HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet 06/02/1998 . I, ! . . AGENDA PORT ANGELES CITY COUNCIL 321 EAST FIFTH STREET, PORT ANGELES, WASHINGTON June 2, 1998 - REGULAR MEETING - 5:30 p.m. CALL TO ORDER - Regular Meeting (5:30 p.m.) II ROLL CALL III PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - Led by ROTC Cadets Steve Stockman, Kevin Wilson, lIa Weideman, Joe Tyler, and Mark Prince . '. - ( IV CEREMONIAL MA TTERS/PROCLAMATIONS V WORK SESSION A. Finalization of Council 1998 Goals None Action 1 3 5 Action VI APPROVAL OF MINUTES of May 19,1998 regular and special meetings VII LATE ITEMS TO BE PLACED ON THIS OR FUTURE AGENDAS (By Council, Staff or Public) VIII FINANCE: A. Acceptance & Final Payment of two Landfill Projects 13 Action IX CONSENT AGENDA: A. Payroll-May 17,1998 - $352,788.17 B. Check list - May 29,1998 - $336,567.02 X CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS A. Mayor Braun - Grant award -(verbal) 17 19 Action Info XI PUBLIC COMMENT FOR ITEMS NOT ON AGENDA (This is the opportunity for members of the public to speak to the City Council about anythitJg not on the agenda, please keep comments to 5-10 minutes.) XII ORDINANCES NOT REQUIRING PUBLlC_ HEARINGS A. Fees for duplicating and searching of medical 27 Action . record . XIII RESOLUTIONS NOT REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS A. Setting a public hearing for vacation of a portion of the 8/9 alley between Lincoln and Laurel Streets - STV 98-01 - Northwest Permit 31 Action XIV PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES of May 13, 1998 37 Action Becky Upton Clerk NOTE: HEARING DEVICES AVAILABLE FOR THOSE NEEDING ASSISTANCE MA VOR TO DETERMINE TIME OF BREAK June 2, 1998 Port Angeles City Council Meeting Page - 1 1-- XV OTHER CONSIDERATIONS A. Request to develop agreement with Transit for development of International Gateway Project B. Presentation by Pam Tietz regarding Lee Hotel C. Funding options for Boys and Girls Club D. Revision to Seamount Estates V Subdivision - 7th/8th Streets east of Evans XVI PUBLIC HEARING-QUASI-JUDICIAL (7:00 P.M. or soon thereafter) XVII PUBLIC HEARINGS - OTHER A. Comprehensive Plan Amendment - CPA -98-01 - LaRue, West 8th Street between lOG" and uH" Streets: Request for redesignation of property currently designated LDR, Low Density Residential, to HDR, High Density Residential. B. Municipal Code Amendment - MCA 98-01 City of Port Angeles, City wide: A proposal to amend Chapter 15 (Environment) of the Port Angeles Municipal Code to process shoreline substantial development prermits administratively. 49 Action Info 55 57 Action Action None 61 Action 81 Action XIX ADJOURNMENT XVI1I EXECUTIVE SESSION (As needed and determined by City Attorney) Action XX INFORMATION: A. Board of Adjustment minutes - May 4, 1998 (Page 95) B. Draft Utility Advisory Committee minutes - May 11, 1998 (Page '101) C. Fire Department monthly report - April 1998 (Page 105) PUBLIC HEARINGS Public hearings are set by the City Council in order to meet legal requirements pertaining to matters such as, land use permit applications, proposed amendments to City land use regulations, zoning changes, annexations. In addition, the City Council may set a public hearing in order to receive public input prior to making decisions which impact the citizens. Certain matters may be controversial, and the City Council may choose to seek public opinion through the public hearing process. Public Hearing Procedure: All comments must be made at the podium after the speaker first gives hislher name and address so that comments and speaker identification become part of the record; The Mayor may indicate the amount oftime available for each hearing. . So that all persons have an opportunity to speak, the Mayor may limit the amount of time permitted each speaker. In making your presentation to the Council, the following format may be helpful: PURPOSE: What is the idea you wish to present? Begin with an "I statement" outlining your idea, such as, "I am here to (support/oppose)..." REASON: Why are you making this point? This Is an important step so the listener does not make assumptions about your motives. EXAMPLE: Brief and relevant example to clarify and make your point concrete. . SUMMARY: What condition wl1l be changed or improved if your point is adopted? ACTION: (If appropriate, depending on the situation). What needs to be done and who will do It? NOTE: HEARING DEVICES AVAILABLE FOR THOSE NEEDING ASSISTANCE MAYOR TO DETERMINE TIME OF BREAK June 2. 1998 Port Angeles City Council Meeting Page - 2 CITY OF PORT ANGELES CITY COUNCIL MEETING June 2. 1998 I. CALL TO ORDER - REGULAR MEETING: .~ ~ o.m I . II. ROLL CALL: Members Present: Mayor Braun Councilman Campbell Councilman Doyle Councilman Hulett Councilmember McKeown . Councilman Wiggins Councilman Williams StatTPresent: Interim Manager Pittis Attorney Knutson Clerk Upton B. Becker S. Brodhun B. Collins K. Godbey S.Ilk ~ Other StatTPresent: III. ADJOURN TO EXECUTIVE SESSION: ~eason: ~ /""\. /'.. ,..---....,.. Approximat ength: "'- / '" / '" / '" ~ --- ---......- "'--.. IV. RETURN TO OPEN SESSION: V. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Led by:-R/)T ~ (1 <fJ d.o."t4..../ CITY OF PORT ANGELES CITY COUNCIL MEETING Attendance Roster DATE OF MEETING: June 2. 1998 LOCATION: City Council Chambers ~EG.. "0lL\ -e ~~J City of Port Angeles Ordinance/Resolution Distribution List city Council Meeting of ~'.a~ ,~, {qq9: 11:::~@::::::::::~ii::::::ii::i::::::m::::::~::~::::::::::::::~: C} '::~~"':':~'::::~"":':':<':':':::':::::~:':::'>>:':':':':.:.:.:.:.: K....11.A ""'1"1" flLA ,~<t .till ~~': .~~ I~~~~;, ~). J{)-~ City Manager City Attv. (1) Planning City Clerk Deputy Clerk / I // /V .:J. I I,.-fn+ <.-r\/ ~L.~ 'AA '- IV J ~/ IV .2 ..... I ,:) J Personnel Cust. Svcs. Finance Dir./Mgr. Police Dent. Fire Dept. Light Dent. Pub. Works (2) Parks & Rec. / J ,/ 2~( ,:) Ii' MRSC (l) I / I PDN (Summary) .~J MJY\ I vtJ M rI\ I . Extra Cooies flJ.. ~ (l1"lM..""'~ 14: nil 1 , TOTAL a In J I ,,:,e.',.:...:,.-"'t!.,-, ", -' - ~'" '- ..~.-,~ .'. .~"!>>:. :..'.~-:;.... '"":i~7~:~1":,"f..r ~~'_:';',[..--. "'~;'~.. . 'r. . '-, ~ ;~~:ta~~:~>~.;~;.J;~~~;;:/..:;~.-..-_~: ;--' . . . THE Cm OF ~T }tIGELES W ^ 5 H I N G TON. U. S. 1898..1998 Goala Improve the Financial Stability of Port Angeles update and improve, long range fmancial projecticins/planS. -Avoid diminishing operating reserves and . designate fund balance for emer- gencies. maintenance and capital. -Develop five-year equipment re- placement plan. -Minimize 1999 property tax increase by developing revenue options. ensuring cost ef- fective City operations. and contin- uing attrition policy. -Seek return of non-local tax dollars by actively pursuing state and federal grants and loans. -Analyze financial im- pacts of electric deregulation. -In- crease the local tax base by recruit- ing new and retaining existing busi- nesses. -Planfor year 2000 compli- ance. -Reduce government. Promote High Quality of Health and Public Safety Continue to support teen and youth programs, and family services through United Way. -Address the needfo~fire equipment and person- nel. -Promote emergency prepared- neSs both in the home and at busi- nesses. -Encourage fire safety for citizens and. promote testing of 'smolce detectors in the home. -De- velop a strategy of expanding emer- gency services to the Urban Growth Area. -Eliminate loitering of large groups of youth downtown. -In- crease public awareness of sexual offenders. -Use technology to im- prove public safety services and reduce costs. -Publish low crime rate and statistics. -Allocate time to prosecution. Increase City Influence on State Legislation and U.S. Congress Maintain active role with state and congressional legislators and participate fully in state and federal legislative processes. -Support and remain active in the Association of Washington Cities. -Resolve Elwba Dam issues relative to protecting water and power supply. -Promote town hall sessions during elections. Maintain and Develop City Fa- cilities, Infrastructure, and Programs Plan for electric utility deregulation. -Finalize decision to decommission Morse Creelc Hydroelectric Project. -Reconstruct 8th Street, Peabody and First Street, and improve intersection at Lincoln and Boulevard. -Develop water supply comprehensive plan, protecting water rights and domestic supplies. -Ensure timely water, sewer and street preventive maintenance. -Reduce combined sewer overflows and evaluate funding options for stormwater projects. -Maximize land- fill life and plan for long-term dis- posal. -Accelerate composting pro- gram at the landfill. -Renovate the William Shore Memorial Pool. -Com- plete funded waterfront trail seg- ments. -Restore and utilize Carnegie Library. -Complete the Valley Creek Park. -Consider promoting an "adopt- a-park" program. Enhance Work Environment and Promote Employee Excellence Expand training for employees. through the leadership academy. -Continue Customer Commitment program, and Bureaucracy Busting process. -Integrate the City's State- ment of Values into the workplace. -Continue employee incentive pro- grams. Statement of Values Enhance and Increase Economic Development in Port Angeles and Clallam County Provide oversight responsibility tl committee for promoting "Por Angeles Works'" in the City. -Cre ate family wage jobs by utilizing tho Rayonier industrial site. -Collabo rate with citizens and the Port 0 Port Angeles, and develop the bes use of Oak Street Property. -Evalu ate options for the Lee Ho tel. -Encourage and promote leader ship academy "for business commu nity. Improve Intergovernmental Relations Build bridges with other govern mental entities by sponsoring com munity workshops. -Finalize tho wholesale water agreement with tho Public Utility Districr. oCollaborat. on annexation plans with Clallan County and implement aJ educational campaign for the east em urban growth area. -Provid leadership with other agencies OJ City issues. -Build liaisons by jol shadowing with neighborinl entities. -Meet with Board an. Commission volunteers. Enhance the Community's Quality of Life Through Responsible Development 0 the land and Stewardship 0 the Natural Environment Promote responsible forest manage ment and "Support fish enhancemer efforts. -Promote the area's hig. quality environment and school.! -Prepare new ordinances Co telecommunications and adult ente! tainment -Increase private eCG nomic investment to achieve a Sf cure, growing community. -Promot and acknowledge citizens for civi projects. We, the employees of the City of Port Angeles. 'share a dedication and ccmmitment to providing quality customer seNice with honest integrity and flexibility. - Working as a l8am, we take pride in providing efficient and effective services for which we are fBsponsn), and fiscally accountable. - We value a positive attitude, trust, initiative, and compassion with a high standard of professionalism an open communication. We respectdivetsity and foster a safe environment - In partnership with the community, we are stewards ( our unique environment and quality of life. . 001 . . . CALL TO ORDER- SPECIAL MEETING: ROLL CALL: ADJOURN TO EXECUTIVE SESSION: Break RETURN TO OPEN SESSION: ADJOURNMENT: CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington May 19, 1998 Deputy Mayor Doyle called the special meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at 2: 10 p.m. I . Members Present.. Mayor Braun [arrived at 3:15 p.m.], Councilmembers Campbell, Doyle, Hulett, McKeown [arrived at 2:15 p.m.], Wiggins, and Williams. Members Absent: None. The meeting adjourned to Executive Session at 2: 10 p.m. to discuss a personnel matter and potential litigation for approximately 3 hours. Deputy Mayor Doyle recessed the meeting for a break at 2:50 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 3:00 p.m. " The meeting returned to open session at 5: 10 p.m. The meeting was adjourned at 5:10 p.m. Becky 1. Upton, City Clerk Gary Braun, Mayor 003 - 1 - 004 . . . . . . CALL TO ORDER- REGULAR MEETING: ROLL CALL: PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: CEREMONIAL MATTERSI PROCLAMATIONS Fifth Annual Juan de Fuca Festival Maritime Day Proclamation WORK SESSION: Watershed Basic Planning ProceSs CITY COUNCIL MEETING Port Angeles, WashiDgton May 19, 1998 Deputy Mayor Doyle called the regular meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at 5:35 p.m. \ Members Present: Deputy Mayor Doyle, CounciImembers Campbell, Hulett, McKeown, Wiggins, and Williams. Members Absent: Mayor Braun. Staff Present: Interim Manager Pittis, Attorney Knutson, Clerk Upton, B. Collins, K. Godbey, S. Ilk, B. Titus, and P. Burrett. Public Present: None. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by the ROTC Cadets. A. Proclamation Recognizing the 5th Annual Juan de Fuca Festival- May 22-25, 1998 Deputy Mayor Doyle read a proclamation recognizing the 5th Annual Juan de Fuca Festival from May 22 through May 25, 1998. B. Proclamation Recognizing Maritime Day Deputy Mayor Doyle read a proclamation recognizing National Maritime Day. In accepting the proclamation" Harold Schmidt 4istributed information to the Council on the history of the Merchant Marines. A. Watershed Basic Planning Process Attorney Knutson reviewed the information provided in the packet. He stated that he, Interim ManagerPittis, and Planning Director Collins have been attending meetings with the County on this issue, and consultants from CH,MHill have been helping with the grant application. An attorney specializing in water law assisted with the Endangered Species Act and watershed basin planning issues, particularly as they relate to the City's water rights. Attorney Knutsort stated Director Collins would give a brief overview, then Tom Pors, the water law attorney, will make a presentation regarding the details of the water basin planning project and a brief overview on the Endangered Species Act. Attorney Knutson stated after the presentation, Council will be asked for direction as to how the City would work with the County in submitting a grant application to take advantage of state funds that have been made available. Director Collins reviewed and explained a memo distributed prior to the meeting and explained HB 2514. Director Collins stated the grant application deadline is June 1, 1998, - 1 - 005 CITY COUNCIL MEETING May 19,1998 WORK SESSION: (Cont'd) Watershed Basic Planning Process (Cont'd) Break APPROVAL OF MINUTES: ITEMS FROM THE AUDIENCE/COUNCII1 . STAFF TO BE CONSIDERED OR PLACED ON TIllS OR A FUTURE AGENDA: and staff would need Council's approval tonight in order to have the Mayor sign the grant application. . Director Collins stated there are 62 Warer Resource Inventory Areas in the State, with only a small amount of money for watershed planning; Staff anticipates applying for the maximum grant, which is $500,000 for a one to three year period of time. The most critical step, at this time, is working with the County to develop the application. It is hoped a Memorandum of Agreement can be established regarding the lead agency determination.. Tom Pors presented an overview of the basin planning bill (lIB 2514) and the process it intends to promote. He stated the purpose of the watershed planning process is to resolve local watershed issues rather than rely on the State Legislature to resolve issues. This process allows for the various user groups in each basin, such as local and tribal government, agriculture, environmental groups, etc., to be involved in the resolution of warer issues: Mr. Pars noted this is important because water issues are different from basin to basin. The Legislature has appropriated $3.9 million for local planning grants. He explained how the plmming process is initiated and the scope of the process itself. Mr. Pors also explained what the plan cannot do under the law, and he reviewed a list of recommendations for the Council's consideration. These recommendations included: 1) the City concur with the decision to initiate this planning process and to authorize the Mayor to negotiate an interlocal agreement with the County, the irrigation district and the tribes; and 2) to obtain staffing and funding authorization for the Elwha River to the Morse Creek portion of the planning process. Attorney Knutson explained the Mayor would be asked to sign the agreement once staffhas negotiated the agreement with County. This must be done by June 1, 1998; therefore, staff is asking for some flexibility regarding negotiations. Mr. Pars suggested the agreement take place in two stages and explained what that would . entail. Discussion followed. Mr. Pors, Directors Collins, Interim Manager Pittis, and Attorney Knutson responded to questions and provided clarification. Councilmember McKeown moved to authorize staff to proceed with an interlocal agreement with the County, Agnew Irrigation District, and ~he tribe; the agreements to be reviewed by Council prior to June 1, 1998 submission. Councilman Wiggins seconded the motion. Further discussion ensued, and Attorney Knutson clarified the cOntents of the interlocal agreement. A vote was taken on the motion, which carried unanimously. Deputy Mayor Doyle recessed the meeting for a break at 6:35 p.m.. The meeting reconvened at 6:45 p.m. Councilman Wiggins moved to approve the minutes of the regular and special meetings of May 5, 1998. Councilman Hulett seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. Councilman Wiggins requested that discussion of the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee , , '\ recommendation be held at 7:00p.m. Deputy Mayor Doyle stated Item A. under Other Considerations would be moved up to ~ext on the agenda in order to accommodate those people who were present to address the . issue. -2- 006 . . . Parking Lease for DSHS, Offices in Penney BuildIDg FINANCE: CONSENT AGENDA: COMMITIEE REPORTS: Tacoma Narrows Project 1 \~~~;i\i'\i~;::~.,~,y~? ~;,;:.~~; f:,;;,1'_~. ':'!;:'~1:1{~'tf~~;~1~""~f?c"Fr .:; CITY COUNCll..MEETING May 19, 1998 Other Considerations A. Revisions to Parking Lease for DSHS Offices in J. C. Penney Building Deputy Mayor Doyle reviewed the information provided by the City Attorney' s offi~ and asked Attorney Knutson for further input. Attorney Knutson explained there has been a great deal, of discussion on this matter since it was last before the Council. The main element of the revision has to do with a lower rate per parking space. Another issue had to do with giving the developer a better position in which to deal with the owners of the building. The developer had asked that we give him exclusivity, which was something the , City was willing to provide for one year only. The Downtown Association had agreed to this particular clause; however, it requested that the developer show there was intent on the part of DSHS to move into the building. A letter to that extent was issued by the State. Attorney Knutson responded to questions and provided further clarification. Councilman CampbeU moved to approve a revisions to the DSHS parking lease to provide for a lesser lease rate and a one year exclusivity period and authorize the Mayor to sign the agreement. Councilman Hulett seconded the motion, which carried unanimous.ly. None. Councilmember McKeown moved to accept the Consent Agenda, including; A. Payroll- May 3,1998 - $344,091.14; andB. Check list - May 15,1998 - $471,972.60. Councilman Wiggins seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. A. Report on Local Involvement Committee Meeting Re: Tacoma Narrows Project Councilman Williams stated he attended the fmal meeting of the public involvement process regarding the Tacoma Narrows Project. The purpose of the process was to gather informAtion for an advisory election. Cdtmcilman Williams introduced Councilman Bob Smith of Sequim, who had become involved in the process at an earlier stage and, therefore, had more information to impart. It was CoWlcilman Williams' understanding that this was an advisory board and the State has the ability to override the board's recommendation. At the meeting, the Chairperson, who was from the Department of Transportation (DOT) and a group called the Consul Group were at opposite ends of the spectrum and argued throughout the day. Councilman Williams felt the DOT lost more than they anticipated. The project has been narrowed down to the new bridge and the reconfiguration of the highway on and off of the bridge. This will be paid for by tolls, and it will be a two lane bridge with a $365 million price tag. V otersare being asked to approve a private group to build the bridge and set the toll without knowing a rate of return. The scope of work will be approximately $302 million, initially funded by a $3 toll. Once the high occupancy lane is completed, the toll will be applied to eastbound traffic in the commuter lanes only. CoWlCilman Williams noted that the line item for funding repairs on the Hood Canal Bridge was vetoed by the Governor. Bob Smith, Deputy Mayor ofSequim, 237 N. Swtnyside, Sequim, stated there will be three lanes of traffic going in each direction. The advantage of the second bridge is bicycle and , pedestrian paths. The new bridge will be built with the capability of having a second deck added at a later date. Mr. Smith then reviewed the information he received from earlier meetings not attended by Cowtcilman Williams. Mr. Smith stated that, while the line item for funding repairs was vetoed by the Governor, he felt this was one Vjay to make the legislators more responsive. Mr. Smith said he has been assured by the DOT that the Hood Canal Preservation project will go on and will be funded, hopefully with preservation money and not with tolls. . -3- 007 CITY COUNCIL MEETING May 19,1998 Tacoma Narrows Project (Cont'd) Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Recommendation Port Angeles Works At Deputy Mayor Doyle's request, Councilman Williams described what he thought would be on the ballot for this project. Councilman Williams will forward new information as he . receives it. Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Recommendation Councilman Wiggins stated the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee recommends the City enter into a contract for a marketing program, in the amount of $1 50,000 per year, for a three year period, with a renewable option for two more years. The contract date would be . June 1, 1998. Growth should occur at a rate of 5% per year over three years. Councilman Wiggins explained how the base line was arrived at and stated the contract allows for a 5% increase during the first 18 months. Councilman Wiggins moved that the City enter into a contract with the Chamber of Commerce and the Visitor & Convention Bureau, that a contract be prepared, and the Mayor be authorized to sign the contract. Councilmember McKeown seconded the motion. Councilman Wiggins invited Rick Hert or Lamel Black to comment on the contract. - Rick Hert, VCB, thanked the Committee for its hard work and the City Council for its support. The Chamber and VCB have hired Wendt AdvertisiIig; meeting notices have been sent inviting input to set the future direction. Everyone is excited about the future. Laurel Black, President of the VCB, thanked Rick Hert on behalf of the entire VCB membership. She felt the commitment of funding will make a big difference in the City's future. Councilman Wiggins invited members of the Lodging Tax Committee to conuhent. John Platt, Best Western Olympic Lodge, felt it was a good year for this Committee. The group worked hard and is excited about the direction things are going. Robert Harbick, 1006 S. Lincoln Street, stated the Committee examined many ways to use the money and worked . long and hard to achieve these results. This group gave a great presentation, and he was confident the coming years would be prosperous for Port Angeles. Dick Vogel, Uptown Motel, asked the Council to support this recommendation. Councilman Wiggins stated that the Committee will be responsible for ensuring the baseline information is accurate and measurable. Councilman Campbell echoed the comments of the lodging industry members. This was not an easy process, and much negotiation and discussion led to this recommendation. Councilman Campbell felt it was an extraordinary agreement; the l09ging industry, VCB and Chamber are going to be held accountable for getting tourists to Port Angeles. Also, the element of cooperation was important and will lead to further integration among the tourism promotional groups in Port . Angeles and Clallam CoUnty. The City is launching a great effort. . Following brief discussion, it vote was taken on tbe motion, which carried unanimously. B. Report on Port Angeles Works Councilman Campbell reported that the Port Angeles Works group has met with staff to discuss how to attract new economic development to Port Angeles by using the $300,000 grant from Rayonier. The group felt expertise was needed to d~ide on how to spend this money, and that expertise was available within the community. The group is in the process of identifying those people, and they will be invited to join the Committee in accordance with the rules set forth by the Council. A list of candidates will be presented to the Council for approval. A mission statement is being developed, and a letter is being drafted to send to prospective members. Councilman Campbell asked for comments or input from the . Council regarding the recruitment process. Councilmember McKeown felt that the Committee had been appointed and can be relied upon to seek and select good citizen candidates for this Committee. Councilman Campbell -4- 008 . . . COMMIITEE REPORTS: (Cont'd) Port Angeles Works (Cont'd) / PUBLIC COMMENT FOR ITEMS NOT ON AGENDA: LEGISLATION: Municipal Code Amendment Ordinance No. 2991 Street Vacation Olympic Memorial Hospital Resolution No. 7-98 ~'~"':~~'5'ff~~~,; :~ir~14i~j~t CITY COUNCIL MEETING May 19, 1998 asked for candidate suggestions from the COWlcil, and Interim Manager Pittis reviewed the committee structlU"e. Councilman Campbell is Chair of this Committee, COWlcilman Hulett is Vice Chair, and COWlcilman Williams is the third COWlcil representative. Interim Manager Pittis requested a list of possible candidates from each COWlcil member, and a final list will be forwarded to the COWlcil for additions or deletions. A formal selection process should not be necessary. There was consensus that the process was acceptable. Councilmember McKeown stated she !:lad a brief report. Consideration of Human Services funding is approaching, and she will begin visiting the agencies involved. She asked the Council to give some thought on how they wish to disperse the monies; she will bring this back to a future meeting for direction. . ( Councilmember McKeown also gave a brief report on the Marine Lab project. The. Downtown Forward Executive Committee will be asked to perform a public review to see if there would be support for a bond issue to enhance the Lab. None. Ordinances Not Requiring Public Hearings A. Municipal Code Amendment - MCA 98 - 02 - Port of Port Angeles, shoreline area between Cedar and Valley Streets: Amendment to Chapter J 8.02 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code to amend the City's Shoreline Master Program and Map (Continuedfrom 5/5/98) Deputy Mayor Doyle reviewed the information provided by the Planning Department and read the Ordinance by title, entitled ' r" ORDINANCE NO. 2991 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, adopting two revisions to the City's Shoreline Master Program Environment Designation Map and amending Ordinance 2033 as amended and Chapter 15.08 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code. Councilman Hulett moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title, citing Findings 1-8 and Conclusions A-H, as set forth in Exhibit "A", which is attached to and becomes a part of these minutes. Councilmember McKeown seconded the motion. At Deputy Mayor Doyle's request, Director Collins gave a brief explanation of this item, after which a vote was taken on the motion, which carried unanimously. Resolutions Not Requiring Public Hearings A. Resolution Selling a Public Hearing for Vacation, of City Right-of-Way - OLYMPIC MEMORIAL HOSPITAL - STV 98-04 - Portion of the Caroline/Georgiana alley west of Chambers Deputy Mayor Doyle reviewed the information provided by the Planning Department and read the Resolution by title, entitled RESOLUTION NO. 7-98 A RESOLUTION of the City of Port Angeles setting a hearing date for a petition to vacate a portion of - 5 - 009 CITY COUNCIL MEETING May 19, 1998 LEGISLATION: (Cont'd) Street Vacation Olympic Memorial Hospital Resolution No. 7-98 (Cont'd) Funds for Capital Projects Designated Resolution No. 8-98 Designation Sole Source for Purchasing Police Cars Resolution No. 9-98 Report on Waterfront Trail Vandalism the Georgiana/Caroline Alley west of Chambers Street, Port Angeles, Washington. . Councllman Wiggins moved to pass the Resolution as read by title. Councllman Campbell seconded the motion. Following brief discussion and clarification, a vote was taken on the motion, which carried unanimously. B. Resolution Designating Funds for Capital Projects Deputy Mayor Doyle reviewed the informatjon provided by the Finance Department and asked Finance Director Godbey for further input. Director GOdbey explained this is being done as a managerial plan, and Interim Manager Pittis indicated the final step in this process will be the completion of the Council's goals and objectives. Deputy Mayor Doyle read the Resolution by title, entitled RESOLUTION NO. 8-98 A RESOLUTION of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, designating a portion of the general fund balance for certain capital projects. Councilmember McKeown moved to pass the Resolution as read by title. Councllman Campbell seconded the motion. Following brief discussion and clarification, a vote was taken on the motion, which carried unanimously. C. Resolution Designating Sole Source for Buying Replacement Police Car . Deputy Mayor Doyle reviewed the information provided and read the Resolution by title, entitled RESOLUTION NO. 9-98 A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, designating Payton~ . Wright Ford Sales, Inc. as the sole- source for acquisition of a replacement police car .and declaring an exception to normal bidding requirements. . Councllman Williams moved to pass the Resolution as read by title. Councllman Wiggins seconded the motion. Following brief discussion and clarification provided by Pete Burrett, Equipment Services Superintendent, a vote was taken on the motion, which carried unanimously. Planning Commission Minutes/Action Items None. Other Considerations B. Verbal Reportfrom Police Department on Vandalism ofWateifront Trail . Police Chief Ilk provided an update on the ongoing investigation. There is more than $2,000 in reward money available; however, all leads have been exhausted. In an effort to prevent future acts of vandalism, officers have been directed to patrol the Waterfront Trail on a random, hourly basis. Discussion followed. A time lapse video system has been -6- 010 . . . LEGISLATION: (Cont'd) Report on Waterfront Trail Vandalism (Cont'd) PUBLIC HEARINGS: ADJOURNMENT: :~~'~i'l;.~i;};~I::'~~f)i.F;'~\:;;~t:,~ ~~~;~i:%Y ~;;,*j~l;:'{~f%~t:~ CITY COUNCIL MEETING May 19,1998 installed at the Senior Center due to vandalism. These options would be available for the Trail as well. The cost of the system installed at the Senior Center was about $2,300. Councilman Wiggins felt this would be money well spent. Chief Ilk suggested he give a demonstration of the quality of the tapes from this equipment, and Council agreed this would be a good consideration for those areas vulnerable to vandalism. At Councilman Williams' request, Interim Manager Pittis gave a brief explanation of the recent power outage. None. The meeting was adjourned at 7:50 p.m. Becky 1. Upton, City Clerk Gary Braun,Mayor 011 -7- 012 . . . e hIIii eb-=-- ~ "Maintaining and building a better community" Jack PIWs Director [4801} Phyllis Rasler Administrative Assistant [4800} Cate Rinehart Administrative Assistant [4700} Bob Titus Deputy Director [4701} Ken Ridout Deputy Director [4802} Gary Kenworthy City Engineer [4803} Tim Smith ContTllct & Project AdmlnlslTlltor [4804} Lou Haehnlen Sr. Building Inspector .6} . Spertlne Sr. Electrlcallnspector [4735} Scali McLain Power Manager [4703} Ralph Ellsworth Waler. Wastewater Collection. Superintendent [4855} Pete Burrnll Equip. SelVlces Supertntendent [4835} Marl< Shamp LIght OpeTllllons Manager [4731} Kevin Curtis Treat. Plant Supervisor [4845} Tom McCabe SW CoIlecllon Supervfsor [4876} Steve Evans Landfill Supervisor [4873} Dave Wilcox Street Maintenance _/VIsor [4825} . Vi MEMORANDUM. DATE: JUNE 2, 1998 CITY MANAGER, MAYOR BRAUN AND CITY COUNCIL TO: FROM: PUBLIC WORKS AND UTILITIES DEPARTMENT SUBJECT: FINAL ACCEPTANCE AND PAYMENT FOR 2 LANDFILL PROJECTS SUMMARY and RECOMMENDATION: The landfill experienced leachate breakout problems due to high levels of moisture in the landfill cell during the Winter of 1997 and Spring of (1998. Parametrix designed a solution to the problem and also completed plans for the Gas SY$tem Improvements we were required to install. DelHur submitted a quote for both projects at approximately 80% under the engineer's estimates if the projects could be completed at the same time. The Public Works & Utilities Department recommends the City Council accept the projects to repair the leachate system, and the gas system improvements and authorize the payment to DeIHur Industries, Inc., in the sum of $47,247.12. ISSUE: Should the City accept the Landfill Leachate Breakout Control Improvement and Gas System Improvement projects and make final payment? BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS: The Landfill experienced some leachate breakout problems due to the high levels of moisture in the landfill cell during the Winter of 1997 and the Spring of 1998. This breakout caused the leachate to flow into the ditch at the side of the road and could have gone into the storm system. Landfill personnel took emergency measures to contain the breakout and immediately contacted our consultant, Parametrix, inc., to design a permanent solution to the problem. Both the Clallam County Department of Health and the Department of Ecology inspected the landfill and were concerned about the breakout and the method used for control. It was decided it would be in the City's best interest to proceed with the repairs as quickly as possible. The design and scope of work prepared by Parametrix were satisfactory to both the County Department of Health and the Department of Ecology. Pollution control facilities are exempt from the bidding process so we asked DelHur Industries for a quote. DeIHur's was the contractor that had originally constructed the Landfill cell. Their quote was under the engineer's estimate by about 30% and they were available to start the . project immediately. Another project required for the Landfill, by our Operations Plan entailed adding new methane gas Iiries in between the existing gas lines and at a higher level, also needed to be done. DeIHur gave us a quote to do this project while they were already on site at approximately 50% of the engineer's estimate. Both of these projects 'were completed before rain storms could affect the level of the leachate. We should have gotten Council concurrence as soon as we knew the project costs and for that oversight we apologize, however, we felt time was of the essence in completing the projects as quickly as possible and at a substantial savings. The projects have been inspected and approved by Parametrix. Funding for both projects is included in the Cell 3 Landfill Expansion Project budget. . ~ /- ~ Deputy Director Public Works File Name: C:\OATA\WP\SOLWASTE\l..FCONTR.598 013 APPLICATION AND CERTIFICATE FOR PAYMENT PAGE 1 TO (OWNER): CITY OF PORT ANGELES 321 EAST FIFTH STREET P.O. BOX 1150 PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 APPLICATION NO: 1 DATE 04.8 PERIOD TO: 04/21/98 PROJECT: PA LANDFILL PIPE FROM (CONTRACTOR): Delhur Industries, Inc. P. O. Box 1116 4333 Tumwater Access Road Port Ange~es, WA 98362 PHONE #: (360) 457-1133 PORT ANGELES, WA 98363 VIA (ARCHITECT): ARCHITECT'S 'PROJECT NO: CONTRACT DATE: 02/18/98 CONTRACT FOR: PA LANDFILL PIPE CHANGE ORDER SUMMARY 43,601. 37 ADDITIONS DEDUCTIONS CHANGE ORDERS APPROVED IN PREVIOUS MONTIlS BY OWNER APPROVED THIS MONTH NUMBER DATE APPROVED TOTALS NET CHANGE BY CHANGE ORDERS The undersigned Contractor certifies that to the best of the Contractor's knowledge, information and belief the work covered by this Application for Payment has been completed in accordance with the Contract Documents, that all amounts have been paid by the Contractor for work for which previous Certificates for Payment were issued and payments received from the Owner, and that current payment shown herein is now due. CONTRACTOR: By: h 1 Q __f)~L_ -~-~r---------- Date: _~~~~~~__ ORIGINAL CONTRACT SUM NET CHANGE BY CHANGE ORDERS J CONTRACT SUM TO DATE 43,601. 37 ;, '~::<:':;o.;,i:':. TOTAL COMPLETED AND STORED TO DATE \ 43,787.88 RETAINAGE: 10.0\ of Completed Work 43,787.88 10.0\ of Stored Material Total Retainage 4,378.79 . TOTAL EARNED LESS RETAINAGE 39,409.09 LESS PREVIOUS CERTIFICATES OF PAYMENT CURRENT SALES TAX: 0.00\ of Taxable Amount 43,787.88 '- ,- - :1\~:'7r/<:.t~:;< .~.'":~,,~)t:,,~~:.~iC;.li1 ,.CUrrent Sales'Tax:,,' :..' .....". - "'TV ';,'1",;:. '. U',"'_ . ;....".. :;,.,. . .lOZ:. , ~~459.24' CURRENT PAYMENT DUE 42,868.33 BALANCE TO FINISH, INcLUDING RETAINAGE 4,192.28 State of: County of: Subscribed and sworn to before me this My Commission expires: day of ,19 ARCHITECT'S CERTIFICATE FOR PAYMENT AMOUNT CERTIFIED $ In accordance with the Contract Documents, based on on-site observations and the data compriSing the above application the Architect certifies to the Owner that to the best' of the Architect's knowledge, information and belief the Work has progressed as indicated, the quality of the Work is in accordance with the Contract Documents, and the Contractor is entitled to payment of the AMOUNT CERTIFIED. ARCHITECT: By: Date: Thi:-~:~:~~~:::~:~-~:-~::-~:~::~:~~e. The AMO~-~~~~~;~~ payable only to the Contractor named herein. Issuance, payment and acceptance of payment are without prejudice to any rights of the Owner or Contractor under this Contract. 014 . . . \P.",,:,t;.T.~'.'ti.::,; ,'c" , ",,~, ',;'-"" , P~ram.e!rix, Inc. C"flSlI/ta/lts /I' Engll1eellnf) illld Environmenlal SCleflces 5700 Kitsap Way Suite 202 Brcrnel1on. WA 98312-2234 360-377-0014. Fax: 360-479-5961 t~ May 18, 1998 PMX #23-2191-05 Mr. Steve Evans, Landfill Supervisor City of Port Angeles P.O. Box 1150 Port Angeles, Washington 98362 Subject: Certification of Landfill Construction Work Completion and Construction Documents. . Dear Steve: The purpose of this letter is to provide certification of the. completion of the leachate breakout trench and gas collection trench projects at the Port Angeles Landfill. The improvements on these two projects have been completed to general conformance to the construction drawings and specifications. Enclosed are copies of the inspector's daily reports and field record drawings for each project. Some changes to the construction drawings were made during construction and are indicated on the field record drawing. If you need any assistance in reviewing the invoice for work completed by Del Hur, please let us know. Sincerely, P ARAMETRIX, INC. ~~ T. Patrick Allen, P.E. Assistant Project Manager II: IP ROJECTlPT-ANGELIPH-2ENGR\21 91-05 ILTRMEMOIL-SIEvans. wrkcerl, TP A 015 ,0./, "<'i Printed on Recycled Paper { " 016 . . . . AUTHORIZATION TO TRANSFER FUNDS Transfer to Payroll Fund for Pay Period Ending' 05-17-98 . Mayor/Council City Manager Human Resources Finance City Attorney Planning Police FirelMedic I Utility Services ParklRecreation Cemetery '-. 2,600.00 . 3,170.57 3,822.00 23,171.22 7,722.02 6,077.15 82,266.38 46,154.24 41,824.39 36,025.66 421.29 Total General Fund 253,254.92 Street Light Water Wastewater Solid Waste Equipment Services Information Services Firemen's Pension Esther Webster Trust 13,937.72 24,578.03 18,651.08 9,406.81 16,653.50 6.578.19_ 4,784.14 961.66 3.982.12 Total Payroll 352,788.17 . 017 01B . . . ^'\. 98/05/28-16: 16 City of Port Angeles May 28 1998 Page . CHECK REGISTER Date From 05/18/98 To OS/29/98 Fnd Opt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount NlIIlber Name NlIIlber NlIIlber 001 45536 Alert 01372 Training videos 1 2370000 23.70- 45573 North Kitsap Fire & Rescue 14446 Training manual 1 2370000 4.41- 45576 Our Designs Inc.' 15116 Bugle collar insignia 1 2370000 1. 13- 45598 WA ,State Patrol - WASIS (HA) 23359 Criminal History-D Hancock 1 2295000 24.00 Criminal History-N McCulley 1 2295000 24.00 45619 Cl~llam County Treasurer 03075 CVCA remittance-March 1998 1 2294000 286.09 CVCA remittance- April 1998 1 2294000 204.08 45628 EarthWay 05161 Handle shaft, axle, brace 1 2370000 14.72- 45641 Journal of Accountancy, The 10014 Subscription 1 2370000 10.04- 45643 Lynn Peavey Company 12056 Box sealing tape, binder 1 2370000 5.93- 45656 Quill Corporation 17000 Stapler, cassette 1 2370000 14.09- 45658 Ragan Communications Inc. 18228 Motivational Manager Subscrptn 1 2370000 7.83- 45659 Recreonics Incorporated 18061 Pool sweep, lint pot knob 1 2370000 1.98- 45674 WA State Patrol - WASIS 23281 Criminal History-S Norberg 1 2295000 24.00 Criminal History-Scotty Smith 1 2295000 24.00 Criminal history- K Craig 1 2295000 24.00 45675 WA State Patrol - WASIS (HA) 23359 Criminal history-D Elliott 1 2295000 24.00 45681 Washington State Treasurer 23120 Revenue from District Ct-March 1 2291000 528.00 Revenue from District Ct-March 1 2293000 14,829.14 . Revenue from District Ct-April 1 2293000 11,439.62 Total for Department 27,347.10 0001 45547 Clallam County Dept. of Health 03065 Hepatitis B shots 113 4131 216.00 45550 CliniCare of PA Inc. 03080 Pre-employment physicals 113 4131 578.00 45552 Crim, Michael W 03428 HaxMat physical-Sekac (lab). 113 4131 11.50 45557 Federal Express Corp. 06022 Shipping charges 111 4210 7.50 45567 Lucent Technologies 12215 5-02 bill ing 111 4210 48.42 5-02 bill ing 113 4210 24.21 45581 Port Angeles Ci~y Treasurer 03062 Petty cash' reimbursements 112 3101 6.23 Petty cash reimbursements 112 3101 6.45 45593 United Parcel Service 21005 Shipping services 113 4210 6.11 45595 United Way of Clallam County 21048 Program funding,admin fee 114 4150 25,002.75 45601 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 April Billing 113 4210 43.47 April Bill ing 111 4210 55.24 April Billing 111 4210 148.19 45610 AT&T Business Service 01085 5-13 Billing 111 4210 11.77 45620 Code Publishing Company 03264 Municipal Code update 111 4150 271. 50 45623 Crim, Michael W 03428 HazMat physical- Pete Sekac 113 4131 181.50 45625 Dove, Dan 04242 Refund Firefighter exam fee 113 4150 10.00 45635 Goldzimer Consulting Group 07080 Consulting Svcs- April 1998 111 4155 942.25 45648 Olympic Radiology Assn Inc. 15109 HazMat physical-J Manning 113 4131 24.00 45680 Washington Audiology Svcs Inc. 23274 Employee auditory testing 113 4131 150.00 Total for Administration 27,745.09 .02 45555 Diversified Industries 04052 April 98 Copy Center Services 205 4150 1,210.00 45567 Lucent Technologies 12215 5-02 bill ing 201 4210 24.21 5-02 bill ing 230 4210 40.35 5-02 bi II ing 240 4210 019 80.70 45588 State Auditors Office 19270 Statutory Audit Services 230 4150 3,246.00 98/05/28-16: 16 City of Port Angeles CHECK REGISTER Date From 05/18/98 To 05/29/98 Fnd Opt Check Vendor Vendor Description Nl.IIber Name Nl.IIber 45601 Washington CDIS), State of 23111 April Billing Apr il B illi ng April Billing 45631 Equifax - Credit Information 05160 Credit inquiries - May 45641 Journal of Accountancy, The 10014 Subscription 45655 Puget Sound Finance Officers 16304 Membership dues- K Godbey 0003 45539 Angeles Temporary Services 01076 R Davis pe 5-15-98 45560 Gish Atty at Law, Steven C. 07245 Professional services 45567 Lucent Technologies 12215 5-02 bi II ing 45601 Washington CDIS), State of 23111 April Billing 0004 45567 Lucent Technologies 45601 Washington CDIS), State of 12215 23111 5-02 bill i ng April Billing May 28 1998 GL Code Nl.IIber 201 4210 230 4210 240 4210 240 41,50 201 4901 201 4901 Total for Finance 311 4150 311 5090 311 4210 311 4210 Total for Atty 411 4210 411 4210 Total for Planning 0005 45536 Alert 01372 Training videos 530 4310 45548 Clallam County Sheriff's Dept. 03074 Inmate care-March 1998 512 5099 Inmate care-February 1998 512 5099 4556i Lucent Technologies 12215 5-02 billing 511 4210 5-02 billing 534 4210 5-02 billing 530 4210 45601 Washington CDIS), State of 23111 April Billing 511 4210 April Billing 534 4210' Apr il Bill i ng 530 4210 45632 Forks, City of 06075 Inmate care - March 512 5099 45643 Lynn Peavey Company 12056 Box sealing tape, binder 530 3101 45652 Praxis Research 16283 Prof Svcs-Resource Officer 530 4150 45656 Quill Corporation 17000 Stapler, cassette 530 3~01 45658 Ragan Communications Inc. 18228 Motivational Manager Subscrptn 534 4901 45673 Vancouver Police Department 22073 Registration- T Gallagher 530 4310 Total for Police I Page 2 . Amount 24.59 37.27 17.73 ' 20.76 137.04 40.00 4,878.65 161.60 1,305.00 48.42 27.88 1,542.90 32.28 16.13 48.41 323. 22,934.71 21,696.98 56.49 40.35 8.07 56.59 7.53 43.30 4,402.50 80.93 500.00 192.41 106.83 240.00 50,690.39 0006 45562 ICBO CInt'l Conference of 09001 IFCI Voting Governmental dues 642 4901 60.00 IFCI Voting Governmental dues 642 4901 60.00 45565 Life Assist 12202 Medical box,key,bags,shields 643 3101 631.44 45566 Lincare Inc. 12134 Refill cylinder 643 3101 30.00 45567 Lucent Technologies 12215 5-02 bill ing 611 4210 40.35 5-02 bill ing 643 4210 8.07 5-02 bill ing 641 4210 . 45573 North Kitsap Fire & Rescue 14446 Training manual 645 3101 45576 Our Designs Inc. 15116 Bugle collar insignia 641 3111 15.48 45587 Society of Fire Protection 19503 Fire Suppression Rating 642 3101 103.25 45599 ,WABO 23136 1998 publications 642,3101 020 43.20 45600 WSAFC 23304 Haz Mat Conf Regstr-Gunn,Sekac 645 4310 390.00 98/05/28-16:16 . Fnd Opt Check Nl.Illber 0007 . 0008 . ")~"':if.-tW~'f.f.;1';:.!~~; ;<:;~.~,~;;, "J'f~::::~' City of Port Angeles CHECK REGISTER Date From 05/18/98 To OS/29/98 Vendor Name Vendor NlJlIber 45601 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 45612 Angeles Temporary Services 01076 45615 Blumenthal Uniforms & Equipmt 02047 45642 Larry's Janitor Service 12040 45650 Peterson Equipment Co.,Dennis 16380 45653 Professional Cartridge Care/WA 16324 45662 Sanderson Safety Supply Co. 19048 45535 Abram, Jeff 01054 45559 Gellor Insurance Inc. 07030 45567 Lucent Technologies 12215 45570 Nichel, Steven 14445 , 45577 Parsinen, Geoff A. 16258 45581) Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 45583 ~uget Safety Equipment 16248 45601 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 45603 Washington (Notary), State of 45639 ICBO (Int'l Conference of 45671 US West Direct 45676 WABO 23140 09001 21024 23136 45561 Horizon 45567 Lucent Technologies 08329 12215 45581 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 45601 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 45610 AT&T Business Service 01085 Description April Bill ing April Billing April Bill ing April Bill ing R Davis pe 5-15-98 Fastener, pants, lettering Janitorial Svcs-May Dexter washer-extractor Xerox dry ink Hard hats Carbon cylinder Respirator face piece credit, GL Code NlJlIber 611 4210 642 4210 643 4210 641 4210 644 1003 643 2080' 684 4150 641 6410 611 3101 641 6410 641 6410 641 3101 Sprinker system rebate 700 9211 Notary bond 07-20-98/07-20-02 711 4901 5-02 billing 711 4210 Fire sprinkler rebate 700 9211 Public nuisance cleanup-3rd St 711 4150 Petty cash reimbursements 784 3101 Petty cash reimbursements 711 3101 Hardhats 711 3101 April Billing 711 4210 April Billing 711 4210 April Billing 711 4210 April Billing 711 4210 April Billing 711 4210 April Billing 711 4210 Notary license - P Rasler 711 4901 Plan Review manual, UCBC, UBC 711 3101 Seattle Telephone Dir~ctory 711 3101 Amndmnts,Energy Code,Ventilatn 711 3101 Sprinkler heads,valves 5-02 billing 5-02 billing 5-02 bill ing 5-02 bill i ng 5-02 billing 5-02 billing Petty cash reimbursements Petty cash reimbursements April Billing April Billing April Billing April Bill ing April Billing 5-13 Bill ing May 28 1998 Total for Fire Total for Public Works 865 3140 811 4210 866 4210 865 4210 861 4210 862 4210 863 4210 862 3101 862 3101 811 4210 866 4210 861 4210 862 4210 863 4210 862 4210 021 Page 3 Amount 32.12 .72 4.30 2.20 ( 222.20 -230.74 483.48 3,344.90 32.37 63.44 2,427.75 143.94- 8,166.48 500.00 75.00 226.01 500.00 526.01 14.54 16.00 48.73 50.71 3.66 13.18 7.44 44.49 19.34 20.00 172.84 42.61 231. 34 2,511.90 1,614.08 24.21 8.07 8.07 16.14 8.07 24.21 32.96 9.16 13.88 6.89 57.47 1.00 7.25 6.18 98/05/28-16: 16 City of Port Angeles CHECK REGISTER Date From 05/18/98 To 05/29/98 Fnd Opt Check Vendor Vendor Nl.II1ber Name Nl.IlIber 45612 Angeles Temporary Services 01076 45618 Champion ChemicaL. Co 03317 45622 Country Dri.ed Florals 11014 45628 EarthWay 05161 45644 Maybee's Deli 13036 45657 Quiring Monuments Inc. 17001 45659 Recreonics Incorporated 18061 45660 Recycled Earth Products 18265 45664 Skagit Gardens 19077 45665 Sunset Do-It Best Hardware 19035 45668 Twiss Analytical laboratories 20153 45669 US Flag Ettiquette Advisory 21068 45670 US West Communications 21001 45683 WeHoP 1 Western Horticultural 23068 102 45647 Northern Hydraulics Inc. 14153 0007 45567 lucent Technologies 45579 Pharos Corporation 45580 Points Sharp Steel Inc. 45647 Northern Hydraulics Inc. 12215 16319 16092 14153 107 0005 45551 Crabb, Richard G. 03230 45557 Federal Express Corp. 06022 45567 lucent Technologies 12215 45569 Motorola Inc.-Western Division 13155 45601 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 109 0005 45652 Praxis Research 16283 Description. C Kochanek pe 5-15-98 Graffiti-X Arrangement for Cemetery Handle shaft, axle, brace Park Board Meeting Marker- Sund Inscription - Wright Pool sweep,lint pot knob Dirt Flowers Flowers Flowers Pipe, plug, coupling Chemical lab work Notification registration 5-14 Billing 5-14 Bi II ing 5-14 Bill ing 5-8 Bill ing Flowers Plants Pro lift truck crane 5-02 bill ing Professional services-Airport Asphal t cutter Pro lift truck crane Uniform allowance shipping charges 5-02 bi II ing Gold series license,upgrades April Bill ing May 28 1998 Gl Code Nl.IlIber 866 4150 865 3140 866 3120 865 3120 811 31.01 866 3401 866 3401 862 3120 865 3140 865 3101 865 3101 865 3101 865 3120 865 4901 865 4901 862 4210 865 4210 862 4210 866 4410 865 3101 865 3101 Total for Parks & Recreation Total for General Fund 102 2370000 Total for Department 7.52 4210 752 4150 752 3501 752 3501 Total for Public Works Total for Street Fund 532 2080 532 4990 532 4210 532 6310 532 4210 Total for penCom Prof Svcs-path Grant 50% pmt 541 4150 Prof Svcs-path Grant final pmt 541 4150 022 Total for P. A. Teen Help Page 4 . Amount 519.01 279.29 37.77 200.95 70.40 55.00 55.00 26.96 302.12 1,3n.29 1,286.47 271.70 6.19 109.00 60.00 40.97 38.27 36.37 80.50 85.18 51. 6,822.33 129,753.25 48.38- 48.38- 24.21 940.21 13.01 660.84 1,638.27 1,589.89 33.99 13.25 137.20 3,n4.50 46.04 3,954, 2,050. 0 1,000.00 3,050.00 98/05/28-16: 16 . Fnd Opt Check NLrnber 208 0002 209 0002 210 0002 310 0007 """;;;',7'~' ~>:1ti4f',-t- .'::W-:f City of Port Angeles CHECK REGISTER Date From 05/18/98 To OS/29/98 Vendor Name Vendor NLrnber 45541 Bank of New York, The 02175 45663 Sanford Irrigation 19504 0008 45638 Home Service 08260 45684 Zesbaugh Inc. 26213 . 401 45540 Badaracco, Dante 02374 45543 Bunker, Matthew 02373 45553 Daishowa America LTD 04002 45554 Deese, Sharon 04241 45556 Everwarm Inc. 05013 45578 Penic, Melissa 16303 45581 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 45596 Vladiou, Stephen 22072 45605 Wedding, Dennis 23406 45634 General Pacific Inc. 07034 45636 Hennessey, Lacy 08332 45645 McMicken, R. L. 13378 456n WESCO Distribution Inc. 23150 Description Professional services May 28 1998 GL Code Nl.ITIber 292 4150 Page 5 Amount Total for L.I.D. Control Fund 41.33 41.33 Professional services 297 4150 Total for 1992 GO Bonds ( Fire Station Professional services 291 4150 Total for 1995 GO Bonds ( LIbrary ) Service sprinkler system 792 4150 Total for Public Works Concrete slabs for bleachers 895 3101 Restroom partions- Ball field 895 3101 Total for Parks & Recreation Total for Capital Improvement Fund Utility deposit rfd-036528015 Utility deposit rfd-102113024 ESD Utility deposit rfd-032522031 Utility deposit rfd-032522031 Weatherwize bid #2357 Utility D~posit rfd-099317020 Tank rebate-Pat O'Brien Petty cash reimbursements Utility deposit rfd-057525026 'Utility deposit rfd-033421012 Lightning riser .arrestors Lightning riser arrestors Rfd utility deposit-063592002 Weatherwize incentive Wire Wire 401 2131100 401 2131100 401 1342000 401 2131100 401 1222200 401 1344000- 401 2131100 401 1343300 401 2451000 401 2131100 401 2131100 4011414000 401 1411000 't,01 2131100 401 1344000 401 1414000 401 1411000 Total for Department 0009 45538 Angeles Communications Inc 0106<? Wired computer network 911 4210 45544 Business Answerphone Service 02166 May services 911 4210 '.- 45567 Lucent Technologies 12215 5-02 bi II ing 911 4210 45568 Marsh Mundorf Pratt & Sullivan 13287 Professional svcs-Rates 1998 911 4901 45572 North Coast Electric Company 14173 Coil 911 4810 Contactor 9114810 023 Coil 911 4810 45582 Public Utility Dist Clallam Co 16038 SR 101 & Euclid Ave-May 911 .3350 51.95 51.95 42.23 42.23 120.04 120.04 938.84 1,684.39 2,623.23 2,743.27 250.00 28.93 215.00 120.15 47.42 1,054.1? 49.69 25.00 16.00 39.93 125.00 445.20 35.17 250.00 112.65 2,200.00 184.80 5,199.13 61.71 130.00 112.99 352.81 n.n 243.85 38.89 16.90 ---- - ---- -- , I 98/05/28-16:16 City of Port Angeles May 28 1998 Page 6 I CHECK REGISTER . Date From 05/18/98 To 05/29/98 Fnd Opt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount Nl.mber Name Nl.mber Nl.mber 45585 Schmitt's Sheet Metal Inc. 19007 . Brackets 911 3402 239.54 45601 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 April Bil Ung 911 4210 40.99 45606 Xerox Corporation 24001 Base charge Jan-Mar 1998 911 4150 127.86 1012RE Copier maint agre-3-99 911 4530 253.57 45607 Zee Medical Service Co. 26005 First aid supplies 911 3101 44.15 45610 AT&T Business Service 01085 5-13 Billing 911 4210 6.43 45627 EES Consulting Inc. 05140 Prof svcs-Proj' 14370 Strategic 911 4150 13,746.73 Prof svcs-proj #14705 City PA 911 4901 309.25 45634 General Pacific Inc. 07034 Lightning riser arrestors 911 3403 143.n 45670 US West Communications 21001 5-14 Billing 911 4210 40.92 45676 WABO 23136 Certificate renewal-Mike Brown 911 4901 30.00 45682 Waukesha Electric Systems 23393 Bushing gaskets 911 3402 39.10 Total for Li ght 16,057.18 Total for Light Fund 21,256.31 402 45604 Washington (Rev);'State of 23118 Excise tax return-April 1998 402 2370000 115.28 45667 Technomic Publishing Co Inc 20193 Wastewater publications 402 2370000 7.85- 45672 USA BlueBook 21060 Telescoping pole 402 2370000 3.81- Total for Department 103. 0003 45541 Bank of New York, The 02175 Professional services-WW 354 4150 43.98 45567 Lucent lechnologies 12215 5-02 billing 354 4210 16.14 45583 Puget Safety Equipment 16248 Gloves 354 3101 30.40 Gloves 354 3101 71.14 45601 Washington (OIS), State of 23111 April Billing 354 4210 30.60 .45604 Wllshington (Rev), State of 2311~ Excise tax return-April 1998 354 4950 4,9n.82 45621 Cole Industrial Inc. 03300 Boi ler tune up 354 4150 1,025.05 45649 Olympic Springs Inc. 15029 Water, cups 354 3101 22.44 Rental-Cook & Cold unit 354 3101 8.58 45667 Technomic Publishing Co Inc 20193 Wastewater publications 354 4310 58.98 456n USA BlueBook 21060 Telescoping pole 354 3101 51. 97 45678 Washington (Ecology), State of 23104 Loan #SRF91001 bi-annual pmt 354 7100 83,964.91 Loan #SRF91001 bi-annual pmt 354 8100 45,843.14 Total for Wastewater 136,145.15 0007 45545 CH2M Hi II 03005 Professional svcs-Water Supply 753 4150 2,780.n 45567 Lucent Technologies 12215 5-02 bill ing 753 4210 8.07 45582 Public Utility Oist Clallam Co 16038 Reservoir Rd 753 4710 79.20 45601 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 April Bill ing 753 4210 8.30 45604 Washington (Rev), State of 23118 Excise tax return-April 1998 753 4950 8,523.90 45617 Certified Laboratories 03057 Premalube 753 3101 621.50 45654 Public Utility Dist Clallam Co 16038 Crown Z Water Rd- May 753 4710 ~. 45662 Sanderson Safety Supply Co. 19048 Boots 753 3101 45667 Technomic Publishing Co Inc 20193 Wastewater publications 753 4310 024 48.18 Total for Public Works 12,182.29 ) 98/05/28-16: 16 . Fnd Opt Check NlJIber 404 0007 452 0007 ff!'"_"f '':f;l-i': City of Port Angeles CHECK REGISTER Date From 05/18/98 To OS/29/98 Vendor Name Vendor NlJIber 45537 AmTest, Inc. 01034 45546 Cheyenne Products Inc. 03425 45567 Lucent Technologies 12215 45571 North American Crane & Equip 14196 45575 OlyqJic'Refrigeration' 15085 45601 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 45679 Washington (Ecology), State of 23197 45545 CH2M Hill 45563 Industrial Pump Sales Co 45630 Elks Naval Lodge 353 03005 09110 05078 501 0007 45564 Kaman Industrial Technologies 11082 45567 Lucent TechnoLogies 12215 . 45592 United Fire Service Inc. 21015 45601 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 45602 Washington (DOL), State of 23123 502 0002 503 0001 .02 621 0002 45567 Lucent Technologies 45601 Washington (DIS), State of 12215 23111 45557 Federal Express Corp. 45584 Regence Blue Shield 45590 UNUM Life Ins Co of America 45613 Armory Express Pizzeria 45614 Bemis, Ruth 45616 Cameron, Kenneth 45633 Fox, Kenneth 45640 Johnson, Harry 45646 Miesel, Phil 45651 Pittis, Jack 45666 Sweatt, Johnnie 06022 18234 21000 01340 02011 03252 06191 10047 13261 16036 19146 45626 Doyle, Jerry 04022 45549 Clallam Title Company 45629 Electric Service Inc. 03286 05022 Description May 28 1998 GL Code NlJIber Total for Water/Wastewater Fund water, leachate analysis Life ring enclosures 5-02 bill ing 'Hopper cover Remove freon, compressors April Billing Hazardous Waste Education fee Professional services-SCADA Fountain PumpS Repair damaged flushometers Ball bearing. flange Unit 5-02 billing Bulbs April Billing Licensing - vehicle #1245 755 4150 755 3101 755 4210 ~5 3101 755 4150 755 4210 755 4901 Total for Solid Waste Fund 793 4150 793 4810 793 4150 Total for Water Construction 760 3101 760 4210 760 3101 760 4210 760 3212 Total for Equipment Services Fund 5-02 bi II ing April Bi ~ ling 250 4210 250 4210 Page 7 Amount 148,431.06 807.00 631.61 40.35 ' 891.79 1,696.19 12.65 35.00 4,114.59 1,039.23 1,667.47 133.46 2,840.16 125.04 8.07 94.70 10.70 91.25 329.76 24.21 22.51 Total for Information Systems Fund 46.72 Shipping charges 118 4909 Dental Claim Admin fee-June 98 117 4601 LTD coverage for June 121 4631 Safety meeting lunch 118 4909 May Disability Board Claims 121 4635 May Disability Board Claims 121 4635 May Disability Board Claims 121 4635 May Disability Board Claims 121 4635 May Disability Board Claims 121 4635 Reimburse out-patient fees 121 4630 May Disability Board Claims 121 4635 Total for Self - Insurance Fund May Disability Board Claims 225 4635 Total for Firemen's Pension FunfJ 2 5 Title insurance/record-Lopez Final pmt- Toni Runnion 214 4941 214 4150 6.50 1,111.60 1,667.09 39.24 79.44 39.00 97.30 15.00 35.00 166.67 130.16 3,387.00 99.14 99.14 125.30 2,547.50 98/05/28-16: 16 City of Port Angeles CHECK REGISTER Date From 05/18/98 To 05/29/98 Fnd Opt Check Nl.Illber Vendor Nl.Illber Vendor Name 625 0008 04050 45624 District 13 652 0008 45567 lucent Technologies 12215 45586 Seniuk, Jake 19014 45601 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 45637 History of the World 08331 45661 Reiquam, Peter 18294 45670 US West Communications 21001 698 45542 80nollo, Ed 02050 45558 Flex-Plan Services'Inc. 06062 45574 Office of Support Enforcement 15072 45589 States West life Insurance Co. 19313 45591 US Department of Education 21075 45594 United Way 21028 45597 Volunteer Fire Association 22060 45611 AcctCorp International Inc. 01364 Description May 28 1998 Gl Code Nl.Illber Total for P.A. Housing ReHab Project Umpire Svcs-Early Bird Tourney 881 4150 Total for Recreational Activities Fund 5-02 billing Reimburse expenses Reimburse expenses Reimburse expenses April Bi II ing Truck rental, ferry tickets Truck rental, ferry tickets Prof Svcs, travel expenses Prof Svcs, travel expenses Prof Svcs, travel expenses 5-14 Billing 868 4210 868 4810 868 3101 868 3501 868 4210 868 4530 868 3101 868 4150 868 4530 868 3101 868 4210 Total for Esther Webster Trust Fund Disburse 457 funds from IDS 698 2315220 Payroll deductions 05-17-98 698 2315210 Payroll deductions pe 5-17-98 698 2315210 Supplemental life Ins-June 698 2315160 Payroll deductions pe 5-17-98 698 2315210 Payroll deductions pe 5-17-98 698 2315240 Payroll deductions pe 5-17-98 698 2315210 Forward pmt on Col Acct-Marvin 698 2134000 Total for Accounts Payable Clearing Fund Grand Total Page 8 - Amount 2,672.80 100.00 100.00 8.07 5.40 100.76 24.70 28.14 304.54 35.40 200.00 126.65 59.00 45.33 937.99 7,920. 1,064. 311.54 737.80 50.74 425.19 46.00 568.00 11,124.59 336,567.02 026- PRESS RELEASE June 2, 1998 The City of Port Angeles has been awarded a grant from the State Transportation Improvement Board to build 4,150 feet of sidewalk on the west side of "I" Street from 5th Street to 16th Street. The goal of the project is to provide sidewalks in the vicinity of Stevens Middle School, Hamilton Elementary School and the Fairgrounds. The total cost of the project is $150,000 and the amount of the grant is $100,000. Construction could occur as early as this fall. Mayor Ga'ry Braun N:\PROJECTS\98-10IST\PRESS.598 I CD iO J JO]I . fd ~ " m~ S'TEVENS \\ SOioa. ,- . MEMORANDUM Coral Wheeler Administrative Assistant ext4650 Bruce W. Becker . Fire Chief ext4651 Daniel K. McKeen Fire Marshal ext4653 L. Keith Sogues Training Officer ext 4652 James B. (Duke) Moroz Medical Officer ext 4665 360-417 -4655 . DATE: May 27, 1998 TO: Mayor Braun and City Council Members FROM: Bruce Becker, Fire Chief RE: Fees for Duplicating and Searching of Medical Records ISSUE: Should the Council authorize the Fire Department to charge a reasonable fee for duplic,ating and/or. searching for medical records? RECOMMENDATION: f The Fire Department recommends amending the fee ordinance and allow charging $.74 a page for the first 30 pages and $.57 for each page thereafter. Fire Department also recommends a $17 charge for a clerical fee for searching and handling of records. BACKGROUND: \., The Fire Department cl1arges for .copies as - per Chapter 3.70 of ~PAMC. Chapter 70.02 RCW allows a gre~ter fee for searching and copying,of medical records. The RCW allows $.74 per page for the first 30 pages and $.57 for all additional pages. In addition a clerical fee for searching and handling of the request for copies are allowed up to $17. ANALYSIS: The Fire Department does process r€quest for medical records from lawyers, insurance companies, etc. There is a large amount of time dedicated. in searching for the information. BB/cw Attachment 027 3.70.010 G. Outdoor Music Festival. The fee for any outdoor music festival shall be - $10.00. . ~ H. Utility ConnectionsIReconnections & Automatic Turn-ons. 1. Utility connectionslreconnections during regular working hours (8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.) - $22.00 2. Automatic turn-ons pursuant to property owner agreements - $10.00 I. Special Utility Service Fees. 1. The penalty fee for delinquent utility bills shall be as follows: a. First assessment $ 2.00 b. Second assessment $ 5.00 ( . c. Third assessinent and beyond $10.00. 2. The collection fee for delinquent utility bills shall be as follows: a. Field collections - $22.00 b. Certified mail collections - $16.00 c. Automatic turn-ons pursuant to property owner agreements - $10.00. 3. The penalty fee for unauthorized utility services; as regulated in P AMC 13.18.020, shall be fifty dollars. 4. The credit check fee required under PAMC 3.64.030B shall be forty dollars. J. Fees for Supplying Prints, Copies and Other Services. 1. The charges for the supplying of prints and/or copies of any City document by the City of Port Angeles shall be as follows: (a) Photocopies (documents up to 10 pages are free) 8112 x 11 $ 0.15 each . 8112 x 11 - double-sided $ 0.15 each ,;' 8112 x 11 made by other than City employee $ 0.15 each 8112 x 14 $ 0.15 each 8112 x 14 - double-sided $ 0.15 each 8112 x 14 made by other than City employee $ 0.15 each 11 x 17 $ 0.15 each 11 x 17 - double-sided $ 0.15 each 11 x 17 made by other than City Employee $ 0.1-5 each (b) Faxed copies up to 10 pages no charge (Documents longer than 10 pages will not be faxed.) (c) 24" x 36" prints $ 6.00 each (d) 30" x 42" prints $ 6.50 each (e) 36" x 48" prints $ 7.00 each (f) Computer disks: 3112" or 5~" $ 1.00 each CD ROM $10.00 each (g) Zoning Ordinance $ 4.50 each (h) Comprehensive Plan $ 7.50 each. .2. The charges for the supplying of the services below shall be: (a) Municipal Code Books $35.00 each (b) Municipal Code Updates $ 0.15/page (c) Notary Public Fee $ 3.00/cert. . (d) Audio Tapes $ 3.50 each . . i 0/96 3 - 36 028 '~~~~:~..c ~';.:<:~.:,:.'\,~.'~;.'~...A:...''';'' "'.,....,,;:>. , t<'" 'i<.~;~!tlt? ~' -, ,.j:"-'.;n~~,;>:t~'~'~\::;~~f?~~y;~t . ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, establishing reasonable fees to cover the Fire Department's costs in duplicating and/or searching for medical records and amending ordinance 2932 and Chapter 3.70 of the Port Angeles " Municipal Code. ' 'THE CITY COUNCn... OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES DOES HEREBY ORDAIN as follows: Section 1. Section 7 of Ordinance 2932 and Section 3.70.090 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code are hereby amended to read as follows: 370090 - Fire Department Fees . A. Inspection Fees. When the following inspections are required to be performed pursuant to the Uniform Fire Code, the fees for such inspections shall be as set forth below: 1. Welding and cutting inspections for activities of the following duration: a. Up to 5 days $ 50.00 b. 6 to 30 days 100.00 c. 31 to 90 days 200.00 d. 91 to 180 days 300.00 e. 181 to 365 days 500.00. Welding and cutting activities extending beyond one year shall be required to renew any required permits and pay inspection fees in accordance with the above schedule. '2. Marine fueling operations inspections $25.00 - reinspections . 15.00 3. Place of assembly inspections - 25.00 4. Liquid petroleum gas tank and piping installation and inspection 25.00. The following fees shall be a one (I)-time fee for initial installation plan review and inspection: 5. Underground storage tank removal and installation inspection: commercial 100.00 residential 15.00 6. Automatic fire sprinkler installation inspection and testing: multi-family, 50.00 commercial 100.00 7. Fire alarm plan review 50.00 8. Fire alarm installation inspection and testing: 100.00 plus $10 for each additional zone 9. Hood/ductsystem plan review 15.00 10. Hood/duct system inspection and test 25.00 . - 1 - 029 k Burning Permit Fees. Fees for burning permits issued pursuant to P AMC 14.21.060 . shall be as follows: . 1. One-day, four feet in diameter fire No charge 2. Five-day, ten feet in diameter fire 25.00 3. Five-day, twenty feet in diameter fIfe 80.00 (Ord. 2932 ~7, 10/11/96) Medical records. Duplicatina and/or searchina. In accordance with RCW 70.02.010(12), the char,ies for duplicating and/or searching for medical records shall be as follows: ' 1.. Duplication charges 74 cents per paae for the first 30 pages 57 cents per page for all other pages z.. Clerical fee for searchina and handlina $17.00 B. Section 2. Severability. If any provisions of this Ordinance or its applications to any person or circumstances is held to be invalid, the remainder/ of the Ordinance or application of the provisions of the Ordinance to other persons or circumstances is not affected. Section 3 - Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect five days after the date of publication. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said Council held qn the day of , 1998. . MAYOR ATTEST: Becky J. Upton, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Craig D. Knutson, City Attorney PUBLISHED: By Summary "':198.12 . -2- U30 . . . " ,~;),M~>" ~;:):~":i~,'i.,. ,. '~',J;:'~'x;: _." ~/IJ A I~. PLANNING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM Brad Collins, Director, Extension 4751; Sue Roberds, Extension 4750; David Sawyer, Extension 4752 May 29,1998 TO: Mayor Braun, City Councilmembers, and Manager Pomeranz, FROM: Planning Department~ Brad Collins, Planning Director SUBJ: STREET VACATION PETITION - STY 98-01 NORTHWEST PERMIT - Portion of the alley between 8th/9th Streets and between Lincoln/Laurel Streets RECOMMENDATION/ ACTION: COUflcil should adopt the attached resolution setting a public hearing for Council's July 7, 1998, regular meetingfor consideration of the petition andforward the item to the Planning Commission for a recommendation in the meantime. BACKGROUND/SUMMARY: The Planning Department has received a valid petition requesting vacation of a portion of the alley located'between Eighth and Ninth Streets and between Lincoln and Laurel Streets. Upon receipt of a valid petition for vacation of public right-of-way; the Council is required to set a date at which time such request will be considered, The Planning Commission will forward a recommendation to the City Council following its regular meeting of June 10, 1998. Staff will be available for questions, Attachment: Resolution Petition 031 032 . I . . . "-i','<.. , "';J":,/,;~" . RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION of the City of Port Angeles setting a hearing date for a petition to vacate a portion of the 8/9 Alley between Lincoln and Laurel Streets, Port Angeles, Washington. . WHEREAS, a petition is on file with the City of Port Angeles to vacate a portiol) of the alley between Eighth and Ninth Streets and Lincoln and Laurel Streets a~jacent to Lots 1-6, and 13- 18. Block 268. Townsite of Port Angeles; and WHEREAS, the petition has been signed by the owners of more than two-thirds of the property abutting upon the right-of-way sought to be vacated; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES as follows: Section I. The petition to vacate the above-described City right-of-way shall be heard and determined by the City Council in the Council Chambers, 321 East Fifth Street. at the Council's regular meeting on July 7, 1998, at 7:00 p.m., or as soon thereafter as possible, which is not more than sixty (60) days nor less than twenty (20) days hence. S.ection 2. The City Clerk is hereby directed to give twenty (20) days notice of the pendency of the petition and the time and place of the hearing in accordance with the provisions ofRCW 35.79.020. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said Council held on the ..2nd__. day of June...:l9.9Jt ~ , MAYOR ATTEST: Becky Upton, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: . Craig Knutson, City Attorney 033 034 >/ . .' . ( $ZCO ~ , ~~ c(. d<1ct 19. ORIGINAL . CI1Y OF PORT ANGELES STREET VACATION PE11]lON TO: The City Council of the City of Port Angeles. Washington - Come now the undersigned petitioners and pursuant to Chapter 35.79 RCW respectfully show: 1.' The und'ersigned petitioners request that the following described portion of, ALL e y Street/Alley in the City of Port Angeles be vacated pursuant to Chapter 35.79 RCW (legally describe the property requested for vacation below). The. 6oS\\"'er\~ 300 be.~l:" Db Pr\\e. '1 \o6......:H2c2~ z.. 81k-s-r at Z:. 'i~ ~~e.. L p):~::~:~:)'t0.I,~~ ~.~ L\,^c. oL~ .6'"\. --rol\... e. Nur\"\..... J... c7~' / - Lp 'y- /3 - /8" .1:) I- .:l. L ,) / P /9 2. ~ach of the undersigned petitioners is the owner of an interest in real' estate abutting on the above described area. 3. ~ persons own property abutting on said area. 4. The names and addresses of property owners abutting on said areas are as follows: Name Address I -.k,L --Sc..vt'n lA:)€-\ \ 1 \ cg ~ il: pm\" ~'1P~ ~ t; L.0Pr -<, i.} I ~-' 1~ , (1/ . ./ \\ () / Q ('\ a ~ Lx....u """' c.AJ p \ \ f \ - GbherL ~~(" m('"... t\::i ..5c:... .-... e.... &~p 5. The undersigned petitioners constitute more tban two thirds of the owners of said abutting property . WHEREFORE, the petitioners ask that proceedings be commenced hereon for the vacation . of said area of'said A \\-e.-..y Street/Alley in the manner prescribed 'in Chapter 35.79 RCW. Respectfully submitted, ~ Address ehone l~L ~cu)rn we.,\\ \ \ g 8'ls I~' ~'1cl~ .ZOb .3 =l-'-). Ol'i83' ~ ~~ e- ~C4..~we.ll 'S~~p ~~b -c-t::;~. ~~L9 . - /~/J, I ./I.l ~ J ~~,S/ 0 .:2j1.3/ij' <:'-:-;;'" 7/fty /;,. ~ - - r ...(, -J -1 '- '3---- , ./:17 c--,:J?a.(t4~ c( .ile No. ':)~ , !? -0/. "* f'ho,... e... * " So C CA r- e.. "b i\ '-t e",-C- -b "- Dale Recelv ;? ( / '~. ) ).L t'~l::lIc. ,",~~e.A- / 0 ~ N e... r$ (\J. vO . -=? ~ r fY'\ ~ Hearing(s) Datc3 ! - ~':. e..f- 2:>e. ~l>' "'- h L. -t-\ c... ~ I 0 3 ~ ^/- -,-/y v CITY OF PORT ANGELES. 321 East Fiflh Street, P.O. Oox 1150. Port Anl!eles. W ^ 9Rlti2 n(jO) 4' i_.l;~n p- { CITY Of PORT ANGELES PUBUC WORKS ~ SCALE AREA MAP STREET VACATION (STV 98-01) LOTS 1-6 &13-18 BL. 268 100 j I 50 h ~. e . . . 036 lIE" Ji . . . >'.h:'r;'/":'~.';j:,,'i,';;~:;~,,) ';~:~"{':',',i:'~::!i:-:',~;~~~~'<:::{" , MINUTES PLANNING COMMISSION Port Angeles, Washington 98362 May 13, 1998 7:00 p.m. ROLL CALL Members Present: Linda Nutter, Dean Reed, Mary Craver, Bob King, Paul Ziakin, Cindy Souders, Fredric Hewins. (arrived at 7:05 p.m.) Member Absent: None Staff Present: Brad Collins, Sue Roberds, David Sawyer, Dan McKeen Public Present: Theresa Schmid, Marsha Pearson, Lynn Rogers, Bart Phillips, Nancy Van Sickle, Charles Leber, Martin Mason, Diana Greene, Bill La Rue APPROVAL OF MINUTES Commissioner Nutter moved to approve the April 22, 1998, minutes as submitted. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Craver and passed 5 - 0 with Commissioner Souders abstaining. PUBLIC HEARINGS: COMPREHRNS~ PI,AN AMENDMENT - CPA 98-01 - LaRue, West .8th Street between "G" and "H" Streets: Request for redesignation of property currently designated LDR, Low Density Residential, to HDR, High Density Residential. (Continued from April 22, 1998.) Senior Planner David Sawyer reviewed the Planning Department's staff report recommending that the Planning Commission forward a favorable recommendation to the City Council in support of the amendment. Chair Reed read the public testimony oath and reminded those present of the need to sign in to present public testimony. Bill La Rue, 222 W. Park Avenue, represented the application and stated that his family has owned the property for a couple of decades. Although there are no current plans for. development or offers to purchase the property, the area seems to make sense for high density residential development given the Park View Villas development that exists directly across the street. The location is on a bus route and is less than a block away from Shane Park. The City's Comprehensive Plan portrays the proposed area as ,being eligible for redesignatioQ. to High Density Residential. An adjoining property owner contacted him for information regarding the proposal upon receipt of the public notification letter but did not state objection to the proposal. 037 Planning Commission Minutes - May J 3. J 998 Page 2 . Planner Sawyer responded to a question from the Commissioners that property owners within 300 feet of the site were notified by mail and the site was posted for 15 days prior to the hearing. This proposal is to change the Comprehensive Plan designation for the site, not to rezone the property at this time. The application includes three properties that are not under the. La Rue family ownership. There being no further comments, Chair Reed closed the public hearing. ' Commissioner King moved to recommend approval of the Comprehensive Plan amendment as proposed citing the following findings and conClusions: Findings: Based on the information provided in the May 13, 1998, Staff Report for CPA 98-01, (including all of its attachments), comments and information presented during the public hearing, and the Planning Commission's discussion and deliberation, the City of Port Angeles Planning Commission hereby finds that: 1. All information provided in the May 13, 1998, Staff Report for CPA 98-01, (including all of its attachments), comments and information presented during the public hearing, and the Planning Commission's discussion and deliberation have been considered in this decision and is considered a part thereof. . 2. The applicant, Bill La Rue representing Jack and Ethel La Rue, is requesting to extend the High Density Residential land use designation to include the north side of the 1400 block ofW. 8th Street (Lots 11-20, Block 245 of the Townsite of Port Angeles). (Attachment A of Planning Department Staff Report for CPA 98-01 dated May 13, 1998.) . . 3. The subject properties are located in the City's North West Planning Area. 4. The lots are standard 50' by 140' (7,000 sf) lots fronting on 8th Street. They contain three single-family residences and one duplex. 5. All property owners were notified of the proposed amendment. 6. The SEP A Responsible Official issued a Determination of Non-Significance (DNS) on May 13, 1998, regarding this request. 7. The properties are currently designated Low Density Residential on the City's Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map. 8. The Planning Department Staff Report for CPA 98-01 dated May 13, 1998, identifies the Comprehensive Plan's Land Use Element Policies CI-4 as being the most relevant to the proposal. . 038 . . . i'i'i~' '.'~';~'rf' '?'~(::-}!''::;'',;':;.~~1;.< ,<,. ~~~:W?~:-'i~:~1'y'r~~~' ': Planning Commission Minutes - May J 3. J 998 Page 3 9. The Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map designations adjacent to the subject site are as follows: . To the north: To th~ south: To the east: To the west: LDR HDR Open Space (OS) LDR 10. The properties are currently zoned RS-7, Residential Single Family. 11. The existing land uses adjacent to the subject properties are as follows: To the north: To the south: To the east: To the west: single family res.idences senior housing complex single family residences single family residences 12. The proposed amendment extends the existing high density neighborhood across 8th Street to the north for one half block into an area that is primarily composed of single-family residences. 13. Eighth Street is identified in the Transportation Element as a Collector Arterial. Conclusions: Based on the information provided in the May 13, 1998, Staff Report for CPA 98-01, (including all of its attachments), comments and information presented during the public hearing, the Planning Commission's discussion and deliberation, and the above listed findings, th~ C~ty of Port Angeles Planning Commission hereby concludes the following.: A. Restricted to the lots south of the 7th/8th Street alley, the amendment should not change the overall character of the low-density neighborhood to the north. B. Urban services which are in place to serve the existing high-density development on the south side of 8th Street are sufficient to serve the proposed area. C. The proposed area can serve as a transitional use between the heavy traffic of 8th Street and the low-density neighborhood to the north. D The proposed amendment is consistent with the goals and policies of the Comprehensive Plan, specifically Land Use Element Policies Cl-4 The motion was seconded by Commissioner Souders and passed 5 - 2 with Commissioners Hewins and Nutter voting "no". Commissioner Hewins did not vote for the amendment because there are other residential high density properties that are not developed in the area, and there is not an apparent need for additional RHD properties at this time. Commissioner Nutter agreed with Commissioner Hewins and also felt this created an 039 Planning Commission Minutes - May 13. /998 . . ~ ~4 \~/ unnecessary encroachnient into the residential area on the sot~de of Eighth Street. . PARKING VARIANCE - PKV 98-02 - ROGERS, 1210 East Front Street. Proposal to allow a reduction from the required 43 parking spaces to 19 spaces to allow for expansion of a use in the Commercial Arterial District. Commissioner Souders stepped down from the meeting and left the meeting due to an appearance of fairness as the application involves a printing business ang she is the owner of such a business. Senior Planner Sawyer reviewed the Planning Department's staff report recommending denial of the requested variance and explained how staff determined the parking requirements for the type' of uses that exist on the site at the present time. He offered two alternatives in analyzing the parking requirements for the site which result in a difference of only two spaces. The alternatives involve whether the subject use is viewed as a print shop or an office use. In responding to Commissioner Hewifls, Planner Sawyer verified that a previous reduction in the parking regulations was approved for the use. However, at that time, parking spaces were calculated under more restrictive guidelines than at present. There was further discussion regarding parking off site that appears to be related to the AGS "business. Chair Reed opened the public hearing. . LYIlll Rogers, 1210-C Frollt Street, stated that the current parking layout for the site, which contains thiee business uses, was prepared by a professional parking designer with the approval by the City. His proposal is to add a second story to a portion of the main building structure that. contains the Domino's Pizza use but will not result in a second story to that portion ofthe building. AGS is not a commercial printing business. They print only their . own materials, do not encourage salesmen, and have no walk-in trade. Thirteen hundred seventy-six (1376) square feet of usable area exists at present. That area does not allow for room to store paper _for the printing use. The proposal will add an additional nine hundred (900) square feet of storage area for continued operation of the business. In addition to the print operation, AGS operates an internet based business which would also be located on the proposed second floor. Employees in this portion of the business will work on a shift basis 24 hours a day. He was surprised to learn that the request for a reduction in parking requirements was not acceptable to two adjoin~ng property owners, Dr. Wilcox and J6hn St. Laurent, who asked that the proposal be denied. He spoke with Dr. Wilcox regarding his concern but could not reach Mr. St. Laurent. . Subsequent meetings with employees resulted in agreements from the employee group to seek alternative modes of transportation to work and to work split shifts to reduce the. amount of parking generated by the business operations at anyone time. Additionally, he spoke with . the property owner directly to the east 'of the site regarding the possibility of obtaining property for approximately ten (10) additional parking spaces. He believed this is a viable 040 . . . ,fi''':'' i\~':-~--\',\~~,f~' ';"":'';'~'f{ i ?.:~'S:" 'Yj':':"I';-"( --:/~~~"I;"{' Planning Commission Minutes - May J 3. J 998 Page 5 option. In response to Commissioner Ziakin, Mr. Rogers responded that he currently employs twenty-seven (27) employees, twenty-three (23) of which work during the day. He expects to hire approximately ten (10) to twelve (12) new employees during the next year that will work mainly a night shift. He has been operating from the existing location for the past five years. Commissioner Reed began a discussion on the possible conflict that could occur at the end of a shift unless there is a brief down time. Mr. Rogers proposed a o1.le-half hour stagger I . period. Bart Phillips, Clallam County Economic Development Council, spoke in favor of the proposal. As a private non-profit operation that encourages the retention of existing businesses and the acquisition of additional business uses, the EDC is in favor of flexibility that allows an employer to encourage alternative modes of transportation and utilize split shift opportunities to solve parking problems and operate efficiently. The business does not depend on retail trade. Parking on-site is generated by employees only. Growth of the business is being impinged by the site. He is convinced ofthe applicant's sincerity to seek inventive parking solutions. He encouraged the Planning Commission to look at the broader context of the situation and work out the technical aspects in a favorable manner. . Chuck LaBar, 401 Whidby Avenue, defended staffs recommendation because staff is charged to analyze the application from the regulations that are found in the Port Angeles Municipal Code but the Planning Commission should act as members of the community and take the "Port Angeles Works" statement to heart. He applauded the applicant's willingness to be flexible and asked that be taken into account in the decision. There being no further public comment, Chair Reed closed the public hearing. Planner Sawyer responded in detail to the Commission's questions regarding the method of calculation of required and supplied parking spaces for the existing uses and the expansion that is proposed. He offered to work further with the applicant at the Commission's direction to determine if there is some additional flexibility that would make a difference. The applicant did not provide information regarding split shift possibilities or the use of additional off-site parking in the initial proposal so these possibilities were not analyzed in the staff report. He had not been able to speak in detail with the applicant as he [the applicant] had been o~t of town, although he had spoken briefly with Mrs. Rogers by phone. Off-site parking arrangements are a possibility and have been utilized by other business sites in the area. Commissioner Ziakin commended the applicant on his willingness t6 work with his employees on alternative transportation methods and working arrangements to reduce site congestion. Upon inquiry, Planner Sawyer noted that he counted only those parking spaces that qualify as standard parking spaces. He did not count areas along the alley. 041 Planning Commission Minutes - May 13. 1998 Page 6 Planning Director Collins stated that he believes conditions could be attached to a decision of approval that would address specific concerns. He repeated the various methods used to . calculate parking requirements for the site. Commissioner Hewins moved to deny the parking variance as proposed due to the existing congestion on site. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Nutter. In response to Commissioner Ziakin, Planning Director Collins and Planner Sawyer provided alternatives which included continuation of the request to work further with the applicant to investigate the various alternatives previously spoken of in an effort to come to a workable solution. to the concerns prior to denial of the request. The motion failed by a 3 - 3 vote. Commissioners Hewins, Nutter, and King voted for the motion, Reed, Craver, and Ziakin voted against the motion. Commissioner Ziakin moved to reopen and continue the public hearing to May 27, 1998, in order to allow this applicant .to explore with Planning staff which would include shift work and transportation options. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Craver. Commissioner Nutter applauded the success of the business and stated that although she would like to see the business continue to flourish, she felt that too many concessions were being proposed that are not enforceable andwhich may not be fair to other property owners. She encouraged denial of the motion but would like to see the applicant return with a more . complete proposal which includes the options and variations proposed by the applicant during the public hearing. Commissioner King agreed with this analysis. Commissioner Hewins noted that today's society is based around the automobile and it is necessary to provide for those needs. Although the applicant has stated a willingness to work out alternate work schedules and seek alternative forms of transportation for employees, invariably, a reduction in required parking runs its ~ourse and results in a deficit that affects everyone. Busses do not always run on business schedules and employees will need to drive to work. Commissioner King agreed and added that the applicant did not propose alternative methods of transportation in his application. He hoped that the applicant would have thoroughly analyzed his options prior to making his application to allow the Commission to thoroughly study those options and be able to render a well thought out decision. He encouraged the applicant to correct that deficiency in a second application. He agreed that in his professional experience most parking reductions do not work out in the long run as there is a demand for parking in today's society that must be addressed. Commissioner Craver encouraged a favorable vote on the motion in order to provide the applicant an opportunity to work through the alternatives that he proposed including the possibility of obtaining parking on the property to the east which would solve the problems at hand. . Commissioner Reed stressed exploring every opportunity to work within the set guidelines . and that maybe a little more effort would result in a workable solution without appearing to 042 . . . "?;'J "~~>~,~-~~,~1''f,:~,:;:..,tl' '":c'-;"~~':?:'~\li:il~?:'~~~:';:'~:'..;i(O' Planning Commission Minutes - May 13. 1998 Page 7 twist the rules. The business is valued by the community, and as staff didn't have the opportunity to work closely with the applicant in this situation due to business conflicts and new information prior to the meeting, he encouraged continuation of the item to provide more review time and to explore all the options available before rendering a final decision. On call for the question, it resulted in a tied vote: Commissioners Nutter, Hewins, King to deny; and Reed, Ziakin, and Craver in favor. Planning Director Collins suggested that as the Commission appears to be deadlocked, it reconsider the original motion and pass the item along to the City Council. Chair Reed asked Mr. Rogers to address questions regarding his wishes in the matter. Mr. Rogers stated that he understood the question to be whether he wishes to proceed with a continuance to the next meeting or to ask for a clear denial to be able to appeal the decision to the City Council. He answered that it is obvious the Commission is prejudiced against certain points of view and his only alternative is to take it to the City Council. Given the applicant's decision, Commissioner Hewins moved to deny the parking variance citing the following findings and conclusions: Findings: Based on the information provided in the May 13, 1998, Staff Report for PKV 98-02, (including all of its attachments), comments and information presented during the public hearing, and the Planning Commission's discussion and deliberatiop, the City of Port Angeles Planning Commission hereby finds that: 1. The applicant and owner of the property is Lynn Rogers. 2. The subject property is located at 1210-C Front Street. 3. The applicant's proposal is to reduce the number of required parking spaces required for the subject site and its existing and proposed uses from 43 to 19. 4. The applicant is proposing to construct approximately 900 square feet of additional ground floor area which will be used.to expand the printing shop portion of the AGS business and to construct an additional 4,400 square feet of floor area as a second story on the existing eastern building. This area is to be used for AGS and ARCV office operations. 5. The property is designated as Commercial in the City's Comprehensive Plan. 6. The property is zoned Commercial Arterial (CA). 7. The ~xisting and proposed uses are permitted uses in the CA zone. 8. The site is located on the north side of the 1200 block of East Front Street. It consists of three 50' by 140' townsite lots totaling approximately 21,000 square feet in size. 043 Planning Commission Minutes - May 13. 1998 Page 8 . 9. The site is level and currently developed with three individual buildings. The largest building (approximately 5,500 sf) is located on the east half ofthe site and contains three separately addressed businesses, a small pizza delivery outlet, an internet service business (affiliated with the applicant's primary business), and the applicant's mapping business. The other two buildings are on the west half of the site. The second buildmg (approximately 3,500 sf) near the front of the site is occupied by a retail pawn shop and the third and smallest building (1,350 sf) located near the rear of the site is occupied by the printing portion of the applicant's business. 10. There are currently 20 striped parking spaces on the subject site with access to Front Street, Jones Street and the alley to the south. 11. Existing land uses adjacent to the subject site are as follows: To the north: To the south: To the east: To the west: multi-family housing commercial uses single-family residence veterinary office 12. The proposed variance is categorically exempt from State Environmental Protection Act threshold determination and environmental impact statement requirements. . 13. In December of 1992, the City Council approved a reduction in parking requirements from 40 spaces to 20 spaces for similar uses on the subject site (PKV 92(12)03). Since that time, the Parking Ordinance has been amended reducing the number of spaces required for retail and office uses and establishing one standard size parking space (8.5' by 18). 14. Although the application is for a reduction from '43 required spaces to 19 spaces, the Port Angeles Municipal Code requires a total of 44 spaces for the existing and. proposed uses. 15. The requested variance results in a shortage of 25 spaces or 57% of the number required by the Port Angeles Municipal Code. 16. The Public Works Department indicated the parking at this site "is currently utilized fully." Their complete comments are attached as Attachment B of the May 13, 1998 Staff Report for PKV 98-02. 17. The Fire Department indicated they feel any potential parking overflow would not effect fire access to the site. Their complete comments are attached as Attachment C of the May 13, 1998 Staff Report for PKV 98-02. . 044 . . . ":'''~':~~,!~~j~'~<'J'1")'!.~''l1<>~W~~~ ,,,.\'It;';rtM~~t'{,~\l:;,~'t~:f')l- Planning Commission Minutes - May 13, 1998 Page 9 ' Conclusions' Based on the information provided in the May 13, 1998, Staff Report for PKV 98-02, (including all of its attachments), comments and information presented during the public hearing, the ~lanning Commission's discussion and deliberation, and the above listed findings, the City of Port Angeles Planning Commission hereby concludes that: 1.- The subject site's existing uses and reduced number of required parking spaces combined with any increased use of the site without additional on-site parking spaces has the potential to further impact adjacent properties and the flow of traffic in the abutting alley. 2. Based on the information provided by the applicant regarding the current and future types of business activities conducted by AGS, the AGS business is considered a mapping business with the parking requirements of an office use rather than a printing business. 3. The proposed variance is not consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan, specifically Transportation Element Policy B 14. 4, The proposed variance does not meet the intent of the City's Off-Street Parking Ordinance. Commissioner Nutter noted that she would like to see a re-application with all the various alternatives clearly spelled out for the Commission's consideration. Commissioner Ziakin asked if the applicant was aware,how difficult this issue was for the Planning Commission and that the members were endeavoring to see~ a favorable solution. . ' Director Collins stated that he believes the applicant is hoping that by making an appeal to the City Council he can move forward in a more timely fashion as the Commission appears to be deadlocked. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Nutter, and passed 5 - 1 with Commissioner Ziakin voting in the negative. , ? Planning Director Collins indicated that he believes the applicant accepts the denial in a effort to be able to appeal the decision to the City Council. Commissioners Reed and Craver wanted it made clear that their votes in favor of denial were in acknowledgment of the applicant's request for such and to enable him to continue as he requested with an appeal without further consideration by the Planning Commission. Director Collins explained the appeal proceedings to the applicant and that there is an appeal fee involved in that process. ' Commissioner Souders returned to the meeting room. 045 Planning Commission Minutes - May J 3. J 998 Page 10 MUNICIPAL CODE AMENDMENT - MCA 98-01 - CITY OF PORT ANGELES, City wide: A pr.op.osal t.o amend Chapter 15 (Environment).of the P.ort Angeles Municipal C.ode t.o process sh.oreline substantial devel.opment permits administratively. (C.ontinued fr.om April 22, 1998.) Commissi.oner S.ouders n.oted f.or the rec.ord that alth.ough she was n.ot present at the previ.ous meeting~ she had read the'minutes .of that meeting and was prepared t.o act .on this issue. Direct.or C.ollins reviewed staffs mem.orandum. ' C.ommissi.oner S.ouders n.oted that if the amendment is approved, the City Planning Direct.or w.ould bec.ome n.ot .only the City's SEP A Resp.onsible Official, which he is at present, but w.ould then als.o be the final auth.ority en sh.oreline permit applicati.on. She believes m.ore pe.ople sh.ould be inv.olved in decisi.ons en sh.oreline permits. . The C.ommissi.oners discussed the drawbacks t.o the prop.osal which w.ould all.ow a public hearing .only by appeal te the City C.ouncil rather than during the applicati.on process. C.ommissi.oner Craver felt strongly that acti.ons .on sh.oreline permit applicati.ons sh.ould be made .only after a public hearing. The pr.op.osal w.ould result in a decisi.on being rendered .outside .of a public hearing, and, if an appeal is filed by an interested party, a public hearing w.ould then be held .on that appeal by the City C.ouncil. In resp.onse t.o C.ommissi.oner Ziakin, Chair Reed explained the hist.ory .of the relatively . recent devel.opment and ad.opti.on .of the City's Sh.oreline Master Pr.ogram and that its regulati.ons with regard t.o permit activities and uses are very specific. Public testim.ony is rarely given n.or is there generally ever any.one .other than the applicant t.o speak t.o, .or .object te, an applicati.on request. Decisi.ons are largely based up.on the pr.op.osal's c.ompliance with the Master Program. Under the current pr.op.osal, appeals .of decisi.ons w.ould be heard by the City C.ouncil thr.ough a public hearing pr.oc,ess in the event s.ome.one disagreed with a 'decisi.on. Currently, appeals w.ould be heard thr.ough a cl.osed rec.ord hearing .only with n.o pu1?lic hearing at the City C.ouncil. C.ommissi.oner Ziakin n.oted that alth.ough he realizes the amendment is in an attempt t.o hasten the lenghty sh.oreline permit applicatien process, in trying t.o acc.omplish this end we are taking away the right t.o be heard t.o a certain degree, except by appeal .of a decisi.on. Direct.or C.ollins n.oted that there is a 3D-day public cemment peri.od pri.or t.o any decisi.on p.ossibility in which staff will be reviewing the applicati.on with any.one wh.o ch.o.oses t.o questi.on anything ab.out the pr.ocess and wh.o wishes t.o add their th.oughts and c.oncerns t.o the file. The same review process w.ould be f.oll.owed with the staff making a rec.ommendati.on the same as t.o the Planning C.ommissi.on, but t.o the Direct.or. Bey.ond that, any.one aggrieved by the decisi.on c.ould appeal t.o the City C.ouncil and be heard at a public hearing. Direct.or C.ollins elab.orated in resp.onse t.o C.ommissi.oner Ziakin that the types .of sh.oreline . uses that w.ould fall under the permitting auth.ority w.ould range fr.om min.or improvements t.o existing facilities t.o a maj.or mill pr.op.osal .on the water. 046 . . . <'-~;"':'.~1":."by~;",;~:,,:,,.<;:, 1',:~~';:~ /':,;";:;\-';;7\~i;,~~~-~,:(Z'jJi/~:H~_ Planning Commission Minutes - May 13. 1998 Page 11 . The Commission continued to discuss their concerns regarding the appeal process. Commissioner Craver stated that as the City's waterfront/shoreline areas are one of its major resources, she would rather the Planning Commission act on shoreline permit applications than those decisions being made by one individual. ') Commissioner King agreed that it is important to allow the public an opportunity to speak and to contribute to shoreline issues; however, it is also important to hasten application processes when possible. ( . Commissioner Ziakin stated that the public's past indifference or lack ofmvolvement is not a valid reason to cut them off from future involvement. Commissioner Ziakin moved to retain the current processing procedure citing the following findings and conclusions: Findings: 1. The City of Port Angeles adopted, and the State of Washington approved, a revised Shoreline Master Program, which is consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan, in 1995 that contains standards under which development within shoreline areas may occur. 2. In accordance with State statutes, the City passed new requirements (Ordinance 2911) limiting certain permits to one open record public hearing process. 3. Shoreline Substantial Development Permits (SMA) are currently processed by the Planning Commission, which meets twice a month. - . 4. Shoreline Substantial Development Permit applications require an extraordinary (30 days) public notification period by the State prior to a decision. 5. There is a 21-day appeal period at the state level during which no work may. be commenced following the local authority's final action on a shoreline permit. . 6. Currently, appeals of shoreline permit decisions must go to the City Council on a closed record basis. I 7. The City's Municipal Code allows for appeal of administrative actions to the City Council on an open record basis. ! Conclusion: A. Applicants and the public benefit from an open public hearing process. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Craver, and passed 6 - 1. Commissioner Reed voted against the motion as decisions regarding shoreline permit applications are strictly prescribed in the City's Shoreline Master Program with appeal of those actions to the City Council at a public hearing. 047 Planning Commission Minutes - May 13. 1998 Page 12 COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE PUBLIC . Theresa Schmid, 114 East Ninth Street, asked the Planning Commission whether it would continue with consideration of the Northwest Permit rezone proposal (Item I on the agenda) as the applicants did not submit the promised traffic study by the time promised. She clarified that although she is asking about a specific issue, she would also like to know generally if material is not received when it is due, what actions the Commission is accustomed to take. ( I At the direction of the Chair, Director Collins explained that when staff requests materials in order to perform an adequate review and recommendation to the Planning Commission, if that material is received in a manner that allows for that review, all efforts are made to accomplish the application process in a timely manner. When staff requested the Planning Commission to continue the subject rezone public hearing to its June 10 meeting it was with . some skepticism that a traffic study would be completed by April 30th, as stated by the applicant, given the time frame involved. The study is late by that fact, but if the information is received in a manner that allows for a thorough review and recommendation, the Commission will continue to process the application at its June 10 meeting. Marsha Pearson, 118 East Ninth Street, asked if the commissioners visit specific sites prior to decisions. The Commissioners and staff responded that they do visit sites but do not stop or speak to applicants or neighbors. . STAFF REPORTS Director Collins explained drafting corrections that were made to the City's Shoreline Environment Map following the Commission's recommendation to the City Council to change two areas at the April 22nd meeting. The corrections were to clarify the Commission's action. REPORTS OF COMMISSION MEMBERS Senior Planner Sawyer clarified a condition of the conditional use pemlit for the Virginia Mason Clinic on Eighth and Vine Street. Commissioner Nutter commented on the progress of the City's'Non Motorized Advisory Committee meetings. She also noted the illegal use of Francis Street by a commercial rental activity (V-Haul) that is storing moving vans on the street. Not only is this a zoning violation, it is a hazardous traffic situation. Director Collins noted that it is a police issue. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 10:00 p.m. . Brad Collins, Secretary Dean Reed, Chair PREPARED BY: S. Roberds 048 . . . ','-',," ~ - ~',_~_f"~~_'~,_>"_.-",c -"'~:'-"<;"''''','Z$~~i.,,~:',~:;,r Planning Commission Minutes - May 13. 1998 Page 3 9. The Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map designations adjacent to the subject site are as follows: To the north: To the. south: To the east: To the west: LDR HDR Open Space (OS) LDR 10. The properties are currently zoned RS-7, Residential Single Family. 11. The existing land uses adjacent to the subject properties are as follows: To the north: To the south: To the east: To the west: single family res!dences senior housing complex single family residences single family residences 12. The proposed amendment extends the existing high density neighborhood across 8th Street to the north for one half block into an area that is primarily composed of "- single- family residences. 13. Eighth Street is identified in the Transportation Element as a Coll~ctor Arterial. Conclusions: Based on the information provided in the May 13, 1998, Staff Report for CPA 98-01, (including all of its attachments), comments and information presented during the public hearing, the Planning Commission's discussion and deliberation, and the above listed 'findings, the. Ci.ty of Port Angeles Planning Commission hereby concludes the following: A. Restricted to the lot~ south of the 7th/8th Street alley, the amendment should not change the overall character of the low-density neighborhood to the north. B. Urban services which are in place to serve the exis~ing high-density development on the south side of 8th Street are sufficient to serve the proposed area. C. The proposed area can serve as a transitional Use between the heavy traffic of 8th . Street and the low-density neighborhood to the north. D The proposed amendment is consistent with the 'goals and policies of the Comprehensive Plan, specifically Land Use Eleme~t Policies CI-4 The motion was seconded by Commissioner Souders and passed 5 - 2 with Commissioners Hewins and Nutter voting "no". Commissioner Hewins did not vote for , the amendment because there are other residential high density properties that are riot developed in the area, and there is not an apparent need for additional RHD properties at this time. Commissioner Nutter agreed with Commissioner Hewins and also felt this created an 039 Planning Commission Minutes - May 13. 1998 Page 4 unnecessary encroachment into the residential area on the ~ side of Eighth Street. htrl't'h PARKING VARIANCE - PKV 98-02 - ROGERS, 1210 East FrontStreet: Proposal to allow a reduction from the required 43 parking spaces to 19 spaces to allow for expansion of a use in the Commercial Arterial District. Commissioner Souders stepped down from the meeting and left the meeting due to an appearance of fairness as the application involves a printing business and she is the owner of such a business. Senior Planner Sawyer reviewed the Planning Oepartment's staff report recommending denial of the requested variance and explained how staff determined the parking requirements for the type of uses that exist on the site at the present time. He offered two alternatives in analyzi~g the parking requirements for the site which result in a difference of only two spaces. The alternatives involve whether the subject use is viewed as a print shop or an office use. In responding to Commissioner Hewi~s, Planner Sawyer verified that a previous reduction in the parking regulations was approved for the use. However, at that time, parking spaces were calculated under more restrictive guidelines than at present. There was further discussion regarding parking off site that appears to be related to the AGS business. Chair Reed opened the public hearing. LYIIII Rogers, 1210-C Front Street, stated that the current parking layout for the site, which contains three business uses, was prepared by a professional parking designer with the ' approval by the City. His proposal is to add a second story to a portion ofthe main building structure that contains the Domino's Pizza use but will not result in a second story to that portion of the building. AGS is not a commercial printing business. They print only their .own materials, do not encourage salesmen, and have nO walk-in trade. Thirteen hundred seventy-six (1376) square feet of usable area exists at present. That area does not allow for room to store paper _for the printing use. The proposal will add an additional nine hundred (900) square feet of storage area for continued operation of the business. In addition to the print operation, AGS operates an internet based business which would also be located on the proposed second floor. Employees in this portion of the business will work on a shift basis 24 hours a day . . He w~s surprised to learn that the request for a reduction in parking requirements was not acceptable to two adjoining property owners, Dr. Wilcox and John St. Laurent, who asked that the proposal be denied. He spoke with Dr. Wilcox regarding his concern but could not reach Mr. St. Laurent. - Subsequent meetings with employees resulted in agreements from the employee group to seek alternative modes of transportation to work and to work split shifts to reduce the amount of parking generated by the business operations at anyone tune. Additionally, he spoke with the property owner directly to the east of the site regarding the possibility of obtaining property for approximately ten (10) additional parking spaces. He believed this is a viable . . . 040 . 1-800-858-3747 WA 830 W. Laundsen Blvd. FAX (360) 452-1316 Port Angeles,WA 98363 P A . t assenger 5515 ance: Summary Minutes (360) 452-4511 Joint Meeting Clallam Transit System and Port Angeles City Council Clallam Transit System 830 West Lauridsen Boulevard Port Angeles, Washington 98363 May 26, 1998 Transit Board Present: Chairman Carole Boardman, Clallam County Phil Kitchel, Clallam County Dave Anders, City of Sequim Bob Smith, City of Sequim Rich Hsu, City of Forks (Gary Braun, City of Port Angeles) (Larry Williams, City of Port Angeles) Port Anqeles City Council Present: Gary Braun, Mayor Larry Williams, Councilman Glenn Wiggins, Councilman Transit Staff Present: Daniel A. Di Guilio, General Manager Terry G. Weed, Operations Manager David E. Fox, Maintenance Manager Mary E. Bower, Executive Assistant Sandie Barnhart, Administrative Assistant Craig Miller, Attorney to the Authority Port Anoeles City Staff Present: Jack Pittis, Interim City Manager Tim Smith, Projects and Grants Administrator Brad Collins, Director of planning Craig Knutson, City Attorney I. Introductions Authority Board Chairperson Carole Boardman opened the special joint public meeting at 3:00 p.m. Introductions were made at this time. It was noted there was no quorum for the Port Angeles City Council present. II. . Meetinq Outcome - Dan Di Guilio Dan Di Guilio stated if the outcome of this meeting was positive, the Port Angeles City Council and CTS.Authority Board should direct staff to develop an interlocal agreement to identify the roles and responsibilities related to the construction and operation of the Port Angeles International Gateway Transportation Center project. III. Proiect History - Tim Smith Tim Smith stated the multi-modal project is actually seen as a series of coordinated transportation activities between the downt'own waterfront and Front Street. He noted the hub is seen as being within the downtown core near the waterfront and ferry terminals. He said overall the project deals with fnfrastructure at the waterfront, sidewalks, sign?ige, etc. Tim went on to discuss how the original project began. He mentioned a transitioning economy and some deterioration of the central business district (CBD) with some businesses lost to other 10C?l1 communities. Tim went on to say there had been some poor CBD land use and mentioned underused parking capacity, few large development Special Joint Public Meetina Minutes May 26, 1998 Page 2 sites, underutilized use of valuable waterfront, and seasonally congested traffic. He noted the goals were to identify and implement CSD projects to stimulate the economy, address failing public infrastructure, provide opportunities to attract private investment, and promote better CSD land use. He added through improving public" infrastructure, more private and public partners would be attracted. Tim stated the initial partners were the city, CTS, and the port. He added the list of partners had been expanded to include other local, regional, state, and federal agencies and the local business community. Tim noted an action plan was developed by the city. He added through the process there were grumblings that this would be just another plan. Tim mentioned the successive "wave" concept of development to be used, Le., plan, fund, implement, review, plan, fund, implement, review, etc., along with successive "wave" funding acquisition. Tim said the pre-design plan led to the broad CSD plan (Downtown Forward). He stated in looking at the whole concept, the multi-modal transportation center connected all the other related projects together, Le., water mains, sidewalks, estuary, Gateway center, convention center, old City Hall, state office, and the Lee Hotel. Tim noted the pre-design phase was expanded to bring all stakeholders together to participate in the discussions. He added that while doing this the planning department kept listening for areas of consensus in the p~rojects. Tim said early in the process it was determined advantageous for the city to stay with basic public infrastructure; thus the sidewalks and water mains were done first. He added the estuary project is also near completion. He noted the Downtown Forward plan recognizes all the other plans as well. IV. Known Issues - Jack Pittis Jac"k Pittis said Tim had described the history of the project downtown. He added there was an interlocal agreement in place between the port, city, and CTS related to this project. He noted as a part of the agreement, the city was identified as the lead agency for project. Jack s"tated the lead for the project and the focus " of the whole project began to change with the dedication of FTA funds. He said at this point, the city started to look at this project in a different way administratively. Jack stated the city began to ask what it could do that would be best for community as a whole. He stated CTS had managed Federal Transit Administration (FT A) grant funds before and both have managed construction projects. Jack stated the city wants to make sure everyone keeps working together. He mentioned establishing a steering committee, noting the current agreement talks about an Executive Committee. Jack stated the parties needed to work with the Downtown Association and address commitments made during the planning process. Jack noted a lot of things have changed in last 18 months to cause the city to look at .the project differently. He said the city wanted "a win" for everyone. He added he"thought the parties could do this by working together. He concluded by stating all parties can remain whole and build something to really benefit the community. Special Joint Public Meetina Minutes May 26,1998 Page 3 Jack went on to review the known issues. He said the parties would need to identify who would prepare grant applications for both the Washington State Transportation Improvement Board (TIB) and FT A grant funding. He said he thought the group should move forward with establishing a steering committee; issuing a RFP for preliminary design, scope of work, site selection, cost estimate, . . and environmental assessment and issuing a RFP for facility design. Jack also' m~ntioned right of way cost estimates would be needed. He said the parties . needed to relook at the project. He stated they knew what it wasn't. Jack stated the city believes there is more of a presence needed for transit at the facility. He added without this, FTA funds may be in question due to appropriateness of use. Jack stated the parties would need to make sure all local, state, and federal requirements are met in the RFP processes. He added the parties would need to identify who would manage the FT A and TIB portions of the project, and who would manage the construction of the project. He noted the city would need to manage the TIB funds. Jack added the parties also needed to discuss operation and maintenance of the project, along with determining who would be responsible for future project rehabilitation or reconstruction. He said the parties needed to identify who would own the property, be the landlord, and collect and disburse lease proceeds. He added there were a lot of things to work through. Jack said he was confident transit and city staffs could work together. He noted the environmental process was key. Again he noted a lot of things had changed in the last 18 months and added it was now time to go back and take a closer look at the project. V. Open Discussion Dan said the city wanted CTS to reinforce its participation in the project. He added there would be a number of hurdles to get through. ,He stated both transit and city staff were here today to hear from the elected officials representing both agencies and get direction after their discussion. Dan said in the scoping of the '. project, the officials needed to ask if it makes sense' for CTS to be at the facility. He added both CTS and the city would need to work through the identified concerns. Dan said' the local match issue would be' a concern for us. He concluded by stating this project had been proceeding along without transit involvement or any dedication of transit funding from CTS. He noted the system had shifted its focus to the Sequim center. Gary Braun said unfortunately only three city council members could be present. He noted t.he city did not have a quorum present to take any action. Craig Knutson noted if there was some consensus among the members present, city staff could take this issue to the next city council meeting for discussion. Jack said staff could take this to the council for action. He added both transit and city staff wanted to present this info to all the elected officials at one time so this meeting had been set up. Craig K. noted there were a lot of issues that would need to be addressed. Phil Kitchel said it was his assumption that if CTS proceeded with this project it would drop the Sequim project below this in priority. He asked is this what would happen or would CTS go ahead with both. He asked if this would be a stretch of staff time. Dan said he thought CTS staff could do Special Joint Public Meetina Minutes May 26, 1998 Page 4 both at the same time. He added both Dave Olexer and Sandie Barnhart were anxious to add this project to their workload. Dan said CTS was planning on having the local match for the Sequim project. He . went on to say that if CTS were to participate in the Gateway project as the lead agency it would need a local match of about $400,000. Dan stated CTS does not have local match for this project. With continued emphasis on the Sequim project, He said CTS will not be able to provide local match from CTS funds. He mentioned state and federal money could match each other. He said it could be arranged so that there would be no cost to CTS other than staff time. Phil asked if a site was identified for transit. Dan said no. He added Larry Williams had information on a site he wanted to share. Bob Smith stated if both projects could be done at the same time. he had no problem with it. He added, however, that because of the Sequim bypass he didn't want to do anything to jeopardize that project. He said if there was no conflict he had no problems with it. But if there were any problems he had a problem. Bob questioned "main street" signing, etc. Tim said this would need to be carefully orchestrated between the Downtown Forward and "main street" activities. Bob asked if all businesses were in the loop. Tim replied yes. Dan noted the Port Angeles Downtown Association Board of Directors would be included in the process. Rich Hsu said he was very excited about this project. He added he knew there were a lot of details to take care of. He stated transit and the city needed to consider the region's economy. He added that he felt this needed to be designed to include all of the Peninsula not just Port Angeles. Rich said he heard staff say there would be no problems with CTS staff time to do this. He said he had also heard that funding to support CTS iilVolvement as lead agency could be a problem. Rich noted that in siting the center, the parties needed to remember this was a "gateway" project. Dan said . the city -had always referred to this as a multi-modal project. He added this concept is strengthened through greater CTS involvement. Larry referred to a map of the downtown area. He stated in consideration of the concept of a multi-modal facility, he wanted to suggest an alternate site. Larry noted the highlighted area between Oak and Lincoln Streets between First and Second Streets. He noted prime buildable land was being used for parking and any loss of parking is a barrier to further downtown development. He noted there was growing concern about the stability of the hillside in the highlighted area. He said he believed there was a rare opportunity to plan 50 years into the future and solve a potential disaster in Port Angeles by stabilizing the hillside. He noted some technical concerns have been considered. He noted there could be a ground-level parking area with a lid to be even with the top of Maurices. He stated he felt there were a lot of different possibilities for a multi-modal center in this area. . Jack noted the environmental process would give transit and the city an opportunity to look at this. Both Carole and Phil said they would have to leave for another meeting. Carole said she liked the idea of cooperation and working together. She added as to what level of participation she would like to get some ) . Special Joint Public Meetina Minutes May 26,1998 Page 5 more ideas from the other board members on this. Phil said there were a number of issues. Dan said staff was basically looking to see if there was consensus on behalf of the board for staff to go and get that !nformation. Phil went on to say that with the pressure off Oak Street, he was skeptical there was room for CTS downtown. Dan said staff would like to start taking a look at the issues if that is what the transit board and city council wanted. Glenn Wiggins asked if one of the. strongest reasons to proceed at this time would be to retain the dedicated funding. Dan said yes. Jack said transit and the city would be looking at moving this along beginning with the environmental work. He noted construction is not fully funded yet. He added near the end of the design phase transit and the city would know what costs would be. He said the parties could then address needs. Jack noted transit and the city are not looking for authorizations beyond their abilities to pay at this time, ( . VI. Decision Gary stated conceptually he liked what he had heard. He said he thought transit and the city needed to agree if they wanted to move along in this fashion. (Both Carole and Phil left the meeting at this time - 3:45 p.m. Carole asked Bob to preside over the rest of the meeting.) Larry, Gary, and Glenn expressed their agreement to have transit and the city proceed as described at this time. Dan said he could attend the city council meeting next week. He noted the cost estimate for this planning project would be approximately $200,000 to $250,000. He added both transit and city staff hoped to use TIB funds to match FTA planning funds. He added he hoped to get enough funding to complete all necessary steps through completion of construction documents Glenn suggested before taking this to the council next week that staff put some information together for council members. He suggested a little more description would be helpful. Jack said Tim could do this. Rich moved to direct transit staff to cooperate and participate in this effort on behalf of the Authority Board and Clallam Transit as described. Gary seconded. Motion carried unanimously. So ordered. There being no further business to discuss, the special joint public meeting was adjourned at 3:50 p.m. So ordered. Respectfully submitted, Mary E. Bower Executive Assistant Clerk to the CTS Authority Board ,e .~;; "Maintaining and building a better community" Jack PlttJs Director [4801J Phytlls Rasler Administrative Assistant [48ooJ Cata Rinehart Administrative Assistant [47ooJ Bob Titus Deputy Director [4701J Ken Ridout Deputy Director [4802J Gal}' Kenworthy City Engineer [4803J Stew Hursh Englneenng Manager [4702J Tim Smith ~~t & Project ~nlstrator [4804J Lou Haehnlen Sr. Building Inspector [4816J Tom Sperllne Sr. Elecl1icallnspector. [4735J Scott Mc<Laln PcYwer Manager [4703J Ralph Ellsworth Water, Wastewater Collection Superintendent [4855J Pete Burrett Equip. Services Superintendent [4835J Marl< Shamp LIght Operations Manager [4731J Kevin Curtis Tf98t. Plant Supervisor [4845J , Tom McCabe SW Collection Supervisor {4876J Stew Evans .ndflll Supervisor 73J 08119 Wilcox SlTaet Maintenance Supervisor [4825J MEMORANDUM DATE: January 29, 1998 TO: City Manager, Mayor Braun, and City Council FROM: Public Works Department SUBJECT: Interlocal Agreement With Clallam Transit for Developmen.t of Gateway Project SUMMARY and RECOMMENDATION: On May 26th, 1998 a joint meeting of the Clallam(Tr.ansit System and Port Angeles City Council was held regarding the downtown Gateway Project. Tt~e next phase of the project will include environmental assessment and design, leading to the development of bid specifications. Staff from both agencies recommended that an interlocal agreement outlining the roles and responsibilities of the project partners, related to the next phase of the project, be developed. We recommend Council authorize staff to draft an Interlocal Agreement which will identify the roles and resDonsibilities related to construction and oDeration of the Gateway Project. ISSUE: Shall the City Council direct staff to develop an interlocal agreement, that identifies roles and responsibilities related to construction and operation of the Gateway Project? BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS: On May 26th, 1998 a joint meeting of the Clallam Transit System and Port Angeles City Council was held regarding the downtown Gateway Project. In attendance from the City were Mayor Braun, City Councilmen Wiggins and Williams, Interim City ManagerlPublic Works Director Pitlis, City Attorney Knutson, Planning Director Collins, and Project Administrator Smith. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the next stePs in development of the Gateway Project. The City Council and Transit Commission were provided with materials (attached) and staff presentations covering the history and current status of the project, together with known issues relative to the next phase of development. The next phase will include an environmental assessment and design of the project leading to soliciting bids for project construction. Staff from both agencies recommend that an interlocal agreement between the to agencies be drafted to outline roles and responsibilities related to construction and operation of the Gateway. An overview ofthe next phase can be broken out into three basic steps, each suggested for Council and Commission review and acceptance in "stages": 1. Develop and adopt an Int~rlocal Agreement to carry the project through to construction bid "readiness". Council and Commission to approve Interlocal Agreement. 2. Proceed with Environmental Assessment and finalize Project Pre-Design. Council and Commission to approve Pre-Design of Project. 3. Design Project, develop Maintenance and Operations Plans (M & 0), resolve funding gap, prepare Bid Specification Documents. Council and Commission to approve Design and M&O Plan, and authorize 'going to bid for Construction Phase. Following staff presentations and discussion among the City Council members and Transit Commissioners, the Commissioners authorized Transit staff to proceed working with City Staff on the development of the Interlocal Agreement necessary to proceed with the project. Although there was a .. consensus among City Council members present, the matter was necessarily deferred to the next regular ncil Meeting due to lack of a quorum. ...... ~~~ Timothy J. Smith ContractlProject Administrator N:\PROWECTS~~21~GATENK)U1.VVPD 049 . .,~... ~. ,.. ".1' . ... .. . , '. , . '''' ( \ I " .,.. . . ...' . 'L1 __ U lttlJ . S ..J.c.. ~ -.J , L. ./ 4 I \ U ~ 4! . , r3-'.L--I'V-- ./ 6 830 W. Lauridsen Blvd. 1-eoO~374" WA PM Anoeles. WA 98363 FAX (380) 462-1316. PAssenger ANlatance: (380) 452-451 1 Joint Meeting Clallam Transit System and Port Angeles City Council Clallam Transit System 830 West Lauridsen Boulevard Port Angeles. Washington 98363 3:00 p.m. AGENDA I. I ntroouctions II. Meeting Outcome - Dan DI Guilio III. Project History - Tim Smith IV. Known Issues - JaCk Plttis . v. Open Discussion VI. Decision . 050 . . . ;' ="'!'; ~l~;': ",,' ~hi~.\...i:i:{ll,Y~5 " '-"W,;{\V#:{'i.\i'.,,~~~.:'i;;;xg;;~t,' ,,:;y " . (.. \J L. ~/6 MEETING OUTCOME If the outcome of this meeting is positive. the Port Angeles City Council and CTS Authority Board should direct staff to develop an interfocal agreement that identifies roles and responsibilities related to construction and operation of 1tle Port An~les International Gateway Project. 051 " LJ . ...J LJ kJ a..; J ..:. .I". l.. PROJECT HISTORY ORIGINAL PROJECT SCOPE The Gateway project Includes aserles of coordinated transportation activities spread primarily between the downtown waterfront and Front Street, designed as a multi-modal . transportation hub located adjacent to the intemational ferry tenninsls. Transportation activities include public transit pedestrians. paratransit, tour buses, van pools, bicycles. automobile, freight traffic, and parking. PROJECT BACKGROUND Challenges: (1) Transitioning economy . (2) Deterioration of central business district (C8D) economy and infrastructure (3) Lack of both public and private developmentJredevelopment (4) Poor CBO land use (under-USed parking capacitY, few "large development sites. underutilized use of valuable waterfront, seasonally congested traffic) Identifylimplement ceo Projects to: (1) Stimulate economy (2) Address taUlng public infrastructure (3) Provide opportunities to attract private C8D Investment (4) Promote better CSD land use Solution (Goal): Partnership: CltylTransltlPort Other locaYregionaVstatelfederal Local busIness community Strategy: . . SuccessIve "Wave"'- plan-fund-impl~ment-review-plan-fund-imple- ment-review.. . Successive 'Waveu funding acquisition (public and private) Pre-design Plan: Led to broad CaD plan (Downtown Forward) Identffied several projects: Water main. sidewalks. estlJary, Gate- way, convention center, old City Hall, state office, Lee Hotel Funding: TIS, FTA Implementation: P:.:blic: water main. sidewalks. estuary, old City Hall, Lee Hotel Private: Old City Hall, variou$ private renovations and property exchanges, JCPenney, Doubletree '"l-\l.OL <1/5 . . . , 052 . . vtf: iJ~ ':<,\,,;"'~'?ir"1:';;;~'\)~"r~:.(~;lt;',~~, .",,}/i;~~~;,i:?~~:i~:(~~ti},y1?:il,~~V' , J u ...JtJ"" . ,j. ...... .I " LI L. ~; b KNOWN ISSUES ~ ~ (~-e ~ ~ tt~(.\ Identify who will: . Prepare g~t applications. , Issue RFP for preliminary design, scope of woli<, site selection, cost estimate and environmental assessment. Issue RFP for fad'lIty deSign.~ 'n'iA~ ~ w~ · RFB for construction of facility. Must incorporate CTS procurement procedures, t c.:'" (t<\ ~(eS.s. oJ · Manage FTA portion of the project (payment of bills, billing grant sources, filing required federal reports). · Manage TIS portion of the project (u.~) · Manage construction of the project. [ ~ ') · Be responsible for project maintenance. . · Be responsible for future project rehab6itation or reconstnlction. · Own the property. · Be the landlord. · Collect and disburse lease proceeds. . ~stabllsh a process that Utilizes the strength of both agencies. ftA ~ \u.....:s,,{ ~~I~i--} (~ \,~ t c.",,) . Establishes 8 relationship whereby parties consult with each other on work statements, selection of consultants and contractors. and acceptance of work. . Establishes a policy-level review process using a steering committee. . Defines relationship with Downtown ~AW19 Assoclatlon, · Addresses commitments made to other organizations and the community. . It v.J\t-l (c."t's') \j.) If-.! (C\\'\), ~N (ColYlfYHJN\f'1 ') \)J,N (Fv~();~lltt\6lS4JCd:;S') 053 ,----- I . . . 054 v r,"-f'/, ! /-. C'; [ /l r~.....) l./ Port Angeles . Police Department Me;:'dum iJ~ 1L- ---.... - Date: May 27, 1998 To: Mayor Gary Braun and City Council Members Jack Pitfis, Interim City Manager From: Steve Ilk, Chief of POIiC~ Funding Request for Boys and Girls Club Re: I . ISSUE Should the City Council authorize the expenditure of $15,000 of unbudgeted funds to help establish a Boys and Girls Club in Mt Angeles View, managed by the Clallam County Housing Authority? . BACKGROUNDIINFORMA TION The Boys and Girls Club is seeking funding of $15,000 from the City of Port Angeles to combine with existing funds to establish a Boy and Girls Club facility at Mt Angeles View. The Clallam CountY Housing Authority has agreed to prClvide a facility in Mt Angeles View for the Boys and Girls Club. This Club will serve an eligible population of an estimated 120 youth from Mt Angeles View in, addition to children presently attending schools at Jefferson and Franklin ele~entary schools. The Clallam County Housing Authority and the Boys and Girls Club would' provide the following funding and services: . . The facility for housing the Club, estimated market value of $7, 800 annually; . $876 annually, estimated for utilities for the facility; . $10,920 over two years to reimburse the City for law enforcement overtime expenses (HUD grant funded and targeted at drug inteNention) . $20,000 over two years from the Clallam County Housing Authority budget (HUD grant funded); . $10,000 grant for the first year from the Boys and Girls Club. . $15,000 of playground equipment, most of which will be installed near the Boys and Girls Club facility. The boys and Girls Club requires $35,000 annually to operate the program, primarily for staffing . expenses. At this, point $20,000 of that money has been made available in addition to the expenses related to facility and maintenance. - '. RECOMMENDATION The Clallam County Housing Authority Executive Director, Pam Tietz, has a proven track record of successes. Ms. Tietz has developed highly effective working relationships with law enforcement and successfully applied' for a grant enhancing i the Police Department's presence and influence in this neighborhood of Port Angeles. While this request for funding is outside the normal budgeting cycle, it . comes as a direct result of successful grant applications awarded after the final 1998 budget was approved. A Boys and Girls Club in the Mt Angeles View neighborhood would be an effective and significant enhancement to our Police Department's Community Policing efforts. This program would directly enhance the numerous positive efforts taken by the Housing Authority management on 6ehalf of hundreds of children. As such, the Police Department supports the supplementary funding of this Boys and Girls Club. . 055 #026- i 998 . . 05G . . . . "i--\"'ii,'"'-',.!i''<'i.''';';~;~'':'_~_':;''' tV [ --------' PLANNING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM Brad Collins, Director, Extension 4751; Sue Roberds, Extension 4750; David Sawyer, Extension 4752 May 29, 1998 TO: Mayor Braun, City Councilmembers, and Manager Pomeranz, FROM: Planning Department, Brad Collins, Planning Director SUBJ: PROPOSED SUBDIVISION ALTERATION - McClain LOT 1 of SEAMOUNT ESTATES V - Southwest comer of Evansl7th Streets RECOMMENDA TION/ ACTION: Following discussion, Council should authorize the applicant to prepare a mylar indicating the approved alteration and should authorize the Mayor to sign the final mylar indicating the redesignation of the side lot lines for Lot 1 Seamount Estates V. 'The followi~g findings and conclusions could be cited in support of that action. . BACKGROUND/SUMMARY: If As the owner of Lot 1 of the Seamount Estates V subdivision, Mr. Charles McClain designed a residence per the development standards of the City's RS-7, Residential Single Family zone in which his property is located. -However, in 1995, the plattor of the subdivision, Mrs. Ardis McWilliams, designated through the subdivision process that this lot's side yard abutting a street would be twenty feet (20') rather than the RS-7 standard thiiteen feet (13'), and the interior side yard setback to be twenty feet (20') rather than the minimum seven feet (7'). Therefore the prepared building drawings were found to not be in compliance with the subdivision building footprint for the lot, and the building permit was denied. There is no specific information in the subdi"ision file materials to indicate why this restriction was placed on Lot 1; however, it would seem that the designer's reasoning was probably to align the setbacks of Lot 1 with those of Lot 2. The applicant designed a structure that would observe the twenty foot (20') setback along its side .yard abutting a street (Evans Avenue) but which will not fit within the extraordinary interior side yard setback given the angle of the lot toward its front lot line, Seventh Street. It was not until the building application review that a member ofthe Planning,staff compared the proposed footprint with the subdivision requirement and found the problem. Mr. McClain asked to alter the subdivision to revise the footprint such that the required setbacks are those found as standard in the RS- 7 zone. U57 .$.\' State law allows for plat alteration without a public hearing in the event that all parties within the subdivision are notified of the proposal and do not request a public hearing. Mrs. McWilliams is the owner of the remaining six lots within the subdivision, and was provided notification of the proposal . on May 18, 1998. We have not received a request for a public hearing or any objection to the proposal. Staff recommends that the City Council authorize the Mayor to sign a mylar which will revise the footprint for Lot 1 as proposed, citing the following findings and conclusions in support of that decision: Findings: 1. The Seamount Estates Division V subdivision is located between Seventh and Eighth Streets west of Evans Avenue, in the RS-7, Residential Single Family zone. 2. The Seamount Estates Division V subdivision was finaled on July 6, 1995. 3. Lots 1 and 3 of the seven lot subdivision are comer lots which were platted to observe greater side yard setbacks abutting a street (Evans Street) than would normally be found in ,an RS-7, Residential Single Family zone. Additionally, Lot 1 was platted to have a twenty foot (20') interior side yard setback rather than the standard seven foot (7') required in the RS- 7 zone. , , 4. The procedure for alteration ofa subdivision is specified in RCW 58.17.215. 5. Mr. Charles McClain, the owner of Lot I Seamount Estates Division V, requested alteration of Lot 1 of the subdivision such that the City's standard RS-7 setback requirements would apply to the property. . 6. Property owners within the subdivision were notified of the alteration proposal by mail on May 18, 1998. No comments have been received as a result of that mailing. Conclusions' A. The alteration procedure is in compliance with the requirements of RCW 58.17; B. The resulting building footprint is in compliance with the City's zoning and subdivision regulations. taff will be available for questions. Attachment: Alteration drawing Letter from applicant . 058 . . PROPOSED ALTERATION . VOL ~ !),C INTE.Ii'Sti:CT"lON 0': ~g~~~~ ~~~~1,~. CONCR"- Tti: MONUME-NT IN WE'-L. WITU e....ASS PIN.. SE-C VOLUMe 10 OF ",.ATS, PAGt: 45 to-, , ..J c Ul CO TJiI.5 6uR'vGY MAY e6 Su6.tt!:CT TO eAseMeNTS OR OTU~ ENCU"'8~NC€.6 e;ITHCR /l?ECOR'OEO Oli' UN~COR'Oe:o NOT $/>/DwN J-IE.I(>E:ON_ T~/S SU/I?vEY HAS NOT OETE/I?MINBO THE E:)(/ST~NCe OF" AL.l- (SUI>' f!:""'Se:ME^,TS Ollt ENCUMBRA"-CE:O O~ nUilR E:tt:"tt:"ECT ON THE SU/I?vl!!YED PARCEL. E><CEPT AS ..sP~CIFICA'-LY bA- II t,'" 9 ~ .. 100 ~ ' TUtS PeAT IS 8ASeD ON A SU/?VE.Y 0 T/>/E WASUINaTON OOOl(>OINAT€ 6Y6 TEM 61i'IO 0': ~el, NOl(>TH ZONe_ ALL /3e,A/I?INI3S AIltE 1ItE.L.ATlvE: TO SAIO GI(>IO. A/.-L OlSTANCES ARE: RtZOUCeo TO SAIO G/I?IO. THIS SUl(>vCY WAS ACCDMPU8HEO (l) FIE~O TR'AVER$E METHOOS USIN6 A I secoNO ANO/Ol(> 5 seCOND THeo OOUTE: ANO AN tNtt:"RAI(>eO OlSTANCE NEASU1?tN8 OEVICE:. WITH SOMe DIS- TANCes Mf!:A!JV/I?E.O W/nl A STti:E.L. CHAIN. I-EGENO . SET 5/8" I(>E:BAIIt WITH PlASTIC CAP STAMPEO ~NTI- W....LTeIltS (,,6 ee044 AND 3"" 3" .wOOO GUAIltO poST. . ~UNO I" CONOUIT WITH Pi-ASTIC CAJ STAMPeD -(.6 leee.J". mm -RlaUT-Ott:"-WAY DEDICATED TO THE liffiJ PUBLIC. UTI O~AI^,Ae€ I!!A.SEME. N-r; lIIl UTIi-1 TY E.AStZMCNT. ~ ~ t::XISTING UTlt...ITY ANO O.pAINAG" EA-9E.ME:.Nr- PER ,If,UOtTOt'rS FI'-E" NUf'18ETi' "8~~/0. t::1 ~j EX/8r1NG ORAINAGe ~A8€ME^,r PEe AU.OITO/l?'.S FILE NUM8EQ "'~C ~ro ~e'-\ Se.. \\co.c.\<. exIS-\::""" ~-.c::.-\\.oQ(K OGO . . . r- - B M~Clain, Crouse ~Co, PS 227 W. Eighth Street Port Angeles, WA 96362 (360) 457-3303 FAX (360) 457-7415 Certified Public Accountants Charles S. McClain Karen L. Crouse 00 rn @ rn ~ w rnl~ MAY 2 I I~J~) PORT ANGELES PLANNING OEf'ARTMENT May 20, 1998 City of Port Angeles Atten: City Planner Port Angeles, W A 98362 Dear Gentlemen: I hereby request that the footprint setback of Seamount Division 5 be omitted and P A RS7 zoning setbacks be reestablished. Sincerely, Member of American Institute & Washington Society of Certified Public Accountants June 2, 1998 . Page 2 harvest and other development restrictions within the Elwha River's riparian zone. 8. The City would like to consult with NMFS regarding the incorporation in the Section 4(d) rule of the City's Comprehensive Water System plan and other plans that the City needs to be protected from regulation as a "taking" of salmon. 9. The City may have further comments during Summer 1998 after discussion with other local and state agencies. Staff recommends that the Council review the attached letter and contact the City Attorney with any suggested minor changes. If Councilmembers have concerns with the positions or policy statements in the letter, then a special meeting could be scheduled later this week. Otherwise, we would ask that Mayor sign the letter no later than Friday, June 6th so that we can meet the June 8th comment deadline. ~. ()~ Craig D. Kftutson City Attorney CDK:jd Attachment C:\JMEMO\COUN.MEM ~-~ -~------I Chief, Protected Species Division May 28, 1998 Page 2 serve the Olympic Peninsula's largest concentration of population and economic activity so that the Peninsula's rural areas will be impacted as little as possible. II. Including Elwha River in Puget Sound ESU Port Angeles notes the evidence in NMFS' Technical Memorandum NMFS-NWFSC-35 (February 1998) that the Elwha River chinook salmon is transitional between the Washington Coast ESU, which is not in danger of extinction, and the Puget Sound ESU, which is proposed as threatened. While Port Angeles does not, at this time, contest the inclusion of the Elwha River chinook salmon in the Puget Sound ESU, it reserves the right to do so in the future based on new scientific_evidence. Port Angeles is concerned, however, that including the Elwha River chinook salmon in the Puget Sound ESU could result in unnecessary regulation of government and private actions which could affect Elwha River chinook based on the status of chinook in other watersheds in Puget Sound. In particular, Port Angeles is concerned that recovery plans and critical habitat designations developed for other watersheds in Puget Sound should not apply to the Elwha River based merely on the ESU boundary. The distinctive biology of Elwha chinook and unique opportunities for habitat recovery in the Elwha basin (dam removal) call for specific attention to local plans and strategies for salmon recovery, rather than reliance on a one-size fits all strategy for all of Puget Sound. ID. Salmon Restoration Planning for Elwha A. Elwha River Ecosystem and Fisheries Restoration Act The 1992 Elwha River Ecosystem and Fisheries Restoration Act, 106 Stat. 3173, provides the goal of "full restoration of the Elwha River ecosystem and native anadromous fisheries." The Act authorizes the Secretary of the Interior to acquire the Elwha and Glines Canyon hydroelectric projects and remove the dams if necessary to meet the goal of full ecosystem and fisheries restoration. The Elwha Report issued by Interior in January 1994 recommends removal of both dams while providing for protection of water supplies. The project is currently waiting for appropriations to accomplish these purposes. Port Angeles has participated in the planning process for this project, including the Elwha Citizen's Advisory Committee which provided recommendations to phase the dam removal process in order to provide more certainty for reintroduction of salmon above Elwha Dam, management of sediment transport, protection of Chief, Protected Species Division May 28, 1998 Page 3 water quality, and financing of the project. NMFS should consider integrating this project in its ESA ~4( d) rule because of its benefits to salmon recovery. B. Initiation of Local Watershed Planning for Elwha to Morse Basins The Washington Legislature passed lIB 2514 in 1998 to provide funding and a legal process for local watershed planning in Washington State. Port Angeles, Clallam County, Lower Elwha Tribe, Jamestown S'Klallam Tribe and Agnew Irrigation District have cooperated in integrating this planning proCess for the Elwha-Dungeness watersheds, WRIA 18. A grant application has been filed to fund the process, including assessment of water resources in the Elwha River and planning for instream flows, water quality, and identification of projects that would improve habitat for salmon. We also anticipate the submission of a grant application for specific habitat restoration projects under lIB 2496, which was sponsored by our 24th District Representative Jim Buck. Port Angeles wants to consult with NMFS regarding the adequacy of the lIB 2514 watershed planning process for adoption as part ofNMFS' ~4(d) rule, in order to protect Port Angeles' municipal water diversions and uses from the taking prohibition of Section 9 of the ESA, and to streamline the process for instream flow protection, water quality and habitat projects identified in the watershed planning process. We would also like to discuss specific habitat improvement and salmon recovery projects that we are working on with other agencies and groups. C. Other Salmon Recovery Projects The City of Port Angeles has worked with other agencies and groups in identifying and developing several salmon recovery projects. The City has worked with the Washington State Department ofFish & Wildlife and the Olympic Outdoor Sportsmen on the possibility of locating an acclimation pond for yearling chinook salmon in Morse Creek. The City has discussed with the Lower Elwha Tribe its proposal for a stock preservation channel that would provide significant benefits for several anadromous fish runs in the Elwha River, including chinook salmon, by using a portion of the City's industrial water right. The City has talked to the Port of Port Angeles about a proposed shoreline restoration project that would improve shallow water access for migrating juvenile salmon, including Elwha chinook. Another possible project is working with the Elwha Tribe, local service clubs, and the Clallam Conservation District in reducing the channelization of Valley Creek, which flows into Port Angeles Harbor Chief, Protected Species Division May 28, 1998 Page 4 and, due to a habitat restoration project recently completed by local agencies, now has a newly restored estuary. IV. Designation of Critical Habitat NMFS should consider excluding Port Angeles Harbor and shoreline areas of Ediz Hook from the designation of critical habitat in marine areas because the benefits of exclusion may outweigh the benefits of designation. The take prohibition under ESA ~9 already prevents significant habitat modification or degradation. Designating critical habitat in these marine areas may be unnecessary and overly burdensome to existing commercial, government, and recreation uses of these areas. Port Angeles would like to discuss with NMFS potential timber harvest and other development restrictions within the Elwha River's riparian zone as designated in the March 9 proposed rule. V. Request for Consultation with NMFS Prior to Final Listing Rule The City of Port Angeles has a significant interest in securing the recovery of chinook salmon in the Elwha River, but it must also provide municipal services necessary to the social and economic vitality of the region. To the maximum extent possible consistent with the ESA and NMFS regulations and policies, Port Angeles wants to protect future implementation of its existing plans and programs from regulation as a "taking" of salmon. Port Angeles requests a consultation with NMFS officials and biologists regarding the incorporation of its adopted plans and programs in NMFS' ~4(d) rule for the chinook salmon Puget Sound ESU. What modifications to these plans and programs will be necessary to satisfy NMFS' criteria? These plans and programs include the lIB 2514 watershed plan described above, the Port Angeles Comprehensive Land Use Plan, Comprehensive Water System Plan, Stormwater Management Plan, and Shoreline Master Program. Port Angeles also requests, pursuant to the NMFS policy at 59 FR 34272, that NMFS identify in the final listing rule that future actions consistent with the City's plans and programs, including land use permitting and the continued operation and maintenance of its public water system and diversions, are not likely to result in violation of ESA ~9. Chief, Protected Species Division May 28, 1998 Page 5 VI. Integration with State Salmon Strategy and other Local Government Recovery Plans Port Angeles will contact the Governor's Salmon Recovery Office and other local government units in Puget Sound during Summer 1998 to determine whether and how to integrate salmon recovery planning for the Elwha River with the State Salmon Strategy and other locally adopted plans. This process may well lead to further comments from Port Angeles to NMFS on the direction of the local salmon recovery planning efforts. We look forward ~o meeting with NMFS officials in the near future to discuss our salmon recovery planning efforts and the protection of our region's social and economic needs in light of the proposed listing. Very truly yours, (Signature to follow in original) Gary Braun, Mayor cc: Lorna Mike, Lower Elwha Tribe Carole Boardman, Clallam County State Representative Jim Buck State Representative Lynn Kessler State Senator Jim Hargrove Elizabeth Babcock, State Salmon Team Curt Smitch, Joint Natural Resources Cabinet Thomas M. Pors, Foster Pepper & Shefelman . . . y v ) / PH A. PLANNING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM Brad Collins. Director. Extension 4751; Sue Roberds, Extension 4750; David Sawyer. Extension 4752 May 29, 1998 TO: Mayor Braun, City Councilmembers, and Interim Manager Pittis, Planning Department, Bfad Collins, Planning Director FROM: SUBJ: COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT - CPA 98-01 La Rue - 1400 Block West Eighth Street RECOMMENDATION/ACTION: Following the scheduled public hearing, staff recommends the City Council concur with the recommendation of the Planning Commission by adoption of the attached draft ordinance citing the findings and conclusions noted by the Planning Commission which are attached to the ordinance. BACKGROUND/SUMMARY: The City is required to review its Comprehensive Plan each year and may consider amendments proposed by applicailts during a specific period. The required review must be completed no later than June of each year. On May 13, 1998, the Planning Commission conducted a public hearing for consideration of an amendment proposed by the. La Rue family. for property under the family's ownership on West Eighth Street. The Planning Department's staff report is attached for your information and review. ' Following the public hearing, the Commission voted 5 - 2 to recommend approval of the Comprehensive Plan and Map change citing findings and conclusions in support of that action. An excerpt of the Commission's May 13 minutes is attached for your information. Staff will be available for questions and assistance. Attachments: Findings and conclusions Ordinance Minutes excerpt Staff report 061 062 . ( . . . . . . FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS IN SUPPORT COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT - CPA 98-01: Findings. Based on the information provided in the May 13, 1998, Staff Report for CPA 98-01, (including all of its attachments), comments and information presented during the public hearing, and the Planning Commission's discussion and deliberation, the City of Port Angeles Planning Commission hereby finds that: 1. All information provided in the May 13, 1998, Staff Report for CPA 98-01, (including all of its attachments), comments and information presented during the public hearing, and the Planning Commission's discussion and deliberation have been considered in this decision and is considered a part thereof. 2. The applicant, Bill La Rue representing Jack and Ethel La Rue, is requesting to extend the High Density Residential land use designation to include the north side of the 1400 block ofW. 8th Street (Lots 11-20, Block 245 of the Townsite of Port Angeles). (Attachment A of Planning Department Staff Report for CPA 98-01 dated May 13, 1998.) 3. The subject properties are !?cated in the City's North West Planning Area. 4. The lots are standard 50' by 140' (7,000 sf) lots fronting on 8th Street. They contain three single-family residences and one duplex. 5. All property owners were notified of the proposed amendment. 6. The SEPA Responsible Official issued a Determination of Non-Significance (DNS) on May 13, 1998, regarding this request. 1. The properties are currently designated Low Density Residential on the City's . Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map. 8. The Planning Department Staff Report for CPA 98-01 dated May 13, 1998, identifies the Comprehensive Plan's Land Use Element Policies Cl-4 as being the most relevant to the proposal. ) 9. The Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map designations adjacentto the subject site are' as follows: To the north: To the south: To the east: To the west: LDR HDR Open Space (OS) LDR 10. The properties are currently zoned RS-7, Residential Single Family. 063 -----cl 11. The existing land uses adjacent to the subject properties are as follows: To the north: To the south: To the east: To the west: single family residences senior housing complex single family residences single family residences . 12. The proposed amendment extends the existing high density neighborhood across 8th Street to the north for one half block into an area that is primarily composed of single- family residences. 13. Eighth Street is identified in the Transportation Element as a Collector Arterial. Conclusions: Based on the information provided in the May 13, 1998, Staff Report for CPA 98-01, (including all of its attachments), comments and information presented during the public hearing, the Planning Commission's discussion and deliberation, and the above listed findings, the City of Port Angeles Planning Commission hereby concludes the following: A. Restricted to the lots south of the 7th/8th Street alley, the amendment should not change the overall character of the low-density neighborhood to the north. B. Urban services which are in place to serve the existing high-density development on the south side of 8th Street are sufficient to serve the proposed)area. . C. The proposed area can serve as a transitional use between the heavy traffic of 8th Street and the low-density neighborhood to the north. D The proposed amendment is consistent with the goals and policies of the Comprehensive Plan, specifically Land Use Element Policies Cl-4 Adopted by the Port Angeles City Council at its meeting of June 2, 1998. Gary Braun, Mayor Becky J. Upton, City Clerk . U64 , ;;~;~~}~;:::;-1f~f;:~:~;{'Vi-'f],:i)i~i'i:~:::-};~t~t_-~\- ~;{!~f~::';~;~f~?~s~~15l "',Yo ,~; -: ;; :(~ ;t~~i\:i~~-:f}:l:/ . ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles amending the City's Comprehensive Plan and Land Use Map and amending Ordinance 2818. WHEREAS, the City of Port Angeles adopted its present comprehensive Plan onJune 28, 1994, by Ordinance No. 2818; and i WHEREAS, the City of Port Angeles has established a process for amending the Comprehensive Plan by Ordinance No. 2858; and . WHEREAS, an amendment proposal was received, review given, public notices provided, and public hearings held in a timely manner; and I WHEREAS, the proposed 1998 Comprehensive Plan amendment was reviewed for consistency with the Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan, the Clallam County Wide Planning Policy, and the Growth Management Act; and \ WHEREAS, the SEP A review of the proposed amendment has been completed by adoption of the Environmental Impact Statement prepared for adoption of the 1995 Co prehsneive Plan on April 18, 1996, and WHEREAS, following public hearings, the Planning Commission recommended approval of the proposed 1998 Comprehensive Plan amendment; and WHEREAS, the. City Council has held a public hearing, has considered the Planning Commission's recommendations, and has entered its findings' ,and conclusions addressing the elements set forth in P AMC 18.04.060 and in support of adopting the proposed 1998 Comprehensive Plan amendments; NOW THEREFORE THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Ordinance 2818 and the Comprehensife Plan are hereby amended by adopting the following 1998 Comprehensive Plan, amendment: A. The Comprehensive Land Use Map shall be replaced with the attached Exhibit "A" which includes the following change: . 065 Legal Description Current Land Use Designation Low Density Residential New Land Use Designation High Density Residential Lots 11 - 15, Block 245 Townsite of Port Angeles Section 2. Said 1998 Comprehensive Plan amendment shall be incorporated into th~ Comprehensive Plan as kept on file with the City Clerk. Section 3. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect five days after publication. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said Council held on the2ruL day of June , 1998. MAYOR ATTEST: Becky Upton, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Craig D. Knutson, City Attorney PUBLISHED: By Summary C:\WP\ORD\CPA. 2 066 . . . . . . i':>,~>)'i":;>i ~<.':,\<,>,; Planning Commission Minutes - May 13. 1998 Page 2 COMPREHENSIVE PI,AN AMENDMENT - CPA 98-01 - LaRue, West 8th Street between "(1" and "H" Streets: Request for redesignation of property currently designated LDR, Low Density Residential, to HDR, High Density Residential. (Continued from April 22, 1998.) Senior Planner David Sawyer reviewed the Planning Department's staff report recommending that the Planning Commission forward a favorable recommendation to the City Council in support of the amendment. Chair Reed read the public testimony oath and reminded those present of the need to sign in to present public testimony. Bill La Rue, 222 W. Park Avenue, represented the application and stated that his family has owned the property for a couple of decades. Although there are no current plans for development or offers to purchase the property, the area seems to make sense for high density residential development given the Park View Villas development that exists directly across the street. The location is on a bus route and is less than a block away from Shane Park. The City's Comprehensive Plan portrays the proposed area as being eligible for redesignation to High Density Residential. An adjoining property owner contacted him for information regarding the proposal upon receipt of the public notification letter but did not state objection to the proposal. Pia.nner Sawyer responded to a question from the Commissioners that property owners within 300 feet of the site were notified by mail and the site was posted for 15 days prior to the hearing. This proposal is to change the Comprehensive Plan designation for the site, not to rezone the property at this time. The application includes three properties that are not under the La Rue family ownership. There being no further comments, Chair'Reed closed the public hearing. Commissioner King moved to recommend approval of the Comprehensive Plan amendment as proposed citing theJollowing findings and concl~sions: Findings: Based on the information provided in the May 13, 1998, Staff Report for CPA 98-01, (including all of its attachments), comments and inforniation presented during the public hearing, and the Planning Commission's discussion and delibe.ration, the City of Port Angeles Planning Commission hereby finds that: 1. All information provided in the May 13, 1998, Staff Report for CPA 98-01, (including all of its attachments), comments and information presented during the public hearing, and the Planning Commission's discussion and deliberation have been considered in this decision and is considered a part thereof. 2. The applicant, Bill La .Rue representing Jack and Ethel La Rue, is requesting to extend the High Density Residential land use designation to include the north side of the 1400 block ofW. 8th Street (Lots 11-20, Block 245 of the Townsite of Port Angeles). (Attachment A of Planning Department Staff Report for CPA 98-01 dated May 13, 1998.) 067 Planning Commission Minutes -May 13,1998 Page 3 3. The subject properties are located in the City's North West Planning Area. .r 4. The lots are standard 50' by 140' (7,000 sf) lots fronting on 8th Street. They contain three single-family residences and one duplex. 5. All property owners were notified of the proposed amendment. 6. The SEP A Responsible Official issued a Determination of Non-Significance (DNS) on May 13, 1998, regarding this request. ( . 7. The properties are currently designated Low Density . Residential on the City's Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map. 8. The Planning Department Staff Report for CPA 98-01 dated May 13, 1998, identifies the Comprehensive Plan's Land Use Element Policies Cl-4 as being the most relevant to the proposal. 9. The Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map designations adjacent to the subject site are as follows: To the north: To the south: To the east: To the west: LDR HDR Open Space (OS) LDR . 10. The properties are currently zoned RS-7, Residential Single Family. 11. The existing land uses adjacent to the subject properties are as follows: To the north: . To the south: To the east: To the west: single family residences senior housing complex single family residences single family residences 12. The proposed amendment extends the existing high density neighborhood across 8th Street to the north for one half block into an area that is primarily composed of single-family residences. 13. Eighth Street is identified in the Transportation Element as a Collector Arterial. . 06S I I . . . Planning Commission Minutes - May 13, 1998 Page 4 Conclusions' Based on the information provided in the May 13, J998, Staff Report for CPA 98-01, (including all of its attachments), comments and information presented during the public hearing, the Planning Commission's discussion and deliberation, and the above listed findings, the City of Port Angeles Planning Commission hereby concludes the following: A. Restricted to the lots south of the 7th/8th Street alley, the amendment should not change the overall character of the low-density neighborhood to the north. B. Urban services which are in place to serve the existing high-density development on the south side of 8th Street are sufficient to serve the proposed area. ;" >~.,: J.7tt.~ C. The proposed area can serve as a transitional use between the heavy traffic of 8th Street and the low-density neighborhood to the north. D The proposed amendment is consistent with the goals and policies of the Comprehensive Plan, specifically Land Use Element Policies Cl-4 The motion was seconded by Commissioner Souders and passed 5 - 2 with Commissioners Hewins/and Nutter voting "no". Commissioner Hewins did not vote for the amendment because there are other residential high density properties that are not developed in the area, and there is not an apparent need for additional RHD properties at this time. Commissioner Nutter agreed with Commissioner Hewins and also felt this created an unnecessary encroachment into the residential area on th:7e of Eighth Street. 069 I' , 070 . .. '. . . . FILE PLANNiNG DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORlI . TO: . Planning Department FRO~d Sawyer,.Seoior Planner DATE: '. - May 13, 1998 RE: APPLICANT: OWNER: LOCATION: REQUEST: I , I CPA 98-01 Bill La Rue representing Jack and Ethel La Rue Jack and Ethel La Rue (lots 11-15) North side of the 1400 block ofW. 8th Street Extend the High Density Residential land use designation to include the north side of the 1400 block ofW. 8th Street BACKGROUND: Proposed Projed- The applicant's proposal is to extend the High neDsityResidentialland use designation to include the' north side of the 1400 block ofW. 8th Street. - "- Location and Existing Development The subject properties are located in the City's North West Planning Area. iThey include lots 11-20, Block 245 of the Townsite of Port Angeles. The lots are standard SO' by 140' (7,000 sf) lots fronting on 8th Street and contain three single-family residences and one duplex. Existing land uses adjacent to the subject properties are as follows: To the north: To the south: To the east: To the west: single family residences senior housing complex single family residences single family residences '071 City o/Port Angeles Planning Department, 321 E. 5th St., Port Angeles, WA, (voice) 360-417-4750, (fax) 360-417-4609 I II; --~ ~ . t ~'k ,_..,- ~UtStaffRcport CPA 98-01 May 13,1998 PIsc 2 DISCUSSION: . Environmental Review The SEP A Responsible Official issued a Determination of Non-Significance (DNS) on May 13, 1998, regarding this request. This action fulfills the City's responsibility under the State Environmental Policy ACt.(RCW 43.21 C). Comprehensive Plan . , The Comprehensive Plan establishes the long range goals an4 policies of the City. It is the basis upon which City officials are to make land use decisions. Arty project proposed in the City must be consistent with the goals and policies of the Comprehensive Plan. 0 Designation The site's current land use designation is Low Density Residential (LOR) and the applicant's request is to change this designation to High Density Residential (HDR). The descriptions of each designation are as follows: ( Low Density Residential (Up to 9 Units per Net Acre) . The Land Use Map identifies three separate categories of residential development. The first is Low I5enSity Residential which allows an overall residential density ofa project or property to range up to 9 units per net acre. The high majority of residentially designated property in the City will be of this' designation. It is intended for the development of single family homes. ' It also allows for the development of duplexes and planned resident!al developments in accordance with the underlying zoning. .( High Density Residentitil (Up to 43 Units per Net Acre) The primary intent of this designation isfor development at a density up to 43 U1,its per net acre and is intended for areas where a higher concimtrationof residents is compatible with the SU"oundi1Jg area and uses. tondominiums, apartments, and planned residential developments are the types of building designs appropriate for this category. . Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map designations adjacent to the subject site are as follows: To the north: To the south: To the east: To the west: LOR HDR Open Space (OS) LOR . 0_., , .~ City o/Port Angeles Planning Department, 321 E. 5th St, Port Angeles. WA, (voice) 360-417-4750, (fax) 360-417-4609 . . . Planning Department Staff Report CPA 98-01 May 13,1998 Page 3 "\ Policies The Comprehensive Plan's Policies have been reviewed with regards to the proposed application and the following policies appear to be the most relevant to the proposal. Land Use Element, Goal C, Policy No.1. - Residential land should be developed on the diStriCt and neighborhood concept. Although such districts may be composed primarily of residential uses of a uniform density, a healthy,' viable, district should be composed 01 residimtial uses ofvarjing densities which ~ be augmented by subordinate and compatible uses. Single family mid multifamily homes, parks and open-spaces, Schools, churches, day care and residential services, home occupations, and district, shopping areas are all legitimate components of district development and enhancement. A neighborhood should be primarily composed of low, medium, or high density housing. The proposed amendment extends the existing high density neighborhood across 8th Street to the north for one half block into an area that is primarily composed of single-family residences. Restricted to the lots south of the 7th/8th Street alley, the amendment should not change the overall character of the low-density neighborhood to the north. Land Use Element, Goal C, Policy No.2. Medium and high density housing should be located in areas of the community most suitable for such uses, based on existing services, public facilities, and transportation. Urban services which are in place to serve the existing high-density development on the south side 'Of 8th Street are sufficient to serve'the proposed area. I Land Use Element, Goal 4 Policy No. 3. Medium and high density housing should ~e served , ,by arterial streets of sufficient size in order to satisfy traffic demand and to les~en . ' neighborhood traffic congestion. . Eighth Street is identified in the Transportation Element as a Collector Arterial. Land Use Element, Goal C, Policy No.4. Medium and high density housing could be a . transitional use between different land uses, provided such other uses would not adversely impact the residential nature of the housing. . The proposed area can serve as a transitional use between the heavy traffic of 8th' Street and the low-density neighborhood to the no~. As noted, the proposed amendment is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan's Land Use Element Policies Cf-4. PLANNING DEPARTMENT RECOMMENDATION: 073 The Planning Department recommends the Planning Commission recommend approval of CPA 98-01 City of Port Angeles Planning Department, 321 E. 5th St., Port Angeles, WA, (voice) 360-417-4750, (fax) 360-417-4609 Planning Depertment Staff Report CPA 98-01 May 13. 1998 Pqe4 to the City Council based on the following findings and conclusions. . Findings & Conclusions Findings Based on the infonnation'provided in the May 13, 1998 Staff Report for CPA 98~01.: (including all of its attachmentS), comments and infonnation presented during the public (' > l... ( hearing, and the Planning Commission's discussion and deliberation, the City of Port Angeles Planning Commission hereby finds that: The City of Port Angeles Planning Commission hereby finds: 1. All information provided in the May 13, 1998 Staff Report for CPA 98-01, (including all of its attaChments), comments and information presented during the public hearing, and the Planning Commission's discussion and deliberation have been considered in this decision and is considered a part thereof. 2. The applicant, Bill La Rue representing Jack and Ethel La Rue, is requesting to extend the High Density Residential land' use designation to include the north side of the 1400 block ofW. 8th Street (lots 11-20, Block 245 of the Townsite of Port Angeles). See Attachment A of Planning Department Staff Report for CPA 98-01 dated May 13, 1998. . 3. The subject.properties are located in the City's North West Planning Area. 4. The lots are standard 50' by 140' (7,000 sf) lots fronting on 8th Street. They contain three .single-family residences and one duplex. ; 5. > All property owners were notified of the proposed amendment. 6. The SEPA Responsible Official issued a Determination of Non-Significance (DNS) on May 13. 1998. regarding this request. > 7. The properties are currently designated Low Density Residential on the City's Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map. 8. The Planning Department Staff Report for CPA 98-01 dated May 13, 1998, identifies the Comprehensive Plan's Land Use Element Policies CI-4 as'being the most relevant to the proposal. 9. The Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map designations adjacent to the subject site are as follows: To the north: LOR To the south: HDR To the east: Open Space (OS) . 074 City of Port Angeles Planning Department, 311 E. 5th St., Port Angeles, WA, (voice) 360-417-4750, (fax) 360-417-4609 . . . ". i~'_0\'~';NA~~'J~;~i4{!h>'Y~:)'i; .>.;:~<t:~'~~;Pi\~:~li;{'-*,;~m^)>' Planning Department StafrReport May 13.1998 CPA 98-01 Page S To the west: LDR 10. The properties are currently zoned RS-7. 11. The existing land uses adjacent to the subject properties are as follo~: To the 'north: To the south: To the east: To the west: single family residences senior housing complex .single family iesidenc~ single family residences II - 12. The propoSed amendment extends the existing high density neighborhood across 8th Street to the north for one halfblock into an area that is primarily composed of single- family residences. 13. Eighth Street is identified in the Transportation Element as a Collector Arterial Conclusions Based on the information provided in the May 13. 1998 Staff Report for CPA 98-01. (including all of its attachm~nts). comments and inf'ormation presented during the public hearing, the Planning Commission's discussion and deliberation. and Yte above listed findings. the City of Port Angeles Planning Commission hereby concludes the following: A. Restricted to the lots south of the 7th/8th Street alley. the amendment should not change the overall character of the low-density neighborhood to the north. B. Urban services which are in place to serve the existing high-density development on the south side of 8th Street are sufficient to serve the proposed area; C. The proposed area can serve as a transitional use between the heavy traffic of 8th Street and the low-density neighborhood to the north. D The proposed amendment is consistent. with the goals and policies of the Comprehensive Plan, specifically Land Use Element Policies Cl-4 This action constitutes a recommendation to the City Council. which has final authority. CPA9801.PCI 075 City of Port Angeles Planning Deparrmenl. 321 E. 5th St., Port Angeles, WA, (voice) 360-417-4750, (fax) 360-417-4609 \ U76 . .. . . '. . Fe sri) PleDse Note: Deadline date for application is March 31, 199a. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT APPUCATlON FORM , .1. -. ADDRESS c/o 302 ALPINE REALTY, Inc., 302 So. Lincoln !=It , Port Angeles, WA 98362 - 3004 . DA YTIME PHONE 457-1172 2. PROPOSED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN TEXT/MAP CHANGE (Be specific noting Plan policy citations.) This proposal requests ,that the currentneR-I..gilAt-l nTl nf' I7.n~ng, RS-7, be changed to RHD, so that multi-family construction would be an at>- proved use. The Vi tal crt teria necessary for iustifvi ni' Rlll"h An ""p7.nnp" that include being located on an arterial, on a bus route, and in close proximity to the subject property, all are in existence. 'I'heT'ef'nT"p, thp southern half of the subject ,bloCk, 245, should be considered for this change. 3. JUSTIFICATION/REASON FOR CHANGE: In the recent nast. a R-Im{1AT"1y situated property consisting of several conti~ous, vacant lot~f ownpn ny the Gund Family, located on the south side of the W. 1300 block of 8th St., has,been.'approved for multi-family use. Given that both the Gund nronerty, . as well as thela Rue property that is the' subject of this change in the City's Comprehensive Plan, each enjoy frontage on the VERY SAME arterial '. street. are ri.Q'ht on- the BUR T'Ol1te, Rnn RT"" 1n"'~+9d 1R eYR~t.]y thp c=mp nei.Q'hborhood. which mean~ they noth RT"P ,,11 +"-1 n 'h,,:t .. f9lT RUDiH'sa feet ef the lare:e Ci tv nark ocCtt;pied by the 4 RQ,l1l'lT"P h1 n,..tr<j n.f' S"''iJ:l'i PiH'lt. Further, ~ven that the five (~) westerlv lot.R at. t.hp VP~+ pn~ nf' ~loQk "H" Street, there is the stron 1 - wou fi t nicely on this site. x ~'m, ~~ . . Signed (Ethel M. La Rue) RCC'dfBY:~ File I: Ot R -0 \ Hearin,: -' </ -..:< 2 077 A-WAC ~ ~SN ( A r- . BLOCK 2.1.\- S- TOWNSITE of PORT ANGElES J ~ ~ /' r :z:: 1..1 f/ I ~Lv ~~ . ~. .( ) I ~ Lv.~ ~~ NOTE: The lots marked on thi s map are owned by the La Rues, either through their Living Trust OR their real estate firm, ALPINE REA.L'I'Y, Inc. '-.J . . c U79 This sketch .15 provided. wtthout charge. for your informaUon. Ills not Intended to show all matters related to the property including. but nolllm1ted to. area. dimensions. easements. encroachments or 10caUon of boundarte,s. It Is not part of. nor does It modify. the commitment or policy to which U Is attached. The Company assumes . NO UABIU1Yfor any matter related 10 this sketch. Reference should be made t.o an accurate survey for further InformaUon. 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'f.:J I I "p H t PLANNING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM Brad Collins. Director. Extension 4751; Sue Roberds. Extension 4750; David Sawyer. Extension 4752 PL.ANN\~G May 29, 1998 TO: Mayor Braun, City Councilmembers, and Interim Manager Pittis, FROM: Planning Department, Brad Collins, Planning Director SUBJ: MUNICIPAL CODE AMENDMENT - MCA 98-01 Amendment to the City's Shoreline Permit Process RECOMMEND A TION/ ACTION: Following the scheduled public hearing. staff recommends the City Council concur with the recommendation of the Planning Commission to deny the p'roposed Code amendment. Council should cite the findings and conclusions noted by the Planning Commission which are attached to this memorandum. BACKGROTIND/SUMMARY: , The Planning Commission recently considered a proposal by members of the Planning Commission to proce~s shoreline permit applications administatively. Permits are currently processed under the guidelines of the City's Shoreline Master Program which was adopted in 1995. The proposal was made in an effort to accelerate the pernlit process. Shoreline permit applications may not be acted upon during the 21-day appeal period following the local action, which is the City's lerighthiest permit application time period due to extraordinary state public notification requirements. The Planning Commission discussed the proposal at both its April 22nd and May 13th meetings, following which, although public testimony was presented in favor of the proposal, the Commission voted 6 - 1 to deny the amendment. Staff will be available for comment and questions. Attachments: Findings and conclusions Minutes excerpt Staff report 081 082 . . . . . . ,:~.\:,;j> ;,'-;J;;;..t;:;:.,,> e','_,_'i' FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS TO DENY MUNICIPAL CODE AMENDMENT - MCA 98-01: Findings: 1. The City of Port Angeles adopted, and the State of Washington approved, a revised Shoreline Master Program, which is consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan, in 1995 that contains standards under which development within shoreline areas may occur. 2. In accordance with State statutes, the City passed new requirements (Ordinance 2911) limiting certain permits to one open record ,public hearing process. 3. Shoreline Substantial Development Permits (SMA) are currently processed by the Planning Commission, which meets twice a month. 4. Shoreline Substantial Development Permit applications require an extraordinary (30 days) public notification period by the State prior to a public hearing. 5. There is a 21-day appeal period at the state level during which no work may be commenced following the local authority's final action on a shoreline permit. 6. Currently, appeals of shoreline permit decisions must go to the City Council on a closed record basis. 7. The City's Municipal Code allows for appeal of administrative actions to the City Council on an open record basis. Conclusion: A. Applicants and the public would benefit from an open public hearing process. , , Adopted by the Port Angeles City Council at its meeting of June 2, 1998. Gary Braun, Mayor Becky J. Upton, City Clerk 083 084 . . . . . . Planning Commission Minutes - May 13. 1998 Page 10 MUNICIPAl, CODE AMENDMENT - MCA 98-01 - CITY OF PORT ANGELES, City wide: A proposal to amend Chapter 15 (Environment) of the Port Angeles Municipal Code to process shoreline substantial development permits administratively. (Continued from April 22, 1998.) Commissioner Souders noted for the record that although she was not present at the previous meeting, she had read the minutes of that meeting and was prepared to act on this issue. . ; Director Collins reviewed staffs memorandum. Commissioner Souders noted that if the amendment is approved, the City Planning Director would become not only the City'sSEPA Responsible Official, which he is at present, but would then also be the final authority on shoreline permit application. She believes more people should be involved in decisions on shoreline permits. The Commissioners discussed the drawbacks to the proposal which would allow a public hearing only by appeal to the City Council rather than during the application process. Commissioner Craver felt s~ongly that actions on shoreline permit applications should be made only after a public hearing. The proposal would result in a decision being rendered outside of a public hearing, and, if an appeal is filed by an interested party, a public hearing would then be held on that appeal by the City Council. In response to Commissioner Ziakin, Chair Reed explained the history of the relatively recent development and adoption of the City's Shoreline Master Program and that its regulations with regard to permit activities and uses are very specific. Public testimony is rarely given nor is there generally ever anyone other than the applicant to speak to, or object to, an application request. Decisions are largely based upon the proposal's compliance with the Master Program. Under the current proposal, appeals of decisions would be heard by the City Council through a public hearing process in the event someone disagreed with a decision. Currently, appeals would be heard through a closed record hearing only. with no public hearing at the City Council. - Commissioner Ziakin noted that although. he re~lizes the amendment is in an attempt to . hasten the lenghty shoreline permit application process, in trying to accomplish this end we are taking away the right to be heard to a certain degree, except by appeal of a deci~ion. Director Collins noted t~at there is a 30-day public comment period prior to any decision possibility in which staff will be reviewing the application with anyone who chooses to question anything about the process and who wishes:to add their thoughts and concerns to the file. The same review process would be . followed with the staff making a recommendation the same as to the Planning Commission, but to the Director. Beyond that, anyone aggrieved by the decision could appeal to the City Council and be-heard at a public hearing. Director Collins elaborated in response to Commissioner Ziakin that the types of shoreline uses that would fall under the permitting authority would range from minor improvements to existing facilities to a major mill proposal on the water. The Commission continued to discuss their concerns regarding the appeal process. 085 Planning Commission Minutes - May /3. 1998 Page I I Commissioner Craver stated that as the City's waterfront/shoreline areas are one of its major resources, she would rather the Planriing Commission act on shoreline permit applications . than those decisions being made by one individual. Commissioner King agreed that it is important to allow the public an opportunity to speak and to contribute to shoreline issues; however, it is also important to hasten application processes when possible. Commissioner Ziakin stated that the public's past indifference or lack of involvement is not a valid reason to cut them off from future involvement. ( . Commissioner Ziakin moved to retain the current processing procedure citing the following findings and conclusions: Findings: 1. The City of Port Angeles adopted, and the State of Washington approved, a revised Shoreline Master Program, which is consistent with the City'~ Comprehensive Plan, in 1995 that contains standards under which development within shoreline areas may occur. 2. In accordance with State statutes, the City passed new requirements (Ordinance 2911) limiting certain permits to one open record public hearing process. 3. Shoreline Substantial Development Permits (SMA) are currently processed by the Planning Commission, which meets twice a month. . 4. Shoreline Substantial Development Permit applications require an extraordinary (30 days) public notification period by the State prior to a decision. 5. There is a 21-day appeal period at the state level during which no work may be commenced following the local authority's final action on a shoreline permit. 6. Currently, appeals of shoreline permit decisions must go to the City Council on a closed record basis. 7. The City's Municipal Code allows for appeal of administrative actions to the City Council on an open record basis. Conclusion: A. Applicants and the public benefit from an open public hearing process. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Craver, and passed 6 - 1. Commissioner Reed voted against the motion as decisions regarding shoreline permit applications are . strictly prescribed in the City's Shoreline Master Program with appeal of those actions to the City Council at a public hearing. 086 e- . . ~ .;' '" ' ,.! l ~ ~ , '.' '''''';.;j )Ji?,~~'t,!,~r:+<.~'&""":; FILE MEMORAN,DUM 321 East Fifth Street, Port Angeles, Washington 98362 Phone: (360) 417-4750 Brad Collins. Director. Ezlension 4751; Sue Roberds. Ezlension 4750; David Sowyer. Extension 4752 April 17, 1998 > I . TO: Chair Reed and ~lanning Commissioners' Sue Roberds, Planning Spe'cialist FROM: SUBJ: Municipal Code Amendment - MCA 98-01 Shoreline Substantial Development Permit Amendment At your February 25, 1998, meeting, discussion took place regarding whether the City should consider processing Shoreline Substantial Development Permit (SMA) applications administratively. SMAs are processed per the City's Shoreline Master Program which provides very specific standards for those decisions. The proposal to administratively process these applications would probably result in less lead time for applicants particularly since following a decision there is a 21-day appeal period at the state level. Appeals would still be possible to the City Council. A public hearing has been scheduled for the proposed change to the Municipal Code. The material previously sent to you and a draft ordinance is attached for your consideration. Fol/owing the public hearing, the Planning Department recommends the Planning Commission move to recommend the City Council adopt the attached ordinance. The fol/owingfindings and conclusions "may b~cited in support of that action: Findings; 1. The City of Port Angeles adopted a Shoreline Master Program in May, 1995, which contains standards under which development within shoreline areas may occur: 2. Shoreline Substantial Development Permits (SMA) have been processed by the Planning Commission which meets.twice a month. 3. Shoreline Substantial Development Permit applications require twice the public notification period of any other application processed by the City as state statutes require a notification period of 30 days prior to a public hearing which may not be scheduled for an additional two weeks given the Planning Commission's meeting schedule. 4. There is a 21-day appeal period at the state level during which no work may be commenced following the local authority's action on a shoreline permit. 5. The proposal is to eliminate the waiting period between the end of the required public , , 087 ....... t L '" -. ....... 'f ... '-:""., 5. The proposal is to eliminate the waiting period between the end of the required public notification period and the Planning Commission's meetings by processing the permits administratively by the Planning Director under the City's Shoreline Master Program requirements. . 6. The City's Municipal Code allows for appeal of administrative actions to the City Council following decisions by the Planning Director. Conclusion: A. The amendment results in Shoreline Substantial Development Permits being processed more I . expediently. . I. . B. The proposed ordinance is in the public's interest. Attachments . . 088 . . -, ,. '~j:',....}e''',:,~.~.- -,'" MEMORANDUM DATE: February 25, 1998 TO: " Planning Commission FROM: Planning Department" RE: Shoreline Permit Administrator Process ISSUE: Should the City of Port Angeles make shoreline permits administratively rather than quasi- judicially? BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS: ,~ Planning Commission Chair Tim German asked that the staff prepare a revision to the Shoreline procedures that make the shoreline permit process faster for applicants through administrative approval. As the regulatory process has become more and more encumbered by new' requirements, the City has assigned certain decisions to an administrative rather than quasi-judicial process. For example, a number of conditional use permits are now handled administratively with appeals to a quasi-judicial appeal to the City Council. All environmental regulations"except shoreline permits, are decided administratively, including wetland permits, environmentally sensitive area approvals, and', SEP A determinations. With the adoption of the new Shoreline Master Program consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan, the permit process has become even more administratively oriented ~ before, and nearly all requirements and conditions are a direct result of specific rules and requirements that have been established through the Shoreline Master Program and standard conditions from similar approved shoreline permits. Attached are copies of RCW 90.58.140 which regulate how shoreline substantial development permits are administered by local government. It is optional for cities to use or not use a quasi- judicial process and public hearing in approving shoreline pe~ts., There are three kinds of shoreline permits: substantial development permits,} conditional use permits, and variance permits. The latter two kinds of shoreline permits are not approved by the City but only recommend~ for approval to the Department of Ecology, which must make the final permit decision. The quasi-judicial process makes the applicant wait a longer time than the administrative review process and must be scheduled with pub~c hearing notice for the one or tWo monthly meetings of the Planning Commission. As a result the quasi-judicial process can take several weeks or more time for , decisions to be made on shoreline permits by the City. 089 Shoreline Process Amendment February 25, 1998 Page 2 . ACTIONIRECOMMENDATION: The Planning Department recommends that the Planning Commission recommend to the City Council a change.in the shoreline pennit approval from a quasi-judicial to an administrative process, ret~ng an appeal to the City Council, which would now become an open record appeal with a public hearing befQre the' City Council rather than a c1oserecord appeal without a pu~lic hearing, citing the following findings and conchisions. Findings 1. The City of Port Angeles adopted and the, State of Washington approved a revised Shoreline Master Program, which is consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan, in 1995. 2. The City and State passed new requirements limiting certain permits to one open record public hearing process. 3. In approving shoreline pennits the City frequently uses requirements from the 1995 Shoreline Master Program and from previous shoreline permits that are similar in nature. 4. Scheduling a public hearing before the Planning Commission on shoreline permit applications requires additional time in many caSes, since the Planning Commission usually meets only once or twice a month. .0 5. Appeals of shoreline permit decisions by the Planning Commission must go to the City Council on a closed record basis. Conclusions 1. Shoreline permit applications could be processed faster administratively by a Shoreline Administrator than quasi-judicially by the Planning Commission. 2. The shoreline permit approval in many instances follows specified requirements already established by the Shoreline Master Program and previous shQreline pennits. 3. Public interest would benefit from a faster permit process and an open record appeal to the City Council. Staff Contact: Brad Collins . U90 1----- . . . ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles revising the permit process of the City's shoreline management regulations by amending Ordinance 2033 and Chapter 15.08 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code. THE CITY COUNCIL OF 'QiE CITY OF PORT ANGELES DOES HEREBY Section 1. Ordinance 2033 as amended and Chapter 15.08 PAMC are hereby ended by amending PAMC 15.08.070, PAMC 15.08.090, and PAMC 15.08.100 to read as 15 08.070 Shoreline Advisory CummitteelPlallning Cull.mission Administrator. A. The Council appoints the Planning Commission DireClOI as the Shorelines Advisory Conunittee, Administrator which who shall consider applications and make ecisions regarding permits, based on the policies contained under Chapter 90.58 RCW, the rovisions of Chapter 173-27 and 173-22 WAC and the City of Port Angeles Shoreline Master Program, as adopted and amended by the City. The Planning Commission Director shall periodically review the Master Program and, make recommendations to the City Council regarding such ad~~stn1ents as are necessary. B. The Planning Eommission Director shall review an application for a permit based on the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. The application; The environmental impact statement, if one has been prepared; Wrinen comments from interested persons; Information and comments from other City Departments, if applicable; 5. Independent study of the Advisory Comminee and of the Planning Department; and 6. Evidence presented at the public hearing, if any, held pursuant to provisions of this Chapter. The Planning €ommission Director may require that an applicant furnish information in addition to the information required in the appliCation forms prescribed. 091 C. The Planning Commission Director shall makeits hislher decision within reasonable time after the public hearing detennination of completeness of the application. 15 08 090 Public. TIeal ing. ( . ime and plac.e of the continued hearing,_ and no further notice is. required. C. . The Ad\'isory COlnmittee shall ha've the power to prescribe-rules and egulations for the conduct of heal ings before it. 15 08 100 Council Appeal. A. Any person aggrieved by the decision of the Planning Commission or rlanlling Director may appeal the decision to the City Council. B. Appeals shall be submitted to the Planning Department in writing within 14 days following the'date of the decision. i C. The City Council shall conduct a dosed record hearing on the appeal of he-Planning COIH1'nission' s decision and an open record public hearing on the appeal of the Planning Director's decision with notice being: given as set forth in WAC 173-27.:110. The Council's decision shall. be- final unless review is requested pursuant to the procedures established in RCW 90.58.180 and Chapter 461-08 WAC. (Ord. 2951 ~5, 3/14/97; Ord. 2033 ~ 10, 7/17/79.) Section 2. Severability If any provisions of this Ordinance or its applications to any person or circumstances is held to be invalid, the remainder of the Ordinance or application of the provisions of the Ordinance to other persons or circumstances is not affected. Section 3. This Ordinance shall take effect five days after the date of publication. 2 U92 . PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said Council held on the _ day of . , 1998. ATTEST: Becky Upton, City Clerk IAPPROVED AS TO FORM: . Craig D. Knutson, City Attorney ) PUBLISHED: By Summary C:\WP\ORD\MCA . 3 MAYOR 093 U94 . . . . . . MINUTES BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT Port Angeles, Washington 98362 May 4,1998 7:00 p.m. o CALL TO ORDER Vice Chair Meyer called the meeting to order at 7:20 p.II?-. Members Present: Chuck Turner, Gina Lowman, Louise Meyer Members Excused: Barbara Gase Members Absent: Julie Bondy Staff Present: David Sawyer Public Present: Bill Hermann, Gary Reidel, Shara Smith, Gene Unger APPROVAL OF MINUTES Board member Turner moved to approve the February 2, 1998, minutes as submitted. The motion was seconded by Board member Lowman and passed unanimously. PUBLIC HEARINGS: VARIANCE REQUEST - VAR 98-02 - SUNSET WIRE ROPE, 518 Marine Drive: Request for a decrease in the minimum side yard setback from 15' to 7', and an increase from 6' to 10' in the maximum height for a fence on a property line in the IL, Industrial Light zone. . Senior Planner David Sawyer reviewed the Planning Department's report recommending approval of the requested variance. Vice Chair Meyer opened the public hearing. Gene Unger, 1401 West 7th Street, a licensed professional engineer spoke in favor of the application. He explained the efforts to assist Sunset Wire Rope inCa rebuild of the site following the massive 1996-97 winter storm damage. The applicant's insurance provider is requiring the applicant to provide an 8' fence due to previous vandalism on ~e site. The new fence is in the same location where an old fence existed that did not comply with. Zoning Code requirements. However, due to the extent of the site rebuild, the applicant is required to observe current setback requirements. The applicant is requesting that the new fence height be allowed to be in the same location and approximately at the same height (10') as the previous fence, and that a storage structure be allowed to exist 7' from a side yard rather than the 15' that is required. The structure and fence would maintain approximately the same distance from the side yard and height that existed prior to demolition. Approval of the variance will allow the site.to be in compliance with insurance company requirements 095. / .'(' Board of Adjustment Minutes Febnmry 2.1998 Page 2 for security, and will provide a light industrial site that is easily accessed by the public. . In response to Board member Lowman, Mr. Unger answered that he is not certain how much in excess of 8' the original fence was, but he has talked to people who stated that it was in excess of 8'. He knew of no other fence, other than the City Light Pole Yard, in an industrial district that is greater than 6', and is located on a property line. G~ry Reidel, 710 Del Guzzi Drive, Sunset Wire Rope Manager, noted that adjoining property owners have indicated approval of the request. He added that a major reason behind the request for the increase in fence height is largely for security reason&. A 6' fence can easily be scaled and vandalized. The site contains cylinders of gas such as nitrous oxide and small equipment such as lawn mowers, that can, and have been, stolen. Bill Hermann, 2477 Blue Mountain Road, owner of Sunset Wire Rope, feels strongly that a fence in excess of6' is required for the,security an? general safety of the site. The use will not cause circulation concerns and will resemble the previous outdoor storage footprint. Shara Smith, 2941 Highway 101 East, owns the abutting property to the west. The entire rebuild of the site has added greatly to the area and the City. She concurred that the fence being replaced was greater than 6' in height, but she wasn't sure of the actual height. She encouraged approval of the reduced setback and increased height request. There being no further comment, Vice Chair Meyer closed the public hearing. . Mr. Sawyer answered questions regarding the non conforming status of the pre-existing fence and that it was the Planning Directo~'s decision that the new fence needs a variance to be constructed as proposed and not allowed as a non conforming structure. Staff recognizes that there is a security need for an over height fence at this s.ite. An amendment to the Zoning Ordinance may be in order to allow for fences higher than 6' in industrial areas, given the nature of the uses that occur in industrial areas. Board member Turner moved to approve the requested variances as proposed with the following findings and conclusions: Condition: 1. A 12.5' clearance shall be required between the storage structure and any City Light equipment or structure. Findings: Based on the information provided in the Planning Department staff report dated May 4, \ 1998. for V AR 98-02 including all of its attachments, comments and information presented during the public hearing, the Board of Adjustment discussion and deliberation, and the above listed condition of approval, the CitY of Port Angeles,Board of Adjustment hereby . finds that: . 096 . . . Board of Adjustmenr Mi1Ulles Februmy 2. 1998 Page 3 1. The applicant is Sunset Wire and Rope. 2. The owner of the property is William Herman. 3. The subject property is located at 518 Marine Drive. 4. The request is for a variance to reduce the required 15' side yard setback to 7' to allow construction of a 20'! by 100' storage structure and increase the allowed 'height of a fence in the side yard setback from 6' t~ 10' (Attachment A to'the Planning Department's staff report dated May 4,1998 for VAR,98-02). 5. The property is designated as Industrial in the City's Comprehensive Plan. 6. The property is zoned Industrial, Light (IL). 7. The proposed use is a permitted use in the IL, Industrial Light zone. 8. The subject property is a combination of 15 Townsite lots resulting in a rectangular shaped property with the widest portion fronting on Marine Drive. 9. The south half of the property is severely impacted by an approximately 50' high marine bluff. '; 10. The majority of property in this vicinity on the south side of Marine Drive are zoned IL. 11. The majority of IL property in this area has similar surroundings as the subject 'property . 12. The proposed variance'is categorically exempt from State Environmental Protection Act threshold determination and environmental impact statement requirements. 13. The subject property is currently developed with building . supplies store and materials yard. 14. The subject property contains a marine bluff environmentally sensitive area (ESA) as defined by Chapter 15.20 ofthe Port Angeles Municipal Code. 15. No agency reviewing the application other thahthe Light Division identified any potential adverse impact to the public health, safety, and welfare attributable to the issuance of the variance. 16. The Board of Adjustment previously approved V -85(8) 19 at 934 and 936 Marine Drive reducing the property's required 15; side yard to 7' and V-86(1)1 at 536 Marine Drive reducing the required 15' side yard to 0'. 097 Board of Adjustment Minutes February 2,1998 . Page 4 17. Construction of the proposed 10' high fence has been completed. l' 18. All decisions and orders of the Board shall be final and conclusive, unless, within ten days from the date of action, the original applicant or an adverse party makes application to the Superior Court of the County for a writ of certiorari, a writ of prohibition, or a writ of rriandamus.' . 19. There was a pre-existing non conforming fence at the proposed location. Conclusions: Based on the information provided in the Planning'Department staff report dated May 4, 1998, for V AR 98-02 including all of its attachments, comments and information presented during the public hearing, the Board of Adjustment discussion and deliberation, and the above listed condition of approval, and findings of fact, the City of Port Angeles Board of Adjustment hereby concludes that: A. The approval of the proposed variance would not be a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitation upon uses of other properties in the vicinity and zone in which the property on behalf of which the application was filed is located. B. There is a special circumstance of topography associated with the property which deprives the property owners of rights and privileges permitted to other properties in the vicinity and zone in which it is located. The need for an area preserved for loading and materials staging combined with the presence of the marine bluff restricts the buildable area of the property for its permitted use. C. The proposed variance as conditioned, is unlikely to cause adverse impacts to the public safety and welfare. The motion was seconded by Board member Lowman and passed 3 - o. . COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE PUBLIC None. ST AFF REPORTS None. REPORTS OF BOARD MEMBERS \ None. . ( . . . 098 ! - . . . Board of Adjustmelll Minutes February 2, 1998 Page 5 ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m. David SawYer, Secretary Louise Meyer, Vice Chair '\ PREPARED BY: S. Roberds , I , I 09~ 100 . . . . . . UTILITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE Port Angeles, Washington May 11, 1998 l Call to Order: Chairman Doyle called the meeting to order at 3 :00 p.m. Il Roll Call: Draft Members Present: Councilmen Campbell, Doyle, and Williams, Bill Myers and Joe Michalczik. Members Absent: None. Staff Present: C. Knutson, 1. Pittis, B. Titus, B. Collins, and C. Hagar. III Approval of Minutes: Councilman Williams moved to approve the minutes of the April 13, 1998, meeting. Councilman Campbell seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. IV. Discussion Items: A. Morse Creek Fis~ Enhancement Project \ Public Works Director Pittis stated this was for information only.. He reviewed the memo and informed the Committee that Attorney Knutson had spent some time with Dick Goin, a project advocate, discussing this issue. Discussion followed, and Chairman Doyle asked Attorney Knutson for additional input on the issue. Attorney Knutson stated his discussion with Mr. Goin centered mostly around the Elwha River and how the Endangered Species Act applies to that. The proposed listing for endangered species includes what is called an Evolutionarily Sensitive Unit (ESU). The discussion revolved around whether the Elwha River Chinook should be included in the listing for the Puget Sound ESU. The City must submit comments to the National Marine Fisheries Service regarding how it would deal with this proposed listing if it passes and whether the Elwha Chinook should be included with the Puget Sound Chinook. Attorney Knutson thought that the City could receive credit with Federal and State regulators for projects such as the Morse Creek fish enhancement/acclimation pond project as well as the Elwha River stock preservation channel project that has been proposed by the Elwha S 'Klallam Tribe. He also stated that the State legislature has appropriated. several funding sources for these kinds of projects so that there may be funding through a grant application to the State. - 1 - 101 Utility Advisory Committee May 11, 1998 . Director Pittis stated there are two reasons to consider this project, to aid the City in the ESU issue and because it's part of our community and the sport fishery is important to us. Attorney Knutson _stated a third reason is because it could tip the balance as to whether the Morse Creek Hydro project is economically viable to continue. Deputy Director Titus concurred that the fish enhancement project could result in.the hydro project being allowed to operate for several more months each year, which would increase is' profitability. Discussion followed, and Director Pittis and Attorney Knutson responded to questions and provided clarification. No action was taken. B. Landlocked Electrical Facilities Deputy Director Titus reviewed the information contained in the packet and the history of this issue. He stated he is not asking for any action on this item at this time; however, there are several property owners in the Southwood area anxious to have their power lines run underground. These owners have already contacted the City Manager's office and will probably be contacting Council members also. Stafffelt it imperative to give the Council all the information on this issue including total cost, before asking for any decision. Total cost for. all such large conversion projects is still being calculated, and staffwill return to the Committee when all the information is in hand. Discussion followed. . Deputy Director Titus reminded the Committee that a recent change to the City's line extension policy did away with the $1000 credit toward the cost of changing from overhead to underground line conversion. It is estimated that the cost of converting just the Southwood area (36 homes) will be $130,000. This has not been budgeted for 1997. Director Pittis'stated customers are being informed that the conversion will not take place this year. If this and other landlocked areas are convert~d, it is possible that the total cost would be $500,000. . . . Councilman Campbell felt that it was unfair to ask all rate payers to' share in the cost of something that benefits only a few people. Discussion followed regarding the obligation of the home owners vs. rate payers to pay this expense and the utility easements for this area. Joe Michalczik stated undergrounding the utilities was an advantage to the property o~ers and agreed with Councilman Campbell that the responsibility for paying should lie with the owner. He felt giving a discount or rebate was reasonable, but performing this service for free was not. Bill Myers spoke in defense of the homeowners, as they are the victims of a bad plat. Further discussion followed regarding maintaining of easements and the cost involved. Councilman Campbell felt a compromise could be arrived at which would be fair to rate payers as well as 'property owners. Mr. Myers stated that was the reason the City was absorbing $1000 of the cost involved in undergrounding the utilities to these areas. It allowed for sharing the cost of the change over. Director Pittis stated this item would be returned to a future Committee meeting after staff has gathered all the information regarding total cost, benefits to the utility and benefits to the customers. . -2- 10:: ":,:,;,-;: '.:~:~' ,.::\i,~: ,.:",t7;':'~f"", c~><V;U;"",~~i~'>'t.::;;-:"~ ;'F"'" . Utility Advisory Committee May 11, 1998 B. Information on HB2831 (Unbundling) Deputy Director Titus reviewed the information contained in the packet. Mr. Titus explained that small electric co-ops and PUD's were submitting their information together, thereby giving an average figure rather than having individual responses. Discussion followed, and Deputy Director Titus responded to questions' posed by the Coriunittee. Councilman Campbell. felt this information would be useful to develop, and once gathered, a decision can be made on how to disseminate it. . . Following further discussion and clarification, Dep~ty Director Titus stated staff would gather the information and attempt to have it ready for UAC and Council prior to the end of the year. At that time, staff could see what groupings might be placed together. The UAC and Council may be more comfortable adding our data to another group's information. Councilman CampbeU moved to recommend that the City Council approve the study, develop the information, but not be concerned with deadlines of submittal. Use of the information can be decided at a later date. Bill Myers seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. ) D. Marine Bluff Issues This item was deferred to the next meeting. . Jt: Information Only Items A. Washington, D.C. visit by Public Power Representatives. No disclissio~, no action. VI. Late Items A. Jefferson County Disposal Request Director Pittis stated he had sent a letter to Jefferson County counter offering $21.17 per ton with a 50/50 split of transportation savings. He received a reply stating Jefferson County is doing an RFP for long hauling and would like to expl9re the possibility of a joint long haul- agreement after closure of the Port Angeles landfill. Also in that letter, Jefferson County made a counter offer of $21.17 per ton and 40% of transportation savings. It was estimated that 40% of the transportation savings would be $5.94; therefore, Jefferson County would pay $27.11 per ton to use the landfill. This proposal is conditional upon approval of the Jefferson County Board of Commissioners. Discussion followed. Joe Michalczik was uncomfortable charging Jefferson County one third the amount we charge City residents. Councilman Campbell explained that Jefferson County would be paying the $1 million shortfall for landfill closure. Director Pittis informed the' Committee that this contract . would be of benefit to the City through the year 2000; it would be less advantageous after that. Mr. -3- 103 ., '''~-'4 Utility Advisory Committee May 11, 1998 Michalczik suggested the contract end in the 2000, then renegotiate. Lengthy discussion followed; no action was taken. Deputy Director Titus gave a report on the Valley Street transformer. VI. Next Meeting: " The next meeting will be June 8, 1998, at 3 :00 p.m. VIIl Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 4:55 p.m. Chairman Deputy City Clerk -4- 104 . I . . . e Ie e. Port Angeles' Fire Department serving you in many different ways! Hazardous Materials Drill - Datshowa Af'ril . 1998 . 105 PORT ANGELES FIRE DEPARTMENT . April, 1998 This This Year This Last Year % Change Month to Date Month to Date Year to Last Year Date I TOTAL CALLS. I 208 I 778 I 183 I 817 I 4.7 ! I Medical Aid 159 617 153 659 6.3 ! Level I (single engine 47 153 30 154 .6 ! responses) Level II (2 or more engine responses) 2 8 0 4 50 n Type of Emergency Fires: Structure (> $5000) 1 5 2 9 44.4 . Chimney 3 10 1 10 Auto 1 9 2 4 55.5 n Brush 4 5 0 2 60 f Other (< $5000) 9 19 1 12 36.8 1 Hazardous 12 40 6 22 45 t Material/Condition False Alarms 19 73 18 99 26.2 I Method of Alarm 9-1-1 190 711 168 756 5.9 I Alarm System Activations 18 67 15 61 8.9 t Type of Action Taken 106 Medic I Transports 68 319 67 318 .3 f Extinguish Fire 14 39 6 33 2.5 f Investigate Only 10 38 16 66 42.4 ! Public Assist 25 84 8 59 29.7 n . . . . t':"t;;y'l','~T:~'-~--" :::'-;X~~,;::c;' - .,'.>.....'.;....".-..y....::<:~'" ';-';;J;_'~- FIRE PREVENTION ACTIVITIES~ Ayril " 1998 This Year to Last Year Last Year Mon tb Date This Year to Mon tb Date Fire & Life Safety 111 361 93 377 Inspection ~, Fire & Life Safety 57 269 87 346 Reinspection Code Violations Found 135 510 120 486 , Code Violations Corrected 84 446 107 518 Building Survey 0 1 3 9 Complaints Investigated 13 33 12 35 Fire Drills Supervised 1 7 1 2 Lectures, Classes, 1 10 5 12 Demonstrations, Station Tours Fires Investigated 0 7 0 2 Fire Alarm Test 9 52 5 30 SpriFlkler System Test 11 50 ' 8 30 Hydrants. 0 4 0 7 . Permit Inspection 11 82 22 101 Permits Issued 9 32 5 33 Juvenile Fire Setters 1 1 0 5 Counseled Plan Checks: 1. Commercial 2 8 ,', 12 - 22 2. Multi-family 0 2 0 0 \ \ 3. Sprinkler System 3 7 .... 4, 11 '4. Fire Alarm 1 4 1 6 107. FP - 32 Revised 10/4/95 _J Medic I Statistics . April, 1998 ALS BLS PRIVATE NO TRANSPORT PAFD OLY PAFD OLY Cardiac Arrest 5 0 0 0 . O. 1 Cardiac, Other 22 3 0 0 0 1 Major/Minor Medical 53 1 2 9 3 12 Motor Vehicle Accident 1 0 1 2 3 10 Drug/Alcohol 2 0 1 0 0 3 " Falls 1 0 1 7 1 10 Accident, Other 1 0 3 3 7 15 Total 60 4 8 21 14 52 * Note: PAFD -- Port Angeles Fire Department OLY -- Olympic Ambulance ;- Private -- Private auto, taxi, funeral home, etc. No Transport -~ patient refused or required no transport . Total Medic I Patients Assisted This Month Year to Date This Month Last Year Last Year to Date 159 617 153 659 Medic II Statistics Citizens trained in CPR and airway management This Month Year to date This Month Last Last Year to Date Year 108 43 161 52 90 .