HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet 06/08/2004 AGENDA ORT x .GELESari CITY COUNCIL MEETING June 8, 2004 ' Continued from June 1, 2004 Meeting REGULAR MEETING - 6:00 p.m. A. CALL TO ORDER - Regular Meeting (6:00 p.m.) ROLL CALL - PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - ANDPUBLICpRoCLAMATIoNsCEREMONIES' PRESENTATIONSI B. WORK SESSION C. LATE ITEMS TO BE PLACED ON THIS OR FUTURE AGENDAS (By Council, Staffqr Public) AND PUBLIC COMMENT FOR ITEMS NOT ON AGENDA (This is the opportunity fo~d members of the public to speak to the City Council about anything not on the agenda, please keep comments to 5-10 minutes.) D. FINANCE 1. RFP/Q for Solid Waste (Continued from June Approve Proposal 1, 2004) E. CONSENt AGENDA F. CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS G. ORDINANCES NOT REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS H. RESOLUTIONS I. OTHER CONSIDERATIONS J. PUBLIC HEARINGS - QUASI-JUDICIAL (7:00 P.M. or soon thereafter) 1. Olympic Memorial Center Rezone (RS-7 Conduct Public Hearing Residential Single Family to CO Commercial & Adopt Ordinance Office) - Race Street and Caroline Street (Continued from June 1, 2004) NOTE: HEARING DEVICES AVAILABLE FOR THOSE NEEDING ASSISTANCE MAYOR TO DETERMINE TIME OF BREAK June 8, 2004 (continued from June 1, 2004) Port Angeles City Council Meeting Page - 1 K. PUBLIC HEARINGS - OTHER PLEASE RETAIN K.1. INFORMATION (7:00 P.M. or soon thereafter) FOR JUNE 14, 2004 MEETING 1. Comprehensive Plan Amendment - CPA 04- 29 Conduct Public Hearing 02:68 Proposed Map and Policy Changes & Continue to June 14, 2004 (Continued from June 1, 2004) 2. Conduct Workshop and on 2004-2010 171 Close or Continue Public Hearing Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) & Capital Facility Plan (CFP) (Continued from June 1, 2004) L. INFORMATION 1. City Manager's RePorts: None M. EXECUTIVE SESSION (As needed and determined by City Attorney) N. ADJOURNMENT G:\CNCLPKT~.GENDA'O.004~June 8 '04.wpd PUBLIC HEARINGS Public hearings are set by the City Council in order to meet legal requirements pertaining to matters such as, land use permit applications, proposed amendments to City land use regulations, zoning changes, annexations. In addition, the City Council may set a public hearing in order to receive public input prior to making decisions which impact the citizens. Certain matters may be controversial, and the City Council may choose to seek public opinion through the public hearing process. NOTE: HEARING DEVICES AVAIl,ABLE FOR THOSE NEEDING ASSISTANCE MAYOR TO DETERMINE TIME OF BREAK June 8, 2004 (continued from June 1, 2004) Port Angeles City Council Meeting Page - 2 pORTANGELES,: . CITY COUNCIL MEETING WASHINGTON, U.S.A. June 8, 2004 (Continued from June 1, 2004) I. CALL TO ORDER - REGULAR MEETING: II. ROLL CALL: Members Present: Mayor Headrick Councilmember Braun Councilmember Erickson Councilmember Munro Councilmember Pittis Councilmember Rogers Councilmember Williams StaffPresent: Manager Quinn Attomey Bloor Clerk Upton B. Collins M. Connelly G. Cutler D. McKeen T. Riepe Y. Ziomkowski III. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Led by:~~~~~.~ CITY OF PORT ANGELES CITY COUNCIL MEETING Attendance Roster PLEASE SIGN IN DATE OF MEETING: June 8, 2004 (Continued from June 1, 2004) LOCATION: City Council Chambers Please Note: IF I plan on testifying by signature below, I certify that my testimony is true and correct under penalty of perjury by the laws of the State of Washington. NAME: ADDRESS: I would like to testify on Agenda Item City of Port Angeles 'ORT. A?G. ELES Ordinance/Resolution Distribution List WASHINGTON, U.S.A. City Council Meeting of June 8, 2004 Ordinance / ResOlUtion No~ City Manager City Atty. (1) Planning City Clerk (2) Deputy Clerk (1) Personnel Cust. Svcs. Finance Dir./Mgr. Police Dept. Fire Dept. Light Dept. Parks & Rec. MRSC (1) PDN (Summary) Extra Copies Solid Waste Processing Facility Development and Management Services Request for Proposals June 8, 2004 Presentation Agenda 1. Service Component Descriptions 2. Technical and Cost Proposals 3. RFP & Service Agreement Schedules 4. Rate Adjustments 5. City Council Approvals Needed 6. Recommendation Service Components Overview I Transfer Station, Transfer Station Operation, and Special Waste Handling/Disposal II Waste Transport & Disposal III Blue Mountain Drop-Box Facility Operations IV Curbside & Drop-Off Facility Recycling V Co-Compost Facility Operation 'VI Post-Closure Maintenance VII MRWF, Operation, Transport & Disposal Service Component I Description Transfer Station Design/Build Transfer Station Equipment Transfer Station Operation Special Waste Handling & Disposal City Staff Scale House Operation Personnel Transition Plan Service Component !1 Description - Long-Haul Transportation - Disposal @ Landfill Outside of Clallam County Service Component II! Description - Blue Mountain Drop Box Operations - Contractor Scale House Operation - Waste Transport to Transfer Station Service Component IV Description Curbside Residential Recycling Curbside Residential Yard Debris I,,.. Only Within Curbside Commercial Cardboard r~ Port Angeles Curbside Recycling City Facilities...,I Transfer Station Drop-Off Box Recycling Blue Mountain Drop-Off Box Recycling Recycling @ Community Events Contractor Sale of Recyclable Materials Service Component V Description Operation of Co-Composting Facility Production of Class A Compost Customer Loading City Sale of Compost @ Scale House Service Component VI Description - Landfill Post-Closure Maintenance - Groundwater Testing & Reporting Service Component VII Description - MRWF Design/Build - Operation of the MRWF - MRWTransport & Disposal City Staff Scale House Operation Technical and Cost Proposals - Qualifications & Technical and Cost Proposal Competitive City Cost Proposal Request for Proposal Draft Schedule City Council Approval June 8, 2004 Proposals Due August 27, 2004 Evaluation September 17, 2004 Negotiation October 1,5, 2004 Service Agreement October 19, 2004 Award Service Agreement Draft Schedule Design Approval March 1, 2005 Construction Complete April 15, 2006 Transition from Landfill June 6, 2006 Anticipated LandfillDecember 31, 2006 Closure Rate Adjustments Pre-Closure Revenue Requirements Study - Landfill and Collection Divisions - 2005 & 2006 Proposed Rate Adjustments Post-Closure Cost of Service Analysis - 2007 Unbundled Rates - Commercial Hauler & Self-Haulers (MSW, Special Waste, Yard Debris, Biosolids, MRW, etc...) - Rates Known Prior to Service Agreement Award City Council Approvals Needed RCW 35.21.156 1. To proceed with RFP 2. To proceed with evaluations 3. To proceed with negotiations 4. Public hearing and findings 5. To award Service Agreement Other City Council Approvals Needed A. To approve rate adjustments Recommendation City Council authorize staff to proceed with the request for proposals. Becky Upton pORTiNG ELES- City Clerk WASHINGTON U.S.A. CiTY GOUNGIL MEMO DATE: June 1, 2004 TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: Glenn A. Cutler, Director of Public Works and Utilities SUBJECT: Solid Waste Processing Facility Development and Management Services RFP Summary: A request for proposal (RFP) has been prepared to solicit Contractors to design, construct and operate a solid waste processing facility in accordance with the Long-Range Plan for Solid Waste Management. The RFP also includes services for waste transport and disposal, recycling, composting, and landfill post-closure maintenance. The next step in the RFP process is to solicit contractors to prepare and submit proposals to the City. A presentation on the topic will be, conducted on June 8, 2004. Recommendation: Authorize staff to proceed with the RFP. Background/Analysis: The "Solid Waste Processing Facility Development and Management Services" RFP was prepared in accordance with the Long-Range Plan for Solid Waste Management and the Solid Waste Export and Transfer Station System Interlocal Agreement. The agreement was presented to Clallam County and the City of Sequim. Discussion with the organizations are ongoing and a current status will be presented at the Council meeting. Analysis: Staff will provide a presentation of the service components included in the RFP that are summarized below: I. Design, construct, and operate a new Transfer Station. II. Municipal solid waste received at the Transfer Station will be transported and disposed of at a regional disposal site. III. Operation, maintenance, and waste transport from the existing Blue Mountain Drop Box facility to the Transfer Station. IV. Curbside collection of recyclable materials and yard debris within Port Angeles, operation of recycling drop-off facilities at the new Transfer Station and Blue Mountain facility, and collection of recyclable materials at various community events. V. Operate the City's existing co-compost facility to produce Class A compost materials from yard debris and biosolids. VI. Maintenance services in accordance with the City's landfill post-closure plan. VII. Design, construct, and operate the new moderate-risk waste facility. Per the Revised Code of Washington 35.21.156(2) the City Council must authorize proceeding with the RFP. On May 25, 2004 the Utility Advisory Committee provided a favorable recommendation to proceed. A complete copy of the RFP is available for review in the Public Works and Utilities office. 1 N:\CCOUNCIL\FINALXSolid Waste RFP.wpd DORT ANGELES WASHINGTON, U.S.A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: June 8, 2004 To: CITY COUNCIL FROM: SUE ROBERDS, ASSISTANT PLANNER SUBJECT: REZONE OF PROPERTY - OLYMPIC MEDICAL CENTER NW CORNER OF CAROLINE AND RACE STREETS Summary: Rcqu<~ £or rezone of approximately 7,000 square feet of property from RS-7 Residential Single Family, to CO Commercial Office. , Recommendation: Following close of the public hearing, staff recommends that the City Council concur with the Planning Commission's recommendation to approve the rezone as proposed citing the findings and conclusions that are attached to this memorandum which were adopted by the Planning Commission on May 12, 2004. Background / Analysis: An application for rezone of approximately 7,000 square feet of property Was proposed for rezone from Residential Single Family to Commercial Office by the Olympic Medical Center on March 11, 2004. The property is owned by Mrs. Virginia Fitzpatrick and is being purchased by the Olympic Medical Center for an expansion of the Center's medical campus. State law allows for only one public hearing in the case of site specific rezone requests which is conducted by the City Council. On June 1, 2004, the City Council opened the public hearing, reviewed the Planning Commission's recommendation of approval along with staff's report, and listened to testimony provided by Mr. Scott Smasel, a neighbor in the area, and then continued the public hearing to June 8, 2004. The previously submitted background information has been recopied for your information along with an excerpt of the June 1, 2004, City Council Minutes which contains the public hearing testimony. As the public hearing remains open, Council may continue to take public testimony prior to deliberation on the application. Staff will be available for questions. ' ~u{~ Roberds,/~s~stant planner Attachments: Ordinance and map 6/1/04 CC Minutes 5/12/04 Minutes excerpt Department report Comment letters 3 4 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles rezoning Lot 17, Block 32, Norman R. Smith Subdivision from RS-7 to CO and amending the Official Zoning Map, ' Ordinance 2801, as amended. wHEREAs, the Planning Commission of the City of Port Angeles held a public hearing on May 12, 2004, and follc~wing that hearing the Planning Commission adopted Findings and Conclusions and recommended that the City Council approve and adopt this application for rezone; and 'WHEREAS, the requirements of the State Environmental Policy Act (Chapter 43.21C RCW) have been met; and WHEREAS, the City Council, after conducting a public hearing, considering the Planning Commission's recommendation, and entering its own findings and conclusions, finds that said rezone is in the best interest of the City and its citizens and is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES DO HEREBY ORDAIN as follows: Section 1. The Official Zoning Map, Ordinance No. 2801, as amended, is I . hereby amended to change the zoning of Lot 17, Block 32, Norman R. Smith Subdivision from RS-7 to CO, as shown in the attached Exhibit "A". Section 2. The City Clerk is hereby directed to attach a copy of this Ordinance to the Official Zoning Map and to file a certified copy with the Clallam County Auditor and the Clallam County Assessor. Section 3. - Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect five days following the date of its publication by summary. Section 4. - Severabilitv Ifanyprovision of this Ordinance or its application to any person or circumstances is held invalid, the remainder of the Ordinance, or application of the provisions of the Ordinance to other persons or circumstances, is not affected. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said Council held on the day of June, 2004. Mayor Richard Headrick ATTEST: I Becky J. Upton, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: William E. Bloor, City Attorney PUBLISHED: By Summary G:~Lcgai_Backup\ORDINANCES&KE$OLUTION$~OO4-OS.wpd -2- 6 7 EXHIBIT "A" 8 DRAFT Excerpt of 6/1/04 Council Minutes June 3,1004 The following is an excerpt from the draft minutes of the City Council meeting of June 1, 2004, on the matter of the Olympic Medical Center Rezone (RS-7, Residential Single Family, to CO, Commercial Office) - Race Street and Caroline Street: "Mayor Headdck opened the public heating at 7:25 p.m. , ' Scott Smasal, 418 N. Race Street, advised the Council that he resides on the lot just north of the area to be developed. Understanding the Hospital planned to make this a parking !ot, he was concerned as to the possible location of the access to the parking lot. Victoria Street runs behind his house, and he described it as being a fairly narrow alley - 14 feet wide at the most narrow point. Mr. Smasal was concerned there would be an entrance to the parking lot just off the alley, and he inquired as to whether a decision had been made in that regard. ' Director Collins indicated there is no specific proposal for the site as this point; however, the ' location of an access would be subject to the City Engineer's determination. A parking lot would be subject to a Conditional Use Permit, so there would be another opportunity to address the matter during a public hearing on the CLIP. Director Collins further explained that the first step would be to determine whether to allow a parking lot, and the second step would involve determining how the parking lot would be developed. If the property is rezoned, it would not have been rezoned specifically for a parking lot, as it could accommodate another use as well. Director Collins continued that it was the City's understanding that the hospital wanted to make a parking lot which, again, would require a Conditional Use Permit for the CO Zone, with a public heating before the Planning Commission. Mayor Headrick provided further clarification of the process for Mr. Smasal, and Councilmember Rogers assured Mr. Smasal that the City Council record would show that he stated his concerns this evening regarding the issue. Mr. Smasal provided additional information for Councilmember Braun, indicating the alley, right off his driveway, is narrow and is used by animals and children. He was concerned there would be a lot of traffic, with employees hurrying into the parking lot. At 7:30 p.m., Mayor Headrick continued the public hearing to June 8, 2004." 9 10 FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS IN SUPPORT OF REZONE PROPOSAL - REZ 04-01 - OLYMPIC MEDICAL CENTER, Northwest comer of Race/Caroline Street: Based on the information provided in the public record including the application, staff report, comments made received during the public comment period, the Planning Commission's deliberation at a public hearing, and information presented at the City Council's public heating, the City of Port Angeles City Council makes the following findings and conclusions in support of Rezone REZ 04- 01: Findings: 1. The Olympic Medical Center requeste,d rezone of an approximately 7,000 square foot property located at the northwest comer of the Race Street/Georgiana Street intersection identified as being Lot 18, Block 32, Norman R. Smith Subdivision to Port Angeles from RS-7 Residential Single Family to CO Commercial Office on March 1, 2004. 2. The Comprehensive Plan designates the site as Commercial. A narrow band of Low Density Residential property is located directly west of the sur~ject site that is developed with a narrow band of existing marine bluff residential uses consisting of mainly older homes. Comprehensive Plan policies that have been identified as being most relevant to the proposal include Land Use Plan Goal A and Policy A.2; Commercial Goals and Policies Goal D, and ' Policy D.2; and Capital Facilities Element Goals A and D. 3. Properties to the east are developed as the Olympic Medical Center and a variety of medical office uses. Properties south of the site and north of the Caroline/Georgiana alley are developed with a mix of commercial office uses clustered around the Race Street corridor extending mainly east but also west in this area to Francis Street. All properties along and particularly east of Race Street are zoned Commercial Office north of Georgiana Street in the area with properties west and southwest of the site being zoned RS-7, Residential Single Family. I 4. The subject site is flat and is vacant with two smaller, older single-family residences north of the site along the Marine bluff, west of the north end of Race Street in this location. 5. Race Street is designated as an arterial street and serves as the main traffic corridor to the Olympic Medical Center. Race Street dead ends at the location with the site being located on the opposite comer of the street directly across from the entrance to the Medical Center's emergency room, ambulance parking area, and main administration office. 6. The SEPA Responsible Official issued a Determination of Nonsignificance for the proposal on May 7, 2004, which satisfies the City's responsibility under the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA). 7. Public notification was provided by mailing to neighboring property owners on March 30, 2004, posting of the property on April 2, 2004, and publication of the proposal in the Peninsula Daily News on April 4, 2004. Two letters in opposition to the proposal were received from Carl Haarstad and Michelle Surette who objected to the continued expansion of commercial zoning in the area. 3_1_ 8. The Planning Commission conducted a public hearing in consideration of the rezone. groposal on May 12, 2004, and forwarded a recommendation of approval to the City Council. 9. The City Council conducted a public heating in consideration of the rezone pr'oposal on June 1, 2004. Conclusions: A. The rezone is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map and policies, specifically Land Use Plan Goal A and Policy A.2; Commercial Goals and Policies Goal D, and Policy D.2; and Capital Facilities Element Policy D. B. The rezone would allow a low intensive commercial activity to be located on the subject site that would provide a buffer between existing residential uses and the main Race Street arterial corridor and access to the Olympic Medical Center. C. Expansion of the Olympic Medical Center and its services to the community have caused the need for expansion of the Center's facilities. D. The rezone is in the public use and interest and is compatible with the surrounding zoning and land uses. Adopted by the Port Angeles City Council at its meeting of June 1, 2004. Richard Headrick, Mayor Becky J. Upton, City Clerk T:\FORM SkF&Colymed.wpd pORTANGELES WASHINGTON, U.S.A. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT STAFF REPORT TO: Planning Commission FROM: Sue Roberds, Assistant Planner DATE: . May 12, 2004 RE: REZ 04-01 APPLICANT: Olympic Medical Center OWNER: Olympic Medical Center LOCATION: Lot 17, Block 32, Norman R. Smith Subdivision to the Townsite.ofPort Angeles NW Comer of Race and Caroline Streets ' REQUEST: A rezone of approximately 7,000 square feet of property, from RS-7, Residential Single Family, to CO, Commercial Office. RECOMMENDATION: The Department of Community Development recommends approval of the rezone citing the findings and conclusions listed in Attachment "A" to this staff report. BACKGROUND: The area proposed for rezone is located at the northwest comer of Race Street between Caroline Street and the Marine bluff. The site is fiat and vacant. Properties to the south and west are zoned and developed with single family residences. Properties to the east are zoned CO Commercial Office and are mainly developed with office/medical uses. With the exception of lots along the marine bluff in the area, the vacant lot is the only property along the Race Street corridor north of Front Street that is not zoned Commercial Office (see attached map). DEPARTMENT AND PUBLIC COMMENT: Reviewing City Departments had no objection to the proposed rezone. City utihties are available and adequate to serve additional commercial uses in the area. i -3- Olympic Medical Center - REZ 04-01 May 12, 2004 Page 2 Public notification of the proposal was mailed to surrounding property owners on March 30, 2004, the site was posted on April 2, 2004, and notice was placed in the Peninsula Daily News on April 4, 2004. Written comments were received from neighboring property owners who objected to the continued expansion of commercial zoning in the area. The written comment letters are attached for your review. ZONING: .RS-7 Zone - "This is a low density residential zone intended to create andpreserve urban single family residential neighborhoods consisting of predominantly single family homes on standard Townsite size lots. Uses which are compatible with and functionally related to a single family residential environment may also be located in this zone." CO Zone - "This is a commercial zone intended for those business, office, administrative or professional uses which do not involve the retail sale of goods but rather provide a service to clients, the provision of which does not create high traffic volumes, involve extended hours of operation, or contain impacts that would be detrimental to adjacent residential areas." The Commercial Office zone was created to allow for business uses that are considered to be compatible with and offer the least impact to adjacent residential areas such as: financial institutions, professional offices, child day-care centers, pre-schools, medical/dental clinics, offices, and laboratories. Such uses can create a needed buffer between arterial streets and residential uses. In this instance, emergency activities associated with the location of the Medical center emergency entrance being directly across Race Street couM be significantly disruptive to a typical residential use on the site and the use of a site as a buffer could improve the residential atmosphere further west of the area. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: The SEPA Responsible Official issued a Determination of Nonsignificance for the proposal on May 7, 2004. This satisfies the City's responsibility under the State Environmental Policy Act (RCW 43.21C). COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: The Comprehensive Plan identifies the site as Commercial. The entire area north of Front Street from the east City limits to Laurel Street in this area is designated Commercial as can be seen on the attached map. Only a small area west of Race Street is identified as having the potential of remaining Low Density Residential (LDR), which is an area located along the marine bluff where mainly older residences are found west of the subject site. A principal goal of the Commercial land designation is to create and maintain a healthy and diverse commercial sector for a balanced and stable local economy. Although the entire Comprehensive Plan goals, policies, and objectives have been reviewed with regard to the proposal, in the interest of conciseness, only those policies found to be most relevant to the proposal have been cited herein. Olympic Medical Center - REZ 04-01 May 12, 2004 Page 3 Land Use Map Goal, Policies and Objective Goal fi,, Policy 1 - "The Comprehensive Pima Land Use Map Should be used as a conceptual guide for deten~ning current and long range zoning and other land use decisions. The map's land use designations are intended to show areas where general land use types are allowed. The area between land use designations should be considered an imprecise margin in order to provide flexibility in determining the boundary of such areas. When determining appropriate zoning designations for an area near a margin, the goals, policies and objectives of the Land Use Element should take precedence." The subject site is identified on the City's Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map in a commercially (C) designated area that borders a bubble of low density residential (LDR). The LDR designation in this location identifies an established bluff property residential area with all other property in the neighborhood identified as commercial. Goal A, Policy No. 2. - "All land u~e decisions and approvals made by the City Council and/or any of its appointed Commissions, Boards or Committees should be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and its land use map." Stqff's recommendation is based on the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map and land use elements. Policy 2. Public uses such as government offices, public service buildings, and other public and quasi- publ/c facilities and services may be allowed in commercially designated areas. Commercial Goals and Policies Goal D: To create and maintain a healthy and diverse commercial sector for a balanced and stable local economy. I Policy D.2: Public uses such as govenmaent offices, public service buildings, and other public m~d quasi-public facilities and services may be allowed in commercially designated areas. The prot~osal is to rezone property owned by the Olyml2ic Medical Center to a commercial designation that would allow not only typical Commercial Office uses, but at]vresent, to be used in conjunction with Medical Center activities. Capital Facilities Element Goal A. "To provide and maintain safe and financially feasible urban services and capital facilities at or above stated levels of service to all City residents and the general public." Goal D. To participate with the County, State, and Federal governments as well as other public agencies to provide adequate regional public services. -15 Olympic Medical Center - REZ 04-01 May 12, 2004 Page 4 The rezone proposal would provide additional commercial j~roperty in an area designated for such use. In this particular instance, the rezone is being requested i, associatio~ with an established public facility, the Olympic Medical Center, for expansion of that facility. DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ANALYSIS: The Comprehensive Plan Lm, d Use Map designates the entire area north of Front Street as Commercial from the City limits to Laurel Street with a small node of low density residential identifying existing residential bluff sites west of Race Street directly west of the subject site. Although the entire area has been identified as having the potential to develop to commercial uses since 1995, it was determined that rezone of the area, particularly west of Race Street and east of Jones Street, would be do~e on a case by case basis depending on requests from property owners. The current application is a request for such a change. Two small, older homes exist north of the alley north of the subject property while the subject site is vacant with larger residential sites located to the west of the property. Areas west or. the site would be required to be buffered from arterial street activities if the subject site were to be developed as commercial because the commercial zoning classification requires additional buffering where buffering between residential uses is not required. Commercial uses on comer lots are often prefelTed as,buffers for interior residential uses. Commercial activities permitted in the Commercial Office 'zone tend to be the type of activities that are "good neighbor" uses that normally occur during the weekday with little or reduced weekend activities. CO uses are normally well maintained properties because, as part of the business atmosphere, it is important to present an attractive exterior to clients. Furthe .rmore, activities that can be permitted conditionally in the Commercial Office zone would likely contain conditions that would make them even more compatible with adjoining residential uses due to the ability to require additional buffering, landscaping, hours of operation, and specific use of the site could be conditioned. _16 Olympic Medical Center - REZ 04-01 May 12, 2004 Page 5 't ATTACHMENT "A' r~tN~,~tNGo1 4ND ~j~e~c IN ~ITDD~DT OF P~Z~N~ P~OP~/~. '~g 04-01 OLYMPIC MEDIC~ CENTER: Based on the info~ation provided in the public record including the application, the staff repo~, conmaents made received duhng the public cogent period, and the Plying Co~ission's deliberation, the. Ci~ ofPo~ ~geles Plm~g Co~ission re&es these fmdin~ and conclusions: Findings: 1. The Ol~pic Medical Center requested rezone of an approximately 7,000 square foot prope~y located at ~e no~hwest comer of the Race StreeffGeorgiana Street intersection identified as being Lot 18, Block 32, No~ R. Smith Subdivision to Po~ ~geles kom RS-7 Residemial Single Fmily to CO Co~ercial Office on March 1, 2004. 2. The Comprehensive Pi~ desi~ates the site as Co~ercial. A n~ow b~d 6fLow Densi~ Residential prope~ is located dkectly west of~e subject site that is developed with a n~ow b~d of exist~g mmne bluffresidenti~ uses consist~g ofma~y older homes. Comprehensive Pi~ policies that have been identified as berg most relev~t to the proposal include L~d Use PI~ Goal A and Pohcy A.2; Co~ercial Goals and Pohcies Goal D, and PolicyD.2; ~d,Capital Facihties Element Goals A md D. 3. Prope~ies to the east ~e developed as the Ol~pic Medical Center ~d a vme~ of medical office uses. Prope~ies sou~ of the ske ~d no~h of the C~ol~e/Geor~a alley ~e developed with a ~x ofco~ercial office uses clustered ~o~d the Race Street condor extend~g ma~y east but also west ~ ~s ~ea to Francis Street. All prope~ies along ~d p~icul~ly east of Race Street ~e zoned Co~ercial Office no~ of Georgi~a S~eet in the ~ea Mth prope~ies west and southwest of the site being zoned RS-7, Residential Single Family. 4. The subject site is tim ~d is vac~t with ~o smaller, older single-f~ly residences no~h of ~e site along the Mmne bluff, west of the no~h end of Race S~eet in t~s location.. 5. Race Street is desi~ated as ~ a~eriM street ~d se~es as the main traffic co~idor to the Ol~npic Medical Center. Race S~eet dead ends at the location wi~ fl~e site being located on the opposite comer of the street directly across kom the entrance to the Medical Center's emergency mom, ambulance p~g ~ea, and main admi~s~ation office. 6. The SEPA Responsible Official issued a Dete~ination of Nonsi~ficance for the proposal on May 7, 2004, wl6ch satisfies the Ci~'s responsibihty under ~e State Enviromental Policy Act (SEPA). Conclusions: A. The rezone is consistent with the Comprehensive PI~ L~d Use Map and policies, specifically Land Use PI~ Goal A ~d Policy A.2; Co~ercial Goals ~d Policies Goal D, ~d Policy D.2; ~d CapitM Facilkies Element Policy D. _]j Olympic Medical Center - REZ 04-01 May 12, 2004 Page 6 B. The rezone would allow a low intensive commercial activity to be located on the subject site that would provide a buffei bem~een existing residential uses and the main Race Street arterial corridor and access to the Olympic Medical Center. C. Expansion of the Olympi,c Medical Center and its services to the community have caused the need for expansion of the Center's facilities. D. The rezone is in the public use and interest and is compatible with the surrounding zoning and land uses. ' This action constitutes a recommendation to the City Council, which has final attthority. Attachments: Attachment "A" - findings and conclusions Attachment "B" - application Attachment "C" - Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Code citations rezreed9.603 Surrounding Zoning Olympic Medical Center REZ 04-01 Site ATTACHMENT "A" · Fee: $450 & Sepa ($150) CITY OF PORT GELES Rezone Application CITY OF PORT ANGELES PLEASE READ ALL INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE COMPLETING THIS FORM Dept. of Community Development 1.(A) APPLICANT 0}~CC '~c~to;(. C~..~'~ DaytimePhone'3~0, Address G~q ~x~r~'~o¢ $~ Phone 3/;~. (B) PROPERTY OWNER (if other than applicant) Property Owner's Address (if,other than applicant) Daytime Phone (C) APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE if other than applicant or property owner ~.~. Phone ~bO. q/7.77/.~' 2. (A) Legal Description of Subject Property (B) General Location of Subject Prope~ 3. Size of Subject Prope~ ~ ~0~0 sq.~. blocks acres. 4. Zoning of Subject erope~ ~'~ ~ Proposed Zoning Desi~atiOn 5. Ch~actefistics of Subject Prope~y (how is it developed) 6. Characteristics of Surrounding Area (what uses are around the property) 7. Comprehensive Plan Designation of Property ~o 8. Comprehensive Plan Designation of Surrounding Properties 9. Applicable Comprehensive Plan Policies 10. JUSTIFICATION FOR ZONiNG CHANGE (A) Relationship to Camprehensive Plan (B) Suitabiliw of PropeW for Proposed Zodng (C) Ch~ge in Circumstances Since Original Zoning (D) ~appropfiateness ofCu~ent Zo~ng 11. I CERTIFY that all of the above statements are tree to the best of my knowledge and acknowledge that wilful misrepresentation of information will immediately terminate this application. - SIaNATURE Date May 11, 2004 I Virginia Fitzpatrick am aware and do not object to the requested rezone of the Lot #17 of Block 32 that I am in the process of selling to OMC. I~AY t ~ 200~ CiTY OF PORT ANGELES Dept. of Community Development _24 316 North Race Street ~ ~,~vt. cT c0mr ' velopment Port Angeles, WA 98362 (Tel: 360-452-0931) To the City of Port Angeles: As residents of 316 North Race Street, we would like to register our opposition to the proposed rezone of an approximately 7000 square foot lot at the northwest comer of 'Caroline and Race Streets. It is our understafiding that the immediate purpose of the proposed rezone is to permit the construction cfa parking lot for the Olympic Medical Center. We are opposed to this rezone as we feel it encourages the haphazard, shortsighted, and unnecessary expansion of the Medical Center at the expense o£the surrounding neighborhoods. ' Issues that we would like to have addressed before this decision is made include: 1 .) How can the city approve a rezone for parking in the absence of any a Master Site .Plan for the campus of the Medical Center. There should be a more farsighted development plan in place for such a large institution before the city permits the paving of the neighborhood lot by lot. 2.) An assessment of the longer term parking needs of the Medical Center. Clearly, this assessment needs to be made in light of potential area population growth and expansion of services offered by the Medical Center. But additionally, it is not preposterous to request that this assessment include a consideration of the depletion of world oil supplies and the likely change in the economics of commuting. I 3.) What policy and code revisions could the city make that would help the Medical Center implement more environmentally friendly and sustainable solutions to their current parking problems. Specifically, how can the city encourage the Medical Center to make a good faith exploration into the increased use of carpooling and public transit. Sincerely, Carl Haarstad and Michelle Surette -25 -26. Carl _aarstad and Ms. Michelle Surette - 200~t 316 North Race Street l Port Angeles, WA 98362 CITY OF PORT ANGELES Dept. of Community Development (Tek 360-452-093 ]) Dear Council Members of Port Angeles: Thank you for the opportunity to address you. These are the issues we would like to speak about at tonight's meet/ng. As homeowners and the proprietors of the Thor Town International Hostel, a Be.d and Breakfast located at 316 North Race street, we are disheartened by the design and location of the recent and proposed expansion plans of Olympic Memorial Hospital. During the summer of 2003, the hospital built a 60 space parking lot on the property SW of the intersection of Caroline and Chambers streets. We believe that this tot was b'ail; in violation of two and perhaps thi-ee items of the city code. 1 .) The parking lot is devoid of any vegetation, whereas the code Section i7.20.230 Design and Landscaping, item G. requires "One tree shall be provided for each ten par'king spaces, exclus.ive of any perimeter landscaping. Trees shall have a minimum, caliper of two .inches, and a height of at least twenty feet at maturity." AttaChed is a copy of an email correspondence with Mr. Scott Johns of the planning department concerning this topic. In it he asserts that the Community Development Department has the authority to permit the substitution of trees planted on public property in the right-of-way for the trees required on the owner's property as specified in th~ city code. We question this. 2.) The lights illuminate the property of the adjacent residence at 1022 Caroline Ln violation of City Code 17.20.230 item B. "All lighting on the site shall be so directed as to reflect away from adjoining properties and public rights-of-way." As shown in the attached photos, taken at two am, the adjacent property is lit brightly enough to permit reading a book in the middle of the night. When we spoke with the current resident to get permission to take these photos, her comment about the lighting was "Tell me about it. It drives me nuts." .. 3.) Although the architect wrote in the SEPA application for the project that the "Storm water system to be designed to City of Port Angeles requirements", the design plans contain no mention of the storm drains which are located in the center of the parking lot. Furthermore, the planning and public works departments have been unable to provide any documentation on the design or inspection of the storm drains, leading us to question whether or not appropriate stormwater protection is being provided. Because of these perceived violations of the city code, we request that the council exercise its 0versiglit of the planning and public works departments and request a report on how these decisions to accommodate the hospital at the eXpense of the neighborhood came to pass. This is mn especially pressing concern for us since the hospital has recently purchased the property and residence adjacent to our home with the intentions of building a sknilar parking lot. We would like to prevent that style of development. We would also like to raise the broader issue of the factors pushing' the hospital in its current development direction. We've spoken briefly with staffin hospital administration, to better understand the current par ~k_ing problem, and intend to further 'address the issue at the meeting of their comrr)ssioners tomorrow evening (4/7/2004). Apparently, there are at least two factors pushing the hospital to choose to raze what in many communities would be a Heritage House in favor of a parking lot for approximately 20 vehicles at a cost approaching $10,000 per stall. First, there are residents in the neighborhood who are unhappy wkh the employee's cars parked on the street during ~,orking hours. Secondly, the city zoning code ks requ/ring additional off stree/ par ~k_ing prior to issuing any additional building permits. We feel these statutes are no longer appropriate in light of the growing opinion among scientists, including petroleum geologists, that production of oil will peak during this decade and th.is time a shortage of supply and soaring prices are truly here to stay. In light of the possibility of an enduring fuel shortage, as well as all of the detrimental effects of sprawl encouraged by car centered policies, we request that the city initiate discussions with the hospital and Clallam Transit on how the transportation needs of the hospital might be met without the further destruction of our neighborhood. At present, we still live in a beautiful neighborhood with walking access to the waterfi'ont and do,~mtown. As a large employer and a public service institution, we hope that the hospital may have the size and spirit, as well as the organizational ability to make a switch away from individual automobile use and toward transportation that will be sustainable and enhance the livability of our city. As someone wrote on the website for the City of Port Angeles, "Conservation matters, and it matters now!" This is an opporturfity for the city to make that more than a slogan. Sincerely, Carl Haarstad mxd Michelle Surette -28 Planning Commission Minutes May 12, 2004 Page 21 PUBLIC MEETING: REZONE PROPOSAL - REZ 04-01 - OLYMPIC MEDICAL CENTER - Northwest comer of the intersection of Race and Caroline Streets: Rezone fi.om RS- 7, Residential Single Family to CO, Commercial Office. Commissioner Nutter noted that a relative works at the Olympic Medical Center but she thought she could act fairly on the application. No one in the audience objected and so she remained at the dais. Assistant Planner Sue Roberds reviewed the Department's report. Following brief review of issues relating to the Comprehensive Plan and Land Use Map and the need for rezone or conditional use to allow certain uses in the CO zone, Commissioner Norton moved to recommend approval of the rezone as proposed citing the following findings and conclusions: Findings: 1. The Olympic Medical Center requested rezone of an approximately 7,000 square foot property located at the northwest comer of the Race Street/Georgiana Street intersection identified as being Lot 18, Block 32, Norman R. Smith Subdivision to Port Angeles from RS-7 Residential Single Family to CO Commercial Office on March 1, 2004. 2. The Comprehensive Plan designates the site as Commercial. A narrow band of Low Density Residential property is located directly west of the subject site that is developed with a narrow band of existing marine bluff residential uses consisting of mainly older homes. Comprehensive Plan policies that have been identified as being most relevant to the proposal include Land Use Plan Goal A and Policy A.2; Commercial Goals and Policies Goal D, and Policy D.2; and Capital Facilities Element Goals A and D. 3. Properties to the east are developed as the Olympic Medical Center and a variety of medical office uses. Properties south of the site and north of the Caroline/Georgiana alley are developed with a mix of commercial office uses clustered around the Race Street corridor extending mainly east but also west in this area to Francis Street. All properties along and particularly east of Race Street are zoned Commercial Office north of Georgiana Street in the area with properties west and southwest of the site being zoned RS-7, Residential Single Family. 4. The subject site is flat and is vacant with two smaller, older single-family residences north of the site along the Marine bluff, west of the north end of Race Street in this location.. 5. Race Street is designated as an arterial street and serves as the main traffic corridor to the Olympic Medical Center. Race Street dead ends at the location with the site being located on the opposite comer of the street directly across from the entrance to the Medical Center's emergency room, ambulance parking area, and main administration office. Planning Commission Minutes May 12, 2004 Page 22 6. The SEPA Responsible Official issued a Determination of Nonsignificance for the proposal on May 7, 2004, which satisfies the City's responsibility under the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA). Conclusions: A. The rezone is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map and policies, specifically Land Use Plan Goal A and Policy A.2; Commercial Goals and Policies Goal D, and Policy D.2; and Capital Facilities Element Policy D. B. The rezone would allow a low intensive commercial activity to be located on the subject site that would provide a buffer between existing residential uses and the main Race Street arterial corridor and access to the Olympic Medical Center. C. Expansion of the Olympic Medical Center and its services to the community have caused the need for expansion of the Center's facilities. D. The rezone is in the public use and interest and is compatible with the surrounding zoning and land uses. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Honnold and passed unanimously. CONTINUED DISCUSSION ON PROPOSED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENTS (and Green Crow): It was decided that this item should be continued to a special meeting to be held on May 19, 2004, 6 p.m. along with the preliminary subdivision for Green Crow discussed earlier in the agenda. Commissioner Honnold moved to continue discussion on the two issues to a special meeting to be held on May 19, 2004, 6 p.m. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Norton and passed 6 - 1 with Commissioner Nutter abstaining. (She did not state her reason for abstaining other than she stated earlier that she would not be able to attend a meeting on May 19, 2004, due to a previous commitment.) COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE PUBLIC None STAFF REPORTS None REPORTS OF COMMISSION MEMBERS None pORTANGELES WASHINGTON, U.S.A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: June l, 2004 To: CITY COUNCIL 1 FROM: Brad Collins, Community Development Director~_,~ SU}UECT: Comprehensive Plan Amendment 04-02 - City of Port Angeles , Summary: After several months of intensive public outreach by the Citizen Advisory Committee, sixty-eight proposed Comprehensive Plan amendments were drafted that included both Land Use Map and policy changes. Attachments A (new policy language/analysis) and B (new maps/figures) provide not only these 68 amendments but also additional administrative policy changes and new analysis updating the 1994 Comprehensive Plan. Following sixty days of public review and a public hearing on May 12, 2004, before the Planning Commission, all of the proposed amendments are subject to this public heating on June 1, 2004, before the City Council. Because of the large public involvement in the Comprehensive Planning process to date, it is expected that quite a number of citizens and groups will want to testify at the Council's public heating. To accommodate the large public interest, the City staff report on CPA 04-02 will be presented as scheduled at the June 14, 2004, City Council meeting. Recommendation: The Department of Community Development recommends that the City Council open the public hearing on CPA 04-02 and take testimony for one hour on a first come, sign up basis and continue the public hearing to another meeting of the City Council on June 8, 2004, before the matter goes as scheduled to the Council's June 14, 2004, meeting for action. Background / Analysis: The background information contains copies of public comment letters (Attachment C) which have been received to date and a description of the public participation process in the Citizen Advisory Committee report (Attachment D). A more detailed analysis of the issues that have been raised in the public participation process will be provided in the City staff`report for the June 14, 2004, City Council meeting. Attachments: 2004 Draft Comprehensive Plan (CPA 04-02) Excerpts of May 12 and 19, 2004, Planning Commission Minutes Public Comment Letters Citizen Advisory Committee Report THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN FOR THE CITY ~ ' OF PORT ANGELES AMENDED JUNE, 2004 31 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Update to include the participants of the 2004 update process The following citizens, past and present elected officials and staff are acknowledged for their various contributions to the development of this comprehensive plan, many of which devoted literally hundreds of volunteer hours over the past four years. EveryOne's efforts have made this planning effort a success and are greatly appreciated. City Council Members Gary Braun Jerry Cornell Larry Doyle Kelly Gabriel Jim Hallett Jim Hulett Mike Lemon Cathlene McKeown Larry Nicholson Prosper Ostrowski Joan Sargent Larry Schueler Dick Wight Planning Commission Members Carl Alexander, Jr. William Anabel Orville Campbell Roger Catts Ray Gruver Jim Hulett Larry Leonard Linda Nutter Robert Philpott Cindy Souders Bob Winters Growth Management Advisory Committee Members Carl Alexander, Jr. William Anabel Roger Catts Margaret Crawford Pat Downie Gay Knutson Bill Lindberg John Pope Ken Schermer Cindy Souders Capital Facilities Plan Committee Members Carl Alexander, Jr. Gary B0raun Lorraine Ross Jewel VanOss Staff Brad Collins, Planning Director Kay Godbey, Finance Director Jeff Pomeranz, City Manager David Sawyer, Senior Planner Jack Pittis, Public Works Director Nancy Ryan, EIS Consultant Bob Titus, City Light Department Director Sue Roberds, Planning Office Specialist Tim Smith, Contracts/ProjeCts Administrator 2004 updates The following citizens, past and present elected officials and staff are acknowledged for their various contributions to the 2004 updating of this comprehensive plan, many of which devoted volunteer hours to provide assistance to staff and develop a citizen participation process that would reflect the wishes of the community in the Comprehensive Plan. Everyone's efforts have made this planning effort a success and are greatly appreciated. Cit~ Council Members Richard Headrick, Mayor Larry Williams Gary_ BIaun, Deputy Mayor Karen Rogers Jack Pittis Grant Munro Lauren Erickson Planning Commission Members Robert Philpott Linda Nutter Charles Schramm Leonard Rasmussen Fred Hewins Dylan Honnold Fred Norton ' Citigen A dviso~ Corn tnittee Members Cindy Souders Ray Gruver Nason Beckett Orville Campbell Bill Sallee Jack Pittis, Ci_ty Council Betsy Reed-Schultz Jim Haguewood Fred Hewins, Planning Commission Staff Brad Collins, Community Development Director Tim Smith, Economic Development Director Mike Quinn, City Manager Scott Johns, Associate Planner Glenn Cutler, Public Works Director Sue Roberds, Assistant Planner , Yvonne Ziomkowski, Finance Director ADOPTING ORDINANCE AMENDMENTS DATE OF AMENDMENT June 20, 1995 #2873 June 4 1996 #2917 June I7 1997 #2960 June 2 1998 #2992 (Map change only) June 1 ' 1999 #3021 (Map change only) June 19 2000 , #3056 (Map change only) June 18 2001 #3082 , June 17 2002 #3118 June 25 2003 #3142 TABLE OF CONTENTS City of Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan 36 Table of Contents - Page v LIST OF FIGURES (update List of Figures as needed) City of Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan 3 7 List of Figures Page vi LIST OF TABLES (updated List of' Tables as needed) City of Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan 38 List of Figures -_ Page vii LIST OF APPENDICES City of Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan List of Appendices 39 -- Page viii INTRODUCTION Compliance with the State Growth Management Act In 1990 the Washington State Legislature enacted the State Growth Management Act (GMA), which requires all cities and 'counties subject to the Act to develop and adopt comprehensive plans and implementing ordinances that will regulate and guide future growth and development. In accordance with the Act, each county must also establish independent urban growth areas capable of containing future growth projected for cities, and other urban areas, for the next 20 years. To ensure compatibility between various comprehensive plans, the cities, county, and other affected agencies cooperatively developed a set of county-wide planning policies to guide this process. To ensure orderly developmeni, the City of Port Angeles agreed to work with the County in the development of comprehensive plan goals and policies for the Port Angeles Urban Growth Area (UGA). The Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan has been developed to meet the requirements of the Grow:th Management Act and is consistent with the Clallarn County-Wide Planning Policy. In 2004 the City undertook a public participation program to seek input into updates to the Comprehensive Plan. Citizen comments were received during public meetings, through written comments, and over the Interact.' Various opportunities for community involvement were provided and comments were received represented several hundred people. The following sections of this chapter will hopefully help users of this document better understand what a Comprehensive Plan is and how it relates to other rules and regulations of the City. I Purpose of the Comprehensive Plan A City's Comprehensive Plan serves as the core of the land use controls which all other city plans, ordinances, and regulations must be in compliance with and support (See Figure 1). Prior to the passage of the State Growth Management Act, such compliance was considered desirable but actual consistency was not required. GMA now makes such compliance a requirement. If subordinate planning or regulations, such as the City's Zoning Ordinance or Capital Facility Plan, are not consistent with the goals and policies of the Comprehensive Plan, then those documents may be determined to be illegal and rendered invalid. COMPLIANCE WITH THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN INSERT GRAPHIC HERE The Co~nprehensive Plan is the basis upon which local governmental decisions are, to be made. it sets forth the City's goals and policies and visualizes directions the City will take over the next two decades. It is, therefore, important that the Comprehensive Plan truly reflect the goals and desires &the community. In order for that to take place, it is vital that citizens take an active role in determining the quality, context, and vision incorporated within this Comprehens. ive Plan. A community is a diverse and heterogeneous grouping of people. Individually, each of us has a set of treasured values. Together, we give the community a set of shared values. In a community, individual values often clash and indeed must confront each other if the shared values of the community are to develop. Good planning uncovers the values we share as a community and uses the shared values to guide development of the Comprehensive Plan. No plan can be expected to last for all time. Times change, conditions change, and what w.e value in our community changes. Even though this Comprehensive Plan covers a 20-year period, it must be reviewed at least every te~ seven years and can be amended every year. This , allows the City to adjust the Comprehensive Plan as conditions, needs, and desires of the community change. Through the on-going development of this Comprehensive Plan, the City of the Pgrt Angeles reaffirms that it is the rightful goal of the people of our community to take an active role, sharing the work and responsibility involved in determining the character, quality, and destiny of this community. Development of the Comprehensive Plan and Public Participation '~"7 ............ urve Plapm ng ........... su.wey. ..... over a un re ..... · : ...... .-1-.., ..el ........ .-1 ..1.~.1 C~, .......... *^ each; 1' ,,1 .... I.,~,-I ¢^ ....... 1 TI,.-; ..... ;+ .... ,-1 +1~ ...... 1+ ......... ;~+.,,.1 .1~ o 4'I~1 .... ~ 2~ ~/1'~1` 100,1 r ovi c-,-,'IP,~ tho Th= t-Nh, 242 Thc Comprehensive PI~ was initially updated ~om its 19% wrsion under thc Gro~h ~anagcmcnt Act in June of ~ ~4. The Cit~ has been involved in a t~ee ye~ pro~ to update the Comprehensive P]~. ~ 2002 the City focused its Comprehensive P]~ ch~ges on the downtown ~d water~ont ~eas. ~ 2003, the City focused its mendments on the east side and east UGA. The 2004 updates reflected a CiW wide approach wi~ an ambitious public pa~icipation pro,am. The City of Po~ ~geles unde~ook the task of making major updates to its Comprehensive PI~ over a t~ee year period begi~ing in 2002. ~endment to the Comprehensive Plan made that year focused on the Do--town and shoreline areas of the City. ~ 2003, the pdm~ focus was on the eastern potion of the City and the use of low impact development tec~iques to address sto~water issues and development costs. The third ~ear, 2004, inco¢orated Cit~ide changes that were developed t~ough an intense public pa~icipation pro,am as required by the State. To do this, the City appointed a Citizen Adviso~ Committee comprised of nine members who helped desi~ the Proem specifically to reach a large number of citizens ~d solicit responses that could be used in crafting ~y proposed amendments. The adviso~ commi~ee was made up of citizens involved with neighborhood issues, local business and economic development, past Planning Commission and City Council members, and a sitting member of both the City Council and Planning Commission. This group was given the task of designing a program to involve citizens in contributing their ideas to the planning process and to assist staff in crafting proposals for changes to the Comprehensive Plan. The program that was developed consisted of a week-long open house, followed by three weeks of neighborhood meetings. The open house and meetings were advertised by several means, including placing a large banner across Hyw 101~ the main street through the City. Press releases were issued weekly to the newspaper and local radio station. The Peninsula Daily News published seven articles on the'planning process over the five week period and carded two City sponsored advertisements. Additionally, planning meetings were announced in the Things To Do column on three occasions. The Department of Community Development participated in the two-day Home Showheld at the Port Angeles High School gymnasium. The meeting times, dates, and locations were scheduled so that a broad section of the population could participate. Times were varied from early afternoon (1:00 pm to 3:00 pm), later afternoon (4:00 pm to 6:00 pm) and later evening (7:00 pm to 9:00 pm). Meetings were held on various days of the week and seven different locations were used to hold meetings. A web page was developed and linked to the City's Homepage' listing the meeting dates, times and focus. The web page was updated throughout the process and the comment questions were made available on-line to provide an additional and easy method of response to the written comments form made available at all the meetihgs and various public locations such as City Hall. Members of the Citizen Advisory Committee volunteered their time to contact and attend meetings of 21 organizations that were identified as potential stakeholders. Those organizations were informed of the planning effort being taken by the City and were invited to participate in the process by suggesting changes that might be made to the Comprehensive Plan. A three-hour forum specifically for these civic and business organizations to comment on or make proposals was held at the end to the three-week public meeting period. The Comprehensive Plan update process has had contact with 300 - 400 individuals through open houses, public meetings, organization/stakeholder presentation, comment forms returned, and use of the Ihternet. Eighty-five people attended at least one public meeting as indicated by sign-in sheets. A total of 58 comment sheets were submitted. In addition, five different organizations made formal presentations to the Citizen Advisory Committee. As a result, 68 specific amendments were drafted and submitted to the Planning Commission for review. OrganiZation and Requirements of the comPrehensive Plan The Comprehensive Plan is organized as an introduction, a community profile, a definition section a series of elements, and various appendixes including the Capital Facilities Plan, Housing Needs Assessment, and Environmental Impact Statement. Each element addresses a particular topic and contains a general comment section and one or more goals with various related policies and objectives. Some of the elements have an associated map or plan. The Growth Management Act requires that a comprehensive plan consist of a map or maps and ' descriptive text covering objectives, principles, and standards used to develop the comprehensive plan. The plan shall be an internally consistent document, and all elements shall be consistent with the future land use map. Each comprehensive plan shall include a plan, scheme, or design for each of the following: 1. Land Use Element, 2. Housing Element, 3. Capital Facilities Plan Element,. 4. Utilities Element, and 5. Transportation Element. Additionally each plan shall co, ntain a process for identifying and siting essential public facilities. This plan contains each of the required elements as well as three additional optional elements, a conservation element, an economic development element, and a growth management element. Each of the elements have been developed to be consistent with the Growth Management Act and to reflect the needs and desires of the City of Port Angeles and its citizens. 'Following are the Minimum requirements for the various elements as listed in the State of Washington Administrative Code (WAC). Included with the requirements for each mandated element is a table which shows how this comprehensive plan meets these requirements. 1. Requirements for the Land Use Element This element shall contain at least the following features: A. Designatit~n of the proposed general distribution and general location and extent of the uses of land, where appropriate, for agriculture, timber production, housing, commerce, industry, recreation, open spaces, public utilities, public facilities, and other land uses (WAC 365-195-305 1, a). B. Population densities, building intensities, and estimates of future population growth (WAC 365-195-305 1, b). C. Provisions for protection of the quality and quantity of ground water used for public water sUpplies (WAC 365-195-305 1, c). D. Where applicable, a review of drainage, flooding, and storm-water mn-off in the area covered by the plan and nearby jurisdictions, and guidance for corrective actions to mitigate or cleanse those discharges that pollute waters of the state, including Puget Sound or waters entering Puget Sound (WAC 365-195-305 1, d). Table 1 GMA Requirements for the Land Use Element How the above listed land , use requirements are Legislative addressed in the Page Requirement ComPrehensive Plan Number lA Land Use Text 45-48 lA Land Usc Map 46 1B Community Profile Text 19 lB Appendix A II-68-74 lB Land Use Text 45-48 lB Land Use Map 46 , , Conservation Goals, Policies 1 C and Objectives 68-71 Conservation Goals, Policies 1D and Objectives 68-71 1D Appendix A 11-130-132 1D Appendix E 78 2. Requirements for the Housing Element This element shall contain at least the following features: A. An inventory and analysis of existing and projected housing needs (WAC 365- 195-310 1, a). B. A statement of the goals, policies, and objectives for the preservation, improvement, and development of housing (WAC 365-195-310 1, b). C. Identification of sufficient land for housing, including, but not limited to, government-assisted housing, housing for low-income families, manufactured housing, multifamily housing, and group homes and foster care facilities (WAC 365-195-310 1, c). Adequate provisions for existing and projected housing needs of all. economic segments of the community (WAC 365-195-310 1, d). Table 2 GMA Requirements for the Housing Element How the above listed housing , ' Legislative requirements are addressed Page Requirement in the COmPrehensive Plan Number 2A Community Profile Text 24 2A Appendix A 11-68-74 2A Appendix C 41-51 Housing Goals, Policies and 2B Objectives 65-67 2C Land Use Text 45-48 2C Land Use Map 46 : , 2C ' Appendix A 11-68-74 Housing Goals, Policies and 2D Objectives 65-67 2D Land Use Map 46 3. Requirements for the Capital Facilities Element This element shall contain at least the following features: A. An inventory of existing capital facilities owned by public entities showing the locations and capacities of the capital facilities (WAC 365-195-315 1, a). B. A forecast of the future needs for such capital facilities (WAC 365-195-315 1, b). C. The proposed locations and capacities of expanded or new capital facilities (WAC 365-195-315 1, c). D. At least a six-year plan that will finance such capital facilities within projected funding capacities and clearly identifies sources of public money for such .purposes (WAC 365-195-315 1, d). E. A requirement to reassess the land use element if probable funding falls short of meeting existing needs and to ensure that the land use element, capital facilities plan element, and financing plan within the capital facilities plan element are coordinated and consistent (WAC 365-195-315 1, e). Table 3 GMA Requirements for the Capital Facilities'Element How the abbve listed Capital facilities requirements are LegiSlative addressed in the Page Requirement Comprehensive Plan Number 3A Appendix E 35-39 3A Appendix E 63-96 3B Appendix A II- 101-140 3 C Appendix A II- 101 - 140 3D Appendix E 99-10 ! Capital Facilities Goals and 3E Policies 76 4. Requirements for the Utilities Element This element shall contaih at least the following features: The general location, proposed location, and capacity of all existing and proposed utilities, including, but not limited to, electrical lines, telecommunication lines, and natural gas lines (WAC 365-195-320 1). Table 4GMA Requirements for the Utilities Element How the above listed utilities Legislative requirements are addressed page Requirement in the Comprehensive Plan Number Capital Facilities Goals, 4 Policies and Objectives 74-75 4 Appendix E 63-96 5. Requirements for the Transportation Element This element shall contain at least the following features: A. Land use assumptions used in estimating travel (WAC 365-195-325 1, a). B. Facilities and services needs including: ' 1) An inventory of air, water, and land transportation facilities and services, including transit alignments, to define existing capital facilities and travel levels as a basis for future planning; 2) Level of service standards for all arterial streets and transit routes to serve as a gauge to judge performance of the system. These standards sn6uid be regionally coordinated; ' 3) Specific actions and requirements for bringing into compliance any facilities or services that are below an established level of service standard; . , 4) Forecasts of traffic for at least ten years based on the adopted land use plan to provide information on the location, timing, and capacity needs of future growth; and 5) Identification of system expansion needs and transportation system management needs to meet current and future demands (WAC 365-195- 325 1, b). C. Finance, including: 1) An analysis of funding capability to judge needs against probable funding resources; 2) A multi-year financing plan based on the needs identified in the comprehensive plan, the appropriate parts of which shall serve as the basis for the six-year street, road, or transit program required by RCW 35.77.010 for cities, RCW 36.81.121 for counties, and RCW 35.58.2795 for public transportation systems; and 3) if probable funding falls short of meeting identified needs, a discussion of how additional funding will be raised or how land use assumptions will be 49_ reassessed to ensure that level of service standards will be met (WAC 365- 195-325 1, c). D. Intergovernmental coordination efforts, including an assessment of the impacts of the transportation systems of adjacent jurisdictions (WAC 365-195-325 1, d). E. Demand-man.agement strategies (WAC 365-195-325 1, e). Table 5 GMA Requirements for the Transportation Element How the above listed transportation requirements Legislative are addressed in the Page Requirement Comprehensive Plan Number 5A Appendix A 11-84-91 5A Appendix E 63-96 . Capital Facilities Goals, 5B Policies and Objectives 74-77 Transportation Goals, Policies 5B and Objectives 55-60 5B Appendix A 11-84-91 5B Appendix E 63-96 Capital Facilities Goals, 512 Policies and Objectives 74-76 5C Appendix E 99-101 Transportation Goals, Policies 5D and Objectives 55-60 Transportation Goals, Policies 5E and Objectives 59 6. Requirements for Siting Public Facilities The Comprehensive Plan shall be consistent with the following: A. Essential public facilities include those facilities that are typically difficult to site _.5_{1 '\ such as, airports, state education facilities, state or regional transportation t facilities, solid waste handling facilities, and in-patient facilities including substance abuse facilities, mental health facilities, and group homes. (WAC 365- 195-340 1, a). B. The office of financial management shall maintain a list of those essential state public facilities that are required or likely to be built within the next six years. Facilities may be added to this list at any time (WAC 365-195-340 1, b). C. No local comprehensive plan may preclude the siting of essential bublic facilities. Table 6GMA Requirements for Siting Public Facilities How the above listed siting of public facilities requirements Legislative are addressed in the Page Requirement Comprehensive Plan Number 6A Definitions 33 6B NA - Capital Facilities Goals, : , 6C ' Policies and Objectives 79 Use of the Comprehensive Plan The Comprehensive Plan is designed to be used by the public as a way for citizens to learn the long-range goals and policies of the City, as a base upon which City officials make land use and other decisions, and as a tool which City staff uses to insure the desirable development of the City. The Plan's Environmental Impact Statement (EIS, Appendix A) is designed as a programmatic ElS and may be used as a phased reviewed environmental document for any plans, ordinances, programs, or development projects that are consistent with the goals and policies of the Comprehensive Plan. Any project proposed in the City will have to show that it is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. If it is not, it cannot be approved unless the Comprehensive Plan is amended and additional environmental review is completed. COMMUNITY PROFILE History of the City The City of Port Angeles has long been the primary urban center of the North Olympic Peninsula. The earliest residents of the area were Native Americans such as the Klallam ("Strong People") and Makah Indian tribes, who were sustained bS' the region's abundant natural resources. These same natural resources - the naturally protected deep-water harbor, abundant coniferous forests, prolific wildlife and marine resources, and an overall natural beauty also attracted the first non- natives to the area and continue today to encourage visitors and new residents alike from all walks of life. . Known variously as "Old Dungeness," "False Dungeness," "Cherbourg," and "Port Angeles," settlement was intermittent and sporadic throughout the early history of the City. In 1862 (due largely to the efforts of one man: Victor Smith, the "Father of Port Angeles"), President Abraham Lincoln signed an executive order setting aside 3,520 acres of land on the site as a U.S. Government Lighthouse and Military Reservation. Soon after, Port Angeles was established as the "Second National City" for the nation, and the original townsite layout has endured to this day. Patterned after the plan of Cincinnati, Ohio (substituting the Harbor for the Ohio River), the streets are arranged and named the same: Front, First, Second, etc. and at right angles to these are Tumwater, Cedar, Pine, Valley, Cherry, Oak, Laurel, Vine, and Race. While the City has benefi[ed greatly from that original planning with its grid-pattern street layout, various challenges were also created such as utility service provision and circulatory problems, due to the topography of the land. Seven different streams, with associated ravines, travel through the community running south-to-north as they wend their way to the Strait of Juan de Fuca. They are: Dry Creek, Tumwater Creek, Valley Creek, Peabody Creek, Ennis/White's Creek, Lee's Creek, and Morse Creek. Despite such early planning, major settlement did not take place within the City until 1887 with the a~val founding of the Puget Sound Cooperative Colony. A social experiment in communal living the Colony contributed greatly to the expansion of Port Angeles. Although short-lived, this settlement near the mouth of Ennis Creek built a sawmill, lathe-mill, and shipyard; constructed a 58-foot propeller-driven schooner, "The Angeles;" started the first newspaper in town (The Model Commonwealth); and built the first schoolhouse, office building, and a City Opera House, in addition to founding four different churches in Port Angeles. The Colony was largely disbanded by 1889 due to internal disputes, but many of the colonists stayed -52 and blbnded with the rest of the thriving community. By 1890, the City population had soared to over 3,000 people, and the Government Reserve established 28 years earlier had become a bottleneck to progress, completely restricting further development of the City since it could not legally be homesteaded. The result was a "land rush" onto the federal property as citizens took matters into their own hands as "Reserve Jumpers" that 4th of July, moving en masse onto the reserve, platting lots, and establishing homesteads: Eventually, forced to recognize this matter officially, Congress conceded ownership to the squatters and opened the Reserve for sale to the public. . The year 1890 was also notable as the year Port Angeles was officially incorporated as a City in the newly established State of Washington, and that same year it also became the County Seat of Clallam County. Thereafter, the City grew more slowly and developed much as did other small towns in the Pacific Northwest. Gone were the early pretensions of becoming a great seaport or Second National City patterned after Washington, D.C. Logging and timber have long been important industries, and in 1912 Port Angeles was home to the world's largest sawmill. In 1920, a large pulp and paper mill was built by Washington Pulp and Paper Company. Purchased a few years later and operated by Crown Zellerbach for over 60 years, the mill is now owned by Nippon Paper Mill. The City experienced sporadic growth until the linking of Port Angeles with the transcontinental railroad in 1914 brought increased prosperity. As rail transport increased and sea travel waned, Port Angeles surpassed Port Townsend as the major center for trade and commerce on the Olympic Peninsula. tnsmadrs Sustained largely by marine trades and the lumber and fishing industries, Port Angeles became a classic American small town and the center of urban life on the North Olympic Peninsula. In 1922, the Port of Port Angeles was formed. The natural deep- water harbor has always attracted shipping and both commercial and sports fishing. The Port operates a marina, boat haven, and international airport. The first Coast Guard air station on the Pacific Coast was established at Ediz Hook on June 1, 1935. It is the oldest United States Coast Guard Station in the country. The piece of land occupied by the Coast Guard Station is the one remaining part of the military reservation that once included all of what is now Port Angeles. The station officially became Coast Guard Group Port Angeles in September of 1944 and received its first helicopter in 1946. By far, the largest civic project was the regrading of the downtown streets, which occurred in 1914. The Olympic Power Company was formed in 1911 to construct the Lower Elwha Dam. The county Courthouse was built on Lincoln St. in 1915. A new fire station was built in 1931. A new Police station and jail was built in 1954 and a new city hall in 1987. In 1953 Port Angeles received the All American City Award. Over the past forty years, except for a few periods of more rapid growth in the 1920's and 30's, ' the City has grown at a fairly stable rate of approximately 1 per cent per year, to its present population of 18,270. The City has used zoning to coordinate development and growth since the 1930's, and in the early 1960's made a determined effort to improve planning efforts through development of a "701" master plan along with a new zoning ordinance and subdivision ordinance. In 1976 the City again reviewed its planning goals and process and adopted the 1976 Comprehensive Plan, which is the immediate predecessor of this Comprehensive Plan. Even before the State passed the Growth Management Act of 1990, requiring cities and counties to revise or adopt comprehensive plans, the City of Port Angeles had decided it was time to revise the existing Comprehensive Plan and had already begun that process when the Act established new requirements for comprehensiveplans. In response, the City has continued to move forward consistent with {he Growth Management Act meeting all of its requirements, including the mandated completion dates. Current Characteristics of the City (Update this section as needed) descriptions are.intended to provide the users of this document a general view of the community. For a more detailed analysis, one should refer to the BEIS and the 2004 update addendum. Location The City of Port Angeles lis located in Clallam County on the northern coast of Washington's Olympic Peninsula (See Figure 2). It is less than three hours driving time from Seattle or Olympia and sits at the base of the Olympic Mountains overlooking the Strait of Juan de Fuca with one of the deepest naturally protected harbors on the West Coast. Immediately to the north is the coastal marine environment of the Strait of Juan de Fuca. To the south are the pristine alpine wilderness areas of the Olympic National Park, to the east is the semi-arid climate of the Sequim-Dungeness Valley, and within two hours time to the west is the Hob Rain Forest and the beaches and rugged beauty of the Pacific Coast. Air The circulation of air around the Olympic Mountains and through the Strait of Juan de Fuca results in mostly easterly or westerly winds in the vicinity of Port Angeles. Highest winds are generally associated with intense winter storms and may be from either an easterly or westerly direction. On most summer afternoons, a moderate to fresh westerly breeze can be expected. Wind velocity and direction vary with the season. Winds from the west predominate and are strongest during the summer, averaging about 14 miles per hour. Winds from the south and east occur more frequently during the winter with an average velocity of about 9 miles per hour. Water Port Angeles is located in the Port Angeles watershed which drains 65,000 acres (101.5 square miles). The topography of the immediate Port Angeles area is characterized by a gradually descending slope from the Olympic Mountains north to the Strait of Juan de Fuca. Steep hillsides and bluffs of S0 to 150 feet in elevation mark the northern edge of the slope. This region is segmented by streams which flow from the mountains toward the strait and have formed V-shaped ravines that are much lower in elevation than the surrounding areas. The ravines contain the following major creeks which pass through the community to the Strait of Juan de Fuca and Port Angeles Harbor; Dry Creek, Tumwater Creek, Valley Creek, Peabody Creek, Ennis/White's Creek, Lee's Creek, and Morse Creek. The Elwha River is located just west of the City. t VICINITY MAP Page le intentionally blank - insert vicinity map FIGURE 2 56_ Wildlife ma~ine wetlands are primarily Marine Intertidal Beaches or Marine Intertidal Aquatic Beds. The There--ai'e a few Estuarine Subtidal Open Water wetlands (the log ponds) near the ~horeline at the Daishc, wa Nippon Industries and K-ply mills and various Class II, III, and IV freshwater wetlands scattered through the City. Identification and classification of all fish and wildlife habitats within the City has not been developed.. The Pentec Shoreline Habitat Assessment has been completed since the original drafting of the Comprehensive Plan and provides a much better basis for understanding the Port Angeles Harbor nearshore environment. The City of Port Angeles Wetland Inventory developed in 1995 by Sheldon and Associates of Seattle, Washington, provides a foundation for protection of local surface and ground waters from degradation, identifies habitat areas to protect and restore and to develop a City wide stormwater management plan. ~ Thc~ presence of t-he wooded ravines with a water source provide areas of riparian habitat and corridors for wildlife movement. Riparian areas help provide most of the food, cover, spawning, breeding, and rearing for a,wide variety of wildlife species. Trees and other plant which shade streams help keep water cool while stabilizing banks and providing food (leaves, twigs, etc) for insects that fish eat. Trees also provide cover for wildlife. When trees die and fall into the streams, the logs 'create small dams and pools that offer fish rearing habitat and cover from predators. Logs that remain on land provide cover for wildlife. Wildlife from the ravines typically make use of surrounding properties and undeveloped lands for foraging. Within the general area, the Washington State Department of Wildlife (Priority Habitats and Species program) has indicated that there are specific Eagle and Pileated Woodpecker habitats. In addition, the region includes habitats for prioritw species of State Candidates being studied for inclusion as threatened or endangered and other species that are being monitored. PrioriW habitats for several game species are located in the viciniW. State Candidate species (for inclusion as threatened or endangered) include the Marbled Murrelet and Fisher, and the Great Blue Heron is a State Monitored species. Due to an agreement with the Department of Wildlife, the location of these habitats is not immediately available. The locations have been reviewed and considered as part of this analysis. Habitat for the State Endangered Spotted Owl occurs within, but is not limited to, the National Forest. The location of other less sensitive species has been identified in the DEIS. In particular, there are two areas that harbor seals use for haulout. One is near the Rayonier Mill and the other is at the base of Ediz Hook in Port Angeles Harbor. The Department of Wildlife maps identify an area along the Harbor side of Ediz Hook that has "regular large concentrations" of shorebirds. The bluff along the shoreline also provides a special and valuable habitat for shorebirds. Within the Olympic National Park, Roosevelt Elk roam the slopes of the mountains. Other wildlife include black bears, cougars, coyotes, beavers, minks, raccoons, otters, wolves, eagles, hawks, ravens, and grouse. ~-u~ residence ..r,h~ ~..~ ...... a o~^.~-~A .... 1 .......... l,l~l. 1~.., lo 57 All of the creeks are used i'or fish habitat, but most have barriers which limit migration. Dry Creek is used by Coho, Cutthroat and possibly Steelhead. Tumwater Creek provides anadromous use by Coho, Cutthroat, and Steelhead well upstream of the City limits. Valley Creek may be used by sea run Cutthroat and Steelhead, and some Coho return to the lower reaches of Peabody Creek. However, these runs are not felt to be self-sustaining. Some of the ravines, such as the White's Creek and Ennis Creek ravines, are recognized by the State as sustaining significant populations of resident fish and potentially having salmon runs restored, once downstream impediments are removed. T,he resident fish currently present in Ennis Creek are Coho, Cutthroat, resident and sea run Steelhead. The fish migrate up to 4.9 miles from the Port Angeles Harbor.' White's Creek, which joins Ennis Creek contains Coho, Steelhead, sea run Cutthroat up to Front Street. Significant restoration efforts have been undertaken along Valley Creek. In exchange for a log st~orage area, K-ply Mill cooperated with local citizen groups to reestablish the Valley' Creek estuary. Extensive restoration has been accomplished upstream from the end of Valley Street to the Hwy 101 crossing. This effort is accompanied by land acquisitions along the lOwer portions of Valley Creek with the intent of future restoration projects. Natu~'al Resources There arc very limited forest areas, and no mineral lands located within the City. Those that do exist are discussed in thc DEIS. Diverse scenic resources arc abundant in Port Angeles. Notable visual elements include the Strait of Juan de Fuca, Ediz Hook, Vancouver Island, San Juan Islands, Mt. Baker, Hurricane Ridge, and the Olympic National Park. There arc numerous public and private panoramic views of both thc Strait of Juan dc Fuca and Hurricane Ridge from various places in the city. Of special note are thc views along thc bluffs to thc west, east, and above Port Angeles Harbor. The Ocean View Cemetery at the west edge of town provides unobstructed views northward and along the coastline. The beaches and bcachfront trail along thc shoreline also offer spectacular views of Ediz Hook, the Strait, and distant Vancouver Island. Ediz Hook has superlative views of the ocean, mountains, waterfront, and City. Exceptional views are also available from the roads around Lincoln School and Port Angeles High School, the City Hall area, and Lauridsen Boulevard. The vegetated creek ravines offer wooded open space that provides attractive views as well as wildlife habitat and corridors. Other open space amenities includes wetlands, steep slopes, marshes, hilltops, and even open fields. Noise The primary sources of noise in Port Angeles are the airport, industrial activities at thc mills, thc Port Angeles Harbor, vehicular traffic, and construction activities. Thc ambient noise levels within ~the City of Port Angeles would be expected to vary depending on location within the City. In 1986 a Noise Compatibility Planning Study was conducted for the Fairchild International Airport under the guidelines of the Federal Aviation Regulations. The Planning Study included analyses of both existing and projected noise levels associated with the aviation traffic. The mills along the waterfront are a source of noise and are in a difficult place to provide noise attenuation. Since the mills are visible from many residential areas on the hill to the south, these residences dan be expected to receive the greatest noise impacts. Rayonier Mill closed in late 1990s leaving no noise producing industries east of the downtown area. Redevelopment of the mill site to heavy industrial uses may once again create a noise source there. Higher noise levels are allowed for motor, vehicles operations on public roads. Warning sirens and temporary construction equipment are generally exempt from the noise regulations. Traffic levels would be expected to be highest along Highway 101, First Street, Front Street, Lincoln, Lauridsen Boulevard, Race Street, Tumwater Truck Route, and Marine Drive. Population , The population for the City of Port Angeles in 1993 was 18,270, this is an increase of 3 per cent over the 1990 population of 17,710. The population for Clallam County in 1993 was 61,400, ~-~~. The percentage o£the County population residing in the City has dropp6d to 28.5% in 2004. The 2000 population of 18,397 is a 3.7% increase over the 1990 'population. The State Office of Financial Management has projected a 5 per cent growth rate over the next 20 years for Clallam County, this along with a linear projection for Port Angeles is illustrated in Table 7. Note, the City has already exceeded projected growth rates. Population Projections Table 7 Clallam Co. 56A64 bC-,g-54 58r2-46 58-,¢-5-3 59¢g9 59-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-~ Population ,2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 Port Angeles 18,397 18,516 19,309 22,138 21,190 22,159 -59 The population figures in the above table are based on Washington State Office of Financial Management's projected medium population growth for Clallam County and using the 2000 percentage of Clallam County population attributed to the City of Port Angeles (28.5%). The portion of the County population occurring in the City has been declining in recent years from a high of 47% in 1970. Land Use The City of Port Angeles contains 9.5 square miles or 6,070 acres of land, 26 miles of marine shoreline including Ediz Hook, a 4 mile sand spit and 17 miles of streams. There are residential areas, industrial areas which include-3_2 large pulp, paper and wood product mills ~-~tm'q'~ gayov,~, Daiskc, wa P~me~ca Nippon Industries, and K-Ply), and commercial areas with a fairly well defined Central BUsiness District (CBD). Community facilities include 10 public school facilities (including a college), a 126-bed hospital, 1 public library, 1 fire station, 1 police station, ~ 2~2. parks fac4J, it4es, the Senior Services Community Center, the William Shore Memorial Pool, the Vern Burton Community Center, Ocean View Cemetery, 1 private golf course, 3 cultural centers (Port Angeles Fine Arts Center, Arthur D. Fiero Marine Lab, and the Clallam County Historical Society Museum), the William R. Fairchild International Airport, 2 ferry terminals (Coho Ferry and Victoria Rapid Transit), a 16.1 acre boat haven, t~housing approximately 569 355 boats with 74 boat houses, and 3,000 feet of dock for tie-ups:}, and public boat yard for repair and .maintenance. The Comprehensive Plan divides the City into 8 planning areas. For the purpose of description, the individual planning areas are identified as the Harbor, Northwest, Southwest, North Central, South Central, East, Eastern Urban Growth Area and SouthwWestem Urban Growth Area planning areas. These areas are located on Figure 3 and are described as follows. The Harbor planning area contains the Coast Guard Station, the Port and Salmon Club boat ramps, Ediz Hook Park, and Da~s~e;va Nippon Industries Mill on Ediz Hook. The historic downtown and waterfront are also essential parts of this sub area. The boat haven marina, log export terminal, the K-Ply mill, the Coho Ferry terminal, and City Pier, and Rayonier Mil! line the waterfront. The Rayonier Mill site was closed in 1997 and is undergoing site remediation for clean-up of materials left from the previous mill operation. The site will become available for redevelopment in the future. Entertainment activities (movie theater, bookstores, antique shops, galleries, an historic underground tour and restaurants) abound within the pedestrian oriented central business district. The Northwest planning area covers the western edge of town lying beyond Tumwater Creek and north of the airport. This area is comprised largely of older homes, however, recent growth pressure has led to new subdivisions and home construction in the area. There is a commercial area se~ing the residents along C Street. A pocket of industrial/commercial activities are is. locatedlalong the Tumwater Truck Route/Highway 101 junction. This area of town has limited access because of the Tumwater Creek ravine and the bluffs. It also has the largest segment of. undeveloped residential land within the current City limits. The Southwest planning area includes Fairchild Intemational Airport, the Clallam County Fairgrounds and Lincoln Park. Industrial development is located at the airport industrial park. A few homes lie within the City limits along Lower Elwha Road, but otherwise this planning area contains predominantly industrial and park (recreation) land uses. . The North Central planning area is the older more denser portion of town. It is an area divided by Valley, Peabody and Ennis/White's Creek ravines. It contains all of the municipal buildings, and Clallam County building and courthouse, and the recently renovated Carnegi6 Library. The commercial uses along Lincoln Street provide community shopping opportunities. Recreation is provided by a number of parks. Much of the city's multifamily housing is within this planning area. The South Central planning area is the area of town with newer homes, on larger lots. This is where the street pattern changes from traditional blocks to cul-de-sacs. Many views of Port Angeles Harbor and the Strait of Juan de Fuca are available. The Port Angeles High School lies within this planning area. The Olympic National Park Headquarters and Visitors Center is along the Heart of the Hills Road. ' The East planning area is the area of the existing city limits easterly of Race Street. This area has a mix of older homes and newer residential subdivisions and development, as well as a portion of the main commercial corridor. Marine views from upper elevations are possible, along with mountain views. This planning area includes Peninsula College facilities and Peninsula Golf Club. The Eastern Urban Growth Area is generally the area east of the city limits. Remnant properties in the UGA that are located south of the city limits and east of Valley Creek are considered to be in this area until annexation occurs whereby they will be considered to be part of the adjacent planning area. Policies for this planning area are adopted by Clallam County as a part of the Port Angeles Regional Comprehensive Plan. The Western Urban Growth Area is generally the area west and south of the city limits. Remnant properties in the UGA that are located south of the city limits and west of Valley Creek are considered to be in this area until annexation occurs whereby they will be considered to be part of the adjacent planning area. Policies for this planning area are adopted by Clallam County as a part of the Port Angeles Regional Comprehensive Plan. The Regional Transportation Planning Organization has designated Port Angeles as a primary_ center of mixed use development and the Urban Growth Areas as secondary center of mixed use development in the Regional Transportation Plan. Goals and Policies in the Growth Management Element of this Comprehensive Plan support focusing new growth and mixed use opportunities in the City and UGA Update the above information as necessary _62 CITY PLANNING AREAS MAP t~ (Blank Page) ACREAGE BY TYPE OF LAND USE FIGURE 4 , , FIGURE 5 Figure 6 compares the current amount of land zoned for residential, commercial, industrial and public uses with the amount of land currently used for those same purposes, regardless of the land's zoning. Housing (update housing analysis) In 1990, 7,553 dwelling units were located in Port Angeles. By 1992 the dwelling units had increased by 422 units (or 5.6%) to a total of 7,975 dwelling units. By 2004 the dwelling units have increased by another 797 units (or 10%) to a total of 9,479. Tran'sportation (Comment on consistency with the RTP and 1487 Regulations) The road network in the City of Port Angeles is characterized by a grid pattern that is oriented east-west (parallel to the waterfront) and north-south. This pattern shifts slightly south of Lauridsen Blvd. where the streets shift to match the platting pattern established by the County before the City boundaries were expanded. The regular geometry of this pattern is generally retained, excePt where the topography of the foot hills, the deep ravines or the bluffs along the Straight of Juan de Fuca cause the road realignment. The street pattern is shown on Figure 7. The street grades are moderate in most areas, as they adapt to the topography which goes up from the waterfront and gently undulates as the foothills flatten to meet the Strait of Juan de Fuca. The most unique characteristic of the street network is the way it is interrupted by several deep ravines which bisect the east-west street network resulting in a limited number of streets that run continuously from one end of the City to the other. There is one are three routes of regional significance through the City (State Route 101, State Route 117 Tumwater Truck Route, and Race Road leading to the Olyrnpic Park Visitor Center and Hurricane Ridge). There is one designated truck route in the City that runs from east to west along the Front/First Street couplet to Tumwater Truck Route (State Route 117) and along Tumwater Truck Route south to SR 101. The link from SR 101 to the Coho Ferry terminal (South Lincoln Street/Railroad Avenue) is also a significant connection. LAND USE & ZONING ACREAGE COMPARISON (Within City limits) FIGURE 6 CITY STREET MAP fl ~,, The City of Port Angeles is served by Clallam Transit, the Public Transit Benefit Area Agency that seryes the Clallam County with a combination of scheduled and para-transit services. 'Clallam Transit currently identifies four routes that circulate within the City limits. These routes all originate at the Oak Street and Railroad Avenue terminus in the downtown area. The four routes provide service to east City limits at the Plaza shopping center, the west side to the Elwha Tribal Center and Fairchild International Airport, the near west side to the fairgrounds, and south through the central portion of the City to Ahlvers Road. x~, .... ~ ~ .... ~ .... ;m;~ ~ r-;~., but4heh~,m~ A Second function is to move people between Port Angeles and other smaller cities on the Peninsula. The Port of Port Angeles is responsible for the port operations along the waterfront, including ownershiP of the Black Ball Ferry Terminal, the boat haven, and other properties supporting water related industry, and at the Fairchild International Airport including the Airport Industrial Park. The William R. Fairchild li~tcmational Airport is located southwest of the central city and serves a combination of commercial and private aviation demands in the re ~lanements , Because of its international status, this airport has a unique market for passengers traveling between Canada and the United States. With a full time U.S. and Immigration sta. ff, regional airlines serving Victoria stop in Port Angeles for clearance to avoid the congestion and delay at SeaTac. Air Cargo is an ever increasing component of airport operations with a 58 percent increase in air freight tonnage in the past 10 years. The two runway airport is well situated to serve increased volume because the long runways remaining from this original military airfield can serve the trend to larger aircraft. Land uses surrounding the William R. Fairchild International Airport include residential, industrial and open space. The main landing approach area for the airport is over the most densely populated portion of the City, located east of the airport. The area to the west of the airport (the primary_ take-off area contains the City's landfill. This landfill is currently planned to be closed in 2006 and converted into a solid waste transfer station to reduce the hazards associated with conflicts between airplanes and scavenger birds feeding at the landfill. Farther to the west, the area is located in the County and is zoned Rural Low and Moderate density and Rural Character Conservation (RCC3) to maintain low-density residential areas in the flight path area. The lands adjacent to the airport on both the north and south are designated and zoned as industrial to minimize the impacts that may be expected from more intensive land uses adjacent to an airport. Urban Services (Add statement about regional water supply) The Port Angeles Police Department currently provides police protection within the city limits of Port Angeles and operates PENCOM, the emergency dispatch for eastern Clallam County. The police headquarters are located at City Hall. The Department has 54- 53.5 personnel, of which 2--7 29 are'tsworn officers and 5.5 are volunteers. The Po~t Angeles Fire Department currently provides fire and Medic 1 protection within the city limits of Port Angeles. The headquarters are located at 5th and Laurel Streets. The department has g4 23 full-time personnel, of which -1-9 15 are fire fighters, seve-a six of which maintain paramedic certification, and all are emergency medical technicians. The City Parks and Recreation Department maintains over 194 acres of park land, 14 playground equipment'sites, 1'3 baseball and/or softball fields, 9 football fields and/or soccer fields, 12 tennis courts, and an indoor pool. The City also provides excellent general recreation ahd senior ti ity p gr · ,. ..... ,~ ...... ,~,~,; ........c~.,;^./t~ ......;,., r,,..,,,.. A i of ac v ro ams. a..,~.~ ,o ......... j ............. o ........................... j ,~,~_,,~.. rev ew the parks, and recreation facilities is included in the DEIS, and the location of the facilities is shown on Figure 8. ' The City of Port Angeles water service area includes the land within the city bOundaries, along with services within Clallam County P U D No. 1, ~n ,~,;a~,;~ ~,~ ,~ ....... ;~ ....... .- 52 Dry Creek customers, 5 Black Diamond customers, and one govemment account outside the city limits. The City also provideds wholesale water to P.U.D. No. 1. In the City's 1956 2002 , Water Comprehensive Plan, the future service area limit was from Morse Creek to the Elwha River and bordered on the south by the Olympic National Park. The current water supply for the City is from the Elwha River. The Elwha River Ranney,Well System with a minimum yield of 11 million gallons was constructed in -1-ggg 1977. This source provides for domestic and commercial and some industrial needs of the City. There is also a separate industrial water supply line for the mills. The source is a small diversion dam on the Elwha River approximately eight miles from the city limits. Water treatment plants are being planned to treat the Elwha River waters once the Elwha dams are removed in 2006. The City maintains all public storm sewers and culverts. The City maintains the WSDOT conduits and culverts along Highway 101 within the city limits. The City has only limited legal access to al! cf t~e bu;2t or natural drainage courses throughout the city. Public access is available for some of the sites and areas. Sanitary or combined sewers serve approximately 3,700 acres in Port Angeles. The city has mostly 8-inch local sanitary sewers and even some small 6-inch. However, the city's original collection system was designed as a combined sewer system with storm water. This occurs primarily in old downtown in an area approximately bounded by the waterfront on the north, Valley Street on the west, 'Peabody Street on the east and 6th Street on the south. There were no storm sewers in the city until the 1959': 1950's. The existing storm sewer system grew in bits and pieces as individual renovation projects and LIDs responded to local problems. The storm sewers t~emselves are small are 6" and 8" diameter do due to the steep terrain of the city. The existing storm sewers run primarily in the north/south "short block" orientation picking up catch basins which happen to be at the east/west "long block" intersections. a! 0 15' *~ ...... ~ In summary, the old downtown has combined sewers and the rest of the city has varying degrees of partially separated sewers. The sewage collection system has 10 pumping stations. Eight are operated and maintained by the City, with Rayoni.er and D~' is~owa Nippon Industries mills each having one private pump. Three of the City's stations are along the main interceptor leading to the treatment plant. The existing interceptor system was constructed in 1969 for the purpose of eliminating six major and numerous minor outfalls of raw sewage into Port Angeles Harbor. These outfalls are now used 'for the combined sewer overflows. Overflows occur during high intensity storm conditions because of the hydraulic limitations of the interceptor system. Newer storm systems are separated from sanitary sewer systems. The treatment plant is located on. a 3.5 acre site on the eastern city limit of Port Angeles and just east of the forr0er Rayonier mill site. The treatment plant wi!! be was completed in Apr4 1994 to provide secondary level treatment of sewage, and ,v,,~ e,~ cmn ,~on ~,-:~, ..... ........ ,""",-'"" v-": ...... expanded to accommodate 10.6 million gallons peak capacity per day of sewage. In the future, the City intends to construct.. ...... ;.,. ~+~,; .... a,.. ..... a ....... a facilities to reduce the co~mbined sewer overflows, replace *~ .... Solid waste services are provided by the Solid Waste Utility through the Port Angeles Public Works Department. Refuse collection is mandatory for the residents of Port Angeles. The City of Port Angeles also has a policy of not accepting quantities of out-of-county waste at the Port Angeles landfill. The City of Port Angeles owns and operates the Port Angeles landfill. This site provides disposal services to residential, commercial, and industrial customers throughout Clallam County. In addition to disposal, a recycling program is conducted at the landfill site. White goods, aluminum, glass, cardboard, newsprint, catalogues, magazines, used oil, and used car and truck batteries are the primary target materials. The landfill is scheduled to be closed in 2006. Transfer facilities are being planned to be in place at the time of closure. Following closure all waste will be transported to regional landfills in Eastern Washington. _68- Port Ahgeles ~ Light Utility is the electric power provider within the City limits. Clallam CountYtP.U.D. is the electric power provider for the unincorporated areas surrounding Port AngeleS. However, there are several areas outside the City that the City ~ serves. These include an area near the Peninsula Golf Course, homes south of the City along Mount Angeles Road, west of the airport and the Fairmont Trailer Park. The power used by both Port Angeles City Light and Clallam County P.U.D. is delivered by the Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) via its transmission lines. The PUD has one substation within the PAUGA at Monroe Street. There are 8 electrical substations within the City of Port Angeles. The Port Angeles School District Number 121 serves the City of Port Angeles and its surrounding community. The District operates six elementary schools, two middle schools (grades 6r8), one comprehensive high school, one alternative high school, and is host to the North Olympic Peninsula Skills Center. '~nd one high ~chco!. There is also a small a!terative the City of Port Angeles there are three elementary schools; these are Franklin Elementary,. Hamilton Elementary, and Jefferson Elementary. ~;tevens Middle School~ and Po~ Angeles High School, ~ .... :.4 ...... .4 .... .4 .... *:~--~ and Choice Alternative School provide for secondary education. The Skills Center, working closely with Peninsula College, provides' the latest vocational/technical education in a competency based learning environment. The Peninsula Community College is a t-wo-ye~ comprehensive community college located in Port e es., .................. ~ ....... o,~, ....................... .~ ......... e, ..... Peninsula College offers four transfer degrees: an Associate of Arts, Associate of Arts Honors, Associate of Science Transfer, and Associate in Applied Science CT degree. Certificate programs are also available in the college's 18 Professional Technical programs. The campus is located at the east edge of the city. By partnering with community organizations and other institutions of higher education, Peninsula College is helping to enhance and strengthen educational and training opportunities for everyone on the peninsula. Recent initiatives include developing the Applied Environmental Technologies Center of Excellence by working in collaboration with several local entities, including the Clallam County Economic Development Council and private businesses, collaborating with the North Olympic Peninsula Skills Center and Business Incubator Network to provide training programs for young people, the work force, and growing local businesses, and partnering with the Workforce Development Council to provide services to expand the use of technology in the Medical Assistant Program and to provide training as part of the Work Source Affiliate Site. Peninsula College also collaborates with several-four-year colleges and universities to provide opportunities for local residents to earn bachelor degrees on the peninsula. These collaborations include a new partnership with Western Washington University's award-winning Huxley College of the Environment that allows peninsula residents to earn their B.A and B.S. degrees on the Peninsula College campus without having to leave the area or face long commutes to Bellingham. The program will commence effective with the start of the 2004 fall quarter. It is also possible to earn a bachelor's degree in education. Collaboration with City University allows Olympic Peninsula residents to earn a bachelor's degree in education, University of Washington--Bothell allows individuals to earn a bachelor's degree in Nursing, Washington State University allows residents to earn eleven different degrees via distance learning, and the East Jefferson Education Consortium allows individuals to pursue a variety of degree opportunities through the 12 Universities and educational organizations that have partnered with Peninsula College in this consortium. The partnering entities, in addition to Peninsula College, include Centrum Center for the Arts, Chapman University Bangor Campus, City University, Port Townsend Marine Science Center, Southern Illinois University Program in Workforce Education and Development offered at Bangor, University of Washington, Washington State University, and Western Washington University. The college currently employs 4-5 66 full-time faculty, and 75 to 100 146 part-time faculty and 66 96 persons as staff and administration on the Port Angeles campus. Economic Development Clallam County and the City of Port Angeles are rich in natural resources. The Olympic Peninsula has proved to be one of the country's most productive timber growing areas, while the Strait of Juan de Fuca has provided the area with a vast fishery. However, recent declines in these resource industries has had a major impact on the economy of both Clallam County and the City of Port Angeles. The Rayonier mill closed in 1997 putting up to 200 people out of work. The decline of salmon and the subsequent listing of Chinook salmon, and bull trout as endangered species has reduced the commercial fishing industry_ dramatically. These economic declines are being replaced to some extent by service industries that are driven by tourism and the popularity of the Olympic Peninsula as a retirement destination. Port Angeles is also striving to strengthen its marine trades and industries. A new boat builder, Westport Shipyard, recently located a yacht manufacturing facility in Port Angeles. In the past, the area's natural resources provided the majority of jobs in the area. The three largest manufacturing firms in Clallam County are all located in Port Angeles or the PAUGA. (Rayoai~, Daisho':,'a Currently, Nippon Industries employees 270, and K-Ply Plywood employees 175 and Crown Pacific employees another 96). Port Angeles' newest employer, Westport Shipyard now employees approximately 200. These *~,.~,,~,~ ~,...~ ..... · Ac ...... :_n,~., ~ ann .... ~ Major shipments of forest products to Japan, Korea, and China have historically provided a strong market, bolstering the log export segment _7O of the lo~:al economy. Export and old growth harvesting are expected to be reduced significantly in comin~ years due to various government restrictions. In light of the recent developments in the timber and fishery industries, it is important for Port Angeles to develop and improve its other economic resources, such as tourism and manufacturing. Port Angeles is part of a major international tourist route. The presence of the Olympic National Park with over three million visitors a year, t-he two ferry terminals and with service to Victoria and Vancouver Island which carries approximately 500,000 passengers per year, combined with the local freshwater and ocean sport fishing brings a steady flow of tourists to the City, creating an important economic resource. In general, the local economy appears to be relatively stable despite much uncertainty in the timber harvesting and log exports. Growth in the retirement community has been continuing, and tourism is expanding rapidly. The forest products industry will most likely stabilize at a, lower level of activity. 71_ 't DEFINITIONS General Comments The following definitions are for terms, which are used in the document and are provided for clarification purposes in the interpretation and implementation of the various goals and policies. Definitions of Terms ' Adequate Public "Adequate Public Facilities" means, facilities which have the Facilities: capacity to serve development without decreasing levels of service below locally established minimums. Affordable Housing: "Affordable housing" means the adequacy of the , community's housing stock to fulfill the housing needs of all economic segments of the population. Accessory Residential "Accessory residential unit" means a residential unit, which is Unit: subordinate in area, extent, or purpose to a principal residential unit and is located on the same zoning }ot as the principal residential unit. Available Public "Available Public Facilities" means that facilities or services Facilities: are in place or that a financial commitment is in place to provide the facilities or services within a specified time. Best Available Science: That scientific information applicable to the critical area prepared by local, state or federal natural resource agencies, a qualified scientific professional or team of qualified scientific professionals, that is consistent with criteria established in WAC 365-195-900 through WAC 365-195-925. Best Management Conservation practices or systems of practices and Practices: management measures that: A. Control soil loss and reduce water quality degradation caused by high concentrations of nutrients, animal waste, toxics, and sediment; B. Minimize adverse impacts to surface water and ground water flow, circulation patterns, and to the chemical, physical, and biological characteristics of wetlands; C. Protect trees and vegetation designated to be retained during and following site construction; and D. Provide standards for proper use of chemical herbicides within critical areas. City: "City" means the City of Port Angeles, Washington. Community Services: "Community services" means cultural, social and recreational services necessary to enhance the quality of life, such as libraries, parks and recreation services, fine arts, and festivals. Concurrency: ."Concurrency" means that adequate public facilities are available when the impacts of development occur. This definition includes the two concepts of "adequate public facilities" and of "available public facilities" as defined above. Consistency: ~ '"Consistency" means that no feature of a plan or regulation is incompatible with any other feature of a plan or regulation. Consistency is indicative of a capacity for orderly integration or operation with other elements in a system. County: "County" means Clallam County, Washington. District: "District" means a portion of a planning area, which is defined by the primary uses located in that portion of the planning area. Development: "Development" means any activity which would alter the elevation of the land, remove or destroy plant life, cause structures of any kind to be installed, erected, or removed, divide land into two or more parcels, or any use or extension of the use of the land. Development Rights: "Development rights" means a broad range of less-than-fee- simple-ownership interests. Domestic Water System: "Domestic water system" means any system providing a supply of potable water, which is deemed adequate pursuant to RCW 19.27.097 for the intended use of a development. Emergency Services: "Emergency services" means services which are a City responsibility and consists of provisions for police, fire, emergency medical and disaster services. Essential Public "Essential public facilities" means public capital facilities of a Facilities: county-wide or state-wide nature which are typically difficult to site. Essential public facilities include the following: * Airports * Hazardous waste facilities * State education facilities * State or regional transportation facilities * State and local correctional facilities * Solid waste handling facilities * In-patient facilities including - substance abuse facilities - mental health facilities - group homes Facility: ."Facility" means something designed, built, installed or utilized for the specific purpose of providing a service. Financial Commitment: "Financial commitment" means that sources of public or private funds or combinations thereof have been identified which will be sufficient to finance public facilities necessary .to support development and that there is reasonable assurance that such funds will be timely put to that end. Growth Management "Growth Management Act" and "Act" means the Growth Act: Management Act as enacted in Chapter 17, Laws of 1990 1st ex. sess., and chapter 32, Laws of 1991 sp. sess., state of Washington. Level of Service: "Level of Service" means an established minimum capacity of public facilities or services that must be provided per unit of demand or other appropriate measure of need. Manufactured Home: Factory built, single-family structures that meet the National Manufactured Home Construction and Safety Standards Act I (42 U.S.C. Sec. 5401), commonly known as the HUD (U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development) Code, and that also meets the following requirements: 1. Consists of two or more fully enclosed parallel sections each of not less than 12 feet wide by 36 feet long; 2. Bears an insignia issued by the appropriate federal agency indicating compliance with the construction standards of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) as amended and as approved by the State of Washington. 3. Is placed on an on-grade permanent foundation or on footings and piers or on blocks in accordance with HUD's specifications for the specific home and has skirting installed so that no more than one foot of the skirting is visible above grade; 4. Has all support appurtenances removed; 5. Is served by underground electrical power; 75. ~ 6. Was originally constructed with and now has a t composition or wood shake or shingle, coated metal, or similar roof of not less than 3.12 pitch; ahd 7. Has exterior siding similar in appearance to siding materials commonly used on conventional site built Uniform Building Code single-family residences.. Medical Services: "Medical services" means licensed professional medical services and retail services directly related to medical services, such as hospitals, physicians' clinics, and pharmacies. Neighborhood: "Neighborhood" means an area located within a district where people live, which is defined by the primary type and/or density of the residential units located in that particular area of the district. , Planning Area: "Planning Area" means a large geographical area of the City which is defined by physical characteristics and boundaries. Public Capital Facilities: "Public Capital Facilities" means existing, new or expanded physical facilities which are owned, licensed or sanctioned by a public entity, are large in size and serve a county-wide or statewide population. Public capital facilities of a county- wide or state-wide nature may include but are not limited to the following: · Airports · State educational facilities · State and federal transportation facilities · Regional transportation facilities · State correctional facilities * Local correctional facilities * Solid waste handling, disposal and storage facilities * In-patient facilities including: - abuse facilities - mental health facilities - group homes * National, state and regional parks and recreational facilities * Marine terminals * Libraries * Fairgrounds * Hospitals · County courthouse Public Services: "Public services" includes fire protection and suppression, 16_ law enforcement, public health, education, recreation, 't environmental protection, and other governmental services.. Public Facilities: "Public facilities" includes streets, roads, highways, sidewalks, street and road lighting systems, traffic signals, domestic water systems, storm and sanitary sewer systems, parks and recreational facilities, and schools. Regional Transportation "Regional transportation plan" means the transportation plan Plan: for the regional designated transportation system ,which is produced by the regional transportation planning organization. Regional Transportation "Regional' transportation planning organization (RTPO)" Planning Organization: means the voluntary organization conforming to RCW 47.80.020, consisting of local governments within a region containing one or more counties which have common , transportation interests. . Regulatory Reform Act: Engrossed Substitute House Bill, ESHB 1724 was enacted in 1995 to establish new approaches to make government regulation more effective, and to make it easier and less costly for citizens and businesses to understand arid comply with requirements. ESHB 1724 amended a number of laws, including the Growth Management Act (GMA), Shoreline Management Act (SMA), and State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA). Commonly referred to as the Regulatory_ Reform Act, ESHB 1724 amended the Growth Management Act and State Environmental Policy Act to more thoroughly integrate the SEPA process into the planning process. Appeals of SEPA determinations or permits must also be consolidated so that only one public hearing is held. ESHB 1724 is codified by the City of Port Angeles in Chapter 18.02 PAMC. Residential Services: "Residential services" shall mean the providing of residential care on a daily or live-in basis including special needs housing such as group homes, adult-care homes and day-care facilities. Sanitary Sewer Systems: "Sanitary sewer systems" means all facilities, including approved on-site disposal facilities, used in the collection, transmission, storage, treatment, or discharge of any waterborne waste, whether domestic in origin or a combination of domestic, commercial, or industrial waste. Scattered Site Housing: "Scattered site housing" means smaller scale, publicly assisted housing new construction and conversion which is 77- dispersed throughout the community as opposed to high density, public housing "projects" concentrated on one large site or in one area of the City. School District: "School District" means the Port Angeles School District No. 121. Service: "Service" means the supplying or providing of utilities, commodities, accommodations and/or activities. Shall: "Shall" means the statement is mandatory, and the action so stated is required to be done without discretion by decision- makers. The use of"shall" in a statement indicates that the action is imperative and ministerial. Should: "Should" means the statement ought to be done. hut the action so stated is not required to be done by decision- makers. The use of "should" in a statement indicates that discretion may be used in deciding whether or not to take action. The use of "should" is intended to give decision- makers discretion in matters where exceptions are warranted by such factors as physical hardships and special circumstances or when funding must be taken into consideration. Solid Waste Handling "Solid waste handling facility" means any facility for the Facility: transfer or ultimate disposal of solid waste, including landfills and municipal incinerators. Social Services: I "Social services" means those services necessary to support life and health, such as food banks, hospices, home health, congregate care, and day care services. Transfer of Development "Transfer of development fights" means the conveyance of Rights: development rights by deed, easement, or other legal instrument to another parcel of land and the recording of that conveyance. Transportation Facilities: "Transportation facilities" includes capital facilities related to air, water, or land transportation. Transportation Systems "Transportation systems management (TSM)" means the use Management: of low capital expenditures to increase the capacity of the transportation system. TSM strategies include but are not limited to signalization, channelization, and bus turnouts. Urban Growth: "Urban growth" refers to growth that makes intensive use of land for the location of buildings, structures, and impermeable surfaces to such a degree as to be incompatible '" with the primary use of the land for the production of food, '~ other agricultural products, or fiber, or the extraction of ~ mineral resources. When allowed to spread over wide areas, urban growth typically requires urban governmental services. "Characterized by urban growth" refers to land having urban growth located on it, or to land located in relationship to an area with urban growth on it as to be appropriate for urban growth. Urban Growth Area: "Urban growth area" means those areas designated by the County pursuant to RCW 36.70A Urban Services: "Urban services" or "urban governmental services" means services that are normally available in an urban environment which include provisions for sanitary waste systems, solid waste disposal systems, water systems, urban roads and , pedestrian facilities, transit systems, stormwater sy. stems, police and fire and emergency services systems, ~ electrical and communication systems, school and health Care facilities, and neighborhood and/or community park. Utilities: "Utilities", "utility services", and "public utilities" :means ' enterprises or facilities serving the public by means of an integrated system of collection, transmission, distribution, and processing facilities through more or less permanent physical connections between the plant of the serving entity and the premises of the customer. Included are systems for the delivery of natural gas, electricity, telecommunications services, and water, and for the disposal of sewage. Will: "Will" means the statement is an action decision-makers intend to do to implement plan goals and policies. The use of "will" in a statement indicates that the outcome can be measured. 79_ 80 IV. GROWTH MANAGEMENT ELEMENT General Comments This Comprehensive Plan has been developed in accordance with the requirements of the State Growth Management Act. The City has met all of the Act's required deadlines for compliance and has participated with Clallam County, the City of Forks, the City of Sequim, the Tribes and various other agencies in the development of a County-Wide Planning Policy. Early in the planning process the City agreed with the County to address only areas within the current city limits in the City's Comprehensive Plan and to work with the County on a Joint Comprehensive Plan for the Urban Growth Area.. On April 13, 1993, the Board of Clallam County Commissioners adopted an Interim Port Angeles Urban Growth Area (see Figure 9). When completed, the J'oint Comprehensive Plan for the Port Angeles Urban Growth Area will identify land use designations and locations. The following goals and policies are included in the Comprehensive Plan to insure continued compliance with the Growth Management Act and compatibility with the County's Comprehensive Plan outside of the PAUGA. Goals, Policies, and Objective Goal A. To manage growth in a responsible manner that is beneficial to the community as a whole, is sensitive to the rights and needs of individuals and is consistent with the State of Washington's Growth Management Act. ' Policies ' 1. In all its actions and to the extent consistent with the provisions of this ,-,h.ll comprehensive plan, the City ...... should strive to implement the following goals of the State Growth Manalgement Act: a. Urban growth. Encourage development in urban areas where adequate public facilities and services exist or can be provided in an efficient manner. b. Reduce sprawl. Reduce the inappropriate conversion of undeveloped land into sprawling, Iow-density development. c. Transportation. Encourage efficient multimodal transportation systems that are based on regional priorities and coordinated with county and city comprehensive plans. d. Housing. Encourage the availability of affordable housing to all economic segments of the population. Promote a variety of residential densities and housing types, and encourage preservation of existing housing stock. e. Economic development. Encourage economic development throughout the region that is consistent with adopted comprehensive plans, promote economic opportunity, especially for unemployed and for disadvantaged persons, and encourage growth in areas experiencing insufficient economic growth, all within the capacities of the region's natural resources, public services and public facilities. The City of Port Angeles Comprehensive Pla--~ ]_ Growth Management Element Page 38 't f. Property rights. Private property should not be taken for public use without just compensation having been made. The property rights of landowners should be protected from arbitrary and discriminatory actions. g. Permits. Applications for both state and local government permits should be processed in a timely and fair manner to ensure predictability. h. Natural resource industries. Maintain and enhance natural resource-based industries, including productive timber, agricultural, and fisheries industries. i. Open space and recreation. Encourage the retention of open space and development of recreational opportunities, conserve fish and wildlife habitat, increase access to natural resource lands and water, and develop parks. j. Environment. Protect .the environment and enhance the state's high quality of life, including air and water quality, and the availability of water. k. Citizen participation and coordination. Encourage the involvement of citizens in the planning process and ensure coordination between , communities and jurisdictions to reconcile conflicts. 1. Public facilities and services. Ensure that those public facilitie~ and services necessary to support development should be adequate to serve.the development at the time the development is available for occupancy and use without decreasing current service levels below locally established minimum standards. m. Historic preservation. Identify and encourage the preservation of lands, sites and structures that have historical or archaeological significance. 2. The Port Angeles Urban Growth Area (PAUGA) should be established based at a minimum upon land use demand as determined by the Clallam County 20-year population forecast for Clallam County and specified sub-areas, so long as the county-wide forecast is not less than the most recent forecasts available from the State Office of Financial Management. 3. The City shall should work with the County to develop an annexation plan which allows the annexation of land characterized by urban development and which is consistent with the extension of services and the land development policies of the City's Comprehensive Plan and Capital Facilities Plan. 4. The City should work with the County to ensure appropriate techniques for managing future growth consistent with the urban density, such as a minimum density within the PAUGA and a maximum density outside the PAUGA. A range of densities should be provided by the City for lands within the PAUGA, including some lands for relatively low density single-family development and some lands at a range of densities both allowing and encouraging multi-family development. 5. Urban services/facilities shall should be provided consistent with the Capital Facilities Element. 6. The City should work with the County and other service providers to determine the appropriate levels of service for such facilities and services and to ensure consistency between service provision within the City, the PAUGA, and the County. The City of Port Angeles Comprehensive Plar~9- Growth Management Element Page 39 g. The City's preferred policy is to recognize a density of one unit per acre as urban/suburban and to use this density as the demarcation between urban and rural for purposes of establishing or amending the PAUGA; however~ the City will continue to discuss this issue with the County with the goal of arriving at a consistent City/County policy prior to finalization of the UGA. 8. The PAUGA should include areas characterized by urban growth adjacent to the existing City boundaries and should take into account the area's physical features. 9. Land designated for commercial or industrial Uses which encourage, adjacent urban development shall should be located within the PAUGA. 10. The amount of acreage designated for commercial, industrial, or other non- residential uses within the PAUGA shall should be based upon the Land Use Element and Economic Development Element in the City's Comprel~ensive Plan. 11. The PAUGA should be established to avoid critical areas, unless addressed as part of the City's Comprehensive Plan, and to exclude resource lands. 12. Urban services to be provided within the PAUGA should include, at .a minimum, sanitary sewer systems, solid waste collection/disposal systems, water systems, . urban roads and pedestrian facilities, street cleaning services, transit systems, stormwater systems, police and fire and emergency services systems, electrical and communication systems, school and health care facilities, and neighborhood and/or community parks. ' 13. The City should be the ultimate provider of urban services within the City limits and the PAUGA for those services the City provides except to the extent otherwise provided in a UGA Urban Services and Development Agreement that is reached pursuant to the County-Wide Planning Policy. 14. Urban services/facilities for which the City is the ultimate provider should be provided and constructed to meet the design and construction standards of the City. 15. The City or service provider should demonstrate the financial capability for continued operation of the facility following construction. 16. Regulations to protect critical areas which occur within the PAUGA should be developed to ensure protection of such areas. 17. All development regulations ,shall should be promulgated with due regard for private property rights in order to avoid regulatory takings or violation of due process and to protect property rights of landowners from arbitrary and discriminatory actions. New 18. The City and County should together designate and set aside additional lands on the west side of the City for industrial purposes, both inside the City limits and in the UGA. New 19. The City should establish performance measures to review progress toward accommodating growth and to ensure appropriate actions are taken to achieve the goals of our community. The City of Port Angeles Comprehensive Plat83 Growth Management Element Page 40 Objective 1. The City will continue its efforts to comply ina timely manner'with the requirements of the State Growth Management Act. 2. The City will work with Clallam County and affected special districts to extend the eastern PAUGA boundary from its current location at the west rim of the Morse Creek Canyon to include the areas zoned GC, R-l, and RLC as shown on the map attached hereto as Exhibit A, including the Deer Park Road right-of-way ~outh of the GC zoning. New 3. The City will recommend exphnsion of the southwestern Urban Growth Area to include the area between Edgewood Drive to U.S. 101 from the City limits to Laird Rd. (RCC3, RCC5, RLC, and RNC zones east of Laird Rd., plus the area west of Laird Rd. currently zoned by Clallam County as RNC New 4. The .City will'conduct a Buildable Lands Inventory to examine the need for UGA expansions. Goal B. To ensure the orderly transition of land within the PAUGA into the City of Port Angeles. Policies 1. Annexation of land, which is outside the established boundaries of the PAUGA, shall not be allowed. 2. Annexation of land from within the established boundaries of the PAUGA shall be in accordance with the established adopted Aannexation laws. 3. AnnexationI of land, which is not adjacent to and/or contiguous with the established City Limits boundary-line, shall should not be allowed. 4. At the time of annexation, the City shall should appropriately classify and zone such land, based upon the City Comprehensive Land Use Map and the City Comprehensive Plan. Thereafter, the provisions, restrictions, and requirements of City Ordinance #1709, The Port Angeles Zoning Code, shall apply to development of the annexed area. 5. Annexation and development of land shall should be consistent with the orderly extension of urban services/facilities and in accordance with the City's Comprehensive Plan and capital facility planning. 6. No annexation of land shall should be allowed in which existing development cannot meet the established concurrency requirements of the City within six years from the time of annexation. 7. No annexation of land shall should be allowed which results in decreased minimum standards for City streets, water service, sewer service, and/or electrical service provided to existing residents of the City. 8. No annexation of land should be allowed which results in decreased minimum standards for City solid waste collection, stormwater management programs, The City of Port Angeles Comprehensive Plaps_~ Growth Management Element ' - Page 41 emergency services and/or telecommunication services provided to existing residents of the City. 9. Annexation boundaries should be drawn to eliminate boundary, interjurisdictional, and service problems. 10. Necessary rights-of-way and easements should be obtained prior to or at the time of annexation. New 11. The City should facilitate any annexation in a manner that will minimize financial impact to all residents and businesses. New 12. The City should annex its urban growth areas as facilities are extended into those areas and as new urban development takes place. Objectives: 1. The City will work with Clallam County and affected special districts to develop fair and equitable interlocal revenue sharing agreements to insure the ordcriy transition of land within the PAUGA into the City. 3. As the ultimate provider of urban services within the City limits and the urban growth areas, the City will work with Clallam County and the affected special districts to facilitate economic growth and new residential conStruction and to encourage annexation of land within the PAUGA into the City. The City of Port Angeles Comprehensive Plapl:l~ Growth Management Element - Page 42 V. LAND-USE ELEMENT General Comments The Land Use Element establishes City policy regarding how land may be developed. This element and its Land Use Map establishes the following six comprehensive plan land use categories: Low Density Residential, Medium Density Residential, High Density Residential, Commercial, Industrial, and Open Space. These land use categories are described below and located on the Land Use Map (See Figure 10). Low Density Residential- I.~p to 9 _7 Units per Net Acre) The Land Use Map identifies three separate categories of residential development. The first is Low Density Residential which allows an overall residential density of a project or property to range up to 9 7 units per ae~ acre. The high majority of residentially designated property in the City will be of this designation. It is intended for the development of single family homes., It also allows for the development of duplexes and planned residential developments in accordance with the underlying zoning. Medium Density Residential Error! Bookmark not defined. (Up to 1-5 13 Units per ~ Acre) The primary intent of this designation is for the development of multiple residential unit projects including but not limited to duplexes, townhomes, condominiums, apartments and planned residential developments at a density up to 4-5 13 units per ae~ acre. High Density Residential (Up to 43 39 Units ,-~ __ }, ...... Acre, Except that Existing Motel or Hotel Units May Be Converted to Residential Units at a Density Greater than-43 39 Units per Net Acre) The primary intent of this designation is for development at a density up to 4-3 39 units per acre and is intended for areas where a higher concentration of residents is compatible with the surrounding area and uses. Condominiums, apartments, and planned residential developments are the types of building designs appropriate for this category. Commercial The Land Use Map contains one commercial category, thus providing maximum flexibility to the City's Zoning Ordinance in regulating the types of commercial uses and their permitted locations. The City of Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan Land Use Element Page 43 86_ IndustriaI The Land Use Map also designates only one industrial category, thus again providing maximur$ flexibilitY to the City's Zoning Ordinance in regulating the types of industrial uses and their permitted locations. Open Space The Open Space category includes areas of the City that contain unique or major physical ' features, such as marine shorelines, bluffs, ravines, major streams, wetlands, critical wildlife habitat, and Other natural areas deemed of significant importance to the community. This category also includes park and recreational uses. The development of natural open space areas should be limited to only that which is necessary and does not degrade the significance of the area. Land Use Map Goal, Policies, and Objective Goal A To guide current and future development within the City in a manner that provides certainty to its citizens about future land use and the flexibility necessary t.o. meet the challenges and opportunities of the future. Policies 1. The Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map should be used as a concept~ial guide for determining current and long range zoning and other land use decisions. The map's land use designations are intended to show areas where general land use types are allowed. The area between land use designations should be considered an imprecise margin in order to provide flexibility in determining the boundary of such areas. When determining appropriate zoning designations for an area near a margin, the goals, policies and objectives of the Land Use Element should take precedence. 2. All land use decisions and approvals made by the City Council and/or any of its appointed Commissions, Boards or Committees should be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and its land use map. Objective 1. The City will review and revise as necessary the existing Zoning Ordinance, Zoning Map, and other development regulations to ensure consistency with the Comprehensive Plan. Residential Goals and Policies Goal B. To have a community where residential development and use of the land are done in a manner that is compatible with the environment, the characteristics of the use and the users, and the desired urban design of the City. The City of Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan Land Use Element Page 44 Policies 1. Urban services shall should be available for all residential areas as required by the Capital Facilities Element concurrency policy. 2. Single family lots should be of reasonable shape and should have access provided by an alley or by a local access street or a collector arterial. New 3. Large lots should allow for future subdivisions at the densities permitted for the zone in which they are located. 4_. All residential developments should be designed with the provisions of fire protection and service vehicle access as key factors in street design and circulation pattern. '5_. For efficient circulation, rights-of-way should be obtained and improvements made to further the grid street pattern in the central Townsite area of the City. Cul-de-sacs and curvilinear streets may be permitted when designed as an integral part of the maior ghd street pattern in the outlyin~ areas of the City, where low impact development standards may apply. 46. All residential developments should be encouraged to preserve and capitalize on existing unusual, unique, and interesting natural, historic, archaeological, and/or cultural features, should preserve and utilize natural vegetation, should utilize and preserve scenic views, should maximize southem exposures and solar efficiency, should offer protection from prevailing winds, and should be designed to minimize energy use. :S7. Pl:rme~ T T_;, r, .... ~ .....* and Planned Residential Development techniques should emphasize the overall density of the development rather than ~^*° ^' '~ .... ~; ..... ;*" minimum lot sizes. Goal C. To have a community of viable districts and neighborhoods with a variety of residential opportunities for personal interaction, fulfillment and enjoyment, attractive to people of all ages, characteristics and interests. Policies 1. Residential land should be developed on the district and neighborhood concept. Although such districts may be composed primarily of residential uses of a uniform density, a healthy, viable district should be composed of residential uses The City of Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan Land Use Element Page 45 88- of varying densities, which may be augmented, by subordinate and compatible uses. Single family and multi-family homes, parks and open-spaces, schools, churches, daycare and residential services, home occupations, and district shopping areas are all legitimate components of district development and enhancement. A neighborhood should be primarily composed of low, medium, or high density housing. 2. Medium and high density housing should be located in areas of the community most suitable for such uses, based on existing services; public facilities, and transportation. 3. Medium and high density housing should be served by arterial streets of sufficient size in order to satisfy traffic demand and to lessen neighborhood traffic congestion. 4. Medium and high density housing could be a transitional use between different land uses, provided such other uses would not adversely impact the residential nature °'f the housing. 5. Medium and high density housing policies should apply to mobile home parks. 6. Manufactured homes homes that meet current state regulations should be treated as ar}y-other site constructed housing for land use zoning purposes. Objective 1. The City will develop a Residential, Single Family (RS-12) zone with minimum 12,000 square foot lots. Commercial Goals and Policies Goal D. To create and mainlain a healthy and diverse commercial sector for a balanced and stable local economy. Policies 1. The City should encourage new and existing commercial developments and businesses, which are consistent with the goals and policies of this Comprehensive Plan. 2. Public uses such as government offices, public service buildings, and other public and quasi-public facilities and services may should be allowed in commercially designated areas. 3. The City should vacate rights-of-way to facilitate retention of existing businesses and location of new businesses where land assembly is necessary to achieve the desired urban design of the City. The City of Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan Land Use Element Page 46 I Objectives 1. The City will work with the Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe to devel'op a cultural' center and marina for large pleasure boats in Port Angeles Harbor. 2. The City will develop an Ediz Hook master plan that designates land uses, improves public access to shorelines, abates deteriorating structures, and allows for expanded recreational and commercial uses. 3. The City will develop a Commercial Regional (CR) zone to allow and encourage land intensive commercial uses (e.g. large regional shopping centers or "big box" stores), where sufficient vacant, buildable, commercial designated land and adequate transportation facilities exist. Goal E. To provide shopping opportunities which meet the needs of all City residents and visitors in safe, usable shopping areas that are compatible with the surrounding area and use~, the environment, and the desired urban design of the City. Policies 1.Urban services shall should be available for all commercial areas as required by the Capital Facilities EIement concurrency policy. . , N i 1 d I p ld ^"~ ..... ~' ...... *' ......: ...... 2. ew commerc a eve o ments shou ,~.,~,. ...... .~.~j ,..,~. ............... ,,,,,~,~ ......................................... v .............. ow a custer configuration rather than a strip pattern. 3. Commercial development should buffer its impacts on adjacent residential uses. Where commercial development is adjacent to residential uses, the commercial development should incorporate elements in the site design to soften the impacts on the residential uses. 4. Service access should be distinct from parking areas and separated from pedestrian areas wherever and whenever possible to accommodate pedestrian and vehicular traffic. 5.Commercial development outside the Highway 101 corridor should not be in a strip pattern. 6.New Comprehensive Plan commercial area designations should not be located along the alternate local crosstown route or the crosstown truck route. 7. District shopping areas should be located at the intersections of arterial streets of sufficient size to satisfy traffic demand and at the boundaries of neighborhoods so that more than one neighborhood may be served. 8. District Neighborhood shopping area uses she, u!d may be allowed in residentially designated areas as long as they are in accordance with the planning area/district/neighborhood land use concept and as long as they do not encourage The City of Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan Land Use Element Page 47 90 d ....... neighborhood or increase traffic congestion within lI traffic from outside the ;~'-;~ residential neighborhoods. Objective 1. The City will increase the commercial area available for development of new businesses or the expansion of existing businesses by extending the Commercial Arterial (CA) zone a half block to include the whole blocks north of Front Street (from Francis Street east to White's Creek Ravine) and south of First Street (from Eunice Street east to Chambers Street). . Goal F. To Provide a pleasant, safe, and attractive shopping environment in the tradi.tional downtown waterfront area which provides a wide variety of shopping, dining, entertainment, and housing opportunities for visitors and residents alike. Policies 1. Commercial development in the traditional downtown should reemphasize its , waterfront location and historic heritage, should be oriented to pedestrians and tourists, and should provide maximum enjoyment of the environment and public amenities as well as protection from adverse weather conditions. 2. The City should continue to promote improvements to the traditional downtbwn area, through beautification projects and in cooperation with downtown business merchants. 3.Residential uses should be encouraged for the downtown area as part of a mixed- use development concept. 4. The City should work with the Port Angeles Downtown Association to develop urban design review guidelines that facilitate architectural elements/features, which should encourage complimentary and aesthetically pleasing new development in the Central Business District (CBD). Objectives 1. The City will assist the Chamber of Commerce and the Port Angeles Downtown Association in developing heritage tourism and the Downtown an histc~c underground walking ~ 2. The City will assist the Chamber of Commerce and the Port Angeles Downtown Association in developing a waterfront promenade along the Downtown waterfront. 3. The City will encourage community events such as holiday ceremonies, town gatherings, arts and crafts displays, and special business activities such as a Farmer's Marker during the tourist season, particularly in the Downtown and on Laurel Street. The City of Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan Land Use Element Page 48 91 4. The City will consider various parking options to mitigate parking impacts from the GatewayProject and other Downtown proiects. Industrial Goals and Policies Goal G. To create and maintain a healthy and diverse industrial sector for a balanced and stable local economy. Policies 1. The City should promote a cooperative intergovernmental plan for comprehensive development of industrial infrastructure and amenities to attract and support light and hea~y industry. 2. Office and commercial uses may be allowed in specific designated industrial areas. .3. The William R. Fairchild International Airport should be considered an essential public facility as referenced in Appendix B (Clallam County-Wide Planning Process). Goal H. To provide opportunities for industrial development in a manner which efficiently uses the community's various attributes and natural resources, has minimal impact on the environment, an~ contributes to the City's quality of life, and is compatible with the desired urban design of the City. Policies 1. Urban services sha!l should be available for all industrial areas as required by the Capital Facilities Element concurrency policy. 2. Infrastructure, which makes sites attractive and ready to develop, including transportation facilities and utilities, should be available at industrial parks. Industrial development should be encouraged to follow industrial park design concepts. 3. Industrial areas should buffer their impact to mitigate nuisance and hazardous characteristics such as noise, particulate matter in the air, water or odor pollution, or objectionable visual material. 4. Industrial activity should be located in two major areas: adjacent to the harbor and around the airport. 5. Because they are hazardous to the community and detrimental to the general environment of the area petroleum refineries, liquefied natural gas and liquefied The City of Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan Land Use Element Page 49 99 petroleum gas facilities, energy facilities, energy plants and their associated facilities and associated transmission facilities, as defined in Chapter 80.50 RCW, should not be permitted outside the heavy industrial use area and without conditional use review. 6. The City should discourage the siting of incompatible uses adjacent to the William R. Fairchild International Airport recognizing the need to coordinate airport related .uses and other existing land uses that are already established in the vicinity. Objectives 1. The City will develop an industrial marine (lM) zone for shoreline uses similar to the upland industrial park (IP) zone, which allows for mixed commercial and industrial uses. 2. The City will establish a Harbor Study committee comprised of private and public stakeholders in harbor uses and activities to review and revise the Harbor R~so~rce Management Plan, considering changes that have occurred it,,-the-past ~ since its adoption and visions that now seem possible. New Goal I ' To facilitate and encourage redevelopment and reuse of large closed or isolated industrial areas within the City in a manner that fosters the local economy and a stable job base. New Policies The City should consider a wider range of uses for redevelopment of large closed or isolated industrial areas than would otherwise be permitted under industrial zoning, including mixed-use development, commercial development and/or residential development as well as industrial uses. The City should consider proposals for any needed amendment of the Comprehensive Plan and zoning concurrently with an application for a binding site plan for some or all of the site of a large closed or isolated industrial property, provided that any change to the comprehensive plan will be acted on as part of the City's annual Comprehensive Plan amendment cycle. 3_ The City should approve mixed-use or nonindustrial development of large closed or isolated industrial sites where it is shown that permitting a wider range of uses on the site will not contribute to or encourage the conversion of other industrial areas to nonindustrial use. New Objective _1 The City will create a planned industrial development overlay zone for the purpose of allowing mixed-use development for large closed or isolated industrial sites. The City of Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan Land Use Element Page 50 93 Open S~ace Goals, Policies, and Objective Goal /-:.J To create open space for relief within the urban landscape, to retain natural landscapes, to preserve fish and wildlife habitat, and to provide natural corridors, which connect wildlife habitats. Policies ' 1. The City should further public interest by designating open spaces to preserve unique or major physical features, such as marine shorelines, bluffs, ravines, streams, wetlands, wildlife habitat and other environmentally sensitive areas deemed of significant importance to the community. 2. The City s~all should limit the use of and access to such natural areas to only that which does not degrade the significance of the area and which protects the rights of property owners. 3.Wooded areas serve a functional purpose in climate, noise, light, habitat, and pollution control and should be preserved as part of the urban landscape. 4.The City s hall should discourage intensive recreational uses and impervious surfaces in sensitive open space areas. ' Objectives 1. The City will develop a program of land banking, transfer of development rights, or other innovative techniques, which preserve open spaces. 2. The City will support development of a public golf course. 3. The City will develop an Ediz Hook master plan that designates land uses, improves public access to shorelines, abates deteriorating structures, and allows for expanded recreational and commercial uses. Goal :I K__~. To encourage the development of parks and recreational opportunities for all residents of the City and to increase access to natural areas in a manner that minimizes adverse impacts, and to achieve the desired urban design of the City. Policies 1.The City s~a!! should include all City-owned parks in its designated open spaces and establish development standards that discourage conversion of open spaces. 2. Development and planning of parks and recreational facilities should follow a comprehensive service and facility plan consistent with the Capital Facilities Element. The City of Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan Land Use Element Page 51 3. Public parks and recreational facilities should be equitably distributed throughout. the City to afford access to all residents. 4. Every effort'should be made to consolidate and utilize land donated for public use which provides common open space, public buildings, parks, and recreational opportunities. 5. The City should preserve and maintain unique or major physical features contained within the boundaries of City parks and recreational areas for access and enjoyment by residents of the community. 6. The City should cooperate with the County and other jurisdictions in planning, funding, constructing, and managing multi-purpose recreation and transportation trails which link together various areas of the City, the Port Angeles Urban Growth Area (PAUGA), and other areas of the County and region. Objective 1. The City will establish standards for development of trails, which minimize the impact on designated open spaces. New 2_:. The City will develop neighborhood parks for the developing areas on the west, south and east sides of the City to support new subdivisions The City of Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan Land Use Element Page 52 95 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN LAND USE MAP Figure 10 THIS PAGE LEFT INTENTIONALLY BLANK The City of Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan Land Use Element Page 53 96 VI. ][RANSPORTATION ELEMENT General Comments The intent of the Transportation Element is to define in a comprehensive manner how vehicular traffic and nonmotorized means of travel are to be routed from one portion of the community to another in the most efficient, economical, and compatible manner. The City's Circulation Plan in accordance with the Statewide National Functional Classification System identifies the City's principal arterial streets, minor arterial streets, and collectors with the remaining streets classified as locals (See Figure 11). Goals, Policies, and Objectives Goal A. To develop a coordinated, multimodal transportation system, which serves all areas of the city and all types of users in a safe, economical, and efficient manner. Policies 1. Pedestrian and bicycle paths, bike racks, storage facilities, drinking fountains, and benches should be an integral part of thc circulation system. 2. Thc safety of non-motorized modes of transportation should be a primary ' consideration in thc circulation system. Adequate sidewalks, crosswalks, and handicapped access should bc provided. 3.Thc collector arterial streets and local access streets should serve primarily local traffic with special emphasis on safety for pedestrian traffic. 4.A multimodal transportation center should bc located in or near thc downtown core and public transportation system. 5. Thc City should consider securing rights to the usc of air space where it may be valuable to the community. 6. Planning for transportation services and facilities (including public streets, bikeways, pedestrian walkways, and public and private air, marine and land transit services and facilities) shall should be performed consistent with the goals and policies of the Capital Facilities Element. New 7. The City should update the Transportation Element to be consistent with Bill 1487 and the Regional Transportation Plan. Objectives 1. The City will be an active partner in the development of the Olympic Discovery Trail which passes through and along key parts of its park, street, pedestrian, and nonmotorized transportation systems and facilities. The City's Circulation Plan acknowledges that such a regional trail system serves many functions. It is a means of intercity commuting, a way to promote economic The City of Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan Transportation Element Page 54 97 development, a means to promote a healthy lifestyle, and a way to provide future utility right-of-way. New 2_ The City will support the extension of the Waterfront (Olympic Discovery) Trail from Marine Drive at Hill Street to the western City limits. New 3_ The City will designate 'N' Street as a bike route on the Nonmotorized Transportation Plan Map. i! 4. The City's Comprehensive Plan will continue efforts to improve or provide access to Valley, Tumwater, Peabody, Ennis, and White's Creeks and the development of the Foothills Trail System. tr .... F .......... .~ ........ 4 _5. The City will work with the property owner to assure completion of the Waterfront Trail through the former Rayonier Mill site. ~ 6. The City will incorporate bicycle friendly amenities including bike path development and maintenance, signage, and storage into new transportation facility improvements. 6 7. The City will encourage public streetscape improvements as street trees, seasonal displays, and pedestrian amenities through a comprehensive development and maintenance plan. Goal B. To improve circulqtion patterns across and within the community, and to achieve the desired urban design of the City. Policies 1. Traffic flow modifications such as signalization, signing, parking restrictions, channelization, and one-way couplets should be made before physical alterations are made to existing streets. 2. The City should divert crosstown truck traffic around the downtown area. 3. The City should facilitate the development of a crosstown truck route with improvements, which provide full access to Highway 117 to and from Highway 101, and improvements to the Lauridsen Boulevard Bridge over Peabody Creek and the intersections of Lauridsen Boulevard at Race Street and Highway 101. 4. The City should facilitate an additional route for local crosstown traffic along Lauridsen Boulevard across White's Creek ultimately connecting with Highway 101. The City of Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan Transportation Element Page 55 98 5. In association with these two proposed crosstown routes the City should require adequate mitigation measures to reduce any negative impacts on existing land uses, including buffer areas, pedestrian sidewalks and crossings, bikeways, and reduced speeds. Amend 6. The City should facilitate the development of an alternate local crosstown route with improvements, which provide full access at Highway 101 and Highway 117 (the Tumwater Truck Route). Improvements should be made to the intersections of Lauridsen Boulevard at Lincoln and Peabody Streets. Improvements should be made to the Lauridsen Boulevard bridge over Peabody Creek. Improvement should be made for the development of a crossing over White's Creek. The City will should revise its development regulations as necessary to preserve the right- of-way within an identified US 101 corridor. 7. Alternate local crosstown route and crosstown truck route improvements should be given a high priority in capital facility planning. 8. The City shall sh'ould coordinate with the State Department of Transportation, Clallam County, and the Peninsula Regional Transportation Planning Organization transportation planning efforts. This includes recognition of SR 101 and SR 117, along with connecting roadways of Front, Lincoln, Railroad, Oak, and First Streets to and from the ferry landings, and along Front Street and Marine Drive and First Street between SR 101 and SR 117, as transportation facilities of state-wide significance which are declared essential public facilities under the Growth management Act. Review of potential impacts these facilities and LOS standards will be incorporated with future updates to the City's Comprehensive Plan, as required by the Act. 9. Traffic circulation to and from the airport and around associated industrial areas should be improved. 10. The City should complete the arterial circulation system for westside developmeht. 11. New arterial streets, local access streets, and alleys should be designed and constructed to conform to the Statewide National Functional Classification System for Federal Aid Systems, WSDOT, and Transportation Improvement Board minimum design standards and standards as adopted by the City. 12. Arterial street rights-of-way should be acquired by the City in advance of the time of development in accordance with the Comprehensive Plan's Circulation Plan Map. 13. Principal, minor, and collector arterial streets should be located on the edge of district boundaries wherever possible. 14. Off-street parking should be sufficient and accessible within business and residential areas to ensure that the traffic flow of the street is not impaired. The City of Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan Transportation Element Page 56 99 1~5. Road improvements should provide for alternate modes of transportation, and new roads should be evaluated for the ability to accommodate alternate modes of. transportation. 16. Parking requirements should make allowances for shared parking facilities. 17. The City should assist the public transit system by providing convenient access between neighborhoods, residential, commercial, and industrial areas and between major community facilities. . 18. Police and fire protection should be a key factor in residential subdivision street designs and circulation patterns. 19. The development of the City's comprehensive service and facilities plan for streets, bikeways, pedestrian walkways, and the overall transportation system, and regional transportation plans should all be consistent. These plans, as adopted and hereafter amended, are incorporated herein. , New 20. The City should work with other jurisdictions to identify and protect a right-of- way for a second street accessing the City from the east. ' Objectives 1. Secondary and primary arterials will be designed with an appropriate balance for moving through traffic and providing local access to uses that front on these arterials. In commercially zoned areas, policies for consolidating access and providing for joint access and maintenance of driveways would be considered. 2. The City will develop a variety of funding techniques available for new development projects to provide mitigation for transportation impacts resulting from new development or redevelopment. The funding techniques could include but are not limited to developer provided fight-of-way and partial improvement to the street along the frontage of their property, establishing a road development or trip end fee, use of latecomers agreements, waivers of protest to the formation of LID's and bonding. The intent would be to match the technique to the development circumstance in order for the City to fund the transportation improvements that ensure concurrency. Whichever approaches are taken, they must be equitable and proportional to the level of impact. 3. The City will develop road improvement design standards, which will include accommodation for pedestrians and non-motorized transportation. Pedestrian facilities design will be appropriate for the safety, volume and character of non-motorized/pedestrian traffic in each neighborhood or district. 4.The City will phase the implementation of the alternate local crosstown route and crosstown truck route in a west to east progression. 5. A study to evaluate options for easterly access across Whites and Ennis Creeks in the vicinity of Golf Course Road will be prepared. The City of Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan Transportation Element Page 57 1110 '~ 6. The City will consider a variety of traffic management alternatives to increase 1 the existing street system capacity and implement appropriate options as feasible. Such alternatives may include: a. Taking into account nonmotorized use; b. Remove parking at controlled intersections to provide auxiliary turn lanes to increase capacity; c. Remove parking during selected periods of the day .(i.e.,noon and PM peak hour) to create additional through land capacity; d. Modify signal timing to respond to seasonal and/or daily peak traffic periods to favor major flows and expand the n.umber of signals that are coordinated as part of a system, while assuring enough time for a handicapped citizen to cross when a signal button is pushed. 7. The City will coordinate with the County, RTPO, and State and Federal agencies in the study of a possible future US 101 corridor including the Heart of the Hills Parkway and Coastal Corridor concepts. East of Race Street, the alternate local crosstown route (along Lauridsen Boulevard) will not be considered as a future US 101 corridor. 8. The City will implement street improvements planned to provide accesS; to and improve circulation around the south side of the airport along Lauridsen Boulevard and Airport Road and the west side of the airport along Milwaukee Drive to Lower Elwha Road. 9. The r,;~ ..... :. ~,~.~:~. ~ +~ ,_,,,j ..................... force to develop a New 9. The City will update the adopted Nonmotorized Transportation Map from time to time. 10. The City will update transportation policies to refocus circulation patterns, street improvements, essential state highways, truck routing, and traffic controls throughout the City. 11. The City will facilitate the implementation of City-adopted transportation plans. New 12. The City will seek funding to evaluate and improve West 18th Street, including the addition ofnonmotorized facilities. The City of Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan Transportation Element Page 58 101 CIRCULATION PLAN MAP Figure 11 THIS PAGE LEFT INTENTIONALLY BLANK The City of Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan Transportation Element Page 59 102 INCLUDE NoNMOTORIZED TRANSPORTATION MAP HERE Figure 12 THIS PAGE LEFT INTENTIONALLY BLANK The City of Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan Transportation Element Page 60 103 UTILITIES AND PUBLIC SERVICES ELEMENT General Comments The Utilities and Public Services Element identifies and addresses the various services that make a community a safe and desirable place to live. It also establishes policies that define which services are the responsibility of the City to provide and which should be provided by the community as a whole. Goals, Policies, and Objectives Goal A. To provide or allow the opportunity for services and facilities which enhance the quality of life for Port Angeles citizens of all ages, characteristics, needs, and interests and to achieve the desired urban design of the City. Policies 1. Public facilities should be equitably distributed across the City's planning areas including designated Urban Growth Areas. 2. Public facilities shall should contain provisions for citizens with disabilities and should be constructed according to accepted standards. 3. Social services providing home care should be located in residential neighborhoods in a manner that maintains the character of the immediate neighborhood. 4. Comprehensive service and facility plans shall should be consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan and should be implemented through applicable land use approvals and construction permits. New 5. The City should plan and seek funding to expand its existing infrastructure, to ensure economic vitality, and to improve the quality of life in Port Angeles. Goal B. To support services and facilities through different levels of participation in cooperation with other public or private agencies. Policies 1. The City should be the "primary responsible agency" and should take the lead in cooperation with other governmental entities to provide: · utility and emergency services (water, sewer, electrical, stormwater, police, fire and emergency medical response services) · transportation infrastructure, including trails and sidewalks and · parks and recreation The City of Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan Utilities and Public Services Element Page 61 2. The City should participate as a "financial partner" to support essential programs 'and services including: · youth recreation programs and facilities · library facilities · senior programs · low and moderate income housing programs · facilities for senior programs · utility assistance for low income households and · social and public health services. 3. As a "supporter," the City should, promote and cooperate in providing programs and services including: · . library programs such as information and assistance · affordable housing information and referral · economic and business development services · ., tourism information and services · schools and community learning · fine arts · community recreation · public and private youth, family and senior services · telecommunications and · crime prevention programs. 4. The City should develop and use public facilities cooperatively, in the promotion of social and community services. Goal C. To provide safe, clean, usable, and attractive public facilities which enhance the cultural, educational, economic, recreational, and environmental attributes of the City. Policies t 1. Industrial diversification should be supported by the development of urban services. Amend 2. All ne-:,' util:~ty ~er-,Scc~ :~cu!d be underground. The City should place a high priority on installing new utility lines underground to increase safety and reliability and to improve neighborhood appearance. 3. Where possible, new utilities should be located in alleys. 4. Major parks and large open spaces should provide for a variety of outdoor activities and be located to take advantage of natural processes (such as wetlands and tidal actions) and unusual landscape features (such as cliffs and bluffs). 5. The City park and recreation system should provide a variety of settings and activities suitable to people of all ages, characteristics, and interests. The City of Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan Utilities and Public Services Element Page 62 i. The City should place special emphasis on the recreational needs of the youth of the community, including bicycle safety education programs. Objectives 1. When development warrants, the. City will coordinate the efforts for a new fire station to the west with the Port of Port Angeles at Fairchild International .Airport and a new station to the east with Fire District No. 2. 2. The City will develop and implement maintenance programs for all public facilities under its jurisdiction. Goal D. To provide utility services in an efficient and cost-effective manner. Policies 1. Urban services should be designed for the maximum planned density and/o{ land use intensity of a given area as designated on the Comprehensive. Plan Land Use Map. 2. The City should provide urban services only in areas that are logical extensions of areas, which are currently served by such services or needed to implement a specific goal of the Comprehensive Plan. 3.The City, at its sole discretion, should extend urban services outside the City without annexation. 4. The City shall should promote energy conservation and recycling efforts throughout the community. The City's own practices shall should serve as a model. 5.The City should promote the joint use of transportation fights-of-way and utility corridors for all forms of transportation, including nonmotorized. 6.The City should promote coordination between road construction and utility installation. 7. The City should allow for simultaneous processing of all development permits. 8. The City should promote coordination among adjacent planning jurisdictions to 3. encourage consistency between each jurisdiction's utility plans and standards and the development of a coordinated process for siting utility facilities. 9. The City should identify lands useful for public purposes, such as utility corridors, landfills, sewage treatment facilities, transportation (including nonmotorized), recreation, schools, and other public uses. 10. Planning for utility services shall should be consistent with the goals and policies of the Capital Facilities Element. 11. New development should be served by sanitary sewers. The City of Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan Utilities and Public Services Element Page 63 106 12. The City, at its sole discretion, should provide sanitary sewer service to urban I development and outlying areas within the City limits and in the urban growth areas and to areas of intensive rural development, while prohibiting service to other areas of rural development. 13. Urban services provided in areas outside the City limits and not designated for future and land uses on the Comprehensive Land Use Map should be sized for potential urban growth in those areas, while generally prohibiting service to areas of rural development. , New 14. The City should implement the policies adopted in the Water Resources Inventory Area 18 Watershed Management Plan, including the provision of water supply to the urban areas in and between the Elwha River and Morse Creek drainage basins. New 15. The City should provide infrastructure to all industrial lands to encourage development. New 16. as sewer is extended into Urban Growth Areas, those hooking up should be, required to sigh a no-protest annexation agreement. Objectives 1. The City will develop a phased plan for the extension of urban services. 2. The City will institute a program to promote water and energy conservation techniques in new development. ' ~3. The City ;;'il! work "';P' the '~ ~*" ,~. ......... ...... ou,,,: on .... d,...2%. .... n.~, ........ plan See ............ or .... Pc,~ Ang..,,.s new policy D.14 43. Recycling programs will be used to reduce solid waste disposal. New 4~ The City will extend sewer into the eastern Urban Growth Area. New 5_ The City will extend sewer into the southwestern Urban Growth Area. New 6~ The City will close the Port Angeles landfill and establish a solid waste transfer station at the landfill site per the Public Works and Utilities Department plan. Goal E. To provide quality customer service with honesty, integrity and flexibility. Policies 1. The City should promote efforts to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of customer service. 2. The City should promote responsibility and fiscal accountability in the provision of customer service. The City of Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan Utilities and Public Services Element Page 64 107 3. ~The City should encourage a positive attitude, trust, initiative, and compassion with a high standard of professionalism and open communication among its employees and with the public. 4. The City should respect diversity and foster a safe environment. 5. The City should work in partnership with the community as stewards of the area's unique environment and quality of life. Objectives 1. The City will implement a customer commitment program that promotes internal and external customer service. 2. The customer commitment program will include the development of a city- wide statement of values which should be incorporated in all aspects of customer service. The City of Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan Utilities and Public Services Element Page 65 108 VIII. HOUSING ELEMENT General Comments The City recognizes the extreme importance of available clean, safe, and affordable housing in the community. In April of 1991, a Housing Needs Assessment Study was conducted for the Port Angeles area as part of a larger two county study. This report is included with the Comprehensive Plan as Appendix C. The results of this study and public comments greatly influenced the development of the following goals and policies, which strive to improve the quality, affordability, and availability of housing for all segments of the community. ' Goals, Policies, and Objectives Goal , A. To improve the vari_'ety, quality, availability, and affordability of housing opportunities in the City of Port Angeles. Policies ' 1. The City should expand the residential land use options in the Zoning Code by classifying residential zones by allowed density rather than by housing types. 2. Residential uses should be allowed in all non-industrial zones, including commercial and office zones. 3. The retention and development of safe and attractive mobile home parks should be encouraged. 4. The City should develop a program to improve substandard housing in the City of Port Angel~s. 5. The City sliould plan for sufficient urban services to support future housing in a variety of allowable densities. 6. Accessory residential units should be allowed in certain residential zones, upon approval of a Conditional Use Permit. 7. The City should promote acceptance of low and moderate income housing through public information programs. 8. The City should consider the effect of impact fees on the affordability of housing prior to establishing such impact fees. 9. In State and Federal publicly assisted housing under current contracts, the City should require property owners who demolish, substantially rehabilitate, change the use of residential property, or remove use restrictions developments to provide relocation assistance to those tenants displaced as provided for in sections 49 and 50 of the Growth Management Act (See RCW 59.18.440 and .450). The City of Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan Housing Element Page 66 109 New ] 0. The City should increase densities in some areas of the sparsely developed southwestern UGA along Lauridsen Boulevard from low density to medium density. Goal B. To participate with Clallam County and other entities in programs to increase the availability and affordability of public assisted housing and rental units as well as other affordable housing opportunities. ' Policies 1.' The City should participate in a county-wide housing task force comprised of representatives from government, financial institutions, business, construction, real estate, non-profit housing entities, and other citizens interested in housing issues. A major goal of the task force should be coordinating efforts to prov, ide affordable housing, e,;c,~uraging rapid review of low and moderate income housing projects throughout the County, and promoting public education and awareness regarding the need for and nature of affordable housing. 2. The City should cooperate with the county-wide housing task force and other agencies in assembling packages of publicly owned land which could be used for low and moderate income housing and for shelter or transitional hOusing. ' 3. The City, in cooperation with the County, should promote innovative housing techniques and should explore creative regulatory programs for the purpose of creating affordable housing opportunities. Such programs may include the transfer of development rights into high density receiving zones, density bonuses and regulation allowances for guaranteed low and moderate income housing projects, planned unit developments, and high density detached single family residential developments. 4. The City should invite the Clallam County Housing Authority to participate in a variety of affordable housing opportunities. 5. The City should seek representation on the Clallam County Housing Authority and non-profit housing organizations. 6. Adequate low and moderate income housing opportunities should be provided within the Port Angeles Planning Area. 7. A scattered site housing construction program should be promoted. 8. The City should support affordable housing by developing utility cost savings programs. . 9. The City should help support the provision of transitional and temporary housing for the homeless and/or displaced families. The City of Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan Housing Element Page 67 110 Objectives 1. The City will work with the housing task force to determine that, the supply of land will be sufficient for all housing needs including but not limited to government-assisted housing, housing for low-income families, manufactured housing, multifamily housing, group homes, foster-care facilities, and single- room occupancies (SRO). 2. The City will reference the Clallam County Housing Needs Study and subsequent analyses that update the information in evaluating l;he type, amount, and location of needed housing. The City of Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan Housing Element Page 68 lll IX. CONSERVATION ELEMENT General Comments The Conservation Element establishes the importance of quality of life to the people of Port Angeles. A clean, healthy, and diverse natural environment along with a variety of historical and cultural amenities is critical elements of a high quality community. Goals, Policies, and Objectives Goal A. To create and 'maintain a community with a high quality of life where the land is used in a manner that is compatible with the area's unique physical features, its natural, historical, archaeological, and cultural amenities, and the overall environment. Policies 1. The City should require all development, including the location and design of all structures and open space areas, to be compatible with the unique physical features and natural amenities of the land and complement the environment in which it is placed, while recognizing the rights of private ownership. 2. The City should promote compatibility between the land and its use by regulating the intensity of the land use. 3. The City should adopt development criteria, which promote the use of innovative design techniques to provide for the use of the land in a manner compatible with any unique physical features or valuable natural, historical, and/or cultural amenities. Objective! 1. The City will encourage streetscape improvements to beautify entryway corridors. Incentives may be developed to encourage private property participation in such beautification projects. Goal g. To protect and enhance the area's unique physical features, its natural, historical, archaeological, and cultural amenities, and the overall environment. Policies 1. The City should further the public interest by protecting and enhancing the area's unique physical features, valuable natural historical, archaeological, and cultural amenities, and the overall environment, while recognizing the rights of private ownership. The City of Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan Conservation Element Page 69 112 2. The City should maintain and preserve its unique physical features and natural amenities, such as creeks, streams, lakes, ponds, wetlands, ravines, bluffs, shorelines, and fish and wildlife habitats. 3. The City should protect and enhance the characteristics of its unique residential neighborhoods. 4. Building density should decrease as natural constraints increase. 5. The City shall should establish minimum Standards for development of properties, which contain or adjoin critical areas for the purpose of protecting such areas and enhancing their natural functions. 6. The City should regulate site design, preparation, and development to avoid or minimize damage to wetlands and other environmentally sensitive areas. 7. Recognizing the functions and values of wetlands, the City should strive to achieve no net loss of wetlands. 8. The City should preserve uniquely featured lands, which still exist ~n their natural states and which are notable for their aesthetic, scenic, historic, or ecological features and should prohibit any private or Public development, which would destroy such qualities, while recognizing the tights of private ownership. 9. The City should promote public access to the shoreline, while preserving a healthy shoreline environment. 10. The City should enhance and preserve the quality of its air and water as two of its unique physical features. 11. The City should protect its air and water quality by minimizing potential new pollution from new and existing sources. 12. The City shall should develop and implement a plan to improve water quality, which incl]udes measures to reduce and minimize stormwater pollutants and combined sewer overflow pollutant discharges. 13. The CitY should use regionally consistent requirements for industrial and commercial sewer discharge pretreatment and require new indirect dischargers to locate where appropriate sewer service can be made available. 14. The City should maintain and enhance the quality of water resources through the regulation of cleating, grading, dumping, discharging, and draining and the provision of flood and erosion control measures and regulations to protect wetlands and other environmentally sensitive areas. 15. Through the retention of existing vegetation, the City should protect water quality and prevent erosion. Amend 16. The City should designate open space areas to preserve major or unique physical features, an~/cr to serve as natural greenbelts and wildlife corridors, and to establish an urban edge to the PAUGA. The City of Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan Conservation Element Page 70 113 7. The City should identify and significant public scenic view corridors. preserve 18. The City should encourage identification, preservation, and restoration of sites and structures that have historical or cultural significance. 19. The City should give precedence to long-term environmental impacts and benefits over short-term environmental impacts and benefits. 20.. The City should promote and utilize environment enhancing conservation practices such as waste recycling and energy conservation and should encourage the development and use of alternative forms of energy and transportation. 21. The City should coordinate its environmental regulations with County, State, and Federal regulations to simplify the permitting process and to reduce associated costs to the land user. New 22. The City should reference the Washington State Citations o_fRecommended Sources of Best A va ilable Scien ce_for Designating and Protecting Critical ,~ :'cas (as periodically updated) and other research identified as more locally appropriate and applicable (when it is available) as Best Available Science in the Critical ' Areas Ordinance. Objectives 1. The City will work closely with State agencies on further development.of regulations and coordinated enforcement of air quality standards. 2. The City will adopt and enforce adequate regulations designed to maintain and enhance water quality. 3. The City will identify and implement site specific requirements for individual development proposals to mitigate any negative impacts created by the development, particularly to an area identified as an environmentally sensitive area. 4. The City will adopt and enforce regulations, which require all new development to provide adequate stormwater retention/detention facilities necessary to protect water quality. 5. The City will complete an inventory and identification of areas identified as Habitats of Local Importance to assure that important habitat connections are not severed. 6. The City will complete an inventory and identification of wetlands. 7. The City will encourage clustering of residential development where necessary to protect environmentally sensitive areas, or to avoid hazardous areas, or to preserve open space areas. 8. The City will develop a stormwater management plan. 9. The City will develop guidelines to evaluate new development that occurs near scenic resources. The City of Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan Conservation Element Page 71 114 10. The City will establish regulations that allow the preservation of identified historically significant buildings/sites. 11. The City will participate in various watershed planning and salmon recovery efforts. The City will incorporate appropriate measures for the protection of habitat for listed or threatened species under the Federal Endangered Species Act when providing public services and administering land use and development regulations. New 12. The City will add the definitions of Best Available Science and Best Managemeni Practices to the Critical Areas Ordinances. New 13. The City will incorporate the' 1995 Sheldon Wetland Report with the inclusion of site specific wetland delineations as addendums into its Critical Areas Ordinance as Best Available Science. New 14. The City will incorporate the 2001 Pentec Environmental Shoreline Habitat Assessment ,;vith the inclusion Of site specific shoreline habitat assessments as addendums into its Critical Areas Ordinance as Best Available Science. New 15. The City will incorporate the Washington State Department of Ecology Coastal Atlas photographs into its Critical Areas Ordinance as Best Available Science. Goal C. To promote community awareness of the importance of environmental, historical and cultural amenities, the responsible use of such resources, and the use of the land with minimal impact on its unique physical features, its natural, historical and cultural amenities, and the overall environment. Policies 1. The City should inform the public concerning the long-term benefits of protecting and improving the quality of the region's air, land, and water. 2. The CitY should encourage the development and implementation of environmental, historical, and cultural awareness programs which fOcus on local and regional issues. Goal D. To preserve and enhance the City's shoreline, its natural landscape, and flora and fauna and to minimize conflicts with present and planned uses in a manner consistent with the State Shoreline Management Act. Policies 1. Shoreline areas should be preserved for future generations by restricting or prohibiting development that would interfere with the shoreline ecology or irretrievably damage shoreline resources. The City of Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan Conservation Element Page 72 115 ~. possible, riparian vegetation areas on tributary streams, Where in shoreline and which affect shoreline resources, should be maintained and restored'. 3. Where possible, techniques to rehabilitate degraded shorelines for the purpose of shoreline stabilization and habitat enhancement should be employed. 4. Where possible, aquatic habitats including shellfish habitat, and important marine vegetation should be preserved and protected: 5. Development patterns and densities on lands adjacent to shorelines shOuld be compatible with shoreline uses and resources and reinforce the policies of the Shoreline Management Act and the City's Shoreline Master Program. 6. Where possible, urban service facilities located in shoreline areas should utilize common utility corridors. 7. Adequate shoreline area for water-oriented commercial and industrial development should be designated based o~ tho Land Use Element. 8. Shoreline uses and activities should be located to avoid environmehtally sensitive and ecologically valuable areas and to insure the preservation and protection of shoreline natural areas and resources. 9. Where possible, utility facilities and rights-of~way should be located outside of the shoreline area. ' 10. Shoreline ecology and resources should be protected when locating utilities in shoreline areas. Objective Amend 1. The City will devetolya update its 1995 Shoreline Master Program t~at is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan: and the Shoreline Management Act, and the Growth Management Act by 2011. 2. The City will develop an Ediz Hook master plan that designates land uses, improves public access to shorelines, abates deteriorating structures, and allows for expanded recreational and commercial uses. CAPITAL FACILITIES ELEMENT General Comments The Capital Facilities Element consists of two parts. The first part is the listing of goals and policies regarding the City's provision of urban services and its planning of capital improvements. The second part is the Annual Capital Facilities Plan which is adopted separately from the Comprehensive Plan but is included as part of the Plan as an attachment. The Comprehensive Plan defines urban services in its definition section, which includes a listing of the following services and facilities, which should be available in an urban environment: * Surface transportation facilities; * Water facilities; The City of Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan Conservation Element Page 73 116 l * Sewer facilities; I * Stormwater facilities; · Solid waste facilities; · Parks and recreational facilities; · Emergency services (police, fire and medical response); · Public service buildings; · Public schools facilities; and · Regional facilities (libraries, corrections, and mass transit). The following goals and policies provide guidance on how these services and facilities should be provided. This includes the establishment of minimum levels of service standards for each service. The policies also call for the development of individual comprehensive service and facility plans which take an in-depth lookat the current status of each service and the projected future demand for each service and which include a financial feasibility analysis on the costs of providing each service. The Capital Facilities Plan is a six-year plan, which establishes how, where, and when the ,City will develop the facilities necessary to provide its various services. Goals, Policies, and Objectives Goal A. To provide and maintain safe and financially feasible urban services and capital flcilities at or above stated levels of service to all City residents and the general public. Policies 1. The Comprehensive Plan shall should establish general level of service standards for each urban utility and service. Such standards shall should be used to determine the impacts of development. 2. The City should, at a minimum, ensure the continuation of established level of service standards for all urban utilities and services to the extent and in the manner provided herein. 3. The City shall should develop individual comprehensive service and facility plans for the following capital facilities and/or services: · transportation, including streets, and nonmotorized (bikeways and pedestrian walkways), · water system, · sanitary sewer system, · electrical system, · parks and recreation services, and · emergency services (police, fire, and medical response). 4. The City should co-operate with the appropriate private and/or public agencies to develop individual comprehensive service and facility plans for each of the following utilities and/or services: The City of Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan Capital Facilities Element Page 74 , * telecommunications, · schoo!s, · transportation (air, marine and public transit), and · solid waste collection and disposal. 5. Comprehensive service and facility plans shall should be consistent with the general level of service standards established in the Comprehensive Plan and should establish detailed level of service standards which, at a minimum, meet all local, state and federal health and safety requirements. Each plan may also establish desired level of service standards and shall should include an inventory of current facilities, measuremerits of current and future service capacities, the determination of future service and facility improvements necessary to serve the twenty-year vision of the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map, and a financial feasibility analysis. 6. The comprehensive service and facility plan for streets and nonmotorized facilities (bikeways, trails, and pedestrian walkways) shall should alt, c, include specific actions and requirements for bringing into compliance any street facilities that fall below the required level of service, including demand management strategies which encourage reduced reliance on single occupant vehicle trips and encourage use of alternate modes of transportation such as the bicycles, walkways, and transit riding with incentive programs for and from local businesses. 7. The comprehensive service and facilities plan for streets, bikeways, and pedestrian walkwa'ys should include a future US 101 corridor to meet long-term local and regional transportation needs. 8. Each comprehensive service and facility plan r~hall should be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, the County-Wide Planning Policy, and the State Growth Management Act. 9. The City shall should require concurrency at the time of development for the following utilities and services: · streets, · water service, · sanitary sewer service, and · electrical service. 10. The City should require the following utilities and services at the time of development: · solid waste collection, · stormwater management, · telecommunications service, and · emergency services (police, fire and emergency medical response). 11. The City should require the following services and facilities within six years from the time of development: The City of Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan Capital Facilities Element Page 75 118 * parks and recreation services and facilities, and * transit system. 12. The City shall should adopt an annual CaPital Facilities Plan conSistent with the Comprehensive Plan and State Growth Management Act. The Capital Facilities Plan's financing schedule may be corrected, updated, or modified without being considered as an amendment to the Comprehensive Plan, following a public hearing before the City Council. 13. If projected funding fails for a capital project listed as funded in the City's approved Capital Facilities Plan and development permits have been issued reliant upon that capital project for concurrency, the City shall should take necessary actions to minimize further degradation of the impacted service or facility. This may include one or any combination of the following actions: a) reduce the level of service standard, b) · increase'funding by increasing revenues, c) reduce demand by revising the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map and/or Zoning Map, and/or d) reduce demand by reducing consumption (i.e., conservation). New 14. Where existing capital facilities are deficient, the City should remove obstacles to economic development in an area with City participation through a New Improvements for Community Enhancement (N.I.C.E.) Neighborhoods Program. New 15. The City should adopt a Comprehensive Parks and Recreation Plan consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and the Growth Management Act as an Element of the Comprehensive Plan. Objectives ....... i'''''''''~''''' "'-'"'""*'1"" ,.~,,.,..,...,.o.,. ....... .~,..,., ,.,.*,,, -.~-~j --,,,..* ',~,-, ,--.,,,j ~ ~ .~ ,-' ..... ,-.',...-, ~-~o~*.-~+~-,,~ ~1-, .-~,-~.-,~, +'1~ D~,.-+ A~I~ C~1-,..-,,.-,1 T~;o+,-~+ '~T,~ 1 "')1 I-~1~11~ j_ -3. The Capital Facilities Plan will be updated on an a~mua] basis and should implement the goals, policies, and objectives o£the Comprehensive ?]an. 2 3. The City will develop a schedule for preparation and adoption of each required comprehensive service and facilities plan. ~ 3 4. The City will study the development of a seasonal or permanent ice skating rink facility. 4:5. The City will establish a review process with a more comprehensive analysis of Capital Facilities Plan projects to address new mandates for environmental protection such as the Endangered Species Act, extension of urban services into the Urban Growth Area and new residential areas within the City, and The City of Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan Capital Facilities Element Page 76 119 preservation and maintenance of service levels impacted by changes such as the Elwha Dam removal, landfill closure, and aging facilities. Goal B. To provide urban streets and utilities at minimum levels of service for all city residents and the general public. Policies ' 1. All arterial streets shall function at an average daily level of service olD or better. 2.. Development on all arterial streets and any other streets identified a,s school walking routes sba!! should include pedestrian sidewalks. 3. The City shall not approve any development that is not served with water service at or greater than the following level of service standards at the time of dc;-zlcpment: ' Single family units: 2 gallons per minute ~ 30 psi (fire-1000 gallons per minute ~ 20 psi for single family residential >- 3,600 square feet.) (Fire - 500 gallons per minute ~20 psi for single family residential -< 3,600 square feet.) Multi-family units: 1 gallon per minute ~ 30 psi (fire per Uniform Fire Code) Commercial: per Uniform Fire Code Industrial: per Uniform Fire Code 4. The City shall not approve any development that is not served with sewer service at or greater than a level of service standard of 300 gallons per day per person at the time of development. 5. The City shall not approve any development that is not served with electrical service at or greater than a level of service standard of 118 volts (120 volt base) at the time of development. 6. The City should not approve any development that increases a site's post- development stormwater mn-off beyond that allowed by the Stormwater Management Manual for the Puget Sc'and Easin as adopted by the City. 7. The City should not approve any development that cannot be served with telecommunications service at or greater than the following level of service standards at the time of development: Telephone Residential: 1 service per unit Commercial: 1 service per business Industrial: 1 service per business Cable Television Residential: 1 service per unit Commercial: 0 service per business Industrial: 0 service per business The City of Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan Capital Facilities Element Page 77 120 New /8. Highways of Statewide Significance (HSS) should function at Level of Service (LOS) D or better, consistent with the Regional Transportation Plan (RTP). New 9. The City should develop a Capital Facilities Plan list, with public input, for prioritizing pedestrian walkway needs. New 10. The City should seek funding to increase the provision of sidewalks in already developed areas where sidewalks do not occur. Objective 1. The City will,~,, '~ .... · ,~,,-v~ .... ,,,,'~'~ ,-,-,,v~'~* update design standards for street, water, sewer, and stormwater facilities from time to time. Goal C. To provide urban services at minimum levels of service for all city residents and the general public. Policies 1. The Port Angeles School District should develop a capital facilities plan, which ' the City will consider for inclusion in the Comprehensive Plan. The capital facilities plan should contain at least a six-year plan for public financing of such facilities as may be necessary to provide adequate public schools at or greater than the following level of service standards in order to meet anticipated ' ' increases in student enrollment, which may be anticipated based on the SchOol District's projected enrollment figures and residential growth as provided for in the Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan: High School: 125 square feet of permanent, appropriate educational space per student, Middle School: 104 square feet of permanent, appropriate educational space per student, and Elementary School: 100 square feet of permanent, appropriate educational space per student. If capacity is inadequate to house students at the established level of service standards (LOS) and adequate school funding is not available, then the demand for new facilities will be reduced (e.g. through year round use of schools or by matching grade and enrollment to facility capacities) or the level of service standards will be reduced to keep both schools and housing development affordable to the majority of Port Angeles School District residents. Imposition of Growth Management Act impact fees on or denial of new development will not be used as a measure to prevent further degradation of school services, unless the reduced level of service standards are deemed unacceptable to Port Angeles School District No. 121, Clallam County, and the City of Port Angeles. The City of Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan Capital Facilities Element Page 78 121 2. . The City should not approve any development that will not be served with adequate transit service as determined in the comprehensive service and facilities plan for transportation within six years from the time of development. 3. The City should not approve any development that will not be served at or greater than a city-wide level of service standard of 9 acres of parks per 1,000 population within six years from the time of development. 4. The City should not approve any development that will not be served at or less than the following level of service standards at the time of development. Police: 677 perso'ns per one officer Fire: 4 minute response time or residential sprinkler system installation 5. The City should not approve any development that will not be served with solid waste collection ~service at or less than a city-wide level of service standard of 400 pick up accounts per 1000 population within six years from the time of development. 6. The City :hall should participate with the County in the development, maintenance, and implementation of a regional solid waste plan, which addresses collection, disposal, and recycling of solid waste. 7. The City should consider the cumulative effect of development on the City's need for adequate public service buildings. Goal D. To participate with the County, State, and Federal governments as well as other public agencies to provide adequate regional public services. Policies 1. The City should cooperate with the County and the community's health care providers to ensure quality health care facilities within the City that serve the region as a whole. 2. The City should cooperate with the County in planning regional library facilities within the City. 3. The City should cooperate with the County in planning for adequate correctional facilities. 4. Essential public facilities of a county-wide or state-wide nature must meet existing state laws and regulations requiring specific siting and permit requirements consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan. Objective Move and added to Transportation Element as part of Policy B.6; The City of Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan Capital Facilities Element Page 79 ]22 Goal E. To reduce the amount of impervious surface created by new developments and thereby reduce stormwater management costs and environmental impaCts to the City and its natural resources, reduce development costs to private property owners, and provide safe and more attractive streets through traffic calming, safe pedestrian amenities, and improved street edge landscaping. Policy 1. The city should further revise its existing urban development standards in low density residential areas to include low impact development standards for street, pedestrian and nonmotorized access, sewer, and ftc suppression to more nearly reflect the needs of suburban densities and conditions in outlying undeveloped areas ~ o__f the City and the PAUGA. The City of Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan Capital Facilities Element Page 80 123 XI. ] CONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ELEMENT General Comments The intent of the Economic Development Element is to benefit the community through the diversification and strengthening of the local economy. The following policies address a variety of subjects, some stand on their own, while others require coordination with other elements of the Comprehensive Plan. Goals and Policies Goal A. To create and maintain a balanced and stable local economy with full employment and emphasis on strengthening the community's traditional natural resource related industries ~ well as diversifying the overall economic base. , Policies 1. The City of Port Angeles should remain a major economic center on the North Olympic Peninsula, meeting regional and local needs. 2. The City should promote the retention of employment in all sectors of the local economy. 3.The City should promote long-term economic stability by encouraging businesses and industries to invest in modernization and environmentally sound technology. 4. The City should promote the diversification of the community's economic base by encouraging the location, retention, and expansion of both timber and non-timber related businesses. This could include various types of manufacturing businesses such as value-added natural resource related products, computer related products, and technical devices and components and other businesses such as research and development, retirement, tourism, retail trade, marine, and ecology related enterprises. 5. The City should promote the location, retention, and expansion of small and medium sized businesses, which access their markets and suppliers through telecommunications and available shipping and transit. 6. The City should promote in the traditional downtown retail, dining, and entertainment oriented activities that are attractive to both tourists and local residents. 7. The City should develop sufficient utilities, improve traffic circulation, and identify environmental constraints in the airport industrial area in cooperation with other governmental agencies. The City of Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan Economic Development Element Page 81 124 8. The City should encourage training and educational opportunities, which . strengthen and increase the variety of skills available in the work force. 9. The City should promote the motivation and availability of the community's work force as a major economic development strength. 10. The City should encourage inter-jurisdictional discussion and cooperation with other governmental agencies to foster the economic development of the region. 11. The City should work with other community organizations in developing an effective business assistance program directed toward the commercial business owner. New 12. The City should recognize the ec~onomic importance to the community in the redevelopment of the Rayonier Mill site and take an active role in assisting property owners to clean up the site to attract the interest of many potential investors. New 13. The City should' pursue a management agreement with Clallam County as a first step to a partn~'~ifip for developing the eastern UGA. New 14. The City should support continued development of a strong marine related industry_ in the Port Angeles Harbor. New ' Obiective New 1_ The City will work in cooperation with other stakeholders to update the Harbor Resource Management Plan in 2005. New 2~ The City will work with the Port of Port Angeles, Clallam County, and the Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe (LEKT) to study the future of the William R. Fairchild International Airport, update the Airport Master Plan, and accommodate the Terminal Relocation Plan. Goal B. To have a healthy!local economy that co-exists with the community's high quality of life through the protection, enhancement, and use of the community's natural, historical, and cultural amenities. Policies 1. The City should promote the region's quality of environment and available natural resources as factors in attracting and retaining business, industry, and individual enterprises. 2. The City should promote the community's quality public school system and its diversity of other educational opportunities as factors in attracting and retaining business and industry. 3. The City should encourage the enhancement of the existing two year community college through such means as the expansion of its technical curriculum and additional four year degree opportunities. The City of Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan Economic Development Element Page 82 125 't4. The City should promote development of planned office, business, and industrial parks, while conserving unique physical features of the land and maintaining compatibility with other land uses in the surrounding area. 5. The City should encourage the availability of housing that meets the needs of the entire spectrum of the community's work force. 6. The City should preserve and promote its historic and cultural properties as a measure of its quality of life. New 7. The City should support landscaping and detailing of the streetscape at the City's east and west entries. Objective , 1. The City will encourage streetscape improvements to beautify entryway corridors. Incentives may be developed to encourage private property participation in such beautification projects. New 2~ The City will identify specific standards for street and parking lot tree plantings and other landscaping requirements. New 3. The City will support the development of a covered arena. Goal New C__:. To create and promote a strong tourism industry for Port Angeles, as well as to recognize and support existing and prospective tourism attractions. Policy New New 1. The City should support improved access to the Olympic National Park, particularly to Hurricane Ridge. New 2. The City should work to enhance the commercial and public use of Ediz Hook. New 3. The City should take a leading role in enhancing visitors' first impression of the community by maintaining and upgrading the City's public facilities, and infrastructure, and strengthen the nuisance abatement program. Ob.[ective New New 1_. The City will support the creation of a skate park. New Goal D_~. To strengthen and enhance the restoration and reinvigoration of our downtown historic buildings, infrastructure improvements, and beautification projects. Objectives New 1_:. The City will develop incentives for downtown building exterior restoration to improve the overall appearance of the downtown. The City of Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan Economic Development Element Page 83 1:>6 New , _2. The City will enhance the downtown waterfront by encouraging the removal 'I of derelict structures. New 3. The City will work cooperatively with the property owners to support the repair and use of the Landing Mall pier. New 4_. The City will continue to support the Gateway Visitor Center project. The City of Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan Economic Development Element Page 84 127 Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation Low Density Residential t ...... l Commercial Medium Density Residential ~'/////~ Industrial High Density Residential [iiiiiiiili~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil Open Space 128 ~~~ ~ BAKER ST GALES ST ~ ~ONROE CARNE CITY OF PORT ANGELES SCALE PUBLIC WORKS Co~reheDsive ~J~D JsDd use  0 1200 ~ 12~ Amendments - 500 CHESTNUT ST ;o BEECH ST m BOURCH]ER ST T BAKER ST GALES ST MONROE CARNE -F ~ A CITY OF PORT ANGELESf SC LE Comprehensive plen lend use mep PUBLIC WORKS O0 ~ J 1800 L PLot Dote: 05/26/04 RevisiD~ Dote: 04/~6/01 correction FiLe:COM_PLN F-z > '~~ /~'" ~1 I/"~~ ~' ~ ,,~, I I I , ,'~ , ~ . ~.. .... ~.~, r -~ ....... ~ .... . ~ I I 1", ~ .~ ..L_, .... ~ ,~ . ~,~ ,, , _ __~ .......... ?- ,- -,-~ ~ ~ ~'' ' ' .L, '-~4- ' ' ~'. s ~ , ..~-~-~. ~-~,~ I I I I t - ' ~?~L~/~' ' ~ ' '~ '~' ~ '~ ,,, ~'~'~'~-~'~'~ '~ ~ ,/ ~., , , , , ~'~'~fl -:~-~ ~, ,~ ~ _. ~'= __.~.~, ,---~,..,~ / , ~-.~ ~/? ~ .... ~_~ ( .~ ,,"' ~ ~'--/i ~' ~ ITM ~z~ I /] · · f~.'-.~,~.'~'-,&~ , , ',' 1~, ~ ~ ~ ~i "~ ~~1 /~ ,, "' ' ~ I I I ~ i~, CHESTNUTST ~ ' · ~ I I~,~ ~ ~ BEECH ST ~ ~ ~ BAKER ST GALES ST ~ MONROE CARN/ CITY OF PORT ANGEL~ SCALE PUBLIC WORKS Comprehensive plen lend use mep 0 3600 ~ $~ndments - 2004 elterne{ive 1800 PUBLIC WORKS Comprehensive plan land use map  0 1200 60O L P~ot [}ate: 05/~6/04 Revi~ ~nte: 03/B4/04 Fi~e:COH_PLN ~ c,~ oF ~o** *.CEkESSC*LE PUBLZC WORKS Comprehensive plen lend use mop D ~00 ~ ~ 133 Amendments - 2OO~ ~ gOO L Plot Dote: 05/~6/04 Revi~ ~.+o: 04/~6/0] correction File:COM_PLN ~ 134 CITY OF PORT ANGELESI SCALE PUBLIC WORKS UGA Revision ~ Io ,200 ,.~ i~ 135 P~ot Date: 10/0]/02 Revision Date: 04/;~6/0! correction Fi[e:CEIM_PLN ~1 -- , / i / I l-e~end / ' I City of PA / ~ Thi$ #tap i .... inlended to b ..... cl as aJe~v~ptio~. This mapMrm~,ing i$ prod.ced by the Ciq of Pon AngeTes fot-- -- ~l ts o~vn I~$e and Intrposes. Any other .se of this map dran~,ing shall not be the responsibility of the City, Planning Commission Minutes May 12, 2004 Page 4 PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE CITy'S COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AND LAND USE MAP - CPA 04-02 - CITY OF PORT ANGELES: City wide amendments to the Comprehensive Plan and Land Use Map. Associate Planner Scott Johns presented the Department's staff report identifying all of the proposed amendments and identified specific proposed amendments to the City's Comprehensive Plan and Land Use Map based on the public review process., Director Collins stated that Rayonier would not oppose that area above the bluff along Water Street being redesignated for residential development but would oppose any redesignation of the main mill area being anything but industrial at this time. Chair Hewins opened the public hearing. ' Robbie Mantooth, 2238 E. Lindberg Road, stated her thanks for the opportunity to participate in review of the City's Comprehensive Plan update process as a newly annexed resident and noted that the effort that was made gathering information during the public , participation process earlier in the year. She felt strongly that the Rayonier mill site should be cleaned up to a higher standard than industrial to allow for more variety of event/~al uses. She encouraged more public parks now rather than in the future, a proactive approach t'o stream corridor restoration, a wider transportation corridor rather than an alternate crosstown route, and hoped that the annexation process could be structured such that others would desire to annex to the City who live in developing areas to avoid excessive septic tank usage. Finally, she noted that the most beautiful beach in the county is located within the shoreline of the Rayonier property and she encouraged the City to work with Rayonier to open the area to the public. Andy Brastad, 1622 Milwaukee Drive, Port Angeles, WA spoke in favor of a change in a residential area off Milwaukee Drive that is proposed to be redesignated from Resi'dential Medium Density to Low Density Residential. He characterized the area as rural and hoped that it would remain so with relatively little future development. He appreciates the low impact development standards allowed for infrastructure development in the area. Ed Tuttle, 3909 Old Time Place, Port Angeles, WA presented a petition against annexation and noted that a like petition was being submitted to the County Commissioners asking the county to eliminate the City's eastern Urban Growth Area. He stated that he is not against future development of the area east of the Port Angeles city limits but does not want annexation. Instead, it is preferred that services be extended without annexation. The City should take care of what is already within the City limits before looking at annexation. Chair Hewins asked Mr. Tuttle what proposed amendment to the Comprehensive Plan he is addressing, to which Mr. Tuttle answered that he was addressing the eastern expansion of the UGA. Chair Hewins pointed out that the issue was discussed during last year's Plan changes and is not currently under consideration by the City. Jack Anderson, Rayonier Mill, 700 North Ennis Street, spoke on behalf of the Rayonier Mill management and asked that the Comprehensive Plan Map designation for the mill site remain unchanged at this time. He explained that the Model Toxic Control Act (MTCA) clean up regulations outline only two methods of clean up: industrial and commercial. To identify the site as commercial would significantly slow redevelopment of the site. The Rayonier management prefers to allow a prospective purchaser and the property owner to agree to a clean up plan based on future use of the site and is not in favor ora redesignation at this time. 137 Planning Commission Minutes Mt~y 12, 2004 Page .5 Ava Traughber, ! 636 Milwaukee Drive, Port Angeles, I/VA agreed with a previous speaker regarding the redesignation Of an area north of Milwaukee Drive being proposed for redesignation from RMD to LDR. The area is not prepared for higher density development and should remain rural and sparsely developed. Bill Henry, 2206 East Sixth Street, Port Angeles, WA was concerned that neither the County nor the City has proven to residents in the eastern UGA that there is a need to exPand the City's boundary to the east. An ,excess of vacant residential land exists within the City for development at this time without annexation. Residents in the eastern UGA would like to petition for a LAMRID (Limited Area of More Intensive Rural Development) and would like the City's support. Port Angeles should utilize vacant land before looking to annex additional area. The eastern UGA boundaries might better have been set at the existing City limits. At this point, Chair Hewins asked the speaker what item he was speaking to on the hearing agenda. Mr. Henry indicated that he was speaking to the entire scope of the Comprehensive Plan. Chair Hewins noted that expansion 0fthe eastern UGA is not currently under consideration having been decided during the review process in 2003. The expansion of the western UGA boundaries is an item under review. Mr. Henry presented written information to be entered into the hearing record to the Chair. ,Kathe Smith, 607 East Fourth Street, Port Angeles, WA strongly supported amendments to the Transportation Element as proposed. Harley Oien, 215 Rife Road, Port Angeles, WA presented a petition opposing expansion of the western UGA boundary and urged the Commission to leave the area in the County for rural preservation. ~leff Bohman, 3 753 Canyon Circle, Port Angeles, WA represented the Peninsula Trails Coalition and spoke in favor of the proposed amendment to the Transportation Element of the Comprehensive Plan. He encouraged that the Economic Development Element, in particular proposed Goal C, or the policies that derive from that goal, include the benefits of the Olympic Discovery Trail and other t~ails and parks as an element of the economic plan. He noted that some references in the 1990 Sheldon Wetland Report have become outdated. It has recently become apparent that the old report is not a comprehensive reflection of existing wetlands within the City boundaries. It may be appropriate to include wording in the Plan to recognize that site specific analysis should always occur whether or not the Sheldon report indicates that wetlands are present on a site. Jean Fairchild, 3524 Mt Pleasant Road, Port Angeles, WA represented herself and others in the audience on behalf of the Jet Set Soroptimist Club in support of changes to the Transportation Element. Hugh Haffner, 402 Goa Way Road, Port Angeles, WA suggested that some type of bonding be required of the Rayonier Mill owners to assure adequate clean up of the mill site. There being no further comment, Chair Hewins closed the public hearing and announced a break at 7:40 p.m. The meeting resumed at 7:50 p.m. Due to the number of other issues on the agenda, Commissioner Schramm moved to continue discussion of the Comprehensive Plan and Land Use Map amendments to last on the agenda. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Norton and passed unanimously. 138 Planning Commission Minutes May 19, 2004 Page 1 PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE CITY'S COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AND LAND USE MAP - CPA 04-02 - CITY OF PORT ANGELES: City wide amendments to the Comprehensive Plan and Land Use Map. Item Continued from May 12, 2004, meeting. Chair Hewins asked the.Commission if due to the large number of proposed amendments and having had previous discussions regarding the proposed amendments if the Commission would prefer to discuss each amendment individually and vote on each proposed amendment separately. The Commission concurred with reviewing and voting on each item separately. Item 1. Add a definition of Manufactured Home into the Comprehensive Plan. No discussion Commission voted 4 - 0 to recommend approval. item 2. Add definition of Best Available Science. No discussion. Commission voted 4 - 0 to recommend approval. Item 3. Add definition of Best Management Practices. No discussion. Commission voted 4 - 0 to recommend approval. Item 4. Add definition of Regulatory Reform Act. No discussion. Commission voted 4 - 0 to recommend approval. Item 5. New Growth Management Element Policy A.18. Commission voted 3 - 1 to recommend approval. Commissioner Rasmussen voted nay, stating that adequate industrial lands' existed and that the Port could sell its land to private interests. Item 6. New Growth Management Element Policy A. 19. No discussion. Commission voted 4 - 0 to recommendlapproval. Item 7. New Growth Management Objective A.3. No discussion. Commission voted 4 - 0 to recommend approval. Item 8. New Growth Management Objective A.4. No discussion. Commission voted 4 - 0 to recommend approval. Item 9. New Growth Management Policy B.11. No discussion. Commission voted 4 - 0 to recommend approval. Item 10. New Growth Management Policy B.12. No discussion. Commission voted 4 - 0 to recommend approval. Item 11. Comprehensive Land Use Map Change. Change Land Use Map Medium Density Residential (MDR) land use designation in the "P" Street area north of 16th Street and east of the Residential Trailer Park Zone to Low Density Residential (LDR) to facilitate designation ora new RS-I_2 Zone in the west end of the City. Commission voted 3 -1 to recommend denial, stating that prior testimony before the commission had indicated that there is a lack of Medium Density Residential designated lands in the City. 139 Item 12. Comprehensive Land Use Map Change. Change the Land Use Map for the area of the Rayonier Mill from Industrial to Commercial recognizing that the future use will likely be a mix of commercial and residential uses. The Commission voted 4 - 0 to recommend denial indicating that changing the land use designation could force Rayonier into making' undesirable decisions. It was pointed out that Commissioner Philpott's written comment supported the land use designation change. , Item 13. New Land Use Element Policy B.3. The Commission recommended denial on a split 2 - 2 vote. Commissioner Philpott's written comment supported the new policy. Items 14 a & b. Amend existing Po}icy B.3 to become two reworded policie§, Policy B.4 and B.5. The commission voted 4 - 0 to recommend approval of both newly worded policies. Item 15. Amend existing Policy B.5 to reworded Policy B.7. No discussion. Commission voted 4 - 0 to recommend approval. Item 16. Amend existing Policy C.6. No discussion. Commission voted 4 - 0 to recommend approval. Item 17. Amend existing Policy E.2. The Commission recommended denial 4 - 0 stating that there was no clear definition of either strip development or cluster developmen.t. Item 18. New.Land Use Element Goal I. The Commission recommended denial 3 - 1 with the consensus being that the Goal was unnecessary, lacked definition and was a defensive move on the part of the land owner Rayonier to counter the previously proposed land use designation change. Item 19. New Land Use Policy 1.1. The commission voted 4 - 0 for denial based on the above discussion. Item 20. New Land Use Policy 1.2. The commission voted 4 - 0 for denial based on the above discussion. Item 21. New Land Use Policy 1.3. The commission voted 4 - 0 for denial based on the above discussion. Item 22. New Land Use Objective 1.1. The commission voted 4 - 0 for denial based on the above discussion. Director Collins pointed out that without the above Goal, Policies, and Objective that it would be likely that more support for changing the land use designation of the former Rayonier mill site from industrial to commercial would exist. Item 23. New Land Use Objective K.2. After discussion about the ability of the City to take financial responsibility for additional park acquisition and development, the Commission voted 4 - 0 to recommend approval. Item 24. Adopt the Nonmotorized Transportation Map as part of the Comprehensive Plan. The Commission voted 4 - 0 to recommend approval. Item 25. New Transportation Element Policy A.7. Discussion of the correct terminology for the name of EHSB 1487 followed. The Commission voted 4 - 0 to recommend approval. 140 It!m 26. New Transportation Element Objective A.2. No Discussion. The.Commission voted 4 - 0 to recommend approval. Item 27. New Transportation Element Objective A.3. Discussion of'N' St. and Milwaukee Dr. as bicycle routes and potential improvements to either street followed. Director Collins suggested that the improvements be added to the Capital Improvement Plan. The Commission voted 4 - 0 to recommend approval. Item 28. New Transportation Element Policy B.20. Discussion pointed out that this proposed route is not for an alternate cross town route or an alternate SR 101. The Commission voted 4 - 0 to recommend approval. Item 29. Replace existing Transportation Objective B.9 with updated wording. The Commission voted 4 - 0 to recommend approval. Item 30. New Transportation Element Objective B.12. No Discussion. The Commission voted 4 - 0 to recommend approval. , Item 31. New Utilities and Public Services Element Policy A.5. No Discussion. The Commission voted 4 - 0 to recommend approval. Item 32. Amend the language of Utilities and Public Services Element Policy C.2. After making slight modifications to the wording, the Commission voted 4 - 0 to recommend aplSroval. Item 33. Replace Utilities and Public Services Element Objective D.3 with new Policy D.14. A short discussion indicating that the City Council had adopted the Watershed Management Plan followed. The Commission voted 4 - 0 to recommend approval.. Item 34. New Utilities and Public Services Element Policy D.15. No Discussion. The Commission voted 4 - 0 to recommend approval. Item 35. New Utilities and Public Services Element Policy D. 16. Director Collins indicated that this is a change from past policy where the City required annexation before the City would extend sewer services into the UGA. This would not preclude the City from using higher rates and current City policy is that any service extension outside of the City would pay 150% of the City rate. Commissioner Hewins pointed out that the policy is not intended to force anyone onto the sewer system but to provide an option for failing systems and an opportunity to build where septic systems would not work properly. Commissioner Rasmussen acknowledged that this is not a popular idea especially in the eastern UGA but that it is a necessary step for the City to take. It was noted that Commissioner Philpott's written comments stated to "try no- protest or require higher rates if that fails" The Commission voted 4 - 0 to recommend approval. Item 36. New Utilities and Public Services Objective D.4. No Discussion. The Commission voted 4 - 0 to recommend approval. Item 37 New Utilities and Public Services Objective D.5. No Discussion. The Commission voted 4 - 0 to recommend approval. Item 38. New Utilities and Public Services Objective D.6. Director Collins indicated 141 that an agreement between the City and the City of Sequim and Clallam County had been reached to make the land fill site the regional transfer station, at the City Council meeting of April 18, 2004. Discussion of this issue focused on whether the City should truck materials from the entire east end of the County through the City to the landfill site located on the extreme west side of the City and then truck the same materials back through the City a second time. It was suggested that possibly a,site on the east side of the City might relieve some of the trucking redundancy on the substandard 18th Street. It was also pointed out that comments received during the public participation process questioned this policy direction. The Commission recommended denial of this amendment based on a split 2 - 2 vote. Item 39. New Housing Element Policy A.10. No Discussion. The Commission voted 4 - 0 to recommend approval. Item 40. New Conservation Element Policy B.16. No Discussion. The Commission voted 4 - 0 to recomme.,nd approval. Item 41. New Conservation Element Policy B.22. No Discussion. The Commission voted 4 - 0 to recommend approval. Director Collins stated that this and the following amendments including Best Available Science into the Comprehensive Plan is supported by the Port A,ngeles Association of Realtors and that this support is forward thinking and a bold decision that needed to be recognized. Item 42. New Conservation Element Policy B.13. No Discussion. The Commission voted 4 - 0 to recommend approval. Item 43. New Conservation Element Objective B.14. No Discussion. The Commission voted .4 - 0 to recommend approval. Item 44. New Conservation Element Objective B.15. No Discussion. The Commission voted 4 - 0 to recommend approval. Item 45. New Conservation Element Objective D.1. No Discussion. The Commission voted 4 - 0 to recommend approval. Item 46. New Capital Facilities Element Policy A.14. A minor change to the proposed language was made. The Commission voted 4 - 0 to recommend approval. Item 47. New Capital Facilities Element Policy A. 15. Director Collins indicated that under the new Growth Management Act rules the City is encouraged by the State to incorporate a Parks Element into the Comprehensive Plan. He further indicated that staff had intended the Comprehensive Parks Plan would be completed by this time but that has not been accomplished. The Park Plan should be complete by the end of the year. The Commission voted 3 - 1 to recommend approval. Commissioner Rasmussen voted no, indicating that he felt by adding the Comprehensive Park Plan as a Comprehensive Plan element would tie the hands of the Parks Department in that a Comprehensive Plan change would be required to change the Park Plan. Item 48. New Capital Facilities Element Policy B.8. Commissioner Rasmussen asked for clarification of highways of State-wide significance. Director Collins indicated that highways of State-wide significance were identified in the Comprehensive Plan and that the level of service standards on the City and the State for roadways in the City were the same. This amendment 142 brings t~e Comprehensive Plan into compliance with Regional Transportation Organization ' requirem~,nts. If the level of service standards are not met, then the City must decide whether new development should be approved or the level of service reduced. The Commiskion voted 4 ' 0 to recommend approval. Item 49 New Capital Facilities Element Policy B.9. Commissioner Rasmussen asked how this related to the low impact development standards. Director Collins indicated that the low impact development standards would provide more pedestrian walkways than the sidewalk program. The Commission voted 4 - 0 to recommend approval. . Item 50. New Capital Facilities Element Policy B.10. No Discussion. The Commission voted 4 - 0 to recommend approval. Item 51. New Economic Development Element Policy A.12. No Discussioh. The Commission voted 4 - 0 to recommend approval. Item 52. New Economic Development Element Policy A.13. No Discussion. The Commission voted 4 - 0 to recommend approw!. ' Item 53. New Economic Development Element Policy A.14. No Discussion. The Commission voted 4 - 0 to recommend approval. Item 54. New Economic Development Element Objective A.1. After a slight modification to wording, the Commission voted 4 - 0 to recommend approval. : , Item 55. New. Economic Development Element Objective A.2. Director Collins provided clarification of the issues regarding this amendment. The Commission voted 4 - 0 to recommend approval. Item 56. New Economic Development Element Policy B.7. After a slight modification to wording, the Commission voted 4 - 0 to recommend approval. Item 57.New Economic Development Element Objective B.2. Associate Planner Scott Johns provided additional information regarding the need for improved landscape standards and indicated that the task of developing the standards would fall to planning staff. The Commission voted 3 - 1 to recommend approval. Commissioner Rasmussen noted no indicating that he felt that enhanced standards could potentially become requirements that could be onerous to property owners. Item 58. New Economic Development Element Objective B.3. No Discussion. The Commission voted 4 - 0 to recommend denial of this amendment, stating lack of support from various organizations and a lack of specificity as to the location, use and purpose of a covered arena. Item 59. New Economic Development Element Goal C. No Discussion. The Commission voted 4 - 0 to recommend approval. Item 60. New Economic Development Element Policy C.1. The Commission recommended denial of this amendment after a split 2 - 2 vote. Discussion indicated that this amendment was not specific. 143 Item 61.. New Economic Development Element Policy C.2. Commissioner Rasmussen indicated that he felt the pQlicy should state that the City develop a specific plan for Ediz Hook. Director Collins indicated that there is a plan for Ediz Hook that is a part of the Parks Plan and that development of a plan would be part of the work required to enhance the Hook. The City has supported both commercial and public uses on the Hook. Commissioner Hewins pointed out that during the public participation process, that two different points of view were expressed. Those were for increased public uses and view retention find those supporting increased commercial/industrial uses. The Commission voted 4 - 0 to recommend approval. Item 62. New Economic Development Element Policy C.3. No Discussion. The Commission voted 4 - 0 to recommend approval. Item 63. New'Economic Development Element Objective C.1. The Commission voted 4 - 0 to recommend denial of this amendment, stating a lack of specificity about a skate park and the fact that the City h,as studied the need for a skate board park and determined that a need exists and a location has been designated. Item 64. New EConomic Development Element Goal D. The Commission voted 3 - 1 to recommend approval. Commissioner Rasmussen voted no, stating that it should be up to the Downtown Association to promote these concepts without City interference. Item 65. New Economic Development Element Objective D.1. The Commission recommended denial of this amendment on a 2 - 2 vote, stating that incentive programs tended to be give-away programs and it is not the taxpayers job to provide incentives. Commissioner Rasmussen pointed out that improvements in the downtown area are taking place currently without incentives. Commissioner Philpott's written comments indicated support. Item 66. New Economic Development Element Objective D.2. The Commission recommended denial of this amendment on a 2 - 2 vote, stating that the amendment is redundant and unnecessary. I Item 67. New Economic development Element Objective D.3. Discussion provided clarification of the proposal. The Commission voted 4 - 0 to recommend approval.. Item 68. New Economic Development Element Objective D.4. The Commission recommended denial of this amendment 3 - 1, indicating that the City is highly involved in this project and therefor the amendment was redundant and unnecessary. The Commissioners indicated that this vote against this specific amendment did not indicate that the Commission is not in support of the Gateway project. Commissioner Hewins commented that he had participated in the public process and indicated that he was pleased by the level of public involvement, the staff's efforts in organization and preparation, and the support shown by the Peninsula Daily News. 144 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY, CITY OF PORTANGELES I KAL)I- AINU I-~UINUMIt~ L)EVI-LUKIV~b N I ~ ......... ,,,unuyDeveioprnent 128 - loth Avenue 5£ · PO Box 42525 · Olympia, Washington 98504 * (360) 725-4000 April 2, 2004 Scott Johns Associate Planner Department of Community Development 321 East 5th Street Post Office Box 1150 Port Angeles, Washington 98362 RE: Submittal of Documents to the Washington State Department of Community, Trade, and Economic Development for City of Port Angeles Dear Mr. Johns: Thank you for sending this department the following: Draft Amendment to the Comprehensive Plan Proposed Comprehensive Plan amendments for 2004 update. Received on 04/02/2004. Please keep this letter. It is your record of when the Department of Community, Trade and Economic Development (CTED) received this material. We have forwarded a copy of this notice to other state agencies. Adopted development regulations should be sent to CTED immediately upon publication, as well as to any state agencies that commented on the draft regulation. A jurisdiction does not need to send its regulation to the agencies which have been called ahead and that have indicated the local plan will not be reviewed. The jurisdiction should keep a record of this contact with state agencies and the state agencies' response. If you have any questions or poncerns, please call me at (360) 725-3046. Sincerely, Doug Peters Growth Management Planner Growth Management Services Enclosure 145 P.O. Box 1836, Pt. Angeles, WA 98362 Community Development Director City of Port Angeles CITY OF PORT ANGELES 32 ] East 5th Street Dept. of Community Developmen! Pt. Angeles, WA 98362 Dear Brad, , Peninsula Trails Coalition is pleased to provide the following recommendation~ to the City of Port Angeles and to the Port Angeles Planning Commission. As you know we have been supporting Port Angeles for the last several years in planning for the extension of the Waterfront Trail west to meet the Olympic Discovery Trail at the west city limits. We have explored and evaluated numerous potential routes. We have conducted two , neighborhood m~etings in West Port Angeles to inform residents about the trail and have reported comments and suggestions back to the city. Now the time has come to put firm plans in place. The Waterfront Trail is connected going east all the way to Sequim. The County is actively planning and building trail west of Port Angeles. We need to plan for completion of this trail link in the next 3-4 years. The rome through west Port Angeles that utilizes Hill St, Fourth St. and the Milwaukee Road fight of way all the way to the city limits at Lower Elwha Road and Kacee Way is the best route for the following reasons: 1. It is the most direct route 2. It has the best grade available 3. The city already owns all the right of way required 4. It has been a designated bike rome in your comprehensive plan for several years 5. It provides a largely isolated rome through this urban area, avoiding vehicle traffic 6. It currently sees significant usage as a bike and walking trail 7. It connects properly at the waterfront and with the county plans going west Route selection is the responsibility of the city, and we will, of course, support the city's selection. However the above considerations seem compelling to us. We believe the city should take the following specific steps this year: (1) Include the extension of the Waterfront Trail west to the city limits in the current comprehensive plan update. 146 Page 2 {9'~ Fetahllch n pla,,,,i,,g ,~,-,-,io,-t h~ Pnhllt- Wc~rl~ tr~ p,-m,ld~ preliminary and estimates. (3) initiate efforts to get federal and state funding grants for trail completion. I£this link, which connects to the Olympic Discovery Trail segments currently being built by the county west o£?ort Angeles, is not completed by :2007 it will begin to impact the ability to promote the trail and the hoped for economic impact from out of area trail ' users. A priority effort should be to establish a bridge over Dry Creek. We will be bringing recommendations on affordable ways to accomplish this to the city soon. As your plans progress, please call on us for assistance and volunteer support at any point. Sincerely, Peninsula Trails Coalition Board of Directors, Chuck Preble, President 363-683-4549 147 CITY OF PORT ANGELES Dept. of Cornmur~i!y Development March 1 g, 2004 Mr. Brad Collins Planning Director City of Port Angeles 321 East 5th Street Port Angeles, WA 98362 Dear Planning Commissioners: The Clallam County Trails Advisory Committee urges the Planning Commission and City Council to include policies in the Comprehensive Plan that require the timely development of a signed route for the Olympic Discovery Trail (ODT) westward from Marine Drive to the west City boundary. Specifically, we strongly recommend an Olympic Discovery Trail route along Hill Street to West 4t~ Street, and milizing the entire length of Milwaukee Drive to Lower Elwha Road. Striped bicycle lanes are needed on West 4t~ Street and the initial paved section of Milwaukee Drive. Undeveloped portions of Milwaukee Drive need to be the subject of preliminary engineering studies to determine roadWay cross sections and the permanem location of the Olympic Discovery Trail within the 100 foot right away available. In the meantime, as the City's plarming and funding come together for the permanent ODT rome on Milwaukee Drive, we would like to recommend these interim options: A signed bike rome with painted bike lanes along N Street, intersecting with a separated bike/pedestrian path along the south side of 18th Street--wNch would connect to Milwaukee Drive. (Preliminary discussion between the Port Angeles Soroptimists and the Port of Port Angeles for use of this property has been encouraging.) A signed, graded, graveled path through the undeveloped portions of the existing Milwaukee Drive right-of-way for the use of pedestrians and fat tire bicycles. 148 Page 2 Clallam County is currently surveying the Trail beyond the Elwha River. They are finishing their firaal sectior~s just west of Sequ'hm. The Tra~ s,,, uL be,~,~,.~,,,~,,~ from ............. Way ~, Marine Drive in 2005. To finish this priceless resource locally, Port Angeles needs to settle on a route westward from the waterfront lo the west City'limits. The economic benefits of the Olympic Discovery TraJ] are well-known. We have already seen several thousand visitors with the first marathon. The Waterfront Trail' 'is in continuous use by residents and 'dsitors. The Trail is an economic boon to our community, and a tremendous asset for .healthy living. Let's finish the job! Sincerely, Rich James for the Clallam County Trails Advisory Committee Senior Planner - Transportation 149 Robbie Mantooth 2238 E. Lindberg Road ~/~¥ ~ I Z[~' ' Port Angeles, WA 98362 3 6 0 - 4 5 7 - 5 4 ! 5 O. ITY OF PORT ANGELES D~l~t'. ~f Cbrnrnunity DeYel0pment ennis@olypen.com May 11, 2004 To: Port Angeles Planning Commi..~sion, Planning Department, City Council , FrOm: Robbie Mantooth Subject: Comprehensive PlalCfar~e~m~t'~'?~t*~4~ Appreciation First, I want to express appreciation for the ~vork that has brought the updating of the Comprehensive Plan to this point. The effort to involve the public has been impressive. The scope of the recommendations also reflects broad vision as well as attention to details. Strongest support for proposed amendments The following proposals are especially important to my vision of what the City of P.od Angeles should be as we head toward 2020. My vision focuses on locations and concerns of particular interest, and I am grateful to those who have made sure other locations and concerns are well covered. Page 2, Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map change, second bulleted item: Changing the Rayonier mill property to commercial seems essential to provide flexibility for this important site. I belie3e, and certainly hope, that such a change will prove to be in the long-term best interests of Rayonier, as well as the City. It should attract a much broader pool of potential buyers of the site, which should provide much greater potential for contributions to the local economy. Page 4, Land Use element -- Open Space New objective K.2, related to neighborhood parks, is welcome, but I suggest a very small change in wording, so it is clear that these parks would support "newer" subdivisions. Otherwise I fear that the lack of any parks south of Highway 101 and east of Race will continue to leave the sizable population in the area between Whites and Ennis creeks with no easily accessible park even though much of this area was developed 10, 20 or even 40 years ago. Page 5, Conservation Element, first bulleted item, Amend Policy B.16 The City of Port Angeles has an especially important role in extending habitat protection for riparian corridors that begin in Olympic National Park but otherwise lose protection outside the Park's borders. Page 6 Economic Development Element, first bulleted item, New Policy A.12: The Rayonier site's cleanup is essential for attracting potential investors and also for contributing to the attractiveness of the City as a place to live and visit. Although I will comment on other elements of the former millsite in my later recommendations, I think it is important to recognize the economic importance of the site beyond its purchase and development for future jobs. New Policy, C.l: Improved access to Olympic National Park is important through continuation of the ski buses, assistance with keeping the parkway open, and better transportation options for people arriving on ferries or buses. Even though other entities may have major responsibilities for some services, the City's support is important. 150 Concern~s about proposed amendments Page 2, fi[st item, regarding Regulatory Reform Act ' I hope thetproposed limitation to only one public hearing for SEPA determinations or permits does n0! mean {.hat the public will be deprived of an opportunity to present concerns directly to the City Council. Council members are our elected representatives, and it is important that we be able to bring our concerns to their attention in some way. Perhaps written comments will be or could be accepted, if not a public hearing. Page 4 Land Use Element ~ Open Space, New Objective K.2: Per earlier comment, please replace "new" with "newer" to make it clear that existing subdivisions will not be excluded from park expansion. Transportation Element, New Policy B.20: This relic from earlier comprehensive plans seems a foolish waste of limited resources. A much higher priority should be support for a minimum of four lanes on Highway 101, especially when so many people are being killed and injured by v. ehicles attempting to pass in two-lane areas and hitting oncoming vehicles. Pushing for another eastern access into the City will leave property owners in doubt about the future of their tranquility and property values and contribute to blight. , It's time to focus on far more important goals. Page 5, New Policy D.16: Instead of requiring a no-protest annexation agreement, couldn't sewage hookup fees for non-City residents make annexation attractive enough that it isn't necessary to continue to alienate people opposed to annexation? Of course, septic systems that leak into streams and groundwater or cause other health hazards shouldn't be permitted to continue to pollute, arid those property owners need to be required to hook up to a sewage system, if that is the only way to take care of their problems. Continuing concerns from comments submitted earlier · Bike lanes: Do transportation plans include provisions for bicycle lanes? · Stormwater runoff from impervious surfaces: Does the stormwater ordinance include penalty for abandoning such impervious surfaces as parking lots? That might discourage the tendency for business owners to build more parking than is feasible and then abandon it to move to areas farther out, where land is always cheaper and regulations may be looser. · Stormwater-sewage separation: Does the stormwater ordinance do everything it should to separate stormwater runoff from sewage, so raw sewage won't overflow and cause pollution? · Water conservation: Are water conservation provisions adequate? · Pollution protection: Is language protecting residents and visitors from air, water and noise pollution adequate? (Change "should" to "shall" in Item 3, Page 49. · Landfill contaminants: Is oversight adequate to protect the public from landfill contaminants? · Stream restoration and protection: Although the statement about protecting wildlife corridors and implementing the recommendations of this area's watershed planning unit, could the City take a stronger stand favoring protection and restoration of streams, especially those given highest priority by the watershed planning unit (WR/A 18)? I think this might contribute to efforts by watershed groups to obtain grants that would contribute to salmonid enhancement -- certainly important to our area. 151 · Trails must not harm riparian areas: A statement needs to be added to Page 56, Proposal'2, Transportation Element, to make it clear that any trails should be created only after making sure that they will not have a deleterious effect on riparian habitatS. Many streamsides, including Ennis Creek, have sensitive soils and vegetations that would be vulnerable to erosion and stream sedimentation if trails were created and pedestrian or even bike and motorcycle use opened up. · Fish and wildlife passage: My earlier suggestions urged a statement requiring all new or renovated streets to provide for ~fish and wildlife passage through proper culverts. Failure to do this will compromise the larger effort we need to make to protect and restore' important habitat areas and is likely to waste money on later alterations when projects should have been done properly in the first place. · Essential estuarine environment for Ennis Creek: A specific statement favoring the return of the essential estuarin~ environment for Ennis Creek could be valuable. The area salmonids need for getting acclimated as they travel from Ennis Creek to saltwater and back has been covered with landfill and structures. Pilings still remain where the estuarine area should be. The landfill never should have been permi~ed, and the City should take'a firm stance to make sure approaching opportunities to undo some of the damage are not lost. · Beautifnl beach for public enjoyment: The City also should take a pro-active stance favoring protection of the longest and most unspoiled beach close to downtown. Of course, private property rights must be upheld, but City support could increase opportunities for grants to purchase that part of the Rayonier property or at least obtain a purchased or donated (with tax benefits) conservation easement, which would pro~ect both the beach and the estuarine area while still making more suitable land available for development. 152 Andy and Colleen Brastad '/ 1622 Milwaukee Drive t Port Angeles, WA 98363 / CITY OF PORT ANGELES Port A.Qge]es CJt~ CollQcil Dept. of Community Deveiopmem Port Angeles City Hall Port Angeles, WA 98362 RE: City of Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan Update Honorable Council Members: This correspondence pre. i__~ you our comments regarding the City s Comp Plan updates. I live at 1622 Milwaukee Drive which is accessible from West 18th S.tr6et. Our neighborhood is characterized by ½ acres or larger lots, a gravel road with shallow ditches for catching storm water and provides for a rural setting. My comments are regarding this area of Milwaukee Drive and to the north toward the bluffs. My comments are as follows: ; , We recommend that the City promote low development density standards. This will result in maintaining larger lot sizes as our neighborhood develops in the furore, while maintaining rural settings. · We recommend that the City adopt Low Impact Development standards and irffxastmcture for our area. As you know, these standards promote roads of 20 or 25 feet in width, gravel verses pavement, allow storm water to be collected and treated in ditches. We do not support the development of wide, curb and gutter- type roads and infrastructure. This is important to us because it preserves the existing rural setting that we and our neighbors enjoy, decreases storm water impacts which save the City costs and improves the environment, and maintains or increases our property values. Thank you for this oppommity to provide these comments. S.~.incerely, ~ . Andy and Colleen Brastad 153 Clallam County Department of Community Development Robed Robertsen, Director 223 East 4th Street, Suite 5 Building Division/Fire Marshal Port Angeles, WA 98362-3015 Planning Division 360.417.2321 Fax: 360.417.2443 E-mail: development~co.clallam.wa.us F,A¥ I 2 2004 , CITY OF PORT ANGELES City of Port Angeles Dept. of Ccm~unily Deve opment Planning Commission cio Department of Comm. Development P.O. Box 1 t 50 Port Angeles, WA 98362 Re: Comments on City's Proposed Amendment to the Comprehensive Plan and Land Use Map Dear Chairman 'Hewins: On May 3, 2004, City Planning Staff provided us with a copy of the draft amendments proposed td the City's Comprehensive Plan and Land Use Map. It is our understanding that these will be considered by the Planning Commission at a public hearing scheduled for May 12, 2004. On behalf of the Depadment of Community Development, we appreciate the opportunity to provide the following comments for the City's consideration: IV- Growth Manaqement Element 1. Pages 43, 44 and 45 There are a number of existing policies that provide guidance for the establishment and maintenance of the City's Urban Growth Area (UGA). The Department of Community Development would just like to reaffirm the impodance of these policies in guiding any amendments being considered to the City's UGA. Furthermore, we would suggest providing a reference in the City's Plan to the adopted County-wide planning policies that outline the process and procedures for UGA amendments. This would help clarify the public understanding of the relationship between these two plans as they relate to UGA issues. 154 2. p.age 45; New Policy # 18 It should be clarified whether this policy is intended to apply to the existing UGA or als0 includes the proposed UGA areas? Fudhermore, if the lands involved are adjacent to, or within the UGA, then the policy should be reworded to include a reference to working with Clallam County as County actions/impacts will be involved. 3. Pa.qe 45; Obiectives 2 & 3, and Related Land Use Map Changes As the County has reiterated before, DCD staff believes that these policies are premature at best in that nb analysis or evaluation has been done as a part of the record that explains the need for these expansions. As mentioned previously, the County-wide planning policies contain procedures for evaluating the need for expansion, and in our opinion, this should be done before policies such as these are added to the Comprehensive Plan. 4. Pa.qe 45; Qbiective 4 This should be amended to reduce the appearance of a policy chasing a foregone conclusion. Change to "The City will conduct a Buildable Land Inventory to examine the need for UGA expansions". 5. Pa.qe 46; Policy 12 This policy should be amended to include timeframes on performance benchmarks to assist landowners in understanding what timeline/criteria to anticipate for annexation to proceed. Utility and Public Services 1. Page 70; Policy 16 This policy should be reconsidered, and replaced with one which advocates a fee-based incentive for annexation; perhaps charging differential and higher rates for non-city properties served by sewer. 2. Page 70; New Obiectives 4 & 5 These should include performance or timeline criteria outlined in the Capital Facilities Plan to provide more certainty for affected property owners. Housinq Element 1. Page 73; New Policy 10 This policy should be reworded to clarify whether it applies to the existing or proposed UGA, and should reference coordination with Clallam County. The wording should also clarify the actual definition of Iow and medium density, as well as where the policy is applicable; existing UGA? Proposed? 155 2. pa.qe 90; Economic Development; New Obiective 2 This policy should be reworded to include the County as a jurisdiction to coordinate within this process. 3. Pa.qe 92; New Policy 2 ' Consider rewording this policy to clarify what is intended by this statement "...work to enhance the use of Ediz Hook'; as what? Imprecise wording leads to potential confusion. , Again, thank you for the opportunity to comment, and we look forward to wo,rking with the City on your Comprehensive Plan amendment process. Sincerely, , Planning Director cc: Rob Robertsen; Director, DCD Board of County Commissioners Dan Engelbertson Steve Gray Brad Collins, City of Port Angeles 156 i 2 20 4 CITY OF PORT ANGELES Dept. of Community Development Port Angeles Association of REALTORS® 127 East First St., Suite 2-W, Port Angeles, WA 98362 R E A LIO R (360) 452-744 ] May 12, 2004 TO: City of Port Angeles Planning Commission City of Port Angeles Department of Community Development FROM: Port Angeles Association of REALTORS® ' RE: Recommended Comprehensive Plan Amendments Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the proposed amendments to the City of Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan. We applaud the commitment the City has made to the public participation process and feel that process has produced some strong recommendations. The Port Angeles Association of REALTORS® supports most of the proposed amendments'. Overall, they reflect a desire to maintain a strong and diversified economy, a commitment to provide infrastructure necessary to accommodate quality growth and an understanding of what amenities make a better community. We offer the following comments on specific proposed amendments: Growth Management Element New Policy A.19: The City should establish performance measures to review progress toward accommodating growth and to ensure appropriate actions are taken to achieve the goals of our community. This policy is commendable in that it recognizes the City should incorporate a systematic process for reviewing progress toward achieving each of the goals listed in the plan. Wherever possible, goals in the plan should be accompanied by performance measures. Performance measures have not been included in the list ofrecomrnended amendments. Should this policy be adopted, we trust City staff will work toward identifying appropriate measurements and including those into the plan. New Objective A.4: The City will conduct a Buildable Lands Inventory to support UGA expansions. Port Angeles Association of REALTORS® May 12, 2004 '[ 57 I Monitoring growth patterns and the supply of buildable land is essential for assuring growth is accommodated. We suppon and encourage ongoing inventories of commercial, industrial and residential lands well ahead of any possible inventory shortage. Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map Chan~e: Change the Land Use Map for the area of Rayonier Mill fi'om Industrial to Commercial recognizing that the future use will likely be a mix of commercial and residential' uses. We oppose this rezone change a{ this time. Proposed amendments to the Industrial Element (New Goal I and Policies I: 1-3; Objective I:1) are more flexible and appropriate amendments for addressing the Rayonier Mill site. The annual Comp Plan amendment cycle will provide timely opportunities to review site specific changes where specific site plan proposals can be considered in a less restrictive manner. Land Use Element - Residential New Policy B.5: For efficient circulation, rights-of-way should be obtained and improvements made to further the grid street pattern in the central Townsite area of the City. Cul-de-sacs and curvilinear streets may be_permitted u, hen designed as an integral part of the major grid street pattern'in the outlying areas of the City, ~4,here Low Impact Development standards may apply. Wherever possible, the City should allow Low Impact Development standards to help reduce the costs of development while reducing the amount and the affects of stormwater run-off. We support this amendment and hope the City will look for further opportunities to incorporate LID standards in the development regulations. Land Use Element - Industrial New Goal I; New Policy I.!1-3; New Objective I. 1 We support this thoughtful approach for addressing re-development of industrial sites. It provides flexibility for any number of development proposals, is sensitive to the special considerations necessary for infill development and honors the processes in place for Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map changes. In a spirit of cooperation and progress, we recommend the City consider adoption of these recommendations. Utilities and Public Services Element New Policy A.5: The City should plan and seek funding to expand its existing infiAastructure to ensure economic vitality, and to improve the quality of life in Port Angeles. This policy reflects a proactive commitment to sustaining and improving the employment base of the City. We are aware of the financial commitment this policy will require and are certain investment in our infrastructure will reap benefits for the entire community. Port Angeles Association of REALTORS® '1 ~J8 2 May 12, 2004 New Policy D.14: The City should implement the policies adopled in the Water Resources inventory Area 18 Watershed Management Plan, including the provision of water supply to the urban areas in and bem, een the Elwha River and Morse Creek drainage basin. We believe it is premature to consider adoption of this amendment until the WRIA 18 Management plans have been completed and reviewed by all stakeholders in the comanunity. We oppose this amendment. New Policy D.16: As sewer is extended into Urban Growth Areas, those hooking up should be required to sign a no-protest annexation agreement; New Objective D.4: The CiO, will extend sew. er into the eastern Urban Growth Area; and New Objective D. 5: The CiO, will extend sewer into the southwestern Urban Growth Area. This policy and its objectives are important measures for ensuring the UGAs can accommodate growth as intended by the Clallam County, County-wide Planning Policies (CPP). Under the section Policies Related'to the Implementation of an Urban Growth Area the CPPs statel Policy No. 12 "Public facilities and services necessary to support urban development will be specifically identifie, d for provision within the designated urban growth areas of Clallam County in accordance with the policies for Joint Planning and Contiguous and Orderly Development." Policy No. 13 "Urban services to be provided within UGAs should include, at a minimum, provision for sanitary waste, solid waste disposal systems, water systems, urban roads and pedestrian facilities, transit systems, stormwater systems, police and fire and emergency services systems, electrical and communication systems, school and health care facilities, and neighborhood and/or community parks. " Additionally, this policy and its objectives assure concurrency requirements of the Growth Management Act can be met in a manner that will not prevent new business and residential development. We support these amendments Conservation Element New Policy B.22: Should be amended to read: The City should reference the Washington State Citations of Recommended Sources of Best Available Science for Designating and Protecting Critical Areas (as periodically updated) and other research identified as more localIv appropriate and applicable (when it is available) as Best Available Science in the Critical Areas Ordinance. The citations provided by the state should be considered guidelines. The list is not all-inclusive and does not come with any automatic indicators as to applicability or appropriateness of recommendations to local circumstances. Nor does the publication of the list identify the full Port Angeles Association of REALTORS® ] 59 .3 May 12, 2004 range of 41ternatives available to accomplish the necessary protection. For these tasks, local expert opinion may be more appropriate. Thank you for your consideration. We look forward to working further with the Commission and Department of Community Development on this important work. Port Angeles Association of REALTORS® ] 60 4 May 12, 2004 DRAFT May 26, 2004 The Honorable Mayor Richard Headrick City of Poi[ Angeles 321 }~ast 5th Street PO Box 1 I50 Port Angeles, WA 98362 , RE: Proposed Comprehensivc Plan amcnclmcnts for 2004 update. Dear Mayor Headri ~ck: ' Th:ink you for sending the Washington State Department of Community, Trade and Economic l)eve]opment (CTED) the proposed amendments to Port Angeles's comprehensive plan that we received on 04/02/2004. We recognize the substanlial investment of time, energy, and resources that these documents represent. We especially like the following: · Adding definitions for Best Management Practices and Best Available Science, which can help to increase the understanding and use of these measures to integrate land uses with environmental systems. · Growth Management Element new Policy A.19' to establish performance measures to review progress towards accommodating growth and achieving comprehensive planning goals. · Growth Management Element new Objective A.4 to conduct a Buildable Laads Inventory to examine the need for Urban Growth Area (UGA) expansions will help quantify existing amounts of lands in various zoning classes w/thin the city and its UGA, land vacancy st.atus, and existing gaps in available land categohes. Enclosed is our Buildable Lands Progr,'un Gtfidelines. Although these were developed to assist counties with a statutory mandate to develop a buildable lands program, you may find some useful tools and techniques to assist with yoar program. l'lH¥-~O-EUUq N~U U~;qU Yl'I UI~U LUUflL UUVI ~fl~ HU, 6~U lb6 Eb~U ~, Ud May 26, 2004 Page 2 We have concerns about thc following that should bo addressed before adopting thc plan amendments: Growth Management Element ,, New Policy B. 12 promotes, the city annexing its UGA as .city services and facilities extend iulo the area to meet the needs ol~ new urban development. While [his is a preferred policy, the actual determination of appropriate areas mid timing for annexation requires an analysis by thc city to determine the priority areas and sequence for actual aJmcxation. There have been several concerns raised by citizens within the city, residents in thc eastern UGA, arid by thc county planning staff, about the need to address provision of urban services to existing city areas first, prigr to annexation ofnew land into the city from the UGA, We recommend the ci. ty first conduct thc inventory proposed in new Objective A.4 and analyze the existing city and UGA needs for services and infrastructure facilities, in support of policies such as this favoring UGA annexation. We refer you to our guidance paper on Capital Facilities Planning on our website at: ht'lp://www.cted.wa.£ov/uploads/GMA Capital Facililies.pdf · New Policy A.5 recommends the city plan for and seek funding to expand its existing infrastructure, with the implication such expansion should occur into the UGA. This is a good policy if it sets priorities based on a cra'rent capital facilities plan and addresses current city areas first. Those propeiXy owners benefiting from Ibc new services should pay the costs for such service expansion. As stated previously, ire city capital facilities plan should address how and when existing city areas will be provided with re'ban services, prior to Cxpauding these services into the UOA. Utilities and Public Service · New Policy D. 16 and new Objectives D.4 and D.5 all relate to this sm'ne issue of services wilhin the UGA, and adopting them now is premature without doing the land capacity · 'malysis and capital facility planning steps to determine priority areas for urban sm'vice expm'~sion. We support the idea expressed by Clallam County staff to include timelines and performance benchmarks to guide future urban service expansions in to thc UGA. As expressed in the new Objective A,4 (to conduct a Buildablc Lands Inventory to examine the need for UGA expansions), that work should precede adopting policies such as the new Objective A.3 recommending expansion of the city UGA. We have some suggestions for strengthening thc plan amendments that we encourage you to consider either in these or future amendments: · In thc Community Profile, Urban Services section, page 31 states that there arc five retention/detention facilities for ston~water in the city. Subsequently two facilities are mentioned as being maintained by others. It is unclear if the National Park Service facility is included in the list of five facilities or not. We suggest clarifying if this is a separate sixth facility or not. 162 ~RY-~-~UUq W~ U6;G~ F~ UI~D LUUHL UUVl ~ HU, ~U lb5 EbUU Y, Uq May 26,. 2004 Page 3 't · Thdre are several notes within thc Plan text indicating text additions are intended. Until Ihose are actually added to the Plan, it is impossible to critically review them for consistency within the city comprehensive plan or with the Clallam County Comprehensive Plan. Congratulations to you and your staff for the good work these amendments embody. If yeti have any questions or concerns about our comments or any other growth management issues, please call me at (360) 725-3046. We extend our continued support ~o the City of Po;I Aqgelcs in , achieving thc goals of growth management. Sincerely, Douglas L. Peters Senior Planner Growth Management Services dp:lw cc: Michael Quinn, Port Angeles City Manager Scott Johns, Associate Planner Andy Meyer; Clallam County Planning Director John Cambalik, PSAT 163 2020 VISION FOR PORT ANGELES PROJECT REPORT Public participation As required by the State, the City of Port Angeles undertook to update its Comprehensive Plan with guidance from the State. The first requirement of GMA was to establish a public participation process to help craft amendments to the plan that would meet the expectations of the citizenry. To do this, the City appointed a Citizen Advisory Committee comprised of nine members who helped design a Public Participation Program specifically to reach a large number of citizens and solicit responses that could be used in crafting amendments to the City's Comprehensive Plan. The advisory committee was made uP of citizens that are i~Jvoived with neighborhood issues, locai business and economic development, past Planning Commission and City Council members, and a sitting member of both the City Council and Planning Commission. This group was given the task of designing a program to involve citizens in contributing their ideas to the planning process and to assist staff in crafting proposals for changes to the Comprehensive Plan,. . The program that was developed consisted of a week-long open house, followed by three weeks of neighborhood meetings. The open house and meetings were advertised by several means, including placing a large banner across Hyw 101, the main street through the City. Press releases were issued weekly to the newspaper and local radio station. The ?eninsula Daily News published seven articles on the planning process over the five week period and carried two City sponsored advertisements. Additionally, planning meetings were announced in the Things To Do column on three occasions. The Department of Community Development participated in the two-day Home Show held at the Port Angeles High School gy~nnasium. The meeting times, dates, and locations were scheduled so that a broad section of the population could participate. Times were varied from early afternoon (1:00 pm to 3:00 pm), later afternoon (4:00 pm to 6:00 pm) and later evening (7:00 pm to 9:00 pm). Meetings were held on various days of the week 2020 Vision for Port Angeles Project Report Page 1 April 14, 2004 165 and seve~ different locations were used to hold meetings. A web page was developed and linked to the City's Homepage listing the meeting dates, times and focus: The web page was updated ttu'oughout the process and the comment questions were made available on-line to provide an additional and easy method of response to the written comments form made available at all the meetings and various public locations such as City Hall. Members of the Citizen Advisory Committee volunteered their time to contact and attend meetings of 21 organizations that were identified as potential stakeholders. Those organizations were informed of the planning effort being taken by the City'and were invited to paiticipate in the process by suggesting changes that might be made to the Comprehensive Plan. A three-hour forum specifically for these civic and business organizations to comment on or make propo~ls was held at the end to the three week public meeting period. The Comprehensive Plan update process has had contact with 300 - 400 indlviduals through open houses, public meetings, organization/stakeholder presentation, comment forms returned, and use of the internet. Eighty-five people attended at least one public meeting as' indicated by sign-in sheets. A total of 58 comment sheets were submitted. In addition, five different organizations made formal presentations to the Citizen Advisory Committee. As a result, 68 specific amendments were drafted and submitted for review by March 31, 2004. Public Comment Responses Several major topic areas came to light from the comments received through the public participation process. The major topics have a thread of commonality binding them together. As an example, the appearance of the City was mentioned several times in connection with the ability to attract tourists which would stimulate economic development. Tourism, including outdoor recreation and eco-tourism, were suggested as ways to stimulate economic development. This led to suggestions of what to base tourism on, including the City's history, preservation of its small town character, and protection and enhancement of its local environmental assets. There was a sense that the City should not have a shabby, decrepit look and feel to it. This was seen as a detriment to attracting and maintaining a strong tourist market. The eastern 2020 Vision for Port Angeles Project Report Page 2 April 14, 2004 166 entry to tt~e City was specifically mentioned as needing improvement, as it is often the first impressiori that visitors have of the City. Few specific suggestions for how the City could make improvements were included. However, the need for additional street trees was mentioned more than once. The City's small town character was mentioned several times with a concern that there is a need to limit or control growth patterns. This small town character is cited as a r. eason that people come here and stay here. This idea is connected to another reason that people are here, namely the open space and natural environment, which tied in with a strong feeling of protecting that open space, providing more park space, and ensuring public access to the waterfront. These concepts also were tied to tourism and again back to economic development. While most people responding to our questions indicated that growth would be guu~, there was a theme of constraint and caution so that the growth would be orderly and planned for and that the small town character not be lost to large mega-stores and malls and that the local scenic environment be protected. It also seemed, to those individuals who currently lived in areas where it was qui, et and private, and the ci~aracter was somewhat rural, that any potential growth should not be in those areas. Quiet, safe neighborhoods was also a common theme. The lack of sidewalks, specifically in the west end, was a neighborhood issue that also came up several times. Other neighborhood comments included noise as an issue. Noise from several sources was mentioned, including general traffic noise, large trucks idling for long periods, motorcycle riding off-road on vacant lots, loud car stereos, and airport noise. Annexation of the eastern UGA and extension of the sewer into this area had mixed responses; however, the majority of respondents encouraged the annexation of the UGA. Annexation and sewer extension were often tied to environmental health and economic development issues. It was typically felt that the City would be in a better position to provide services that would improve the general conditions of the eastern UGA in both aesthetic and environmental ways. Transportation issues generally focused on finding more efficient ways to move trucks out of the downtown area and moving traffic through the City more efficiently. The use of the 2020 Vision for Port Angeles Project Report Page 3 April 14, 2004 ] 6 7 term by-pass or alternate Hwy 101 route were used synonymously, but no specific solution surfaced. Many different scenarios were discussed and there was'disagreement as to the scale, location, and purpoge of a route. There was a consensus that an additional route out of town to the east would be advantageous, if there were a need for emergency evacuation of the Cily or if Hyw 101 were closed for any length of time. Whether that rome would function as a bypass of the City, a route for truck traffic to avoid the downtown area, Or an easy way for locals to meet their commuting needs was never clear. Several ~tisadvamages to an alternate traffic pattern were pointed out. They included reducing tourist traffic from fully experiencing the City, encouraging sprawling land development to the south, the expected high cost of land acquisition and construction associated'with such a project, and impacts from noise and traffic to existing quiet, semi-rural neighborhoOds.. The Rayonier Mill site received comments from citizens and organizations including the propert~ owner Rayonier. Citizens generally expressed the idea that expanded public use of some kind is desired. Suggestions included park and recreational uses, residential use, educational and research uses, public access to the waterfront, and uses that would specifically attract tourism. While these ideas were popular with citizens, the political and economic leaders of the community were advocating caution and patience in changing the existing Comprehensive Plan designation or zoning to avoid the appearance of forcing Rayonier into a more costly cleanup scenario and possit}le abandonment of the site. Rayonier itself proposed allowing for a method of overlay zoning for planned industrial development that would allow something other that a blanket cleanup to an impractically high standard. Business leaders encouraged the City to consider keeping the site available for marine related light industry, as it is the last available waterfront on the harbor. The extension of the Olympic Discovery Trail from Marine Drive to the western edge of the City received extensive discussion at several of the neighborhood meetings. This issue is supported by two citizen organizations, and some residents along portions of the proposed route expressed their opinions. Trail users also voiced their opinion at several meetings. Currently the undeveloped Milwaukee Drive is designated on the Nonmotorized Transportation Map as the approved route for the trail. Strong support for an alternative route from 4th and 'N' Street, 2020 Vision for Port Angeles Project Report Page 4 April 14, 2004 ] 68 following 'N' Street to 18th Street and then west to Milwaukee Drive was proposed and well supported. Adv'antages to this route included the existing infrastructure, the need for improvements to the existing infrastructure, existing property ownership along the route, and potential early timing of the improvements. Although property owners along Milwaukee Drive are aware that Milwaukee Drive will be improved at some point in the future, their desires to keep the area quiet and private for as long as possible and to make sure that development there happens in a well planned, orderly fashion support the 'N'/18~h Street route. Discussion of the future of the William R. Fairchild Airport took place at several meetings. These discussions ranged from the short term needs of the terminal and hanger relocations to the possible need tg) relocate the entire airport in the long term future. Potential population growth in the area, coupled wi*.h existing land aVailability and growth patterns, and the airport's impact on surrounding land uses prompted these discussions. There is a need to control the land uses surrounding an airport, especially in the restricted flight zones. Discussion of land use controls led to considerations of planned growth in the areas directly west of the City limits and the airport. There was discussion also as to whether the County or the City would be best suited to control that land use and what the best method would be. The Washington State Department of Transportation Aviation Division and the FAA concluded that there would be little State and Federal support for relocation of the airport and those taking part in the discussion agreed that the County wou~d most likely be able to control the land use for less intensive development west of the.airport. The City, therefore, limited its proposed expansion of the UGA west of the airport. This also led the City to recommend limiting its sewer extension outside the City limits to the Lower Elwha Klallam Tribal Reservation to the smallest size required to serve the Tribal Reservation and not provide potential hook-up capacity to residents living between the City and the Tribal Reservation. Next Steps The 68 proposed amendments have been submitted to Washington State Department of Community Trade and Economic Development (DCTED) to be reviewed for consistency with 2020 Vision for Port Angeles Project Report Page 5 April 14, 2004 '1 69 the Growth Management Act and to the Washington State .Department of Transportation (WSDOT) to be reviewed for consistency with the Regional Transportation Plan. A SEPA review of the potential impacts of the amendments on the environment must be conducted. Each proposal must be analyzed as to its impact on the City and must be found to be in the public interest. A public hearing on the proposed amendments will be held at the Planning Conunission meeting on May 12, 2004. The Planning Commission will then make a recommen'dation to the City Council regarding the proposed amendments. The City Council will hold a public hem'ing on June 1, 2004, before taking a final action on the proposals. ' After the final amendments to the Comprehensive Plan have been adopted, the City will then take up the task of reviewing and amending the zoning ordinance, the subdivision , ordinance, and the critical areas ordinance. These tasks will once again require s.upport and input from the citizens of Port Angeles. T:\COMPPLAN~2004 up dateskcomments recieved\Comment synopsis.wpd ~ 2020 Vision for Port Angeles Project Report Page 6 April 14, 2004 ] 70 Submitted to City Council at its meeting of June 8, 2004 by Ed Tuttle BAY LOOP NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOC. 407 N. Lees Creek Road Port Angeles, WA. 98362 "NO TO-ANNEXATION" I am the President of Bayloop Neighborhood Assoc. Before you are 523 signatures of residents, business owners and property owners in the disputed area. I them. Only 4 came forward and favored Annexation. Several Indicated they wanted Sewer but not if it means Annexation. Also there are 200 signatures of people West of the Western UGA who are terrified of just being in a UGA. The Bayloop Neighborhood Assoc. is here representing not only our own neighborhood but also the neighborhoods of Gales Addition, North Monroe and North Mount Pleasant. In 1998, when we put Clallam Citizens Coalition to bed and I disappeared from the scene, our local governments seemed to work together as a team. We still had the outlanders who come here to promote change. Usually to promote their special interests and not the good of the community as a whole. Its all about money. As you should be aware, the area East of Port Angeles is the County's Primary source of sales tax revenue. It is the county's "DOWNTOWN" and the revenues are used to provide services to the Rural area's of the County. The County does not possess authority for many taxing options that the city does. The city looks at us and sees a big cash cow. To the County, it is survival and to us, our way of life. We all know that as citizens we only have one thing that gives us any say in what government does. A Vote It is a fundamental right and its all we have. Mr. Hedrick & Ms. Rodgers have stated that we are a vocal minority- If so, then the city should have no problem letting us vote on the annexation question. It is the morally right thing to do. Absentee property owaaers, should not decided policy and who governs who. Those of us that live is area's served by the PUD consider the infrastructure to be ours. Our taxes and paying for the service paid for it. The only way the city is going to get it, is through condemnation and paying the full market value. In doing so, the city would be doing a great disservice to city residents and just might break your bank. We all know that the city's request to enlarge the UGA's and pre-annexation agreements are tied to Revenue & Annexation and it is time for the city' to shut off the BS machine, that says otherwise. If the city was smart, it would work with the PUD (instead of telling them to get lost) and the County' to assist in the installation of a sewer trunk line. Sharing revenue and charging for processing the sewage (with out pre-annexation agreements) would fill the city's coffers in short order and stop the threats, intimidation and blackmail by city government. Our community is all of Clallam County, not just the city of Port Angeles and we need to work together respecting the wishes and rights of others, when we can and do what's best to everyone. Majority rule is our way of life and that means a vote. The Mayor has stated that we are a vocal minority. If this is true, why is the city afraid of a vote of the people. It is morally- right and fair that we determine who governs us, not large absentee property owners and outlanders new to our community. I will bet everyone sitting up there a Steak Dinner, that if you take the time to sit down with" all "parties and pencil this out, you will see that working together is a win, win situation for all concerned. Never can tell what might happen if we work together for the good of the many, instead of the greedy few. Sincerely: Edwin E. Tuttle President- Bay Loop Neighborhood Assoc. // \ ~ ?! Submitted to City Council at its meeting of ,.~L,2 ~q/,,x,..),~,~ -~ ~ ~ June 8, 2004 by Ed Tuttle STOP ANNE TION NOW I It is time to tell our elected Coun~ Commissionem that the residents of Bay Loop, Gales Addition, North Monroe and North Mount Pleasant Neighborhoods, do not want to be part of the Ci~ of Port Angeles. By signing the petition below you will be telling the Commissioners that there are other legal options for growth within our neighborhoods that would leave us within Coun~ jurisdiction and make annexation illegal. The petition requests the Coun~ to establish our neighborhoods as a Coun~ based "~imited Area of More Intense Rural Development" or L~~ for sho~. This option was not available when the Coun~ first adopted its growth plan for our neighborhoods. The L~I~ option allows our neighborhoods to re,in their large lot suburban character, remain outside the Ci~ and avoid costly Ci~ sewer, stormwater and road upgrades. The LAM~ option would allow continued development at the 1/2 acre lot size that can be supposed by continued use of individual septic systems. The area would continue to be se~ed by the Coun~ (roads, zoning, sheri~, the P~ (electric and water) and the existing fire district. The Ennis Creek ravine would separate our Coun~ based L~I~ from the Ci~. By signing the petition below you can exert pressure on ~our elected representatives to ensure that your existing housing densities and land U~es are retained, that you will' continue to enjoy a well maintained road system, that your taxes will remain as low as possible and that you can continue to receive se~ices at ~own cost from the institutions that currently provide them. Name (Print) Signature Address Date :,q-, ~- ..-: ,r ~: ~ .~:~ ~',~' ~ ~/-~-?_~-~ /:~: >.,~' V-~.~l':,x~~ RETURN TO 407 N. LEES CREEK ROAD ~v'-~/.x-~,~ PORT ANGELES,. WA 98362 STOP ANNEXATION NOW!! It is time to tell our elected County Commissioners that the residents of Bay Loop, Gales AdditiOn, North Monroe and North Mount Pleasant Neighborhoods, do not want to be part of the City of Port Angeles. By signing the petitiou below you will be telling the Commissioners that there are other legal options for growth within our"neigl~borhoods that would leave us within County jurisdiction and make annexation illegal. The petition requests the County to establish our neighborhoods as a County based "Limited Area of More Intense Rural Development" or LAMIRD for short. This option was not available when the County first adopted its growth plan for our neighborhoods. The LAMIRD option allows our neighborhoods to retain their large lot suburban character, remain outside the City and avoid costly City sewer, stormwater and road upgrades. The LAMIRD option would allow continued development at the 1/2 acre lot size that can be supported by continued use of individual septic systems. The area would continue to be served by the County (roads, zoning, sheriff), the PUD (electric and water) and the existing fire district. The Ennis Creek ravine would separate our County based LA/VIIRD from the Cit~. By signing the petition below you can exert pressure on your elected representatives to ensure that your existing housing densities and land uses are retained, that you will continue to enjoy a well maintained road system, that your taxes will remain as lmv as possible and that you can continue to receive services at known cost from the institutions that currently provide them. ,Name (Print) Signatur, e~.. Address . Date :_.. .... _: ...... ....,..... ~. .' ~ ~ . . ~-~. ,;t~. - 'ir ............... ~ .~,~-,,., ,~..~ ~/';,c~ ~ ~.~ ....... [/,~ ....~l ! M,~'~..~._, C~..,~-- .iTi. :2', ~ ~' ~. RETURN TO 407 N. LEES CREEK ROAD 48~'5/,,w'..~ :5' PORT .ANGELES, WA 98362 STOP ANNEXATION NOW!! It is time to tell our elected County COmmissioners that the residents of Bay Loop,' - Gales Addition, North Monroe and North 'Mount Pleasant Neighborhoods, do not want to be part of the City of Port Angeles. By signing the petition below you will be telling the Commissioners that there are other legal options for growth within our neighborhoods that would leave us within County jurisdiction and make annexation illegal. The petition requests the County to establish our neighborhoods as a County based "Limited Area of More Intense Rural Development" or LAMIRD for short. This option was not available when the County first adopted its growth plan for our neighborhoods. The LAMIRD option allows our neighborhoods to retain their large lot suburban character, remain outside the City and avoid costly City sewer, stormwater and road upgrades. The LAMIRD oPtion ~vould allow continued development at the 1/2 acre lot size that can be supported by continued, use of individual septic systems. The area would continue to be served by the County (roads, zoning, sheriff), the PUD (electric and water) and the existing fire district. The Ennis Creek ravine would separate our County based LAMIRD from the City. By signing the petition below you can exert pressure on your elected representatives to ensure that your existing housing densities and land uses are retained, that you will continue to enjoy a well maintained road system, that your taxes will.remain as low as possible and that you can continue to receive services at known cost from the institutions that currently provide them. Name (Print) Signature Address Date~ ~ · -'"" -%?/-' ._~ - :" "'- ~- ':' -'" .'~" "?' Z ' 5'~'.. "'~-, , " </ ~ ."?-,, /:-', : . ' , , ': 2'- ', ' ' '"" - ",','. ' ~"~'" ~ '"-- ' ~ ' ,/,.,,-:, .._- .,_ ..., , - ._ ,., ,. :. RETU~N TO 407 N. LEES CREEK ROAD PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 STOP ANNEXATION It is time to tell our elected County Commissioners that the residents of Bay Loop,~ '- Gales Addition, North Monroe and North Mount Pleasant Neighborhoods, do not want to be part of the City of Port Angeles. By signing the petition below you will be telling the Commissioners that there are other legal options for growth within our neighborhoods that would leave us within County jurisdiction and make annexation illegal. The petition requests the County to establish our neighborhoods as a Count3, based "Limited Area of More Intense Rural Development" or LAMIRD for short. This option ~vas not available when the County first adopted its growth plan for our neighborhoods. The LAMIRD option allows our neighborhoods to retain their large lot suburban character, remain outside the City and avoid cosily City sewer, stormwaIer and road upgrades. The LAMIRD option would allow continued development at the 1/2 acre lot size that can be supported by continued use of individual septic systems. The area would continue to be served by the County (roads, zoning, sheriff), the PUD (electric and water) and the existing fire district. The Ennis Creek ravine would separate our County based LAMIRD from the City. By signing the petition below you can exert pressure on your elected representatives to ensure that your existing housing densities and land uses are retained, that you will continue to enjoy a well maintained road system, that your taxes will remain as Iow as possible and that you can continue to receive services at known cost from the institutions that currently provide them. · . -~~.~ Name (Pnnt) S~nature Address .. ,y' ~ '~ Date · . . - ,~,. -,l,~ , : ' , ....... . ! RETURN TO 407 N. LEES CREEK ROAD PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 STOP ANNEXATION NOW*.! It is time to tell our elected County Commissioners that the residents of Bay Loop,'" Gales Addition, North Monroe and North Mount Pleasant Neighborhoods, do not want to be part of the City of Port Angeles. By signing the petition below you will be telling the Commissioners that there are other legal options for growth ~vithin our neighborhoods that would leave us within County jurisdietion and make annexation illegal. The petition requests the County to establish our neighborhoods as a County based "Limited Area of More Intense Rural Development" or LAMIRD for short.. This option was not available when the County first adopted its growth plan for our neighborhoods. The LAMIRD option allows our neighborhoods to retain their large lot suburban character, remain outside the City and avoid costly City sewer, stormwater and road upgrades. The LA1VIIRD option would allow continued development at the 1/2 acre lot size that can be supported by continued use of individual septic systems. The area would continue to be served by the County (roads, zoning, sheriff), the PUD (electric and water) and the existing fire district. The Enni$ Creek ravine would separate our County based LAMIRD from the City. By signing the petition below you can exert pressure on your elected representatives to ensure that your existing housing densities and land uses are retained, that you will continue to enjoy a well maintained road system, that your taxes will remain as low as possible and that you can continue to receive services at known cost from the institutions that currently provide them. Name (Print) Signature Address Date ! f '" t~ RETURN TO 407 N. LEES CREEK ROAD- PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 STOP ANNEXATION NOW!! It is time to telI our elected County Commissioners that the residents of Bay Loop,' Gales Addition, North Monroe and North l~lount Pleasant Neighborhoods, do not want to be part of the City °fPort Angeles. By signing the petitiOn below you will be telling the Commissioners that there are other legal options for growth ~vithin our neighborhoods that would leave us within County jurisdiction and make annexation illegal. The petition requests the County to establish our neighborhoods as a Connty based "Limited Area of More Intense Rural Development" or LAMIRD for short, This option was not available when the County first adopted its growth plan for our neighborhoods. The I,AMIRD option allows our neighborhoOds to retain their iarge 'lot suburban character, remain outside the City and avoid costly City sewer, stormwater and road upgrades. The LAMIRD option would allow Continued development at the 1/2 acre ldt size that can be supported by continued use of individual sePtic systems. The area would continue to Be served by the County (roads, zoning, sheriff), the PUD (electric and water) and the exist, in, g fire district. The Ennis Creek ravine ~vould separate our County based LAMIRD from the .City, By signing the petition belo~v you can exert pressure on your'elected 'representatives to ensure that your existing housing densitieS and land Uses are retained, tlaat you will continue to enjoy a well maintained road system, that your taxes will remain as low as possible and that you ean continue to receive .services at known cost from the institutions that currently provide them. Name (print)' Si, nature ~, , Address . , Date ' ' l ~' f~ / ' ' £ , ' ' ' ~ ' " - RETURN TO 407 N. LEES CREEK'ROAD PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 STOP ANNEXATION NOW!! It is time to tell our elected County Commissioners that the residents of Bay Loop,' Gales Addition, North Monroe and North Mount Pleasant Neighborhoods, do not want to be part of the City of Port Angeles. By signing the petition beloTM you Will be telling the Commissioners that there are other legal options for.growth within our neighborhoods that would leave us within County jurisdiction and make annexation illegal. The petition r. equests the County to establish our neighborhoods as a County based "Limited Area of More Intense Rural Development" or LAM1RD for short, This option was not available when the County.first adopted its growth plan for our neighborhoods. The LAMIRD option alloWs our neighborhoods to retain their large lot suburban character, remain outside the City and avoid costlY City sewer, stormwater and road upgrades'. The LAMIRD option would allow continued development at the 1/2 acre lOt size that can be supported bY .continued use of;individual septic systems. The area would continue to be served-by, the County (rOads, zoning, sheriff), the PUD (electric and water) and the existing fire district. The Ennis Creek ravine would separate our County based LAMIRD from the City. By signing the petition below you can exert pressure on your elected ~-epresentatives t° enSUre that your existing housing densities' and land uses are retained, that you · '~vill continue to enjoy a well maintained road system, that your taxes will remain as loTM as possible and that you can continue to r~.ceive services at knOwn cost from the institutions that currently provide th'em. ".. -~ .. Name (Print) Sig Address Date ¥. .. TLm2' _TO · 407 N. LEES CREEK ROAD PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 STOP ANNEXATION NOW!! it is time to tell our elected C°unty Commissioners that the residents of. Bay Loop,' Gales Addition, North Monroe and North' Mount Pleasant Neighborhoods~ do not' want to be part of the City of Port Angeles. By signing the petition below you will be telling the Commissioners that there are other lekal options for growth within our neighborhoods that would leave us within County jurisdiction and make annexation illegal The petition requests the County to establish our neighborhoods as a County based ,'Limited Area of More Intense Rural Development" or LAMIRD. for short. This option was not available when the County first adopted its growth plan for our neighborhoods. 'The LAMIRD option allows our neighborhoods to retain their large lot suburban character, remain outside the City and avoid costly City sewer, storm~vater and road ~grades. The LAMIRD option would allo~v continued development at the 1/2 acre lot' size that can be supported by continUed Use of individual septic systems. The area woaid continue to be served by the County (roads, zoning, sheriff), the pUD (electric and water)' and the existing fire district. The Ennis Creek ravine xvould separate our County baSed LAMIRD from the City. By. signing the petition below you can' exert Pressure on your elected representatiVes to ensure that your existing.housing densities and-.~land uses are retained, that you will continue to enjoy a well maintained road sysf~in, that your taxes Will remain as low as possible and that you can continue to receive services at known cost from the institutions that currently provide them. Name (Print) Address Date RETURN TO 407 N. LEES CREEK ROAD PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 STOP ANNEXATION NOW!! It is time to tell our elected County Commissioners that the residents of Bay Loop, Gales Addition, North Monroe and North Mount Pleasant Neighborhoods, do not want to be part of the City of Port Angeles. By signing the petition below you svill be telling the Commissioners that there are other legal options for growth within our neighborhoods that ,vould leave us within County jurisdiction and make annexation illegal. The petition requests the County to establish our neighborhoods as a County based "Limited Area of More Intense Rural Development" or LAMIRD for short. This option svas not available when the County first adopted its growth plan for our neighborhoods. The LAMIRD option allows our neighborhoods to retain their large lot suburban character, remain outside the City and avoid costly City sewer, stormwater and road upgrades. The LAMIRD option would allow continued development at the 1/2 acre lot size that can be supported by continued use of individual septic systems. The area would continue to be served by the County (roads, zoning, sheriff), the PUD (electric and water) and the existing fire district. The Ennis Creek ravine would separate our County based LAMIRD from the City. By signing the petition belo;v you can exert pressure on your elected representatives to ensure that your existing housing densities and land uses are retained, that you will continue to enjoy a well maintained road system, that your taxes will remain as low as possible and that you can continue to receive services at known cost from the institutions that currently provide them. Name (Print) Signaturg Address Date " '"'i RETURN TO 407 N. LEES CREEK ROAD PORt .ANGELES, WA 98362 -'-- STOP ANNEXATION NOW!! It is time to tell our elected County Commissioners that the residents of Bay Loop,'" Gales Addition, North Monroe and North Mount Pleasant Neighbo.,.r~oods, do not want to be part of the City of Port Angeles. By signing the petition below you will be telling the Commissioners that there are other legal options for growth within our neighborhoods that would leave us within County jurisdiction and make annexation illegal. The petitio~ requests the County to establish our neighborhoods as a County based "l.,imited Area of More Intense Rural Development" or LAMIRD for short. This option was not available when the County first adopted its growth plan for our neighborhoods. The LAMIRD option allows our neighborhoods to retain their large lot suburban character, remain outside the City and avoid costly City sewer, stormwater and road upgrades. The LAMIRD option wonld allow continued development at the 1/2 acre lot size that can be supported by continued use of individual septic systems. The area wOuld continue to be served by the County (roads, zoning, sheriff), the PUD (electric and water) and the existing fire district. The Ennis Creek ravine would separate our County based LAMIRD from the City. By signing the .p...etitiOn below you can exert pressure on your elected representatives to ensure that yOur existing housing densities and land Uses are retained, that you will continue to enjoy a well maintained road system, that your taxes will remain as low as possible and that you can continue to receive services at known cost from the institutions that currently provide them. Name'(Print) ~ Signature Address . Date RETURN TO ... 407 N. LEES CREEK ROAD PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 STOP ANNEXATION NOW!! It is time to tell our elected County COmmissioners that the residents of Bay Loop,' -' Gales Addition, NOrth Monroe and North Mount Pleasant_Neighborhoods, do not · want to be .part of the City of Port Angeles. By signing the petition below you will be telling the Commissioners that there are . other l.egal options for growth within our neighborhoods that woUld leave us within County jurisdiction and make annexation illegal. The petition requests the County to establish our neighborhoods aS a County based "Limited Area of More Intense Rural Development" or LAMIRD for short. This option was not available when the County first adopted its growth plan for our neighborhoods. The LAMIRD option allows our neighborhoods to.retain iheir large lot suburban character, remain'outside the City and avoid costly City sewer,?tormWater and road upgrades. The LAMIRD option would allow continued development at the 1/2 acre lot size that can. be' supported by. continued use of individual septic system"s. The area would continue to be served by the County (roads, zoning, sheriff), the PUD (electric and water) and the existing fire district. The Ennis Creek ravine would separate our County based LAMIRD from the City. By signing the petition below you can exert pressure on your elected representatives to ensure that your existing housing densitieS and land uses are retained, that you will continue to enjoy .d well maintained road system, that your taxes will remain as iow as possible and that y6u can continue to receive services at known cost from the institutions that currently provide them. Name (Print) Signature Address .- .,:i!::' Dat/e ' .' ~'1- I ' RETUR~ TO 407 N. LEES CREEK ROAD PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 STOP ANNEXATION NOW!! It is time to tell our elected County Commissioners that the residents of Bay Loop,' Gales Addition, North Monroe and North Mount Pleasant Neighborhoods, do not want to be part of the City of Port Angeles. By signing the petition below you will be telling the Commissioners that there are other legal options for growth within our neighborhoods that would leave us within County jurisdiction and make. annexation illegal. The petition requests the County to establish our neighborhoods as a County based "Limited Area of More Intense Rural Development" or LAMIRD for short. This option was not available when the County first adopted its growth plan for our neighborhoods. The LAMIRD option allows our neighborhoods to retain their large lot suburban character, remain outside the City and avoid costly City sewer, storm~vater and road upgrades. The LAMIRD option would allow continued development at the 1/2 acre lot size that can be supported by continued use of individual septic systems. The area w~ould Continue to be served by the County (roads, zoning, sheriff), the PUl) (electric and water) and the existing fire district. The Ennis Creek ravine would separate our County based LAMIRD from the City. By signing the petition below you can exert pressure on your elected representatives to ensure that your existing housing densities and land uses are retained, that you will continue to enjoy a well maintained road system, that your taxes will remain as low as possible and that you can continue to receive services at known cost from the institutions that currently provide them. Name (Print) Si~nat~ur, ~ Address r7 Date RETURN TO 2575 E. BAY STREET PORT ANGELES, WA. 98362 STOP ANNEXATION NOWV. It is time to tell our elected County Commissioners that the residents of Bay Loop,' - Gales Addition, North Monroe and North ~{ount Pleasant Neighborhoods, do not want to he part of the City of Port Angeles. By signing the petition belo~v you will be telling the Commissioners that there are other legal options for growth within our neighborhoods that would leave us within County jurisdiction and make annexation illegal. The petition requests the Count3' to establish our neighborhoods as a County based "Limited Area of More Intense Rural Development" or L.43~[IRD for short. This option was not available when the Count)' first adopted its growth plan for our neighborhoods. The LAMIRD option allows our neighborhoods to retain their large lot suburban character, remain outside the Cit3' and avoid costly City sewer, stormwater and road upgrades. The LAMIRD option would allow continued development at the 1/2 acre lot size that can be supported by continued use of individual septic systems. Th'e area would continue to be served .by the County (roads, zoning, sheriff), the PUD (electric and water) and the existing fire district. The Ennis Creek ravine would separate our County based LA_MIRD from the City. By signing the petition below you can exert pressure on your elected representatives to ensure that your existing housing densities and land uses are retained, that you will continue to enjoy a well maintained road system, that your taxes will remain, as low as possible and that you can continue to receive services at known cost from the institutions that currently provide them. Name (Print] Sianature Address Date If you are a resident or business owner in the UGA (urban growth area) and this petition interests you, please have everyone over the age of 18 sign the petition and return it to the Bay loop Neighborhood Assoc. address above by April 29th, 2004 in order for it to be presented at the May 5th Clallam County Planning Commission meeting. RETURN 'FO 407 N. LEES CREEK ROAD PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 STOP ANNEXATION NOW!! It is time to tell our elected County Commissioners that the residents of Bay Loop,~" Gales Addition, North Monroe and North Mount Pleasant Neighborhoods, do not want to be part of the City of Port Angeles. By signing the petition below you will be telling Ihe Commissioners that there are other legal options for growth within our neighborhoods that would leave us within County jurisdiction and make annexation illegal. The petition requests the County to establish our neighborhoods as a County based "Limited/[rea of More Intense Rural Development" or LAMIRD for short. This option was not available when the County first adopted its growth plan for our neighborhoods. The LAMIRD option allows our neighborhoods to retain their large lot suburban character, remain outside the City and avoid costly City sewer, stormwater and road upgrades. The LAMIRD option would allow continued development at the 1/2 acre lot size that can be supported by continued use of individual septic systems. The area would continue to be served by the County (roads, zoning, sheriff), the PUD (electric and water) and the existing fire district. The Ennis Creek ravine would separate our County based LAMIRD from the City. By signing the petition below you can exert- pressure on your elected representatives to ensure that your existing housing densities and land uses are retained, that you will continue to enjoy a well maintained' road system, that your taxes will remain as low as possible and that you can continue to receive services at known cost from the institutions that current ~rovide them. Name (Print) Address Date . .iL b-' ?/:,: ,Y RETURN TO ~.~. 407 N. LEES CREEK ROAD PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 STOP ANNEXATION NOW!! It is time to tell our elected County Commissioners that the residents of Bay Loop,' -' Gales Addition, North Monroe and North Mount Pleasant Neighborhoods, do not want to be part of the City of Port Angeles. By signing the petition below you will be telling the Commissioners that there are other legal options for growth ~vithin our neighborhoods that would leave us within County jurisdiction and make annexation illegal. The petition requests the County to establish our neighborhoods as a County based "Limited Area of More Intense Rural Development" or LAMIRD for short. This option was not available when the County first adopted its growth plan for our neighborhoods. The LAMIRD option allows our neighborhoods to retain their large lot suburban character, remain outside the City and avoid costly City sewer, stormwater and road upgrades. The LAMIRD option would allow continued development at the 1/2 acre lot size that can be supported by continued use of individual septic systems. The area would continue to be served by the County (roads, zoning, sheriff), the PUD (electric and water) and the existing fire district. The Ennis Creek ravine would separate our County based LAMIRD from the City. By signing the petition below you can exert pressure on your elected representatives to ensure that your existing housing densities and land uses are retained, that you svill continue to enjoy a svell maintained road system, that your taxes will remain as lmv as possible and that you eau continue to receive services at known cost from the institutions that currently provide them. Name (Print) S~n~ature Address Date RETURN TO 407 N. LEES CREEK ROAD PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 STOP ANNEXATION NOW'!! It is time to tell our elected County Commissioners that the residents of Bay Loop,' -' Gales Addition, North Monroe and North Mount Pleasant Neighborhoods, do not want to be part of the City of port Angeles. By signing the petition below you will be telling the Commissioners that tl~ere are other legal options for growth within our neighborhoods that would leave us within County jurisdiction and make annexation illegal. The petition requests the County to establish our neighborhoods as a County based "Limited Area of ]M[orc Intense Rural Development" or LAMIRD for short. This option was not available when the County first adopted its growth plan for our neighborhoods. The LAMIRD option allows our neighborhoods to retain their large lot suburban character, remain outside the City and avoid costly City sewer, stormwater and road upgrades. The LAMIRD option would allow continued development at the 1/2 acre lot size that can be supported by continued use of individual septic systems. The area would continue to be served by the County (roads, zoning, sheriff), the PUD (electric and water) and the existing fire district. The Ennis Creek ravine would separate our County based LAMIRD from the City. By signing the petition below you can exert pressure on your elected representatives to ensure that your existing housing densities and land uses are retained, that you ,viii continue to enjoy a ~veli maintained road system, that your taxes will remain as low as possible and that you can continue to receive services at known cost from the institutions that currently provide them. Name (Print) Sigmltur?.:~ ~ Address Date~ - RETURN TO 407 N. LEES CREEK ROAD PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 STOP ANNEXATION NOW!! Iris time to tell our elected County Commissioners that the residents of Bay Loop,' Gales Addition, North Monroe and North Mount Pleasant Neighborhoods, do not want to be part of the City of Port Angeles. By signing the petition below you will bevelling the Commissioners that there are other legal options for growth within our neighborhoods that would leave us within County jurisdiction and make annexation~ illegal. The petition requests the County to establish our neighborhoods as a County based "Limited Area of More Intense Rural Development" or LAMIRD for short. This option was not available when the County first adopted its growth plan for our neighborhoods. The LAMIRD option allows our neighborhoods to retain their large lot suburban character, remain outside the City and avoid costly City sewer, stormwater and road upgrades. The LAMIRD option would allow continued development at the 1/2 acre lot size that can be supported by continued use of individual septic systems. The area would continue to be served by the County (roads, zoning, sheriff), the PUD (electric and water) and the existing fire district. ~The Ennis Creek ravine would separate our County based LAMIRD from the City. By signing the petition below you can exert pressure on your elected representatives to ensure that your existing housing densities and land uses are retained, that you will continue to enjoy a well maintained road system, that your taxes will remain as low as possible and that you can continue to receive services at known cost from the institutions that currently provide them. Name (Print) Signature -- Address Date RETURN TO 2575 E. BAY STREET ~ PORT ANGELES, WA. 98362 STOP ANNEXATION It is tkne to tell our elected County Commissioners that the residents of Bay Loop,' - Gales Addition, North Monroe and North Mount Pleasant Neighborhoods, do not want to be part of the Ci~ of Port Angeles. By signing the petition below you will be telling the Commissioners that there are o~her legal options for growth within our neighborhoods that would leave us within County jurisdiction and make annexation illegal. The petition requests the County to establish our neighborhoods as a County based "Limited Area of More l~ntense Rural Development" or LAMIRD for short. This option ;vas not available when the Count)' first adopted its growth plan for our neighborhoods. The LAMIRD option allows our neighborhoods to retain their large lot suburban character, remain outside t, he City and avoid costly City sewer, stormwater and road upgrades. The LANIIRD option would allow continued development at the 1/2 acre lot size that eau be supported by continued use of individual septic systems. The area would continue to be served by the Coun~ (roads, zoning, sheriff), the PUD (electric and water) and the existing fire district. The Ennis Creek ravine would separate our County based LAMIRD from the City. By signing the petition below you can exert pressure on your elected representath, es to ensure that your existing housing densities and land uses are retained, that you will continue to enjoy a well maintained road system, that your taxes will remain as !ow as possible and that you can continue to receive services at 'known cost from the institutions that currently provide them. Name (Print) S'~ure ~ Address Date z If you are a resident or business owner in the UGA (urban growth area) and this petition interests you, please have everyone over the age of 18 sign the petition anti return it to the Bay loop Neighborhood Assoc. address above by April 29th, 2004 im order for it to be presented at the May st~ Clailam County Planning Commission meeting. RETURN TO 407 N. LEES CREEK ROAD PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 STOP ANNEXATION NOW!! It is time t° tell our elected County Commissioners that the residents of Bay I~oop,' -' Gales Addition, North Monroe and North Mount Pleasant Neighborhoods, dc not want to be part of the City of Port Angeles. By signing the petition below you will be telling the Commissioners that there are other legal options for growth within our neighborhoods that would leave us within County jurisdiction and make annexation illegal. The petition requests the County to establish our neighborhoods as a County based "Limited Area of More Intense Rural Development" or LAMIRD for short. This option was not available ~vhen the County first adopted its growth plan for our neighborhoods. The LA1VIIRD option allows our neighborhoods to retain their large lot suburban character, remain outside the City and avoid costly City sewer, stormwater and road up~rades. The LAMIRD option would allow continued development at the 1/2 acre lot size that can be supported by continued use of individual septic systems. The area would continue to be served by the County (roads, zoning, sheriff), the PUD (electric and water) and the existing fire district. The Ennis Creek ravine would separate our County based LAMIRD from the City. By signing the petition below you can exert pressure on your elected representatives to ensure that your existing housing densities and land uses are retained, that you svill continue to enjoy a well maintained road system, that your taxes will remain as losv as possible and that you can continue to receive services at known cost from the institutions that currently provide them. Name(Print) Si~natt}re. Address Date RETURN TO 2575 E. BAY STREET PORT ANGELES, WA. 98362 STOP ANNEXATION "l~t is time to tell our elected County Commissioners that the res[dents of Bay Loop,' '- ':Gales Addition, North Monroe and North M[ount Pleasant Neighborhoods, do not want to be part of the City of Port Angeles. By signing the petit[on below you will be telling the Commissioners that there are ~ other legal options for growth within our neighborhoods that would leave us within ~ Coun~ jurisdiction and make annexation illegal. The petition requests the CounW }~ to establish our neighborhoods as a CounW based "Limited Area of More !ntense '~ ~ural ~evelopment" or L~I~ for short. This option was not available when the Count' first adopted its growth plan for our neighborhoods. The LM~[~ option alIows our neighborhoods to retain their large lot suburban · :': character, remain outside the Ci~, and avoid costly Ci~ sewer, stormwater and road /:upgrades. The L~~ option would allow continued development at the 1/2 acre ~ lot size that can be supported by continued use of individual septic systems. Th'e area '~would continue to be se~ed by the CounW (roads, zoning, sherif0, the P~ (electric ~ and water) and the existing fire district. The Ennis Creek ravine would separate our CounW based LAMI~ ~om the CiW. 'By signing the petition betow you can exert pressure on your elected representatives · ~ to ensure that your ex[sting housing densities and land uses are retained, that you w[II continue to enjoy a well maintained road system, that your taxes will remain as Iow as possible and that you eau continue to receive sera, ices at k=nown cost from the institutions that currently provide them. Name (Prin0 Signature Address . ~ Date If you are a resident or business owner in the UGA (urban growth area) and this petition interests you, please have everyone over the age of 18 sign the petition and return it to the Bay loop Neighborhood Assoc. address above by April 29th~ 2004 in order for it to be presented at the May 5th Clallam County Planning Commission meeting. RETURN TO 2575 E. BAY STREET PORT ANGELES, WA. 98362 STOP ANNEXATION tt is ~ime to tell our elected county Commissioners that the residents of Bay Loop,' Gales Addition, North Monroe and NotCh Mount Pleasant Neighborhoods, do not want to be part of the City of Port Angeles. By signing the petition below you will be telling the Commissioners that there are other legal options for growth within our neighborhoods that would leave us within County jurisdiction and make annexation illegal. The petition requests the County to establish our neighborhoods'as a County based "Limited Area of More _Intense Rural Development" or LAMIRD for short. This option was not available when the County first adopted its growth plan for our neighborhoods. The LA_MIRD option allows our neighborhoods to retain their large lot suburban character, remain outside the City and avoid costly City sewer, stormwater and road upgrades. The LAMIRD option would allow continued development at the 1/2 acre lot size that can be supported by continued use of individual septic systems. The area would continue to be served by the County (roads, zoning, sheriff), the PUD (electric and water) and the existing fire- district.: The Ennis Creek ravine would separate our County based LA1VIIRD from the City. By signing the petition below you can exert pressure on your elected representatives to ensure that your existing housing densities and Iand uses are retained, that you will continue to enjoy a well maintained road system, that your taxes will remain as low as possible and that you can continue to receive services at known cost from the institutions that currently provide them. Name (Print); Signature._ ' -, Address D,ate , '-'" ~ :'' "-- " ' ; If you are a resident or business owner in the UGA (urban growth area) and this petition interests you, please have everyone over the age of 18 sign the petition and return it to the Bay loop Neighborhood Assoc. address above by April 29t~ 2004 in order for it to be presented at the May 5ta Clallam County Planning Commission meeting. RETURN TO 2575 E. BAY STREET PORT ANGELES, WA. 98362 STOP ANNEXATION NOW o It is time to tell our elected County Commissioners that the residents of Bay Loop,' ' Gales Addition, North Monroe and North Mount Pleasant Neighborhoods, do not want to be part of the City of Port Angeles. By signing the petition below you will be telling the Commissioners that there are other legal options for growth within our neighborhoods that would leave us within County jurisdiction and make annexation illeg~l. Tl~e petition requests the County to establish our neighborhoods as a County based "Limited Area of More Intense Rural Development" or LAMIRD for short. This option was not available when the Couaty first adopted its growth plan for our neighborhoods. The LAMIRD option allows our neighborhoods to retain their large lot suburban character, remain outside the Ci~r and avoid costly City sewer, stormwater and road upgrades. The L.~{IRD option would allow contiaued developmeat at the 1/2 acre lot size tl~at can be supported by Continued use of individual septic systems. Th'e area would continue to be.setw~ed by the County (roads, zoniag, sheriff), the PUB (electric and water) and the existing fire district. The Ennis Creek ravine would separate our Couaty based LAMIRD from the City. By signing the petition below you can exert pressure on your elecf~ed representatives to ensure that your existing housing densities and land uses are retained, that you will continue to enjoy a well maintained road system, that your taxes will remain as Iow as possible and that you can continue to receive ser~qces at known cost from the institutions that currently provide them. Name (Print) Sigaature Address Date If you are a resident or business owner in the U(;A (urban growth area) and this petition interests you,' please have everyone over the age of 18 sign the petition and return it to the Bay loop Neighborhood Assoc. address above by April 29th~ 2004 in order for it to be presented at the May 5th Clallam County Planning Commission meeting. RETURN TO 407 N. LEES CREEK ROAD PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 STOP ANNEXATION NOW!! It is time to tell our elected County Commissioners that the residents of Bay I~oop,'" Gales Addition, North Monroe and North Mount Pleasant Neighborhoods, do not want to be part of the City of Port Angeles. By signing the petition below you will be telling the Commissioners that there are other legal options for growth within our neighborhoods that would leave us xvithin County jurisdiction and make annexation illegal. The petition requests the County to establish our neighborhoods as a County based "Limited Area of More Intense Rural Development" or LAMIRD for short. This option was not available svhen the County first adopted its growth plan for our neighborhoods. The LAMIRD option allows our neighborhoods to retain their large lot suburban character, remain outside the City and avoid costly City sewer, stormwater and road upgrades. The LAMIRD option would allow continued development at the 1/2 acre lot size that can be supported by continued use of individual septic systems. The area would continue to be .served by the County (roads, zoning, sheriff), the PUD (electric and water) and the existing fire district. The Ennis Creek ravine svould separate our County based LAMIRD from the City. By signing the petition below you can exert pressure on your elected representatives to ensure that your existing housing densities and land uses are retained, that you will continue to enjoy a well maintained road system, that your taxes will remain as low as possible and that you can continue to receive services at known cost from the institutions that currently provide them. Name (Print) Signature . Address Date RETURN TO 407 N. LEES CREEK ROAD PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 STOP ANNEXATION NOW!.* It is time to tell our elected County Commissioners that the residents of Bay Loop,'" 'Gales Addition, North Monroe and North Mount Pleasant Neighborhoods, do not want to be part of the City of Port Angeles. By signing the petition below you will be telling the Coramissioners that there are other legal options for gro~vth within our neighborhoods that would leave us within County jurisdiction and make annexation illegal. The petition requests the County to establish our neighborhoods as a Count~ based "Limited Area of 5__~ore Intense Rural Development" or LAMIRD for'short. This option was not available when the County first adopted its growth plan for our neighborhoods. The LAMIRD option allows our neighborhoods to retain their large lot suburban character, remain outside the City and avoid costly City sewer, stormwater and road upgrades. The LAMIRD option would allow continued development at the 1/2 acre lot size that can be supported by continued use of individual septic systems. The area would continue to be served by lhe County (roads, zoning, sheriff), the PUD (electric and water) and the existing fire district. The Ennis Creek ravine would separate our County based LAMIRD from the City. By signing the petition below you can exert pressure oa your elected representatives to ensure that your existing housing densities and land uses are retained, that you will continue to enjoy a well maintained road system, that your taxes will remain as low as possible and that you can continue to receive services at known cost from the institutions that currently provide them. Name (Print) Sigogture/~ ~ ~Address . ~ Date .... flt $ ~ O RETURN TO 2575 E. BAY STREET PORT ANGELES, WA. 98362 STOP ANNEXATION NOW!.* It is time to tell our elected County Cofi~missioners that the res[dents of Bay Loop,' ~- Gales Addition, North l~onroe and North Mount Pleasant Neighborhoods, do not want to be part of the CiD' of Port Angeles. BY signing the petition below yon'will be telling the Commissioners that there are other legal options for g:~owth within our neighborhoods that would leave us within County jurisdiction and make annexation illegal. The petition requests the CounW to establish our neighborhoods as a C°unW based "Limited Area of More intense gural Development" or L~iI~ for short. This option was not available when the CounB' first adopted its growth plan for our neighborhoods. The L~~ option allows our neighborhoods to retain their large lot suburban character, remain outside the City and.avoid costly CiW sewer, stormwater and road upgrades. The L~i~ option would allow continued development at the 1/2 acre tot size that can be supported by continued use of individual septic systems. Th'e area would continue to be se~ed by the Coun~ (roads, zoning, sherif0, the P~ (electric and water) and the existing fire district~ The Ennis Creek ravine wouId separate our CounW based L~{[~ from the CiW. By signing the petition below you can exert pressure on your elected represen~tives to ensure that your existing housing densities and land uses are retained, that you w/ti continue to enjoy a well maintained road system, that your taxes will remain as low as possible and that you eau continue to receive scm, ices at ~own cost from the institutions that currently provide them. Name (Print) Signature Address Date If you are a resident or business owner in the UGA (urban growth area) and this petition interests you, please have everyone over the age of 18 sign the petition and return it to the Bay loop Neighborhood Assoc. address above by April 29th~ 2004 in order for it to be presented at the May 5th Clallam County Planning Commission meeting. RETURN TO 2575 E. BAY STREET PORT ANGELES, WA. 98362 STOP ANNEXATION NOW , ! ~t ~s time to tell our elected Connty Commissioners that the residents of Bay Loop,' '- GaIes Addition, North 5~onroe and North M:onnt Pleasant Neighborhoods, do not want to be part of the Ci~ of Port Angeles. By signing the petition below you will be telling the Commissioners that there are other legal options for growth within our neighborhoods that would leave us within Coun~ jurisdiction and make annexation illegal. The petition requests the Coun~, ~o establish our neighborhoods as a Coun~ based "~imi~ed Area of 5~ore ~ntense ~ural ~evelopment" or L~I~ for short. This option was not available when the Count' first adopted its growth plan for our neighborhoods. The L~~ option allows our neighborhoods to retain their large lot suburban character, remain outside the Ci~' and avoid costly Ci~ sewer, stormwater and road upgrades. The L~~ option would allow continued development at the 1/2 acre lot size that can be supported by continued use of individual septic systems. Th'e area would continue to be se~ed by the County (roads, zoning, sherif0, the P~ (electric and water) and the existing fire district. The Ennis Creek ravine would separate our Count- based L~I~ from the CiW. By signing the petition betow you can exert pressure on your elected representatives to ensure that your existing housing densities and land uses are retained, that you w[II continue to enjoy a Well maintained road system, t~at your taxes will remain as Iow as possible and that you can continue to receive sera, ices at ~own cost from the institutions tkat currently provide them. Name (Print) Signature Address Date If you are a resident or business owner in the UGA (urban growth area) and this petition interests you, please have everyone over the age of 18 sign the petition and return it to the Bay loop Neighborhood Assoc. address above by April 29th. 2004 in order for it to be presented at the May 5th Clallam County Planning Commission meeting. RETURN TO 2575 E. BAY STREET PORT ANGELES, WA. 98362 STOP ANNEXATION NOW.V o It is time to tell our elected County Commissioners that the res[dents of Bay Loop,' '- Gales Addition, North Monroe and North Mount Pleasant Neighborhoods, do not want to be part of the City of Port Angeles. By sigaing the petition below you will be telling the Commissioners that there are other legal options for growth within our neighborhoods that would lea'ye us~within County jurisdiction and make annexation illegal. The petition requests the County to establish our neighborhoods as a County based "Limited Area of More Intense Rural Development" or LAMIRD for short. This option was not available when the County first adopted its growth plan for our neighborhoods. The LAMIRD option allows our neighborhoods to retain their large lot suburban character, remain outside the City and avoid costly City sewer, stormwater and road upgrades. The LAMIRD option would allow continued development at the 1/2 acre lot size that can be supported by continued use of individual septic systems. The area would continue to be served by the County (roads, zoning, sheriff), the PUD (electric and water) and the existing fire district. The Ennis Creek ravine would separate our County based LA2~[1RD from the City. By signing the petition below you can exert pressure on your elected representatives to ensure that your existing housing densities and land uses are retained, that you wiIl continue to enjoy a well maintained road system, that your taxes will remain as Iow as possible and that you can continue to receive services at known cost from the institutions that currently provide them. Name (Print) Signature /Q ~ Address D;~te If you are a resident or business owner in the UGA (urban growth area) and this petition interests you, please have everyone over the age of 18 sign the petition and return it to the Bay loop Neighborhood Assoc. address above by April 29th~ 2004 in order for it to be presented at the May 5th Ciallam County Planning Commission meeting. RETURN TO 2575 E. BAY STREET PORT ANGELES, WA. 98362 STOP ANNEXATION tt is time to tell our elected County Commissioners that the residents of Bay Loop,' Gales Addition, North Monroe and NOrth Mount Pleasant Neighborhoods, do not want to be part of the City of Port Angeles. By signing the petition below you will be telling the Commissioners that there are other legal options for growth within our neighborhoods that would leave Us withha County jurisdiction and make annexa:tion illegal. The petition requests the County to establish our neighborhoods as a COunty based "L_imited Area of More _Intense Rural Development" or LAMI~ for'short. This option was not available when the County first adopted its growth plan for our neighborhoods. The LAMIRD option allo;vs our neighborhoods to retain their iarge lot suburban character, remain outside the CiD, and avoid costly City sewer, stormwater and road upgrades. The LAMIRD option would allow continued development at the 1/2 acre Itt size that can be supported by continued use of individual septic systems. Th'e area would continue to be served, by the County (roads, zoning, sheriff), the PUD (electric and water) and the existing fire district. The Ennis Creek ravine would separate our County based LA_MIRD from the citY. By signing the petition below you can exert pressure on your elected representatives to ensure that your existing housing densities and land uses are retained, that you will continue to enjoy a well maintained road system, tlmt your taxes will remain as low as possible and that you can continue to receive services at known cost from the institutions that currently provide them. ¢~t.q ~'~ Name (Print) Signature Address Date 7_44: ee If you are a resident or business owner in the UGA (urban growth area) and this petition interests you, please have everyone over the age of 18 sign the petition and return it to the Bay loop Neighborhood Assoc. address above by April 29th, 2004 in order for it to be presented at the May 5th Clallam County Planning Commission meeting. RETURN TO 2575 E. BAY STREET PORT ANGELES, WA. 98362 STOP ANNEXATION NOW .. It is time to tell our elected County Commissioners that the residents of Bay Loop,' '- Gales Addition, North Monroe and North Mount PIeasant Neighborhoods, do not want to be part of the City of Port Angeles. ' By signing the petition below you will be telling the Commissioners that there are other legal options for growth within, our neighborhoods that would leave us within Coun~ jurisdiction and make annexation illegal. The petition requests the County to establish our neighb6rhoods as a County based "Limited Area of More l:ntense Rural Development" or LAMIRD for: short. This option was not available when the CoUnty first adopted i~s growth plan for our neighborhoods. The LAS~ILRD option allows our neighborhoods to retain their large lot suburban character, remain outside the City and avoid costly City sewer, stormwater and road upgrades. The L~I~ option would allow continued development at the 1/2 acre lot s~ze that eau be supported by continued use of individual septic systems. Th'e area would continue to be se~ed by the CourtW (roads, zoning, sherifO, the P~ (electric and ware0 and the existing fire district. The Ennis Creek ravine would separate our Coun~ based L~M~ from the CiW. By signing the petition below you can exert pressure on your elected representatives to ensure that your existing housing densities and land uses are retained, that you will continue to enjoy a well maintained road system, that your taxes will remain as Iow as possible and that you can continue to receive se~qces at ~own cost from the insti~tions that currently provide them. NaT (Print, Signature Address D¢~/A~ If you are a resident or business owner in the UGA (urban growth area) and this petition interests you, please have everyone over the age of 18 sign the petition and return it to the Bay loop Neighborhood Assoc. address above by April 29m~ 2004 in order for it to be presented at the May 5ta Ciallam County Planning Commission meeting. RETURN TO 2575 E. BAY STREET PORT ANGELES, WA. 98362 STOP ANNEXATION it is time to tell our elected County Commissioners that the res[dents of Bay Gales Addition, North r~[onr°e and North Mount Pleasant Neighborhoods, do not want to be part of the City of Port Angeles. By signing the petition beIow you will be telling the Commissioners that there are other legal options for growth' within our neighborhoods that would Ieave us within County jurisdiction and make-annexation illegal. The petition requests the (.ounty to establish our neighborhoods as a Count5' based "Limited Area of More Infense Rural Development" or LAMIRD for short. This option was not available when the Count)' first adopted [ts growth pIan for our neighborhoods. The LAMIRD option alIows our neighborhoods to retain their large lot subu:ban character, remain outside the City and avoid costly City sewer, stormwater and road upgrades. The LAS~IIRD option would allow continued developraent at the 1/2 acre Iot s,.'ze that can be supported by continued use of individual septic systems. The area would continue to be set?ed by the County (roads, zoning, sherif0, the PUD (electric and water) and the ex[sting fire district. The Enn[s Creek ravine woutd sepa>' ate our County based LAMIRD from the City. By Signing the petit[on betow you can exert pressure on 5'our elected representatives to ensure that 5'our existing housing densities and land uses are retained, that you will continue to enjoy a well maintained road system, that your taxes will remain as Iow as possible and that you can continue to receive serwices at known cost fi'om the institutions that currently provide them. Name (Print) Signature Address Date If you are a resident or business owner in the UGA (urban growth area) and this petition interests you, please have everyone over the age of 18 sign the petition and return it to the Bay loop Neighborhood Assoc. address above by April 29ts~ 2004 in order for it to be presented at the May 5ts Clallam County Planning Commission meeting. RETURN TO 407 N. LEES CREEK ROAD PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 STOP ANNEXATION NOW!! It is time to tell our elected County Commissioners that the residents of Bay Loop,'" Gales Addition, North Monroe and North Mount Pleasant Neighborhoods, do not want to be part of the City of Port Angeles. By signing the petition below you will be telling the Commissioners that there are other legal options for growth within our neighborhoods that would leave us ~vithin County jurisdiction and make annexation illegal. The petition requests the County to establish our neighborhoods as a County based "Limited Area of M~re Intense Rural Development" or LAMIRD for short. This option was not available when the County first adopted its growth plan for our neighborhoods. The LAMIRD option allows our neighborhoods to retain their large lot suburban character, remain outside the City and avoid costly City sewer, storm;vater and road upgrades. The LAMIRD option would allow continued development at the 1/2 acre lot size that can be supported by continued use of individual septic systems. The area would continue to be served by the County (roads, zoning, sheriff), the PUD (electric and water) and the existing fire district. The Ennis Creek ravine would separate our County based LAMIRD from the City. By signing the petition below you can exert pressure on your elected representatives to ensure that your existing housing densities and land uses are retained, that you will continue to enjoy a well maintained road system, that your taxes will remain as low as possible and that you can continue to receive services at known cost from the institutions that currently provide them. Name (Printl~ Sianatur. e,~. ~ Address Date RETURN TO 407 N. LEES CREEK ROAD PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 STOP ANNEXATION NOW!! It is time to tell our elected County Commissioners that the residents of Bay Loop,'" Gales Addition, North Monroe and North Mount Pleasant Neighborhoods, do not want to be part of the City of Port Angeles. By signing the petition below you will be telling the Commissioners that there are other legal options for growth within our neighborhoods that would leave us within County jurisdiction and make annexation illegal. The petition requests the County to establish our neighborhoods.as a County based "Limited Area of More Intense Rural Development" or LAMIRD for short. This option svas not available when the County first adopted its growth plan for our neighborhoods. The LAMIRD option allows our neighborhoods to retain their large lot suburban character, remain outside the City and :avoid costly City sewer, stormwater and road upgrades. The LAMIRD option would allow continued development at the 1/2 acre lot size that can be supported by continued use of individual septic systems. The area would continue to be served by:the County (roads, zoning, sheriff), the PUD (electric and water) and the existing fire district.: The Ennis Creek ravine svould separate our County based LAMIRD from the City. By signing the petition beloxv you can exert pressure on your elected representatives to ensure that your existing housing densities and land uses are retained, that you svill continue to enjoy a well mgintained road system, that your taxes svill remain as low as possible and that you can continue to receive services at knoxvn cost from the institutions that currently provide them. Name (Print) S~nature Address Date ILE'I~UILN '1'O 407 N. LEES CREEK ROAD PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 STOP ANNEXATION NOW!! It is time to tell our elected County Commissioners that the residents of Bay Loop,' "' Gales Addition, North Monroe and North Mount Pleasant Neighborhoods, do not want to be part of the City of Port Angeles. By signing the petition below you will be telling the Commissioners that there are other legal options for growth within our neighborhoods that would leave us within County jurisdiction and make annexation illegal. The petition requests the County to establish our neighborhoods as a County based "Limited Area of More Intense Rural Development" or LAMIRD for short. This option was not available when the County first adOpted its growth plan for our neighborhoods. The LAMIRD option allows our neighborhoods to retain their large lot suburban character, remain outside the City and avoid costly City sewer, stormwater and road upgrades. The LAMIRD option would allow continued development at the 1/2 acre lot size that can be supported by continued use of individual septic systems. The area would continue to be served by the County (roads, zoning, sheriff), the PUD (electric and water) and the existing fire district. The Ennis Creek ravine would separate our County based LAMIRD from the City. By signing the petition below you can exert pressure on your elected representatives to ensure that your existing housing densities and land uses are retained, that you will continue to enjoy a well maintained road system, that your taxes will remain as low as possible and that you can continue to receive services at known cost from the institutions that currently provide them. Name (Print) Signature ,~ Address Date · - . ~ 'c, , -'- ~ ,: 'x'~ ./.,.~ ... · ~ ' . rt ~-~ - ~- - RETURN TO 407 N. LEES CREEK ROAD PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 STOP ANNEXATION NOW!! It is time to tell our elected County Commissioners that the residents of Bay Loop,' -- Gales Addition, North Monroe and North Mount Pleasant Neighborhoods, do not want to be part of the City of Port Angeles. By signing the petition below you will be telling the Commissioners that there are other legal options for growth within our neighborhoods that would leave us within County jurisdiction and make annexation illegal. The petition requests the County to establish our neighborhoods as a County based "Limited Area of B/j~ore Intense Rural Development" or LAMIRD for short. This option was not available when the County first adopted its growth plan for our neighborhoods. The LAMIRD option allows our neighborhoods to retain their large lot suburban character, remain outside the City and avoid costly City sewer, stormwater and road upgrades. The LAMIRD option would allow continued development at the 1/2 acre lot size that can be supported by continued use of individual septic systems. The area would continue to be served by the County (roads, zoning, sheriff), the PUD (electric and water) and the existing fire district. The Ennis Creek ravine would separate our County based LAMIRD from the City. By signing the petition below you can exert pressure on your elected representatives to ensure that your existing housing densities and land uses are retained, that you will continue to enjoy a well maintained road system, that your taxes ~vill remain as low as possible and that you can continue to receive services at known cost from the institutions that currently provide them. %ame (Print) Silllmture ,--~ r~ Address Date 407.-.NwL~~;~ PORT ..ANGELES, WA 98362 STOP ANNE .XA, TION NOW!! It is time to tell our elected County Commissioners that the residents of Bay Loop,' Gales Addition, North Monroe and North Mount Pleasant Neighborhoods, do not want to be part of the City of Port Angeles. By signing the petition below you will be t.elling the Co~:~missioners that there are other legal options for growth within our,neighborhoods that would leave us within County jurisdiction and make annexatiog illegal. The Fetition requests the County to establish our neighborhoods as a County based "Limited Area oflSlore Intense Rural Development" or LAMIRD for short. This option was not available when the County first adopted its growth plan for our neighborh{~ods. The LAMIRD option allows our neighbor,hoods to retain their large lot suburban character, remain outside the City and avoid costly Ci~/sewer, stormwater and road upgrades. The LAMIRD option would allow continued development at the 1/2 acre 'lot size that can be supported by continual use of individual septic systems. The area would continue to be served by the Coun~ (roads, zoning, sheriff), the PUD (electric and water) and the existing fire district. The Ennis Creek ravine would separate our County based LAMIRD from the City. By signing the petition below you can exert pressure on your elected representatives to ensure that your existing housing densities and land uses are retained, that you will continue to enjoy a well maintained road system, that your taxes will remain as low as possible and that you can continue to receive sera'ices at known cost from the institutions that currently provide them. Name (PrinO Signature Address Date / 'RETURN TO 407 N. LEES CRiBEK ROAD. PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 STOP ANNEXATION NOW!! It is time to tell our ele, cted CountY Commissioners that the residents of Bay Loop,' -' Gales Addition, North Monroe/and North Mount Pleasant Neighborho°ds, do not want to be part of the City of Port Angeles. By Signing the petitioa below you will be telling the Commissioners that .there are other legal options for;growth within our neighborhoods that would leave us-Within County jurisdiction and make annexation illegal. The petition requests the County to establish our neigh,borhoods as a County based "Limited Area of More Intense Rural Development" qr LAMIRD for short. This option was not available when the County first adopted'.i,ts grow'th plan for our neighborhoods. The LAMIRD option:.~alloWs our neighborhoods t° retain their large lot suburban character, remain out, side the City and avoid costly City sewer, Stormwater and road upgrades. The .LAM ~IRD option would allow continued development at the 1/2 acre lot size that ea'n be supported by continued use of individual, septic systems. The area would continue to be served by the County (roads, zoning, sheriff), the PUD (electric and water) and the eXisting'fire district. The Ennis Creek ravine would Separate our County based LAMIRD from the City. By signing the petition below you can exert pressure on your elected representatives to ensure that your existing- housing densities and land uses are retained, ihat you will continue to enjoy a well maintained road system, that your taxes will remain as low as poSsible and that you can conifinue to receive services at known cost from the institutions that currently provide them. RETURN TO 2575 E. BAY STREET PORT ANGELES, WA. 98362 STOP ANNEXATION NO W . It is time to tell.our elected County Commissioners that the residents of Bay Loop,' GaIes Addition, North 5~onroe and North Mount Pleasant Neighborhoods, do not want to be part of the City of Port Angeles. By signing the petition below you will be telling the Commissioners that there are other legal options for growth within our neighborhoods that would leave us County jurisdiction and make annexation illegal. The petition requests the County fo establish our neighborhoods as a County based "Limited Area of More I_ntense Rural Development" or LAMIRD for short. This option was not available when the Count)' first adopted its growth plan for our neighborhoods. The LAJVIIRD option allows our neighborhoods to retain their large lot suburban character, remain outside the City and avoid costly City sewer, stormwater and road upgrades. The LA~IRD option ~'ould allow continued development at the 1/2 acre lot size that can be supported by continued use of individual septic systems. The area would continue to be served by the County (roads, zoning, sheriff), the PUD (electric and water) and the existing fire district. T~e Ennis Creek ravine would separate o-ur County based LA_MIRD from the City. By signing the petition below you can exert pressure on 3'our elected representatives to ensure that 3'our existing housing densiffes and land uses are retained, that you will continue to enjoy a well maintained road system, that your taxes will remain as low as possible and that you can continue eo receive ser~,ices at known cost from the institutions that currently provide them. Name (Print) Sign~ature Address Date If you are a resident or business owner in the UGA (urban growth area) and this petition interests you, please have everyone over the age of 18 sign the petition and return it to the Bay loop Neighborhood Assoc. address above by April 29tb~ 2004 in order for it to be presented at the May 5t~ Clallam County Planning Commission meeting. RETURN TO 407 N. LEES CREEK ROAD PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 STOP ANNEXATION NOW!! It is time to tell our elected County Commissioners that the residents of Bay Loop,' Gales Addition, North Monroe and North Mount Pleasant Neighborhoods, do not v~ant to be part of the City 'of Port Angeles. By signing the petition below you will be telling the Commissioners that there are other legal options for growth within our neighborhoods that would leave us within County jurisdiction and make .annexation illegal. The petition requests the County to establish our neighborhoods as a County based "Limited &rea o£b~ore [~..~tense Rural Development" or LAMIRD for short. This option was not available when the County first adopted its growth plan for our neighborhoods. The LAMIRD option allows our neighborhoods to retain their large lot suburban character~ remain outside the City and avoid costly City sewer, stormwater and road upgrades. The LAMIRD option would allow continued development at the 1/2 acre lot size that can be supported by continued use of' individual septic systems,. The area would continue to be served by the County {roads, zoning, sheriff), the PUD (electric and water) and the existing fire district. The Ennis Creek ravine would separate our County based LAMIRD from the City. By signing the petition below you can exert pressure on your elected representatives to ensure that your existing housing densities and land uses are retained, that you will continue to enjoy a well maintained road system, that your taxes will remain as Iow as possible and that you can continue to receive services at known cost from the institutions that currently provide them. Name (Print) Signature Address Date ,. /.-. - . ',~ " . / ' ~- - , b:'' ': ' ' · J '~ . - ~ . · ./ ,I .... /'"~' '' '~ " > ~' . ,, " RETURN TO /-" 407 N. LEES CREEK ROAD PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 STOP ANNEXATION NOW!! ' ' It is time to tell our elected Count5' Commissioners that the residents of Bay I~oop, ' Gales Addition, North Monroe and North Mount Pleasant Neighborhoods, do not want to be part of the City of Port Angeles. · ~'~ By signing the petition below you will be telling the Commissioners that there are "~:" o~her legal options for growth within our :neighborhootts that would leave us within ': County jurisdiction and make annexation illegal. The petition requests the County ;'~' to establish our neighborhoods as-a Count~ based "Limited A~rea of More Intense Rural Development" or LAMIRD for short. This option was not available when the County first adopted its growth plan for our neighborhoods. ~:~'" 'The LAMIRD option allows our neighborhoods to retain their large lot suburban ~ ~' character, remain outside the City and avoid costly City sewer, stormwater and road : upgrades. The LAMIRD option would allow continued development at the 1/2 acre lot size that can be supported by continued use of individual septic systems. The area ~ would continue to be served by ti~e County (roads, zoning, sheriff), the PUD (electric ~' and water) and the existing fire district. The Ennis Creek ravine would separate our County based LAMIRD from the City. ~' By signing the petition below you can exert pressure on your elected representatives to ensure that your existing housing densities and land uses are retained, that you · will continue to enjoy a well maintained road system, that your taxes will remain as · low as possible and that you can continue, to receive services at known cost from the institutions that currently provide them. ~ ~ Na,me (Print) Signature, , Address Date . i :, ~ ' ~' RETURN TO .. / ""' 407~1. LEES C~EK ROAD PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 STOP ANNEXATION NOW!! It is time to tell our elected:County Commissioners that the residents of Bay. Loop, .... Gales Addition, North Mon~roe and North Mount Pleasant Neighborhoods, do not want to be part of the City of Port Angeles. By signing the petition bel~O~ you will be telling the COmmissioners that there are other legal options for grOwth within our neighborhoods that would leave us within County jurisdiction~ancl make anne-xation illegal. The petition requests the County to establish our neighborhO'ods as a 'County based "Limited Area of More _Intense Rural D__evelopment" or LAMIRD for short. This option was not available whe~ the County first adopted its growth plan for our neighborhoods. The LA1VIIRD optioh allows our neighborhoods to retain their large lot suburban character, remain outsider-he City and avoid costly City sewer, stormwater~and road up~rades. The LAMIRD ~:ption ~vOuld allow continued development at the 1/2 acre lot size that can be s;Upporfed by cOntinued use ot' individual septie systems. The area would continue to be served by the County (roads, zoning, sheriff), the PUD (electric and water) and the'existing fire district. The Ennis Creek ravine would separate our County based LAMIRD from the City. By signing the petition below you can exert pressure on your elected representatives to ensure that your existing housing densities and land uses are retained, that you · vill continue to enjoy a well maintained road system, that your taxes will remain as low as possible and that you can continue to receive services at known cost from the institutions that currently provide them. l~ame (Print) Signature Addre~ , Date t . j ~ '.' RETURN iO 407 N. LEES CREEK ROAD PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 STOP ANNEXATION NOW!! It is time to tell our elected County Commissioners that the residents of Bay-Loop,~ -' Gales Addition, North Monroe and North Mount Pleasant Neighborhoods, do not want to be part of the City of Port Angeles. By Signing the petition below you ~vill be telling the Commissioners that there are other legal options for growth within our neighborhoods that would leave us within County jurisdiction and make annexation illegal. The petition requests the County to establish our neighbOrhoods as a County based "Limited Area of]~re Intense Rural D__evelopment" or LAMIRD for short. This option was not available when the County first adopted its growth plan for our neighborhoods. The LAMIRD option allows our neighborhoods to retain their large lot suburban character, remain outside the City and avoid costly City sewer, stormwater and road upgrades. The LAMIRD option would allo~v continued development at the 1/2 acre lot size that can be supported by continued use of individual septic systems~ The area would continue to be served by the County (roads, zoning, sheriff), the PUD (electric and svater) and the exiSting fire district. The Ennis Creek ravine would separate our County based LANIIRD from the City. By signing the petition below you can exert pressure on your elected representatives to ensure that your eXisting housing densities and land uses are retained, that you · vili continue to enjoy a well maintained road system, that your taxes will remain as Iow as possible and that you can continue to receive services at known cost from the institutions that currently provide them. Name (Print) Signature Address Date RETURN TO /' 407 N. LEES CREEK ROAD \// PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 STOP ANNEXATION NOW!! It is time to tell our elected County,Commissioners that the residents of Bay Loop,~ ~' Gales Addition, North Monroe and,North Mount Pleasant Neighborhoods, do not want to be part of the City of Port Angeles. By signing the petition below you will be telling the Commissioners that there are other legal options for growth ~vith[n our neighborhoods that would leave us within COunty jurisdiction and make annexation illegal. The petition requests the County to establish our neighborhoods as a,County based "Limited Area of More Intense Rural Development" or LAMIRD for short. This option was not available when the County first adopted its growth plan for our neighborhoods. The LAMIRD option allows our ne/ghborhoods to retain their large lot suburban character, remain outside the City.and avoid costly City sewer, stormwater and road upgrades. The LAMIRD option would allow continued development at the 1/2 acre lot size that can be supported by continued use of individual septic systems. The area would continue to be served by the County (roads, zoning, sheriff), the PUD (electric and water) and the existing fire district. The Ennis Creek ravine would separate our County based LAMIRD from the City. B3' signk~g the petition belo~r' you ~an exert pressure On your elected representatives to ensure that your existing housing densities and land uses are retained, that you will continue to enjoy a well maintained road system, that your taxes will remain as low as possible and that you can continue to receive services at known cost from the institutions that currently provide them. Name (Print) Signa.~ure r-, Address Date -~ ~ ..' ,7~- . . Z° Pr . - 4 ..... ,....j . ~, ,- ,,} . ~-, .," ,.,,- - ._ .-, f.,., , ¥ - RETURN TO 407 N. LEES CREEK ROAD PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 STOP ANNEXATION NOW!! It is time to tell our elected County Commissioners that the residents of Bay Loop, .... Gales Addition, North Monroe and North Mount Pleasant Neighborhoods, do not want to be part of the City of Port Angeles. By signing the petition belo~v you will be telling the Commissioners that there are other legal options for growth within our neighborhoods that would leave us within County jurisdiction and make annexation illegal. The petition requests the County to establish our neighborhoods as a County based "Limited Area of More Intense Rural Development" or LAMIRD for short. This option was not available when the County first adopted its growth plan for our neighborhoods. The LAMIRD option allows.our neighborhoods to retain their large lot suburban character, remain outside the City and avoid costly City sewer, stormwater and road upgrades. The LAMIRD option would allow continued development at the 1/2 acre lot size that can be supported by continued use of individual septic systems. The area would continue to be' served by the'County (roads, zoning, sheriff), the PUD (electric and water) and the existing fire district. The Ennis Creek ravine ~vould separate our County based LAMIRD from the City. By signing the petiti,qn below you can exert pressure on your elected representatives to ensure that your existing housing densities and land uses are retained, that you will continue to enjoy a well maintained road system, that your taxes will remain as Iow as possible and that you can continue to receive services at known cost from the institutions that currently provide them. Name(Print) S~gn.atu~% ~,d Address Date RETURN TO 2575 E. BAY STREET PORT ANGELES, WA. 98362 STOP ANNEXATION NOW ! It is time to tell our elected County Commissioners that the res[dents of Bay Loop,' '- Gales AddRion, North h{onroe and North Mount Pleasant NeighBorhoods, do not want to be part of the City of Port Angeles. By signing the petition below you will be telling the CommissiOners that there are other legal options for growth within our neighborhoods that would leave us within Coun~ jurigdiction and make annexation illegal. T~e petition requests th~.Coun~ to establish our neighborhoods as a Coun~ based "Limited ~rea or,ore ~[ntense ~urai ~evelopment" or L~~ for short. This option was not availab~:,': when the CounD' first adopted its growth plan for our neighborhoods. The L~~ option allows our neighborhoods to retain their large lot s[:~urban character, remain outs[de the Ci~ and avoid costly Ci~ sewer, stormwater and road upgrades. The L~~ option would allow continued development at the 1/2 acre lot size t~at can be supposed by continued use of individual septic system~. Th'e area would continue to be sera'ed by the Coun~ (roads, zoaiag, sheriff, the PUD (electric and water)'a~d the existing fire district. The Ennis Creek ravine would s~:~:parate our Coun~ based L~M~ from the Ci~. By signing the petition below you can exe~ pressure on your elected representatives to ensure that your existing housing densR[es and land uses are refained, ~'hat yon w~II continue to enjoy a well maintained road system, that your taxes will remain as low as possi.ble and that you can continue to receive se~ices at ~own cost from the institutions that currently provide them. Name (Print) Sigaature Address Date If you are a resident or business owner in the UGA (urban growth area) and this petition interests you, please have everyone over the age of 18 sign the petition and return it to the Bay loop Neighborhood Assoc. address above by April 29th~ 2004 in order for it to be presented at the May 5th Ciallam County Planning Commission meeting. RETURN TO 2575 E. BAY STREET PORT ANGELES, WA. 98362 STOP ANNEXATION NOW . It is time to tell our elected County Commissioners that the residents of Bay Loop,' '- Gales Addition, North Monroe and North Mount Pleasant Neighborhoods, do not want to be part of the City of Port Angeles. By signing the petition below you will be tdl~ng the Commissioners tI~at there are other legal options for growth within our neighborhoods that would leave us within > County jurisdiction and make annexation illegal. The petition requests the County to establish our neighborhoods as a County based "Limited Area of More Intense Rural l~evelopment" or LAMIRD for short: This option was not available when the County first adopted its growth plan for our neighborhoods. The LAMIRD option allows our neighbortmods to retain, their large lo~ suburban character, remain outside the CiD, and avoid costly City sewer, stormwater and road upgrades. The LAMIRD option would allow continued development at ~'he 1/2 acre lot size that can be supported by continueduse of individual septic systems. The area would continue to be scm'ed by the County'(roads, zoning~ sheriff), the PUD (electric and water) and the existing fire district. The Ennis Creek ravine wouId separate our County based LAMIRD from the City. By signing the petition be[ow you can exertpressure on your elected representatives to ensure that your ex[sting housing densities and land uses are retained, that you will continue to enjoy a well maintained road system, that your taxes will remain as !ow as possible and that you can continue to receive semqces at known cost from the institutions that currently provide them. Name(Print) S[~ature~ Address . Date If you are a resident or business owner in the UGA (urban growth area) and this petition interests you, please have everyone over the age of 18 sign the petition and return it to the Bay loop Neighborhood Assoc. address above by April 29th~ 2004 in order for it to be presented at the May 5t~ Ciallam County Planning Commission meeting. PdgTURN TO 2575 E. BAY STREET PORT ANGELES, WA. 98362 STOP ANNEXATION NO d v it is time to tell our elected County Commissioners that the residents of Bay Loop,' '- GaIes Addition, North Monroe and North:Mount Pleasant Neighborhoods, do not want to be part of the City of Port Angeles. By signing the petition beIow you will be telling the Commissioners that there are other legal options for growth within our neighborhoods that would leave us within County jurisdiction and make annexation illegal. The petition requests the County to establish our neighborhoods as a County based "Limited Area of More intense Rural Development" or LAMIRD for shm-t. This option was not available when the County first adopted its growth plan for our neighborhoods. The LAMIRD option allows our neighborhoods to retain their large Iot suburban character, remain outside the Ci~, and avoid costly City' sewer, stormwater and road upgrades. The LAMIRD option would alloW continued development at the 1/2 acre lot size that eau be supported by continued use of individual septic systems. The area would continue to be served,by the County !(roads, zoning, sraerifO, true PUD (electric and water) and the existing:fire district. The Ennis Creek ravine would separate our County based LA_rV[I[RD from the City. By signing the petition betow you can exert pressure on your elected representatives to ensure that your ex~sting~housing densities and land uses are retained, that yot~ will continue to enjoy a well maintained road system, that your taxes will remain as low as possible and that you can continue to receive services at known cost from the institutions that currently provide them. Name (Print) Signature Address Date If you are a resident or business owner in the UGA (urban growth area) and this petition interests you, please have everyone over the age of 18 sign the petition and return it to the Bay loop Neighborhood Assoc. address above by April 29th~ 2004 in order for it to be presented at the May 5ta Clallam County Planning Commission meeting. aETU TO 2575 E. BAY STREET PORT ANGELES, WA. 98362 STOP ANNEXATION NOW. . It is time to tell our elected Count), Commissioners that the residents of Bay Loop,' - Gales Addition, North Monroe and North Mount Pleasant Neighborhoods, do not want to be part of the City of Port Angeles. By signing the petition below you will be telling the Commissioners that there are other legal options for growth within our neighborhoods that would leave us within County jurisdiction and'make annexation illegal. The petition requests the County to establish our neighborhoods as a County based "Limited Area of More Intense R__ural Development" or LA_MIRD for short. This option was not available when the Count)' first adopted its growth plan for our neighborhoods. The LAMIRD option allows our neighborhoods to retain their large lot suburban character, remain outside the City and avoid costly City sewer, stormwater and road upgrades. The LA_MIRD :option would allow continued development at the 1/2 acre lot size that can De supported by continued use of individual septic systems. Th'e area would continue to be served by the County (roads, zoning, sheriff), the PUD (electric and water) and the existing fire district. The Ennis Creek ravine would separate our County based LAMIRD from the City. By signing the petition below you can exert pressure on your elected representatives to ensure that your existing housing densities and land uses are retained, that you will continue to enjoy a well maintained road system, that your taxes will remain as Iow as possible and that you eau continue to receive semqces at known cost from the instit-utions that currently provide them. Name (Prin0 Signature Address Date If you are a resident or business owner in the UGA (urban growth area) and this petition interests you, please have everyone over the age of 18 sign the petition and return it to the Bay loop Neighborhood Assoc. address above by April 29th~ 2004 in order for it to be presented at the May 5th Clailam County Planning Commission meeting. RETURN TO 2575 E. BAY STREET PORT ANGELES, WA. 98362 STOP ANNEXATION NOW. ! It is time to tell our elected County Commissioners that the res[dents of Bay Loop,' Gales Addition, North 1V[onroe and North Mount Pleasant Neighborlmods, do not want to be part of the Ci/T of Port Angeles. By Signing the petition below you will be telling the Commissioners 'that there are other legal oPtioas for growth within our neighborhoods that would leave us within CoUnty jurisdiction and make annexation illegal. The petition requests the County to establish our neighborhoods as a County based "Limited Area of 1Y[ore ]intense Rural Development" or LA~/IIRD for short. This option was not available when the Count)' first adopted its growth plan for our neighborhoods. The:LAMIRD option atlows our neighborhoods to retain their large lot suburban character, remain outside the C[t-5, and avoid costly City sewer, storm~vater and road upgrades. The LAI~ilRD option would allow continued development at the 1/2 acre lot Size that can be supported by continued use of individual septic systems. The area would continue to be served by tI~e County (roads, zoning, sheriff), the PUD (electric and water) and the existing fire distr.;ct. The Ennis Creek ravine would separate ~ur County based LAMIRD from the City. By signing the petition below you can exert pressure on your elected representatives to ensure that your existing housing densities and land uses are retained, that you will continue to enjoy a well maintained road system, that your taxes will remain as Iow as possibIe and that you can continue to receive sera, ices at I~mown cost from the institutions that currently provide them. Name (Print) Signature Address Date If you are a resident or business owner in the UGA (urban growth area) and this petition interests you, please have everyone over the age of 18 sign the petition and return it to the Bay loop Neighborhood Assoc. address above by April 29th~ 2004 in order for it to be presented at the May 5th Clallam County Planning Commission meeting. RETURN TO 2575 E. BAY STREET PORT ANGELES, WA. 98362 STOP ANNEXATION It is time to tell our elected County :Commissioners that the residents of Bay Loop,' Gales Addition, North Monroe and:North Mount Pleasant Neighborhoods, do not want to be part of the City of Port Angeles. By signing the petition below you will be telI~ng the Com~issioners t[~at there are other legal options for growth ~q~ithin our neighborhoods that woutd leave us within County jurisdictioa and make annexation illegal. The petition requests the County to establish our neighborhoods as.a County based "Limited Area of More Intense ~ural Development" or LAM1RD for short. This option was not available when the County first adopted [ts growth plan for our neighborhoods. The LAMIRD option allows our neighborhoods to retain their large lot suburban character, remain outside the Cit-y and avoid costly City sewer, stormwater and road upgrades. The LA!~IIR_D option would allow continued development at the 1/2 acre tot size that can be supported by continued use of individual septic systems. Th'e area would continue to be served by theCounty (roads, zoning~ sheriff), the PUD (electric and water) and the existing fire distrieL The Ennis Creek ravine would separate our County based LAMIRD from the City-. By signing the petition below you can exert pressure on your elected representatives to ensure that your existing housing densities and land uses are retained, that you will continue to enjoy a well maintained road system, that your taxes will remain as Iow as possible and that you can continue to receive services at known cost from the institutions that currently provide them. Name (Print) Signature Address Date If you are a resident or business owner in the UGA (urban growth area) and this petition interests you, please have everyone over the age of 18 sign the petition and return it to the Bay loop Neighborhood Assoc. address above by April 29th, 2004 in order for it to be presented at the May 5th Clallam County Planning Commission meeting. RETURN TO 2575 E. BAY STREET PORT ANGELES, WA. 98362 STOP ANNEXATION NOW .v [t is time to tell our elected C°unty Commissioners that the residents of Bay Loop,' '- Gales Addition, North Monroe and North Mount Pleasant Neighborhoods, do not want to be part of the Cif-y of Port Angeles. By signing the petition below:you will be telling the Commissioners that there are other legal options for growth within our neighborhoods that would leave us within County jurisdiction and makeannexation illegal. The petition requests the County ~o establish our neigkborhoods as a County based "Limited Area of More Intense Rural Development" or LAMIRD for short. This option was not available when the County first adopted its grow.th plan for our neighborhoods. The LAMIltD option allows our neighborhoods to retain their large lot suburban character, remain ou.tside the Ci~, and avoid costly City sewer, stormwater and road upgrades. The LAS~rIRD option would allow continued development at the 1/2 acre lot size that can be supported by continued use of individual septic systems. Th'e area would continue to be' served by the Connty (roads, zoning, sheriff), the PUD (electric and water) and the existing fire district. The Enn~s Creek ray,ne would separate our County based LA_MIRD from the City. By signing the petition be[ow .you can exert pressure on your elected representatives ~ ensure that yot~r exbdng housing densities and land uses are retained, that you w~II continue to enjoy a well maintained road system, that your taxes will remain as low as possible and that you can continue ~o receive services at '~,own cost from the institutions that currently provide them. Name (Print) S~gnature Address Date If you are a resident or business owner in the UGA (urban growth area) and this petition interests you, please have everyone over the age of 18 sign the petition and return it to the Bay loop Neighborhood Assoc. address above by April 29th~ 2004 in order for it to be presented at the May 5th Clallam County Planning Commission meeting. RETURN TO 2575 E. BAY STREET .. PORT ANGELES,_WA. 98362 STOP ANNEXATION It is time to tell our elected County Commissioners that the residents of Bay Loop,' Gales Addition, North Monroe and North Mount Pleasant Neighborhoods, do not want to be part of the City of Port Angeles. By signing the petition below you will be telling the Commissioners that there are other legal options for growth within our neighborhoods that would leave us within County jurisdiction and make annexation illegal. The petition requests the County to establish our neighborhoods as a County based "Limited Area of More. Intense Rural Development" or LAMIRD for short. This option was not available when the Count5' first adopted its growth plan for our neighborhoods. The LAMIRD option allows our neighborhoods to retain their large lot suburban character, remain outside the City and avoid costly City sewer, stormWater and road upgrades. The LAMIRD option would allow continued development at the 1/2 acre [or size that can be supported by continued use of individual septic systems. Th'e area would continue to be served by the County (roads, zoning, sherifQ, the PUIt (electric and water) and the existing fire district. The Ennis Creek ravine would separate our County based LAMIRD from the City. By signing the petition below you can exert pressure on your elected representatives to ensure that your existing housing densities and land uses are retained, that you will continue to enjoy a well maintained road system, that your taxes will remain as Iow as possible and that you can-continue to receive services at knoxvn cost from the institutions that currently provide them. Name (Print) S!gn tur // . dd ess/O 9 If you are a resident or business owner in the UGA (urban growth area) and this petition interests you, please have everyone over the age of 18 sign the petition and return it to the Bay loop Neighborhood Assoc. address above by April 29th~ 2004 in order for it to be presented at the May 5th Ciallam County Planning Commission meeting. RETURN' TO 2575 E. BAY STREET PORT ANGELES, WA. 98362 STOP ANNEXATI[ON l~t is time to tell our elected County Commissioners that the residents of Bay Loop,' - Gales Addition, North l~[onroe and North Mount Pleasant Neighborl~oods, do not want to be part of the City of Port Angeles. By signing the petition below you will be telling the Commissioners tI~at there are other legal options for growth within our neighborhoods-that would leave t~s v¥ithin County jurisdiction and make ,tnnexat~on illegal. The petition requests the Coun~~ to establish our neighborhoods as a County based "Limited Area of More Intense l~ural Development" or LAMIRD for short. This option was not available when the CounB' first adopted its gro~vth plan for our neighborhoods. The LAMIRD option allows our neighborhoods to retain their large lot sul~urban character, remain outside the City and avoid costly City sewer, stormwater and road upgrades. The LAI~{IR option would allow continued development at the 1/2 acre tot size that can be supported by continued use of individual septic systems.. The area '~vould continue to be ser~,~ed by tl~e County (roads, zoning, sheriff), the PU~ (electric and ,~vater) and the existing fire district. The Ertnis Creek ravine would separate our County based LAMIRD from the City. By signing the petition below you can exert pressure on your elected ~-epresentatives to ertsure that your existing housing densities and land uses are retained, that you ~v~II continue to en~oy a 'f~'ell maintained road system, that your taxes '}viii remain as Iow as possibIe and that you can continue ~:o receive services at known cost from the institutions ti-tat currently provide them. Name (Print) Signature Address Date If you are a resident or business owner in the UGA (urban growth area) and this petition interests you, please have everyone over the age of 18 sign the petition and return it to the Bay loop Neighborhood Assoc. address above by _April 29th~ 2004 in order for it to be presented at the May 5ta Clallam County Planning Commission meeting. RETURN TO 2575 E. BAY STREET PORT ANGELES, WA. 98362 STOP ANNEXATION NO :VV.. It is time to teI! our elected County Commissioners that the res[dents of Bay Loop,' - Gales Addition, North h{onroe and NOrth Mount Pleasant Neighborhoods, do not want to be part of the City of Port Angeles. By signing the petition below you willbe telling the Commissioners that there are ' '~ other legal options for growth-: within our neighborhoods that would leave us within ~' County jurisdiction and make,annexation illegal. The petition requests the County ~.: to establish our neighborhood's as a County~based "Limited Area of More Intense Rural I)evelopment" or LAMIRD for Short. This option was not available when the County first adopted its growth plan for our neighborhoods. The LAMIRD option allows oiJr neighborhoods to retain their large Itt suburban cl~aracter, remain outside the-~City and' avoid costly City sewer, stormwater and road upgrades. The LAI~{IRD option would, allow continued development at the 1/2 acre Itt size that can be supported by continued,use of individual septic systems. Th'e area would continue to be served by the County (roads, zoning, sheriff), the PUD (electric and water) and the existing fire district. The Ennis Creek ravine wouId separate our County based LAMIRD from the City.. By signing the petition below you can 'exert pressure on your eIected representatives ; to ensure that your existing housing densities and land uses are retained, that you w~[! continue to enjoy a well maintained road system, that your taxes will remain as ~' Iow as possible and that you can continue to receive sera, ices at 'known cost from the institutions that currently provide them. Name (Print) Signature Address ./..- Date If you are a resident or business owner in the UGA (urban growth area) and this petition interests you, please have everyone over the age of 18 sign the petition and return it to the Bay loop Neighborhood Assoc. address above by April 29th, 2004 in order for it to be presented at the May 5th Clallam County Planning Commission meeting. RETURN TO 2575 E. BAY STREET PORT ANGELES, WA. 98362 STOP ANNEXATION NOW!. It is time to tell our elected County Commissioners that the residents of Bay Loop,' - Gales Addition, North ~[onroe and North Mount PIeasant NeighBorhoods, do not want to be part of the City of Port Angeles. By signing the petit[on below you will Be telling tke Commissioners t~at there are other legal options for growth within our neighborhoods that would leave us -within Coun~ jurisdiction and make annexation illegal. The petition requests the Coun~ to establish our neighborhoods as a Coun~ based "Limited ~rea of More Intense ~urai ~evelopment" or L~I~ for short. This option was not available when the Coun~ first adopted its growth plan for our neighborhoods. The L~~ option allows our neighborhoods to retain their large lot suburban character, remain outside the Ci~, aad avoid costly CiW sewer, stormwater and road upgrades. The L~'I~ option would allow continued development at the 1/2 acre Iot size that eau be supported by continued use of individual septic systems. Th'e area would continue to be sem,~ed by the Coun~ (roads, zoning, sherifO, the P~ (electric and water) and the existing fire district. The Ennis Creek ravine would separate our CounW based L~{I~ from the Ci~. By signing the petitioa below you can exert pressure on your elected representatives to ensure that your existing housing densities and land uses are retained, that you w[II continue to.enjoy a well maintained road system, that your taxes will remain as Iow as possible and that you can continue to receive sera, ices at ~own cost from the institutions that currently provide them. Name (~rint) Signature Address _~ Date . ~ / . ~ - ~ ~ ~ , If you are a resident or business owner in the UGA (urban growth area) and this petition interests you, please have everyone over the age of 18 sign the petition and return it to the Bay loop Neighborhood Assoc. address above by April 29t~ 2004 in order for it to be presented at the May 5th Clallam County Planning Commission meeting. RETURN TO 2575 E. BAY STREET . PORT ANGELES:_WA. 98362 STOP ANNEXATION It is time to tell our'eIected County Commissioners that the residents of Bay Loop,' Gales Addition, North Monroe and North Mount Pleasant Neighborhoods, do not want to be part of the CiW of Port Angeles. By signing the petition below you will be telling the Commissioners that there are other legal options for growth within our neighborhoods that would leave us within Coun~ jurisdictions:and make annexation illegal. The petition requests the CounW to establish our neighborhoods as a Coun~ Based "Limited ~rea or,ore ~ntense ~urai ~evelopment" or L~I~ for short. This option was not available when the CounD' first adopted its growth plan for our neighborhoods. The L~{~ option allows our neighborhoods to retain their large lot suburban character, remain outside the Ci~, and avoid costly Ci~ sewer, stormwater and road upgrades. The L~~ option would allow continued development at the 1/2 acre Iot size that can be supported by continued use of individual septic systems. Th'e area would continue to be se~ed by the Coun~ (roads, zoning, sherif0, the P~ (electric and water) and the existing fire district. The Ennis Creek ravine wouId separate our Coun~ based L~II~ from the Ci~. By signingthe petition betow you can exert pressure on your eIected representatives to ensure that your existing housing densR[es and land uses are retained, that you will con~nue to enjoy a well maintained road system, that your taxes will remain as tow as possible and that you can continue to receive semqces at ~own cost from the institutions that currently provide them. Name(Print) Sign~ure Address . Date . If you are a resident or business owner in the UGA (urban growth area) and this petition interests you, please have everyone over the age of 18 sign the petition and return it to the Bay loop Neighborhood Assoc. address above by April 29th, 2004 in order for it to be presented at the May 5th Clallam County Planning Commission meeting. RETURN TO 2575 E. BAY STREET PORT ANGELES, WA. 98362 STOP ANNEXATION NOW ! l~t is time to tell our elected County Commissioners that the residents of Bay Loop,' Gales Addition, North l~{onroe and North Mouat Pleasant Neighborhoods, do not want to be part of the C~ty of Port AngeIes. By signing the petit[on below you will be telling the Commissioners that t~aere are other legal options for growth within our neighborheods that wouId Ieave us within Coun~ jurisdiction and make annexation ilIegal. The petition requests the Coun~ to establish our ae[ghborhoods as a CoUn~ based "Limited ~rea of More intense ~ural Bevelopment" or L~I~ for short. This option was not availabIe when the Coun%' first adopted its growth plan for our neighborhoods. The L~5~ option allows our neighborhoods to retaia their large lot suburban c~aracter, remain outside the C[~ and'.avoid costly Ci~ sewer, stormwater and road upgrades. The L~{I~ option would allow continued development at the 1/2 acre lot s~ze that can be supported by continued use of individual septic systems. The area would continue to be se~ed by t~e Coun~ (roads, zoning, sherif0, t~e P~ (electric and water) and t~e existing fire district. The Ennis Creek ravine would separate our CounD~ based LAM~ from the Ci~. By sign[agthe petition betow you can exe~ pressure oa your eIected representatives to ensure that your existing ~ousing densities and land uses are retained, that you will continue to enjoy a weI1 maintained road system, that your taxes will remain as iow as possible and that you can continue to receive se~ices at ~own cost from the institutioas that current[y provide them. Name (Print) Signature~. -, Address ~ Date If you are a resident or business owner in the UGA (urban growth area) and this petition interests you, please have everyone over the age of 18 sign the petition and return it to the Bay loop Neighborhood Assoc. address above by April 29th~ 2004 in order for it to be presented at the May 5th Clallam County Planning Commission meeting. RETURN TO 2575 E. BAY STREET PORT ANGELES, WA. 98362 STOP :ANNEXATION NOW it is time to tell our elected County Commissioners that the residents of Bay Loop,' GaIes Addition, North'~Monroe and North Mount Pleasant Neighborhoods, do not want to be part of the City of Port Angeles. By signing the petition below you will be telling the Commissioners that there are other legal options for'growth within our neighborhoods that would leave us within County jurisdiction and make annexaf~ion illegal. The petition requests the County fo establish our neighborhoods as a Counfy based "Limited Area of More ~_n~ense Rural ~evelopment' o:r LAMIRD for short. This option was not available when the County first adopted i'~s growth plan for our neighborhoods. The LAMIRD option aiIows our neighborhoods to retain their large lot suburban character, remain outs[de the City and avoid costly City sewer, stormwater and road upgrades. The LAMIRD option would allow continued development at the 1/2 acre tot size tha, t can be supported by continued use of individual septic systems. Th'e' area would continue to be S'erved by the County (roads, zoning, sheriff), the PUD (electric and water) and the ex[Sting fire district. The Ermis Creek ravine wouId separate our County based LAMIRD from tire City. By signing the petitioa~.be£ow you can exert pressure on )'our eIected representatives to ensure that your existing housing densities and land uses are retained, that you w~II continue to enjoy' a well maintained road system, that your taxes will remain as !ow as possible and that you cart continue to receive ser~,ices at known cost from the institutions that currently prov[cle them. Name (Print) Signature Address Date If you are a resident or business owner in the UGA (urban growth area) and this petition interests you, please have everyone over the age of 18 sign the petition and return it to the Bay loop Neighborhood Assoc. address above by April 29t~ 2004 in order for it to be presented at the May 5t~ Clailam County Planning Commission meeting. RETURN TO 2575 E. BAY STREET PORT ANGELES, WA. 98362 STOP ANNEXATION NOW. ! It is time to tell our elected County Commissioners that the residents of Bay Loop,'" Gales Addition', North Monroe and North Mount Pleasant Neighborhoods, do not want ~o be part of the City of Fort Angeles. By signing the'petition below you will De telling the Commissioners ~hat there are 'other legal options for growth.within our neighborhoods that would leave us within County jurisdiction and make annexaOon illegal. The petition requests the CounD' to establish ou~ neighborhoods as a County based "Limited A_rea of More Intense Rural D_evelopment" or LAMIRD for short. This option was not available when the Coun~ first adopted its growt~h plan for our neighborhoods. The LA3IIRD option allows our neighborhoods to retain their large lot suburban character, remain outside the City and avoid costly City sewer, stormwater and road upgrades. The LAMIR~ option would allow continued development at the 1/2 acre lot size that can be supported.by continued use of individual septic systems. Ttfe area would continue to be served by the County (roads, zoning, sheriff), the PUD (electric and water) and the existing fire district. The Ennis Creek ravine would separate our County based LA2,{IRD from the City. By signing the petition below you can exert pressure on your elected representatives to ensure that your ex[sting housing densities and land uses are retained, that you will continue to enjoy a well maintained road system, that your taxes will remain as Iow as possible and that you can continue to receive services at known cost from the institutions tI~at currently provide them. Name (_PrinO Si~nature~/7 Address Date If you are a resident or business owner in the UGA (urban growth area) and this petition interests you, please have everyone over the age of 18 sign the petition and return it to the Bay loop Neighborhood Assoc. address above by ..April, 29th, .2004 in order for it to be presented at the May 5th Clallam County Planning Commission .meeting. y ~~_. m ~ /~ ~ ~-~ ~ D-~r~ ~,~ RETURN TO 2575 E. BAY STREET PORT ANGELES, WA. 98362 STOP ANNEXATION NOW ! It is ffme to tell our elected County Commissioners that the res[dents of Bay Loop,' ~- Gales Addition, North Monroe and North Mount Pleasant Neighborhoods, do not waat fo be part of the Ci~ of Port Angeles. By signing the petition below you will be telling the Commissioners that there are other legal optioas for growth within our neighborhoods that wouId leave us within County jurisdiction and make annexation illegal. The petition requests the County to establish our neighborhoods as a County based "Limited ~rea of More Intense Rural D__evelopment" or LAMIRD for short. This option was not avaitabIe when the Count3' first adopted its growth plan for our neigI-tborhoods. The LAMIRD option allows our neighborhoods to retain their Iarge lot suburban cl~aracter, remaia outside the City and avoid costly City sewer, stormwater and road upgrades. The LAMIRD option woutd allow continued clevelopment at the 1/2 acre Iot size that eaa be supported by continued use of individual septic systems. The area v~ould continue to be servecl by t~e County (roads, zoning, sI~eriff), tI~e PUD (e~ectr[c and water) and the existing fire district. The Enn[s Creek ravine would separate our County based LAMIRD from the City. By signing the petition be[ow you can exert pressure on your elected representatives to ensure that your existing housing densities and !and uses are retained, that you will continue ~o enjoy a well maintained road system, that your taxes will remain as low as possible and that you can continue t° receive sera, lees at 'known cost from the. institutions tI~at currently provide them. Name (Print) Signature Address Date If you are a resident or business owner in the UGA (urban growth area) and this petition interests you, please have everyone over the age of 18 sign the petition and return it to the Bay loop Neighborhood Assoc. address above by April 29th~ 2004 in order for it to be presented at the May 5th Clallam County Planning Commission meeting. RETURN TO 2575 E. BAY STREET PORT ANGELES, WA. 98362 STOP ANNEXATION NOW!. It is ~me to tell our elected County Commissioners that the residents of Bay Loop,' '- Gales Addition, North Monroe and North Mount Pleasant Neighborhoods, do not want to be part of the City of Port Angeles. By signing the petition below you will be telling the Commissioners that there are other' legal options for growth within our neighborhoods ~hat wouId leave us within Connty jurisdiction and make annexation illegal. The petition requests the County fo establish our neighborhoods as a County based "Limited Area of More l~ntense Rural Development" or LA3~IRD for short. This option was not available when the Count3' first adopted i~s growth plan for our neighborhoods. The LAMIRD option allows our neighborhoods to retain their large lot suburban ctaaracter, remain outside ~he Cie3' and avoid costly City sewer, stormwater and road upgrades. The LAMIRD option would allow continued development at the 1/2 acre Iot s~ze that can be supported by con.f~nued use of individual septic systems. Th'e area would continue to be served by the Count'.,, (roads, zoning, sher~£f), the PUD (electr~c and.water) and the existing fire district. The Ennis Creek ravine would separate our County based LAMIRD from the C[tT. By signing the petition below you can exert pressure on your elected representatives to ensure that your ex[sting housing densities and land uses are retained, that you will continue to enjoy a well maintained road system, that your taxes will remain as low as possible and that you eau continue to receive ser~qces at known cost from the institutions that currently provide them. Name (Print) Signature Address Date If you are a resident or business owner in the UGA (urban growth area) and this petition interests yon, please have everyone over the age of 18 sign the petition and return it to the Bay loop Neighborhood Assoc. address above by April 29th~ 2004 in order for it to be presented at the May 5th Clallam County. Planning Commission meeting. RETURN TO 2575 E. BAY STREET PORT ANGELES, WA. 98362 STOP ANNEXATION NOW! tt is time to tel! our elected County Commissioners that the res[dents of Bay Loop,' '- Gales Addition, North Monroe and North Mount Pleasant Neighborhoods~ do not want to be part of the City of Port Angeles. By signing the petit[on below you will be telling the Commissioners that there are other legal options for growth within our neighborhoods that~vould leave us within County jurisdiction --.nd make annexation illegal. The petition requests the Count, to establish our neighborhoods as a County based "Limited Area of More _~ntense R__ural Development" or LAMIRD for short. This option was not available when the Count, first adopted its growth plan for. our neighborhoods. The LAMIRD option allows our neighborhoods to retain their large lot suburban character, remain outside the City and avoid costly City sewer, stormwater and road upgrades. The LAMIRD option would atlow continued development at the 1/2 acre lot size that can be supported by continued use of individual septic systems. The area would continue to be served by the County (roads, zoning, sheriff), the PUD (electric and water) and the existing fire district. The Ennis Creek ravine would separate our CounOy based LAMIRD from the City. By signing the petition below you can exert pressure on your eIected representatives to ensure that your ex~sting housing densiffes and land uses are retained, that you w[II continue to enjoy a well maintained road system~ that your taxes will remain as Iow as possibIe and that you can continue to receive ser~qces at known cost from the institutions that currently provide them. Name (Print) Si ,ature. ~ . _ Addr~ss~ .... Date If you are a resident or business owner in the UGA (urban growth area) and this petition interests you, please have everyone over the age of 18 sign the petition and return it to the Bay loop Neighborhood Assoc. address above by April 29th~ 2004 in order for it to be presented at the May 5th Clallam County Planning Commission meeting. RETURN TO 2575 E. BAY STREET PORT ANGELES, WA. 98362 STOP ANNEXATION NOW! l~t is time to tell our elected County Commissioners that the residents of Bay Loop,' '- Gales Addition, North Monroe and North Mount Pleasant Neighborkoods, do not want to be part of the City of Port Angeles. By signing the petition below you will be telI[ng the Commissioners that there are other legal options for growtla within our neighborhoods that would l~-~ave us within County jurisdiction and make annexation illegal. The petition reque~;ts the CoUnty to establish our neighborhoods as a County based "l~imited Area of ~'{ore Intense Rural DeveIopment"-or LAMIRD for short. This option was not available when the County first adopted its growth plan for our neighborhoods. The LAMIRD option allows our neighborhoods to retain their large iot suburban character, remain outside the City and avoid costly City server, stormwater and road upgrades. The LAMIRD option would allow continued development z~t the 1/2 acre lot size that can be supported by continued use of individual septic systems. Th'e area would continue to be served by the County (roads, zoning, sheriff), tl~e PUD (electric and water) and the ex[sting fire district. The Ennis Creek ravine would separate our County based LAMIRD from the City. By signing the petition belo~v you can exert pressure on your elected representatives to ensure that your existing housing densities and land uses are retained, that you will continue to enjoy a well maintained road system, that your taxes will remain as low as possible and that you can continue to receive services at known cost from the institutions that currently provide them. a~m.e ~Print) If you are a resident or business owner in the UGA (urban growth area) and this petition interests you, please have everyone over the age of 18 sign the petition 'and return it to the Bay loop Neighborhood Assoc. address above by April 29th~ 2004 in order for it to be presented at the May 5th Clallam County Planning Commission meeting. RETURN TO 2575 E. BAY STREET PORT ANGELES, WA. 98362 STOP ANNEXATION NOW! IX is time to tell our elected County Commissioners that the residents of Bay Loop,' '- GaIes Addition~ North h{onroe and North Mount Pleasant Neighbor[~oocls, do not want to be part of the City of Port Angeles. By signing the petit[on .below you will be telling the Commissioners that there are other legal options for growth within our neighborhoods that would leave us within CounD' jurisdiction and make annexation illegal. T~e petition requests the Coun~ to establish our neighborhoods as a Coun~ based "Limited ~rea of More intense ~ural Bevelopmeat" or L~I~ for short. This option was not available when the Count' first adopted lis growth pIaa for our neighborhoods. The L~~ option allows our neighborhoods to retain their large lot suburban c~aracter, remain outside the Ci~, and avoid costly Ci~ sewer, stormwater and roa4 upgrades. The L~{I~ option would allow continued development at the 1/2 acre Iot size that can be supported by continued use of individual septic systems. The area would continue to be se~ed by the Coun~ (roads, zoning, sherif0, the P~ (electric and wateO and the existing fire district. The Ennis Creek ravine wouId separate our Coun~ based L~MI~ from the Ci~. By signing the petition.betow you can exert pressure on your eIected representatives to ensure that your exi~sting housing densities and land uses are retained, that you wiIl continue to enjoy awetl maintained road system, that your taxes will remain as !ow as possible and that you can continue to receive se~ices at ~own cost from the institutions that currently provide them. Name Print) S/enamre~ [ ( . o . - ~ Address Date If you are a resident or business owner in the UGA (urban growth area) and this petition interests you, please have everyone over the age of 18 sign the petition and return it to the Bay loop Neighborhood Assoc. address above by April 29th, 2004 in order for it to be presented at the May 5tb Clallam County Planning Commission meeting. RETURN TO 2575 E. BAY STREET PORT ANGELES, WA. 98362 STOP ANNEXATION NO ;V ! l~t is ffme to tell our elected County Commissioners that the residents of Bay Loop,' '- GaIes Addition, North Monroe and North Mount Pleasant Neighborhoods, do not want to be part of the City of Port Angeles. By signing the petition below you will be telling the Commissioners that there are other legal options for growth within our neighborhoods that would leave us within County jurisdiction and make annexation illegal. The petition requests the Count}, to establish our neighborhoods as a County based "Limited Area of 5qore Intense R.ural Development" or LAMIRD for short. This option was not available when the County first adopted its growth plan for our neighborhoods. The LAIvlIRD option alIows our neighborhoods to retain their large lot suburban character, remain outs[de the City and avoid eostIy City sewer, stormwa~er and road upgrades. The LAMIRD option would alIow continued development at the 1/2 acre Iot size that can be supported by continued use of individual septic systems. The area would continue to be scm'ed by tI,~e County (roads, zoning, sher[f0, the PUD (electric and water) and the existing fire district. The Ennis Creek ravine would separate our County based LAMIRD from the CRy. By signing the petition below you can exert pressure on your eIected representatives to ensure that your ex[sting housing densiffes and land uses are retained, that you will continue to enjoy a well maintained road system, that your taxes will remain as !ow as possible and that you can continue to receive services at known cost from the institutions that currently provide them. Name (Print) Signature Add. er~s Date If you are a resident or business owner in the UGA (urban growth area) and this petition interests you, please have everyone over the age of 18 sign the petition and return it to the Bay loop Neighborhood Assoc. address above by April 29th~ 2004 in order for it to be presented at the May St~ Clallam County Planning Commission meeting. RETURN TO 2575 E. BAY STREET PORT ANGELES, WA. 98362 STOP ANNEXATION It is ffme to tell our elected County Commissioners that the res[dents of Bay Loop,' Gales Addition, North Monroe and North Mount PIeasant Neighborhoods, do not want ~o be part of the City of Port Angeles. By signing the petit~ou below you will be telIing the Commissioners that there are other legal options for growth within our neighborhoods that would leave us within County jurisdiction and make annexation illegal. TIae petition requests the County to establish our neighborhoods as a County Based "Limited Area of More Intense Rural Development" or LAMIRD for short. This option was not available when the Couaty first adopted its growth plan for our ne,.'ghborhoods. The LAMIRD option allows our neighborhoods to retain their large lot suburban cttaracter, remain outside the City and avoid costly City sewer, stormwater and road upgrades. The LAMIRD option would allow continued development at the 1/2 acre lot size that can be supported by continued use of individual septic systems. Th'e area would continue to be served by the County (roads, zoning, sheriff), the PUD (electric and water) and tl~e existing fire district. The Ermis Creek ravine would separate our County based LAMIRD from the City. By signing the petition below you can exert pressure on your elected representatives to ensure that your existing housing densities and land.uses are retained, that you will continue to enjoy a well maintained road system, that your taxes will remain as Iow as possibIe and that you can continue to receive services at 'known cost from the institutions that currently provide them. ;~.~_/'~:Name (Print) Signature .Address Date If you are a resident or business owner in the UGA (urban growth area) and this petition interests you, please have everyone over the age of 18 sign the petition and return it to the Bay loop Neighborhood Assoc. address above by April 29th, 2004 in order for it to be presented at the May 5t~ Clallam County Planning Commission meeting. RETURN TO 2575 E. BAY STREET PORT ANGELES, WA. 98362 STOP ANNEXATION NOW!.* It is ffme to tell our elected County Commissioners that the residents of Bay Loop,' '- Gales Additioa, North Monroe and North Mount Pleasant NeighBorhoods, do not want to be part of the City of Port Angeles. By signing the petition below you will be telling the Commissioners that there are other legal options for growth w[tlain our neighborhoods that would leave us within County jurisdiction and make ~nnexation illegal. The petition requests the County to establish our neighborhoods as a County based "Limited Area of More Intense Rural DeveIopment" or LAMIRD for short. This option was not available when the Count5' first adopted its growth plan for our neighborhoods. The LAMIRD option allows our neighborhoods to retain their large lot suburban character, remain outside the City and avoid costly City sewer, storm~vater and road upgrades. The LAMIRD option would allow continued development at the 1/2 acre lot size that can be supported by continued use of individual septic systems. Th'e area would continue to be served by tI~e County (roads, zoning, sheriff), the PUD (electric and water) and the existing fire district. The Ennis Creek ravine would separate our County based LAMIRD from the City. By signing the petition belo~v you Can exert pressure on your elected representatives to ensure that your existing housing densities and land uses are retained, that you will continue to enjoy a well maintained road system, that your taxes will remain as. Iow as possible and that you can Continue to receive services at known cost from the institutions that currently provide them. Name (Print) Signature Address Date / If you are a resident or business owner in the UGA (urban growth area) and this petition interests you, please have everyone over the age of 18 sign the petition and return it to the Bay loop Neighborhood Assoc. address above by April 29th~ 2004 in order for it to be presented at the May 5th Clallam County Planning Commission meeting. RETURN TO 2575 E. BAY STREET PORT ANGELES, WA. 98362 STOP ANNEXATION NOW*.. It is time to tell our elected County Commissioners that the residents of Bay Loop,' - Gales Addition, North Monroe and North Mount Pleasant Neighborhoods, do not w~-nt ~o be part of the City of Port Angeles. By signing the petition beIow you will be telling the Commissioners that tt~ere are other legal options for growth wlth[n our neighborhoods that would leave us within County jurisdiction and make annexation illegal. The petition requests the County to establish our neighborhoods as a County based "Limited Area of More Intense Rural Development" or LAMIRD for short. This option was not available when the County first adopted its growth plan for our neighborhoods. The LAMIRD option alIows our neighborhoods to retain their large lot suburban character, remain outside the C;.ty and avoid costly City sewer, stormwater and road upgrades. The LAMIRD option would allow continued development at the 1/2 acre lot size that can be supported by continued use of individual septic systems. The area would continue to be served by the County (roads, zoning, sheriff), the PUD (electr[c and water) and the existing fire district. The Ennis Creek ravine would separate our County based LAMIRD from the City. By signing the petition below you can exert pressure on your elected representatives to ensure that your existing housing densities and land uses are retained, that you will continue to enjoy a well maintained road system, that your taxes will remain as !ow as possible and that you can continue to receive semqces at known cost from the institutions that currently provide them. Name (Print) Signature Addr~ess Date If you are a resident or business owner in the UGA (urban growth area) and this petition interests you, please have everyone over the age of 18 sign the petition and return it to the Bay loop Neighborhood Assoc. address above by April 29th~ 2004 in order for it to be presented at the May 5th Clallam County Planning Commission · meeting. RETURN TO 2575 E. BAY STREET PORT ANGELES, WA. 98362 STOP ANNEXATION NOW!! It is time ~o tell our elected County Commissioners that the residents of Bay Loop,' Gales Addition, North Monroe and North Mount PIeasant Neighborraoods, do not want to be part of the City of Port Angeles. By signing the petition below you will be telling the Commissioners that there are other legal options for growth within our neighborhoods that would leav'e us within County jurisdiction and make annexation illegal. The petition requests the County to establish our neighborhoods as a County based "Limited Area of More Intense ~ural Development" or LAMIRD for short. This option was not available when the County first adopted its growth plan for our neighborhoods. The LAMIRD Option allo~vs our neighborhoods to retain their large lot suburban character, remain outside the City and avoid costly City sewer, stormwater and road upgrades. The LAMIRD option would allow continued development at the 1/2 acre tot size that can be supported by continued use of individual septic systems. Th'e area would continue to be served by the County. (roads, zoning, sheriff), the PUD (electffe and water) and the existing fire district. The Ennis Creek ravine would separate our County based LAMIRD from the City. By signing the petition below you can exert pressure on your elected representatives to ensure that your existing housing densities and land uses are retained; that you will continue to enjoy a well maintained road system, that your taxes will remain as Iow as possible and that you can continue to receive services at known cost from the institutions that currently provide them. Name (Print) Signature Address Date If you are a resident or business owner in the UGA (urban growth area) and this petition interests you, please have everyone over the age of 18 sign the petition and return it to the Bay loop Neighborhood Assoc. address above by April 29th, 2004 in order for it to be presented at the May 5th Clallam County Planning Commission meeting. RETURN TO 2575 E. BAY STREET PORT ANGELES, WA. 98362 STOP ANNEXATION NOW .. It is time to tell our elected County Commissioners that the residents of Bay Loop,'" Gales Addition, North Monroe and North Mount Pleasant Neighborhoods, do not want ~o be part of the City of Port Angeles. By signing the petition below you will be telling the Commissioners that there are other legal options for growth within our neighborhoods that would leave us within County jurisdiction and make annexation illegal. The petition requests the Count), ~o establish our neighborhoods as a County based "Limited Area of IV[ore Intense R_R_ural D__evelopment" or LAMIRD for short. This option was not available when the Count3' first adopted ifs growth plan for our neighborhoods. The LAMIRD option allows our neighborhoods to ~etain their large lot suburban character, remain outside the City and avoid costly City sewer, stormwater and road upgrades. The LAMIRD option would allow continued development at the 1/2 acre Io~ s~ze that can be supported by continued use of individual septic systems. The area would continue ~o be served by the County (roads, zoning, sheriff), ~he PUD (electric and water) and the existing fire district. The Ennis Creek ravine would separate our County based LAMIRD from the City. By signing the petition beloxv you can exert pressure on your elected representatives to ensure that your existing housing densities and land uses are retained, that you will continue to enjoy a well maintained road system, that your taxes will remain as !ow as possible and that you can continue to receive sero, ices at ~-zown cost from the institutions that currently provide them. ,.N.,ame (Print) Signature Address O~P~ Date If you are a resident or business owner in the UGA (urban grosvth area) and this petition interests you, please have everyone over the age of 18 sign the petition and return it to the Bay loop Neighborhood Assoc. address above by April 29th, 2004 in order for it to be presented at the May 5th Clallam County Planning Commission meeting. RETURN TO 2575 E. BAY STREET PORT ANGELES, WA. 98362 STOP ANNEXATION NOW ! It is time to tell our elected County Commissioners that the res[dents of Bay Loop,' '- Gales Addition, North Monroe and North Mount PleaSant NeighborhoOds, do not want to be part of the City of Port Angeles. By signing the petit[on below you will be telling the Commissioners that tlaere are other legal options for growth with~a our neighborhoods that would leave us within County jurisdiction and make annexation ilIegal. The petition requests the County to establish our neighborhoods as a County based "Limited Area of More Intense ~Rural D. evelopment" or LAMIRD for short. This option was not available when the County first adopted its growth pIan for our neighborhooc/s. The LAMIRD option aIIo~vs our neighborhoods to retain their large lot suburban ctaaracter, remain outside the CitT and avoid costly City sewer, storm~vater and road upgrades. The LA~IIRD ~option would allow continued development at the 1/2 acre Iot size that can be suppor~ted by continued use of individual septic systems. Th'e area would continue to be served by tI~e County (roads, zoning, sheriff), the PUD (eIeetric and water) and the ex~sting fire district, The Eanis Creek ray,ne would separate our County based LA_r~I1RD from the CRy. By s~gn[ag the petition be£ow you can exert pressure on your elected representatives to ensure that your ex~sting housing densiffes and land uses are retained, that you w~[1 continue to enjoy a well maintained road system, that your taxes ~vill remain as !o~v as possible and that you eau conffnue to receive services at kno~vn cost from the institutions that currently provide them. Name (Print) Signature ,~ Address Date If you are a resident or business owner in the UGA (urban growth area) and this petition interests you, please have everyone over the age of 18 sign the petition and return it to the Bay loop Neighborhood Assoc. address above by April 29th~ 2004 in order for it to be presented at the May 5th Clallam County Planning Commission meeting. RETURN TO 2575 E. BAY STREET PORT ANGELES, WA. 98362 STOP ANNEXATION NOWI It is time to tell our elected County Commissioners that the res[dents of Bay Loop,' '- GaIes Addition, North h~[onroe and North Mount Pleasant Neighborhoods, do not want to be part of the Ci~ of PoFt Angeles. By signing the pea:it[om below you will be telling the Commissioners that there are other legal options fo~' gro~vth within our neighborhoods that ~'ould leave us ~vith[n Coun~ jurisdiction aad make annexation iIlegal. The petition requests the Coun~ ~o establish .our neighborhoods as a Coun~ based "~imited ~rea of ~ore Intense ~ural ~evelopment" or L~I~ for short. This option was not available when the Coun~ first adopted its gro~vth plan for our neighborhoods. The LAM~ option allo~vs our neighborhoods to retain their large lot suburban c~aracter, remain outside the City and avoid costly Ci~ sewer, stormwater and road upgrades. The L~{I~ option would allow continued developmeat at the 1/2 acre Iot size t~at can be supported by cont[aued use of individual septic systems. Th'e area would continue to be se~ed by t~e Coua~ (roads, zoaing, s~erifO, the P~ (electric and water) and the existiag fire district. The Enais Creek ravine ~'ould separate our Coua~ based L~MI~ from t~e Ci~. By signing the petition beto~v you can exert pressure oa your elected representatives to easure that your existing ~ousing densities and land uses are retained, that you w[II continue to enjoy a well maiatained road system, that your taxes will remain as !ow as possible and that you can continue to receive se~ices at ~own cost from the ~nstitut[ons t~at currently provide them. Name (Priat) Si~ature ~ Address Date If you are a resident or business owner in the UGA (urban growth area) and this petition interests you, please have everyone over the age of 18 sign the petition and return it to the Bay loop Neighborhood Assoc. address above by April 29t~ 2004 in order for it to be presented at the May 5th Clallam County Planning Commission meeting. RETURN TO 2575 E. BAY STREET PORT ANGELES, WA. 98362 STOP ANNEXATION N'OW ..* It is time ~o teIl our elected County Commissioners that the residents of Bay Loop,' - Gales Addition, North Monroe and North Mount PIeasant Ne[ghborIaoods, do not want to be part of the City of Port Angeles. By signing the petition below you will be telling the Commissioners that there are other legal options for growth within our neighborhoods that would leave us within County jurisdiction and make annexation illegal. The petition requests the Count-y to establish our neighborhoods as a County based "Limited Area of More Intense R~ural D_evelopment" or LAMIRD for short. This option was not available when the Count)' first adopted its growth plan for our neighborhoods. The LAMIRD option allows our neighborhoods to retain their large lot suburban character, remain outside the City and avoid costly City sewer, stormwater and roact Upgrades. The LA_MIRD option would allow continued development at the 1/2 acre tot size that can be supported by continued use of individual septic systems. Th'e area Would continue to be served by the Courted (roads, zoning, staerif0, t~,e PUD (electric and water) and the existing fire district. The Ennis Creek ravine would separate our Coun~ based LAMIRD from the City. By signing the petition below you can exert pressure on your elected representatives to ensure that your existing housing densities and land uses are retained, that you will continue to enjoy a well maintained road system, that your taxes will remain as iow as possible and that you can continue to receive services at known cost from the institutions that currently provide them. Name (Print) .Signature Address Date If you are a resident or business osvner in the UGA (urban growth area) and this petition interests you, please have everyone over the age of 18 sign the petition and return it to the Bay loop Neighborhood Assoc. address above by April 29t~, 2004 in order for it to be presented at the May 5th Clallam County Planning Commission meeting. RETURN TO 2575 E. BAY STREET PORT ANGELES, WA. 98362 STOP ANNEXATION NOW. .* It is time to tell our elected County Commissioners that the residents of Bay Loop,' - Gales Addition, North Monroe and. North Mount PIeasant Neighborhoods, do not want to be part of the City of P°rt Angeles. By signing the pelion below you ;vill be telling the Commissioners that there are other legal options for growth within our neighborhoods that would leave us within County jurisdiction and make annexation illegal. The petition requests the County to establish our neighborhoods as a County based "Limited Area of 5{ore Intense R_R_ural Bevelopment" or LAMIRD for short. This option was not available ~vhen the County first adopted its growth plan for our neighborhoods. The LAMIRD option aIlows our neighborhoods to retain their large lot suburban character, remain outside the CiD' and avoid costly City sewer, stormwater and road upgrades. The LAMIRD option ~'ould allow continued development at the 1/2 acre tot s~ze that can be supported by continued use of individuaI septic systems. Th'e area would continue to be served by the County (roads, zoning, st~eriff), the PUD (electr[c and water) and the existing fire'district. The Ennis Creek ravine would separate our County based LAMIRD from th'e City. By signing the petit[on below yOu can exert pressure on your eiected representatives to ensure that your ex~sting housing densities and land uses are retained, that you wiIl continue to enjoy a well maintained road system, that your taxes ;vill remain as Iow as possible and that you can continue to receive services at known cost from the institutions that currently provide them. Name (Print) Signature Address Date If you are a resident or business owner in the UGA (urban growth area) and this petition interests you, please have everyone over the age of 18 sign the petition and return it to the Bay loop Neighborhood Assoc. address above by April 29th, 2004 in order for it to be presented at the May 5th Clallam County Planning Commission meeting. RETURN TO 2575 E. BAY STREET PORT ANGELES, WA. 98362. STOP ANNEXATION NOW , It is ~[rne to tell our elected County Commissioners that the residents of 13ay Loop,' '- Gales Addition, North Monroe and North Mount Pleasant Neighborhoods, do not want to be part of the City of Port Angeles. By signing the petition belOw you will be telling the Con~tmissioners that there are other legal options for growth within our neighborhoods that would leave us within County jurisdiction and make annexation illegal. The petition requests the County. to establish our neighborhoods as a County based "Limited Area of More Intense Rural Development" or LAMIRD for short. This option was rtot available when the County first adopted its growth plan for our neighborhoods. The LAMIRD option allows our neighborhoods to retain their large lot suburban ctaaracter, remain outside the City and avoid costly City sewer, stormwater and road upgrades. The LAtCIIRD option would allow continued development at the 1/2 acre tot size that can be supported by continued use of individual septic systems. Th'e area would continue to be sera'ed by the County (roads, zoning, sheriff), the PUD (electric and water) and the existing fire district. The Ennis Creek ravine would separate our County based LduS~IIRD from the City. By signing the petition below you can exert pressure on your elected representatives to ensure that your existing housing densities and land uses are retained, that you w'ilI continue to enioy a well maintained road system, that your taxes will remain as !ow as possible and that you can continue to receive services at known cost from the institutions that currently provide them. Name (Print) Sig gat,t e Address Date If you are a resident or business owner in the UGA (urban growth area) and this petition interests you, please have everyone over the age of 18 sign the petition and return it to the Bay loop Neighborhood Assoc. address above by April 29m~ 2004 in order for it to be presented at the May 5th Ciallam County Planning Commission meeting. RETURN TO 2575 E. BAY STREET PORT ANGELES, WA. 98362 STOP ANNEXATION NOW!! It is time to tell our elected County Commissioners that the res[dents of Bay Loop,' '- iGales Addition, North. Monroe and North Mount Pleasant Neighborhoods, do not want to be part of the City of Port Angeles. By signing the petition, below you will be telling the Commissioners that there are other legal options forgrowth within our neighborhoods that would leave us within County jurisdiction and make annexation illegal. The petition requests the Count5, to establish our neighborhoods as a County based "Limited Area of_Y,~.]ore l[ntense Rural Development" or L.Ad'VIIRD for short. This option was not available when the County first adopted its growth plan for our neighborhoods. The LAMIRD option allows our neighborhoods to retain their large lot suburban character, remain outside the City and avoid costly City sewer, stormwater and road upgrades. The LA3,{rRD option would allow continued development ~.t the 1/2 acre tot size that eau be supported by continued use of individual septic systems. Th'e area would continue to be served by the County (roads, zoning, sherif0, the PUD (electric and water) and the existing fire district. The Ennis Creek ravine wouid separate our County based LAMI~ from the City. By signing the petition below you can exert pressure on your elected representatives to ensure that your exisffng housing densities and land uses are retained, that you w[II continue to enjoy a well maintained road system, that your taxes will remain as Iow as possible and th'at you can continue to receive services at known cost from the institutions that currently provide them. Name (Print) Signature Address Date. ~ I If you are a resident or business owner in the UGA (urban growth area) and this petition interests you, please have everyone over the age of 18 sign the petition and return it to the Bay loop Neighborhood Assoc. address above by April 29th~ 2004 in order for it to be presented at the May 5th Clallam County Planning Commission meeting. RETURN TO 2575 E. BAY STREET PORT ANGELES, WA. 98362 STOP ANNEXATION It is time to tell our elected County Commissioners that the residents of Bay Loop,' '- Gates Addition, North Monroe and North Mount PIeasant Neighborhoods, do not want to be part of the City of Port Angeles. By signing the petition below you will be telling the Commissioners that there are other legal options for growth within our neighborhoods that would leave us within County jurisdiction and make annexation 'illegal. The petition requests the County to establish our neighborhoods as a Coun~ based "Limited Area of More Intense Rural Development" or LAMIRD for short. This option was not available when the County first adopted its growth plan for our neighborhoods. The LAMIRD option allows our neighborhoods to retain their large lot suburban character, remain outside the Cit3, and avoid costly City sewer, stormwafer and road upgrades. The LAMIRD option would allow continued development at the 1/2 acre lot size that can be supported by cont[nuec[ use ofindivid, ual septic systems. The area would continue to be served by the County (roads, zoning, sher[fO, the PUD (electr[c and water) and the existing fire district. The Ennis Creek ravine would separate our County based LAMIRD from the City. By signing the petition below you can exert pressure on your elected representatives to ensure that your existing housing densities and land uses are retained, that you w[II continue to enjoy a well maintained road system, that your taxes will remain as Iow as possible and that you can continue to receive sera, lees at 'known cost from the institutions that currently provide them. Name (Prin0 Signature Address Date If you are a resident or business owner in the UGA (urban growth area) and this petition interests you., please have everyone over the age of 18 sign the petition and return it to the Bay loop Neighborhood Assoc. address above by April 29th~ 2004 in order for it to be presented at the May 5t~ Clallam County Planning Commission meeting. RETURN TO 2575 E. BAY STREET PORT ANGELES, WA. 98362 STOP ANNEXATION NOW ..* It [s time to tell our elected County Commissioners that the residents of Bay Loop,'" Gales Addition, North Monroe and North Mount Pleasant Neighborhoods, do not want to be part of the City of Port Angeles. By signing the petition b~Iow you will be telling the Commissioners that there are other legal options for growth within Our neighborhoods that would leax'e us within County jurisdiction and make annexation illegal. The petition requests the County to establish our neighboi-hoods as a COunty based "Limited Area of More Intense Rural D_evelopment" or LAMIRD for short. This option was not available when the County first adopted its'~rowth plan for our neighborhoods. The LAMIRD option alllbws our neighborhoods to retain their large lot suburban character, remain outside the City and' avoid costly City sewer, stormwater and road upgrades. The LAblIRDi option would'allow continued development at the 1/2 aero [or size that can be suppc~rted by continued use of individual septic systems. The area would continue to be served by the County (roads, zoning, sheriff), the PUD (electric and water) and the existi~g fire district. The Ennis Creek ravine would separate our County based LAMIRD from the City. By signing the petition b~Iow you can exert pressure on your elected representatives to ensure that your existing housing densities and land uses are retained, that you w[II continue to enjoy a Well maintained road system, that your taxes will remain as !ow as possible and that You can continue to receive scm, ices at known cost from the institutions that currently provide them. Name (Print) Sigu, atu~,e , Address Date If you are a resident or business owner in the UGA (urban growth area) and this petition interests you, please have everyone over the age of 18 sign the petition and return it to the Bay loop Neighborhood Assoc. address above by April 29th, 2004 in order for it to be presented at the May 5th Clallam County Planning Commission meeting. RETURN TO 2575 E. BAY STREET PORT ANGELES, WA. 98362 STOP ANNEXATION NOVV . ! It is time to tell our elected County Commissioners that the residents of Bay Loop,' '- Gales Addition, North Monroe and North Mount Pleasant Neighborhoods, do not want to be part of the City of Port Angeles. By signing the petition below you will be telling the Commissioners that there are other legal opffons for growth within our neighborhoods that would leave us within County jurisdiction and make annexation illegal. The petition requests the County to establish our neighborhoods as a County based "Limited Area of h~ore Intense R__ural Development" or LANIIRD for short. This option was not available when the County. first adopted its growth plan for our neighborhoods. The LAMIRD option allows our neighborhoods to retain their large Iot suburban character, remain outside the CiO' and avoid costly City sewer, stormwater and road upgrades. The LA~rIRD option would allow continued development at the 1/2 acre lot size that can be supported by continued use of individual septic systems. The area would continue to be served by the County (roads, zoning, sheriff), the PUD (e!ectric and water) and the existing fire district. The Ennis Creek ravine would separate our County based LAMIRD from the City. By signing the petition belo~v you can exert pressure on your elected representatives to ensure that 3'our existing housing densities and land uses are retained, that you will continue to en]oy a well maintained road system, that your taxes will remain as Iow as possible and that you can continue to receive services at known cost from the instieutions that currently provide them. Name (Print) Signature Address Date If you are a resident or business owner in the UGA (urban growth area) and this petition interests you, please have everyone over the age of 18 sign the petition and return it to the Bay loop Neighborhood Assoc. address above by April 29th~ 2004 in order for it to be presented at the May 5th Clallam County Planning Commission meeting. . . PORT ANGELES_,_wA. 98362./__~. STOP ANNEXATION NOW it is time to tell our elected Coun~ Commissioners that the res[dents of Bay ~~ GaIes Addition, North Monroe and North ~{ount Pleasant Neighborhoods~ do not want to be part of the Ci~ of Port Angeles. By signing the petition below you w/It be telling the Commissioners that there are other legal options for growth w/thin our neighborhoods that would leave us within Coun~ jurisdiction and make annexation illegal. The petition requests the Coun~ to establish our neighborhoods as a Coun~ based "Limited ~rea of More intense ~ural Bevelopment" or L~I~ for short. This option was not available when the CounB' first adopted its growth plan for our neighborhoods. The L~~ option allows our neighborhoods to retain their large lot suburban character, remain outside the Ci~, and avoid costly Ci~ sewer, stormwater and road upgrades. The L~'II~ option would alIow continued development at the 1/2 acre lot size that can be supported by continued use of individual septic systems. The area would continue to be se~ed by the Count' (roads, zoning, sherle, the P~ (electric and wateO and the existing fire district. The Ennis Creek ravine would separate our Coun~ based LAMIRD from the Ci~. By signing the petition betow you can exe~ pressure on your elected representatives to ensure that your existing housing densities and land uses are retained,, that you w/II continue to enjoy a well maintained road system, that your taxes will remain as Iow as possible and that you can continue to receive semites at ~own cost from the insti~tions that currently provide them. Name (Print) Signature Address Date - If you are a resident or business owner in the UGA (urban growth area) and this petition interests you, please have everyone over the age of 18 sign the petition and return it to the Bay loop Neighborhood Assoc. address above by April 29th~ 2004 in order for it to be presented at the May 5th Clallam County Planning Commission meeting. RETURN TO 2575 E. BAY STREET PORT ANGELES, WA. 98362 STOP ANNEXATION NOW!. It is dine to tell our elected County Commissioners that the residents of Bay Loop,' '- Gales Addition, North 1VIonroe and North Mount Pleasant Neighborhoods, do not want to be part of the Cit'-y of Port Angeles. By signing the petition beIow you will be telling the Commissioners that there are other legal options for growth within our neighborhoods that would leave us within County jurisdiction and make annexation illegal. The petition requests the County to establish our neighborhoods as a County based "Limited Area of More Intense Rural Development" or LAMIRD for short. This option was not available when the Count5' first adopted its growth plan for our neighborhoods. The LAMIRD option alIows our neighborhoods to retain their large lot suburban character, remain outside the City.and avoid costly City sewer, stormwater and road · upgrades. The LA1VIIRD option would allow continued development at the 1/2 acre Iot size.that can be supported by continued use of individual septic systems. Th'e area would continue to be serwed by the. County (roads, zoning, sheriff), the PUD (electric and water) and the existing fire district. The Ennis Creek ravine would separate our County based LAMIRD from the City. By signing the petition be[ow you eau exertpressure on >,our elected representatives to ensure that your existing housing densities and land uses are retained, that you will continue to enjoy a well maintained road system, that your taxes will remain as Iow as possible and that you can continue to receive services at 'known cost from the institutions that currently provide them. Name (Print) Sitmature .~ Address Date If you are a resident or business owner in the UGA (urban growth area) and this petition interests you, please have everyone over the age of 18 sign the petition and return it to the Bay loop Neighborhood Assoc. address above by April 29th, 2004 in order for it to be presented at the May 5th Clallam County Planning Commission meeting. RETURN TO 2575 E. BAY STREET · PORT ANGELES, WA. 98362 STOP ANNEXATION It is time to tell our elected County Commissioners that the residents of Bay Loop,' Gales Addition, North Monroe and NOrth Mount PIeasant Neighborhoods, do not want to be part of the City of Port Angeles. By signing the petition below you will be telIing the Commissioners that there are other legal optiOns for growth within Ohr neighborhoods that would leave us within County jurisdiction and make annexation illegal. The petition requests the County to establish our:neighborhoods as a COUnty based "Limited Area of More Intense Rural Development" or LAMIRD for Short. This option was not available when the County first ad'~pted its'growth plan for our'neighborhoods. The LAMIRD Option allows our neighborhoods to retain their large lot suburban character, remain outside the Cit-3, and :avoid costly City sewer, stormwater and road upgrades. The LAMIRD option would :hllo~v continued development at the 1/2 acre Iot size that eanbe suppOrted by continued use of individual septic systems. Th'e area would continue 'to be Served by the CoUnty (roads, zoning, sheriff), the PUD (electric and water) and the existing fire district.. The Ennis Creek ravine would separate our County based LAMIRD from the City. By signing the petition 13elow you can exert pressure on your elected representatives to ensure that Your ex[sting hOusing densities and land uses are retained, that you ~vill continue to :enjoy a well maintained road system, that your taxes will remain as Iow as possibIe and that you can continue to receive sero, ices at known cost from the institutions that currently provide them. Name (Print) Signature Address Date If you are a resident or business owner in the UGA (urban growth area) and this petition interests you, please have everyone over the age of 18 sign the petition and return it to the Bay loop Neighborhood Assoc. address above by .April 29th, 2004 in order for it to be presented at the May 5tb Clallam County Planning Commission meeting. RETURN TO 2575 E. BAY STREET PORT ANGELES, WA. 98362 STOP ANNEXATION NOVV . It is time to tell our elected County Commissioners that the residents of Bay Loop,'" GaIes Addition, North 1V~onroe and North Mount Pleasant Neighborhoods, do not want to be part of the Ci~, of Port Angeles. By signing the petition be[ow you will be telling the Commissioners that there are other legal options for growth w~th~n our neighborhoods that wouId leave us within CounW jurisdiction and make annexation illegal. The petition requests the Coun~ ~o establish our neighborhoods as a Caun~ based "~[miCed Area of More ~_ntense Rural ~evelopment" or L~I~ for short. This option was not available when the Coun~ first adopted its growth pIan for our neighborhoods. The L~{L~ option allows our neighborhoods to retain their large lot suburban character, remain outs[de the Ci~, and avoid costly CiW sewer, stormwater and road upgrades. The L~I~ option would allow continued development at the 1/2 acre tot size that can be supported by continued use of individual septic systems. Th'e area would continue to be se~ed by the CounW (roads, zoning, sherif0, the PUD (electric and water) and the ex~sting fire district. The Ennis Creek ravine would separate our Coun~ based L.~MI~ from the Ci~. By signing the petition beIow you can exert pressure on your elected representatives to ensure that your existing housing densities and land uses are retained, that you will continue to enjoy a well maintained road system, that your taxes will remain as Iow as possible and that you can continue to receive semites at ~own cost from the institutions that currently provide them. Name (Print) Signature Address Date If you are a resident or business owner in the UGA (urban growth area) and this petition interests you, please have everyone over the age of 18 sign the petition and return it to the Bay loop Neighborhood Assoc. address above by April 29th, 2004 in order for it to be presented at the May 5th Clallam County Planning Commission meeting. RETURN TO 2575 E. BAY STREET PORT ANGELES:_ WA. 98362 STOP ANNEXATION NO'W ! It is time to tell our elected County Commissioners that the residents of Bay Loop,' - Gales Addition, North Monroe and North Mount PIeasant Neighborhoods, do not waat to be part of the City of Port Angeles. By signing the petition below you will be telling the Commissioners that there are other legal options for growth within our neighborhoods that would leave us within County jurisdiction and make annexation illegal. T~e petition requests the County to establish our neighborhoods as a County based "Limited Area of ~_~![.ore Intense Rural Development" or LAMIRD for short. This option was not available when the Couaty first adopted its growth plan for our neighborhoods. The LAMIRD option allows our neighborhoods to retain their large lot suburban c.haracter, remain outside the City and avoid costly City sewer, stormwater and road upgrades. The LAMIRD option would allow continued development at the 1/2 acre lot size that can be supported by continued use of individual septic systems. Th'e area ~ -'~would continue to be served by t~e County (roads, zoning, sheriff), the PUD (electric and water) and the existing fire district. The Ennis Creek ravine would separate our Couaty based LAMIRD from the City. By signing the pet:itioa below you can exert pressure on your elect:ed representaffves to ensure that your existing housing densities and land uses are retained, that you wiII continue to en~oy a well maintained road system, that your taxes will remain as Iow as possible and that you can continue to receive services at known cost from the institutions that currently provide them. Name (Print) Signature /In ~'~v,M ~__( ~.at_mo.:.~.~.[~/"'~...~ ~_. Address D~/.~te If you are a resident or business owner in the UGA (urban growth area) and this petition interests you, please have everyone over the age of 18 sign the petition and return it to the Bay loop Neighborhood Assoc. address above by April 29th~ 2004 in order for it to be presented at the May 5th Clallam County Planning Commission meeting. RETURN TO 2575 E. BAY STREET PORT ANGELES, WA. 98362 STOP ANNEXATION NOW ! l~t is ffme to tell our elected County C6mmissioners that the residents of Bay Loop,' '- Gales Addition, North Monroe and North Mount Pleasant Neighborhoods, do not avant to be part of the City of Port Angeles. By signing the petition below'you will be telling the Commissioners that there are other legal opffons for growth within our neighborhoods that would leave us within County jurisdiction and make annexation illegal. The petition requests the County to establish our neighborhoods as a County based "Limited Area of More l~ntense Rural Development" or LAMIRD for short. This option was not available when the CountT first adopted ~s grow'~h plan for our neighborhoods. The LAMtRD option allows Our neighborhoods to retain their large lot suburban character, remain outside the City and avoid costly City sewer, stormwater and road upgrades. The LAMIRD opffon would allow continued development at the 1/2 acre ~0t s~ze that can be supported.by continued use of individual septic systems. The area would continue to be served by ~he County' (roads, zoning, sheriff), the PUD (electric and water) and the e~isting fire district. The Ennis Creek ravine would separate our County based LAMIRD from the City. By signing the petition below you can exert pressure on your elected representatives ~o ensure that your existing housing densities and land uses are retained, that you will continae to enjoy a well maintained road system, that your taxes will remain as Iow as possible and that you Can conffnue ~o receive ser~qces at known cost from the ~nstitutions that currently provide them. Name (Print) Signatur~ < Address Date If you are a resident or business owner in the UGA (urban growth area) and this petition interests you, please have everyone over the age of 18 sign the petition and return it to the Bay loop Neighborhood Assoc. address above by April 29th~ 2004 in order for it to be presented at the May 5t~ Clallam County Planning Commission meeting. RETURN TO 2575 E. BAY STREET PORT ANGELES, WA. 98362 STOP ANNEXATION NOW ! ~t is time to tell our elected COunty Commissioners that the residents of Bay Loop,' '- Gales Addition, North Monroe and North Mount Pleasant Neighborhoods, do not want to be part of the Ci~ of Port Angeles. By signing the petition below you will be telling the Commissioners that there are other legal options for growth within our neighborhoods that would leave us within County jurisdiction and make annexation illegal. The petition requests the ConntT to establish our neighborhoods as a County based "Limited Area of More intense Rural Development" or LAMIRD for short. This option was not available when the Count3' first adopted its growth plan £or our neighborhoods. The LAMIRD option allows our neighborhoods to retain their large lot suburban character, remain outside the City and avoid costly CRy sesver, stormwater and road upgrades. The LAMIRD option would allow continued development at the 1/2 acre lot s~ze that can be supported by continued use of individual septic systems. Th'e area would continue to be served by tl~e County (roads, zoning, sheriff), ~he PUD (electric and water) and the existing fire dis~r~ct. The Ennis Creek ray,ne would separate our County based LANIIRD from the City. By signing the petition below you can exert pressure on your elected representatives to ensure that your existing housing densities and land uses are retained, that you will continue to enjoy a well maintained road system, that your taxes will remain as !ow as possible and that you can continue to receive ser~,ices at known cost from the institutions that currently provide them. Name (Print) Signature Address Date If you are a resident or business owner in the UGA (urban growth area) and this petition interests you, please have everyone over the age of 18 sign the petition and return it to the Bay loop Neighborhood Assoc. address above by April 29th~ 2004 in order for it to be presented at the May 5tb Clallam County Planning Commission meeting. RETURN TO 2575 E. BAY STREET PORT ANGELES, WA. 98362 STOP ANNEXATION NOW[! It is time to tell our elected County Commissioners that the residents of Bay Loop,' '- Gales Addition, Not, th Monroe and North Mount Pleasant Neighborhoods, do not want to be part of the City of Port Angeles. By signing the petition below you will be telling the Commissioners that there are other legal options for growth within our neighborhoods-that would leave us within County jurisdiction and make annexation illegal. Tl~e petition requests the County to establish our neighborhoods as a County based "Limited Area o~ More _Intense l~ural D_evelopmeni~' or LAMIRD for short. This option was not available when the Couaty first adopted its growth plan for our neighborhoods. The LAMIRD option allows our neighborhoods to retain their large lot suburban c~aracter, remain Outs[de the City and avoid costly City sewer, stovmwater and road upgrades. The LAMIRD option would allow continued development at the 1/2 acre lot s.~ze that can be supported by continued use of individual septic systems. The area would cantinue to be served by tIae County (roads, zoaing, sheriff), the PUD (electric and water) and the existing fire district. The Ennis Creek ravine would separate our Coua~ based LA3~IIRD from the City. By s~gning the petition below you can exert pressure on your elected representatives to ensure that your existing housing densities and land uses are retained, that you will coatinue to enjOy a well maintained road system, that your taxes will remain as ~o,,v as possible and that you can continue to receive services at known cost from the institutions that currently provide them. Name (Print) Signature Address Date If you are a resident or business owner in the UGA (urban growth area) and this petition interests you, please have everyone over the age of 18 sign the petition and return it to the Bay loop Neighborhood Assoc. address above by April 29th, 2004 in order for it to be presented at the May 5th Clallam County Planning Commission meeting. RETURN TO 2575 E. BAY STREET PORT ANGELES, WA. 98362 STOP ANNEXATION NOW!! It is time to tell our elected County Commissioners that the residents of Bay Loop,' ' Gales Addition, North Monroe and North 5~ount Pleasant Neighborhoods, do not want to be part of the City of Port Angeles. By signing the petition below you will l~e telling the Commissioners that there are other legal options for growth within oU'r neighborhoods that wou!d leave us within CoUnty jurisdiction and make annexaflqn illegal. The petition requests the County ~o establish our neighborhoods as a CoUnty based "Limited Area of More intense Rural D_evelopment" or LAMIRD for Short. This option was not available when the Count3' first adopted its growth pIan for our neighborhoods. The LAMIRD option allows our neighborhoods to retain their large lot suburban character, remain outside the City and ~tvoid costly City sewer, stormwater and road upgrades. The LAS~IRD option would fillow continued development at the 1/2 acre lot size that eau be supported by continfled use of individual septic systems. Th'e area would continue to be served by the County (roads, zoning, sheriff), the PUD (electric and water) and the ex[sting fire district.: The Ennis Creek ravine would separate our County based L -A~([IRD from the City. By signing the petition below you can exert pressure on your elected representatives to ensure that your ex[sting housing densities and land uses are retained, that you will continue to enjoy a well maintained' road system, that your taxes will remain as !ow as possible and that you can continue to receive services at known cost from the institutions that currently provide them. Name (Print) Signature Addre?s. , Date If you are a resident or business owner in the UGA (urban growth area) and this petition interests you, please have everyone over the age of 18 sign the petition and return it to the Bay loop Neighborhood Assoc. address above by APril 29th~ 2004 in order for it to be presented at the May 5tn Clallam County Planning Commission meeting. RETURN TO 2575 E. BAY STREET PORT ANGELES, WA. 98362 STOP ANNEXATION NOW. ! It is time to tell our elected County Commissioners that the res[dents of Bay Loop,'" Gales Addition, North Monroe and North Mount PIeasant Neighborhoods, do not want to be part of the City of Port Angeles. By sigrtiag the petition below you will be telling the Commissioners that tItere are other legal options for growth within our neighborhoods that would leave us within County jurisdiction and"make annexation illegal. Ttxe petition requests the Count5, to establish our neighbOr, hoods as a County based "Limited Area of More I_ntense Rural D_exT~Iopment" or LA3{IRD for short. This option was not available when the CounB' first adopted its growth plan for our neighborhoods. The LAMIR option allows ourneigh'borhoods to retain their large lot suburban ¢laaracter, remain outside tire Ci0y and avoid costly City sewer, stormwater and road upgrades. Tire LAl~{IRDoption Wouldiatlow continued development at the 1/2 acre Itt size that can be supported by continued use of individual septic systems. The area would continue to be served by the County (roads, zoning, sheriff), the PUD (electric and water) and the existing fire district. The Ennis Creek ravine wouId separate our County based LAMIRD from the City. By signing the petit[on below you can ~xert pressure on your elected representatives to ensure that your ex[sting housing densities and land uses are retained, that you will continue to en~oy a Well maintained road system~ that your taxes will remain as Iow as possible and that 'You can continue to receive services at known cost from the institutions that currently provide them. Name(Print) Signature _~ . Address Date If you are a resident or business owner in the UGA (urban growth area) and this petition interests you, please have everyone over the age of 18 sign the petition and return it to the Bay loop Neighborhood Assoc. address above by April 29t~, 2004 in order for it to be presented at the May 5t~ Clallam County Planning Commission meeting. RETURN TO 2575 E. BAY STREET PORT ANGELES, WA. 98362 STOP ANNEXATION NOW! It is ffme to tell our elected County Commissioners that the res[dents of Bay Loop,' '- Gales Addition, North Monroe and North Mount Pleasant Neighborhoods, do not want to be part of the Ci~ of Po~'t Angeles. By signing the petition below you will be telling the Commissioners that there are other legal options for growth within our neighborhoods that would leave us within County.jurisdiction and make annexation illegal. T~e petition requests the County to establish our neighborhoods as a County based "Limited Area of M[ore Intense ~ural Development" or LAMIRD for short. This option was not available when the County first adopted its growth plan for our neighborhoods. The LAM[RD option allows our neighborhoods to retain their large lot suburban character, remain outside the City and avoid costly City sewer, stormwater and road upgrades. The LAMIRD option would allow continued development at the 1/2 acre Iot-size that can be supported by continued use of individual septic systems. T~a'e area would continue to be served by the County (roads, zoning, sheriff), the PUD (electr[c and water) and the existing fire district. The Ennis Creek ravine ~vouId separate our' County based LAMIRD frora the City. By signing the petition below you can exert pressure on your elected representatives to ensure that your existing housing densities and land uses are retained, that you ,~vi[l continue to enjoy a well maintained road system, that your taxes will remain as Iow as possible and that you can continue to receive services at 'knoxvn cost from the institutions that currently provide them. Name(Print) Address Date If you are a resident or business owner in the UGA (urban growth area) and this petition interests you, please have everyone over the age of 18 sign the petition and return it to the Bay loop Neighborhood Assoc. address above by April 29th~ 2004 in order for it to be presented at the May 5th Clailam County Planning Commission meeting. RETURN TO 2575 E. BAY STREET PORT ANGELES, WA. 98362 STOP ANNEXATION NOW' It is time to tell our elected County Commissioners that the residents of Bay Loop,' - Gales Additioa, North Monroe and North 1V[ount Pleasant Ne[ghbor[~oods, do not want to be part of the City of Port Angeles. By signing the petition below you will be telling the Commissioners that there are other legal options for growth within our neighborhoods that would leave us within County jurisdiction and make annexation illegal. Tlae petition requests the Count3.' to establish our neighborhoods as a County based "Limited Area of More ~ntense Rural Development" or LAM1RD for short. This option was not available ~vhen the Count3' first adopted its growth plan for our neighborhoods. The LAMIRD option allows our neighborhoods to retain their large lot suburban character, remain outside the City and avoid costly City sewer, stormwater and roacI upgrades. The LAMIRD option would allow continued deveIopment at the 1/2 acre lot size that can be supported by continued use of individual septic systems. Th'e area would continue to be served by the Count- (roads, zoning, sheriff), the Pro-D (electric and water) and the existing fire district. The Ennis Creek ravine wouId separate our COunty based LAMIRD from the City. By signing the petition below you can exert pressure on your eIected representatives to ensure that your existing housing densities and land uses are retained, that you will continue to enjoy a well maintained road system, that your taxes will remain as Iow as possible and that you can continue to receive sera, ices at known cost from the institutions that currently provide them. Name (Print) Signature Address Date If you are a resident or business o~vner in the UGA (urban growth area) and this petition interests you, please have everyone over the age of 18 sign the petition and return it to the Bay loop Neighborhood Assoc. address above by April 29th, 2004 in order for'it to be presented at the May 5t~ Clallam County Planning Commission meeting. RETURN TO 2575 E. BAY STREET PORT ANGELES, WA. 98362 STOP ANNEXATION NOW! It is time to tell our elected County Commissioners that the residents of ]Bay Loop,' '- Gales Addition, North Monroe and North I~{[ount Pleasant Neighborhoods, do not want to be part of the City of Port Angeles. By signing the petit[on below you will be tell[ag the Commissioners that there are otker legal options for growth within our ne~hborhoods that would leave us within County jurisdiction and make annexatiori'illegal. The petition requests the County to establish our neighborhoods as a Courtly based "Limited Area of More Intense Rural Development" or LANfIRD for short. This option was not available when the County first adopted its growtk plan for our neighborhoods. The LAMIRD option allows our neighbo:~hoods to retain their large lot suburban character, remain outside the City and aVOid eostly City sewer, stormwater and road upgrades. The LgAVIIRD option would al}ow continued development at the 1/2 acre tot size that can be supported by Continued use of individual septic systems. Tile area would continue to be served by tl~e CountY (roads, zoning, sheriff), the PUD (electric and water) and the existing fire district. The Ennis Creek ravine would separate our County based LAMIRD from the City. By signing the petition below you' Can exe'tt pressure on your elected representatives to ensure that your existing housing densities and land uses are retained, that you will continue to enjoy a well maintained road system, that your taxes will remain as Iow as possible and that you can.eontinue to receive services at known cost from the institutions that currently provide them. Name (Print) Signature , Address Date If you are a resident or business owner in the UGA (urban growth area) and this petition interests you, please have everyone over the age of 18 sign the petition and return it to the Bay loop Neighborhood Assoc. address above by April 29th, 2004 in order for it to be presented at the May 5th Clallam County Planning Commission meeting. RETURN TO 2575 E. BAY STREET PORT ANGELES, WA. 98362 STOP ANNEXATION .NOW . ! It is ffme to tell our elected County Commissioners that the residents of Bay Loop,' '- Gales Addition, North Monroe and North Mount Pleasant Neighborhoods, do not want ~o be part of the City of Port Angeles. By signing the petition belo~v you will be telling the Commissioners that there are other legal options for growth within our neighborhoods that would leave us w/thin County jurisdiction and make anne×ation illegal. The petition requests the County. ~o establish our neighborhoods as a County based "Limited Area of More l~ntense Rural Development" or LAMIRD for short. This option was not available when the Count3, first adopted its growth plan for our neighborhoods. The LAMIRD option allows 'our neighborhoods to retain their large lot suburban cl~aracter, remain outside the City and avoid costly City sewer, stormwater and road upgrades. The LAMIRD option would allow continued development at the 1/2 acre lot size that eau be supported by continued use of individual septic systems. Tk/e area would continue to be sea-ed by the CounW (roads, zoning, sherif0, the PUD (electric and water) and the existing fire district. The Ennis Creek ravine would separate our County based LAI~IIRD from the City. ~.y s;.gn~ng, the petition betow you can exert Pressure on 3'our elec~ed representatives to ensure that your existing housing densities and land uses are retained, that you will continue to enjoy a well maintained road system, that your taxes will remain as !ow as possible and that you. can continue to receive services at known cost from the institutions that currently provide them. Name (Print) Signature Address Date If you are a resident or business owner in the UGA (urban growth area) and this petition interests you, please have everyone over the age of 18 sign the petition and return it to the Bay loop Neighborhood Assoc. address above by April 29th, 2004 in order for it to be presented at the May 5th Clallam County Planning Commission meeting. RETURN TO 2575 E. BAY STREET PORT ANGELES, WA. 98362 STOP ANNEXATION NOW. ~[t is time to tell our elected County Commissioners that the residents o.f' Bay Loop,'" Gales Addition, North Monroe and North Mount PIeasant Neighborhoeds, do not want to be part of the City of Port Angeles. By signing the petition below you will be telling the Commissioners thr:~ there are other legal options for growth within our neighborhoods that would lez:ve us within County jurisdiction and make annexation illegal. The petition requests, the County to establish our neighborhoods as a County based "Limited Area of Mi~;.re Intense ~ural Development" or LAMIRD for short. This optioa was not avaik.~ble when the County first adopted its growth plan for our neighborhoods. The LAMIRD option allows our neighborhoods to retain their large lo:' suburban c~aracter, remain outside the CRy and avoid costly City sewer, stormw'xter and road upgrades. The LAM~ option would allow continued developmeat a~.: ~he 1/2 acre lot size that can be supported by continued use of individual septic syst,'~ms. Th'e area would continue to be served by t~e C~unty (roads, zoning, sheriff), the iPUD (eIectr~¢ and water) and the existing fire distr~ct. The Ennis Creek ravine would separate our County based LAMIRD from the City. By signing the petition be[ow you caa exert pressure on your elected represeatatives to ensure that your ex~sting housing densities and land uses are retained, that you will continue to ea~oy a weI1 maintained road system, that your taxes will remain as Iow as possibIe and that you can continue to receive services at known cost from the institutions that currently provide them. Name (Print) Signature Address Date If you are a resident or business owner in the UGA (urban growth area) and this petition interests you, please have everyone over the age of 18 sign the petition and return it to the Bay loop Neighborhood Assoc. address above by April 29th~ 2004 in order for it to be presented at the May 5th Clallam County Planning Commission meeting. RETURN TO 2575 E. BAY STREET PORT ANGELES, WA. 98362 STOP ANNEXATION NOW! It is time to tell our elected County Commissioners that the residents of Bay Loop,' - Gales Addition, North Monroe and North Mount Pleasant' Neighborhoods, do not want to be part of the City of Port Angeles. By signing the petition belmv you will be telling the Commissioners that there are other legal options for growth within our neighborhoods that would leave us within County jurisdiction and make annexation illegal. The petition requests 'the County to'establish our neighborhoods as a County based "Limited Area of More Intense Rural D__evelopment" or LAI',~IRD for short. This option was not available when the Count)' first adopted its growth plan for our neighborhocds. The LAMIRD option allows our neighborhoods to retain their large lot suburban cktaracter, remain outside the City and avoid costlY City sewer, stormwater and road upgrades. The LAMIRD option would allow continued development at the 1/2 acre lot size that can be supported by continued:use of individual septic systems. Tl~e area would continue to be served by the County (roads, zoning,~ sheriff), the PUD (electric and water) and the existing fire district. The Ennis Creek ravine would separate our County based LAMIRD from the City. By signing the petition below you can exert pressure on )'our elected representatives to ensure that your existing housing densities and land uses are retained, that you will continue to enjoy a well maintained road system, that your taxes ~vitl remain as Iow as possible and that you can continue to receive services at knmvn cost from the institutions that currently provide them. Name (Print) Signature Address Date If you are a resident or business owner in the UGA (urban growth area) and this petition interests you, please have everyone over the age of 18 sign the petition and return it to the Bay loop Neighborhood Assoc. address above by April 29t~ 2004 in order for it to be presented at the May 5th Ciallam County Planning Commission meeting. RETURN TO 2575 E. BAY STREET PORT ANGELES, WA. 98362 STOP ANNEXATION lit '~s time to tell our elected County Commissioners that the residents of Bay Loop,' Gales Addition, North l~[0nroe and North Mount Pteasant Neighborhoods, do not want to be part of the City of Port Angeles. By signing the petition below you w[I1 ,be telting the Commissioners that t~ere are other legal options for growth within aUr neighborhoods that would teave us within Coun~ ~urisdiction and .make annexation illegal. The petition requests the Coun~ to establish our neighborBoods as a C0.un~ based "Limited ~rea of More intense Rural ~eveIopment" or ~I~ for short. This option was not available when the Count' first adopted its ~rowth ptan for our neighborhoods. The L~M~ option alI~ws our neighbprhoods to retain their large lot suburban c~aracter, remain outside tge C[~' and.avoid, costly C[~ sewer, stormwater and road upgrades. The L_~~:0ption ~'ou[d ~allmv continued deveIopment at the 1/2 acre tot size that can be supported by conffnued use of individual septic systems. Th~ area would continue to be se~ed by t~e Coun~ (roads, zoning, sheri~, the P~ (electric and water) and t~e existing fire district. The Ennis Creek ravine would separate our Coun~ based L~MI~ from the By signing the petition b~lo~v you can .exert pressure on your elected representatives to ensure that your existing housing d~sit[es and land uses are retained, that you w~II continue to en~oy a well maintained road system, that your taxes will remain as Iow as possible and t~at you can COntin.ue to receive sero'ices at ~own cost from the institutions t~at currently provide t~em. Name (Print) S gnature Address Date If you are a resident or business owner in the UGA (urban growth area) and this petition interests you, please have everyone over the age of 18 sign the petition and return it to the Bay loop Neighborhood Assoc. address above by April 29th~ 2004 in order for it to be presented at the May 5th Clallam County Planning Commission meeting. RETURN TO 2575 E. BAY STREET PORT ANGELES, WA. 98362 STOP ANNEXATION NOW! It is time to tell our elected County Commissioners that the residents of Bay Loop,' '- Gales Addition, North MOnroe and North Mount Pleasant Neighborhoods, do not want to be part of the City of Port AngeIes. By signing the petition below you will be telling the Commissioners that there are other legal options for growth within our neighborhoods that would leave us within County jurisdiction and make annexation illegal. The petition requests the County to establish our neighborhoods as a County based "Limited Area of More.Intense Rural Development" or LAbIIRD for short. This option was not available when the County first adopted its growth plan for our neighborhoods. The LAMIRD option allows our neighborhoods to retain their large lot suburban character, remain outside the City and avoid costly City sewer, stormwater and road · upgrades. The LAMIRD option would allow continued development at the 1/2 acre lot size that eau be supported by continued use of individual septic systems. The area would continue to be serwed by the County (roads, zoning, sheriff), the PUD (electric and water) and the existing fire district. The Ennis Creek ravine would separate our County based LAMIRD from the City. By signing the petition below you can exert pressure on your elected representatives to ensure that your existing housing densities and land uses are retained, that you will continue to enjoy a well maintained road system, that your taxes will remain as Iow as possible and that you can continue to receive services at known cost from the institutions that currently provide them. Name (Print) Signature,~ _..~. Address Date " ' "~ .... ¥_2 . 9 .~ If you are a resident or business osvner in the UGA(urban growth area) and this petition interests you, please have everyone over the age of 18 sign the petition and return it to the Bay loop Neighborhood Assoc. address above bYApril 29th, 2004 in order for it to be presented at the May 5th Ciallam County Planning Commission meeting. RETURN TO 2575 E. BAY STREET PORT ANGELES, WA. 98362 STOP ANNEXATION NOW! ~[t is time to tell our elected County Commissioners that the res[dents of Bay Loop,' '- GaIes Addition, North Monroe and North Mount Pleasant Neighbor~noods~ do not want to be part of the City of Port Angeles. By sigaiag the petition below you will be telling the Commissioners that there are other legal options for growtI~ within our aeighborhoods that would Ieave us vvitIain County jurisdiction and make annexation ilIegal. The petition requests the County to establish our neighborhoods as a County based "Limited Area of ]~{ore _Intense Rural Development" or LAIV~IRD for short. This option was not available when the County first adopted its growth plan for our neighborhoods. The 'LAM1RD option allows our neighborhoods to retain their large ~ot suburban ct~aracter, remain outside the City and avoid costly Ci~ sewer, stormwater and road upgrades. The LAMIRD opt[on would allow continued development at the 1/2 acre Iot size that can be supported by continued use of individual septic systems2 Th'e area would corttinue to be served by t~e County (roads, zon[rtg, sr~eriff), the PUD (electric and water) and the existing fire disC:riot. The Enn[s Creek ray,ne would separate our' County based LAMIRD from t~te City. By s[ga[ng the petitioa be[ow you can exert pressure on your elected representatives to ensure that your existing housing densities and land uses are retained, 'that you w[l[l continue to en~[oy a well maintained road system~ that your taxes will remain as !ow as possible and that you can conffnue to receive services at k~owrt cost from the institutions that currently provide them. Name (Print). S~gaature Address Date If you are a resident or business owner in the UGA (urban growth area) and this petition interests you, please have everyone over the age of 18 sign the petition and return it to the Bay loop Neighborhood Assoc. address above by April 29th~ 2004 in order for it to be presented at the May 5tb Clallam County Planning Commission meeting. RETURN TO 2575 E. BAY STREET PORT ANGELES, WA. 98362 STOP ANNEXATION NOW!! l~t is ffme to tell our elected County Commissioners that the residents of Bay Loop,' -- Gales Addition, North Monroe and North Mount P~easant Neighborhoods, do not want to be part of the City of Port Angeles. By signing the petiffon below you w/II be teliing the Commissioners that there are other legal options for growth within our neighborhoods that would leave us within County jurisdiction and make annexation HIegal. The petition requests the County to establish our neighborhoods as a County based "Limited Area of More tntense Rural Development" or LAMIRD for short. This option was not available when the County first adopted its growth plan for our neighborhoods. The LAMIRD option allows our neig)borhoods to retain their large lot suburban character, remain outs[de the City and avoid costly City sewer, stormwater and road upgrades. The LAMIRD option would allow continued development at the 1/2 acre lot size that can be supported by continued use of individual septic systems. Th'e area would continue to be served by the County (roads, zoning, sheriff), the PUD (electric and water) and the existing fire district. The Ennis Creek ravine would separate our County based LAMIRD from the City. By signing the petit[on below you can exert pressure on your elected representatives to ensure that your existing housing.densities and land uses are retained, that you will continue to enjoy a well maintained road system, that your taxes will remain as !o~v as possible and that you can continue to receive services at 'known cost from the institutions that currently provide them. Name (Print) Signature Address Date If you are a resident or business owner in the UGA (urban growth area) and this petition interests you, please have everyone over thc age of 18 sign the petition and return it to the Bay loop Neighborhood Assoc. address above by April 29th, 2004 in order for it to be presented at the May 5th Clallam County Planning Commission meeting. RETURN TO 2575 E. BAY STREET PORT ANGELES, WA. 98362 STOP ANNEXATION NOW ,. ~. It is time to tell our elected County Commissioners that the residents of Bay Loop,' '- .: Gales Addition, North Monroe and North Mount Pleasant Neighborhoods, do not want to be part of the City of ?oft Angeles. · , By signing the petition below you will be telling the Commissioners that there are other legal options for growth within our neighborhoods that would leave us within ,~,. County jurisdiction and make annexation illegal. The petition requests the County , to establish our neighborhoods as a County based "Limited ~_rea of More !]n~ense ., Rural Development" or LAMIRD for short. This option was not available when the County first adopted [ts growth plan for our neighborhoods. The LAMIRD option aIlows our neighborhoods to retain their large lot suburban ~ character, remain outside the City and avoid costly City sewer, storrnwater and road · upgrades. The LA~IRD opt[on would allow continued development at the 1/2 acre lot size that eau be supported by continued use of individual septic systems. The area · would continue to be served by tI~e County (roads, zoning, sheriff), the PUD (electric and water) and the ex[sting fire district. The Ennis Creek ravine would separate our County based LA2~IIRD from the City. By s~gning the petition below you can exert pressure on your eleceed representatives to ensure that your ex[sting t~ousing densities and land uses are retained, that you will continue to enjoy a well maintained road system, that your taxes will remain as Iow as possible and that you can continue to receive services at known cost from the institutions that eurre~ fl'~ Mrs. JuanitaM. Latson 473 McCarver Rd. Name (Print) Sign Port Angeles, WA 98362 tess. Date If you are a resident or business owner in the UGA (urban grosvth area) and this petition interests you, please have everyone over the age of 18 sign the petition and return it to the Bay loop Neighborhood Assoc. address above by April 29th~ 2004 in order for it to be presented at the May 5th Clallam County Planning Commission meeting. RETURN TO 2575 E. BAY STREET PORT ANGELES, WA. 98362 STOP ANNEXATION NOW. It is time to tell our elected County Commissioners that the res[dents of Bay Loop,' -- Gales Addition, North Monroe and North Mount Pleasant Neighborhoods, do not want to be part of the City of Port Angeles. By signing the petition below you will be telling the Commissioners that there are other legal options for growth within our neighborhoods that would leave us within County jurisdiction and make.annexation illegal. The petition requests the County to establish our neighborhoods as a County based "Limited ~rea of More Intense ~ural Development"or LAMIRD for short. This option was not available when the County first adopted its growth plan for our neighborhoods. The LAMIRD option allows our neighborhoods to retain their large lot suburban c~aracter, remain outside the City and avoid costly City sewer, stormwater and road upgrades. The LAMIRD option would allow continued development at the 1/2 acre tot size traat caa be supported by continued use of individual septic systems. Th'e area would continue to be served by t~e County (roads, zoaing, sheriff), the PUD (electric and water) and the ex,sting fire district. The Enn[s Creek ravine would separate our County based L3~MIRD from the City. By signing the petitioa below you can exert pressure on your elected representatives to ensure that your existing housing densities and land uses are retained, that you will coatinue to en~oy a well maintained road system, that your taxes will remain as Iow as possible and that you can continue to receive services at known cost from the institutions t~at currently provide them. Name (Print) Signature Address Date If you are a resident or business owner in the UGA (urban growth area) and this petition interests you, please have everyone over the age of 18 sign the petition and return it to the Bay loop Neighborhood Assoc. address above by April 29tb~ 2004 in order for it to be presented at the May 5tb Ciallam County Planning Commission meeting. RETURN. TO 2575 E. BAY STREET PORT ANGELES, WA. 98362 STOP ANNEXATION NOW. ! tt is time to tell our elected County Commissioners that the residents of Bay Loop,' '- Gales Addition, North Monroe and North Mount Pleasant Neighborhoods, do not want to be part of the City of Port Angeles. By signing the petition below you will be telling the Commissioners that flxere are other legal options for growth within our neighborhoods that wouId leave us within County jurisdiction and make annexation illegal. The petition requests the County to establish our neighborhoods as a County based "Limited Area of More intense ~.urai ~evelopment" or LAMIRD for short. This option was not available when the Count5' first adopted its growth plan for our neighborhoods. The LAMIRD option allows our neighborhoods to retain their large lot st~burban character, remain outside the Ci0, and avoid costly City sewer, stormwater and road upgrades. The LA1VIIRD option would allow continued development at the 1/2 acre I0t size that can be supported by continued use of individual septic systems. Th'e area would continue to be served by the County (roads, zoning, sheriff), the PUD (electric and water) and the existing fire district. The Ennis Creek ravine wouId separate our County based LAMIRD from the City. By signing t~e petition below'you can exert pressure' on your elected representatives tO ensure that your ex~sting housing densities and land uses are retained, that you w~tl continue to enjoy a we!l maintained road system, that your taxes will remain as !ow as possible and that you can continue to receive services at known cost from the ~nstitutions that currently provide them. Name (Print) Signature Address Date If you are a resident or business owner in the UGA (urban growth area) and this petition interests you, please have everyone over the age of 18 sign the petition and return it to the Bay loop Neighborhood Assoc. address above by April 29th, 2004 in order for it to be presented at the May 5t~ Clallam County Planning Commission meeting. RETURN TO 2575 E. BAY STREET PORT ANGELES, WA. 98362 STOP ANNEXATION l~t is time to telI our elected County Commissioners that the residents of Bay Loop,' '- Gales Additioa, North Monroe and North Mount Pleasant Neighbor[aoods, do not want to be part of'the City of Pot't Angeles. By signing the petition below you will be telling the Commissioners that there are other legal opt[oas for growth within our neighborl~oods that would leave ~rs within County ~[urisdictioa and make annexation illegal. The petition requests the County to establish our aeighborhoods as a County based "Limited Area of More Intense ~ural Development" or LAIV[IRD for sh:ort. This option was not available when the Count3' first adopted its growth plan for our neighborhoods. TI~e LA.Mt_RD option allows our neighborhoods to retain their large lot suburban cI~aracter, remaia outside the CiD' and avoid costly City sewer, stormwater and road upgrades. The L3~!IRD option-would a'tlo~v continued development at the 1/2 acre lot size that can be supported by continued use of individual septic systems. Th'e area would continue to be served by ~the County (roads, zoniag, sheriff), ttae PUD (electr[c and water) and the existing fire district, The Ennis Creek ravine would separate our Couaty based L~M[IRD from ttae City. By signing the petition betow you can exert pressure oa your elected representatives to ensure that your existing housing densities and land uses are retained, that you w~II coatinue to enloy a well maintained road system, that your taxes will remain as !ow as possible and that you can continue to receive sera'ices at known cost from the institutions tlaat currently provide tt~em. Name (Print) S Address Date If you are a resident or business owner in the UGA (urban growth area) and this petition interests you, please have everyone over the age of lg sign the petition and return it to the Bay loop Neighborhood Assoc. address above by April 29th~ 2004 in order for it to be presented at the May 5t~ Clallam County Planning Commission meeting. RETURN TO 2575 E. BAY STREET PORT ANGELES, WA. 98362 STOP ANNEXATION It is time to tell our elected County Commissioners that the residents of Bay Loop,' '- Gales Additioa, North Monroe and North Mount Pleasant Neighborhoods, do not watat to be part of the Ci~ of Pot-t Angeles. By signiag the petition betow you will be telling the Commissioners that there are other legal options for growth ~.~ithia our neighborhoods that x~ould leave us within County jurisdiction and make annexaffoa ilIegal. The petiffon requests the Coun~ to establish our neighborh-oods as a Coun~ based "Limited ~rea of More ~ntense ~ural Bevelopment" or L~I~ for short. This option was not available when the CounB' first adopted its growth plan for our neighborhoods. The L~{~ option allows our neighborhoods to retaia their large lot suburban character, remain outside the C[.~' and avoid costly Ci~ sewer, stormwater and road upgrades. The L~{I~ option ~vould alIo~v continued development at the 1/2 acre lot size that can be supported bY continued use of individual septic systems. Th'e area ~ould continue to be se~ed by the Coua~ (roads, z~a~ag, sherifO, the P~ (eIeetrie and water) and the existing fire district. T~e Ennis Creek raviae would separate our Coun~ Based L3~I~ from the Ci~. By s[gaing the petition be~o~v you caa exe~ pressure on your elected representatives to ensure that your existing housing dens[0es and land uses are retained, that yon will continue to enjoy a well maintained road system, that your taxes will remain as Iow as possible and that you can continue to receive sero, ices at ~own cost from the institutions that currently provide them. Name ~rint) Signature Address Date If you are a resident or business owner in the UGA (urban growth area) and this petition interests you, please have everyone over the age of 18 sign the petition and return it to the Bay loop Neighborhood Assoc. address above by April 29t'', 2004 in order for it to be presented at the May 5th Clallam County Planning Commission meeting. RETURN TO 2575 E. BAY STREET PORT ANGELES, WA. 98362 STOP' ANNEXATION NOWv..* tt is ~ime to tell our elected County Commissioners that the residents o£Ray Loop,' '- Gales Addition, North Monroe and North Monnt Pleasant NeighDorhoods, do not want to be part of the City of Port Angeles. t3y signing the petition below you will be telling the Commissioners that there are bther legal options for growth within our neighborhoods that would leave us within County jurisdiction and make annexation illegal. The petition requests the County to establish our neighborhoods as a County based "LimRed Area of'_iV~-ore _Intense Rural D_evelopment" or LAM~RD for short. This option was not available when the Count)' first adopted its growth plan for our neighborhoods. The LAMIRD option allows our neighborhoods to retain their large lot suburban character, remain outside the City and avoid costly City sewer, stormwater and road upgrades. The LA1VIIRD option would allow continued development at the 1/2 acre lot size that can be supported by continued use of individual septic systems. The area would continue to be served by the County (roads, zoning, sheriff), the PUD (electric and water) and the existing fire district. The Ennis Creek ravine wo'ald separate our County based LA_MIRD from the City. By signing the petition below you can exert pressure on your elected representatives to ensure that your existing housing densities and land uses are retained, that you will continue to enjoy a well maintained road system, that your taxes will remain as Iow as possible and that you can continue to receive services at kno~vn cost from the institutions that currently provide them. Name (Print) Signature Address Date ': /o7 y/9 17,..¥ ""-,'"" - If you are a resident or business owner in the UGA (urban growth area) and this petition interests you, please have everyone over the age of 18 sign the petition and return it to the Bay loop Neighborhood Assoc. address above by April 29th~ 2004 in order for it to be presented at the May 5th Clailam County Planning Commission meeting. RETURN TO 2575 E. BAY STREET PORT ANGELES, WA. 98362 STOP ANNEXATION NOW . It is time to tell our elected County Commissioners that the residents of Bay Loop,' '- Gales Addition, North Monroe and North Mount Pleasant Neighborhoods, do not want to be part of the City of Port Angeles. By signing the petition below you will be telling the Commissioners that there are other legal options for growth within our neighborhoods that would leave us County jurisdiction and make annexation illegal. The petition requests the County to establish our neighborhoods as a County based "Limited ~rea of 5~[ore l[ntense Rural Development" or LAMIRD for short. This option was not available when the County first adopted [ts growth plan for our neighborhoods. The LAMIRD option allows our neighborhoods to retain their large lot suburban character, remain outside the CiO' and.avoid costly City sewer, stormwater and road upgradeS. The LAMIRD option would,allow continued development at the 1/2 acre lot size that can be supported by continued use of individual septic systems. The area would continue to be served by the County (roads, zoning, sheriff), the PUD (electric and water) and the existing fire district. The Ennis (:reek ravine would separate our County based LAMIRD from the City. By signing the petition below you can exert pressure on your elected representatives to ensure that your existing housing densities and land uses are retained, that you will continue to enjoy a well maintained road system, that your taxes will remain as !ow as possibIe and that you can continue to receive semqces at known cost from the institutions that currently provide them. Name (Print) -S~gr~ur.~//~ -- //A~ldress ,xf . ~. ~ Date If you are a resident or business owner in the UGA (urban growth area) and this petition interests you, please have everyone over the age of 18 sign the petition and return it to the Bay loop Neighborhood Assoc. address above by April 29th~ 2004 in order for it to be presented at the May 5th Clallam County Planning Commission meeting. RETURN TO 2575 E. BAY STREET PORT ANGELES, WA. 98362 STOP ANNEXATION ~t is t~rae to tell our elected County Commissioners that the residents of Bay Loop,' Gales Addition, North.Monroe and North Mount Pleasant Neighborhoods, do not want to be part of'the City of Port Angeles. By signing the petition below you will be telling the Commissioners that there are other legal options for growth within our neighborhoods that would leave us within County jurisdiction and make annexation illegal. The petition requests the County to establish our neighborhoods as a County based "Lknited Area of M~ore Intense Rural ~evelopment" or LAMIRD for short. This option was not available when the County first adopted its growth plan for our neighborhoods. The LAMIRD option allows our neighborhoods to retain their large lot suburban character, remain outgide the Cif3' and avoid costly City sewer, stormwater and road upgrades. The LA3~ option would allow continued development at the 1/2 acre lot size that can be supported by continued use of individual septic systems. The area would continue to be served by the County (roads, zoning, sheriff), the PUD (electric and water) and the exigting fire district. The Ennis Creek ravine would separate our CounW based LAtVIIRD from the City. By signing the petition below you can exert pressure on your elected representatives to ensure that your existing housing densit/es and land uses are retained, that you will continue to enjoy a well maintained road system, that your taxes will remain as Iow as possible and that you can continue to receive services at known cost from the institutions that currently provide them. Name (Print) S~g_nature Address Date If you are a resident or business owner in the UGA (urban growth area) and this petition interests you, please have everyone over the age of 18 sign the petition and return it to the Bay loop Neighborhood Assoc. address above by April 29th, 2004 in order for it to be presented at the May 5tb Clailam County Planning Commission meeting. RETURN TO 2575 E. BAY STREET PORT ANGELES, WA. 98362 STOP ANNEXATION ~t is t~me to tell our elected County Commissioners that the residents of Bay Loop,' '- Gales Addition, North Monroe and North Mount Pleasant Neighborhoods, do not want ~o be part of the City of Port Angeles. By signing the petition belo~v you will be telling the Commissioners that there are other legal options for growth within our neighborhoods that would leave us within County jurisdiction and make annexation ilIegal. The petition requests the County to establish our neighborhoods as a County based "Limited Area of 5J]ore [~..tense gural D_evelopment" or LAMIRD for short. This option was not available x:;'hen the Count3, first adopted its growth plan for our neighborhoods. The LAMIRD option allows our neighborhoods to retain their ~arge lot sub'erban character, remain outside the City and avoid costly City sewer, stormwater and road upgrades. The LAI~{[IRD option would allow continued development at the 7/2 acre Iot size that can be supported by continued use of individual septic systems. The area would continue to be served by tke Coun~ (roads, zoning, sheriff), the PLFD (electric and water) and the existing fire district. The Ennis Creek ravine would separate our County based LAMIRD .from the Ci~. By signing the petition betow you can exert pressure on your elected representatives to ensure that 3,our ex[sting housing densities and land uses are retained, · that you will continue to enjoy a ~veI1 maintained road system, that your taxes will remain as Iow as possible and that you can continue to receive semqces at 'known cost from the institutions that currently provide them. Name (Print) Signature Address Date  x _ .. ~ ,~'- ~ - ~..~, If you are a resident or business owner in the UGA (urban growth area) and this petition interests you, please have everyone over the age of 18 sign the petition and return it to the Bay loop Neighborhood Assoc. address above by April 29th~ 2004 in order for it to be presented at the May 5th Clallam County Planning Commission meeting. RETURN TO 2575 E. BAY STREET PORT ANGELES, WA. 98362 STOP ANNEXATION NOW v. ]It ~s time to tell our elected County Commissioners that the residents of Bay Loop,' GaIes Addition, North Monroe and North Mount Pleasant Neighborhoods, do not want to be part of the City of Fort Angeles. By signing the pefft[on below you will be telIing the Commissioners that there are other legal options for growth w~thin our'neighborhoods that would leave us wRhin Coun~ jurisdiction and make annexation illegal. The petition requests the Coun~ to establish our neighborhoods as a Coun~ based "Limited Area of ~re ~n~ense Rural ~evelopment" or L~I~ for short. This option was not available when the Coun~' first adopted its growth plan for our neighborhoods. The L~~ option allows our neighborhoods to retain their large lot suburban character, remain outside the City and avoid costly Ci~ sewer, stormwater and road upgrades. The L~~ option would allow continued development at the 1/2 acre tot size that can be supposed by continued use of individual septic systems. The area would continue to be se~ed by tke CounW (roads, zoning, sher[f0, the P~ (electric and water) and the existing fire district. The Enn/s Creek ray,ne would separate our Count, based L~MI~ from the C[W. By signing the petition below you can exert pressure on your elected representatives to ensure that your existing housing densities and land uses are retained, that you w[Il continue to enjoy a well maintained road system, that your taxes will remain as Iow as possible and that you can continue to receive se~'ices at ~own cost from the insti~tions that currently provide them. Name (Print) Signature Address Date If you are a resident or business owner in the UGA (urban growth area) and this petition interests you, please have everyone over the age of 18 sign the petition and return it to the Bay loop Neighborhood Assoc. address above by April 29th, 2004 in order for it to be presented at the May 5th Ciallam County Planning Commission meeting. RETURN TO 2575 E. BAY STREET PORT ANGELES, WA. 98362 STOP ANNEXATION NOW. '. It is ffme to tell our elected County Commissioners that the residents of Bay Loop,'" GaIes Addition, North Monroe and North Mount Pleasant Neighborhoods, do not want to be part of the City of Port Angeles. By signing the petition below you will be. telling the Commissioners that there are other legal options for growth within our neighborhoods that ~ould leave us within County iurisdiction and make annexation illegal. The petition requests the County to establish our neighborhoods as a Cou. n~ based "Limited Area of More _Intense _Rural Development" or LAMIRD for short. This option was not available when the Couat~' first adopted its growth plan for our neighborhoods. The LAMIR/) option allows our neighborhoods to retain their large lot suburban character, remain outside the ClOy and ~void costly City sewer, stormwater and road upgrades. The LA~IRD option would allow continued development at the 1/2 acre tot s~ze that can be supported by continued use of individual septic systems. Th'e area would continue to be served by the County (roads, zoning, sheriff), the PUD (electric and water)and the existing, fire district.~-The Ennis Creek ravine would separate our County based LAMIRD from tt~e City. By signing the petition below you can exert pressure on your elected representatives to ensure that your existing housing densities and land uses are retained, that yon w:dl continue to enjoy a well maintained road system, that your taxes will remain as Iow as possible and that yoa can continue to receive services at known cost from the institutions tlxat currently provide them. Name (Print) Signature Address Date If you are a resident or business owner in the UGA (urban growth area) and this petition interests you, please have everyone over the age of 18 sign the petition and return it to the Bay loop Neighborhood Assoc. address above by April 29th~ 2004 in order for it to be presented at the May 5th Ciallam County Planning Commission meeting. RETURN TO 2575 E. BAY STREET PORT ANGELES, WA. 98362 STOP ANNEXATION NOW I ~[t is time to tell our elected County Commissioners that the res[dents of Bay Loop,' Gales Addition, North Monroe and North Mount Pleasant NeighBorhoods, do not want to be part of the Ci~ of Port AngeIes. By sigaing the petition below you will be telling the Commissioners that there are other legal options for growth within our neighborhoods that would leave us within County jurisdiction and make annexation illegal. The petition requests the County to establish our neighborhoods as a County based "Limited ~rea of More _Intense ~_ural Development" ~r LAM~IRD for short. This option was not available when the Cour~ty first adopted its gro~vth plan for our neighborhoods. The LAMIRD optionaHows: our neighborhoods to retain their large Iot suburban c~aracter, remain out~ide the Ci~, and avoid costly City sewer, stormwater and road upgrades. The LA/~[IRD option would allow continued development at the 1/2 acre lot size that can be supported by continued use of individual septic systems. The area would continue to be served.by fr~e Couaty (roads, zoniag, sraer[ff), the PUD (electric and water) and the existing fire district. The Ennis Creek ray,ne would separate our County based LAMIRD from the City. By signing the petit[on below you can exert pressure on your eIected represeatatives to ensure that your ex~isting housing densities and land uses are retained, that you will continue to enjoy a well maintained road system, that your taxes will remain as [ow as possible and that you can continue to receive services at known cost from the institutions that currently provide them. Name (Print) Signature Address Date If you are a resident or business owner in the UGA (urban growth area) and this petition interests you, please have everyone over the age of 18 sign the petition and return it to the Bay loop Neighborhood Assoc. address above by April 29th, 2004 in order for it to be presented at the May 5th Clallam County Planning Commission meeting. RETURN TO 2575 E. BAY STREET PORT ANGELES, WA. 98362 STOP ANNEXATION NOW . It is time to tell our elected County Commissioners that the residents of Bay Loop,' '- GaIes Addition, North Monroe and North Mount Pleasant Neighborhoods, do not want to be part of the City of Po~'t Angeles. By signing the petition below you will be teIIing the Commissioners that there are other legal options for growth within our neighborhoods that would leave us within County jurisdiction and make annexation illegal. The petition requests the County to establish our neighborhoods as a County based "Limited Area of More Intense .Rural Development" or LAMIRD for short. This option was not available when the Count5, first adopted its growth plan for our neighborhoods. The LAMIRD option allows our neighborhoods to retain their large lot suburban character, remain outside the City and avoid costly City sewer, stormwater and road upgrades. The LAM-IRD option would allow continued development at the 1/2 acre Iot size that can be supported by continued use of individual septic systems. Th'e area would continue to be served by the County' (roads, zoning, sheriff), the PUD (eIeetrie and water) and the existing fire district. The Ennis Creek ravine wouId separate our County based LA_MIRD from the City. By signing the petition below you eau exert pressure on your elected representatives to ensure that your existing housing densities and land uses are retained~ that you will continue to enjoy a well maintained road system~ that your taxes witl remain as low as possible and that you can continue to receive services at known cost from the institutions tkat currently provide them. Name (Print) Signature Address Date If you are a resident or business owner in the UGA (urban growth area) and this petition interests you, please have everyone over the age of 18 sign the petition and return it to the Bay loop Neighborhood Assoc. address above by April 29th, 2004 in order for it to be presented at the May 5th Ciallam County Planning Commission meeting. RETURN TO 2575 E. BAY STREET PORT ANGELES, WA. 98362 STOP ANNEXATION NOW! It is time to tell our elected County Commissioners that the residents of Bay Loop,' - Gales Addition, North Monroe and North Mouat PIeasant NeighborEmods, do not want to be part of the City of Port Angeles. By signing the petition below you will be telling the Commissioners tEmt there are other legal options for growth within our neighbor~,_oods that would leave us within County jurisdiction and make annexaffon illegal. The petition requests the County .,.to establish our neighborhoods as a County based "Limited Area of More Intense Rural Development" or LAMIRD for short. This option was not available when the County first adopted its growth pIan for our neighborhoods,. · The LAMIRD option allows our neighborhoods to retain their large lot suburban character, remain outside the City and. avoid costly City sewer, stormwater and road upgrades. The LAMIRD option would aIlow conti~.ued dew~.lopment at the 1/2 acre lot size that can be supported by continued use of individual septic systems. Th'e area w.ould continue to be served by the Cqunty (roads, zoning, slteriff), the PUD (electric and water) and the existing fire district. The Ennis Creek ravine would separate our County based LA~MIRD from the City. By signing the petition beIow you can-exert pressure on 3'our elecl~ed representatives to ensure that your existing housing densities and land uses are retained, that you will continue to enjoy a wetl maintained road system, that your taxes will remain as Iow as possible and that you can conti.nue to receive serwices at 'knoxvn cost from the institutions that currently provide them. Name(Print) Signature ,': Address ~ Date If you are a resident or business owner in the UGA (urban growth area) and this petition interests you, please have everyone over the age of 18 sign the petition and return it to the Bay loop Neighborhood Assoc. address above by April 29th~ 2004 in order for it to be presented at the May 5t'q Clallam County Planning Commission meeting. RETURN TO 2575 E. BAY STREET -PORT ANGELES, WA. 98362 STOP ANNEXATION It is time to tell our elected County Commissioners that the residents of Bay Loop,' -- GaIes Additioa, North MOnroe and North Mount Pleasant Neighborhoods, do not want to be part of the City of Port Angeles. By signing the petition bel'0w you will be telling the CommiSsioners tl~at there are other legal options for growth withir~ our neighborhoods that would leave us within Coun~ ~urisdict[on and make annexation illegal. The petition reqUests the Coun~ to establish our aeighborhoods as a coun~ based "Limited ~rea of More ~ntense ~ural Bevelopment" or L~I~ for sho~. This option was not available when the County first adoPted its growth plan for our neighborhoods. The L~~ option allows our.'neighborhoods to retain their large lot suburban character, rema~n~outside'the Ci~, and avoid costly City sewer, stormwater and road upgrades. The L~~ obtion:would allow continued development at the 1/2 acre lot s~ze that can be supposed by continued use of individual septic systems. Th'e area would continue to be se~dd by the CounW (roads, zoning, sher~f0, the P~ (electric and water) and the existin~ fire 'd~str~ct.. The Enn~s Creek ravine would separate our CounW based L~I~ from the C~W. By signing the petition beI0w you can exert pressure on your elected representath, es to ensure that your ex~st~ng housing densities and land uses are retained, that you w~II continue to enjoy a well maintained road system, that your taxes will remain as Iow as possible and that you can continue to receive seduces at ~own cost from the institutions that currently provide them. Name (Print) 'Signature Address Date If you are a resident or business owner in the UGA (urban growth area) and this petition interests you, please have everyone over the age of 18 sign the petition and return it to the Bay loop Neighborhood Assoc. address above by April 29'~, 2004 in order for it to be presented at the May 5tb Clallam County Planning Commission meeting. RETURN TO 2575 E. BAY STREET PORT ANGELES, WA. 98362 STOP ANNEXATION l~t ~s time to tell our elected County Commissioners that the residents of Bay Loop,' '- Gales Addition, North Monroe and North Mount Pleasant Neighborhoods, do not want to be part of the City of Port Angeles. By signing the petition beIow you will be telling the Commissioners that tl~ere are other'legal options for growth within our neighborhoods that would leave us within County jurisdiction and make annexation illegal. The petition requests the County to establish our neighborhoods as a County based "L~imited Area of More .'intense gurai Development" or LAMIRD for short. This option was not available when the Coun~ first adopted its growth pIart for our neighborhoods. The LAMIRD option allows our neighborhoods to retain their large lot suburban character, remain outside.the City and avoid costly City sewer, stormwate:r and road upgrades. The LAMIRD option would allow continued development at the 1/2 acre tot size that can be supported by continued use of individual septic systems. The area would continue to be served by the County (roads, zoning, sheriff), the PUl) (electric and water) and the existing fire district. The Ennis Creek ravine wouId separate our County based LANIlRD from the City.. By signing the petition beiow you can exert pressure on your elected representatives to ensure that your existing housing densities and land uses are retained, that you will continue to enjoy a well maintained road system, that your taxes will remain as Iow as possibIe and that you can continue to receive sera, ices at known cost from the institutions that currently provide them. Name (Print) Signature ,~ Address Date · ~ ' '~JC) ' If you are a resident or business owner in the UGA (urban growth area) and this petition interests you, please have everyone over the age of 18 sign the petition and return it to the Bay loop Neighborhood Assoc. address above by April 29th~ 2004 in order for it to be presented at the May 5th Clailam County Planning Commission meeting. RETURN TO 2575 E. BAY STREET PORt ANGELES?_.WA. 98362 STOP ANNEXATION [t is time to tell our elected County Commissioners that the res[dents of Bay Loop,' '- Gales Addition, North Monroe and North Mount Pleasant Ne[ghbortaoods, do not want to be part of the City of Port Angeles. By signing the petition below you will be telling the Commissioners that there are other legal options'for growth within our neighborhoods that would leave us within County ~urisdiction and make annexation illegal. The petition requests the County to establish our neighborhoods as a County based "L,;mited Area of More _Intense Rural Development" or LAMIRD for short. This option was not available when the County first adopted its growth plan for our neighborhoods. The LAMIRD option allows our neighborhoods to re~ain their large lot suburban character, remain outside the City and avoid costly City sewer, stormwater and road upgrades. The LANIIRD option would allow continued development at the 1/2 acre Iot size that can be supported by continued use of individual septic systems. Th'e area would continue to be sera:ed by the County (roads, zoning, sheriff), the PUD (electric and water) and the existing fire distrieL The Ennis Creek ravine wouId separate our County based LAMIRD from the City. By signing the petition below- you can exert pressure on your elected representatives to ensure that 3'our existing housing densities and land uses are retained, that you wiIl continue to enjoy a well maintained road system, that your taxes will remain as !ow as possible and that you can continue to receive services at known cost from the institutions that currently provide them. Name (Print) Signature Address Date If you are a resident or business owner in the UGA (urban growth area) and this petition interests you, please have everyone over the age of 18 sign the petition and return it to the Bay loop Neighborhood Assoc. address above by April 29th~ 2004 in order for it to be presented at the May 5t~ Clallam County Planning Commission meeting. RETURN TO 2575 E. BAY STREET PORT ANGELES, WA. 98362 STOP ANNEXATION NOW.V! l~t ~s time to tell our elected County Commissioners that the residents of Bay Loop,' '- Gales Addition, North Monroe and North Monnt Pleasant ?qeighborhoods, do not want to be part of~he Ci~ of Port Angeles. By signing the petition below you will be telling the Commissioners that there are other legal opffons for growth within our neighborhoods that would leave us within Coun~ ~urisdiction and ~make annexaffon illegal. The petition requests the Coun~ ~o establish our neighborhoods as a Coun~ based "~imi~ed ~rea of More ~n~ense ~ural ~evelopment" or'L~I~ for short. This option was not available when the CounD' first adopted its. growth plan for our neighborhoods. The L~~ option allows our. neighborhoods to retain their large lot suburban ckaracter, remain outside the Ci~ and avoid costly C[~ sewer, stormwater and road upgrades. The L~'I~. option would allow continued development at the 1/2 acre lot size that can be supported by continued use of individual septic systems. Th'e area would continue to be se~ed by the CounW (roads, zoning, sherif0, the P~ (electric and water) and the ex[sling fire district. The Ennis Creek ravine would separate our Coun~ based L~I~ from the CiW. By signing the petition beIo~v you can exe~ pressure on your elecfed representatives to ensure that your existing housing densities and land uses are retained, that you wiIl continue to enjoy a well maintained road system, that your taxes will remain as !ow as poss[bIe and tha~ you can continue to receive se~[ces at ~own cost from the institutions that currently provide them. Date. . Name (Print) . S gnatuqe Address If you are a resident or business owner in the UGA (urban growth area) and this petition interests you, please have everyone over the age of 18 sign the petition and return it to the Bay loop Neighborhood Assoc. address above by April 29th~ 2004 in order for it to be presented at the May 5th Clallam County Planning Commission meeting. RETURN TO 2575 E. BAY STREET PORT ANGELES, WA. 98362 STOP ANNEXATION NOW!! It is dine to tell our elected County Commissioners that the residents of Bay Loop,' - Gales Addition, North Monroe and North Mount Pleasant Neighborhoods, do not want to be part of the City of Port Angeles. By signing the petition below you will be telling the Commissioners that there are other legal options for growth within our neighbortroods that would leave us within County jurisdiction and make'annexation illegal. The petition requests the County to establish our neighborhoods as a County based "Limited ~krea of 5~ore Intense Rural Development" or LA~MIRD for short. This option was not available when the County first adopted its growth ptan for our neighborhoods. The LAMIRD option allows our neighborhoods to retain their large lot suburban character, remain outside the City a~d avoid costly City sewer, stormwater and road upgrades. The LA_MIRD option would allow continued development at the 1/2 acre tot size that eau be supported by continued use of individual septic systems. Th'e area would continue to be served by the County (roads, zoning, sheriff), the PUD (electric and water) and the existing fire district. The Ennis Creek ravine would separate our County based LANIIRD from the City. By signing the petition below you can exert pressure on your elected representatives to ensure that your existing housing densities and land uses are retained, that you will continue to enjoy a well maintained road system, that your taxes will remain as !ow as possible and that you can continue to receive services at known cost from the institutions that currently provide them. Name (print) Signature Address Date If you are a resident or business owner in the UGA (urban growth area) and this petition interests you, please have everyone over the age of 18 sign the petition and return it to the Bay loop Neighborhood Assoc. address above by April 29th~ 2004 in order for it to be presented at the May 5th Clallam County Planning Commission meeting. Name (Print) Signature Address Date If you are a resident or business owner in the UGA (urban growth area) and this petition interests you, please have everyone over the age of 18 sign the petition and return it to the Bay loop Neighborhood Assoc. address above by April 29th, 2004 in order for it to be presented at the May 5th Clallam County Planning Commission meeting. Itt size that can be supported by continued use of individual septic systems. The area would continue to be sera, ed by tI~e County (roads, zoning, sheriff), the PUD (eIectric and water) and the existing fire district. The Ennis Creek ra¥i. ne wouId separate our County based LAMIRD from the City. By signing the petition below you can exert pressure on 3'our elected representatives to ensure that. your existing housing densities and land uses are retained, that you will continue to enjoy a well maintained road system, that your taxes will remain as !ow as possibIe and that you can continue to receive serwices at known cost from the institutions that currently provide them. Name (Print) Signature Address Date If you are a resident or business owner in the LIGA (urban growth area) and this petition interests you, please have everyone over the age of 18 sign the petition and return it to the Bay loop Neighborhood Assoc. address above by April 29th~ 2004 in order for it to be presented at the May 5th Clallam County Planning Commission meeting. RETURN TO 2575 E. BAY STREET PORT ANGELES, WA. 98362 STOP ANNEXATION NOW.V. It is ffme to tell our elected County Commissioners that the residents of Bay Loop,' '- GaIes Addition, North M:onroe and North Mount PIeasant Neighborhoods, do not want to be part of the City of Port Angeles. By signing the petition below you will be telling the Commissioners that there are other legal options for growth within our ~eighborhoods that would leave tis ;vithin Coun~ jurisdiction and make annexatio~ illegal. The petition requests the Coun~ to establish our neighborhoods a~a Coun~ based "Limited Area of 5{ore ~ntense ~ural ~evelopment" or L~I~ for sho~. This option was not available when the CounB' first adopted its growth plan for our neighborhoods. The L~I~ option allows our neighborhoods to retain their large lot suburban character, remain outside the City and avoid costly Ci~ sewer, stormwater and road upgrades. The L~ option would allow continued development at the 1/2 acre Iot size that can be supported by ~ontinued use of individual septic systems. Th'e area would continue to be se~ed by the Coun~ (roads, zoning, sherif0, the P~ (electric and ~vate0 and the existing fire district. The Ennis Creek ravine would separate our Coun~ based L~MI~ from the By signing the petition be[o;v you~can exekt pressure on your elected representatives to ensure that your existing housing densities and land uses are retained, that you will continue to enjoy a well maintained road system, that your taxes will remain as tow as possible and that you can conffnue:to receive se~qces at ~own c~st from the institutions that currently provide them. Name (Print) Signa[ure Address Date If you are a resident or business owner in the UGA (urban growth area) and this petition interests you, please have everyone over the age of 18 sign the petition and return it to the Bay loop Neighborhood Assoc. address above by April 29th, 2004 in order for it to be presented at the May 5tb Clailam County Planning Commission meeting. RETURN TO 2575 E. BAY STREET PORT ANGELES, WA. 98362 STOP ANNEXATION NOW[ tt is time to tell our elected County Commissioners that the residents of Bay Loop,' -- Gales Addition, North Monroe and North Mount PIeasant Neighborhoods~ do not want to be part of the Ci~ of Port Angeles. By signing the petition beIow you will be telling the Commissioners that tl~ere are other legal options for growth w~thin our neighborhoods that wouId leave us with'in County jurisdiction and make annexation illegal. The petition requests the County to establish our neighborhoods as a County Based "Limited ~rea of More l~ntense Rural Development" or LAMIRD for short. This option was not available when the Count), first adopted its growth plan for our neighborhoods. The LAMIRD option allows our neighborhoods to retain their large lot suburban character, remain outside the City and avoid costly City sewer, stormwater and road upgrades. The LAMIRD option would allow continued development at the 1/2 acre tot size that can be supported by continued use of individual septic systems. The area would continue to be served by the County (roads, zoning, sheriff), the PUD (electric and water) and the existing fire district. The Ennis Creek ravine would separate our County based LAMIRD from the City. By signing the petition beIo~v you can exert pressure on your elected representatives to ensure that 5'our existing housing densities and land uses are retained, that you will continue to enjoy a well maintained road system, that your taxes will remain as !ow as possible and that you can continue to receive services at known cost from the institutions that currently provide them. Name (Print) z.Signatto e Address Date If you are a resident or business owner in the UGA (urban growth area) and this petition interests you, please have everyone over the age of 18 sign the petition and return it to the Bay loop Neighborhood Assoc. address above by April 29th, 2004 in order for it to be presented at the May 5th Clallam County Planning Commission meeting. RETURN TO 2575 E. BAY STREET PORT ANGELES ..WA. 98362 STOP ANNEXATION NOW .! It is ~ime to tell our elected County Commissioners that the residents of ~ay Loop,' '- Gales Addition, North Monroe and North Mount Pleasant Neighborhoods, do not want to be part of the CiW of Port Angeles. By signing the petition below you will be telling the Commissioners that ,::here are other legal options for growth within our neighborhoods that would lea,~e us within County jurisdiction and make annexation illegal. The petition requests 'he County to establish our neighbOrhoods as a County based "Limited Area of Mo,-e Intense Rural Development" or LAMIRD for short. This option ;vas not availai'~le when the Count5' first adopted its :growth plan for our neighborhoods. The LAMIRD option allows our neighborhoods to retain their large lot ::,.uburban character, remain outside the City and avoid costly City sewer, stormw: ~er and road upgrades. The LAMIRD option would allow continued development at iae 1/2 acre lot size that eau be supported by continued use of individual septic syste..:as. Th'e area would continue eo be served by the County (roads, zoning, sheriff), the ?'::3D (electric and water) and the existing fire district. The Enn[s Creek ravine would :~-;eparate our County based LAMIRD from the City. By signing the petition below you can exert pressure on your elected ret:~-esentatives to ensure that your existing housing densities and land uses are retaine~.~ that you w[II continue to enjoy a well maintained road system, that your taxes wiY.; remain as Iow as possible and that you eau continue to receive services at known c~::st from the institutions that currently provide them. Date Name. .Print) Address l% o tl If you are a resident or business owner in the UGA (urban growth area) and this petition interests you, please have everyone over the age of 18 sign the petition and return it to the Bay loop Neighborhood Assoc. address above by April 29th~ 2004 in order for it to be presented at the May 5th Clallam County Planning Commission meeting. RETURN TO 2575 E. BAY STREET PORT ANGELES, WA. 98362 STOP ANNEXATION NOW . It is ffme to tell oar elected County Commissioners that the residents of Bay Loop,' '- GaIes Addition, North Monroe and North 1VYount Pleasant Neighborhoods, do not want to be part of the City of Port Angeles. By signing the petition below you will be telling the Commissioners that there are other legal options for growth within oar neighborhoods that would leave us within County jurisdiction and make annexation illegal. Tttc petition requests the County to establish our neighborhoods as a Cop;nty based "L~mited Area of More ~tense R__ural Development" or LAMIRD for s~0rt. This op~qon was not available when the County first adopted its growth plan for oar neighborhoods. The LAMIRD option allows our neighborhoods to re~:ain thei~~ large lot suburban character, remain outside the City and~a~void costly _.~ty sewer, stormwater znd road upgrades. The LAMIRD option would ~llow continued development at the 1/2 acre ~ot size that can be supported by conti ~n~ed use of individual septic systems. The area would continue ~o be served by the Coa.aty (roads, zening, sheriff), the PUD (electric and water) and the existing fire distric~,.The Ennis Creek ravine would separate our County based LAMIRD from the City. By signing the petition below you can .ed~.ert pressure ,.'.n your elected representatives to ensure that your existing housing de~sities, and land uses are retained, that you will continue to enjoy a well maintainecb road system, that your taxes will remain as !ow as possible and that you can conti=~e t/q receive services at known cost from the institutions that currently provid~e them. // . Name(Print) Signature q) , '} aaress Date _ - '~ zo .~' ~ '! ! If you are a resident or business owner in the UGA (urban growth area) and this petition interests you, please have everyone over the age of 18 sign the petition and return it to the Bay loop Neighborhood Assoc. address above by April 29m, 2004 in order for it to be presented at the May 5th Clallam County Planning Commission meeting. RETURN TO 2575 E. BAY STREET PORT ANGELES, WA. 98362 STOP ANNEXATION NOW o It is ffme to tell our elected County Commissioners that the residents of Bay Loop,' - Gales Addition, North h{Onroe and North Mount Pleasant Ne[ghborIaoods, do not want to be part of the CiB~ of Port Angeles. By signing the petition below you will be telling the Commissioners that tlaere are other legal options for growth within our neighborhoods that would leave ugwithin Coun~ jurisdiction and: make annexation illegal. The petition requests the Coun~ to establish our neighborhoods as a CoUn~ based "Limited Area of ~ore intense ~urai Bevelopment" or ~~ for .short. This option ~vas not available when the CounB, first adopted its'~growth plan for our neighborhoods. The L~~ option al[dws our neighborhoods to retain their large lot suburban character, remain outsid~ the Ci~, and avoid cestly C[~ sewer, stormwater and road upgrades. The L~I~::option ~'ould allow continued development at the 1/2 acre tot size that can be supported by ~dontiaued use of individual septic systems. The area would continue to be se~ed by the CounW (roads, zoning, sherif0, the P~ (electric and water) and the existlhg fire district. The Ennis Creek ravine would separate our CounW based L~MI~ from the CiW. By signing the petition below you can eXe~ pressure on your eIected representatives to ensure that your existing housing densities and land uses are retained, that you will continue to enjoy a wetl maintained road system, that your taxes will remain as Iow as possible and that you can continue to receive sero, ices at ~own cost from the · institutions that currently provide them. Name (Print) Signature Address Date If you are a resident or business owner in the UGA (urban growth area) and this petition interests you, please have everyone over the age of 18 sign the petition and return it to the Bay loop Neighborhood Assoc. address above by April 29th~ 2004 in order for it to be presented at the May 5th Clallam County Planning Commission- meeting. RETURN TO 2575 E. BAY STREET PORT ANGELES, WA. 98362 STOP ANNEXATION NOW .. ~t is time to tell our elected County Commissioners that the residents of Bay Loop,' '- Gales Addition, North Monroe and North Mount Pleasant Neighborhoods, do not want to be part of the Ci~ of Fort Angeles. By signing the petition below you will be telling the Commissioners that there are other legal options for growth within our neighborhoods that would leave us County jurisdiction and make annexation illegal. The petition requests the County to establish our neighborhoods as a County based "Limited Area of More h~ense ~ural Development" or LAMIRD for short. This option was not available when the County first adopted its growth plan for our neighborhoods. The LAMIRD' option allows our neighborhoods to retain their large lot suburban character, remain outside the City and avoid costly City sewer, stormwater and road upgrades. TheLA_hSIRD option would allow continued development at the 1/2 acre lot size that can be supported by continued use of individual septic systems. The area woUld continue to beserved by the County' (roads, zoning, sheriff), the PUD (eIectric and water) and the'ex[sting fire district. The Enn[s Creek ravine would separate our County based LAaMIRD from the CID'. By signing the petition below you can 'exert pressure on your elected representatives to ensure that your.eXisting housing densities and land uses are retained, that you wiIl continue to enjoy a well maintained road system, that your taxes will remain as Iow as possible and that you can continue to receive semqces at lmown cost from the institutions that currently provide them. Name (Print) Signature Address Date If you are a resident or business owner in the UGA (urban growth area) and this petition interests you, please have everyone over the age of 18 sign the petition and return it to the Bay loop Neighborhood Assoc. address above by April 29tb~ 2004 in order for it to be presented at the May 5th Clallam County Planning Commission meeting. RETURN TO 2575 E. BAY STREET PORT ANGELES, WA. 98362 STOP ANNEXATION NOW!. ;It is time to tell our elected County Commissioners that the residents of Bay Loop,' '- Gales Addition, North Monroe and North Mount Pleasant Neighborhoods, do not want ~o be part of ~he Ci~ of Port Angeles. :"By signing the petition below you will be telIing the Commissioners that there are :,'other legal options for growth within our neighborhoods that would leave us within ~-County jurisdiction and make annexation illegal. The petition requests ~he County :: ~'to establish our neighborhoods as a County based "Limited Area of More Intense - Rural Development" or LAM1RD for short. This option was not available when the County first adopted its growth plan for our neighborhoods. .;: The LAMH/D option alIows our neighborhoods to retain their large lot suburban ::character, remain outside the CiD' and avoid costIy City sewer, stormwater and road ~.; upgrades. The LAMIRD option would allow continued development at the 1/2 acre 'itt size that can be supported by continued use of individual septic systems. Th'e area · -.would continue to be served by the County (roads, zoning, sheriff), the PUD (electric .~ and water) and the existing fire district. The Ennis Creek ravine would separate our County based LA~MIRD from the City. ~: ~By signing the petition below you can exert pressure on your elected representatives :~-to ensure that your existing housing densities and land uses are retained, that you ~ will continue to enjoy a well maintained road system, that your taxes wiIl remain as .!ow as possibIe and that you can continue to receive semqces at known cost from the institutions that currently provide them. ,',Name (Print) Signature ~ Address Date If you are a resident or business owner in the UGA (urban growth area) and this petition interests you, please have everyone over the age of 18 sign the petition and return it to the Bay loop Neighborhood Assoc. address above by April 29th, 2004 in order for it to be presented at 'the May 5tb Clallam County Planning Commission meeting. RETURN TO 2575 E. BAY STREET PORT ANGELES, WA. 98362 STOP ANNEXATION NOWoV It is time to tell our elected County Commissioners that the res[dents of Bay Loop,' ~- Gales Addition, North 1Vfonroe .and North Mount Pleasant Neighborhoods, do not want to be part of the C,.'ty of Port Angeles. By sigaing the petition below you will be telling the Commissioners that t[tere are other legal options for growth within our neighborhoods theft would leave us within County ~urisdiction and make annexation illegal. The petition requests the County to establish our neighborhoods as a County based "Limited A~rea of More l[ntense Rural Development" or LA1VIIRD for short. This option was not available when the Count)' first adopted its growth plan for our neighborhoods. The LAMIR option allows our neighborhoods to retain their large Iot suburban character, remain outside the CiD' and a_void costly City sewer, stormwater and road upgrades. The LAMIRD option~would allow continued development at the 1/2 acre tot size that can be supported by, continued use of indiv[dua~ septic systems. The area would continue to be served by the County (roads, zoning, s}ieriff), the PUD (electric and water) and the ex[sting fire district.' The Ennis Creek ravine would separate our County based LAMIRD from the City. By signing the petition betow you can exert pressure on your elected representatives to ensure that your existing housing densities and land uses are retained, that you will continue to enjoy a well maintained road system, that your taxes will remain as Iow as possible and that you can icontinue to receive semqces at known cost from the institutions that currently provide them. Name (Print) Si~&r,e ~ ~ddress Date If you are a resident or business owner in the UGA (urban growth area) and this petition interests you, please have everyone over the age of 18 sign the petition and return it to the Bay loop Neighborhood Assoc. address above by April 29ta, 2004 in order for it to be presented at the May 5t~ Clallam County Planning Commission meeting. RETURN TO 2575 E. BAY STREET PORT ANGELES, WA. 98362 STOP ANNEXATION NOW! It is time to tell our elected County Commissioners that the residents of Bay Loop,' '- Gales Addition, North Monroe and North Mount Pleasant Neighborhoods,.do not want to be part of the City of Port Angeles. By signing the petition below you will be telling the Commissioners that ti]ere are - other legal options for growth within our neighborhoods ~hat would leave us within Count)' jurisdiction and make annexation illegal. The petition requests the County '. to establish our neighborhoods as a County based "L~imited Area of W[ore.Intense Rural Development" or LAI~{[IRD for short. This option was not available when the County first adopted its growth plan for our neighborhoods. The LAM[RD option allo'~Vs our neighborhoods to retain their large lot suburban · character, remain outside.the CiD,,and avoid costly City sewer, stormwater and road upgrades. The LAMIRD option would allow continued development at the 1/2 acre · lot size that eau be suppoi'ted by continued use of individual septic systems. Th'e area would continue to be served by the County (roads, zoning, sheriff), the PUD (electric and water) and the existing fire district. The Ennis Creek ravine wouId separate our County based LAI~IIRD from the City. By signing the petition below you can exert pressure on your eIected representatives to ensure that your existing housing densities and land uses are retained, that you will continue to enjoy a well maintained road system, that your taxes will remain as Iow as possibIe and that you eau continue to receive services at known cost from the institutions that currently provide them. Name (Print) Signature Address Date / ~ ? / r ~/y e- ~-~ ~--c2- / ,;¢,.¢, ~?~.y'C~ ~ ,,. If you are a resident or business owner in the UGA (urban growth area) and this petition interests you, please have everyone over the age of 18 sign the petition and return it to the Bay loop Neighborhood Assoc. address above by April 29th~ 2004 in order for it to be presented at the May 5th Clallam County Planning Commission meeting. RETURN TO 2575 E. BAY STREET .... PORT ANGELES,__ WA. 98362 STOP ANNEXATION It is time to tell our elected County Commissioners that the residents of Bay Loop,' Gales Addition, North Monroe and North Mount Pleasant Neighborhoods, do not want to be part of the Ci~'y of Port Angeles. By signing the petition below you will be telling the Commissioners that there are other legal options for growth within our neighborhoods that would Ieave us within County jurisdiction and make annexation illegal. The petition requests the Count5, to establish our neighborhoods as a County based "Limited Area of !~[ore intense Rural ]~evelopment" or LAMIRD for short. This option was not available when the Count5' first adopted, its growth plan for our neighborhoods. The LAMIRD option allows our neighborhoods to retain their large lot suburban character, remain outside the Cit3, and avoid costIy City sewer, stormwater and road upgrades. The LAMiRD opt[on would allow continued development at the 1/2 acre tot size that can be supported by continued use of individual septic systems. Th'e area would continue to be served by the County (roads, zoning, sheriff), the PUD (electric and water) and the existing fire district. The Ennis Creek ravine would separate our County based LA_MIRD from the City. By signing the petition betow you can exert pressure oa your elected representatives to ensure that your existing housing densities and land uses are reta~ined, that you w[II continue to enjoy a well maintained road system, that your taxes ~viIl remain as Iow as possible and that you can continue fo receive services at known cost from the institutions that currently provide them. Name (Print) Signature Address Date If you are a resident or business owner in the UGA (urban growth area) and this petition interests you, please have everyone over the age of 18 sign the petition and return it to the Bay loop Neighborhood Assoc. address above by April 29th, 2004 in order for it to be presented at the May 5th Clallam County. Planning Commission meeting. RETURN TO 407 N. LEES C~EK RO~ - ~ / ~ '~ ~' ,'" PORT ~GELES, WA 98362 STOP ANNE TION NOWll It is time to tell our elected Coun~ Commissioners that the residents of Bay. Loop,' Gales Addition, No~h Monroe and North Mount Pleasant Neighborhoods, do not want to be part of the Ci~ of Po~ Angeles. By signing the petition below you will be telling the Commissioners that there are other legal options for growth within our-neighborhoods that svould leave us within Coun~ jurisdiction and make annexation'illegal. The petition requests the Coun~ to establish our neighborhoods as.a Coun~ based "Limited Area of ~ore Intense Rural Development" or L~I~ for short. This option was not available when the Coun~ first adopted its growth plan for our.neighborhoods. The L~I~ option allows our neighborhoods to retain their large lot suburban character, remain outside the Ci~ and avoid costly Ci~ sewer, stormwater and road upgrades. The L~I~ option would allow continued development at the 1/2 acre lot size that can be supported by continued use of individual septic systems. The area would continue to be se~ed by th~ Coun~ (roads, zoning, sheri~, the P~ (electric and water) and the existing fire district. The Ennis Creek ravine svould separate our Coun~ based L~I~ from the Ci~. By signing the petition below you can exe~ pressure on your elected representatives to ensure that your existing housing densities and land uses are retained, that you svill continue to enjoy a well maintained road system, that your taxes will remain as low as possible and that you can continue to receive semites at known cost from the institutions that currently provide them. Name (Print) Signature Address Date RETURN TO 2575 E. BAY STREET PORT ANGELES, WA. 98362 STOP ANNEXATION NOW . l~t is t~rne to tell our elected County Commissioners ~hat the residents of Ray Loop,' Gales Addition, North Monroe and :North Mount Pleasant Neighborhoods, do not want ~o be pa~t o£the City of Port Angeles. ,~y signing the petition below you will be telling the Commissioners that there are o~her legal opffons for growth, within our neighborhoods fhat woutd leave us within Coun~ jurisdiction and make annexation illegal. The petition requests the Coun~ to establish ou~ neighborhoods as a Coun~ based "~mited Area of More ~ntense ~ural ~evelopment" or L~I~ for short. This option was not available when the Count' first adopted i~ts growth plan for our neighborhoods. The L~MI~ option' allows our neighborhoods to retain their large lot suburban character, remain outside the Ci~ and avoid costly Ci~ sewer, stormwater and road upgrades. The L~I~ option would allow continued de~:'elopment at the 1/2 acre Iot size that can be supported by continued use of individual septic systems. The area would continue to bese~ed by the County (roads, zonings sherif0, the P~ (electr[e. and water) and the existing fire district. The Enn[s Creek ;"avine would separate our Coun~ based L~MI~ from the By signing the petition below you can exert pressure on your elected representatives to ensure that your ex[sting housing densities and land uses are retained, that you will continue to enjoy, a well maintained road system, that your taxes will remain as !ow as possibIe and that you can conffnue to receive se~,ices at ~own cost from the institutions tkat currently provide them. Name (Print) Signature/ Address Date If you are a resident or business owner in the UGA (urban growth area) and this petition interests you, please have everyone over the age of 18 sign the petition and return it to the Bay loop Neighborhood Assoc. address above by April 29tb~ 2004 in order for it to be presented at the May 5th Clallam County Planning Commission meeting. RETURN TO 2575 E. BAY STREET PORT ANGELES, WA. 98362 STOP ANNEXATION NOW. it is time to tetl our elected County Commissioners that the residents of Bay Loop,~ '- Gales Addition, North Monroe and North Mount PIeasant Neighborhoods, cio not want to be part of the City of Port Angeles. By signing the petition below you will be telt[ng the Commissioners that tkere are other legal~Options for growth within our neighborhoods that would leave, us with-in County jurisdiction and make annexation illegal. The petition requests the County to establish our neighborhOods as a County based "Limited Area of More.~_ntense Rural Development" or LAMIRD for short. This option was not availab}e ~vhen the Count), first adopted its g~owth plan for our neighborhoods. The LAMtRD option allows our neighborhoods to retain their large lot s~burban character, remain outs[de the City and avoid costly City sewer, stormwater and road upgrades. The LAbllRD.option would allow continued development at the 1/2 acre Itt size that can be supported by continued use of individual septic systems.. The area would cont/nue to' be sera, ed by the County (roads, zoning, sheriff), the PUD (electHc and water) and the existing fire district. The Ennis Creek ravine would separate our County based LAN[IRD from the City. By s,.'gning the petition below you can exert pressure on your elected representatives to ensure that your existing housing densities and land uses are retained, ~hat you w[II continue to enjoy a well maintained road system, that your taxes will remain as !ow as possible and that you can continue to receive semdces at known cos(: from the institutions that currently provide them. N,ame (Print) fignature Address Date If you are a resident or business owner in the UGA (urban growth area) and this petition interests you, please have everyone over the age of 18 sign the petition and return it to the Bay loop Neighborhood Assoc. address above by April 29th~ 2004 in order for it to be presented at the May 5th Clallam County Planning Commission meeting. RETURN TO 2575 E. BAY STREET PORT ANGELES, WA. 98362 STOP ANNEXATION NOW . It is ffme to tell our elected County Commissioners that the residents of Bay Loop,' '- Gales Addition, North Monroe and North Mount Pleasant Neighborhoods, do not want to be part of the City of Port Angeles. By signing the petition below you will be telling the Commissioners that there are other legal options for growth within our neighborhoods that wouId leave us wkhin t~.~, Count, County jurisdiction and make annexation illegal. The petition requests t" to establish our neighborhoods as a County based "Limited Area of I~{ore intense ,Rural Development" or LAA{IRD for short. This option was not available when the CounD' first adopted its growth plan for our neighborhoods. The LAMIRD option alIows our neighborhoods to retain their large lot suburban claaracter, remain outside the C[%' and avoid costly City sewer, stormwatec and road upgrades. The L.4A~IRD option would allow continued development at the 1/2 acre tot size that can be supported by continued use of individual septic systems. Tb.'e area would continue to be serw'ed by the County (roads, zoning, sher[f0, the PUD (e!ectffc and water) and the existing fire district. The Enn[s Creek ravine would separate our County. based LAMIRD from the City.. By signing the petition be£ow you can exert pressure on your eIected representatives to ensure that your ex[sting housing densities and land uses are retained, that you wilI continue to enjoy a well maintained road system, that 5:our taxes will remain as Iow as possible and that you can conffnue to receive sero, ices at known cost from the institutions tkat currently provide them. Name (Print) Signature Address Date If you are a resident or business o~vner in the UGA (urban growth area) and this petition interests you, please have everyone over the age of 18 sign the petition and return it to the Bay loop Neighborhood Assoc. address above by April 29th~ 2004 in order for it to be presented at the May 5th Clallam County Planning Commission meeting. RETURN TO 2575 E. BAY STREET PORT ANGELES, WA. 98362 STOP ANNEXATION NOW!*. It is time to teIl our elected County Co~missioners that the residents of Bay Loop,' - Gales Addition, North 5lonroe and North Mount Pleasant Neighborhoods, do not want to be part of the City of Port Angeles. By signing the petition below you will b~e telling the Commissioners that there are other legal options for growth within our neighborhoods that would leave us within CounD' jurisdiction and make ann,exat!~n illegal. Tire petition requests the County to estabIish our neighborhoods as a Co.u~nty based "Limited Area of More Intense Rural ]~evelopment" or LAMIRD for short. This option was not available when the CounD' first adopted its growth plan for our neighborhoods. The LAMIRD option allows our neigh.b, orraoods to retain their large lot suburban character, remain outside the City and..,...a, void costly City sewer, stormwater and road upgrades. The LAMIRD option would .~llow continued development at the 1/2 acre Itt size that can be supported by contiu~ged use of individual septic systems. Th'e area would continue to be serw'ed by tl~e County (roads, zoning, sheriff), the PUD (electric and water) and the existing fire district., The Ennis Creek ravine would separate our County based LAMIRD from the City. By signing the petition be[o~v you can exert pressure on your elected representatives to ensure that your existing housing densities and Iand uses are retained, that you will continue to enjoy a well maintained road system, that your taxes wiIl remain as !o~v as possible and that you eon continue to receive services at known cost from the institutions that currently provide them. Name (Print) Signature Address If you are a resident or business owner in the UGA (urban growth area) and this petition interests you, please have everyone over the age of 18 sign the petition and return it to the Bay loop Neighborhood Assoc. address above by April 29th~ 2004 in order for it to be presented at the May 5th Clallam County Planning Commission meeting. RETURN TO 2575 E. BAY STREET PORT ANGELES, WA. 98362 STOP ANNEXATION NOW*.! It is time to tell our elected County Commissioners that the residents of'Bay Loop,' ~- Gales Addition, North Monroe and North Mount Pleasant Neighborhoods, do not want to be part of the City of Port AngeIes. By signing the petition below you will be telling the Commissioners th~*t there are otraer legal options for growth within our neighborhoods that would leave us witIffn Count3~ ~[ur[sd[ction' and make annexation illegal The petition requests the County to establish our neighborhoods as a County based "Limited Area of More-lntense Rural Development" or LAi~{IRD for short. This option was not available when the County first adopted its growth plan for our neighborhoods. The LAMIRD option alloWs our neighborhoods to retain their large lot suburban clxaracter, remain outside tire Cit3, and avoid costly City sewer, stormwater and road upgrades. The LAI~IIRD option would allow continued deveIopment at t~e 1/2 acre lot s~ze that can be supported by continued use of individual septic systems. Th'e area would continue to be served by the County (roads, zoning, sI~eriff), the PUD (electric and water) and the existing fire district. The Ennis Creek ravine would separate our County based LAM!RD from the City. By signing the petition below you can exert pressure on your elect:ed representatives to ensure that your existing housing densities and land uses are retained, that you will continue to en.~oy a well maintained road system, that your taxes will remain as Iow as possible and that you can continue to receive services at known cost from the institutions t~at currently provide them. Name (Print) Signature Address Date If you are a resident or business owner in the UGA (urban growth area) and this petition interests you, please have everyone over the age of 18 sign the petition and return it to the Bay loop Neighborhood Assoc. address above by .April 29t~', 2004 in order for it to be presented at the May 5th Clallam County Planning Commission meeting. RETURN TO 2575 E. BAY STREET PORT ANGELES, WA. 98362 STOP ANNEXATION NOW. ! It is dine to tell our elected County Commissioners that the residents of Bay Loop,' '- Gales Addition, North Monroe and North Mount Pleasant Neighborhoods, do not want to be part of the CiW of Port Angeles. By signing the petition belo;v you ~vill be telling the Commissioners that there are other ~egal options for growth within our neighborhoods that would leave us Within · County jurisdiction and make annexation illegal. The petition requests t'he Coun .ty to establish our neighborhoods as a County based "Limited Area of Mc. re !]ntense Rural Development" or LAMIRD for short. This option was not available when the County first adopted its growth plan for our neighborhoods. · The LAMIRD option allows our neighborhoods to retain their large lot suburban character, remain outside the Cit3, and avoid costly City sewer, storm;w~ter and road upgrades. The LAJMIRD option would allow continued development at the 1/2 acre lot size that can be supported by continued use of individual septic systems. Th'e area would continue to be served by the County (roads, zoning, sheriff), the PUD (electric and water) and the existing fire district. The Ennis Creek ravine would separate our County based LAM!RD from the CiW. By signing the petition belo;v you can exert pressure on your elected representatives to ensure that your existing housing densities and land uses are retained, that you will continue to enjoy a well maintained road system, that your taxes will remain as low as possible and that you can continue to receive services at known cost from the institutions that currently provide them. Name (Print) Signature , Address Date If you are a resident or business owner in the UGA (urban growth area) and this petition interests you, please have everyone over the age of 18 sign the petition and return it to the Bay loop Neighborhood Assoc. address above by April 29th~ 2004 in order for it to be presented at the May 5th Clallam County Planning Commission meeting. RETURN TO 2575 E. BAY STREET PORT ANGELES, WA. 98362 STOP ANNEXATION N@ V. It is time to tell our elected County CommiSsioners that the residents of Ray Loop,' Gales Addition, North Monroe and North~-Mount Pleasant Neighborhoods, do not want to be part of the City of Port AngeIes. By signing the petition below you will be telling the Commissioners that there are other legal options for growth within our:neighborhoods that would leave us within County jurisdiction and make annexation illegal. The petition requests the County to establish our neighborhoods asa County based "Limited A~,-ea of ~.ore _intense Rural Development" or LAMIRD for short. This option was not available when the Count}' first adopted its growth plan for our neighborhoods. The LAMIRD option allows our neighborhoods to retain their large lot suburban character, remain outside the City and avoid costIy Ci~ sewer, stormwater and road upgrades. The LAMIRD option would, allow continued develepment at the 1/2 acre tot size that can be supported by continued use of individual septic systems. The area would continue to be served by the Coun~ (roads, zoning, sheriff), the PUD (electric and water) and the ex[sting fire district. The Ennis Creek ravine would separate our County based LAM{RD from the City. By signing the petition below you' can exert pressure on your elected representatives to ensure that your existing housing densities and land uses a;:e retained, that you will continue to enjoy a well maintained road system, that your taxes will remain as Iow as possibIe and that you can continue to receive serv[ces at known cost from the institutions that currently provide them. Name (Print) Sigg. ature Address Date If you are a resident or business owner in the UGA (urban growth area) and this petition interests you, please have everyone over the age of 18 sign the petition and return it to the Bay loop Neighborhood Assoc. address above by April 29th, 2004 in order for it to be presented at the May 5th Clallam County Planning Commission meeting. RETURN TO 2575 E. BAY STREET PORT ANGELES, WA. 98362 STOP ANNEXATION It ~s ffme to tell our elected County Commissioners that the residents of Bay Loop,'" Gales Addition, N°rth Monroe :~nd North Mount Pleasant Neighborhoods, do not want to be part of the City of Port Angeles. By signing the petition below you will be.~elHng the Commissioners that there are o~her legal options for growth Within our. neighborhoods ~hat wouId leave us within County jurisdiction and make a~nnexation illegal. The petiffon requests the Count~' to establish our neighborhoods as a County based "Limited Area of 5~.ore Intense Rural Development" or LAkSIIP,,:D for short. This option was not available when the Count' first adopted ~ts growth plan for our neighborhoods. The LAMH1D option allows our'neighborhoods to retain their large lot suburban character, remain outside-the Ci~' and avoid costly City sewer, stormwater and road upgrades. The LAI~[IRD oPtion:would allow continued development at the 1/2 acre lot size that eau be supported by continued use of individual septic systems. TIie area would cant[nut to be served by~he County (roads, zoning, sheriff), the PUD (eIectric and water) and the existing fire'district. The Ennis Creek ravine would separate our County based L>2C[IRD from the City. By signing the petition below you can exert pressure on your elected representatives to ensure that your existing hous-ing densities and land uses are reta[necl, that you w[II continue to enjoy a well maintained road system, that your taxes will remain as low as possible and that you can"continue to receive ser~qces at known cost from the institutions that currently provide them. Name(Print) Sig,_n~at~ Address Date, . If you are a resident or business owner in the UGA (urban growth area) and this petition interests you, please have everyone over the age of 18 sign the petition and return it to the Bay loop Neighborhood Assoc. address above by April 29~h~ 2004 ia order for it to be presented at the May 5th Clallam County Planning Commission meeting. RETURN TO 2575 E. BAY STREET PORT ANGELES, WA. 98362 STOP ANNEXATION NOW!! It is time to tell our elected County Commissioners that the residents of Bay Loop,' ~- Gales Addition, North Monroe and North Mount Pleasant Neighborhoods, do not want to be part of the City of Port Angeles. By signing the petition below you will be telling the Commissioners that there are other legal options for growth w/thin our neighborhoods that would leave us within County jurisdiction and make annexaffon illegal. The petition requests the County to establish our neighborhoods as a County based "Limited Area of More Intense Rural Development" or LAMIRD for short. This option was not available when the Count3' first adopted its growth plan for our neighborhoods. The LAMKRD option allows our neighborhoods to retain their large lot suburban character,- remain outside the City and avoid costly City sewer, stormwater and road upgrades. The LAI~ option would allow continued development at the 1/2 acre tot size that can be supported by continued use of individual septic systems. Th'e area would continue to be served by the County (roads, zoning, sheriff), the PUD (electric and water) and the existing fire district. The Ennis Creek ravine would separate our County based LAMIRD from the City. By signing the petition below you can exert pressure on your elected representatives to ensure that 3,our existing housing densities and land uses are retained, that you will continue to enjoy a well maintained road system, that your taxes will remain as low as possible and that you can continue to receive services at known cost from the institutions that currently provide them. Name (Print) Signature ~ Address Date If you are a resident or business owner in the UGA (urban growth area) and this petition interests you, please have everyone over the age of 18 sign the petition and return it to the Bay loop Neighborhood Assoc. address above by April 29th, 2004 in order for it to be presented at the May 5th Clallam County Planning Commission meeting. RETURN TO 2575 E. BAY STREET PORT ANGELES, WA. 98362 STOP ANNEXATION lit is time to tell our eIected County Commissioners that the res[dents of Bay Loop,' Gales Addition, North Monroe and North Mount Pleasant Neighborhoods, do not want to be part of the City of Port Angeles. By signing the petition below you will be telling the Commissioners that there are o~her legal options'for growth within our neighborhoods that would Ieave us within County jurisdiction and make annexation ilIegal. The petition requests thc.. County to establish our neighborhoods as a County based "Limited zkrea of More/.ntense Rural Development" or LAMIRD for short. This option was not available ;~hen the CounB~ first adopted its growth plan for our neighborhoods. The LAMIRD option allows our neighborhoods to retain their targe lot subarban clxaracter,.rema[n outside the City and avoid costly City sewer, stormwater and road upgrades. The LAIS~ option would allow continued deveIopment at the 1/2 acre lot size that can be supported by continued use of individual septic systems° The area would continue to be served by the CoUnty (roads, zoning, sheriff), the PU~D (electric and water) and the ex[sting fire district. The E~mis Creek ravine wouId separate our County based LAMIRD from the City. By signing the petition be[ow you can exert pressure on your eIected representatives to ensure that your exisffng housing densiffes and land uses are retained, t[mt you will continue to enjoy a well maintained road system, that your taxes will remain as low as possibIe and that you can continue to receive services at known cost from the institutions that currently provide them. Name (Print) Signature ~?. Address Date If you are a resident or business owner in the UGA (urban growth area) and this petition interests you, please have everyone over the age of 18 sign the petition and return it to' the Bay loop Neighborhood Assoc. address above by April 29th~ 2004 in order for it to be presented at the May 5th Clallam County Planning Commission meeting. RETURN TO 2575 E. BAY STREET PORT ANGELES, WA. 98362 STOP ANNEXATION NOW!! It is ffme to tell ourelected County Commissioners that the residents of Bay Loop,' - Gales ^ddition, North Monroe and North Mount Pleasant Neighborhoods, do not want to be part of the Ci~ of Port AngeIes. By signing the petiti'on below you. will be ~elling the Commissioners that there are other legal options.for ~rowth within our ~ighborhoods that would leave us within CounW ]urisdiction~and make annexation i:llegal. The petition requests the Coun~ to establish our neighborhoods as.a Coun~ based "~imited ~rea of More lntense Rural ~evelopment~~ or L~I~ for sho~t. This option was not available when the Coun~ first adopt~ its growth plan for our neighborhoods. The L~~ optiqn allows our neighbor:hoods to retai~.~ their large lot suburban character, remain outside the Ci~, and avoid costly Ci~' sewer, stormwater and road upgrades. The L~ option ~ouid allqw continued development at the 1/2 acre tot size that can be Supported by continued use of individual septic systems. The area would continue to be se~ed..by the Contd.(roads, zoning, sherle, the P~ (electric a~d water) and the~existing.~re diserict. The Ennis Creek ravine would separate our Coun~ based L~I~ from the CiW. By signing the petition belo~v you can exert: pressure on your elected representatives to ensure that your~existing housing densi:~ies and land uses are retained, that you will continue to enjoy a well maintained road system, that your taxes will remain as !ow as possible and that you. can continue to receive se~,ices at ~o~vn cost from the institutions that currently provide them. Name (Print) Signature Address Date If you are a resident or business owner in the UGA (urban growth area) and this petition interests you, please have everyone over the age of 18 sign the petition and return it to the Bay loop Neighborhood Assoc. address above by April 29th, 2004 in order for it to be presented at the May 5th Clallam County Planning Commission meeting. RETURN TO 2575 E. BAY STREET PORT ANGELES, WA. 98362 STOP ANNEXATION NOW[ It is time to tell our elected COunty Commissioners that the residents of Bay Loop,'" Gales Addition, North MonrOe and North Mount Pleasant Neighborhoods, do not want to be part of the City of Port Angeles. By signing the petition below you will be telling the Commissioners that there are other legal options for growth within o'ur neighborhoods that would leave us 'vvithirt County jurisdicdon and mak'e annexation ilIegal. The petition requests the County to establish our neighborhoods as a County Based "Limited Area of More I_nliense Rural Development" or LAM~I.RD for short~ This option was not available when the Count5, first adopted its growth plan for our neighborhoods. The LAMIRD option allo~vs bur neighborhoods to retain their large lot suburban cl~aracter, remain outside the'.City and avoid costly City sewer, stormwater and road upgrades. The LAMIRD opt'i~n would allow continued development at the 1/2 acre lot size that can be supported by continued use of individual septic systems. The area ~¥ould continue to be served by t~e County (roads, zoning, sheriff), the PUD (electric and water) and the existing fire district. The Ennis Creek ravine would separate our Coun~ based LAM~[RD from the City. By signing the petition belowyou can exert pressure on your elected representatives to ensure that Your existing housing densities and la,ad uses are retained, theft you wiIl continue to enjoy a well'rnaintained road system, that your taxes 'will remain as low as possible and that you can continue to receive sera, ices at known cost from the institutions that currently provide them. Na~e (Print) Signature Address Date lfyou are a resident or business owner in the UGA (urban growth area) and this petition interests you, please have everyone over the age of 18 sign the petition and return it to the Bay loop Neighborhood Assoc. address above by April 29th~ 2004 in order for it to be presented at the May 5th Clallam County Planning Commission meeting. RETURN TO 2575 E. BAY STREET PORT ANGELES, WA. 98362 STOP ANNEXATION NOW.*! It is time to tell 'our elected County Commissioners that the res[dents of Bay Loop,' '- Gales Addition, North Monroe and North 'Mount PIeasant Neighborhoods, do not want to be part of the City of Port Angeles. By signing the petition below you will be telIing the Commissioners that there are other legal options for growt[t within our neighborhOods tllat would leave us within County jurisdiction and make aanexat[on'.itlegal. TI~e petition requests the County to establish our neighborhoods as a County based "Limited Area of More Intense 'Rural Development" or LAMIRD for short. This option was not available when the Count3' first adopted its growth plan for our neighborhoods. The LAMIRD option allows our neighborhoods to retain their large l~-t suburban c~aracter, remain outside the City and avoid costly Cit3, sewer, stormwater and road upgrades. The LAr~D option would allow continued developmeat at the 1/2 acre I.ot size tlxat can be supported by continued use of individual septic systems. Th'e area would continue to be served by the County (rOads, zoning, s~aeriff), the PUD (electric and water) aad the existing fire district. The Ennis Creek ravine would separate our Couaty based LAMIRD from the City. By signing the petition below you can exert pressure on your elected representatives to ensure that your existing housing densities and land uses are retained, that you will continue to enjoy a well maintained road system, that your taxes will remain as tow as possible and that you can continue {o receive services at known cost from the institutions that currently provide them. Name (Print) Signature Address.- Date If you are a resident or business owner in the UGA (urban growth area) and this petition interests you, please have everyone over the age of 18 sign the petition and return it to the Bay loop Neighborhood Assoc. address above by April 29th~ 2004 in order for it to be presented at the May 5t~ Clallam County Planning Commission meeting. RETURN TO 2575 E. BAY STREET PORT ANGELES, WA. 98362 STOP ANNEXATION It is tirae to tell our elected County Commissioners that the res[dents of Bay Loop,' - Gales Addition, North Monroe and North. Mount Pleasant Neighborhoods, do not want ¢o be part of the Ci~ of Port Angeles. By signing the petition below, you wilI be telling the Commissioners that there are other legal options for growth within~our neighborhoods that would leave us within Coun~ jurisdiction and make annexation, illegal. The petition requests the CounW to establish our neighborhoods as a Coun~'based "Limited Area of ?~ore tntense Rural ~eveIopment" or L~I~ for short. This option was not available when the Count' first adopted tts grow.th plan for our neighborhoods. The L~~ option allows .our neighborhoods to retain their large lot suburban character, remain outside the Ci~, and avoid costly Ci~ sewer, stormwater and road upgradeS. The L~I~ opti~on would allow continued development at the 1/2 acre [or s~ze that eau be supported: by cont[nued,.use of individual septic systems. Th'e area would continue to be se~ed ~by the CourtS-(roads, zoning, sherifO, the P~ (electric and water) and the existing fire district. The Ennis Creek ravine would separate our Conn~ based L~MI~ from the By signing the petit[on below,you can exert pressure on your elected representatives to ensure that your ex[sting housing densities and land uses are retained, that you w[I1 continue to enjoy a well maintained road system, that your taxes will remain as Iow as possibIe and that you can continue to receive se~qces at ~qown cost from the ~nstitutions that currently provide them. Name (Print) S[g ~urg}/~ Address Date If you are a resident or business owner in the UGA (urban growth area) and this petition interests you, please have everyone over the age of 18 sign the petition and return it to the Bay loop Neighborhood Assoc. address above by April 29th~ 2004 in order for it to be presented at the May 5t~ Clallam County Planning Commission meeting. RETURN TO 407 N. LEES CREEK ROAD PORT .ANGELES, WA 98362 STOP ANNEXATION NOW!! It is time to tell our elected County Commissioners that the residents of Bay Loop,'" Gales Addition, North Mom:oe and North Mount Pleasant Neighborhoods, do not want to be Part Of the City of Port Angeles. By signing the petition below you will be telling the Commissioners that there are other legal options for growth within/our neighborhoods that would leave us wi'thin County jurisdiction and make annexation illegal. The petition requests the County to establish our neighborhoods as a County based "Limited Area ofl~lore Intense Rural l~evelopment" or LAMIRD for short. This option was not. available when the County:first adopted its growth plan for our neighborhoods. The LAMIRD option allows our neighborhoods to retain their large lot suburban character,, remain outside the City and avoid costly City sewer, stormwater and road upgrades. The LAMIRD option would allow continued development at the 1/2 acre lot size that can be supported by continued use of individual septic systems. The area would continue to be served by the County (roads, zoning, sheriff), the PUD (electric and water) and the existing fire district. The Ennis Creek ravine would separate our County based LAMIRD from the City. By signing the petition below you can exert pressure on your elected representatives to ensure that your existing housing densities and land uses are retained, that you will continue to enjoy a well maintained road system, that your taxes will remain as low as possible and that you can continue to receive services at known cost from the institutions that currently provide them. Name (Print) Si/g~/~!ljf~¢:~ Address Date RETURN TO 2575 E. BAY STREET PORT ANGELES, WA. 98362 STOP ANNEXATION t~t is t~me to tell our elected County Commissioners that the residents of Bay Loop,' Gales Addition, North Monroe and North Monnt Pleasant Neighborhoods, do not want to be part of the CiW of Fort Angeles. By signing the petition below you will be telling the Commissioners that there are other legal options for growth within our neighborhoods that woutd leave us within County jurisdiction and make annexation illegal. The petition requests thc County ~o establish our neighborhoods as a County based "Limited Area cf More ~(ntense Rural Development" or LA1VIIRD for short. This option was not ayailable when the Count5' first adopted its growth plan for our neighborhoods. The LAMIRD option alIows our neighborhoods to retain their large lot sut~urban character, remain outside the Ci~' and avoid costly City sewer, stormwate~~ and road upgrades. The LAMIRD option would allow continued development at the 1/2 acre lot size that can be supported by continued use of individual septic systems. Th'e area would continue to be served by the County (roads, zoning, sheriff):, the PU-D (electric and water) and the existing fire district. The Enn[s Creek ravine would separate our County based LAMIRD from the City. By signing the petition below you can exert pressure on your elected representatives to ensure that your ex[sting housing densities and land uses are retained, that you will continue to enjoy a well maintained road system, that your taxes will remain as Iow as possible and that you can continue to receive sero, ices at known cost from the institutions that currently provide them. Name (Print) Signature Address Date If yon are a resident or business owner in the UGA (urban growth area) and this petition interests you, please have everyone over the age of 18 sign the petition and return it to the Bay loop Neighborhood Assoc. address above by April 29ta~ 2004 in order for it to be presented at the May 5th Clallam County Planning Commission meeting. RETURN TO 2575 E. BAY STREET .. PORT ANGELES:_ WA. 98362 STOP ANNEXATION NOW .. It is time to tell our elected County Commissioners that the residents of Bay Loop,' '- Gales Addition, North Monroe and North Mount Pleasant Neighborhoods, do not want to be part of the City of Port Angeles. By signing the petition below yoU.will be telling the Commissioners 'that there are' other legal options for growth within our neighborhoods that would leave us w/thin County jurisdiction and make an:nexation'illegal. The Petition requests the County to establish our neighborhoods asa County l~ased "Limited Area of 5q. ore Intense Rural Development" or LAMIRD for short. This option was not available when the Count3' first adopted its growth plan for our neighborhoods. The LAMl:RD option allows our neighborhoods to retain their large lot suburban character, remain outside the City and avoid costly City sewer, stormwater and road upgrades. The LAMIRD option sgould allow continued development at the 1/2 acre' [or size that eau be supported by Continued use of individual septic systems. Th'e area would continue to be served by the Coun~ (roads, zoning, sheriff), the PUD (electric and water) and the existing fire district. The Ennis Creek ravine would separate our County based LAMIRD from the City. By sggning the petition below you. can.exert pressure on your elected representatives to ensure that 3'our ex[sting housing densities and land uses are retained, that you will continue to enjoy a well maintained road system, that your taxes will remain as !ow as possible and that you can continue ~o receive sera, ices at 'known cost from the institutions that currently provide them. Name (Print) S'vznature Address Date If you are a resident or business owner in the UGA (urban growth area) and this petition interests you, please have everyone over the age of 18 sign the petition and return it to the Bay loop Neighborhood Assoc. address above by April 29th~ 2004 in order for it to be presented at the May 5th Clallam County Planning Commission meeting. RETURN TO 2575 E. BAY STREET PORT ANGELES, WA. 98362 STOP ANNEXATION NOW ! It is ffme to telI our elected County Commissioners that the residents of Bay Loop,' '- Gales Addition, North h{onroe and North Mount PIeasant Ne[ghborhoods~ do not want to be part of the Ci~ of Port Angeles. By signing the petition below you will be telling the Commissioners that there are other legal options for growth within our neighborhoods that would leave us within County jurisdiction and:~make annexat[°n illegal. The petition requests the County to establish our neighborhoods as a COunty based "Limited ~rea of Mitre Intense Rural Development" or LAMIRD for short. This option was not available when the Count5' first adopted its growth plan for our neighborhoods. The LA3{IRD option allows our neighborhoods to retain their large lot suburban character, remain outside theCity and avoid costly City sewer, stormwater and road upgrades. The LAI~{IRD option would hllow continued development at the 1/2 acre lot size that can be supported by continued use of individual septic systems. Th'e area would continue to be served by the County (roads, zoning, sherif0, the'PUD (electric and water) and the existing fire district. The Ennis Creek ravine would separate our County based LAMIRD from the City. By signing the petition below you can exert pressure on your elected representatives to ensure that your existing housing densities and land uses are retained, that you will continue to enjoy a well maintained road system, that your taxes will remain as !ow as possibIe and that'You can continue to receive sera, ices at known cost from the institutions that currently provide them. Name (Print) Sign~. ~.re Address Date If you are a resident or business owner in the UGA (urban growth area) and this petition interests you, please have everyone over the age of 18 sign the petition and return it to the Bay loop Neighborhood Assoc. address above by April 29th~ 2004 in order for it to be presented at the May 5th Ciallam County Planning Commission meeting. DRY CREEK COMMUNITY REQUEST "NO CHANGE" TO WESTERN UGA BOUNDARY' Submitted to City Council at its meeting of June 8, 2004 by Ed Tuttle We, the voters of Dry Creek community request that the County Commissioners leave the existing UGA western bounctary at ns currem location, which is Reddick Road. By signing this petition below you will be supporting the above statement, that will go to our elected County Commissioners, that we, the community of Dry Creek, are opposed to any change of the Port Angeles UGA western boundary. Since the Port Angeles UGA western boundary was changed in 1995, no development or urban services have taken place within this expanded UGA area by the City of Port Angeles. We, the citizens of Dry Creek, wish to retain our mml charter, ensure that our homing densities and' land use are retained, that our taxes will remain as low as possible and that we continue to receive services from our current providers (i.e: Dry Creek Water Association and Clallam County PUD). The Dry Creek community has a strong desire to see that our investment in our homes and our quality of life are proteCted. Some of the most emotionally charged conflicts in communities occur when residents perceive proposed land uses as a threat to their homes and their quality of life. Potential homeowners rely upon existing zoning and existing uses in a neighborhood when purchasing a home. At the time of purchasing a home/land, the individual(s) makes a co_mmtment which is literally cast in concrete, a home or pioc, e of land cannot be moved or reoriented to avoid a new incompatible use, moving a home may not be an option, either for financial reasons or because of emotional ties to the property or community. New development must be required to be compatible with existing neighborhoods, protection of the home must be one of the highest priorities of county government. NAME (PKINTED) SIGNATURE ~ ADDRESS D~7~//~_/./ DRY CREEK COMMUNITY REQUEST "NO CHANGE" TO WESTERN UGA BOUNDARY" "- NAME (PRINTED) SIGNATURE ADDRESS .. DATE DRY CREEK COMMUNITY REQUEST "NO CHANGE" TO WESTERN UGA BOUNDARY" "- We, the voters of Dry Creek community request that the County Commissioners leave the existing UGA western boundary at its current location, which is Reddick Road. By signing this petitiOn below you will be supporting the above statement, that will go to our elected County Commissioners, that we, the community of Dry Creek, are opposed to any change of the Port Angeles UGA western boundary. Since the Port Angeles UGA western boundary was changed in 1995, no development or urban services have taken place within this expanded UGA area by the City of Port Angeles. We, the citizens of Dry Creek, wish to retain our rural charter, ensure that our ho.USing densities and land use are retained, that our taxes will remain as low as possible and that we continue to receive services from our current providers (i.e. Dry Creek Water Association and Clallam County PUD). The Dry Creek community has a strong desire to see that our investment in our homes and our quality of life are protected. Some of the most emotionally charged conflicts in communities occur when residents perceive proposed land uses as a threat to their homes and their quality, of life. Potential homeowners rely upon existing zoning and existing uses in a neighborhood when purchasing a home. At the time of purchasing a home/land, the individual(s) makes a commitment which is liter411y cast in concrete, a home or piece of land cannot be moved or reoriented to avoid a new incompatible use, moving a home may not be an option, either for financial reasons or because of emotional ties to the property or community. New development must be required to be compatible with existing neighborhoods, protection of the home must be one of the highest priorities of county government. NAME (PRINTED) SIGNATURE ADDRESS DATE DRY CREEK COMMUNITY REQUEST "NO CHANGE" TO WESTERN UGA BOUNDARY" NAME (PRINTED)SIGNATURE ADDRESS ;' DATE : - _., ~7~.-; . ..... . .... DRY CREEK COMMUNITY REQUEST "NO CHANGE" WESTERN UGA BOUNDARY" We, the voters of Dry Creek community request that the County Commissioners leave the existing UGA western boundary at its current location, which is Reddick Road. By signing this petition below you will be supporting the above statement, that will go to our elected County Commissioners, that we, the community of Dry Creek, are opposed to any change of the Port Angeles UGA western boundary. Since the Port Angeles UGA western boundary was changed in 1995, no development or urban services have taken place within this expanded UGA area by the City of Port Angeles. We, the citizens of Dry Creek, wish to retain our rural charter, ensure that our housing densities and' land use are retained, that our taxes will remain as Iow as possible and that we continue to receive services fi-om our current providers (i.e. Dry Creek Water Association and Clallam County PUD). - ..... The Dry Creek community has a stTong desire to see that our investment in our homes and our quality of life are protected. Some of the most emotionally charged conflicts in communities occur when residents perceive proposed land uses as a threat to their homes and their quality of life. Potential homeowners rely upon existing zoning and existing uses in a neighborhood when purchasing a home. At the time of purchasing a home/land, the individual(s) makes a commitment which is literally cast in concrete, a home or piece of land cannot be moved or reoriented to avoid a new incompatible use, moving a home may not be an option, either for financial reasons or because of emotional des to the property or community. New development must be required to be compatible with existing neighborhoods, protection of the home must be one of the highest priorities of county government. NAME (PRINTED) SIGNATURE ADDRESS DATE / . DRY CREEK COMMUNITY REQUEST "NO CHANGE" TO WESTERN UGA BOUNDARY" NAME (PRINTED) SIGNATURE ADDRESS , DATE DRY CREEK COMMUNITY REQUEST "NO CHANGE" TO WESTERN UGA BOUNDARY" We, the voters of Dry Creek community request that the County Commissioners leave the existing UGA western boundary at its current location, which is Reddick Road. By signing this petition below you will be supporting the above statement, that will go to our elected County Commissioners, that we, the community of Dry Creek, are opposed to any change of the Port Angeles UGA western boundary. Since the Port Angeles UGA western boundary was changed in 1995, no development or urban services have taken place within this expanded UGA area by the City of Port Angeles. We, the citizens of Dry Creek, wish to retain our rural charter, ensure that our housing densities and land use are retained, that our taxes will remain as low as possible and that we continue to receive services from our current providers (i.e. Dry Creek Water Association and Clallam County PUD). The Dry Creek community has a strong desire to see that our investment in our homes and our quality of life are protected. Some of the most emotionally charged conflicts in communities occur when residents perceive proposed land uses as a threat to their homes and their quality of life. Potential homeowners rely upon existing zoning and existing uses in a neighborhood when purchasing a home. At the time of purchasing a home/land, the individual(s) makes a commitment which is literally cast in concrete, a home or piece of land cannot be moved or reoriented to avoid a new incompatible use, moving a home may not be an option, either for financial reasons or because of emotional ties to the property or community. New development must be required to be compatible with existing neighborhoods, protection of the home must be one of the highest priorities of county government. NAME (PRINTED). SIGNATURE ADDRESS DATE DRY CREEK COMMUNITY REQUEST "NO CHANGE" TO WESTERN UGA BOUNDARY" NAME (PRINTED) SIONA~JI~__~ ADDKESS DATE ~ J f ~ · . - / ~. -. ' DRY CREEK COMMUNITY REQUEST "NO CHANGE" TO WESTERN UGA BOUNDARY" ""~ NAME (PRINTED) SIGNATURE ADDRESS : DATE DRY CREEK COMMUNITY REQUEST "NO CHANGE" TO WESTERN UGA BOUNDARY" We, the voters of Dry Creek community request that the County Commissioners leave the existing UGA western boundary at its current location, which is Reddick Road. By signing this petition below you will be supporting the above statement, that will go to our elected County Commissioners, that we, the commumty of Dry Creek, are opposed to any change of the Port Angeles UGA western boundary. Since the Port Angeles UGA western boundary was changed in 1995, no development or urban services have taken place within this expanded UGA area by the City of Port Angeles. We, the citizens of Dry Creek, wish to retain our rural charter, ensure that our ho~ing densities and land use are retained, that our taxes will remain as low as possible and that we continue to receive services from our current providers (i.e. Dry Creek Water Association and Clallam County PUD). The Dry Creek community has a s~ong desire to see that our investment in our homes and our quality of life are protected. 'Some oftbe most emotionally charged conflicts in communities occur when residents perceive proposed land uses as a threat to their homes and their quality of life. Potential homeowners rely upon existing zoning and existing uses in a neighborhood when purchasing a home. At the time of purchasing a home/land, the individual(s) makes a commitment which is literally cast in concrete, a home or piece of land cannot be moved or reoriented to avoid a new incompatible use, moving a home may not be an option, either for financial reasons or because of emotional ties to the property or community. New development must be required to be compatible with existing neighborhoods, protection of the home must be one of the highest priorities of county government. NAME (PRINTED)" SIGNATURE ADDRESS DATE ,4su~ .r ,o~.~-t+ ::r~b~~' c,c~,,,~ ._,~,~_~:~ 28o ~ w. ~_~y ~,,'~, o r,'u~ q - tco- oq DRY CREEK COMMUNITY REQUEST "NO CHANGE" TO WESTERN UGA BOUNDARY" We, the voters of Dry Creek community request that the County Commissioners leave the existing UGA western boundao, at its current location, which is Reddick Road. By signing this petition below you will be supporting the above statement, that will go to our elected County Commissioners, that we, the commumty of Dry Creek, are opposed to any change of the Port Angeles UGA western boundary. Since the Port Angeles UGA western boundary was changed in 1995, no development or urban services have taken place within this expanded UGA area by the City of Port Angeles. We, the citizens of Dry Creek, wish to retain our rural charter, ensure that our housing densities and' land use are retained, that our taxes will remain as low as possible and that we continue to receive services from our current tnoviders (i.e. Dry Creek Water Association and Clallam County PUD). The Dry Creek community has a strong desire to see that our investment in our homes and our quality ofhfe are protected. Some of the most emotionally charged conflicts in communities occur when residents perceive proposed land uses as a threat to their homes and thek quality of life. Potential homeowners rely upon existing zoning and existing uses in a neighborhood when purchasing a home. At the time of purchasing a home/land, the individual(s) makes a commitment which is literally cast in concrete, a home or piece ofland cannot be moved orreoricntcd to avoid a new incompatible use, moving a home may not be an option, either for financial reasons or because of emotional ties to the property or community. New development must be required to be compatible with existing neighborhoods, protection of the home must be one of the highest priorities of county government. NAME (P~) SIGNATURE ADDRESS DATE DRY CREEK COMMUNITY REQUEST "NO CHANGE" TO WESTERN UGA BOUNDARY" NAME (PRINTED) SIGNATURE ADDRESS DATE oq DRY CREEK COMMUNITY REQUEST "NO CHANGE" TO WESTERN UGA BOUNDARY" NAME (PRINTED) SIGNATURE ADDRESS DATE DRY CREEK COMMUNITY REQUEST "NO CHANGE" TO WESTERN UGA BOUNDARY" t'- NAME (PRINTED) SIGNATURE ADDRESS DATE ~ il ~ ',~~ ' DRY CREEK COMMUNITY REQUEST "NO CHANGE" TO WESTERN UGA BOUNDARY" .... NAME (PRINTED) SIGNATURE ADDRESS ' DATE DRY CREEK COMMUNITY REQUEST "NO CHANGE" T9 WESTERN UGA BOUNDARY" '" We, the voters of Dry Creek cOmmunity request that the County Commissioners leave the existing UGA western boundazy at its current location, which is Reddick Road. By signing this petition below you will be supporting the above statement, that will go to our elected County commissioners, that we, the community of Dry Cre. ek, are opposed to any change of the Port Angeles UGA western boundary. Since the Port Angeles UGA western boundary was changed in 1995, no development or urban services have taken place within this expanded UGA area by the City of Port Angeles. We, the citizens of Dry Creek, wish to retain our rural charter, ensure that our homing densities and land use are retained, that our taxes will remain as low as possible and that we continue to receive services fi.om our current providers (i.e. Dry Creek Water Association and Clallam County PUD). The Dry Creek community has a strong desire to see that our investment in our homes and our quality of life are protected. Some of the most emotionally charged conflicts in communities occur when residents perceive proposed land uses as a threat to their homes and thek quality of life. Potential homeowners rely upon existing zoning and existing uses in a neighborhood when purchasing a home. At the time of purchasing a home/land, the individual(s) makes a commitment which is literally cast in concrete, a home or piece of land cannot be moved or reoriented to avoid a new incompatible use, moving a home may not be an option, either for financial reasous or because of emotional ties to the property or community. New development must be required to be compatible with existing neighborhoods, protection of the home must be one of the highest priorities of county government. NAME (PRINIY~) SIGNATURE ADDRESS DATE DRY CREEK COMMUNITY REQUEST "NO CHANGE" TO WESTERN UGA BOUNDARY" We, the voters of Dry Creek community request that the County Commissioners leave the existing UGA western boundary at its current location, which is Reddick Road. " By signing this petition below you Will be supporting the above statement, that will go to our elected County Commissioners, that we, the commumty of Dry Creek, are opposed to any change of the Port Angeles UGA western boundary. Since the Port Angeles UGA western boundary was changed in 1995, no development or urban services have taken place within this expanded UGA area by the City of Port Angeles. We, the citizens of Dry Creek, wish to re, in our rural charter, ensure that our housing densities and land use are retained, that our taxes Will remain as Iow as possible and that we continue to receive senrices from our current providers (i.e. Dry Creek Water Association and Clallam County PUD). The Dry Creek community has a slxong desire to see that our investment in our homes and our quality of hfe are protected. Some of the most emotionally charged conflicts in commlmities occur when residents perceive proposed land uses as a threat to their homes and their quality of life. Potential homeowners rely upon existing zoning and existing uses in a neighborhood when purchasing a home. At the time of purchasing a home/land, the individual(s) makes a commitment which is literally cast in concrete, a home or piece of land cannot be moved or reoriented to avoid a new incompatible use, moving a home may not be an option, either for financial reasons or because of emotional ties to the property or community. New development must be required to be compatible with existing neighborhoods, tnotection of the home must be one of the highest priorities of county government. NAME (PRINTED) SIGNATURE ADDRESS DATE DRY CREEK COMMUNITY REQUEST "NO CHANGE" TO WESTERN UGA BOUNDARY" We, the voters of Dry Creek community request that the County Commissioners leave the existing UGA western boundary at its current location, which is Reddick Road. By signing this petition below you will be supporting the above statement, that will go to our elected County Commissioners, that we, the commumty of Dry Creek, are opposed to any change of the Port Angeles UGA western boundary. Since the Port Angeles UGA western boundary was changed in 1995, no development or urban services have taken place within this expanded UGA area by the City of Port Angeles. We, the citizens of Dry Creek, wish to retain our rtwal charter, ensure that our homing densities and land use are retained, that our taxes will remain as low as possible and that we continue to receive services fi-om our current providers (i.e. Dry Creek Water Association and Clallam County PUD). The Dry Creek community has a strong desire to see that our investment in our homes and our quality of life are protected. Some of the most emotionally charged conflicts in communities occur when residents perceive proposed land uses as a threat to their homes and their quality of life. Potential homeowners rely upon existing zoning and existing uses in a neighborhood when purchasing a home. At the time of purchasing a home/land, the individual(s) makes a commitment which is literally cast in concrete, a home or piece of land cannot be moved or reoriented to avoid a new incompatible use, moving a home may not be an option, either for financial reasons or because of emotional ties to the property or community. New development must be required to be compatible with existing neighborhoods, protection of the home must be one of the highest priorities of county government. DRY CREEK COMMUNITY REQUEST "NO CHANGE" TO WESTERN UGA BOUNDARY" "~'- NAME (PRINTED) SIGNATIJRE ADDRESS · DATE -1 i _,~ _ _ ,, , ./ DRY CREEK COMMUNITY REQUEST "NO CHANGE" TO WESTERN UGA BOUNDARY" We, the voters of Dry Creek community request that the County Commissioners leave the existing UGA western boundary at its current location, which is Reddick Road. By signing this petition below you will be supporting the above statement, that will go to our elected County Commissioners, that we, the community of Dry Creek, are opposed to any change of the Port Angeles UGA western boundary. Since the Port Angeles UGA western boundary was changed in 1995, no development or urban services have taken place within this expanded UGA area by the City of Port Angeles. We, the citizens of Dry Creek, wish to retain our rural charter, ensure that our housing densities and' land use are retained, that our taxes will remain as low as possible and that we continue to receive services fi.om our current providers (i.e. Dry Creek Water Association and Clallam County PUD). The Dry Creek community has a strong desire to see that our investment in our homes and our quality of hfe are protected. Some of the most emotionally charged Conflicts in communities occur when residents perceive proposed land uses as a threat to their homes and their quality, of life. Potential homeowners rely upon existing zoning and existing uses in a neighborhood when purchasing a home. At the time of purchasing a home/land, the individual(s) makes a commitment which is literally cast in concrete, a home or piece of land cannot be moved or reoriented to avoid a new incompatible use, moving a home may not be an option, either for financial reasons or because of emotional ties to the property or community. New development must be required to be compatible with existing neighborhoods, protection of the home must be one of the highest priorities of county government. NAME (PRINTED) SIGNATURE ADDRESS DATE ~ ':' ' , ' ' :" t '.,~.~ ' - - ' ' DRY CREEK COMMUNITY REQUEST "NO CHANGE" TO WESTERN UGA BOUNDARY" - NAME (PRINTED) SIGNATURE ADDRESS ' DATE DRY CREEK COMMUNITY REQUEST "NO CHANGE" TO WESTERN UGA BOUNDARY" We, the voters of Dry Creek community request that the County Commissioners leave the existing UGA western boundary at its current location, which is Reddick Road. By signing this petition below you will be supporting the above statement, that will go to our elected County Commissioners, that we, the commtmity of D~ Creek, are opposed to any change of the Port Angeles UGA western boundary. Since the Port Angeles UGA western boundary was changed in 1995, no development or urban services have taken place within this expanded UGA area by the City of Port Angeles. We, the citizens of Dry Creek, wish to retain our rural charter, ensure that our homing densities and land use are retained, that our taxes will remain as low as possible and that we continue to receive services from our current providers (i.e. Dry Creek Water Association and Clallam County PUD). The Dry Creek community has a strong desire to see that our investment in our homes and our quality of life are protected. Some of the most emotionally charged conflicts in communities occur when residents perceive proposed land uses as a threat to their homes and their quality of life. Potential homeowners rely upon existing zoning and existing uses in a neighborhood when purchas/ng a home. At the time of purchasing a home/land, the individual(s) makes a commitment which is literally cast in concrete, a home or piece of land cannot be moved or reoriented to avoid a new incompatible use, moving a home may not be aa option, either for financial reasons or because of emotional ties to the property or community. New development must be required to be compatible with existing neighborhoods, protection of the home must be one of the highest priorities of county government. NAME (PRINTED) SIGNATURE ADDRESS DATE DRY CREEK COMMUNITY REQUEST "NO CHANGE" T.O WESTERN UGA BOUNDARY" NAME (PRINIZ/)) SIGNATURE ADDRESS ,' DATE .~ ~P~e ~ I), 2.ofOr,~s/', ~ " ~ / ' DRY CREEK COMMUNITY REQUEST "NO CHANGE" TO WESTERN UGA BOUNDARY" We, the voters of Dry Creek community request that the County Commissioners leave the existing UGA western boundary at its current location, which is Reddick Road. By signing this petition below you will be supporting the above statement, that will go to our elected County Commissioners, that we, the community of Dry Creek, are opposed to any change of the Port Angeles UGA western boundary. Since the Port Angeles UGA western boundary was changed in 1995, no development or urban services have taken place within th/s expanded UGA area by the City of Port Angeles. We, the citizens of Dry Creek, wish to retain our rural charter, ensure that our hofising densities and land use are retained, that our taxes will remain as Iow as possible and that we continue to receive services from our current providers (i.e. Dry Creek Water Association and Clallam County PUD). The Dry Creek community has a strong desire to see that our investment in our homes ~d our quality' of life are protected. Some of the most emotionally charged conflicts in communities occur when residents perceive proposed land uses as a threat to their homes and their quality of life. Potential homeowners rely upon existing zoning and existing uses in a neighborhood when purchasing a home. At the time of purchasing a home/land, the individual(s) makes a commitment which is literally cast in COncrete, a home or piece of land cannot be moved or reoriented to avoid a new incompatible use, moving a home may not be an option, either for financial, reasons or because of emotional ties to the property or community. New development must be required to be compatible with existing,.:neighborhoods, protection of the home must be one of the highest priorities of county government. ~DRY CREEK COMMUNITY REQUEST "NO CHANGE" TO WESTERN UGA BOUNDARY" NAME (PRINTED) SIGNATURE ADDRESS DATE - ' / ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL Jujae 7, 2004 Port Angeles City Council City of Port Angeles P.O. Box 1150 Port Angeles, WA 98362 RE: GMA Comprehensive Plan Public Comment Dear Sirs: I first would like to thank the City C6uncil and Staff for selecting me to participate in the 2020 Vision process. [ enjoyed the experience: it was very educational and enlightening. I am in agreement with the majority of the comments and recommendations that have been devdope_d through the public input. I ~ would like to' take this opportunity to express my thoughts on what I believe is critical to the county's ' economic and community development of the next few years, but also is creating the greatest amount of disagreement at this time - expansion of urban services and urban growth boundaries. As the Executive Director of the EDC, I have had direct contact with economic and community devdopment issues including,measuring the econmnic health through keY indicators. The county has experienced moderate economic growth during 2002 and 2003, with increases in retail sales and new businesses locating to the community. Since the start of 2004, there has been unprecedented growth in the labor force of 660 people and the second lowest unemployment rate since 1980. Economic growth is now pinking up steam in Clallam County with still more business expansion and new locations to take place. Additionally, the City and County are seeing new housing and subdivisions not seen for decades. The benefits of the economic development successes in 2002 and 2003 are now being seen and ~mplementation of urban service should begin immediately. There is one element in the central and east county's economic development tool box that is lacking at the present time. industrial and manufacturing sites of 15 acres or more that are prepared for purchase and development; Recently there have beep a number of inquires regarding industrial sites with a limited inventory, especially west of Port Angdes. The City should continue to pursue the intent of the GMA and make a priority of planning for expansion of urban boundaries and services. Specifically reviewing large pa'reds within the current UGA boundaries for primary job creation and recommend expansion to devdop, in that fashion, during the next decade. This issue has raised emotions and caused grave concerns within public agencies in the county. I applaud the City and County leaders for creating a model for how our community's public agencies can prepare for and address infrastructure expansion. Th!s model and partnership experience should be continued. As a community ~ve cannot allow one jurisdiction to gut the financial stability of another. I firmly believe that the City of Port Angeles, Sequim and Forks should make a priority of preparing for urban growth in Clallam County. If government agencies get bogged down in territorialism and personal agendas the quality of life that we cherish will be lost and development ~vill again have a bad connotation. Again thank you for the opportunity to participate it the process. Respectfully. 102 E. Front · P.O. Box 1085 · Port Angeles, Washington 98362-0204 Website: w~'.clatlam.org * Phone: 360.457.7793 * Fax: 360.452.9618 p_ ORTANC;tiLIiS WASHINGTON, U. S. IA. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: June 1, 2004 To: CITY COUNCIL ' FROM: Glenn A. Cutler, Director of Public Works and Utilities ~}d'-t~, SUBJECT: 2004 - 2010 Capital Faciliti4s Plan (CFP) and'Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) Workshop and Public Hearing Summary: The ~tate requires that the City annually update the CFP and TIP fOr planning'and funding of capital projects. A public hearing is required to receive input regarding brojects and additions to the CFP/TIP. The TIP projects are included in the transportation element of the CFP, but need to be listed in the separate TIP to meet state requirements. A workshop will be held to familiarize Council and the public with the projects included in the CFP. A public hearing is scheduled for this evening. . ' Recommendation: Open the public hearing and continue the hearing to June 8, 2004. The workshop will be held on June 8, 2004. After receiving comment from the public on June 8, 2004 continue the hearing to the next regularly scheduled Council meetingl Background: Annually, the City is required by the State to update the CFP for planning and funding of capital projects. The CFP is a project planning tool which covers all aspects of infrastructure planning within the City. The projects included in the CFP are those that are needed to meet the concurrency requirements of the Growth Management Act (GMA), transportation projects to be included in the TIP, and other capital projects planned for the next six year period. All projects in the CFP and TIP should be currently funded or have the source of potential funding identified. In order to receive project funding in the form of grants and loans or require development funding of infrastructure improvements, projects must be included in the CFP. The TIP is a transportation planning tool used by the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) to allocate funding of local agency projects. The WSDOT will not fund transportation projects that are not included in the TIP. Comments received on transportation projects will apply to both the CFP and TIP. The draft 2004-2010 CFP was previously distributed to Council. The staff, along with the Finance Committee members, have identified and prioritized projects for consideration by the full Council. While the CFP and TIP are six-year planning tools, the governmental fund allocations cover the current year, 2004, and the next year, 2005. H ' A d } 71 N:\CCOUNCIL~INAL\CFP & TIP for 2004 Public earing wp .wp June 1, 2004 City Council RE: 2004 CFP & TIP Public Hearing Page 2 The 2004/2005 Governmental Fund Projects is a summary of all capital projects requiring funding from the general fund which have been prioritized on a citywide basis. The second summary includes general fund projects (Fire, Police, Parks, and Streets) listed in departmental priority. The third summary includes utility fund projects (Light, Solid Waste, Water, Wastewater, and Stormwater) listed in departmental priority order. Please note that the street projects list also serves as the TIP. CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN OVERVIEW The total dollar amount available for Governmental Fund Project Allocation projects in 2004/ 2005 is $2,400,000.' , The general approach for project prioritization was 1) projects that have non-City funds associated with the project (leveraging funds of others), 2) projects with a potential of securing non-City funds for accomplishment, 3) legal mandates, 4) economic development, 5) public need, 6) public health and safety and 7) obsolescence. The following is a recap of the basic strategy, key projects and funding options contained in the proposed CFP. A detailed description of each project is listed in the 2004 CFP binder. I. GOVERNMENT FUND PROJECTS The proposed six-year plan for the General Fund Projects totals $39 million. Development projects identified for the years 2004 and 2005 total $2,400,000. Projects that are funded directly out of the general fund are identified as: A. General (GG) fund projects identified for funding are: Laurel Street Pavers, Homeland Security Project, Matching Funds for Community Projects, Downtown Parking, Residential Infrastructure Development (NICE) program, Valley Creek Restoration, and Channel 21 equipment. B. Fire Department (FR) projects identified for funding are: Fire Station Roof Repair, Replace Pumper, and Purchase Large Hose. C. Police Department (PD) projects identified for funding are: Police Station Addition/Remodel. D. Parks Department (PK) projects identified for funding are: International Waterfront Promenade, City Pier Dredging & Piling Replacement, Front Street Corridor Streetscape Improvements, Shane Park Renovation, Neighborhood Park Renovation, Recreation Facility Assessment, Erickson Park Restroom Improvements, Skate Park, and Elks Playfield Improvements. N:\CCOUNCIL~FINAL\CFP & TIP for 2004 Public HearingAwpd.wp]d 7 2 June 1, 20~)4 City Council RE: 2004 ~FP & TIP Public Hearing Page 3 E. Transportation (TR) projects identified for funding are: 8th Street Bridge Design, Sidewalk Program, ADA Curb Ramps/Chirpers, Campbell Avenue (Mount Angeles to Porter), Park Avenue Reconstruction (Peabody to Race), Park Avenue Sidewalk (Race to Liberty), Street Bicycle Facilities/Racks/Striping, and Old .Mill Rd/Scrivener Rd Improvements. II. TRANSPORTATION The proposed six-year plan for Transportation Projects totals $67 million. Development projects identified for the years 2004 and 2005 total $17 million. Projects that are funded directly out of the general funds, as also noted above, are identified as: 8t.h Street Bridge Design, Sidewalk Program, ADA Curb Ramps/Chirpers, Campbell Avenue (Mount Angeles to Porter), Park Avenue Reconstruction (Peabody to Race), Park Avenue , Sidewalk (Race to Liberty), Street Bicycle Facilities/Racks/Striping, and Ol.d Mill Rd/Scrivener Rd Improvements. Major Street Repair and Reconstruction The City Council has set a goal of funding an annual Street Paving Prograin. Thi~ program of resurfacing streets allows Public Works to make steady improvements to streets throughout the City. The "least cost" strategy is based on addressing both the "worst of the worst" and making improvements to streets before they reach the point of significant deterioration. One of the main challenges in capital project funding is maintaining the annual commitment for street repair and reconstruction. Proposed annual funding allows for major overlay projects and funding of minor projects when needed for grant matches. $350,000 is proposed for Peabody Street (Front to 5th ) reconstruction in 2004. IH UTILITY PROJECTS The proposed six-year plan for Utility Fund Projects totals $77 million. Development projects identified for the years 2004 and 2005 total $11 million. Each utility is operated as a separate business funded by dedicated utility rates and development charges. As such, it does not compete with other City projects funded by general tax revenue. A. Light utility projects in the CFP for 2004 and 2005 include substation upgrades, Elwha underground rebuild, and other infrastructure upgrade projects B. Solid Waste projects in the CFP for 2004 and 2005 include starmp of the Transfer Station Design, and Landfill Bluff Stabilization. N:\CCOUNCIL~FINAL\CFP & TIP for 2004 Public HearingAwpd.wp]d 7 3 June 1, 2004 City Council RE: 2004 CFP & TIP Public Hearing Page 4 C. Water utility projects in the CFP for 2004 and 2005 include Concrete Cylinder Pipe Replacements, Water treatment plant and other Elwha Dams removal related support activities, Downtown Phase III waterline replacements, and Fairmont Pump Station. D. Wastewater utility projects in the CFP for 2004 - 2005 include Laurel and Oak Streets outfall improvements, Pump Station 1 and 3 improvements, I/I CSO reducti,on, Park Avenue sewer improvements, Annexation sewer extension, Annual replacements, and Composting Facility improvements. E. Stormwater utility projects in the CFP for 2004 - 2005 include Lincoln Street Stormdrain, Peabody Creek/Lincoln Street Culvert Repairs, Crown Park Overflow, and improvements to outfalls and catch basins for water quality improvements. IV 'CONCLUSION The 2004-2010 CFP represents continued progress in addressing the needs of the City. It is recommended the CFP and the allocation of funding for the projects in the years 2004 - 2005 be adopted. Other hi~gh priority projects to be considered for Governmental Fund Project Allocation are as follows: Project # Project Description Year Funds Discussion TR42-99 Lauri~sen Blvd 2005 $50,000 Funds would be used for preliminary Bridge Widening evaluation of the structure and developing grant funding requests. GG03-03 Residential 2004/ $150,000 Additional funds to assist in Infrastructure 2005 constructing infrastructure to Development support/encourage development. TR01-03 Overlay Program 2005 $100,000 Funds have been reduced the past few years. This would supplement the annual budget. WW25-99 Sewer Pump 2004 $200,000 Project costs have increased since Stations 1 & 3 rates were established and the bond Improvements was secured. Attach.: Government Fund Project Allocation and CFP summaries. d Id74 N:\CCOUNCIL~F1NAL\CFP & TI~ for 2004 Public HearingAwp .wp City of Port Angeles Capital Facilities Plan/ Transportation Improvement Plan 2004 N:\Glenn\TI P-CF1~ 2(~M_A.ppt Presentation · Completed CFP/TIP Projects · In Progress CFP/TIP Projects · 2004 CFP/TIP Proiects · Discussion · Continue Public Heating CFP/TIP Project Status Completed: GG02-99 Renovate Carnegie Library PK03-02 Olympic Discovery Trail- Rayonier to Morse Creek I'K04-03 Recreation Facility Assessment ~__ PK12-02 Francis Street Park Landscaping PK09-02 City Pier Dredging & Pile Replacement (Investigation) TR03-00 "I" Street Sidewalks TR04-00 Lauridsen Blvd Sidewalks TR08-00 5m Street Signal and Overlay TRll-99 8th Street Bridges' Repairs (short term) CFP/TIP Project Status , Completed (cont'd): CL82-99 Light Operations Warehouse CL06-99 Install Substation Circuit Switches (Washington & Laurel) CL02-01 Valley Street Reconductor CL01-02 Upgrade Substation Relays (Washington & Laurel) CL85-99 Fiber Optics Backbone ~$~~~d~ft_t._.~l~ ,m~tg~fg~ WT31-99 Peabody Street Reservoir Cover WT12-99 Annual Water Main Replacements (2004) WT02-99 Concrete Cylinder Pipe Replacement (Design Phases I, II & III) WT56-99 Fairmount Pump Station (Design) CFP/TIP Project Status Completed (cont'd): DR54-99 Crown Park Overflow (Design) DR02-99 City-Wide Catch Basin Modifications WW27-99 Annual Wastewater Main Replacements (2003) WW25-99 Sewer Pump Stations 1 & 3 Improvements (Design) WW01-03 Compost Facility Final Phase (Design) WW26-99 I/I CSO Reduction (Data Collection) WW01-02 Septage Receiving Station CFP/TIP Project Status Ongoing: TR48-99 Olympic Peninsula International Gateway TR01-01 8th Street Bridges Replacement (Design) TR33-99 Peabody Street Reconstruction (Phase I) FR02-02 Fire Station Roof Repairs TR01-01 8th Street Bridge Replacement (Design) TR48-99 Olympic Peninsula International Gateway CL06-99 Install Substation Circuit Switches ("F" Street) (Const) CL01-02 Upgrade Substation Relays ("F" Street) (Const) il CL01-02 Upgrade Substation Relays ("A" Street & Laurel) (Design) II CL03-01 Elwha Underground Rebuild (Phase I & II) CL03-02 Acquisition of Airport PUD Electric Service CFP/TIP Project Status Ongoing , · (cont d). WT02-99 Concrete Cylinder Pipe Replacement WT02-01 Water Treatment Facility (PAWTP, IWTP & ESWI) SW31-99 Landfill Transfer Station (RFP/Q) SW01-03 Landfill Bluff Stabilization (Permitting) SW01-04 ESC System Phase II WW27-99 Annual Wastewater Main Replacements (2003) WW25-99 Sewer Pump Stations 1 & 3 Improvements WW01-03 Compost Facility Final Phase WW26-99 I/I CSO Reduction (Data Collection) DR54-99 Crown Park Overflow DR02-99 City-Wide Catch Basin Modifications General Projects - GG lav .~c*l I ,o,^[ I ~o,^.I =oo~ I =oos I 1 GG02-01 LaureISt. Pavers [Railroad Ave.- lstSt.' 365,000 52,500 15,000 350,000 2 GG04-03 Homeland Security Project 30,000 30,000 30,000 0 3 GG05-03 Matching Funds for Conrnunity Projects 270,000 270,000 45,000 45,000 4 GG03-00 Downtown Parking4,500,000 90,000 1,400,000 3,000,000 5 GG13-99 Dow ntow n Convention Center 15,000,000 2,000,000 6,600,000 6,600,000 6 GG03-03 Residential Infrastructure Development 750,000 750,000 125,000 125,000 7 GG02-03 Valley Creek Restoration 120,000 30,000 30,000 90,000 8 GG01-03 Channel21 Equipment 120,000 60,000 120,000 0 9 GG01-01 Laurel St. Stair Repair 250,000 250,000 0, 0 10 GG05-00 Marketing Del Guzzi Dr. Property 250,000 250,000 0 0 11 GG01-02 Ediz Hook Rip Rap Repair 650,000 60,000 0 0 · Fire & Police ProJects- FR/PD DIV PROJECT TOTAL TOTAL 2004 2005 PRIORIT~ .................................................... ID P~T-:'i'I'T-LE P~'~T' .......... CITy ......... P'~J MT pROJECT COST ........ C~T COST COST 1 FR02-02 Fire Station Roof Repair 568,000 50,00050,000 2 FR01-02 Replace Pumper 315,000 315,000 70,000 31,000 3 FR10-99 Replace Truck4 800,000 800,000 0 800,000 4 FR01-04 Purchase Large Hose30,00030,0000 30,000 5 FR07-99 West Side Fire Station 1,375,000 1,375,000 0 0 6 FR05-99 East Side Fire Station 1,875,000 1,875,000 0 0 DIVPROJECT TOTAL TOTAL 2004 2005 PRIORIT~ ID PROJECT TITLE PROJECT CITY PROJECT PROJECT COST COST COST COST 1 PD01-04 POlice Station Addition/Rermdel 380,000 380,000 0 10,000 2 PI:X:)2-04 Radio Communications 230,000 230,000 0 500,000 3 PD03-04 New 9-1-1 Center 3,700,000 3,700,0000 100,000 Street Projects/TIP - TR (Top 20 only) DIV PROJECT TOTAL TOTAL 2004 2005 10RIT¥ ID P~~;I;"'TiTLE P~mT- ..... CiTY .... P~J~T "P~ECT ~0S~' .................... C~T ...................... COST COsT 1 TR48--99 Olympic Peninsula Intl Gateway 11,200,000 4,020,000 6,400,000 0 2 TR01-01 8th Street Bridge Replacement Design 1,800,000 360,000 1,700,000 0 3 TR01-02 8th Street Bridge Construction 15,000,000 3,000,000 330,000 7,270,000 4 TR74-99 Sidewalk Program 425,000 425,0001 25,000 50,000 5 TR26-99 ADA Curb Ramps/Chirpers 150,000 150,000 20,000 20,000 6 TR33-99 Peabody Street Reconstr. [Front - 8th] 600,000 0 350,000 0 7 TR01-04 2nd & Valley Pavement Restoration 290,000 290,000 0 0 8 TR01-03 O~eday Program 1,200,000 165,000 300,000 9 TR20-99 Street Bicycle Facilities/Racks/Striping 140,000 140,000 20,000 20,000 10 TR02-99 1st and Peabody Signal 110,000 0 0 0 11 TR10-00 16th Street Sidewalk ['F' St.-Stevens $ch] 230,000 55,000 0 0 12 TR09-00 16th Street Sidewalk [T St. -'F' St.] 250,000 75,000 0 0 13 TRll-00 10th St. Sidewalk ['N' St. -'M' St.] 375,000 200,000 0 0 14 TR12-00 10th St. Sidewalk ['M' St. -T St.] 375,000 200,000 0 0 15 TR12-99 Park A~enue Reconstruction [Peabody - Ra, 1,000,000 200,000 0 100,000 16 TR07-00 Park A~e. Sidewalk [Race - Liberty] 400,000 200,000 0 50,000 17 TR02-00 First Street Sidewalk (Ennis - Golf Course) 300,000 60,000 0 0 18 TR02-01 Ennis Street Slide Repair 210,000 210,000 0 0 19 TR21-99 Lauridsen BIll Reconstruction [Trk Rt. -'L"J 1,800,000 1,800,000 0 0 20 TR42-99 Lauridsen Bl,,d Bridge Widening 2,820,000 564,000 0 0 Prk &R oj a s ecreat on Pr ects DIVPROJECT TOTAL TOTAL 2004 2005 PRioRi'Ti/ ............ iD P~~'¥¥1Ti~'E .................................. P~-~T CITY- ......... PRoJ~T P~ECT COST cosT ......... CosT COsT 1 PK02-03 Erickson Park Restroom Improvements 70,000 70,000 0 70,000 2 PK07-02 Shane Park Renovation 280,000! 280,000 140,000140.,000 3 PK06-02 Elks Playfield 70,000 70,000 0 70,000 4 PK09-02 City Pier Dredging & Piling Replacement 200,000200,000 110,00090,000 5 PK08-02 Neighborhood Park Renovation 190,000190,000 35,000 35,000 6 PK03-03 Lincoln Park Master Plan 40,000 40,000 0 40,000 7 PK13-02 Skate Park 50,000 25,000 0 50,000 8 PK01-03 International Waterfront Promenade 1,250,000 25,000, 1,225,000 0 9 PK04-02 Lincoln Park Buildings 150,000150,000 0 0 10 PK05-02 Art Education Center at PAFAC 250,0000 0 0 11 PK04-03 Recreation Facility Assessment 30,000 30,000 30,000 0 12 PK02-02 William Shore Memorial FOol Renovation 4,500,000 4,500,000 0 4,500,000 13 PK01-02 City Pier/Hollyw ood Beach Renovation 85,00085,000 0 0 14 PK01-04 Front Street Corridore StreetScape Impro 50,00050,000 25,000 25,000 15 PK02-04 Olympic Discovery Trail- Hill Street to Dq 120,000 120,000 20,000 Light Projects - CL DIV PROJECT TOTAL TOTAL 2004 2005 PRIORIT~ ID PROJECT TITLE PROJECT CITY PROJECT PROJECT COST COST COST COST 1 CL06-99 Install Substation Circuit Switches 325,000 325,000 253,000 0 2 CL01-02 U~rade Substation Relays 405,000 405,000 238,000 95,000 3 CL03-02 Acquisition of Airport PUD Electdc Svc 100,000 100,000 100,000 0 4 CL03-01 Elwha Underground Rebuild 820,000 820,000 242,000 270,000 5 CL02-02 Feeder ne Porter to Golf Course Rd 230,000 230,000 30,000 200,000' 6 CL01-04 Feeder Tie Hwy 101, Cherry to Pine 60,000 60,000 0 10,000 7 CL83-99 Ediz Hook OH- UG Conversion 680,000 680,000 0 250,000 8 CL07-99 Airport Industrial Park 762,000 0 0~ 0 9 CL65-99 UGA EleCtric Customers ' 2,000,000 2,000,000 0 0 10 CL18-99 Construct Transmission Line 153,000 153,000 0 0 11 CL20-99 'construct Golf Course Rd Sub 556,00C 556,000 0 0 12 CL78-99 Light Operations Center 1,000,000 1,000,000 0 0 i Solid Waste - SW DIVPROJECT TOTAL TOTAL 2004 2005 COST COST COST COST 1 SW02-04 Install Gas Lines at Landfill 85,000 85,000 0 85,000 2 SW01-04 ESC System Phase II 100,000 100,000 100,000 0 3 SW31-99 Landfill Transfer Station 3,700,000 3,700,000 300,000 750,000 4 SW01-03 Landfill BluffStabalization 2,550,000 2,550,000 100,000 100,000 5 SW02-03 Final Landfill Closure 4,500,000 4,500,000 0 0 · Water ProJects - WT DIV PROJECT TOTAL TOTAL 2004 2005 PRoJ~T TITLE PROJ'~T CITY p~ECT PROJECT PRIORIT~ ID CoST COsT COST COST II 1 WT02.99 Concrete Cylinder Pipe Replacement 3,300,000 3,300,000 2,000,000 150,000 2 WT12-99 Annual Replacements 1,395,000 1,395,000 310,000 30,000 3 WT56-99 Fairmount Pump Station 335,000 335,000 335,000 0 4 WT02-01 Water Treatment Facility 10,000,000 0 0, 0 5 WT30-99 Downtown Watermains/Sidewalks III 2,000,000 2,000,000 100,000 1,900,000 6 WT32-99 iCorrosion Control Facility 380,000 380,000 0 0 7 WT64.99 UcDougal Subzone Fire pump 90,000 90,000 0 0 8 WT46-99 Southeast Reservoir 1,800,000 1,020,000 0 0 9 WT57-99 Elwha Pump Station Disinfection 175,000 175,000 0 0 10 WT65-99 UGA Water Customers 500,001~ 500,000 0 0 11 WT01-00 Airport Industrial Park Water Line 1,310,000 0 0 0 I Wastewater Projects - WW DIV PROJECT TOTAL TOTAL 2004 2005 PRI T ........ i'D P~~TIT[E P~'~¥ .......... CITY ............ P~T ..... P~ECT~ COST COST COST COST 1 WW01-04Baffles for CSO Sites 330,000 330,000 0 160,000 2 WW25-99Sewer Pump Stations 1 & 3 Improvements 715,000 715,000 715,000 0 3 WW05-04Park A~enue Sewer Improvements 303,000 303,000 68,000 235,000 4 WW27-99Annual Replacements Lines 685,000 685,000 0 0 5 WW06-99Oak Street Outfall Extension CSO Reductio 90,000 90,000 90,000 0 6 WW26-99I/I CSO Reduction 675,000 675,000 115,000 120,000 7 WW04-99Laurel Street Outfall Extension CSO Reducl 30,000 30,000 30,000 0 8 WW01-01,Annexation Interceptor Sewer Main 4,250,000650,000 0 400,000 9 WW03-04New Force Main, Gravity Sewer from Franci,. 3,500,000 0 400,000 10 WW02-04Replace Pump Station No. 4 7,500,000 0 0 11 WW04-04Treatment Plant for CSO Flows9,800,000 0 0 12 WW03-00Lindberg Rd. Sewer 1,000,0000 0 0 13 WW05-99Golf Course Road Sewer Interceptor 1,000,0001,000,0000 0 14 WW02-O0Aiq3o~ Industrial Sewer 1,100,0000 0 0 · Stormwater Projects - DR DIVPROJECT TOTAL TOTAL 2004 2005 PRIORIT~ ID PROJECT TITLE PROJECT CITY PROJECT PROJECT COST COST COST COST 1 DR54-99 Crown Park Storm Overflow 240,000 240,000 240,000 0 2 DR04-99 Lincoln Street Storm Drain (4th to 7th St.) 400,000 400,0000 400,000 3 DR02-99 City-Wide Catch Basin Modifications 525,000 525,00070,000 75,000 4 DR01-04 stormwater Outfalls to Streams & Madne 600,000 600,0000 50,000 5 DR53-99 Stormwater Discharges Over Bluff 450,000 450,000! 0 50,000 6 DR65-99 loth And "N" Street Regional Storm Detenti~ 300,000 300,000~ 0 50,000 7 DR14-99 Peabody Creek/Lincoln St Culvert Rehab 400,000 100,0000 '0 8 DR01-01 First St. Stormwater Separation 250,000 250,0000 0 9 DR04-04 Stormwater at Canyon Edge & Ahlvers 500,000 500,0000 0 10 DR05-04 Stormwater at Rose & Thistle 500,000 500,0000 0 11 DR03-04 Stormwater at Laurel & US101 500,000 500,0000 0 12 DR06-04 Stormwater at Campbell & Porter 500,000 500,0000 0 13 DR07-04 Stormwater at "C" Street Extension 500,000 500,0000 0 14 DR02-04 Upper Golf Course Rd. Area Stormwater 500,000 500,0000 0 15 DR03-99 Milwaukee Dr. Stormwater Improvements 1,200,000 1,200,000 0 0 16 DR08-04 Lincoln Park/Big Boy Pond 300,000 300,0000 0 Governmental Fund Project Allocation 2004/2005 CITY TOTAL PROJECT ALLOCA~-U ALLOCA~,-u PROPOSED 2004 PROPOSED 2005. PRIORITY cFp # _ PROJECT T!TLE ' :_ cOST 2003 2004 ALLOCATION ALLOCATION 2004 CITY CITY 0 GG02-99 Carnegie Library 1,840,000 840,000 0 0 0 TR08-00 5th & Race Signal 286,000 75,000 0 0 0 PK03-02 * Olympic Discovery Trail-Rayonier to Morse Creek 362,000 114,000 0 0 1 FR02-02 Fire Station Roof Repair 568,000 50,000 50,000 0 2 TR01-01 8th Street Bddge Replacement Design 1,900,000 100,000 250,000 380,000 0 3 PK01-03 * International Waterfront Promenade 1,250,000 25,000 25,000 i25,000, 4 PK09-02 City Pier Dredging & Piling Replacement 200,000 25,000 75,000 110,000 90,000~ 5 PK01-04 Front Street Corridor Streetscape Improvements 50,000 25,000: 25,000 6 GG02-01 Laurel St. Pmers [Railroad Ave. - 1st St.] 365,000 52,500 15,000 37,500 7 PK07-02 Shane Park Renovation 280,000 140,000: 140,000 140,000 8 FR01-02 Replace Pumper 315,000 70,000 70,000 31,000 9 TR74-99 Sidewalk Program 425,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 50,000 10 TR26-99 ADA Curb Ramps/Chirpers 150,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 11 GG04-03 Homeland Secudty Project 30,000 30,000 30,000 0 12 GG05-03 Matching Funds for Community Projects 270,000 40,000 45,000 45,000 13 GG03-00 Downtown Parking 4,500,000 65,000 25,000 50,000 50,000 14 GG03-03 Residential Infrastructure Development (NICE Pgm) 750,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 15 FR01-04 Purchase Large Hose 30,000 0 30,000 16 TR03-04 Campbell Avenue - Mount Angeles to Porter 50,000 0 50,000 17 PK08-02 Neighborhood Park Renovation 190,000 30,000 35,000 25,000 18 GG02-03 Valley Creek Restoration 120,000 30,000 30,000 19 PK04-03 Recreation Facility Assessment 30,000 30,000 29,000 0 20 TR12-99 Park A~enue Reconstruction [Peabody - Race] 1,000,000 0 20,000 21 TR07-00 Park A~. Sidewalk [Race - Liberty] 400,000 0 25,000 22 PD01-04 Police Station Addition/Remodel 380,000 0 10,000 23 PK02-03 Edckson Park Restroom Improvements 70,000 0 70,000 24 TR20-99 Street Bicycle Facilities/Racks/Striping 140,000 20,000 20,000 25 TR02-04 Old Mill Rd/Scdvner Rd Improvements 400,000 0 25,000 26 PK13-02 Skate Park 50,000 0 25,000 27 PK06-02 Elks Playfleld Impm~ments 70,000 0 70,000 28 GG01-03 Channel 21 Equipment 120,000 60,000 0 Prioritized Summary 14,103,000 1,354,000 832,500 t,209,000 1,033,500 Governmental Fund Project-Allocation 2004/2005 Un prioritized Projects [T0!~A~_.~~ ALLOIgATED PROPOSI~ 200~ PROPOSm 2005 cEP$ .P~._T_~.!~LE I ...... CO-"S-'-T'- ........ 2004 ~-ALLmAT~°~' I ~ ALLoCATION I ....... C,TY / ....... c,-,-,, GG03:0'3' Re'side'nti~il' ih~t-m~iu*re~D-e-~el'~p-rh~ni .................................. i ...................... 75i:)i'000 '~0:'o00! ............. i25 ooo .... 125,ooo "TR01-03 Omrlay Procj'iam .... 1',200,000 0 0 100,000 TR42-99 Lauddsen BIll Bddge Widening 2,820,000 0 0 50,000 Funds Available 552,400,000~ What's Next! Continue Public Hearing June 8 at or close to 7PM Close Public Hearing Adopt CFP/TIP and Allocate June 14 Governmental Funds or Continue Close Public Hearing Adopt CFP/TIP, Allocate Governmental July 6 Funds 2004 - 2005 GOVERNMENT FUND PROJECTS CITY CITY TOTAL PROJECT TOTAL CITY ALLOCATED ~£OCA'FED PROPOSED 2004 PROPOSED 2005 CITY FUNDS ACCUM PRIORITY PRIORITY CFP # PROJECT TITLE COST COST 2003 ~04 ALLOCATION ALLOCATION REQUIRED TOTALS 2003 2004 TOTAL CITY TOTAL CITY 2004-2005 I 0 GG02-99 Carnegie Library 1,840,000 840,000 840,000 ' 0 0 0 0 0 0 Complete 3 0 TR08-00 5th & Race Signal 286,000 75,000 75,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 Complete 5 0 PK03-02 * Olympic Discovery Trail-Rayonier to Morse Creek 362,000 114,000 114,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 Complete 4 I FR02-02 Fire Station Roof Repair 568,000 50,000 50,000 568,000 50,000 0 0 50,000 50,000 insurance 6 2 TR01-01 8th Street Bridge Replacement Design 1,900,000 380,000 100,000 i , 250~0~.~,~. 1,900,000 380,000 0 0 380,000 430,000 Grant Match $380K, City Funds 21 3 PK01-03 * International Waterfront Promenade 1,250,000 250,000 251~ 25,000 25,000 1,225,000 125,000 150,000 580,000 Grant Match $150K, City Funds + $50K In-Kind 8 4 PK09-02 City Pier Dredging & Piling Replacement 200,000 200,000 25,000 110,000 110,000 90,000 90,000 200,000 780,000 7 5 PK01-04 Front Street Corridor Streetscape Improvements 50,000 50,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 50,000 830,000 9 6 GG02-01 Laurel St. Pavers [Railroad Ave. - 1st St.] 365,000 52,500 52~ 15,000 15,000 350,000 37,500 52,500 882,500 Debt Service on $300K = $17K/year 10 7 PK07-02 Shine Park Renovation 280,000 280,000 140,000 140,000 140,000 140,000 280,000 1,162,500 19 8 FR01-02 Replace Pumper 315,000 315,000 70~{~ 70,000 70,000 31,000 31,000 101,000 1,263,500 2007 projected purchase 12 9 TR74-99 Sidewalk Program 425,000 425,000 25,000 ~ 25,000 25,000 50,000 50,000 75,000 1,338,500 Annual Program 14 10 TR26-99 ADA Curb Ramps/Chirpers 150,000 150,000 ~0,~ ~ 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000i 40,000 1,378,500 Annual Program 15 11 GG04-03 Homeland Security Project 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 0 0 30,000 1,408,500 One time grant match 16 12 GG05-03 Matching Funds for Community Projects 270,000 270,000 45,000 45,000 45,000 45,000 90,000 1,498,500 Council Discretionary funds 17 13 GG03-00 Downtown Parking 4,500,000 100,000 65,000 1,400,000 50,000 3,000,000 50,000 100,000 1,598,500 18 14 GG03-03 Residential Infrastructure Development (NICE Pgm) 750,000 750,000i ~i~ 125,000 50,000 125,000 50,000 100,000 1,698,500 plus $75K/yr utilities ($125K total) 15 FR01-04 Purchase Large Hose 30,000 30,000i 0 0 30,000 30,000 30,000 1,728,500 Onetime purchase 16 TR03-04 Campbell Avenue - Mount Angeles to Porter 50,000 50,000 0 0 50,000 50,000 50,000 1,778,500 20 17 PK08-02 Neighborhood Park Renovation 190,000 190,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 25,000 60,000 1,838,500 Annual Program (Lions Pk '05) 22 18 GG02-03 Valley Creek Restoration 120,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 90,000 30,000 1,868,500 Grant Match $30K, City Funds ) 23 19 PK04-03 Recreation Facility Assessment 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 29,000 0 0 29,000 1,897,500 PA Tennis Club donation $1K 20 TR12-99 Park Avenue Reconstruction [Peabody - Race] 1,000,000 200,000 0 0 100,000 20,000 20,000 1,917,500 Grant Match $20K, City Funds 21 TR07-00 Park Ave. Sidewalk [Race- Liberty] 400,000 200,000 0 0 50,000 25,000 25,000 1,942,500 Grant Match $25K City Funds 22 PD01-04 Police Station Addition/Remodel 380,000i 380,000 0 0 10,000 10,000 10,000 1,952,500 23 PK02-03 Edckson Park Restroom Improvements 70,000 70,000 0 0 70,000 70,000 70,000 2,022,500 24 TR20-99 Street Bicycle Facilities/Racks/Striping 140,000 140,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 40,000 2,062,500 Annual Program 0 0 25,000 25,000 25,000 2,087,500 Condemnation Costs 25 TR02-04 Old Mill Rd/Scdvner Rd Improvements 400,000 25,000 26 PK13-02 Skate Park 50,000 25,000 0 0 50,000 25,000 25,000 2,112,500 $25K used as match 27 PK06-02 Elks Playfield Improvements 70,000 70,000 0 0 70,000 70,000 70,000 2,182,500 28 GG01-03 Channel 21 Equipment 120,000 60,000 ~ 120,000 60,000 0 0 60,000 2,242,500 Prioritized Summary 14,103,000 4,802,500 1,354,000 832,500 4,733,000 1,209,000 5,701,000 1,033,500 2,242,500 $2,400,000 Available TR01-02 8th Street Bddge Construction 15,000,000 0 330,000 0 7,270,000 0 0 100% Grant funding to $20M TR48-99 Olympic Peninsula Intl Gateway 11,200,000 4,020,000 0 0 6,400,000 0 0 Bonds TR33-99 Peabody Street Reconstr. [Front - 5th] 350,000 0 350,000 0 0 0 0 STP Funds-$177K, Street -$200K TR01-03 Overlay Program 1,200,000 1,200,000 0 300,000 0 0 Street Budget Item PD02-04 Radio Communications 230,000 5,000 0 0 230,000 5,000 5,000 $225K Pencom, $5K Gan Fund PK02-02 William Shore Memorial Pool Renovation 4,500,000 4,500,000 0 0 4,500,000 4,500,000 0 Funding Unknown/Bond PD03-04 New 9-1-1 Center 3,700,000 3,700,000 0 0 100,000 0 0 Pencom Funds PK04-02 Lincoln Park Buildings 150,000 150,000 0 0 0 0 0 GG13-99 Downtown Convention Center 15,000,000 2,000,000 7,500,000 0 7,500,000 0 0 $100K/yr 20 years Hotel/Motel Funds FR05-99 East Side Fire Station 1,875,000 1,875,000 0 0 0 0 0 Voted Bond FR07-99 West Side Fire Station 1,375,000: 1,375,000 0 0 0 0 0 Voted Bond FR10-99 Replace Truck 4 (Ladder Truck) 800,000 800,000 0 0 800,000 0 Voted Bond GG01-01 Laurel St. Stair Repair 250,000; 250,000 0 0 0 0 0 GG01-02 Ediz Hook Rip Rap Repair (2007) 650,000! 70,000 0 0 0 0 0 GG05-00 Marketing Del Guzzi Dr. Property 250,000 250,000 0 0 0 0 0 PK01-02 City Pier/Hollywood Beach Renovation 85,000i 85,000 0 0 0 0 0 PK02-04 * Olympic Discovery Trail - Hill Street to Dry Creek 120,000 120,000 0 0 20,000 20,000 20,000 04§ov4 Pa§e ! 2004 - 2005 GOVERNMENT FUND PROJECTS CITY CITY TOTAL PROJECT TOTAL CiTY ALLOCATED A[[~A~ PROPOSED 2004 PROPOSED 2005 CITY FUNDS ACCUM PRIORITY PRIORITY CFP # PROJECT TITLE COST COST 2003 ALLOCATION ALLOCATION REQUIRED TOTALS 2003 2004 ~ TOTAL CITY TOTAL CITY 2004-2005 PK03-03 Lincoln Park Master Plan 40,000 40,000 0 0 0 0 0 PK05-02 Art Education Center at PAFAC 250,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 TR01-04 2nd & Valley Pavement Restoration 290,000 290,000 0 0 0 0 0 TR02-00 First Street Sidewalk (Ennis - Golf Course) 300,000 60,000 0 0 0 0 0 TR02-01 Ennis Street Slide Repair 210,000 210,000 0 0 0 0 0 TR02-99 1st and Peabody Signal 120,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 TR04-99 Laurel Street/Ahlvers Road Reconstruction 1,200,000 200,000 0 0 0 0 0 TR05-99 Hill Street Intersection Reconstruction 300,000 200,000 0 0 0 0 0 TR07-99 Milwaukee Ddve Phase I 2,000,000 2,000,000 0 0 0 0 0 TR08-99 Milwaukee Ddve Phase II 3,500,000 3,500,000 0 0 0 0 0 TR09-00 16th Street Sidewalk ['1' St. - 'F' St.] 250,000 75,000 0 0 0 0 0 TR10-00 16th Street Sidewalk ['F' St.-Stevens Sch] 230,000 55,000 0 0 0 0 0 TR10-99 10th Street Reconstruction ['N' - Milwaukee] 700,000 140,000 0 0 0 0 0 TR11-00 10th St. Sidewalk ['N' St. - 'M' St.] 375,000 200,000 0 0 0 0 0 TR12-00 10th St. Sidewalk I'M' St. - '1' St.] 375,000 200,000 0 0 0 0 0 TR13-00 N' Street Sidewalk [14th St. - 18th St.] 250,000 75,000 0 0 0 0 0 TR13-99 City-Wide Traffic Signal InterconnectJPre-emption 500,000 500,000 0 0 0 0 0 TR14-00 Airport Industrial Park Streets 2,000,000 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 TR42-99 Lauddsen Blvd Bddge Widening 2,820,000 564,000 0 0 0 0 0 TR18-99 Lincoln/Blvd Rechannelization and Signal 450,000 100,000 0 0 0 0 0 TR17-99 Truck Route at US101 Intersection 1,150,000 1,150,000 0 0 0 0 0 TR14-99 White's Creek Crossing 6,250,000 6,250,000 0 0 0 0 0 TR16-99 18th Street Reconstruction ['E' - Landfill] 3,300,000 3,300,000 0 0 0 0 0 TR21-99 Lauddsen Blvd Reconstruction [Trk Rt. -'L"J 1,800,000 1,800,000 0 0 0 0 0 TR32-99 9th Street Widening 50,000 50,000 0 0 0 0 0 TR69-99 Rhoads Road Area LID 900,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 TR70-99 Mt Angeles Road/Porter Street LID 2,000,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 TR71-99 10th/13th and "I"/"M" Street LID 1,200,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 TR80-99 Lauddsen Blvd/Washington Street Reconstruction 250,000 50,000 0 0 0 0 0 TR97-99 "C" Street and Fairmont LID 2,200,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 * Park Trail Project to be included in TIP. 17,646,000 2,418,000 38,522,000 6,592,000 4,510,000 42,533,500 04gov4 Page 2 2004- 2010 CAPITAL FACILITIES PROJECTS PRIORITY ORDER PRIORITY D PROJECT TITLE PROJECTCOST COST CITY PROJECT COST PROJECT COST PROJECT COST PROJECT COST PROJECT COST PROJECT COST PROJECT COST 2004-2010 COST FINANCING REQU RED MANDATE I I 1 GG02.01 Laurel St. Pavers [Railroad Ave. - 1st St.1 365,000 52,500 15,00(3 350,000 0 0 0 0 01 365,000 N N 2 GG04~)3 Homeland Security Project 30,000 30,000 30,00(3 0 0 0 0 0 0 30,000 N N 3 GG05-03 blatching Funds for Community Projects 270,000 270,006 45,00(3 45,000 45,000 45,000 45,000 45,000 0 270,000 N N 4 GG03-00 ~owntown Parking 4,500,000 90,000 1,400,000 3,000,000 0 0 0 0 0 4,400,000 Y N 5 GG13-99 Downtown Convention Center 15,000,000 2,000,000 6,600,00(3 6,600,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 13,700,000 N N 6 GG03-03 Residential Infrastructure Development 750,000 750,00(3 125,000 125,000 125,000 125,000 125,000 125,000 0 750,000 N N 7 GG02~3 Valle)/Creek Restoration 120,000 30,00C 30,000 90,000 0 0 0 0 0 120,000 N N 8 GG01-03 Channel 21 Equipment 120,000 60,00¢ 120,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 120,000 N N 9 GG01-01 Laurel St. Stair Repair 250,000 250,000 0 0 25,000 225,000 0 0 0 250,000 N N 10 GG05-00 Marketing Del Guzzi Dr. Property 250,000 250,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N N 11 GG01-02 Ediz Hook Rip Rap Repair 650,00(~ 60,000 0 0 0 650,000 0 0 0 650,000 Y Y 1 FR02-02 Fire Station Roof Repair 568,00¢ 50,000 50,000 I 50,00(3 N N N 2 FR01-02 Replace Pumper 315,00¢ 315,000 70,000 31,000 30,000 184000 0 0 315,000 N 3 FR10-99 Replace Truck 4 800,00¢ 800,000 0 800,000 0 0 0 0 800,00(3 N N 4 FR01-04 Purchase Large Hose 30,00£ 30,000 0 30,000 0 0 0 0 30,000 N N 5 FR07-99 West Side Fire Station 1,375,00( 1,375,000 0 0 0 0 1,375,000 0 1,375,000 Y N 6 FR05-99 East Side Fire Station 1,875,00(: 1,875,000 0 6 0 0 1,875,000 0 1,875,000 Y N POLICE PROJECTS 2 I PD02.04 iRadio Communications 230,0001 230,000 500,000 ~ ~ 0 0 0 380,000 500,000 ~ 3 I PD03-04 INew 9-1-1 Center 3,700,0001 3,700,0o0 100,000 1,800,000 3,700,000 1 PK02-03 Edcksee Park Restroom Improvements 70,000 70,000 0 70,000 0 0 0 (3 70,000 N N 2 PK07-02 Shane Park Renovation 280,000 280,000 140,000 140,000 0 0 0 (~ 280,000 N N 3 PK06.02 Elks Playfield 70,000 70,000 0 70,000 0 0 0 (~ 0 70,000 N N 4 PK09-02 City Pier Dred(,]ing & Piling Replacement 200,000 200,000 110,000 90,000 0 0 0 0 200,000 N Y 5 PK08.02 Neighborhood Park Renovation 190,000 190,000 35,000 35,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,00(; 190,000 N N 6 PK03-03 Lincoln Park Master Plan 40,000 40,000 0 40,000 0 0 0 0 40,000 Y N 7 PK13.02 Skate Park 50,000 25,000 0 50,000 0 0 0 0 50,000 N N 8 PK01-03 International Waterfront Promenade 1,250,000 25,000 1,225,000 0 (~ 0 0 0 1,225,000 Y N 9 PK04-02 Lincoln Park Buildin~ls 150,000 150,000 0 0 150,000 0 0 0 150,000 N N 10 PK05.02 Ad Education Center at PAFAC 250,000 0 0 0 250,000 0 0 0 250,000 Y N 11 PK04-03 Recreation Facility Assessment 30,000 30,000 30,000 0 0 0 0 0 30,000 N N 12 PK02-02 William Shore Memodal Pool Renovation 4,500,000 4,500,000 0 4,500,000 0 0 0 0 4,500,000 N N 13 PK01-02 City Pier/Hollywood Beach Renovation 85,000 85,000 0 0 20,000 65,000 0 0 85,000 Y N 14 PK01~4 Front Street Corfidore Streetscape Improvement 50,000 50,000 25,00(3 25,000 0 0 0 0 0 50,000 N N 15 PK02.04 Olympic Discovery Trail - Hill Street to Dry Creek 120,000 120,000 20,000 100,000 120,000 N N I TOTAL OF MANDATED GENERAL FUND PROJECTS 800,0001 775,0001 125,0001 175,0001 125,0001 125,0001 125'0001 125'0001 01 800'0001 TOTAL OF ALL GENERAL FUND PROJECTS 38,913,000] 18,432,500~ 10,050,000~ 16,721,000~ 3,045,000] 3,224,000~ 3,550,000~ 300,000~ 100,000! 36,990,000~ I 04-10PRIO Page i 2004 - 2010 CAPITAL FACILITIES PROJECTS PRIORITY ORDER PRIORITY ID PROJECT TITLE PROJECTCOST COST CITY PROJECT COST PROJECT COST PROJECT COST PROJECT COST PROJECT COST PROJECT COST PROJECT COST 2004-2010 COST FINANCING REQU RED MANDATE STREET PROJECTS & T.I.P. 1 TR48-99 Olympic Peninsula Intl Gateway 11,200,00£ 4,020,000 6,400,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 6,400,000 Y N 2 TR01-01 8th Street Bridge Replacement Design 1,900,00£ 380,000 1,900,000 0 0 0 (; 0 0 1,900,000 Y N 3 TR01-02 8th Street Bridge Construction 15,000,00(; 3,000,000 330,000 7,270,000 7,400,000 0 (~ 0 0 15,000,000 Y N 4 TR74-99 Sidewalk Program 425,00(; 425,000 25,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,00(; 50,000 0 275,000 N N 5 TR26-99 ADA Curb Ramps/Chirpers 150,00C 150,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,00(; 20,000 0 120,000 N Y 6 TR33-99 Peabody Street Reconstr. [Front - 8th] 600,00C 0 350,000 0 250,000 0 (; 0 0 600,000 Y N 7 TR01-04 2nd & Valley Pavement Restoration 290,00(; 290,000 0 0 40,000 250,000 (; 0 0 290,000 N N 8 TR01-03 Overlay Program 1,200,00(; 165,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 0 1,200,000 N N 9 TR20-99 Street Sicycle Facilities/Racks/Striping 140,00(; 140,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,00(; 20,000 0 120,000 N N 10 TR02-99 1st and Peabody Signal 110,00(; 0 0 0 10,000 110,000 (; 0 0 120,000 Y N 11 TR10-00 16th Street Sidewalk [~F' St.-Stevens Sch] 230,00(; 55,000 0 0 0 30,000 200,00(~ 0 0 230,000 Y N 12 TR09-00 16th Street Sidewalk ['1' St. - 'F' St.] 250,00(; 75,000 0 0 0 0 40,00(; 210,000 0 250,000 Y N 13 TR11-00 10th St. Sidewalk ['N' St. - 'M' St.] 375,00(; 200,000 0 0 0 40,000 335,00(; 0 0 375,000 Y N 14 TR12-00 10th St. Sidewalk ['M' St. - '1' St.] 375,00(; 200,000 0 0 0 0 40,00(; 335,000 0 375,000 Y N 15 TR12-99 Park Avenue Reconstruction [Peabody - Race] 1,000,00(; 200,000 0 100,000 900,000 0 0 0 0 1,000,000 Y N 16 TR07-00 Park Ave. Sidewalk [Race - Liberty] 400,00(; 200,000 0 50,000 350,000 0 (; 0 0 400,000 Y N 17 TR02-00 First Street Sidewalk (Ennis - Golf Course) 300,00(; 60,000 0 0 30,000 270,000 0 0 0 300,000 Y N 18 TR02-01 Ennis Street Slide Repair 210,00(; 210,000 0 0 0 210,000 0 0 0 210,000 Y N 19 TR21-99 Lauridsen Bird Reconstruction [Trk Rt. - 'L'] 1,800,00(; 1,800,000 0 0 180,000 1,620,000 0 0 0 1,800,000 Y N 20 TR42-99 Lauddsen Bird Bridge Widening 2,820,00(; 564,000 0 0 250,000 2,000,000 570,00(~ 0 0 2,820,000 Y N 21 TR18-99 Lincoln/Blvd Rechannelization and Signal 450,00(; 100,000 0 0 0 0 50,00(; 400,000 0 450,000 N N 22 TR17-99 Truck Route at US101 Intersection 1,150,00(; 1,150,000 0 0 0 0 300,00(; 850,000 0 1,150,000 Y N 23 TR04-99 Laurel Street/Ahlvers Road Reconstruction 1,200,00(; 200,000 0 0 200,000 1,000,000 (; 0 0 1,200,000 Y N 24 TR02-04 Old Mill Rd/Scrivner Rd Improvements 400,00(; 400,000 0 0 0 200,000 200,00(; 0 0 400,000 N N 25 TR14-00 Airport Industrial Park Streets 2,000,00(; 0 0 0 565,000 868,000 567,000 0 0 2,000,000 Y N 26 TR07-99 Milwaukee Ddve Phase I 2,000,00(; 2,000,000 0 0 0 200,000 1,800,000 0 0 2,000,000 N N 27 TR70-99 Mt Angeles Road/Porter Street LID 2,000,00(; 0 0 0 200,000 1,800,000 0 0 0 2,000,000 Y N 28 TR69-99 Rhoads Road Area LID 900,00~ 0 0 0 0 900,000 0 0 0 900,000 Y N 29 TR97-99 "C" Street and Fairmont LID 2,200,00(; 0 0 0 0 200,000 2,000,000 0 0 2,200,000 Y N 30 TR71-99 10th/13th and "I"/"M" Street LID 1,200,00£ 0 0 (3 100,000 1,100,000 0 0 0 1,200,000 Y N 31 TR16-99 18th Street Reconstruction ['E' - Landfill] 3,300,00£ 3,300,000 0 0 0 300,000 3,000,000 0 0 3,300,000 N N 32 TR10-99 10th Street Reconstruction ['N' - Milwaukee] 700,00£ 140,000 0 0 0 0 70,000 630,000 0 700,000 Y N 33 TR13-00 N' Street Sidewalk [14th St. - 18th St.] 250,00(; 75,000 0 0 0 0 40,000 210,000 0 250,000 Y N 34 TR32-99 9th Street Widening 50,00£ 50,000 0 0 0 50,000 0 0 0 50,000 N N 35 TR08-99 Milwaukee Drive Phase II 3,500,00£ 3,500,000 0 0 0 0 0 3,500,000 0 3,500,000 N N 36 TR13-99 City-Wide Traffic Signal InterconnectJPre-emptio 500,00(; 500,000 0 0 0 0 0 500,000 0 500,000 N N 37 TR05-99 Hill Street Intersection Reconstruction 300,00~ 200,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 300,000 300,000 Y N 38 TR80-99 Lauridsen Blvd/VVashington Street Reconstructio 250,00~ 50,000 0 0 0 0 0 40,000 210,000 250,000 N N 39 TR14-99 White's Creek Crossing 6,250,00(; 6,250,000 0 0 0 0 0 1,250,000 5,000,000 6,250,000 N N TOTAL OF ALL STREET PROJECTS 30,049,000~ 9,045,000~ 7,810,000J 10,565,000~ 11,538,000~ 9,602,000J 8,315,000~ 5,510,000J 62,385,000~ Note: TIP Projects include all street projects and PK03-02 (Olympic Discovery Trail) 04-10PR P~ 2004 - 2010 CAPITAL FACILITIES PROJECTS PRIORITY ORDER PRIORITY ID PROJECT TITLE PROJECTCOST COST CITY PROJECT COST PROJECT COST PROJECT COST PROJECT COST PROJECT COST PROJECT COST PROJECT COST 2004-2010 COST FINANCING REQU RED MANDATE LIGHT PROJECTS 1 CL06-99 Install Substation Circuit Switches 325,00C 325,000 253,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 253,000 N N 2 CL01-O2 Upgrade Substation Relays 405,00C 405,000 238,000 95,000 60,000 0 0 0 0 393,00(~ N N 3 CL03~)2 Acquisition of Airport PUD Electric Svc 100,00(~ 100,000 100,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 100,00C N N 4 CL03~01 Elwha Underground Rebuild 820,000 820,000 242,000 270.000 0 0 0 0 0 512,000 N N 5 CL02-02 Feeder Tie Porter to Golf Course Rd 230,000 230,000 30,000 200,000 0 0 0 0 0 230,000 N N 6 CL01-04 Feeder Tie Hwy 101, Cherry to Pine 60,000 60,000 0 10,000 50,000 0 0 0 0 60,000 N N 7 CL83-99 Ediz Hook OH - UG Conversion 680,000 680,000 0 250,000 0 0 250,000 0 0 500,000 N N 8 CL07-99 Airport Industrial Park 762,000 0 0 0 0 372,000 190,000 200,000 0 762,000 N N 9 CL65-99 UGA Electdc Customers 2,000,000 2,000,000 0 0 0 400,000 400,000 400,000 400,000 1,600,000 N N 10 CL18-99 Construct Transmission Line 153,000 153,000 0 0 0 0 20,000 120,000 0 140,000 N N 11 CL20-99 Construct Golf Course Rd Sub 556,000 556,000 0 0 0 0 74,000 415,000 0 489,000 N N 12 CL78-99 Light Operations Center 1,000,000 1,000,000 0 0 0 0 100,000 900,000 0 1,000,000 N N TOTAL OF ALL LIGHT FUND PROJECTSI 7,091,000 6,329,000 6,039,000 SOLID WASTE 1 SW02-04 Install Gas Lines at Landfill 85,000 85,000 0 85,000 0 0 0 0 0 85,000 N N 2 SW01-04 ESC System Phase II 100,000 100,000 100,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 100,000 N N 3 SW31-99 Landfill Transfer Station 3,700,000 3,700,000 300,000 750,000 2,650,000 0 0 0 0 3,700,000 N Y 4 SW01-O3 Landfill Bluff Stabalizatioo 2,550,000 2,550,000 100,000 100,000 2,225,000 0 0 0 0 2,425,000 N Y 5 SW02-03 Final Landfill Closure 4,500,000 4,500,000 0 0 1,000,000 3,500,000 0 0 0 4,500,000 N Y TOTAL OF ALL SOLID WASTE PROJECTSI 10,935,0001 10,935.0001 500,0001 935,0001 5,875,0001 3,500,000 10,010,000 WATER PROJECTS 1 w'r02-99 Concrete Cylinder Pipe Replacement 3,300,000 3,300,000 2,000,000 150,000 1,050,000 0 0 0 0 3,200,000 N N 2 WT12-99 Annual Replacements 1,395,000 1,395,000 310,000 30,000 320,000 40,000 360,000 0 0 1,060,000 N N 3 WT56-99 Fairmount Pump Station 335,000 335,000 335,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 335,000 N N 4 w'r02-01 Water Treatment Facility 10,000,000 0 0 0 0 400,000 600,000 4,000,000 5,000,000 10,000,000 N N 5 w-r30-99 Downtown Watermains/Sidewalks III 2,000,000 2,000,000 100,000 1,900,000 0 0 0 0 0 2,000,000 Y N 6 w-r32-99 Corrosion Control Facility 380,00(] 380,000 0 0 80,000 300,000 0 0 0 380,000 N N 7 WT64-99 McDou~al Subzone Fire pump 90,000 90,000 0 0 90,000 0 0 0 0 90.000 N N 8 WT46-99 Southeast Reservoir 1,800,000 1,020,000 0 0 290,000 1,500,000 0 0 0 1,790,00(] Y N 9 WT57-99 Elwha Pump Station Disinfection 175,000 175,000 0 0 0 175,000 0 0 0 175,00(] N N 10 W'F65-99 UGA Water Customers 500,000 500,000 0 0 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 500,000 N N 11 WT01-00 ~,irport Industrial Park Water Line 1,310,000 0 0 0 130,000 590,000 590,000 0 0 1,310,000 Y N TOTAL OF ALL WATER PROJECTS 21,285,000 2,080,000 1,650,000 20,840,000 04-10PRIO Page 3 2004 - 2010 CAPITAL FACILITIES PROJECTS PRIORITY ORDER PRIORITY ID ~ PROJECT TITLE PROJECT CITY PROJECT PROJECT PROJECT PROJECT PROJECT PROJECT PROJECT 2004-2010 FINANCING MANDATE I COST COST COST COST COST COST COST COST COST COST REQU RED WASTEWATER PROJECTS 1 WW01-04 Baffles for CSO Sites 330,00(; 330,000 0 160,000 170,000 0 0 0 0 330,000 Y 2 WW25-99 Sewer Pump Stations 1 & 3 Improvements 715,00(; 715,000 715,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 715,000 N N 3 VVW05-04 Park Avenue Sewer Improvements 303,00(; 303,000 68,000 235,000 0 (; 0 0 0 303,000 N N 4 W~N27-99 Annual Replacements Lines 685,00(; 685,000 0 0 0 235,000 0 235,000 0 470,000 N N 5 VVW06~99 Oak Street Outfall Extension CSO Reduction 90,00(; 90,000 90,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 90,000 N N 6 WW26-99 I/I CSO Reduction 675,00¢ 675,000 115,000 120,000 125,000 (; 0 0 0 360,000 N Y 7 WW04-99 Laurel Street Outfall Extension CSO Reduction 30,00¢ 30,000 30,000 0 0 (; 0 0 0 30,000 N N 8 WW01-01 Annexation Interceptor Sewer Main 4,250,00(; 650,000 0 400,000 3,500,000 (; 0 0 0 3,900,000 Y N 9 WW03-04 New Force Main, Gravity Sewer from Francis 3,500,00(; 0 400,000 2,500,000 600,00(; 0 3,500,000 N Y 10 VVVV02-04 Replace Pump Station No. 4 7,500,00(; 0 0 0 0~ 1,000,000 6,500,000 0 7,500,000 N N 11 WVV04-04 Treatment Plant for CSO Flows 9,800,00£ 0 0 0 0 1,200,000 7,300,000 1,300,000 9,800,000 N Y 12 WVV03~0 Lindberg Rd. Sewer 1,000,00C 0 0 0 100,000 900,000 0 0 0 1,000,000 N N 13 WVV05-99 Golf Course Road Sewer Interceptor 1,000,00£ 1,000,000 0 0 140,000 860,000 0 0 0 1,000,000 N N 14 VVVV02-00 Airport Industrial Sewer 1,100,00£ 0 0 0 100,000 500,000 500,000 0 0 1,100,000 Y N TOTAL OF MANDATED WASTEWATER PROJECTS 14,390,000~ 1,090,000 90,000 400,000 2,640,000 1,460,000 1,200,00(3 7,300,000 1,300,000 14,390,0001 I TOTAL OF ALL WASTEWATER PROJECTSI 30,978,000~ 4,478,000 1,018,000 1,315,000 6,635,000 3,095,000 2,700,00(3 14,035,000 1,300,000 30,098,000~ STORMWATER PROJECTS 1 DR54-99 Crown Park Storm Ove~ow 240,000! 240,000 240,000 0 0 0 (; (3 0 240,000 N Y 2 DR04-99 Lincoln Street Storm Drain (4th to 7th St.I 400,000 400,000 0 400,000 0 0 (; (3 0 400,000 N Y 3 DR02-99 City-Wide Catch Basin Modifications 525,000 525,000 70,000 75,000 80,000 85,000 90,00(; (3 0 400,000 N N 4 DR01~4 Stormwater Ouffalls to Streams & Marine 600,000 600,000 0 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,00(~ 50,00(3 50,000 300,000 N N 5 DR53-99 Stormwater Discharges Over Bluff 450,000 450,000 0 50,000 100,000 100,000 100,00(; 100,00(3 0 450,000 N N 6 DR65-99 10th And "N" Street Regional Storm Detention 300,000 300,000 0 50,000 250,000 0 (; (] 0 300,000 N N 7 DR14-99 Peabody Creek/Lincoln St Culvert Rehab 400,000 100,000 0 0 200,000 200,000 (; (3 0 400,000 Y N 8 DR01-01 Fimt St. Stormwater Separation 250,000 250,000 0 0 30,000 220,000 (; (3 0 250,000 N N 9 DR04~4 Stormwater at Canyon Edge & Ahlvers 500,00C 500,000 0 0 500,000 0 (; (3 0 500,000 N N 10 DR05-04 Stormwater at Rose & Thistle 500,000 500,000 0 0 0 500,000 (; (3 0 500,000 N N 11 DR03-04 Stormwater at Laurel & US101 500,000= 500,000 0 0 0 0 500,00(; (3 0 500,000 N N 12 DR06-04 Storrnwater at Campbell & Porter 500,000: 500,000 0 0 0 0 (; 500,00(3 0 500,000 N N 13 DR07-O4 Stormwater at "C" Street Extension 500,000 500,000 0 0 0 0 0 500,00(~ 0 500,000 N N 14 DR02~4 Upper Golf Course Rd. Area Stormwater 500,000 500,000 0 0 0 0 0 (~ 500,000 500,000 N N 15 DR03-99 Milwaukee Dr. Stormwater Improvements 1,200,000 1,200,000 0 (3 0 1,200,000 0: (3 0 1,200,000 N N 16 DR08-04 Lincoln Park/Big Boy Pond 300,000 300,000 0 (3 0 0 0 50,00(3 250,000 300,000 N N TOTALOF..DATEOSTO..WATE. PROJ CTS 525,000 525,000 75,000 80,000 86,000 90,000 1,200,00.°0 800'000_0 400,0001 I TOTAL OF ALL STORMWATER PROJECTSI 7,665,000~ 7,365,000 625,000 1,210,000 2,355,000 740,000 7,240,000~ TOTAL MANDATED UTILITY PROJECTS 20,125,000 6,625,000 705,000 1,505,000 5,515,000 1,690,000 1,475,000 7,780,000 1,300,000 19,970,000 I TOTAL OF ALL UT L TY PROJECTS 77,954,000 38,302,000 5,436,000 5,780,000 15,890,000 12,827,000 6,124,000 21,370,000 75,027,000 9adsheets/04-10cfp.xls 04-10PR P~ 2004- 2010 CAPITAL FACILITIES PROJECTS PROJECT ORDER TOTAL ~ TOTAL 2004 2005 2006 2007 I 2008 2009 2010 PROJECT OUTSIDE OUTSIDE PROJECTTITLE PROJECTI CITY PROJECT PROJECT PROJECT PROJECTI PROJECT PROJECT PROJECT 2004-20'10 FINANCING MANDATE COST COST COST COST COST COST COST COST COST COST REQU RED GENERAL PROJECTS 5 GG13-99 Downtown Convention Center 15,000,000 2,000,000 6,600,000 6,600,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 13,700,000 N N 4 GG03-00 Downtown Parking 4,500,000 90,000 1,400,00(; 3,000,000 0 0 0 0 0 4,400,000 Y N 10 GG05-00 Marketing Del Guzzi Dr. Property 250,000 250,000 C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N N 9 GG01q31 Laurel St. Stair Repair 250,000 250,000 0 0 25,000 225,000 0 0 0 250,000 N N 1 GG02-01 Laurel St. Pavers [Railroad Ave. - 1st St.] 365,000 52,500 15,000i 350,000 0 0 0 0 0 365,000 N N 11 GG01-02 Ediz Hook Rip Rap Repair 650,000 60,000 0! 0 0 650,000 0 0 0 650,000 Y Y 8 GG01~3 3hanne121 Equipment 120,000 60,000 120,0001 0 0 0 0 0 0 120,000 N N 7 GG02-03 Valley Creek Restoration 120,000 30,000 30,000 90,000 0 0 0 0 0 120,000 N N 6 GG03-03 Residential Infrastructure Development 750,000 750,000 125,0001 125,000 125,000 125,000 125,000 125,000 0 750,000 N N 2 GG04A~3 Homeland Secudty Proiect 30,000 30,000 30,0001 0 0 0 0 0 0 30,000 N N 3 GG05-03 Matching Funds for Community Projects 270,000 270,000 45,000 45,000 45,000 45,000 45,000 45,000 0 270,000 N N FIRE PROJECTS 6 FR05-99 East Side Fire Station 1,875,000 1,875,000 0 0 0 0 1,875,000 0 0 1,875,000 Y N 5 FR07-99 West Side Fire Station 1,375,000 1,375,00(; 0 0 0 0 1,375,000 0 0 1,375,000 Y N 3 FR10-99 F~eplace Truck 4 800,000 800,00(; 0 800,000 0 0 0 0 0 800,000 N N 2 FR01-02 Replace Pumper 315,000 315,00(; 70,000 31,000 30,000 184,000 0 0 0 315,000 N N 1 FR02-02 Fire Station Roof Repair 568,000 50,00(; 50,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 50,000 N N 4 FR01-04 Purchase Large Hose 30,000 30,00(; 0 30,000 0 0 0 0 0 30,000 N N POLICE PROJECTS Police Station Addition/Remodel 380,0ooj 380,000 lO,OOOJ 370,0000 1,800,00i 01 0 i 380,000 F~adio Communications 230,000 J 230,000 500,000 0 0 500,000 New 9-1-1 Center 3,700,000J 3,700,000 100,000 1,800,000 0 0 3,700,000 PARKS PROJECTS 13 PK01-02 City Pier/Hollywood Beach Renovation 85,00(~ 85,000 0 0 20,000 65,000 0 0 0 85,000 Y N 12 PK02-02 William Shore Memorial Pool Renovation 4,500,000 4,500,000 0 4,500,000 0 0 0 0 0 4,500,000 N N 9 PK04-02 Lincoln Park Buildings 150,00(~ 150,000 0 0 150,000 0 0 0 0 150,000 N N 10 PK05-02 Ad Education Center at PAFAC 250,000 0 0 0 250,000 0 0 0 0 250,000 Y N 3 PK06-02 Elks F~a~eld 70,000 70,000 0 70,000 0 0 0 0 0 70,000 N N 2 PK07-02 Shane Park Renovation 280,00(; 280,000 280,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 280,000 N N 5 PK08-02 Neighborhood Park Renovation 190,00(; 190,000 35,000 35,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 0 190,000 N N 4 PK09-02 City Pier Dredging & Piling Replacement 200,000 200,000 110,000 90,000 0 0 0 0 0 200,000 N Y 7 PK13-02 Skate Park 50,00(; 25,000 0 50,000 0 0 0 0 0 50,000 N N 8 PK01-03 International Waterfront Promenade 1,250,000 250,000 25,000 1,225,000 0 0 0 0 0 1,250,000 Y N 1 PK02-03 Edckson Park Restroom Improvements 70,00(~ 70,000 0 70,000 0 0 0 0 0 70,000 N N 6 PK03-03 Lincoln Park Master Plan 40,00(; 40,000 0 0 40,000 0 0 0 0 40,000 Y N 11 PK04-03 Recreation Facility Assessment 30,00(; 30,000 30,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 30,000 N N 14 PK01-04 Front Street Corridore Streetscape Improvement 50,000 50,000 25,000 25,000 0 0 0 0 0 50,000 N N 15 PK02-04 Olympic Discovery Trail - Hill Street to Dry Creek 120,00(; 120,000 20,000 100,000 0 0 0 0 120,000 N N I TOTAL OF MANDATED GENERAL FUND PROJECTS 850,0001 260,0001 110,0001 90,0001 3,085,00~1 650.0001 3,550,00001 300,00~1 100.0000137'015'0001850'000I TOTAL OF ALL GENERAL FUND PROJECTS 3S,913,0001 18,657,5001 8,990,0001 17,766,0001 3,224,0001 04-10PROJ Page i 2004 - 2010 CAPITAL FACILITIES PROJECTS PROJECT ORDER PRIORITY ID PROJECT TITLE PROJECTCOST COST CITY PROJECT COST PROJECT COST PROJECT COST PROJECT COST PROJECT COST PROJECT COST PROJECT COST 2004-2010 COST FINANCING REQU RED MANDATE STREET PROJECTS & T.I.P. 10 TR02-99 1st and Peabody Signal 120,000 0 0 0 10,000 110,000 0 0 0 120,000 Y N 23 TR04-99 Laurel Street/Ahlvers Road Reconstruction 1,200,000 200,000 0 0 200,000 1,000,000 0 0 0 1,200,000 Y N 37 TR05-99 Hill Street Intersection Reconstruction 300,000 200,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 300,000 300,000 Y N 26 TR07-99 Milwaukee Ddve Phase I 2,000,000 2,000,000 0 0 0 200,000 1,800,000 0 0 2,000,000 N N 35 TR08-99 Milwaukee Drive Phase II 3,500,000 3,500,000 0 0 0 0 0 3,500,000 0 3,500,000 N N 32 TR10-99 il0th Street Reconstruction ['N'- Milwaukee] 700,000 140,000 0 0 0 0 70,000 630,000 0 700,000 Y N 15 TR12-99 Park Avenue Reconstruction [Peabody - Race] 1,000,000 200,000 (~ 100,000 900,000 0 0 0 0 1,000,000 Y N 36 TR13-99 3ity-W~de Traffic Signal Interconnect/Pre-emptio 500,000 500,000 0 0 0 0 0 500,000 0 500,000 N N 39 TR14-99 ~/hite's Creek Crossing 6,250,000 6,250,000 0 0 0 0 0 1,250,000 5,000,000 6,250,000 N N 31 TR16-99 18th Street Reconstruction ['E' - Landfill] 3,300,000 3,300,000 0 0 0 300,000 3,000,000 0 0 3,300,000 N N 22 TR17-99 Truck Route at US101 Intersection 1,150,000 1,150,000 0 0 0 0 300,000 850,000 0 1,150,000 Y N 21 TR18-99 Lincoln/Blvd Rechannelization and Signal 450,000 100,000 0 0 0 0 50,000 400,000 0 450,000 N N 9 TR20-99 Street Bicycle Facilities/Racks/Striping 140,000 140,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 0 120,000 N N 19 TR21-99 Lauddsen Blvd Reconstruction ~rrk Rt. - 'L'] 1,800,000 1,800,000 0 0 180,000 1,620,000 0 0 0 1,800,000 Y N 5 TR26-99 ADA Curb Ramps/Chirpers 150,000 150,000 20,00{; 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 0 120,000 N Y 34 TR32-99 9th Street Widening 50,000 50,000 0 0 0 50,000 0 0 0 50,000 N N 6 TR33-99 Peabody Street Reconstruction [Front - 8thI 350,000 0 350,000 0 0 0 0 0 350,000 Y N 20 TR42-99 Lauridsen BIvd Bridge Widening 2,820,000 564,000 0 0 250,000 2,000,000 570,000 0 0 2,820,000 Y N 1 TR48-99 Olympic Peninsula Intl Gateway/ 11,200,000 4,020,000 0 6,400,000 0 0 0 0 0 6,400,000 Y N 28 TR69-99 Rhoads Road Area LID 900,000 0 (~ 0 0 900,000 0 0 0 900,000 Y N 27 TR70-99 Mt Angeles Road/Porter Street LID 2,000,000 0 0 0 200,000 1,800,000 0 0 0 2,000,000 Y N 30 TR71-99 10th/13th and #I"/"M" Street LID 1,200,000 0 0 0 100,000 1,100,000 0 0 0 1,200,000 Y N 4 TR74-99 Sidewalk Program 425,000 425,000 25,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 325,000 N N 38 TR80-99 Lauridsen Blvd/Washington Street Reconstructio 250,000 50,000 0 0 0 0 0 40,000 210,000 250,000 N N 29 TR97-99 'C" Street and Fairmont LID 2,200,000 0 0 0 0 200,000 2,000,000 0 0 2,200,000 Y N 17 TR02~00 First Street Sidewalk (Ennis - Golf Course/ 300,000 60,000 0 0 30,000 270,000 0 0 0 300,000 Y N 16 TR07-00 Park Ave. Sidewalk [Race - Liberty/] 400,000 200,000 0 50,000 350,000 0 0 0 0 400,000 Y N 12 TR09-00 16th Street Sidewalk ['1' St. - 'F' St.] 250,000 75,000 0 0 0 40,000 210,000 0 0 250,000 Y N 11 TR10-00 16th Street Sidewalk ['F' St. - Stevens Sch] 230,000 55,000 0 0 0 30,000 200,000 0 0 230,000 Y N 13 TR11-00 10th St. Sidewalk ['N' St. - 'M' St.] 375,000 200,000 (~ 0 0 40,000 335,000 0 0 375,000 Y N 14 TR12-00 10th St. Sidewalk I'M' St. - '1' St.] 375,000 200,000 (~ 0 0 0 40,000 335,000 0 375,000 Y N 33 TR13-00 N' Street Sidewalk [14th St. - 18th St.] 250,000 75,000 0 0 0 0 40,000 210,000 0 250,000 Y N 25 TR14-00 &irpod Industrial Park Streets 2,000,000 0 8 0 565,000 868,000 567,000 0 0 2,000,000 Y N 2 TR01-01 ~th Street Bridge Replacement Design 1,900,000 380,000 1,900,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,900,000 Y N 18 TR02-01 Ennis Street Slide Repair 210,000 210,000 0 0 0 210,000 0 0 0 210,000 Y N 3 TR01-02 ~th Street Bridge Construction 15,000,000 0 330,000 7,270,000 7,400,000 0 0 0 0 15,000,000 Y N 8 TR01-03 3verla¥ Program 1,200,000 165,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 0 1,200,000 N N 7 TR01-04 2nd & Valle)/Pavement Restoration 290,000 290,000 C 0 40,000 250,000 0 0 0 290,000 N N 24 TR02-04 0Id Mill Rd/Scrivner Rd Improvements 400,000 400,000 ¢ 25,000 0 175,000 200,000 0 0 400,000 N N I TOTAL OF ALL STREET PROJECTS 67,135,000~ FALSE ~ 2,645,000~ 14,235,000~ 10,315,000~ 11,553,000~ 9,772,000~ 8,105,000~ 5,560,000~ 62,185,000~ 2 Note: TIP Projects include all street projects and PK03-02 (Olympic Discovery Trail) 04-10PR 2004- 2010 CAPITAL FACILITIES PROJECTS PROJECT ORDER .R,O.,. D PROJECTT,TLE PROJECTcos. II CosTC'~ PROJECTcosT ..OJECTcosT P.OJEC.cosT PROJECTcosTI P.OJECTcosT PROJECTcosT .ROJECTcosT 200.-20,0COST F,.A.O,.~REQURED .A.DATE II LIGHT PROJECTS 1 CL06-99 Install Substation Circuit Switches 325,00(; 325.000 253,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 253.000 N N 8 CL07-99 Airport Industrial Park 762,00(; 0 0 0 0 372.000 190.000 200,000 0 762.000 N N 10 CL18-99 Construct Transmission Line 153.00(~ 153.000 0 0 0 0 20.000 120.000 0 140.000 N N 11 CL20-99 Construct Golf Course Rd Sub 556.00C 556.000 0 0 0 0 74.000 415.000 0 489.000 N N 9 CL65-99 UGA Electric Customers 2,000,00(; 2.000.000 0 0 0 400.000 400.000 400.000 400.000 1.600.00(3 N N 12 CL78-99 Light Operations Center 1.000,00(; 1.000.000 0 0 0 0 100.000 900.000 0 1,000.000 N N 7 CL83-99 Ediz Hook OH - UG Conversion 680,00(3 680,000 0 250.000 0 0 250.000 0 0 500,00(3 N N 4 CL03-01 Elwha Underground Rebuild 820,00C 820.000 242.000 270.000 0 0 0 0 0 512.000 N N 2 CL01~02 Up~]rade Substation Relays 405,00(; 405.000 238.000 95.000 60.000 0 0 0 0 393.00(3 N N 5 CL02-O2 Feeder Tie Porter to Golf Course Rd 230,00(~ 230,000 30,000 200,000 0 0 0 0 0 230,000 N N 3 CL03-02 Acquisition of Airport PUD Electric Svc 100,00C 100,000 100,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 100,000 N N 6 CL01-04 Feeder Tie Hwy 101, Cherry to Pine 60,00(; 60,000 0 10,000 50,000 0 0 0 0 60,000 N N SOLID WASTE 3 SW31-99 Landfill Transfer Station 3.700,00(; 3.700.000 300.000 750.000 2.650.000 0 0 0 0 3.700.00(3 N Y 4 SW01~3 Landfill Bluff Stabalization 2.550,00C 2.550.000 100.000 100.000 2.225.000 0 0 0 0 2.425.00(3 N Y 5 SW02-03 Final Landfill Closure 4.500.00(; 4.500.000 0 0 1.000.000 3.500.000 0 0 0 4.500.00(3 N Y 2 SW01-04 ESC System Phase II 100,00(; 10.000 100,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 100.000 N N 1 SW02-04 Install Gas Lines at Landfill 85.00(; 85.000 0 85.000 0 0 0 0 0 85.000 N N I TOTAL OF ALL SOLID WASTE PROJECTS~ 10.935.000~ 10.845.000~ 500.000~ 935,000~ 5.875.000~ 3.500,000~0~ O~ 0~ 10.810,000 WATER PROJECTS 1 WT02-99 Concrete Cylinder Pipe Replacement 3.300.00£ 3.300.000 2,000.000 150.000 1.050.000 0 0 0 0 3.200.000 N N 2 w'r12-99 Annual Replacements 1.395.00£ 1.395.000 310.000 30.000 320.000 40.000 360.000 0 0 1,060,000 N N 5 WT30-99 Downtown Watermains/Sidewalks III 2.000.00£ 2.000.000 100.000 1.900.000 0 0 0 0 0 2.000.000 Y N 6 WT32-99 Corrosion Control Facility 380.00£ 380.000 0 0 80.000 300,000 0 0 0 380.000 N N 8 WT46~99 Southeast Reservoir 1.800.00C 1.020.000 0 0 290.000 1.500,000 0 0 0 1.790,000 Y N 3 WT56-99 Fairmount Pump Station 335.00¢ 335.000 335.000 0 0 0 0 0 0 335,000i N N 9 w'r57-99 Elwha Pump Station Disinfection 175.00C 175.000 0 0 0 175.000 0 0 0 175,000 N N 7 WT64-99 McDougal Subzone Fire pump 90.00(; 90.000 0 0 90.000 0 0 0 0 90.000 N N 10 WT65-99 UGA Water Customers 500.00¢ 500.000 0 0 100.000 100,000 100.000 100.000 100.000 500,000: N N 11 WT01-00 Airport Industrial Park Water Line 1.310.00(; 0 0 0 130.000 590.000 590.000 0 0 1.310.0001 Y N 4 w-r02-01 Water Treatment Facility 10.000.00(; 0 0 0 0 400.00(3 600.000 4.000.000 5.000.000 10,000.000 N N TOTAL OF ALL WATER PROJECTS 21.285.000 2.080.000 20,840,000 04.10PROJ Page 3 2004 - 2010 CAPITAL FACILITIES PROJECTS PROJECT ORDER t OlV PROJECT, TOTAL I TOTAL 2004 I 2005I 2006 2007I 2006I 200,I 2OlO PROJECT OUTSIOEIOUTSIOE, PRIORITY D PROJECT TITLE PROJECTCOST COST CITY PROJECT COST PROJECT COST PROJECT COST PROJECT COST PROJECT COST PROJECT COST PROJECT COST 2004-2010 COST FINANCING REQU RED MANDATE WASTEWATER PROJECTS 7 W~N04-99 Laurel Street Ouffall Extension CSO Reduction 30,00(~ 30,000 30,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 30,000 N N 13 WW05-99 Golf Course Road Sewer Interceptor 1,000,00(~ 1,000,000 0 0 140,000 860,000 0 0 0 1,000,000 N N 5 WW06-99 Oak Street Outfall Extension CSO Reduction 90,00(; 90,000 90,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 90,000 N N 2 WW25-99 Sewer Pump Stations 1 & 3 Improvements 715,000 715,000 715,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 715,000 N N 6 WW26-99 I/I CSO Reduction 675,00(; 675,000 115,000 120,000 125,000 0 0 0 0 360,000 N Y 4 VVVV27-99 Annual Replacements Lines 685,00(; 685,000 0 0 0 235,000 0 235,000 0 470,000 N N 14 WVV02-00 Airport Industrial Sewer 1,100,00¢ 0 0 0 100,000 500,00(~ 500,000 0 0 1,100,000 Y N 12 WVV03-00 Lindberg Rd. Sewer 1,000,00(; 0 0 0 100,000 900,00(~ 0 0 0 1,000,000 N N 8 WW01-01 Annexation Interceptor Sewer Main 4,250,00(; 650,000 0 400,000 3,500,000 01 0 0 0 3,900,000 Y N 1 WW01-04 Baffles for CSO Sites 330,00(; 330,000 0 160,000 170,000 0 0 0 0 330,000 N Y 10 WW02-04 Replace Pump Station No. 4 7,500,00(; 0 0 0 0 1,000,00(~ 6,500,000 0 7,500,000 N N 9 VVW03-04 New Force Main, Gravity Sewer from Francis 3,500,00(; 0 400,000 2,500,000 600,000 0 3,500,000 N Y 11 WW04-04 Treatment Plant for CSO Flows 9,800,00(; 0 0 0 0 1,200,000 7,300,000 1,300,000 9,800,000 N Y 3 WW05-04 Park Avenue Sewer Improvements 303,00(; 303,000 68,000 235,000 0 0 0 0 0 303,000 N N TOTAL OF MANDATED WASTEWATER PROJECTS 4,808,000~ 1,308,000 183,000 915,000 2,795,000 600,000 (~ 0 0 4,493,000~ I TOTAL OF ALL WASTEWATER PROJECTSI 30,978,000~ 4,478,000 1,018,000 1,315,000 6,635,000 3,095,000 2,700,00(; 14,035,000 1,300,000 30,098,000j STORMWATER PROJECTS 3 DR02-99 City-Wide Catch Basin Modifications 525,000 525,000 70,000 75,000 80,000 85,000 90,000 0i 0 400,000 N N 15 DR03-99 Milwaukee Dr. Stormwater Improvements 1,200,000 1,200,000 0 0 0 1,200,000 0 0 0 1,200,000 N N 2 DR04-99 Lincoln Street Storm Drain (4th to 7th St.) 400,000 400,000 0 400,000 0 0 0 0 0 400,000 N Y 7 DR14-99 Peabody Creek/Lincoln St Culvert Rehab 400,000 100,000 0 0 200,000 200,000 0 0 0 400,000 Y N 5 DR53-99 Stormwater Discharges Over Bluff 450,000 450,000 0 50,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 0 450,000 N N 1 DR54-99 Crown Park Storm Overflow 240,000 240,000 240,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 240,000 N Y 6 DR65-99 10th And "N" Street Regional Storm Detention 300,000 300,000 0 50,000 250,000 0 0 0 0 300,000 N N 8 DR01-01 First St. Stormwater Separation 250,000 250,000 0 (~ 30,000 220,000 0 0 0 250,000 N N 4 DR01-04 Stormwater Outfalls to Streams & Marine 600,000 600,000 0 50,00(~ 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 300,000 N N 14 DR02-04 Upper Golf Course Rd. Area Storrnwater 500,000 500,000 0 (~ 0 0 0 0 500,000 500,000 N N 11 DR03-04 Stormwater at Laurel & US101 500,000 500,000 0 0! 0 0 500,000 0 0 500,000 N N 9 DR04-04 Stormwater at Canyon Edge & Ahlvers 500,000 500,000 0 0 500,000 0 0 0 0 500,000 N N 10 DR05-04 Stormwater at Rose & Thistle 500,000 500,000 0 0 0 500,000 0 0 0 500,000 N N 12 DR06-04 ~tormwater at Campbell & Porter 500,000 500,000 0 0 (~ 0 0 500,000 (~ 500,000 N N 13 DR07-04 Stormwater at "C" Street Extension 500,000 500,000 0 0 0 0 0 500,000 0 500,000 N N 16 DR08-04 Lincoln Park/Big Boy Pond 300,000 300,000 0 0 0 0 0 50,000 250,00(~ 300,000 N N TOTAL OF ALL STORMWATER PROJECTSI 7,665,000~ 7,365,000 625,000 2,355,000 740,000 800,000 7,240,000~ TOTAL MANDATED UTILITY PROJECTS 16,958,000 12,868,000 2,275,000 8,690,000 4,770,000 20,000 20,000 0 16,488,000 TOTAL OF ALL UTILITY PROJECTS 77,954,000 38,212,000 5,780,000 15,890,000 12,827,000 6,124,000 21,370,000 75,027,000 9adsheets/04.10cfp.xls 04-lOPE P, CAPITAL FACILITIES PROJECT Lincoln Street Storm Drain (4th to 7th St.) Project #: DR04-99 Project Description Estimated Pro ~ect Costs This project involves installing a storm drain in Lincoln Street Planning/Design: $0 from 4th Street to 7th Street that will allow the separation of Land/Right-of-Way: $0 stormwater from the sanitary sewer. Construction: $400,000 Other: $0 Total: $400,000 Estimated Project Funding Reserves: Donations: 3rants: 3onds: Loans: Utilities: $100,000 Seneral Fund Current: Unknown: $300,000 Total: $400,000 Yearly Expense Summary - Capital/Net Operating Prior Years 2004 2005 2006 2007 I 2008 I 2009 I 2010 [Pr°jT°tal ,0 ,oi ,400,00o ,0 ,oII I,o ,o ,0 15400,000 ~Yr Const Comp: ] First Year of Operating Cost: Operating Cost Amount: $0 Easements Reqd: No Right of Way: No SEPA Required: Yes Other Permits: Yes City Priority: Legal Mandate: Yes Concurrency: No Contract: Yes Department: Public Works & Utilities Division: Stormwater Cost Center: Contact: Gary Kenworthy Div. Priority: 2 Justification: Lincoln Street does not have a separated storm drain and sanitary sewer system between 4th and 8th Streets and the system above 8th Street is undersized for the flows. Construction of this project will assist development and aid in the reduction of combined sewer overflows at 2nd and Lincoln. New development will be required to extend the existing storm system from 4th to 7th Streets. Stormwater utility may be partially reimbursed through D.R.A. Impact if not executed: IContinued combined sewer overflows and development restrictions. This project is also a requirement of our NPDES permit. Date RevisedI 6/8/04 Remarks Design Complete Lincoln Street Storm Drain (4th to 7th St.) Project #: DR04-99 Funding Sources I Unknown IStormwater Rates $300,000 Utilities I Stormwater rates $100,000 Notes: $400,000 Picture / Area Map FOURTH ST. FIFTH ST. SIXTH ST. SEVENTH ST. REVIEW: Department Head: Date: Comm. Dev.Director: Date: Finance Director: Date: City Engineer: Date: City Manager: Date: CAPITAL FACILITIES PROJECT Peabody Creek/Lincoln St Culvert Rehab Project #: DR14-99 Project Description Estimated Project Costs This joint project with WSDOT involves repairing and Planning/Design: $50.000 rehabilitating the existing culvert under Lincoln Street from Land/Right-of-Way: $0 Second Street to Front Street. Construction: $350,000 Other: $0 Total: $400,000 Estimated Project Funding Reserves: Donations: 3rants: $300,000 3grids: Loans: Utilities: $100,000 3eneral Fund Current: Unknown: $0 Total: $400,000 Yearly Expense Summary - Capital/Net Operating PriorYears I 2004 2005[2006 20071200812009 2010 [Proj Total $0 $0 $0 $200,000 $200,000 $0 $0 $0 I $400,000 Yr Const Comp: I First Year of Operating Cost: Operating Cost Amount: $0 Easements Reqd: No Right of Way: No SEPA Required: Yes Other Permits: Yes City Priority: Legal Mandate: No Concurrency: No Contract: Yes Department: Public Works & Utilities Division: Stormwater Cost Center: Contact: Gary Kenworthy Div. Priority: 7 Justification: This project would repair the/'ailing condition of the large culvert under Lincoln Street which carries Peabody Creek. The bottom of the pipe in many portions of its length have failed. The bricks that lined the bottom of the pipe have been removed by the flow of the stream. Cracks are beginning to show up on the walls of the pipe indicating that the pipe is losing its strength. WSDOT is responsible for the section, in the right-of-way, between Front and First Streets, including the intersections. Impact if not executed: In the long term failure to fund this project could result in the failure of the culvert and the loss of Lincoln Street as a traveled roadway with a high potential for property damage. Remarks Date Revised I 6/8/04 Letter sent to WSDOT regarding need for repair. Peabody Creek/Lincoln St Culvert Rehab Project #: DR14-99 Funding Sources '1 Grant IWSDOT *300,000 /Utilities IStormwater - Rates $100,000 Notes: $400,000 Picture / Area Map RAILR<1AD A'TE, FROh T ST, J 1ST ~T, I 1ST ~;T, ~' 2ND ST, 3RD _~T, ~ ca W c~ 4TH _~T. tn ~ m m ~ 5TH C;T. > ¢TH ~T. ~ J ~ o 7TH gq J Z m J 8TH ST, ST, I REVIEW: Department Head: Date: Comm. Dev. Director: Date: Finance Director: Date: City Engineer: Date: City Manager: Date: CAPITAL FACILITIES PROJECT Crown Park Storm Overflow Project #: DR54-99 Project Description Estimated Project Costs This project involves installation of catch basins and piping in Planning/Design: the Crown Park area to capture and convey storm water safely Land/Right-of-Way: away from the bluff area. Construction: Other: Total: Reserves: Donations: Grants: Bonds: Loans: Utilities: $240,000 General Fund Current: Unknown: $0 Total: $240,000 Yearly Expense Summary - Capital/Net Operating $0 $240,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 I $240,000 Yr Const Comp: [ ] First Year of Operating Cost: 0 Operating Cost Amount: $0 Easements Reqd: No Right of Way: No SEPA Required: Yes Other Permits: Yes City Priority: Legal Mandate: Yes Concurrency: No Contract: Yes Department: Public Works & Utilities Division: Stormwater Cost Center: Contact: Gary Kenworthy Div. Priority: 1 Justification: Eliminate erosion of bluff face due to uncontrolled discharge during storm events. Will help to reduce amount of storm water overflow problems to the west. Erosion debris deposits create a hazard to the industrial waterline. Impact if not executed: IContinued erosion, potential hazard to the industrial watermain, and damage to property in the area. Date Revised I 3/26/04 Remarks ITo be constrcted with WW25-99 Crown Park Storm Overflow Project #: DR54-99 Funding Sources Utilities [Stormwater rates ] $240,000 Notes:I [ $240,000 Picture Area Map ~, ~ F FTH ST, ~ I I I I I I I I I REVIEW: Department Head: Date: Comm. Dcv.Director: Date: Finance Director: Date: City Engineer: Date: City Manager: Date: CAPITAL FACILITIES PROJECT Landfill Bluff Stabalization Project #: SW01-03 Project Description Estimated Project Costs This solid waste project involves the design and construction of Planning/Design: $200,000 a structure to stabalize the bluff area of the landfill to prevent Land/Right-of-Way: $0 further breakout of the old landfill material. Construction: $2,350,000 Other: $0 Total: $2,550,000 Estimated Project Funding {eserves: Donations: Grants: Bonds: Loans: Utilities: $2,550,000 General Fund Current: Unknown: $0 ]'otah $2,550,000 Yearly Expense Summary - Capital~et Operating PriorYears I 2004 I 2005 2006 I 2007 200, I 2009 I 2010 I"r°J*°ta' $125,000 I $100,000 [$100,000 52,225,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 1$2,550,000' Yr Const Comp: I 0 I First Year of Operating Cost: 0 Operating Cost Amount: $0 Easements Reqd: No Right of Way: No SEPA Required: Yes Other Permits: Yes City Priority: Legal Mandate: Yes Concurrency: No Contract: Yes Department: Public Works & Utilities Division: Solid Waste Cost Center: 0 Contact: Glenn A. Cutler Div. Priority: 4 Justification: Breakout of material is being experienced from old landfill. Erosion of bank above beach area. Bluff stabalization is required as part of our landfill permit. Impact if not executed: IPossible landfill permit denial. Date Revised I 6/8/04 Remarks Landfill Bluff Stabalization Project #: SW01-03 Funding Sources I Utilities ISolid Waste - Rates I $2,550,000 No~es: I $2,550,000 Picture Area Map ~ BLUFF ILIZATION ? '----~ # # LANDFILL REVIEW: Department Head: Date: Comm.Dev.Director: Date: Finance Director: Date: City Engineer: Date: City Manager: Date: CAPITAL FACILITIES PROJECT ESC System Phase II Project #: SW01-04 Project Description Estimated Project Costs This Solid Waste project involves the completion of Phase II Planning/Design: $0 ESC System at the Compost Facility. Three more bays will be Land/Right-of-Way: $0 modified to include aeration in the composting process. Construction: $100,000 Other: $0 Total: $100,000 Estimated Project Funding Reserves: Donations: Grants: Bonds: Loans: Utilities: $100,000 3eneral Fund Current: Unknown: $0 Total: $100,000 Yearly Expense Summary - Capital/Net Operating PriorYearsl Z004 ~00~l~00~l~0071~00'l~00~ 20]0 IPr°jT°tal, $0 $100,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 [ $100,000 Yr Const Comp: I 0 First Year of Operating Cost: 0 Operating Cost Amount: $0 Easements Reqd: No Right of Way: No SEPA Required: No Other Permits: No City Priority: Legal Mandate: No Concurrency: No Contract: No Department: Public Works & Utilities Division: Solid Waste Cost Center: 0 Contact: Tom McCabe Div. Priority: 2 Justification: To follow the Operations Plan developed in 2003, and increase the capabilities and capacity for handling more Class A compost. The Class A compost is needed for final cover (12,000 cyd) in 2006. Impact if not executed: Remarks Date Revised [ 6/8/04 ESC System Phase II Project #: SW01-04 Funding Sources I Utilities l Solid Waste Rates I $100,000 Notes: ' [ $100,000 I Picture / Area Map REVIEW: Department Head: Date: Comm. Dev. Director: Date: Finance Director: Date: City Engineer: Date: City Manager: Date: CAPITAL FACILITIES PROJECT Install Gas Lines at Landfill Project #: SW02-04 Project Description Estimated Project Costs This Solid Waste project involves putting new gas lines on Plannin§/Desi§n: $0 :urrent cell at the Port Angeles Landfill. Land/Right-of-Way: $0 Construction: $85,000 Other: $0 Total: $85,000 Estimated Project Funding Reserves: Donations: Grants: Bonds: Loans: Utilities: $85,000 3eneral Fund Current: Unknown: $0 Total: $85,000 Yearly Expense Summary - Capital/Net Operating PriorYears [ 2004 ~00~ I ~00~ I ~00, I =00~ I ~00~ I ~0'0 "ro'*o" $0 $0 $85,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $85,000 Yr Const Comp: I 0 I First Year of Operating Cost: 0 Operating Cost Amount: $0 Easements Reqd: No Right of Way: No SEPA Required: No Other Permits: No City Priority: LegalMandate: No Concurrency: No Contract: No Department: Public Works & Utilities Division: Solid Waste Cost Center: 0 Contact: Tom McCabe Div. Priority: 1 Justification: To keep in compliance with Operations Plan & WAC-351 requirements. Impact if not executed: IShut Down Port Angeles Landfill. Remarks Date Revised I 6/8/04 Install Gas Lines at Landfill Project #: SW02-04 Funding Sources Utilities ISolid Waste Rates $85,000 I Notes: $85,000 Picture Area Map REVIEW: Department Head: Date: Comm. Dev. Dir¢¢tor: Date: Finance Director: Date: City Engineer: Date: City Manager: Date: CAPITAL FACILITIES PROJECT Concrete Cylinder Pipe Replacement Project #: WT02-99 Project Description Estimated Project Costs Project involves the replacement, or relining with smaller Planning/Desion: $300,000 diameter pipe, or approximately 26,000 feet of concrete Land/Ri0ht-of-Way: $0 cylinder pipe, Construction: $3,000,000 Other: $0 Total: $3,300,000 Estimated Proje'ct Funding Reserves: Donations: 3rants: Bonds: Loans: Utilities: $3,300,000 3eneral Fund Current: Unknown: $0 Total: i $3,300,000 Yearly Expense Summary - Capitai~et Operating PriorYears I 2004 2005 ] 2006 I 2007 I 2008 ] 2009 I 2010 I.r°jT°ta, $100,000 $2,000,000 $150,000 $1,050,0001 $0 $0 $0 $0 153,3oo,ooo Yr Const Comp:I I First Year of Operating Cost: Operating Cost Amount: $0 Easements Reqd: No Right of Way: Yes SEPA Required: Yes Other Permits: Yes City Priority: Legal Mandate: No Concurrency: No Contract: Yes Department: Public Works & Utilities Division: Water Cost Center: Contact: S. Sperr Div. Priority: 1 Justification: Thc majority o£the main transmission lines that the city had £or water from the Morse Creek System were constructed from concrete cylinder pipe. These pipelines are now used to tie many of our reservoirs to the distribution system and over the last few years we have experienced a number of £ailures to the pipelines structural integrity resulting in major costs to the utility for repairs. Impact if not executed: Very significant risk of costly repairs to the pipelines and loss of service to our customers. There will continue to be a number of failures in the system. Remarks Date Revised I 7/8/04 This project has been identified in the Water Comprehensive Plan as D-1. Combining Phase 1 & Phase 2 for 1 st construction project. Concrete Cylinder Pipe Replacement Project #: WT02-99 Funding Sources Notes:Utilities IWater Fund - RatesI$3,300,00053'300'000 Picture Area Map '-. REVIEW: Department Head: Date: Comm. Dev.Director: Date: Finance Director: Date: City Engineer: Date: City Manager: Date: CAPITAL FACILITIES PROJECT Southeast Reservoir Project #: WT46-99 Project Description Estimated Project Costs This project involves constructing a new reservoir for the high Planning/Design: system which also serves the majority of the eastern Urban Land/Right-of-Way: Growth Area (UGA). This project will also involve the Construction: Other: engineering and construction of a pipeline to tie the new Torah reservoir into the high pressure zone. Estimated Project Funding Reserves: Donations: $780,000 Grants: 3onds: Loans: Utilities: $1,020,000 Seneral Fund Current: Unknown: $0 Total: $1,800,000 Yearly Expense Summary - Capital~et Operating Prior Years ] 2004 I 2005 [ 2006 2007 2008 2009 [ 2010 IProiXota' $10,000 $0 $0 $290,000 $1,500,000 $0 $0 $0 ~;1,800,000 Yr Const Comp: I I First Year of Operating Cost: Operating Cost Amount: $0 Easements Reqd: No Right of Way: No SEPA Required: Yes Other Permits: Yes City Priority: Legal Mandate: No Concurrency: Yes Contract: Yes Department: Public Works & Utilities Division: Water Cost Center: Contact: S. Sperr Div. Priority: 8 Justification: The new reservoir is needed to provide the necessary water for daily needs as well as the fire flow requirements for the high system and the development occuring in the eastern UGA. Impact if not executed: Restricting development in the upper system and eastern UGA and could delay annexation. Date Revised I 6/8/04 Remarks This project has been identified in the Water Comprehensive Plan as S-2. Southeast Reservoir Project #: WT46-99 Funding Sources Donation ]PUD contribution (may be through additional rate charge) $780,000 Utilities IWater Fund - Rates and Bonds $1,020,000 Notes: i $1,800,000 ' Picture / Area Map PAUL/N£ UNDSER~ RD. j ~ IdELODY IN. '--,... HLICHES --_.D~I A~^DDOOI,( RD. I ,., g-6 - - ~ APPROXIMATE ~ LOCATION s-2--__~ 1~ REVIEW: Department Head: Date: Comm. Dcv. Director: Date: Finance Director: Date: City Engineer: Date: City Manager: Date: CAPITAL FACILITIES PROJECT Fairmount Pump Station Project #: WT56-99 Project Description Estimated Project Costs The project involves installing a new pumpstation (Fairmount) Planning/Design: $20,000 of fire flow demands Land/Right-of-Way: $0 at the end of "C" Street capable meeting Construction: $315,000 within the Fairmont subzone, and addressing low pressure Other: $o issues in the Doyle Road area south of SRI 01. Fairmount will Total: $335,000 replace the Spuce Street Station. Estimated Project Funding Reserves: Donations: Grants: Bonds: Loans: Utilities: $335,000 3eneral Fund Current: Unknown: $0 Total: $335,000 Yearly Expense Summary - Capital~et Operating $0 I $335,000 I $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $335,000 Yr Const Comp:I I First Year of Operating Cost: Operating Cost Amount: $0 Easements Reqd: No Right of Way: No SEPA Required: No Other Permits: No City Priority: Legal Mandate: No Concurrency: No Contract: No Department: Public Works & Utilities Division: Water Cost Center: Contact: S. Sperr Div. Priority: 3 Justification: The existing pumps at the Spruce Street station cannot meet the City's goal of providing a flow of 1,000 GPM for residential areas, and peak demand results in pressures below 20 psi in the Doyle Road area, which must be corrected per DOH requirements. Impact if not executed: ILack of reliable domestic and fire flows; lower water pressure during peak demand periods.. Date Revised [ 6/8/04 Remarks lThis project has been identified in the Water Comprehensive Plan as P-3. Fairmount Pump Station Project #: WT56-99 Funding Sources I Utilities ]Water Fund - Rates I$335,000 No es: I $335,000 i I Picture / Area Map ............................... ....J. L [~.....~..~.~......d/ ~'~ I ] ~ J / ] ......... ~ ....... .... T ............. ~....-... ~ ~_0~ ¢~ ,~;~ REVIEW: Department Head: Date: Comm. Dev.Director: Date: Finance Director: Date: City Engineer: Date: City Manager: Date: CAPITAL FACILITIES PROJECT Laurel Street Outfall Extension Project #: WW04-99 Project Description Estimated Pro ;ect Costs This project involves extending the Laurel Street combined Planning/Design: $5,000 sewer overflow outfall into deeper water farther from the Land/Right-of-Way: $0 shoreline. Tideflex tidegates will be added to eliminate salt Construction: $25,000 Other: $0 water intrusion during high tides. Baffles will be added to Total: $30,000 catch floatables. Estimated Project Funding Reserves: Donations: Grants: Bonds: Loans: Utilities: $30,000 General Fund Current: Unknown: $0 Totah $30,000 Yearly Expense Summary - Capital/Net Operating $0 I $30,0001 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $30,000 Yr Const Comp: I I First Year of Operating Cost: Operating Cost Amount: $0 Easements Reqd: No Right of Way: No SEPA Required: Yes Other Permits: Yes City Priority: Legal Mandate: No Concurrency: No Contract: Yes Department: Public Works & Utilities Division: Waste Water Cost Center: Contact: Jeff Young Div. Priority: 7 Justification: The existing outfall is located close to the shoreline. When a Combined Sewer Outfall (CSO) occurs it is visible from the shore. In addition, the outfall is in need of repair. This repair would be completed at the same time as the extension. Impact if not executed: Continued use of the existing facility. Remarks Date Revised [ 6/8/04 Other possible permits are hydraulic and shoreline. Laurel Street Outfall Extension Project #: V~VV04-99 Funding Sources Jtilities IWastewater Fund - Rates I *30,000 ~otes:! [ $30,000 The design will begin in year 2003 ($30,000) and construction will begin in 2004 ($150,000). Picture / Area Map REVIEW: Department Head: Date: Comm. Dev. Director: Date: Finance Director: Date: City Engineer: Date: City Manager: Date: CAPITAL FACILITIES PROJECT Oak Street Outfall Extension Project #: WW06-99 Project Description Estimated Project Costs Yhis project involves adding Tideflex tidegates to eliminate salt Planning/Design: $5,000 water intrusion during high tides. Baffles will be added to Land/Right-of-Way: $0 catch floatables. Construction: $85,000 Other: $0 Total: $90,000 Estimated Project Funding Reserves: Donations: 3rants: ~onds: Loans: Utilities: $90,000 General Fund Current: Unknown: $0 Fetal: $90,000 Yearly Expense Summary - Capital~et Operating .riorYears I 2004 I 2005 I 2006 2007 =oo i i =o o I.ro,-,.. $0 $90,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 I $90,000 Yr Const Comp: [ 0 I First Year of Operating Cost: 0 Operating Cost Amount: $0 Easements Reqd: No Right of Way: No SEPA Required: Yes Other Permits: Yes City Priority: Legal Mandate: No Concurrency: Yes Contract: Yes Department: Public Works & Utilities Division: Waste Water Cost Center: Contact: JeffYoung Div. Priority: 5 Justification: The existing tidegate does not work, allowing salt water to enter sewer system at high tides. Impact if not executed: Continued us of the existing facility. Date Revised [ 6/8/04 Remarks Other possible permits are hydraulic and shoreline. Oak Street Outfall Extension Project #: WW06-99 Funding Sources Utilities IWastewater Fund - Rates $90,000 Notes: $90,000 Picture / Area Map FROIX T ST. z~' I 1STST. 5TH {;T, m 0 () Z REVIEW: Department Head: Date: Comm. Dev.Director: Date: Finance Director: Date: City Engineer: Date: City Manager: Date: CAPITAL FACILITIES PROJECT Sewer Pump Stations 1 & 3 Improvements Project #: WW25-99 Project Description Estimated Project Costs This project involves eliminating sewer pump station gl with Planning/Design: $0 :he construction of a gravity main to pump station #3 and will Land/Ri§bt-of-Way: $0 ~pgrade pump station #3 to add additional capacity. Construction: $715,000 Other: $0 Total: $715,000 Estimated Proje'ct Funding Reserves: Donations: Grants: Bonds: Loans: Utilities: $715,000 General Fund Current: Unknown: $0 ]-otal: $715,000 Yearly Expense Summary - Capital~et Operating Prior Years l 2004 I 2005 [ 2006 I 2007 2008 [ 2009 2010 [ProjTotal $0 $715,000 I $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 I $715,000 Yr Const Comp:I I First Year of Operating Cost: Operating Cost Amount: $0 Easements Reqd: No Right of Way: No SEPA Required: Yes Other Permits: Yes City Priority: Legal Mandate: No Concurrency: Yes Contract: Yes Department: Public Works & Utilities Division: Waste Water Cost Center: Contact: S. Sperr Div. Priority: 2 Justification: Sewer pump station gl is nearing its capacity and needs to be enlarged. Pump station gl is also located in a residential front yard, has caused odor problems, and flooding damage. When pump ~tation gl is eliminated, pump station will need to be upgraded to handle the additional capacity. Impact if not executed: IEventual restriction of growth in the area served by these stations. Odor and flooding problems will continue to occur. Date Revised I 6/8/04 Remarks Sewer Pump Stations 1 & 3 Improvements Project #: WW25-99 Funding Sources I Utilities IWastewater Fund - Rates I $715,000 Notes: ' I $715,000 I Picture Area Map REVIEW: Department Head: Date: Comm. Dev.Director: Date: Finance Director: Date: City Engineer: Date: City Manager: Date: CAPITAL FACILITIES PROJECT Annual Replacements Lines Project #: W"VV27-99 Project Description Estimated Project Costs This project involves bi-annual replacement of aging sewer Planning/Design: $0 lines. Land/Right-of-Way: $0 Construction: $685,000 Other: $0 Total: $685,000 Estimated Proje'ct Funding Reserves: Donations: Grants: =~onds: Loans: Utilities: $685,000 General Fund Current: Unknown: $0 Total: $685,000 Yearly Expense Summary - Capital/Net Operating t'rior Years I :zoo4 =oo~ I ~oo~ I ~007 [ =oo~ I ~oo~ I ~o~o p°'~°'" $215,000 $0 $0 $0 $235,000 $0 $235,000 $015°85,°°° Yr Const Comp: I First Year of Operating Cost: 0 Operating Cost Amount: $0 Easements Reqd: No Right of Way: No SEPA Required: Yes Other Permits: Yes City Priority: Legal Mandate: No Concurrency: No Contract: Yes Department: Public Works & Utilities Division: Waste Water Cost Center: Contact: S. Sperr Div. Priority: 4 Justification: Many sewer lines are at an age where more frequent failures can be anticipated. This program will identify and replace those lines on a non-emergency basis. Impact if not executed: IIf the sewer lines are not replaced, there will continue costly repairs, plugged lines, and storm water being collected in the sanitary sewer lines. Remarks Date Revised I 6/8/04 Note - $235K originally budgeted in 2004-2005 for the project re-allocated to fully fund projects WW25-99 and WW05-04. Annual Replacements Lines Project #: WV¢27-99 Funding Sources I Utilities IWastewater Fund - Rates I $685,000 N°tes:~ I $685,000 Picture / Area Map REVIEW: Department Head: Date: Comm.Dev. Director: Date: Finance Director: Date: City Engineer: Date: City Manager: Date: CAPITAL FACILITIES PROJECT Replace Pump Station No. 4 Project #: WW02-04 Project Description Estimated Pro ~ect Costs This project will replace Pump Station No. 4, which was Planning/Design: $1,000,000 originally built in 1967. Land/Right-of-Way: $0 Construction: $6,500,000 Other: $0 Total: $7,500,000 Estimated Project Fun ding Reserves: Donations: Grants: Bonds: Loans: Utilities: $7,500,000 General Fund Current: Unknown: $0 Total: $7,500,000 Yearly Expense Summary - Capital~et Operating Pri°rYears I z004 i 2oo5 I 2oo6 I2oo7 2008 ] 2009 I 2010 IPr°j TOtal $0 $0 $0 S0 S0 $1,000,000156,500,000[ *0 157,500,000 Yr Const Comp: [ 0 First Year of Operating Cost: 0 Operating Cost Amount: $0 Easements Reqd: No Right of Way: No SEPA Required: No Other Permits: Yes City Priority: Legal Mandate: No Concurrency: No Contract: Yes Department: Public Works & Utilities Division: Waste Water Cost Center: 0 Contact: S. Sperr Div. Priority: 10 Justification: Existing pump station undersized to meet wet weather flows, and is reaching the end of it's life. Impact if not executed: NPDES permit violation likely Remarks Date Revised I 6/8/04 Replace Pump Station No. 4 Project #: WW02-04 Funding Sources Utilities IWastewater Fund - Rates I 5;7,500,000 Notes:! I $7,500,000 Picture / Area Map REVIEW: Department Head: Date: Comm. Dev.Director: Date: Finance Director: Date: City Engineer: Date: City Manager: Date: CAPITAL FACILITIES PROJECT New Force Main, Gravity Sewer from Francis Project #: WW03-04 Project Description Estimated Pro ~ect Costs This project will replace existing force main from Pump Planning/Design: $400,000 Station No. 4 to WWTP with 2 new force mains. It will also Land/Right-of-Way: $0 construct a new gravity sewer main from the north end of Construction: $3,100,ooo Francis Street to the WWTP. Other: $0 Total: $3,500,000 Estimated Proje'ct Funding Reserves: Donations: Grants: Bonds: Loans: Utilities: $3,500,000 General Fund Current: Unknown: $0 Total: $3,500,000 Yearly Expense Summary - Capital/Net Operating Prior Years 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 I 2009 I 2010 IProllotal $o $o i $4oo,ooo ,2,500,000 ,600,000 $0[ [$0 $0 1$3,500,000 Yr Const Comp: 0 I First Year of Operating Cost: 0 Operating Cost Amount: $0 Easements Reqd: No Right of Way: Yes SEPA Required: Yes Other Permits: Yes City Priority: Legal Mandate: Yes Concurrency: No Contract: Yes Department: Public Works & Utilities Division: Waste Water Cost Center: 0 Contact: S. Sperr Div. Priority: 9 Justification: Existing force main is old and located in the tidal zone. Wastewater from Francis Street enters the force main and contributes to combined sewer overflows. Impact if not executed: Eventual force main failure resulting in large sewer spill into the harbor. Likely NPDES permit violation. Remarks Date Revised I 6/8/04 New Force Main, Gravity Sewer from Francis Project #: WW03-04 Funding Sources Utilities IWastewater Fund - Rates I $3,500,000 N°tes: i I $3,500,000 Picture / Area Map REVIEW: Department Head: Date: Comm.Dev. Director: Date: Finance Director: Date: City Engineer: Date: City Manager: Date: CAPITAL FACILITIES PROJECT Treatment Plant for CSO Flows Project #: WW04-04 Project Description Estimated Project Costs This project will construct a high-rate treatment unit next to the Planning/Design: $1,200,000 Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) to treat wet weather Land/Right-of-Way: $0 Construction: $8,600,000 flows in excess of the WWTP's capacity. Other: $0 Total: $9,800,000 Estimated Project Funding Reserves: Donations: Srants: Bonds: Loans: Utilities: $9,800,000 General Fund Current: Unknown: $0 Total: $9,800,000 Yearly Expense Summary - Capital/Net Operating PriorYears I 2004 [ 2005 I 2006 2007 [ 200S I 2009 I 20a0 "r°J TM $0 $0 so so $0 $ h200,000l$7,300,0001 $h300,000 $9,800,000 Yr Const Comp: I 0 I First Year of Operating Cost: 0 Operating Cost Amount: $0 Easements Reqd: No Right of Way: No SEPA Required: No Other Permits: Yes City Priority: Legal Mandate: Yes Concurrency: No Contract: Yes Department: Public Works & Utilities Division: Wastewater Cost Center: 0 Contact: S. Sperr Div. Priority: 11 Justification: NPDES permit requires reducing CSO's to one event per CSO site year by year 2015. To do this, City must convey wet weather flows to WWTP and treat them before discharge into the harbor. Impact if not executed: NPDES permit violation. Remarks Date Revised I 6/8/04 Treatment Plant for CSO Flows Project #: WW04-04 Funding Sources Notes:Utilities IWastewater Fund - Rates I $9,800,00059'800'000 Picture / Area Map REVIEW: Department Head: Date: Comm.Dev.Director: Date: Finance Director: Date: City Engineer: Date: City Manager: Date: CAPITAL FACILITIES PROJECT Park Avenue Sewer Improvements Project #: WW05-04 Project Description Estimated Project Costs This project will replace sewer main along Park Avenue Planning/Design: $68,000 between Race Street and Porter Street. Land/Right-of-Way: $0 Construction: $235,000 Other: $0 Total: $303,000 Estimated Project Funding Reserves: Donations: Grants: Bonds: Loans: Utilities: $303,000 General Fund Current: Unknown: $0 Total: $303,000 Yearly Expense Summary - Capital/Net Operating PriorYears I 2004 [ 2005 2006 2007 2008 I 2009 [ 2010 ]ProjT°tal $0 $68,000 $235,000 ; $o I $o $o $o so I $303,000 Yr Const Comp: [ 0 I First Year of Operating Cost: 0 Operating Cost Amount: $0 Easements Reqd: No Right of Way: No SEPA Required: No Other Permits: Yes City Priority: Legal Mandate: No Concurrency: No Contract: Yes Department: Public Works & Utilities Division: Waste Water Cost Center: 0 Contact: S. Sperr Div. Priority: 3 Justification: The 8-inch sewer main along Park Avenue is inadequate to handle the high flows during storm events due to excessive inflow/infiltration. Impact if not executed: IContinued backups into residences during rain events. Also continue limits on development in the area Date Revised I 6/8/04 Remarks May be combined with street and drainage improvements in same area. Park Avenue Sewer Improvements Project #: WW05-04 Funding Sources I Utilities [Waste water rates $303,000 Notes: $303,000 Picture ! Area Map REVIEW: Department Head: Date: Comm.Dev.Director: Date: Finance Director: Date: City Engineer: Date: City Manager: Date: pORTANGELES WASHINGTON, U.S.A. CITY COUNCIL MEMORANDUM DATE: JtrNE 8, 2004 TO: CITY COUNCIL ~ ~/~ FROM: MARC CONNELL~'DIRECTOR OF PARKS AND RECREATION GLENN CUTLER, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORK~ c... SUBJECT: PROPOSED 2004 PROJECT FOR "MATCHING FUNDS FOR COMMUNITY PROJECTS" ELEMENT OF THE CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN Summalw: Created in 2003, CFP Project number GG05-03, contains annual funding to support key community improvement projects. $40,000 was allocated in 2004 and as yet no project has been identified. Staff recommends that the first community support venture to be funded via this project be the installation of event (power) boxes at City Pier to support community wide special events. Recommendation: Staff recommends that this project be utilized to assist the funding and installation of event boxes at City Pier to serve community special events including but not limited to Arts in Action, Fourth of July Celebration, Strait Thunder, North Olympic Marathon, and Concerts on the Pier. The estimated cost for this project is $11,500. Background / Analysis: The subject project involves the installation of new power convenient outlets to serve events at City Pier. In the past year, three new special events organized and now utilize City Pier as their main event venue. These events include Strait Thunder, Crab Pest, and the North Olympic Marathon. In addition, Arts In Action, a traditional mainstay event formerly located on Laurel Street is moving to the Pier as well. The expansion of events related to the Port Angeles Fourth of July Celebration has also impacted the requests for convenient and accessible power. Additional power requirements for Strait Thunder last year were met by the use of large portable generators even though sufficient power was available nearby, but without convenient connection. This project would install two new event panels similar in nature to one installed on the North side of 4th Street supporting the Juan de Fuca Festival and other outdoor events in or near the Vern Burton Center. This project will enable this venue to continue to support these events and other new events that might occur in and around City Pier for the foreseeable future. This request is to utilize funds set aside as part of project GG05-03, Matching Funds for Community Projects. C:\COUNCIL.park board vacancies. WPT