244 Senior Babe Ruth Bill Peterson ............................................................ 452-0922 Youth Soccer Terry James .............................................................. 417 -2802 BMX Association Mike Thomas .......................................................... 417 -8116 Swim Club Jim Hoine ................................................................. 457-6755 Ski Team Curtis Shuck ............................................................. 457 -1724 YMCA Youth gymnastics, basketball football .................. 452-9244 4-H Clubs ........................................................................ 417-2280 Boy Scouts ...................................................................... 725-5200 Girl Scouts ....................................................................... 457 -6040 Mt Angeles Boys' & Girls' Club ...................................417-2831 Adult Sport Leagues - ROY~~s Baseball Dave Campbell ........................................................ 681-6339 Adult Soccer Don Dmz ................................................................. 417 -5519 Men's Fastpitch Don Schlemmer ....................................................... 457-0350 Church League Slowpitch John Klemsrud ......................................................... 452-8971 Tennis Sherri Scouten .......................................................... 452-6285 360-417-4550 PORT ANGELES PARKS & RECREATION REGISTRATION FORM M F Birth Date: ( Facility Locations ) (please print) Participant: Park & Recreation Administration Office & Vern Burton Community Center 308 East 4th Street 417-4550 www.ci.port-angeles.wa.us Hours: 8am - 5 pm, Monday thru Friday Athletic Facilities Class Name: Session# Times: Days: Fees: Class Name: Session # Times: Days: Fees: Shane Park 613 S. "G" St. Softball Fields - Tennis Courts Walking Trails Please do not use this form for Skyhawk Registration -- call 417-4550 to receive the correct form. Donation to Scholarship Program: Yes_No_ Amount: $ Shirt Size (Youth) S M L (Adult) S M L XL XXL City: Zip Code: Ocean View Cemetery 3127 West 18th 417-4565 Hours: 8 am - 4:30 pm, Monday thru Friday Elks Playfield 14 & Cedar Softball field - Tennis Courts Address: Home Phone: Emergency Contact: William Shore Memorial Pool 321 East 5th Street 417-4595 Hours: 5:50am -9: 15 pm, Monday thru Friday 7:00 am - 9:00 pm, Saturday By appointment only - Sunday Civic Field 4th & Race St. Baseball field - Football field Soccer Field Work Phone: E-Mail: Phone: (Office Onry:) Received by: Date: Date Entered in Database:_-_-_ Receipt #: Initial Cash Check # _Credit Card Scholarship Amount: $ Erickson Playfield 4th & Race St. Tennis Courts - Softball field Open field - Play equipment (IIwe am/are the parent(s) or legal guardian of Port Angeles Senior Services Community Center 328 East 7th - 7th & Peabody Streets 457-7004- Hours: 9:00am - 4pm, Monday thru Friday Child's Name who desires to be a participant in any City of Port Angeles sponsored recreational activity. Port Angeles Fine Arts Center 1203 East 8th Street 457-3532 Hours: llam - 5 pm, Thursday thru Sunday Lincoln Park 1900 W. Lauridsen Blvd Youth Baseball Fields - Horseshoe Pits Walking Trails - Fishing Ponds Camping - Longhouse - Clubhouse - Loomis Parental/Guardian Assumption of Risk, Waiver and Release J/we understand there are special dangers and risks inherent in this activity, including but not limited to, the risk of serious physical injury, death or other harmful consequences which may arise directly or indirectly from the child's participation in this activity Being fully informed as to these risks and in consideration of the City's allowing my child to participate in this sponsored activity and/or use of City facilities IIwe, on behalf 0 myself/ourselves and on behalf of the above-named participant child, assmne all risk of injury; damage and harm to the child which may arise from the child's participation in the activities or use of City facilities. J/we further agree, individually and on behalf of the above-named child, to release and hold harmless the City of Port Angeles, its officials, employees and agents and agree to waive any right of recovery that II we mayhave to bring a claim or lawsuit for damages against them for any personal injury; death or other hannful consequences occurring to the above-named child or me arising out of the Child's voluntary participation in this activity J/we grant my! our full and voluntary consent for the above-named child to participate in the activity described above. . Volunteer Field 16 & L Streets Youth Baseball Field ................................................. : City Parks are Your Parks!! : · Hours: 8 am to 10 pm . . . . To help make City Parks enjoyable for all -- Please follow the City Ordinance guidelines listed below: . . Please leave at home: . . . . . . Please confine your fires to barbeque grills and firepits. Place litter in proper containers · . Leave motorized vehicles and bicycles in designated areas. . . No loitering or soliciting . No damaging or defacing park property · . To make application for use of park facilities for organized picnics and other events, . . . call the Park Administration Office - 417-4550 . ................................................. -Alcoholic Beverages -Firearms Today's Date: Signature: Paient(s)!Guardians Printed Name(s) -Unleashed animals Parent( s )!Guardian Address Phone: Child Participant Address Phone: www.ci.port-angeles.wa.us 360-417 -4550 City of Port Angeles Park Locations ) c . Day Trips Come Day-Tripping with us..... We are going to many fun and exciting places this summer and you are invited to come along. Check out the great places we will be visiting, don't miss the fun - register today. All trips will meet and pick up at the Vern Burton Center unless otherwise stated. Harbor View Park ..................................................................................... Ediz Hook Sail & Paddle Park ............ ........................................................... ............. Ediz Hook Crown Park.... ............................................................................................. 2000 Block West 4th Street Volunteer Park........... ................. :.................................................. ............ 16th & "L" Streets Lincoln Park .........................;........................................ .......................... ... 1900 W. Lauridsen Blouvard Shane Park ................................................................................................. 613 South "G" Street 7th & "D" Tot Lot ..................................................................................... 1014 Wesst 7th Street Wolverton Park .......................................................................................... West lIth, off "A" Street Elks Park ............................. ....................................................................... 14th & Cedar Streets Charles R Willson Park .............................................................................. 511 West 7th Street Valley Creek Estuary ...................... West 1st (1t Cherry Street 5th & Oak Park .............................. 5th & Oak Streets James Park Viewpoint .................... West 2nd & Laurel Streets Hazel Porter Kiel Park ................... 100 Block, West 13th Street Conrad Dyar Memorial Fountain... 1st & Laurel Streets City Pier ......................................... North Lincoln Street Haynes Viewpoint .......................... North Peabody Veterans Memorial Park ................. 217 South Lincoln Lions Park ...................................... 600 Block on Whidby Street Jesse Webster Park ......................... 3rd & Eunice Streets Erickson Play field .......................... 4th & Race Streets Civic Field ...................................... 4th & Race Streets Rains Park ...................................... 900 Block East 8th Street Francis Street Park ......................... Foot of North Francis Street Georgiana Park ............................... Chambers & Georgiana Streets Boulevard & Chase Traffic Island ............................................................. East Boulevard at Chase Street East Front Street Traffic Island ................................................................. East Front at Penn Street Traffic Island West .................................................................................... East Boulevard at Chase Street Traffic Island East ..................................................................................... East Front at Penn Street Pacific Science Center When: Saturday, June 22 Ages: 6-12 Time: 8am-5pm Cost: $45 per child Max 13, Min 10 Seattle Aquarium When: Sat., July 20 Ages: 6-12 Time: 8am-5pm Cost: $45 per child Max 13, Min 10 Spruce Railroad Trail When: Sat., July 27 Ages: 6-12 Time: 10 am - 4 pm Cost: $30 per child Max 13, Min 10 Salt Creek When: Sat., August 24 Ages: 6-12 Time: lOam- 3 pm Cost: $30 per child Max 13, Min 10 The City's goal is to provide a c1eanand safe environment for the residents of Port Angeles to enjoy when they visit city parks. Sometimes that involves you as a member of our community. Please report immediately - or as soon as possible - any malfunc- tioning equipment, etc., to the Parks & Recreation Department and any vandalism you may observe to the Port Angeles Police Depart- ment. Thank you......... Victoria. B.C. When: Sat., August 31 Ages: 8-12 Time: 7:45am-5:15pm Cost: $25 per child Max. 30, Min. 20 Drop off and pick up at Ferry Terminal Police: 452-4545 Parks: 417-4550 www.ci.portc;angeles.wa.us Marine LablElwha River Raftin2 Begin your adventure exploring sea creature exhibits at Arthur Feiro Marine Lab, From there we'reoffto the Olympic Na- tional Park for a wet and wild afternoon floating the Elwha , River. When: Time: Ages: Cost: Augu~t 14, 2002 9:30am-5:00pm 8-12 City Residents $25 per child County Residents $30 per child Drop off and pick up at the Vern Burton Center. . Whale'Watchin2 Adventure An exciting day is planned touring San Juan Island and whale watching on the boat trip to and from the Island. Sightseeing, shopping and lunch in Friday Harbor. When: August 2, 2002 Time: 6:30am-7:30pm Ages: 8 and up Cost: City Resident $70 County Resident $80 Drop off and pick up at the Vern Burton Center Bear Creek Homestead Located in the Heart of the Olympic Peninsula's Sol Duc River Valley, Bear Creek Homestead is surrounded by moun- tains and frequently visited by bald eagles and Roosevelt Elk. Bring your camera and Spirit of Adventure. A full day of horseback riding, backpacking demonstrations and volley- ball. Be sure to check out the goats, llamas and other ani- ma1s. When: Time: Ages: Cost: July 16,2002 9:15 am-5:00pm 8-12 City Resident $50 per child County Resident $60 per child Complete Personal. Service ~ M. M. Fryer & Sons INSURANCE, INC 603 E. FRONT STREET' P.O. BOx 1347 PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 Thomas L. Fryer BUS.457-1145 HOME 457 -3503 360-417.:4550 C. Cultural Workshops) Science Busters I This is a week of experiments and gadgets. We will figure out some of the ways of the science world and by the end of camp you'll be hooked on science. Get yourself ready for a whirlwind experience in science. When: June 25 - 28 Where: Lincoln Park Time: 9 am -4 pm Ages 6-8 Cost: City Residents $72 per child County Residents: $82 per child Maximum 30, Minimum 20. Price includes supplies and t- shirts. Science Busters II Wonder why things work? Join this camp and find out. We will explore the world of science and discover how things happen. Join our week of science and concur the world of SCIence. ~ When: June 25 - 28 Where: Lincoln Park Time: 9am-4pm Ages: 9-12 Cost: City Resident $72 per child County Resident $82 per child Maximum 30, minimum 20. Price includes supplies and T- shirt Drawing & Sketching Do you love to draw but need a little more insight? Have you looked at a picture and thought "how'd they do that?" Then don't delay - this class is right up your alley. We will emphasize realistic drawing techniques, light, shade and shadow. Join us for a fun & educational session. Price includes supplies. Where Vem Burton Center When: April 20, 27,May4& 11 Age: Adult Time: lOam-12noon Cost: City Resident $30 per person County Resident $35 per person ........................... . . . Paci&c: Hair Ilk Taa . . . . . . .. .. . . ........................... HlUIU Appt>i~ts '" -u.-t... wde""..,! Man - Fn 8:30 - 5:30 802 East First Street . Suite C Sat 9 00 . 6 00 ~> (360) 452-4544 www.ci.port-angeles.wa.us Scrapbookin2 for Everyone Do you have lots of pictures, but don't know how to organize them? Have you wanted to start your own scrapebook but didn't know how? If you'd like to know how to get your scrapbook looking full and fun, here's your chance. Join one of our classes taught by an expert scrapbooker. Prices include photo album and all the fun stuff to make your scrapbook come alive!! Please specify photo album color: Cool Blue or Razzy Red. July 1,2,3 9a-12n August 5, 6, 7 9a - l2n July 13 lOa-3p August 5 6-9 P August 9 6-9 P August 10 lOa - 3 Aug. 19,20,21 1- 4 P Cost: Children Adults Family Class Kids workshop (6-12) Kids workshop (6-12) Family (Bring lunch) Teen Teen Adult (Bring lunch) Everyone City: $40 County $45 City: $50 County $55 City: $55 County $60 Cartoonin2 A unique opportunity for kids of any level to lean all aspects of cartoon drawing from editorial caroonist, Jeff Johnson. The class emphasizes developing each child's own style in a positive, encouraging environment. Tech- niques covered include character development, expres- sions, actions/movement, layout, background, perspective, shading and much more. Bring a sack lunch and join the fun!! When: Ages: Time: Where: Cost: Thanks to the Port Angeles Parks Crew for jobs well done! ! ! This space sponsored by Daishowa America Sat., August 10 9-14 lOam-2pm Vem Burton Center City Resident $40 per child County Resident $45 per child Max 15, Min 10 ............................ Youth Triathlon Parks & Recreation YMCA ~oys & Girls Club First Race Car Wash Soft Cloth · Automatic Car Wash for Cars, >>Vets & Vans Open 8Imo6:3Opm Afonday.s..fUlda, 9am-6pm · Sundlp "est "'lot CrtdIf CoIn& Accepted Look for more information in July Watercolor Painting Need a fun outlet for your artistic talent? Learn the techniques and fundamentals to paint a truly wonderful picture. These classes are for the young at heart. Price includes supplies. When: April 20, 27, May 4 & 11 Where: Lincoln Park Clubhouse Time: l-3pm Age: Adult Cost: City $45 per person County $50 per person Max. 15, Min. 12. . . . . . . September 21, 2002 9:00 am . . . . . . . . . . ............................. 907 East First Street 360-417-4550 ( TENNIS ) C KIDS PROGRAMS) USA Team Tennis Opportunity for youth ages 8-18 to play tennis and compete in a team environment that emphasizes fun, fitness and friends. Participants will play round robin format with play- ers of like abilities. All levels of players from beginners through advanced can play and compete. Trained staff will be on hand to help analyze your stroke, develop strategies and facilitate play. Min 6, Max 24. Cost: $32 City $37 County Session I Age Days 13-18 M/W 8-13 M/W 13-18 Trrh 8-12 Trrh *No class 7/4. Session II 13-18 M/W 7/15-7/24 9-1O:15a 8-12 M/W 7/15-7/24 10:30a-ll:45a 13-18 T/Th 7/16-7/25 9-1O:15a 8-12 Trrh 7/16-7/25 1O:30a-ll:45a Rain days made up on Fridays Session III 13-18 M/W 7/29-8/7 9-1O:15a 8-13 M/W 7/29-8/7 1O:30a-11 :45a Rain days made up on Trrh Date Time Park 6/24-7/3 9-1O:15a Erickson 6/24-7/3 1O:30-11:45a Erickson 6/25-7/9* 9-1O:15a Erickson 6/25-7/9* 1O:30a-ll :45a Erickson Rain days made up week of 7/8 Erickson Erickson Erickson Erickson Erickson www.ci.port.angeles.wa.us Parks & Recreation will be offering six day camps of general interest activities. Children from ages 6-12 years will be located at the same parks, but separated into two age appropriate groups. These camps will be just as fun as our theme camps. Daily activities will include but not limited to, arts, crafts, games. Dont miss out!! Sign up early! And, don't forget the Fun!! USA Team Tennis II Youth ages 13-18 can continue to improve their tennis skills with advanced competion training. This class will get you physically and mentally prepared to compete in the Saundra Kent Tennis Tournament or playing High School tennis. Each student will be video taped during actual competition and their play analyzed by trained staff.. Prerequisite: comple- tion of 2 sessions of Team Tennis, or permission of the in- structor. Min. 6, Max. 12. Cost: $32 City $37 County Day Camp Week 1 July 1-5.2002 8 am - 5 pm Erickson Park Age Groups: 6-8 & 9-12 Cost: City Residents $90 per child County Residents $100.00 per child Maximum 35, minimum 20. Price includes supplies and T- shirts Al:e Days Date Time Place M/W 7/22-8/11 4-5:30p Shane T/Th 7/22-8/1 4-5:3Op Shane Rain days made up week of August 5 Day Camp Week 2 July 8 - 12. 2002 8 am - 5 pm Elks Parks Age Groups: 6-8 & 9-12 Cost: City Residents $90 per child County Residents $100 per child Maximun 35, minimum 20. Price includes supplies and T- shirts Day Camp Week 3 July 15-19 8 am - 5 pm Lincoln Park Age groups: 6-8 & 9-12 Cost: City Residents $90 per child County Residents $100 per child Maximum 35, minimum 20. Price inlcudes supplies and T- shirts Day Camp Week 4 July 29 - AUl:ust 2 8 am - 5 pm Vern Burton Community Center Age groups; 6-8 & 9-12 Cost: City Resident $90 per child County Resident $100 per child Maximun 35, minimum 20. Price includes supplies and T- Shirt Day Camp Week 5 AUl:ust 5-9 8 am - 5 pm Elks Park Age Groups: 6-8 & 9-12 Cost: City Residents $90 per child County Residents $100 per child Maximum 35, minimum 20. Price includes supplies and T- shirts Day Camp Week 6 AUl:ust 19-23 8 am - 5 pm Erickson Park Age Groups: 6-8 & 9-12 Cost: City Residents $90 per child County Residents $100 per child maximum 35, minimum 20. Price includes supplies & T- shirt C.I.T. (Counselors In Training) Are you between the ages of 13 & 16? Have you always enjoyed working with younger children? Would you like to become a counselor? Then, we have something for you. Our new summer C.!. T. program will teach you how to lead activities and game plus have fun. Come on down to the Parks & Rec office and register for this program soon. When: June 24 - August 31 Who: Ages 13-16 Register At the Vern Burton center Cost: Free ........................... . . . . . Private Stroke Analysis . . . . In a one-an-one situation have your stroke . · analyzed by a trained tennis professional. Our · . . . tennis staff will be on the court with you . : while you play. The staff will analyze your : . stroke and provide feedback for your im- . . . . provement. (Players can request to be video . · taped to help with the analysis.) Contact Parks · . . . & Recreation for more information and costs. . : 417-4450 : . . ........................... After School Program If you need a safe, fun place for your children after school, the Parks & Recreation After School Program is your answer. Staff partici- pates with the kids in organized games and crafting activities. For additional information and school locations call our office at 417- 4550. Teddy Bear Picnic Would you like to enjoy a leisurely picnic with one of your best friends? Bring your favorite stuffed animal tothis spe- cial picnic and enjoy songs, games and a snack. When: Mon, July 15 Thurs, August 22 11 am-12 pm Lincoln Park 2-5 City: $12 per child County: $17 per child Max. 12, Min. 10 Parents are welcome. Time: Where: Ages: Cost: 360-417-4550 ( ) SPORTS Memorial Men's & Women's Softball It's not too late to begin putting together your 2002 Slow Pitch team. Parks & Recreation will be offeringASA leagues that being on May 6 and end by July 26. Games are played Monday through Thursday evenings at Shane Park and Elks Playfield. Teams will playa Kickoff Tournament plus a twenty game regular season schedule. Players interested in having their name placed on a "Free Agent" list should contact Parks & Recreation at 417 -4553. Fees: Player fee: $400 per team City - $20 County - $25 Co-Ed Softball This 6-week, 12-game ASA Co-ed League will begin July 29 and end by September 6. Games are played on Tuesday and Thursday evenings at Shane Park. There are no playoff games in this league. Winning team designs their own set of T- Shirts. Players interested in having their name placed on a "Free Agent" list should contact Parks & Recreation at 417- 4553 Fees: Player fee: $225 per team City - $20 County - $25 Co-Ed Volleyball This league is for teams of all skill levels. Each team plays a fourteen match schedule and a post-season tournament. Play begins on October 7 and ends by March 5. Games are played on Monday and Wednesday evenings at Stevens Middle School. Fees: $175 per team Player Fees: City - $20 County - $25 www.ci.port-angeles.wa.us Pool ) !Fe Spring Co-Ed Outdoor Soccer Whether you want the thrill and excitement of a competition or to socialize with friends while keeping physically active, try our Spring Co-Ed Outdoor Soccer League. Players must be at least 19 years old. Play begins on April 7 and will end by June 2. Games are played on Wednesdays and Sundays at Dry Creek Elementary School and Civic Field. Registration forms for each individual player are available at the Parks & Recreation office after March 12th. Don't delay as this league is limited to eight teams. Red Cross Certification Classes Call Pool office for more details 360-417-4595 Life Guard Training Courses: Being a lifeguard is a Dynamic, Challenging, Exciting, ~~portant and ~ew~ding job. Students must be 15 years of age and pass a swimming skills test. Passing this course certIfIes a student III LIfe Guard Training and First Aid, CPR for the Professional Rescuer. Course Dates: July 9-25. Cost: $85.00 Player fees: City - $20 County - $25 Water Safety Instructor Course: American Red Cross W.S.I. course teaches students. a saf~ and progre~sive . teaching program for all ages of swimmers. Students must be 17 years of age and pass a swimmmg skill test. Passmg thIS course certifies the student as an ARC Water Safety Instructor. Course Dates: Apri18-May 23. Cost: $85.00 IFC Fall Co-Ed Outdoor Soccer Play begins on September 5 and will end by October 31. Games are played on Wednesdays and Sundays at Shane Park and Civic Field. Registration forms for each individual player are available at the Parks & Recreation Office after August 6. Don't delay as this league is limited to eight teams. Fees: Player Fee: $175 per team City - $20 County - $25 Winter Basketball This league is for teams of all skill levels. Each team plays a ten-game regular season and post-season tourament. Games are played at Roosevelt Middle School on Monday, Wednes- day and Thursday evenings. All games are NOBO offici- ated and scorer/timers are provided. Championship teams are awarded T-shirts they design themselves. Private Lessons For those who prefer one-on-one instruction by. certified Water Safety Instructors. Instruction offered in 30 minute increments. Call pool for additional information. Pool Closures Pool Maintenance ................................. May 28 - June 23 Independence Day.............................................. July 4th Labor Day.................................................... September 2 Fees: $275 per team Player Fees: City - $20 County - $25 0' ~'\)~"" ~ r\ )J':{~' j~ ~ ~ ~~ Water Exercise Class Descriptions Many people are discovering the benefits of Water Exercise. It cushions your joints while giving a challenging and effec- tive workout with 12 times the resistance of air. There is a class for every "body". Swimming ability is not required. Water Walkin~ Very low impact for those just beginning an exercise pro- gram, with physical limitations or rehabilitating from injury. It's fun and effective. Deep Water Challenging and overall conditioning program with no im- pact to joints. Great cross-training class. Using Hydro-Fit belts for flotation it works on abs, hips, thigh, back and shoul- ders. Want a more challenging workout? Take off the belt!! Anchored Down This is a combination class of low impact aerobics and water walking. It is a great transitional class for those increasing their level of endurance or for those looking for an alternative exercise class. Combo Class It's fun and a great mix of the shallow water aerobics and Deep Water exercise classes. This class offers cross training in one exercise class. Aqua .locks This is for those who want to challenge themselves. Ifs faster paced, higher impact and gets the heart rate going! ! 360-417-4550 Adult (18+) Adult Early Bird Adult Evening Laps Youth (1-18 yrs) Senior Citizen (60+) ( William Shore c SPORTS ) Admission Rates City $2.00 $1.50 $1.50 $1.50 $1.50 County $2.51 $2.51 $2.51 $2.51 $2.51 Pool Pass Save money while you swim!!!! Passes also make great gifts.... Youth Script Adult Script Youth/Senior Adult Family Youth/Senior Adult Family Aerobics 12 visits 12 visits 3mos 3mos 6mos 1 year 1 year 1 year 12 visits City $15.04 $20.06 $40.11 $45.13 $150.42 $100.28 $150.42 $250.70 $36.00 Family Float Ni&:ht (Discount Night) Tuesdays - 7:00 to 8:30 pm County $20.OS $25.07 $50.14 $60.17 $187.52 $125.35 $200.56 $312.87 $42.00 Bring family and friends for an evening of aquatic fun! Fees: Adults: Youth: City: $1.50 City: $1.25 County: $2.00 County $1.50 Kid's Day 2:30 - 4:00 pm & Middle School Night ' 8:30 - 10:30 pm Admission: $2.00 Passes not accepted Games, Food, Music, Prizes April 17, May 25, June 29 July 27, Aug. 31, Sept. 28, Oct. 26 www.ci.port-angeles.wa.us .............................. American Red Cross · . . SWIm Lessons . Lesson Dates: M-W-F · . May6-May24 . . . Mini-Hawk Day Camp Due to the increasing demand for introductory sports programs for young children, Skyhawks has developed the Mini-Hawk program for children ages 4-7. Our Mini-Hawk program promotes a philosophy of fun while learning soccer, baseball, and basketball in a day program setting. The result is a program that applies teaching methods aimed at young athletes, with more individual attention and elementary sports skills. This program helps eager minds explore three different sports without the pressure to choose one over another. Mini-Hawkers learn sports skills and basic team strategies through unique Skyhawks' games. Our coaching staff includes individuals committed and trained to understand the special needs of young children. Lesson Dates: Tues & Thurs May 7 - May 23 . Summer registration begins Mon., May 6 at 7 am . : Lessons run from June 24 thru August 23, 2002. . : Fall/Winter registration begins Mon., Aug. 5 at 7 am . Classes run from September thru December . . . Call Pool Office for class availability and cost. . . .............................. Ages: When: Time: Dates: Where: Cost: 4-7 Monday - Friday 9:00 a.m. -12:00 p.m. July 15 -19 Stevens Middle School $86.00 laskin (jil RolIlJins. 452-7777 Baskin Robbins #1391 1611 East Front Port Angeles, W A 98362 Note: Please request SkyHawk Registration forms from Parks & Recreation, call 417 -4550. Special Pro2rams & Classes Days -- Aquarobics 6:55 am 8:30am BasebalVSoftball Camp Our baseball and Softball programs are tailored to the beginner and intermediate players. It is our continued commitment to teach players the skills required to participate in youth baseball and softball. Recognizing the importance of safety, Skyhawks has found. the use of safety bats and balls to be successful in keeping with the spirit and pace of the game. M- W-F M-W-F .Pmbo 8:30 am Deep Water 9:30 am Water Walking 9:30 am Tu & Thurs M- W-F Ages: When: Date: Time: Where: Cost: 6-12 Monday - Friday July 15 - 19 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Shane Park $93.00 M-F Evenin~ Aqnarobics/ Aquajocks 7:00 pm Deep Water M Tu & Thurs Fees: City County $3.00 per class $3.50 per class Note: Please request Skyhawk Registratioon formsfrom Parks & Recreation, call 417-4550. Junior Golf League Grab your clubs and a friend this summer. Junior Golf League is here! This is one of our best new programs for the summer. Each week participants will be included in a foursome for league play. Earn a handicap, keep score win prizes. Have fun and improve your game. Play 9 holes each day. Note: Participants must be junior members of the Peninsula golf club. Price includes green fees and handicap as well as end of league barbecue. This is not an instructional league players must know the rules of the game. Ages: 13-18 When: Mondays Time; 2:30 p.m. Dates: June 24 -August 12 (8 Mondays) Cost: $ 48.00, plus $5 green fee each week. **Note: Participants must be iunior members of the Peninsula golf club. ** Membership fee: $50.00 To become a Peninsula Golf Club Junior Member: Call 457-6501 Basketball Camp Skyhawks basketball programs are designed for beginner and intermediate players. Participants will experience an enjoyable week learning new skills and tactics while refining their passing, shooting, and dribbling skills. The week finishes with a basketball tournament. Ages: 7 -14 When: Monday -Friday Date: July 29 & August 2 Time: 9:ooa.m.-3:oop.m. Where: Stevens Middle School Cost: $93.00 Attention: Please request Skyhawk Registration Forms from Parks & Recreation, call 417 -4550 NOTICE: Contract programs, such as Skyhawks, using City of Port Angeles Park and Recreation facilities, will have their own refund and scholarship policies. P.A. Parks and Recreation is not responsible for their policy decisions: ~= 360-417-4550 ( SPECIAL EVENTS) ( ) SPECIAL EVENTS April Pool Day Get ready for all those summer water activities by partici- pating in April Pool Day at William Shore Pool. Water and boating safety demonstration, fun & games, prizes & MORE. Kid's Fishing Derby Kids - Dust off those fishing poles and join the fun at the Lincoln Park Ponds for a day of fishing!!!!!! There will be prizes, food and fish so don't miss your chance. Bring your pole, a blanket or chair and a bit of patience. FOREST FRENZY That's right the North Olympic Forest Frenzy returns after almost 10 years offorced hiatus. On Saturday and Sunday October 5 & 6 the Forest Frenzy will make its return to the Port Angeles area. There will be two different rides, (see descriptions below) which the whole family can enjoy. This is not a race it is a weekend of enjoyable bike riding and camaraderie. Look for registration in August. April 20 Noon to 2:30 pm All Free When: Time Ages Cost: Sunday, October 6 (all levels) Ride the Olympic Discovery Trail to Railroad Bridge Park and back (30 miles round trip). That's right the first ever organized ride on the entire Olympic Discovery Trail between Port Angeles and Sequim. Starting at Red Lion ride the Water Front Trail and continue East on the Olympic Discovery Trail to Railroad Bridge just east of Sequim. While there enjoy a great sack lunch on the banks of the Dungeness River. When done with lunch take a lei surly ride back to Port Angeles and end at the Red Lion. Lunch, water stations, t-shirt, and sag wagons provided. Saturday, October 5 (advance beginners and above) This is the hardest of the two rides. Saturdays ride will take you from the Red Lion to Lake Dawn Road to the Foothills Trail and back down Black Diamond Road to end up at the Red Lion. This ride will include lunch at the foothills trail parking lot, t-shirt, and a very enjoyable ride. There will be water stations and support along the route. More information coming in August. When: Saturday, April 20, 2002 Where Lincoln Park Pond & Longhouse Time: Registration begins at 8 a.m. Fish from 8:30-10:30 am Prizes given: 10:45am - 11:00 am Cost: FREE! ! ............................ Soccer Challenge Parks & Recreation will be hosting the regional compe- tition. Those qualifiying will move on to the State Soc- cer Challenge. Skills will involve kicking for accuracy and distance, etc. This event will be coming to you in September - watch for the date. A Special THANK YOU to the Kiwanis Club and Olympic Peninsula Flyfishers of Port Angeles ............................ iff This Program sponsored by Red Lion Hotel The only full service hotel featuring restaurant and lounge on the Port Angeles Waterfront Hershey Track & Field Meet Sunday, June 9, 2002 2:00 FREE!! Community Track (behind High School) For Boys & Girls ages 9-14 years Call 417-4553 for more information ~ O"V~ \\~ . . . Tlpa & Toea 802 E. Firat St. Port Angelea. WA 98362 Pepsi Hit & Run This is a free program for kids ages 7 -14. It allows youngsters to showcase their pitching, hitting and running abilities. Points are awarded for performance in each category to determine final scores. Competitors with top scores in each age group advance to a State, then Regional competition. Regional winners compete in Milwaukee, Wisconsin during All-Star week. Boys and girls compete together in four different age groups (7/8, 9/10,11/12,13/14). Age is determined by deadline date of July 17,2002. All youngsters competing at local levels receive an award of participation. Prizes for age group champions include ribbons, plaques, trophies, etc. Bonnie Pittia Owner/Nail tech (360) 417-0600 May Day Roundball May 4-5 Boys & Girls 5, 6, 7,8,9, JV & Var. ..................................... . Fantasic Family Fun Day . . Need an excuse to get out and play with the kids? Well, we've got it for you. Celebrate the youth of . . Port Angeles by attending this fun family event. Enjoy a fun afternoon with your friends and family playing . . with interactive blow-up games, such as the Titantic Adventure and Iceberg Challenge. Go through the · : lifesaver obstacles and broken smoke stack challenge before you get to the top of the stem to take the 30 : . foot ride down the deck of the Titanic - . . Where: Volunteer Field. . . When: Saturday, August 3rd . . Time 1:00 - 5:00 pm . . Cost: $2.00 per child . . $3.00 per adult . . $6.00 per family offour. $1.00 for each addition child.. . .............................~~...... 360-417,,4550 Summer Solstice Tuneup June 15-16 Girls 6, 7, 8, 9, N & Var. ............................ . . . 24th Annual Smoked Salmon Invitational . : Men'sASADIRecSlowpitch Leagues : · June 1-2,2002 · : Questions? 417-4557 : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . .;. . . . . . Sunday, May 12 1:00 pm Lincoln Park (ages 7/8, 9/1 0) Volunteer Field (ages 11/12, 13/14) Who: Boys & Girls ages 7-14 Cost: FREE Registration is on site... When: Time: Where: www.ci.port-angeles.wa.us c TEN. N I S ) KIDS PROGRAMS ) c Pirates Buried Treasure The story goes.....that long, long ago pirates stole upon the shores of Port Angeles and left behind their chest full of treasures somewhere in and around Lincoln Park. All recruited shipmates will use a compass, read a map and clues, to put their skills to the test by helping us find the treasure. Who knows what fortunes lie ahead? Don't miss this program it will fill up fast! Register early. Age: When: Time: Date: Where: Cost: Maximum: 6-10 Thursday, July 25, 2002 Session I 10:30 -;- Noon Session II 1:30-3:00p.m. July 25, 2002 Lincoln Park Club House City: $12, County:$17 12 each session H2O Camp Three years and still going strong. Do your kids love the water? Are they begging you to do something fun this summer? Don't wait, sign up now for this popular camp. We will have lots of fun this week with water experiences including snorkeling and canoeing lessons, water safety and a trip to Victoria. When: August 12 - 16 Time 8 am - 5 pm Where: Meet and pick up at the Vern Burton Center Cost: City Residents $135 per child County Residents $150 per child Maximun 25, Minimum 20. Price include supplies and t- shirts. Bubbles. Bubbles, Bubbles What child doesn't like bubbles!!!! Come have a little fun with this ac- tivity geared for the little ones. Come play with us!!! We will use our bubble and interesting wands to create fun activities. Ages: 2-5 When: Wednesday, July 3 Tuesday, August 6 Time: 1-2 pm Where: Lincoln Park Field - near the Longhouse Cost: City resident - $10 per child County resident - $15 per child Maximum 12, minimum 10. Parents are welcome www.ci.port-angeles.wa.us Adventures in Craftin2 I Don't miss this one! So many crafts to pick from in so little time. Youwill explore projects including chalk, pastels, wa- . tercolor, nature and clay. There are some exciting projects in store for you, so bring your imagination and register now. Saundra Kent Memorial Tennis Tournament A great opportunity for juniors and adults to try out their improved temis skills at the 17th Annual Saundra Kent Memorial Tennis Tournament sponsored by the Peninsula Tennis Club and held at the Port Angeles High School tennis courts. Proceeds support college scholarships for P.A. and Sequim High School Tennis players. When: Where: Time: Ages: Cost: July 22- 26 Lincoln park 9am-4pm 6-8 City Residents $90 per child County Residents $100 per child Maximum 30, Minimum 20 Price includes Supplies & T- Shirt Singles play August 1-4, Doubles played August 8-11. Compeition is by age group or skill level, main and consolation bracket played. Contact tournament Director, Jen Gouge at 452-8394 or Parks & Recreation for additional information. . Adventures in Craftin2 II Express yourself in a crafty way. This week will draw out the crafty kid in you. Don't miss the hands on, truly unique week. Come prepared to use your imagination and be amazed at the unbelievable things you can make with your own hands. When: July 22 - 26 Where: Lincoln Park Ages: 9-12 Cost: City Residents $90 per child County Residents $100 per child Maxinum 30, Minimum 20 Price includes Supplies and T- shirts Adult USA Tennis 1*2*3 This program for adult (16 and up) through senior is designed for beginning through intermediate players. Participants will be paired with players of like abilities in low level competi- tion. Trained staff will be on hand to help analyze your stroke, develop strategies and facilitate play. The program includes 6 sessions of play and participants should be ready to play games and have fun at the same time. Min 6, Max 14. Cost: $50 City $60 County Session I Days Date Time M/W April 29-May 15 5-6:3Opm T/Th April30-MayJ6 6-7:3Opm May 20-23: reserved for rain days Session II M/W June 3-19 5-6:3Opm Shane T/Th June 4- 20 6-7:3Opm Erickson Rain Days will be made up during week they occur Park Shane . Erickson Cheerleadin2 Fun! Come Cheer With Us!! We've got a great workshop ready for you. Learn basic fundamentals of cheerleading and have F-U-N in this workwhop lead by some of our local Port An- geles High School Cheerleaders. When: July 22 - 26 Where: Vern Burton Center Time: 9 am - 12 pm Ages: 7-12 Cost: City Residents $25 per child County Residents $30 per child Maximun 15, minimum 10 JOHN Z. MILLER Alphabet Adventure Bring your little ones and have an adventure. Go on a hidden treasures hunt through the trails of Lincoln Park with one of our staff to find clues for the fun activity that is in store for you!!! Ages: When: ARMORY SQUARE MALL 457 -8885 2-5 Wednesday, July 10 10-11 am Monday, August 26 1-2 pm Where:,cLincoln Park Field - near Longhouse Cost: City Resident - $10 per child County Residents - $15 per child Maximun 12;rninimum 10. Parents are welcome AUTO - HOME - LIFE - COMMERCIAL INSURANCE 360-417 -4550