HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet 06/02/2009AGENDA • ~ORTAI~TGELES ,d~!-=~ W A S H I N G T O N, U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL MEETING 321 East Soh Street June 2, 2009 REGULAR MEETING - 6:00 p.m. AGENDA ITEl~'I First Page ACTION Note: The Mayor may determine the order of business for a particular City Council meeting. The agenda should be arranged to best serve the needs and/or convenience of the Council and the public. The items of business for regular Council meetings may include the following: A. CALL TO ORDER -REGULAR MEETING AT 6:00 P.M. B. ROLL CALL PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE PUBLIC COMMENT. This is an opportunity for members of the public to speak to the City Council about anything. To allow time for the Council to complete its legislative agenda, comments should be limited to no more than 5 minutes per person and a total of 1 S minutes for this comment period. (These time periods may be lengthened or shortened at the discretion of the Mayor.) PUBLIC CEREMONIES/PRESENTATIONS ---- WORK SESSION D. LATE ITEMS TO BE PLACED ON THIS OR FUTURE AGENDAS as determined by City Manager or Council member E. ORDINANCES NOT REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS ---- PUBLIC HEARINGS Public hearings are set by the City Council in order to meet legal requirements. In addition, the City Council may set a public hearing in order to receive public input prior to making decisions which impact the citizens. Certain matters may be controversial, and the City Council may choose to seek public opinion through the public hearing process. • NOTE: HEARING DEVICES AVAILABLE FOR THOSE NEEDING ASSISTANCE MAYOR TO DETERMINE TIME OF BREAK June 2, 2009 Port Angeles City Council Meeting Page - 1 AGENDA ITEM First Page ACTION F. RESOLUTIONS 1. City Council Rules of Procedure F-1 1. • Pass Resolution 2. NOAA Pro osal Su ort F-11 1. Pass Resolution G. OTHER CONSIDERATIONS 1. William Shore Memorial Pool District (WSMPD) - G-1 1. Approve Interlocal Agreement 2. William Shore Memorial Pool District (WSMPD) - G-7 2. Make Appointments Appoint Board Members. 3. Peninsula Development District Projects G-8 3. Approve 4. Bonneville Power Administration Accord and Satisfaction G-9 4. Approve Agreement 5. Kenmore Air Agreement G-15 5. Approve 6. Feiro Marine Lab Contract G-20 6. Approve 7. Advanced Water Power Grant Ap lication G-28 7. Approve H. PUBLIC HEARINGS -QUASI-JUDICIAL (7:00 P.M. or soon thereafter) ---- I. PUBLIC HEARINGS -OTHER (7:00 P.M. or soon thereafter) 1. Surplus Equipment /Trolley I-1 1. Conduct Public Hearing; Approve Surplus. 2. Dry Creek Bridge & Trail Planning I-2 2. Conduct Public Hearing, Approve Plan 3. Stormwater NPDES Phase II Permit /Port Angeles I-4 3. Open Public Hearing; 15` Reading; Continue Municipal Code Amendments Section 11, 13, and 15. 4. 2009-2015 Capital Facilities Plan (CFP) & Transportation I-54 4. Open Public Hearing; Continue Improvement Program (TIP) 5. Comprehensive Plan Amendments I-91 5. Open Public Hearing; ls` Reading 6. Blore & Nyhus Rezone I-106 6. Open Public Hearing; 1sT Reading J. FINANCE --- K. CONSENT AGENDA 1. City Council Meeting Minutes of May 19, 2009 K-1 1. Accept Consent Agenda. 2. Expenditure Approval List from 5/9/2009 to 5/22/2009 for K-6 $2,825,574.52. 3. Valley Creek Grant Application K-43 L. CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS ---- M. INFORMATION City Manager Reports: 1. Planning Commission Minutes -May 13, 2009 M-1 2. Harbor-Works Development Authority Minutes - Apri12009 M-9 3. Park Commission Minutes - Apri12009 M-16 4. ORCAA Reports M-19 5. Construction Status Report M-23 6. Grants and Loans Status Re ort M-94 N. EXECUTIVE SESSION O. ADJOURNMENT NOTE: HEARING DEVICES AVAILABLE FOR THOSE NEEDING ASSISTANCE • MAYOR TO DETERMINE TIME OF BREAK June 2, 2009 Port Angeles City Council Meeting Page - 2 PORTANGELES CITY COUNCIL MEETING W A S H I N G T O N, U. S. A. I. CALL TO ORDER -REGULAR MEETING: II. ROLL CALL: Members Present: Mayor Braun ~~ Deputy Mayor Wharton _,~ Councilmember Di Guilio Councilmember Kidd Councilmember Perry Councilmember Rogers Councilmember Williams Staff Present: Manager Myers Attorney Bloor Clerk Upton G. Cutler / T. Gallagher D. McKeen N. West Y. Ziomkowski June 2, 2009 III. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Led by:~(,~~,~j~~ ~ORTA1~iGELES CITY COUNCIL MEETING W A S H I N G T O N, ~. S. A. Attendance Roster DATE OF MEETING: June 2, 2009 LOCATION: City Council Chambers Name Address ~~I I ~ L. ~''~ O tS0 7~ ~ V D Z off (~ rc ~ ~o ~ ~ ,~ok .~~~ ~S ~r v1a. G~_S ~'~ ~oX ~D,z ~' ~ ~~ ~~ a 1--~,u,rce~ [ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~a~ D4 /~ ~ ~~~~~ f~ ~ .~ t ~ ~ (2 ~` ~ CC`S ~, ~ -~ co v~ v~ c2 ~' 3 0 lcJ ~ ~ p ~57~N~-F '~l ~~~ ~C ~ ~U ~Ld --eve ~~ v.<< ~ 3~ t t~~ -~ 1 ~ ~- ~CG~~t' ~ ~ (~ 00 ~ ~~ 1~~ l/ D - ~1- . r~n~ ~r r~ ~ L ~ ~ ~~ ~+ `~ ~ " " ~ J ~ ~~ f ~ 2 Comments to City Council =Port Angeles -June 2, 2009- Norma Turner Thank you for the new online agenda packet all 301 pages! Because of the length of your agenda and the size of your packet I will be as brief as possible with my comments. 1. The Draft Interlocal Agreement regarding the Wm Shore Memorial Pool District This entity would not even exist except for the incredible efforts of local citizens Therefore I would argue that it is imperative the public always has a seat on the governing board. The current language in 4 (c) reads that the fifth board member will be chosen by the first four (2 county commissioner and 2 city council members) "that person may be, but is not required to be, a member of the council or board of commissioners. In other words they could appoint one of their own. I would recommend a simple amendment at the beginning of the fourth line add the word NOT and delete "but is not required to be" that would make it clear the fifth member MUST be someone OTHER THEN a commissioner or city council member. 2. The City Manager's report of May 29 noted that the city is currently facing financial trouble regarding the Niichel property. Then on May 22 included two letters, one from the Port and one from Lockheed -both asked the same thing --- please subsidize development. Siting of NOAA and expansion of ACTI - a private company. In light of the former I urge caution with the latter. The requests are expansive, vague and undoubtedly expensive. The Port wants you to fund utility infrastructure, including roads, sewer, stormwater ,water and electric services. All this for NOAA which submitted a 2009 budget request to Congress for over 4 Billion dollars. The second request ,from Lockheed, asks you to fund construction of a building and supporting infrastructure for ACTI , a private company. I know you will be told this all to done in the name of economic development. Some of us have seen it before. Remember Hiller Helicopter? Promises of jobs, economic development led to taxpayer's funding the building, the jobs never materialized and the building ended up in the private hands of the CEO because nobody noticed he had listed it in his name rather than the company's name. The theory of such corporate welfare has been debunked many times and in many places but continues to be held as gospel by many. I offer, for your review, a copy of a special TIME magazine edition in 1998 "What Corporate Welfare Costs" In every case outlined the taxpayers were the losers. In conclusion I ask that before considering subsidizing either of these requests you develop a policy which would be fair to all. The city claims to care about affordable housing If that is true then efforts to produce it should also be beneficiaries of waived fees etc. The last house the Habitat for Humanity, a non profit, in Port Angeles they paid $5052 in fees for such a small house these fees alone added over $4 per square foot. Building these homes is economic development. For each home (they have thus far built 20 in the county) approx $60,000 is spent locally on building materials. Once completed the owners become taxpayers and utility customers. More importantly they are tied to the community and are part of the labor force. Habitat has been working for two years to develop property to build 14 homes on West 16th Street.. Habitat purchased the lots for $10,000 and the infrastructure requirements by the city are currently $70,000 PER LOT. How does that make for affordable housing? In conclusion I want to insert into the record that I am speaking on my own behalf. I am not on the Habitat Board, I do volunteer at their restore, but am not speaking for them but rather speaking on behalf of myself as a believer in equity and affordable housing. I urge the City Manager and some members of the council to meet with Habitat soon and see how you can work as partners. IF you decide to subsidize or fund any infrastructure for ACTI or NOAA you should extend the same benefits to Habitat for Humanity. Thank you Norma Turner 3928 Mt Angeles Rd 2 V~~--'` n ~~ /~ ...W-S-M-POOL..... >THE CITY WOULD HAVE CLOSED THE POOL -PERIOD !!! - IN THEIR SEPT. -DEC. 2008 BUDGET DISCUSSIONS FOR 2009. > NO CITY MOVEMENT WAS MADE WITH AN INITIAL OFFER TO EVEN MAINTAIN THE OPERATIONAL `STRUCTURE OF THE POOL AND PROGRAMS' , OR TO COLLABORATE WITH "OTHERS" - (PRIVATE PARTIES, ORGANIZATIONS, GRANTS, FUNDING, ETC.). >CITIZENS BUSTED THEIR BUNS TO REVIVE THE CITY'S LACK OF POSITIVE INITIATIVE TO CONTINUE THE POOL'S OPERATION PAST MARCH -AFTER THE BUDGET ANNOUNCEMENT IN DECEMBER - "TO CLOSE THE POOL" !!! >AND NOW ,WITH PASSAGE OF THE CITIZEN'S BALLOT TO "SAVE THE POOL" -THE BOARD OF THE "WILLIAM SHORE MEMORIAL POOL" (aka THE METROPOLITAN PARK DISTRICT) IS SLATED TO CONSIST OF (2) CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS, (2) COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, AND (1) CiTiZEN AT LARGE. >WELL -HOW ABOUT IF WE GIVE SOME `CREDIT' WHERE DUE - AND HAVE THE POOL COMMITTEE SELECT (3) CITIZENS AT LARGE TO WATCH OVER THE OPERATION OF "THEIR POOL" -SAVED ONLY BY THEIR RESOLUTION AND THEIR POSITIVE INITIATVE FOR SAVING THE CITY RUN FACILITY PAID FOR WITH CITIZENS' $$$ !!! >THERE SHOULD BE: (3) CITIZENS AT LARGE, (2) CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS, (2) COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ON THE METROPOLITAN PARK DISTRICT BOARD TO DIRECT AND GOVERN HOW A SWIM POOL IN THE PORT ANGELES AREA CAN REMAIN OPERATIONAL IN FUTURE YEARS. (ANOTHER 50 YEARS)? VGELES WAS H I N G T O N, CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: JUNE 2, 2009 TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: KENT MYERS, CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: CITY COUNCIL RULES OF PROCEDURE Summary: The attached resolution incorporates revisions to the City Council Rules of Procedure that were discussed at the recent Council Retreat. Recommendation: Approve the attached revised City Council Rules of Procedure. Background / Analysis: • At the recent City Council Retreat the current City Council Rules of Procedure were discussed and several changes were suggested. The proposed resolution will incorporate the changes into the Council Rules of Procedure. Changes include: • A procedure for citizens to sign up for the public comment period, • Allowance for some Council comments following statements from the public, and • A revised order of the agenda so that employee recognitions and Council reports can be heard at an earlier time on the agenda. • Upon Council approval, these revised Rules of Procedure would be implemented immediately. F-1 RESOLUTION NO. • A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, amending Section 8 of the Council's Rules of Procedure, order of business on the agenda. BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles as follows: Section 1. Section 8, Order of Business, of the Council Rules of Procedure is amended to read as follows: Section 8 Order of Business. The Mayor may determine the order of business for a particular City Council meeting. The agenda should be arranged to best serve the needs and/or convenience of the Council and the public. The items of business for regular Council meetings may include the following: L Call to Order • 2. Roll Call 3. Pledge of Allegiance 4. Ceremonial Matters/Proclamations/Employee Recognition 5. Public Comment: This is an opportunity for members of the public to speak to the City Council. [Those wishing to make comments to the Council should complete a comment request card and hand it to the City Manager prior to the beginning of the public comment period.] To allow time for the Council to complete its legislative agenda, comments should be limited to no more than 5 minutes per person and a total of 15 minutes for this comment period. At the discretion of the Mayor, these time periods may be lengthened or shortened. Following any public comment, the Mayor may allow time, limited to five minutes, for reponse from F-2 -1- • City Council members and/or City staff.. 6. City Council Committee Reports 7. Work Session 8. Late Items to be Placed on This or Future Agendas as determined by the City Manager or City Council Member. 9. Ordinances Not Requiring Public Hearings 10. Resolutions Not Requiring Public Hearings 11. Other Considerations 12. Public Hearings -Quasi-Judicial 13. Public Hearings -Other 14. Finance • 15. Consent Agenda 16. Executive Session (as needed and determined by City Attorney) 17. Adjournment Section 2. Except as provided above, the Council Rules of Procedure, as previously adopted, are confirmed, ratified and re-adopted. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said Council held on the day of June, 2009. Mayor ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: Becky J. Upton, City Clerk William E. Bloor, City Attorney • l \ ~ Lege G: _Backup\ORDINANCES&RESOLUTIONSUtESOLUT10N5.2009\I4 -Council Rules.051409.wpd, May 27, 2009 -2- F - 3 ~QRT~NGELES W A S H I N G T O N, U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL RULES OF PROCEDURE As of June, 2009 Section 1 Rules. These Rules shall govern the procedures followed by the City Council of Port Angeles, Washington, for the conduct of Council meetings and the maintenance of order, pursuant to RCW 35A.13.170. Section 2 Open Public Meetings Act. The Council shall comply with the provisions of the Open Public Meetings Act, Chapter 43.20 RCW, in the conduct of all meetings to which said Act is applicable. Section 3 Executive Sessions. The Council may discuss topics in executive session, which topics are specified in RCW 42.30.110 or relate to potential or pending litigation and are subject to attorney-client privilege. The City Attorney shall inform the Council whenever any proposed discussion in executive session is not legally allowed. No member of the City Council, employee of the City, or any other person present during executive session of the City Council shall disclose to .any person the content or substance of any discussion or action which took place during said executive session. Section 4 Work Sessions. Special meetings designated as work sessions shall be advertised and conducted in the same manner as special meetings. Work sessions are for the purpose of in- depth review and discussion of specified issues. Final disposition shall not be taken at designated work sessions. Section 5 Quorum. At all meetings of the Council a majority of the Council Members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business, but a less number may adj ourn from time to time F-4 • • -1- • and may compel the attendance of absent members in such manner and under such penalties as may be prescribed by ordinance. The passage of any ordinance, grant or revocation of franchise or license, and any resolution for the payment of money shall require the affirmative vote of at least a majority of the whole membership of the Council. RCW 35A.12.120. Section 6 Chair of the Council. The Mayor shall be the Chair of the Council and shall preside at all Council meetings. A Mayor Pro Tempore or Deputy Mayor shall be selected biennially at the first meeting of a new Council, for a term to run concurrently with that of the Mayor. In the absence of the Mayor, the Mayor Pro Tempore shall preside. If neither the Mayor nor the Mayor Pro Tempore is present at a meeting, the presiding officer for that meeting shall be selected by a majority of the vote of those Council Members present, provided there is a quorum. The Chair of the Council may vote on all matters coming before the Council; . however, the Chair of the Council shall not be required to vote except in the event of a tie. The Chair of the Council shall state all questions coming before the Council, provide opportunity for discussion from the floor, and announce the decision of the Council on all subjects. Procedural decisions shall be made by the Chair of the Council, who may request advice on such matters from the City Attorney. Procedural decisions made by the Chair of the Council may be overruled by a majority vote of the Council. Section 7 Agenda. The City Manager shall prepare the agenda of business for all Council meetings. Any Council member, department head, or citizen desiring to place a matter on the agenda shall notify the City Manager by twelve o'clock noon on the Wednesday preceding the Council meeting. Every agenda item must be supported by a written explanation informing the Council and staff of the issue, background and/or analysis, and recommendation and/or conclusion, unless the • item is self-explanatory or unless the Mayor or City Manager has waived this requirement. All written materials for the agenda shall be delivered to the City Manager by twelve o'clock noon on F-5 -2- the Friday preceding the Council meeting. Except for announcements, late items that the City Manager does not receive by the stated deadlines shall. not be considered by the Council except upon a majority vote of the members present. Each agenda shall reference all ordinances to be considered by the City Council. No ordinances shall be acted upon unless notice of the preliminary agenda referencing such ordinance has been made available to the public in advance of Council meetings, as set forth below. Except in cases of emergency and of final approval of subdivisions, a proposed ordinance shall be presented to the Council at a regular meeting, and the Council may then act to adopt the ordinance at any subsequent regular meeting. Preliminary agendas for all meetings of the City Council shall be made available at least 24 hours prior to the time scheduled for such meetings. The preliminary agenda will be made available to the public in the following ways: 1. A copy is placed on the City website at www.cityofpa.us . 2. Several copies are placed on the front counter at City Hall. 3. A copy is posted on the bulletin board outside the Council Chambers. Section 8 Order of Business. The Mayor may determine the order of business for a particular City Council meeting. The agenda should be arranged to best serve the needs and/or convenience of the Council and the public. The items of business for regular Council meetings may include the following: 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Pledge of Allegiance 4. Ceremonial Matters/Proclamations/Employee Recognitions. 5. Public Comment. This is an opportunity for members of the public to speak to the F-6 C • • -3- • City Council. [Those wishing to make comments to the Council should complete a comment request card and hand it to the City Manager prior to the beginning of the public comment period.] To allow time for the Council to complete its legislative agenda, comments should be limited to no more than 5 minutes per person and a total of 15 minutes for this comment period. At the discretion of the Mayor, these time periods may be lengthened or shortened. Following any public comment, the Mayor may allow time, limited to five minutes, for response from City Council members and/or City staff. 6. City Council Committee Reports 7. Work Session 8. Late Items to be placed on this or future Agendas as determined by the City Manager • or City Council Member. 9. Ordinances Not Requiring Public Hearings 10. Resolutions Not Requiring Public Hearings 11. Other Considerations 12. Public Hearings -Quasi-Judicial 13. Public Hearings -Other 14. Finance 15. Consent Agenda 16. Executive Session (as needed and determined by City Attorney) 17. Adjournment Section 9 Voting. Each Council Member shall vote on all questions put to the Council • unless a conflict of interest or appearance of fairness problem requires a Council Member to excuse him/herself. If a Council Member does not vote when such vote is required, such member shall be F-7 -4- determined to have voted "yes" at the time the vote is taken. • Section 10 Decorum and Debate. When a measure is presented for consideration to the Council, the Chair of the Council shall recognize the appropriate individual to present the matter. When two or more members wish to speak, the Chair of the Council shall name the member who is to speak first. No member of the Council shall interrupt another while speaking except to make a point of order or privilege. No Council Member shall be permitted to indulge in personalities, use language personally offensive, or use language tending to hold a member of the Council up to contempt. Ifa member is speaking or otherwise transgressing the Rules of the Council, the Chair of the Council shall or any Council Member may call him/her to order, in which case he/she shall immediately be quiet unless permitted to explain. The Council shall, if appealed to, decide the case without debate. If the decision is in favor of the member called to order, he/she shall be at liberty to proceed, but not otherwise. A Council Member transgressing this Rule shall be liable to censure or other such punishment as the Council may deem proper. Section 11 Questions of Parliamentary Procedure. Questions of parliamentary procedure not covered by these Rules shall be governed by Robert's Rules of Order, Newly Revised (1990 Edition). Section 12 Board and Commission Vacancies. The selection process for filling board and commission vacancies shall be as follows; provided, however, that in specific situations, the Council may by majority vote revise the process: A. The City Manager or his designee will solicit in the City's official newspaper volunteers who wish to serve on boards and commissions. B. The City Manager or his designee will mail application forms and specific • information as to functions of the preferred board(s) or comrmssion(s) to interested citizens. F-8 -s- • C. The City Manager or his designee will submit application forms, questionnaires, and/or related information, to the designated interviewing body, as set forth on Exhibit "A", for review and interviews. D. The designated interviewing body will interview candidates in open public session. Candidates who have not been interviewed will be excluded from attending the prior interviews. E. The designated interviewing body will forward a recommendation to the City Council as to the preferred candidate(s) for appointment to a board or commission. The City Council will make appointments by a majority vote. If the City Council is the designated interviewing body, the Council will select its preferred candidate in an open public meeting by roll call vote and the Mayor will make the appointment. F. The City Manager or his designee will provide written notice of appointment and • confirmation, provide introduction to the chairperson of the respective board or commission, and provide introductory and educational information to the newly appointed member. G. In the event the number of members of any board or commission fall to the number required for a quorum plus one, the City Manager shall have the authority to make an interim appointment, subj ect to confirmation by the City Council. The term of an interim appointment shall be for (a) the remainder of the vacant term, (b) 6 months, or (c) until a permanent appointment is made by the City Council, whichever is less. Section 13 Notice of Public Hearings. Notice of all public hearings to be conducted by the City Council or any of its advisory boards and commissions shall be given either by publishing written notice at least once in the City's official newspaper prior to the date of the hearing, or by complying with any specific statutory requirements for such notice that may be applicable to the particular type of hearing involved. F-9 -6- Section 14 Council Vacancies. The selection process for filling Council vacancies shall be • as follows, provided, however, that the Council may by majority vote revise the process: A. Notice of the vacancy and the procedure for filling the vacancy shall be published twice in the City's official newspaper. B. The Council will open a filing period of not less than 10 days for the vacancy and request each candidate to complete an application form or submit a letter of interest. C. The candidates will then be interviewed during a public Council meeting. D. The Council may deliberate on the qualifications of the candidates in a closed session and then vote on the appointment in an open meeting. E. In all other respects, the procedure for filling a Council vacancy shall be as provided in State law. Established/Amended by Resolution Nos.: 21-84,13-86, 9-87, 2-88, 3-88, 19-88, 37-91, 5-92, 2-95, 5-95, 4-96, 20-96,11-97, • 2-98, 6-98, 15-94, 17-04, 2-05, 10-05, 2-06, 11-06, 12-06, 8-07 and -09 G:\Group\Clerk\Council-Rules of Proc • F-10 -7- • RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the .City of Port Angeles, Washington, amending Section 8 of the Council's Rules of Procedure, order of business on the agenda. BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles as follows: Section 1. Section 8, Order of Business, of the Council Rules of Procedure is amended to read as follows: Section 8 Order of Business. The Mayor may determine the order of business for a particular City Council meeting. The agenda should be arranged to best serve the needs and/or convenience of the Council and the public. The items of business for regular Council meetings may include the following: • 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Pledge of Allegiance ~4. Ceremonial Matters/Proclamations/Employee Recognition ~5. Public Comment: This is an opportunity for members of the public to speak to the City Council. Those wishing to make comments to the Council should complete a comment request card and hand it to the Citv Manager prior to the beginning of the public comment period.l To allow time for the Council to complete its legislative agenda, comments should be limited to no more than 5 minutes per person and a total of 15 minutes for this comment period. At the discretion of the Mavor, tThese time periods maybe lengthened or shortened • Following any public comment, the Mavor may • n ~J allow time. limited to five minutes, for response from City Council members and/or City staff. $6. City Council Committee Reports 67. Work Session ~8. Late Items to be placed on This or Future Agendas as determined by the City Manager or City Council Member. 9. Ordinances Not Requiring Public Hearings 10. Resolutions Not Requiring Public Hearings 11. Other Considerations 12. Public Hearings -Quasi-Judicial 13. Public Hearings -Other 14. Finance - 15. Consent Agenda 16. Executive Session (as needed and determined by City Attorney) 17. Adjournment Section 2. Except as provided above, the Council Rules of Procedure, as previously adopted, are confirmed, ratified and re-adopted. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said Council held on the day of June, 2009. Mayor • ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: Becky J. Upton, City Clerk William E. Bloor, City Attorney G:\Legal_Backup\ORDINANCES&RESOLUTIONSUtESOLUTIONS.2009\I4 -Council Rules.051409.wpd, June I, 2009 -2- • DATE: JUNE 2, 2009 TO: CITY COUNCIL NGELES FROM: KENT MYERS, CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: NOAA PROPOSAL SUPPORT Summary: The Port of Port Angeles will submit its best and final offer to NOAA on June 4. Additional participation by the Ciry will enhance this proposal and insure that we have the best possible proposal to offer NOAA for their Marine Operations Center-Pacific. Recommendation: City Council approve the attached resolution reaffirming City partnership in support of NOAA relocating its Marine Operations Center to our community. • Background /Analysis: Since February of 2008, the City of Port Angeles and Port of Port Angeles have undertaken a cooperative effort to recruit, attract, and relocate the NOAA Marine Operations Center to Port Angeles. Over the past several months, the City has been working closely with the Port Authority, Clallam County, and other local partners in offering a competitive proposal. The partnership has been very effective and in November of 2008 Council agreed to commit $50,000 towards the development of the NOAA proposal. This money has been effectively spent as our community has been selected to continue in the process with a best and final offer to be submitted to NOAA by June 4. NOAA plans on making a final decision by August and expects to begin operations in about two years. It is very important that we do everything feasible to make sure that our best and final offer continues to be very competitive since we have a great opportunity to attract this Center to our community. In addition to the economic impact in terms of jobs, taxes, and utility revenues, the public relations value from having NOAA as a major presence in our community is invaluable. C7 Over the past two weeks, the Council's liaison Karen Rogers and City staff members have been meeting with the Port Authority and the County to discuss ways that we might enhance our offer to NOAA. The Port Authority is planning on financing new and improved facilities with financing from a 20-year lease from NOAA. However, it is possible that the lease might not provide enough revenue to finance all of the numerous improvements and upgrades required in order to locate NOAA here. Recognizing the costs for meeting NOAA's requirements, the City should do its part to support the Port Authority in its efforts. F-11 Page 2 • NOAA Proposal Support The attached resolution affirms the City's cooperation in providing the needs for the future NOAA Center. It states our commitment to work with the Port Authority in exploring joint financing possibilities as well as pursuing outside funding assistance in terms of grants and loans. As a future measure in affirming this support, staff anticipates recommending several measures of financial assistance including: off-site utilities, an expedited permitting process and wavier of permit fees. By reaffirming this commitment and participation, the City will demonstrate to NOAA that our community is completely supportive of this project. It will also help insure that we have a very competitive offer for NOAA to consider. • F-12 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, affirming ~' its support ofNOAA relocating its Marine Operations Center to our community. WHEREAS, the City of Port Angeles and the Port of Port Angeles have undertaken cooperative efforts to recruit and relocate the NOAA Marine Operations Center to Port Angeles; and WHEREAS, numerous improvements and upgrades are needed to satisfy the requirements for a NOAA Marine Operations Center in Port Angeles; and WHEREAS, it is in the best interest of the City that the City do everything feasible and make every cooperative effort to help attract the NOAA Marine Operations Center; and WHEREAS, the City Council fmds and declares that it is in the best interest of the community that the City, to the extent it is legally and financially feasible, should support the • Port's efforts to provide those improvements and upgrades. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES, WASHINGTON, as follows: Section 1. The City of Port Angeles hereby affirms it is committed to work with the Port to provide the needs for a future NOAH Center in Port Angeles. Section 2. The City of Port Angeles shall work with the Port to explore and implement the most efficient means to provide the numerous improvements and upgrades needed to satisfy the requirements for a NOAA Marine Operations Center in Port Angeles. Section 3. The City of Port Angeles, within its legal authority and financial ability, shall consider contributions to assist the efficient and timely execution of the NOAA prof ect, such as: joint financing possibilities, outside grants and loans, direct funding off-site improvements, • paying for City permits and fees, and providing an expedited permitting process. F-13 -1- PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said Council held on the day of June, 2009. Gary Braun, Mayor ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: Becky J. Upton, City Clerk William E. Bloor, City Attorney C:\Documents and Settings\tpierce\Local Settings\TempVCP~pwise\I S - NOAA.052909.wpd F-14 • • -2- • TO: CITY COUNCIL NGELES FROM: KENT MYERS, CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT-WILLIAM SHORE MEMORIAL POOL DISTRICT Summary: Following voter approval of the formation of the William Shore Memorial Pool District (WSMPD) to own and operate the William Shore Memorial Pool, representatives of the City, County, and the Save the Pool Committee have prepared the attached interlocal agreement, between the City and the County, to establish a permanent board for this District. Recommendation: Approve agreement. Background / Analysis: On May 19, 2009 voters in the Port Angeles School District voted to approve the formation of a William • Shore Memorial Pool District (WSMPD) to take over the ownership and operation of the pool. With this approval, we can now move forward with an interlocal agreement with Clallam County to establish the permanent governing board of the District. On May 27, 2009, a meeting was held with City and County officials, and members of the Save the Pool Committee to discuss such an agreement. County officials who were in attendance at this meeting included Mike Chapman and Jim Jones. Mayor Braun attended the meeting along with Councilmember Cheri Kidd and City staff members. At the conclusion of the meeting, those in attendance voiced their support for proceeding with the agreement. In addition to including this item on the City Council's agenda, the agreement will also be on the Clallam County Commissioner's agenda for their Tuesday, June 2, 2009 meeting. The agreement sets out the framework for the District governance, which is the first of its kind in the State of Washington. The proposed Board composition includes two members from the City Council and two Commissioners from the County. These four individuals will select a fifth member who may or may not be an elected official. (NOTE: The appointment of the two Council representatives is scheduled as a separate agenda item at Tuesday's Council meeting). If the City and County approve this interlocal agreement at their Tuesday, June 2 meetings, then the WSMPD Board is scheduled to meet on Wednesday, June 3, 2009 at 3:30 p.m. This meeting is needed because some immediate decisions need to be made on such issues as pool staffing and summer maintenance. In addition to the Board composition, the agreement also includes the creation of a citizens advisory committee and outlines some of the duties of the Pool Director. Please review this agreement prior to the • Council meeting and let me, or Bill Bloor, know if you have any questions or concerns: G -1 DATE: June 2, 2009 DRAFT Interlocal Agreement Between the City of Port Angeles and Clallam County for the Governance of William Shore Memorial Pool District DRAFT -DRAFT -DRAFT This Agreement is made and entered into between the City of Port Angeles (hereinafter referred to as "City") and Clallam County (hereinafter referred to as "County"). The purpose of this interlocal agreement is to provide a structure for governing the William Shore Memorial Pool District passed by the voters within the boundaries of the Port Angeles School District on May 19, 2009, and to be certified June 3, 2009. Pursuant to RCW 35.61.050, the City and County agree as follows: 1. WSMPD. The William Shore Memorial Pool District, hereinafter WSMPD, is a Metropolitan Park District organized pursuant to Chapter 35.61 RCW. 2. Limit on Liability. All liabilities incurred by the W SMPD shall be satisfied exclusively from the assets, credit, and properties of the WSMPD. No creditor or other person shall have any right of action against or recourse to the City of Port Angeles, Washington (the "City") or Clallam County (the "County") or their respective assets, credit, or services, on account of any debts, obligations, liabilities or acts or omissions of the WSMPD. 3. Purpose. The purpose of the WSMPD is to own, operate, and maintain the William Shore Memorial Swimming Pool. 4. Board Composition. Management of all WSMPD affairs shall reside in the Board. The Board shall be composed of five members who shall be appointed in accordance with the following process: (a) The City Council of Port Angeles annually shall appoint two members of the WSMPD Board. These two appointees shall be members of the Port Angeles City Council. (b) The Clallam County Board of Commissioners annually shall appoint two members Page 1 of 5 • G -2 DRAFT of the WSMPD Board. These two appointees shall be members of the Clallam County Board of Commissioners (c) The four Board members selected in accordance with paragraphs (a) and (b) above shall select, and by nomination and motion, the fifth Board member. That person shall be an elector and resident of the Port Angeles School District. The person may be, but is not required to be, a member of the City Council of Port Angeles or the Clallam County Board of Commissioners. Terms of Office. (a) The terms of office of the first appointed Board members shall commence on the effective date of their appointments and shall continue through December 31, 2009, or until their successors are appointed, whichever occurs latter. (b) Beginning in 2010, and each year thereafter, the City Council of Port Angeles and Clallam County Board of Commissioners, as early in each calendar year as feasible, shall appoint members to the WSMPD Board in accordance with Section 4 above. The members shall serve cone-year term, from January 1 to December 31, or until their successors are appointed, whichever occurs latter. (c) Removal of Board Members. The City Council may by resolution remove any or all Board members appointed by it and shall proceed as soon as practicable to select and appoint an appropriate replacement(s). The County Board of Commissioners may by resolution remove any or all Board members appointed by it and shall proceed as soon as practicable to select and appoint an appropriate replacement(s). Any member appointed by the other Board members may be replaced only by a resolution adopted by the Board. In such event, the remaining Board members shall proceed as soon as practicable to select and appoint an appropriate replacement. The term of any Board member removed pursuant to this section shall expire when the member receives a copy of the resolution advising him or her that he or she has been removed pursuant to this section. 6. Quorum. A majority of the whole Board shall constitute a quorum for purposes of conducting the affairs of the WSMPD. (a) Except as provided in paragraph (b) below, as to matters requiring Board approval, such approval shall be obtained at any regular or special Board meeting by an affirmative vote of not less than a majority of the whole Board. Page 2 of 5 G -3 DRAFT (b) Actions Requiring Super Majority Approval of Board. Board approval as to the following matters must be obtained at any regular or special Board meeting by an affirmative vote of at least four of the Board members: (i) Adoption or amendment of by-laws; (ii) Levy of any tax; and (iii) Employment or termination of the Swimming Pool Director. 7. Officers of WSMPD. Tenure of Officers. The Board members shall annually elect from among themselves the following WSMPD officers: The President, the Secretary, and other officers as the Board deems appropriate. The WSMPD Board may adopt by-laws providing for additional officers; governing the corporate offices and tenure of officers; the number ofpositions, powers and duties, and term of each corporate office; the manner of appointment, selection, or election of office holders and the appointing, selection, or electing WSMPD; performance of duties of the office upon illness, death, incapacity, or absence of the corporate officer; the filling of vacancies; and any qualification for the office and conditions upon exercising its powers. • 8.. Swimming Pool Director. The Board shall appoint and employ a Swimming Pool Director who shall be responsible for the administration of the affairs of the WSMPD. (a) The Swimming Pool Director is authorized to: (i) Supervise, direct, and control of the business and affairs of the WSMPD in accordance with policies adopted by the Board; (ii) Supervise and be responsible for the effective management of the affairs of the WSMPD in accordance with policies adopted by the Board; (iii) To the extent authorized in the budget approved by the Board, employ such other personnel as the Director determines to be needed from time to time to carry out the purpose of the WSMPD; and (iv) Perform such other duties as delegated or assigned by the Board. (b) The Swimming Pool Director shall: Page 3 of 5 • G -4 DRAFT (i) Assure that all agreements and programs of the WSMPD are faithfully executed; (ii) Recommend for adoption by the Board such actions as s/he may deem necessary or expedient; (iii) Prepare and submit to the Board such reports as may be required by that body or as s/he may deem it advisable to submit; (iv) Keep the Board fully advised of the financial condition of the WSMPD and its future needs; (v) Prepare and submit to the Board a proposed budget for the fiscal year, and to be responsible for its administration upon adoption; (vi) Perform such other duties as the Board directs. 9. Creation of Citizens Advisory Committee. The Board shall, as soon as feasible, establish a permanent Citizens Advisory Committee. The purpose of the Committee is to provide comment • and advice to the Board on all matters and issues relating to the policies of the Board and to the operation and maintenance of the swimming pool. The Board shall consider, but is not bound by, comment and advice given to the Board by the Committee. The Board shall determine the composition of the Committee and the terms of office of its members, consistent with the purpose of the Committee. 10. Meetings (a) The Board shall establish and publish a schedule of regular meetings. (b) The Board shall meet as necessary but not less than once each month. (b) Special meetings of the Board maybe called as provided in the Bylaws. (c) Board meetings shall be held either at City Hall or the County Courthouse and shall be open to the public. 11. Parliamentary Procedure. The rules of Robert's Rules of Order (Newly Revised, l 0``' edition) shall govern the WSMPD in all cases to which they are applicable. • Page 4 of 5 G -5 DRAFT 12. Bylaws. Within 60 days of the initial seating of the initial Board of Directors of the WSMPD, the Board shall adopt initial Bylaws for the organization. The initial Bylaws may be amended by the Board to provide additional or different rules governing the WSMPD and its activities as are not inconsistent with this statutes and this Agreement. 13. Entire Agreement. No other understanding, oral or written, regarding the subject matter of this Agreement shall be deemed to exist or to bind any of the parties hereto. City of Port Angeles By: Gary Braun, Mayor Attest: By: Becky J. Upton, City Clerk, MMC Board of Clallam County Commissioners By: Howard V. Doherty, Jr., Chair Attest By: . Trish Holden, Clerk of the Board, CMC Approved as to form: By: William E. Bloor, City Attorney C:\Documents and Settings\[pierceVvly Documents\MPDlnterlocalAgreement.05?809.wpd Approved as to form: By: Mark Nichols, Chief Deputy Prosecuting Attorney Page 5 of 5 • G -6 L_J --~-~. ~ .. Interlocal Agreement Between the City of Port Angeles and Clallam County for the Governance of William Shore Memorial Pool District This Agreement is made and entered into between the City of Port Angeles (hereinafter referred to as "City") and Clallam County (hereinafter referred to as "County"). The purpose of this interlocal agreement is to provide a structure for governing the William Shore Memorial Pool District passed by the voters within the boundaries of the Port Angeles School District on May 19, 2009, and to be certified June 3, 2009. • Pursuant to RCW 35.61.050, the City and County agree as follows: 1. WSMPD. The William Shore Memorial Pool District, hereinafter WSMPD, is a Metropolitan Park District organized pursuant to Chapter 35.61 RCW. 2. Limit on Liabilitv. All liabilities incurred by the WSMPD shall be satisfied exclusively from the assets, credit, and properties of the WSMPD. No creditor or other person shall have any right of action against or recourse to the City of Port Angeles, Washington (the "City") or Clallam County (the "County") or their respective assets, credit, or services, on account of any debts, obligations, liabilities or acts or omissions of the WSMPD. 3. Purpose. The purpose of the WSMPD is to own, operate, and maintain the William Shore Memorial Swimming Pool. 4. Board Composition. Management of all WSMPD affairs shall reside in the Board. The Board shall be composed of five members who shall be appointed in accordance with the following process: (a) The City Council of Port Angeles annually shall appoint two members of the WSMPD Board. These two appointees shall be members of the Port Angeles City Council. Page 1 of 5 • (b) The Clallam County Board of Commissioners annually shall appoint two members of the WSMPD Board. These two appointees shall be members of the Clallam County Board of Commissioners. (c) The four Board members selected in accordance with paragraphs (a) and (b) above shall select, and by nomination and motion, the fifth Board member. That person shall be an elector and resident of the Port Angeles School District. The person may be, but is not required to be, a member of the City Council of Port Angeles or the Clallam County Board of Commissioners. 5. Terms of Office. (a) The terms of office of the first appointed Board members shall commence on the effective date of their appointments and shall continue through December 31, 2009, or until their successors are appointed, whichever occurs latter. (b) Beginning in 2010, and each year thereafter, the City Council of Port Angeles and Clallam County Board of Commissioners, as early in each calendar year as feasible, shall appoint members to the WSMPD Board in accordance with Section 4 above. The members shall serve aone-year term, from January 1 to December 31, or until their successors are appointed, whichever occurs latter. • (c) Removal of Board Members. The City Council may by resolution remove any or all Board members appointed by it and shall proceed as soon as practicable to select and appoint an appropriate replacement(s). The County Board of Commissioners may by resolution remove any or all Board members appointed by it and shall proceed as soon as practicable to select and appoint an appropriate replacement(s). Any member appointed by the other Board members may be replaced only by a resolution adopted by the Board. In such event, the remaining Board members shall proceed as soon as practicable to select and appoint an appropriate replacement. The term of any Board member removed pursuant to this section shall expire when the member receives a copy of the resolution advising him or her that he or she has been removed pursuant to this section. 6. uorum. A majority of the whole Board shall constitute a quorum for purposes of conducting the affairs of the WSMPD. (a) Except as provided in paragraph (b) below, as to matters requiring Board approval, such approval shall be obtained at any regular or special Board meeting by an affirmative vote of not less than a majority of the whole Board. (b) Actions Requiring Super Majority Approval of Board. Board approval as to the • following matters must be obtained at any regular or special Board meeting by an affirmative vote of at least four of the Board members: Page 2 of 5 (i) Adoption or amendment of by-laws; (ii) Levy of any tax; and (iii) Employment or termination of the Swimming Pool Director. 7. Officers of WSMPD. Tenure of Officers. The Board members shall annually elect from among themselves the following WSMPD officers: The Chair, the Vice Chair, and other officers as the Board deems appropriate. The WSMPD Board may adopt by-laws providing for additional officers; governing the corporate offices and tenure of officers; the number of positions, powers and duties, and term of each corporate office; the manner of appointment, selection, or election of office holders and the appointing, selection, or electing WSMPD; performance of duties of the office upon illness, death, incapacity, or absence of the corporate officer; the filling of vacancies; and any qualification for the office and conditions upon exercising its powers. 8. Swimming Pool Director. The Board shall appoint and employ a Swimming Pool Director who shall be responsible for the administration of the affairs of the WSMPD. (a) The Swimming Pool Director is authorized to: • (i) Supervise, direct, and control of the business and affairs of the WSMPD in accordance with policies adopted by the Board; (ii) Supervise and be responsible for the effective management of the affairs of the WSMPD in accordance with policies adopted by the Board; (iii) To the extent authorized in the budget approved by the Board, employ such other personnel as the Director determines to be needed from time to time to carry out the purpose of the WSMPD; and (iv) Perform such other duties as delegated or assigned by the Board. (b) The Swimming Pool Director shall: (i) Assure that all agreements and programs of the WSMPD are faithfully executed; (ii) Recommend for adoption by the Board such actions as s/he may deem necessary or expedient; • Page 3 of 5 • (iii) Prepare and submit to the Board such reports as may be required by that bod Y or as s/he may deem it advisable to submit; (iv) Keep the Board fully advised of the financial condition of the WSMPD and its future needs; (v) Prepare and submit to the Board a proposed budget for the fiscal year, and to be responsible for its administration upon adoption; (vi) Perform such other duties as the Board directs. 9. Creation of Citizens Advisory Committee. The Board shall, as soon as feasible, establish a permanent Citizens Advisory Committee. The purpose of the Committee is to provide comment and advice to the Board on all matters and issues relating to the policies of the Board and to the operation and maintenance of the swimming pool. The Board shall consider, but is not bound by, comment and advice given to the Board by the Committee. The Board shall determine the composition of the Committee and the terms of office of its members, consistent with the purpose of the Committee. • 10. Meetings (a) The Board shall establish and publish a schedule of regular meetings. (b) The Board shall meet as necessary but not less than once each month. (c) Special meetings of the Board maybe called as provided in the Bylaws. (d) Board meetings shall be held either at City Hall or the County Courthouse and shall be open to the public. 11. Parliamentarv Procedure. The rules ofRobert's Rules of Order (Newly Revised, 10`" edition) shall govern the WSMPD in all cases to which they are applicable. 12. B laws. Within 60 days of the initial seating of the initial Board of Directors of the WSMPD, the Board shall adopt initial Bylaws for the organization. The initial Bylaws may be amended by the Board to provide additional or different rules governing the WSMPD and its activities as are not inconsistent with this statutes and this Agreement. • Page 4 of 5 13. Entire A~,reement. No other understanding, oral or written, regarding the subject matter of this Agreement shall be deemed to exist or to bind any of the parties hereto. City of Port Angeles Board of Clallam County Commissioners By: Gary Braun, Mayor Attest: By: Becky J. Upton, City Clerk, MMC • Approved as to form: By: William E. Bloor, City Attorney Stephen P. Tharinger, Vice Chair Attest Trish Holden, Clerk of the Board, CMC Approved as to form: By: Mark Nichols, Chief Deputy Prosecuting Attorney G:\Legal_Backup\AGREEMENTS&CONTRACTS\2009 AgrmtsBsContracts~DInter]ocalAgreement.052809.wpd • Page 5 of 5 • • RT 4NGELE WAS H I N G T O N, U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: June 2, 2009 TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: KENT MYERS SUBJECT: APPOINTMENT OF BOARD MEMBERS -WILLIAM SHORE MEMORIAL POOL DISTRICT Summary: The interlocal agreement that the Council will consider this evening includes the appointment of two Council members to the William Shore Memorial Pool District (WSMPD). Recommendation: Appoint two Council members to serve on the WSMPD Board until December 31, 2009. Background /Analysis: The interlocal agreement for governance of the WSMPD, scheduled for Council consideration this evening, creates a 5-member Board, with two of these board members being members of the City Council. Upon approval of this interlocal agreement, it is recommended that Council proceed with these appointments so that the WSMPD Board can meet on June 3 to begin making some decisions regarding the ownership and operation of the William Shore Memorial Pool. G -7 SORT DATE: June 2, 2009 TO: CITY COUNCIL NGELES FROM: NATHAN A. WEST DIRECTOR, COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT SUBJECT: PUBLIC DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT -REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS Summary: The Peninsula Development District has requested local governments submit projects of regional significance to be made eligible for federal funding from the Economic Development Administration (EDA). Recommendation: Direct staff to submit two projects to the Peninsula Development District for incorporation into the 2009-2010 Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) . Background /Analysis: The Peninsula Development District (PDD) formerly known as the Peninsula Development Association is a regional two-county economic development organization. The PDD has requested that local government members submit projects of regional significance for funding through the 2009-2010 CEDS in conjunction with the U.S. Department of Commerce EDA. Projects submitted will be highlighted as regional projects of significance and will become eligible for federal funding through the EDA. In review of the Capital Facilities Plan, staff has identified the following two projects for the submittal based on regional significance: 1. Coho Ferry Terminal, $9M in improvements to the Coho Ferry dock and terminal. 2. Port Angeles Alternative Cross Town Route, $220,000 for route identification and additional funds to be determined at the completion of the route selection. An official response to the PDD's request is required no later than June 15, 2009. Upon direction of Council staff will proceed with a response to the PDD incorporating these two projects for regional support. s .~ r~ • G -8 • • DATE: June 2, 2009 TO: CITY COUNCIL VGELES Fxom: Glenn A. Cutler, Director of Public Works & Utilities SUBJECT: Bonneville Power Administration Accord and Satisfaction Agreement Summary: The Bonneville Power Administration and City staff are interested in terminating the billing credit agreement and fulfilling the City's responsibilities under a legacy conservation agreement. On February 17, 2009, City Council directed staff to return after additional information about the quality of outstanding loans was determined. Recommendation: Approve and authorize the City Manager to sign the Accord and Satisfaction Agreement with the Bonneville Power Administration. Background/Analysis: On February 17, 2009, City Council directed staff to return after additional information about the quality of outstanding conservation loans was determined (see attachment). Clallam Title Company researched all outstanding conservation loans and determined that nine homes (of the thirteen anticipated) transferred ownership without paying off the conservation lien. There were no bankruptcies among any of the ninety outstanding loans, which ensures the City benefits under the proposed revised Accord and Satisfaction Agreement. In cooperation with the Bonneville Power Administration, the net present value for future Billing Credit Agreement compensation was escalated based on the last ten years average annual adjustments. This new escalator had the effect of reducing the City payment to pay BPA for weatherization loan expenses that exceed billing credit revenues from $24,100 to zero. This has been reflected in the Accord and Satisfaction Agreement. There is no anticipated net effect to the Electric Utility if City Council approves the proposed Accord and Satisfaction Agreement. The City would retain conservation lien proceeds as they are satisfied in the future, but the City would not collect any compensation from BPA under the Billing Credits Agreement, which when combined are approximately equal. However, the City would no longer be required to submit quarterly reports to BPA. Staff will annually send a reminder to customers about their outstanding loan obligations, and will pursue collection of the nine conservation liens identified above. Attachment: February 17, 2009 City Council Memo, Bonneville Power Administration Accord and Satisfaction Agreement. G:\CNCLPKT\PACKET ITEMSVime 2, 2009\BPA Accord and Satisfaction Agreement 2.doc G -9 DATE: February 17, 2009 TO: CITY COUNCIL NGELES FItONI: Glenn A. Cutler, Director of Public Works & Utilities SUBJECT: Bonneville Power Administration Accord and Satisfaction Agreement Summary: The Bonneville Power Administration and City staff are interested in terminating the billing credit agreement and fulfilling the City's responsibilities under a legacy conservation agreement. If the agreements remain in effect, the City will continue to be required to prepare quarterly reports, invoices, and payments for at least an additional fourteen years. Recommendation: Approve and authorize the City Manager to sign the Accord and Satisfaction Agreement with the Bonneville Power Administration. Background/Analysis: Approaching 30 years ago, the City entered into a zero interest weatherization loan agreement with the Bonneville Power Administration (BPA}. Under the agreement, BPA provided the City capital to loan to its customers which is repaid to the City then to the BPA upon the sale of the customer's home. Although the agreement has been terminated, the City's financial responsibilities will continue until approximately $284,200 in outstanding customer loans is repaid to BPA. Almost 20 years ago, the City entered into a billing credit agreement with BPA that expires in year 2022. Under the agreement, the City made energy efficiency improvements to its electrical distribution system in exchange for receiving billing credits from BPA. The billing credit is calculated quarterly based on a variety of determinants and rates, which is anticipated to provide $249,200 in total revenues through year 2022. Staff, in cooperation with BPA, has sought termination of the billing credit agreement in conjunction with satisfaction of the City's financial responsibilities for conservation loans. Based on calculating the net present value of the City's expenses and revenues under both agreements, the City would have to pay $24,100 to BPA for weatherization loan expenses that exceed billing credit revenues. Adequate cash reserves exist within the conservation fund for that expense, which were provided by BPA. On February 10, 2009, the Utility Advisory Committee forwarded a favorable recommendation to City Council to approve the Accord and Satisfaction Agreement. • • C, N:\CCOUNCIL\CC2009\000217\BPA Accord and Satisfaction Agreement.doc G -1 0 • Contract No. 09PB-12043 ACCORD AND SATISFACTION AGREEMENT Executed by the BONNEVILLE POWER ADMINISTRATION and THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES, WASHINGTON Table of Contents Section Page 1 Term and Termination ................................................................................. 2 2. Accord .............................................................................................................. 2 3. Satisfaction ................................................................................:.................... 2 4. Signatures ....................................................................................................... 3 • Exhibit A Calculations • G -11 This ACCORD AND SATISFACTION AGREEMENT (Agreement) is executed • by the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, Department of Energy, acting by and through the BONNEVLLLE POWER ADMINISTRATION (BPA), and THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES, WASHINGTON (Port Angeles}. BPA and Part Angeles are sometimes referred to individually as "Party" and collectively as "Parties." NOW THEREFORE, the Parties agree as follows: 1. TERM AND TERMINATION This Agreement shall be effective upon execution by the Parties and shall continue in effect until such time as both Parties have satisfied the conditions of section 3. 2. ACCOIt.D By this Agreement, BPA and Port Angeles hereby mutually agree to discharge the following three existing agreements between them: BPA contract # DE-MS79-81BP90811 ("Weatherization Agreement 1") BPA contract # DE-MS79-80BP90170 ("Weatherization Agreement 2") BPA contract # DE-MS79-91BP93489 ("Billing Credits Agreement"} Upon satisfaction of the requirements of section 3 of this Agreement, the Parties' rights and obligations under Weatherization Agreement 1, Weatherization Agreement 2, and the Billing Credits Agreement shall be extinguished. 3. SATISFACTION The Parties hereby mutually agree that Port Angeles has financial obligations to BPA arising under Weatherization Agreements 1 and 2. The Parties hereby mutually agree that BPA has financial obligations to Port Angeles arising under the Billing Credits Agreement. The Parties hereby mutually agree that the combined amount Port Angeles owes to BPA under Weatherization Agreements 1 and 2 is equal to the amount BPA owes to Port ,Angeles under the Billing Credits Agreement. the Parties hereby mutually agree that the amounts due to each other under the three existing agreements offset themselves and the Parties hereby mutually agree to discharge all three existing agreements without further compensation to either Party. Upon execution of this Agreement, Weatherization Agreement 1, Weatherization Agreement 2, and the Billing Credits Agreement shall be • G -12 • discharged and the parties shall relinquish all rights and be relieved of all obligations thereunder. The Parties hereby mutually agree that this Accord and Satisfaction does not address outstanding loans between Port Angeles and homeowners xnade pursuant to Weatherization Agreements 1 and 2 except that, upon execution of this Accord and Satisfaction, any rights or obligations under such loans belong solely to Port Angeles and the homeowners, BPA shall have no rights or obligations under such loans. 4. SIGNATURES Each Party represents that it has the authority to execute this Agreement and that it has been duly authorized to enter into this Agreement. THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Department of Energy Bonneville Power Administration By: • Name: Kent Myers Title: City Manager Date: Name: Shannon K. Greene Title: Account Executive Date: 4-(3-~~i (PSW5:1Pb(1CUST S7~GIPORTANGRI,P;S114nencial Of~ligationSett]ement1P~09PB-]2043_AcrdSatAgrmt 0413200) Revisedl5nnl.doc)4/13/200~J • G -13 Exhibit A CALCULATIONS l.. CALCULATIONS 1.I Port Angeles Zero Interest Weatherization Loan Agreement & Billing Credit Agreement Settlement Port Angeles Payment 8PA Payment Year Loan payaff estimate Billing credit estimate 2049 $ 21,300 18,300 2010 21,300 18,700 2011 21,300 19,200 2012 21, 300 19, 700 2013 21,300 20,200 2014 21,300 20,700 2015 21,300 21,200 2016 21,300 21, 700 2017 21,300 22,200 2018 21,300 22,700 2019 21,300 23,300 2020 21,300 23,900 2021 21,300 24,500 2022 21,300 25,100 Totals $ 298,200 $ 301,400 Loan Default 0,00% Port Angeles BPA Inflation Rate 1,95% 1.95% Borrowing Rate 4.91 °I° 4.67% Discount Rate (Real Cost of Capital} 6.86% 6.62% AC - PF 1997 33.60 (mills(Kwh} 2008 43.87 Average Annual Escalation 2,45% Net Present Value $187,800.00 $187,800.00 City Payment Owed BPA (Due From BPA) (PSW-S:1PM\CLFST_SKGIPORTANGELES1RinancialObligati°nSettlementlPa_09PB-12043_AcrdSatAgrmt 04132009_RevisedI'inal.doc)9/1312009 • • 09PB-12043, Port Angeles 1 ~€1 ~ 4 Accord and Satisfaction Agreement • ~R'F ~TGELE • ~,~ WAS H I N G T O N, U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO • DATE: June 2, 2009 To: City Council FROM: Nathan A. West, Director Community and Economic Development SUBJECT: KENMORE AIR CONTRACT FOR TOURISM PROMOTION Summary: The Lodging Tax Advisory Committee, on February 25, 2009, recommended that the City Council dedicate $10,000 for the Kenmore Air Tourism Promotion using lodging tax funds. On March 3, 2009 City Council concurred with the Lodging Tax Committee recommendation and directed staff to incorporate the proposal into a contract for Council approval. Recommendation: Approve and authorize the Mayor to sign a contract with Kenmore Air Harbor Inc. for Tourist Promotion. Background: At a meeting held on March 3, 2009 City Council considered a recommendation of the Lodging Tax Committee for Kenmore Air Harbor Inc. services in the amount of $10,000. Council resolved to concur with the lodging tax recommendation and incorporate the proposal into the 2009 budget. Council further directed staff to draft a contract consistent with state permitted use of Lodging Tax Funds. The attached contract has been reviewed by the City Legal Department and Kenmore Air Harbor Inc. and is consistent with the requirements of RCW 67.28.1815. The contract identifies the following tourist promotion services: ^ Promoting to people outside Clallam County travel via air to Port Angeles. ^ Advertising, publicizing, or otherwise distributing information about airline service for the purpose of attracting and welcoming tourists to Port Angeles. ^ Kenmore will provide air service to Port Angeles through December 31, 2009. ^ Kenmore will work with the Port Angeles Regional Chamber of Commerce to promote air travel to the City of Port Angeles. ^ Kenmore will market Port Angeles as a tourism destination. • It is recommended that Council approve and authorize the Mayor to sign the attached contract with Kenmore Air Harbor Inc for the Purpose of Tourist Promotion. Attachment: A Kenmore Air Harbor Inc. - Contract I:\Memos\Kemnore Au Contract - 6-2-09.doc G -15 CONTRACT FOR TOURIST PROMOTION • BETWEEN CITY OF PORT ANGELES AND KENMORE AIR HARBOR, INC. THIS CONTRACT is entered into this day of , 2009, by and between the City of Port Angeles, Washington, herein referred to as "City," and Kenmore Air Harbor, Inc., herein referred to as Kenmore. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the above representations and the payments, covenants and agreements hereinafter mentioned, to be made and performed by the parties hereto, the parties covenant and agree as follows: 1. It is in the public interest for hotel/motel tax funds to be expended for tourist promotion services in the City of Port Angeles. 2. Pursuant to RCW 67.28.1815, the City of Port Angeles is authorized to expend • special excise tax funds for "paying all or any part of the cost of tourism promotion and "tourism promotion" is defined in RCW 67.28.080(6) to mean activities and expenditures designed to increase tourism, including but not limited to advertising, publicizing, or otherwise distributing information for the purpose of attracting and welcoming tourists. 3. Services. The City desires to contract with Kenmore for tourist promotion services. For the benefit of the City Kenmore will operate and promote tourism as follows: • Promoting to people outside Clallam County travel via air to Port Angeles. • Advertising, publicizing, or otherwise distributing information about airline service for the purpose of attracting and welcoming tourists to Port Angeles. • Kenmore will provide air service to Port Angeles through December 31, 2009; provided, however, in the event Kenmore is compelled to end service as a result of an action beyond its reasonable control, then Kenmore shall not • be liable for breach of contract. In such event, Kenmore shall be not entitled _1_ G -16 • to any reimbursement under this contract after the date it terminates service to Port Angeles. • Kenmore will work with the Port Angeles Regional Chamber of Commerce to promote air travel to the City of Port Angeles. • Kenmore will market Port Angeles as a tourism destination. 4. Duration of Contract. The performance of Kenmore shall commence immediately and continue through the end of 2009. 5. Compensation and Method of Payment. The City shall pay to Kenmore reimbursement for amounts up to $10,000 that Kenmore expends to promote tourism pursuant to this Contract. Payment shall be made within 30 days after Kenmore presents detailed invoices to the City. Kenmore shall not be obligated to expend more than $10,000 to promote tourism pursuant to this Agreement. 6. Record Keeping and Reporting. • Kenmore shall maintain accounts and records which accurately reflect the revenues and costs for the services provided pursuant to Contract. These financial records and all records relating to the performance of this Contract shall be available for City inspection. Kenmore shall use its best efforts to economize on overhead expenses to the maximum extent feasible in providing the services to be performed pursuant to this Contract. 7. Independent Contractor Status. The relation created by this Contract is that of independent contracting entities. Kenmore is not an employee of the City and is not entitled to the benefits provided by the City to its employees. Kenmore, as an independent contractor, has the authority to control and direct the performance of the details of the services to be provided. Kenmore shall assume full responsibility for payment of all Federal, State, and local taxes or contributions imposed or required, including, but not limited to, unemployment insurance, Social • Security, and income tax. -2- G -17 Hold Harmless and Insurance. Kenmore shall protect, defend, save harmless, and • indemnify the City, its officers, agents, and employees from and against any and all claims, damages, losses, and expenses, including reasonable attorney's fees, occurring, arising, or resulting from supplying work, services, materials, or supplies in connection with the performance of this Contract. Kenmore shall provide a Certificate of Insurance evidencing occurrence-based Commercial General Liability insurance with limits of no less than $1,000,000 combined single limit per occurrence, with the City shown as a named additional insured. 9. Breach. In the event of either party's material breach of the terms or conditions of this Contract, the non-breaching party reserves the right to withhold payments or services until corrective action has been taken or completed. However, the party shall not exercise this right until they have given written notice of such material breach to the breaching parry and ten days have passed since the receipt of such notice. This option is in addition to and not in lieu of the parties' right to terminate this Contract or any other right which State law • offers for breach of contract. If either party shall materially breach any of the covenants undertaken herein or any of the duties imposed upon it by this Contract, such material breach shall entitle the other parry to terminate this Contract, provided that the party desiring to terminate for such cause shall give the offending party at least twenty days' written notice, specifying the particulars wherein it is claimed that there has been a violation hereof, and if at the end of such time, the party notified has not removed the cause of complaint, or remedied the purported violation, then the termination of this Contract shall be deemed complete. 10. Non-Discrimination. Kenmore shall conduct its business in a manner which assures fair, equal and non-discriminatory treatment of all persons, without respect to race, creed or national origin, and, in particular: Kenmore shall maintain open hiring and employment practices and will welcome applications for employment in all positions, from qualified .individuals who are members of minorities protected by federal equal opportunity/affirmative action requirements; and, • _3_ G -18 • • Kenmore shall comply with all requirements of applicable federal, state or local laws or regulations issuedpursuant thereto, relating to the establishment ofnon-discriminatory requirements in hiring and employment practices and assuring the service of all persons without discrimination as to any person's race, color, religion, sex, Vietnam era veteran's status, disabled veteran condition, physical or mental handicap, or national origin. 1 1. Entire Contract. The parties agree that this Contract is the complete expression of the terms hereto and any oral representation or understanding not incorporated herein is excluded. Further, any modification of this Contract shall be in writing and signed by both parties. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto caused this Contract to be executed the day and year first hereinabove written. CITY OF PORT ANGELES • Mayor ATTEST: Becky J. Upton, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: William E. Bloor, City Attorney KENMORE AIR HARBOR, INC. By: General Manager ATTEST: By: Secretary G:~Legal_BackupWGREEMENTS&CONTRACTS~2009 Agrmts&Contracts~lCenmoreAir.052109.wpd • -4- G -19 G&LES WAS H I N G T O N, CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: June 2, 2009 TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: KENT MYERS, CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: FEIRO MARINE LIFE CENTER CONTRACT Summary: The 2009 Budget includes $22,500 in City funding for the Feiro Marine Life Center (FMLC). The attached contract covers the services that the Marine Life Center will provide in return for this City funding. Recommendation: Approve agreement with Feiro Marine Life Center and authorize City Manager to approve minor changes and execute final contract. Background /Analysis: During the development of the 2009 City Budget, it was agreed that funding for the year 2009 for the FMLC be reduced to $22,500, with the intention to eliminate funding entirely for 2010. Over the past several months, City staff has been meeting with representatives from the FMLC to develop a contract for services that will be provided to the City. A draft contract is attached. It has not been approved by FMLC yet. Staff recommendation is for City Council to approve a contract substantially similar to this draft and authorize the City Manager to approve minor changes and execute the final contract. • • G -20 • CONSESSIONAIRE AGREEMENT FOR OPERATION OF CITY FACILITY THIS AGREEMENT made this day of 2009, by and between the City of Port Angeles, a Municipal Corporation of the State of Washington, hereinafter referred to as "City," and Feiro Marine Life Center, a Washington State non- profit Corporation. WHEREAS, the City owns the Feiro Marine Life Center building (hereinafter "Facility") located at the Port Angeles City Pier; and WHEREAS, to date, Peninsula College (hereinafter "College") has operated the Facility for the City pursuant to the terms of a Memorandum of Agreement; and WHEREAS, the College no longer operates the Center; and WHEREAS, the Feiro Marine Life Center, a Washington State Non-profit Corporation {hereinafter "FMLC"} has been formed, in part, for the purposes of assuming operation of the Facility; and • WHEREAS, it is understood and agreed by the parties that the purpose of this Agreement is to support the vision of the City and the FMLC to provide a facility that will: 1) promote marine conservation and education by fostering, promoting and encouraging public interest and participation at the Facility; 2} be the go-to place on the north Olympic Peninsula for marine education; and 3} help people see beneath the surface of the ocean and become stewards of our shared marine environment; and WHEREAS, the City recognizes that the FMLC is best suited to develop and implement interpretive programs, educational displays and outreach events that will enhance the experience of residents and visitors to the Port Angeles area; and WHEREAS, FMLC has the staff, resources, expertise and other qualifications necessaxy to operate the Facility in a manner that will be consistent with said purpose and intent; and WHEREAS, the City wishes to enter into an Agreement with the .FMLC for the FMLC's exclusive operation of Facility consistent with the City and FMLC stated vision and purposes, NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements specified herein, to be kept and performed by the parties hereto, it is hereby agreed as follows: • G-21 TERM The term of this Agreement shall be five years from the date of this Agreement. During the term of this Agreement, FMLC shall have the exclusive right to manage and operate the Facility consistent with the terms and conditions set forth herein. The Agreement may be modif ed only by a written instrument executed by authorized representatives of the parties. 2. PAYMENT From the date of this agreement through December 31, 2009, the City shall pay FMLC Twenty-Two Thousand, Five Hundred ($22,500) Dollars to operate the Center pursuant to this Agreement. The City shall pay FMLC Eleven Thousand, Twa .Hundred Fifty ($11,250} Dollars immediately upon signing this Agreement, and the remaining Eleven Thousand, Two Hundred Fifty ($11,250) Dollars on or before September 30, 2009. The City and FMLC shall renegotiate the amount, if any, to be paid by the City to FMLC annually. The parties acknowledge that available funding through the City to operate the Facility may change in any given year through the City's budgeting process. The parties acknowledge that the City has no obligation under this Agreement to make any payment to FMLC except the $22,500 specified above. 3. SCOPE OF WORK a. Throughout the terms of this Agreement FMLC will open the Facility to the • .public no less than five days per week Memorial Day through Labor Day, 10 am to Spm, and no Iess than two days per week Labor Day through Memorial Day, 12 noon to 4pm, barring unforeseen problems or events. FMLC may open the Facility for additional hours of operation to accommodate other FMLC programs and events. b. FMLC will develop and administer programs for school groups, for outreach events, for FMLC volunteers and for visitors to the Facility. FMLC may work in partnership with other education agencies in program planning and implementation at the Facility or other locations. c. FMLC will have the right to collect admission fees, which will be set or adjusted from time to time by the FMLC board of directors. Currently, admission fees shall be charged at the rate of $3.00/adult, $2.00/senior and $1.00/child for year 2009. Fees will be retained by the FMLC for operational expenses. 4. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR RELATIONSHIP The relationship created by this Agreement is that of independent contracting entities. No agent, employee, servant, or representative of the FMLC shall be deemed to be an employee, agent, servant, or representative of the City, and the employees of the • 2 G-22 • FMLC are not entitled to any of the benefits the City provides for its employees. The FMLC shall be solely and entirely responsible for its acts and the acts of its agents, employees, servants, subcontractors, or representatives during the performance of this Agreement. The FMLC shall assume full responsibility for payment of all wages and salaries and all federal, state, and local taxes or contributions imposed or required, including, but not limited to, unemployment insurance, workers compensation insurance, social security, and income tax withholding. 5. OPERATING CONDITIONS -FMLC shall comply with the following conditions: a. FMLC shall keep the premises in a clean and sanitary condition at all times and shall be responsible for the costs of janitorial supplies and services. b. FMLC shall provide for the care and feeding of the marine animals and all costs incurred to do so. c. FMLC shall operate in compliance with the laws of the State of Washington, all ordinances of the City of Port Angeles, and all regulations of the Port Angeles Parks and Recreation Department, and will not allow the violation of any of these laws, ordinances, or regulations by any other party within the area in which FMLC operates. d. FMLC shall have the right to operate and conduct a gift shop within the • premises of the Facility and keep all sale proceeds for FMLC operational expenses. FMLC shall promptly pay all sales tax resulting from operation of any retail store within the Facility. e. FMLC shall not erect any permanent sign on the premises or in the vicinity thereof without obtaining the advance approval of the City. 6. MAINTENANCE/UTILITIES In addition to the amount paid to FMLC under this Agreement, the City shall be responsible for the maintenance of the Facility building and grounds, with exception of the seawater system and the exhibit structures. 7. ALTERATIONS No alterations or unprovements shall be made to the Facility without prior written consent of the City Manager. In the event such approval is given, it is understood that such alterations or improvements shall become the property of the City without compensation to FMLC at the expiration or termination in any manner of this Contract. However, any equipment such as, but not limited to, aquariums, tanks, audio visual and office equipment owned by FMLC shall remain the property of FMLC at the expiration or termination in any manner of the Contract. • G-23 8. ACCOUNTING • FMLC shall install and maintain accurate and appropriate bookkeeping and accounting methods and shall permit the City to review the records of proceeds generated from entrance fees and retail sales. Such records shall be made available to the City upon request during normal hours of business. 9. INDEMNIFICATION/INSURANCE Indemnification FMLC shall defend, indemnify and hold the City, its officers, officials, employees and volunteers harmless from any and all claims, injuries, damages, losses or suits including attorney fees, arising out of or in connection with the performance of this Agreement, except for injuries and damages caused by the sole negligence of the City. Insurance FMLC shall procure and maintain for the duration of the Agreement, insurance against claims for injuries to persons or damage to property which may arise from or in connection with the performance of the work hereunder by FMLC, their agents, • representatives, volunteers, employees or subcontractors. Minimum Scope of Insurance FMLC shall obtain insurance of the types described below: Commercial General Liability insurance shall be written on ISO occurrence form CG 00 Ol or equivalent and shall cover liability arising from premises, operations, independent contractors, products-completed operations, stop gap liability, personal injury and advertising injury, and liability assumed under an insured contract. The City shall be named as an insured under the FMLC's Commercial General Liability insurance policy with respect to the work performed for the City. Workers' Compensation coverage as required by the Industrial Insurance laws of the State of Washington. Minimum Amounts of Insurance • 4 G-24 • FMLC shall maintain Commercial General Liability insurance with limits no less than $1,000,000 per each occurrence, $2,000,000 general aggregate and a $2,000,000 products-completed operations aggregate limit. Other Insurance Provisions The insurance policies are to contain, or be endorsed to contain, the following provisions for Commercial General Liability insurance: FMLC's insurance coverage shall be primary insurance as respect to the City. Any Insurance, self-insurance, or insurance pool coverage maintained by the City shall be excess of the FMLC's insurance and shall not contribute with it. FMLC's insurance shall be endorsed to state that coverage shall not be cancelled by either party, except after thirty (30) days prior written notice by certified mail, return receipt requested, has been given to the City. D. Acceptability of Insurers Insurance is to be placed with insurers with a current A.M. Best rating of not Less than A:VII. Verification of Coverage FMLC shall furnish the City with original certificates and a copy of the amendatory endorsements, including but not necessarily limited to the additional insured endorsement, evidencing the insurance requirements of FMLC before providing services at the Facility. F. City Insurance. City shall purchase and maintain during the term of the lease all-risk property insurance covering the Facility Building and City owned contents for their full replacement value without any coinsurance provisions. G. FMLC Property. The City will not be responsible for insuring any FMLC owned property or that of its employees or volunteers. H. Waiver of Subrogation FMLC and City hereby release and discharge each other from all claims, losses and liabilities arising from or caused by any hazard covered by property insurance on or G-25 in connection with the Facility or the contents of the Facility. 'This release shall apply • only to the extent that such claim, loss or liability is covered by insurance. 10. ASSIGNABILITY Neither this Agreement nor any rights or privileges hereunder shall be assigned without the prior consent of the City. 1 1. TERMINATION FOR BREACH If either party shall materially breach any of the covenants undertaken herein or any of the duties imposed upon it by this Agreement, such material breach shall entitle the other party to terminate this Agreement, provided that the party desiring to terminate for such cause shall give the offending parry at least twenty days' written notice, specifying the particulars wherein it is claimed that there has been a violation hereof. If at the end of twenty days, the party notified has not removed the cause of complaint, ar remedied the purported violation, then the termination of this Agreement shall be deemed complete. 12. SURRENDER OF POSSESSION FMLC shall surrender possession of the premises to the City at the expiry of this Agreement or in the event of termination of this Agreement as specified in Section 11. 13. NOTICESJTIME • Any notices required by the terms of this Agreement or by law shall be deemed to have been given when made in writing and deposited in the United States mail; postage prepaid, and addressed to the last address provided by the parties to each other. TIME IS pF THE ESSENCE for this Agreement and for each and every term, condition and provision herein. 14. SUCCESSORS/APPLICABLE LAW The terms and conditions of this Agreement shall be binding on the parties hereto, their successors, administrators, and assigns, may only be modified in writing by all parties hereto, and shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington. 15. WARIER The waiver by the City or FMLC of any breach of any term contained in this Agreement shall not be deemed to be a waiver of such term for any subsequent breach of the same or any other term. C7 6 G-26 • • • IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement on the date set forth above. FEIRO MARINE LIFE CENTER BY: Orville Campbell, President FMLC Board of Directors CITY OF PORT ANGELES BY: Kent Myers, City Manager Ciry of Port Angeles G:1Legal_BaekuplAGREEMENTSBtCONTRACTS12009 Agrmts&ContractslFMLC Agreement.5Z409.doc St29/2009 7 G-27 SORT TO: CITY COUNCIL NGELES From: Glenn A. Cutler, Director of Public Works & Utilities Subject: U.S. Department of Energy Advanced Waterpower Grant Application Summary: The U.S. Department of Energy is soliciting grant applications to perform environmental studies related to the installation, testing, and/or operation of a marine and/or hydrokinetic energy conversion device in an open water setting. Recommendation: Authorize the Public Works and Utilities Director to submit an advanced to the U.S. Department of • Background/Analysis: For federal fiscal year 2009, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) was • appropriated $40 million to investigate advanced waterpower energy generation technologies. This applies to marine and hydrokinetic power, conventional hydropower, and to newer technologies with a combination of energy and environmental performance advantages relative to existing technologies. The DOE is currently soliciting grant applications from industry or a utility to perform environmental studies related to the installation, testing, and/or operation of a marine and/or hydrokinetic energy conversion device in an open water setting. Battelle Memorial Institute (Battelle), which operates the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, and Powertech Labs, Inc., in partnership with a private hydrokinetic technology developer, is seeking City participation in a grant application. The City's role would be as the host electric utility, and the City would administer the award with the cooperation of the Clallam County Public Utility District. Battelle prepared the grant application and, in partnership with Powertech Labs, Inc., and a technology developer, would be responsible for conducting the research. The research would investigate electromagnetic fields (EMF) effects generated by marine hydrokinetic generation devices, and the associated underwater cables, on aquatic organisms. Expected levels of EMF output from a number of generation devices will be established through modeling. The models will be verified by measurements of a small-scale (5 kilowatt) hydrokinetic conversion device. Effects of expected EMF levels on indigenous marine organisms from hydrokinetic installations in Morse Creek, Port Angeles Harbor, and Sequim Bay will be examined. In the event the City is awarded a grant, staff will return to the Utility Advisory Committee and City Council for approval. On May 12, 2009, the Utility Advisory Committee supported the - recommendations herein. G-28 G:\CNCLPKT\PACKET ITEMSUune 2, 2009\USDOE Advanced Waterpower Grant Application.doc Date: June 2, 2009 i ~~ 1 • f _~_ `~-. WASHINGTON U S A . ,. _ ~,, ~~~~ CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: June 2, 2009 TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: Glenn A. Cutler, Director of Public Works and Utilities SUS.IECT: Surplus Vehicle for Disposal: 25 Passenger Bus (Trolley) Summary: The trolley that was transferred to the City from Clallam Transit in July 2007 cannot be economically used by the City and continues to age and incur maintenance costs. Recommendation: 1) Conduct a Public Hearing, 2) Declare the trolley surplus, and 3) Authorize the Director of Public Works and Utilities to dispose of it in the most efficient manner. Background/Analysis: In July of 2007, Clallam Transit signed the transfer of ownership document to the City for the trolley. Due to the cost and liability of its operation, the trolley has never been put into operation by the City. Over the last year, City staff has made numerous attempts to place this vehicle with other service organizations within the City including the Chamber of Commerce and the Downtown Association. After considering this, each of these organizations has turned down the City's offer, also due to the cost and liability of operation. The trolley should be declared surplus because it is not needed to meet City requirements, it is continuing to age and incur maintenance costs, and it cannot be economically used in any City program or operation. SURPLUS LIST • Vehicle Department/ Description Reason for Disposal # Tlivicinn Miles/Hours Equipment 25 passenger special 1860 Services 1987 configuration bus Not needed by the City 64,282 miles Trolle It is recommended that Council: 1) Conduct a Public Hearing, 2) Declare the trolley surplus, and 3) Authorize the Director of Public Works and Utilities to dispose of it in the most efficient manner. Year G:\CNCLPKT\PACKET ITEMS\June 2, 2009\Surplus equipment - Trolley.doc I - 1 SORT DATE: June 2, 2009 To: CITY COUNCIL GELES FROM: Glenn A. Cutler, Director of Public Works & Utilities SUBJECT: Dry Creek Bridge and Trail Planning Study -Public Hearing and Approval Summary: As the first phase of the Dry Creek Bridge and Trail Planning Project (Project OS-31), the City secured a planning grant from the Washington State Recreation and Conservation Office (RCO). The grant agreement requires that the Dry Creek Bridge and Trail Planning Study be accepted by the City of Port Angeles. Recommendation: Conduct a public hearing, and approve the Dry Creek Bridge and Trail Planning Study. • Background/Analysis: In late 2006, the City entered into a grant agreement with the Washington State Recreation and Conservation Office (formerly the Inter Agency Committee for Outdoor Recreation) to plan for the completion of the four-mile segment of the Olympic Discovery Trail (ODT) that extends from the waterfront trail at Marine Drive to the Elwha River. The total project budget was $93,000 of which RCO contributed $73,000. Since the inception of the project, Peninsula Trails Coalition has been a valuable working partner, and will continue to play an important role in the implementation of the plan. Other partners in planning the development of this portion of the ODT include the Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe, Clallam County, the Port of Port Angeles, and the Alternate Transportation Advocacy of Port Angeles. Under the Phase 1 Planning Grant agreement with RCO, the City prepared a conceptual design for the construction of a new pedestrian bridge over Dry Creek, applied for and secured an RCO grant for the design and construction of the bridge (Phase 2 of the Project), and prepared the Dry Creek Bridge and Trail Planning Study. The Study addresses current, interim, and future (ultimate) trail system scenarios. If implemented, it will facilitate a systematic development over time of the ODT between Port Angeles Harbor and the Elwha River. The number one priority of this section of the trail is a crossing over Dry Creek, a 300 foot wide by 80 foot deep gully that effectively blocks continuous use of the Milwaukee Drive railroad grade by trail users. • ~-2 June 2, 2009 City Council Dry Creek Bridge and Trail Planning -Approval of Planning Study.doc Page Z For several years, the City, Clallam County, and the Peninsula Trails Coalition have jointly and individually developed sections of the ODT. The purpose of the Study is to: 1) guide future development of the ODT in this area while ensuring high, consistent standards, 2) encourage community participation and partnerships in constructing and maintaining these facilities, 3) use a phased strategy to direct orderly and cost effective improvements, and 4) meet the objectives of the City of Port Angeles Transportation Plan. The trail section to be developed will depart from Marine Drive, in the vicinity of Hill Street, and proceed to the junction of 10 Street and Milwaukee Drive, using existing City streets and/or public right of way. From there it will follow the Milwaukee Drive railroad grade alignment, crossing Dry Creek and extending to Lower Elwha Road. The new trail segment will continue westward along the City-owned former railroad grade, from Lower Elwha Road to the east bank of the Elwha River. The County will be responsible for maintenance of the trail west of the City limits at Lower Elwha Road. The need for a bridge at Dry Creek was a focal point of the Bridge and Trail Planning Study. In 2008/2009, the City applied for and received a $379,670 grant from RCO for 50% of the cost of construction of the Dry Creek Bridge and various trail improvements. The matching funds and in- kind donations will come from the City, Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe, Peninsula Trails Coalition, and the Port of Port Angeles. Acceptance of the Dry Creek Bridge and Trail Planning Study closes out Phase 1 of the Project, and is a precursor to RCO funding for the bridge construction grant under Phase 2. The bridge construction project grant proposal is anticipated to be brought to the City Council for consideration at your June 16, 2009 meeting. Staff will give a short presentation of the main features of the Study, including interim and ultimate trail alignment, typical trail and road cross-sections, intersection development, and trailheads. It is recommended that the City Council conduct a public hearing, and approve the Dry Creek Bridge and Trail Planning Study. • G:\CNCLPKT\PACKET ITEMS\June 2, 2009\Dry Creek Bridge and Trail Planning -Approval of Planning Study.doc ~ ~ 3 SORT DATE: June 2, 2009 TO: CITY COUNCIL NGELES Fltolvl: Glenn A. Cutler, Director of Public Works & Utilities Nathan A. West, Director of Community & Economic Development SUBJECT: Amendments to the PAMC Titles 11, 13, and 15 Required to Comply with the NPDES Phase 2 Stormwater Permit and Address Development Standard Consistencies Summary: The Community and Economic Development Department and the Public Works and Utilities Department staffs have been working cooperatively in developing mandated stormwater changes to the Port Angeles Municipal Code and the City's Urban Services Standards and Guidelines. A joint presentation will be given on the proposed changes to implement the requirements of the City's Stormwater National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Phase 2 Permit, issued to the City by the Washington State Department of Ecology (DOE) in January of 2007, and to update the Urban Services Standards and Guidelines related to changes in clearing and grading, rights-of--ways, landscaping, and development regulations and standards. Recommendation: Conduct a first reading of the attached ordinances, open the public hearing, and continue the hearing to June 16, 2009. Background/Analysis: The Community and Economic Development Department and the Public Works and Utilities Department staffs have been working cooperatively in developing mandated stormwater changes to the Port Angeles Municipal Code and the City's Urban Services Standards and Guidelines. A joint presentation will be given on the proposed changes to implement the requirements of the City's Stormwater National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Phase 2 Permit, issued to the City by DOE in January of 2007. The City was successful in obtaining a grant from DOE to partially fund the changes. The City was also successful in obtaining a Washington State Community Trade and Economic Development (CTED) grant to fund a staff effort to update and change development regulations and standards for improved streetscapes, low impact development, and transportation issues. In an effort to streamline the process the Department memos have been combined. • • • I-4 June 2, 2009 City Council Re: Stormwater NPDES Permit Compliance Page 2 • Public Works and Utilities Memo Staff will provide a presentation summarizing changes to Chapter 5 and 6 of the Citv's Urban Services Standards Guidelines (USSG) and to Port Angeles Municipal Code (PANG) sections 13.61, 13.63, and 15.28 to reflect National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Phase 2 Stormwater Permit requirements for 2009. Highlights include: 1. Adoption of specific sections of the Department of Ecology's 2005 Stormwater Management Manual for Western Washington. 2. Implementation of a "Stormwater Permit" for some projects such as: a. Draining water from a chlorinated water source such as a swimming pool or a hot tub. b. Charity car washes. c. All new development or redevelopment that does not require a building permit, but discharges stormwater either directly or indirectly into the City's stormwater system. 3. Adoption and implementation of the "Minimum Requirements" in Appendix 1 of the City's NPDES Stormwater Permit for all sites that disturb over 1 acre. Highlights of the Minimum Requirements include: a. ,Preparation of Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPP). b. Runoff Treatment. c. Flow Control. Stormwater flow generated by new development and redevelopment must be "metered out" of the project at the predeveloped condition (forested landcover). d. Wetland Protection. If the proposed project contains or drains into a wetland, the developer must treat the flow, control the rate of flow and ensure that the wetland • hydrology, hydrophytic vegetation and substrate characteristics are maintained. e. Plans for operations and maintenance of permitted facilities. 4. Revisions to the USSG to include implementation of a Small Project Drainage Plan (SPDP) for development and redevelopment of all projects which disturb less than 1 acre and drain directly or indirectly into the City's stormwater system. Elements of the SPDP include: a. Incentives (fee reduction) for the dispersion of roof downspouts. b. Incentives (fee reduction) for other best management practices (BMP) or low impact development practices to mitigate for 10% of the impervious surfaces on the project. c. Incentives (fee reduction) for the amendment of all disturbed soil. d. A requirement for flow control for projects that exceed the capacity of the City's storm drainage system. e. A requirement for stormwater treatment if the project will have a likely impact on water quality in a local stream, wetland or marine water. The presentation will also include information on an ordinance to revise the PAMC to reflect the Permit requirements. The ordinance must be approved and adopted by August 15, 2009. The effective date of the ordinance will be November 1, 2009. The proposed ordinance addresses the following: 1. Pollutant discharge into the stormwater system. • Prohibit pollutants from being discharged into the City's stormwater system. • Illicit discharge detection and elimination. G:\CNCLPKT\PACKET ITEMSUune 2, 2009\Stormwater NPDES Permit Compliance -First Reading.doc ~ - 5 June 2, 2009 City Council Re: Stormwater NPDES Permit Compliance Page 3 2. Construction site runoff. • • Further control and regulate construction site stormwater planning, permitting, plan review, inspection and enforcement. 3. Private stormwater facilities. • Permit and regulate maintenance and operation of private stormwater facilities, including detention/retention ponds and filters. In general, the Permit requirements will include updated procedures and policies, formal documentation of actions taken, and staff training. Community and Economic Development Memo In late 2007, the City received a $75,000 grant from CTED to assess consistency of certain development standards with the Growth Management Act and to direct implementation of amendments to development regulations as a result of that analysis. The first series of reviews and amendments evaluated site coverage, building incentives for density, and affordable housing provisions and were completed in September, 2008. The second phase of review involved establishing improved streetscapes, use of low impact development techniques, and transportation standard improvement throughout the City. Titles 11, 13, and 15 PAMC all deal in some way with these issues. A complete analysis of the City's existing standards relative to grant deliverables required simultaneous scrutiny of the City's Urban Services Standards and Guidelines (USSG) document to ensure that the policies in that document implement directives that are contained or will be contained in the PAMC as a result of the review. This second phase review was largely conducted jointly by Community & Economic Development and Public Works and Utilities staff who worked for several months to ensure that amendments and development regulations and policies also correspond with the City's Stormwater (NPDES) Phase II permit requirements. The amendments currently being proposed are a result of this final review. The revised ordinances provide regulations and standards in association with updates in the Urban Services Standards and Guidelines related to clearing and grading, rights-of--ways and landscaping. Some errors and omissions found during the review have been corrected and wording to provide clarity has been added throughout the reviewed Titles. It is recommended that Council conduct a first reading of the attached ordinances, open the public hearing, and continue the hearing to June 16, 2009. Attachments: Revised Ordinance for PAMC Title 11 (Streets and Sidewalks) Revised Ordinance for PAMC Title 13 (Public Utilities) Revised Ordinance for PAMC Title 15 (Environment) • G:\CNCLPKT\PACKET ITEMSUune 2, 2009\Stonnwater NPDES Permit Compliance -First Reading.doc I - V . ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, revising Chapters 11.08, 11.12 and 11.18 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code relating to construction, excavation and use ofright-of--ways. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES DO HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Ordinance 3022, as amended, and Chapter 11.08 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code are hereby amended by amending Sections of Chapter 11.08 PAMC to read as follows: 11.08.010 Definitions. All definitions of terms in Title 11 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code and the following definitions apply to the provisions of this Chapter, unless the context shall indicate otherwise: A. "Applicant" means any person making application for a permit for construction or excavation work, pursuant to the terms of this Chapter. • B. "City" means the City of Port Angeles. C. "City Council" or "Council" means the City Council of the City. D. "City Engineer" means the City Engineer of the City of Port Angeles. E. "Construction" or "excavation" means the act of opening, excavating, or in any manner disturbing or breaking the surface or foundation of any permanent pavement; the establishment or alteration of any established grade or street; and the maintenance or removal of a sidewalk or crosswalk, pavement; sewers, water mains, street lighting or appurtenances thereto.-, and the planting or removal of street trees. F. "Easement" means any easement granted to the City for access to or for public utilities. G. "Person" means any person, firm, partnership, association, corporation, company, service provider or non service provider as defined under Chapter 11.14, or organization of any kind. H. "Permittee" means any person holding a permit from the City of Port Angeles for the performance of any construction or excavation work within aright-of--way of the City. I. "Right-of--way" means: 1. A dedicated or owned right-of--way or easement of the City within the boundaries which may be located a street, highway, sidewalk, alley, avenue or other structure used for pedestrian or vehicular traffic or a utility structure or appurtenance- or approved street tree or landscaping. Aright-of--way or easement is included within the definition of "Right-of--Way" whether such right-of--way or easement is currently used or not; or 2. Land acquired or dedicated for a street, highway, sidewalk, alley, avenue • or other structure used for pedestrian or vehicular traffic, or a utility structure or appurtenance and -1- ~-7 easements for which, under City ordinances and other applicable laws, the City has authority to ~. grant use permits, master permits, franchises, licenses or leases for use thereof or has regulatory authority thereover, and which may be more specifically defined in the master permit, license or lease granting any right to or use thereof. J. "Permit, Use Permit, Right-of--Way Use Permit, or Right-of--Way Construction Permit" refer to the legal authorization, in addition to a master permit, to enter and use a specified portion of the City's rights-of--way for the purpose of installing, repairing, or removing identified facilities. K. "Work" means any construction or excavation within aright-of--way of the City. "Work" does not include routine maintenance or new service connection drops to customers, unless such maintenance or service connection drops are new pole attachments or disturb the other joint pole users or the roadbed or in any substantial manner obstruct the flow of traffic. 11.08.050 Permit -Application Processing. A. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Chapter, the City must act on a request for a use permit or right-of--way construction permit within thirty (30) days of receipt of a completed application, unless the applicant consents to a different time period or the applicant has not obtained yet a master permit required by the City. B. The City Engineer shall examine each application to determine if it complies with the provisions of this Chapter. The City Engineer shall cause to be inspected the premises which are desired to be used, or otherwise ascertain any facts which may aid in determining whether a permit shall be granted. • C. If the City Engineer finds that the application conforms to the requirements of this Chapter, and that the proposed work will not unduly interfere with the right of the public in the right-of--way, he may grant the permit. D. If an application is denied, the applicant may appeal the denial by the City Engineer to the City Manager. The City Manager shall review the application, to ascertain that the denial is based upon nonconformance of the application with the terms of this Chapter, and/or a determination that the proposed work will interfere with the rights of the public in the right-of- way. E. If the City Manager upholds the denial of the permit, the applicant may appeal the denial to the City Council. The City Council shall review the application, on the same basis as the application was reviewed by the Director of the Department of Public Works and Utilities. 11.08.120 Work -Applicable Standards -Generally. Except as otherwise provided in this Chapter, all work performed pursuant to a permit issued pursuant to this Chapter shall be done in accordance with the Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge and Municipal Construction issued by the Washington State Chapter of the American Public Works Association and Department of Transportation, current edition and the City of Port Angeles Urban Services Standards and Guidelines Manual. ... -2- • ~-$ • 11.08.140 Additional Specifications -Drivewavs. Driveways shall be constructed in accordance with the following specifications: A. The maximum single driveway width for lot frontage of seventy-five feet or less shall not exceed twenty-five feet at the curb, excluding transitions. B. The maximum single driveway width for lot frontage exceeding seventy-five feet shall not exceed thirty feet at the curb, excluding transitions. C. The minimum single driveway width shall be twelve feet at the curb, excluding transitions. D. Where two or more adjoining driveways are provided for the same property, a full curb height safety island of not less than fifteen feet, at the curb, must be provided. E. No driveway apron shall extend into the street further than the face of the curb. F. No driveway shall be located within twenty-five feet, including transitions, of a regular crosswalk area at an intersection or any other designated crosswalk area. G. No driveway shall be located within ten feet, including transitions, of a side lot line. H. No driveway maybe located so as to conflict with power poles, street lights, fire hydrants, established street tree, or other above ground public facilities. 11.08.170 Additional Specifications -Drivewavs -Exceptions. The City Engineer, upon • application, may grant special permission to construct driveways deviating from the specifications of this Chapter. Before granting such permission, the City Engineer shall affirmatively determine that the public use of a street or sidewalk will not be adversely affected by such special permission, and that such special permission shall have no effect upon the safety of the public using the street or sidewalk. 11.08.290 Tunnels. Tunnels under pavement shall not be allowed, except where required or permitted by the City Engineer. , Section 2. Ordinance 2350, as amended, and Chapter 11.12 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code are hereby amended by amending Sections of Chapter 11.12 PAMC to read as follows: -3- I-9 • 11.12.060 Obstruction of Sidewalks and Planting Strips Prohibited. Except as maybe specifically provided by this Chapter, it is unlawful to erect, maintain or allow to remain on any sidewalk or planting strip of the City any temporary or permanent structure or thing which in any way obstructs, hinders, jeopardizes, injures or delays the use of the sidewallc or planting strip for pedestrian traffic; or hinders or obstructs the use of the adjacent street for vehicular traffic, including, but not limited to, structures or devices used for advertising an adjacent business, permanent landscaping or the use of the sidewalk for sale or display of merchandise, except as otherwise provided by this Chapter. 11.12.130 Obstructions -Standards. Each obstruction proposed to be placed upon a sidewalk, street or planting strip of the City shall comply, at a minimum, with the following standards: A. The location of the obstruction shall be consistent with the paramount right of the public to use the street, sidewalk or planting strip for transportation purposes. B. The location of the obstruction, and/or the obstruction itself, shall be adequately lighted for night visibility, if the obstruction area is not lighted and pedestrians are present at night. C. The location of the obstruction shall not constitute a traffic hazard either by itself, • or by its effect upon the visibility of persons using the street or sidewalk. D. If locations for the particular type of obstruction are required by the existence of other structures, obstructions, ordinances or other regulations, the obstruction shall be located where so required. E. The obstruction shall not be permitted for longer than the period necessary for accomplishing the proposed purpose for such obstruction. F. All other State and local ordinances will be applicable and shall be complied with. G. The applicant must demonstrate that it is necessary to use the public street, sidewalk or planting strip, and that there is no other means available to accomplish the desired purpose, except by the use of the public right-of--way, street or planting strip. H. No one shall plant in any public right-of--way any tree the roots of which cause injury to the sewers, water mains, sidewalks or pavements, the height of which interferes with overhead utility wires or which breed disease dangerous to other trees or to the public health or allow to remain in any public right-of--way any planted tree which has become dead or is in such condition as to be hazardous to the public use of the street and/or sidewalk, and any such trees now existing in any such planting strip or abutting street area shall be removed or properly pruned at the expense of the abutting property owner as may be directed by the City. No tree shall be planted within two (2) feet of any sidewalk or pavement, except as maybe otherwise approved. I. No flowers, shrubs or trees shall be allowed to overhang or prevent the free use of the sidewalk or roadway, or street maintenance activity or utility use of the street except that trees may extend over the sidewalk when kept trimmed to a height of seven (7) feet above same, and fifteen (15) feet above arterials and fourteen (14) feet above all other roadways. Trees so -4- • I-10 • placed shall also be trimmed so as to remain below power lines if present. Section 3. Ordinance 3198, as amended, and Chapter 11.18 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code are hereby amended by amending Sections of Chapter 11.18 PAMC to read as follows: _11.18.010 Purpose. The purpose of this Chapter is to prohibit pedestrian interference on sidewalks in the City of Port Angeles ' . No person shall be cited under this section unless the person engages in conduct prohibited by this section after having been notified by a law enforcement officer that the conduct violates this section. 11.18.020 Definitions. The following definitions apply in this section: A. "Aggressively beg" means to beg with the intent to intimidate another person into giving money or goods. B. "Intimidate" means to engage in conduct which would make a reasonable person fearful or feel compelled. C. "Beg" means on a public right of way or in a public place to ask by words, bodily gestures, signs, or other means, for money or goods as a charity, or in exchange for labor. D. "Obstruct pedestrian or vehicular traffic" means to walk, stand, sit, lie, or place an object in such a manner as to block passage by another person or a vehicle, or to require another person or a driver of a vehicle to take evasive action to avoid physical contact. E. "Obstruct a sidewalk" means to sit or lie down upon a public sidewalk, or upon a blanket, chair, stool, or any other object placed upon a public sidewalk, ' Sl . Exceptions. The prohibition in subsection E shall not apply to any person: a. Sitting or lying down on a public sidewalk due to a medical emergency; b. Who, as the result of a disability, utilizes a wheelchair, walker, or similar device to move about the public sidewalk; c. Operating or patronizing a commercial establishment conducted on the public sidewalk pursuant to a street use permit; or a person participating in or attending a parade, festival, performance, rally, demonstration, meeting, or similar event conducted on the public sidewalk pursuant to a street use or other applicable permit; d. Sitting on a chair or bench located on the public sidewalk which is supplied by a public agency or by the abutting private property owner; e. Sitting on a public sidewalk within a bus stop zone while waiting for public or private transportation. • -5- I-11 F. "Public place" means an area generally visible to public view and includes alleys, • bridges, buildings, driveways, parking lots, parks, plazas, sidewalks and streets open to the general public, including those that serve food or drink or provide entertainment, and the doorways and entrances to buildings or dwellings and the grounds enclosing them. Section 2 -Corrections. The City Clerk and the codifiers of this ordinance are authorized to make necessary corrections to this ordinance including, but not limited to, the correction of the scrivener's/clerical errors, references, ordinance numbering, section subsection numbers and any references thereto. Section 3 - Severability. If any provisions of this Ordinance, or its application to any person or circumstances, are held invalid, the remainder of the Ordinance, or application of the provisions of the Ordinance to other persons or circumstances, is not affected. Section 4 -Effective Date. This Ordinance, being an exercise of a power specifically delegated to the City legislative body, is not subject to referendum. This ordinance shall take effect five days following the date of its publication by summary. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said Council held on the day of June, 2009. MAYOR ATTEST: Becky J. Upton, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: William E. Bloor, City Attorney PUBLISHED: June , 2009 By Summary G:\Legal_Backup\ORDINANCES&RESOLU7ION5\ORDINANCES.2009\l8 -Chapter 11.052909.wpd (May 29, 2009) -6- • I-12 • ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, revising and adding sections of the Port Angeles Municipal Code relating to 5tormwater Utility and Regulations for compliance with the City's Phase II NPDES stormwater permit. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES DO HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Sections of Ordinance 2394, as amended, and sections of Chapter 13.61 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code are hereby amended to read as follows: 13.61.010 Purpose. The purpose of this Chapter is to establish fees for service by, and general xules and regulations for the service and extension of service from, the sewer ~onrt systems of the City of Port Angeles, and to pxomote the public health, safety, and general welfare of the users of the sewer system, in accordance with standards established by the City, County, . State and Federal governments 13.61.040 Unlawful Acts Defined. A. Any person causing damage to any property belonging to the Department shall be liable to the Department for any and all damages resulting either directly or indirectly therefrom. B. It shall be unlawful for any person to willfully disturb, break, deface, damage or trespass upon any property belonging to or connected with the sewer ~ttd-storm-systems of the City of Port Angeles, in any manner whatsoever. C. It shall be unlawful for any person to place, deposit, or permit to be deposited in any unsanitary manner on public or private property within the City of Port Angeles, or in any area under the jurisdiction of said City, any human or animal excrement, garbage or other unsanitary waste. D. It shall be unlawful to discharge to any natural outlet within the City of Port Angeles, or in any area under the jurisdiction of said City, any sewage or other polluted matter, except where suitable treatment has been provided in accordance with Chapter 13.06 PAMC. 13.61_ .060 Administration. A. The Director and the Director of Finance and Administrative Services may make such administrative determinations for the proper operation of this Chapter as are not inconsistent with its provisions. B. The Director shall promulgate and enforce such customer service policies and I-13 related additional rules, as may be deemed necessary from time to time to encourage and facilitate the proper use of sewer ~irfacilities, and as may be adopted by City Council resolution. • 13.61.100 Permit Required. A. It is unlawful for any person to connect, or cause to be connected, repair, alter or cap, a building or structure sewer gar-sterm~h~airrto any public sewer r•dmirt, without first obtaining a permit for such activity from the City of Port Angeles. B. It is unlawful for any person to uncover, make any connection to or opening into, use, alter, or disturb, or cause any of these activities to occur concerning, any public or private sewer or-s~errYr-draiYr-or appurtenance, without first obtaining a permit for such activity from the City of Port Angeles. 13.61.130 Temporar~ermit. The Director may, upon receiving an application containing such information as is required by him, issue a permit for a temporary connection to a combined sewer, sanitary sewer, or side sewer, ,and may include as a condition to the issuance of a permit a requirement to connect to another combined sewer, sanitary sewer, ox side sewer, at some later date. Said permit may be revoked by the Director at any time upon sixty (60) days notice posted upon the premises and duected to the owner or occupant of the premises. In the event the said side sewer or drains are not disconnected or reconstructed as required at the expiration of said sixty {60}days, the Director may disconnect the same and reconstruct it as he deems necessary and charge the cost plus 15% • thereof to the owner or occupant. Such cost plus 15% shall be immediately payable to the City Treasurer following a written notice of the amount thereof given to such owner or occupant and shall be a lien against the property. Such temporary permit shall be issued only upon the applicant recording with the County Auditor an instrument to the Director in which the owner agrees to reconstruct the side sewer if required to do so and to save the City of Port Angeles harmless from all damage resulting to the City by reason of such temporary connection or disconnection, and exhibits to the Director the recording number of said instrument. 13.61.140 Performance of Permitted Work. A. Any sewer vr-stvrtn-drailrconnection authorized pursuant to the terms of this Chapter shall be done in accordance with the terms and conditions of the issued permit. B. Prior to the backf~iling of any sewer connection, the owner or contractor shall notify the City of Port Angeles of the completion of such work, giving 48 hours notice, and shall request an inspection. Backfilling may occur only after such inspection has occurred. C. The owner and/or contractor is responsible for the protection of all persons and property from injury or damage as a result of the excavation or other work conducted in making such sewer or~mrr-~drairrconnection. . • . 13.61.170 Inoperative or Inadequate Sewer Service. Where it is determined by the Director or the Health Officer that a side sewer,. or I-14 appurtenance thereof is obstructed, broken, inoperative or inadequate or is a significant threat to • the public health, safety or welfare, or to public or private property, the Director shall give notice to the owner, agent or occupant of the property in which such condition exists requiring the condition to be corrected within a specified time. If the owner, agent or occupant shall refuse to maintain, reconstruct, relay, reconnect, repair, or remove the obstruction of, said side sewer drain, within the time specified in such notice, the Director shall perform such work as may be necessary to comply with this Chapter. The cost of such work done plus 15% shall be charged to the property owner or occupant and shall become immediately payable to the City Treasurer upon written notice of such amount being given to the property owner or occupant or posted upon said premises and shall become a lien against the property. Section 2. Ordinance 2394, as amended, and Chapter 13.63 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code are hereby amended to read as follows: Ehaxyter~3 ~Cr3~ ® . - , I-15 T ) TT f ) ~ ) ' t ) ! ) 7) ) ) • ) ) 7 7 ) 7 ) ) ) . ) • ) 7 ) 7 ) ~ ) ) ). . • ~ tG 77 • I-16 > > > > • ' ~~8$33 > > .. ~} > > > > > > • ,. ~- 'T_. ,I_ __1L 1 Y __._ ___ ~ ~ > > ~ • s • I-17 7"f r~ ~7n n----'~-- ~zuiLC['i~~. ~ rT,~,m~l.~l1V~ 71'_.__t__. 71._7_1!_ [TT__.l_____ ~ T'Tc!1!t!__ __. ['jQ ~~r~i~- Q111A V L111 L1LJ Vl 7 ~ ~ • • • • ~~ 1111____ _ _ __..;L',._ T-__ !'t!~ _L _N 1_____ _-T _t1____ 1_~_-1__ µv wi`_LT.. iv.:.v ~•..., rv:. uuu uavv cLU v~u~.l ivsu..r au~,... .+~ L p ~ ~ ~~V~ > > f ~ 1 e ~ s v ~ ' C I-18 Chapter13.63 • STORMWATER -UTILITY AND REGULATIONS Sections: 13.63.010 Purpose 13.63.020 Incorporated b~eference 13.63.030 Applicability 13.63.040 Definitions 13.b3.050 Stormwater Utility Established. 13.63.060 3urisdiction. 13.63.070 Operation and Mana ement. 13.63.080 Transfer of Property. 13.63.090 Monthly Charge. 13.63.100 Rate Adjustment. 13.63.110 Billing and Payment. 13.63.120 Remedies for Failure to Pay Stormwater Service Fees. 13.63.130 Non-Stormwater, Illegal Discharges and Dumping Prohibited Illicit 13.63.140 Connections and Uses 13.63.150 Stormwater Discharge Into Sanitary Sewer System Prohibited 13.63.160 Unpolluted Discharge Shall Have Approved Outlet 13.63.170 Review by Department of Community_DeveIopment. 13,63.180 Stormwater Discharge Permits 13.63.190 Stormwater Design and Construction Requirements 13.63.200 Professional En~u~eer Required When ® 13.63.210 Off-site anal 13.63.220 Geotechnical analysis. 13.63.230 Soils analysis. 13.63.240 Permit modifications 13.63.250 Exosion and sedimentation control 13.63.260 Property Owner Responsible for Stormwater System Maintenance 13.63.270 Maintenance Covenant Required for Privately Maintained Drainage Facilities 13.63.280 City Inspections of Privately Maintained Storm Water Facilities 13.b3.290 City Acceptance of New Stormwater Facilities 13.63.300 City Acceptance of Existing Stormwater Facilities 13.63.310 Easements, Tracts and Covenants 13.63.320 Extensions -When Required 13.b3.330 Extensions -Application. 13.63.340 Extensions - Pre aration of Plans and Specifications. 13.63.350 Extensions - Inspection - Fee - Deposit Required. 13.63.360 Construction of Main Extensions. 13.b3.370 Acceptance of Main Extensions. 13.63.380 Extensions -Construction Drawings. 13.63.390 Main Extensions Deeded to City. 13.63.400 Violations of this Chester. • I-19 13.63.410 Inspection. 13.63.420 Inspection procedures. 13.63.430 Test Procedures • 13.63.440 Stop work orders. 13.63.450 Cumulative civil penalty. 13.63.460 Aiding or abetting. 13.63.470 Order to maintain or repair. 13.b3.480 Notice of violation -Assessment of penalty, 13,b3.490 Appeal and disposition. 13.63.500 Liability for costs of investigation. 13.63.510 Collection of civil penalty. 13.63.520 Compromise settlement and disposition of suits. 13.63.530 Hazards. 13 63 010 Purpose The..purpose of this Chapter is to establish a storm and surface water mana eg ment program and utilityin order to accomplish the following Goals: A Establish a stormwater capital facilities plan and small project fundingyprogram for proiects which will: 1. protect pxaperty owners adjacent to developing and developed land from increased runoff rates which could cause erosion of abutting property; 2. decrease drainage-related damage to public and private property: 3. maintain safe City streets and rights-of-wad 4. minimize water quality degradation and control of sedimentation of creeks, streams,Lponds, and other water bodies; and 5, preserve and enhance the aesthetic quality of waters; B. Promote sound development_polzcies and construction procedures which respect and reserve the City's watercourses; and C. Provide public education outreach participation and involvement in the protection of water quality. D. Establish general rules and regulations for the service and extension of service from the stormwater system. The storm and surface water management pxog_ram shall consist of stormwater regulations and a stormwater utility which shall be implemented and operated by the City's Department of Public Works and Utilities in accordance with standards established by the appropriate governmental entities with jurisdiction. {Ord. 3151 ~1 (partl, 11/28/20031 13.63.020 Incorporated by Reference._ _ The City hereby incorporates the followin documents into this Chapter: A. The City of Port Angeles' Urban Services Standards and Guidelines adapted pursuant to Chapter 18.08 PAMC. B. Chapters 3 and 4, Volume I, Appendices 1-C. 1-D and 1-E, Volume I, Chapters 3 and 4 Volume II Volume III Volume IV and Volume V of the Department of Ecology's 2005 Stormwater Management Manual for Western Washington, or most recent update. C. Appendix I of the City of Port Angeles' Western Washington Phase II Municipal Stormwater Permit, issued in January of 2007, or the most recent update. I-20 D. 2005 Low Impact Development _ Technical Guidance Manual for Puget Sound published by the Puget Sound Action Team or the most recent update All of these documents are on file within the office of the Cit~Engineer and can be viewed upon request. 13.63.030 Applicability.The provisions of this chapter shall apply to all direct and indirect connections to the City's stormwater system, including direct outfalls to the City's streams or marine waters. 13.63.040 Definitions. The following definitions shall apply to this Chapter: A. AKART -All Known Available and Reasonable methods of prevention control, and Treatment. B. Arterial -PRINCIPAL ARTERIALS: Principal arterials provide service for principal traffic movements within the Cit~They serve centers of activityt infra-area travel between Port Angeles and other large communities and between principal trip generators. Principal arterials serve the Ion est trips and carry the Rrincipal portion of trips enteringy and leaving the overall area. Typically they are the highest traffic volume corridors in the City. The design year ADT is approximately 5 000 to 30,000 vehicles per day or more. They frequently carr important infra-urban as well as intercity bus routes. • The spacing of principal arterials usually varies from about I mile in highly developed business areas to 5 miles or more in rural areas. Service to abuttin Ig and should be subordinate to the provisions of travel service to principal traffic movements; this service should be incidental to the primary functional responsibility of the street. Desirably it is located on community and neighborhood boundaries or adjacent to but not through principal shopping centexs parks and other homogeneous areas. MINOR ARTERIALS: Minor arterials interconnect with and augment the principal arterial system. Minor arterials connect principal arterials to collector arterials and small generators. They provide medium size trip generators such as less intensive commercial development, high schools and some junior high grade schools warehousing areas, active parks and ballfields and other land uses with similar trip generation potential. They distribute travel to smaller geographic areas and communities than those identified with the principal arterial system They provide service for trips of moderate length of a somewhat lower level of travel mobilitx than principal arterials. The design year ADT is approximately 2 500 to 15 000 COLLECTOR ARTERIALS: Collector arterials rovide bath land access service and traffic circulation within residential neighborhoods and commercial and industrial areas. It differs from the arterial system in that facilities on the collector system may penetrate residential neighborhoods distributing trips from the arterials through the areas to their ultimate • I-21 destinations. The collector also collects traffic from local streets in residential neighborhoods and channels it onto minor and principal arterials. The collector arterial street ma~also carry local bus routes. C. Best Management Practices BMPS) mean schedules of activities, prohibitions of practices, general good housekeeping practices, pollution prevention and educational practices, maintenance procedures, and structural or mono eg rial practices to prevent or reduce the discharge of pollutants directly or indirectly to stormwater, receiving waters, or stormwater conveyance systems. BMPs also include treatment practices, operating procedures, and practices to control site runoff, spillage or leaks, sludge ar water disposal, or drainage from raw materials stora e. D. Certified Erosion and Sediment Control Lead CESCL) - means an individual who has current certification through an approved erosion and sediment control training progrrarn that meets the minimum training standards established by the Washin on State Department of Ecology_(see BMP C 160 in the stormwater Management Manual for Western Washington (20050. A CESCL is knowledgeable in the principles and practices of erosion and sediment control. The CESCL must have the skills to assess site conditions and construction activities that could impact the guali of stormwater and, the effectiveness of erosion and sediment control measures used to control the quali of stormwater discharges. Certification is obtained through a Washington State Department of Ecolog~pproved erosion and sediment control course. Course listings are provided online at Ecology's web site. E. Clean Water Act -means the federal Water Pollution Control Act (33 USC • Section 1251 et secp~, and any subsequent amendments thereto. F. Director -means the City of Port Angeles Director of Public Works and Utilities or his or her designee. G. Effective Impervious Surface -Those impervious surfaces that are connected via sheet flow or discrete conveyance to a drainage system. Impervious surfaces on residential development sites are considered ineffective if the runoff is dispersed through at least one hundred feet of native vegetation in accordance with BMP TS 30 - "Full Dispersion,"' as described in Chapter 5 of Volume V of the stormwater Management Manual for Western Washington (2005 H. Ground Water -means water in a saturated zone or stratum beneath the surface of the land or below a surface water body. I. Hazardous Materials -means any material, including any substance, waste, or combination thereof, which because of its quantity, concentration, or physical, chemical, or infectious characteristics may • I - 22 cause, or significantly contribute to a substantial present or potential hazard to human health, safety property or the environment when improperly treated • stored, transported, disposed of, or otherwise managed. J. Highway -Amain public road connecting towns and cities K. Hyperchlorinated - means water that contains more than IOmg/Liter chlorine. L. lllicit Discharge -means any direct or indirect non-stormwater discharge to the City's storm drain system, except as expressly allowed by this chapter M. Illicit Connection -means any man-made conveyance that is connected to a municipal separate storm sewer without a permit, excluding roof drains and other similar type connections. Examples include sanitary sewer connections floor drains, channels, pipelines, conduits, inlets or outlets that are connected directly to the municipal separate storm sewer system. N. Impervious Surface - A hard surface area that either prevents or retards the entr;~of water into the soil mantle as under natural conditionsprior to development A hard surface area which causes water to run off the surface in reater quantities or at an increased .rate of flow from the flow present under natural conditions prior to development. Common impervious surfaces include but are not limited to roof tops, walkways, patios, driveways parking lots or storage areas concrete or asphalt paving, gravel roads, packed earthen materials and oiled macadam or other • surfaces which similarly impede the natural infiltration of stormwater Open, uncovered retention/detention facilities shall not be considered as impervious surfaces far purposes of determinin whether the thresholds for application of minimum requirements are exceeded. Open uncovered retentionldetention facilities shall be considered impervious surfaces for purposes of runoff modeling- 0. Land Disturbing Activity -Any activity that results in movement of earth or a chance in the existine soil cover (both vegetative and non-vegetative) and/ox the existing soil topography. Land disturbing activities include but are not limited to clearing, grading, filling and excavation Compaction that is associated with stabilization of structures and road construction shall also be considered a land disturbing activity. Ve etation maintenance practices are not considered land- disturbing_activity. P. Maintenance -Repair and maintenance includes activities conducted an currently serviceable structuresi facilities and equipment that involves no expansion or use beyond that previously existing and results in no significant adverse hydrologic impact. It includes those usual activities I - 23 taken to prevent a decline, lapse, or cessation in the use of structures ands stems. Those usual activities may include replacement of dysfunctional facilities, including cases where environmental permits xequire replacing an existing • structure with a different type structure, as Iong as the functioning characteristics of the original structure are not changed. One example is the replacement of a collapsed, fish blocking, round, culvert with a new box culvert under the same span, or width, of roadway. See also Road Maintenance exemptions in Section 1 of the NPDES Appendix included in this chapter. Q. Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) - means a conveyance or system of conveyances (including roads with drainage systems, municipal streets, catch basins, curbs, butters, ditches, man-made channels, or storm drains);Owned or operated by the City of Port Angeles Designed or used for collecting or conveying stormwater; ~ Which is not part of a Publicly Owned Treatment Works (POTWI. "POTW" means any device or system used in treatment of municipal sewage or industrial wastes of a liquid nature which is publicly owned; and Which is not a combined sewer. "Combined sewer" means a s.. s that collects sanitary sewage and stormwater in a single sewer s sy tem• R. National Pollutant Discharge Elimination S~ste~NPDES) Stormwater • Discharge Permit - means a pernvt issued by the Environmental Protection A~enc~(EPA) (or by the Washington Department of Ecolog~er authority delegated pursuant to 33 USC Section 1342(b)) that authorizes the discharge of pollutants to waters of the United States, whether the permit is applicable on an individual, group, or general area-wide basis. S. Native Vegetation - Vegetation comprised of plant species, other than noxious weeds, that are indigenous to the coastal region of the Pacific Northwest and which reasonably could have been expected to naturally occur on the site. Examples include trees such as Douglas Fir, western hemlock, western red cedar, alder, bid-leaf maple, and vine maple; shrubs such as willow, elderberry, salmonberry, and salal; and herbaceous plants such as sword fern, foam flower, and fireweed. T. New Development -Land disturbing activities, including Class IV - eg neral forest practices that are conversions from timber land to other uses; structural development, including construction or installation of a building or other structure; creation of impervious surfaces; and subdivision, short subdivision and binding site plans, as defined and applied in Chapter 58.17 RCW. Projects meeting the definition of redevelopment shall not be considered new development. ., .~ I-24 i U. Non-stormwater discharge -means any discharge to the storm drain system that is not composed entirely of stormwater. V. Person -means any individual, association, organization, partnership, firm, corporation or other entity, recognized by law and acting as either the owner of a premises or as the owner's agent. VV. Pollutant -means anything which causes or contributes to pollution. Pollutants may include, but are not limited to: paints, varnishes, and solvents; oil and other automotive fluids; nonhazardous liquid and solid wastes and ward wastes; refuse, rubbish, aarbagez litter, or other discarded or abandoned objects and accumulations, so that same may cause or contribute to pollution; floatables (objects or substances which float; pesticides, herbicides and fertilizers; hazardous substances and wastes; sewage, fecal coliform and pathogens; dissolved and particulate metals; animal wastes; wastes and residues that result from constructing a building or structure; and noxious or offensive matter of anX kind. X. Pollution-Generating Impervious Surface (PGISI -Those impervious surfaces considered to be a significant source of pollutants in stormwater runoff. Such surfaces include those which are subject to: vehicular use; industrial activities or storage of erodible or leachable materials, wastes, or chemicals and which receive direct rainfall or the run- on or blow-in of rainfall. Erodible or leachable materials, wastes, or chemicals are those substances which, when exposed to rainfall, measurably alter the physical or chemical characteristics of the rainfall runoff. Examples include erodible soils that are stockpiled uncovered process wastes, manure, fertilizers, oily substances, ashes, kiln dust1 and garbage dumpster leakage_Metal roofs are also considered to be PGIS unless they are coated with an inert, non-leachable material (e.g., baked-on enamel coating) A surface, whether paved or not, shall be considered subiect to vehicular use if it is regularly used by motor vehicles. The following are considered re ularly-used surfaces: roads unvegetated road shoulders bike lanes within the traveled lane of a roadway driveways parking lots, unfenced fire lanes, vehicular equipment storage yards, and airport runway, The following are not considered regularly-used surfaces• paved bicycle pathways separated from and not subject to drainage from roads for motor vehicles, fenced fire Lanes and infrequently used maintenance access roads. C I - 25 Y, Pollution-Generating Pervious Surfaces (PGPS~AAny nonimpervious surface subject to use of pesticides and fertilizers or lass of soil. Typical PGPS include lawns, landscaped areas, golf courses, parks, cemeteries, and sports fields. Z. Pre-Developed Condition -The native vegetation and soils that existed at a site prior to the influence of Euro-American settlement. The pre-developed condition shall be assumed to be a forested land cover unless reasonable, historic information is provided that indicates the site was prairie prior to settlement. AA. Premises -means any building, lot, parcel of land, or portion of land, whether improved or unimproved, including adjacent sidewalks and parking stri s. BB. Protect Site -That portion of a propertei properties, or right-of--way subject to land disturbing activities, new impervious surfaces, or replaced impervious surfaces. CC. Receiving Waters -Bodies of water or surface water systems to which surface runoff is discharged via a point source of stormwater or via sheet flow. DD. Redevelopment - 4n a site that is already substantially developed (i.e., has 35% or more of existing impervious surface coverage), the creation or addition of impervious surfaces; the expansion of a building foot rp int oT addition or replacement of a structure; structural development including constxuction, installation or expansion of a building or other structure; replacement of impervious surface that is not part of a routine maintenance activity; and Iand disturbing activities. EE. ReRlaced Impervious Surface - For structures, the removal and replacement of any exterior impervious surfaces or foundation. For other impervious surfaces, the removal down to bare soil or base course and replacement. FF. Site -The area defined by the legal boundaries of a parcel or parcels of land that is dare) subject to new development or redevelopment. For road protects, the length of the project site and the right-of--way boundaries define the site, • I - 26 • GG_.Source Control BMP - A structure or operation that is intended to~revent pollutants from coming into contact with stormwaterthrough physicaI separation of areas or careful management of activities that are sources of pollutants. The Department of Ecology's Stormwater Management Manual for Western _ Washin on (20051 separates source control BMPs into two types. Structural Source Control BMPs are physical structural, or mechanical devices, or facilities that are intended to prevent pollutants from entering stormwater. Operational BMPs are nonstructural practices that prevent or reduce pollutants from entering stormwater. For further examples or details, refer to the Department of EcoloQV's Volume IV of the Stormwater Mana eg m~ ent Manual for Western Washin on 2005 HH. Stormwater -means runoff during and following_pr. eClpitation and snowmelt events, including surface runoff and drainage. I I. Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) - means a document which describes the best mana eg ment practices and activities to be implemented by a person to identify sources of pollution or contamination at a premises and the actions to eliminate or reduce pollutant discharges to stormwater • stormwater conve once s stems and/or receivin waters to the maximum extent practicable. JJ. Storm Water System -means all natural and manmade systems which function together or independentl to collect, store purl dischar e and convey storm water. Included are all storm water facilities as well as natural systems such as streams and creeks and all natural systems which convey, store, infiltrate or divert storm water. KK.Threshold Discharge Area - An onsite area draining to a single natural discharge location or multiple natural discharge locations that combine within one-quarter mile downstream (as determined by the shortest flowpathl. The examples in Figure 2.1 below illustrate this definition The purpose of this definition is to clarify how the thresholds of the stormwater requirements are applied to project sites with multiple discharge paints. • I - 27 • Example of a Proiect Site Example of a Proiect Site with Example of a Proiect with a Single Naturat Multiple Natural Multiple Natural Discharge and a Single Discharges and a Single Discharges and Multiple Threshold Discharge Area Threshold Discharge Area Threshold Discharge Areas t t.. ~~. jA` ~~ ~ ~ -~.. ~. _.,. y j. j• I tir Y,ay~ ~ ~ _„~ f ~ ~ ~ Natural D ~ e c t r c ~ Discttarga Locntson a LOCItltns s t t. f t is Mile Downstream Shortest Flow Path I 1 i t 1 iiISCtlugri ~t~t8 t 1 r' 'f P Figure 2.1 Threshold Discharge Areas LL. Wetland- Those areas that are inundated or saturated by surface or I?round water at a frequency and duration sufficient to support, and that under normal circumstances do support, a prevalence of vegetation typically adapted for life in saturated soil conditions. Wetlands generally include swamps, marshes, bogs, and similar areas. Wetlands do not include those artificial wetlands intentionally created from non-wetland sites, including, but not limited to, irrigation and drainage ditches, grass-lined swales, canals, detention facilities, wastewater treatment facilities, farm ponds, and landscape amenities, or those wetlands created after July 1, 1990, that were unintentionally created as a result of the construction of a road, street.`or highway. Wetlands may include those artificial wetlands intentionally created from non-wetland areas to mitigate the conversion of wetlands. • I - 28 13.53.050 stormwater Utility Established. There is hereby created and established a storm • and surface water utility (also refereed to as the "starmwater utility") The stormwater utility shall be administered under direction of the Director of Public Works and Utilities. The stormwater utility shall perform the functions, and have the authori as set forth in Chapter 35.57 RCW for managing re ating, and controllin the City's stormwater management program. 13.63.060 Jurisdiction. The City shall have jurisdiction over all storm and surface water facilities within the City's boundaries. No modifications or additions shall be made to the City's storm and surface water facilities without the^prior approval of the Cif. 13.63.070 Operation and Management. A. The stormwater utility shall be managed and operated in accordance with applicable sections of the City's Western Washington Phase II Municipal stormwater Permit the City's Urban Services Standards and Guidelines and FAMC 13.53. 13.53.080 Transfer of Propel•t~ All equipment, properties, and propert rights and interests owned or held by the City, however acnuired insofar as they relate to or concern storm or surface water sewage, are hereby transferred to the stormwater utility. This includes by way of example and not limitation, all properties and property rights and interests ac wired by adverse possession or by prescription in and to the drainage and storage of storm or surface waters over and under lands, watercourses, streams, ponds and sloughs to the full extent of inundation caused by the largest storm or flood condition. 13.63.090 Monthly Charge. A. Effective January 1, 2008, the owners of all real propert~in the City containing . impervious surfaces shall ~ay a monthly starmwater utility charge at the rate as set forth in this Section. B. Single-family and duplex residential fees. The monthlystormwater utility charge for each sin lg e-family and duplex residential,~roperty shall be $ 5 00 C. The monthly stormwater utility charge for all commerciaUmultiple property shall be calculated by dividing the total impervious area in square feet by 4000 square feet times the single family and duplex residential fee. The minimum monthly fee for acommercial/multiple property shall be not less than the monthly fee far asingle-family dwelling and the maximum monthly shall be not more than ten times the monthlyfee for a single-fazrzily dwelling_ D. City streets, State highways, private streets with storm and surface facilities in place meeting City standards and other public or private owned properties or~ortions thereof having their own NPDES permitted storm and surface water runoff facilities which do not discharge to City facilities shall be exempt from the monthlychar eg s set forth in this, , Section • I - 29 13.63.100 Rate Adjustment. A. A property owner may request a rate adjustment to the monthl~char~e set forth in PAMC 13.63.100, only if the property contains no impervious surfaces or if the prot~erty owner • disagrees with the City`s calculations of the rate, or the amount of impervious area used by the City in calculating the rate, under PAMC 13.63.100C. A request for an adjustment shall be submitted in writing to the Director of Public Works and Utilities. If the property contains no impervious surfaces, the rate shall be adjusted to zero. If the City's calculations or amount of impervious surfaces under PAMC 13.63.100C is incorrect, the rate shall be adjusted accordingly. Approved adjustments will be applied nrospectivel~except that reimbursement for overchar eg_s paid by the property owner will be made by the City for the year during which the adjustment is requested and far theprior yeax. B. Andperson _a~~rieved by a decision of the Director of Public Works and Utilities relating to a request for a rate adjustment authorized by PAMC 13.63.110 may appeal the Director's decision to the City Manager within 34 days of the date of the Director's decision. The City Manager's decision shall be final. 13.b3.110 Bi11inE and Payment. Stormwater utility fees shall be billed annually by Clallam County on behalf of the City in conjunction with the County's property tax bill. Discounts for low- income senior citizens and disabled citizens will be applied in accordance with Chapter 13.20 PAMC. Stormwater utility fees billed pursuant to this Section shall be due and payable semiannually on the same dates each year that the County's property tax bill is due and payable and shall be delinquent if not paid by the due date. All delinquent accounts billed pursuant to this Section will be subject to ep realty charges the same as those imposed for delinquent ~ropert tuxes. 13.63.120 Remedies for Failure to Pay Stormwater Service bees. A. Termination of water service. The Director of Public Works and Utilities or designee is authorized to terminate water service to any property owner, unless said water service is received by a residential tenant, who fails to pay the Stormwater utility service fees imposed by this Chapter. Termination of such water service shall not limit other remedies available to the City. B. Lien for delinq-went charges - lnterest. Pursuant to RCW 35.67.200 et seq. the Citx shall have a lien for delinquent and unpaid Stormwater charges. A Stormwater lien shall be effective for one year without the necessit~of any writing or recording`of the lien with the County Auditor. Enforcement and foreclosure of any Stormwater lien shall be in the manner provided by state law. Interest on the unpaid balance shall be eight percent per annum or such rate as may hereafter be authorized by law. C, Other remedies. The City shall have all other legally available remedes_ for enforcing and collecting delinquent and unpaid Stormwater charges. 13.63.130 Non-Stormwater, Illegal Discharges and Dumping Prohbited A. No person shall throw, drain or otherwise discharge, cause or allow others under it's control to throw drain ox otherwise discharge into the municipal stormdrain system or surface and ground waters any materials other than Stormwater. B. The following discharges into the municipal stormdrain system are prohibited, unless the stated conditions are met and a Stormwater Discharge Permit has been issued by the City. • Discharges fxom potable water sources, including waterline flushing,hyperchlorinated waterline flushing, fire hydrant system flushing and pipeline hydrostatic test watex. Planned discharges shall be dechlorinated to a concentration of 0.1 ppm or less, pH adjusted, if necessary (ta meet water quality standards), and volumetrically and velocity controlled to prevent resuspension of • sediments in the MS4 I-30 • Discharges from lawn wa#erina and other irrigation runoff. • Decholorinated swunrning_pool dischar eg s. The discharges shall be dechorinated to a concentration of 0.1 ppm or less, pH adiusted and reoyxgenized, if necessary and volumetrically and velocity controlled to prevent resuspension of sedunents in the MS4. Swimmin,~pool cleaning waste water and filter backwash shall not be discharged to the MS4. • Street and sidewalk wash Water, wafter used to control dust and routine external building wash down that does not use detergents. To avoid washing pollutants into the MS4, Fermitees must minimize the amount of street wash and dust control water used. At active construction sites, street sweeping must be performed prior to washing the street. • Other non stormwater discharges which are covered by another NPDES Permit provided that the discharger is in full compliance with all reauixements of the permit, Waiver, order or other applicable laws and regulations. • Any discharges from a construction site which are not in conformance with the starmwater pollution prevention plan (SWPPP reviewed by the Permittee. C. The followin cafe oriel of non stormwater dischar es are s ecificall allowed: • Diverted stream flows • Rising, ground waters • Uncontaminated around water infiltration (as defined at 40 CFR 35 2005 20 . • Uncontaminated pumped ground water • Foundation drains • Air conditioning condensation Irrigation water from agricultural sources that is commingled with urban stormwater S rip s Water from crawl space pumps • Footing drains • Flows from riparian habitats and wetlands • Non-stormwater discharges covered by another NPDES permit • Discharges from emergency fire $~hting activities in accordance with the City of Port Angeles' Stormwater NPDES Permit Section S2 Authorized Discharges. The City's Stormwafier NPDES Permit is available to view in the office of the City En ineer 13.63.140 illicit Connections and Uses. A. The storm water system of the City of Port Angeles natural and artificial may only be used to convey storm water runoff. B. No person shall use this system directly or indirectly to dispose of env solid or liquid matter other than storm water. No person shall make or allow any connection t_o the storm water system which could result in the discharge of polluting matter Connections to the storm water system from the interiors of structures are prohibited Connections to the storm water system for andpurpose other than to convey storm Wafer or groundwater are__prohibited ® and shall be eliminated. • I-31 13.63.150 Storm Water Discharge Tnto Sarutary Sewer System Prohibited. A. No person shall discharge or cause to be discharged any storm water, surface water, rground water roof runoff subsurface drainage, uncontaminated cooling water, or unpolluted industrial • process waters into any sanitary sewer unless otherwise approved by the Director based on lack of feasible alternatives or other appropriate factors. B, A No person shall make connection of roof downspouts exterior foundation drains area drains or other sources of storm water surface runoff or groundwater to a building sewer or building drain which in turn is connected directly or indirectly to a public sanitary sewer, unless such connection is otherwise approved in writing by the Director based on lack_ of feasible alternatives or other appropriate factors. 13.63.160 Unpolluted Stormwater Discharge Shali Have Approved Outlet. A. Storm water shall be discharged to such sewers as are specificallydesignated as combined sewers or storm sewers, or to a natural outlet approved by the Director B. Storm drainage from hard-surfaced or graded areas, such as parking lots, service station ay rds, and storage yards shall enter the public storm sewer system or other outlet approved by the Director and as required b~this Chapter and as such facilities are available. Such storm drainage shall not be connected to or enter a sanitary sewer unless otherwise approved in writing by the Director based on lack of feasible alternatives or other appropriate factors 13 63 170 Review by Department of Community and Economic Development . Any proposed site development activities shall be reviewed by the City of Port Angeles Department of Community and Economic Development to determine the permits required, 13.63.180 Stormwater Discharge Permits Stormwater Discharge Permits issued by the City of Port Angeles Department of Public Works and Utilities shall be required for any of the following activities: 1. Draining water from a chlorinated water source such as a swimming pool or hot tub. 2. Car washing which is not permitted as a commercial or industrial use, and which drains directly or indirectly to the_City's Stormwater system. 3. All new development or redevelopment which does not require a Building Permit, but which discharges Stormwater either directly or indirectly to the City's Stormwater system. 13.63.190 Stormwater Design and Construction Requirements. 1. All site development activities shall comply with the standards specifications and requirements contained in the City of Port Angeles' Urban Services Standards_ and Guidelines. 2. For all site developments that disturb 1 acre or more the City adopts and requires the use of the minimum requirements thresholds and definitions defzned in Appendix 1 of the Ci of Port Angeles' Western Washington Phase II Municipal Stormwater Permit. 3. For all site developments that disturb I acre or more or which require a Stormwater treatment flow control or low impact development LID) facility, the City adopts and requires the use of Chapters 3 and 4 Volume I Appendices 1-C, 1-D and 1-E, Volume I, Chapters 3 and 4 Volume II Volume III Volume IV and Volume V of the Department of Ecology's 2005 Stormwater Management Manual for Western Washington, or most recent update. I-32 4. Low Impact Development (LID) facilities are encouraged to improve water quality and aesthetics, as well as to reduce the size and cost of flow control and treatment facilities • LID facilities proposed in any site development shall be designed in accordance with the 2005 Low Impact Development Technical Guidance Manual for Puget Sound and shall take into account site and soil conditions. access and long term maintenance S. Stormwater Site Plans and Permanent Stormwater Control Plans in accordance with Chapters 3 and 4 of Volume I of the Department of Ecology's 2005 Stormwater Management Manual for Western Washington are required and will be reviewed by the City for all site development activities that disturb 1 acre or more. 6. Exceptions to the Minimum Requirements may be granted by the City following legal public notice of an application for an exce tip on legal public notice of the City's decision on the application, and written findings of fact that documents the City's determination to grant an exception. The City may grant an exception to the minimum requirements if such application imposes a severe and unexpected economic hardsh~ To determine whether the application imposes a severe and unexpected economic hardship on the project applicant the exception applicant must consider and document with written findings of fact the following_ a. The current (pre-project} use of the site and b. How the application of the minimum requirement(s) restricts the proposed use of the site compared to the restrictions that existed prior to the adoption of the minimum reauirements• and c. The possible remaining uses of the site if the exception were not ranted• and d. The uses of the site that would have been allowed prior to the adoption of the minimum reauirements• and e. A comparison of the estimated amount and percentage of value loss as a result of the minimum requirements versus the estimated amount and percentage of value loss as a result of requirements that existed prior to adoption of the minimum reauirements• and £ The feasibility for the owner to alter the project to apply the minimum requirements. In addition, any exception must meet the following criteria• a. The exce Lion will not increase risk to the ublic health and welfare nor incurious to other properties in the vicinity or downstream of the ,project or injurious to the quality of waters of the state• and b. The exception is the least possible exception that could be granted to comply with the intent of the Minimum Requirements 7. The Council shall establish fees for stormwater related inspections Inspection fees shall be detailed in the PAMC 3.70.110 13.63.200 Professional engineer required when Site development activities shall require the submittal of documents prepared by a ualified professional engineer when one of the following conditions exists, 1. An land use or buildin or develo ment on real roe which disturbs 1 acre • or neater I-33 2. An ly and use or building or development on real property which requires a flow control, treatment or LID facility 3. An~provements within the boundaries of the City of Port An elg es ri hg t-of- • way for which the City will ultimately assume responsibility for maintenance; or 4. Any site development activity that the Director deems to be in the public's best interest to require that certain site development activity permit application submittal dacuments be prepared by a professional civil en i 13.63.210 Off-site analysis. All site development activities which disturb 1 acre or more shall include, along with other reauired submittal documents, an off--site drainage analysis as described in the City's Urban Services Standards and Guidelines Manual. The off-site analysis shall be prepared b,~ a qualified professional engineer and based on a field investigation of the development's off-site contributing and receivin dg rainage areas. 13.63.220 Geotechnical analysis. All site development activities where ~radin or the construction of retention facilities, detention facilities, infiltration facilities or other storm water facilities are proposed- on slopes greater than 15%, within two hundred feet of slopes steeper than thirtypercent, near a landslide area, near an Environmentally Sensitive AreaLor where the director deems that the proposed construction poses a potential hazard due to its proximity to a slope, shall, when required by the Director, include a geotechnical analysis, prepared by a qualified engineer. The geotechnical analysis shall address the effects of groundwater interception and infiltration, seepage, potential slip planes and char eg s in soil bearing stren~-th_ 13.63.230 Soils analysis. All site development activities where infiltration facilities are proposed or where the soils underlying the proposed project have not been mapped, or where existing soils maps of the project site are inconsistent, or where the Director deems that existing soils maps of the project site are not of sufficient resolution to allow proper engineeringanalysis, shall include a soils investigation report. 13.63.240 Permit modifications. Proposed modif cations to an approved Permit must be submitted to the Department of Community and Economic Development and be reviewed for compliance with this chapter. Substantial proposed modifications, as determined by the Director, shall require additional review fees and shall re wire re-issuance of the required permit. Minor proposed modifications may be accented by the Director without reauiring the reissuance of the accented permit or the payment of additional xeview fees. 13.63.250 Erosion and sedimentation control. All final drainage, grading, clearing or other site development activities requiring acceptance from the City of Port Angeles Department of Public Works and Utilities shall include a plan for the control of erosion and sedimentation as -required in Chapter 6 of the City's Urban Service Standards and Guidelines Manual and in Chapter 15.28 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code for the period beginning_with the commencement of site development activity and continuing without interruption until permanent site stabilization is achieved, No clearing,_grubbing=gradin or other construction activit~a t~place on a project site until an erosion and sedimentation control plan has been approved by the Department of Public Works and Utilities. I-34 13.63.260 Property Owner Responsible for Stormwater System Maintenance • A. Any person or persons holding title to a nonresidential property for which storm water facilities and BMP's have been required by the City of Port Angeles shall be responsible for the continual operation, maintenance and repair of the storm water facilities and BMP's in accordance with the provisions of this chapter. B. For privately maintained storm water facilities, the maintenance requirements specified in the Washington State Department of Ecolog~OS Stormwater mana eg ment Manual for Western Washington, Chapter 4, Volume V, shall be enforced against the ownerL) of the subject property served by the storm water facility. 13.63.2'10 Maintenance covenant required for privately maintained drainage facilities A. Prior to the beneficial use of a project constructed under a City Building Permit or a Stormwater Discharge Permit, the owner shall record a maintenance covenant which guarantees the City of Port Angeles that the storm water facilities shall be properly operated maintained and inspected. The restrictions set forth in such covenant shall be included in any instrument of conveyance of the subject property and shall be recorded with the Clallam County auditor B. Maintenance covenants shall remain in farce for the life of the development or until th~e responsibility for the operation and maintenance of the subject storm water facilities is accepted by the City of Port Angeles. C. Maintenance covenants shall include the maintenance standards specified by the Department of Ecology's 2005 Stormwater Management Manual for Western Washington Chapter 4, Volume V, a list of maintenance activities and proposed inspection intervals for each element of the private stormwater system, and a guarantee that any maintenance necessary for any element of the stormwater system will be performed to the standards specified by the Department • of Ecology's 2005 Stormwater Management Manual for Western Washington Chapter 4 Volume V and within the following schedule: • Within 1 ~ for wet pool facilities and retention/detentionpopds • Within 6 months for typical maintenance • Within 9 months for maintenance reggirin re-ve etation • Within two years for maintenance that requires capital construction of less than $25,000 13.63.280 Cit~spections of privately maintained storm water facilities The City is authorized to enter at all reasonable times in or upon an~propert~public or private for the purpose of operating or maintaining the storm and surface water facilities or to ins ect or investigate any condition relating to the stormwater utility:,_provided that the City shall first obtain permission to enter from the owner or person responsible for such premises if entry is refused the City shall have recourse to every remedyprovided by law to secure entry Notwithstanding the foregoing, whenever it appears to the Cit~that conditions exist requiring immediate action to protect the public health or safety, the City is authorized to enter at all reasonable times in or upon any property public or private for the purpose of inspecting investigating or correcting such ewer eg_ncy condition. 13.63.290 City acceptance of new storm water facilities The City will accept for maintenance those new residential storm water facilities constructed under an approved Citv Building Permit or Stormwater Discharge Permit that meet the following conditions: C7 I-35 ~1,) Improvements in residential plats/PRD`s have been completed on at least eight percent of the lots, unless waived by the Director; and All drainage facilities have been inspected and accepted by the Director and said • drainage facilities have been in satisfactory operation for at least two years; and All drainage facilities reconstructed during the maintenance period have been accepted by the Director: and The storm water facility, as designed and constructed, conforms to the provisions of this chapter; and All easements and tracts required under this chapter, entitlin tg__he__City to properly operate and maintain the subject drama e facility, have been conveyed to the City of Port Angeles and have been recorded with the Clallam County auditor; and ,(~ For non-standard drainage facilities, an operation and maintenance manual, including a maintenance schedule, has been submitted to and accepted bathe City of Port Angeles; A complete and accurate set of reproducible mylar as-built drawings have been provided to the City of Port An eg les. A maintenance fee will be assessed to cover the City's costs for maintenance of the stormwater facilities for the life of the development. The fee will be determined based on the complexity and maintenance requirements of the system and the City's labor and equipment costs. 13.63.300 City acceptance of existing storm water facilities. The City of Port Angeles will accept for maintenance those storm water facilities for residential developments existing prior to the effective date of the ordinance codified in this chapter that meet the following conditions: (1) Improvements in residential plats/PUD's have been completed on at least eighty percent of the lots; and (2) An inspection by the Director has determined that the storm water facilities are functioning as designed; and (3) The storm water facilities have had at least two years of satisfactory operation and maintenance, unless otherwise waived by the Director; and (4) The person or persons holding title to the properties served by the storm water facilities submit a petition containing the signatures of the title holders of more than fifty percent of the lots served by the storm water facilities requesting that the City maintain the storm water facilities; and (5) All easements required under this chapter, entitling the City to ~perly operate and maintain the subject storm water facilities, have been conveyed to the City of Port Angeles and have been recorded with the Clallam County auditor; and {6) The person or persons holding title to the properties served by the storm water facilities show proof of the correction of any defects in the drainage facilities, as required by the Director. (7) A maintenance fee will be assessed to cover the City's costs for maintenance of the stormwater facilities for the Life of the development. The fee will be determined based on the complexity and maintenance requirements of the system and the City's labor and equipment costs. 13.63.310 Easements, tracts and covenants. A. Drainage easements shall be provided in a proposed development for all storm water conveyance systems that are not located in public rights-of--way or tracts. The drainage easements shall be granted to the parties responsible for providing on-going maintenance of the s s_ ty ems• B. Drainage easements through structures are not permitted. C. Storm water facilities that are to be maintained by the City of Port Angeles, together with maintenance access roads to the facilities, shall be located in a public right-of-way, separate tract dedicated to the City of Port Angeles, or drainage easement located in desi nag ted open space. The I-36 exception is for storm water conveyance ~s that maY be located within easements on private • ro ert rovided that all catch basins can be accessed without enterin rivate ro ert . All runoff from impervious surfaces. roof drains and yard drains shall be directed so as not to adversely affect adiacent properties. Wording to this effect shall appear on the face of all final plats/PUD's, and shall be contained in any covenants required for a development. 13.63.320 Extensions -When Reauired_ A stormdrain main extension may be reauired whenever more than one,~1) residence or customer is provided service and either the propert two be served does not abut a stormdrain main or the existing stormdrain main is not adequate to provide the necessary service. Main extensions shall be extended to the far side (upstream) pronertv line of the premises bein seg rued. 13.63.330 Extensions -Application. A. The person desiring a stormdrain main extension shall apply to the Director reauesting_permission to extend the City's storms sY tem• B. The Director shall review the application and if the requested extension is determined to be a pxoper extension of the storm system shall provide the petitioner with the des~n requirements for the extension. C. If the requested main extension is determined to be an improper extension of the storm system, the ap lip cation shall be denied. 13.63.340 Extensions -Preparation of Plans_ a_nd Specifications. Upon receipt of the design requirements from the Department the petitioner shall prepare plans and specifications for the extension to be prepared. All design and construction plans and specifications shall be in accordance with this Chapter and the City's Urban Services Standards and Guidelines Manual The • completed plans and specifications shall have a valid Washin~,ton State Professional En ineer's seal and endorsement and shall be submitted to the Department far review and approval 13.63.350 Extensions -Inspection -Fee -Deposit Re aired,- After approval of the plans and specifications, the Department shall provide the petitioner with an estimate of the construction inspection fee. A permit for construction will be issued after the inspection fees and estimated main connection charges have been deposited with the City Treasurer If the Director determines that the remaining funds are not adequate to provide necessary inspection for project completion the petitioner shall be notified of such and an estimate of additional inspection fee required will be provided. The additional fees shall be deposited with the City Treasurer prior to depletion of the funds on deposit, Any monies unexpended from the inspection de op sit upon completion of the project shall be returned to the petitioner. i 3.b3.360 Consrcuction of Main Extensions. A. stormdrain main extensions may be made b~private contract throu h local improvement district procedure or by Department forces B. Any main extension built by parties other than the Department's forces shall be done by a licensed and bonded contractor of the State of Washington C. Extension by the Department's forces shall be at the expense of the person re uq esting construction of the main. D. All main extensions must be in the City's frontage of the applicant's property and/or other public rights-of-wad I-37 13.63.370 Acceptance of Main Extensions. A. The City reserves the right to re~ec# any installation not inspected and approved by the Department. • B. Upon satisfacto_y completion of all required tests and acceptance of the main extension, the Deparhnent shall cause the extension to be connected to the City system. All costs incurred in such connection(s), including overhead and administrative charges, _ shall be the responsibility of the petitioner. Any adjustment on the actual cost of installation because of variance between the estimate and fine actual cost shall be adiusted by refund upon completion of the iob by the petitioner or by_payment by the petitioner to the City of and additional expense above the estimate. C. No stormdrain main extension shall be put into service other than for test purposes by duly authorizedpersonnel until the main extension has been accepted by the City and all fees and charges have been paid. 13.63.380 Extensions -Construction Drawings. A. Upon completion of a main extension, the petitioner shall provide the Department a reproducible mylar drawing that accurately indicates the main extension and appurtenances as actually installed in plan and rp ofile. B. No main extension will be accented until satisfactory "as built" drawin~s_ are provided. 13.63.390 Main Extensions Deeded to City. A. The permit holder shall provide the City with a deed of conveyance for all main extensions as a condition of acceptance of the main extension by the City. B. The transfer of any main to the City shall be on the condition that the owner, • district company constructor, or contributor shall transfer or provide for any necessary and proper franchise. 13.63.400 Violations of this chapter. The construction or installation of any structure, the connection to a public storm drainage facility, the illicit or illegal discharge to a public storm drainage facility, violations of the construction site stormwater pollution prevention plan, or the failure to operate and maintain a permitted stormwater facility which violate the provisions of this chapter shall be declared to be unlawful and a public nuisance and may be abated as such through the use of civil penalties, stop-work orders water service shut offs education and outreach as well as any other xemedies which are set forth in this chapter including but not limited to, revocation of an~permits. If the Director chooses to utilize Title 9 of this Code then a violation of anX provision of this chapter shall constitute a Class II misdemeanor. Each violation shall constitute a separate infraction for each and every day or portion thereof during which the violafiion is committed, continued or permitted. The choice of enforcement action taken and the severi of any penalty shall be based on the nature of the violation, the damage or risk to the public or to public resources, and the response of the offender to less severe enforcement actions. 13.63.410 Inspection. ~ Routine Inspections. The Director or his designee shall have access to any site for which a site development activity permit has been issued pursuant to Section 13.63.270 during regular business hours for the purpose of on-site review and to insure compliance with the terms of such permit. The applicant for any such permit shall agree in writing, as a condition of issuance thereof, that such access shall be permitted for such purposes. Inspection for Cause. Whenever there is cause to believe that a violation of this title has I-38 been or is beins committed, the director or his designee is authorized to inspect the project and any part thereof reasonably related to the violation during regular business hours and at any other time • reasonable in the circumstances The applicant for any site development activity permit under this chapter shall, as a condition of issuance of such permit agree in writing that such access to the project site, which inhibits the collection of information relevant to enforcement of the provisions of this chapter, shall be grounds for issuance of a stop work order by the Director or his designee 13.63.420 Inspection procedures. Prior to making any inspections, the Director or his assignee shall present identification credentials state the reason for the inspection and request entry If the propert~~r building or structure on the property is unoccupied the Director or his assignee shall first make a reasonable effort to locate the owner or other persons havine charge or control of the property orportions of the grope and request entry If after reasonable effort, the Director or his assignee is unable to locate the owner or other person(s) having charge or control of the property and has reason to believe the condition of the site or of the storm water drainage system creates an imminent hazard to persons or property, the inspector may enter 13.63.430 Test procedure. In the event that water quality testing is utilized in determining whether a violation of this cha ter has occurred, the water quality test procedures shall be followed as described in the most recent edition of the Code of Federal Regulations Part 136 13.63.440 Stop work orders. "Stop work order" means a written notice, signed by the Director or his assignee that is posted on the site of a construction activity which order states that a violation of a City of Port Angeles ordinance has occurred and that all construction-related activity except for erosion and sedimentation control activities authorized by the Director is to cease until further notice. The director may cause a stop work order to be issued whenever the Director has reason to believe tha# there is a violation of the terms of this section The effect of such a stop work order shall be to require the immediate cessation of such work or activity until authorization is iven by the Director to proceed. 13.63.450 Cumulative civil penalty Every person who violates this chapter or the conditions of a Building Permit or Stormwater Discharge Permit plan, may incur a civil penalty The penalty shall not be less than one hundred dollars or exceed one thousand dollars for each violation This penalty shall be in addition to any other penalty provided by law. Each and every such violation shall be a separate and distinct offense, and each day of continued or repeated violation shall constitute a separate violation 13.63.460 Aiding or abetting, Any person who, through an act of commission or omission aids or abets in the violation shall be considered to have comrnitted a violation for the purposes of the civil penalty .13.63.470 Order to maintain or re air The Director shall have the authority to issue to an owner or person an order to maintain or repair a component of a storm water facility or BMP to bring it in compliance with this section The order shall include: A description of the specific nature extent and time of the violation and the damage or potential damage that reasonably mi~ht~occur• • I-39 ~2,~ A notice that the violation or the potential violation cease and desist and, in appropriate cases, the specific corrective actions to be taken; and • A reasonable time to compl r~depending on. the circumstances. 13.63.480 Notice of violation -Assessment of ep nalty_, Whenever the Director has found that a violation of this section has occurred or is occurring, the Director is authorized to issue a notice of violation directed to the person or persons identified by the Director as the violator. ~) The notice of violation shall contain: The name and address of the^property owner; B~ The street address when available, or a legal description sufficient to identify the building structure, premises or Iand upon or within which the violation is occurring; A statement of the nature of such violation(sl; A statement of the action that is required to be taken within twenty-one days from the date of service of the notice of violation, unless the Director has determined the violation to be hazardous and to be requiring immediate corrective action, or unless the corrective action constitutes a temporary erasion control measure; A statement that a cumulative civil penalty in the amount of not less than one hundred dollars and not exceeding one thousand dollars per day shall be assessed against the person to whom the notice of violation is directed for each and every day following the date set for correction on which the violation continues; and A statement that the Director's determination of violation may be appealed to the City Mang eg r by filina written notice of appeal in duplicates with the City Manag_er's Of ice within twenty days of service of the notice ojviolation. The per diem civil penalty shall not accrue during the pendency of such administrative appeal unless the violation was determined by the Director to be hazardous and to require immediate corrective action or was determined by the Director to constitute a temporary erosion control measure. (2) The notice of violation shall be served upon the person(s~ to whom it is directed either personally or by complaint in superior court proceedings or by mailing a copy of the notice of violation by certified mail. 13.63.490 Appeal and disposition. A notice of violation issued pursuant to this chapter shall have the following appeal options: ~1,~ Within thirty days from the date of receipt of the notice of violation, the aaaxieved person may make application for relief from penalty to the Director Such application shall contain any information relevant to the situation that the as rid 'eyed party believes the director should consider. The Director may cancel, lower or affirm the penalty. Within fifteen days from the date of receipt of the Director's response to said application for relief from penalty the aggrieved party may have the appeal considered by the City Council at its next available regularly scheduled meeting date following the filina of the appeal. The City Council shall issue their decision within fifteen days of the completion of the hearing. The a_g~rieved party shall be notified by certif ed mail of the determination of the board. 13.63.500 Liability for costs of investi atg ion. Any person found to be in violation of this chapter shall be responsible for the costs of investi atg ion l~ the City. Such cost may include the analytical services of a certified laboratory. 13.63.510 Collection of civil penalty. The civil enalty constitutes a personal obli ag tion of the person(s~ to whom the notice of violation • I - 40 is directed. Penalties imposed under this chapter shall become due and payable thirhv da s after receiving notice of penalty unless an appeal is filed. The City attorney on behalf of the City is • authorized to collect the civil penalty by use of appropriate legal remedies the seekin or agr mina of which shall neither stay nor terminate the accrual of additional per diem penalties so lop ag s the violation continues. 13.63.520 Compromise settlement and disposition of suits. The D_ irector and the City attorney are authorized to enter into negotiations with the parties or their legal representatives named in a lawsuit for the collection of civil ep nalties to negotiate a settlement, compromise or otherwise dispose of a lawsuit when to do so will be in the best interest of the_ City, provided that a report shall be submitted_ to the City Manager in any instance when a compromise settlement is ne otiated. 13.63.530 Hazards. A. Whenever the Director determines that any existing construction site erosionlsedimentation problem, drainage facility, illicit discharge or illicit connection poses a hazard to public safety or substantially endangers property or adversely affects the condition or capacity of the drainage facilities, or adversely affects the safety and aeration of Cit~ght-of- way, or violates State water pollution laws the person to whom the permit was issued or the person or persons holding title to the property within which the construction site erosion/sedimentation problem, drainage facility illicit dischar eg or illicit connection is located shall upon receipt of notice in writing fxom the Director repair or otherwise address the cause of the hazardous situation in conformance with the requirements of this chapter B. Should the Director have reasonable cause to believe that the situation is so adverse as to preclude written notice, he may take the measures necessary to eliminate the hazardous situation provided that he shall frst make a reasonable effort to locate the owner before actin in accordance with Section 13.63.270. In such instances the person or persons holding title to the subiect property shall be obligated for the payment to the City of Port Angeles of all costs incurred by the City. If costs are incurred and a bond pursuant to this chapter or other C~ requirement has been posted, the Director shall have the authori to collect against the bond to cover costs incurred. • I-41 Section 3. Sections of Ordinance 2734, as.amended, and Sections of Chapter 15.28 • of the Port Angeles Municipal Code are hereby amended to read as follows: 15.28.010 -Purpose. This Chapter is adopted for the following purposes: • , . - > > > > . , A. To,~romote the public health, safety general welfare of the citizens and protect public and private resources of the Citv without preventing the. reasonable use development, and maintenance of land; B. To avoid or minimize impacts of clearing and grading as a component of land disturbance activities to adjacent and downstream public or private property; C. To encoura e site development on~ublic and,~rivate property, including clearing, excavation and filling in such a manner as to minimize hazards to Iife, health, and property; D. To preserve and enhance the physical and aesthetic character of the City b~preventing untimely and indiscriminate removal ox destruction of trees and ground cover; E. To preserve replace, or enhance the natural qualities of lands, watercourses, and aquatic resources preserve and protect priori fish and wildlife habitats minimize water quality de rg adafiion and the sedimentation of creeks, streams, ponds, lakes, wetlands, marine waters and other water bodies, and preserve and enhance beneficial uses; F. To minimize surface water runoff and diversion which may contribute to flooding; G. To reduce siltation in City streams, lakes, storm sewer systems, and public roadside improvements; H. To reduce the risk of slides and the creation of unstable building sites; I To,~romote building and site planningpractices that are consistent with the City's natural topography soils and vegetative features while at the same time reco nizing that certain factors such as disease, danger of falling~,.proximitXto existing and proposed structures and improvements, interference with utility services, protection of scenic views, and the realization of a reasonable eniovment of~roperty may require the removal of certain trees and ground cover; • I - 42 J. To ensure prompt development, restoration, and replanting and effective erosion ' control of property after land clearingand ragr ding; K. To promote site development planning_and building.practices that provide for managing surface water runoff on-site and are consistent with the City's natural topography, vegetation cover. and h. dy rolo~ L. To establish a Ci review rocess for otentiall im actful land disturbin ro'ects to ensure these regulations and goals are met. Notwithstanding the above-stated purposes, nothing in this Chapter is intended to or shall be deemed to create a duly of the Ciry to protect or promote the interests of any particular person or class of persons. Further, the existence of these regulations or any failure, refusal, or omission of the City to enforce any provision in this Chapter is not intended to prevent, supplant, or affect the right of any person affected by the clearing, grading, filling, and/or drainage operations of another to invoke such private remedies as may be available against such other 15.28.020 -Definitions. In addition to definitions contained in Chapter 15.02 and 15.20, the following definitions shall apply. Where definitions exist in b~ 15.02, .15.20, and 15.28.020, the definitions in 15.28.020 shall apply. A. "Accelerated erosion" means any increase over the rate of natural erosion as a result of land-disturbing activity. B. "Approval" means, for the purposes of this Chapter, approval by the City Engineer. C. "Buffer zone" means a parcel or strip of land that is required to permanently remain in an undisturbed and untouched condition and within which no building, clearing, grading, or filling is peirnitted, except for minor maintenance necessary to protect Iife and property. D. "Clearing" means the removal of timber trees, brush, grass, ground cover, or other vegetative matter from a site which exposes the earth's surface on the site or results in the loss of forested areas. E. "Clearing and Gradin~Permit" means the written permission of the City to the applicant to proceed with the act of clearing, grading, filling, and/or drainage which could disturb the land surface. F. "Director" means the Director of Public Works and Utilities or an authorized agent of the Public Works and Utilities Department. G. "Environmentally Sensitive wand Areas" include, but are not limited to, lands identified as environmentally sensitive areas, locally unique features, or critical areas by the City in accordance with the provisions of the State Environmental Policy Act and the Growth Management Act and Section 15.20 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code. H. "Filling" means the act of transporting or placing (by any manner or mechanism) f~ll.materiai from, to, or on any sail surface, natural vegetative covering of soil surface, or fill material (including temporary stockpile of material). I. "Gr_ ailing" means any act which changes the grade or elevation of the ground surface and for the purposes of this Chapter also includes the excavation and removal of earth material, I - 43 J. "Impervious surface" means a hard surface area that either prevents or retards the entry of water into the soil mantle under natural conditions prior to development or that causes water to run off the surface in greater quantities or at an increased rate of flow from the flow present under natural conditions prior to development. Common impervious surfaces include, but are not limited to, roof tops, walkways, patios, driveways, parking lots or storage areas, concrete or asphalt paving, gravel roads, packed earthen materials, and oiled macadam or other surfaces which similarly impede the natural infiltration of stormwater. K. "Sedimentation" means the process of deposition of soil and organic particles displaced, transported, and deposited by erosive processes. L. "SWPPP" means Stormwater Pollution Protection Plan. 15.28.030 - Clearing and Gradin Perg mit Required. A. No person, corporation, or other legal entity shall make changes or cause changes to be made in the surface of any land by clearing, grading, filling, or drainage alteration in the City without having first obtained a valid clearing and grading permit from the City Engineer; except for those activities that are exempt as described in Section 15.28.040. A Clearing and GradingPermit is required prior to any of the folIowin~: 1J Any clearing1 filling excavation or aradzng in an environmentally sensitive area, critical area, or critical area buffer. 2. Land disturbance of one 1) acre or more. 3. Fill and/or excavation of fiftv (SOl cubic wards or more even if the excavated material is used as fill on the same site.~Quantities of fill and excavation are calculated separately and then added together to determine the total quantity for the site.1 4. Clearin or radin that will likel enetrate the ound water table includin the ~€ construction of ponds and°reservoirs, 5 An excavation which is more than five (51 feet in depth or which creates a cut slope greater than five (5) feet in depth or which creates a cut slope greater than five (5 feet_in height and steeper than two units horizontal in one unit vertical (2:1). 6 Any re-grading or paving on an area used for stormwater retention or detention or alteration of an existin drainage course. _ 7 Andproposal to cut down or top by more than one quarter any trees} that are required to be preserved by Ciiy code flat condition or other requirement. B. Permits are not transferable, unless approved in writing by the City Engineer. The transfer will only be approved when the new applicant. has demonstrated that it can and has complied with the conditions of the permit. 15.28.040 -Permit Exemptions. Written permit exemptions shall be issued by the City Engineer. The following shall be exempt from the permit requirements of this Chapter, provided that the exemptions set forth ' - below may not apply in situations where properties include environmentally sensitive areas. An exemption from a Clearing and Grading Permit does not exempt the person doing the work from meeting all applicable federal state and local codes standards, guidelines, regulations, and permit requirements: I - 44 A. Land clearing, grading, filling, sandbagging, diking, ditching, or similar work during or after periods of extreme weather or other emergency conditions which have created situations such as flooding or high fire danger that present an immediate danger to life or property; B. Land clearing necessitated by order of the City Council xelated to the abatement of a public nuisance, where the work is administered by the City; C• 1 1 , 33C. ~tc~clcai~nrg Work performed under the direction of the City En ineer within a public right-of--way ox upon an easement, for the purpose of installing and maintaining water, stormwater, Sanitary sewer, power, cable, or communication lines; E. Cemetery graves; F. - debris. ~F. Land disturbance that is less than one acre, except those sites meeting any of the conditions listed in 6.02.1, or where an adjacent area containing disturbed areas under the same ownership or chain of ownership has been similarly exempted so that the combined area is one acre or more and final site stabilization is not complete , SIG. If a building permit is issued, no additional clearing, grading, or filling permit • or associated fee will be requiredl7 However, the standards established in this manual and by City ordinance shall be applied as a condition of said building_permit satd~ui~itrg-pemrrt; H. Forest practices regulated under RCW 76_09. (Activities involving conversion of land to uses other than commercial timber production are subject to clearing and grading regulations.) I. Refuse disposal sites controlled by other regulations. J. Mining_quarrving excavation processing or stockpiling of rock sand, gravel aggregate, or clay where established and provided by law provided such operations do not affect the lateral support of or increase the stresses in or pressure upon any adjacent or contiguous ro K. A gricultural crop management of existing and ongoing farmed areas as defined per RCW 84.34.020. L. Routine landscape maintenance of existing landscaped areas on developed lots M. Routine drainage maintenance of existing constructed stormwater drainage facilities located outside of an environmentally sensitive or other protected area including but not limited to, detention/retention ponds wet ponds sediment ponds constructed drainage swales, water auality treatment facilities such as filtration systems and regional storm facilities that are necessary to preserve the water quality treatment and flow control functions of the facility. This exemption does not appl to anYex~ansion or modification to existing- excavated and constructed stormwater drainage facilities N. Roadway repairs and overlays within a public street ri t-of-way for thepur~ose of maintaining the pavement, curbing or sidewalk of existing_paved roadways • , I - 45 > • . ~ , / 15.28.050 -Permit Application. An application for a clearing and grading permit sh~i~ be submitted on a form provided by the City and identifying the property and owner. Other formation may be required by the City Engineer to carry out the provisions of this Chapter. 15,28.060 -Plans and Specifications. Each application shall be accompanied by-a rrrminnt~n-af three (3) sets of plans and specifications, including calculations. tine The City Engineer may xequire that the plans and specifications be prepared by an appropriate qualified professional who shall have his/her signature and stamp affixed to each set. The plans and specifications may shall include the appropriate information ing as follows: A. An accurate plan of the entire site as it exists at the time of the application, which includes: 1. All property lines; 2. Contours over the entire site (five-foot contour intervals are standard, but other intervals, may be required in specific circumstances}; 3. The date, basis, and datum of the contours; 4. A graphic representation of existing vegetation on the site designated by its common names, the amount of bare ground, and the amount and type of impervious material (rock and artificial); S. The location of all existing drainage facilities, natural and man-made; 6. The location and estimated capacity of any areas which impound surface water; 7. The location and estimated discharge of all visible springs; 8. The location of all structures, utilities, and their appurtenances, including structures and utilities on adjacent properties when such information is reasonably available; 9. Date, north arrow, and adequate scale as approved by the City Engineer on all maps and plans; 10. Identification of and mitigation measures for on-site areas which are subject to severe erosion, and off-site areas which are especially vulnerable to damage from erosion and/or sedimentation. B. The proposed work schedule, which details the following: 1. Sequence for clearing, grading, filling, drainage alteration, and other land- disturbing activities; 2. On-site soil or earth material storage locations and source of import materials, and location of the site where spoils will be disposed; 3. Schedule for installation and removal of all interim erosion and sediment control measures, including vegetative measures; 4. Schedule for construction of final improvements, if any; S. Schedule for the installation of required permanent erosion and sediment control devices; 6. An outline of the methods to be used in clearing vegetation and in storing and disposing of the cleared vegetative matter. C. An accurate finished grading plan of the entire site as it would appear after the • I - 46 completion of work covered by the permit, showing the following; • 1. The finished contours achieved by grading (at the same intervals as the existing contours); 2. The boundaries of alI areas to remain undisturbed, and identification and the location of all other vegetation shown on the plan that will remain after the completion of work; 3. Drainage and related facilities to be constructed with and as a part of the proposed work; 4. Boundaries of all areas where surface water runoff will be retained, detained, or infiltrated; 5. The method for discharging surface water off-site, including the provisions required to control the velocity and direction of discharge to protect downstream properties; 6. The location of building setback lines, and approximate limits of cuts and fills, including but not limited to foundations, retaining walls, and driveways; ?. Location and dimensions of environmentally sensitive areas and buffer zones and other areas to be maintained or established; 8. The location and description of proposed erosion and sedimentation control devices or structures and schedule of maintenance; 9. Off--site grading shall be noted on the plans, and a dated letter of permission from the property owner of the land affected shall be provided and noted on the plans. 15.28.070 -Additional Ap Ip ication Information. The City Engineer may require the applicant to submit additional information when he-finrls the submitted plans and specifications and associated information are not clear enough to allow for an adequate determination, or when • special conditions are found to exist which require specif c explanation. This additional information may include, but is not limited to, the following: A. Hydrologic and hydraulic computations of expected storm runoff entering and leaving the site for pre- ant past-development conditions; B. Engineering geology and soils reports as needed for hydrology, hydraulics, and erosion control design; C. Erosion and Sediment Control Pian and supporting calculations; D. An engineer's cost estimate of the temporary drainage facilities and final erosion and sediment control when such information is necessary for bonding purposes; E. Inspection and maintenance agreement; F. Letters of Permission: Off-site grading shall be supported by a dated letter of permission from the affected property owner(s); G. A copy ofthe Hydraulic Pert Project Agproval (HPAl issued by the Washington Sate Depaxtment of Fisheries-; and Wildlife if i~ an HPA is required. 15.28.080 -Review Criteria. The City Engineer shall review the permit application far compliance with all City ordinances, adopted standards, requested additional data, and the Ci Comprehensive Plans. 15.28.090 -Standards. No Land-disturbing activity subj ect to the control of this Chapter shall be undertaken except in accordance with the following mandatory standards: A. Protection of property: Persons and entities conducting land-disturbing activities shall take all reasonable measures to protect all public and private property from damage caused • by such activities. I - 47 B. Ve etg ation protection. Ve etation that is to be retained shall be delineated on the site flan. • $C. Wetland buffers: No land-disturbing activity shall be permitted in an approved wetland buffer, except as otherwise allowed by applicable Iaws and permits. GD. Graded slopes and fills; The angle for graded slopes and fills shall be no greater thanthe angle which can be retained by vegetative cover or other adequate erosion control devices or structures. $E. Ground cover: No land-disturbing activiTy shall be undertaken until installation of sufficient erosion and sediment control devices to retain the sediment generated by the activity within the boundaries of the tract during construction has been completed. Plantings or a permanent ground cover shall be provided immediately after completion of grading to sufficiently restrain erosion. EF. Use of vegetative measures: Native plants shall be used for erosion and sediment control wherever feasible, rather than structural measures such as pipes, structures, or other devices. EG. Critical areas: Construction within sensitive Critical Areas and Critical Area buffers shall be in compliance with Chapter 15.20 PAMC Environmentally Sensitive Areas Protection Ordinance and shall be subject to the review of the Director of Community and Economic Development. 6H. Removal of dead or diseased trees from environmentally sensitive areas or buffers is allowed provided that: 1. The applicant submits a report from a certified arborist, registered landscape architect, or professional forester or arborist that documents the hazard and provides a replanting schedule for the replacement of trees; 2. Tree cutting shall be limited to limbing and crown thinning, unless • otherwise justified by a qualif ed professional. Where limbing or crown thinning is not sufficient to address the hazard, trees should be reduced in height to remove the hazard rather than cut at or near the base of the tree; 3. All cut vegetation ettt (tree stems, branches, tops, etc.) shall be left within the environmentally sensitive area or buffer unless removal is warranted due to the potential for disease transmittal to other healthq vegetation, or if the environmentally sensitive area is a steep slope or marine bluff. 4. The landowner shall replace any trees that are felled or topped with new trees at a ratio of two replacement trees for each tree felled or topped (2:1}within one {1) year in accordance with an approved restoration plan. Tree species that are native and indigenous to the site arrd with a minimum caliper of two {2) inches shall be used for replacement; 5. If a tree to be removed provides critical habitat, such as an eagle perch, a qualified professional wildlife biologist shall be consulted to determine timing and methods or removal that will minimize impacts; and 6. flazard trees determined to pose an imminent threat or danger to public health or safety, er to public or private property, or serious environmental degradation may be removed or pruned by the landowner prior to receiving written approval from the City of Port Angeles provided that following such action, the landowner shall submit a Clearing and Grading Permit application accompanied by a restoration plan that demonstrates compliance with the provisions of this Title. 15.28.100 -Conditions. In granting any clearing and grading permit, the City Engineer may attach the conditions reasonably necessary to prevent erosion and sedimentation. Such • I - 48 conditions may include, but are not limited to, installing walls, swales, drains, retention facilities, • or other structures;, planting appropriate vegetation„ installing erosion and sediment control measures or devices„ furnishing necessary letters of permission and/or easements„ and specifying method of performing the work. Such items must be identified on the approved grading, erosion, and sediment control or other required plans. In addition, the following shall be conditions of all permits: A. A Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP} is required in conjunction with a Clearing and Grading Permit for sites that disturb one acre of land or more. A Temporary Erosion and Sediment Control Plan (TESCP) is required in conjunction with a Clearing and Grading Permit for sites that disturb less than one acre of land. The SWPPP or TESCP shall meet all requirements as set forth in Chapter 6 of the current edition of the City of Port Angeles' Urban Services Standards and Guidelines, including any amendments or revisions thereto. r°rB. Notify the City forty-eight (48) hours before commencing any land-disturbing activity. $C. Notify the City of completion of any control measures within forty-eight (48) hours after their completion. ED. Obtain written permission iir~ri-tirrg from the City En ig Weer prior to medi~ying any modification of the any approved plans. 13E. Install all control measures as identified in the approved plans. EF. Maintain all road drainage systems, stormwater drainage systems, control measures, and other facilities identified in the plans. 1*G. Repair siltation or erasion damage to adjoining surfaces and drainage ways resulting from land develapiz7g-or disturbing activities. • f7H. Inspect the erosion construction control measures at least once each week during construction and after each runoff nroducina rain event {over a 24-hour period), and imrrzediately make any needed repairs. ~I. Allow the City to enter the site for the purpose of inspecting compliance with the plans or for performing any work necessary to bring the site into compliance with the plans. IJ. Keep an up-to-date, approved copy of the plans on the site. 3~K. Ensure that all workmanship and materials are in accordance with City standards and the most recent edition of the Washington State Specifications for Road, Bridge, and Municipal Construction. 15.28.110 -Maintenance Responsibilities. The Permittee ma be required to provide A a maintenance schedule of constructed temporary private facilities shall be developed for facilities constructed and measures implemented pursuant to this Chapter. The schedule shall set forth-tlze maintenance and inspection(sl to be completed, the time period for completion, and who shall perform the maintenance and inspection(s). The schedule shall be included with all required plans and permits and shall be recorded by the property owner or agent with the County Auditor so that maintenance and inspection responsibilities attach to the property and shall be the duty of the property owner(s). 15.28.120 -Permit Issuance -Expiration -Extension. A. A clearing and grading permit shall be issued only after compliance with the requirements of this Chapter and the deposit with the City Treasurer of permit fees for plan review, inspection, and related expenses as required pursuant to PAMC 15.28.130 • I - 49 B. Any permit granted under this Chapter shall expire one (1) year from the date of issuance; provided, however, that the City Engineer may set specific limits to the permit if • it is advisable to do so. ,With approval of the Cit~En ig Weer a permit may be extended for one (1) twelve-month period. 15.2$.160 -Inspections. A. All projects which include clearing, grading, filling, or temx~oraty drainage facilities shall be subject to inspection by the City Engineer or his designee, who shall be granted reasonable right of entry to the work site by the permittee. When required by the City Engineer, special inspection of the grading operations and special testing shall be performed by qualified professionals employed by the permittee. Inspections in conjunction with Hydraulic Permits will be performed and enforced by the Washington State Department of Fisheries or Wildlife. B. Each site that has approved grading, erosion and sediment control or other required plans must be inspected as necessary to ensure that the sediment control measures are installed and effectively maintained in compliance with the approved plan and permit requirements. Where applicable, the permittee must obtain inspection by the City at the following stages: 1. Following the installation of sediment control measures or practices and prior to any other land-disturbing activity; 2. Following the establishment of anv tree protection zone(s1 and prior to anv other land disturbing activity; ~ 3. During the construction of sediment basins or stormwater management structures; • ~ 4. During rough. grading, including hauling of imported or wasted materials; ~ 5. Prior to the removal or modification of any sediment control measure or facility; and ~ 6. Upon completion of final grading, including establishment of ground covers and planting, installation of all vegetative measures, and all other work in accordance with art the approved plan or permit. C. The permittee may secure the services of an engineer, subject to the approval of the City Engineer, to inspect the construction of the facilities and provide the City with a fully documented certification that all construction is done in accordance with the provisions of an the approved, plan, applicable rules, regulations, permit conditions, and specifications. If inspection certification is provided to the City, then the normal inspections performed by the City far the permit may be waived. In these cases, the City shall be notified at the required inspection points and may make spot inspections. 15.28.180 -Completion of Work. A. Construction Changes. Whenever changes must be made to the anginal; approved plan, the changes shall be submitted to and approved by the City Engineer in advance of the construction of those changes. . I-50 B. Final Reports. Upon completion of the rough grading and at the final • completion of the work, the City Engineer may require the following reports, drawings, and supplements thereto to be prepared and submitted by the owner and/or an appropriate qualified professional approved by the City Engineer: 1. An as-built grading plan, including original ground surface elevations, final surface elevations, lot drainage patterns, and lacations and elevations of all surface and subsurface drainage facilities. Z. A soils grading and/or geologic grading report, including locations and elevations of field density tests and geologic features, summaries of field and other laboratory tests, and other substantiating data and comments or any other changes made during grading and their effect on the recommendations made in the approved grading plan. C. Notification of Completion. The permittee or his/her agent shall notify the City Engineer when the grading operation is ready for final inspection. Final approval shall not be given until all work has been completed in accordance with the final approved gra~in~g; clearing and grading hermit, including_any conditions thereto, arid-atlrc:rregtriied all approved plans, and the a~ required reports have been submitted and accepted. 15.28.190 -Posting of Permit. No work shall commence until a valid permit has been posted by the applicant on the subject site at a conspicuous location. The permit shall remain posted until the project has been completed and final inspection 15.28.200 -Administration and Enforcement. The City Engineer is authorized and directed to administer and enforce the provisions of this Chapter. For such purpose, he shall have the powers as detailed in PAMC 14.01.060 of a police officer and may appoint and deputize such officers, inspectors, assistants, and other employees as may be necessary to carry out the duties and functions of his office and to provide technical data for plans and on- site follow-up inspections to assure implementation of required plans and specifications; except that enforcement of Hydraulic Permits shall be performed by the Washin on State Department of Fisheries and Wildlife. 15.28.210 -Appeals. Any person or persons aggrieved by any action of the City Engineer pursuant to the provisions of this Chapter may file an appeal with-the Canstrtteti~rt as set forth in Chapter -~4-~1- 18.08.130 PAMC. 15.28.230 -Other Laws. A. Whenever conflicts exist between Federal, State, or local Laws, ordinances, or rules, the more restrictive provision shall apply. B. Neither this Chapter nor any administrative decision made under it: 1. Exempts the permittee from procuring other required permits or erg compliance with the requirements and conditions of such a permit; or 2. Limits the right of any person to maintain against the permittee at any time, any appropriate action, at law or in equity, far relief from damages caused by the permittee arising from the permitted activity. • 15.28.240 -Removal of Dirt Debris or Other Material Sanctions. I-51 A. Whenever property damage is occurring or imminent as a result of an activity inconsistent with the purpose and intent of this Chapter, as determined by the City Engineer, • the offendee shall, after notice narz ~xp iven by the City Engineer, take necessary re~isrerts action, as instructed by the City Enginee , correct the situation. B. If the person, company, or firm does not take the action ordered by the City Engineer, such offending party shall be guilty of a civil infraction ed punishable as set forth in Section 15.28.260. In addition, the City Engineer may cause the debris and other materials to be cleaned up and/or the activity altered. All expenses of such work, including the costs of litigation, if necessary, and administrative costs shall be chargeable to the owner or other person having charge of or having ordered the activity. Section 4 - Severability. If any provisions of this Ordinance or its applications to .any person or circumstances is held to be invalid, the remainder of the Ordinance or application of the provisions of the Ordinance to other persons or circumstances is not affected. Section 5 -Corrections. The City Clerk and the codifiers of this ordinance are • authorized to make necessary corrections to this ordinance including, but not limited to, the correction of the scrivener'slcterical errors, references, ordinance numbering, section/subsectionpumbers and any references thereto. Section 6 -Effective Date. This ordinance, being an exercise of a power specifically delegated to the City legislative body, is not subject to referendum. This ordinance shall take effect January 1, 2009. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said Council held on the day of June, 2009. MAYOR • I-52 • ATTEST: Backy J. Upton, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: William E. Bloor, City Attorney PUBLISHED: .2049 By Summary G:1Lcbal_HackuplORDRQANCES&RESOLUTIONSlORD1NANCES.2009114 - Stormwater.0i2809.wpd (May 29, 2009) • r~ I-53 PORTANGELES WAS H I N G T O N, U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: June 2, 2009 TO: CITY COUNCIL Fxo1vl: Glenn A. Cutler, Director of Public Works & Utilities SUBJECT: 2009 - 2015 Capital Facilities Plan (CFP) and Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) Workshop and Public Hearing Summary: The State requires that the City annually update the CFP and TIP for planning and funding of capital projects. A public hearing is required to receive input regarding projects in the CFP/TIP. The TIP projects are included in the transportation element of the CFP but need to be listed in the separate TIP to meet state requirements. A workshop will be held to familiarize Council and the public with the projects included in the CFP. A public hearing is scheduled for this evening. Recommendation: Following the workshop, conduct the first reading of the 2009 - 2015 CFP and TIP resolution, open the public hearing and continue the hearing to the next Council meeting. Background/Analysis: Each year the City is required by the State to update the CFP for planning and funding of capital projects. The CFP is a project planning tool which covers all aspects of infrastructure planning within the City. The projects included in the CFP are those that are needed to meet the concurrency requirements of the Growth Management Act (GMA), transportation projects to be included in the TIP, and other capital projects planned for the next six-year period. All projects in the CFP and TIP should be currently funded or have the source of potential funding identified. The TIP is a transportation planning tool used by the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) to allocate funding for local agency projects. The WSDOT will not fund transportation projects that are not included in the TIP. Comments received on transportation projects will apply to both the CFP and TIP. The draft 2009-2015 CFP was previously distributed to Council. Staff, along with Council members at recent work sessions, have identified and prioritized projects for consideration by the full Council. While the CFP and TIP are six-year planning tools, governmental fund allocations only cover the current year, 2009. • G:\CNCLPKT\PACKET ITEMSUune 2, 2009\CFP & TIP for 2008 Public Hearing.doc I - 54 CFP/TIP Workshop & Public Hearing June 2, 2009 Page 2 i CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN OVERVIEW The general approach for project selection and prioritization was based on criteria covering Council goals, infrastructure needs, community benefits, employment impact, safety, and other factors (mandates, obligations, and outside funding). The departments evaluated the proposed projects and the results were forwarded to the Council for consideration. GOVERNMENT FUND PROJECTS Attachment "A" lists projects previously authorized for funding and projects to be considered on a case by case basis for funding. II. TRANSPORTATION In 2009, City Council increased funding for street projects after having deferred them for a number of years due to funding challenges. The City received approximately $318,000 from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act for the Peabody Street Reconstruction Project. The pavement condition index (a rating system) continues to show a declining trend. Staff has been successful in seeking grant funding for sidewalk projects. III. UTILITY PROJECTS Utility projects will be addressed in greater detail during the cost of service reviews and the upcoming 2010 budget process: The most significant project in terms of fmancing and implementation is the Combined Sewer Overflow program. This program is mandated by the Washington State Department of Ecology and is required to be completed by 2015. It is recommended that Council conduct the first reading of the 2009-2015 CFP and TIP resolution, open the public hearing after listening to the staff presentation, and then continue the public hearing to the next Council meeting. Attachment A: 2009/2010 Governmental Fund Projects Attachment B: Resolution and Exhibits • I-55 Additional Information for Public Hearing on Stormwater and Development Standards (page I-4 of the June 2, 2009 City Council packet) Page No. in packet PAMC Chapter No. Title of effected Chapter Ordinance for PAMC Title 11 (Street and Sidewalks) I-7 11.08 Construction or Excavation with Right of Way I-10 11.12 Right of Way Use I-11 11.18 Interference with Pedestrians on Public Streets Ordinance for PAMC Title 13 (Public Utilities) and Title 15 (Environment) I-13~ 13.61 General Provisions -Penalties [For Sanitary Sewers and Stormwater] I-15, I-19 13.63 Title change, from "Storm Sewer -Regulations and Utility" to "Stormwater -Utility and Regulations" I-42 15.28 Clearing, Grading, Filling and Drainage 2009-2015 Capital Facilities Plan Governmental Projects for 2009-2010 Projects Allocated Funds CFP# Project Title Total Project Budget Proposed Consideration CnctG 2009 2010 CFP 2010 Budoet Notes TR74-1999 Sidewalk Pro ram $150,000 $0 $25,000 $25,000 15K to TR74-1999, 35K to TR10-2000 TR02-2000 1st Street Sidewalk 625,000 25,000 25,000 - 15K TR74-1999, 10K GF, 42K Engineering, 150K Electric, 363K Grants, STP 70K TR10-2000 16th Street Sidewalk 583,000 35,000 - - 50K PASD, 175K Grants, 40K Stormwater, 10K GF, 35KTR74-1999 TR48-1999 International Gatewa Center 7,800,000 528,023 - - Includes Si na a and Si nal Li hts TR05-2007 1st & Peabody Signal & Front and Lincoln 135,000 - - - Included in TR48-1999 TR33-1999 Peabod Street Construction 1,012,000 555,000 - - 180Kfrom reserves, 325K from GF, 25K TR01- 2005, 25K TR04-2005, 316K Federal Stimulus, 100K Water, 50K STP TR04-2005 Alle Pavin 175,000 - 50,000 - Moved 25K to TR33-1999 TR01-2005 Gravel Road Pavin 175,000 - 25,000 - Moved 25K to TR33-1999 TR26-1999 ADA Curbs Ram s/Chir ers 180,000 - 20,000 20,000 Not bud eted in 2009 TR01-2003 Street Overla 765,000 650,000 - - 115K STP funds TR01-2002 8th Street Brid a Re lacements 24,000,000 1,208,000 - - GG03-2003 Infrastructure Development (NICE ro ram 700,000 - 25,000 25,000 Additional 75K from Utilities annually, 118K carry forward from 2008 PK04-2007 Civic Field Upgrades Facility Assessment 20,000 20,000 - - I-56 • •' • 2009-2015 C Facilities Plan Governmental Pr ects for 2009-2010 Unprioritized Deferred Projects: Funding availability on a case by case basis CFP# Project Title Total Project Budget Proposed Consideration Notes Costs 2009 2010 CFP 2010 6udaet TR04-2006 Dry Creek Pedestrian Bridge/Trail Phase II 759,400 80,000 17,000 17,000 Grant funding of 497.2K PK03-2009 Cit Pier Fire Su ression S stem 200,000 - 100,000 100,000 PK05-2009 OI m is Discove Trail Re air FEMA 860,000 - 215,000 107,500 75% paid by FEMA, 12.5% paid by Washington State PK04-2009 Ediz Hook West Boat Dock Repair FEMA 250,000 - 62,500 31,250 75% paid by FEMA, 12.5% paid by Washington State PK06-2009 Waterfront Trail Ri Ra Re air FEMA 500,000 - 125,000 62,500 75% paid by FEMA, 12.5% paid by Washington State TR05-2009 Ediz Hook Harbor Erosion FEMA 250,000 - 62,500 31,250 75% paid by FEMA, 12.5% paid by Washington State TR06-2009 Retainin Wall Re air FEMA 350,000 - 87,500 43,750 75% paid by FEMA, 12.5% paid by Washington State TR20-1999 Street Bic cle Facilit /Racks/Stri in 140,000 20,000 - TR04-2009 Marine /Tumwater Pedestrian Over ass 600,000 540,000 - 60KContribution TR02-2003 International Waterfront Promenade 1,500,000 - 180,000 - PK02-2005 Restroom Re lacement Pro ram 375,000 - 125,000 - PK08-2002 Nei hborhood Park Renovation 500,000 - 100,000 - PK04-2006 Olympic Discovery Trail Tree & Armor Re lacement 250,000 - 50,000 - PK02-2009 Off-leash Do Park 15,000 - 15,000 - PK01-2009 Port An eles Marine Park 100,000 - 20,000 - PK03-2006 Lincoln Park Develo ment Plan 50,000 - 50,000 - PK06-2006 Lions Park Develo ment 225,000 - 85,000 - GG03-2007 Ci Hall Parkin Lot Re air 50,000 - 50,000 - GG01-2002 Ediz Hook Ri Ra Re air 715,000 - 66,000 - Federal spending matched by City (not on project list for 08 or 09 FR01-2009 Electronic Medical Incident Re ortin 36,000 - 36,000 - GG03-2009 East Ent wa Monument 100,000 - 20,000 - TR08-2009 Downtown Parkin Stud 100,000 - 100,000 - TR09-2009 Wa -Findin Si na a Conce t 100,000 - 15,000 - TR10-2009 First/Front Race Street Nodes 50,000 - 50,000 - TR02-2009 Race Street Bike Lanes 100,000 - 60,000 - TROZ-2008 Alternative Cross=Town Route Stud 220,000 - - - -` ~44,115,4U0 $3,101,023 $2,421,500 $463,250 Funds Available $3,320,336 Remaining for 2010 $219,313 I-57 Page 2 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, adopting the Capital Facilities Plan and Transportation Improvement Program for 2009-2015. WHEREAS, the City of Port Angeles is required to annually update its Capital Facilities Plan and Transportation Improvement Program; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington being the legislative body of said City, on the 2nd of June, 2009, and the 16th of June, 2009 did hold public hearings on the update of its Capital Facilities Plan and Transportation Improvement Program; and WHEREAS, the proposed Capital Facilities Plan and Transportation Improvement Program for 2009-2015 are consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington that the Capital Facilities Plan and the Transportation Improvement Program, attached hereto as Exhibit A, far the City of Port Angeles, Washington, be and the same are hereby adopted; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the 2009-2015 Transportation Improvement Program, together with this Resolution, shall he filed, using electronic format through the Internet, with the Secretary of Transportation of the State of Washington. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 16th day of June, 2009. ATTEST: Becky J. Upton, City Clerk a ~n~y ~s, 2aas~ Gary Braun, Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM: William E. Bloor, City Attorney C, I-58 2009 - 2015 CAPIT~CILITIES PROJECTS CFP /TIP SUMMARY~E 1 PRIORITY ORDER TOTAL DIVISION PROJECT TOTAL CITY 2009 TOTAL 2010 TOTAL 2011 TOTAL 2012 TOTAL 2013 TOTAL 2014 TOTAL 2015 TOTAL GRANTS & BONDS & OUTSIDE PRIORITY PROJECT ID PROJECT 71TLE COSTS COST COSTS COSTS COSTS COSTS COSTS COSTS COSTS CONTRIB. LOANS MANDATE GENERAL PROJECTS 1 GG03-2003 Infrastructure Development (NICE Program) 700,000 700,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 N 2 GG01-2005 Harbor Master Plan 50,000 50,000 25,000 25,000 - - - - _ y 3 GG01-2002 Ediz Hook Rip Rap Repair 715,000 66,000 715,000 - - - 649,000 Y 4 GG03-2007 City Hall Parking Lot Repair 50,000 50,000 50,000 - - - - _ N 5 GG03-2009 East Entryway Monument 100,000 100,000 20,000 80,000 - - - _ N 6 GG02-2009 Shoreline Archaeo- Geophysical Study 100,000 100,000 100,000 - - - - _ N 7 GG01-2009 Harbor-Wide Geomorphology 100,000 100,000 100,000 - - - _ _ N 8 GG04-2009 Building HeightNiewshed Study 75,000 75,000 75,000 - _ _ N FIRE PROJECTS Electronic Medical Incident 1 FR01-2009 Reporting 36,000 36,000 36,000 - - - N Wireless Mobile Data for Fire 2 FR02-2009 Apparatus 120,000 - - 50,000 70,000 - - - - 120,000 N 3 FR07-1999 West Side Fire Station 1,986,000 1,986,000 - - 171,000 1,815,000 - - - 1,986,000 N PARKS PROJECTS 1 PK06-2005 Replace Roof of Vern Burton 150,000 150,000 150,000 - - - _ _ N Ediz Hook West Boat Dock 2 PK04-2009 Repair-FEMA Mitigation 250,000 62,500 - 250,000 - - - - - 187,500 N Olympic Discovery Trail 2 PK05-2009 Repair-FEMA Mitigation 860,000 215,000 - 860,000 - - - - - 645,000 N Waterfront Trail Rip-Rap 2 PK06-2009 Repair-FEMA Mitigation 500,000 125,000 - 100,000 400,000 - - - - 375,000 N City Pier Fire Suppression 3 PK03-2009 System 200,000 200,000 - 100,000 100,000 - _ _ N Civic Field Upgrades (Facility 4 PK04-2007 Assessment) 20,000 20,000 20,000 - - _ _ N 5 PK02-2005 Restroom Replacement 375,000 375,000 - 125,000 125,000 125,000 - _ N Neighborhood Park 6 PK08-2002 Renovation 500,000 500,000 - 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 - N Olympic Discovery Trail Tree 7 PK04-2005 & Armor Replacement 250,000 250,000 - 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 - N 8 PK02-2009 Off-Leash Dog Park 15,000 15,000 - 15,000 - - _ _ N 9 PK01-2009 Port Angeles Marine Park 100,000 - - 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 - 100,000 N City Pier /Hollywood Beach 10 PK01-2002 Renovation 100,000 100,000 - - - 15,000 85,000 - - N Lincoln Park Development 11 PK03-2006 Plan 50,000 50,000 - 50,000 - _ _ N Exhibit "A.. I - 59 N:\CFP\2009\Resolution Exhibit A.XLS.xIs 5/28/2009 2009 - 2015 CAPITAL FACILITIES PROJECTS PRIORITY ORDER CFP /TIP SUMMARY PAGE 2 TOTAL DIVISION PROJECT TOTAL CITY 2009 TOTAL 2010 TOTAL 2011 TOTAL 2012 TOTAL 2013 TOTAL 2014 TOTAL 2015 TOTAL GRANTS & BONDS & OUTSIDE PRIORITY PROJECT ID PROJECT TITLE COSTS COST COSTS COSTS COSTS COSTS COSTS COSTS COSTS CONTRIB. LOANS MANDATE Fine Arts Center Entrance 12 PK02-2006 Improvements 50,000 - - 50,000 - - - - 50,000 N 13 PK06-2006 Lions Park Development 225,000 225,000 - 85,000 75,000 65,000 - - - N Shane & Elks Ball Field 14 PK04-2006 Lighting Project 200,000 200,000 - - - 100,000 100,000 - - N 15 PK11-2006 City Pier Float Replacement 750,000 750,000 - - 750,000 - - - - N Tennis Courts at Erickson 16 PK03-2007 Park Lighting 75,000 50,000 - - 75,000 - - - - 25,000 N Wireless Mobile Data and 1 PD01-2009 Voice Radio Upgrades 500,000 - 100,000 200,000 200,000 - - - - 500,000 N Evidence Relocation & Patrol 2 PD02-2009 Work Area 300,D00 - - 45,000 255,000 - - - 300,000 N Regional Firearms Training 3 PD03-2007 Facility 300,000 35,000 - - - 300,000 - - - 265,000 N TOTAL OF MANDATED GENERAL FUND PROJECTS 765,000 116,000 25,000 740,000 - - - - - o4a,uuu - TOTAL OF ALL GENERAL FUND PROJECTS 9,802,000 6,585,500 245,000 3,471,000 2,571,000 2,690,OD0 455,000 270,000 100,000 3,216,500 1,986,000 1 TR01-2003 Overlay ProgramvV 2,880,000 2,880,000 650,000 340,000 360,000 380,000 400,000 420,000 450,000 N 1 TR01-2005 Gravel Road Paving 175,000 175,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 N 1 TR01-2006 Transportation Comprehensive Plan 100,000 25,000 40,000 60,000 - - - - - 75,000 Y 1 TR02-2000 First Street Sidewalk (Ennis - Golf Course) 430,000 157,000 - 410,000 - - - - - 273,000 N 1 TR02-2003 International Watertront Promenade 1,500,000 1,320,000 - 180,000 720,000 600,000 - - - 180,000 N 1 TR04-2005 Alley Paving 200,000 200,000 25,000 50,000 - 75,000 - 75,000 - N 1 TROS-2007 1st & Peabody Signal 200,000 20,000 10,000 190,000 - - - - - 180,000 N 1 TR10-2000 16th Street S/W ['G' St. to Stevens School] 310,000 85,000 15,000 295,000 - - - - - 225,000 N 1 TR33-1999 Peabody Street Reconstruction (5th to 8th) 705,000 470,000 705,000 - - - - 235,000 N 1 TR48-1999 Olympic Peninsula International Gateway 14,694,240 6,003,925 - - - - - - 8,690,315 N 1 TR74-1999 Sidewalk Program 350,000 350,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 N 2 TR05-2009 Ediz Hook Harbor Erosion Repair-FEMA Mitigation 250,000 62,500 - 250,000 - - - - 187,500 N 3 TR06-2009 Retaining Wall Repair-FEMA Mitigation 350,000 87,500 - 350,000 - - - - - 262,500 N 4 TR20-1999 Street Bicycle Facilities/Racks/Striping 120,000 120,000 - 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 N 5 TR26-1999 ADA Curb Ramps 140,000 140,000 - 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 Y Exh' ~t "A" ~ - 60 N~009\Resolution Exhibit A.XLS.xIs ~ 2009 2009 - 2015 CAPIT~CILITIES PROJECTS CFP /TIP SUMMAR~E 3 PRIORITY ORDER TOTAL DIVISION PRIORITY PROJECT ID PROJECT TITLE PROJECT COSTS TOTAL CITY COST 2009 TOTAL COSTS 2010 TOTAL COSTS 2011 TOTAL COSTS 2012 TOTAL COSTS 2013 TOTAL COSTS 2014 TOTAL COSTS 2015 TOTAL COSTS GRANTS & CONTRIB. 80NDS & LOANS OUTSIDE MANDATE Dry Creek Pedestrian 7 TR04-2006 Bridge/Trail Phase II 759,400 262,200 - 100,000 659,400 - - - - 497,200 N Marinelfumwater Pedestrian 8 TR04-2009 Overpass 600,000 60,000 - 600,000 - - - - - 540,000 N Upgrades to the Coho Ferry 9 TR03-2009 Terminal 9,000,000 60,000 - 9,000,000 - - - - - 8,950,000 N Replacing Traffic Signal Lights 10 TR01-2009 with LED Bulbs 30,000 - - 30,000 - - - - - 30,000 N 11 TR01-2001 Laurel St. Stairs Replacement 302,500 302,500 - 27,500 275,000 - _ N Oak Street Stairs 12 TR03-2006 Replacement 550,000 550,000 - - 55,000 495,000 - _ N Lauridsen Blvd. Bridge 13 TR01-2008 Replacement Study Update 25,000 25,000 - - 25,000 - _ _ N Lauridsen Blvd Bridge 14 TR42-1999 Widening 3,465,000 715,000 - - - 302,500 2,420,000 742,500 - 2,750,000 N 16th Street S/VN ['I' St. to 'G' 15 TR09-2000 St.] 302,500 55,000 - 50,000 252,500 - 247,500 N Lincoln/Laurel Rechannelization/Sig nal/Rou n 16 TR18-1999 dabout 605,000 103,000 - - 55,000 550,000 - - - 502,000 N Lauridsen Blvd Reconstruction 17 TR21-1999 [Trk Rt. To 'L' St.] 2,750,000 2,750,000 - - - 330,000 2,420,000 - - N 2nd 8 Valley Pavement 18 TR01-2004 Restoration 540,000 540,000 - - 48,000 492,000 - - _ N 10th Street S/W ['N' Street to 19 TR11-2000 'M' Street] 605,000 165,000 - - - 55,000 550,000 - - 440,000 N 10th Street ['M' Street to'I' 20 TR12-2000 Street] 665,000 180,000 - - - - 60,000 605,000 - 485,000 N Park Avenue Reconstruction 21 TR12-1999 [Peabody to Race] 1,320,000 330,000 - - 165,000 1,155,000 - 990,000 N 22 TR02-2006 Sidewalk Fill In Gaps 875,000 500,000 - - 175,000 175,000 175,000 175,000 175,000 375,000 N 23 TR02-2001 Ennis St. Slide Repair 300,000 300,000 - - - 300,000 - - _ N 24 TROS-2006 Valley Creek Loop Trail 100,000 50,000 - - 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 - 50,000 N First/FronURailroad Street 25 TR04-2007 Rehabilation ' 825,000 825,000 - - 825,000 - - _ _ N 26 TR02-2007 Laurel St. Sidewalk Phase I 300,000 63,000 - - 300,000 - - - 237,000 N Laurel Street Sidewalk Phase 27 TR03-2007 II 220,000 60,000 - - - 220,000 - - - 160,000 N Laurel StreeVAhlvers Road 28 TR04-1999 Reconstruction 1,595,000 748,000 - - 605,000 990,000 - 847,000 N Old Mill Rd/Scrivner Rd 29 TR02-2004 Improvements 840,000 840,000 - - - 78,000 60,000 402,000 300,000 N 30 TR07-1999 Milwaukee Drive Phase I 2,640,000 2,640,000 - - 275,000 2,365,000 - - N Mt Angeles Road/Porter Street 31 TR70-1999 LID 2,750,000 2,750,000 - - - - - 275,000 2,475,000 2,750,000 N N:\CFP\2009\Resolution Exhibit A.XLS.xIs Exhibit „/'1„ I 5/28/2009 2009 - 2015 CAPITAL FACILITIES PROJECTS PRIORITY ORDER CFP /TIP SUMMARY PAGE 4 DIVISION PRIORITY PROJECT ID PROJECT TITLE TOTAL PROJECT COSTS TOTAL CITY COST 2009 TOTAL COSTS 2010 TOTAL COSTS 2011 TOTAL COSTS 2012 TOTAL COSTS 2013 TOTAL COSTS 2014 TOTAL COSTS 2015 TOTAL COSTS GRANTS & CONTRIB. BONDS & LOANS OUTSIDE MANDATE 32 TR69-1999 Rhoads Road Area LID 1,232,000 1,232,000 - - - - 1,232,000 - - 1,232,000 N 33 TR97-1999 C Street and Fairmont LID 3,250,000 3,250,000 - - - - - 325,000 2,925,000 3,250,000 N 34 TR71-1999 10th/13th and "I"P'M" Street LID 3,025,000 3,025,000 - - - 275,000 2,750,000 - 3,025,000 N 35 TR16-1999 18th Street Reconstruction Phase II 4,070,000 4,070,000 - - 385,000 3,685,000 - - N 36 TR10-1999 10th Street Reconstruction 968,000 968,000 - - 88,000 880,000 - - - N 37 TR17-1999 Truck Route at US101 Intersection 2,750,000 2,750,000 - - - - - 550,000 2,200,000 N 38 TR13-2000 'N' Street Sidewalk (14th St. to 18th St.] 330,000 55,000 - - 55,000 275,000 - - - 275,000 N 39 TR32-1999 9th Street Widening 95,000 95,000 - - - - - - 95,000 N 40 TROS-1999 Milwaukee Drive Phase II 4,400,000 4,400,000 - - - - 4,400,000 - - N 41 TR13-1999 City-Wide Traffic Signal InterconnecVPre-emption 660,000 660,000 - - - - - 660,000 - N 42 TROS-1999 Hill Street Intersection Reconstruction 440,000 275,000 - - - - 440,000 - - 165,000 N 43 TR14-2000 Airport Industrial Park Streets 2,475,000 275,000 - - 682,000 1,100,000 693,000 - - 2,200,000 N 44 TR80-1999 Lauridsen Blvd/Washington Street Reconstruct 432,000 66,000 - - - 66,000 66,000 300,000 - 366,000 N 45 TR02-2008 Alternative Cross-Town Route Study 220,000 220,000 - - 220,000 - - - N 46 TR14-1999 White's Creek Crossing 8,800,000 8,800,000 - - - - - 1,650,000 7,150,000 N 47 TR06-2007 Vine Street Paving 110,000 110,000 - - - 110,000 - - - N 49 TR03-2008 O Street Improvements (14th to 16th Streets) 500,000 500,000 - - - - 500,000 - - N 50 TR02-2009 Race Street Bicycle Lanes 100,000 60,000 - 50,000 - - - - - 40,000 N 51 TR07-2009 8th and "C" Streets Roundabout 400,000 400,000 - - - - - 400,000 N 52 TR08-2009 Downtown Parking Study 100,000 100,000 - 100,000 - - - - N 53 TR09-2009 Way-Finding Signage Concept 100,000 100,000 - 15,000 85,000 - - - - N 54 TR10-2009 First/Front Race Street Nodes 50,000 50,000 - 50,000 - - - - - N JV,4VJ,V IJ IV,LV/,VUV TOTAL OF MANDATED STREET PROJECTS 240,000 165,000 40,000 80,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 75,000 - TOTAL OF ALL STREET PROJECTS 88,875,640 58,430,625 1,520,000 12,235,000 5,817,400 12,068,500 17,241,000 9,069,500 16,285,000 30,455,015 10,257,000 1 CL01-2007 Downtown Protective Devices 60,000 60,000 60,000 - - - - - - N 1 CL02-2007 Upgrade College Substation Relays 110,000 110,000 50,000 - - - - - - N 1 CLO5-2007 Laurel Substation Structure 105,000 105,000 105,000 - - - - - N Exh' 't "A„ i - 62 N~009\Resolution Exhibit A.XLS.xIs 009 • 2009 - 2015 CAPIT~CILITIES PROJECTS CFP /TIP SUMMAR~E 5 PRIORITY ORDER TOTAL DIVISION PRIORITY PROJECT ID PROJECT TITLE PROJECT COSTS TOTAL CITY COST 2009 TOTAL COSTS 2010 TOTAL COSTS 2011 TOTAL COSTS 2012 TOTAL COSTS 2013 TOTAL COSTS 2014 TOTAL COSTS 2015 TOTAL COSTS GRANTS 8 CONTRIB. BONDS & LOANS OUTSIDE MANDATE City Hall Annex Energy 1 CLOS-2008 Conservation Improvements 370,000 320,000 170,000 100,000 100,000 - - - - 50,000 320,000 N Rayonier Transmission Line 1 CL06-2007 Renovation 230,000 230,000 30,000 200,000 - - _ _ _ N Distribution System Efficiency 1 CLO6-2008 Improvements 230,000 230,000 30,000 - 200,000 - - - - 200,000 N 2 CL01-2009 F-Street 1202 Upgrade 170,000 170,000 - 170,000 - - _ _ N 2 CL02-2009 Cable Restoration Phase II 100,000 100,000 - 100,000 - - _ _ _ N Advanced Metering 2 CL03-2008 Infrastructure-Electric 2,000,000 2,000,000 - 2,000,000 - - - - - 2,000,000 N BPA Demand Response and 2 CL03-2009 Smart Grid Programs 1,500,000 150,000 - 500,000 500,000 500,000 - - - 1,350,000 N Landfill Gas To Energy Tier 2 2 CL07-2009 Generation Program 1,150,000 1,150,000 - 150,000 1,000,000 - - - - 1,150,000 N Demand Management Tier 2 2 CL08-2009 Generation Program 150,000 150,000 - 30,000 120,000 - - N PA Hardwood Tier 2 2 CL11-2009 Cogeneration Program 30,000 30,000 - 30,000 - - - _ N Morse Creek Hydro SCADA 2 CL13-2009 System Improvements 75,000 75,000 - 75,000 - - _ _ Y City Facility Tier 2 3 CL06-2009 Conservation Program 2,400,000 1,800,000 - 400,000 400,000 400,000 400,000 400,000 400,000 600,000 1,800,000 N Upgrade "A" Street Substation 4 CL02-2006 Transformer 860,000 860,000 - - 60,000 800,000 - - - 800,000 N 5 CL01-2006 Eclipse -Add Second Source 286,000 286,000 - - 26,000 260,000 - N 6 CL07-2007 Underground Feeder F-1202 100,000 100,000 - - 100,000 - _ _ N Feeder Tie Porter To Golf 7 CL02-2002 Course 260,000 260,000 - - 30,000 230,000 - N Feeder Tie Hwy 101, Cherry 8 CL01-2004 Street to Pine Street 60,000 60,000 - - 60,000 - - _ _ N Street Light Upgrades Tier 2 9 CL05-2009 Conservation Program 1,200,000 1,200,000 - - 300,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 - 1,200,000 N Commercial Tier 2 10 CL09-2009 Conservation Program 1,000,000 1,000,000 - - 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 1,000,000 N Residential Tier 2 11 CL12-2009 Conservation Program 4,000,000 4,000,000 - - 800,000 800,000 800,000 800,000 800,000 4,000,000 N PUD Assumption in Previously 12 CL04-2007 Annexed Areas 100,000 100,000 - - - 100,000 - _ N Olympic Medical Center 13 CL08-2007 Redundant Power Source 110,000 110,000 - - - 110,000 - - N 14 CL07-1999 Airport Industrial Park 800,000 - - - - 400,000 200,000 200,000 800,000 N 15 CL03-2006 Install Peabody Substation 770,000 770,000 - - - - 440,000 330,000 N Morse Creek Hydro Tier 2 16 CL10-2009 Generation Program 30,000 30,000 - 30,000 - _ _ _ _ N TOTAL OF MANDATED ELECTRIC PROJECTS 75,000 75,000 - 75,000 - N:\CFP\2009\ResolutionExhibitA.XLS.xIs Exhibit „/`1„ I 5l~28/2009 2009 - 2015 CAPITAL FACILITIES PROJECTS PRIORITY ORDER CFP /TIP SUMMARY PAGE 6 TOTAL DIVISION PROJECT TOTAL CITY 2009 TOTAL 2010 TOTAL 2011 TOTAL 2012 TOTAL 2013 TOTAL 2014 TOTAL 2015 TOTAL GRANTS & BONDS 8 OUTSIDE PRIORITY PROJECT ID PROJECT TITLE COSTS COST COSTS COSTS COSTS COSTS COSTS COSTS COSTS CONTRIB. LOANS MANDATE TOTAL OF ALL ELECTRIC PROJECTS 18,256,000 15,456,000 445,000 3,785,000 3,896,000 4,100,000 2,340,000 2,230,000 1,400,000 2,800,000 12,470,000 SOLID WASTE PROJECTS Post-Closure Beach 1 SW01-2009 Nourishment 93,000 93,000 28,000 - - 30,000 - - 35,000 - - Y TOTAL OF MANDATED SOLID WASTE PROJECTS 93,000 93,000 28,000 - - 30,000 - 35,000 - - TOTAL OF ALL SOLID WASTE PROJECTS 93,000 93,000 28,000 - - 30,000 - - 35,000 - - YVA I CR rRVJCV 1 J 1 WT02-2001 Elwha Dam Mitigation 330,000 - 110,000 110,000 - - - - - 330,000 N 1 Wr02-2006 Bi-Annual Replacements 1,400,000 1,400,000 320,000 340,000 - 360,000 - 380,000 N Concrete Cylinder Pipe 1 WT02-2009 Replacement 7,750,000 7,750,000 575,000 1,455,000 1,430,000 1,430,000 1,430,000 1,430,000 - 7,750,000 N 1 WT04-2007 Directed Services 365,000 365,000 85,000 55,000 55,000 60,000 60,000 - - N McDougal Pump Station 1 WT64-1999 Improvements 540,000 540,000 290,000 250,000 - - - - N 1 WT65-1999 UGA Water Customers 20,000 20,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 - - - - N Advanced Metering Infrastructure - 2 WT01-2008 WatedWastewater 2,000,000 2,000,000 - 2,000,000 - - - - 2,000,000 N 3 WT01-2007 Dry Creek Water Settlement 150,000 150,000 - 150,000 - - - - - N 4 WT03-2005 Vulnerability Improvements 210,000 210,000 - 65,000 70,000 75,000 - - - N Transfer Morse Creek Water 5 WT03-2009 Lines to Clallam PUD 500,000 250,000 - 100,000 400,000 - - - - 250,000 N E Street Reservoir Cover 6 WT01-2009 Repainting 200,000 200,000 - - 200,000 - - - - N Airport Industrial Park Water 7 WT01-2000 Line 1,500,000 - - 180,000 660,000 660,000 - - - 1,500,000 N TOTAL OF MANDATED WATER PROJECTS - - - - - - - - - - - TOTAL OF ALL WATER PROJECTS 14,965,000 12,885,000 1,385,000 4,710,000 2,820,000 2,585,000 1,490,000 1,810,000 - 2,080,000 9,750,000 1 WW01-2007 YYNJ 1 CYYN I GR 1'nv.sa..v ~ v Directed Services 405,000 405,000 60,000 65,000 70,000 75,000 80,000 - - N 1 WW03-2005 Plant Headworks Improvements ~ 375,000 375,000 25,000 - 350,000 - - - - Y 1 WWOB-2008 Combined Sewer Overflows Phase I 28,955,500 28,955,500 1,150,000 8,025,500 4,945,000 9,890,000 4,945,000 - - 28,555,500 Y 2 WW27-1999 Bi-Annual Replacements Lines 900,000 900,000 275,000 - 300,000 - 325,000 - - N 3 WW01-2008 Dry Polymer Feeder Replacement WWTP 54,000 54,000 54,000 - - - - - N Exh' 't "A„ I - 64 N:~009\Resolution Exhibit A.XLS.xIs ~ 009 2009 - 2015 CAPIT~CILITIES PROJECTS CFP / TIP SUMMARY~E 7 PRIORITY ORDER TOTAL DIVISION PRIORITY PROJECT ID PROJECT TITLE PROJECT COSTS TOTAL CITY COST 2009 TOTAL COSTS 2010 TOTAL COSTS 2011 TOTAL COSTS 2012 TOTAL COSTS 2013 TOTAL COSTS 2014 TOTAL COSTS 2015 TOTAL COSTS GRANTS & CONTRIB. BONDS 8 LOANS OUTSIDE MANDATE Septage Receiving Station 4 WW02-2008 WWTP 727,500 727,500 28,000 102,500 - 597,000 - - _ N Combined Sewer Overflows 5 WW10-2008 Phase II 12,200,000 12,200,000 - - - 1,125,000 3,800,000 7,275,000 - 8,700,000 Y 6 WW03-2008 Pump Station #3 Replacement 138,000 138,000 - 138,000 - - _ _ _ N 7 WW04-2008 Carbon Scrubbers WWfP 51,200 51,200 - 51,200 - - _ _ _ N Waste Activated Sludge 8 WW06-2008 Thickening WWTP 100,000 100,000 - 100,000 - - _ _ _ N Plant De-Watering 9 WW02-2005 Improvements 1,000,000 1,000,000 - - 1,000,000 - - - 1,000,000 N Digester Mixing Improvement 10 WWO5-2008 WWfP 300,000 300,000 - - 300,000 - - - - N 11 WWOS-2006 Sewer Trestle at Francis & Bth 475,000 475,000 - 75,000 400,000 - - _ N 12 WW03-2000 Lindberg Rd Sewer LID 1,200,000 - - - 125,000 1,075,000 - - 1,200,000 N 13 WW02-2000 Airport Industrial Sewer 1,300,000 - - - 150,000 575,000 575,000 - - 1,300,000 N Golf Course Road Sewer 14 WWOS-1999 Interceptor 1,000,000 - - - 140,000 860,000 - - - 1,000,000 N West UGA Basin 2 Sewer 15 WW07-2008 Extension 7,100,000 - - - - 1,000,000 6,100,000 - - 7,100,000 N West UGA Basin 3 Sewer 16 WW09-2008 Extension 6,100,000 - - - - - 900,000 5,200,000 - 6,100,000 N West UGA Basin 4 Sewer 17 WW11-2008 Extension 2,500,000 - - - - - - 500,000 2,000,000 2,500,000 N TOTAL OF MANDATED WASTEWATER PROJECTS 12,575,000 12,575,000 25,000 - 350,000 1,125,000 3,800,000 7,275,000 - - 8,700,000 TOTAL OF ALL WASTEWATER PROJECTS 64,881,200 45,681,200 1,592,000 8,557,200 7,780,000 15,197,000 16,725,000 12,975,000 2,000,000 19,200,000 38,255,500 CT(1RMWATGD DD(1 IC!`TC 1 DR01-2008 Water Quality Project 100,000 100,000 - - _ _ _ _ _ Y City-Wide Catch Basin 1 DR02-1999 Modifications 585,000 585,000 85,000 - - 100,000 105,000 110,000 115,000 Y 4th Street Stormwater 1 DR03-2009 Improvements 800,000 275,000 75,000 500,000 225,000 - - - 525,000 N Stormwater at Canyon Edge & 1 DR04-2004 Ahlvers 500,000 500,000 50,000 - 250,000 200,000 - Y Stormwater Outfalls to Streams 2 DR01-2004 and Marine 250,000 250,000 - 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 Y CMMS for Stormwater NPDES 2 DR01-2009 Phase II Permit 30,000 30,000 - 30,000 - _ _ _ _ N 2 DR02-2009 Culvert Repair 170,000 170,000 - 50,000 - 50,000 - 50,000 - N Peabody Creek/Linwln St 2 DR14-1999 Culvert Rehab 760,000 380,000 - 3,000 - - 122,000 635,000 - 380,000 Y Stormwater at Campbell & 3 DR06-2004 Porter 500,000 500,000 - - - 50,000 200,000 250,000 - 425,000 Y 10th And "N" Street Regional 4 DR65-1999 Storm Detention 550,000 550,000 - - 300,000 250,000 - - 505,000 Y N:\CFP\2009\Resolution Exhibit A.XLS.xIs Exhibit „/'1„ I 5 28/2009 2009 - 2015 CAPITAL FACILITIES PROJECTS PRIORITY ORDER CFP /TIP SUMMARY PAGE 8 TOTAL DIVISION PROJECT TOTAL CITY 2009 TOTAL 2010 TOTAL 2011 TOTAL 2012 TOTAL 2013 TOTAL 2014 TOTAL 2015 TOTAL GRANTS & BONDS & OUTSIDE PRIORITY PROJECT ID PROJECT TITLE COSTS COST COSTS COSTS COSTS COSTS COSTS COSTS COSTS CONTRIB. LOANS MANDATE Stormwater Discharges Over 5 DR53-1999 Bluff 670,000 670,000 - - - 190,000 - 120,000 120,000 Y 6 DR08-2004 Lincoln Park/Big Boy Pond 300,000 300,000 - - - - 30,000 270,000 - 255,000 Y Stormwater "C" Street 7 DR07-2004 Extension 500,000 500,000 - - - - 50,000 200,000 250,000 Y 8 DROS-2004 Stormwater at Rose & Thistle 500,000 500,000 - - - - 50,000 200,000 250,000 425,000 Y 9 DR03-2004 Stormwater at Laurel & US101 500,000 500,000 - - - - - 50,000 200,000 Y Upper Golf Course Rd. Area 10 DR02-2004 Stormwater 500,000 500,000 - - - - 50,000 200,000 250,000 425,000 Y Milwaukee Dr. Stormwater 11 DR03-1999 Improvements 1,200,000 1,200,000 - - - - 150,000 150,000 150,000 Y First St. Stormwater Y 12 DR01-2001 Separation 250,000 250,000 - - - - - - 50,000 Valley Street Erosion 13 DR01-2006 Improvements 40,000 40,000 - - - - - - - Y TOTAL OF MANDATED STORMWATER PROJECTS 7,705,000 7,325,000 135,000 53,000 300,000 890,000 1,057,000 2,235,000 1,385,000 380,000 2,035,000 TOTAL OF ALL STORMWATER PROJECTS 8,705,000 7,800,000 210,000 633,000 525,000 940,000 1,057,000 2,285,000 1,385,000 905,000 2,035,000 TOTAL OF ALL MANDATED UTILITY PROJECTS 20,448,000 20,068,000 188,000 128,000 650,000 2,045,000 4,857,000 9,510,000 1,420,000 380,000 10,735,000 TOTAL OF ALL UTILITY PROJECTS 106,900,200 81,915,200 3,660,000 17,685,200 15,021,000 22,852,000 21,612,000 19,300,000 4,820,000 24,985,000 62,510,500 inrvrtrvw i wn i w n~.vwv Dedicated Emergency Information Technology 1 IT01-2007 Generator 50,000 50,000 50,000 - - - - - - N 1 ITOS-2006 DataNoice Equipment 370,000 370,000 370,000 - - - - - - N Novell File Svrs OS Platform R 2 IT03-2009 Apps Migration/Upgd 200,000 200,000 - 150,000 50,000 - - - - N Repl/Centralize Server Data 3 IT01-2009 Storage/Backup Cap. 165,000 165,000 - - 165,000 - - - - N iSeries HTE System 4 IT02-2009 Upgrade/HA Redundancy 125,000 125,000 - - 125,000 - - - N Council Chambers Audio 5 IT02-2007 System 67,000 67,000 - 67,000 - - - - - N TOTAL OF MANDATED IT PROJECTS - - - - - - - - - - TOTAL OF ALL IT PROJECTS 977,000 977,000 420,000 217,000 340,000 - - - - - GRAND TOTAL OF MANDATED PROJECTS 21,453,000 20,349,000 253,000 948,000 670,000 2,065,000 4,877,000 9,530,000 1,440,000 1,104,000 10,735,000 GRAND TOTAL OF ALL PROJECTS 206,554,840 147,908,325 5,845,000 33,608,200 23,749,400 37,610,500 39,308,000 28,639,500 21,205,000 58,656,515 74,753,500 Exh' 't "A„ I - 66 N:~009\Resolution Exhibit A.XLS.xIs ~ 009 • 2009 - 2015 CAPIT~CILITIES PROJECTS PRIORITY ORDER CFP /TIP SUMMAR1f~E 1 TOTAL DIVISION PROJECT TOTAL CITY 2009 TOTAL 2010 TOTAL 2011 TOTAL 2012 TOTAL 2013 TOTAL 2014 TOTAL 2015 TOTAL GRANTS & BONDS & OUTSIDE PRIORITY PROJECT ID PROJECT TITLE COSTS COST COSTS COSTS COSTS COSTS COSTS COSTS COSTS CONTRIB. LOANS MANDATE GENERAL PROJECTS 1 GG03-2003 Infrastructure Development (NICE Program) 700,000 700,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 N 2 GGOt-2005 Harbor Master Plan 50,000 50,000 25,000 25,000 - - _ _ y 3 GG01-2002 Ediz Hook Rip Rap Repair 715,000 66,000 - 715,000 - - - - 649,000 Y 4 GG03-2007 City Hall Parking Lot Repair 50,000 50,000 - 50,000 - _ _ _ N 5 GG03-2009 East Entryway Monument 100,000 100,000 - 20,000 80,000 - - - _ N 6 GG02-2009 Shoreline Archaeo- Geophysical Study 100,000 100,000 - 100,000 - - _ _ _ N 7 GG01-2009 Harbor-Wide Geomorphology 100,000 100,000 - 100,000 - _ _ N 8 GG04-2009 Building HeighWiewshed Study 75,000 75,000 - 75,000 - - - _ _ N FIRE PRAJFCTS Electronic Medical Incident 1 FR01-2009 Reporting 36,000 36,000 - 36,000 - - _ _ N Wireless Mobile Data for Fire 2 FR02-2009 Apparatus 120,000 - - 50,000 70,000 - - - - 120,000 N 3 FR07-1999 West Side Fire Station 1,986,000 1,986,000 - - 171,000 1,815,000 - - - 1,986,000 N PARKS PROJECTS 1 PK06-2005 Replace Roof of Vern Burton 150,000 150,000 - 150,000 - - - _ _ N Ediz Hook West Boat Dock 2 PK04-2009 Repair-FEMA Mitigation 250,000 62,500 - 250,000 - - - - - 187,500 N Olympic Discovery Trail 2 PKOS-2009 Repair-FEMA Mitigation 860,000 215,000 - 860,000 - - - - - 645,000 N Watertront Trail Rip-Rap 2 PK06-2009 Repair-FEMA Mitigation 500,000 125,000 - 100,000 400,000 - - - - 375,000 N City Pier Fire Suppression 3 PK03-2009 System 200,000 200,000 - 100,000 100,000 - - _ _ N Civic Field Upgrades (Facility 4 PK04-2007 Assessment) 20,000 20,000 20,000 - - _ _ _ N 5 PK02-2005 Restroom Replacement 375,000 375,000 - 125,000 125,000 125,000 - - _ N Neighborhood Park 6 PKOB-2002 Renovation 500,000 500,000 - 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 N Olympic Discovery Trail Tree 7 PK04-2005 & Armor Replacement 250,000 250,000 - 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 - N 8 PK02-2009 Off-Leash Dog Park 15,000 15,000 - 15,000 - _ _ N 9 PK01-2009 Port Angeles Marine Park 100,000 - - 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 - 100,000 N City Pier /Hollywood Beach 10 PK01-2002 Renovation 100,000 100,000 - - - 15,000 85,000 - - N Lincoln Park Development 11 PK03-2006 Plan 50,000 50,000 - 50,000 - - _ _ _ N N:\CFP\20091Resolution Exhibit A.XLS.xIs Exhibit „/`1„ I 5/28/2009 2009 - 2015 CAPITAL FACILITIES PROJECTS PRIORITY ORDER CFP /TIP SUMMARY PAGE 2 TOTAL DIVISION PROJECT TOTAL CITY 2009 TOTAL 2010 TOTAL 2011 TOTAL 2012 TOTAL 2013 TOTAL 2014 TOTAL 2015 TOTAL GRANTS & BONDS & OUTSIDE PRIORITY PROJECT ID PROJECT TITLE COSTS COST COSTS COSTS COSTS COSTS COSTS COSTS COSTS CONTRIB. LOANS MANDATE Fine Arts Center Entrance 12 PK02-2006 Improvements 50,000 - - 50,000 - - - - - 50,000 N 13 PK06-2006 Lions Park Development 225,000 225,000 - 85,000 75,000 65,000 - - - N Shane & Elks Ball Field 14 PK04-2006 Lighting Project 200,000 200,000 - - - 100,000 100,000 - - N 15 PK11-2006 City Pier Float Replacement 750,000 750,000 - - 750,000 - - - - N Tennis Courts at Erickson 16 PK03-2007 Park Lighting 75,000 50,000 - - 75,000 - - 25,000 N rVLWG rrtVJCVIv Wireless Mobile Data and 1 PD01-2009 Voice Radio Upgrades 500,000 - 100,000 200,000 200,000 - - - - 500,000 N Evidence Relocation ~ Patrol 2 PD02-2009 Work Area 300,000 - 45,000 255,000 - - - - 300,000 N Regional Firearms Training 3 PD03-2007 Facility 300,000 35,000 - - - 300,000 - - - 265,000 N TOTAL OF MANDATED GENERAL FUND PROJECTS 765,000 116,000 25,000 740,000 - - - - - oyy,~uv TOTAL OF ALL GENERAL FUND PROJECTS 9,802,000 _ 6,585,500 245,000 3,471,000 2,571,000 2,690,000 455,000 270,000 100,000 3,216,500 1,986,000 JIRCGI rRVJLV IV 1 TR01-2003 Overlay Program 2,880,000 2,880,000 650,000 340,000 360,000 380,000 400,000 420,000 450,000 N 1 TR01-2005 Gravel Road Paving 175,000 175,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 N Transportation 1 TR01-2006 Comprehensive Plan 100,000 25,000 40,000 60,000 - - - - - 75,000 Y First Street Sidewalk (Ennis - 1 TR02-2000 Golf Course) 430,000 157,000 - 410,000 - - - - - 273,000 N International Waterfront 1 TR02-2003 Promenade 1,500,000 1,320,000 - 180,000 720,000 600,000 - - - 180,000 N 1 TR04-2005 Alley Paving 200,000 200,000 25,000 50,000 - 75,000 - 75,000 - N 1 TRO5-2007 1st 8 Peabody Signal 200,000 20,000 10,000 190,000 - - - - - 180,000 N 16th Street S/W ['G' St. to 1 TR10-2000 Stevens School] 310,000 85,000 15,000 295,000 - - - - - 225,000 N Peabody Street 1 TR33-1999 Reconstruction (5th to 8th) 705,000 470,000 705,000 - - - - - - 235,000 N Olympic Peninsula 1 TR48-1999 International Gateway 14,694,240 6,003,925 - - - - - - - 8,690,315 N 1 TR74-1999 Sidewalk Program 350,000 350,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 N Ediz Hook Harbor Erosion 2 TR05-2009 Repair-FEMA Mitigation 250,000 62,500 - 250,000 - - - - - 187,500 N Retaining Wall Repair-FEMA 3 TR06-2009 Mitigation 350,000 87,500 - 350,000 - - - - - 262,500 N Street Bicycle 4 TR20-1999 Facilities/Racks/Striping 120,000 120,000 - 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 N 5 TR26-1999 ADA Curb Ramps 140,000 140,000 - 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 Y Exh' 't "A" ~ - 68 N:~009\Resolution Exhibit A.XLS.xIs 009 2009 - 2015 CAPIT~CILITIES PROJECTS CFP /TIP SUMMARY~E 3 PRIORITY ORDER TOTAL DIVISION PRIORITY PROJECT ID PROJECT TITLE PROJECT COSTS TOTAL CITY COST 2009 TOTAL COSTS 2010 TOTAL COSTS 2011 TOTAL COSTS 2012 TOTAL COSTS 2013 TOTAL COSTS 2014 TOTAL COSTS 2015 TOTAL COSTS GRANTS & CONTRIB. BONDS & LOANS OUTSIDE MANDATE Dry Creek Pedestrian 7 TR04-2006 Bridgelfrail Phase II 759,400 262,200 - 100,000 659,400 - - - 497,200 N Marine/Tumwater Pedestrian 8 TR04-2009 Overpass 600,000 60,000 - 600,000 - - - - - 540,000 N Upgrades to the Coho Ferry 9 TR03-2009 Terminal 9,000,000 60,000 - 9,000,000 - - - - - 8,950,000 N Replacing Traffic Signal Lights 10 TR01-2009 with LED Bulbs 30,000 - - 30,000 - - - - 30,000 N 11 TR01-2001 Laurel St. Stairs Replacement 302,500 302,500 - - 27,500 275,000 - - _ N Oak Street Stairs 12 TR03-2006 Replacement 550,000 550,000 - - 55,000 495,000 - - N Lauridsen Blvd. Bridge 13 TR01-2008 Replacement Study Update 25,000 25,000 - - 25,000 - - _ _ N Lauridsen Blvd Bridge 14 TR42-1999 Widening 3,465,000 715,000 - - - 302,500 2,420,000 742,500 - 2,750,000 N 16th Street S/W ['I' St. to 'G' 15 TR09-2000 St.] 302,500 55,000 - 50,000 252,500 - - - 247,500 N Lincoln/Laurel Rechonnelization/Signal/Roun 16 TR18-1999 dabout 605,000 103,000 - - 55,000 550,000 - - - 502,000 N Lauridsen Blvd Reconstruction 17 TR21-1999 [Trk Rt. To 'L' St.] 2,750,000 2,750,000 - - - 330,000 2,420,000 - N 2nd & Valley Pavement 18 TR01-2004 Restoration 540,000 540,000 - - 48,000 492,000 - - _ N 10th Street S/W ['N' Street to 19 TR11-2000 'M' Street] 605,000 165,000 - - - 55,000 550,000 - - 440,000 N 10th Street ['M' Street to 'I' 20 TR12-2000 Street] 665,000 180,000 - - - - 60,000 605,000 485,000 N Park Avenue Reconstruction 21 TR12-1999 [Peabody to Race] 1,320,000 330,000 - - 165,000 1,155,000 - - - 990,000 N 22 TR02-2006 Sidewalk Fill In Gaps 875,000 500,000 - - 175,000 175,000 175,000 175,000 175,000 375,000 N 23 TR02-2001 Ennis St. Slide Repair 300,000 300,000 - - - 300,000 - _ _ N 24 TRO5-2006 Valley Creek Loop Trail 100,000 50,000 - - 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 - 50,000 N FirsUFronURailroad Street 25 TR04-2007 Rehabilation 825,000 825,000 - - 825,000 - _ _ _ N 26 TR02-2007 Laurel St. Sidewalk Phase I 300,000 63,000 - - 300,000 - - - - 237,000 N Laurel Street Sidewalk Phase 27 TR03-2007 II 220,000 60,000 - - - 220,000 - - - 160,000 N Laurel StreeVAhlvers Road 28 TR04-1999 Reconstruction 1,595,000 748,000 - - 605,000 990,000 - - 847,000 N Old Mill Rd/Scrivner Rd 29 TR02-2004 Improvements 840,000 840,000 - - - 78,000 60,000 402,000 300,000 N 30 TR07-1999 Milwaukee Drive Phase I 2,640,000 2,640,000 - - 275,000 2,365,000 - - N Mt Angeles Road/Porter Street 31 TR70-1999 LID 2,750,000 2,750,000 - - - - - 275,000 2,475,000 2,750,000 N N:\CFP\2009\Resolution Exhibit A.XLS.xIs Exhibit „/'1" I 5/G282009 2009 - 2015 CAPITAL FACILITIES PROJECTS PRIORITY ORDER CFP /TIP SUMMARY PAGE 4 DIVISION PRIORITY PROJECT ID PROJECT TITLE TOTAL PROJECT COSTS TOTAL CITY COST 2009 TOTAL COSTS 2010 TOTAL COSTS 2011 TOTAL COSTS 2012 TOTAL COSTS 2013 TOTAL COSTS 2014 TOTAL COSTS 2015 TOTAL COSTS GRANTS & CONTRIB. BONDS & LOANS OUTSIDE MANDATE 32 TR69-1999 Rhoads Road Area LID 1,232,000 1,232,000 - - - - 1,232,000 - 1,232,000 N 33 TR97-1999 C Street and Fairmont LID 3,250,000 3,250,000 - - - - - 325,000 2,925,000 3,250,000 N 34 TR71-1999 10th/13th and "I"P'M" Street LID 3,025,000 3,025,000 - - - 275,000 - 2,750,000 - 3,025,000 N 35 TR16-1999 16th Street Reconstruction Phase II 4,070,000 4,070,000 - - - 385,000 3,685,000 - - N 36 TR10-1999 10th Street Reconstruction 968,000 968,000 - - 88,000 880,000 - - N 37 TR17-1999 Truck Route at US101 Intersection 2,750,000 2,750,000 - - - - - 550,000 2,200,000 N 38 TR13-2000 'N' Street Sidewalk [14th St. to 18th St.] 330,000 55,000 - - 55,000 275,000 - - - 275,000 N 39 TR32-1999 9th Street Widening 95,000 95,000 - - - - - - 95,000 N 40 TR08-1999 Milwaukee Drive Phase II 4,400,000 4,400,000 - - - - 4,400,000 - - N 41 TR13-1999 City-Wide Traffic Signal InterconnecUPre-emption 660,000 660,000 - - - - 660,000 - N 42 TR05-1999 Hill Street Intersection Reconstruction 440,000 275,000 - - - - 440,000 - - 165,000 N 43 TR14-2000 Airport Industrial Park Streets 2,475,000 275,000 - - 682,000 1,100,000 693,000 - - 2,200,000 N 44 TR80-1999 Lauridsen Blvd/Washington Street Reconstruct 432,000 66,000 - - - 66,000 66,000 300,000 - 366,000 N 45 TR02-2008 Alternative Cross-Town Route Study 220,000 220,000 - 220,000 - - - N 46 TR14-1999 White's Creek Crossing 8,800,000 8,800,000 - - - - - 1,650,000 7,150,000 N 47 TR06-2007 Vine Street Paving 110,000 110,000 - - - 110,000 - - - N 49 TR03-2008 O Street Improvements (14th to 16th Streets) .500,000 500,000 - - - 500,000 - - N 50 TR02-2009 Race Street Bicycle Lanes 100,000 60,000 - 50,000 - - - - - 40,000 N 51 TR07-2009 8th and "C" Streets Roundabout 400,000 400,000 - - - - - - 400,000 N 52 TR08-2009 Downtown Parking Study 100,000 100,000 - 100,000 - - - - - N 53 TR09-2009 Way-Finding Signage Concept 100,000 100,000 - 15,000 85,000 - - - N 54 TR10-2009 FirsUFront Race Street Nodes 50,000 50,000 - 50,000 - - - - - N TOTAL OF MANDATED STREET PROJECTS 240,000 165,000 40,000 80,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 75,000 TOTAL OF ALL STREET PROJECTS 88,875,640 58,430,625 1,520,000 12,235,000 5,817,400 12,068,500 17,241,000 9,069,500 16,285,000 30,455,015 10,257,000 C LCV 1 Rll~ ~ 1 CL01-2007 Downtown Protective Devices 60,000 60,000 60,000 - - - - - - N Upgrade College Substation 1 CL02-2007 Relays 110,000 110,000 50,000 - - - - - - N 1 CL05-2007 Laurel Substation Structure 105,000 105,000 105,000 - - - - - - N Exh' 't "A" ~ - 70 N:~009\Resolution Exhibit A.XLS.xIs 009 • 2009 - 2015 CAPIT~CILITIES PROJECTS CFP /TIP SUMMAR~E 5 PRIORITY ORDER TOTAL DIVISION PRIORITY PROJECT ID PROJECT TITLE PROJECT COSTS TOTAL CITY COST 2009 TOTAL COSTS 2010 TOTAL COSTS 2011 TOTAL COSTS 2012 TOTAL COSTS 2013 TOTAL COSTS 2014 TOTAL COSTS 2015 TOTAL COSTS GRANTS & CONTRIB. BONDS & LOANS OUTSIDE MANDATE City Hall Annex Energy 1 CL05-2008 Conservation Improvements 370,000 320,000 170,000 100,000 100,000 - - - - 50,000 320,000 N Rayonier Transmission Line 1 CL06-2007 Renovation 230,000 230,000 30,000 200,000 - - _ _ _ N Distribution System Efficiency 1 CL06-2008 Improvements 230,000 230,000 30,000 - 200,000 - - - - 200,000 N 2 CL01-2009 F-Street 1202 Upgrade 170,000 170,000 - 170,000 - _ _ _ N 2 CL02-2009 Cable Restoration Phase II 100,000 100,000 - 100,000 - - _ _ _ N Advanced Metering 2 CL03-2008 Infrastructure -Electric 2,000,000 2,000,000 - 2,000,000 - - - - - 2,000,000 N BPA Demand Response and 2 CL03-2009 Smart Grid Programs 1,500,000 150,000 - 500,000 500,000 500,000 - 1,350,000 N Landfill Gas To Energy Tier 2 2 CL07-2009 Generation Program 1,150,000 1,150,000 - 150,000 1,000,000 - - - - 1,150,000 N Demand Management Tier 2 2 CLOG-2009 Generation Program 150,000 150,000 - 30,000 120,000 - - _ _ N PA Hardwood Tier 2 2 CL11-2009 Cogeneration Program 30,000 30,000 - 30,000 - - _ _ _ N Morse Creek Hydro SCADA 2 CL13-2009 System Improvements 75,000 75,000 - 75,000 - _ _ _ Y City Facility Tier 2 3 CLOG-2009 Conservation Program 2,400,000 1,800,000 - 400,000 400,000 400,000 400,000 400,000 400,000 600,000 1,800,000 N Upgrade "A" Street Substation 4 CL02-2006 Transformer 860,000 860,000 - - 60,000 800,000 - - - 800,000 N 5 CL01-2006 Eclipse -Add Second Source 286,000 286,000 - - 26,000 260,000 - N 6 CL07-2007 Underground Feeder F-1202 100,000 100,000 - - 100,000 - - _ N Feeder Tie Porter To Golf 7 CL02-2002 Course 260,000 260,000 - - 30,000 230,000 - - _ N Feeder Tie Hwy 101, Cherry 8 CL01-2004 Street to Pine Street 60,000 60,000 - - 60,000 - - _ N Street Light Upgrades Tier 2 9 CL05-2009 Conservation Program 1,200,000 1,200,000 - - 300,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 - 1,200,000 N Commercial Tier 2 10 CL09-2009 Conservation Program 1,000,000 1,000,000 - - 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 1,000,000 N Residential Tier 2 11 CL12-2009 Conservation Program 4,000,000 4,000,000 - - 800,000 800,000 800,000 800,000 800,000 4,000,000 N PUD Assumption in Previously 12 CL04-2007 Annexed Areas 100,000 100,000 - - - 100,000 - - _ N Olympic Medical Center 13 CL08-2007 Redundant Power Source 110,000 110,000 - - - 110,000 _ N 14 CL07-1999 Airport Industrial Park 800,000 - - - 400,000 200,000 200,000 - 800,000 N 15 CL03-2006 Install Peabody Substation 770,000 770,000 - - - - 440,000 330,000 - N Morse Creek Hydro Tier 2 16 CL10-2009 Generation Program 30,000 30,000 - 30,000 - _ _ N TOTAL OF MANDATED ELECTRIC PROJECTS 75,000 75,000 - 75,000 - _ _ N:\CFP\20091Resolution Exhibit A.XLS.xIs `~X' ^ ~ "+~ ` „^„ I 58/2009 2009 - 2015 CAPITAL FACILITIES PROJECTS PRIORITY ORDER CFP /TIP SUMMARY PAGE 6 TOTAL DIVISION PROJECT TOTAL CITY 2009 TOTAL 2010 TOTAL 2011 TOTAL 2012 TOTAL 2013 TOTAL 2014 TOTAL 2015 TOTAL GRANTS & BONDS & OUTSIDE PRIORITY PROJECT ID PROJECT TITLE COSTS COST COSTS COSTS COSTS COSTS COSTS COSTS COSTS CONTRIB. LOANS MANDATE TOTAL OF ALL ELECTRIC PROJECTS 18,256,000 15,456,000 445,000 3,785,000 3,896,000 4,100,000 2,340,000 2,230,000 1,400,000 2,800,000 12,470,000 SOLID WASTE PROJECTS Post-Closure Beach 1 SW01-2009 Nourishment TOTAL OF MANDATED SOLID WASTE PROJECTS TOTAL OF ALL SOLID WASTE PROJECTS - ~ - ~ 30 000 - ~ - ~ 35,000 ~ - ~ - ~ Y - 30,000 - - 35,000 - - _ - 30.000 - - 35.000 - - YVH 1 CR rRVJGIi 1 J 1 WT02-2001 Elwha Dam Mitigation 330,000 - 110,000 110,000 - - - - 330,000 N 1 WT02-2006 Bi-Annual Replacements 1,400,000 1,400,000 320,000 340,000 - 360,000 - 380,000 - N Concrete Cylinder Pipe 1 WT02-2009 Replacement 7,750,000 7,750,000 575,000 1,455,000 1,430,000 1,430,000 1,430,000 1,430,000 - 7,750,000 N 1 WT04-2007 Directed Services 365,000 365,000 85,000 55,000 55,000 60,000 60,000 - - N McDougal Pump Station 1 WT64-1999 Improvements 540,000 540,000 290,000 250,000 - - - - - N 1 WT65-1999 UGA Water Customers 20,000 20,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 - - - - N Advanced Metering 2 WT01-2008 Infrastructure - Water/Wastewater 2,000,000 2,000,000 - 2,000,000 - - - - - 2,000,000 N 3 Wi01-2007 Dry Creek Water Settlement 150,000 150,000 - 150,000 - - - - - N 4 WT03-2005 Vulnerability Improvements 210,000 210,000 - 65,000 70,000 75,000 - - - N Transfer Morse Creek Water 5 WT03-2009 Lines to Clallam PUD 500,000 250,000 - 100,000 400,000 - - - - 250,000 N E Street Reservoir Cover 6 WT01-2009 Repainting 200,000 200,000 - - 200,000 - - - - N Airport Industrial Park Water 7 WT01-2000 Line 1,500,000 - - 180,000 660,000 660,000 - - - 1,500,000 N TOTAL OF MANDATED WATER PROJECTS TOTAL OF ALL WATER PROJECTS 1 D 12,685,000 0 4.710.000 2,820,000 2,585,000 1,490,000 1,810,000 - 2,080,000 9,750,000 1 WW01-2007 YYHJ ~ CYYM I CR rnVacv ~.a Directed Services 405,000 405,000 60,000 65,000 70,000 75,000 80,000 - - N 1 WW03-2005 Plaht Headworks Improvements 375,000 375,000 25,000 - 350,000 - - - - Y 1 WW08-2008 Combined Sewer Overflows Phase I 28,955,500 28,955,500 1,150,000 8,025,500 4,945,000 9,890,000 4,945,000 - - 28,555,500 Y 2 WW27-1999 Bi-Annual Replacements Lines 900,000 900,000 275,000 - 300,000 - 325,000 - - N 3 WW01-2008 Dry Polymer Feeder Replacement WWTP 54,000 54,000 54,000 - - - - - - N N:~009\Resolution Exhibit A.XLS.xIs Exh' 't "A„ i - 72 009 • 2009 - 2015 CAPIT~CILITIES PROJECTS CFP /TIP SUMMAR~E 7 PRIORITY ORDER TOTAL DIVISION PROJECT TOTAL CITY 2009 TOTAL 2010 TOTAL 2011 TOTAL 2012 TOTAL 2013 TOTAL 2014 TOTAL 2015 TOTAL GRANTS & BONDS & OUTSIDE PRIORITY PROJECT ID PROJECT TITLE COSTS COST COSTS COSTS COSTS COSTS COSTS COSTS COSTS CONTRIB. LOANS MANDATE Septage Receiving Station 4 WW02-2008 WWTP 727,500 727,500 28,000 102,500 - 597,000 - - N Combined Sewer OverFlows 5 WW10-2008 Phase II 12,200,000 12,200,000 - - - 1,125,000 3,800,000 7,275,000 - 8,700,000 Y 6 WW03-2008 Pump Station #3 Replacement 138,000 138,000 - 138,000 - - _ _ _ N 7 WW04-2008 Carbon Scrubbers WWTP 51,200 51,200 - 51,200 - - _ _ _ N Waste Activated Sludge 8 WW06-2008 Thickening WWTP 100,000 100,000 - 100,000 - - _ _ N Plant Oe-Watering 9 WW02-2005 Improvements 1,000,000 1,000,000 - - 1,000,000 - - - 1,000,000 N Digester Mixing Improvement 10 WWO5-2008 WWl-P 300,000 300,000 - - 300,000 - _ _ N 11 WWO5-2006 Sewer Trestle at Francis 8 8th 475,000 475,000 - 75,000 400,000 - _ _ _ N 12 WW03-2000 Lindberg Rd Sewer LID 1,200,000 - - - 125,000 1,075,000 - - - 1,200,000 N 13 WW02-2000 Airport Industrial Sewer 1,300,000 - - - 150,000 575,000 575,000 - - 1,300,000 N Golf Course Road Sewer 14 WW05-1999 Interceptor 1,000,000 - - - 140,000 860,000 - - - 1,000,000 N West UGA Basin 2 Sewer 15 WW07-2008 Extension 7,100,000 - - - - 1,000,000 6,100,000 - - 7,100,000 N West UGA Basin 3 Sewer 16 WW09-2008 Extension 6,100,000 - - - - - 900,000 5,200,000 - 6,100,000 N West UGA Basin 4 Sewer 17 WW11-2008 Extension 2,500,000 - - - - - - 500,000 2,000,000 2,500,000 N s TOTAL OF MANDATED WASTEWATER PROJECTS 12,575,000 12,575,000 25,000 - 350,000 1,125,000 3,800,000 7,275,000 - - 8,700,000 TOTAL OF ALL WASTEWATER PROJECTS 64,881,200 45,681,200 1,592,000 8,557,200 7,780,000 15,197,000 16,725,000 12,975,000 2,000.000 19.200.000 38.255.500 RT(1RMWATFR DRl1 ICr`Tc 1 DR01-2008 Water Quality Project 100,000 100 000 - _ _ _ City-Wide Catch Basin , _ _ _ Y 1 DR02-1999 Modifications 585,000 585,000 85,000 - - 100,000 105,000 110,000 115,000 y 4th Street Stormwater 1 DR03-2009 Improvements 800,000 275,000 75,000 500,000 225,000 - - - - 525,000 N Stormwater at Canyon Edge & 1 DR04-2004 Ahlvers 500,000 500,000 50,000 - 250,000 200,000 _ _ Y Stormwater Outfalls to Streams 2 DRO7-2004 and Marine 250,000 250,000 - 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 _ y CMMS for Stormwater NPDES 2 DR01-2009 Phase II Permit 30 000 30 000 - 30 000 - , , , _ _ _ _ N 2 DR02-2009 Culvert Repair 170,000 170,000 - 50,000 - 50,000 - 50,000 - N Peabody Creek/Lincoln St 2 DR14-1999 Culvert Rehab 760,000 380,000 - 3,000 - - 122,000 635,000 - 380,000 Y Stormwater at Campbell & 3 DR06-2004 Porter 500,000 500,000 - - - 50,000 200,000 250,000 - 425,000 Y 10th And "N" Street Regional 4 DR65-1999 Storm Detention 550,000 550,000 - - - 300,000 250,000 - - 505,000 Y N:\CFP\2009\Resolution Exhibit A.XLS.xIs Exhibit „A" I 58/2009 2009 - 2015 CAPITAL FACILITIES PROJECTS PRIORITY ORDER CFP /TIP SUMMARY PAGE 8 DIVISION PRIORITY PROJECT ID PROJECT TITLE TOTAL PROJECT COSTS TOTAL CITY COST 2009 TOTAL COSTS 2010 TOTAL COSTS 2011 TOTAL COSTS 2012 TOTAL COSTS 2013 TOTAL COSTS 2014 TOTAL COSTS 2015 TOTAL COSTS GRANTS 8 CONTRIB. BONDS & LOANS OUTSIDE MANDATE 5 DR53-1999 Stormwater Discharges Over Bluff 670,000 670,000 - - 190,000 - 120,000 120,000 Y 6 DR08-2004 Lincoln Park/Big Boy Pond 300,000 300,000 - - - - 30,000 270,000 - 255,000 Y 7 DR07-2004 Stormwater "C" Street Extension 500,000 500,000 - - - - 50,000 200,000 250,000 Y 8 DROS-2004 Stormwater at Rose 8 Thistle 500,000 500,000 - - - - 50,000 200,000 250,000 425,000 Y 9 DR03-2004 Stormwater at Laurel & US101 500,000 500,000 - - - - 50,000 200,000 Y 10 DR02-2004 Upper Golf Course Rd. Area Stormwater 500,000 500,000 - - - 50,000 200,000 250,000 425,000 Y 11 DR03-1999 Milwaukee Dr. Stormwater Improvements 1,200,000 1,200,000 - - - - 150,000 150,000 150,000 Y 12 DR01-2001 First St. Stormwater Separation 250,000 250,000 - - - - - - 50,000 Y 13 DR01-2006 Valley Street Erosion Improvements 40,000 40,000 - - - - - - Y fAL OF MANDATED STORMWATER PROJECTS 7,705,000 7,325,000 135,000 53,000 300,000 890,000 1,057,000 2,235,000 1,385,000 360,000 2,035 TOTAL OF ALL STORMWATER PROJECTS 8 705 000 7 800 000 210 000 633 000 525 000 940 000 1 057 000 2 285 000 1,385,000 905,000 2,035 TOTAL OF ALL MANDATED UTILITY PROJECTS 20,448,000 20,068,000 188,000 128,000 650,000 2,045,000 4,857,000 9,510,000 1,420,000 380,000 10,735 TOTAL OF ALL UTILITY PROJECTS 106 900 200 81 915 200 3 660 000 17 685 200 15 021 000 22 852 000 21 612 000 19,300,000 4,820,000 24,985,000 62,510 mrvicmr~ i wn ~ ca. nrvv~w Dedicated Emergency Information Technology - - N 1 IT01-2007 Generator 50,000 50,000 50,000 - - - - 1 ITOS-2006 Data/Voice Equipment 370,000 370,000 370,000 - - - - - - N Novell File Svrs OS Platform & 2 IT03-2009 Apps Migration/Upgd 200,000 200,000 - 150,000 50,000 - - - - N Repl/Centralize Server Data N 3 IT01-2009 Storage/Backup Cap. 165,000 165,000 - - 165,000 - - - - iSeries HTE System 4 IT02-2009 Upgrade/HA Redundancy 125,000 125,000 - - 125,000 - - - N Council Chambers Audio 5 IT02-2007 System 67,000 67,000 - 67,000 - - - - - N TOTAL OF MANDATED IT PROJECTS - - - - - - - - TOTAL OF ALL IT PROJECTS 977,000 _977,000 420,000 217,000 340,000 - - - - - - GRAND TOTAL OF MANDATED PROJECTS 21,453,000 20,349,000 253,000 948,000 670,000 2,065,000 4,877,000 9,530,000 1,440,000 1,104,000 10,735,000 GRAND TOTAL OF ALL PROJECTS 206,554,840 147,908,325 5,845,000 33,608,200 23,749,400 37,610,500 39,308,000 28,639,500 21,205,000 58,656,515 74,753,500 l N:~009\Resolution Exhibit A.XLS.xIs Exh' 't "A„ i - 74 009 • 2009 - 2015 CAPIT~CILITIES PROJECTS CFP /TIP SUMMAR1t~E 1 PRIORI ORDER TOTAL DIVISION PROJECT TOTAL CITY 2009 TOTAL 2010 TOTAL 2011 TOTAL 2012 TOTAL 2013 TOTAL 2014 TOTAL 2015 TOTAL GRANTS & BONDS & OUTSIDE PRIORITY PROJECT ID PROJECT TITLE COSTS COST COSTS COSTS COSTS COSTS COSTS COSTS COSTS CONTRIB. LOANS MANDATE GENERAL PROJECTS 1 GG03-2003 Infrastructure Development (NICE Program) 700,000 700,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 N 2 GG01-2005 Harbor Master Plan 50,000 50,000 25,000 25,000 - - _ _ _ y 3 GG01-2002 Ediz Hook Rip Rap Repair 715,000 66,000 715,000 - - - - 649,000 Y 4 GG03-2007 City Hall Parking Lot Repair 50,000 50,000 - 50,000 - _ _ N 5 GG03-2009 East Entryway Monument 100,000 100,000 - 20,000 80,000 - - _ N 6 GG02-2009 Shoreline Archaeo- Geophysical Study 100,000 100,000 - 100,000 _ _ _ _ N 7 GG01-2009 Harbor-Wide Geomorphology 100,000 100,000 - 100,000 - - _ _ _ N 8 GG04-2009 Building HeighWiewshed Study 75,000 75,000 - 75,000 - - - _ N FIRE PROJECTS Electronic Medical Incident 1 FR01-2009 Reporting 36,000 36,000 - 36,000 - - _ N Wireless Mobile Data for Fire 2 FR02-2009 Apparatus 120,000 - - 50,000 70,000 - - - - 120,000 N 3 FR07-1999 West Side Fire Station 1,986,000 1,986,000 - - 171,000 1,815,000 - 1,986,000 N PARKS PROJECTS 1 PK06-2005 Replace Roof of Vern Burton 150,000 150,000 - 150,000 - - _ _ N Ediz Hook West Boat Dock 2 PK04-2009 Repair-FEMA Mitigation 250,000 62,500 - 250,000 - - - 187,500 N Olympic Discovery Trail 2 PK05-2009 Repair-FEMA Mitigation 860,D00 215,000 - 860,000 - - - - - 645,000 N Waterfront Trail Rip-Rap 2 PK06-2009 Repair-FEMA Mitigation 500,000 125,000 - 100,000 400,000 - - - 375,000 N City Pier Fire Suppression 3 PK03-2009 System 200,000 200,000 - 100,000 100,000 - - _ _ N Civic Field Upgrades (Facility 4 PK04-2007 Assessment) 20,000 20,000 20,000 - - _ _ _ N 5 PK02-2005 Restroom Replacement 375,000 375,000 - 125,000 125,000 125,000 - - _ N Neighborhood Park 6 PK08-2002 Renovation 500,000 500,000 - 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 N Olympic Discovery Trail Tree 7 PK04-2005 & Armor Replacement 250,000 250,000 - 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50;000 - N 8 PK02-2009 Off-Leash Dog Park 15,000 15,000 - 15,000 - - _ N 9 PK01-2009 Port Angeles Marine Park 100,000 - - 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 - 100,000 N City Pier /Hollywood Beach 10 PK01-2002 Renovation 100,000 100,000 - - - 15,000 85,000 N Lincoln Park Development 11 PK03-2006 Plan 50,000 50,000 - 50,000 - _ _ N N:\CFP12009\ResolutionExhibitA.XLS.xIs Exhibit „t'1„ I 58/2009 2009 - 2015 CAPITAL FACILITIES PROJECTS PRIORITY ORDER CFP /TIP SUMMARY PAGE 2 TOTAL DIVISION PROJECT TOTAL CITY 2009 TOTAL 2010 TOTAL 2011 TOTAL 2012 TOTAL 2013 TOTAL 2014 TOTAL 2015 TOTAL GRANTS & BONDS & OUTSIDE PRIORITY PROJECT ID PROJECT TITLE COSTS COST COSTS COSTS COSTS COSTS COSTS COSTS COSTS CONTRIB. LOANS MANDATE Fine Arts Center Entrance 12 PK02-2006 Improvements 50,000 - 50,000 - - - - - 50,000 N 13 PK06-2006 Lions Park Development 225,000 225,000 - 85,000 75,000 65,000 - - - N Shane & Elks Ball Field 14 PK04-2006 Lighting Project 200,000 200,000 - - - 100,000 100,000 - - N 15 PK11-2006 City Pier Float Replacement 750,000 750,000 - - 750,000 - - - - N Tennis Courts at Erickson 16 PK03-2007 Park Lighting 75,000 50,000 - - 75,000 - - - - 25,000 N YVLIIiC YKVJCI. I J Wireless Mobile Data and 1 PD01-2009 Voice Radio Upgrades 500,000 - 100,000 200,000 200,000 - - - - 500,000 N Evidence Relocation & Patrol 2 PD02-2009 Work Area 300,000 - 45,000 255,000 - - - - 300,000 N Regional Firearms Training 3 PD03-2007 Facility 300,000 35,000 - - 300,000 - - - 265,000 N TOTAL OF MANDATED GENERAL FUND PROJECTS 765,000 116,000 25,000 740,000 - - - - nwy,~u~ - TOTAL OF ALL GENERAL FUND PROJECTS 9,802,000 6,585,500 245,000 3,471,000 2,571,000 2,690,000 455,000 270,000 100,000 3,216,500 1,986,000 JIRCCI rRVJGI+IJ 1 TR01-2003 Overlay Program 2,880,000 2,880,000 650,000 340,000 360,000 380,000 400,000 420,000 450,000 N 1 TR01-2005 Gravel Road Paving 175,000 175,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 N 1 TR01-2006 Transportation Comprehensive Plan 100,000 25,000 40,000 60,000 - - - - - 75,000 Y First Street Sidewalk (Ennis - 1 TR02-2000 Golf Course) 430,000 157,000 - 410,000 - - - - - 273,000 N International Watertront 000 180 N 1 TR02-2003 Promenade 1,500,000 1,320,000 - 180,000 720,000 600,000 - - - , 1 TR04-2005 Alley Paving 200,000 200,000 25,000 50,000 - 75,000 - 75,000 - N 1 TR05-2007 1st & Peabody Signal 200,000 20,000 10,000 190,000 - - - - - 180,000 N 16th Street S/W ['G' St. to 1 TR10-2000 Stevens School] 310,000 85,000 15,000 295,000 - - - - - 225,000 N Peabody Street 1 TR33-1999 Reconstruction (5th to 8th) 705,000 470,000 705,000 - - - - - - 235,000 N Olympic Peninsula 1 TR48-1999 International Gateway 14,694,240 6,003,925 - - - - - - - 8,690,315 N 1 TR74-1999 Sidewalk Program 350,000 350,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 N Ediz Hook Harbor Erosion 2 TR05-2009 Repair-FEMA Mitigation 250,000 62,500 - 250,000 - - - - 187,500 N Retaining Wall Repair-FEMA 3 TR06-2009 Mitigation 350,000 87,500 - 350,000 - - - - 262,500 N Street Bicycle 4 TR20-1999 FacilitieslRackslStriping 120,000 120,000 - 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 N 5 TR26-1999 ADA Curb Ramps 140,000 140,000 - 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 Y Exh' 't "A„ i - 76 N~009\Resolution Exhibit A.XLS.xIs 2009 2009 - 2015 CAPIT~CILITIES PROJECTS CFP /TIP SUMMARY~E 3 PRIORITY ORDER TOTAL DIVISION PRIORITY PROJECT ID PROJECT TITLE PROJECT COSTS TOTAL CITY COST 2009 TOTAL COSTS 2010 TOTAL COSTS 2011 TOTAL COSTS 2012 TOTAL COSTS 2013 TOTAL COSTS 2014 TOTAL COSTS 2015 TOTAL COSTS GRANTS 8 CONTRIB. BONDS & LOANS OUTSIDE MANDATE Dry Creek Pedestrian 7 TR04-2006 Bridge/Trail Phase II 759,400 262,200 - 100,000 659,400 - - - - 497,200 N MarinelTumwater Pedestrian 8 TR04-2009 Overpass 600,000 60,000 - 600,000 - - - - 540,000 N Upgrades to the Coho Ferry 9 TR03-2009 Terminal 9,000,000 60,000 - 9,000,000 - - - - - 8,950,000 N Replacing Traffic Signal Lights 10 TR01-2009 with LED Bulbs 30,000 - - 30,000 - - - 30,000 N 11 TRO1-2001 Laurel St. Stairs Replacement 302,500 302,500 - - 27,500 275,000 - _ N Oak Street Stairs 12 TR03-2006 Replacement 550,000 550,000 - - 55,000 495,000 - - _ N Lauridsen Blvd. Bridge 13 TR01-2008 Replacement Study Update 25,000 25,000 - - 25,000 - - _ _ N Lauridsen Blvd Bridge 14 TR42-1999 Widening 3,465,000 715,000 - - - 302,500 2,420,000 742,500 - 2,750,000 N 16th Street S/W ['I' St. to'G' 15 TR09-2000 St.] 302,500 55,000 - 50,000 252,500 - - - - 247,500 N Lincoln/Laurel Rechannelization/Sig nal/Roun 16 TR18-1999 dabout 605,000 103,000 - - 55,000 550,000 - 502,000 N Lauridsen Blvd Reconstruction 17 TR21-1999 [Trk Rt. To 'L' St.] 2,750,000 2,750,000 - - - 330,000 2,420,000 - N 2nd & Valley Pavement 18 TR01-2004 Restoration 540,000 540,000 - - 48,000 492,000 _ N 10th Street S/W ['N' Street to 19 TR11-2000 'M' Street] 605,000 165,000 - - - 55,000 550,000 - 440,000 N 10th Street ['M' Street to 'I' 20 TR12-2000 Street] 665,000 160,000 - - - - 60,000 605,000 - 485,000 N Park Avenue Reconstruction 21 TR12-1999 [Peabody to Race] 1,320,000 330,000 - - 165,000 1,155,000 - - - 990,000 N 22 TR02-2006 Sidewalk Fill In Gaps 875,000 500,000 - - 175,000 175,000 175,000 175,000 175,000 375,000 N 23 TR02-2001 Ennis St. Slide Repair 300,000 300,000 - - - 300,000 - - _ N 24 TROS-2006 Valley Creek Loop Trail 100,000 50,000 - - 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 - 50,000 N FirsUFronURailroad Street 25 TR04-2007 Rehabilation 825,000 825,000 - - 825,000 - _ N 26 TR02-2007 Laurel St. Sidewalk Phase I 300,000 63,000 - - 300,000 - - - - 237,000 N Laurel Street Sidewalk Phase 27 TR03-2007 II 220,000 60,000 - - - 220,000 - - - 160,000 N Laurel StreeUAhlvers Road 28 TR04-1999 Reconstruction 1,595,000 748,000 - - 605,000 990,000 - 847,000 N Old Mill Rd/Scrivner Rd 29 TR02-2004 I mprovements 840,000 640,000 - 78,000 60,000 402,000 300,000 N 30 TR07-1999 Milwaukee Drive Phase I 2,640,000 2,640,000 - - 275,000 2,365,000 - _ N Mt Angeles Road/Porter Street 31 TR70-1999 LID 2,750,000 2,750,000 - - - - 275,000 2,475,000 2,750,000 N Exhibit "A•• i - 77 N:\CFP\2009\Resolution Exhibit A.XLS.xIs 5/28!2009 2009 - 2015 CAPITAL FACILITIES PROJECTS PRIORITY ORDER CFP /TIP SUMMARY PAGE 4 DIVISION PRIORITY PROJECT ID PROJECT TITLE TOTAL PROJECT COSTS TOTAL CITY COST 2009 TOTAL COSTS 2010 TOTAL COSTS 2011 TOTAL COSTS 2012 TOTAL COSTS 2013 TOTAL COSTS 2014 TOTAL COSTS 2015 TOTAL COSTS GRANTS & CONTRIB. BONDS & LOANS OUTSIDE MANDATE 32 TR69-1999 Rhoads Road Area LID 1,232,000 1,232,000 - - - - 1,232,000 - - 1,232,000 N 33 TR97-1999 C Street and Fairmont LID 3,250,000 3,250,000 - - - - - 325,000 2,925,000 3,250,000 N 34 TR71-1999 10th/13th and "I"P'M" Street LID 3,025,000 3,025,000 - - - 275,000 - 2,750,000 - 3,025,000 N 35 TR16-1999 16th Street Reconstruction Phase II 4,070,000 4,070,000 - - - 385,000 3,685,000 - - N 36 TR10-1999 10th Street Reconstruction 968,000 968,000 - - 88,000 880,000 - - - N 37 TR17-1999 Truck Route at US101 Intersection 2,750,000 2,750,000 - - - - 550,000 2,200,000 N 38 TR13-2000 'N' Street Sidewalk [14th St. to 18th St.] 330,000 55,000 - - 55,000 275,000 - - - 275,000 N 39 TR32-1999 9th Street Widening 95,000 95,000 - - - - - 95,000 N 40 TR08-1999 Milwaukee Drive Phase II 4,400,000 4,400,000 - - - - 4,400,000 - - N 41 TR13-1999 City-Wide Traffic Signal InterconnecVPre-emption 660,000 660,000 - - - - 660,000 - N 42 TROS-1999 Hill Street Intersection Reconstruction 440,000 275,000 - - - - 440,000 - - 165,000 N 43 TR14-2000 Airport Industrial Park Streets 2,475,000 275,000 - - 682,000 1,100,000 693,000 - 2,200,000 N 44 TR80-1999 Lauridsen BIvdlWashington Street Reconstruct 432,000 66,000 - - - 66,000 66,000 300,000 - 366,000 N 45 TR02-2008 Alternative Cross-Town Route Study 220,000 220,000 - - 220,000 - - - - N 46 TR14-1999 White's Creek Crossing 8,800,000 8,800,000 - - - - - 1,650,000 7,150,000 N 47 TR06-2007 Vine Street Paving 110,000 110,000 - - - 110,000 - - - N 49 TR03-2008 O Street Improvements (14th to 16th Streets) 500,000 500,000 - - - - 500,000 - - N 50 TR02-2009 Race Street Bicycle Lanes 100,000 60,000 - 50,000 - - - - - 40,000 N 51 TR07-2009 8th and "C" Streets Roundabout 400,000 400,000 - - - - - - 400,000 N 52 TR08-2009 Downtown Parking Study 100,000 100,000 - 100,000 - - - - - N 53 TR09-2009 Way-Finding Signage Concept 100,000 100,000 - 15,000 85,000 - - - - N 54 TR10-2009 FirsVFront Race Street Nodes 50,000 50,000 - 50,000 - - - - - N TOTAL OF MANDATED STREET PROJECTS 240,000 165,000 40,000 80,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 75,000 - TOTAL OF ALL STREET PROJECTS 88,875,640 58,430,625 1,520,000 12,235,000 5,817,400 12,068,500 17,241,000 9,069,500 16,285,000 30,455,015 10,257,000 CLG1.r1RIV fRVJGV Iv 1 CL01-2007 Downtown Protective Devices 60,000 60,000 60,000 - - - - - N Upgrade College Substation 1 CL02-2007 Relays 110,000 110,000 50,000 - - - - N 1 CLOS-2007 Laurel Substation Structure 105,000 105,000 105,000 - - - - - - N Exh' 't "A" ~ - ~$ N:~009\Resolution Exhibit A.XLS.xIs 009 • 2009 - 2015 CAPIT~CILITIES PROJECTS CFP /TIP SUMMAR~E 5 PRIORITY ORDER TOTAL DIVISION PRIORITY PROJECT ID PROJECT TITLE PROJECT COSTS TOTAL CITY COST 2009 TOTAL COSTS 2010 TOTAL COSTS 2011 TOTAL COSTS 2012 TOTAL COSTS 2013 TOTAL COSTS 2014 TOTAL COSTS 2015 TOTAL COSTS GRANTS & CONTRIB. BONDS & LOANS OUTSIDE MANDATE City Hall Annex Energy 1 CL05-2008 Conservation Improvements 370,000 320,000 170,000 100,000 100,000 - - - - 50,000 320,000 N Rayonier Transmission Line 1 CL06-2007 Renovation 230,000 230,000 30,000 200,000 - - _ _ N Distribution System Efficiency 1 CL06-2008 Improvements 230,000 230,000 30,000 - 200,000 - - - - 200,000 N 2 CL01-2009 F-Street 1202 Upgrade 170,000 170,000 170,000 - - - _ _ N 2 CL02-2009 Cable Restoration Phase II 100,000 100,000 - 100,000 - - _ _ _ N Advanced Metering 2 CL03-2008 Infrastructure -Electric 2,000,000 2,000,000 - 2,000,000 - - - - - 2,000,000 N BPA Demand Response and 2 CL03-2009 Smart Grid Programs 1,500,000 150,000 - 500,000 500,000 500,000 - - 1,350,000 N Landfill Gas To Energy Tier 2 2 CL07-2009 Generation Program 1,150,000 1,150,000 - 150,000 1,000,000 - - - - 1,150,000 N Demand Management Tier 2 2 CL08-2009 Generation Program 150,000 150,000 - 30,000 120,000 - - _ _ N PA Hardwood Tier 2 2 CL11-2009 Cogeneration Program 30,000 30,000 - 30,000 - - _ _ _ N Morse Creek Hydro SCADA 2 CL13-2009 System Improvements 75,000 75,000 - 75,000 - - _ _ _ Y City Facility Tier 2 3 CL06-2009 Conservation Program 2,400,000 1,800,000 - 400,000 400,000 400,000 400,000 400,000 400,000 600,000 1,800,000 N Upgrade "A" Street Substation 4 CL02-2006 Transformer 860,000 860,000 - - 60,000 800,000 - - - 800,000 N 5 CL01-2006 Eclipse -Add Second Source 286,000 286,000 - - 26,000 260,000 - N 6 CL07-2007 Underground Feeder F-1202 100,000 100,000 - - 100,000 - - _ _ N Feeder Tie Porter To Golf 7 CL02-2002 Course 260,000 260,000 - - 30,000 230,000 - - _ N Feeder Tie Hwy 101, Cherry 8 CL01-2004 Street to Pine Street 60,000 60,000 - - 60,000 - - _ _ N Street Light Upgrades Tier 2 9 CLO5-2009 Conservation Program 1,200,000 1,200,000 - - 300,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 - 1,200,000 N Commercial Tier 2 10 CL09-2009 Conservation Program 1,000,000 1,000,000 - - 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 1,000,000 N Residential Tier 2 11 CL12-2009 Conservation Program PUD Assumption in Previously 4,000,000 4,000,000 - - 800,000 800,000 800,000 800,000 800,000 4,000,000 N 12 CL04-2007 Annexed Areas 100,000 100,000 - - - 100,000 _ _ N Olympic Medical Center 13 CLOS-2007 Redundant Power Source 110,000 110,000 - - - 110,000 - - N 14 CL07-1999 Airport Industrial Park 800,000 - - - - 400,000 200,000 200,000 - 800,000 N 15 CL03-2006 Install Peabody Substation 770,000 770,000 - - - 440,000 330,000 - N Morse Creek Hydro Tier 2 16 CL10-2009 Generation Program 30,000 30,000 - 30,000 - _ _ _ _ N TOTAL OF MANDATED ELECTRIC PROJECTS 75,000 75,000 - 75,000 _ _ N:\CFP\20091ResolutionExhibitA.XLS.xIs Exhibit „/'111 I 5792009 2009 - 2015 CAPITAL FACILITIES PROJECTS PRIORITY ORDER CFP /TIP SUMMARY PAGE 6 TOTAL DIVISION PROJECT TOTAL CITY 2009 TOTAL 2010 TOTAL 2011 TOTAL 2012 TOTAL 2013 TOTAL 2014 TOTAL 2015 TOTAL GRANTS & BONDS 8 OUTSIDE PRIORITY PROJECT ID PROJECT TITLE COSTS COST COSTS COSTS COSTS COSTS COSTS COSTS COSTS CONTRIB. LOANS MANDATE TOTAL OF ALL ELECTRIC PROJECTS 18,256,000 15,456,000 445,000 3,785,000 3,896,000 4,100,000 2,340,000 2,230,000 1,400,000 2,800,000 12,470,000 SOLID WASTE PROJECTS Post-Closure Beach 1 SW01-2009 Nourishment TOTAL OF MANDATED SOLID WASTE PROJECT TOTAL OF ALL SOLID WASTE PROJECT 000 ~ 93 000 ~ 28 000 ~ - ~ - ~ 30,000 ~ - ~ - ~ 35,000 ~ - ~ - ~ Y 000 93,000 28,000 - - 30,000 - - 35,000 - - 000 93,000 28,000 - - 30,000 - - 35,000 - - VVH 1 CR rRVJCti 1 J 1 Wr02-2001 Elwha Dam Mitigation 330,000 - 110,000 110,000 - - - - - 330,000 N 1 WT02-2006 Bi-Annual Replacements 1,400,000 1,400,000 320,000 340,000 - 360,000 380,000 - N Concrete Cylinder Pipe 1 WT02-2009 Replacement 7,750,000 7,750,000 575,000 1,455,000 1,430,000 1,430,000 1,430,000 1,430,000 - 7,750,000 N 1 WT04-2007 Directed Services 365,000 365,000 85,000 55,000 55,000 60,000 60,000 - - N McDougal Pump Station 1 WT64-1999 Improvements 540,000 540,000 290,000 250,000 - - - - - N 1 WT65-1999 UGA Water Customers 20,000 20,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 - - - - N Advanced Metering 2 WT01-2008 Infrastructure - Water/Wastewater 2,000,000 2,000,000 - 2,000,000 - - - - - 2,000,000 N 3 WT01-2007 Dry Creek Water Settlement 150,000 150,000 - 150,000 - - - - N 4 WT03-2005 Vulnerability Improvements 210,000 210,000 - 65,000 70,000 75,000 - - - N Transfer Morse Creek Water 5 Wr03-2009 Lines to Clallam PUD 500,000 250,000 - 100,000 400,000 - - - - 250,000 N E Street Reservoir Cover 6 WT01-2009 Repainting 200,000 200,000 - - 200,000 - - - - N Airport Industrial Park Water 7 WT01-2000 Line 1,500,000 - 180,000 660,000 660,000 - - - 1,500,000 N TOTAL OF MANDATED WATER PROJECTS - - - - - - - - - - - TOTAL OF ALL WATER PROJECTS 14 965 000 12 885 000 1 385 000 4 710 000 2 820 000 2 585 000 1 490,000 1,810,000 - 2,080,000 9,750,000 1 WW01-2007 VV/1J 1 CYYM 1 GR rRVJCV 1 J Directed Services 405,000 405,000 60,000 65,000 70,000 75,000 80,000 - N 1 WW03-2005 Plant Headworks Improvements 375,000 375,000 25,000 - 350,000 - - - - Y 1 WWOS-2008 Combined Sewer Overflows Phase I 28,955,500 28,955,500 1,150,000 8,025,500 4,945,000 9,890,000 4,945,000 - - 28,555,500 Y 2 WW27-1999 Bi-Annual Replacements Lines 900,000 900,000 275,000 - 300,000 - 325,000 - - N 3 WW01-2008 Dry Polymer Feeder Replacement WWTP 54,000 54,000 54,000 - - - - - N Exh' 't "A„ i - so N~009\Resolution Exhibit A.XLS.xIs 2009 • 2009 - 2015 CAPIT~CILITIES PROJECTS CFP /TIP SUMMAR~E 7 PRIORITY ORDER TOTAL DIVISION PRIORITY PROJECT ID PROJECT TITLE PROJECT COSTS TOTAL CITY COST 2009 TOTAL COSTS 2010 TOTAL COSTS 2011 TOTAL COSTS 2012 TOTAL COSTS 2013 TOTAL COSTS 2014 TOTAL COSTS 2015 TOTAL COSTS GRANTS R CONTRIB. BONDS & LOANS OUTSIDE MANDATE Septage Receiving Station 4 WW02-2008 WWTP 727,500 727,500 28,000 102,500 - 597,000 - _ N Combined Sewer Overflows 5 WW10-2008 Phase 11 12,200,000 12,200,000 - - - 1,125,000 3,800,000 7,275,000 - 8,700,000 Y 6 WW03-2008 Pump Station #3 Replacement 138,000 138,000 - 138,000 - - _ _ _ N 7 WW04-2008 Carbon Scrubbers WWTP 51,200 51,200 - 51,200 - _ _ _ N Waste Activated Sludge 8 WW06-2008 Thickening WWTP 100,000 100,000 - 100,000 - - _ _ N Plant De-Watering 9 WW02-2005 Improvements 1,000,000 1,000,000 - - 1,000,000 - - - - 1,000,000 N Digester Mixing Improvement 10 WW05-2008 WWfP 300,000 300,000 - - 300,000 - - _ _ N 11 WWOS-2006 Sewer Trestle at Francis & 8th 475,000 475,000 - 75,000 400,000 - _ N 12 WW03-2000 Lindberg Rd Sewer LID 1,200,000 - - - 125,000 1,075,000 - - 1,200,000 N 13 WW02-2000 Airport Industrial Sewer 1,300,000 - - - 150,000 575,000 575,000 - - - 1,300,000 N Golf Course Road Sewer 14 WWOS-1999 Interceptor 1,000,000 - - - 140,000 860,000 - - - 1,000,000 N West UGA Basin 2 Sewer 15 WW07-2008 Extension 7,100,000 - - - - 1,000,000 6,100,000 - 7,100,000 N West UGA Basin 3 Sewer 16 WW09-2008 Extension 6,100,000 - - - - - 900,000 5,200,000 - 6,100,000 N West UGA Basin 4 Sewer 17 WW11-2008 Extension 2,500,000 - - - - - - 500,000 2,000,000 2,500,000 N TOTAL OF MANDATED WASTEWATER PROJECTS 12,575,000 12,575,000 25,000 - 350,000 1,125,000 3,800,000 7,275,000 - - 8,700,000 TOTAL OF ALL WASTEWATER PROJECTS 64,881,200 45,681,200 1,592,000 8,557,200 7,780,000 15,197,000 16,725,000 12,975,000 2,000,000 19,200,000 38,255,500 CTr1R MVVATCD DD(l IC!`TC 1 DR01-2008 Water Quality Project 100,000 100,000 - - _ _ _ _ _ Y City-Wide Catch Basin 1 DR02-1999 Modifications 585,000 585,000 85,000 - - 100,000 105,000 110,000 115,000 Y 4th Street Stormwater 1 DR03-2009 Improvements 800,000 275,000 75,000 500,000 225,000 - - - - 525,000 N Stormwater at Canyon Edge & 1 DR04-2004 Ahlvers 500,000 500,000 50,000 - 250,000 200,000 - _ Y Stormwater Outfalls to Streams 2 DR01-2004 and Marine 250,000 250,000 - 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 - y CMMS for Stormwater NPDES 2 DR01-2009 Phase II Permit 30,000 30,000 - 30,000 - _ _ _ _ N 2 DR02-2009 Culvert Repair 170,000 170,000 - 50,000 - 50,000 - 50,000 - N Peabody Creek/Lincoln St 2 DR14-1999 Culvert Rehab 760,000 380,000 - 3,000 - - 122,000 635,000 - 380,000 Y Stormwater at Campbell & 3 DR06-2004 Porter 500,000 500,000 - - - 50,000 200,000 250,000 - 425,000 Y 10th And "N" Street Regional 4 DR65-1999 Storm Detention 550,000 550,000 - - - 300,000 250,000 - - 505,000 Y N:\CFP\2009\Resolution Exhibit A.XLS.xIs Exhibit „/`1" I 5/$28/2009 2009 - 2015 CAPITAL FACILITIES PROJECTS PRIORITY ORDER CFP /TIP SUMMARY PAGE 8 TOTAL DIVISION PROJECT TOTAL CITY 2009 TOTAL 2010 TOTAL 2011 TOTAL 2012 TOTAL 2013 TOTAL 2014 TOTAL 2015 TOTAL GRANTS & BONDS & OUTSIDE PRIORITY PROJECT ID PROJECT TITLE COSTS COST COSTS COSTS COSTS COSTS COSTS COSTS COSTS CONTRIB. LOANS MANDATE Stormwater Discharges Over 5 DR53-1999 Bluff 670,000 670,000 - - - 190,000 - 120,000 120,000 Y 6 DR08-2004 Lincoln Park/Big Boy Pond 300,000 300,000 - - - - 30,000 270,000 - 255,000 Y Stormwater "C" Street 7 DR07-2004 Extension 500,000 500,000 - - - - 50,000 200,000 250,000 Y 8 DROS-2004 Stormwater at Rose & Thistle 500,000 500,000 - - - - 50,000 200,000 250,000 425,000 Y 9 DR03-2004 Stormwater at Laurel & US101 500,000 500,000 - - - - - 50,000 200,000 Y Upper Golf Course Rd. Area 10 DR02-2004 Stormwater 500,000 500,000 - - - - 50,000 200,000 250,000 425,000 Y Milwaukee Dr. Stormwater 11 DR03-1999 Improvements 1,200,000 1,200,000 - - - - 150,000 150,000 150,000 Y First St. Stormwater Y 12 DR01-2001 Separation 250,000 250,000 - - - - - - 50,000 Valley Street Erosion 13 DR01-2006 Improvements 40,000 40,000 - - - - - - Y TOTAL OF MANDATED STORMWATER PROJECTS 7,705,000 7,325,000 135,000 53 TOTAL OF ALL STORMWATER PROJECTS 8 705 000 7 800,000 210,000 633 TOTAL OF ALL MANDATED UTILITY PROJECTS 20,448,000 20,068,000 188,000 128 TOTAL OF ALL UTILITY PROJECTS 106 900 200 81 915,200 I 3,660,000 ~ 17,685 000 000 890,000 940,000 1,057,000 1,057,000 2,235,000 2,285,000 1,385,000 1,385,000 380,000 905,000 2,0~ 2,0: 000 2,045,000 4,857,000 9,510,000 1,420,000 380,000 10,7 000 22,852,000 21,612,000 19,300,000 4,820,000 24,985,000 62,51 IryI'VRIYIN IIVIY IGV n1YVLV~a1 r Dedicated Emergency Information Technology 1 IT01-2007 Generator 50,000 50,000 50,000 - - - - - N 1 ITOS-2006 Data/Voice Equipment 370,000 370,000 370,000 - - - - - - N Novell File Svrs OS Platform & 2 IT03-2009 Apps Migration/Upgd 200,000 200,000 - 150,000 50,000 - - - - N Repl/Centralize Server Data 3 IT01-2009 Storage/Backup Cap. 165,000 165,000 - - 165,000 - - - - N iSeries HTE System 4 IT02-2009 Upgrade/HA Redundancy 125,000 125,000 - 125,000 - - - - N Council Chambers Audio 5 IT02-2007 System 67,000 67,000 - 67,000 - - - - N TOTAL OF MANDATED IT PROJECTS - - - - - - - - - - TOTAL OF ALL IT PROJECTS 977,000 977,000 420,000 217,000 340,000 - - - - - - GRAND TOTAL OF MANDATED PROJECTS 21,453,000 20,349,000 253,000 948,000 670,000 2,065,000 4,877,000 9,530,000 1,440,000 1,104,000 10,735,000 GRAND TOTAL OF ALL PROJECTS 206,554,840 147,908,325 5,845,000 33,608,200 23,749,400 37,610,500 39,308,000 28,639,500 21,205,000 58,656,515 74,753,500 N~009\Resolution Exhibit A.XLS.xIs Exh' 't "A" ~ - s2 2009 r 2009 - 2015 CAPIT~CILITIES PROJECTS PRIORITY ORDER CFP / TIP SUMMAR~E 1 TOTAL DIVISION PROJECT TOTAL CITY 2009 TOTAL 2010 TOTAL 2011 TOTAL 2012 TOTAL 2013 TOTAL 2014 TOTAL 2015 TOTAL GRANTS & BONDS 8 OUTSIDE PRIORITY PROJECT ID PROJECT TITLE COSTS COST COSTS COSTS COSTS COSTS COSTS COSTS COSTS CONTRIB. LOANS MANDATE GENERAL PROJECTS 1 GG03-2003 Infrastructure Development (NICE Program) 700,000 700,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 N 2 GG01-2005 Harbor Master Plan 50,000 50,000 25,000 25,000 - _ y 3 GG01-2002 Ediz Hook Rip Rap Repair 715,000 66,000 - 715,000 - - - - - 649,000 Y 4 GG03-2007 City Hall Parking Lot Repair 50,000 50,000 - 50,000 - - - _ _ N 5 GG03-2009 East Entryway Monument 100,000 100,000 - 20,000 80,000 - - - _ N 6 GG02-2009 Shoreline Archaeo- Geophysical Study 100,000 100,000 - 100,000 - - _ _ N 7 GG01-2009 Harbor-Wide Geomorphology 100,000 100,000 - 100,000 _ N 8 GG04-2009 Building HeighWiewshed Study 75,000 75,000 - 75,000 - - - _ N FIRE PROJECTS Electronic Medical Incident 1 FR01-2009 Reporting 36,000 36,000 - 36,000 - - _ _ _ N Wireless Mobile Data for Fire 2 FR02-2009 Apparatus 120,000 - - 50,000 70,000 - - - - 120,000 N 3 FR07-1999 West Side Fire Station 1,986,000 1,986,000 - - 171,000 1,815,000 - - - 1,966,000 N PARKS PROJECTS 1 PK06-2005 Replace Roof of Vern Burton 150,000 150,000 - 150,000 - - _ N Ediz Hook West Boat Dock 2 PK04-2009 Repair-FEMA Mitigation 250,000 62,500 - 250,000 - - - 187,500 N Olympic Discovery Trail 2 PKOS-2009 Repair-FEMA Mitigation 860,000 215,000 - 860,000 - - - - - 645,000 N Waterfront Trail Rip-Rap 2 PK06-2009 Repair-FEMA Mitigation 500,000 125,000 - 100,000 400,000 - - - - 375,000 N City Pier Fire Suppression 3 PK03-2009 System 200,000 200,000 - 100,000 100,000 - - _ _ N Civic Field Upgrades (Facility 4 PK04-2007 Assessment) 20,000 20,000 20,000 - - _ _ N 5 PK02-2005 Restroom Replacement 375,000 375,000 - 125,000 125,000 125,000 - - _ N Neighborhood Park 6 PK08-2002 Renovation 500,000 500,000 - 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 - N Olympic Discovery Trail Tree 7 PK04-2005 & Armor Replacement 250,000 250,000 - 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 N 8 PK02-2009 Off-Leash Dog Park 15,000 15,000 - 15,000 - _ _ N 9 PK01-2009 Port Angeles Marine Park 100,000 - - 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 - 100,000 N City Pier /Hollywood Beach 10 PK01-2002 Renovation 100,000 100,000 - - - 15,000 85,000 - - N Lincoln Park Development 11 PK03-2006 Plan 50,000 50,000 - 50,000 - _ _ _ _ N N:\CFP12009\Resolution Exhibit A.XLS.xIs Exhibit „/1„ I 5/$28/2009 2009 - 2015 CAPITAL FACILITIES PROJECTS PRIORITY ORDER CFP /TIP SUMMARY PAGE 2 TOTAL DIVISION PROJECT TOTAL CITY 2009 TOTAL 2010 TOTAL 2011 TOTAL 2012 TOTAL 2013 TOTAL 2014 TOTAL 2015 TOTAL GRANTS & BONDS & OUTSIDE PRIORITY PROJECT ID PROJECT TITLE COSTS COST COSTS COSTS COSTS COSTS COSTS COSTS COSTS CONTRIB. LOANS MANDATE Fine Arts Center Entrance 12 PK02-2006 Improvements 50,000 - - 50,000 - - - - 50,000 N 13 PK06-2006 Lions Park Development 225,000 225,000 - 85,000 75,000 65,000 - - - N Shane & Elks Ball Field 14 PK04-2006 Lighting Project 200,000 200,000 - - - 100,000 100,000 - - N 15 PK11-2006 City Pier Float Replacement 750,000 750,000 - - 750,000 - - - N Tennis Courts at Erickson 16 PK03-2007 Park Lighting 75,000 50,000 - - 75,000 - - - - 25,000 N rvu~.c rrtvdcv I v Wireless Mobile Data and 1 PDO1-2009 Voice Radio Upgrades 500,000 - 100,000 200,000 200,000 - - - - 500,000 N Evidence Relocation 8 Patrol 2 PD02-2009 Work Area 300,000 - - 45,000 255,000 - - - - 300,000 N Regional Firearms Training 3 PD03-2007 Facility 300,000 35,000 - - - 300,000 - - - 265,000 N TOTAL OF MANDATED GENERAL FUND PROJECTS 765,000 116,000 25,000 740,000 - - - - - 649,000 - TOTAL OF ALL GENERAL FUND PROJECTS 9,802,000 6,585,500 245,000 3,471,000 2,571,000 2,690,000 455,000 270,000 100,000 3,216,500 1,986,000 JIRCLI r 1 TR01-2003 Overlay Program 2,880,000 2,880,000 650,000 340,000 360,000 380,000 400,000 420,000 450,000 N 1 TR01-2005 Gravel Road Paving 175,000 175,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 N Transportation 1 TR01-2006 Comprehensive Plan 100,000 25,000 40,000 60,000 - - - - - 75,000 Y First Street Sidewalk (Ennis - 1 TR02-2000 Golf Course) 430,000 157,000 - 410,000 - - - - - 273,000 N International Waterfront 1 TR02-2003 Promenade 1,500,000 1,320,000 - 180,000 720,000 600,000 - - - 180,000 N 1 TR04-2005 Alley Paving 200,000 200,000 25,000 50,000 - 75,000 - 75,000 - N 1 TROS-2007 1st & Peabody Signal 200,000 20,000 10,000 190,000 - - - 180,000 N 16th Street S/W ['G' St. to 1 TR10-2000 Stevens School] 310,000 65,000 15,000 295,000 - - - - - 225,000 N Peabody Street 1 TR33-1999 Reconstruction (5th to 8th) 705,000 470,000 705,000 - - - - - 235,000 N Olympic Peninsula 1 TR48-1999 International Gateway 14,694,240 6,003,925 - - - - - - - 8,690,315 N 1 TR74-1999 Sidewalk Program 350,000 350,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 N Ediz Hook Harbor Erosion 2 TR05-2009 Repair-FEMA Mitigation 250,000 62,500 - 250,000 - - - - - 187,500 N Retaining Wall Repair-FEMA 3 TR06-2009 Mitigation 350,000 67,500 - 350,000 - - - - 262,500 N Street Bicycle 4 TR20-1999 Facilities/Racks/Striping 120,000 120,000 - 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 N 5 TR26-1999 ADA Curb Ramps 140,000 140,000 - 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 Y Exh' 't "A„ i - s4 N~009\Resolution Exhibit A.XLS.xIs 2009 • 2009 - 2015 CAPIT~CILITIES PROJECTS CFP /TIP SUMMARY~E 3 PRIORITY ORDER TOTAL DIVISION PRIORITY PROJECT ID PROJECT TITLE PROJECT COSTS TOTAL CITY COST 2009 TOTAL COSTS 2010 TOTAL COSTS 2011 TOTAL COSTS 2012 TOTAL COSTS 2013 TOTAL COSTS 2014 TOTAL COSTS 2015 TOTAL COSTS GRANTS & CONTRIB. BONDS & LOANS OUTSIDE MANDATE Dry Creek Pedestrian 7 TR04-2006 Bridge/Trail Phase II 759,400 262,200 - 100,000 659,400 - - - 497,200 N Marine/Tumwater Pedestrian 8 TR04-2009 Overpass 600,000 60,000 - 600,000 - - - - - 540,000 N Upgrades to the Coho Ferry 9 TR03-2009 Terminal 9,000,000 60,000 - 9,000,000 - - - - - 8,950,000 N Replacing Traffic Signal Lights 10 TR01-2009 with LED Bulbs 30,000 - - 30,000 - - - 30,000 N 11 TR01-2001 Laurel St. Stairs Replacement 302,500 302,500 - 27,500 275,000 - N Oak Street Stairs 12 TR03-2006 Replacement 550,000 550,000 - 55,000 495,000 - - N Lauridsen Blvd. Bridge 13 TR01-2008 Replacement Study Update 25,000 25,000 - - 25,000 - - - _ N Lauridsen Blvd Bridge 14 TR42-1999 Widening 3,465,000 715,000 - - - 302,500 2,420,000 742,500 - 2,750,000 N 16th Street S/W ['I' St. to 'G' 15 TR09-2000 St.] 302,500 55,000 - 50,000 252,500 - - - 247,500 N Lincoln/Laurel Rechannelization/Signal/Roun 16 TR18-1999 dabout 605,000 103,000 - - 55,000 550,000 - 502,000 N Lauridsen Blvd Reconstruction 17 TR21-1999 [Trk Rt. To 'L' St.] 2,750,000 2,750,000 - - - 330,000 2,420,000 - N 2nd & Valley Pavement 18 TR01-2004 Restoration 540,000 540,000 - - 48,000 492,000 - - - N 10th Street SIW ['N' Street to 19 TR11-2000 'M' Street] 605,000 165,000 - - - 55,000 550,000 - - 440,000 N 10th Street ['M' Street to 'I' 20 TR12-2000 Street] 665,000 180,000 - - - - 60,000 605,000 485,000 N Park Avenue Reconstruction 21 TR12-1999 [Peabody to Race] 1,320,000 330,000 - - 165,000 1,155,000 - - 990,000 N 22 TR02-2006 Sidewalk Fill In Gaps 875,000 500,000 - - 175,000 175,000 175,000 175,000 175,000 375,000 N 23 TR02-2001 Ennis St. Slide Repair 300,000 300,000 - - - 300,000 - - - N 24 TR05-2006 Valley Creek Loop Trail 100,000 50,000 - - 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 - 50,000 N First/Front/Railroad Street 25 TR04-2007 Rehabilation 825,000 825,000 - - 825,000 - - _ _ N 26 TR02-2007 Laurel St. Sidewalk Phase I 300,000 63,000 - - 300,000 - - - - 237,000 N Laurel Street Sidewalk Phase 27 TR03-2007 II 220,000 60,000 - - - 220,000 - - - 160,000 N Laurel StreeUAhlvers Road 28 TR04-1999 Reconstruction 1,595,000 748,000 - - 605,000 990,000 - - 847,000 N Old Mill Rd/Scrivner Rd 29 TR02-2004 Improvements 840,000 840,000 - - - 78,000 60,000 402,000 300,000 N 30 TR07-1999 Milwaukee Drive Phase I 2,640,000 2,640,000 - - 275,000 2,365,000 - - N Mt Angeles Road/Porter Street 31 TR70-1999 LID 2,750,000 2,750,000 - - - - - 275,000 2,475,000 2,750,000 N N:\CFP\2009\ResolutionExhibitA.XLS.xIs Exhibit „N„ I 5/$28/2009 2009 - 2015 CAPITAL FACILITIES PROJECTS PRIORITY ORDER CFP /TIP SUMMARY PAGE 4 DIVISION PRIORITY PROJECT ID PROJECT TITLE TOTAL PROJECT COSTS TOTAL CITY COST 2009 TOTAL COSTS 2010 TOTAL COSTS 2011 TOTAL COSTS 2012 TOTAL COSTS 2013 TOTAL COSTS 2014 TOTAL COSTS 2015 TOTAL COSTS GRANTS & CONTRIB. BONDS & LOANS OUTSIDE MANDATE 32 TR69-1999 Rhoads Road Area LID 1,232,000 1,232,000 - - - - 1,232,000 - - 1,232,000 N 33 TR97-1999 C Street and Fairmont LID 3,250,000 3,250,000 - - - - - 325,000 2,925,000 3,250,000 N 34 TR71-1999 10th/13th and "I"P'M" Street LID 3,025,000 3,025,000 - - - 275,000 - 2,750,000 - 3,025,000 N 35 TR16-1999 18th Street Reconstruction Phase II 4,070,000 4,070,000 - - - 385,000 3,685,000 - - N 36 TR10-1999 10th Street Reconstruction 968,000 968,000 - - 88,000 880,000 - - - N 37 TR17-1999 Truck Route at US101 Intersection 2,750,000 2,750,000 - - - - - 550,000 2,200,000 N 38 TR13-2000 'N' Street Sidewalk [14th St. to 18th St.] 330,000 55,000 - - 55,000 275,000 - - 275,000 N 39 TR32-1999 9th Street Widening 95,000 95,000 - - - - - - 95,000 N 40 TR08-1999 Milwaukee Drive Phase II 4,400,000 4,400,000 - - - - 4,400,000 - - N 41 TR13-1999 City-Wide Traffic Signal InterconnecUPre-emption 660,000 660,000 - - - - - 660,000 - N 42 TROS-1999 Hill Street Intersection Reconstruction 440,000 275,000 - - - - 440,000 - 165,000 N 43 TR14-2000 Airport Industrial Park Streets 2,475,000 275,000 - - 682,000 1,100,000 693,000 - 2,200,000 N 44 TR80-1999 Lauridsen BIvdlWashington Street Reconstruct 432,000 66,000 - - - 66,000 66,000 300,000 - 366,000 N 45 TR02-2008 Alternative Cross-Town Route Study 220,000 220,000 - - 220,000 - - - - N 46 TR14-1999 White's Creek Crossing 8,800,000 8,800,000 - - - - - 1,650,000 7,150,000 N 47 TR06-2007 Vine Street Paving 110,000 110,000 - - - 110,000 - - - N 49 TR03-2006 O Street Improvements (14th to 16th Streets) 500,000 500,000 - - - 500,000 - - N 50 TR02-2009 Race Street Bicycle Lanes 100,000 60,000 - 50,000 - - - - - 40,000 N 51 TR07-2009 8th and "C" Streets Roundabout 400,000 400,000 - - - - - 400,000 N 52 TR08-2009 Downtown Parking Study 100,000 100,000 - 100,000 - - - - - N 53 TR09-2009 Way-Finding Signage Concept 100,000 100,000 - 15,000 85,000 - - - - N 54 TR10-2009 FirsUFront Race Street Nodes 50,000 50,000 - 50,000 - - - - - N TOTAL OF MANDATED STREET PROJECTS 240,000 165,000 40,000 80,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 75,000 - TOTAL OF ALL STREET PROJECTS 88,875,640 58,430,625 1,520,000 12,235,000 5,817,400 12,068,500 17,241,000 9,069,500 16,285,000 30,455,015 10,257,000 1 CL01-2007 CI-GV 1 Downtown Protective Devices 60,000 60,000 60,000 - - - - - - N 1 CL02-2007 Upgrade College Substation Relays 110,000 110,000 50,000 - - - - - - N 1 CL05-2007 Laurel Substation Structure 105,000 105,000 105,000 - - - - - - N Exh' 't "A„ i - s6 N~009\Resolution Exhibit A.XLS.xIs 2009 • 2009 - 2015 CAPIT~CILITIES PROJECTS CFP /TIP SUMMAR~E 5 PRIORITY ORDER TOTAL DIVISION PRIORITY PROJECT ID PROJECT TITLE PROJECT COSTS TOTAL CITY COST 2009 TOTAL COSTS 2010 TOTAL COSTS 2011 TOTAL COSTS 2012 TOTAL COSTS 2013 TOTAL COSTS 2014 TOTAL COSTS 2015 TOTAL COSTS GRANTS & CONTRIB. BONDS & LOANS OUTSIDE MANDATE City Hall Annex Energy 1 CLOS-2008 Conservation Improvements 370,000 320,000 170,000 100,000 100,000 - - - - 50,000 320,000 N Rayonier Transmission Line 1 CL06-2007 Renovation 230,000 230,000 30,000 200,000 - - - _ _ N Distribution System Efficiency 1 CL06-2008 Improvements 230,000 230,000 30,000 - 200,000 - - 200,000 N 2 CL01-2009 F-Street 1202 Upgrade 170,000 170,000 - 170,000 - - _ _ _ N 2 CL02-2009 Cable Restoration Phase II 100,000 100,000 - 100,000 - - _ _ _ N Advanced Metering 2 CL03-2008 Infrastructure -Electric 2,000,000 2,000,000 - 2,000,000 - - - - - 2,000,000 N BPA Demand Response and 2 CL03-2009 Smart Grid Programs 1,500,000 150,000 - 500,000 500,000 500,000 - - - 1,350,000 N Landfill Gas To Energy Tier 2 2 CL07-2009 Generation Program 1,150,000 1,150,000 - 150,000 1,000,000 - - - 1,150,000 N Demand Management Tier 2 2 CL08-2009 Generation Program 150,000 150,000 - 30,000 120,000 - - - _ N PA Hardwood Tier 2 2 CL11-2009 Cogeneration Program 30,000 30,000 - 30,000 - - _ _ N Morse Creek Hydro SCADA 2 CL13-2009 System Improvements 75,000 75,000 - 75,000 - - - _ _ Y City Facility Tier 2 3 CL06-2009 Conservation Program 2,400,000 1,800,000 - 400,000 400,000 400,000 400,000 400,000 400,000 600,000 1,800,000 N Upgrade "A" Street Substation 4 CL02-2006 Transformer 860,000 860,000 - - 60,000 800,000 - - - 800,000 N 5 CL01-2006 Eclipse-Add Second Source 286,000 286,000 - - 26,000 260,000 - - N 6 CL07-2007 Underground Feeder F-1202 100,000 100,000 - - 100,000 - - _ N Feeder Tie Porter To Golf 7 CL02-2002 Course 260,000 260,000 - - 30,000 230,000 - _ N Feeder Tie Hwy 101, Cherry 8 CL01-2004 Street to Pine Street 60,000 60,000 - - 60,000 - - _ N Street Light Upgrades Tier 2 9 CL05-2009 Conservation Program 1,200,000 1,200,000 - - 300,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 - 1,200,000 N Commercial Tier 2 10 CL09-2009 Conservation Program 1,000,000 1,000,000 - - 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 1,000,000 N Residential Tier 2 11 CL12-2009 Conservation Program 4,000,000 4,000,000 - - 800,000 800,000 800,000 800,000 800,000 4,000,000 N PUD Assumption in Previously 12 CL04-2007 Annexed Areas 100,000 100,000 - - - 100,000 - N Olympic Medical Center 13 CLOS-2007 Redundant Power Source 110,000 110,000 - - - 110,000 - - _ N 14 CL07-1999 Airport Industrial Park 800,000 - - - - 400,000 200,000 200,000 - 800,000 N 15 CL03-2006 Install Peabody Substation 770,000 770,000 - - 440,000 330,000 N Morse Creek Hydro Tier2 16 CL10-2009 Generation Program 30,000 30,000 - 30,000 - - _ N TOTAL OF MANDATED ELECTRIC PROJECTS 75,000 75,000 - 75,000 - - _ N:\CFP12009\Resolution Exhibit A.XLS.xIs Exhibit „/'1„ I 5/28/2009 2009 - 2015 CAPITAL FACILITIES PROJECTS PRIORITY ORDER CFP /TIP SUMMARY PAGE 6 TOTAL DIVISION PROJECT TOTAL CITY 2009 TOTAL 2010 TOTAL 2011 TOTAL 2012 TOTAL 2013 TOTAL 2014 TOTAL 2015 TOTAL GRANTS & BONDS & OUTSIDE PRIORITY PROJECT ID PROJECT TITLE COSTS COST COSTS COSTS COSTS COSTS COSTS COSTS COSTS CONTRIB. LOANS MANDATE TOTAL OF ALL ELECTRIC PROJECTS 18,256,000 15,456,000 445,000 3,785,000 3,896,000 4,100,000 2,340,000 2,230,000 1,400,000 2,800,000 12,470,000 SOLID WASTE PROJECTS Post-Closure Beach 1 SW01-2009 Nourishment 93 TOTAL OF MANDATED SOLID WASTE PROJECTS 93 TOTAL OF ALL SOLID WASTE PROJECTS 93 93 000 ~ 28 000 ~ - ~ - ~ 30 000 I - I - I 35,000 ~ - ~ - ~ Y 93,000 28,000 - - 30,000 - - 35,000 - ne nnn oa nnn _ _ 'in nnn - 35.000 - - VVA 1 CR rRVJC~+ 1 J 1 WT02-2001 Elwha Dam Mitigation 330,000 - 110,000 110,000 - - - - - 330,000 N 1 WT02-2006 Bi-Annual Replacements 1,400,000 1,400,000 320,000 340,000 - 360,000 - 380,000 - N Concrete Cylinder Pipe 1 WT02-2009 Replacement 7,750,000 7,750,000 575,000 1,455,000 1,430,000 1,430,000 1,430,000 1,430,000 - 7,750,000 N 1 WT04-2007 Directed Services 365,000 365,000 85,000 55,000 55,000 60,000 60,000 - N McDougal Pump Station 1 WT64-1999 Improvements 540,000 540,000 290,000 250,000 - - - - N 1 WT65-1999 UGA Water Customers 20,000 20,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 - - - - N Advanced Metering 2 WT01-2008 Infrastructure - Water/Wastewater 2,000,000 2,000,000 - 2,000,000 - - - - - 2,000,000 N 3 WT01-2007 Dry Creek Water Settlement 150,000 150,000 - 150,000 - - - - N 4 WT03-2005 Vulnerability Improvements 210,000 210,000 - 65,000 70,000 75,000 - - - N Transfer Morse Creek Water 5 WT03-2009 Lines to Clallam PUD 500,000 250,000 - 100,000 400,000 - - - - 250,000 N E Street Reservoir Cover 6 WT01-2009 Repainting 200,000 200,000 - - 200,000 - - - - N Airport Industrial Park Water 7 WT01-2000 Line 1,500,000 - - 180,000 660,000 660,000 - - - 1,500,000 N TOTAL OF MANDATED WATER PROJECTS - - - - - - - - - - - TOTAL OF ALL WATER PROJECTS 14 965 000 12 885 000 1 385 000 4 710 000 2 820 000 2 585,000 1,490,000 1,810,000 - 2,080,000 9,750,000 1 WW01-2007 YYHJ 1 CYYN 1 CR I"RVJLV 1 v Directed Services 405,000 405,000 60,000 65,000 70,000 75,000 80,000 - - N 1 WW03-2005 Plant Headworks Improvements 375,OOD 375,000 25,000 - 350,000 - - - - Y 1 WW08-2008 Combined Sewer Overflows Phase I 28,955,500 28,955,500 1,150,000 8,025,500 4,945,000 9,890,000 4,945,000 - - 26,555,500 Y 2 WW27-1999 Bi-Annual Replacements Lines 900,000 900,000 275,000 - 300,000 325,000 - N 3 WW01-2008 Dry Polymer Feeder Replacement WWTP 54,000 54,000 54,000 - - - - - - N N~009\Resolution Exhibit A.XLS.xIs Exh' 't "A" ~ - s8 009 • 2009 - 2015 CAPIT~CILITIES PROJECTS CFP /TIP SUMMAR~E 7 PRIORITY ORDER TOTAL DIVISION PRIORITY PROJECT ID PROJECT TITLE PROJECT COSTS TOTAL CITY COST 2009 TOTAL COSTS 2010 TOTAL COSTS 2011 TOTAL COSTS 2012 TOTAL COSTS 2013 TOTAL COSTS 2014 TOTAL COSTS 2015 TOTAL COSTS GRANTS & CONTRIB. BONDS & LOANS OUTSIDE MANDATE Septage Receiving Station 4 WW02-2008 WWTP 727,500 727,500 28,000 102,500 - 597,000 - - _ N Combined Sewer OverFlows 5 WW10-2008 Phase II 12,200,000 12,200,000 - - - 1,125,000 3,800,000 7,275,000 - 8,700,000 Y 6 WW03-2008 Pump Station #3 Replacement 138,000 138,000 - 138,000 - - _ _ _ N 7 WW04-2008 Carbon Scrubbers WWTP 51,200 51,200 - 51,200 - - _ _ _ N Waste Activated Sludge 8 WW06-2008 Thickening WWTP 100,000 100,000 - 100,000 - - - _ _ N Plant De-Watering 9 WW02-2005 Improvements 1,000,000 1,000,000 - - 1,000,000 - - - - 1,OD0,000 N Digester Mixing Improvement 10 WW05-2008 WWTP 300,000 300,000 - - 300,000 - - _ _ N 11 WWOS-2006 Sewer Trestle at Francis & 8th 475,000 475,000 - 75,000 400,000 - _ N 12 WW03-2000 Lindberg Rd Sewer LID 1,200,000 - - - 125,000 1,075,000 - - 1,200,000 N 13 WW02-2000 Airport Industrial Sewer 1,300,000 - - - 150,000 575,000 575,000 - - 1,300,000 N Golf Course Road Sewer 14 WW05-1999 Interceptor 1,000,000 - - - 140,000 860,000 - - - 1,000,000 N West UGA Basin 2 Sewer 15 WW07-2008 Extension 7,100,000 - - - - 1,000,000 6,100,000 7,100,000 N West UGA Basin 3 Sewer 16 WW09-2008 Extension 6,100,000 - - - - - 900,000 5,200,000 6,100,000 N West UGA Basin 4 Sewer 17 WW11-2008 Extension 2,500,000 - - - - - - 500,000 2,000,000 2,500,000 N TOTAL OF MANDATED WASTEWATER PROJECTS 12,575,000 12,575,000 25,000 - 350,000 1,125,000 3,800,000 7,275,000 - 8,700,000 TOTAL OF ALL WASTEWATER PROJECTS 64,881,200 45,681,200 1,592,000 8,557,200 7,780,000 15,197,000 16,725,000 12,975,000 2,000,000 19,200,000 38,255.500 STCIRMWATFR PR[1_IFCTS 1 DROt-2008 Water Quality Project 100,000 100,000 - - _ _ _ _ Y City-Wde Catch Basin 1 DR02-1999 Modifications 585,000 585,000 85,000 - - 100,000 105,000 110,000 115,000 Y 4th Street Stormwater 1 DR03-2009 Improvements 800,000 275,000 75,000 500,000 225,000 - - 525,000 N Stormwater at Canyon Edge & 1 DR04-2004 Ahlvers 500,000 500,000 50,000 - 250,000 200,000 - y Stormwater Outfalls to Streams 2 DR01-2004 and Marine 250,000 250,000 - 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 y CMMS for Stormwater NPDES 2 DR01-2009 Phase II Permit 30,000 30,000 - 30,000 - - _ _ N 2 DR02-2009 Culvert Repair 170,000 170,000 - 50,000 - 50,000 - 50,000 - N Peabody Creek/Lincoln St 2 DR14-1999 Culvert Rehab 760,000 380,000 - 3,000 - - 122,000 635,000 - 380,000 Y Stormwater at Campbell 8 3 DR06-2004 Porter 500,000 500,000 - - - 50,000 200,000 250,000 - 425,000 Y 10th And "N" Street Regional 4 DR65-1999 Storm Detention 550,000 550,000 - - - 300,000 250,000 505,000 Y N:\CFP\2009\Resolution Exhibit A.XLS.xIs FX~ ~ ~+~ ` "^„ I 5/282009 2009 - 2015 CAPITAL FACILITIES PROJECTS PRIORITY ORDER CFP /TIP SUMMARY PAGE 8 TOTAL DIVISION PROJECT TOTAL CITY 2009 TOTAL 2010 TOTAL 2011 TOTAL 2012 TOTAL 2013 TOTAL 2014 TOTAL 2015 TOTAL GRANTS & BONDS & OUTSIDE PRIORITY PROJECT ID PROJECT TITLE COSTS COST COSTS COSTS COSTS COSTS COSTS COSTS COSTS CONTRIB. LOANS MANDATE Stormwater Discharges Over 5 DR53-1999 Bluff 670,000 670,000 - - - 190,000 - 120,000 120,000 Y 6 DR08-2004 Lincoln Park/Big Boy Pond 300,000 300,000 - - - - 30,000 270,000 - 255,000 Y Stormwater "C" Street 7 DR07-2004 Extension 500,000 500,000 - - - - 50,000 200,000 250,000 Y 8 DROS-2004 Stormwater at Rose & Thistle 500,000 500,000 - - - - 50,000 200,000 250,000 425,000 Y 9 DR03-2004 Stormwater at Laurel R US101 .500,000 500,000 - - - - 50,000 200,000 Y Upper Golf Course Rd. Area 10 DR02-2004 Stormwater 500,000 500,000 - - - 50,000 200,000 250,000 425,000 Y Milwaukee Dr. Stormwater 11 DR03-1999 Improvements 1,200,000 1,200,000 - - - - 150,000 150,000 150,000 Y First St. Stormwater 12 DR01-2001 Separation 250,000 250,000 - - - - - - 50,000 Y Valley Street Erosion 13 DR01-2006 Improvements 40,000 40,000 - - - - - Y TOTAL OF MANDATED STORMWATER PROJECTS 7,705,000 7,325,000 135,000 53,000 300,000 890,000 1,057,000 2,235,000 1,385,000 380,000 2,035,000 TOTAL OF ALL STORMWATER PROJECTS 8,705,000 7,800,000 210,000 633,000 525,000 940,000 1,057,000 2,285,000 1,385,000 905,000 2,035,000 TOTAL OF ALL MANDATED UTILITY PROJECTS 20,448,000 20,068,000 188,000 128,000 650,000 2,045,000 4,857,000 9,510,000 1,420,000 380,000 10,735,000 TOTAL OF ALL UTILITY PROJECTS 106,900,200 81,915,200 3,660,000 17,685,200 15,021,000 22,852,000 21,612,000 19,300,000 4,820,000 24,985,000 62,510,500 u~rvrcmri ~ wig ~ ~.. rn.vw.~ Dedicated Emergency Information Technology 1 IT01-2007 Generator 50,000 50,000 50,000 - - - - - - N 1 ITOS-2006 DataNoice Equipment 370,000 370,000 370,000 - - - - - - N Novell File Svrs OS Platform & 2 IT03-2009 Apps Migration/Upgd 200,000 200,000 - 150,000 50,000 - - - - N RepllCentralize Server Data 3 1701-2009 StoragelBackup Cap. 165,000 165,000 - - 165,000 - - - - N iSeries HTE System 4 IT02-2009 Upgrade/HA Redundancy 125,000 125,000 - - 125,000 - - - - N Council Chambers Audio 5 IT02-2007 System 67,000 67,000 - 67,000 - - - - - N TOTAL OF MANDATED IT PROJECTS - - - - - - - - - - TOTAL OF ALL IT PROJECTS 977,000 977,000 420,000 217,000 340,000 - - - - - - GRAND TOTAL OF MANDATED PROJECTS 21,453,000 20,349,000 253,000 948,000 670,000 2,065,000 4,877,000 9,530,000 1,440,000 1,104,000 10,735,000 GRAND TOTAL OF ALL PROJECTS 206,554,840 147,908,325 5,845,000 33,608,200 23,749,400 37,610,500 39,308,000 28,639,500 21,205,000 58,656,515 74,753,500 Exh' 't "A" ~ - 90 N~009\Resolution Exhibit A.XLS.xIs 009 ~~ City of Port Angeles a= Capital Facilities Plan/ Transportation Improvement Plan 2009 - 2015 June 2, 2009 N:~crv~moe~,nrcFr ~a.~ Presentation • Why a CFP/TIP? • Project Selection Criteria • Project Selection Process • CFP/TIP Process 1 Presentation - c~ont~d> • Completed CFP/TIP Projects • In Progress CFP/TIP Projects • 2009 CFP/TIP Projects • General Governmental Fund Projects • Discussion • Open Public Hearing Why aCFP/TIP? • CFP needed to satisfy State requirements for managed growth • TIP needed to meet State requirements for planning and funding with local agencies • Plan for expenditures by City and others • Securing grant/loan funding 2 Project Book • CFP/TIP Adoption Schedule • Summary - Project Order: Priority - Project Order: Funding Sources • TROS-2009 Ediz Hook Harbor Erosion Repair - TROS-2009 =Transportation Project - TROS-2009 = lst project defined in 2009 - TROS-2009 =Calendar year Project Categories CL = Electric Utility DR = Drainage/Stormwater FR = Fire Department GG = General Fund/Other PD = Police Department PK = Parks and Recreation SW = Solid Waste Utility TR = Transportation WT = Water Utility WW = Wastewater Utility 3 Capital Facilities Plan Project Capital Facilities Plan Project Summary Sheets GraMS & - '. ~ Dmsion Outside -Comdbution Bonds & Total Project Total City '~Projed lD Protect Title Pnontr Mandate s Loans Costs Cost TROS20W Edrz Hook Harbor Erosion Repan FEM4 Mitigation _ __ 2 N 187,500_ _ _ ,250.000 _62:r00 2009 Totol 2010 Totd ' 2011 Total 2012 Totd 2013 ToUI 2014 Totd 2015 Totd Proied ID Costs Costs -Costs Costs Costs '.Costs Costs TROS-zao9 - zso.ooo - - -; -. -. Project Selection Criteria • Council Goals • Employment Impact • Infrastructure • Community Benefits • Safety • Grant /Loan Opportunities • Legal Mandates • Economic Development • Public Health & Safety • Public Need 5 CFP/TIP PROLES S Staff prioritized projects • Council Workshop Public Hearings • Adoption CFP/TIP Project Status Completed: Transportation/Water/Governmental TR33-1999 Peabody St Reconstruction (5th to 8th) (Design) TR48-1999 Olympic Peninsula International Gateway TROT-2001 8th Street Bridges TR07-2007 Waterfront Trail Paving WT02-2007 Corrosion Control Facility WT30-1999 Downtown Watermain Replacement Phase III GG02-2001 Laurel Street Underground (Front to First) 6 CFP/TIP Project Status Completed: Parks/Wastewater PKOS-2002 Neighborhood Park: 5th Street Playground PKO1-2006 Dry Creek Pedestrian Bridge/Trail Ph I (Study) USOS-30 EUGA Sewer Project CFP/TIP Project Status Completed: Information Technology/Light Operations ITOl-2008 Computer Room Environmentals -Phase II ITOl-2006 Replacement of PBX Voice System IT02-2006 Replacement of Computer Fire Suppression System CL09-2007 Cable Injection, Canyon Edge Subdivision CL10-2007 Interim Light Operations Center CL03-2007 Remote Monitoring System 7 CFP/TIP Project Status Ongoing: Stormwater /Police & Fire /Governmental DR03-2009 4th Street Stormwater Improvements DR04-2004 ~ Stormwater at Canyon Edge & Ahlvers GGO1-2005 Harbor Master Plan FRO1-2006 Public Safety Wireless Technology Plan CFP/TIP Project Status Ongoing: Water /Wastewater/ Parks WT64-1999 McDougal Subzone Pump Station WTO1-2006 Concrete Cylinder Pipe Replacement Phase 2 and 3 WT02-2001 Water Treatment Facility (PAWTP, IWTP & ESWn PKOl-2008 Elks Playfield Pickle Ball Court PK04-2009 Ediz Hook West Boat Dock Repair -FEMA Mitigation PKOS-2009 Olympic Discovery Trail Repair -FEMA Mitigation WW03-2004 CSO Design; Francis Street & Associated Projects (Design) WWOl-2008 Dry Polymer Feeder Replacement for WWTP 8 CFP/TIP Project Status Ongoing: Wastewater /Light CLOT-2008 Cable Injection, Crabapple Road CL02-2008 Cable Injection, PA Plaza CLOT-2007 Downtown Protective Devices CL02-2007 Upgrade College Substation Relays CL06-2007 Rayonier Transmission Line Renovation CLOS-2008 City Hall Annez Energy Conservation Improvements CL/WW/WT Automated Meter Reading/Instrumentation CLOS-2007 Laurel Substation Structure CL04-2008 I-Net Needs Assessment CFP/TIP Project Status Ongoing: Information Technology /Solid Waste ITO1-2007 Dedicated Emergency IT Generator IT06-2006 Data/Voice Equipment SWOT-2009 Post Closure Beach Nourishment 9 CFP/TIP Project Status Ongoing: Transportation TR74-1999 Sidewalk Pgm (First St: Ennis St to Golf Course Rd) TROS-2007 First and Peabody Sts Signal & Gateway Signal Replacements TR12-2009 Tumwater St Retaining Wall Repair - FEMA Mitigation TR06-2009 Retaining Wall Repair - FEMA Mitigation TROT-2006 Transportation Comprehensive Plan TROT-2003 Street Overlay: Downtown, Lauridsen Blvd, uL" St & Race St TR33-1999 Peabody Street Reconstruction (Stn to Stn) Additional Projects GG07-2009 Construct Underground on Front St btwn Lincoln and Laurel Sts GGOS-2009 NOAA Utilities Extension GG04-2009 Bldg Height/View Shed Study GG06-2009 Downtown Parking Structures & Bluff Stabilization GG08-2009 Port of Port Angeles Industrial Park Utility Improvements IT02-2007 City Council Chambers Audio/Video System TRll-2009 Marine Drive Bulkhead Repairs TR08-2009 Downtown Parking Study TR13-2009 Stn Street Bridges over Valley and Tumwater Creeks 10 General Fund Project CFP# 2009/2010 Project Title Total Project Costs Budget Proposed 2009 2010 CFP Consideration 2010 Bud et TR741999 Sidewalk Pro ram $150 000 $0 $25 000 25 000 TR02-2000 1st Street Sidewalk 625 000 25 ODO 25 000 - TR70-2000 16th Street Sidewalk 583 000 35 000 - TR48-1999 International Gatewa Center 7 600 000 528 023 - - 7R05-2007 1 st 8 Peabody Signal 8 Front and Lincoln 135 000 - TR33-1999 Peabod Street Construction f 012 000 555 000 - - TR042005 Alle Pavin 175 000 50 000 - TR01-2005 Gravel Road Pavin 175 000 25 000 TR26-1999 ADA Curbs Ram s/Chi ers 180 000 - 20 000 20 000 TR01-2003 Street Overla 765 000 650 000 - TR01-2002 8th Street Brid a Re lacements 24 000 000 1 208 000 - GG03-2003 Infrastructure Development (NICE r ram 700 000 - 25 000 25 000 PK04-2007 Civic Field Upgrades Facility Assessment 20 000 20 000 - General Fund Projects 2010 11 CFP# ProectTitle Total Project Budget Proposed Consideration 1 ~nno ~n~n rco ~n~n n~~n..m TR04-2D06 Dry Creek Pedestdan Britlge(frall Phase II 759 400 80 000 17 000 17 000 PK03-2009 C' Pier Fire Su ression S tem 200 000 100 000 100 000 PKOS2009 OI is Diswve Trail Re air FEMA 860 000 215 000 107 500 PK04-2009 Ediz Hook West Boat Dock Repair FEMA 250 000 62 500 31 250 PKO6-2009 Waterfront Trail Ri Ra Re air FEMA 500 000 125 000 62 500 TROS2009 Edlz Hook Harbor Erosion FEMA 250 000 62 500 31 250 TR06-2009 Retainin WaIIRe air FEMA 350000 87500 43750 TR20-1999 Street Bic le Facili /Racksl5tri in 140000 20 000 TR04-2009 Marine ITumwater Pedestrian Ove ass 600 000 540 000 - - TR02-2003 International Waterfront Promenade 1500 000 180 000 - PK02-2005 Restroom Re lacement Pr ram 375 000 125 000 PK08-2002 Nei hborhood Park Renovation 500 000 100 OOD PK04-2006 Olympic Discovery Trail Tree 8 Armor Re lacement 250 000 50 000 PK02-2009 Off-leash D Park 15 OOD 15 000 PK01-2009 Port An eles Marine Park 100 000 20 000 PK03-2006 Lincoln Park Develo ment Plan 50 000 50 000 PKO6.2006 Lions Park Develo ment 225 000 85 000 - GG03-2007 Ci Hall Parkin Lot Re air 50 000 50 000 GG01-2002 Ediz Hook Ri Ra Re air 715000 66 000 - FROt-2009 Electronic Medical Incident Re ortin 36 000 36 000 GG032009 East Ent a Monument 100 000 20 000 TR08-2009 Downtown Parkin Stud 100 000 100 000 TR09-2009 Wa Findin SI na a Conce t 100 000 15 000 TR10.2009 First/Front Race Street Nodes 50 000 50 000 TR02-2009 Race Streel Bike Lanes 100 000 60 000 TR02-2008 Alternative Cross-Town Route Stud 220 000 Fire & Police Projects - FR/PD Outside Total Project Total City ProkctID Proiect Title Div's ion PriorM Mandate Costs Cost FR01-2009 Electronic Medical Incident ReDOrtmK 1 N 36,000 36,000 FR02-2009 Wtrekss Mobile Data for Fire Apparatus 2 N 120,000 - FR07-1999 West Sick Fce Station 3 N 1,9k6,000 1,986,000 Outside TotalProject Total City P 12 General Projects - GG Outside Total Project Total City ProjettID Project Title Divis ion Priority Mandate Costs Cost GG03 2003 Infrastructure Devebpment (NICE Program) 1 N 700,000 700,000 2 Y 50,000 50,000 GGOI-2005 Harbor Master Plan ' 3 Y 715,000 66,000 GG01-2002 Ra Re air Eda Hook R 4 N 700,000 700,000 GGOS-2009 NOAAUNities Extension 5 N 500 000 500,000 GG08 2009 Port of PA Industrial Park Utrlity Improvements N , 000 50 000 50 GG03-2007 C' Hall Parkin L.otRe air 6 7 N , 000 100 , 100 000 GG03.2009 East En a Monument 8 N , 000 100 , 100,000 GG02-2009 ShorelineArchaeo-Geo h icalStud N , 000 100 100 000 GGOI-2009 Harbor-Wide Geomo bolo 9 N , 000 75 , 000 75 GG00-2009 BuBdm Hei hUVcewshed Stud ]0 N , 000 000 15 , 000 000 15 GG06-2009 Downtown Parkin Structure and BluffBtabrlizatbn 11 , , , , GG07-2009 Construct Unde round on Front Street 12 N 1 S00 000 1 500 000 Information Technology - IT 13 Outside TotalProject Total City Light Projects - Top 10 Projects Only CL ProkctID Outside TotalProject Total City Proiect Title - Divaion Priority Mandate Costs Cost CL.O1-2007 Downtown Protective Devices 1 N 60,000 60,000 CLU2-2007 Upgrade College Substation Relays 1 N 110,000 110,000 CIAS-2007 laurel Substation Structure 1 N 105,000 105,000 CIAS-2008 City Ha-AnnexEnergy Conservationimtrrovements 1 N 370,000 320,000 CIA6-2007 Rayonkr Tmnsmissan lute Renovation 1 N 230,000 230,000 CL06-2008 D'stnbution System Effickncy improvements 1 N 230,000 230,000 CIAI-2009 F-Street 1202 Upgrade 2 N 170,000 170,000 CIA2-2009 Cable Restoration Phase II 2 N 100,000 100,000 CIA3-2008 Advanced Metering Infrastmcture - Electric 2 N 2,000,000 2,000,000 C103-2009 BPA Demand Response and Sman Grid Pmerams 2 N 1,500,000 150,000 Parks & Recreation Projects/PK Top 10 Projects Only 14 Outside Total Project TotalCiry Solid Waste - SW ~~ Outside 7otalProject TotalCiry it ProiectID Proiect Title ~ DiJsion Priority Mandate Costs Cost S WOI-2009 Post-Closure Beach Nourishment I Y 93,000 93,000 Stormwater Projects - DR Top 10 Proj ects Only 15 Outside Total Project TotalCiry Street Projects/TIP - TR Top 10 Projects Only Street Projects/TIP - TR s~ i '' _: -: }~ ~~ I A ~ ` f i ~ ~ j tl~ . ` . ` ` ~/ I ~ ! r- r ~ ~ r _.~ ~ ; r--~-r- ~ j ~ 4 I f 1 1 _ a _~r_F_ ,._... f _ I t: ~ ~_.. ~.___ i , i _-. -c.., I--,. _, i _ 16 Outside TotalProject iotalCiry Wastewater Projects - WW Top 10 Projects Only 17 Outside TotalProject Total City Water Projects - Top 10 Projects Only WT ProjectID Project Trtk Divit ion Prior Outside TotalProject Total City ity Mandate Costs Cost WT02-2001 Ehvha Dam Mitigation I N 330,000 WT02-2006 Bi-Annual Replacements ~ 1 N ! 400,000 1,400,000 WT02-2009 Concttte Cylinder Pipe Replacement 1 N 7 750,000 7,750,000 WT04-2007 Directed Services I N 365,000 365,000 WT64-1999 WT65-1999 WT01-2006 McDougal Pump Staten Improvements UGA Water Customers Advanced Metering Infrastructure - Water/Wastewater 1 N 1 N 2 N 540.000 20,000 2,000,000 540,000 20,000 2,000,000 WT01-2007 Dry Creek Water Settlement 3 N 150,000 150,000 WT03-2005 WT03-2009 VuinersbiL'ny hnprovements Trapsfer Morse Creek Water rtes to Clallam PUD 4 N 5 N 210,000 500,000 210,000 250,000 What's Next! Open Public Hearing and Continue to June 16 June 2 Close Public Hearing Adopt CFP/TIP and Allocate June 16 Governmental Funds or Continue Close Public Hearing Adopt CFP/TIP, Allocate Governmental July 7 Funds 18 NGELES • DATE: June 2, 2009 TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: NATHAN A. WEST, DIRECTOR COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT SUBJECT: PROPOSED 2009 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENTS Summary: Consideration of amendments to the City of Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan and Land Use Map as prescribed in PAMC 18.04 (Growth Management). Recommendation: Council should conduct a public hearing and, following a first reading of the attached ordinance, continue the matter to June 16, 2009. • Backsround / Analysis: Per 18.04.040 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code, proposed amendments to the Comprehensive Plan may be considered on an annual basis. Twelve (12) amendments are proposed to the City's Comprehensive Plan and Land Use Map during this annual review process. The amendments include two (2) changes to the Land Use Map with ten (10) text changes to the Comprehensive Plan text. One-half of the amendments are a result of recommendations made by the American Institute of Architects' (AIA) Sustainable Development Assessment Team on a recent visit to Port Angeles in March; 2009, one amendment is the result of mandated NPDES Phase 2 Stormwater Permit regulations; and the remaining four proposals are suggested by City staff. A brief sununary of the proposed changes is attached as Exhibit B to the attached ordinance. A snore detailed description of the amendments is contained in staff's report that is attached as Attachment B to this memorandum. The Planning Commission's minutes of the May 13a' public hearing are also attached as Attachment C to this memorandum. The City Council should conduct the scheduled~public hearing and, following close of the public hearing, continue its deliberation to the June 16 meeting. Staff will be available for questions. Attachments: A -Ordinance, findings, and conclusions, and summary of revisions B -Planning Commission Staff report C -Excerpt of Planning Commission Minutes of May 13, 2009 ., ,. I-91 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington adopting amendments to the Comprehensive Plan and Land Use Map. WHEREAS, the City of Port Angeles adopted a Comprehensive Plan on June 28, 1994; and WHEREAS, each year the City's Comprehensive Plan is reviewed so that new information and changing circumstances that may require amendment of the Comprehensive Plan and Land Use Map can be considered; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing concerning the same on May 13, 2009; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has recommended updates and revisions to the • Comprehensive Plan and Land Use Map so that they more accurately reflect current conditions • and expected development; and WHEREAS, the City provided ample public comment opportunities in consideration of the proposed amendments; and WHEREAS, the City has received and responded to detailed comments; and WHEREAS, all elements of the Comprehensive Plan and Land Use Map have been reviewed with the goal of enhancing and assuring the City's compliance with its legal obligations; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has transmitted a copy of its recommendations to the City Council; and the City Council has considered the Commission's recommendations, has held a public hearing, and has incorporated its own revisions; and WHEREAS, as a result of the hearing, the comments, the responses, and its own review • -1- I - 92 • • of the Plan and the Map, the Council finds that it is in the best interest of the City that the amendments be adopted; and NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES DO HEREBY ORDAIN as follows: Section l: The Findings and Conclusions attached hereto as Exhibit "A" are hereby adopted. Section 2. The Comprehensive Plan amendments for the City of Port Angeles, which include revisions to maps within the Plan, attached to this Ordinance as Exhibit "B" and incorporated herein by this reference, are hereby adopted. Section 3. The Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map is amended as shown in Exhibit "C", and is hereby adopted. Section 4. A copy of the amended Comprehensive Plan and Land Use Map shall be kept on file with the City Clerk and shall be available for public inspection. Section 5. This ordinance, being an exercise of a power specifically delegated to the City legislative body, is not subject to referendum. This ordinance shall take effect five days after its publication by summary. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said Council held on the day of June, 2009. Mayor ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: Becky J. Upton, City Clerlc William E. Bloor, City Attorney PUBLISHED: June , 2009 By Summary G:LLegel_HackuplORDINANCES&RESGLU7'IONS\ORDINANCE5.2009\]0 -Comp Plen Amendmcnt.050409.wpd i - 93 _`l~ EXHIBIT A • RECOMMENDED FINDINGS, AND CONCLUSIONS IN SUPPORT OF COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AND AMENDMENTS - 2009 Findings: Based on the information provided in the Community Development Staff Report for CPA 09-01 dated June 2, 2009, including all information in the public record file, comments and testimony presented during the public hearing, the Planning Commission discussion and deliberation, the City of Port Angeles Planning Commission hereby finds that: 1. The City of Port Angeles planning staff submitted various amendment proposals required for internal consistency, clarification of language, broader inclusiveness of nonmotorized transportation modes, the inclusion of investigation into form based codes, uniform signage, creation of a new zone for open space, habitat areas, and environmentally sensitive areas, and two Land Use Map changes for review as Comprehensive Plan Amendment application CPA 09-01 on or before March 31, 2009. 2. The proposed amendments to the Comprehensive Plan language are area wide. The proposed amendments to the Land Use Map are also considered area wide. 3. City Departmental issues were considered in the review of this application. 4. Notification of the proposed action and Comprehensive Plan amendment permit application was placed in the Peninsula Daily News on Apri127, 2009. 5. The proposed Comprehensive Plan amendments were forwarded to Washington State Department of Community, Trade, and Economic Development on April 14, 2009, and received notification that the materials were received by CTED on April 20, 2009. 6. The City of Port Angeles adopted its present Comprehensive Plan on June 28, 1994, by Ordinance 2818 and has annually amended it since. 7. The entire Comprehensive Plan was reviewed and analyzed to determine the need for revisions. 8. The City of Port Angeles is anticipating a State mandated major Comprehensive Plan update in 2011. The current updates are intended to meet some of the requirements of the scheduled update. 9. A SEPA Threshold Determination will be issued for this proposed action once all comments from interested agencies and parties have commented. 10. The Planning Commission opened a public hearing on the proposal at the May 13, 2009, regular meeting. Conclusions: Based on the information provided in the Department of Community Development Staff Report for CPA 09-01 dated June 2, 2009, including all of the information in the public record file, comments, and testimony presented during the public hearing, the Planning Commission's discussion and deliberation, and listed findings, the City of Port Angeles Planning Commission hereby concludes that: • I - 94 1. The proposed amendments to the Comprehensive Plan are in compliance with the State's requirements for updating the Comprehensive Plan under the Growth Management Act. 2. The Comprehensive Plan update is consistent with the County-Wide Planning Policy. 3. The 2009 Comprehensive Plan update maintains internal consistency within the Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan. The Comprehensive Plan was thoroughly reviewed and updated between 2002 and 2004. The next major update required by the State of Washington Growth Management Act is scheduled for 2011. The 2009 amendments will be included as a portion of the scheduled 2011 updates. 4. The 2004 amendments completed the last State mandated periodic update of the Comprehensive Plan. 5. Opportunities for amending the Comprehensive Plan are available on an annual basis. • • I-95 EXHIBIT B SUNIMARY OF 2009 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN PROPOSED TEXT AMENDMENTS • Land Use Element: - Anew policy for the consideration of separating the existing Public Buildings and Parks (PBP) zone into two zones with one remaining as PBP, and a second zone for other open space areas such as the stream ravines or the marine bluff that are neither parks nor public buildings/facilities; - Anew policy supporting the investigation of using form-based codes in addition or instead of existing zoning methods; - An amendment to existing policy (Goal E, Policy 8) to more strongly encourage the inclusion of commercial nodes in residential areas; Transportation Element: - Anew policy directing staff to investigate, with coordination of other stakeholders, revision of the First/Front Street corridor from aone-way couplet to individual two-way streets. - Amendment to Goal A, Objective 8, to simplify existing language. - Amendment to Goal B, Policy 1, removing "one-way couplets" from the policy to avoid conflicting language with a proposed new policy regarding one-way streets. - Amendment to Goal B, Policy 10 to clarify the City's role in completion of the' traffic circulation system. • Conservation Element: - Amendment to Goal B, Objective 8 to include the NPDES Phase 2 permit in the policy language. Capital Facilities Element: - Anew policy suggesting the development of a unified, coherent design for signage to instruct visitors and residents to points of interest. - Anew policy suggesting that the City support implementation of a building facade restoration program to improve the appearances of existing buildings. • I-96 • • • City of Port Angeles Proposed Comprehensive Plan I70RTANGELES ATTACHMENT B • W A S H I N G T O N, U. S. A. DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DATE: RE: APPLICANT OWNER: LOCATION: June 2, 2009 Comprehensive Plan Amendments -CPA 09-01 City of Port Angeles SAME Citywide REQUEST: Various amendments to the City of Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan, including changes to the Land Use Map, minor amendments to existing policy language for consistency and clarity, and the addition of four new policies. PROPOSED AMENDMENTS: Map changes 1. 8~' and'B' Street extension of Commercial designation (proposed by applicant). 2. Remove Open Space designation at 8th and'D' (map correction). Text changes LAND USE ELEMENT 3. New Policy: The City should consider separating the Public Buildings and Parks zone to_an Open Space zone and a PBP zone to differentiate environmentallysensitive areas or natural features and spaces from sites containing~ublic facilities and buildings. 4. Goal E, Policy 8: The City should allow l~neighborhood shopping uses nodes l~allewed in residentially designated areas as long as they are in accordance with the planning area/district/neighborhood land use concept and as long as they do not encourage traffic from outside the neighborhood or increase traffic congestion within residential neighborhoods. 5. New Policy The City should investigate the value and utility of form-based codes, either as applied to the entire Citv or to specific areas within the City. • I - 98 TRANSPORTATION ELEMENT 6. Goal A, Objective 8: The City will encourage public streetscape improvements, such as street trees, non-motorized and pedestrian amenities through a comprehensive streetscape development and maintenance plan. 7. Goal B, Policy 10: The City should encourag~d~articipate in the completione of the traffic circulation system for west side development. 8. New policy. The Citv should consider undertaking, traffic studies discussions with Washington State Department of Transportation, local stakeholders, and businesses to investigate the potential impacts and benefits of returning the First and Front Street corridor to two-wa, traffic on both streets. 9. Goal B, Policy 1: Traffic flow modifications , .cstrictic .~, =~=eiiiuti°„, „a ~ ~'°*~ should be made before physical alterations are made to existing streets. CONSERVATION ELEMENT 10. Goal B, Objective 8: The City will develop a stormwater management plan consistent with the NPDES Phase II permit and will update the plan on a regular basis. CAPITAL FACILITIES ELEMENT 11. New Policy: The City should create a unified, coherent design element for signal street li~htin~, traffic control devices, and similar structures to be used throughout the City and specifically in the downtown area as a method for improved way findin and place identification for visitors and residents alike. 12. New Policy: The City should consider implementation of a building facade restoration program that will provide incentives and/or assistance to building owners to improve the ~pearance of existing buildings. PUBLIC COMMENT: Notification of the proposed action was placed in the Peninsula Daily News on Apri127, 2009, posted at City Hall on April 24, 2009, and mailed to Washington State Department of Community, Trade and Economic Development (DCTED) on April 14, 2009. Written comments have not yet been received from DCTED. Comments were forwarded to other state agencies by DCTED within 10 days of receiving the materials. No public comments were received during the public comment period. DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ANALYSIS: Proposed Land Use Map Changes. Two amendments to the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map are proposed. Proposed change #1, is a reconfiguration of the Commercial designated area in the vicinity of the 8~' and'C' Street commercial area. This amendment is initiated by a citizen request for a rezone proposal in the area. Upon review, staff identified the need to alter the commercial ,area designation for the proposed rezone, and also noted that additional alterations to the commercially designated area is required to contain commercial development to the intended 8~' Street corridor. During review of proposed Land Use Map amendment #1, a small area designated as Open Space was identified as being located in an historic residential area, covering 6 to 8 established I-99 single family residential lots. Staff was not able to determine a reasonable justification for the designation and further determined that the Open Space designation in that location was • inconsistent with current land use and intended land uses for the future. That being the case, it was determined that the Open Space designation is a mapping error which should be corrected. Staff recommends adoption of the two proposed changes to the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map. TEXT AMENDMENTS. Ten (10) text amendments are being proposed. The order of the amendments is organized by Comprehensive Plan element. Four of the proposed amendments are additions to the Comprehensive Plan in the form of new policies and four are amendments to existing policies or objectives. Five of the proposed new policies were generated from the March visit of a group of professionals known as the Sustainable Development Assessment Team and reflect their comments and recommendations. The visit was sponsored by a grant from the American Institute of Architects. LAND USE ELEMENT 3. New Policy: The City should consider se~aratin~ the Public Buildings and Parks zone to into an Open Space zone and a PBP zone to differentiate environmentally sensitive areas or natural features and spaces from sites containing_public facilities and buildings. The existing Public Buildings and Parks zone includes several widely different types of land use, including true public buildings, such as City Hall, the Clallam County Court House, the Public Library, the Community Center, and several schools. Additionally, the zone includes public utility structures with no public access, such as several electric substations, sewer pump stations, and the City's Corporation Yard. All of the public parks are located in PBP zoned areas as are several areas that are classified as environmentally sensitive areas. Environmentally sensitive areas are sometimes located on private property and have no public access or ownership, but require and deserve public protection to avoid property loss or loss of fragile environments or habitat. In order to provide appropriate levels of protection and project review for a widely diverse group of properties, staff is suggesting that the Comprehensive Plan be amended to provide direction and support for separating the various types of land uses included in the PBP zone into two (or more) zones to more accurately describe and control land uses and actions affecting these lands. Staff recommends approval of the proposed amendment to support the separation of the Public Buildings and Parks zone into two differing zones which more clearly address the issues presented by the wide variety of land uses and land forms currently covered by the PBP zone. 4. Goal E, Policy 8 The City should allow ~-neighborhood shopping area-~.~seg nodes e „'. in residentially designated areas as long as they are in accordance with the planning area/district/neighborhood land use concept and as long as they do not encourage traffic from outside the neighborhood or increase traffic congestion within residential neighborhoods. Currently the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Element, Goal E, Policy 8 states that the City may allow neighborhood shopping areas in residentially designated areas. Staff is suggesting that I-100 using the stronger language of'should allow' commercial nodes in residentially designated areas of • the City would provide a more definite approach to City planning and provide applicants with more certainty when planning projects. Current planning theory indicates that neighborhood commercial nodes provide for services that are not currently available in a convenient way to neighborhood residents. Small scale neighborhood commercial uses have been traditional in the past and provide for an integration of residential and commercial uses, rather than a strict and absolute separation of uses, which require that individuals travel longer distances from home to provide for daily needs, casual gatherings, etc. Staff recommends approval of the amendments to Land Use Element Goal E, Policy 8, to support inclusion of commercial nodes in some residential neighborhoods. 5. New Policy The City should investigate the value and utility of form-based codes, either as applied to the entire Ci or to specific areas within the Cites Form based code is an alternative method of providing land use control which could be used either independent of existing zoning or in conjunction with existing zoning. The guiding principals of form based codes are that less emphasis is placed on the specific uses allowed in an area with more emphasis placed on the form of the development in an area. The concept focuses on the form and appearance of the public realm by using a specific set of standards to create the desired out come. It is assumed that by creating an urban form based on principles of mixed use, user friendly spaces that are desired and appropriate uses will fill the created spaces. The amendment proposal to the Comprehensive Plan would provide policy support and direction to staff to study the concept and draft a sample code for further review. Staff recommends approval of the proposed amendment to add a new policy to the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Element to support consideration of form based codes. TRANSPORTATION ELEMENT • 6. Goal A, Objective 8: The City will encourage public streetscape improvements, such as street trees, °°°~^^^' ~'~~~'.,t,^, non-motorized and pedestrian amenities through a comprehensive streetscape development and maintenance plan. The language being proposed is intended to more accurately describe the intent of the existing objective. The phrase 'seasonal displays' is proposed to be removed as it is not similar to the other streetscape examples in the objective. Street trees and pedestrian amenities are capital improvements that the City could or may invest in and provide benefits City wide. The addition of 'non-motorized' broadens the meaning of the objective by including more than simply pedestrian amenities, and the inclusion of'streetscape' focuses the objective more specifically. Staff recommends approval of the proposed amendment to Transportation Element Goal A, Objective 8, to more accurately describe the intent of the objective. I-101 7. Goal B, Policy 10: The City should encoura eg and participate in the completione of the traffic circulation system for west side development. • Policy 10 currently places the responsibility of completing the arterial circulation system in the west end of the City solely on the City. The amendment language shifts the totality of responsibility away from the City. Staff recommends approval of the proposed amendment to Transportation Element Goal B, Policy 10, of the Comprehensive Plan, to more accurately describe the intent of the policy. 8. New policy. The City should consider undertaking traffic studies, discussions with Washington State Department of Transportation, local stakeholders, and businesses to investigate the potential impacts and benefits of returning the First and Front Street corridor to two-way traffic on both streets. This amendment is a result of the conclusions made by the AIA SDAT grant participants from their March 2009, visit to Port Angeles. A strong suggestion from the AIA planning team was to consider the return of the First/Front Street corridor to standard two-way streets,,rather than the existing one-way couplet configuration. Staff recommends approval of the proposed new policy to the Transportation Element, to support the study of traffic flow along First and Front Streets. 9. Goal B, Policy 1: Traffic flow modifications b ' should be made before physical alterations are made to .existing streets. • This amendment removes reference to specific traffic flow methods mentioned in the policy. By removing specific methods, no implication that these methods are exclusive to what can be considered. Other methods of traffic flow modifications maybe considered with no prejudice attached. Staff recommends approval of the proposed amendment to Policy 1 (Goal B) to the Transportation Element. CONSERVATION ELEMENT 10. Goal B, Objective 8. The City will develop a stormwater management plan consistent with the NPDES Phase II permit and will update the plan on a regular basis. The proposed amendments to Conservation Element Goal B, Objective 8, of the Comprehensive Plan is intended to update the existing objective to meet the current requirement of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Phase II permit that the City is required to operate under. Staff recommends approval of the proposed amendments to the Conservation Element, Goal B, Objective 8, to bring the Comprehensive Plan into consistency with current regulatory requirements. C, I-102 CAPITAL FACILITIES ELEMENT 11. New Policy: The City should create a unified, coherent design element for signage, street li~htin~, traffic control devices, and similar structures to be used throughout the City and specifically in the downtown area as a method for improved way finding and place identification for visitors and residents alike. Currently it is perceived that due to the number and inconsistency of sign design throughout the City that way-finding for local residents and visitors to the City is complicated and confusing, at times causing an inability to locate specific sites and activities. It has been shown that having a uniform, consistent, easily identified system of signage directing people to specific attractions or destinations aids in way-finding and reduces confusion. It is anticipated that having such a system of providing direction through recognizable sign devises aids in place recognition as well as way-finding. Staff recommends approval of the proposed new policy being added to the Capital Facilities Element of the Comprehensive Plan to establish a foundation for unified design elements in the City's Central Business District. 12. New Policy: The City should consider implementation of a building facade restoration program that will provide incentives and/or assistance to buildinc owners to improve the appearance of existing buildings. It has been shown that the appearance of business districts or individual businesses plays a role in the usage and therefore the profitability of those businesses. The economic health of individual businesses has a direct bearing on the economic health of the entire community. The proposed new policy supports the participation by the City in assisting individual businesses or groups of businesses in maintaining and upgrading the appearance of existing buildings in an effort to improve the appearance and subsequently the prosperity of those businesses and ultimately the City. Staff recommends approval of the proposed new policy providing leadership and direction to upgrading the appearance of buildings being added to the Capital Facilities Element of the Comprehensive Plan. STATE ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY ACT (SEPA) REVIEW: A Determination of NonSignificance will be issued for this proposed action once all comments are received from interested agencies and parties, per WAC 197-11-355. Exhibits A. -Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map amendments map • I-103 ^ ATTACHMENT C Excerpt of Planning Commission Minutes • May 13, 2009 PROPOSED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AND LAND USE MAP AMENDMENTS - 2009 Associate Planner Scott Johns reviewed the proposed Comprehensive Plan and Land Use Map amendments by use of a Power Point presentation. The Commission previously reviewed the proposed amendments at a work session in April, 2009. Planner Johns noted that two new Transportation Element policies were added relative to the American Institute of Architects' recommendations to the City earlier in the year. The policies related to signage and potential discussion as to returning the First and Front Street corridors to two way streets. Chair Reiss opened the public hearing. There being no one to speak to the proposals, Chair Reiss closed the public hearing. Staff and Commissioners continued to discuss various points of the amendments as proposed. Commissioner Caudill moved to recommend that the City Council approve the Comprehensive Plan and Land Use Map amendments citing the following findings and conclusions in support of that action: Findings: Based on the information provided in the Community Development Staff Report for CPA 09-01 dated May 13, 2009, including all information in the public record file, comments and testimony presented during the public hearing, the Planning Commission discussion and deliberation, and the above listed conditions of approval, the City of Port Angeles Planning Commission hereby finds that: 11. The City of Port Angeles planning staff submitted various amendment proposals required for internal consistency, clarification of language, broader inclusiveness of nonmotorized transportation modes, the inclusion of investigation into form based codes, uniform signage, creation of a new zone for open space, habitat areas, and environmentally sensitive areas, and two Land Use Map changes for review as Comprehensive Plan Amendment application CPA 09-01 on or before March 31, 2009. 12. The proposed amendments to the Comprehensive Plan language are area wide. The proposed amendments to the Land Use Map are also considered area wide. 13. City Departmental issues were considered in the review of this application. 14. Notification of the proposed action and Comprehensive Plan amendment permit application was placed in the Peninsula Daily News on April 27, 2009. 15. The proposed Comprehensive Plan amendments were forwarded to Washington State Department of Community, Trade, and Economic Development on April 14, 2009, and received notification that the materials were received by CTED on April 20, 2009. 16. The City of Port Angeles adopted its present Comprehensive Plan on June 28, 1994, by Ordinance 2818 and has annually amended it since. 17. The entire Comprehensive Plan was reviewed and analyzed to determine the need for • revisions. I-104 18. The City of Port Angeles is anticipating a State mandated major Comprehensive Plan update in 2011. The current updates are intended to meet some of the requirements of the scheduled update. 19. A SEPA Threshold Determination will be issued for this proposed action once all comments from interested agencies and parties have commented. 20. The Planning Commission opened a public hearing on the proposal at the May 13, 2009, regular meeting. Conclusions: Based on the information provided in the Department of Community Development Staff Report for CPA 09-01 dated May 13, 2009, including all of the information in the public record file, comments, and testimony presented during the public hearing, the Planning Commission's discussion and deliberation, and listed findings, the City of Port Angeles Planning Commission hereby concludes that: 6. The proposed amendments to the Comprehensive Plan are in compliance with the State's requirements for updating the Comprehensive Plan under the Growth Management Act. 7. The Comprehensive Plan update is consistent with the County-Wide Planning Policy. 8. The 2009 Comprehensive Plan up-date maintains internal consistency within the Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan. The Comprehensive Plan was thoroughly reviewed and updated between 2002 and 2004. The next major update required by the State of Washington Growth Management Act is scheduled for ZO11. The 2009 amendments will be included as a portion of the scheduled 2011 updates. 9. The 2004 amendments completed the last State mandated periodic update of the Comprehensive Plan. 10. Opportunities for amending the Comprehensive Plan are available on an annual basis. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Matthews, and passed unanimously. I-105 DATE: June 2, 2009 TO: CITY COUNCIL _~ ~~G _ ,jL~_~ ~~S FROM: SUE ROBERDS, PLANNING MANAGER COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT SUBJECT: REZONE APPLICATION - REZ 09-01 BLORE/NYHUS -LOTS 18,19, AND 20, BLOCK 441 TPA NORTHWEST CORNER OF 17~ AND C STREETS Summary: Consideration of a request for rezone of approximately 21,000 square feet of property located in the Commercial Neighborhood (CN) zone. Recommendation: Following the public hearing, Council should conduct a first reading of the attached ordinance citing the 12 findings and S conclusions listed in Exhibit "A" to the ordinance in support of the rezone action. Background /Analysis: On May 13, 2009, the Planning Commission conducted a public hearing in consideration of an application to rezone property from Commercial Neighborhood (CN) to Residential High Density (RHD). The property is located at the northwest corner of the intersection of "C" and West Seventeenth Streets and is owned by Brando Blore and Christina Nyhus. During the initial public comment period, the property owner of the adjacent lot to the west, Mrs. Gladys Pressley, telephoned staff to ask if her property, also zoned CN, could be included in the process. During the public hearing, it was determined that the Pressley property should be included in a rezone action to avoid the creation of a spot zone. The staff report presented to the Planning Commission is attached for your review along with an excerpt of the Planning Commission's minutes for your information. Mrs. Pressley has since sent a note (attached) by mail asking that her property be included in the Council's consideration of the rezone. Attachments: A = Ordinance with findings and conclusions and map as Exhibits A and B B = Excerpt of Planning Commission Minutes -May 13, 2009 C = Letter from property owner Gladys Pressley D = Staffreport • • 1-106 ATTACHMIENT A • ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, rezoning ..approximately 14,000 .square. feet of Lots 18, 19 & 20, Block 441, from Commercial Neighborhood (CN) to Residential High Density (RHD). WHEREAS, the City received an application to rezone approximately 14,000 ,square. feet of Lots 18, 19, and 20, Block 441, Townsite of Port Angeles, from Commercial Neighborhood .(CN) to Residential High Denisty (RHD); and WHEREAS, the proposed rezone is consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan; and . . WHEREAS, the requirements of the State Environmental Policy Act (Chapter 43.21.C RCW) have • been met; and WHEREAS, the City Council, after conducting a public hearing and considering the Planning . Commission's recommendation, finds that there have been changes in circumstances since .thee current zoning of the property was adopted, that the proposed rezone is in the best interestof the '. , City and its citizens, and that the rezone is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES DO HEREBY ORDAIN as follows: Section 1. The Findings and Conclusions marked Exhibit A, attached hereto, are hereby adopted and entered. Section 2. The Official Zoning Map, Ordinance 2801 as amended, is hereby amended to change the • zoning of an area consisting of approximately 14,000 square feet of Lots -1 I-107 18, 19 and 20 in Block 441, Townsite of Port Angeles, from Commercial Neighborhood (CN) to • Residential High Density (RHD). Section 3. The City Clerk is hereby directed to attach a copy of this Ordinance to the Official Zoning Map and to file certified copies with the Clallam County Auditor and Clallam County Assessor. Section 4 -Effective Date. This ordinance, being an exercise of a power specifically delegated to the City legislative body, is not subject to referendum. This Ordinance shall take effect five days after its publication by summary. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said Council held on the day of June, 2009. MAYOR ATTEST: Becky J. Upton, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: William E. Bloor, City Attorney PUBLISHED: , 2009 By Summary G:1Legal BaCkup\ORDINANCES&RESOLUTtONS\ORDINANCES.200903-BloreNyhusRezone.052709.wpd -2 • I-108 • EXHIBIT A FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS IN SUPPORT OF REZ 09-01 Findinss: 1. On April 13, 2009, Christina Nyhus and Brando Blore submitted an application for rezone of approximately 14,000 square feet parcel from Commercial Neighborhood to Residential High Density. The subject property is legally described as Lots 19 and 20, Block 441, being Parcel # 063000044195. 2. The site is zoned Commercial Neighborhood (CN). Surrounding properties are zoned Commercial Neighborhood, Residential High Density, Industrial Light, and Residential Single Family Residential (RS-7). 3. The RHD zone (PANG 17.15.010) is a high density residential zone for multi-family residential structures. Medium and high density uses can provide a transition between different land uses. This is often found between single family and commercial or industrial land uses. 4. The City's Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map is the guiding document in determining consistency in zoning, and establishes a conceptual frame work for land use decisions. The Map designates the property as High Density Residential (HDR). 5. The Comprehensive Plan was reviewed in its entirety with respect to the proposal. The following elements, goals, and policies were found to be the most relevant to the proposal: Land Use Element goal A, Policies Al, A2, and objective 1; Goals B and C, Policies C1, C2, C3, and C4, Goal E, Policies E2 and E5; Transportation Element Goal B, Policy 14. 6. A rezone proposal cannot be considered a spot zone if it meets the following tests: 1) the parcel of land has not been singled out for special and privileged treatment; 2) the rezone is in the public interest and not only for the benefit of the land owner; and 3) the action is in accordance with the Comprehensive Plan. 7. The SEPA responsible Official issued a Determination ofNon-Significance on May 11, 2009. 8. The written public comment and notification period for the Planning Commission meeting ran from Apri123, 2009, to May S, 2009. No written comments from the public were received. The City received a phone call from Mrs. Gladys Pressley, the property owner of Lot 18, who indicated support of the addition of her property to the rezone proposal to CN. 9. Reviewing City departments did not comment on the rezone application. All City utilities and services are available to the site. The site is located on a City arterial street and can be accessed from improved rights-of--way. 10. Ultimate development of the subject property will require specific pxoject xeview including issues such as access, noise, lighting, landscaping, and parking. 1 1. Housing and land use review have shown a demand for high density residential uses within the City that is not being met by current zoning. Windshield surveys indicate that a large degree of commercial areas remain vacant or are redevelopable for commercial use. I-109 12. Discussion took place during the Planning Commission's public hearing of May 13, 2009, • that Lot 18, Block 441, TPA, adjacent to the west, is split zoned. If Lot 18 is not included in the rezone proposal and ultimately rezoned to RHD, one half of that lot would remain zoned Commercial Neighborhood with the remaining neighborhood zoning being Residential High Density. Conclusions 1. The rezone proposal is in accordance with the Comprehensive Plan and Land Use Map that designates the site as High Density Residential (HDR). 2. The rezone as proposed is compatible with the surrounding zoning and land uses and will allow development of the site to the density that has been identified as desired for the area through the City's Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map. The rezone is therefore in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan, and is in the public interest. 3. The City's action on rezone.application REZ 09-01 is consistent with the established procedures for amending the Zoning Code set forth in Section 17.96.100, Port Angeles Municipal Code. 4. Development plans will require utility improvement by the developer and will include street, walkway, and drainage improvements for subsequent development of the site. Site development will accommodate any impacts to the neighborhood that result from development to a high density use. 5. As proposed, the rezone action will eliminate a single lot spot zone that would otherwise have been created by the original proposal. Adopted~by the Port Angeles City Council at its meeting of June 16, 2009. Gary Braun, Mayor Becky J. Upton, City Clerk .. I-110 H • ~ W H x w • ~~ ~+ .~ .Q r O O I-111 Planning Commission Minuses May 13, 2009 Page 4 ATTACHMENT B REZONE APPLICATION - REZ 09-O1- NYFIUSiBLORE - Northwest • corner of "C" and 17 Streets: Proposal to rezone 14,000 square feet from CN Commercial Neighborhood to RHD Residential High Density. Associate Planner Scott Johns reviewed the Department Report recommending approval of the rezone. Staff responded to questions regarding the site location, application of the Comprehensive Plan land use designation in the area, and the appropriateness of additionally including the adjacent lot to the west (Lot 18) in the rezone to avoid creating a spot zone in the area. Staff responded to questions from the Commission regarding development of land within commercial zones where frontage occurs on arterial streets versus development fronting non arterial streets. Chair Reiss opened the public hearing. Br~cndo Blore, P.O. Box 3029, Port Angeles, WA owns the subject property with his wife Christina. They are seeking, a rezone of the property to Residential High Density (RTID) in accordance with the Comprehensive Plan designation of the site. Zoned Commercial Neighborhood (CN), the first floor facing an arterial street would be required to contain a commercial use. The Blore's desire to develop the entire structure as high density housing without the need for a commercial component and so are asking for the rezone consistent with the Comprehensive Plan designation for the area. Staff discussed the fact that Lot 18 adjacent to the subject property is also zoned Commercial Neighborhood. A rezone of only two of the three lots in the block from CN to RHD would leave a spot zoned lot. Planner Johns indicated that he had been in contact with Mrs. Gladys Pressley who owns Lot 18, Block 441. Mrs. Pressley expressed a desire to join in the rezone. Staff expected that she would present herself to the Planning Commission to make that request. She was not in the audience. Mr. Blore indicated no objection to including Lot 18, Block 441 in the rezone consideration. Director of Community & Economic Development Nathan West indicated that it would be inappropriate not to include Lot 18 in the rezone proposal if a recommendation is made to rezone the Blore's lots. There being no further testimony, Chair Reiss closed the public hearing. Following discussion as to the appropriateness of including the Pressley lot in the rezone proposal at this time, Commissioner Matthews moved to recommend that the City Council rezone Lots 18,19, and 20, Block 441, Townsite of Port Angeles from Commercial Neighborhood to Residential High Density citing the following findings and conclusions in support of that recommendation: Findin s 1. On April 13, 2009, Christina Nyhus and Brando Blore submitted an application for rezone of approximately 14,000 square feet parcel from Commercial Neighborhood to Residential High Density. The subject property is legally described as Lots 19 and 20, Block 441, being Parcel # 063000044195. 2. The site is zoned Commercial Neighborhood (CN). Surrounding properties are zoned Commercial Neighborhood, Residential High Density, Industrial Light, and Residential Single Family Residential (RS-7). I-.112 Planning Con:misslon Minutes May 13, 2009 Page S • 3. The RHD zone (PAMC 17.15.010) is a high density residential zone for multi-family residential structures. Medium and high density uses can provide a transition between different land uses. This is often found between single family and commercial or industrial land uses. 4. The City's Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map is the guiding document in determining consistency in zoning, and establishes a conceptual frame work for land use decisions. The Map designates the property as High Density Residential (HDR). 5. The Comprehensive Plan was reviewed in its entirety with respect to the proposal. The following elements, goals, and policies were found to be the most relevant to the proposal: Land Use Element goal A, Policies A1, A2, and objective 1; Goals B and C, Policies C1, C2, C3, and C4, Goal E, Policies E2 and E5; Transportation Element Goal B, Policy 14. 6. A rezone proposal cannot be considered a spot zone if it meets the following tests: 1) the parcel of land has not been singled out for special and privileged treatment; 2) the rezone is in the public interest and not only for the benefit of the land owner; and 3) the action is in accordance with the Comprehensive Plan. 7. The SEPA responsible Official issued a Determination ofNon-Significance on May 11, 2009. 8. The written public comment and notification period for the Planning Commission meeting ran from Apri123, 2009, to May 8, 2009. No written comments from the public • were received. The City received a phone call from Mrs. Gladys Pressley, the property owner of Lot 18, who indicated support of the addition of her property to the rezone proposal to CN. 9. Reviewing City departments did not comment on the rezone application. All City utilities and services are available to the site. The site is located on a City arterial street and can be accessed from improved rights-of--way. 10. Ultimate development of the subject property will require specific project review including issues such as access, noise, lighting, landscaping, and parking. 11. Housing and land use review have shown a demand for high density residential uses within the City that is not being met by current zoning. Windshield surveys indicate that a Iarge degree of commercial areas remain vacant or are redevelopable for commercial use. 12. Discussion took place during the Planning Commission's public hearing of May 13, 2009, that Lot 18, Block 441, TPA, adjacent to the west, is split zoned. If Lot 18 is not included in the rezone proposal and ultimately rezoned to RHD, one half of that lot would remain zoned Commercial Neighborhood with the remaining neighborhood zoning being Residential High Density. Conclusions 1. The rezone proposal is in accordance with the Comprehensive Plan and Land Use Map that designates the site as High Density Residential (HDR). • I-113 Planning Comrr:ission Minutes May 13, 2009 Page 6 2. The rezone as proposed is compatible with the surrounding zoning and land uses and will • allow development of the site to the density that has been identified as desired for the area through the City's Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map. The rezone is therefore in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan, and is in the public interest. 3. The City's action on rezone application REZ 09-O1 is consistent with the established procedures for amending the Zoning Code set forth in Section 1?.96.100, Port Angeles Municipal Code. 4. Development plans will require utility improvement by the developer and will include street, walkway, and drainage improvements for subsequent development of the site. Site development will accommodate any impacts to the neighborhood that result from development to a high density use. 5. As proposed, the rezone action will eliminate a single lot spot zone that would otherwise have been created by the original proposal. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Beier and passed unanimously. • I-114 C ATTACHMENT D 1~~G _~-_~,Ll _~ 1S COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT STAFF REPORT DATE: May 13, 2009 TO: Planning Commission FROM: Scott K. Johns, Associate Planner RE: REZ 09-01 APPLICANT: Christina Nyhus & Brando Blore OWNER: Same • LOCATION: Northwest corner of'C' Street and 17th Street RE UEST: Rezone of a roximatel 14,000 square feet of property (Lots 19 & 20, Block 441 • Q Pp Y Townsite of Port Angeles), from Commercial Neighborhood (CN) to Residential High Density (RIff~). RECOMMENDATION The Planning Division of the Department of Community and Economic Development recommends that a recommendation of approval be forwarded to the City Council for rezone application REZ Q9-Ol, citing the 11 findings and 4 conclusions included in Attachment A. A map of the proposed rezone is attached to this application. THE PROPOSAL The applicant is requesting a rezone from Commercial Neighborhood (CN) to Residential High Density (RHD). The subject undeveloped property is legally described as Lots 19 & 20, Block 441, TPA. The subject site is located at northwest corner of'C' Street and 17th Street and contains two lots, 50 feet by 140 feet in size, for a total area of 14,000 square feet in area. Justification for the rezone is that the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map identifies the site as being High Density Residential (HDR). Surrounding zoning and uses are high density residential, commercial, and industrial. Rezoning the site will bring the property into consistency with the Comprehensive Plan Land Use map designation and will not be in conflict with surrounding uses. I-116 Adjacent property to the west, and 50-foot by 140-foot property, is also zoned Commercial Neighborhood. It would not be illogical to consider the lot in the rezoning application; however, ® the application did not include that lot (Lot 18, Block 441 TPA). If not rezoned, the lot, zoned CN, would remain surrounded by Residential High Density zoning. STAFF ANALYSIS Rezones are not for specific purposes and a rezone application must address all potential land uses allowed within a proposed zone. A rezone may not specifically benefit only one land owner. The proposal would reduce the commercial strip along 'C` Street by I/z block and increase the area of RHD zoning by an equivalent amount. Zoning designations in the vicinity: Commercial, Neighborhood (CN) to the north along the 'C' Street corridor and one lot immediately west of the subject site; Residential High Density (RHD) to the south and west Industrial Light (II.,) to the east across 'C' Street; and Residential Single Family (RS-7) approximately 150 feet east off of the 'C' Street corridor Adjacent land uses include: A commercial operation (Angeles Millworks) to the east; Multi-family residential, including a group home to the west and south; A church to the north; and Single family residential uses surrounding those uses. The Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map designation of the subject property is High Density Residential (HDR). Previous studies and inventories of lands and Land uses have shown that there is a relative shortage of high density residential to low density residential designated properties in Port Angeles. The most recent land use analysis in Port Angeles was summarized in the Community Profile Section of the Comprehensive Plan. This section states that there are 12 acres of buildable areas zoned high density residential multi-family Lands, as compared to 491 acres of buildable areas zoned low density residential. The low density residential zoning designations comprise approximately 46% of the total land base within the City limits, as compared to 4% of the high density residential. Commercial areas comprise approximately 7% of the land base. These figures have changed since the last inventory was completed, however, no changes have occurred that would alter the numbers significantly. In addition to consistency with the Comprehensive Plan, the Planning Commission can determine that circumstances have changed since the time the present zoning was approved to warrant a rezone. In this instance, there is a demand for high density residential uses within the City that is not being met by current zoning, according to past studies. However, from random observance of existing commercial areas, there appears to be vacant or redevelopable commercial properties available. The City's Comprehensive Plan goals and policies encourage a variety of residential opportunities and densities within a community of viable districts and neighborhoods, creating the desired urban design of the City where housing is available and affordable. Both medium and high density housing should be located where a higher density concentration of residents is compatible with the C7 i - 117 surrounding area. This should include areas of the community that axe most suitable for such uses, based on existing services and public facilities, including transportation. In addition, the Comprehensive Plan notes that medium and high densities could be a transitional use between different land uses. This is often found between single family and commercial or industrial land • uses. As required by the Zoning Code, certain criteria are required to be met for the approval of rezones, which includes consistency with the Comprehensive Plan, consistency with the Zoning Code, including maintaining the validity, integrity, and purpose and intent of the. zones, as well as avoiding spot zones. DEPARTMENT COMMENTS The Fire Department has no objections or other comments to the proposed rezone. The Public Works and Utilities Department had no comment. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW There are no environmentally sensitive areas located on or adjacent to the subject property. The City's State Environmental Policy Act Responsible Official issued a Determination of Non- Significance for the proposal per WAC 197-11-355 on May 11, 2009. The written public comment period for this application concluded May 8, 2009, with no written comments received. STAFF RECOMMENDATION • This rezone application is a legislative action. An "open record" public hearing. will be held before both the Planning Commission and the City Council. Per RCW 36.70B, Local Project Review, the Planning Commission shall hold a public hearing and make a recommendation to the City Council on a rezone proposal. The recommendation is to be based solely on the information contained in the official file, which includes any public testimony that was received. The proposal is in accordance within the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map designation of High Density Residential and is supported by several Comprehensive Plan Goals, Policies and Objectives as identified in Attachment "B" to this staff report. Staff recommends that the Planning Commission forward a recommendation of approval to the City Council of rezone application REZ 09-O1 based on the findings and conclusions listed in Attachment "A." Attachments A. Recommended Findings and Conclusions B. Comprehensive Plan and Zoning excerpts C. Application Materials • I-118 . COMPREHENSIVE PLAN, ZONING & DEVELOPMENT REGULATION REVIEW Comprehensive Plan. General Comments - The Land Use Map designates the site as High Density Residential. Land Use Element Policies Goal A, Policy No.1- "The Comprehensive Plan Land use map should be used as a conceptual guide for determining current and long range zoning and other land use decisions. The map's land use designations are intended to show areas where general land use types are allowed. The area between land use designations should be considered an imprecise margin in order to provide flexibility in determining the boundary of such areas. When determining appropriate zoning designations for an area near a margin, the goals, policies and objectives of the Land Use Element should take precedence. " Goal A, Policy No. 2. - 'AZZ land use decisions and approvals made by the City Council and/or any of its appointed Commissions, Boards or Committees should be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and its land use map. " Goal A, Objective No. 1. - "The City will review and revise as necessary the existing Zoning Ordinance, Zoning Map, and other development regulations to ensure consistency with the Comprehensive Plan. " Goal B - "To have a community where residential development and use of the land are done in a manner that is compatible with the environment, the characteristics of the use and the users, and the desired urban design of the City. " Goal C - "To have a community of viable districts and neighborhoods with a variety of residential opportunities for personal interaction, fulfillment and enjoyment, attractive to people of all ages, characteristics and interests. Goal C Policy 1. -Residential Zand should be developed on the district and neighborhood concept. Although such districts nzay be composed primarily of residential uses of a uniform density, a healthy, viable district should be composed of residential uses of varying densities which may be augmented by subordinate and compatible uses. Single family and multi family homes, parks and open-spaces, schools, churches, day care and residential services, home occupations, and district shopping areas are all legitimate components of district development and enhancement. A neighborhood should be primarily composed of low, medium, or high density housing. Goal C Policy 2. -Medium and high density housing should be located in areas of the community most suitable for such uses, based on existing services, public facilities, and transportation. Goal C Policy 3. -Medium and high density housing should be served by arterial streets of sufficient size in order to satisfy traffic demand and to lessen neighborhood traffic congestion. Goal CPolicy 4. -Medium and high density housing could be a transitional use between d~erent land uses, provided such other uses would not adversely impact the residential nature of the housing. I-119 Goal E, Policy No. Z - "IVew commercial development should occur only where urban services are adequate to accommodate them. These developments should follow a cluster configuration rather than a strip pattern. " • Goal E, Policy No. S - "Commercial development outside the Highway 101 corridor should not be in a strip pattern ". Transportation Element Policies Goal B, Policy No. Y4 - "Off-street parking should be sufficient and accessible within business and residential areas to ensure that the traj~c flow of the street is not impaired. " Zoning Code. The purpose of the Zoning Code is to implement the goals, policies and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan by dividing the City into zones restricting and regulating the location, construction, alteration of the use of structures and land, and to promote the orderly and appropriate development of such areas. RHD (PANG 17.151. The purpose of the RHD zone is to provide for high density multi-family residential structures. Compatible uses maybe allowed on Conditional Use Permits but the zone is still regarded as a residential area, and commercial enterprises are not generally felt to be compatible. Examples of permitted and conditional uses include single and multi-family residential, funeral homes, child care, churches, nursing homes, group homes and public and private schools. Any amendment to Title 17, Zoning Code, shall be consistent with Section 17.96.100 of the Zoning Code, which reads as follows: 17.96.100 Amendments. A. In determining if an amendment to these regulations is needed, the City Council shall give due consideration to the proper relationship of such amendment to the Comprehensive Plan and the entire Zoning Regulations; it being the intent to retain the integrity and validity of the zones herein described and to avoid any isolated spot zoning changes in the Zoning Map. B. Any amendments adopted by the Council may be modified from the form in which they were advertised within the limits necessary to relate properly such amendment or amendments to the Zoning Regulations. Final action on such modifications shall be subject to review and report of the Planning Commission prior to final passage by the City Council. C. No application for a change of zoning of any lot, parcel or portion thereof shall be considered by the Council within one year of the final action of the Council upon a prior application covering any of the same described land. This provision, however, shall not impair the right of the Council to propose by their own action any amendment or change in the boundaries of any of the zones in these regulations. Other Subsequent development of the property would require compliance with various chapters of the Port Angeles Municipal Code, as it applies. • I-120 CITY COUNCIL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington May 19, 2009 CALL TO ORDER - Mayor Braun called the regular meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at 6:00 REGULAR MEETING: p.m. ROLL CALL: Members Present: Mayor Braun, Deputy Mayor Wharton, and Councilmembers Di Guilio, Kidd, Perry, Rogers, and Williams. Members Absent: None. StaffPr~esent: Manager Myers, Attorney Bloor, Deputy Clerk Hagar, T. Gallagher, D. McKeen, N. West, Y. Ziomkowski, S. Sperr, K. Dubuc, B. Smith, T. Pierce, S. Roberds, and R. Bonine. Public Present: P. Lamoureux and E. Chadd. All others present in the audience failed to sign the roster. PLEDGE OF The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Councilmember Williams. ALLEGIANCE: PUBLIC COMMENT: Jerry Sampont, 2309 E. Third Avenue, Port Angeles, spoke in support of the increased . presence of the Border Patrol. PUBLIC CEREMONIES/ None. PRESENTATIONS: WORK SESSION: 1. Capital Facilities Plan (CFP) & Transportation Improvement Program (TIP): Capital Facilities Plan Manager Meyers and Deputy Director of Public Works Sperr facilitated continued (CFP) & Transportation discussion on the Preliminary 2009 - 2015 Capital Facilities Plan /Transportation Improvement Program Improvement Program. No action was taken. (TIP) Core Services /Police & 2. Core Services /Police & Fire Departments: Fire Departments Using PowerPoint slides, Fire Marshal Dubuc and Deputy Police Chief Smith gave a presentation demonstrating a day in the life of public safety personnel, focusing on core functions of response, training and prevention. Deputy Chief Smith began the presentation by describing the types of calls received on May 18, 2009, and what the department's response was to those calls. He then disclosed the types of training in which staff participated during the month of April and the prevention activities conducted by the Police Department, such as sex offender monitoring and the Downtown Resource Officer program. Fire Marshal Dubuc provided examples of the Fire Department's calls and responses on May 18"', describing the training the Fire Department accomplished in April, as well as its prevention activities, such as Code enforcement and citizen fire extinguisher training. • The presentation was concluded with an explanation of how the two departments work K-1 -1- CITY COUNCIL MEETING May 19, 2009 WORK SESSION: in collaboration to resolve many calls, stressing the importance of the training staff has (Cont'd) received and the preventative measures taken. • Core Services /Police & Police Chief Gallagher thanked the Council for the opportunity to give the presentation Fire Departments (Cont'd) and distributed a hand out which described the core functions and related programs for the Police and Fire Departments. Manager Myers noted that the purpose of the presentation was to help the Council identify core services as suggested by the recent budget discussions. All departments will be given the opportunity to give a presentation on their core services over the next several months. Break Mayor Braun recessed the meeting for a break at 7:13 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 7:25 p.m. PUBLIC HEARINGS - 1. Amendment to Walker Estates Subdivision: QUASI-JUDICIAL: Community & Economic Development Director West informed the Council this is a Amendment to Walker Quasi-Judicial matter that was misplaced on the agenda. He then displayed a map Estates Subdivision showing the area under discussion and provided information regarding the amendment to the Walker Estates Subdivision. As the majority of the subdivision owners wish to reduce the number of lots from 22 to 19 to allow for more buildable area on the marine bluff lots and to combine three irregularly shaped non-marine bluff lots into two more reasonably shaped lots, an amendment to the original subdivision is necessary. Anew survey will be prepared for Council's review if preliminary approval is given tonight. Attorney Bloor reminded the Council this is a quasi judicial hearing and any changes in status should be declared. Councilmembers Rogers and Williams indicated their status was unchanged. Mayor Braun opened the public hearing at 7:30 p.m. Alan Barnard, 697 Lemmon Road, listing agent for the owners of the project, provided background on the origin of this subdivision. Mr. Barnard explained that the new owners felt some of the existing lots had a less desirable building footprint; therefore, lot lines were moved to create a larger buildable space. There was no further testimony and Mayor Braun closed the public hearing at 7:34 p.m. Councilmember Perry moved to preliminarily approve the amendment to the Walker Estates Subdivision, citing Condition 1, Findings 1- 7, and Conclusions A - C, as set forth in Exhibit "A", which is attached to and becomes a part of these minutes. Councilmember Kidd seconded the motion. Following brief comment, a vote was taken on the motion, which carried unanimously. PUBLIC HEARINGS - None. OTHER: Art on the Town 1. Art on the Town Donation: Public Works & Utilities Deputy Director Sperr summarized the history of the Art on the Town project and the annual art donations made to the City by the Port Angeles Downtown Association. He noted a number of art pieces are on permanent display and these pieces are being donated to the City. Deputy Director of Recreation Bonine stated the Council had already approved the donation of many of the art pieces. However, in the interest of ensuring all have been included, he is asking for approval of all 21 pieces. Deputy Director Bonine used K-2 -2- CITY COUNCIL MEETING May 19, 2009 OTHER PowerPoint slides to demonstrate Art on the Town policy highlights, gave an "electronic CONSIDERATIONS: tour" of the art, and provided staff recommendations. At Council's request, clarification (Cont'd) was provided regarding insurance coverage should any or all of the art pieces be damaged. Art on the Town Donation (Cont'd) Councilmember Rogers moved to accept the art pieces as a donation to the City. Councilmember Kidd seconded the motion. Following further discussion regarding insurance and the deductible for 21 pieces of art, a vote was taken on the motion, which carried unanimously. Farmers' Market -Request 2. Farmers 'Market -Request for Temporary Site Relocation: for Temporary Site Relocation Director West stated the Farmers Market would be temporarily displaced from the Clallam County parking lot on Saturday, May 23`a due to the Juan de Fuca Festival of the Arts. They are requesting approval for a temporary street closure of either Laurel Street between First and Front or Lincoln Street between Front and Railroad Streets. Barbara Frederick, 815 S. Race Street, President of the Downtown Association, stated the downtown merchants objected to the closure of Lincoln Street, as this is a main traffic corridor for the ferry and the Transit buses. Following discussion and clarification, Councilmember Perry moved to grant temporary use of Laurel Street from Front to First on May 23`d for the use of the Farmers' Market. Councilmember Di Guilio seconded the motion, which carried 6-0, with Deputy Mayor Wharton abstaining as she is a member of the Board for the Farmers Market. City Manager's Goals & 3. City Manager's Goals & Objectives: . Objectives Manager Myers announced that as a result of feedback he received following the last Council meeting, he had drafted a list of 15 City Manager Performance Goals for the coming year and also developed a performance evaluation form. Referring to Page G-6 of the packet, Item 11 of the Performance Goals and Objectives, Councilmember Rogers recommended it be amended to read "Expand the economi c base of the community." rather than "..the tourism base...". Council agreed to the change and following further limited discussion, Councilmember Williams moved to adopt the Performance Goals as presented. Councilmember Rogers seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. LATE ITEMS TO BE There were no late items added to the agenda. PLACED ON THIS OR FUTURE AGENDAS: Councilmember Rogers stated she attended the bill signing ceremony with Governor Gregoire. In honor of the new City Manager's first 100 days in office, Councilmember Rogers presented Manager Myers with a pen used by the governor at that ceremony. Councilmember Perry commended Councilmember Rogers on all of her efforts on behalf of City, stating she has been a tremendous asset, especially in the legislative arena. ORDINANCES NOT 1. Business Hours Ordinance: REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS: Attorney Bloor, on behalf of Director Ziomkowski, advised the Council that this would be the second reading of the Ordinance, which changes the hours of operation for the Business Hours Ordinance Customer Service and City Clerk Divisions. The change in hours would be effective June Ordinance No. 3364 1, 2009. . Mayor Braun conducted a second reading of the Ordinance by title, entitled K-3 -3- CITY COUNCIL MEETING May 19, 2009 ORDINANCES NOT ORDINANCE NO. 3364 REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS: AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, revising (Cont'd) Chapters 2.44 and 3.70 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code relating to Business Hours. Business Hours Ordinance Ordinance No. 3364 Councilmember Rogers moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title. Deputy (Cont'd) Mayor Wharton seconded the motion. Discussion followed, after which a vote was taken on the motion, which carried by a vote of 6-1, with Councilmember Kidd voting in opposition. With Council's permission, Manager Myers announced the preliminary election results for the formation of a Metropolitan Park District, stating the measure was passing by a 2 to 1 margin. RESOLUTIONS: None. FINANCE: 1. FEMA Disaster Events /Consultant Agreement with Perteet: 2. Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) Monitoring Services Agreement: Councilmember Di Guilio moved to add the FEMA Disaster Events /Consultant Agreement with Perteet and the Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) Monitoring Services Agreement to the Consent Agenda. Councilmember Perry seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. CONSENT AGENDA: Councilmember Di Guilio moved to accept the Consent Agenda, to include: 1.) City Council Meeting Minutes of May 5, 2009; 2.) Expenditure Approval List from 4/25/09 to 5/18/09 for $1,302,412.83; 3.} Surplus Equipment/Trolley -Set Public Hearing; 4.) Dry Creek Bridge & Trail Planning Report -Set Public Hearing; 5.) Stormwater NPDES Phase llPermit /Ordinances -Set Public Hearing; 6.) 2009 - 2015 Capital Facilities Plan (CFP) & Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) /Resolution No. 9-09 -Set Public Hearing; 7.) Lodging Tax Advisory Committee -Approve Recommendation to Fill Vacancy; 8.) FEMA Disaster Events /Consultant Agreement with Perteet; and 9.) Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) Monitoring Services Agreement. Councilmember Perry seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. Regarding the appointment of Joseph Mollerus, General Manager of the Red Lion Hotel, to the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee, Councilmember Rogers announced that she had asked Mr. Mollerus to facilitate discussion among all the hotel, motel and B & B operators to ensure all have input regarding the recommendations made by the Committee. Councilmember Williams thanked City staff for putting the Council recordings on the City's web site. He felt it would be prudent of the Daily News to run an article informing people they can listen to the meetings on line. Councilmember Di Guilio expressed his appreciation to staff for the effort made to provide more information to the public, especially that the Council packets are now available on-line. He further suggested that, in the future, Council receive the packet electronically. Mayor Braun also expressed his appreciation for staff and requested Council join him in applauding staff's efforts. CITY COUNCIL None. COMMITTEE REPORTS: INFORMATION: Manager Myers announced the updated results of the Pool ballot, and provided an update on the Community at Work Painting Project, the Gateway Wall repair and the NOAH • project. K-4 -4- CITY COUNCIL MEETING May 19, 2009 INFORMATION: It was announced that the work on the Hood Canal Bridge is on schedule, and possibly • (Cont'd) a week ahead. Councilmember Wharton informed staff of positive feedback regarding the improvements to the Discovery Trail. Councilmember Di Guilio expressed appreciation to all those who worked so hard on Save the Pool, and the Council applauded the efforts of Krista Winn and her companions who appeared to give the good news of the pool levy passage. EXECUTIVE SESSION: None. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 8:29 p.m. Gary Braun, Mayor • • Becky J. Upton, City Clerk K-5 -s- °' - ~Tfl'`' Date: 5/27/2009 ~' City of Port Angeles - City Council Expenditure Report :,~ .: - - ~~ - From: S/9/2009 To: 5/22/2009 • Vendor Description Account Number Invoice Amount AMSTERDAM PRINTING & LITHO LABELS 001-0000-237.00-00 -5.70 CLALLAM CNTY TREASURER CVCA TO CLALLAM CO TREAS 001-0000-229.40-00 302.13 COMMERCIAL CARD SOLUTIONS City Credit Card Pmt 001-0000-213.10-95 -17,076.48 City Credit Card Pmt 001-0000-213.10-95 14,085.93 Blkberry Accessories-TG 001-0000-237.00-00 -87.72 Battery Stick-Gallagher 001-0000-237.00-00 -2.02 Print lifting kits-TG 001-0000-237.00-00 -10.59 Holsters-Gallagher 001-0000-237.00-00 -17.59 Stop Fraud Book-Hagar 001-0000-237.00-00 -5.58 Cash Hndlg/Trng Book-CH 001-0000-237.00-00 -5.58 Cash RegstrTapes-Hagar 001-0000-237.00-00 -23.91 Storage Boxes-Hagar 001-0000-237.00-00 -9.74 Trash Lids-Hanley 001-0000-237.00-00 -27.03 Rec program supplies-CK 001-0000-237.00-00 -3.77 Ear Phone Kit-Smith 001-0000-237.00-00 -4.97 Laser Pen 001-0000-237.00-00 -0.80 CONNEY SAFETY PRODUCTS SUPPLIES 001-0000-237.00-00 -11.19 Carmen Eucker VBCC DEPOSIT REFUND 10/25 001-0000-239.10-00 50.00 Clallam County YMCA CITY PIER DEPOSIT REFUND 001-0000-239.10-00 150.00 Verne Brown LOOMIS DEPOSIT REFUND VER 001-0000-239.10-UO 50.00 Westport Shipyard VBCC DEPOSIT REFUND 12/20 001-0000-239.10-00 150.00 WA STATE PATROL LIVESCAN PRINT'S FOR APRIL 001-0000-229.50-00 1,006.75 WASHINGTON STATE TREASURER APRIL BUILDING SURCHARGE 001-0000-229.10-00 90.00 DIST CT REV TO ST TREAS 001-0000-229.30-00 12,831.04 Division Total: $11,423.18 Department Total: $11,423.18 ADVANCED TRAVEL Mayor's Summit-Braun 001-1160-511.43-10 88.70 AMSAN OLYMPIC SUPPLY WATER CUPS/COUNCIL MTGS 001-1160-511.31-01 133.02 COMMERCIAL CARD SOLUTIONS Council Treats-Pierce 001-1160-511.31-01 34.33 Chamber Lunches-Williams 001-1160-511.31-01 26.00 Conf Reg-Braun 001-1160-511.43-10 250.00 Travel-Rogers 001-1160-511.43-10 1,104.86 Travel-Rogers 001-1160-511.43-10 -100.00 OLYMPIC PRINTERS INC ENVELOPES /COUNCIL 001-1160-511.31-01 138.70 PORT ANGELES CITY TREASURER EDC Lunch-Williams 001-1160-511.31-01 8.50 Legislative Mayor & Council Division Total: $1,684.11 Legislative Department Total: $1,684.11 • COMMERCIAL CARD SOLUTIONS Lunch meetings-Myers 001-1210-513.31-01 239.19 Conf Reg-Myers 001-1210-513.43-10 285.00 Hotel/Computer use-Myers 001-1210-513.43-10 164.43 ICMA-MEMBERSHIP ICMA MEMBERSHIP/MYERS 001-1210-513.49-01 • 1,200.00 PORT ANGELES CITY TREASURER PSPtnrshp Lunch-Myers 001-1210-513.43-10 8.29 K-6 Page 1 `~ ~- ~ r~,`, Date: 5/27/2009 _ City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report ;~ __ __ • •~~-~-~ From:5/9/2009 To:S/22/2009 Vendor Description Account Number Invoice Amount ctwESr 5-5 a/c 36045238778178 001-1210-513.42-10 1.14 5-5 a/c 36045237125856 001-1210-513.42-10 1.69 5-5 a/c 3604529882811 B 001-1210-513.42-10 1.14 5-5 a/c 36045298876528 001-1210-513.42-10 1.14 5-5 a/c 36045251096238 001-1210-513.42-10 1.16 5-14 a/c 36045708315588 001-1210-513.42-10 1.14 5-14 a/c 36045709683438 001-1210-513.42-10 2.27 5-14 a/c 36045715355718 001-1210-513.42-10 1.69 5-14 a/c 36045766840858 001-1210-513.42-10 6.98 5-14 a/c 36045704111998 001-1210-513.42-10 62.75 VERIZON WIRELESS 4-25 a/c 671402094-00001 001-1210-513.31-01 56.89 4-25 a/c 671402094-00001 001-1210-513.42-10 82.80 WASHINGTON (DIS), STATE OF Scan Chgs-April 001-1210-513.42-10 37.74 City Manager Department City Manager Office Division Total: $2,155.44 OLYMPIC LAUNDRY & DRY CLEANERS AWARDS LUNCH TABLE CLOTHS 001-1211-513.31-01 113.30 City Manager Department Customer Commitment Division Total: $113.30 COMMERCIAL CARD SOLUTIONS Conf Reg-Coons 001-1220-516.43-10 200.00 Want Ad-Coons 001-1220-516.44-10 585.00 OLYMPIC PRINTERS INC ENVELOPES / HR 001-1220-516.31-01 64.12 • PENINSULA DAILY NEWS LEGAL AD 001-1220-516.44-10 27.10 HR CLASSIFIED AD 001-1220-516.44-10 193.43 QWEST 5-5 a/c 36045238778178 001-1220-516.42-10 0.23 5-5 a/c 36045237125858 001-1220-516.42-10 0.34 5-5 a/c 36045298828118 001-1220-516.42-10 0.23 5-5 a/c 36045298876526 001-1220-516.42-10 0.23 5-5 a/c 36045251096236 001-1220-516.42-10 0.23 5-14 a/c 36045708315586 001-1220-516.42-10 0.23 5-14 a/c 36045709683436 001-1220-516.42-10 0.45 5-14 a/c 36045715355716 001-1220-516.42-10 0.34 5-14 a/c 36045766840856 001-1220-516.42-10 1.40 5-14 a/c 36045704111996 001-1220-516.42-10 12.55 VERIZON WIRELESS 4-25 a/c 671402094-00001 001-1220-516.42-10 56.96 WASHINGTON (DIS), STATE OF Scan Chgs-April 001-1220-516.42-10 25.95 City Manager Department Human Resources Division Total: $1,168.79 PENINSULA DAILY NEWS LEGAL AD 001-1230-514.44-10 23.15 QWEST 5-5 a/c 36045238778178 001-1230-514.42-10 0.11 5-5 a/c 36045237125858 001-1230-514.42-10 0.17 5-5 a/c 3604529882811 B 001-1230-514.42-10 0.11 5-5 a/c 36045298876528 001-1230-514.42-10 0.11 5-5 a/c 36045251096238 001-1230-514.42-10 0.12 5-14 a/c 36045708315588 001-1230-514.42-10 0.11 5-14 a/c 36045709683436 001-1230-514.42-10 0.23 K-7 Page 2 r:.,...Fr i-~. w=. Date: 5/27/2009 _ _ City of Port Angeles I,~~ ~ ~ ~' City Council Expenditure Report .~- _ _ From: 5/9/2009 To: 5/22/2009 • Vendor Description Account Number Invoice Amount awEST 5-14 a/c 36045715355716 001-1230-514.42-10 0.17 5-14 a/c 36045766840858 001-1230-514.42-10 0.70 5-14 a/c 36045704111996 001-1230-514.42-10 6.27 WASHINGTON (DIS}, STATE OF Scan Chgs-April 001-1230-514.42-10 3.00 City Manager Department City Clerk Division Total: $34.25 City Manager Department Department Total: $3,471.78 ADVANCED TRAVEL WFOA6oard-Ziomkowski 001-2010-514.43-10 38.55 APT US&C CPFA CERT & PLAQUE/YVONNE 001-2010-514.49-01 200.00 COMMERCIAL CARD SOLUTIONS Laser Pen-Hagar 001-2010-514.31-01 10.28 Hotel Credit-Hagar 001-2010-514.43-10 -53.96 OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC 2 CALCULATOR INK ROLLERS 001-2010-514.31-01 8.90 PACIFIC OFFICE EQUIPMENT INC TONER CARTRIDGE 001-2010-514.31-01 188.32 COLORED TONERS (4) YZ 001-2010-514.31-01 536.21 PORT ANGELES CITY TREASURER CFO Lunch-Ziomkowski 001-2010-514.31-01 11.22 Donuts-Trng-Dubuc 001-2010-514.31-01 11.52 OwEST 5-5 a/c 36045238778176 001-2010-514.42-10 0.80 5-5 a/c 36045237125856 001-2010-514.42-10 1.18 5-5 a/c 3604529882811 B 001-2010-514.42-10 0.80 5-5 a/c 36045298876526 5-5 a/c 36045251096236 001-2010-514.42-10 001-2010-514.42-10 0.80 0.81 • 5-14 a/c 36045708315588 001-2010-514.42-10 0.80 5-14 a/c 36045709683436 001-2010-514.42-10 1.59 5-14 a/c 36045715355716 001-2010-514.42-10 1.18 5-14 a/c 36045766840858 001-2010-514.42-10 4.89 5-14 a/c 36045704111998 001-2010-514.42-10 43.92 vERIZON WIRELESS 4-25 a/c 671402094-00001 001-2010-514.42-10 56.89 WASHINGTON (DIS), STATE OF Scan Chgs-April 001-2010-514.42-10 8.22 Finance Department Finance Administration Division Total: $1,072.92 COMMERCIAL CARD SOLUTIONS Stop Fraud Book-Hagar 001-2023-514.31-01 72.06 PerfBudgetingBook-Hagar 001-2023-514.31-01 50.73 Printer-Finance-Brooks 001-2023-514.31-60 172.90 Conf Reg-Horton/Wright 001-2023-514.43-10 700.00 Hotel Credit-Hagar 001-2023-514.43-10 -53.95 WMTA mbrship-Horton 001-2023-514.49-01 40.00 GOVT FINANCE OFFCRS ASN PUBLIC INVESTOR THRU 5/10 001-2023-514.31-01 55.00 MICROFLEX INC MARCH/APRIL TAX AUDIT 001-2023-514.41-50 56.56 OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC XSTAMPER/AP 001-2023-514.31-01 30.62 PACIFIC OFFICE EQUIPMENT INC TONER CARTRIDGE/CASAD 001-2023-514.31-01 188.32 PORT ANGELES CITY TREASURER Donuts-Ident Trng-Horton 001-2023-514.43-10 11.97 OwEST 5-5 a/c 36045238778178 001-2023-514.42-10 1.02 5-5 a/c 36045237125858 001-2023-514.42-10 1.52 • 5-5 a/c 3604529882811 B 001-2023-514.42-10 1.02 K-8 Page 3 • • 1.. ~_ 4f 1~.. ;_. City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: S/9/2009 To: 5/22/2009 Date: 5/27/2009 Vendor OWEST UNITED PARCEL SERVICE WASHINGTON (DIS), STATE OF Finance Department ACCURINT ADVANCED TRAVEL COMMERCIAL CARD SOLUTIONS DATABARINCORPORATED PORT ANGELES CITY TREASURER OWEST RADIX CORPORATION WASHINGTON (DIS), STATE OF Finance Department DATA BASE MORNINGSIDE PITNEY BOWES CREDIT CORP UNITED PARCEL SERVICE Finance Department Description Account Number 5-5 a/c 36045298876526 001-2023-514.42-10 5-5 a/c 36045251096236 001-2023-514.42-10 5-14 a/c 36045708315588 001-2023-514.42-10 5-14 a/c 36045709683438 001-2023-514.42-10 5-14 a/c 36045715355716 001-2023-514.42-10 5-14 a/c 36045766840856 001-2023-514.42-10 5-14 a/c 36045704111996 001-2023-514.42-10 Shipping Chgs pe 5-2 001-2023-514.42-10 Scan Chgs-April 001-2023-514.42-10 Accounting Division Total: PERSON SEARCHES 001-2025-514.41-50 WMTA Conf-Hostetler 001-2025-514.43-10 Cash Hndlg/Trng Book-CH 001-2025-514.31-01 Cash Regstr Tapes-Hagar 001-2025-514.31-01 Storage Boxes-Hagar 001-2025-514.31-01 Conf Reg-Hostetler 001-2025-514.43-10 WMTA mbrship-Hostetler 001-2025-514.49-01 CYCLES 16-20 4/23/09 001-2025-514.41-50 CYCLES 1-5 5/8/09 001-2025-514.41-50 CYCLES 6-10 5/14/09 001-2025-514.41-50 Keys-Van-Dryke 001-2025-514.31-80 5-5 a/c 36045238778178 001-2025-514.42-10 5-5 a/c 36045237125856 001-2025-514.42-10 5-5 a/c 3604529882811 B 001-2025-514.42-10 5-5 a/c 36045298876526 001-2025-514.42-10 5-5 a/c 36045251096236 001-2025-514.42-10 5-14 a/c 36045708315586 001-2025-514.42-10 5-14 a/c 36045709683436 001-2025-514,42-10 5-14 a/c 3604571535571 B 001-2025-514.42-10 5-14 a/c 36045766840856 001-2025-514,42-10 5-14 a/c 36045704111998 001-2025-514,42-10 MAINTENANCE JUNE 09 001-2025-514,48-10 Scan Chgs-April 001-2025-514,42-10 Customer Service Division Total: APRIL RECORDS DESTRUCTION 001-2080-514.41-50 APRIL COPY RM. SERVICES 001-2080-514.41-50 2ND O POSTAGE MACH LEASE 001-2080-514.45-30 Shipping Chgs pe 5-2 001-2080-514.42-10 Reprographics Division Total: Finance Department Department Total: 5-5 a/c 36045238778178 001-3010-515.42-10 5-5 a/c 36045237125856 001-3010-515.42-10 Invoice Amount 1.02 1.04 1.02 2.05 1.52 6.29 56.47 12.30 10.82 $1,420.30 50.00 669.43 72.06 308.56 125.74 160.00 40.00 1,500.35 1,969.83 1,937.61 4.05 1.48 2.20 1.48 1.48 1.50 1.48 2.96 2.20 9.08 81.57 94.99 5.81 $7,043.86 252.63 855.00 1, 344.00 62.00 $2,513.63 $12,050.71 • OWEST 0.68 1.02 K-9 Page 4 °' - F ~ n'` Date: 5/27/2009 City of Port Angeles ~` City Council Expenditure Report ,~' '~~~ "~~~*~-''' From: S/9/2009 To: 5/22/2009 • Vendor Description - Account Number Invoice Amount QWEST 5-5 a/c 36045298828116 001-3010-515.42-10 0.68 5-5 a/c 36045298876526 001-3010-515.42-10 0.68 5-5 a/c 36045251096236 001-3010-515.42-10 0.69 5-14 a/c 36045708315586 001-3010-515.42-10 0.68 5-14 a/c 36045709683436 001-3010-515.42-10 1.36 5-14 a/c 36045715355718 001-3010-515.42-10 1.02 5-14 a/c 36045766840858 001-3010-515.42-10 4.19 5-14 a/c 36045704111996 001-3010-515.42-10 37.65 VERIZON WIRELESS 4-25 a/c 671402094-00001 001-3010-515.42-10 28.44 4-25 a/c 671402094-00001 001-3010-515.42-10 28.59 WASHINGTON (DIS), STATE OF Scan Chgs-April 001-3010-515.42-10 4.50 Attorney Attorney Office Division Total: $110.18 CLALLAM CNTY DIST 1 COURT APRIL COURT COSTS 001-3021-515.50-90 9,470.88 MYERS, STAN DEFENSE ATTY-PCR15141 001-3021-515.50-90 175.00 DEFENSE ATTY-PCR15256 001-3021-515.50-90 175.00 DEFENSE ATTY-PCR15405 001-3021-515.50-90 175.00 DEFENSE ATTY-PCR9769 001-3021-515.50-90 175.00 QWEST 5-5 a/c 36045238778176 001-3021-515.42-10 0.45 5-5 a/c 36045237125856 001-3021-515.42-10 0.68 5-5 a/c 3604529882811 B 001-3021-515.42-10 0.45 5-5 a/c 36045298876528 001-3021-515.42-10 0.45 5-5 a/c 36045251096238 001-3021-515.42-10 0.46 5-'14 a/c 36045708315586 001-3021-515.42-10 0.45 5-14 a/c 36045709683438 001-3021-515.42-10 0.91 5-14 a/c 3604571535571 B 001-3021-515.42-10 0.68 5-14 a/c 36045766840856 001-3021-515.42-10 2.79 5-14 a/c 36045704111996 001-3021-515.42-10 25.10 VERIZON WIRELESS 4-25 a/c 671402094-00001 001-3021-515.42-10 28.45 4-25 a/c 671402094-00001 001-3021-515.42-10 28.60 WASHINGTON (DIS), STATE OF Scan Chgs-April 001-3021-515.42-10 8.08 Attorney Prosecution Division Total: $10,268.43 Attorney Department Total: $10,378.61 OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL 001-4010-558.31-01 26.58 PENINSULA DAILY NEWS LEGAL AD 001-4010-558.44-10 446.27 PORT ANGELES CITY TREASURER Chamber Mtg-West 001-4010-558.31-01 13.00 Chamber Mtgs-West 001-4010-558.31-01 24.17 QWEST 5-5 a/c 36045238778176 001-4010-558.42-10 0.85 5-5 a!c 36045237125856 001-4010-558.42-10 1.27 5-5 a/c 3604529882811 B 001-4010-558.42-10 0.85 5-5 a/c 36045298876526 001-4010-558.42-10 0.85 5-5 a/c 36045251096236 001-4010-558.42-10 0.87 • 5-14 a/c 36045708315588 001-4010-558.42-10 0.85 K-10 Page 5 _, .. r. T.~,: - - Date: 5/27/2009 ~' City of Port Angeles ~~ i City Council Expenditure Report ~;; • ~~*~ ~ From: 5/9/2009 To: 5/22/2009 Vendor Description Account Number Invoice Amount OwEST 5-14 a/c 36045709683438 001-4010-558.42-10 1.71 5-14 a/c 36045715355718 001-4010-558.42-10 1.27 5-14 a/c 36045766840856 001-4010-558.42-10 5.24 5-14 a/c 36045704111996 001-4010-558.42-10 47.06 VERIZON WIRELESS 4-25 a/c 671402094-00001 001-4010-558.42-10 28.46 WASHINGTON (DIS), STATE OF Scan Chgs-April 001-4010-558.42-10 56.14 Community Development Planning Division Total: $655.44 COMMERCIAL CARD SOLUTIONS I Codes/CD-Roberds 001-4020-524.31-01 271.79 INTERNATIONAL CODE COUNCIL INC ICC GOVT ENTITY DUES 001-4020-524.49-01 100.00 OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL 001-4020-524.31-01 122.06 QwEST 5-5 a/c 36045238778178 001-4020-524.42-10 0.30 5-5 a/c 36045237125858 001-4020-524.42-10 0.44 5-5 a/c 3604529882811 B 001-4020-524.42-10 0.30 5-5 a/c 36045298876528 001-4020-524.42-10 0.30 5-5 a/c 36045251096236 001-4020-524.42-10 0.30 5-14 a/c 36045708315586 001-4020-524.42-10 0.30 5-14 a/c 36045709683438 001-4020-524.42-10 0.59 5-14 a/c 36045715355718 001-4020-524.42-10 0.44 5-14 a/c 36045766840858 001-4020-524.42-10 1.82 . 5-14 a/c 36045704111998 001-4020-524.42-10 16.31 vERIZON WIRELESS 4-15 a/c 264230412-00003 001-4020-524.42-10 35.90 4-15 a/c 264230412-00003 001-4020-524.42-10 21.52 WASHINGTON (DIS), STATE OF Scan Chgs-April 001-4020-524.42-10 6.15 Community Development Building Division Total: $578.52 ADVANCED TRAVEL WACE Trng-Bartholick 001-4030-559.43-10 108.30 QWEST 5-5 a/c 36045238778178 001-4030-559.42-10 0.05 5-5 a/c 36045237125858 001-4030-559.42-10 0.07 5-5 a/c 3604529882811 B 001-4030-559.42-10 0.05 5-5 a/c 36045298876528 001-4030-559.42-10 0.05 5-5 a/c 36045251096238 001-4030-559.42-10 0.05 5-14 a/c 36045708315588 001-4030-559.42-10 0.05 5-14 a/c 36045709683436 001-4030-559.42-10 0.09 5-14 a/c 3604571535571 B 001-4030-559.42-10 0.07 5-14 a/c 36045766840856 001-4030-559.42-10 0.28 5-14 a/c 36045704111998 001-4030-559.42-10 2.51 VERIZON WIRELESS 4-15 a/c 264230412-00003 001-4030-559.42-10 14.37 WASHINGTON (DIS), STATE OF Scan Chgs-April 001-4030-559.42-10 2.53 Community Development Code Compliance Division Total: $128.47 Community Development Department Tofa/: $1,362.43 BLUMENTHAL UNIFORMS & EQUIP CLOTHING & APPAREL 001-5010-521.20-80 40.64 COMMERCIAL CARD SOLUTIONS Travel expenses-Smith 001-5010-521.43-10 52.36 GLOBALSTAR USA 4-16 a/c 1.50018856 001-5010-521.42-10 41.59 K- 11 Page 6 11 ~~ '; " ~.~ ,.F,:~.m,~~ City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From; 5/9/2009 To; 5/22/2009 Date: 5/27/2009 Vendor Description OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL PACIFIC OFFICE EQUIPMENT INC OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL PENINSULA DAILY NEWS LEGAL AD PETEK, THOMAS C PHD 4/16 LEROUX, 4/20 FOWLER, PUGET SOUND POLYGRAPH EXAMINERS HUMAN SERVICES HUMAN SERVICES QUILL CORPORATION OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL QWEST 5-5 a/c 36045238778176 5-5 alc 36045237125858 5-5 a/c 3604529882811 B 5-5 a/c 36045298876528 5-5 a/c 36045251096238 5-14 a/c 36045708315586 5-14 a/c 36045709683436 5-14 a/c 3604571535571 B 5-14 a/c 36045766840856 5-14 a/c 36045704111996 VERIZON WIRELESS 4-25 a/c 671402094-00001 WASHINGTON (DIS), STATE OF Scan Chgs-April Police Department Police Administration ADVANCED TRAVEL CIT Trng-Kuck COMMERCIAL CARD SOLUTIONS Person Search-LZ OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL QWEST 5-5 a/c 36045238778176 5-5 a/c 36045237125858 5-5 a/c 3604529882811 B 5-5 a/c 36045298876528 5-5 a/c 36045251096238 5-14 a/c 36045708315588 5-14 a/c 36045709683438 5-14 a/c 3604571535571 B 5-14 a!c 36045766840858 5-14 a/c 36045704111998 SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL VERIZON WIRELESS 4-25 a/c 671402094-00001 WASHINGTON (DIS), STATE OF Scan Chgs-April Police Department Investigation ADVANCED TRAVEL Crm Lab/Bkgrnd Cks-Knight Basic Academy-Sexton AMSAN OLYMPIC SUPPLY CLEANING COMPOSITION/SOLV BLUMENTHAL UNIFORMS & EQUIP CLOTHING & APPAREL CLOTHING & APPAREL Account Number 001-5010-521.31-01 001-5010-521.31-01 001-5010-521.44-10 001-5010-521.41-50 001-5010-521.41-50 001-5010-521.41-50 001-5010-521.31-01 001-5010-521.42-10 001-5010-521.42-10 001-5010-521.42-10 001-5010-521.42-10 001-5010-521.42-10 001-5010-521.42-10 001-5010-521.42-10 001-5010-521.42-10 001-5010-521.42-10 001-5010-521.42-10 001-5010-521.42-10 001-5010-521.42-10 Division Total: 001-5021-521.43-10 001-5021-521.41-50 001-5021-521.31-01 001-5021-521.42-10 001-5021-521.42-10 001-5021-521.42-10 001-5021-521.42-10 001-5021-521.42-10 001-5021-521.42-10 001-5021-521.42-10 001-5021-521.42-10 001-5021-521.42-10 001-5021-521.42-10 001-5021-521.31-01 001-5021-521.42-10 001-5021-521.42-10 Division Total: 001-5022-521.43-10 001-5022-521.43-10 001-5022-521.31-01 001-5022-521.20-80 001-5022-521.20-80 Invoice Amount 22.54 86.72 49.45 600.00 225.00 225.00 53.11 1.82 2.71 1.82 1.82 1.85 1.82 3.64 2.71 11.17 100.39 173.70 61.09 $1,760.95 268.03 30.00 77.24 1.14 1.69 1.14 1.14 1.16 1.14 2.27 1.69 6.98 62.75 52.14 446.61 14.68 $969.80 43.55 197.20 31.31 184.71 487.72 K-12 • • Page 7 • .~c;a'- ~ r~''.~,>; ~~~_~,~, ~ - -- 'r ~~*+•^'~4 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From:5/9/2009 To:S/22/2009 Date: 5/27/2009 Vendor Description Account Number Invoice Amount BRATWEAR CLOTHING & APPAREL 001-5022-521.20-80 478.59 COMMERCIAL CARD SOLUTIONS Battery Stick-Gallagher 001-5022-521.31-01 26.11 Print lifting kits-TG 001-5022-521.31-01 136.69 Voice Recorder-Smith 001-5022-521.31-80 188.79 Ear Phone Kit-Smith 001-5022-521.31-80 64..10 Holsters-Gallagher 001-5022-521.35-01 227.03 BlkberryAccessories-TG 001-5022-521.42-10 1,131.97 Class Reg-Morse 001-5022-521.43-10 125.00 COMPLETE WIRELESS SOLUTIONS, INC MOUNT BRKT BSMITH 001-5022-521.49-90 59.35 HARTNAGEL BUILDING SUPPLY INC CANINE DOGFOOD,KM 001-5022-521.49-80 65.03 Kevin Miller REIMS K MILLER AIRFLIGHT 001-5022-521.43-10 287.40 DOG FOOD FOR CANINE JAG 001-5022-521.49-80 49.85 CANINE FOOD REIMBURSEMENT 001-5022-521.49-80 54.19 Sonoma County Superior Crt RECORDS REQUEST YOUNKIN,S 001-5022-521.31-01 30.00 OLYMPIC MEDICAL CENTER MED NEC TEST GUY CHARLES 001-5022-521.49-90 60.05 PACIFIC OFFICE EQUIPMENT INC OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL 001-5022-521.31-01 26.01 QUILL CORPORATION OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL 001-5022-521.31-01 -72.88 OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL 001-5022-521.31-01 155.50 QWEST 5-5 a/c 36045238778176 001-5022-521.42-10 3.18 • 5-5 a/c 36045237125858 001-5022-521.42-10 4.74 5-5 a/c 3604529882811 B 001-5022-521.42-10 3.18 5-5 a/c 36045298876528 001-5022-521.42-10 3.18 5-5 a/c 36045251096236 001-5022-521.42-10 3.24 5-14 a/c 36045708315586 001-5022-521.42-10 3.18 5-14 a/c 36045709683436 001-5022-521.42-10 6.37 5-14 a/c 3604571535571 B 001-5022-521.42-10 4.74 5-14 a/c 36045766840856 001-5022-521.42-10 19.55 5-14 a/c 36045704111998 001-5022-521.42-10 175.69 RED LION HOTEL-PORT ANGELES HOTEL TO BE REPAID BY CJT 001-5022-521.43-10 225.05 SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC CLEANING COMPOSITION/SOLV 001-5022-521.31-01 45.11 POLICE EQUIPMENT & SUPPLY 001-5022-521.31-80 112.17 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE Shipping Chgs pe 5-2 001-5022-521.42-10 10.83 VERIZON WIRELESS 4-25 a/c 671402094-00001 001-5022-521.42-10 1,223.19 WASHINGTON (DIS), STATE OF Scan Chgs-April 001-5022-521.42-10 52.43 Police Department Patrol Division Total: $5,933.10 Kristyn M Pendergrass FLAGGING CLASS,PENDERGRAS 001-5026-521.43-10 59.00 PACIFIC OFFICE EQUIPMENT INC OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL 001-5026-521.31-11 36.94 Police Department Reserves & Volunteers Division Total: $95.94 ADVANCED TRAVEL Adv Homicide Trng-Ensor 001-5029-521.43-10 1,058.10 COMMERCIAL CARD SOLUTIONS Travel/Trng-Schilke 001-5029-521.43-10 299.20 • QUILL CORPORATION OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL 001-5029-521.31-01 203.72 QWEST 5-5 a/c 36045238778178 001-5029-521.42-10 1.14 K-13 Page 8 ,E a`,J,r' ~,; Date: 5/27/2009 ~~_~ ~ City of Port Angeles ` - -~ City Council Expenditure Report +`~~::~:~F' -` '~~ ~~~ From: 5/9/2009 To: 5/22/2009 • Vendor Description Account Number Invoice Amount awEST 5-5 a/c 36045237125856 001-5029-521.42-10 1.69 5-5 a/c 3604529882811 B 001-5029-521.42-10 1.14 5-5 a/c 36045298876528 001-5029-521.42-10 1.14 5-5 a/c 36045251096236 001-5029-521.42-10 1.16 5-14 a/c 36045708315588 001-5029-521.42-10 1.14 5-14 a/c 36045709683436 001-5029-521.42-10 2.27 5-14 a/c 3604571535571 B 001-5029-521.42-10 1.69 5-14 a/c 36045766840856 001-5029-521.42-10 6.98 5-14 a/c 36045704111996 001-5029-521.42-10 62.75 WASHINGTON (DIS), STATE OF Scan Chgs-April 001-5029-521.42-10 16.30 Police Department Records Division Total: $1,658.42 Police Department Department Total: $10,418.21 AMSTERDAM PRINTING & LITHO LABELS 001-6010-522.31-01 73.47 COMMERCIAL CARD SOLUTIONS Meeting Lunch-McKeen 001-6010-522.31-01 45.99 Travel/Trng-McKeen 001-6010-522.43-10 78.37 awEST 5-5 a/c 36045238778178 001-6010-522.42-10 1.59 5-5 a/c 36045237125856 001-6010-522.42-10 2.37 5-5 a/c 3604529882811 B 001-6010-522.42-10 1.59 5-5 a/c 36045298876528 001-6010-522.42-10 1.59 5-5 a/c 36045251096238 001-6010-522.42-10 1.62 5-14 a/c 36045708315586 001-6010-522.42-10 1.59 5-14 a/c 36045709683436 001-6010-522.42-10 3.18 5-14 a/c 3604571535571 B 001-6010-522.42-10 2.37 5-14 a/c 36045766840856 001-6010-522.42-10 9.72 5-14 a/c 36045704111996 001-6010-522.42-10 87.84 5-5 a/c 36045238778178 001-6010-522.42-11 0.45 5-5 a/c 36045237125856 001-6010-522.42-11 0.68 5-5 a/c 3604529882811 B 001-6010-522.42-11 0.45 5-5 a/c 36045298876528 001-6010-522.42-11 0.45 5-5 a/c 36045251096236 001-6010-522.42-11 0.46 5-14 a/c 36045708315586 001-6010-522.42-11 0.45 5-14 a/c 36045709683438 001-6010-522.42-11 0.91 5-14 a/c 3604571535571 B 001-6010-522.42-11 0.68 5-14 a/c 36045766840856 001-6010-522.42-11 2.79 5-14 a/c 36045704111996 001-6010-522.42-11 25.10 VERIZON WIRELESS 4-25 a/c 671402094-00001 001-6010-522.42-10 57.07 WASHINGTON (DIS), STATE OF Scan Chgs-April 001-6010-522.42-10 8.04 Scan Chgs-April 001-6010-522.42-11 11.01 Fire Department Fire Administration Division Total: $419.83 ANGELES MILLWORK & LUMBER CO HAMMER & ROOFING MATERIAL 001-6020-522.31-02 70.41 FISHER SCIENTIFIC LLC HURST CHAIN AND SHACKLE 001-6020-522.31-01 338.57 HURST CHAIN AND SHACKLE 001-6020-522.31-02 338.58 K- 14 • • Page 9 • `~~` -' r T,'- Date: 5/27/2009 E ~ :,_~_ ~'' City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report `' '~ ~-** ~` From; 5/9/2009 To: 5/22/2009 Vendor OWEST SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC WASHINGTON (DIS), STATE OF Fire Department OWEST Fire Department COMMERCIAL CARD SOLUTIONS OWEST VERIZON WIRELESS WASHINGTON (DIS), STATE OF Fire Department QWEST Description 5-5 a/c 36045238778178 5-5 a/c 36045237125858 5-5 a/c 3604529882811 B 5-5 a/c 36045298876526 5-5 a/c 36045251096236 5-14 a/c 36045708315586 5-14 a/c 36045709683436 5-14 a/c 3604571535571 B 5-14 a/c 36045766840858 5-14 a/c 36045704111996 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS Scan Chgs-April Fire Supression 5-5 a/c 36045238778176 5-5 a/c 36045237125856 5-5 a/c 3604529882811 B 5-5 a/c 36045298876528 5-5 a/c 36045251096236 5-14 a/c 36045708315588 5-14 a/c 36045709683438 5-14 a/c 3604571535571 B 5-14 a/c 36045766840856 5-14 a/c 360457041 1 1 998 Fire Volunteers Trvl Exp-Georgia-Dubuc 5-5 a/c 36045238778176 5-5 a/c 36045237125856 5-5 a/c 3604529882811 B 5-5 a/c 36045298876526 5-5 a/c 36045251096236 5-14 a/c 36045708315588 5-14 a/c 36045709683436 5-14 a/c 3604571535571 B 5-14 a/c 36045766840856 5-14 a/c 36045704111996 4-25 a/c 671402094-00001 Scan Chgs-April Fire Prevention 5-5 a/c 36045238778178 5-5 a/c 36045237125858 5-5 a/c 3604529882811 B 5-5 a/c 36045298876526 Account Number 001-6020-522.42-10 001-6020-522.42-10 001-6020-522.42-10 001-6020-522.42-10 001-6020-522.42-10 001-6020-522.42-10 001-6020-522.42-10 001-6020-522.42-10 001-6020-522.42-10 001-6020-522.42-10 001-6020-522.31-02 001-6020-522.42-10 Division Total; 001-6021-522.42-10 001-6021-522.42-10 001-6021-522.42-10 001-6021-522.42-10 001-6021-522.42-10 001-6021-522.42-10 001-6021-522.42-10 001-6021-522.42-10 001-6021-522.42-10 001-6021-522.42-10 Division Total: 001-6030-522.43-10 001-6030-522.42-10 001-6030-522.42-10 001-6030-522.42-10 001-6030-522.42-10 001-6030-522.42-10 001-6030-522.42-10 001-6030-522.42-10 001-6030-522.42-10 001-6030-522.42-10 001-6030-522.42-10 001-6030-522.42-10 001-6030-522.42-10 Division Total: 001-6040-522.42-10 001-6040-522.42-10 001-6040-522.42-10 001-6040-522.42-10 Invoice Amount 1.48 2.20 1.48 1.48 1.50 1.48 2.96 2.20 9.08 81.57 8.75 1.30 $863.04 0.11 0.17 0.11 0.11 0.12 0.11 0.23 0.17 0.70 6.27 $8.10 1,854.05 0.23 0.34 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.45 0.34 1.40 12.55 57.06 2.59 $1,929.93 0.23 0.34 0.23 0.23 K-15 Page 10 F! iry. - - Date: 5/27/2009 ~~' City of Port Angeles ', ~ City Council Expenditure Report ,~' .,.~,~_- -- From: S/9/2009 To: 5/22/2009 Vendor Description Account Number C2WEST 5-5 a/c 36045251096236 001-6040-522.42-10 5-14 a/c 36045708315588 001-6040-522.42-10 5-14 a/c 36045709683438 001-6040-522.42-10 5-14 a/c 36045715355716 001-6040-522.42-10 5-14 a/c 36045766840856 001-6040-522.42-10 5-14 a/c 36045704111996 001-6040-522.42-10 SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC FARE COLLECTION EQUIP&SUP 001-6040-522.31-01 Fire Department Fire Training Division Total: MRS CLEAN BUILDING MAINT&REPAIR SER 001-6050-522.41-50 Fire Department Facilities Maintenance Division Total: GLOBALSTAR USA 4-16 a/c 1.50018853 001-6060-525.42-10 QWEST 5-5 a/c 36045238778178 001-6060-525.42-10 5-5 a/c 36045237125856 001-6060-525.42-10 5-5 a/c 3604529882811 B 001-6060-525.42-10 5-5 a/c 36045298876528 001-6060-525.42-10 5-5 a/c 36045251096238 001-6060-525.42-10 5-14 a/c 36045708315588 001-6060-525.42-10 5-14 a/c 36045709683438 001-6060-525.42-10 5-14 a/c 3604571535571 B 001-6060-525.42-10 5-14 a/c 36045766840856 001-6060-525.42-10 5-14 a/c 36045704111998 001-6060-525.42-10 Fire Department Emergency Management Division Total: Fire Department Department Total: ADVANCED TRAVEL APWA Conf-Neal 001-7010-532.43-10 COMMERCIAL CARD SOLUTIONS Class Reg-Cutler 001-7010-532.43-10 Travel/Trng-Burke 001-7010-532.43-10 COMPLETE LINE, THE BINDERS/INDEXES 001-7010-532.31-01 OFFICE SUPPLIES 001-7010-532.31-01 DIETERICH POST CO Labor Charge 001-7010-532.48-10 LENOVO COMPUTER HARDWARE&PERIPH1001-7010-532.31-60 NECESSITIES & TEMPTATIONS 001-7010-322.40-11 001-7010-322.40-11 001-7010-322.40-11 WINDERMERE REAL ESTATE 001-7010-322.40-11 OLYMPIC PRINTERS INC BUSINESS CARDS - SPERR 001-7010-532.31-01 OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC FOLDERS/INDEX TABS 001-7010-532.31-01 PORT ANGELES CITY TREASURER Batteries-Walrath 001-7010-532.31-01 OwESr 5-5 a/c 36045238778176 001-7010-532.42-10 5-5 a/c 36045237125856 001-7010-532.42-10 5-5 a/c 3604529882811 B 001-7010-532.42-10 5-5 a/c 36045298876526 001-7010-532.42-10 5-5 a/c 36045251096236 001-7010-532.42-10 Invoice Amount 0.23 0.23 0.45 0.34 1.40 12.55 44.40 $60.63 395.00 $395.00 41.59 1.02 1.52 1.02 1.02. 1.04 1.02 2.05 1.52 6.29 56.47 $114.56 $3,791.09 238.53 150.00 393.10 206.31 108.74. 132.50 1,792.76 75.00 75.00 75.00 75.00 58.54 78.20 8.39 3.52 5.25 3.52 3.52 3.58 K- 16 • r] C7 Page 11 "' - ~ ~'"' f Date: 5/27/?_009 =- _ ~' City of Port Angeles ~_-- -- City Council Expenditure Report ,; `~ ~-Yr - ` From: 5/9/2009 To: 5/22/2009 • Vendor Description Account Number Invoice Amount QWEST 5-14 a/c 36045708315586 001-7010-532.42-10 3.52 5-14 a/c 36045709683436 001-7010-532.42-10 7.05 5-14 a/c 36045715355716 001-7010-532.42-10 5.25 5-14 a/c 36045715355716 001-7010-532.42-10 0.51 5-14 a/c 36045766840856 001-7010-532.42-10 21.65 5-14 a/c 36045704111996 001-7010-532.42-10 194.51 RICK'S PLACE ADV METERING PROJECT 001-7010-532.31-01 115.85 ADV METERING LUNCI-I 001-7010-532.31-01 89.89 UTILITIE:i UNDERGROUND LOC CTR APRIL LOCATES 001-7010-532.41-50 36.00 WASHINGTON (DIS), STATE OF Scan Chgs-April 001-7010-532.42-10 67.53 Public Works-Gen Fnd Pub Wks Administration Division Total: $4,028.22 Public Works-Gen Fnd Department Total: $4,028.22 COMMERCIAL CARD SOLUTIONS Tool Set-Kochanek 001-8010-574.31-01 10.83 Wipes-Kochanek 001-8010-574.31-01 9.08 DIGIT"AL IMAGING SOLUTIONS INC OFFICE MACHINES & ACCESS 001-8010-574.45-31 20.81 OFFICE MACHINES & ACCESS 001-8010-574.45-31 4.43 GREAT AMERICA LEASING CORP OFFICE MACHINES & ACCESS 001-8010-574.45-31 36.58 OLYMPIC PRINTERS INC PRINTING,SILK SCR,TYPSET 001-8010-574.31-01 52.03 • QWEST 5-5 a/c 36045238778178 5-5 a/c 36045237125856 001-8010-574.42-10 001-8010-574.42-10 0.34 0.51 5-5 a/c 3604529882811 B 001-8010-574.42-10 0.37 5-5 a/c 36045298876526 001-8010-574.42-10 0.34 5-5 a/c 36045251096236 001-8010-574.42-10 0.35 5-14 a/c 36045708315588 001-8010-574.42-10 0.34 5-14 a/c 36045709683436 001-8010-574.42-10 0.68 5-14 a/c 36045766840856 001-8010-574.42-10 2.10 5-14 a/c 36045704111996 001-8010-574.42-10 18.82 WASHINGTON (DIS), STATE OF Scan Chgs-April 001-8010-574.42-10 6.42 Parks & Recreation Parks Administration Division Total: $164.03 DIGITAL IMAGING SOLUTIONS INC OFFICE MACHINES & ACCESS 001-8012-555.45-31 19.18 OFFICE MACHINES & ACCESS 001-8012-555.45-31 4.10 GREAT AMERICA LEASING CORP OFFICE MACHINES & ACCESS 001-8012-555.45-31 33.77 QWEST 5-2 a/c 36041719424136 001-8012-555.42-10 40.47 5-5 a/c 36045238778178 001-8012-555.42-10 0.34 5-5 a/c 360452"37125856 001-8012-555.42-10 0.51 5-5 a/c 3604529882811 B 001-8012-555.42-10 0.34 5-5 a1c 36045298876528 001-8012-555.42-10 0.34 5-5 a/c 36045251096236 001-8012-555.42-10 0.35 5-5 36045298618196 001-8012-555.42-10 42.82 5-14 aic 36045708315588 001-8012-555.42-10 0.34 • 5-14 a/c 36045709683438 001-8012-555.42-10 0.68 5-14 a/c 36045715355718 001-8012-555.42-10 0.51 K-17 Page 12 - _ _ i ~,~ ~;;' 1 - ~~`' `~ ~'~ •'~~' ~ City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 5/9/2009 To: 5/22/2009 Date: 5/27/2009 Vendor Description Account Number Invoice Amount QWEST 5-14 a/c 36045766840856 001-8012-555.42-10 2.10 5-14 a/c 36045704111998 001-8012-555.42-10 18.82 5-14 a/c 36045770045476 001-8012-555.42-10 40.56 WASHINGTON (DIS), STATE OF Scan Chgs-April. 001-8012-555.42-10 7.62 Parks & Recreation Senior Center Division Total: $212.85 Jayna Lafferty SWIM DIAPERS IN VARIOUS S 001-8020-576.34-01 30.86 BoBaggins Daycare COLE STEEBY SICK - DR NOT 001-8020-347.30-13 36.00 CANCELLED LESSONS 5/11 & 001-8020-347.30-13 108.00 Cindy Ulin DID NOT MEET AGE REQ. 001-8020-347.30-13 36.00 Kimberly Burns ATTENDED FIRST CLASS 001-8020-347.30-13 27.00 Tasha Fraser DECIDED NOT TO SWIM 001-8020-347.30-13 36.00 QWEST 5-5 a/c 36045238778176 001-8020-576.42-10 0.45 5-5 a/c 36045237125856 001-8020-576.42-10 0:68 5-5 a/c 3604529882811 B 001-8020-576.42-10 0.45 5-5 a/c 36045298876526 001-8020-576.42-10 0.45 5-5 a/c 36045251096236 001-8020-576.42-10 0.46 5-14 a/c 36045708315586 001-8020-576.42-10 0.45 5-14 a/c 36045709683436 .001-8020-576.42-10 0.91 5~~ 14 a/c 3604571535571 B 001-80?_0-576.42-'10 0.68 5-14 a/c 36045766840858 001-8020-576.42-10 2.79 • 5-14 a/c 36045704111998 001-8020-576.42-10 25.10 Parks & Recreation William Shore Pool Division Total: $306.28 MATTHEWS INTERNA710NAL CEMETERY MARKF_RS 001-8050-536.34-01 382.55 QUIRING MONUMENTS INC CEMETERY MARKERS 001-8050-536.34-01 471.00 CEMETERY MARKERS 001-8050-536.34-01 80.00 CEMETERY MARKERS 001-8050-536.34-01 80.00 QWEST 5-5 a/c 36045238778178 001-8050-536.42-10 0.23 5-5 a/c 36045237125858 001-8050-536.42-10 0.34 5-5 a/c 3604529882811 B 001-8050-536.42-10 0.23 5-5 a/c 36045298876526 001-8050-536.42-10 0.23 5-5 a/c 36045251096236 001-8050-536.42-10 0.23 5-14 a/c 36045708315588 001-8050-536.42-10 0.23 5-14 a/c 36045709683438 001-8050-536.42-10 0.45 5-14 a/c 3604571535571 B 001-8050-536.42-10 0.34 5-14 a/c 36045766840856 001-8050-536.42-10 1.40 5-14 a/c 36045704111998 001-8050-536.42-10 12.55 SUNSET DO-IT BEST HARDWARE SUPPLIES 001-8050-536.31-01 18.04 RENTAL/LEASE EQUIPMENT 001-8050-536.45-30 14.09 vERIZON WIRELESS 4-28 a/c 271138138-00001 001-8050-536.42-10 66.52 WASHINGTON (DIS), STATE OF Scan Chgs-April 001-8050-536.42-10 1.11 Parks & Recreation Ocean View Cemetery Division Total: $1,129.54 • AIRPORT GARDEN CENTER SUPPLIES 001-8080-576.31-40 21.67 K-18 Page 13 -~ ~= `-~ "'- Date: 5/27/2009 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report ~_W.-- ~.;~ "' ~ From: 5/9/2009 To: 5/22/2009 Vendor Description Account Number Invoice Amount AMSAN OLYMPIC SUPPLY ENVIRONMENTAL&ECOLOGICAL 001-8080-576.31-01 10.78 JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 001-8080-576.31-01 127.32 ANCHOR MARINE REPAIR SUPPLIES 001-8080-576.31-01 39.89 ANGELES LOCK SHOP HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS 001-8080-576.31-20 16.97 ANGELES MILLWORK & LUMBER CO CLOTHING & APPAREL 001-8080-576.31-01 9.73 FASTENERS, FASTENING DEVS 001-8080-576.31-20 3.23 LUMBER& RELATED PRODUCTS 001-8080-576.31-20 16.26 CHEMSEARCH AUTO SHOP EQUIPMENT & SUP 001-8080-576.31-01 488.63 COMMERCIAL CARD SOLUTIONS Trash Lids-Hanley 001-8080-576.31-20 348.84 CONNEY SAFETY PRODUCTS SUPPLIES 001-8080-576.31-20 144.39 FASTENAL INDUSTRIAL FASTENERS, FASTENING DEVS 001-8080-576.31-20 94.97 LAWN EQUIPMENT SUPPLY LAWN MAINTENANCE EQUIP 001-8080-576.31-20 592.42 LINCOLN INDUSTRIALCORP SUPPLIES 001-8080-576.31-20 44.79 NORTHWEST PLAYGROUND EQUIP INC PARK,PLAYGROUND,REC EQUIP 001-8080-576.31-20 579.87 OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC SUPPLIES 001-8080-576.31-01 40.38 QWEST 5-5 a/c 36045238778176 001-8080-576.42-10 1.14 5-5 a/c 36045237125856 001-8080-576.42-10 1.69 5-5 a/c 3604529882811 B 001-8080-576.42-10 1.14 5-5 a/c 36045298876526 001-8080-576.42-10 1 14 5-5 a/c 36045251096236 001-8080-576.42-10 . 1.16 5-14 a/c 36045708315586 001-8080-576.42-10 1.14 5-14 a/c 36045709683438 001-8080-576.42-10 2.27 5-14 a/c 36045715355716 001-8080-576.42-10 1.69 5-14 a/c 36045766840858 001-8080-576.42-10 6.98 5-14 a/c 36045704111998 001-8080-576.42-10 62.75 SANDERSON SAFETY SUPPLY CO FIRST AID & SAFETY EQUIP. 001-8080-576.31-01 44.81 ENVIRONMENTAL&ECOLOGICAL 001-8080-576.31-01 21.51 ENVIRONMENTAL&ECOLOGICAL 001-8080-576.31-01 18.49 FIRST AID & SAFETY EQUIP. 001-8080-576.31-20 72.19 SUNSET DO-IT BEST HARDWARE LAWN MAINTENANCE EQUIP 001-8080-576.31-01 366.25 FASTENERS, FASTENING DEVS 001-8080-576.31-01 15.70 LAWN MAINTENANCE EQUIP 001-8080-576.31-01 125.58 LAWN MAINTENANCE EQUIP 001-8080-576.31-01 146.27 FUEL,OIL,GREASE, & LUBES 001-8080-576.31-20 15.60 SUPPLIES 001-8080-576.31-20 23.15 PLUMBING EQUIP FIXT,SUPP 001-8080-576.31-20 55.87 HAND TOOLS ,POW&NON POWER001-8080-576.31-20 56.57 HAND TOOLS ,POW&NON POWER001-8080-576.31-20 26.02 LAWN MAINTENANCE EQUIP 001-8080-576.31-20 22.92 RENTAL/LEASE EQUIPMENT 001-8080-576.45-30 21.14 • SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC NURSERY STOCK & SUPPLIES 001-8080-576.31-40 60.14 VERIZON WIRELESS 4-28 a/c 271138138-00004 001-8080-576.42-10 125.41 K-19 Page 14 F ~,., Date: 5/27/2009 -~,__s ~ _ `:, City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report -_- .. From:S/9/2009 To:S/22/2009 • Vendor Description Account Number Invoice Amount WASHINGTON (DIS), STATE OF Scan Chgs-April 001-8080-576.42-10 4.36 ZEP MANUFACTURING COMPANY FIRST AID & SAFETY EQUIP. 001-8080-576.31-01 13.28 ENVIRONMENTAL&ECOLOGICAL 001-8080-576.31-01 134.96 Parks & Recreation Park Facilities Division Total: $4,031.46 Parks & Recreation Department Total: $5,844.16 CED/CONSOLIDATED ELEC DIST INC ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 001-8112-555.31-20 240.26 awEST 5-2 a/c 36041707869056 001-8112-555.42-10 30.61 Facilities Maintanance Senior Center Facilities Division Total; $270.87 WATERMILL INC, THE CHEMICAL, COMMERCIAL,BULK 001-8120-576.31-05 315.24 Facilities Maintanance Pool Facilities Division Total: $315.24 AMSAN OLYMPIC SUPPLY HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS 001-8130-518.31-01 36.55 QWEST 5-5 a/c 36045238778176 001-8130-518.42-10 0.11 5-5 a/c 36045237125856 001-8130-518.42-10 0.17 5-5 a/c 3604529882811 B 001-8130-518.42-10 0.11 5-5 a/c 36045298876526 001-8130-518.42-10 0.11 5-5 a/c 36045251096238 001-8130-518.42-10 0.12 5-14 a/c 36045708315588 001-8130-518.42-10 0.11 5-14 a/c 36045709683438 001-8130-518.42-10 0.23 5-14 a/c 3604571535571 B 001-8130-518.42-10 0.17 5-14 a/c 36045766840858 001-8130-518.42-10 0.70 • 5-14 a/c 36045704111998 001-8130-518.42-10 6.27 Facilities Maintanance Custodial/Janitorial Svcs Division Total: $44.65 ANGELES MILLWORK&LUMBERCO SUPPLIES 001-8131-518.31-20 44.31 FASTENERS, FASTENING DEVS 001-8131-518.42-10 8.08 CED/CONSOLIDATED ELEC DIST INC ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 001-8131-518.31-20 84.31 ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 001-8131-518.31-20 137.42 ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 001-8131-518.31-20 93.01 ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 001-8131-518.31-20 0.75 ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 001-8131-518.42-10 63.41 ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 001-8131-518.42-10 101.79 EVERGREEN BUILDING PRODUCTS SUPPLIES 001-8131-518.31-20 43.03 HARTNAGEL BUILDING SUPPLY INC HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS 001-8131-518.31-20 64.21 HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS 001-8131-518.31-20 4.29 PORT ANGELES CITY TREASURER Grease/Fuses-Petty 001-8131-518.31-20 9.72 OwEST 5-5 a/c 36045238778176 001-8131-518.42-10 0.11 5-5 a/c 36045237125856 001-8131-518.42-10 0.17 5-5 a/c 3604529882811 B 001-8131-518.42-10 0.11 5-5 a/c 36045298876528 001-8131-518.42-10 0.11 5-5 a/c 36045251096236 001-8131-518.42-10 0.12 5-14 a/c 36045708315586 001-8131-518.42-10 0.11 5-14 a/c 36045709683436 001-8131-518.42-10 0.23 • 5-14 a/c 3604571535571 B 001-8131-518.42-10 0.17 K-20 Page 15 ~ ~' ~ ` ` ~ ";,, Date: 5/27/2009 City of Port Angeles i City Council Expenditure Report • ~ ~ From: 5/9/2009 To: 5/22/2009 Vendor Description Account Number Invoice Amount OwEST 5-14 a/c 36045766840856 001-8131-518.42-10 0.70 5-14 a/c 36045704111996 001-8131-518.42-10 6.27 5-2 a/c 36041753287848 001-8131-518.42-10 39.56 SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC HAND TOOLS ,POW&NON POWER001-8131-518.31-20 10.85 THURMAN SUPPLY SUPPLIES 001-8131-518.31-20 7.15 SUPPLIES 001-8131-518.31-20 5.93 PLUMBING EQUIP FIXT,SUPP 001-8131-518.31-20 21.72 WASHINGTON (DIS), STATE OF Scan Chgs-April 001-8131-518.42-10 1.18 Facilities Maintanance Central Svcs Facilities Division Total: $748.82 Facilities Maintanance Department Total: $1,379.58 General Fund Fund Total: $65,832.08 JACKSON'S SIGNS INTERPRETIVE SIGN 30% 101-1430-594.65-10 5,400.00 PORT ANGELES CHAMBER OF COMM 09 MKTG & MEDIA CAMPAIGN 101-1430-557.50-83 19,714.02 Lodging Excise Tax Lodging Excise Tax Division Total: $25,114.02 Lodging Excise Tax Department Total: $25,114.02 Lodging Excise Tax Fund Fund Total: $25,114.02 AMSAN OLYMPIC SUPPLY ENVIRONMENTAL&ECOLOGICAL 102-7230-542.31-01 10.76 ANDERSON & SONS GRAVEL ROAD/HWY MAT NONASPHALTIC 102-7230-542.31-20 216.80 ANGELES CONCRETE PRODUCTS ROAD/HWY MAT NONASPHALTIC 102-7230-542.31-20 484.55 ROAD/HWY MAT NONASPHALTIC 102-7230-542.31-20 82.41 ANGELES MILLWORK &LUMBER CO FASTENERS, FASTENING DEVS 102-7230-542.31-20 19.06 SUPPLIES 102-7230-542.31-20 2.43 SUPPLIES 102-7230-542.31-20 4.09 LUMBER& RELATED PRODUCTS 102-7230-542.31-20 49.07 BRUSHES (NOT CLASSIFIED) 102-7230-542.31-25 29.16 LUMBER& RELATED PRODUCTS 102-7230-542.31-25 13.32 FASTENERS, FASTENING DEVS 102-7230-542.31-25 4.52 LUMBER& RELATED PRODUCTS 102-7230-542.31-25 44.38 SUPPLIES 102-7230-542.35-01 21.45 BLAKE SAND & GRAVEL INC SEED,SOD,SOIL&INOCULANT 102-7230-542.31-20 9.67 SEED,SOD,SOIL&INOCULANT 102-7230-542.31-20 9.67 COMMERCIAL CARD SOLUTIONS Dinner/Street crew-Hanley 102-7230-542.43-10 65.27 FASTENAL INDUSTRIAL FIRST AID & SAFETY EQUIP. 102-7230-542.35-01 31.87 FIRST AID & SAFETY EQUIP. 102-7230-542.35-01 22.27 FRED HILL MATERIALS INC MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 102-7230-542.31-20 311.11 HEARTLINE HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS 102-7230-542.31-01 37.89 HOLCOMB & COMPANY, D ROAD/HWY MAT NONASPHALTIC 102-7230-542.31-20 1,873.15 LAKESIDE INDUSTRIES INC ROAD/HWY MATERIALS ASPHLT 102-7230-542.31-20 265.17 ROAD/HWY MATERIALS ASPHLT 102-7230-542.31-20 702.44 ROAD/HWY MATERIALS ASPHLT 102-7230-542.31-20 1,056.28 • SUPPLIES 102-7230-542.31-20 116.42 LENOVO COMPUTER HARDWARE&PERIPH 1102-7230-542.31-60 1,546.91 K-21 Page 16 "<< - ~ r fi+''' Date: 5/27/2009 _ , ~ City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 5/9/2009 To: 5/22/2009 • Vendor Description Account Number Invoice Amount PARKER PAINT MFG CO INC PAINTS,COATINGS,WALLPAPER 102-7230-542.31-20 124.46 PENINSULA DAILY NEWS LEGAL AD 102-7230-542.44-10 50.24 PORT ANGELES POWER EQUIPMENT SUPPLIES 102-7230-542.35-01 50.50 LAWN MAINTENANCE EQUIP 102-7230-542.35-01 119.86 LAWN MAINTENANCE EQUIP 102-7230-542.35-01 184.26 SUPPLIES 102-7230-542.35-01 5.42 PUD #1 OF CLALLAM COUNTY Woodhaven & Golf Course 102-7230-542.47-11 13.64 QwEST 5-5 a/c 36045238778178 102-7230-542.42-10 0.57 5-5 a/c 36045237125858 102-7230-542.42-10 0.85 5-5 a/c 3604529882811 B 102-7230-542.42-10 0.57 5-5 a/c 36045298876528 102-7230-542.42-10 0.57 5-5 a/c 36045251096236 102-7230-542.42-10 0.58 5-14 a/c 36045708315586 102-7230-542.42-10 0.57 5-14 a/c 36045709683436 102-7230-542.42-10 1.14 5-14 a/c 3604571535571 B 102-7230-542.42-10 0.85 5-14 a/c 36045766840856 102-7230-542.42-10 3.49 5-14 a/c 36045704111998 102-7230-542.42-10 31.37 SANDERSON SAFETY SUPPLY CO FIRST AID & SAFETY EQUIP. 102-7230-542.31-01 57.36 ENVIRONMENTAL&ECOLOGICAL 102-7230-542.31-01 21.51 FIRST AID & SAFETY EQUIP. 102-7230-542.31-01 72.19 ENVIRONMENTAL&ECOLOGICAL 102-7230-542.31-01 18.48 ENVIRONMENTAL&ECOLOGICAL 102-7230-542.31-01 18.48 SNAP-ON TOOLS - CHUGGER DEANS HAND TOOLS ,POW&NON POWER 102-7230-542.35-01 84.01 SUNSET DO-IT BEST HARDWARE HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS 102-7230-542.31-20 77.00 PIPE AND TUBING 102-7230-542.31-25 4.02 FASTENERS, FASTENING DEVS 102-7230-542.31-25 2.87 SUPPLIES 102-7230-542.35-01 56.56 SUPPLIES 102-7230-542.35-01 -28.28 SUPPLIES 102-7230-542.35-01 111.21 HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS 102-7230-542.35-01 72.47 HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS 102-7230-542.35-01 5.35 SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC SHOES AND BOOTS 102-7230-542.31-01 150.00 SHOES AND BOOTS 102-7230-542.31-01 150.00 SHOES AND BOOTS 102-7230-542.31-01 140.78 PAINTS,COATINGS,WALLPAPER 102-7230-542.31-20 21.59 SUPPLIES 102-7230-542.31-25 9.33 PIPE AND TUBING 102-7230-542.31-25 37.98 UNITED RENTALS NORTHWEST INC SUPPLIES 102-7230-542.31-20 357.66 SUPPLIES 102-7230-542.31-20 286.80 HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS 102-7230-542.35-01 151.76 VERIZON WIRELESS 4-28 a/c 271138138-00004 102-7230-542.42-10 59.73 WASHINGTON (DIS), STATE OF Scan Chgs-April 102-7230-542.42-10 5.75 K-22 .~ • Page 17 • C • r- - ~ . "` Date: 5/27/2009 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report ~~-~~~~ ~' From: 5/9/2009 To: 5/22/2009 Vendor WASHINGTON (DOT), STATE OF ZEP MANUFACTURING COMPANY Public Works-Street Description Account Number Invoice Amount CONSTRUCTION SERVICES,GEN 102-7230-542.48-10 2,256.21 FIRST AID & SAFETY EQUIP. 102-7230-542.31-01 13.28 ENVIRONMENTAL&ECOLOGICAL 102-7230-542.31-01 134.96 Street Division Total: $11,968.12 Public Works-Street Department Tofal: $11,968.12 Street Fund ADVANCED TRAVEL COMMERCIAL CARD SOLUTIONS PORT ANGELES CITY TREASURER QWEST VERIZON WIRELESS Economic Development COMMERCIAL CARD SOLUTIONS OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC QWEST VERIZON WIRELESS WASHINGTON (DIS), STATE OF Economic Development ADVANCED TRAVEL RC&D/NOAA Mtg-West Summit/PRTPO Mtg-West Seminar Reg-West PABA Mtgs-West 5-5 a/c 36045238778176 5-5 a/c 36045237125856 5-5 a/c 3604529882811 B 5-5 a/c 36045298876526 5-5 a/c 36045251096238 5-14 a/c 36045708315588 5-14 a/c 36045709683436 5-14 a/c 3604571535571 B 5-14 a/c 36045766840856 5-14 a/c 36045704111998 4-25 a/c 671402094-00001 Economic Development Economic Development Economic Development Book-Roberds OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL 5-5 a/c 36045238778176 5-5 a/c 36045237125856 5-5 a/c 3604529882811 B 5-5 a/c 36045298876526 5-5 a/c 36045251096236 5-14 a/c 36045708315586 5-14 a/c 36045709683436 5-14 a/c 3604571535571 B 5-14 a/c 36045766840856 5-14 a/c 360457041 1 1 996 4-15 a/c 264230412-00003 Scan Chgs-April Archaeologist Economic Development Cultural Resources MSP Site Visit-Romberg Fund Total 103-1511-558.43-10 103-1511-558.43-10 103-1511-558.43-10 103-1511-558.31-01 103-1511-558.42-10 103-1511-558.42-10 103-1511-558.42-10 103-1511-558.42-10 103-1511-558.42-10 103-1511-558.42-10 103-1511-558.42-10 103-1511-558.42-10 103-1511-558.42-10 103-1511-558.42-10 103-1511-558.42-10 Division Total: Department Total: Fund Total: 106-1512-558.31-01 106-1512-558.31-01 106-1512-558.42-10 106-1512-558.42-10 106-1512-558.42-10 106-1512-558.42-10 106-1512-558.42-10 106-1512-558.42-10 106-1512-558.42-10 106-1512-558.42-10 106-1512-558.42-10 106-1512-558.42-10 106-1512-558.42-10 106-1512-558.42-10 Division Total: Department Total: Fund Total: 107-5160-528.43-10 $11,968.12 243.06 83.10 190.00 18.68 0.06 0.08 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.11 0.08 0.35 3.14 28.47 $567.37 $567.37 $567.37 31.37 36.78 0.11 0.17 0.11 0.11 0.12 0.11 0.23 0.17 0.70 6.27 35.90 3.45 $115.60 $115.60 $115.60 55.10 K-23 Page 18 ``~ - F ~ "' ° ' Date: 5!27/2009 r, ' City of Port Angeles City Council Expen diture Report .~., From: 519/2009 To: 5/22/2009 • Vendor Description Account Number Invoice Amount ADVANCED TRAVEL Training-Homan 107-5160-528.43-10 486.81 MSP Site Visit-Roedell 107-5160-528.43-10 38.70 Training-Roedell 107-5160-528.43-10 497.11 State E911 Mtg-Romberg 107-5160-528.43-10 112.95 MSP Site Visit-VanSickle 107-5160-528.43-10 38.70 ANGELES COMMUNICATIONS INC 50 FT AMPHONOL 25 PR CABL 107-5160-528.48-10 416.64 PENCOM EQUIPMENT ROOMS UP 107-5160-594.65-10 6,909.74 CENTURYTEL 5-6 a/c 300539444 107-5160-528.42-11 85.26 5-6 a/c 300509854 107-5160-528.42-11 96.35 5-6 a/c 406063845 107-5160-528.42-11 160.22 CLALLAM CNTY DEPT OF COMM DEV 1ST QRTR SVCS FOR E911 MA 107-5160-528.51-01 73.22 COMMERCIAL CARD SOLUTIONS TvlTrng-SR/JC/RB 107-5160-528.43-10 805.40 Nordisk Systems, Inc PENCOM AS\400 ANNUAL MAIN 107-5160-528.48-10 11,778.19 NEW WORLD SYSTEMS SCHEDULED BILLING EX B 10 107-5160-594.65-10 16,000.00 CAD UPGRADE TRVL EXPENSES 107-5160-594.65-10 1,784.33 SCHEDULED BILLING 10\08 E 107-5160-594.65-10 38,080.00 PUGET SOUND POLYGRAPH EXAMINER~POLYGRAPHS BENZICK, MOORE 107-5160-528.41-50 675.00 QUILL CORPORATION PENCOM OFFICE SUPPLIES 107-5160-528.31-01 57.11 QwEST 5-5 a/c 36045238778178 107-5160-528.42-10 3.07 5-5 a/c 36045237125858 107-5160-528.42-10 4.57 • 5-5 a/c 3604529882811 B 107-5160-528.42-10 3.07 5-5 a/c 36045298876528 107-5160-528.42-10 3.07 5-5 a/c 36045251096238 107-5160-528.42-10 3.12 5-14 a/c 36045708315588 107-5160-528.42-10 3.07 5-14 a/c 36045709683438 107-5160-528.42-10 6.14 5-14 a/c 3604571535571 B 107-5160-528.42-10 4.57 5-14 a/c 36045766840858 107-5160-528.42-10 18.86 5-14 a/c 3604570411199B 107-5160-528.42-10 169.41 5-2 a/c 3602020380301 B 107-5160-528.42-11 1,157.19 VERIZON WIRELESS 4-25 a/c 671402094-00001 107-5160-528.42-10 171.02 WASHINGTON (DIS), STATE OF Scan Chgs-April 107-5160-528.42-10 50.69 Pencom Pencom Division Total: $79,748.68 Pencom Department Total: $79,748.68 Pencom Fund Fund Total: $79,748.68 BEAN, JESSE UMPIRE PAYMENT 174-8221-574.41-50 264.00 BILL'S PLUMBING & HEATING INC SHANE SANICANS 174-8221-574.31-01 170.00 DETERMEYER, CARL REFEREE PAYMENT 174-8221-574.41-50 187.50 DIGITAL IMAGING SOLUTIONS INC OFFICE MACHINES & ACCESS 174-8221-574.45-31 36.77 OFFICE MACHINES & ACCESS 174-8221-574.45-31 7.83 DOBYNS, THERESA REFEREE PAYMENT 174-8221-574.41-50 650.00 GREAT AMERICA LEASING CORP OFFICE MACHINES & ACCESS 174-8221-574.45-31 64.72 • MATTHEWS, CORY REFEREE PAYMENT 174-8221-574.41-50 187.50 K-24 Page 19 • "~,~•cr~~>;~,>, Date: 5/27/2009 ~' , City of Port Angeles I ~ 'I City Council expenditure Report ~~.w ~ _= '~~%~•~- From:5/9/2009 To:S/22/2009 Vendor OWEST RAMSEY,SCOTT RISK, ALEXANDER G. ROONEY. RANDY L SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC THAYER,JEFFREY UNITED STATES TENNIS ASSN WA AMATEUR SOFTBALL ASSN WASHINGTON (DIS), STATE OF WHITTEN, BILL P Recreation Activities AT&T MOBILITY DIGITAL IMAGING SOLUTIONS INC DRAKE'S PIZZA & SUBS .GREAT AMERICA LEASING CORP QWEST WASHINGTON (DIS), STATE OF Recreation Activities COMMERCIAL CARD SOLUTIONS DIGITAL IMAGING SOLUTIONS INC Description 5-5 a/c 36045238778176 5-5 a/c 36045237125856 5-5 a/c 3604529882811 B 5-5 a/c 36045298876528 5-5 a/c 36045251096238 5-14 a/c 36045708315586 5-14 a!c 36045709683436 5-14 a/c 3604571535571 B 5-14 a/c 36045766840856 5-14 a/c 360457041 1 1 996 UMPIRE PAYMENT REFEREE PAYMENT UMPIRE PAYMENT SPORTING & ATHLETIC EQUIP UMPIRE PAYMENT USTA MEMBERSHIP SOFTBALL TEAM & UMP REGIS Scan Chgs-April UMPIRE PAYMENT Sports Programs 4-26 a/c 994753890 OFFICE MACHINES & ACCESS OFFICE MACHINES & ACCESS FOODS: PERISHABLE OFFICE MACHINES & ACCESS 5-5 a/c 36045238778176 5-5 a/c 36045237125858 5-5 a/c 3604529882811 B 5-5 a/c 36045298876526 5-5 a/c 36045251096238 5-14 a/c 36045708315588 5-14 a/c 36045709683436 5-14 a/c 3604571535571 B 5-14 a/c 36045766840858 5-14 a/c 36045704111996 Scan Chgs-April Special Events Rec program supplies-CK OFFICE MACHINES & ACCESS OFFICE MACHINES & ACCESS OFFICE MACHINES & ACCESS After School Supplies-BR Account Number 174-8221-574.42-10 174-8221-574.42-10 174-8221-574.42-10 174-8221-574.42-10 174-8221-574.42-10 174-8221-574.42-10 174-8221-574.42-10 174-8221-574.42-10 174-8221-574.42-10 174-8221-574.42-10 174-8221-574.41-50 174-8221-574.41-50 174-8221-574.41-50 174-8221-574.31-01 174-8221-574.41-50 174-8221-574.49-01 174-8221-574.49-01 174-8221-574.42-10 174-8221-574.41-50 Division Total: 174-8222-574.42-10 174-8222-574.45-31 174-8222-574.45-31 174-8222-574.31-01 174-8222-574.45-31 174-8222-574.42-10 174-8222-574.42-10 174-8222-574.42-10 174-8222-574.42-10 174-8222-574.42-10 174-8222-574.42-10 174-8222-574.42-10 174-8222-574.42-10 174-8222-574.42-10 174-8222-574.42-10 174-8222-574.42-10 Division Total: 174-8224-574.31-01 174-8224-574.45-31 174-8224-574.45-31 174-8224-574.45-31 174-8224-574.31-01 Invoice Amount 0.11 0.17 0.11 0.11 0.12 0.11 0.23 0.17 0.70 6.27 176.00 225.00 132.00 325.46 110.00 35.00 2,300.00 3.37 132.00 $5,015.25 17.29 36.77 7.83 265.77 64.72 0.11 0.17 0.11 0.11 0.12 0.11 0.23 0.17 0.70 6.27 9.05 $409.53 48.68 36.77 7.83 64.72 18.57 • GREAT AMERICA LEASING CORP PORT ANGELES CITY TREASURER K-25 Page 20 -0:i?11 .. ,c ~` ~~'-- ;~.'(~ Date: 5/27/2009 _ .~ ~ ~ City of Port Angeles I,`~ ' = --7 City Council Expenditure Report ._ ~,,~,.T- ' ~~~~~~~~"" From: 5/9/2009 To: 5/22/2009 • Vendor Description Account Number Invoice Amount OwEST 5-5 a/c 36045238778176 174-8224-574.42-10 0.11 5-5 a/c 36045237125856 174-8224-574.42-10 0.17 5-5 a/c 3604529882811 B 174-8224-574.42-10 0.11 5-5 a/c 36045298876526 174-8224-574.42-10 0.11 5-5 a/c 36045251096236 174-8224-574.42-10 0.12 5-14 a/c 36045708315586 174-8224-574.42-10 0.11 5-14 a/c 36045709683438 174-8224-574.42-10 0.23 5-14 a/c 3604571535571 B 174-8224-574.42-10 0.17 5-14 a/c 36045766840856 174-8224-574.42-10 0.70 5-14 a/c 36045704111998 174-8224-574.42-10 6.27 WASHINGTON (DIS), STATE OF Scan Chgs-April 174-8224-574.42-10 4.64 Recreation Activities Youth/Family Programs Division Total: $189.31 Recreation Activities Department Total: $5,614.09 Recreational Activities Fund Total: $5,614.09 BARCO PRODUCTS WFT 6' MEMORIAL BENCH PIE 186-0000-239.91-00 808.30 Burton B. Pierce WFT X-LETTER REFUND 6 LE 186-0000-239.91-00 81.95 Division Total: $890.25 Department Total: $890.25 Waterfront Trail Fund Total: ~ $890.25 GENTRY ARCHITECTURE DISCOVERY TRAIL 310-7930-595.65-10 15,869.50 Capital Projects-Pub Wks GF-Street Projects Division Total: $15,869.50 CLALLAM TRANSIT SYSTEM PRIMO CONTRACT PAYMENT 310-7965-595.65-10 130,607.59 Capital Projects-Pub Wks ST-Multi-Modal Transp Ctr Division Total: $130,607.59 Capital Projects-Pub Wks Department Total: $146,477.09 Capitallmprovement Fund Total: $146,477.09 Verne Brown LOOMIS RENTAL REFUND VERN 316-8982-362.40-12 30.00 Capital Proj-Parks & Rec Lincoln Park Improvmt Division Total: $30.00 Capital Proj-Parks & Rec Department Total: $30.00 Lincoln Park Improvement Fund Total: $30.00 EXELTECH CONSULTING INC 8TH ST BRIDGES 328-7950-595.41-50 94,533.39 Capital Projects-Pub Wks 8th St Bridge Reconst Division Total: $94,533.39 Capital Projects-Pub Wks Department Total: $94,533.39 8th St Bridge Reconstr Fund Total: $94,533.39 BPA-POWER WIRES April Power Wire-EFT 401-0000-213.10-00 225,540.00 April Power Wire-EFT 401-0000-213.10-00 1,181,585.00 C & H DISTRIBUTORS LLC OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL 401-0000-237.00-00 -14.04 CED/CONSOLIDATED ELEC DIST INC ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-0000-141.40-00 186.23 COMMERCIAL CARD SOLUTIONS Trng DVD's-Hairell 401-0000-237.00-00 -15.74 Traffic Signal Manual-SH 401-0000-237.00-00 -15.74 Textbook 401-0000-237.00-00 -25.40 • EMEDCO INC TAPE(NOT DP,SOUND,VIDEO) 401-0000-237.00-00 -55.78 K-26 Page 21 ~- a,',FT "'~~~ Date: 5/27/2009 y~~ ~~,; City of Port Angeles ~ ' -- 1 ~ City Council Expenditure Report ~,~t~ • ~~*~~ 4 From: 5/9/2009 To: 5/22/2009 Vendor Description Account Number Invoice Amount FARWEST LINE SPECIALTIES ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-0000-237.00-00 -25.27 GENERAL PACIFIC INC FASTENERS, FASTENING DEVS 401-0000-141.40-00 598.37 HANSON PIPE & PRECAST, INC ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-0000-141.40-00 2,168.00 HUGHES UTILITIES LTD FASTENERS, FASTENING DEVS 401-0000-141.40-00 300.81 MCMASTER-CARR SUPPLY CO HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS 401-0000-237.00-00 -19.13 B & D PROPERTIES LLC OVERPAYMENT-143 ECLIPSE 401-0000-122.10-99 4.00 BAGA, EDNA MAY UB CR REFUND-FINALS 401-0000-122.10-99 148.07 BAIRD, BRITTANI R UB CR REFUND-FINALS 401-0000-122.10-99 34.21 OVERPAYMENT-2602 PEACH PL 401-0000-122.10-99 156.75 CARDOZA, AARON S DEPOSIT REFUND 401-0000-122.10-99 250.00 CASE, HEATHER N UB CR REFUND-FINALS 401-0000-122.10-99 42.04 FRISBIE, THOMAS E UB CR REFUND-FINALS 401-0000-122.10-99 75.59 HOUSTON, JUSTIN R UB CR REFUND-FINALS 401-0000-122.10-99 128.76 HUSKEY, JASON C UB CR REFUND-FINALS 401-0000-122.10-99 101.26 JANSSEN, BRADLEY S UB CR REFUND-FINALS 401-0000-122.10-99 3.48 JOHN L SCOTT REAL ESTATE 2 OVERPAYMENT-1129 SPRUCE 401-0000-122.10-99 6.94 LANDVIK, NICK UB CR REFUND-FINALS 401-0000-122.10-99 19.51 LEONARD, DENYSE K UB CR REFUND-FINALS 401-0000-122.10-99 92.10 • LOGAN, MARCUS N MCLAUGHLIN, EMBERA UB CR REFUND-FINALS UB CR REFUND-FINALS 401-0000-122.10-99 401-0000-122.10-99 94.31 7.40 MISCH, NOAH I UB CR REFUND-FINALS 401-0000-122.10-99 13.98 PANORAMA MANOR CR REFUND-805 E 5TH #209 401-0000-122.10-99 0.61 PETITJEAN, SHANNON UB CR REFUND-FINALS 401-0000-122.10-99 63.15 PHILLIPS, PEGGYJ DEPOSIT REFUND 401-0000-122.10-99 125.00 DEPOSIT REFUND 401-0000-122.10-99 125.00 RIGGS, CHANDRA L UB CR REFUND-FINALS 401-0000-122.10-99 254.96 SHEARER, JUSTIN UB CR REFUND-FINALS 401-0000-122.10-99 67.23 SMITH, MISTY M UB CR REFUND-FINALS 401-0000-122.10-99 ~ 1.54 sTEGALL, MARIETTA UB CR REFUND-FINALS 401-0000-122.10-99 65.82 STRAWN, NICHOLAS A UB CR REFUND-FINALS 401-0000-122.10-99 54.41 SURBER, FRANK UB CR REFUND-FINALS 401-0000-122.10-99 179.23 THROOP, JULIE A DEPOSIT REFUND 401-0000-122.10-99 125.00 VEDIN, MARCELLA H J UB CR REFUND-FINALS 401-0000-122.10-99 17.69 PACIFIC METERING INC ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-0000-141.40-00 1,203.44 ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-0000-237.00-00 -21.85 ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-0000-237.00-00 -93.26 ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-0000-237.00-00 -34.53 TRAINING NETWORK, THE SECURITY,FIRE,SAFETY SERV 401-0000-237.00-00 -35.69 WESCO DISTRIBUTION INC ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-0000-141.40-00 473.71 FASTENERS, FASTENING DEVS 401-0000-141.40-00 246.07 • FASTENERS, FASTENING DEVS 401-0000-141.40-00 798.56 ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-0000-141.40-00 1,127.63 K-27 Page 22 r ~ ~_F r,"'N• Date: 5/27/2009 ,~~.y •' City.of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report _~ ~~f: ~~~•* ^' ' From: S/9/2009 To: 5/22/2009 • Vendor Description Account Number Invoice Amount Division Total: -. $1,416,129.43 Department Total: $1,416,129.43 ADVANCED TRAVEL NWPPA Conf-Dahlquist 401-7111-533.43-10 244:18 LENOVO COMPUTER HARDWARE&PERIPH 1401-7111-533.31-60 470.88 COMPUTER HARDWARE&PERIPH 1401-7111-533.31-60 1,546.91 OWEST 5-5 a/c 36045238778176 401-7111-533.42-10 0.34 5-5 a/c 36045237125856 401-7111-533.42-10 0.51 5-5 a/c 3604529882811 B 401-7111-533.42-10 0.34 5-5 a/c 36045298876528 401-7111-533.42-10 0.34 5-5 a/c 36045251096238 401-7111-533.42-10 0.35 5-14 a/c 36045708315586 401-7111-533.42-10 0.34 5-14 a/c 36045709683436 401-7111-533.42-10 0.68 5-14 a/c 3604571535571 B 401-7111-533.42-10 0.51 5-14 a/c 36045766840856 401-7111-533.42-10 2.10 5-14 a/c 36045704111996 401-7111-533.42-10 18:82 WASHINGTON (DIS), STATE OF Scan Chgs-April 401-7111-533.42-10 4.92 Public Works-Electric Engineering-Electric Division Total: ~ $2,291.22 ADVANCED TRAVEL NWPPA Mtg-Dunbar 401-7120-533.43-10 875.51 BPA Mtg-Dunbar 401-7120-533.43-10 135.25 FCS GROUP UTILITY RATE STUDY 401-7120-533.41-50 7,140.00 • NORTHWEST PUBLIC POWER ASSN NWPPA/NRECA MEETING 401-7120-533.43-10 450.00 awEST 5-5 a/c 36045238778176 401-7120-533.42-10 0.34 5-5 a/c 36045237125858 401-7120-533.42-10 0.51 5-5 a/c 3604529882811 B 401-7120-533.42-10 '0:34 5-5 a/c 36045298876526 401-7120-533.42-10 .0.34 5-5 a/c 36045251096236 401-7120-533.42-10 0.35 5-14 a/c 36045708315588 401-7120-533.42-10 0.34 ' 5-14 a/c 36045709683438 401-7120-533.42-10 0.68 5-14 a/c 3604571535571 B 401-7120-533.42-10 ~ 0.51 5-14 a/c 36045766840856 401-7120-533.42-10 2.10 5-14 a/c 36045704111998 401-7120-533.42-10 18.82 WASHINGTON (DIS), STATE OF Scan Chgs-April 401-7120-533.42-10 - 47.54 Public Works-Electric Power Systems Division Total: $8,672.63 ADVANCED TRAVEL Pick up Vehicle-Daugaard 401-7180-533.43-10 36.75 ALPINE PRODUCTS, iNC MARKERS, PLAQUES,SIGNS 401-7180-533.34-02 572.63 AMSAN OLYMPIC SUPPLY ENVIRONMENTAL&ECOLOGICAL 401-7180-533.31-01 10.76 TEXTILE,FIBERS,LINENS 401-7180-533.31-20 98.61 ANGELES CONCRETE PRODUCTS ROAD/HWY MAT NONASPHALTIC 401-7180-533.34-02 167.42 ANGELES MILLWORK & LUMBER CO FASTENERS, FASTENING DEVS 401-7180-533.31-20 4.29 FASTENERS, FASTENING DEVS 401-7180-533.34-02 21.04 BAXTER AUTO PARTS #15 _ EPOXY BASED FORMULAS 401-7180-533.34-02 22.72 • BLAKE SAND & GRAVEL INC TESTING APP/NOT ELECTRIC 401-7180-533.34-02 57.45 K-28 Page 23 L • - F ~ "'o, Date: 5/27/2009 _ '' City of Port Angeles ~,~ City Council. Expenditure Report :~.~ =t. - ~ • From: 5/9/2009. To: 5/22/2009 Vendor Description Account Number C & H DISTRIBUTORS LLC OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL 401-7180-533.31-01 CLALLAM CNTY FAIR BOARD COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 401-7180-533.49-90 CLINICARE OF PORT ANGELES INC DOT PHYSICAL - ROWLEY 401-7180-533.49-90 EMPLOYMNT PHYSICAL-HALSEY 401-7180-533.49-90 COMMERCIAL CARD SOLUTIONS Message Service-Hairell 401-7180-533.42-10 Direct TV-Light Ops-SH 401-7180-533.42-10 Ferry Pass/McGabe 401-7180-533.43-10 Trng DVD's-Hairell 401-7180-533.43-10 Traffic Signal Manual-SH 401-7180-533.43-10 OSHA Book-Hairell 401-7180-533.49-01 EMEDCO INC TAPE(NOT DP,SOUND,VIDEO) 401-7180-533.31-20 ESCI EDUCATIONAL SERVICES 401-7180-533.41-50 FARWEST LINE SPECIALTIES ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-7180-533:35-01 FASTENAL INDUSTRIAL FASTENERS, FASTENING DEVS 401-7180-533.34-02 HANSEN SUPPLY COMPANY INC SIGNS, SIGN MATERIAL 401-7180-533.31-20 HARTNAGEL BUILDING SUPPLY INC HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS 401-7180-533.35-01 HUGHES UTILITIES LTD ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-7180-533.35-01 MATCO TOOLS ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-7180-533.35-01 MCMASTER-GARB SUPPLY CO HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS 401-7180-533.35-01 OLYMPIC LAUNDRY & DRY CLEANERS LAUNDRY/DRY CLEANING SERV 401-7180-533.41-50 LAUNDRY/DRY CLEANING SERV 401-7180-533.41-50 LAUNDRY/DRY CLEANING SERV 401-7180-533.41-50 LAUNDRY/DRY CLEANING SERV 401-7180-533.41-50 OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL 401-7180-533.31-01 PACIFIC METERING INC ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-7180-533.34-02 ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-7180-533.34-02 PACIFIC OFFICE EQUIPMENT INC COMPUTER ACCESSORIES&SUP F401-7180-533.31-01 PENINSULA HEAT INC AIR CONDITIONING & HEATNG 401-7180-533.31-20-. - PORT ANGELES CITY TREASURER Filing Fees-Rinehart 401-7180-533.49-90 PUD #1 OF CLALLAM COUNTY MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 401-7180-533.41-50 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 401-7180-533.41-50 PUGET SAFETY EQUIPMENT INC FIRST AID & SAFETY EQUIP. 401-7180-533.35-01 c~uILL CORPORATION COMPUTERS,DP & WORD PROC. 401-7180-533.31-01' OWEST 4-16 a/c 206T323881998B 401-7180-533.42-10 4-16 a/c 206T326157000B 401-7180-533.42-10 4-16 a/c 206T23879996B 401-7180-533.42-10 4-16 a/c 206T22760994B 401-7180-533.42-10 5-5 a/c 36045295413538 401-7180-533.42-10 5-5 a/c 36045262367768 401-7180-533.42-10 5-2 a/c 36041780953366 401-7180-533.42-10 5-2 a/c 206Z020411942B 401-7180-533.42-10 5-5 a/c 36045238778176 401-7180-533.42-10 Invoice Amount 181.08 825.00 75.00 100.00 293.13 59.99 184.80 203.16 87.74 346.97 719.81 1,789.00 326.04 40.92 .103.35 199.45 1,154.46 91.33 246.83 63.88 63.88 63.88 63.88 58.83 281.89 445.57 140.92 256.71 168.00 126.98 14.52 152.56 130.71 54.54 54.54 54.54 54.54 39.56 42,01 42.82 65.05 2.73 K-29 Page 24 P;.'-..~ ~ ~: - I ''~',~ _ - "~~~~ City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: S/9/2009 To: 5/22/2009 Date: 5/27/2009 Vendor Description Account Number Invoice Amount OWEST 5-5 a/c 36045237125856 401-7180-533.42-10 4.06 5-5 a/c 3604529882811 B 401-7180-533.42-10 2.73 5-5 a/c 36045298876528 401-7180-533.42-10 2.73 5-5 a/c 36045251096238 401-7180-533.42-10 2.78 5-14 a/c 36045747177778 401-7180-533.42-10 40.63 5-14 a/c 36045708315586 401-7180-533.42-10 2.73 5-14 alc 36045709683436 401-7180-533.42-10 5.46 5-14 a/c 3604571535571 B 401-7180-533.42-10 4.06 5-14 a/c 36045766840858 401-7180-533.42-10 16.76 5-14 a/c 36045704111996 401-7180-533.42-10 150.59 ROHLINGER ENTERPRISES INC FIRST AID & SAFETY EQUIP. 401-7180-533.48-10 99.58 TESTING&CALIBRATION SERVI 401-7180-533.48-10 559.26 TESTING&CALIBRATIOiV SERVI 401-7180-533.48-10 1,054.74 PRODUCTION&MANUFACTURING 401-7180-533.48-10 426.43 EQUIP MAINT & REPAIR SERV 401-7180-533.48-10 456.26 TESTING&CALIBRATION SERVI 401-7180-533.48-10 92.14 SANDERSON SAFETY SUPPLY CO ENVIRONMENTAL£~ECOLOGiCAL 401-7180-533.31-01 21.52 FIRST AID & SAFETY EQUIP.. 401-7180-533.31-01 72.27 ENVIRONMENT-AL~ECOLOGICAL 401-7180-533.31-01 18.48 STELLAR INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY INC FIRE PROTECTION EQUIP/SUP 401-7180-533.31-0.1 2,725.24 FIRE PROTECTION EClUIP/SUP 401-7180-533.31-01 2,423.30 FIRE PROTECTION EQUIP/SUP 401-7180-533.31-01 346.18 SUNSET DO-IT BEST HARDWARE TANKS:MOBtLE,PORT,STATION 401-7180-533.34-02 1.04 FASTENERS, FASTENING DEVS 401-7180-533.34-02 42.79 ELECTRICAL EQUIP f~ SUPPLY 401~~718U-533.35-01 29.86 ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-7180-533.35-01 37.22 ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-7180-533.35-01 -17.45 SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS 401-7180-533.34-02 16.44 THURMAN SUPPLY ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-7180-533.34-02 31.01 TRAINING NETWORK, THE SECURITY,FIRE,SAFETY SERV 401-7180-533.43-10 460.54 VERIZON WIRELESS 4-28 aic 271138138-00003 401-7180-533.42-10 60.71 4-22 a/c 571136182-00002 401-7180-533.42-10 125.75 WAGNER-SMITH EQUIPMENT CO ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-7180-533.35-01. 162.10 WASHINGTON (DIS), STATE OF Scan Chgs-April 401-7180-533.42-10 28.40 WESCO DISTRIBUTION INC ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 401-7180-533.34-02 1,221.97 ZEP MANUFACTURING COMPANY FIRST AID & SAFETY EQUIP. 401-7180-533.31-01 13.28 ENVIRONMENTAL&ECOLOGICAL 401-7180-533.31-01 134.96 Public Works-Electric Electric Operations Division Total: $21,338.82 Public Works-Electric Department Total: $32,302.67 Electric Utility Fund Fund Total: $1,448,432.10 FEI EVERETT 3023(FAMILIAN) PIPE FITTINGS 402-0000-141.40-00 1,036.15 • Division Total: $1,036.15 K-30 Page 25 - ~"~=~~~~~~'-~~> Date: 5/27/2009 `~ . `' City of Port Angeles i City Council Expenditure Report :.._-- ;; • ~; ~ Y° From: 5/9/2009 To: 5/22/2009 Vendor Description Account Number Invoice Amount Department Total: $1,036.15 AMSAN OLYMPIC SUPPLY ENVIRONMENTAL&ECOLOGICAL 402-7380-534.31-01 10.76 ANDERSON & SONS GRAVEL ROAD/HWY MAT NONASPHALTIC 402-7380-534.31-20 474.25 ANGELES CONCRETE PRODUCTS ROAD/HWY MAT NONASPHALTIC 402-7380-534.31-20 675.99 ROAD/HWY MAT NONASPHALTIC 402-7380-534.31-20 336.78 ROAD/HWY MAT NONASPHALTIC 402-7380-534.31-20 186.99 ANGELES ELECTRIC INC ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 402-7380-534.48-10 279.67 DATABAR INCORPORATED COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 402-7380-534.44-10 2,759.90 EDGE ANALYTICAL TESTING&CALIBRATION SERVI 402-7380-534.41-50 30.00 TESTING&CALIBRATION SERVI 402-7380-534.41-50 54.00 TESTING&CALIBRATION SERVI 402-7380-534.41-50 270.00 TESTING&CALIBRATION SERVI 402-7380-534.41-50 15.00 TESTING&CALIBRATION SERVI 402-7380-534.41-50 300.00 TESTING&CALIBRATION SERVI 402-7380-534.41-50 300.00 TESTING&CALIBRATION SERVI 402-7380-534.41-50 42.00 OLYMPIC LAUNDRY & DRY CLEANERS RAGS,SHOP TOWELS,WIPING 402-7380-534.31-01 22.76 OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC SUPPLIES 402-7380-534.31-01 20.06 PUD #1 OF CLALLAM COUNTY Service @ Reservoir Rd 402-7380-534.47-10 64.85 OWEST 5-2 a/c 36041750797586 402-7380-534.42-10 39.56 • 5-5 a/c 36045238778176 402-7380-534.42-10 0.68 5-5 a/c 36045237125856 402-7380-534.42-10 1.02 5-5 a/c 3604529882811 B 402-7380-534.42-10 0.68 5-5 a/c 36045298876526 402-7380-534.42-10 0.68 5-5 a/c 36045251096238 402-7380-534.42-10 0.69 5-10 a/c 360Z100240955B 402-7380-534.42-10 414.76 5-14 a/c 36045708315588 402-7380-534.42-10 0.68 5-14 a/c 36045709683438 402-7380-534.42-10 1.36 5-14 a/c 36045715355718 402-7380-534.42-10 1.02 5-14 a/c 36045766840856 402-7380-534.42-10 4.19 5-14 a/c 36045704111998 402-7380-534.42-10 37.65 S & B INC WATER SEWAGE TREATMENT EQ402-7380-534.31-20 1,085.08 SANDERSON SAFETY SUPPLY CO ENVIRONMENTAL&ECOLOGICAL 402-7380-534.31-01 21.51 FIRST AID & SAFETY EQUIP. 402-7380-534.31-01 72.19 ENVIRONMENTAL&ECOLOGICAL 402-7380-534.31-01 18.48 SUNSET DO-IT BEST HARDWARE FIRST AID & SAFETY EQUIP. 402-7380-534.31-01 155.58 HAND TOOLS ,POW&NON POWER402-7380-534.31-20 29.73 HAND TOOLS ,POW&NON POWER402-7380-534.31-20 7.59 PUMPS & ACCESSORIES 402-7380-534.31-20 191.39 SUPPLIES 402-7380-534.31-20 13.84 • SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC HAND TOOLS ,POW&NON POWER402-7380-534.35-01 SHOES AND BOOTS 402-7380-534.31-01 7.99 150.00 HOSES, ALL KINDS 402-7380-534.31-20 99.60 K-31 Page 26 "~~ - T"'-;. Date: 5/27/2009 ~' City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report ~~:: ~° From:S/9/2009 To:S/22/2009 • Vendor Description Account Number Invoice Amount THURMAN SUPPLY SUPPLIES 402-7380-534.31-20 61.90 SUPPLIES 402-7380-534.31-20 16.89 TWISS ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES TESTING&CALIBRATION SERVI 402-7380-534.41-50 120.00 TESTING&CALIBRATION SERVI 402-7380-534.41-50 165.00 TESTING&CALIBRATION SERVI 402-7380-534.41-50 165.00 TESTING&CALIBRATION SERVI 402-7380-534.41-50 22.00 TESTING&CALIBRATION SERVI 402-7380-534.41-50 25.00 TESTING&CALIBRATION SERVI 402-7380-534.41-50 165.00 UTILITIES UNDERGROUND LOC CTR APRIL LOCATES 402-7380-534.48-10 18.00 WASHINGTON (DIS), STATE OF Scan Chgs-April 402-7380-534.42-10 6.91 ZEP MANUFACTURING COMPANY FIRST AID & SAFETY EQUIP. 402-7380-534.31-01 13.28 ENVIRONMENTAL&ECOLOGICAL 402-7380-534.31-01 134.96 Public Works-Water Water Division Total: $9,112.90 Public Works-Water Department Total: $9,112.90 Water Fund Fund Total: $10,149:05 COMMERCIAL CARD SOLUTIONS Gloves-Hanley 403-0000-237.00-00 -20.31 Adhesive-Hanley 403-0000-237.00-00 -4.56 DVD's/Books-Hanley 403-0000-237.00-00 -25.03 ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCE ASSN TESTING&CALIBRATION SERVI TESTING&CALIBRATION SERVI 403-0000-237.00-00 403-0000-237.00-00 -10.29 ' -46.82 MIDWEST LABORATORIES INC TESTING&CALIBRATION SERVI 403-0000-237.00-00 -2.72 USA BLUEBOOK LABORATORY EQUIP & ACCESS 403-0000-237.00-00 -51.68 Division Total -$161.41 Department Total: -$161.41 ADVANCED TRAVEL WW Exam-Young, Money,MB 403-7480-535.43-10 92.50 AMSAN OLYMPIC SUPPLY MASS TRANS,ACCES& PARTS 403-7480-535.31-01 161.86 ENVIRONMENTAL&ECOLOGICAL 403-7480-535.31-01 10.76 ANGELES MILLWORK & LUMBER CO SUPPLIES 403-7480-535.31-01 13.14 BUILDER'S SUPPLIES 403-7480-535.31-01 29.24 ASM SIGNS MARKERS, PLAQUES,SIGNS 403-7480-535.31-01 965.54 BRANOM INSTRUMENT COMPANY POWER GENERATION EQUIPMEN 403-7480-535.31-20 1,922.75 CLINICARE OF PORT ANGELES INC DOT PHYSICAL- M. WILLIAMS 403-7480-535.49-90 75.00 COMMERCIAL CARD SOLUTIONS Gloves-Hanley 403-7480-535.31-01 262.06 Adhesive-Hanley 403-7480-535.31-01 58.81 DVD's/Books-Hanley 403-7480-535.31-01 323.03 Power Relay-Hanley 403-7480-535.31-20 404.21 Server for WW-Harper 403-7480-535.31-60 807.62 Class/Trng-Hanley 403-7480-535.43-10 398.00 ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCE ASSN TESTING&CALIBRATION SERVI 403-7480-535.31-01 132.79 SHIPPING AND HANDLING 403-7480-535.31-01 31.28 TESTING&CALIBRATION SERVI 403-7480-535.31-01 572.82 • G4 CONSULTING INC WASTEWATER PROGRAM UPDAT403-7480-535.41-50 6,900.00 K-32 Page 27 ~''° -~~E~~-e Date: 5/27/2009 ~ ~~ ~~' City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report . ~ ~ ~ From: 5/9/2009 To: 5/22/2009 Vendor Description Account Number Invoice Amount GRAINGER FURNITURE,LAB,SPECIAL 403-7480-535.35-01 373.66 HACH COMPANY WATER&SEWER TREATING CHEN403-7480-535.31-05 48.88 ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS 403-7480-594.64-10 3,120.29 K ~ L SUPPLY INC CLOTHING & APPAREL 403-7480-535.31-01 997.28 MIDWEST LABORATORIES INC TESTING&CALIBRATION SERVI 403-7480-535.41-50 35.02 NAUTILUS ENVIRONMENTAL TESTING&CALIBRATION SERVI 403-7480-535.41-50 550.00 OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL 403-7480-535.31-01 95.83 SUPPLIES 403-7480-535.31-01 59.13 SUPPLIES 403-7480-535.31-01 91.77 SUPPLIES 403-7480-535.31-01 136.53 SUPPLIES 403-7480-535.31-01 23.71 PARKER PAINT MFG CO INC PAINTS,COATINGS,WALLPAPER 403-7480-535.31-01 46.69 PETTIT OIL COMPANY FUEL,OIL,GREASE, &LUBES 403-7480-535.32-11 301.44 FUEL,OIL,GREASE, &LUBES 403-7480-535.32-11 1,579.09 PORT ANGELES CITY TREASURER Shipping Chgs-Young 403-7480-535.42-10 17.63 Postage-Young 403-7480-535.42-10 16.95 PORT ANGELES POWER EQUIPMENT SUPPLIES 403-7480-535.48-10 584.38 PUD #1 OF CLALLAM COUNTY Service @ Masters Rd 403-7480-535.47-10 546.79 QWEST 5-2 a/c 36041705911966 403-7480-535.42-10 39.56 • 5-2 a/c 36041701900806 403-7480-535.42-10 39.56 5-5 a/c 36045238778176 403-7480-535.42-10 0.91 5-5 a/c 36045237125856 403-7480-535.42-10 1.35 5-5 a/c 3604529882811 B 403-7480-535.42-10 0.91 5-5 a/c 36045298876526 403-7480-535.42-10 0.91 5-5 a/c 36045251096236 403-7480-535.42-10 0.93 5-8 a/c 36056503656966 403-7480-535.42-10 39.56 5-14 a/c 36045708315586 403-7480-535.42-10 0.91 5-14 a/c 36045709683436 403-7480-535.42-10 1.82 5-14 a/c 3604571535571 B 403-7480-535.42-10 1.35 5-14 a/c 36045766840856 403-7480-535.42-10 5.59 5-14 a/c 36045704111996 403-7480-535.42-10 50.20 5-14 a/c 36045763156898 403-7480-535.42-10 79.12 5-14 a/c 36045748592476 403-7480-535.42-10 79.02 RADIOSHACK HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS 403-7480-535.31-01 18.42 SANDERSON SAFETY SUPPLY CO ENVIRONMENTAL&ECOLOGICAL 403-7480-535.31-01 21.51 FIRST AID & SAFETY EQUIP. 403-7480-535.31-01 72.19 ENVIRONMENTAL&ECOLOGICAL 403-7480-535.31-01 18.48 SIEMENS WATER TECHNOLOGIES, INC WATER&SEWER TREATING CHEN403-7480-535.31-05 4,284.24 SUNSET DO-IT BEST HARDWARE FIRST AID & SAFETY EQUIP. 403-7480-535.31-01 63.37 SUPPLIES 403-7480-535.31-20 7.71 HAND TOOLS ,POW&NON POWER403-7480-535.35-01 119.23 SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC CLOTHING & APPAREL 403-7480-535.31-01 13.95 K-33 Page 28 ^. ~... FT ~,., Date: 5/27/2009 x,>, `~ City of Port Angeles ~- I City Council Expenditure Report _-=' r'° From: S/9/2009 To: 5/22/2009 • Vendor Description Account Number Invoice Amount SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 403-7480-535.31-01 39.31 FIRST AID & SAFETY EQUIP. 403-7480-535.31-01 71.26 COOLER, DRINKING WATER 403-7480-535.31-01 35.13 HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS 403-7480-535.31-01 26.24 FOODS: PERISHABLE 403-7480-535.31-01 6.81 HOSES, ALL KINDS 403-7480-535.31-01 84.50 POISONS:AGRICUL & INDUSTR 403-7480-535.31-01 6.36 CLOTHING & APPAREL 403-7480-535.31-01 7.97 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE Shipping Chgs pe 5-2 403-7480-535.42-10 8.49 USA BLUEBOOK LABORATORY EQUIP & ACCESS 403-7480-535.35-01 666.86 UTILITIES UNDERGROUND LOC CTR APRIL LOCATES 403-7480-535.41-50 18.00 VERIZON WIRELESS 4-28 a/c 271138138-00006 403-7480-535.42-10 44.96 WASHINGTON (DIS), STATE OF Scan Chgs-April 403-7480-535.42-10 14.73 ZEP MANUFACTURING COMPANY FIRST AID & SAFETY EQUIP. 403-7480-535.31-01 13.28 ENVIRONMENTAL&ECOLOGICAL 403-7480-535.31-01 134.98 Public Works-WW/Stormw Wastewater Division Total; $27,926.16 Public Works-WW/Stormwtr Department Total: $27,926.16 Wastewater Fund Fund Total: $27,764.75 CLINICARE OF PORT ANGELES INC DOT PHYSICAL W/UA - PLUTE 404-7580-537.49-90 85.00 OLYMPIC PRINTERS INC BUSNIESS CARDS - PAYNTER 404-7580-537.31-01 58.53 PORT ANGELES CITY TREASURER Earth Day Sppls-Freilich 404-7580-537.44-10 29.15 Booth Rental-Freilich 404-7580-537.44-10 20.00 PUGET SOUND TRANSFER & STORAGE BARRELS, DRUMS, KEGS, CTN 404-7580-537.35-01 94.29 awEST 5-5 a/c 36045238778176 404-7580-537.42-10 0.45 5-5 a/c 36045237125856 404-7580-537.42-10 0.68 5-5 a/c 3604529882811 B 404-7580-537.42-10 0.45 5-5 a/c 36045298876526 404-7580-537.42-10 0.45 5-5 a/c 36045251096238 404-7580-537.42-10 0.46 5-14 a/c 36045708315586 404-7580-537.42-10 0.45 5-14 a/c 36045709683436 404-7580-537.42-10 0.91 5-14 a/c 36045715355716 404-7580-537.42-10 0.68 5-14 a/c 36045766840858 404-7580-537.42-10 2.79 5-14 a/c 36045704111998 404-7580-537.42-10 25.10 WASHINGTON (DIS), STATE OF Scan Chgs-April 404-7580-537.42-10 5.88 wasTE CONNECTIONS, INC ENVIRONMENTAL&ECOLOGICAL 404-7580-537.41-51 46,392.45 wsu-sPS EDUCATIONAL SERVICES 404-7580-537.44-10 526.23 Public Works-Solid Waste Solid Waste-Collections Division Total: $47,243.95 Public Works-Solid Waste Department Total: $47,243.95 Solid Waste-Collections Fund Total: $47,243.95 COMMERCIAL CARD SOLUTIONS Party Supplies-Hanley 405-7538-537.31-01 34.07 PORT ANGELES CITY TREASURER Dump Day Supplies-HF 405-7538-537.49-90 84.69 QWEST 5-5 a/c 36045281005326 405-7538-537.31-01 39.56 K-34 • • Page 29 • ~T9~ ~ ~ -- Date: 5/27/2009 3 ~, City of Port Angeles - I City Council Expenditure Report ~~~ . `' ~~-r.a ~ ' From: 5/9/2009 To: 5/22/2009 Vendor Description Account Number Invoice Amount QwEST 5-5 a/c 36045238778178 405-7538-537.42=10 0.45 5-5 a/c 36045237125858 405-7538-537.42-10 0.68 5-5 a/c 36045298828116 405-7538-537.42-10 0.45 5-5 a/c 36045298876526 405-7538-537.42-10 0.45 5-5 a/c 36045251096236 405-7538-537.42-10 0.46 5-14 a/c 36045708315586 405-7538-537.42-10 0.45 5-14 a/c 36045709683436 405-7538-537.42-10 0.91 5-14 a/c 3604571535571 B 405-7538-537.42-10 0.68 5-14 a/c 36045766840858 405-7538-537.42-10 2.79 5-14 a/c 36045704111998 405-7538-537.42-10 25.10 5-5 a/c 36045222451458 405-7538-537.42-10 39.60 RADIO PACIFIC INC (KONP) COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 405-7538-537.44-10 477.00 SEQUIN GAZETTE, THE COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 405-7538-537.44-10 94.50 WASHINGTON (DIS), STATE OF Scan Chgs-April 405-7538-537.42-10 3.62 WASTE CONNECTIONS, INC BLDG CONSTRUC. SERVICES- 405-7538-537.41-51 241,561.75 ENVIRONMENTAL&ECOLOGICAL 405-7538-537.41-51 1,261.50 ENVIRONMENTAL&ECOLOGICAL 405-7538-537.45-30 5,367.28 ENVIRONMENTAL&ECOLOGICAL 405-7538-591.71-10 21,916.61 i Public Works-Solid Waste ENVIRONMENTAL&ECOLOGICAL SW -Transfer Station 405-7538-592.81-10 Division Total: 40,862.11 $311,774.71 Public Works-Solid Waste Department Total: $311,774.71 Solid Waste-LF/Trf Stn Fund Total: $311,774.71 ADVANCED TRAVEL Stmwtr Mntrng-Partch 406-7412-538.43-10 431.55 COMMERCIAL CARD SOLUTIONS Class Reg-Partch 406-7412-538.43-10 395.00 QWEST 5-5 a/c 36045238778176 406-7412-538.42-10 0.26 5-5 a/c 36045237125856 406-7412-538.42-10 0.30 5-5 a/c 3604529882811 B 406-7412-538.42-10 0.23 5-5 a/c 36045298876526 406-7412-538.42-10 0.26 5-5 a/c 36045251096236 406-7412-538.42-10 0.18 5-14 a/c 36045708315586 406-7412-538.42-10 0.26 5-14 a/c 36045709683436 406-7412-538.42-10 0.45 5-14 a/c 36045715355718 406-7412-538.42-10 0.30 5-14 a/c 36045766840858 406-7412-538.42-10 1.40 5-14 a/c 36045704111998 406-7412-538.42-10 12.59 WASHINGTON (DIS), STATE OF Scan Chgs-April 406-7412-594.42-10 4.33 Public Works-WW/Stormw Stormwater Division Total: $847.11 Public Works-WW/Stormwtr Department Total: $847.11 Stormwater Fund Fund Total: $847.11 COMMERCIAL CARD SOLUTIONS Defib Pads/Test strips-KB 409-0000-237.00-00 -14.11 Division Total: -$14.11 • Department Total: -$14.11 COMMERCIAL CARD SOLUTIONS Defib Pads/Test strips-KB 409-6025-526.31-02 182.14 K-35 Page 30 _ .,. LT.~~.., ___ ~' - ~ Date: 5/27/2009 ~' City of Port Angeles ~ ~ I City Council Expenditure Report From: S/9/2009 To: 5/22/2009 • Vendor COMMERCIAL CARD SOLUTIONS CORDERY,SHARON LIFE ASSIST MOROZ, JAMES OLYMPIC MEDICAL CENTER PENINSULA DAILY NEWS OWEST SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC Fire Department ADVANCED TRAVEL ALL WEATHER HEATING & COOLING AM CONSERVATION GROUP, INC EVERWARM HEARTH & HOME INC GLASS SERVICES CO INC LINCOLN STREET STATION TRACY'S INSULATION Public Works-Electric Description Medic Bag-Bogues FIRST AID CLASS 5/17/09 C HOSP SURG ACCES & SUNDRIS EDUCATIONAL SERVICES EDUCATIONAL SERVICES SALE SURPLUS/OBSOLETE Classified Adv 5-5 a/c 36045238778178 5-5 a/c 36045237125856 5-5 a/c 3604529882811 B 5-5 a/c 36045298876526 5-5 a/c 36045251096236 5-14 a/c 36045708315586 5-14 a/c 36045709683438 5-14 a/c 3604571535571 B 5-14 a/c 36045766840856 5-14 a/r, 36045704111996 CLOTHING & APPAREL Medic 1 Fire Department Medic I Utility USB Mtg-Kajfasz CITY REBATE CITY REBATE CITY REBATE CITY REBATE CITY REBATE CITY REBATE CITY REBATE CITY REBATE CITY REBATE STREET LIGHT RETURN CITY REBATE CITY REBATE CITY REBATE Conservation Public Works-Electric Account Number 409-6025-526.31-02 409-6025-526.31-08 409-6025-526.31-02 409-6025-526.31-08 409-6025-526.31-08 409-6025-526.31-13 409-6025-526.44-10 409-6025-526.42-10 409-6025-526.42-10 409-6025-526.42-10 409-6025-526.42-10 409-6025-526.42-10 409-6025-526.42-10 409-6025-526.42-10 409-6025-526.42-10 409-6025-526.42-10 409-6025-526.42-10 409-6025-526.20-80 Division Total: Department Total: Fund Total: 421-7121-533.43-10 421-7121-533.49-86 421-7121-533.49-86 421-7121-533.49-86 421-7121-533.49-86 421-7121-533.49-86 421-7121-533.49-86 421-7121-533.49-86 421-7121-533.49-86 421-7121-533.49-86 421-7121-533.42-10 421-7121-533.49-86 421-7121-533.49-86 421-7121-533.49-86 Division Total: Department Total: Conservation Fund Total: SURVALENTTECHNOLOGY CONSTRUCTION SERVICES,GEN 451-7188-594.65-10 Public Works-Electric Electric Projects Division Total: Public Works-Electric Department Total: Electric Utility CIP Fund Total: Invoice Amount 205.94 200.00 1,910.45 200.00 200.00 187.26 208.75 1.36 2.03 1.36 1.36 1.39 1.36 2.73 2.03 8.38 75.30 16.12 $3,407.96 $3,407.96 $3,393.85 465.00 2,000.00 850.00 12,827.36 3,1.80.00 543.60 864.00 2,374.50 870.00 1,536.00 48.09 504.00 764.20 1,401.60 $28,228.35 $28,228.35 $28,228.35 2,439.00 $2,439.00 $2,439.00 $2,439.00 K-36 • I~ Page 31 ,E r'- ~ F ~ " *> Date: 5/27/2009 __ City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report ~~s _~~ _ • `' ~~ f~*~~ From: 5/9/2009 To: 5/22/2009 Vendor Description Account Number Invoice Amount WESTON SOLUTIONS, INC CMMS-Admin/Mgt Fees 452-7388-594.65-10 10,630.00 Public Works-Water Water Projects Division Total: $10,630.00 Public Works-Water Department Total: $10,630.00 Water Utility CIP Fund Total: $10,630.00 FRONTIER BANK CONSTRUCTION SERVICES,HEA 453-7488-594.65-10 16,401.43 PORT ANGELES CITY TREASURER Filing Fees-Funston 453-7488-594.42-10 49.00 PRIMO CONSTRUCTION INC CONSTRUCTION SERVICES,HEA 453-7488-594.65-10 339,181.62 Public Works-WW/Stormw Wastewater Projects Division Total: $355,632.05 Public Works-WW/Stormwtr Department Total: $355,632.05 Waste Water Utility CIP Fund Total: $355,632.05 BAXTER AUTO PARTS #15 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-0000-141.40-00 6.08 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-0000-141.40-00 3.73 AUTO & TRUCK ACCESSORIES 501-0000-141.40-00 15.02 AUTO 8~ TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-0000-141.40-00 9.65 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-0000-141.40-00 8.10 AUTO & TRUCK ACCESSORIES 501-0000-141.40-00 16.13 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-0000-141.40-00 24.32 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-0000-141.40-00 13.69 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-0000-141.40-00 37.03 AUTO & TRUCK ACCESSORIES 501-0000-141.40-00 13.05 COMMERCIAL CARD SOLUTIONS Camera & Accessories 501-0000-237.00-00 -34.29 EES-COPLITE AUTO & TRUCK ACCESSORIES 501-0000-237.00-00 -7.26 EQUIP MAINT & REPAIR SERV 501-0000-237.00-00 -44.51 IBS INCORPORATED AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-0000-141.40-00 215.15 LINCOLN INDUSTRIAL CORP AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-0000-141.40-00 17.24 MCMASTER-GARB SUPPLY CO AUTO SHOP EQUIPMENT & SUP 501-0000-237.00-00 -31.85 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-0000-237.00-00 -2.64 CLOTHING ACCESSORIES(SEE 501-0000-237.00-00 -6.09 NAPA AUTO PARTS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-0000-141.40-00 22.66 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-0000-141.40-00 87.34 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-0000-141.40-00 14.25 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-0000-141.40-00 39.13 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-0000-141.40-00 14.63 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-0000-141.40-00 166.09 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-0000-141.40-00 92.14 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-0000-141.40-00 60.43 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-0000-141.40-00 81.17 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-0000-141.40-00 8.43 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-0000-141.40-00 72.09 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-0000-141.40-00 10.59 • AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-0000-141.40-00 10.59 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-0000-141.40-00 7.85 K-37 Page 32 ~~~r ` `ro. Date: 5/27/2009 t,,. _ ~ City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report :~~ -~ From:S/9/2009 To:S/22/2009 • Vendor Description Account Number Invoice Amount NAPA AUTO PARTS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-0000-141.40-00 131.01 NORTHERN TOOL & EQUIPMENT CO AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-0000-237.00-00 -7.89 Division Total: $1,063.06 Department Total: $1,063.06 ALDERSONS AUTO BODY ~ PAINT INC EQUIP. MAINT. AUTO,TRUCK 501-7630-548.48-10 1,446.49 AMSAN OLYMPIC SUPPLY ENVIRONMENTAL&ECOLOGICAL 501-7630-548.31-01 10.79 APWA MEMBERSHIPS 501-7630-548.49-01 147.00 ARAMARK LAUNDRY/DRY CLEANING SERV 501-7630-548.49-90 26.37 LAUNDRY/DRY CLEANING SERV 501-7630-548.49-90 26.37 AUTO ADDITIONS, INC AUTO & TRUCK ACCESSORIES 501-7630-548.34-02 49.47 AUTO & TRUCK ACCESSORIES 501-7630-548.34-02 161.74 AUTO & TRUCK ACCESSORIES 501-7630-548.34-02 194.44 BAXTER AUTO PARTS #15 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 3.08 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 33.97 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 -82.64 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 7.13 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 17.47 AUTO & TRUCK ACCESSORIES 501-7630-548.34-02 4.33 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 58.84 CASCADE TURF AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 55.67 COMMERCIAL CARD SOLUTIONS Blinds-Lafferty 501-7630-548.31-20 56.09 Cabinet-Lafferty 501-7630-548.35-01 563.66 Batteries/Chrger-Lafferty 501-7630-548.35-01 20.57 Camera/Access-Lafferty 501-7630-548.35-01 442.46 Postage-Hanley 501-7630-548.42-10 17.57 COPY CAT GRAPHICS AUTO & TRUCK ACCESSORIES 501-7630-548.34-02 149.59 DEPT OF GENERAL ADMINISTRATION MEMBERSHIPS 501-7630-548.49-01 500.00 EES-COPLITE AUTO & TRUCK ACCESSORIES 501-7630-548.34-02 93.63 EQUIP MAINT & REPAIR SERV 501-7630-594.64-10 574.35 EVERGREEN COLLISION CENTER EQUIP. MAINT. AUTO,TRUCK 501-7630-548.48-10 75.83 EQUIP. MAINT. AUTO,TRUCK 501-7630-548.48-10 104.06 H & R PARTS & EQUIPMENT INC AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 179.32 HEARTLINE AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 308.78 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 195.07 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 94.25 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 225.36 KELLER & ASSOCIATES INC, J J MEMBERSHIPS 501-7630-548.49-01 278.54 LINCOLN INDUSTRIAL CORP AUTO SHOP EQUIPMENT & SUP 501-7630-548.34-02 9.00 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548.48-10 43.36 MATCO TOOLS AUTO SHOP EQUIPMENT & SUP 501-7630-548.35-01 20.92 AUTO SHOP EQUIPMENT & SUP 501-7630-548.35-01 111.87 AUTO SHOP EQUIPMENT & SUP 501-7630-548.35-01 87.01 K-38 • Page 33 ~,:-~ , ;a Date: 5/27/2009 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report ;' - `_ • ~ From: S/9/2009 To: 5/22/2009 Vendor Description Account Number Invoice Amount MCMASTER-CARR SUPPLY CO CLOTHING ACCESSORIES(SEE 501-7630-548.31-01 78.57 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 33.97 AUTO SHOP EQUIPMENT & SUP 501-7630-548.35-01 410.95 N C MACHINERY CO EQUIP. MAINT. AUTO,TRUCK 501-7630-548.34-02 222.71 NAPA AUTO PARTS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 10.96 AUTO & TRUCK ACCESSORIES 501-7630-548.34-02 6.23 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 1.43 NELSON TRUCK EQUIPMENT CO INC AUTO & TRUCK ACCESSORIES 501-7630-548.34-02 126.48 NORTHERN TOOL & EQUIPMENT CO AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 101.75 PACIFIC OFFICE EQUIPMENT INC OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL 501-7630-548.31-01 22.75 PENINSULA DAILY NEWS LEGAL AD 501-7630-548.44-10 52.54 PETTIT OIL COMPANY City Fuel Bill 501-7630-548.32-10 4,664.52 , PORT ANGELES FORD LINCOLN AUTO & TRUCK ACCESSORIES 501-7630-548.34-02 68.34 AUTO & TRUCK ACCESSORIES 501-7630-594.64-10 107.86 AUTO & TRUCK ACCESSORIES 501-7630-594.64-10 188.58 PORT ANGELES TIRE FACTORY EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548.48-10 34.58 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548.48-10 18.37 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501-7630-548.48-10 16.21 • QwEST 5-5 a/c 36045238778176 5-5 a/c 36045237125856 501-7630-548.42-10 501-7630-548.42-10 0.80 1.18 5-5 a/c 3604529882811 B 501-7630-548.42-10 0.80 5-5 a/c 36045298876526 501-7630-548.42-10 0.80 5-5 a/c 36045251096238 501-7630-548.42-10 0.81 5-14 a/c 36045708315588 501-7630-548.42-10 0.80 5-14 a/c 36045709683438 501-7630-548.42-10 1.59 5-14 a/c 36045715355718 501-7630-548.42-10 1.18 5-14 a/c 36045766840856 501-7630-548.42-10 4.89 5-14 a/c 36045704111996 501-7630-548.42-10 43.92 RICHMOND 2-WAY RADIO RADIO & TELECOMMUNICATION 501-7630-548.48-10 645.29 RADIO & TELECOMMUNICATION 501-7630-548.48-10 383.38 AUTO & TRUCK ACCESSORIES 501-7630-594.64-10 4,261.21 SAHLBERG EQUIPMENT CO INC, JF AUTO & TRUCK ACCESSORIES 501-7630-548.34-02 -91.09 AUTO & TRUCK ACCESSORIES 501-7630-548.34-02 39.28 AUTO & TRUCK ACCESSORIES 501-7630-548.34-02 51.82 AUTO & TRUCK ACCESSORIES 501-7630-548.34-02 91.09 AUTO & TRUCK ACCESSORIES 501-7630-548.34-02 -91.09 AUTO & TRUCK ACCESSORIES 501-7630-548.34-02 -51.82 AUTO & TRUCK ACCESSORIES 501-7630-548.34-02 51.82 AUTO & TRUCK ACCESSORIES 501-7630-548.34-02 -39.28 AUTO & TRUCK ACCESSORIES 501-7630-548.34-02 39 28 • AGRICULTURAL IMPLEM PARTS 501-7630-548.34-02 . 813.47 SANDERSON SAFETY SUPPLY CO ENVIRONMENTAL&ECOLOGICAL 501-7630-548.31-01 21.51 K-39 Page 34 - "` - F ~ "'~~ Date: 5/27/2009 ' City of Port Angeles I ~ ! City Council Expenditure Report •~ ~ ° From: 5/9/2009 To: 5/22/2009 • Vendor Description Account Number Invoice Amount SANDERSON SAFETY SUPPLY CO ENVIRONMENTAL&ECOLOGICAL 501-7630-548.31-01 18.48 FIRST AID & SAFETY EQUIP. 501-7630-548.34-02 72.19 scorT's AUTO TRIM AUTO & TRUCK ACCESSORIES 501-7630-548.48-10 249.32 SNAP-ON TOOLS - CHUGGER DEANS AUTO SHOP EQUIPMENT & SUP 501-7630-548.35-01 275.72 SUNSET DO-IT BEST HARDWARE AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 9.25 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 2.88 AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501-7630-548.34-02 5.33 SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC AUTO SHOP EQUIPMENT & SUP 501-7630-548.35-01 12.87 TEREX UTILITIES WEST MACHINERY & HEAVY HRDWARE 501-7630-548.34-02 49.66 AUTO & TRUCK ACCESSORIES 501-7630-548.34-02 40.13 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE Shipping Chgs pe 5-2 501-7630-548.42-10 12.60 WASHINGTON (DIS), STATE OF Scan Chgs-April 501-7630-548.42-10 11.90 ZEP MANUFACTURING COMPANY FIRST AID & SAFETY EQUIP. 501-7630-548.31-01 13.32 ENVIRONMENTAL&ECOLOGICAL 501-7630-548.31-01 134.96 Public Works-Equip Svcs Equipment Services Division Total: $19,568.86 Public Works-Equip Svcs Department Total: $19,568.86 Equipment Services Fund Total; $20,631.92 COMMERCIAL CARD SOLUTIONS Firewall Memory-Hagar 502-0000-237.00-00 -2.72 Handset jack splitter-JH 502-0000-237.00-00 -4.10 - Network switch Adaptor-JH 502-0000-237.00-00 -39.54 • Division Total: -$46.36 Department Total: . -$46.36 ANGELES COMMUNICATIONS INC ADD 2 MODEM LINES IN COMP 502-2081-518.41-50 69.11 ADD COMM JACKS IN COMPUTE 502-2081-518.41-50 248.51 COMMERCIAL CARD SOLUTIONS Handset jack splitter-JH 502-2081-518.31-01 52.91 Firewall Memory-Hagar 502-2081-518.31-60 35.12 Cable Markers-Harper 502-2081-518.35-01 6.09 Shipping Chgs-Return-JH 502-2081-518.35-01 6.09 Hard Drive-Harper 502-2081-518.48-10 408.37 Network Adaptor-Harper 502-2081-518.48-10 94.25 GovcoNNECTION, INC COMPUTER HARDWARE&PERIPH1502-2081-518.48-10 2,220.03 OwEST 5-5 A/C 3604525834211 B 502-2081-518.41-50 1,627.19 5-5 a/c 36045238778176 502-2081-518.42-10 1.02 5-5 a/c 36045237125856 502-2081-518.42-10 1.52 5-5 a/c 3604529882811 B 502-2081-518.42-10 1.02 5-5 a/c 36045298876526 502-2081-518.42-10 ~ 1.02 5-5 a/c 36045251096238 502-2081-518.42-10 1.04 5-14 a/c 36045708315586 502-2081-518.42-10 1.02 5-14 a/c 36045709683436 502-2081-518.42-10 2.05 5-14 a/c 36045715355718 5-14 a/c 36045766840856 502-2081-518.42-10 502-2081-518.42-10 1.52 6.29 • 5-14 a/c 36045704111996 502-2081-518.42-10 56.47 K-40 Page 35 ". ,. ~rt ~,,.,~ - - - Date: 5/27/2009 ;_ City of Port Angeles _ City Council Expenditure Report °-.~ ---- '~~~. ~ - • ~ ~'~ From: 5/9/2009 To: 5/22/2009 Vendor Description Account Number UNITED PARCEL SERVICE Shipping Chgs pe 5-2 502-2081-518.31-01 WASHINGTON (DIS), STATE OF Scan Chgs-April 502-2081-518.42-10 Finance Department Information Technologies Division Total: COMMERCIAL CARS SOLUTIONS Network switch Adaptor-JH 502-2082-594.65-10 Finance Department IT Capital Projects Division Total: Finance Department Department Total: Information Technology Fund Total: MEDICAL REIMBURSEMENT 503-1631-517.46-30 Self Insurance Other Insurance Programs Division Total: DEPT OF LABOR & INDUSTRIES 1st Quarter Self Insured 503-1661-517.49-50 1st Quarter Self Insured 503-1661-517.49-50 1ST QTR L&I PREMIUM 503-1661-517.49-50 Self Insurance Worker's Compensation Division Total: Self Insurance Department Total: Self-Insurance Fund Fund Total: PA DOWNTOWN ASSN APRIL DECAL SALES 650-0000-231.91-00 APRIL PBIA RECEIPTS 650-0000-231.92-00 APRIL DUPAR RECEIPTS 650-0000-231.93-00 • Division Total: Department Total: Off Street Parking Fund Fund Total: DIGITAL" IMAGING SOLUTIONS INC OFFICE MACHINES & ACCESS 652-8630-575.45-31. OFFICE MACHINES & ACCESS 652-8630-575.45-31 GREAT AMERICA LEASING CORD OFFICE MACHINES & ACCESS 652-8630-575.45-31 PORT ANGELES CITY TREASURER Pool Car Gas-Slavik 652-8630-575.43-10 OWEST 5-5 a/c 36045238778176 652-8630-575.42-10 5-5 a/c 36045237125858 652-8630-575.42-10 5-5 a/c 3604529882811 B 652-8630-575.42-10 5-5 a/c 36045298876526 652-8630-575.42-10 5-5 a/c 36045251096236 652-8630-575.42-10 5-14 a/c 36045708315586 652-8630-575.42-10 5-14 a/c 36045709683436 652-8630-575.42-10 5-14 a/c 36045715355718 652-8630-575.42-10 5-14 a/c 36045766840856 652-8630-575.42-10 5-14 a/c 36045704111996 652-8630-575.42-10 SORENSEN & SORENSEN CONSULTING SERVICES 652-8630-575.41-50 Esther Webster/Fine Arts Esther Webster/Fine Arts Division Total: Esther WebsterJFine Arts Department Total: Esther Webster Fund Fund Total: BISHOP, WHITE & MARSHALL, PS P/R Deductions pe 5-17 920-0000-231.56-30 • EMPLOYEES ASSOCIAI"ION P/R Deductions pe 5-17 920-0000-231.55-30 LEOFF P/R Deductions 920-0000-231.51-21 Invoice Amount 24.60 27.53 $4,892.77 510.22 $510.22 $5,402.99 $5,356.63 93.19 $93.19 24,354.61 -24, 354.61 24,354.61 $24,354.61 $24,447.80 $24,447.80 3,171.29 3,685.19 1,586.32 $8,442.80 $8,442.80 $8,442.80 9.58 2.05 16.88 21.65 0.34 0.51 0.34 0.34 0.35 0.34 0.68 0.51 2.10 18.82 2,200.00 $2,274.49 $2,274.49 $2,274.49 362.68 428.00 22,901.04 K-41 Fage 36 t'~= Date: 5/27/2009 ~" City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 5/9/2009 To: 5/22/2009 Vendor OFFICE OF SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT Description P/R Deductions pe 5-3 P/R Deductions pe 5-3 P/R Deductions P/R Deductions P/R Deductions P/R Deductions pe 5-17 P/R Deductions pe 5-17 P/R Deductions pe 5-17 P/R Deductions pe 5-17 Account Number 920-0000-231.56-20 920-0000-231.56-20 920-0000-231.51-10 920-0000-231.51-11 920-0000-231.51-12 920-0000-231.56-30 920-0000-231.56-10 920-0000-231.55-20 920-0000-231.53-20 Division Total: Department Total: Invoice Amount 169.85 1,231.32 2,453.91 9,318.50 47,893.83 213.14 493.00 30.00 1,500.00 $86,995.27 $86,995.27 $86,995.27 PERS UNITED COLLECTIONS SERVICE INC UNITED WAY (PAYROLL) VOLUNTEER FIRE ASSOCIATION WSCFF/EMPLOYEE BENEFIT TRUST Totals for check period Payroll Clearing Fund Total: From:5/9/2009 To:S/22/2009 $2, 825, 574.52 • K-42 Page 37 • • SORT DATE: June 2, 2009 TO: CITY COUNCIL NGELES FROM: NATHAN A. WEST DIRECTOR, COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT SUBJECT: VALLEY CREEK RESTORATION GRANT Summary: Application for a competitive grant for the design of the Valley Creek restoration project. Recommendation: Authorize grant application submission by the Community and Economic Development Department Background /Analysis: The Planning Division of the Community and Economic Development Department pending Council approval is applying for a grant from the Salmon Recovery Funding Board (SRFB). The grant request is for $174,500 in funding. The grant does not require a match of in-kind support or funding from the City. Any administrative costs associated with the grant management will be reimbursed. The Valley Creek restoration and trail project has been in the works for several years now and funding is being sought for Phase III of the project. The grant provides for design of the third phase, building upon restoration and trail efforts to date. Additionally, the grant will incorporate design for the remeander of creek from 5~' Street to 9~' Street. Multiple community stakeholders have been involved with this project over the years and commitment has been made by several entities to contribute resources and financial support to this project. It is anticipated that the grant will be managed with a sub recipient agreement identifying those parties responsible for each component of the project. The Community and Economic Development Department is seeking Council support of the application for this competitive grant. The grant is anticipated to be awarded no later than December 31, 2009. K-43 • MINUTES PLANNING COMMISSION Port Angeles, Washington 98362 May 13, 2009 6:00 p.m. ROLL CALL Members Present: Members Excused: Staff Present: Public Present: APPROVAL OF MINUTES John Matthews, Werner Beier, Mike Caudill, Doc Reiss, Tim Boyle, Nancy Powers, Carla Sue None Scott Johns, Sue Roberds, Nathan West, Heidi Greenwood Bernie and Lora Brabant, Brando Blore and Christina Nyhus, Jan Harbick Commissioner Boyle moved to approve the April 8 and April 22, 2009, regular meeting minutes. Commissioner Powers seconded the motion that passed with Commissioners Caudill and Powers abstaining from the vote on the April 8 minutes, and Commissioner Sue abstaining from the vote on the April 22 minutes due to absence. PUBLIC HEARINGS: CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT -CUP 09-02 - BRABANT - 125 W. 1 l~' Street: Request to develop an accessory residential unit in the RS-7 Residential Single Family zone. Associate Planner Scott Johns reviewed the Department Report recommending approval of the conditional use permit with conditions. Following brief questions regarding development standards including site coverage, Chair Reiss opened the public hearing. Bernie and Lora Brabant, 125 W. ll`h Street were present for questions. Following brief discussion, Commissioner Powers moved to approve the conditional use permit with the following conditions, findings, and conclusions: Conditions Separate electrical meters are required for each dwelling unit. Addressing for each dwelling unit shall be clearly identified as 125 and 125'/2 West 11th Street. Address numbers must be at least six (6) inches in height and readily visible from the street and of contrasting color from their background. Two (2) off-street parking spaces are required for each residential dwelling unit for a total of four (4) spaces. Parking spaces shall be constructed to Public Works and Utilities Department standards. M-1 Planning Commission Minutes May 13, 2009 Page 2 • 3. Driveway and site access shall be constructed to Public Works and Utilities Department standards. 4. All utility improvements including water, sanitary sewer, storm drainage and electrical are to be completed to the satisfaction of the Public Works and Utilities Department. Separate water and electric meters are required for the Accessory Residential Unit. Findings: Based on the information provided in the Community and Economic Development Staff Report for CUP 09-02 dated May 13, 2009, including all information in the public record file, comments and testimony presented during the public hearing, the Planning Commission discussion and deliberation, and the above listed conditions of approval, the City of Port Angeles Planning Commission hereby finds that: 1. Bernie Brabant submitted a Conditional Use Permit application for an accessory residential unit on April 13, 2009. The applicant owns the subject property. 2. The proposed site is legally described as Lots 13 & 14 Block 327 of the Townsite of Port Angeles and is located at 125 W. 11 ~' Street. 3. The site is zoned Residential Single Family (RS-7) and is 14,000 sq. ft. in area. 4. The subject site is located on the north side of W. 11~' Street east of Oak Street in the City's North Central Planning Area. Development in the neighborhood includes predominately single family residential uses. The Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map designates the site as Low Density Residential. Adjacent designations are also Low Density Residential. 5. Per 17.96.050 PAMC, the Planning Commission shall consider applications for conditional use permits as specified in the applicable Chapter of the Zoning Regulations. The Planning Commission may grant said permits which are consistent and compatible with the purpose of the zone in which the use is located, consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, and not contrary to the public use and interest. In each application the Planning Commission may impose whatever restrictions or conditions are considered essential to protect the public health, safety, welfare, and to prevent depreciation of neighboring property. Conditional uses shall be evaluated to determine if the characteristics of the intended use as related to the specific proposed site would defeat the purpose of the City's Zoning Regulations by introducing incompatible, detrimental, or hazardous conditions. The Planning Commission may refuse to issue a conditional use permit if the characteristics of the intended use would defeat the purpose of the City's zoning regulations. The City's Comprehensive Plan was reviewed for consistency with the proposal. 6. A development that is approved through the conditional use permit process must remain in continual compliance with specific conditions of approval or may be revoked. 7. Site access must comply with Public Works and Utilities Standards. Access to the subject site is via the 11/12 alley. Access to the primary use is via 1 lth Street. Both access points are City rights-of--way. • M-2 Planning Commission Minutes May 13, 2009 • Page 3 8. Notification of the proposed action and conditional use permit application was placed in the Peninsula Daily News on April 23, 2009. Public notice was mailed to property owners within 300 feet of the subject property on Apri120, 2009. The site was posted on Apri121, 2009. No comments were received as a result of the public notice period. 9. A Determination ofNon-Significance was issued for this proposed action on May 11, 2009. 10. The Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on the proposal at the May 13, 2009, regular meeting. Conclusions Based on the information provided in the Department of Community and Economic Development Staff Report for CUP 09-02 dated May 13,2009, including all of the information in the public record file, comments, and testimony presented during the public hearing, the Planning Commission's discussion and deliberation, and the above listed conditions of approval and listed findings, the City of Port Angeles Planning Commission hereby concludes that: 1. As conditioned, the proposal is consistent with the intent of the Comprehensive Plan, specifically with Land Use Element Residential Goal A and Policy A.2; and Goal C and Policy C.2, Housing Element A.6 and B.6. 2. The proposal is consistent with requirements for processing a conditional use permit as specified in PAMC 17.96.050, and with the requirement for an accessory residential unit in the RS-7 zone per PAMC 17.10.040(A) • 3. As conditioned, the proposal is consistent with PAMC Chapter 14.40 (Parking Ordinance). 4. 'The use is in the public interest as it allows for a variety of housing opportunities. 5. The City's responsibility under the State Environmental Policy Act in review of the proposal has been satisfied. Commissioner Boyle seconded the motion that passed unanimously. REZONE APPLICATION - REZ 09-01- NYHUSBLORE - Northwest corner of "C" and 17th Streets: Proposal to rezone 14,000 square feet from CN Commercial Neighborhood to RHD Residential High Density. Associate Planner Scott Johns reviewed the Department Report recommending approval of the rezone. Staff responded to questions regarding the site location, application of the Comprehensive Plan land use designation in the area, and the appropriateness of additionally including the adjacent lot to the west (Lot 18) in the rezone to avoid creating a spot zone in the area. Staff responded to questions from the Commission regarding development of land within commercial zones where frontage occurs on arterial streets versus development fronting non arterial streets. Chair Reiss opened the public hearing. Brando Blore, P.O. Box 3029, Port Angeles, WA owns the subject property with his wife Christina. They are seeking a rezone of the property to Residential High Density (RHD) in accordance with the Comprehensive Plan designation of the site. Zoned Commercial • Neighborhood (CN), the first floor facing an arterial street would be required to contain a M-3 Planning Commission Minutes May 13, 2009 Page 4 commercial use. The Blore's desire to develop the entire structure as high density housing without the need for a commercial component and so are asking for the rezone consistent with the Comprehensive Plan designation for the area. Staff discussed the fact that Lot 18 adjacent to the subject property is also zoned Commercial Neighborhood. A rezone of only two of the three lots in the block from CN to RHD would leave a spot zoned lot. Planner Johns indicated that he had been in contact with Mrs. Gladys Pressley who owns Lot 18, Block 441. Mrs. Pressley expressed a desire to join in the rezone. Staff expected that she would present herself to the Planning Commission to make that request. She was not in the audience. Mr. Blore indicated no objection to including Lot 18, Block 441 in the rezone consideration. Director of Community & Economic Development Nathan West indicated that it would be inappropriate not to include Lot 18 in the rezone proposal if a recommendation is made to rezone the Blore's lots. There being no further testimony, Chair Reiss closed the public hearing. Following discussion as to the appropriateness of including the Pressley lot in the rezone proposal at this time, Commissioner Matthews moved to recommend that the City Council rezone Lots 18, 19, and 20, Block 441, Townsite of Port Angeles from Commercial Neighborhood to Residential High Density citing the following findings and conclusions in support of that recommendation: Findings 1. On April 13, 2009, Christina Nyhus and Brando Blore submitted an application for • rezone of approximately 14,000 square feet parcel from Commercial Neighborhood to Residential High Density. The subject property is legally described as Lots 19 and 20, Block 441, being Parcel # 063000044195. 2. The site is zoned Commercial Neighborhood (CN). Surrounding properties are zoned Commercial Neighborhood, Residential High Density, Industrial Light, and Residential Single Family Residential (RS-7). 3. The RHD zone (PAMC 17.15.010) is a high density residential zone for multi-family residential structures. Medium and high density uses can provide a transition between different land uses. This is often found between single family and commercial or industrial land uses. 4. The City's Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map is the guiding document in determining consistency in zoning, and establishes a conceptual frame work for land use decisions. The Map designates the property as High Density Residential (HDR). 5. The Comprehensive Plan was reviewed in its entirety with respect to the proposal. The following elements, goals, and policies were found to be the most relevant to the proposal: Land Use Element goal A, Policies Al, A2, and objective 1; Goals B and C, Policies C1, C2, C3, and C4, Goal E, Policies E2 and E5; Transportation Element Goal B, Policy 14. 6. A rezone proposal cannot be considered a spot zone if it meets the following tests: 1) the parcel of land has not been singled out for special and privileged treatment; 2) the rezone • M-4 Planning Commission Minutes May 13, 2009 • Page S is in the public interest and not only for the benefit of the land owner; and 3) the action is in accordance with the Comprehensive Plan. 7. The SEPA responsible Official issued a Determination ofNon-Significance on May 11, 2009. 8. The written public comment and notification period for the Planning Commission meeting ran from Apri123, 2009, to May 8, 2009. No written comments from the public were received. The City received a phone call from Mrs. Gladys Pressley, the property owner of Lot 18, who indicated support of the addition of her property to the rezone proposal to CN. 9. Reviewing City departments did not comment on the rezone application. All City utilities and services are available to the site. The site is located on a City arterial street and can be accessed from improved rights-of--way. 10. Ultimate development of the subject property will require specific project review including issues such as access, noise, lighting, landscaping, and parking. 11. Housing and land use review have shown a demand for high density residential uses within the City that is not being met by current zoning. Windshield surveys indicate that a large degree of commercial areas remain vacant or are redevelopable for commercial use. 12. Discussion took place during the Planning Commission's public hearing of May 13, 2009, that Lot 18, Block 441, TPA, adjacent to the west, is split zoned. If Lot 18 is not included in the rezone proposal and ultimately rezoned to RHD, one half of that lot would remain zoned Commercial Neighborhood with the remaining neighborhood zoning being Residential High Density. Conclusions 1. The rezone proposal is in accordance with the Comprehensive Plan and Land Use Map that designates the site as High Density Residential (HDR). 2. The rezone as proposed is compatible with the surrounding zoning and land uses and will allow development of the site to the density that has been identified as desired for the area through the City's Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map. The rezone is therefore in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan, and is in the public interest. 3. The City's action on rezone application REZ 09-01 is consistent with the established procedures for amending the Zoning Code set forth in Section 17.96.100, Port Angeles Municipal Code. 4. Development plans will require utility improvement by the developer and will include street, walkway, and drainage improvements for subsequent development of the site. Site development will accommodate any impacts to the neighborhood that result from development to a high density use. As proposed, the rezone action will eliminate a single lot spot zone that would otherwise have been created by the original proposal. M-5 Planning Commission Minutes Ma~~ 13, 2009 Page 6 • The motion was seconded by Commissioner Beier and passed unanimously. Staff will contact Mrs. Pressley regarding the recommendation to include Lot 18 in the rezone. PROPOSED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AND LAND USE MAP AMENDMENTS - 2009 Associate Planner Scott Johns reviewed the proposed Comprehensive Plan and Land Use Map amendments by use of a Power Point presentation. The Commission previously reviewed the proposed amendments at a work session in April, 2009. Planner Johns noted that two new Transportation Element policies were added relative to the American Institute of Architects' recommendations to the City earlier in the year. The policies related to signage and potential discussion as to returning the First and Front Street corridors to two way streets. Chair Reiss opened the public hearing. There being no one to speak to the proposals, Chair Reiss closed the public hearing. Staff and Commissioners continued to discuss various points of the amendments as proposed. Commissioner Caudill moved to recommend that the City Council approve the Comprehensive Plan and Land Use Map amendments citing the following findings and conclusions in support of that action: Findings: Based on the information provided in the Community Development Staff Report for CPA 09-01 dated May 13, 2009, including all information in the public record file, comments and testimony • presented during the public hearing, the Planning Commission discussion and deliberation, the City of Port Angeles Planning Commission hereby finds that: 1. The City of Port Angeles planning staff submitted various amendment proposals required for internal consistency, clarification of language, broader inclusiveness of nonmotorized transportation modes, the inclusion of investigation into form based codes, uniform signage, creation of a new zone for open space, habitat areas, and environmentally sensitive areas, and two Land Use Map changes for review as Comprehensive Plan Amendment application CPA 09-01 on or before March 31, 2009. 2. The proposed amendments to the Comprehensive Plan language are area wide. The proposed amendments to the Land Use Map are also considered area wide. 3. City Departmental issues were considered in the review of this application. 4. Notification of the proposed action and Comprehensive Plan amendment permit application was placed in the Peninsula Daily News on Apri127, 2009. 5. The proposed Comprehensive Plan amendments were forwarded to Washington State Deparhnent of Community, Trade, and Economic Development on April 14, 2009, and received notification that the materials were received by CTED on Apri120, 2009. 6. The City of Port Angeles adopted its present Comprehensive Plan on June 28, 1994, by Ordinance 2818 and has annually amended it since. r~ M-6 Planning Commission Minutes May 13, 2009 Page 7 i 7. The entire Comprehensive Plan was reviewed and analyzed to determine the need for revisions. 8. The City of Port Angeles is anticipating a State mandated major Comprehensive Plan update in 2011. The current updates are intended to meet some of the requirements of the scheduled update. 9. A SEPA Threshold Determination will be issued for this proposed action once all comments from interested agencies and parties have commented. 10. The Planning Commission opened a public hearing on the proposal at the May 13, 2009, regular meeting. Conclusions: Based on the information provided in the Department of Community Development Staff Report for CPA 09-01 dated May 13, 2009, including all of the information in the public record file, comments, and testimony presented during the public hearing, the Planning Commission's discussion and deliberation, and listed findings, the City of Port Angeles Planning Commission hereby concludes that: 1. The proposed amendments to the Comprehensive Plan are in compliance with the State's requirements for updating the Comprehensive Plan under the Growth Management Act. 2. The Comprehensive Plan update is consistent with the County-Wide Planning Policy. 3. The 2009 Comprehensive Plan up-date maintains internal consistency within the Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan. The Comprehensive Plan was thoroughly reviewed and updated between 2002 and 2004. The next major update required by the State of Washington Growth Management Act is scheduled for 2011. The 2009 amendments will be included as a portion of the scheduled 2011 updates. 4. The 2004 amendments completed the . -last State mandated periodic update of the Comprehensive Plan. 5. Opportunities for amending the Comprehensive Plan are available on an annual basis. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Matthews, and passed unanimously. COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE PUBLIC None STAFF REPORTS None • M-7 Planning Commission Minutes May 13, 2009 Page 8 REPORTS OF COMMISSION MEMBERS Commission members discussed process. Commissioner Powers asked Attorney Greenwood to explain why Planning Commission members are discouraged to independently visit application sites. Ms. Greenwood explained that because Commissioners act in a fact finding, quasi judicial manner, all testimony and information formulated in making a decision must be received in the same. If a Commissioner visits a site, he or she may see or hear something different than another Commissioner, and that event may cause a different outcome to a process. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 7:30 p.m. Sue Roberds, Secretary Michael "Doc" Reiss, Chair PREPARED BY: S. Roberds • • r M-8 fort: r~ngc.h°y I~-Iarbtn-~'t%z~ri.s T)e~~ek~~~zne€tt .fluthorat~.~ f3oarel oi~:i)ir;ctc~rs ~ipec;aal 1]eeliz~t . Ptn•t txl't'cxrt .1n~.teaey 1'ul,Iic <::e}nzz:a7l~si<~nLr~ ]Z~>c?tt~ ~hrii6, ~{It)i) '~i 1'.ti ti't~t~;ti 1, C'niN_to C_;+rtlcr "1'he tncetin~~ ~~a:; ca(leel tc> Dreier tsy I'rtsidea3t t)r~ille C''<tniphelt at ~I::7~1 E' .ray. Z. I2ta11 C:`all 3)lrecte~r> I:ar~sent: 1'resi.teni t}r~,>itic C'<an~ptjelt a€zci I~irtc~tt>r: l-lo~°arcl Kt+cid~tl, Jcrr~> Flendrick~. It.ar €2 ~,'Cc.Cora-ariek, szra~3 I3<~rt 1ri~n tl~~~ tele~ahc,t~sYj St<:fft~c~ese€rt: C'}~~i ~3e> Icy. C~<zt~`t-izLli~~t~~<u-en l~il~~are- t.;itll;ei?reserrt€ztives Present: ~•;at}aat4~esi.l~entttt~ers t'cyrt P~g~r~;terat°atizes / t'r;sea~t: U7~ iel Fi<z~i~~ai-a Oth~z; 1'resez3t: I:arrt' C)uz~rt, I'7t~ze =I)ickersuz~. Llic-Im C.;cro~in~azz, Paa1 Yerl~~~itz 3. :1~~rov~rl ca#' 141inutes: '~7~rch l6, ~tltls? I~oarcl of` I)iarcrtors 4~,rcia3 ~~eeti»~': ~1t:)"[ t{)"~: .lcrrr~ l Ient9rlck-~ €r~t}~'e ;i, >„ ~. z.~~~1 k~~ ;;. -_ ~~Icf_`e~>rzs isle. tc~ ar3opt tt~~ nt€nutes e>f ttte 2~'Carch l~. ZCtC~r9 4}~er:ial E3r~~rzt c>E°l.airecie~r~, rxa '~::~~<~~ <ss }~re~~€zte~i. [ Itc xnc~Cic~n carri~ei tz€taztinto~sly. ~. Public t',ommezat 1"hu~a'e ~~as nei pukzlic ec}rurrtczat. ~. ~`in:trace - ~`oucher 13e~~~ien &?resi~tent C:;tz€i-apbell iirc€al€ttLci liar r vie~~ a fc>lefer c:ait~tainiztp ~ oazchet-s presLat:ezi Pczr saplzr<>r al, te> hz.: c~te~cl on after alt 1.3cfarti za-~ealih~~rs hacE reg. icti~ecl. b. 13etclget Re}~orf .iezrv l~--ltntlrickw rep{~rteel tha~i l3ilt .la.za~es haxi txcp~~reti, ~€nel T-tarhor~k'sarks had Filed wiih the- ( qty eaf I'z,:fa•i <~.a~~eles, <ua at7t~uat report .a< reyt€is-ed try the 13o•t~t»;s. ale ~ ~pt<zined that the€°e still r n<air : ~>nie crjzrfiasian as t« ttte i,rr ~t ~~t~the rti:port. Tl'c Cit}' pre ~r°s i€ to hs oz~ <tn accrat~tl h., ;i ; h.at the stiate ;luc{itc+r gas irzsr€a~_ .. ztit it he az7 a ea~l~ hsz:.is. ;~3r.. ,~i.driLk. st<tti i) that #~asiealts~ ait zlie ~~<ark is cc>zj~q•+tttt t~+tzt ;:~~ the Gut~f.;earies rz7t~' }a<z~ e tee b4 -srths~r szzc~elit"see3 tc, h ~arti}~ietety zza sync za•ah thG~ t`att'y re~~<zrcfis. • M-9 ~~€r. E3er€d€•ick~ is ti~~rk}ne3, ou:cha bttcf~et fbr `?Ot~9 but he has re3t c~~taa;~leted the ru~€ark i~~ hopes that tt€e org*anir_atinrt trill z;trirrt iir€d an klaectaitce k:}ire~ctor. "T}tc 1.~~;uti~,-t' k)ire~tc}r needs tct ha3-i. lEipl21 (€3tL+ tg1:. }3lSC} <: ~s~;tfst't; it IS tIn[S}Ift:d. 7. I2etfuest-far C)raakificaticanc t~}r. 1,',Qdckb repot-red tlaa€ h~-ccta3tinws €o father uttari: c?ttltupie~ sizati}<zr }ca the repCar2 and tfraft of a t2tckuest for ttJ€t:ik23s:;aiic?tzs titf-€icka he sharLc} at tk3e «rst n~c:i tinw~, k [x: ~t},zns tta ttz€°n this 'iniortn<tYican i}'.~er to the rte~u''1:~er-ctfie~e Director ~~~her€ th~24 person. i4 hirbd..11~~e€- itapttt frcan. t-tie neu~- Exect€ti~ e k)irc:carar atld }etEtl c;ouats I, it ivi,}1 hc: rcadr f~t~r distrihutiott tea ccansulnltats. ?,.1r, }-IR:t~drict<~ astEttl ik~~-1r: I:icFCit9v llac( E4aitzer~~<i itt€~~rltuttic>rz rzrz fizz3:}ut~ ~L~urces. '~4r. L3zzdc}} I'espi-azxfec} ttaai he has inforzttatirzn ~i•tattt ~tlte Il~partttte.ttt of I:'.cc+}taffy, f~ro€ra t}1e Pederak ~~o~ert~trte-zzt as j-aart ok`tkae sfii.aza€t[us pt€~}:at~e, atttf s€attae otkler soclrces. k~uzrdins~ =lpgaficatican. iu~it} he aziot}tez' hi~kt priiaritti aeiic)tt itcaat -tile tl~€e ueti~ f~aG:;uur~~w [)ir~etba•- ~i. E3vf~z~t Revisions 11'}z-. 7`t€}}oc.}t circti}.tied aztd reti ie~°c;d eEafiies c>1 the four propcased atr€er€d€x€c;-rtts to ttx 43yktzws: ?vtt) }~IC)"v: Jez-ry Etetldricks naocect, anc$ l~to~+,~ard I~2actdelk set;{?€adec}_ to appra~.e the f?rcaposed ',r 1a~~'s <utzt.aacinzz.nts. k3<trt Ir _ : ';d that : 1?~ prz~~ented in t}te. ti~r~rtt €at`;t resc~kttticazt, tiwkti€:h >~~~ tit}~ states. ;1 irk tt)k...t~-I-lt.)'\i oftht• k'o€'t 4n~~: ies }-kat'hor-«'tarks 1)eveltaprttent ~ttt}tctr~at~ <Irnen.iin;~ its E3 t 1 ai1- I'he tltLaricaa~t utrrie:d c€nanirnoua~. ~i~'he tint. of`tkrc kt.eso}t€tion is €Ittachi€~ io the sc taainut~s- '9, t "gadate can C}e~tside. C'caunsek ~3r. "k tiClockt proi~idi;d <t t€a}kotia~ t.€p r~p<arY c?n the F3oard':. ag~,prouat ut the ?41~Irch lf> rue-etira~: zaf~ mc?.r In ko€~~ ~r.i utilth firtrz of (,t+zdou Tiz,nata~ can zS~tl~ tc,quartlt~ t+ut5€d ustrnsul kfc, praviclef atapz ~, c~k ~s k~rtc€ krcaztt kt27t ~~ zlcgo ti~-h€a 1~ at2},,3 tit I'~ i}tc kc ~d catk tm ~, appua>*z.ar ztag~ ~ 1'?°!0 dt4eout~fi ou ncarnaa} houzt~ rat s uttctr7~~ rnt~a consad~ra€t€~€~ thr naturr~ o } 3tta-btrrttork as g+tttalic ~ntit~°. "I'ra~e} ti~~otttd ht ca~ar~:.if ta27.1~ one- tis~a~.'~tr. "Etzkl€>ch ~~i(1 ti.c~rk ~~ith C~c~~rd~€~n 77tL~nias to hi:~~iu uF~oz~k i~rstmc;.}iatz}~ inn ttty tasks c~trtkizied. 'I }1e€v ova, cantle disc€zsslota vt u-hetgasr {~ioz-c$on "}'hraz€~as' ckietit s t}tc k-kark~c}rly'or}:s I3o<zrd, c}r Ri}h "}~t€}Itac}~I tan hc}~tali'oE`tkte F3ca~~t€°c}. Cs~z€'u<>;t Tltc>tnas reccxntneizch~ t~ha~t thL: I3oai'c} be the clieztt. fti'[r. Ir'.u~itt costa€nente,~l t}tat because-of the public: Itature uf'tai}kilt.?, it might tie prtideaat in itte case caf` kiti~;ation zca ckaau~~,t~ tlae c}inn; dei~,nutie-+n h€I€ t€t this titn~ kae is t~zK ~wit~}~ this. k~le w°i4} naalee Iurtkrtr ecanalr€e~ts at thL tta~:ctiu~ tart Frid<zy. k'-esicler~It Ctlnaptaell conamentet3 thtztthe I+yri;,tnetit ian };+~ sncrzliiieci in dx tutttre:. There auere nee i't€rther coninaents car concen3s. 'vtt:)I kC7~: Jen~t~~ l ke27dricks naa>ved, s~~zandcd h~' I3tati4itrd-E~ttcgclell, tt> atatktorire k'r~sid~.nt~ C}r~<~ik}c (`sanipbe}k tc~ sis?ta art €.€t t~k~zn~*aat tetier Luis}7 C:rbaz•ti<>u':I'hcana:z4 in as;~,<ar~3<tnc~~ with tk~e inic+z~tataCiou ptar:rltecl at this naeetin~. glae rzra:atiraat ::zt•ri~d witty k3~ta1 krs at a}?~zainin~T k?cc<tt€se he h~ui ricat seen the. kt:lter. • M-10 Tti. ~x~suta~e llir~cttar ~~are)y ~'l~cfe I3od~ti~ r€:quc-stecf an act"zlrt tc; ^,~t a stye--~i<tl m4c;tati~ for i wt~ 3.z~~, ~ ¢tcl~~' 1lsrsl 'l t) ~#?tl`~~ at the ,'ern E3trrtora I:aut~Iic nai~t.n~ r€~c»a7s ftar t!-te pr3rt~~a5e +Ji'discz~asin.~~ tht t:>.e~utive t~rrectcrt s€~zrch an{! aza execanne sessiaar t€> aatea•aieti~ e=3ra~Iiiiates. laa additi,3rz:Cca tlae E3oarcl. t3et:~~,' 1'~`hartt33R atztl I3of7 (~,lr,itt4 ti-€aaz3 the t:'zt~ arrzl (r~or~~e ~cttf:er3(~r.ItE finzta the Pcsrt ~~'itE h~ its <att€sndaztee. Izat"::r.~~ie~ti~a ~<~'iII he ~Iact~ ira the. ntorsaha~, fc~lioa~~ed ~} I3 ~~ot`kirt~ ltzzach and €listu>si€}n ofi tlae carad`stI<ites. 't-1r. F3oct~}' a-eznitaclecl ttae I3caar~t that. this is a hit,~h Iaz-3€3rit} Soz- therr3 aaad than}tev Iaact rill indicate€I th~tr w~~°~ilt3hilitv_li~r th~it: zizne•. 'VI{7 i I43~': }~arera RIc{:'€irzxaick na€}~e~t, seuazaclc:<3 I?v Iit€a;~~zr€3 I~zlddetl, that a s~lecial nac.etin4f hr set as t=t!fliz3e€I by C'I~Ile t3ildc{~. "t"lie rza€?[ic>za €tas-c•iecl tzuaziiaTaousl~~. ~1 yuestiarn lxa~ a{~ec~ ft•t~ar. tfae auclierace: l~~ill tlae rest c zr ~,~ t?e I>I7er3 tc> tl3e ptrtllic_ ottaer tluata tlz~ c:€ectataic Sessica32?'I"Ite t3«ard rr°~~ll rd ° .. .'. t 1. ~i~;rra~e P~'1r. 'Botide- sttLteti that }te d;acf attticil3atetf lta~~inr Sotnc t~id~ f~~r ~z<;rta~~~e tisr E13e €~;'fire. I le laas taped ~4'ith ~ttiera! si,.±ra cc?zaala<t3~a:~, arad ~.flrc:zl t; ils~crz'e ]aad ciacrtactcxl t1~°o 4i~n c;uaralaanies iza `~esluitta, t~t3t to dtat~v tlac~re are z:c3 t7id;;. l~ e ha~•e a ~tac~3tic}n for the sign itt~.ll! the C'€>ldz4ell ~ank€;r sits. alld identi.Iic.<sLitar3 i4 al~z! s3sedecl oza ttae d€a€?r. I?. L:etienc~:tti anct iusiness Czrd~ Kazen Kil~i~rc reti'iei~ecl sazzal,le lUr€;r43e<til aazcf lsrtsirt~ss card cta€~ices arxt ask.ec: the ~ioia•ct to r'cSI3ti33~€I tS;} ttare::ill:tf',4ittltl*' is Thc~ tettert3cc<sd ctesi~~t3 ac:ce}>t<abl~ tc3 tltc~ I3i3<Irc€? 2. I)taes the I3o<3rd v~~aalt inch aiiiazal hza iaae~s carols. €3r ~3 ~,Lzz~rac° ~:Csrtx:lr~.-clrk a~tr€I ti~itla uiU thea3' 3'SaaT3t'ti oi3 it',5 ~. 1~'hi.ch €}f ?lae t~i~o btasiza.~s cat'd dc5i~rns dt~ thev I,z-e:4'er'? [ha~~~tr~i IttttlritPl 3.>€~:~If .'~tl~e t1.:.~ :.3 ~~az; erc:atc d i c L.au€ci ~3far~.Iti 11„;, 1*'il~are; re~ISei~ that it is aa~~lctlsted 1~rorta thy: ~b°ch sa.= <i~ 't '}.a hail use--era hrcz~'i±~tz;l~° ditrthu~teil ~ta the I~€>ard tila- con3taaeaxt. ~;lae t'tzrther e~l7laz3-rc ' ttaat Ilac icn~tLC a~a"€»al€I i?c ~r{~.3~'ide~I in rlcacta~€>trie d'€arinat ~~c5 tlzri€ ft c;an Yae~ printed a3s p<u•t €3t`t:h~ dcr_ruzlerat. tlatt~ ,avin~ the eh~~esase :a# I3risatin~~ It;tterlsesct '.i-lii{,1~ zni~tat t~c~ cl~aza<:;e? in the iitt!.zre. 't'taere arras ez~zasitferatale tlisca.'sivn czi,€;t3t :''re .. "'rae on ttzc t:tterlaets€I ~zn<I hn:nc~:z c~u-d, aat-I a~€titst tote color at3>~I t~~±:;face chc3sera. I Iac 1 t<<,a t :rutli.~rire;d I~Ic,~c<I~r€1 Ttuct€iell tt> ci)t1t23Ct t_astrGl ~3lack and sCttle ern cr~tor ch€ h vs itt3tf ~_ . -: ~ thG3t o=k'u cara trtc~~'c: ~f.<ar~a=<ar€I a-i~at Si~zastge. l:"tae.. I3ta:zrd cJtc?se tt,! Eaa~-e t13~' taf.~ltae r~°zrt<ati::4i fxc~rtt ttae 3etterltcs~d <tn€I the, ht3sinc c<ar€:i4, taa tliii'"e {:7tte I"~C€slraesa i.at'cl Ior thi...1-.~i?ixr<t, and eXt71e~:~ei~.. a I'~rf:tere2l€:E'. t(>r t}le. I%tlslnL'"~~ C£lr{} a~'3tl.3out the ptaott~~: rash. • M-11 i~, ~'{rttctter A~Yprc,r~'a6 YY V I,~l.~~~.L'.A : 1.1J V.~L Y tAl JJ 1 • `Vi`e t$~C rarnler si~~€I~t3 <tf`tl~~ 1'c)ri 4+~_~ele~ l larhi?r-4~'tarl~~ [7evClc~pnacnt.~utfaflritt , C;Ial3aln t;t:itlF)t~. '~h'F1531 In;.2$i)n CjC~ }lf;t'eb;' tCYil}1' tlltlt €}1C ETai" rC3letnC31~C for SC4't'atiCS 37eri'TtT'ctlter ~i}?LCl ft'f3 Ili3!'C 3jCe-ri #)TarC1'lE3tieC1 ata it.Ciiilri:l£TnC;~e 4'+ttll a(?})rCT()ra.;3.1C, 4t<a.te. 5t€3tEttz'c aattl }..3ae'3?c)T"-~,~r`Cla"3<l }StarC 1Y15[n~,2,~~t)3aClC:S <1rTCt :Aa'e 13e- rc.by il~}?}~a'O&Cf} 1OT' ~i?3\(nlea't. p{).~. _~:-};..-.. laa1'_:1Ctt~3e{.)TC}f'r ~i.)CSCa"I}'Ftii)37 %~7nd)ttrlt 3t7 1,17 f,.'I~C}e I3ofif~~ 1'rt>essi~}nsii `ser~afcs E"eb c~ "~I<tc ~fi4'.'.i.4)? :iI I?3~ t:)a"G•i'31c €~an)pbc13 Trtto%C3eti}?~.nse.s.naeetitt~~~:`T~a}c~raicr ~~4~.23 :~2 1210 :'~ta~e}es {'t)Tnmuni~laic.)n sC)f~iCa telc~~3~oa~e instal3<Etif)n fi94.8 _~3 3a2{) .1f)rses `~trttte~~*iC !'rf)~CS4it)taal Sersices & Expenses `~1=#,7=#7.13 4.1 l "'~1 }, ~ }}r;:ss '~~F S F4ts. 3EtC 1~,., k134~c?re' <.Ieri, 4ervECCS a 3.()61.1 U SJ } "?~'D }yiC313 Ttt€Icz,.3t 3'rC7fes~:acYnTS3 ;1ea'z aCR"5 c~ ~ ': t!~c ~ ~,~#c119.@{~ 3i> 3 ""? g 1{flt'Cn 3 a1~~ore t_}Tat c)1 }'T~~ }:fit l:a}~cta~~~ ~af)U~.~{> .ii 1•,-,,~ 1.)c>THb1.C-C;llCk3'l"4:1CT ),~'f;1'sCl:'t'CIO}').nli.nt}7a'(.~~r€kataTr€n:y', ~1~{}{).{1{} .:)}i 1 ~~:', 3...~tla'f'.3 }:31s1C1i.37GSti':a1S tA'e.l) 3;3ti?i3t-~~7.iHC C3ti:Sl~a1 ~G{}{j,{}() ?~) 1 ~.~.~'.{) ~715~`i13.C3:tt)3`.. {):}fTCc ;'tTTt -~~1,.'1)~).1:~.=#,?{If1 ~C){}Q,{}I) TYSC)Tlt:)~: JT:rrv I~1c:a2C{eiCks s~xl~.~d, ~csoncle~l EayKaren \~1cC~ormicl:., tc' a~prcw~. t3tC ve~TTC}ZCes t ar€~urch:~SL {)rc3ers ~{1-:i~), t~t~T3ia)~~ ~1_~f3?.>7.'3`}ae anT~ut)s~ carrief}, wia~ 3~3art 3rti~-ia1 abstasnin~~ as he 1)afl Tx)t seT:n fife ~ataa~bsr a•cluest. l~.:'~clTlitixan:~l "I`r);,ics JCrry 1}ea~Jric3fs cc)TtTmenteCl cln ertlail recei~~CC1:t`ri)nz Ln~ \1Tas~al~4r KeTtt `1veE's ~,Ta~~,;esrin~, at }~ut)la~ lortaa l tc~r ~-IFUburiTr'or}.5 t1~e C°at~, a~r,d t}t~ F'oa~~ t~ mxke a rc~cr~rt tt3 tb~ cf nin~ut~it+' or. ~~ro~ rc~s co ti„it~ tirt~ 1~3 ~Tnneil ~arectit~n toss t_l~e netlr i'uttart, ~,7r. 33enils~ic.. ,u ,=_;azd d~fcrriat<n thT2t 1;:?rTTaa ru~til acs ~xecaiti~e })irc:ctf)r is ITiref3. <i5 the 1Tic:CTrtiic f7rrc;~-tcra' c n also t)ene.tiT from stac3ta~fi)rTarn. PF'e-silent Catr~~?})e31 e~i13 a"e-tiisu t3)e i~ae ~~itb fir, ~"lvet•s tsnii ~=~i3t propt)~L sf)me ti~tt~ s. T~l)er~ }a:~i ttt4t) been s~7aa)t: c;aa~ c'ea•=atic>n 01-3sa~ia~~} atktL~'stakehi>}derssuch <IS 3,GawcrI~1~~+-1)a }1<€l3sTn "bribe, 3:7e~s<IrTmT3t c'• `.: taar ,l 3Z; sc?u¢•s ~. ccc)Iosy, <IrTd r_Ythers. ~~Itiici~)aate (ST sucl3 a 1)ublic fGrtart~. 34a~at=a~ i`~'1CC'or~ 'fi.: asked 4~f>~~ this fEar>Tt~~ ~tiotslt3 relntC tt: a>7anpo~:itas~a t~Tat lt<sd been 33r~c uxaly dicxa:,setl. '.~idi::rt C"zlnBpb'::I3 r~slxzlr~}ec3 chat a svarTk?t~aium o~;au3d b•: n3ore. 1orrTial, rt:C}uirt; a lt)Ft,~cr planTtin~~; tin7e°irame. <uscl ~tcsulf3 in~o3~"e ant?rf:.l~~:taeie4. ~#'he i~~ea bt:33ind t.lte t«raut~ u-t~ta3f} be ib })ro~~idc t`t~c' 3~ublic en~~~i~ement ac e<tr1}' <is pc>sslble, but it ~'.-t)u3c1 6~ benei'ac3a3 tc~ LVait unt:31 tf~t. }•.xs:c€ata ae i..7irett~?a` is f}rT bfFarll. • M-12 i5..~djpurnment • • Ti~ere being ni? {i~a•ther busiziess, President C.itnpbell ~tdjoLtrned the meeting ~t 4: i G }~.m. i. i Ors-ille (`<tmpbcll. f'reside~t n~_ ~:~tren I~i3gore, C:3erk;:Adirazitistrator M-13 c~a~ot° ~~°.~~ Pot•t :1n<_eles Flarbor-Gl'orks Development Authority l:3oard vt Directors Special i~-leeting Fern 1:3uruzn Conference Rooms, ('itv hall :1prill0,''C)09 '~1I ~ l.'"I'f iS 1, Catl to t7rdcr T'hc rneetin~ u~as ca(li'd to tar<ler by E'resitlantOrville C`anzpbell at 7:3f? a.m. 2. Roll Call I)ircctors present. President Orville (:arnpbai <z.ud I)irecrors I-[award Ruddell, Jerry l.lendricks, lti.<zretz A-1cC;ctrnzii:k, anti E:3art'G~~vin Stafl`prsc:nt: Clvde [3odd~ fort Representauv4s Present: Georse Scho~nf-~ldt.. Comtnissioner C.'ity Representatives Present: L?ob Cornzs and 13ei v V1%hartot7. [3eput.~ ~f~-1ayor 3. I'sxecntivc Sessi+un under the authority of FtCW =12.3Q110(I}{It), tri discuss emjrtoynrent President Carnpbell moved the meeting to Executive Session at %:41 a,m. undsr the authoritt~ of RC lh' ~2.? t).11(}{ I ~)(b), tip discus; ~,m ployment, ~. Retnrn fa t)pen Session, 'fhe 1>~ecutil-e Session concluded at 1:Oj pm and L~oard reconvened. in regular open s4ssion. 1410'1'K)~: Karen 'tlcCormick mol-ed trt proceed with ue~;,otiations with Candidate "r1" and should that fail to proce:cd with Candidate `'D". The motion «as scc:onded by Howard Rzaddell . IJisanssi[>n fctllo~ved on tlzrcandidat~s in c;ucstibn. ~F3az•t Irti~~in stated the background, skills and tvealt'h czf'kno+viedge provided by Candidate "A" vt-crc outstanding. 1-1c Yelt Candidate "D" tivas also verb- capable but. Candidate "A" vas superior. Further diseussiotz ['olkzv~ed on whether to provide at this time a specili<: salary such tzs ~1 1 x.{)(10 or so. :Meer litriher discuslou the original motion as nx» ed and seconded vv<zs wlanirnoasl} passed.. 1'residetzt C'an)pt?cll appointed .Karen ~~1cCornzick. Howard Ruc4dell and E3itb Coons to negotiate a prcrpizseci contract tiviih Candidate `A" aud'have HarbnrV~'orks attorney, R~7b l-ullocli, review as to lesai form. • • M-14 President Cain~pbelE stated that u hen thy. negvti<tting coa~Tnaittee is prepared ~ Speci~E ;tf:ekin~~ ~miEl he caEEed. • • • f ~ ~ ()rvilEc (:;trinpbe(l; E'res°~~ent `. i 1. (:;Eyrie F3cjt y. E:~xecukl~~e Dire or M-15 Ci of Port An eles • tY g Parks, Recreation & Beautification Commission Port Angeles, Washington April 16, 2009 CALL TO ORDER - Chairperson J. Hordyk called the regular meeting of the Port Angeles Parks, REGULAR MEETING: Recreation & Beautification Commission to order at 6:00 p.m. in Vern Burton Meeting Room #3. ROLL CALL: Members Present: Chairperson J. Hordyk, Vice Chairperson D. Shargel, Commissioners E. Tschimperle, P. Pittis, F. Stratton, and J. Harmon. Members Absent: C. Whidden. Staff Present.• Deputy Director R. Bovine, C. Nixon, and A. Mozingo. Audience: Corey McKay, Beth Showalter, Dorothy Phillips, Ryan Klock, Megan Penic, Adam Penic, and Nathan Bell. All others present in the audience failed to sign in. Approval of Minutes Commissioner Pittis moved to accept the minutes of the March 19, 2009 meeting. March 19, 2009 Meeting: The motion was seconded by Vice Chairperson Shargel and carried unanimously. Items From Audience None. Not On Agenda: • Election of Officers: Commissioner Pittis recommended that the Commissioners leave Chairperson Hordyk as Chairperson and Vice Chairperson Shargel as Vice Chairperson for another term if this would be allowed. Deputy Director Bovine stated that this would be allowed. Chairperson Hordyk called for an election. Commissioner Harmon nominated Jean Hordyk as Chairperson. The motion was seconded by Vice Chairperson Shargel and carried unanimously. Commissioner Pittis nominated David Shargel as Vice Chairperson. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Harmon and carried unanimously. Disc Golf Presentation: Ryan Klock of the Port Angeles Disc Golf Association handed out a copy of a PowerPoint presentation and an informational package explaining the Lincoln Park Disc Golf Course proposal to the Commissioners. Mr. Klock explained that disc golf is all over the world and that he has been playing for about eight years. There are about 2,500 courses in the United States with 45 of them in Washington State. Mr. Klock stated that the group would like to use 27 acres inside Lincoln Park for an eighteen hole disc golf park and be allowed to remove a small amount of underbrush. Mr. Klock feels that the disc golf course will increase tourism and revenue for the City of Port Angeles. Mr. Klock stated that they are currently playing at Lincoln Park and have the course mapped out with ribbons tied around the trees. They are not asking to detract from any other current users. Mr. Klock explained to the Commissioners that a local group has just been formed and that they had their first meeting with 23 members. Mr. Klock stated that they are asking the Commissioners to help them establish a disc golf • course in Clallam County and, that if the City of Port Angeles could provide the land for the disc golf course, they would raise the $10,000 needed to develo the course. Mr. Klock wanted the Commissioners to understand that they do not w~ to i~rfere with any events that already take place at Lincoln park. • Disc Golf Presentation: Chairperson Ilordyk commented that they are an advisory Committee and can only (Cont'd) advise and send their recommendation that they support or do not support the disc golf course to the City Council. Deputy Director Bonine informed the Commissioners that last week was the first organized group event at Lincoln Park where the disc golfers picked up trash at the park and held a mini tournament with a couple rounds of disc golf. Deputy Director Bonine expressed his support to the Commissioners for the disc golf course at Lincoln Park. Chairperson Hordyk asked if the group was looking for the City to provide the $10,000. Mr. Klock replied that it would be nice if the City could provide the funding but understands that the City is in no position to provide the funds and if the City could provide the property, they would apply fora 501 (3) (C) non-profit status and raise the funds for the disc golf course. Chairperson Hordyk asked Mr. Klock if they had looked at other locations. Mr. Klock commented that they had approached the Sprint Boat property owners and that they were interested in helping and had also approached Green Crow and the Jamestown Clallam Tribe. Commissioner Harmon asked what is an average acre range per hole for an eighteen hole course. Mr. Klock stated approximately one to two acres per hole and this is why they are • asking for 27 acres. The courses they plan to set up can easily be moved around to fit many different needs and locations for other users of the park. Commissioner Harmon commented that recreation opportunities of all types are very important to our community and although he is not familiar with this sport, he personally shares the concerns about the sport that citizens have about the safety of others who are sharing the park. Some safety issues include overthrow of the disc that may hit someone such as a child riding on their bicycle or walking the trails. Commissioner Harmon asked the group to please recognize the concerns of the citizens when they move forward with this project. Dorothy Phillips strongly voiced her concerns about the damage to the trees in the park and said that disc golfposes a danger to the people who use the park. Ms. Phillips asked who will police the disc golfers. Jim Wesley stated that he is an interested citizen and has seen two disc golf courses. One of the courses is at the south end of Lake Pondera and the second course is at Harriman State Park in Idaho. The forest canopies of these parks are a lot younger than Lincoln Park and the underbrush has been opened up for the fairways. He agrees with the safety concerns about the flying discs coming into contact with citizens using the trails at the park. Another location that he remembered is Champoeg State Parkin Oregon. This course is very developed and well used. Folks of all ages use the course and it is a going concern. Mr. Wesley stated that he thinks it is a good idea to have a disc golf course, but cautions the disc golf users to be thinking about what the area is being used for and what the impact would be on the existing environment. Chairperson Hordyk asked Deputy Director Bonine to look into the environmental • impact to Lincoln Park by removing the underbrush and asked what the usage of the bike and hiking trails are. Deputy Director Bonine informed the Commissioners that the City wo 1 not any additional funds aside for the maintenance of the course. He stated thateus~~ of the eastern part of the park was very minimal and in the western part, where the trees were Disc Golf Presentation: cut down, the usage is zero. Deputy Director Bovine invited the Commissioners to • (Cont'd) attend a disc golf tournament that will be taking place at Lincoln Park on Apri125, 2009. With the endorsement of the Commission, Commissioner Harmon moved that the eastern end of Lincoln Park be set aside for disc golf development and forward the recommendation to the City Council. The motion was seconded by Vice Chairperson Shargel. A vote was taken on the motion, which carried unanimously. Olympic Discovery Trail The presenter was not in attendance and Deputy Director Bonine stated that he will put Progress Report: this on the next agenda. Deputy Director Bonine informed the Commissioners that the City has received three grants for the Olympic Discovery Trail. The first grant is for the trail design and streets impacted by the trail crossings. The second grant is for improvement of the trail following the guidelines set forth in the first grant and to build a bridge across Dry Creek. The third grant is independent of the first two grants and is for the paving of the Olympic Discovery Trail from Morse Creek heading west toward the City of Port Angeles. Chairperson Hordyk asked if a time frame had been set for the first two grants. Deputy Director Bovine stated that the first phase should be completed within the next six weeks and the second phase should be started within the next six months with a two year time frame for completion. 2010 Budget: Deputy Director Bovine asked the Commissioners to put together a list of programs that they would be willing to cut for the 2010 budget. Vice Chairperson Shargel asked Deputy Director Bovine about the status of the • sponsorship program. Deputy Director Bovine stated that he is currently working with the City Attorney Bill Bloor on the new sponsorship program and has two organizations that have shown interest in the program and should be able to report back by Monday to the Commissioners with the names of the two organizations. Deputy Director's Report Deputy Director Bonine provided the Commissioners with the Ediz Hook Boat Launch and Late Additions: revenue report from January to March of 2009. Commissioner Stratton asked when the Pickleball courts will be completed. Deputy Director Bovine stated that the target date for completion is June 14, 2009. Adjournment: By consensus, the Board moved to adjourn at 7:16 p.m. Next Meeting: May 21, 2009 6:00 p.m. Vern Burton Meeting Room #3 r~ M-18 • OLYMPIC REGION CLEAN AIR AGENCY 2940 B LIMITED LANE NW OLYMPIA WA 98502 Regular Meeting May 13, 2009 10:00 am I. CALL TO ORDER II. APPROVAL OF AGENDA (Ask for any corrections, additions/omissions) III. CONSENT AGENDA Minutes of Regular Meeting, April 8, 2009 Expenditures and Disbursements IV. PUBLIC COMMENT 1. V. DIRECTOR'S REPORT • 1. Compliance Update 2. ORCAA Permit Actions 3. Education and Outreach 4. Administrative Update 5. Air Quality Summary 6. Wood Stove Change Out Update 7. Legislative Update 8. Thurston Regional Planning Council Report VI. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1. Ozone Presentation by DOE 2. Cascade Sierra Solutions presentation -California Truck Retrofit Program 3. Vlt. NEW BUSINESS 1. Draft Fiscal Year 2010 Budget • M-19 OLYMPIC REGION CLEAN AIR AGENCY 2940 B Limited Lane NW Olympia, Washington 98502 BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING . April 8, 2009 Members present: Clay Harwood, Pacific County (Chair) Joan Machlis, City of Olympia (Vice Chair) Ann Burgman, City of Lacey Phil Johnson, Jefferson County Grant Munro, City of Port Angeles Ross Gallagher, Mason County Mike Doherty, Clallam County Terry Willis, Grays Harbor County Members absent: Karen Valenzuela, Thurston County Ecology: Sean Lundblad Legal Counsel: Fred Gentry of Bean, Gentry, Wheeler & Peternell Staff Present: Fran McNair, Executive Director; Robert Moody, Compliance Supervisor; Gordon Lance, Engineer; Dan Nelson, Public Information Officer; and Debbie Moody, Recorder The meeting was called to order at 10:00 a.m. Burgman noted it was time for election of officers. Burgman noted she was not seeking • reelection as chair and would not be accepting nominations. Munro noted he was not eligible and Burgman asked if he wanted to nominate Harwood. Munro nominated Harwood for Chair. Johnson moved acceptance of the nomination and closing nominations, Willis seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. Burgman asked for any nominations or volunteers for Vice Chair. Machlis stated she would volunteer if no one wanted the position. Johnson nominated Machlis for Vice Chair. Willis seconded the nomination and it carried unanimously. Burgman passed the gavel to Harwood and the meeting continued. Machlis requested adding Communications with Ports to New Business. There were no omissions to the Agenda. Burgman moved approval of the amended Agenda. Munro seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. Burgman moved approval of the Consent Agenda. Munro seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. Prior to beginning the Agenda, McNair stated she feels great in her fifth week at ORCAA. She noted she has met with five of the Board members and would like to meet with each of the Board at some point. She did thank those that she has met with for taking the time to meet with her. DIRECTOR'S REPORT Compliance Update Robert Moody, Compliance Supervisor, stated it has been a slow month for the compliance • team, things have been pretty quiet. These types of months are great for the inspectors as they have more time to get out and do source inspections rather than dealing with complaints. R.Moody noted McNair has accompanied the inspectors on a few inspections and that s~ms~~j z be going well. R.Moody noted the land clearing burn permits have picked up just a bit, 21 • permits in a month -compared to about that many per week last year. On the other hand, the asbestos program continues to be busy. Mike Shults, ORCAA Air Quality Specialist, spent part of last weekend working with Surfside Estates (Long Beach peninsula) doing a yard waste pickup .program. ORCAA offered $1,000 to provide the bins for the materials. R.Moody noted Shults received a great number of positive comments. Approximately 15,000 pounds of debris was chipped and will be used for fuel rather than burned. R.Moody noted the entire project was a success and they are considering options for doing it again next year. Harwood noted they are considering doing a similar project in the Westport/Grayland area as well. Machlis asked if the proximity of the ocean, being that close to the water, a plus or a minus for getting rid of air pollution problems. R.Moody it is definitely a plus due to the high winds. Munro noted, the forest industry is seeing new technology coming in and a demand for hog fuel for boilers; Nippon is purchasing a majority of the product and there are machines in the field, daily, grinding up the large piles resulting from forestry operations. There is a huge demand for the debris. ORCAA Permit Actions Gordon Lance, Engineer, noted most of the permits on the list are smaller sources or sources that have minor changes to their facilities. Lance noted due to this type of activity, things have been a bit slower. Noteworthy - we will soon have an approved permit for Brown Minneapolis in Elma. There is not a lot of new business activity, although we are looking forward to receiving a permit application for the ethanol plant in Hoquiam. Lance did note if there were any questions or comments he would be happy to answer them. • Willis asked if Lance knew the name of the ethanol plant. Lance stated it is Grays Harbor Biofuels LLC. Education and Outreach McNair explained she had asked Dan Nelson, Public Information Officer, to change the makeup of our website. She stated she had trouble navigating through it and felt it could be difficult for the typical user. McNair felt our website is good, but this is an opportunity for improvement. She noted Nelson has a mock up of the new layout. Nelson gave a brief presentation on the new look to our website. Nelson noted the new system will make it easier for other staff to update the site if he is out of the office. Nelson noted the Board can check in on the progress of the new site by going to www.orcaa.us. Harwood asked if there would be links highlighting the lawnmower and woodstove change outs. Nelson noted there will be a calendar function that will show upcoming events. We can have links to DNR and other agencies that we have common interests in. Nelson noted he has planned a comment section as well, so people can comment on what types of things they are looking at and other ideas they'd like to have linked to our site -such as weather, etc. Machlis added she would like to see the major contributors to air quality. She noted she was blown away by the impact gas mowers had and felt there may be an interest to consumers if they knew the impact woodstoves and vehicles have on our air. Nelson asked the Board to send him any ideas or comments. Neison noted he has been working on using more networking tools such as Facebook, Twitter, etc as well as, we are going back to more traditional face to face meetings as well. We are attending more local events such as any Earth Day events, Oysterfest, Alternative Fuel Fair, and other events that are targeting the smaller communities rather than the larger, broader events that draw in people from outside our jurisdiction. Doherty noted Port Angeles is having a M-21 3 celebration on Saturday the 25th and suggested ORCAA have a booth there if possible. Doherty asked about doing special notices for specific areas, such as during fishing season, • notice to people that live around Ocean Protein. Doherty felt it would save a lot of staff time to address it at the beginning of the seasons. Nelson noted they had done something similar with Soil Key, sending out notices to the residents in the area letting them know the steps they were taking and where they stood in the closing down process. Nelson agreed with Doherty that it would be beneficial to do those types of informational fliers. Nelson noted the same info, perhaps in FAQ form, would be on our website as well. Doherty asked if each county would have a link on the ORCAA site. Nelson noted he has developed a map of the state that will not only direct people to our information as well as your county/city websites. If they are from out of our area, it will help them find their own local air agency. Willis stated her office has a brochure rack and they would be happy to display ORCAA brochures as well. Nelson stated we would be happy to provide as many brochures as needed to any of the Board members and their jurisdictions. McNair added it is her intention to get ORCAA out in the community as much as possible. We'll be looking at schools-getting to the children who learn it, it becomes ingrained in them and they bring it home to their parents. We want to be more involved in new businesses early on - perhaps assisting more in location of facilities. Administrative Services Uodate McNair noted the backup materials for accounting were available for review. Willis asked if the totals were typical for monthly or this time or year. McNair stated that having looked through them she would say it would appear to be a typical monthly expenditure sheet. McNair noted we do not have a Thurston County representative present. McNair stated she . had contacted Don Krupp, with no response back, however D.Moody had received a call back from Valenzuela's secretary. The message we received stated the commissioners have a standing meeting the conflicts with this Board meeting and have requested us to change the date of our meeting. McNair noted they have the option of sending an alternate in Valenzuela's place. McNair stated she would like to respond but wanted feedback from the Board first. Doherty moved we say no to Thurston County and they appoint an alternate representative. Munro noted he would second that motion. Harwood agreed, stating we shouldn't be disrupting everyone else's schedule for one person-they can send an alternate. Burgman noted the conflicting schedule is new. McNair stated she would contact the county and let them know they need to designate an alternate representative. Machlis agreed adding she felt it was very important the county participate in our meetings. Harwood noted there was a motion on.the floor as well as a consensus that we maintain our schedule. Air Quality Summary McNair noted the new format of the AQI Summary. She asked the Board if it was more readable and made sense to all. Harwood felt it was easier to read and understand. Machlis stated she doesn't really have any context with regards to the reports. Perhaps annually or semi-annually, we could have a comparison. She noted she can't really tell if these numbers are good or bad for the timeline they represent. Harwood noted that was a good point. Machlis thought perhaps a comparison each quarter would suffice. Doherty suggested seasonal comparisons. Munro asked if the information on the back could be incorporated on the front - maybe in a different color - so that we can see it all at once. McNair stated she would let staff know of the suggestions. Wood Stove Change-Out Update • M-22 4 • R.Moody explained the grant will end'in June. We have been very busy trying to give the money away to residents in Lacey, Olympia and Tumwater. We have committed to roughly $66,000. We currently have about $12,000 to spend -and we are doing our best to spend it, but it is looking like we will have to send some back. Munro asked if we could use it in Port Angeles. R.Moody noted this grant was very specific with regards to where we can spend it - and we are limited to Lacey, Olympia, Tumwater and their UGAs. Burgman asked what the timeline is that we have to work with. R.Moody noted we really only have a couple of weeks to spend the money as we have to have the program complete by the end of June-so the paperwork is to DOE by July 15. Doherty asked if there was a way to extend the deadline, or broaden the jurisdiction. R.Moody stated there are no extensions available. As for extending the area, it may be possible, but as far as the low income side of things even stretching the boundaries we are not finding any takers. R.Moody also noted the other money that was approved by the Board in February is being used in Port Angeles and Port Townsend. Unfortunately, as of yesterday, we have only sold two stoves in the area. Willis asked if we can change the areas if you don't get good response. R.Moody noted that we definitely can widen the area with this money. We are currently not looking at low income replacement with the monies as they eat up the money a lot faster - $500- $750 rebates versus $2,500-$3,000 replacement costs. Machlis asked if staff has any insight as to why we are having troubles getting low income replacements. R.Moody stated one of the requirements is we have to be replacing a noncertified wood stove and we have found a lot of the leads we have gotten -the stoves are already certified. Doherty noted he had seen the advertisements in the paper and wondered if we have a handout we can give to the building department to remind them about the rebates. R.Moody noted it can be done. Additional. ideas to get the word out were discussed. Legislative Updates McNair stated the latest updates are included in the packet. She noted only one item was ready for floor action - 5767 - is a bill that vvill make the language making easier to understand. Thurston Regional Planning Council Report Burgman stated there had been a presentation on the transfer development rights by Leonard Bower-it is a very complicated and cumbersome structure. They have only had eight successful transfers in the state. IT Maintenance and Operations has had a new building added to the regional TIP. We also had a presentation from the census bureau regarding the 2010 census, They stressed the importance of sending in the documentation - it is all being done by mail. UNFINISHED BUSINESS California Truck Retrofit Update McNair stated the Board packets include a summary of the program. Staff is currently working on trying to get a level of interest. We have been contacting trucking companies to see what their interest is. McNair noted she sent letters to the Port and received no response. We have had some response from trucking companies. If we want to participate, we could continue with the $100,000 that Stedman had suggested we commit. McNair stated there is a deadline for response. The Board had several questions with regards to the program. After some discussion the Board requested staff contact Sharon Banks for this project and explain to them • we need additional information prior to committing any funds. McNair stated she would bring all the Boards' concerns to them. McNair asked the Board to email her with any additional M-23 5 questions. Machlis noted she was inclined to make a motion that if we can get the answers to our questions and if there is a reasonable customer match up, we would want to participate. Machlis moved we participate in this project if staff can get assurances that there are • reasonable match up of our dollar expenditure to the identified potential market. Burgman seconded the motion. Johnson strongly suggested staff contact West Coast Diesel and city of Tacoma because they are committing a substantial amount of money and have probably given this a lot of thought. McNair stated she would contact the city manager. Munro stated committing $100,000 is a lot of money considering all the unknowns. He noted he would prefer to have the answers prior to committing. After some discussion, it was suggested that staff contact Banks and explain we are interested in the program, but are not wilting to commit until all of our concerns have been answered. Machlis withdrew her motion pending additional information. Harwood noted staff would pursue answers to the questions posed and bring this item back for discussion at the May meeting. NEW BUSINESS Communications with Ports Machlis had requested this item be added. Machlis explained she is unsure what our communications with the Ports are. She knew Stedman had some issues with regards to the discussion on the trucks as well. Machlis felt we have a growing need for a communication strategy with ports. Munro noted he had spoke with the Port of Port Angeles this morning and had spent $300,000 to electrify their peer-and did it all on their own. ORCAA could have helped-but neither party talked to the other. They are considering electrifying other peers so it seems we should communicate with them. McNair stated she had sent all of the Ports the information regarding the truck program and did not receive any response whatsoever. McNair • committed to meet with the Ports. Willis noted the port in her area is undergoing major construction and hopes that staff stay on top of that with regards to what will happen out their when they begin to rebuild. The Board adjourned at 11:32 a.m. PRESENTED BY: APPROVED BY: Francea L. McNair, Executive Director APPROVED and SIGNED this day of 2009 • M - 24 ~cto+'tar ~"'~„~'~'-~"'~r~ Olympic Region Clean Air Agency • ~~'~ 1. -Y -Moderate days: AOI summaries t]ERCA ii Lace Mar-09 Feb-09 1s Jan-09 11 Dec-08 Nov-08 B Oct-08 10 Sep-08 Aug-08 Jul-08 Jun-08 May-08 Apr-08 Mar-08 ~+s 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Port Townsend Raymor Mar-09 Feb-09 ^: Jan-09 as Dec-OS Nov-OS Oct-08 Sep-08 Aug-08 Jul-08 Jun-08 May-OS Apr-08 Mar-08 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 • Mar-09 ~ Feb-09 ::° Jan-09 Dec-08 ~ Nov-08 1 OCt-08 5 Sep-OS Aug-08 Jul-08 Jun-08 Aa May-08 Apr-08 Mar-08 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Port Ange Mar-09 Feb-09 Jan-09 sec-08 Vov-O8 OCt-08 Sep-08 4ug-08 Jul-08 JUR-08 vlay-08 Apr-08 ~1ar-08 'Unknown days 8 4 5 6 6 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Aberdi Mar-09 Feb-09 Jan-09 Dec-08 Nov-08 Oct-08 Sep-OS Aug-08 Jul-08 Jun-OS May-08 Apr-08 Mar-08 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 KEY ~' = Number of Moderate days __:_:__.~ = Number of Unknown days COMMENTS An unusual series of active weather systems passed through ORCAA's monitoring paths in March. These syste scoured much of the area, reducing the level of particulate matter throughout much of the region. A nephelometer failed in Port Angeles causing several d Unknown data for the area. While most of the data remain during this time period, its accuracy was questionable. Therefore, it was not included in the dset.25 Good Mod USG Unk. Good Mod USG Unk. Lacey Nisqually Mar-08 30 1 Mar-08 31 Apr-08 30 Apr-08 30 May-08 31 May-08 31 Jun-08 29 1 Jun-08 29 1 Jul-08 31 Jul-08 31 Aug-08 31 Aug-08 31 Sep-08 30 Sep-08 30 Oct-08 21 10 Oct-08 26 5 Nov-08 22 8 Nov-08 26 1 Dec-08 24 7 Dec-08 30 1 Jan-09 20 11 Jan-09 22 1 Feb-09 15 13 Feb-09 27 1 Mar-09 31 Mar-09 31 Port Townsend Port Angeles Mar-08 28 3 Mar-08 31 Apr-08 30 Apr-08 30 May-08 31 May-08 31 Jun-08 30 Jun-08 30 Jul-08 31 Jul-08 31 Aug-08 31 Aug-08 31 Sep-08 30 Sep-08 30 Oct-08 29 2 Oct-08 25 6 Nov-08 28 2 Nov-08 24 6 Dec-08 30 1 Dec-08 26 5 Jan-09 22 8 Jan-09 23 4 Feb-09 21 7 Feb-09 24 8 Mar-09 31 Mar-09 25 Good Mod USG Unk. Good Mod USG Unk. Aberdeen Shelton Mar-08 31 Mar-08 31 Apr-08 30 Apr-08 30 May-08 31 May-08 31 Jun-08 29 1 Jun-08 29 1 Jul-08 31 Jul-08 31 Aug-08 31 Aug-08 31 Sep-08 30 Sep-08 30 Oct-08 31 Oct-08 30 1 Nov-08 28 2 Nov-08 25 5 Dec-08 29 2 Dec-08 30 1 Jan-09 24 7 Jan-09 28 3 Feb-09 26 2 Feb-09 27 1 Mar-09 31 Mar-09 31 Raymond Mar-08 31 Apr-08 30 May-08 31 Jun-08 29 Jul-08 31 Aug-08 31 Sep-08 30 Oct-08 31 Nov-08 30 Dec-08 31 Jan-09 22 1 Feb-09 26 2 Mar-09 31 6 M-26 • • • • • all Mar-09 ____ Feb-09 = Jan-09 _ Dec-08 Nov-08 _ Oct-08 _ 5 Sep-08 Aug-08 Jul-08 Jun-08 May-08 Apr-08 Mar-08 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 elea eer :ms ays of ied valid M-27 «, -' 4~;cto~ ctx ~ y,;~`` `~~"'~,~ ?94C?-~ Limited Lane NW ~ r.,f y~r O~Vtll~ld, WP~.~i~.~~Z !_ r o~ ','~(D1Z~AA~,_ 7-800-422-5623 • {360} 586-10~ `•---- ' fax: 1;360) 491-6308 4. ik.. Understanding Air Quality Requirements a --__ ._ CAA: ~ we are an what we ® ~ = The Olympzc Region Clean Air Agency (ORCA~'\) zs a local r - government agency charged with regulatory and enforcement `i authority for air quality issues in Clallam, Grays Harbor, Jefferson, 1~lason, Pacific, and Thurston counties. ORCAA is one of seven such f regional air pollution control agencies in y~'ashington state. ~,'. , , ~^ ~' F` Established in 1968 after passage of the Clean Air y~'ashington Act - (RCy~' 70.94), the agency is responsible for enforcing federal, state and local air pollution standards and governing air pollutant emissions from ne`v and existing businesses. Arsine-member Board of Directors, ~ representing each. of the counties as `veil. as the largest cities in the jurisdiction, establishes the policies and oversees the operations of the agency-. ®rin~ wit businesses ORC11i'y lives by its motto, "Clean Air is Evervc~ne's Business." Ensuring clean, healthful air is the pru-riary task of ORC~1A, but ORCA_A also strives to support responsible business and industry development. _As part of th.e regulatory requirements enforced by ORC.~A., businesses (commercial businesses, industries, public utilities and institutions) are required to secure a Notice of Consti:uction (NOC) permit application prior to beginning any- of the follouring actions: • Constructing or establishing a new stationary source of air pollution; • >\-lodifying or replacing any existing stationary source of air pollution; • Replacing or substantially modifying any ai.r pollution control de~rice. Pre-construction permits arc: a regLUrement. of the State Clean Air Act and is administered through Rule 6.1 of ORCAA's Regulations. 'I"he approval process is initiated by submittal of an NOC application and payment of the appropriate application fee. The approval process generally takes between 1 ~ to 60 days depending on the complekity and size of the proposed project and «-nether a public hearing is required. Application instructions and forms are available by calling ORCAA or may be downloaded from ORCA~~s website. 'T`hough not part of ORC~~~'s regulatory responsibility; the agency- encourages local and count<~ governments to practice sound land-use planning when helping site new businesses. Many air quality issues surrounding ne~v or expanded business developments could be mitigated by proper facility siting through land-use planning. (over) ~~ f£,rt A ~s~c~lc~s I~ic~ld C~)t~~c._:: 1161`. 8tt~ St.; St~itc° ~E 13, F'c>~t A~zg£~Ics. 41~A ~)8~sti?; {36(~~~ 41 %-14E;~ - 2$ , a i~ a:- ~tidL'!Yl(.7Ctca I"1E`(£7 L,~ttIC(':.51P1 {)CC'i3€"1 r'~V`(~.'., E~:dl'E"1"V(3C7£~, ~'1.~ ~:~~'3r %: f.~~'31.3) fd!3-~i(>5=~ Demolition and construction ~ro~ects: '~~% '-°~'°' Before a demolition can occur an ap- ~ ' $ • proved demolition permit must acgtured anti placed onsite. Demolition can in- cl.udu~g an}T of the following activities: ~vreclcing, dismantling, fire department training, or removal of an} load structural materials that makes that portion of the structure unusable. Asbestos removal and/or enca}~siila- ~ ` -' ~ ,~ .#_ ~~ ' - tion: An asbestos survey must be con- .-- ~;~'_ _ ~~,'~ - - - ducted before a demolition or major k . renovation can take place; or any time a possible asbestos containing material will be disturbed. The sLUVet~ determines if asbestos is present by taking samples of materials in the structure and ha~-ing a laboratory anal}psis of that material A survey must be conducted b}- a certified AHE1tA Building Inspector. You can find these inspectors in the yellow pages under Asbestos Consulting cS,. Testing. irking wit esi ants Just as ORC:~r3 works with businesses to address their impacts on Stu qualitti=, the agency also works with residents and indit-idual homeowners on activities that impact a.it: quality. From home-heating choices to home renovations and improvements, the actions of individuals has • the potential to substantially impact our local air quality. To ensure those impacts are nunimized, ORC~'1A addresses residential activities such as: Residential burning of hard debris: Residential burning is the outdoor burning of leaves, clippings, prunings and other yard and gardening refuse originating on lands in~nediately adjacent and in close proximit}- to a human d~vell.ing and burned on such. lands by the prop- erty owner or his or her designee. `w'here burning is allowed, only natural vegetation (leaves, brush, etc.) ma}= be burned. Smoke, odor or ash wluch goes beyond your property and impacts a neighbor is illegal. Violations of outdoor burning laws may result in fines up to ~14,91~ per. violation. Land Clearing- Burning: ~w'hen clearing foliage and woody materials (trees, brush, shrubs, etc) from larger sections of land. residents (and contractors) must apply for and receive a land clearing burn permit before burning that debris, where such burning is allowed. Home beating options: `y-ood smoke is one of the primar}= sources of air pollution in the region. ORCA_~ encourages the use of cleaner alternatives whenever possible, including electric or natural gas heating devices. `w-ood burning applicances, when used, must be operated in manner that produces as little smoke as possible - burning a clean, hot fire using well-sesoned wood. ~w'hen possible, ORC%~'y ~~-ill provide financial incentives for homeowners willing to replace old, uncertified woodstoves with cleaner-burning appliances. Contact ORC.~1 to see if there is a ~voodstove change-out program available in your area. For additional Information, visit www.orcaa.org M-29 Truck Retrofit ~ Relocation Program Plan summary Sharon Banks, CEO SharonCa~cascadesierrasolutions.org. www. cascadesierrasolutions.ora 541-302-0900 (o) 541-915-9322 (c) March 27, 2009 • • M-30 Table of Contents 1. Executive Summary 2. Situation 3. Proposal 4. Partner Contributions 5. Scrapping Requirement 6. Reconditioning 7. Reprogramming the Engine 8. Retrofit Options 9. GPS Tracking & Fleet Maintenance Management 10. Emissions Benefits 11. Fuel Savings 12. Emission Reductions 13. Local Business Opportunities 14. Economic Benefit 15. Reconditioning and Retrofit Budget 16. Timeline C7 M-312 1. Executive Summary The program described in this plan takes good newer, used trucks which do not meet California's strict requirements, upgrades them with exhaust controls, reconditions them to improve fuel economy and offers them at a very reasonable price to replace the oldest and most polluting trucks on the road. The replacement truck CSS offers will reduce toxic diesel fumes by 80% and will provide an affordable solution to small businesses. This strategy provides a bridge for the small business to allow them to operate with a cleaner used truck until 2015 when there will be a good supply of 2007 or newer trucks on the used truck market. In 2015, when the Port rules require 2007 or newer engines, the small operator will be able to afford the technology. Cascade Sierra Solutions (CSS) is a 501 c (3) non- profit organization with the mission to clean up the legacy fleet of heavy-duty diesel trucks. CSS is the only non-profit in the United States with this mission and has been awarded sole source contracts from EPA, DOT and other agencies. CSS operates on the West Coast of the United States A 1985 vintage truck is a typical truck used in Port drayage operations. Newer trucks are much less polluting. The 2000 vintage truck shown be-ow with a level 2 exhaust retrofit reduces toxic diesel exhaust by 80%. with operations in Washington, Oregon and California. To date CSS has upgraded or replaced 1,685 trucks. View our progress report at www.cascadesierrasolutions.ora. All diesel trucks with engines manufactured prior to 2007 need to be upgraded or replaced. The trucks which are the most difficult to upgrade are the old trucks working in vocations that travel short distances in occupations that do not pay well or are seasonal in nature. These are typically small, thinly capitalized businesses which can only afford old, (dirty) equipment. Some vocations are port drayage trucks, logging trucks, construction trucks and agricultural trucks. The port drayage trucks are of particular concern because they operate almost exclusively in the urban area where public health is highly impacted. Using old equipment is an excellent way to reduce costs. The only problem is that there isn't any good used equipment yet that meets air quality standards. Using old equipment is part of the business model which allows L • • M-323 truckers to enter the marketplace with a small capital investment. This • model supports the creation of many small businesses which would be barred from entry if new equipment was immediately required. CSS focuses not only on reducing diesel exhaust, but also on making replacement trucks fuel-efficient. A typical replacement of an old tractor with a CSS upgraded newer tractor can save 25% of the fuel consumed. This is one of the best ways to reduce carbon emissions, save fuel, and reduce particulate and oxides of nitrogen-all while improving the bottom- line for truckers. 2.Situation The California Air Resources Board is implementing a funding program under voter approved Proposition 1B that allows a truck owner to receive a grant of up to $50,000 for scrapping an older model truck and replacing it with 2007 engine technology. Under the rules of the program, the trucks that are eligible to meet the scrapping requirement can be as new as 2003 model years. Many of these trucks (in line for the scrap yard) are far cleaner and more fuel efficient than the trucks that currently serve the Ports and local transportation functions in the Pacific Northwest. The State of California, due to years of poor air quality, has the resources and the public will to clean up the legacy fleet to a higher standard than other states. The Pacific Northwest, on the other hand, has relatively clean air and does not have the resources or a perceived need from the public to implement such drastic measures. As a result of this, a bond measure such as Proposition iB would have no chance of success in our states. Even though the Pacific Northwest has comparatively clean air, there are still air pollution issues and greenhouse gas emissions that need to be improved. This program would provide air quality improvements at no cost to the State of California. CSS will be purchasing the newer used vehicles for $2,500 each from the State of California to be added back to their Proposition 1B funding. :7 M-334 3. Proposal Cascade Sierra Solutions (CSS) proposes to: 1. Select 500 of the cleanest and most fuel-efficient trucks from the trucks scheduled for scrapping; 2. Transport them by most efficient means to Seattle, Tacoma, Olympia and Portland, Oregon; 3. Retrofit the engine with diesel exhaust controls; 4. Reprogram the engine with: a. 5 minute idle shutoff b. Speed governor for 55 MPH maximum speed c. Derate the horsepower to match the vocational need 5. Recondition the truck with touch up paint, low-rolling resistance tires, aluminum wheels, a tire inflation monitoring system, an oil filtration system, an engine heat recovery system to provide heat to the cab without idling for up to four hours, and a GPS communications system. 6. Provide these trucks on a lease to provide a clean, efficient truck at an affordable monthly cost of $350-$500. 7. The lease payment will include $100 per month to be invested in an interest bearing equipment replacement account for the lessee. The goal is to set aside a minimum of $100 per month to save a down payment fora 2008 model year truck. 8. To qualify for one of these reconditioned trucks, a truck owner would be required to scrap a 1993 or older vehicle that is currently in service in the Pacific Northwest. 9. The trucks would be placed in local haul vocations and would be monitored by GPS to ensure continued intrastate operations and to monitor scheduled maintenance. 4. Partner Contributions 1. The West Coast Diesel Collaborative (WCDC) -The WCDC to provide a grant of $2,000,000; • M-345 2. EPA SmartWay - To provide technical oversight. To work with the CSS • technical advisory team to maximize fuel economy in the reconditioning process; 3. California Air Resources Board - To provide trucks retail value of $12,500,000 for $1,250,000; 4. Puget Sound Clean Air Agency - To provide a grant of $200,000; 5. Port of Seattle - To provide a grant of $200,000; 6. Port of Tacoma - To apply for a CMAQ grant to pay for the exhaust retrofits (second year proposed); 7. Olympia Regional Clean Air Agency - To provide a grant of $100,000; 8. Port of Portland - To provide a grant of $100,000 (second year proposed); 9. Washington Department of Ecology - To provide a truck purchase grant for $500,000 for the first 200 trucks; 10. Oregon Department of Environmental Quality - To provide grants for • scrapping old trucks and tax credits for exhaust retrofits for trucks placed in service in Oregon; li. Native Energy -Purchase carbon credits to be retired for $100,000; 12. Cascade Sierra Solutions - To leverage private sector resources to fund the upfront costs of the reconditioning; to provide affordable trucks to primarily small, disadvantaged & minority businesses; to provide leasing services, debt service, maintenance management and GPS tracking of the vehicles. 5. The Scrapping Requirement Cascade Sierra Solutions will require the trucks turned in for scrapping to have the engine permanently disabled. CSS will encourage participating scrap dealers to recycle all usable materials and metal to minimize the impact to the environment. Any proceeds from the scrap will be contributed to the program. 6. The Reconditioning Process . Cascade Sierra Solutions will contract with local truck dealers-and factory authorized installers in the Pacific Northwest to recondition the trucks. M-356 Exterior: The trucks will be decaled with a common theme to designate to • the public that they are clean, efficient trucks and to make them attractive to lessees. Fires & Wheels: The trucks will be fitted with low-rolling resistance tires and aluminum wheels. The manufacturer of the tires guarantees a 4% fuel economy benefit. The wheels provide a weight reduction which allows additional load to be carried or reduces horsepower needed to pull the load-resulting in fuel savings. The truck will also be fitted with a tire inflation monitoring system. This system allows the driver to check his tire inflation from the inside of the cab. Improperly inflated tires waste fuel and reduce the life of the tires. Engine Exhaust: The trucks will be fitted with EPA or CARB approved exhaust retrofits. The level of retrofit installed will be a minimum of a level 2 verified device and level 3 verified devices when appropriate for the vocation and funding is available. Because the replacement vehicle is far cleaner than the scrapped vehicle, even a level 2 device can provide an 80% reduction in toxic diesel particulate matter (See emission benefits). Idle Reduction: The trucks will have the engine reprogrammed to shut off after 5 minutes of idling. The driver can not change this without a pass code controlled by CSS. The trucks will also be fitted with an engine heat recovery system. This system transfers heat from the hot interior of the combustion engine to the cab and provides 2-4 hours of heat without idling. 7. Reproc~rar~rx~ang the Engine ~-utomatiC Idle Shutoff; All engines will be programmed to electronically shut down after five minutes at idle. This will eliminate unnecessary idling which wastes fuel. Speed Controls: All engines will be programmed for a maximum speed of 55 MPH. For the remainder of their lifecycle, these trucks will operate at legal highway speed which will improve fuel economy and safety. Gear Ratio: CSS evaluates each truck to determine the appropriate gear ratio for the vocation. CSS uses the manufacturer specification manager computer program to determine the correct ratio. CSS will ensure that the appropriate gear ratio is applied to each vocation which will maximize the fuel economy of the replacement vehicle. r~ U M-36~ ~ J This would be a typical truck offered through the program M-37g 8. Retrofit Options CSS will determine the appropriate retrofit for each truck based on exhaust temperature profiles. Trucks which meet exhaust profiles for a level 3 DPF will be retrofitted with a level 3 device*. Trucks that fail to meet the necessary exhaust profile will be retrofitted with a level 2 device. CSS requires a minimum of a level 2 emission control device for this program. Each retrofit will be EPA and/or CARB verified to reduce diesel emissions from 50- 85%. Cl,c-swag vi~rr ., _ - ~ o#a [~nal~~n uunet , ~, [~FtAF Muffle. __, ~.~ ~ '>~ Take-epertdeek~ aleesytll~ -- r -_-~ --- a~cee~ m ma event 't i t l ~ o en eng ne s lura ___ ~ I __ _ '~_~ .. > ~. ~ Corrugated ~ ~~ ~ Maml Fltar - - f r' 5teges _ _ ~~+; DMF Mutner _ Pet~ntpentling Inlet ,_ ,- Level 2 Device This device when combined with a newer, cleaner engine, can reduce particulate emissions by 80% flat t Fltt~r xsr~t~hr ` ~rn'vst .k Sactioat ~ - Inlet ~+ ~~,:, .. ScctIon , - j r ~ ~~ ; ~- t: ' c y ~ .. l . , _' ; ~ _~ W<rb tlow ""ter ~ ' ~ '~ F1t~r ~„' f` hnnt~yca~n~r Catalyst Level 3 Diesel Particulate Filter *If funding is available M-389 9. GPS Trackin4 & Fleet Maintenance Mana4ement Each CSS truck is fitted with a common GPS communications device. This device is capable of providing real-time information from the truck's engine control module and from global positioning equipment to CSS to include: speed, idle time, idle location & idle duration, real-time fuel economy, vehicle miles traveled and routes traveled. This device will provide critical information to: 1. Verify emission reductions based on vehicle miles traveled; 2. Identify and quantify where those emission reductions have taken place; 3. Verify greenhouse gas emission reductions; 4. Monitor routes traveled; 5. Verify fuel savings; 6. Verify trucks never operate in California; 7. Provide location of vehicles at all times; 8. Analyze engine performance according to default codes; 9. Manage and track routine maintenance. The GPS system also integrates aweb-based real-time maintenance management system. The system will allow the CSS fleet maintenance manager to schedule routine maintenance services by VMT, engine hours or days elapsed and enforce proper maintenance on the vehicles to protect the investment of CSS and its partners. Local authorized maintenance providers will be required to log-in and update the database when scheduled maintenance has been completed. Motor carriers participating in the program will be given access to the routing and electronic logbook modules to improve dispatch operations and to identify the most efficient routes for goods movement. 10. Emissions Benefits The emissions calculations below are determined by using emission factors published by the California Air Resources Board. There are two separate events that are causing emissions reductions: 1. The change to a newer model year vehicle; and 2. The addition of exhaust controls. To determine the emissions reduced CSS first determines the baseline emissions of the truck to be scrapped. Baseline emissions for 1985 model • heavy duty truck (grams per mile): M-39~o NOX ROG PM 21.39 1.04 1.249 CSS then calculates the emissions of the replacement truck (not including the exhaust control device). New emissions fora 2000 model truck (grams per mile): NOX ROG PM 17.58 0.51 0.403 CSS then adds the exhaust control device for the appropriate level of control: New emissions fora 2000 model truck with a level 2 device: NOX ROG PM 17.58 0.51 0.202 New emissions fora 2000 model truck with a level 3 device: NOx ROG PM 17.58 0.51 0.06 Summary Results ^ Replacing a 1985 model truck with a 2000 model truck reduces NOX by 3.81 grams per mile, ROG by .53 grams per mile, and Diesel PM by .846 grams per mile. (18% reduction in NOX, 51% reduction in ROG, and a 67% reduction in Diesel PM. ^ Adding a level 2 device to the above reduces Diesel PM to .202 grams per mile or a total reduction of 83.4% over the baseline truck. ^ Adding a level 3 device to the above reduces Diesel PM to .06 grams per mile or a total reduction of 95% over the baseline truck. r~ • M - 40~ 1 Total Potential Emission Reductions Total Vehicle Miles Traveled VMT ~ ) 500 trucks @25,000 VMT for 7 years = 87,500,000 VMT Total Diesel PM reduced: VMT X 1.047 = 91,612,500 grams = 201,790 Ibs = 100.89 tons Total NOX reduced: VMT X 3.81 = 333,375,000 grams = 734,306 Ibs = 367.15 tons Total C02 reduced: Gallons saved 8,333,500 X 22/2200 = 83,335 metric tons 11. Fuel Savings The typical truck that would be replaced by CSS was originally designed for long-haul operations. The gear ratio is incorrect, the engine is .much too large and there are no controls on speed or idling. This truck typically achieves fuel economy of 3.5-4.9 MPG. • The replacement truck that CSS would put into service would achieve fuel economy of 6.5-7.5 MPG. Assuming annual vehicle miles traveled of 25,000, the baseline truck would use 5,952 gallons of fuel annually. The replacement truck would use 3,571 gallons of fuel annually, providing a savings of 2,381 gallons per vehicle each year or 16,667 gallons per vehicle over the estimated seven-year life of the replacement truck. Replacing 500 trucks would save 8,333,500 gallons of fuel over the next 7 years. 12. Greenhouse Gas Emission Reductions For every gallon of fuel saved, carbon dioxide is reduced by 22 lbs. This project would reduce 83,335 metric tons of carbon dioxide over a 7 year period. 13. Local Business Opportunities Local businesses will have the opportunity to provide maintenance services to the CSS fleet. CSS will also be establishing a long term customer for the local • truck dealer who will be able to afford to upgrade to a 2007 engine (2008 model year) in a few years. The equipment replacement reserve account M - 4112 established for each truck will provide $10,568 for a down payment on a newer used vehicle in 84 months assuming a minimum contribution or $100 per month by the lessee. CSS, through this program is providing a future qualified customer for local truck dealers. This customer (during the lease term) will have established a credit rating and will have saved enough to put a substantial down payment on a clean 2008 or newer tractor. CSS will work with local dealers to list trucks available for safe to the CSS lessees. Lessees will be encouraged to buy a truck from a local dealer as soon as possible so that the leased trucks may be used to get another old polluting truck off the road. 14. Economic Benefit Due to a slowing economy, the trucking industry is in dire economic straits. In a strong economy, increased costs to comply with clean air rules are passed on to a customer, but in a weak economy there is no opportunity to increase the price of freight. Many trucking firms are accepting lower paying loads just to keep themselves from going bankrupt. This project gives immediate economic relief to ttruckers, raising their bottom line by over $5,000 per year per truck. 15. Reconditioning and Retrofit Bud^ Item Price Units Cost Truck Purchase $2,500 500 1,250,000 Level 2 retrofit $5,500 500 2,750,000 Level 3 retrofit $12938 170 2,199,600 D no $350 250 $87,500 Paint & Decal $1,500 500 $500,000 Idle Shutoff & S eed Limiter $100 500 $50,000 HP Derate~ $400 250 $100,000 Autotherm $1,000 500 $500,000 Oil Purification S stem $800 500 $400.000 Aluminum Wheels $2,000 500 $1,000,000 • • M - 4~3 2Tires $3.,000 500 $1,500,000 Tire Monitorin S stem $625 500 $312,.500 GPS $600 500 $300,000 Trans ortation $500 500 $250,000 Total Cost $10,800,000 16. budget Narrative The cost to purchase, recondition and retrofit 500 heavy-duty diesel tractors is $8,600,400 or $17,200 per truck. This cost includes the vehicle, the retrofit and the improvements to achieve better fuel economy. These costs are all upfront costs that will be paid for by the contributions of the partners and debt financing by Cascade Sierra Solutions. The revenue from the lease payments covers 6 staff positions to provide education and outreach, project coordination, leasing services and • maintenance management of the CSS fleet of leased vehicles. CSS is committed to working with the Ports in Seattle and Tacoma to establish an outreach center with the mission of upgrading the legacy fleet of port related trucks. Grant Revenues The following are suggested amounts to be contributed to the project from the participating partners: West Coast Diesel Collaborative $2,000,000 Puget Sound Clean Air Agency $200,000 Port of Seattle $200,000 City of Tacoma (CMAQ Grant) $2,000,000 Olympia Regional Clean Air Agency $100,000 Port of Portland $100,000 Oregon DEQ $50,000 Washington Department of Ecology $500,000 Native Energy $100,000 Cascade Sierra Solutions $5,550,400 M - 4314 Total Cost _ 10,800,000 • The new trucks wi11 be deployed to local areas in relationship to amounts of grant dollars contributed by local agencies. Cost to the Lessee The trucks will be leased to the fleet or owner-operator for an amount of $350-$500 per month depending on the actual amount of grant money received. The lease payment will allow CSS to recover their investment and operating costs for this project over the term of the lease. The lease payment includes a$100 per month set aside for equipment replacement. 16. Timeline July 1, 2009 July 1, 2009 July 1 -Dec 31, 2009 Jan 1 -Sep 30, 2010 California Bond Funds Available Availability of Replacement Trucks Begins Recondition & Replace 200 Trucks Recondition & Replace 300 Trucks M - 4415 • • c°`~¢~u~~'°c~ Current ORCA.A Land Clearin Burn Permit ,.~.. ~ g ~% ORCAA FireDistrict Expiration # Legat Desc Burn Site Address City Last Name CompanyName Phone 5/14/2009 2870 Sec18 T26R13w First Addition to Oil City Forks VandeWeghe (360) 765-0756 5/23/2009 2887. 21 harrison Stret Bay Center Johnson & Son (360) 484-7146 . ,~,M • . . . , , .- . .. - _ Excavating • - . .. . • -- - ~ , .,~,..~. ,,,.~ .»,~,~ .~~.R .,.,, ~ ,u~~,.~,.M CFD #4, Joyce ~ ~~~~,:~,<. . .~ >~,~n„~ , ..~« ~ 5/9/2009 2875 ~... M~~:M~..,~- _M,...k~. ..a Sec32 T31 R07w n~>, s..,..,a , .~.~xxM,~~~,.nY: ~rA_ 958 Oxenford Road ,.~,~.,~,.~ ,,,<K_,~,~,,~_~Y~_ ~. ~ .~.x-.~.~ Port Angeles Simmons -.x..~x~,~~.~.,.M, ,.~~-, ..~., ~,~ ~.,, ,_: ,~:,~ ~.~:, ,,~:~-, ~~-~G . (360) 928-3178 GHFD #14, 5/8/2009 2849 4 Wright Avenue Aberdeen Schroeder Grays Harbor Fire (360) 648-2366 Markham/Ocosta/Bay ~ ~ ,~~ District #14 - GHFD #15 Cosmopolis ~ 7/15/2009 2819 ~.... . a,~776 US Highway 101 Cosmopolis Chapin Plastics West, Inc. ~ (360) 538-0115 ~, GHFD #2, Montesano/C.P. 5/31/2009 2898 Sec05 T17R07e 900 Block of N. Biakeley Montesano Martin (360) 249-5634 Brdy Street 6/3/2009 2899 Sec04 T17R07W 197 Monte Elma Road Montesano Holbrook Inc (360) 754-9390 JFD #1, Chimacum 5/14/2009 2882 Sec11 T29R01 W 202 Elkins Road Port Hadiock Walters Jeff. Co.Public Works (360) 385-0890 . 5/23/2009 2885 Sec03 T29R01 W 11524 Rhody Drive Hadiock Huges (360} 265-1661 5!28/2009 2894 42 Tall Tree Lane Chimacum Skelly Skelly Works (360) 340-1938 5/29/2009 2895 Sec09 T30R01w Lupine Street Port Townse Stewart Excavating (360j 301-4315 6!3/2009 2897 Sec08 T29R01 W Anderson Road and SR 20 Port Townse Reeves Excavating (360) 765-3633 JFD #2, Quilcene 5/9/2009 2876 Sec31 T27R01 W E. Quilcene Rd & Quilcene Zimmer Zimmer Construction (360) 297-3544 McDonald Road JFD #3, Port Ludlow 5/27/2009 2890 Sec29 T29R01 a Parcel # 976800063 ...,:~,••~ Port Ludlow ~u;.w:,~,.....~~-.~..., Highes ... .._ .,..~.. .._... ~ -,,-max.-.,~~:.;-.-::.-.,-~,..... .. (360) 265-1661 5/29/2009 2896 Sec06 T28R01e 3895 Beaver Valley Road Port Ludlow Peters {360) 732-0980 PFD #4, Naselie 6/7/2009 2901 Sec08 T09R09W SR 401 MP 4.6 Naselie Messick WA~State DOT ~ (360) 484-3481 Y,. 6/7/2009 2902 Sec22 T11 R10W US 101 and Parpala Road Naselie Messick WA State DOT (360) 484-3481 R TFD #12, Tenino 5/10/2009 2878 Oid 99 & Sundew Lane Tenino Wood Property Owner ~~ ~ V y~(360) 458-5540 5/24/2009 2888 13635 Loreece Lane SW Tenino Wolf (360) 412-1897 TFD #13, Griffin 5/24/2009 2889 6114 Richardson Lane NW Olympia Durward (360) 866-3585 r ....-~~_.,.-„~ ~..,.~-~«,-:~.:~.:,-~ TFD #3, Lacey .,~,,.,Y.,,.x.~..--x~.,-,.,,x-~.rM.~m~~ 5/20/2009 2883 -~~-~~-.>•.~..~.,v,-~.,~,~-.~ ,~,-sum,~~:~»~--.-~.,.:,~.~,,,~,~:~ .:r,, ....-~..x,~.,,~-x-.~, 8010 Kamerlyn Hill Lane SE Olympia _~-,.~„--.G~.,x~~-•.-~~ Coumbs -,,,,,..,-.a,,,.,,.,:,c„.~x-,...~~xm,~,,, .~-,.~,, ... ~.. (360) 789-6388 Friday, May 08, 2009 M - 45 FireDistrict Expiration # Legai Desc Burn Site Address City Last Name CompanyName Phone M, _n_„~~..-,., ~,.~,.,.~..a~~..._.~..~.,.mN.~. >, ..,w_ ~ „-.w~.,...,,-,~~.,-...,....,,,_,~,,~.......,, TFD #4, Rainier 5/10/2009 2879 ,_....,_.......~..,..~....x„~.,,.~,.~.,....~„~<. 17024 Mulqueen Rd SE .~w U.a~..,~_...,. Rainier -..,..r~ art ,,......, Gauthier .~.._ .~.,.,~,~.,....,~~,,., Homeowner ~..~. ,.~,.,r.,,~. <».,_.z,.~.r (253) 606-1832 5/22/2009 2884 Sec05 T16R01 a 12525 Moes Rd SE Rainier Evans Homeowner (360) 446-8516 .-, ....,,- -~~.~,, ~.•~.-,x, TFD #7, North Olympia ~.. ,m, .~,_. r:. x,.._,~,~.--,--.~„~.~.. ,-~„~_ 5/29/2020 2893 .~..,. ~ :,..~ ~. s.-., .: •.. , x~. Sri., ~ 1931 53rd Avenue Way NE -,.. ,.~x.-~,-a-.,,~,5.r Olympia ri,~,,Y--,,~_>.-..~.M,.-, . Sunset Tree Service ,r.,~~.:, (360) 350-8345 TFD #8, South Bay 5/10/2009 2877 6918 47th Loop NE Olympia Pachiez ~x~--.-ss-~~~ ~(360) 239-2164 5/22/2009 2886 6131 85th Avenue NE Olympia Wohl (360) 259-8912 TFD #9, McLane 5/27/2009 2891 3520 37TH Court NW Olympia Brown (360) 790-1646 6f 5/2009 2903 Sec32 T19R02W 3640 Pennant Court NW Olympia All things dirt (360) 539-5080 Court NW excavating & landscaping _~ Friday, May 08, 2009 M - 46 • • • • C7 NOV Monthly Deport For the period 04/03/2009 to 05/08/2009 NOV # Name Issued City Regulation(s) NOV Penalty Amount Amount Penalty by Issued Assessed Suspended Paid Issued ~ 2706 GERMAN MS GRAYS 6.2(a)(I) Opeu fire containing prohibite, 02/25/2009 $600.00 04/16/2009 HARBOR 2707 HOBAUGH MS GRAYS 6.2(a)(1) Open firecattainingprohibite' 03/16/2009 $1,100.00 05/0'7/2009 HARBOR 2708 HUSTON MS THURSTON 6.2(a)(2) Open fire during episode of of p4/14/2009 qua&ty defined in Chapter 70.5 2709 ATLAS SHELTON MS MASON 6.1.8 Conditions in Approval of Ord 04/14/2009 i Enforceable; failure to comply 2738 FERNANDEZ RC THURSTON RCW 70.94,473 (1)(c)( Violation of burning wood for 01/23/2009 $150.00 $100.00 05/07/2009 period of State 2 Bum Ban. 2740 KUCHAN RC CLALLAM 6.2(a)(1) Open fire contahiing prohibite' 01/23/2009 $250.00 04/09/2009 ~ COI~TSTRUCTION , ~ 2741 HENDRICKS RC CLALLAM 6,2(a)(7) Violation of fire within Urban 03/03/2009 $250.00 04/16/2009 (UGA) of county WAC 173-425-040(2) Residential bum within au urb 2749 1NTERFOR PACIFIC RC CLALLAM 8.8 Violation of not maintaining ai 01/09/2009 $700.00 $700.00 04/08/2009 INC -FORKS DIVISION equipment in good operating c repair. 2761 STEWART SS THURSTON 6.2 It shall be unlawful for any per 10/17/2008 $500.00 $450.00 $50.00 01/27/2009 allow any open fire within the ~ 2783 LEOPOLD MS THURSTON RCW 70.94.473 (1)(c)( Violation of burning wood for 01/21/2009 $250.00 04/08/2009 period of State 2 Burn Ban. ~ 2$03 MOUNTS AD THURSTON RCW 70.94.473 (1)(c)( Violation ofbuming wood for 01/22/2009 $100.00 $50.00 04/27/2009 ~ ~ period of State 2 Bum Ban. 2807 GOODING MS THURSTON RCW 70.94.473 (1)(c)( Violation of burning wood for 01/23/2009 $100.00 $50.00 $50.00 04/09/2009 period of State 2 Burn Ban. 2810 POWELL SS THURSTON RCW 70.94.473 (1)(c)( Violation of bu~uing wood for 01/23/2009 $100.00 04/09/2009 ~ period of State 2 Bmn Ban. 2821 STEWARD MS THURSTON 6.2(a)(1) Open fue containng prolubite~ 02/23/2009 $500.00 04/15/2009 M-47 NOV # Name Issued City Regulation(s) NOV Penalty Amount Amount Penalty by Issued Assessed Suspended Paid Issued 2822 KIM AD THURSTON 6.2(a)(1) Openfrecontainingprohibite~ 03/02/2009 $250.00 2823 ASSURED QUALITY AD JEFFERSON 63.2 Notification Requirements - de 03/02/2009 $600.00 JEFFERSON started prior to approval of per 2824 WESTPORT SHIPYARD RTM GRAYS 40 CFR 63.5698(b) Violatio~a of HAP emissions cc 03/05/2009 $9,000.00 $9,000.00 INC HARBOR 2825 WESTPORT SHIl'YARD RTM GRAYS 40 CFR 63.5698(b) Violation of HAP emissions cc 03/05/2009 $9,000.00 $9,000.00 INC HARBOR ' 2826 WESTPORT SHIPYARD RTM GRAYS 40 CFR 63.5698(b) Violation of HAP emissions ec 03/05/2009 $9,000.00 $9,000.00 INC HARBOR 2827 WESTPORT SHIPYARD RTM GRAYS 40 CFR. 63.5698(b) Violation of HAP emissions cc 03/05/2009 $9,000.00 $9,000.00 INC HARBOR 2828 WESTPORT SHIPYARD RTM GRAYS 40 CFR 63.5698(b) Violation ofHAP emissions cc 03/05/2009 $9,000.00 $9,000.00 INC HARBOR 2829 WESTPORT SHIPYARD RTM GRAYS 40 CFR 63:569$(b) - Violation of HAP emissions cc 03/05/2009 $9,000.00 $9,000.00 INC HARBOR 2830 WESTPORT SHIPYARD RTM GRAYS 40 CFR 63.5698(b) Violation of HAP emissions cc 03/05/2009 $9,000.00 $9,000.00 INC HARBOR 283 I WESTPORT SHIPYARD RTM GRAYS 40 CFR 63.5698(b) Violation of HAP emissions cc 03/05/2009 $9,000.00 $9,000.00 INC HARBOR 2834 TEFFT MS PACIFIC 6.3.2 2835 MISNER SS THURSTON 6.2 2836 STONE MS THURSTON 6.2(a)(1) 2838 BAKER SS GRAYS 6.3.2(a) HARBOR 2839 BAKER SS GRAYS 6.3.2(a) HARBOR Notification Requirements - de Q4/14/2009 started prior to approval of per It shall be unlawful for any per 04/10/2009 allow auy open fire within the Open fue containing prohibiter 04/14/2009 No demolition permit aquired : 04/27/2009 prior to demolition No demolition permit aquired : 0.4/27/2009 prior to demolition 04/09/2009 04/08/2009 04/17/2009 04/17/2009 04/17/2009 04/17/2009 04/17/2009 04/17/2009 04/17/2009 04/17/2009 M - 48 • • • • • • NOV # Name 2840 BAKER 2841 OTTERNESS 2842 OTTERNESS 2843 OTTERNESS 2844 TAYLOR 2855 MCDOUGALL 2856 URRACO COFFEE CO LLC Issued City Regulation(s) by SS GRAYS 6.2(a)(1) HARBOR SS GRAYS 6.2(a)(1) HARBOR SS GRAYS 6.3.2(a)(2) HARBOR SS GRAYS 6.3.2(x) HARBOR MS PACIFIC 6.2(a)(1) MS THURSTON 6.2(a)(1) SS MASON 6.i.s NOV Penalty Amount Amount Issued Assessed Suspended Paid Open fire containing prohibiter 04/27/2009 Open fire containing piohibite~ 04/27/2009 Unlawful to cause or allow wo: 04/27/2009 or demolition project without ~ application firom agency No demolition permit aquired : 04/27/2009 prior to demolition Open fi1E containing prolubita 05/01/2009 Open fire containing prolubita 05/05/2009 Conditions in Approval of Ord 05/06/2009 Enfo~roeable; failure to comply Totals: $77,700.00 $72,650.00 Penalty Issued $soo.oo --- M - 49 Asbestos Permit Status Re port Completion Date Actuai Permit # Staff Recd Address City Status Completion 08AS6002371 RC 5/2/2008 63 Summitt View Place Port Angeles 08ASB002376 MS 5/8/2008 100 West Main Elma Demo permit: 08DEM002077. 9/30/2009 08AS8002472 MS 8/18/2008 3560 Deer Street Neah Bay 08AS6002483 SS 9/2/2008 8100 Steilacoom Road SE Lacey Multiple projects -school hours/times app 9/3!2009 08ASB002487 9/4/2008 13251 North Shore Road Belfair 08ASB002490 MS 9/5/2008 611 South Main Street McCleary First amendment: 9/18/08 - on hold until OSAS8002493 MS 9!912008 2629 Aberdeen Avenue Hoquiam 08AS8002512 MS 9/29/2008 Building 83 - US Navy Station Indian Island First amendment 10/14/08 - on hold. Kle 9!28/2009 OSAS6002546 MS 11/10/2008 11629 Endicott Road SW Olympia 11/12/08 -Siding has been identified and 08AS6002547 MS 11/12/2008 519 Simpson Avenue Montesano First amendment: 12/12/08 - On hold. KI 9/30/2009 08ASB002566 SS 12/8/2008 4301 6th Avenue NE Lacey P.O. # 268080012D -invoiced 12/08/08 kl 12/8/2009 08ASB002574 MS 12/15/2008 See Permit (annual) Bellevue 12/15/2009 09ASB002586 MS 1/7/2009 40 East 1st Street -South Bend Sc South Bend First amendment 01/20/09 - on hold Kle 09AS6002589 RTM 1/13/2009 2321 West Dayton Airport Road Shelton invoiced 1/13/09. kle 09AS8002592 RTM 1/14/2009 Capital Campus Olympia 1/15/09 -invoiced. Kle 12/31/2009 09ASB002607 SS 2/3/2009 Fairgrounds Road & Highway 101 Shelton 11/30/2009 09ASB002618 2/17/2009 2025 Keller Drive Port Angeles 09AS6002620 MS 2/10/2009 301 Ocean Beach Boulevard Long Beach 5/31/2009 09ASB002646 AD 3/18/2009 181 Marjory Lane Sequim Demo: 09DEM002312. Aly received De 09ASB002647 RTM 3/19/2009 509 Cleveland Street Port Townsend Per Robert - NOV was written on this proj 7/13/2009 ' 09AS6002651 AD 3/23/2009 122 Garfield Avenue East Tenino 4/30/2009 09AS6002656 AD 3/27/2009 419 Linwood Avenue SW Tumwater needs different survey. Kle 9/10/20D9 Friday, May 08, 2009 n LJ Page 1 of 2 M-50 • • • • Completion Date Actual Permit # Staff Recd Address City Status Completion 09ASB002660 AD 3/30/2009 2651 Martin Way Olympia 4/2/09 AD asbestos permit for 3 structure 4/1/2010 09ASB002667 AD 4/14/2009 13921 Lake Cushman Road Hoodsport 5/1/2009 09AS6002668 AD 4/14/2009 415 Perry Avenue Hoquiam First amendmend 5/4/09 - 6,400 sq. feet 5/8/2009 09ASB002670 AD 4/14/2009 3625 93rd Ave SW Olympia 04/28/09 AD project on hold. 09ASB002674 AD 4/17/2009 2713 Hidden Cove Lane Olympia 04/17/09 AD new lab results needed befo 4/29/2009 09AS6002678 AD 4/22/2009 405 E Heron Aberdeen First amendment 4/24/09 - on hold Kle 09ASB002684 AD 4/24/2009 110 N. Maple Street Port Hadlock 4/30/2009 09AS6002686 AD 4/28/2009 50415th Avenue Olympia 7/31!2009 09A$B002687 AD 4/27/2009 8520 Pepperidge Lane SE Yelm 5/11/2009 09ASB002691 AD 4/29/2009 700 Building Aberdeen 4/29/09 Invoiced 04/16/09. AD 5/4/2009 09AS6002692 AD 4/29/2009 352 W hiskey Creek Beach Road Port Angeles 4/30/2009 . 09ASB002693 AD 5/1/2009 3315 18th Avenue 5E Olympia 6/30/2009 09ASB002694 MS 5/1/2009 352 Whiskey Creek Beach Road Port Angeles 5/4/2009 09AS6002696 AD 5/5/2009 9331 Meridian Court SE Olympia 5/8/2009 09AS6002697 AD 5/7/2009 2717 Bay Avenue Hoquiam 6/1/2009 09ASB002698 AD 5/7/2009 1022 W. Heron Aberdeen 05/07/09 AD Will fax asbestos receipts w 6/1/2009 09ASB002699 AD 5/8/2009 PO Box 1143 Aberdeen 5/21/2009 Friday, May 08, 2009 Page 2 of 2 M-51 Demolition Permit Status Report Permit# Recd Staff Address City Status AsbSurvey AsbPermit# 08DEM002033 3/25/2008 SS 419 Linwood Avenue SW Tumwater Tumwater School has to bid on this p ~ ASB 08DEM002044 4/7/2008 AD 35846 W. Highway 101 Lilliwaup No asbestos survey included. Kell ^ ASB 08DEM002052 4/10/2008 SS 5326 Littlerock Rd SW Olympia Demolishing the old Girl Scout buildi ~ ASB 08DEM002065 4/28/2008 MS 2620 Country Club Rd Olympia 4/28/08 -applicant has not yet chose ^ ASB 08DEM002073 5/6/2008 MS 6755 Pattison Lake Drive Se Lacey Emergency demo. per Mike. Mike ha ^ ASB 08DEM002093 5/22/2008 RTM 309 E. Young Street Elma ~ ASB 08DEM002095 5/28/2008 AD 917 Turner Shelton Will call in completion date. Kle. Cu ^ ASB 08DEM002098 5/29/2008 RC 173 West Bell Street Sequim ~ ASB 08DEM002101 5/30/2008 RTM 1145 Summit Avenue South Bend 0 ASB OSDEM002102 5/30!2008 SS 7522 Libby Road Olympia ^ ASB 08DEM002105 6/3/2008 MS 200 W. Dimming Road Shelton Asbestos project completed 6/2/08 p ~ ASB 08DEM002111 6/6/2008 SS 902 Yelm Highway Se Yelm Asbestos survey in the works. Kle 6 ~ ASB 08DEM002112 6/6/2008 RTM 616 Sherman St ~ Olympia Olympic Salvage will be doing to dem ^~ ASB OSDEM002117 6/10/2008 AD Lansky Harstine Island Government ordered demolition. Kle ^ ASB 08DEM002126 6/16/2008 SS 3131 Maytown Road SW -Littlerock Fire Statio Olympia Client will call In demo. contractor. KI ~ ASB 08DEM002129 6/18/2008 SS 101 Boulevard Long Beach ^~ ASB 08DEM002135 6/27/2008 AD 207 Ludlow Bay Road Port Ludlow Nb asbestos present. Kle -Need $ - 0 ASB 08DEM002139 7/1/2008 SS 15 West Lake Forest Lane Shelton Survey is in the works. Kle ^ ASB 08DEM002140 7/2/2008 MS 1124 Summit South Bend ^ ASB OSDEM002148 7/9/2008 SS 1600 Sleater Kinney Road Lacey ^ ASB 08DEM002160 7/15/2008 MS 40 Strawberry Lane Nordland Will send in pictures`of house.. Kle ^ ASB 08DEM002161 7/15/2008 MS 420 W. Enterprise Road Shelton ~ ASB 08DEM002164 7/17/2008 MS 2000 Fowler Street Raymond ^ ASB Friday, May 08, 2009 Page 1 of 5 M-52 • • • • • • Permit# Recd Staff Address City Status asbsurvey AsbPermit# 08DEM002166 7/21/2008 MS 2nd & Washington Lomg Beach ~ ASB OSDEM002167 7/21/2008 MS 1521 Washington avenue Long Beach asbestos in the silver coat -need per 0 ASB 08DEM002174 8/4/2008 RC 116 N. Lilac #3 Port Angeles applicant presented receipt for ashes ~/^ ASB 08DEM002175 8/5/2008 RC 238203 Highway 101 Port Angles 0 ASB 08DEM002176 8/6/2008 MS 2118 E. 3rd Avenue Port Angeles ~ ASB 08DEM002i82 8/14/2008 RC 121 Cook Avenue Port Townsend ^ ASB 08DEM002185 8/19/2008 MS 522 Broadway South Bend ^ ASB 08DEM002188 8/25/2008 MS Malis Landing Road Raymond ^ ASB 08DEM002193 9/2/2008 RC 212 Lewis Road Port Angeles ~ ASB 08DEM002194 9/3/2008 MS 519 Simpson Avenue Hoquiam Waiting for asbestos job to be comp) ^ ASB 08DEM002204 9/17!2008 SS 282 332 Highway 101 Port Townsend Applicant submitted old(er) notificatio ^ ASB 08DEM002210 9/25/2008 MS highway 101 Miie post 39, Possibly 6462 or 645 bay center Mr. Hoppe came in and said that the ^ ASB 08DEM002219 10/7/2008 SS 3025 Meridian Rd NE Olympia 2 buildings on property ^ ASB 08DEM002227 10/20/2008 MS 26709 Vernon Avenue Ocean Park Non NVLAP lab but it is a renovation 0 ASB 08DEM002229 10/20/2008 AD 2633 Westwind Drive NW Olympia ^~ ASB 08DEM002240 11/6/2008 MS 115 Ward Creek Raymond The house has been burned in a fire. ^ ASB 08DEM002244 11/10/2008 11629 Endicott Road SW Olympia Survey was obtained. ^ 08ASB002546 08DEM002247 11/13/2008 AD 631 NE Larson Lake Road Belfair ^ ASB 08DEM002249 11/17/2008 RC 73 Gold Street Sequim ~ ASB 08DEM002253 11!18/2008 MS 3120 Highway 105 Westport ^ ASB 08DEM002255 11/25/2008 SS 230 SE Waldrip Road Shelton ~ ASB O8DEM002260 12/2/2005 AD 1066 Franklin Street SE Olympia ~ qgg 08DEM002265 12/5/2008 AD 8900 Libby Rd NE Olympia waiting on Asbestos Survey -Dan Ve ^ ASB O8DEM002272 12/23/2008 MS N. 15th N. Washington Street Long Beach ^ ASB 09DEM002276 1/6/2009 RC 64 Lake Aldwell Road Port Angeles ~ ASB Friday, May 08, 2009 Page 2 of 5 M-53 Permit# Recd Staff AddreSS City Status AsbSurvey AsbPermit# 09DEM002277 1/9/2009 RC SR101 Dosewallips River Bridge Brinnon ^ ASB 09DEM002278 1!1412009 AD 2120 Black Point Road Brinnon 0 ASB 09DEM002287 2/2/2009 RC 131 Shore Drive Port Ludlow ^ ASB 09DEM002288 2/2/2009 AD 2425 Marvin Road Lacey 0 ASB 09DEM002290 2/4!2009 MS 244 Robert Gray Drive Ilwaco No asbestos on site. Invoiced Wa. St ~ ASB 09DEM002292 2/11/2009 MS 29615 M. Place Ocean Park 0 ASB 09DEM002293 2/12/2009 AD 1018 Taft Street Port Townsend 02/12!09 AD need actual lab results. ^~ ASB 09DEM002296 2/18/2009 RC 250 Janson Road Nordland d^ ASB 09DEM002297 2/19/2009 MS 2 Barley Lane Menlo this will probably be a trainig fire fort ~ ASB 09DEMOD2300 2/2312009 SS 1718 Jones Road Shelton ^ ASB 09DEM002304 2/26/2009 MS 322 3rd Street Shelton 0 ASB 09DEM002306 3/2/2009 RC 1212 South 3rd Sequim On 3/3/09 I advised Ben Andrews of ^~ ASB 09DEM002308 3!2/2009 SS 3721 & 3723 Royal Street SE Olympia ~ .ASB 09DEM002310 3/6/2009 MS 2704 Sumner Avenue Aberdeern 3!20/09 -Asbestos project complete ^ ASB 09DEM002311 3!9/2009 AD 840 Beckett Point Port Townsend ~ ASB 09DEM002312 3/10/2009 AD 181 Marjory Lane Sequim Asbestos present on survey. No asb ~ 09ASB002646 09DEM002314 3/13/2009 AD 5035 Kagy Road SE Olympia Start and completion dates need to b ~ ASB 09DEM002315 3/16/2009 RC 1655 E Scrivner Port Angeles 0 ASB 09DEM002317 3/16/2009 MS 1603 Washington Avenue N. Long Beach ^ ASB 09DEM002319 3/17/2009 AD 19405 Johnson Road SE Yelm ^ ASB 09DEM002323 3/25/2009 AD 981 Gibbs Lake Road Chimacum ^ ASB 09DEM002326 3/26/2009 MS 9480 Oak Bay Road Port Ludlow KDS will send in asbestos applicalio 0 ASB 09DEM002330 3/27/2009 AD 419 Linwood Avenue SW Tumwater 03/27/09 AD lab used in survey not a ^~ 09ASB002656 09DEM002333 4/2/2009 AD 6205 Pacific Avenue SE Lacey 0 ASB 09DEM002335 4/3/2009 AD 3000 Simmons Road Olympia ^ ASB Friday, May 08, 2009 Page 3 of 5 M-54 • • • • • Permit# Recd Staff Address ~ City Status AsbSurvey AsbPermit# 09DEM002337 4/7/2009 AD 120 E King Aberdeen ^ ASB 09DEM002340 4/9/2009 AD 28810 Vernon Avenue Ocean Park ~ ASB 09DEM002341 4/10/2009 AD 1906 N. 201st Long Beach ^ ASB 09DEM002342 4/13/2009 AD 25602 Z Street Ilwaco ^ ASB 09DEM002343 4/13!2009 AD 33 S. Brook Avenue Port Angeles ~ ASB 09DEM002344 4/17/2009 AD 620 Hagara Street Aberdeen © ASB 09DEM002345 4!17/2009 AD 127 Daniels Street Aberdeen © ASB 09DEM002347 4/20/2009 AD 1313 Morgan Street Aberdeen ^ ASB 09DEMD02348 4/20/2009 AD 5571 Olympic Hot Springs Road Port Angeles ^~ ASB 09DEM002349 4!20/2009 AD 610 Hagara Street Aberdeen ~ ASB 09DEM00235D 4/20/2009 AD 8815 Mountain Uew Road Yelm ~ ASB 09DEM002351 4/20/2009 AD 17102 Cana! Rd SE Yelm 0 ASB 09DEM002352 4/20/2009 AD 16839 Flume Rd Yelm d^ ASB 09DEM002353 4/20!2009 AD 40 East 1st Street South Bend ^ 09ASB002586 09DEM002354 4/20/2009 MS 1001 South Bank Road Oakville 5-1-09 -Asbestos clearance based o 0 AS8 09DEM002356 4/21/2009 AD 403 E. Heron Street Aberdeen ~ 09AS6002678 09DEM002357 4/23/2009 MS 3101 W. 1st Street Hoquiam ~ ASB 09DEM002358 4/23/2009 AD 8807 Mountain View Yelm ~ ASB 09DEM002359 4!2412009 AD 1830 Eable Cresiway Clallam Bay ~ ASB 09DEM002360 4/27/2009 AD 802 Sawyer Olympia ^ ASB 09DEM002361 4/28/2009 MS 804 First St Westport ~ ASB 09DEM002362 4/28/2009 MS 680 W Spokane Wesfport Q ASB 09DEM002363 5/1/2009 AD 421 Temple Street Oakville ~ ASB 09DEM002364 5/1/2009 AD 8525 Pacific Avenue SE Lacey ~ ASB 09DEM002365 5/1/2009 AD 15411 Smith Prairie Road SE Yelm ~ ASB Friday, May 08, 2009 Page4 of 5 M-55 Perrnit# Recd Staff Address City Status Asb Survey Asb Permit # 09DEM002367 5/4/2009 MS 1200 Black Lake Boulevard Olympa 5-4-09 -Asbestos was emergency. ~ ASB 09DEM002368 5/7/2009 MS 203 Memorial Drive South Bend Gene Yackovich, Jr. will do the demo ^ ASB 09DEM002369 5/7/2009 MS 818 Fir St Raymond Emergency demolition. Govt letter at ^ ASB 09DEM002370 5/7/2009 10210th Street NE Long Beach ^ ASB 09DEM002371 5/8/2009 AD 120 Bishop Street Aberdeen ~ ASB Friday, May 08, 2009 • Page 5 of 5 M-56 • • • • • Complaint Report for period from 04/03/2009 to 05/08/2009 Date Source City Recd Tor-nal Oncall Online Smoke Odor Open Tire Dust Woodstov Other Referred to: AD 04/03/2009 maybe 2nd house off college Lacey AD ~ 04/05/2009 Hunters Tree Farm (James Hunter) Olympia AD ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^~ ^ ^ 04/07/2009 Patrick & Kathleen Passmore Tumwater AD ^ ^ ^ 0 ^ 0 ^ ^ 04/10/2009 TBD Olympia AD ^ ^ ^ ^~ ^ ^ ^ ^ 04/13/2009 Robert &Carleen Mills Shelton AD ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 04/15/2009 Arthur & Kristin Meives Olympia AD ^ ^ ^ ~ ^ ^ ^ ^ 04/16/2009 Resident Tenino AD ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ~ ^ ^ 04/18/2009 TBD Olympia AD ^ ^ ^ ~/^ ^ ~ ^ ^ 04/19/2009 No name given Olympia KLE ^ ^ ^ ^ © ^ ^ ^ 04/20/2009 Dale Wood Tenino AD ^ ^ ^ ~/^ ^ ~/^ ^ ^ 04/20/2009 DJ Djigal Tumwater AD ^ ^ ^ © ~ ^ ^ ^ 04/28/2009 Jerry Dimmick Olympia AD ^ ^ ^ ~ ~/^ ^ ^ ^ 05/04/2009 Marian Lensch Yelm AD ^ ^ ^ ^ ~ ^ ^ 05/06/2009 Robert &Carleen Mills Shelton AD ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 05/08/2009 Gerald Morris Olympia AD ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ~ ^ ^ Referred to: MS 04/03/2009 ATLAS SHELTON _ SHELTON MS -^ ~ -^ ~ -^- ^-~ -~ ^ 04/06/2009 Robert Huston Olympia GDL ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ a ^ ~ Demo of a mobile home without an asbestos survey. 04/06/2009 to be determined Rainier RTM ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ © ^ ^ 04/06/2009 Tom Rainier RTM ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ~ ^ ^ 04/07/2009 Gregg Lindstrom ? Chinook MS ^ ^ ^ ~ ^ © ^ ^ 04/07/2009 Heidi and Larry Delap Raymond MS ^ ^ ^ ~ ^ © ^ ^ 04/07/2009 Joeinne Armga Olympia AD ^ ^ ^ ^~ © ^ ^ ^ 04/07/2009 PREMIUM PAK HOQUTAM RC ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 04!07/2009 Stanley Christianson Trust Lacey MS ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ © ^ ^ 04/07/2009 Unknown Ilwaco MS ^ ^ ^ ~ ^ ^ ^ ^ 04/08/2009 Theodore Rex Shelton KLE ^ ~ ^ ~/^ ^ ^ ^ ^ .~,.-. ,;..... _ ......: ~ ~-y: <....~__....~ _:. _~ -c:~-..,,...-°-~..._.~_.,..~a,,...:_ ~~:.~:z.:.: ~ ~ ,.-..;, _~~,.~ ,.rn.,~..-~......z:-.;x; ..,.~_v°.:..~*c~r...aa.~~s, ~:,....c..^~:an^~~...;~.~`..._~...~za;~~Y~=~~.x..::..~a-ras.W •~zr.~~.>~ ~^~xs;~g^eg;.~.;r;:,.~ar.^~€s Ft iday, D4ay 08, 2009 Pa a 10 3 g f Date Source City Recd Formal Oncall Online Smoke Odor Open Fire Dust Woodstov Other 04/09/2009 Gary Fuller Lebam AD U U U U LdJ U U 04/16/2009 ATLAS SHELTON SHELTON MS ^ ^ ^ ~ ^ ^ ~ ^ 04/20/2009 Cory Neil and Carly Gubser Olympia MS ^ ^ ^ 0 ^ ~ ^ ^ 04/20/2009 Sharon Graham Olympia MS ^ ^ ^ © ^ ^ ^ 0 04/20/2009 unknown Olympia MS ^ ^ ^ 0 0 ^ ^ ^ 04/21/2009 Dennis and Cathy Downs Olympia SS ^ ^ ^ 0 ~ ^ ^ ^ 04/23/2009 Ed Taylor South Bend SS ^ ^ ^ ~ ^ ~ ^ ^ 04/23/2009 Ron Matson Olympia MS ^ ^ ~ ~ ^ ^ ^ 04/27/2009 Lynn Lines Tenino RTM ^ ^ ^ 0 ^ © ^ ^ 04/29/2009 Nellie Bode Family Partnership Raymond MS ^ ^ ^ 0 ^ © ^ ^ 04/30/2009 Dennis Moore Oakville MS ^ ^ ^ ~ ^ © ^ ^ 05/04/2009 James McDougall Yelm AD ^ ^ ^ 0 ~ © ^ ^ 05/04/2009 Linda Oblad -Kelly and Linda Ginther South Bend MS ^ ^ ^ ~ ~ ~ ^ ^ 05/07/2009 Ron Matson Olympia AD ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Referred to: RC 04/06/2009 Michael Bronk PORT LUDLOW _ AD ^-- `~ ~-- ^ ~ _ 04/22/2009 Eclipse Industrial Pkwy PORT ANGELES SS ^ ^ ^ 0 © ^ ~ ^ Referred to: SS __ 04/05/2009 Dean Flourdaras Olympia SS `~ ^ 04/08/2009 Ron Matson Olympia AD ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 0 ^ ^ 04/09/2009 Lawrence & Ardell Degler Olympia SS ^ ^ ^ ~ ^ ^ ^ ^ 04/09/2009 Lawrence Webb Yelm SS ^ ^ ^ 0 ^ ~ ~ ^ 04/09/2009 Richard Westmark Lacey AD ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ® ^ ^ 04/13/2009 Mr. & Mrs. Fernandez Olympia KLE ^ ^ ^ 0 ^ ^ ^ ^ 0411 4/2 0 0 9 James Jacobs Olympia SS ^ ^ ^ ~ ^ © ^ ^ 04/15/2009 Ron Matson Olympia AD ^ ^ ^ ~ ^ ^ ^ 0 04/21/2009 Becky Baker Oakville MS ^ ^ ^ ~ ^ © ^ ^ Demo/asbestos and burn 04/21/2009 Becky Baker Oakville SS ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ~ ^ ^ 04/22/2009 Darrell & Teri Morgan Olympia SS ^ ^ ^ ~ ~ ^ ^ 04/22/2009 Joe Japhet Olympia SS ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 04/24/2009 Sarah Schumack Forks SS ^ ^ ^ ~ ^ ^ ^ ^ 04/24/2009 unknown SS ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 04/26/2009 William Allen Rainier KLE ^ ^ ^ 0 ^ ^ ^ ^ ,.. r.-...,:~ ,'iC .~..;-..;_,, .~,...~;~{'..:'~:.~FX:.:S.i~SS:xG.<.~'F.~:"~".~k~C:.,. ,c.r7'~'.....,JCk <.L::..,:137:n:.~J^;'w.. 09 .~.:.....CS.gym?'G....^C":~nn..~::.a.kG,,:~S..:~ ~.,4'iS24ex.::':'...avm.:::.,,~..:~n~....^,£'.S~~w',a.7~+a.:~..r~a~v.t'1:YtYX.:~•._. "CS.:.-~. .;v„Z",+::i+T,~':"".:C.s,~..ii.`7x'+.,~.`,n ~'Z ..r„~....u.~z"^7F.1 -~~ Friday, May 08, 20 • . age 2 of 3 • • ~ M Date Source City Recd Formal Oncall Online Smoke Odor Open Fire Dust Woodstov Otlier 04/27/2009 Thomas & Shannon Nugent Olympia RTM L-1 d LJ U 04/30/2009 Berschauer Construction Inc Olympia SS ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ~ ^ ^ 04/30/2009 John Goebel Olympia SS ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 0 04/30/2009 Robert, Darvin & Judith Barnes & Olympia SS ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Raymond Smith 05/05/2009 Elmer & Delane Steiner Yelm KLE ^ ^ ^ ~ ~ ^ ^ ^ 05/07/2009 Joe Hickson Elma SS ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 05!07/2009 Linda Hull Olympia AD ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ~ ^ ^ 05/08/2009 Peter Davis Olympia AD ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ © ^ ^ .._ ~_ u ~.. . ,~:..:. .. a ... :,,.,s.., ~':m. ,a.:.: -~.. .. n.:::n.. ''3~...:.a:~i:.ti:_ a '# ,,:~~ ,~'~' . ~.-^,,~ w ~.7 -'~'3-~. ~,.:::./:--T-`,,rsu,.~" ~~Z . .,• ss. --R v "5 C x < Xs~,k~~S'~ 3~. '~-~--~-;-~ ,~'~.-s- ,. - ..r., Friday, tYlay O8, 2009 ~.~.,.., . ~,. , . ~.~...,.:. • .~..._. M-, .. _ .: , . ,,. ~ ....,,..~ .:.... ....-..~ , .~. , ; ... <„ age 3 of 3 Ins ections Com leted ~ P p Printed 5/8/2009 2:44:09 PM Between 4/3/2009 and 5/8/2009 Insp. Date Inspection Type File # Source Name Location AD 04!14/2009 Source Test 1020 7-ELEVEN 22261 -LINCOLN HOQUTAM 04/21/2009 Source Test 155 OLYMPIA CHEVRON OLYMPIA 04/21/2009 Source Test 150 CHAMBERS CENTER CHEVRON LACEY 05/01/2009 Source Test 164 SAFEWAY -PORT TOWNSEND #4605 PORT TOWNSEND DAN 04/07/2009 AOP Ful] Compliance Evaluation 1092 GRAYS HARBOR PAPER LP HOQUTAM FLM 04/07/2009 AOP Full Compliance Evaluation 1092 GRAYS HARBOR PAPER LP HOQUTAM 04/14/2009 Unannounced 1028 CIRCLE K #2705082 LACEY 04114/2009 Unannounced 861 7-ELEVEN 18653 - PACffIC LACEY 04/14/2009 Unannounced 517 RT LONDON CO LACEY GDL 04/07/2009 AOP Full Compliance Evaluation 1092 GRAYS HARBOR PAPER LP HOQUTAM GG 04/09/2009 Easiness Assistance 1199 LAZY J TREE FARM PORT ANGELES 04/09/2004 Business Assistance 527 RUDDELL LEASE SALES INC PORT ANGELES 05/08/2009 .Unannounced 276 ROYS DESIGNS INC OLYMPIA 05!08/2009 Unannounced 717 RYANS AU'I'0 DETAILING & SPRAY ON LACEY 05/08/2009 Unannounced 0 CUSTOM COATING AND PERFORMAN OLYMPIA MS 04/03/2009 Driveby 152 CROWN CORK & SEAL CO INC OLYMPIA 04/06/2009 Unannounced 1200 ATLAS SHELTON SHELTON 04/06/2009 Unannounced 570 MASON COUNTY FOREST PRODUCTS SHELTON 04/17/2009 Unannounced 1035 LARRYS CHEVRON ROCHESTER 04/17/2009 Unannounced 830 ARCO #4469 BPWC - ROCHESTER ROCHESTER 04/!7/2009 Unannounced 887 DAY AND NIGHT GROCERY 2 OLYMPIA 04/21/2009 Business Assistance 887 DAY AND NIGHT GROCERY 2 OLYMPIA 04/22/2009 Unannounced 1016 7-ELEVEN 22478 - SIMPSON AVE ABERDEEN 05/01/2009 Unannounced 1200 ATLAS SHELTON SHELTON 05/01!2009 Driveby 570 MASON COUNTY FOREST PRODUCTS SHELTON Pale 1 of 2 • M - 60 • Insp. Date Inspection Type File # Source Name Location 05/04/2009 Unannounced 885 SHELL 402 -LACEY LACEY 05/04/2009 Unannounced 888 TUMWATER DELI MART OLYMPIA 05/06/2009 Driveby 1200 ATLAS SHELTON SHELTON RC 04/07/2009 Driveby 109 ALLEN LOGGING CO FORKS 04/07/2009 AOP Full Compliance Evaluation 1092 GRAYS HARBOR PAPER LP HOQUTAM 04/07/2009 Driveby 1247 INTERFOR PACIFIC INC -BEAVER DNI BEAVER 04/07/2009 Driveby 619 INT'ERFOR PACIFIC INC -FORKS DNISI FORKS 04/08/2009 Business Assistance 140 CARDINAL CG TUMWATER 04/09/2009 Business Assistance 1199 LAZY J TREE FARM PORT ANGELES 04/09/2009 Business Assistance 527 RUDDELL LEASE SALES INC PORT ANGELES RTM 05/01/2009 Unannounced 1200 ATLAS SHELTON SHELTON 05/01/2009 Driveby 570 MASON COUNTY FOREST PRODUCTS SHELTON SS 04/14/2009 Unannounced 1028 CIRCLE K #2705082 LACEY • 04/14/2009 04/14/2009 Unannounced Unannounced 517 861 RT LONDON CO 7 ELEVEN 18653 PACIFIC LACEY - - LACEY 04/29/2009 Unannounced 204 CAMCOINC SHELTON 04/29/2009 Unannounced 507 ARCO AMPM - SHELTON SHELTON 04/29/2009 Unannounced 182 PETERSEN CABINETS SHELTON 04/29/2009 Unannounced 960 AIl2PORT GROCERY SHELTON 04/29/2009 Unannounced 564 SPENCER LAKE GROCERY SHELTON 04/30/2009 Unannounced 1215 BELCO SHELTON MILL SHELTON 04/30/2009 Unannounced 843 URRACO COFFEE CO LLC SHELTON 05/07/2009 Driveby 323 STEVEN SIMS INC SHELTON 05/08/2009 Unannounced 0 CUSTOM COATING AND PERFORMAN OLYMPIA 05/08/2009 Unannounced 717 RYANS AUTO DETAILING & SPRAY ON LACEY 05/08/2009 Unannounced 276 ROYS DESIGNS INC OLYMPIA . Page 2 of 2 M-61 Ins ections Com leted p p ~ Printed 4/3/2009 1:59:54 PM Between 3/6/2009 and 4/3/2009 Insp. Date Inspection Type Fiie # Source Name Location AD 03/17/2009 Source Test 830 ARCO #4469 BPWC -ROCHESTER ROCHESTER GG 03/] 0/2009 Business Assistance 1235 NORTH MASON FIBER CO INC BELFAIR 03/27/2009 Announced 1200 ATLAS SHELTON SHELTON rnw 03/12/2009 Driveby 1235 NORTH MASON FIBER CO INC BELFAIR MS 03/12/2009 Unannounced 576 SEAPORT LUMBER COMPANY INC - R RAYMOND 03/] 3/2009 Driveby 570 MASON COUNTY FOREST PRODUCTS SHELTON 03/13/2009 Unannounced 104 K P CLEANERS SHELTON 03/23/2009 Unannounced 996 CHEVRON #99975 - MARVNN LACEY 03/23/2009 Unannounced 1026 CIRCLE K #2705496 LACEY 03/23/2009 Driveby 189 FOREST FUNERAL AND CREMATORY OLYMPIA 03/26/2009 Driveby 699 LOCAL MANUFACTURING ABERDEEN • 03/26/2009 Unannounced 1095 OCEAN SPRAY CRANBERRIES INC ABERDEEN 03/26/2009 Unannounced 735 WILLIS ENTERPRISES -ABERDEEN ABERDEEN 03/27/2009 Announced 1200 ATLAS SHELTON SHELTON 04/01/2009 Unannounced 0 MILLERS RADIATOR RAYMOND 04/01/2009 Unannounced 699 LOCAL MANUFACTURING ABERDEEN 04/02/2009 Unannounced 730 SIMPSON DOOR - SATSOP WAREHOUS ELMA RC 03/07/2009 Unannounced 1199 LAZY J TREE FARM PORT ANGELES 03/16/2009 Unannounced 788 TOWNSEND BAY MARINE PORT TOWNSEND 03/16/2009 Unannounced 147 LAKESIDE INDUSTRIES -CAPE GEORG PORT TOWNSEND 03/16/2009 Unannounced 657 LOPEZ GOOD IMPRESSIONS CLEANER SEQUIN 03/19/2009 Unannounced 109 ALLEN LOGGING CO FORKS 03/19!2009 Unannounced 1247 INTERFOR PACffIC INC -BEAVER DNI BEAVER 03/19/2009 Driveby 619 INTERFOR PACIFIC INC -FORKS DMSI FORKS 03/20/2009 Unannounced 696 LAKESIDE INDUSTRIES -PORT ANGEL PORT ANGELES 03/30!2009 Source Test 319 HIGH TIDE SEAFOODS PORT ANGELES Page 1 of 2 • M - 62 • Insp. Date Inspection Type File # Source Name Location 03/30/2009 Unannounced 657 LOPEZ GOOD IMPRESSIONS CLEANER SEQUIM 03/31/2009 Unannounced 140 CARDINAL CG TUMWATER 04/02/2009 Unannounced 169 SAFEWAY -PORT ANGELES # 1492 PORT ANGELES RTM 03/12/2009 Source Test 1186 GRAYS HARBOR ENERGY LLC ELMA SS 03/06/2009 Contact -Non-Registered 0 MASON COUNTY LANDFILL -FLARE SHELTON 03/19/2009 Unannounced 1079 R CORNER GROCERY PORT ANGELES 03/19/2009 Unannounced 254 QUALITY FOOD CENTERS #841 FUELS SEQUIN 03/19/2009 Unannounced 1097 FOOD MART 356 -PORT ANGELES PORT ANGELES 03/232009 Unannounced 237 7-ELEVEN 32832 -CROSBY BLVD TUMWATER 03232009 Unannounced 519 COSTCO GASOLINE FACILITY #64 - TU TUMWATER 0323/2009 Unannounced 991 CHEVRON #90956-TROSPER TUMWATER 03/30/2009 Unannounced 220 LACEY FOOD MART LACEY 03/30/2009 Unannounced 1007 EAST BAY SHELL OLYMPIA 03/30/2009 Unannounced 839 ARCO #4435 BPWC #739 - SLEATER KIN LACEY • 03/30/2009 Unannounced 205 ARBOR CENTER CHEVRON LACEY 03/30/2009 Unannounced 853 SAFEWAY -MARTIN WAY E # 1173 LACEY 03!30/2009 Unannounced 575 SAFEWAY -MARTIN WAY #1952 OLYMPIA i • Page 2 of 2 M - 63 NOV Monthly Report For the period 03/06/2009 to 04/03/2009 NOV # Name Issued by City Regulation(s) NOV Issued Penalty Assessed Amount Amount Suspended Paid Penalty Issued 2552 BIGELOW RC JEFFERSON 8.5(c) Odar emissions interferes unre 12/26/2008 $2,000.00 03/10/2009 person's use and enjoyment of 2707 HOBAUGH MS GRAYS 6.2(a)(i) Open fire containing prohibiter 03/16/2009 HARBOR 2728 OMAN MS PACIFIC 6.3.2 Notification Requirements - de 06/23/2008 $600.00 $600.00 08/12/2008 started prior to approval of per 2736 TORRES RC THURSTON RCW 70.94.473(1)(c)( Violation of burning wood for 01/22/2009 $250.00 03/31/2009 period of State 2 Burn Ban. 2739 GLADFETTER RC CLALLAM 6.3.2(a) No demolition permit squired : 01/23/2009 $300.00 $300.00 03/09/2009 prior to demolition 2764 WILKESON MS PACIFIC 6.2(a)(i) Open firecontairungprohibits 10/24/2008 $1,100.00 $750.00 $350.00 12/17/2008 2768 HANSEN RTM CLALLAM 6.2(a)(i) Open fire containing prohibits 11/20/2008 $15,635.00 03/11/2009 2774 SHUMATE MS GRAYS 6.2(a)(t) Open fire containing prohibiter 01/14/2009 $250.00 $250.00 02/25/2009 HARBOR - 2777 FRONTIER VILLAGE SS THURSTON 3.1(d) Failure to pay annual Registrar 12/30/2008 $400.00 03/13/2009 CLEANERS 2778 LEISENRING AD THURSTON 6.3.2 Notification Requirements - de 01/05/2009 $200.00 $200.00 02/27/2009 started prior to approval of per 2781 BOSTEDER SS THURSTON 6.2(a)(]) Open fire containing prohibits 01/13/2009 $600.00 03/06/2009 2784 STEVENS AD THURSTON RCW 70.94.473 (i)(c)( Violation ofbuming wood for 01/22/2009 $100.00 $100.00 03/10/2009 period of State 2 Burn Ban. 27$5 PRATT AD THURSTON RCW 70.94.473 (i)(c)( Violation ofbuming wood for 01/22/2009 $100.00 $50.00 $50.00 03/10/2009 period of State 2 Bum Ban. 2786 FERGUSON AD TTiIJRSTON RCW 70.94.473(I)(c)( Violation ofbumiugwoodfor 01/22/2009 $100.00 $100.00 03/10/2009 period of State 2 Bum Ban. 2792 NOVARRA FAMILY AD THURSTON RCW 70.94.473 (])(c)( Violation of bunvug wood for 01/22/2009 $100.00 $50.00 $50.00 03/10/2009 L1VING TRUST period of State 2 Bum Ban. M - 64 • • • 4 • NOV # Name Issued by City a Regulation(s) NOV Issued Penalty Assessed Amount Suspended Amount Paid • Penalty Issued 2794 HILL AD THURSTON RCW 70.94.473 (1}(c)( Violation of burning wood for 01/22/2009 $100.00 $50.00 $50.00 03/17/2009 period of State 2 Bum Ban. 2795 JORGENSEN AD THURSTON RCW 70.94.473 (1)(c)( Violation of burning wood for 01/22/2009 $100.00 $50.00 $50.00 03/10/2009 period of State 2 Bum Ban. 2796 FLEURY AD THURSTON RCW 70.94.473(1)(c)( Violation ofbunritrgwoodfor 01/22/2009 $250.00 $125.00 $125.00 03/10/2009 period of State 2 Burn Bau. 2798 CARSON AD THURSTON RCW 70.94.473 (1)(c)( Violation ofbun»rrg wood for 01/22/2009 $100.00 $50.00 03/17/2009 period of State 2 Bum Ban. 2799 BURNEY AD THURSTON RCW 70.94.473 (1)(c)( Violation ofbumiug wood for 01/22/2009 $100.00 $50.00 03/10/2009 period of State 2 Burn Ban. 2802 APANTAIPAN AD THURSTON RCW 70.94.473 (1)(c)( Violation ofbunrittgwood for 01/22/2009 $100.00 $100.00 03/10/2009 period of State 2 Burn Ban. 2804 YANEZ AD THURSTON RCW 70.94.775(2) outdoor burring durnrg a stage 01/22/2009 $100.00 $100.00 03/10/2009 2806 SANDS AD THURSTON 6.2.1 Violation of conditions of land 01/23/2009 $500.00 03/26/2009 permit; unattended fire and ext clearing application. 2808 OUELLETTE MS THURSTON RCW 70.94.473 (1)(c)( Violation of burring wood for 01/23/2009 $250.00 $125.00 03/17/2009 period of State 2 Burn Ban. 2811 HOLT SS THURSTON RCW 70.94.473(1)(c)( Violatiorrofbunrirrgwoodfor 01/23/2009 $100.00 $100.00 03/10/2009 period of State 2 Burn Ban. 2814 BLOWERS SS THURSTON RCW 70.94.473(1)(c)( Violation ofbumingwoodfor 01/23/2009 $100.00 $100.00 03/10/2009 period of State 2 Bunr Ban. 2815 EVERSON SS THURSTON RCW 70.94.473 (1)(c)( Violation ofbunring wood for 01/23/2009 $100.00 $50.00 03/10/2009 period of State 2 Bunr Ban. 2816 PICI{ENS AD THURSTON 6.2(a)(1) Open fire containing prolribite~ 01/30/2009 $600.00 03/11/2009 2817 MEYER AD THURSTON RCW 70.94.775(2) . outdoor burring during a stage 02/05/2009 $500.00 $250.00 03/17/2009 2818 ROY AD THURSTON RCW 70.94.775(2) outdoor burning during a stage 02/05/2009 $100.00 $50.00 $50.00 03/17/2009 2819 MANZ AD THURSTON RCW 70.94.775(2) outdoorburnirrgduring astage 02/05/2009 $100.00 $50.00 $50.00 03/17/2009 2832 MASON COUNTY MS MASON 8.8 Violation of not nrairrtainirrg ai 03/12/2009 FOREST PRODUCTS LLC equipment in good operating c repair. M - 65 NOV # Name Issued City Regulation(s) NOV Penalty Amount Amount by Issued Assessed Suspended Paid 2833 DIANOVICH AD GRAYS 6.2(a)(1) Openfrecontaiuingprolubite~ 03/23/2009 "HARBOR Totals: $24,935.00 52,300.00 $2,125.00 Penalty Issued M-66 • • • • • • Asbestos Permit Status Report Permit # Staff Recd Address Cit Status completion Date Actual Y Completion 08AS6002276 RTM 1/14/2008 413 Lilly Road NE Olympia First amendment 2/28/08 - on hold. Kle 4/7/2009 08ASB002371 RC 5/2/2008 63 Summitt View Place Port Angeles 08AS6002376 MS 5/8/2008 100 West Main Elma Demo permit: 08DEM002077. 9/30/2009 08ASB002472 MS 8/18/20D8 3560 Deer Street Neah Bay 08AS6002483 SS 9/2/2008 8100 Steilacoom Road SE Lacey Multiple projects - school hoursltimes app 9/3/2009 08ASB002487 9/4/2008 13251 North Shore Road Belfair OBAS6002490 M5 9/5/2008 611 South Main Street McCleary First amendment: 9/18!08 - oh hold until OSASB002493 MS 9/9/2008 2629 Aberdeen Avenue Hoquiam 08ASB002512 MS 9/29/2008 Building 83 - US Navy Station Indian Island First amendment 10/14/08 - on hold. Kle 9/28/2009 OBASB002515 SS 10/1/2008 407 N. 6th Street Shelton 08AS6002546 MS 11/10/2008 11629 Endicott Road SW Olympia 11/12/08 -Siding has been identified and 08AS6002547 MS 11/12/2008 519 Simpson Avenue Montesano First amendment: 12/12/08 - On hold. KI 9!30/2009 08AS8002566 SS 12/8/2008 4301 6th Avenue NE Lacey P.O. # 2680800120 -invoiced 12/08/08 kl 12!8/2009 08AS6002574 MS 12/15/2008 See Permit (annual) Bellevue 12/15/2009 08ASB002580 SS 12/18/2008 9245 Whitetail Ct SE Olympia 09ASB002586 MS 1/7/2009 40 East 1st Street -South Bend Sc South Bend Permit indicates "play shed" would be de 09ASB002589 RTM 1/13/2009 2321 West Dayton Airport Road Shelton invoiced 1/13/09. kle 09ASB002592 RTM 1/14/2009 Capital Campus Olympia 1/15/09 -invoiced. Kfe 12/31/2009 09ASB002602 RC 2/2/2009 131 Shore Drive Port Ludlow Demo: 09DEM002287 4/30/2009 09AS8002606 RC 2/2/2009 881 Nesses Corner Road Port Hadlock 02/17/09 Amendment: Put on hold. AD O 09ASB002607 SS 2/3/2009 Fairgrounds Road i~ Highway 101 Shelton 2/13/09 -additional $50.00 paid. Kle 11/30/2009 09ASB002618 2/17/2009 2025 Keller Drive Port Angeles I-fltlay, Aprll U3, ZUU9 Page 1 of 2 M-67 Completion Date Actual Permit # Staff Recd Address City Status Completion 09ASB002620 MS 2/10/2009 301 Ocean Beach Boulevard Long Beach 5/31/2009 09ASB002638 AD 3/1112009 840 Beckett Point Road Port Townsend Demo: 09DEM002311 4/26/2009 09ASB002641 AD 3/16/2009 7806 Diagonal Road SE Olympia Demo permit: 09DEM002316 4/1/2009 09ASB002645 AD 3/18/2009 8345 Steilacoom Road SE Lacey 3/18/09 AD survey not by accredited lab. 09ASB002646 AD 3/18/2009 181 Marjory Lane Sequim Demo: 09DEM002312. Aly received De 09AS6002647 RTM 3/19!2009 509 Cleveland Street Port Townsend Per Robert - NOV was written on this proj 7/13/2009 09ASB002649 AD 3/19/2009 2700 Evergreen Parkway NW -Ever Olympia Starting date will be sent in after 4/1/09. 4/8!2009 09AS6002651 AD 3/23/2009 122 Garfield Avenue East Tenino 4!30/2009 09ASB002653 AD 3/25/2009 201 Mosman Avenue SE Yelm 3/25/09 AD There has not been a survey. 4/26/2009 09ASB002655 AD 3/27!2009 640 Tals Shore Drive Port Ludlow Demo: 09DEM002329 4/20/2009 09ASB002656 AD 3/27/2009 419 Linwood Avenue SW Tumwater Aly needs different survey. Kle 09ASB002657 AD 3/30/2009 322 Coast Guard Road Ilwaco 4/15/2009 09ASB002658 AD 3/30/2009 1700 S. Boone Aberdeen 4/14/2009 09ASB002660 AD 3/30/2009 2651 Martin Way Olympia 4/2/09 AD asbestos permit for 3 structure 4/1/2010 Friday, April 03, 2009 Page 2 of 2 M-68 • • • • • Demolition Permit Status Report Permit# Recd Staff Address City Status AsbSurvey Asb Permlt# 08DEM002021 3/13/2008 SS 19001 Melon Street Rochester may be training fire, Robert Scott, Ro ~ ASB 08DEM002022 3/13/2008 SS 7248 Capital Boulevard Tumwater ~ ASB 08DEM002028 3/19/2008 MS 2169 South Bank Road Oakville Fire training, but no training with De ~ ASB 08DEM002033 3/25/2008 SS 419 Linwood Avenue SW Tumwater Tumwater School has to bid on this p ^~ ASB 08DEM002036 3/28/2008 MS 26810 Park Ave Ocean Park ~ ASB OSDEM002044 4/7/2008 AD 35846 W. Highway 101 Lilliwaup No asbestos survey included. Kell ^ ASB 08DEM002046 4/7/2008 AD 16649 100th Court SE Yelm Customer will bring by pictures ^ ASB 08DEM002051 4/9!2008 SS 13231 NE Northshore Road Belfair ^ ASB 08DEM002052 4!10/2008 5S 5326 Littlerock Rd SW Olympia Demolishing the old Girl Scout buildi ~ ASB 08DEM002061 4/22/2008 AD 19001 Melon St SW Rochester ^ ASB 08DEM002065 4/28/2008 MS 2620 Country Club Rd Olympia 4/28/08 -applicant has not yet chose ^~ ASB 08DEM002073 5/6/2008 MS 6755 Pattison Lake Drive Se Lacey Emergency demo. per Mike. Mike ha ^ ASB 08DEM002093 5/22/2008 RTM 309 E. Young Street Elma 0 ASB 08DEM002D95 5/28/2008 AD 917 Turner Shelton Will call in completion date. Kle. Cu ^ ASB OSDEMOD2098 5!29!2008 RC 173 West Bell Street Sequim ~ ASB 08DEM002101 5/30!2008 RTM 1145 Summit Avenue South Bend ^~ ASB 08DEM002102 5/30/Z008 SS 7522 Libby Road Qlympia ^ ASB OSDEM002105 6/3/2008 MS 200 W. Dimming Road Shelton Asbestos project completed 6/2/08 p ~ ASB 08DEM002111 6!6/2008 SS 902 Yelm Highway Se Yelm Asbestos survey in the works. Kle 6 ~ ASB 08DEM002112 6/6/2008 RTM 616 Sherman St Olympia Olympic Salvage will be doing to dem ~ ASB 08DEM002117 6/10/2008 AD Lansky Harstine Island Government ordered demolition. Kle ^ ASB 08DEM002126 6/16/2008 SS 3131 Maytown Road SW -Littlerock Fire Statio Olympia Client will call in demo. contractor. KI ~ ASB OSDEM002129 6/18!2008 SS 101 Boulevard Long Beach ~ ASB Friday, April 03, 2009 Page 1 of 5 M-69 Permit# Recd Staff Address City Status Asb Survey Asb Permit# 08DEM002135 6127/2008 AD 207 Ludlow Bay Road Port Ludlow No asbestos present. Kle -Need $ - 0 ASB 08DEM002139 7/1/2008 MS 15 West Lake Forest Lane Shelton Survey is in the works. Kle ^ ASB 08DEMOD2140 7/2/2008 1124 Summit South Bend ^ ASB OSDEM002141 7/3/2008 AD 8621 Thuja Ave SE (po box 933, roy, wa 98580 Yelm waiting on survey results to see if the ^ ASB 08DEM002142 7/3/2008 MS 126 Main St SE Ilwaco No fees were received 07/03/08 djm ^ ASB 08DEM002148 7/9/2008 SS 1600 Sleater Kinney Road Lacey ^ ASB 08DEM002151 7/11/2008 MS 126 Main Street Ilwaco No indication that asbestos project c ^ ASB 08DEM002152 7/11/2008 SS 1738 Summit Lake Olympia On hold until asbestos is permitted a ^ ASB 08DEM002160 7/15/2008 MS 40 Strawberry Lane Nordland Wilt send in pictures of house. Kte ^ ASB 08DEM002161 7/15/2008 MS 420 W. Enterprise Road Shelton 0 ASB 08DEMOD2164 7/17/2008 MS 20D0 Fowler Street Raymond ^ ASB 08DEM002166 , 7!2112008 MS 2nd & Washington Lomg Beach ~ ASB 08DEM002167 7/21/2008 MS 1521 Washington avenue Long Beach asbestos in the silver coat -need per 0 ASB 08DEM002171 7/25!2008 SS 3039 Hoffman Road Se Olympia Survey submitted by Dave Thomas a 0 ASB OSDEM002174 8/4/2008 RC 116 N. Lilac #3 Port Angeles applicant presented receipt for ashes ^~/ ASB 08DEM002175 8/5/2008 RC 238203 Highway 101 Port Angles ~ ASB 08DEM002176 8/6/2008 MS 2118 E. 3rd Avenue Port Angeles ~ ASB 08DEM002180 8/13/2008 MS 1400 276th Place Ocean Park ss. 8/15/08 called bob bogar. The su d^ ASB 08DEM002181 8/13/2008 SS 7028 Budd Street NW Olympia ^ ASB 08DEM002182 8!14/2008 RC 121 Cook Avenue Port Townsend ^ ASB 08DEM002185 8/19/2008 MS 522 Broadway South Bend ^ ASB 08DEM002188 8/25/2008 MS Malis Landing Road Raymond ^ ASB OSDEM002193 9/2/2008 RC 212 Lewis Road Port Angeles 0 ASB OSDEM002194 9/3/2008 MS 519 Simpson Avenue Hoquiam Waiting for asbestos job to be comp) ^ ASB 08DEM002197 9/10/2008 MS 6302 V Place Long Beach ^ ASB Friday, April 03, 2009 • Page2of5 M-70 • • • • • Permit# Recd Staff ~ Address City Status Asb Survey Asb Permit # 08DEM002204 9/17/2008 SS 282 332 Highway 101 Port Townsend Applicant submitted old(er) notificatio ^ ASB OSDEM002207 9/19!2008 AD 2319 West 6th Aberdeen 9/19/08 -called said they are waiting ~ ASB OSDEM002210 9!2512008 MS highway 101 Mile post 39, Possibly 6462 or 645 bay center Mr. Hoppe came in and said that the ^ ASS OSDEM002219 10/7/2008 SS 3025 Meridian Rd NE Olympia 2 buildings on property ^ ASB 08DEM002227 10/20/2008 MS 26709 Vernon Avenue Ocean Park Non NVLAP lab but it is a renovation ~ ASB 08DEM002229 10/20/2008 AD 2633 Westwind Drive NW Olympia ^~ ASB 08DEM002235 10(23/2008 AD 1216 S. Evans Street Aberdeen ~ ASB 08DEM002239 11/4/2008 SS 1603 Fones Rd Lacey waiting on survey ^ ASB 08DEM002240 11/6!2008 MS 115 Ward Creek Raymond The house has been burned in a fire. ^ ASB 08DEM002244 11/10/2008 11629 Endicott Road SW Olympia Survey was obtained. ^ 08AS6002546 08DEM002245 11/10/2008 MS 4802 14th Ave SE Lacey house burned down. Will be rebuildi ^ ASB 08DEM002247 11!13/2008 AD 631 NE Larson Lake Road Belfair ^ ASB _~ 08DEM002248 11/13/2008 SS 5722 Sleater Kinney Road Olympia ~ ASB 08DEM002249 11/17/2008 RC 73 Gold Street Sequim ~ ASB 08DEM002251 11/17/2008 SS 15244 Strawn Lane SE Tenino ^ ASB 08DEM002253 11/18/2008 MS 3120 Highway 105 Westport ^ ASB 08DEM002255 11/25/2008 SS 230 SE Waldrip Road Shelton ~ ASB OSDEM002260 12/2/2008 AD 1066 Franklin Street SE Olympia ^~ ASB 08DEM002265 12/5/2008 AD 8900 Libby Rd NE Olympia waiting on Asbestos Survey -Dan Ve ^ ASB 08DEM002272 12/23!2008 MS N. 15th N. Washington Street Long Beach ^ ASB 08DEM002273 12/24/2008 SS 3539 81st Ave SW Olympia Chris Driscoll called 12/31/08. Contr ^ ASB 09DEM002276 1/6/2009 RC 64 Lake Aldwell Road Port Angeles ~ ASB 09DEM002277 1/9/2009 RC SR101 Dosewallips River Bridge Brinnon ~ ASB 09DEM002278 1/14/2009 AD 2120 Black Point Road Brinnon ~ ASB 09DEM002287 2!2/2009 RC 131 Shore Drive Port Ludlow ^ 09AS6002602 Friday, April 03, 2009 Page 3 of 5 M-71 Permit# Recd Staff Address City Status Asb Survey AsbPermit# 09DEM002288 2/2!2009 AD 2425 Marvin Road Lacey ^ ASB 09DEM002290 2/4/2009 MS 244 Robert Gray Drive Ilwaco No asbestos on site. Invoiced Wa. St © ASB 09DEM002292 2/11/2009 MS 29615 M. Place Ocean Park ~ ASB 09DEMOD2293 2/12/2009 AD 1018 Taft Street Port Townsend 02/12/09 AD need actual lab results. ~ ASB 09DEM002296 2/18!2009 RC 250 Janson Road Nordland 0 ASB 09DEM002297 2!19/2009 MS 2 Barley Lane Menio. this will probably be a trainig fire fort 0 ASB 09DEM002300 2/23/2009 SS 1718 Jones Road Shelton ^ ASB 09DEMOD2301 2/23/2009 MS 1309 May Avenue Shelton. ~ ASB 09DEM002302 2/24/2009 AD 1542 Dan Kelly Road Port Angeles ~ ASB 09DEM002303 2/25/2009 AD 409 35th Street Port Townsend ^ ASB 09DEM002304 2/26/2009 M5 322 3rd Street Shelton ~ ASB 09DEM002305 2/27/2009 MS 1403 253rde Place Ocean Park 0 ASB 09DEM002306 3/2/2009 RC 1212 South 3rd Sequim On 3/3/09 I advised Ben Andrews of 0 ASB 09OEM002307 3/2/2009 SS 600 Lilly Road SE Olympia ^~ ASB 09DEM002308 3/2/2009 SS 3721 & 3723 Royal Street SE Olympia 0 ASB 09DEMOD2309 3/4/2009 AD 1605 WE. 2nd Street Aberdeen ~ ASB 09DEM002310 3/6/2009 MS 2704 Sumner Avenue Aberdeern 3/20/09 -Asbestos project complete ^ ASB 09DEM002311 3/9/2009 AD 840 Beckett Point Port Townsend ^~ 09AS6002638 09DEM002312 3/10/2009 AD 181 Marjory Lane Sequim Asbestos present on survey. No asb ~ 09ASB002646 09DEM002313 3/13/2009 SS 122 South Wooding ST Aberdeen ~ ASB 09DEM002314 3/13/2009 AD 5035 Kagy Road SE Olympia Start and completion dates need to b ^ ASB 09DEM002315 3/16/2009 RC 1655 E Scrivner Port Angeles ~ ASB 09DEM002316 3/16/2009 AD 7806 Diagonal, Road SE Olympia ^ 09ASB002641 09DEM002317 3!16/2009 MS 1603 Washington Avenue N. Long Beach ^ ASB 09DEM002318 3/17/2009 MS 202 s 2nd St Long Beach Information received shows KD & S ^~ A56 Friday, April 03, 2009 • Page 4 of 5 M-72 • • • • • Permit# Recd Staff Address City Status AsbSurvey AsbPermit# 09DEM002319 3/17/2009 AD 19405 Johnson Road SE Yelm ^ ASB 09DEM002322 3/24/2009 MS 151 N Martin Aberdeen Mark & Susan Johnson -doing demo ~ ASB 09DEM002323 3/25/2009 AD 981 Gibbs Lake Road Chimacum ^ ASB 09DEM002324 3/25/2009 MS 426 Elma Hicklin Road McCleary 3/25/09 -Training fire for McCleary F © ASB 09DEM002325 3/25/2009 AD 330 E. Country Club Drive East Union ^ ASB 09DEM002326 3/26/2009 MS 9480 Oak Bay Road Port Ludlow KDS will send in asbestos applicatio ~/^ ASB 09DEM002327 3/26/2009 5S 121 N. Mt. Washington Drive Hoodsport ~ ASB 09DEM002329 3/27/2009 AD 640 Tala Drive Port Ludicw ~ 09AS8002655 09DEM002330 3/27/2009 AD 419 Linwood Avenue SW Tumwater 03/27/09 AD lab used in survey not a ^ 09ASB002656 09DEM002332 3/31/2009 2651.5 Martin Way Olympia demo ^ 09ASB002660 09DEM002333 4/2/2009 AD 6205 Pacific Avenue SE Lacey ^~ ASB 09DEM002334 4/3/2009 AD 1080 Thorndyke Road Port Ludlow ~ ASB Friday, April 03, 2009 Page 5 of 5 M-73 Complaint Report for period from 03/06!2009 to 04/03/2009 Date Source City Recd normal Oncall Online Smoke Odor Open I+ire Dust Waodstov Other Referred to: AD 03/08/2009 Robert Marmaduke &Ineke Berhitoe Olympia DJM ~ `~ 03/09/2009 Bob & Gloria VonBargen Shelton AD ^ 0 ^ 0 ~ 0 ^ ^ 03/09/2009 Kristian Schonberg -owner Allyn AD ^ ^ ^ 0 ^ ~ ^ ^ 03/09/2009 Mike Daniels Motor Freight MONTESANO AD ^ ~ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ~ 03/10/2009 Resa and Robert Coon Olympia DJM ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ~ 03!11/2009 NORTH MASON FIBER CO INC BELFAIR RTM ^ 0 ^ ^ ~ ^ ^ ^ 03!19/2009 Lois Shaw Shelton SS ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ~ 03/19/2009 Resident Shelton SS ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ~ ~ 03/19/2009 Roger Deyette Shelton SS ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ~ 03/21/2009 Bill Hunt Olympia AD ^ ^ ^ ~ ^ ^ ^ ^ 03/23/2009 Dave & Sue Kalish Trustees Olympia AD ^ ^ ^ © ^ ^ ^ ^ 03/24/2009 Robert Marmaduke &Ineke Berhitoe Olympia AD ~ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 03/25/2009 Would not give name Tumwater AD ^ ^ ^ ~ a o ^ ^ 03/26/2009 TBD Port Angeles AD ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 03/27/2009 Herbert Rittman Sequim AD ^ ^ ^ 0 ^ ^ ^ ^ 03/27/2009 Hunters Tree Farm (James Hunter) Olympia AD ^ ^ 0 ~ ^ ^ ^ ^ 04/01/2009 Robert & Carleen Mills Shelton AD ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 04/03/2009 maybe 2nd house off college Lacey AD ^ ^ ^ ~ ^ ^ ^ ^ Referred to: MS _ 03/13/2009 TBD __. - Olympia MS ~__^_ ~_ ^ _ ~^_~- -~ ^ ~ ~___-.©____ ______ ___ ~ 03/16/2009 Jonathon Marks Aberdeen MS ^ ^ ^ ~ ^ ~ ^ ^ 03/16/2009 Monica Marie Hobaugh Aberdeen MS ^ ^ ^ ~ ^ © ^ ^ 03/17/2009 Michael and Lou Ann Johnson Shelton MS ^ ^ ^ ~ ^ ^ ^ ^ 03/18/2009 ATLAS SHELTON SHELTON MS ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ~ ^ 03/19/2009 Amcor PET Packaging Tumwater AD ^ ^ ^ ^ ~ ^ ^ ^ 03/25/2009 Wayne Miller Raymond MS ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ © ^ ^ 03/26/2009 Tim Cain South Bend MS ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 03/27/2009 Shelton community kitchen Shelton SS ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 03/31/2009 testing Olympia MS ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 2009 i103 A id .,_ - I 2 , pr ay, Fr • • age of • • Date Source City Recd Formal Oncall Oiiline Smoke Odor Open Fire Dust Woodstov Other 03/31/2009 testing the database Olympia MS ^ LI U 03/31/2009 unknown test Olympia MS ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 04/02/2009 ATLAS SHELTON SHELTON MS ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ~ ^ 04!03/2009 ATLAS SHELTON SHELTON MS ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ~ ^ Referred to: RC 03/08/2009 various neighbors RC i^ ^---^- -Q ~-- ~^~ ^~ ~ ~~ ^~ 03/10/2009 unknown RC ^ ^ ^ ~ ^ ^ ^ ^ 03/17/2009 Cleo C Brenner ("Slim") Sequim RC ^ ^ ^ ~ ^ ^ ^ ~ Referred to: SS 03/06/2009 ^Howard Larson Olympia KLE ~^ ^- -II ~^- 03/09/2009 Steven Kuykendall Olympia SS ^ ^ ^ ^ ~ ^ ^ ^ 03/10/2009 Sam Hand & Angela Standrich Olympia AD ^ ^ ^ 0 ^ © ^ ^ 03/11/2009 WalterGreenup Olympia SS ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 03/13/2009 LAKESIDE INDUSTRIES - DURGIN OLYMPIA SS ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ RD 03/16/2009 Angela Christopherson & Hugh Stotts Rochester SS ^ ^ ^ ~ ^ ^ ^ ^ JR 03/17/2009 Gary Adair Rainier SS ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ~ ^ ^ 03/20/2009 Rick Gookstetter PORT LUDLOW SS ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 03/23!2009 Rodda Landscaping 7umwater SS ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 03!24/2009 Harry Thacker Olympia SS ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ~ 03/24/2009 Michael Bronk PORT LUDLOW SS ^ ^ ^ ~ ^ ^ ^ ^ 03/25/2009 Gisela Taber -Owner Olympia AD ^ ^ ^ ^ © © ^ 03/26/2009 Joe Mathis Lacey SS ^ ^ ^ ~ ^ ^ ^ ^ 03/27/2009 Resident Olympia SS ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 03/30/2009 Marguerite Klein Olympia SS ^ ^ ^ ~ ^ ^ ^ ^ 03/30/2009 Thomas & Shannon Nugent Olympia AD ^ ^ ^ ~ © D ^ ^ 03/30/2009 unknown SS ^ ^ ^ ~ © ^ ^ ^ 03/31/2009 Thomas & Shannori Nugent Olympia AD ^ ^ ^ ~ ^ ~ ^ ^ 03/31/2009 Unknown Olympia AD ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ~ 04/02/2009 Alayar Dabestani or Resident Olympia SS ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ .,;.. ,~ ...,..,z ~ ....._~.... _.~ F1•t~frry, April 03, 2009 ...,.._ .~_ .. ..-~ _.. -- Y._ :,.Y,: ~~age 2 of 2 ~y°'¢;u~u~~°y Current ~RCAA Land Clearing Burn Permit ~~.r~ORCAA~~~F- FireDistrict Expiration # Legal Desc Burn Site Address City Last Name CompanyName Phone -:,:.::....Fix: CFD #4, Joyce ~ s.,,~. ~-.. ;.:.,~,T~.~„:~~-:~.-..~.>-~~_,~z~,x,.~:~- 4/23/2009 2861 :~r.:->~:x.:~r~..;.~...-,...:-_-~•:_•~.,~:.tm-~-.~ 54064 Highway 112 .~:~.,.~:.~-_-~,:~:~m-: Port Angeles DoigT __ ~ ~ ~~~ ~_~ .._~_,,, (360) 460-2637 CFD #6, Qulllayute Prairie 5/4/2009 2869 Sec29 T30R12W 204042. 204022 Hwy 101 Beaver Love (360) 327-3772 GHFD #10, Wishkah/E 5/4/2009 2868 848 Hwy 101 Hoquiam Peterson Homeowner (360) 533-2030 Hoquiam __ _ x4 GHFD #11, Grayland 4/11/2009 2853 3603 Larkin Road Grayland Maben - Maben Farms - ~~,.~. ,K,, ~, (360) 267-7410 -~:,,~,~M~,.~~..~ x,.x4~,,,. ,t.,, ,ten -,.:,,W~_:~-.-~,~,,~1:~,~.-.~,_.,,-e,. GHFD #14, ,~;1.:.~~:~-~.-~~.:~-_:~:..m.~~~~:A~~ 5/8!2009 2849 ~.~_~>r.~„ ~ 4 Wright Avenue ~-~„~ Aberdeen ~ _~„ ~:~,~~~ Schroeder . ,. ..,_-_-~-. M Grays Harbor Fire . , . (360) 648-2366 Markham/Ocosta/Bay District #14 GHFD #15, Cosmopolis 511!2009 2867 Sec06 T16R08E 784 US Highway 101 Cosmopolis Mitt Mitt's Tractor Works {360) 580-9791 7!15/2009 2819 776 US Highway 101 Cosmopolis Chapin Plastics West, Inc. (360) 538-0115 GHFD #5, 4/17/2009 2857 Sec27 T18R06W #2 Ridgeview Lane Elma Bowers Bowers Construction, (360) 249-4953 Porter/Elma/Satsop Inc. „~-..,,-,:,~-~,=x~.m, .~-.,s,».~.,~..~-.~..,,~;..~,,,R,-.~,,Y„~,.~~.-,....~,.~,,,,~.~..,~.-: -~.x:,.--_,.,xx-a,.:.,x,.~,,.,~.~,.y,~,,~_.~,.;..~,,.,,.~:~~~n.,,-..-.,~,-~,:~ ~~-.-7,.,:,~..<. -,:,:x~ .~.-~-„~:r.,~,,.~,..,2,m..~~..~-.x ..~,,,:,,•_~„ .,.~,. JFD #1, Chimacum 4/22/2009 2860 Sec28T30R01W 30 Cottonwood Court PortTownse Seton Seton Construction (360} 385-0213 4/29/2009 2864 Sec20 T30R01 E 321 Mumby Road Nordland Johnson Shold Excavating, Inc. (360) 385-0489 ,x ,.~:~ ,. n...~..,~..,~,,,.~,•„ax,~...,.~~x.~,,..,~~,-..r,..,,...,~ ..._.«..,.:.~,~.,-~..,~~,~..~„7,~T,.,-_....,,.,.M,~,,,~,.,~..~,,-,:-<.~.,,.,,.~,-,~.,,.,~,...rr~.._ _,~,~,.r.,~ r.,, z.,.,,G_.~~.: _...,. ,_.,:x~,,•~-x-.<-_ ,,::x a,::- ..:.,.~„~:r~~> JFD #4, Brinnon 4/4/2009 2850 Sec07 T26R01 W 704 Canyon Road Brinnon Wayne John Wayne Tree (360) 670-1217 Service 4/10/2009 2854 Sec09 T25R02W Radio Lane Brinnon Jones Maplewood (253) 858-2991 Construction Inc. JFD #5, Discovery Bay 4/30/2009 2866 Sec34 T30R02w 1942 Ofd Gardiner Road Gardiner Curry (253) 225-3931 PFD #5, Grayland 4/18/2009 2859 Sec18 T14R10W 3088 Kindred Avenue Tokeland Redma ne Nelson Crab (360) 297-2911 :~,:~n~~•x,..,~a:~.n~:,.~-._~-.:~,x.~-~~rx~:,~. Yeim TFD #2 ~.~~.x~,~~,s,,:,~,~~_-~,. ~~~,~,~.W~~,~ 4/5/2009 2851 Sec09 T16R02E ~~,~~,~~~-~..~.,ms»,,m~.~A-..~-~ 18518 138THAvenue SE ~-,~~_,.-._~~ Yelm ~,,:,~~.~.-x.-~-~-.~ Lasher ,_-~.-~„~:.:,:~~w.~r~.m,~-r:~~:-.~.> Lasher Land ~~,~:.-,~--.;,:.x..,- ~._._,,,~_, (360) 239-3381 , Improvement ,~,s.,-x,~.-.~,~„-~,:x,... ~ .,..~.. TFD #6, East Olympia ~..~.x.K ~,-,,.,~..x. ;,~.,.T.,,.~,,,-~„~,,..,,~.,,,.•,.,~R..,~~» 4!11!2009 2855 Sec10 T17R01W 4~,.,;,,~._.~.,,.~.,. „>~~~:,.,vx,~.,,,,~ 7413 Yelm Highway SE ...,--~..-~.-.,.=,.b,,, Olympia ~,~.,._~-,.,,.,,.:~~„~..,~ Hunter .~ ......H... Y.-~~x--.-.Y~,- Hunters Christmas ~.,~,-s. ~,.t.>,~ (360} 490-4216 Tree Farm TFD #8, South Bay 4!26/2009 2862 Sec09 T19R01 W 7716 Johnson Point Road Olympia Baker Baker Underground (360) 493-1680 NE ande Construction TFD#9,McLane ~~a~~ ~ 4/26!2009 2863 Sec17T18R03W 1015TurkeyRoad~~w~~~ ~nOlympia~- Hughes ~~-~~ (360)866-0897-~ Friday, April 03, 2009 1 M-76 • ~ • • QLl'IYTPIC RrGION CL~~N AIR AGENCY E"PEtiBTTttFiES For The Fiscal Year Ending Jane 30, Actual Current Pro aseti Pro'ecterl tiU0$ 200~~ 2010 2012 PA YRtILL LXItEf1l?tTL'ItES Salaris~ S9b3,449.8:5 50,086,463A0 51,114,203.08 51,105,000.00 Employee Benefits S3f)5,189.41 5400),54$.04 5418,462,42 5~19,d00.40 TOTALPfRE'k'1'CASES 51,268,639.26 51,487,404.00 51,533,664.10 5(,534,000.40 <Y4h`-AAYBt7LL EXPENDITlJ`RES • General C?~ce: Office Supplies Gasoline Duesr'Subsetipt0rztrsBaazk Fees Rental Space -Satellite OE'fices (3} Miscellaneous 0~1 iscellaneous-Wellness Capital Purcfrases; Capier Pur~[iase Vehicle Pun;}lase Computer: Con±puter Supplie= Har~lc+~areJ5oftlvare-Capital Expenscx FaOuipment Prtrfe5sional Services: C.egat!Prof Sts. AuditsfAccounting~CC Fees 1DOE t?•.~etsight [7~ -Consultant, SQL Contractor Comtntttitcatlon5: Phone. Pastage Public L•:ducatinr:: Printing Ptvtnotional'Educatic~nal Traveh StafFTmveO Board 'Irainin~~Conf O~Itgs. .Advertising & Insrrranee: Advertisetnent•''v`OV5ervice Insurance (Bldg., Vehicles, Staff' Bonding) ;Ilaintenanre; Maintenance & Repair Copi~-r Maintenance ~: Repair -Vehicles Sub-Total Administrath~e Exprreses DF'F`fCE BLDG. OPEEtATIrtiG EXPfirY-ITURES htterest Expense ~: Principal - QFfice Btde. A.tarm MonOtorinP Utilities Maintenance 00lace Bide. Jan.itarial Supplies Leasehold hnprnvetnents Sub-Total Office Btrildirtg (~peratir:g rVO,Y=AD;~tf.'~`IST~f TtY~-t3PER4 T1~tiG 35,9b4.76 57,600.00 56,8(10.04 S6,$OOAO 56,252.50 56,6{)0.00 $6,600.00 56,640.00 53,794.00 53'00.00 53,500.00 53,500.00 55,4£i9.00 56,200.04 S6,Ufl0.d0 56,444.04 5404,00 SCid0.00 5600.00 5600.00 50.00 50.00 51.000.00 51,000:00 50.00 510,464.04 50,00 50.00 SO.Od $22,(100.00 50;00 50.00 5101.30 51,700.04 51,700.00 S1,7{:10.t?0 3(0,462.78 5(4,400.40 513,000.00 $13,000.00 53,182.69 S 12,000.00 56,500.00 54,500.00 543,235.00 540.000.00 535,004.00 S35,OQ0.00 S12,047.00 52,140.04 515,040,00 54,440.00 508,450.13 S2t),OOQ.00 530,000.00 520,040.00 517,104.0{) 575,2 04.00 525,464.00 526,000.40 516,599.80 520.400.40 522,100.00 522,100.00 55,094.92 58?00.04 57,200.00 57,240.00 56,302.28 59,040.04 59,040.04 59,004.00 521.s74.8s 545,4do.04 537,0oa.a4 337,44a.dd 52,014.tJ9 35,000.00 53,000.00 53,004.00 55,235.72 35,200.00 S6?00.40 56,'!40.00 5'31,767.39 537,044.00 522,0(10.00 522,0{10.40 53,623.54 54;2flt1.00 54.500.00 $4,504.40 317,949.04 524,40(1.00 520.000.00 520,000.00 S2,6~9.83 53,500.00 $3,600,0(? S3,fi0C1.Ut1 S2,b6$.0 t S4,000A4 54,000.00 5-4.400.44 5232,072.60 5382,778.Of) $2',9,76#.00 526?,300.00 547,003.34 S47,303.00 5=1b,ROft.00 5.46,9?3.00 50 764.87 5?,20d.04 52,000.40 S3,OOO.fl4 59,423.64 511,000.00 511.,000.00 511,000.00 310,5,5.32 505,000.00 SlS,000.00 315,000.00 53,608.47 52,000.00 51,000.00 51,(1()0.00 S 10,94~1.7b 530,000.00 520.000.04 520.000.00 '583,300.00 597,403.00 595,909.04 59,,973.00 Woodstoee Cham~e-t)ut Program 50.40 564,004.40 530,444.40 b4'oody-Bio V1ass Pass-That (Sub-Contractor} SO.Od S4.d0 56~4,d62.00 • Seltao} Bus Retmtit - Pucchast; of DC)C'sOtlrer 5194,116.00 5476,000.04 5175,000.00 wtonit~~ting Pragt~ant -CPO. Equipment, Matnt., RepOacc., etc. S?5,41i4.40 332.000.04 332,400.00 Sub-Talc( ,Von-rldnairtistrative- t?peratirtg S2 L9,580.Od1 SJ72,OOd.00 S29t,Oti2.00 55,444.44 54.44 577,351,00 332,044.00 3114,3s1.4d M-77 GRA<~o'll TC7T.4L EtPEtVDITLIt~'S 5l,$03,:s91.86 S?,539,19I.00 $2,1.99,399.10 52,011,624.011 5111.(20079 =____- {)L~'iVIPIC ~2:EGTC}~~ CLE~h SIR AGENCY ~~~~~~~ For 'The ~iscat "Fear Ending Junt' 3Q, :~~tuut Cnrt°ent Pra osect I'ro'ected 20D8 ~ ~ 2t-D9~ ~ 2D D~ 2DI I GR,9~~'TS Gorc-Fcdcrul ~1=}4,~i~~.~f} ~:ID,>~4.t}t7 Sl{),~i4.{}0 SIaD;~3~.UD Gore-state S 124,954.00 ~} 3.1,!)4.{}CI $ t I £i,?i)(i.f}D S i 18;7{}6._DU P1~1 :l;reenicnts: Eeolo~':IIonitorin; ~B,~U1.U0 51?,QflQ.Qt) Sr1,6~D.f31) 3l{},(}U0.{JU i'~ood~~ Bio-ntassProject 50.015 50.0{) X69,000.00 50.00 CI'(3Projeet:~•%FPa 357,;75.94 569..377.00 X74,251.(}0 575.000.00 LVoodstave Chtinge-out Prorirvm 50.t5(} 554,t)0t),t;}{) Si5;U0 ~G.1)q '1t'nadstave~Graut 59,023.5U . Sr},1?'9.{J(} Jt),OGf~.OU ~~9.C}0{}.i)U f'FF.S assessrnents 5212,448.00 52I6,945_{}{5 5221,535.{}D 5221,600.0(} aor(ritiet`5 ,s4{50,627.93 ~=I0~723.0(l ~40a,9~6.i1fl ~4DS,fltiD.(}~ ~FSeG 5:1,92:?.~> 538,000.00 ~=~~.3"?2.O~J 83=i,3?3.~0 DCiE Oversi,~,ltt ~ tfi,S4?:74 52U,000.00 ~2C),4UQ.(1tJ 520,000.00 .:annual Registr:~tiutt 5201,25.44 5198,,000.0(}- 5190,678.00 ~}90.67$.00 ~t?G-g'tlljOC 533.3711.48 520.000.00 58,000.00 58,000.00 ;~t7C-ilFiinnr 8=39,196.83 5~~,{}UO.UD $??,f3C3D.U0 ~29,U(}ft.OO asbestos $71,25.00 564,0Q0.00 565,000.00 $6S,C10{!.{}'0 OutdoorBttrning-LandGtcarinl; ~b=1',7t)(}.C1Q ~~'~i),{)Ofl.UU $18,,D(Jfl.OU `~2i},ODt1.fJi? t?TtC~'/2 Fines $197,535.22 ~ 5?5,000.00 532,0150.00 538.000.00 Investment Interest 59{),(562.7; `x;7,0{50.00 557,C}1}0.00_ 555,000.Q0 ltiisquallp lrtditstries 515,000.00 '~1t),000.150 $10,000.00 $l0,C700.00 ~4~Iiscetlaneonslncome 570G.6~4 ~~{50:00. SL.500.00 51,500.00 "1Ve11nessGrant-t'4`GIF 50.0U 50.00 51,000.00 51,0130.00 Building [nc_onte 585,696.45 570,000.01) ~~`8?,t,90.fl0 $87,69O.fltl riCttU4t LIDS Retralii I~Ctlgt'1tn ~ w42S,30S-6J 51~)8,001),t}fl ().()(} ``.:y(}.1}15 RESII3t ~L FZ-`:~'1?S Residual Reserve Funt}s _ atlmiuistrative 5,0.00 52f32,591.0D 5251,597.015 5255,242:00 Residual Reserve Funds- SB-t'v"SGa X0.0{} 510,015t~.t}0 520,000.{}0 SS.flUfl.00 Residual Reseree Funds- School Bus Retrofit Holdings 50.00 574;238.00 5215;000.00 St 17,351.0© Residuat Reserve Funds - School Bus adtnin#Other holdings S0.00 $94,000:00 595,{}g1).00 SS~l.00D.0fl 'T{}'ILL ft~'~'~\LI: & RESER~`E 52.203,7b1.4I 52,539,19i.OD 52,199.399.ID ~2,U1I,62d.UD I'Rq,TEt'"I'Fa) F?CP>~'wllE'I't~RES S1,8D3,±9L8G 5?;539,I9L.DD 52,19~,399.1D 52,DII,624.0D • M-78 ~ji 1/~UO~ 1x36 C!1i 1~ u • ~t)~ aid 3~~;1~ees P320JECTED Fund Balance for the ~"ear Ending June 30.241.1 General Fund UP Reserve Fund 683 Tide V Tatxl s 175,440 ~ 917,049 s - s 1,492,449 S - S 1,274,031 S 44>,000 ~ 1.679,431 S - 5 1,445,153 S 4115,004 ~ 1,850,153 S - S 361.,288 5 361,288 S 175,400 ~ 384,639 5 ~ 559,6319.. *I~ote; Boanl Adopted Reserve Ix~~els {a; 25° ~ Budget toss Schont Sus flrogratn. CaP Reserve = Ckeaa Prnrein Be„inmingBalance 07j0IJ14 Rey°enues ExpeTiditLfI'CS *Less Board Reserve Level Prajected Ending Fund Batance ~3~.~A Fl-a~d balances Pl2QPC}SEll Fund Balance for the Fear Ending June 34, 2414 r~enera~tI_FugZ! C?P ReaerF°e Fund 681 Title V Tcital HeginningBalaztre 47J41/49 ~ (97,544 ~ 1,138,646 ~ (45,440) ~ 1,271,146 Revenues not+n gadget S - ~ 1,347,846 $ 44-0,956 $ 1,752,802 Expenditures S --___ 22,50(?} 5 1,549,443 S 359,956 ~ 1,931,599 "Less' I3oartl Reserve Levet k S - 5 382,446 Gen.fund ExRS, J 4 ~ rule v s oP s s® ~ 382,486 Pmjeeted Ending Fund Balance ~ 175,044 S 534,563 ~ - S 744,563 *Note: Board ~ldnpted Rcsene Levels'` 25Yra Budges less Schoot Bus Program. OP Reserve = QeeuT PTGT^tfl t~:CAA F>~Ind balances CUftftE~T Fund IIalanee for the k'ear Ending Jnne 34.2449 Segituting Balance 47/01J48 Reti~enues Expenditures :Prajected Endiaab Fund Balance ~ener~l Fnnd OP Reserve Fund 681 Title V Total S 250,.040 S 1,104,440 5 (41,293) ~ 1,3(3,647 S - S t,421,683 S 398.090 S 1,819,173 S 52,500 S 1,407,977 5 401,797 ~ 1,862;274 5 I97,S00 S 1,118,646 S (45,404) 5 1F,27l,1~16 School Bras Fund s 241,471 S 5 241,471 ~ (4 Schaal Pius Fund S 531,471 S 3301,440 ~ 241,:171 vJC1aQa1 BL75 Fund S 927,904 5 287,567 6sa,;14o ~5. eS31,47Z M-79 5ft1120093:36 PM OLYMPIC REGION CLEAN AIR AGENCY 2940-B Limited Lane NW, Olympia WA 98502-6503 Consent Agenda to Board of Directors Meeting WARRANTS ISSUED & SUBMITTED FOR THE PERIOD April 7, 2009 through May 8, 2009 • Fund: Warrant #'s: Scheduled Payment Date: Issue Amount 6471 6300205 - 63002068 April 10 $10,165.77 ORC_~ started 63002069 - 63002085 April. l4 $2,734.38 issuing their o~vn warrants 63002086 - 63002088 April 16 $3,250.00 October ?007. 63002089 only April 17 $61,006.60 63002090 - 63002098 Apri122 $13,13535 3046680, 284019 - 284034 Payroll -April $89,833.00 4909, 4919, 4920 Benefits $3 I ,027.99 Auto - Mo. Wire Transfer April '09 - T.C. Accounting Charge $l 68.42 . 63002114 - 63002115 May 1 $5,750.00 63002099 - 63002113 May 1 Total Expenditures This Period: Included with Consent Agenda for Monthly Board of Directors Meeting. $3,895.37 $220,9G5.33 JOURNAL.XLS M - 8~nn_oa9 OLYMPIC REGION CLEAN AIR AGENCY Check Res star For the Period From Apr 7, ?009 to May S, ?009 Filter Criteria includes: 1) Check Numbers from 63003051 l0 63002115. Report or • • Chcck# Dute Pavee Amoun[ 63002015 4/10/09 Air & Was[e Mgmt. Association 911.00 Dues 63002016 4/10/09 Argus Pacific Inc. 410.00 StalTTreining 63003017 4/10/09 AT ~ T Mobility 245.34 Telephone 63002055 4/10/09 Bean Gentry Wheeler & Petemell, PLLC 3,3SS.60 Auomey 63002059 4/10/09 CcnturyTel 153.25 Telephone 63002060 4/10/09 MatrLe 122.64 Telephone 63002061 4/10/09 Lenovolnc. 1,656.60 CotnpuurMardaavre 6300?062 4/10/09 Mailer Mailer LLC S9.S5 Compuu:r/Flarduare 63002063 4/10/09 On Hold Concepts, Inc. 117.00 Telephone 63003064 4/10/09 PNWIS 15.00 Dues 63002065 4/10/09 Pu_etSoundEnerey ~ 457.30 Utilities 63002066 4/10/09 ReachOne Internet 34.95 Telephone 63002067 4/10/09 Thermo Environmental InsL Inc. 1,317.24 CPO 63002065 4/10/09 Yakima Region Clean Air Agenty ~ 1,125.00 Training 63002069 4/14/09 Capital Business Machines 57.02 Copier Maintenance 63002070 4/14/09 RitaCirulis 67.00 Staff PcrDicm 63003071 4/14/09 Clallam County Sheriffs OtTce 60.00 Legal Servin_ 63002072 4/14/09 Daily World 198.00 Subscription 630020T 4/14/09 Deparonen[ of Information Services 367.67 Telephone 63002074 4/14/09 Howard Doherty 162.00 Commissioner Per Diem 63002075 ~ 4/14/09 FiresnoneStore 22.49 VehicleMain[enance 63003076 4/14/09 Ross Gella~her ~ 46.45 Commissioner Per Diein ' 63002077 4/14/09 Clay Harwood 67.1 D Commissioner Per Diein 63002078 4/{4/09 Phil Johnson 135.00 Commissioner Pcr Dinn 63002079 4/14109 Grnnt Munro 154.25 Commissioner Per Diem 63002050 4/14/09 Pioneer Fire & Security 246.59 Oltec Maintenance 63002051 4/14/09 Tas Awards ~ Specialties 56.91 Office Supply 630020S2 4/14/09 James Wemcr 200.30 Sta lT Per Diem 63002053 4/14/09 WestParltOxmersASSOCiation,lne. 350.00 Dues 63003054 4/14(09 Terry Willis 43.70 Commissioner Pcr Diem 63002055 4/14/09 South Sound YMCA 500.00 Publie Educotion Sponsorship 630030S6 4/16/09 C 8 C Clean Sweep 710.00 Woodstove Change-Out 63002057 4/16/09 Olympia Fireplace Supply Inc. 1,750.00 Woodstove Chanec•Out 630020SS 4/16/09 Sunset Air Incorporeud 750.00. Woodstove Change-Out 63003059 4/17/09 Cummins Northwest. LLC 61,005.60 Diesel School Bus irocrnm 63003090 42?/09 Bank ofAmeriea 4,164.79 AceneyCreditCard 63003091 422109 CapitalCiryStove 1,000.00 WoodstoveChange-Out 63002092 4/'r?/09 CiryofOlympis 596.91 Utilities 63002093 423109 Dept. of Correctional ]ndustries 570.52 Printing . 63002094 4!>?/09 Daily World 42.00 Legal Sen•inc 63002091 422/09 Labor & Indusvies 1,517.75 Employment Toses 63002096 4!'~?!09' ~ Olympia Fireplace Supply Inc. 4,949.30 Wooduove Change•Otn 63002097 4!'~?/09 Peninsula DailyNews 172.14 Legal Notice 631102095 42?/09 Qwest ~ 119.64 Telephone Auto-Transfer 4x0/009 T.C. Auditors Office ~ 168.42 Accountins Fee 2S4019-254034 4/30/09 Payroll 8 Benefits 120,S60.99 Payroll 63002099 1/1109 Capacity Provisioninglnc. _ 35.00 Telephone 63002100 5/1/09 CPI, Ventures LLC ~ 299.00 Rent 63002101 ~ 5/1/09 Alarm Center, Inc. 120.00 Oftiee Maintenance 63002102 5/1/09 DepLOfGenerelAdministrntion 50.00 Dues 63002103 5/)/09 Department of Licensing 10.00 Dues 63002104 i/1/09 Dea Media Wat LLC 27.00 Tehphone 63002105 5/1/09 IKON Office Solutions 91.96 Copier Maintenbnce 63002106 1/1109 Mountain Mist Waur ~ 77.00 Otiice Supply 63003107 5/1/09 Office Depot 142.45 OtBce Supply 63002105 5/1/09 Pacific Disposal 74.66 Utilities 63002109 1/1/09 PUD#1 ofClallamCounry 120.99 CPO 63002110 1/1/09 Dan Rydholm 2,122.00 IT Contractor 63002111 5/1/09 Sunrise Pest Managemen4 lne. 6439 Office Maintcnancc 630021 I2 5/1/09 Verizon Wireless, Bellevue 456.99 Telephone 630021 I3 5/1/09 Willapa Community Dev. Assn. 200.00 Rcnt 63003114 5/1/09 CapitalCiryStove 3,750.00 WoodstoveChange-Onl 63003115 5/1109 Sunset Air Incorporated ~ 2,000.00 Woodstove Chance-Out Total 5(7!2009 at 2:46 PM 320.965.SS Page: / M - 81 Fiscal Year 2009 State & Federal Grants Department of Ecology Description Amount Core-Federal & State Funding is Federal Performance Partnership Grants -Section 105 of Clean Air Act. Funds assist in $292,370 implementing comprehensive air quality control program in seven major categories: Enforcement, permitting, monitoring, Public Educations, Program development, Technical & Business Assistance, and Administration. Woodstove Program - Funding is provided under Chapter 173-433 WAC, Solid Fuel Burning Devices. Program is $9,029 State designed to protect & enhance air quality within our jurisdiction and to meet the goals of the State and Federal Clean Air Acts. Pays for costs associated with the implementation of Woodstove Public Education and Enforcement, and monitoring. Woodstove Change-Out Legislature provided funds for Wood Stove Replacments in Supplemental Ecology Budget. The $87,000 Program -State funding is earmarked to provide subsidies to citizens who voluntarily replace heavily-polluting, uncertified wood stoves and fireplace inserts with cleaner-burning heating devices in wood smoke problem areas. Also, includes replacing wood stoves in low-income residences. PM 2.5 Monitoring - Funding source is Section 103 of Clean Air Act. Funds are used to operate nephelometers at Mt. $15,000 Indirect Federal View Elementary -Lacey, Harbor High School -Aberdeen, Stevens School - Port Angeles. Diesel School Bus Funding provided through legislation in 2003 to reduce emissions by: installing DOC's, CCV's, $254,000 Retrofit Program -State replacement of gasoline vehicles with zero-emissions electric vehicles, replacment of gasoline powered lawn mowers with zero-emissions electric models, DOC retrofits for diesel machines and diesel vehicles, bio-diesel conversions and retrofitting diesel locomotives. Environmental Description Amount Protection AEencv Cheeka Peak Funding allows ORCAA to provide real=time Web-based access to air quality data for the western $52,500 Observatory (CPO) - tip of Washington State on the Makah reservation. ORCAA performs necessary data collection, Duect Federal data validation, data acquisition, instrument quality control and maintenance functions, planning, equipment purchasing, air quality forecasting, and administration. Community, Trade & _ Description ~ Amount Economic Development Energy Facility Site Funding is used to provide air permitting and monitoring services on the Grays Harbor Energy $38,000 Evaluation Council LLC, Satsop Combustion Turbine. This is a natural gas-fired electric generation facility located in (EFSEC) -State Grays Harbor County. Al7/2008 Imh u se: To identify State and Federal Grarifs ORCAA presently has under contract for Fiscal Year 2009. M-82 • • • • • ORCAA Dues & Subscriptions for Fiscal Year 2009 • Vendor: Description Subscription ~ Date Paid & Period $'s Paid Washington File Coinrnissioners WA State Fire Districts Service Directory -Compliance Division 1-Tune 7/25/08 reference tool of-Fire Districts Charge $30.00 Department of General Co-Op Membersl-up Fee to access Department of General Annual 8/19/08 Administration (GA) Administration Vendor List - Procw:ement Subscription - $200 Paid Quarterl Thurston Regional Planning 2008 Membership Dues -Pro-rated Calendar Year 8/28/08 Council Rl'C $666 Bio-Cycle Journal of Composting Engineer Department Reference Tool on Specialized sources Annual 9/5/08 Subscri tion $120 Department of Licensing Driving Record of "new" employees 1-Tune 11/14/08 Char e $10 Costco Wholesale 2009 Membership for purchasing Office, Janitorial, and 1Vliscellaneous Calendar Year 12/5/08 - Supplies at competitive pricing $50 Thurston Regional Planning 2009 Annual Assessment for Regional Support and Membership Calendar Year 1/13/09 Council $1,000 Washington Finance Officers 2009 Dues for Administrative Services Manager; discounts on Calendar Year 1/13/09 Association (WFOA) publications, conferences, educational seminars; access to membersl-up $50 resource du:ectory. Employment Security Department OASI Administrative Charge per RCW Annual 2/13/09 Subscription $100 Department of Licensing Professional Engineer License Renewal Every 2 - 2/25/09 Yeaxs X116 Progressive Business Publication Annual Subscription for Secretary & Administrative Assistant on Annual 2/25/09 customer service, office o aerations, etc. $195.50 Daily World Annual Newspaper Subscription Annual 4/2009 $198 P:\~)sers\lynn\\>,~ord\Dues & SuUscriptions ORCAA.doc 'V! - 83 Vendor: Description Subscription Date Paid & Period $'s Paid Air & Waste Management 2009 Dues for various staff that receive discounts on publications, 04/2009- $955 Association (A&WMA) conferences/trainings, educational seminars; access to meixibership 4/2010 resource directory. PNWIS is a catalyst for enviromnental leaderslup Uy providing a neutral fonun for discussion, education, and networking on teclulical issues relating to environmental management in the U.S. Pacific Northwest and Westenz Canada. Pacific Northwest International PNWIS continues to serve as a forum £or founal teclulical information 04/2009- $15 Section of the Air and Waste exchange but also provides an opportunity to enhance one's 4/2010 Mang ement Association NWIS rofessional status. The Olympian Annual Newspaper Subscription Annual $158 Subscri tion National Association of Clean Air The NACAA represents air pollution control agencies in 53 states and n/a -0- Ageneies (NACAA) territories and over 165 major metropolitan areas across the United States. State and local air pollution control officials formed NACAA (formerly STAPPA/ALAPCO) over 30 years ago to unprove their effectiveness as managers of air quality programs. The associations serve to encow:age the exchange of information among air pollution control officials, to enhance coininunication and cooperation among federal, st<1te, and local regulatory agencies; and to promote good mana einent of our air resources. Washington Air Permit Writers Coordination with engineerizzg staff from other air agencies in n/a -0- Grou Washin ton State to discuss various sub'ect areas. Statewide Organics Management Workgroup discusses measures to prevent types of situations that lead n/a -0- Work rou ~ to odor, robleins at corn ostin facilities in state. Wasington Air Directors Group State-wide group of directors and managers of local, state and federal n/a -0- (WADG) air agencies and programs. The gLOUp meets every other month to discuss, coordinate and make decisions on issues of state-wide and re oral un ortance. Washngton Air Quality State-wide traii~i~lg group pro~rides recoirunendations to WADG on n/a -0- Com fiance I'ortun AQCI~ legislation and coorduiation anion enforcement ersonnel statewide. Interagency Regulatory Analysis IRt1C, a state-wide group composed of regulators from media discuss n/a -0- Corrunittee (IItAC) uzspector safety, auto body painting, mercury enussions from dentist, etc. P:\Use • nn\VJord\Dues & Subscriptions ORCAA.doc M - 84 • • • • • Vendor: Description Subscription Date Paid & Period $'s Paid Autobody Interagency Group Group of representatives from various governmental agencies u~ n/a -0- Washington and Oregon t<lsked with regulating the autobody repay: industry. Pw:pose of die group is to educate the industry on new regulations and standards and to promote coordinated and efficient re ulator a roaches. NACAA Permitting and NSR The National Association of Clean Air Agencies (NACAA) Permitting n/a -0- Coiruriittee and NSR Coizunittee is dedicated to addressing permitting and NSR issues o£ national importance. The cornrmittee meets via quarterly conference calls. NACAA Global Warming The NACAA Global Warming Committee is dedicated to assuring n/a -0- Coinmittee state and local agency perspectives are considered in developtment of a National Climate Change program. The group holds quarterly conference calls. WAC 173-400 Rule Revision Technical advisory coizunittee forimed to help guide "Phase II" of the n/a -0- Coizunittee planned revisions to the State's general air regulations and standards under Cha ter 173-400 WAC. Thurston County Outdoor Burn Discuss residential outdoor burning throughout Thurston County. n/a -0- Coiminittee P:\Uszrs\IynnlR~ord\Dues ~ Subscriptions ORCAA.doc 5/$09 M - 85 NSR and AOP Summary Report ~ Report for all NSR and AOP revisi on applications currently pending and applications finalized between 04/03/2009 to 05/08/2009 Business Name Insp Eng NOC# Location Project Description Date Final Xcld BELFAIR CLEANERS MS GDL 08NOC650 BELFAIR install dry cleaning ~ machine BROWN MINNEAPOLIS MS GDL 09NOC654 ELMA install paint and grit ~ TANK (ELMA) blasting booth CITY OF SEQUIM, DEPT. RC GDL 09NOC660 SEQUIM install a 500kW ~ OF PUBLIC WORKS - emergency generator WWTP and increase WRF capacity from.80 mgd to 1.67 mgd EXTREME AUTO LLC AD JTK 09NOC661 SHELTON Install an automotive ~ spraybooth FOREST FUNERAL AND SS JTK 09NOC662 OLYMPIA Replace the existing ~ CREMATORY crematory GRAYS HARBOR ENERGY RTM MVG 09AOP672 ELMA ~ LLC GRAYS HARBOR ENERGY RTM MVG 08NOC636 ELMA ~ LLC GRAYS HARBOR PAPER LP RC GDL 08NOC607 HOQUTAM install and operate a fuel ~• dryer HALLER QUARRY RC GG 09NOC664 SEQUIM ~ HOWARDS PRESTIGE SS GDL 08NOC647 LACEY install dry cleaning ~ CLEANERS machine JIFFY CLEANERS RC JTK 09NOC653 PORT After the fact approval to ~ ANGELES replace a perchloroethylenedty cleaning machine with one that uses an alternative solvent K PLY RC MVG 08AOP640 PORT renew AOP permit ~ ANGELES LAZY J TREE FARM RC GG 07NOC556 PORT install tub grinder, ~ ANGELES screens, excavator, loader, etc. for composting operation LINE-X OF OLYMPIA SS GG 08NOC600 TUMWATER install booth for truck bed ~ liner MASON COUNTY DEPT OF SS JTK 09NOC659 SHELTON Establish a new gasoline ~ PUBLIC WORKS dispensing facility MASON COUNTY FOREST MS JTK 06NOC479 SHELTON Construct a lumber mill ~ PRODUCTS LLC (after the fact approval) Friday, May 08, 2009 Page 1 of• M - 86 • Business Name Insp Eng NOC# Location Project Description Date Final Xcld MILLCREEK AUTO BODY & RC JTK 08NOC584 FORKS After the fact approval of ~ PAINT an automotive spraycoating facility MILLERS QUALITY AD GG 08NOC614 GRAPEVIEW install a spray booth ~ CABINETS NIPPON PAPER RC JTK 08NOC645 PORT Add De-ink plant drum ~ INDUSTRIES USA CO LTD ANGELES pulper rejects to list of items to be burned at the i NO. 8 power boiler OLYMPIC PANEL RC JTK 08NOC616 SHELTON Install a natural gas-fired ~ PRODUCTS LLC boiler (33.6 MMBtulhr} ~ PANELTECH INT. LLC JAW GG 08NOC648 HOQUTAM install 2 treater lines, 1 ~ reactive thermal oxidizer, 1 composit press and a 3mil btu hot oil boiler ~ PENNY CREEK QUARRY RC GG 09NOC674 QUILCENE install a generator, jaw ~ crusher, and horizonal crusher PLACE RANGER QUARRY RC GG 09NOC663 PORT ANGELES RAVENS BREW COFFEE SS GG 09NOC670 TUMWATER INC RUDDELL LEASE SALES RC GG 09NOC655 PORT • INC ANGELES RYANS AUTO DETAILING & SS JTK 08NOC602 LACEY SPRAY ON VORTEX BEDLINER SANDQUIST CABINETS RC SHEARER BROS CHIPPER SS LLC SI CUSTOMS SS SIERRA PACIFIC INDUSTRIES -LUMBER MILL STRETCH ISLAND FRUIT COMPANY THURSTON COUNTY ACCOUNTABILITY & RESTITUTION CENTER TUMWATER DELI MART • Friday, May 08, 2009 GDL 08NOC610 BRINNON GG 08N01603 SHELTON JTK 08NOC631 OLYMPIA RTM GG 08AOP625 ABERDEEN MS GDL 08NOC617 ALLYN install spray in bedliner booth After the fact approval of a truckbed lining operation install a spray booth install and operate chip mill and log yard After the fact approval of an automotive spraycoating facility application SS GG 09NOC671 TUMWATER install emergency backup generators AD JTK 09NOC666 OLYMPIA Remove Stage 2 vapor recovery D O O Page 2 of 3 M-87 Business Name Insp Eng NOC# Location Project Description Date Final Xcld' WESTPORT SHIPYARD INC RTM GDL . 08NOC627 WESTPORT modify VOC limit from 32 ~ tons per year to 40 tons per year WESTPORT SHIPYARD INC RTM GDL 07AOP575 WESTPORT renewal application ~ WESTPORT SHIPYARD RC GG 09MOD658 PORT modify Condition #5 of ~ INTERIOR PLANT ANGELES 08NOC591 GRANITE CONSTRUCTION AD GG 09NO1668 OLYMPIA locate portable crusher 04/13/2009 ~ COMPANY for processing RAP NASHGUITARS MS GG 09NOC665 TUMWATER install spraybooth for 04/16/2009 ~ nitrocellulose lacquer Friday, May 08, 2009 Page 3 of M-88 ~ NSR and AOP ry Summa p Re ort Report for all NSR and AOP revi sion applications currently pending and applications finalized between 03/06/2009 to 04/03/2009 Business Name Insp Eng NOC# Location Project Description Date Final Xcld BELFAiR CLEANERS MS GDL 08NOC650 BELFAIR install dry cleaning ^ machine BROWN MINNEAPOLIS MS GDL 09NOC654 ELMA install paint and grit ~ ^ TANK (ELMA) blasting booth CITY OF SEQUIM, DEPT. RC GDL 09NOC660 SEQUIM install a 500kW ~ OF PUBLIC WORKS - emergency generator WWTP and increase WRF capacity from.80 mgd to 1.67 mgd EXTREME AUTO LLC AD JTK 09NOC661 SHELTON install a spray paint booth ^ FOREST FUNERAL AND SS JTK 09NOC662 OLYMPIA upgrade crematory ^ CREMATORY system GRAYS HARBOR ENERGY RTM MVG 08NOC636 ELMA LLC GRAYS HARBOR PAPER LP RC GDL 08NOC607 HOQUTAM HALLER QUARRY HOLROYD CO. INC - NISQUALLY HOWARDS PRESTIGE CLEANERS JIFFY CLEANERS K PLY LAZY J TREE FARM LINE-X OF OLYMPIA RC GG 09NOC664 SEQUIM AD GDL 08NOC594 LACEY SS GDL 08NOC647 LACEY RC JTK 09NOC653 PORT ANGELES RC MVG 08AOP640 PORT ANGELES RC GG 07NOC556 PORT ANGELES SS JTK 08NOC600 TUMWATER MASON COUNTY DEPT OF SS PUBLIC WORKS MASON COUNTY FOREST MS PRODUCTS LLC MILLCREEK AUTO BODY & RC PAINT JTK 09NOC659 SHELTON JTK 06NOC479 SHELTON JTK 08NOC584 FORKS install and operate a fuel ^ dryer remove baghouse type ^ dust collection and install cartridge type install dry cleaning ^ machine replace perc dry cleaning ~ machine with Eary Clean EC400 machine renew AOP permit ^ install tub grinder, ^ screens, excavator, loader, etc. for composting operation install booth for truck bed ^ liner install nevv gasoline ^ dispensing facility construct a lumber mill ^ (after the fact approval) install paint spray booth ^ • Friday, April 03, 2009 Page 1 of 3 M - 89 Business Name Insp Eng NOC# Location Project Description Date Final Xcld • MILLERS QUALITY AD GG 08NOC614 GRAPEVIEW install a spray booth CABINETS NASHGUITARS MS GG 09NOC665 TUMWATER install spraybooth for ~ NIPPON PAPER RC JTK 08NOC645 PORT INDUSTRIES USA CO LTD ANGELES OLYMPIC PANEL RC JTK 08NOC616 SHELTON PRODUCTS LLC PANELTECH INT. LLC JAW GG 08NOC648 HOQUTAM PLACE RANGER QUARRY RC RUDDELL LEASE SALES RC INC RYANS AUTO DETAILING & SS SPRAY ON VORTEX BEDLINER SANDQUIST CABINETS RC SHEARER BROS CHIPPER SS LLC GG 09NOC663 PORT ANGELES JTK 09NOC655 PORT ANGELES JTK 08NOC602 LACEY GDL 08NOC610 BRINNON JTK 08N01603 SHELTON SI CUSTOMS SS JTK 08NOC631 OLYMPIA S[ERRA PACIFIC RTM GG 08AOP62.5 ABERDEEN INDUSTRIES -LUMBER MILL STRETCH ISLAND FRUIT MS GDL 08NOC617 ALLYN COMPANY WESTPORT SHIPYARD - RC GG 09MOD658 PORT CABINET SHOP 1050 ANGELES BUILDING WESTPORT SHIPYARD INC RTM GDL 08NOC627 WESTPORT WESTPORT SHIPYARD INC RTM GDL 07AOP575 WESTPORT 7-ELEVEN 24379 -MARKET MS JTK 08NOC637 ABERDEEN Friday, April 03, 2009 nitrocellulose lacquer Add De-ink plant drum pulper rejects to list of items to be burned at the NO. 8 power boiler install a natural gas-fired boiler (33.6 MMBtu/hr) install 2 treater lines, 1 reactive thermal oxidizer, 1 composit press and a 3mil btu hot oil boiler install spray in bedliner . booth install booth for truck bed liner install a spray booth install and. operate chip: mill and log yard operate an auto body spray coating facility application modify Condition #5 of 08NOC591 modify VOC limit from 32 tons per year to 40 tons per year renewal application remove stage II vapor recovery system. 2/6/09 -Created draft FD file. 2/11/09 - AD for Part 63, Subpart CCCCCC O 0 ~ • 03!09/2009 ~ Page 2 of M - 90 • Business Name Insp Eng NOC# Location Project Description Date Final Xcld DELHUR INDUSTRIES INC - RC 09NO1657 PORT place portable rock 03/17/2009 ~ PORTABLE ANGELES crusher and screeing equipment DELHUR INDUSTRIES INC - RC 09NO1656 PORT place portable rock 03/17/2009 PORTABLE ANGELES crusher and rock screening equipment Friday, April 03, 2009 Page 3 of 3 M-91 ~l~~n .Air is Goo~or .business! Olympic Region Clean Air Agency (ORCAA) offers a unique opportunity for businesses to help improve air quality, while improving their bottom line. ORCAA is looking for interested parties to participate in a clean truck exchange and leasing program. The program helps take old, high-emissions trucks (1993 model year and older) off the road and replace them newer, c%aner trucks. To qualify you must have a 1993 mode! year or older truck that you want to replace with a newer truck, and you must be a local hauler~(V6~ashington and Oregon). You will be required to turn your o!d track over to ORCAA in exchange for the newer truck. The terms of the program include: ^ Lease rates will be $350 to $500 per month. ^ Lease payments will include $100 to be invested in an interest bearing account for the lessee: The purpose of the account is to save a down payment fora 2008 model }year truck. ^ The ne~Ner trucks will generally be model year 2000 and ne~n~er and will be retrofitted with pollution controls. ^ The trucks cannot travel into California. Please contact ORCAA at 1-800-422-5623 for more details. You may apply for the program by providing the following information: 1. Your name and address 2. The name of your business 3. Your phone number 4. The make, model number, and model year of truck you would like to replace 5. The current use of the truck (i.e. logging truck, chip truck, dump truck, etc.) 6. An estimate of the miles per year for this truck Send via email., kathy.embodyC?orcaa.org or mail it to: ORCAA ATTN: Truck Exchange, 2940-8 Limited Lane NW Olymia, WA 98502 PUBLIC WORKS CONTRACT STATUS REPORT June 2009 COSTS SHOWN INCLUDE APPLICABLE TAXES) PROJECT CONSTR. ORIGINAL PREVIOUS CHANGE REVISED TITLE BUDGET CONTRACT CHANGE ORDERS CONTRACT AMOUNT ORDERS LAST MONTH AMOUNT EUGA Sewer, OS-30 $5,000,000 $4,610,315.86 $421,541.73 $0.00 $5,031,857.59 Gateway, 97-20 $8,500,000 $8,001,180.74 $586,586.38 $23,817.69 $8,611,584.81 8th St. Bridges, 02-15 $20,000,000 $18,416,067.20 $247,335.80 $0.00 $18,663,403.00 Olympic Discovery $93,395 $85,675.00 $0.00 $0.70 745.00 $85 Trail Paving, TR07-07 , Elwha Power Distribution Relocation $200,000* $173,440.00 $0.00 $0.00 $173,440.00 *Fully reimbursed by federal government CONTRACTS/PURCHASE ORDERS UNDER $25,000 APPROVED BY CITY MANAGER CONTRACTOR OR VENDOR CONTRACT / PO # DESCRIPTION DATE AWARDED AMOUNT * Small Works Roster Contract CONTRACTS OVER $15,000 CONTRACTOR OR VENDOR CONTRACT/ PO # DESCRIPTION DATE AWARDED AMOUNT (tax included) UPCOMING PUBLIC WORKS CONTRACTS (NEXT 30 DAYS, ESTIMATED DATES SHOWNI PROJECT ADVERTISE BID START END TITLE FOR BIDS OPENING CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION First St. Entryway Comdor Sidewalks June 1 June 22 July Sept. Peabody St. Reconstruction June July July Sept. M-93 G:\CNCLPKT\PACKET ITEMS\June 2, 2009\6-09 Monthly Contract Status Report.doc PUBLIC WORDS GRANT & LOAN STATUS REPORT June 2009 PROJECT PROJECT GRANT/LOAN GRANT MATCH OR AWARD STATUS DESCRH'TION COST SOURCE & COST LOAN DATA LISTING Peabody Street $1,000,000 American Recovery Grant, no match March 2009 Plans and Specs Reconstruction, 5`h - and Reinvestment required being finalized 8`n, and Ennis to Act, through Liberty WSDOT - $316,000 CSO Phase 1 Projects, $11,800,000 PWTF Loan - 0.5%, 20-Yr, January 2008 Awarded by PWB Construction Construction Loan 15% and loan agreement $10,000,000 ($1.8M) local match signed CSO Phase 1 Projects, $8,600,000 Puget Sound Grant and/or loan - N/A Submitted to PSP; Construction Partnership or local match will be request for funding DOE Toxics PWTF loans match Cleanup Sidewalks $260,000 WSDOT Ped &Sch Grants, no matching March 2008 Grant awarded; l6`", G-Stevens Design underway, construction this year Dry Creek Bridge for $700,000 RCO Grant 50% grant match of City notified Final grant funding Olympic Discovery total cost for property 8/22 that approval expected Trail acquisition and project is late April 2009 with trail bridge ranked 4`h out passing of State construction of 36 projects Budget BRAC: Centennial: DOE: DWSRF or SRF PSP PWB: PWTF: RCO: SAFETEA-LU: TIB, AIP or PSMP WSDOT Ped &Sch: M-94 • Bridge Replacement Advisory Committee DOE administered grant /loan funding for water quality improvement projects • Department of Ecology Drinking Water State Revolving Fund or State Revolving Fund Puget Sound Partnership Public Works Board, administers the PWTF Program Public Works Trust Fund Recreation and Conservation Office Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient, Transportation Equity Act, a Legacy for Users. WSDOT administered federal highway grant funding for inter-modal transportation projects. Transportation Improvement Board, Arterial Improvement or Pedestrian Safety and Mobility Programs WSDOT administered grant programs for Pedestrian & School Route safety improvements • 6-09 Monthly Grants & Loans Report.doc