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Agenda Packet 05/15/2012
wi— TWIN WASHINGTON, U S,3 AGENDA CITY COUNCIL MEETING 321 East 5th Street MAY 15, 2012 REGULAR MEETING - 6:00 p.m. AGENDA ITEIlI First RECOIVI wE ib TrION Note. The Mayor may determine the order of business for a particular City Council meeting The agenda should be arranged to best serve the needs and/or convenience of the Council and the public The items of business for regular Council meetings may include the following: A. CALL TO ORDER - REGULAR MEETING AT 6:00 p.m. B. ROLL CALL PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE CEREMONIAL MATTERS, PROCLAMATIONS & ---- EMPLOYEE RECOGNITIONS C. PUBLIC COMMENT D. ITEMS TO BE PLACED ON THIS OR FUTURE AGENDAS as determined by City Manager or Mayor E. CONSENT AGENDA 1. City Council Minutes for February 14; April 3, 10,13, 17, and 24; E-1 1. Accept Consent Agenda and May 1, 2012. 2. Expenditure Approval List: 4/21/12 to 5/4/12 for $3,869,770.87. E-35 3. Firearms Simulator / US General Services Administration Purchase E-62 4. Material Purchase: Shane Park Playground Tiles PK -12-016 E-65 5. Award Cable Restoration Phase IV Contract, Project CLO 1-2011 E-66 6. Stormwater Engineering Services Professional Agreement E-70 Amendment No. 1 7. Resolution Setting Public Hearing on 2012-2018 Transportation E-72 Improvement Program (TIP) & Capital Facilities Plan (CFP) 8. Equipment Purchase- Digger Derrick Truck Federal Excise Tax E-74 F. QUASI-JUDICIAL MATTERS — REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS (6:30 P.M. or soon thereafter) ---- G. PUBLIC HEARINGS — OTHER (6:30 P.M. or soon thereafter) ----- H. ORDINANCES NOT REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. Perpetual Easement with Clallam County for Water Transmission H-1 1. Conduct 0 Reading / Waive 2"d Reading / Main Replacement Project Adopt Ordinance NOTE: HEARING DEVICES AVAILABLE FOR THOSE NEEDING ASSISTANCE MAYOR TO DETERMINE TIME OF BREAK May 15, 2012 Port Angeles City Council Meeting Page - 1 AGENDA ITEM First RECOMMENDATION Page I. RESOLUTIONS NOT REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. Greenhouse Gas Reduction Policy I-1 1. Pass Resolution J. OTHER CONSIDERATIONS 1. National Park Service Presentation on Sediment Transport J-1 1. Information Only 2. FEMA Lawsuit Update J-2 2. Information Only 3. City Manager Recruitment Brochure (Profile), Wages & Benefits J-3 3. Approve K. FINANCE ----- L. COUNCIL REPORTS M. INFORMATION City Manager Reports 1. Building Permit Report M-1 2. PA Forward Committee Minutes M-2 3. Recreation Division — 0 Quarter Report M-14 N. EXECUTIVE SESSION - O. ADJOURNMENT - PUBLIC HEARINGS Public hearings are set by the City Council in order to meet legal requirements. In addition, the City Council may set a public hearing in order to receive public input prior to making decisions, which impact the citizens. Certain matters may be controversial, and the City Council may choose to seek public opinion through the public hearing process NOTE: HEARING DEVICES AVAILABLE FOR THOSE NEEDING ASSISTANCE MAYOR TO DETERMINE TIME OF BREAK May 15, 2012 Port Angeles City Council Meeting Page - 2 D PUBLIC INTEREST SIGN-UP SHEET X -X-1 GEL S WASHINGTON, U S A DATE OF MEETING: May 15, 2012 You are encouraged to sign below if: CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING LOCATION: City Council Chambers 1. You are here to listen to the City Council discussion on a particular agenda item; 2. You want to speak during the Public Comment period of the agenda. If several members of the public are interested in a particular agenda item, the Mayor may move that item so it is discussed earlier in the meeting. Also, the Mayor may use the information provided to organize the Public Comment period. During the Public Comment portion of the meeting, the Mayor will invite citizens to talk with the Council about topics that are not scheduled for public testimony on the evening's agenda. Prior to the start of the "Public Comment" portion of the public hearing, all persons wishing to be heard are asked to sign in with the Clerk, giving their names and addresses, and topic. The Mayor may arrange the order of speakers so that testimony is heard in the most logical groupings. To allow time for the Council to complete its legislative agenda, comments should be limited to no more than 5 minutes per person and a total of 15 minutes for this comment period. At the discretion of the Mayor, these time periods may be lengthened or shortened. Following any public comment,'tke Mayor may- allow ayallow time, limited to five minutes, for response from City Council members and/or City staff. No speaker may convey or donate his or her time for speaking to another speaker. If many people wish to speak to a particular issue, the Mayor may limit the total amount of time dedicated to that single issue. Written comments may be submitted into the record of a Council meeting by presenting the written document to the Clerk prior to the meeting, in which case a copy of the document will be provided to each Council Member, but the document will not be read aloud; or a document may be distributed to the City Council, with a copy to the Clerk, by a speaker while the speaker is addressing the Council. 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Roll Call UAC Assigned Councilmembers Present: Other Councilmembers Present: Other Councilmembers Absent: Utility Advisory Committee Members Present: Utility Advisory Committee Members Absent: Dan Di Guilio, Cherie Kidd, Sissi Bruch, PhD Max Mania, Patrick Downie Brad Collins, Brooke Nelson Dean Reed, Paul Elliott (3:02) N/A Staff Present: Kent Myers, Glenn Cutler, Bill Bloor, Larry Dunbar, Mike Puntenney, Randall Brackett, Jim Harper, Phil Lusk, Terry Dahlquist, Dan McKeen, Terry Gallagher, Linda Kheriaty, Sondya Wray, Helen Freilich (3:58), Tom McCabe (3:58), Rick Hostetler (4:11) Others Present: Marilyn Harbaught — Citizen Tom Callis — Peninsula Daily News Craig Johnson — CPI Jennifer Garceleon — Clallam County (3:58) III. Nomination and Election of Officers (Chairman and Vice -Chairman) Sissi Bruch moved to nominate Councilmember Dan Di Guilio as chairman. A Vice -Chairman was not nominated or selected. Iii Approval Of Minutes Chairman Di Guilio asked if there were any corrections to the minutes of January 10, 2012. Committee Member Dean Reed moved to approve the minutes. Paul Elliot seconded the motion, which carried unanimously 1 E-1 City Council Special Meeting February 14, 2012 V. Late Items: None. VI. Discussion Items: A. Telecommunications Utility and Electric Fund Ordinance Amendments Terry Gallagher, Chief of Police, advised the City has the legal authority to create a utility ordinance for owning the telecommunications facilities and providing telecommunications services. A lengthy discussion followed. Dean Reed moved to recommend City Council to conduct a first reading of the proposed telecommunications utility ordinance and electric fund ordinance amendment on February 21, 2012, and continue to March 6, 2012 for a second reading and adoption of the ordinances to include amending edits to Chapter 3.24 to include a requirement for UAC and Council approval to comingle funds between the electric and telecom utilities and also edit to the text in section 3.24.020 to concern the terms for electric utility and electric light. Sissi Bruch seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. B. Wireless Mobile Data System On -Site Professional Service Options Terry Gallagher, Chief of Police, discussed guidance needed for two options for local on-site support with the wireless mobile data system professional services. There was a lengthy discussion. The Utility Advisory Committee provided direction to staff to move forward with the least -cost option. C. Wireless Mobile Data System Pole Attachment Agreements Larry Dunbar, Deputy Director of Power Systems discussed the recently awarded agreement of the city owned wireless mobile data system. Wireless access points are needed on some utility poles owned by Clallam County Public Utility District No. 1. The need for a pole attachment agreement was discussed. Paul Elliot moved to recommend City Council authorize the Public Works and Utilities Director to sign an agreement with the Clallam County Public Utility District No. 1 for pole attachments, and to make minor modifications to the documents, if necessary. Cherie Kidd seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. D. Landfill Methane Outreach Program Memorandum of Understanding Phil Lusk, Power Resources Manager, reviewed the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Landfill Methane Outreach Program and discussed how it is a voluntary assistance program to help reduce methane emissions from landfills. Becoming a Community Partner with provide additional exposure on the City's Landfill Gas Utilization Project request for proposals effort. A brief discussion followed. 2 E-2 City Council Special Meeting February 14, 2012 Sissi Bruch moved to recommend City Council authorize the City Manager to sign the Landfill Methane Outreach Program Memorandum of Understanding for Community Partners, and to make minor modifications to the agreement, as necessary. Paul Elliot seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. E. 2012 On -Call Electric Utility Engineering Professional Services Agreement Terry Dahlquist, P.E., Electrical Engineering Manager, explained that TriAxis Engineering, Inc., has been selected to provide on-call professional services for the City's Electric Utility. On-call technical assistance to support the electric utility and design for the replacement of the transformer at A -Street Substation will be provided. A brief discussion followed. Dean Reed moved to recommend City Council to approve and authorize the City Manager to sign the on-call professional services agreement with TriAxis Engineering, Inc., with two initial project tasks, in an amount not to exceed $109,000, and to make minor modifications to the agreement, if necessary. Paul Elliot seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. F. Construction Engineering —Combined Sewer Overflow Phase I Project WW02- 2008 Kathryn Neal, P.E., Engineering Manager, discussed the CSO Phase I Project design which is near completion and preparations are underway to being construction. Brown and Caldwell's services are required during the construction phase, which is estimated to last until January 2014. There was a lengthy discussion. Dean Reed moved to recommend City Council to authorize the City Manager to add this planned program element to the CSO Professional Services Agreement with Brown and Caldwell in an amount not to exceed $485,980, and to make minor modifications to the agreement, as necessary. Paul Elliot seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. G. Environmental Engineering During Construction —Combined Sewer Overflow Phase I Project WW08-2008 Kathryn Neal, P.E., Engineering Manager, provided information on Farallon Consulting, LLC, and their efforts regarding assistance with the former Rayonier site and CSO Phase I Project. The CSO Phase I Project design in near completion and preparations are underway to being construction. Farallon Consulting, LLC, services are required during the construction phase, which is estimated to last until January 2014. There was a lengthy discussion. Paul Elliot moved to recommend City Council to authorize the City Manager to sign Amendment No. 5 to the Professional Services Agreement with Farallon Consulting in an amount not to exceed $60,878, and to make minor modifications to the agreement, as necessary. Dean Reed seconded the motion, with carried unanimously. 3 E-3 City Council Special Meeting February 14, 2012 H. 2012 On -Call Construction Management Services Agreement Kathryn Neal, P.E., Engineering Manager, explained that Vanir Construction Management, Inc., has been selected to provide on-call construction management services for the Phase I CSO Project. There was a lengthy discussion. Sissi Bruch moved to recommend City Council to approve and authorize the City Manager to sign the On -Call Professional Service Contract with Vanir Construction Management, Inc., in the amount not to exceed $1,787,668, and to make minor modifications to the agreement, if necessary. Dean Reed seconded the motion, with carried unanimously. L Operation of Sewer Agreement between the City of Port Angeles and the Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe Glenn Cutler, P.E., Director of Public Works and Utilities, discussed the Lower Elwha Tribe's desires to commence sending sewage to the City treatment plant per the City and Tribe 2007 Wastewater Agreement. Construction work has been accomplished and two temporary easements are required before the Tribe may commence operations. A long discussion followed. Dean Reed moved to recommend the City Council to approve and authorize the City Manager to sign the Operation of Sewer Agreement between the City of Port Angeles and the Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe and make minor modifications to the agreement, if necessary. Cherie Kidd seconded the motion and Sissi Bruch abstained from voting. J. Advanced Metering Infrastructure System Agreement Amendment No. I Larry Dunbar, Deputy Director of Power Systems reminded that City Council has approved the Advanced Metering Infrastructure System Agreement with Mueller systems. Phase I has taken longer than planned to complete, and an amendment to the payment schedule is recommended. There will be no changes to the total project cost being proposed. A brief discussion followed. Sissi Bruch moved to recommend the City Council to authorize the City Manager to sign Amendment No. 1 to the Advanced Metering Infrastructure System Agreement with Mueller Systems, and to make minor modifications to the agreement, if necessary. Dean Reed seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. VII. Information Only Items: A. Draft Clallam County Hazardous Waste Management Plan Information only. No action taken. B. Bonneville Power Administration FY 2014-2015 Electric Load Forecast (Verbal report only) Item moved to March meeting. 4 E-4 City Council Special Meeting February 14, 2012 C. Bonneville Power Administration FY 2014-2015 Initial Proposal for Wholesale Tiered Rate Methodology (Verbal report only) Item moved to March meeting D. Industrial Transmission Electrical Rate Ordinance and Letter Agreement Update (Verbal report only) Item moved to March meeting VIII. Selection of Regular Meeting Location Mayor Cherie Kidd moved to UAC meetings to the council chambers. Sissi Bruch seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. IX. Next Meeting Dates: March 13, 2012 X. Adjournment. 5:35 p.m. Mayor City Clerk 5 E-5 CITY COUNCIL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington April 3, 2012 CALL TO ORDER- Mayor Kidd called the regular meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at REGULAR MEETING: 6:00 p.m. ROLL CALL: Members Present- Mayor Kidd, Deputy Mayor Collins, Councilmembers Bruch {via conference calll, Di Guilio, Downie, Mania, and Nelson. Members Absent None. Staff Present: City Manager Myers, Attorney Bloor, Deputy Clerk Pierce, M. Puntenney, R. Brackett, G. Roggenbuck, D. McKeen, N. West, L. Dunbar, P. Lusk, and D Bellemente. PLEDGE OF Mayor Kidd led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. ALLEGIANCE: PUBLIC COMMENT: The following members of the public spoke in favor of Nippon's Biomass Project: Steve Kroll, 1208 Rook Drive, Sean O'Sullivan, Association of Western Pulp and Paper Workers representative, Richard Kott, 94 Sutter Road, Pili Meyer, 103 Viewcrest, Rob Feller, 216 W. 4a' Street, and Carol Johnson, 123 Henry Boyd Road, Timber Action Board representative. The following members of the public spoke in opposition to Nippon's Biomass Project: Nelson Cone, 52 Hanusa Lane, Dirk Whitmore, 80 Cherry Wood Place, Sequim, Diane Sommerville, 2399 E. 3rd Avenue, Rose Marschall, 162 S. Barr Road, and Jerry Carpenter, 248 Bon Jon View, Sequim. Jeff Robb, Executive Director of Port of Port Angeles, spoke regarding the Port's vision for economic development for the community and encouraged the Council to be a pro-business, certified busmess-friendly community. Mayor Kidd temporarily stopped Public Comments in order to accommodate the scheduled public hearings at 6:30 p.m. PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. Medic I Ambulance Transport Rate Adjustments OTHER: Fire Chief McKeen summarized the purpose for the adjustments. Mayor Kidd opened the public hearing at 6:34 p.m. There being no public comment, she continued the public hearing to April 17, 2012. E-6 CITY COUNCIL MEETING April 3, 2012 PUBLIC HEARINGS Mayor Kidd conducted a first reading of the ordinance by title, entitled, OTHER: (Cont'd) ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, revising Chapter 3.70 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code relating to Medic I charges. Proposed Electric Utility Time -of -Use Rate Ordinance Deputy Director of Power Systems Dunbar summarized the purpose of the ordinance was to implement time -of -use rates. Using PowerPoint slides, Anne Falcon of EES Consulting conducted a presentation regarding the methodology for retail tiered rates and time -of -use rates. Deputy Director Dunbar continued the presentation noting the Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) integration and the proposed time -of -use rate implementation schedule and customer education program. Council discussion followed. Mayor Kidd opened the public hearing at 6:59 p.m. Lee Hall from the Bonneville Power Association (BPA) spoke regarding how the proposed time -of -use rates coincide with BPA's rates and noted a strong partnership between BPA and the City, the benefits for City customers; and how Port Angeles is noted as a leader in reducing energy and promoting economic benefits. Mayor Kidd continued the public hearing to April 17, 2012. Mayor Kidd conducted a first reading of the ordinance by title, entitled, ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, relating to electricity services and charges making changes to Chapter 13.12 of Title 13 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code. PUBLIC COMMENT: Mayor Kidd resumed the Public Comment section at 7:02 p.m. (Cont'd) D Bellemente and Fowler Stratton spoke in regards to the upcoming Pickle ball Primavera Event on April 21-22, 2012. The following members of the public spoke in favor of Nippon's Biomass Project Dick Pilling, 72 Mt. Pleasant Heights Lane, Kathy Price, 1022 E. 8h Street, Frank Vervaurt, 243043 Hwy 101, and Randy Johnson, 123 Henry Boyd Road. The following members of the public spoke in opposition to Nippon's Biomass Project: Dr. Rick Marshall, 162 S. Baar Road, Jane Vanderhoof, 585 Wasankari Road, Peter Vanderhoof, 585 Wasankari Road, 2 E-7 CITY COUNCIL MEETING April 3, 2012 PUBLIC COMMENT: Michael Bennell, 121 Horizon View, Sequim, (Cont'd) Dr. Dorthea Craver, Dr. Crystal Tack, 344 House Road, Sequim, Bob Sextro, 2433 Strawberry Lane, Sequim, Oscar Hammer, 1873 E. Anderson Road, Sequim, William Hunt, 438 Lopez, spoke in opposition to cutting trees in Lincoln Park. Jim Hallett, 1411 South Golf Course Road, expressed concerns regarding one Councilmember's desire to undo due process and the possibility of Council's gross incompetence to reconsider a decision already made. He urged Council to concentrate on other issues. Harold Norlund, manager of Nippon, described the history of Nippon in the community. He outlined the biomass permitting process and failure of the legal process to block the project. He urged Council to support the project. Anita Matthay, 820 Bakehouse Court, Sequim, described how we all care about the community but change is hard. She stated the future of this area depends on its beauty, tourism, fobs, and ability for everyone to live in new and different ways. Break: Mayor Kidd recessed the meeting for a break at 7:51p.m. The meeting reconvened at 8:04 p.m. OTHER 1. Proposal for Public Forum — Biomass Facilities CONSIDERATIONS: Manager Myers introduced the proposal for Council consideration regarding a public forum on biomass facilities. Attorney Bloor summarized relevant legal issues and reviewed the history of Nippon's Biomass project's pernuttmg process, stating the project is fully pernutted at this time with an appeal pending of the ORCAA air quality permit. He explained that since Nippon had completed all processes and requirements, the City does not have a legal basis to impose a moratorium to halt the project under construction. Council discussion followed. Councilmember Mania stated for the record that he wanted to clarify that he did not call for a moratorium, but an agenda item to discuss the issue because of the responses he received from many members of the public. He proposed that Council have a discussion about biomass, and informed Council of the City of Sequim's plan to have a meeting on the issue on May 14, 2012. It was moved by Mania and seconded by Bruch to: Hold a joint public meeting with the Sequim City Council to discuss the biomass facility, on May 14, 2012, at a location that is convenient with the Sequim City Council. Council discussion followed. Councilmember Mania reiterated that he did not use the term moratorium. Motion failed 2-5, with Kidd, Collins, Di Guilio, Downie and Nelson voting in opposition Council discussion followed. CITY COUNCIL MEETING April 3, 2012 OTHER CONSIDERATIONS: (Cont' d) LATE ITEMS TO BE PLACED ON THIS OR FUTURE AGENDAS: 2. Chamber of Commerce / Semi -Annual Report Russ Veenema, Executive Director of the Port Angeles Regional Chamber of Commerce, provided Council with a verbal semi-annual report noting upcorrung event funding and provided samples of brochures and rack cards. Veenema expressed appreciation for the Waterfront Improvement Project, redesign of Lincoln Park, and noted the Chamber's support for Nippon's Biomass project and its importance to the community. Council discussion followed. Equipment Purchase — Excavator Deputy Director of Engineering Puntenney explained it was necessary to replace the obsolete piece of equipment and described the process used to find the best value possible. He noted funding for the excavator is included in the 2012 budget. He also introduced Deputy Director of Operations Brackett and Streets Superintendent Wheatley, who both discussed expected improvements in efficiency and production Council discussion followed. It was moved by Mania and seconded by Di Guilio to: Award and authorize the City Manager to sign a contract to (1) purchase a John Deere 85D excavator from Pape Machinery, Inc. through HGAC Buy Purchasing Cooperative Contract 11-2930 for an amount not to exceed $113,000.00, including sales tax, and to make minor modifications to the purchase contract, if necessary, and (2) Amend the 2012 budget to increase the Equipment Services Fund for the purchase of a tandem axle tilt -bed trailer not to exceed $4,000. Council discussion followed. Motion carried 7-0. None. CONSENT AGENDA: Councilmember Collins recommended changes to the March 27, 2012, City Council Minutes, requesting the term "equitable scoring" and "City Administration as a whole" both be added to agenda item, Budgeting for Priorities. Council discussion followed. It was moved by Mania and seconded by Downie to approve the Consent Agenda to include: 1. City Council Meeting Minutes for March 20, 26, and 27 as amended, 2012. 2. Expenditure Approval List: 3/10/12 to 3/23/12 for $3,094,126.68. 3. City of Burlington Interlocal Joint Purchasing Agreement 4. Parks, Recreation & Beautification Commission Appointments 5. Surplus Equipment for Disposal / Backhoe & Sweeper Motion carried 7-0. 4 E-9 CITY COUNCIL MEETING April 3, 2012 ORDINANCES NOT 1. Fire Department Related Municipal Code Updates REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS: Fire Chief McKeen briefly reviewed the purpose of the ordinance amendment, stating it coincides with international fire code changes. Mayor Kidd conducted the Ordinance No. 3450 second reading of the ordinance by title, entitled, ORDINANCE NO. 3450 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, relating to the Fire Department; making changes to Chapters 2.16, 5.32, 14.03, 14.2 1, and 14.23 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code. It was moved by Di Guilio and seconded by Nelson to: Adopt the ordinance as read by title. Motion carried 7-0. CITY COUNCIL Councilmember Mania reported on recent Port Angeles Fine Arts Center REPORTS: subcommittee meetings; his recent trip to Victoria; attendance at the Roller Derby; the Rock and Gem Show; a recent conversation with Paul Cronauer; and noted a Tom Bein advertisement in the New Yorker. Deputy Mayor Collins reminded Council to sign up for meetings at the Feiro Marine Life Center. Councilmember Bruch reported her attendance at an economic development conference in Portland and suggested the City find ways to engage high school students and youth in business competitions. She also noted the value of senior citizens in the community in regards to economic development. No other reports were given. INFORMATION: Manager Myers spoke regarding the reports included in the packet and discussed the Waterfront and Transportation Improvement project (WTIP) bond financing report. Council agreed by consensus to exclude the Waterfront and Transportation Improvement project from the 2012 ballot. Myers also spoke regarding the upcoming Lincoln Park Master Plan meeting, possible meetings with the Clallam County Commissioners, and the City's recent designation as a Tsunami -Ready Community. In addition, he noted his resignation as City Manager. Human Resources Manager Coons outlined the typical process to recruit a City Manager. Council discussion followed. It was moved by Di Guilio and seconded by Nelson to: E-10 CITY COUNCIL MEETING April 3, 2012 INFORMATION: Direct staff to solicit professional bids for recruitment of an Interim and Permanent (Cont'd) City Manager selection from professional recruiting firm. Motion carried 7-0. EXECUTIVE SESSION: It was determined there was no need for an executive session. ADJOURNMENT: Mayor Kidd adjourned the meeting at 9:37 p.m. Cherie Kidd, Mayor Teresa Pierce, Deputy City Clerk 6 E-11 Utility Advisory Committee/Special City Council Meeting Council Chambers Port Angeles, WA 98362 April 10, 2012 2:00 p.m. L Call To Order Chairman Dan DiGuilio called the meeting to order at 2:02 p.m. II. Roll Call UAC Assigned Councilmembers Present: Other Councilmembers Present: Other Councilmembers Absent: Utility Advisory Committee Members Present: Utility Advisory Committee Members Absent: Cherie Kidd, Dan Di Guilio Patrick Downie, Brooke Nelson (2:20), Max Mania (2:47) Sissi Bruch, PhD., Brad Collins Dean Reed, Paul Elliott N/A Staff Present: Kent Myers, Glenn Cutler, Bill Bloor, Larry Dunbar, Phil Lusk, Dan McKeen, Ernie Klimek, Mike Puntenney, Brian Smith, Sondya Wray, Kathryn Neal (2:11), Linda Kheriaty (2:42), Rick Hostetler (2:42) Others Present: Timm Kelly —1BEW Local Union No. 997 (2:17) Ted Simpson — PUD #1 (2:55) Doug Nas — PUD #1 (3:02) Mike Kits — PUD #1 (3:02) III. Approval Of Minutes Chairman Dan Di Guilio asked if there were any corrections to the minutes of March 13, 2012. Committee Member Dean Reed moved to approve the minutes. Cherie Kidd seconded the motion, which carried unanimously IV Late Items: Clallam County PUD #1 Gales Addition Reservoir Presentation — Open Session E-12 City Council Special Meeting April 10, 2012 V Discussion Items: A. Columbia Telecommunications Corporation Professional Services Agreement AmendmentNo.] Brian Smith, Deputy Police Chief, discussed the proposed amendment includes an additional professional services to complete a request for proposal process for the waterfront camera project. A discussion followed. Dean Reed moved to recommend City Council to authorize the City Manager to sign Amendment No. 1 to the professional services agreement with Columbia Telecommunications Corporation in an amount not to exceed $15,000.00 which increases the maximum compensation under the agreement from $229,900.00 to $244,900.00, and to make minor modifications to the agreement, if necessary. Paul Elliot seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. B. Proposed 2012 Medic I Utility Ambulance Transport Rate Adjustment Recommendation Dan McKeen, Fire Chief, reviewed the proposed medic transport fee adjustments. He also mentioned there is no cost affects on both City residents and business owners. There was a brief discussion. Cherie Kidd moved to recommend City Council to forward a favorable recommendation to adjust the Medic I transport charges and mileage fees. Paul Elliot seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. C. Department of Ecology Stormwater Capacity Grant Amendment Acceptance Kathryn Neal, P.E., Engineering Manager, shared that the Department of Ecology has offered to amend the terms of the existing grant agreement with the City in order to increase the budget by $50,000. This will extend the expiration date of the grant agreement by one year, to June 30, 2013. There was a lengthy discussion. Paul Elliot moved to recommend City Council to authorize the City Manager to sign Amendment No. 1 to Grant Agreement No. G1100083 with the Department of Ecology under the municipal Stormwater Capacity Grant Program in the amount of $50,000.00, and to extend the grant agreement by one year. Cherie Kidd seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. D. Combined Sewer Overflow Phase II Project Public Work Trust Fund Loan Application Kathryn Neal, P.E., Engineering Manager, explained that there is an opportunity to apply for a low- interest loan from the Washington State Public Works Board, under the 2014 Public Works Trust Fund (PWTF) construction loan program. Staff is proposing to apply for a $12.5 million loan for the design and construction contracts for phase 2 of the CSO Reduction Program. A lengthy discussion followed. Dean Reed moved to authorize staff to prepare and submit an application for a low-interest loan to support Phase 2 of the CSO Reduction Program through the 2014 PWTF construction loan program and authorize the City Manager to accept and sign the loan agreement, if offered by the PWTF. Paul Elliot seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. 2 E-13 City Council Special Meeting April 10, 2012 E. Industrial Transmission Electric Rate Letter Agreement Larry Dunbar, Deputy Director of Power Systems, discussed the Bonneville Power Administration Tiered Rate Methodology that went into effect October 1, 2011. On September 20, 2011, City Council adopted the Industrial Transmission electric rate ordinance and authorized the City Manager to accept a letter agreement that expires on April 30, 2012. A discussion followed. Brooke Nelson moved to recommend City Council to authorize the City manager to sign a letter agreement, and to make minor modifications to the letter agreement, if necessary. Paul Elliot abstained. Cherie Kidd seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. F. Proposed Electric Utility Time of Use Rate Ordinance Larry Dunbar, Deputy Director of Power Systems, provided a PowerPoint presentation. On November 1, 2011, City Council directed staff to develop a time use of rate as soon as it is feasible to do so. A lengthy discussion followed. Dean Reed moved to recommend City Council to continue the public hearing, close the public hearing, then adopt the proposed time of rate use ordinance. Paul Elliot seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. VI. Information Only Items: A. Advance Metering Infrastructure System Update (verbal report only) Larry Dunbar, Deputy Director of Power Systems, shared that Ener -Gate recently announced a voluntary recall of its demand response load control switch, that needs to be removed from voluntary peak power project participants homes. B. Wireless Mobile Data System Update (verbal report only) Information only. No action taken. VII. Executive Session Potential Litigation: RCW 42.30.110(1)(i) Start Time: 4:00 End Time: 5:00 VIII. Next Meeting Date: April 13, 2012 May 8, 2012 IX. Adjournment: 5:00 p.m. Cherie Kidd, Mayor Janessa Hurd, City Clerk E-14 CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington April 13, 2012 CALL TO ORDER- A Special City Council meeting was called to coincide with the Utility Advisory SPECIAL MEETING: Committee meeting. There being no quorum present, a Special City Council meeting was not conducted. ROLL CALL: Members Present: Mayor Kidd, and Councilmembers Di Guilio and Bruch. Members Absent: Deputy Mayor Collins, and Councilmembers Downie, Mania and Nelson. Cherie Kidd, Mayor Janessa Hurd, City Clerk E-15 CITY COUNCIL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington April 17, 2012 CALL TO ORDER- Mayor Kidd called the special meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at SPECIAL MEETING: 5:00 p.m. ROLL CALL: Members Present: Mayor Kidd, Deputy Mayor Collins, Councilmembers Bruch, Di Guilio, Downie, Mania, and Nelson. Members Absent: None. Staff Present. Manager Myers, Attorney Bloor, Clerk Hurd, G. Cutler, T. Gallagher, D. McKeen, L. Kheriaty, T. Pierce, and B. Coons. Interim/Permanent City Human Resources Manager Coons discussed options regarding the costs for using a Manager: recruiting firm to fmd an interim City Manager versus hiring an internal candidate, and discussed the cost savings associated with an internal candidate. He stated no applications had been received at this time, but contacts had been made within the organization. Mayor Kidd stated she had made contact with Fire Chief McKeen and he had expressed interest in the Interim City Manager position. Chief McKeen confirmed this interest and stated he would be glad to serve. Councilmember Nelson stated she would be more comfortable posting the position for seven days for internal candidates to apply, explaining she wanted an internal candidate but Council should follow a process to solicit internal candidates. Manager Coons replied the City had not used this process in the past. Council discussion followed. It was moved by Mania and seconded by Sissi to: Appoint Fire Chief McKeen as Interim City Manager. Council discussion followed. Councilmember Collins called for the question. Attorney Bloor stated an Interim City Manager should have a contract and the motion for appointment could be subject to the contract. The motion was amended by Mania and seconded by Sissi to: Appoint Fire Chief McKeen as Interim City Manager subject to a contract. The call for the questions was approved 7-0. Motion carried 7-0. E-16 CITY COUNCIL MEETING April 17, 2012 Interim/Permanent City Council discussed the compensation level for the Interim City Manager. Manager: (Cont'd) It was moved by Downie and seconded by Bruch to: Increase Fire Chief McKeen's compensation by 20%. Council discussion followed. Motion carried 7-0. Council discussion continued regarding the length of contract with Chief McKeen for the Interim City Manager position. It was moved by Di Guilio and seconded by Downie to: Draft a contract with Fire Chief McKeen to serve in the Interim City Manager position for up to 120 days. Council discussion followed. Motion carried 7-0. Council continued discussion regarding the contract and agreed by consensus to draft a contract with Fire Chief McKeen to serve in the Interim City Manager position effective April 18, 2012. Attorney Bloor discussed contract guidelines, scope of work, and other possible items to include in the draft contract. Council discussion followed and staff agreed to bring back a draft contract for Council to approve at the April 24, 2012, Special City Council meeting. Manager Coons discussed the recruitment for a permanent City Manager and reviewed the four proposals from different recruiting firms. He described his recommendation to use Prothman, citing the firm's experience, low costs, and two- year guarantee. He also mentioned the City is currently using the firm to recruit an interim and permanent Finance Director. Council discussion followed. Councilmember Collins stated he did not want to use a recruitment firm and recommended the City conduct the recruitment process in-house by advertising in trade journals and other publications. Council discussion followed. It was moved by Collins and seconded by Mania to: Advertise in state and national publications for a new City Manager, and have the whole Council work on both the screening and selection for interviews; linut time frame to 30 day advertisement, and if whole Council determines there is an inadequate pool of applicants then proceed with hiring a consultant firm to conduct the recruitment. Council discussion followed. Motion failed 3-4, with Kidd, Di Guilio, Nelson, and Downie voting in opposition. Council discussion followed. 2 E-17 CITY COUNCIL MEETING April 17, 2012 Interim/Permanent City It was moved by Downie and seconded by Di Guilio to: Manager: (Cont'd) Retain the services of Prothman to recruit a City Manager and to negotiate a contract satisfactory to both parties. Council discussion followed. Motion carried 5-2, with Mania and Collins voting in opposition. ADJOURNMENT: Mayor Kidd adjourned the special meeting at 5:55 p.m. CALL TO ORDER- Mayor Kidd called the regular meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at REGULAR MEETING: 6:00 p.m. ROLL CALL: Members Present. Mayor Kidd, Deputy Mayor Collins, Councilmembers Bruch, Di Guilio, Downie, Mania, and Nelson. Members Absent: None. Staff Present: Manager Myers, Attorney Bloor, Deputy Clerk Pierce, G. Cutler, T. Gallagher, D. McKeen, L. Kheriaty, C. Dehkat, S. Roberds, K. Neal, and L. Dunbar. PLEDGE OF Mayor Kidd led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. ALLEGIANCE: CEREMONIAL 1. Earth Day Proclamation MATTERS/ PROCLAMATIONS/ Mayor Kidd presented a proclamation to Helen Freilich, Solid Waste Reduction & EMPLOYEE Specialist, in recognition of April 22, 2012, as Earth Day in Port Angeles. RECOGNITIONS: Manager Myers noted Paul Cronauer will be recognized at an upcoming event at the Landing Mall on Saturday, April 21, in partnership with the Feiro Art Center, 2. Sexual Assault Awareness Month Mayor Kidd presented a proclamation to Becca Korby of Healthy Families of Clallam County, in recognition of Sexual Assault Awareness Month. Employee Recognitions Police Chief Gallagher presented the Police Star Award to Deputy Police Chief Brian Smith, Deputy Director of Power Systems Dunbar and Public Works and Utilities Director Cutler for their work on the BTOP project. Manager Myers recognized Acting Finance Director Kheriaty with the Shining Star Award for her outstanding performance and dedication while service as Acting Finance Director. PUBLIC COMMENT: Josh Hendry 5110 S. Foss Road, ASB President; and ASB representatives Mary Kheriaty and Sharon Cline spoke regarding the Stevens Middle School Kind Wall Campaign designed to raise awareness about bullying with an emphasis on kindness. 3 E-18 CITY COUNCIL MEETING April 17, 2012 PUBLIC COMMENT: (Cont'd) PUBLIC HEARINGS - OTHER: Ordinance No. 3451 Ordinance No. 3452 William Hunt, 438 Lopez, spoke in favor of the Stevens Kind Wall Campaign, keeping the trees at Lincoln Park, and addressed the Lincoln Park Master Plan meetings. Timm Kelly, 2830 Edgewood Drive, IBEW President, spoke in acknowledgement of the employee recognitions and ongoing contract negotiations. Proposed Medic I Ambulance Transport Rate Adjustments Chief McKeen briefly introduced the proposed adjustments. Mayor Kidd continued the public hearing at 6:37 p.m. There being no public comment, she closed the public hearing at 6:37 p.m. Mayor Kidd conducted a second reading of the Ordinance by title, entitled, ORDINANCE NO. 3451 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, revising Chapter 3.70 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code relating to Medic I Charges. It was moved by Collins and seconded by Mania to: Adopt the ordinance as ready by title. Council discussion followed. Motion carried 7-0 1. Proposed Electric Utility Time -of -Use Rate Ordinance Using PowerPoint slides, Deputy Director Dunbar and Power Resources Manager Lusk reviewed the proposed time of use rate; public comments received, and staff recommendations. Council discussion followed. Mayor Kidd continued the public hearing at 7:12 p.m. Shannon Green, Bonneville Power Administration representative, spoke in support of the Time -of -Use Rate and the educational value to enable customers to know when power costs less. Mayor Kidd closed the public hearing at 7:14 p.m. Mayor Kidd conducted a second reading of the Ordinance by title, entitled, ORDINANCE NO. 3452 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, relating to electricity services and charges making changes to Chapter 13.12 of Title 13 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code. Council discussion followed. It was moved by Downie and seconded by Collins to: Adopt the Ordinance as read by title. Council discussion followed. Motion carried 6-1, with Mania voting in opposition. 4 E-19 CITY COUNCIL MEETING April 17, 2012 LATE ITEMS TO BE None. PLACED ON THIS OR FUTURE AGENDAS: CONSENT AGENDA: Mayor Kidd stated a request had been made to add the following items be added to the Consent Agenda: Wireless Mobile Data System Professional Services Resolution No. 04-12 Agreement Amendment No. 2 and PenCom/New World Systems Software Contract. Council discussion followed. Deputy Mayor Collins stated he wanted to pull the Utility Advisory Committee Appointment off the Consent Agenda and only add the Wireless Mobile Data System Professional Services Agreement Amendment No. 2 to the Consent Agenda but not the PenCom/New World Systems Software Contract. Manager Myers noted a mmor change to item E4, Police Vehicles Equipment Purchase. Councilmember Di Guilio asked for Council Consensus regarding the movement of the above items on or off the Consent Agenda. It was moved by Di Guilio and seconded by Downie to: Add Wireless Mobile Data System Professional Services Agreement Amendment No. 2 and PenCom/New World Systems Software Contract to the Consent Agenda. Motion failed 3-4, with Mania, Kidd, Collins and Bruch voting in opposition. Council agreed by consensus to add the Wireless Mobile Data System Professional Services Agreement Amendment No. 2 to the Consent Agenda. It was moved by Nelson and seconded by Di Guilio to approve the Consent Agenda to include: 1. Expenditure Approval List: 3/24/12 to 4/6/12 for $1,743,884.16 2. Equipment Purchase: Cemetery Backhoe 3. Department of Ecology Municipal Stormwater Capacity Grant Amendment Acceptance 4. Equipment Purchase: Police Vehicles (as revised) 5. 3` Amendment Communications Site Facility Use Lease / Verizon 6. Recreation and Conservation Funding Board Grant Application — Resolution No. 04-12 7. Wireless Mobile Data System Professional Services Agreement Amendment No. 2 Motion carried 7-0. 8. Utility Advisory Committee Appointment Mayor Kidd announced the Utility Advisory Committee's recommendation to City Council to appoint Mervn Sears II, to the UAC Committee. Council discussion followed. It was moved by Mania and seconded by Bruch to: Appoint Mr. Sears to the Utility Advisory Committee and thank all of the candidates that applied. Council discussion followed. Motion carried 7-0. Councilmember Downie noted for the record Mr Sears' humble and gracious spirit impressed him. E-20 CITY COUNCIL MEETING April 17, 2012 ORDINANCES NOT 1. 2012 Bond Election / Civic Field REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS: Manager Myers reviewed the process to date and steps necessary to place this issue on the ballot in August 2012, including the expected construction time should the election be successful. Using PowerPoint Slides, Recreation Services Manager Bonine made a presentation showing current conditions of the facility and addressed participant and spectator safety issues. Council discussion followed. Councilmember Mania stated his concerns regarding adding to the City's current budget. Councilmember Di Guilio stated that Civic Field is an icon of our community with many regional sporting events and it would be a huge mistake to lose that facility. Deputy Mayor Collins noted strong community support behind this bond issue and explained the bond issue only covers necessary improvements, not all possible improvements. Scott Ramsey from the Civic Field Oversight Committee spoke regarding the wide range of user groups using this jewel of the community. He noted insufficient lighting during baseball tournaments and safety concerns for playing football on muddy fields. He stated field turf is preferred and required with playoff games which have eliminated Civic Field in the past. Fund raising will be done by the committee with funding expected to come from teams, user groups and other sponsors. Five thousand dollars has been raised to date. Council discussion followed. Mayor Kidd conducted a first reading of the Ordinance by title, entitled, ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, providing for the submission to the qualified electors of the City at an election to be held on August 7, 2012, of a proposition authorizing the City to issue its general obligation bonds in the aggregate principal amount of not to exceed $4,000,000 to improve, renovate, and equip Civic Field, and levy excess property taxes in connection therewith. Mayor Kidd continued the matter to the April 24, 2012, Special City Council Meeting at 5:00 p.m. RESOLUTIONS NOT 1. Civic Field Upgrade Project Grant Resolution REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS: Recreation Services Manager Bonine noted the need to pass the resolution in order to apply for the grant. Resolution No. 05-12 Mayor Kidd read the Resolution by title, entitled, 6 E-21 CITY COUNCIL MEETING April 17, 2012 RESOLUTIONS NOT RESOLUTION NO. 05-12 REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS: A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, (Cont'd) authorizing submission of an application for grant funding assistance for Washington Wildlife and Recreation Program project(s) to the Recreation Resolution No. 05-12 and Conservation Office a s provided in Chapter 79A.15 RCW, Acquisition of habitat conservation and outdoor recitation lands, WAC 286 and subsequent Legislative action. It was moved by Mania and seconded Downie by to: Pass the Resolution as read by title. Motion carried 7-0. Resolution No. 06-12 2. City Council Rules of Procedure / Amendment Manager Myers noted the need to amend the City Council Rules of Procedure to clarify the process for adding items to the City Council agenda. Council discussion followed. Mayor Kidd read the Resolution by title, entitled, RESOLUTION NO. 06-12 A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, amending Section 8 and 9 of the City Council Rules of Procedure. It was moved by Di Guilio and seconded by Nelson to: Pass the Resolution as read by title. Council discussion followed. Motion carried 5-2, with Bruch and Mania voting in opposition. OTHER 1. Industrial Transmission Electric Rate Letter Agreement CONSIDERATIONS: Deputy Director Dunbar explained the purpose of the Letter Agreement, stating it updates an expiring Letter Agreement regarding the Industrial Transrmssion Electric Rate. Council discussion followed. Paul Perlwitz, with Nippon Paper Industries, 1902 Marine Drive, stated Nippon is in favor of the agreement and asks for Council to approve. Council discussion followed. It was moved by Collins and seconded by Nelson to: Approve and authorize the City Manager to sign a letter agreement with the City's Industrial Transmission customer, and to make minor modifications to the letter agreement, if necessary. Council discussion followed. Motion carried 6-1, with Mania voting in opposition. Deputy Mayor Collins requested Councilmember Mania state why he was opposed to the agreement. Councilmember Mania stated he believed the City has far too cozy of a relationship with Nippon; he objected to the City's favoritism, stating he believed the relationship is very problematic. 7 E-22 CITY COUNCIL MEETING April 17, 2012 OTHER 2. 2014 Combined Sewer Overflow Reduction Phase 2 Project, WW 10-2008, CONSIDERATIONS: Public Works Trust Fund Low Interest Loan Application Engineering Manager Neal provided a PowerPoint presentation regarding Phase 2 of the CSO project and corresponding $12.5 million low-interest loan available to local governments to improve infrastructure projects. It was moved by Downie and seconded by Di Guilio to: Authorize staff to prepare and submit an application for a low-interest loan to support Phase 2 of the CSO Reduction Program through the 2014 PWTF construction loan program, and authorize the City Manager to accept and sign the loan agreement, if offered by the Public Works Board. Council discussion followed. Motion carried 5-2, with Mania and Bruch voting in opposition. FINANCE: 1. 2011 Year -End Financial Report Due to the late hour, Manager Myers suggested tabling the 2011 Year-end Financial report to next City Council meeting and to hold a shortened executive session. Council concurred by consensus. 2. PenCom / New World Systems Software Contract Chief Gallagher introduced the item to purchase additional software licenses, stating funding is included in the 2012 Budget. It was moved by Nelson and seconded by Mania to: Authorize the City Manager to sign the software agreement with New World Systems to affect the MDC and server license purchase in the amount of $97,702.00 plus sales tax in the amount of $8,206.96, for a total of $105,908.96. Motion carried 7-0. COUNCIL REPORTS: Councilmember Nelson reported a half-day retreat with the Wellness Committee and encouraged Councilmember to attend the upcoming Health Screening and participate in softball and golf events. Councilmember Mania reported he will be at the health screening. Councilmember Downie reported attending the Washington Tourism Alliance Conference noting ongoing efforts to find funding to replace funds recently dropped by the State of Washington. Mayor Kidd reported attending the annual Employee Service Award Luncheon. Deputy Mayor Collins asked for a work session on low -impact development and ram gardens be added to the April 24, 2012, work session. Council discussion followed. Councilmember Bruch reported her attendance at an Economic Development meeting for the Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe, and described the meetings message regarding involving the youth, Peninsula College and composite industries. 8 E-23 CITY COUNCIL MEETING April 17, 2012 COUNCIL REPORTS: Councilmember Di Guilio stated the Council subcommittee to review district court continues to meet and is close to bringing a recommendation back to Council. Councilmember Downie noted the cruise ship arriving tomorrow. INFORMATION: Manager Myers reminded Council of the work session next Tuesday, May 24, 2012, at 5:00 p.m. EXECUTIVE SESSION: Based upon input from Attorney Bloor, Mayor Kidd announced the need for a closed session under the authority of RCW 42.30.140(b), for the purpose of planning or adopting the strategy or position to be taken by the governing body during the course of any collective bargaining, for approximately 10 minutes. The Closed Session convened at 9:26 p.m. RETURN TO OPEN The Executive Session concluded at 9:37 p.m. No action was taken. SESSION: ADJOURNMENT: Mayor Kidd adjourned the meeting at 9:37 p.m. Cherie Kidd, Mayor W Teresa Pierce, Deputy City Clerk E-24 EXECUTIVE SESSION Date: April 17, 2012 Expected length of session: 10 minutes Is action expected following the session: None. At the start of Executive Session, remind participants that: • Only announced topics may be discussed • No final action can be taken in Executive Session • Discussions are confidential Reason for Executive Session: To consider matters affecting national security. To consider the selection of a site or the acquisition of real estate by lease or purchase when public knowledge regarding such consideration would cause a likelihood of increased price. To consider the minimum price at which real estate will be offered for sale or lease when public knowledge regarding such consideration would cause a likelihood of decreased price. However, final action selling or leasing public property shall be taken in a meeting open to the public. To review negotiations on the performance of public bid contracts when public knowledge regarding such consideration would cause a likelihood of increased costs. To consider, in the case of an export trading company, financial and commercial information supplied by private persons to the export trading company. To receive and evaluate complaints or charges brought against a public officer or employee. However, upon the request of such officer or employee, a public hearing or a meeting open to the public shall be conducted upon such complaint or charge. To evaluate the qualifications of an applicant for public employment or to review the performance of a public employee. However, subject to RCW 42.30.140(4), discussion by a governing body of salaries, wages, and other conditions of employment to be generally applied within the agency shall occur in a meeting open to the public, and when a governing body elects to take final action hiring, setting the salary of an individual employee or class of employees, or discharging or disciplining an employee, that action shall be taken in a meeting open to the public. 1 E-25 EXECUTIVE SESSION April 17, 2012 To evaluate the qualifications of a candidate for appointment to elective office. However, any interview of such candidate and final action appointing a candidate to elective office shall be in a meeting open to the public. To discuss with legal counsel representing the agency matters relating to agency enforcement actions, or to discuss with legal counsel representing the agency litigation or potential litigation to which the agency, the governing body, or a member acting in an official capacity is, or is likely to become, a party, when public knowledge regarding the discussion is likely to result in an adverse legal or financial consequence to the agency. Closed session under RCW 42.30.140: To discuss proceedings concerned with the formal issuance of an order granting, suspending, revoking, or denying any license, permit, or certificate to engage in any business, occupation, or profession, or to receive a license for a sports activity or to operate any mechanical device or motor vehicle where a license or registration is necessary; or Meeting of a quasi-judicial body relating to a quasi-judicial matter between named parties as distinguished from a matter having general effect on the public or on a class or group. Matters governed by chapter 34.05 RCW, the Administrative Procedure Act. X Collective bargaining session with employee organization, including contract negotiations, grievance meetings, and discussions relating to the interpretation or application of a labor agreement or a portion of a meeting which the governing body is planning or adopting the strategy or position to be taken by the governing body during the course of any collective bargaining, professional negotiations, or grievance or mediation proceeding, or reviewing the proposals made in the negotiations or proceedings while in progress. Time session began: 9:26 p.m. Was session extended by announcement: No If so, when: Time session ended: 9:37 p.m. Mayor In attendance: Mayor Kidd, Deputy Mayor Collins Councilmembers Bruch, Di Guilio Downie, Mania, and Nelson, Manager Myers, Attorney Bloor, B. Coons, G. Cutler, and D. McKeen. City Clerk 2 E -26 CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION Port Angeles, Washington April 24, 2012 CALL TO ORDER- Mayor Kidd called the special meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at SPECIAL MEETING: 5:00 p.m. ROLL CALL: Members Present: Mayor Kidd, Deputy Mayor Collins, Councilmembers Bruch, Di Guilio, Downie, Mama, and Nelson Members Absent. None. Staff Present: Manager Myers, Attorney Bloor, Clerk Hurd, G. Cutler, D. McKeen, T. Gallagher, S. Johns, R. Bonine, R. Korcz, R. Hostetler, and L. Dunbar. WORK SESSION: 1. 2012 Bond Election / Civic Field Ordinance No. 3453 Manager Myers introduced the item stating this was the second reading of the proposed Ordinance. Councilmember Bruch suggested the election ballot paragraph to be simplified by using a bulleted format. Council discussion followed. Steve Zenovic, Chairman of the Civic Field Fundraising Committee, urged Council to move forward to assure all deadlines are met. Council discussion followed. Mayor Kidd conducted a second reading of the Ordinance by title, entitled, ORDINANCE NO. 3453 AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, providing for the submission to the qualified electors of the City at an election to be held on August 7, 2012, of a proposition authorizing the City to issue its general obligations bonds in the aggregate principal amount of not to exceed $4,000,000 to improve, renovate, and equip Civic Field, and levy excess property taxes in connection therewith. It was moved by Downie and seconded by Nelson to: Adopt the ordinance as read by title. Motion carried 7-0. 2. Interim City Manager Contract Attorney Bloor discussed the proposed contract presented to Council, citing the terms discussed at the previous City Council meeting and some additional changes added by Dan McKeen. Council discussion followed. E-27 CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING April 24, 2012 WORK SESSION: It was moved by Mania and seconded by Bruch to: (Cont' d) Approve the Interim City Manager Contract with Dan McKeen, excluding the word "additional" used in the Section IV, paragraph C, and with minor modifications as necessary. Motion carried 7-0. Shoreline Master Program Update Community and Economic Development Director West described the process for updating the City's Shoreline Master Program, including the upcoming public hearings and adoption in May 2012. He introduced Associate Planner Johns who conducted a PowerPoint presentation regarding the Shoreline Master Program Update, and answered numerous questions from Council. Council discussion followed. 4. Low -Income Utility Discounts Public Works and Utilities Director Cutler introduced Deputy Director of Power Systems Dunbar who conducted a PowerPoint presentation regarding possible changes that could be made to the Low -Income Utility Discount Program. Deputy Director Dunbar asked Council a series of questions regarding possible directions to follow in amendmg the program by ordinance. Council discussion followed. Percent of Capital Funding Allocation for Local Arts Funding Manager Myers presented a PowerPoint presentation regarding the Percent for Art Program, describing the City of Portland's program and listing some pros and cons to this type of program. Council discussion followed. Deputy Mayor Collins requested that an agenda section be added to the Work Session agenda to add new items to upcoming Work Sessions. Manager Myers agreed. ADJOURNMENT: Mayor Kidd adjourned the meeting at 7:22 p.m. Cherie Kidd, Mayor Janessa Hurd, City Clerk 2 E-28 CITY COUNCIL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington May 1, 2012 CALL TO ORDER- Mayor Kidd called the regular meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at REGULAR MEETING: 6:00 p.m. ROLL CALL: Members Present Mayor Kidd, Deputy Mayor Collins, Councilmembers Bruch, Di Guilio, Downie, Mama, and Nelson. Members Absent None. Staff Present: Manager Myers, Attorney Bloor, Clerk Hurd, G. Cutler, T. Gallagher, D. McKeen, N. West, T. Pierce, S. Romberg, D Bellamente, and T. Nevaril. PLEDGE OF Councilmember Di Guilio led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. ALLEGIANCE: CEREMONIAL 1. Severe Weather Awareness Week MATTERS/ PROCLAMATIONS/ Fire Chief McKeen stated several severe weather disasters have occurred in the last & EMPLOYEE eight years. He introduced Penny Lmterman from the Clallam County Emergency RECOGNITIONS: Management Division and thanked her for being there to recognize the County's role in emergency management. Mayor Kidd presented Chief McKeen with a proclamation in recognition of Severe Weather Awareness Week. Tsunarm Ready Community Designation Chief McKeen introduced Ted Buehner with the National Weather Service who thanked Council and staff and discussed the Tsunami Ready program and designation. He stated Port Angeles is the 107'h Tsunami Ready Community in the nation and presented Council with new road signs to show the City's new designation. National Public Works Week Mayor Kidd presented Public Works and Utilities Director Cutler with a proclamation in recognition of National Public Works Week. Director Cutler thanked Council and commended all the Public Works employees at the City. 4. Recognition — Kent Myers Mayor Kidd presented Manager Myers with a certificate in recognition of his three and a half years of service to the City of Port Angeles. She also presented him with a gift basket of local Port Angeles goodies. Manager Myers thanked everyone and recognized City staff for their contributions. PUBLIC COMMENT: Devon Graywolf, 438 Lopez, spoke in opposition to cutting down trees and Lincoln Park and discussed the dangers of airplane crashes. E-29 CITY COUNCIL MEETING May 1, 2012 PUBLIC COMMENT: (Cont' d) LATE ITEMS TO BE PLACED ON THIS OR FUTURE AGENDAS: CONSENT AGENDA: OTHER CONSIDERATIONS: William Hunt, 438 Lopez, spoke in opposition to cutting trees at Lincoln Park and the public input process regarding the Lincoln Park Master Plan. Brian Kuh, Chamber of Commerce Board representative, read a letter on behalf of the Board, stating support for a business friendly community. Mr. Kuh also presented Manager Myers with a gift basket in recognition of his service to the City of Port Angeles. The following members of the public spoke in support of reinstating Yvonne Ziomkowski as City Finance Director: John Ford, 174 Hoare Rd., Larry Doyle, 3161 City Lights Place, Glenn Wiggins, 702 Caroline St., and Corby Somerville, 162 Lands End Lane, Sequim. Mayor Kidd responded the Council is prohibited by State Law to be involved in the firing or hiring of City employees, except the City Manager. Fowler Stratton and D Bellamente spoke regarding the pickle ball marathon and thanked everyone for their participation and donations. None. Mayor Kidd moved Consent Agenda items, Eclipse Industrial Park Feeder Upgrade, Project CLOT -2006, and Construction Contract / Landfill Stormwater Utility Repair Project SW -12-020 to Other Considerations. It was moved by Downie and seconded by Bruch to approve the Consent Agenda to include: 1. Expenditure Approval List: 04/07/12 to 04/20/12 for $2,536,091.63 2. Oak Street Sidewalk and Paving, Project CH -12-007, Final Acceptance 3. Vehicle Purchase: Water Division Service Truck Motion carried 7-0. Concrete Cylinder Pipe Replacement, Projects WT02-2009/ WT02-2006 Director Cutler described a bid error by a contractor which occurred during the bid process. He stated the error resulted in Primo Construction, as the low responsible bidder. Council discussion followed. It was moved by Collins and seconded by Nelson to: Approve and authorize the requested withdrawal of the Jordan Excavating, Inc. bid without forfeiture of their bid bond. Award and authorize the City Manager to sign a contract for the Concrete Cylinder Pipe Replacement, Projects WT02-2009 and WT02-2006, with Primo Construction of Sequim, WA, in the total bid amount of $1,172,534.92, including applicable taxes. Motion carried 7-0. 2 E-30 CITY COUNCIL MEETING May 1, 2012 OTHER 2. Eclipse Industrial Park Feeder Upgrade, Project CLO 1-2006 CONSIDERATIONS: Director Cutler identified the need for the project, citing different businesses in the area with increased power needs as they have moved from diesel power to electric. He stated the City received a good grouping of bids. Council discussion followed. It was moved by Di Guilio and seconded by Nelson to: Award and authorize the City Manager to sign a contract with Magnum Power of La Center, WA, in the amount of $179,036.83, including tax, for the Eclipse Industrial Park Feeder Upgrade, Project CLO 1-2006. Motion carried 7-0. Construction Contract / Landfill Stormwater Utility Repair Project SW -12- 020 Director Cutler described the immediate need for this project to stop methane gas leaking into the stormwater pipe. He stated there was a potential for an explosive situation. Council discussion followed. It was moved by Nelson and seconded by Collins to: Approve and authorize the City manager to sign the Construction Contract for the Landfill Stormwater Utility Repair, contract SW -12-020, in the amount of $36,295.57, including applicable taxes, and approve and authorize the use of $39,900 of reserves from the Solid Waste fund to be added to the 2012 Solid Waste Budget for contract SW 12-020. Motion carried 7-0. Break Mayor Kidd recessed the meeting for a break at 7:04 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 7:16 p.m. FINANCE: 1. 2011 Year -End Financial Report Manager Myers and Senior Accountant Nevarnl provided a PowerPoint presentation of the City's 2011 Year -End Financial Report Council discussion followed. CITY COUNCIL Councilmember Nelson spoke regarding her attendance at the grand opening of REPORTS: Country Aire. Councilmember Downie spoke regarding the recent cruise ship stop in Port Angeles and one planned for May 11, 2012. Mayor Kidd also spoke regarding the cruise ship stop on Port Angeles. Deputy Mayor Collins and Mayor Kidd both spoke regarding their upcoming scheduled surgeries. Councilmember Di Guilio stated the Municipal Court Subcommittee still does not have a recommendation for Council but will have one soon. No other reports were given. E-31 CITY COUNCIL MEETING May 1, 2012 INFORMATION: Deputy Mayor Collins asked for the Sustainability Committee to provide a report in an upcoming work session in either May or June. Council discussion followed regarding the upcoming Work Session schedule. Manager Myers spoke regarding the reports included in the packet and reminded Council of the report he placed in their mailboxes regarding the future challenges and opportunities for Port Angeles from his perspective. EXECUTIVE SESSION: Based upon input from Attorney Bloor, Mayor Kidd announced the need for an Executive Session under the authority of RCW 42.30.110(1)(i), for the purpose of discussing potential litigation with legal counsel, for approximately 45 minutes. The Executive Session convened at 7:56 p.m. RETURN TO OPEN The Executive Session concluded at 8:44 p.m. No action was taken. SESSION: ADJOURNMENT: Mayor Kidd adjourned the meeting at 8:44 p.m. Cherie Kidd, Mayor Janessa Hurd, City Clerk 4 E-32 EXECUTIVE SESSION Date: May 1, 2012 Expected length of session: 45 minutes Is action expected following the session: None. At the start of Executive Session, remind participants that: • Only announced topics may be discussed • No final action can be taken in Executive Session • Discussions are confidential Reason for Executive Session: To consider matters affecting national security. To consider the selection of a site or the acquisition of real estate by lease or purchase when public knowledge regarding such consideration would cause a likelihood of increased price. To consider the minimum price at which real estate will be offered for sale or lease when public knowledge regarding such consideration would cause a likelihood of decreased price. However, final action selling or leasing public property shall be taken in a meeting open to the public. To review negotiations on the performance of public bid contracts when public knowledge regarding such consideration would cause a likelihood of increased costs. To consider, in the case of an export trading company, financial and commercial information supplied by private persons to the export trading company. To receive and evaluate complaints or charges brought against a public officer or employee. However, upon the request of such officer or employee, a public hearing or a meeting open to the public shall be conducted upon such complaint or charge. To evaluate the qualifications of an applicant for public employment or to review the performance of a public employee. However, subject to RCW 42.30.140(4), discussion by a governing body of salaries, wages, and other conditions of employment to be generally applied within the agency shall occur in a meeting open to the public, and when a governing body elects to take final action hiring, setting the salary of an individual employee or class of employees, or discharging or disciplining an employee, that action shall be taken in a meeting open to the public. 1 E-33 EXECUTIVE SESSION May 1, 2012 To evaluate the qualifications of a candidate for appointment to elective office. However, any interview of such candidate and final action appointing a candidate to elective office shall be in a meeting open to the public. X To discuss with legal counsel representing the agency matters relating to agency enforcement actions, or to discuss with legal counsel representing the agency litigation or potential litigation to which the agency, the governing body, or a member acting in an official capacity is, or is likely to become, a party, when public knowledge regarding the discussion is likely to result in an adverse legal or financial consequence to the agency. Closed session under RCW 42.30.140: To discuss proceedings concerned with the formal issuance of an order granting, suspending, revoking, or denying any license, permit, or certificate to engage in any business, occupation, or profession, or to receive a license for a sports activity or to operate any mechanical device or motor vehicle where a license or registration is necessary; or Meeting of a quasi-judicial body relating to a quasi-judicial matter between named parties as distinguished from a matter having general effect on the public or on a class or group. Matters governed by chapter 34.05 RCW, the Administrative Procedure Act. Collective bargaining session with employee organization, including contract negotiations, grievance meetings, and discussions relating to the interpretation or application of a labor agreement or a portion of a meeting which the governing body is planning or adopting the strategy or position to be taken by the governing body during the course of any collective bargaining, professional negotiations, or grievance or mediation proceeding, or reviewing the proposals made in the negotiations or proceedings while in progress. Time session began: 7:56 p.m. Was session extended by announcement: No If so, when: Time session ended: 8:44 p.m. Mayor In attendance: Mayor Kidd, Deputy Mayor Collins Councilmembers Bruch, Di Guilio Downie, Mania, and Nelson, Manager Myers, Attorney Bloor, G. Cutler, and D. McKeen, and N. West. City Clerk 2 E-34 Date 5/9/2012 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 4/21/2012 To: 5/4/2012 Vendor Description Account Number Invoice Amount BILL'S PLUMBING & HEATING INC RAYONIER SANIKAN APRIL 001-0000-239.96-00 85.00 RAYONIER SANIKAN VANDALIS 001-0000-239.96-00 32.00 CLALLAM CNTY TREASURER CVCA TO CLALLAM CO TREASU 001-0000-229.40-00 260.62 DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE -WIRES Excise Tax Return -March 001-0000-237.00-00 2,456.10 Excise Tax Return -March 001-0000-237.30-00 384.41 Darlene Jones DEPOSIT REFUND 001-0000-239.93-00 150.00 SENIUK, JAKE Announcement Cards 001-0000-237.00-00 -29.89 WA STATE PATROL LIVE SCAN PRINTS FOR MARC 001-0000-229.50-00 536.25 WASHINGTON (DOL), STATE OF STATE SHARE CPLS JAN 2012 001-0000-229.60-00 366.00 STATE SHARE CPLS FEB 2012 001-0000-229.60-00 827.00 STATE SHARE CPLS MARCH 20 001-0000-229.60-00 705.00 WASHINGTON STATE TREASURER MARCH BUILDING SURCHARGE 001-0000-229.10-00 117.00 DIST CT REV TO ST TREAS 001-0000-229.30-00 10,908.49 Division Total. $16,797.98 Department Total: $16,797.98 CENTURYLINK-QWEST 04-14 A/C 3604570968343B 001-1210-513.42-10 2.83 04-14 A/C 3604571535571B 001-1210-513.42-10 1.95 04-14 A/C 3604570831558B 001-1210-513.42-10 1.18 04-16 A/C 206T359336570B 001-1210-513.42-10 27.74 04-14 A/C 3604576684085B 001-1210-513.42-10 7.24 04-14 A/C 3604570411199B 001-1210-513.42-10 58.01 City Manager Department City Manager Office Division Total. $98.95 CENTURYLINK-QWEST 04-14 A/C 3604570968343B 001-1220-516.42-10 0.47 04-14 A/C 3604571535571 B 001-1220-516.42-10 0.39 04-14 A/C 3604570831558B 001-1220-516.42-10 0.24 04-16 A/C 206T359336570B 001-1220-516.42-10 5.55 04-14 A/C 3604576684085B 001-1220-516.42-10 1.45 04-14 A/C 3604570411199B 001-1220-516.42-10 11.60 DRUG FREE BUSINESS ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP 001-1220-516.49-01 100.00 City Manager Department Human Resources Division Total: $119.70 CENTURYLINK-QWEST 04-14 A/C 3604570968343B 001-1230-514.42-10 0.24 04-14 A/C 3604571535571 B 001-1230-514.42-10 0.19 04-14 A/C 3604570831558B 001-1230-514.42-10 0.12 04-16 A/C 206T359336570B 001-1230-514.42-10 2.77 04-14 A/C 3604576684085B 001-1230-514.42-10 0.72 04-14 A/C 3604570411199B 001-1230-514.42-10 5.80 DATA BASE MARCH 2012 RECORDS DESTRU 001-1230-514.41-50 220.20 WMCA -WA MNCPL CLERKS ASN ANNUAL DUES - HURD & PIER 001-1230-514.49-01 150.00 City Manager Department City Clerk Division Total. $380.04 City Manager Department Department Total: $598.69 CENTURYLINK-QWEST 04-14 A/C 3604570968343B 001-2010-514.42-10 1.66 04-14 A/C 3604571535571 B 001-2010-514.42-10 1.36 E-35 Page 1 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report "tf''" From: 4/21/2012 To: 5/4/2012 Vendor CENTURYLINK-QWEST Finance Department CENTURYLINK-QWEST Brent Robinson OLYMPIC PRINTERS INC OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC Finance Department CENTURYLINK-QWEST DATABAR INCORPORATED EQUIFAX SHARP ELECTRONICS CORP SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC VERIZON WIRELESS Finance Department SHARP ELECTRONICS CORP UNITED PARCEL SERVICE Finance Department ADVANCED TRAVEL CENTURYLINK-QWEST Description 04-14 A/C 3604570831558B 04-16 A/C 206T359336570B 04-14 A/C 3604576684085B 04-14 A/C 3604570411199B Finance Administration 04-14 A/C 3604570968343B 04-14 A/C 3604571535571 B 04-14 A/C 3604570831558B 04-16 A/C 206T359336570B 04-14 A/C 3604576684085B 04-14 A/C 3604570411199B REIMBURSE CHK RETURN FEE PRINTING,SILK SCR,TYPSET RED PENS DATE STAMPS/IN BASKET Accounting 04-14 A/C 3604570968343B 04-14 A/C 3604571535571 B 04-14 A/C 3604570831558B 04-16 A/C 206T359336570B 04-14 A/C 3604576684085B 04-14 A/C 3604570411199B CYCLES 16-20 3/29/12 CYCLES 1-5 4/5/12 CYCLES 6-10 4/13/12 CREDIT REPORTS APRIL COPIER LEASE CLOTHING ALLOWANCE 04-13 a/c 271272753-00001 Customer Service APRIL COPIER LEASE APRIL COPIER LEASE Shipping Chgs Shipping Chgs Reprographics Finance Department DOE/Nippon-Bloor 04-14 A/C 3604570968343B 04-14 A/C 3604571535571 B 04-14 A/C 3604570831558B 04-16 A/C 206T359336570B 04-14 A/C 3604576684085B Account Number 001-2010-514.42-10 001-2010-514.42-10 001-2010-514.42-10 001-2010-514.42-10 Division Total: 001-2023-514.42-10 001-2023-514.42-10 001-2023-514.42-10 001-2023-514.42-10 001-2023-514.42-10 001-2023-514.42-10 001-2023-514.41-50 001-2023-514.31-01 001-2023-514.31-01 001-2023-514.31-01 Division Total: 001-2025-514.42-10 001-2025-514.42-10 001-2025-514.42-10 001-2025-514.42-10 001-2025-514.42-10 001-2025-514.42-10 001-2025-514.41-50 001-2025-514.41-50 001-2025-514.41-50 001-2025-514.41-50 001-2025-514.45-31 001-2025-514.31-11 001-2025-514.42-10 Division Total: 001-2080-514.45-31 001-2080-514.45-31 001-2080-514.42-10 001-2080-514.42-10 Division Total: Department Total: 001-3010-515.43-10 001-3010-515.42-10 001-3010-515.42-10 001-3010-515.42-10 001-3010-515.42-10 001-3010-515.42-10 Date 5/9/2012 Invoice Amount 0.83 19.42 5.07 40.61 $68.95 213 1.75 1.06 24.97 6.51 52.21 1200 416.86 22.24 43.44 $583.17 3.07 2.53 1.54 36.07 9.41 75.42 1,612.99 2,010.52 1,933.51 61.02 117.56 133.08 71.99 $6,068.71 142.70 272.02 80.00 20.00 $514.72 $7,235.55 28.75 1.42 1.17 0.71 16.65 4.34 E-36 Page 2 Date. 5/9/2012 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 4/21/2012 To: 5/4/2012 Vendor Description Account Number Invoice Amount CENTURYLINK-QWEST 04-14 A/C 3604570411199B 001-3010-515.42-10 34.81 Attorney Attorney Office Division Total: $87.85 CENTURYLINK-QWEST 04-14 A/C 3604570968343B 001-3021-515.42-10 0.95 04-14 A/C 3604571535571 B 001-3021-515.42-10 0.78 04-14 A/C 3604570831558B 001-3021-515.42-10 0.47 04-16 A/C 206T359336570B 001-3021-515 42-10 11.10 04-14 A/C 3604576684085B 001-3021-515.42-10 2.90 04-14 A/C 3604570411199B 001-3021-515.42-10 23.21 CLALLAM PUBLIC DEFENDER Public Defender Fees 001-3021-515.41-50 3,541.67 MYERS, STAN Indigent Legal Fees 001-3021-515.41-50 3,541.67 Attorney Prosecution Division Total. $7,122.75 Attorney Department Total: $7,210.60 CENTURYLINK-QWEST 04-14 A/C 3604570968343B 001-4010-558.42-10 1.77 04-14 A/C 3604571535571B 001-4010-558.42-10 1.46 04-14 A/C 3604570831558B 001-4010-558.42-10 0.89 04-16 A/C 206T3593365706 001-4010-558.42-10 20.81 04-14 A/C 36045766840858 001-4010-558.42-10 5.43 04-14 A/C 3604570411199B 001-4010-558.42-10 43.53 Scott Johns LODGING FOR ARBORICULTURE 001-4010-558.43-10 286.63 PORT ANGELES CITY TREASURER File holder-Roberds 001-4010-558.31-01 24.70 Chamber/PABA-West 001-4010-558.31-01 24.64 Planning Dir lunch -West 001-4010-558.31-01 11.91 Copies-Bartholick 001-4010-558.31-01 3.20 SOUND PUBLISHING INC COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 001-4010-558.44-10 107.44 Community Development Planning Division Total: $532.41 CENTURYLINK-QWEST 04-14 A/C 3604570968343B 001-4020-524.42-10 0.61 04-14 A/C 3604571535571 B 001-4020-524.42-10 0.51 04-14 A/C 36045708315588 001-4020-524.42-10 0.31 04-16 A/C 206T359336570B 001-4020-524.42-10 7.21 04-14 A/C 3604576684085B 001-4020-524.42-10 1.88 04-14 A/C 3604570411199B 001-4020-524.42-10 15.08 SHARP ELECTRONICS CORP APRIL COPIER LEASE 001-4020-524.45-31 117.56 UNGER ENGINEERING INC, GENE REVIEW WTIP 001-4020-524.41-50 1,273.00 VERIZON WIRELESS 04-15 a/c 264230412-00003 001-4020-524.42-10 60.06 Community Development Building Division Total. $1,476.22 CENTURYLINK-QWEST 04-14 A/C 3604570968343B 001-4030-559.42-10 0.09 04-14 A/C 3604571535571 B 001-4030-559.42-10 0.08 04-14 A/C 3604570831558B 0014030-559.42-10 0.05 04-16 A/C 206T35933657013 001-4030-559.42-10 1.11 04-14 A/C 36045766840858 001-4030-559.42-10 0.29 04-14 A/C 3604570411199B 001-4030-559.42-10 2.32 VERIZON WIRELESS 04-15 a/c 264230412-00003 001-4030-559.42-10 15.01 E-37 Page 3 Date. 5/9/2012 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report "'t"'W ' From: 412112012 To: 51412012 Vendor Description Account Number Invoice Amount WACE CODE ENFORCE ASSOC DUES 001-4030-559.49-01 40.00 Community Development Code Compliance Division Total: $58.95 Community Development Department Total. $2,067.58 CAPACITY PROVISIONING INC Network Services 001-5010-521.42-12 66.65 Network Services 001-5010-521.42-12 201.08 CENTURYLINK-QWEST 04-14 A/C 3604570968343B 001-5010-521.42-10 3.78 04-14 A/C 3604571535571 B 001-5010-521.42-10 3.12 04-14 A/C 36045708315588 001-5010-521.42-10 1.89 04-16 A/C 206T359336570B 001-5010-521.42-10 44.39 04-14 A/C 3604576684085B 001-5010-521.42-10 11.58 04-14 A/C 3604570411199B 001-5010-521.42-10 92.84 INX, LLC COMPUTERS,DP & WORD PROC. 001-5010-521.31-60 72.00 SQUAD ROOM EMBLEMS OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL 001-5010-521.31-01 211.16 Police Department Police Administration Division Total: $708.49 ADVANCED TRAVEL Investigation-Powless 001-5021-521.43-10 807.35 CENTURYLINK-QWEST 04-14 A/C 36045709683438 001-5021-521.42-10 2.36 04-14 A/C 3604571535571 B 001-5021-521.42-10 1.95 04-14 A/C 3604570831558B 001-5021-521.42-10 1.18 04-16 A/C 206T359336570B 001-5021-521.42-10 27.74 04-14 A/C 36045766840858 001-5021-521.42-10 7.24 04-14 A/C 3604570411199B 001-5021-521.42-10 58.01 LEXISNEXIS PERSON SEARCHES 001-5021-521.41-50 54.20 Robert Slipper DC JUDGE ORDER TO PAY CLA 001-5021-521.49-90 506.60 PORT OF PORT ANGELES POLICE EQUIPMENT & SUPPLY 001-5021-521.49-90 160.65 RADIOSHACK WIRE PHONE FOR DETECTIVES 001-5021-521.31-01 24.92 WA STATE CRIMINAL JUSTICE CRIME SCENE INVEST, JNUTT 001-5021-521.43-10 50.00 Police Department Investigation Division Total: $1,702.20 ADVANCED TRAVEL FTO Conf-Roggenbuck 001-5022-521.43-10 130.00 EVAWI Conf-Smith 001-5022-521.43-10 778.39 AIRPORT GARDEN CENTER POLICE EQUIPMENT & SUPPLY 001-5022-521.49-80 65.03 BLUMENTHAL UNIFORMS & EQUIP BADGES & OTHER ID EQUIP. 001-5022-521.31-11 798.20 BRATWEAR CLOTHING & APPAREL 001-5022-521.20-80 498.10 CENTURYLINK-QWEST 04-14 A/C 3604570968343B 001-5022-521.42-10 663 04-14 A/C 3604571535571 B 001-5022-521.42-10 5.45 04-14 A/C 36045708315588 001-5022-521.42-10 3.31 04-16 A/C 206T359336570B 001-5022-521.42-10 77.69 04-14 A/C 3604576684085B 001-5022-521.42-10 20.27 04-14 A/C 3604570411199B 001-5022-521.42-10 162.44 LINCOLN STREET STATION SHIPPING AND HANDLING 001-5022-521.42-10 46.16 SHIPPING AND HANDLING 001-5022-521.42-10 33.84 SHIPPING AND HANDLING 001-5022-521.42-10 52.90 SHIPPING AND HANDLING 001-5022-521.42-10 33.84 E-38 Page 4 Date. 5/9/2012 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 4/21/2012 To: 5/4/2012 Vendor Description Account Number Invoice Amount LINCOLN STREET STATION SHIPPING AND HANDLING 001-5022-521.42-10 33.56 Blue Mountain Animal Clinic VACCINES AND ANNUAL PHYSI 001-5022-521.49-80 76.50 OLYMPIC MEDICAL CENTER LAB EQUIP,BIO,CHEM,ENVIR 001-5022-521.49-90 300.00 SQUAD ROOM EMBLEMS OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL 001-5022-521.31-01 50.37 CLOTHING & APPAREL 001-5022-521.31-11 393.88 SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC POLICE EQUIPMENT & SUPPLY 001-5022-521.31-01 117.64 TASER INTERNATIONAL 2 TASER STANDARD 5 PACK 1 001-5022-521.35-01 1,777.65 Police Department Patrol Division Total: $5,461.85 BLUMENTHAL UNIFORMS & EQUIP CLOTHING & APPAREL 001-5026-521.31-11 66.94 COPY CAT GRAPHICS CLOTHING & APPAREL 001-5026-521.31-11 86.93 Police Department Reserves & Volunteers Division Total: $153.87 ADVANCED TRAVEL NWS User Grp -Jacobi 001-5029-521.43-10 206.54 BLUMENTHAL UNIFORMS & EQUIP CLOTHING & APPAREL 001-5029-521.20-80 97.54 CANON USA, INC OFFICE MACHINES & ACCESS 001-5029-521.45-31 384.71 CENTURYLINK-QWEST 04-14 A/C 3604570968343B 001-5029-521.42-10 2.36 04-14 A/C 3604571535571 B 001-5029-521.42-10 1.95 04-14 A/C 3604570831558B 001-5029-521.42-10 1.18 04-16 A/C 206T359336570B 001-5029-521.42-10 27.74 04-14 A/C 3604576684085B 001-5029-521.42-10 7.24 04-14 A/C 3604570411199B 001-5029-521.42-10 58.01 DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE -WIRES Excise Tax Return -March 001-5029-342.10-15 0.44 Excise Tax Return -March 001-5029-342.10-17 12.55 Safarnland, LLC KNIFE BOXES FOR PROP AND 001-5029-521.31-01 88.94 PACIFIC OFFICE EQUIPMENT INC OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL 001-5029-521.45-31 64.01 OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL 001-5029-521.45-31 165.43 PENINSULA AWARDS & TROPHIES NAME PLATE FOR RECORDS SU 001-5029-521.31-01 10.86 QUILL CORPORATION OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL 001-5029-521.31-01 646.70 Police Department Records Division Total: $1,776.20 Police Department Department Total. $9,802.61 CANON USA, INC OFFICE MACHINES & ACCESS 001-6010-522.45-31 190.69 CAPACITY PROVISIONING INC Network Services 001-6010-522.42-12 333.22 CENTURYLINK-QWEST 04-14 A/C 3604570968343B 001-6010-522.42-10 3.31 04-14 A/C 3604571535571 B 001-6010-522.42-10 2.73 04-14 A/C 3604570831558B 001-6010-522.42-10 1.66 04-16 A/C 206T3593365706 001-6010-522.42-10 38.84 04-14 A/C 3604576684085B 001-6010-522.42-10 10.13 04-14 A/C 3604570411199B 001-6010-522.42-10 81.22 04-14 A/C 3604570968343B 001-6010-522.42-11 0.95 04-14 A/C 3604571535571 B 001-6010-522.42-11 0.78 04-14 A/C 3604570831558B 001-6010-522.42-11 0.47 04-16 A/C 206T359336570B 001-6010-522.42-11 11.10 04-14 A/C 3604576684085B 001-6010-522.42-11 2.90 E-39 Page 5 Date 5/9/2012 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 4/21/2012 To: 5/4/2012 Vendor Description Account Number Invoice Amount CENTURYLINK-QWEST 04-14 A/C 3604570411199B 001-6010-522.42-11 23.21 CLALLAM CNTY SHERIFF'S DEPT 2012 USAGE CHARGES 001-6010-522.42-13 3,620.00 OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC PAPER (OFFICE,PRINT SHOP) 001-6010-522.31-01 21.46 Binder/paper clips 001-6010-522.31-01 30.57 Binder/paper clips 001-6010-522.31-01 -22.76 PORT ANGELES FIRE DEPARTMENT POSTAGE 001-6010-522.42-10 11.50 Fire Department Fire Administration Division Total: $4,361.98 ADVANCED TRAVEL P/U Trng Prop -Denton 001-6020-522.43-10 27.00 CENTURYLINK-QWEST 04-14 A/C 3604570968343B 001-6020-522.42-10 3.07 04-14 A/C 3604571535571 B 001-6020-522.42-10 2.53 04-14 A/C 3604570831558B 001-6020-522.42-10 1.54 04-16 A/C 206T359336570B 001-6020-522.42-10 36.07 04-14 A/C 3604576684085B 001-6020-522.42-10 9.41 04-14 A/C 3604570411199B 001-6020-522.42-10 75.42 NAPA AUTO PARTS BULB 001-6020-522.31-02 7.37 SUNSET DO -IT BEST HARDWARE CLOTHING & APPAREL 001-6020-522.20-80 29.25 MACHINERY & HEAVY HRDWARE 001-6020-522 31-02 11.25 SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC SALE SURPLUS/OBSOLETE 001-6020-522.31-02 1489 VERIZON WIRELESS 04-15 a/c 264395724-00001 001-6020-522.42-10 26.22 Fire Department Fire Supression Division Total: $244.02 ANGELES MILLWORK & LUMBER CO LUMBER 001-6021-522.31-01 190.12 LUMBER 001-6021-522.31-01 72.12 CENTURYLINK-QWEST 04-14 A/C 3604570968343B 001-6021-522.42-10 0.24 04-14 A/C 3604571535571 B 001-6021-522.42-10 0.19 04-14 A/C 3604570831558B 001-6021-522.42-10 0.12 04-16 A/C 206T359336570B 001-6021-522.42-10 2.77 04-14 A/C 3604576684085B 001-6021-522.42-10 0.72 04-14 A/C 3604570411199B 001-6021-522.42-10 5.80 CLALLAM CNTY DEPT OF HEALTH HEPATITIS B 001-6021-522.41-50 43.00 JIFFY CLEANERS REPAIR 001-6021-522.31-11 14.09 Dan McKeen SUPPORT OFFICER LUNCH MEE 001-6021-522.31-01 58.00 Trevor Warren PURCHASING SUPPLIES 001-6021-522.31-01 26.37 Fire Department Fire Volunteers Division Total. $413.54 Backcountry Medical Co, LLC WEBBING 001-6022-522.31-01 602.58 Fire Department Special Operations Division Total: $602.58 CENTURYLINK-QWEST 04-14 A/C 3604570968343B 001-6030-522.42-10 0.47 04-14 A/C 3604571535571 B 001-6030-522.42-10 0.39 04-14 A/C 36045708315588 001-6030-522.42-10 0.24 04-16 A/C 206T359336570B 001-6030-522.42-10 5.55 04-14 A/C 36045766840858 001-6030-522.42-10 1.45 04-14 A/C 3604570411199B 001-6030-522.42-10 11.60 Alert -all FIRE HATS 001-6030-522.31-01 50.99 E-40 Page 6 Date. 5/9/2012 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 4/21/2012 To: 5/4/2012 Vendor Description Account Number Invoice Amount PACIFIC OFFICE EQUIPMENT INC COMPUTERS,DP & WORD PROC. 001-6030-522.31-01 72.62 Fire Department Fire Prevention Division Total: $143.31 CENTURYLINK-QWEST 04-14 A/C 3604570968343B 001-6040-522.42-10 0.47 04-14 A/C 3604571535571 B 001-6040-522.42-10 0.39 04-14 A/C 3604570831558B 001-6040-522.42-10 0.24 04-16 A/C 206T359336570B 001-6040-522.42-10 5.55 04-14 A/C 3604576684085B 001-6040-522.42-10 1.45 04-14 A/C 3604570411199B 001-6040-522.42-10 11.60 PORT ANGELES FIRE DEPARTMENT LUNCH - RECRUIT ACADEMY 001-6040-522.31-01 42.32 PUGET SOUND MARINE ANNUAL DUES 001-6040-522.49-01 125.00 QUILL CORPORATION SUPPLIES 001-6040-522.31-01 288.52 VERIZON WIRELESS 04-10 a/c 57199962-00001 001-6040-522.42-10 35.29 Fire Department Fire Training Division Total: $510.83 QUILL CORPORATION SUPPLIES 001-6050-522.31-01 57.78 SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC EQUIP MAINT & REPAIR SERV 001-6050-522.31-20 31.40 THURMAN SUPPLY BOATS,MOTORS,& MARINE SUP 001-6050-522.31-20 21.93 Fire Department Facilities Maintenance Division Total: $111.11 CENTURYLINK-QWEST 04-14 A/C 3604570968343B 001-6060-525.42-10 2.13 04-14 A/C 3604571535571B 001-6060-525.42-10 1.75 04-14 A/C 3604570831558B 001-6060-525.42-10 1.06 04-16 A/C 206T359336570B 001-6060-525.42-10 24.97 04-14 A/C 3604576684085B 001-6060-525.42-10 6.51 04-14 A/C 3604570411199B 001-6060-525.42-10 52.21 Fire Department Emergency Management Division Total: $88.63 Fire Department Department Total: $6,476.00 CANON USA, INC RENTAL/LEASE EQUIPMENT 001-7010-532.45-31 784.44 CAPACITY PROVISIONING INC Network Services 001-7010-532.42-12 108.40 CENTURYLINK-QWEST 04-14 A/C 36045709683438 001-7010-532.42-10 7.34 04-14 A/C 3604571535571 B 001-7010-532.42-10 6.05 04-14 A/C 3604570831558B 001-7010-532.42-10 3.65 04-16 A/C 206T359336570B 001-7010-532.42-10 86.01 04-14 A/C 3604576684085B 001-7010-532.42-10 22.46 04-14 A/C 3604570411199B 001-7010-532.42-10 179.85 IKON OFFICE SOLUTIONS MICROFICHE READER TONER 001-7010-532.31-01 170.19 INT'L ASSN OF ADMIN PROFESSIONALS RENEW MEMBERSHIP-GUNDERS(001-7010-532.49-01 83.00 Glenn Cutler REIMBURSE -BUSINESS LUNCH 001-7010-532.31-01 93.25 Randall Brackett MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 001-7010-532.31-01 45.51 OFFICE DEPOT SUPPLIES 001-7010-532.31-01 97.58 SUPPLIES 001-7010-532.31-01 1229 SUPPLIES 001-7010-532.31-01 81.38 SUPPLIES 001-7010-532.31-01 11.90 OLYMPIC PRINTERS INC BUSINESS CARDS - R VESS 001-7010-532.31-01 58.54 E-41 Page 7 Date. 5/9/2012 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 4/21/2012 To: 5/4/2012 Vendor Description Account Number Invoice Amount SHARP ELECTRONICS CORP OFFICE MACHINES & ACCESS 001-7010-532.45-31 157.60 MX260ON COPIER -APRIL 2012 001-7010-532.45-31 142.87 Public Works -Gen Fnd Pub Wks Administration Division Total. $2,152.31 Public Works -Gen Fnd Department Total: $2,152.31 ANGELES MILLWORK & LUMBER CO HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS 001-8010-574.31-01 29.05 BROADCAST MUSIC, INC SOUND SYSTEMS & ACCESSORY 001-8010-574.41-50 320.00 CENTURYLINK-QWEST 04-14 A/C 3604570968343B 001-8010-574.42-10 0.71 04-14 A/C 3604571535571 B 001-8010-574.42-10 0.58 04-14 A/C 3604570831558B 001-8010-574.42-10 0.35 04-16 A/C 206T359336570B 001-8010-574.42-10 8.32 04-14 A/C 3604576684085B 001-8010-574.42-10 2.17 04-14 A/C 3604570411199B 001-8010-574.42-10 17.40 DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE -WIRES Excise Tax Return -March 001-8010-347.30-20 34.33 Excise Tax Return -March 001-8010-347.90-15 35.48 GREAT AMERICA LEASING CORP OFFICE MACHINES & ACCESS 001-8010-574.45-31 101.30 SOUND PUBLISHING INC COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 001-8010-574.44-10 334.57 STRAIT MUSIC SOUND SYSTEMS & ACCESSORY 001-8010-574.31-80 169.00 SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS 001-8010-574.31-01 36.57 THURMAN SUPPLY HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS 001-8010-574.31-01 23.76 Parks Dept Parks Administration Division Total: $1,113.59 CENTURYLINK-QWEST 04-14 A/C 3604570968343B 001-8012-555.42-10 0.71 04-14 A/C 3604571535571 B 001-8012-555.42-10 0.58 04-14 A/C 3604570831558B 001-8012-555.42-10 0.35 04-16 A/C 206T35933657013 001-8012-555.42-10 8.32 04-14 A/C 36045766840858 001-8012-555.42-10 2.17 04-14 A/C 36045704111996 001-8012-555.42-10 17.40 GREAT AMERICA LEASING CORP OFFICE MACHINES & ACCESS 001-8012-555.45-31 33.77 Parks Dept Senior Center Division Total: $63.30 ANGELES MILLWORK & LUMBER CO BUILDER'S SUPPLIES 001-8050-536.31-20 17.33 CENTURYLINK-QWEST 04-14 A/C 3604570968343B 001-8050-536.42-10 0.47 04-14 A/C 3604571535571 B 001-8050-536.42-10 0.39 04-14 A/C 3604570831558B 001-8050-536.42-10 0.24 04-16 A/C 206T359336570B 001-8050-536.42-10 5.55 04-14 A/C 3604576684085B 001-8050-536.42-10 1.45 04-14 A/C 3604570411199B 001-8050-536.42-10 11.60 DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE -WIRES Excise Tax Return -March 001-8050-343.60-12 89.96 Excise Tax Return -March 001-8050-343.60-13 37.82 Excise Tax Return -March 001-8050-343.60-14 4092 Excise Tax Return -March 001-8050-343.60-15 23.33 Excise Tax Return -March 001-8050-343.60-16 3.04 QUIRING MONUMENTS INC CEMETERY MARKERS 001-8050-536.34-01 100.00 CEMETERY MARKERS 001-8050-536.34-01 391.00 E -42 Page 8 Date 5/9/2012 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report "17;5c''t'W From: 4/2112012 To: 5/4/2012 Vendor Description Account Number Invoice Amount Parks Dept Ocean View Cemetery Division Total: $723.10 ALLPLAY SYSTEMS, LLC PARK,PLAYGROUND,REC EQUIP 001-8080-576.31-20 746.88 ANGELES MILLWORK & LUMBER CO LUMBER& RELATED PRODUCTS 001-8080-576.31-20 67.74 PAINTS, COATI N GS,WALLPAPER 001-8080-576.31-20 29.26 HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS 001-8080-576.31-20 45.25 B & B SHARPENING SERVICE/REPAIR LAWN MAINTENANCE EQUIP 001-8080-576.48-10 95.70 BAXTER AUTO PARTS #15 BELTS AND BELTING 001-8080-576.31-01 36.40 BELTS AND BELTING 001-8080-576.31-01 20.16 BELTS AND BELTING 001-8080-576.31-01 36.40 BLUE MOUNTAIN TREE SERVICE INC ROADSIDE,GRNDS,REC, PARK 001-8080-576.48-10 1,734.40 CAPACITY PROVISIONING INC Network Services 001-8080-576.42-12 201.08 Network Services 001-8080-576.42-12 103.41 CED/CONSOLIDATED ELEC DIST INC ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 001-8080-576.31-20 82.93 CENTURYLINK-QWEST 04-14 A/C 3604570968343B 001-8080-576.42-10 2.36 04-14 A/C 3604571535571 B 001-8080-576.42-10 1.95 04-14 A/C 3604570831558B 001-8080-576.42-10 1.18 04-16 A/C 206T359336570B 001-8080-576.42-10 27.74 04-14 A/C 3604576684085B 001-8080-576.42-10 7.24 04-14 A/C 3604570411199B 001-8080-576.42-10 58.01 DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE -WIRES Excise Tax Return -March 001-8080-347.30-18 20633 FASTENAL INDUSTRIAL HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS 001-8080-576.31-01 6.64 FASTENERS, FASTENING DEVS 001-8080-576.31-20 7.91 HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS 001-8080-576.31-20 12.70 FASTENERS, FASTENING DEVS 001-8080-576.31-20 25.14 HEARTLINE HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS 001-8080-576.31-01 51.98 OFFICE DEPOT SUPPLIES 001-8080-576.31-01 11.92 SHARP ELECTRONICS CORP RENTAULEASE EQUIPMENT 001-8080-576.45-31 49.07 SKAGIT GARDENS INC NURSERY STOCK & SUPPLIES 001-8080-576.31-40 1,693.50 NURSERY STOCK & SUPPLIES 001-8080-576.31-40 175.69 SUNSET DO -IT BEST HARDWARE PLUMBING EQUIP FIXT,SUPP 001-8080-576.31-20 11.15 SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC CLOTHING ACCESSORIES(SEE 001-8080-576.31-01 42.98 PAINTS, COATI NGS,WALLPAPER 001-8080-576.31-20 17.21 PAINTS,COATINGS,WALLPAPER 001-8080-576.31-20 12.91 HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS 001-8080-576.35-01 75.85 THURMAN SUPPLY PLUMBING EQUIP FIXT,SUPP 001-8080-576.31-20 28.70 PIPE FITTINGS 001-8080-576.31-20 14.40 Parks Dept Park Facilities Division Total: $5,742.17 Parks Dept Department Total: $7,642.16 ANGELES MILLWORK & LUMBER CO BRUSHES (NOT CLASSIFIED) 001-8112-555.31-20 31878 CENTURYLINK-QWEST 04-02 a/c 3604170786905B 001-8112-555.42-10 32.32 PAINT STORE, THE PAINTS, COATI NGS,WALLPAPER 001-8112-555.31-20 46.47 SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC PAINTING EQUIPMENT & ACC 001-8112-555.31-20 38.86 E-43 Page 9 Date. 5/9/2012 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report . 'ni7j'PXP From: 4/21/2012 To: 5/4/2012 Vendor Description Account Number Invoice Amount Facilities Maintenance Senior Center Facilities Division Total: $436.43 AMSAN JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 001-8130-518.31-01 118.44 HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS 001-8130-518.31-01 13.75 MATERIAL HNDLING&STOR EQP 001-8130-518.31-01 7463 CENTURYLINK-QWEST 04-14 A/C 3604570968343B 001-8130-518.42-10 0.24 04-14 A/C 3604571535571 B 001-8130-518.42-10 0.19 04-14 A/C 3604570831558B 001-8130-518.42-10 0.12 04-16 A/C 206T359336570B 001-8130-518.42-10 2.77 04-14 A/C 3604576684085B 001-8130-518.42-10 0.72 04-14 A/C 3604570411199B 001-8130-518.42-10 5.80 Facilities Maintenance Custodial/Janitorial Svcs Division Total: $216.66 ANGELES MILLWORK & LUMBER CO HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS 001-8131-518.31-20 71.19 BRUSHES (NOT CLASSIFIED) 001-8131-518.31-20 55.11 CENTURYLINK-QWEST 04-14 A/C 36045709683438 001-8131-518.42-10 0.24 04-14 A/C 3604571535571 B 001-8131-518.42-10 0.19 04-14 A/C 3604570831558B 001-8131-518.42-10 0.12 04-16 A/C 206T359336570B 001-8131-518.42-10 2.77 04-14 A/C 3604576684085B 001-8131-518.42-10 0.72 04-14 A/C 3604570411199B 001-8131-518.42-10 5.80 04-02 a/c 3604175328784B 001-8131-518.42-10 41.27 04-05 a/c 3604523954268B 001-8131-518.42-10 82.53 04-16 a/c 206T355724768B 001-8131-518.42-10 57.46 GRAINGER BUILDER'S SUPPLIES 001-8131-518.31-20 180.74 SUNSET DO -IT BEST HARDWARE FASTENERS, FASTENING DEVS 001-8131-518.31-20 14.53 Facilities Maintenance Central Svcs Facilities Division Total. $512.67 Facilities Maintenance Department Total: $1,165.76 ADVANCED TRAVEL NW Baberuth Mtg-Peterson 001-8221-574.43-10 112.24 CENTURYLINK-QWEST 04-14 A/C 3604570968343B 001-8221-574.42-10 0.24 04-14 A/C 3604571535571 B 001-8221-574.42-10 0.19 04-14 A/C 3604570831558B 001-8221-574.42-10 012 04-16 A/C 206T359336570B 001-8221-574.42-10 2.77 04-14 A/C 3604576684085B 001-8221-574.42-10 0.72 04-14 A/C 3604570411199B 001-8221-574.42-10 5.80 GREAT AMERICA LEASING CORP OFFICE MACHINES & ACCESS 001-8221-574.45-31 64.72 Recreation Activities Sports Programs Division Total: $186.80 CENTURYLINK-QWEST 04-14 A/C 3604570968343B 001-8222-574.42-10 0.24 04-14 A/C 3604571535571 B 001-8222-574.42-10 0.19 04-14 A/C 3604570831558B 001-8222-574.42-10 0.12 04-16 A/C 206T359336570B 001-8222-574.42-10 2.77 04-14 A/C 3604576684085B 001-8222-574.42-10 0.72 04-14 A/C 3604570411199B 001-8222-574.42-10 5.80 GREAT AMERICA LEASING CORP OFFICE MACHINES & ACCESS 001-8222-574.45-31 6472 E-44 Page 10 Vendor PORT ANGELES SCHOOL DISTRICT Recreation Activities ALBERTSONSINC AMSAN CENTURYLINK-QWEST PORT ANGELES CITY TREASURER SOUND PUBLISHING INC SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC Recreation Activities PORT ANGELES CHAMBER OF COMM Lodging Excise Tax DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE -WIRES City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 4/21/2012 To: 5/4/2012 Description CUSTODIAL SERVICES DURING Special Events SUPPLIES SUPPLIES 04-14 A/C 36045709683438 04-14 A/C 3604571535571 B 04-14 A/C 3604570831558B 04-16 A/C 206T35933657013 04-14 A/C 36045766840858 04-14 A/C 36045704111998 CDs Youth Rec supplies Supplies for day camp Video Rental DAY CAMP STAFF SUPPLIES SUPPLIES Youth/Family Programs Recreation Activities General Fund 2012 MKTG/MEDIA CAMPAIGN Lodging Excise Tax Lodging Excise Tax Lodging Excise Tax Fund Excise Tax Return -March Account Number 001-8222-574.41-50 Division Total., 001-8224-574.31-01 001-8224-574.31-01 001-8224-574.42-10 001-8224-574.42-10 001-8224-574.42-10 001-8224-574.42-10 001-8224-574.42-10 001-8224-574.42-10 001-8224-574.31-01 001-8224-574.31-01 001-8224-574.31-01 001-8224-574.44-10 001-8224-574.31-01 001-8224-574.31-01 Division Total: Department Total: Fund Total: 101-1430-557.50-83 Division Total: Department Total: Fund Total: 102-0000-237.00-00 Division Total: Department Total: Date. 5/9/2012 Invoice Amount 172.02 $246.58 142.36 25.31 0.24 0.19 0.12 2.77 0.72 5.80 5.93 10.50 5.41 166.32 18.75 5.35 $389.77 $823.15 $61,972.39 15,360.39 $15,360.39 $15,360.39 $15,360.39 79.83 $79.83 $79.83 ADVANCED TRAVEL Pesticide Exam-Brockopp 102-7230-542.43-10 455.35 Pesticide exam -Hartley 102-7230-542.43-10 455.35 Sign Wkshop-Romero 102-7230-542.43-10 23.00 ANGELES MILLWORK & LUMBER CO BUILDER'S SUPPLIES 102-7230-542.31-20 99457 BLAKE SAND & GRAVEL CONCRETE & METAL CULVERTS 102-7230-542.31-20 578.18 CONCRETE & METAL CULVERTS 102-7230-542.31-20 964.98 CAPACITY PROVISIONING INC Network Services 102-7230-542.42-12 116.63 CENTURYLINK-QWEST 04-14 A/C 36045709683438 102-7230-542.42-10 1.18 04-14 A/C 3604571535571 B 102-7230-542.42-10 0.98 04-14 A/C 36045708315586 102-7230-542.42-10 0.59 04-16 A/C 206T35933657013 102-7230-542.42-10 13.87 04-14 A/C 36045766840858 102-7230-542.42-10 3.62 04-14 A/C 3604570411199B 102-7230-542.42-10 29.01 FASTENAL INDUSTRIAL HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS 102-7230-542.31-25 34.37 L & L TOOL SPECIALTIES SUPPLIES 102-7230-542.35-01 87.32 LAKESIDE INDUSTRIES INC ROAD/HWY MATERIALS ASPHLT 102-7230-542.31-20 1,988.05 E-45 Page 11 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report �t From: 4/21/2012 To: 5/4/2012 Vendor OFFICE DEPOT PUD #1 OF CLALLAM COUNTY SHARP ELECTRONICS CORP STANLEY SECURITY SOLUTIONS SUNSET DO -IT BEST HARDWARE Public Works -Street CASCADIA LAW GROUP CENTURYLINK-QWEST INTEGRAL CONSULTING, INC KENYON DISEND, PLLC PA DOWNTOWN ASSN PORT ANGELES CITY TREASURER Economic Development CENTURYLINK-QWEST VERIZON WIRELESS Economic Development Description Account Number SUPPLIES 102-7230-542.31-01 Laundsen & L St 102-7230-542.47-10 RENTAL/LEASE EQUIPMENT 102-7230-542.45-31 HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS 102-7230-542.31-20 HAND TOOLS ,POW&NON POWER 102-7230-542.35-01 HAND TOOLS ,POW&NON POWER 102-7230-542.35-01 Street Division Total: Public Works -Street Department Total: Street Fund LEGAL FEES -SEDIMENT STUDY 04-14 A/C 3604570968343B 04-14 A/C 3604571535571 B 04-14 A/C 3604570831558B 04-16 A/C 206T359336570B 04-14 A/C 3604576684085B 04-14 A/C 36045704111996 HARBOR SEDIMENT STUDY FEMA LAWSUIT 1ST QUARTER FEES Chamber/PABA-West Chamber/PABA-West PABA Mtg-West Economic Development Economic Development Economic Development 04-14 A/C 3604570968343B 04-14 A/C 3604571535571 B 04-14 A/C 3604570831558B 04-16 A/C 206T359336570B 04-14 A/C 3604576684085B 04-14 A/C 3604570411199B 04-15 a/c 264230412-00003 Archaeologist Economic Development Cultural Resources DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE -WIRES Excise Tax Return -March ADVANCED TRAVEL NWS User Grp-VanSickle NWS User Grp -Homan AHRENS, KENNETH E Rental Fees Fund Total: 103-1511-558.41-50 103-1511-558.42-10 103-1511-558.42-10 103-1511-558.42-10 103-1511-558.42-10 103-1511-558.42-10 103-1511-558.42-10 103-1511-558.41-50 103-1511-558.41-50 103-1511-558.41-50 103-1511-558.31-01 103-1511-558.31-01 103-1511-558.31-01 Division Total: Department Total: Fund Total: 106-1512-558.42-10 106-1512-558.42-10 106-1512-558.42-10 106-1512-558.42-10 106-1512-558.42-10 106-1512-558.42-10 106-1512-558.42-10 Division Total: Department Total: Fund Total: 107-0000-237.00-00 Division Total: Department Total: 107-5160-528.43-10 107-5160-528.43-10 107-5160-528.45-30 Date 5/9/2012 Invoice Amount 11.92 14.85 49.06 119.19 125.82 12.67 $6,080.56 $6,080.56 $6,160.39 180.00 0.12 0.10 0.06 1.39 0.36 2.90 2,960.25 525.45 5,000.00 20.46 39.44 9.29 $8,739.82 $8,739.82 $8,739.82 0.24 0.19 0.12 2.77 0.72 5.80 37.54 $47.38 $47.38 $47.38 -0.96 -$0.96 -$0.96 368.58 372.58 700.00 E-46 Page 12 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report "'r qtr*'" From: 4/21/2012 To: 5/4/2012 Vendor Description Account Number CAPACITY PROVISIONING INC Network Services 107-5160-528.42-12 CAPTAIN T'S CLOTHING & APPAREL 107-5160-528.20-80 CENTURYLINK 04-06 a/c 300539444 107-5160-528.42-11 04-06 a/c 300509854 107-5160-528.42-11 Capital Projects -Pub Wks 04-06 a/c 406063845 107-5160-528.42-11 CENTURYLINK-QWEST 04-14 A/C 3604570968343B 107-5160-528.42-10 Capital Projects -Pub Wks 04-14 A/C 3604571535571 B 107-5160-528.42-10 ADVANCED TRAVEL 04-14 A/C 3604570831558B 107-5160-528.42-10 SHIRLEY'S CAFE 04-16 A/C 206T359336570B 107-5160-528.42-10 Capital Projects -Pub Wks 04-14 A/C 3604576684085B 107-5160-528.42-10 04-14 A/C 3604570411199B 107-5160-528.42-10 CLALLAM CNTY DEPT OF COMM DEV DATA PROC SERV &SOFTWARE 107-5160-528.51-01 NEW WORLD SYSTEMS DATA PROC SERV &SOFTWARE 107-5160-528.48-10 Pencom Pencom Division Total., Pencom Department Total., Pencom Fund Fund Total: BANK OF NEW YORK -DEBT SVC WIRE Debt Service Pmt -EFT 211-2419-592.83-10 Debt Service 2001 GO Bond -Refunding Division Total: Debt Service Department Total: 2001 GO Refunding Bonds Fund Total. BANK OF NEW YORK -DEBT SVC WIRE Debt Service Pmt -EFT 212-2489-592.83-10 Debt Service 2005 GO Bond Refunding Division Total. Debt Service Department Total. 2005 GO Refunding Bonds Fund Total: SARGENT ENGINEERING, INC PW CONSTRUCTION & RELATED 310-7930-595.41-50 STUDIO CASCADE, INC WTIP 310-7930-595.41-50 WTIP 310-7930-595.41-50 WTIP 310-7930-595.41-50 WTIP 310-7930-595.41-50 Capital Projects -Pub Wks GF -Street Projects Division Total: STUDIO CASCADE, INC WTIP 310-7961-595.41-50 Capital Projects -Pub Wks ST -Sidewalk Improvement Division Total. ADVANCED TRAVEL WSDOT Mtg-Mahlum 310-7965-595.43-10 SHIRLEY'S CAFE BUSINESS LUNCH 310-7965-595.65-10 Capital Projects -Pub Wks ST -Multi -Modal Transp Ctr Division Total: Capital Projects -Pub Wks Department Total., KRAUSS CRAFT, INC PARK, PLAYGROUND,REC EQUIP 310-8985-594.65-10 Capital Proj-Parks & Rec Misc Parks Projects Division Total: Capital Proj-Parks & Rec Department Total: Date. 5/9/2012 Invoice Amount 201.08 89.93 79.64 97.27 160.22 6.38 5.26 3.20 74.91 19.54 156.66 2,502.33 3,902.40 $8,739.98 $8,739.98 $8,739.02 3,300.00 $3,300.00 $3,300.00 $3,300.00 20, 700.00 $20,700.00 $20,700.00 $20,700.00 1,275.50 1 ,273.46 1,637.30 363.84 363.85 $4,913.95 14,508.20 $14,508.20 211.96 46.61 $258.57 $19,680.72 94,896.92 $94,896.92 $94,896.92 Capital Improvement Fund Total: $114,577.64 CLALLAM CNTY TREASURER Weed Control/Stmwater 314-3920-518.49-50 160.23 Weed Control/Stmwater 314-3920-518.49-50 g,18��4 Page 13 t Date: 5/9/2012 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 4/21/2012 To: 5/4/2012 Vendor Description Account Number Invoice Amount CLALLAM CNTY TREASURER Weed Control/Stmwater 314-3920-518.49-50 600.43 Capital Projects-Attny Property Management Division Total. $17,948.30 Capital Projects-Attny Department Total. $17,948.30 Property Management Fund Fund Total: $17,948.30 BPA -POWER WIRES March Power Wire -EFT 401-0000-213.10-00 236,394.00 March Power Wire -EFT 401-0000-213.10-00 2,233,373.00 CED/CONSOLIDATED ELEC DIST INC ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-0000-141.40-00 1,008.12 DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE -WIRES Excise Tax Return -March 401-0000-237.00-00 2,975.41 ADVANCED TRAVEL Excise Tax Return -March 401-0000-237.10-00 492.67 MCMASTER-CARR SUPPLY CO ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-0000-237.00-00 -2.51 ANDERSON, MATTHEW J FINAL BILL REFUND 401-0000-122.10-99 20.81 CONNORS, VICKIE J FINAL BILL REFUND 401-0000-122.10-99 53.58 DELAGARZA, JACKSON M FINAL BILL REFUND 401-0000-122.10-99 53.36 FERRO -MAY, LINDSAY H FINAL BILL REFUND 401-0000-122.10-99 15.88 HOUSTON, RITAA FINAL BILL REFUND 401-0000-122.10-99 17.75 HULETT, EDNA L FINAL BILL REFUND 401-0000-122.10-99 221.55 JACKSON, MICHAEL E UTILITY DEPOSIT REFUND 401-0000-122.10-99 62.50 LIGGINS, DARRIN M FINAL BILL REFUND 401-0000-122.10-99 116.25 LOZIER, FRANCIS C FINAL BILL REFUND 401-0000-122.10-99 78.64 MANGINO, MARC D MANUAL CHECK 401-0000-122.10-99 125.00 MCGOWAN, RICKY L UTILITY DEPOSIT REFUND 401-0000-122.10-99 125.00 SANDBERG, CHELSEY R FINAL BILL REFUND 401-0000-122.10-99 1.72 SLIVA, LISA S UTILITY DEPOSIT REFUND 401-0000-122.10-99 250.00 STEVENS, MICHAEL FINAL BILL REFUND 401-0000-122.10-99 95.73 TAGGART, LAURA FINAL BILL REFUND 401-0000-122.10-99 96.31 WESCO DISTRIBUTION INC ELECTRICAL CABLES & WIRES 401-0000-141.40-00 2,977.53 Division Total. $2,478,552.30 Department Total. $2,478,552.30 ADVANCED TRAVEL WAPUD Mtg-Dahlquist 401-7111-533.43-10 378.24 CAPACITY PROVISIONING INC Network Services 401-7111-533.42-12 99.97 CENTURYLINK-QWEST 04-14 A/C 36045709683438 401-7111-533.42-10 0.71 04-14 A/C 3604571535571 B 401-7111-533.42-10 059 04-14 A/C 3604570831558B 401-7111-533.42-10 0.35 04-16 A/C 206T3593365706 401-7111-533.42-10 8.32 04-14 A/C 3604576684085B 401-7111-533.42-10 2.17 04-14 A/C 3604570411199B 401-7111-533.42-10 17.40 Public Works -Electric Engineering -Electric Division Total: $507.75 ADVANCED TRAVEL WPAG-Dunbar 401-7120-533.43-10 85.85 NWPPA Mtg-Dunbar 401-7120-533.43-10 386.24 CAPACITY PROVISIONING INC Network Services 401-7120-533.42-12 99.97 CENTURYLINK-QWEST 04-14 A/C 3604570968343B 401-7120-533.42-10 0.71 04-14 A/C 3604571535571 B 401-7120-533.42-10 0.59 E-48 Page 14 Date. 5/9/2012 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 4/21/2012 To: 5/4/2012 Vendor Description Account Number Invoice Amount CENTURYLINK-QWEST 04-14 A/C 3604570831558B 401-7120-533.42-10 0.35 04-16 A/C 206T3593365706 401-7120-533.42-10 8.32 04-14 A/C 3604576684085B 401-7120-533.42-10 2.17 04-14 A/C 3604570411199B 401-7120-533.42-10 17.40 EES CONSULTING INC WPAG SERVICES SCOPE 401-7120-533.49-01 482.74 MARSH MUNDORF PRATT SULLIVAN CONSULTING-WPAG 401-7120-533.49-01 1,100.07 SOUND PUBLISHING INC COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 401-7120-533.44-10 41.08 Public Works -Electric Power Systems Division Total: $2,225.49 ADVANCED TRAVEL Relay School-Hainstock 401-7180-533.43-10 933.88 CALHOUN & DEJONG INC ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-7180-533.34-02 288.05 ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-7180-533.34-02 1,404.61 CAPACITY PROVISIONING INC Network Services 401-7180-533.42-12 2,381.11 Network Services 401-7180-533.42-12 216.80 CED/CONSOLIDATED ELEC DIST INC ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-7180-533.34-02 42.62 CENTURYLINK-QWEST 04-14 A/C 3604570968343B 401-7180-533.42-10 5.67 04-14 A/C 3604571535571 B 401-7180-533.42-10 4.68 04-14 A/C 3604570831558B 401-7180-533.42-10 2.84 04-16 A/C 206T35933657013 401-7180-533.42-10 66.59 04-14 A/C 3604576684085B 401-7180-533.42-10 17.37 04-14 A/C 3604570411199B 401-7180-533.42-10 139.24 04-05 a/c 3604529541353B 401-7180-533.42-10 41.27 04-05 a/c 3604526236776B 401-7180-533.42-10 43.79 04-14 a/c 3604574717777B 401-7180-533.42-10 125.99 04-16 a/c 206T32615700013 401-7180-533.42-10 54.54 04-16 a/c 206T323881998B 401-7180-533.42-10 54.54 04-16 a/c 206T3227609946 401-7180-533.42-10 54.54 04-16 a/c 206T32387999613 401-7180-533.42-10 54.54 CLALLAM CNTY TREASURER Weed Control/Stmwater 401-7180-533.49-50 145.63 COLUMBIA RURAL ELECTRIC ASSN, INC FIRST AID & SAFETY EQUIP. 401-7180-533.43-10 355.41 DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE -WIRES Excise Tax Return -March 401-7180-533.49-50 141,958.12 GENERAL PACIFIC INC ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-7180-533.34-02 260.16 ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-7180-533.34-02 260.16 INx, LLC COMPUTERS,DP & WORD PROC. 401-7180-533.34-02 503.99 MASON COUNTY PUD #3 EDUCATIONAL SERVICES 401-7180-533.41-50 3,686.16 MATCO TOOLS ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-7180-533.35-01 107.30 MCMASTER-CARR SUPPLY CO ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-7180-533.34-02 32.31 NORTHWEST PUBLIC POWER ASSN HUMAN SERVICES 401-7180-533.43-10 655.00 HUMAN SERVICES 401-7180-533.43-10 655.00 OLYMPIC LAUNDRY & DRY CLEANERS LAUNDRY/DRY CLEANING SERV 401-7180-533.41-50 74.76 LAUNDRY/DRY CLEANING SERV 401-7180-533.41-50 74.76 PENINSULA SEPTIC TANKS ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-7180-533.34-02 639.00 PORT OF PORT ANGELES Lease Fees 401-7180-533.45-30 4,100.00 E -49 Page 15 Date. 5/9/2012 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report ""p" 1. From: 4/21/2012 To: 5/4/2012 Vendor Description Account Number Invoice Amount QUILL CORPORATION OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL 401-7180-533.31-01 168.62 OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL 401-7180-533.31-01 47.77 ROHLINGER ENTERPRISES INC TESTING&CALIBRATION SERVI 401-7180-533.48-10 245.81 SANDERSON SAFETY SUPPLY CO HOSP. & SURG MOBILE 401-7180-533.31-01 1,711.17 SUNSET DO -IT BEST HARDWARE FASTENERS, FASTENING DEVS 401-7180-533.34-02 208 ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-7180-533.34-02 1617 ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-7180-533.35-01 32.18 UTILITIES UNDERGROUND LOC CTR MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 401-7180-533.49-90 23.73 WESCO DISTRIBUTION INC ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-7180-533.34-02 268.62 ZEE MEDICAL SERVICE CO FIRST AID & SAFETY EQUIP. 401-7180-533.31-01 142.70 Public Works -Electric Electric Operations Division Total: $162,099.28 Public Works -Electric Department Total. $164,832.52 Electric Utility Fund Fund Total: $2,643,384.82 DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE -WIRES Excise Tax Return -March 402-0000-237.00-00 473.09 FERGUSON ENTERPRISES INC PIPE FITTINGS 402-0000-141.40-00 470.99 PLUMBING EQUIP FIXT,SUPP 402-0000-141.40-00 1,063.25 SPARLING INSTRUMENTS LLC PIPE FITTINGS 402-0000-237.00-00 -198.50 OFFICE DEPOT SUPPLIES Division Total. $1,808.83 SUPPLIES Department Total: $1,808.83 BANK OF NEW YORK -DEBT SVC WIRE Debt Service Pmt -EFT 402-7380-592.83-10 51,085.82 Debt Service Pmt -EFT 402-7380-592.83-10 70,701.21 Debt Service Pmt -EFT 402-7380-592.83-10 26,560.00 CAPACITY PROVISIONING INC Network Services 402-7380-534.42-12 1,074.93 Network Services 402-7380-534.42-12 379.40 CENTURYLINK-QWEST 04-14 A/C 3604570968343B 402-7380-534.42-10 2.13 04-14 A/C 3604571535571 B 402-7380-534.42-10 1.76 04-14 A/C 3604570831558B 402-7380-534.42-10 1.07 04-16 A/C 206T359336570B 402-7380-534.42-10 24.97 04-14 A/C 3604576684085B 402-7380-534.42-10 6.51 04-14 A/C 3604570411199B 402-7380-534.42-10 52.21 04-05 a/c 3604524587479B 402-7380-534.42-10 95.15 04-10 a/c 360Z1 00240955B 402-7380-534.42-10 149.99 04-14 a/c 3604571270975B 402-7380-534.42-10 178.24 DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE -WIRES Excise Tax Return -March 402-7380-534.49-50 19,139.86 DRY CREEK WATER ASSN, INC SPECIAL SERVICE AGREEMENT 402-7380-534.33-10 8,241.37 SPECIAL SERVICES AGREEMEN 402-7380-534.33-10 317.95 FASTENAL INDUSTRIAL AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 402-7380-534.31-20 28.44 OFFICE DEPOT SUPPLIES 402-7380-534.31-01 140.34 SUPPLIES 402-7380-534.31-01 16.66 SUPPLIES 402-7380-534.31-01 7.04 SUPPLIES 402-7380-534.31-01 133.86 SUPPLIES 402-7380-534.31-01 11.96 E-50 Page 16 Date 5/9/2012 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report I "71 NW, I From: 4/21/2012 To: 5/4/2012 Vendor Description Account Number Invoice Amount PORT ANGELES POWER EQUIPMENT FUEL,OIL,GREASE, & LUBES 402-7380-534.31-20 52.00 BANK OF NEW YORK -DEBT SVC WIRE LAWN MAINTENANCE EQUIP 402-7380-534.31-20 11.91 PUD #1 OF CLALLAM COUNTY Reservior Rd 402-7380-534.47-10 111.05 Crown Z Water Rd 402-7380-534.47-10 30.28 PUGET SAFETY EQUIPMENT INC FIRST AID & SAFETY EQUIP. 402-7380-534.31-01 317.81 SHARP ELECTRONICS CORP RENTAL/LEASE EQUIPMENT 402-7380-534.45-31 49.06 SPARLING INSTRUMENTS LLC PIPE FITTINGS 402-7380-534.31-20 2,561.50 SUNSET DO -IT BEST HARDWARE PIPE FITTINGS 402-7380-534.31-20 6.14 HAND TOOLS ,POW&NON POWER 402-7380-534.35-01 36.85 0.95 HAND TOOLS ,POW&NON POWER 402-7380-534.35-01 15.93 403-7480-535.42-10 HOSES, ALL KINDS 402-7380-534.35-01 293.60 TECHNICAL SYSTEMS, INC EDUCATIONAL SERVICES 402-7380-534.41-50 2,112.95 THURMAN SUPPLY PIPE FITTINGS 402-7380-534.31-20 27.25 TW1SS ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES TESTING&CALIBRATION SERVI 402-7380-534.41-50 173.00 403-7480-535.42-10 TESTING&CALIBRATION SERVI 402-7380-534.41-50 22.50 403-7480-535.42-10 TESTING&CALIBRATION SERVI 402-7380-534.41-50 215.00 TESTING&CALIBRATION SERVI 402-7380-534.41-50 21500 USA BLUEBOOK FIRST AID & SAFETY EQUIP. 402-7380-534.31-01 99.03 PLUMBING EQUIP FIXT,SUPP 402-7380-534.31-20 226.75 UTILITIES UNDERGROUND LOC CTR MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 402-7380-534.49-90 23.73 Public Works -Water Water Division Total. $184,952.21 Public Works -Water Department Total: $184,952.21 Water Fund Fund Total: $186,761.04 DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE -WIRES Excise Tax Return -March 403-0000-237.00-00 51.27 Division Total: $51.27 Department Total: $51.27 AMSAN SUPPLIES 403-7480-535.31-01 121.28 ASSN BOARDS OF CERTIFICATION MEMBERSHIPS 403-7480-535.49-01 110.00 BANK OF NEW YORK -DEBT SVC WIRE Debt Service Pmt -EFT 403-7480-592.83-10 25,161.68 Debt Service Pmt -EFT 403-7480-592.83-10 39,882.13 Debt Service Pmt -EFT 403-7480-592.83-10 106,240.00 CANON USA, INC OFFICE MACHINES & ACCESS 403-7480-535.45-31 174.64 CAPACITY PROVISIONING INC Network Services 403-7480-535.42-12 1,126.63 CENTURYLINK-QWEST 04-14 A/C 3604570968343B 403-7480-535.42-10 1.88 04-14 A/C 3604571535571 B 403-7480-535.42-10 1.56 04-14 A/C 3604570831558B 403-7480-535.42-10 0.95 04-16 A/C 206T359336570B 403-7480-535.42-10 22.20 04-14 A/C 3604576684085B 403-7480-535.42-10 5.79 04-14 A/C 3604570411199B 403-7480-535.42-10 46.41 04-08 a/c 3605650365696B 403-7480-535.42-10 41.27 04-16 a/c 206T3295449126 403-7480-535.42-10 10880 04-16 a/c 206T32558509013 403-7480-535.42-10 54.40 E-51 Page 17 1 Date: 5/9/2012 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 4/21/2012 To: 5/4/2012 Vendor Description Account Number Invoice Amount CENTURYLINK-QWEST 04-14 a/c 3604574859247B 403-7480-535.42-10 82.42 04-14 a/c 3604576315689B 403-7480-535.42-10 82.53 CLALLAM CNTY DEPT OF HEALTH TWINRIX SHOT NO.2 OF 3 403-7480-535.49-90 85.00 DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE -WIRES Excise Tax Return -March 403-7480-535.49-50 9,919.47 FASTENAL INDUSTRIAL SUPPLIES 403-7480-535.31-01 74.82 SUPPLIES 403-7480-535.31-01 45.41 KAMAN INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGIES ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 403-7480-535.31-20 1,672.47 DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE -WIRES SHIPPING AND HANDLING 403-7480-535.42-10 25.18 NORTHWEST BIOSOLIDS MGMT ASSN MEMBERSHIPS 403-7480-535.49-01 77.00 PETTIT OIL COMPANY HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS 403-7480-535.31-01 99.69 PORT ANGELES CITY TREASURER Phone Card/Postage-Young 403-7480-535.42-10 40.67 REHRIG PACIFIC COMPANY, INC 30 day cell phone -Freed 403-7480-535.42-10 32.52 SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC Mail/Postage-Young 403-7480-535.42-10 24.45 PUD #1 OF CLALLAM COUNTY Brook Ave 403-7480-535.47-10 23392 SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC CHEMICAL LAB EQUIP & SUPP 403-7480-535.31-01 3.40 CLOTHING & APPAREL 403-7480-535.31-01 28.99 HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS 403-7480-535.31-01 40.13 USA BLUEBOOK JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 403-7480-535.31-01 381.56 UTILITIES UNDERGROUND LOC CTR ENVIRONMENTAL&ECOLOGICAL 403-7480-535.49-90 23.72 WA STATE DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY ENVIRONMENTAL&ECOLOGICAL 403-7480-535.49-90 960.00 WATER QUALITY LAB ANALYST SECTION HUMAN SERVICES 403-7480-535.43-10 1,200.00 WWCPA SECRETARY -TREASURER MEMBERSHIPS 403-7480-535.43-10 135.00 Public Works-WW/Stormo Wastewater Division Total: $188,367.97 Public Works-WW/Stormwtr Department Total: $188,367.97 Wastewater Fund Fund Total: $188,419.24 DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE -WIRES Excise Tax Return -March 404-0000-237.00-00 33.02 Division Total: $33.02 Department Total: $33.02 CAPACITY PROVISIONING INC Network Services 404-7580-537.42-12 116.63 CENTURYLINK-QWEST 04-14 A/C 3604570968343B 404-7580-537.42-10 0.95 04-14 A/C 3604571535571 B 404-7580-537.42-10 0.78 04-14 A/C 3604570831558B 404-7580-537.42-10 0.47 04-16 A/C 206T35933657013 404-7580-537.42-10 11.10 04-14 A/C 3604576684085B 404-7580-537.42-10 2.90 04-14 A/C 3604570411199B 404-7580-537.42-10 23.21 DATABAR INCORPORATED PRINTING,SILK SCR,TYPSET 404-7580-537.44-10 301.90 DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE -WIRES Excise Tax Return -March 404-7580-537.49-50 14,318.51 OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC SUPPLIES 404-7580-537.31-01 56.77 SUPPLIES 404-7580-537.31-01 29.80 EDUCATIONAL SERVICES 404-7580-537.44-10 10.19 REHRIG PACIFIC COMPANY, INC HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS 404-7580-537.35-01 2,191.41 SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC SUPPLIES 404-7580-537.31-01 29.16 E-52 Page 18 ,; xcrarr Date- 5/9/2012 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report t, From: 4/21/2012 To: 5/4/2012 Vendor Description Account Number Invoice Amount Public Works -Solid Waste Solid Waste -Collections Division Total. $17,093.78 Public Works -Solid Waste Department Total: $17,093.78 Solid Waste -Collections Fund Total: $17,126.80 DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE -WIRES Excise Tax Return -March 405-0000-237.00-00 152.26 Excise Tax Return -March 405-0000-237.10-00 310.53 04-14 A/C 3604570411199B Division Total. $462.79 DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE -WIRES Excise Tax Return -March Department Total: $462.79 CAPACITY PROVISIONING INC Network Services 405-7538-537.42-12 201.08 CENTURYLINK-QWEST 04-14 A/C 3604570968343B 405-7538-537.42-10 0.95 Magnet Board-Freilich 04-14 A/C 3604571535571 B 405-7538-537.42-10 0.78 MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 04-14 A/C 3604570831558B 405-7538-537.42-10 0.47 04-16 A/C 206T359336570B 405-7538-537.42-10 11.10 04-14 A/C 36045766840858 405-7538-537.42-10 290 04-14 A/C 3604570411199B 405-7538-537.42-10 23.21 04-05 a/c 3604528100532B 405-7538-537.42-10 41.27 04-05 a/c 36045222451458 405-7538-537.42-10 41.38 DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE -WIRES Excise Tax Return -March 405-7538-537.49-50 19,453.65 SHARP ELECTRONICS CORP RENTAULEASE EQUIPMENT 405-7538-537.45-31 49.06 SUNSET DO -IT BEST HARDWARE FIRST AID & SAFETY EQUIP. 405-7538-537.31-01 133.34 SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC ROADS IDE,GRNDS,REC, PARK 405-7538-537.49-90 60.17 WA STATE RECYCLING ASSOCIATION EDUCATIONAL SERVICES 405-7538-537.43-10 415.00 WAK-IN MAN, INC ENVIRONMENTAL&ECOLOGICAL 405-7538-537.48-10 1,147.41 Public Works -Solid Waste SW - Transfer Station Division Total: $21,581.77 ASPECT CONSULTING, LLC LANDFILL POST CLOSURE 405-7585-537.41-50 13,332.65 Public Works -Solid Waste Solid Waste -Landfill Division Total. $13,332.65 Public Works -Solid Waste Department Total: $34,914.42 Solid Waste-LF/Trf Stn Fund Total. $35,377.21 DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE -WIRES Excise Tax Return -March 406-0000-237.00-00 50.90 Division Total: $50.90 Department Total. $50.90 BANK OF NEW YORK -DEBT SVC WIRE Debt Service Pmt -EFT 406-7412-592.83-10 6,510.41 CENTURYLINK-QWEST 04-14 A/C 3604570968343B 406-7412-538.42-10 0.47 04-14 A/C 3604571535571 B 406-7412-538.42-10 0.39 04-14 A/C 3604570831558B 406-7412-538.42-10 0.24 04-16 A/C 206T359336570B 406-7412-538.42-10 5.55 04-14 A/C 3604576684085B 406-7412-538.42-10 1.45 04-14 A/C 3604570411199B 406-7412-538.42-10 11.60 DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE -WIRES Excise Tax Return -March 406-7412-538.49-50 219.86 HERRERA ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTAPENVIRONMENTAL&ECOLOGICAL 406-7412-538.41-50 9,645.25 ENVIRONMENTAL&ECOLOGICAL 406-7412-538.41-50 7,461.23 PORT ANGELES CITY TREASURER Magnet Board-Freilich 406-7412-538.41-50 10.70 UTILITIES UNDERGROUND LOC CTR MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 406-7412-538.49-90 23.72 E-53 Page 19 Date- 5/9/2012 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report "'"'"°-1,W , From: 412112012 To: 5/4/2012 Vendor Description Account Number Invoice Amount Public Works-WW/Stormw Stormwater Division Total. $23,890.87 Public Works-WW/Stormwtr Department Total: $23,890.87 Stormwa ter Fund Fund Total: $23,941.77 DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE -WIRES Excise Tax Return -March 409-0000-237.00-00 497.83 PROGRESSIVE MEDICAL INTERNATIONAIFreight 409-0000-237.00-00 2.26 Freight 409-0000-237.00-00 0.42 SALE SURPLUS/OBSOLETE 409-0000-237.00-00 -26.09 SALE SURPLUS/OBSOLETE 409-0000-237.00-00 -30.60 SALE SURPLUS/OBSOLETE 409-0000-237.00-00 -93.76 Division Total: $350.06 Department Total: $350.06 BLUMENTHAL UNIFORMS & EQUIP CLOTHING & APPAREL 409-6025-526.20-80 201.29 CENTURYLINK-QWEST 04-14 A/C 3604570968343B 409-6025-526.42-10 2.84 04-14 A/C 3604571535571 B 409-6025-526.42-10 2.34 04-14 A/C 3604570831558B 409-6025-526.42-10 1.42 04-16 A/C 206T359336570B 409-6025-526.42-10 33.29 04-14 A/C 3604576684085B 409-6025-526.42-10 8.69 04-14 A/C 3604570411199B 409-6025-526.42-10 69.62 CLALLAM CNTY EMS SERVICES RENDERED 409-6025-526.41-50 250.00 Medic I Advisory 409-6025-526.41-50 600.00 DRAKE'S PIZZA & SUBS LUNCH MEETING 409-6025-526.31-01 86.72 Tyler Bieker REIMBURSE CLOTHING ALLOWA 409-6025-526.20-80 24.08 NATIONAL SAFETY COUNCIL SUBSCRIPTION RENEWAL 409-6025-526.31-08 160.00 OLYMPIC MEDICAL CENTER SALE SURPLUS/OBSOLETE 409-6025-526.31-13 291.71 PROGRESSIVE MEDICAL INTERNATIONAISALE SURPLUS/OBSOLETE 409-6025-526.31-02 336.59 SALE SURPLUS/OBSOLETE 409-6025-526.31-02 363.56 Freight 409-6025-526.31-02 -14.58 Freight 409-6025-526.31-02 -5.35 SALE SURPLUS/OBSOLETE 409-6025-526.31-02 1,106.91 SALE SURPLUS/OBSOLETE 409-6025-526.31-13 31.16 Freight 409-6025-526.31-13 -14.58 SALE SURPLUS/OBSOLETE 409-6025-526.31-13 10298 SYSTEMS DESIGN WEST, LLC FINANCIAL SERVICES 409-6025-526.41-50 2,919.35 VERIZON WIRELESS 04-15 a/c 264395724-00001 409-6025-526.42-10 86.99 Fire Department Medic I Division Total. $6,645.03 Fire Department Department Total: $6,645.03 Medic I Utility Fund Total: $6,995.09 CAPACITY PROVISIONING INC Network Services 421-7121-533.42-12 430.00 CENTURYLINK-QWEST 04-14 A/C 3604571535571 B 421-7121-533.42-10 0.39 04-14 A/C 36045708315588 421-7121-533.42-10 0.24 04-16 A/C 206T359336570B 421-7121-533.42-10 5.60 04-14 A/C 3604576684085B 421-7121-533.42-10 1.45 E-54 Page 20 Date: 5/9/2012 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 4/21/2012 To: 5/4/2012 Vendor Description Account Number Invoice Amount CENTURYLINK-QWEST 04-14 A/C 3604570411199B 421-7121-533.42-10 11.60 COZI HOMES CONSTRUCTION, INC CITY REBATE 421-7121-533.49-86 510.60 EES CONSULTING INC WPAG SERVICES SCOPE 421-7121-533.49-86 1,870.00 GLASS SERVICES CO INC CITY REBATE 421-7121-533.49-86 246.00 MATHEWS GLASS CO INC CITY REBATE 421-7121-533.49-86 144.00 CITY REBATE 421-7121-533.49-86 1,321.98 CITY REBATE 421-7121-533.49-86 663.00 CECIL YOTHERS CITY REBATE 421-7121-533.49-86 50.00 DAVID FERGUSON CITY REBATE 421-7121-533.49-86 50.00 GEORGE REIMLINGER CITY REBATE 421-7121-533.49-86 50.00 MAURICES, INC #665 CITY REBATE 421-7121-533.49-86 560.00 SALLY HEUN CITY REBATE 421-7121-533.49-86 15.00 SOTRIA REBELOS CITY REBATE 421-7121-533.49-86 50.00 TRENT BLORE CITY REBATE 421-7121-533.49-86 65.00 BONNEVILLE POWER ADMIN REGISTRATION FEE 421-7121-533.43-10 195.00 REGISTRATION FEE 421-7121-533.43-10 195.00 RADIO PACIFIC INC (KONP) COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 421-7121-533.41-50 550.00 Public Works -Electric Conservation Division Total: $6,984.86 Public Works -Electric Department Total: $6,984.86 Conservation Fund Total: $6,984.86 ASM SIGNS MARKERS, PLAQUES,SIGNS 451-7188-594.65-10 1,918.68 EES CONSULTING INC WPAG 451-7188-594.41-50 2,685.00 INx, LLC COMPUTERS,DP & WORD PROC 451-7188-594.65-10 1,065.68 COMPUTERS,DP & WORD PROC. 451-7188-594.65-10 180.44 OLYMPIC ELECTRIC CO INC CONSTRUCTION SERVICES,TRA 451-7188-594.65-10 28.18 PENINSULA HEAT INC REPAIRS 451-7188-594.65-10 204.88 REPAIRS 451-7188-594.65-10 68.29 RADIOSHACK DIGITAL CAMERA 451-7188-594.65-10 147.36 Public Works -Electric Electric Projects Division Total. $6,298.51 Public Works -Electric Department Total: $6,298.51 Electric Utility C/P Fund Total: $6,298.51 CH2M HILL INC CONSULTING -WATER UTILITY 452-7388-594.41-50 77,939.27 Public Works -Water Water Projects Division Total: $77,939.27 Public Works -Water Department Total: $77,939.27 Water Utility C/P Fund Total: $77,939.27 FARALLON CONSULTING, LLC CSO PHASE 1 453-7488-594.41-50 6,182.04 SARGENT ENGINEERING, INC ENGINGEERING SERVICES 453-7488-594.41-50 3,831.00 SOUND PUBLISHING INC COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 453-7488-594.44-10 322.32 Public Works-WW/Storm% Wastewater Projects Division Total. $10,335.36 Public Works-WW/Stormwtr Department Total. $10,335.36 Waste Water Utility C/P Fund Total: $10,335.36 E-55 Page 21 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report "f' W..w From: 4/21/2012 To: 5/4/2012 Vendor Description BROWN AND CALDWELL PAYMENT 52 FOR CSO DESIGN Public Works-WW/Storm% CSO Capital Public Works-WW/Stormwtr BAXTER AUTO PARTS #15 DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE -WIRES FAR -WEST MACHINE & HYDRAULICS FIRESTONE COMPLETE AUTO CARE FIRST RACE CAR WASH IBS INCORPORATED MCMASTER-CARR SUPPLY CO MOTOR TRUCKS INC NAPA AUTO PARTS NEW PIG CORPORATION O'REILLY AUTO PARTS PETTIT OIL COMPANY SEATTLE AUTOMOTIVE DISTRIBUTING CSO Capital Fund AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 1st Qtr Excise Tax Return HOSES, ALL KINDS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS CAR WASH TICKETS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS PLUMBING EQUIP FIXT,SUPP AUTO & TRUCK ACCESSORIES AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS JANITORIAL SUPPLIES JANITORIAL SUPPLIES JANITORIAL SUPPLIES JANITORIAL SUPPLIES AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS FUEL,OIL,GREASE, & LUBES FUEL,OIL,GREASE, & LUBES FUEL,OIL,GREASE, & LUBES AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS ADVANCED TRAVEL Bucket Truck Insp-Benoff Bucket Trk Insp-Robinson ARAMARK LAUNDRY/DRY CLEANING SERV LAUNDRY/DRY CLEANING SERV BAXTER AUTO PARTS #15 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS CAPACITY PROVISIONING INC Network Services CENTURYLINK-QWEST 04-14 A/C 3604570968343B 04-14 A/C 3604571535571 B 04-14 A/C 3604570831558B 04-16 A/C 206T3593365706 04-14 A/C 3604576684085B Account Number 463-7489-594.41-50 Division Total., Department Total. Fund Total: 501-0000-141.40-00 501-0000-141.40-00 501-0000-237.00-00 501-0000-141.40-00 501-0000-141.40-00 501-0000-141.40-00 501-0000-141.40-00 501-0000-141.40-00 501-0000-237.00-00 501-0000-141.40-00 501-0000-141.40-00 501-0000-141.40-00 501-0000-141.40-00 501-0000-141.40-00 501-0000-237.00-00 501-0000-237.00-00 501-0000-141.40-00 501-0000-141.20-00 501-0000-141.20-00 501-0000-141.20-00 501-0000-141.40-00 501-0000-141.40-00 Division Total: Department Total: 501-7630-548.43-10 501-7630-548.43-10 501-7630-548.49-90 501-7630-548.49-90 501-7630-548.31-01 501-7630-548.31-01 501-7630-548.34-02 501-7630-548.34-02 501-7630-548.42-12 501-7630-548.42-10 501-7630-548.42-10 501-7630-548.42-10 501-7630-548.42-10 501-7630-548.42-10 Date 5/9/2012 Invoice Amount 36,640.05 $36,640.05 $36,640.05 $36,640.05 15.06 39.82 2,610.31 647 1,651.98 868.80 346.27 63.31 -3.53 275.97 16.23 86.24 178.44 537.78 -41.68 -13.83 15.43 902.58 8,665.90 7,669.50 181.64 181.64 $24,254.33 $24,254.33 59.05 23.00 22.30 22.30 22.22 42.18 25.09 19.43 33.32 1.66 1.36 0.83 19.42 5.07 E-56 Page 22 Date: 5/9/2012 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 4/21/2012 To: 5/4/2012 Vendor Description Account Number Invoice Amount CENTURYLINK-QWEST 04-14 A/C 3604570411199B 501-7630-548.42-10 40.61 CITY OF FEDERAL WAY POLICE EQUIPMENT & SUPPLY 501-7630-594.64-10 4,500.00 CUMMINS NORTHWEST INC AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 172.85 SHIPPING AND HANDLING 501-7630-548.34-02 13.28 DELL MARKETING LP COMPUTER HARDWARE&PERI PHI 501-7630-548.31 -01 173.44 EVERGREEN COLLISION CENTER EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548.34-02 318.43 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548.34-02 225.47 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548.34-02 81.84 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548.34-02 76.96 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548.34-02 162.60 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548.34-02 1,582.59 EVERGREEN COLLSN/RADIATOR RPR EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548.34-02 498.64 FIRESTONE COMPLETE AUTO CARE AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 197.19 GREENTREE COMMUNICATIONS CO EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548.34-02 186.99 RADIO & TELECOMMUNICATION 501-7630-548.34-02 27.10 H & R PARTS & EQUIPMENT INC AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 535.11 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 -535.11 LES SCHWAB TIRE CENTER AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 -9.76 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 330.65 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548.34-02 97.56 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 40.32 MCMASTER-CARR SUPPLY CO PLUMBING EQUIP FIXT,SUPP 501-7630-548.31-01 45.45 NAPA AUTO PARTS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 28.06 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 4.52 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 27.46 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 70.08 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 102.76 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548 34-02 -70.08 O'REILLYAUTO PARTS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 21.96 OLYMPIC POWDER COAT EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548.34-02 390.24 OWEN EQUIPMENT STREET SWEEPER 501-7630-594.64-10 224,811.11 PETTIT OIL COMPANY FUEL,OIL,GREASE, & LUBES 501-7630-548.32-13 303.02 FUEL,OIL,GREASE, & LUBES 501-7630-548.32-13 272.60 PORT ANGELES AUTO GLASS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 308.94 PORT ANGELES FORD LINCOLN AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 327.11 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 45.77 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 47.08 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548.34-02 15.73 PORT ANGELES TIRE FACTORY EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548.34-02 38.92 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548.34-02 13.01 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548 34-02 406.04 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548.34-02 73.44 E-57 Page 23 Date 5/9/2012 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 4/21/2012 To: 5/4/2012 Vendor Description Account Number Invoice Amount PORT ANGELES TIRE FACTORY EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548.34-02 75.70 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548.34-02 75.70 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548.34-02 21.68 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548.34-02 7570 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 14.21 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548.34-02 42.22 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548.34-02 75.70 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548.34-02 88.71 RICHMOND 2 -WAY RADIO EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548.34-02 146.34 RUDDELL AUTO MALL AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 23.02 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 253.03 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 248.28 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548.34-02 41.40 RUDY'S AUTOMOTIVE AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 103.37 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548.34-02 182.11 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 101.71 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548.34-02 46.83 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 584.06 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES' 501-7630-548.34-02 300.49 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548.34-02 45.53 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 415.29 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548.34-02 819.50 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 308.42 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548.34-02 478.38 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 106.62 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548.34-02 154.80 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 181.30 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548.34-02 153.67 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 160.98 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548.34-02 332.69 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 139.38 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548.34-02 281.15 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 165.26 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548.34-02 300.27 SHARP ELECTRONICS CORP RENTAL/LEASE EQUIPMENT 501-7630-548.45-31 49.06 SNAP-ON TOOLS - CHUGGER DEANE AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.35-01 74.52 SOUND PUBLISHING INC COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 501-7630-548.44-10 82.36 SUNSET DO -IT BEST HARDWARE POWER GENERATION EQUIPMEN 501-7630-548.31-01 183.20 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.31-01 3.88 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 12.67 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 13.44 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 4.86 E-58 Page 24 Date 5/9/2012 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 4/21/2012 To: 5/4/2012 Vendor Description Account Number Invoice Amount SUNSET DO -IT BEST HARDWARE AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 30.37 9990 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548.34-02 7.59 Disability Board -April AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 2.23 503-1631-517.46-35 GASES CONT.EQUIP.LAB,WELD 501-7630-548.45-30 17.55 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE Shipping Chgs 501-7630-548.42-10 16.98 WESTERN EQUIPMENT DISTRIB INC AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 91.94 Public Works -Equip Svcs Equipment Services Division Total: $243,431.36 99.90 Public Works -Equip Svcs Department Total. $243,431.36 Disability Board -April Equipment Services Fund Total: $267,685.69 DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE -WIRES Excise Tax Return -March 502-0000-237.00-00 893.15 1 T. XCHANGE CORP COMPUTER HARDWARE&PERIPH1502-0000-237.00-00 -68.16 99.90 Self Insurance Other Insurance Programs Division Total: $824.99 Department Total. $824.99 CAPACITY PROVISIONING INC Network Services 502-2081-518.42-12 145.00 CDW GOVERNMENT INC COMPUTER ACCESSORIES&SUPF502-2081-518.31-60 4,671.10 CENTURYLINK-QWEST 04-14 A/C 3604570968343B 502-2081-518.42-10 2.13 04-14 A/C 3604571535571 B 502-2081-518.42-10 1.75 04-14 A/C 3604570831558B 502-2081-518.42-10 1.06 04-16 A/C 206T359336570B 502-2081-518.42-10 2497 04-14 A/C 3604576684085B 502-2081-518.42-10 6.51 04-14 A/C 3604570411199B 502-2081-518.42-10 52.21 1 T. XCHANGE CORP COMPUTER HARDWARE&PERI PHI 502-2081-518.31-60 879.52 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE Shipping Chgs 502-2081-518.42-10 7.88 Finance Department Information Technologies Division Total: $5,792.13 Finance Department Department Total: $5,792.13 Information Technology Fund Total: $6,617.12 REIMBURSE MEDICARE -APRIL 503-1631-517.46-35 115.40 REIMBURSE MEDICARE -APRIL 503-1631-517.46-35 9990 REIMBURSE MEDICARE -APRIL 503-1631-517.46-35 99.90 Disability Board -April 503-1631-517.46-35 182.31 REIMBURSE MEDICARE -APRIL 503-1631-517.46-35 99.90 REIMBURSE MEDICARE -APRIL 503-1631-517.46-35 550.90 REIMBURSE MEDICARE -APRIL 503-1631-517.46-35 99.90 Disability Board -April 503-1631-517.46-35 97.98 REIMBURSE MEDICARE -APRIL 503-1631-517.46-35 9990 REIMBURSE MEDICARE -APRIL 503-1631-517.46-35 99.90 REIMBURSE MEDICARE -APRIL 503-1631-517.46-35 99.90 Disability Board -April 503-1631-517.46-35 105.69 REIMBURSE MEDICARE -APRIL 503-1631-517.46-35 99.90 REIMBURSE MEDICARE -APRIL 503-1631-517.46-35 99.90 REIMBURSE MEDICARE -APRIL 503-1631-517.46-35 99.90 Self Insurance Other Insurance Programs Division Total. $2,051.28 E-59 Page 25 Vendor WCIA (WA CITIES INS AUTHORITY) Self Insurance Fireman's Pension DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE -WIRES CENTURYLINK-QWEST CLALLAM CNTY TREASURER DEX MEDIA WEST GREAT AMERICA LEASING CORP OLYMPIC PRINTERS INC SENIUK, JAKE SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC Esther Webster/Fine Arts City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 4/21/2012 To: 5/4/2012 Description LIABILITY CLAIMS - MARCH LIABILITY CLAIMS - MARCH Comp Liability Self Insurance Self -Insurance Fund REIMBURSE MEDICARE -APRIL REIMBURSE MEDICARE -APRIL REIMBURSE MEDICARE -APRIL Disability Board -April Fireman's Pension Fireman's Pension Firemen's Pension 1 st Qtr Excise Tax Return Off Street Parking Fund 04-14 A/C 3604570968343B 04-14 A/C 3604571535571B 04-14 A/C 3604570831558B 04-16 A/C 206T359336570B 04-14 A/C 3604576684085B 04-14 A/C 3604570411199B 04-14 a/c 3604573532775B Weed Control/Stmwater Adv Chg OFFICE MACHINES & ACCESS Cutting jobs Office Supplies Printing Supplies Hardware for exhibit Announcement Cards Chalkboard Esther Webster/Fine Arts Esther Webster/Fine Arts Esther Webster Fund OLYMPIC COMMUNITY ACTION PRGMS PASS THE BUCK DISTRIBUTIO Account Number 503-1671-517.41-50 503-1671-517 49-98 Division Total: Department Total: Fund Total 602-6221-517.46-35 602-6221-517.46-35 602-6221-517.46-35 602-6221-517.46-35 Division Total. Department Total: Fund Total: 650-0000-237.10-00 Division Total: Department Total. Fund Total: 652-8630-575.42-10 652-8630-575.42-10 652-8630-575.42-10 652-8630-575.42-10 652-8630-575.42-10 652-8630-575.42-10 652-8630-575.42-10 652-8630-575.49-50 652-8630-575.42-10 652-8630-575.45-31 652-8630-575.31-01 652-8630-575.31-01 652-8630-575.31-01 652-8630-575.35-01 652-8630-575.49-60 652-8630-575.31-01 Division Total. Department Total: Fund Total 657-0000-239.91-00 Division Total. Department Total: Util Vol Contrib Program Fund Total: ASSOCIATION OF WASHINGTON CITIES AWC SUPP LIFE INSURANCE 920-0000-231 53-30 EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION P/R Deductions pe 04-15 920-0000-231.55-30 Date- 5/9/2012 Invoice Amount 6,239.94 4,303.52 $10,543.46 $12,594.74 $12,594.74 99.90 99.90 99.90 31.00 $330.70 $330.70 $330.70 102.82 $102.82 $102.82 $102.82 0.71 0.58 0.35 8.32 2.17 17.40 43.17 29.31 9.00 16.88 19.51 73.00 9075 11.23 385.70 13.95 $722.03 $722.03 $722.03 1,468.35 $1,468.35 $1,468.35 $1,468.35 306.20 515.00 E-60 Page 26 Vendor LEOFF OFFICE OF SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT PERS TEAMSTERS LOCAL 589 UNITED WAY (PAYROLL) US DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION VOLUNTEER FIRE ASSOCIATION WSCFF/EMPLOYEE BENEFIT TRUST Totals for check period City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 412112012 To: 5/4/2012 Description P/R DEDUCTIONS P/R DEDUCTIONS PE 04-15 P/R DEDUCTIONS PE 04-15 P/R DEDUCTIONS P/R DEDUCTIONS P/R DEDUCTIONS P/R Deductions pe 04-15 P/R Deductions pe 04-15 P/R Deductions pe 04-15 P/R Deductions pe 04-15 P/R Deductions pe 04-15 Account Number 920-0000-231.51-21 920-0000-231.56-20 920-0000-231.56-20 920-0000-231.51-10 920-0000-231.51-11 920-0000-231.51-12 920-0000-231.54-10 920-0000-231.56-10 920-0000-231.56-30 920-0000-231.55-20 920-0000-231.53-20 Division Total: Department Total., Payroll Clearing Fund Total: From: 4/21/2012 To: 5/4/2012 Date 5/9/2012 Invoice Amount 22,341.41 1,046.09 169.85 1,681.08 9,461.17 41,522.45 3,235.00 525.63 76.19 45.00 1,575.00 $82,500.07 $82,500.07 $82,500.07 $3,869,770.87 E-61 Page 27 DATE: MAY 15, 2012 TO: CITY COUNCIL Nfr-..% - in ki,tLE FROM: BRIAN S. SMITH, DEPUTY CHIEF OF POLICE SUBJECT: FIREARMS SIMULATOR / U.S. GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION PURCHASE Summary: In 2010, the Port Angeles Police Dept. was notified that it had been awarded a U.S. Dept. of Justice grant of $11,500.00 for a joint Port Angeles Police Department and Clallam County Sheriff's Department project. The terms of the grant require that the procurement be made by the City of Port Angeles. Agency personnel have determined that a simulator system from Ti Training Corporation offers the most value and is scalable to future needs. Ti Training's simulator is on the U.S. Government GSA supply schedule. The Police Dept. will provide up to $10,771.00 from the Dept. of Justice grant and the Clallam County Sheriff will provide $14,000.00 to purchase a complete firearms simulator system. Clallam County will transfer the funds to the City of Port Angeles prior to purchase. Up to $729.00 of the $11,500.00 grant will be used for grant administration. This simulator will be available to all law enforcement agencies in Clallam County and per the agreement will be owned and maintained by the Clallam County Sheriff. Recommendation: Pass a resolution to authorize the Police Department to spend up to $24,771.00 for a fully operational firearms simulator system (plus $729.00 in grant administration), purchase said item from Ti Training Corporation and from the U.S. Government General Services Administration (GSA) supply schedule, and authorize the City Manager to sign the purchase contract, consistent with the terms described below, with Ti Training Corporation. Backeround / Analysis: Upon notice of the grant award in 2010, the Police Department and Clallam Sheriff's Dept. engaged in due diligence and product research. The Port Angeles Police Department presented the DOJ Grant to City Council in July of 2010. The Police Dept. subsequently secured the amount of the $11,500.00 grant into the expense side of the 2012 Police Department budget. Upon receipt of the $14,000.00 from the Clallam County Sheriff s Department the Police Department will request a mid- year budget adjustment to authorize spending up to $24,771.00 for this line item (plus $729.00 in grant administration). Primary product research on the firearms simulators has been conducted by Clallam County Sheriffs Sergeant Randy Pieper. He coordinated several product demonstrations locally and tested most of the available firearms simulators. Sole source justification includes audio systems, projection systems, low light training, picture in picture, scenario library, telemetry, live fire, and operational training, and other features unique to Ti Training Corporation. Ti Training is on the U.S. Government GSA Supply Schedule and the purchase will be off this supply schedule. E-62 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington to authorize the Police Department to purchase a firearms simulator system through a United States Government GSA supply schedule. WHEREAS, in 2010, the Port Angeles Police Department was awarded a U.S. Department of Justice grant of $11,500.00 and will receive additional revenue in the amount of $14,000.00 from the Clallam County Sheriff's Department for a joint Port Angeles Police Department and Clallam County Sheriff's Department project; and WHEREAS, the Police Department and Clallam County researched and determined that a simulator system from Ti Training Corporation would offer the most value to future needs of the Departments; and WHEREAS, Ti Training's simulator is on the United States Government General Services Administration (GSA) Schedule 70; and WHEREAS, RCW 39.32.070 authorizes cities to contract with the United States government for the purchase of equipment, supplies, materials, or other property without regard to advertising, giving of notice, or bidding procedures; and WHEREAS, RCW 39.32.080 suspends any provision of law, charter, ordinance, resolution, rule or regulation that requires bidding which are inconsistent with the provisions of RCW 39.32.070 and RCW 39.32.080; and WHEREAS, RCW 39.32.090 requires that an ordinance or resolution be adopted by a city prior to any purchase from the United States government or through a United States government contract; and -1- E-63 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles that: The City is authorized and directed to proceed under the provisions of RCW 39.32.070 - .090 to purchase a GSA Schedule 70 United States government contract for acquisition of the firearms simulator system from Ti Training Corporation. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 15th day of May, 2012. ATTEST: Janessa Hurd, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: William E. Bloor, City Attorney Cherie Kidd, Mayor G \LEGAL\a ORDINANCES&RESOLUTIONS\RESOLUTIONS 2012\09 Fedeal Govt Purehmmg 05 02 12 wpd -2- E-64 NGELES COUNCIL DATE: May 15, 2012 TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: Glenn A. Cutler, P.E., Director of Public Works & Utilities SUBJECT: Material Purchase: Shane Park Playground Safety Tiles- PK -12-016 Summary: Bids were received on May 3, 2012 for the purchase of playground safety tiles and construction materials to be installed at the new Shane Park Playground. Two vendors bid on this material purchase, AllPlay Systems, LLC of Sequim, Washington and SiteLines Park & Playground Products of Everett, Washington with AllPlay providing the lowest responsible bid. Recommendation: Award and authorize the City Manager to purchase 1,117 Bounce Back Safety Tiles and construction materials from AllPlay Systems, LLC in the amount of $31,993.83, including tax. Background/Analysis: Bids were received on May 3, 2012 for the purchase of 1,117 Bounce Back Safety Tiles, 18- 5 Gallon Buckets of CX -941 Adhesive, and 66 Tubes of CX -948 Caulk for installation at the new Shane Park Playground. Two bids were received for this material purchase. Purchase Contract, PK -12-016 (Prices Include Sales Tax) Company Name Bid Amount AllPlay Systems, LLC, Se uim, WA $31,993.83 SiteLines Park & Playground Products, Everett, WA $32,964.94 Government Estimate $35,277.87 Funding in the amount of $21,000 for this purchase is included in the 2012 Park Improvement Fund budget. The Shane Park Playground Committee raised the remaining $10,993.83 through donations. It is recommended that City Council award and authorize the City Manager to purchase 1,117 Bounce Back Safety Tiles and construction materials from AllPlay Systems, LLC in the amount of $31,993.83, including tax. NXCOUNCILFINAUVIatenal Purchase - Shane Park Playground Safety Tiles.docx E-65 Pr1 �_�ELE COUNCIL DATE: May 15, 2012 TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: Glean A. Cutler, P.E., Director of Public Works & Utilities SUBJECT: Award Cable Restoration Phase IV Contract, Project CL01-2011 Summary: Bids were opened on April 20, 2012 to treat old and deteriorating underground cables with a preservative warranted to extend the expected cable life by at least 20 years. Bids were solicited from the only two companies that have the technology to provide this service. Bids were received from both companies. The price from Utilx Corporation was $84,397.32. Recommendation: 1) Approve a Resolution declaring an exception to normal bidding requirements, and 2) Authorize the City Manager to sign a contract with Utilx Inc., for Project CL01-2011, in the amount of $84,397.32, including tax, and make minor modifications as Background/Analysis: Underground cable installed in the 1970's was projected to have a 30 -year life expectancy. Much of the cable in the City system is over 35 years old, and has experienced several failures. Typical of the 1970's, much of it is directly buried with no conduit. Replacement requires new trenching through pavement and landscaping. Such cables could fail at any time and cause extended outages. Two companies, Uti1X and Novinium, offer an injection process for restoring existing cables. An insulating fluid is injected at the cable ends. The fluid fills the cracks that develop in old insulation. The process extends the life of the cables at less than one-fourth the cost of actual replacement. Both processes are patented and under the exclusive control of the respective companies, with no other qualified suppliers available. Both have been previously used successfully in Port Angeles. Since these two companies were the only two capable of providing for these requirements, sealed bids were requested directly from them rather than being advertised. A resolution supporting the decision to directly solicit bids is provided with this memorandum. Based on the estimated quantities to complete a specified base bid project, the bid prices received are as shown in the following table: Contractor Bid Amount, including tax Utilx Corporation $84,397.32 Novinium Inc. $105,790.05 Engineer's Estimate $100,000.00 E-66 N \CCOUNCILTINAL\Cable Restoration Phase IV, Project CLO 1-2011, Award doc May 15, 2012 City Council Re: Cable Restoration -Phase IV Page 2 Final costs are based on the actual footage of cable treated as measured during the treatment process. These lengths may be more or less than the estimated lengths depending on how cable was routed. The 2012 Electric Utility capital budget includes $100,000 for cable treatment. It is recommended that the City Council: 1) approve a Resolution declaring an exception to normal bidding requirements, and 2) authorize the City Manager to sign a contract with Utilx Inc., for Project CLOT -2011, in the amount of $84,397.32, including tax, and make minor modifications as necessary. E-67 Legal Draft 05.09.12 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, declaring an exception to normal bidding requirements according to RCW 39.04.280 and accepting the lowest bid from the two qualified bidders in Washington State. WHEREAS, RCW 39.04.280(b) allows a waiver of competitive bidding requirements when a purchase involves special facilities or market conditions; and WHEREAS, the City intends to protect underground cables by cable injection restoration methods; and WHEREAS, there are only two companies who are qualified to perform cable injection restoration, which is highly specialized and patented; and WHEREAS, the bidding is clearly and legitimately limited to two sources and both sources have prepared and filed bids with the City. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council ofthe City of Port Angeles as follows: Section 1. Pursuant to RCW 39.04.280 (b), an exception to normal bidding requirements is hereby approved for the acquisition of the specialized cable injection restoration technique services. Section 2. The City Council hereby authorizes acceptance of the lowest of the two bids submitted for Project Number CLO1-2011. M Legal Draft 05.09.12 PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said Council held on the day of , 2012. ATTEST: Janessa Hurd, City Clerk Cherie Kidd, Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM: William E. Bloor, City Attorney G \LEGAL\a ORDINANCES&RESOLUTIONS\RESOLUTIONS 2012\10 -Sole Source 05 03 12 wpd -2- E-69 COUNCIL DATE: May 15, 2012 TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: Glenn A. Cutler, P. E., Director of Public Works & Utilities SUBJECT: Stormwater Engineering Services Professional Services Agreement Amendment No. 1 Summary: This engineering analysis will investigate the specific sources of fecal coliform where thresholds have been exceeded in Peabody Creek. This work is proposed to be added to the Stormwater Engineering Services Professional Services Agreement that was awarded to Herrera Environmental Consultants on August 16, 2011. Recommendation: Authorize the City Manager to sign Amendment No. 1 to the Stormwater Engineering Professional Services Agreement with Herrera Environmental Consultants in an amount not to exceed $20,976, which increases the maximum compensation under the agreement from $107,143 to $128,119, and to make minor modifications to the agreement, if necessary. Background/Analysis: The Stormwater Engineering Services Professional Services Agreement (PSA) was awarded to Herrera Environmental Consultants on August 16, 2011. That agreement focused on the evaluation of the City's current stormwater program for meeting both the City's current Western Washington Phase II Municipal Stormwater Permit and its next 5 year renewal, beginning in 2013. A supplementary study that was included in this project was a Water Quality Data Analysis of the City's creeks. This was a high-level statistical analysis to identify where water quality problems were the most severe and/or most treatable, pulling together various data sets such as Streamkeepers sampling. A draft version of the report was delivered in April, and will be finalized in May, and available then on the City's website. The draft Water Quality Data Analysis Report includes a summary of data from each of the 5 urban streams in Port Angeles and the harbor, and illustrates the data with maps, tables, and graphs. In addition to fecal coliform data, the data set includes physical parameters such as dissolved oxygen, pH, temperature and turbidity, and biological integrity indicators (B -IBI). One of the prominent water quality problems in the Port Angeles creeks is high levels of fecal coliform at specific points or outfalls that contribute to the creeks. Based on fecal coliform data, the highest priority is Peabody Creek, followed by Tumwater Creek and Valley Creek. The proposed amendment will add work to do an engineering field analysis of the sources where exceedances of fecal coliform thresholds have occurred. This is being done in order to determine N:\CCOLTNCIL\FINAL\Stormwater Engineering Services PSA Amendment No. Ldocx E-70 May 15, 2012 City Council Re: Stormwater Engineering Services PSA Amendment No. 1 Page 2 specific causes and to be able to recommend either corrective or treatment strategies. This analysis will focus on the lower half mile of Peabody Creek where some of the highest fecal coliform samples have been detected. Depending on the results of this analysis, additional studies or corrective/treatment projects may be recommended later. The overall objective is to use a systematic approach to reduce urban impacts and promote enhancement of water quality in Port Angeles creeks. At the May 8, 2012 Utility Advisory Committee meeting, a brief summary of the report was presented and a favorable recommendation was forwarded to Council. This added work has been negotiated at a price of $20,976. Funding for this work was specifically budgeted in the 2012 Stormwater Budget in the amount of $50,000. In addition, there are funds available from the recent 2012 amendment to the Stormwater Capacity Grant in the amount of $50,000. It is requested that City Council approve and authorize the City Manager to sign Amendment No. 1 to the Stormwater Engineering Professional Services Agreement with Herrera Environmental Consultants in an amount not to exceed $20,976, which increases the maximum compensation under the agreement from $107,143 to $128,119, and to make minor modifications to the agreement, if necessary. E-71 ON ___.... -a COUNCIL DATE: May 15, 2012 TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: Glenn A. Cutler, P.E., Public Works and Utilities Director SUBJECT: Resolution Setting Public Hearing on 2012-2018 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) & Capital Facilities Plan (CFP) Summary: It is necessary to conduct a public hearing prior to adopting the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) and Capital Facilities Plan (CFP). Recommendation: Pass the attached resolution setting a public hearing for June 5, 2012 to accept public comment on the City's 2012-2018 Transportation Improvement Program and the 2012-2018 Capital Facilities Plan. Background/Analysis: The State requires the City to set a public hearing by resolution to accept input for our six-year TIP. It is noted that the six-year TIP is included as the transportation element of the six-year CFP. Staff will provide a short presentation at the May 22, 2012 City Council work session on the CFP/TIP process, including the schedule for hearings and adoption, and an overview of the project documentation. Prior to the public hearing on June 5, 2012, a status report of the 2011/2012 governmental fund projects, a summary of the CFP projects for review, and discussion of the projects, their priorities, and their funding will be conducted. A four-page summary of the entire six-year CFP, adobe acrobat file of individual project worksheets, and the adoption schedule will be provided to Council. Following the workshop, public input will be accepted during the hearing. It is proposed to continue the public hearing to June 19, 2012. At this Council meeting, additional input will be taken and the hearing closed. Following Council discussion, the CFP/TIP may be adopted. It is recommended that Council pass the attached resolution setting a public hearing for June 5, 2012 to accept public comment on the City's 2012-2018 Transportation Improvement Program and the 2012-2018 Capital Facilities Plan. Attachment: Resolution N \CCOUNCIL\FINAL\Resolution Setting Public Hearing for TIP CIP 051512 docx E — 72 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, setting a public hearing date of June 5, 2012 for review of the Six-year Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) and the Capital Facilities Plan (CFP) for the years 2012-2018. WHEREAS, pursuant to RCW 35.77.010, the City of Port Angeles is required to review its TIP annually; and WHEREAS, the CFP may be revised once a year in accordance with the State's Growth Management Act; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council will hold a public hearing on the proposed six-year TIP and on its CFP for 2012-2018 on the 5th day of June, 2012, commencing at 6:30 p.m. or soon thereafter, at 321 East Fifth Street, Port Angeles, Washington. All written and oral comments on the proposed TIP and CFP will be considered. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 15" day of May, 2012. ATTEST: Janessa Hurd, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: William E. Bloor, City Attorney G \LEGAL\a ORDINANCES&RESOLUTIONS\RESOLUTIONS 2012\08 - TIP&CFP-Heanng 05 01 12 wpd Cherie Kidd, Mayor E-73 DATE: May 15, 2012 To: CITY COUNCIL NGELES FROM: Glenn A. Cutler, P. E., Director of Public Works & Utilities SUBJECT: Equipment Purchase -Digger Derrick Truck Federal Excise Tax Summary: Federal Excise Tax is due on the new Light Operations Division Digger Derrick Truck. This tax was not included in the bidding documents or purchase agreement with Altec Industries for the Digger Derrick truck when authorized for purchase by the City Council on April 19, 2011. Recommendation: It is recommended that the City Council authorize payment of the Federal Excise Tax due on the new Digger Derrick Truck to Altec Industries, Inc. in the amount of $8,064.72. Background/Analysis: City staff anticipated that Federal Excise Tax (FET) would not be applied to the purchase of the digger derrick truck for the Electric Utility. Federal Excise Tax (FET) is exempt from emergency vehicles so was excluded in the contract documents. Other purchases by the City of emergency vehicles such as fire trucks, ambulances, police cruisers, etc., were contracted similarly. Upon delivery of the digger/derrick truck in April 2012, the vendor identified the need for FET for this class of vehicle. Based on a review of IRS guidelines for application of this exemption, digger/derrick trucks are not one of the types of vehicles that would qualify. The FET on this truck amounts to $8,064.72 which must be submitted by the vender to the IRS. Funding is available in the 2012 budget from the Equipment Services Fund in support of the Electric Utility from savings of approximately $20,000 for the procurement of the Light Operations bucket truck. It is recommended that the City Council authorize payment of the Federal Excise tax due on the new Digger Derrick Truck to Altec Industries, Inc. in the amount of $8,064.72. NACCOUNCILTINAL\Equipment purchase -Digger Derrick FET.docx E-74 JORT COUNCIL DATE: May 15, 2012 TO: CITY COUNCIL GELES FROM: Glenn A. Cutler, P. E., Director of Public Works & Utilities SUBJECT: Perpetual Easement with Clallam County for Water Transmission Main Replacement Project Summary: The Public Works and Utilities Department has asked Clallam County for a 40 foot wide perpetual easement for the City to install, operate, and maintain a 20 inch diameter water transmission main across the County Maintenance Yard. In exchange for the easement, the County has requested the City remove the reversionary clause from the ordinances vacating City streets adjoining and within the County Maintenance Yard at the northwest corner of Lauridsen Boulevard and "C" Street as shown on attached Exhibit 1. The existing reversionary clause would otherwise reinstate the public's rights within the vacated streets and alleys should the County cease to own the adjoining property. This action will save the City approximately $40,000. Recommendation: 1) Amend ordinances 1927 and 2165, removing the reversionary clause and vacating the retained utility easement by Ordinance and Quit Claim Deed provided as Attachment A, and 2) Authorize the City Manager to sign the attached agreement with Clallam County (page 10 of Attachment A) to relocate the existing utility easement and to enter into and sign a 40 foot wide perpetual easement with Clallam County, and to make minor modifications to the agreement, if necessary. The approximate location of the perpetual easement is shown on attached Exhibit 2. Background/Analysis: Ordinance 1927, published June 24, 1977, and Ordinance 2165, published September 11, 1981, vacated streets and alleys adjoining County property located at the intersection of Lauridsen Boulevard and "C" Street. The location of the property and vacated streets and alleys are shown on attached Exhibit 1. The ordinances, provided as an attachment, contain a reversionary clause which reinstates the public's rights within the vacated streets and alleys should the County cease to own the adjoining property. The project is a segment of the Concrete Cylinder Pipeline Replacement, identified as Project WT02- 2009 of the Capital Facilities Plan. It replaces approximately 5300 linear feet of the 19,000 linear feet of large diameter water transmission main in the City's water system. This segment runs between the C:\Users\jhurd\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\2KE47S05\20 Inch Transmission Main Easement (3).docx May 15, 2012 City Council Re: 20 Inch Transmission Main Easement Page 2 "E" Street Reservoir and the Fairmount Booster Pump Station. The most desirable alignment for the installation of the new transmission main crosses the County property at a location which would require an easement in favor of the City. The proposed approximate location for crossing County property is shown on attached Exhibit 2. Routing the new main east and south around the County property in existing rights of way would add approximately 200 linear feet of transmission main at an additional cost of $40,000. Staff has engaged the County in negotiations to acquire the necessary easement. The County is willing to grant the easement in exchange for relief from the reversionary clause contained in the vacation ordinances. Additional elements of the replacement project will bring water service to the County property to current standards. Connections of the existing 8 inch and 20 inch diameter main passing through the County property will be severed at 18th and "D" Streets. The 20 inch main is to be abandoned in place and the 8 inch main capped, left in service, and turned over to the County for operation and maintenance. This will allow for vacation of the retained utility easement, the installation of backflow prevention, and installation of a meter outside the perimeter fence on the 8 inch main. This new meter will provide for metering of water not currently metered. The unmetered water is currently being used to load water trucks for the County Road Department from a hydrant located within the County Yard. On May 7, 2012, the Real Estate Committee forwarded a favorable recommendation that City Council amend ordinances 1927 and 2165, removing the reversionary clause and vacating the retained utility easement by Ordinance and Quit Claim Deed provided as Attachment A, and authorize the City Manager to enter into and sign a 40 foot wide perpetual easement with Clallam County at the approximate location shown on attached Exhibit 2. The -attached agreement;witif-'Clallam County (page J,0 of Attachment A); to relocdteAtl eeexisting utility easement ,wa$ladded: after the Council memo was published to ensure�both agencies wiill;.execute doeumerits and permit signing of "the transmiss on na replacement contract. Tl is a greement'should docu , )iavebeen identified earlier and included: IIlls map rs nor t,urnded ro be "sed as a legal de'mpno". This n+ op/danun¢ is produced by the On, of Pottle Angeles fa• its nsw to and pit) poses iLm atht, use ,oil- ni vp1d,Y Ing 81,11111101 be, the .rrpnnsdidtry q/thv C+n•. nd Drum, = NA D 88 nal Pat — MD 83191 �2 100 Feet )gend WPressureMain Active Parcel Easement Vacation 1388 Vacation 2165 Vacation 1927 Exhibit 1 Project WT 02-2009 Easemeents and vacations This may is not ouended to be used as a legal descnpnon this wup/dimi nig is pi odaced by the City of Poi I Angeles fo+ us own rise and proposes, Am, other use of this inap,Armrvug shall not be the mspon,ibibiv o/Ihe Coo hcutcal Dation, = AIA PD N1 Ho,—,WDalnm NADNi• 100 Feet Map Legend Proposed Parcel 1L — I Easement Exhibit 2 Project WT 02-2005 Easemeent JORT DATE: May 15, 2012 TO: CITY COUNCIL GELES FROM: Glenn A. Cutler, P. E., Director of Public Works & Utilities SUBJECT: Perpetual Easement with Clallam County for Water Transmission Main Replacement Project Summary: The Public Works and Utilities Department has asked Clallam County for a 40 foot wide perpetual easement for the City to install, operate, and maintain a 20 inch diameter water transmission main across the County Maintenance Yard. In exchange for the easement, the County has requested the City remove the reversionary clause from the ordinances vacating City streets adjoining and within the County Maintenance Yard at the northwest corner of Lauridsen Boulevard and "C" Street as shown on attached Exhibit 1. The existing reversionary clause would otherwise reinstate the public's rights within the vacated streets and alleys should the County cease to own the adjoining property. This action will save the City approximately $40,000. Recommendation: 1) Amend ordinances 1927 and 2165, removing the reversionary clause and vacating the retained utility easement by Ordinance and Quit Claim Deed provided as Attachment A, and 2) Authorize the City Manager to sign the attached agreement with Clallam County (page 10 of Attachment A) to relocate the existing utility easement and to enter into and sign a 40 foot wide perpetual easement with Clallam County, and to make minor modifications to the agreement, if necessary. The approximate location of the perpetual easement is shown on attached Exhibit 2. Background/Analysis: Ordinance 1927, published June 24, 1977, and Ordinance 2165, published September 11, 1981, vacated streets and alleys adjoining County property located at the intersection of Lauridsen Boulevard and "C" Street. The location of the property and vacated streets and alleys are shown on attached Exhibit 1. The ordinances, provided as an attachment, contain a reversionary clause which reinstates the public's rights within the vacated streets and alleys should the County cease to own the adjoining property. The project is a segment of the Concrete Cylinder Pipeline Replacement, identified as Project WT02- 2009 of the Capital Facilities Plan. It replaces approximately 5300 linear feet of the 19,000 linear feet of large diameter water transmission main in the City's water system. This segment runs between the "E" Street Reservoir and the Fairmount Booster Pump Station. The most desirable alignment for the N:\CCOUNCIL\FINAL\20 Inch Transmission Main Easement (3).docx May 15, 2012 City Council Re: 20 Inch Transmission Main Easement Page 2 installation of the new transmission main crosses the County property at a location which would require an easement in favor of the City. The proposed approximate location for crossing County property is shown on attached Exhibit 2. Routing the new main east and south around the County property in existing rights of way would add approximately 200 linear feet of transmission main at an additional cost of $40,000. Staff has engaged the County in negotiations to acquire the necessary easement. The County is willing to grant the easement in exchange for relief from the reversionary clause contained in the vacation ordinances. Additional elements of the replacement project will bring water service to the County property to current standards. Connections of the existing 8 inch and 20 inch diameter main passing through the County property will be severed at 18t" and "D" Streets. The 20 inch main is to be abandoned in place and the 8 inch main capped, left in service, and turned over to the County for operation and maintenance. This will allow for vacation of the retained utility easement, the installation of backflow prevention, and installation of a meter outside the perimeter fence on the 8 inch main. This new meter will provide for metering of water not currently metered. The unmetered water is currently being used to load water trucks for the County Road Department from a hydrant located within the County Yard. On May 7, 2012, the Real Estate Committee forwarded a favorable recommendation that City Council amend ordinances 1927 and 2165, removing the reversionary clause and vacating the retained utility easement by Ordinance and Quit Claim Deed provided as Attachment A, and authorize the City Manager to enter into and sign a 40 foot wide perpetual easement with Clallam County at the approximate location shown on attached Exhibit 2. The attached agreement with Clallam County (page 10 of Attachment A), to relocate the existing utility easement, was added after the Council memo was published to ensure both agencies will execute documents and permit signing of the transmission main replacement contract. This agreement should have been identified earlier and included. RELOCATION OF EXISTING UTILITY EASEMENT AGREEMENT CLALLAM COUNTY AND THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES This is an agreement between the City of Port Angeles and Clallam County, Washington to change locations for an existing utility easement. It is for a portion of Assessor's Parcel No. 0630000455000000 between the above mention parties dated this day of 2011. 1. The City of Port Angeles will Quit Claim Deed to the County. Any and all reversions and or reservations as described on but not limited to Quit Claim Deed recorded under Auditor File Number 524631 in Volume 612, Page 357 records of Clallam County Washington and under City of Port Angeles Ordinance Numbers 1388, 1927, 1975 and 2165 over, under and across all those portions of 19th Street, D Street and alleys abutting Lots 1 through 5 inclusive and Lots 16 through 20 inclusive in Block 454, Lots 1 through 19 inclusive in Block 455 and Lot 1 in Block 457 all in the Townsite of Port Angeles, Clallam County, Washington. 2. The County will grant a Right of Entry construction permit upon lots 3, 4, 17, 18 and vacated alley abutting all in Block 455 of the Townsite of Port Angeles, Clallain County, Washington and a perpetual underground utility easement when construction is complete to the City of Port Angeles upon "Exhibit A". 3. The City of Port Angeles will restore the surface of the construction/easement area to as good or better condition when construction is complete. 4. The City of Port Angeles will preserve the fire hydrant that is located on the northerly side of the County property in the vicinity of the former "D" street and 18'b Street intersection in a functional state or relocate it to a location in the same general vicinity acceptable to the County. 5. The City of Port Angeles will seal, cap and/or disconnect the existing 20" and 8" water pipes on the westerly side of the former "D" Street and abandon them in place. 6. The City of Port Angeles will give the County 14 days advance notice before construction will begin so the County may move its equipment and/or materials out of the construction/easement area. Work will be completed within 90 days from when it commences and the City will obtain all necessary permits including but not limited to environmental and archeological assessments prior to commencing work. APPROVALS CLALLAM COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS Date 20 DIRECTOR Bob Martin P.E Approved as to form: County Civil Deputy Prosecutor CITY OF PORT ANGELES Date 20 City Manager Approved as to form: City Attorney follows; Attachment A Legal Draft 05.08.12 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, amending Ordinance No. 1927 relating to vacating portions of "D" Street, alley in Block 454, and 19" Street, Townsite of Port Angeles, at the Clallam County garage. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES do hereby ordain as Section 1. Ordinance 1927, Section 1, is amended to read as follows: That portion of "D" Street abutting Blocks 454 and 455 from the north right of way line of Lauridsen Boulevard to the south margin of 18`h Street; together with that portion of 19" Street abutting Lot 11 of Block 455 lying north of the north right of way of Lauridsen Boulevard; together with that portion of 19' Street lying southerly of Lots 19 and 20 of Block 454 and north of the north right of way line of Lauridsen Boulevard; and together with that portion of alley in Block 454 from the west margin of "D" Street to the west lot lines of Lots 2 and 19 in Block 454; all in the Townsite of Port Angeles, is hereby vacated_ as long as Clallam eotnity is the owner of the abutting lands and nses stic! Section 2 - Corrections. The City Clerk and the codifiers of this ordinance are authorized to make necessary corrections to this ordinance including, but not limited to, the correction of the scrivener's/clerical errors, references, ordinance numbering, section/subsection numbers and any references thereto. Section 3 - Severabili . If any provisions of this Ordinance, or its application to any person or circumstances, -1- Legal Draft: 05.08.12 are held invalid, the remainder of the Ordinance, or application of the provisions of the Ordinance to other persons or circumstances, is not affected. Section 4 - Effective Date. This ordinance, being an exercise of a power specifically delegated to the City legislative body, is not subject to referendum. This ordinance shall take effect five days after its publication by summary. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said Council held on the day of , 2012, Cherie Kidd, Mayor ATTEST: Janessa,Hurd, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: William E. floor, City Attorney PUBLISHED: 20112 Ey Summary ei %E0 OR DINA N CES&RESOLUTIONSIOROIN A MCM2092112-GityCo—ty 0arAp Itcvc Icr 05,08 12.wpd DOM follows: Legal Draft: 05.08.12 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, amending Ordinance No. 1975, as amended, vacating a portion of the 18/19 alley and a portion of Nineteenth Street. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES do hereby ordain as Section 1. Ordinance 1975, Section 1, as amended, is amended to read as follows: "Section 1. The following described portions of Nineteenth Street and alley in Block 454 are hereby vacated_ mid uses the abutting land fbr public purposes -.- That portion of Nineteenth Street abutting Lot 1, Block 457, TPA, and Lots 16, 17 and 18, Block 454, TPA, and lying north of the northerly margin of Lauridsen Boulevard; And That portion of the alley in Block 454, abutting Lots 3, 4, 5, 16, 17 and 18; and "Said vacation to become effective provided: 1, An application for rezone of Lots 16 and 17, Block 454, and Lot 1, Block 457, all in the Townsite of Port Angeles, from RS -7 to M-1 shall be filed by Clallam County, and no use of the property for a shop facility or other non-residential use shall occur prior to approval of said rezone by the City; 2. Redevelopment plans for the shop facility shall be submitted to the City Planning Commission and City Council for approval of an M -I Permit. Plans shall include provisions for storm drainage and landscaping, with landscaping screening to be provided on all street frontages in addition to the greenbelt shown on the site plan submitted with the application, a copy of which site plan is attached." -1- Legal Draft Section 2 - Corrections. The City Clerk and the codifiers of this ordinance are authorized to make necessary corrections to this ordinance including, but not limited to, the correction of the scrivener's/clerical errors, references, ordinance numbering, section/subsection numbers and any references thereto. Section 3 - Severability. If any provisions of this Ordinance, or its application to any person or circumstances, are held invalid, the remainder of the Ordinance, or application of the provisions of the Ordinance to other persons or circumstances, is not affected. Section 4 - Effective Date. This ordinance, being an exercise of a power specifically delegated to the City legislative body, is not subject to referendum. This ordinance shall take effect five days after its publication by summary. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said Council held on the day of , 2012. ATTEST: Janessa Hurd, City Clerk -2- Cherie Kidd, Mayor Legal Draft 05. 08.12 APPROVED AS TO FORM: William E. Bloor, City Attorney PUBLISHED: 2012 By Summary (i TE(WAa ORDINANCL^S&RF.SOI.UTIONS\ORDINANCFS 2012\i3 - CityCauntyGarage Rever:er2, 05,08,12 wpd -3- Legal Draft 05.08.12 AFTER RECORDING RETURN TO: Lcgal Department City of Port Angeles P.O. Box 1150, 321 E 5th St Port Angeles, WA 98362 DOCUMENT: QUIT CLAIM DEED GRANTOR: City of Port Angeles GRANTEE: Clallam County QUIT CLAIM DEED The Grantor, CITY OF PORT ANGELES, a municipal corporation, for and in consideration of the following described city rights -of -ways having been vacated in Ordinances No. 2165 and 1927, which included reverter clauses that vacated the property so long as Clallam County remained the owner of the abutting land and used that property for public purposes. This language was included in Sections 1 in both ordinances. The Grantor does now wish to convey and quit claim to CLALLAM COUNTY, the following remaining reverter property situated within the property described as follows: That portion of "D" Street abutting Blocks 454 and 455 from the north right of way line of Lauridsen Boulevard to the south margin of 18`h Street; together with that portion of 19' Street abutting Lot 11 of Block 455 lying north of the north right of way of Lauridsen Boulevard; together with that portion of 19`h Street Iying southerly of Lots 19 and 20 of Block 454 and north of the north right of way line of Lauridsen Boulevard; and together with that portion of alley in Block 454 from the west margin of "D" Street to the west lot lines of Lots 2 and 19 in Block 454; all in the Townsite of Port Angeles. -I- Legal Draft 05.08.12 And That portion of Nineteenth Street abutting Lot 1, Block 457, TPA, and Lots 16, 17 and 18, Block 454, TPA, and lying north of the northerly margin of Lauridsen Boulevard; And That portion of the alley in Block 454, abutting Lots 3, 4, 5, 16, 17 and 18. RESERVING unto the Grantor a perpetual easement for ingress and egress over, under and across the vacated street right of way for a utility corridor to install, operate, maintain, repair and reconstruct public utilities according to City Ordinance 3394. Dated this day of , 2012. CITY OF PORT ANGELES LOW STATE OF WASHINGTON) ) ss. County of Clallam } Cherie Kidd, Mayor Janessa Hurd, City Clerk On this day of , 2012, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared CHERIE KIDD and JANESSA HURD, to me known to be the Mayor and City Clerk of the CITY OF PORT ANGELES, the corporation that executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that they are authorized to execute the said instrument and that the seal affixed is the corporate seal of said corporation. WITNESS my hand and official seal hereto affixed the day and year first above written. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Residing at Port Angeles. My commission expires: G \LEGAW QUIT CLAIM DEEMCity to County 05,03 12 wpd -2- RELOCATION OF EXISTING UTILITY EASEMENT AGREEMENT CLALLAM COUNTY AND THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES This is an agreement between the City of Port Angeles and Clallam County, Washington to change locations for an existing utility easement. It is for a portion of Assessor's Parcel No 0630000455000000 between the above mention parties dated tlus day of 2011. 1. The City of Port Angeles will Quit Claim Deed to the County. Any and all reversions and or reservations as described on but not limited to Quit Clain Deed recorded under Auditor File Number 524631 in Volume 612, Page 357 records of Clallam County Washington and under City of Port Angeles Ordinance Numbers 1388, 1927, 1975 and 2165 over, under and across all those portions of 19th Street, D Street and alleys abutting Lots 1 through 5 inclusive and Lots 16 through 20 inclusive in Block 454, Lots 1 through 19 inclusive in Block 455 and Lot 1 in Block 457 all in the Townsite of Port Angeles, Clallam County, Washington. 2. The County will grant a Right of Entry construction permit upon lots 3, 4, 17, 18 and vacated alley abutting all in Block 455 of the Townsite of Port Angeles, Clallam County, Washington and a perpetual underground utility easement when construction is complete to the City of Port Angeles upon "Exhibit A". 3. The City of Port Angeles will restore the surface of the construction/easement area to as good or better condition when construction is complete. 4. The City of Port Angeles will preserve the fire hydrant that is located on the northerly side of the County property in the vicinity of the former "D" street and 18'h Street intersection in a functional state or relocate it to a location in the same general vicinity acceptable to the County. 5. The City of Port Angeles will seal, cap and/or disconnect the existing 20" and 8" water pipes on the westerly side of the former "D" Street and abandon them in place. 6. The City of Port Angeles will give the County 14 days advance notice before construction will begin so the County may move its equipment and/or materials out of the construction/easement area. Work will be completed within 90 days from when it commences and the City will obtain all necessary permits including but not limited to environmental and archeological assessments prior to commencing work. APPROVALS CLALLAM COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS Date 20 DIRECTOR Bob Martin P E. Approved as to form: County Civil Deputy Prosecutor Date 20 CITY OF PORT ANGELES City Manager Approved as to form. City Attorney DATE: May 15, 2012 To: CITY COUNCIL FROM: Glenn A. Cutler, P. E., Director of Public Works & Utilities SUBJECT: Perpetual Easement with Clallam County for Water Transmission Main Replacement Project Summary: The Public Works and Utilities Department has asked Clallam County for a 40 foot wide perpetual easement for the City to install, operate, and maintain a 20 inch diameter water transmission main across the County Maintenance Yard. In exchange for the easement, the County has requested the City remove the reversionary clause from the ordinances vacating City streets adjoining and,within the County Maintenance Yard at the northwest corner of Lauridsen Boulevard and "C" Street as shown on attached Exhibit 1. The existing reversionary clause would otherwise reinstate the public's rights within the vacated streets and alleys should the County cease to own the adjoining property. This action will save the City approximately $40,000. Recommendation: 1) Amend ordinances 1927 and 2165, removing the reversionary clause and vacating the retained utility easement by Ordinance and Quit Claim Deed provided as Attachment A, and 2) Authorize the City Manager to enter into and sign a 40 foot wide perpetual easement with Clallam County. The approximate location of the perpetual easement is shown on attached Exhibit 2. Background/Analysis: Ordinance 1927, published June 24, 1977, and Ordinance 2165, published September 11, 1981, vacated streets and alleys adjoining County property located at the intersection of Lauridsen Boulevard and "C" Street. The location of the property and vacated streets and alleys are shown on attached Exhibit 1. The ordinances, provided as an attachment, contain a reversionary clause which reinstates the public's rights within the vacated streets and alleys should the County cease to own the adjoining property. The project is a segment of the Concrete Cylinder Pipeline Replacement, identified as Project WT02- 2009 of the Capital Facilities Plan. It replaces approximately 5300 linear feet of the 19,000 linear feet of large diameter water transmission main in the City's water system. This segment runs between the "E" Street Reservoir and the Fairmount Booster Pump Station. The most desirable alignment for the installation of the new transmission main crosses the County property at a location which would require an easement in favor of the City. The proposed approximate location for crossing County NACCOUNCILTINAU20 Inch Transrmssion Main Easement.docx H-1 May 15, 2012 City Council Re. 20 Inch Transimssion Main Easement Page 2 property is shown on attached Exhibit 2. Routing the new main east and south around the County property in existing rights of way would add approximately 200 linear feet of transmission main at an additional cost of $40,000. Staff has engaged the County in negotiations to acquire the necessary easement. The County is willing to grant the easement in exchange for relief from the reversionary clause contained in the vacation ordinances. Additional elements of the replacement project will bring water service to the County property to current standards. Connections of the existing 8 inch and 20 inch diameter main passing through the County property will be severed at 18th and "D" Streets. The 20 inch main is to be abandoned in place and the 8 inch main capped, left in service, and turned over to the County for operation and maintenance. This will allow for vacation of the retained utility easement, the installation of backflow prevention, and installation of a meter outside the perimeter fence on the 8 inch main. This new meter will provide for metering of water not currently metered. The unmetered water is currently being used to load water trucks for the County Road Department from a hydrant located within the County Yard. On May 7, 2012, the Real Estate Committee forwarded a favorable recommendation that City Council amend ordinances 1927 and 2165, removing the reversionary clause and vacating the retained utility easement by Ordinance and Quit Claim Deed provided as Attachment A, and authorize the City Manager to enter into and sign a 40 foot wide perpetual easement with Clallam County at the approximate location shown on attached Exhibit 2. H-2 K 4 - -% _• � u � �M1a �+1'rt }i,Jt 4„ � 4� A � A .<it�' f1� { i V1,lk A If k�l�E �v r m p t s 1(1 �r 4y #] �J't itt� �'"`,..pia "AN < p_. r�-.v °` a a`� r k>24, o- c, !;�,�iy�)X .•k;� f r�, AM d } V -k° 1' f%jA r " sw ����� • �- ...J , �: _ __ mss. �_ z as �� .,�.. _.:_:�_,�._w.-:w •• _` '_ .� __ � __.�. �;._�«:`., - �:, a 67- too ��.o Q, �F ray 4 � } rt 41AT wool,1 " , r = MZ"S' VAR elf+' gMall lg F 5q, KAR" t ` a An 11 j" toy WR MW Car,' ply q a 3 k . lttaak0,21 V, tA M " y'aT� {y s �. l� 50 Ile `� *�a 't��,i 'ivy e �" it's, r � ." p^�*''T �c a 7 �`t - IK+m*1i� � � ��� �' in ; _•k+ {;� ;`g� l �,tr%°,_ � •r y �a. x r' s „s �`°� a� � f} a� to �� £ � � � �, � ., 'cs• . *� ` 3 v £ r'_ �z� f , SEARS; woos, o ! ;� .� ate'=+1' }. 3�°y�(�, ¢''�`t)r+ �`.t }`'"3"��t,,,r5'i�•yti,�9 _✓ e ,W.}d ..., �#« Jp i fi yi Y k ,+Sp }` t u k S,"' t `'N S ! ft - #,z 3c IN t fi J ;,t^`wt at p t via.:t 0 W ,4 lob i�»W,...y..„--- ��yjp} tom$ 'j” �+�� %5'jY'� t -` ei £* s^l.£, #,, r'k.. 'j^�.w.a. .a �ee�' (e.`j �- ✓j� t ���? • ., a aF { -_ d follows: Attachment A Legal Draft 05.08.12 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, amending Ordinance No. 1927 relating to vacating portions of "D" Street, alleyin Block 454, and 19' Street, Townsite ofPort Angeles, at the Clallam County garage. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES do hereby ordain as Section 1. Ordinance 1927, Section 1, is amended to read as follows: That portion of "D" Street abutting Blocks 454 and 455 from the north right of way line of Lauridsen Boulevard to the south margin of 18`h Street; together with that portion of 19" Street abutting Lot 11 of Block 455 lying north of the north right of way of Lauridsen Boulevard; together with that portion of 19`h Street lying southerly of Lots 19 and 20 of Block 454 and north of the north right of way line of Lauridsen Boulevard; and together with that portion of alley in Block 454 from the west margin of "D" Street to the west lot lines of Lots 2 and 19 in Block 454; all in the Townsite of Port Angeles, is hereby vacated_ as fong as efallain eotnity is the owner of the abntting lands and uses sacl Section 2 - Corrections. The City Clerk and the codifiers of this ordinance are authorized to make necessary corrections to this ordinance including, but not limited to, the correction of the scrivener's/clerical errors, references, ordinance numbering, section/subsectionnumbers and any references thereto. Section 3 - Severability. If any provisions of this Ordinance, or its application to any person or circumstances, -1- H-5 Legal Draft 05.08. 12 are held invalid, the remainder of the Ordinance, or application of the provisions of the Ordinance to other persons or circumstances, is not affected. Section 4 - Effective Date. This ordinance, being an exercise of a power specifically delegated to the City legislative body, is not subject to referendum. This ordinance shall take effect five days after its publication by summary. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said Council ,heeld on the day 6f , 2042. Cherie Kidd, Mayor ATTEST: Jadessa Hurd, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: -Willi"ain E'' E loor, CityAttorney, PCIBLISRED: 2.0.12 3y' Surnxriary G.%E&ALW OR-DINANCia &&kESOLtJ°rtONS40RDINAt4Ct:$.2012\12 = Clly6unry Gatage Rtyurws !D& 0$A2,wpi► -2- ]MV follows: Legal Draft 05. 08.12 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, amending Ordinance No. 1975, as amended, vacating a portion of the 18/19 alley and a portion of Nineteenth Street. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES do hereby ordain as Section -1. Ordinance 1975, Section 1, as amended, is amended to read as follows: "Section 1. The following described portions of Nineteenth Street and alley in Block 454 are hereby vacated. and uses the abutting !mid fbr public purposm. That portion of Nineteenth Street abutting Lot 1, Block 457, TPA, and Lots 16, 17 and 18, Block 454, TPA, and lying north of the northerly margin of Lauridsen Boulevard; That portion of the alley in Block 454, abutting Lots 3, 4, 5, 16, 17 and 18; and "Said vacation to become effective provided: 1". An application for rezone of Lots 16 and 17, Block 454, and Lot 1, Block 457, all in the Townsite of Port Angeles, from RS -7 to M-1 shall be filed by Clallam County, and no use of the property for a shop facility or other non-residential use shall occur prior to approval of said rezone by the City; 2. Redevelopment plans for the shop facility shall be submitted to the City Planning Commission and City Council for approval of an M-1 Permit. Plans shall include provisions for storm drainage and landscaping, with landscaping screening to be provided on all street frontages in addition to the greenbelt shown on the site plan submitted with the application, a copy of which site plan is attached." Do H-7 Legal Draft 05.08.12 Section 2 - Corrections. The City Clerk and the codifiers of this ordinance are authorized to make necessary corrections to this ordinance including, but not limited to, the correction of the scrivener's/clerical errors, references, ordinance numbering, section/subsection numbers and any references thereto. Section 3 - Severability. If any provisions of this Ordinance, or its application to any person or circumstances, are held invalid, the remainder of the Ordinance, or application of the provisions of the Ordinance to other persons or circumstances, is not affected. Section 4 - Effective Date. This ordinance, being an exercise of a power specifically delegated to the City legislative body, is not subject to referendum. This ordinance shall take effect five days after its publication by summary. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said Council held on the day of , 2012. Cherie Kidd, Mayor ATTEST; Janessa Hurd, City Clerk Legal Draft 05. 08.12 APPROVED AS TO FORM; William E. Bloor, City Attorney PUBLISHED: 2012 By Summary G.\i,EGAt.\a ORDINANCbS&RSSOI UTIONS\ORDINANCES.2012\13 - CdyCounly Garage Revcrtcr2. 05,08,12 wpd =3- H-9 Legal Draft 05.10.12 AFTER RECORDING RETURN TO: Legal Department City of Port Angeles P.O. Box 1150, 321 E 5th St Port Angeles, WA 98362 DOCUMENT: QUIT CLAIM DEED GRANTOR: City of Port Angeles GRANTEE: Clallam County QUIT CLAIM DEED The Grantor, CITY OF PORT ANGELES, a municipal corporation, for and in consideration of the following described city rights -of -ways having been vacated in Ordinances 1388, 1975, 1927 and 2165, which included reverter clauses that vacated the property so long as Clallam County remained the owner of the abutting land and used that property for public purposes. The Grantor now wishes to convey and quit claim to CLALLAM COUNTY, the following reverter property situated within the property described as follows: That portion of "D" Street abutting Blocks 454 and 455 from the north right of way line of Lauridsen Boulevard to the south margin of 18`" Street; together with that portion of 19`h Street abutting Lot 11 of Block 455 lying north of the north right of way of Lauridsen Boulevard; together with that portion of 19`" Street lying southerly of Lots 19 and 20 of Block 454 and north of the north right of way line of Lauridsen Boulevard; and together with that portion of alley in Block 454 from the west margin of "D" Street to the west lot lines of Lots 2 and 19 in Block 454; all in the Townsite of Port Angeles. And -1- H-10 Legal Draft 05.10.12 That portion of Nineteenth Street abutting Lot 1, Block 457, TPA, and Lots 16, 17 and 18, Block 454, TPA, and lying north of the northerly margin of Lauridsen Boulevard; And That portion of the alley in Block 454, abutting Lots 3, 4, 5, 16, 17 and 18. And Alley in Block 455. Dated this day of , 2012. CITY OF PORT ANGELES LOW STATE OF WASHINGTON) ) ss. County of Clallam ) Cherie Kidd, Mayor Janessa Hurd, City Clerk On this day of , 2012, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared CHERIE KIDD and JANESSA HURD, to me known to be the Mayor and City Clerk of the CITY OF PORT ANGELES, the corporation that executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that they are authorized to execute the said instrument and that the seal affixed is the corporate seal of said corporation. WITNESS my hand and official seal hereto affixed the day and year first above written. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Residing at Port Angeles. By commission expires: G \LEGAL\a QUIT CLAIM DEEDS\City to County 05 03 12 wpd H-11 -2- %,XELES DATE: May 15, 2012 TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: Glenn A. Cutler, P. E., Director of Public Works & Utilities SUBJECT: Greenhouse Gas Reduction Policy Summary: A resolution to establish a greenhouse gas reduction policy is proposed as part of the Public Works Trust fund Loan Application. The attached draft resolution has been modeled/ modified from other policies acceptable to the PW Board that reviews the applications. Recommendation: Approve and authorize the Mayor to sign Resolution xxx adopting a Greenhouse Gas Reduction Policy Background/Analysis: As part of the Public Works Trust Fund Loan Application, it is required that the City adopt a Greenhouse Gas Reduction Policy. This requirement has just come to our attention, and carries with it a submission date of May 30, 2012, which is why it has been added for consideration at tonight's meeting. Many local governments throughout the United States are reducing the production of global warming pollutants through programs that provide economic and quality of life benefits, such as: • Reduced energy bills • Reduced traffic congestion • Improved transportation choices • Air quality improvements • Green space preservation • Public health preservation and improvement • Economic development and job creation Energy conservation and new energy sources, as well as wise use of land and natural resources, can create benefits for the entire community. The City currently has many programs that have been highly supportive of greenhouse gas reduction, realizing that there is also a great deal of progress that still would be beneficial to occur. The attached resolution recognizes the City's accomplishments in the area of greenhouse gas reduction as well as principles and policy for the future. There are numerous ways a City and its citizens can promote a better environment through sustainability and greenhouse gas reduction. In addition, many of these benefits are at lower cost to the citizens such as energy efficiency. NACCOUNCILTINAUGreenhouse Gas Reduction Policy Resolution - memo.docx 1-1 May 15, 2012 City Council Re: Greenhouse Gas Reduction Policy Resolution Page 2 Additionally, the State is encouraging the adoption of such a policy by each jurisdiction in the State. An adopted greenhouse gas policy is now a prerequisite to applying for many of the States incentive and financial aid programs such as certain types of low interest loans. The attached resolution contains a greenhouse gas policy that is modeled from other policies acceptable to the administering boards that reviews applications to these programs. It is requested that the Council approve and authorize the Mayor to sign the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Policy Resolution. 1-2 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, adopting a Greenhouse Gas Reduction Policy. WHEREAS, state, regional and local governments throughout the United States are adopting emission reduction programs and that this leadership is multi -partisan and coming from governors, county officials, and city officials alike; WHEREAS, many local governments throughout the nation, both large and small, are reducing the production of global warming pollutants through programs that provide economic and quality of life benefits, such as reduced energy bills, green space preservation, air quality improvements, reduced traffic congestion, improved transportation choices, tree planting/maintenance programs, and economic development and job creation through energy conservation and new energy, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the City Council of the City of Port Angeles hereby adopts the following guiding principles and/or policies that will benefit its natural resources, sustainability, and reduce the emission of greenhouse gas (GHG): Key Policy Details: • Maintain and, where possible and feasible, improve air and water quality, soils, and natural systems to ensure the health and well-being of people, animals, and plants. • Reduce the impacts of transportation on air and water quality, and climate change. • Reduce levels for air toxics and greenhouse gases. • Protect and enhance the environment and public health and safety when providing services and facilities. 1-3 • Ensure any local Climate Action, Land Use, Housing, and Transportation Plans are aligned with, support, and enhance any regional plans that have been developed consistent with state guidance to achieve reductions in GHG emissions. • Conserve natural resources such as water, trees and open space to minimize energy used and GHG emissions and to preserve and promote the ability of such resources to remove carbon from the atmosphere. • Reduce greenhouse gases by expanding the use of conservation and alternative energy sources and by reducing vehicle miles traveled by increasing alternatives to driving alone. • Continue water and energy conservation programs that may include such policies and actions as tiered rate structures and demand response for consumption. Public Buildings and Infrastructure Policy Details: • All new publicly funded buildings should be models of cost-effective, energy- efficient design. • Conduct energy audits of publicly owned buildings, evaluate potential conservation measures, and then carry out those measures that are appropriate. • Promote weatherization programs for existing buildings, including subsidizing materials for low-income, senior, and dis-abled citizens and providing information to all citizens. • Reduce the rate of energy consumption through conservation and alternative energy sources to extend the life of existing facilities and infrastructure. • Manage street lighting needs by applying lighting standards and using lamps that will assure safe and effective illumination at minimum cost and energy use. • Promote energy efficiency in the City's electrical system, such as voltage optimization and transformer efficiency. • Promote water use efficiency in the City's water system. • Monitor the efficiency of the pumps in water and sewer systems, and operate and maintain them at peak efficiency. When cost effective options are possible, the one using the least amount of energy should be preferred. • Include landscape requirements including the use of large shade trees in all development plans. Transportation Oriented Policy Details: • Provide safe and convenient access for pedestrians and bicyclists to, across, and along major transit priority streets. • Expand traffic signal timing programs where emissions reduction benefits can be demonstrated, including maintenance of the synchronization system, and will coordinate with adjoining jurisdictions as needed to optimize transit operation while maintaining a free flow of traffic. Fleet & Vehicle Policy Details: • Evaluate an energy -sensitive fleet management program to include driver training, the use of fuel efficient vehicles that use alternate energy sources or energy conserving technologies such as electric powered or hybrid vehicles, the use of alternative fuels such as bio -diesel, the proper tuning and maintenance of vehicles, and the use of an anti -idling policy for City vehicle usage. • Reduce pollutants from transportation activities, including through the use of cleaner fuels and vehicles and increasing alternatives to driving alone. Waste Reduction & Use Oriented Policy Details: • Implement a solid waste strategy which reduces the solid waste stream by recycling, composting, and other means, investigates ways to convert non -recyclable waste to energy, and promotes the purchase of recycled and recyclable goods. • Promote jurisdiction -wide waste diversion services to include, for example, single stream curbside recycling and green waste. • Reduce GHG emissions waste through improved management of waste handling and reductions in waste generation. • Where and when allowed by the building code, encourage the use of building construction materials made from recycled and recyclable materials. • Coordinate with other agencies in the region to develop and implement effective waste management. 1-5 Land Use Oriented Policy Details: • Ensure that local Climate Action, Land Use, Housing, and Transportation Plans are aligned with, support, and enhance any regional plans that have been developed consistent with state guidance to achieve reductions in GHG emissions. • Adopt and implement a development pattern that utilizes existing infrastructure. • Support and encourage the redirection of new growth into existing city/urban growth areas. • Encourage high-density, mixed-use, infill development and creative reuse of brownfield, under-utilized and/or defunct properties within the urban area. • Reduce required road width standards wherever feasible to calm traffic and encourage alternative modes of transportation. • Encourage water -efficient landscapes and irrigation, including plant drought -tolerant and native species, covering exposed dirt with moisture -retaining mulch, and installing water -efficient irrigation systems and devices. Employee Oriented Policy Details: • Encourage ride -sharing, car-pooling, or the use of public transportation by employees. • Encourage energy conservation practices in buildings by raising the awareness of employees own energy use. Public Education & Outreach Policy Details: • Increase public awareness of climate change and climate protection challenges and support community reductions of GHG emissions through public education and outreach. • Publicize energy and water conservation actions, programs, and incentives to raise public awareness of the value of wise energy use. Promote and expand recycling programs, purchasing policies, and employee education to reduce the amount of waste produced. IM • Work with local businesses and energy providers on specific, targeted outreach campaigns and incentive programs. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said Council held on the day of , 2012. ATTEST: Cherie Kidd, Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM: Janessa Hurd, City Clerk William E. Bloor, City Attorney 1-7 DATE: MAY 15, 2012 To: CITY COUNCIL ,qGEL r S FROM: GLENN A. CUTLER, P.E., PUBLIC WORKS & UTILITIES DIRECTOR SUBJECT: ELWHA RIVER RESTORATION SEDIMENT MANAGEMENT PRESENTATION Summary: The Bureau of Reclamation is monitoring/managing the sediment in the Elwha River for the National Park Service in conjunction with the removal of the Elwha Dams. This evening they will be making a presentation on the status of the Sediment Management Plan. Recommendation: Information only. Background/Analysis: The Bureau of Reclamation is monitoring/managing the sediment in the Elwha River for the National Park Service in conjunction with the removal of the Elwha Dams. Tim Randle from the Bureau of Reclamation, Sedimentation and River Hydraulics Group, Technical Service Center, developed and has been monitoring the Elwha River Restoration Sediment Management Plan are in town this week. This evening Mr. Randle, along with other team members, will be making a presentation on the current status of the plan and how sediment transport is performing as compared to the model prediction. It is anticipated that local representatives from Olympic National Park will be in attendance. C:\Documents and Settings\tpierce\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Fi1es\Content.0ut1ook\VJG1H69I\Elwha River Restoration Sediment Management Presentation docx J LJRLV _� � 1 NGES EL W A S H I N G T O N, U.S.A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: May 15, 2012 TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: William E. Bloor, City Attorney SUBJECT: FEMA Lawsuit Update SUMMARY: The court has ruled on, and denied, the preliminary injunction requested by the National Wildlife Federation. RECOMMENDATION: No additional action or authorization is recommended. BACKGROUND/DISCUSSION: The National Wildlife Federation sued FEMA seeking changes to the National Flood Insurance Program. The lawsuit could have major limitations on cities for any future development in floodplain areas. Cities were not initially included in the action. On January 24, the City Council authorized Port Angeles to join with a coalition of other cities to intervene in the lawsuit, but placed limitations, both financial and procedural, on the City's participation. The court now has denied the preliminary injunction sought by NWF. This is good news for the cities. It also marks a point in the progress of the lawsuit at which the City Council wanted a report and analysis of whether to continue in with the coalition of cities. The next stages of the lawsuit will be relatively more complex and expensive, and they would require a larger commitment of staff time. For those reasons, staff recommends that Port Angeles not continue. William E. Bloor City Attorney WEB\hm G \LEGAL\a MEMOS\MEMOS 2012\Council FEMA Update 05 15 12 wpd J-2 N, G r El i i+ t DATE: MAY 15, 2012 TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: DAN MCKEEN, INTERIM CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: CITY MANAGER RECRUITMENT BROCHURE (PROFILE), WAGES AND BENEFITS Summary: Greg Prothman has developed a recruitment brochure for the City of Port Angeles City Manager position. This brochure is the result of input received during individual interviews with City Council members as well as a collective meeting with City Department Heads. The recruitment brochure discusses the community, the City, the position, the opportunities and challenges of the position, a profile of the ideal candidate, a review of required education and experience, and the compensation and benefits package. Before posting the recruitment brochure, Mr. Prothman has asked for the City Council to review the brochure, paying close attention to the compensation and benefits portion. Recommendation: Approve the City Manager recruitment brochure and the specified wage range and benefits. Background / Analysis: Due to the complexity and importance of the recruitment for the City Manager position, Prothman was contracted to develop and assist with the process. In order to gain a clear understanding of the specific needs of the City, Greg Prothman met individually with each Councilmember to solicit input to be utilized in the process. Included in those meetings with the Council was the topic of wages and benefits. Mr. Prothman also met collectively with the City Department Heads in order to gain an understanding of their needs. As a result of those meetings, Mr. Prothman has put together a profile of the ideal candidate for the City Manager of Port Angeles. This profile is included a part of the recruitment brochure which has been developed for distribution. In addition to the candidate profile, the recruitment brochure discusses the community, the City, the position, the opportunities and challenges of the position, a review of required education and experience, and the compensation and benefits package. Before posting the recruitment brochure, Mr. Prothman would like City Council to review the brochure, paying very specific attention to the section discussing wage range and benefits. It is important for the full Council discuss this portion of the brochure. It should be noted after the Council makes their selection of City Manager, the City Council will also need to approve the final compensation package through an employment contract. J-3 WHY APPLY? wasningLon iPort'Ab As Seattl f 0 npia►--` �. spo"nge+.- � PortlatV ' � - Aalern ; The city of Port An- geles, Washington, is situated on the northern edge of the Olympic Peninsula along the shore of the Strait of Juan de Fuca and is one of the most scenic are- as in the United States. The penin- sula is home to a very diverse set of scenic attractions ranging from genuine rain forest to mountain splendor to wide sandy beaches. You can easily go from Sea to Ski in 45 minutest Breathtaking views can be seen from Hurricane Ridge, located just minutes from Port Angeles in the Olympic National Park. This is an excellent opportunity for a talented pub- lic sector finance professional to make a difference in a community that takes pride in its natural beau- ty and quality of life. If you are looking for a chal- lenging and rewarding career opportunity and love the great outdoors, this is the right position for you! THE COMMUNITY Port Angeles is located in the rain shadow of the Olympic Mountains, which means the city gets significantly less rain than other areas of Western Washington. The region offers incomparable rec- reation opportunities for year around activities. Close by are the Dungeness National Wildlife Pre- serve, Lakes Crescent and Sutherland, Sol Duc Hot springs and numerous rivers, beaches and parks. Olympic Discovery trail, for hikers, bicyclists and equestrians, is one of the longest trail systems in the USA. Port Angeles is also a tourist destination with hot springs and the Olympic National Park in the area. Nearby Hurricane Ridge is noted for its spectacu- lar overlook of mountain ranges. Ediz Hook, the four and a half -mile sandbar that forms the harbor, offers a panoramic view of the city and the Olym- pic Mountains. The immensely popular "Twilight" books and movies have also put Port Angeles on the map (and the smaller town of Forks on the Pa- cific coast; about a 1 hour drive through the Olym- pic Forest). With a population of just over 19,000, Port Ange- les is a modern community, rich in cultural events, history and diversity. Incorporated in 1890, the forest and fishing industries played major roles in the boom and bust economy of Port Angeles. The City and the downtown business community are spending millions of dollars to renovate and beau- tify the waterfront town. Education options in the region are fantastic, with public schools consistently ranking very high. Port Angeles is also the home of Peninsula Col- lege, which offers both two and four year degrees. High-speed internet access, fiber-optic service, digital wireless phones with excellent coverage and digital cable TV have helped make the Port Angeles area "Fiber City." THE CITY Incorporated in 1890, the city of Port Angeles is a full-service city with an exceptional workforce of approximately 231 fulltime and 25 part time/seasonal employees and a stable political environment. Port Angeles operates under the council-manager form of government. The seven - member City Council establishes citywide policy MIR and provides leadership for the community. The city manager is responsible for the day-to-day ad- ministration of city business, implementation of council policies and establishment of operating policies and processes. The city manager utilizes an executive team that includes six department directors for police, fire, public works (including electric, water, sewer, storm water, solid waste, and streets), finance, community & economic de- velopment and legal. The City's total budget for 2012 is $130,086,410, with a general fund budget of $19,500,325. THE POSITION Under the general direction and supervision of the City Council, the City Manager assumes full man- agement responsibility, leadership, and accounta- bility for all city operations. Responsibilities include: ➢ Directs the development and implementation of the City's goals, objectives, policies and pri- orities. ➢ Conducts or coordinates, through department heads, departmental strategic planning efforts and other studies of city services to ensure they are provided in the most effective man- ner. ➢ Establishes, within city policy and budget, ap- propriate service and staffing levels, monitors and evaluates the efficiency and effectiveness of service delivery methods and procedures, and allocates resources accordingly. ➢ Prepares and administers the annual city budget for approval by the Council. ➢ Represents the City and the City's interests on various regional committees and taskforces, and with citizen involvement groups. Works with regional partners to protect and promote the City's and region's interests. ➢ Provides advice and assistance to the City Council on a wide variety of issues, including writing or editing agenda items, and council memorandums. Conducts a variety of special projects as directed by City Council. ➢ Reviews local, state and federal legislation to determine the impact on administrative plans, policies and strategies; and prepares and co- ordinates responses and recommendations as appropriate. ➢ Resolves inquiries, complaints, problems, or emergencies affecting the availability or quality of services. Responds to sensitive or complex inquiries or complaints. ➢ Maintains positive public relations with cus- tomers and is responsive to customer needs. OPPORTUNITIES & CHALLENGES 1. Building Relationships The new city manager will need to be a strong leader who can help build trusting relationships between the council, city manager, staff and the community. Soliciting input from staff and helping Council with negotiation strate- gies/consensus building will be a top priority. 2. Development of the 2013 Budget The 2013 budget will need to be devel- oped/completed while taking into consideration long-term sustainability and the long-term health of the organization. This includes de- veloping a fair and responsible approach for addressing budget shortfalls. 3. Finance Department Overhaul Address the negative impacts that resulted from the recent dismissal of the finance direc- tor. The department is currently experiencing a lack of departmental leadership, direction and staffing. Hiring a permanent finance direc- tor will be top priority. 4. Development of the 1012/13 Work Plan Work with staff to develop a work plan that will receive "buy in" from the Council and can be used to educate the community. IDEAL CANDIDATE PROFILE The successful candidate will be an experienced manager and leader who understands all aspects of municipal government and has an appreciation of the challenges currently facing cities. He or she should be honest, hard-working, and approacha- ble by citizens, staff and council, and be able to establish an atmosphere of trust, mutual respect, and cooperation. The new City Manager will have excellent skills in working with City Council members, both individu- ally and as a corporate body. He or she will have highly developed skills in assisting councils, which have wide ranging and occasionally opposing opinions and ideas, in reaching consensus and direction and supporting the Council as policy de- cision makers. J-6 The new City Manager will have a proven track record of conservative budget and financial man- agement. Candidates will be able to organize and express ideas through excellent oral and written communications to a wide variety of audiences, such as the City Council, community groups, boards and committees, and county and regional forums. The selected candidate will be politically astute and demonstrate an unquestionable sense of integrity. The new City Manager must be able to accept and support decisions in a positive manner and take a collaborative approach in providing city services. The successful candidate will have excellent or- ganizational development skills, will delegate ap- propriately, and have the ability to foster a strong team environment. This person will be able to make the tough decisions when necessary and will have excellent follow through on commitments. He or she will have a track record of implementing policies and systems to create and maintain a high-performance, customer service focused, or- ganizational culture. The new City Manager will be a good listener who consistently deals well with personnel throughout all levels of the organization, and can be relied up- on to serve as a mentor for those interested in personal and professional development. The can- didate will also bring an appropriate sense of hu- mor to the job, a flexible "can -do" attitude and an over-all positivity that permeates throughout the organization. We are looking for a manager with outstanding economic development skills and a proven track record of success. EXPERIENCE & EDUCATION A bachelor's degree from an accredited college or university in public or business administration, or related field; and at least seven to ten years of progressively responsible experience in municipal government, including five years of senior man- agement responsibility is required. A master's de- gree is preferred. COMPENSATION & BENEFITS ➢ $130,000 to $150,000 DOQ ➢ Deferred Compensation — employees are eli- gible to receive a 3.0% matching contribution. ➢ General Leave - 30 days per year ➢ 12 paid holidays ➢ Medical insurance (10% employee paid premi- um) ➢ Dental insurance ➢ Vision insurance ➢ Health Care Offset - $50 per month ➢ Employee Assistance Program ➢ Life insurance — employer -paid premiums for $50,000 plan ➢ Long term disability ➢ Washington State Retirement System (PERS) For more information about the City of Port Angeles, please visit www.cityofpa.us The City of Port Angeles is an Equal Opportunity Employer. All qualified candidates are strongly en- couraged to apply by June 17, 2012 (first review, open until filled). Applications, supplemental ques- tions, resumes and cover letters will only be accepted electronically. To apply online, go to www prothman com and click on "submit your application" and follow the directions provided. Re- sumes, cover letters and supplemental questions can be uploaded once you have logged in. 206.368.0050 371 NE Gilman Blvd., Ste 350 Issaquah, WA 98027 www.prothman.com J _ 7 CATEGORY JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUNE JULY AUG RESIDENTIAL-NEW MODULAR/MANUFACT �. __EF_ - 1 _W' . ...... _ Value ___ . ....... ....... .....: $15,000 .:..................:.... -=_-=� SINGLE FAMILY 1 1 4 2 ...................Value.. ............. .......$146,920...... ......$220,358..... .......$613,640...... ......$331,193...... ........................... ............................ ............... ......... ................... MULTI-FAMILY = -_ ............... .................. Value .... „:. .... ," ......... ... ........................... ............................ ............................ ..................... ACCESSORIES ............................................................................................. 1 1 4 3 Value $40,000 .............................................................. $40,000 $50,179 ................................................................................................................ $46,525 .................................... COMMERCIAL-NEW ............... RETAIL............... - Value , 400 HOTEUMOTEL _ F ',.Value u' ......... .. ........................... .......................... .......................... .................... .... OFFICE ............................................................................................:...............:...... = " = :..:.: 2 Value., .7 . 81,024 ........................ ............................ .... DRINKING/DINING...... "'- Va Value y. _ .; .., _ .. - ........................... ............................ .......................... ...................... ......... AUTO/SERVICE : ........................................................._................................. ....Value ........ .... $45,000 . ..................... ........................... ............................ . .................... ...................... INDUSTRIAL z ,`.z .......................................................... .................1................... $72,000,000 ...............1.................. $809,184 . .................................. ........................... ........................Value PUBLIC - NEW SCHOOLS/HOSPS/GOVT a ..i Value a . - za ,.................................- $6491 , 540 CHURCHES .................................................. � ,;�..,.a _ .., �h. ..„.i'.n. t`. a �aN� ... `.4.y..,r...- `_ .. . �a.+.�.n .................. ..... .......................... ............................ ...................... RECREATION_€ .......... - :., r............................. Value .... -.` ........................... ............................ . ........................ .................................. REPAIR & ALT. RESIDENTIAL ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 15 29 19 24 Value $102,634 $160,807 $79,500 $215,577 ...................................................................................... . COMMERCIAL10 .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 7 17 10 Value $67,705 $116,393 $194,333 $110,362 PUBLIC ....................................................................................................................... -- 2 Value - . ...... $7,000 ..... ...... ...... ... ... .::..:. - . ....................... .... $95,618 ................. DEMOLITION/MOVE .................................................................................................................................................................. ` , w; 1 1 2 Value.- $500 $9,000 $2,000 �TBUILDING�T_OTALS"',, tt E .h»'C,r " BLDG,PERMITS` . __=;,t,y,,,,,,F„_,�,,.,;�;, .. -- �' -=�.t .,„-"..° -__ 's`^ - _'i' _ 28'� .�'� «� ”«� F,��< qua;,, .i.( t: �i iF,• - „g;s= h"' '-'Msd',a+� u*3^. 41. ,�«A, =5,. aa'KK' +n `�i }az`Y_ >.47 u•45"Se""t = ".'..}`�.. e-"'---s'�iy9-^k-X*•uv.". '." 2i_§,,,, : s x'J 2`�.tm.ktei'::=6a.'vH'hi"C[ ___ - =-i ` — N x' rz:-"7",,..t,p��y p�,"-n""� "4.3 '4 - ,i �+si�• -_ �CONST��UA �,„LUE°b, ,=,” „rnS72,357;259,a!wi' mv; - �51354';240� �? �«. ;;.. ��$1�Ooh652�.. . $1`541239 - 0 S r _ ;. `� w�„�.� �„r, w,'y, -- ..p. ;,,,,So.... ^177" {.2- r.•................... ,� ..... �,.SO� w, ...... :�{R="z+.�"i:.=J �,.�� ,So...... ............................... MEW ... BLDG FEE s`Sa37 6 ;,,,$24,816 OF O'S ISSUED* 1 1 5 16 *Certificate of Occupancy (C of O) issued to new or relocated businesses. PORT ANGELES FORWARD COMMITTEE PITTIS MEMORIAL CONFERENCE ROOM / Port Angeles, Washington Meeting Minutes for April 12, 2012 Mission Statement: To create a strong economically and culturally vibrant community that will enhance the lives of our citizens. CALL TO ORDER: Chair Kidd opened the meeting at 7:33 a.m. ROLL CALL: Members Present: Chair Cherie Kidd, Patrick Downie (Council Alternate), Jim Hallett, Larry Moms, Terry Weed, Linda Rotmark, Kathy Charlton, Don Perry for Kaj Ahlburg, Charlie Smith, Greg Halberg, Christopher Riffle Members Absent: Vice -Chair Max Mania, Mike Chapman, Frances Charles, Mike Edwards Staff Present: Kent Myers, Nathan West, Scott Johns, Roberta Korcz, Teresa Pierce, Corey Delikat. Others Present: Tim Boyle, Planning Commission and Todd Suess, Olympic National Park Public Present: None Approval of Minutes Chair Kidd asked if there were any changes to the March minutes. None offered. Minutes approved by consensus. 150 Trees — Sesquicentennial Proiect West introduced the concept. See attached report. Using Powerpoint slides, Johns described possible planting locations including different types of trees, sizes, and best times to plant. West noted donations would be needed from the community rather than funding only coming from the City. Commitments would also be necessary from the public to adopt and/or maintain the trees. Johns estimate the cost for a 3 -inch trunk diameter tree at $285 (retail) each, plus $100 per tree for planting costs. He recommended using irrigation bags for an additional $15.00 each. One idea was to have a specific significant sesquicentennial tree. Offers to help have already been identified. Delikat noted concerns for funding maintenance, vandalism, and suggested providing the opportunity for individuals to purchase and plant trees on their own private property. Pierce suggested a project with the goal to find 150 volunteers to purchase and plant trees on their own property. This would allow the public to have direct ownership, pride and expand to more of a community -wide project. Volunteers could be recognized as members of the "150 Tree Club". Staff will look into finding a location for a significant tree. M-2 Port Angeles Forward Committee Meeting Minutes for April 12, 2012 Waterfront Transportation Improvement Project (WTIP) Update West noted engineering drawings are in review. Final review of the bid -ready documents is complete. The building permit review is next to be accomplished. Since this is a City project, a local professional will serve as the building official. The Army Corp of Engineers involves the most extensive permitting process with their public comment period now being complete. Overall, the project is on schedule. Ideal construction start time is July, but dates rely on the permitting process and different regulatory agencies. Think/ Choose /Buy Local Campaign Riffle reported planning continues including discussing sustainability issues of the program. A total of 500 tote bags have been purchased and will be filled with promotional materials to be delivered door-to-door to businesses as a way to introduce the program. The high school DECCA program will be approached to see if students will participate. There might be a booth, or the possibility to share the City's, at the Clallam County Fair. Possible for another special insert in the Peninsula Daily News again. All this will lead into the prime Christmas shopping time. Consideration is being discussed for another group to take over the program as more of a North Olympic Peninsula effort rather than just have the City manage. The Port Angeles Business Association (PABA) is being considered. Perry reported PABA will be bringing this issue forward to their membership. Another phase being considered is emphasis on customer service along with use of the Buxton data. West added there is an effort to get public agencies such as other cities, the County, and larger businesses to also consider changing purchasing policies with a specific Choose -Local element. Economic Development /Downtown Port Angeles /Sub -Committee Reports Tourism / ONP / Elwha Downie reported attending the Washington Tourism Alliance Conference with efforts to find funding to replace those recently dropped by the State of Washington. British Columbia, Oregon, California, and Idaho all have large tourism budgets. Goal is $15 million for Washington. He noted $1.8 trillion is spent nationally on tourism, with one in nine workers being involved in the tourism industry. Transportation Myers reported the transportation committee met recently with the priority to discuss improvements to public transportation to Olympic National Park (ONP), including to and from Lake Crescent and the Hoh Rain Forest. ONP has produced a brochure showing transportation and bus routes available via Clallam Transit. Funding for printing is still needed. Schedules for the ferry and flights will also be included. The Port may have funding available for printing costs. Regulation / Business / Financing None Port Angeles Anniversary Subcommittee Kidd reported events are being planned throughout the year including the 4`h of July with participation from the City of Victoria as they are also celebrating their 150`h anniversary. Victoria is also welcoming attendees from Port Angeles to join in their celebrations and the PA Forward Committee is also invited. A souvenir pin along with other memorabilia, including a time capsule, with involvement from the schools, are just some of the current plans. PA FORWARD COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES - APRIL 2012 Page 2 of 4 M-3 Port Angeles Forward Committee Meeting Minutes for April 12, 2012 Hurricane Ridge Update Kidd reported on efforts for gathering support from school children to keep Hurricane Ridge Road open. Myers and Kidd will be meeting with ONP to get final numbers on visitation to the Ridge. Data will be shared with the Department of the Interior in Washington, D.C. Suess reported efforts by ONP to find funding to develop a two-year winter use plan. The plan would be developed by the ONP to include skiing and other sports. Knowing the road would be open will be an important element to include in the plan. Topics for Discussion in 2012 Lincoln Park Master Plan None Cross -Town Route None Ediz Hook None Member Reports Downie reported the first cruise ship will be here next week and the Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe will be involved in a welcoming ceremony. Approximately 50 to 60 volunteers will be staged throughout the community as guides. Each ship is expected to have 2000 passengers with 800 crew members. Downie noted that 80% of passengers are expected to disembark. Another ship arrives in May. New Business None Adiournment Chair Kidd adjourned the meeting at 8:32a.m. Next Meeting Date Next regular meeting date — May 10, 2012, at 7:30 a.m. in the Pittis Conference Room. Cherie Kidd, Chair Teresa Pierce, Executive Communications Coordinator PA FORWARD COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES - APRIL 2012 Page 3 of 4 M -4 NEW AND ON—GOING ACTION ITEMS DATE DESCRIPTION RESPONSIBLE PARTY TARGET DEADLINE 2-9-06 Continue Discussions on Group On -Going March 2006 Housing / Jobs Completed 6-10-10 Business Resource Survey Various On -Going Sub -Committees 2012 PA Forward 2012 Group 2012 Work Plan Proposal COMPLETED ACTION ITEMS DATE DESCRIPTION RESPONSIBLE PARTY RESULT Letter to City Council, March 2006 Planning Commission Completed and County regarding Mark Madsen Southern Cross -Route April -May 2006 Strategic Planning Meetings Group Completed 5-11-06 with Jim Ha uewood February 2007 Make recommendation to City Completed 2-8-07 Council regarding Harbor Plan Group Deternnne PA Forward May 10, 2007 representative to Lodging Tax Group Completed 5-10-2007 Committee October 2007 Determination of PUD Group Completed 10-11-07 Representative October 2007 Gather input regarding Cross- Group Completed 10-11-07 Route issue Give Recommendation to City December 2007 Council Regarding Cross -Town Route Group Completed January 2009 Host Business Resource Event / Subcommittee January 8, 2009 Council Chambers March 2009 AIA Team Grant Visit Group March 2009 Forward Recommendations to April 2009 City Council regarding CFP & Group April 9, 2009 Policy Issues Summer 2009 AIA Grant Final Report Roll Out Subcommittee October 2009 August 2009 g 2010 Census Bureau N. West November 2009 Presentation February 2010 Juan de Fuca Statue Project N. West Recommendation to City Council May 2010 Complete Count Census N. West May 2010 Committee Invited ONP to discuss May 2010 marketing plan for Elwha Dam K Myers May 2010 Removal Project 3-13-2008 "2010" Theme Adopted Group December 2010 M-5 NGELES ANGELES 150 YEAR CELEBRATION 150 TREE INITIATIVE The City of Port Angeles is organizing a celebration for its 1501h anniversary. As part of that celebration, it has been suggested that the City plant 150 trees. When selecting trees, for planting in urban areas, several things must be considered. The primary concern is how the public will interact with the trees and how that `impact may affect trees. A second concern is survivability. This is a function of size as well as maintenance' requirements through the tree's first year or two of establishment before it can survive on its own. In the following list, the use of the terms large and small refer to the tree's size at the time of planting, not the expected"mature size of the tree. There.are two'basic types of tree envirorunents relative to their relationship to human interaction. Small (seedling/sapling) size trees are only appropriate in areas where,potential conflict with humans is minimal, while areas where human contact with trees is common, larger trees need to be planted. The desired result of planting trees is to increase the urban forest canopy, which results in increase& ecosystem, services, so the choice of tree should be one that matures at a relatively large scale. SITES IDENTIFIED AS POTENTIAL LOCATIONS FOR NEW TREES The following'list of sites for potential new tree planting only includes public property. No private property was considered. Other than planting strips in public rights-of-way directly abutting city properties, no streeftree locations are proposed. There are many potential tree planting sites inthe public, right-of-way, however, without the abutting property owner's involvement and acceptance, these locations are not confirmed as potential sites. Potential locations for new large trees in Port Angeles. APPROXIMATELY 1.40 SITES ARE IDENTIFIED CITY OWNED SITES—Potential Locations City Hall grounds 12 TREES 12 large shade trees to replace a variety of trees lost. Senior,Center 7 TREES 4 Sunset red maple to replace those lost near entry on Peabody `Street 2 shade•trees in turf area adjacent to 7`h Street. 1 Cherry tree in parking lot adjacent to 8`1' Street: Valley Creek estuary 12 TREES 6 Street trees along Marine Drive to replace lost trees. 6 trees throughout the riparian zone. QUASI -PUBLIC SITES — Potential locations Port Angeles Schools 5 TREES (a one per campus) Stevens Middle School Franklin Elementary School Hamilton Elementary School Jefferson Elementary School Port Angeles High School This is a good way to involve youth and provide a teachable moment. The School district may also be a willing partner in sesquicentennial, Arboi• Day, or Earth Day celebrations. STREET TREE - Potential Locations 40 TREES Vacant right-of-way west of Jefferson School where entry sign is located 3 trees The north�side of Lauridsen Blvd (overhead utilities restricts variety choice) 4 along east 300 block 6 along east 200 block The south side of Rains Park 4 trees The north side of Georgiana Park 3 trees The north side of 18"' Street fronting the cemetery 20 trees The south side of Marine Drive 5 trees along west 700 block CITY- PARK — Potential Locations —70 TREES Potential City Park sites Ocean View Cemetery — 25 trees Lions Park - 10+ trees Hazel Porter Kiel Park — 4 trees Wolverton Park — 4 — 6 trees 5"' and Oak park — 3 trees Erickson Park — 6 trees Rains Park — 6 trees Georgiana Park — 6 trees Francis Street Park - 4 -trees Locomotive Park east 300 Lauridsen Blvd. - 2 trees Waterfront Trail — unknown_ number. All should be natives able to survive extreme conditions. • Several additional city parks such as Shane Park, Webster's Woods, and Lincoln Park, could provide sites for new trees. Due to the large number of existing trees, pending plans for future actions, etc., these parks were not included in the tally. • Similarly, areas such as the Valley Creek ravine corridor -vas not included due to pending plans. • Clallam County owned lands, i.e., Court House grounds were not included. TLA WA In addition to the above locations, the National Park Service may be interested in participating. Several locations at the National Park Headquarters on Mt. Angeles Road could be added to the list of potential planting sites. POTENTIAL LOCATIONS FOR NEW SMALL TREES IN PORT ANGELES. I. Newly developed trail heads on Olympic Diseovery/Waterfront Trail a. 18"' & Milwaukee b. Lower Elwha Road and Kaycee Way c. Others 2. Rayonier property @ 13`h and 'M' Street. 3. Tse-wit-zen site. (LEKT may be an interested partner) 4. Several slide sites on marine bluff along the Waterfront Trail. 5. Valley Creek estuary 25 trees (native evergreens) There is no total count of how many trees might be planted in these situations. Small trees typically have a relatively low survival rate and therefore should be overplanted to ensure the anticipated tree. density. : ATTACHMENT I TREE STANDARDS 1. High "traffic" areas The following standards should be applied to trees located in public areas such as street trees, park trees,, and trees planted on other public grounds (City Hall, Senior Center, street trees, etc.). These standards are widely accepted for urban trees. The intent is to plant trees that are large enough to withstand the elements such as wind or inconsistent precipitation as well as human contact such as lawn mower strikes or vandalism. At the same time, the trees are small enough to keep the purchase costs and transplanting the trees affordable. • Must be no less than 3" diameter at a height of 4' above ground. • Should be specifically high pruned with no branches originating below 6' above ground especially for street trees. • All trees must meet the American.Standard for Nursery Stock.ANSI Z60. o Quality/size of root ball o Damage or injury to bark or branches ,o Branching stricture • Very often, non-native trees will perform better than native trees due to specific location characteristics of soil, irrigation, micro -climate, etc. • Mature tree size should be,a minimum canopy diameter of 25' and a minimum tree height of 30'. 2. Low -"traffic" areas Areas with,low pedestrian traffic such as conservation areas, environmental restoration areas, etc. can accommodate, smaller trees. However, there are drawbacks to the use of small trees. Smaller trees have a much lower survival rate than larger trees. Irrigation needs during early years often requires hand watering (usually no irrigation system in place) at a higher frequency (shallow roots dry quicker, than deep roots) than for larger trees. Small trees are more susceptible to physical damage from people, machinery, and animals. • Conservation and reforestation trees tend. to be, bare root seedlings or 2 -year-old nursery stock. • They range in size up to 18". • Typically there is a high mortality rate; so over planting is the usual procedure. Other sources of trees may provide trees of varying size or quality. M-9 ATTACHMENT II TREE MAINTENANCE CONSIDERATIONS After trees are planted: IRRIGATION Trees will require regular irrigation during the first growing season. Depending on the seasonal ,weather conditions (rainfall, temperature, etc.) irrigation should occur at approximately 2 week intervals. The use of irrigation aides ('Ooze Tubes'©, 'Tree Gators'o) increases the efficiency of irrigating and would reduce the frequency needed for transporting water to trees. These devices release water at a slow rate over a longer period of time. The additional cost would be about $16 per tree. They are re -usable (barring damage) -so the cost could be spread out over many trees and seasons. This method of, irrigation. would be less labor intensive than irrigating hanging flower baskets or planters. PRUNING Very little pruning is required for trees. One early training pruning should be done during the second or third year after establishment. No other pruning needs to be done, although regular crown cleaning, thinning, removal of dead branches, etc. can be done on a periodic basis as budgets allow (the trees surrounding city hall have not been pruned during their lifetime). Many jurisdictions establish a regular pruning cycle for city trees. The most desirable pruning cycle is around seven years, however, 10 to 15 year cycles are common. OTHER MAINTENANCE NEEDS Trees will do best when they do not compete with lawn. Applying a mulch layer around trees once a year will be adequate to control most weed issues and conserve water for the tree. An area of approximately 100 square feet around each tree is recommended. This is a circle of approximately 1 I feet diameter. A mulched -area around trees will benefit the tree by reducing the potential that mowing equipment will cause damage to the tree. Each tree planted should reduce the amount of lawn by approximately 100 square feet per tree. A large circle around a tree make it much easier for personnel operating mowing equipment to negotiate around the tree. It is important when considering the location of trees to take into account where infrastructure such as fences or benches, are relative to a tree's location and mature size. For comparison Lawn maintenance is costly. Turf grass requires regular, frequent-, shallow irrigation during dry periods of the summer, in order to maintain its green healthy appearance. Irrigation Systems' must be kept inproper working condition to provide appropriate irrigation. Without irrigation systems, large labor costs can be incurred to maintain the same level of quality. Lawn requires regular fertilizing, herbicide applications, periodic thatching or coring to efficiently maintain a quality lawn. Less intense methods exist, however, appearance may not meet the high standards demanded by park users and may be more costly in the long run. M-10 Lawns require regular mowing. During a growing season, lawns are generally mowed at regular intervals ranging from one week to longer periods depending on growing conditions. Mowing is a labor intensive activity and requires specialized equipment (mowers, edgers, line trimmers, equipment trailers, etc.). The small gas engines that power these tools are very inefficient and high polluting based on emissions per gallon of fuel used. Trees in smaller parks Admittedly some of the smaller parks either do not have irrigation systems or the systems are not working properly. This should be.more of an issue for keeping lawns green, rather than keeping trees irrigated. As explained above, there are methods of irrigating, trees that would not require a functioning irrigation system. Vandalism Vandalism will happen. It happens to benches, walls, signs, etc. Trees do not cause or entice vandalism. (Excuse the editorializing, but vandalism is a parenting issue, not a tree issue). M-11 Lahe Crescent's Highlights Marymere Falls (1.8 mi. round trip, +400 ft. elev.) Venture through an old-growth forest on the (irytit8t 6 way to a 90 -ft. waterfall calls. pi€ture_ iVl:c it ff in Ti1i1 ` Moments►. in Time (0.6 mi. loop, no elev. goin Take a self -guided nature trail through woods and along the lake. Moderate to Difficult Nikes Catch glimpses of Mount Olympus, the Strait of Juan de Fuca, Lak eCrescent, and dense forests. Dayhikes include Mt. Storm King, Aurora Creek, and Mt. Muller. Barnes Creek is an overnighter. Spruce Railroad Trail (Spruce Railroad Bike to this lakeside Trail picture With ride from Fairhoime *"Sts) -and stop at Devil's Punchbowl and two „ abandoned tunnels. Head to the beach PiCtUre of from any of the 3 bus kids at'th4' stops. (East beach is a beach' 3/4 mi. walk.) Picture Of '.. , Rent a kayak, canoe, kayak#ng or or rowboat, or take a scuba diving lesson. eartoejng Ride the Loo The Olympic Transit Loop connects you from Seattle or Olympia and leads you around the peninsula. For more information, including passible itineraries, visit our website below or give our Visitor Center a call. Rider Tips • Carry exact change for the fare. There is no change given on the bus. • Pian to arrive at the bus stop a few minutes early in case the bus is ahead of schedule. This is especially important on long rural routes. Contact Info Park Visitor Center 600 East Park Ave Port Angeles, WA 98362-6798 (360) 565-3130 www.nps.gov/olym Transit websites: www.clallamtransit.com www.jeffersontransit.com www.quileutenation.org/community-shuttle www.ghtransit.com Travel the Park by Bus- W�47 Zc, .:y, NQ NQ t • � d:.i 1 S< , Kalalocli :Mmm 'bea�hes,'theKalaiocti-' area offers' acbcular '' ,wal{cs;'firail�,5ntl a ,� �4 • variety of amegities. �Wbq for seabirds ;nes_ting just'.o lipre: 'butwillstop atthe campground on ` request # 8 buses per day (4- 'Sat) run between• w#1Ruby peach and , # Kalaloch; a quickr 10-min6te 66 f '.. . r r. � s�•v n. $� �e i Northb'ound',Sauthbciund . 4 • . 9:30 (9:48 Sat). 735 (8,16 Sat) 1:35 (No Sat) tL01(No sat) 5:05 (5:05 Sat) 3:41(336 Sat.) &06 No Sat.) f 7,41. (Na Sat) Arriving Weeixday r Satuiday >Weetzday �x °Wurdpy. k ` 4 , 6A0 :720 9 05+ 1050 8:20:,11920-1:11 7 7 00": S 9 30 1105 : 8A0 ,1tk35 a r • '2,30r3¢36 4308,16.30. 230 b34 ,_t;; �74`w305 405 505 70$`i> 245 x645'' F 1 >! 815 1015 1,� 5 -720 { 9.20 x, 4 30 5:45 z r* 335 t `r 450 r 6;40-8-05 9:45' 11:25 3,00 %4:55 715 •858 Q `3.451 6-00'7-50-'S. ?' f Yli � •F"_ 1. 7 - � ( 'L. • � '.� a� `r`a , 1�11�' 700 �;" 11.05`'' 7.20 r .r 224 "554 .$55 554 ti it 1'!Cs" 2.45,; 6c45(to,Queets) 240 ' d 8:27 a, 8.47 ��y 848, 410 'r 1'�MC i.y123L412t 4077' i'1254y4:23r X423 t 6.30 8:35 =x;).6:40 �'r 4:151 425(flagdf(Ver) �.• .w ,. it .. ..•, .. ..... •. City of Port Angeles Recreation Division Activities First Quarter 2012 January 1 st — March 31 st Vern Burton Center Main Hall Events • Elvis Extravaganza • Martin Luther King Youth Basketball Tournament • Amerncore • OLC Softball • Noon Hoops • BOE AAU Basketball • Badmmton • Volleyball • Kids After School Program • Hot Spots Competition • Just Dolls of Washington — Doll Show & Sale • Blood Drive • Presidents' Day Youth Basketball Tournament • Airplanes • Pickleball • Play Zone • Olympic Medical Center Hollywood Night • NRA • Kiwams Kids Festival • Clallam County Project Homeless • Olympic Christian School Auction • Vern Burton Rock, Gem and Jewelry Show Port Angeles Fine Arts Center • Exhibition: Webster's Woods • Exhibition: Outbreak • Art Paths Education Program/ Approximately 291 served • Event: Eric Sandgren • Event: Jim Malcolm • Event: Andre Ferriante Concert • Event: Poetry Reading • Event: Story Telling • Event: Olympic Medical Center Reception • Event: Strait Art 2012 Reception • Meetings- Art Council, Foundation, Docent • 302 Individuals volunteered their time • Outreach: Jake on KONP Total Event Hours: 987 Total Participants: 2,249 Vern Burton Center Meeting Room Users • Retired Kiwams • Recreation Staff • North Olympic Baseball Association • Shane Park Comnuttee • Clallam County — Various Meetings & Workshops • Amalgamated Transit Union • Parks, Recreation & Beautification Commission • Juan de Fuca Festival • Human Resources • Civic Field Committee • Olympic Medical Center Hollywood Night • Olympic Paddlers • Don Skanchy Investments • Boy Scouts • Vern Burton Rock, Gem and Jewelry Show • Finance • Kids After School Program • Junior Babe Ruth Registration Port Angeles Senior & Community Center • New Years Day Dinner Dance — 110 participants • 29 Educational Programs — 1,003 participants • 38 Health Programs — 2,146 participants • 54 Social/Recreation Programs — 6,171 participants • 4 Special Events — 395 participants • Volunteer Hours — 4,432 • Volunteers — 332 participants • Total Current Memberships: 1,436 City Total: 911 County Total: 525 • Senior Center Memberships — 0 Qtr. City - 345 County — 167 • 14 Rentals: 1,335 participants • Total Attendance; 15, Qtr. — 28,841 The Senior/Community Center was closed 1 week in January due to winter weather conditions. G•\CITYMGR\FILES\COUNCIL REPORTS\May 15,2012\Recreation 1 st Quarter 2012.doc M - 14 G \CITYMGR\FILES\COUNCIL REPORTS\May 15,2012\Recreation 1 st Quarter 2012 doc M - 15 Cit ier/Ge ate�ua Events outh, ' anvil,Adu1 ro drams • Farmers' Market • After School Program — Average 25 Per Day • Pre-K Play Zone — Averaged 5 Per Week • All Day Kids Program — 15 Kids Registered • Vern Burton Rock, Gem & Jewelry Show participant & Raffle revenue $800.00 S eoial vent r�o a>�ams S� ports .r�oteams III mmmmmummm • MartinLuther King Youth Basketball Tournament — 39 teams • Pickle Ball — 174 Participants • Hot Spots Youth Basketball Skills Competition —10 • Adult Co-Ed Volleyball — 82 participants participants 46 City; 36 non-City residents • Presidents' Day Youth Basketball Tournament — 48 teams • Adult Basketball— 112 participants • Spring Hoopfest Youth Basketball Tournament — 21 teams 66 City; 46 non-City residents • Saint Patrick's Day 5 & IOK Run/Walk----175 participants • Women's Basketball — 51 participants 36 City; 15 non-City residents • Co-Ed Soccer — 147 participants Gou:ncil Chsa�mber � sers ®cea ie�v Cemete • City Council Meetings January • Planning • Property Sales: 5 • Board of Adjustments • Niche Sales: 0 • Clallam County DUI Victims Panel • Interments: 1 • Clallam County Historical Society • Grave Inurnments: 5 • Engineering • Niche Inurnments: 0 • UAC • Pre-Need Sales: $8,536.21 • Democratic Party • At-Need Sales: $4,988.85 • Fire Department • Parks, Recreation & Beautification Comrmssion February • Memorial Service • Property Sales: 2 • Department of Fish & Wildlife • Niche Sales: 2 • Kiwams • Interments: 0 • Grave Inumments: 1 • Niche Inurnments: 1 • Pre-Need Sales: $2,783.19 • At-Need Sales: $10,079.14 March • Property Sales: 1 • Niche Sales: 5 • Interments: 0 • Grave Inurnments: 0 • Niche Inurnments• 4 • Pre-Need Sales: $11,000.53 • At-Need Sales. $3,716.51 Total Sales. $41,104.43 G \CITYMGR\FILES\COUNCIL REPORTS\May 15,2012\Recreation 1 st Quarter 2012 doc M - 15