HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet 06/25/2003pORTA. GELES W A S H [ N G T O N, U.S.A. Becky Upton City Clerk AGENDA CITY COUNCIL MEETING 321 EAST FIFTH STREET June 25, 2003 SPECIAL MEETING - 5:30 p.m. A. CALL TO ORDER - Special Meeting ROLL CALL - PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - B. PUBLIC HEARINGS - OTHER Joint Meeting with Planning Commission re: Adopt Ordinance City 2003 Comprehensive Plan Amendments (Public Hearing Closed on June 16, 2003) C-. ADJOURNMENT G:\CNCLPKTXAGENDAXJune 25 '03 spec age wpd PUBLIC HEARINGS Public hearings are set by the City Council in order to meet legal requirements pertaining to matters such as, land use permit applications, proposed amendments to City land use regulations, zoning changes, annexations. In additJon, the City Council may set a public headng in order to receive public input pdor to making decisions which impact the citizens. Certain matters may be controversial, and the City Council may choose to seek public opinion through the public hearing process. June 25,2003 NOTE: HEARING DEVICES AVAILABLE FOR THOSE NEEDING ASSISTANCE MAYOR TO DETERMINE TIME OF BREAK Port Angeles City Council Meeting Page- 1 ]'J ORTANGELES CITY COUNCIL / PLANNING COMMISSION SPECIAL MEETING WASHINGTON, LJ. S. A, June 25, 2003 CALL TO ORDER - SPECIAL MEETING: ROLLCALL: Members Present: Mayor Wiggins Councilman Braun Councilman Campbell Councilmember Erickson Councilman Headrick Councilmember Rogers Councilman Williams Staff Present: Manager Quinn Attomey Knutson Clerk Upton B. Collins M. Connelly G. Cutler D. McKeen T. Riepe Y. Ziomkowski Ot_~:r Staff Present: III. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Led by: pORTA_NGELES City of Port Angeles Ordinance/Resolution Distribution List City Council Meeting of June 25, 2003 Or~ / Resolution No. City Manager City Atty. (I) P,a.ning City Clerk (2) Deputy Clerk (1) Personnel Cust. Svcs. Finance Dir./Mgr. Police Dept. Fire Dept. Lisht Dept. Pub. Works (2) Parks & Rec. MRSC (1) PDN (Summary) Extra Copies pORTANGELES WASHINGTON, U.S.A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: June 25, 2003 CITY COUNCIL AND PLANNING COMMISSION Brad Collins, Community Development Director~-~E 2003 Comprehensive Plan Amendments Summary: Following the close of the public hearing on June 16, 2003, the City Council has requested a joint meeting with the Planning Commission to review the 2003 Comprehensive Plan Amendments. The Community & Economic Development Comnfittee of the City Council recommended that the following Comp Plan issues be discussed: 1. Extension of the western urban growth area boundary, 2. Clarification of the description of the eastern urban growth area boundary, 3. Clarification of thc timing for Clallam County action on UGA extensions, and 4. Expansion of the City's commercial corridors to full blocks, These policy issues may be addressed by providing directions to staff for future actions rather than through revisions to the 2003 Comp Plan Amendments. For example, Council could direct staffto work w~th thc Tribe to reach agreement on urban growth area and sewer extension issues being resolved together and making application to Clallam County by December in time for thc County's 2004 Comp Plan update p,rocess. Alternately, extension of the western UGA could be addressed in the third phase of the City s Comp Plan update in 2004. Other new policies such as the description of thc extension of the eastern urban growth area should be revised to avoid confusion between th, map and policy language. Recommendation: Following the discussion, it is recommended that the City Council adop the Ordinance (Attachment A) as read by title. Background / Analysis: Last year the City approved the first phase of the Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan update required under the Growth Management Act. That phase focused on the Downtown and Harbor Planning Area. This second phase focuses on the east side Planning Area of the City, and for a second year delays consideration of any land use changes for the Rayonier millsite, until the cleanup plan is finalized. The third phase next year is scheduled to update west side Planning Areas. The City has until December 2004 to complete the mandated GMA update of its Comp Plan, and we are on schedule. Under the Growth Management Act, the City may amendment its Comprehensive Plan no more often than once per year. Per City Ordinance, Comp Plan amendments must be submitted by March 31~ and acted on by the City Council in June. The reasoning for the once-a-year time limitations rests on the long range perspective of the Comprehensive Plan, which under GMA is not suppose to change for short term, site specific development pressures. Most of the 2003 Comp Plan Amendments have not generated much controversy as policy decisions. Items such as the extension of the eastern UGA, new low impact development standards, and servicing and annexing areas outside the City limits have been supported by previous Council actions, which are being clarified in the proposed amendments as Comprehensive Plan goals, policies, objectives, and map changes. The State has commented on concerns regarding the establishment of a lower density zone (Residential Single Family, RS-12, with minimum lot sizes of less 4 units per acre) and the late extension of the western UGA. Although the County supports the RS-12 objective, they also have concerns with the western UGA expansion without more time for public review. City staff has worked with the State's Community, Trade, and Economic Development (CTED) staffto alleviate concerns about the RS-12 (3.63 un/ts per acre) zoning objective and concur with the recommendation of the Planning Commission to allow for more time before making a decision about the LEKT's request for extension of the western PAUGA boundary along US 101 commercial/industrial zones. The Tribe staffalso has indicated that more time can be taken to work with the City and the County before any action is necessary on an extension of the western UGA. Likewise, the City Council was concerned with the late extension of the 8th Street Community Shopping District zone. Regardless of City's recommendation on UGA boundaries, it is expected that the County will not act on any extension of the City's UGA until 2004, when they have scheduled their Comprehensive Plan update process. Accordingly, the State's and the County's concerns have been addressed with the Attachment A version of CPA Ordinance, and following the end of the discussion the City Council should adopt the attached ordinance to be in compliance with the June deadline in PAMC 18.04.040. Staffwill be available for questions. Attachment: Attachment A: Ordinance Adopting 2003 Comprehensive Plan Amendments (amended per Community & Economic Development recommendations) ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, amending Ordinance 2818 as amended and the Comprehensive Plan and Land Use Map by adding Goals, Policies and Objectives related to: annexation within the urban growth area (UGA), extending the eastern UGA, creating new Residential, Single Family (RS-12) and Commercial Regional zones, expanding the Commercial Arterial zone east of downtown along Front and First Streets, extending sewer service into the UGA and areas of intensive rural development, encouraging streetscape improvements, and reducing development standards in undeveloped areas, and by making three Land Use Map changes redesignating property located east of Del Guzzi Drive, along Lauridsen Boulevard between Chambers and Liberty Streets, and between 8m and 5th and Peabody and Albert Streets. WHEREAS, the City of Port Angeles adopted its present Comprehensive Plan on June 28, 1994 by Ordinance 2818; and WHEREAS, the City has established a process for amending the Comprehensive Plan by Ordinance 2858 and Chapter 18.04 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code; and WHEREAS, SEPA review of the amendments proposed in this ordinance was completed on May 8, 2003; and WHEREAS, the City Council has held a public hearing and has considered the Planning Commission's recommendations; and WHEREAS, the proposed 2003 Comprehensive Plan amendments have been determined to be consistent with the current Comprehensive Plan, the Clallam County-Wide Planning Policy, the Growth Management Act, and the public health, safety and welfare; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES DOES HEREBY ORDAIN as follows: -l- Section 1. Ordinance 2818 as amended and the Comprehensive Plan are hereby amended by adding a new Objective under the Growth Management Element Goal A to read as follows: 2. The City will work with Clallam County and the affected special districts to exten_.~d the eastern PAUGA boundary from its current location at the west rim of the Morse Creek Canyon to include the areas zoned GC, R-l, P, and RLC as shown on the map attached hereto as Ex~bit_~A including the Deer Park Road fight-of-way south of the GC zoning. Section 2. Ordinance 2818 and the Comprehensive Plan are hereby amended by adding new Objectives under the Growth Management Element Goal B to read as follows: 1. The City will work with Clallam County and the affected special districts to d~evelo~t/ fair and equitable interlocal revenue sharing agreements to insure the orderly transition of land within the PAUGA into the City. 2. As the ultimate provider of urban services within the City limits and the urban ~ areas, the City will work with Clallam County and the affected special districts to facilitate,.con_omic_ growth and new residential construction and to encourage annexation of land within the PAUGA into the City. Section 3. Ordinance 2818 and the Comprehensive Plan are hereby amended by adding a new Objective under the Land Use Element Residential Goals and Policies Goal C to read as follows: 1. The City will develop a Residential, Single Family (RS-12) zone with minimum 12,000 square foot lots. -2- Section 4. Ordinance 2818 as amended and the Comprehensive Plan are hereby amended by adding a new Objective under the Land Use Element Commercial Goals and Policies Goal D to read as follows: 3. The City will develop a Commercial Regional (CR) zone to allow and encourage_land_ intensive commercial uses (e.g. large regional shopping centers or"big box" stores), where .sufficient vacant, buildable, commercial designated land and adequate transportation facilities exist_. Section 5. Ordinance 2818 and the Comprehensive Plan are hereby amended by adding a new Objective under the Land Use Element Commercial Goals and Policies Goal E to read as follows: 1. The City will increase the commercial area available for development o_f new businesses or the expansion of existing businesses by extending the Commercial Arterial (CA) zone a half block to include the whole blocks north of Front Street and south of First Street Section 6. Ordinance 2818 and the Comprehensive Plan are hereby amended by adding new Policies under the Utilities and Public Services Element Goal D to read as follows: 12. The City, at its sole discretion~ should provide sanitary sewer service to urban development and outlying areas within the City limits and in the urban growth areas and to areas of intensive rural development~ while prohibiting service to other areas of rural development. 13. Urban services provided in areas outside the City limits and not designated for filture land uses on the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map should be sized for potential urban growth in those areas, while generally prohibiting service to areas of rural development. -3- Section 7. Ordinance 2818 and the Comprehensive Plan are hereby amended by adding a new Goal and a new Policy under the Capital Facilities Element to read as follows: Goal E. To reduce the amount of impervious surface created by new development_s an_d thereby reduce stormwater management costs and environmental impacts to the City and its n_atura~l resources, reduce development costs to private property owners, and provide safe and more attr.n~c~:iv_e streets through traffic calming, safe pedestrian amenities, and improved street edge landscapin_~. Policies 1. The City should revise its existing development standards in low densi _ty residenti~ areas for street, pedestrian and non-motorized access, sewer, and fire suppression to more ne~arly reflect the needs of suburban densities and conditions in outlying undeveloped areas in the City and_ the PAUGA. Section 8. Ordinance 2818 and the Comprehensive Plan are hereby amended by amending Policy 1 under the Capital Facilities Element Goal B to read as follows: 1. The City shall not approve any development that is not served with water service at or greater than the following level of service standards at the time of development: Single Family units: 2 gallons per minute ~ 30 psi (Fire - 1000 gallons per minute ~ 20 psi for single family_ residential > 3,600 square feet ) (Fire - 500 gallons per minute (~, 20 psi for single ~ residential < 3,600 square feet.) -4- Section 9. Ordinance 2818 and the Comprehensive Plan are hereby amended by adding a new Objective under the Conservation Element Goal A to read as follows: 1. The City will encourage streetscape improvements to beautify entryway con-id.ors. Incentives may be developed to encourage private property participation in such beautification proiects. Section 10. Ordinance 2818 and the Comprehensive Plan are hereby amended by adding a new Objective under the Economic Development Element Goal B to read as follows: 1. The City will encourage streetscape improvements to beautify entryway corridors, Incentives may be developed to encourage private property participation in such beautification projects. Section 11. Ordinance 2818 and the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map are hereby amended as shown in the map attached as Exhibit B and generally described as follows: 1. The area located east of Del Guzzi Drive previously shown as High Density Residential (HDR) shall be designated as Low Density Residential (LDR); 2. The area located south of Lauridsen Boulevard between Chambers and Liberty Streets previously shown as Medium Density Residential (MDR) shall be designated as HDR; and 3. The area located between 8~a and 5t~ Streets and between Peabody and Albert Streets previously shown as MDR shall be designated as HDR. Section 12- Severability. Ifanyprovision of this Ordinance, or its application to any person or circumstances, is held invalid, the remainder of the Ordinance, or application of the provisions of the Ordinance to other persons or circumstances, is not affected. -5- Section 13- Effective Date This Ordinance shall take effect five days following the date of its publication by summary. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a special regular meeting of said Council held on the 25th day of June, 2003. ATTEST: MAYOR Becky J. Upton, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Craig D. Knutson, City Attorney PUBLISHED: By Summary -6- Existing UGA boundary Comprehensive Plan Amendment CPA 03-01 EXHIBIT "A" Existing UGA boundary R2 Comprehensive Plan Amendment CPA 03-01 EXHIBIT "A" CITY OF PORI- ANGELES PUBLIC WORKS SCALE ~600 1800 o ~ .? _~ '5; COMPREHENSIVE PLAN EXHIBIT "B" ~ Plot Date~ 10/01/02 Rev[sion Date: 04/26/01 correction Fi[e~CE]N PLN Description of the southern and eastern boundary of the area proposed for inclusion into the City of Port Angeles' ~ U_GA. Beginning at the southeasterly corner of the ;-:c:tz~ UCiA, the proposed new boundary would follow the existing power lines southeasterly to the east boundary line of Section 18, T30N, R6W, then south to the northwest comer of Section 20, T30N, R6W; then east along the north boundary line of Section 20 to the point it intersects with Deer Park Road; then north along the eastern edge of Deer Park Road to its intersection with Terry Mills Road; then east along the southern edge of Terry Mills Road to its end and extending that line to the eastern boundary line of Section 17, T30N, R6W; then north following the section line, crossing highway 101 and extending to the quarter section line of Section 8, T30N, R6W; then northwesterly (some unknown bearing and distance) to a point where it intersects Buchannan Drive (this line follows the boundary line between the RCL and R1 zoning on the west and the RCC5 zoning on the east); then north to the Strait of Juan de Fuca. The line follows current zoning lines. On the south the line divides the R1 from the R2 zone. The line running north/south divides the RI, GC, and RLC on the west from RCC3, R2, and RCC5 on the east.