HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet 06/16/1998 AGENDA: PORT ANGELESCITI 321 EAST FIFTH S1REET, PORT ANG June 16, 1998 - REGULAR ME.E'l"lNG - . Becky Upton Clerk ~:~v p.IU';. CALL TO ORDER - Regular Meeting (5:30 p.m.) II ROLL CALL III PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - IV CEREMONIAL MA TTERS/PROCLAMATIONS A. Memorial wall dedication in Atrium - K.O. 1 Erickson and Wemer Quast V WORK SESSION None VI APPROVAL OF MINUTES of May 28,29, & 30. 3,5 Action special meetings, June 2 regular meeting, and 7,9 June 9, 1998 special meeting 17 VII LATE ITEMS TO BE PLACED ON THIS OR FUTURE AGENDAS (By Council, Staff or Public) AND PUBLIC COMMENT FOR ITEMS NOT ON AGENDA (This is the opportunity for members of the public to speak to the City Council about anything not on the agenda, please keep comments to 5-10 minutes.) . VIII FINANCE: A. Final acceptance of Mill Creek Water Pump Station Modifications . 8. Contract for Valley Substation transformer pad repair IX CONSENT AGENDA: A. Small User Pole Contact Agreement for Virginia Ma.son 8: Household Hazardous Waste Amnesty Day Agreement with the County C. Grant contract for DNR for property acquisition on Trail D. payroll- May 31,1998 - $354,132.91 E. Check list - June 12, 1998 - $1,276,838.08 X CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS A. Orville Campbell - Rayonier Mill Site cleanup XI ORDINANCES NOT REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS XII RESOLUTIONS NOT REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS A. Adoption of City Council Goals and , Objectives . XIV PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES 19 Action 21 Action 25 Action 33 Action .35' Action. 53 . Action 55 Action Verbal None 67 Action None NOTE: HEARING DEVICES AVAILABLE FOR THOSE: NEEDING ASSISTANCE MA VOR TO DETERMINE TIME OF BREAK J 11 ne 16; 1 998 Port Angeles Cit.y Coundl Meeting. Page - 1 xv OTHER CONSIDERATIONS A. Ordinance suggested to revise City Manager '71 contract authority B. BPA "Nr (Network Transmission) 75 TransJTlission Agreement C. Annexation update 77 D. Contact with Chamber of Commerce and 79 N.O. Visitor & Convention. Bureau Action Action Action Action XVI PUBLIC HEARING-QUASI-JUDICIAL (7:00 P.M. or soon thereafter) None XVII PUBLIC HEARINGS - OTHER None XVIII EXECUTIVE SESSION (As needed and detennined by City Attorney) XIX ADJOURNMENT XX INFORMATION: A. Recognition of Dale Miller by Department of Ecology, (page 89) PUBLIC HEARINGS Public heanngs are set by the City Council in order to meet legal requirements pertaining to matters such as, land use permit applications, proposed amendments to City land use regulations, zoning changes, annexations. In addition. the City Council may set a public hearing In order to receive public in pnor to making decisions which impact the citizens. Certain matters may be controversial. and the City Council may choose to seek public opinion through the public heanng process. . C:'MyFilesl98-:0616,WPD ei NOTE: HEARING DEVICES AVAILABLE FOR THOSE NEEDING ASSISTANCE MAYOR TO DETERMINE TIME OF BREAK June 16. 1998 Port Angeles City Council Meeting Page - 2 CITY OF PORT ANGELES CITY COUNCIL MEETING June 16. 1998 I. CALL TO ORDER - REGULAR MEETING: fS &f5 1'), 'fr\ . / II. ROLL CALL: Members Present: Mayor Braun Councilman Campbell Councilman Doyle Councilman Hulett Councilmember McKeown Councilman Wiggins Councilman Williams Staff Present: Interim Manager Pittis Attorney Knutson Clerk Upton B. Becker S. Brodhun B. Collins K. Godbey S.Ilk ~ II / V ~ lrs~present . L ~~~~+fA'4 [5, \ J;-hA:~ / III. ADJOURN TO EXECUTIVE SESSION: Reason: Approximate Length: IV. _.....------~_..- -..-..,....-------....-.. V. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Led by: ,;( Ling "'Po Q A}. , ~ ~;. ,. liD/I.! ___ CITY OF PORT ANGELES CITY COUNCIL MEETING Attendance Roster DATE OF MEETING: June 16.1998 LOCATION: City Council Chambers City of Port Angeles Ordinance/Resolution Distribution List City Council Meeting of q~ I () 0 / I/) J /4 q 8' :i!l:~:~:~mm: .fin A 11- a$(' ,m: :f;::::.::lllllllll Q~ ~()~n;- 0 :~lIlll~~lll~~Imtllllllm~mlll: ~ f\ ~1? .1* >-~ A City Manager \\ / City Atty. (1) I V Planning City Clerk ~ V' Deputy Clerk 1\/ Personnel Cust. Svcs. Finance Dir./Mgr. Police Dept. Fire Dept. Light Dept. / Pub. Works (2) :]jV Parks & Ree. / MRSC (1) // PDN (Summary) . Extra Copies --1 . f\ I) -J v n TOTAL Q' ) \j . CEREMONY ...~... Community Memorial Wall . Induction I June 16) 1998 . 5:30 pm City Hall Atrium Honoring Karl Olaf (K.O.) Erickson q . Werner C. Quast . 001 . . . CALL TO ORDER- SPECIAL MEETING: ROLL CALL: ADJOURN TO EXECUTIVE SESSION: RETURN TO OPEN SESSION: ADJOURNMENT: CITY COUNCn. SPECIAL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington May 28, 1998 Mayor BmWl called the special meeting of the Port Angeles City COWlcil to order at 5 :30 p.m. Members Present: Mayor Braun, COWlcilmembers Campbell, Doyle, Hulett, McKeown, Wiggins, and Williams. Members Absent: None. The meeting adjowned to Executive Session at 5:30 p.m. to discuss a personnel matter for approximately 3 hours. I The meeting returned to open session at 8:35 p.m. The meeting was adjourned at 8:35 p.m. Becky J. Upton, City Clerk Gary Braun, Mayor 003 - I - 004 . . . . . . CALL TO ORDER- SPECIAL MEETING: ROLL CALL: ADJOURN TO EXECUTIVE SESSION: RETURN TO OPEN SESSION: ADJOURNMENT: CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING Port Angeles, W uhington May 29, 1998 Mayor BraWl called the special meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at 8:30 a.m. I . Members Present: Mayor Braun, Councilmembers Campbell, Doyle, Hulett, McKeown. Wiggins, and Williams. Members Absent: None. The meeting adjourned to Executive Session at 8:30 a.m. to discuss a personnel matter for several hours. The meeting returned toopen session at 8:35 p.m. The meeting was adjourned at 8:35 p.m. Becky J. Upton, City Clerk Gary Braun, Mayor 005 - I -. '. . . 006 . . . CALL TO ORDER- SPECIAL MEETING: ROLL CALL: ADJOURN TO EXECUTIVE SESSION: RETURN TO OPEN SESSION: ADJOURNMENT: CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington May 30, 1998 Mayor BraWl called the special meeting of the Port Angeles City COWlcil to order at 8:30 a.m. Members Present: Mayor BraWl, COWlcilmembers Campbell, Doyle, Hulett, McKeown, Wiggins, and Williams. Members Absent: None. The meeting 8djowned to Executive Session at 8:30 a.m. to discuss a personnel matter for several hours. The meeting returned to open session at 12:45 p.m. The meeting was adjourned at 12:45 p.m. Becky J. Upton, City Clerk Gary Braun, Mayor \, 007 - 1 - 008 . . . . . . CALL TO ORDER- RE~ULAR MEETING: ROLL CALL: PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: CEREMONIAL MA TIERS! PROCLAMA nONS: WORKSESSION: Finalization of 1998 Goals. PUBUC HEARINGS: Comprehensive Plan Amendment Ordinance No. 2992 CITY COUNCIL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington June 2, 1998 Mayor BraWl called the regular meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order a1.5:35 p.m. Members Present: Mayor Braun, Councihnembers Campbell, Doyle, Hulett, McKeown, Wiggins, and Williams. Members Absent: None. Staff Present: Interim Manager Pittis, Attorney Knutson, Clerk Upton, B. Becker, S. Brodhun, B. Collins, K. Godbey, and S. Ilk. Public Present: P. Tietz, E. Beckett, M. Morgan, B. LaRue, D. Bryan, and 1. Spiess. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by ROTC Cadets Kevin Wilson, Ila Weideman, Joe Tyler, Mark Prince, and Brian Christensen. None. A. Finalization of 1998 Goals Interim Manager Pittis explained that this process establishes the Goals and Objectives on an annual basis, which is followed by the Capital Facilities Plan and fmally the budget. Finance Director Godbey explained that the goals and objectives have been consistent over the years, and that the objectives will dictate the work program for the City. The objectives are action statements which tell staff what needs to be done in order to achieve the Council's goals. There are four criteria the objectives should meet: are they 1) achievable; 2) specific; 3) understandable; and 4) do they communicate the desired result. Interim Manager Pittis and Director Godbey then facilitated a review. of the goals and objectives with the Council to determine if all meet the given criteria. Some were moved to different categories, others rewritten or deleted The goals will be rewritten into a final draft and returned to Council for review. A. Comprehensive Plan Amendment - CPA - 98-01 - LaRue. West 8th Street between "G" and "H" Streets: Request for redesignation of property currently designated LDR, Low Density Residential, to HDR, High Density Residential. Mayor Braun reviewed the infonnation provided by the Planning Department and asked Planning Director Collins for fwther input. Using the map on Page 80 of the packet, Director Collins described the area under consideration. j 009 - I - CITY COUNCIL MEETING June 2, 1998 PUBUC HEARINGS: (Cont'd) Comprehensive Plan Amendment Ordinance No. 2992 (Cont'd) Municipal Code Amendment APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Director Collins explained that a correction was needed in the proposed ordinance. The legal description read "Lots 11 - 15" and should read "Lots 11-20". Also, the Planning . minutes contained in the packet needed to be corrected. The last line on Page 69 of the packet should read "...unnecessary encroachment into the residential area on the north side of Eighth Street Director Collins then responded to questions and provided clarification, noting that this action would not constitute a rezone of the property. Mayor Braun opened the public hearing at 7: 15 p.m. Bill LaRue, 222 W. Park Avenue, represented the applicants, his parents. He stated a neighbor had been concerned about low income housing being constructed on this site. Mr. LaRue assured the Council that this was not the intent of the applicant. There was no further public testimony; therefore, Mayor Braun .closed the public hearing at 7: 16 p.m. and read the ~dinance by title, entitled ORDINANCE NO. 2992 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles amending the City's Comprehensive Plan and Land Use Map and amending Ordinance 2818. Councilman Hulett moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title, citing Findings 1-13 and Conclusions A-D, as let forth in Exhibit "A", which is attached to and becomes a part of these minutes and incorporating the correction to the legal description. Attorney Knutson noted the Ordinance contained some typographical errors which have been corrected in the original which the Mayor will sign, if approved. The errors did not change the substance of the Ordinance. Councilmember McKeown . seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. B. Municipal Code Amendment - MCA 98-01 City of Port Angeles. City wide: A proposal to amend Chapter 15 (Environmental) of the Port Angeles Municipal Code to process shoreline substantial development permits administratively Mayor Braun reviewed the information provided by the Planning Department and asked Planning Director Collins for further input. Director Collins noted that this issue was originally introduced by some of the Planning Commission members. However, after further dialogue, it was. the recommendation of the Planning Commission that the amendment be denied. It was for this reason, therefore, that the proposed ordinance was not fully incorporated into the Council's packet. Director Collins responded to questions and provided further clarification. . Mayor Braun opened the public hearing at 7 :25 p.m. There was no public testimony, and the public hearing was closed at 7:25 p.m. Councilman Doyle moved to deny the proposed code amendment, citing Findings 1-7 and Conclusion A, as set forth in Exhibit "B", which is attached to and becomes a part of these minutes. Councilman CampbeU seconded the motion. Discussion followed. Councilman Campbell felt it was necessary to have substantial public dialogue and debate regarding future development of the shoreline. The City would be remiss if it removed any possibility of that dialogue from . taking place; therefore, he felt it appropriate to deny this amendment. A vote was taken on the motion, which carried unanimously. Referencing the minutes of the regular meeting of May 19, 1998, Councilman Williams provided clarification regarding the Tacoma Narrows Project portion of the minutes. There will be a total of six lanes on the Tacoma Narrows Bridge, three in each direction, for a net gain of two lanes. Councilman Wiggins moved to approve the minutes of the regular 010 . - 2 - . . . APPROVAL OF MINUTES: (Cont'd) LATE ITEMS TO BE PLACED ON TIllS OR FUTURE AGENDAS: FINANCE: Landfill Projects CONSENT AGENDA: COMMITTEE REPORTS: Grant Award PUBLIC COMMENT FOR ITEMS NOT ON AGENDA: '<~'f.~~~:~;~"'}f1~f;:"F.:!?Ji'?-I'IJi.,; ':.~~\'!":;5 ';~,'i~-~~h:'/':~;:{~;;~~~;');',);,; CITY COUNCll..MEETING June 2, 1998 and special meetings of May 19, 1998. Councilman Campbell seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. Attorney Knutson asked to add item E. under Other Considerations, discussion of the Endangered Species Act comment letter. Councilman Doyle asked that additional space be left on future agendas to add Other Considerations as needed. Acceptance' and Final Payment o/Two Landfill Projects ( . Mayor Braun reviewed the information provided by the Public Works Department. Councilman Campbell moved to accept the projects to repair the leachate system and the gas system improvements and authorize the payment to DelHur Industries, Inc. in the sum of $47,247.12. Councilmember McKeown seconded the motion. Following brief discussion, a vote was taken on the motion, which carried unanimously. Councilman Wiggins moved to accept the Consent Agenda, including; A. Payroll - May 17, 1998 - $352,788.17; and B. Check list - May 29, 1998 - $336,567.02. Councilman Doyle seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. Mayor Braun read aloud from a press release regarding a grant awarded to the City from the State Transportation Improvement Board. The grant is to build sidewalks on the west side of "I" Street from 15th to 16th Street to benefit Stevens Middle School, Hamilton Elementary School, and the Fairgrounds. The total cost of the project is $150,000 and the amount of the grant is $100,000. Construction could occur as early as this fall. Interim Manager Pittis stated the award 'of this grant was thanks to City Engineer Kenworthy and others who put together an application consistent with the City's policies for developing sidewalk projects. This particular sidewalk project enables the City to get closer to its goal of connecting sidewalks to the Waterfront Trail and the Fairgrounds. Brief discussion followed, and Interim Manager Pittis responded to questions posed by the Council. COlmcilmember McKeown stated the Downtown Forward Committee is continuing work on the Arthur Feiro Marine ~b project. Councilman Wiggins stated, as a result of the Springfield, Oregon tragedy, the Public Health Conunittee will work on how to prevent this from happening in our community. He invited input from Councilor staff. Mayor Braun gave a brief report on his trip to Japan. The trip was most memorable and informative. The officials of Mutsu City presented the M!lyor with a fire fighting implement which Mayor Braun felt should be displayed at the fire station. He also displayed other gifts presented by Mutsu City, to include books, stamps, and a painting. The Mayor of Mutsu City was aware of the construction of the library, so he specifically requested that the painting be displayed at the new library. Peter Ripley inquired when the Council would formally adopt the new goals and objectives. Interim Manager Pittis felt staffwould have the fmal draft available for approval at the next regular Council meeting. - 3 - 011 CITY COUNCil.. MEETING June 2, 1998 ORDINANCES NOT REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS: Fees for Duplicating and Searching of Medical Records Ordinance No. 2993 RESOLUTIONS NOT REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS: Street Vacation - Northwest Permit Resolution No. 10-98 Break Ordinances Not Requiring Public Hearings A. Fees for Duplicating and Searching of Medical Records . Mayor Braun reviewed the information provided by the Fire Department. At Councilman Campbell's request, Fire Chief Becker provided further clarification as to what type of medical research and records were requested, why, and by whom. . Following brief discussion, Mayor Braun read the ordinance by title, entitled ORDINANCE NO. 2993 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, establishing reasonable fees to cover the Fire Department's. costs in duplicating and/or searching for medical records and amending Ordinance 2932 and Chapter 3.70 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code. Councilmember McKeown moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title. Councilman Wiggins seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. Resolutions Not Requiring Public Hearings A. Setting a Public Hearing for Vacation of a portion of the 8/9 alley between Lincoln and Laurel Streets - STV 09-01 - Northwest Pennit Mayor Braun and Councilman Williams disqualified themselves from this issue for appearance of fairness and potential conflict of interest. They departed the meeting at 7: 5 5 p.m., and Deputy Mayor Doyle reviewed the information provided by the Planning Department. He then read the Resolution by title, entitled . RESOLUTION NO. 10-98 A RESOLUTION of the City of Port Angeles setting a hearing date for a petition to vacate a portion of the 8/9 Alley between Lincoln and Laurel Streets, Port Angeles, Washington. . Councilman Wiggins moved to pass the Resolution' as read by title. Councilman Hulett seconded the motion, which carried by a unanimous vote of thos~ present. Deputy Mayor Doyle recessed the meeting for a break at 7:55 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 8: 10 p.m., at which time Mayor Braun and Councilman Williams rejoined the meeting. Councilman Doyle departed the meeting at 8: 10 p.m. flanning Commission Minutes/Action Items Planning Commission Minutes of May 13, 1998 Councilman Hulett moved to accept and place on file the Planning Commission minutes of May 13, 1998. Councilman CampbeU seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. . -4- 012 . . . Agreement with Transit for ' International Gateway Project :,;-; CITY COUNCIL MEETING June 2, 1998 Other Considerations A. Request to Develop Agreement with Transit for Development of International Gateway Project Mayor Braun reviewed the information provided by the Public Works Department and asked Interim Manager Pittis for further input. Interim Manager Pittis distributed copies of the minutes from the joint Council/fransit meeting held this p~t week. Noting that the City and the Transit could serve as equal partners in this endeavor, he introduced Dan DiGuilio, Executive Director/Manager for Clallam Transit System, who was present in the audience. Interim Manager Pittis stated the City views this as an opportunity to collectively build the International Gateway in the downtown area, which could benefit tourism and economic development for business opportunities. It would provide an opportunity for transit operations in a joint facility with the Gateway, addjtional parking, and a link between transit, cars, bicycles, ferries and other mooes of transportation on the waterfront. Interim Manager Pittis felt that, with the new influx of Federal Transit Authority money, the City must take a hard look at Transit's role in the Gateway Project. Thus, it makes sense to have Transit as an equal partner in the project for developing concepts and issues for the facility. With the help ofTransit staff, this project will benefit the community. Staff is asking Council for its concurrence to proceed with the development of an interlocal agreement to manage the project together. The design process would begin after initiation of the agreement This would involve selection of a consultant, an environmental process, review of alternatives, and then move forward once options are evaluated. This would be a step-by-step process to achieve a facility design, at which time construction costs will be evaluated and funding can be sought before beginning construction. He felt this would be a win/win situation for Transit, the City, and the community. Interim Manager Pittis reminded the Council that this project was rated as a number one priority statewide by the Transportation Improvement Board two years ago. Dan DiGuilio stated the Transit Board had met and discussed this issue. Transit had performed a study to identify a location for a possible new bus terminal downtown. The City Light Operations building and adjacent parking lot was targeted as a potential area to develop a new terminal. However, if that parking lot is leased for the DSHS offices going into the J. C. Penney building, this is no longer an option. By partnering with the City, Transit is given another opportunity to examme the Gateway area and fmd a potential new site. If the Council agrees to this Interlocal Agreement, a study ~ll be undertaken to identify options, and the information will be brought to both the Transit Board and the Council for a decision on a joint project. Mr. DiGuilio echoed the comments made by Interim Manager Pittis in that this is only a planning project at this time. Funding for construction is not being considered at the moment The downtown cominunity has expressed a desire to participate in the project as well, which is being welcomed. Mr. DiGuilio wanted the Council to be aware that Transit does not have matching fimds for this project, and it would be difficult to find $500,000 to match the $2 mi!lion which has been awarded to the City. Part of the negotiations would involve identifying where this money would come_from. Mr. DiGuilio, Interim Manager Pittis,andAttorney Knu~n responded to 'questions directed by the Council and provided. further clarification regarding the intent of the interlocal agreement. Councilman Wiggins moved to authorize staff' to draft an Interlocal Agreement with the Transit which will identify the roles and responsibilities related to construction and operation of the Gateway Project. Councilman Williams seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. 013 - 5 - CITY COUNCn.. MEETING JWle 2, 1998 Lee Hotel Presentation Boys and Girls Club B. Presentation by Pam Tietz Regarding Lee Hotel Pam Tietz, 13] I W. 9th Street. Director of the C]al]am COWlty Housing Authority, gave . the Colmcil an update regarding the Lee Hotel development. Ms. Tietz stated all funding applications have been submitted. The Housing Finance Commission, the largest funding somce for this project. assigned credits to the Lee Hotel project on a preliminary basis. If the project has been truly represented, then a credit allocation will be set aside, and tax credits c'an be sold to earn equity for the project. Ms. Tietz stated only three projects outside of King COWlty were funded, and the Lee Hotel project was one of those three. Ms. Tietz indicated the Housing Authority has been working with Housing Trust FWld staff to answer questions and alleviate concerns regarding the structural feasibility of the development The structural analysis has been completed and presented to the Trust FWld; a funding reply should be received by JUne 10, 1998. A Federal Home Loan bank application has been submitted, and a decision will be made between the ] 7th and ] 9th of JWle. The Housing Authority has taken over the security monitoring of the building and will provide monthly activity reports to the City. The Phase I environmental analysis was completed; nothing Wlexpected was fOWld. The Housing Authority has been working on construction estimates and begWl design drawings. On JWle 6, ] 998, at 9:00 a.m., thanks to a community effort, all debris will be removed from inside the building. This is a 100% volWlteer effort with materials and labor donated by local merchants, contractors, and citizens. Ms. Tietz then responded to questions posed by the COWlcil and offered additional clarification. Ms. Tietz thanked City staff and the community for its support in this endeavor. Interim Manager Pittis stated that the structural report was needed as part of the evaluation . by the Department of Community, Trade and Economic Development (DCTED). He requested the COWlcil to authorize the Mayor to send a letter to Tim Douglas of DCTED, requesting that information be considered as part of the application as it will affect the success of the application. CouncUman Williams moved to authorize the Mayor to sign a letter to DCI'ED requesting that the structural analysis be considered part of the application. Councilman Hulett seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. c. Funding Options for Boys and Girls Club Mayor BraWl reviewed the information provided by the Police Department. Chief Ilk stated that the Police Department currently has two Wlfilled positions. Due to Civil Service requirements, these positions will not be filled for at least three months. This money can be transferred to Crime Prevention to fimd the first year of the Boys and Girls Club without using reserves. Future fimding requests will have to go through the regular budget process. Councilmember McKeown spoke in favor of making this budget transfer to fund the Boys and Girls Club. Mary Morgan, Executive Director of the Sequim Boys and Gi!ls Club, ]502 Woodcock Road, Sequim, explained why the Port Angeles west side Boys and Girls Club is having some problems regarding relocation and what may happen to it in the future. Discussion followed, and Ms. Morgan responded to questions and provided clarification. Pam Tietz, Executive Director of the Clallam COWlty Housing Authority, spoke in favor . of funding the Boys and Girls Club. She praised the efforts of that Club in helping the. community~s youth and listed the efforts expoWlded by the Housing Authority in getting grants to fund this enterprise. -6- 014 . . . Boys and Girls Club (Cont'd) Seamount Estates V Subdivision Revision ESA Comment Letter ADJOURN TO EXECUTIVE SESSION: RETURN TO OPEN SESSION: ADJOURNMENT: '~'~ "",i:.";/"~:'"<.;:I,~:,,;!~~~':-:'~''r:i.' ""',.n.0;'~~~,",,~~::'~i:'~~;"';:lf CITY COUNCIL MEETING June 2, 1998 E. J. Beckett, 421 East 12th Street, Resident Services Coordinator of the Housing Authority, described some of the activities the Boys and Girls Club offers and urged the Council to approve funding of the Club. Councilmember McKeown moved to authorize staff'to draft a cont.rac:t to allocate $15,000, a one-time, un budgeted item, from the Police Department budget to the Boys and Girls Club, for use at the Mt. Angeles View. Councilman Campbell seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. D. Revision to Seamount Estates V Subdivision - 7th/8th Streets East of Evans Mayor Braun reviewed the information provided by the Planning Department and asked Director Collins for additional input. Director Collins described the revision, noting that it involved only Lot 1. Councilman Campbell moved to authorize the applicant to prepare a mylar indicating the approved alteration and to authorize the Mayor to sign the fmal mylar indicating the redesignation of the side lot lines for Lot I, Seamount EstatesV Subdivision, citing Findings I - 6 and Conc:lusions A - B, as set forth in Exhibit "C", which is attached to and becomes a part of these minutes. Councilman Hulett seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. E. ESA Comment Letter Attorney Knutson explained that the letter would be signed by the Mayor and addressed to the National Marine Fisheries Service. The letter is 'written with regard to the proposed listing of Puget Sound Chinook Salmon as a threatened species under the Endangered Species Act (ESA). Attorney Knutson reminded the Council that this proposal was discussed at a previous meeting and has some significant ramifications tq the City. The City sought assistance from attorney Tom Pors in the preparation of the letter. It has been reviewed by City staff, who recommends Council review the letter, contact Attorney Knutson if any minor changes are to be made, or schedule a special meeting to consider any major concerns. The deadline for written comments is Monday, June 8, 1998. Attorney Knutson provided a review and explanation of the various points in his memo. Planning Director Collins stated he spoke before a public forum held in Forks on many of the points listed in Attorney Kn,utson 's metno. He provided verbal testimony on behalf of the City to the National Marine Service at that time. He felt his comments were positively received. Councilman Campbell felt the letter was consistent with what the Council had discussed at the previous meeting, and there was no reason to delay approval. Therefore, Councilman Campbell moved to authorize the Mayor to sign the letter and send it on to the National Marine Fisheries Service. Councilman Wiggins seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. The meeting adjowned to Executive Session at 9:05 p.m. to discuss union negotiations and litigation for approximately forty-five minutes. The meeting returned to open session at 10:00 p.m. The meeting was adjourned at 10:00 p.m. Becky J. Upton, City Clerk . Gary Braun, Mayor -7- 015 016 ~~ . . . I' . . . CALL TO ORDER- SPECIAL MEETING: ROLL CALL: ADJOURN TO EXECUTIVE SESSION: RETURN TO OPEN SESSION: ADJOURNMENT: '- ..~~ . ~j "';0 CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington June 9, 1998 Mayor Brawl called the special meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at 5:25 p.m. I . Members Present: Mayor Braun, Councilmembers Campbell, Doyle, Hulett, McKeown, Wiggins, and Williams. Members Absent: None. Staff Present: S. Brodhun. The meeting adjomned to Executive Session at 5:25 p.m. to discuss a personnel matter for several hours. The meeting returned to open session at 8:35 p.m. The meeting was adjourned at 8:35 p.m. Becky 1. Upton, City Clerk Gary Braun, Mayor 017 - I - '" ',-. 018 ,t} '''~; .;~~ . . . ":r-- ,-t~ CITY OF PORT ANGELES ~ 321 EAST FIFTH ST, P.O. BOX 1150 PORT ANGELES. WASHINGTON 98362 PHOl\E i206) 457-0411 PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT Following a comprehensive search and selection process, the Port Angeles City Council is very pleased to announce that Patrick M. Ibarra will be our next City Manager. Mr. Ibarra is currently the Assistant City Manager of Mason, Ohio (population 15,863). He has also worked for the Cities of Emporia, Kansas and Phoenix, Arizona, and earned his Masters of Public Administration Degree from Arizona State University, which is one of the top 10 MPA schools in the country. Patrick greatly impressed not only the City Council but the interview panels of community leaders, City employees, and City department heads, who interviewed the five finalists. Particularly impressive was Patrick's high energy level and commitment to excellence in city government. He was integrally involved in Mason's successful economic development program, which resulted in 34 new businesses and 1,700 new jobs. He has been the project leader for the implementation of a community theme campaign "Imagine Mason", in which the community is exercising its collective imagination to blend its past with its future in making important decisions as to how Mason will grow. Although he is the Assistant City Manager in Mason, the City Manager there characterizes Patrick as actually serving as the co-manager with him. He not only has been responsible for successfully supervising the budget preparation process but has proved very skillful in encouraging personal and professional development of City employees even to the extent that, when Port Angeles representatives visited Mason, the common theme that they heard from Patrick's staffwas that he had helped make them better. Also very impressive to the City Council is how Patrick uses his high energy level and exceptional leadership skills to propose, encourage, and develop a variety of innovative ideas and programs. The City Council is very confident that Patrick Ibarra will be the same kind of leader in Port Angeles, one whose ideas and energy will light a fire in our community and who will represent our City extremely well and will continue to make us all proud of Port Angeles. Although raised in Missouri, Patrick is familiar with the Pacific Northwest from his travels here and is very much looking forward to moving to Port Angeles. In fact, he will be here next weekend to start house hunting and will begin his employment with us on July 27th. Again, the City Council is pleased and excited that Patrick Ibarra will be our new City Manager and we look forward to working with him for the betterment of our community. Jack Pittis Director (4801J Phyllis Rasler Administrative Assistant (48ooJ Cate Rinehart Administrative Assistant (47ooJ Bob Titus Deputy Director (4701J Ken Ridout Deputy Director (4802J Gary Kenworthy City Engineer (4803J Steve Hursh Engineering Manager (4702J .m Smith tract & Project inistrator (4804) Lou Haehnlen Sr. Building Inspector (4816) Tom Spertine Sr. Electrical Inspector [4735J . Scott McLain Power Manager (4703) Ralph Ellsworth Water. Wastewater Collection Superintendent [4855) Pete Burrett Equip. Services Superintendent (4835) Marl< Shamp Ught Operations Manager (4731J Kevin Curtis Treat. Plant Supervisor [4845J Tom McCabe SW Collection Supervisor (4876J Steve Evans .dfill Supervisor 73) Dave Wilcox Street Maintenance Supervisor (4825J VI, / ,A MEMORANDUM DATE: June 16, 1998 TO: CITY MANAGER, MAYOR BRAUN AND CITY CO(j~AL / FROM: JACK PITTIS, ~IRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS AY RE: ACCEPTANCE OF THE MILL CREEK WATER PUMP STATION MODlFICA TIONS. SUMMARY and RECOMMENDATION:.The construction of the Modifications to the Mill Creek Water Pump station - Project 95-17, have been inspected and accepted as complete and the final payment to the' contractor has been made. The Public Works Department recommends that the City Council accept the project and release the retainage bond upon the receipt of clearances from the Department of Revenue and Labor and Industries. ISSUE: Should the City Council accept the Mill Creek Pump Station Improvements- Project #95-17, and release the retainage ? BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS: This project replaced the old chlorine gas system with a hypochlorite sterilization system, replaced water pumps, and electronic controls. The contract amount of the project was $312,206 (not including sal~s tax). Three change orders were issued for a net increase in the contract amount of $7,059.33 to a total contract amount of $319,265.33. The final cost, not including tax, was $318,842.33 The cost reductions were a result of net quantity reductions on the project. Construction was completed in November, 1997 but we have been withholding acceptance pending the arrival of specified test equipment and programing software. ) ~~. l~>- Gary W. Kenworthy P. E. City Engineer ~ ----. GWK:gk Attachments: Acceptance Copy: Finance Loc:N:\PROJECTS\95-17MC\MEMOS\CCACCPT.RWJ File: 95-09.14 013 . C:FJRTIFICA nON OF WORK COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE PROJECT: Mill Creek Water PUInp Stations Modifications. PROJECT NO. 95-17 All work on the above referenced project has been completed in accordance with the contract documents and the final.inspection and the warranty provision included the.r...'ein or relating thereto. .--,. - The fmal estimate has been reviewed and is in agreemen~ with our records. City Council acceptance and final payment, including retained percentages, is hereby respectfully requested. Alder~rove Construction Inc. , Contractor, hereby rel~ the City of Port Angeles, Washington, from any and all liens arising out of this Contract or is, herewith, provic.iing a bond covering all unpaid obligations for work, materials, equipment or ,any other liens outstanding on@S Contract. . CONTRACTOR: Aldergrove Construction Inc. ADDRESS: 1705 West 12th Street Port Angeles, W A. 98362 AUTHORIZED OFFICIAL: DATE: s/al:)'S I PW-402.03 (1\193) . 020 5 !_U__ Jack Pittis , Director {4801]. Phyllis Rasler Administrative Assistant {4805] Cate Rinehart Administrative Assistant {4700] Bob Titus Deputy Director {4701] Ken Ridout Deputy Director {4802] Gal"f Kenworthy City Engineer {4803] Steve Hursh Engineering Manager {4702] Tim Smith Contract & Project .m~traror~804] Haehnlen Sr. Building Inspector [4816] Tom Sperline Sr. Electrical Inspector (4735J Scott McLam Power Manager {4703J Ralph Ellsworth Water. Wastewater Collection Superintendent (4855] Pete Burrett Equip. Services Superintendent [4835] Mark Shamp Ught Operations Manager [4731] Kevin Curtis Treat. Plant Supervisor [4845] Tom McCabe SW Collection Supervisor [4876] Steve Evans Landfill Supervisor [4873] . ,,'~ '/':'L".}'(".. MEMORANDUM! /" V DATE: June 12,1998 TO: City Manager Pittis, Mayor Braun and Council Members FROM: Bob Titus, Deputy Director of Utility Services ~ SUBJECT: Valley Substation Transformer Pad Leveling Summary and Recommendation: The substation transformer pad at the Valley Substation has been slowing sinking for some years now. The pad has sunk more than 6 inches and is no longer level. This has caused strain to the transformer bushings and an oil leak that required us to take the substation out of service. We have found a contractor that can drive stainless steel piles with jacks that can be permanently installed and used to level the transformer pad and raise it back to its original grade. It is recommended that the Council authorize a contract with Pacific Piling and Underpinning to level and raise the transformer pad at the Valley Substation at a cost of $24,200 plus tax. Background: City Light's Valley Substation is located at Second and Valley and is adjacent to the old streambed. There is 4-5 feet of good material at the surface but below that is nothing but sand and decaying vegetation pockets. We did not become aware of the subsurface problems until we installed a new substation transformer as part of the 4kv- conversion project in 1993. The new transformer is considerably larger and heavier than the one it replaced and began to sink almost immediately. The rate of settling slowed after the first year or so but was uneven so the pad eventually was more than 2 inches out of level. At the same time, there was more and more strain placed on the transformer bushings from the substation bus used to connect the transformer to the transmission/distribution system. Two months ago an inspection revealed that oil was leaking from a bushing and a 'subsequent inspection found that the seals on all three bushings were broken. At that time we transferred load to other substations and took the Valley Substation out of service. This time of year the load~ are low enough to allow this but we need to have the station back in service by October to insure reliability to our customers.. After a soils test revealed the nature of the subsurface material, we considered enlarging the concrete pad to distribute the weight over a larger surface area but could not guarantee that further sinking would not occur plus it would be extremely difficult to level the pad without digging the high end down even further. After consulting with several contractors, we were put in touch with Pacific Piling and Underpinning as the only firm with the necessary experience, expertise, and equipment t~ fix the problem. They were informed of our problem ~nd came up and did a test bore to determine how far down it was to solid ground that would support the weight of the transformer. They found that at approximately 21 feet there was solid enough material to support the pad using seven piles on each side (14 total). The piles are 3" diameter stainless steel and use a jack to level and support the pad. They have quoted us a cost of $1550 per pile (plus tax) assuming a 21 foot depth. There would be an additional cost of $30 per foot (in 5-foot increments) if they have to go deeper. They also quoted us a cost of $2500 to fill the void created by raising the pad to its original grade using a dense concrete mix. Thus the cost of . leveling the pad and returning it to its original grade would be $24,200 plus tax. Work can commence in approximately 2 weeks once they are given the go ahead. 021 CONTRACT THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into in duplicate, this _ day of , 1998, by and between the CITY OF PORT ANGELES. hereinafter called the Owner. and PACIFIC PILING AND UNDERPINNING. hereinafter called the Contractor. . WITNESSETH; That in consideration of the tenns and conditions contained herein and attached and made a pan of this agreement, the parties hereto covenanrand agree as follows: I. The Contractor shall do all work and furnish all tools. materials. and equipment for leveling and raising the transformer pad at the Valley Substation in accordance with and as described in this contract and the attached Scope of Work & Payment Schedule and the Standard Specifications for Municipal Public Works Construction, referred to as the project manual, and shall perform any alterations in or additions to the work provided under this contact and every part thereof. This contract is subject to minimum wage requirements of Section 1-07.9 (Wages) of the Standard Specifications. The Owner agrees to pay the Contractor for the actual quantities in the completed work within 30 days after completion of the job and upon receipt of invoice. The Contractor shall provide and bear the expense of all equipment. work and labor of any sort whatsoever that may be required for the transfer of materials and for constructing and completing the work provided for in this contraCt and every part thereof; except such as are mentioned in the Scope of Work & Payment Schedule attached and made a pan of this contract. 2. The Owner hereby promises and agrees with the Contractor to 'employ. and does employ the Contractor to provide the materials to 'do and cause to be done the above described work and to complete and fmish the same according to the attached scope of work and the terms and conditions herein contained and hereby contracts to pay for the same according to the attached Scope of Work hereto attached. in the manner upon the conditions provided for in this contract. Any alteration or deviation from the Scope of Work & Payment Schedule involving extra cost of material or labor shall be executed only upon written orders for the same and will become an extras charge over and above the sum provided for in the Scope of Work & Payment Schedule. 3. The Contractor for itself. and for its heirs. executors. administrators. successors. and assigns. does hereby agree to the full performance of all the covenants herein contained upon the part of the Contractor. 4. It is further provided that no liability shall attached to the Owner by reason of entering into this contract. except as expressly provided herein. 5. The Contractor shall obtain and maintain Public Liability and Property Damage Insurance in accordance with Section I- 07.18 of the APW A supplement to the Standard Specifications and the following additions: (a) Workers compensation at the limits established by the State of WashingtOn shall be included. . 6. The Contractor shall defend, indemnify and hold the Owner, its officers, officials. employees and volunteers harmless from any and all claims, injuries. damages, losses or suits including attorney fees, arising out of or in connection with the performance of this contract, except for injuries and damages caused by the sole negligence of the Owner. Should a court of competent jurisdiction determine that this contract is subject to RCW 4.24.115, then, in the event of liability for damages arising out of bodily injury to persons or damages to property caused by or resulting from the concurrent negligence of the Contractor and the Owner, its officers. officials, employees, and volunteers. the Contractor's liability hereunder shall be only to the extent of the Contractor's negligence. It is further specifically and expressly understood that the indemnification provided herein constitutes the Contractor's waiver of immunity under Industrial Insurance. Title 51 RCW, solely for the purpose of this indemnification. This waiver has been mutually negotiated by the parties. The provision of this section shall survive the expiration or termination of this contract. 7. Contractor hereby assigns to Owner any and all claims for overcharges resulting from antitrust violations as to goods and materials purchased in connection with this contract, except as to overcharges resulting from antitrust violations commencing after the date of the bid, quotation, or other event establishing the price of this contract. In addition, Contractor warrants and represents that each of its suppliers and subcontractors shall assign any and all such claims for overcharges to Owner in accordance with the terms of this provision. Contractor agrees to give Owner immediate notice of the existence of such claim. . IN WITNESS WHEREOF the panies hereto have caused this ~ent to be executed the day and year first above written. OWNER [City of Port Angeles] By Title CONTRACTOR [pacific Piling and Underpinning] By Title Approved as to form: Attest: . City Anomey City Clerk 022 I . . . '," ,'. :,-.~/;!' ;:" c"':\ ~,;;;:';;~Yj~<';*3U:,t~C~ ,::' SCOPE oP WORK & PAYMENT SCHEDULE A. The Contractor shall install fourteen (14) Ram Jack PiersTM to stabilize and raise to as near original grade as possible the transformer pad at the Owner's Valley Substation. Subject to the attached document (Lifting Addendum) should any piles exceed 21 feet in depth the Owner agrees to pay an extra charge of$30.00 per foot of pipe used to be measured in 5-foot increments. B. The Contractor shall fill the void created by lifting the concrete base with up to four cubic yards of nine-sack sand grout mix. . C. The Contractor shall complete the items in A & B above for the sum of $24,200 plus tax. ,. D. The Owner shall be responsible for all permits, engineering and inspections, which may be required to perform this work. Locating and disclosing to the Contractor the location of all underground utilities and any damage to said utilities. 023 Cif'OIlT. ~Q ~ ... ~- ~ ~ ~~ ff ~~ PERFORMANCE and PAYMENT BOND Bond to the City of Port Angeles BO. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That we, the undersigned, . as Principal, and a corporation, organized and existing under the laws of the State of , as a surety corporation, and qualified under the laws of the State of to become surety upon bonds of contractors with municipal corporations as surety, are I jointly and severally held and firmly bound to the City of Port Angeles in the penal sum of $ for the payment of which sum on demand we bind ourselves and our successors, heirs, administrators or personal representatives, as the case may be. This obligation is entered into pursuant to the statutes of the State of Washington and the ordinances of the City of Port Angeles. . Dated at , Washington, this day of ,1997. The conditions of the above obligation are such that: WHEREAS, the City of Port Angeles has let or is about to let to the said bounded Principal, a certain contract, the said contract being numbered and providing for the above . (which contract is referred to herein and is made a part hereof as though attached hereto), and WHEREAS. the said Principal has accepted, or is about to accept, the said contract, and undertake to perform the work therein provided for in the manner and within the time set forth; now, therefore, .If the said Principal. . shall faithfully perform all of the provisions of said contract in the manner and within the time therein set forth, or within such extensions of time as may be granted under said contract, and shall pay all laborers, mechanics, subcontractors and materialmen, and all persons who shall supply said Principal or subcontractors with provisions and supplies for the carrying on of said work, and shall indemnify and hold the City of Port Angeles harmless from any damage or expense by reason of failure of performance as specified in said contract or from defects appearing or developing in the material or workmanship provided or performed under said contract within a period of one year after its acceptance thereof by the City of Port Angeles, then and in that event. this obligation shall be void; but otherwise, it shall be and remain in full force and effect. Signed this day of ,1997. Surety Principal By By Title Title . Surety Address & Phone Number 024 Jack Pittis Director [4801} Phyllis Rasler Administrative Assistant {4805} Cate Rinehart Administrative Assistant {4700} Bob Titus Deputy Director {4701} Ken Ridout Deputy Director {4802} Gal)' Kenworthy City Engineer [4803} Steve Hursh Engineering Manager {4702} Tim Smith Contract & Project .mtStnltOr {4804} Haehnlen Sr. BUlldmg Inspector {4816} Tom Sper1me Sr Electncallnspector {4735} Scott McLam Power M.nager {4703} Ralp/l EUSWOIth Water. Wastewater Collection Supenntendent f4855} Pete Burrett EqUIp SeMces Supenntendent {4835} Marie Shamp Light Operations Manager {4731} KeVIn Curtis Treat. Plant Supervisor {4845} Tom McCabe SW Collection Supervisor {4876} Steve Evans Landfill Supervisor .n) MEMORANDUM IX /i\ I~ . DATE: June 12, 1998 TO: City Manager Pittis, Mayor Braun and Council Members FROM: Bob Titus, Deputy Director of Utility Services ~ SUBJECT: Pole Contact Agreement with Virginia Mason Port Angeles Clinic Summary and Recommendation: The City has agreements with a number of ~arties (US West and Northland Cable in particular) for contacting our power poles. These formal agreements establish terms and conditions for contacting our poles and sets an annual fee based on the number of poles contacted. Virginia Mason Port Angeles Clinic has' contacted us about contacting one of our poles with a fiber optic cable. It is recommended by Staff and the UAC that the City Council authorize the City Manager to enter into a Pole Contact Agreement with Virginia Mason Port Angeles Clinic with an annual fee of $308. Background: With the advent of fiber optic cable and advanced computer systems, more and more businesses will see advantages to . linking physically separated facilities. We have had agreements with the telephone and cable TV companies for many years and fees have been based on the number of poles contacted. When the number of poles number in the thousands, it is easy to roll in administrative overhead costs into a fixed cost per pole. However, when only a few poles are being contacted the cost of administering an agreement cannot easily be recovered using only a per pole based cost structure. During discussions with the Utility Advisory Committee (UAC) they recommended that we set a flat $300 administrative fee to cover overhead and charge our standard per pole fee (currently $8) to cover the value of the pole space being used and the added maintenance costs associated with additional pole users. Pole Contact Agreements are common in the electric utility industry and our standard form' complies with generally accepted. utility standards. We would propose to use our standard form with Virginia Mason Port Angeles and merely add the administrative fee to the section on costs. 025 026 . . . . . . POLE RENTAL AGREEMENT THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES, Washington, a municipal corporation, hereinafter called "City", and VIRGINIA MASON PORT ANGELES CLINIC, hereinafter called "Clinic", mutually agree that the following terms and conditions shall govern Clinic's use of City's poles located in Port Angeles, State of Washington, as City may, as hereinafter provided, permit Clinic to use: Section 1. The City hereby grants Clinic the use of one (1) power pole as shown on Exhibit A, provided that Clinic shall comply with all terms, conditions and provisions as set forth in this pole rental agreement. Clinic's use of such pole shall be confined to supporting one fiber-optic cable, hereinafter called "equipment'l. Such equipment shall be used by Clinic only for the purpose of erecting and operating a fiber-optic communication system between their main clinic and their records facility. Section 2. Clinic shall place and maintain its equipment upon such pole(s): (a) in a safe condition and in thorough repair, (b) in a manner suitable to City and so as not to conflict or interfer~ with the current or future working use of such poles or facilities by City or ,others; provided that any costs incurred in moving its e.quipment when the move is necessitated by any party other than the City shall be paid for by such other party; and, (c) 'under such requirements and ,specifications as City may prescribe, and in conformity with all.laws and regulations pertaining to pole line construction, including, but not limited to, the latesr editions of the National Electrical Safety Code, the National Electric Code, and all other applicable state and local codes. In those cases where Clinic's anchorage requirements are not coincident with those of the City or where requested by the City, Clinic shall place separate guys and anchors to hold the strains of its equipment upon said pole(s). Section 3. City may permit Clinic to attach its equipment to poles which are jointly used by City and others, in which case Clinic shall be responsible to the others to the same extent as though - 1- 027 their equipment were the property of the City. Clinic will exercise special precautions to avoid damage to the facilities of City and others supported on such poles and agrees to immediately report any"damage to the owner of the damaged facilities and to make reimbursement fqr the entire expense of repairs. Section 4. City reserves to itself the right to maintain its poles and to operate its facilities thereon in such manner as will best enable it to fulfill its own service requirements~ Nothing contained in this agreement shall be construed to compel the City tomaintain any particularpole(s) for a period longer than demanded by its own service requirements. Section 5. No use, however extended, of any pole(s) under this agreement shall create'or vest in Clinic any ownership or property rights, but Clinic's rights therein shall be and remain a mere license, which as to any particular pole(s) may be terminated at any time by the City upon thirty (30) days' written notice to Clinic. Upon notice from City, Clinic shall, within thirty (30) days, remove, relocate, or transfer such equipment to substituted poles in order to provide increased clearance, accommodate additional facilities of City or others, or perform any ,other work in connection with such equipment that may be required by City; provided that when the relocation is necessitated by any party other than the City, Clinic shall be reimbursed its moving expenses by such other party. However, if Clinic fails to remove its equipment within thirty (30) days or in cases of emergency, City may, at Clinic's sole risk, remove, relocate, or transfer such equipment to substituted poles or perform any other work in connection with such equipment that City deems, necessary, and Clinic will reimburse ,City for the entire expense thereby incurred. Section 6. For the privilege of placing and maintaining such equipment upon such pole(s), Clinic shall pay to the City each year during the existence of this agreement $8.00 rental fee per pole plus an additional $300.00 administration fee. The total annual rental fee shall be payable on July I with the first payment due on July I, 1998. In the event that state or federal law is changed to regulate the pole rental rate, the rate charged herein shall be revised to reflect such regulation; provided that if such chailged rate is not acceptable to the City, then the City may terminate this agreement as provided in Section 13. Such pole rental payments by Clinic shall be exclusive of the utility payments required by City ordinance for use of electric current. - 2- 028 . . . . . . ",', '>t.\'.j~ ,~< :"2~''':i;~!;-;: .?,~.: ",'" -:"~,;"o;::~~f)'~'.:~t'; Section 7. In addition to all other indemnity and assumption of liability provisions herein contained, it is further expressly agreed that Clinic and its contractors shall pay, save harmless and indemnify the City from any loss or claim against the City on account of or in connection with any activity of Clinic or its contractors in the construction, operation or maintenance of its technical facilities and system ,services. Section 8. Throughout the life of this agreement, Clinic will maintain insurance in full force and effect with a carrier or c~ers selected by Clinic and satisfactory to the City, naming the City as an additional insured for: (a) Compensation insurance under and in compliance with all Workmen's Compensation Insurance and safety laws of the State of Washington and amendments thereto; (b) Bodily injury liability insurance with minimum limits of $1,000,000 for each occurrence; (c) Property damage liability insurance with minimum limits of $1,000,000 per occurrence. The insurance described in (b) and (c) above shall also provide contractual liability coverage satisfactory to the City with respect to liability assumed by Clinic under Section 8 and contain a provision that the policy may not be canceled until thirty (30) days' written notice has been given to the City. Written proof of compliance with the requirements of this section shall be filed with and approved by the City for each policy year. Section 9. If Clinic defaults ~n any of its obligations under this agreement and such defauit shall continue for thirty (30) days after written notice thereof, the City may, by written notice to Clinic, immediately terminate this agreement, in which event Clinic shall be allowed thirty (30) days from such notification within which to remove its equipment. Section 10. All amounts payable by Clinic to the City under the provisions of this agreement shall, unless otherwise specified, be payable within thirty (30) days after presentation of bills therefor. Non-payment of any such amount when due shall constitute a default by' Clinic under this agreement. - 3- 029 Section 11. Nothing herein contained shall be construed as affecting any rights or privileges previously conferred or which may be conferred hereafter by the City, by contract or otherwise, to others not parties to this agreement to use any poles covered by this agreement; and the City shall have the right to continue and extend such rights or privileges. The privileges herein granted to Clinic are not exclusive and shall at all times be subject to any such existing contracts and . . . \ arrangements and to any contracts and arrangements entered after ~te hereof by the City. However, any future use of such poles by the City or other~ that may require relocating Clinic's equipment shall be contingent upon Clinic's moving expenses being reimbursed by any party other than the City necessitating the move. Section 12. Unless sooner terminated as herein provided, this agreement shall continue in effect for ten years, commencing on July 1, 1998. Either party hereto may terminate the agreement by giving the other party at least six (6) months' written notice to that effect. At the expiration of such six (6) months, all rights and privileges of Clinic as to the poles affected by said notice shall forthwith terminate, Clinic shall remove its equipment from the poles within such six (6) months, and ifit fails to do so, the City may remove same or have it removed at Clinic's risk and expense. Termination of this agreement shall not release Clinic from any liability or obligation hereunder, whether of indemnity or otherwise, which may have accrued or be accruing or which arises out of any claim that may have accrued or be accruing at the time of termination. Section. 13. In the event either party brings any action for breach of this agreement, such party shall be entitled to recover, in addition to any judgment for costs, such sum as the court shall . . judge reasonable as attorney's fees. Section 14. The failure of the City to enforce any provision of this agreement or the waiver thereof in any instance shall not be construed as a general waiver or relinquishment on its part of any such provision but the same shall nevertheless be and remain in full force and effect. Section 15. Clinic shall not assign, transfer or sublet any privilege granted to it hereunder without the prior consent in writing of the City, but otherwise this agreement shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon the heirs or successors and assigns of the parties hereto. Section 16. Wherever in this agreement notice is provided or required to be given by one party hereto to another, such notice shali be in writing and transmitted by United States mail or by - 4- 030 . . . . . . ;;s:"N;tt,~;}~ <t!1~:~~'~!/' ,,~.,,' ::~/~,: ", <<'-(;t:5j~"'!J~{~:_:~~~'Hi":t:;y~,_. (; personal delivery to the City at its office at 321 East 5th Street, Port Angeles, WA 98362, and to Clinic at its office at 433 East 8th Street, Port Angeles, W A 98362, or to such other address as City or Clinic may designate for that purpose by written notice to the other party. Dated at Port Angeles, Washington, this _ day of . 1998. CITY OF PORT ANGELES VIRGINIA MASON CLINIC By: Gary Braun, Mayor By: ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: By: Becky 1. Upton, City Clerk By: Craig D. Knutson, City Attorney A:\POu;.A98 - 5- I . 031 ~. 4 I I I I I I I I , i i I II ! i \ I' I I I I II I .---i- - I . .----. I J 1------ SEVENTH 16.5F " \ \ \ -----.1.- \ \ \ ---.----... '-- \ m..co PaL \1RCNA MA QJNC Al'f6 I I I I I r-~ f I /1 \ j P AQ. f'O..E . \,~ , \ '0 ---' --:!' '.() /'fiI CAflf , " --_.:.._~- -."- ..- ._. " " EJGHTH 'wRC6iA MA5O'l Q.NC ST. 1 ..-' #____..J --- . ;..------! . : ! ! I ST. '~ if) 1 \ L .r- . I ~ L w z 5> Ii , . I . L: , !:""VUIOI-r " l..../\I .IIUI I r--\ u3~ . . . II r1. t>ORT ~ S .('11 ~~ "Maintaining and building a better community" Jack Plttls Director [4801J Phyllis Rasler Administrative AssIstant [48ooJ Cata Rinehart Administrative Assistant [47ooJ Bob Titus Deputy Director [4701 J Ken Ridout Deputy Director [4802J Gary Kenworthy City Engineer [4803J Tim Smith Contract & Project Administrator [4804J Lou Haehnlen Ial:R Building Inspector ,.,_ 16J Tom Sperllne Sr. Electrlcallnspector [4735J Scott McLain Power Manager [4703J Ralph Ellsworth Watar. . Was/ewatar Collection superlnl9ndent [4855J Peta Burrett Equip. SeMces Superlnl9ndent {4835J Marl< Shamp Light Operations Manager {4731 J Kevin Curtis Treat Plant SupelVlsor [4845J Tom McCabe SW Collection Supervisor [4876J Stave Evans Landfill Supervisor {4873J Dave Wilcox Stra9t Maintenance . SupelVlsor[4825J ~'J.i ::;,:}. :;~,';t '::.:J: "~'~\'_ "..':"-~ Iv ~. . /\ MEMORANDUM DATE: June 4, 1998 TO: CITY MANAGER, MAYOR BRAUN AND CITY CO~~?~ JACK pmlS, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS ?t/ HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE AMNESTY D (HHW) FROM: SUBJECT: SUMMARY and RECOMMENDATION: The City is being requested to participate in the annual Household Hazardous Waste Amnesty Day that is sponsored by Clallam County and the Department of Ecology. DOE pays 60% of the costs and Clallam County bills the balance of the cost according to participation percentages. The Solid Waste Utility had included $7,500 in the budget to cover the. anticipated City share. We recommend that the City Council authorize the Mayor to execute the agreement with Clallam County to provide a maximum of $7,500 toward the cost of the Household Hazardous Waste Amnesty Day. ISSUE: Should the City participate in the annual Household Hazardous Waste Amnesty Day? BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS: Clallam County sponsors the above referenced collection day with supplemental funding from the Department of Ecology (DOE). The event is scheduled for September 18 and 19 at the K-Mart parking lot. The grant funding from DOE pays approximately 60% of the total cost of the event which cost approximately $50,000. The City's share of the balance historically has been approximately 40% of the households bringing hazard waste to the event annually. In 1997 the City's share was $6,407. We paid $4,896 in cash and received credit for $1,511 in-kind services. Volunteers and staff from Clallam County, City of Port Angeles, and the Port Angeles Food Bank helped collect 23,779 pounds' of waste. The Solid Waste Utility has budgeted.$7,500 for 1998 to cover our anticipated share of the costs for the event. K RIDOUT eputy Director Public Works KDR:kr. Attach: cc: JACK PITTIS File Name: C:\DATA\WP\SOLWASTE\HHWASTE.DAY 033 HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE COLLECnON AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT is entered into this _ day of August, 1998, between CLALLAM COUNTY, a political subdivision of the State of Washington, and the CITY OF PORT ANGELES, a municipal corporation. RECITALS WHEREAS, the County and the City of Port Angeles desire to jointly sponsor a household . hazardous waste collection event which will be held on September 18 and 19, 1998; and WHEREAS, the parties desire to enter into an agreement setting forth their respective responsibilities; . NOW, THEREFORE, in mutual consideration of the promises contained herein, the parties agree as follows: 1. Clallam County shall be responsible for the organization, promotion, education. collection and disposal of the hazardous waste collection event and the waste collected. . ~ tln.scIl:i five hrdrerl (~,~.OO) 2. The City of Port Angeles agrees to contribute up to ei€l t USSRO oellsFE ($8,999) in costs associated with event staffing, publicity and waste management and disposal" of waste collected; provided further, that the County shall provide documentation of the costs associated with the event including, but not limited to, organization, promotion, education, collection and disposal and shall provide the City of Port Angeles with such documentation. whereupon the City shall pay its financial contribution hereunder to the Clallam County Department of Community Development within thirty (30) days of receipt of the documentation. CITY OF PORT ANGELES BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Name Carole Y. Boardman(Chair) Title Martha M. Ireland . Date Phillip Kitchel ATTEST: Karen Flores. Clerk of the Board APPROVED AS TO FORM: , . , I ..!,. :' I 'y....._ /' / 1_' , I CHRISTOPHER MELLY Chief Deputy Prosecuting Attorney for Clallam County HHW_MOA doc 03-1 ...., .", . -,P I ., t . . . "~,o;..;:~',,;,.,", ~ __ 'i-in' }:. .1 CITY COf/HCll JlffJlOJ?AHj)f/JI CITY OF PORT ANGELES PARKS & RECREATION "Enhancing the Quality of Life" June 11.1998 To: Inter~ Manager Pitti., Mayor Braun ~ Council Members Fr: Scott Brodhun, Parks & Recreation Director ~ Re: Grant Agreement-DNR Aquatic Lands Account(ALEA)- Centennial Trail Property Acquisition EXEcuTIVE SUllUIIARY: Since 'the late 1980's the City has been' p~rsuing extension of the Waterfront Trail to Morse Creek, a project formally adopted by the City Council as the Centennial Trail. In 1996 we successfully pursued a grant to purchase two properties that will finalize a seven year effort to acquire property necessary to develop ~he trail extension. ISSUE: Should the City Council Authorize 'the Mayor to sign a grant agreement with DNR for property purchases necessary to construct the Centennial Trail? BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS: In 1996 we applied for three trail related grants and were successful in each application (lAC-Francis St./ISTEA-Development at Rayonier/DNR-Property Acquisitions) . This grant agreement is for purchase of two parcels that will finalize a seven year effort to acquire property necessary to develop the trail from Rayonier to Highway 101 at Morse Creek. . The parcels are identified on the attached site map. The Langley parcel involves acquisition of a trail easement and rail road right of way, as well as acceptance of a donation to be utilized as part of our matching requirement. The remaining smaller parcel is proposed as a fee simple purchase, or recreation easement, to be determined during negotiation. By enlarging the scope of the project in the grant application, the purchase of the Francis St. property (lAC funded)was approved as the matching city contribution. It was my intent to hold this agreement until the outcome of the Francis St. purchase was known, however the project manager at DNR has suggested that we not wait any longer. Should we decline to complete the purchase of the Francis St. property, I have inquired to the DNR relative to our ability to utilize the recent Rayonier donations as our matching contribution. Although I have not received the definitive word from DNR at the time of this writing, I am confident that they will approve that change in scope if necessary. The following are some key elements of the agreement: Scope of Work Ident1f1e. the project area, and .et. a 5/31/99 time 11De for campletioD of acqu1.1t1oD.. Project FundiDg IdeDt1f1e. a project budget of $170,300, 1Dclud1Dg 1Dc1deDtal costs and cODt1Dgenc1es. 221e grant amount 1. for $148,300 and we have a cClllllll.itment for a $19,500 property dODatioD. A. well, the Francis Bt. purcba.e is identified as matcb and as previously mentioDed I have 1Dqu1red regard1Dg the po..1b111ty of ut111s1Dg the RayoD1er property dODat1oD. a. matcb. ID a worst ca.e .cenar1o, whereby the project amounts to the full $170,300, and our oDly matcb is the $19,500 dODat1OD of property, the City would have a ca.h matcb obl1gatioD of approximately $65,000. If the Francis Bt. purcba.e is cODs1Dlllllated or we are pe%Dl1 tted to 'ut11:Lse the RayoD:Ler dODat:LoD. a. local matcb, c:Lty cost. would be reduced to the cost of :LDc:LdeDtal :Ltems .ucb as appra:Lsal. and/or .urvey.. RECOMKBNDATION: It is recommended the Mayor sign the grant agreement. . c:c:: Park Board SJB/sb c:\traila\contract.dnr . . . 036 . . I..ANCiLEY EAeB"ENT' ~) LEGEND I . I!)(I.TINGIII.l.6lI~.-- .-.JT ~u.. ---- ~ EXTEN6ION a: 1I.l.6l1r::.-- ~~ TRA.IL . r 2F "~. 10 . 2000' . E:XHIBIT 2" .... ... PROPOSED PROJECT ~~ (1Ml6) (I N:;) e:/ACAD~0191EX2.Du.G SCALE : t:r* '* '* 1: 1: ... =~olCI[J~ TIn.E: " .QITVOF PQRt~NGEl..E~ WATERFRONT TRAIL EXTENSION CUEN~ crrv OP'PORT 'AI-.. .3Zl E. Iml I'1REET P.D. BOX 11110 PORT ANGELES, WAlHlG'RlN, 11382 PHONE: (2ae) 411-0411 Polaris Engineering & Surveying, Inc; 206 S. Lincoln St. 1/ 201 Port Angeles. Woo 98362 Phone: (360) 452-5393 Fox: (360) 452-9319 -tpoo II . 2CClO' JOB NO: _Oltl 2 OF": 6 037 DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES AQUATIC LANDS ENHANCEMENT ACCOUNT PROGRAM GRANT AGREEMENT . Project Title: Centennial Trail Acquisition Project No.: AL-97-05 Section Index Page 1. Nature of Grant Agreement ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2. Scope of Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,'. . . . . . . . . . . . . . -. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 3. Administrative Guidelines and Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 4. Project Period. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 5. Funding of Project ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 6. Disbursement of Funds ...................................................2 7. Reporting Requirements .................................................. 2 8. Close Out ............................................... .-. . . . . . . . . . . . .2 9. Amendments. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 10. Project Termination. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 11. Recovery of Payments to'Grantee and Interest Rate .............................3 12. Restriction on Conversion of Project to Other Uses .............................3 13. Use and Maintenance of Assisted Project. . . . . . . . . . .. . . .... .. ... .. . . . .. . . .. . . .4 14. No Waiver by DNR ...................................................... 4 . 15. Identifying Markers .................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 16. Provisions Applying to Projects Involving Acquisition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 17. Provisions for Project Involving Development ................................. 5 18. Independent Capacity of Grantee. ., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 19. Assignment.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 20. Retention of Records ............................... '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 , 21. . Audit Discrepancies . . ~ . . . . ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 22. Headings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 23. Entire Agreement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ;. . . . . . 7 24. Invalidity.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 25. Authority of the Grantee .................................................. 7 26. Indemnification. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 27. Hazardous Substances. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 28. Wetland Protection. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 29. Other Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 30. Governing Law ......................................................... 8 3 1. JurisdictionIV enue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 32. No Other Duties Assumed by DNR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 33. Reappropriation Notice ..................................................;8 34. Rights of Inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 35. Disputes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .' . . . . . . 8 . 36. Licensing, Accreditation and Registration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 038 . . . 37. Exhibits .................................. .. .. ... .. ... e_..... ... ... ... Exhibit I: Scope of Work and ConditionS to this Agreement Exhibit II: ALEA Project Procedures Manual C:\MIKE\ALEA \MIKE\CENTENIL\970SGRNT.AGR 039 1. Nature of Grant Agreement. This grant agreement, (Agreement) sets out the terms and conditions, not otherwise appearing in statutes or regulations, of a grant of money by the state of Washington through the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) from the Aquatic Lands Enhancement Account (ALEA) of the General Fund of the state of Washington to the City of Port Angeles (Grantee) in aid of the Centennial Trail Acquisition Project. The ALEA was established by the 1984 state legislature to provide funding for state and local projects specifically designed to enhance publicly-owned aquatic lands by providing public access, recreation and environmental protection. 2. Scope of Work. The project "scope of work" is attached as Exhibit I, and incorporated by reference. The Special Conditions, if any, placed upon this Agreement are listed in Exhibit 1. 3. Administrative Guidelines and Requirements. ALEA program guidelines, contained in the DNR ALEA Approved Project Procedures Manual (hereafter referred to as "ALEA Procedures Manual") as now existing or hereafter amended, and are made part of this Agreement as Exhibit II. The Grantee shall abide by these requirements and guidelines. On matters not addressed in DNR's ALEA Procedures Manual, DNR shall at their discretion, refer to Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation (lAC) Grant Manuals on a case by case basis. 4. Project Period. The "effective date" of this Agreement shall be the date this document is signed by DNR. The Grantee shall execute and complete the approved project scope of work no later than May 31. 1999. A project will be considered "complete" when (1) all approved or required activities including (construction and/or acquisition) are complete, (2) on-site signs are in place, (3) records management and fiscal transactions are complete, (4) a final project report is submitted to DNR with the Grantee's final request for reimbursement, and (5) slides/photos of the final project site have been submitted that clearly depict all ALEA improvements and overall site conditions. The project may extend beyond the specified date only with an amendment to this Agreement. 5. Funding ofProject.DNR agrees to reimburse the Grantee for the above-described project activities from funds available from the Aquatic Lands Enhancement Account of the State General Fund. The total reimbursement from all eligible project activities and related costs described in Section 2 shall not exceed the granted amount of$148.300. The obligation of DNR to make payments is contingent upon the availability of funds within the ALEA through legislative appropriation and state allotment. Ten (10) percent of the total granted amount will be retained by DNR and disbursed cont~ngent upon project completion in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. The Grantee agrees that, as part of the requirement for reimbursement, the Grantee participate with matching funds of no less than ~ of the total project cost. 1 . . . 040 . . . >:0 )::';<';~:~J~,~:' 'J:"'~;;;r>;'\?0i~:T":~h;""')~;~~:)1!~;',~#if~r\~~]Jtf.~;::~ 6. Disbursement of Funds. Disbursement of funds shall be made after the Grantee has furnished DNR such information as DNR deems necessary to show compliance with applicable statutes and rules and the terms of the Agreement. Payments shall be reimbursement for costs actually incurred. The Grantee has up to six months after the date ofDNR's written approval of~e final project report to submit any and all requests for reimbursement. Reimbursement requests.made after tllat time will not be honored. Requests for payment will be submitted by the Grantee on state voucher request forms provided by DNR. Each voucher request form and supportive documents must itemi~ all allowable costs by major elements as described in the Scope of Work. Each payment request must be reviewed and certified. as satisfactory by the DNR project manager (or authorized designee)'prior to payment. Instructions for completing the state voucher request form are provided in the ALEA Procedures Manual (Exhibit II) in Sections 16, 17 (construction) and 18 (acquisition). The duty ofDNR to approve disbursement of funds pursuant to this Agreement is contingent upon strict compliance by the Grantee with the terms of this Agreement, with particular concern for identifying marker requirements noted in Section 15 of this Agreement. 7. Reporting Requirements. Until the project is completed, the Grantee shall submit quarterly written progress reports on forms provided by DNR (see Exhibit II, Attaclunent B). These reports shall be submitted quarterly, no later than the 10th of January, April, July, and October. Failure to submit quarterly reports within these time frames puts the grantee out of compliance with the terms of this Agreement. In addition, a progress report must accompany all reimbursement requests, or upon DNR request. See Exhibit II, Section 6.1 8. Close Out. Upon completion of the project described in Section 2 of this Agreement, Grantee shall submit the final project report on the formes) provided by DNR along with required slides/photos of the site (as identified in Section 4 of this Agreement). Project close out has occurred when DNR has received and approved the final project report. 9. Amendments. Any amendments or modifications of this Agreement shall be made in writing exe~uted by the parties hereto, and neither DNR nor the Grantee shall be bound by verbal or implied agreements. See Exhibit II, Sedion 4 10. Project Termination. All obligations ofDNR under this Agreement may be suspended or canceled, at the option ofDNR, if any one of the folloWing events occurs: (a) The Grantee has failed to commence work within 6 months after the effective date of the Agreement; See Exhibit II, Section 3 2 041 (b) The Grantee has failed to make progress, satisfactory to DNR, necessary to complete the project on time; . ( c) The Grantee will otherwise be unable to complete the project, or any part of it, on time; (d) The Grantee has failed to comply with any or all of its obligations under this Agreement; OR (e) The ALEA contains insufficient funds and/or the legislature fails to appropriate or reappropriate funds to adequately capitalize the account. 11. Recovery of Payments to Grantee and Interest Rate. The right of the Grantee to retain monies paid as reimbursement payments is contingent upon satisfactory performance of this Agreement including the satisfactory completion of the project described in the project Scope of Work. In the event the Grantee fails, for any reason, to perform obligations required of it by this Agreement, the Grantee may, at DNR's sole discretion, be required to repay to DNR all grant funds disbursed to the Grantee for those parts of the project that are rendered ineffectual, in the opinion ofDNR, by such failure to perform. Interest shall accrue at the rate of twelve percent (12%) per annum from the time the DNR demands repayment of funds. In lieu of repayment any property acquired under this Agreement, at the option of DNR, may become DNR's property and the Grantee's . liability, if any, to repay monies shall be reduced by an amount reflecting the fair value of such property. If payments have been discontinued by DNR due to insufficient funds as described in Section 1 O( e) above, and Grantee has otherwise complied with all the terms of this Agreement, the Grantee shall not be obligated to repay monies paid to the Grantee prior to such termination. 12. Restriction on Conversion of Project to Other Uses. The Grantee shall not, "at any time, convert any property or facility acquired or developed pursuant to this Agreement to uses other than those currently proposed within the Scope of Work without the prior approval of DNR. DNR will only approve conversion upon conditions that will assure the substitution of such a similar property and/or facilities of at least equal fair market value at the time of conversion. The substitute property and/or facilities must have equivalent functional value, quality and location. See Section 13(c) below. 3 . 042 . . . ""'-'''''--i-~-<''''':~''- -,,-.-.; ,--:.;J:<', Use and Maintenance of Assisted Project. The Grantee shall operate and maintain, or cause to be operated and maintained, the property or facilities which are the subject matter of this Agreement as follows: 13. (a) Any property or facilities open to the public shall be open for the use by all segments of the public without restriction because of the race, color, creed, religion, sex, age, national origin or residence of the user. (b) The Grantee shall operate and maintain the property and any facilities in accordance with all applicable federal, state and local laws, orders, regulations . and permits. << . (c) The Grantee shall actively manage and protect the acquired and/or improved site to maintain it's functional qualities and resource values, including public shoreline access. Improvements shall be maintained for their full design life or 25 years (except that interpretive facilities will be maintained for 15 years), which ever is greater. All other property shall be maintained in perpetuity unless the obligation to maintain is terminated by the terms of this Agreement. No Waiver by DNR. Any waiver by DNR of any condition shall only be effective if such waiver is made in writing by DNR. Failure by DNR to insist upon the strict performance of any provision of this Agreement shall not affect DNR's right to require strict performance of the same provision in the future or any other provision. Failure by DNR to exercise any right based upon a breach, or acceptance by DNR of performance during such breach, shall not constitute a waiver of any of its rights with respect to such breach. 14. 15. Identifying Markers. The Grantee shall construct and display, during the project period and thereafter, signs or markers that shall describe the project and the role ofDNR in funding and the Grantee's role in funding and managing the site. Signs and locations shall be developed in cooperation with DNR, and approved in writing by DNR prior to sign installation. (See Exhibit II, for sign requirements and specifications). 16. Provisions Applying to Projects Involving Acquisition. In projects funded for the acquisition of land the following provisions shall apply: (a) Evidence of Land Value. Prior to disbursement of the funds provided for in this Agreement, the Grantee shall supply evidence establishing to the satisfaction of DNR that the land acquisition cost represents a fair and reasonable price (as described in lAC Manual #3, Guidelines for Land Acquisition, Section 03.29) for the land in question and that the value of any state-oWned aquatic lands (tidelands, shorelands, bedlands, and harbor areas) are not included in the value of the property acquired. 4 043 (b) Evidence of Title. The Grantee shall be responsible for providing satisfactory evidence of title for each parcel prior to disbursement of funds provided by this Agreement. Satisfactory evidence will consist of those documents identified in Section 18 of the ALEA Procedures Manual including the Deed of Right to Use for Public Access (Exhibit II, Attachment G). In addition, the Grantee shall demonstrate that any tidelands, bedlands, or shorelands purchased under this Agreement were previously sold by the state and that such lands are not subject to any conditions which would have automatically reverted ownership to the state. . (c) Less Than Fee Purchase. Any purchase of less than fee simple title shall be approved in advance in writing by DNR. . (d) Eligible/Ineligible Expenses. Only actual costs directly related to acquisition shall be eligible for reimbursement, unless prior written approval is obtained from DNR. The following costs will be eligible: 1) cost of land and improvements; 2) cost of relocation of eligible occupants; 3) cost of appraisal; 4) cost of appraisal review; 5) cost of title insurance; 6) closing costs; 7) pro rata real estate taxes; 8) recording fees; and 9) environmental studies and wildlife area management plans. (Costs arising from item 9 above cannot exceed $10,000, or 10% of the approved grant amount, whichever is the smaller amount, unless approved in writing by DNR.) The cost of land and improvements will be based upon the fair market value as . established by the appraisal process outlined in lAC Manual #3, Section 03.22, or by court award. In all cases, DNR grants will not be used to reimburse other indirect costs involved with land acquisition, including but not limited to, fees for feasibility studies, court costs, and attorney fees. (e) Encumbrances. Property rights obtained with DNR funding must be free of all reservations or e'ncumbrances that, in the judgement of the DNR, would limit the recreational use of the site disproportionate to the public benefit. (f) Valuing In-Kind Contributions. See Exhibit II, Attachment E for rules. 17. Provisions for Projects Involving Development. See Exhibit II, Sections 11, 12, 13. In projects funded for the development of property, the following provisions shall apply: 5 . 044 . . . ,~')f;?)-:ff,:;"'~3::;>::'!~:~;Y-';'t.~ ,1";~'-' J':::'~ :,,f".:::~ '1"'::_?~'~'::';'~;':'~ (a) Eli~iblelIneli~ible Proiect Costs: ALEA funds may be used for preliminary costs such as administration (specific to the project), planning, landscape design, engineering, and architectural fees (including construction management and/or inspection). These costs are also eligible as local match if incurred within the two years previous to the date of the execution of this Agreement. All such costs cannot exceed 20% (25% for interpretive category projects) of the approved grant amount, unless approved in writing by DNR. (b) Subcontractors: The Grantee is responsible for ensuring that any and all subcontractors comply with the terms of this Agreement. (c) Valuin~ In-Kind Contributions. See Exhibit II, Attachment Efor rules. 18. Independent Capacity of Grantee. The Grantee and its employees or agents performing under this Agreement are not employees or agents of DNR. The Grantee will not represent itself nor claim to be an officer or employee .of DNR or of the state of Washington by reason hereof, nor will the Grantee make any claim of right, privilege or benefit which would accrue to an employee under Washington law. 19. Assignment. This Agreement, and any claim arising under this Agreement, is not assignable or delegable by the Grantee either in whole or in part. 20. Retention of Records. The Grantee shall maintain books, records, documents and other materials which sufficiently and properly reflect all direct and indirect costs of any nature expended in the performance of this Agreement. All records will be maintained in a manner adequate to provide an audit trail for all expenditures. All engineering documentation and field inspection reports of all construction work accomplished under this Agreement will also be maintained. These materials shall be available at all reasonable times for inspection, review, or audit by personnel duly authori~d.by the . DNR, and state or federal officials so authorized by law, rule, regulation or conrict. The Grantee will retain these materials for six (6) years after settlement or termination. 21. Audit Discrepancies. If any audit identifies discrepancies in the financial records, the Grantee shall provide clarification and/or make adjustments accordingly. Amounts that have been paid to the Grantee in violation of the terms of this Agreement shall be promptly refunded to DNR. 22. Headings. The paragraph headings used in this Agreement are for convenience only. They shall not be construed to limit or to extend the meaning of any part of this Agreement. 6 045 23. Entire Agreement. Except as otherwise provided in the terms of this Agreement, this docwnent contains the entire agreement of the parties. No other agreement, statement or promise made by any party, or to any employee, officer or agent of any party, shall be binding or valid. . 24. Invalidity. If any term or provision of this Agreement or the application of any term or provision to any person or circumstance shall to any extent be invalid or unenforceable, the remainder of the term or provision, or the application of such term or provision to persons or circwnstances other than those as to which it is invalid or unenforceable and the remainder of this Agreement shall not be affected thereby, and each term and provision of this Agreement shall be valid and be enforced as written to the fullest extent permitted by law. 25. Authority of The Grantee. The Grantee by the signature of its authorized representative below represents and warrants that this Agreement is a legal, valid and binding obligation on behalf of the Grantee and is.enforceable in accordance with its terms. 26. Indemnification. The Grantee shall- defend, indemnify and save harmless the state of Washington, DNR or any officers or employees thereof, from and against all claims, suits or actions arising from the Grantee's acts or omissions which are libelous or slanderous, result in injury to persons or property (including, but not limited to, damages to land, aquatic life and natural resources) expenses, causes of action, claims, costs, fees (including, but not limited to, costs and attorneys fees), penalties (criminal or civil) suffered or arising out of the use, occupation or control of the facility or the facility's design or construction. . 27. Hazardous Substances. The Grantee shall not keep, use, dispose, transport or generate on or about the property any hazardous substances or components thereof in violation of any federal, state or local law, regulation, statute or ordinance. "Hazardous substances" shall be- defined as those substances or components thereof now or hereafter designated as hazardous, toxic, dangerous, or harmful by federal, state, or local law, regulation, statute- or ordinance (including, but not limited to, Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, Comprehensive Environmental RespOnse, Compensation and Liability Act, Superfund Amendment and Reauthorization Act, and the Washington Model Toxic Control Act). Grantee shall indemnify the state or DNR for liability costs incurred or assessed against the state or DNR for the existence and cleanup of these hazardous substances. Grantee shall defend, indemnify and save harmless the state of Washington, DNR or any officers or employees thereof, from and against all liability , damages (including, but not limited to, natural resources damages), expenses, causes of action, settlements, costs (including testing, auditing, surveying and investigation costs), fees (including attorneys fees, court costs and litigation costs), penalties (civil and criminal) and response, clean- up, or remediation imposed as a result of use, storage, disposal transportation or generation of hazardous substances on or about the property. . 7 046 . . . 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. Wetland Protection. Grantee will comply with DNR policy on wetlands which requires no net loss of function or area of signific~t wetland habitat. Grantee will provide information upon request to DNR adequate for DNR to determine compliance. Other Requirements. The Grantee shall comply fully with all applicable federal, state and local laws, orders, regulations and permits. .Governing Law. This Agreement is governed by the laws of Washington. J)irisdictionN enue. This Agreement shall be construed and interpreted under the laws of the state of Washington and the venue of any action brought under this Agreement shall be in the Superior Court for Thurston County. The Grantee, by execution of this Agreement, acknowledges the jurisdiction of the courts of the state of Washington in this matter. No Other Duties Assumed by DNR. DNR shall not be responsible for payment of salaries, consultants, or other costs related to the project described herein, except as specifically provided in the grant application specified in Section 2 of this Agreement. Review and reimbursement of funds by DNR is for the purpose of determining eligibility for funding under the ALEA Grant Program and DNR does not assume any other duty or obligation to Grantee or any other party. DNR does not assume any obligation or duty to determine if Grantee is complying with all applicable statutes, rules, codes, ordinances or permits. Reappropriation Notice. Projects which span two or more fiscal years (beginning July 1) may require reappropriation pursuant to RCW 43.88.140. Prior to the end of each biennium the Grantee shall notify DNR no later than January 1 of reimbursements the Grantee will request following the end of the current biennium. The Grantee acknowledges that appropriation decisions are made by the Washington State Legislature and that failure to appropriate sufficient funds may terminate DNR's obligation to . reimburse the Grantee. 34. Rights of Inspection. The Grantee shall provide right of access to the property and facilities acquired under this Agreement to DNR or any of its officers, or to any other authorized agent or official of the state of Washington at all reasonable times, in order to monitor and evaluate performance, compliance, and/or quality assurance under this Agreement. 35. . Disputes. Except as otherwise provided in this grant, any dispute concerning a question of fact arising under this grant which is not disposed of by agreement shall be decided by the ALEA Grant Program Manager or other designated official who shall communicate hislher decision in writing and furnish a signed copy to the Grantee. The decision of the Program Manager shall be final and conclusive unless, within thirty (30) days from the receipt of such copy, the Grantee mails or otherwise furnishes to the Program Manager a 8 047 written appeal addressed to the DNRDivision of Aquatic Lands Manager. The decision of the DNR Division of Aquatic Lands Manager, or duly authorized representative, for . the determination of such appeals shall be final and conclusive. 36. Licensing, Accreditation and Registration. The Grantee shall comply with all applicable local, state and federal licensing, accreditation and registration requirements or standards necessary for the performance of this Agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Agreement is executed on the day last written below. GRANTEE City of Port Angeles STATE OF WASHINGTON Department of Natural Resources GARY BRAUN Mayor, City of Port Angeles JENNIFER M. BELCHER Commissioner of Public Lands . Date Date Taxpayer Identification Number APPROVED AS TO FORM ONL Y BY THE OFFICE OF THE A TIORNEY GENERAL . 9 048 . . . Exhibit 1 SCOPE OF WORK City of Port Angeles Centennial Trail Acquisition DNR/ALEA#: Sponsor: Project: Grant Amount: AL-97-05 City of Port Angeles Centennial Trail Acquisition $148,300 . ( . Project Description: Located on the Strait of Juan de Fuca and backed by the Olympic Mountains, Port Angeles is ideally sited for outdoor recreation. Recognizing this, in the mid-1980's Port Angeles began revitalizing their urban waterfront to attract some of the 3.5 million visitors that pass through the city annually. As part of this revitalization effort the city established a'waterfront trail. The Port Angeles Waterfront Trail takes visitors through a wide variety of shoreside environments from urban, rural, to natural settings. This project is the acquisition of the last two parcels (totaling 4.86 acres, and 1,050 lineal feet of waterfront) necessary to complete Port Angeles' shoreline trail system. These acquisitions will complete the Port Angeles Centennial Trail, linking the Olympic Discovery Trail to the east with the Port Angeles Waterfront Trail to the west. . The Port Angeles trail system enables non-motorized users to access and travel along more than twelve miles of continuous shoreline. Currently, this trail is accessible only from the downtown area; with the addition of these two parcels the trail will be open to people approaching the waterfront from both the east and the west. It's estimated that this may increase usage of the trail by 50%. Included in this improved access is a disabled access point which will encourage a broad range of users. The trail is located on an existing railroad grade, minimizing disturbance to the shoreline environment for trail development. The site offers world-class birdwatching alongmajor . migratory routes, views of the bay, Strait of Juan de Fuca, San Juan Islands, and Vancouver Island in the distance. Although the trail connects directly to the downtown district, it is largely along natural, undisturbed shoreline. Natural shoreline features include saltwater marsh, associated freshwater wetlands, feeder bluffs, sand and gravel beaches, and rich waterfowl and wildlife habitats. This uninterrupted length of shoreline trail provides a unique opportunity to meet the priority needs identified by Port Angeles residents for shoreline access, walking and bicycling trails, passive recreation areas, and completion of their effort to create this waterfront trail. The trail through the acquired sites will be developed to the same standards as the existing trail, a 12 foot wide asphalt path along the former railroad bed. The adjacent land will be landscaped with native vegetation to enhance buffers along wetlands and provide habitat. Waysides with benches, interpretive signs, picnic facilities, and bike racks will be installed. The project includes plans for eight interpretive signs, funded by the Rotary Club and corporate donations. These will be elegant, vandal-resistant baked enamel signs in accessible mountings. The subjects are: watershed ecology, wetlands, marine life, marine birds, Hollywood. Beach 049 Pg.2 Exhibit I . history, waterfront trail history and development (including partnerships such as previous DNR involvement), Coast Guard, and shipping and harbor activities. This ALEA funding supplements a long history of local, state, and federal support for the trail. Local enthusiasm has generated corporate contributions, civic donations of cash and labor, three previous successful DNR-ALEA grants, Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation (lAC) participation, Department of Transportation ISTEA grants, and land donations from private landowners and local businesses. The local match portion of this project is the acquisition and development of additional parking, a scenic overlook, and a disabled access ramp at a mid-way point, the Francis Street overlook, 3/4 mile east of the downtown district. In many regards this is a model project, with financial partnerships one of the highlights. Benefits to the State ofWashin~on · The project enhances public access to the Port Angeles Bay and the Strait of Juan de Fuca. · The project provides information about state aquatic land management by telling the story of the natural and human history of the surrounding area. · Project development includes native vegetation landscaping that will enhance and protect wildlife habitat buffers along wetlands and uplands. Project Area: There are two acquisition sites within the City of Port Angeles: 1) The Langley purchase is . located near the mouth of Morse Creek at the trail's east end and will acquire 4.36 acres and approximately 1,900 feet of railroad grade; 2) The Deane purchase is located northeast of the terminous of Moss Street fronting Port Angeles Harbor. The purchase will acquire 0.5 acre and approximately 550 feet of railroad grade and waterfront. Coordination The City of Port Angeles will submit -quarterly progress reports and task products to DNR for review and concurrence. The City of Port Angeles will provide draft products to DNR for review. The City of Port Angeles will coordinate and receive guidance from the following Department representative: Mike Ramsey, (360) 902-1259. DNR will review progress reports and products and accept or recommend changes. Work Program Acquisition of the parcels described above should be completed by May 31, 1999. . r:parks\contract\alea I.doc 0-50 . . . Pg.3 Exhibit I Project Schedule: Item Appraisal Appraisal Review Survey Env. Site Assessment Closing Date Sign Installation Completion Date June It 1998 September 1 t 1998 October 1 t 1998 October 1 t 1998 February 1 t 1999 March 1 t 1999 The Grantee will ensure that reasonable progress is made in accordance with the work schedule abovet and with the schedule defined in the Aquatic Lands Enhancement Account Project Procedures Manual (Exhibit lIt Section 3). Depending on circumstancest failure to show progress within the periods specified may result in termination of the Aquatic Lands Enhancement Account grant for the project. In additiont the Grantee is responsible for requesting and justifying an extension of the Grant Agreement 90 days prior to the end datet if more ti~e is required for completion. Project Funding All costs shown below in the ALEA Project Cost Breakdown are eligible for reimbursement. Howevert project funding can not exceed $148t300. Requests for reimbursement will be completed on the ALEA Reimbursement Request Form as provided on Attachment C. The matching funds will be provided through in-kind matching fundst donated propertyt and additional project funding from the Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation (lAC). ALEA PROJECT COST,BREAKDOWN Cost of Land. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $148t300 Appraisal ................................ $4tOOO Appraisal Review. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . ... $0 Env. Site Assessment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $0 Closing Costs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3t500 Survey(approved) ..... ... ...... .... ...... .$4tOOO Signs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . .. $500 Indirect Costs (10%) ...................... $lOtOOO Total ................................. $170,300 ALEA Portion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $148,300 r:parks\contract\alca I.doc 051 ............ ....,..-..,... '.. ...,........-...-................................................... ......................................................................-...................................................................-... )).) .UALEAFtJ.Nt)s:uummmmu::umrPRtJ.JEertWrOTAErm::mr .. ..... ".',. ...-.-.-, - . .....',._-...........-........-:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.". .....:.:.:.:.:.;...............................................................................................'............................ $272,000 $272,000 $19,500 . $148,300 ..... .... .d._..._ .. ...s711...S0.....0...."'}..................... ...................................... <........../../...,....... ....}.......... . Pg.4 'LOCALFIJNI)Su.rm}(' .. ... -,- . .. -, - .-...".----.......... $272,000 lAC $272,000 CashlIn-Kind $19,500 Donated Property. $563,500 r:parks\contract\alea I.doc Exhibit I 05~ . . . . AUTHORIZATION TO TRANSFER FUNDS Transfer to Payroll Fund for Pay Period Ending 05-31-98 . Mayor/Council City Manager Human Resources Finance City Attorney Planning Police FirelMedic I Utility Services ParklRecreation Cemetery Total General Fund Street Light Water Wastewater Solid Waste Equipment Services Information Services Firemen's Pension Esther Webster Trust Total Payroll . 0.00 3,213.05 3,822.00 22,978.25 8,852.29 6,036.43 83,840.92 47,038.81 41,711.17 39,430.80 548.05 257,471.77 13,467.11 25,034.29 18,567.69 9,699.83 17,576.67 6,884.05 4,784.14 0.00 647.36 354,132.91 1':, --L---' 053 . . . 054 98/06/12-09:59 City of Port Angeles . CHECK REGISTER Date From 06/01/98 To 06/12/98 Fnd Opt Check Ntm>er Vendor Ntm>er Vendor Name Description GL Code Ntm>er 001 45744 Lynn Peavey Company 12056 Security tape 45767 PC World 16056 SUbscription-12 issues 45782 Quill corporation 17000 Cartridge, ribbon, hole punch 45797 US Department of Commerce 21032 LandView CD~ROM's-Washington 45805 WA State Patrol - WASIS 23281 Criminal history- T Pasek 45806 WA State Patrol - WASIS (HA) 23359 Criminal history-J Peters 45808 Washington (DOL), State of 04137 State Share May 1998 cwp's 45823 American Innotek Inc. 01373 Field lavatory system 45832 Buck, Donna 02278 Senior Ctr key deposit rfd 45854 For A Safer America 06194 Safety Growth Charts 45872 IPMA 09082 Firefighter exams 2370000 2370000 1 2370000 1 2370000 1 2295000 1 2295000 1 2296000 1 2370000 1 2391000 1 2370000 1 2370000 0001 45691 AirTouch Cellular 01105 45700 Bonny'S Bakery 02298 45725 Flex-Plan Services Inc. 06158 45774 Port Angeles Chamber Of Comm. 16023 45775 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 . 45779 Protokowicz Jr, Ron 16383 45785 Reandeau, Robert E. 18295 45793 Summit Law Group PLLC 19437 45799 US West Communications 21001 45820 Advanced Travel 01090 45828 BOIYlY's Bakery 02298 45830 Breitbach, Ron 02377 45833 Budget Rent-A-Car 02152 45848 Doyle, Laurence J 04098 45866 Haguewood's Restaurant 08001 45872 IPMA 09082 45881 Lucent Technologies 12215 45899 Ports ide Inn 16177 0002 45691 AirTouch Cellular 45743 Lunsford & Associates Inc 45750 Microflex 45767 PC World 45768 Pacific NW SFG User Group 45777 Postmaster 45799 US West Communications 01105 12179 13253 16056 16292 16028 21001 . \ IX ;- June 12 1998 Total for Department 5-15 Billing 111 4210 Council refreshments 112 3101 May services 111 4150 Donation- 98 Fireworks display 111 4990 Petty cash reimbursement 112 3101 Petty cash reimbursement 112 3101 Petty cash reimbursement 111 3101 Refund Firefighter exam fee 113 4150 Pilot Svcs- Mtg with S Gorton 112 4310 Prof Svcs-Labor Representation 113 4150 5-14 Billing 111 4210 5-14 Billing 113 4210 B Coons to Yakima 5-12 113 4210 B Coons to Renton 5-21 113 4210 L Williams to Gig Harbor 5-8 112 4310 Kheriaty,Niemi,Coons-Everett 113 4310 Lunch - City Mgr interviewers 112 3101 Rfd Firefighter exam fee 1134150 Rental-City Mgr Spouse Tour 111 4150 Airline tickets to Mason 111 4310 City Mgr candidate reception 112 3101 Firefighter exams 113 4150 6-2 Billing 111 4210 6-2 Billing 113 4210 Lodging for Fire interviewer 113 4150 Total for Administration 4-15 Billing 240 4210 Rent storage #A104 for June 201 4530 Tax audit program 230 4150 Subscription-12 issues 230 4901 Veldhouse, Kheriaty to Everett 230 4310 Permit mailings - #67 205 4210 5-14 Billing 201 4210 5-14 Billing 2304210 5-14 Billing 240 4210 055 Page Amount 13.23- 1.58- 22.79- 7.83- I 24:00 . 24.00 255.00 16.61- 100.00 17.83- 176.10- 147.03 21.20 97.75 118.50 2,500.00 7.38 22.90 28.57 10.00 150.00 41.00 136.74 91.16 415.69 120.35 65.00 12.43 357.50 10.00 79.60 3,432.00 420.00 2,405.10 48.42 24.21 69.24 10,684.74 31.90 115.00 59.49 21.55 10.00 5,000.00 91.16 113.95 273.48 98/06/12-09:59 City of Port Angeles June 12 1998 Page 2 CHECK REGISTER . Date From 06/01/98 To 06/12/98 Fnd Opt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code AIIlOU"It N~r Name N~r N~r 45820 Advanced Travel 01090 Kheriaty,Kenyon,Veldhouse 5-8 240 4310 45.04 Kheriaty,Kenyon,Veldhouse 5-8 230 4310 22.52 B Kajfasz to Olympia 5-12 240 4310 15.00 Kheriaty,Niemi,Coons-Everett 230 4310 7.43 45847 Diversified Industries 04052 Copy. Center Svcs-May 205 4150 1,210.00 45860 Godbey, Kay 07039 Airfare to San Francisco 201 4310 185.00 45863 Griffin Envelope Inc. 07022 Envelopes- to window 240 3101 825.25 45881 Lucent Technologies 12215 6-2 Bi II ing 201 4210 24.21 6-2 Billing 230 4210 40.35 6-2 Bill ing 240 4210 80.70 45893 PERS 16016 Excess Compensation-Dickinson 240 2010 10,554.10 45900 Postmaster 16028 Annual PO box fee 205 4210 288.00 45924 Washington (ORS), State of 23141 Employer contributions-Feb 98 230 4990 45.62 Total for Finance 19,059.75 0003 45709 Clallam Jefferson Public Dfndr 03274 Public Defender fees for June 311 4150 2,500.00 45765 Ortloff Atty. at Law, Kimberly 15146 Legal Services- April 98 311 5090 304.20 Legal services-May 98 311 5090 240.80 45799 US West Communications 21001 5-14 Billing 311 4210 159.53 45820 Advanced Travel 01090 C Knutson to SeaTac 5-7-98 311 4310 19. 45836 Clallam County District Ct 03069 Court fees - May 98 311 5090 4,163. 45881 Lucent Technologies 12215 6-2 Billing 311 4210 48.42 45889 Norris, Law afc of W. Kenneth 14448 Prof Svcs case #4022 311 5090 56.70 45926 West-Group 23018 Legal publications 311 3101 336.33 45928 Wolfley Hoffer & Basden 23367 Legal services - K Johnson 311 5090 126.00 Total for Atty 8,134.43 0004 45693 American Planning Assn 01063 Planning Board Memberships 411 4901 568.00 45799 US West Communications 21001 5-14 Billing 411 4210 91.16 45820 Advanced Travel 01090 B Collins to Seattle 5-14 411 4310 70.92 B Collins to Redmond 5-21 411 4310 74.50 Collins,Titus-Pt Hadlock 5-7 411 4310 37.00 B Collins to Forks 5-11 411 4310 45.25 45881 Lucent Technologies 12215 6-2 Bi II ing 411 4210 32.28 Total for Planning 919.11 0005 45689 AT&T Wireless Services 20000 5-23 Billing 530 4210 47.79 45691 AirTouch Cellular 01105 5-15 Bi II ing 530 4210 34.32 5-15 Billing 530 4210 9.39 5-15 Bill ins 530 4210 76.11 5-15 Bi II ing 530 4210 9.53 5-15 Billing 530 4210 9.39 5-15 Billing 530 4210 1. 5-15 Billing 530 4210 5-15 Billing 530 4210 18.79 5-15 Billing 530 4210 60.95 45699 Blumenthal Uniforms & Equipmt 02047 Footwear,tie 530 2080 056 169.46 Pants,shirts,emblem 530 2080 390.76 '. ~-!,-'Y/' '-/i'<}:/;ffr\\"' ,;,:;,:":~",~",[j" -' ..~' ,:~>,;" 98/06/12-09:59 City of Port Angeles June 12 1998 Page 3 . CHECK REGISTER Date From 06/01/98 To 06/12/98 Fnd Opt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amcult NlIJ1ber Name NlIJ1ber Nl.Iltler Shirt,emblem,handgun grip,pant 530 2080 372.30 Vest 530 3111 537.57 45701 BratWear 02245 . Shorts 530 2080 n.51 45744 Lynn Peavey Company 12056 Sec~rity tape 530 3101 180.63 45762 Opticolor Film & Photo Inc 15095 Fi lm: 530 3101 366.51 45799 US West Communications 21001 5-14 Billing 511 4210 159.53 5-14 Bi II ing 5344210 113.95 5-14 Billing 530 4210 22.79 5-20 Billing 534 4210 219.65 45804 WAAssn of Sheriffs & Police 23003 Monitoring Svc - pe 4-30-98 512 5099 644.00 45820 Advanced Travel 01090 E Kovatch to Edmonds 5-6 530 4310 9.42 Steve Ilk to Spokane 5-10 511 4310 668.n K Miller to Everett 530 4980 335.42 45837 Clallam County Humane Society 03072 May 1998 contract payment 530 4150 3,325.00 45850 Eastern Washington Hay & UHaul 05135 Dog foOd- K-9 unit 530 4980 95.23 45881 Lucent Technologies 12215 6-2 Bill ing 511 4210 56.49 6-2 Billing 534 4210 40.35 6-2 Bill ing 530 4210 8.07 45893 PERS 16016 Excess Compensation-G Bower 530 2010 3,332.31 . 45895 Peninsula Daily News 16012 6 Month subscription 511 4901 52.50 45903 Quill Corporation 17000 Marker, enve~opes, videotape 530 3101 4.88 45907 Roto.Rooter PlllJ1bers 18229 Drain maintenance 584.4810 78.n Total for Pol ice 11,551.30 0006 45689 AT&T Wireless Services 20000 5-23 Bill ing 6114210 24.38 45691 AirTouch Cellular 01105 5-15 Bill ing 611 4210 9.39 5-15 Billing 611 4210 10.19 5-15 Billing 643 4210 41.57 45699 Bll.IIIenthal Uniforms & Equipmt 02047 Shorten.sleeves 641 2080 9.23 Footware,access~rjes 6412080 135.65 Return shirt 643 2080 78.08- Badge 641 3111 45.96 45708 Clallam County EMS Council 03068 Medic I Advisory for June 643 4150 500.00 45n6 Port Angeles Fire Department 16025 Petty cash reimbursement 611 3101 25.22 45n8 priceCostco Credit Card pmts 03261 Office & cleaning supplies 684 3120 180.38 45796 Transfac> Funding corporation 20059 Shipping services 641 3101 167.10 45799 US West Communications 21001 5-14 Billing 611 4210 113.95 5-14 Billing 642 4210 22.79 5-14 Billing 643 4210 22.79 5-14 Billing 641 4210 68.37 45819 AT&T Wireless Services 20000 6-1 Bi II ing 611 4210 21.37 45820 Advanced Travel 01090 Sekac, Gunn toNancoUver 5-19 643 4310 394.92 45821 AirTouch Cellular 01105 5-15 Billing 611 4210 31.25 45823 American I nnotelcInc. 01373 Field lavatory system 648 3101 226.80 . 45844 Curtis & Sons Inc, L. N. 03098 AFFF foam 641 3101 210.08 45854 For A'Safer America 06194 Safety Growth Charts 642 3101 243.53 45881 Lucent Technologies 12215 6-2 Bi II ing 611 4210 40.35 6-2 Bi II ing 643 4210 8.07 6-2 Bi II ing 641 4210 057 24.21 45909 SandersoriSafety Supply Co. 19048 Service regulator 641 "3101 60.00 98/06/12-09:59 City of Port Angeles June 12 1998 CHECK REGISTER Date From 06/01/98 To 06/12198 Fnd Opt Check NLJ11ber Vendor Name Vendor NLJ11ber Description GL Code NLJ11ber 45927 Wildfire Pacific Inc. 23000 Fire helmets 641 3101 Total for Fire 0007 45691 AirTouch Cellular 01105 5-15 Bi II ing 711 4210 5-15 Bill ing 711 4210 45712 Complete Line, The 03087 Clips,binders,erasers 711 3101 45732 ICBO (Int'l Conference of 09001 97 UBC Softcover Vol 3 711 3101 45739 Lawton Printing Inc. 12115 Building publications 711 3101 45766 Otis Elevator Company Inc. 15034 Service elevator 784 4810 45775 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 Petty cash reimbursement 711 4310 Petty cash reimbursement 711 3101 45799 US West Communications 21001 5-14 Billing 711 4210 5-14 Billing 711 4210 5-14 Bi II ing 711 4210 45803 Viking Office Products 22054 ifolders,diskettes,heater 711 3101 Phone 711 3101 45841 Complete Line, The 03087 Quadrlle Pad 711 3101 Cassette 711 3'9' 45846 Dept of Labor & Industries 12003 Operating permit application 784 4810 45847 Diversified Industries 04052 Janitorial Svcs-March-May 784 4150 45881 Lucent Technologies 12215 6-2 Bill ing 711 4210 6-2 Bi II ing 711 4210 6-2 Billing 711 4210 45906 RadioShack Accounts Receivable 18003 Batted es 711 3101 45923 Viking Office Products 22054 Coat tree, rubber bands 7.11.3101 Total for Public Works 0008 45711 Commercial Landscape Sply Inc. 45713 Country Dried Florals. 45728 Grainger Inc. 45764 Oregon Brass Works 45775 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03429 11014 07015 15032 03062 865 3101 8654150 862 3120 866 3401 862 3101 8623101 8629450 862 9451 865 3140 865 3101 865 3101 865 3101 865 3101 thermostat 865 3101 811 421Q 866 4210 865 4210 861 4210 862 4210 863 4210 8634210 863 4210 058 45781 Puget Sound Specialties Inc. 45789 Smith Gardens 16039 19176 ~eavy duty spreader Beautification Coordinator Receptacles Urn, Poulsen Pettyc;.ash reimbursement Petty cash reimbursement Petty cash reimbursement Petty cash reimbursement Fertilizer,lime,seed,soil Flowers Flowers Flowers credi t fl owers Nozzles, heat mats, 5-14 Billing 5-14 Billing 5-14 Bi II ing 5-14 Bill ing 5-14 Billing 5-14 Bill ing 5-14 billing 5-20 Billing 45791 Steuber Distributing Inc 45799 US West Communications 19033 21001 Page 4 . Amount 481.37 3,040.84 16.15 31.92 n.26 119.46 51.55 1,141.24 18.00 3.23 68.37 45.58 524.14 81. 92 32.56 52.31 39.92 75.75 12. 2/t 16.14 185.66 58.20 60.65 2,852.54 194.40 - 550.00 84.14 28.07 27.89 21.02 20.00 45.00 9,755.57 1,288.94 745.11 .973 .56 986.41- 511.69 68.37 22.79 ~. 22.79 68.37 34.55 47.81 98/06/12-09:59 . Fnd Opt Check Nl.IIber . 101 0001 102 0007 105 0007 .05 Vendor Name 45818 AT&T Business Service 45820 Advanced Travel 45821 Alrlouch Cellular 458~6 Angeles Temporary Services 45853 Federal Firesafety Inc. 45861 Grainger Inc. 45878 Kochanek, Cindy Lou 45881 Lucent Technologies 45904 Quiring Monuments Inc. 45921 US West Communications 45929 Xerox Corporation City of Port Angeles CHECK REGISTER Date from 06/01/98 To 06/12/9B Vendor Nl.IIber 01085 01090 01105 01076 06023 07015 11136 12215 17001 21001 24001 45703 Brewer, David 45736 Juan de Fuca festival of Arts 02055 10095 45702 45756 45799 45813 45825 45881 45897 Breitbach's Sharpening Service 02247 National Safety Inc. 14100 US West Communications 21001 Zumar Industries Inc. 26001 Angeles Plumbing Inc. 01039 Lucent Technologies 12215 Points Sharp Steel Inc. 16092 45925 Washington (Rev), State of 45782 Quill Corporation 45799 US West Communications 45820 Advanced Travel 23118 17000 21001 01090 Description June 12 1998 GL Code Nl.IIber 5-25 Billing 8634210 J Hicks to Pasco 4-21. 861 4310 B Oliver to Renton 5-30 862 4310 5-15 Billing 861 4210 5-15 Billing 861 4210 t Kochanek pe 5-31 866 4150 Clean duct in VB Gym 861 4810 Thermometer,cleaner,capacitor 862 3120 Commissions - May 98 866 4990 6-2 Billing 811 4210 6-2 Billing 866 4210 6~2 Billing 865 4210 6-2 Billing 861 4210 6-2 Billing 862 4210 6-2 Billing 863 4210 Foundation-Thomson 866 3401 Marker-Reed 866 3401 6-2 Billing 863 4210 6-2 Billing 8634210 5-20 Billing 863 4210 5320 copier maint agre-pe 4-30 861 4810 Contract Services for June Expenditures for 98 Festival Total for Parks & Recreation Total for General Fund 115 4990 115 5094 Total for Convention Center Fund Sharpening services Traffice T-shirts 5-14 Billing Heat activated sign faces Install water heater, labor 6-2 Billing Point, asphalt cutter PW Trust Fund Loan payment PW Trust fund Loan payment 752 3501 752 3101 752 4210 752 3125 752 4810 752 4210 752 3501 Total for Street Fund 701 7100 701 8100 Total for Real Estate Excise Tax fund Cartridge, ribbon, hole punch 5-14 Billing 5-23 Bi II ing D Hamlin to Oak Harbor 5-10 Naomi Wu to Goldendale 5-6-98 532 3101 532 4210 532 4210 532 4310 532 4310 059 Page 5 Amount 6.42 330.17 45.00 9.39 9.39 464.70 52.60 230.33 64.75 24.21 8.07 8.07 16.14 8.07 24.21 54.00 204.00 29.59 41.05 47.81 127.86 15,397.86 71,787.60 100.00 4,650.00 4,750.00 52.B1 131.67 68.37 43.58 598.23 24.21 17.34 936.21 41,494.74 11,766.31 53,261.05 311.17 387.43 47.81 296.62 230.00 98/06/12-09:59 City of Port Angeles June 12 1998 CHECK REGISTER Date From 06/01/98 To 06/12/98 Fnd Opt Check NLBber Vendor Name Vendor NLBber ~5834 45855 45881 45903 Captain T's Force 4 Lucent Technologies Quill Corporation 03048 06060 12215 17000 310 0007 45757 Northwestern Territories Inc. 14017 45783 R J Services Inc. 18108 45867 Harding Lawson Assoc Infra Inc 08248 0008 45790 Spencer Interiors 19144 320 0006 45908 Ryan Swanson & Cleveland 18205 321 0007 45888 45890 45901 45908 Nixon Associates Inc., Robert North Sound Bank' Primo Construction Inc. Ryan Swanson & Cleveland 18131 14177 16033 18205 401 45692 American Guide Services Inc. 01374 45696 Bell Lumber & Pole Co. 02196 45n7 General Pacific Inc. 07034 45746 Mair, Kristen 13381 45747 Mantle, Mike 13380 45775 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 45787 Sanmarco, ~endy 19506 45788 Sawyer, Cheri 19505 45792 Strohmeyer, Robert 19507 45802 Veltkamp, Estelina 22074 45812 ~estern States Electric Inc. 23025 45827 Barker, Sarah 45831 Britton, Aimee M. 45843 Criel, Joe 02376 02378 03430 Description GL Code NLBber Naomi ~ to Olympia 5-19 S Romberg to Oak Harbor 5-10 Embroidery svcs Media cleaning kit 6-2 Billing Marker, envelopes, video tape 532 4310 532 4310 532 2080 532 3101 532 4210 532 3101 Total for PenCom Professional svcs-LID 215 781 4150 Excavating services-~oodhaven 781 4150 Prof Svcs-Airport Rd pe 5-8-98 792 4150 Total for Public ~orks Restroom molding 895 3101 Page 6 . Amount 71.08 348.22 6.48 52.75 137.20 43.74 1,932.50 3,550.36 m.24 4,799.19 9,121.79 91.71 Total for Parks & Recreation 91.71 Total for capital Improvement Fund Legal Svcs-Fire Hall pe 5-20 621 4150 Total for Fire Station Construction Fund Prof svcs pe 4-30-Library Retainage Acct#750800542 Prof Svcs-Library 94-19 pmt Legal Svcs-Library pe 5-20 716 4150 716 4150 14 716 4150 7164150 Total for Library Construction Fund Energy Smart Design incentive 401 1342000. Light poles 401 1414000 Light poles 401 1411000 PVC coupling 401 1411000 Credit freight 401 1411000 Utility deposit rfd-049964019 401 2131100 Ut it i ty depos it rfd-026956019 401 2131100 Petty cash reimbursement 401 2451000 Utility ovrpmt rfd-029394015 401 1222200 Utility deposit rfd-052230-015 401 2131100 Utility ovrpmt rfd-064467-014 401 1222200 Utility deposit rfd-026662020 401 2131100 Wedge clamps 401 1411000 Pull tape 401 1411000 Cable,tenminal kit 401 1411000 Cable, terminaL kit 401 1414000 Rfd UtiLity deposit-091995029 401 2131100 Rfd UtiLity deposit-114588017 401 2131100 Rfd utiLity deposit-001864020 401 2131100 060 9,213.50 2,533. 2,533.78 4,171.25 7,163.71 147,429.15 74.56 158,838.67 314.50 5,241.20 1,034.03 452.49 23.93- 173.79 59.66 8.00 42.89 191.11 85.47 40.89 1,466.10 ~. rn.6O 77.65 40.17 50.15 .City of Port Angeles 98/06/12-09:59 . Fnd Opt Check Vendor Nl.ITlber Name 45851 Estberg, Gerald 45852 Everton Jr, William 45857 Francis, Robert 45858 Fulkerson, Mike 45859 General Pacific Inc. 45862 Graybar Electric Co. Inc. 45864 Groshong, Cyndi 45868 Hargus, Lonnie 45869 Hauge, John 45874 Johnson Jr, Jerry 45882 Manley, Michael 45883 Miller, Wendy 45886 Nelson, Marvin 45912 Shideler, Damaris 45913 Simons, Joyce 45914 Sossel, Andy 45917 Sulcert, Chandra . 0009 45689 AT&T Wireless Services 45691 AirTouch Cellular CHECK REGISTER Date From 06/01/98 To 06/12/98 Vendor Nl.ITlber 05162 05163 06197 06196 07034 07040 on52 08333 08334 10150 13382 13383 14447 19509 19510 19511 19512 20000 01105 . 45715 Credit Bureau of Clallam Co 03094 45n3 First Trust New York 06139 45763 Oracle Corporation 15113 45771 Parsinen, Geoff A. 16258 45775 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 45780 Public Utility Dist Clallam Co 16038 45799 US West Communications 21001 45820 Advanced Travel 01090 45849 EES Consulting Inc. 05140 45881 Lucent Technologies 12215 45902 Public Utility Dist Clallam Co 16038 45910 Schmitt's Sheet Metal Inc. 19007 45918 Tacoma Screw Products Inc. 20191 45921 US West Communications 21001 45924 Washington CDRS), State of 23141 45930 Zep Manufacturing Company 26211 Description Rfd utility deposit-057975007 Rfd utility deposit-105791026 Rfd utility deposit-124243004 Rfd utility deposit-119066007 Bar kits Bar kit Lighting arms Lighting arms Rfd utility deposit-066866016 Rfd utility deposit-099368033 Rfd utility deposit-033880025 Rfd utility deposit-049018021. Weatherwise incentive Rfd utility deposit-023035021 Rfd utility deposit-005479025 Rfd utility deposit-005495012 Rfd utility deposit-051080035 Rfd utility deposit-091871030 Rfd utility deposit-086819019 GL Code Nl.ITlber 401 2131100 401 2131100 401 2131100 401 2131100 401 1411000 401 1411000 401 1414000 401 1411000 401 2131100 401 2131100 401 2131100 401 2131100 401 1344000 401 2131100 401 2131100 401 2131100 401 2131100 401 2131100 401 2131100 June 12 1998 Total for Department 4-18 Billing 911 4210 4-15 Billing 911 4210 4-15 Billing 911 4210 5-15 Billing 911 4210 5-15 Billing 911 4210 4-15 Billing 911 4210 5-15 Billing 911 4210 5-15 Billing 911 4210 Public Records Bulletin 911 4901 CSPE Acct #96020130 for June 911 3320 Technical support-Pentium CPU 911 4530 Substation landscape maint-May 911 4150 Petty cash reimbursement 911 3101 Lauridsen Blvd & L St- May 911 3350 5-14 Billing 911 4210 B Titus to Fife 5-22-98 911 4310 Prof Svcs proj 14705- May 98 911 4901 6-2 Billing 911 4210 Morse Creek Dam- May 911 3350 Stainless steel brackets 911.3403 Cord reel 911 3501 6-2 Billing 911 4210 Statewide pensioners. May 98 911 2010 Power Solv 5000,orange aerosol 911 3402 Total for Light Page 7 AmolxIt 250.00 60.62 75.n 111.06 1164.01 231. 99 1,144.00 96.10 61.30 34.64 94.47 121.36 89.02 250.00 121.55 125.00 19.81 38.86 25.36 13,757.n 7.11 11.35 9.39 24.59 25.85 9.39 9.39 9.39 17.26 1,694.65 1,683.24 3,307.11 7.21 24.80 319.06 n.15 388.31 112.99 103.60 159.69 58.31 60.42 200.16 202.16 8,517.58 Total for Light Fund 22,275.30 061 98/06/12-09:59 City of Port Angeles June 12 1998 Page 8 CHECK REGISTER . Date From 06/01/98 To 06/12/98 Fnd Opt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount Nl.II1ber Name Nl.II1ber Nl.II1ber 402 45721 Familian NW 06020 Pipe 402 1414000 22.65 Pipe 402 1411000 1.79 Stainless inserts 402 1414000 23.20 Stainless inserts 402 1411000 1.83 45891 Nurnberg Scientific 14092 Pipets 402 2370000 12.22- Glutamic acid 402 2370000 1.73- Ultrapure cartridge, filters 402 2370000 19.83- 45922 USA BlueBook 21060 Measuring wheel 402 2370000 10.18- Total for Department 5.51 0003 45689 AT&T Wireless Services 20000 5-23 Billing 354 4210 21.94 45704 Brown and Caldwell 02057 Prof Svcs pe 4-24-WW System p6 354 4150 8,577 .57 45729 Hach Ccxrpany 08124 Nessler Reagent, alcohol agent 354 3101 55.32 45796 Transfac Funding Corporation 20059 Shipping services 354 4210 41.33 Shipping services 354 4210 41.32 45799 US West Communications 21001 5-14 Billing 354 4210 45.58 5-23 Bi II ing 354 4210 47.81 5-23 Billing 354 4210 47.81 5-23 Billing 354 4210 47.81 5-23 Bill ing 354 4210 ~. 5-23 Bill ing 354 4210 5-23 Billing 354 4210 47.81 5-23 Billing 354 4210 28.11 45818 AT&T Business Service 01085 5-25 Billing 354 4210 6.43 45822 AmTest Inc. 01034 Sample testing-silver 354 4150 17.00 45825 Angeles Plumbing Inc. 01039 Install water heater, labor 354 4810 598.24 45829 Branam Instrument Ccxrpany 02090 Snubber for water & light'oils 354 3101 39.83 45840 ~ole Industrial Inc. 03300 Electrode ignition,teflon tape 354 3101 189.71 45881 Lucent Technologies 12215 6-2 Billing 354 4210 16.14 45885 Nalco Chemical Ccxrpany 14170 Flocculant 354 3101 2,152.60 45891 Nurnberg Scientific 14092 Pipets 354 3101 166.83 Pipet 354 3101 38.83 Glutamic acid 354 3101 23.59 Ultrapure cartridge, filters 354 3101 270.74 45905 R & R Marine Supply 18119 Snap 354 3101 10.25 45921 US West Communications 21001 6-2 Billing 354 4210 38.27 6-2 Bi II ing 354 4210 41.09 5-23 Billing 354 4210 28.11 Total for Wastewater 12,735.69 0007 45756 National Safety Inc. 14100 Traffice T-shirts 753 3101 131.67 45796 Transfac Funding Corporation 20059 Shipping services 753 4210 41. 32 Shipping services 753 4210 41. 32 45799 US West Communications 21001 5-14 Billing 753 4210 ~. 5-23 Bi II ing 753 4210 45810 Washington (Health), State of 23108 Reservoir covering proj report 753 4150 81.00 45819 AT&T Wireless Services 20000 6-1 Billing 753 4210 16.03 6-1 Billing 753 4210 16.09 45820 Advanced Travel 01090 L Messinger to Seattle 5-12 753 4310 062 40.50 98/06/12-09:59 . Fnd Opt Check NLfli>er . 421 . 452 0007 45825 45835 45856 45881 45894 45897 45919 45921 45922 45925 , 51 t.;',i City of Port Angeles Vendor Name Angeles Plumbing Inc. Clallam County Department of Foster Pepper & Sheffelman Lucent Technologies Peninsula Concrete Cutting Inc Points Sharp Steel Inc. Tokay Software US ~est Communications USA BlueBook ~ashington (Rev), State of 45733 Insight Direct Inc. CHECK REGISTER Date From 06/01/98 To 06/12/98 Vendor NLfli>er 01039 03020 06063 12215 16263 16092 20097 21001 21060 23118 09085 Description C Knutson to SeaTac 5-7 T Smith to Mt Vernon 5-19 Install water heater, labor ~ater Test - May Prof Svcs-~ater Rights Issues Prof Svcs-~ater Rights Issues 6-2 Bi II ing Core dri II ing Chisel, asphalt cutter Annual support pe 7-5-99 5-23 Bi II ing Measuring wheel P~ Trust Fund Loan payment P~ Trust Fund Loan payment June 12 1998 GL Code NLfli>er 753 4310 753 4310 753 4810 753 4150 753 4150 753 4150 753 4210 753 4150 753 3101 753 4150 753 4210 753 3101 753 7100 753 8100 Total for Public ~orks Total for ~ater/~astewater Fund Okidata printer 404 2370000 Total for Department 45716 Delhur Industries Inc 04042 Contract Svcs-Landfill pipe 755 6510 45718 Eager Beaver Environmental Inc 05 on Non-lint pad,cleaner,oil socks 755 3101 45733 Insight Direct Inc. 09085 Okidata printer 755 3101 45nO Parametrix Inc. 16155 LF Enviro Monitoring- pe 4-30 755 4150 45799 US ~est Communications 21001 5-14 Billing 755 4210 45800 USDA, APHIS, FSO, Acctg Svcs 21069 Professional svcs Jan-Mar 98 755 4150 45811 ~aste Management ; Northwest 23060 May recycling services 755 4150 45820 Advanced Travel 01090 Ridout,McCabe-Pt Townsend 5-28 755 4310 45824 Angeles Millwork 01073 Hemlock 755 3101 45825 Angeles Plumbing Inc. 01039 Install water heater, labor 755 4810 45875 KKN~ Radio 11148 Commercials - May 755 4410 45876 KONP Radio 11019 Commercials - May 755 4410 45880 Lab Safety Supply Inc. 12004 Gloves 755 3101 45881 Lucent Technologies 12215 6-2 Billing 755 4210 45892 Olympic Refrigeration 15085 Remove freon 755 4150 45893 PERS 16016 Service Credit - Buckmaster 755 2010 0007 45ITS Port Angeles City Treasurer 45786 Rocket 458n Key Bank of ~ashington 45915 Stoneware Creations 03062 04043 11128 19399 Petty cash reimbursement Fire sprinkler modification Retainage acct#473544001802 Urn planters, planter bowls Total for Public ~orks Total for Solid ~aste Fund 421 2451000 Total for Conservation Fund 793 4150 793 4150 793 "4150 063 Page 9 AmoI.nt 43.00 240.26 598.24 420.00 555.00 4,387.33 8.07 700.00 17.34 300.00 267.52 139.04 186,910.56 36,034.32 231,070.60 243,811.80 25.20- 25.20- 47,247.12 273.24 344.19 885.68 113.95 7,882.18 39,828.98 22.50 96.68 598.24 37.50 37.50 n.23 40.35 1,670.30 1,992.43 101,143.07 101,117.87 8.00 8.00 1,515.97 15,433.41 957.46 98/06/12-09:59 City of Port Angeles CHECK REGISTER Date From 06/01/98 To 06/12/98 Fnd Opt Check Nl.ITber Vendor Name Vendor Nl.ITber 45916 Strider Construction Co Inc 19447 453 0007 45695 Beck and Associates, R.W. 02037 454 0007 45770 Parametrix Inc. 16155 501 45738 Lacal Equipment Inc. 12272 45759 Old Dominion Brush 15097 0007 45694 Angeles Chips Away & Detailing 01363 45714 Craft, Don 03424 45738 Lacal Equipment Inc. 12272 45745 Machinery Components Inc. 13101 45749 McMaster-Carr Supply Co. 13202 45753 N C Machinery Co. 14001 45759 Old Dominion Brush 15097 45760 Olympic Automotive Services 15137 45761 Olympic Laundry & Clnrs Inc. 15026 45769 Pacific Utility Equipment Inc. 21011 45m Points Sharp Steel Inc. 16092 45795 Tranco Transmissions Inc. 20036 45799 US West Communications 21001 45809 Washington (DOL), State of 23218 45881 Lucent Technologies 12215 45884 N C Machinery Co. 14001 502 0002 45691 AirTouch Cellular 01105 45717 Dungeness Communications & 04210 45768 Pacific NW SFG User Group 16292 45799 US West Communications 21001 45820 Advanced Travel 01090 45871 IBM Corporation 09020 Description June 12 1998 GL Code Nl.ITber Prof Svcs-Watermain proj pmt 7 793 4150 Total for Water Construction Prof svcs pe 4-30-Ediz hk p13 794 4150 Prof Svcs pe 4-30-Ediz hk p13 794 4150 Total for WasteWater Construction LF Engineering/Permitting 4-30 795 4150 Total for Solid Waste Construction Belt, flight assy, sprocket Dirt shoe Wi re pol y brooms Detail vehicle #1948 Detail vehicle #194 Pry bar, adapters Service jack Belt, flight assy, sprocket Dirt shoe Fuel filter Coupler, adapter, dust plug Handle, switch, harness Wire poly brooms ~ervice vehicle #1905 Laundry services-April Switch cover P~, fi l ter Asphal t cutter OVerhaul kit, stator support 5-14 Billing Master license renewal 6-2 Billing Cable 501 2370000 501 2370000 501 2370000 Total for Department 760 4810 760 4810 760 3501 760 3501 760 3101 760 3101 760 3101 760 3101 760 3101 760 310; 760 4810 760 4990 760 3101 760 3101 760 4810 760 3101 760 4210 760 3211 760 4210 760 3101 Total for Public Works Total for Equipment Services Fund 5-15 Billing 250 4210 Website maintenance-April 250 4150 Veldhouse, Kheriaty to Everett 250 4310 5-14 Billing 250 4210 Kheriaty,Kenyon,Veldhouse 5-8 250 4310 Kheriaty,Niemi,Coons-Everett 250 4310 4234 Printer maint agre- June 250 4810 064 Page 10 . Amount 317,619.67 335,526.51 838.12 712.39 1,550.51 28,351.54 28,351.54 166.31- 27.20- 88.88- 282.39- 151.06 12. 11 222.22 2,271.45 371.45 28.14 53.38 114.66 1,213.88 126.73 206.85 86.61 528.51 13.01 762.26 22.79 159.00 8.07 122.89 6,704.39 6,422.00 16.30 1~. Jfr 45.05 24.86 127.17 98/06/12-09:59 . Fnd Opt Check Nunber 503 0001 . 602 0002 621 0002 . 625 0008 City of Port Angeles Vendor Name 45873 Infotec Commercial Systems 45881 Lucent .Technologie~ 45690 AWC Employee Benefit Trust 45698 Bishop, Virgil 45705 Cameron, Kenneth 45706 Camporini, Richard 45720 Evans, Sid 45730 Hansen, George D. 45734 Johnson, Donald G 45735 Johnson, Harry 45737 Kochanek, Harry 45740 Lindley, James K. 45742 Loucks, Jasper 45751 Miesel, Phil 45752 Morgan, Roy 45754 NW Admin Transfer Acct (Non-S) 45755 NW Admin. Transfer Acct (SW) 45784 Rainier EAP Inc. 45838 Clallam County YMCA 45896 Pittis, Jack 45911 Schouten, Arnold 45920 UNUM Life Ins Co of America 45690 AWC Employee Benefit Trust 45748 McCarty, Stephanie 45710 Clallam Title Company 45741 Lindquist Construction 45797 US Department of Commerce 45817 ABM Construction 45839 Clallam Jefferson CAC Inc. 45842 Cozi Homes Construction 45697 Bilsborrow, Mari CHECK REGISTER Date From 06/01/98 To 06/12/98 Vendor Nunber 09097 12215 01231 02019 03252 03273 05103 08048 10052 10047 11017 12019 12186 13261 13145 14169 14016 18057 03076 16036 19508 21000 01231 13379 03286 12200 21032 01287 03022 03299 02188 Description NT Server class- G Brooks NT Server class- L Kheriaty 6-2 Bi II ing GL Code Nunber 250 4310 250 4310 250 4210 June 12 1998 Total for Information Systems Fund June Insurance premium June Insurance premium June Insurance premium ReinbJrse June Medicare Prem ReinbJrse June medicare Prem ReinbJrse June Medicare Prem ReinbJrse June Medicare Prem ReinbJrse June Medicare Prem ReinbJrse June Medicare Prem ReinbJrse June Medicare Prem ReinbJrse June Medicare Prem ReinbJrse June Medicare Prem ReinbJrse June Medicare Prem ReinbJrse June Medicare Prem ReinbJrse June Medicare Prem Teamsters Insurance Prem-June Teamsters insurance prem-June EAP services - May -Membership renewal- B Oliver Reimbrsmnt . hospital charges Settlement of Claim #17-98 Disability. Coverage-July 98 121 4630 121 4632 121 4634 121 4635 121 4635 121 4635 121 4635 121 4635 121 4635 121 4635 121 4635 121 4635 121 4635 121 4635 121 4635 121 4633 121 4633 121 4150 121 4150 121 4630 119 4999 121 4631 Total for Self - Insurance Fund June Insurance premium 225 4635 Partial insurance claim pmt Total for Firemen's Pension Fund 621 2399000 Total for Department Title Ins & recording-Schueler 214 4941 Partial contract pmt-R Lopez 214 4150 LandView CO-ROM's-Washington 214 3101 Final payment-N Fuller 214 4150 CAC expenses Jan-April 1998 214 4150 Final payment-C Anderson 214 4150 Total for Finance Office supply reinbJrsement Total for P.A. Housing ReHab Project 880 3101 065 Page 11 Amount 1,406.00 1,195.00 24.21 3,026.96 63,139.65 1,162.00 10,189.75 94.00 65.70 46.10 42.50 46.80 43.80 42.50 85.00 43.80 85.00 46.10 46.10 9,260.90 2,121.25 330.00 365.00 281.40 3,589.44 1,596.47 92,723.26 2,297.00 2,297.00 2,303.72 2,303.72 125.30 4,298.75 106.83 2,995.25 10,707.87 966.40 19,200.40 21,504.12 67.70 98/06/12-09:59 City of Port Angeles June 12 1998 Page 12 CHECK REGISTER Date From 06/01/98 To 06/12/98 . Fnd Opt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Nl.Il1ber Name Nl.Il1ber Nl.Il1ber 45870 Hemley's Handy Kans 08335 Portable toilet rental 881 3120 Portable toilet rental 881 3120 4~887 Newbridge Educ. Programs, 14430 Seasonal packs- Summer Fun 888 3120 650 45898 Port Angeles Downtown Assn. 652 0008 45799 US West Communications 45865 Gunter, Jack 45881 Lucent Technologies 697 45845 Daishowa America LTD 698 45687 45688 45719 45n2 45n4 45n6 45731 45758 45m 45794 45798 45801 45807 45879 45893 16024 21001 on51 12215 04002 AFSCME Local #1619 01152 AFSCME Local #1619 Scholarship 01153 Employees Association Firefighter's Local #656 Flex-Plan Services Inc. Fortis Benefits Insurance Co. ISEW Local #997 Office of Support Enforcement Police Association Teamsters Local #589 US Department of Education United Way WSCCCE, AFSCME, AFL-CIO LEOH PERS 05041 06076 06062 06052 09034 ' 150n 16156 20056 21075 21028 23167 12043 16016 AmoU"It 82.23 137.90 17.20 Total for Recreational, Activities Fund 305.03 Disbrsmnt-PBIA,parking decals 650 2319100 Disbrsmnt-PBIA,parking decals 650 2319200 3,000.00 10,000.00 Total for Off - Street Parking Fund 13,000.00 5-14 Billing 5-23 Bi II ing Honorarium,transport expenses 6-2 Billing 22.79 47.81 200.00 8.07 868 4210 868 4210 868 4150 868 4210 Total for Esther Webster Trust Fund 278.67 Rfd overpmt on Medic I-B King 697 2391000 275 . 00 Total for Accts.Receivable Clearing Fund 275. Payroll deductions pe 5-31-98 698 2315200 75.00 Payroll deductions pe 5-31-98 698 2315200 150.00 Payroll deductions pe 5-31-98 698 2315210 1n.oo Payroll deductions pe 5-31-98 .698 2315200 760.00 Payroll deductions pe 5-31 698 2315210 1,064.79 Payroll deductions pe 5-31-98 698 2315190 604.66 Payroll deductions pe 5-31-98 698 2315200 403.40 Payroll deductions'pe 5-31-98 698 2315210 311.54 Payroll deductions pe 5-31-98' 698 2315210 170.00 Payroll deductions pe5-31-98 698 2315200 1,574.00 Payroll deductions pe 5-31-98 698 2315210 49.04 Payroll deductions pe 5-31-98 698 2315240 425.19 Payroll deductions pe 5-31-98 698 2315200 2,404.99 Payroll contributions - May 98 698 2315120 26,690.59 Payroll contributions - May 98 698 2315130 66,256.00 Total for Accounts Payable Clearing Fund 101,111.20 Gr:and Total 1,276,838.08 . 066 I~- ~ ?ORT ""-v. 4. O~G~ I.... <'...... c)- ~ '(jl .r~ - CITY OF PORT ANGELES - PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM "MAINr AlNlNG AND BUILDING A BEITER COMMUNITY" June 9.1998 TO: Kay Godbey, Finance Director ( . FROM: Jack Pittis, Public Works Director RE: Port Angeles Public Library-Project #94-19 (Payment #14) CONTRACT THIS PAY REQUEST PREVIOUS PAYMENTS TOTAL WORK TO DATE LESS Retainage (5 % of subtotal) $143.274.20 $11.318.66 $7.163.71 S250.019.84 $158.240.40 $261.338.50 $165.404.11 Original Contract Amount Change Orders to Date (12) SublOial Sales Tax 17.9% of subtotal) ComraclOr Payments Authorized to Date Prolect Completion DISBURSEMENT SUMMARY (Account No. US751?-94194150) CO~TRACTOR: Primo Construction, Inc. 9iO Carlsborg Road SeOUlm W A. 98382 .. . . - ..!. $147,429.15 RET AINAGE: Escrow acct. #750800542 ~onh Sound Bank P.O. Box 3850 Sequim. W A. 98382 $7,163.71 j i-1 . I i l TOTAL DISBURSEMENT FOR THIS PAYMENT $154,592.86 CHANGE ORDER COMMENTS: .REPAREDBY'~~ Project Mana . . pW.I-'IRC\.IL~JI (--- t~ \ ./ . APPROVED BY: ~,'. . Director ot\Public WorkS '-/ :-I:'.PROJECTS\94.19L1B\PROJMGT\PA YMENTSIPA Y.OI4 TO (OWNER): CITY OF PORT,ANGELES 321 East Fifth Street Port Angeles, WA 98362 PROJECT: PORT ANGELES PUBLIC LIBRARY CUMENT G702 PAGE ONE OF 5 PAGES APPLlCA nON NO: 14 D~utlon to: ( OWNER PERIOD FROM: 4/25/98 ( ] ARCHITECT TO: 5/22/98 ( J CONTRACTOR [ J ARCHITECT'S [ J PROJECT NO 94-19 CONTRACT DA TE April 22, 1997 APPLlCA AND CERTIFICATE FOR PAYMENT ATTENTION: Jack N.. Pittis, P.E. CONTRACT FOR: CONTRACTOR'S APPLICATION FOR PAYMENT Applicalton is made for Payment, as shown below, in connection with the Contract. Continuation Sheet, AlA Document G703, is attached. CHANGE ORDER SUMMARY Change Orders approved ADDITIONS DEDUCTIONS In previous months by Owner TOTAL $ 72,432.31 Approved This Month Number Date Approved 13 4/8/98 f/~/.(,e 14 4/30/98 1600.8 8 TOTALS $ -~ ,~~~. $ , - Net Change by Change Orders 7 S 3'~~ $ 72,132.31 1 he prp.,>ent status of the account for this Contract is as follows: 7.s;'1...,. 8 'I TOTAl COMPLETE & STORED TO DATE Washington State Sale~ Tax @ 79% RETAINAGE 5% $ 3,476,800.00 $ ll~~tiB7 $ -1:~~~~taf6'7 $ 3,308,082.22 $ 261,338.50 $ 165,404.11 $ 3,404,016.60 $ 3,256,587.45 $ 147,429.15 ORIGINAL CONTRACT SUM Net Change by Change Orders CONTRACT SUM TO DATE ..........................................................- The undersigned Contractor certifies that to the best of his knowledge, Information and belief tlie Work covered by this Application for Payment has been cornpleted in accordance with the Contract Docu- ments, that all amounts have been paid by him for work for which previous Certificates for Payment were issued and payments received from the owner, and that current payment shown herein is now due. TOTAL EARNED LESS RETAINAGE LESS PREVIOUS CERTIFICATES FOR PAYMENT CURRENT PAYMENT DUE By: Date: c;:::...., y 5Y WASHINGTON In accordance with the Contract Documents; based on on-site obser- vations and the data comprising the above application, the Architect certifies to the Owner that the Work has progressed to the point 'indicated; that to the be,st of his knowledge, information and belief, the quality of the Work Is In accordance with the Contract Docu- -ments; and that the Contractor Is entitled to payment of the AMOUNT CERTIFIED. AlA DOCUMENT m02 APPLICATION AND CERTIFICATE FOR PAYMENT APRil 1978 EDIIION 1978 THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARICHITECTS. 1735 NEW YORK AVENUE. N W . WASIUIlGlON. D C 20006 ;A~~~J::~:n:::~.;;;~~~.i.. ..rl;~~.d'~"~.~.~~~.ih;.~~~~~.i. ARCHITECT: l/l (j .' _.. 7 ") A ',' By: I lL l,.",.\j t. "'1- Date: ('''/f;: ~()(; -(ff:> This certificate i not negotiable The AMOUNT CERm:: 0 is payable only to the Contractor named herein. Issuance, payment and acceptance of ment are without prejudice to any rights of the Owner or Contractor urlder this Contract. Notary Public State of Washington A RA l. COOK MY COMMISSION EXPIRES Gi07.19/8 CONTINUATION SHEET AlA DOCUMENT G703 AlA Document G702, APPLICATION AND CERTIFICATE FOR PAYMENT,containlng Contractor's signed Certification is attached. In tabulations below, amounts are stated to the nearest dollar. Use Column I on Contracts where variable retainage for line items may apply. PAGE 2 OF 5 PAGES APPLICATION NUMBER: 14 APPLICATION DATE: 5/22/98 PERIOD FROM: 4/25/98 TO: 5/22/98 ARCHITECTS PROJECT NO: 94-19 A B C 0 E F G H I J WORK COMPLETED TOTAL COMPLETED ThiS Apphcalion A~JD STORED % BALANCE REf AINAGE IlEM DESCRIPlION OF WORK SCHEDULED to DA T E (G/C) TO FINISH No VALUE (D.E.F) {C.Gl PrevIous SloredMateflals Apphcalions Work In Place (not In D or E) 1 Bonding & Insurance $ 37,742.00 $ 37,742.00 $ 37,742.00 100% $ - $ 1,887.10 2 Temporary Facilities $ 17,050.00 $ 16,700.00 $ 350.00 $ 17,050.00 100% $ - $ 852.50 3 Job Supervision $ 75,350.00 $ 75,350.00 $ 75,350.00 100% $ - $ 3,767.50 4 Permits & Fees $ 20,411.00 $ 20,411.00 $ 20,411.00 100% $ - $ 1,020.55 5 Field Engineering $ 26,950.00 $ 26,950.00 $ 26,950.00 100% $ - $ 1,347.50 6 Selective Demolition $ 5,335.00 $ 5,33500 $ 5,33500 100% $ - $ 266.75 7 Sitework & Utilities $ 267,537.00 $ 265,006.00 $ 2.531.00 $ 267,537.00 100% $ - $ 13,376.85 8 Hot Mix Asphalt Paving $ 66,550.00 $ 53,24000 $ 53,240 00 80% $ 13,31000 $ 2,66200 9 Irrigation System & Landscaping $ 104,500.00 $ 48,06200 $ 24,910.00 $ 72,97200 70% $ 31,528.00 $ 3,648.60 10 Striping & Exterior Signage $ 1,32000 $ - 0% $ 1,320.00 $ . 11 Cast-in-Place Concrete $ 260,72300 $ 254,35300 $ 6,37000 $ 260,723.00 100% $ . $ 13,036.15 12 Special Concrete Finishes $ 10,56000 $ 138.00 $ 10,42200 $ 10.56000 100% $ . $ 528.00 13 Unit Masonry $ 70,650.00 $ 63,585.00 $ 63.585 00 90% $ 7,065.00 $ 3,179.25 14 - Structural Steel & Metal Fabrication $ 211,000.00 $ 211,00000 $ 211,000 00 100% $ - $ 10,550.00 15 Steel Joists & Steel Deck $ 79,970.00 $ 79,970.00 $ 79,97000 100% $ . $ 3,998.50 16 Steel Erection $ 128,197.00 $ 128,197.00 $ 128,197.00 100% $ - $ 6,409.85 17 Rough Carpentry $ 15,840.00 $ 15,840.00 $ 15,84000 100% $ - $ 792.00 18 Building Materials $ 33,000.00 $ 33,000.00 $ 33,000.00 100% $ - $ 1,65000 19 Finish Carpentry $ 64,350.00 $ 59,350.00 $ 3,713.00 $ 63,063.00 98% $ 1,287.00 $ 3,153.15 20 Interior Architectural Woodwork $ 66,000.00 $ 32,220.00 $ 32,220.00 49% $ 33,780.00 $ 1,611.00 21 Building Insulation $ 7,92000 $ 7,920.00 $ 7,920.00 100% $ - $ 396.00 22 Metal Roofing $ 222,436.00 $ 177,949.00 $ 22,243.00 $ 200,192.00 90% $ 22,244.00 $ 10,009.60 23 Single Ply Membrane Roofing $ 71,475.00 $ 71,47500 $ 71,47500 100% $ - $ 3,573.75 24 Flashing & Sheet Metal $ 47,615.00 $ 44,699.00 $ 44,699.00 94% $ 2,916.00 $ 2,234.95 25 Skylight Structures $ 41.58000 $ 41,58000 $ 41.58000 100% $ - $ 2,079.00 26 Steel Doors & Frames $ 9.94500 $ 9,94500 $ 9.94500 100% $ - $ 497.25 27 Flush Wood Doors $ 12.221.00 $ 12.22100 $ 12,22100 100% $ . $ 611.05 28 Aluminum Storefronts & Entrances $ 62.07700 $ 60.70300 $ 60,70300 98% $ 1,374.00 $ 3,035 15 29 Door Hardware $ 25,33800 $ 25,338.00 $ 25.33800 100% $ . - $ 1,26690 30 Portland Cement Plaster $ 45,98000 $ 45,980.00 $ 45,98000 100% $ - $ 2,299.00 Total $ 2,109,62200 $ 1,924,25900 $ 70,53900 $ . $ 1.994.79800 95% $ 114,824.00 $ 99,739.90 Al'KIL 1916 THE AMERI TE OF ARICHITECTS, 173~ NEW YORK AVENUE, N W , WASHINGTON, 0 C 20006 Gl0J ..1918 ,',,. .~ ~\ ."'~' $ . . CONTlNU SHEET AlA DOCUMENT G703 AlA Docu 702, APPLICATION AND CERTIFICATE FOR PAYMENT,containing Contractor's signed Certification Is attached. In tabulations below, amounts are stated to the nearest dollar. Use Column I on Contracts where variable retainage for line items may apply. PAGE 3 OF 5 AGES APPLICATION NUMB 14 APPLICATION DATE: 5/22198 PERIOD FROM: 4/25/98 TO: 5/22/98 ARCHITECT'S PROJECT NO: 94-19 A B C D E F G H I J \^lURK COM!'I [ I ED TOI AI COMI'I f If() I hiS App\lcaholl A1IDSTORED % BALAIICE RI.l AIIIAGE ITEM OESCRIPTlOr~ OF WOr~K SellEnI II ED IODAIE ((;lC) 10 F IIJlSH VALUE , No (0.[ .1) (CG) P,evIOIlS SIDled Malellals Applicahons WOlk 10 Place (nol.m 0 01 E) 31 Gypsum Board Assemblies $ 244,420.00 $ 242,720.00 $ 242,720.00 99% $ 1,700.00 $ 12,136.00 32 Ceramic Tile $ 4,070.00 $ 3,663.00 $ 407.00 $ 4,07000 100% $ - $ 203.50 33 Acoustical Panel Ceilings $ 23,980.00 $ 14,388.00 $ 14,38800 60% $ 9,592.00 $ 719.40 34 Floor Coverings & Base $ 157,63000 $ 117,810.00 $ 117,81000 75% $ 39,820.00 $ 5,890.50 35 Painting $ 31.790.00 $ 21,127.00 $ 21,127.00 66% $ 10,663.00 $ 1,056.35 36 Visual Display Boards $ 2,101.00 $ - 0% $ 2,101.00 $ - 37 Toilet Compartments $ 2,959.00 $ - 0% $ 2,959.00 $ - 38 Signs $ 4,40000 $ - 0% $ 4,400.00 $ - 39 Fire Extinguishers & Cabinets $ 1,10000 $ 990.00 $ 990 .00 90% $ 110.00 $ 49.50 40 Operable Panel Partition $ 17,60000 $ - 0% $ 17,600.00 $ - 41 Toilet & Bath Accessories $ 4,869.00 $ 4,86900 $ 4,86900 100% $ - $ 243.45 42 Bike Rack $ 1,12700 $ 1,12700 $ 1,12700 100% $ - $ 56.35 43 Miscellaneous Specialties $ 9,20700 $ 4,776.00 $ 2,06200 $ 6,83800 74% $ 2,369.00 $ 341.90 44 Fire Protection $ 84,370.00 $ 80,057.00 $ 80,057.00 95% $ 4,31300 $ 4,002.85 45 Plumbing $ 59,631.00 $ 47,70500 $ 47,70500 80% $ 11,926.00 $ 2,385.25 46 HVAC Rough-In $ 199,72100 $ 199,72100 $ 199,721.00 100% $ - $ 9,986.05 47 HVAC Equipment $ 112,827.00 $ 112,827.00 $ 112,827.00 100% $ - $ 5,641.35 48 HVAC TrimlTemperature Controls $ 73,414.00 $ 55,795.00 $ 7,691.00 $ 63,486.00 86% $ 9,928.00 $ 3,174.30 49 Temporary Power $ 17,050.00 $ 17,050 nn $ 17,050 00 100% $ - $ 852.50 50 Electric Trenching/Light Pole Bases $ 11,357.00 $ 10.78915 $ 10,78915 95% $ 567.85 $ 539.46 51 Electrical Rough-In $ 66,338.00 $ 64,27100 $ 2,06700 $ 66,338.00 100% $ - $ 3,316.90 52 Electrical Materials $ 133,046.00 $ 129,53900 $ 2,27800 $ 131,617.00 99% $ 1,229.00 $ 6,590.65 53 Electrical Labor $ 49,052.00 $ 32,52900 $ 15.35600 $ 47,88500 98% $ 1,167.00 $ 2,39425 54 Electrical Trim $ 11,46200 $ 5,598 20 $ 2,69300 $ 8,291 20 72% $ 3,17080 $ 41456 55 Fire Alarm $ 7,083.00 $ 3,585.00 $ 3,50000 $ 7,085.00 100% $ (2.00) $ 35425 56 Sound/Intercom/Phone $ 3,193.00 $ 1 ,435 00 $ 1.759 00 $ 3,19400 100% $ (1.00) $ 159.70 57 Data $ 18,081.00 $ 8,369.00 $ 5,902 00 $ 14,27100 79% $ 3,810.00 $ 713.55 58 Alternate #2 $ 15,300.00 $ 13,464.00 $ 13,464.00 88% $ 1,836.00 $ 673.20 59 Change Order #1 $ 9,208.50 $ 9,208.50 $ 9,208.50 100% $ - $ 460.43 60 Change Order #2 $ 3,589.84 $ 3,589.84 $ 3,58984 100% $ - $ 179.49 Total $ 3,489,598.34 $ 3,109,837.54 $ 133,616.15 $ 2,06200 $ 3,245,51569 93% $ 244,082.65 $ 162,275.78 I PAYMENT APRIL 1978 THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARICHITECTS, 1735 NEW YORK AVENUE. N W. WASHINGTON, 0 C 70006 GTOJ ..1918 CONTINUATION SHEET AlA DOCUMENT G703 AlA Document G702, APPLICATION AND CERTIFICATE FOR PAYMENT,containing Contractor's signed Certification is attached. In tabulations below, amounts are stated to the nearest dollar. Use Column I on Contracts where variable retainage for line items may apply. PAGE 4 OF 5 PAGES APPLICATION NUMBER: 14 APPLICATION DATE: 5/22/98 PERIOD FROM: 4/25/98 TO: 5/22/98 ARCHITECT'S PROJECT NO: 94-19 A B C D E F G H I J WORK COMPLETED TOTAL COMPl.ETED This Apphca\lon AriD SIOHED % BALAI~CE Rr r AIl'JAGE ITEM OESCRIPTIOr~ OF WORK SCHEDULEO TO OA I E (G/C) TO FINISH No VALUE (O-E-F) (C.G) PrevIous Slored Maleuals Apphca\lons Work In Place (nolln 0 or E) 61 Change Order #3 $ 3,909.91 $ 3,909.91 $ 3,909.91 100% $ - $ 195.50 62 Change Order #4 $ 3,758.70 $ 3,007.00 $ 751.70 $ 3,758.70 100% $ - $ 187.94 63 Change Order #5 $ 7,059.59 $ 6,354.00 $ 705.59 $ 7,059.59 100% $ - $ 352.98 64 Change Order #6 $ 3,361.84 $ 3,361.84 $ 3,361.84 100% $ - $ 168.09 65 Change Order #7 $ 25,150.49 $ 25,06100 $ 89.49 $ 25,150.49 100% $ - $ 1,257.52 66 Change Order #8 $ 985.91 $ 98591 $ 98591 100% $ - $ 49.30 67 Change Order #9 $ 4,737.41 $ 4,737.41 $ 4,737.41 100% $ - $ 236.87 68 Change Order #10 $ 2,681.68 $ 2,681.68 $ 2,681.68 100% $ - $ 134.08 69 Change Order #11 $ 7,564.49 $ 4,447.78 $ 3,11671 $ 7,564.49 100% $ - $ 378.22 70 Change Order #12 $ 42395 $ 423.95 $ 423.95 100% $ - $ 21.20 71 Change Order #13 $ 1,13168 $ 1,131.68 $ 1,131.68 100% $ - $ 5658 72 Change Order #14 $ 1,800.88 $ 1,80088 $ 1,80088 100% $ - $ 90.04 $ - 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% $ - $ - $ . 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% $ - $ - $ . 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% $ - $ - $ . 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% $ - $ - $ 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% $ - $ - $ 0% $ - $ - $ 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% $ - $ - $ 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% $ . $ - Total $ 3,552,16487 $ 3.164,80802 $ 141,21220 $ 2,06200 $ 3,308.08222 93% $ 244.08265 $ 165,404.11 19/6 TUEAMERICA.TE OF ARICIHTECIS, 17J~ NEWYOHK AV~NUE. NW. WASIIINGlON, 0 C ]l1\1()6 . . C;/Ol 1"'8 . BILLlN.EAKDOWN PAGE 5 OF 5 .GES SCHEDULED PREVIOUS TOTAL BILLED TO % ITEM NO DESCRIPTION VALUE BILLING THIS BILLING DATE BILLED BALANCE 7 Sitework & Utilities: Clearing $ 23,732.00 $ 23,732.00 $ 23,732.00 100% $ . Cut & Fill $ 69,538.00 $ 69,53800 $ 69,538.00 100% $ - Footing Excavation/Backfill $ 29,610.00 $ 29,61000 $ 29,610.00 100% $ . Finish Grade $ 24,11800 $ 19,11800 $ 5.000 00 $ 24,11800 100'1(, $ - Storm System $ 84,071.00 $ 81.54000 $ 2.531.00 $ 84,071.00 100% $ - Water $ 20,803.00 $ 20.80300 $ 20,803.00 100% $ . Sewer $ 15,665.00 $ 15,665.00 $ 15,665.00 100% $ . Total Sitework & Utilities $ 267,537.00 $ 260,006.00 $ 7,53100 $ 267,537.00 100% $ . SCHEDULED PREVIOUS TOTAL BILLED TO % ITEM NO DESCRIPTION VALUE BILLING THIS BILLING DATE BILLED BALANCE 11 Cast-In-Place Concrete: Foundation $ 74,361.00 $ 74,361.00 $ 74,361.00 100% $ - Columns $ 29,700.00 $ 29,700.00 $ 29,70000 100% $ . Slab on Grade $ 66,154.00 $ 66,154.00 $ 66,154 00 100% $ . Curbs & Walks $ 57,118.00 $ 55,339.00 $ 1,77900 $ 57,118.00 100% $ . Concrete on Roof $ 3,850.00 $ 3,850.00 $ 3,85000 100% $ - Courtyard $ 2,42000 $ 1,210.00 $ 1,210.00 $ 2,420.00 100% $ . Staff Patio $ 4,840.00 $ 2,42000 $ 2,420.00 $ 4,840.00 100% $ . Service Court $ 1,925.00 $ 964 .00 $ 961.00 $ 1,925.00 100% $ . Diamonds $ 2,200.00 $ 2,200.00 $ 2,200.00 100% $ - Rebar $ 18,155.00 $ 18,15500 $ 18,155.00 100% $ - $ 260,723.00 $ 254,353.00 $ 260,723.00 100% $ . ... . "MAINTAINING AND BUILDING A BE1TER COMMUN/IT" CITY OF PORT ANGELES - PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM June 8, 1998 TO: Kay Godbey, Finance Director FROM: Jack Pittis, Public Works Director RE: Downtown Sidewalk-Watermain Reconstruction-Project #94-22.14 ( Payment #7) CONTRACT PREVIOUS PAYMENTS THIS PAY REQUEST Original Contract Amount 52;055.487.45 5162.742.00 . Change Orders to Date (3) Subtotal $308.668.29 $24.384.79 $15.433.41 5154,972.16 598.083.65 Sales Tax (7.9% of subtotal) LESS Retainage (5% of subtotal) Contractor Payments Authorized 10 Date Proiect Complelion DISBURSEME!'I'T SUMMARY (Account No.US 7510-9422-4150) CONTRACTOR: Strider Construction Co. 2.l30 Easl Bakerview Rd. Bellinl!ham. W A 98226 RET AINAGE: Ke~' Bank or Washington 1200 l:!th Street Bellingham. W A 98225 Escrowacct.#473544001802 TOTAL DISBURSEMENT FOR THIS PAYMENT I CHANGE ORDER COMMENTS: . PREPAREDBY~.I). .L ~ , City Engineer \ / :' ('~." APPROVED BY: . ~ ~-2tt\ Dfrectd, of Public Works PW-178IRev. 11/931 ~: '.PROJECTS\94-22WM\PROJMGTIP A YMENTS\P A YREQ.007 I . TOTAL WORK TO DATE $2.270.341.17 $179.356.95 $113,517.06 $2.336. 181.07 102.35% $317,619.67 $15,433.41 $333.053.08 -r SCI Joe" PA .-J Ron JoMson. City of Pon Angeles PO. Box 1150 Port Angeles. WA 98362 F-nui-4c FAX ...lOUt 41/-40UO (360) 417-4609 Worx Completed Base Contraa Cha~ Orders Extra WOft< MatenalS on Hand S Gross Billing Sales Tax l7 9% of gross billing) Subtotal (g~oss billing. sales taxI Retlmage (5% of gross bdling) Net Amount (subtotll . retI~) Payments ReceIVed .. of _ ~129/98 Stili OWing From PrevIOus Billings Acllustment" TOTAL AMOUNT DUE THIS ESTIMATE: STRIDER CONSTRUCTION CO.. INC 2430 E. Bokerview Raoe Bellingnom. WA 98226 13601 676-S09~ : A X r~6al 7~4.5309 . PROJECT TITLE. Pon AngeleS Downtown InvoIce Date: 4/29198 ESTIMATE NO.: 7 CONTRACT NO.: 94-22 I REPORT PERIOD. Enoang Apn128. 1998 Original Constrac:t Amount WIWUt Amount of ~ Change 0rderI i olal EsumlteG Canna Amount WIWSSt: PrevIOUS Amount s ~81S;.39'.1l> +.113.997.19 Amount ThIsEstirMte ~8Z,~S'8.3o S 321.247.50 s 75.412.50 s 97.273.27 s S (49.002.51) .]08.... 668. z.. ~ We hereby reoresenKabove IS I lrue estimate of the worx comPleted under the abOve conna to dlte. BY~.;./ ~ . ., _ TItle: Pr'OleCUAllft8g8f' . Cate . ~XP~NAT:8N ATTACHED s 49.002.51 S 2.055.487.45 S 175.598.62 S Total Amount 'Z.)O'~ (,~-o; ~ 0 S 2. 1a&;M4.68 $ 172.eIS.n. $0.00 $ I uer;M8.3f ~,'&. 7" ,'3" /.)7 S 1oIi!.ai8.se /~~ ~sr,"s- S-ii..~268.17 " ~ "'B-' ~ s t11U98.~) . 113)$17.0') , 2 1'74 IIg.3& ~,:S~"/SJ. Ob S 2.018.58UO ? 17, (,/Ct, " s ".. -, Ii 4\29\88 . PORT ANGELES WORKS DATE: JUNE 16, 1998 TO: MAYOR BRAUN AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: COUNCILMAN ORVILLE CAMPBELL, COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN , SUBJECT: BUSINESS MEMBERS OF PORT ANGELES WORKS COMMITTEE The Port Angeles Works Committee has finalized the review of candidates for the five business leader members of the committee. We have contacted the individuals listed below and they have agreed to assist us in promoting and delivering family wage jobs in Port Angeles. We request that the City Council confirm the following individuals for appointment to the Port Angeles Works Committee. Randy Johnson Casey McKinney Mac Ruddell Karen Rogers Karen Grandbouche Our next task is to develop a work plan to achieve our mission. JNP:jp Disk: N:\COUNCIL\PA_WORKS\NAMES-CC.616 File: Port Angeles Works Attachments: None Copy: None 50 dimulat. tu....... .......t-...l ... tI.. Po..l. .A"9.I.. 0...0 ... 0 W"'J tl..t e...ot.. /ami4 wo~ rJ. 0.J """'0'" tI.. ta.. to.. '" '".ta... 0.J ...1.a"". tl.. '1uo1it.t o/!.J. ... -, e_..it.t. . ~ h'~ if~ .... ...:;;.... lJrl - Finance Department Memorandum Kay Godbey, C.P.A. Director . Tanya O'Neill Infonnation ServIces Administrator Y \'onnc Ziomkowski Aeoountirig Manager Carol Hagar AdmmistraUvc AssIstant . June 12, 1998 V I i!t '!"'~ ..~ :,t :~'ir ( . To: Interim Manager Pittis, Mayor Braun, City Councilmembers From: Kay Godbey, Finance Director Re: 1998-1999 Goals and Objectives I~ Issue: Should the City Council approve a resolution adopting the 1998-1999 goals and objectives? Summary and Recommendation: At the last workshop, City Council reviewed 1998- 1999 goals and objectives. Staff recommends approving a resolution formally adopting the 1998-1999 goals. The next step in this process. is prioritizing the 1999 capital improvement projects, and integrating the objectives into departmental work plans via the 1999 budget. The draft goals and objectives as discussed at the June 2 workshop are also included for your information. (- U67 RESOLUTION NO. . A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, adopting the 1998 - 1999 goals and objectives. WHEREAS, the setting of goals provides unity~d direction for the City, addresses community needs, and provides a plan for the City organization; and WHEREAS, having objectives translates those goals into action plans, and specifically advances the City toward its goals; and WHEREAS, the annual budget should reflect the goals and objectives of the community and City Council; and WHEREAS, the budget process should allocate resources toward the attainment of goals, making those goals a reality; '. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Port Angeles adopts the attached goals and objectives for the 1998 - 1999 fiscal year. I PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 16th day of June, 1998. ATTEST: Gary Braun, Mayor Becky J. Upton, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Craig D. Knutson, City Attorney . -1- U68 THE CITY OF ~:, ,~ -... Ti'8..: .-' .. - _"),,t l" .~...... .; -":'f:_~':,_._~.:'""~.~"~,_,,.. , ~' ~:p' ~- WAS H I N G'T 0 N. U. S. 1918..1989 Goata Improve the Financial Stability of Port Angeles Update and improve, long range fi- nancial projections/plans. -Avoid di- minishing operating reserves and designate fund balance for emergen- cies, maintenance and capital. -De- velop five-year equipment replace- ment plan. -Minimize 1999 property tax increase by developing revenue options and reviewing all vacant posi- tions for optimal efficiency to ensure cost effective City operations and service delivery. -Seek return of non- local tax dollars by actively pursuing state and federal grants and loans. Promote High Quality of Health and Public Safety Continue to support teen and youth programs, and family services. - Eval- uate the needs of public safety equip- ment and personnel. - Initiate safety program in schools. -Promote emer- gency preparedness both in the home and business. -Encourage fire safety for citizens by promoting smoke de- tector testing and installation of sprin- klers in the home. -Use technology to improve public safety services and reduce costs. -Allocate resources for misdemeanor prosecution. Increase City Influence on State legislation and U.S. Congress Maintain active role with state and con- gressionallegislators and participate in state and federal legislative processes. -Support and remain active in the Asso- ciation of Washington Cities. -Monitor Elwha Dam issues and protect our water and power supply. Maintain and Develop City Facili- ties, Infrastructure, and Pro- grams Plan for electric utility restructuring. -Finalize decision to decommission Morse Creek Hydroelectric Project. -Develop water supply comprehensive plan, watershed plan, protecting water rights and domestic supplies. -Reduce combined sewer overflows and evaluate funding options for stormwater projects. -Maximize landfill life and plan for long-term disposal. -Complete feasibility study for renovation of the William Shore Memorial Pool. -Complete grant funded recreation projects. -Remove addition and place tenant in Carnegie Library. -Begin some elements of the Valley Creek Park. -Promote an "adopt- k" a-par program. Enhance Work Environment and Promote Employee Excellence Expand training for employees through the leadership academy. -Continue Customer Commitment program, and Bureaucracy Busting process. -Integrate the City's Statement of Values into the workplace. -Continue employee incen- tive programs. Statement of Values Enhance and Increase Economic Development in Port Angeles and Clallam County Provide Council oversight and sup- port to ''Port Angeles Works!". -Inves- tigate potential for creating fami/} wage jobs at the Rayonier industrial site. -Collaborate with citizens and the Port of Port Angeles, and develop the best use of Oak Street Property. -Con- sider options for the Lee Hotel. - De- velop the Urban Growth Area annex- ation plan and implement an educa- tional campaign. - Continue to sup- port efforts of the Economic Develop- ment Council. Improve Intergovernmental Relations Build bridges with other governmen- tal entities by participating in work- shops/discussions. -Finalize tht. wholesale water agreement with tht. Public Utility District. -Collaborate on annexation plans with Clallam County. Enhance the Community's Quality of Life Through Responsible Development of the land and Stewardship of the Natural Environment Promote responsible forest manage- ment and support fish enhancemen1 efforts. - Consider new ordinance for telecommunications. - Review adul1 I entertainment ordinance. -Continue to promote and acknowledge citizens for civic contributions. - Initiate neigh- borhood planning. We, the employees of the City of Port Angeles, share a dedication and commitment to providing quality customer service with honesty integrity and flexibility. · Working as a team, we take pride in providing efficient and effective services for which we are responsiblE and fiSca11ji accountable. · We value a positive attitude, trust, initiative, and compassion with a high standard of professionalism anc open communication. We respect diversity and foster a safe environment. · In partnership with the community, we are stewards 01 our unique environment and quality of life. THE CITY OF .~l~lIS i' W. H I N G TON. U.S. 1998-1999,0081. Improve the Financial Stability of Port Angeles ' Update and improve, long range fi- nancial projections/plans. -Avoid di- minishing operating reserves and designate fund balance for emergen- cies, maintenance and capital. -De- velop five-year equipment replace- ment plan. '-Minimize 1999 property tax increase by developing revenue options and reviewing all vacant posi- tions for optimal efficiency to ensure cost effective City operations and service delivery. -Seek return of non- l~ dollars by actively pursuing s~d federal grants and loans. Promote High Quality of Health and Public Safety Continue' to support teen and youth programs, and family services. - Eval- uate the needs of pub(ic safety equip- ment and personnel.- Initiate safety program in schools. -Promote emer- gency preparedness both in the home and business. -Encourage fire safety for citizens by promoting smoke de- tector testing and installation of sprin- klers in the home. -Use technology to improve public safety services and reduce costs. -Allocate resources for misdemeanor prosecution. Increase City Influence on State Legislation and U.S. Congress Maintain active role with state and con- gressionallegislators and participate in state and federal legislative processes. -Support and remain active in the Asso- ciation of Washington Cities. -Monitor Elwha Dam issues and protect our water and power supply. Maintain and Develop City Facili- ties, Infrastructure, and Pro- grams Plan for electric utility restructuring. -Finalize decision to decommission Morse Creek Hydroelectric Project. -Develop water supply comprehensive plan, watershed plan, protecting water rights and domestic supplies. -Reduce combined sewer overflows and t!"aluate funding options for stormwater projects. -Maximize landfill life and plan for long-term disposal. -Complete feasibility study for renovation of the William Shore Memorial Pool. -Complete grant funded recreation projects. -Remove addition and place tenant in Carnegie Library. -Begin some elements of the Valley Creek Park. -Promote an "adopt- a-park" program. ' Enhance Work Environment and Promote Employee Excellence Expand training for employees through the leadership academy. -Continue Customer Commitment program. and Bureaucracy Busting process. -Integrate the City's Statement of Values into the workplace. -Continue employee incen- tive programs. Enhance and Increase Economic Development in Port Angeles and Clallam County Provide Council oversight and sup- port to "Port Angeles Works!". -Inves- tigate potential for creating family wage jobs at the Rayonier industrial site. -Collaborate with citizens and the Port of Port Angeles, and develop the best use of Oak Street Property. -Con- sider options for the Lee Hotel. - De- velop the Urban Growth Area annex- ation plan and implement an educa- tional campaign. - Continue to sup- port efforts of the Economic Develop- ment Council. ., ~ ~ Improve Intergovernmental Relations Build bridges with other governmen- tal entities by participating in work- shops/discussions. -Finalize the wholesale water agreement with the Public Utility District. -Collaborate on annexation plans with Clallam County . Enhance the Community's Quality of Life Through Responsible Development of the Land ~nd Stewardship of the Natural Environment Promote responsible forest manage- ment and support fish enhancement efforts. - Consider new ordinance for telecommunications. - Review adult entertainment ordinance. -Continue to promote and acknowledge citizens for civic contributions. - Initiate neigh- borhood planning. .. . Statement of Values ~the employees of the City of Port Angeles, share a dedication and commitment to providing qilality customer service with honesty, integrity and flexibility. . Working as a team, we take pride in providing efficient and effective services for which weare responsible and fiscally accountable. . We value a.positive attitude, trust, initiative, and compassion with a high standard of profe~ionalism and open communication. We respect diversity and foster a safe environment. -In partnership with the community, we are stewar9s of our unique environment and quality of life. 069 I~~~.." . -~- ."1:......." ur ~riS WASHINGTON.U.S. 1998.1999 Goa'. Improve the Financial Stability of Port Angeles update and. improve, long range financial projections/plans. -Avoid. diminishing operating reserves and designate fund balance for emer- gencies. maintenance and capital. -Ocvelop five-year equipment re- placement plan. -Minimize 1999 propertY tax increase by developing revenue options. ensuring cost ef- fective City operations. and contin- uing attrition policy. -Seck return of non-local tax dollars by actively pursuing state and federal grants and loans. -Analyze financial im- pacts of electric deregulation. -In- crease the local tax base by recruit- ing new and retaining existing busi- nesses. -Planfor year 2000 compli- ance. -Reduce government. Promote High Quality of Health and Public Safety Cont!nue to support teen and youth programs. and family services through United Way. -Address the need for fire equijJment and penon- nel. -Promote guggcncy prepared- . nCSS both in the home and at busi- nesses. -Encourage fire safety for citizens and promote testing of smo/ce detectors in the home. -Dc- velop a strategy of expanding emer- gency services to the Urban Growth Area. -Eliminate loitering of large grollfJS of youth downtown. -in- crease public awareness of sexual offenders. -Use technology to im- prove public safety services and reduce costs. -Publish low crime rate and statistics. -Allocate time to prosecution. Increase City Influence on State Legislation and U.S. Congress Maintain active role with state and congressional legislators and participate fully in state and federal legislative processes. -Support and remain active in the Association of Washington Cities. -Resolve Elwba Dam issues relative to protecting water and power supply. -Promote town hall sessions during elections. Maintain and Develop City Fa- cilities, Infrastructure, and program~ Plan for electric utility deregulation. -Finalize decision to decommission Mone Creek Hydroelectric Project. -RecoosttUct 8th Street. Peabody and First Street. and improve interseCtion at Lincoln and Boulevard. -Develop water supply comprehensive plan. protecting water rights and domestic supplies. -Ensure timely water, sewer and street preventive maintenance. -Reduce combined sewer overjlqws and evaluate funding options for stormwater projects. -Maximize land- fill life and plan for long-tenD dis- posal. -Accelerate composting pr0- gram at the landfill. -Renovate the William Shore Memorial Pool. -Com- plete funded waterfront trail seg- ments. -Restore and utilize Carnegie Library. -Complete the Valley Creek par/c. <oosider promoting an ..adopt- a-park" program. Enhance Work Environment and Promote Employee Excellence Expand training for employees through the leadership academy- -Continue Customer Commitment program. and BlITeaucracy Busting process. -Integrate the City's State- ment of Valoes into the workplace. -Continue employee incentive pro- grams. Statement of Values Enhance and Increase Economic Development in Port Angeles and Clallam County I ~ t'.~ ,--:.;~- Provide oversight responsibility to committee for promoting "Port Angeles Works!" in the City. -Cre- ate family wage jobs by utilizing the Royonier industrial site. -Collabo- rate with citizens and the Port of Port Angeles , and develop the best use of Oak Street Property. -Evalu- ate options for the Lee Ho- tel. -Encourage and promote leader- . ship academy for business commu- nity. :l" 'I' G~ i ~ Improve Intergovernmental Relations Build bridges with other govern- mental entities by sponsoring com- munity workshops. -Finalize the wholesale water agreement with the Public Utility District. -COllaborate on annexation plans with Clallam County and implement an educational campaign for the east- ern urban growth area. -Provide leadership with other agencies on City issues.-Build liaisons by job shadowing with neighboring entities. -Meet with Board and Commission volunteers. Enhance the Community's Quality of Life Through Responsible Development of the Land and Stewardship of the Natural Environment Promote responsible forest manage- ment and support fish enhancement efforts. -promote the area's high quality environment and schools. _Prepare new ordinances for telecommunications and adult enter- tainment. -Increase private ec0- nomic inveStment to achieve a se- cure. growing community. -Promote and acknowledge citizens for civic projects. We. the ~ of the CIty of Port Angeles. share a dedication and c:ornrniIment ID providing quafty customer service with hone~ integrity and flexibility. _ WoOOnQ as a team. we take pride In providing etfIcient and effecIive serviceS for which we are r8~ and fiscBIy accountable. _ We vaJue a positive attitude. trust. inftiBtNe. and compassion with a high standard of professionalism and open c;ommunication. We respect divefSitY and foster a safe environment. In pattnership with the community. we are steWards of our unique environm8f\t and quality of life. 070 e .. u . ~~~'" "Maintaining and building a better community" Jack PlttJs D1ractor {4801 J Phytlls Rasler Admlnlstratllle AssIstanl {4800J Cafe Rinehart Admlnlstratllle AssIstant {4700J Bob Tnus Deputy D1ractor {4701J Ken Ridout Deputy D1ractor {4802J Gary Kenworthy City Engineer {4803J Tim Smith Contract & Projact AdmInIslnJtor {4804J Lou Haehnlen Sr. 8u1~ng Inspector tf;'61 . Sl>>'1lne r. Electrlcallnspactor {47351 Scott McL..tin ~ AAan8ger {4703J RaJpIt EIJsworth Wall9f, Was/I9wall9f CoIIectJon SupeI1nI8ncJBnt {4855J Pefe Burret1 Equip SeMces SUPMlllllllld9n1 {48351 MMfr SI\Mrfl Ught Opentbons AAan8ger {4731 J KevIn CUtfjs Treat Plant SupetVtsor {4845J Tom Mccabe SW Collection SupeMsor {4876J SI'lMI Evans Land/II SupeMsor {4873J Dave WIlcox StTget MaIntenance Supervtsor {4825J . r _,:><,~'.l/M;'_:" ,t;';/{':l-~; , " ,~.~z(~",:,~t:';,::~:;\\D;""" x 'I} A, MEM~.RANDUM rr c. ,._~" '.,e'.,,,:":>; 2: " DATE: JUNE 16, 1998 TO: MAYOR BRAUN AND CITY COUNCIL JACK PITTIS, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS/INTERIM CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: CONTRACT AUTHORIZATION FOR CITY MANAGER FROM: SUMMARY and RECOMMENDATION: The materials attached were provided at the request of Councilman Hulett should the Council desire to revise the contracting authority of t/;le .City Manager, a revised resolution would be needed. I have no recommendation. . ) ISSUE: Should the City Council revise the authority of the City Manager to sign contracts? BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS: At the request of Councilman Hulett, I have attached the latest ordinances relating to the contracting authority of the City Manager. Prior to December 1995 the City Manager had the authority to sign contracts up to $5,000, thereafter the limit was raised to the current $15,000 as shown in Resolution 28-95. Should the City Council desire to change the limits of contract authority for the City Man~ger, then instruction to staff would be needed to establish the limits desired for preparation of a resolution. JNP:jp Disk: N:\COUNCIL\CM-CONTR.616 File: None Attachments: Resolution 41-91 and ~ Copy: None 071 .. -: . ..:~ !I I . I , :1 !I RESOLUTION NO. 41-91 " A RESOLUTION of the city Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, delegating authority to enter into certain contracts and repealing Resolution ~. I r ! i I I I land ! WHEREAS, RCW 35A.l1.010 provides that the city may contract may be contracted with by and through the City council: and WHEREAS, there is a need for the city to enter into many il'contracts of a relative minor or routine, nature: and I WHEREAS, it is in the interest of efficient administration !IOf City government to establish a uniform dollar figure amount as i iappropriate for delegating authority to enter into such contracts i ,to the City Manager or his designee so long as such authority is tI i,l',within certain well-defined limits: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of i t.: I City of Port Angeles as follows: \ 'I " :1 ; authorized to enter intCl contracts provided that the following I 'conditions are ~et: I Section 1. The City Manager or his designee is hereby , 1. :1 'Iexcess of five thousand'dollars ($5,000), and formal bidding is not The contract does not obligate the city to expend in : required. 2. If the particular expenditure of City funds has been 'approved in the City Budget as approved by the City Council. ,i i Section 2. Resolution ~ is hereby repealed. " ! PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at i :ja regular meeting of said Council held on the 17th day of December, i :11991. Ii cr-f? ~rt ,ATTEST: : Aotl.a,,~ . .~ ,Becky J. Upt: n, IIAPPRO AS 'I / I Craig :1 IIWJ\ ~ -.L- City Attorney 072 ei \ I I JFt.. C ty Clerk "'~';i ',;:.~''j:i ";:'J":i":'-,:ih<',~ . "~I :~~L':"""":(:!',,t~/ll~l~~~~;I:';~:$; il . RESOLUTION NO. 28-95 ; ! I ; " A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, delegating authority to enter into contracts not exceeding $~5, 000 and repealing Resolution 41-91. ,! ,I WHEREAS, RCW 35A. ~L o~o provides that the City'may contract and may be contracted with, by and through the City Council; and WHEREAS, there is a need for the City to enter into many ., ,contracts of a relatively minor or routine nature; and I WHEREAS, it is in the interest of efficient administration of City government to establish a uniform dollar figure amount as ;appropriate for delegating authority to enter into such contracts ito the City Manager or his designee so long as such authority is 'within certain well-defined limits; . 'i ,I NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the :City of Port Angeles as follows: Section 1. The City Manager or his designee is hereby.; I authorized to enter into contracts provided that the following conditions are met: 1. The contract does not obligate the .City to expend in excess of Fifteen Thousand Dollars ($15,000), and bidding is not required. 2. The particular expenditure of City funds has been approved in the City Budget as approved by the City Council. 3. The City Manager or his designee shall notify the ,Council in writing of contracts entered into pursuant to this resolution, which contracts are for expenditures between $7,500 and $15,000. . Section 2. Resolution 41-91 is hereby repealed. 073 074 ....'...,'....,.'...'.. ;~ '" ; .' . . r Jack Pittis Director {4B01] Phyllis Rasler Administrative Assistan~{4805] Cate Rinehart Administrative Assistant {4700] Bob Titus Deputy Director {4701] Ken Ridout Deputy Director {4B02] Gary Kenworthy City Engineer {4B03] Steve Hursh Engineering Manager {4702] Tim Smith Contract & Project .mistrator [4804] Haehnlen Sr. Buildmg Inspector {4816} Tom Sperlme Sr. ElectncallnspectOr [4735] Scott McLam Power Manaper [4703] Ralph EUSWOIfh Water, Wastewater CoIIect1OIl Supenntendent [4855] Pete Burrett EqUIp SeMc:es Supenntendent [4835} Marl< Shamp Llght Operations Manaper [4731] KeVIn Gums Treat. Plant Supervisor [4845] Tom McCabe SW CoIlecbon Supervisor [4876] Steve Evans. Landfill Supervisor [4873] . ')IV 9. MEMORANDUM DATE: June 12,1998 TO: City Manager Pittis, Mayor Braun and Council Members FROM: Bob Titus, Deputy Dir~ctor of Utility Services ~ SUBJECT: "NT" Transmission Agreement with Bonneville Power Administration Summary and Recommendation: With the functional split of the Bonneville Power. Administration (BPA) into a power marketing agency and a transmission agency we need to have separate agreements to adequately provide o'ur customers with the energy services they require. Negotiations on an agreement to provide City Light with transmission services have recently concluded and a satisfactory agreement is ready to be acted on by the Council. It is recommended that the City Council authorize the Mayor to sign the NT Transmission Agreement with BPA. Background: We have been "negotiating" with the Bonneville Power Administration since October of 1996 for a transmission agreement. When BP A adopted new rates in 1996 they established separate power and transmission rates and for the first time required us to sign a separate transmission agreement in addition to a power sales agreement. At the same time, BP A functionally split into a power business line and a transmission business line with separate staff. We prevailed on 95% of the disputed provisions and feel that it is in our best interests to enter an agreement at this time. BP A transmission rates have provisions for charging for services required to support customer supplied load. Initial discussions with BPA's transmission group indicated that they would consider the Elwha Dams las requiring such services which would result in a charge of as much as $30,000 per month. This cost, billed to the City, would in turn be billed to Daishowa. Many of the same issues were argued with BPA's marketing people. with regard to providing generating services for the dams. After considerable discussion in early 1997, we prevailed in convincing BP A that the way the dams and the mill are operated in fact doesn't require additional services spell~d ~ut in rates. The only issue we did not prevail on has b do with transmission service for our Columbia Storage Project Entitlement (CSPE) power purchase and was a technical dispute that is minor compared to the issues resolved in our favor. Since it took us more than 18 months to get to this point, it doesn't seem prudent to continue to push this issue. We worked with specific individuals at BPA and received a favorable interpretation of rate provisions in the current agreement. If something were to happen to these individuals we would have to start over at best and in the worst case could find ourselves with a less satisfactory interpretation. To protect the progress we have made we think the best interests of our customers would be served by entering into the agreement. A copy of the agreement will be available at the meeting but because of its size, I am not attaching a copy of the agreement with this memo. The agreement is currently under review by WPAG attorney Terry Mundorf. 075 G7G . . . I- I "Malntalnlng and building a better community" Jack Plttis Director {4801J Phyllis Rasler AdmInistrative AssIstant {4800J Cafe Rinehart AdmInistrative AssIstant {4700J -- Bob Tnus Deputy Director {4701 J Ken Ridout Deputy Director (4802J Gal)' Kenwot1hy City Engineer {4803J Tim Smith ContTBCt & Project AdnWnJstrator {4804J Lou HsellnlM .Bullang /nsp8Ctor 6J Tom Sperflne Sr. EIectncltIInspec10r {473S] Soon MeUm Power IrfanIIger {4703] RaJpII EbwotftI Wall9r, Wasll9Wall9r CoI/ectJon Supetln/IIInd9nt {4I55] Pe#e Butretf Equip. SeMces Superln/'8tld8nt {4I3S] M.wll S~ Ught Operations MlmltgBr {4731 J KevIn Curtis TI88t. PUtnt SuperMor {4I45] Tom McCabe SW CoIIaction Supervisor {4876J SIWe Evans LandfIll Supervisor {4873] 0111/9 WIlcox ~~tenBnce ~.~ {482SJ . . ,XV 0. MEMORANDUM DATE: JUNE 16, 1998 MA VOR BRAUN AND CITY COUNCIL TO: FROM: JACK PITTIS, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS/INTERIM CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: ANNEXATION UPDATE A few weeks ago, the .City Council requested that staff prepare additional' information concerning issues to be addressed and projected costs related to annexation of the UGA (Urban Growth Area) east of the City. .' During our analysis, it has become evident that a discussion between representatives of the City Council and Clallam County Commissioners would be very helpful to set the stage for further staff discussions about annexation. I would request that the City Council select two or three members for a sit down discussion with the County Commissioners, maybe at one of their work sessions. I will be prepared to go into this issue more at the council meeting at your request. r)() ~}/ by Ja Pittis DirectOr/of Public Works/ Interimtity Manager JNP:jp Disk: N:\PWKS\ADMIN\ANNEX\COUNCIL616 File: Annexation Strategies Attachments: None Copy: 077 ~":F e. e e 078 g M .~~ "Maintaining and building a better community" Jack Plttis Dll9Ctor {4801J Phyllis Rasler Administrative Ass/stant {4800J Cate Rinehart Administrative AssIstant {4700J Bob Titus Deputy D1l9Ctor {4701J Ken Ridout Deputy Dll9Ctor {4802J Gary KenWOlthy City Engineer {4803J Ste1/9 Hursh Engineering Manager {4702J Tim Smith Contract & Project .dmlnlStTatOr {4804J ou Haehnlen Sr. Building Inspector {4815J Tom Sperllne Sr. EJ6ctncaJ Inspector {4735J Scott M/:LBin Power Manager {4703J Ralph EI/sWOIth Water. W8Sl9Wa/er CoIJ6ctJo/1 Superintendent {4855J PeIe Burrett Equip SeMces Superintendent {4835J Mar/( Shamp light Operations Manager {4731J Kevin Curtis Troat. Plant Supervisor {4845J Tom McCabe S W CoIJ6ctJo/1 Supervisor [4875J SteII9 Evans landfill Supervisor .,.,4873J . ~1/9 Wilcox Street Maintenance Supervisor {482SJ xv j/, MEMORANDUM DATE: June 11, 1998 TO: City Manager Pittis, Mayor Braun, and City Council FROM: Public Works Department ( SUBJECT: Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Recommendation for awarding Port Angeles Tourism Marketing Program Contract SUMMARY and RECOMMENDA11ON: The Lodging Tax Advisory Committee has met and considered responses to a Request for Proposals (RFP) for the purpose of implementing the Port Angeles Tourism Marketing Program funded through the recently adopted +2% lodging tax. The RFP focused on a comprehensive program designed to increase lodging sales in the shoulder and oft seasons. The committee received three proposals and have selected the proposal submitted by the Port Angeles Chamber of Commerce and North Olympic Peninsula VISitors and Convention Bureau partnership. The attached agreement outlines the scope and responsibilities of a multi-year contract to increase Port Angeles lodging establishment sales by an average of 5% per year over the next three years, with an option to renew for an additional two years. We recommend that the City Council authorize the Mayor to sign the attached contract. ISSUE: Shall the City of Port Angeles enter into an agreement with the Port Angeles Chamber of Commerce and North Olympic Peninsula VISitors and Convention Bureau to implement the Port Angeles Tourism Marketing Program? BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS: Last April, the City Council implemented a recommendation by the Port Angeles Lodging Tax Advisory Committee (L TAC) to increase the local lodging tax by 2%. The additional funds, which are being collected by Port Angeles lodging establishments, are reimbursed back to the community to use in locally determined efforts to increase tourism. In recommending the City implement the additional tax, the L T AC also recommended the funds be used with the specific goal of increasing lodging night sales in our traditional shoulder and off season, (Sept. through May). The L T AC outlined their marketing focus in a Request for Proposals (RFP), which targeted a program to be delivered under contract bya professional tourism marketing organization. Release. of the RFP was authorized by City Council, and attracted three proposals which were reviewed by the LTAC. After the review, which included presentations by each of the three proposers, the LTAC unanimously selected the proposal received from the Port Angeles Chamber of Commerce and North Olympic Peninsula VISitors and Convention Bureau. Upon further discussion between the L TAC and the ChamberNCB partnership regarding the implementation of the proposal, the attached contract has been developed for City Council consideration. The contract outlines the implementation of a three year contract , with an option to renew for an additional two years, at an annual budget not to exceed $150,OOO/year. The recommended program provides a comprehensive tourism marketing program and includes several deliverable products within' the contract scope of work, with the overall goal of measurably increasing Port Angeles lodging establishment sales by an average of 5% per year. ~~~~ Timothy J. s~itA, ContractslProjects Administrator N:\TEMP\L TACCONT.WPD 079 -" . . " . 080 .~ . CONTRACT FOR TOURISM MARKETING PROGRAM TIllS CONTRACT is entered into this _ day of , 1998, by. and between the City of Port Angeles; Washington, hereinafter called "City", and the Port Angeles Chambe~ of Commerce and tbe Nortb Olympic Visitor and Convention Bureau, non-profit corporations, hereinafter called "Contractor". REPRESENTATIONS I. It is in the public interest for hotel/motel tax funds to be expended for tourist promotion services in the City of Port Angeles: 2. Pursuant to RCW 67.28.1815 and Chapter 3.48 PAMC, the City of Port Angeles is authorized to expend special excise tax funds for "tourist promotion purposes", which is defined in RCW 67.28.080(6)to mean activities and expenditures designed to increase tourism, including but not limited to advertising, publicizing, or otherwise distributing information for the purpose of . attracting and welcoming tourists, developing strategies to expand tourism, operating tourism promotion agencies, and funding marketing of special events and festivals designed to attract tourists . 3. Pursuant to RCW 67.28.1817 and PAMC 2.70.050, the City's Lodging Tax Advisory Committee has recommended and the City Council has implemented an additional 2% lodging excise tax above the .standard 2% previous rate. The Committee has also recommended, and by entering into this Contract the CounCil has concurred, that the additional 2% tax be allocated to a tourism marketing program that would promote Port Angeles as a year-round tourist destination. 4. The Contractor is able and willing to provide a tourism marketing program in the form of advertising, publicizing, or otherwise distributing information for the purpose of attracting and welcoming tourists to Port Angeles as a year-round tourist destination for the Olympic Peninsula, Olympic National Park, Olympic National Forest, and Victoria, B.C. vicinity. AGREEMENTS In consideration of the above representations and the payments, covenants and agreements . - 1- 081 hereinafter mentioned, to be made and performed by the parties hereto, the parties covenant and agree as follows: 1. Scope of Services. A. Port Anieles Tourism Marketini ProiP"am. . (1 ) Th~ Contractor will perform tourist promotion services in the form of a marketing program, in accordance with the Scope of Work attached hereto as Exhibit" A" and the lodging tax funding .proposal of the Contractor attached hereto as Exhibit "B". . (2) The Contractor agrees that all tourist promotion funds received from the City will promote tourism within the City of Port Angeles and not individual members of the Contractor. (3) The Contractor further agrees that no tourist promotion funds received from the City under this Contract will duplicate or supplant those tourist promotion funds received by the Contractor from the City under the April 7, 1998, Contract between the parties. B. Additional Services. The Contractor may provide additional services consistent with those services described in this Section, provided that the City will compensate the Contractor for each additional service only to the extent that all services described within this Section have been satisfactorily performed and to the extent that funds remain under the total payment amount set forth in Section 3. . . 2. Duration ofCoritr8ct. The performance of the Contractor shall commence on the 1st day of June, 1998, and terminate on the 31st day of May, 200 1. The duration of the Contract may be extended for an additional two years upon the mutual written agreement of the parties hereto and pursuant to the terms and conditions of the Contract. The Contract may be terminated by the City with or without cause upon thirty days' written notice to the Contractor. 3. Compensation and Method of Payment. In consideration of the services to be performed in Section 1, and upon receipt and acceptance by the City Manager of the Contractors monthly invoices, the City will reimburse the Contractor for services rendered provided that the total of the monthly payments shall not exceed $150,000.00 per year. . - 2- 082 . . . 4. Record Keepina and Reportina. A. The Contractor shall provide the City with the annual budgets of the Port Angeles Chamber of Commerce and the North Olympic Peninsula Visitor and Convention Bureau for each year that this Contract remains in effect, which shall include current salaries and b~nefits for all employees and cl~sifications of employees. The Contractor shall notify the City within 30 days of any increases in salaries or benefits from the previous year. ( . B. The Contractor shall provide the City with reports fully describing what work has been performed pursuant to this Contract, how the work relates to the services and activities set forth in Section 1, identifying how the work has contributed to increased lodging visits to Port Angeles, and including a current statement of revenues and costs. Said reports shall accompany the monthly invoices. At the end of each twelve-month period, the final monthly report shall include a complete annual report describing and detailing how the performance of the services has been accomplished in accordance with this Contract. C. The Contractor shall use its best efforts to economize on overhead expenses to the maximum extent feasible in providing the services to be performed pursuant to this Contract. 5. Travel. The City has adopted policies for the reimbursement of travel expenses. Designed to conserve public funds, these policies limit reimbursement for transportation, lodging and meal expenses to Federal per diem standards (attached as Exhibit"C"). The City strongly en- courages the Contractor to adopt similar policies for any travel supported by City lodging tax funds. 6. Independent Contractor St~tus. The relation created by this Contract is that of independent contracting entities. The Contractor is not an employee of the City and'is not entitled to the benefits provided by the City to its employees. The Contractor, as an independent contractor. has the authority to control and direct the performance of the details of the services to be provided. The Contractor shall assume full responsibility for payment of all Federal, State, and local taxes or contributions imposed or required, including, but not limited to, unemployment insurance, Social Security, and income tax. 7. Hold Harmless and Indemnification. The Contractor shall protect, defend, save harmless. and indemnify the City, its officers, agents, and employees from and against any and all claims, damages, losses, and expenses, including reasonable attorney's fees, occurring, arising, or - 3- 083 resulting from supplying work, services, materials, or supplies in connection with the performance of this Contract. 8. Breach. A. In the event of either party's material breach of the terms or conditions of this Contract, the non-breaching party reserves the right to withhold payments or services until corrective action has.been taken or completed. However, the party shall not exercise this right until they have given written notice of such material breach to the breaching party and ten days have passed since the receipt of 'such notice. This option is'in addition to and not in lieu of the parties' right to terminate this Contract or any other right which State law offers for breach of contract. ' B. If either party shall materially breach any of the covenants undertaken herein or any of the duties imposed upon it by this Contract, such material breach shall entitle the other party to terminate this Contract, provided that the party desiring to terminate for such cause shall give the offending party at least twenty days' written notice, specifying the particulars wherein it is claimed that there has been a violation hereof, and if at the end of such time, the party notified has not removed the cause of complaint, or remedied the purported violation, then the termination of this Contract shall be deemed complete. 9. Non-Discrimination. The Contractor shall conduct its business in a manner which assures fair, equal an~ non-discriminatory treatment of all persons, without respect to race, creed or national origin, and, in particular: A. The Contractor shall maintain open hiring' and employment practices and will welcome applications for employment in all positions, from qualified individuals , , \ who are members of minorities protected by federal equal opportunity/affirmative ' action requirements; and, B. The Contractor shall comply with 'all requirements of applicable federal, state or local laws or regulatio'ns issued pursuant thereto, relating to the establishment of non-discriminatory requirements in hiring and employment practices and assuring the service of all persons without discrimination as to any person's race, color, religion, sex, Vietnam era veteran's status, disabled veteran condition, physical or mental handicap, or national origin. I 10, Entire Contract. The parties agree that this Contract is the complete expression of the terms hereto and any oral representation or understanding not incorporated herein is excluded. Further, any modification of this Contract shall be in writing and signed by both parties. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto caused this Contract to be executed the day - 4- . . . 084 ~_u_ . and year first hereinabove written. CITY OF PORT ANGELES . . Mayor ATTEST: Becky 1. Upton, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Craig D. Knutson, City Attorney A:..c9I. m PORT ANGELES CHAMBER OF COMMERCE " By: President ATTEST: By: Secretary I' .~. fl.. ~.;.'~" ~ ,,,",. "i.i\, I 1;' ~". i NORTHOL YMPIC VISITOR AND CONVENTION BUREAU By: President ATTEST: By: Secretary - 5- 085 Exhibit A PORT ANGELES TOURISM MARKETING PROGRAM Scope of Work OBJECTIVES: The Port Angeles Chamber of Commerce and the North Olympic Peninsula Visitors and Convention Bureau, in partnership toward the PORT ANGELES TOURISM MARKETING PROGRAM, agree to provide professional tourisf'D marketing services to the City of Port Angeles through the design and implementation of a tourism marketing program which promotes Port Angeles, Washington as a year-round tourist destination for the Olympic Peninsula, Olympic National Park, Olympic National Forest, and Victoria B.C. vicinity. The specific objectives of the tourism marketing program are as follows: 1 . Tourism Proarams Inventorv Inventory existing tourism programs, service providers, and marketing areas. Identify those that are successful in promoting Port Angeles lodging sales, with emphasis on the "shoulder" and "off' seasons months of September through May. '''1 " .~ , e, i i ! , Product: Written report on current tourism programs, which shall emphasize e successful, existing "shoulder" and "off' season promotions. Due Date: 45 days from date of signing contract. 2. Tourism Marketina Plan and Implementation Strateav Identify and implement a cohesive, regional tourism marketing and promotional approach that directly promotes and increases year-round tourism and overnight lodging in Port Angeles. WA. Marketing Program strategy shall emphasize primary Port Angeles tourism markets in Puget Sound and the Interstate 5 regions, together with other appropriate markets identified in TOURISM MARKETING ANAL YSIS.North Olvmpic Peninsula. February 1995 (Dean Runvan Associates), and the inventorycbnducted under Objective #1. Product: Written report and presentation. Due Date: 60 days from date of signing contract. 086 e 1-- . . . . ",,;~~"-"~,~,~>~,,\';'f'-~ Scope of Work PORT ANGELES TOURISM MARKETING PROGRAM 3. Lodaina Sales Growth Increase overnight lodging and repeat visitation, with particular emphasis on increasing the "shoulder and off season" months of September through May, with the goal of '-!"Deasurably increasing total annual lodging sales as measured by lodging tax revenues plus the following additional measurements: . (1:) Actual lodging night sale ce5unts from Port Angeles lodging establishments as reported to the office of City Clerk by Port Angeles lodging establishments. (2.) Tourism inquiries converted into number of visits using conversion correlation formula. ,~ Product: Written Monthly Reports and Annual Presentation Targets: (A.) an average lodging growth of at least 5% per year within the 18 months. (B.) an average lodging growth of at least 5% per year at the end of the initial three year term. ' Due Date: Monthly and Annually beginning 30 days from date of signing contract. 4. Joint Marketina Campaian Identify, develop and implement cooperat.ive strategies for joint marketing with other tourism campaigns throughout the region with particular emphasis on the Olympic Peninsula, Olympic National Park, Olympic. National Forest and Victoria, B.C. vicinity. Product: . Cooperative Tourism Marketing Plan and Implementation Strategy (verbal presentation to Lodging Tax Advisory Committee and the City Council). Due Date: January 1999 5. Promotion of year-round Tourism Assist promotion of year-round local and regional facilities, festivals and special events to increase overnight lodging in Port Angeles, WA. 087 Scope of Work PORT ANGELES TOURISM MARKETING PROGRAM 3. Lodaina Sales Growth Increase overnight lodging and repeat visitation, with particular emphasis on increasing the "shoulder and off season" months of September through May, with the goal of measurably increasing total annual lodging sales as measured by lodging tax revenues plus the following additional measurements: (1.) ActuallQdging night sale counts from Port Angeles lodging establishments as reported to the office of City Clerk by Port Angeles lodging establishments. (2.) Tourism inquiries converted into number of visits using conversion correlation formula. Product: Written Monthly Reports and Annual Presentation Targets: (A) an average lodging growth of at least 5% per year within the 18 months. (B.) an average lodging growth of at least 5% per year at the end of the initial three year term. Due Date: Monthly and Annually beginning 30 days from date of signing contract. 4. Joint Marketina Campaian Identify, develop and i"mplement cooperative strategies for joint marketing with other tourism campaigns throughout the region with particular emphasis on the Olympic Peninsula, Olympic National Park, Olympic National Forest and Victoria, B.C. vicinity. Product: Cooperative Tourism Marketing Plan and Implementation Strategy (verbal presentation to the City's Lodging Tax Advisory Committee and the City Council). Due Date: January 1999 5. Promotion of year-round Tourism . . Assist promotion of year-round local and regional facilities, festivals and special events to increase overnight lodging in Port Angeles, WA ' . 088 CITY COUNCIL MEMORANDUM June 16, 1998 To: City Manager, Mayor and Council From: Scott Brodhun, Parks & Rec. Director Re: Francis St. Property Purchase Find attached a historical perspective of the Francis St. property Issue. Below are tables pertaining to the timing of appraisals, the order of offers and counteroffers since the council last discussed the Issue, and an estimate of city funding required to carry out the acquisition. If It Is the City Councils desire to pursue this acquisition a motion authorizing staff to proceed would be appropriate. Toward that end. it is recommended that the City Council authorize the staff to proceed with the acquisition as outlined and conditioned in the June 11. 1998 letter to Paul Cronauer. HISTORY OF PROPERTY APPRAISALS Date Activity Comments 1995-96 Appraisal of Property In Preparation for Grant Application 1997 Appraisal of Property , Completed ~fter Contract With lAC 1997 Review Appraisal Conducted by State DOT 1998 Re-Appraisal Considering Planning/Other Conditions OFFERS/COUNTEROFFERS SINCE LAST COUNCIL MEETING DISCUSSION 111';i~!~: . FUNDING ANALYSIS APPRAISED VALUE APPRAISED VALUE TOTAL PURCHASE lAC MATCH NET COST TO SUBJECT DONATED PROPERTY VALUE PRICE 50% CITY 464,000 50,000 514,000 375,000 257,000 118,000 464,000 80,000 + 544,000 375,000 272,000 103,000 Note: The grant allowed a total project (development and acquisition) of$544,OOO. By utilizing all of the donated property a. match, we may reach the limits of the grant prior to beginning development. Therefore, council may wish to consider utilizing aome of the reimbursement for the development portion of the project. The cash match Is provided by the WaterlWastewater utility, and the budgeta..umptlon has been an expenditure of $225,000 - $250,000. . tacsil11ile TRA N 5 M ITTAL - to: Paul Cionauer fax #: 403-538-4484, re: Offer of Purchase -date: June 11, 1998 pages: 1, including this cover sheet. Paul, Find attached an offer to purchase, providing an option for you on the 1 lot that has become a sticking point. The council remains deeply concerned with the slide, I think it has been under estimated in the description provided to you. Also, you mayor may not be aware, I was utilizing this grant and the city cash contribution as match to another grant for purchase of property between Rayonier and Morse Creek. I have discovered another method of providing that matcp., thus I don't need the Francis St. property for that purpose. I will update the Council on this development Tues. evening and I am not sure what their reaction will be. My sense is that we are nearing the end of negotiation for your property. The recent step backwards has reduced my enthusiasm for the purchase (and believe me I am the ONLY one providing enthusiasm for the project). Please let Mari( 4550) or I know that you recieved this. From the desk of... Scott Brodhun Parks and Recreation Director City of Port Angeles 321 East Fifth Port Angeles, Washington 98362 360-417-4551 Fax: 360-417-4559 CITY OF PORT ANGELES PARKS & RECREATION 321 East Fifth Street, PO Box 1150 Port Angeles, Washington 98362-1150 Phone (360) 417-4555 Fax (360) 417-4559 TTY Phone (360) 417-4645 OFFER OF PURCHASE June II, 1998 Mr. Paul Cronauer P.O. Box 282 Port Angeles, Washington 98362 RE: Offer of Purchase Dear Mr. Cronauer, I am authorized to offer $375,000 for the uplands and tidelands, including Lot I of Blk.4. I am also authorized to submit an offer of $350,000 should you wish to remove Lot I, Blk 4, from the transfer and sale. The offers are contingent as described below. (!) A completed hazardous materials report that is acceptable to the City of Port Angeles & State of Washington. (g) Completed City investigation into access to tidelands from City right of way. @ A completed title report/property profile that is acceptable to the City. @ State approval of a scope of work amendment to the grant contract allowing inclusion of the tidelands. CID It will be the sellers obligation to establish the value of the tidelands utilizing a qualified real estate appraiser having one or more of the following nationally recognized professional designations; MAl, RM, SREA, SRA, SRPA, AM. @ Prior to closing, City will want access to property to examine the stability of the bluff, specifically in the area of a recent slide. a.> City CounCil Approval I am committed to moving the closing along as rapidly as possible. The sale and transfer can be completed on or before June 30, 1998. Please acknowledge this offer as soon as possible, but not later than Monday, June IS, 1998, 5:00 pm. Sinc.ereIY, ~ ~~-2- Scott J. Brodhun, Director Parks & Recreation ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................... I accept the offer of $350,000, not including Lot I, Blk. 4. Signed (owner) I accept the offer of $375,000 including Lot I, Blk. 4. Signed (owner) ;: d\li.-aO-_" 1.0:08.. p.A. "arks" Rec '-.-/ 360 417 "::0"''' e ~~ I -. - - ,/ v .~ CITY OF PORT ANGELES 1'4."1' " IUiClU(ATlUN :\21 F,n~tl..('h !I\n;OI. rQ 0..,& 1I~1 "tilt An.~":.. Wa....;nllllln 'JIl162 .11 SO 1'I101K' (3fl(1l.I7"U~' Fall (:lr.oHI7-USY 'rrv ~ t3bU\ 417 4M~ pFFER O~ PURCHASE June 11. 1998 Mr. PaulCrroauer P.O. b7.8l .'or\~$, ~9S362 IE: Offer at P"rch.. Dear Mr. C~. I amNl10rlMl to .r$375.ooo (or the uplar1d~ anct tidelands. indudin& lot I of 8\k. ". IIITI aI$O authorited to submit ~Il o/rer a $350.000 shoUd )"OU wish to remcNe. lot I. 8Ik 4. from the tt\1nSftr and SlIIe. The offt!rs I"- contircen1as <ks1c;nbed below. (p A COJ11pleted hnatdolJf ",*riIIs Nport lh.~ it _ptable 1Q \he (..ity of ~ort Metl" . St_ of W..N!lItM. Co~d City in\/IUtip1iOIl into access 19 tidoe~ld. "om City "Ihl 01 way, A c:ompIf!ted tit!. rtpott,'po'opM)' prnilfl that i$ ecceptable \0"" City. Stale ~ of ~ st-op. d -n IIRlndmant to eM pntc.o"lrKl6Jtowifll incluaift" of1he 1idcllndt. It'4Wjl be 1he st!el! ~ to esUblitt. the \IIIIue or 1he tidelaftds utiNinc II qlJAl;r..d ruI mate aJlP"!iser ~ one CI' moro ole. followinK ~ ruop1ized ... _fional _pliont: MAl. I'M. SRfA. SAA, Sf;l.PA. MA. Prinr to cIosill~ Cilr will w&nl~ W property t) ~ 1h. lllbili~ or the bIuf. specr..;.lly i1'11f>e 11'0. of. r.c:enl ,lide. . . 61 . ~ al City CoiI,ail ~ i ~ ~ TO ~th: closing t10l't as rapidly as possible. The U\e and trarYifer can be completed on 0( before )lOC 30. I ~Ii. P11'~ ac;knowIed~ VIIs Offer as soon as possible. IN! not tiller th4-" Mof1day. JlIY: IS. 1998. 5:00 pm. Sl~~ s,:olt J. Brodtlun. nnc.tor !'uks & ~r.reMi<.", ......._...___......_____.___...._..__.u._______...__............__._..._..._____.........._....._......._.._.....____...____...._ I aa::ept the elIIer d $350,000. not including Lot :. fl/(. ... SIgned (O'M'1er) ~ the Oller ~ $375.000 Indl.din& let 1.1lI1t. 4. .~~~~ ~~d (ov.ner) o.J.e.~ W ~~t7~"I ..u1~ c."'A/2.~....eLe (c)>o\ilD(Suj J ~ ~04-u~e~u"",\~ ~~4.a..VAM\lVl f5,,-, i:lo-~Al.. ~.!~ Date Activity Comments Result 1995-96 Appraisal of Property In Preparation for Grant Application $425,000 1997 Appraisal of Property Completed After Contract With lAC $464,000 1997 Review Appraisal Conducted by State DOT $464,000 1998 Re-Appralsal Considering Planning/Other Conditions $300,000 ESTABLISHING PROPERTY VALUE HISTORY OF OFFERS TO PURCHASE/COUNTEROFFERS " == City Initiated Offers FRANCIS STREET PROPERTY ACQUISITION HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE/TIME LINE 1988 ~ City Council Adoption of Centennial Trail Plan ~ Trail Development Francis St. to Morse Creek 88-94 ~ Grant Funded Acquisitions of Tozier and Wood Properties ~ Wood Purchase - Abandoned Rail Road Right of Way Adjacent to Morse Creek and Trestle Crossing Creek ~ Tozier Purchase - 1100 Lineal Feet of Shoreline Near Mouth of Morse Creek Including Abandoned Rail Road Right of Way (Approx. 5,000 If) ~ Easement Donation - For Trail Purposes on Rail Road Right of Way from Approx. Lees Creek to Tozier Parcel 94-95 ~ First of Two Francis Street Property Appraisals Completed - $425,000 Council Approvai to Submit Grant Application to lAC for Francis St. Acquisition and Development 1995 ~ ~ Water/WasteWater Utility Identified as Fund to Provide Cash Match for Purchase Because of Need for Underground Facilities at site ~ Proposal Includes Funds. for Development Involving Primarily Installation of Handicapped Accessible Trail Head (Soroptimist Commit to Development Match) 1995 ~ Council Approval to Submit Additional Grant Applications ~ Trail Development at Rayonier (ISTEA) ~ Additional Acquisitions Between Rayonier and Morse Creek (DNR) ~ The Grant Aops. Propose Utilizina the Francis st. Purchase to Meet any Matchina Funds Reauirements 95-96 ~ All Grants Score Well Enough to be Funded ~ Legislature Fails to Approve State Capital Budget, Thus Francis St. in Limbo Until 1997 Session Ends 1997 ~ Grant-'Contract for Francis Street Approved by City Council 1997 ~ Second Appraisal Completed - $464,000 CRITICAL ISSUES V Francis St. Property Purchase Provides Match. for Purchase of Deane and Langley Parcels that are Needed for Centennial Trail Development V City must Inform Property OWner of Fair Market Value, However can Negotiate Price V lAC has Provided a Contract Extension on Acquisition Portion of Contract V The Grant Application Contemplated a Purchase Price of $425,000 Plus Closing Costs, for a Total Allowance of $450,000 for the Acquisition Portion of the Grant (The lAC has Indicated that the Only Concern is for the Bottom Line Project Amount of $544,000, However if More Acquisition Money is Spent, Less Development Money is Available) JOUIU.rv 15. 1'" . ~ ~~ j~ \\ '\1] ~ ~~ I CITY CO[jiVCYl JlEJlOJ?AHJ)[jJl~1 CllY OF PORT ANGELES PARKS & RECREATION "Enhancing the Quality of Life" " >> May 29,1997 To: Manager Pomeranz, Mayor Ostrowski & Council Members Fr: Scott Brodhun, Parks & Recreation Director Re: Contract with lAC for Francis St. Property Acquisition & Development EXECUTIVE SUKKARY: A June 20, 1995 resolution of the City Council, authorized two applications for funding assistance to the State Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation (lAC). The applications requested funding for improvements to Volunteer Field, at Lincoln Park, as well as funding to acquire and develop property at Francis St. adjacent to the Waterfront Trail. Each project scored well enough to be funded. The grant contract under consideration pertains to the acquisition and development of the Francis St. property. Although the application scored well, and ~ number 1 ranking assured the city of funding, failure by the 1996 legislature to adopt a supplemental capital budget resulted in a one year delay of project funding. The 1997 legislature has now approved the appro~riate budget and projects, and the lAC has distributed grant contracts. ISSUE: Should the City Council authorize the Mayor to sign a grant contract with the lAC, providing funding assistance for acquisition and development of the Francis St. property? BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS: The grant application included a request for funds to acquire 7 city lots adjacent to the shoreline and Waterfront Trail. Additionally, funds were requested for development of additional parking at the Francis Street trail-head, paved handicapped access to the trail and the addition of amenities to the section of trail from Francis Street to Rayonier, including interpretive signs, picnic tables, trees, benches, etc.. The property was appraised at $425,000 in 1994-1995. The grant award has a sot match requirement, and totals $544,000. Attachment 1 details the project elements. Under the agreement the City assumes responsibility for a $272,000 match that can be cash, in-kind contributions,- donations or a combination of each. The 1997 Water-Wastewater Utility budget allocates $400,000 toward the purchase of the property. The property is well suited for development of underground facilities for combined sewer overflow needs. The remaining match could be met with cash donations (the Soroptimist are supporting the project), budget allocations and additional in-kind support. Continued development of the Waterfront Trail has been a long standing top priority goal of the City Council. The Francis St. property acquisition has also been identified as a priori ty. Wi th continued deveiopment of the trail east, the addition of a handicap accessible trail head becomes more necessary. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council authorize the Mayor to sign the grant agreement with the lAC. cc: SlB1sb . . . (.0J/~ ;/ RECEIVED 'jUN 101998 STATE OF WASHINGTON -"I~Y UI rUft Anl818S DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY P.O. Box 47775 · Olympia, Washington 98504-7775 . (360) 407.6300 June 9, 1998 \ The'Honorable Gary Braun. City of Port Angeles PO Box 1150 Port Angeles, WA 98362 Dear Mayor Braun: The Department of Ecology is pleased to send you this certificate of appreciation as a result of your staff's application for the annual Waste Reduction and Recycling Award for Best Education Program and Most Innovative Program. Dale Miller has long been recognized as an exCeptional coordinator, providing enthusiasm, innovation, and excellence to his recycling tasks. He is a credit to the City and the county which he serves, and our statris always pleased to hear of his newest ideas and program implementation. He does an excellent job of staying in touch with Ecology's regional office and panicipating. when possible, in information-sharing sessions. This opens his abilities to others, and many have emulated pieces of his education programs. Impossible to duplicate -- who else in the business is actually recycled themselves? In recent months Dale has broadened his panicipation in solid waste and recycling issues and developments. We have been particularly pleased with his,contributions to the Clallam-Jefferson Regionalization Team, We are always looking for ~ays to maximize the effectiveness of the program~, and Dale's vision of a common eduCation p~ograrn betWeen the two counties has been seminal in continuing efforts. I am enclosing two copies of the certificate in the event that you would like to have it displayed both at the solid waste facility and at the city offices. We look forward to continuing rapport with the City, and will be pleased to assist you in any way possible. Sincerely, v~LiXd 3wJJ/ Mikel Baxter Awards Committee Southwest Regional Office (360) 407-0067 089 o ..... . . . ---- _. L-- _.___._____n__._ ..----... o c.o o \ ' ~ ... r .. . .~::. .':~:~ .' - .~ . ........ W A :i H I N G r 0 N S I A r r D(~A.Hlt.lLtlr IlF E t: 0 tOG Y Certificate of Appreciation Awarded to CITY OF PORT ANGELES/CLALLAM COUNTY WASTE REDUCTION AND RECYCLING PROGRAM For outstanding contributions to the waste reduction and recycling goals of the state May 5, 1998 r\ <~\~U- Jim Pendowski, Solid Waste Program Manager