HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet 06/01/1999 AGENDA }"ORTj-k GtiLES CITY COUNCIL MEETING - W A $ H I n g T O N, U. $. A. 321 EAST FIFTH STREET June 1, 1999 REGULAR MEETING - 6:00 p.m. Action Taken A. CALL TO ORDER - Regular Meeting (6:00 p.m.) ROLL CALL PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE CEREMONIAL MATTERS & PROCLAMATIONS 1.Swearing in of new police officers Barb Morrison and David Dombrowski 2. Presentation by Rick Heft of flyer advertising Port Angeles and status report on VCB Marketing Program B. WORK SESSION City of Port Angeles Y2K Readiness Plan (oral) C. LATE ITEMS TO BE PLACED ON THIS OR FUTURE AGENDAS (By Council, Staff or Public) AND PUBLIC COMMENT FOR ITEMS NOT ON AGENDA (This is the opportunity for members of the public to speak to the City Council about anything not on the agenda, please keep comments to 5-I 0 minutes.) D. FINANCE 1. Award bid for Jones Street reservoir cover Action 2. Bid Award for the "I" Street Sidewalks Project Action 3. Bid Award for W 13~' St. Sewer main replace. Action E. CONSENT AGENDA 1. Travel authorization - Finance Department Action 2. City Council minutes - May 18, 1999 F. CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS G. ORDINANCES NOT REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. Ordinance providing process for obtaining Action search warrants for code violations and clarifying the repeat offender provisions for nuisance violations 2. Ordinance approving conversion of LID215 Action into a ULID215 NOTE: HEARING DEVICES AVAILABLE FOR THOSE NEEDING ASSISTANCE MAYOR TO DETERMINE TIME OF BREAK June 1, 1999 Port Angeles City Council Meeting Page - I AGENDA ITEM I Pagel First II Action ? Action Taken H. RESOLUTIONS 1. Resolution designating Oracle as sole source Action for acquiring database management software for the City's financial and geographic information software systems I. OTHER CONSIDERATIONS 1. Discussion of a potential trade of Forest Action Services land in exchange for the private lands surrounding the Elwha dams. 2 Request to circulate an annexation petition Action ANX 99-02 - Turner, Old Joe Road. 3. Approve consultant selection for design of 8th Action Street reconstruction 4. Art on the Town Action 5. Personnel justification - 911 System Coord. Action J. PUBLIC HEARINGS - QUASI-JUDICIAL (7:00 P.M. or soon thereafter) K. PUBLIC HEARINGS- OTHER L. INFORMATION 1. City Manager's Report (Page 49) 2. Planning Commission minutes - May 12, 1999 (Page 53) 3. Fire Department- April 1999 (Page 63) 4. Humane Society Report- March, 1999 (Page 69) M. EXECUTIVE SESSION (As needed and determined by City AttorneyJ Labor negotiations N. ADJOURNMENT I PUBLIC HEARINGS Public hearings are set by the City Council in order to meet legal requirements pertaining to matters such as, land use permit applications, proposed amendments to City land use regulations, zoning changes, annexations. In addition, the City Council may set a public hearing in order to receive public input prior to making decisions which impact the citizens. Certain matters may be controversial, and the City Council may choose to seek public opinion through the public hearing process. G CCAGEND 1999 060199CC WPD NOTE: HEARING DEVICES AVAILABLE FOR THOSE NEEDING ASSISTANCE MAYOR TO DETERMINE TIME OF BREAK June 1, 1999 Port Angeles City Council Meeting Page - 2 CITY OF PORT ANGELES CITY COUNCIL MEETING June 1, 1999 I. CALL TO ORDER - REGULAR MEETING: II. ROLL CALL: Members Present: Mayor Braun Councilman Campbell Councilman Doyle Councilman Hulett Councilmember McKeown Councilman Wiggins Councilman Williams Staff Present: Other Staff Present: Interim Manager Pittis Attorney Knutson Clerk Upton ~,/ B. Becker S. Brodhun B. Collins S. Ilk Y. Ziomkowski V/' III. ADJOURN TO EXECUTIVE SESSION: Rea~n: ~ Appr~ate Len~ ~..~.~..~~~ IV. RET~N SESSION: V. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: CITY OF PORT ANGELES CITY COUNCIL MEETING Attendance Roster DATE OF MEETING: June 1, 1999 LOCATION: City_ Council Chambers City of Port Angeles Ordinance/Resolution Distribution List City Council Meeting of ~'~, r~ tl ]. ] t~ City Manager City Atty. (1) Planning Cit~ Clerk D~u~ Clerk Peri.el Cust. Sves. Fin~ D~,~. Poli~ Dept. F~e Dept. Li~t Dept. P~ks & Rec. pOR,?ANGtL S W A $ H I N ~ T O N, U.S.A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: June 1, 1999 TO: ]~_AYOR BRAUN AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: Jack Pittis, Public Works Director SUIIJECT: Bid Award for Jones Street Reservoir Cover Project No. 98-16 Issue: Award of the Jones Street Reservoir Cover Project to the lowest responsive bidder. Recommendation: Award the bid for the Jones Street Reservoir Cover Project No. 98-16 to th~ lowest responsible bidder, Aldergrove Construction of Port Angeles, in the amount of $268,300.90. Backeround/Analysis: This project will provide a cover for the Jones Street Reservoir and is the first phase of a reservoir covering project to meet the requirements of a bilateral compliance agreement with the Washington State Department of Health. The Public Works Department's engineering consultant, CH2M Hill, completed the design, and Public Works Engineering prepared construction documents and advertised the project. The project consists of providing a metal dome cover for the reservoir and general site improvements. The site improvements have been coordinated with the Fine Arts Center to improve the aesthetics of the facility and surrounding area. Site improvements primarily include under grounding of on-site power, removal of fencing, and installation of curb, gutter, and sidewalk along the Lauridsen Boulevard frontage for the Fine Arts Center and the reservoir site. Work should start by mid-June and be completed this fall following fabrication and installation of the dome. This project is budgeted and funded from the Water/Wastewater Utility, and may be used as matching funds for a Public Works Trust Fund Loan to cover the two remaining uncovered reservoirs (Black Diamond & Peabody Heights). Bids were opened on May 25, 1999. The bids received, corrected in accordance with the specifications, are as follows: 1 ALDERGROVE CONSTRUCTION PORT ANGELES $268,300.90 2 STRIDER CONSTRUCTION BELLINGHAM $303,457.96 3 R.D.S. CONSTRUCTION POULSBO $349,919.70 Aldergrove Construction was the lowest responsive bidder. The bids received were within the range of the Engineers estimate ($306,653.81) and confirmed the cost of construction. N:XPROJECTS~98-16\CORR\CCAWD. WPD File: 98-16.12a I WASHINGTON, CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: June 1, 1999 TO: MAYOR BRAUN AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: Jack Pittis, Public Works Director SUI~ECT: Bid Award for the 'T' Street Sidewalks Project No. 98-10. Issue: Award of the 'T' Street Sidewalks Project to the lowest responsive bidder. Recommendation: Award the bid for the "I" Street Sidewalks Project No. 98-10 to the lowest responsible bidder, Strider Construction of Bellingham, for the Base Bid in the amount of $149~200. (Council may also consider additional allocation of funds) Background/Analysis: This project is to construct new sidewalks along school walking routes on the westerly side of 'T' Street between 5th and 18th Streets. The plans, specifications, and construction cost estimate were completed for the 'T' Street sidewalks but the engineer's estimate of $275,000 was in excess of the original $150,000 budget ($100,000 TIB, $50,000 City) by $125,000. The additional costs resulted primarily fi.om storm drainage modifications to catch basins and extension of storm drain lines. After a review of the options it was determined that the best solution to address the added costs was to provide additives within the project which can be approved or rejected at bid award. Bids were opened on May 25, 1999. The bids received, corrected in accordance with the specifications, are as follows: I ~Y 1 BASE B~ ::l 3LDDiS BIDS:. 1 TOTAL B!~ STRIDER BELLINGI-LAM $149,200.00 $94,280.50 $243,480.50 CONSTRUCTION PRIMO SEQUIM $153,659.25 $111,882.27 $265,541.52 CONSTRUCTION SETON PORT TOWNSEND $157,025.00 $103,127.70 $260,152.70 CONSTRUCTION C & J SEQUIM $197,692.15 $173,346.48 $371,038.63 EXCAVATING ENGINEERS $147,630.00 $I 17,694.00 $265,324.00 ESTIMATE 3 Mayor Braun and City Council Bid Award for the "I" Street Sidewalks June 1, 1999 Page 2 Strider Construction was the lowest responsive bidder for the base bid as well as for each of the four additive options. The base bid received was in line with the engineer's estimate and within the project budget of $150,000.00. We have checked with the TIB and they approved advertising the project with the additive options, but they cannot participate beyond the $100,000 grant limit. They also noted that grant funding in the future for any portion of the project not completed at this time would be difficult. A breakdown of the Strider Construction bid with additive descriptions follows: ~, Base Bid 5th to 13th Street (Sidewalk & Storm) $149,200.00 ~' Base+AdditiveA($16,891.75) 5th to 14th Street (Sidewalk & Storm) $166,091.75 ~' Base+Additives A & B ($16,909.00) 5th to 15th Street (Sidewalk & Storm) $183,000.75 ~, Base+Additives A, B, & C ($32,108.75) 5th to 18th Street (Sidewalk Only) $215,109.50 · Base+Additives A, B, C, & D ($28,371.00) 5th to 18th Street (Storm Only) $243,480.50 Council has the option, at project award, to select or reject each of the additives as shown above. Any option selected beyond the base bid will require identification of the funding sources beyond the $150,000.00 budgeted for the project. Since the total project is included as a priority on the City's Sidewalk program, the bids are reasonable, and it is unlikely that additional TIB funding would be available for completion of the project beyond the base bid, it is recommended that the City Council give consideration to the completion the total project this year using the above bids. The options are: 1) Award the Base Bid for the project and stay within the available budget 2) Award portions of the Base Bid and Additives and utilize other funding sources such as General Fund Reserves or Street Fund Reserves. (Full funding of the project will require $93,480.50 in additional funds.) Engineering staffwill be present at the meeting with maps to discuss the various additives. Lo~: N:XPROJECTS'OS- 10IS~CCAWD. WPD File: 99-10.12a 4 14th St. 13th St. pORTA IG-ELES WASHINGTON, U.S.A. CiTY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: June 1, 1999 To: MAYOR BRAUN AND CrrY CoUNcm FROM: Jack Pittis, Public Works Director StrI~-ECT: Bid Award for the W. 13th Street Sewer Main Replacement, Project No. 99-10. Issue: Award a contract for construction of the 13th Street Sewer Main Replacement to the lowest responsive bidder. Recommendation: Award the bid for the W. 13th Street Sewer Main Replacement Project No. 99- 10 to the lowest responsible bidder, C & J Excavating, of Sequim, in the amount of $61,313.37. Background/Analysis: This project is to replace the failing sewer main in W. 13th Street between Laurel and Oak Streets. Public Works Engineering designed and prepared the construction documents, and advertised the project. This project is budgeted and is funded from the Water/Wastewater Utility. Bids were opened on May 25, 1999. The bids received, corrected in accordance with the specifications, are as follows: 1 C & J EXCAVATING SEQUIM $61,313.37 2 ALDERGROVE CONSTRUCTION PORT ANGELES $64,775.30 3 PAPE & SONS CONSTRUCTION GIG HARBOR $85,259.07 C & J Construction was the lowest responsive bidder. The bids received exceeded the Engineers estimate ($50,808.84) but the closeness of two lower bids confirmed the cost of construction. N:XPROJECTSL09-10\CCAWD.WPD File: 99-10.12a 5 p'ORTANGELES WASHINGTON, U.S.A. CITY OF PORT ANGELES COUNCIL MEMO DATE: June 1, 1999 To: MAYOR BRAUN AND CITY OF PORT ANGELES COUNCIL FROM: Yvonne Ziomkowski, Finance Director Tanya O'Neill, Information Services Manager SUBJECT: Travel exceeding $750 o Novell Education Service and Support Training Seminar - Bellevue, WA - June 14 - 18, 1999 Issue: Should the Systems Analyst attend the Novell Education Service and Support class inI Bellevue, WA? Current policy requires Council approval for travel exceeding $750.00. Recommendation: Approve travel costs for class attendance. Background / Analysis: The Novell Education Service and Support Class #580 will be held in Bellevue, WA from June 14 - 18, 1999. The class provides an excellent opportunity for continuing education and professional training and an update of todays technology. This is one of five (5) required classes to qualify for a Novell Certification. Following is a breakdown of the costs for the class: Class Session (less 25% discount) $300.00 Lodging - 5 nights ~ $104.00 520.00 Meals - 5 days ~ $46.00 230.00 Total $1,050.00 The total cost to the Finance Department budget is $1,050.00. The costs were budgeted for in the 1999 budget process. 7 CITY COUNCIL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington May 18, 1999 CALL TO ORDER - Mayor Braun called the regular meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at REGULAR MEETING: 6:00 p.m. ROLL CALL: Members Present: Mayor Braun, Councilmembers Campbell, Doyle, Hulett, McKeown, Wiggins and Williams. Members Absent: None. Staff Present: Interim Manager Pittis, Attorney Knutson, Clerk Upton, B. Becket, S. Brodhun, B. Collins, K. Godbey, S. Ilk, and Y. Ziomkowski. Public Present: H. Schmidt, L. Lee, D. Roberts, L. Nutter, L. Witt, G. Brittenham, C. Miller, B. Christensen, G. Miller, L. Huber, M. Atwell, and N. Mickelson. PLEDGE OF Mayor Braun announced that this was Finance Director Godbey's final Council ALLEGIANCE: meeting. He stated she would be missed, and he wished her and her family the best. Mayor Braun asked Director Godbey to lead the Council in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. CEREMONIAL 1. Proclamation Recognizing May 22, 1999, as "National Maritime Day" MATTERS/ PROCLAMATIONS: Mayor Braun read aloud the proclamation recognizing May 22, 1999, at "National Maritime Day". Mr. Harold Schmidt accepted the proclamation and thanked the National Maritime Week Council for recognizing the importance of the Merchant Marines in ensuring liberty and justice for the citizens of the United States. Salvation Army Week 2. Salvation Army Week Mayor Braun read a proclamation recognizing May 16 - 2 I, 1999, as Salvation Army Week. Transit Employee 3. Transit Employee Appreciation Day Appreciation Day Mayor Braun read a proclamation recognizing Monday, May 24, 1999, as Transit Employee Appreciation Day. WORK SESSION: None. LATE ITEMS TO BE Councilman Wiggins asked that Leland Lee, Chairman of the Law Enforcement PLACED ON THIS OR Advisory Board (LEAB), be allowed to address the issue of gun safety. FUTURE AGENDA: Leland Lee, 905 W. 112 Street, stated that at its May meeting, the LEAB voted to take HB1424 a position in favor of liB1424, which relates to gun safety. Recent tragedies, such as school shootings, have brought attention to the need for gun safety, and the LEAB feels 9 CITY COUNCIL MEETING May 18, 1999 HB 1424 (Cont'd) HB 1424 would be an effective start toward ensuring the safe guards of handling fire arms. The LEAB recommends the City Council also support this bill. Councilman Wiggins explained the contents and penalties of HB 1424 and moved that the City Council adopt a position in favor of I-IB 1424 and notify the Legislature of that support. Councilmember McKeown asked for clarification on the locked box aspect of the bill, which Councilman Wiggins provided. For discussion purposes, Councilman Doyle seconded the motion. Discussion ensued, and Councilman Wiggins asked Police Chief Ilk to speak to this issue. Chief Ilk gave a brief history of the bill and responded to questions. Councilman Wiggins felt it was reasonable to send a message that people should be more careful with fire arms. If the Council took a position in favor of the bill, those responsible for moving the legislation forward could be notified of the City's support. Failing that, the Council could adopt an ordinance to that effect. Councilman Williams had no problem with gun safety, but felt he needed time to examine the bill and research the issue further. Mayor Braun advised the Council that Mr. Don Roberts wished to address the Council on this matter. Don Roberts, 151 Billy Smith Road, Sequim, informed the Council that this bill has been before the Legislature and rejected three times. It is only being considered now because of the Special Session and the personal request of the Governor. Mr. Roberts stated education was the most important part of fire arm safety. There is a program sponsored by the National Rifle Association, which is directed at small children. He recommended the Council view the tapes on this program to see how effective this can be. Further, Mr. Roberts informed the Council that Washington State has instituted a pre- emption prohibiting municipalities from adopting an ordinance affecting fire arms alone. He read aloud from the Washington RCW Section 9.41.290, and urged the Council to study this particular RCW before proceeding with any ordinance adoption. Following further limited discussion, Councilman Wiggins moved to table the motion, pending further study. Councilman Doyle seconded the motion. Coun¢ilmember McKeown reminded the Council that personal e-mails and faxes could be sent to the Legislature on this issue. A vote was taken on the motion, which carried unanimously. Attendance atNational Linda Nutter, 1701 E. Third Street, representing the Port Angeles Planning Planning Conference Commission, gave a report on her recent attendance at the National Planning Conference in Seattle. Planning Director Collins was involved in the planning of the mobile workshops, and Ms. Nutter stated it was an excellent conference. One of the themes of the conference was community based strategies which brought forth many good ideas. Ms. Nutter listed several strategies used by other cities to engage community participation in government. She thanked the City for sending her to the Conference. Ms. Nutter also informed the Council that she is the Planning Commission representative to the Non-Motorized Advisory Committee. The Committee has identified pedestrian and bicycle routes in the City, but would like to work with City staff when street improvements are planned. It would also like to work with the Downtown Association to plan a secured area where bikes can be stored while shopping downtown. Ms. Nutter felt she should work with the new City Manager, and Mayor Braun agreed. He also suggested she speak to the business community regarding the storage area for bikes and backpacks. Councilman Williams suggested Ms. Nutter speak to Tim Smith, Economic Development Director, and Dan DiGuilio, Clallam Transit, as they are involved in the Gateway Project. CITY COUNCIL ~G May 18, 1999 FINANCE: Bid Award for Bleachers at Volunteer Field Volunteer Field Bleachers Mayor Braun reviewed the information provided by the Parks and Recreation Department and asked Director Brodhun for additional input. Director Brodhun explained this is another example of terrific community support for a project. Thanks to a grant, State reimbursement and in-kind donations, the net City expenditure is about $5,000 for this project. Director Brodhun thanked all those who participated in this project and stated it has truly been a volunteer effort. Councilman Doyle moved to award the Volunteer Field bleacher bid to Sturdisteel Company. Councilman Williams seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. CONSENT AGENDA: Councilman Campbell moved to accept the Consent Agenda, including: 1) City Council minutes - April 29, May 4, May 8, and May 12, 1999; 2) Out-of-state travel authorization- Finance Department; 3) Check list - May 12, 1999 - $834,551.27. Councilman Williams seconded the motion. Following limited discussion, a vote was taken on the motion, which carried unanimously. To accommodate those in the audience wishing to address the issue, Item I. 3. was moved up on the agenda. Interim Manager Pittis noted there were also people present wishing to speak to Item I. 1. This was also moved up on the agenda. Assignment of Sublease Other Considerations from British Petroleum 3. Assignment of Sublease from British Petroleum to Tesoro Marine Services Company Mayor Braun reviewed the information provided by the City Attorney and requested additional input, which was provided by Attorney Knutson. He explained that the City will not be assuming any new liabilities, and the rent will continue to be paid to the City. Attomey Knutson stated that Craig Miller, representing British Petroleum, was present to give a more detailed explanation of the request. There were also representatives present from British Petroleum and Tesoro Marine, should Council have any questions for them. Craig Miller, 230 East Fifth Street, thanked Mr. Knutson and felt his letter included in the packet was self explanatory. Mr. Miller stated he was authorized to represent to the City Council that Daishowa has agreed and consented to this transaction. Mr. Miller introduced Bob Christensen, Manager of British Petroleum Facilities on the West Coast, and Graham Miller, Executive Vice President of Tesoro Marine Services, Inc., who will be operating the facility. Graham Miller, 1206 Berry Wood Lane, Houston, Texa% explained that Tesoro Marine is a Texas-based company doing business for 50 years. Tesoro Marine acquired the Shell Refinery in Anacortes in 1998 and wishes to expand business in this area. Mr. Miller stressed that existing staff will remain and that high standards of safety and environmental protection will be maintained. He hoped for a long association in Port Angeles. Discussion ensued, and Mr. Miller responded to questions posed by the Council. Bob Christensen, British Petroleum (BP), Kingston, Washington, stated BP no longer owns the refinery in Ferndale; therefore, it has been processing oil provided by Tesoro. Tesoro wishes to handle all aspects of its business, hence the purchase of BPs west coast assets. Councilman Campbell moved to authorize the Mayor to sign the necessary legal CITY COUNCIL MEETING May 18, 1999 Assignment of Sublease document(s) expressing the City's consent to the assignment of British Petroleum's from British Petroleum Ediz Hook sublease to Tesoro Marine Services Company, subject to review and (Cont'd) approval by the City Attorney. Councilman Doyle seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. Annexation Petition - 1. Request to Circulate an Annexation Petition - ANX 99-02 Turner Mayor Braun reviewed the information provided by the Planning Deparlrnent and asked Director Collins for additional information, which he provided. Discussion followed, and Director Collins responded to questions and provided clarification. Councilman Wiggins moved to set June 1, 1999, as the date for meeting with the initiating parties. Couneilmember MeKeown seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. CITY COUNCIL Councilman Campbell attended an Olympic Air Pollution Control Authority meeting, COMMITTEE where the preliminary 1999-2000 budget was reviewed. A deficit budget is predicted, REPORTS: and OAPCA staff is recommending City/County assessments be raised by thirty percent, which is ten cents per capita. This would amount to about $2,000 for the City of Port Angeles. Councilman Campbell stated he will attempt to get the Board to consider smaller increases over a period of time, as the last increase was 1991. Councilman Campbell stated he has received a number of calls complaining of a half- way house on the west side being improperly operated. The Police Department is monitoring the situation, and neighborhood meetings have been held with a Block Watch program being considered. Mayor Braun stated that he, too, had received numerous calls, and it appears the City doesn't have a strong role in the issue, as the Department of Corrections may place as many as six people in these homes without needing a permit. Mayor Braun encouraged the residents to contact State legislators. Councilmember McKeown attended a meeting regarding the Feiro Marine Life Center; she provided an update of the changes taking place. There will be twenty banners throughout downtown promoting the Marine Life Center. The opening is scheduled for Memorial Day. Councilmember McKeown also gave the Council an update on the Francis Street Park. She will provide tentative drawings at a future meeting. Councilman Wiggins, along with Councilmembers McKeown and Campbell, met with representatives from DoubleTree to discuss a possible convention center at that site. DoubleTree representatives have been invited to make a formal presentation at a future Council meeting. Interim Manager Pittis stated that a partnership with DoubleTree/Red Lion is very preliminary at this time, but it is an exciting issue for the City. Councilman Wiggins reminded the Council that the Oppommity Fund is discussed frequently at the EDC meetings. Port Angeles will have only one seat on the Opportunity Fund Committee. Councilman Campbell stated he attended a P.A. Works meeting. It was the first meeting in quite some time, so goals and objectives were revisited. Councilman Doyle attended the kick offfor "Discovery 150" in Victoria B.C. The City of Victoria B.C. and the City of Vancouver, Washington, have teamed together to have a celebration from July 1 through July 4, 1999. Councilman Doyle described some of the events of the celebration and felt this might also be of some benefit to Port Angeles. Councilman Doyle attended a Utility Advisory Committee meeting and read a proclamation at Peninsula College for Disabilities Awareness Week. C1TY COUNCIL MEETING May 18, 1999 CITY COUNCIL Mayor Braun, along with Director Collins and Economic Development Director Smith, COMMITTEE attended a Cascadia Forum held in Victoria, B.C. Mayor Braun described the purpose REPORTS: of the Forum, the region it encompassed, and the issues discussed. Mayor Braun (Cont'd) participated in the selection of architects for the Sequim Multi-use Transportation Center and read a proclamation for Kids Day America Councilman Campbell announced that the second Watershed Outreach meeting will be held Saturday, May 22, 1999, 9:00 a.m. until noon, at the Lower Elwha Reservation. Councilman Doyle stated the Clallam County Commissioners held a public hearing on the Northwest Strait Marine Commission and asked staff to find out when the next meeting will be held. Break Mayor Braun recessed the meeting for a break at 7:30 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 7:47 p.m. Ordinances Not Requiring Public Hearings: None. Resolutions Not Requiring Public Hearings: None Water Supply Study Other Considerations 2. Revised Scope of Work - Regional Water Study Mayor Braun reviewed the information provided by the Public Works Department, and Interim Manager Pittis explained that the expanded scope will include the review of three locations as possible sites for a treatment plant. Discussion followed, and Interim Manager Piths provided additional clarification regarding regional water supply and the use of Morse Creek as an emergency supply. Councilman Campbell noted that the City must be in a position to make a good presentation to the Bureau of Reclamation in terms of the ideal treatment system in order to mitigate dam removal. He stressed this will be a long-term proposition. Councilman Wiggins felt it might be helpful to remind Senators Gorton and Murray and Congressman Dicks what the City's costs have been to date, as well as the cost of the current revised scope of work, in order to keep them aware that these costs will be borne by the Federal Government as the dam removal will be mandated. Staff will provide an updated report to the legislators with copies to the Council. Councilmember MeKeown moved to approve a change in the scope and an increase in the budget of $12,119.00 in our current contract with CH2M Hill, and authorize the Mayor to sign the agreement. Councilman Wiggins seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. Pole Agreement 4. Pole Agreement with Port of Port Angeles Mayor Braun reviewed the information provided by Public Works Deparmaent. Interim Manager Pittis indicated this was similar to the agreement with the hospital. UAC has reviewed the issue and recommends approval. Interim Manager Pittis felt the City should make this the last such agreement for a while, as the City needs to develop a policy regarding fiber optics. Brief discussion followed, and Councilman Doyle moved to approve the proposed "Pole Agreement" and authorize the Mayor to sign the agreement with the Port of Port Angeles. Councilman Williams seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. crrY COUNCIL MEETING May 18, 1999 PUBLIC HEARINGS - None. QUASI-JUDICIAL: PUBLIC HEARINGS - None. OTHER: INFORMATION: C#y Manager's Report Personnel Replacement Interim Manager Piths reviewed the justification to fill the vacancy of Lineman for City Light which was contained in the packet. Old Joe Rd. Water Services Interim Manager Pittis reviewed the history of this issue and stated Staff is working with the residents on resolution of the problems. Lockbox Letters continue to come in regarding the use of Lockbox. A letter of explanation, written by Finance Director Godbey, is part of the packet. 8~h Street Repairs Interim Manager Pittis stated the 8~ Street repairs were completed today. The crew is now working on "C" Street. Interim Manager Pittis explained how the ruts on the bridges will be repaired. 5~' & Tumwater Repairs Interim Manager Pittis reported that design is in progress, and soil borings have occurred. A copy of a letter sent to President Clinton by Governor Locke, requesting emergency aid for the Olympic Peninsula, has been received. Staff will keep Council apprised of any progress made in this regard. AWC Conference Interim Manager Pittis reminded the Council this will take place June 22 - 25, 1999. Registrations are due by May 28, 1999. Future Council Agenda Interim Manager Pittis reviewed the items which will be presented on future agendas. Items Councilman Campbell gave a brief review of problems and concerns others have had with the Thermal Oxidation Process Systems. He suggested Interim Manager Pittis speak with Mark Goodman regarding this process as relates to current regulations. Councilman Williams asked if water was leaking from the new 8~h Street overlay. Staff will look into this. Councilman Williams attended a meeting of the Science, Technology, and Manufacturing Association. They have a proposal called the "Waterfront Vision", and Councilman Williams felt a presentation to either UAC or the Council was in order. Interim Manager Pittis reminded the Council that the fiber optics meeting will be held on May 26, 1999, 1:00 p.m., at the PUD. Council is invited to attend. Mayor Braun asked Director Godbey if she had any final words. Director Godbey stated it has been a pleasure to serve the City the past eight and one half years. Staff has been wonderful to work with, which makes the leaving difficult. She hopes she will be back to visit the Peninsula and extended an open invitation to Council to visit her in her new location. ADJOURN TO The meeting adjourned to Executive Session at 8:22 p.m. to discuss a matter of EXECUTIVE SESSION: litigation for fifteen minutes. RETURN TO OPEN The meeting returned to Open Session at 8:40 p.m. SESSION: CITY COUNCIL ME17rlNG May 18, 1999 ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 8:40 p.m. Becky J. Upton, City Clerk Gary Braun, Mayor pO TAN'¢ L... S WASHINGTON, U.S.A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: June 1, 1999 To: MAYOR BRAUN AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: Craig D. Knutson, City Attorney SuB,mc'r: Nuisance Enforcement !issue: Should the City Council approve the attached Ordinance clarifying and modifying the requirements for obtaining administrative search warrants for Code enforcement inspections and dealing with repeat offenders for nuisance violations? Recommendation: It is recommended that the City Council approve the attached ordinance clarifying and modifying the requirements for obtaining administrative search warrants for Code enforcement inspections and for dealing with repeat offenders for nuisance violations. Summary: Due to recent court decisions it is necessary to clarify the process for obtaining an administrative search warrant for Code enforcement inspections. Due to landlord concerns about being charged the repeat offender fee for nuisance violations, it is necessary to clarify the repeat offender provisions in the nuisance ordinance. Background /Anab/_ sis: Generally, the City obtains permission from propeqy owners or occupants of property prior to inspecting for Code violations. Sometimes, however, such permission is not forthcoming, and it is necessary to obtain an administrative search warrant. Due to recent court decisions, due process and authority for obtaining administrative search warrants needs to be specifically provided for by ordinance. Accordingly, the City's right of entry chapter of the Port Angeles Municipal Code should be amended to so provide. Recently, the City Council amended the City's nuisance ordinance to provide for a $100 administrative fee and an increase in the civil fine from $250 to $500 for repeat offenders. Aider implementing the changes by notifying a few repeat offenders of the $100 administrative fee, a landlord complained that he shouldn't be responsible for nuisances committed by his tenants at other locations. In response to this argument, staff feels that it is reasonable to hold landlords responsible only for repeat offenses by tenants occupying the same property. 17 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, providing for the issuance of administrative search warrants for inspections on private property, clarifying the nuisance ordinance's "repeat offender" provisions, and amending Ordinances 1792 and 2469 as amended and Chapters 1.20 and 8.04 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES DOES HEREBY DRDA/N as follows: Section 1. Ordinance 1792 and Chapter 1.20 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code are hereby amended by amending PAMC 1.20.010 to read as follows: 1.20.010 Requirements~ A. Right of Entry for Inspection. Whenever necessary to make an inspection to enforce any ~,,d~,~,,~ o~ ,~,l,,~,,,, provision of this Code or whenever there is reasonable cause to believe ,~ ~,,,~,,~.l,~ ~,, ,~OlU,,~,,, a Code violation exists in any building or upon any premises within the jurisdiction of the City, an,- authorized official of the City, may, upon presentation of proper credentials. enter such building or premises at all reasonable times to inspect it or perform any duty imposed upon him by ordinance; provided, that except in emergency situations or when consent of the owner and/or occupant to the inspection has /been otherwise obtained, he gives the owner and/or occupant, if they can be located after reasonable effort, twenty4~ seventy-two written notice of the authorized official's intention to inspect. The notice transmitted to the owner and/or occupant shall states that the property owner has the right to refuse entry and that~ in the event such entry is refused, inspection may be made only upon issuance of a search warrant by a duly authorized magistrate. In the event the owner and/or occupant refuses entry a~er such request has been made, the official is empowered to seek assistance from any court of competent jurisdiction in obtaining such entry. (Ord. 1792 §1, 5/25/73) B. Warrants for Entry. 1_. Whenever it is necessary to enter upon private property or the public property of another governmental agency to carry_ out the lawfi~! directions of any provision of this Code or to carry out the lawful order, ruling or holding of any court of competent jurisdiction, the City may apply for a warrant authorizing the entry upon such property to carry out the same, if permission to enter has been refused by the owner, or if th -1- 18 owner cannot be found or reasonably ascertained. 2_. The application for a warrant shall be supported by an affidavit or the testimony of the City officer or employee intending to enter upon the property, stating his office, purpose and authority to so enter, the owner's refusal to permit such entry or the owner's unavailability, the work, action or other activity to be conducted upon the property, and by whom and at what approximate time the activity will be conducted. 3_. If the court finds just cause for the issuance of the warrant, it shall subscribe the same with a return date of not more than ten days following completion of the action or activity to be conducted upon the property_. 4_:. Nothing in this Section is intended to limit, restrict or otherwise affect the right of the City's officers or employees from entering upon private or public property for any lawful purpose. Section 2. Ordinance 2469 as amended and Chapter 8.04 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code are hereby amended by amending PAMC 8.04.020, 8.04.050, and 8.04.080 to read as follows: 8.04.020 Definitions. The words and phrases used in this Chapter, unless the context otherwise indicates, shall have the following meanings: A. "Abate" means to repair, replace, remove, destroy or otherwise remedy the :ondition in question by such means, in such a manner and to such an extent as the enforcement officer, in his judgment, determines is necessary in the interest of the general health, safety and welfare of the community. B. "Disposable Package or Container' means all packages or containers defined as such by rules and regulations adopted by the State of Washington Department of Ecology. C. "Enforcement Officer" means the City Manager or any City official or employee designated by him. D. "Junk" includes the storage of all old appliances, equipment, or parts thereof, -2- all old iron or other scrap metal, automobile tires, cardboard, old lumber, old wood and--. mattresses, which items are not being used for their intended purpose, and does not iaclude ~rderly stacked firewood. E. "Litter" means and includes all waste material, including but not limited to :lisposable packages or containers thrown or deposited on public or private property, including the depositing on public property or cars of handbills, but not including the waste of primary ~rocess of mining, logging, saw milling, farming, or manufacturing. F. 'Premises~ means any building, lot, parcel, real estate, land, or portion of land ~,hether improved or unimproved, including adjacent sidewalks and parking strips. G. "Refuse" means vegetab!e offal, animal offal, discarded food, cans, boules, ~vaste paper, large tree limbs and all other waste substances from private and public establishments and from residences; but shall not include small amounts of weeds, twigs, grass, or other materi:,' resulting from the normal tending of lawns and gardens. H. 'Responsible Person' means any agent, lessee, owner or other person occupying or having charge or control of any premises. I_ "Repeat Offender" means an~/responsible person who has had an Abatement Order issued in his or her name within the prior 36 months~ regardless of the nuisance's loeation~ except that in the case of a landlord the prior Abatement Order must have been issued for the same property. t J. "Weed", "vegetable growth" and "horticultural growth" mean and include but are not limited to trees, plants, shrubs, bushes, flowers, garden vegetables and grasses and further include all growths of every kind and character, whether domestic or wild, causing the obstruction or interference or detriment prohibited by this Chapter. -3- 20 :} K_. "Administrative Hearings Officer" means the City Manager or any City official or employee designated by him other than the person designated as "Enforcement Officer" as in C., above. (Ord. 2773 §1, 8/13/93; Ord. 2698 §1, 7/31/92; Ord. 2469 §1, 1/22/88) 8.04.050 Enforcement - Request - Hearing. The enforcement officer, having knowledge of any public nuisance, shall cause the responsible person(s) to be notified of the '.xistence of a public nuisance on any premises and shall request such person(s) to abate the :.ondition within a designated reasonable period. The enforcement officer shall also include in the written notice to said person(s) that an application for initiation of formal abatement proceedings will be made to the Administrative Hearings Officer. The written notice shall establish the date by which a final determination shall be made and give the responsible person(s) the option of requesting a hearing before the Administrative Hearings Officer prior to the final determination date. The responsible person(s) shall have five (5) days in which to request a hearing which, if requested, shall be held within seven (7) days of the request. Upon determining that a public nuisance exists which requires abatement, the Administrative Hearings Officer shall issue a written report of findings and order requiring the responsible person(s) to abate such condition. The written report of findings and order shall provide that in the event of the failure of such person(s) to abate the public nuisance within the time frame listed in the written report of findings and order, the same shall be abated by the City, and the costs to the City shall become a charge collectible by any legally available means against the responsible person(s). If the responsible person(s) do not give permission for the City to enter the property for such abatement action, the City may obtain a court order or warrant to do so. h, ~,~ ,.,,.~ ,,, ,~ ,~.,,~ ,.,,,,.,,~..,,,,~ ~,,.,,,,, .,,,~ ~,~,,o ,,~,., .. ~,.~v,.,~,~ ~,,,~,,o,~ ,~ ,,,,~ ~,,,~ ~,~,o.,,,, When an Abatement Order is issued to a repeat offender, a $100 administrative fee shall be charged to the r¢:-,ponslblc -4- 21 repeat offender to cover the City's costs in pursuing the abatement of the public nuisance. In the ~ that the owner leases or rents the premises to another responsible person(s), such owner mar cequest, and the Administrative Hearings Officer may include in the written report of findings and order, an extended abatement period for such owner to be effective if the tenant fails to accomplish abatement within the prescribed time period, which extended abatement period shall allow the owner to pursue unlawful detainer proceedings, and shall not exceed ninety (90) days. The responsible person(s) may appeal the written report of findings and order of the Administrative Hearings Officer to City Council by filing a Notice of Appeal with the City Clerk within ten (10) days of the date of the written report of findings and order. Any appeal taken to the City Council shall be heard at the next regularly scheduled meeting of City Council. Any legal action challenging the Council's decision on appeal shall be brought in Clallam County Superior Court within ten (10) days of the decision by Council. In the case that the responsible ~erson, or one of the responsible persons, is the owner, the charge shall be a lien against th,. ~roperty, and perfected, processed and foreclosed as prescribed in the provisions covering mechanic's liens in Chapter 60.04 RCW. (Ord. 3014 §1 (part), 3/26/99; Ord. 2959, 6/13/97; Ord. 2777 §2, 9/17/93; Ord. 2773 §2, 8/13/93; Ord. 2698 §1, 7/31/92; Ord. 2469 §1, 1/22/88) 8.04.080 Penalties. In addition to the costs of abatement, any person violating any portion(s) of this Chapter shall be deemed to have committed a civil infraction commencing upon the date that the Administrative Hearings Officer or the City Council had specified for completion of abatement, whichever date is later. The penalty for this infraction is $250 per violation, the first $250 of which shall not .be suspended or deferred. A separate offense shall be deemed committed on each day during or on which a violation occurs or continues. The penalty for a repeat offense offender shall be $500 per violation. (Ord. 3014 §1 (par0, 3/26/99; Ord. 2773 §4. -5- 22 ~/13/93; Ord. 2469 §1, 1/22/88) Section 3 - Severability. If any provisions of this Ordinance or its applications to any ~erson or circumstances is held to be invalid, the remainder of the Ordinance or application of the ~rovisions of the Ordinance to other persons or circumstances is not affected. Section 4 - Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect five days a~er the date of ~ublication. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said Council held on the __ day of ,1999. MAYOR ATTEST: Becky J. Upton, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Craig D. Knutson, City Attorney PUBLISHED: By Summary -6- 24 pORTANGELES WASHINGTON, U.S.A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: June 1, 1999 To: MAYOR BRAUN AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: Yvonne Ziomkowski, Accounting Manager/City Treasurer SUBJECT: Converting LID 215 into a ULID 215 Issue: Should the City Council approve an ordinance converting local improvement district (LID) 215 into a utility local improvement district (ULID) 215? Recommendation: Staff recommends that Council approve the ordinance that converts LID 215 into ULID 215. Summary.: Conversion of a LID into a ULID is beneficial to both to the City and property owners. The advantage to the City is that ULIDs are considered contingent liabilities of the City's utilities, not of the General Fund. Since the interest rate on revenue bonds is lower than on LID bonds this will also benefit the property owners by slightly lowering their payments. Background /Analysis: LID 215 was created in December 1996 to construct sewer improvements in the upper Golf Course Road area of Port Angeles. R.V. Associates, Inc. of Port Orchard was the low bidder and the construction project was awarded in October 1997. The project was completed and accepted on May 5, 1998. The improvements constructed by the project included installation of 8" and 6" sewer mains, 4" force main, and appurtenant facilities to serve properties in this area. Since most of the improvements were utility related, the staff recommends converting the LID into a ULID. RCW 3 5A3.043 provides for easy conversion of an LID into a ULID. Conversion may occur "at any time prior to the adoption of an ordinance approving and confirming the final assessment roll of such local improvement district." If the conversion is approved, it should be announced at the public hearing on the assessment roll that revenue bonds, not LID bonds, would be issued to finance that portion of the assessments that are not prepaid by property owners. As mentioned before, this will have the advantage to the property owners of lowering their payments since the revenue bonds have lower interest rates. Attachment: Ordinance 25 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, converting Local Improvement District No. 215, created pursuant to Ordinance No. 2939 to finance sanitary sewer improvements within the Upper Golf Course area of the City, to a utility local improvement district. WHEREAS, by Ordinance No. 2939 of the City of Port Angeles, Washington ( the 'City"), passed by the City Council (the "Council") on December 16, 1996, Local Improvement District No. 215 ("LID 215") was created to finance sanitary sewer improvements within the Upper golf Course area of the City; and WHEREAS, in accordance with RCW 35.43.043, the City wishes to convert such local improvement district to a utility local improvement district; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The Council finds and determines that it is in the best interest of the City and owners of property within LID 215 to convert such local improvement district to a utility local improvement district. The Council hereby converts LID 215 to a utility local improvement district to be known as "Utility Local Improvement District No. 215: ("ULID 215"). The special assessments to be levied against property within ULID 215 shall be paid into the City's Water and Wastewater Utility Revenue Fund and shall be used solely to pay for costs oftbe Improvements within ULID 215 as described in Ordinance No. 2939) and for the payment of water and wastewater revenue bonds ~ereafter to be issued to defray the cost of the Improvements to be constructed in ULID 215. Section 2 - Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect five days after the date of ~ublication. 26 PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said Council held on the ~ day of ,1999. MAYOR ATTEST: Becky J. Upton, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Craig D. Knutson, City Attorney PUBLISHED: By Summary 19.08 -2- CERTIFICATE I, the undersigned, Clerk of the City of Port Angeles, Washington (the "City"), and keeper of the records of the City Council of the City (the "Council"), DO HEREBY CERTIFY: 1. That the attached ordinance is a true and correct copy of Ordinance No. ~ of the Council (the "Ordinance"), as finally passed at a regular meeting of the Council held on the 1'~ day of June, 1999, and duly recorded in my office. 2. That said meeting was duly convened and held in all respects in accordance with law, and to the extent required by law, due and proper notice of such meeting was given; that a quorum of the Council was present throughout the meeting and a legally sufficient number of members of the Council voted in the proper manner for the passage of said Ordinance; that all other requirements and proceedings incident to the proper adoption or passage of said Ordinance have been duly fulfilled, carried out and otherwise observed, and that I am authorized to execute this certificate. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this ~ day of , 1999. City Clerk 28 pOR?ANgEL..ES WASHINGTON, U.S.A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: June 1, 1999 To: MAYOR BRAUN AND CrrY CouNcm FROM: Craig D. Knutson, City Attorney StmJZCT: Oracle/Paladin Sole Source Resolution and Contract Issue: Should the City approve the attached Resolution designating a sole source for database management software and authorizing the Mayor to sign the purchase contract? Recommendation: It is recommended that the City Council approve the attached Resolution designating Oracle and its local dealer Paladin Data Systems as the sole source for acquisition of database management software for the City's financial and geographic information software systems. It is also recommended that the Council authorize the Mayor to sign a contract with Paladin for purchase and installation of the Oracle software in the estimated amount of $16,404.80. Summary: The City's Finance and Public Works Departments have decided that it is most cost effective to use Oracle database management software for both the City's financial (SFG) and geographic information (GIS) software systems. In order to accomplish the purchase and installation of the Oracle software in the most expeditious manner, it is appropriate for the Council to designate Oracle and its local dealer Paladin Data Systems as the sole source for acquisition of the necessary database management products. Background / Analysis: The City uses SFG software for processing financial and utility related information. Recently, SFG has developed an exclusive arrangement with Oracle Corporation for database management software to be used with SFG's system. The City has itself determined that it is cost effective to use the same database management software for both its financial (SFG) and geographic information (GIS) software systems. This will centralize the administration and distribution of data reducing the duplication of work and eliminating the necessity for data conversion. Accordingly, since SFG has already decided to rely on Oracle database management software, the City will also be using Oracle's products for the GIS system. Since the local Oracle dealer is Paladin Data Systems Corporation out of Poulsbo, it is appropriate to designate Oracle and Paladin as the sole source for the purchase of database management sot~ware for the City's SFG and GIS software systems. 29 February 16, 1999 Page 2 The purchase and installation contract with Paladin Data Systems Corporation would include the following elements: Oracle 8 Enterprise Server $10,524.80 Oracle 8 Bronze Support 2,280.00 Oracle Consulting and Installation Services (24 hours at $150 per hour) 3,600.00 Total Estimated Cost $16,404.80 The reason for the contract price being an estimate is that the number of hours of consulting/'mstallation work may vary. Tanya O'Neill, Information Systems Manager, and Bill Hale, CADD Systems Specialist, for the City expect any variation to be relatively minimal. 30 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, designating Oracle Corporation and its authorized local dealer Paladin Data Systems Corporation as the sole source for acquisition of database management products for the City's financial and geographic information software systems. WHEREAS, the City of Port Angeles uses SFG software for processing financial and utility-related information; and WHEREAS, SFG has an exclusive arrangement with Oracle Corporation for database management software; and WHEREAS, the City of Port Angeles has determined that it is cost effective to use the same database management software for both its financial and geographic information software systems; and WHEREAS, the only way to accomplish and ensure the necessary compatibility between the City's financial and geographic information software systems is for the City to purchase Oracle database management software; and WHEREAS, Paladin Data Systems Corporation is the authorized local dealer of Oracle products; and WHEREAS, due to the above circumstances, it is appropriate for the City Council to determine that the purchase of database management software is clearly and legitimately limited to Oracle Corporation and its authorized local dealer Paladin Data Systems Corporation as a single source of supply, thus allowing normal purchasing requirements to be waived as allowed by RCW 35.23.352(9) and RCW 39.04.280; -1- NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Port Angele~- as follows: Section 1. Oracle Corporation and its authorized local dealer Paladin Data Systems Corporation is hereby designated the sole source product supplier for acquisition of database management software for the City's financial and geographic information software systems. Section 2. An exception fi.om normal bidding requirements is herewith implemented, under which acquisition of Oracle database management software products need not be competitively bid. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 1st day of June, 1999. MAYOR ATTEST: Becky J. Upton, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Craig D. Knutson, City Attorney R99.06 -2- April 5, 1999 Elvvha Land Trade - Lake AldwelVLake Mills properties - Fort Jame~ Background The lands surrounding these two lakes will be acquired by the Park Service as a portion of the value of purchasing the dams from Fort James under terms of the Elwha Act of 1993. The total cost to the government has been established at $29.5 million. These dollars have already been appropriated. The Lake Aldweil lands comprise the largest share of thi~ ownership totaling about 9g0 acres that include 462 acres of average second growth timber. These lands are outside the National Park boundaries and would likely be candidate lands for inclusion within the Olympic National Forest. The Lake Mills land8 total 160 acres and include 76 acres of large second growth timber. This property is within the Park boundaries and would naturally be retained by the Park. In order to make an evaluation, the acres of commercial timber around both lakes and along the river have been calculated by excluding a 200 ff. riparian zone on both sides of these waters. The Elwha Citizens Advisory Committee recomm~ in their 1996 report that these lands should be sold or traded as a means to recover a portion of the government's purchase price and also to insure that there would be no net loss of Clallam County's tax base. A rough appmisel has been made of these lands that show~ a present value of timber and timberland in the neighborhood of $6 million. The idea would be to look for lands of equal value within the National Forest in Clallam County and then complete appraisals first on the land surrounding the lakes and than on the Forest Service land to be exchanged, ia. sold by the government. The latter could be sold at public auction to achieve the greatest return. There is little doubt that considerable interest would be created by Such a sale of over 1000 acres of accessible forestland eontainlng approximately 17 million bd. It of commercial timber. 33 pORTANGEI ES WASHINGTON, U.S.A. CiTY COUNCIL June 7, 1999 Clallam County Commissioners Boardman, Ireland, and Doherty Clallam County Courthouse Port Angeles, WA 98362 Re: Elwha Land Trade Dear Commissioners Boardman, Ireland, and Doherty: The Port Angeles City Council has endorsed a proposal (attached) to trade public lands in the National Forest for the private lands of Fort James referred to as the Lake Aldwell/Lake Mills properties. The idea is to look for lands of equal value within the National Forest in Clallam County and complete appraisals first on land surrounding the lakes and then on the Forest Service land to be exchanged. The Lake.Aldwell/Lake Mills properties would be purchased for dam removal, and the Forest Service lands would be sold by the federal government. The latter would be sold at public auction to achieve the greatest return. There should be considerable interest in a sale of over 1000 acres of accessible forest land containing approximately 17 million board feet of commercial timber. Just as importantly, the distribution of public and private lands in Clallam County will remain whole, i.e., the tax base will not be eroded by increasing government ownership of land on the Olympic Peninsula. Accordingly, the City of Port Angeles urges the Clallam County Commissioners to make such a request to the federal government for an Elwha land trade. The City Council believes that this is in the public interest and is necessary to maintain the economic base of the North Olympic Peninsula. If the City can be of assistance in the request, please contact me and Interim City Manager Jack Pittis. Sincerely, Mayor Gary Braun Attachment cc: Hon. Norm Dicks, US Congress Russell Hepfer, Lower Elwha Klallam Tribal Chair Christine Anderson, Port of Port Angeles 321 EAST FIFTH STREET ® P. O. BOX 1150 · POrT ANGELES, WA 98362-O217 PHONE: 360-417-4500 ® FAX: 360-417o4509 · TTY: 360-417-4645 E-MAIL: COU NCl l~Ci. POrT-ANGE LES.WA. US p'ORTANGELES WASHINGTON, U.S.A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: June 1, 1999 TO: MAYOR BRAUN AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: Brad Collins, Planning Director SUBJECT: Turner Annexation Petition ANX 99-02 Issue: Discussion with Mr. and Mrs James Turner about zoning and indebtedness requirements for circulation of Annexation Petition ANX 99-02? Recommendation: Approve circulation of Annexation Petition ANX 99-02 including assumption of existing bonded indebtedness and allowing for a pre-annexation zoning process, citing 10 findings and 3 conclusions from the Planning Commission's recommendation. Summary_: The applicants have applied to circulate an annexation petition for 4.53 acres of property of which they own over 90%. Although the property is included in the Port Angeles Urban Growth Area (UGA) because it was zoned commercial, Clallam County has since rezoned the subject area to residential Urban Low Density (LD) and objects to rezoning the area commercial based on several policies discouraging strip commercial development along US 101 west of Port Angeles. The City's Comprehensive Plan policies also discourage strip commercial development. The subject area complements the Fairmount commercial node across the highway and is adjacent to the Tumwater Truck Route arterial intersection with US 101. There is probably more traffic congestion and turning conflicts created by vehicles crossing the highway to access the commercial businesses on the north side of US 101 than if vehicles were allowed access to commercial development on the south side of the highway. There is too little land within the UGA on the south side of US 101 to cost effectively provide urban services for residential land uses. Accordingly, no residentially zoned land on the south side of US 101 west of Port Angeles was included in the UGA at the time the UGA was adopted. Better alternatives to pre-annexation commercial zoning for the proposed annexation area would be to revise the UGA to eliminate the very limited LD zones on the south side of US 101 or some combination of limited commercial areas and eliminated residential areas in the UGA south of the highway. The viability of apartment units along US 101 west of Port Angeles is questionable. Turner Annexation ANX 99-02 June 1, 1999 Page 2 Background / Analysis: The property is located in the City's Urban Growth Area (UGA) and is situated directly south of the Fairmount Restaurant. City utilities are located north of Highway 101 at this location to at the restaurant location. The applicants are owners of more than the required ten percent assessed evaluation of the property being requested to circulate an annexation petition for as set forth in RCW 35A. 14. 120. They are also aware of the City's requirements regarding annexation - assumption of existing bonded indebtedness and zoning - and have asked that the property be designated for commercial zoning prior to annexation. Although not City residents, the area has been served by City water for many years. That private water service has failed in the past two years and is in the process of being reconstructed. Factors considered under RCW 35A.14.200 in review of annexation proposals include "the configuration of the area, comprehensive use plans and zoning, the likelihood of significant growth in the area and in adjacent incorporated and unincorporated areas during the next ten years, location and coordination of community facilities and services, the probable effect of the annexation proposal or alternatives on cost and adequacy of services and controls in the area, and the effect of the annexation proposal or alternatives on adjacent areas." SEPA review would occur only if an annexation petition were approved for circulation. Attachments: Excerpt of 5/26/99 Planning Commission minutes Turner Request to Circulate an Annexation Petition Clallam County Planning Director's 5/24/99 Letter 36 James N. & Margo Turner 3904 South Reddick Road Port Angeles WA 98363 Home Phone 360-457-5818 June 01,1999 City of Port Angeles 321 East 5th Street Port Angeles, WA 98362 ANNEXATION PETITION -TURNER-ANX 99-02 We purchased the pared in question with the hope of being able to develop and sell the property. This property is in the Urban Growth Area. To develop the property to/ts' full potential, we need to have water and sewer utilities. To acquire the utilities, we need to annex the property to the city. The City would prefer to add the parcel as commercially zoned property. The County would tike to retain the current zoning. The differing positions leave us feeling like puppets on the strings of differing government agencies. Since the property would be in the city if it is annexed, it would seem to us that the City should have the deciding vote for the zoning designation. The confluence of the track route and Highway 101 does not seem to be the ideal location for a development of houses, especially with the downhill grade requiring the large trucks to apply their compression ("Jake") brakes. Our personal logic makes us feel that this particular parcel is much more appealing as a commercial property, which would match the zoning across the highway from our land. In the county's letter to the City Planning Department the last paragraph of page 1 quoting Section 31.10.310, states in part "Many homes and several multi-family developments are located on Highway 101 but are set well back from the roadway to limit problems with road noise.". Our interpretation of this statement is that the county feels homes should be well set back from the road. Our question would be why the county would prefer that homes be built right next to a busy highway, rather than a tastefully chosen commercial venture that would hopefully create jobs for residents and additional itmome for both the city and county? We respectfully request that you seriously consider our request for the annexation and modification of the zoning designation. Sincerely, James N. Turner Margo Turner Planning Commission Minutes - May 26, 1999 Page 2 PUBLIC HEARINGS: REQUEST TO CIRCULATE AN ANNEXATION PETITION - TURNER-ANX 99-02 - Approximately 4.5 acres located south of Highway 101 at Old Joe Road. Request for consideration of annexation. The applicants will request commercial zoning for this proposal. Planning Director Collins reviewed the Planning Department's staff report recommending approval of the request to circulate an annexation petition with the provision that the applicant's seek pre-annexation zoning prior to annexation action. He further explained that the property was originally classified as commercial and so was included in the City's Urban Growth Area (UGA). The classification was ultimately changed to low density residential (LDR) in the County's final Regional Plan. The applicant's are seeking annexation to the City so the property can be developed as commercial. Given the services in the area, Mr. Collins stated that the original commercial designation may best serve the area. Vice Chair Hewins opened the public heating. Margo Turner, 3904 South Reddick Road, responded to Commissioner Reed that she understands the sequence of events needed to accomplish a commercial annexation. She does not believe that residential development along Highway 101 at this location is desirable and that commercial development would better serve the community. Andy Meyer, County Planning Director, 223 East Fourth Street, stated that the County has no concerns regarding the annexation as the property is within the City's UGA. However, the County would oppose the Turners' request for a rezone to commercial, and did so some time ago, as commercial zoning at this location conflicts with the County's adopted Regional Plan. It may be appropriate at this time to review the land use designations of properties on the fringe of the UGA for appropriateness of zoning. There being no further testimony, Vice Chair Hewins closed the public heating. Following brief discussion, Commissioner Reed moved to recommend that the City Council approve the Turner's request to circulate an annexation petition with the provision that pre-zoning be sought prior to that submittal, citing the following findings and conclusions: 1. On April 14, 1999, the Planning Department received an annexation request from Mr. and Mrs. James Turner for a 4.53 acre area located south of US Highway 101 at Euclid Street on Old Joe Road. 2. On May 18, 1999, the City Council sent the request to the Planning Commission for review and a recommendation and set a date to discuss the request with the applicants for the City Council's June 1, 1999, meeting, per RCW 35A. 14.120. 37 Planning Commission Minutes - May 26, 1999 Page 3 3. Two property owners constitute the area in question. 4. The applicants will request pre-annexation zoning as described in RCW 35A.340. 5. The area of proposed annexation is currently designated as residential by the County. 6. The proposed annexation area is within the Port Angeles Urban Growth Area. 7. The nearest City utilities are located across (north) of US Highway 101 at this location. The subject property fronts on US Highway 101. 8. The factors considered under RCW 35A. 14.200 in review of annexation proposals include "the configuration of the area, comprehensive use plans and zoning, the likelihood of significant growth in the area and in adjacent incorporated and unincorporated areas during the next ten years, location and coordination of community facilities and services., the probable effect of the annexation proposal or alternatives on cost and adequacy of services and controls in the area, and the effect of the annexation proposal or alternatives on adjacent areas." 9. The Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan as amended June, 1997, contains 10 policies (Growth Management Element Policies B 1-10) directly related to annexations. 10. The proposed promotional annexation must comply with the City's annexation policies as established in the City's Comprehensive Plan and Resolution 18-78. 1. As conditioned, the proposed annexation is consistent with the City's annexation policies as established in the Comprehensive Plan Growth Management Element (Policies B 1-10) 2. The City's policies encourage annexation within the Port Angeles Urban Growth Area, which was established to accommodate growth which is expected to occur over the next twenty years. 3. There is access to the site for urban services. The motion was seconded by Commissioner King and passed 4-0. 38 CITY )F PORT AN GEI ES Da~me Phone: Location of area proposed for annexation, including legal description and street address (if available): Legal description of applieant(s') property within proposed annexation area: Assessed valuation of property within proposed areai $ 3- St/,o o, Assessed valuation of applicant(s') property within annexation area: ~ Names of streets within and adjacent to area proposed for annexation: Streets within: A/,~ ./~ Adjacent streets: ~')o ~ t.~. ~ ,I~- ~t v ~aa ~. ~-a~7) Size of propos~xt ~/fxation area: 39 "- ---~ ~ 27. 20. I ' 'i '1' 1 I~e~. I I''!- 1,0' I ! I.. I-- , ~ J J ' - n' ' ~.  ~,, , I~ - ~. ~~r~ . . '~~ 44 ~/m' 2.12 a. I 91 e. McCU~LOUGH ~.02 o. . . HO~ Z.60o. J 1oo 43TT9 44't~ ~44~ J'l' 44 HASSELL J ~H'IL~N6~ON ~ 3.900. does · .47 o. r. ..... ~.'~ ~o. ' LI~ArLIIY ~I~INGTQN ~.~7~. ~ ~*/~'1 9 ~ ~LALLAM COUNTY . ~_~:. DEPARTMENT OF & ._, . ~,~,lj' ,(fl~ ~ 7-JF~ ~ [~ [J ~/~r~]- COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BUn.D~Na Dzwszo~/Fnu~ MARSHAL ' I ' ~fiT~NGELES' ~ ~1 Fo~ST., P.O. Boxg63 E~mo~m~ ~ Division [ PLhNNINO DEpaRT~T ~o~ss, WA 98362~ 149 ~GDIWSlON~A~R~Y ' {g~'q~7 ~] F~ (3~) 417-2~3 May 24, ~999 Ms. Sue Roberds Planning Depa~ment Ci~ of Po~ Angeles Po~ Angeles, WA 98362 Dear Sue, Clallam County is in receipt of request to circulate an annexation petition. The property owned by the Turners is within the City of Port Angeles urban growth area and may therefore be annexed by the City. The Port Angeles Regional Comprehensive Plan was developed in 1994-1995 by sixty-seven appointed representatives drawn from neighborhood groups, City of Port Angeles City Council, City of Port Angeles Planning Commission, City of Port Angeles staff, County Commissioners, County Planning Commissioners, County staff, tribal interests, and other representatives of government and service providers. The Port Angeles Regional Plan designates the appropriate land use for this area as Urban Low Density which allows up to nine residential units per acre. This designation would have allowed apartment units to be constructed on this site with appropriate landscape buffering from State Route 101. Based on this designation, Clallam County is strongly opposed to the proposed commercial zoning of this property as it conflicts with the proposed land use designation and several comprehensive plan policies of the Port Angeles Regional Plan as well as the desires of the residents of that neighborhood as expressed in the adopted comprehensive plan. The policies listed below clearly show that the neighborhood residents who supported the development of the Port Angeles Regional Plan did not favor creating another commercial strip on the west side of Port Angeles similar to that which is seen on the east side of Port Angeles. This sentiment was also expressed by the members of the Port Angeles Regional Plan Land Use Subcommittee which included City of Port Angeles representation. The specific policies of the Port Angeles Regional Plan are listed below: Section 31.04.310 City of Port Angeles Urban Growth Area A Vision of the Port Angeles Urban Growth Area in 2014 Urban Growth Area General Land Use Issues The Highway 101 corridor on the west side of Port Angeles has not developed in tt3e "strip commercial" pattern prevalent on the east side of Port Angeles. Many homes and several multi-family developments are located on Highway 101 but are set well back from the roadway to limit problems with road noise. May 24, 1999 Page 2 Section 31.04.31 0 City of Port Angeles Urban Growth Area General Land Use Goals and Urban Density Issues The ~i_fy. nf pnrf An~nnln= =hn,,Icl h~ fh~ nrimnrv r'nmmarr-i.~l =nd =an~ir.a ranfcnr fnr fha Port Angeles region. Commercial development should be concentrated in the core of the City and in specified regional centers. Further strip development of Highway 101 west of the city should not be allowed in order to reduce congestion on Highway 101 and other arterials of regional significance. General Land Use Policies 41. Undeveloped portions of Highway 101 in the western portion of the urban growth area should be carefully planned to prevent the establishment of a narrow stdp commercial development pattern. When commercial land use demand increases in the western urban growth area, consideration should be given to the establishment of a Urban Regional Commercial Center at an artedal intersection with Highway 101. The Comprehensive Plan Policies listed above do not support the redesignation of the proposed annexation area to a Commercial zone. VVhile Clallam County would support annexation of the property to ' the City, the land use designation must be consistent with the adopted Comprehensive Plan developed with both City and County participation. Should the application proceed ahead with the proposed commercial designation, Clallam County will oppose the annexation with its proposed land use as it violates the adopted Comprehensive Plan. As the findings for the annexation must show that the proposed land use designation is in conformance with the Comprehensive Plan and this finding cannot be made, the County suggests that the annexation petition should only be allowed to proceed forward after the applicant has revised the proposed land use to one which conforms with the existing land use designation of this site. Thank you for the opportunity to comment on this request. Sincere_il,y, AndyM y ,AIC Planning Director cc. Board of Commissioners Bob Martin, Director 42 pop,fA.NelL,S WASHINGTON, U.S.A. Ci1 COUNCIL DATE: June 1, 1999 To: 1VIAYOR BRAUN AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: Jack Pittis, Director of Public Works SIJBJECT: 8th Street Restoration Project 99-08, Consultant Selection Issue: Approval of an engineering firm to provide design services and to prepare plans and contract documents for restoration of 8th Street. Recommendation: Authorize the Public Works Department to enter into scope and cost negotiations with the firm of Harding Lawson and Associates (HLA) to provide engineering services for the Sth Street Restoration Project No. 99-08, and authorize the Mayor to sign an agreement, subject to City Attorney aoDroval~ of a negotiated fee not to exceed $287~500.00. Backt~round/Analysis: The 8th Street pavement from C Street to Race Street is badly deteriorated and in urgent need of repair. A Public Works Trust Fund (PWTF) loan for total engineering and repair was applied for but not funded. In discUSsions with PWTF staff, they suggested that we apply for a pre-construction loan and then follow up wilt an application for a construction loan. The City obtained a PWTF pre-construction loan in the amount of $287,500.00. This Spring the Public Works Department applied for the second PWTF loan in the amount of $2,760,000 to fund construction and it is anticipated that the loan will be approved. The Public Works Department selected three firms from the Consultant Roster to submit proposals to design and provide construction support as needed for the reconstruction of 8th Street from "C" to Race Street. Two of the firms, KCM and HLA, provided proposals for our review. HDR declined to provide a proposal due to current work loads. The proposals were reviewed and rated against the selection criteria noted in the request for proposals. The Public Works review team unanimously selected the HLA proposal, and determined that interviews would not be required. The estimated project costs are: IThe estimated schedule is: [ Preliminary Engineering $ 57,500 Consultant Selected 5/99 Design Engineering $230,500 $ 387,500 Consultant Agreement Signed 6~99 Construction Inspection $100,000 Preliminary Engineering Report 8~99 Construction $2r660~000 Plans, Specifications, & Estimate 12/99 I Total Project Costs J $3,047,500 Advertise Project 4/00 Award Construction Project 5~00 Begin Construction 6/00 Complete Construction 10/00 Loc: N:~PROJECTSk99-08ST~CCCNSLT. WPD File: 99-08.04A 43 WASHINGTON, U.S.A. CItY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: .June 1, 1999 TO: MAYOR BRAUN AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: Bob Coons, Human Resource Manager SUBJECT: Art On The Town Project Issue: The Downtown Association is requesting that the City of Port Angeles participate in the "Art on the Town" project which is a public display of art in the downtown area. City Council approval as a sponsor with the Downtown Association is being requested by the Association, as most of the art would be placed on public right of way and the City is being asked to provide insurance for the art pieces under our umbrella coverage with WCIA. Arla Holzschuh, Executive Director of the Downtown Association will make a presentation to the City Council on this request. IRecommendation:That the City move to"Art on The Town", including Co_u, ncil co-sponsor insurance coverage of the art in the City s policy and authorize the Mayor to sign an agreement with the Downtown Association. Summary_: The City Council needs to decide if the City will be a co-sponsor with the Downtown Association for the "Art on The Town" project and if the City will provide the property insurance for the various art pieces to be placed on display in the downtown area. Background / Analysis: Attached for the City Council's information is a description of the "Art on The Town" project. In summary, the project is designed as an enhancement to the downtown area and Port Angeles community with a public display of outdoor art. Brochures will be available for the public as a self-guided tour of the art locations. Each piece will also have a plaque describing the art, sponsors and the artist. The current proposal has about 16-18 pieces of art and each piece would be on display for one year. A description and photo of the proposed pieces are also attached for your review. The Downtown Association would like to start preparation to display the art in a few weeks. The issue for the City Council is whether the City will be a sponsor with the Downtown Association and whether the City will insure the art. The City can add the value of the art to our umbrella property insurance policy through Washington Cities Insurance Authority (WCIA) for less than $100 per year. The overall value of the art is less that $100,000. The risk for the City would be that we have a $5,000 deductable on our insurance policy. 45 Ifa loss occurred to any of the art pieces under $5,000, it would be the City's liability. In an effort to work with the Association, Staff contacted a local insurance company that indicated that if a separate insurance policy were purchased for this coverage the premium would be in the range of $3,000-$5,000 per year. This insurance premium is much greater than the City's quote of less than $100 because the Cit?s property insurance is purchased from an extremely large insurance pool with billions of dollars in value, while a separate policy for only $100,000 or less value is a much greater risk for the insurance company. The City and the Downtown Association could also develop a sharing of the city's deductable in some manner to share the possible liability. The difficulty staff is told with this option is that the Downtown Association does not have funds at this time and would need to acquire donations to establish a liability fund dedicated to this purpose. In staff's investigation into the insurance matter other cities were contacted that have similar exterior public art displayed. Puyallup and Wenatchee have had identical projects for a number of years. Puyallup is a member of WCIA and the City insures the an. During the four years Puyallup has had their public an project they have not had any damage reported for insurance purposes. Wenatchee reports similar experiences. Additionally, the art is designed to be placed outdoors and is either made of bronze, other metals, granite and in a few cases wood. Aside from vandalism~ the risk is not great for a total loss or theft. Each art piece will be anchored securely in place. The Downtown Association desires to begin installing some of the an in a few weeks. The necessary contractual agreements between the City and the Downtown Association and the artist needs to be prepared if the City Council approves this request. Should approval be granted, staff will prepare the agreements for appropriate signatures. In order to do this, staff will need direction on the insurance issue as to whether the City will insure the art or some other option to include this in the final agreement with the Downtown Association. Aria Holzschuh, Executive Director of the Downtown Association will make the presentation to the City Council for your consideration of this matter. Attachments 1999 Art on the Town Entry Form '{must be completed by artist submitting artwork) ADDRESS: ~0~/31 /o~ Pl~ $.'-- PHONE: ~ 3 7 3 ~ Y ~ ~ EMAII~ ENTRY NO. 2 TITLE: .5~; ,i+~ o~ ~. se~. MEDIUM: £~ ~-c~ $ ~[v~ ow~ l~ DIMENSIONS: ;~ '~ ~3~;" RETAIL PRICE (or NFS):~ ~o~. ~ {include commission in this price) DESCRIPTION OF HOW TO SECURELY MOUNT THE PIECE: If you wi~h to enter moro t~an ~o pieco~ plea~ photocopy, this form. l Please photograph from all ~. filiaes ~om ~elected artwork become the pro~ty of Port Angeles Downtown Association for promotional purposes. Others will be returned. Please label your slides with your name and entry number. Artist's Biography tse relate the information about yourself that you would like communicated in the ~ ,motion of your work. Also. please describe any special techniques used in the production of your work. 1999 on the Town Entry Form {must be completed by artist submitting artwork) DDRESS: ?HONE~3~O~ ~_~'- ~/~ EMAIL: ENTRY NO. 1 TITLE: MEDIUM: ~,~,~ ;~ ~ DIMENSIONS: RI~.T_&II~ PRICE (or NFS): ~ ~ ~' ~-~' ~' ~ /~/~ × ~'× ~,? ~ (include commission in this price) DESCRIPTION OF HOW TO SECURELY MOUNT THE PIECE: ZNTRY NO. 2 TITLE: MEDIUM: ~<,//~-- ~ DIMENSIONS: RETAIL PRICE (or NFS):/~ ~~ o. ~-, ~, ~ ~ )~ /z/' ~' /'7 (include commission in this price} DESCRIPTION OF HOW TO SECURELY MOUNT THE PIECE: ~ ~."T'oV'/P~tD ' ?'-J,,"~ A.,'~<-.~ ~y-l_:~ ~., ,~ ~ ..,.'.-'%z' /-Z,,-_'z~.~/~., '.:-~_.- ,,~x.'z~ ~-.,.'?,,.,'u,' If you wish to enter more than two pieces, please photocopy this form. Please photograph from all sides. Slides from selected artwork become the property of the Port Angeles Downtown Association for promotional purposes. Others will be returned. Please label your slides with your name and entry number. Artist's Biography ~se relate the information about yourself that you would like communicated in the · ~motion of your work. Also, please describe any special techniques used in the production of your work. 1999 Art on the Town Entry Form {must be completed by artist submitting artwork} DESCRIPTION OF HOW TO SECURELY MOUNT THE PIECE: ENTRY NO. Z TITLE: MEDIUM: DIMENSIONS: RETAIL PRICE (or NFS): (include commission in this price) DESCRIPTION OF HOW TO ~ECURELY MOUNT THE PIECE: If you wish to enter more than two pieces, please photocopy this form. Please photograph from all sides. Slides from selected artwork become the property of the Port Angeles Downtown Association for promotional purposes. Others will be returned. Please label your slides with your name and entry number. Artist's Biography xse relate the information about yourself that you would like communicated in the ~_. Jmotion of your work. Also, please describe any special techniques used in the production of your work. To:C~de~iaBradt~rn ~ From;Cassiea.'xtJelfLaPierm-$hu~k 360-452.4262 :Ng/g9 14:17:4(~Oage3of3 Sen~ b7 the Award Winning Cheyenrte Bitware .999 Art on the Town Entry Form {must be completed by artist smxlamitti~g artwork} t ,C.., F-.'~'~'~ '" , /' ~ ~ , ~ ~ ; _ '~ ~ . . -,, /.' ~ ." v,::-~/ '-', ~' 7 '~. ~''''' . ..'~ ,' ,' ' DDHESS: .... /' /f ~ /" ~.- ~ ENTRY NO. 2 TITLE: MEDIUM: DIMENSIONS: RETAIL PRICE (or NFS}: {include commission in this price} DESCRIPTION OF HOW TO SECUBI~I.Y MOUNT THE PIECE: If you wish to e~uter more than two pieces, please photocopy this form.  ease photograph fi-om all sides. Slides from selected artwork become the property of the orr A~geles Downtown Association for promotional purposes. Others will be returned. Please label your slides with your name and entry number. Artist's Biography Please relate the information about yourself that you would like communicated in the ?romoti~ of your work. Also, please describe any special techniques used in the '~duction of your work. 1999 Art on the Town Entry Form (must be completed by artist submitting artwork) ADDRESS: ENTRY NO. 1 S~V~ ~ I-~q ~'~-% TITLE: ~,~E,~-~o~T~S pEre¢^~IEDIUM: ~-~0~ ~6A~7~~ DIMENSIONS: A,~. ~4~ 2~RETAIL PRICE (or NFS): ~~ (include commission in this price) DESCRIPTION OF HOW TO SECURELY MOUNT THE PIECE: ENTRY NO. 2 ~/" ~/> E ~ ~ TITLE: l~d[~$ ~-~ CA~o~(~ MEDIUM:/~-GOO ~~q~~ DIMENSIONS: AP~ ~Z g/6"~ g~ R~AIL PRICE (or NFS): (~o ~m) (ehca~ (include commission in this price) DESCRIPTION OF HOW TO SECUHELY MOUNT THE PIECE: If you wish to enter more than two pieces, please photocopy this form. Please photograph from all si~es. Slides from selected artwork become the property of the Port Angeles Downtown Association for promotional purposes. Others will be returned. Please label your slides with your name and entry number. ArtisCs Biography xse relate the information about yourself that you would like communicated in the p.-omotion of your work. Also. please describe any special techniques used in the production of your work. 1999 Art °n the Town Entry Form (must be completed by artist submitting artwork) AODRESS: 4~l~3 zS~ ~~ ~ PHONE: /_ .~ (::,~ - <~'S- ~/8/t EMAII..: ENTRY NO. 2 TITLE: MEDIUM: DIMENSIONS: RETAIL PRICE (or NFS): (include commission in this price) DESCRIPTION OF HOW TO SECURELY MOUNT THE PIECE: If you wish to enter more than two pieces, please photocopy this form. Please photograph Erom all sides. Slides from selected artwork become the property of the Port Angeles Downtow.- Association for promotional purposes. Others will be returned. Please label your slides with your name and entry n,,mber. Artist's Biography ' ~ase relate the infarmation about yourself that you would like communicated in the ~motion of your work. Al~o. please descrx~be any special techniques used in the ~-_ oduction of your wari~ 1999 Art on Town Entry Form (must be completed by artist submitting artwork) ADDRESS: ~0~/ /~rv<~f~eCT /~/~. /~2. g~ ~ ~'~ ~/ - /40~ ENTRY NO. 1 TITLE: ~ _ ~-/o~--<L MEDIUM: L,oeccl¢ct DIMENSIONS: RETAIL PRICE ~ HT~ 3/~"dee~ ~ ~/ /~ ~ (include commission in this price) DESCRIPTION OF HOW TO ~ECUR~LY MOUNT THE PIECE: - ENTRY NO. 2 TITLE: MEDIUM: DIMENSIONS: RETAIL PRICE (or NFS): (include commission in this price} DESCRIPTION OF HOW TO SECURELY MOUNT THE PIECE: If you wish to enter more than two pieces, please photocopy this form. Please photograph from all sides. Slides from selected artwork become the property of the Port Angeles Downtown Association for promotional purposes. Others will be returned. Please label your slides with your name and entry number. Artist's Biography ,ase relate the information about yourself that you would like communicated in the _ emotion of your work. Also, please describe any special techniques used in the ~roduction of your work. 1999 on Town Entry Form (taus[ be completed by artist submitting artwork) ~DDRESS: ~. ~).~C)~ ~f ENTRY NO. 1 TITLE: "~~ [f~ ~---~~ q MEDIUM: ~~~-~ DIMENSIONS: ~ - l~"~ ~- ~/~tt,~ ~.? RETAIL PRICE (or NFS): ~' ~/~?~)- (include commission in this prxee) DESCRIPTION OF .HOW TO SECURELY MOUNT THE PIECE: · 'NTHY NO. 2 TITLE: ~/~{~t~.~' MEDIUM: ~O~Z~-. DIMENSIONS: h - Iz~tt ~/- [ ~ ~ j- RETAIL PRICE (or NFS): ~ ~~f~~'] f~ (include commission in this'~ice) DE~~N OF HOW TO SE~RELY MOUN~ THE elECE: If you wish to enter more than two pieces, please photocopy this form. Please photograph from all sides. Slides from selected artwork become the property of the Port Angeles Downtown Association for promotional purposes. Others will be returned. Please label your slides with your name and entry number. Artist's Biography /.~/~~ F~F~~.~ ~. r se relate the information ab~xt yourself that you would l~ke communicated in the i motion of your work. Also, please describe any special techniques used in the production of your work. 1999 Art on the Town Entry Form {must be completed by artist submitting artwork} '{E: STEVE JENSEN ADDRESS: 1424 TENTH AVENUE SEATTLE WA 98122 PHONE: 206.323.8020 EMAII~ ENTRY NO. 1 SERENGETI TITLE: MEDIUM: NATURALLY FELLED CEDAR DIi, iENSIONS: 120" TALL EACH RETAIL PRICE (or NFS): .$.1 ~, 000 .. 00. (include commission in ~axs prlcej DESCRIPTION OF HOW TO SECURELY MOUNT THE PIECE: SEE ENCLOSED ENTRY NO. 2 TITLE: MEDIUM: DIMENSIONS: RETAIL PRICE (or NFS): (include commission in this price) DESCHIPTION OF HOW TO SECURELY MOUNT THE PIECE: If you wish to enter more than two pieces, please photocopy this form. Please photograph from all sides. Slides from selected artwork become the property of the Port Angeles Downtown Association for promotional purposes. Others will be returned. Please label your slides with your name and entry number. Artist's Biography ase relate the information about yourself that you would like communicated in the ~--omotion of your work. Also. please describe ax~y special techniques used in the production of your work. 1999 Art on the Town Entry Form (must be completed by artist submitting artwork} ENTRY NO. 2 TITLE: MEDIUM: DIMENSIONS: RETAIL PRICE (or NFS): (include commission in this price} DESCHIPTION OF HOW TO SECURELY MOUNT THE PIECE: If you wish to enter more than two pieces, please photocopy this farm. Please photograph from all sides. Slides from selected artwork become the property of the Port Angeles Downtown Association for promotional purposes. Others will be returned. Please label your slides with your name and entry number. Artist's Biography '~ase relate the iuformation about yourself that you would like communicated in the omotion of your work. Also, please describe any special techniques used in the production of your work. 1999 Art on the Town Entry Form {must be completed by artist submitting artwork} JIM L. MATTERN aDDRESS: 10912 60th AVENUE N W GIG HARBOR, WA. 98332-8504 .~HONE: (253) 857-2618 TITLE: WINNER TAKE ALL FURE DIMENSIONS: (NON-EXISTING ~ ~ ~): $ 23,000.00 APPROXIMATELY 8FT H x 6FT W ~ Ln this price) We can adjust size to fit ap~ DESCRIPTION OF HOW TO S ,~ WALL HANGING ON MASONRY, USE EXPANDING LU~ ~'.NTRY NO. 2 TITLE: SAN JUAN SUMMER MOON MEDIUM: METAL SCULPTURE DIMENSIONS: (NON-EXISTING WORK) RETAIL PRICE (or NFS): $ 21,000.0o APPROXIMATELY 4FT H x 8FT L x 8" D {include commission in this price) We can adjust size to fit application. DESCRIPTION OF HOW TO SECURELY MOUNT THE PIECE: WALL HANGING ON MASONRY, USE EXPANDING LUGS, ON WOOD USE LAG BOLTS. If you wish to enter more than two pieces, please photocopy this form. Please photograph from all sides. Slides from selected artwork become the property of the Port Angeles Downtown Association for Promotional purposes. Others will be returned. Please label your slides with your name and entry number. Artist's Biography · se relate the information about yourself that you would like communicated in the 1~-omotion of your work. Also, please describe any special techniques used in the production of your work. 1999 on the Town Entry Form (must be completed by artist submitting artwork) ADDRESS: /~ o ~/ z~0 ~ ~ ENTRY NO. 1 TITLE: ~lD~ ~0 ~ ~I~. MEDIUM: DIMENSIONS: ~'h ~ ~O'c~ (~ ~ RETAIL PRICE (or NFS): (include commission in this price) DESCRIPTION OF HOW TO SECUHELY MOUNT THE PIECE: p~c~ ENTRY NO. 2 TITLE: MEDIUM: DIMENSIONS: RETAIL PRICE (or NFS): (include commission in this price) DESCRIPTION OF HOW TO SECURELY MOUNT THE PIECE: If you wish to enter more than two pieces, please photocopy this form. Please photograph from all sides. Slides from selected artwork become the property of the Port Angeles Downtown Association for promotional purposes. Others will be returned. Please label your slides with your name and entry number. Artist's Biography ase relate the information about yourself that you would like communicated in the ~,omotion of your work. Also, please describe any spe. cial techniques used in the production of your work. 1999 Art on the Town Entry Form (must be completed by artist submitting artwork} NAME: A~DRESS: PHONE:(L~) q~q- 5/0 ~? EMAIL: ENTRY NO. 1 · {i~lude commission ~ th~ ~ice) D~CRW~ON OF HOW TO ~REIY M~NT ~ P~ ENTRY NO. 2 {~clude co~~sion in th~ DE$CRIP~ON OF HON TO ~RELY MOUNT ~ P~ ir you wish to enter more than two lfleces, plea~ phot0eopy thi~ fm-m. Please photogral~h l~rom ~11 ~id~$. 51id~ ~om selzeted ~xtmo~k becomz t~e~ prol~w~ of Lh~ Po~t A~geles Dow~towu A.r~oei~tiz~ ¢o? l~omo~Aonal p~poses. Othe~ ~1~ be r~x~ne& Please label your slides with your name and entry n,,mber. Artist's Biography P'-~se relate the infarmation about yourself that you would Like comm~tnicated in the i notion of your work. Al=o. please descr/be ax~y special techniques used in the p,-oduction of your wm-k. © pORTAN ErES ,~i~ W A S H I N G T O N, U.S.A. POLICE DEPARTMENT DATE: May 27, 1999 TO: Mayor Braun and City Council FROM: Steve Ilk, Chief of Police SUBJECT: Position Justification - AS/400 Systems Administrator Summary: An AS/400 System Administrator position is needed to plan and maintain the complex Peninsula Communications (PenCom) regional computer system. This position is critical to optimize the system and protect the investment of the City, PenCom user agencies and the public. The annual cost of this position is $3,239 - $4,047 per month plus benefits (range 25) which is budgeted for in the Clallam County 1999 Enhanced 9-1-1 budget and can be transferred to the City to fund this position. Recommcnd,ltion: Authorize the creation of the position, the establishment of a current eligibility list for the position and the hiring of a qualified individual for the position. Background/Analysis: In 1997, using 9-1-1 funding bom the state and county, the City purchased a state of the art IBM AS/400 computer and public safety software to replace an aging system. The function of this regional computer network is to support effective emergency dispatching, reporting and management uses of the information collected. The City of Port Angeles Police and Fire Depa~hnents, Clallam County Sheriff's Department, Sequim Police Department and Clallam County Fire Protection Districts 2 and 3 are major users of and contributors to this PenCom system. These agencies recognized the need for long term expertise in designing, installing and maintaining an increasingly complex and valuable system and have explored various options to obtain it. The options are, 1) hiring an individual to administer the system, 2) outsourcing and 3) hiring a person on a personal services contract. Information System managers were consulted for their recommendation. They advised the PenCom Advisory Board that outsourcing and personal services contracts could be very costly and would not provide a desirable long term solution. Contracting is most effective when the scope of work is narrow and all work can be identified. Any unforseen problems or work not initially agreed to in the contract would undoubtably be very expensive or even refused by the contractor. The PenCom Advisory Board decided that a system in which over half a million dollars has been invested should be protected and optimized. This could best be done by hiring an individual who works for and is supervised by the City of Port Angeles Information Services division. The PenCom Advisory Board and City staff have determined that a full time position is needed due to the complexity of the system and the numerous agencies participating. A job description for AS/400 system administrator was created and fimding secured from the County 9-1-1 fimds. These funds will be transferred annually to the City from the County according to terms in the current interlocal agreement for PenCom services. Based on this information, the police depath,ent on behalf of the PenCom user agencies, respectfully requests and recommends that the Council authorize the creation of the position and hiring of a system administrator. 47 PROJECT DESCRIPTION The City of Port Angeles is completing a regional computer project the purpose of which is to support more effective emergency dispatching, reporting and management uses of the information collected. Peninsula Communications, a public safety dispatch center, is operated by the City of Port Angeles and resides in the Police Depashnent in City Hall. It provides services to 5 law enforcement and 5 fire/EMS agencies in Clallam County. The City of Port Angeles has contracted with New World Systems to provide computer aided dispatch (CAD) soft'ware for the communications center and records management software for the Port Angeles Police Deparmaent, Clallam County Sheriff's Department and Sequim Police Department. The sofhvare is installed on an IBM AS400 9406-620 currently housed in the Clallam County Courthouse. The system will interface with Enhanced 9-1-1, Sunpro Fire/EMS Records Management system, state/NCIC law enforcement teletype system, Zetron TDDs, and a master clock. The dispatch center will be networked to both Clallam County and the City of Port Angeles. SCOPE OF WORK Planning. The successful system analyst will confer with user agencies to determine network and hardware needs and develop the appropriate network designs. He or she will develop design specifications, write documentation for complex network systems and will analyze network interdependencies. He or she will assess and recommend type, number and cost of hardware devices to best suit the needs of individual agencies. The system analyst will estimate total job time and cost for each individual agency to realize full benefits of the software/AS400 upgrade and provide written recommendations and project plan to the PenCom Advisory Board. Installation. The system analyst will configure and install PC's, printers, cabling, modems, controllers, lines and other hardware. He or she will evaluate, configure, set up, install and test personal computer hardware; integrate and communicate with AS400 as appropriate. The system analyst will assist users in installation of new software. He or she will coordinate with user agency personnel regarding system installation, solving operational problems and provide basic user training when required. He or she will also analyze, operate, administer, test and implement network interconnections of devices, systems, network operating systems and/or communications services to meet the functional objectives of the various user agencies. Future Recommendations. The system analyst will provide professional and technical advice to user agencies in developing systems and maintaining existing systems. He or she will assist with planning system configuration changes and upgrades for future growth as well as determine the cost/benefit effectiveness of recommendations. He or she will project long-term agency requirements. 48 WASHINGTON, U.S.A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO CITY MANAGER'S REPORT June 1, 1999 Juan de fuca Festival of the arts May 28-31 All Day Memorial Day Observance Monday, May 31 City Hall Closed City Council Meeting Tuesday, June 1 6:00 p.m. Gateway Steering Committee Thursday, June 3 8:30 a.m. WRIA Coordinating Council Thursday, June 3 10:00 a.m. Jack Pittis' retirement celebration Friday, June 4 6:00 p.m. Utility Advisory Committee Monday, June 7 3:00 p.m. Board of Adjustment Monday, June 7 7:00 p.m. Law Enforcement Advisory Board Tuesday, June 8 6:30 p.m. Planning Commission Wednesday, June 9 7:00 p.m. Solid Waste Advisory Committee Thursday, June 10 3:00 p.m. Employee Barbeque Lunch [City Hall] Friday, June 11 Noon Landfill Benefit "Dump Day" Sunday June 13 9:00 - 3:00 City Council Meeting Tuesday, June 15 6:00 p.m. AWC Conference [Wenatchee] June 22-25 All day Planning Commission Wednesday, June 23 7:00 p.m. Elwha Morse Management Team Monday, June 28 7:00 p.m. Downtown Forward Monday, June 28 7:00 a.m. Gateway Steedng Committee Thursday, July 1 8:15 a.m. Fourth of July Holiday Observance Monday, July 5 All Day City Council Meeting Tuesday, July 6 6:00 p.m. 49 City Manager's Report June 1, 1999 Page 2 NEW FIRE TRUCK TO BE AT NEXT MEETING Many of you may know that the City has taken delivery of our new fire truck. ChiefBecker will have the new truck available for your viewing prior to the meeting. PRELIMINARY BUDGET SCHEDULE Attached is a preliminary schedule for the preparation of the 2000 Budget. This schedule also includes the schedule for development of the update for the Capital Facilities Plan, Six Year Transportation Plan and Equipment Replacement Schedule which are integral parts of our budget process. This schedule is a target to shoot for but could be changed by unforseen conflicts and our new City Manager, Mike Quinn, might have some other ideas on the subject. STATUS OF MARINE SANCTUARY Sue Roberds contacted Carol Berenthal of NOAA who is responsible for the existing Pacific Coast Marine Sanctuary. Her office is located in the Federal Building Downtown. The original move to create a sanctuary in this area (Straits to San Juans) died due to overlapping jurisdictional problems. There is a movement at this time called the "Murray/Metcalf Commission" to look into a local sanctuary at the state/county level. The coordinator for that effort is Tom Cohen, Padilla Bay. Carol indicated that she would be happy to make a presentation to Council, if desired. She is sending me a packet of materials which we should receive in today or tomorrow's mail. APPOINTMENT OF CITY REPRESENTATIVE TO TECHNICAL REVIEW COMMYITEE FOR FISH RESTORATION PROJECT REVIEW The City of Port Angeles is a member of the Lead Entity Group (LEG) for WRIAs 18-20 and have been asked to appoint an expert to the Technical Review Group (TRG) that will be reviewing the technical merit of the fish restoration projects for our area. Brad Collins has identified four candidates for appointment to the TRG They are Pete Schroeder, Dick Goin, Jim Walton, and Mike McHenry. Pete and Dick both said they would be willing to sit on the TRG over the next few years and determine whether or not a proposed project merits funding. Jim declined, and Mike is going to be appointed by the Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe. Jim suggested that Jack Ganthorn at Peninsula College would be another fish expert that we could consider. At this point, Brad and I would recommend either Pete, who is a marine biologist and was a member of the City's Shoreline Advisory Committee but who is living on the Dungeness River, or Dick, who is a City resident and very knowledgeable about local fisheries but who is not a biologist, be appointed to represent the City's interests in the Technical Review Group. BUILDING CODE BOARD OF APPEALS APPOINTMENTS There are two issues to be addressed by the Council on the matter of the membership of the Building Code Board of Appeals: 1. Greg Bondy is serving his second term (3/1/98 - 3/1/2002), and we learned that he had moved to Port Hadlock. Greg has indicated he would like to continue his membership on the Board of Appeals. City Attorney Knutson and Building Official Haehnlen believe that there would be no problem in having Mr. Bondy retain his membership, but we need to have the Council provide some direction on this recommendation. 50 City Manager's Report June 1, 1999 Page 3 2. Fredrick Norton is serving his first term on the Building Code Board of Appeals (3/1/96 - 3/1/2000). Mr. Norton was recently appointed to the Planning Commission, and the question must be asked whether one person can serve on more than one City board or commission. As an added consideration, it has been extremely difficult to fill vacancies on the Board of Appeals. In spite &the fact that we have very few appeals filed, we might not want to strip the Board of two members at the same time. The staff recommends that both Mr. Bondy and Mr. Norton be retained on the Building Code Board of Appeals and request a motion to that effect. HOOD CANAL BRIDGE TOLL MEETING Bob Smith from Sequim is coordinating a group to testify at a state Bridge Toll Meeting to be held on June 15th at 8:30 a.m. in the SeaTac small auditorium. He is requesting that Tim Smith and the Mayor or a Council member testify on the impact of tolls to our area. In addition, he is asking if we can recommend someone that has a fixed income that must travel over the bridge ot~en to also attend. FUTURE COUNCIL AGENDA ITEMS Below is a listing of future issues scheduled for City Council review/discussion/approval. The schedule is preliminary but will provide the City Council with a rough idea of what is approaching on your meeting agendas. · Final Assessment Hearing for Golf Course Rd Sewer LID June 15th meeting · Consultant contract for Gateway Project June 15th meeting · Convention Center proposal by Promus Hotels June 15th meeting · Request from TOPS [Thermal Oxidation Process Systems] UAC on June 7 to use landfill for demonstration · Presentation of vision for Rayonier Site UAC on July 1277 Attachment: Memo on Preliminary 2000 Budget Schedule G:~EXCHANGE\CNCLPKT~CTYMGR\CMREPT~99~q. JNE 1.WPD [p_ORTANGtLE. S Date: June 1, 1999 M ~' J~/J[ 0 To: Department Heads From: Jack Pittis, Interim City Manager Subject: 2000 Budget Calendar City Manager's Office The following is the preliminary 2000 Budget Process Calendar and associated other activities, subject to adjustment by Mike Quinn and other conflicts: Jack Pittis Intedm City Manager Sharon 'Sam" Martin May 28 Memo to Department Heads to update Capital Facility Plan Project List Executive Administrative Assistant June 11 Capital Facility Projects due Becky J. Upton, CMC June 28/July 2 Council Committee review Capital Facility Plan projects list city ClerkAssistant/Management June 30 Prepare Equipment Replacement Policy for equipment rates, replacement schedule Robert Coons July 6 Council Workshop - Review transportation projects list in CFP Human Resources Manager July?.? Council Committee review Equipment Replacement schedule Camille Headrick July 10 Prepare personal services budget worksheets, update five year forecast, Human Resources Assistant update other budget worksheets; Finance July 15 Distribute personal services budget worksheets and provide departments network access to base budget worksheets and forms, (including supplemental requests); Finance July 20 Council Meeting - Public Hearing and adoption of 6 YEAR TIP August ?? Council Meeting - Review and approve CFP and Equip. Repl. Schedule August 20 Line item changes to be entered to network, supplemental forms due to Finance; [all departments] August 31 Complete revenue forecast and debt service for all funds [Finance] Aug. 31/Sept 10 Finalize interfund charges; Finance, PW [Engr. and Equipment Services] Sept. 17 Revenue and expenditure summaries (including supplemental requests) are ~resented to City Manager for review Sept. 21-24 Department Heads meet with City Manager; Department Heads ??? City Manager and Department Heads meet with Council Budget Committe~, ??? Council Workshop - Budget workshop with Council as a whole Dec. 7 Council Meeting - Adopt final 2000 Budget 52 N:~PWKS~A_OITYM~BU D_OAL.WPD MINUTES PLANNING COMMISSION Port Angeles, Washington 98362 May 12, 1999 7:00 p.m. ROLL CALL Members Present: Linda Nutter, Dean Reed, Fred Norton, Fred Hewins, Jason Robotkay Members Absent: Mary Craver, Bob King Staff Present: Brad Collins, Sue Roberds, Dave Sawyer, Dan McKeen Public Present: Mark Steepy, Susan Bauer, Jack Heckman, Ken Sweeney APPROVAL OF MINUTES Commissioner Nutter moved to approve the April 14, 1999, meeting minutes as presented. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Reed and passed 3 - 0 with Commissioners Norton and Robotkay abstaining. PUBLIC HEARINGS: BINDING SITE IMPROVEMENT PLAN (BSIP) - PORT OF PORT ANGELES - Ai~ort Industrial Park, south of the 2300 to 2400 Blocks of West 18th Slreelx Preliminary review of a Binding Site Improvement Plan for a 25 site development in the Industrial Light zone. (Continued fi.om April 14). Planning Director Collins explained that the original 25 lot Binding Site Improvement Plan (BSIP) has been amended to include only two lots (24 and 25). The Planning Department's recommendation has been revised with regard to requirement improvements to the access rights-of-way because with the amendment, the proposal is for interior development. Sidewalk and street improvements are located within the proposed area and abutting the two lot proposal. Vice Chair Hewins opened the public hearing. Ken Sweeney, Environmental Manager for the Port of Port Angeles, 338 West First Street, Port Angeles, WA, stated that the Port is in agreement with the revised conditions resulting fi.om the amendment to the two lot BSIP. He reviewed staff's conditions and noted that most if not all the conditions have been met. Building to building walkways are not planned. Bicycle paths are not specifically defined, however, there is adequate developed right-of-way (32') to allow the dual use as curbside parking is seldom seen due to the provision of paved parking within the sites. Although the streets have not been dedicated to the City, the stormwater drainage improvements were deeded in 1994. The improved streets will be dedicated prior to final approval of the BSIP. There being no further comments, Vice Chair Hewins closed the public hearing. 53 Planning Commission Minutes - May 12, 1999 Page 2 Following brief discussion, Commissioner Reed moved to approve the preliminary binding site improvement plan with the following conditions, findings, and conclusions: 1. The legal descriptions for Lots 24 and 25 shall be provided to the Planning Department and subject to new building setback requirements, landscape buffers, and infrastructure improvements. 2. West Nineteenth and "0" Streets and utilities serving Lots 24-25, including stormwater drainage improvements, shall be brought into compliance with the City's urban services standards and shall be dedicated to the City. 3. Except for discrepancies between minimum standards or dimensions noted in BSIP 99-01 final approval, more restrictive standards contained in Zoning Regulations, Building Codes, or other official regulations shall apply. 4. Building setbacks consistent with the current Zoning Code shall be identified on the final BSIP 99-01(A) and address numbers placed on the lots, which will be provided by the Building Division. 5. Stormwater improvement plans shall be submitted for approval per the City's urban services standards and made prior to final plat approval. 6. A circulation system incorporating appropriate provisions and providing sufficient area for safe pedestrian activity to the site from the street and from building to building within the site shall be submitted for Planning Commision approval at the time of BSIP 99-01(A) final approval. 7. A plan for industrial park amenities including but not limited to facilities for pedestrian and other alternate nonmotorized modes of transportation, the public transit system, and industrial park design concepts shall be submitted for Planning Commission approval at the time of BSIP 99-01(A) final approval and installed within six years of the time of the BSIP 99-01(A) final approval. 8. A description of the facilities shared by the development complex of mixed commercial and/or industrial businesses shall be provided and the system of common management of those facilities shall be described on the face of the BSIP 99-01(A) final mylar. 1. The Revised Code of Washington RCW 58.17 contains the State's guidelines for the uniform division of land within the State of Washington, and Section 58.17.035 sets out requirements that the City is following for binding site improvements plans. Planning Commission Minutes - May 12, 1999 Page $ 2. Chapter 16.10 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code (PAMC) sets forth local requirements for the approval of binding site improvement plans. 3. Twenty standards and criteria, which must be met prior to approval of a BSIP, are listed in PAMC 16.10.040. 4. Section 16.10.030 PA.MC provides that the Planning Commission shall examine BSIP applications for proposals exceeding 5 acres in size, along with written recommendations of the City Departments, and shall either approve, approve with conditions, or deny the BSIP within the time requirements of Chapter 18.02 PAMC. 5. The Port Angeles Planning, Public Works, and Fire Departments reviewed the revised BSIP 99-01(A) proposal and had no objections. 6. Review of the proposal by the City's Fire, Public Works, and Planning Departments resulted in proposed conditions. 7. Preliminary approval is based upon one drawing dated April 15, 1999. 8. The subject site is 4.4 acres located in Suburban Lots 123, 124, 125, 144, 145, and 146 south of W. 18th Street and is an area known as the North Fairchild (Airport) Industrial Park. 9. The property has to a large extent already been developed following an industrial park plan approved by the City in 1977 through an M-1 Permit process then existing in the City's Zoning Code. The M-1 Permit was never finaled by the dedication of the rights-of-way and cannot be amended because the M-1 Permit process no longer exists in the City's Zoning Code. The BSIP proposes to dedicate rights-of-way for "O" and W. 19th Streets as well as a 20 foot wide drainage easement. 10. The property to the east and west ofthe subject site south of W. 18th St. is owned by the Port of Port Angeles and was developed prior to current urban service standards. Property to the north of W. 18th St. is zoned for single family residential and multiple family uses but is only partially developed. The property to the south is used for the William Fairchild International Airport runways. 11. The subject property is identified as Industrial on the Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan land use map and is zoned IL, Industrial Light. 12. The proposal has been reviewed with respect to the Comprehensive Plan. The following Comprehensive Plan policies are found to be most relevant to the proposal: Growth Management Element Goal A; Land Use Element Goal A, Policy A.2, Goal G, Policy G. 1, Goal H, Policies H. 1, H.2, H.3, and H.4; Transportation Element Goal A, Policies A.1, A.2, A.3, and A.6, Goal B, Policy B.9, B.11, B.15, and B.17, Objectives B.2 and B.3; Utilities and Public Services Element Policies A.4, B. 1, C. 1, and C.2, Objective C. 1, Goal D, Policies D. 1 and D.6; Conservation Element Policies B. 11, B. 13, and B.20, Objective B.2; Capital Facilities Element Goal A, Policies A.9, §5 Planning Commission Minutes - May 12. 1999 Page 4 A. 10, and A.11, Goal B, Policies B.1, B.2, B.3, B.4, B.5, B.6, and B.7, Objective B. 1, Goal C, Policies C.2, C.4, and C.7; Economic Development Element Goal A, Policies A. 1, A.2, A.3, A.4, A.5, A-7, and A. 10. 13. The Comprehensive Plan requires concurrency for streets, water service, sanitary sewer service and electrical service (Capital Facilities Element Policy A.9). 14. The site is currently accessed by W. 18th Street, which is designated as an arterial on the City's Comprehensive Plan Circulation Map and is not improved with curb, gutter, and sidewalk, except for a portion north of the subject site. 15. There are no environmentally sensitive areas on the site. 16. All utilities including potable water, sanitary waste, and refuse collection are available in the area. 17. The site will be serviced by the City's Police, Fire, and Public Works Departments. 18. The Port of Port Angeles adopted an existing Determination of Nonsignificance on January 15, 1999, satisfying SEPA. 19. Changes to previously approved lots (Lots 1-23) within the Airport Industrial Park will require a new BSIP application. Conclusions_: A. As conditioned, the proposed BSIP is consistent with the Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Code. B. As conditioned, the proposal is consistent with the Chapter 16.10 PAMC, and the Washington State Subdivision Act, Chapter 58.17 RCW. C. As conditioned, appropriate provisions have been made for the public health, safety and general welfare and for the twenty BSIP standards and criteria. D. As conditioned, the public interest is served in the binding site improvement planning of this subdivision as articulated in the City's Comprehensive Plan, Subdivision, and Zoning Ordinances. BSIP 99-01(A) provides for development of industrial development within the City of Port Angeles consistent with the Growth Management Act. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Nutter and passed 5-0. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT~- CUP 99-08 - SPLITROCK COMMUNICATIONS_-~L937_East_EirsLStree~ A proposal to establish a telecommunication utility structure in the Commercial Arterial zone by conditional use permit. 56 Planning Commission Minutes - May 12, 1999 Page 5 Senior Planner Sawyer reviewed the Planning Department's staff report recommending approval of the application. Vice Chair Hewins opened the public hearing. Mark Steepy, KPFF Consulting, 1201 3rd Street Suite 900, Seattle, ~r',4 98101, stated agreement with the staff's conditions of approval. It is possible a second structure may be desired at a future date to allow for expansion of the use to meet industry requirements. He asked that relocation within the approved building area be included in the decision. Any such additions would be within the required footprint for structures on the site. The site will be surrounded with a solid wood fence as is required by City Code. There being no further questions, Vice Chair Hewins closed the public heating. Commissioner Reed moved to approve the conditional use permit with the following conditions, findings, and conclusions: 1. Approval of CUP 99-08 is limited to a single structure within the lease area as described in Attachment B of the May 12, 1999 Staff Report for CLIP 99-08. 2. All aspects of the project shall meet or exceed all Local, State, and Federal codes. 3. The project shall comply with the recommendations contained in the letter regarding this site fi.om Clark Land Office to Mr. Mark Steepy of KPFF Consulting Engineers dated April 1, 1999 included in Attachment B. Based on information provided in the May 12, 1999, Staff Report for CUP 99-08, (including all of its attachments), comments and information presented during the May 12, 1999, public hearing, and the Planning Commission's discussion and deliberation, the City of Port Angeles Planning Commission hereby finds: 1. The applicant, Splitrock Services, Inc. applied for a conditional use permit to construct an eight foot high structure to house unmanned telephone switching equipment. The proposed structure is 11.5' by 18.75' and will be located in a 30' by 40' area to be leased for the sole use by this applicant. The leased area will be enclosed by a six foot 'high solid wood fence. The application is identified as Attachment B to the May 12, 1999, Staff Report for CUP 99-08; 2. The Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation for the site is Commercial [C]; 3. The site is zoned Commercial, Arterial [CA]; 4. A Determination of Non-Significance (#846) was issued for the proposal on May 6, 1999; 57 Planning Commission Minutes - May 12. 1999 Page 6 5. The site is located near the north end of the owner's existing commercial property located east of Ennis Creek Road; 6. The overall property contains several other structures serving other businesses including a mattress shop and a used car dealership; 7. Access to the site is from Upper Ennis Creek Road; 8. The site is level and separated from the nearby Ennis Creek by a steep road cut and two improved roads; 9. The site was reviewed for geological hazards in a letter from Clark Land Office to Mr. Mark Steepy of KPFF Consulting Engineers dated April 1, 1999 included in Attachment B; 10. Clark Land Office recommended footings for the proposed structure be located a minimum of 15' from the top of the existing mad cut and all surface water runoff be directed away from the slope; 11. A utility building or structure is a conditionally permitted use in the CA zone; 12. The proposed addition will not require any additional parking spaces; 13. The Comprehensive Plan's Utilities and Public Services Element Policy B3, calls for the City to support increased telecommunication opportunities; 14. The Public Works Department and Fire Department did not recommend any specific conditions of approval; and 15. No comments were receive from the public. C_onclusions: Based on information provided in the May 12, 1999, Staff Report for CLIP 99-08, (including all of its attachments), comments and information presented during the May 12, 1999 public hearing, the Planning Commission's discussion and deliberation, and the above listed findings, the City of Port Angeles Planning Commission hereby concludes: A. The proposed project is consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Ordinance and Parking Ordinance; C. The proposed project is compatible with the adjacent Comprehensive Plan and Zoning designations and existing land uses; D. The proposed project's design and location meet the intent of the City's Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Ordinance and Parking Ordinance. Specifically, the Comprehensive Plan's Utilities and Public Services Element Policy B3; and Planning Commission Minutes - May 12, 1999 Page 7 E. The proposed project is in the public interest. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Nutter and passed 5 - 0. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT - CUP 99-07 - BUDGET RENT-A-CAR - 1937 East First Street: A proposal to establish an off-street parking lot for overflow parking associated with a permitted car rental and storage use in the Central Business District. Planning Specialist Sue Roberds reviewed the Planning Department's staff report recommending approval of the use for one additional year. Vice Chair Hewins opened the public heating. Jack Heckman, 111 East Front Street, answered questions regarding the use of the subject property as an unimproved offstreet parking lot in association with the Budget Rent A Car use in the Central Business District. As a temporary overflow parking area, the lot has not been required to be improved to minimum standards for the past seven years. There is a real need for overflow parking during the summer months in the Downtown area. He would rather the use not be a year to year approval but understands that the reason is due to future plans for revitalization of the Downtown and the uncertainty as to what will happen with the subject area. In response to Commissioner Nutter, he stated that he is aware that the site tends to look cluttered with trash. Due to the topography of the site and wind patterns off the water, trash accumulates daily that is not generated from the site. During periods of use as a parking area, a site attendant endeavors to keep the site as clean as possible. He is willing to increase trash pick up activity on the site if needed. There being no further comments, Vice Chair Hewins closed the public hearing. Considerable discussion began with regard to commencement of the City's Gateway Project activities. It was determined that that process would probably not be finalized until early 2000 and more than likely not be in full swing for possibly another year. Commissioner Reed was not in favor of restricting the use to only one more year without sure knowledge as to commencement of the City's Gateway Project. He was not in favor of restricting extension of the temporary use to one year with no chance of continuation as a temporary parking area beyond that time. Commissioner Nutter agreed that an additional year as an unimproved parking area would not be a major impact but without those improvements required for standard parking lots in the City, she would not be in favor of extension beyond one year as temporary unimproved parking area. Commissioner Hewins concurred with Commissioner Nutter that use of the temporary parking area is heavy and it should be improved as is required of standard parking areas. The site has been considered as temporary overflow for seven years without improvement. Past use of the site indicates that the parking area is needed, and it should be improved to I~rllllili"lUrl'~ standards if c~ntinuc'd usc zig a parking area is dogie'cd. The restrictioi~ 59 Planning Commission Minutes - May 12, 1999 Page 8 maximum extension of one year as a temporary unimproved parking area would not preclude the area being developed as a parking lot in the future. It is time to bring the site up to minimum parking lot standards. Commissioner Nutter moved to approve the conditional use permit as requested with the following conditions, findings, and conclusions: 1. The extension shall be for a one year period, ending May 12, 2000. No extension as a temporary parking lot will be allowed beyond that time period. 2. A parking lot attendant shall be on-duty during those times when vehicles are being parked. 3. The applicant shall remove litter from the site at a minimum of three times a week during operation of the area as a temporary parking lot. 1. The request is to allow continuation of a temporary long term parking area in the Central Business District (CBD). Independent parking lots have been permitted uses in the CBD since 1995. 2. Use of the property as a parking lot is not consumptive of the limited land available for development in the Central Business District as it can easily be converted to a higher use. 3. The City Council has not required the parking lot to be paved in past years due to the temporary nature of the use. 4. The ferry systems generate a need for long-term off-street parking in the Downtown area. 5. Public Works standards for parking lots require that parking lots provide certain dimensions and improvements. 6. The applicant has operated the parking lot at this location since 1990. 7. There have been no complaints with regard to the operation of the parking lot with the exception of a complaint regarding litter received during the current public notification period. 8. Many improvements are being planned in the Downtown area, and in the area under consideration in particular, which may result in the location undergoing major renovation in the near future. 9. Goal B., Policies 14 and 16 of the Transportation Element of the City's Comprchcnsivc Plan enct,urage off-strcct l~:trkil~g facilities to bc stt!'ficient and Planning Commission Minutes - May 12, 1999 Page9 accessible within the business and residential areas and that allowances should be made for shared parking facilities. A. As conditioned, the proposed use is compatible with surrounding commercial uses and with the intent of the CBD zone. B. The time period of the use as conditioned is in the public use and interest and is not detrimental to the public welfare. C. As conditioned, the proposal is consistent with the intent of Section 17.24 (Central Business District) of the Port Angeles Municipal Code. D. The use is in compliance with the City's Comprehensive Plan goals and policies. E. Compliance with the City's Parking Ordinance and Public Works standards for a temporary use requires a significant investment. Commissioner Norton seconded the motion which passed 4 - 1 with Commissioner Reed being the dissenting vote. Commissioner Reed was concemcd that restriction of the ability to continue the parking area as temporary overflow beyond one year would not be a benefit to Downtown activities. 1999 COMPREI-1ENSIVE PLAN AME~: (These items need to be continued to May 26, 1999.) A. Reclassification of the area occupied by the Clallam County Housing Authority - south of Lauridsen Boulevard at Francis Street - from Low Density Residential (LDR) to Medium Density Residential (MDR); and B. Update to transportation map (Figure 3.2) contained in the Plan in compliance with amendments to the City's Transportation Services and Facilities Plan (TSFP). C. Revise Urban Growth Area (UGA) east boundary line to Deer Park Road (generally) and north of Highway 101 along Buchannan Drive. D. Revision of the City's Census Tract Boundaries to align with Planning Areas defined in the Comprehensive Plan. Vice Chair Hewins opened the public hearing. At the request of staff, Commissioner Nutter moved to continue the Comprehensive Plan Amendments to the May 26, 1999, regular meeting. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Reed and passed 5 - 0. 61 Planning Commission Minutes - May 12, 1999 Page 10 COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE PUBLIC None. STAFF REPORTS Director Collins reported that the City Council had selected a new City Manager. Mike Quinn, City Manager of Issaquah, will be arriving the first of August to assume that position. REPORTS OF COMMISSION MEMBERS Vice Chair Hewins welcomed new Commissioners Fred Norton and Jason Robotkay. Commissioner Norton stated that he had a prior engagement that would prevent his attendance at the May 26 meeting. Commissioner Nutter reported that she had been able to attend the American Planning Association's National Conference in Seattle in April, as a guest of the City. She heartily encouraged other Planning Commissioners to attempt to attend a conference when possible. She felt that the presentation was highly professional and that and information she gained was very pertinent to her duties as a Planning Commission member. Some of the workshops she attended included revitalization of cities, code enforcement, Planning Commission training, transportation services, impact fees. The three and one half day conference was most certainly well worth the effort. Director Collins agreed with Commissioner Nutter's evaluation of the conference. He noted that the Planning Department is happy to schedule training that the Commissioners feel is beneficial to their duties as Commissioners, and that it may be possible to send Commissioners to future conferences. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjoumed at 8:30 p.m. Brad Collins, Secretary Fred Hewins, Vice Chair PREPARED BY: S. Roberds 62 Port Angeles Fire Department savtndj Hearts and Homes 65th Annual Sparky Week Practice House Burn · ^.prtl 999 63 April 1999 Total Fire Dept. Calls Fire $ Loss/Saved 1,200,000 1000 1,000,000 80O 800,000 600 600,000 400,000 400 200,000 200 0 1998 1999 0 , 1997 1998 1999 [] Saved · Loss I April 98/99 Total Calls 208/230 I Saved Loss 1999 Total Calls YTD 934 1999 YTD 123,510 93,750 1998 Total Calls YTD 778 1998 YTD 1,119,735 252,760 50 30 ~- 20 10 Fires > 5K Fires < 5K Auto Brush Haz Mat 1998 1999 Year to Fires > $5,000 Fires < $5,000 Auto Fires Brash Fires Haz Mat Date Incidents 1999 3 15 8 5 49 1998 5 19 9 5 40 64 Fire & Life Safety Insp Prevention Activities YTD 400 100 350 80 300 7-- ~ 60 200 i 150 ~-- 20 100 ~-- 0 -- j 50 ~ 1998 1999 Permit Inspections Inspections Reinspections I Plan Revie~vs ~ 1998 I 1999 I Public Education Contacts Inspections Reinspections Permit Plan Public Ed Inspections Reivews Contacts 1999 YTD 361 308 1999 71 11 11 1998 YTD 361 269 1998 82 21 10 Medic I Transports Patients Assisted 50 -- 800 ~ 300 700 600 -- 250 500 200 4O0 150 300 100 200 50 100 ~-- 0 0 , ALS BLS Fire Dept. Olympic Ambulance [] 1998 I 1999 [] 1998 I 1999 Advanced Life Support (ALS) & Basic Life Support (BLS) Patient, Assisted Fire Dept. 1998 1999 % Fire Dept. 1998 1999 % ALS- YTD 290 322 9.9 ! YTD 617 747 17.4 ! BLS - YTD 29 24 17.2 I 65