HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet 06/18/2013PORTANGELES W A S H I N G T O N . U.S.A. CITY COUNCIL MEETING 321 East 5th Street JUNE 18, 2013 REGULAR MEETING — 6:00 p.m. The Mayor may determine the order of business for a particular City Council meeting. The agenda should be arranged to best serve the needs and/or convenience of the Council and the public. Mayor to determine time of break. The items of business for regular Council meetings may include the following: A. CALL TO ORDER - REGULAR MEETING AT 6:00 P.M. B. ROLL CALL PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE CEREMONIAL MATTERS, PROCLAMATIONS & EMPLOYEE RECOGNITIONS 1. Proclamation — "Korean War Remembrance Week" B-1 C. PUBLIC COMMENT - D. LATE ITEMS TO BE PLACED ON THIS OR FUTURE AGENDAS - E. CONSENT AGENDA /Approve I. City Council Minutes for: June 4, 20/3 E-1 2. Expenditure Approval List: 5/25/13 to 6/7/13 for $1,452,230.33 E-4 3. Police Caprice Sedans (Project CP -13 -014) Authorize Payment for Uplifting Services to Systems for Public Safety, Inc., in the amount of $27,083.60 E -24 4. Combined Sewer Overflow Monitoring /Professional Services Agreement with ADS Environmental, LLC., Amendment No 3, in an amount not to exceed $63,606.00, for an amended agreement total of $322,999.08 E -26 5. Data Center(s) Server Management Hardware Replacement (Project IT03 -12) Approve Purchase Agreements with Insight Public Sector for replacement data centers hardware in the amount of $40,000.00, including sales tax E -28 F. QUASI - JUDICIAL MATTERS — REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS (6:30 P.M. or soon thereafter) None G. PUBLIC HEARINGS — OTHER (6:30 P.M. or soon thereafter) I. 2013 -2019 Capital Facilities Plan (CFP) & Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) l Presentation; Close Public Hearing; Pass Resolution G -1 H. ORDINANCES NOT REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. Management, Administrative and Non - Represented Personnel / Salary Schedule Amendment /Conduct I'" Reading; Continue to July 2, 2013 H -I I. RESOLUTIONS NOT REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS None June 18, 2013 Mayor to determine time of break / Hearing devices available for those needing assistance. Port Angeles City Council Meeting Page - 1 J. OTHER CONSIDERATIONS I . Port Angeles Regional Chamber of Commerce / Update — Russ Veenema, Executive Director None 2. Lauridsen Boulevard Roundabouts Study /InformationOnly — NoAction J -1 K. FINANCE I. Lauridsen Boulevard Bridge Replacement (Project TR42 -99) / Award Contract K -I 2. Performance Testing of Ranney Well (Project WA 13 -023) /Professional Services Agreement. K -3 3. Combined Sewer Overflow Phase 1, Rayonier Diffuser Repair /Modifications (Project 06 -01) IAward Contract K -5 L. COUNCIL REPORTS - M. INFORMATION City Manager Reports: I. PA Forward Committee / Minutes M -1 2. Building Permit Report M -4 3. Police Department Overtime Expenditures for 2013 / Information M -5 N. EXECUTIVE SESSION - O. ADJOURNMENT - PUBLIC HEARINGS Public hearings are set by the City Council in order to meet legal requirements. In addition, the City Council may set a public hearing in order to receive public input prior to making decisions, which impact the citizens. Certain matters may be controversial, and the City Council may choose to seek public opinion through the public hearing process. Mayor to determine time of break / Hearing devices available for those needing assistance. Page - 2 June 18, 2013 Port Angeles City Council Meeting WHEREAS, WHEREAS, WHEREAS, WHEREAS, WHEREAS, PROCLAMATION In Recognition of KOREAN WAR REMEMBRANCE WEEK JUNE 24, 2013 to JUNE 30, 2013 the Korean War erupted on June 25, 1950, with more than 6 million Americans serving, 33,629 lost their lives, and 528 Washington State residents and 6 Clallam County residents were killed in action between 1950 and 1953; and during the Korean War more than 12,000 Americans were in Prisoner of War camps and only 4,000 were returned to American lines on August 27, 1953; and over 8,000 were classified as missing in action and unaccounted for; and over 4,000 men died in prison camps due to frostbite, insect infections, chronic dysentery, pneumonia, acute diarrhea, beriberi, pellagra, starvation, atrocity, and respiratory infections; and July 27, 2013, will mark the 60th anniversary of the tentative truce being signed at Panmunjom which included the creation of a 2- mile -wide "demilitarized zone" that still exists today. NOW, THEREFORE, I, Cherie Kidd, Mayor, ON BEHALF OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF PORT ANGELES, do hereby proclaim the week of June 24, 2013, to June 30, 2013, as Korean War Remembrance Week and I further urge all citizens to remember the thousands of American service personnel who made the ultimate sacrifice during, and after, the Korean War. Cherie Kidd, Mayor June 18, 2013 PUBLIC INTEREST SIGN -UP SHEET PORTANGELES W A S H I N G T O N , U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING DATE OF MEETING: June 18, 2013 LOCATION: City Council Chambers You are encouraged to sign below if: 1. You are here to listen to the City Council discussion on a particular agenda item; • 2. You want to speak during the Public Comment period of the agenda. If several members of the public are interested in a particular agenda item, the Mayor may move that item so it is discussed earlier in the meeting. Also, the Mayor may use the information provided to organize the Public Comment period. During the Public Comment portion of the meeting, the Mayor will invite citizens to talk with the Council about topics that are not scheduled for public testimony on the evening's agenda. Prior to the start of the "Public Comment" portion of the public hearing, all persons wishing to be heard are asked to sign in with the Clerk, giving their names and addresses, and topic. The Mayor may arrange the order of speakers so that testimony is heard in the most logical groupings. To allow time for the Council to complete its legislative agenda, comments should be limited to no more than 5 minutes per person and a total of 15 minutes for this comment period. At the discretion of the Mayor, these time periods may be lengthened or shortened. Following any public comment, the Mayor may allow time, limited to five minutes, for response from City Council members and /or City staff. No speaker may convey or donate his or her time for speaking to another speaker. If many people wish to speak to a particular issue, the Mayor may limit the total amount of time dedicated to that single issue. Written comments may be submitted into the record of a Council meeting by presenting the written document to the Clerk prior to the meeting, in which case a copy of the document will be provided to each Council Member, but the document will not be read aloud; or a document may be distributed to the City Council, with a copy to the Clerk, by a speaker while the speaker is addressing the Council. 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To- t M q o_3W- June 18, 2013 To: City of Port Angeles - City Clerk for Distribution 321 E 5th St PO Box 1150 Port Angeles, WA 98362 Mayor: Cherie Kidd Deputy Mayor: Brad Collins Council Members: Sissi Bruch, PhD Dan Di Guilio Patrick Donnie Max Mania Brooke Nelson City Manager: Daniel McKeen Public Works: Phil Lusk From: Laddie W Lawings, Retired - MA, CNA, US Navel Dept Nuclear Inspector Training Leader 403 E Park Ave Port Angeles, WA 98362 -6935 Ref: 403 E Park Ave, Port Angeles, WA 98362 -6935 Subj: Smart Meters and Surrounding Smart Grids: NOTICE OF NO CONSENT TO TRESPASS AND SURVEILLANCE - NOTICE OF LIABILITY FROM ADVERSE BIOLOGICAL EFFECTS FROM SMART METERS AND GRIDS ADVERSE BIOLOGICAL EFFECTS AND EFFECTS RELAYED TO MYSELF Madams and Sirs, Notice of No Consent to Trespass and Surveillance: Be advised, you and all other parties are hereby denied consent for installation and use of any and all "Smart Meters" or any other surveillance and activity monitoring device, or devices, at the above property. Installation and use of any surveillance and activity - monitoring device that sends and receives communications technology is hereby refused and prohibited. Informed consent is legally required for installation of any surveillance device and any device that will collect and transmit private and personal data to undisclosed and unauthorized parties for undisclosed and unauthorized purposes. Authorization for sharing of personal and private information may only be given by the originator and subject of that information. That authorization is hereby denied and refused with regard to the above property and all its occupants. "Smart Meters" violate the law and cause endangerment to residents by the following factors: They individually identify electrical devices inside the home and record when they are operated causing invasion of privacy. They monitor household activity and occupancy in violation of rights and domestic security. They transmit wireless signals, which may be intercepted by unauthorized and unknown parties. Those signals can be used to monitor behavior and criminals to aid criminal activity against the occupants. Data about occupant's daily habits and activities are collected, recorded and stored in permanent databases which are accessed by parties not authorized or invited to know and share that private data by those whose activities were recorded. Those with access to the smart meter databases can review a permanent history of household activities complete with calendar and time -of -day metrics to gain a highly invasive and detailed view of the lives of the occupants. Those databases may be shared with, or fall into the hands of criminals, blackmailers, corrupt law enforcement, private hackers of wireless transmissions, power company employees, and other unidentified parties who may act against the interests of the occupants under metered surveillance. "Smart Meters" are, by definition, surveillance devices, which violate Federal and State wiretapping laws by recording and storing databases of private and personal activities and behaviors without the consent or knowledge of those people who are monitored. It is possible for example, with analysis of certain "Smart Meter" data, for unauthorized and distant parties to determine medical conditions, sexual activities, and physical locations of persons within the home, vacancy patterns and personal information and habits of the occupants. Your company has not adequately disclosed the particular recording and transmission capabilities of the smart meter, or the extent of the data that will be recorded, stored and shared, or the purposes to which the data will and will not be put. Electromagnetic and Radio Frequency energy contamination from smart meters exceeds allowable safe and healthful limits for domestic environments as determined by the EPA and other scientific programs. Smart meters can be hacked and will be hacked. The small CPU in these meters cannot protect itself as good as a home PC can, and home PCs are well known for being compromised. By deploying these in the millions with the same exact software and hardware they become a huge target and will endanger the community if an attacker can switch the power on and off from remote in mass. This makes these Smart Meters dangerous and a liability to the ratepayers who would have to ultimately pay for any damage. Smart meters are not protected from EMP attacks, large EMPs or localized EMPs as simple as a kid with a battery and a coil (Electro Magnetic Pulse). Disabling the receiver will not prevent other forms of "hacks ". For example a malicious attacker could confuse the internal CPU, reset it, change random memory locations, change the KWH reading, force a power disconnect, or completely disable a smart meter with a simple coil of wire and a small battery. This can't happen with a analog meter. It is well known that a wide EMP can take out car computers; smart meters will now make that possible on the city wide electric infrastructure. A thief or burglar could the same EMP or hacking methods to turn off the house power even if the electrical switch box is locked. Encryption of data is irrelevant due to well known "Tempest" attacks; see en.wikipedia.org /wiki /TEMPEST where an attacker monitors internal electrical switching signals of a CPU or other internal components from a distance. Governments have developed standards covering this. Compromising emanations are defined as unintentional intelligence - bearing signals, which, if intercepted and analyzed, may disclose the information transmitted, received, handled, or otherwise processed, by any information- processing equipment, like in Smart Meters. This would violate customers' privacy and any privacy policy the power company has at this time. Turning off the RF transmitter is irrelevant due to the well -known "Tempest" attacks, the RF wireless transmitter is not needed in these attacks and disabling the RF transmitter completely negates any advantages of these Smart Meters or their costs anyway. Data about an occupant's daily habits and activities are collected, recorded and stored in permanent databases which can be accessed by parties not authorized or invited to know and share that private data by those whose activities were recorded. This can be done by cyber- attacks or disgruntled employees and has been done before where the attacked company may not know of the intrusion for months. The power company has not adequately disclosed the encryption or security methods to the public. The source code to any data encryption must be open source and peer reviewed by the security community at large in order to be as secure as is currently possible. Security by obscurity is no security at all. Previously it was "fair" that the power company had to go to a lot of trouble to adjust the analog meter to read more than it should since they had to come out to do it manually. People can't modify the analog meter because it's locked up; the power company probably won't do it because it's just too costly, and so that was "fair enough ". Now with the smart meters they can change it anytime they wish by remote and with little risk that the customer will know. Why should customers trust a company that only has profits and stock price in mind? With possible modification of computer code or measurement values /ratios from remote, who will overlook them? Who will ever know? This is an unfair practice and a liability to the ratepayers. The power company has misled the public and the Public Utility Commission by leaving out publicly available facts and information regarding smart meters. There are many downsides to this new technology that the power company has not presented to the general public or the Public Utility Commission. Information is slanted and doesn't address the negative issues fully. Smart meter installation is not mandatory. The Public Utilities Commission only gave permission to install the meters. There is no forced mandate. The PUC has no such delegated authority from the People to make a forced mandate. If they did make a forced mandate, it's clearly null and void on its face. The Energy Policy Act of 2005 really only covers Federal areas within the limited jurisdiction of the CONSTITUTIONALLY LIMITED United States Government, even if it did apply, it also only mandates that a power company "offer" smart meters to the public, upon customer request. Any suggestion by the power company to customers that smart meters are mandatory is a false statement, fraudulent, and false commercial speech which is punishable by law and also opens the power company to liability via lawsuit. The power company has no delegated authority from the People to install a security risking, privacy invading, health threatening, hackable, unfair billing, or wide power grid security threatening device on anyone's property. Smart meters by default are not programmed to "run backwards ", like the current analog meters do now. Making it harder for people to go "green" with solar panels or wind turbines using a low cost Grid Tie Inverter. The PUC has shown the intent over and over of encouraging the public to go "green ", the power company's website and public disclosures show intent in this direction. The PUC allows the power company to charge an extra fee for "green projects ". Smart meters go against the PUC's intent and the public interest by making it more difficult for people to install small solar or "green power" installations and gain KWH "credits" in power that they can use at a later time. It is well known to electronic and computer engineers that a high voltage spike, such as a nearby lightning strike, or EMP can change memory bits in normal memory or EEPROM memory (Electronically Programmable Memory that is non - volatile) by adding extra electrons to the small memory cells. This can change internal smart meter settings like the KWH calibration data or other settings that may change the rate of power charged without the customer or the power company ever knowing about it. This can't happen with a analog meter. Installation of a smart meter will lower this property's value due to all the stated issues and controversy. This could subject ALL the ratepayers to higher rates due to lawsuit claims for value lost. The power company has no delegated authority from the People to use its easement or install equipment in a way that will lower property values or make a property less desirable to a buyer. Notice of Liability from Adverse Biological Effects from Smart Meters and Grids: Various Smart Meter /Grid Class Action, Individual, etc., Lawsuits are increasing worldwide and in the United States due to the follow Adverse Biological (Health) Effects via Health Studies and Medical Research; Birth Defects Bloody Noses Internal Bleeding Loss of Energy Brain Fog, Confusion Various Cancers Diagnosis of Pre - Cancerous Cells Endocrine Problems Fertility Problems Hearth Attacks Heart Arrhythmia Medical Device Interference or Shutdowns (i.e., Heart Implantable Defibrillators and Monitor Equipment, etc.) Medical Heart Implants Headaches Pain in the Legs and Soles of Feet Hormonal Issues Immune Problems Stabbing Pains in Ear, Eye, and Head Digestive Problems Tinnitus, Ringing in the Ear Sleep Disturbance Insomnia Medical Device Interference or Shutdowns (i.e., Sleep and /or Respiration and Monitor Equipment, etc.) Shortness of Breath Extreme Fatigue Twitching of Muscles Neurological Problems Exacerbation of Pre - Existing Medical Conditions Elevated Blood Pressure Irritability Skin Rashes Swollen Throat, Dry Lips or Mouth, and Dehydration Sweating and /or Fever Development of Anxiety, Depression, and Emotional Instability Dehydration Over the past six months, I have witness changes in my Own Medical Health Conditions; for which, I plan to seek both Medical and Legal Advice and Action. During that time, I have noticed Smart Equipment being installed within the 3 -Mile Radius for which places My Home and Medical Equipment within. No Notice was given; therefore, I feel betrayed by Your System, Your Customer Service, and Your Governmental Responsibilities we taxpayers of Port Angeles, Washington. Adverse Biological Effects and Effects Relayed to Myself: Listed below are My Health Issues and /or New Health Issues via Above Listed Adverse Biological (Health) Effects: Effects Loss of Energy Brain Fog, Confusion Various Cancers Diagnosis of Pre - Cancerous Cells Endocrine Problems Heart Arrhythmia Medical Device Heart Interference or Shutdowns Medical Heart Implants Headaches Pain in the Legs and Soles of Feet Hormonal Issues Immune Problems Stabbing Pains in Ear, Eye, and Head Digestive Problems Sleep Disturbance Insomnia Medical Device Respiration Interference or Shutdowns Shortness of Breath Extreme Fatigue Exacerbation of Pre - Existing Medical Conditions Noted Increased Increased Unknown Not Sure Not Sure May Have Currently Unknown Currently Unknown Increased Increased Test Show Changes Test Show Changes Ear and Head Increased Very High Very High Increase via Sleep Sometimes Yes, Lack of Sleep Seems too Irritability Increased Skin Rashes Noticed Some Swollen Throat, Dry Lips or Mouth, and Dehydration Increase during Night Sweating and /or Fever Increase during Night Development of Anxiety, Depression, and Emotional Instability Dehydration Anxiety during Night I demand an NO Installation of Any Smart Meters /Grids because of my Heart, Respiration, etc., issues. I do also demand NO Extra Charge be applied for any opt -out procedure you may have enforced. I will not have unfair and additional taxation or charges of Power Analog Equipment I am currently using. I demand immediate health investigations into Your Smart Meter /Grid devices by the Public Utilities. I demand that the Public Utilities immediately and fully inform all Port Angeles Customers of ALL the known health and risks, including complaints and downsides of this technology IAW established laws. I reserve the right to amend this notice and complaint at any time, this is not a complete list of concerns since this technology is new and new information is being established every day. Concerns listed here are not in any particular order. I forbid, refuse, and deny Any Consent of Any Installation and Use of Any Monitoring, Eavesdropping, Health Risk, and Surveillance Devices on My Property, My Place of Residence, and My Place of Occupancy. That applies to and includes "Smart Meters /Grids" and Surveillance & Activity Monitoring Devices of any kind. Any attempt to install any such Device directed at me, other occupants, my property or residence will constitute trespassing, stalking, wiretapping and unlawful surveillance and endangerment of my health and safety. All are prohibited and punishable by law through criminal and civil complaints. All persons, government agencies and private organizations responsible for installing or operating monitoring devices directed at or recording my activities, which I have not specifically authorized in writing, will be fully liable for any violations, intrusions, harm or negative consequences caused or made possible by those devices whether those negative consequences are justified by "law" or not. This is legal notice. After this delivery the liabilities listed above may not be denied or avoided by parties named and implied in this notice. Civil Servant immunities and protections do not apply to the installation of Smart Meters /Grids due to the criminal violations they represent. Notice to principal is notice to agent and notice to agent is notice to principal. All rights reserved. Sincerely and via Certified Mail, Date: Laddie W Lawings Witness Signature: Date: Copy to: Legal - Att/Firm, Medical — Physicians, Governmental — PA /WA, ACLU, Media — Various Press Release Contact: Liz Barris 310 - 455 -7530 contact @thepeoplesinitiative.org Customers Sue Edison and PG @E Over Health Effects From Smart Meters /Smart grid The law firms of David Kyle and Paul Overett have filed suit against SCE Edison and PG @E for health effects from smart meters /smart grid and will host a press conference on: Wed. June 12th, 12:00 PM at 5150 E. Pacific Coast Hwy, Long Beach, CA 90804. A total of 16 plaintiffs, 10 SCE Edison and 6 PG @E with health effects ranging from headaches, loss of energy and ringing in the ears to cancer, heart attacks and medical implant interference /defibrillator shut offs, are holding those responsible for the new wireless digital meters accountable. Also named in the lawsuit are smart meter distribution companies, Corix and Wellington and smart meter manufacturers, Itron and Landis and Gyr, with possibly more defendants to be added as the suit progresses. Health effects associated with smart meters and smart grid have been reported all over the country, but because of the 3.4 billion dollars in federal stimulus grants offered utility companies in exchange for smart meter installation, these complaints have largely been ignored. Also ignoring the complaints of health effects was CPUC president Michael Peevey, who served as president of Edison for over a decade. The smart meter roll -out has been plagued with controversy ever since the WHO came out with its statement on the radiation associated with the meters being a possible human carcinogen. Despite these warnings, the Federal government persisted in its funding of the potentially carcinogenic metering and infrastructure which also serves the dual function of spying on American citizens. Other problems with the meters consist of over - billing, fire hazard, invasion of privacy and multiple Constitutional violations. But none of these have received as much public backlash as the issue of health effects from smart meters and smart grid. Customers from other utilities in the state of CA, including municipally run utilities such as LADWP, BWP, GWP, SMUD and others whose health has been compromised by smart meters or smart grid may also join the suit by contacting organizer, Elizabeth Barris at 310 - 281 -9639 or contact @thepeoplesinitiative.org. Copies of the filed complaints can be found at: http:// www. citizensforaradiationfreecommunity .org For a video on the lawsuits please watch: http: / /www.youtube.com /watch ?v= 1Vln -uuu al For more info on this issue go to: http : / /www.ThePeopleslnitiative.org Lawsuits 6(18/13 12:04 PM ThePeoplesinitiative.org Welcome to The People's Initiative Foundation Home Cell Phones Cell Towers /Antennas Smart Meters WWI The Birds and The Bees Resources Media Donate Chemtrail /GeoEngineering Genetically Modified Food Contact Us Big Brother Lawsuits Smart Meter Lawsuits MASS TORTE FILED AGAINST UTILITIES FOR HEALTH EFFECTS FROM SMART METERS /SMART GRID... Attorneys David Kyle and Paul Overett have filed a mass torte against Edison and PG &E for health effects from smart meters /smart grid. Also names in the suit are smart meter installation companies Corix and Wellington and smart meter manufacturers, Itron and Landis Gyr, with possibly more defendants to be added as the lawsuit progresses. Mr. Kyle recently reached a settlement with PG &E in a wrongful death, smart meter fire suit and BEAT EDISON IN COURT to achieve the first free opt out in southern California (story on this below). A total of 16 plaintiffs, 10 Edison and 6 PG &E allege have suffering health effects from the new wireless meters ranging from headaches, loss of sleep and tinitus to heart attack, cancer and medical implant interferance /defibrilator shut offs. The utilities are being charged with negligence, fraud and deceit, product liability and intentional infliction of emotional distress. The suit alleges the defendants witheld important safety informaton associated with teh use of smart meters as well as multiple violations of CA law including CA civil code section 1710 which defines deceit as an untrue assertion or suppression of a fact so as to mislead. Liz Barris, organizer for the lawsuit invites other customers fro mother CA utilities including municipally run utilites whos health has been effected by smart meters or smart grid to join the lawsuit. Ms. Barris can be reached via phone at 310 - 281 -9639 or email at contact@thepeoplesinitiafive.org. Click here to download copies fo the filed complaints. Watch the below informative video on the lawsuit and some of the symptoms of health effects from the pulsed microwave radiation which smart meters and smart grid emit. Read below for Liz's story on why she sued. http:// www. thepeoplesinitiative .org /index.php /lawsuits Page 1 of 3 Lawsuits 6/18/13 12:04 PM — s Yt Liz Barris, Organizer Lawsuit against meter sicknesstcall 310 -281 -9639 contact @thepeoplesinitiatfve.orgll I 6s 00 :00 00:00 U After having received hundreds of complaints of very serious heath effects from smart meters and smart grid, the CPUC (California Public Utilities Commission) deemed smart meters and smart grid to be perfectly harmless, made a concerted effort to ignore the health complaints from utility customers all suffering from smart meter /smart grid radiation exposure and allowed the utilites to proceed with wanton disregard for public health and safety. One of those complaining customers, Liz Barris, had to sleep in her car for 7 months due to the wireless meter making her apartment totally uninhabitable. Edison offered to remove the meter, but for a price...$4,000 a year extra, simply to have a safe analog meter on the house. In the Mafia this is known as extortion. Ms. Barris organized a mass torte lawsuit against the utiliy companies Edison and PG &E for health effects from smart meters /smart grid. Included in the suit are 15 other plaintiffs, most of whom have suffered even worse health effects from their smart meters than Ms. Barris. Please watch the below video to see if you might be experiencing any health effects which may be unbeknownst to you, directly attributable to your smart meter, your neighrbors smart meter or the smart grid in your neighborhood. ATTORNEY DAVID KYLE Attorney David Kyle wanted the smart meter off his home because it was making his wife ill, forcing her to sleep in their car, away from the home and most importantly, away from the harmful smart meter. Mr. Kyle BEAT SoCal Edison in Small Claims court and became the first Edison customer to achieve a FREE opt out of deadly smart meters - (Legal Documents). The judge ordered Edison to pay damages or remove the meter and left it to Mr. Kyle to decide. He decided to get the smart meter the hell off his house. (Settlement Documents) Privacy, Constitutional Violations, Security Risks -- Kauai, Hawaii Adam Asquith filed for a Federal Injunction against the instillation of smart meters (Court Filing Documents) News Story. SUCCESS! The Utilities Company offered a settlement (Settlement Document) and agreed NOT to install a smart meter on the plaintiffs property. (News report) DISCRIMINATION Kauai, Hawaii Mark Naea, a neighbor of Adam Asquith (who won his case against smart meters) filed a formal complaint (Legal Document) that he should not have to pay the court fees and file a separate case to get the opt -out option that was court awarded to his neighbor. SUCCESS!!! The Public Utilities Commission ordered (Legal Document) Kauai Island Utility Cooperative( KIUC ) to address his complaint. HEALTH, SAFETY, PRIVACY, PROPERTY RIGHTS, CONSTITUTIONAL VIOLATION, DISCRIMINATION - -Maine A legal complaint objecting to multiple aspects of smart meters. Overview SUCCESS!! The court ruled that the Utilities company DID NOT adequately address health and safety concerns and now must do so. Bangor Daily News Maine Public Broadcasting HEALTH, CONSTITUTIONAL PRIVACY, SAFETY Portland Complaint that the PUC (Public Utilities Commission) did not address safety, Constitutional Privacy and health concerns. (New Story on Outcome) SUCCESS! The Supreme Judicial Court findings are that they did not properly address these problems (health and safety) and MUST do so. The Court not agree the Privacy concerns were not addressed. http:// www. thepeoplesinitiative .org /index.php /lawsuits Page 2 of 3 Lawsuits 6/18/13 12:04 PM CASES IN MOTION: WRONGFUL DEATH DUE TO FIRE CAUSED BY SMART METER Vacaville CA On July 9, 2010, Larry Nikkei died in a fire believed to be caused by smart meter. WIRELESS COMPONENT OVER SMART METERS Smart Meters have been "mandated" in British Columbia, however Plantiff contests that the wireless component is part of the mandate.(Press Release) (News story) (Formal Letter of Complaint - legal Document) (Letter of Complaint- scroll down) Status: Appeal to be heard in October HEALTH -- Central California Lawsuit filed against the CPUC (Central Public Utilities Commission) for ignoring evidence of harmful health effects of Smart Meters. (Latest update) Link on story Status:Newly filed. SPYING! A top PG &E executive was caught spying and attempting to infiltrate a nonprofit to gather information about a forthcoming lawsuit. (Coverage of case) Curious and curiouser. (Legal Order to investigate) HEALTH, SAFETY, MISREPRESENTATION OF RADIATION LEVELS, VIOLATION OF AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT -- Northern California Filed by an Electro- magnetic consulting firm,Wilner and Associates this Class Action Lawsuit list multiple ten grievances and is seeking $10,000 per customer who has experienced negative health effects. (Story) (Case Filing) HEALTH, PRIVACY, HOMEOWNER'S RIGHTS, VIOLATION OF ILLINOIS "OPEN MEETINGS ACT" Napperville, Illinois Residents have filed a federal lawsuit (News article) seeking an injunction to instillation (Court Documents) Up to date info on the case Status:Discovery phase of the case Cases "Loss" (aka opportunity to learn so we win the next round) MISUSE OF FEDERAL MONIES DUE TO FIRE RISK Alabama According to the lawsuit, the Don Baker, plaintiff, is an engineer and was an AMI smart grid project manager. He alleges the smart meters were not properly tested, and were seriously flawed. He found that the Sensus iConA had a "tendency to drastically overheat, and melt or burn ". He was asked to keep quiet and was eventually terminated for failing to do so. Status: The fire issue was not the focus of the case, it was misuse of Federal Funds.The District Attorney chose not to pursue the case, not based on the fire hazard claims, but claiming Federal Money was not misused. (case documents) OVERCHARGING Texas A class action lawsuit (Case documents) filed against Texan Utilities company Oncor. (News Story, Video) Status: Case Dismissed (One analysis of why it failed) (7/14) OVERCHARGING Bakersfield California Initially an individual case alleging overcharging of smart meters (Initial Filing), this turned into a class action lawsuit (News report). Status: Initially SUCCESS! Then overturned.emfsafetynetwork.org The Peoples Initiative Foundation is a 501c3 non profit and has limitations on what it can and cannot do. The above lawsuits are just reporting of the suits and NOT lawsuits that The Peoples Initiative Foundation are bringing. Many thanks to Seth Burton for his help in compilation of the above information. Copyright 6^ 2011 thepeoplesinitiative,org. All Rights Reserved. Design by a -R.I,, nr wed deagn 85E0 http://www.thepeoplesinitiative.org/index.php/lawsuits Page 3 of 3 Smart Meter Lawsuits ter Lawsuits 10th July 2012 A complete listing of all known smart meter lawsuits, please email: smlawsuits@gmail.com with updates or info on new suits. Thank you so much to Stop s! <n I: neaeria.cog ilirammaaky. yiemmuricalpaceaul and elf fikifiTy t-t t.we 'r. Smart Meter Lawsuits Links on how to file your own lawsuits or complaint: Medicai Heiquesi riot to 1' r; "' -.'mart Meter ihatcalauy dem iminationicykokiiniiimatimiciidiuil Latest Updates: Another Hawaii case wont 7126 Engineer and Smart Meter Project Manager FIRED for his opinion that Smart Meters were not safe 7/21 Court cases won in Portland. Maine and Hawaii!!! 7/16 PG &E Execs caught spying) 7/16 CASES WON!!!! HEALTH -- Southern California Edison Plantiff claimed negative health effects after smart meter was installed (1..F3s.y Du. .„ 1,:;10:! ..r_d .' ). \SUCCESS!q The judge ordered the Utilities company pay for health damages or remove the meterl ( ! e.:t L',,,, lair Privacy, Constitutional Violations, Security Risks -- Kauai, Hawaii Adam Asquith filed for a Federal Injunction against the instillation of smart meters (C ffT.r ;TfilT D:; .,yrrmot,;(y)dcial)(aiii KA IC maiSau i:arr pia) ) News SUCCESS! The Utilities Company offered a settlement (Spillement Doran rient [n r sari? : -t&r. . 3, : ;■ :.l, ,e. ,.)., a, , .1, i,d, 3F l ir.r% s . 5>0 a.w. , c ic rr is ) and agreed NOT to install a smart meter on the plaintiffs property (Nest; wpo0 DISCRIMINATION Kauai, Hawaii Mark Naea. a neighbor of Adam Asquith (who won his case against smart meters) filed a formal complaint ((ret 'U cu en, [ limit , r,:o.- c rs.r v ,,,+x 1 . I rr sici ., c( r :.p:il ) that he should not have to pay the court fees and file a separate case to get the opt -out option that was court awarded to his neighbor. SUCCESS!!! The Public Utilities Commission ordered (.ei[7 , rett th Tff /fffiffpiaiiK mac/Lau- -2- ) Kauai Island Utility Cooperative( KIUC ) to address his complaint. HEALTH, SAFETY, PRIVACY, PROPERTY RIGHTS, CONSTITUTIONAL VIOLATION, DISCRIMINATION - -Maine A legal complaint objecting to multiple aspects of smart meters r,te all E ,r.ua s., ;,: trci: r ;ers (vasrY 1 , lu.JC t 1,::'i r rtr2. I ,.. ,;, r`ay' SUCCESS!! The court ruled that the Utilities company DID NOT adequately address health and safety concerns and now must do so. Bangor Daily News [http: / /bangordailynews. cam /ours /o7 /1a/ business /ntaine- public- utilities- rommission- didnt- address - smart- meter- safety- court - says /1 Maine Public Broadcasting [http: / /www.mpbn.net/ Home /tabid /36 /ctl /Viewltem/ mid / 3978 /ltemtd /eu7;3y /Defau!t.aspx] HEALTH, CONSTITUTIONAL PRIVACY, SAFETY Portland Complaint that the PUC (Public Utilities Commission) did not address safety, Constitutional Privacy and health concerns. (N-ow Story cin r I uri)r, h , e; .. e I ie -env ... licimipadak :ns •.t. ! eaiti =1= Lads ,lt;n j) SUCCESS! The Supreme Judicial Court findings are that they did not properly address these problems (health and safety) and MUST do so. The Court not agree the Privacy concerns were not addressed. CASES IN MOTION: 6/18/13 11:53 AM Send feedback http:// smartmeterlawsuits .blogspot.com/ Page 1 of 3 Smart Meter Lawsuits 6/18/13 11:53 AM WRONGFUL DEATH DUE TO F1RE CAUSED BY SMART METER Vacaville CA On July 9, 2010, Larry Nikkei died in a fire believed to be caused by smart meter. WIRELESS COMPONENT OVER SMART METERS Smart Meters have been 'mandated° in British Columbia. however Plantiff contests that the wireless component is part of the mandate.(Prns; fkoiffarkk ihrtof ;hit cd'str ,r-. , ,likai .r. ..1 y:,,,' iaa O l.. - .. iiai?Onarita .land'. .m1) ) (rjaws J,LI'J 1h,t :) lhvv r u _ ,a .,, err <..3 d.;i;.l it ) (Formal I erer M Complaint ,lain elf, C+.,,, rent jr ) (U °e' ry C,Jnploin .crit .tinwf IhIr r5f^ a6 , i rg ,. r.Fly,t / 11P, 3 -LII O_ .k S.',3t- r ."--he , I l ._ _c i,ai „ n Act recur d . fi lycros SIX; r _2h,131 J) Status: Appeal to be heard in October HEALTH -- Cenral California Lawsuit filed against the CPUC (Central Public Utilities Commission) for ignoring evidence of harmful health effects of Smart Meters. (I 1.11C2St update rt.y .. a =a '1) ...ink on s)orti , L. Ilea m, , ..,z.,: r„ r ,._ -e'en c,, Status:Newly filed. SPYINGI A top PG &E executive was caught spying and attempting to infiltrate a nonprofit to gather information about a forthcoming lawsuit. (Covoraffe o' /c!r!I ley , :,,,ire % "h!1 ) Curious and curiouser. Lasral Ceder , ' :t t LLet . ., _ ., E 1 ,1 t 'tfai , tart HEALTH, SAFETY, MISREPRESENTATION OF RADIATION LEVELS, VIOLATION OF AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT - Northern California Filed by an Electra- magnetic consulting firm,Wilner and Associates this Class Action Lawsuit list multiple ten grievances and is seeking $10,000 per customer who has experienced negative health effects. (S[ery e x . v^ _,a„s,l- ° ,,,, ifr ,T .I r"ri1- u.rJc_. ) ('.aa' Jo HEALTH, PRIVACY, HOMEOWNERS RIGHTS, VIOLATION OF ILLINOIS "OPEN MEETINGS ACT" Napperville, Illinois Residents have filed a federal lawsuit fklewo luicter @rte ,,, o S ,I , , 3 72111'.'CCC t r?., - --- lart -: , l i to hu t;: seeking an injunction to instillation (Cur nt Thconaalts (1, :,n c. „ tnat _. .,. ..t; a 01 ;ton. c Irnc,_ f. - tr- ,._r3., _.)) (p to daie info 1, Crc! Status:Discovery phase of the case Cases "Loss" (aka opportunity to learn so we win the next round) MISUSE OF FEDERAL MONIES DUE TO FIRE RISK Alabama According to the lawsuit, the Don Baker, plaintiff, is an engineer and was an A_A'II smart grid project manager. He alleges the smart meters were not properly tested, and were seriously flawed. He found that the Sensus iConA had a "tendency to drastically overheat, and melt or burn ". He was asked to keep quiet and was eventually terminated for failing to do so. Status: The fire issue was not the focus of the case, it was misuse of Federal Funds.The District Attorney chose not to pursue the case, not based on the fire hazard claims, but claiming Federal Money was not misused. (cane C hcurnert[S ittp.. /act r, I 1 ,en to 1011_ tor.,,, d,_r a ,20Il ° u.,l. ntiff0:20f ry,fi , Stec Ti OVERCHARGING Texas A class action lawsuit (Case dccunla: Oncor. (Flaws `.!i: werN,e Status: Case Dismissed (Ono affeivisfs of .m ;) 1 filed against Texan Utilities company (7/14) OVERCHARGING Bakersfield California Initially an individual case alleging overcharging of smart meters (trnlial http:// smartmeterlawsults .blogspot.com/ Page 2 of 3 Smart Meter Lawsuits 6/18/13 11:53 AM ), this turned into a class action lawsuit (Nits rtP(g)ilv0:7;Www-5.1m)rirrk.)1.5.-,r».(x)rnzThe-riewsii.)92-b.w.:y.:H)c-A1-uww):*)),..),-..v-.)-1,:r Status: Initially SUCCESS! Then overturned.einf,er:e:yrF2I‘vork.or() urcyj Posted 10th July 2012 hy sem: [Ti Add a comment http://smartmeterlawsuits.blogspot.com/ Page 3 of 3 Date: January 3, 2013 To: From: City of Snoqualmie Administrator Bob Larson Snoqualmie City Hall Mayor Matthew R. Larson City of Snoqualmie Public Works Department Daniell. Marcinko, Director Snoqualmie Valley Public Schools Joel Aune, Superintendent Snoqualmie City Council Snoqualmie Valley SD Board of Directors Snoqualmie City Hall Director, Planning Nancy Tucker Director of Emergency Management Snoqualmie Fire Department Bob Rowe Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction Attn.: Superintendent Randy Dorn Washington State Office of the Attorney General Consumer Protection Division Maxine Hayes, MD, MPH, State Health Officer Washington State Department of Health Secretary Kathleen Sebelius The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Mary Selecky, Secretary of Health Washington State Department of Health Maryanne Guichard Assistant Secretary Environmental Public Health Washington State Department of Health Congressman Adam Smith Washington Utilities & Transportation Commission Congressman David Reichert Congresswoman Suzan Delbene Congressman Rick Larsen Congresswoman Cathy McMorris Rodgers Congresswoman Jaime Herrera Beutler Congressman Doc Hastings Congressman Norm Dicks Congressman Jim McDermott EPA Administrator Puget Sound Energy American Cancer Society Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights Karen Nold Means For Change (Mothers Fighting Cancer) P.O Box 1461 Snoqualmie, WA 98065 Subject: Evidence of Adverse Biological Effects from Wireless Technology: Uncontrolled Exposure to Electro Magnetic Fields and Radio Frequency Radiation Request for Immediate Moratorium, in Snoqualmie Ridge, on smart meters, and Wi -Fi in Public Schools My name is Karen Nold, I have a Bachelor's of Science in Environmental Policy and Assessment, have been a stay -at -home mom and a champion to my daughter's health and well -being for 13 years, and a small business owner — Means For Change — (MFC), which for this purpose will stand for Mothers Fighting Cancer. As a parent in the Snoqualmie Valley School District, I have a vested interest in the safety and well -being of my daughter within the City of Snoqualmie, both at home and in school — regarding all aspects of her health. It was after the discovery of my own loss of health and well- being, with breast cancer, that I began to update my families' wellness approach. In my research, I discovered a most disturbing observation about our communities across the nation, and the world — some are bathing in man -made Electromagnetic Fields ( EMF's) "from cell phone radiation and the Tetra Network," (1) smart meters, Wi -Fi, Wi -Max, and more. Why is this dangerous for ALL of us? Since most are unaware of all radiofrequency exposure possibilities, we can't control our exposure, and because Public Utilities across the United States are installing smart meters on our homes, which emit radiofrequency radiation. "There are no specific standards for radiofrequency and microwave radiation issues," (2) and current Federal Communications Commission (FCC) guidelines "may not reflect the latest research, and testing requirements may not identify maximum exposure in all possible usage conditions," (3) and these "guidelines were adopted in 1996...[are] thermally based, and...believed to protect against injury...caused by acute exposures that result in tissue heating or electric shock," (4) NOT the cumulative and chronic exposure effects to biological systems — human and wildlife alike, including indoor /outdoor pets. This is reflected with the following: 1. The May 2011 determination of the World Health Organization (WHO) International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) to classify "radio frequency [RF]electromagnetic fields as possibly carcinogenic to humans (Group 2B) based on an increased risk for glioma, a malignant type of brain cancer', associated with wireless phone use...This has relevance for public health, particularly for users of mobile phones, as the number of users is large and growing, particularly among young adults and children ;" (5) 2. Dr. 011e Johansson's July 2011 confirmation that, "The recent determination of the World Health Organization (WHO) to include radiofrequent radiation on the 2B list of carcinogens also applies to devices such as smart meters...Many smart meters are close to beds, kitchens, playrooms, and similar locations. These wireless systems are never off, and the exposure is not voluntary. The smart meters are being forced on citizens everywhere. Based on this, the inauguration of smart meters with grudging and involuntary exposure of millions to billions of human beings to pulsed microwave radiation should immediately be prohibited until 'the red flag' can be hauled down once and for all ;" (6) 3. The September 29, 2012 statement by Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt, Medical Director of the Institute of Neurobiology, "The exposure to man -made electromagnetic fields has become the first factor that could be isolated, ever, in Autism - that could predict autism ;" (1) 4. Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt's estimate that "about 80% of all health problems are caused or contributed to by man -made electromagnetic radiation." (1) Nearly all elected city, county and state representatives in the United States have children, grandchildren, or someone who must rely on the decisions of informed adults to protect their interests — the right to health being one. It is with our children in mind that I direct this to your attention to be a real Means For Change. The purpose of this letter is to request an immediate moratorium on the use of smart meters in Snoqualmie Ridge due to the lack of cumulative exposure health effects data; to educate Washington State officials and the public about the documented health risks of Electromagnetic Fields (EMF's) and the need for EMF prevention efforts; to share my experience with Puget Sound Energy; to highlight immediate opportunities for change on the local government level; and to provide some Electromagnetic Radiation Shielding Methods in Attachment A. "Facts don't cease to exist just because they are ignored." - Aldous Huxley (7) 1237 913 new cases of brain cancers (all types combined) occurred around the world in 2008 (gliomas represent 2/3 of these). Source: Globocan 2008. (5) 1 I discovered "the only certain way to find out how much RF radiation is present at any given location is to conduct field measurements using equipment that has been correctly calibrated and is operated by an individual with expertise in conducting such measurements," (41) Doug Loranger with the Coalition for Local Oversight of Utility Technologies said. I located just that, a Building Biologist and Environmental Consultant — an expert in the field of Electromagnetic Radiation Assessment based on standards set by The Institute of Building Biology + Ecology Neubeuern (IBN), founded in 1983, and the Institute of Building Biology and Ecology (IBE) USA, founded in 1987. Please see Attachment B for our results. According to Dr. Klinghardt, a measurement of microwave radiation over 5 Microwatts per square meter is unacceptable in the sleeping area. At the precise location of each bed pillow, our report revealed measurements of 142, 206 and 280 microwatts per meter squared. And then it all came together for me, on a recent school trip to the Seattle Center. I left my house and began to feel alive again and hopeful. We proceeded to the top of the Space Needle for a fabulous, time - honored tradition and I felt wonderful as the sun made for a beautiful holiday experience on the observation deck. Then I followed the kids inside, where I began to feel poorly - heart racing, weak and nauseous. I had to sit down as I was certain I was going to lose my lunch in front of everyone! I was certain a wireless system was in place. I returned to the bottom of the Space Needle and the nausea was gone. The students returned to Snoqualmie and we drove our daughter home past the Snoqualmie Fire Station, where I instantly felt my heart race again, and then it subsided as we passed. I went home and spent the next three days writing this document, until I couldn't stand the pain under my arm and sought refuge at my grandma's retirement home, where the pain subsided again. Upon entering my home again, the throbbing resumed in my arm I had to leave again. I recently learned about smart meters, only to discover I had been sunbathing, and the kids have been playing within feet of this biologically hazardous device for some time. My husband experienced pain in his amalgam fillings while standing about ten feet from the smart meter in our back yard. During our environmental consultation, I noticed an antenna situated on top of a high tension power line east of 'Kite Hill.' I can see this antenna from my bedroom window overlooking the swarms of children playing at CVES. This same antenna is in line -sight of my front door — which received the highest reading on our report - 650 µW /m2. I am asking Mayor Larson to map out locations of such electropollution in our community — complete with the location, the power density for each, the name of applicant, the purpose for installation, and the date of installation — and make available to the public online. It was just before Christmas when I started this letter - my tree was beautiful, my lights, beautiful...and I couldn't stay in my home to enjoy the holiday ambiance. It is a reality now, I must pay to have these 'possibly cancerous' RF EMF's shielded from my living space, or move from Snoqualmie Ridge and find residence in an area with lesser amounts of involuntary exposure to electromagnetic fields. I am being poisoned in my home and in my community. I am fighting for the right to stay in a community I love and to keep my daughter in the same school. I would have never guessed that my country would not only allow, but encourage, this kind of fiasco. I am outraged and look to Washington State government to make a change! I am asking the Snoqualmie Valley School District, City of Snoqualmie, King County, and the State of Washington to become leaders in the representation of their public's health and safety, to perform your mandated duty to provide safe environments, to pave the way for other communities, and other states by reviewing this document and attending to the following: 1. Place the health and welfare of Washington State taxpayers before the interests of the Communications Industry — which "has become the largest lobbying industry, in politics — three times more powerful than the Pharmaceutical Industry." (1) 2. Become familiar with: a. 2007 Biolnitiative Report: A Rationale for a Biologically -based Public Exposure Standard for Electromagnetic Fields (ELF and RF). The five year update will be released early in 2013 at www.bioinitiative.org. "The Group produced what authors hope will be a benchmark for good science and public health policy planning. It documents bioeffects, adverse health effects and public health conclusions about impacts of non - ionizing radiation (electromagnetic fields including extremely -low frequency ELF -EMF and radiofrequency /microwave or RF -EMF fields);" a. Three of the lawsuits underway in federal courts: 1- Firstenberg v. City of Santa Fe; 2 - in Naperville, Illinois against Smart Meters; 3 - in Maine also against Smart Meters; (8) 2 b. The fourth federal lawsuit underway, AHM et al v. Portland Public Schools where Dr. David Carpenter, testified, "in support of an injunction against Portland Public Schools' use of WI -Fl," (9) and L. Lloyd Morgan testified "in support of a preliminary and permanent injunction enjoining Portland Public Schools' use of WI -Fl;" (10) b. Documents from the County of Santa Cruz Administrative Office to the county of Santa Cruz Board of Supervisors on January 24, 2012. Become familiar with any aspect of their regulatory pursuit which applies to our local smart meters, and act accordingly; c. US GAO Recommendations that "The Chairman of the FCC should formally reassess the current RF energy exposure limit, including its effects on human health, the costs and benefits associated with keeping the current limit, and the opinions of relevant health and safety agencies, and change the limit if determined appropriate." (3) Determine which 'relevant health and safety agencies' are being consulted by FCC, and monitor this process for appropriate action; d. The Cell Phone Right To Know Act — "Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D -OH) has introduced H.R. 6358, the Cell Phone Right to Know Act, a bill to grant a consumer's right -to -know by providing for warning labels on cell phones. It would also create a new national research program to study cell phones and health and require the Environmental Protection Agency to update the outdated Specific Absorption Rate (SAR);" (11) 3. Review the following and begin replacement of wireless technologies in our public schools: a. "Safe Schools 2012" which begins, "More Medical Associations, medical doctors and scientists, many of whom work on the biological effects of wireless technologies, have expressed their concerns about the safety of wireless devices for schools. They are asking for wired information and communication technologies to be used in order to safeguard children and young people, protect and promote healthy development and maximize learning and achievement. These experts do not agree with the health protection agencies which currently support or allow the use of microwave, radiofrequency- emitting technologies by children and young people in schools." (12) b. Review Attachment C, 'Washington State School Districts, Towers and Antenna Within 4 Mile Radius of Sample Schools,' to help guide pertinent decisions regarding an immediate moratorium on smart meters, and wireless networks in our public schools; 4. Identify and Educate: a. Student populations about electromagnetic fields and the potential cumulative dangers of cell phones and other wireless radiation, and provide shielding methods to reduce exposure — see Attachment A. The Washington Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction(OSPI) and the Washington State Department of Health would be remiss in avoiding leadership in this program; b. Groups and programs, about electromagnetic fields and correlating autism prediction. Such programs as the (OSPI) State Needs Project, "The Autism Outreach Project," would benefit from Dr. Klinghardt's findings; c. Preconception Health Care needs — "Protecting the sleeping location of the mother from electromagnetic fields during pregnancy is a key to helping a child reach its true genetic potential later in life;" (1) 5. Immediately deactivate and remove all smart meters in SnoqualmieRidge and return to analog meters, as any other option is immoral, unethical, and violates civil rights. In the forefront, 57 Local California Governments are taking action against smart meters (13) 6. Vote unanimously at city, county and state levels to actively seek and support the efforts of the Coalition for Local Oversight of Utility Technologies (CLOUT), who are calling for, "the U.S. Congress to repeal limitations on state and local authority imposed by the Telecommunications Act of 1996 and permit state and local governments to regulate the placement, construction, and modification of telecommunications towers and other personal wireless services facilities on the basis of the health and environmental effects of such facilities." (14) Find local government resolutions at CloutNow.org. (15) 3 Understanding Our Bodies & Electromagnetic Fields It may come as a surprise to learn that our bodies run on electricity. Our thoughts, nerves, muscles, heartbeat, and chemical processes involved in all levels of cellular function, rely on minute electrical charges carried by ions from highly conductive elements like potassium, calcium, chloride, and sodium. "So, we are, in a very real sense, electrical beings in an electrical world." (7) When a current of electricity "flows through a conductor or wire, a magnetic field is created; thus, the term electromagnetic fields (EMFS)," both interacting with the body in a number of ways. "When your heart pumps electrically charged blood (the electrical current) through your circulatory system (the conductor), the process creates a powerful magnetic field that surrounds your body and can be measured" Awareness of the electrical nature of the body is essential to understanding how our health can be impacted by the invisible, man -made sources of frequencies from power lines, electrical appliances and devices. (7) Over the past hundred years, we have become immersed in harmful frequencies, "primarily in the extremely low frequency (ELF) range (where power line frequencies fall), the radio frequency (RF) /microwave range (where all things wireless live), intermediate frequencies (dirty electricity), and in the highest frequency ranges of ionizing radiation (such as X -rays and gamma rays)." (7) The Electromagnetic Spectrum Depicts the Relationship Between Electromagnetic Fields from Smart Meters and Other Sources (16) (17) frequency radiofrequencies (RF) 400 THz visible 790 THz IR I I I 111 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 Hz 3 kHz 3 MHz 3 GHz 3 THz 3 PHz 10 000 km 100 km 100 m I 10 cm wavelength (free space) 100 pm I 1 1 mm _ sub-mm tar waves IR microwaves I I mid near IR IR 100 nm I OVA w -a W.e m 0 Froquerry (HZ) 3 102 3 105 3 108 3 1011 I I I 3 10" SOIr 3 10}0 i I „ L$_ w I I I Warekngt (m1 3• 103 10° 10 1 10'a 1 1 10• 1q•• Elecvwnapwtk rcIF and radiation Optical radiation Ionizing radiation Extremely kw/ frequencies Radlggagwnclea (VLF -VHF) Mkrowavaa (VLr_EHF) Infrared x. and lvadiation I T Mains moor 1 lnnunhakn I DisMgNlpn VDUs and Ns MatlM— Carbon d�� — Diagnostic X-rays i SupermoNncdng DC magnets (MRI) Broadcast AM iM N I 1 Photon ener (aVl 1.210'12 1210'0 1.210° 1.210'1 I I I 1210° 1.2101 1.2102 Only non - ionizing radiation will be addressed here - that which "has enough energy to move atoms in a molecule around or cause them to vibrate, but not enough to remove electrons," (18) such as visible light, sound waves, and microwaves. 4 Overview of smart meters The following is a summary of January 13, 2012 correspondence from the Santa Cruz, CA Health Officer to the county Board of Supervisors regarding the "Health Risks Associated With SmartMeters:" (19) In order to "accurately monitor and direct energy usage," a 'smart grid' technology and smart meters were developed. "SmartMeters are considered part of 'smart grid' technology that includes: a) "a mesh network or series of pole- mounted wireless antennas at the neighborhood level to collect and transmit wireless information from all SmartMeters in that area back to the utility; b) collector meters, which are a special type of SmartMeter that collects the radiofrequency or microwave radiation signals from many surrounding buildings (500 -5000 homes or buildings) and sends the information back to the utility; and c) proposed for the future, a power transmitter to measure the energy use of individual appliances (e.g. washing machines, clothes dryers, dishwasher, etc) and send information via wireless radio frequency signal back to the SmartMeter." A smart meter is an electrical meter that measures consumer energy usage and sends data back to the utility wirelessly. This wireless signal is sent in the form of pulsed microwave frequencies "within the 800 MHz to 2400MHz range" of the electromagnetic spectrum. Two unique aspects of smart meter exposure include universal and involuntary exposure from mandatory installation, resulting in public health concerns. Given this is new technology, "There is no scientific literature on the health risks of SmartMeters," yet, there exists "a large body of research on the health risks of EMFs." This data pertains to cell phone usage; however "SmartMeters occupy the same energy spectrum as cell phones...[and] can exceed the whole body radiation exposure of cell phones," depending on conditions. "In terms of health risks, the causal factor under study is RF radiation whether it be from cell phones, Wi -Fi routers, cordless phones, or Smart Meters. Therefore all available, peer- reviewed, scientific research data can be extrapolated to apply to SmartMeters, taking into consideration the magnitude and the intensity of the exposure." Research in this area is largely funded by industry and some governments, their conclusions casting doubt on the potentials for harm; whereas, independent, non- government, or non - industry affiliated researchers advise of the "potentially serious effects from many non - ionizing radiation exposures." One aspect of the debate concerns the "inability to replicate findings consistently in laboratory animal studies," yet, "analysis of many of the conflicting studies is not valid as the methodology used is not comparable." While this controversy continues, studies are documenting the "results of exposure to RF at non - thermal levels, including increased permeability of the blood -brain barrier in the head (Eberhardt, 2008), harmful effects on sperm, double strand breaks in DNA which could lead to cancer genesis (Phillips, 2011), stress gene activation indicating an exposure to a toxin (Blank, 2011), and alterations in brain glucose metabolism (Volkow, 2011)." Piggy backing on cell phone studies, "all case - control epidemiological studies covering >10 years of cell phone use have reported an increased risk of brain tumors from the use of mobile phones (Hallberg, 2011)." Other studies indicate "an increasing risk of acoustic neuroma, salivary gland tumors, and eye cancer after several years of cell phone use and the tumors occur predominantly on the same side of the head as the phone is used. The analysis of brain cancer statistics since the mid -20th century in several countries reveals that brain tumor formation has a long latency time, an average of over 30 years to develop from initial damage (Hallberg, 2011). Therefore using studies such as the Interphone Study which looked at shorter latency periods for the development of specific brain cancers will result in inconclusive data." FCC guidelines prevent heat damage from smart meter exposure, but do not protect against the risk of "cancer, miscarriage, birth defects, semen quality, autoimmune diseases, etc. Therefore, when it comes to nonthermal effects of RF, FCC guidelines are irrelevant and cannot be used for any claims of SmartMeter safety unless heat damage is involved (Li, 2011)." 5 "Ranging from 0.001 to SO pW /cm2," nine other countries have considerably lower RF /MW exposure standards than the United States "guideline of 200 -1000 pW /cm2." And these other countries standards "are considerably lower than the . approximately 600 pW /cm2 (time- averaged) allowed for the RFR from SmartMeters operating in the low 900 MHz band mandated by the FCC based on only thermal consideration." "Given the uncertainty of safety, the evidence of existing and potential harm, should we err on the side of safety and take the precautionary avoidance measures ?" Public health and safety departments "should be much more vigilant towards involuntary environmental exposures because governmental agencies are the only defense against such..." (19) Just five days later, on January 18, the Santa Cruz County Administrative Officer replied with a Smart Meter Moratorium: "WHEREAS, based on the foregoing it is in the best interest of public health, safety and welfare to allow adequate study of the impacts resulting from the SmartMeter technology; therefore it is appropriate to adopt a temporary moratorium." (4) Additional examples of concerns being raised nationwide about the impact and accuracy of smart meters include: 2. The Maryland Public Service Commission's June, 2010 decision to deny smart meter deployment in their state. (4) 3. The State of Hawaii Public Utility Commission's decision to decline the adoption of a smart grid system in their state. (4) 4. Eleven counties and 45 cities and towns in California have petitioned to delay implementation of smart meters until further evaluation. (13) 5. Some states, such as "Connecticut and Massachusetts, are taking a 'wait and see' approach or establishing small pilot programs, due to concerns about health, safety, privacy, and security." (20) In addition to smart meters, the Cellphone Task Force illuminates the public's dissatisfaction as the following "plaintiffs allege violation of privacy rights, property rights, and scientific evidence of harm from microwave radiation:" (8) 1. Firstenberg v. City of Santa Fe; 2. in Naperville, Illinois against Smart Meters; 3. in Maine also against Smart Meters; 4. in Portland, Oregon against WiFi in public schools. (8) Here are just some of the voices of scientific reason expressing their concerns: 1. Dr. 011e Johansson is an associate professor at Karolinska Institute — world-famous for their Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine. He also is a professor at the Royal Institute of Technology — closely tied to the Nobel Prizes in Physics and Chemistry. After many years of studying the health effects of wireless devices, such as smart meters, Dr. Johansson wrote to the California Public Utility Commission, July 9, 2011, confirming, "...it is becoming more and more obvious that the exposure to electromagnetic fields may result in highly unwanted health effects. This has been demonstrated in a very large number of studies and includes cellular DNA- damage (which may lead to an initiation of cancer as well as mutations that carry down generations), disruptions and alterations of cellular functions like increases in intracellular stimulatory pathways and calcium handling, disruption of tissue structures like the blood -brain barrier (which may allow toxins to enter the brain), impact on vessel and immune functions, and loss of fertility. It should be noted that we are not the only species at jeopardy, practically all animals and plants may be at stake. Because the effects are reproducibly observed and links to pathology can not be excluded, the precautionary principle should be in force in the implementation of this new technology within the society. Therefore, policy makers immediately should strictly control exposure by defining biologically -based maximal exposure guidelines also taking into account long -term, non - thermal effects, and including especially vulnerable groups, such as the elderly, the ill, the genetically and /or immunologically challenged, children and fetuses, and persons with the functional impairment electrohypersensitivity (which in Sweden is a fully recognized functional impairment, and therefore receives an annual governmental disability subsidy)." (6) 6 2. In a November 2011, MobileWise report: "The substantial body of evidence highlighted in this report suggests that mobile phone use may be linked with a range of important health problems. These include, but are not limited to, brain tumours and the evidence has serious implications for public health. Although further research is needed, it makes sense to err on the side of caution in the meantime. The long induction period for brain tumours and some of the other possible health effects means that it could take many years to fully understand the risks. We know from our experience with smoking and asbestos that waiting for certainty of harm is a dangerous policy. Even now we do not have a complete picture of those risks, despite many decades of scientific study. We have an opportunity now to promote safety measures, mindful of the benefits of mobile phone technology but reflecting the potentially serious risks, particularly for children. This report does much to elucidate the scientific evidence and policy issues. It is now incumbent on all of us engaged in the task of protecting public health to help ensure the public is provided with the information and guidance it needs to minimise its risks." (40) 3. "Electromagnetic radiation is a very serious human and environmental health issue that needs immediate attention by Congress. The Biolnitiative Report is a major milestone in understanding the health risks from wireless technology. Every responsible elected official owes it to his or her constituents to learn and act on its finding and policy recommendations." Whitney North Seymour, Jr., Esq., Retired Attorney; Former New York State Senator & United States Attorney, Southern District of NY, Co- Founder, Natural Resources Defense Council. (21) 4. Dr. Klinghardt says, "The smart meter is number one now in terms of devastation to our system, [and] the cordless phone is number two...worse than the incoming cell phone tower radiation." (1) 5. Martin Blank, PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Physiology and Cellular Biophysics, Columbia University, College of Physicians and Surgeons, Researcher in Bioelectromagnetics, Author of the Biolnitiative Report's section on Stress Proteins, says, "Cells in the body react to EMFs as potentially harmful, just like to other environmental toxins, including heavy metals and toxic chemicals. The DNA in living cells recognizes electromagnetic fields at very low levels of exposure; and produces a biochemical stress response. The scientific evidence tells us that our safety standards are inadequate, and that we must protect ourselves from exposure to EMF due to power lines, cell phones and the like, or risk the known consequences. The science is very strong and we should sit up and pay attention." (21) 6. Eric Braverman, MD, Brain researcher, Expert in the brain's global impact on illness and health says, "There is no question EMFs have a major effect on neurological functioning. They slow our brain waves and affect our long -term mental clarity. We should minimize exposures as much as possible to optimize neurotransmitter levels and prevent deterioration of health." (21) 7. Samuel Milham MD, MPH, Medical epidemiologist in occupational epidemiology and the first scientist to report increased leukemia and other cancers in electrical workers, and to demonstrate that the childhood age peak in leukemia emerged in conjunction with the spread of residential electrification says, "Very recently, new research is suggesting that nearly all the human plagues which emerged in the twentieth century, like common acute lymphoblastic leukemia in children, female breast cancer, malignant melanoma and asthma, can be tied to some facet of our use of electricity. There is an urgent need for governments and individuals to take steps to minimize community and personal EMF exposures." (21) R. "It remains to be seen how long the truth about the effects of radiofrequency radiation on the health of people can be suppressed by denying the facts. History teaches that early warnings are far too often followed by late insights for which a great number of people may have to pay with disease and premature death." (12) 7 History of Electromagnetic Fields and Biological Harm In order to study and treat thousands of workers who suffered from Radio Wave Sickness, in the 1950's, after the implementation of microwave technology developed during World War II, clinics were established in Moscow, Leningrad, and other cities in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe for the new occupational disease. (22) Those stricken with Radio Wave Sickness presented symptoms such as: "Insomnia, headaches, dizziness, nausea, memory loss, difficulty concentrating, irritability, respiratory illness (bronchitis, sinusitis, pneumonia), flu -like illness, asthma, fatigue, weakness, pressure or pain in the chest, increase in blood pressure, altered pulse rate (usually slowed), pressure behind the eyes, other eye problems, swollen throat, dry lips or mouth, dehydration, sweating, fever, shortness of breath, muscle spasms, tremors, pain in the legs or the soles of the feet, testicular or pelvic pain, joint pain, pains that move around the body, nosebleeds, internal bleeding, hair loss, digestive problems, skin rash, ringing in the ears, impaired sense of smell, pain in the teeth (especially with metallic fillings)." (23) Many of these people developed anxiety, depression, or emotional instability, and upon physical exam presented unequal pupil size, altered reflexes, heart arrhythmias, EKG and EEG abnormalities, and, in advanced stages, signs that the heart and brain were being deprived of oxygen. "Most clinicians reported that about 15% of microwave workers developed symptoms of radio wave sickness, and that about 2% had to permanently cease working... Workers were exposed to microwave radiation during work hours only, and to levels of radiation less than what the general public is exposed to currently for hours per day, or even all the time, from cell phone and wireless Internet technologies." (22) Studies on EHS began in earnest in the 1990's; they found that "the EMF involved was usually within the non - ionizing range of the electromagnetic spectrum." Occurrences of EHS increased in the early 2000's, with studies "estimating the prevalence of this condition to be about 1.5% of the population of Sweden (Hilleert et ai', 2002), 3.2% in California (Levallios et ai', 2002), and 8% in Germany (infas Institut fur angewandte Sozialwissenschaft GmbH, 2003)." While, some are in disbelief of EHS, it "presents another potential health risk related to EMF exposure." (19) Researchers are correlating symptoms today, "such as sleep disturbance, fatigue, memory loss, headaches, depression, dizziness and tremors —the same symptoms reported by Soviet doctors half a century ago —with either intensity of cell phone use or proximity of homes to communication towers." (22) Studies today have "demonstrated objective evidence to support the EHS diagnosis, defining pathophysiological mechanisms including immune dysregulation in vitro, with increased production of selected cytokines and disruption and dysregulation of catecholamine physiology (Genuis, 2011)... A collection of scientists and physicians recently conducted a double - blinded research study that concluded that 'EMF hypersensitivity can occur as a bona fide environmentally - inducible neurological syndrome' (McCarty et ai', 2011)." (19) "A working definition of Electrosensitivity or Electrohypersensitivity (EHS) from Bergqvist et al. (1997) is 'a phenomenon where individuals experience adverse health effects while using or being in the vicinity of devices emanating electric, magnetic or electromagnetic fields (EMFS) "' (24) "Over the past 80 years, more than 6,000 research studies have been published on the biological effects of electromagnetic radiation. The majority of these studies have shown biological damage being done." (1) A network of organizations all over the world support these findings, including: The Cellular Phone Task Force (1996), The Biolnitiative Group (2006), the Center for Electro Smog Prevention (2011), American Coalition Against Smart Meters (2011), EMF Safety Network (2009), www.wirelesswatchblog.org, V8gbrytaren (Sweden), EMR Australia PL (1996), Electromagnetic Radiation Research Foundation of South Africa, Electrical Pollution Solutions: electricalpollution.com, Coalition for Local Oversight of Utility Technologies: cloutnow.org, Microwave News: www.microwavenews.com, Dr. Magda Haves: www.magdahavas.com, Chemical Injury Information Network: ciin.org, California Brain Tumor Association: www.cabta.org /CABTA /CABTA.html, Environmental Health Trust: environmentalhealthtrust.org, Naperville Smartmeter Awareness http:// www. napervillesmartmeterawareness .org, International Commission on Electromagnetic Safety: www.icems.eu, Next -Up (France): next - up.org, h.e.s.e. project (Germany): www.hese- project.org, Powerwatch (UK): www.powerwatch.org.uk, ElectroSensitivity UK (2004) www.es - uk.info, EM Radiation Research Trust (UK): http : / /www.radiationresearch.org, Mast Action UK: www.mastaction.co.uk, EMFacts Consultancy (Australia): www.emfacts.com, 8 FEB (Sweden): www.feb.se, Alliance for Irish Radiation Protection: www.eirewaves.com, No Radiation For You (Israel): www.norad4u.com, WEEP Initiative (Canada): www.weepinitiative.org, Kawartha Safe Technology Initiative (Canada): www.kawarthasafetechnology.org, Citizens for Safe Technology: http: / /citizensforsafetechnology.org, and others. Exponential Increase in Man -Made Electromagnetic Fields Parallels Exponential Increase in Chronic Neurological Illness (1) "What is it that has changed in the last 15 -20 years ?" Dr Klinghardt M.D., PhD, of Sophia Institute in Seattle asked. I invite you to refer to Dr. Klinghardt's credentials in the references before reading the below summary of his video, "Smart Meters & EMR: The Health Crisis Of Our Time - Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt:" "The teaching in medical schools, to a large degree, is lagging behind the evolution of illness." Foundational causes of illness are quite different, now, than 30 -40 years ago. Today, there are two kinds of illnesses from a medical perspective: 1. traditional illnesses - those with a name, (diabetes, hypertension, fractures, etc.), and 2. nameless illnesses, accounting for a much larger amount of illness. The main symptom in every patient we see is "loss of zest — loss of enthusiasm, sex drive, and joy" - Still living, but sort of a half -life. This is consistent with the findings of colleagues in other practices in the U.S., Canada, and Europe. When asked what 'has changed in the last 15 -20 years ?' We discovered - it's the exposure to Electromagnetic Fields." "Chronic neurological illness - Low Grade Depression; Insomnia; Muscle aches /pains; Fatigue; Strange neurological symptoms with tingling, numbness, vibration in the body; the number of children diagnosed Autistic have increased exponentially... As a scientist, you don't have to look very far...neurological diseases- Parkinson's, MS, ALS, Autism, Learning Disabilities and Behavioral Problems in Children, - all exploding exponentially. The only thing that fits from an environmental ...[andj...epidemiological perspective... is the increased exposure to man -made electromagnetic fields, largely in the high frequency range..." (1) Dr. Klinghardt's "data strongly suggests that electromagnetic radiation in the sleeping environment of mothers during pregnancy, as well as electromagnetic radiation in the sleeping environment of children, may be key undiscovered contributing, if not causative, factors in neurological impairments in children, including autism." (25) One study by the University of Athens, showed, "over an eight month period, 143 proteins in the mammalian brain were altered after exposure to either mobile phone or a DECT phone base, including proteins which have already been linked to Alzheimer's, Glioblastoma, stress, and metabolism." (1) "This study is anticipated to throw light in the understanding of such health effects like headaches, dizziness, sleep disorders, memory disorders, brain tumors, all of them related to the function of the altered brain proteins," (26) and which "permanently destroys...the manufacturing of these proteins [and] completely changes the human organism." (1) We receive most of the damage from incoming cell phone radiation during the night time, "when the parasympathetic nervous system is active, and the sympathetics are withdrawing." With half of his practice focused on the treatment of Autistic children, Dr. Klinghardt realized very quickly — "there are two kinds of Autistic kids: the ones that recover and the ones that don't... And the ones that recover are the ones that follow exactly this set of instructions. It is hardly done with the vitamins, and the other things that we do with behavioral therapies - they have a minor effect... The moment we protect the sleeping location of the child, Autistic children are recovering." (1) "20.7x Higher Microwave Power Density in Mom's Sleeping Location In Cases Where Children Were Neurologically Impaired" (25) "The exposure to man -made electromagnetic fields has become the first factor that could be isolated, ever, in Autism - that could predict autism. I can go to the home of a pregnant mother now, take those measurements, and give her a reasonable assessment what her chances are to give birth to a child that will later be diagnosed as autistic..." The fetus is hundreds of times more susceptible to microwave exposure "from cell phone radiation, or...ambient man -made fields in the house." (1) 9 My Experience with Puget Sound Energy While watching Dr. Klinghardt's video about smart meters, I learned, "the smart meter sends a microwave impulse at 900 megahertz, between 17,000- 190,000 times a day.." through your entire home. This radiation has been measured "up to 600 times higher" than the existing already high standards. (1) I called Puget Sound Energy (PSE), which serves over 1.2 million electric & gas customers in Washington State - Island, Jefferson, Kitsap, King, Pierce, Skagit, Thurston, Whatcom and Kittitas Counties, (27) and after a daunting exchange of words, I learned that a Cellnet Data Systems Automatic Meter Reading (AMR) system was installed on both our gas and electrical meters just months before we moved into our home in 2001. All of PSE's customers, except the extreme rural, have an AMR system on their gas and electric meters. Our water department, confirmed yet a third wireless device had been installed on our meter by the City of Snoqualmie at the time our home was built in 1999. All City of Snoqualmie water customers have a Sensus MXU AMR system installed on their water meter, with the exception of about 500 customers awaiting installation. When I spoke with the water department, I was given answers right up front and forwarded to the Sensus representative for representation of their product. However, when I called PSE's product manufacturer, Cellnet Data Systems, for a specification sheet on their product, I was told they couldn't help me because of their relationship with their customer, the utility. I encountered evasive communications with PSE as I was told I didn't have a smart meter — like in California. They said our meter only sends a one -way signal, whereas smart meters send two ways. A manager informed my customer service rep that our AMR system "puts out less rays than a smart meter — about the same as a phone module." I was told a signal is transmitted up to 4x /day or lx /day near midnight, only to hear from another representative that the meter sends a signal lx /Sminutes. When I asked PSE for the location of the "router," I was informed they are called "pole top storage devices," and they cannot release their location due to security reasons. The pole top storage device sends collected information back to PSE. When I asked if I could forward them a video about the health effects of smart meters, I was informed that PSE has all the information out there and their meters are not smart meters. The definition of a smart meter, is an "electrical meter that will measure consumer energy usage and send the information back to the utility by a wireless signal in the form of pulsed frequencies within the 800 MHz to 2400MHz range," (19) and which "create non - ionizing, non - thermal electromagnetic radiation." (28) In a later conversation with PSE, my husband was told that PSE was aware of the issue and were working on it. We can't 'opt out' because there are no analog meters. It was at this time I discovered one aspect of these devices that PSE would not address for me — the Switching Mode Power Supply (SMPS). In fact, when I asked PSE, "Does the Cellnet AMR system use a Switching Mode Power Supply ?" their written reply was, "PSE does not track this information." PSE appears to be unaware of the very product they force upon their customers. According to Dr. Milham, Clinical Associate Professor at the University of Washington School of Public Health, 1968 to present, "Smart meters put out RF radiation if they transmit wirelessly, and they all have switching power supplies to change the grid AC to DC . These generate dirty electricity." (29) In my quest to find answers in light of PSE's inability to share, I found one source pertaining to the California smart meter issue stating, "The SMPS function emits sharp spikes of millisecond bursts constantly, 24/7. The SMPS on the OWS 514 MC model, for instance, which is the smart meter model widely installed by PG &E throughout its territory, has been measured to emit spikes of up to 50,000 Hz and higher. This constant pulsing of high frequencies, in addition to the RF function, is causing not only interference with other electric and electronic equipment in many homes with smart meters installed, but also is causing havoc with biological systems in its field of exposure." (30) "Extensive measurements have demonstrated that all of the meters measured so far, including ABB, GE, and Landis Gyr, emit noise on the customer's electric wiring in the form of high frequency voltage spikes, typically with an amplitude of 2 volts, but a frequency anywhere from 4,000 Hertz, up to 60,000 Hz. The actual frequency of the phenomena is influenced by the devices that are plugged into the customer's power. Some houses are much worse than others, and this observation has been confirmed by PG &E installers that have talked to us." (30) 10 Co- author of the 2007 Biolnitiative Report, Cindy Sage, summed it up nicely in her February 29, 2012 address to Dariusz Leszczynski, Research Professor, Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority, Helsinki, Finland. She says the glaringly obvious, 'big secret' that, "Scientific certainty is not the benchmark for intelligent action for public health, where the risks are dread, the affected population is nearly the entire planet's human habitation, and the societal costs are enormous." (31) PSE emailed their position that 'all is well,' then inform us verbally they are aware of the issue, are working on it, but there is no opt - out option because they don't have any analog meters. They even emailed me a few methods that other customers have shared to shield their meter and protect themselves from exposure: "I used: Nickel Copper Ripstop fabric as my reflector (The reflector needs to be grounded into an outlet. LESS EMF will include a grounding system) and 'Microwave Absorbing Sheet' for my absorber. http:// www .lessemf.com /fabric.html#259n. The local construction company that I used to make the box..." (32) Although, I think it kind of PSE to offer some remedies that may have helped other customers, this suggests that other customers are experiencing concerning issues with their AMR meter systems. In a PSE reply to my question, "Since PSE has admitted to having all the information out there, which radio frequencies are considered harmful to biological life ? ", they tried to reassure me with: "Response: PSE is not aware of any adverse biological effects due to the radio frequency fields from Cellnet meters. You may wish to consider the 2011 report by the California Council on Science and Technology, 'Health Impacts of Radio Frequency from Smart Meters,'...and the 2010 report from the Maine Center for Disease Control. For example, the Maine CDC found that the scientific studies 'do not indicate any consistent or convincing evidence to support a concern for health effects related to the use of radiofrequency in the range of frequencies and power used by smart meters. They also do not indicate an association of EMF exposure and symptoms that have been described as electromagnetic sensitivity. "' (33) If, at this time, I had not been on the brink of death after breast cancer, with massive unexplained hair loss, racing heartbeat, persistent shortness of breath, excessive stress hormones, tingling, vision impairment, metabolic and digestive issues, chronic inflammation, pain and burning under my arm, noise disturbances in certain buildings, and a general loss of strength, energy and vitality, I may have just given up on this issue, but I used every ounce of energy I had to bring this to the public's attention. PSE chooses to site the California Council on Science and Technology (CCST) as their scientific defense; however, their report was discredited at least five times when: 1. California radiation expert and UCSD instructor, Daniel Hirsch wrote that the CCST draft report "does not appear to answer the questions asked of it by the requesting elected officials. Furthermore, rather than being an independent, science -based study, the CCST largely cuts and pastes estimates from a brochure by the Electric Power Research Institute...lt is strongly recommended that CCST revise its Draft Report and conduct actual measurements of cell phone, microwave oven, and SmartMeter RF cumulative whole body power densities. If measurements aren't made, then rigorous calculations correcting for cell phone and microwave oven duty cycles and whole body exposures should be made...[and] rough estimates of the effect of those corrections suggest SmartMeters may produce cumulative whole body exposures far higher than that of cell phones or microwave ovens." (34) 2. The Santa Cruz County Public Health Officer wrote, "...CCST did not account for the frequency of transmissions, reflection factors, banks of SmartMeters firing simultaneously, and distances closer than three feet.." and, "it has been aptly demonstrated by computer modeling and real measurement of existing meters that SmartMeters emit frequencies almost continuously, day and night, seven days a week.... it is not possible to program them to not operate at 100% of a duty cycle (continuously) and therefore it should not be possible to state that SmartMeters do not exceed the time - averaged exposure limit," and, "... exposure is additive and consumers may have already increased their exposures to radiofrequency radiation in the home through the voluntary use of wireless devices... making safety a uncertainty with the installation of a mandatory SmartMeter." (19) 3. Greek researchers countered with, "the [CCST] has released a report on WIRELESS SMART METERS, in which any relation with health hazards has been bypassed. It is however 'common secret' between the researchers in the field of electromagnetic biology that such a statement has absolutely no scientific validity for the following [6] reasons..." (35) 4. Sage Associates rebutted with, "Conclusions Are Not Supported by Evidence of Compliance with FCC Safety Limits; Conclusions Disregard Evidence in the Report for Possible Health Risk; Conclusions of the report are inconsistent with the report's more balanced warnings about possible risks to health. The overall legitimacy of the report is cast into doubt as a 11 result; FCC Violations and Excessively High RF Exposures are Ignored; Misleading Comparisons Are Made to Cell Phones; RF Levels from Smart Meters are Unreconciled and Need Assessment; Cumulative RF is Not Assessed Prior to Meter Installation; and, Recommendations to CCST..." (36) 5. Senior Research Fellow of the Environmental Health Trust, L. Lloyd Morgan, countered with the, "report is based on a 1997... (FCC) exposure standard, which has not been revised for 15 years, while the technology on which these standards were based has been changing at an exponential rate. The exposure standard is based on acute (short- term /immediate) thermal (measured temperature change) effects, and is not based on chronic (long -term) effects. During the intervening 15 years, peer- reviewed scientific studies of humans, animals, and living cells have found that chronic exposures to non - ionizing, non - thermal electromagnetic radiation cause a host of serious problems...With human, animal and cell studies all showing harmful effects, it is hard to imagine why the exposure standard has not been changed." (28) With not one, but five, efforts to discredit the CCST report, I have no reason to believe the credibility of PSE's second piece of reassurance with the "2010 report from the Maine Center for Disease Control." Alas, since, " PSE's AMR system was vetted and approved by the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission (UTC), which directly regulates PSE and has jurisdiction over these matters," (32) I will refer to them. The "Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission does not require our utility meters to go through UL certification. The manufacturer of the Cellnet meters is required to obtain certification that the meters comply with the radio frequency standards adopted by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC)," (33) PSE informed me. With the compelling science currently available, I can only presume the WUTC is unaware of adverse biological effects of the radio frequency electromagnetic fields currently being forced upon many Washington residents against their knowledge and will, as is the case with smart meters. What is the WUTC's position on smart meters in regards to negative health impacts, mandatory exposure, lack of biological testing, and PSE's admittance to having no replacement analog meters? The FCC ... "operates as an independent U.S. government agency overseen by Congress... [and is] required by the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 to evaluate the effect of emissions from FCC - regulated transmitters on the quality of the human environment. At the present time there is no federally- mandated radio frequency (RF) exposure standard." (37) If the FCC is incapable of protecting the safety of Americans within their domain, which has been demonstrated with its noncompliance with NEPA, and the proliferation of electromagnetic radiation exposure in our environment, in spite of evidence of biological harm, then a separate agency with the mandate to protect American health should perform that duty, in a just and timely manner, as was the case with ephedra: After California, Illinois, and New York banned dietary supplements containing ephedra, and after many calls for the ban from medical groups and Congressional members, the FDA on December 30, 2003, announced its intentions to ban the same dietary supplements containing the Chinese supplement ma huang. It issued a Consumer Alert "to stop buying and using [ephedra] products immediately." The Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS) Tommy Thompson said, "They are simply too risky to be used," and he was, "pleased [to be] able to take the strong action against ephedra," and "the FDA could not have acted any sooner because DSHEA does not require manufacturers to prove a product safe prior to bringing it to the market." (38) As with ephedra, smart meters were not appropriately tested. The removal of ephedra from the market in a swift manner shows the government's ability to take action. How can the voluntary purchase of risky herbal products be more epidemically dangerous than the involuntary and mandatory exposure of Americans to a known Group 2B Carcinogen — 24 hours, 7days per week? "The telecom industry convinced the FDA to allow [cell phones] to be sold without any premarket testing on the grounds that the power they emit is far less than the high power used by microwave ovens..." (7)1 am asking the Secretary of Health and Human Services to exert your authority and 'take a strong action' against smart meters, because they are 'simply too risky.' Even with their designation as the "United States government's principal agency for protecting the health of all Americans," (39) the HHS has done nothing so far. Since the FCC is overseen by Congress, I have to ask -What is the position of Congress regarding mandatory, involuntary installation of smart meters and their negative health impacts, lack of biological testing prior to marketing smart meters, the uncontrolled proliferation of Radiofrequency electromagnetic fields, and my utilities' admittance to having no replacement analog meters? 12 Keeping Up With The Times In my research, I discovered a few ways our government can help keep public health a priority: The EPA The EPA promotes public health by protecting our Nation's air, water, and soil from harmful pollution by implementing Federal laws. Research, monitoring, standard setting, and enforcement activities help them reach their goals. The EPA website touches on Ionizing and Non - Ionizing Radiation, however, only offers a broader scope of information and protection guidance for ionizing radiation. Under Sources of Man Made Radiation Exposure on the EPA website, it reads "While the primary source of man made radiation exposure comes from medical sources, there are various other sources that expose us to small amounts of radiation." (40) Given the controversy over chronic exposure of radiation from all man -made sources combined, including Smart Meters, cell phones, cell phone towers, antenna, Wi -Fi, etc., the EPA has no measurement to substantiate its 'small amounts of radiation' statement. From a document regarding wireless technology, the EPA promotes, "RF radiation is non - ionizing. In other words, it is not strong enough to affect the structure of atoms it contacts...To -date, the scientific evidence linking long -term use of cell phones to cancer or other health effects is not conclusive. More research is needed to clarify the question of safety. (40) This information is not consistent with current scientific data: a. Although it may not affect the structure of atoms, RF radiation does affect functioning on a cellular level. Studies are documenting the "results of exposure to RF at non - thermal levels, including increased permeability of the blood -brain barrier in the head (Eberhardt, 2008), harmful effects on sperm, double strand breaks in DNA which could lead to cancer genesis (Phillips, 2011), stress gene activation indicating an exposure to a toxin (Blank, 2011), and alterations in brain glucose metabolism (Volkow, 2011)." (19) "Research has demonstrated objective evidence to support the EHS diagnosis, defining pathophysiological mechanisms including immune dysregulation in vitro, with increased production of selected cytokines and disruption and dysregulation of catecholamine physiology (Genuis, 2011)..A collection of scientists and physicians recently conducted a double - blinded research study that concluded that 'EMF hypersensitivity can occur as a bona fide environmentally - inducible neurological syndrome' (McCarty et ai', 2011)." (19) b. Evidence linking long -term use of cell phones to cancer, or other health effects does exist. Remember, in May 2011, WHO IARC classified "radio frequency electromagnetic fields as possibly carcinogenic to humans (Group 2B), based on an increased risk for glioma, a malignant type of brain cancer associated with wireless phone use ;" (5) ii. "All case - control epidemiological studies covering >10 years of cell phone use have reported an increased risk of brain tumors from the use of mobile phones (Hallberg, 2011);" (19) iii. "Other studies have pointed to an increasing risk of acoustic neuroma, salivary gland tumors, and eye cancer after several years of cell phone use and the tumors occur predominantly on the same side of the head as the phone is used;" (19) iv. "The analysis of brain cancer statistics since the mid -20th century in several countries reveals that brain tumor formation has a long latency time, an average of over 30 years to develop from initial damage (Hallberg, 2011)." (19) On their website, the EPA offers information about — "How radiation causes health effects," "What kinds of health effects does exposure to radiation cause ?" "the amount and duration of radiation exposure affects the severity or type of health effect," the "stochastic and non - stochastic" health effects of exposure to radiation, the "threshold exposures for the various non - stochastic effects," "Aren't children more sensitive to radiation than adults? Yes," "Fetuses are also highly sensitive to radiation, "the cancer risk from radiation ?" however, the EPA only goes on to discuss ionizing radiation for each. 13 The EPA is behind in their duty to promote public health and should address the public's need for non - ionizing radiation exposure and protection methods. The EPA would be remiss to continue this lack of information. A step in the right direction - the EPA does communicate, "Although there is not sufficient evidence to conclude that there is a definite risk associated with long -term cell phone use, people who are concerned can take simple steps to reduce exposure: Limit use — reducing the number /length of calls [and] Use 'hands -free' devices — Using 'hands -free' devices can help to keep mobile phones away from the head." (40) Washington State Department or Health According to the Washington State Department of Health (DOH), "A healthy community is where people can be as healthy as possible in a safe and nurturing environment. Our goal is to increase the number of people in Washington who are healthy at every stage of life where they live, learn, work, and play. The Washington State Department of Health aims to make the healthy choice, the easy choice where we live, learn, work, and play. We will do this by encouraging environmental, program, and system changes. We will also focus our resources in communities where people don't have equal opportunities to support a healthy life." The Healthy and Safe Environments section of the DOH website reads, "Where people live, learn, work, and play influences their wellness. It's important that these environments be healthy. Communities can transform to make healthy choices easy, affordable, and safe." I don't see how this can be fully accomplished, currently, given the nature of our wireless world and the State of Washington's lag in Public Health & Safety. I understand the DOH is currently working on the 'Washington State Plan for Healthy Communities,' and is accepting public feedback. Please accept this document as such, and understand the DOH would be remiss to avoid this issue. Immediate communication to the public about Electromagnetic Radiation Shielding Methods would be prudent — please see Attachment A for examples. In addition, the State would be remiss to avoid the following updates to the "Washington State Plan for Healthy Communities:" a. "Healthy Starts -It is important for infants to start out their lives healthy. Communities can support all aspects of maternal and child health service planning to promote the best outcomes for mothers, infants, and families." (Include appropriate informational warnings about the hazards of RF radiation and EMF exposure during pregnancy and infancy, from cell phones, Wi -Fi, smart meters and cell towers and antenna.) b. "Reproductive and Sexual Health - Healthy reproductive and sexual practices, including family planning, are vital to the health of women, infants, and families. Communities increase the use of quality health care services, support safe practices, and empower people of all ages with the information they need to make healthy, respectful, and responsible choices." (Include appropriate informational warnings about the hazards to reproductive processes, and fetal development, caused by RF radiation and EMF exposure.) c. Social and Emotional Wellness - Positive mental health from the earliest stages of life allows people to realize their full potential, cope with the stresses of life, work productively, and make meaningful contributions to society. Communities cultivate quality relationships with family and friends, positive workplace environments, and access to appropriate mental health services. (Include appropriate communications about the hazards of RF radiation and EMF exposure -cell phones and smart meters in particular- in regards to the increased stress proteins, and potentially resultant anxiety and depression.) In addition, the DOH would be remiss if the following areas of its website, and according publications and programs, were not updated to provide public health information as follows: a. Contaminants — Currently the state lists "Arsenic, Asbestos, Bisphenol A (BPA), Bleach Mixing Dangers, Blue -Green Algae, Carbon Monoxide, DDT, Drinking Water Contaminants, Drug Labs, Methamphetamine, Formaldehyde, Hydrogen Sulfide, Lead, Mercury, Mold, PBDEs, PCBs, Pesticides, Radon, Vapor Intrusion," as contaminants. In 2012, Arsenic, Asbestos, and Formaldehyde were classified as Group 1 Carcinogens (Carcinogenic to Humans) by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC). Lead was classified as a Group 2B Carcinogen (Possibly Carcinogenic to Humans) in 1987, and DDT in 1991. It would be responsible for the State of Washington to add 14 Radiofrequency electromagnetic fields (from wireless phones) to this list of contaminants in light of its recent classification. b. Radiation Protection — the State maintains the following sections or programs regarding radiation protection: Environmental Sciences, Radioactive Air Emissions, Radioactive Materials, Radiological Emergency Preparedness, Waste Management, and X -Ray. The Environmental Sciences section monitors and assesses radiation in the air, water, soils, foods and the environment, but only assesses ionizing radiation. (It would be prudent to include the hazards and abatement of non - ionizing radiation in your programs. The State would be remiss to avoid the urgent need to resolve holes in any laws which prevent identifying and abating the Radiofrequency electromagnetic fields in our communities.) The DOH "works toward making schools safe and healthy and to assure that parents, health care providers, and state and local agencies work together to promote healthy families and increase the use of preventive health care for our children." In light of this goal, and the recent IARC classification for Radiofrequency electromagnetic fields (from wireless phones), and Wi -Fi, the DOH would be remiss to continue allowing wireless networks in public schools and public areas where involuntary exposure to a known possible carcinogen can create a public health crisis. The DOH's "Guiding Principles of the Prevention and Community Health Agenda ". 2012 -2015, are: 1. We are each available and accountable 2. We strive to add value and maintain the public's trust 3. We are guided by science, data, and best practices "We promote policies and systems that increase the number of people who are healthy at every stage of life to: 1. Provide a healthy start 2. Foster tobacco- and substance -free living 3. Encourage healthy eating 4. Support active living and safe environments" In keeping with its goals and directives, the DOH would be remiss if immediate attention to the smart meter issue was denied. The DOH must be the leader in this public health hazard and coordinate with appropriate groups, agencies, organizations, utilities, and the public. The Cancer Circle So, now I can purchase all three utility 'services' with possible cancer causing devices attached, without my knowledge, or consent, then I can get cancer and turn to the 'publicly accepted' cancer support networks where I can learn, according to them and their 'affiliates,' all about how these devices, and others, really aren't linked to cancer after all? The National Cancer Institute (NCI) "was established by Congress in 1937 as the Federal Government's principal agency for cancer research and training." (41) The National Cancer Institute /National Institute for Environmental Health Science published a report on Cancer and the Environment indicating "two- thirds of all cancers are caused by environmental factors, including lifestyle factors such as diet and exercise." (42) In the section, "WHAT ARE SOME WAYS TO REDUCE THE RISK OF DEVELOPING CANCER," 19 cancer reducing methods are listed. (43) It would be appropriate, here, and in other references the NCI makes, to include 'reduce exposure to Radiofrequency electromagnetic fields.' The American Cancer Society informs the public on their website: "Cell phones communicate with nearby cell towers mainly through radiofrequency (RF) waves, a form of energy in the electromagnetic spectrum between FM radio waves and microwaves. Like FM radio waves, microwaves, visible light, and heat, they are forms of non - ionizing radiation. This means they cannot cause cancer by directly damaging DNA. RF waves are different from stronger types of radiation such as x -rays, gamma rays, and ultraviolet (UV) light, which can break the chemical bonds in DNA." Unfortunately, one of the top public educators on cancer in America is behind on their information. At least one form of non - ionizing radiation can cause cancer, according to IARC's classification of Radiofrequency electromagnetic fields as 'possibly 15 carcinogenic' to humans, "based on an increased risk for glioma, a malignant type of brain cancer associated with wireless phone use." (5) The American Cancer Society again misinforms the public by stating, "This means they cannot cause cancer by directly damaging DNA," (44) yet according to Dr. 011e Johansson, "it is becoming more and more obvious that the exposure to electromagnetic fields may result in highly unwanted health effects. This has been demonstrated in a very large number of studies and includes cellular DNA - damage (which may lead to an initiation of cancer as well as mutations that carry down generations)..." (6), In addition, Dr. David Carpenter notes, "Non industry- funded studies have clearly demonstrated a significant increase in cancer cases among individuals who have suffered from prolonged exposure to low -level microwaves, transmitted notably by radio antennas... RF /microwave radiation is also known to decrease the production of melatonin, which protects against cancer, and to promote the growth of existing cancer cells. " (45) I am asking the American Cancer Society why they are publishing misleading information? "In 2004, cancer became the leading cause of death in Washington State. According to the Department of Health, which recently published its 2004 vital statistics, 10,968 people died from cancer, compared with 10,626 from heart disease." (46) Washington State cancer agencies would be remiss to avoid communicating the 'possible' link between RF EMF exposure and cancer. Means For Change "The American Academy of Environmental Medicine (AAEM) opposes the installation of wireless 'smart meters' in homes and schools based on a scientific assessment of current medical literature (references available on request). Chronic exposure to wireless radiofrequency radiation is a preventable environmental hazard that is sufficiently well documented to warrant immediate preventative health action...We consider a moratorium on installation of wireless 'smart meters' to be an issue of the highest importance... The Board of the Academy of Environmental Medicine also wishes to note that the US NIEHS National Toxicology Program in 1999 cited radiofrequency radiation as a potential carcinogen. Existing safety limits for pulsed RF were termed 'not protective of public health' by the Radiofrequency Interagency Working Group (a federal interagency working group including the FDA, FCC, OSHA, the EPA and others)" (47) And fourteen years later, we are still waiting for our governments to work out an appropriate public health action plan. "Washington is one of 27 states that administers its own workplace safety and health program." (48) The federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) enforces safety and health in the remaining states, by following the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970, which "covers all employers and their employees in the 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and other U.S. territories." (49) Who is protecting MY right to safety...as a Small Business Owner working from home, as a Homeowner, as a Parent? My exposure to smart meters' Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields, now a Group 2B Carcinogen, could have been prevented if the WUTC and PSE required appropriate biological testing for their consumer products. Again, appropriate testing would have eliminated my exposure to Radio Frequency Electromagnetic Fields from my neighbor's WiFi and cordless phone, which were stationed on his wall 15 feet from my kitchen window, where our environmental consultant had measured a strong reading: "Unacceptable biological risk for all people especially if multiple stress factors are acting together. Remediation must be done as soon as possible." (50) And again, appropriate testing would have prevented any potential biological harm to my daughter while in the care of the public schools over the years. I turn to government to protect my right to create a safe environment in my home and at school. "As a policy leader, Attorney General Rob McKenna's top priorities are: 1. Consumer protection: Fighting ID theft and the latest scams. 2. Government accountability: Promoting open government. 16 3. Community safety: Protecting children, families and seniors in their communities and on the Internet." (51) I am asking the Washington State Attorney General what his position is on smart meters in regards to negative health impacts, mandatory and involuntary exposure, lack of appropriate testing, and PSE's admittance to having no replacement analog meters? Civil Rights "Over the last 50 years, the civil rights movement, often looking to the courts for support and guidelines, has broadly focused on several key issues: 1. An end to school segregation and the creation of truly equal educational opportunity; 2. An end to housing discrimination and the creation of a housing market with all neighborhoods open to all people; 3. An end to employment discrimination and the creation of an equal opportunity economy; 4. An end to discriminatory politics by making voting rights open to all Americans; 5. An end to discrimination in the administration of criminal justice. These issues provide a barometer of the nation's progress in ending discrimination and achieving its professed ideal of a society where each person has an equal opportunity for a full and productive life." (52) As a Stay -At- Home -Mom, helping prepare excellence for our future, my workplace is my home. Where is my right to a safe work environment? Charged "to promote and protect the civil and human rights of all persons in the United States, (53) I am asking The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights to focus their efforts on my behalf, and that of all Stay -At- Home - Parents. Please add to your list of triumphs and help put, 'An end to the hazardous working conditions, of Stay -At- Home - Parents, from the under - regulated wireless industry.' We have been violated, and betrayed, by this uncontrolled experiment on our American public. I would like to thank Dr. Mercola, Take Back Your Power, and Dr. Klinghardt for really making this hit HOME! I am informing the residents of the City of Snoqualmie about this issue and the existence of a Health Effects Survey. Anyone in Washington State who has experienced adverse health effects, and believe it may be due to one or more smart meters, can go to www.MeansForChange.com and complete a short, confidential survey. I understand 'these things take time,' but from a person diagnosed with cancer, and in that group most susceptible to the adverse biological effects of RF electromagnetic fields... time may not be on my side. This is a real Means For Change, and it's time. Pull the Lead out Washington... And all other possible carcinogens, like RF electromagnetic fields Let's avoid another Thalidomide fiasco; Another DDT fiasco; Another Tobacco fiasco; Another Asbestos fiasco... Do not wait for a national example — that isn't working. I know this may not be convenient, Neither is cancer... Since my home is uninhabitable, I kindly look forward to your reply within iS days of this notice. In Health, Karen Nold 17 -Some Definitions Extremely low- frequency radiation:" has very long wave lengths (on the order of a million meters or more) and frequencies in the range of 100 Hertz or cycles per second or less. Radio frequencies have wave lengths of between 1 and 100 meters and frequencies in the range of 1 million to 100 million Hertz. Microwaves that we use to heat food have wavelengths that are about 1 hundredth of a meter long and have frequencies of about 2.5 billion Hertz." (18) Electromagnetic Radiation: Microwave ovens, Radio, and TV, to name a few, all make use of electromagnetic waves. "Radio waves, microwaves, visible light, and x rays are all examples of electromagnetic waves that differ from each other in wavelength. Electromagnetic waves are produced by the motion of electrically charged particles. These waves are also called 'electromagnetic radiation' because they radiate from the electrically charged particles. They travel through empty space as well as through air and other substances." (54) (a) Longer wavelength; (b) shorter wavelength. (54) Non - ionizing radiation: Used for common tasks such as "microwave radiation telecommunications and heating food, infrared radiation infrared lamps to keep food warm in restaurants, radio waves broadcasting. Non - ionizing radiation ranges from extremely low frequency radiation, shown on the far left through the audible, microwave, and visible portions of the spectrum into the ultraviolet range." (18) Radiofrequency (RF): "any of the electromagnetic wave frequencies that lie in the range extending from below 3 kilohertz to about 300 gigahertz and that include the frequencies used for communications signals (as for radio and television broadcasting and cell - phone and satellite transmissions) or radar signals." (55) Radiofrequency electromagnetic fields: "Radiofrequency waves are electromagnetic fields." "Mobile phones communicate by transmitting radio waves through a network of fixed antennas called base stations." (56) Microwave (MW) radiation: "Electromagnetic radiation in the frequency ranges 300 MHz - 300 gigahertz (GHz). There are no specific standards for MW radiation issues." (57) WI -FI: "Wireless Fidelity. WI -Fl systems create zones of wireless RF that allow access to wireless internet for computers, internet phone access and other wireless services. Access points that provide WI -Fl to access Land Area Networks (LANs) can be installed on streets (for city -wide coverage) or indoors in buildings. Restaurants, hotels, coffee shops, airports, malls and other commercial enterprises are widely installing WI -Fl. The range of typical WI -Fl systems is about 300 feet." (58) WI -MAX: "Wireless interoperability for Microwave Access" and is a telecommunications technology aimed at providing wireless data over long distances. Like WI -FI, WI -MAX systems are designed to provide wireless access but over much broader geographic areas, with some systems transmitting signal up to 10 miles. Higher levels of RF are produced at the wireless transmission facilities than for WI -Rs" (58) 18 Complete Address of Recipients City of Snoqualmie Administrator Bob Larson PO Box 987 Snoqualmie, WA 98065 Snoqualmie City Hall Mayor Matthew R. Larson PO Box 987 Snoqualmie, WA 98065 City of Snoqualmie Public Works Department Daniel J. Marcinko, Director PO Box 987 Snoqualmie, WA 98065 Snoqualmie Valley Public Schools Joel Aune, Superintendent 8001 Silva Ave SE P.O. Box 400 Snoqualmie, WA 98065 Snoqualmie City Council Robert Jeans: bjeans@ci.snoqualmie.wa.us Snoqualmie Valley SD Board of Directors Scott Hodgins: gscott.hodgins @comcast.net Jeff MacNichols : macnichols @sbmhlaw.com Geoff Doy: geoffrev.w.dov @comcast.net Bryan Holloway: bhollowav @ci.snoqualmie.wa.us Carolyn Simpson: simpsoncgs@yahoo.com Kingston Wall: kwall @ci.snoqualmie.wa.us Marci Busby: mbusbv2831 @aol.com Maria Henriksen: mhenriksen @ci.snoqualmie.wa.us Dan Popp: danpopp @sysd410.org Charles Peterson: cpeterson @ci.snoqualmie.wa.us Kathi Prewitt: kprewitt@ci.snoqualmie.wa.us Snoqualmie City Hall Director, Planning Nancy Tucker PO Box 987 Snoqualmie, WA 98065 Director of Emergency Management Snoqualmie Fire Department Bob Rowe 37600 SE Snoqualmie Parkway Snoqualmie, WA 98065 Maryanne Guichard Assistant Secretary Environmental Public Health Washington State Department of Health P.O. Box 47820 Olympia, Washington 98504 -7820 Washington State Office of the Attorney General Consumer Protection Division 800 Fifth Avenue, Suite 2000 Seattle, WA 98104 Environmental Protection Agency Ariel Rios Building, Administrator, HQ 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington, D.C. 20460 Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction Attn.: Superintendent Randy Dorn P.O. Box 47200 Olympia, WA 98504 -7200 Mary Selecky, Secretary of Health Washington State Department of Health P.O. Box 47890 Olympia, Washington 98504 -7890 Maxine Hayes, MD, MPH, State Health Officer Washington State Department of Health P.O. Box 47890 Olympia, Washington 98504 -7890 Congresswoman Jaime Herrera Beutler 0.0. Howard House (Officers' Row) 750 Anderson Street, Suite B Vancouver, WA 98661 Secretary Kathleen Sebelius The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services 200 Independence Avenue, S.W. Washington, D.C. 20201 Congressman David Reichert 22605 SE 56th Street, Suite 130 Issaquah, WA 98029 Congressman Adam Smith 2209 Pacific Ave, Suite B Tacoma, Washington 98402 Congressman Rick Larsen 119 North Commercial Street Suite 1350 Bellingham, WA 98225 Congresswoman Suzan Delbene 18560 1st Ave., NE Suite E -800 Shoreline, WA 98155 -2150 Congressman Doc Hastings 2715 St. Andrews Loop, Suite D Pasco, WA 99301 Congresswoman Cathy McMorris Rodgers 10 North Post, Suite 625 Spokane, WA 99201 Congressman Norm Dicks 345 Sixth Ave, Suite 500 Bremerton, WA 98337 Congressman Jim McDermott 1809 76 Avenue, Suite 1212 Seattle, WA 98101 -1399 Puget Sound Energy, Vera Fuchs P.O. Box 97034 Bellevue, WA 98009 -9734 Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission 13005. Evergreen Park Dr. SW Olympia, WA 98504 -7250 American Cancer Society 250 Williams Street NW Atlanta, Georgia, 30303 The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights The Leadership Conference Education Fund 1629 K Street NW, 10th Floor Washington, DC 20006 19 CC: Snoqualmie Valley Schools foundation; Carmen Villanueva, President P.O. Box 724 Fall City, Washington 98024 -0724} students in.Snoquafmie Valley Schools deserve to be provided with the.tools andskills necessary to succeed during through their, school years and'beyond." Environmental Education Association of Washington P.O. Box 6277 Olympia, WA 98507 i U.S. EPA Region 10 -The Pacific North i 1200 Sixth Avenue, Suite 900 Seattle, WA 98101 "The Environmental Education Association of Washington is Washington's professional association for environmental educators and stakeholders." "EPA's purpose to ensure that: all Americans are protected tom significant risks to human health and the environment here they lived learn and 'work.. " Department of Environmental Studies Main Office -AH 217 Huxley College of the Environment Western Washington University 516 High Street - MS 9085 Bellingham, WA 98225 r, Department,of Ecology— Northwest Regional Office -' 3190 !:,160th Ave. SE,. . Bellevue, WA 98008-5452 Department of Ecology Southwest Regional Office PO Box 47775 Olympia, WA 98504 -7775 {r Department of•Ecologi. Central Regional Office 15 West Yakima Ave –Suite 200 WA 98902 -3452 someone harms the environment eral environmental laws." e enforce state and,: "...we collaborate with many local partners to give Washington residents the information they need to protect our state's environment, human health and quality of life." Department of Ecology Eastern Regional Office 4601 N Monroe Spokane, WA 99205 -1295 Utilities Telecom Council 1 1129 20th Street, NW, Suite 350 Washington DC 20036: American Civil Liberties Union of Washington Executive Director: Kathleen Taylor 901 Fifth Avenue, #630 Seattle, WA 98164 Founded in - v_a_.e. for o" .. _ additional - radio spedtruni for power utilities Cellular Phone Task P.O. Box 6216 1 Santa Fe, NM 8750 www.celfphonetaskforce . org°' The goal of the Protecting Civil Liberties in the Digital Age initiative is to ensure that expressive, associational, and privacy rights are strengthened rather than compromised by new technology, and to protect these core democratic rights against intrusive corporate and government practices that rely on new technology to invade these rights. The Cellular Phone Task Force is dedicated to halting the expansion of wireless technology because it cannot be made el www.TakeBackYourPower.net Info@takebackyourpower.net StopSmartMeters rg info @stopsmartmeters.org 20 Center for Electrosmog Prevention PO Box 655 La Mesa , CA 91944 -0655 Sam Million', MD, MPH �- s m i l h a m 2@ co m ca st. n et Cindy Sage, SageReports.com info@sagereports.com Washington State Dept. of Early Learning P.O. Box 40970 Olympia, WA 98504 -0970 Bellevue Department of Early. Learning Office:. 805 156th Ave. NE (• Bellevue, WA 98067 -4614' Public News Service Washington www.publicnewsservice.org 3980 Broadway Suite 103 Box 139 Boulder, CO 80304 Washington Water Utility Council. Linda, McCrea (Chair) 3628 South 35th-Street i Tacoma, WA 98409 ----A coalition charged by its diverse membership of more than 200.. i national organizations to promote and 'protect civil and human rights of all persons in the U.S . They work toward a more open and lust society --an America as good as its ideals. -, We at the Department of Early Learning (DEL) strive to help create safe, healthy, nurturing learning experiences for all Washington children. Our work focuses on the earliest years in children's homes, child care, school programs and communities. The Humane Society of the United States Animal Protection Litigation Division Wildlife Division 2100 L St., NW Washington, D.C. 20037 City of North Bend T Mayor, - Administrator, City Council i 211 Main Ave. North ` P.O. Box 896 I North Bend, WA 98045, The mission of the Washington Water Utility Council shall be to romote public policies legislation, and regulations which ensure an" adequate; quantity of hight9uAty potable water, at the lowest .. i reasonable cost.- E 1 The Animal Protection Litigation section conducts precedent - setting legal campaigns on behalf of animals in state and federal courts around the country... Our Wildlife programs defend all wild animals, both captive and free, from cruelty and avoidable suffering, from exploitation, or from threats to their survival or well- being. U.S. Department of Health & Human Services Regional Director, Region 10 Susan Johnson, MS -01 2201 6th Avenue, Room 911F Seattle, WA 98121 Washington State Public Health Association 155 NE 100th Street, Suite 500 Seattle, WA 98125 ], info @wspha.org The Collaborative on Health and the Environment — Washington (CHE -WA) Aimee Boulanger aboulanger @whidbey.com CHE -WA is a state network of over 400 researchers, healthcare providers, members of health- affected groups, environmental health and justice advocates and other concerned citizens committed to addressing environmental health issues linked to chronic health concerns in Washington State. 21 PCC Natural Markets The Sound Consumer - ' 4201 Roosevelt Way N E. Seattle, WA 98105 -6092 n - Federal Communications Commission Consumer & Governmental Affairs 445 12th Street SW Washington, DC 20554 King County Environmental Services. Health Impact Assessment 401 5th Ave. Suite 1100 ; . Seattle, WA 98104 _.. Autism Society of Washington P. O. Box 503 Olympia, WA 98507 -0503 The Consumer and Governmental Affairs Bureau develops and implements the FCC's consumer policies and serves as the agency's connection to the American consumer. 22 Works Cited 1, Klinghardt Academy. Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt - Smart Meters & EMR - The Health Crisis Of Our Time. [Online] www.TakeBackYourPower.net, 9 29, 2012. [Cited: 12 26, 2012.] Founder of the American Academy of Neural Therapy, Medical Director of the Institute of Neurobiology, lead clinician at the Sophia Health Institute, and Founder and Chairman of the Institute for Neurobiology (Germany and Switzerland). http: / /www.youtube.com /watch ?v= PktaaxPl7Rl. 2. U.S. Department of Labor. 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[Online] December 4, 2012. sponsored by Maine Coalition to Stop Smart Meters and www.conradbiologic.com. www. conradbiologic .com /smartmetersurvey.html. 26 Attachment A Electromagnetic Radiation Shielding Methods Sources of adverse EMR How to reduce EMR exposure Cell phones Cordless phones Wireless internet High EMR Computers laptops Handheld electronics (electric toothbrush, hair dryer, Smart phone, electronic tablets, etc.) Fluorescent lights Household power High voltage power lines substations, transmission towers, and emitters (cell phone tower, radar, etc.) Utility neutral -to -round bonded to water pipes Night Time Strategies Turn Off All Fuses Wall paint (sleeping location) Curtains (sleeping location) • Minimize use of cell and cordless phones and use speaker phones when possible' • Leave cell or cordless phone away from the body rather than in pocket or attached at the hip.' • Replace cordless phones. "They broadcast a signal 24 hours a day into the rooms wherever the person can walk and have reception. That is a very devastating radiation. "3 • Go to EWG.org for a list of cell phones emitting the lowest radiation° • Use wired interne[', wireless internet is a huge source of electro pollution and high frequency fields' • Turn off the internet router when not in use (e.g. night - time)' • Use power line network kits to achieve internet access by using existing wiring; avoiding wireless emissions' • Limit the amount of time spent working on a computer' • A void setting a laptop computer on the. lap.' Use a wired keyboard and mouse with a laptop • Increase the distance from the transformer' • Stay a reasonable distance away from the computer' • Limit the use of electronics and /or revert to using power -free devices' • Tum devices off before going to sleep' • Minimize electronics in bedrooms' • Replace compact fluorescent lights; they give off high frequency radiation and are mercury vapor based3 • Uncertainty exists about the safety of LED lights Go back to incandescent bulbs3 • Rely on natural sunlight for reading' • Measure levels of EMR and modify exposures as possible' with a Giga hertz Solutions instrument, measure the density, in microwatts per square meter, of microwave radiation in the bed location (> 5 is unacceptable)3 • Avoid sleeping near sites of elevated EMR' • Filters can be used to mitigate dirty power.' Stetzer Filters reduce biological stress in people within a room using the filters in the outlets by reducing dirty electricity. Graham Stetzer received opposition regarding this but it has been shown very clearly that the filters reduce biological damage. 3'5 • Consider relocating to an area not in close proximity to high voltage power lines' • Maintain considerable distance from Emitters' • Consider forms of shielding (shielding paints; grounded metal sheets)' • Increase size of neutral -wire to substation and install dielectric coupling in water pipe' • Decreases a phenomenon called Body Voltage. Turn off the breaker switch, wireless internet, telephone support system, alarm system, all appliances in the house, but probably will not switch off the smart meter3 • • Containing graphite fiber, carbon fiber, and conductive particles. Creates Faraday Cage in bedroom, which must be grounded with _a wire into the earth' • Silver- coated cloth reflects the incoming cell phone radiation to the outside. ' County of Santa Cruz, Health Officer, Poki Stewart Namkung, M.D., M.P.H., referencing (Genuis, 2011) 3 Klinghardt Academy Methods, from Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt — "Smart Meters & EMR -The Health Crisis Of Our Time" ° Gittleman, Ann Louise, Zapped, HarperCollins 2010 5 Dirty Electricity Explained, 2009, Magda Haves, Associate Professor of Environmental & Resource Studies at Trent University, Canada Means For Change January 2, 2013 Attachment B Electromagnetic Anomalies per Building Biology Standa ds set by The Institute of Building Biology & Ecology Neubeuern (IBN) Germany and the Institute of Building Biology and Ecology (IBE) USA www.buildingbiologv.net Means For Change January 2, 2013 Range Building Biology Test Ideal Weak Strong Extreme Magnetic fields from AC power systems mG (milliGauss) <.2 .2 -1 1 -5 >5 Building Biology Test Results ' ®® General household readings- Microwave Control Panel ®� 75 °OWefO 3501 power on) Laptop 12 + Range Building Biology Test Ideal Weak Strong Extreme High (Radio) Frequency Radiation µW /m2 (Microwatts per meter squared) <1 2 -50 50 -1000 >1000 Building Biology Test Results Back Patio Door MIIIIIIIIIIIIMIMIIIIIIIIIIIII 160 w/ bursts —every 30 sec to 300 -420 ®� 70 North Window — detecting Wi -Fi from neighbor's house; Family Room couch ® Front Door IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 650 �� 92 ���1�I�® 124 ®IIIN 111111111111111111111 257 Office Desk T' Office Desk K ®— ® ® Living Room @ windows Living Room on north chair- Living Room south chair Living Room middle room 259 1111111111111111111111 280 Daughter's Bedroom @ headboard Master Bedroom @ pillows North 142 Master Bedroom South ` Master Bedroom @Window IINMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIINMIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 206 280 80 Master Bath Shower !. ? Treadmill Ileallinallnille SilltSIIIIIIIIIIIIIIISI - 242 122 - - Top of Stairs' Chaise Lounge Range Building Biology Test Ideal Weak Strong Extreme Body Voltage mV (millivolts) <10 10 -100 100 -1000 >1000 Building Biology Test Results NIMIIIIIM 40 power° 3720poweron Master Bed — Karen' Master Bed —Terry 5200 power°" Guest (Floor) Bed 35 power° 2850 p°wer°n Daughter's Bed IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 18 p°1Nef° 111111111111111 1742 pOWe"n Means For Change January 2, 2013 Attachment C 0 0 U CD 0. E co ro 0 In D ar 0 0 LL c L 3 0 co -= c c c Q c 0 F-- u N 0 0 .c tro v 0 on c Co 0 N N Co ro Means For Change I 1 +School District lSchool Address City State App e Towers Pending Antenna Snoqualmie Valley Snoqualmie Middle School 9200 Rail Road Ave. Snoqualmie WA 12 0 165 I Snoqualmie Valley ,Snoquamlmie School Dist Office 8001 Silva Ave. SE Snoqualmie WA Snoqualmie Valley Twin Falls Middle School 46910 SE Middle Fork Rd. North Bend WA Snoqualmie Valley IChief Kanim Middle School , 32627 SE Redmond Fall City Rd. Fall City WA 1 1. 12 _ Of 2 0 10- 0J 165 22 38 Snoqualmie Valley Cascade View ElementarySchool 34816 SE Ridge St. Snoqualmie WA Snoqualmie Valley I Fall City Elementary School 133314 SE 42nd St. Fall City 1WA Snoqualmie Valley - North Bend Elementary School 400 East. 3rd St. North Bend. WA 14 0 i 11 Oj 9 0 52 36 165 ■ Snoqualmie Valley J Opstad Elementary School 1_1345Stilson Ave. SE ! North Bend Snoqualmie Valley Snoqualmie Elementary School 39801 SE Park St. Snoqualmie .. WA WA 8 or 11 0 155 155 Snoqualmie Valley 'Mt. Si High School 18651 Meadowbrook Way SE j Snoqualmie 1WA 11 of 165 Snoqualmie Valley Two Rivers School 330 Ballarat Ave North Bend WA 9 0 168 Seattle Public 1 Cleveland High School (551115th Ave (Seattle jWA 90 5r.- Bellevue ‘ Bellevue High School'. 10416 Wolverine Way SE Bellevue _ • WA 70 1 Whatcom County 1 Bellingham High School 12020 Cornwall Ave Bellingham IWA 34. I 1 361 321` 262 Pullman Lincoln Middle School 315 SE Crestview St– WA 31 0 1161 Spokane Public Lewis and Clark High School ;521 W. Ave tSpokane IWA 'Spokane Central Kitsap Olympic High School 7070 Stampede Blvd Bremerton WA Seattle Public I Garfield High School 1400 23rd Ave iSeattle IWA 38 1 17 0 86- 0 414 139 643 - 288. _1 Vancouver Public Discovery Middle School 800E40th St - Vancouver WA 173 - 2 s Olympia +Olympia High School Centralia Centralia Middle School ' 1302 North St SE _ _ �Olympa TWA _j _ 4.11 01_ 311 -901 Johnson Rd . Centralia - WA - -- 30 4 146 -_,,--w- Pasco }Stevens Middle School 11120 N 22nd Ave [Pasco A 57' 0] 226 165 Walla Walla Public Garrison. Middle School - 906. Chase St Walla Walla WA 30 1 West Valley West Valley City School 8920E Valley way (Spokane Cle Elum- Roslyn Cle Elum - Roslyn Elem. School 2696 SR 903 Cle Elum Cle Elum Sequim :Sequin Middle School /HS 1301 West Hendrickson ISe wm Central Kitsap Olympic High School 7070 Stampede Blvd NW Bremerton WA 62 3 WA 4 0 WA l 5 1 WA - 17 0 251 24 39 139 Wenatchee -- !Pioneer Middle School 4620 Russell St. i Wenatchee 1WA 17 3` - 263 Moses Lake Chief Moses Middle School 1111 E. Nelson Road Moses Lake WA 17 0 - - 98 C __ Longview Public tCascade Middle School 12821 Parkview Drive Longview (WA 56 11 265 Vancouver Public Franklin Elementary 5206 Franklin St Vancouver WA 150 2 254. ■ Mercer Island 1 Mercer Island High School '9100SE42nd ;Mercerlsland 1WA 1 75 1i 273 _ _ _ _' _ _ 'Renton McKnight Middle School 1200 Edmonds Ave Renton WA 128 5 255 San Juan County ;Lopez Middle School 186 School Rd .Lopez Island 1WA 1 2 01 6� Snohomish County Seattle Hill Elementary 12711 51st Avenue SE Everett WA 32 2 108 New York j Beacon High School 227 -243 West 61st St _Manhattan INY 1 72 41 w._. _ _830 Los Angeles Unified Phoenix High School 12971 Zanja St Los Angeles CA w v� 406 — 9 963 0 N N Co ro Means For Change 5,\c-. cva� I'm Virginia Leinart, a city resident since 1980. I'm here to ask the city for a moratorium on smart meters. Today I received an email from the City Manager in answer to my question: What is the city's official policy towards those who do not give consent to smart meters? His answer: The current City policy is to not allow customers to "opt out" of the advanced meter installation. A1 i3 Even so, today I call on my City Council to act with heroism, by immediately calling for a moratorium on smart meter installation, and protecting the rights of citizens who do not give consent to their installation. An increasing number of cities across North America have imposed bans and moratoriums on smart meters due to health impacts and proven surveillance capability. This includes governors, attorneys general, and city councils. A groundswell of lawsuits against city councils and utilities are building and now the ACLU is involved. Please don't let this happen to your city. For the record, I respectfully do not give consent to the installation of a smart meter on my private property, my home. Here's why. First, take a look at these grandchildren of mine (photo). That's my main reason. If the city installs an electric smart meter on my home, it will be located on the wall above the heads of the beds where my grandchildren sleep. As a grandmother, I have no other choice but to protect these little ones. The World Health Organization declared in 2011 that smart meter's Radio Frequency radiation is a Class 2B Carcinogen which may cause cancer in humans, joining a list including lead, dioxin, chloroform, diesel, and HIV. The Bible says in Ezekiel 16:21, quoting God Himself: "You slaughtered My children and offered them up to idols by causing them to pass through the fire." Are we sacrificing our children as well as our own health to the idol of efficiency? I stand with the Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr. who in 1963 wrote in his Letter from Birmingham Jail: "...One has a moral responsibility to disobey unjust laws. I would agree with St. Augustine that 'an unjust law is no law at all." How is our city's current mandate to install smart meters unjust? It goes against the Energy Policy Act passed by Congress in 2005 stating that these smart meters would not be mandated or forced on people, only offered. Smart meters are also a violation of the Fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution which protects us free Americans from unwarranted searches of our person and homes. Smart meters are now shown to be surveillance devices, data - mining our personal habits and sharing that data with third parties who profit from it. In conclusion, I ask you, the Port Angeles City Council to make a heroic decision on behalf of us and our children and grandchildren, yours too. 7I 6/i.?/ /3 June 18, 2013 TO: City Council members, City Manager Dan McKeen, Phil Lusk: Nine days ago, I delivered this written question to the City Council, City Manager, and Phil Lusk at Public Works. I have so far received no answer: What is the City's official response to homeowners /property owners who do not give consent to the installation of smart meters on their private property? Please note the enclosed picture of my grandchildren. I have a responsibility to keep them safe from harm. If the City installs an electric smart meter on my house, it will be located at the head of my grandchildren's beds. I deny consent for the City to do so. Why? Smart meters are microwave electromagnetic radiation transmitting devices. In May 2011, the World Health Organization, declared that smart meter's Radio Frequency radiation is a Class 2B carcinogen which may cause cancer in humans, joining a list including lead, dioxin, chloroform, diesel, and HIV. On April 12, 2012, the American Academy of Environmental Medicine called for immediate caution regarding smart meter installations... stating: "Patients are reporting to physicians the development of symptoms and adverse health effects after Smart Meters are installed on their homes. Immediate action is necessary to protect the public's health." In 2012, the non - profit Environment and Human Health, Inc recommended that everyone reduce their exposure to smart meter's wireless RF radiation due to the risk of adverse health effects, and that the federal government immediately "evaluate cumulative exposure levels to radio frequency radiation in pregnant women and children." People are reporting smart meter interference with pacemakers and implants, as well as seizures, nausea, asthma, balance problems, confusion, insomnia, and recurrence of cancer, among other impacts. Considering these findings , I call on the City of Port Angeles to immediately: 1. Impose a moratorium on smart meter installation, and 2. Protect the right of citizens who do not give consent to their installation. Lastly, I respectfully do not give consent to the installation of a smart meter (water, gas, or electric) on my private property at 3002 S. Peabody, Port Angeles, Washington. CITY OF PORT ANGELES (WA) OFFICIAL POLICY TOWARDS PORT ANGELES CITIZENS WHO DO NOT GIVE CONSENT TO THE INSTALLATION OF A SMART METER ON THEIR PRIVATE PROPERTY None, thus far (June 18, 2013). I look forward to your policy in writing, meantime basing my decision to withhold consent to the installation of a smart meter on my private property on: the Energy Policy Act of 2005 as well as the Fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. The former, passed by Congress, holds that smart meters are not mandatory nor will they be forced on the people, only offered. The latter declares: "The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches [smart meter surveillance of private in -home behaviors, and data - sharing with third parties] and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized." Please refer to enclosed data regarding smart meters. All sources are cited. Thank you. Sincerely,_ Virginia Leinart 3002 5. Peabody Port Angeles, WA 98362 SMART METER DATA To the City of Port Angeles, WA June 18, 2013 LAW The Energy Policy Act of 2005, passed by Congress. Though your utility may tell you that smart meters are mandated by the federal government, in fact they are not. The utilities may "offer" them and install them "upon customer request," but not force them on you. From http://www.chattanoogan.com / 2012 /2/6/218862/Smart- Meters - Are -Part- Of- Agenda- 21- -.aspx and see Section 1252 of this Public Law 109 -58 http:/ /www.gpo.gov /fdsys /pkg /PLAW- 109pub158 /pdf /PLAW- 109pub158.pdf Fourth Amendment, U. S. Constitution, Search and Seizure: "The right of the people to be secure.in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized. SURVEILLANCE, INVASION OF PRIVACY, FOURTH AMENDMENT VIOLATIONS http : / /www.bantexassmartmeters.com / 2013/ smart- meter - opt- out - bills- voice - presence - austin/ "This is a clear violation of our 4th Amendment right." http: / /www.off -grid. net /2013/06/13/nsa- snooping -on- our - power - bills/ (6/13/13) Headine: NSA Snooping on Our Power Bills. "If the NSA are scraping data from Facebook and Google searches, then they would almost certainly be interested in the data that smart meters can provide them," said Stuart Ravens, Principal Analyst of Utilities Technology at Ovum, a respected international firm of analysts... "The Prism project, the NSA has destroyed the trust citizens have in government agencies — and in smart m eters, w hich can tell when you are at home a nd how and w hen you use your electrical appliances," said Ravens: http : / /emfsafetynetwork.org / ?page id =872 "Smart Meters are a surveillance device: They collect detailed energy usage, for instance: when you cook, watch TV, whether you are home or not, when you turn on a light, if you have guests. This data is very valuable. The California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC)'is already discussing how to make it available to third parties." http: / /www.zdn et.com /s ma rt- meters -a l low- massive - collection -of- persona I- data -eu- watchdog -wa rns- 4010026367/ "These patterns can be useful for analysing our energy use for energy conservation but, together with data from other sources, the potential for extensive data mining is very significant," the EDPS said. "Patterns and profiles can be used for many other purposes, including marketing, advertising, and price discrimination by third parties." (EDPS= European Data Protection Supervisor) http: / /microwavechasm.org /2013/06/07/ take - action- now -re- spying- via - smart- meters/ (June 7, 2013) "With the revelation of the government spying, now is the time to push the issue of spying via Smart Meters, which is even more invasive. Please ask the Florida Chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) to take action. You can reference the interview with the Electronic Frontier Foundation about how 'smart' meters violate privacy, and note that the ACLU in Vermont and the ACLU in Hawaii have both condemned the lack of consumer privacy protection." http: / /stopsmartmeters.org/ 2010/09/22/ interview - with -eff- how- smart- meters - violate- our - right -to- privacy/ "For example, they can know when you turn on each individual appliance, whether you take a bath or a shower, and what specific appliances you are using. Given the advances in technology and the increased number of data points, this allows anyone who has access to the energy data to learn more about what activities are going on inside your home. There are also demand response systems planned that will require registration of devices on your home area network (HAN) with the utility, providing them with even more information about what you do inside your own home." LAWSUITS http: // smartmeterlawsuits.blogspot.com / A list of Smart Meter Lawsuits as of almost one year ago. http: / /stopsmartmeters.org /2012/04/13/ smart- meter - lawsuits - multiplying/ Headline: Smart Meter Lawsuits Multiplying (Maine, California, Hawaii, Illinois, Texas, Florida). Smart Meter Health Complaints from http: / /emfsafetynetwork.org/ ?page id =2292 Sleep problems (insomnia, difficulty falling asleep, night waking, nightmares) Stress, agitation, anxiety, irritability Headaches, sharp pain or pressure in the head Ringing in the ears, ear pain, high pitched ringing Concentration, memory or learning problems Fatigue, muscle or physical weakness Disorientation, dizziness, or balance problems Eye problems, including eye pain, pressure in the eyes Cardiac symptoms, heart palpitations, heart arrhythmias, chest pain Leg cramps, or neuropathy Arthritis, body pain, sharp, stabbing pains Nausea, flu -like symptoms Sinus problems, nose bleeds Respiratory problems, cough, asthma Skin rashes, facial flushing Urinary problems Endocrine disorders, thyroid problems, diabetes High blood pressure Changes in menstrual cycle Hyperactivity or changes in children's behavior Seizures Recurrence of cancer LOCAL AND STATE GOVERNMENTS OPPOSED TO THE MANDATORY WIRELESS SMART METER PROGRAM California cities: http: / /sto ps m a rtm eters. org /h ow- you -ca n- stop - smart- meters /s a m pl a -I ette r -to -I oca I -gave rn m ent /ca -I ota I -gave rn m e nts- on- board/ "57 cities and counties have registered opposition to the smart meter program including 11 official ordinances passed by local governments." British Columbia cities: http: / /www.stopsmartmetersbc.ca /html/ "58 BC cities have imposed moratoriums and /or requested a free opt - out." Groups have formed in 29 states to protest smart meters: Alabama • Arizona • Arkansas • California • Colorado • Delaware • Florida • Georgia • Hawaii • Illinois • Iowa • Maine • Maryland • Massachusetts • Michigan • Minnesota • Nevada • New Hampshire • New Jersey • New Mexico • New York • Oklahoma • Oregon • Tennessee • Texas • Vermont • Virginia • Washington (state) • Wisconsin "In California alone, 57 cities and counties have registered opposition to the "smart" meter program, including 11 official ordinances passed by local governments." State of Illinois: http : / /articles.chicagotribune.com /2013- 05 -06/ news /ct- met- quinn- utility -bill- veto -0506- 20130506 1 governor- vetoes- bill - smart - grid - skokie- democrat May 2013 headline: Illinois Governor Vetoes Smart Grid, saying: "We cannot allow big utilities to take over and run roughshod over families and businesses." State of Michigan: The Attorney General of Michigan has issued a statement calling into question the efficacy of smart meters and the smart grid. "First, there must be a sufficient demonstration that implementation of the smart meter programs will actually produce a net economic benefit to customers. Second, customers must be afforded a meaningful and fair opportunity to opt out of smart meter installation without being penalized by unwarranted and excessive costs." Press Release Contact: Liz Barris 310 -455 -7530 contact @thepeoplesinitiative.org Customers Sue Edison and PG @E Over Health Effects From Smart Meters /Smart grid The law firms of David Kyle and Paul Overett have filed suit against SCE Edison and PG @E for health effects from smart meters /smart grid and will host a press conference on: Wed. June 12th, 12:00 PM at 5150 E. Pacific Coast Hwy, Long Beach, CA 90804. A total of 16 plaintiffs, 10 SCE Edison and 6 PG @E with health effects ranging from headaches, loss of energy, and ringing in the ears, to cancer, heart attacks and medical implant interference /defibrillator shut -offs, are holding those responsible for the new wireless digital meters accountable. Also named in the lawsuit are smart meter distribution companies, Corix and Wellington and smart meter manufacturers, Itron and Landis and Gyr, with possibly more defendants to be added as the suit progresses. Health effects associated with smart meters and smart grid have been reported all over the country, but because of the 3.4 billion dollars in federal stimulus grants offered utility companies in exchange for smart meter installation, these complaints have largely been ignored. Also ignoring the complaints of health effects was CPUC president Michael Peevey, who served as president of Edison for over a decade. The smart meter roll -out has been plagued with controversy ever since the WHO came out with its statement on the radiation associated with the meters being a possible human carcinogen. Despite these warnings, the Federal government persisted in its funding of the potentially carcinogenic metering and infrastructure which also serves the dual function of spying on American citizens. Other problems with the meters consist of over - billing, fire hazard, invasion of privacy, and multiple Constitutional violations. But none of these have received as much public backlash as the issue of health effects from smart meters and smart grid. Customers from other utilities in the state of CA-- including municipally -run utilities such as LADWP, BWP, GWP, SMUD and others - -whose health has been compromised by smart meters or smart grid may also join the suit by contacting organizer, Elizabeth Barris at 310 -281 -9639 or contact @thepeoplesinitiative.org. Copies of the filed complaints can be found at: http:// www. citizensforaradiationfreecommunity .org For a video on the lawsuits please watch: http: / /www.youtube.com /watch ?v= 1Vln -uuu al For more info on this issue go to: http : / /www.ThePeopleslnitiative.org There's been a nationwide rollout of Smart Meters which transmit radio frequencies, some for monitoring purposes. The Smart Meter revolution has been initiated since the federal push and funding for them came through the Recovery and Reinvestment Act 2009. Smart Meters also known as AMI meters are updated, digital versions of the tradition electrical meter attached to the outside of your home. These Smart Meters not only measure how much electricity is used, but also at what times during the day. They were designed to transmit pricing and energy information from the utility company to the consumer (two -way communication). The city shows on their web page that the AMI system will also help the City's ability to comply with FEDERAL AND STATE MANDATES. This is misleading due to: "THERE IS NO FEDERAL SECURITY MANDATE FOR SMART METERS, according to George W. Arnold the national coordinator for smart-grid at the National Institute of Standards and Technology... So why is the City of Port Angeles promoting the installation of these meters? The agency of the U.S. Department of Commerce is said not to be involved in regulations but is only tasked with promoting standards among industries. While both the 2005 and 2007 faux energy bills were codified into public laws, NO part of them creates a federal law pertaining to individual consumers or dictating that the public must be forced to comply with provisions of the SMART Grid. I wrote a letter to the city refusing the installation of this new AMI meter on my home - their response was, and I quote - "If you insist that no smart meter be installed on your property, the city will not be able to supply electric and water services to you ". How is that when the meters are not mandated? Contrary to what the City claims there is no "OPT OUT" option. The fact is that the consumer must be offered the meter, or request a meter and "OPT IN ". No one can be forced to comply with an unrevealed contract between private corporations, and to which they were never a party and had no knowledge of." Full article: http: / /ppjg.wordpress.com/2011 /08/15/ smart- meters -no- federal - mandate/ Why are utility companies pushing so hard to install these dangerous meters on every house, apartment, retail and commercial building in this country? Because of something called the $2 trillion dollar "Smart Grid" and big money. Advocates for the "smart meters" (especially those who stand to make billions of dollars destroying your body) claim they save energy. One State Attorney General doesn't' see it that way: The State of Connecticut Attorney General George Jepsen urges State Regulators to Reject CL & Ps plan to Replace Electric Meters February 8, 2011 Utilities say that "smart" meters emit less than my cell phone or Wi -Fi. According to studies that are ongoing, the figures for RF exposure are time- averaged, which hide the peak power of the "smart" meter, and veil the fairly continuous nature of the pulses. A "smart" meter is a device you cannot turn off or move, so your exposure to this source of RF is out of your control. The rate and intensity of the RF radiation is also not under your control, and we are coming to learn, it is not under the utility's control. Since there are no true studies showing how safe these meters are then perhaps we should look at what Utility customers nationwide have reported. Symptoms include: Sleep problems (insomnia, difficulty falling asleep, night waking, and nightmares) Stress, agitation, anxiety, irritability Headaches, sharp pain or pressure in the head Ringing in the ears, ear pain, high pitched ringing Concentration, memory or learning problems Fatigue, muscle or physical weakness Disorientation, dizziness, or balance problems Eye problems, including eye pain, pressure in the eyes, Cardiac symptoms, heart palpitations, heart arrhythmias, chest pain Leg cramps, or neuropathy Arthritis, body pain, sharp, stabbing pains Nausea, flu -like symptoms Sinus problems, nose bleeds Respiratory problems, cough, asthma Skin rashes, facial flushing Urinary problems Endocrine disorders, thyroid problems, diabetes High blood pressure Changes in menstrual cycle Hyperactivity or changes in children's behavior Seizures Recurrence of cancer In fact, the chronic bursts or pulsing of smart meters have not been proven to be biologically safe for anyone. Current federal standards are grossly out of date, not taking into account the growing levels of microwave radiation exposure people now get 24/7 from various sources. Furthermore, FDA/FCC standards are based solely on the heating effect of microwave radiation on a large, grown man, ignoring the numerous studies that point to other effects, including irregular heartbeats, melatonin depletion, which affects sleep, and abnormal mast cell proliferation, which affects the immune systems inflammation levels. DO YOU KNOW THE DIFFERENCE AMR stands)or Automatic Meter Reading. It is an older technology that only collects electrical energy consumption and transfers that data from the electric meter on the home to the utility (one - way communication). AMI stands for Advanced Metering Infrastructure. AMI meters, also known as Smart meters are updated, digital versions of the traditional electrical meter attached to the outside of your home. ,These new meters not only measure how much electricity is used, but also at what times during the day. Smart meters are also designed to transmit pricing and energy information from the utility company to the consumer (two -way communication). Utility companies who provide their customers with smart meters are able to implement a variety of load reduction and energy saving programs, helping reduce the cost of providing electricity to a community. WAdorthe Utilities want to replace our reliable ' )analog electric, gas and water meters with "smart" meters? • To cut labor acts ty firing meter readers. • Tocharge you mare moeyduring'peak' hours • To ratio your porter, c remotely shut sou off. • To sell your personal me ' usage donation to matkeerswith products to sell Why do electric bills rise after Installation of a "smart" meter? High start-up currents from motors bite r* orator compressors are averaged out by analog meters. but 'smart' meters record them. llmbot.Use pricing, .Allows talkies to charge more durng'peak' daytime reagehours Utilities say well save money. 'Smart' meters just measure energy Only YOU can save enegyl "Smarr meter are NOT green. The added purer drain from installation and upkeep of milkas of pwermuurr ng 'smart' meters MI increase pollution ard be chargedta customers! 'Opt out' fees are expesice! remardrg par menttoarnid a risk is usually called "extortion.' Check reaktme wage Gebel 'Smart' me- ters can identify which appliance is ceasing current MAtheurilitiesonyshx yourtotal usage online. not the term a cost of each ap di3xe. An SDG&E customer's bills show what the Unn#les don't want YOU to Mow: 11 gummmreeta !@rurWr' meter hat InSep.dd0l The Path of Your Privacy: How the "SMART" METER MESH NETWORK really works In a'mesh nctscrk' usage data s [remitted fro one %mart' meter and sembiv*elez nicsmare mho signals on to the next horse's met", and the nett ... 2,Alteugh a neighbormay apeoutlykerpngthaanr log mete they4h1stilbempocedbnarroaareradiation from surrounding meters. 3. Ankme whose outside wall has a 'smart' meth. or 4110 ewe adjacent to banks of meters. suffers bursts of pusedniaoaae radiation, all day and nigl long 4. Random homes get "cdlectcrmet w "through which data fnm Irsdeds of homes is fouled Raman p u* sdramatically muitpicdfirthesefaacwho are flea informed thatther mcteris te'coleetx.' 5. the acanxdaed data is s"t b t e Utlty's data collection to co a telephone pole jambe near YOUR or trxnel•+ikre t'ssont me) a data cdle %ion compary0/ d00 46 I' rrsodd, but recently! eant \get arp :i 3p ❑try rr'•• .scut` yem 1*' do!havea headache% 6. But lost the easilthacked RFdata may tall intothe hands cfhadersOho may be thieves crier 1sts. 7. A third-party company hired hy the Utility receives detailed create data about yeartimeact6tticc wMMt appliances you use. In marry people are at tame, wenvcu goto bed.whny:u go on vacation. etc. 8. The subcontractor anary es th run data and sends it on to tie utity. With Is 'smart” ablity to court aerraatofu: yasnew before,areUtikrntdbcu NSr bias that shack its'smart' meter customers! 9. Utitios want us to buy smart gridenalied apple antes pat also maa'eteksstattoo into cur Ling spacasiso they can rcm to Nor. "doenorshutthem *RAJ get more peclse usage Info that they can see to manufacturers and marketers. Your personal info may also be oald trr the data-analyst subcontractor. 10. In 'violator' of your Constitutional het. police, goverment agencies and others wil hate aces to youkthetyle data wthoAh need for a .arra t. ••. tit 'Uti setgm / mil- " !; rn491 l �lp, . g!lillifigl: „i ns... +rP + ,x _ ,t . end kirmaarlq I+ p “7"1/6 c S 03a be 1 5y Ai/ Perham tin most ammraogd w2 Rht _ HACKERS le ar9kk'999 Uetend bend' : itan d print edcam menialu data la itvortie THIEVES I( Nobody} I Acme m #la TERRORISTS Former CIA Director James Woolsey says the smart grid's security vulnerabilities make it a 'really, really stupid grid.' (118 coob a lot. Len oflethem a newsmve! APP MARKETERS Looks Mx w1a1 airtcndrtmher istumedup coo high shut irdown, boys!) Stop Smart Meters! Fighting for health, privacy, and safety FAQ: Radio- Frequency Radiation Issues • My utility says "smart" meters emit less than my cell phone or WiFi. Is this true? • What frequency do they operate at, and what sort of radiation do they emit? • My utility says they will shut off the "radio" Dart for a fee. How will I kn w if the really did? • Why do the utility websites say that "smart" meters have low RF emissions? • I see videos online of "smart" meters pulsing a lot. But my utility says they only emit for about a minute a day? Which is true? • How high are the pulses on "smart" meters? • How often do "smart" meters uu lse? • Why is RF radiation bad for people (and animals and plants)? • My cell phone doesn't bother me, but the "smart" meter gives me headaches (or insomnia or heart palnitatiQris).,_Why is i_t_different? BACKTDJAQ INDEX Q: My utility says "smart" meters emit less than my cell phone or WiFi. Is this true? In some cases this is true, and in some cases not true. The figures for RF exposure given by utilities are time- averaged numbers which hide the peak power of the "smart" meter, and disguise the fairly continuous nature of the pulses. "Smart" meters are unlike cell phones or WiFi in their bizarre pattern of sharp spikes of RF. Both of those consumer devices (cell phones and WiFi) can be strong RF emitters. But people are becoming increasingly aware of the potential harm done by chronic exposure to RF radiation - emitting devices and are taking steps to change how they use them. Growing public awareness of RF exposure has led people to choose a wired internet connection or use a wired phone at home. But most people are not offered a wired "smart" meter. And you can't turn it off once it's installed. A "smart" meter is a device you cannot turn off or move, so your exposure to this source of RF is out of your control. The rate and intensity of the RF radiation is also not under your control, and we are coming to learn, it is not under the utility's control. Recent information "off the record" from PG &E confirms our suspicion that at least 90% of the RF emitted by the "smart" meters is NOT transmitting your electrical usage data, but is part of the "mesh network" talking to itself, and includes a lot of redundant "chatter" between your meter and other meters. This is for the convenience of your utility, and its effects on you (and other living things) apparently were not even considered when they were designing the mesh network. Q: What frequency do they operate at, and what sort of radiation do they emit? The PG &E Silver Springs Network "smart" meter operates in the 902 -928 MHz range, near the range of most cell phones,,and in the radio - frequency microwave range (300 MHz to 3 GHz). The 2- millisecond spikes of RF (radio- frequency) it emits are randomly assigned to a pattern of alternating frequencies —the pulses keep shifting which frequency they are using. At least 9o% of the pulses are not your data, but the "mesh network" talking to itself —also known as network "chatter." The spiked pulses are like a strobe light, which also emits spiked pulses, about 1/2 millisecond each. The "smart" meter pulses can go off at a rate of 2 to 20 per second. Strobe lights are known to have neurological effects, and are not allowed to be sold if they strobe at a rate above 10 pulses per second. Some people cannot be around strobe lights, they set off visually triggered seizures. The "smart" meter RF emissions constitute an all -new, bizarre pattern, unlike the pattern of emissions from your cell phone or any other RF- emitting device. And to date there have been no studies published on the effects of `smart' meter radiation on animals, plants or humans. However, some research indicates that pulsed radiation induces a greater biological effect than constant radiation. Based on countless firsthand reports it is clear that some people are vulnerable to serious ill effects. Q: My utility says they will shut off the "radio" part for a fee. How will I know if they really did? Unless you buy a RF measuring device, you won't know for sure. Many people are having these devices so there may be someone in your community who can measure. Also, there are EMF consultants in some areas of the country who can help you assess your levels. Q: Why do the utility websites say that "smart" meters have low RF emissions? The calculations used to arrive at the low RF exposure numbers that most utilities published are arrived at by time - averaging "Smart" meters have an unusual, unpredictable pattern of RF emissions, usually referred to as "pulses " — sudden high levels of RF followed by no emissions. Each pulse is about 2 milliseconds (2 /r000th of a second) long. By time averaging, they can bring down the total peak level that they claim the meters emit. This is bogus science. If you time - average the strong millisecond pulses of a strobe light, they "equal" a low- wattage light bulb continuously on; but no one would legitimately make such a claim. Strobe lights have distinct neurological effects in many people— headaches, dizziness, and for some- epileptic seizures. Q: I see videos online of "smart" meters pulsing a lot. But my utility says they only emit for about a minute a day? Which is true? Let's take an example from PG &E's claim that the meters emit only 45 seconds a day. Since each pulse is about 2 milliseconds long, that comes out to 22,500 pulses a day, which can be going off at any rate, even 2 to 20 pulses per second. At the rate of twice per second —which is as "constant" as anything could reasonably be considered to be —the pulses would be going off for a total of about 3 hours per day— spread over the whole day, at times you neither choose nor are aware of. It is only by the specious, unscientific manipulation of the facts that utilities can claim the short emission periods that they do. Thanks to the work by several citizen - scientists who take it upon themselves to buy equipment, measure "smart" meters, and post documentation online, we have some truly independent data to counterbalance the load of propaganda that the utilities would have us swallow. Q: How high are the pulses on "smart" meters? The peak power density varies depending on a large number of factors: distance from the meter, type of meter, environment, measuring device, position, and perhaps even whether the pulse is sending data or just "chirping" to its neighbors to maintain the mesh network. It is their high variability, combined with the rash of complaints, that by itself raises questions about possible effects on people's neurological systems. There are individuals who have measured peak power density on pulses on single meters that are more than 300 microwatts per centimeter squared (µW /cm2), but we are unable to confirm this as a reference figure. Here is a post we did on this. The FCC guidelines says you shouldn't be subjected to a field of about 600 microwatts per centimeter squared (µW /cm2) for more than 3o minutes, but as noted in a previous answer these extraordinary levels are based in outdated science and in urgent need of revision. And your "smart" meter is 24/7. To give the issue context, the Bioinitiative Report recommends a level of 0.1 microwatt per centimeter squared (pW/cm2) for human exposure, about 10,000 times less than the FCC number. There are some videos online, though we can't confirm their accuracy. Q: How often do `smart' meters pulse? One thing that has been revealed by people who've tracked "smart" meter pulses: they are highly variable. Other descriptors: unpredictable, random, very erratic, and even bizarre. One EMF consultant has told us that it is impossible to extract meaningful conclusions about the fields created by the pulses. PG &E's own documents revealed last year that their meters pulse 10,000 times a day. CPUC Document: http: / /imgs.sfgate _ com /g/ acroba t/ 2o11/_ 11 /o3 /RFDataopt- outalternatives 1 _1- 11 %203pm. pcif SF Chronicle article: http: / /blog.sfgate. coal /energy /2o11 /n /o3 /smartmeters- send - almost- l0000- signals -a -day/ The *median* was 10,000 pulses /day —that means half the meters emit MORE than this. The reason they didn't use a different and more usual statistical figure —the average —is because it's likely that figure would have been higher. The highest meter they measured emitted 190,000 pulses /day. "Smart" meters seem to pulse a lot at certain times, and less at other times. PG &E for one says that data about the ratepayer's electrical usage is only broadcast 6 times per day. Another PG &E executive told us "off the record" that at least 90% of the emissions from a "smart" meter are NOT user data, but mesh - network "chatter." Those pulses have nothing to do with your home. If you are wondering about meters in used by other utilities, consider this: If they claim the meter only emits "6o seconds a day ", then you can calculate the approximate number of pulses. Sixty seconds of of 37millisecond pulses (typical) equals about 20,000 pulses. There about 85,000 seconds in a day. If the rate of pulsing were consistent (though it never is) that would be about one pulse every 4 seconds, for the whole 24 hours Depending on the rate of pulsing, the meter is very likely to be emitting something during most of the day. All of this speculation on our part arises because of a lack of true disclosure on the part of the manufacturers and the utilities as to how the meters operate. Q: Why is RF radiation bad for people (and animals and plants)? The effects of low -level non - thermal exposure to radio - frequency microwaves has been studied since the 19505. A range of subtle effects have been identified over the decades, from an auditory sensation to infertility to sleep disturbance to irregularities in the heart rhythm, depending on exposure type, level, and duration. See the links page (under construction) for more information about RF science. The current focus on brain cancer caused by cell phones hides a wider, more pervasive issue: the ways in which exposure to microwave RF can erode human health by disrupting a number of basic systems like sleep and immunity, resulting in ill health from a number of conditions. For the military in the 195os and 1.96os, for the wireless industry in the 1990s, and for utilities deploying "smart" meters now, these biological effects are not convenient to their purposes, and have been dismissed. "The FCC sets the guidelines," has been the cry of utilities commissions. But those guidelines were set largely without regard to the subtler effects or the consequences of long -term exposure, and before much of this research was done. In May 2011, the World Health Organization, which is a notably conservative and slow - moving organization regarding public health precaution, finally declared that RF radiation is a "possible human carcinogen," placing it in Class 2B, along with engine exhaust, lead, and DDT. So far, however, the FCC does not look set to make any changes in allowable levels, and in fact has complained about recent state and local government objections to new cell antenna installations, for instance. Q: My cell phone doesn't bother me, but the "smart" meter gives me headaches (or insomnia or heart palpitations). Why is it different? As we discussed above in questions about the power of the pulses and how often they happen, it might be possible that it is the very bizarre and erratic nature of the emissions that are making people ill. We are not medical experts or scientists, and so don't make claims about the reasons for your distress. But the complaints and stories received by this website and elsewhere make it clear that, for whatever reason, these meters make some people sick, and often in quite similar ways. BACK TO FAQ INDEX 1��.FR[CBOON�y- 43 Responses to FAQ: Radio - Frequency Radiation Issues linda hecht says: October 12, 2011 at 5:31 pm do you know of any lawyers or class action suits in san diego attempting to make sdge allow users to `opt out' of the smart meter setup? Thanks Reply admin says: October 12, 2011 at 7:26 pm The CPUC has ordered ALL California utilities to offer OPT OUT, as of 14 Sept 2o11. That said, we don't know any class actions in SD county. Please check with http://www.causes.co icauses/61o451-southern-califortnans-against-smart-meters-scasm Reply Dave says: December 16, 2011 at 7:34 pm Do these automated radio read meter's put on water system's have these high levels of radiation levels? Reply Redi Kilowatt says: December 17, 2011 at 11:09 am Dave, the automated water meters vary by agency, but they are all battery powered and operate at lower frequencies (450 MHz band) than the electric meters. It would be safe to say that the output in RF is much lower, and the duration of transmission is less frequent. Actually, they could only transmit for a few seconds per month for billing purposes. The water and gas meters do not do sample readings 6 times per day like the electric one do, they don't detect leaks or outages either, the SOLE purpose of automated water and gas meters is to eliminate meter readers. Where I live, in Marin county, our main water agency is the M.M.W.D. Only a handful of radio meters are used here in locations where cars sometimes park on the meter boxes or traffic is thick. The MMWD meter readers all have secure jobs, none have been laid off due to the use of a few radio meters. The ones that the MMWD does use, still require a meter reader to walk up to close where the radio meter is, point a handheld device to receive the read, and download all their reads for the day at the office to a computer. They told me that the battery in the radio meters lasts 15 years, so it is a very low powered transmitter. Also, they had a lot of trouble receiving the weak signal, that is why they never be widely used. In other words, the radio meter project went clunk in the MMWD. Reply njChas Kruse says: May 19, 2012 at 2:43 pm I became very sick after a the Idaho Power installed a smart meter. They've told me that it's not their meter because it doesn't use radio frequency to communicate. To make a long story short — BS! I purchased an expensive RF analyzer and their meter pulses away and frequently bursts with high levels of RF. Now water and gas are putting in their smart meters to operate along with the power company meter. They pulse all the time, also at around 925 MHz. Now my ears won't stop buzzing, I'm sleep deprived, chronically fatigued, and the utilities just put their fingers in their ears and are allowed to get away with this atrocity against life. I'm putting my house up for sale and getting away from this place. I hope there's still some semblance of life the way it used to be outside of Idaho. Reply Redi Kilowatt says: May 19, 2012 at 7:31 pm Chas, So you power company told you that their meters do not use RF ? Did you ask them what they do use instead ? If they gave you an advanced digital meter (not a SmartMeter), they could use a broadband cable connection, a DSL phone line, or a traditional analog phone line with an expensive modem (around $2000 for the modem according to PG &E). If their meters use a power line carrier (PLC), then that revenue collection system does use RF, transmitted onto the existing power lines. PLC systems have caused adverse effects on home wiring and radio transmissions too. It sounds to me like your local power company is not being honest with you, and you should get to the bottom of this before making any rash decisions about moving, I certainly would before considering moving. Reply V1Chas Kruse says: May 20, 2012 at 12:00 pm Hi Redi, I've talked to the power company many times, and each time they give me a line of BS! The power company here is not using safe DSL landline or fiber optice communication. It appears that their plan is to be internet providers themselves with people able to connect wirelessly through the power lines. I've had to do the research on my own by seeking out advice of electrical engineers, physicits, biologists, EMF specialists and by purchasing my expensive high frequency analyzers. HF analyzers measures the strength of the microwave pulse and has audio sound of the wireless signal sound. There are many websites where a person can download the various sounds of wireless communication -WiFi, GSM, Tetra, etc — Dr. Magda Havas has one on Youtube. The device indicates that my smart meter uses WiFi, GSM, UMTS, and every available wireless signal coming from the power lines plus it uses the electric power to operate the meter. The new 'power line communication' or broadband over power line enables wireless signals from cell towers, radio antennas, etc to piggyback on the power lines. This corrupted signal is unable to be cleaned up by electrical transformers and enters the home through the smart meter, which adds its own dirt from digital components and the switching mode power supply, onto the electric current which creates fields of dirty power following the wires in the home wherever they travel. PLC /BPL also emits massive microwave radiation from the power lines themselves which travel a far greater distance than emitted radiation used to travel from non - communication powerlines ( which was well documented as to the adverse health effects of living near power lines) Now one can live much further away from the same power line and be affected by the EMF. This EMF is pulsing microwave communication signals which are able to penetrate living cells more effectively than than non pulsing RF. The gas company has installed smart meters. I've asked them at what frequency, how often, and to what do their meters communicate. I was told that it's a very low frequency and it only communicates for a few minutes a month to their meter reader. My analyzer indicates that it is transmitting 925 MHz wirelessly 24/7 and is talking to my electric smart meter (my Landis Gyr meter is a UMT RF the 'U' means it's universal to interact with water, gas, propane smart meters) and mostly likely a neighborhood node mounted on a pole. With PLC the signals can be passed on hopping from house to house through the meters. The transmitter is on "bubble -up" mode instead of "wake -up" mode. Bubble up is always transmitting; wake -up is only used while a meter read is taking place. Also, the city is now installing smart water meters, which they deny are in bubble -up mode. My ears, head, and analyzer clearly indicate that they are in 925MHz range — this is microwave range- and are transmitting 24/7. Just imagine the child sitting on the water pit box with the nicely hidden smart meter inside, or kids having an lemonade stand right near it. How about the signal needing to travel to travel right through your or your child's bedroom on its way to communicate with receivers? How about walking our dogs in the neighborhood where there are three smart meters per home all transmitting 24/7. The water meters in my subdivision are right next to the sidewalks. One of my dogs hears and feels the microwave frequencies as I do, and has been a different dog since these meters were installed and he often whimpers when the signal reves up. It's absolute hell, and it's leaving me with nowhere to run to in this town except for a couple areas which don't have gas or water `smart' meters, yet. The city council has allowed it all to happen without a word to its citizens. I've put in a freedom of information request, and so far they've been breaking the law by delaying or withholding information. This `smart' meter stuff only benefits corporations and power companies. Unless it's done in a safe fiber -optic or land line way, the pulsing microwave radiation from power line communication /BPL /PLC and these meters are harming people and all forms of life. Redi Kilowatt says: May 20, 2012 at 7:00 pm Hi Chaz, Sounds like you have been fed the same BS that our power company feeds us. I do question your statement about microwave communications being used for SmartMeters, that is something that you probably ad libbed, but that's OK. I do know that microwave communications are very high powered point to point and cannot be used for communications in the UHF band for things like mobile phones and SmartMeters that need to broadcast signals in all directions. But there is a new kind of microwave communications being tested called "scattered microwave ". This new scattered microwave system is only approved for use above 5 gigahertz in the Super High Frequency (SHF) band. It is very low powered and is used for a new Wi -Fi system to connect computers on a network and cannot transmit a signal more than 9 feet. I know that most commercial computers, server rooms and data centers are all hard wired, there is no substitute for wire and cable, especially in important data centers. You are right about the PLC and BPL. We don't use it here in northern California for SmartMeters, but PG &E did try and use PLC in their first generation SmartMeters. PG &E ordered untold millions of first generation SmartMeters, then installed about 850,090 of them before testing them. It turned out that in order for PLC to work here, they would have had to upgrade the electrical power grid first in order for the PLC signals to pass through our 40 year old ferite core transformers. PG &E is planning on upgrading our electrical power grid, starting in about 2 years, and it is expected to take to years to complete, but they had to recall all 85o,000 of the first generation SmartMeters and created a new thing that they call a mesh network radio smart grid. In all my years of working with radio electronics I have never heard of a radio network being called a grid, until now. This was done to cover their lack of knowledge, lack of testing, wasting untold millions of their ratepayers dollars and to trick the public into thinking that the radio smart grid is our electrical power grid, it's not. After PG &E did the royal screw up and cover up about their first generation Smart Meters, I don' believe one word that they print, and I have analysed their marketing brochures, they are extremely misleading if not false advertising, but they are very crafty with the wording. This has made some people to fill in their own beliefs based on brain washing, and then twisting it for their own agenda. Also, the marketing information being put out by the manufactures of all the related products are equally as bad, I don't trust them to be honest, they just want to be able to force the sale of their products on the uninformed public. Here in PG &E territory, the gas SmartMeter modules transmit at 450 MHz UHF, not microwave, and where I Eve, there are only a handful of water meters that transmit, but they are not a part of PG &E. But I have read about consolidated utility districts that utilize the electric meters as the main transmitter, and use the gas and water meters consolidated in one signal, I know it is done in some other states, but not here in California. I have a friend who lives in Idaho, but he has no grid power up at his property, and barely has mobile phone coverage. I have been to Idaho a few times, it is beautiful, so if you can find a way to make ends meet there, you should not let the SmartMeters run you out, unless you want out for other reasons. Reply frank says: October 14, 2012 at 12:19 am We live in Paradise calif. I just read your story. I wondered about the smart meter and went on line. My ears are buzzing and my Wife's ears are buzzing. We thought it was smoke from the fires here this summer and allergies but it over 3 months now the doctors say it is the smoke and allergies, I suspected something more and I think after finding this sight it is the smart meters.I will contact the PGandE and hopefully opt out of this program.We are having a hard time with our ears buzzing. Thank you e-mail please if you know more! Reply Pingback: A Primer on the FCC Guidelines for the Smart Meter ,hoc 1 Stop Smart Meters! V u Ryan says: March 27, 2012 at 7:57 am I am interested in the safety of these meters, but have just one question, do you have any factual information related to the levels that are put out by these meters? I have been looking through your site and have yet to find one mention of factual information about the transmission levels. Have there been any independent studies done on this or is this all based on opinion? I would be willing to contribute to a fund established for this research. Reply Chas Kruse says: May 20, 2012 at 12:10 pm Hi Ryan, Which meters are you referring to? They are made by various companies and with can be programmed differently. Much information can be found on line at the company's website. Some are upfront about how they communicate; others are not. If you can provide the name of the meter and whether you know if it is using powerline communication or wireless, perhaps I already have info on it. Best wishes in your search for the truth. BTW, you won't get it from your utility provider. Reply S.T. says: September 28, 2012 at 4:20 pm Chaz, I live in meridian and need to get a hold of you to talk turkey about smart meters. Can you get back to me asap. Reply Chaz Kruse says: April 14, 2013 at 4:10 pm S.T. — just saw your email months after your posting. Would love to talk to you — how may I contact you? Reply Stop Minnesota Meters says: May 21, 2012 at 4:31 am Hi Ryan: yes, there are quite a few videos made where people have a meter up by the smart meters and you can see the amounts that are coming out of them. In terms of other factual information there is the Sage Report and Dan Hirsch's information. (I think I am spelling his name right). I'm sorry but I don't have time right now to look up the links for you —but if no one has provided them later I will email again. Reply Richard says: May 21, 2012 at 8:31 am Ryan — Rather than contributing to a fund for research, I would suggest that you purchase an isotropic field strength meter ($200) and measure the fields for yourself. Of course, you might also like to know what specific frequencies are contributing to the fields you are measuring, so you will need a frequency analyzer...more $$. Then, once you understand what's being emitted (including what, how much, and how often, for how long), you'll have to compare your data to the research that's been done. This is where things get sticky...You now have to make up your own mind as to whether the Smart Meters can /do /will /are /or may be unsafe. Everyone has an opinion...Even the so- called "experts "...The studies present data in a variety of units and exposure conditions: "whole- body ", "at -ear ", various distances and lengths of time, microwatts and milliwatts per square centimeter or square meter, SAR values, pulsed vs. continuous, etc. Then there are the many reports of site - specific health issues coinciding with the installation of a SmartMeter. Then there are the IARC studies and their classification of RF fields as "Group 2B ", which are widely cited as a basis for concern...and I like to cite this publication — monographs .iarc.fr /ENG /Publications /REF_Poster2ol2.ppt — as a resource to keep the transmission levels in perspective. I hope you will find what you're looking for. Good luck 0 Reply nSmarter Meters says: May 21, 2012 at 12:22 pm Completely agree. I doubt there will ever be agreement on the specific risk of RF and other EMF because there are so many variables. It's harder to argue with actual numbers that you, yourself are measuring. The Council of Europe's "medium term" indoor exposure limit is 0.200 V /m. That's about to6 microwatts per m ^2. Even if a wireless device (let's say a smart meter) only has a t% duty cycle, if the pulses measure more than too microwatts per meter squared, you aren't doing yourself any favors with that exposure. What it comes down to is that any federal assurance of safety and the established safety limits regarding RF should be ignored completely. The lower, the better. Reply Redi Kilowatt says: IVY LJ May 21, 2012 at 10:46 am Richard, There are also combination field strength meters /RF frequency counter meters available. They are much more expensive, but combine both functions into one device. Still, these meters only display the power and frequency, and don't display what type of communications platform one is testing. It won't tell you if it is microwave, that has to be something that is already known (or imagined). It will not tell one whether the 2400 MHz UHF is ZigBee or Wi -Fi. Both ZigBee and Wi -Fi operate at near identical frequencies, but they are completely different communications platforms and cannot communicate with each other. That is why the manufacturers of new "smart thermostats" originally only had ZigBee radio receivers built in, but recently have announced that there is an additional Wi -Fi module that can be fitted into the smart thermostats. This is probably due to the facts that the SmartMeters in PG &E territory do not utilize the low powered ZigBee transmitters for the smart thermostat program, but now there are other players that want to incorporate the smart thermostats into automation systems that use Wi -Fi. Comcast is one such new player. Comcast is marketing their own automation systems to compete with other existing ones that have been in use for decades. Comcast is selling their internet service for these new systems, but also is selling the remote control modules and installation too. Those modules to control lighting, security systems and cameras are very expensive to have an electrician install. Traditionally it has been only wealthy people who live in large high end houses who could afford home automation systems, and Concast wants a piece of the action. Reply Redi Kilowatt says: May 21, 2012 at 11:28 am I did notice one mistake in this original article in the answer to the question: What frequency do Smart Meters operate on and what type of radiation to they transmit. The answer given was that the SmartMeters operate on 902 to 928 MHz that is correct. But, they also said that 300 MHz to 3 GHz is in the microwave frequency band, that is not correct, and probably has misled thousands of people. The 300 MHz to 3 GHz band is called the Ultra High Frequency (UHF) band, so, not all radio frequencies in that range are automatically called microwave. In fact, only traditional high powered microwave devices operate on very few frequencies in the UHF band. The next band up in the radio spectrum is the Super High Frequency SHF band which is 3GHz to 3o GHz. More traditional microwave systems operate in the SHF band, but yet again, not all radio transmissions in the SHF band are microwave either. The only low powered new "scattered microwave" system used by the public for network communications is in the 5GHz range, and other high powered microwave systems used in satellite uplinks , research and the aerospace industry operate in the SHF band. SmartMeters and mobile phones don't use microwave, and now I think I know where people got this misconception from, from this one sentence in this article. But, it could have been copied from somewhere else. Reply flSmarter Meters says: May 21, 2012 at 12:57 pm Even if a microwave is iGhz+ the 915 ISM band is SO close that it's okay to call it a MW. Even if you don't consider 300 -1000 Mhz "microwaves," these frequencies may be the most bio- affective of all, and deserve their own grouping. Reply Redi Kilowatt says: May 21, 2012 at 3:35 pm SmarterMeters, Who told you that microwave is 1 GHz ? Own grouping ? I chihuahua ! Reply Smarter Meters says: May 21, 2012 at 6:22 pm Microwaves are radio waves with wavelengths ranging from as long as one meter to as short as one millimetre, or equivalently, with frequencies between 300 MHz (0.3 GHz) and 300 GHz. This broad definition includes both UHF and EHF (millimeter waves), and various sources use different boundaries. In all cases, microwave includes the entire SHF band (3 to 3o GHz, or 10 to 1 cm) at minimum, with RF engineering often putting the lower boundary at 1 GHz (30 cm), and the upper around loo GHz (3 mm) httpJ /cn.wikipedia.org /wiki /Microwave Reply Redi Kilowatt says: May 21, 2012 at 6:48 pm So, there is no microwave band, just like I said, so the statement that the microwave range of frequencies is 300 MHz to 3 GHz is incorrect, and that is all I have to say about it. And you must realize, that not all radio frequency communications in the UHF band is microwave, in fact very little of it is microwave. Case closed, nuff said ! Smarter Meters says: May 21, 2012 at 6:33 pm I think the name for it is "beachfront spectrum" at least that's what wireless providers call the 700 Mhz band. This range is very good at propagating through semi -solid objects, like trees, building materials, people and precipitation. "Medical micropower networks (MMN) use a set of implanted electrodes and a wearable wireless controller to stimulate the muscles of a paralyzed user. the FCC announced that these devices have been approved for use within the 413 to 457MHz range, as requested in a petition from the Alfred Mann Foundation, which has already constructed several prototype MMN systems. "The frequency that has been approved for use is the most efficient for penetrating tissue with radio waves and without which the new generation of our implantable neurostimulator technology would be impossible to advance." http. / /www.engadget.com /2o n/ 12/o7/f'cc- grants - radio - spectrum -to- muscle - stimulating- wireless- devices/ Reply Richard says: May 21, 2012 at 3:03 pm "...they also said that 300 MHz to 3 GHz is in the microwave frequency band, that is not correct, and probably has misled thousands of people." Okay, RK, we've been down this road before, so I'll just refer anyone interested in your argument to the following string of comments — http: / /emfsafetvnetwork.org / ?p =7553 #comments Just imagine the generations and untold numbers of students, scientists, engineers, and PhD's that have been misled by our educational system. What a tragedy... ** The real tragedy, however, is that some people believe they "are being microwaved" by SmartMeters, cell phones, and WiFi routers. THAT misrepresentation is what needs correction. While true (yes, true) that these devices transmit microwave radiation (at microwave frequencies, e.g., goo MHz, r800 MHz, 245o MHz, etc.), the power levels won't cook anything. Sure, they may cause heating with increased exposure levels, but the low -power signals being chirped periodically from the SmartMeters aren't cooking anything. Reply frank says: October 14, 2012 at 12:26 am But can they make your ears buzz really need to know E -Mail Repy Redi Kilowatt says: May 21, 2012 at 3:32 pm Richard, There is no microwave frequency band. Microwave operates in the UHF, SHF and EHF (Extremely High Frequency) bands of the radio spectrum. Not all radio frequency is microwave, in fact most is not, and yes the scientists and engineers all know this. I never said otherwise, you just made it up with your pretzel logic. Reply nRichard says: May 21, 2012 at 4:02 pm "There is no microwave frequency band...Not all radio frequency is microwave, in fact most is not, and yes the scientists and engineers all know this. I never said otherwise,..." And I never said or implied THAT; but you did state the following: "...smart meters and mobile phones are NOT microwave communications. And anyone who keeps spouting that out is spewing false information..." Call it VHF, UHF, SHF, or EHF...It's all in the portion of the radio frequency spectrum that is referred to as "microwave ". If those frequencies are used for communication /transmission of data (e.g., SmartMeters), then I think it's safe to call it microwave. ref — httu: / /www.ntia.doc.gov /files /ntia /publications /2oo•q- allochrt.pdf (see orange highlight at bottom) Reply Jerry Ballard USNRet Tulare, CA says: June 6, 2012 at 1:47 pm I opted out of the Smart Meter Program and just received a letter from Edison telling me that they will be charging me a $75.00 fee to opt out of the Smart meter and then they will be charging me another $io.00 a month on my bill because I am opting out. However If I take the smart Meter then i don't have to pay the $75.00 Fee This sounds like BLACK -MAIL TO ME! Well Obama said before he became President that the electric Rates would skyrocket and those who get the SmartMeter will see that happen and because Many of us don't want to play Obama's game! Edison will turn around and Screw us with a extra fee. NOW I'M PISSED! $ro.00 extra might not be that big of a deal to many but for me, I am a Disabled Veteran Not working and waiting to get Social security Disability and money left over at the end of the month is not much at all specially with climbing Gas prices. Is there way to fight this? Let me know ierrvballardusnret@hotmail.com hotmail.com I plan on talking to an Attorney to see if it is legal for them to do this Reply Letta Mego says: August 16, 2012 at 11:01 am The following is a statement that CONFLICTS with the information on "stop smart meters" about the rate of emissions: " "The SMART meter is always on in "listening" mode but only transmits sporadically. The utility currently has them set to transmit once every 15 minutes. The meter also sends out data sporadically to pass along data received from other meters. "" How is this wrong ? ?? It makes the smart meters sound almost safe. Reply Jeremy says: August 17, 2012 at 9:53 am Letta, The quote you posted is very misleading — and must be from a smart meter corporate website. With a simple RF measurement device, one can see that the meters are transmitting every few seconds (sometimes there can be up to a minute in between pulses). As PG &E admitted, their meters pulse on average 10,00o times per day, with some meters pulsing 190,000 times per day (do the math). If you want to see what the pulses look like, watch this video: http: //www.voutube.com/watch?v=2NH2rvli I-I-kE Reply Amy O'Hair says: August 20, 2012 at 9:00 am @Letta: Jeremy is right. That's the utility song- and -dance but it's false: the meters transmit via RF radiation 10,00o to 190,00o times a day (see http://emisafetvnetwork.org/?p=6ono to read how PGE admitted it) —and each peak pulse of RF can easily be ioox to t000x times what your cell phone puts out while you are on a call. It is continuous or nearly continuous on all smart meters. Some meters are more often, some are higher in RF. But none of it is okay for humans. This is a public -health disaster, which is already disabling many, many people: http://emfsafetynetwork.org/?page id =2292 Reply Pingback: Current Event News - CurrentEvent.co Pingback: How to Resist the Fees (and Keep the tights On) 1 Stop Smart Meters! RotorJeffsays: October 30, 2012 at 8:51 pm Thanks for the good information. My wife and I just had our Smart Meter removed. The Smart Meter was installed one month after we moved into our home in Napa, CA two years ago without our knowledge. It was outside the wall to our bedroom. We both developed health issues such as fitful sleep, coughing, fatigue. Our home is in the country and is generally very peaceful. When we discovered the Smart Meter and associated issues, we had it removed This has lead to much improved health with better sleep. We were fortunate to be able to opt out. The cost was $75.00 and $10.00 a month. This is still less than it would cost us to get off of the grid. We look at it like buying organic food. You generally pay more, but it is worth it. Paying for maintaining our health is number 1 with us. Don't be fooled by any government propaganda related to health safety information for anything. Their goal is to promote business agendas and not the public interest. Flouride in the water. Chemotherapy Chemtrails Smart Meters What about GMO labeling? Recognizing the wolf at the door is half of the battle. Reply Redi Kilowatt says: October 31, 2012 at 5:57 pm You are right RotorJeff, Don't be fooled by any corporate /government propaganda regarding health and safety issues. There are a few more things that I would like to add to your list of concerns: The heavy promotion and use of toxic pharmaceutical drugs, especially the psychotropic drugs pushed for as anti- depressants. This is a multi billion dollar industry, and the side affects of these drugs is horrible. I have read that about one third of our population has been hooked on these drugs, many for the short rest of their life The promotion of expensive cancer screening scans for breast and colon cancer. The cancer industry is another multi billion dollar per year industry. The machines that supposedly scan for the cancers are powerful radioactive devices that actually cause cancer, and three FDA scientist got fired for blowing the whistle on that.. The propaganda that everyone must have private medical insurance, so that healthy people pay into a giant corporate piggy bank so when all these dumbed down people get sick from all the corporate drugs, RF, air pollution, GMO food and all the other chemicals that some of us are exposed to, that even if they (the private insurance profiteers) have to actually kick out some money for urgently needed medical care, they will still make bank because even healthy people still contribute to their corporate welfare fund for an average of $500 per month. But that is nothing compared to the prescription drug bills of $3000 per month for psychotropic drugs that cause the need for this urgent medical care. These medical (now called healthcare) insurance corporations, the cancer industry, the pharmaceutical industry and the hospital corporations are profiting more than ever now. The government is controlled by the powerful corporations to approve toxic vaccines, SmartMeters, mobile phones and devices, food gene splicing engineering, fossil fuel burning, pushing toxic drugs and polluting the water and the air for the greater corporate good. That is to perpetuate the cancer industry. The corporations hope that this will go on forever, because no matter how bad the economy gets, they are going to do just fine. And Amy, you are right, the radio (residential) SmartMeters are transmitting constantly 24/7 by design. They only report the cumulative usage once every four hours to the utility. A modern mobile phone or device puts out 250 milliwatts, so a Smart Meter puts out about four times what a mobile device puts out. The only difference is, most people do not get up close and personal with a Smart Meter and hold it to their head. The only way to get a real time reading about your meters consumption is to go out and put your face in a Smart Meter to watch the total use tallies minute by minute, hour by hour, which not many people are interested in doing. That is not to say that the cumulative bombardment of RF is good for us, because I believe it is harmful. I recommend that people opt out of the Smart Meter program for many reasons. Reply u V dianna economides says: January 27, 2013 at 2:21 pm My husband and I are seniors living in a condo /apt complex. We have a shed which houses 7 smart meters within 5 feet of our bedroom wall. We do not have a smart meter as yet but we believe PG &E will eventually force us to put one in by threatening fees, etc. I sometimes feel as if I can hear a humming sound through the wall. Is having these meters so close to our bedroom hazardous to our health? We read so many conflicting stories thanks for your reply. Eric Windheim says: January 27, 2013 at 8:21 pm Hello Dianna, Each Meter transmits a Radio Signal about once every 7 seconds so with 5 meters you are getting a transmission headed your way about once every 1.4seconds. This will make it difficult for your cells to rest while you sleep. Please go to http:/ /www.bioinitiative.org/ for the latest on the effects of this bombardment you are being subjected to. Sincerely, Eric Windheim Reply Pingback: Mare Citizens Protesting Smart Meters 1 Occupu Ventura Ivy says: April 6, 2013 at 8:40 am I live in British Columbia Canada. I am suffering from earache and headache as smart meter was installed on the bedroom wall of house. I cannot sleep as I am suffering and desperately need help. Who can I approach for help? Would relocating smart meter an option? Or sell the house? I am a retired and a widow, Reply Mia Nony says: April 7, 2013 at 9:19 pm Ivy BC Hydro "energized" (translation ": they have created a microwave blanket blast zone over most of BC) using the transmission lines in BC, most of it going live starting on April 2nd. 2013 If possible, print and keep this advice: Go to bcfreedom.wordpress.com There you will find links to very carefully and professionally worded common law documents which are consistently the ONLY documents and posters which in every instance are actually working as self defence to protect every single person who has used them. At this point that means many people, between 15,000 and 30,000 have used these, with total success, firstly to prevent installation. Even though you have now had this device installed, use these refusal docs anyway, in order to create a record to assert your right to not have a smart meter. Follow the instructions exactly and keep copies, for your records. Do not allow the harm to continue. Every single smart meter also is able to do double duty as a cell relay device — meaning it is also a collectro hub — and it is fully capable of enabling frequencies at cell tower strength, right on your wall. They covertly rotate which unsuspecting house has the device used this way at any given moment for any given area, all done by stealth, roving around, operating quite literally "below the radar ", changing who is "it" for exposure, from month to month. This is criminal behaviour and no one is in charge of any way to protect you or me or anyone from these illegal frequencies and actions.It is up to YOU, up to each of us, to defend ourselves. The common law does have done this elsewhere and will lay the groundwork for you for future removal of this device. They are the ONLY dots that are working. this is now established. These docs assert your right to not have a meter, And the next docs, which will be provided in the near future, are to be used for the lawful claim of right for the removal of a smart meter. Meanwhile, act immediately, don't wait, These next instructions are for how to NOT become chronically disabled for life. Act now, before DNA shreds irreparably, before the blood brain barrier leaks and admits toxins and causes cognitive impairment, memory loss and MUCH worse. Save yourself BEFORE nerves and muscles rapidly depolarize like flipping a strobe light on and off, billions of times a second, extremely dangerous. Be aware that this microwave exposure process induces slow motion bioelectrical failure and neurodegenerative conditions such as Parkinsons, MS, fibromyalgia, and far more. All of this is now taught for medical continuing education medical credits, but sadly most doctors don't retrain in this vital knowledge. Be sure to get a handyman or family member if possible to create and then attach over the meter globe and make certain to keep in place a faraday shield box, placed around the meter, done by using aluminium (NOT PLASTIC SCREENING) mosquito screening which is carefully wrapped all around five sides of a frame of a box made of 1" X 1" framing, made larger than the size of the meter. Use this screened box shield which can be fitted over the meter. It works very well and saves all biology, all nature, as well as yours. If possible hold the Faraday cage to make it stick to the plate behind the meter by attaching small magnets to the rim placed against the meter plate, or whatever the handyman feels will work best to keep the box in place. Be sure to make many of these boxes — because this device "spies" and reports everything done to it, all tampering, even while it illicitly "estimates" (rather than `reads ") your usage, as explained right on the Hydro site's FAQ page. Be prepared. The Hydro workers will know immediately that you have put a Faraday or some other blocking device over their radiation emitting frequency enabling device, and so .... they will come out, often the same day, to insist on you or they removing it. If you are there, demand that the shield be given to you, for it is in fact yours. Be prepared for lies, do NOT argue with them at all, as they will bluff and they will tell you you cannot do this, that you cannot defend yourself from them. It is not illegal to defend yourself from radiation surveillance from a bi- directional transmitter, which is not a "meter" as we understand "meters ", as such. In fact, what THEY are doing is illegal, since every smart "meter" is capable of being used as a cell relay device using cell tower strength frequencies to link our meter and data to 5000 other meters and to perform as a cell relay collector hub device. If they take away the Faraday cage, simply replace each one after they come and remove one and leave. Do this boxing part only AFTER you first either are able to do this easily yourself or else get a friend, neighbour or handyman to use full width rolls of Reflectix double thick foil wall insulation (Slegg lumber has it, likely a few others too) . Have the person who does this staple it on the full inside area of the wall, meaning the "warm" interior side of the meter wall. Staple the Reflectix to cover seamlessly the entire interior of the meter wall from floor to ceiling and wall to wall. Cut an opening for the circuit panel box which stays shut unless you need access to the panel box. A third option to add to this mix is to flexible use carbon sheets to neutralize the radiation. It can be found at LESSEMF.COM. Not sure how expensive. BE SURE TO REPAIR THE DAMAGE DONE TO YOUR BODY. Buy bentonite clay from the health food store (literally, in bulk, dirt cheap) and start taking it in gradually increased doses, in water, to remove the cumulative radiation from the body. backing it off a bit if it makes you have a loose tummy. Take the daily amount which the health food store advises of this and of chlorella capsules to reverse radiation damage. this worked for Hiroshima. Eat NO Sugar. Google how doctors helped Hiroshima survivors at a clinicn less than one mile from ground zero, and educated them about how to not get any cancers or other illnesses, doing exactly this. Careful small doses of spirulina also help, but never take more than half a teaspoon a day. It loosens the bowels fast if over done. Ask the health food store for the correct advise, hopefully they will know. Make absolutely certain you have NO wireless devices whatsoever of any kind nor any portable phones or other wireless devices inside your home, including making certain you have no wifi nor a wireless modem. Be aware that many wireless modems turn themselves back on even when the wireless feature is shut off. Better yet? Get a Speedtouch hard wire only manual shut off modem from the store or from your internet provider, (if your Internet provider is Telus, then they have them and should be able to provide them free to you). Reply Mia Nony says: April 8, 2013 at 9:49 am BLANKET POLICY At a meeting here in BC with a utility, a journeyman electrician thought to ask a representative of a private utility the following seemingly innocent questions: "Is the current generation of smart meter able to handle frequencies other than those it enables right now? Can the present meter handle greater numbers of frequencies and different types of frequencies than the ones it now enables ?" Bluntly put, trying to pin down what a a smart meter actually is capable of doing and how it actually operates can be next to impossible, since the answer provided was "YES ", on all counts. And that has implications well beyond assuming that what is on a home is a "meter ". What you see is NOT what you get. The term "meter" is not accurate anymore than a submarine is simply a submersible boat. From a utility insider: Cell relay meters looked different than regular smart meters. However, all smart "meters" are also cell relay hubs. Every single one of even Generation I "meters" is fully capable of doubling as a fully functioning cell relay collector hub device while locked on your home. Smart "meters" are already used as collector hubs, remotely achieved by rotation. A smart "meter" is a multiple use device. We already know that arbitrary and fully inadequate thermal based safety limits mean absolutely nothing. Worse still, , it is almost impossible to fine which "meter" has been activated to enable illegal exposure levels akin to cell tower intensity since those in charge of this are able to hide what they are doing and are also self policing. Anyone's "meter" at any given moment can be remotely activated as a hub. Utilities seem to think they can `fly below the radar', legally. All the while there is what appears to be a global pathologically indifference to the fact that this is a daily exercise in premeditated murder. Utilities everywhere are prepared to knowingly expose people to what even by current standards are fully illegal radiation levels, harming infants, children, the sick and the elderly, and indeed all people left with no protection at all, all of which violates all customer contracts, implied or otherwise Your private home has been co -opted for corporate data mining and surveillance and for use by an illegal radiation data mining device. Your unshielded wiring was never intended to carry microwaves sharing data with up to 5000 other homes and smart "meters ", each one doubling as a fully functioning cell relay collector hub. At any moment, any poor unwitting family can be and is being exposed to cell tower strength frequencies. The true purpose of the grid system is to rotate monthly by stealth whichever smart meter becomes the next collector hub for any given area. Reply Pingback: As Towns Sou No Signs of Rising Resistance to Smart Meters - Page 2 Stop Smart Meters) Proudly powered by WordPress. SMART METER = SMART SURVEILLANCE By Michael LeMieux May 23, 2012 NewsWithViews.com We have all heard a lot of discussion lately on the energy department's move toward a "smart grid" and the use of "smart meters" fueled by the stimulus funding from the 2009 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. This smart grid promises to "increase energy efficiency, bolster electric power grid reliability, and facilitate demand response, among other benefits." However the devil is in the details; as they say. In order for the smart meter program to be of any benefit to the grid as a whole it would necessitate nearly universal usage across the country. The concept on the surface is actually a good idea if energy demand is the actual goal. For that matter, energy consumption demands could be ascertained at the point of separation to the public at the local power sub - stations that serve individual communities and thus alert the system of increased demand and therefore increased production requirements. So why are they pushing to install one in every home in America? To get the answer is very easy indeed as the Congressional Research Staff has compiled a research paper on this exact topic and from which I have derived much of my article today and this is what they reported. The report states that to fulfill their desired ends: "smart meters must record near -real time data on consumer electricity usage and transmit the data to utilities over great distances via communications networks that serve the smart grid. "Okay, that makes sense but again why every household and not at distribution points within the neighborhood which monitors the near real time usage in that local? Well thanks to the report they also tell us that: "Detailed electricity usage data offers a window into the lives of people inside of a home by revealing what individual appliances they are using." Now let's look at that statement a moment — their "stated" goal for this device was so that they could better regulate the grid reliability and better demand response. What does it matter to an energy supplier what appliances I am running in my home if their real concern was just to provide better control of the grid supply? Could it possibly be that this is a big brother conspiracy of a pending police state? And is it still a conspiracy if it is in fact true? Within the opening paragraphs of the report they state that they are looking at this, among other things, from a 4th Amendment concern and "As we progress into the 21st century, access to personal data, including information generated from smart meters, is a new frontier for police investigations. "Just as communication interception, email interception, social media sites, etc. have become sifting pools for government spying on everyone to purportedly catch a few bad guys kind of like treating everyone as a criminal to catch a real criminal. How great would it be if you could also gather data from inside every home in America on their electrical equipment and usage? In fact the report mentions this exact concern stating: "courts have used the third -party doctrine to deny protection to information a customer gives to a business as part of their commercial relationship. This rule is used by police to access bank records, telephone records, and traditional utility records. "And just like these areas were once protected, requiring warrants in order to invade the privacy of these records it has set a precedent that will assist in further expansion of the government's ability to interject itself into every aspect of our lives. So how detailed can reading a meter really get and is this really that important to understand? Most people would be shocked by how much data can be derived by these smart meters. In the CRS report they referenced a 2010 National Institute of Science and Technology report that detailed some alarming detail that can be ascertained from this data such as: • 'By combining appliance usage patterns, an observer could discern the behavior of occupants in a home over a period of time. For example, the data could show whether a residence is occupied, how many people live in it, and whether it is "occupied by more people than usual. "According to the Department of Energy, smart meters may be able to reveal occupants' "daily schedules (including times when they are at or away from home or asleep), whether their homes are equipped with alarm systems, whether they own expensive electronic equipment such as plasma TVs, and whether they use certain types of medical equipment." A sample graph taken of a home energy usage shows what activity is taking place at any given time. Because the electrical "signature" of every appliance is different they are able to ascertain exactly what equipment is being used as the following graph shows. wane.. I' r°'" n r aw.+.uw o.. \. Pal:). 1... Iw.0 • #.Ii a..., ...sea ...seam* • 1... In ton N <1. r / / {(1IA1 .3 bid a , • . . n 12 as n n Utilizing electrical usage data in law enforcement is not unusual. Historically if law enforcement has suspicion that a certain individual may be illegally growing drugs on their property they may get a warrant on past electrical usage of the property to determine if grow lights are being used indicated by large spikes in energy consumption. From the government's position; how valuable would it be to have real -time data on every household in a state or the nation for that matter, on not only what they are doing but the specific equipment being used? This may be too tempting for the power elite to pass up. Along with the potential for government /police abuse of this information, and history has shown that when government feels a compelling need to access data it will do whatever it needs to in order to obtain it, is also the potential for cyber theft and other commercial intrusions. One example given in the report was medical insurance companies using the data to determine the use of a certain medical device within the home and how that may complicate medical coverage, or whether a device is being used improperly and therefore will void a product warranty, and marketers could use the data to determine certain equipment usage and thus target sales mailings, etc. Even worse criminals could hack the data to determine the best homes to target based on certain "signature" equipment that gives them greater sales on the black market as well as the most likely times when no one is at home. The remaining pages of the 48 page report deals with how that data may, or may not, be protected under the 4th Amendment or other laws currently in force. One point that was made was that the data would most certainly fall under the "protected record" status and therefor would have to comply with the Federal Privacy Act statutes. Knowing how the government has entrenched itself into every aspect of our commercial lives and communications I do not have a comfortable feeling that this data will be treated any different and over time will become just another tool the government can use to monitor the citizens activities. Remember,'all they:claimedthey were trying to do is "increase energy efficiency, bolster electric power grid reliability, and facilitate demand response, • among other benefits. "I do not believe that knowing when each and every appliance is turned on or off in a single home will matter one iota to their stated goal and that only the aggregate of energy usage for a specific area will be of use. DVDs BOOKS EXAEK Mital However, if knowing each appliance signature and during peak usage they could limit your availability of power — sort of a purposeful brownout — in which you just would not have the necessary power available to run an appliance at peak proficiency and thus reduce your consumption and increase overall energy efficiency; now that may be of value. Subscribe to the NewsWithViews Daily News Alerts! Enter Your E -Mail Address: Subscribe.i Sound farfetched? Well during an interview on the Glen Beck show on Fox News it was revealed that: "No, not so much. This is from U.S. News and World Report. This is from Carol Browner. She's the new climate czar. Yes. She said, quote, "We need to make sure that we're moving electricity in the .smartest way and using the most cost - effective electricity at the right time. Eventually, we can get to a system where an electric company will be able to hold back some of the power so that maybe your air - conditioner won't operate at its peak. So you'll still be able to cool your house, but that will be a savings to the customer." But don't worry Carol Browner is with the government and they are here to help. Doesn't that make you feel all warm and secure? But we all know the government would never do anything that would trample our rights - until they are caught doing it — then they are sorry and promise never to do it again... until they are caught again, and again. But we can trust them — right? Biolnitiative 2012 Report Issues New Warnings on Wireless and EMF University at Albany, Rensselaer, New York / Embargoed until January 7, 2013 A new report by the Biolnitiative Working Group 2012 says that evidence for risks to health has substantially increased since 2007 from electromagnetic fields and wireless technologies (radiofrequency radiation). The Report reviews over 1800 new scientific studies. Cell phone users, parents- to -be, young children and pregnant women are at particular risk. "There is a consistent pattern of increased risk for glioma (a malignant brain tumor) and acoustic neuroma with use of mobile and cordless phones" says Lennart Harden, MD at Orebro University, Sweden. "Epidemiological evidence shows that radiofrequency should be classified as a human carcinogen. The existing FCC /IEE and ICNIRP public safety limits and reference levels are not adequate to protect public health." A dozen new studies link cell phone radiation to sperm damage. Even a cell phone in the pocket or on a belt may harm sperm DNA, result in misshapen sperm, and impair fertility in men. Laptop computers with wireless Internet connections can damage DNA in sperm. Based on strong evidence for vulnerable biology in autism, EMF /RFR can plausibly increase autism risk and symptoms. "While we aggressively investigate the links between autism disorders and wireless technologies, we should minimize wireless and EMF exposures for people with autism disorders, children of all ages, people planning a baby, and during pregnancy," says Martha Herbert, MD, PhD. Wireless devices such as phones and laptops used by pregnant women may alter brain development of the fetus. This has been linked in both animal and human studies to hyperactivity, learning and behavior problems. According to David O. Carpenter, MD, and co- editor of the 2012 Report: There is now much more evidence of risks to health affecting billions ofpeople world -wide. The status quo is not acceptable in light of the evidence for harm. " This study covers EMF from powerlines, electrical wiring, appliances and hand -held devices; and from wireless technologies (cell and cordless phones, cell towers, `smart meters', WI -El, wireless laptops, wireless routers, baby monitors, and other electronic devices). Health topics include damage to DNA and genes, effects on memory, learning, behavior, attention, sleep disruption, cancer and neurological diseases like Alzheimer's disease. New safety standards are urgently needed for protection against EMF and wireless exposures that now appear everywhere in daily life. The Biolnitiative 2012 Report is available at: www.bioinitiative.or CONTACT: infobioinitiative.org What is the difference between AMR and AMI meters? Published 01/03/2011 11:23 PM 1 Updated 02/20/2011 04:38 PM AMR stands for Automatic Meter Reading. It is an older technology that only collects electrical energy consumption and transfers that data from the electric meter on the home to the utility (one - way communication). AMI stands for Advanced Metering Infrastructure. AMI meters, also known as Smart meters are updated, digital versions of the traditional electrical meter attached to the outside of your home. These new meters not only measure how much electricity is used, but also at what times during the day. Smart meters are also designed to transmit pricing and energy information from the utility company to the consumer (two -way communication). Utility companies who provide their customers with smart meters are able to implement a variety of load reduction and energy saving programs, helping reduce the cost of providing electricity to a community. http: / /geappliance.esecurecare .net /app /answers /detail /a id /22 Your "SMART METER" is a surveillance device that monitors your "energy consumption behavior" and it emits biologically destructive "pulsed" and "dirty electricity "radiation in your home, and it is UNLAWFUL because your power company has no easement (rightful access) to do that!! Smart Meter Health Complaints Utility customers have reported new or worsening health problems since the utility smart meter system has been installed on their home or in their neighborhood. Symptoms include: • Sleep problems (insomnia, difficulty falling asleep, night waking, nightmares) • Stress, agitation, anxiety, irritability • Headaches, sharp pain or pressure in the head • Ringing in the ears, ear pain, high pitched ringing • Concentration, memory or learning problems • Fatigue, muscle or physical weakness • Disorientation, dizziness, or balance problems • Eye problems, including eye pain, pressure in the eyes, • Cardiac symptoms, heart palpitations, heart arrhythmias, chest pain • Leg cramps, or neuropathy • Arthritis, body pain, sharp, stabbing pains • Nausea, flu -like symptoms • Sinus problems, nose bleeds • Respiratory problems, cough, asthma • Skin rashes, facial flushing • Urinary problems • Endocrine disorders, thyroid problems, diabetes • High blood pressure • Changes in menstrual cycle • Hyperactivity or changes in children's behavior • Seizures • Recurrence of cancer http://emfsafetynetwork.orq/?paqe id =2292 Biological Effects from RF Radiation at Low - Intensity Exposure By alive June 8, 2013EMR and Children EMR and Nature EMR Policy EMR Pregnancy and Conception Health and Wellness Research Smart metersNo comments Biological Effects from RF Radiation at Low - Intensity Exposure, based on the Biolnitiative 2012 Report, and the Implications for Smart Meters and Smart Appliances, June 5, 2013 Ronald M. Powell, downloadable from SCRBD Physicist, Ronald M. Powell (Ph.D., Harvard University, 1975) explains, in lay terms, the implications of the Biolnitiative 2012 Report for Smart Meters and Smart Appliances. He compares the low RF power density levels at which biological effects were reported in the RF Color Charts in the Report to the calculated RF power density levels that Smart Meters and Smart Appliances can produce. This comparison shows that Smart Meters and Smart Appliances can readily produce RF power density levels at which biological effects have been observed. The current FCC Maximum Permitted Exposure limits, for RF power density levels for uncontrolled exposure of the general public, are too high (too permissive) to protect against these biological effects, and thus that much lower (more restrictive) exposure limits, like those proposed in the Biolnitiative 2012 Report, are needed. The Biolnitiative 2012 Report is a massive evidence -based review of the medical research literature on the biological effects of electromagnetic fields, developed by 29 scientists, doctors, and other health care experts from 10 countries. Introduction and Conclusions The Biological Effects Chart, at the end of this document, has been produced using data from a massive new review of the medical research literature on the biological effects of electromagnetic fields. That review is called the Biolnitiative 2012 Report.2 The purpose of the Biological Effects Chart is to show the radiofrequency (RF) exposure levels at which biological effects were found in 67 studies from the RF Color Charts of the BioInitiative 2012 Report, and then to compare those exposure levels to the following: (1) current FCC Maximum Permitted Exposure (MPE) limits that govern Smart Meters and Smart Appliances in the United States (2) new biologically based maximum RF exposure limits proposed in the BioInitiative 2012 Report (3) calculated RF exposure levels produced by a single Smart Meter at various distances (4) calculated RF exposure levels produced by a single Smart Appliance at various distances This comparison is based on RF exposure levels expressed as the RF power density (RF power per unit area). This comparison does not address other potentially important factors such as carrier continuity (continuous versus pulsed radiation) and modulation technique (the method used to impress information on the carrier), among others. The purpose is to identify what biological effects arise from exposure to RF power density levels like those produced by Smart Meters and Smart Appliances. This comparison indicates the following: (1) The current FCC Maximum Permitted Exposure (MPE) limits are so high that they provide no protection for the public from the biological effects found in any of the 67 studies. (2) New biologically based exposure limits proposed in the Biolnitiative 2012 Report are 1 million times lower than current FCC limits and would protect against the biological effects found in nearly all of the 67 studies. (3) A single Smart Meter on a home can produce RF exposure levels that caused the biological effects found in either most or many of the 67 studies, depending on the distance from the Smart Meter. (4) A single Smart Appliance in the home can produce RF exposure levels that caused the biological effects found in nearly half or fewer of the 67 studies, depending on the distance from the Smart Appliance. Multiple Smart Appliances in a home multiply the total exposure. (5) (5) A single Smart Meter on a nearest neighbor's home can produce RF exposure levels that caused the biological effects found in many of the 67 studies. A given home may have one to eight nearest neighbors, each with a Smart Meter, multiplying the total exposure in the given home. Other observations: (1) Most biological effects of RF exposure cannot be sensed by human beings. Examples are the onset of cancer, DNA damage, and fertility effects. One category of effects that can often be sensed includes neurological effects on sleep, memory, learning, and behavior. (2) Unborn and very young children may be more affected by RF exposure than adults. This document provides background information, an explanation of each feature of the Biological Effects Chart, and a detailed discussion of each of the conclusions and observations summarized above. That discussion begins on page 11. Figure 1, on page 9 in this document, and the Biological Effects Chart, at the end of this document, are in color, and are most easily understood when viewed in color. But they can also be understood in black and white. To make that possible, key lines in Figure 1 and in the Biological Effects Chart are identified not only by color but also by line thickness and line style (solid versus dashed). 1 The author holds a Ph.D. in Applied Physics from Harvard University, 1975. 2 Biolnitiative Working Group, Cindy Sage and David 0. Carpenter, Editors, Biolnitiative Report: A Rationale for Biologically -based Public Exposure Standards for Electromagnetic Radiation, December 31, 2012 (http: / /www. bioinitialive. org J Kate Kheel sent out notice of the above Report. This Report has been posted on the Maryland Smart Meter Awareness (MSMA) website. http: / /us5.forward -to -friend l .com/ forward /show ?u= 2f3545 b3 35967bf588668b968 &id= 69199c95a9 MSMA is an alliance of concerned people that have come together in response to the mass rollout of digital, wireless smart meters. We feel that Smart Meters violate our rights to health, national security, privacy, and safety. http:// www.washingtonwirelessawareness .com /biological- effects - from- rf -rad iation-at- low - intensity- exposure/ 'Smart' Meters Take the Lead in Whole -Body RF Exposure Comparison of Radio - Frequency Levels to the Whole Body from Various Sources in IJ W /cm2 over time (corrected by Daniel Hirsch, Committee to Bridge the Gap, & UCSC Nuclear Policy lecturer, for assumed duty cycle and whole body exposure extrapolated from EPRI /CCST Smart Meter estimated levels at 3 feet). Maxim ,r Minimum Rather be safe than sorry The apparent adverse health effects noted with smart meter exposure are likely to be further exacerbated if smart appliances that use wireless communications become the norm and further increase unwarranted exposure. To date, there have been few independent studies of the health effects of such sources of more continuous but lower intensity microwaves. However, we know after decades of studies of hazardous chemical substances, that chronic exposure to low concentrations of microwaves can cause equal or even greater harm than an acute exposure to high concentrations of the same microwaves. This is why so many scientists and medical experts urgently recommend that measures following the Precautionary Principle be applied immediately — such as using wired meters — to reduce biologically inappropriate microwave exposure. We are not advocating the abolishment of RF technologies, only the use of common sense and the development and implementation of best practices in using these technologies in order to reduce exposure and risk of health hazards. (1) • Scientific papers on EMF health effects (2) On Nov. 19 2012, we struck from this letter an error propagated in the media claiming that « In May 2012, the U.K.'s Office of National Statistics reported a 50 percent increase in incidence of frontal and temporal lobe tumors in children between 1999 and 2009. » (3) Explanation and studies on electrosensitivity (4) Governments and organizations that ban or warn against wireless technology • David O. Carpenter, MD, Director, Institute for Health & the Environment, University at Albany, USA • Franz Adlkofer, M.D., Chairman of the Pandora Foundation, Coordinator of the European Reflex Report on DNA - damage by cellphone radiation, Neuendorf, Germany • M. S. H. Al Salameh, PhD, Professor of Electrical Engineering, University of Science & Technology, Irbid, Jordan • Jennifer Armstrong, MD, Past President, American Society for Environmental Medicine, Founder, Ottawa Environmental Health Clinic, Ontario, Canada • Pierre L. Auger, MD, Occupational medicine, Multiclinique des accidentes 1464, Montreal, Quebec, Canada • Igor Beliaev, PhD, Head research scientist, Cancer Research Institute, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, Slovak republic • Fiorella Belpoggi, PhD, Director Cesare Maltoni Cancer Research Center, Ramazzini Institute, Bologna, Italy • Dominique Belpomme, MD, Director of the European Cancer and Environment Research Institute, Brussels, Belgium • Martin Blank, PhD, former President, Bioelectromagnetics Society, Special Lecturer, Department of Physiology and Cellular Biophysics, Columbia University Medical Center, New York, USA • Barry Breger, MD, Centre d'integration somatosophique (orthomolecular medicine), Montreal, Quebec • Simona Carrubba, PhD, Prof. Biophysics, Daemen College, Amherst, NY, Associate Researcher, Neurology, Buffalo General Hospital , Buffalo, NY • John Cline, MD, Professor, Institute for Functional Medicine, Federal Way, WA, USA, Medical Director, Cline Medical Centre, Nanaimo, BC, Canada • Alvaro Augusto de Salles, PhD, Professor of Electrical Engineering, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul. Porto Alegre, Brazil • Christos Georgiou, Prof. Biochemistry, Biology Department, University of Patras, Greece • Andrew Goldsworthy, PhD, Honorary lecturer in Biology, Imperial College, London, UK • Claudio Gomez - Perretta, MD, Director, Centro de Investigacion, Hospital Universitario LA Fe, Valencia, Spain • Livio Giuliani, PhD, Senior Researcher, National Insurance Institute (INAIL), Chief of Radiation and Ultrasounds Research Unit, Rome, Italy • Yury Grigoriev, PhD, Chair Russian National Committee on Non - Ionizing Radiation Protection, Moscow, Russia • Settimio Grimaldi, PhD, Director, Institute of Translational Pharmacology (Neurobiology and molecular medicine), National Research Council, Rome, Italy • Magda Havas, PhD, Centre for Health Studies, Trent University, Canada • Lennart Hardell, MD, Professor of Oncology, University Hospital, Orebro, Sweden • Denis L. Henshaw, PhD, Professor of Physics, Head of The Human Radiation Effects Group, University of Bristol, UK • Ronald B. Herberman, MD, Chairman of Board, Environmental Health Trust, and Founding Director emeritus, University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute, USA • Donald Hillman, PhD, Dairy Science, Professor Emeritus, Department of Animal Science, Michigan State University, USA • Isaac Jamieson, PhD, Environmental Science (electromagnetic phenomena in the built environment), independent architect, scientist and environmental consultant, Hertfordshire, UK • 011e Johansson, PhD, Professor of Neuroscience (Experimental Dermatology Unit), Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden • Yury Kronn, PhD, Soviet authority on physics of nonlinear vibrations and high frequency electromagnetic vibrations, founder of Energy Tools International, Oregon, USA • Vini G. Khurana, MBBS, Associate of Professor of Neurosurgery, Australian National University, Australia • Henry Lai, PhD, Professor of Bioengineering, University of Washington School of Medicine, Seattle, WA, USA • Abraham R. Liboff, PhD, Professor Emeritus, Department of Physics, Oakland University, Rochester, Michigan, USA • Don Maisch, PhD, Researcher on radiation exposure standards for telecommunications frequency, EMFacts Consultancy, Tasmania, Australia • Erica Mallery- Blythe, MD, Emergency Medicine Physician, England • Andrew A. Marino, MD, Professor of Neurology, LSU Health Sciences Center, Shreveport, LA, USA • Karl Maret, MD, President, Dove Health Alliance, Aptos, CA, USA • Fiorenzo Marinelli, PhD, Researcher on biological effects of EMFs, Institute of Molecular Genetics, National Research Council, Bologna, Italy • Andrew Michrowski, PhD, Director, Planetary Association for Clean Energy, Ottawa, Canada • Sam Milham, MD, former chief epidemiologist, Washington State Department of Health, USA • Joel M. Moskowitz, PhD, Director, Center for Family and Community Health, School of Public Health, University of California, Berkeley • Gerd Oberfeld, MD, Public Health Department, Salzburg State Government, Austria • Mike O'Carroll, PhD, Professor Emeritus (Applied Mathematics), University of Sunderland, UK • Jerry L. Phillips, PhD, Director, Center for Excellence in Science, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Colorado, USA • John Podd, PhD, Professor of Psychology (experimental neuropsychology), Massey University, New -Zeland • William J. Rea, MD, thoracic and cardiovascular surgeon, founder of the Environmental Health Center, Dallas, Tx, USA • Elihu D. Richter, MD, Professor, Hebrew University - Hadassah School of Public Health and Community Medicine, Jerusalem, Israel • Leif G. Salford, MD, Senior Professor of Neurosurgery, Lund University, Sweden • Nesrin Seyhan, MD, Founder and Chair of Biophysics, Medical Faculty of Gazi University, Turkey • Cyril W. Smith, PhD, lead author of "Electromagnetic Man ", retired from Electronic and Electrical Engineering, University of Salford, UK • Morando Soffritti, MD, Scientific Director of the European Foundation for Oncology and Environmental Sciences `B. Ramazzini" in Bologna, Italy • Carlos Sosa, MD, surgeon affected by the Microwave syndrome, Medellin, Columbia • • Antoinette "Toni" Stein, PhD, Collaborative on Health and the Environment (CHE -EMF Working Group), Co- Coordinator, Berkeley, CA, USA • Stanislaw Szmigielski, MD, PhD Professor of Pathophysiology, Consulting Expert, former director of Microwave Safety, Military Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology, Warsaw, Poland • Lauraine Vivian, PhD, Senior Lecturer, Primary Health Care Directorate, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Cape Town, South Africa. • Bradford S. Weeks, MD, Director, The Weeks Clinic, Clinton, WA, USA • Stelios A. Zinelis, MD, Vice - President, Hellenic Cancer Society, Cefallonia, Greece Coordination: Andre Fauteux, Publisher and Editor in chief, la Maison du 21e siecle magazine, Sainte - Adele, Quebec, Canada. "science -based evidence" has convinced many that radiation emitted by the wireless meters could harm children and the environment. 4. NGELES WASHINGTON, U.S.A. City Manager's Office November 8, 201 1 Mr. and Mrs. Rick Hangartner Port Angeles. W A 98362 Dear Mr. and Mrs. Rick Hangartner: This is a response to your letter dated October 31, 2011. With all due respect, it appears to me you are misinformed about the devices selected to be installed by the City. From the beginning of our investigation into this program the City has been sensitive to the privacy rights of our citizens. We selected meters that would simply record hourly electrical consumption. They do not have the capability to monitor your occupancy or perform any eavesdropping or surveillance. To be more specific, I will address each of the ten statements in your letter about how smart meters could endanger residents; my response is below and in the same order as your letter: 1. The smart meters the City is installing are from Mueller Systems and are not capable of individually identifying any consumer devices. 2. The City's smart meters can't monitor household activity or occupancy. 3. All transmissions are encrypted for data security purposes. 5. The City's meters do not, and cannot, collect information about an occupant's habits and activities. The data that are collected are stored in secure databases and are not accessible by unauthorized parties. 5. The City's meters do not. and cannot, collect information particular activities that occur inside a household. 6. The historical meter reading data is secure. The City's smart meters are not a surveillance device, and do not violate any federal, 'state or local laws. Phone: 360 - 417 -4500/ Fax: 360- 417 -4509 / TTY: 360- 417 -4645 Website: www.cityotpa.us / Email: citymanageracityotpa.us Page -2 November 8, 2011 Letter to Hangartner 7. The City's smart meters are not surveillance devices. They have no ability to monitor information such as the physical location of persons within the home, personal information or the habits of the occupants. 8. Information about the Mueller Systems capabilities for recording, transmitting and storing data is available from the City's website, and if you have other questions, the City's staff is quite willing to answer them. However, the City is not able to share detailed information about such characteristics in order to ensure meter reading data is secure and confidential. 9. The Mueller Systems smart meters meet all federal requirements and only communicate via wireless technology once per day for approximately 0.25 to 2 seconds. During -the other 23 hours, 59 minutes, and 5— seconds of each day the smart meters do not communicate. I encourage you to research and consider the facts about the smart meters the City purchased, starting with the information on the City's website and the Mueller Systems website. Afterward if you have any further questions or concerns I invite you to contact Mr. Larry Dunbar, Deputy Director of Power Systems, at 360 -417 -4710. By the middle of next year the City will replace all of its electric and water meters with smart meters. If you insist that no smart meter be installed on your property, the City will not be able to supply electric and water services to you. Sincerely. zre..1 CitYM- • • Sage Reports Environmental Consultants Science for decision - makers and the public Elihu Richter, MD, MPH Hebrew University, Hadassah School of Public Health and Community Medicine Occupational and Environmental Medicine Download Letter it David O. Carpenter, MD Director Institute for Health and the Environment University at Albany. New York Download Letter in 011e Johansson, PhD Department of Neuroscience Experimental Dermatology Unit Karolinska Institute, Sweden Download Letter vt Lukas Marciaritis, PhD, Professor of Cell Biology and Electron Microscopy University of Athens, Greece Adamantia F. Fragopoulou, Biologist, PhD Cand. University of Athens, Greece Download Letter n Samuel Milham, MD, MPH Epidemiologist Retired - Washington State Health Department Download Letter mn Magda Havas, PhD Environmental and Resource Studies Trent University Ontario, Canada Download Letter t Nancy Evans, BS Health Science Consultant • San Francisco, CA Download Letter ®n • Cindy Sage, MA Sage Associates Co- Editor, Biolnitiative Report Author - Smart Meter RF Assessment Report Santa Barbara, CA Download Letter t Raymond Richard Neutra M.D. Dr. PH Albany, CA Download Letter JE Janet Newton, President EMR Policy Institute Marshfield, Vermont Download Letter Karl Maret, MD Dove Health Alliance Aptos, California Download Letter t • Yasuko Kato, Association Director VOC -EMF Measures Research Hokkaido, Japan Download Letter All of the response letters are attached • • THE FACULTY OF MEDICINE 1711917 1071791 THE JOSEPH H. AND BELIE R. BRAUN HEBREW UNIVERSITY • HAWSSAH SCHOOL OF PUSUC HEALTH AND COMMUNITY MEDICINE P.O.B.1292. JERUSALEM W121). ISRAEL TEL 02 47 7711 6 :70 TEL:024411215 :7O FAX: 0244110/6 :17BD n'n7'no DRIDll 11YYn nIN'n7 noon n9 nolnl n' U Ifl fO'On'INn 7W own n7a1 lot W9) 91120 0872/1 11 12272 .TJ1 Hebrew University - Hadassah School of Public Health and Community Medicine Unit of Occupational and Environmental Medicine http://www.md.huii.ac.il/depts/occenvmed/ tel 972 -2- 6758147 fax 6437219 elihur(a�ekmd.huii.ac.il stein444aC�gmail.com 26 January, 2011 Susan Hackwood, PhD Executive Director California Council on Science and Technology • Lora Lee Martin, Director Strategic Policy Initiatives and Government Affairs California Council on Science and Technology Subject: Letter of Comment on Smart Meter Report I have been invited by colleagues to submit my Commentary on CCST Report and Recommendations for Smart Meters using RF. My comments are based on the information summarized in the Bioinitiative Report and the Seletun Reports, as well as the other reports in the recent scientific literature, The broader context for my commentary are the consequences of our past failures in environmental epidemiology to heed early warnings from other many population wide exposures in yesteryear, notably lead. Personal Background: I am a medical epidemiologist who has assessed source - exposure -effect relationships for many chemical and physical agents over the past 40 years. This work has included work on lead, asbestos and smoking, pesticides, solvents, air pollution, and mixed exposures and ionizing radiation. Since the late • 1980's I served as Head of the Unit of Occupational and Environmental Medicine in Hebrew University - Hadassah School of Public Health and Community Medicine in 1 • • • Jerusalem Israel. I have also been involved in issues having to do with the medical ethics in public health, and served for several years as Chairman of the Ethics and Philosophy Committee of the International Society for Environmental Epidemiology and I am a member of the Collegium Ramazzini. I have published more than 100 scientific papers in the peer reviewed literature. Since the 1980's, I have had the opportunity to assess the case for a cause effect relationship with many workers with past cancer and past severe exposures to RF /MW, often after short latent periods. I have also supervised projects assessing community exposures to RF /MW and ELF in Jerusalem. I have reported on cases of brain cancer in individuals with latency periods of less than 10 years and am currently writing an investigation of a cluster of cancer in workers with extremely high occupational exposures to RF. I helped draft the Benevento and Seletun statements. In recent years, I have been particularly active assessing the use and scope of the Precautionary Principle in examining the anticipated risks from alternative technologies. 1. Smart grid networks, if using RF, will generate 24/7 round the clock ubiquitous involuntary indoor exposures to RF – in the everyday background environment of everyone in California in human habitats. The background exposures produced by these grids will be substantially greater than those from point source WI -FI routers, microwave ovens and cell phones. These whole body exposures, though perhaps below levels of current regulatory standards, (INCRIP -WHO, and IEEE), will exceed cumulative time weighted exposures producing the above outcomes, based on the literature. 2. Based on the evidence in peer reviewed studies on the effects on these endpoints and the exposure projections in Sage Associates' landmark report (see Sage, http: / /sagereports.com/ smart- meter- rf/docs/Table7- 8ElectricMeters R1000 TA1- 90Final.pdf) this project exposes large percentages of the general population to highly alarming involuntary exposure risk scenarios, taking into account an array of modifying factors e.g. background exposures, distance, reflection, and factors influencing access to exposure areas. 3. Since the publication of the Benevento Resolution and the Biolnitiative Report, the body of evidence concerning health risks from exposures to RF continues to accumulate. In particular from cell phone use. Cell phone use involves the delivery of a high concentration of non - ionizing radiation to the skull and brain for relatively brief periods of time over a 24 hour period as result of voluntary decisions by users —a situation far less aggressive to the general population than involuntary exposure from the proposed Smart Meters. Models for predicting penetration into the whole body are now available, based on those developed by Gandhi and by Kuster. These models draw attention in particular to the risks from exposure to the young. • 4. The exposures from Smart Meters are the equivalent of exposure of the entire population —the young, the old, the newborn, the unborn, and the sick, to environmental tobacco smoke, even if most members of the population do not smoke. • • 5. There is a huge body of evidence to refute the claim the so- called "hot muffin theory" that there are no effects from sub - thermal exposures to NIR, and specifically RF /MW (Benevento Statement, Biolnitative Report, London Report) The effects pertain to ROS- Reactive Oxygen Species, cellular changes, effects on DNA, and neurobehavioral effects -- e.g. deficits in memory, mood changes, fatigue, headache, as well as electro hypersensitivity and cancer, and effects on those with electronic medical implants. It is important to note that there are also concerns about the production of dirty electricity, itself a risk factor for many of these outcomes (Milham). 6. Models of carcinogenicity or exposures to toxic and physical agents and cancer postulate that we cannot be certain there is a threshold (based on the DNA single hit model). These models also postulate roughly linear dose response relationships and recognize groups and age windows for special risks —e.g. foetuses, newborns, persons who are immunocompromised and those with sensitivities on the basis of mechanisms which are still poorly understood. For populations, it is probable that similar dose response models for exposure -risk relationships apply even though mechanisms involve resonance models of intensity and frequency. 7. It is fair to say that we are no longer talking about mere precaution of uncertain risk, but about prevention of highly probable and known risks. Based on the accumulating evidence, it is now fairly certain that there will be widespread adverse public health impacts. What remains uncertain is how many will be affected, and whether there are time weighted intensity of exposure thresholds, below which there will be absence of risk. 8. The most plausible scenario is that there will be 'small' increases in individual risk for the incidence of occurrence (e.g. cancer) or incidence and severity (e.g. neurobehavioral effects), applied to the entire population from these networks/ large population wide increases in absolute numbers of people with adverse outcomes. The epidemiologist Geoffrey Rose articulated the principle that small increases in so- called sub - threshold exposures result in many more individuals with illness in the entire population than high exposures delivered to small numbers of people. This principle applies to the scenario of population -wide effects from exposures to RF from networks of Smart Meters and concems about dirty electricity. • 9. Were these population -wide exposures to smart meters to be part of a project carried out in a medical setting, to test the risks and benefits of a new technology on human health and well being, it would be rejected by a Medical Institutional Review Board on ethical grounds as an unethical exercise in human experimentation. 10. The risks we are assessing today from exposure to RFMW and dirty electricity from Smart Meters placed everywhere recalls the story of population -wide exposure to lead in gasoline – a subject concerning which I have much direct personal experience. In the 1970s, a mere 35 yrs ago, we were arguing as to whether or not an everyday blood lead level of 3Oug /dl was a health risk. By 1979, that threshold dropped to 2Oug /dl and thereafter through the 1980s to 10ug /d1 for children, and now we are not certain whether there is a threshold below which there are no discernable adverse neurobehavioral effects, especially for in utero and newborn exposures. We now know, in retrospect, that the entire urban population, notably children, were receiving exposures which were impairing their IQ, emotional well being, and long term growth and development. These findings led to the elimination of lead from gasoline. In retrospect, we were not heeding the early warnings regarding,an impending population -wide hazard with disastrous effects. I suggest that in the case of population -wide exposure to RF, the situation is similar, with one exception: The warnings may no longer be early. • • 11. Population -wide exposure to man -made NIR represents a scenario relatively new in the history of biology. It is difficult to assess risks from these new exposures and their frequencies and wave patterns using experience based on exposure to background naturally occurring NIR. Instead, we are required to rely on experimental studies and epidemiology of exposure -effect relationships, using endpoints such as effects on stem cells, leaks from the blood brain barrier, as well neurological, cardiac and cancer endpoints. In addition, there are additional vulnerabilities to the eyes and to the testes. 12. I warn that we may be on the cusp of a similar scenario here with regard to community wide exposures to RF /MW and dirty electricity from Smart Meters — with one exception: there are safe alternatives. 13. The Precautionary Principle, in its various formulations, specifies that where there is uncertainty concerning the possibility of health risks from a new technology, the costs of doing nothing to prevent the exposure (e.g. a false negative) may be greater than a false positive (taking preventive action). I add that in applying the Precautionary Principle, we are required to weigh the risks and benefits from 3 options: doing nothing (i.e. no Smart Meters), and doing something (Smart Meters with RF) or a different kind of Meters using fiberoptics. We recognize that doing • • • nothing carries itself certain risk having to do with the operations of the electrical ssgrid system. But alternative technology- smart meters powered by fiber optics, which are without known risk, can be used to achieve the same objective. 14. There is no excuse for avoiding this investment with a permanent enduring protection for the public in avoiding and not introducing fiber optics. For reasons just stated, it will be bad ethics and bad technology and, possibly wanton negligence, recklessness and incompetence to wilfully forego the last option. I thank the Commission for the opportunity to submit my comments. Elihu D Richter MD, MPH (Assoc Professor) • • References: 1. Biolnitiative Working Group, Cindy Sage and David O. Carpenter, Editors. Biolnitiative Report: A Rationale for a Biologically -based Public Exposure Standard for Electromagnetic Fields (ELF and RF). www.bioinitiative.org. August 31, 2007. 2. Pathophysiology Joumal, Special Issue 16: Volumes 1 and 2, 2009. Elsevier Press. There are chapters on low - intensity radiofrequency and wireless radiation health effects based on scientific literature from the realms ofgenotoxicity, genomics and proteomics, neurology, blood -brain barrier effects, stress (heat shock) proteins, immunology and inflammatory diseases, cancer and public health consequences of ignoring warnings given global proliferation of wireless exposures at billions of times greater levels than earth and humans evolved with 3. WHO Research Agenda, 2010. WHO research agenda for radiofrequency fields, © World Health Organization 2010 4. REFLEX, 2004. Risk Evaluation of Potential Environmental Hazards from Low Frequency Electromagnetic Field Exposure Using Sensitive in vitro Methods. 5. Markova E, Malmgren LOG, Belyaev IY. 2009. Microwaves from mobile phones inhibit 53PB1 focus formation in human stem cells stronger than in differentiated cells: Possible mechanistic link to cancer risk. Environmental Health Perspectives On -line. 22 October 2009. doi:10.1289 /ehp.0900781 6. Belyaev LY, Markova E, Hillert L, Malmgren LO, Persson BR. 2009. Microwaves from UMTS /GSM mobile phones induce long - lasting inhibition of 53BP 1 /gamma -H2AX DNA repair foci in human lymphocytes. Bioelectromagnetics 30: 129 -141 7. Sage C, Carpenter D.O. 2009. Public Health Implications of Wireless Technologies. Pathophysiology 16: 233 -246. 8. Capri M, Scarcella E, Fumelli C, Bianchi E, Salvioli S, Mesirca P, Agostini C, Antolini A, Schiavoni A, Castellani G, Bersani F, Franceschi C. 2004. In vitro exposure of human lymphocytes to 900 MHz CW and GSM modulated radiofrequency: studies of proliferation, apoptosis and mitochondrial membrane potential. Radiation Research 162: 211 -218. • 9. Nittby H, Grafstrom G, Eberhardt JL, Malmgren L, Brun A, Persson BRR, Salford LG. 2008. Radiofrequency and Extremely Low - Frequency Electromagnetic Field Effects on the Blood -Brain Barrier. Electromagnetic • • • Biology and Medicine 27:103 -126. 10. Velizarov S, Raskmark P, Kwee S. 1999. The effects of radiofrequency fields on cell proliferation are non - thermal, Bioelectrochem Bioenerg 1999; 48: 177 -180 11. Wolke S, Neibig 1J, Elsner R, Gollnick F, Meyer R. 1996. Calcium homeostasis of isolated heart muscle cells exposed to pulsed high - frequency electromagnetic fields, Bioelectromagnetics 17:144 -153 12. Zwambom APM, Vossen SHJA, van Leersum BJAM, Ouwens MA, Make! WN. 2003. Effects of global communication system radio-frequency fields on well -being and cognitive functions of human subjects with and without subjective complaints, TNO- report FEL- 03 -C148; 148:1 -89 13. Sage Associates, 2011. Assessment of Radiofrequency Microwave Radiation Emissions from Smart Meters. http: / /sagereports.com /smart- meter -rti 14. Grandjean P, Bellinger D, Bergman A, Cordier S, Davey -Smith G, Eskenazi B, Gee D, Gray K, Hanson M, van den Hazel P, Heindel JJ, Heinzow B, Hertz - Picciotto 1, Hu H, Huang T, Jensen TK, Landrigan PJ, McMillen C, Murata K, Ritz Schoeters G, Skakkebaek NE, Skerfving S, Weihe P. 2007. The Faroes Statement: Human Health Effects of Developmental Exposure to Chemicals in Our Environment, Nordic Pharmacological Society. Basic & Clinical Pharmacology & Toxicology 102:73 -75 UN IVE RS ITYATALBANY State University of New York Institute for Health and the Environment and Department of Environmental Health Sciences School of Public Health This is a report on the review of the California Council on Science and Technology document, "Health Impacts of Radiofrequency from Smart Meters ". I am a public health physician and former Dean of the School of Public Health at the University at Albany. I have been involved in review and analysis of studies on electromagnetic fields, including radiofrequency fields, for many years. I served as the Executive Secretary to the New York State Powerlines Project in the 1980s, and have published several reviews on the subject and have edited two books. In addition I was invited to present to the recent President's Cancer Panel on the subject of powerline and radiofrequency fields and cancer. This document is not an accurate description of the state of the science on the issue of radiofrequency fields, and is full of inaccuracies. My specific concerns are as follows: 1. The benefit of the smart meters is entirely to the utilities, and is economic in nature. If they install smart meters they can fire those individuals who at present are employed to go around reading meters. Thus this is a job - killing proposal, and will increase unemployment in a state that already has too much. 2. When a smart meter is installed residents have no choice in the matter nor ability to avoid exposure. But every individual has the option to use or not use other personal wireless devices, until more is known about health consequences of chronic RF exposure. There is a major difference between an exposure which an individual chooses to accept and one that is forced on individuals who can do nothing about it. • 3. The statement "The potential for behavioral disruption from increase body tissue temperatures is the only biological health impact that has been consistently demonstrated and scientifically proven to result from absorbing RF within the band of the electromagnetic spectrum that smart meters use" is totally wrong. In the first place there are many adverse health effects other than "behavioral disruption" demonstrated as a result of tissue heating. The evidence for increased risk of brain tumors, acoustic neuromas and parotid gland tumors in individuals who have used a cell phone for 10 years or more is consistent, and the tumors occur predominantly on the side of the head where the phone is used. There is also strong and consistent evidence for increased risk of leukemia in individuals who live near to high power AM radio transmission towers, even though this report characterizes such exposures as being "quite low" and show in Figure 7 that they are lower than the RF fields from smart meters. 4. The statement "The scientific consensus is that body temperatures must increase at Least 1 °C to lead to potential biological impacts from the heat" is totally wrong, and makes it obvious that no persons with medical or biological expertise participated in this report. Every enzyme system in the body is exquisitely sensitive to temperature, and increases activity by even a fraction of a degree increase in temperature. In fact all RF generates heat, and what is defined as "non- thermal" is only a function of our ability to measure the temperature increase. 5. The statement "While concerns of brain cancer associated with mobile phone usage persist, there is currently no definitive evidence linking cell phone usage with increased incidence of cancer" is incorrect. The evidence is strong and consistent among studies looking at long -term and intensive use of cell phones. The AM radio studies mentioned above are also relevant, particularly because like smart phones radio transmission towers give whole body radiation, not just to the head. • 6. The statement "There currently is no conclusive scientific evidence pointing to a non - thermal cause - and - effect between human exposure to RF emissions and negative health impacts is East Campus, 5 University Place, Room A217. Rensselaer, NY 12144 -3429 P14:518 -525 -2660 sx: 518 -525 -2665 www.albany.edu /ihe • • • pm \UNIVERSITYATALBANY .State University of New York Institute for Health and the Environment and Department of Environmental Health Sciences School of Public Health inaccurate, and depends totally on what one defines as conclusive ". In biology and medicine there is nothing that is 100% proven. We rely on statistical significance and weight of evidence when drawing conclusions about health effects. When one uses these definitions there is conclusive scientific evidence for adverse health effects in humans. 7. The evidence for adverse effects of radiofrequency radiation is currently strong and grows stronger with each new study. Wired meters with shielded cable do not increase exposure. The report clearly indicates that "smart meters could conceivably be adapted to non - wireless transmission of data. However, retrofitting millions of smart meters with hard -wired technology could be difficult and costly." Clearly the answer to this dilemma is not to install wireless smart meters to begin with. Thank you for the opportunity to comment on this faulty report, and on the general issue of smart meters. Their use is unwise from both a public health point of view, which is where my expertise lies, but and also from a purely short and long -term economic point of view. Yours sincerely, docket oci o rai, David 0. Carpenter, M.D. Director, Institute for Health and the Environment University at Albany East Campus, 5 University Place, Room A217, Rensselaer, NY 12144 -3429 PH: 518-525-2660 FX: 518 -525 -2665 www.atbany.edulile Karolinska Institutet Department of Neuroscience Experimental Dermatology Unit Stockholm, January 17, 2011 To whom it may concern The California Council on Science and Technology, 1130 K Street, Suite 280, California 95814, USA, has recently released its report on wireless smart meters ( "Health Impacts of Radio Frequency from Smart Meters "). In it, the possibility of any low - intensity health consequences of chronic exposure to pulsed microwave exposure is denied. However, in the current field of science, the present state -of -the -art regarding this issue is not so simple. Wireless communication is now being implemented in our daily life in a very fast way. At the same time, it is becoming more and more obvious that the exposure to electromagnetic fields not only may induce acute thermal effects to living organisms, but also non - thermal effects, the latter often after longer exposures. This has been demonstrated in a very large number of studies and includes cellular DNA - damage, disruptions and alterations of cellular functions like increases in intracellular stimulatory pathways and calcium handling, disruption of tissue structures like the blood -brain barrier, impact on vessel and immune functions, and loss of fertility. Whereas scientists can observe and reproduce these effects in controlled laboratory experiments, epidemiological and ecological data derived from long -term exposures reflect in well- designed case - control studies the link all the way from molecular and cellular effects to the living organism up to the induction and proliferation of diseases observed in humans. It should be noted that we are not the only species at jeopardy, practically all animals and plants may be at stake. Although epidemiological and ecological investigations as such never demonstrate causative effects, due to the vast number of confounders, they confirm the relevance of the controlled observations in the laboratories. Because the effects are reproducibly observed and links to pathology cannot be excluded, the precautionary principle should be in force in the implementation of this new technology within the society. This will be the only method to support the sustainability of these innovative wireless communication technologies. The February 2, 2000 European Commission Communication on the Precautionary Principle notes: "The precautionary principle applies where scientific evidence is insufficient, inconclusive or uncertain and preliminary scientific evaluation indicates that there are reasonable grounds for concern that the potentially dangerous effects on the environment, human, animal or plant health may be inconsistent with the high level of protection chosen by the EU ". Therefore, policy makers immediately should strictly control exposure by defining biologically -based maximal exposure guidelines also taking into account long -term, non - thermal effects, and including especially vulnerable groups, such as the elderly, the ill, the genetically and/or immunologically challenged, children and fetuses, and persons with the functional impairment electrohypersensitivity. Mailing address Visiting address Telephone Experimental Dermatology Unit Retziuslaboratoriet Direct 468 -52 48 70 58 Department of Neuroscience Retzius vag 8 Switchboard 468 -52 48 64 00 Karolinska Institutet Solna Fax 468-30 39 04 171 77 Stockholm Fax (KR 468 -31 11 01 Sweden Karolinska Institutet Department of Neuroscience Experimental Dermatology Unit In November, 2009, a Scientific Panel comprised of international experts on the biological effects of electromagnetic fields met in Seletun, Norway, for three days of intensive discussion on existing scientific evidence and public health implications of the unprecedented global exposures to artificial electromagnetic fields (EMF) from telecommunications and electric power technologies. This meeting was a direct consequence of on -going discussions already from the mid - nineties, when cellular communications infrastructure began to rapidly proliferate, and stretching through, among many, the Benevento (2006), Venice (2008) and London (2009) Resolutions from this decade, and involving important conclusions drawn from the 600 -page Bioinitiative Report published August 31, 2007, which was a review of over 2,000 studies showing biological effects from electromagnetic radiation at non - thermal levels of exposure, which partly was published subsequently in the journal Pathophysiology (Volume 16, 2009). The Seletun Scientific Statement (2011) recommends that lower limits be established for electromagnetic fields and wireless exposures, based on scientific studies reporting health impacts at much lower exposure levels. Many researchers now believe the existing safety limits are inadequate to protect public health because they do not consider prolonged exposure to lower emission levels that are now widespread. The body of evidence on electromagnetic fields requires a new approach to protection of public health; the growth and development of the fetus, and of children; and argues for strong preventative actions. These conclusions are built upon prior scientific and public health reports documenting the following: 1) Low - intensity (non - thermal) bioeffects and adverse health effects are demonstrated at levels significantly below existing exposure standards. 2) ICNIRP /WHO and IEEE/FCC public safety limits are inadequate and obsolete with respect to prolonged, low- intensity exposures. 3) New, biologically -based public exposure standards are urgently needed to protect public health world -wide. 4) It is not in the public interest to wait. • EMR exposures should be reduced now rather than waiting for proof of harm before acting. This is in keeping with traditional public health principles, and is justified now given abundant evidence that biological effects and adverse health effects are occurring at exposure levels hundreds to thousands of times below existing public safety standards around the world. • There is a need for mandatory pre - market assessments of emissions and risks before deployment of new wireless technologies. There should be convincing evidence that products do not cause health harm before marketing. Such decisions may have to be quickly revised given new evidence. Mailing address Visiting address Telephone Experimental Dermatology Unit Retziuslaboratoriet Direct 468 -52 48 70 58 Department of Neuroscience Retzius vag 8 Switchboard 468 -52 48 64 00 Karolinska Institutet Solna Fax 468 -30 39 04 171 77 Stockholm Fax (KO 468 -31 11 01 Sweden Karolinska Institutet Department of Neuroscience Experimental Dermatology Unit • The use of telephone lines (land - lines) or fiber optic cables for SmartGrid type energy conservation infrastructure is recommended. Utilities should choose options that do not create new, community -wide exposures from wireless components of SmartGrid -type projects. Future health risks from prolonged or repetitive wireless exposures of SmartGrid- type systems may be avoided by using fiber -optic cable. Energy conservation is endorsed but not at the risk of exposing millions of families in their homes to a new, involuntary source of wireless radiofrequency radiation, the effect of which on their health not yet known. I encourage governments to adopt a framework of guidelines for public and occupational EMF exposure that reflect the Precautionary Principle. The Precautionary Principle states when there are indications of possible adverse effects, though they remain uncertain, the risks from doing nothing may be far greater than the risks of taking action to control these exposures. The Precautionary Principle shifts the burden of proof from those suspecting a risk to those who discount it — as some nations have already done. Precautionary strategies should be based on design and performance standards and may not necessarily define numerical thresholds because such thresholds may erroneously be interpreted as levels below which no adverse effect can occur. You often hear about "safe levels" of exposure and that there is "no proof of health effects ", but my personal response to these seemingly reassuring statements is that it is very important to realize, from a consumer's point of view, that "no accepted proof for health effects" is not the same as "no risk ". Too many times, 'experts' have claimed to be experts in fields where actually the only expert comment should have been: "I /we just do not know ". Such fields were e.g. the DDT, X -ray, radioactivity, smoking, asbestos, BSE, heavy metal exposure, depleted uranium, etc., etc., etc., where the "no risk" -flag was raised before true knowledge came around. Later on, the same flag had to be quickly lowered, many times after enormous economic costs and suffering of many human beings. Along those lines, it is now (regarding "the protection from exposure to electromagnetic fields" issue) very important to clearly identify the background and employment (especially if they sit, at the same time, on the industry's chairs) of every 'expert' in different scientific committees, and likewise. It is, of course, very important (maybe even more important ?) to also let 'whistleblowers' speak at conferences, to support them with equal amounts (or even more ?) of economical funding as those scientists and other 'experts' who, already from the very beginning, have declared a certain source or type of irradiation, or a specified product, to be 100% safe. In the case of "protection from exposure to electromagnetic fields ", it is thus of paramount importance to act from a prudence avoidance /precautionary principle point of view. Anything else would be highly hazardous! Total transparency of information is the key sentence here, I believe consumers are very tired of always having the complete truth years after a certain catastrophe already has taken place. For instance, it shall be noted, that today's recommendation values for wireless systems, the SAR- value, are just recommendations, and not safety levels. Since scientists observe biological effects at as low as 20 microWatts/kg, is Mailing address Visiting address Telephone Experimental Dermatology Unit Retziuslaboratoriet Direct 468 -52 48 70 58 Department of Neuroscience Retzius Wig 8 Switchboard 468 -52 48 64 00 Karolinska Institutet Solna Fax 468-30 39 04 171 77 Stockholm Fax (K1) 468 -31 11 01 Sweden Karolinska Institutet Department of Neuroscience Experimental Dermatology Unit it then really safe to irradiate humans with 2 W /kg (i.e., with 100,000 times stronger radiation!), which is the recommendation level for us? And, furthermore, it is very strange to see, over and over again, that highly relevant scientific information is suppressed or even left out in various official documents, as high up as at the governmental level of society. This is not something that the consumers will gain anything good from, and, still, the official declaration or explanation (from experts and politicians) very often is: "If we (=the experts) would let everything out in the open, people would be very scared and they would panic." Personally, I have never seen this happen, but instead I have frequently seen great disappointment from citizens who afterwards have realized they have been fooled by their own experts and their own politicians. Another misunderstanding is the use of scientific publications (as the tobacco industry did for many years) as 'weights' to balance each other. But you can NEVER balance a report showing a negative health effect with one showing nothing! This is a misunderstanding which, unfortunately, is very often used both by the industrial representatives as well as official authorities. The general audience, naturally, easily is fooled by such an argumentation, but if you are bitten by a deadly poisonous snake, what good does it make for you that there are 100 million harmless snakes around? In many commentaries, debate articles and public lectures - for the last 20 -30 years — I have urged that completely independent research projects must be inaugurated immediately to ensure our public health. These projects must be entirely independent of all types of commercial interests; public health cannot have a price -tag! It is also of paramount importance that scientists involved in such projects must be free of any carrier considerations and that the funding needed is covered to 100 %, not 99% or less. This is the clear responsibility of the democratically elected body of every country. Many smart meters are close to beds, kitchens, playrooms, and similar locations. These wireless systems are never off, and the exposure is not voluntary. The smart meters are being forced on citizens everywhere. Based on this, the inauguration of smart meters with grudging and involuntary exposure of millions to billions of human beings to pulsed microwave radiation should immediately be prohibited until 'the red flag' can be hauled down once and for all. With my very best regards, Yours sincerely, 011e Johansson, Assoc. Prof., The Experimental Dermatology Unit, Department of Neuroscience, Karolinska Institute. Mailing address Visiting address Telephone Experimental Dermatology Unit Retziuslaboratoriet Direct 468 -52 48 70 58 Department of Neuroscience Retzius vag 8 Switchboard 468 -52 48 64 00 Karolinska Institutet Solna Fax 468 -30 39 04 171 77 Stockholm Fax (KI) 468 -31 11 01 Sweden Karolinska Institutet Department of Neuroscience Experimental Dermatology Unit 171 77 Stockholm, Sweden Professor, The Royal Institute of Technology, 100 44 Stockholm, Sweden Mailing address Experimental Dermatology Unit Department of Neuroscience Kazolinska Institutet 171 77 Stockholm Sweden Visiting address Telephone Retziuslaboratoriet Direct 468 -52 48 70 58 Retzius vag 8 Switchboard 468 -52 48 64 00 Solna Fax 468 -30 39 04 Fax (K1) 468 -31 11 01 National and Kapodistrian University of Athens Faculty of Biology Department of Cell Biology & Biophysics Electromagnetic Biology Laboratory Professor Lukas H. Margaritis Tel: ++30 210 727 4542, Fax: ++30 210 7274742 e -mail: Imargar @biol.uoa.gr http: / /kvttariki.biol.uoa.er - Address: Panepistimiopolis, Zografou, Athens 157 84, GREECE Athens, January 16t 2011 To whom it may concern The California Council of Science and Technology has released a report on WIRELESS SMART METERS, in which any relation with health hazards has been bypassed. It is however "common secret" between the researchers in the field of electromagnetic biology that such a statement has absolutely no scientific validity for the following reasons. 1. Life on the planet earth has evolved in the absence of such non - ionizing radiation and accumulating evidence suggests that no defence mechanisms have been evolved. Therefore there is no reference point for "safely limits ". 2. All other devices mentioned in the report (mobile phones, microwave ovens, etc.) can be deliberately used at a safe situation (i.e. hands free utilization for mobile phone, keep safe distances from the microwave oven or the Wi -Fi when in use). 3. Even if other wireless devices emit radiation in the same area, this does not mean that more can be installed with less radiation emission simply because there is strong evidence: a) for no threshold health limit, b) for cumulative health effects. 4. It is not true (as mentioned in the report) that there is no evidence for mechanism on non - thermal. ROS formation is more and more shown to be a key first response cascading all rest effects (DNA damage, tumour formation, memory deficits, fatigue, sleep disorders, etc.). 5. The argument that "more and more wireless devices will be used in daily life" is not and cannot be taken as obligatory. Who can support that the constitution, any constitution of any country should allow installations to take place (as the one with Smart Meters) against the rights for health of the citizens. 6. The safety guidelines by ICNIRP are 12 years old, this by itself, after an enormous accumulation of research data implies that 1 • • • the threshold limits should have been updated, and they have not. In fact NO GUIDELINES FOR CONSTANT EXPOSURE HAVE BEEN ESTABLISHED SO FAR. SOLUTION? There may be a solution by optical fibers which are all over the place utilized in communication, so why not use them in this application as well. Yours sincerely, Lukas H. Margaritis Professor of Cell Biology and Electron Microscopy Adamantia F. Fragopoulou Biologist, Researcher 2 • To Lora Lee Martin: Critique of CCST's report, "Health Impacts of Radio Frequency from Smart Meters," From: Samuel Milham MD, MPH eke-{-i rc4 - W Pr s h i n1 40n 5-tr+c. 49M 82181 Bergman Dr Indio CA 92201 Dear Ms. Martin, My name is Samuel Milham. I am a physician /epidemiologist , specializing in occupational medicine and in the health effects of electromagnetic fields (EMF). I was the first to document the link between occupational electromagnetic field exposure and cancer. My website www.sammilham.com has links to my recent papers, to my CV and to my new book, Dirty Electricity which presents evidence that most of the so- called diseases of civilization are due to EMF exposure not lifestyle. • Your report, unfortunately, reads as if were written by PG and E or Edison, and pays no attention at all to a very important EMF exposure variable, dirty electricity (high frequency voltage transients and harmonics). Smart meters transmit their data via radio frequency (RF) either through the air or on utility wiring. The electronics of all transmitters operate on direct current (DC), which is obtained using inverters and switching power supplies in the meter which interrupt the grid AC current flow and generate dirty electricity which flows back to the grid on the 60 Hz AC throughout the substation service area. Interrupting current flow generates dirty electricity. Stetzer Electric markets a plug- in meter which measures dV /dT, the average rate of change of voltage on the wiring between 2 and 100 KHz, and capacitive filters to reduce the dirty electricity levels. The grid was originally built so that all the electricity which flowed from the substation returned through the neutral wires. When people started using computers and other electrical devices with non - linear loads, the existing neutrals couldn't handle the loads and fires resulted. The electrical building codes were revised to require more robust in- building neutrals, but the utilities got off the hook by instead of beefing up their neutrals, they simply tied the neutrals to the • earth so that now, about 70% of the electricity delivered from the substation , returns there via the ground. The California PUC rule 33.2 forbids using the earth • for return currents, but this didn't stop PG and E or Edison from running wires down every other power pole connecting the neutral to the earth. Here is the PUC rule: (the bold font is mine) • General Order 95 Section III Requirements for All Lines 33.2 Ground or Earth as a Conductor Ground or earth shall not be used as a normal return or circuit conductor. In direct current supply systems or in single phase or polyphase supply systems, a neutral or any other conductor shall be used under normal use as a return or circuit conductor; however, the grounding of the neutral or any other conductor is not permitted as a normal return or circuit conductor. The neutral or any other conductor is permitted to be grounded only for the purposes of stabilization and protection. Note: Revised January 19, 1994 by Resolution SU -25. Violation of this rule has created health problems in farm animals and families, and dirty electricity gets into our homes and offices and schoolsvia ground rods and electrically conductive plumbing. I have measured higher EMFs in homes with the electrical service turned off due to unbalanced current flow. In the last few weeks, I have been contacted by two electrohypersensitive California women, both of whom had to move out of their homes because of illness as smart meters were being introduced into their neighborhoods, before smart meters were attached to their homes. A third east coast woman sent me an oscilloscope wave form obtained in her home with the electrical service turned off and no smart meter on her house. The neighborhood had smart meters deployed which used utility wiring to submit information to the substation. The frequency of the wave form was exactly that used to transmit smart meter information. (I'll provide names and contact information on request). In the California cases the residences were too far from the transmitting smart meters to be affected by the • RF. I believe that in all three cases, the damaging signal was dirty electricity in the wiring and the ground currents coming from the deployed meters. • • • My hypothesis is easy enough to test. Dirty electricity levels measured in homes, offices and schools should increase after the meters are deployed. Dirty electricity levels measured in the utility drops and in the earth will also increase as the meters are deployed. Since dirty electricity is a potent carcinogen (see attached paper and pp. 78 -80 in my book), and causes numerous health problems, the only way to avoid a public health catastrophe is to send the smart meter information over existing telephone land lines or go back to the analog meters. I'm not making light of or ignoring the RF pollution caused by the smart meters, but think the dirty electricity may be a more serious and intractable problem. My contact information is available on my website. Respectfully, Sam Milham MD, MPH • ilavas Submission to CCST "Report on Smart Meters ". • • For those interested, below is my invited submission to CCST as part of a Technical Response Team. Date: October 12, 2010 From: Magda Havas, BSc, PhD To: CCST Submission on Smart Meters. Item I . Whether FCC standards for Smart Meters are sufficiently protective of public health taking into account current exposure levels to radiofrequency and electromagnetic fields. In my opinion, the FCC standard for Smart Meters is not sufficient to protect public health. This is based on the following facts: 1.1 Thermal vs. Non - thermal Debate. The thermal vs. non - thermal debate is largely a red herring that has been perpetuated for decades and has influenced the type of research done in the United States. The FCC standard is based on a thermal effect. It was originally based on the amount of radiation that would heat an adult male in the US military exposed to radar. While the heating effect is not disputed, biological effects; some of which have adverse health consequences, occur well below the thermal guideline (Inglis 1970). As a consequence various countries in the world are opting for a "biologically" based guideline rather than a "thermal" guideline, which takes into account not only adult males in peak physical conditions but children, pregnant women, the elderly, and those who have developed electrohypersensitivity (EHS). I will return to the concept of EHS later. 1.2 Guidelines in Russia, Switzerland, Poland, and China are well below the FCC standard (i.e. 10 vs. 1000 microW/cm2 or 1% of FCC guidelines). Some military and government insiders tried to get U.S. guidelines reduced decades ago but were not successful (Pollack and Healer 1967, Dodge 1969). Steneck et al. (1980) provides an excellent account of how the U.S. standards were established for radio frequency radiation. 1.3 Our exposure to radio frequency radiation (RFR) is increasing exponentially as we design more equipment that relies on higher frequencies in the electromagnetic spectrum Prior to World War I1, this type of radiation was negligible. Today we have radar (military, marine, aviation, and weather), we have cell phone antennas, radio and TV broadcast antennas, and a growing number of WiFi hotspots, citywide WiFi and Wi -Max antennas. Inside buildings we have cordless phones, many of which emit microwave radiation even when they are not being used; wireless alarm systems; wireless baby monitors, wireless computers, iPads, and Smart Phones that can connect to wireless interne or WiFi. More children are playing wireless video games than ever before and radio frequency identification devices (RFID) are placed into i -tauac (lnt 17 ?Al n Smart Metnrc (`.('.CT 1 • • merchandise to provide information to the manufacturer about consumer habits. The "smart meter" is just another source of exposure that will be placed on every home and in every apartment. Smart meters are being used to monitor use of electricity, gas and water. As part of this system, appliances are being designed to communicate directly with smart meters, all in a wireless mode, which will ultimately increase levels of radiation in the home. 1.4 I work with people who have become electrically hypersensitive (EHS) and I have received emails and phone calls from those who have had smart meters placed on their homes. They complain of ill health and many are unable to use the room closest to the smart meter. These individuals have no place to "hide" from the growing levels of electrosmog especially in densely populated urban centers. Sickness contributes to time off work and away from school, growing medical costs and a general poorer quality of life. Children are particularly vulnerable as are pregnant women and those with compromised immune systems. The presence of metal implants in the body (such as metal pins in bones) may concentrate the absorption of radiation at the location of implantation, inducing thermal effects from lower power densities than would ordinarily cause such harm (Massey 1979). Some implants, such as pace makers and deep brain stimulators for Parkinson's disease, may malfunction and this can be fatal. In Switzerland about 5% of the population has EHS. If the same fraction of the population has EHS in the US that would come to a staggering 15 million people! The symptoms following exposure to radio frequency radiation were labeled radiowave sickness and were first reported for those occupationally exposed in the former Soviet Union. These same symptoms are now referred to as electrohypersensitivity (EHS) and are experienced by a growing fraction of the population. They include ... "... headache, eyestrain and tearing, fatigue and weakness, vertigo, sleeplessness at night and drowsiness during the day, moodiness, irritability, hypochondria, paranoia, either nervous tension or mental depression and memory impairment. After longer periods of exposure, additional complaints may include sluggishness, inability to make decisions, loss of hair, pain in muscles and in the heart region, breathlessness, sexual problems and even a decrease in lactation in nursing mothers. Clinically observed effects in persons voicing these complaints include trembling of the eyelids, fingers and tongue, increased perspiration of the extremities, [and] rashes ..." (Massey, 1979). 1.5 In addition to sensitive people, Switzerland also identifies Places of Sensitive Use (Gennan acronym is OMEN). These places include: living rooms; classrooms and kindergartens; hospitals and nursing homes, permanent jobs (where people spend more than 2.5 days per week); and playgrounds. For these OMEN sites. the Swiss government recommends that greater precaution be taken for long -term exposure to weak radiation. In these places, radiation from wireless microwave base stations (such as cordless phones or WLAN/WiFi) may exceed radiation from nearby cell phone base stations and hence these devices must generate emissions as low as possible. For more information visit http: / /www. bag. admin. ch / themes /strahlung /OOO53 /index.html ?fang =en uavac Clot 19 9ntn Smart Metorc MST • • • Item 2. Whether additional technology specific standards are needed for Smart Meters and other devices that are commonly found in and around homes, to ensure adequate protection from adverse health effects. 2.1 Technology specific standards are definitely needed for Smart meters as well as cordless phones, DECT baby monitors, wireless routers, and all of the other devices that emit radio frequency radiation. Massey, in a report published by Duke Law Journal in 1979, identifies nine variables that need to be considered when determining the impact of microwave radiation. These are "power density, intensity and relative phase of all field components, specific frequency ranges, waveform characteristics, exposure regimes, specific occupations, level of control over exposed populations, individual differences (age, sex, health, specific predisposing factors) and presence of other environmental stressors." The current FCC guidelines do NOT take these into consideration. 2.2 We have evidence that pulsed microwave frequencies, that are generated by WiFi and cordless phones are more harmful than continuous wave and yet this is not considered in the FCC guidelines (Reno 1975). The key microwave emitting devices in the home /office /school environment are: Cordless phones (some are labeled DECT and others pulsed digital 2.4 GHz). These radiate all the time even when no one is using them. They should be replaced by wired phones or cordless phones currently available in Europe, which are "on-demand" phones that radiate only when the handset is not in the cradle of the base station. These phones are so dangerous that I recently submitted a Petition to the Auditor General of Canada to have DECT phones banned (Havas 2008). The DECT baby monitor also radiates all the time, as does the receiver that is often carried on the Mother's waist. Here we need a voice - activated baby monitor that is used in Europe. Wireless Internet (WiFi or WLan) is not as common in Europe as they are in North America. There they prefer using wired service in the form of fiber optic and Ethernet connections. Germany hotels ask that you bring an Ethernet cables with you, as they don't provide WiFi. The Swiss government is providing free fiber optics to schools provided they don't install wireless routers. 2.3 An additional point I would like to make relates to dirty electricity. Wires can act like antennas and the radiation produced by radio frequency generating devices can flow along and reradiate from wires both inside and outside the home. This contributes to dirty electricity and localized radiation exposure. Dirty electricity has been associated with cancers (Milham and Morgan 2008); health and behavior problems in schools (Flavas and Olstad 2008); and both diabetes and multiple sclerosis (Havas 2006). From a human health perspective and to protect sensitive electronic equipment it is T -lavac net 19 9111(1 Smart Meterc MST 't • important to maintain good power quality and to prevent radiation from smart meters flowing along wires. In conclusion, I have great concern regarding the current levels of microwave radiation in North America. Instead of promoting wireless technology, we should be promoting wired technology and reserving wireless for situations where wired in not possible (while one is traveling for example). Shortly after X -rays were discovered, they were used in shoe stores to determine shoe -size for young children. Fortunately, we recognized that X -rays were harmful and we restricted their use to essential medical diagnoses. We need to recognize that microwaves are also harmful and we cannot use this technology in a frivolous manner. With more frequencies being used, with the levels of radiation increasing, and with so little research on the long -term, low -level effects of this technology we are creating a potential time bomb. If smart meters are placed on every home, they will contribute significantly to our exposure and this is both unwise and unsafe. References Dodge, CH. 1969. Clinical and Hygienic Aspects of Exposure to Electromagnetic Fields: A Review of the Soviet and Eastern European Literature. Biological Effects and Health Implications of Microwave Radiation, Symposium Proceedings, Richmond, Virginia, September 17 -19, 1969 (BRH/DBE 70 -2) (PB 193 898). http: / /www.magdahavas.com /wordpress /wp- content /uploads /2010 /08 /Dodge_1969.pdf • Havas, M 2006. Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity: Biological effects of dirty electricity with emphasis on diabetes and multiple sclerosis. Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine, 25: 259- 268. http: / /www.electricalpollution .com /documents/Havas2006.pdf Havas, M 2008. Request that first generation DECT Phones be Banned in Canada, Environment Petition, Auditor General of Canada, 15 pp. http: / /www.oagbvg. gc.ca/internet/Engl ish /pet_253_e_31629.html Havas, M and A Olstad 2008. Power quality affects teacher wellbeing and student behavior in three Minnesota Schools. Science of the Total Environment, Volume 402, Issues 2 -3, 1 September 2008, pp. 157 -162. http: / /www.electricalpol Iution. com / documents /08_Havas &Olstad_schools - l .pdf Inglis, L.P. 1970. Why the double standard? — A critical review of Russian work on hazards of microwave radiation. IEEE International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, July 14- 16. 1970. http: / /vtw.magdahavas. com /wordpress /wpcontent /uploads /2010 /08 /Inglis.pdf Massey, KA. 1979. The Challenge of Nonionizing Radiation: A Proposal for Legislation. Duke Law Journal, Volume 1979, No. 1. 86 pp. http: / /www.magdahavas .com /wordpress /wpcontent/ uploads /2010/ 10/Massey- 1979.pdf Milham, S and LL Morgan. 2008. A New Electromagnetic Exposure Metric: High Frequency Voltage Transients Associated With Increased Cancer Incidence in Teachers in a California • School. Amer. J. Ind. Med. 8 pp. hup: / /onlinelibrary.wiley. com /doi /10.1002/ajim.20598 /abstract 1 -tavac (lnt 17 7010 Smart Meter rr.CT 4 • Pollack, H. and J. Healer. 1967. Review of the Information on Hazards to Personnel from High - Frequency Electromagnetic Radiation. Institute for Defense Analyses, Research and Engineering Support Division. Internal Note N -451, IDA/HQ 67 -6211, Series B, copy 5 of 15, 15 pages. http: / /www.maadahavas .com /wordpress /wpcontent /uploads /2010 /07 /Pol lack_19671.pd f Reno, VR. 1975. Some considerations concerning the use of magnetron generators in microwave biological research. Naval Aerospace Medical Research Laboratory, Pensacola, Florida. Approved for Public release. Distribution unlimited. 11 pp. http:/ /www. magdahavas.co m /wordpress /wpcontent/uploads /2010 /09 /Reno_Pulsed_ W aves.pdf Steneck, NH, HJ Cook, AJ Vander and GL Kane. 1980. The Origins of U.S. Safety Standards for Microwave Radiation. Science, Vol. 208, 13 June 1980. http: // www.magdahavas .corn / wordpress /wpcontent/ uploads /2010 /06 /steneck_science_l 980.pdf Chronology: On July 30, 2010, California State Assembly Member Jared Huffman (San Rafael) asked the California Council on Science and Technology (CCST) to provide an assessment of the safety of Smart Meters. On August 16, 2010, CCST agreed to compile and assess the evidence available to address the • following two issues: 1. Whether FCC standards for Smart Meters are sufficiently protective of public health taking into account current exposure levels to radiofrequency and electromagnetic fields. 2. Whether additional technology specific standards are needed for Smart Meters and other devices that are commonly found in and around homes, to ensure adequate protection from adverse health effects. On October 4, 2010, I was invited to be part of a Technical Response Team and, as part of that team, I was asked to provide a written response to two key concerns mentioned above. On October 12, 2010, I submitted my report to CCST. On December 13, 2010, I was informed that CCST was not appending any documents to their report, nor were they making these documents available to others, but they were recognizing those who contributed. On January 11, 2011, CCST released their report "Health Impacts of Radio Frequency from Smart Meters" on their website: littp://www.ccst.us/news/2011/20110111smart.php. CCST is receiving public comments until January 31, 2011. t -Tavac not 17 201 (1 Smart Meierc CCST 5 • • • Comments on California Council on Science and Technology's Smart Meter Report, January 2011 Nancy Evans, Health Science Consultant, San Francisco This report ignores a fundamental public health principle: prevention of harm through a precautionary approach, based on evidence of harm rather than absolute proof of harm. CCST dismissed the substantial body of evidence indicating that non - thermal effects of radiofrequency radiation (RF) are real and include cancer as well as neurological effects.TThere are no federal standards for RF exposure based on long -term, chronic exposure or on non - thermal effects, precisely thetype of exposure from smart meters and the most likely to causehuman health effects. Even standards for personal wireless devices such as cell phones are based solely on absorbed heat, measured by a unit called the Specific Absorption Rate (SAR). This report also fails to consider the total exposure to RF, which has increased exponentially because of cell phone antennas and broadcast towers. Wi -Fi networks blanket entire neighborhoods and cities as well as homes, schools, cafes and stadiums. Smart meters add one more layer of involuntary chronic exposure to RF. It is misleading to compare smart meters to cell phones and other wireless devices that are used voluntarily and that some people choose not to use because of the potential health effects. Mandating wireless smart meters in homes is radiation without representation: an infringement of personal and property rights. As epidemiologist John Goldsmith wrote in 1995, "There are strong political and economic reasons for wanting there to be no health effect of RF /MW (radiofrequency /microwave) exposure, just as there are strong public health reasons for more accurately portraying the risks. Those of us who intend to speak for public health must be ready for opposition that is nominally but not truly scientific. "' Nancy Evans nancvwritena.comcast.net 1Biolnitiative Working Group. Cindy Sage and David O. Carpenter, Eds. (2007). Biolnitiative Report: A rationale for a biologically based public exposure standard for Electromagnetic Fields (ELD and RF). www.bioinitiative.org 2 Goldsmith J (1995). Epidemiologic evidence of radiofrequency radiation (microwave) effects on health in military, broadcasting, and occupational studies. International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Health 1:47 -57. • • ti SAGE Associates ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS January 17, 2011 Susan Hackwood, PhD Executive Director California Council on Science and Technology Lora Lee Martin, Director Strategic Policy Initiatives and Government Affairs California Council on Science and Technology Subject: Letter of Comment on Smart Meter Report This letter addresses the CCST Smart Meter Report issued on January 11, 2011. Overall, the report does begin to highlight international scientific concerns about chronic, low - intensity radiofrequency radiation exposures. Radiofrequency radiation health risks have been and continue to be addressed by scientific bodies around the world as a credible threat to health. ' -4 The Report text provides an introduction to the science and public health questions on health impacts that can reasonably be expected from chronic exposure to low levels of RF in close proximity to occupied space in homes, schools and other daily living environments. Conclusions Are Not Supported by Evidence of Compliance with FCC Safety Limits There is no solid basis in the CCST report to conclude (or to support the contention) that FCC public safety limits are met for smart meters, in the manner installed and operated. Conclusions Disregard Evidence in the Report for Possible Health Risk The text of the report only partially documents potential health risks from low- level, chronic exposure to radiofrequency radiation. The conclusions ignore this discussion. Conclusions Do Not Follow from Report Conclusions of the report are inconsistent with the report's more balanced warnings about possible risks to health. The overall legitimacy of the report is cast into doubt as a result. CCST's report could equally well have concluded `there is ample evidence to advise the California Legislature that, based on multiple studies of radiofrequency radiation below current FCC safety limits; it is advisable to issue a cautionary warning on the wireless component of smart meters until a full assessment of their effects, is completed by • • • independent experts. Further, it can be concluded that the continued rollout of wireless smart meters may increase public health risks on a widespread basis and should be reconsidered in light of the existing scientific evidence and public health warnings for such chronic exposures to pulsed RF. ' I was one of the expert reviewers invited by CCST to submit comments for the Committee. CCST asked several experts to answer two questions (see below). Since the Report conclusions apparently ignored much of the expert and committee input — only intervention by the final editor(s) to disregard key evidence explains how CCST's final conclusions could give rise to the "all clear" message. Questions asked of Invited Expert Reviewers 1) Are the current FCC standards for smart meters sufficiently protective of public health, taking into account current exposure levels to radiofrequency (RF) and electromagnetic fields? 2) Are additional technology - specific standards needed for smart meters and other devices that are commonly found in and around homes, to ensure adequate protection from adverse health effects? CCST Report Conclusions 1) "The FCC standard provides a currently accepted factor of safety against known thermally induced health impacts of smart meters and other electronic devices in the same range as RF emissions. Exposure levels from smart meters are well below the thresholds for such effects." This, conclusion presents a partial response to Question 1 — only that the FCCs thermal' standards are adequate (these standards prevent only heating and burning of tissues, and shock hazard, however). The conclusion does not address non- thermal (or low - intensity) RF exposures, which is really the point. It also is silent on FCC violations of public safety limits, which have been calculated to occur.l3 2) "There is no evidence that additional standards are needed to protect the public from smart meters." By ignoring evidence for low - intensity RF adverse health effects, the Report essentially then dismissed the need for changes in public safety standards for pulsed RF. This conclusion simply cannot be reconciled with the evidence presented in the report (thin as it is), nor with the larger body of evidence known to experts in this field. That evidence is now widely discussed by international health and safety experts who find the existing thermal standards inadequate to protect public health. 1.2 • FCC Violations and Excessively High RF Exposures are Ignored • • Another report issued on January 1, 201is titled Assessment of Radiofrequency Microwave Radiation Emissions from Smart Meters by Sage Associates." It documents what RF levels may be expected. The Assessment seems not to have been considered either by the CCST experts nor the Committee. The Assessment identified where and under what conditions smart meters can cause FCC violations of public safety limits as the meters are typically installed and operated. The CCST report concludes that all smart meter RF exposures will be well below the FCC safety limits, and this is erroneous. To date, there have been no other studies that provide sufficient information to support the claim that smart meters comply with FCC regulations. In fact, there is solid evidence from a review of the FCC Grants of Authorization and attached FCC RF exposure studies that many thousands (perhaps millions) of meters are in clear violation of one or more of the explicit limitations noted on each FCC Grant of Authorization. The FCC Grants of Authorization are void unless meters are installed in compliance with every one of those limitations. The Assessment also shows many cases where, although the FCC safety limits may not be violated, excessively high RF levels from smart meters would be predicted to occur within the home or in other occupied space. In many instances, predicted RF levels are many times higher than those reported to cause adverse health effects. 5 -12 Such exposures, if chronic, would reasonably be expected to result in increased disease and disability. Misleading Comparisons Are Made to Cell Phones CCST's report makes misleading comparisons of RF exposures from cell phone use and from smart meters, an apparent effort to minimize public health concern. If the FCC had thought smart meters would be held to the head in normal operation, they would have required smart meters to be tested for SAR compliance, not power density. These are not the same, and to compare them is wrong. Cell phones produce a high, localized RF exposure at the head. They are presumed to be used within 20 centimeters (8 ") of the body. Smart meters, like cell towers, create whole - body exposure rather than localized exposure in most circumstances, and specific FCC compliance depends on keeping a 20 cm or greater distance from the meter. Cell phone use is voluntary; smart meter exposure is involuntary. Cell phone use is sporadic or intermittent, but smart meter exposure estimates are `all over the map'. There is great uncertainty on this point, and as such, the outcome cannot be known; therefore, no assertion of safety or compliance can be given. • • RF Levels from Smart Meters are Unreconciled and Need Assessment PG &E's sole figure for RF exposure was given during CPUC proceedings as 1 /6000th of the federal health (sic) limit. Nothing is given about the specific conditions under which this estimate might be true (antenna make and model, duty cycle, which FCC formula, what reflection factor, one meter or multiples, etc). However, from that single data point, we calculate that RF exposure to be 0.11 uW /cm2 at 10 feet (where the FCC safety limit is known to be 655 uW /cm2 at the frequencies 915 MHz and 2405 MHz). This means that at 10 feet from the meter, PG &E says the RF level will be 0.11 uW /cm2. Kundi and Hutter (Pathophysiology, 2009)2 say they don't yet find RF health impacts at levels below 0.05 to 0.1 uW /cin2" but do find consistent evidence of adverse health impacts at levels generally above that (based on at least eight cell tower studies conducted internationally) These figures were for healthy adult populations. From the CCST Report, figures 1 and 7 (identical) give a comparison of RF levels from various sources, including two estimates for smart meters. They are 4 uW /cm2 at 10 feet, and 40 uW /cm2 at 3 feet away (no source is identified for these estimates, and again, the operational conditions are unspecified). Another estimate from CCST's report (pages 17 and 22) says that a `worst case' RF estimate — a meter that transmits continuously — would produce 60% of the FCC limit (which is 655 uW /cm2 for the combined antenna frequencies), or 393 uW /cm2. However, the location at which this RF exposure level is calculated to occur is not given. The information is not useful. But, given the peer - reviewed scientific literature, any of these estimates is too high for chronic exposure to pulsed RF. No one can reconcile or separate reasonable from unreasonable RF predictions without some better, more systematic computer modeling of RF exposures. Cumulative RF is Not Assessed Prior to Meter Installation None of the PG &E or the EPRI estimates includes any provision for 'what amount of RF exists already' and does the smart meter's additional RF burden push that location over the FCC limit The CCST report does not consider cumulative sources of RF (WI -FI, nearby cell tower(s), AM, FM, TV, HAM transmitters, etc). The cumulative RF burden must be considered, including ongoing RF exposures from existing sources. Further, since these meters are part of a radiofrequency surveillance and communications system that includes cell antennas (to relay RF signals to the utility) and eventually, power transmitters on/within appliances (to relay RF signals within the home to the smart meter), these critical omissions in the overall RF burden placed on people from the 'smart meter program' should be assessed. No one can install a smart meter and make a blanket assertion the environment still complies with public safety standards in the after condition, if the before condition is not known. RF exposures from multiple sources are additive. • • • Recommendations to CCST 1) Advise the California Legislature that further assessment of smart meter impacts to public health and safety are necessary before further deployment. 2) Recommend de- activation of wireless transmitters in meters already installed pending further review. 3) Recommend that California Legislative hearings be scheduled on smart meters. 4) Post in their entirety each of the written expert review letters to CCST. 5) Recommend that the California Department Public Health receive and log smart meter health complaints. Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the CCST draft report on smart meters. Cindy Sage, MA Sage Associates' Co- Editor, Biolnitiative Report Research Fellow, Department of Oncology Orebro University Hospital, Orebro, Sweden References 1. Biolnitiative. Working Group, Cindy Sage and David O. Carpenter, Editors. Biolnitiative Report: A Rationale for a Biologically -based Public Exposure Standard for Electromagnetic Fields (ELF and RF) at www.bioinitiative.org, August 31, 2007. 2. Pathophysiology Journal, Special Issue 16: Volumes 1 and 2, 2009. Elsevier Press. There are chapters on low - intensity radiofrequency and wireless radiation health effects based on scientific literature from the realms of genotoxicity, genomics and proteomics, neurology, blood -brain barrier effects, stress (heat shock) proteins, immunology and inflammatory diseases, cancer and public health consequences of ignoring warnings given global proliferation of wireless exposures at billions of times greater levels than earth and humans evolved with. 3. WHO Research Agenda, 2010. WHO research agenda for radiofrequency fields, © World Health Organization 2010 4. REFLEX, 2004. Risk Evaluation of Potential Environmental Hazards from Low Frequency Electromagnetic Field Exposure Using Sensitive in vitro Methods. 5. Markova E, Malmgren LOG, Belyaev IY. (2009). Microwaves from mobile phones inhibit 53PB I focus formation in human stem cells stronger than in differentiated cells: Possible mechanistic link to cancer risk. Environmental Health Perspectives On -line 22 October 2009 doi:10.1289 /ehp.0900781 • 6. Belvaev IY, Markova E, Hillert L, Malmgren LO, Persson BR. (2009). Microwaves from UMTS /GSM mobile phones induce long - lasting inhibition of 53BP1 /gamma -H2AX DNA repair foci in human lymphocytes. Bioelectromagnetics30: 129 -141 7. Sage C, Carpenter D.O. (2009). Public Health Implications of Wireless Technologies. Pathophysiology 16: 233 -246. 8. Capri M, Scarcella E, Fumelli C, Bianchi E, Salvioli S, Mesirca P, Agostini C, Antolini A, Schiavoni A, Castellani G, Bersani F, Franceschi C. (2004). In vitro exposure of human lymphocytes to 900 MHz CW and GSM modulated radiofrequency: studies of proliferation, apoptosis and mitochondrial membrane potential. Radiation Research 162: 211 -218. 9. Nittby H, Grafstrom G, Eberhardt JL, Malmgren L, Brun A, Persson BRR, Salford LG. (2008). Radiofrequency and Extremely Low - Frequency Electromagnetic Field Effects on the Blood -Brain Barrier. Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine 27:103 -126. ISSN 1536 -8378 pririt/1536 -8386 online DOI: 10.1080/15368370802061995 10. Velizarov S, Raskmark P, Kwee S. (1999). The effects of radiofrequency fields on cell proliferation are non - thermal, Bioelectrochem Bioenerg 1999; 48: 177 -180 11. Wolke S, Neibig U, Elsner R, Gollnick F, Meyer R (1996). Calcium homeostasis of isolated heart muscle cells exposed to pulsed high- frequency electromagnetic fields, Bioelectromagnetics 17:144 -153 12. Zwambom APM, Vossen SHJA, van Leersum BJAM, Ouwens MA, Make) WN. (2003) Effects of global communication system radio-frequency fields on well -being and cognitive functions of human subjects with and without subjective complaints, TNO -report FEL- 03 -C148; 148:1 -89 • 13. Sage Associates, 201 1. Assessment of Radiofrequency Microwave Radiation Emissions from Smart Meters http: / /sagereports.com /smart- meter -rf/ 14. Grandjean P Bellinger D Bergman A Cordier S Davey -Smith G Eskenazi B Gee D Gray K Hanson M van den Hazel P Heindel JJ Heiniow B Hertz - Picciotto I Hu H Huang T Jensen TK Landrigan PJ McMillen C Murata K Ritz Schoeters G Skakkebaek NE Skerfving S Weihe P. (2007).The Faroes Statement: Human Health Effects of Developmental Exposure to Chemicals in Our Environment, Nordic Pharmacological Society. Basic & Clinical Pharmacology & Toxicology 102:73 -75 • • • • RAYMOND RICHARD NEUTRA M.D. Dr. PH 956 EVELYN AVENUE ALBANY CALIFORNIA 94706 raymondneutra @gmail.com January 30,2011 CCST Dear Sirs, Some citizens are worried about the involuntary application of wireless real time monitoring of their electricity use. Their concerns relate to the invasion of privacy and the addition of radio frequency (RF) electromagnetic and electric and magnetic exposures from meters in their own homes and in their neighborhoods. Some have pointed out that there are other technologies now in use in other countries that avoid the exposures. Public officials approached you with a very narrow framing of the issue asking you: (a) if one could guarantee an absence of health effects if RF exposures were always below current thermally based standards. (b) If other standards were needed to deal with non - thermal health effects You answered: 1. The FCC standard provides a currently accepted factor of safety against known thermally induced health impacts of smart meters and other electronic devices in the same range of RF emissions. Exposure levels from smart meters are well below the thresholds for such effects. 2. There is no evidence that additional standards are needed to protect the public from smart meters. Your first answer doesn't respond to the official's first question at all, instead it states what all parties agree to, the standard protects against thermal effects and smart meters emit fields that are below the standard. Your second answer is technically a falsehood. There is lots of evidence that would suggest that RF and ELF exposures well below the current standards may be capable of causing added lifetime risk that exceed the benchmark which triggers health based regulations ( 1 per hundred thousand). You could have turned your second answer into a true statement by saying something like this: "When our panel, that included no epidemiologists, reviewed the extensive literature, epidemiological and non epidemiological on non - thermal RF exposures, we concluded that it is not beyond a reasonable doubt that non - thermal exposures are capable of adding life -time risks of regulatory concern. This is because we would require a clear understanding of the physical induction 1 • • • mechanism , the carcinogenic mechanism and toxicological and epidemiological effects well above the resolution power of the studies before we would say that non - thermal exposures can cause significant risk at the `beyond a reasonable doubt level'." A beyond a reasonable doubt standard is required in criminal proceedings and would be inappropriate in a civil proceeding, where only a "more likely than not" standard is required. We were all reminded of this in the famous OJ Simpson trials. So, what certainty standard is applicable here? How certain to we have to be of how much risk before we move from the status quo to cheap and expensive measures to reduce smart phone exposures? On page 24 you say ".. retrofitting millions of smart meters with hard wired technology could be difficult and costly. Perhaps more importantly, retrofitting smart meters would not address the significantly greater challenge presented by the billions of mobile phones in use globally." This sentence also includes important unstated assumptions: a) If other actors are exposing you to harm more intensely than I, then I have no moral duty to remove my less intense harm until he removes his. b) It would not be cost beneficial to switch to wired smart meters c) It would raise utility rates substantially to switch to wired smart meters. d) I have no moral duty to switch to a lower exposure meter, even if the impact on utility bills are minimal. I provided your staff with a link to the many projects of the California EMF Program at www.ehib.org /emf. In it they would have found our analysis of policy issues with regard to power lines and house wiring and our extensive risk evaluation. In it we assessed the available options and their costs. You made no attempt to do this even in a rough way. Then we examined what the adoption of these options would do to utility rates. You did not do that either. Then we asked how certain we would have to be of how much added lifetime risk of disease before it would be cost beneficial to move to the cheap and expensive options. A certainty well below the "more likely than not" standard would have sufficed to justify cheap options to even a hard hearted utilitarian. We also explicitly carried out a duty ethics analysis of the situation which you did not do. In our risk evaluation we tried to avoid the pitfalls of misleading language, such as using the phrase "no evidence" to stand for " the evidence doesn't convince us." As you know this phrase is much beloved by those who deny human influences on global climate change. Then we avoided expressing exposures as fractions of irrelevant standards as you have done. We avoided expressing our scientific certainty as a dichotomy between "beyond a reasonable doubt" and "not beyond a reasonable doubt" as you effectively have done. This dichotomous formulation has also been avoided in reports on the human effects in 2 • • • Global Climate Change. Finally we made explicit the rules for weighting various streams of scientific evidence to develop our degree of certainty. You provided neither your factual grounds nor rules of inference for justifying your "no evidence" statement. Expressing smart phone exposures as a fraction of the thermal standard makes it sound small, expressing it as a multiple of the background would make it sound alarming. Your graph was enough. I said at the beginning that the public officials framed their question in a narrow way and a way that was overly focused on numerical standards as a solution to environmental and occupational hazards. We don't control automobile trauma with a standard, we control it with a technical solution, seat belts, airbags and traffic rules. We don't control the carcinogenic risk from wood dust by a wood dust standard, we mandate dust masks and air vents. I personally don't think we know enough about the exposure metric to set a standard at this time. The solution to any risks of regulatory concern from PG &E's smart meters could be to switch to wired smart meters now and gradually replace the wireless ones if the rate payers can live with the impact to their utility bills. If the public officials narrowed their questions with the intent of receiving an answer that would take this issue off their radar screen, than you have responded in a narrow way that would serve such a purpose. This is not the way I would like to see public policy pursued. Unfortunately you are not alone in this pattern of language use, hidden assumptions and making the uncertain seem certain so a to provide cover for policy. Sincerely yours Raymond Richard Neutra MD. DrPH 3 • Thee� ■ A Non -Pro Board of Directors Janet Newton President Marshfield VT Deb Carney Vice President Golden CO Diana Warren Secretary/Treasurer Wayland MA Science Advisory Group Magda Haves, Ph.D. Trent University Peterborough, Ontario Canada Policy Institute Corporation www.EMRPollcy.org Gerard J. Hyland, Ph.D. University of Warwick Coventry, Great Britain Raymond Kasevich, M.S.E.E. RF Consultant Great Barrington MA Henry C.Lai, Ph.D. University of Washington Seattle WA Roger D. Mattson, Ph.D. Health /Safety Consultant Golden CO Jerry L. Phillips, Ph.D. University of Colorado Colorado Springs CO Stuart Selikowitz, M.D. Dartmouth Medical School Hanover NH The EMR Policy Institute is a 501 (c)(3) non - profit organization as defined by the U.S. Internal Revenue Service. • Advancing Sound Public Health Policy on the Use of Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR) P. O. Box 117 Marshfield VT 05658 Tel. and FAX : 802 -426 -3035 E -mail: info @emrpolicy.org To: California Council on Science and Technology Date: 31 January 2011 RE: Comment on: Health Impacts of Radio Frequency from Smart Meters Response to Assembly Members Huffman and Monning (CCST Report) Cc: via E -mail to: California Assemblyman Jared Huffman California Assemblyman Bill Monning Thank you for the opportunity to comment on this important public healthy policy issue. The EMR Policy Institute (EMRPI) is a national advocacy organization established in 2003 whose goal is to create better cooperation between public health regulatory agencies in order to mitigate unnecessary hazardous electromagnetic radiation (EMR) exposures. We educate policy makers and the public on the need for sound, biologically -based human safety policy that protects public health regarding EMR exposures across the electromagnetic spectrum. EMRPI continues to challenge the inadequacy of the US safety policy on electromagnetic and RF radiation exposures by submitting official comment to key federal agencies. Our record of formal comment as individuals and through our organization dates back to 1997. It includes official comment to key federal agencies such as the NAS, FCC, FDA, GAO, NIOSH, NTIA and DOJ. The directors of EMRPI have participated in taking three cases to the US Supreme Court challenging the FCC's RF safety policy as inadequate to protect 1 • • • all members of the public. In each case the Court denied certiorari on procedural grounds. This EMRPI Comment is based upon our 14 -year record of scrutiny of the inadequacies in the current FCC radiofrequency radiation policy that was put in place in 1997. Since 1997 the FCC has resisted all calls to address these inadequacies, i.e., to develop biologically - based safety limits for human exposure to RF radiation that protect all members of the public. Currently there are three U.S. federal mandates promoting wireless technologies that can adversely affect the health and well being of all Americans, and especially those who require Implanted Medical Devices (IMDs) as well as those who suffer from the functional impairments of EHS and Radiofrequency Sickness. These population subgroups warrant protection by the under Americans with Disabilities Act provisions. There is no federal agency coordination to enforce these provisions. The mandates are: • Wireless broadband • SmartGrid and Smart Meters (wireless utility meters) • Unlicensed commercial use of TV White Spaces spectrum. Ubiquitous involuntary exposure to Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) with IMDs from these sources as well as from the plethora of wireless consumer devices now on the market presents the greatest potential for harm for Americans with IMDs. The FCC's focus on EMI and "safety" continues to protect devices rather than members of the public as found in its 2009 announcement of its International TV White Spaces Fellowship and Training Initiative: . by building on a proven concept: the safe deployment of new, intelligent devices in the unused spectrum that exists between television channels without causing undue,interference to adjacent users. (Emphasis added.) "Adjacent users" refers to commercial communications devices rather than to humans with IMDs. In view of California's initiative to deploy wireless smart meters statewide EMRPI submits the following comment on the CCST Report: 1. The January 2011 CCST Report misses out on a key opportunity to address its own "Key Report Findings" and "Other Considerations" by failing to provide the public with • • • a clear analysis of the scientific record upon which the current FCC RF radiation safety policy is based. On p. 8 The CCST Report specifically references the 2008 National Academies of Science Report: Identification of Research Needs Relating to Adverse Health Effects of Wireless Communication (NAS Report at: www.nap.edu /cataloq.php ?record id= 12036) The National Academies of Science performs provides a parallel service for the US federal government that the CCST does for the State of California, yet the CCST Report fails to include the specific details of the 2008 NAS Report findings. 2. Safety regulations are based on the published record of scientific studies in a given field. The NAS Report enumerates the holes in the RF research record upon which FCC RF safety policy is based. In failing to include the NAS Report findings, the CCST Report missed the mark for explaining its own Key Finding #3 — To date, scientific findings have not identified nor confirmed negative health effects from potential non - thermal impacts of RF emissions such as those produced by existing common household electronic devices and smart meters... and Other Considerations #3 — Consumers should be provided with clearly understood information.about the radiofrequency emissions of all devices that emit RF including smart meters. 3. On p. 7 CCST Report states that: Given current scientific knowledge, the FCC guideline provides a more than adequate margin of safety against the known thermal effects. It fails, however, to specify the holes in the "current scientific knowledge" delineated in the NAS Report. 4. On p. 8 CCST Report states that:: At this time there is no clear evidence that additional standards are needed to protect the public from smart meters or other common household electronic devices. However, the 2008 NAS Report documents the need to characterize specific aspects of real -life public exposure to RF radiation that are not addressed in the scientific record upon which the current FCC RF safety policy is based (see pp. 13 -44): a. Exposure of juveniles, children, pregnant women, and fetuses both for personal wireless devices (e.g., cell phones, wireless personal computers [PCs} and for RF fields from base station antennas. • • • b. Variability of exposures to the actual use of the device, the environment in which it is used, and exposures from other sources. c. Multilateral exposures. d. Multiple frequency exposures. e. Location of use (both geographic location and whether a device is primarily used indoors or outdoors). f. Models for men and women of various heights and for children of various ages. g. Exposure to rooftop maintenance workers and to members of the public that live,in close proximity to multiple co- located base station antennas h. Exposure to subpopulations among maintenance employees. i. Chronic exposures that are similar to those from existing TV and radio antennas. j. Multilateral exposure to the typical arrangement of four to six antennas with multiple frequencies, rather than a single antenna radiating at a single frequency from a single direction as used in laboratory studies. k. Exposure to others sources of RF radiation such as cordless phones, wireless computer communications, and other communications systems. I. Exposure to the hand or the human lap or parts of the body close to the device. m. RF exposure in close proximity to metallic adornments and implanted medical devices (IMDs) including metal rim glasses, earrings, and various prostheses (e.g., hearing aids, cochlear implants, cardiac pacemakers). n. Models for whole -body exposure due to base station antennas o. Sufficiently long exposure and follow -up to allow for detection of effects that occur with a latency, of several years. p. Lack of information concerning the health effects associated with living in close proximity to base stations. q. Research that includes children, the elderly, and people with underlying diseases. r. Research on possible adverse RF effects identified by changes in EEG activity. s. Lack of information on possible neurophysiologic effects developing during long -term exposure to RF fields. • • • t. Studies focusing on possible adverse RF effects identified by changes in cognitive performance functions. u. Effects of RF exposure to the sensitive biological targets of neural networks. v. Possible effects of RF exposure on fetal and neonatal development. w. Possible influences of exposure on the structure and function of the immune system, including prenatal, neonatal, and juvenile exposures. x. Possible influences of RF exposures on the structure and function of the central nervous system, including prenatal, neonatal, and juvenile exposures. 5. At p. 8 CCST Report states that: No clear causal relationship between RF emissions and non - thermal human health impacts has been scientifically established, nor have the mechanisms that might lead to such biological impacts been clearly identified. In this statement CCST Report leaves the inaccurate impression that science has established the "mechanism" or cause of development of other diseases such as cancer, Alzheimers' Disease or ALS, which is not the case. Lack of a single mechanism for causation of adverse health effects arising from exposure to non - thermal levels of RF emissions is not a valid rationale to negate the scientific evidence demonstrating these non - thermal effects. 6. Illustrating inadequate protection under the current FCC RF safety policy is the experience of geophysics professor Gary Olhoeft PhD with the critical EMI problems he encounters daily with his Medtronics Deep Brain Stimulator (DBS). Prof. Olhoeft's comment was read at the first Public Comment period at the July 26 -27, 2010 FCC - FDA combined public meeting on, "Enabling the Convergence of Communications and Medical Systems." Despite Dr. Olhoeft's insightful analysis and account of this one example of EMI between wireless systems and his DBS, neither the FCC moderator nor the FDA moderator of the following day's panel on Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) raised one question on this EMI topic so critical to the life, health and well being of millions of Americans. Even the last panel discussion, Electromagnetic Compatibility — How to Promote EMC, made no mention of compatibility with implanted electronic medical devices such as Deep Brain Stimulators that treat Parkinson's patients, or insulin pumps for diabetics, for example. • • Professor Olhoeft submitted his written Comment in the current US Department of Justice Advanced Notice of Proposed Rule Making proceeding. See also the video of his presentation at the 2009 EMRPI scientific conference, "Electromagnetic Radiation Impacts on Human Health," at: www.youtube.com/watch?v=io- B6LVVfVzw&feature=related 7. No federal agency is keeping track of cumulative wireless power density, nor identifying critical levels and locations where individuals who require IMDs may be at risk. 8. The FCC continues to issue compliance statements for new wireless devices and systems without regard for existing RF levels. Those most seriously threatened are the NIH- estimated 20 million Americans who require IMDs. These 20 million Americans account for 8 -10% of the US population. The most serious threat to them is from Smart Meters and wireless broadband because of their ubiquitous deployment throughout the public's living and working environments and now throughout medical treatment settings. 9. In stark contrast to the lack of public health concern in key US federal and state agencies are these precautionary provisions called for in The European Parliament April 2009 Resolution approved by a vote of 559 -22: www. europa rl.europa.eu /sides /getDoc.d o ?pubRef= - / /EP/ /TEXT +TA +P6 -TA -2009- 0216 +0 +DOC +XM L +VO //E N • Particular consideration of biological,effects, especially given that some studies have found the most harmful effects at lowest levels; • Evaluation of potential long -term adverse effects of mobile telephony radio frequencies; • Increased investigation of harmful effects of multiple exposures to different EMF sources, particularly for children; • Member States to follow the example of Sweden and to recognize persons that suffer from electrohypersensitivity as being disabled so as to grant them adequate protection as well as equal opportunities; 10. Because individuals with electronic IMDs and EMR functional impairments are • • • inherently sensitive to RF and EMR exposures, EMRPI strongly urges the State of California to broaden #4 of CCST Other Considerations to require Smart Grid / Smart Meter options that employ fiber optic and hard -wired data transmission rather than wireless transmitting Smart Meters. Respectfully submitted by The EMR Policy Institute Janet Newton, President P.O. Box 117 Marshfield VT 05658 JNewton @emrpolicy.org Telephone: (802) 426 -3035 www.emroolicv.orq Commentary on the California Council on Science and Technology Report "Health Impacts of Radio Frequency from Smart Meters" By Dr. Karl Maret Dove Health Alliance, Aptos, CA January 30, 2011 This is a commentary on the California Council on Science and Technology (CCST)report, "Health Impacts of Radio Frequency from Smart Meters" published January 2011. I submit that the CCST report, written in response to health concerns expressed by Assembly Members of the California Legislature, contains inaccuracies and minimizes the biological effects and health impacts of non - thermal radiofrequency radiation, such as those produced by wireless technologies including Smart Meters. For the record, my qualifications to make this commentary are that I hold a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering, a Master of Engineering degree in Biomedical Engineering, and a Medical Doctor degree and have additionally completed a four year post- doctoral fellowship in physiology. I have been interested in the health effects of electromagnetic fields (EMFs) for many years and given lectures about the potential health impacts of non - ionizing radiations, both in Europe and the United States. I am president of a non - profit foundation interested in energy medicine, a sub - specialty within the field of Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) as defined by the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM), a center within the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH). My specific concerns with the report are as follows: 1. The minimization of the problem of non - thermal microwave radiation; 2. The minimization of the need for lower exposure standards; 3. The increase in radiation levels at potential local hotspots through reflection; 4. The lack of information about the impact of pulsed radiation from Smart Meters; 5. The lack of information on the health impacts of night -time radiation from Smart Meters; 6. The lack of modeling or actual measurements of the contribution from Smart Meters to the existing background microwave radiation; 7. The lack of health and environmental consideration by the CPUC when the Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) was approved. Until these issues are more fully addressed it is recommended that the current Smart Meter deployment using radiofrequency radiation (RFR) be halted pending a more unbiased reassessment of the potential health issues associated with these meters, including a reassessment of the Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) program approved by the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) without any environmental impact assessment. Further, that the California public be offered the option to opt out of this program, which at present is mandatory for every dwelling. Page 1 of 14Maret, 2011 — Commentary on CCST Report on Smart Meters 1. Minimization of Non - thermal Microwave Radiation from Smart Meters On page 4 of the CCST report it states that "To date, scientific studies have not identified or confirmed negative health effects from potential non - thermal impacts of RF emissions such as those produced by existing household electronic devices or smart meters." This finding minimizes the extensive body of scientific research on the biological effects of non - thermal electromagnetic fields. The biological effects of low - level, non - thermal electromagnetic fields have been researched for over 30 years. Therespected 2007Handbook ofBiological Effects of Electromagnetic Fields edited by Barnes and Greenebaum (1) states on page 377: "The biophysical lore prevailing until the late 1980s and lingering to this day is that, unless the amplitude and frequencies of an applied electric field were sufficient to trigger an excitable membrane (e.g. heart pacemaker), produce tissue heating or move an ion along a field gradient, there could be no effect. .... However, this position had to be changed as the evidence for weak (non - thermal) EMF bioeffects became overwhelming." Prof. Arthur Pilla, PhD Professor of Biomedical Engineering, Columbia University There are numerous reports on the potential health effects of non - thermal electromagnetic fields. Early reports include papers by Frey (1993), Lai (2000) and Hyland (2000), among many others. An international working group has delineated many additional scientific findings (Bioinitiative report, 2007). Special editions of the journal Pathophysiology were specifically dedicated to this topic recently (Pathophysiology, 2009). Recently, the European Journal of Oncology published an entire monograph entitled "Non- Thermal Effects and Mechanisms of Interaction between ElectromagneticFields and Living Matter" outlining non- thermal effects on living systems. This came from the National Institute for the Study and Control of Cancer and Environmental Diseases "Bernardino Mamazzini" (Giuliani &Soffriti, 2010). The CCST report further states that, "Without a clearer understanding of the biological mechanisms involved, identifying additional standards or evaluating the relative costs and benefits of those standards cannot be determined at this time." I strongly disagree with this conclusion as there is now a large body of scientific literature describing several key mechanisms for the action of weak electromagnetic fields. These include, among others: removal of calcium ions bound to cellular membranes, leading to their weakened structure and changed cellular functioning - change of calcium ion leading to changes in metabolic processes in cells, - the leakage of calcium ions into neurons generating spurious action potentials, - fragmentation of DNA in cells seen through the Comet assay - changes in the blood -brain barrier in animals after microwave exposure - defined cellular stress response, including the production of heat shock proteins (HSP), that are triggeredelectromagnetically at non - thermal levels that require much less energy than when triggered by heat (so- called thermal considerations) activation of specific genes by exposure to non - thermal electromagnetic fields leading to gene transcriptionto form RNA, the first stage in the synthesis of proteins Page 2 of 14Maret, 2011 — Commentary on CCST Report on Smart Meters All these biological effects are well substantiated in the scientific literature and occurred at much lower exposure levels than current FCC standards, but are minimized by the CCST report. It takes many years for definitive health effects to be substantiated beyond all shadow of doubt. Yet the evidence is accumulating that health effects will become more widespread, given sufficient time, from thescientifically researched biological responses to RFR. Until the authors of the CCST report can clearly substantiate their conclusions that the California population will not be adversely affected by the Smart Meter program, a precautionary approach should have been recommended. The European community has been more concerned about non - thermal radio frequency radiation effects while our government has essentially stopped funding all research in this area (see below). The extensive REFLEX study involving research groups from seven countries found effects on biological systems from cell phone radiation at levels 1 /40t of the level of accepted safety guidelines promulgated by the International Commission on Non - Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) (Adlkofer, 2006). This report focused on a four year international collaborationoftwelve European research groups involving in vitro studies of non - thermal radiofrequency radiation from cell phones. Even Austrian insurance companies are now accepting the dangers from non - thermal electromagnetic radiation from cell phones (AUVA Report, 2009). Biological systems often respond in a non - linear manner and there is a large degree of genetic variability as to how animals or people are affected. Non - thermal EMFs might be comparable to the hazards of low levels of toxins found in the environment which can be potent in very low levels at disrupting enzyme systems in the body, but may not be proportionately worse at higher levels. Dr. Richard Gautier in France offered a full description of active mechanisms for the action of non - thermal EMFs. There are peer- reviewed scientific studies for each step of the processes that can lead to chronic diseases such as cancer, leukemia and neurological diseases. These conditions often require longer time periods to develop and the Precautionary Principle (see later) ought to be applied when adding new sources of microwave radiation such as those from Smart Meters that are active night and day in our homes and places of work. On page 14 of the CCST report, the statement "There is currently no definitive evidence linking cell phone usage with increased incidence of cancer" is another misleading statement that tends to minimize the cancer risk from cell phones. If the authors of the CCST report had looked at other papers from the scientific literature (not mentioned in pages 38 -44 of the CCST report), they might come to different conclusions. There is mounting evidence of various types of tumors being caused from cell phone usage including parotid gland tumor (Czerninski, 2011), meningioma (Hardell et al., 2006), acoustic neuroma (Sato et al. 2011), brain tumors (Hardell &Carlberg, 2009) and testicular tumors (Hardell et al., 2007), to name only some.Considering the increasing number ofscientific papers describing various types of tumors associated with non - thermal radiation from cell phones that are appearing in the medical literature, it is not helpful that non - thermal radiations from Smart Meters, which might potentially add to our long -term susceptibility to serious diseases, be minimized as was done in the report. Page 3 of 141VMaret, 2011 — Commentary on CCST Report on Smart Meters • 2. The minimization of the need for lower exposure standards • • The report states on page 8 that "...given the existing uncertainty about non - thermal effects, there is no generally accepted, definitive, evidence -based indication that additional standards are needed." This statement is misleading since an international collaboration of researchers in this field have called for a reexamination of the current ANSI standard based on the increasing evidence of the adverse effects of low -level electromagnetic fields (Hardell and Sage, 2008) Variousresearch groups have consistently warned that the existing guidelines may be inadequate (Hyland, 2000; Levitt &Lai 2010;Bioinitiative Report, 2007). Even the International Commission on Non - Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) stated in 1998 that "interpretation of several observed biological effects of electromagnetic fields is further complicated by the apparent existence of "windows" of response in both the power density and frequency domains. There are no accepted models that adequately explain these phenomena, which challenge the traditional concept of a monotonic relationship between the field intensity and the severity of the resulting biological effects." (ICNIRP, 1998). In other words, there are windows of sensitive biological response in which potential health effects can occur at much lower exposure levels than currently mandated by the FCC standards. Already in 1999, the federal govemment'sRadiofrequency Interagency Work Group (RFIAWG) had "identified certain issues thatwe believe need to be addressed to provide a strong and credible rationale to support RF exposure guidelines." Dr. Gregory Lotz from the Department of Health and Human Services, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health addressed these specific issues in a letter dated June 17, 1999 to Mr. Richard Tell, then Chair of the IEE SCC28 (SC4) Risk Assessment Work Group. Ironically, it was this same Richard Tell Associates of Las Vegas, NV who wrote the report for PG &E describing the apparent safe exposure limits of the Smart Meter program that was also referenced in the CCST report (Tell, 2005; Tell, 2008). The Tell Associates report simplified the apparent safety of the Smart Meter radiation by: 1. Only considering a single isolated Smart Meter radiator in free space; 2.Time averaging the pulse RF radiation so that it appeared as a low level of 8.8 uW /cm2; 3. Not considering other RF microwave emitters in the home environment; and 4. Considering only ground wave reflections of the microwave emissions and no other reflective surfaces (see below). The report also does not address the concerns of the federal RF Interagency Work Group including among other concerns. 1.The biological basis for local SAR limit; 2. the selection of an adverse effect level; 3. the nature of acute versus chronic exposure; 4. the intensity or pulsed or frequency modulated RF exposure; and 5. the issue of time averaging. These are critical issues which makes the issue of proper exposure guidelines a central issue in this matter. It further casts great doubt on the conclusions of the CCST report that downplays the need for new, lower exposure standards. Epidemiologic evidence is a major contributor to the understanding of the potential effects of EMF on health. The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) classified EMF as a "possible human carcinogen ", or a Group 2B carcinogen; (IARC, 2002) this classification was mostly based on consistent epidemiological evidence.Although the body of evidence is Page 4 of 14Maret, 2011 — Commentary on CCST Report on Smart Meters always considered as a whole, based on the weight of evidence approach and incorporating different lines of scientific enquiry, epidemiologic evidence, as most relevant, is given the greatest weight. Several European countries, having taken a deeper look at recent scientific data, are beginning to follow a different approach to the RFR question. They recommend prudent avoidance in siting cell tower antenna installations near schools, hospitals or wherever people congregate. This approach is part of what is called the Precautionary Principle, which has been adopted in many codntries, including the U.S., for various applications in international treaties. The Precautionary Principle holds that when questions of safety are concerned, precautions should be taken to protect public health even if scientific data is incomplete, or the mechanisms of action are not understood (Levitt, 2000; Kheifets et al., 2001). 3. The increase in radiation levels at potential local hotspots through reflection Although it is true that the Smart Meters comply with current U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) guidelines because they operate below the existing power density thresholds, power density is not the only factor determining biological effects from radiofrequency radiation. The power density level safety standards are solely based on thermal considerations, yet it is the non - thermal radiation levels that are the key to potential health impacts. The non - thermal effects occur at lower levels from various emitting radiators now in common use including cell phones, cordless phones, Wi -Fi, Wi -Max, to name only some. Smart Meters add to this cumulative ubiquitous low -level background microwave environment. RFR can increase to higher levels than anticipated due to surface and ground reflections from the various radiators. (Hondou, 2002; Hondou et a1,2006;Vermeeren et al, 2010), even at some distance from the sources. These scientific studies suggest that reflectivity from other metallic surfaces and reflective materials could increase the power density of the RF fields significantly, leading to the development of hot spots in our homes. Richard Tell Associates report commissioned by PG &E in 2005, and updated in 2008, contained calculations of the intensity of RF fields produced by the Smart Meters that included only ground reflections estimated to increase the field strength by 1.6 times (equivalent to a 2.56 -fold increase in the power density). In light of recent scientific findings and actual computer modeling studies, the Tell estimate of ground reflectivity may be significantly too low and does not address the development of possible hotspots in the home. If microwave hotspots occurred near sleeping quarters or near a baby's crib, their health impact could be highly significant. Sage Associates report, which made some estimates of Smart Meter impacts through computer modeling, even suggests that under certain assumptions the emissions from Smart Meters and their local reflections might even exceed FCC standards (Sage, 2011). The CCST report never even acknowledged the need for computer modeling to ascertain the potential riskof higher microwave radiation levels in our homes as a result of Smart Meter installation, alone or in interaction with other microwave emitters. We believe that such modeling is vital if the public is to know the potential for the developmentof hot spots in sensitive living areas. The Richard Tell Associates study carried out for PG &E did not consider other microwave sources in the environment stating, "The study does not take into Page 5 of 14Maret, 2011 — Commentary on CCST Report on Smart Meters • account the potential for RF fields that may be produced by other devices or systems that are not part of the Smart Meter program upgrade. Such devices or systems include cellular telephones, cellular telephone base stations, broadcast radio and TV stations, microwave ovens used in the home or any other source of RF energy. 4. The lack of information about the impact of pulsed radiation from Smart Meters The is considerable difference between the biological impact of pulsed microwaves, as produced by Smart Meters, compared to continuous waves, such as those produced by microwave ovens. No distinction is made in the safety criteria between continuous and pulsed waves because of the narrow- minded focus on thermal damage alone. Many scientific studies have pointed out that radiofrequency radiation with different modulations and pulse characteristics produce different biological effects even though they may produce the same pattern of different specific absorption rate distribution and tissue heating (Levitt &Lai, 2010). Peer- reviewed studies have shown that the differences in modulation patterns and waveforms can produce quite different biological effects. They include the works of Arber and Lin (1985); Campisi et al (2010); Huber et al. (2002); Luukkonen et al. (2009); d'Ambrosio et al (2002), among many others. Already Soviet research in the 1960s showed that pulsed waves induced stronger and often inhibitory biological and neurological effects than continuous waves (Osipov, 1965). A review of the hazards to U.Smilitary personnel from high frequency electromagnetic radiation was provided by Pollack (1967) which gives an overview of the extensive Eastern European research in this field. Marha (1963) described allowable intensities for frequencies above 300 MHz in Czechoslovakia for continuous waves as 25 uW /cmz but limited pulsed waves to only 10 uW/cm2. Note that these Czech recommended levels were considerably lower than the approximately 600 uW /cmz allowed for the RFR from Smart Meters operating in the low 900 MHz band mandated by the FCC based on only thermal consideration. Also not well known in the West is the Soviet work showing the adverse effect of non - thermal pulsed microwave radiation on cardiac rhythms in animals (Presman &Levitina, 1962). The CCST report is misleading because it compares the Smart Meter emissions to those of microwave ovens. Microwave ovens produce much higher power output but are not modulated or pulsed in any way. It is imperative to understand that it is the modulation or pulsation pattern that leads to biological effects at non - thermal power levels. Biologically - sensitive amplitude windows have been found at specific frequencies that lead to the selective release of calcium from cell membranes. However, above and below these unique power densities there is no observable effect. Pulses and square waves have the greatest biological impact because they produce rapid changes in voltage across biological membranes. Un- modulated carrier waves have little or no biological effect except if their power is sufficient high, such as in microwave ovens. Comparing the power levels between modulated and un- modulated devices, as the CCST report does, is thus misleading. • The potential health effects from chronic exposure to pulsed, low power density level electromagnetic fields might take several years to appear. These types of radiations produced Page 6 of 14Maret, 2011 — Commentary on CCST Report on Smart Meters by Smart Meters are of concern for their potential health impacts onthe electrically hypersensitive part of the population. In Sweden, electrohypersensitivity(EHS) is an officially recognized functional impairment; however it is not regarded as a disease (Johansson, 2006). Electrical hypersensitivity has been reported by many authors from various industrialized countries over the last 20 years. The CCST report does not consider this segment of our population at all. Yet in the United Kingdom there are excellent resources about this condition, especially the work of Bevington (2010) containing over 700 references. The ICNIRP, IEEE and ANSI standards that are currently in effect consider only thermal effects of microwave radiation where the energy absorption is fairly linear and thus the protective guidelines are logical. However these energy absorption guidelines would not be appropriate when frequency - specific amplitude windows are involved leading to adverse biologicaleffects that can depend onmodulation patterns, pulse repetition rates, duty cycles, and other frequency spectrum characteristics. With the current PG &E- mandated Smart Meter program having a 20 -year life expectancy, Californians will be living with potential health impacts from this unproven technology in our homes for the next two decades. 5. The lack of information on the health impacts of night -time radiation from Smart Meters Another problem that was not addressed in the CCST report is potential health effect of microwave radiation exposure during our sleep which may adversely affect our biological and circadian rhythms (daily physiological regulatory cycles). Smart Meters will pulse intermittently day and night and may have an adverse effect on sleep cycles. We do not use our cellphones during sleep, yet Smart Meters will continue to emit pulsed RFR all night long. Exposure to microwave /radiofrequency fields affect the neuroendocrine system causing neuroendocrine chemical modulations and behavioral reactions. Already in 1970s it was known that resonant absorption within the cranium may result in the focusing of energy and the production of electromagnetic "hot spots" in the brain (Johnson & Guy, 1972). Microwaves may disturb the critical hormonal regulatory areas including the hypothalamic - pituitary axis through "low intensity" exposure. The body may elicit "different responses relative to the timing of the exposure with respect to circadian rhythm" (Michaelson,1982). At night, while sleeping, the body is principally in a repair mode and the exposure to microwave radiation from Smart Meters may potentially be more damaging than exposure during the day. It is vital that long -term exposure studiesduring the night be carried out to determine if Smart Meter pulsed microwave radiation could have an adverse biological effecton our population. The European Commission'sScientific Committee on Emerging and Newly Identified Health Risks report on "Health Effects of Exposure to EMF" stated that "No health effect has been consistently demonstrated at exposure levelsbelow the ICNIRP- limits established in 1998. However, the data base for this evaluationis limited especially for long -term low -level exposure" (SCENIHR, 2009). In other words, we just don't know what will be the long -term Page 7 of 14Maret, 2011 — Commentary on CCST Report on Smart Meters effect of consistent low level exposure of RFR such as those imposed by Smart Meters in addition to the other microwave radiation sources now increasingly being used in our homes. 6. The lack of modeling or actual measurements of the contribution from Smart Meters to the existing background microwave radiation The CCST report is misleading on page 20 where it says that he exposure levels to people living in metropolitan areas is quite low, around 0.005 uW /cm2. They base their assertions on an outdated report fromJuly 1986 made by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency entitled The Radiofrequcncy Radiation Environment: Environmental Exposure Levels and RF Radiation Emitting Sources, EPA 520/1 -85 -014. This data is totally outdated since it reflects the situation before the modern cellular telephone networks were put in place. Already in 2000, in Sweden, the radiofrequency and microwave radiation levels in urban areas were approximately ten times higher than they were in the 1980s —and most of the increase is due to wireless communications, according to Dr. YngveHamnerius of Chalmers University of Technology in Goteborg, Sweden. Hamnerius measured radiation levels in the 30 MHz -2 GHz frequency range at 26 sites across Sweden with varying levels ofurbanization. In cities, the median power density was 0.05 uW /cm2, with a 61% average contribution from GSM cell tower base stations. (Microwave News, July /August 2000). In the U.S. we do not have any up -to -date data since the U.S. Environmental protection Agency has not carried out any research studies for two decades. I have personally measured background microwave radiation levels that are hundreds of times higher in many metropolitan areas than the values described in the CCST report using 1986 EPA data. This increasing amount of background microwave radiation has become of medical concern in many parts of the world. For example in March 23, 2009 European scientists called for a reassessment of the damaging health impacts of increasing levels of electromagnetic radiation (Electrosensibilite : Appel des scientifiques du 23 -03- 2009). Similarly, in November 2009 a meeting of international experts on the biological effects of electromagnetic fields met in Stavanger, Norway to discuss the unprecedented global exposures to artificial electromagnetic fields from communication and power technologies. Many scientists at this meeting recommended that lower limits be established for electromagnetic fields and wireless exposures due to the health impacts at much lower exposure levels than are now considered safe. The United States government essentially stopped all research on RF radiation effects on the environment, including population exposure, in 1996. The Environmental Protection Agency's budget and staffing for RF radiation activities was $821,000 from 1990 to1995 and only $25,000 between the years 1996 to 2000 (Levitt, 2000, page 271). Essentially, there was no government money spent in the last 15 years by the EPA to fund a reexamination of the RF exposure limits by the National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurement (NCRP). Our changing microwave environment is thus not being studied by our federal government. If the federal government is not looking after our health concerns concerning low level electromagnetic fields. it is imperative that utilities have their new microwave technologies evaluated by state government research laboratories or public health Page 8 of 14Maret, 21)11 — Commentary on CCST Report on Smart Meters organizations prior to letting this technology be deployed on a largely unaware California public. What is needed is an up -to -date series of measurements in dense urban environment that measures the combined RFR levels from all radiating emitters and estimates or measures the cumulative effect of Smart Meters and collectors to radiation exposure levels in homes. This must include all RFR emitters that are connected to the MESH and home area networks (HAN) as deployed by PG&E. Only independent assessments or measurements of these radiation levels ought to be considered, not those conducted by companies that have direct or indirect connection to the utilities. Until these studies are available, it is recommended that the Precautionary Principle be adopted. 7. The lack of health and environmental consideration by the CPUC when the Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) was approved. On July 20, 2006, the Califcrnia Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) issued their final opinion, Decision 06 -07 -027. authorizing Pacific Gas and Electric to deploy an Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AM1) that would lead to the automation of 5.1 million electric meters and 4.2 million 9as meters. The CPUC decision was in response to PG &E's application 05 -06 -028 filed on July 16, 2005. In Section 7 (Technology) of this CPUC decision, the AMI deployment was described as using Power Line Carrier technology for electric meters and a fixed network system with radio frequency communications channels owned by PG &E for gas meters. The system was to have a useful life of 20 years. In section 15 (Environmental Review) of the Decision, it stated that there is no need for an analysis of PG &E's AMI deployment pursuant to the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). It appeared that due to the suggested Power Line Carrier technology to be employed, the health or environmental effects were not considered at the time and the CPUC felt under no legal obligation to undertake any environmental review before approving the PG &E application. On March 12, 2009, the CPUC made another Decision 09 -03 -026 in response to PG &E's application A.07 -12 -009 filed on December 12, 2007 to expand the AMI program significantly. Now the CPUC approved the establishment of microwave mesh networks as well as incorporating a Home Area Network (HAN) gateway deviceinto advanced electric meters to support in -home HANapplications; and upgrading PG &E's electric meters to solid state meters,now called Smart Meters. In this decision, which conveniently expanded its 2006 AMI deployment decision, there was absolutely no mention of any environmental or health impact even though a whole new radiofrequency technology infrastructure was now approved for deployment on every home and business in California. We believe that this decision represents a gross degree of negligence by the CPUC in protecting the health and safety of the citizens of California. The CPUC needs to readdress the health and safety issues directly and immediately halt the installation of the Smart Meter program pending clarification of the issues raised by many scientific investigators who have commented on the inadequacy of the CCST report. Page 9 of 14Maret, 2011— Commentary on CCST Report on Smart Meters Conclusions The time needed for a new technology to be developed and rolled out is much shorter than the time needed for research to investigate the possible health effects on the general population. - The current Advanced Metering Infrastructure using microwaves in the 900 MHz frequency spectrum approved by the CPUC is going to adversely impact the physiology and ultimately the health of many Californians over the next twenty years, the anticipated life time of the Smart Meters now being deployed. This program is being implemented without widespread public knowledge or approval and without the specific informed consent in writing from every household. Already the most sensitive members of our society, those who are especially vulnerable by being electrically hypersensitive, are registering health complaints such as headaches, sleep disturbances, cognitive difficulties, dizziness, heart palpitations, to name only a few. Most of these symptoms could also be related to other medical conditions making it difficult to ascribe their appearance specifically to the Smart Meters radiation directly. Although not yet recognized in this country as a state of physiological imbalance, hypersensitivity of human subjects to exposure to electric and magnetic fields has been reported for over 20 years by many authors in many industrialized countries. If only 1% of California's population were to report symptoms of electrical hypersensitivity after Smart Meter installation, over 370,000 people might be adversely affected by RFR. The dissemination of this Smart Meter technology could have been accomplished without using radiofrequency radiation by using much safer power line, fiber optic or telephone communications technology. For example, a Smart Meter power line communications technology was used by Italian utilities in 27 million households using meters designed in California. In the Netherlan is. the population concerned about the security and health issues - of Smart Meters was given the options to opt out from having the meters installed. Californians were never given this option. Yet this AMI program, costing utility customers over $2 billion, represents the largest technology roll -out in the history of Pacific Gas and Electric. Ironically, it is being financed by the rate payers without their direct consent. This program represents an epidemiological experiment involving our unsuspecting population whose outcome will only be fully known after many years exposure. It is being shepherded through the regulatory process by the CPUC who has not seen fit to study the possible adverse health impacts of this technology before approving its usage. It has never shown any willingness to ser iously consider the well- documented non - thermal effects of pulsed microwaves on living systems and will undoubtedly use the misleading CCST report to avoid any questions about figure health implications of this technology. Because of the uncertainties of adverse long -term health impacts, the CCST ought to have recommended thata Precautionary Principle be invoked that would allow more time to directly study the effect of this pulsed radiation with both in vitro and in vivo testing in realistic settings of the mesh network, especially in high density Smart Meter environments in our cities. Additionally, in cities the Subterranean Network Deployment System (SUNDS) is now also being installed by PG &E. This will add even higher microwave exposure levels to the general population. Any description of this new system was conspicuously absent from the CCST report. At a minimum, the utilities and CCST ought to have carried out extensive Page 10 of 14Maret, 2011 — Commentary on CCST Report on Smart Meters computer modeling to assess the impact of Smart Meter technology in realistic settings, taking into account the other wireless technologies have already been deployed and which have significantly increased the background microwave exposure of the population over the last 20 years. In summary, we find that the CCST report is incomplete and misleading giving California State regulators a false sense of security while potentially endangering the future health and well -being of Californians. It is requested that the current Smart Meter deployment be halted pending a more comprehensive scientific investigation of the biological response and health impacts of the non - thermal aspects of this technology. All households should be offered full disclosure about possible exposure levels, modulation patterns, peak power levels and interactions with other parts of the microwave spectrum in their home environments. Additionally, those who are sensitive to this radiation must be given the choice to opt out from having this form of RIP. imposed upon their residential dwellings. Page 11 of 14Maret, 2011 — Commentary on CCST Report on Smart Meters References Adlkofer. F. (2006) Risk Evaluation of Potential Environmental Hazards from Low Energy Electromagnetic Field Exposure using sensitive In Vitro Methods. BIOELECTROMAGNETICS CURRENT CONCEPTS. NATO Security through Science Series. 2006,2006:331-354. Also known as REFLEX study report. Arber. S.L.. and Lin. J.C. 1985. 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Apr; 30(2):115 -22. Page 12 of 14Maret, 2011 -- Commentary on CCST Report on Smart Meters • Hardell, L. & C. Sage (2008) Biological effects from electromagnetic field exposure and public exposure standards. Biomed Pharmacother.Feb;62(2):104 -9. Hardell, L. & M. Carlberg. (2009) Mobile phones, cordless phones and the risk for brain tumours. International Journal of Oncology 35: 5 -17. Hondou T. (2002) Rising Level of Public Exposure to Mobile Phones:Accumulation through Additivity and Reflectivity. Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, Vol. 71, No. 2, February, 2002, pp. 432 -435. Hondou T Ueda T Sakat Y Tanigwa N Suzuki T Kobayashi T Ikeda K.(2006) Passive Exposure to Mobile Phones: Enhancement of Intensity by Reflection, Journal of the Physical Society of Japan Vol. 75, No. 8, August, 2006. Huber, R., Treyer, V., Borbe'ly, A.A., Schuderer, J., Gottselig, J.M.,Landolt, H -P., Werth, E., Berthold, T., Kuster, N., Buck, A.,and Achermann, P. (2002) Electromagnetic fields, such as thosefrom mobile phones, alter regional cerebral blood flow and sleepand waking EEG. J. Sleep Res. 11(4): 289 -295. Hyland, G. (2000) Physics and biology of mobile telephony. The Lancet.Vol 356, Nov 25: 1833 -1836. IARC.(2002) Working Group on the Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risks to Humans. Non - ionizing radiation, Part 1: Static and extremely low- frequency (ELF) electric and magnetic fields. Monographs on the Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risks to Humans. Lyon: International Agency for Research on Cancer. vol 80. ICNIRP(1998) "Guidelines for limiting exposure to time - varying electric, and electromagnetic fields (up to 300 GHz) - ICNIRP Guidelines ". Health Physics, 74(4): 494 -522. Johansson, O. (2006) Electrohypersensitivity: State -of- the -Art of a Functional Impairment. Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine, 25: 245 -258. Johnson, C.C. & A.W. Guy (1972) Nonionizing electromagnetic wave effectseffects in biological materials and systems. Proc IEEE, 60, 692. Kheifets L, Hester G, Banerjee G. (2001) The Precautionary Principle and EMF: Implementation and Evaluation. Journal of Risk Research 2001;4(2):113 -125. Lai, H. (2000) Biological effects of radiofrequency radiation from wireless transmission towers. in Levitt, B. (ed.) Cell Towers: Wireless Convenience? Or Environmental Hazard') Proceedings of the "Cell Towers Forum ", State of the Science /State of the Law, Dec.2, 2000. Chapter3. New Century Publishing, Sheffield, MA, 2000. Chapter 3 in Levitt, B. ed. (2000) Cell Towers: Wireless Convenience? Or Environmental Hazard? Proceedings of the "Cell Towers Forum ", State of the Science /State of the Law, Dec.2, 2000. Chapter!. New Century Publishing, Sheffield, MA, 2000. Levitt, B.B. & H. Lai (2010). Biological effects from exposure to electromagnetic radiation emitted by cell tower base stations and other antenna arrays. Environ. Rev. Vol 18:369 -395. Lotz, Gregory (1999) Letter from Chief Physical Agents Effects Branch, Division of Biomedical and Behavioral Science, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, Robert A. Taft Laboratories, Cincinnati OH dated June 17, 1999 to Mr. Richard Tell, then Chair of the IEE SCC28 (SC4) Risk Assessment Work Group. Available at http:// www.emrpolicy.orallitjJation' :ase law /does /exhibit a.pdf Luukkonen, J., Hakulinen. P., Maki- Paakkanen, J., Juutilainen, J.,andNaarala, J. 2009. Enhancement of chemically induced reactiveoxygen species production and DNA damage in human SHSYSYneuroblastoma cells by 872 MHz radiofrequency radiation.Mutat. Res. 662: 54-58. Page 13 of 14Maret, 2011 — Commentary on CCST Report on Smart Meters Marha, K., 1963: `Biological Effects of High Frequency Electromagnetic Waves," PracovniLekarstvi, Vol. 15( 9): 387 -393. (English transl.: AID Report 66 -02, AD 642029, also N67- 12957). Michaelson, S.M. (1982) The Influence of Radiofrequency /Microwave Energy absorption on physiological regulation. Br. J. Cancer 45, Supt. V: 101 -108. Minecki, L., 1964: "Critical Evaluation of Maximum Permissible I..evels of Microwave Radiation ,TlArchivZal-ligijenuRada 1 Toksikologiju, Vol. 150): 47 -55. Osipov, Yu. a., 1965: Labor Hygiene and the Effect of Radio Frequency Electromagnetic Fields on Workers. Leningrad, Meditsina Publishing House, 220 pp. Pathophysiology Journal, Special issue 16: Volumes 1 and 2, 2009. Elsevier Press Pollack, H. and J. Healer, A Review of Information on Hazards to Personnel from High Frequency Electromagnetic Radiation. Internal Note N-451, Institute for Defense Analysis, Research and Engineering Support Division. IDA /HQ 67-6211, Series B, May 1967. Available at: http : / /www.magdahavas.com!worc1pres 'wp- content /uploads /2010 /07 /Pollack 19671.pdf Presman, A. S. and N. A. Levitina. 1962: "Nonthermal Action of Microwaves on Cardiac Rhythm, Communication 1. A Study of the Action of Continuous Microwaves," Byull.Eksper.BioLi Med., Vol. 53(1): 41 -44. Presman, A. S. and N. A. Levitina. 1962: " Nonthermal Action of Microwaves on the Rhythm of Cardiac Contractions in Animals, Report 11. Investigation of the Action of Impulse Microwaves," Byull.Eksper.Biol iMed., Vol. 53 (2): 39 -43. Sage Associates (2011) Assessment of Radiofrequency Microwave Radiation Emissions from Smart Meters. • Santa Barbara, CA January 1, 2011. Available at: http: / /sa«ereports.com /smart- meter -r0 Sato, Y., S. Akiba, O. Kubo, and N. Yamaguchi. (2011) A Case -Case Study of Mobile Phone Use and Acoustic Neuroma Risk in Japan. Bioelectsomagnetics. Feb;32(2):85 -93. SCENIHR. 2009. Health effects of exposure to EMF, EuropeanCommission, Health& Consumer Protection DG. ScientificCommittee on Emerging and Newly Identified Health Risks(SCENIHR), 19 January 2009. Tell, Richard A. (2005) Analysis of RF Fields associated with Operation of PG &E Automatic Meter Reading Systems. Richard Tell Associates, N. Las Vegas, NV report prepared for PG &E, April 6, 2005. Tell, Richard A. (2008) Supplemental Report on an Analysis of Radiofrequency Fields associated with Operation of PG &E SmartMeter Program Upgrade Systems. Richard Tell Associates, Colville, WA for PG &E dated Oct 27, 2008. Vermeeren G Gosselin MC Gosselin Kuhn S Kellerman V Hadmen A Gati A Joseph W Wiart J Meyer F Kuster N Martens L. The influence of the reflective environment on the absorption of a human male exposed to representative base station antennas Irons 300 MHz to 5 GHz, Phys. Med. Biol. 55 (2010) 5541 -5555. Page 14 of 14Maret, 2011 -- Commentary on CCST Report on Smart Meters • January 29, 2011 Yasuko Kato Journalist VOC -EMF Measures Research Association, Director 471, Bankei, Chuou -ku, Sapporo, Hokkaido, 064 -0945 JAPAN Comment on CCST Smart Meter report I am a journalist and a director of a self -help group for Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS) and Electromagnetic Hyper Sensitivity (EHS) in Japan. I am also a patient of MCS and EHS. So, I have been working to improve the environment for sensitivity people and vulnerable children. The smart grid program is planning all over the world including Japan. • In our country, Smart Meters have installed in some area, and other utilities are planning to install it as demonstratively experiment. So, I have interested in Smart Meter issues in California and CCST report. Why did not show the major factors? CCST expressed the RF level was 40 u W /cm2 at 3 feet from Smart Meter. But, CCST did not show the important factors related to this calculation, such as a number of meters, an assumed environmental, and reflection of building materials. FCC limit never provide safety FCC limits that based on thermal effects never provide safety to general people. Many studies have been described the adverse health effect occurred by non - thermal effects under the limit of International Commission of Non - Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) that is same to FCC. The Bioinitiative Report mentioned "the body of evidence at hand suggests that bioeffects and health impacts can and do occur at exquisitely low exposure levels: levels • that can be thousands of times below public safety limits" and recommended the value of 0.1 W /cm2 for RF. This value is ten • thousand times below FCC limits. Why did not CCST describe about EHS ? There is an important EHS article by P. Levallois et al. (2002). They estimated the prevalence of self - reported sensitivity to EMF was 3.2 %, with 24.4% of those surveyed reporting sensitivity to chemicals, in California. It was necessary to have forecast the adverse health effect at the early stage of the smart grid program. In actually, many people have been already claimed many symptoms by Radio Frequency (RF) emission from PG &E Smart Meters. CCST have to seriously consider these claims. The rights of person with EHS I carried out a questionnaire survey in 2009 about health problem, economical, and social issues related to EHS in Japan. The valid responses were only 75, however the total cost to avoid EMF, such as moving to low EMF area, RF shielding reconstruction and replacing to low emission household appliances, reached to about 168 million yen (aboutl.8 million US dollars). Fifty -three percent had • a job before the EHS onset, but 65% of them lost their work or experienced a decrease in income. Major symptoms were "fatigue /tiredness "(85 %), and "headache ", "difficulty of concentrating, remembering and thinking" (81%, respectively) . Sixty five percent indicated they experienced symptoms attributable to radiation from other passengers' mobile phones abroad public transportation, and12.0% said they could not use any public transportation due to their serious symptoms. The survey indicated EHS people are significantly limited their daily life due to EMF exposure. EHS and MCS are publicly recognized as disabilities in U.S.A. under the ADA. Federal Register (Sept. 3, 2002) mentioned " The (Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance) board recognizes that multiple chemical sensitivities and electromagnetic sensitivities may be considered disabilities under the ADA if they are so severely impair the neurological, respiratory or other functions of an individual that it substantially limits one or more the individual's major life activities." In 2005, National Institute of Building Science (NIBS) published the • report "Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ) " in according with the request from the Architectural and Transportation Barriers • Compliance Board. IEQ report mentioned ; "For people who are electromagnetically sensitive, the presence of cell phones and towers, portable telephones, computers, fluorescent lighting, unshielded transformers and wiring, battery re- chargers, wireless devices, security and scanning equipment, microwave ovens, electric ranges and numerous other electrical appliances can make a buildings inaccessible." • Then, they established the recommendations to increase the access for sensitivity people. It includes; • Cell Phones Turned off • Ability to turn off or unplug computers and other electrical equipment by occupant or staff • Ability to turn off fluorescent lighting by occupant or staff " The focus of the project was on commercial and public buildings, but many of the issues addressed and recommendations offered in residential settings ". However, the radiation from Smart Meters is making the harmful environmental that EHS people can't access to their house. Moreover, EHS people will increase more and more due to RF radiation from Smart Meters. It might cause economical huge damage of California. The radiation is also affect to vulnerable people, such as children and elderly people. CCST have to stand on precautional principle, and to recommend to replace wired meters from wireless Smart Meters, as soon as possible. References; P. Levallois, .R.Neutra, G. Lee and L. Histova, Study of self reported hypersensitivity to electromagnetic fields in California, Environ. Health. Perspect. 110(4) (2002) 619 -623 Bioinitiative Report: A rationale for a Biollogicaly -based Public • Exposure Standard for Electromagnetic Fields ( ELF and RF) • Federal Register Vo;.67, No. 170/Tuesday, September 3, 2002/ Eiles and Regulations National Institute of Buildings Sciences, "IEQ Indoor Environmental Quality" (2005) • • BIOINITIATIVE 2012 A Rationale for Biologically -based Exposure Standards for Low- Intensity Electromagnetic Radiation. Bibliography Reference List Reported Biological Effects from Radiofrequency Radiation (RFR) at Low - Intensity Exposure Levels (Cell Tower, WI -FI, Wireless Laptop, Wireless Utility Meters `smart meters') Prepared November 22, 2012 by: Cindy Sage. MA, Sage Associates tDOWNLOAD REFERENCE LIST (PDF) http: / /www.bioinitiative.org /bibliography/ RF Color Charts The RF Color Charts summarize many studies that report biological effects and adverse health effects relevant for cell towers, WI -FI, `smart' wireless utility meters, wireless laptops, baby monitors, cell phones and cordless phones. nDOWNLOAD RF Color Charts http://www.bioinitiative.org/rf-color-charts/ Research Summaries Henry Lai's Research Summaries These are invaluable sets of abstracts (data -based to be searchable) covering the RFR scientific literature, as well as collections of scientific abstracts on free radical damage (from both RFR and ELF) and a set specific to electrosensitivity. They cover the research published between 1990 -2012. 1. RFR Research Summary (20121 2. TJ RFR Free Radical Abstracts (2012) 3. nELF Free Radical Abstracts (20121 4. nElectrohvpersensitivity Abstracts (2012) http: / /www.bioinitiative.org /research- summaries/ Reported Biological Effects from Radiofrequency Radiation at Low- Intensity Exposure (Cell Tower, Wi -Fi, Wireless Laptop and 'Smart' Meter RF Intensities) Power Density (Microwatts /centimeter2 - uW /cm2) Reference As low as (10 -13) or 100 femtowatts /cm2 Super -low intensity RFR effects at MW reasonant frequencies resulted in changes in genes; problems with chromatin conformation (DNA) Belyaev, 1997 5 picowatts /cm2 (10- 12) Changed growth ratesin yeast cells - "'' Grundler, 1992 . . 0.1 nanowatt/cm2 (10 -1 °) or 100 picowatts /cm2 Super -low intensity RFR effects at MW reasonant frequencies resulted in changes in genes; problems with chromatin condensation (DNA) intensities comparable to base stations Belyaev, 1997 0.00034 uW /cm2 Chronic exposure to mobile phone pulsed RF significantly reduced sperm count, Behari, 2006 0.0005 uW /cm2 '.• RFR decreased cell proliferation at 960 MHz GSM 217 Hz for 30 -min exposure . , '. Velizarov, 1999 0.0006 - 0.0128 uW /cm2 Fatigue, depressive tendency, sleeping disorders, concentration difficulties, cardio- vascular problems reported with exposure to GSM 900/1800 MHz cell phone signal at base station level exposures. Oberfeld, 2004 0.0009 uW /cm2 RFR induced 10 0/0-40% increase in DNA synthesis in glioma cells (brain) Stagg, 1997 0.003 - 0.02 uW /cm2 In children and adolescents (8 -17 yrs) short-term exposure caused headache, irritation, concentration difficulties in school. Heinrich, 2010 0.003 to 0.05 uW /cm2 In children and adolescents (8 -17 yrs) short-term exposure caused conduct problems in school (behavioral problems) Thomas, 2010 0.005 uW /cm2 In adults (30 -60 yrs) chronic exposure caused sleep disturbances, (but not significantly increased across the entire population) Mohler, 2010 0.005 - 0.04 uW /cm2 Adults exposed to short-term cell phone radiation reported headaches, concentration difficulties (differences not significant, but elevated) Thomas, 2008 0.006 - 0.01 uW /cm2 Chronic exposure to base station RF (whole -body) in humans showed increased stress hormones; dopamine levels substantially decreased; higher levels of adrenaline and nor - adrenaline; dose - response seen; produced chronic physiological stress in cells even after 1.5 years. Buchner, 2012 0.01 - 0.11 uW /cm2 RFR from cell towers caused fatigue, headaches, sleeping problems Navarro, 2003 Stress proteins, HSP, disrupted immune function Brain tumors and blood -brain barrier Reproduction /fertility effeccts Sleep, neuron firing rate, EEG, memory, learning, behavior Oxidative damage /RO5 /DNA damage /DNA repair failure Cancer (other than brain), cell proliferation Disrupted calcium metabolism :'Caidlac, hea't,nusrle, blood-p'essure, vascular; effects • Reported Biological Effects from Radiofrequency Radiation at Low - Intensity Exposure (Cell Tower, Wi -Fi, Wireless Laptop and 'Smart' Meter RF Intensities) Power Density (Microwatts /centimeter2 - uW /cm2) Reference Reproduction /fertility effeccts 0.01 - 0.05 uW /cm2 Adults (18 -91 yrs) with short-term exposure to GSM cell phone radiation reported headache, neurological problems, sleep and concentration problems. Flutter, 2006 Cancer (other than brain), cell proliferation 0.005 - 0.04 uW /cm2 Adults exposed to short-term cell phone radiation reported headaches, concentration difficulties (differences not significant, but elevated) Thomas, 2008 0.015 - 0.21 uW /cm2 Adults exposed to short-term GSM 900 radiation reported changes in mental state (e.g., calmness) but limitations of study on language descriptors prevented refined word choices (stupified, zoned -out) Augner, 2009 0.05 -'0 1uW /cm2i c ii RFR linked to adverse neurological,' cardio symptoms and cancer risk '; , Et a e;� '; f Khurana 2010 N 0.05 - 0.1 uW /cm2 RFR related to headache, concentration and sleeping problems, fatigue Kundi, 2009 Sperm head abnormalities in mice exposed for 6- months to base station level RF /MW. Sperm head abnormalities occurred in 390/0 to 460/0 exposed mice (only 2% in controls) abnormalities was also found to be dose 0.07 - 0.1 uW /cm2 dependent. The implications of the pin -head and banana - shaped sperm head. The occurrence of sperm head observed increase occurrence of sperm head abnormalities on the reproductive health of humans living in close proximity to GSM base stations were discussed." Otitoloju, 2010 0.38 uW /cm2 RFR affected calcium metabolism in heart cells Schwartz, 1990 0.8 - 10 uW /cm2 RFR caused emotional behavior changes, free - radical damage by super -weak MWs Akoev, 2002 0.13 uW /cm2 RFR from 3G cell towers decreased cognition, well -being Zwamborn, 2003 0.16 uW /cm2 Motor function, memory and attention of school children affected (Latvia) Kolodynski, 1996 0.168 - 1.053 Irreversible infertility in mice after 5 generations of exposure to RFR from an 'antenna park' uW /cm2 Magras & Zenos, 1997 0.2 - 8 uW /cm2 - RFR caused a two -fold increase, in leukemia. in; children - ' .:. -' - '. Hocking, 1996 - .. '. 0.2 - 8 uW /cm2. . RFR decreased survival in children with leukemia • -' - -- • - Hocking, 2000 0.21 - 1.28 uW /cm2 Adolescents and adults exposed only 45 min to UMTS cell phone radiation reported increases In headaches. Riddervold, 2008 Stress proteins, HSP, disrupted immune function Brain tumors and blood -brain barrier Reproduction /fertility effeccts Sleep, neuron firing rate, EEG, memory, learning, behavior Oxidative damage /ROS /DNA damage, /DNA repair failure Cancer (other than brain), cell proliferation Disrupted calcium metabolism %'Gardlac,`heaitmuscle, blood piessuie vascularreffects- :. . Reported Biological Effects from Radiofrequency Radiation at Low - Intensity Exposure (Cell Tower, Wi -Fi, Wireless Laptop and 'Smart' Meter RF Intensities) Power Density (Microwatts /centimeter2 - uW /cm2) Reference 0.5 uW /cm2 Significant degeneration of seminiferous epithelium in mice at 2.45 GHz, 30 -40 min. Saunders, 1981 0.5 - 1.0 uW /cm2 Wi -FI level laptop exposure for 4 -hr resulted in decrease in sperm viability, DNA fragmentation with sperm samples placed in petri dishes under a laptop connected via WI -FI to the internet. Avendano, 2012 1.0 uW /cm2 RFR induced pathological leakage of the blood -brain barrier Persson, 1997 1.0 uW /cm2 RFR caused significant effect on immune function in mice - Fesenko, 1999 1.0 uW /cm2 RFR affected function of the immune system Novoselova, 1999 . 1.0 uW /cm2 Short-term (50 min) exposure in electrosensitive patients, caused loss of well -being after GSM and especially UMTS cell phone radiation exposure Eltiti, 2007 , 1.3 - 5.7 uW /cm2 ' RFR associated with a doubling of leukemia in adults Dolk, 1997 1.25 uW /cm2 RFR exposure affected kidney development in rats (in -utero exposure) 2004 opoulou, 2004 1.5 uW /cm2 RFR reduced memory function in rats Nittby, 2007 2 uW /cm2 RFR induced double- strand DNA damage in rat brain cells Kesari, 2008 2.5 uW /cm2 RFR affected calcium concentrations in heart muscle cells Wolke, 1996 2 -4 uW /cm2 Altered cell membranes; acetycholine- induced ion channel disruption - D'Inzeo, 1988 4 uW /cm2 RFR caused changes in hippocampus (brain memory and learning) Tattersall, 2001 4 - 15 uW /cm2 Memory impairment, slowed motor skills and retarded learning in children Chiang, 1989 5 uW /cm2 RFR caused drop in NK lymphocytes (immune function decreased) Boscolo, 2001 5.25 uW /cm2 20 minutes of RFR at cell tower frequencies induced cell stress response Kwee, 2001 5 - 10 uW /cm2 RFR caused impaired nervous system activity Dumansky, 1974 6 uW /cm2 RFR induced DNA damage in cells Phillips, 1998 Stress proteins, HSP, disrupted immune function Brain tumors and blood -brain barrier Reproduction /fertility effeccts Sleep, neuron firing rate, EEG, memory, learning, behavior Oxidative damage /ROS /DNA damage; DNA repair failure Cancer (other than brain), cell proliferation Disrupted calcium metabolism 4 Cardiac''. heartrnuscle; blood - pressure vasadacefferts , Reported Biological Effects from Radiofrequency Radiation at Low - Intensity Exposure (Cell Tower, Wi -Fi, Wireless Laptop and 'Smart' Meter RF Intensities) Power Density (Microwatts /centimeter2 - uW /cm2) Reference 8.75 uW /cm2 RFR at 900 MHz for 2 -12 hours caused DNA breaks in leukemia cells Marinelli, 2004 10 uW /cm2 Changes in behavior (avoidance) after 0.5 hour exposure to pulsed RFR Navakatikian, 1994 10 - 100 uW /cm2 - Increased risk in radar operators of cancer; very short latency period; dose response to exposure level of RFR reported. Richter, 2000 12.5 uW /cm2 RFR caused calcium efflux in cells - can affect many critical cell functions Dutta, 1989 13.5 uW /cm2 RFR affected human lymphocytes - induced stress response in cells Sarimov, 2004 14.75 uW /cm2 RFR increased biomarker for cell division in glioma brain tumor cells Stagg, 1997 20 uW /cm2 Increase in serum cortisol (a stress hormone) Mann, 1998 28.2 uW /cm2 RFR increased free radical production in rat cells Yurekli, 2006 37.5 uW /cm2 Immune system effects - elevation of PFC count (antibody producing cells Veyret, 1991 45 uW /cm2 Pulsed RFR affected serum testosterone levels in mice Forgacs, 2006 50 uW /cm2 Cell phone RFR caused a pathological leakage of the blood -brain barrier in 1 hour Salford, 2003 50 uW /cm2 An 18% reduction in REM sleep (important to memory and learning functions) Mann, 1996 60 uW /cm2 RFR caused structural changes in cells of mouse embryos Somozy, 1991 60 uW /cm2 Pulsed RFR affected immune function in white blood cells Stankiewicz, 2006 60 uW /cm2 Cortex of the brain was activated by 15 minutes of 902 MHz cell phone Lebedeva, 2000 65 uW /cm2 RFR affected genes related to cancer Ivaschuk, 1999 92.5 uW /cm2 RFR caused genetic changes in human white blood cells Belyaev, 2005 100 uW /cm2 Changes in immune function Elekes, 1996 100 uW /cm2 A 24.3% drop in testosterone after 6 hours of CW RFR exposure Navakatikian, 1994 Stress proteins, FISP, disrupted immune function Brain tumors and blood -brain barrier Reproduction /fertility effeccts Sleep, neuron firing rate, EEG, memory, learning, behavior Oxidative damage /ROS /DNA damage /DNA repair failure Cancer (other than brain), cell proliferation Disrupted calcium metabolism Cardlac,'heart muscle, blood - pressure, vascular,effects Reported Biological Effects from Radiofrequency Radiation at Low - Intensity Exposure (Cell Tower, Wi -Fi, Wireless Laptop and 'Smart' Meter RF Intensities) Power Density (Microwatts /centimeter2 - uW /cm2) Reference 120 uW /cm2 A pathological leakage in the blood -brain barrier with 915 MHz cell RF Salford, 1994 500 uW /cm2 Intestinal epithelial cells exposed to 2.45 GHz pulsed at 16 Hz showed changes in intercellular calcium. Somozy, 1993 . 500 uW /cm2 A 24.6% drop in testosterone and 23.2% drop in insulin after 12 hrs of pulsed RFR exposure. Navakatikian, 1994 STANDARDS Brain tumors and blood -brain barrier Reproduction /fertility effeccts 530 - 600 uW /cm2 1000 uW /cm2 5000 uW /cm2 Limit for uncontrolled public exposure to 800-900 MHz PCS STANDARD for public exposure (as of September 1,1997) PCS STANDARD for occupational exposure (as of September 1, 1997) ANSI /IEEE and FCC FCC, 1996 FCC, 1996 BACKGROUND LEVELS ' Cardiac, head: muscle, blood- pressure; vascular effects - 0.003 uW /cm2 0.05 uW /cm2 0.1 - 10 uW /cm2 Background RF levels in US cities and suburbs in the 1990s Median ambient power density in cities in Sweden (30 -2000 MHz) Ambient power density within 100 -200' of cell site in US (data from 2000) Mantiply, 1997 Hamnierius, 2000 Sage, 2000 Stress proteins, LISP, disrupted immune function Brain tumors and blood -brain barrier Reproduction /fertility effeccts Sleep, neuron firing rate, EEG, memory, learning, behavior Oxidative damaoe /ROS /DNA damage /DNA repair failure Cancer (other than brain), cell proliferation Disrupted calcium metabolism ' Cardiac, head: muscle, blood- pressure; vascular effects - Reported Biological Effects from Radiofrequency Radiation at Low - Intensity Exposure (Cell Tower, Wi -Fi, Wireless Laptop and 'Smart' Meter RF Intensities) SAR (Watts /Kilogram) Reference Reproduction /fertility effeccts 0.000064 - 0.000078 W /Kg Well -being and cognitive function affected in humans exposed to GSM -UMTS cell phone frequencies; RF levels TNO Physics and similar near cell sites Cancer (other than brain), cell proliferation ,0.00015,-..0.003.,1'. .W /Kg .,,Calcium ion movement in isolated frog heart tissue is increased 18 %'(P <.01) and by 21 %,(P<p05) by weakRF '• + '99 , -' ', ie ,I ;l I� t',;Schwartz, 1990 .•:field modulatedat•16 HZ ,•• • r , . .,•• ' ..;1; 0.000021 - 0.0021 Changes in tell cycle; cell proliferation (960 MHz GSM mobile phone) ' -. Kwee, 1997 Neurobehavioral disorders in offspring of pregnant mice exposed in utero to cell phones - dose - response 0.0003 - 0.06 W /Kg impaired glutamatergic synaptic transmission onto layer V pyramidal neurons of the prefrontal cortex. Aided, 2012 Hyperactivity and impaired memory function in offspring. Altered brain development. 0.0009 W /Kg Changes in brain glial cells with TDMA 836.55 MHz frequency Stagg, 1997 0.0016 - 0.0044 W /Kg Very low power 700 MHz CW affects excitability of hippocampus tissue, consistent with reported behavioral Tattersall, 2001 changes. 0.0021 W /Kg Heat shock protein HSP 70 is activated by very low intensity microwave exposure in human epithelial amnion Kwee, 2001 cells 0.0024 - 0.024 W/K g Digital cell phone RFR at very low intensities causes DNA damage in human cells; both DNA damage and impairment of DNA is reported Phillips, 1998 K 0.0027 W/Kg g Changes in active avoidance conditioned behavioral effect is seen after one -half hour of pulsed radiofrequency radiation Navakatikian, 1994 0.0035 W/K 9 900 MHz cell phone signal induces DNA breaks and early activation of p53 gene; short exposure of 2 -12 hours leads cells to acquire greater survival chance - linked to tumor agressiveness. Marinelli, 2004 0.0095 W K / g MW modulated at 7 Hz produces more errors in short-term memory functioin on complex tasks (can affect cognitive processes such as attention and memory) Lass, 2002 0.001 W/K 9 750 MHz continuous wave (CW) RFR exposure caused increase in heat shock protein (stress proteins). Equivalent to what would be induced by 3 degree C. heating of tissue (but no heating occurred) De Pomerai, 2000 Stress proteins, HSP, disrupted Immune function Brain tumors and blood -brain barrier Reproduction /fertility effeccts Sleep, neuron firing rate, EEG, memory, learning, behavior Oxidative damage /ROS /DNA damage /DNA repair failure Cancer (other than brain), cell proliferation Disrupted calcium metabolism „,Cardiac, heart muscle, blood pressure, vascular effects Reported Biological Effects from Radiofrequency Radiation at Low - Intensity Exposure (Cell Tower, Wi -Fi, Wireless Laptop and 'Smart' Meter RF Intensities) SAR (Watts /Kilogram) Brain tumors and blood -brain barrier Reference 0.001 W /Kg Statistically significant change in intracellular calcium concentration in heart muscle cells exposed,to RFR (900 MHz /50 Hz modulation) - ` Wolke, 1996 • 0.0021 W /Kg A significant change in cell proliferation not attributable to thermal heating. RFR induces non - thermal stress proteins (960 MHz GSM) Velizarov, 1999 0.004 - 0.008 W /Kg 915 MHz cell phone RFR caused pathological leakage of blood -brain barrier. Worst at lower SAR levels and worse with CW compared to Frequency of pathological changes was 35% in rats exposed to pulsed radiation at 50% to continuous wave RFR. Effects observed at a specific absorption (SA) of > 1.5 joules /Kg in human tissues Persson, 1997 0.0059 W /Kg Cell phone RFR induces glioma (brain cancer) cells to significantly increase thymidine uptake, which may be indication of more cell division Stagg, 1997 0.014 W /Kg Sperm damage from oxidative stress and lowered melatonin levels resulted from 2 -hr per day /45 days exposure to 10 GHz. Kumar, 2012 0.015 W /Kg Immune system effects - elevation of PFC count (antibody - producing cells) Veyret, 1991 0.02 W /Kg A single, 2 -hr exposure to GSM cell phone radiation results in serious neuron damage (brain cell damage) and death in cortex, hippocampus, and basal ganglia of brain- even 50+ days later blood -brain barrier is still leaking albumin (P<.002) following only one cell phone exposure Salford, 2003 0.026 W/Kg 9 Activity of c -jun (oncogene or cancer gene) was altered in cells after 20 minutes exposure to cell phone digital TDMA signal Ivaschuk, 1997 0.0317 W /Kg Decrease in eating and drinking behavior Ray, 1990 0.037 W /Kg Hyperactivity caused by nitric oxide synthase inhibitor is countered by exposure to ultra -wide band pulses (600 /sec) for 30 min Seaman, 1999 0.037 - 0.040 W/K g A 1 -hr cell phone exposure causes chromatin condensation; impaired DNA repair mechanisms; last 3 days (longer than stress response) the effect reaches saturation in only one hour of exposure; electro- sensitive (ES) people have different response in formation of DNA repair foci, compared to healthy individuals; effects depend on carrier frequency (915 MHz = 0.037 W /Kg but 1947 MHz = 0.040 W /Kg) Belyaev, 2008 Stress proteins, HSP, disrupted Immune function Brain tumors and blood -brain barrier Reproduction /fertility effeccts Sleep, neuron firing rate, EEG, memory, learning, behavior Oxidative damage /ROS /DNA damage /DNA repair failure Cancer (other than brain), cell proliferation Disrupted calcium metabolism Cardiac heart muscle, blood- pressure, vascular effects Reported Biological Effects from Radiofrequency Radiation at Low - Intensity Exposure (Cell Tower, Wi -Fi, Wireless Laptop and 'Smart' Meter RF Intensities) SAR (Watts /Kilogram) Brain tumors and blood -brain barrier Reference Sleep, neuron firing rate, EEG, memory, learning, behavior (0 05'N/ /Kg , ... v, - 1 •wgnlCW) in, v ens in fi ingsrate of, neurons (350 %) with pulsed' 900,MHZ cell phone radiation exposure (but not , ea Beason 20021. 0.09 W /Kg 900 MHz study of mice for 7 days, 12 -hr per day (whole-body) resulted in significant effect on mitochondria and genome stability Aitken, 2005 0.091 W /Kg Wireless internet 2400 MHz, 24 -hrs per day /20 weeks increased DNA damage and reduced DNA repair; levels below 802.11 g Authors say "findings raise questions about safety of radiofrequency exposure from Wi -Fi Internet access devices for growing organisms of reproductive age, with a potential effect on fertility and integrity of germ cells" (male germ cells are the reproductive cells= sperm) Atasoy, 2012 0.11 W /Kg Increased cell death (apoptosis) and DNA fragmentation at 2.45 GHz for 35 days exposure (chronic exposure study) Kesari, 2010 0.121 W/K g I, - ',Cardiovascular system; shows signifcant decrease In arterial blood pressure (hypotension) after exposure to . ultra -wide band,pulses`. , .: -,• _. , .. I ;.. ,, ,, -t• , ,�., ,tC .r ;i,., .3 ,Lu, 1999 , 4 `I. 0.13 = '1.4 W /Kg Lymphoma cancer rate doubled with two 1 /2 -hr exposures per day of cell phone radiation for 18 months (pulsed 900 MHz cell signal) • �. Repacholi, 1997; 0.14 W /Kg Elevation of immune response to RFR exposure Elekes, 1996 0.141 W /Kg Structural changes in testes - smaller diameter of seminiferous Dasdag, 1999 .0.15 - 0.4 W /Kg • Statistically significant increase in malignant tumors in rats chronically exposed to RFR Chou, 1992 0.26 W /Kg Harmful effects to the eye /certain drugs sensitize the eye to RFR Kues, 1992 0.28 - 1.33 W /Kg Significant increase in reported headaches with increasing use of hand -held cell phone use (maximum tested was 60 min per day) Chia, 2000 0.3 - 0.44 W /Kg Cell phone use results in changes in cognitive thinking /mental tasks related to memory retrieval Krause, 2000 0.3 - 0.44 W /Kg Attention function of brain and brain responses are speeded up Preece, 1999 0.3 - 0.46 W /Kg Cell phone RFR doubles pathological leakage of blood -brain barrier permeability at two days (P =.002) and triples permeability at four days (P =.001) at 1800 MHz GSM cell phone radiation Schirmacher, 2000 Stress proteins, HSP, disrupted immune function Brain tumors and blood -brain barrier Reproduction /fertility effeccts Sleep, neuron firing rate, EEG, memory, learning, behavior Oxidative damage /ROS /DNA damage /DNA repair failure Cancer (other than brain), cell proliferation Disrupted calcium metabolism , Cardiac, hea muscle, blood - pressure, vascular ular effects Reported Biological Effects from Radiofrequency Radiation at Low - Intensity Exposure (Cell Tower, Wi -Fi, Wireless Laptop and 'Smart' Meter RF Intensities) SAR (W atts /Kilogram) Brain tumors and blood -braln barrier Reference 0.43 W /Kg Significant decrease in sperm mobility; drop in sperm concentration; and decrease in seminiferous tubules at 800 MHz, 8 -hr /day, 12 weeks, with mobile phone radiation level on STANDBY ONLY (in rabbits) Salama, 2008 0.5 W /Kg 900 MHz pulsed RF affects firing rate of neurons (Lymnea stagnalis) but continuous wave had no effect Bolshakov, 1992 0.58 - 0.75 W /Kg Decrease in brain tumors after chronic exposure to RFR at 836 MHz Adey, 1999 0.6 - 0.9 W /Kg Mouse embryos develop fragile cranial bones from in utero 900 MHz The authors say "(0)ur results clearly show that even modest exposure (e.g., 6 min daily for 21 days" is sufficient to interfere with the normal mouse developmental process" Fragopoulou, 2009 0.6 and 1.2 W /Kg Increase in DNA single and double- strand DNA breaks in rat brain cells with exposure to 2450 MHz RFR Lai & Singh, 1996 0.795 W /Kg GSM 900 MHz, 217 Hz significantly decreases ovarian development and size of ovaries, due to DNA damage and premature cell death of nurse cells and follicles in ovaries (that nourish egg cells) panagopoulous, 2012 0.87 W K / g Altered human mental performance after exposure to GSM cell phone radiation (900 MHz TDMA digital cell phone signal) Hamblin, 2004 0.87 W /Kg Change in human bralnwaves; decrease in EEG potential and statistically significant change in alpha (8-13 Hz) and beta (13 -22 Hz) brainwave activity in humans at 900 MHz; exposures 6 /min per day for 21 days (chronic exposure) D'Costa, 2003 0.9 W /Kg Decreased sperm count and more sperm cell death (apoptosis) after 35 days exposure, 2 -hr per day Kesari, 2012 < 1.0 W K / g Rats exposed to mobile phone radiation on STANDBY ONLY for 11 -hr 45 -min plus 15 -min TRANSMIT mode; 2 times per day for 21 days showed decreased number of ovarian follicles in pups born to these pregnant rats. The authors conclude "the decreased number of follicles in pups exposed to mobile phone microwaves suggest that intrauterine exposure has toxic effects on ovaries." Gul, 2009 0.4 - 1.0 W /Kg One 6 -hr exposure to 1800 MHz cell phone radiation in human sperm cells caused a significant dose response and reduced sperm motility and viability; reactive oxygen species levels were significantly increased after exposure to 1.0 W /Kg; study confirms detrimental effects of RF /MW to human sperm. The authors conclude "(T)hese findings have clear implicatiions for the safety of extensive mobile phone use by males of reproductive age, potentially affecting both their fertility and the health and wellbeing of their offspring." De Iuliis, 2009 Stress proteins, HSP, disrupted Immune function Brain tumors and blood -braln barrier Reproduction /fertlllty effeccts Sleep, neuron firing rate, EEG, memory, learning, behavior Oxidative damage /ROS /DNA damage /DNA repair failure Cancer (other than brain), cell proliferation Disrupted calcium. metabolism ,.,Cardiac, heart muscle, blood - pressure, vasculareffects Reported Biological Effects from Radiofrequency Radiation at Low - Intensity Exposure (Cell Tower, Wi -Fi, Wireless Laptop and 'Smart' Meter RF Intensities) SAR (Watts/ Kilogram) Brain tumors and blood -brain barrier Reference 1.0 W /Kg Human semen degraded by exposure to cell phone frequency RF increased free - radical damage. De Iullis, 2009 1.0 W/K g Motility, sperm count, sperm morphology, and viability reduced in active cell phone users (human males) in dose-dependent manner. Agarwa1, 2008 1.0 W /Kg GSM cell phone use modulates brain wave oscillations and sleep EEG Huber, 2002 1.0 W /Kg Cell phone RFR during waking hours affects brain wave activity. (EEG patterns) during subsequent sleep Achermann, 2000 1.0 W /Kg Cell ll phone use causes nitric oxide (NO) nasal vasodilation (swelling inside nasal passage) on side of head phone Paredi, 2001 1.0 W /Kg Four -fold increase in eye cancer (uveal melanoma) in cell phone users . Stang,2001 1.0 W /Kg Increase in headache, fatigue and heating behind ear in cell phone users Sandstrom, 2001 1.0 W /Kg Significant increase in concentration difficulties using 1800 MHz cell phone compared to 900 MHz cell phone Santini, 2001 1.0 W /Kg Sleep patterns and brain wave activity are changed with 900 MHz cell phone radiation exposure during sleep Borbely, 1999 1.4 W /Kg GSM cell phone exposure induced heat shock protein HSP 70 by 360% (stress response) and phosphorylation of ELK -1 by 390% Weisbrot, 2003 1.46 W /Kg 850 MHz cell phone radiation decreases sperm motility, viability Is significantly decreased; increased oxidative (free - radicals) significantly decreased; Increased oxidative damage (free - radicals) Agarwal, 2009 jdamage 1.48 W/K 9 A significant decrease in protein kinase C activity at 112 MHz with 2 -hr per day for 35 days; hippocampus is site, consistent with reports that RFR negatively affects learning and memory functions Paulraj, 2004 1.0 - 2.0 W /Kg Significant elevation in micronuclei in peripheral blood cells at 2450 MHz (8 treatments of 2 -hr each) Trosic, 2002 1.5 W/Kg g GSM cell phone exposure affected gene expression levels in tumor suppressor p53- deficient embryonic stem cells; and significantly increased HSP 70 heat shock protein production Czyz, 2004 Stress proteins, HSP, disrupted Immune function Brain tumors and blood -brain barrier Reproduction /fertillty effeccts Sleep, neuron firing rate, EEG, memory, learning, behavior Oxidative damage /ROS /DNA damage /DNA repair failure Cancer (other than brain), cell proliferation Disrupted calcium metabolism- Cardlac heart muscle blood - pressure, vascular effects Reported Biological Effects from Radiofrequency Radiation at Low - Intensity Exposure (Cell Tower, Wi -Fi, Wireless Laptop and 'Smart' Meter RF Intensities) SAR (Watts /Kilogram) Brain tumors and blood -braln barrier Reference 1.8 W /Kg Whole -body exposure to RF cell phone radiation of 900 -1800 MHz 1 cm from head of rats caused high incidence of sperm cell death; deformation of sperm cells; prominent clumping together of sperm cells into "grass bundle shapes" that are unable to separate /swim. Sperm cells unable to swim and fertilize in normal manner. Yan, 2007 2.0 W /Kg GSM cell phone exposure of 1 -hr activated heat shock protein HSP 27 (stress response) and P38 MAPK (mutagen - activated protein kinase) that authors say facilitates brain cancer and increased blood -brain barrier permeability, allowing toxins to cross BBB into brain Leszczynski, 2002 2 W /Kg 900 MHz cell phone exposure caused brain cell oxidative damage by increasing levels of NO, MDA, XO and ADA in brain cells; caused statistically significant increase in 'dark neurons' or damaged brain cells in cortex, hippocampus and basal ganglia with a 1 -hr exposure for 7 consecutive days Ilhan, 2004 2.6 W /Kg 900 MHz cell phone exposure for 1 -hr significantly altered protein expression levels in 38 proteins following irradiation; activates P38 MAP kinase stress signalling pathway and leads to changes in cell sie and shape (shrinking and rounding up) and to activation of HSP 27, a stress protein (heat shock protein) Leszczynski, 2004 2.0 - 3.0 W /Kg RFR accelerated development of both skin and breast tumors Szmigielski, 1982 2 W /Kg Puke-modulated RFR and MF affect brain physiology (sleep study) Schmidt, 2012 STANDARDS 0.08 W /Kg 0.4 W /Kg 1.6 W /Kg 2 W /Kg IEEE Standard uncontrolled public environment (whole body) IEEE Standard controlled occupational environment (whole body) FCC (IEEE) SAR limit for 1 gram of tissue in a partial body exposure ICNIRP SAR limit for 10 grams of tissue IEEE IEEE FCC, 1996 ICNIRP, 1996 Stress proteins, HSP, disrupted Immune function Brain tumors and blood -braln barrier Reproduction /fertility effeccts Sleep, neuron firing rate, EEG, memory, learning, behavior Oxidative damage /ROS /DNA damage /DNA repair failure Cancer (other than brain), cell proliferation Disrupted calcium metabolism Cardiac, heart muscle, blood - pressure, vascular effects DARKFIELD MICROSCOPY. After Exposure to Analog Meter .• A DARKFIELD MICROSCOPY (I 4 Before Exposure totAShiaa' Meter 4r 41 "to • • cr. tr**Th (4) 1 A*0.4c, r "'nom jECT 1 S U BJ E CT 2 rt. ‘c...t" „Sli.B11 DARKFIELD MICROSCOPY After Exposure to 'Smarr Pt ECT 1 SUBJECT 2 SUBJ MINUTES •IIME: 2 MINUTES • TIME:„45 E: 1 FOOT • DISTANCE: 1 FOOT •DISTANC TEDDY ROOSEVELT... Signed a deed to protect the trees in Lincoln Park in 1905. An airport was Placed in Lincoln Park against the Deed to protect the forest which enforced no building on that land. We oppose the clean cut master Plan of the Port of Port Angeles to destroy all trees. Like us on Facebook if you please to: Save the Lincoln Park Trees (360J 775 -1040 for questions or comments SIGNATURE �� PRINTED NAME yy�� Rnni Lc0- /4- CITY r 4- . STATE/ PROVINCE WM COUNTY //� �� /1 �l�l.�,E(dy. COUNTRY ff I LLS L 114 So' ! Lc1heWcS -- ?A WA C( I�',y, 11.5 /il /ck Ire"? L. SJ I a -e e PA ' tA/A c_i4I /4 cis cu,b- 761te5 PA W A- (I - LA-49.4u) \kat-cPr‘/er P-A tAJA aan. k ,f ,4SS k `I rgle-ESa AR CAerk L_F"f uu,VV&avWC AA. Civ ,e - bsy5k1 6-0\n LP(_ i 414, u S I� ax 3€ + P.A. 49 ck /hrn us iq. Qty/ %.4 rJ PEA QC(-ic(,UeT(" #4 0A day" aN, L / :, &ita /01 2601 V4- i TEDDY ROOSEVELT... Signed a deed to Protect the trees in Lincoln Park in 1905. An airport was Placed in Lincoln Park against the Deed to protect the forest which enforced no building on that land. We oppose the clean cut master plan of the Port of Port Angeles to destroy all trees. Like as on Facebook if you Please to: Save the Lincoln Park Trees f 3601 U5 -1040 for questions or comments ARiMer l ia, cior► s scA S2,( vicrP A n M- /16 /VOr) \ AYl veG� 5 P A (0a Cii4VOLIuA u5f� ksii re };l . " ` �^j+T ' v'} 4} : ';�„>= I. :7 - r `. .4:+ ;' y ' .`t � ,� r• ae! i �-1 ' , sY •+' . - `.,. . TEDDY ROOSEVELT... Signed a deed to protect the trees in Lincoln Park in 1905. An airport was placed in Lincoln Park against the _ Deed to Protect the forest which enforced no building , on that land. We oppose the clean cut master plan of 4 the Port of:;Port Angeles to destroy all trees. ,r Like us on Facebook if you please to: ' Save the Lincoln Park Trees (3601 775 -1040 for questions or comments SIGNATURE PRINTED NAME CITY ,rM. STATE/ PROVINCE COUNTY COUNTRY °� % i /fi71�y�� �� to �.t 6th = iv G�✓ 1 l _ , _ v , • (KS ee- ,IIto / / iThadi ) &ti 17P \N\h liolUnd Us/- 1 L i . :SS, Wcifer Devfinry W4* e! PA M 4 (fallow Oct (�4M 0511 ik_� 1/- :, / tie rit, /tyi -ef Z p� /V v A' C /a / /a..in (1 9,- ��/� C//, V, / ' V 4/ f TEDDY ROOSEVELT... Signed a deed to Protect the trees in Lincoln Park in 1905. An airport was placed in Lincoln Park against the Deed to protect the forest which enforced no building on that land. We oppose the clean cut master plan of the Port of Port Angeles to destroy all trees. Like as on Facebook if you please to: Save the Lincoln Park Trees (360) 775 -1040 for questions or comments telly /hicy � y >cez i3e4c), r/S 1 2,re4. (AJ hfnv;a 0v9 cc, j auS�h� filafeK (sPA PF ova [g14) Vt t rL e✓9if9u . r-r Vft 20- \ 45 V TEDDY ROOSEVELT... Signed a deed to protect the trees in Lincoln Park in 1905. An airport was placed in Lincoln Park against the Deed to protect the forest which enforced no building • on that land. We oppose the clean cut master plan of the Port of Port Angeles to destroy all trees. Like us on Facebook if you please to: Save the Lincoln Park Trees (3601 775 -1040 for questions or comments W41 ESNLO 1 l24 /NJAAN" OA- 4, Pc( do)/ • 0 t' J -5Qr \ c` 3 "fog\ ,iy %11741 -d c G lv1 eJ /2 cur a " U)C Octbk G( (k tC- (A It v otk_ 110 "ark( Liz AIic ■“Sis nelo? Chuc , 00) A. war cL9rt ill 0411 t CITY COUNCIL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington June 4, 2013 CALL TO ORDER - REGULAR MEETING Mayor Kidd called the regular meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at 6:00 p.m. ROLL CALL Members Present: Mayor Kidd, Deputy Mayor Collins, Councilmembers Bruch, Di Guilio, Downie, and Mania. Members Absent: Councilmember Nelson. It was moved by Di Guilio and seconded by Downie to: Excuse Councilmember Nelson from the June 4, 2013 Regular Council Meeting. Motion carried 6 -0. Staff Present: City Manager McKeen, Attorney Bloor, Clerk Hurd, G. Cutler, N. West, T. Gallagher, K. Dubuc, C. Delikat, T. Agesson, M. Abed, J. Harper and D Bellamente. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mayor Kidd led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag PUBLIC COMMENT Peter Ripley, 114 E. 6th St., spoke regarding his idea for the City to run an annual carnival to raise money for social programs. Ron Erickson, 934 W. Lauridsen Blvd., spoke in opposition to removing trees at Lincoln Park and encouraged Council to read documents specifically related to the history of the park. William Hunt, 438 Lopez; Joshua Bieber, 113 W. 9th St.; and Devon Graywolf, 438 Lopez, spoke in opposition to removing trees at Lincoln Park and turned in new petition signatures in opposition to the removal of trees. Janet Marx, 112 Lockerby Place, requested staff provide more information regarding Consent Agenda Item #7, amendment to the agreement with Integral Consulting, Inc. Steve Burke, Executive Director of the William Shore Memorial Pool District, provided a brief update on the Pool's maintenance and upgrade projects. CEREMONIAL MATTERS, PROCLAMATIONS & EMPLOYEE RECOGNITIONS 1. Proclamation — "Pink Up Port Angeles" Mayor Kidd presented a proclamation in recognition of "Pink Up Port Angeles Week" to Linda deBord of the Port Angeles Soroptimist Club. LATE ITEMS TO BE PLACED ON THIS OR FUTURE AGENDAS as determined by City Manager or Councilmember - None. PUBLIC HEARINGS — OTHER 1. 2013 -2019 Capital Facilities Plan (CFP) & Transportation improvement Program (TIP) Manager McKeen opened the presentation with a brief introduction, describing the purpose and rules of the CFP /TIP, and discussed changes in the presentation from prior years. E -1 PORT ANGELES CITY COUNCIL MEETING — JUNE 4, 2013 Public Works & Utilities Director Cutler led a presentation using PowerPoint slides and discussed the project selection criteria and the projects listed for 2013 and 2014. Mayor Kidd conducted a first reading of the Resolution by title, entitled, A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, adopting the Capital Facilities Plan and Transportation Improvement Program for 20/3 — 20/9. Mayor Kidd opened the public hearing at 7:05 p.m. Randall McCoy, 112 E. 11" St., spoke regarding numerous areas within the City needing reconstruction to improve roads, traffic, and make to those routes more bicycle - friendly, including 18ih Street, N Street, Hill Street, IO'h Street, and Lauridsen Boulevard by E Street. He commended staff for work on the Oak Street ramp and wanted to make sure it remained a ramp for accessibly reasons. He asked questions regarding street overlays and discussed ways to improve the Olympic Discovery Trail, including connections between the west side and downtown. He encouraged Council and staff to join the local participation of the National Bike Challenge. Peter Ripley, 114 E. 6`h St., stated his priorities include streets and ADA curb cuts. Mayor Kidd continued the public hearing at 7:16 p.m. to June 18, 2013. CONSENT AGENDA Manager McKeen provided a correction to the table in Item #4 for the Cable Restoration Phase V project. Councilmember Mania requested Item #7 be pulled for discussion. Clerk Hurd read aloud an amendment to the City Council Minutes for May 21, 2013. It was moved by Collins and seconded by Bruch to approve the Consent Agenda to include: 1. City Council Minutes for: May 21, as amended, and May 28, 2013 2. Expenditure Approval List: 5/11/13 to 5/24/13 for $4,193,559.54 3. Lincoln Park Longhouse — Agreement for Transfer, Removal & Disposal with Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe 4. Cable Restoration Phase V (Project CL05 -20/2) Award and authorize construction contract with Novinium, Inc. for $56,498.5/ 5. US Forest Service — Pacific Northwest Research Station / Right of Entry Agreement for Site Investigation in Morse Creek Watershed 6. Forest Land Response Agreement & Federal Grant Agreement Renewal for Wildland Fire Services with Department of Natural Resources 8. Electronic Records Management Operating System Virtualization (Project IT01 -11) Agreement to Purchase with CDW -G for upgrades in the amount of $65,100.00 Motion carried 6 -0. 7. PA Harbor Cleanup (Project No. HCU 001) Professional Services Agreement with Integral Consulting — Amendment No. 3 for technical expertise in the amount of $89,000 for an amended agreement total amount of $289,000. Councilmember Mania expressed concern for the large project and his intention to vote against the amendment. Attorney Bloor provided a history of the agreement between the City and Integral Consulting and described the nature of the amendments including how each came before Council. He informed Council the City was billed the same hourly rate as provided in the original agreement and stated the City receives a monthly billing with a full description of work conducted. He emphasized the need for the City to have an expert consultant on the side of the City as the issue of Port Angeles Harbor moves forward. Manager McKeen seconded Attorney Bloor's comments regarding the need to protect the City's interests and added his hope for discontinuing the surcharge sooner than originally planned. Page 2 of 3 E -2 PORT ANGELES CITY COUNCIL MEETING — JUNE 4, 2013 Council discussion followed. Mayor Kidd abstained from the vote due to her objections regarding the Department of Ecology's unfunded mandates. Council discussion followed. It was moved by Di Guilio and seconded by Deputy Mayor Collins to: Approve and authorize the City Manager to sign Amendment No. 3 to the Professional Services Agreement with Integral Consulting, Inc., for technical expertise with PA Harbor Cleanup (Project No. HCU 001) in the atnount of $89,000 for an amended agreement total amount of 5289,000, and to make minor modifications to the agreement, if necessary. Motion carried 5 -1, with Mania voting in opposition. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS Deputy Mayor Collins spoke regarding Habitat for Humanity and the upcoming Association of Washington Cities (AWC) Annual Conference. Mayor Kidd discussed a proposed meeting with the Victoria City Council in August and attendance with Deputy Mayor Collins at the North Olympic Discovery Marathon. Councilmember Downie discussed attending the Peninsula Regional Transportation District meeting with Director West, where the City was awarded of a $167,000 grant for the WTIP project. He also attended the Washington State Transportation Commission meeting with Director West, and presented the City's concerns regarding State Budget funding. In addition, he provided a brief update on the first five cruise ship stops in Port Angeles. Councilmember Mania described a recent interaction with a citizen and their complaint how their City utility bill was, "eating her family alive ", and urged Council to keep this in mind when discussing utility rate increases. No other reports given. INFORMATION Manager McKeen spoke regarding reports in the packet and open house on June 5, at 5:00 p.m., for the Public Works & Utilities Director candidates. Parks & Recreation Director Delikat gave a brief report on the tent caterpillar infestation. EXECUTIVE SESSION Based upon input from Attorney Bloor, Mayor Kidd announced the need for a closed session under authority RCW, 42.30.140(4)(b), for the purpose of planning, or adopting the strategy or position to be taken by the City during the course of collective bargaining for 15 minutes. The closed session convened at 8:01 p.m. In attendance: Mayor Kidd, Deputy Mayor Collins, Councilmembers Bruch, Di Guilio, Downie and Mania, Manager McKeen, Attorney Bloor and K. Dubuc. Session extended by announcement at 8:15 p.m., for an additional 15 minutes. Session ended at 8:31 p.m. No action taken. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Kidd adjourned the meeting at 8:31 p.m. Cherie Kidd, Mayor Janessa Hurd, City Clerk Page 3 of 3 E -3 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 5/25/2013 To: 6/7/2013 Date: 6/12/2013 Vendor CLALLAM CNTY TREASURER DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE -WIRES ELECSYS INT'L CORP Angela Robertson WASHINGTON STATE TREASURER ADVANCED TRAVEL Legislative ADVANCED TRAVEL CENTURYLINK -QWEST City Manager Department CENTURYLINK -QWEST OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC SUMMIT LAW GROUP PLLC City Manager Department CENTURYLINK -QWEST OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC City Manager Department CENTURYLINK -QWEST DELL MARKETING LP PACIFIC OFFICE EQUIPMENT INC Finance Department ADVANCED TRAVEL CENTURYLINK - QWEST Description CVCA TO CLALLAM CO TREA 4 Excise Tax Return -April Excise Tax Return -April Excise Tax Return -April RADIX MAINTENANCE RFD LOOMIS DEPOSIT APRIL BUILDING SURCHARGE DIST CT REV TO ST TREASUR AWC Conf -Kidd DOE -Kidd Mayor & Council Legislative DOE Mtg- McKeen AWC Wkshop - McKeen 05 -23 A/C 206T310164584B 05 -23 A/C 206T302306084B City Manager Office 05 -23 A/C 206T310164584B 05 -23 A/C 206T302306084B HR SUPPLIES PROF SERVICES Human Resources 05 -23 A/C 206T310164584B 05 -23 A/C 206T302306084B FILE FOLDERS City Clerk City Manager Department 05 -23 A/C 206T310164584B 05 -23 A/C 206T302306084B Account Number 001 - 0000 - 229.40 -00 001 - 0000 - 237.00 -00 001 - 0000 - 237.10 -00 001 - 0000 - 237.30 -00 001 - 0000 - 237.00 -00 001 - 0000 - 239.10 -00 001 - 0000 - 229.10 -00 001 - 0000 - 229.30 -00 Division Total: Department Total: 001- 1160 - 511.43 -10 001 - 1160 - 511.43 -10 Division Total: Department Total: 001- 1210 - 513.43 -10 001 - 1210 - 513.43 -10 001 - 1210 - 513.42 -10 001 - 1210- 513.42 -10 Division Total: 001 -1220- 516.42 -10 001 - 1220 - 516.42 -10 001 - 1220 - 516.31 -01 001 - 1220 - 516.41 -50 Division Total: 001 - 1230- 514.42 -10 001 - 1230 - 514.42 -10 001 - 1230- 514.31 -60 Division Total: Department Total: 001 -2010- 514.42 -10 001 - 2010 - 514.42 -10 COMPUTER HARDWARE &PERIPHI001 -2010- 514.31 -60 COMPUTER HARDWARE &PERIPHI001 - 2010- 514.31 -60 COMPUTER HARDWARE &PERIPHI001 - 2010 - 514.31 -60 COMPUTER HARDWARE &PERIPH1001 - 2010 - 514.31 -60 COMPUTER HARDWARE &PERIPHI001 - 2010 - 514.31 -60 COMPUTER HARDWARE &PERIPHI001 - 2010 - 514.31 -60 COMPUTER ACCESSORIES &SUPF 001- 2010- 514.31 -01 Finance Administration FMW Trng- Agesson 05 -23 NC 206T310164584B 05 -23 NC 206T302306084B Division Total: 001 - 2023 - 514.43 -10 001 - 2023- 514.42 -10 001 - 2023 - 514.42 -10 Invoice Amount 220.96 231.67 136.72 573.56 -21.34 50.00 144.00 9,323.71 $10,659.28 $10,659.28 288.05 30.50 $318.55 $318.55 36.00 66.60 27.74 20.33 $150.67 5.55 4.07 116.69 236.00 $362.31 2.77 2.03 37.61 $42.41 $555.39 19.42 14.23 183.62 183.62 37.06 37.06 1,067.67 1,067.67 93.74 $2,704.09 298.72 24.97 18.30 E -4 Page 1 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 5/25/2013 To: 6/7/2013 Date: 6/12/2013 Vendor DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE -WIRES OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC WASHINGTON (AUDITOR), STATE OF Finance Department CENTURYLINK -QWEST DATABAR INCORPORATED ELECSYS INT'L CORP EQUIFAX PACIFIC OFFICE EQUIPMENT INC VERIZON WIRELESS Finance Department MORNINGSIDE PACIFIC OFFICE EQUIPMENT INC UNITED PARCEL SERVICE Finance Department PORT ANGELES REALTY Finance Department CENTURYLINK -QWEST GREAT AMERICA LEASING CORP Attorney FRIENDSHIP DIVERSION SERVICES Attorney CENTURYLINK -QWEST CLALLAM PUBLIC DEFENDER GREAT AMERICA LEASING CORP MYERS, STAN Attorney CENTURYLINK -QWEST Community Development CENTURYLINK -QWEST VERIZON WIRELESS Community Development Description Excise Tax Return -April OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL FINANCIAL SERVICES Accounting 05 -23 A/C 206T310164584B 05 -23 NC 206T302306084B CYCLES 11 -15 5/17/13 CYCLES 16 -20 5/24/13 NEW BILL FORMAT INSERT RADIX MAINTENANCE CREDIT REPORTS Account Number 001 - 2023 - 514.49 -50 001 - 2023 - 514.31 -01 001 - 2023 - 514.41 -50 Division Total: 001 - 2025 - 514.42 -10 001 - 2025 - 514.42 -10 001 - 2025 - 514.41 -50 001 - 2025- 514.41 -50 001 - 2025 - 514.41 -50 001 - 2025- 514.41 -50 001 - 2025 - 514.41 -50 COMPUTER ACCESSORIES&SUPF 001-2025-514.31-01 05 -13 a/c 271272753 -00001 001 - 2025 - 514.42 -10 Customer Service Division Total: COMMUNICATIONS /MEDIA SERV OFFICE MACHINES & ACCESS OFFICE MACHINES & ACCESS Shipping Chgs Shipping Chgs Reprographics MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVICE General Unspecified Finance Department 05 -23 A/C 206T310164584B 05 -23 A/C 206T302306084B COPIER LEASE Attorney Office FRIENDSHIP DIVERSION EHM Jail Contributions 05 -23 A/C 20673101645846 05 -23 NC 206T3023060846 Public Defender fees COPIER LEASE Indigent Legal Fees Prosecution Attorney 05 -23 A/C 206T310164584B 05 -23 NC 206T302306084B Planning 05 -23 A/C 206T3101645846 05 -23 A/C 206T302306084B 05 -15 a/c 264230412 -00003 Building 001 - 2080 - 514.41 -50 001 - 2080 - 514.45 -31 001 - 2080 - 514.45 -31 001 - 2080 - 514.42 -10 001 - 2080 - 514.42 -10 Division Total: 001 - 2099 - 519.41 -50 Division Total: Department Total: 001 - 3010 - 515.42 -10 001 - 3010 - 515.42 -10 001 - 3010 - 515.31 -01 Division Total: 001 - 3012- 598.51 -23 Division Total: 001 - 3021 - 515.42 -10 001 - 3021 - 515.42 -10 001- 3021 - 515.41 -50 001 - 3021 - 515.31 -01 001 - 3021 - 515.41 -50 Division Total: Department Total: 001 -4010- 558.42 -10 001 - 4010 - 558.42 -10 Division Total: 001 - 4020 - 524.42 -10 001 - 4020 - 524.42 -10 001 -4020- 524.42 -10 Division Total: Invoice Amount 74.29 14.31 41.80 $472.39 36.07 26.44 2,015.86 1,636.79 1,144.61 275.34 90.14 181.94 67.99 $5,475.18 855.00 93.28 53.30 22.00 44.00 $1,067.58 500.00 $500.00 $10,219.24 16.65 12.20 179.82 $208.67 304.50 $304.50 11.10 8.13 3,612.50 179.81 3,612.50 $7,424.04 $7,937.21 20.81 15.25 $36.06 7.21 5.29 57.19 $69.69 E -5 Page 2 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 5/25/2013 To: 6/7/2013 Date: 6/12/2013 Vendor CENTURYLINK -QWEST VERIZON WIRELESS Community Development ADVANCED TRAVEL BLUMENTHAL UNIFORMS & EQUIP CENTURYLINK -QWEST CLINICARE OF PORT ANGELES INC DELL MARKETING LP INSIGHT PUBLIC SECTOR PORT ANGELES POLICE DEPARTMENT WA ASSN OF SHERIFFS & POLICE Police Department ADVANCED TRAVEL CENTURYLINK-OWEST LINCOLN STREET STATION PORT ANGELES POLICE DEPARTMENT THOMSON REUTERS -WEST Police Department ADVANCED TRAVEL BLUMENTHAL UNIFORMS & EQUIP BOSTEC INC BRATWEAR CENTURYLINK -QWEST Description 05 -23 A/C 206T3101645848 05 -23 A/C 206T302306084B 05 -15 a/c 264230412 -00003 Code Compliance Community Development NAS -TG /GC /MP/TP CLOTHING & APPAREL 05 -23 A/C 206T031979835B 05 -23 A/C 206T3101645848 05 -23 A/C 206T3023060848 05 -23 A/C 206T411918873B 05 -20 A/C 206Z200017790B HUMAN SERVICES Account Number 001 - 4030 - 559.42 -10 001 - 4030 - 559.42 -10 001 - 4030 - 559.42 -10 Division Total: Department Total: 001 - 5010 - 521.43 -10 001 -5010- 521.20 -80 001 - 5010 - 521.42 -10 001- 5010- 521.42 -10 001 -5010- 521.42 -10 001 - 5010- 521.42 -10 001 - 5010 - 521.42 -10 001 - 5010 - 521.41 -50 COMPUTER HARDWARE &PERIPHI001 COMPUTER HARDWARE &PERIPH1001 COMPUTER HARDWARE &PERIPHI001 Pub Sfty Adv Brd Food 001 Postage -Smith 001 FULL CONFERENCE REGISTRAT 001 Police Administration WHI Conf -Ensor CAFV Summit -Ensor WHI Conf - Malone WHI Conf - Peninger WHI Conf- Powless Handgun Inst-Rife WHI Conf- Spencer 05 -23 A/C 206T310164584B 05 -23 A/C 206T302306084B EXTERNAL LABOR iPhone S Card Desk Lamp Ferry/Pkg POLICE EQUIPMENT & SUPPLY Investigation Hostage Neg Smnr -GR Handgun Inst- Stamon CLOTHING & APPAREL HUMAN SERVICES JUMPSUIT FOR SHANE MARTIN 05 -23 A/C 206T310164584B 05 -23 A/C 206T3023060848 - 5010 - 521.31 -60 - 5010 - 521.31 -60 - 5010 - 521.31 -60 - 5010 - 521.31 -01 - 5010- 521.42 -10 - 5010- 521.43 -10 Division Total: 001 - 5021 - 521.43 -10 001 - 5021- 521.43 -10 001 - 5021 - 521.43 -10 001 - 5021 - 521.43 -10 001 - 5021- 521.43 -10 001 - 5021- 521.43 -10 001- 5021- 521.43 -10 001 - 5021- 521.42 -10 001 - 5021- 521.42 -10 001 - 5021 - 521.42 -10 001 -5021- 521.31 -01 001 -5021- 521.31 -01 001 -5021- 521.43 -10 001- 5021- 521.49 -01 Division Total: 001 - 5022- 521.43 -10 001 - 5022- 521.43 -10 001 - 5022- 521.20 -80 001 - 5022- 521.31 -01 001 - 5022- 521.20 -80 001 - 5022 - 521.42 -10 001 -5022- 521.42 -10 Invoice Amount 1.11 0.81 14.30 $16.22 $121.97 83.05 428.40 64.74 44.39 32.54 57.46 199.03 155.00 36.00 956.17 339.73 44.92 12.35 300.00 $2,753.78 34.50 -9.00 46.00 34.50 34.50 1,803.61 57.50 27.74 20.33 38.37 27.05 3.99 40.80 202.71 $2,362.60 516.69 1,803.61 31.38 305.00 429.81 77.69 56.94 E -6 Page 3 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 5 /25/2013 To: 6,7/2013 Date: 6/12/2013 Vendor LYNN PEAVEY COMPANY PORT ANGELES POLICE DEPARTMENT SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC Police Department ADVANCED TRAVEL Police Department ADVANCED TRAVEL CENTURYLINK -QWEST INSIGHT PUBLIC SECTOR LEI RA OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC PACIFIC OFFICE EQUIPMENT INC QUILL CORPORATION Police Department CANON USA, INC CENTURYLINK -QWEST DELL MARKETING LP OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC Fire Department CENTURYLINK -QWEST DELL MARKETING LP PCS Mobile PORT ANGELES POWER EQUIPMENT Description POLICE EQUIPMENT & SUPPLY Evidence Bags /Blinds Bridge Toll Bridge Toll Toll /Fuel Bridge Toll POLICE EQUIPMENT & SUPPLY Patrol Handgun Inst -Ryan Reserves & Volunteers WCIA Trng- Schilke 05 -23 A/C 206T310164584B 05 -23 A/C 206T302306084B Account Number 001 - 5022 - 521.31 -01 001 - 5022 - 521.31 -01 001- 5022- 521.43 -10 001 - 5022- 521.43 -10 001 - 5022 - 521.43 -10 001 - 5022 - 521.43 -10 001 - 5022- 521.31 -01 Division Total: 001 - 5026- 521.43 -10 Division Total: 001 - 5029 - 521.43 -10 001 - 5029 - 521.42 -10 001 -5029- 521.42 -10 COMPUTER HARDWARE &PERIPHI001 - 5029 - 521.31 -60 EDUCATIONAL SERVICES 001 - 5029- 521.43 -10 OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL 001 - 5029 - 521.31 -01 OFFICE MACHINES & ACCESS 001 -5029- 521.45 -31 OFFICE MACHINES & ACCESS 001 - 5029 - 521.45 -31 OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL 001 - 5029- 521.31 -01 Records Division Total: Police Department Department Total: OFFICE MACHINES & ACCESS 001 - 6010 - 522.45 -31 05 -23 NC 206T310164584B 001 - 6010 - 522.42 -10 05 -23 NC 206T302306084B 001- 6010 - 522.42 -10 05 -23 A/C 206T3101645848 001 - 6010 - 522.42 -11 05 -23 NC 206T3023060846 001 - 6010 - 522.42 -11 COMPUTER HARDWARE &PERIPH1001 COMPUTER HARDWARE &PERIPHI001 COMPUTER HARDWARE &PERIPH1001 OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL 001 Fire Administration 05 -23 NC 206T310164584B 001 05 -23 A/C 206T302306084B 001 COMPUTER HARDWARE &PERIPHI001 COMPUTER HARDWARE &PERIPHI001 COMPUTER HARDWARE &PERIPHI001 COMPUTER HARDWARE &PERIPHI001 COMPUTER HARDWARE &PERIPH1001 COMPUTER HARDWARE &PERIPHI001 MDT MOUNTING EQUIP 001 MDT MOUNTING EQUIP 001 BOATS,MOTORS,& MARINE SUP 001 - 6010 - 522.31 -60 - 6010 - 522.31 -60 - 6010 - 522.31 -60 - 6010- 522.31 -01 Division Total: - 6020- 522.42 -10 - 6020- 522.42 -10 - 6020- 522.31 -60 - 6020 - 522.31 -60 - 6020 - 522.31 -60 - 6020- 522.31 -60 - 6020 - 522.31 -60 - 6020- 522.31 -60 - 6020- 594.64 -10 - 6020- 594.64 -10 - 6020- 522.31 -02 Invoice Amount 211.05 48.89 10.00 5.00 35.00 5.00 18.29 $3,554.35 1,803.61 $1,803.61 229.22 27.74 20.33 59.61 50.00 4.33 67.49 120.53 172.45 $751.70 $11,226.04 190.69 38.84 28.47 11.10 8.13 28.44 36.03 956.17 22.11 $1,319.98 36.07 26.44 28.44 36.03 956.17 28.44 36.03 956.17 2,173.13 6,626.43 99.67 E -7 Page 4 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 5 /25/2013 To: 6/7/2013 Date: 6/12/2013 Vendor VERIZON WIRELESS WASHINGTON AUDIOLOGY SVCS INC Fire Department CENTURYLINK -QWEST Paramount Catering Fire Department ADVANCED TRAVEL CENTURYLINK -QWEST KNOX COMPANY Fire Department CENTURYLINK -QWEST DELL MARKETING LP VERIZON WIRELESS Fire Department BACKFLOW APPARATUS & VALVE CO DEPT OF LABOR & INDUSTRIES MRS CLEAN SUNSET DO -IT BEST HARDWARE Fire Department CENTURYLINK -QWEST Fire Department ADVANCED TRAVEL CENTURYLINK -QWEST DELL MARKETING LP Maher Abed Sondya Wray VERIZON WIRELESS Public Works -Gen Fnd Description 05 -15 a/c 97049323290513 HEALTH RELATED SERVICES Fire Supression 05 -23 A/C 206T310164584B 05 -23 A/C 206T3023060848 MEALS WA ST FIRE TRAINING Fire Volunteers Fireworks Class- Chastain 05 -23 A/C 206T310164584B 05 -23 A/C 206T3023060848 LOCK BOX Fire Prevention 05 -23 A/C 206T3101645846 05 -23 A/C 206T3023060846 Account Number 001 - 6020 - 522.42 -10 001 - 6020 - 522.41 -50 Division Total: 001 - 6021 - 522.42 -10 001 - 6021 - 522.42 -10 001 - 6021 - 522.43 -10 Division Total: 001 - 6030 - 522.43 -10 001 - 6030 - 522.42 -10 001 - 6030 - 522.42 -10 001 - 6030 - 522.31 -01 Division Total: 001 - 6040 - 522.42 -10 001- 6040 - 522.42 -10 COMPUTER HARDWARE &PERIPHI001 - 6040 - 522.31 -60 COMPUTER HARDWARE &PERIPHI001 - 6040 - 522.31 -60 COMPUTER HARDWARE &PERIPHI001 - 6040 - 522.31 -60 05 -10 a/c 571099962 -00001 Fire Training VALVE FOR BACKFLOW ON FIR CERT FEE BUILDING MAINT &REPAIR SER HOSES, ALL KINDS Facilities Maintenance 05 -23 A/C 206T310164584B 05 -23 A/C 206T302306084B Emergency Management Fire Department NOAA/Fiero Proj - Cutler Contract Testing - Hanley 05 -23 A/C 206T310164584B 05 -23 NC 206T302306084B 001 - 6040 - 522.42 -10 Division Total: 001 - 6050 - 522.48 -10 001 - 6050 - 522.41 -50 001- 6050 - 522.41 -50 001 - 6050 - 522.31 -20 Division Total: 001 - 6060 - 525.42 -10 001 - 6060 - 525.42 -10 Division Total: Department Total: 001 - 7010 - 532.43 -10 001 -7010- 532.43 -10 001- 7010 - 532.42 -10 001 - 7010 - 532.42 -10 COMPUTER HARDWARE &PERIPHI001 - 7010 - 532.31 -60 COMPUTER HARDWARE &PERIPHI001 - 7010 - 532.31 -60 COMPUTER HARDWARE &PERIPHI001 - 7010- 532.31 -60 COMPUTER HARDWARE &PERIPHI001 - 7010 - 532.31 -60 COMPUTER HARDWARE &PERIPHI001 - 7010 - 532.31 -60 COMPUTER HARDWARE &PERIPH1001 - 7010 - 532.31 -60 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 05 -22 a/c 571136182 -00001 Pub Wks Administration 001 - 7010 - 532.31 -01 001- 7010- 532.31 -01 001 - 7010 - 532.42 -10 Division Total: Invoice Amount 59.76 107.00 $11,169.78 2.77 2.03 1,527.40 $1,532.20 22.29 5.55 4.07 42.28 $74.19 5.55 4.07 28.44 36.03 956.17 32.69 $1,062.95 225.47 43.00 395.00 10.72 $674.19 24.97 18.30 $43.27 $15,876.56 121.27 196.43 86.01 63.04 28.44 956.17 1,306.81 1,306.81 1,306.81 1,306.81 107.32 35.15 106.45 $6,927.52 E -8 Page 5 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 5/25/2013 To: 6/7/2013 Date: 6/12/2013 Vendor ASM SIGNS CENTURYLINK -QWEST Parks Dept CENTURYLINK -QWEST Parks Dept ANGELES MILLWORK & LUMBER CO CENTURYLINK -QWEST DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE -WIRES FEDERAL EXPRESS CORP OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC QUIRING MONUMENTS INC Parks Dept ALOHA FENCE CO ANGELES MILLWORK & LUMBER CO ANGELES PLUMBING INC CENTURYLINK -QWEST FASTENAL INDUSTRIAL OLYMPIC SEWER & DRAIN CLEANING PAINT & CARPET BARN, THE PORT ANGELES POWER EQUIPMENT PUGET SAFETY EQUIPMENT INC SEARS COMMERCIAL ONE SKAGIT GARDENS INC SUNSET DO -IT BEST HARDWARE SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC Description Public Works -Gen Fnd SIGNS, SIGN MATERIAL 05 -23 A/C 206T310164584B 05 -23 A/C 206T302306084B Parks Administration COMMUNICATIONS /MEDIA SERV 05 -23 A/C 206T3101645846 05 -23 A/C 206T302306084B Senior Center PAI NTS, COATI NGS, WALLPAPER 05 -23 A/C 206T3101645846 05 -23 A/C 206T302306084B Excise Tax Return -April Shipping Chgs HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS CEMETERY MARKERS CEMETERY MARKERS Ocean View Cemetery FENCING LUMBER& RELATED PRODUCTS BRUSHES (NOT CLASSIFIED) HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS PLUMBING EQUIP FIXT,SUPP 05 -23 A/C 206T310164584B 05 -23 A/C 206T3023060846 HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS CONSTRUCTION SERVICES,TRA PAI NTS, COATI N GS, WALLPAPER SHOES AND BOOTS FIRST AID & SAFETY EQUIP. HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS NURSERY STOCK & SUPPLIES NURSERY STOCK & SUPPLIES HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS PLUMBING EQUIP FIXT,SUPP HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS CLOTHING & APPAREL HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS Account Number Invoice Amount Department Total: $6,927.52 001 -8010- 574.41 -50 001 -8010- 574.42 -10 001- 8010- 574.42 -10 Division Total: 001- 8012- 555.42 -10 001- 8012 - 555.42 -10 001 - 8012 - 555.42 -10 Division Total: 001 -8050- 536.31 -20 001 - 8050 - 536.42 -10 001 -8050- 536.42 -10 001 - 8050 - 536.49 -50 001 - 8050 - 536.42 -10 001 - 8050 - 536.31 -01 001 -8050- 536.34 -01 001 - 8050 - 536.34 -01 Division Total: 001 - 8080 - 576.31 -20 001 -8080- 576.31 -20 001 - 8080 - 576.31 -20 001- 8080 - 576.31 -20 001 - 8080 - 576.48 -10 001 - 8080 - 576.42 -10 001- 8080 - 576.42 -10 001 - 8080 - 576.31 -20 001 - 8080 - 576.48 -10 001 - 8080 - 576.31 -20 001 - 8080 - 576.31 -01 001 - 8080 - 576.31 -01 001 - 8080 - 576.31 -01 001 - 8080 - 576.31 -40 001 - 8080 - 576.31 -40 001- 8080 - 576.31 -20 001 - 8080- 576.31 -20 001 - 8080 - 576.31 -20 001 -8080- 576.31 -20 001 - 8080 - 576.31 -01 001- 8080 - 576.31 -20 001 - 8080- 576.31 -20 001 - 8080 - 576.31 -20 001 - 8080 - 576.31 -20 856.36 8.32 6.10 $870.78 57.46 8.32 6.10 $71.88 49.24 5.55 4.07 202.81 5.70 8.15 181.00 -15.00 $441.52 367.66 75.99 17.34 15.32 203.15 27.74 20.33 87.05 141.60 395.55 150.00 1,170.72 45.52 6,721.65 -11.85 25.20 33.60 6.21 1.87 83.03 43.08 5.93 41.43 16.06 E -9 Page 6 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 5 /25/2013 To: 6/7/2013 Date: 6/12/2013 Vendor SWAINS GENERAL STORE INC THURMAN SUPPLY TOMARK WASHINGTON AUDIOLOGY SVCS INC Parks Dept CENTURYLINK -QWEST Facilities Maintenance CENTURYLINK -QWEST HARTNAGEL BUILDING SUPPLY INC SWAINS GENERAL STORE INC Facilities Maintenance BILL'S PLUMBING & HEATING INC CENTURYLINK -OWEST CHAPMAN JR, HOWARD E HEILMAN, JOHN PIMENTEL, HENRY RAMSEY, SCOTT RICHARDSON, ERIC D. ROONEY, RANDY L SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC THAYER, JEFFREY WHITTEN, BILL P Recreation Activities CENTURYLINK -QWEST PIMENTEL, HENRY RAMSEY, SCOTT ROONEY, RANDY L THAYER, JEFFREY Recreation Activities ALBERTSONS INC CENTURYLINK -QWEST Description NURSERY STOCK & SUPPLIES SEED,SOD,SOIL &INOCULANT SEED,SOD,SOIL &INOCULANT PLUMBING EQUIP FIXT,SUPP PLUMBING EQUIP FIXT,SUPP FENCING HEALTH RELATED SERVICES Park Facilities Parks Dept 05 -16 NC 206T355724768B 05 -23 NC 206T310164584B 05 -23 A/C 206T302306084B Custodial /Janitorial Svcs 05 -23 A/C 206T310164584B 05 -23 A/C 206T302306084B BRUSHES (NOT CLASSIFIED) LAUNDRY /DRY CLEANING SERV Central Svcs Facilities Facilities Maintenance SHANE PARK SANIKAN 05 -23 A/C 206T310164584B 05 -23 A/C 206T302306084B UMPIRE PAYMENT FOR SOFTBA UMPIRE PAYMENT FOR SOFTBA GAMES UMPIRED IN SOFTBALL GAMES UMPIRED IN SOFTBALL UMPIRE PAYMENT FOR SOFTBA GAMES UMPIRED IN SOFTBALL PAINTING EQUIPMENT & ACC GAMES UMPIRED IN SOFTBALL UMPIRE PAYMENT FOR SOFTBA Sports Programs 05 -23 A/C 206T310164584B 05 -23 A/C 206T302306084B GAMES UMPIRED IN SMOKED S GAMES UMPIRED IN SMOKED S GAMES UMPIRED IN SMOKED S GAMES UMPIRED IN SMOKED S Special Events Coupon SUPPLIES 05 -23 A/C 206T3101645848 Account Number 001 - 8080 - 576.31 -40 001- 8080 - 576.31 -40 001 - 8080 - 576.31 -40 001 - 8080 - 576.31 -20 001- 8080 - 576.31 -20 001 - 8080 - 576.31 -20 001 - 8080 - 576.49 -90 Division Total: Department Total: 001 - 8130 - 518.42 -10 001 - 8130 - 518.42 -10 001- 8130- 518.42 -10 Division Total: 001 - 8131 - 518.42 -10 001 - 8131 - 518.42 -10 001 - 8131- 518.31 -20 001 -8131- 518.31 -20 Division Total: Department Total: 001 - 8221 - 574.41 -50 001- 8221 - 574.42 -10 001 -8221- 574.42 -10 001 -8221- 574.41 -50 001 - 8221 - 574.41 -50 001 - 8221 - 574.41 -50 001 - 8221 - 574.41 -50 001 - 8221 - 574.41 -50 001 - 8221 - 574.41 -50 001- 8221 - 574.31 -01 001 -8221- 574.41 -50 001 - 8221 - 574.41 -50 Division Total: 001- 8222 - 574.42 -10 001 - 8222 - 574.42 -10 001 - 8222 - 574.41 -50 001 - 8222 - 574.41 -50 001 - 8222 - 574.41 -50 001 -8222- 574.41 -50 Division Total: 001 - 8224- 574.31 -01 001 - 8224 - 574.31 -01 001- 8224 - 574.42 -10 Invoice Amount 62.17 51.93 51.93 35.83 25.80 5,707.17 214.00 $15,833.01 $17,217.19 57.46 2.77 2.03 $62.26 2.77 2.03 12.22 21.61 $38.63 $100.89 180.00 2.77 2.03 66.00 220.00 330.00 176.00 88.00 330.00 23.05 330.00 198.00 $1,945.85 2.77 2.03 44.00 220.00 264.00 220.00 $752.80 -25.00 52.90 2.77 E -10 Page 7 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 5/25/2013 To: 6/7/2013 Date: 6/12/2013 Vendor CENTURYLINK -QWEST Recreation Activities A -1 PERFORMANCE, INC ANGELES MILLWORK & LUMBER CO CENTURYLINK -QWEST CLINICARE OF PORT ANGELES INC FERGUSON ENTERPRISES INC HEARTLINE LAKESIDE INDUSTRIES INC SUNSET DO -IT BEST HARDWARE SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC THURMAN SUPPLY WASHINGTON (DOT), STATE OF WASHINGTON AUDIOLOGY SVCS INC Public Works - Street CENTURYLINK -QWEST Economic Development DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE -WIRES ADVANCED TRAVEL CENTURYLINK -QWEST HERRICK POLYGRAPH SERVICE Description Account Number 05 -23 A/C 206T3023060846 001 - 8224 - 574.42 -10 Youth /Family Programs Division Total: Recreation Activities Department Total: General Fund Fund Total: BUILDING MAINT &REPAIR SER 102- 7230 - 542.41 -50 HAND TOOLS ,POW &NON POWER 102 - 7230 - 542.31 -20 05 -23 A/C 206T3101645848 102 - 7230 - 542.42 -10 05 -23 A/C 206T302306084B 102- 7230 - 542.42 -10 DOT PHYSICAL - BROCKOPP 102- 7230 - 542.49 -90 PIPE AND TUBING 102- 7230 - 542.31 -20 HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS 102 - 7230 - 542.31 -01 ROAD /HWY MATERIALS ASPHLT 102 - 7230 - 542.31 -20 BARRELS, DRUMS, KEGS, CTN 102 - 7230 - 542.31 -01 LAWN MAINTENANCE EQUIP 102 - 7230 - 542.35 -01 JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 102 - 7230 - 542.31 -01 SHOES AND BOOTS 102 - 7230 - 542.31 -01 HAND TOOLS ,POW &NON POWER 102 - 7230 - 542.31 -25 HAND TOOLS ,POW &NON POWER 102 - 7230 - 542.35 -01 LAWN MAINTENANCE EQUIP 102 - 7230 - 542.35 -01 CONTRL,INDICA,RECORD INST 102 - 7230 - 542.31 -20 HAND TOOLS ,POW &NON POWER 102 - 7230 - 542.35 -01 CONSTRUCTION SERVICES,GEN 102 - 7230 - 542.48 -10 HEALTH RELATED SERVICES 102 - 7230 - 542.49 -90 Street Division Total: Public Works- Street Department Total: Street Fund 05 -23 NC 206T3101645848 05 -23 NC 206T302306084B Economic Development Economic Development Economic Development Excise Tax Return -April CJTC Wkshop- Romberg CJTC - VanSickle E911 Mtg- Brooks 05 -23 A/C 206T310164584B 05 -23 NC 206T3023060848 MANAGEMENT SERVICES SECURITY,FIRE,SAFETY SERV Fund Total: 103- 1511- 558.42 -10 103- 1511- 558.42 -10 Division Total: Department Total: Fund Total: 107 - 0000 - 237.00 -00 Division Total: Department Total: 107 -5160- 528.43 -10 107 -5160- 528.43 -10 107 - 5160 - 528.43 -11 107 - 5160 - 528.42 -10 107 -5160- 528.42 -10 107 - 5160 - 528.42 -11 107 - 5160- 528.41 -50 Invoice Amount 2.03 $32.70 $2,731.35 $83,891.19 84.94 10.57 13.87 10.17 120.00 1,007.83 49.81 269.19 49.14 431.97 15.05 150.00 19.17 13.53 88.78 22.75 33.11 1,679.99 235.40 $4,305.27 $4,305.27 $4,305.27 1.39 1.02 $2.41 $2.41 $2.41 199.40 $199.40 $199.40 321.32 224.99 138.83 74.91 54.90 3,298.85 250.00 E -11 Page 8 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 5/25/2013 To: 6/7/2013 Dale: 6/12/2013 Vendor PORT ANGELES POLICE DEPARTMENT SOUND PUBLISHING INC WESTEK MARKETING Pencom VANIR CONSTRUCTION MGMT, INC WESCO DISTRIBUTION INC Capital Projects -Pub Wks ASPLUNDH TREE EXPERT CO CED /CONSOLIDATED ELEC DIST INC DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE -WIRES GENERAL PACIFIC INC HD SUPPLY POWER SOLUTIONS, LTD FELEMA, DURETI AEDAO GLASEN, GABRIELLE A PENINSULA HOUSING AUTHORITY QUINTANILLA, KORRYANNE R REGUERO, PABLO A RHOADS, VIRGINIA M SCHULTZ, JAMES L VANHOOSE, HERBERT R PACIFIC METERING INC PUD #1 OF CLALLAM COUNTY WESCO DISTRIBUTION INC CENTURYLINK -Q W EST Description Mini screwdriver set COMMUNICATIONS /MEDIA SERV CONTRL,INDICA,RECORD INST Pencom Pencom Pencom Fund CONSULTING SERVICES ELECTRICAL CABLES & WIRES ST- Sidewalk Improvement Capital Projects -Pub Wks Capital Improvement Release Retainage Release Retainage ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY Excise Tax Return -April ELECTRICAL CABLES & WIRES ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY FINAL BILL REFUND FINAL BILL REFUND OVERPAYMENT -1029 VILLAGE FINAL BILL REFUND FINAL BILL REFUND FINAL BILL REFUND FINAL BILL REFUND FINAL BILL REFUND ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY LUMBER& RELATED PRODUCTS LUMBER& RELATED PRODUCTS ELECTRICAL CABLES & WIRES ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY FASTENERS, FASTENING DEVS ELECTRICAL CABLES & WIRES 05 -23 NC 206T310164584B 05 -23 A/C 206T302306084B Account Number 107 - 5160 - 528.35 -01 107 - 5160 - 528.44 -10 107 - 5160 - 594.65 -10 Division Total: Department Total: Fund Total: 310 - 7961- 595.65 -10 310 -7961- 595.65 -10 Division Total: Department Total: Fund Total: 401 - 0000 - 223.40 -00 401 - 0000 - 223.40 -00 401 - 0000 - 141.41 -00 401 - 0000 - 237.00 -00 401 - 0000 - 141.41 -00 401 - 0000 - 141.41 -00 401 - 0000 - 141.41 -00 401 - 0000 - 141.41 -00 401 - 0000 - 141.41 -00 401 - 0000 - 141.41 -00 401 - 0000 - 122.10 -99 401 - 0000 - 122.10 -99 401 - 0000 - 122.10 -99 401 - 0000 - 122.10 -99 401 - 0000 - 122.10 -99 401 - 0000 - 122.10 -99 401 - 0000 - 122.10 -99 401 - 0000 - 122.10 -99 401 - 0000 - 237.00 -00 401- 0000 - 237.00 -00 401 - 0000 - 141.43 -00 401- 0000 - 141.43 -00 401- 0000 - 141.41 -00 401- 0000 - 141.41 -00 401 - 0000 - 141.41 -00 401 - 0000 - 141.41 -00 401 - 0000 - 141.42 -00 Division Total: Department Total: 401 - 7111 - 533.42 -10 401 - 7111- 533.42 -10 Invoice Amount 2.03 485.23 52,712.75 $57,563.81 $57,563.81 $57,763.21 9,192.56 16,264.63 $25,457.19 $25,457.19 $25,457.19 280.09 5,000.01 122.34 444.91 1,134.70 3,049.30 1,155.54 658.96 298.10 936.58 43.45 45.27 33.44 14.47 79.39 27.34 99.13 39.03 -37.34 - 162.40 613.68 3,682.12 3,271.19 358.02 893.54 1,232.80 3,245.50 $26,559.16 $26,559.16 8.32 6.10 E -12 Page 9 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 5/25/2013 To: 6/7/2013 Date: 6/12/2013 Vendor DELL MARKETING LP VERIZON WIRELESS Public Works- Electric CENTURYLINK -QWEST PUBLIC POWER COUNCIL SEATTLE TIMES, THE Public Works- Electric A -1 PERFORMANCE, INC ANGELES MILLWORK 8 LUMBER CO ASPLUNDH TREE EXPERT CO CED /CONSOLIDATED ELEC DIST INC CENTURYLINK -O W EST COLUMBIA RURAL ELECTRIC ASSN, INC DELL MARKETING LP DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE -WIRES DIRECTV EJ USA, INC GRAINGER LINCOLN INDUSTRIAL CORP MASON COUNTY PUD #3 Description Account Number COMPUTER HARDWARE &PERIPHI401 - 7111 - 533.31 -60 05 -22 a/c 571136182 -00001 Engineering - Electric 05 -23 A/C 206T310164584B 05 -23 NC 206T302306084B MEMBERSHIPS POWER SYSTEM MGR AD Power Systems BUILDING MAINT &REPAIR SER ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY Release Retainage FIRE PROTECTION EQUIP /SUP ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 05 -05 a/c 3604526236776B 05 -05 a/c 3604529541353B 05-16 a/c 206T322760994B 05 -16 a/c 206T323879996B 05 -16 a/c 206T323881998B 05 -16 a/c 206T326157000B 05 -23 A/C 206T310164584B 05 -23 A/C 206T302306084B SCHOOL EQUIP& SUPPLIES 401 - 7111 - 533.42 -10 Division Total: 401 - 7120 - 533.42 -10 401 - 7120 - 533.42 -10 401 - 7120 - 533.49 -01 401 - 7120 - 533.44 -10 Division Total: 401 - 7180- 533.41 -50 401 -7180- 533.34 -02 401 - 7180 - 533.34 -02 401 - 7180 - 533.35 -01 401 - 7180 - 533.48 -10 401 - 7180- 533.31 -01 401 - 7180- 533.35 -01 401 - 7180 - 533.42 -10 401- 7180- 533.42 -10 401 -7180- 533.42 -10 401 - 7180 - 533.42 -10 401 - 7180 - 533.42 -10 401 - 7180- 533.42 -10 401 - 7180 - 533.42 -10 401 - 7180 - 533.42 -10 401 - 7180- 533.43 -10 COMPUTER HARDWARE &PERIPHI401 - 7180 - 533.31 -60 COMPUTER HARDWARE &PERIPHI401 - 7180- 533.31 -60 COMPUTER HARDWARE &PERIPH1401 - 7180 - 533.31 -60 COMPUTER HARDWARE &PERIPHI401 - 7180- 533.31 -60 COMPUTER HARDWARE &PERIPHI401 - 7180 - 533.31 -60 COMPUTER HARDWARE &PERIPHI401 - 7180- 533.31 -60 COMPUTER HARDWARE &PERIPHI401 - 7180 - 533.31 -60 COMPUTER HARDWARE &PERIPHI401 - 7180 - 533.31 -60 COMPUTER HARDWARE &PERIPHI401 - 7180- 533.31 -60 COMPUTER HARDWARE &PERIPHI401 - 7180 - 533.31 -60 COMPUTER HARDWARE &PERIPHI401 - 7180 - 533.31 -60 COMPUTER HARDWARE &PERIPHI401 - 7180 - 533.31 -60 401 - 7180- 533.49 -50 401 - 7180 - 533.42 -10 401- 7180- 533.34 -02 401 - 7180- 533.34 -02 401- 7180- 533.34 -02 401 - 7180 - 533.41 -50 Excise Tax Return -April TELEVISION EQUIP & ACESS ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY HUMAN SERVICES Invoice Amount 1,306.81 52.92 $1,374.15 8.32 6.10 22,770.00 150.00 $22,934.42 176.04 33.66 10.84 48.49 - 449.99 467.48 14.84 44.24 41.72 54.54 54.54 54.54 54.54 66.59 48.80 42.15 956.17 28.44 36.03 956.17 28.44 36.03 28.44 956.17 36.03 28.44 956.17 36.03 131,796.64 45.99 7,891.52 154.57 25.77 3,780.21 E -13 Page 10 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 5 /25/2013 To: 6/7/2013 Date: 6/12/2013 Vendor OLYMPIC LAUNDRY & DRY CLEANERS PACIFIC METERING INC PLATT ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC PORT OF PORT ANGELES QUILL CORPORATION ROHLINGER ENTERPRISES INC SWAINS GENERAL STORE INC UNITED PARCEL SERVICE VERIZON WIRELESS WAGNER -SMITH EQUIPMENT CO WASHINGTON AUDIOLOGY SVCS INC WESCO DISTRIBUTION INC Public Works - Electric DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE -WIRES FERGUSON ENTERPRISES INC Description LAUNDRY /DRY CLEANING SERV LAUNDRY /DRY CLEANING SERV ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY Lease Fees OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL PHOTOGRAPHIC EQUIPMENT PHOTOGRAPHIC EQUIPMENT OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL PHOTOGRAPHIC EQUIPMENT TESTING &CALIBRATION SERVI TESTING &CALIBRATION SERVI TESTING &CALIBRATION SERVI TESTING &CALIBRATION SERVI TESTING &CALIBRATION SERVI TESTING &CALIBRATION SERVI TESTING &CALIBRATION SERVI TESTING &CALIBRATION SERVI TESTING &CALIBRATION SERVI TESTING &CALIBRATION SERVI TESTING &CALIBRATION SERVI TESTING &CALIBRATION SERVI ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY Shipping Chgs Shipping Chgs 05 -22 a/c 571136182 -00002 ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY HEALTH RELATED SERVICES SHIPPING ,AND HANDLING ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY Electric Operations Public Works- Electric Electric Utility Fund Excise Tax Return -April PIPE FITTINGS Account Number 401 -7180- 533.41 -50 401 - 7180- 533.41 -50 401 - 7180 - 533.34 -02 401 - 7180 - 533.34 -02 401- 7180- 533.34 -02 401 - 7180 - 533.34 -02 401 -7180- 533.34 -02 401- 7180 - 533.35 -01 401 - 7180 - 533.35 -01 401 - 7180 - 533.35 -01 401 -7180- 533.45 -30 401 - 7180 - 533.31 -01 401 - 7180 - 533.31 -01 401 - 7180 - 533.31 -01 401 - 7180- 533.31 -01 401 - 7180 - 533.31 -01 401 - 7180 - 533.48 -10 401 - 7180 - 533.48 -10 401 - 7180- 533.48 -10 401 - 7180- 533.48 -10 401 - 7180- 533.48 -10 401 - 7180 - 533.48 -10 401 - 7180 - 533.48 -10 401 - 7180 - 533.48 -10 401 - 7180 - 533.48 -10 401 - 7180- 533.48 -10 401 - 7180- 533.48 -10 401 - 7180 - 533.48 -10 401 - 7180 - 533.34 -02 401 - 7180 - 533.35 -01 401 - 7180- 533.42 -10 401 - 7180- 533.42 -10 401 - 7180 - 533.42 -10 401 - 7180- 533.35 -01 401 - 7180- 533.49 -90 401 -7180- 533.34 -02 401 - 7180- 533.34 -02 Division Total: Department Total: Fund Total: 402 - 0000 - 237.00 -00 402 - 0000 - 141.40 -00 Invoice Amount 79.18 79.18 481.85 2,095.65 76.25 74.63 100.00 331.31 101.79 35.22 4,100.00 566.86 10.83 17.33 236.25 189.69 98.32 98.32 98.32 92.52 92.52 92.52 98.32 98.32 98.32 98.32 92.52 92.52 71.54 11.89 24.39 19.49 185.08 288.55 363.90 70.31 287.45 $159,589.74 $183,898.31 $210,457.47 5.51 4,583.49 E -14 Page 11 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 5/25/2013 To: 6/7/2013 Date: 6/12/2013 Vendor NFPA - SUBSCRIPTIONS ADVANCED TRAVEL AMERICAN WATER WORKS ASSN ANGELES MILLWORK & LUMBER CO BANK OF NEW YORK CENTURYLINK -QWEST DELL MARKETING LP DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE -WIRES DITCH WITCH FASTENAL INDUSTRIAL FERGUSON ENTERPRISES INC HACH COMPANY JEFFERY ESHOM NFPA- SUBSCRIPTIONS PORT ANGELES POWER EQUIPMENT SHARED SOLUTIONS & SVCS, INC SUNSET DO -IT BEST HARDWARE SWAINS GENERAL STORE INC TWISS ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES USA BLUEBOOK WASHINGTON AUDIOLOGY SVCS INC WASHINGTON CRANE & HOIST Public Works -Water DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE -WIRES Description PUBLICATION /AUDIOVISUAL PN WS -AW WA Conf - Klimek MEMBERSHIPS MEMBERSHIPS LUMBER& RELATED PRODUCTS PORANGWAT03 -ADMIN FEE,200 05 -23 A/C 206T3101645848 05 -23 A/C 206T302306084B 05 -23 a/c 206T411255315B Account Number 402- 0000 - 237.00 -00 Division Total: Department Total: 402 - 7380 - 534.43 -10 402 - 7380 - 534.49 -01 402- 7380 - 534.49 -01 402 - 7380 - 534.31 -20 402 - 7380 - 534.41 -50 402 - 7380 - 534.42 -10 402 - 7380 - 534.42 -10 402 - 7380 - 534.42 -10 COMPUTER HARDWARE &PERIPHI402 - 7380 - 534.31 -60 COMPUTER HARDWARE &PERIPHI402 - 7380 - 534.31 -60 COMPUTER HARDWARE &PERIPHI402 - 7380 - 534.31 -60 Excise Tax Return -April 402 - 7380 - 534.49 -50 HAND TOOLS ,POW &NON POWER402- 7380 - 534.35 -01 FIRST AID & SAFETY EQUIP. PIPE FITTINGS 402 - 7380 - 534.31 -01 402- 7380 - 534.31 -20 WATER &SEWER TREATING CHEN402- 7380 - 534.48 -10 BOOT VOUCHER REMINBURSEME402- 7380 - 534.31 -01 PUBLICATION /AUDIOVISUAL 402- 7380 - 534.31 -01 LAWN MAINTENANCE EQUIP 402 - 7380- 534.31 -20 ROAD /HGWY HEAVY EQUIPMENT 402 - 7380 - 534.35 -01 LAWN MAINTENANCE EQUIP 402 - 7380 - 534.35 -01 SOUND SYSTEMS & ACCESSORY 402 - 7380 - 534.31 -20 FIRST AID & SAFETY EQUIP. JANITORIAL SUPPLIES HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS MATERIAL HNDLING &STOR EQP ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 402 - 7380 - 534.31 -01 402 -7380- 534.31 -01 402 - 7380 - 534.31 -20 402 - 7380 - 534.31 -20 402 -7380- 534.34 -02 HAND TOOLS ,POW &NON POWER402- 7380 - 534.35 -01 SHOES AND BOOTS 402 - 7380- 534.31 -01 TESTING &CALIBRATION SERVI 402 - 7380 - 534.41 -50 HAND TOOLS ,POW &NON POWER402- 7380 - 534.35 -01 HEALTH RELATED SERVICES 402- 7380 - 534.49 -90 ROAD /HGWY HEAVY EQUIPMENT 402 - 7380 - 534.31 -20 Water Division Total: Public Works -Water Department Total: Water Fund Fund Total: Excise Tax Return -April 403- 0000 - 237.00 -00 Division Total: Department Total: Invoice Amount -12.76 $4,576.24 $4,576.24 725.54 81.00 81.00 10.15 202.18 24.97 18.30 64.59 1,067.67 28.44 956.17 17,382.99 551.17 36.85 115.89 402.16 100.00 164.59 89.96 208.73 114.56 191.50 122.84 39.48 111.29 160.83 3.21 76.08 97.42 215.00 210.51 214.00 305.10 $24,174.17 $24,174.17 $28,750.41 143.23 $143.23 $143.23 E -15 Page 12 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 5/25/2013 To: 6/7/2013 Date: 6/12/2013 Vendor BACKFLOW APPARATUS & VALVE CO BANK OF NEW YORK CED /CONSOLIDATED ELEC DIST INC CENTURYLINK -QWEST DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE -WIRES EDGE ANALYTICAL INSIGHT PUBLIC SECTOR NEWFIELDS, LLC PUD #1 OF CLALLAM COUNTY SUNSET DO -IT BEST HARDWARE SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC THURMAN SUPPLY TYCO INTEGRATED SECURITY USA BLUEBOOK VERIZON WIRELESS WASHINGTON AUDIOLOGY SVCS INC Public Works -WW /Stormwtr A -1 PERFORMANCE, INC CENTURYLINK -QWEST CLALLAM CNTY FAIR BOARD DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE -WIRES SUNSET DO -IT BEST HARDWARE WASHINGTON AUDIOLOGY SVCS INC Public Works -Solid Waste DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE -WIRES Description PLUMBING EQUIP FIXT,SUPP SHIPPING AND HANDLING PORANGWAT03 -ADMIN FEE,200 RADIO & TELECOMMUNICATION SHIPPING AND HANDLING 05 -05 a/c 3604529911834B 05 -08 a/c 36056503656968 05 -14 a/c 3604574859247B 05 -14 a/c 36045763156898 05 -23 A/C 206T310164584B 05 -23 A/C 206T302306084B 05 -16 a/c 206T325585090B 05 -16 a/c 206T3295449128 Excise Tax Return -April TESTING &CALIBRATION SERVI RADIO & TELECOMMUNICATION CLINICAL LAB REAGENTS TES Service @ Brook Ave FASTENERS, FASTENING DEVS BOTTLED WATER- SUPPLIES HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS Account Number 403 - 7480 - 535.31 -20 403 - 7480 - 535.42 -10 403 - 7480 - 535.41 -50 403 - 7480 - 535.31 -20 403 - 7480 - 535.42 -10 403 -7480- 535.42 -10 403 -7480- 535.42 -10 403 - 7480 - 535.42 -10 403 - 7480 - 535.42 -10 403- 7480- 535.42 -10 403 - 7480- 535.42 -10 403 - 7480- 535.42 -10 403- 7480- 535.42 -10 403 - 7480- 535.49 -50 403 - 7480- 535.41 -50 403 -7480- 535.31 -01 403 - 7480- 535.41 -50 403 -7480- 535.47 -10 403 - 7480- 535.31 -20 403 -7480- 535.31 -01 403 - 7480- 535.31 -20 403 - 7480- 535.31 -20 HAND TOOLS ,POW &NON POWER403- 7480 - 535.31 -20 SECURITY,FIRE,SAFETY SERV ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY 05 -22 a/c 571136182 -00004 HEALTH RELATED SERVICES Wastewater Public Works -WW /Stormwtr Wastewater Fund BUILDING MAINT &REPAIR SER 05 -23 NC 206T310164584B 05 -23 NC 206T30230608413 TICKETS,COUPON BKS, ETC Excise Tax Return -April FIRST AID & SAFETY EQUIP. SUPPLIES HEALTH RELATED SERVICES Solid Waste - Collections Public Works -Solid Waste Solid Waste- Collections Excise Tax Return -April 403 - 7480- 535.41 -50 403 - 7480 - 535.31 -20 403 -7480- 535.42 -10 403 - 7480- 535.49 -90 Division Total: Department Total: Fund Total: 404 - 7580- 537.41 -50 404 - 7580- 537.42 -10 404 - 7580 - 537.42 -10 404 - 7580- 537.44 -10 404 - 7580 - 537.49 -50 404 - 7580- 537.31 -20 404 - 7580 - 537.31 -20 404 - 7580- 537.49 -90 Division Total: Department Total: Fund Total: 405 - 0000 - 237.00 -00 Invoice Amount 223 30 13.55 99.57 1,950.18 127.25 84.70 41.72 84.58 84.70 22.20 16.27 54.40 54.40 12,616.54 787.00 150.66 750.00 190.79 2.72 65.50 13.64 51.34 10.62 55.65 986.37 41.50 171.20 $18,750.35 $18,750.35 $18,893.58 84.93 11.10 8.13 62.50 14, 091.74 16.57 57.12 42.80 $14,374.89 $14,374.89 $14,374.89 57.74 E -16 Page 13 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 5 /25/2013 To: 6!7/2013 Date: 6/12/2013 Vendor Description DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE -WIRES Excise Tax Return -April CENTURYLINK -QWEST DELL MARKETING LP DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE -WIRES SOUND PUBLISHING INC 05 -23 NC 206T310164584B 05 =23 A/C 206T302306084B Account Number 405 - 0000 - 237.10 -00 Division Total: Department Total: 405 - 7538- 537.42 -10 405 - 7538 - 537.42 -10 COMPUTER HARDWARE &PERIPHI405 - 7538- 537.31 -60 COMPUTER HARDWARE &PERIPHI405 - 7538 - 537.31 -60 COMPUTER HARDWARE &PERIPHI405 -7538- 537.31 -60 Excise Tax Return -April 405 -7538- 537.49 -50 COMMUNICATIONS /MEDIA SERV 405 - 7538 - 537.44 -10 WA STATE DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE WA STATE BUSINESS LICENSE Public Works -Solid Waste ASPECT CONSULTING, LLC FEDERAL EXPRESS CORP SW - Transfer Station CONSULTING SERVICES Shipping Chgs HERRERA ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTM ENGINEERING SERVICES SNAP -ON TOOLS - CHUGGER DEANE HAND TOOLS ,POW &NON POWE Public Works -Solid Waste Solid Waste - Landfill Public Works -Solid Waste Solid Waste - LF/Trf Stn DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE -WIRES Excise Tax Return -April CENTURYLINK -QWEST 05 -23 A/C 206T310164584B 05 -23 A/C 206T302306084B DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE -WIRES Excise Tax Return -April VERIZON WIRELESS 05 -22 a/c 571136182 -00001 Public Works -WW /Stormwtr Stormwater Public Works -WW /Stormwtr Stormwater Fund DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE -WIRES Excise Tax Return -April PROGRESSIVE MEDICAL INTERNATIONAI SALE SURPLUS /OBSOLETE SALE SURPLUS /OBSOLETE SALE SURPLUS /OBSOLETE CENTURYLINK -QWEST CLALLAM CNTY EMS Tyler Bieker OLYMPIC OXYGEN 05 -23 A/C 206T3101645848 05 -23 A/C 206T302306084B Medic I Advisory REIMBURSE CLOTHING ALLOWA STEAM & HOT WATER BOILERS PROGRESSIVE MEDICAL INTERNATIONAI SALE SURPLUS /OBSOLETE SALE SURPLUS /OBSOLETE 405 - 7538 - 537.49 -90 Division Total: 405 - 7585 - 537.41 -50 405 - 7585 - 537.42 -10 405 - 7585 - 537.41 -50 8405 -7585- 537.48 -10 Division Total: Department Total: Fund Total: 406 - 0000 - 237.00 -00 Division Total: Department Total: 406 - 7412- 538.42 -10 406 - 7412 - 538.42 -10 406 -7412- 538.49 -50 406 - 7412 - 538.42 -10 Division Total: Department Total: Fund Total: 409 - 0000 - 237.00 -00 409 - 0000 - 237.00 -00 409 - 0000 - 237.00 -00 409 - 0000 - 237.00 -00 Division Total: Department Total: 409 - 6025 - 526.42 -10 409 - 6025 - 526.42 -10 409- 6025 - 526.41 -50 409 - 6025 - 526.20 -80 409 - 6025 - 526.31 -13 409 - 6025 - 526.31 -02 409- 6025 - 526.31 -02 Invoice Amount 442.68 $500.42 $500.42 11.10 8.13 28.44 956.17 36.03 27,742.06 1,345.24 84.00 $30,211.17 11,854.79 70.65 119, 348.01 607.04 $131,880.49 $162,091.66 $162,592.08 -8.15 -$8.15 -$8.15 5.55 4.07 141.90 19.34 $170.86 $170.86 $162.71 184.00 -51.55 -4.28 -60.50 $67.67 $67.67 33.29 24.40 600.00 208.23 30.82 665.18 780.70 E -17 Page 14 City of Port City Council Expe From: 5/25/2013 Angeles nditure Report To: 6/7/2013 Date: 6/12/2013 Vendor Description PROGRESSIVE MEDICAL INTERNATIONAI SALE SURPLUS /OBSOLETE REIFENSTAHL, PATRICIA EDUCATIONAL SERVICES VERIZON WIRELESS 05 -15 a/c 97049323290513 WASHINGTON AUDIOLOGY SVCS INC HEALTH RELATED SERVICES Fire Department Medic I Fire Department Medic I Utility ADVANCED TRAVEL Harbor Cleanup - McKeen Public Works -WW /Stormwtr Wastewater Remediation Public Works -WW /Stormwtr Harbor Clean Up ADVANCED TRAVEL EE Summit- Currie EE Summit - Kajfasz CENTURYLINK -QWEST 05 -23 A/C 206T3101645848 05 -23 A/C 206T302306084B Public Works - Electric Conservation Public Works- Electric Conservation GENERAL PACIFIC INC ELECTRICAL EQUIP & SUPPLY UCC Filing Office UCC FILING FEE Public Works- Electric Electric Projects Public Works- Electric Electric Utility C/P HDR ENGINEERING, INC CONSULTING SERVICES Public Works -Water Water Projects Public Works -Water Water Utility C/P CONLEY ENGINEERING, INC. CONSULTING SERVICES Public Works -WW /Stormwtr PACE ENGINEERS, INC Public Works -Equip Svcs BROWN AND CALDWELL DAILY JOURNAL OF COMMERCE SOUND PUBLISHING INC VANIR CONSTRUCTION MGMT, INC Public Works -WW /Stormwtr Wastewater Projects Public Works -WW /Stormwtr WasteWater Utility C/P CONSULTING SERVICES Stormwater Util C/P Projs Public Works -Equip Svcs Stormwtr Util Projects CONSULTING SERVICES CONSULTING SERVICES COMMUNICATIONS /MEDIA SERV COMMUNICATIONS /MEDIA SERV CONSULTING SERVICES CSO Capital Account Number 409 - 6025 - 526.31 -13 409 - 6025- 526.31 -08 409 - 6025 - 526.42 -10 409 - 6025 - 526.41 -50 Division Total: Department Total: Fund Total: 413 - 7481 - 535.43 -10 Division Total: Department Total: Fund Total: 421 - 7121- 533.43 -10 421 - 7121 - 533.43 -10 421 - 7121 - 533.42 -10 421 - 7121 - 533.42 -10 Division Total: Department Total: Fund Total: 451 - 7188 - 594.65 -10 451- 7188 - 594.65 -10 Division Total: Department Total: Fund Total: 452 - 7388 - 594.65 -10 Division Total: Department Total: Fund Total: 453- 7488 - 594.65 -10 Division Total: Department Total: Fund Total: 456 - 7688 - 594.41 -50 Division Total: Department Total: Fund Total: 463 - 7489 - 594.65 -10 463- 7489 - 594.65 -10 463 - 7489 - 594.65 -10 463- 7489- 594.65 -10 463- 7489 - 594.65 -10 Division Total: Invoice Amount 55.13 50.00 82.92 128.40 $2,659.07 $2,659.07 $2,726.74 59.40 $59.40 $59.40 $59.40 536.67 593.67 5.60 4.12 $1,140.06 $1,140.06 $1,140.06 912.32 30.00 $942.32 $942.32 $942.32 5,643.25 $5,643.25 $5,643.25 $5,643.25 600.00 $600.00 $600.00 $600.00 5,577.36 $5,577.36 $5,577.36 $5,577.36 83,821.01 27,725.25 589.00 331.80 93,185.24 $205,652.30 E -18 Page 15 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 5/25/2013 To: 6/7/2013 Date: 6/12/2013 Vendor BAXTER AUTO PARTS #15 FIRESTONE COMPLETE AUTO CARE H & R PARTS & EQUIPMENT INC NAPA AUTO PARTS O'REILLY AUTO PARTS PENINSULA LUBRICANTS PETTIT OIL COMPANY SIX ROBBLEES' INC SOLID WASTE SYSTEMS, INC SUNSET DO -IT BEST HARDWARE WESTERN SYSTEMS & FABRICATION A -1 PERFORMANCE, INC ARAMARK BAXTER AUTO PARTS #15 CENTURYLINK -QWEST COPY CAT GRAPHICS FIRESTONE COMPLETE AUTO CARE H & R PARTS & EQUIPMENT INC Description Public Works -WW /Stormwtr Account Number Invoice Amount Department Total: CSO Capital Fund Fund Total: AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS BELTS AND BELTING AUTO & TRUCK ACCESSORIES AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS BELTS AND BELTING BELTS AND BELTING AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK ACCESSORIES AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS FUEL,OIL,GREASE, & LUBES FUEL,OIL,GREASE, & LUBES FUEL,OIL,GREASE, & LUBES FUEL,OIL,GREASE, & LUBES AUTO & TRUCK ACCESSORIES AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS BUILDING MAINT &REPAIR SER LAUNDRY /DRY CLEANING SERV LAUNDRY /DRY CLEANING SERV LAUNDRY /DRY CLEANING SERV AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS BELTS AND BELTING 05 -23 A/C 206T310164584B 05 -23 A/C 206T302306084B AUTO & TRUCK ACCESSORIES AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501- 0000 - 141.40 -00 501- 0000 - 141.40 -00 501- 0000 - 141.40 -00 501 - 0000 - 141.40 -00 501 - 0000 - 141.40 -00 501 - 0000 - 141.40 -00 501 - 0000 - 141.40 -00 501 -0000- 141.40 -00 501- 0000 - 141.40 -00 501- 0000 - 141.40 -00 501 - 0000 - 141.40 -00 501- 0000 - 141.40 -00 501 - 0000 - 141.40 -00 501- 0000 - 141.40 -00 501 - 0000 - 141.40 -00 501 - 0000 - 141.40 -00 501 - 0000 - 141.20 -00 501 - 0000 - 141.20 -00 501 - 0000 - 141.20 -00 501 - 0000 - 141.20 -00 501 - 0000 - 141.40 -00 501- 0000 - 141.40 -00 501 - 0000 - 141.40 -00 501- 0000 - 141.40 -00 501- 0000 - 141.40 -00 501 - 0000 - 141.40 -00 Division Total: Department Total: 501- 7630 - 548.41 -50 501 - 7630 - 548.49 -90 501 -7630- 548.49 -90 501 - 7630 - 548.49 -90 501 - 7630 - 548.34 -02 501- 7630 - 548.34 -02 501 -7630- 548.34 -02 501 - 7630 - 548.42 -10 501 -7630- 548.42 -10 501 - 7630 - 594.64 -10 501- 7630 - 548.34 -02 501- 7630 - 548.34 -02 $205,652.30 $205,652.30 11.27 141.42 19.40 26.31 36.70 26.33 37.77 -38.81 39.95 736.57 243.68 117.76 61.74 117.41 42.90 34.80 7,259.61 9,237.68 1,018.46 821.49 256.11 71.19 23.39 67.31 15.82 300.04 $20,726.30 $20,726.30 102.54 17.00 17.00 17.00 23.83 10.75 18.88 19.42 14.23 802.16 781.65 25.56 E -19 Page 16 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 5/25/2013 To: 6/7/2013 Date: 6/12/2013 Vendor H & R PARTS & EQUIPMENT INC HEARTLINE LES SCHWAB TIRE CENTER LINCOLN INDUSTRIAL CORP MOTOR TRUCKS INC NAPA AUTO PARTS PETTIT OIL COMPANY PORT ANGELES TIRE FACTORY PRICE FORD LINCOLN QUALITY 4X4 TRUCK SUPPLY RUDDELL AUTO MALL RUDY'S AUTOMOTIVE SNAP -ON TOOLS - CHUGGER DEANE STUMPY'S HOP -A -LONG DELIVERY SUNSET DO -IT BEST HARDWARE SYSTEMS FOR PUBLIC SAFETY, INC WASHINGTON AUDIOLOGY SVCS INC WESTERN EQUIPMENT DISTRIB INC Description AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS PAI NTS,COATI NGS, WALLPAPER METALS, BARS, PLATES, RODS METALS, BARS, PLATES, RODS PAINTS, COATINGS, WALLPAPER EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS FUEL,OIL,GREASE, & LUBES FUEL,OIL,GREASE, & LUBES FUEL,OIL,GREASE, & LUBES AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS Account Number 501- 7630 - 548.34 -02 501 - 7630 - 548.34 -02 501 - 7630 - 548.34 -02 501 - 7630 - 548.34 -02 501 - 7630 - 548.34 -02 501- 7630 - 548.34 -02 501 - 7630 - 548.34 -02 501- 7630 - 548.34 -02 501 - 7630- 548.34 -02 501 - 7630 - 548.34 -02 501 - 7630 - 548.32 -13 501 - 7630 - 548.32 -13 501 - 7630 - 548.32 -13 501 - 7630 - 548.34 -02 501 - 7630 - 548.34 -02 501 - 7630 - 548.34 -02 501 - 7630 - 548.34 -02 501- 7630 - 548.34 -02 501 - 7630 - 548.34 -02 501- 7630 - 548.34 -02 501- 7630 - 548.34 -02 501 - 7630 - 548.34 -02 501 - 7630 - 548.34 -02 501 - 7630 - 548.34 -02 501 - 7630 - 548.34 -02 501 - 7630 - 548.34 -02 501- 7630 - 548.34 -02 501 - 7630 - 548.34 -02 501 -7630- 548.34 -02 501 - 7630 - 548.34 -02 AUTO MAJOR TRANSPORTATION 501 - 7630 - 594.64 -10 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS GASES CONT.EQUIP:LAB,WELD RENTAL/LEASE EQUIPMENT EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES HEALTH RELATED SERVICES AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501 -7630- 548.34 -02 501 - 7630 - 548.35 -01 501 - 7630 - 548.34 -02 501 - 7630 - 548.34 -02 501- 7630 - 548.45 -30 501- 7630 - 548.45 -30 501- 7630 - 548.34 -02 501 -7630- 548.34 -02 501 -7630- 548.49 -90 501 - 7630 - 548.34 -02 501- 7630 - 548.34 -02 Invoice Amount 238.96 - 133.96 104.99 216.92 10.96 23.90 213.08 10.96 174.67 26.46 610.18 339.49 127.61 17.32 37.89 22.51 170.68 20.61 99.08 20.54 30.30 20.54 48.41 83.96 192.52 18.37 20.54 17.29 25.68 83.85 31, 564.30 109.27 155.62 60.00 12.67 145.52 53.12 672.76 118.38 85.60 662.15 49.66 E -20 Page 17 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 5/25/2013 To: 6/7/2013 Date: 6/12/2013 Vendor WESTERN PETERBILT INC WILDER TOYOTA tNC WURTH USA INC Public Works -Equip Svcs CENTURYLINK -QWEST MICROSOFT CORPORATION NORTHPOINT CONSULTING INC OLYMPIC PRINTERS INC Finance Department DELL MARKETING LP DUNN, RICKY J Finance Department AWC EMPLOYEE BENEFITS TRUST NW ADMIN TRANSFER ACCT Description AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES AUTO & TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS Equipment Services Public Works -Equip Svcs Account Number 501 - 7630 - 548.34 -02 501 -7630- 548.34 -02 501 -7630- 548.35 -01 Division Total: Department Total: Equipment Services Fund Total: 05 -23 A/C 206T310164584B 05 -23 NC 206T302306084B 502 -2081- 518.42 -10 502 - 2081 - 518.42 -10 COMPUTERS,DP & WORD PROC. 502 -2081- 518.48 -02 NETWORK SUPPORT -FCOE CONF 502-2081-518.41-50 TRAVEL (1/2 TIME)2.5 @$18 LODGING - 5/21/2013 PRINTING,SILK SCR,TYPSET 502 -2081- 518.41 -50 502 - 2081 - 518.41 -50 502 -2081- 518.31 -01 Information Technologies Division Total: COMPUTER HARDWARE &PERIPHI502 -2082- 594.65 -10 DATA PROC SERV &SOFTWARE 502 -2082- 594.65 -10 IT Capital Projects Finance Department Information Technology Med.Den/Vis Premiums LT Disability Life Insurance L1 MedNis Premiums REIMBURSE MEDICARE -MAY Disability Board -May Disability Board -May Disability Board -May REIMBURSE MEDICARE -MAY REIMBURSE MEDICARE -MAY Disability Board -May REIMBURSE MEDICARE -MAY Disability Board -May REIMBURSE MEDICARE -MAY Disability Board -May REIMBURSE MEDICARE -MAY Disability Board -May REIMBURSE MEDICARE -MAY REIMBURSE MEDICARE -MAY S /NS/WT RETIREES Disability Board -May Disability Board -May Division Total: Department Total: Fund Total: 503 - 1631 - 517.46 -30 503- 1631 - 517.46 -31 503 - 1631 - 517.46 -32 503 - 1631 - 517.46 -34 503 - 1631 - 517.46 -35 503 - 1631- 517.46 -35 503 - 1631- 517.46 -35 503 - 1631 - 517.46 -35 503 - 1631 - 517.46 -35 503 - 1631 - 517.46 -35 503 -1631- 517.46 -35 503 - 1631- 517.46 -35 503 - 1631- 517.46 -35 503- 1631 - 517.46 -35 503 - 1631 - 517.46 -35 503 - 1631 - 517.46 -35 503 - 1631 - 517.46 -35 503 - 1631 - 517.46 -35 503- 1631 - 517.46 -35 503 - 1631- 517.46 -33 503 - 1631 - 517.46 -34 503 - 1631 - 517.46 -35 503- 1631- 517.46 -35 Invoice Amount 33.04 59.19 150.51 $38,676.12 $38,676.12 $59,402.42 24.97 18.30 977.76 2,497.50 462.50 110.00 52.03 $4,143.06 1,814.48 5,237.53 $7,052.01 $11,195.07 $11,195.07 246,531.26 4,045.72 1,644.86 10,873.39 115.40 2,064.08 115.93 20.00 104.90 545.90 272.49 104.90 96.63 104,90 45.00 104.90 13.98 104.90 104.90 71, 853.00 9,019.00 19.50 716.35 E -21 Page 18 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 5 /25/2013 To: 6,7/2013 Date: 6/12/2013 Vendor Self Insurance WCIA (WA CITIES INS AUTHORITY) Self Insurance CENTURYLINK -QWEST VERIZON WIRELESS Economic Development AWC EMPLOYEE BENEFITS TRUST Fireman's Pension PA DOWNTOWN ASSN Description REIMBURSE MEDICARE -MAY Disability Board -May REIMBURSE MEDICARE -MAY Disability Board -May Other Insurance Programs INSURANCE, ALL TYPES MAY LIABILITY CLAIMS MAY LIABILITY CLAIMS Comp Liability Self Insurance Self- Insurance Fund 05 -23 NC 206T310164584B 05 -23 A/C 206T302306084B 05 -15 a/c 264230412 -00003 Archaeologist Economic Development Cultural Resources Retiree Premiums REIMBURSE MEDICARE -MAY Disability Board -May REIMBURSE MEDICARE -MAY REIMBURSE MEDICARE -MAY Fireman's Pension Fireman's Pension Firemen's Pension MAY 2013 DECAL SALES MAY 2013 PBIA DUES MAY 2013 FIRST STREET PLA Off Street Parking Fund CENTURYLINK -QWEST 05 -23 A/C 206T418577331B 05 -23 NC 206T310164584B 05 -23 A/C 206T302306084B PORT ANGELES FINE ARTS CENTER FNCOFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS SIGNS, SIGN MATERIAL Esther Webster /Fine Arts Esther Webster /Fine Arts Esther Webster /Fine Arts Esther Webster Fund AFLAC AFLAC SUPP INSURANCE Account Number 503 - 1631 - 517.46 -35 503 - 1631 - 517.46 -35 503 - 1631 - 517.46 -35 503 - 1631- 517.46 -35 Division Total: 503 - 1671- 517.41 -50 503- 1671 - 517.41 -50 503 - 1671 - 517.49 -98 Division Total: Department Total: Fund Total: 504 - 1512- 558.42 -10 504 - 1512- 558.42 -10 504- 1512- 558.42 -10 Division Total: Department Total: Fund Total: 602 - 6221 - 517.46 -35 602 - 6221 - 517.46 -35 602 - 6221- 517.46 -35 602 - 6221 - 517.46 -35 602 - 6221 - 517.46 -35 Division Total: Department Total: Fund Total: 650 - 0000 - 231.91 -00 650 - 0000 - 231.92 -00 650 - 0000 - 231.93 -00 Division Total: Department Total: Fund Total: 652 - 8630 - 575.42 -10 652 -8630- 575.42 -10 652- 8630 - 575.42 -10 652 - 8630 - 575.31 -01 652- 8630 - 575.31 -20 652- 8630 - 575.31 -60 Division Total: Department Total: Fund Total: 920- 0000 - 231.53 -10 Invoice Amount 103.90 42.21 104.90 386.40 $349,259.30 9,541.47 5,724.38 98,035.00 $113,300.85 $462,560.15 $462,560.15 2.77 2.03 35.74 $40.54 $40.54 $40.54 4,011.32 104.90 91.00 104.90 104.90 $4,417.02 $4,417.02 $4,417.02 287.06 1,878.57 4,091.16 $6,256.79 $6,256.79 $6,256.79 57.46 8.32 6.10 59.50 98.71 32.52 $262.61 $262.61 $262.61 1,374.60 E -22 Page 19 City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 5/25/2013 To: 6/7/2013 Date: 6/12/2013 Vendor ASSOCIATION OF WASHINGTON CITIES LEOFF OFFICE OF SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT PERS UNITED WAY (PAYROLL) US DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION VOLUNTEER FIRE ASSOCIATION Description AWC SUPP LIFE INS P/R Deductions pe 05 -26 P/R Deductions pe 05 -26 P/R Deductions pe 05 -26 P/R Deductions pe 05 -26 P/R Deductions pe 05 -26 PAYROLL SUMMARY PAYROLL SUMMARY PAYROLL SUMMARY Payroll Clearing Account Number 920- 0000 - 231.53 -30 920- 0000 - 231.51 -21 920- 0000 - 231.56 -20 920- 0000 - 231.51 -10 920- 0000 - 231.51 -11 920- 0000 - 231.51 -12 920- 0000 - 231.56 -10 920- 0000 - 231.56 -30 920- 0000 - 231.55 -20 Division Total: Department Total: Fund Total: Totals for check period From: 5/25/2013 To: 6/7/2013 Invoice Amount 333.40 23,286.84 169.85 1,692.58 10,922.81 40,620.16 598.46 76.19 29.00 $79,103.89 $79,103.89 $79,103.89 $1,452,230.33 E -23 Page 20 P0RTANGELES W A S H I N G T O N , U.S.A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: June 18, 2013 TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: Glenn A. Cutler, P. E., Director of Public Works & Utilities SUBJECT: Two Police Caprice Sedans, Project CP -13 -014, Authorize Payment for Uplifting Services to Systems for Public Safety, Inc. Summary: All new police vehicles require "uplifting" (outfitting of electronics) prior to being placed into active service. Systems for Public Safety, Inc., was the low responsible bidder. They performed the work prior to receiving a notice to proceed. Recommendation: Authorize payment to Systems for Public Safety, Inc., in the amount of $27,083.60, including sales tax, for uplifting two Police Caprice sedans, and authorize the City Manager to arrange and approve documents as necessary and appropriate to evidence this transaction. Background / Analysis: The City Council awarded a contract on March 19, 2013 to purchase two used police sedans with limited mileage as an alternative to new purchases. Purchasing used vehicles, as opposed to new, saved the City approximately $12,000. The two vehicles were owned by and purchased from Elliot Motors of Davenport, WA, and they happened to be in the possession of Systems for Public Safety, Inc., in Lakewood, WA. All new police vehicles require "uplifting" (outfitting with electronic support equipment). A contract for uplifting the two vehicles was advertised. Systems for Public Safety, Inc., of Lakewood, WA was the low responsible bidder. The bid amount was $27,083.60. including sales tax, for uplifting both vehicles. The City notified Systems for Public Safety that it was the low bidder. The City also gave written instructions to the contractor that no work was to be performed prior to receiving Notice to Proceed by the City. City staff then began the usual process to bring the bid to City Council for approval and award. The contractor, who had custody of the vehicles prior to the City's bid process, by their own decision and without notifying the City's contracting staff, commenced perfonning the work before the contract was taken to Council for action and prior to the issuance of a notice -to- proceed. The contractor has performed work for the City in the past and has an excellent reputation for complying with all contract requirements and providing a very high quality product. The work has been inspected by the Police Department and Public Works and Utilities Department personnel. It has been verified the work is complete per the contract requirements, just without the contract. Lhe24 N: \CCOUNCIL \FINAL \Two Police Caprice Sedans. Project CP -13 -014. Authorize Payment for Uplifting Services.docx June 18, 2013 City Council Re: Two Police Caprice Sedans, Project CP -13 -014, Payment for Uplifting Services Page 2 . contractor is willing to honor the contract warranty. The City has received value, and the bid amount, $27,083.60, is a fair measure of that value. Funds are in the 2013 City budget to perfonn the uplifting of the two police sedans. It is recommended that the City Council authorize payment to Systems for Public Safety, Inc., in the amount of $27,083.60, including sales tax, for uplifting two Police Caprice sedans, and authorize the City Manager to arrange and approve documents as necessary and appropriate to evidence this transaction. E -25 CITY OF r Y pQRT v 1VGELES W A S H I N G T O N , U.S.A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: June 18, 2013 To: CITY COUNCIL FROM: Glenn A. Cutler, P.E., Director of Public Works & Utilities SUBJECT: Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) Monitoring Services Agreement; Professional Services Agreement with ADS Environmental Services, LLC, Amendment No. 3 Summary: The City is required through its State NPDES Permit to monitor and report the frequency and volume of CSO overflows. ADS Environmental Services, LLC (ADS) has successfully accomplished this monitoring work for the City since September 2009. Recommendation: Approve and authorize the City Manager to sign an amendment to the professional services agreement with ADS Environmental Services, LLC for a one year extension starting July 2013 in an amount not to exceed $63,606, for an amended contract total amount of $322,999.08, and to make minor modifications to the agreement, if necessary. Background /Analysis: The City's Wastewater Treatment Plant National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit requires the City to monitor all CSO events for duration, volume, and frequency and to characterize the impacts of CSO overflows. The City is also required to report overflows to the Department of Ecology (DOE) and other regulatory agencies, and to implement a public notification process to inform citizens of when and where CSOs occur. On September 15, 2009, the City signed a contract for service with ADS. ADS provides the City with professional monitoring services, monitoring equipment maintenance, and a web -based data management and notification system. The task amounts, including tax, are summarized in the following table: Task/Item Cost 5. Flow monitoring and rain gauge field service $36,171 6. Data analysis and reports 16,021 7. Wireless communications 1,514 8. Website data display and alarm notification 1,900 9.Technical Assistance 8,000 TOTAL $63,606 N: \CCOUNCIL \FINAL \CSO Monitoring, Professional Services Agreement with ADS Environmental LLC, Amendment No. 3.docx E -26 June I8, 2013 City Council Re: CSO Monitoring Professional Services Agreement with ADS Environmental LLC, Amendment No. 3 Page 2 The total cost for the new service year is slightly more than the prior year due to the Francis Street outfall systems being upgraded in the new CSO project. The prior year cost was $53,900. Additional technical assistance, line item 9, is included for transitioning to the new system. Funds for this contract extension are available in the 2013 Wastewater Utility Budget. It is recommended that City Council approve and authorize the City Manager to sign an amendment to the professional services agreement with ADS Environmental Services, LLC for a one year extension starting July 2013 in an amount not to exceed $63,606, for an amended contract total amount of $322,999.08, and to make minor modifications to the agreement, if necessary. E -27 PORTANGELES WASHINGTON, U.S.A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: June 18, 2013 To: CITY COUNCIL FROM: BYRON OLSON, CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER SUBJECT: DATA CENTER(S) SERVER MANAGEMENT HARDWARE REPLACEMENT (PROJECT IT 03 -12) AGREEMENT TO PURCHASE REPLACEMENT UPGRADES THROUGH THE STATE CONTRACT WITH INSIGHT PUBLIC SECTOR Summary: The proposed action will replace computer server related equipment that is approximately 15 years old and is obsolete. We are proposing two identical systems; one for our main data center at City Hall and the second for our redundant data facility at the Corp Yard. The replacement equipment is designed to take advantage of the recent technology changes. In addition, our city -wide computer network system will be more reliable for day -to -day use by City employees. The new ability for remote accessibility means we will not be replacing our current support monitors and can use existing capabilities, resulting in cost savings and a return of $20,000 to IT Reserves. This upgrade was included in the Capital Improvement Plan as well as the 2013 Information Technology Budget. Recommendation: Council approve and authorize the Mayor to sign purchase agreement(s) with Insight Public Sector for replacement of the data centers server management hardware (Project IT03 -12), in an amount not to exceed $40,000.00 including sales tax. Background / Analysis: The current server management hardware was purchased or manufactured prior to 1998. Our updated servers no longer support these legacy connections, which is impeding our management functions. Our current management hardware is limited to no more than 24 server connections and requires a direct monitor /keyboard interface. The proposed hardware purchase will reduce the required management hardware to two 64 -port consoles -one for each data center. These new management switches decrease the number of necessary physical monitors to one each. Additionally, they enable remote administrative access for up to 8 IT staff members from any permitted IT connection. By utilizing Ethernet cabling E -28 Data Center Server Management Hardware Replacement (Project IT 03 -12) Page 2 architecture instead of serial, the quantity and size of bulky cables are reduced, allowing for better air flow and cooling of servers. Staff will use existing server monitor /keyboard interfaces for the two new switches instead of replacing them. All extra monitor interfaces will be marked as spares and stored for future needs. Staff recommends that Council approve and authorize the Mayor to sign purchase agreement(s) with Insight Public Sector for the replacement server management hardware and cabling (1103- 12), in an amount not to exceed $40,000.00, including sales tax. E -29 CITY OF pORTANGELES W A S H I N G T O N , U.S.A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: June 18, 2013 To: CITY COUNCIL FROM: Glenn A. Cutler, P.E., Director of Public Works and Utilities SUBJECT: 2013 -2019 Capital Facilities Plan (CFP) / Transportation Improvement Program (TIP); Public Hearing and Pass CFP/TIP Resolution Summary: A public hearing on the City's Six -Year CFP /TIP was opened on June 4, 2013. The hearing was continued to June 18, 2013 for additional public comment. If comments are received, they will be summarized during the staff presentation. Recommendation: 1) Listen to the staff presentation; 2) Continue the public hearing; 3) Close the public hearing; 4) Discuss the CFP/TIP; and 5) Pass the CFP/TIP resolution. Background /Analysis: A public hearing on the 2013 -2019 CFP /TIP was opened at the June 4, 2013 City Council meeting. The hearing was continued to June 18, 2013 for additional public comments. Staff will provide a summary of the comments, if any, at tonight's meeting. The CFP /TIP is posted on the City's website. It is recommended that Council approve the resolution adopting the 2013 -2019 CFP /TIP, which includes a summary of all proposed projects during the next six -years (Exhibit A). Attachment: 2013 -2019 CFP /TIP Resolution with Exhibit A N: \CCOUNCIL \FINAL \2013 -2019 CFP-TIP Close Public Hearing & Pass Resolution.docx G -1 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, adopting the Capital Facilities Plan and Transportation Improvement Program for 2013 -2019. WHEREAS, the City of Port Angeles is required to annually update its Capital Facilities Plan and Transportation improvement Program; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington being the legislative body of said City, on the 4th of June 2013, and the 18th of June 2013 did hold public hearings on the update of its Capital Facilities Plan and Transportation Improvement Program; and WHEREAS, the proposed Capital Facilities Plan and Transportation Improvement Program for 2013 -2019 are consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington that the Capital Facilities Plan and the Transportation Improvement Program, attached hereto as Exhibit A, for the City of Port Angeles, Washington, be and the same are hereby adopted; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the 2013 -2019 Transportation Improvement Program, together with this Resolution, shall be filed with the Secretary of Transportation of the State of Washington. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 18th day of June 2013. Cherie Kidd, Mayor ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: Janessa I -Turd, City Clerk William E. Bloor, City Attorney H:\a ORDINANCES &RESOLUTIONS\RESOLUTIONS 201 \06. TIP& CIP -Adopt - 05.30.12.wpd (May 30, 2013) G -2 2013 - 2019 Capital Facilities Projects Priority Order CEP / TIP Summary Page 1 Project ID Project Title Priority Grants & Contributions Bonds & loans Total Project Costs Net City Costs 2013 City Casts 2014 City Costs 2015 City Costs 2016 City Costs 2017 City Costs 2018 City Costs 2019 City Costs FIRE PROJECTS FR02 -2009 Wireless Mobile Data for Fire Apparatus 1 60,000 60.000 0 60,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 FRO7 -1999 West Side Fire Station 2 2,125,000 2,125,000 2,125,000 0 0 0 0 0 340.000 1,785,000 GENERAL PROJECTS 0003 -2003 Infrastructure Development )NICE Program) 1 753,300 753,300 100,000 100.000 100,000 100000 100,000 100,000 0 G001 -2013 Feiro /NOAA /City Shared Facility 2 12,560000 12,600,000 40,000 0 40,000 0 0 0 12,560,000 0 0003 -2009 Entryway Monument 3 88,000 88,000 0 0 57,000 31,000 0 0 0 GG01 -2010 Valley Creek Restoration Phase 111 4 2,000,000 2,000,000 0 0 0 300,000 300,000 0 300,000 1,100,000 GG03 -2007 City Hall Parking Lot Repair 5 100.000 100,000 0 0 0 100,000 0 0 0 PARKS AND RECREATION PROJECTS 5506 -2005 Replacement Roof of Vern Burton 1 300,000 300,000 0 300,000 0 0 0 0 0 P500 -2009 Ediz Hook West Boat Dock Repair -FEMA Mitigation 2 390,000 520,000 130.000 0 50,000 470,000 0 0 0 0 P502-2012 City Pier Electrical Upgrades 3 140,000 140,000 0 0 140,000 0 0 0 0 PK01 -2010 Civic Field Upgrades 4 1,000,000 4,000,000 5,000,000 4,000,000 0 0 0 1,000,000 4,000,000 0 0 P504 -2012 Lincoln Park Development 5 14,000,000 14,000,000 0 0 0 0 14,000,000 0 0 0 PK11 -2006 City Pier Float Replacement 6 637,500 850,000 212,500 0 0 0 212,500 637,500 0 0 PK03 -2012 City Pier Fire Suppression System - Central /East Systems 7 330,000 330,000 0 0 0 40,000 290,000 0 0 PK02 -2005 Restroom Replacement 8 375,000 375,000 0 0 0 0 125,000 125,000 125.000 PK04 -2006 Shane & E9s Ball Field Lighting Project 9 300,000 300,000 0 0 0 0 0 150,000 150,000 PK03 -2007 Tennis Courts Lighting at Erickson Playfield 10 25,000 75,000 50,000 0 0 0 0 0 75,000 0 P508 -2002 Neighborhood Park Renovations 11 500,000 500,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 100,000 POLICE DEPARTMENT PROJECTS PD02 -2012 Emergency Generator - Police Department /City Hall 1 120,000 120,000 120,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 P001 -2012 Waterfront Surveillance Cameras 2 310,062 413,416 103,354 413,416 0 0 0 0 0 0 5003.2012 Pencom 3 123,000 123,000 0 123,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 PD01 -2013 WMDS Enhancement 4 360,000 540,000 180,000 0 90,000 90,000 90,000 90,000 90,000 90,000 5003.2007 Regional Firearms Training Facility 5 265,000 300,000 35,000 0 300,000 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL OF ALL GENERAL FUND PROJECTS 31,730,562 5,125,000 41,612,716 9,882,154 816,416 880,000 1,157,000 15,873,500 5,242,500 13,740,000 3,350,000 STREET PROJECTS TR02 -2003 West End Park )WT1P Phase 2) 1 969,000 3,394,000 2,425,000 168,000 2,638,000 214,000 0 0 0 0 TRO9 -2009 Ediz Hook Harbor Erosion Riprap Repair -FEMA Mitigation 2 228,000 254,000 26,000 254,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 TRO6 -2009 Tumwater Street Retaining Wall Repair -FEMA Mitigation 3 134,000 153,000 19,000 153,000 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 TR421899 Lauridsen Blvd Bridge Replacement 4 4,776,825 5,971,031 1,194,206 5,000,000 255,779 0 0 0 0 0 TR16-1999 18th Street Reconstruction 5 1,434,000 1,580,000 146,000 150,000 1,430,000 I 0 0 0 0 0 CEP Ranking )0528131 GAC,alne Exhibit "A" G -3 6/12/2013 1013 - 2019 Capital Facilities Projects Priority Order CEP / TIP Summary Page Project ID Project Title priority Grants & Contributions Bonds & Loans Total Project Costs Net City Costs 2013 City Costs 2014 City Costs 2015 City Costs 2016 City Costs 2017 City Costs 2018 thy Costs 2019 City Costs TR04 -2005 Alley Paving 6 750,000 750,000 125,000 0 125,000 125,000 125,000 125,000 125,000 TR01 -2013 Waterfront Redevelopment (Railroad Ave East to Hollywood Be 7 8,645,000 8,645,000 840,000 2,663,000 2,561,000 1,951,000 330,000 0 TR01 -2003 Overlay Program 8 2.713,000 2,713,000 0 357,000 382,000 429,000 470,000 512,000 563,000 TR02 -2009 Race Street Complete Street Development 9 2,413,000 2,413,000 0 0 327,000 302,000 1,359,000 425,000 0 0 TR26-1999 ADA Curb Ramps 10 140,000 140,000 0 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 T574'1999 Sidewalk Program 11 360,000 360,000 0 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 TR20 -1999 Street Bicycle Facilities /Racks /Striping 12 120,000 120,000 0 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 TR11 -2009 Marine Drive Bulkhead Repairs 13 330,000 4,530,000 4,200,000 0 330,000 0 0 0 0 4,200,000 TR01 -2001 Laurel St. Stairs Replacement 14 302,500 302,500 0 0 27,500 275,000 0 0 0 TR09 -2009 Way - 8inding Signage 15 482,500 482,500 0 0 120,625 120,625 120,625 120,625 0 TROS -2006 Valley Creek Loop Trail 16 50,000 100,000 50,000 0 0 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 0 TRO2 -2008 Alternative Cross -Town Route Study 17 220,000 220,000 0 0 220,000 0 0 0 0 TR10-2009 Fl /Front Race Street Nodes 18 423,000 423,000 0 0 55,000 0 0 0 368,000 TR03 -2006 Oak Street Stairs Replacement 19 550,000 550,000 0 0 55,000 495,000 0 0 0 TR18 -1999 Lincoln /Laurel Rechannelization /Signal /Roundabout 20 1,383,000 300,000 1,750,000 367,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,750,000 TR17 -1999 Truck Route at 05101 Intersection 21 6,000,000 6,000,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 6,000,000 TR02 -2012 Caroline Street Slide Repair 22 375,000 375,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 375,000 TR01 -2011 Marine Drive Channel Bridge Repair /Replacement 23 510,000 510,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 510,000 TR12 -1999 Park Avenue Reconstruction [Peabody to Race) 24 2,090,000 1,455,000 365,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,455,000 TR03 -2007 Laurel Street Sidewalk Phase I 25 200,000 260,000 60,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 260,000 TR13 -2000 'N' Street Sidewalk [14th St. to 18th St.] 26 300,000 355,000 55,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 355,000 TR02 200] Laurel St. Sidewalk Phase II 27 250,000 325,000 75,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 325,000 TROS -1999 Hill Street Intersection Reconstruction 28 182,000 485,000 303,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 485,000 TRO7-1999 Milwaukee Drive Phase 29 2,905,000 2,905,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,905,000 TR01 -2004 2nd & Valley Pavement Restoration 30 550,000 550,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 550,000 TR12 -2000 10th Street I'M' Street to '1' Street] 31 510,000 735,000 225,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 735,000 TRO4 -1999 Laurel Street /A hivers Road Reconstruction 32 932,000 1,745,000 813,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,745,000 TR11 -2000 10th Street S /W['N' Street to 'M' Street) 33 440,000 660,000 220,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 660,000 TR71 -1999 10th /13th an0 "I " / "M" Street mprovements 34 3,330,000 3,330,000 3,330,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 3,330,000 TR02 -2001 Ennis St, Slide Repair 35 500,000 500,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 500,000 TR 69 -1999 Rhoads Road Area Street Improvements 36 1,355,000 1,355,000 1,355,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,355,000 TR70 -1999 Mt Angeles Road /Porter Street Improvements 37 3,030,000 3,030,000 3,030,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 3,030,000 TR13 -1999 City -Wide Traffic Signal Interconnect /Preemption 33 725,000 725,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 725,000 T030 -1999 10th Street Reconstruction 39 1.000,000 1.000,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,000,000 CFP Ranking 062 913) GACake Exhibit "A" G -4 0/11/2813 2013 - 2019Capital Facilities Projects Priority Order CEP / TIP Summary Page 3 Project ID Project Title Priority Grants & Contributions Bonds & Loans Total Project Costs Net City Costs 2013 City Costs 2014 City Costs 2015 City Costs 2016 City Costs 2017 City Costs 2018 City Costs 2019 City Casts TR80 -1999 Lauridsen Blvd/Washington Street Reconstruct 40 405,000 4801000 75,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 480000 TR14 -1999 White's Creek Crossing 41 9,690,000 9,690,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 9,690.000 TR03-2008 0 Street Improvements (14th to 16th Streets) 42 1,000,000 1,000,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,000.000 TOTAL OF ALL STREET PROJECTS 16,026,825 8,015,000 72,321,031 56,294,206 5,850,000 6,277,779 4,289,125 5,789,625 3,216,625 1,212,625 44,576,000 ELECTRIC PROTECTS 0107.2010 BIM Conservation Program 1 7,468,000 7,468,000 0 826,000 826,000 826,000 826.000 826,000 826,000 826,000 0109-2009 Tier 2Conservation Program 2 2,700,003 2,700,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 CL06-2012 Upgrade Downtown Lighting Poles 3 300,000 300,000 200,000 0 100,000 0 0 0 0 C102-2012 Yard /Area Light Replacement 4 25,0110 125,000 100,000 25,000 50,000 50,000 0 0 0 0 CL03 -2009 Voluntary Peak Power Project 5 1,000,000 1,000,000 0 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 0 0 C103 -2011 Cable Television Franchise Formal Proceeding 6 65,000 65,000 0 65,000 0 0 0 0 0 CL01 -2006 Eclipse Industrial Park Increase Capacity 7 350,000 350,000 0 200,000 0 0 0 0 0 0102 -2006 Upgrade "A" Street Substation Transformer 8 800,000 860,000 860,000 0 800,000 0 0 0 0 0 0102 -2010 Transmission Line Upgrade - Washington to 150 9 220,000 220,000 0 220,000 0 0 0 0 0 C108 -2007 Olympic Medical Center Redundant Power Source 10 110,000 110,000 0 110,000 0 0 0 0 0 0101 -2013 Substation Security Fencing 11 60,000 60,000 0 60,000 0 0 0 0 0 C102.2013 Repair College Service Entrance 12 33,000 33,000 0 33,000 0 0 0 0 0 0104 -2010 Metropolitan Area Network Needs Assessment 13 72,000 72,000 0 0 30,000 42,000 0 0 0 0103.2013 Pole Replacement Program 14 1,275,000 1,275,000 0 0 0 650000 0 0 625,000 CL01.2012 Street Light Upgrades Phase II 15 500,000 500,000 0 0 0 500,000 0 0 0 0102 -2002 Feeder Tie Porter To Golf Course 16 260,000 260,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 260,000 CL01 -2004 Feeder Tie Hwy 101, Cherry Street to Pine Street 17 60,000 60,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 60,000 0107 -1999 Airport Industrial Park Electric Service 18 800,00D 800,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 800,000 0103 -2006 Install Peabody Substation 19 770,000 770,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 770,000 TOTAL OF ALL ELECTRIC PROJECTS 8,293,000 800,000 17,028,000 8,735,000 1,351,000 2,914,000 1,556,000 2,568,000 1,376,000 1,126,000 3,641,000 SOLID WASTE PROJECTS 5W02-2012 Landfill Bluff Stabilization - Phase 1 1 4,000,000 15,861 19,861,650 15,861,650 1,825,000 17.440,000 0 0 0 0 0 SW01 -2009 Post - Closure Beach Nourishment 2 245,880 245,880 20,000 20,000 20,000 50,000 50.000 50,000 0 SW01 -2012 Decant Facility 3 532,500 710,000 177,500 0 0 0 0 115,000 595,000 0 TOTAL OF ALL SOLID WASTE PROJECTS 4,532,500 15,861 20,817,530 16,285,030 1,845,000 17,460,000 20,000 50,000 165,000 645,000 0 WATER PROJECTS WT01 -2009 E Street Reservoir Cover Repair /Replace 1 400,000 645,000 645,000 620,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 WT02 -2006 Biennial Replacements 2 1,224,000 1,224,000 306,000 306,000 0 306,000 0 306,000 0 WT01 -2011 Liberty Street Water Main Replacement 3 380,000 380,000 380,000 0 0 50,000 330,000 0 0 0 CFP Ranking 10528131 GACY19 Exhibit "A" G -5 6/12/2313 2013.2019 Capital Facilities Projects Priority Order CFP / TIP Summary Page 4 Project ID Project Title Priority Grants & Contributions Bonds & Loans Total Project Costs Net City Costs 2013 City Costs 2014 City Costs 2015 City Costs 2016 City Costs 2017 City Costs 2018 City Costs 2019 City Costs Wi05 -2012 East 4th Street Water Main Replacement 4 400,000 400,000 0 0 50,000 350,11110 0 0 0 WT64 -1999 McDougal Pressure Subtone Improvements 5 550,000 550,000 550,000 0 0 0 50,000 500,000 0 0 WT01 -2012 10th Street Water Main Replacement 6 990,000 990,000 990,000 0 0 0 100,000 890,000 0 0 WT02 -2012 East 6th Street Water Main Replacement ] 290,000 290,000 0 0 0 0 40,000 250.000 0 WT03 -2009 Transfer Morse Creek Water Lines to Clallam PUD 8 200,000 400,000 200,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 400,000 WT03-2005 Vulnerability Improvements 9 210,000 210,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 210,000 WT03 -2012 North Liberty Street Water Main 10 100,000 100,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 100,000 WT06 -2012 Third St reet and Vine Street Main Replacement 11 390,000 390,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 390,000 WT04.2012 West 4th Street Water Main Replacement 12 1,150,000 1,150,000 1,150,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,150000 TOTAL OF ALL WATER PROJECTS 200,000 3,470,000 6,729,000 6,529,000 926,000 306,000 100,000 1,136,000 1,430,000 556,000 2,250,000 WASTEWATER PROJECTS WW1D -2008 Combined Sewer Overflows Phase II 1 12,501,000 15,728,000 15,728,000 1.445,000 4,191,000 10,092.000 0 0 0 0 WW02-2010 SCADA System Upgrade /Replacement 2 855,103 855,103 730,103 100,000 25,000 0 0 0 0 WW02 -2011 Fiber Optic Connections to CSO Sites 3 200,000 200,000 25,000 35,000 40,000 0 0 0 0 WW01 -2011 Sanitary Sewer Infiltration /Inflow Reduction Phase, 4 2,225,000 2,225,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 325,000 325,000 325,000 350,000 WW27-1999 Biennial Replacement Lines 5 1,123,000 1,123,000 173,000 0 300,000 0 317,000 0 333,000 WW00 -2008 Carbon Scrubbers WWTP 6 53,000 53,000 50,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 WW01 -2008 Dry Polymer Feeder Replacement WWTP 7 150,000 150,000 0 0 0 30,000 120,000 0 0 WW02 -2008 Septage Receiving Station WWIT 8 1,140,000 1,140,000 0 0 0 120,000 900,000 0 0 WW02 -2005 Plant Dewatering improvements 9 2,100,000 2,163,000 2,163,000 0 0 0 0 0 2,100,000 0 WW03 -2008 Pump Station 83 Replacement 10 4.000.000 4.000,000 0 0 0 0 0 400,000 3,600,000 WW05 -2008 Digester Mixing Improvement WWTP 11 1,000,000 1,000.000 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,000,000 WW01 -2010 Turbo Blower Installation 12 470,000 470,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 470,000 WW06 -2008 Waste Activated Sludge Thickening WWTP 13 1,210,000 1,210,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,200.000 WW11 -2008 West UGA Basin 4 Sewer Extension 14 2,500,000 2,500,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,500,000 WW07 -2008 West UGA Basin 2 Sewer Extension 15 7,100,000 7,100.000 0 0 0 0 0 0 7,100,000 W W09.2008 West UGA Basin 3 Sewer Extension 16 6,100,000 6,100,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 6,100,000 WW03 -2000 Lindberg Rd Sewer LID 17 1,200,000 1,200,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,200,000 TOTAL OF ALL WASTEWATER PROJECTS 16,900,000 14,601,000 47,217,103 30,317,103 2,723,103 4,626,000 10,757,000 475,000 1,662,000 2,825,000 23,853,000 STORMWATER PROJECTS DR03 -2009 4th Street Stormwater Improvements 1 1,000,000 1,681,500 1,581,500 1,121,500 300,000 0 0 0 0 0 DR02.2011 Annual Stormwater System Rehabilitation 2 1,484,000 1,484,000 170,000 170,000 191,000 191,000 19:000 200,000 200,000 DR03 -2012 Stormwater Enhancement 8., LID Program 3 70,000 245,000 175,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 DR01 -2008 Annual Water Quality Project 4 105,000 210,000 105,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 0 CFP Ranking 105281316ACalsv Exhibit "A" G -6 6/12/2013 2013 - 2019 Capital Facilities Projects Priority Order RP /TIP Summary Page S Project ID Project Title Priority Grants & Contributions Bonds & loans Total Project Costs Net City Costs 2013 City Costs 2014 City Costs 2015 City Costs 2016 City Costs 2017 City Costs 2018 City Costs 2019 City Costs 0504 -2012 Outfall Dredging 5 165,000 165,000 0 55,000 0 55,000 0 55,000 0 DR14 -1999 Peabody Creek /Lincoln St Culvert Rehab 6 460,000 460,000 920,000 460,000 0 0 120.000 800,000 0 0 0 0501 -2013 H Street Stormwater (Duffel! Improvements 7 300,000 400,000 100,000 0 0 000,000 0 0 0 0 0502-2012 Peabody Creek Fecal Conform Bacteria Reduction 8 125,000 250.000 125.000 0 0 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 0503 -2004 Stormwater at Laurel & U5101 9 575,000 575,000 575,000 0 0 0 75,000 500,000 0 0 0504 -2011 Liberty Street Stormwater Improvement 10 1,035,000 1,035,000 1,035,000 0 0 0 0 135,000 900.000 0 O504 -2004 Stormwater at Canyon Edge &Ahlvers 31 3,450,000 3,450,000 3,450,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 3,450,000 D1106-2004 Stormwater at Campbell & Porter 12 3,450,000 3,450,000 3,450,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 3,450,000 D1401-2012 Valley Creek Culvert /Outfall Replacement 13 600,000 600,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 600,000 D508 -2004 Lincoln Park /Big Boy Pond 14 50,000 50,000 50,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 50,000 TOTAL OF ALL STORM WATER PROJECTS 2,060,000 9,020,000 14,515,500 13,455,500 1,356,500 590,000 826,000 1,236,000 942,000 1,270,000 7,835,000 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY PROJECTS IT02 -2012 Redundant Data Center F ire Suppression /Security Upgrade 1 50,000 50,000 50,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 IT03 -2012 Replace Data Center Server Management Hardware 2 60,000 60,000 60,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 1110 -2013 Coignes 10 Upgrade /replacement 3 45,000 45,000 45,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 1102 -2013 Thin Client Virtual Desktop Conversion /Replacement 4 200,000 200,000 120,000 80,000 0 0 0 0 0 1106 -2013 GIS /Cityworks Server Upgrade /Replacement 5 105,000 105.000 0 105,000 0 0 0 0 0 1702 -2011 Council Chambers Visual Aids Upgrade 6 55,000 55,000 0 55,000 0 0 0 0 0 1105 -2013 Backup System Remote Redundant Equipment \Comm 7 80,000 80,000 0 80,000 0 0 0 0 0 1107 -2013 Electrical SCADA Server Upgrade /Replacement 8 31,000 127,000 96,000 0 96,000 0 0 0 0 0 IT01 -2012 Replacement Computer Room Battery Backup Systems 9 90,000 90,000 0 90,000 0 0 0 0 0 1103 -2013 Water 5CA0A Server Upgrade /Replacement 10 55,000 55,000 0 55,000 0 0 0 0 0 1108 -2013 Administrators /City Council Electronic Work Platforms 11 30,000 30,000 0 30,000 0 0 0 0 0 1111 -2013 Proximity Access Control 12 151,000 151,000 0 0 60,000 60,000 31,000 0 0 1104 -2013 Physical Records Digital Conversion /Archival /Destruction 13 220,000 220,000 0 0 55.000 55,000 55,000 55,000 0 1109 -2013 1Series SunGard System Upgrade /HA Redundancy 14 150,000 150,000 0 0 0 150,000 0 0 0 1T12 -2013 Enterprise Information System Upgrade /Replacement 15 3,200,000 3,200,000 0 0 0 0 0 3,200,000 0 TOTAL OF ALL INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY PROJECTS 31,000 0 4,568,000 4,537,000 225,000 591,000 115,000 265,000 86,000 3,255,000 0 TOTALS Count 145 159,547,774 84,093,722 449,667,760 292,119,986 30,236,038 67,289,558 37,640,250 54,786,250 28,240,250 49,259,250 171,010,000 CFP Panking 10528131080 ,la Exhibit "A" G -7 6/12/2013 pORTANGELES W A S H I N G T O N , U.S.A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: June 18, 2013 To: CITY COUNCIL FROM: DAN MCKEEN, CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: MANAGEMENT, ADMINISTRATIVE AND NON - REPRESENTED PERSONNEL / SALARY SCHEDULE AMENDMENT Summary: The Management, Administrative and Non- Represented Personnel Benefits Program and Salary Schedules are established by Ordinance and, as needed, are amended by the City Council. This is the first reading of an Ordinance to amend and correct certain errors in the salary schedules adopted in December 2012. No other changes are recommended, Recommendation: Conduct 1' Reading of Ordinance amending the Management, Administrative, and Non- Represented Personnel Salary Schedules for 2013 and 2014; and continue to July 2, 2013. Background / Analysis: The City's Management, Administrative, and Non - Represented employees are not covered by a labor contract. There are 40 employees in this group including the City Manager, Department Directors, Division Managers, and the Confidential and Administrative employees. The benefits and salary schedule for these employees are established by ordinance and includes social security coverage, health related benefits, paid leave, holidays, retirement, and deferred compensation. In December 2012, the City Council adopted Ordinance 3471 to set benefits and the salary schedules for both 2013 and 2014, affecting this employee group. When the process began to recruit a new Public Works & Utilities Director, I reviewed the history of the compensation package for this position. In 2005, the Parks & Recreation Department merged into the Public Works & Utilities Department. The Public Works & Utilities Director's salary was increased two ranges as compensation for the added management responsibilities. In 2011, the Recreation Division was moved from the Public Works & Utilities Department to the City Manager's Office. H -1 MANACENIENT, ADMINISTRATIVE AND NON - REPRESENTED EMPLOYEES / SALARY SCIIEDULE AMENDMENT PAGE 2 As of January 1, 2013, reorganization combined Parks & Recreation back together as a single and separate department. Reorganization involved eliminating a Recreation management position and promoting an internal employee to Director resulting in a net savings to the City of over $90,000. Since the new Public Works & Utilities Director will not have the responsibilities of Parks or Recreation, I propose to lower the salary by one range. This will bring the salary for the new Director in line with current Public Works & Utilities responsibilities and be comparable with the other City director positions. The decision to start at one range lower, rather than two, is based upon how other Public Works Director positions do not include added responsibilities for an electric utility — a situation relatively unique to Port Angeles. Additionally, since the City Manager's salary was based, in part, upon the need to maintain a reasonable spread between the Public Works Director's salary, I propose for my position to forego the 2% increase in 2014, with the salary remaining at the 2013 level. The current salary schedule places the Public Works & Utilities Director within the 47 range and the City Manager at a 2% salary increase for 2014. I propose for Council to approve a modification and set the new Public Works & Utilities Director at the 46 range and set the City Manager's 2014 salary at the 2013 level. City staff also identified errors in need of correction in the salary schedule. These include: Positions inadvertently listed in the incorrect salary range: Correcting "Administrative Assistant" from range 18 to range 17 Correcting "Finance Systems Specialist" from range 30 to range 32 Other corrections: Renaming the classification of "Executive Communications Coordinator" in range 22, to "Executive Administrative Assistant / Deputy City Clerk" Deletion of the "Assistant Parks Superintendent" and "Assistant to the Fine Arts Center Director" The proposed Ordinance will amend the 2013 and the 2014 Salary Schedules of Ordinance 3471. H -2 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, revising the benefits plan for the City's management, administrative, and non - represented personnel and amending Ordinance 3471. WHEREAS, it is necessary that the City establish and maintain a uniform benefit package for its management, administrative, and non - represented employees; and WHEREAS, the benefits for this group of employees should be consistent with the represented employee groups, and for that purpose these benefits must be amended from time to time; and WHEREAS, it is necessary that the 2013 schedule and 2014 pay schedule, which were attached as exhibits to Ordinance 3471, be amended; and WHEREAS, the City Manager should be authorized to establish the pay of each employee, provided that it does not exceed the hourly rate established in the attached schedule to this Ordinance. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES DOES HEREBY ORDAIN as follows: Section L The salaries for management, administrative, and non - represented personnel for 2013 are hereby established as set forth in the attached Exhibit A to this Ordinance. Section 3. The salaries for management, administrative, and non - represented personnel for 2014 are hereby established as set forth in the attached Exhibit B to this Ordinance. Section 4. The City Manager is hereby authorized to set the pay rate of each employee, provided that the rate does not exceed the hourly rate established for the employee's classification in the attached schedules to this Ordinance. H -3 -1- Section 5. This Ordinance exercises authority granted exclusively to the City Council and is not subject to referendum. It shall be in force and take effect 5 (five) days after publication according to law. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said Council held on the day of July, 2013. Cherie Kidd, Mayor ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: Janessa Hurd, City Clerk William E. Bloor, City Attorney PUBLISHED: By Summary H:\a ORDINANCES &RESOLUTIONS \ORDINANCES.2013 \05 - Amendment to Salaries and Benefits.04.29. 13.wpd H -4 -2- EXHIBIT A 2013 Management Grade /Step Table 2.O% Effective Jan. 1, 2013 GRADE DESCRIPTION Grade Step Hourly Rate Bi- Weekly Amount Monthly Salary Annual Salary MANAGEMENT RANGE 01 MOl 1 $13.485 $1,078.83 $2,337 $28,050 2 $13.893 , $1,111.47 $2,408 $28,898 3 $14.311 $1,144.85 $2,480 $29,766 4 $14.738 $1,179.04 $2,555 $30,655 5 $14.884 $1,190.71 $2,580 $30,958 6 $15.036 $1,202.87 $2,606 $31,275 7 $15.184 $1,214.70 $2,632 $31,582 8 $15.338 $1,227.02 $2,658 $31,902 9 $15.491 $1,239.26 $2,685 $32,221 10 $15.647 $1,251.74 $2,712 $32,545 11 $15.803 $1,264.23 $2,739 $32,870 12 $15.962 $1,276.96 $2,767 $33,201 13 $16.119 $1,289.52 $2,794 $33,528 MANAGEMENT RANGE 02 M02 1 $13.893 $1,111.47 $2,408 $28,898 2 $14.311 $1,144.85 $2,480 $29,766 3 $14.738 $1,179.04 $2,555 $30,655 4 $15.181 $1,214.45 $2,631 $31,576 5 $15.333 $1,226.61 $2,658 $31,892 6 $15.487 $1,238.93 $2,684 $32,212 7 $15.641 $1,251.25 $2,711 $32,533 8 $15.799 $1,263.90 $2,738 $32,861 9 $15.956 $1,276.47 $2,766 $33,188 10 $16.115 $1,289.20 $2,793 $33,519 11 $16.277 $1,302.17 $2,821 $33,856 12 $16.437 $1,314.98 $2,849 $34,190 13 $16.605 $1,328.37 $2,878 $34,538 MANAGEMENT RANGE 03 M03 1 $14.311 $1,144.85 $2,480 $29,766 Office Assistant 2 $14.738 $1,179.04 $2,555 $30,655 3 $15.181 $1,21445 $2,631 $31,576 4 $15.635 $1,250.76 $2,710 $32,520 5 $15.794 $1,263.49 $2,738 $32,851 6 $15.952 $1,276.14 $2,765 $33,180 7 $16.111 $1,288.87 $2,793 $33,511 8 $16.273 $1,301.85 $2,821 $33,848 9 $16.433 $1,314.66 $2,848 $34,181 10 $16.598 $1,327.88 $2,877 $34,525 11 $16.765 $1,341.18 $2,906 $34,871 12 $16.931 $1,354.48 $2,935 $35,216 13 $17.101 $1,368.11 $2,964 $35,571 MANAGEMENT RANGE 04 M04 1 $14.738 $1,179.04 $2,555 $30,655 2 $15.181 $1,214.45 $2,631 $31,576 3 $15.635 $1,250.76 $2,710 $32,520 4 $16.107 $1,288.55 $2,792 $33,502 5 $16.267 $1,301.36 $2,820 $33,835 6 $16.429 $1,314.33 $2,848 $34,173 7 $16.593 $1,327.47 $2,876 $34,514 EXHIBIT A - PAGE 1 H -5 EXHIBIT A LU13 lvlanagement Clrade/ Step Table 8 $16.759 $1,340.69 $2,905 $34,858 9 $16.926 $1,354.07 $2,934 $35,206 10 $17.098 $1,367.86 $2,964 $35,564 11 $17.268 $1,381.41 $2,993 $35,917 12 $17.440 $1,395.20 $3,023 $36,275 13 $17.615 $1,409.23 $3,053 $36,640 MANAGEMENT RANGE 05 M05 1 $15.181 $1,214.45 $2,631 $31,576 2 $15.635 $1,250.76 $2,710 $32,520 3 $16.107 $1,288.55 $2,792 $33,502 4 $16.589 $1,327.14 $2,875 $34,506 5 $16.754 $1,340.28 $2,904 $34,847 6 $16.922 $1,353.74 $2,933 $35,197 7 $17.091 $1,367.29 $2,962 $35,550 8 $17.262 $1,381.00 $2,992 $35,906 9 $17.436 $1,394.87 $3,022 $36,267 10 $17.609 $1,408.74 $3,052 $36,627 11 $17.784 $1,422.70 $3,082 $36,990 12 $17.963 $1,437.06 $3,114 $37,363 13 $18.143 $1,451.42 $3,145 $37,737 MANAGEMENT RANGE 06 M06 1 $15.635 $1,250.76 $2,710 $32,520 2 $16.107 $1,288.55 $2,792 $33,502 3 $16.589 $1,327.14 $2,875 $34,506 4 $17.087 $1,366.96 $2,962 $35,541 5 $17.258 $1,380.67 $2,991 $35,897 6 $17.429 $1,394.30 $3,021 $36,252 7 $17.603 $1,408.25 $3,051 $36,615 8 $17.780 $1,422.37 $3,082 $36,982 9 $17.957 $1,436.57 $3,113 $37,351 10 $18.137 $1,450.93 $3,144 $37,724 11 $18.318 $1,465.45 $3,175 $38,102 12 $18.502 $1,480.14 $3,207 $38,484 13 $18.687 $1,494.99 $3,239 $38,870 MANAGEMENT RANGE 07 M07 1 $16.107 $1,288.55 $2,792 $33,502 2 $16.589 $1,327.14 $2,875 $34,506 3 $17.087 $1,366.96 $2,962 $35,541 4 $17.599 $1,407.93 $3,050 $36,606 5 $17.776 $1,422.04 $3,081 $36,973 6 $17.952 $1,436.16 $3,112 $37,340 7 $18.133 $1,450.60 $3,143 $37,716 8 $18.313 $1,465.05 $3,174 $38,091 9 $18.498 $1,479.82 $3,206 $38,475 10 $18.682 $1,494.59 $3,238 $38,859 11 $18.869 $1,509.52 $3,271 $39,247 12 $19.057 $1,524.53 $3,303 $39,638 13 $19.248 $1,539.87 $3,336 $40,037 MANAGEMENT RANGE 08 MO8 1 $16.589 $1,327.14 $2,875 $34,506 2 $17.087 $1,366.96 $2,962 $35,591 3 $17.599 $1,407.93 $3,050 $36,606 4 $18.110 $1,448.81 $3,139 $37,669 5 $18.292 $1,463.33 $3,170 $38,047 EXHIBIT A - PAGE 2 H -6 EXHIBIT A 1U10 Management Grade /Step Table 6 $18.475 $1,478.02 $3,202 $38,429 7 $18.660 $1,492.79 $3,234 $38,813 8 $18.847 $1,507.72 $3,267 $39,201 9 $19.034 $1,522.74 $3,299 $39,591 10 $19.225 $1,538.00 $3,332 $39,988 11 $19.416 $1,553.26 $3,365 $40,385 12 $19.610 $1,568.76 $3,399 $40,788 13 $19.806 $1,584.51 $3,433 $41,197 MANAGEMENT RANGE 09 M09 1 $17.428 $1,394.22 $3,021 $36,250 2 $17.951 $1,436.08 $3,111 $37,338 3 $18.472 $1,477.78 $3,202 $38,422 4 $19.027 $1,522.17 $3,298 $39,576 5 $19.220 $1,537.59 $3,331 $39,977 6 $19.411 $1,552.85 $3,364 $40,374 7 $19.604 $1,568.35 $3,398 $40,777 8 $19.801 $1,584.10 $3,432 $41,187 9 $19.997 $1,599.77 $3,466 $41,594 10 $20.197 $1,615.76 $3,501 $42,010 11 $20398 $1,631.84 $3,536 $42,428 12 $20.604 $1,648.32 $3,571 $42,856 13 $20.809 $1,664.72 $3,607 $43,283 MANAGEMENT RANGE 10 M10 1 $17.951 $1,436.08 $3,111 $37,338 2 $18.472 $1,477.78 $3,202 $38,422 3 $19.027 $1,522.17 $3,298 $39,576 4 $19.597 $1,567.78 $3,397 $40,762 5 $19.795 $1,583.61 $3,431 $41,174 6 $19.991 $1,599.28 $3,465 $41,581 7 $20.191 $1,615.27 $3,500 $41,997 8 $20.394 $1,631.51 $3,535 $42,419 9 $20.597 $1,647.75 $3,570 $42,841 10 $20.803 $1,664.23 $3,606 $43,270 11 $21.012 $1,680.96 $3,642 $43,705 12 $21.219 $1,697.52 $3,678 $44,136 13 $21.433 $1,714.66 $3,715 $44,581 MANAGEMENT RANGE 11 M11 1 $18.472 $1,477.78 $3,202 $38,422 2 $19.027 $1,522.17 $3,298 $39,576 3 $19.597 $1,567.78 $3,397 $40,762 4 $20.185 $1,614.78 $3,499 $41,984 5 $20.388 $1,631.02 $3,534 $42,407 6 $20.591 $1,647.26 $3,569 $42,829 7 $20.796 $1,663.66 $3,605 $43,255 8 $21.005 $1,680.39 $3,641 $43,690 9 $21.214 $1,697.12 $3,677 $44,125 10 $21.428 $1,714.25 $3,714 $44,571 11 $21.641 $1,731.31 $3,751 $45,014 12 $21.858 $1,748.61 $3,789 $45,464 13 $22.074 $2,765.91 $3,826 $45,914 MANAGEMENT RANGE 12 M12 1 $18.654 $1,492.30 $3,233 $38,800 2 $19.212 $1,536.94 $3,330 $39,960 3 $19.790 $1,583.20 $3,430 $41,163 EXHIBIT A - PAGE 3 H -7 EXHIBIT A ZUla Management Grade/ Step I able 4 $20.383 $1,630.61 $3,533 $42,396 5 $20.586 $1,646.85 $3,568 $42,818 6 $20.793 $1,663.42 $3,604 $43,249 7 $21.001 $1,680.06 $3,640 $43,682 8 $21.210 $1,696.79 $3,676 $44,117 9 $21.422 $1,713.76 $3,713 $44,558 10 $21.636 $1,730.90 $3,750 $45,003 11 $21.855 $1,748.36 $3,788 $45,457 12 $22.071 $1,765.66 $3,826 $45,907 13 $22.294 $1,783.53 $3,864 $46,372 MANAGEMENT RANGE 13 M13 1 $19.212 $1,536.94 $3,330 $39,960 2 $19.790 $1,583.20 $3,430 $41,163 3 $20.383 $1,630.61 $3,533 $42,396 4 $20.996 $1,679.65 $3,639 $43,671 5 $21.205 $1,696.38 $3,675 $44,106 6 $21.416 $1,713.27 $3,712 $44,545 7 $21.630 $1,730.41 $3,749 $44,991 8 $21.846 $1,747.71 $3,787 $45,440 9 $22.066 $1,765.25 $3,825 $45,897 10 $22.284 $1,782.72 $3,862 $46,351 11 $22.508 $1,800.67 $3,901 $46,817 12 $22.734 $1,818.70 $3,940 $97,286 13 $22.959 $1,836.73 $3,980 $47,755 MANAGEMENT RANGE 14 M14 1 $19.790 $1,583.20 $3,430 $41,163 2 $20.383 $1,630.61 $3,533 $42,396 3 $20.996 $1,679.65 $3,639 $43,671 4 $21.623 $1,729.84 $3,748 $44,976 5 $21.839 $1,747.14 $3,785 $45,426 6 $22.060 $1,764.76 $3,824 $45,884 7 $22.278 $1,782.23 $3,861 $46,338 8 $22.503 $1,800.26 $3,900 $46,807 9 $22.726 $1,818.05 $3,939 $47,269 10 $22.953 $1,836.24 $3,978 $47,742 11 $23.184 $1,854.69 $4,018 $48,222 12 $23.416 $1,873.29 $4,059 $48,706 13 $23.651 $1,892.06 $4,099 $49,194 MANAGEMENT RANGE 15 M15 1 $20.383 $1,630.61 $3,533 $42,396 2 $20.996 $1,679.65 $3,639 $43,671 Legal Records Specialist 3 $21.623 $1,729.84 $3,748 $44,976 4 $22.282 $1,782,55 $3,862 $46,346 5 $22.506 $1,800,50 $3,901 $46,813 6 $22.733 $1,818.62 $3,940 $47,284 7 $22.958 $1,836.65 $3,979 $47,753 8 $23.189 $1,855.09 $4,019 $48,232 9 $23.421 $1,873.70 $4,060 $48,716 10 $23.656 $1,892.47 $4,100 $49,204 11 $23.892 $1,911.40 $4,141 $49,696 12 $24.131 $1,930.49 $4,183 $50,193 13 $24.371 $1,949.67 $4,224 $50,691 MANAGEMENT RANGE 16 M16 1 $20.996 $1,679.65 $3,639 $43,671 EXHIBIT A - PAGE 4 H -8 EXHIBIT A 2U13 Management Grade/ Step 'fable 2 $21.623 $1,729.84 $3,748 $44,976 3 $22.282 $1,782.55 $3,862 $46,346 4 $22.947 $1,835.76 $3,977 $47,730 5 $23.176 $1,854.12 $4,017 $48,207 6 $23.407 $1,872.56 $4,057 $48,686 7 $23.643 $1,891.41 $4,098 $49,177 8 $23.878 $1,910.26 $4,139 $49,667 9 $24.117 $1,929.35 $4,180 $50,163 10 $24.357 $1,948.53 $4,222 $50,662 11 $24.601 $1,968.11 $4,264 $51,171 12 $24.848 $1,987.86 $4,307 $51,684 13 $25.095 $2,007.60 $4,350 $52,198 MANAGEMENT RANGE 17 M17 1 $21.623 $1,729.84 $3,748 $44,976 2 $22.282 $1,782.55 $3,862 $46,346 Administrative Assistant 3 $22.997 $1,835.76 $3,977 $47,730 4 $23.642 $1,891.32 $4,098 $49,174 5 $23.879 $1,91034 $4,139 $49,669 6 $24.119 $1,929.51 $4,181 $50,167 7 $24.361 $1,948.85 $4,222 $50,670 8 $24.602 $1,968.19 $4,264 $51,173 9 $24.849 $1,987.94 $4,307 $51,686 10 $25.096 $2,007.69 $4,350 $52,200 11 $25.348 $2,027.84 $4,394 $52,724 12 $25.601 $2,048.08 $4,437 $53,250 13 $25.858 $2,068.64 $4,482 $53,785 MANAGEMENT RANGE 18 M18 1 $22.282 $1,782.55 $3,862 $46,346 2 $22.947 $1,835.76 $3,977 $47,730 3 $23.642 $1,891.32 $9,098 $49,174 Payroll Specialist 4 $24.349 $1,947.96 $4,220 $50,647 Legal Admin. Assistant 5 $24.593 $1,967.46 $4,263 $51,154 6 $24.839 $1,987.12 $4,305 $51,665 7 $25.087 $2,006.95 $4,348 $52,181 8 $25.337 $2,026.94 $4,392 $52,701 9 $25.590 $2,047.18 $4,435 $53,227 10 $25.847 $2,067.74 $4,480 $53,761 11 $26.106 $2,088.47 $4,525 $54,300 12 $26.367 $2,109.36 $4,570 $54,843 13 $26.632 $2,130.58 $4,616 $55,395 MANAGEMENT RANGE 19 M19 1 $22.947 $1,835.76 $3,977 $47,730 2 $23.642 $1,891.32 $4,098 $49,174 PW /U Administrative -- 3 $24.349 $1,947.96 $4,220 $50,647 Assistant Supervisor. 4 $25.080 $2,006.38 $4,347 $52,166 5 $25.330 $2,026.37 $4,390 $52,686 6 $25.584 $2,046.69 $4,434 $53,219 7 $25.841 $2,067.25 $9,979 $53,749 8 $26.100 $2,087.98 $4,524 $54,288 9 $26.358 $2,108.63 $4,569 $54,824 10 $26.621 $2,129.68 $4,614 $55,372 11 $26.888 $2,151.06 $4,661 $55,927 12 $27.156 $2,172.52 $4,707 $56,485 EXHIBIT A - PAGE 5 H -9 EXHIBIT A 2U13 Management Grade /Step .1' able 13 $27.928 $2,194.22 $4,754 $57,050 MANAGEMENT RANGE 20 M20 1 $23.642 $1,891.32 $4,098 $49,174 2 $24.349 $1,947.96 $4,220 $50,647 Legal Assistant/Paralegal 3 $25.080 $2,006.38 $4,347 $52,166 4 $25.832 $2,066.52 $4,477 $53,730 5 $26.090 $2,087.16 $4,522 $54,266 6 $26.352 $2,108.14 $4,568 $54,812 7 $26.613 $2,129.03 $4,613 $55,355 8 $26.882 $2,150.57 $4,659 $55,915 9 $27.149 $2,171.95 $9,706 $56,471 10 $27.420 $2,193.57 $4,753 $57,033 11 $27.695 $2,215.60 $4,800 $57,606 12 $27.971 $2,237.72 $4,848 $58,181 13 $28.252 $2,260.16 $4,897 $58,764 MANAGEMENT RANGE 21 M21 1 $24.349 $1,947.96 $4,220 $50,647 2 $25.080 $2,006.38 $4,347 $52,166 3 $25.832 $2,066.52 $4,477 $53,730 4 $26.607 $2,128.54 $4,612 $55,342 5 $26.873 $2,149.83 $4,658 $55,896 6 $27.143 $2,171.46 $4,705 $56,458 7 $27.414 $2,193.08 $4,752 $57,020 8 $27.688 $2,215.03 $4,799 $57,591 9 $27.964 $2,237.15 $4,847 $58,166 10 $28.244 $2,259.50 $4,895 $58,747 11 $28.526 $2,282.11 $4,944 $59,335 12 $28.812 $2,304.96 $4,994 $59,929 13 $29.099 $2,327.88 $5,044 $60,525 MANAGEMENT RANGE 22 M22 1 $25.080 $2,006.38 $4,347 $52,166 2 $25.832 $2,066.52 $4,977 $53,730 Executive Administrative 3 $26.607 $2,128.54 $4,612 $55,342 Assistant/Deputy City Clerk 4 $27.404 $2,192.35 $4,750 $57,001 5 $27.679 $2,214.30 $4,798 $57,572 6 $27.955 $2,236.41 $4,845 $58,147 7 $28.235 $2,258.77 $4,894 $58,728 8 $28.518 $2,281.45 $4,943 $59,318 9 $28.802 $2,304.14 $4,992 $59,908 10 $29.090 $2,327.23 $5,042 $60,508 11 $29.384 $2,350.73 $5,093 $61,119 12 $29.677 $2,374.15 $5,144 $61,728 13 $29.972 $2,397.73 $5,195 $62,341 MANAGEMENT RANGE 23 M23 1 $25.832 $2,066.52 $4,477 $53,730 2 $26.607 $2,128.54 $4,612 $55,342 3 $27.404 $2,19235 $4,750 $57,001 9 $28.232 $2,258.52 $4,893 $58,722 5 $28.509 $2,280.72 $4,941 $59,299 6 $28.795 $2,303.57 $4,991 $59,893 7 $29.082 $2,326.58 $5,041 $60,491 8 $29.372 $2,349.75 $5,091 $61,094 9 $29.668 $2,373.42 $5,142 $61,709 10 $29.963 $2,397.00 $5,193 $62,322 EXHIBIT A - PAGE 6 H -10 EXHIBIT A 2UL5 Management Grade/ Step Table 11 $30.262 $2,420.99 $5,245 $62,946 12 $30.567 $2,445.39 $5,298 $63,580 13 $30.870 $2,469.62 $5,351 $64,210 MANAGEMENT RANGE 24 M24 1 $26.607 $2,128.54 $4,612 $55,342 2 $27.409 $2,192.76 $4,751 $57,012 Human Resources Analyst 3 $28.232 $2,258.52 $4,893 $58,722 Fine Arts Center Director 4 $29.080 $2,326.42 $5,040 $60,487 Senior Center Manager 5 $29.370 $2,349.59 $5,091 $61,089 6 $29.665 $2,373.17 $5,142 $61,702 7 $29.960 $2,396.84 $5,193 $62,318 8 $30.260 $2,420.83 $5,245 $62,992 9 $30.564 $2,445.14 $5,298 $63,574 10 $30.865 $2,469.22 $5,350 $64,200 11 $31.176 $2,494.10 $5,404 $64,847 12 $31.487 $2,518.99 $5,458 $65,494 13 $31.802 $2,544.12 $5,512 $66,147 MANAGEMENT RANGE 25 M25 1 $27.409 $2,192.76 $4,751 $57,012 2 $28.232 $2,258.52 $4,893 $58,722 3 $29.080 $2,326.42 $5,040 $60,487 4 $29.953 $2,396.27 $5,192 $62,303 5 $30.254 $2,420.34 $5,244 $62,929 6 $30.552 $2,444.16 $5,296 $63,548 7 $30.859 $2,468.73 $5,349 $64,187 8 $31.167 $2,493.37 $5,902 $64,828 9 $31.480 $2,518.42 $5,456 $65,479 10 $31.794 $2,543.55 $5,511 $66,132 11 $32.111 $2,568.85 $5,566 $66,790 12 $32.436 $2,594.88 $5,622 $67,467 13 $32.758 $2,620.67 $5,678 $68,137 MANAGEMENT RANGE 26 M26 1 $28.232 $2,258.52 $4,893 $58,722 2 $29.080 $2,326.42 $5,040 $60,987 Assistant City Attorney 3 $29.953 $2,396.27 $5,192 $62,303 City Clerk 4 $30.853 $2,468.24 $5,348 $64,174 5 $31.162 $2,492.96 $5,401 $64,817 6 $31.474 $2,517.93 $5,455 $65,466 7 $31.788 $2,543.06 $5,510 $66,120 8 $32.105 $2,568.36 $5,565 $66,777 9 $32.426 $2,594.06 $5,620 $67,446 10 $32.752 $2,620.18 $5,677 $68,125 11 $33.080 $2,646.37 $5,734 $68,806 12 $33.409 $2,672.73 $5,791 $69,491 13 $33.744 $2,699.49 $5,849 $70,187 MANAGEMENT RANGE 27 M27 1 $29.080 $2,326.42 $5,040 $60,487 2 $29.953 $2,396.27 $5,192 $62,303 3 $30.853 $2,468.24 $5,348 $64,174 4 $31.779 $2,542.33 $5,508 $66,101 5 $32.098 $2,567.87 $5,564 $66,765 6 $32.418 $2,593.41 $5,619 $67,429 7 $32.741 $2,619.28 $5,675 $68,101 8 $33.070 $2,645.64 $5,732 $68,787 EXHIBIT A - PAGE 7 H -11 EXHIBIT A LUli Management Grade / Step Table 9 $33.401 $2,67107 $5,789 $69,474 10 $33.737 $2,698.92 $5,848 $70,172 11 $34.071 $2,725.68 $5,906 $70,868 12 $34.412 $2,752.94 $5,965 $71,576 13 $34.757 $2,78032 $6,024 $72,294 MANAGEMENT RANGE 28 M28 1 $29.953 $2,396.27 $5,192 $62,303 2 $30.853 $2,468.24 $5,348 $64,174 Planning Manager 3 $31.779 $2,542.33 $5,508 $66,101 4 $32.734 $2,618.71 $5,674 $68,086 5 $33.060 $2,644.82 $5,730 $68,765 6 $33.392 $2,671.34 $5,788 $69,455 7 $33.725 $2,698.02 $5,846 $70,149 8 $34.061 $2,724.87 $5,904 $70,847 9 $34.404 $2,752.29 $5,963 $71,559 10 $34.746 $2,779.70 $6,023 $72,272 11 $35.095 $2,807.61 $6,083 $72,998 12 $35.446 $2,835.68 $6,144 $73,728 13 $35.800 $2,864.00 $6,205 $74,464 MANAGEMENT RANGE 29 M29 1 $30.853 $2,468.24 $5,348 $64,174 2 $31.779 $2,542.33 $5,508 $66,101 Senior Accountant 3 $32.734 $2,618.71 $5,674 $68,086 Customer Serv. Manager 4 $33.715 $2,697.21 $5,844 $70,127 5 $34.054 $2,724.30 $5,903 $70,832 6 $34.393 $2,751.47 $5,961 $71,538 7 $34.738 $2,779.05 $6,021 $72,255 8 $35.084 $2,806.71 $6,081 $72,975 9 $35.434 $2,834.70 $6,142 $73,702 10 $35.789 $2,863.10 $6,203 $74,441 11 $36.148 $2,891.82 $6,265 $75,187 12 $36.509 $2,920.71 $6,328 $75,938 13 $36.874 $2,949.92 $6,391 $76,698 MANAGEMENT RANGE 30 M30 1 $31.779 $2,542.33 $5,508 $66,101 2 $32.734 $2,618.71 $5,674 $68,086 Archaeologist 3 $33.715 $2,697.21 $5,844 $70,127 Street Superindentent 4 $34.727 $2,778.15 $6,019 $72,232 5 $35.075 $2,805.98 $6,080 $72,955 6 $35.423 $2,833.80 $6,140 $73,679 7 $35.780 $2,862.36 $6,202 $74,421 8 $36.136 $2,890.84 $6,263 $75,162 9 $36.499 $2,919.89 $6,326 $75,917 10 $36.865 $2,949.19 $6,390 $76,679 11 $37.231 $2,978.48 $6,453 $77,441 12 $37.604 $3,008.35 $6,518 $78,217 13 $37.981 $3,038.46 $6,583 $79,000 MANAGEMENT RANGE 31 M31 1 $32.734 $2,618.71 $5,674 $68,086 2 $33.715 $2,697.21 $5,844 $70,127 Power Resource Manager 3 $34.727 $2,778.15 $6,019 $72,232 4 $35.768 $2,861.47 $6,200 $74,398 5 $36.126 $2,890.11 $6,262 $75,143 6 $36.487 $2,919.00 $6,324 $75,894 EXHIBIT A - PAGE 8 H -12 EXHIBIT A 2Ul;i Management Grade / Step Table 7 $36.855 $2,948.37 $6,388 $76,658 8 $37.223 $2,977.83 $6,452 $77,424 9 $37.594 $3,007.53 $6,516 $78,196 10 $37.972 $3,037.72 $6,582 $78,981 11 $38.349 $3,067.92 $6,647 $79,766 12 $38.733 $3,098.68 $6,714 $80,566 13 $39.119 $3,129.52 $6,781 $81,368 MANAGEMENT RANGE 32 M32 1 $33.715 $2,697.21 $5,844 $70,127 2 $34.727 $2,778.15 $6,019 $72,232 Fleet Manager 3 $35.768 $2,861.47 $6,200 $74,398 Solid Waste Supt. 4 $36.841 $2,947.31 $6,386 $76,630 Financial Sys. Specialist 5 $37.208 $2,976.60 $6,449 $77,392 6 $37.581 $3,006.47 $6,514 $78,168 7 $37.956 $3,036.50 $6,579 $78,949 8 $38.338 $3,067.02 $6,645 $79,742 9 $38.721 $3,097.70 $6,712 $80,540 10 $39.108 $3,128.63 $6,779 $81,344 11 $39.500 $3,159.96 $6,846 $82,159 12 $39.895 $3,191.62 $6,915 $82,982 13 $40.294 $3,223.53 $6,984 $83,812 MANAGEMENT RANGE 33 M33 1 $34.727 $2,778.15 $6,019 $72,232 2 $35.768 $2,861.47 $6,200 $74,398 Water Superintendent 3 $36.841 $2,947.31 $6,386 $76,630 Waste Water Supt. 4 $37.945 $3,035.60 $6,577 $78,926 5 $38.324 $3,065.96 $6,643 $79,715 6 $38.708 $3,096.64 $6,709 $80,513 7 $39.098 $3,127.81 $6,777 $81,323 8 $39.488 $3,159.06 $6,845 $82,136 9 $39.882 $3,190.56 $6,913 $82,955 10 $40.279 $3,222.30 $6,982 $83,780 11 $40.684 $3,254.70 $7,052 $84,622 12 $41.089 $3,287.09 $7,122 $85,464 13 $41.502 $3,320.14 $7,194 $86,324 MANAGEMENT RANGE 34 M34 1 $35.768 $2,861.47 $6,200 $74,398 2 $36.841 $2,947.31 $6,386 $76,630 3 $37.945 $3,035.60 $6,577 $78,926 4 $39.086 $3,126.91 $6,775 $81,300 5 $39.477 $3,158.16 $6,843 $82,112 6 $39.872 $3,189.74 $6,911 $82,933 7 $40.270 $3,221.57 $6,980 $83,761 8 $40.673 $3,253.80 $7,050 $84,599 9 $41.078 $3,286.28 $7,120 $85,443 10 $41.490 $3,319.16 $7,191 $86,298 11 $41.907 $3,352.54 $7,264 $87,166 12 $42.325 $3,385.99 $7,336 $88,036 13 $42.747 $3,419.77 $7,409 $88,914 MANAGEMENT RANGE 35 M35 1 $36.841 $2,947.31 $6,386 $76,630 2 $37.945 $3,035.60 $6,577 $78,926 Engineering Manager 3 $39.086 $3,126.91 $6,775 $81,300 Communications Manager 4 $40.259 $3,220.75 $6,978 $83,740 EXHIBIT A - PAGE 9 H -13 EXHIBIT A 2U13 Management Grade/ Step Table 5 $40.661 $3,252.90 $7,048 $84,575 6 $41.068 $3,285.46 $7,118 $85,422 7 $41.477 $3,318.18 $7,189 $86,273 8 $41.892 $3,351.39 $7,261 $87,136 9 $42.311 $3,384.85 $7,334 $88,006 10 $42.734 $3,418.71 $7,407 $88,887 11 $43.163 $3,453.07 $7,482 $89,780 12 $43.591 $3,487.26 $7,556 $90,669 13 $44.028 $3,522.26 $7,631 $91,579 MANAGEMENT RANGE 36 M36 1 $38.670 $3,093.62 $6,703 $80,434 2 $39.829 $3,186.32 $6,904 $82,844 3 $41.025 $3,282.03 $7,111 $85,333 4 $42.256 $3,380.44 $7,324 $87,892 5 $42.678 $3,414.23 $7,397 $88,770 6 $43.106 $3,448.50 $7,472 $89,661 7 $43.535 $3,482.77 $7,546 $90,552 8 $43.971 $3,517.69 $7,622 $91,460 9 $44.412 $3,552.95 $7,698 $92,377 10 $44.856 $3,588.44 $7,775 $93,299 11 $45.304 $3,624.35 $7,853 $94,233 12 $45.757 $3,660.58 $7,931 $95,175 13 $46.215 $3,697.21 $8,010 $96,128 MANAGEMENT RANGE 37 M37 1 $39.829 $3,186.32 $6,904 $82,844 2 $41.025 $3,282.03 $7,111 $85,333 Electrical Engineering Mgr. 3 $42.256 $3,380.44 $7,324 $87,892 Light Operations Manager 4 $43.523 $3,481.87 $7,544 $90,529 5 $43.959 $3,516.72 $7,619 $91,435 6 $44.398 $3,551.80 $7,695 $92,347 7 $44.840 $3,587.22 $7,772 $93,268 8 $45.292 $3,623.37 $7,850 $94,208 9 $45.744 $3,659.52 $7,929 $95,147 10 $46.201 $3,696.07 $8,008 $96,098 11 $46.661 $3,732.87 $8,088 $97,055 12 $47.130 $3,770.91 $8,169 $98,031 13 $47.599 $3,807.95 $8,250 $99,007 MANAGEMENT RANGE 38 M38 1 $41.025 $3,282.03 $7,111 $85,333 2 $42.256 $3,380.44 $7,324 $87,892 Human Resources Mgr. 3 $43.523 $3,481.87 $7,544 $90,529 Deputy Police Chief 4 $44.829 $3,586.32 $7,770 $93,244 Fire Marshal 5 $45.278 $3,622.22 $7,848 $94,178 6 $45.729 $3,658.29 $7,926 $95,116 Parks & Recreation Director 7 $46.188 $3,695.01 $8,006 $96,070 Sr. Assistant City Attorney 8 $46.651 $3,732.06 $8,086 $97,033 Deputy Dir. Power and - - -- 9 $47.114 $3,769.10 $8,166 $97,997 Telecommunications Syst. 10 $47.587 $3,806.97 $8,248 $98,981 11 $48.064 $3,845.16 $8,331 $99,974 12 $48.544 $3,883.51 $8,414 $100,971 13 $49.029 $3,922.35 $8,498 $101,981 MANAGEMENT RANGE 39 M39 1 $42.256 $3,380.44 $7,324 $87,892 2 $43.523 $3,481.87 $7,544 $90,529 EXHIBIT A - PAGE 10 H -14 EXHIBIT A 2Uli Management Grade/ Step Table 3 $44.829 $3,586.32 $7,770 $93,244 4 $46.173 $3,693.87 $8,003 $96,041 5 $46.636 $3,730.92 $8,083 $97,004 6 $47.103 $3,768.21 $8,164 $97,973 7 $47.575 $3,80599 $8,246 $98,956 8 $48.049 $3,843.93 $8,328 $99,942 9 $48.529 $3,882.28 $8,911 $100,939 10 $49.014 $3,921.12 $8,496 $101,949 11 $49.506 $3,960.46 $8,581 $102,972 12 $49.999 $3,999.95 $8,666 $103,999 13 $50.500 $4,040.02 $8,753 $105,040 MANAGEMENT RANGE 40 M40 1 $43.523 $3,481.87 $7,544 $90,529 2 $44.829 $3,586.32 $7,770 $93,244 Deputy Director of Operations 3 $46.173 $3,693.87 $8,003 $96,041 Deputy Dir. Eng. Services 4 $47.568 $3,805.42 $8,245 $98,941 5 $48.034 $3,842.71 $8,326 $99,910 6 $48.516 $3,881.30 $8,409 $100,914 7 $49.001 $3,920.06 $8,993 $101,922 8 $49.488 $3,959.07 $8,578 $102,936 9 $49.984 $3,998.73 $8,664 $103,967 10 $50.486 $4,038.87 $8,751 $105,011 11 $50.988 $4,079.02 $8,838 $106,055 12 $51.501 $4,120.07 $8,927 $107,122 13 $52.014 $4,161.11 $9,016 $108,189 MANAGEMENT RANGE 41 M41 1 $44.829 $3,586.32 $7,770 $93,244 2 $46.173 $3,693.87 $8,003 $96,041 3 $47.568 $3,805.42 $8,245 $98,941 9 $48.992 $3,919.33 $8,492 $101,903 5 $49.475 $3,958.01 $8,576 $102,908 6 $49.970 $3,997.58 $8,661 $103,937 7 $50.471 $4,037.65 $8,748 $104,979 8 $50.973 $4,077.88 $8,835 $106,025 9 $51.983 $4,118.68 $8,924 $107,086 10 $52.001 $4,160.05 $9,013 $108,161 11 $52.520 $4,201.58 $9,103 $109,241 12 $53.045 $4,243.61 $9,194 $110,334 13 $53.576 $4,286.04 $9,286 $111,437 MANAGEMENT RANGE 42 M42 1 $46.173 $3,693.87 $8,003 $96,041 2 $47.568 $3,805.42 $8,245 $98,941 Police Chief 3 $48.992 $3,919.33 $8,492 $101,903 Fire Chief 4 $50.965 $4,037.16 $8,747 $104,966 Chief Financial Officer 5 $50.968 $4,077.47 $8,834 $106,014 Community & Economic - - -- 6 $51.477 $4,118.19 $8,923 $107,073 Development Director 7 $51.992 $4,159.40 $9,012 $108,144 8 $52.511 $4,200.85 $9,102 $109,222 9 $53.037 $4,242.96 $9,193 $110,317 10 $53.567 $4,285.39 $9,285 $111,420 11 $54.103 $4,328.23 $9,378 $112,534 12 $54.643 $9,371.48 $9,471 $113,658 13 $55.191 $4,415.29 $9,566 $114,798 EXHIBIT A - PAGE 11 H -15 EXHIBIT A ZU13 Management vrade /Step Table MANAGEMENT RANGE 43 M43 1 $47.568 $3,805.42 $8,245 $98,941 2 $48.992 $3,919.33 $8,492 $101,903 3 $50.465 $4,037.16 $8,747 $104,966 4 $51.977 $4,158.17 $9,009 $108,112 5 $52.496 $4,199.71 $9,099 $109,192 6 $53.023 $4,241.81 $9,190 $110,287 7 $53.551 $4,284.08 $9,282 $111,386 8 $54.090 $4,327.17 $9,375 $112,506 9 $54.627 $4,370.17 $9,469 $113,624 10 $55.175 $4,413.99 $9,563 $114,764 11 $55.727 $4,458.13 $9,659 $115,911 12 $56.286 $4,502.85 $9,756 $117,074 13 $56.848 $4,547.81 $9,853 $118,243 MANAGEMENT RANGE 44 M44 1 $48.995 $3,919.57 $8,492 $101,909 2 $50.461 $4,036.92 $8,746 $104,960 City Attorney 3 $51.977 $4,158.17 $9,009 $108,112 4 $53.539 $4,283.10 $9,280 $111,361 5 $54.070 $4,325.62 $9,372 $112,466 6 $54.613 $4,369.03 $9,466 $113,595 7 $55.159 $4,412.68 $9,561 $114,730 8 $55.710 $4,456.83 $9,656 $115,878 9 $56.266 $4,501.30 $9,753 $117,034 10 $56.831 $4,546.51 $9,851 $118,209 11 $57.399 $4,591.96 $9,949 $119,391 12 $57.975 $4,637.98 $10,049 $120,588 13 $58.553 $4,684.25 $10,149 $121,790 MANAGEMENT RANGE 45 M45 1 $50.465 $4,037.16 $8,747 $104,966 2 $51.975 $4,158.01 $9,009 $108,108 3 $53.539 $4,283.10 $9,280 $111,361 4 $55.143 $4,411.46 $9,558 $114,698 5 $55.693 $4,455.44 $9,653 $115,841 6 $56.252 $4,500.16 $9,750 $117,004 7 $56.813 $4,545.04 $9,847 $118,171 8 $57.382 $4,590.57 $9,946 $119,355 9 $57.954 $4,636.35 $10,045 $120,545 10 $58.536 $4,682.86 $10,146 $121,754 11 $59.120 $4,729.62 $10,247 $122,970 12 $59.713 $4,777.03 $10,350 $124,203 13 $60.309 $4,824.68 $10,453 $125,442 MANAGEMENT RANGE 46 M46 1 $51.977 $4,158.17 $9,009 $108,112 2 $53.537 $4,282.94 $9,280 $111,356 Public Works & Utilities Dir. 3 $55.143 $4,411.46 $9,558 $114,698 4 $56.798 $4,543,81 $9,845 $118,139 5 $57.363 $4,589,02 $9,943 $119,315 6 $57.939 $4,635.12 $10,043 $120,513 7 $58.517 $4,681.39 $10,143 $121,716 8 $59.103 $4,728.23 $10,244 $122,934 9 $59.693 $4,775.48 $10,347 $124,162 10 $60.292 $4,823.38 $10,450 $125,408 11 $60.895 $4,871.60 $10,555 $126,662 EXHIBIT A - PAGE 12 H -16 EXHIBIT A 2Uli Management Grade/ Step 12 13 Table $61.504 $4,920.32 $62.118 $4,969.44 $10,660 $10,767 $127,928 $129,205 MANAGEMENT RANGE 47 M47 1 $53.539 $4,283.10 $9,280 $111,361 2 $55.141 $4,411.30 $9,558 $114,694 3 $56.798 $4,543.81 $9,845 $118,139 4 $58.502 $4,680.17 $10,140 $121,684 5 $59.084 $4,726.68 $10,241 $122,894 6 $59.678 $4,774.25 $10,344 $124,131 7 $60.273 $4,821.83 $10,447 $125,367 8 $60.878 $4,870.21 $10,552 $126,626 9 $61.484 $4,918.68 $10,657 $127,886 10 $62.101 $4,968.05 $10,764 $129,169 11 $62.722 $5,017.75 $10,872 $130,461 12 $63.350 $5,068.01 $10,980 $131,768 13 $63.982 $5,118.52 $11,090 $133,082 MANAGEMENT RANGE 48 M48 $137,700 City Manager (salary per employ.contract) EXHIBIT A - PAGE 13 H - 17 EXHIBIT B 2014 Management Grade /Step Table 2.0% Effective Jan. 1, 2014 GRADE DESCRIPTION Grade Step Hourly Rate Bi- Weekly Amount Monthly Salary Annual Salary MANAGEMENT RANGE 01 MOl 1 $13.755 $1,100.41 $2,384 $28,611 2 $14.171 $1,133.70 $2,456 $29,476 3 $14.597 $1,167.74 $2,530 $30,361 4 $15.033 $1,202.62 $2,606 $31,268 5 $15.182 $1,214.52 $2,631 $31,578 6 $15.337 $1,226.92 $2,658 $31,900 7 $15.487 $1,238.99 $2,684 $32,214 8 $15.644 $1,251.56 $2,712 $32,541 9 $15.801 $1,264.04 $2,739 $32,865 10 $15.960 $1,276.78 $2,766 $33,196 11 $16.119 $1,289.51 $2,794 $33,527 12 $16.281 $1,302.50 $2,822 $33,865 13 $16.441 $1,315.32 $2,850 $34,198 MANAGEMENT RANGE 02 M02 1 $14.171 $1,133.70 $2,456 $29,476 2 $14.597 $1,167.74 $2,530 $30,361 3 $15.033 $1,202.62 $2,606 $31,268 4 $15.484 $1,238.74 $2,684 $32,207 5 $15.639 $1,251.14 $2,711 $32,530 6 $15.796 $1,263.71 $2,738 $32,856 7 $15.953 $1,276.28 $2,765 $33,183 8 $16.115 $1,289.18 $2,793 $33,519 9 $16.275 $1,302.00 $2,821 $33,852 10 $16.437 $1,314.98 $2,849 $34,190 11 $16.603 $1,328.22 $2,878 $34,534 12 $16.766 $1,341.28 $2,906 $34,873 13 $16.937 $1,354.93 $2,936 $35,228 MANAGEMENT RANGE 03 M03 1 $14.597 $1,167.74 $2,530 $30,361 Office Assistant 2 $15.033 $1,202.62 $2,606 $31,268 3 $15.484 $1,238.74 $2,684 $32,207 4 $15.947 $1,275.78 $2,764 $33,170 5 $16.110 $1,288.76 $2,792 $33,508 6 $16.271 $1,301.67 $2,820 $33,843 7 $16.433 $1,314.65 $2,848 $34,181 8 $16.599 $1,327.88 $2,877 $34,525 9 $16.762 $1,340.95 $2,905 $34,865 10 $16.930 $1,354.43 $2,935 $35,215 11 $17.100 $1,368.00 $2,964 $35,568 12 $17.270 $1,381.57 $2,993 $35,921 13 $17.443 $1,395.47 $3,023 $36,282 MANAGEMENT RANGE 04 M04 1 $15.033 $1,202.62 $2,606 $31,268 2 $15.484 $1,238.74 $2,684 $32,207 3 $15.947 $1,275.78 $2,764 $33,170 4 $16.429 $1,314.32 $2,848 $34,172 5 $16.592 $1,32728 $2,876 $34,512 6 $16.758 $1,340.62 $2,905 $34,856 7 $16.925 $1,354.02 $2,934 $35,204 Exhibit B - Page 1 H - 18 EXHIBIT B 2014 Management Grade /Step Table Exhibit B - Page 2 H - 19 8 9 10 11 12 13 $17.094 $17.264 $17.440 $17.613 $17.789 $17.968 $1,367.50 $1,381.15 $1,395.22 $1,409.03 $1,423.10 $1,437.42 $2,963 $2,992 $3,023 $3,053 $3,083 $3,114 $35,555 $35,910 $36,276 $36,635 $37,001 $37,373 MANAGEMENT RANGE 05 MO5 1 $15.484 $1,238.74 $2,684 $32,207 2 $15.947 $1,275.78 $2,764 $33,170 3 $16.429 $1,314.32 $2,848 $34,172 4 $16.921 $1,353.69 $2,933 $35,196 5 $17.089 $1,367.09 $2,962 $35,544 6 $17.260 $1,380.82 $2,992 $35,901 7 $17.433 $1,394.64 $3,022 $36,261 8 $17.608 $1,408.62 $3,052 $36,624 9 $17.785 $1,422.77 $3,083 $36,992 10 $17.961 $1,436.92 $3,113 $37,360 11 $18.139 $1,451.15 $3,144 $37,730 12 $18.322 $1,465.80 $3,176 $38,111 13 $18.506 $1,480.45 $3,208 $38,492 MANAGEMENT RANGE 06 M06 1 $15.947 $1,275.78 $2,764 $33,170 2 $16.429 $1,314.32 $2,848 $34,172 3 $16.921 $1,353.69 $2,933 $35,196 4 $17.429 $1,394.30 $3,021 $36,252 5 $17.604 $1,408.29 $3,051 $36,615 6 $17.777 $1,422.19 $3,081 $36,977 7 $17.955 $1,436.42 $3,112 $37,347 8 $18.135 $1,450.82 $3,143 $37,721 9 $18.316 $1,465.30 $3,175 $38,098 10 $18.499 $1,479.95 $3,206 $38,479 11 $18.685 $1,494.76 $3,239 $38,864 12 $18.872 $1,509.75 $3,271 $39,253 13 $19.061 $1,524.89 $3,304 $39,647 MANAGEMENT RANGE 07 M07 1 $16.429 $1,314.32 $2,848 $34,172 2 $16.921 $1,353.69 $2,933 $35,196 3 $17.429 $1,394.30 $3,021 $36,252 4 $17.951 $1,436.08 $3,111 $37,338 5 $18.131 $1,450.48 $3,143 $37,713 6 $18.311 $1,464.88 $3,174 $38,087 7 $18.495 $1,479.62 $3,206 $38,470 8 $18.679 $1,494.35 $3,238 $38,853 9 $18.868 $1,509.41 $3,270 $39,245 10 $19.056 $1,524.48 $3,303 $39,636 11 $19.246 $1,539.71 $3,336 $40,032 12 $19.438 $1,555.02 $3,369 $40,431 13 $19.633 $1,570.67 $3,403 $40,837 MANAGEMENT RANGE 08 MO8 1 $16.921 $1,353.69 $2,933 $35,196 2 $17.429 $1,394.30 $3,021 $36,252 3 $17.951 $1,436.08 $3,111 $37,338 4 $18.472 $1,477.78 $3,202 $38,422 5 $18.657 $1,492.60 $3,234 $38,808 Exhibit B - Page 2 H - 19 EXHIBIT 13 2014 Management Grade /Step Table Exhibit B - Page 3 H - 20 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 $18.845 $19.033 $19.223 $19.415 $19.609 $19.804 $20.002 $20.202 $1,507.58 $1,522.65 $1,537.88 $1,553.19 $1,568.76 $1,584.32 $1,600.14 $1,616.20 $3,266 $3,299 $3,332 $3,365 $3,399 $3,433 $3,467 $3,502 $39,197 $39,589 $39,985 $40,383 $40,788 $41,192 $41,604 $42,021 MANAGEMENT RANGE 09 M09 1 $17.776 $1,422.10 $3,081 $36,975 2 $18.310 $1,464.80 $3,174 $38,085 3 $18.842 $1,507.33 $3,266 $39,191 4 $19.408 $1,552.61 $3,364 $40,368 5 $19.604 $1,568.34 $3,398 $40,777 6 $19.799 $1,583.90 $3,432 $41,182 7 $19.996 $1,599.72 $3,466 $41,593 8 $20.197 $1,615.78 $3,501 $42,010 9 $20.397 $1,631.76 $3,535 $42,426 10 $20.601 $1,648.08 $3,571 $42,850 11 $20.806 $1,664.47 $3,606 $43,276 12 $21.016 $1,681.29 $3,643 $43,713 13 $21.225 $1,698.02 $3,679 $44,148 MANAGEMENT RANGE 10 M10 1 $18.310 $1,464.80 $3,174 $38,085 2 $18.842 $1,507.33 $3,266 $39,191 3 $19.408 $1,552.61 $3,369 $40,368 4 $19.989 $1,599.14 $3,465 $41,578 5 $20.191 $1,615.28 $3,500 $41,997 6 $20.391 $1,631.26 $3,534 $42,413 7 $20.595 $1,647.58 $3,570 $42,837 8 $20.802 $1,664.14 $3,606 $43,268 9 $21.009 $1,680.70 $3,641 $43,698 10 $21.219 $1,697.52 $3,678 $44,135 11 $21.432 $1,714.58 $3,715 $44,579 12 $21.643 $1,731.48 $3,751 $45,018 13 $21.862 $1,748.95 $3,789 $45,473 MANAGEMENT RANGE 11 M11 1 $18.842 $1,507.33 $3,266 $39,191 2 $19.408 $1,552.61 $3,364 $40,368 3 $19.989 $1,599.14 $3,465 $41,578 4 $20.588 $1,647.08 $3,569 $42,824 5 $20.796 $1,663.64 $3,604 $43,255 6 $21.003 $1,680.20 $3,640 $43,685 7 $21.212 $1,696.93 $3,677 $44,120 8 $21.425 $1,714.00 $3,714 $44,564 9 $21.638 $1,731.06 $3,751 $45,008 10 $21.857 $1,748.54 $3,788 $45A62 11 $22.074 $1,765.93 $3,826 $45,914 12 $22.295 $1,783.58 $3,864 $46,373 13 $22.515 $1,801.22 $3,903 $46,832 MANAGEMENT RANGE 12 M12 1 $19.027 $1,522.15 $3,298 $39,576 2 $19.596 $1,567.67 $3,397 $40,760 3 $20.186 $1,614.87 $3,499 $41,987 Exhibit B - Page 3 H - 20 EXHIBIT B 2014 Management Grade /Step Table Exhibit B - Page 4 H - 21 4 $20.790 $1,663.23 - $3,604 $43,244 5 $20.997 $1,679.79 $3,639 $43,674 6 $21.209 $1,696.68 $3,676 $44,114 7 $21.421 $1,713.66 $3,713 $44,555 8 $21.634 $1,730.73 $3,750 $44,999 9 $21.850 $1,748.04 $3,787 $45,449 10 $22.069 $1,765.52 $3,825 $45,903 11 $22.292 $1,783.33 $3,864 $46,367 12 $22.512 $1,800.97 $3,902 $46,825 13 $22.740 $1,819.20 $3,942 $47,299 MANAGEMENT RANGE 13 M13 1 $19.596 $1,567.67 $3,397 $40,760 2 $20.186 $1,614.87 $3,499 $41,987 3 $20.790 $1,663.23 $3,604 $43,244 4 $21.416 $1,713.25 $3,712 $44,544 5 $21.629 $1,730.31 $3,749 $44,988 6 $21.844 $1,747.54 $3,786 $45,436 7 $22.063 $1,765.02 $3,824 $45,890 8 $22.283 $1,782.66 $3,862 $46,349 9 $22.507 $1,800.56 $3,901 $46,815 10 $22.730 $1,818.37 $3,940 $47,278 11 $22.959 $1,836.68 $3,979 $47,754 12 $23.188 $1,855.07 $4,019 $48,232 13 $23.418 $1,873.47 $4,059 $48,710 MANAGEMENT RANGE 14 M14 1 $20.186 $1,614.87 $3,499 $41,987 2 $20.790 $1,663.23 $3,604 $43,244 3 $21.416 $1,71325 $3,712 $44,544 4 $22.055 $1,764.44 $3,823 $45,875 5 $22.276 $1,782.08 $3,861 $46,334 6 $22.501 $1,800.06 $3,900 $46,802 7 $22.723 $1,817.87 $3,939 $47,265 8 $22.953 $1,836.26 $3,978 $47,743 9 $23.180 $1,854.41 $4,018 $48,215 10 $23.412 $1,872.97 $4,058 $48,697 11 $23.647 $1,891.78 $4,099 $49,186 12 $23.884 $1,910.76 $4,140 $49,680 13 $24.124 $1,929.90 $4,181 $50,177 MANAGEMENT RANGE 15 M15 1 $20.790 $1,663.23 $3,604 $43,244 2 $21.416 $1,713.25 $3,712 $44,544 Legal Records Specialist 3 $22.055 $1,764.44 $3,823 $45,875 4 $22.728 $1,818.20 $3,939 $47,273 5 $22.956 $1,836.51 $3,979 $47,749 6 $23.187 $1,854.99 $4,019 $48,230 7 $23.417 $1,873.39 $4,059 $48,708 8 $23.652 $1,892.20 $4,100 $49,197 9 $23.890 $1,911.17 $4,141 $49,691 10 $24.129 $1,930.32 $4,182 $50,188 11 $24.370 $1,949.63 $4,224 $50,690 12 $24.614 $1,969.10 $4,266 $51,197 13 $24.858 $1,988.66 $4,309 $51,705 MANAGEMENT RANGE 16 M16 1 $21.416 $1,713.25 $3,712 $44,544 Exhibit B - Page 4 H - 21 EXHIBIT B 2014 Management Grade /Step Table Exhibit B - Page 5 H - 22 2 $22.055 $1,764.44 $3,823 $45,875 3 $22.728 $1,818.20 $3,939 $47,273 4 $23.406 $1,872.47 $4,057 $48,684 5 $23.640 $1,891.20 $4,098 $49,171 6 $23.875 $1,910.01 $4,138 $49,660 7 $24.115 $1,929.23 $4,180 $50,160 8 $24.356 $1,948.46 $4,222 $50,660 9 $24.599 $1,967.94 $4,264 $51,166 10 $24.844 $1,987.50 $4,306 $51,675 11 $25.093 $2,007.47 $4,349 $52,194 12 $25.345 $2,027.61 $4,393 $52,718 13 $25.597 $2,047.76 $4,437 $53,242 MANAGEMENT RANGE 17 M17 1 $22.055 $1,764.44 $3,823 $45,875 2 $22.728 $1,818.20 $3,939 $47,273 Administrative Assistant 3 $23.406 $1,872.47 $4,057 $48,684 4 $24.114 $1,929.15 $4,180 $50,158 5 $24.357 $1,948.54 $4,222 $50,662 6 $24.601 $1,968.10 $4,264 $51,171 7 $24.848 $1,987.83 $4,307 $51,684 8 $25.094 $2,007.56 $4,350 $52,196 9 $25.346 $2,027.70 $4,393 $52,720 10 $25.598 $2,047.84 $4,437 $53,244 11 $25.855 $2,068.40 $4,481 $53,778 12 $26.113 $2,089.04 $4,526 $54,315 13 $26.375 $2,110.01 $4,572 $54,860 MANAGEMENT RANGE 18 M18 1 $22.728 $1,818.20 $3,939 $47,273 2 $23.406 $1,872.47 $4,057 $48,684 3 $24.114 $1,929.15 $4,180 $50,158 Payroll Specialist 4 $24.836 $1,986.91 $4,305 $51,660 Legal Admin. Assistant 5 $25.085 $2,006.81 $4,348 $52,177 6 $25.336 $2,026.87 $4,391 $52,699 7 $25.589 $2,047.09 $4,435 $53,224 8 $25.844 $2,067.48 $4,479 $53,755 9 $26.102 $2,088.12 $9,524 $54,291 10 $26.364 $2,109.10 $4,570 $54,837 11 $26.628 $2,130.24 $4,615 $55,386 12 $26.894 $2,151.55 $4,662 $55,940 13 $27.165 $2,173.19 $4,708 $56,503 MANAGEMENT RANGE 19 M19 1 $23.406 $1,872.47 $4,057 $48,684 2 $24.114 $1,929.15 $4,180 $50,158 PW /U Administrative -- 3 $24.836 $1,986.91 $4,305 $51,660 Assistant Supervisor. 4 $25.581 $2,046.51 $4,434 $53,209 5 $25.836 $2,066.90 $4,478 $53,739 6 $26.095 $2,087.63 $4,523 $54,278 7 $26.357 $2,108.60 $4,569 $54,824 8 $26.622 $2,129.79 $4,614 $55,373 9 $26.885 $2,150.80 $4,660 $55,921 10 $27.153 $2,172.27 $4,706 $56,479 11 $27.426 $2,194.08 $4,754 $57,046 12 $27.700 $2,215.97 $4,801 $57,615 Exhibit B - Page 5 H - 22 EXHIBIT B 2014 Management Grade /Step Table Exhibit B - Page 6 H - 23 13 $27.976 $2,238.11 $4,849 $58,191 MANAGEMENT RANGE 20 M20 1 $24.114 $1,929.15 $4,180 $50,158 2 $24.836 $1,986.91 $4,305 $51,660 Legal Assistant/Paralegal 3 $25.581 $2,096.51 $4,434 $53,209 4 $26.348 $2,107.85 $4,567 $54,804 5 $26.611 $2,128.91 $4,613 $55,352 6 $26.879 $2,150.30 $4,659 $55,908 7 $27.145 $2,171.61 $4,705 $56,462 8 $27.420 $2,193.58 $4,753 $57,033 9 $27.692 $2,215.39 $4,800 $57,600 10 $27.968 $2,237.44 $4,848 $58,174 11 $28.249 $2,259.92 $4,896 $58,758 12 $28.531 $2,282.47 $4,945 $59,344 13 $28.817 $2,305.36 $4,995 $59,939 MANAGEMENT RANGE 21 M21 1 $24.836 $1,986.91 $4,305 $51,660 2 $25.581 $2,046.51 $4,434 $53,209 3 $26.348 $2,107.85 $4,567 $54,804 4 $27.139 $2,171.11 $4,704 $56,449 5 $27.410 $2,192.83 $4,751 $57,014 6 $27.686 $2,214.89 $4,799 $57,587 7 $27.962 $2,236.94 $4,847 $58,161 8 $28.242 $2,259.33 $4,895 $58,743 9 $28.524 $2,281.89 $4,994 $59,329 10 $28.809 $2,304.69 $4,993 $59,922 11 $29.097 $2,327.75 $5,043 $60,521 12 $29.388 $2,351.05 $5,094 $61,127 13 $29.681 $2,374.44 $5,145 $61,736 MANAGEMENT RANGE 22 M22 1 $25.581 $2,046.51 $4,434 $53,209 2 $26.348 $2,107.85 $4,567 $54,804 Executive Administrative 3 $27.139 $2,171.11 $4,704 $56,449 Assistant/Deputy City Clerk 4 $27.952 $2,236.19 $4,845 $58,141 5 $28.232 $2,258.58 $4,894 $58,723 6 $28.514 $2,281.19 $4,942 $59,310 7 $28.799 $2,303.94 $4,992 $59,903 8 $29.089 $2,327.08 $5,042 $60,504 9 $29.378 $2,350.22 $5,092 $61,106 10 $29.672 $2,373.78 $5,143 $61,718 11 $29.972 $2,397.75 $5,195 $62,341 12 $30.270 $2,421.64 $5,247 $62,963 13 $30.571 $2,445.69 $5,299 $63,588 MANAGEMENT RANGE 23 M23 1 $26.348 $2,107.85 $4,567 $54,804 2 $27.139 $2,171.11 $4,704 $56,449 3 $27.952 $2,236.19 $4,845 $58,141 4 $28.796 $2,303.70 $4,991 $59,896 5 $29.079 $2,326.33 $5,040 $60,485 6 $29.370 $2,349.64 $5,091 $61,091 7 $29.664 $2,373.11 $5,142 $61,701 8 $29.959 $2,396.75 $5,193 $62,315 9 $30.261 $2,420.89 $5,245 $62,943 10 $30.562 $2,444.94 $5,297 $63,568 Exhibit B - Page 6 H - 23 EXHIBIT B 2014 Management Grade /Step Table Exhibit B - Page 7 H -24 11 12 13 $30.868 $31.179 $31.488 $2,469.41 $2,494.30 $2,519.02 $5,350 $5,404 $5,458 $64,205 $64,852 $65,494 MANAGEMENT RANGE 29 M24 1 $27.139 $2,171.11 $4,704 $56,449 2 $27.958 $2,236.61 $4,846 $58,152 Human Resources Analyst 3 $28.796 $2,303.70 $4,991 $59,896 Fine Arts Center Director 4 $29.662 $2,372.94 $5,141 $61,697 Senior Center Manager 5 $29.957 $2,396.58 $5,192 $62,311 6 $30.258 $2,420.64 $5,245 $62,937 7 $30.560 $2,444.77 $5,297 $63,564 8 $30.866 $2,469.24 $5,350 $64,200 9 $31.176 $2,494.05 $5,409 $69,845 10 $31.483 $2,518.60 $5,457 $65,484 11 $31.800 $2,543.99 $5,512 $66,144 12 $32.117 $2,569.37 $5,567 $66,804 13 $32.438 $2,595.01 $5,622 $67,470 MANAGEMENT RANGE 25 M25 1 $27.958 $2,236.61 $4,846 $58,152 2 $28.796 $2,303.70 $4,991 $59,896 3 $29.662 $2,372.94 $5,141 $61,697 4 $30.552 $2,444.19 $5,296 $63,549 5 $30.859 $2,468.74 $5,349 $64,187 6 $31.163 $2,493.05 $5,402 $64,819 7 $31.476 $2,518.10 $5,456 $65,471 8 $31.790 $2,543.24 $5,510 $66,124 9 $32.110 $2,568.79 $5,566 $66,789 10 $32.430 $2,594.92 $5,621 $67,455 11 $32.753 $2,620.23 $5,677 $68,126 12 $33.085 $2,646.78 $5,735 $68,816 13 $33.413 $2,673.08 $5,792 $69,500 MANAGEMENT RANGE 26 M26 1 $28.796 $2,303.70 $4,991 $59,896 2 $29.662 $2,372.94 $5,141 $61,697 Assistant City Attorney 3 $30.552 $2,444.19 $5,296 $63,549 City Clerk 4 $31.470 $2,517.60 $5,955 $65,458 5 $31.785 $2,542.82 $5,509 $66,113 6 $32.104 $2,568.29 $5,565 $66,776 7 $32.424 $2,593.93 $5,620 $67,442 8 $32.747 $2,619.73 $5,676 $68,113 9 $33.074 $2,645.95 $5,733 $68,795 10 $33.407 $2,672.58 $5,790 $69,487 11 $33.741 $2,699.30 $5,848 $70,182 12 $34.077 $2,726.18 $5,907 $70,881 13 $34.419 $2,753.48 $5,966 $71,591 MANAGEMENT RANGE 27 M27 1 $29.662 $2,372.94 $5,141 $61,697 2 $30.552 $2,444.19 $5,296 $63,549 3 $31.470 $2,517.60 $5,455 $65,458 4 $32.915 $2,593.18 $5,618 $67,423 5 $32.740 $2,619.23 $5,675 $68,100 6 $33.066 $2,645.28 $5,731 $68,777 7 $33.396 $2,671.66 $5,788 $69,463 8 $33.732 $2,698.55 $5,847 $70,162 Exhibit B - Page 7 H -24 EXHIBIT B 2014 Management Grade /Step Table Exhibit B - Page 8 H - 25 9 10 11 12 13 $34.069 $34.411 $34.752 $35.100 $35.452 $2,725.52 $2,752.90 $2,780.20 $2,808.00 $2,836.13 $5,905 $5,964 $6,024 $6,084 $6,145 $70,863 $71,575 $72,285 $73,008 $73,739 MANAGEMENT RANGE 28 M28 1 $30.552 $2,444.19 $5,296 $63,549 2 $31.470 $2,517.60 $5,455 $65,458 Planning Manager 3 $32.415 $2,593.18 $5,618 $67,423 4 $33.389 $2,671.08 $5,787 $69,448 5 $33.721 $2,697.72 $5,845 $70,141 6 $34.060 $2,724.77 $5,904 $70,844 7 $34.400 $2,751.98 $5,963 $71,552 8 $34.742 $2,779.37 $6,022 $72,264 9 $35.092 $2,807.33 $6,082 $72,991 10 $35.441 $2,835.30 $6,143 $73,718 11 $35.797 $2,863.76 $6,205 $74,458 12 $36.155 $2,892.40 $6,267 $75,202 13 $36.516 $2,921.28 $6,329 $75,953 MANAGEMENT RANGE 29 M29 1 $31.970 $2,517.60 $5,455 $65,458 2 $32.415 $2,593.18 $5,618 $67,423 Senior Accountant 3 $33.389 $2,671.08 $5,787 $69,448 Customer Serv. Manager 4 $34389 $2,751.15 $5,961 $71,530 5 $34.735 $2,778.78 $6,021 $72,248 6 $35.081 $2,806.50 $6,081 $72,969 7 $35.433 $2,834.63 $6,142 $73,700 8 $35.786 $2,862.85 $6,203 $74,434 9 $36.142 $2,891.40 $6,265 $75,176 I0 $36.505 $2,920.36 $6,327 $75,929 11 $36.871 $2,949.66 $6,391 $76,691 12 $37.239 $2,979.12 $6,455 $77,457 13 $37.612 $3,008.92 $6,519 $78,232 MANAGEMENT RANGE 30 M30 1 $32.415 $2,593.18 $5,618 $67,423 2 $33.389 $2,671.08 $5,787 $69,448 Archaeologist 3 $34.389 $2,751.15 $5,961 $71,530 Street Superindentent 4 $35.421 $2,833.72 $6,140 $73,677 5 $35.776 $2,862.10 $6,201 $74,415 6 $36.131 $2,890.48 $6,263 $75,153 7 $36.495 $2,919.61 $6,326 $75,910 8 $36.858 $2,948.66 $6,389 $76,665 9 $37.229 $2,978.29 $6,453 $77,436 10 $37.602 $3,008.17 $6,518 $78,212 I1 $37.976 $3,038.05 $6,582 $78,989 12 $38.356 $3,068.51 $6,648 $79,781 13 $38.740 $3,099.23 $6,715 $80,580 MANAGEMENT RANGE 31 M31 1 $33.389 $2,671.08 $5,787 $69,448 2 $34.389 $2,751.15 $5,961 $71,530 Power Resource Manager 3 $35.421 $2,833.72 $6,140 $73,677 4 $36.484 $2,918.70 $6,324 $75,886 5 $36.849 $2,947.91 $6,387 $76,646 6 $37.217 $2,977.38 $6,451 $77,412 Exhibit B - Page 8 H - 25 EXHIBIT 13 2014 Management Grade /Step Table Exhibit B - Page 9 H -26 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 $37.592 $37.967 $38.346 $38.731 $39.116 $39.508 $39.901 $3,007.34 $3,037.39 $3,067.68 $3,098.48 $3,129.27 $3,160.65 $3,192.11 $6,516 $6,581 $6,647 $6,713 $6,780 $6,848 $6,916 $78,191 $78,972 $79,760 $80,560 $81,361 $82,177 $82,995 MANAGEMENT RANGE 32 M32 1 $34.389 $2,751.15 $5,961 $71,530 2 $35.421 $2,83372 $6,140 $73,677 Fleet Manager 3 $36.484 $2,918.70 $6,324 $75,886 Solid Waste Supt. 4 $37.578 $3,006.26 $6,513 $78,163 Financial Sys. Specialist 5 $37.952 $3,036.19 $6,578 $78,940 6 $38.332 $3,066.60 $6,644 $79,732 7 $38.715 $3,097.23 $6,711 $80,528 8 $39.104 $3,128.36 $6,778 $81,337 9 $39.496 $3,159.65 $6,846 $82,151 10 $39.890 $3,191.20 $6,914 $82,971 11 $40.289 $3,223.16 $6,983 $83,802 12 $40.693 $3,255.45 $7,053 $84,642 13 $41.100 $3,288.00 $7,124 $85,488 MANAGEMENT RANGE 33 M33 1 $35.421 $2,833.72 $6,140 $73,677 2 $36.484 $2,918.70 $6,324 $75,886 Water Superintendent 3 $37.578 $3,006.26 $6,513 $78,163 Waste Water Supt. 4 $38.704 $3,096.31 $6,709 $80,504 5 $39.091 $3,127.28 $6,776 $81,309 6 $39.982 $3,158.57 $6,843 $82,123 7 $39.880 $3,190.37 $6,912 $82,950 8 $40.278 $3,222.24 $6,981 $83,778 9 $40.680 $3,254.37 $7,051 $84,614 10 $41.084 $3,286.75 $7,121 $85,455 11 $41.497 $3,319.79 $7,193 $86,315 12 $41.910 $3,352.83 $7,264 $87,174 13 $42.332 $3,386.54 $7,337 $88,050 MANAGEMENT RANGE 34 M34 1 $36.484 $2,918.70 $6,324 $75,886 2 $37.578 $3,006.26 $6,513 $78,163 3 $38.704 $3,096.31 $6,709 $80,504 4 $39.868 $3,189.45 $6,910 $82,926 5 $40.267 $3,221.33 $6,979 $83,755 6 $40.669 $3,253.54 $7,049 $84,592 7 $41.075 $3,286.00 $7,120 $85,436 8 $41.486 $3,318.88 $7,191 $86,291 9 $41.900 $3,352.00 $7,263 $87,152 10 $42.319 $3,385.54 $7,335 $88,024 11 $42.745 $3,419.59 $7,409 $88,909 12 $43.171 $3,453.71 $7,483 $89,797 13 $43.602 $3,488.17 $7,558 $90,692 MANAGEMENT RANGE 35 M35 1 $37.578 $3,006.26 $6,513 $78,163 2 $38.704 $3,096.31 $6,709 $80,504 Engineering Manager 3 $39.868 $3,189.45 $6,910 $82,926 Communications Manager 4 $41.065 $3,285.17 $7,118 $85,414 Exhibit B - Page 9 H -26 EXHIBIT B 2014 Management Grade /Step Table Exhibit B - Page 10 H - 27 5 $41.475 $3,317.96 $7,189 $86,267 6 $41.890 $3,351.17 $7,261 $87,130 7 $42.307 $3,384.55 $7,333 $87,998 8 $42.730 $3,418.42 $7,406 $88,879 9 $43.157 $3,452.55 $7,480 $89,766 10 $43.589 $3,487.09 $7,555 $90,664 11 $44.027 $3,522.13 $7,631 $91,575 12 $44.463 $3,557.00 $7,707 $92,482 13 $44.909 $3,592.71 $7,784 $93,410 MANAGEMENT RANGE 36 M36 1 $39.444 $3,155.49 $6,837 $82,043 2 $40.626 $3,250.04 $7,042 $84,501 3 $41.846 $3,347.67 $7,253 $87,040 4 $43.101 $3,448.05 $7,471 $89,649 5 $43.531 $3,482.51 $7,545 $90,545 6 $43.968 $3,517.47 $7,621 $91,454 7 $44.405 $3,552.42 $7,697 $92,363 8 $44.851 $3,588.05 $7,774 $93,289 9 $45.300 $3,624.00 $7,852 $94,224 10 $45.753 $3,660.21 $7,930 $95,165 11 $46.210 $3,696.83 $8,010 $96,118 12 $46.672 $3,733.79 $8,090 $97,078 13 $47.139 $3,771.16 $8,171 $98,050 MANAGEMENT RANGE 37 M37 1 $40.626 $3,250.04 $7,042 $84,501 2 $41.846 $3,347.67 $7,253 $87,040 Electrical Engineering Mgr. 3 $43.101 $3,448.05 $7,471 $89,649 Light Operations Manager 4 $44.394 $3,551.51 $7,695 $92,339 5 $44.838 $3,587.05 $7,772 $93,263 6 $45.285 $3,622.84 $7,849 $94,194 7 $45.737 $3,658.96 $7,928 $95,133 8 $46.198 $3,695.83 $8,007 $96,092 9 $46.659 $3,732.71 $8,087 $97,050 10 $47.125 $3,769.99 $8,168 $98,020 11 $47.594 $3,807.53 $8,249 $98,996 12 $48.073 $3,845.82 $8,332 $99,991 13 $48.551 $3,884.10 $8,415 $100,987 MANAGEMENT RANGE 38 M38 1 $41.846 $3,347.67 $7,253 $87,040 2 $43.101 $3,448.05 $7,471 $89,649 Human Resources Mgr. 3 $44.394 $3,551.51 $7,695 $92,339 Deputy Police Chief 4 $45.726 $3,658.05 $7,926 $95,109 Fire Marshal 5 $46.183 $3,694.67 $8,005 $96,061 6 $46.643 $3,731.46 $8,085 $97,018 Parks & Recreation Director 7 $47.111 $3,768.91 $8,166 $97,992 Sr. Assistant City Attorney 8 $47.584 $3,806.70 $8,248 $98,974 Deputy Dir. Power and - - -- 9 $48.056 $3,844.49 $8,330 $99,957 Telecommunications Syst. 10 $48.539 $3,883.11 $8,413 $100,961 11 $49.026 $3,922.06 $8,498 $101,974 12 $49.515 $3,961.18 $8,582 $102,991 13 $50.010 $4,000.80 $8,668 $104,021 MANAGEMENT RANGE 39 M39 1 $43.101 $3,448.05 $7,471 $89,649 2 $44.394 $3,551.51 $7,695 $92,339 Exhibit B - Page 10 H - 27 EXHIBIT B 2014 Management Grade /Step Table Exhibit B - Page 11 H -28 3 $45.726 $3,658.05 $7,926 $95,109 4 $47.097 $3,767.75 $8,163 $97,961 5 $47.569 $3,805.53 $8,245 $98,944 6 $48.045 $3,843.57 $8,328 $99,933 7 $98.526 $3,882.11 $8,411 $100,935 8 $49.010 $3,920.81 $8,495 $101,941 9 $49.499 $3,959.93 $8,580 $102,958 10 $49.994 $3,999.55 $8,666 $103,988 11 $50.496 $4,039.67 $8,752 $105,031 12 $50.999 $4,079.95 $8,840 $106,079 13 $51.510 $4,120.82 $8,928 $107,141 MANAGEMENT RANGE 40 M40 1 $44.394 $3,551.51 $7,695 $92,339 2 $45.726 $3,658.05 $7,926 $95,109 Deputy Director of Operations 3 $47.097 $3,767.75 $8,163 $97,961 Deputy Dir. Eng. Services 4 $48.519 $3,881.52 $8,410 $100,920 5 $48.995 $3,919.56 $8,492 $101,909 6 $49.487 $3,958.93 $8,578 $102,932 7 $49.981 $3,998.47 $8,663 $103,960 8 $50.478 $4,038.25 $8,749 $104,995 9 $50.984 $4,078.70 $8,837 $106,046 10 $51.496 $4,119.65 $8,926 $107,111 11 $52.008 $4,160.60 $9,014 $108,176 12 $52.531 $4,202.47 $9,105 $109,264 13 $53.054 $4,244.33 $9,196 $110,353 MANAGEMENT RANGE 41 M41 1 $45.726 $3,658.05 $7,926 $95,109 2 $97.097 $3,767.75 $8,163 $97,961 3 $48.519 $3,881.52 $8,410 $100,920 4 $49.971 $3,997.72 $8,662 $103,941 5 $50.465 $4,037.17 $8,747 $104,966 6 $50.969 $4,077.54 $8,834 $106,016 7 $51.480 $4,118.40 $8,923 $107,078 8 $51.993 $4,159.44 $9,012 $108,145 9 $52.513 $4,201.05 $9,102 $109,227 10 $53.041 $4,243.25 $9,194 $110,325 11 $53.570 $4,285.62 $9,285 $111,426 12 $54.106 $4,328.48 $9,378 $112,540 13 $54.647 $4,371.76 $9,472 $113,666 MANAGEMENT RANGE 42 M42 1 $47.097 $3,767.75 $8,163 $97,961 2 $48.519 $3,881.52 $8,410 $100,920 Police Chief 3 $49.971 $3,997.72 $8,662 $103,941 Fire Chief 4 $51.474 $4,117.90 $8,922 $107,065 Chief Financial Officer 5 $51.988 $4,159.02 $9,011 $108,135 Community & Economic - - -- 6 $52.507 $4,200.55 $9,101 $109,214 Development Director 7 $53.032 $4,242.58 $9,192 $110,307 8 $53.561 $4,284.87 $9,284 $111,407 9 $54.098 $9,327.81 $9,377 $112,523 10 $54.639 $4,371.09 $9,471 $113,648 11 $55.185 $4,414.79 $9,565 $114,785 12 $55.736 $4,458.90 $9,661 $115,932 13 $56.295 $4,503.60 $9,758 $117,094 Exhibit B - Page 11 H -28 EXHIBIT 13 2014 Management Grade /Step Table MANAGEMENT RANGE 43 M43 1 $48.519 $3,881.52 $8,410 $100,920 2 $49.971 $3,997.72 $8,662 $103,941 3 $51.474 $4,117.90 $8,922 $107,065 4 $53.017 $4,241.34 $9,189 $110,275 5 $53.546 $4,283.70 $9,281 $111,376 6 $54.083 $4,326.65 $9,374 $112,493 7 $54.622 $4,369.76 $9,468 $113,614 8 $55.171 $4,413.71 $9,563 $114,756 9 $55.720 $4,457.57 $9,658 $115,897 10 $56.278 $4,502.27 $9,755 $117,059 11 $56.841 $4,547.30 $9,852 $118,230 12 $57.411 $4,592.91 $9,951 $119,416 13 $57.985 $4,638.77 $10,050 $120,608 MANAGEMENT RANGE 44 M44 1 $49.975 $3,997.97 $8,662 $103,947 2 $51.471 $4,117.65 $8,921 $107,059 City Attorney 3 $53.017 $4,241.34 $9,189 $110,275 4 $54.610 $4,368.76 $9,465 $113,588 5 $55.152 $4,412.13 $9,559 $114,715 6 $55.705 $4,456.41 $9,655 $115,867 7 $56.262 $4,500.94 $9,752 $117,024 8 $56.825 $4,545.97 $9,849 $I18,195 9 $57.392 $4,591.33 $9,948 $119,374 10 $57.968 $4,637.44 $10,048 $120,573 11 $58.547 $4,683.80 $10,148 $121,779 12 $59.134 $4,730.74 $10,250 $122,999 13 $59.724 $4,777.93 $10,352 $124,226 MANAGEMENT RANGE 45 M45 1 $51.474 $4,117.90 $8,922 $107,065 2 $53.015 $4,241.17 $9,189 $110,270 3 $54.610 $4,368.76 $9,465 $113,588 4 $56.246 $4,499.69 $9,749 $116,992 5 $56.807 $4,549.55 $9,846 $118,158 6 $57.377 $4,590.16 $9,945 $119,344 7 $57.999 $4,635.94 $10,044 $120,534 8 $58.530 $4,682.38 $10,145 $121,742 9 $59.113 $4,729.08 $10,246 $122,956 10 $59.706 $4,776.52 $10,349 $124,189 11 $60.303 $4,824.21 $10,452 $125,429 12 $60.907 $4,872.57 $10,557 $126,687 13 $61.515 $4,921.18 $10,662 $127,951 MANAGEMENT RANGE 46 M46 1 $53.017 $4,241.34 $9,189 $110,275 2 $54.607 $4,368.60 $9,465 $113,584 Public Works & Utilities Dir. 3 $56.246 $4,499.69 $9,749 $116,992 4 $57.934 $4,634.69 $10,042 $120,502 5 $58.510 $4,680.80 $10,142 $121,701 6 $59.098 $4,727.83 $10,243 $122,924 7 $59.688 $4,775.02 $10,346 $124,151 8 $60.285 $4,822.80 $10,449 $125,393 9 $60.887 $4,870.99 $10,554 $126,646 10 $61.498 $4,919.84 $10,659 $127,916 11 $62.113 $4,969.03 $10,766 $129,195 Exhibit B - Page 12 H - 29 EXHIBIT B 2014 Management Grade /Step Table Exhibit B - Page 13 H - 30 12 13 $62.734 $63.360 $5,018.72 $5,068.83 $10,874 $10,982 $130,487 $131,790 MANAGEMENT RANGE 47 M47 1 $54.610 $4,368.76 $9,465 $113,588 2 $56.244 $4,499.52 $9,749 $116,988 3 $57.934 $4,634.69 $10,042 $120,502 4 $59.672 $4,773.77 $10,343 $124,118 5 $60.265 $4,821.21 $10,446 $125,352 6 $60.872 $4,869.74 $10,551 $126,613 7 $61.478 $4,918.26 $10,656 $127,875 8 $62.095 $4,967.62 $10,763 $129,158 9 $62.713 $S,017.06 $10,870 $130,444 10 $63.343 $5,067.41 $10,979 $131,753 11 $63.976 $5,118.10 $11,089 $133,071 12 $64.617 $5,169.37 $11,200 $134,404 13 $65.261 $5,220.89 $11,312 $135,743 MANAGEMENT RANGE 48 M48 $137,700 City Manager (salary per employ.contract) Exhibit B - Page 13 H - 30 EXHIBIT B 2014 Management Grade /Step Table Exhibit B - Page 14 H -31 EXHIBIT B 2014 Management Grade /Step Table Exhibit B - Page 15 H -32 EXHIBIT B 2014 Management Grade /Step Table Exhibit B - Page 16 H - 33 EXHIBIT B 2014 Management Grade /Step Table Exhibit B - Page 17 H - 34 EXHIBIT B 2014 Management Grade /Step Table Exhibit B - Page 18 H - 35 EXHIBIT B 2014 Management Grade /Step Table Exhibit B - Page 19 H - 36 EXHIBIT B 2014 Management Grade /Step Table Exhibit B - Page 20 H - 37 EXHIBIT B 2014 Management Grade /Step Table Exhibit B - Page 21 H -38 EXHIBIT 13 2014 Management Grade /Step Table Exhibit B - Page 22 H - 39 EXHIBIT B 2014 Management Grade /Step Table Exhibit B - Page 23 H - 40 EXHIBIT B 2014 Management Grade /Step Table Exhibit B - Page 24 H -41 EXHIBIT B 2014 Management Grade /Step Table Exhibit B - Page 25 H - 42 2013 Monthly Reoon Collected Sales Room Tax Diff Budget SALES TAX Diff Occupancy Room # Occupancy Room # Webvisits Webvisits Diff In from 2012 2013 2012 2012 2012 2013 2013 2012 2013 Jan Nov $18,252 $20,170 10% $18,000 5202,410 5200,434 -1% 25% 5502 24% 5282 -4% 17491 17000. -3% Feb Dec $18,380 $20,108 9% 519,000 5247,840 5267,051 8% 31% 6162 33% 6560 6% 17427 18052 4% March Jan $14,938 $12,776 -17% $15,500 $195,496 5206,107 5% 38% 8364 41% 9024 8% 20028 16230 -19% April Feb 518,252 $19,145 5% $19,000 1 $202,411 $187,228 -8% 42% 8946 48% 10224 14% 18469 17465 -5% May March 522,709 $26,910 16% 524,500 $196,797 5235,712 20% 49% 10784 60% 13206 22% 27010 21252 -21% June April 525,170 527,500 $222 489 68% 14484 30898 July May 533,918 537,500 $229,473 76% 16800 46506 August June 548,920 $51,500 $252,397 88% 19500 36921 Sept July $79,956 587,000 $240,935 78% 16614 22434 October Aug 589,154 583,500 $202,411 45% 9905 16782 November Sept $57,289 558,500 $202,410 35% 7455 12859 December Oct $33,209 528,500 $226,266 23% 5062 13478 YTD $92,531 $99,109 7% $470,000 $1,044,954 $1,096,532 5% 38% 39,758 42% 44,296 11% 100,425 89,999 -10% Total 3% $96,000 • room tax and sales tax figures shown are for sales from two months earlier. ie May numbers reflect March sales 2012 5460,150 At avg Times Time avg Equals Economic Economic in tax revenue rate of $95 at 1.8 people per daily exp of 529.2 million multiplier results from means 511.6 52% occupancy room equals $123PP ($12 in community of 1.4 means overnight million in 237,899 people b -fast, $11 lunch, revenue directly $40.8Million for stays room revenue $30 dinner, from ovemight PA from the $50 guests hotel guests room, S20 misc) Door Count Diff I 2012 2013 Jan 1,072 969 11% Feb 1,306 1103 -18% March 1,826 2158 15% April 2,729 2396 -14% May 3,214 3665 12% June 7,323 July 9,219 August 10,500 Sept 6,500 October 6,909 November 1,327 December 1,156 YTD 10,147 10,291 1% Room tax history Collected Sales from Budget & 7 year Actual 2013 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 avg Jan Nov $19,546 $17,290 $19,222 $3,712 $7,326 $20,564 $18,252 $15,130 $20,170 Feb Dec $19,709 $24,014 $19,583 $17,550 $20,900 $15,907 $18,380 $19,435 $20,108 March Jan $16,660 $17,878 $21,373 $14,376 $14,573 $15,499 $14,938 $16,471 $12,776 April Feb $19,742 $19,365 $19,316 $19,436 $20,006 $16,929 $18,252 $19,007 $19,145 May March $22,585 $26,083 $26,506 $26,935 $25,293 $22,751 $22,709 $24,695 $26,910 June April $29,158 $30,149 $33,366 $25,331 $31,860 $26,674 $25,170 $28,815 $27,500 July May $37,626 $43,524 $41,294 $37,947 $37,103 $39,088 $33,918 $38,643 $37,500 August June $48,554 $60,825 $65,390 $48,128 $51,951 $49,250 $48,920 $53,288 $51,500 Sept July $72,856 $89,325 $91,543 $86,487 $108,072 $81,286 $79,956 $87,075 $87,000 October Aug $81,425 $92,801 $69,469 $79,732 $74,310 $85,138 $89,154 $81,718 $83,500 November Sept $61,528 $45,326 $45,779 $70,516 $80,157 $56,454 $57,289 $59,578 $58,500 December Oct $30,771 $31,577 $32,208 $32,134 $15,583 $28,247 $33,134 $29,093 $28,500 Totals $460,160 $498,157 $485,049 $462,284 $487,134 $457,787 $460,072 $472,949 $473,109 Jan -May 98,242 104,630 106,000 82,009 88,098 91,650 92,531 94,737 99,109 2013 Special Event/Project Grant Requests 2013 Total Funds Available 560,000 560,000 $7,000 Funding requests from room tax grant fund: Requests Board Event Date 51,000 Approved $250 BirdFest 4/5 -4/7 NW Cup 4/5- 7,4/25- 28,5/17 -19 51,260 $1,500 Juan De Fuca Festival 5/24 -5/28 $14,000 $10,000 North Olympic Discovery Marathon 6/3 -6/4 515,000 $10,000 Ruddell Cruise In 7/12. $5,000 $2,500 Arts In Action & Sand Sculpture 7/26 -7/28 $5,000 $3,500 Pedal Power Weekend /tour de lavender 8/3 -8/4 $1,000 $1,000 Ride The Hurricane 8/4. $2,500 $1,500 Olympic Peninsula Senior Games 8/23 $3,000 $3,000 Dungeness Crab & Seafood Festival 10/13 -10/15 $14,000 $14,000 Story Telling Festival 10/17 -10/20 $1,500 $1,500 PAFAC Art Park $2,950 $1,500 PAFAC brochure $850 $850 Art on the town brochure $2,500 $1,000 Rowing Club $1,000 $1,000 Thrift Store Historical Sign $1,000 $0 Balloon for access by disabled $20,000 $0 Total request $91,560 $53,100 Hold remaining funds for 2nd round - $31,560 $6,900 Sprint Boat Race @ ESP $10,000 $7,000 Wedding Planning WEB site $10,000 $0 Horse Show $2,500 $0 Total Requests 2nd round $7,000 Difference $0 pORTANGELES W A S H I N G T O N , U.S.A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: June 18, 2013 TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: Glenn A. Cutler, P. E., Director of Public Works & Utilities SUBJECT: Lauridsen Boulevard Roundabouts Study; Informational Briefing Summary: On March 6, 2012, the City Council authorized an analysis and study of the Lauridsen Boulevard Corridor between Oak Street and Lincoln Streets to determine the feasibility of traffic improvements. The alternatives analyzed through the study are described in this memorandum. Staff will be making a short presentation to show each of the alternatives. At this time, staff recommends taking no action. The study will be retained for future use should traffic growth increase to the extent that the need for these improvements becomes a priority. Recommendation: For information only, no action requested. Background /Analysis: On March 6, 2012, the City Council authorized an analysis and study of the Lauridsen Boulevard Corridor between Oak Street and Lincoln Streets to determine the feasibility of future traffic improvement. Exeltech Consulting, Inc., was retained to provide an intersection improvement alternatives analysis and conceptual design for the study. Fehr and Peers was sub - consulted to analyze the corridor from the traffic operations. WSDOT was consulted for input for compliance, acceptance, and concurrence. The objective of the study was to determine improvements to provide more effective modal separation, increased pedestrian safety, and more intuitive intersection geometries, while offering enhanced aesthetics, improved traffic operations, and safety advantages. These improvements would also support a broader Citywide goal to develop an Alternate Route that provides a second east -west connection between US 101 east and west Port Angeles, including the Port District. The following sections provide a summary of the characteristics of the alternatives. The planning horizon for the study was through 2035. • Alternative 1 was comprised of two single lane roundabouts, at the intersection with Oak Street and at the intersection with Lincoln Street. Access would be more controlled through the installation of a median between the two roundabouts. Channelized left turn access from Lauridsen Boulevard would be provided at all locations except the south leg of Lincoln Street. Left turns would be prohibited from all corridor side streets via right turn channelization. The analysis included a contiguous median between the roundabouts with no left-in access for the Albertsons driveway N: \CCOUNCIL\FINAL \Lauridsen Roundabouts at Lincoln and Laurel Streets Study.docx J -1 June 18, 2013 City Council Re: Lauridsen Roundabouts at Lincoln and Laurel Streets Study Page 2 • Alternative 2 was comprised of two single lane roundabouts, at the intersection with Laurel Street (south leg) and at the intersection with Lincoln Street (north leg). A median would be installed between the two roundabouts with channelized left-in access provided for the Albertsons driveway. • Alternative 3 was comprised of a signal installed at the intersection with Laurel Street (south leg) and Lauridsen Blvd in addition to a single lane roundabout at the intersection with Lincoln Street and Lauridsen Blvd. Similar to Alternative 2, a median would be constructed between the roundabout and signal with channelized left-in access for the Albertsons driveway. • Alternative 4 was comprised of a single roundabout at the intersection with Lincoln Street and Lauridsen Blvd. Staff notes that this alternative was dismissed after a traffic analysis indicated that the alternative failed the Level of Service requirements. The study team, which included City, WSDOT, and Exeltech staff, recommended that when the City is ready to proceed with these upgrades, that Alternative 2 was preferred. The selection was reached by analyzing several different factors, project goals, and benefits as listed below: • Resolves existing access and safety concerns at the intersection of Laurel Street and Lauridsen Blvd. • Provides intuitive traffic movements and geometrics • Eliminates center two way left turn lane — decreasing traffic conflict points • Provides an Alternate Route and reduces truck volumes in downtown • Aesthetic streetscape and safe accommodation of bicycles and pedestrians • Ability to relocate Clallam Transit stop to a designated bus pull -out — allowing safer pedestrian access to Albertsons • Roundabouts located at both ends of the corridor in effect act as traffic calming measures thereby improving safety and comfort for both pedestrians and bicyclists • Maintains acceptable Level of Service at all intersections in the corridor • Low ongoing maintenance cost compared to signalized intersections Through design iterations and input from WSDOT, the Alternative 2 roundabout at the intersection of Laurel Street and Lauridsen Blvd. was modified to an elliptical shape. This design would allow for the potential for WB -67 truck movement along Lauridsen Blvd and WB -40 trucks to Laurel Street. This would accomplish the traffic operations goals of the roundabout corridor as well as tninimizing the right -of -way impacts. The estimated cost for design and construction of the improvement is estimated to be $2.2 million. Staff will be making a short presentation to show each of the alternatives that were evaluated. At this time, staff recommends taking no action. The study will be retained for future use should traffic growth increase to the extent that the need for these improvements becomes a priority. J -2 PORTANGELES W A S HI I N G T O N, Li. S. A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: June 18, 2013 To: CITY COUNCIL FROM: Glenn A. Cutler, P.E., Director of Public Works and Utilities SUBJECT: Lauridsen Blvd. Bridge Replacement, Project TR42 -99, Award Construction Contract to Scarsella Brothers, Inc. Summary: Bids were requested for the Lauridsen Blvd. Bridge Replacement, Project TR42 -99. Four bids were received and opened on June 4, 2013. Scarsella Brothers, Inc. of Kent, WA was the low responsible bidder in the bid amount of $4,498,380. Recommendation: Approve and authorize the City Manager to sign a contract for the Lauridsen Blvd. Bridge Replacement, Project TR42 -99, with Scarsella Brothers, Inc. of Kent, WA in the total bid amount of $4,498,380, including applicable taxes, and to make minor modifications to the contract, if necessary. Background /Analysis: The existing Lauridsen Blvd. Bridge is structurally deficient and functiona ly obsolete. This project will replace the aging bridge, and incorporate pedestrian and bicycle safety enhancements. Bids were requested for this contract, with four bids being received and opened on June 4, 2013. Scarsella Brothers, Inc. of Kent, WA is the lowest responsible bidder in the amount of $4,498,380. The total bid amounts are tabulated in the following table. Totals shown include applicable taxes: Contractor Total Bid Scarsella Bros., Inc., Kent, WA $4,498,380.00 Quigg Bros, Inc., Aberdeen, WA 4,515,642.00 Cascade Bridge, LLC, Vancouver, WA 4,660,438.00 MJ Hughes, Gresham, OR 6,149,284.00 Engineer's Estimate $4,410,000.24 Funding for the majority of the Lauridsen Bridge project has been obtained through a Federal Bridge Replacement Advisory Committee (BRAC) grant administered by WSDOT. This grant will provide funding of 80% of TR42 -99's cost ($4,103,220.00). The City's required match of 20% is N: \CCOUNCIL\FINAL \Lauridsen Blvd Bridge Replacement, Project TR42 -99, Construction Contract.doc K -1 June 18, 2013 City Council Re: Construction Contract — Lauridsen Blvd Bridge Replacement Page 2 $1,025,805.00. On March 5, 2011, Council approved setting aside funds for the City's match and the current 2013 budget includes fund allocations as City Matching funds for the bridge replacement. It is recommended that City Council award and authorize the City Manager to sign a contract for the Lauridsen Blvd. Bridge Replacement, Project TR42 -99, with Scarsella Bros, Inc. of Kent, WA in the amount of $4,498,380.00, including applicable taxes, and to make minor modifications to the contract, if necessary. N : \CCOUNCIL \FINAL \Lauridsen Blvd Bridge Replacement, Project '1'1242-99, Construction Contract.doc K -2 W A S H I N G T O N , U.S.A. DATE: June 18, 2013 To: CITY COUNCIL FROM: Glenn A. Cutler, P. E., Director of Public Works & Utilities SUBJECT: Performance Testing of Ranney Well, Project WA -13 -023, Professional Services Agreement with Layne Christensen, Inc. Summary: Layne Christensen, Inc., has been selected to provide professional engineering services to evaluate the operating performance of the Ranney well. The project will assess the possible reduction in infiltration/recharge to the aquifer and the impacts on the performance of the Ranney well. Recommendation: Approve and authorize the City Manager to: 1) Amend the 2013 budget for the water utility in the amount of $50,000 for this work, and 2) Sign a professional services agreement with Layne Christensen, Inc. of Columbus, Ohio in an amount not to exceed $50,000, including taxes, and to make minor modifications to the agreement, if necessary. Background /Analysis: The City's primary drinking water source comes from a sixty (60) foot deep Ranney well, located next to the Elwha River, capable of delivering 11.1 million gallons per day (mgd) of raw water. As a result of deconstruction of the Elwha and Glines Canyon Dams, sediment that was stored behind the dams is currently washing down the river and re- depositing within the river's channel throughout its length. The deposition of sediment in the vicinity of the Ranney well has the potential to impact its productivity and service life and restrict the recharge of river water into the aquifer that the Ranney well relies on. As a result of this, the City has commenced cooperative discussions with the National Park Service (NPS) concerning sediment depositions in the vicinity of the City's Ranney well and interruptions in the NPS's ability to deliver from the Elwha Treatment Facilities the quality or quantity of surface water to the City's Water Treatment Plant. The Ranney well and pump system are considered critical infrastructure for the City. This evaluation is being conducted to assess the possible reduction in infiltration/recharge to the aquifer and the impact the removal of the Elwha and Glines Canyon Dams is having on the performance of the Ranney well. As part of the work, the installation of two monitoring wells will occur. N: \CCOUNCIL \FINAL \Performance Testing of Ranney Well. WA -13 -023, Professional Services Agreement 4h- 3 Layne Christensen, lnc.docx June 18, 2013 City Council Re: Performance Testing of Ranney Well, WA -13 -023 Page 2 The firm of Layne Christensen, Inc., was evaluated by members of the City's engineering staff and selected as the best qualified firm, particularly due to their extensive involvement in providing engineering services for this type of work. The tasks being awarded for this agreement are summarized in the table below: Since this item was not anticipated in the 2013 budget, a budget amendment is required to proceed. City staff is seeking financial support for this evaluation from NPS. The information expected to be provided from it will be important for understanding the nature and extent of dam removal impacts to the Ranney well and its aquifer. Should the City need to continue to use the Ranney well, this evaluation will also assist the City in ensuring parameters for operating the Ranney are appropriate to the conditions. The NPS is expected to respond to our request for financial support prior to the scheduled Council meeting. Staff will be prepared to talk further about funding at the Council meeting and provide an update of the NPS financial support request. It is recommended that City Council approve and authorize the City Manager to: 1) Amend the 2013 budget for the water utility in the amount of $50,000 for this work, and 2) Sign a professional services agreement with Layne Christensen, Inc. of Columbus, Ohio in an amount not to exceed $50,000, including taxes, and to make minor modifications to the agreement, if necessary. K -4 Tasks Budget 1. Permitting $3,000 2. Observation Well Installations (2) $20,000 3. Well Pumping Test $15,000 4. Test Data Analysis Support $12,000 Total $50,000 Since this item was not anticipated in the 2013 budget, a budget amendment is required to proceed. City staff is seeking financial support for this evaluation from NPS. The information expected to be provided from it will be important for understanding the nature and extent of dam removal impacts to the Ranney well and its aquifer. Should the City need to continue to use the Ranney well, this evaluation will also assist the City in ensuring parameters for operating the Ranney are appropriate to the conditions. The NPS is expected to respond to our request for financial support prior to the scheduled Council meeting. Staff will be prepared to talk further about funding at the Council meeting and provide an update of the NPS financial support request. It is recommended that City Council approve and authorize the City Manager to: 1) Amend the 2013 budget for the water utility in the amount of $50,000 for this work, and 2) Sign a professional services agreement with Layne Christensen, Inc. of Columbus, Ohio in an amount not to exceed $50,000, including taxes, and to make minor modifications to the agreement, if necessary. K -4 pORTANGELES W A S H I N G T O N , CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: June 18, 2013 To: CITY COUNCIL FROM: Glenn A. Cutler, P.E., Director of Public Works and Utilities SUBJECT: Combined Sewer Overflow Phase I, Rayonier Diffuser Repair/Modifications, Project 06 -01, Construction Contract Award to Richard Phillips Marine, Inc. Summary: The Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) Phase 1, Rayonier Diffuser Repair/Modifications project is part of the City's approved CSO Reduction program. The project will repair and modify the existing Rayonier industrial outfall, which will be the primary outfall for the wastewater treatment plant. Bids for this project were opened on June 12, 2013 with five contractors submitting bids. Richard Phillips Marine, Inc., from Boring, Oregon was the low responsible bidder. Recommendation: Approve and authorize the City Manager to award and sign a construction contract with Richard Philips Marine, Inc., for CSO Phase 1, Rayonier Diffuser Repair/Modifications, Project 06 -01, in the amount of $383,000 including applicable taxes, and to make minor modifications to the contract, if necessary. Background /Analysis: The Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) Phase 1 project is part of the City's CSO Reduction program approved by Ecology. The project will reduce CSOs into Port Angeles Harbor in compliance with the terns of Agreed Order 3853 from Ecology. This project will increase the conveyance capacity of the wastewater sewer force mains, the gravity main from Francis Street, the wastewater treatment plant, and the plant outfall as well as providing a 5 million gallon storage tank in order to control peak flows from storm events. This contract includes repairing and/or replacing missing diffusers on this outfall pipeline, installing one way valves on the diffuser risers, modifying the access port, and cleaning sediments from the diffuser manifold. The goal of the project is to increase the treatment plant discharge capacity. The purpose of rehabilitating this outfall is to put it into service, directing WWTP effluent discharges outside the mouth of the harbor rather than in its current location well within the harbor. The bid opening occurred on June 12, 2013 with five contractors submitting bids. Richard Phillips Marine, Inc., was the low responsible bidder. The bid results are summarized in the following table: N: \CCOUNCIL \FINAL \Combined Sewer Overflow Phase 1. Project 06 -01, Rayonier Diffuser Repair- Modifications.docx K -5 June 18, 2013 City Council Re: CSO Phase 1, Project 06 -01, Rayonier Diffuser Repair /Modifications Page 2 Company Base Bid Ranking Richard Phillips Marine, Inc., Boring, OR $383,000.00 1 Northwest Underwater Construction, Washougal, WA $443,038.00 2 Global Diving & Salvage, Inc., Seattle, WA $469,265.00 3 Redside Construction, LLC, Port Gamble, WA $658,580.00 4 IMCO General Construction, Ferndale, WA Engineer's Estimate $1,099,849.12 $415,000.00 5 Funds are available in the 2013 budget from the CSO fund accumulated through rates, Washington State Department of Public Works Trust Fund (PWTF) loans, and a State Revolving Fund (SRF) loan. It is recommended that Council approve and authorize the City Manager to award and sign a construction contract with Richard Phillips Marine, Inc., for the CSO Phase 1, Rayonier Diffuser Repair /Modifications project in the amount of $383,000.00, including applicable taxes. N: \CCOUNCIL \FINAL \Combined Sewer Overflow Phase 1, Project 06 -01, Rayonier Diffuser Repair- Modifications.docx K -6 PORT ANGELES FORWARD COMMITTEE PITTIS MEMORIAL CONFERENCE ROOM / Port Angeles, Washington Meeting Minutes for April 11, 2013 Mission Statement economically and; culturally vibrant comma vell'enhai,ce the lives 11 f out; citizens'_. CALL TO ORDER: Chair Kidd opened the meeting at 7:30 a.ni. ROLL CALL. Members Present: Chair Kidd, Vice -Chair Downie, Jim Hallett, Larry Morris, Terry Weed, George Bergner, Charlie Smith, Mike Edwards, Greg Halberg, and Maggie Roth. Members Absent: Mike Chapman, Brenda Francis- Thomas, Linda Rotmark, Kaj Ahlburg. Staff Present: Nathan West, Scott Johns, Roberta Korcz, and Teresa Pierce. Others Present: None. Public Present: Randall McCoy. Approval of Minutes Minutes for March 2013 meeting approved by consensus. Waterfront Transportation Improvement Project (WTIP) Update / West-End Park Nathan West thanked PA Forward members for their support and recommendation for City Council to move forward to 100% design. The key now is to find funding for construction. The City has $1.3 million in place, however another $900,000 is needed. The sponsorship program is open for applications and other grant possibilities are pending. Esplanade construction is on schedule. Roberta Korcz outlined the amendments made recently to the City's Facade Improvement program which include identifying specific redevelopment districts. For 2013, the focus will be on the Railroad Avenue area. Staff will make direct contact with area business and property owners. West asked for the committee discussion on ideas to close the $900,000 funding gap. Discussion followed on promotion of the sponsorship program, seeing if funding is available in coordination with the Olympic Discovery Trail, and if Clallam County could provide maintenance. Jim Hallett indicated the Port may have some ability to contribute. Patrick Downie noted how completion of the Esplanade will spur interest in the West End Park. Chair Kidd suggested going before the County's Lodging Tax Committee to apply for funding. Other funding includes STP federal funding designated for the County, cities, Clallam Transit, and the Port. Maggie Roth suggested the County's Opportunity Fund as a funding source. Chair Kidd reported how Olympic National Park (ONP) is interested in a downtown presence but funding is simply not in their budget for expansion of facilities. M -1 Port Angeles Forward Committee Meeting Minutes for April 11, 2013 Roth suggested inquiring with the Department of Natural Resources (DNR). The DNR fully supported including the beach elements into the design of West End Park, however their funding has also met challenges. Downie suggested pursuing possibilities with certain environmental organizations and other related groups. Roth suggested asking both the Lower Elwha and Jamestown Tribes. Bicycle Tourism / Regional Bicycle Interest Group — Discussion George Bergner reported the name will be Pori Angeles Likes Bikes. Work continues with the process of setting up the all the necessary paperwork to create the organization and recruitment of 15 directors. There is already interest in an holding an event called a Bike Crawl to be planned in coordination with Victoria. Downie commended Bergner for his exceptional work and effort to create such an organization and also the work of the Black Ball / Coho Ferry to bring visitors from Victoria to Port Angeles. Bergner noted the importance of using Clallam Transit to transport riders to different areas and sections of the community. Edwards requested the subcommittee bring a list of their goals and objectives to PA Forward and to also determine if the City has any resources are available. Discussion continued as to the benefits of being a separate organization or perhaps instead being under the Chamber of Commerce umbrella. Bergner responded this is a very specific- interest based group, it can be self - sustaining, and has an intended long -term goal of expanding to be multi - county, and even further into the Seattle area. Think / Choose / Buy Local Campaign Mike Edwards reviewed the event with Derek Long. SWOT analysis was completed. Challenge is to engage participation from local businesses community. Peninsula College will offer a customer service training class on May 6 and 7, 2013. Seventy local businesses will be individually invited. Additional effort will be made to recruit business leaders to participate. Cruise Ship Committee Downie reported making direct contact with the cruise company and the ship's captain. City Pier will be able to provide appropriate ship services. On -board entertainment will include local performers. Passengers will be provided with detailed information on Port Angeles and encouraged visit downtown restaurants and businesses. Hallett suggested establishing measurements to accurately determine if the cruise ship stops prove successful and have a positive economic benefit. Three to four metrics need to be in place to measure success. Economic Development /Downtown Port Angeles /Sub - Committee Reports None 2013 Topics for Discussion on Future Agendas - None None PA FORWARD COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES - APRIL 2013 Page 2 of 3 M -2 Port Angeles Forward Committee Meeting Minutes for April 11, 2013 Member Reports — New Business None ADJOURNMENT Chair Kidd adjourned the meeting at 8:38 a.m. ' NEXT MEETING DATE Next regular meeting date — May 9, 2013, at 7:30 a.m. in the Pittis Conference Room. Minutes approved as presented on June 13, 2013. Cherie Kidd, Chair Teresa Pierce PA FORWARD COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES - APRIL 2013 Page 3 of 3 M -3 CATEGORY RESIDENTIAL -NEW MODULAR /MANUFACT. Value SINGLE FAMILY DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT BUILDING DIVISION MONTHLY PERMIT REPORT MAY 2013 JAN. FEB. MAR. APR. MAY JUNE JULY AUG. 2013 YTD 2012 YTD 1 560,000 Value MULTI - FAMILY 38 1 5100 L'da 1AC 225 32,10 1 $60,000 11 1,779,794 1 515.000 12 . 51,729,927 Value ACCESSORIES Value ......- ..... .............. 6 15 $153.140 5332.349 COMMERCIAL -NEW RETAIL .. ... .... ..... ..... ..... Value HOTEL/MOTEL Value OFFICE Value DRINKING /DI`9NG Value AUTO /SERVICE Value INDUSTRIAL ................ Value 4 3.330 - - - - - 2 $450.000 59,400 2 • 581,024 1 53,000 1 8216.368 $45,000 2 372,309,184 PUBLIC - NEW SCHOOLS /HOSPS /GOVT Value ....- ....... Value CHURCHES Value RECREATION ........ ._. . _... .... .................. Value $649.540 REPAIR & ALT. RESIDENTIAL Value COMMERCIAL Value PUBLIC Value DEMOLITION / MOVE ...,.... -. Value 23 $134,,3.7 $134,5537 7 ,.. $33,665 28 .,....., 5'866_....17... ,174 7 .,....... ;;38.000 37 5]52......777..33 37 13 5228.265 138 5865,425 51 5864,867 2 $9,300 1 .., ........... 3,000 y L0 6 $26.300 119 $764.077 67 5625,936 4 $362,618 515.500 TOTALS BUIL DING PERMITS 34 CONSTRUCTION VALUE 5375,977 BUILDING PERMITS FEE 35 5575,465 S6,482 511,544 38 57 5846.289 51,670,489 514,913 525.977 52 $947,674 1.994 216 54,415,894 234 "577,442,555 570,910 "5531,572 'CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY 1 1 18 9 1 30 29 'Certificate of Occupancy issued to new or relocated businesses. ** $72,000,000 Nippon Biomass Project "' Biomass Project Permit Fee $436,896 M -4 PORTANGELES WASHINGTON, U.S.A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: JUNE 18, 2013 TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: TERRY GALLAGHER, CHIEF OF POLICE SUBJECT: POLICE DEPARTMENT OVERTIME EXPENDITURES - 2013 / INFORMATION The Police Department spent a good portion of 2012 researching alternate work shift options for the Patrol Division. This was done because we believed: Eight -hour shifts had been the standard in the department for over forty years and staff believed the shift structure was contributing to our overtime costs. Literature available on the subject of shifts and overtime costs suggested that virtually any other shift model would save money, and; Shifts other than the traditional 8 -hour shift were almost guaranteed to improve the quality of life of our public safety employees. In December of 2012, as part of the budget process, the Police Department advised the City Council of our intention to adopt a new shift model. We informed Council that after a great deal of research we intended to adopt a "4-11 schedule." On a 4-11 schedule officers work four (4) consecutive days of eleven (1 1) hours each. The officer then gets four (4) days off. This particular model was chosen because: We had the staff to make it work. Ten hour shifts, for example, would not work given the number of officers available. We believed such a shift model would likely reduce overtime, and; We knew that a 4 -day rest period was a much healthier option for a public safety employee operating in a high stress environment. Full time employees work 2,080 hours in a year. In building sample schedules as a part of our early research, it became apparent that in working a 4 -day on, 4 -day off schedule, we would run out of year before we reached the 2,080 hour mark. In other words, at the end of the year, the employee "owed" us a certain amount of time. This required us to build a minimum of six days into the schedule over the course of the year. These six days became training days. This meant that almost all training that had previously been done on overtime would now be done on straight time, representing potentially significant savings to the Department. We also changed the times employees reported to work. Traditionally, we had worked three 8 -hour shifts. Day shift started at 7:00 AM, swing shift at 3:00 PM, and graveyards at 11:00 PM. An equal number of employees were assigned to each work team. This meant that regardless of work load we were M -5 POLICE DEPARTMENT OVERTIME EXPENDITURES - 2013 / INFORMATION PAGE 2 structurally forced to work essentially the same number of officers around the clock. In changing to 1 1- hour shifts, we created staggered start times. This means officers start work at different times during the day and we have gained the ability to concentrate resources during those times they are most needed (with a 3- officer staffing minimum). Patrol Division overtime expenses from 2006 to date are represented below. The Department realized a significant reduction after 2007, the year patrol overtime reached a historical high. Post -2008 overtime stabilized from a low of $170,447 to a high of $207,881. It seemed clear to us to accomplish additional savings would require a fundamental change in the way we did business. It may be that the Department's Patrol Division will spend less than $100,000 in overtime this year. From a financial perspective, our experiment with 11 -hour shifts has been a success. Equally important, however, is the positive contribution we have made to the quality of life of our officers. It would be impossible to generate any staff support for a return to an 8 -hour shift model. PATROL DIVISION OVERTIME 2006 Actual 2007 Actual 2008 Actual 2009 Actual 2010 Actual 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Budget 2013 Year to Date Prior Year to Date $272,787 $275,756 $185,550 $201,582 $170,447 $207,881 $200,021 $191,500 $34,589 $84,418 Savings Year -To -Date As Compared To 2012 $49,829 It is important to recognize the contributions of other City staff in the implementation of a new schedule that clearly has benefit to the City. The Finance Department had to implement a new payroll procedure to accommodate the Police Department. Byron Olson supported this effort and, in particular, payroll specialist Judy Munn's flexibility and willingness to problem -solve merits recognition. Finally, Police Department staff and Teamster's Local #589 deserve our thanks. All involved worked diligently to help, rather than hinder, this process. It was necessary, for example, to negotiate amendments to the collective bargaining agreement. We agreed to change when an employee received overtime pay. Traditionally overtime was paid when an employee worked over 8 -hours in a day or over 40 -hours in a week. Now an employee only receives OT pay after working more than 1 1 -hours in a day or 44 -hours in a week. Additionally, the six training days cannot be used in calculating eligibility for overtime. We also gained the ability to "slide" an employee's start time when necessary. Such flexibility is uncommon in a labor agreement. Fundamental changes to long- standing practices can be difficult in a large organization. It is a credit to the men and women of the Police Department that this project proved successful. M -6