HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet 07/06/2010PUBLIC COMMENT P ORT A NGELES WASHINGTON, 11 S,A. AGENDA ITEM Note The Mayor may determine the order of business for a particular City Council meeting The agenda should be arranged to best serve the needs and/or convenience of the Council and the public. The items of business for regular Council meetings may include the following A. CALL TO ORDER REGULAR MEETING AT 6:00 p.m. B. ROLL CALL PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE CEREMONIAL MATTERS, PROCLAMATIONS EMPLOYEE RECOGNITIONS 1. National Recreation Parks Month Proclamation 2. Employee Recognition Heidi Greenwood, Assistant City Attorney C. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS D. WORK SESSION 1. Port Angeles Regional Chamber of Commerce Update 2. Governor's Committee on Transforming Washington's Budget E. LATE ITEMS TO BE PLACED ON THIS OR FUTURE AGENDAS as determined by City Manager or Councilmember F. CONSENT AGENDA 1. City Council Minutes for June 1, June 4, June 15, 2010 2. Expenditure Approval List: 6/5/10 to 6/25/10 for $2,990,980.96 3. Amendment No. 7 to Brown Caldwell Consultant Agreement 4. Recreation Conservation Funding Board Grant Application 5. Material Purchase: Two Weathering Steel Bridges for Dry Creek 6. Material Purchase: Fiberglass Power Poles, Contract LO -10 -008 7. Byrne Justice Assistance Federal Grant Set Public Hearing 8. North Olympic Library Levy Lift Set Public Hearing G. ORDINANCES NOT REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. Adoption of International Building Codes 2009 Ordinance Amendment 2. Public Records Inspection Ordinance Amendment July 6, 2010 AGENDA CITY COUNCIL MEETING 321 East 5 Street July 6, 2010 REGULAR MEETING 6:00 p.m. First Page B -1 G -1 G -5 RECOMMENDATION 1. Present Proclamation to Patti Carman of the Peninsula Trails Coalition 2. National Advocacy Center Training Program Completion 1. Russ Veenema, Executive Director 2. County Commissioner Mike Doherty F -1 1. Accept Consent Agenda F -15 F -5 8 F -62 F -63 F -64 F -66 F -67 1. 2 Reading; Adopt 2. 2 Reading; Adopt NOTE: HEARING DEVICES AVAILABLE FOR THOSE NEEDING ASSISTANCE MAYOR TO DETERMINE TIME OF BREAK Port Angeles City Council Meeting Page 1 AGENDA ITEM H. RESOLUTIONS NOT REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. 2010 -2016 Capital Facilities Plan (CFP) Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) I. OTHER CONSIDERATIONS J. PUBLIC HEARINGS QUASI JUDICIAL (7:00 P.M. or soon thereafter) 1. K. PUBLIC HEARINGS OTHER (7:00 P.M. or soon thereafter) L. FINANCE 1. Request for Amendment to 2010 Information Technology Capital Budget M. INFORMATION City Manager Reports: 1. Parks, Recreation and Beautification Commission April May M -1 2010 Minutes 2. Public Works Utilities Contract Status Report M -5 3. Public Works Utilities Grants and Loans Status Report M -6 4. Public Works Utilities Quarterly Consultant Report M -7 N. EXECUTIVE SESSION O. ADJOURNMENT First RECOMMENDATION Page H -1 1. 3 Reading; Pass Resolution L -1 1. Approve PUBLIC HEARINGS Public hearings are set by the City Council in order to meet legal requirements In addition, the City Council may set a public hearing in order to receive public input prior to making decisions which impact the citizens Certain matters may be controversial, and the City Council may choose to seek public opinion through the public hearing process NOTE: HEARING DEVICES AVAILABLE FOR THOSE NEEDING ASSISTANCE MAYOR TO DETERMINE TIME OF BREAK July 6, 2010 Port Angeles City Council Meeting Page 2 I. CALL TO ORDER REGULAR MEETING: II. ROLL CALL: )ORTANGELES CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL/REGULAR MEETING July 6, 2010 W A S H I N G T O N U 5 A Members Present: Mayor Di Guilio Deputy Mayor Perry Councilmember Collins Councilmember Downie Councilmember Kidd Councilmember Mania Councilmember Nelson Staff Present: Manager Myers Attorney Bloor Clerk Hurd G. Cutler T. Gallagher D. McKeen N. West Y. Ziomkowski III. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: I� J',, Led by: i A, IJ t i"t G \GROUP \CLERK \FORMS \Council Roll Call wpd '0 1 1 9 1.(4 ler Staff Present: r it WHEREAS, WHEREAS, Daniel A. Di Guilio, Mayor PROCLAMATION In Recognition of NATIONAL RECREATION AND PARKS MONTH JULY 2010 WHEREAS, recreation activities, parks, and leisure experiences provide opportunities for young people to live, grow, and develop into contributing members of society; and WHEREAS, recreation and parks create lifelines and enrich life experiences for older members of our communities; and WHEREAS, recreation and park agencies provide outlets for physical activities, socialization, and stress reducing experiences; and WHEREAS, parks, playgrounds, trails, open spaces, community, cultural centers, and historic sites make our state and city an attractive and desirable place to live, work, play, and visit which contributes to our economic vitality; and parks, greenways, and open spaces provide a welcome respite from our fast paced, high -tech lifestyles while protecting and preserving our natural environment; and recreation and parks agencies touch the lives of individuals, families, groups, and entire communities which positively impacts the social, economic, health and environmental quality of our state and city. NOW, THEREFORE, I, Daniel A. Di Guilio, Mayor, ON BEHALF OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF PORT ANGELES, do hereby proclaim July 2010 as National Recreation and Parks Month in Port Angeles, and I encourage all citizens to join me in participating and supporting the many recreational and leisure programs and facilities provided by public and private agencies. Jttly 6. 2010 ?ORTANGELES W A S H I N G T O N U S A DATE OF MEETING: July 6, 2010 LOCATION: City Council Chambers You are encouraged to sign below if: PUBLIC INTEREST SIGN -UP SHEET CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING 1. You are here to listen to the City Council discussion on a particular agenda item; 2. You want to speak during the Public Comment period of the agenda. If several members of the public are interested in a particular agenda item, the Mayor may move that item so it is discussed earlier in the meeting. Also, the Mayor may use the information provided to organize the Public Comment period. During the Public Comment portion of the meeting, the Mayor will invite citizens to talk with the Council about topics that are not scheduled for public testimony on the evening's agenda. Prior to the start of the "Public Comment" portion of the public hearing, all persons wishing to be heard are asked to sign in with the Clerk, giving their names and addresses, and topic. The Mayor may arrange the order of speakers so that testimony is heard in the most logical groupings. To allow time for the Council to complete its legislative agenda, comments should be limited to no more than 5 minutes per person and a total of 15 minutes for this comment period. At the discretion of the Mayor, these time periods may be lengthened or shortened. Following any public comment, the Mayor may allow time, limited to five minutes, for response from City Council members and /or City staff. No speaker may convey or donate his or her time for speaking to another speaker. If many people wish to speak to a particular issue, the Mayor may limit the total amount of time dedicated to that single issue. Written comments may be submitted into the record of a Council meeting by presenting the written document to the Clerk prior to the meeting, in which case a copy of the document will be provided to each Council Member, but the document will not be read aloud; or a document may be distributed to the City Council, with a copy to the Clerk, by a speaker while the speaker is addressing the Council. JAn-,/(A.01 kir 6hAtfc2 ie6I,DeA N.ro9� N c-10 M 2 (7 CC (Y)/ -.�\N\ \ZA IyIL l �d Y- b 1 C NC(ll'\�9(._ Y/N Y/N G: \Group \Clerk\Forms \Council Attendance Roster.doc /N Y/N July b, 2010 TO: PORT ANGELES CITY COUNCIL FR: DARLENE SCHANFALD, OLYMPIC ENVIRONMENTAL COUNCIL RE: ADDITIONAL FUNDING FOR BROWN CALDWELL /CSO DESIGN WORK According to your staff, the CSO project was to be the "fastest and cheapest." Yet hundreds of thousands of ADDITONAL DOLLRS for a SHORT TERM, FAST CHEAP answer will be another PACC waste of dollars which, more, now than ever, the City cannot afford_ As well, the staff has many times said the tank on the Rayonier property WILL NOT HOLD ALL THE OVERFLOW, that more holding capacity must be built. So where is the savings? Think! Who in their right mind will want anything to do with a property that has a huge tank on it that will collect sewage overflow, stink up the area, and possibly overflow onto the mill property? This will create unusable property with more hazardous waste. In this case the City staff is setting up a worse case scenario waste money on a continually polluted piece of water front property Where will be the savings and stopping stormwater overflow when there is a tsunami or flood, or even a quake, all of which the area is zoned as? YOU HAVE OPTIONS, all of which would keep future pollution off the mill site: Buy a new tank and place it next to the WWTP Buy the Rayonier tank and place it next to the WWTP BEST, adopt a LONG TERM, COST EFFECTIVE SAFE APPROACH Push stormwater reduction, recycling, and on site sewage stormwater source separation, I.e., low impact development methods You've seen what Bremerton can do. Communities world wide are taking these progressive steps. Come into the 21st Century. IN SUMMARY, this project will: continue to see these "unexpected contract costs if built, overflow, ruining any cleanup attempts of the mill site, further reducing the property value, effecting no sale of the property. continue to add pollution into the marine waters and pollute marine life. RELATED QUESTIONS: With BP in mind and projects going viral, does B &C carry liability insurance for this project? If so, how much? Enough? Jassic Parliament SUBSIDIARY MOTIONS Table Previous question or call the question* Limit or extend limits of debate Postpone to a certain time Refer to committee Secondary amendment Primary amendment Amendment* Postpone indefinitely MAIN MOTION Main motion Reconsider Rescind Amend something previously adopted Take from table Lessons for Leaders MOTIONS CHARTS I Rank PRIVILEGED MOTIONS Fix time to which to adjourn 13 Yes No I Yes Adjourn I 12 I Yes No I No Recess I 11 I Yes No I Yes Raise a question of privilege 10 I No No No Call for orders of the day 9 No No No 8 I Yes 7 Yes 6 Yes 5 Yes 4 Yes Yes Yes 3 Yes 2 I Yes 1 I Yes Second? Debatable? I Amendable? No I No No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes I Yes Amendment and previous question may be applied to motions higher than themselves INCIDENTAL MOTIONS Second? I Debatable? I Amendable? Vote? Point of information No I No I No Chair responds Point of order No I No No Chair rules Majority with previous notice, two thirds without notice, or majority of membership Jurassic Parliament 2009. All rights reserved. BRING -BACK MOTIONS Second? Debatable? Yes It depends Yes Yes Yes 603 Stewart Street, Suite 610, Seattle, WA 98101 TEL 206.542.8422 I FAX 206.626.0392 info @jurassicparliament.com 1 www. jurassicparliament.com Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Amendable? No Vote? Majority Majority Majority Chair decides At request of one member Majority Two thirds Two thirds Majority Majority Majority Majority Majority Majority Majority Vote? Majority Majority Collected Sales 1 Room In from 1 2009 Jan Nov $3,712 Feb Dec $17,550 March Jan $14,376 April Feb $19,436 May March $26,935 June April 1 $25,331 July May 1 $37,947 August June 1 $48,128 Sept July $92,627 October Aug $79,732 November Sept $70,516 December Oct $32,134 YTD $107,340 Total Jan Feb March Apnl May June July August Sept October November December YTD Tax 2010 $7,326 97% $20,900 19% $14,573 $20,006 $25,293 -6% $31,860 26% $119,958 12% 1 1 1 room tax and sales tax figures shown are for sales from two months earlier ie May numbers reflect March sales Door Count Cliff 2009 2010 1633 1170 -28% 1352 1129 -16% 3076 3148 2% 3416 1 3320 -3% 4031 4618 15% 6523 14240 118% 14248 11826 8100 4200 1809 1426 20,031 27,625 38% Diff Budget $18,000 $16,500 1% I $16,000 3% J $17,500 $22,000 $28,500 $38,000 $56,000 $87,000 $89,000 $51,000 830,500 $470,000 $118,500 2010 Monthly Report SALES TAX Diff Occupancy I Room Occupancy I Room Webvisits pages I WEB pages time 2009 2010 2009 I 2009 2010 I 2010 Zoos 2010 2009/2010 6166,448 __$179,115 8% 24% 5282 22% 4842 8% 21353 71271 23303 80267 9% 3 11/3 08 8289,269 8290,689 0% 32% I 6361 _I 30% 1 5964 -6% 22634 81432 18599 81432 -18% 3 15/4 14 $197,804 $189,423 -4% 35% -I 7703 38% I 8363 9% 27487 93660 18812 89000 -32% 3 28/4/15 $180,219 $194,875 8% 44% I 9372 49% 10437 11% 28948 96912 22025 93450 -24% 3 35/4 05 $234,703 $219,704 -6% 51% 11225 51% 11225 0% 32900 110328 31507 136882 4% 3 34/4 01 8219,043 6200,122 -9% 59% A 12567 60% 12780 2% 34535 115317 27101 119172 -22% 3 21/4 08 8201,973 82% 18048 $269,143 78% 17167 $238,076 71% 15123 $244,241 40% 8804 $264,872 31% 6603 $210,601 25% 5502 I I $1,287,486 $1,273,928 -1% 55% 52,510 53,611 2% 167,857 568,920 141,347 600,203 -16% 1 5% 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 I 1 1 1 I I 2009 Economic results of overnight stay 1 1$468,424 in tax revenue means $11 7M in room revenue 1 IAt average rate of $90 at 49% occupancy 1 Times 1 8 people per room equals 222,000 1 Times avg daily exp of $115 PP ($10 b -fast, $10 lunch, $30 dinner, $45 room, $18 misc) Equals $25,530,000 in community revenue from overnight guests 1 Economic multiplier of 1 4 means $35,742,000 for PA 1 1 I 1 1 1 I 12009 County Wide results of overnight stay 1 1 $1,118,919 in room tax means $28M in room revenue 1 lAt avg rate of $85 at 49% occupancy I 1 1 1 (Times 1 8 people per room equals 708,000 people stayed overnight 1 'Times avg daily exp of $115PP equals $81M revenue from overnight guests (Times economic multiplier of 1 4 means 8113M for all of Clailam County Collected Sales from Jan Nov Feb Dec March Jan April Feb May March June April July May August June Sept July October Aug November Sept December Oct Totals 2003 $16,930 $17,550 $12,264 $13,294 $17,143 $21,870 $30,100 $43,813 $61,489 $65,253 $55,460 $26,122 $381,288 2004 $15,926 $16,417 $14,237 $12,558 $23,033 $27,906 $34,141 $50,704 $71,479 $72,792 $60,532 $30,161 $429,886 Room tax history 2005 2006 $19,056 $19,546 $21,214 $19,709 $15,750 $16,660 $19,056 $19,742 $22,816 $22,585 $28,129 $29,158 $34,945 $37,626 $51,162 $48,554 $76,418 $72,856 $74,867 $81,425 $56,519 $61,528 $28,285 $30,771 $448,217 $460,160 2007 $17,290 $24,014 $17,878 $19,365 $26,083 $30,149 $43,524 $60,825 $89,325 $92,801 $45,326 $31,577 $498,157 2008 $19,222 $19,583 $21,373 $19,316 $26,506 $33,366 $41,294 $65,390 $91,543 $69,469 $45,779 $32,208 Actual 2009 $3,712 $17,550 $14,376 $19,436 $26,935 $25,331 $37,947 $48,128 $86,487 $79,732 $70,516 $32,134 $485,049 I $462,284 Budget 2010 $18,000 $16,500 $16,000 $17,500 $22,000 $28,500 $38,000 $56,000 $87,000 $89,000 $51,000 $30,500 $470,000 Actual 2010 $7,326 $20,900 $14,573 $20,006 $25,293 $31,860 'Suin i Fa l". iciia(SpOt run': 1$6 OeiOti 70tro''',::..21T'.,:, TtOki6ncsli Times-- crotal-HpiisehOkis 60:-. 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IRONSIDE 0:30 PETER GUNN- 530P 0:30 MARCUS WELBY 0:30 IRONSIDE 0:30 KOJAK 0:30 KIRO 7 EYEWITNESS NEWS ENCORE 0:30 MARCUS WELBY Russ Veenema (7/l4 4 c-- From: Radick, Joshua [Joshua_Radick @cable comcast.com] Sent: Friday, July 02, 2010 1:35 PM To: russv @olypen.com Subject: Spotlight Seattl impression details Hi Russ, Below are the impressions and spot count by zone for May and June. I am still working on the online and VOD portion details. We unfortunately have to route those requests through our Portland team now, so I will send those details when I receive them. I hope it will be this afternoon, that I have the information. I will keep you posted on our progress. Thanks, Josh On -air Impression detail for May /June: e .��E,/d- 7 40e BEST 223731 imp (419 spots) /1 FAKE 261360 imp (419 spots) F'�a CD K 11 NSEA 195159 imp (419 spots) ofitz* PCE 241292 imp (419 spots) /27,7e/1 ce c SSEA 202769 imp (419 spots) .g S A C t"re TACO 232314 imp (419 spots) 7 li CCP THUR 211365 imp (419 spots) pfetAi Too& Cc- TOTAL IMPRESSIONS 1,567,990 (2933 spots) Joshua J. Radick Sales Planner Comcast Spotlight 18 W. Mercer St. Suite 100 Seattle, WA 98119 P: 206.286.1818 x1245 F: 206.286.9652 Direct: 206.270.3447 Joshua Radicktc7�.cable.comcast.com Camcast SPOTLIGHT. Mate a b4 r•csvo 1 Russ Veenema From: Radick, Joshua [Joshua_Radick@cable.comcast.com] Sent: Tuesday, July 06, 2010 8.46 AM To: russv @olypen.com Cc: Oneill, Mara Subject: FW: Attachments: Port Angeles Chamber May June 2010 xls; Olympic Peninsula VOD Views May June 2010.pdf Russ, It appears your VOD and Online schedules are both performing quite well! We have over delivered slightly on your online impressions, so that should be music to your ears as well. ONLINE May: Scheduled Impressions 100,000 (actual 100,414) .11% CTR! ONLINE June: Schedule Impressions 130,000 (actual 130,331) .11% CTR! VOD highlights: 2376 Views in 7weeks! (That's an average of 340 /week!) (2363 unique views!) I have attached the reports for both schedules. Please feel free to send any questions you have about these reports. I hope I've gotten this to you in time for your presentation today. I apologize for the delays last week! Best, Josh Joshua J. Radick Sales Planner Comcast Spotlight 18 W. Mercer St. Suite 100 Seattle, WA 98119 P: 206.286.1818 x1245 F: 206 286.9652 Direct: 206.270.3447 Joshua Radickna cable.comcast.com I omCoSt SPOTLIGHT. Moke a big 4rnime xbn. From: Loiacono, Heidi L Sent: Tuesday, July 06, 2010 8:34 AM To: Radick, Joshua Cc: Woo, Shari Subject: RE: Here are the reports you asked for.... Russ Veenema From: Jill Andrews [JillA @certifiedfolder.com] Sent: Wednesday, June 30, 2010 11.50 AM To: russ @portangeles.org Subject: RE: Info Current inventory: 27cs 300 8100 The Port Angeles video is running on Edmonds Kingston route, Seattle Bainbridge route, Seattle- >Bremerton route, Seattle Terminal, and BC Ferries Route 1. Each playlist has a different amount of total ads that runs on each loop. On the WA State Ferry routes and Seattle terminal, the ad runs anywhere from 120 (longest playlist) -170 (shortest playlist) times per day. On BCF Route 1, the ad runs an average of 55 times per day. Please let me know if this is enough information for your meeting or if there is anything else I can help with. jiff..Andrews Sales Representative Certified Folder Display Service, Inc. 2407 South 200th Street, SeaTac, WA 98198 Phone S':(206) 870 -2470 Fax a: (206) 870 -2404 Web*: www.CertifiedFolder.com www.VisitorTios com www.TheWestsBest.com E -mail Jilla(cr�.CertifiedFolder com CERTIFIED FOLDER DISPLAY SERVICE, INC.. visitort sioom Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail. From: Russ Veenema [mailto:russv @olypen.com] Sent: June 29, 2010 9:47 AM To: Jill Andrews Subject: Info 1 Domestic Foreign Invoice Quantity Quantity Weekly Number Date Sent Sent Email 10005 01/28/10 1000 171 741 10009 02/11/10 343 161 247 10016 02/25/10 333 91 228 10025 03/19/10 283 13 279 10035 04/08/10 561 30 399 10039 04/16/10 220 2 129 10043 04/23/10 242 9 122 10054 05/10/10 1 400 32 179 10056 05/14/10 764 29 10058 05/21/10 2646 25 139 10064 05/28/10 522 15 151 10073 06/18/10 243 9 149 10077 06/26/10 418 20 164 10084 07/03/10 249 19 146 Totals 8224 245 3073 Grand Total 8469 800 Leads 24 15 23 17 15 220 29 27 370 Go Washington 250 96 91 164 83 45 48 47 824 Email From Russ Sunset 2 1 3 AAA Banner Journey Adds 13 93 46 33 308 136 78 29 58 148 55 26 48 732 339 349 349 Weekly Totals Madden Travel From Oregonian Media 50 Sources 820 820 1560 180 1740 219 219 1017 359 342 296 591 222 251 432 793 2671 537 252 438 268 8469 Gov. Gregoire announces plan to transform Washington's budget For Immediate Release: June 24, 2010 OLYMPIA Gov. Chris Gregoire today unveiled a new budget building process that features a series of critical questions state agencies must answer to ensure spending is related to an essential function of state government. "We have been navigating our way through some very tough times while the economy slowly improves," Gregoire said. "I am now looking ahead to the state's next budget cycle and another sizable shortfall we must address in the 2011 -13 budget. We are going to challenge every program in state government with a series of tough questions to ensure we are getting the best value for the most essential functions of state government." The state Office of Financial Management released a report today showing a projected $3 billion shortfall for the next budget period in 2011 -13. "We will continue to use the Priorities of Government or POG budget process as the framework for a zero -base new budget," said OFM Director Marty Brown. "No state activity gets a free pass. However, we are strengthening POG to reflect the values that we hold as a state and asking a series of tough questions to help us decide how to invest scarce dollars among so many competing demands." The questions the Governor is asking state agencies to answer about their spending requests are divided among three categories: Fiscal responsibility 1. Is the activity an essential service? 2. Does state government have to perform the activity, or can it be provided by others? 3. Can the activity be eliminated or delayed in recessionary times? 4. Does the activity need to be paid for with state general funds? Should users pay a portion of the costs? 5. Are there federal funds or other fund sources available to support this activity? Efficiency 6. Are there more cost- effective, efficient ways to do the activity? Performance 7. Can the activity be the subject of a performance contract? 8. Can the activity be the subject of a performance incentive? Gregoire also announced the appointment of a panel of leaders from outside government to provide input on state spending. That panel will help conduct executive budget hearings to involve the public in the budget process. Nearly three dozen leaders drawn from across the state in a host of fields have been invited to serve on the Governor's Committee on Transforming Washington's Budget. The committee will serve in an advisory capacity to the governor. The committee's specific charge is to question budget assumptions, serve as a sounding board and lend guidance. Members who have been confirmed their participation on committee are: Patricia Akiyama, Director of External Affairs, Port of Seattle Representative Gary Alexander, House Republican Caucus Sandra O. Archibald, Dean, UW Daniel J. Evans School of Public Affairs Rick S. Bender, President, Washington State Labor Council Rodney L. Brown, Jr., President, Washington Environmental Council Don C. Brunell, President, Association of Washington Business Larry Cassidy, retired business owner and former member of NW Power and Conservation Council Richard Davis, Coordinator, Washington Alliance for a Competitive Economy Commissioner Mike Doherty, Chairman, Board of Clallam County Commissioners Senator Karen Fraser, Senate Democratic Caucus Carver Gayton, Emeritus and founding Executive Director of Northwest African American Museum and former Commissioner of Washington State Employment Security Department Dr. Deborah J. Harper, President, Washington State Medical Association Dr. Thelma A. Jackson, Owner/President of Foresight Consultants and former school board member Eric Johnson, Executive Director, Washington State Association of Counties Eric D. Johnson, Executive Director, Washington Public Ports Association Mary Lindquist, President, Washington Education Association Representative Kelli Linville, House Democratic Caucus Mike McCarty, Chief Executive Officer, Association of Washington Cities Jason Mercier, Director, Center for Government Reform, Washington Policy Center Stephen F. Mullin, President, Washington Roundtable Fred A. Olson, former Deputy Chief of Staff to the Governor Suzanne Petersen, Vice President of External Affairs, Children's Hospital Chief Don Pierce, Executive Director, Washington Association of Sheriffs and Police Chiefs Stephen Reynolds, Chairman, President, and CEO, Puget Sound Energy David Rolf, President, SEIU Healthcare 775NW Orin Smith, former Chief Financial Officer of Starbucks and former director of Office of Financial Management Lyn Tangen, Director of Government and Community Relations, Vulcan Melinda Travis, Spokane community leader Remy Trupin, Executive Director, Washington State Budget and Policy Center Marilyn Watkins, Policy Director, Economic Opportunity Institute Senator Joe Zarelli, Senate Republican Caucus David A. Zeeck, President and Publisher, The News Tribune OFM will hold a series of executive budget hearings across the state to inform residents about the challenges faced in developing the budget and to receive citizen input on the difficult choices facing the state. Hearings will be scheduled in late July, with the first taking place in Tacoma July 19. Additional dates and locations will be announced soon. For more information on the Governor's new budget process, please visit http://governor.wa.gov/priorities/budget/default.asp. MIKE DOHERTY COMMISSIONER, District III mdoherty@co.clallam.wa.us www.clallam.net 24 hr (360) 417 -2238 BOARD OF CLALLAM COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 223 E. 4th St -Ste 4, Port Angeles, WA 98362 (360) 417 -2233 Fax (360) 417 -2493 Toll free from West End 374 -5324 CALL TO ORDER- Mayor Di Guilio called the regular meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to REGULAR MEETING: order at 6:00 p.m. ROLL CALL: PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: CEREMONIAL MATTERS/ PROCLAMATIONS/ EMPLOYEE RECOGNITIONS: PUBLIC COMMENT: CITY COUNCIL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington June 1, 2010 Members Present Mayor Di Guilio, Deputy Mayor Perry, Councilmembers Collins, Downie, Kidd, Mania, and Nelson. Members Absent None. Staff Present. None. Manager Myers, Attorney Bloor, Clerk Hurd, G. Cutler, T. Gallagher, D. McKeen, N. West, Y. Ziomkowski, B. Coons, H. Greenwood, S. Sperr, and D. Dickson. Mayor Di Guilio led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Shirley Nixon, PO Box 178, spoke regarding her desire for an update on the status of a water meter being installed at the water intake diversion structure on the Elwha River, her opposition to the amendment to the Dry Creek Bridge Consultant Agreement, and the possibility of using Port or City property for the Border Patrol's needed space. Barbara Frederick, 815 S. Race St., thanked Council for their support of the John Shallert workshop and informed them that she would be back on June 15, 2010, to provide a report on the success of the workshop. Ming Chang, 631 E. Fifth St., spoke in favor of the For -Hire Vehicle Ordinance Amendment. CITY COUNCIL Councilmember Nelson spoke regarding the Blue Star Banner recent installations, REPORTS: and her participation in the upcoming North Olympic Discovery Marathon. Councilmember Mania spoke regarding the 90+ Birthday Bash at the Senior Center, his attendance at the employee health screening, his volunteering at the Juan de Fuca Festival, and his attendance at a meeting in Blyn arranged by Clea Rome, regarding how to reduce vehicle miles traveled for both Clallam and Jefferson counties. Councilmember Downie spoke regarding the Blue Star Banner program. 1 F -1 CITY COUNCIL MEETING June 1, 2010 CITY COUNCIL Deputy Mayor Perry spoke regarding his and Manager Myers' attendance at a REPORTS: meeting with the delegation from the City of Victoria and their discussions about (Cont'd) partnership for the increase in tourism in both locations. WORK SESSION: Manager Myers spoke regarding the success of the tour with the City of Victoria delegation and added that the Peninsula Tourism Commission will be marketing tourism in our area. Councilmember Collins spoke regarding the Economic Development Council meeting and the Feiro Marine Life fundraiser on June 11, 2010. Councilmember Kidd spoke regarding the Economic Development Council meeting and her upcoming attendance at the Saturday Farmers' Market Council table. 1. Association of Washington Cities (AWC) Health Benefits Carol Wilmes, AWC Program Coordinator, presented information regarding the City's employee health benefits and AWC Health Benefit Trust structure. Council discussion followed. Break Mayor Di Guilio recessed the meeting for a break at 7:02 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 7:12 p.m. PUBLIC HEARINGS- 1. 2010 -2016 Capital Facilities Plan (CFP) Transportation Improvement OTHER: Program (TIP) Workshop Public Hearing Public Works and Utilities Director Cutler used PowerPoint slides to present the 2010 -2016 Capital Facilities Plan and Transportation Improvement Program, describing the process and projects included. Council discussion followed. Mayor Di Guilio opened the public hearing at 7:42 p.m. Shirley Nixon, PO Box 178, asked a variety of questions regarding the projects included in the Capital Facilities Plan/Transportation Improvement Program. She also expressed her opposition and support for individual projects listed in the plan. Mayor Di Guilio read the attached Resolution by title, entitled, 2. District Municipal Court RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, adopting the Capital Facilities Plan and Transportation Improvement Program for 2010 -2016. Mayor Di Guilio continued the public hearing to June 15, 2010. Manager Myers conducted a presentation using PowerPoint slides regarding the City's options for municipal court. He recommended continuing with the current arrangement with the Clallam County District Court for 2010 and 2011, while continuing efforts to control costs. Following discussion, Council agreed by consensus to accept Manager Myers recommendations. 2 F -2 LATE ITEMS TO BE PLACED ON THIS OR FUTURE AGENDAS: CONSENT AGENDA: ORDINANCES NOT REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS: RESOLUTIONS NOT REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS: OTHER CONSIDERATIONS: None. Councilmember Mania requested to pull item F6 from the Consent Agenda, and it was moved to Other Considerations, item I2. It was moved by Perry and seconded by Downie to accept the Consent Agenda to include: 1.) City Council Meeting Minutes of May 12, 13, and 18, 2010; 2.) Expenditure Approval List from 5/8/10 to 5/21/10 for $564,149.99; 3.) Award Contract 2010 Water Main Replacements WT02 -2006, 4.) Award Contract 2010 Street Overlays TR01 -2003; 5.) Equipment Purchase Remote Racking System; 6.) Department of Natural Resources Urban Community Forestry Program Grant Acceptance; and 7.) Public Safety Advisory Committee Appointment. Motion carried 7 -0. 1. Clerk Hurd presented information regarding the ordinance amendment and described the reasons for licensing non motorized for -hire vehicles. Following Council discussion, Mayor Di Guilio conducted a first reading of the ordinance by title, entitled, AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, revising Chapter 5.36 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code relating to For -Hire Vehicles. Council discussion followed. 2. Police Department Fees Ordinance Amendment Police Chief Gallagher presented information regarding the ordinance amendment and described the need for some of the fee adjustments. Mayor Di Guilio conducted a first reading of the ordinance by title, entitled, Council discussion followed. None. For -Hire Vehicle Ordinance Amendment ORDINANCE NO. ORDINANCE NO. 1. Comprehensive Plan Amendment CITY COUNCIL MEETING June 1, 2010 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, revising Chapter 3.70.120 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code relating to Police Department Fees. Community and Economic Director West presented information regarding the Comprehensive Plan Amendment and its relation to the City being able to accept additional wastewater from outside the urban growth area. He described a minor 3 F -3 CITY COUNCIL MEETING June 1, 2010 OTHER modification to section 3 of the ordinance and stated that a public hearing was CONSIDERATIONS: scheduled for June 15, 2010. Following Council discussion, Mayor Di Guilio (Cont'd) conducted a first reading of the ordinance by title, entitled, PUBLIC HEARINGS None. QUASI- JUDICIAL: FINANCE: None. INFORMATION: EXECUTIVE SESSION: None. ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, adopting amendments to the Comprehensive Plan. 2. Amendment No. 1 to Consultant Agreement Dry Creek Bridge Phase 2, Project 05 -31 Councilmember Mania asked questions regarding the amendment to the Consultant Agreement for the Dry Creek Bridge project. Following Council discussion, Councilmember Kidd and Mania expressed their opposition to additional money spent on the project. It was moved by Nelson and seconded by Perry to: Authorize the Mayor to sign Amendment No. 1 with Exeltech Consulting, Inc., increasing the maximum compensation amount under the agreement by $9,000 from $164,800 to $173,800. Councilmember Collins stated that he did not support the amendment because he believed the contract was flawed to begin with. Motion carried 4 -3, with Councilmember Mania, Collins and Kidd voting in opposition. Manager Myers spoke regarding the Street Overlay Contract awarded to Lakeside Industries, the recent changes to the City Council meeting minutes and audio recordings, his and Councilmember Downie's meeting with the Timbertown group, an upcoming meeting regarding bringing more cruise ships to our area, and an update on HarborWorks, scheduled for the June 15, 2010, City Council meeting. Director West announced a public meeting on June 9, 2010, at 6:00 p.m., regarding the Shoreline Master Plan and Harbor Resource Management Plan updates. Mayor Di Guilio stated the Fire Consolidation Committee would provide an update and recommendation to Council in the near future. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting adjourned at 8:54 p.m. Dan Di Guilio, Mayor Janessa Hurd, City Clerk 4 IF 4 CALL TO ORDER SPECIAL MEETING: ROLL CALL: CITY FACILITIES TOUR: CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington June 4, 2010 Deputy Mayor Perry called the special meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at 8:45 a.m. Members Present- Deputy Mayor Perry, Councilmembers Downie, Kidd, Mania, and Nelson. Members Absent. Mayor Di Guilio and Councilmember Collins. Staff Present G. Cutler and E. Klimek. City Councilmembers and Public Works and Utilities Director Cutler traveled from City Hall to the Elwha Valley Road and Dry Creek Bridge site. Next, they traveled to the City and Federally owned Port Angeles Water Facilities in the vicinity of the Elwha River where Water Superintendent Ernie Klimek joined the group for discussion. Finally, they traveled to the combined sewer overflow site at the intersection of Railroad Avenue and Oak Street. Staff and Council arrived back at City Hall at 11:40 a.m. No action was taken. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 11:40 a.m. Dan Di Guilio, Mayor Janessa Hurd, City Clerk 1 F -5 CITY COUNCIL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington June 15, 2010 CALL TO ORDER- Mayor Di Guilio called the regular meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to REGULAR MEETING: order at 6:00 p.m. ROLL CALL: PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: PUBLIC COMMENT: Members Present Mayor Di Guilio, Deputy Mayor Perry, Councilmembers Collins, Downie, Kidd, Mania, and Nelson. Members Absent. None. Staff Present 2. Employee Recognition Manager Myers, Attorney Bloor, Clerk Hurd, G. Cutler, T. Gallagher, D. McKeen, N. West, Y. Ziomkowski, C. Delikat, R. Bonine, D. Bellamente, J. Breitbach, and M. Puntenney. Councilmember Kidd led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. CEREMONIAL 1. "Pink Up Port Angeles" Week MATTERS/ PROCLAMATIONS/ Mayor Di Guilio presented a proclamation in recognition of "Pink Up Port Angeles EMPLOYEE Week June 19 -26, 2010, to Lori Oakes and Joanie Oakes, representatives from RECOGNITIONS: Soroptimist International of Port Angeles. Lori Oakes and Joanie Oakes provided information on the upcoming activities for the week. Public Works and Utilities Director Cutler recognized Corey Delikat, Parks Streets Superintendent, for acquiring his Bachelors of Arts degree from Peninsula College. Manager Myers stated the City had nominated Superintendent Delikat to participate in the Peak Leadership Program. Steve Trubow, 55 Seagull Drive, spoke against the current policy regarding Port Angeles HarborWorks, urging Council to take back control. He stated he believed the Port Angeles Downtown was in crisis. Vicki Rudin, 1002 Strait View Drive, spoke regarding upcoming events at the Port Angeles Fine Arts Center. Dennis Duncan, 312 E. 10` Street, spoke regarding his belief that the City is dying and in trouble and asked Council to look forward for solutions. Mayor Di Guilio stated the Council is concerned about the current economic environment and is committed to develop Port Angeles for the long term. Norma Turner, 3928 Mt Angeles Road, spoke regarding her opposition to various expenditures at Port Angeles HarborWorks, including the legal bills and Executive Director's salary increase. 1 F 6 CITY COUNCIL MEETING June 15, 2010 CITY COUNCIL Councilmember Nelson spoke regarding her attendance at the Public Works REPORTS: facilities tour and the Future Builders 10 house celebration. WORK SESSION: Councilmember Mania spoke regarding his attendance at the Public Works facilities tour, UAC meeting, Shoreline Master Plan and Harbor Resource Management Plan public meeting, and the Olympic Environmental Council meeting. He reminded everyone that tomorrow is the start of the Wednesday Farmers' market. Councilmember Downie spoke regarding his attendance at the William Shore Memorial Pool District meeting, the Regional Transportation meeting in Port Townsend, and the Saturday Farmers' market Council table. Deputy Mayor Perry spoke regarding his attendance at the Real Estate Committee meeting, Parks and Recreation meeting, and the success of the North Olympic Discovery Marathon. Councilmember Collins spoke regarding his attendance at the Feiro Marine Life Center retreat and fundraiser, and the Parks and Oversight Committee meeting. Councilmember Kidd spoke regarding her attendance at the Shoreline Master Plan and Harbor Resource Management Plan public meeting and the Saturday Farmers' market Council table. Mayor Di Guilio spoke regarding his attendance at the opening ceremonies for the Relay for the Cure and the Olympic Regional Clean Air Agency meeting. 1. HarborWorks Development Authority Update Jim Hallett, Board member for the Port Angeles HarborWorks Development Authority provided an update of the current negotiations with Rayonier for acquiring the property, discussed the history of the project, and some of the current issues. Council discussion followed. 2. Off Leash Dog Park Deputy Director of Recreation Bonine presented information regarding the possible creation of an off leash dog park. He introduced Bill Roberds and Steve Zenovic, representatives from both Rotary Clubs in Port Angeles. Bill Roberds conducted a presentation regarding the construction of an off leash dog park by the Port Angeles Rotary clubs in Lincoln Park. He stated they would construct the facility if the City would agree to maintain it or find a sponsor to maintain the park. Following discussion, Council agreed by consensus to approve Lincoln Park as a site for an off leash dog park and authorize staff to move forward with researching the project. 3. Jon Schallert Seminar Barb Frederick, Executive Director of the Port Angeles Downtown Association, provided an update regarding the success of the Jon Schallert Seminar. She stated there would be a follow up webinar coming soon, for the attendees and others. 2 F -7 Break Mayor Di Guilio recessed the meeting for a break at 7:40 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 7:55 p.m. CONSENT AGENDA: Ordinance No. 3401 CITY COUNCIL MEETING June 15, 2010 Council agreed by consensus to add the first reading of the Adoption of International Building Codes 2009 Ordinance Amendment, Revision of Functional Consolidation of Volunteer Programs with Clallam County Fire District #2, and Second Amendment to Friendship Diversion Contract to the Consent Agenda. Councilmember Collins requested a point of information regarding the Expenditure Approval List. Mayor Di Guilio pulled the Expenditure Approval List from the Consent Agenda. It was moved by Mania and seconded by Downie to approve the Consent Agenda to include: 1.) Energy Efficiency Conservation Block Grant Capital Agreement; 2.) Adoption of International Building Codes 2009 Ordinance Amendment, first reading; 3.) Revision of Functional Consolidation of Volunteer Programs with Clallam County Fire District #2; and 4.) Second Amendment to Friendship Diversion Contract. Motion carried 7 -0. PUBLIC HEARINGS- 1. Comprehensive Plan Amendment CPA 10 -01 National Park Service OTHER: Extension of Sewer Service Outside of WUGA Community and Economic Director West provided information regarding the Comprehensive Plan Amendment, stating there was a representative from the National Park Service here to answer any questions. Mayor Di Guilio opened the public hearing at 7:57 p.m. There being no public testimony, the public hearing was closed at 7:57 p.m. Councilmember Collins expressed concern regarding the City setting a precedent by providing sewer service outside the Western Urban Growth Area. Director West responded by stating that it was not the intention of the City to encourage urban growth outside the Urban Growth Area. Councilmember Nelson stated she hoped that there had been outreach to the other property owners that will be affected by the dam removals, other than the Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe, even if the extension of the sewer service will not be offered to them. Director West responded that the 39 property owners and the Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe were both covered by the amendment to extend sewer service outside of the Western Urban Growth Area. Mayor Di Guilio conducted a second reading of the ordinance by title, entitled, ORDINANCE NO. 3401 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington adopting amendments to the Comprehensive Plan. It was moved by Perry and seconded by Nelson to: Adopt the ordinance as read by title, citing Findings 1 -13, and Conclusions 1 -3. Motion carried 7 -0. 3 F -8 CITY COUNCIL MEETING June 15, 2010 PUBLIC HEARINGS- 2. 2010 -2016 Capital Facilities Plan (CFP) Transportation Improvement OTHER: Program (TIP) (Cont'd) CONSENT AGENDA: (Cont'd) Director Cutler presented information regarding the Capital Facilities Plan and Transportation Improvement Program, including insertions, deletions, and priority changes. Following Council discussion, Mayor Di Guilio continued the public hearing at 8.22 p.m. Randall McCoy, 112 E. 11 Street, spoke in favor of the Dry Creek Bridge and expressed his concern regarding the plans for painting bike lanes after overlay projects are complete. He asked that Council consider funding for bike lanes and bikers safety in our community. Norma Turner, 3958 Mt. Angeles Road, spoke regarding her opposition to a number of projects included in the Capital Facilities Plan, and applauded Council for the consideration of soliciting comments from the public through utility bills. Mayor Di Guilio closed the public hearing at 8:30 p.m. Following Council discussion, Mayor Di Guilio read the Resolution by title, entitled, RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, adopting the Capital Facilities Plan and Transportation Improvement Program for 2010 -2016. Following Council discussion, It was moved by Kidd and seconded by Mania to: Continue discussion on the 2010 -2016 Capital Facilities Plan and Transportation Improvement Program at the July 6, 2010 City Council meeting. Motion carried 6 -1, with Perry voting in opposition. 1. Expenditure Approval List from 5/22/10 to 6/4/10 for $2,967,067.08. Councilmember Collins inquired as to why the vehicle purchases noted on page F14 were not made locally. Director Cutler responded that no local dealers were interested in this bid. It was moved by Collins and seconded by Mania to: Approve the Expenditure Approval List from 5/22/10 to 6/4/10 for $2,967,067.08. Motion carried 7 -0. 4 F -9 ORDINANCES NOT 1. For -Hire Vehicle Ordinance Amendment REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS: Clerk Hurd presented information regarding the ordinance amendment and asked Ordinance No. 3402 Council to conduct a second reading and consider adoption of the amendment. Ordinance No. 3403 Mayor Di Guilio conducted a second reading of the ordinance by title, entitled, ORDINANCE NO. 3402 It was moved by Perry and seconded by Downie to: Adopt the Ordinance as read by title. Motion carried 7 -0. 2. Police Department Fees Ordinance Amendment CITY COUNCIL MEETING June 15, 2010 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, revising Chapter 5.36 of the Port Angeles municipal Code relating to For -Hire Vehicles. Police Chief Gallagher asked that Council conduct a second reading of the proposed ordinance amendment and consider adoption of the amendment. Mayor Di Guilio conducted a second reading of the ordinance by title, entitled, ORDINANCE NO. 3403 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, revising Chapter 3.70.120 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code relating to Police Department Fees. It was moved by Downie and seconded by Mania to: Adopt the Ordinance as read by title. Motion carried 7 -0. 3. Public Records Inspection Ordinance Amendment Attorney Bloor provided information regarding the ordinance amendment, stating the amendment implemented an additional response procedure recently passed by the State Legislature. Following council discussion, Mayor Di Guilio conducted a first reading of the ordinance by title, entitled, ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, amending Chapter 2.74 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code relating to inspection of public records. 5 F -10 CITY COUNCIL MEETING June 15, 2010 WORK SESSION: (Cont' d) PUBLIC HEARINGS None. QUASI- JUDICIAL: FINANCE: None. INFORMATION: 4. 2011 Budget Process Director Ziomkowski provided information regarding the 2011 Budget Process, including the concept of budgeting for priorities, and the possibility of soliciting public input through a survey process. Following discussion, Council agreed by consensus to move forward with developing a survey to be sent out with City utility bills. RESOLUTIONS NOT 1. City Council Meeting Minutes REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS: Clerk Hurd presented information regarding the success of the new City Council meeting recording software and asked that Council consider the attached resolution. Resolution No. 11 -10 Councilmember Collins asked that the resolution be amended to include summary statements clarifying the intent of the body, when given, to Section 1F and 2G. Following Council discussion, Mayor Di Guilio read the resolution by title, entitled, RESOLUTION NO. 11 -10 A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, establishing a policy for the format of the City Council Meeting Minutes. It was moved by Collins and seconded by Downie to: Pass the Resolution as read by title, including the addition of a summary statement clarifying the intent of the body, when given, to section 1F and 2G. Councilmember Kidd spoke against the motion, stating she was opposed to the resolution because it decreased transparency to the public. Councilmember Mania spoke against the motion, stating he was opposed to the resolution because there are too many people in the public that lack computer knowledge and technology. Motion carried 5 -2, with Kidd and Mania voting in opposition. Manager Myers discussed the AWC Conference next week, Economic Development Council meeting on alternative energy, PA Forward meeting regarding the funding for the winter opening of the Hurricane Ridge Road, the recent City Manager's Coffee with Councilmember Nelson, and the work session schedule for June 29, 2010. Council agreed by consensus to start the work session on June 29, 2010 at 5 p.m. Mayor Di Guilio stated the City Council meeting dress code would not require ties to be worn by Councilmembers, from today through Labor Day. 6 F -11 CITY COUNCIL MEETING June 15, 2010 LATE ITEMS TO BE PLACED ON THIS OR FUTURE AGENDAS: Break: ADJOURN TO EXECUTIVE SESSION: RETURN TO OPEN SESSION: ADJOURNMENT: Councilmember Nelson requested adding a discussion regarding Counci lmembers receiving paper copies of all PowerPoint presentations to a future agenda. Mayor Di Guilio recessed the meeting for a break at 9:30 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 9:35 p.m. Council adjourned to Executive Session for approximately 20 minutes under the authority of RCW 42.30.110(I)(b), acquisition of real estate, and RCW 42.30.110(1)(i) discuss potential litigation with legal counsel. The Executive Session convened at 9:35 p.m. The Executive Session concluded at 9:55 p.m., and the Council convened in regular open session. No action was taken. The meeting was adjourned at 9:55 p.m. Dan Di Guilio, Mayor Janessa Hurd, City Clerk 7 F -12 Date: June 15. 2010 Expected length of session: 20 minutes Is action expected following the session: No Reason for Executive Session: EXECUTIVE SESSION At the start of Executive Session, :remind participants that: Only announced topics may be discussed No final action can be taken in Executive Session Discussions are confidential To consider matters affecting national security. X To consider the selection of a site or the acquisition of real estate by lease or purchase when public knowledge regarding such consideration would cause a likelihood of increased price. To consider the minimum price at which real estate will be offered for sale or lease when public knowledge regarding such consideration would cause a likelihood of decreased price. However, final action selling or leasing public property shall be taken in a meeting open to the public. To review negotiations on the performance of public bid contracts when public knowledge regarding such consideration would cause a likelihood of increased costs. To consider, in the case of an export trading company, financial and commercial information supplied by private persons to the export trading company. To receive and evaluate complaints or charges brought against a public officer or employee. However, upon the request of such officer or employee, a public hearing or a meeting open to the public shall be conducted upon such complaint or charge. To evaluate the qualifications of an applicant for public employment or to review the performance of a public employee. However, subject to RCW 42.30.140(4), discussion by a governing body of salaries, wages, and other conditions of employment to be generally applied within the agency shall occur in a meeting open to the public, and when a governing body elects to take final action hiring, setting the salary of an individual employee or class of employees, or discharging or disciplining an employee, that action shall be taken in a meeting open to the public. To evaluate the qualifications of a candidate for appointment to elective office. However, any interview of such candidate and final action appointing a candidate to elective office shall be in a meeting open to the public. F -13 X To discuss with legal counsel representing the agency matters relating to agency enforcement actions, or to discuss with legal counsel representing the agency litigation or potential litigation to which the agency, the governing body, or a member acting in an official capacity is, or is likely to become, a party, when public knowledge regarding the discussion is likely to result in an adverse legal or financial consequence to the agency. Closed session under RCW 42.30.140: To discuss proceedings concerned with the formal issuance of an order granting, suspending, revoking, or denying any license, permit, or certificate to engage in any business, occupation, or profession, or to receive a license for a sports activity or to operate any mechanical device or motor vehicle where a license or registration is necessary; or Meeting of a quasi judicial body relating to a quasi-judicial matter between named parties as distinguished from a matter having general effect on the public or on a class or group. Matters governed by chapter 34.05 RCW, the Administrative Procedure Act. Collective bargaining session with employee organization, including contract negotiations, grievance meetings, and discussions relating to the interpretation or application of a labor agreement or a portion of a meeting which the governing body is planning or adopting the strategy or position to be taken by the governing body during the course of any collective bargaining, professional negotiations, or grievance or mediation proceeding, or reviewing the proposals made in the negotiations or proceedings while in progress. Time session began: 9:35 n.m. Was session extended by announcement: No If so, when: Time session ended: 9:55 n.m. Mayor City Clerk G \GROUP \CLERK \EXECUTIVE SESSION 061509 wpd In attendance: All Councilmembers. Manager Myers, Attorney Bloor. G. Cutler. and N. West. F -14 Vendor BELSON OUTDOORS INC BURKE ENGINEERING CO ANNA NICHOLS ANTHONY HEIL Deb Stoltenberg Gary Melendy Healthy Families of Clallam Co Juan de Fuca Festival Larry Tina O'Neil Marlene Moore,7th Day Advent's Marvin Charles Mary Tousley Pat Rutledge Patncia T Clemons Port Angeles High School ROTC Port Angeles Marathon Sue Waldron Susan Lynch Ritchie JUANITA CHAMBERLAIN Robotronics, Inc MOORE MEDICAL CORPORATION RECREONICS INCORPORATED TRACKER, A DIVISION OF C2, LLC WA STATE PATROL AMSAN OLYMPIC SUPPLY PORT ANGELES CITY TREASURER Legislative AT &T BUSINESS SERVICE QWEST City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 6 /5/2010 To: 6/25/2010 Description JANITORIAL SUPPLIES CONTRL,INDICA,RECORD INST LOOMIS DEPOSIT REFUND 6/2 DEP RFD DEP RFD VBCC DEPOSIT REFUND JAUN CLUBHOUSE DEPOSIT REFUND DEP RFD LOOMIS DEPOSIT REFUND 5/2 MARKER SETTING REFUND MAR LOOMIS DEPOSIT REFUND 6/1 LOOMIS DEPOSIT REFUND 5/1 VBCC DEPOSIT REFUND NJROT RENTAL DEPOSIT REFUND POR LOOMIS DEPOSIT REFUND 5/2 CLUBHOUSE DEPOSIT REFUND CAR WASH SIGN REFUND CONNECTOR FIRST AID SUPPLIES HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS DATA PROC SERV &SOFTWARE MAY 2010 LIVESCAN CHARGES TABLECLOTHS Chamber Lunch -Kidd Mayor Council Legislative COMMUNICATIONS /MEDIA SERV 06 -05 NC 3604523877817B 06 -05 NC 3604525109623B 06 -05 NC 3604529887652B 06 -05 A/C 3604529882811B 06 -05 A/C 3604525834211B 05 -14 NC 3604570831558B 05 -14 NC 3604570968343B 05 -14 A/C 3604571535571B 05 -23 NC 206T302306084B 05 -14 NC 3604570411199B Page 1 Account Number 001 0000 237.00 -00 001 0000 237.00 -00 001 0000 213.10 -91 001 0000 213.10 -91 001 0000 239.10 -00 001 0000 239.93 -00 001 0000 239.93 -00 001 0000 239.10 -00 001- 0000 239.10 -00 001 0000 239.93 -00 001 0000 239.10 -00 001 0000 237.30 -00 001 0000 239.10 -00 001 0000 239.10 -00 001 0000 239.10 -00 001 0000 239.10 -00 001 0000 239.10 -00 001 0000 239.10 -00 001 0000 239.10 -00 001 0000 237.00 -00 001 0000 237.00 -00 001 0000 237.00 -00 001 0000 237.00 -00 001 0000 -237 00 -00 001 0000 229.50 -00 Division Total: Department Total: 001 1160 511.31 -01 001 1160 511.31 -01 Division Total: Department Total: 001 1210- 513.42 -10 001 1210- 513.42 -10 001 1210- 513.42 -10 001 1210- 513.42 -10 001 1210- 513.42 -10 001 1210- 513.42 -10 001 1210- 513.42 -10 001 1210- 513.42 -10 001 1210 -513 42 -10 001 1210- 513.42 -10 001 -1210- 513.42 -10 Date 6/30/2010 Invoice Amount -31 42 -19.60 25.00 82.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 450.00 50.00 150.00 50.00 14.70 50.00 50.00 150.00 350.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 -1.05 -23.46 8.83 -8.83 271.74 231.00 $1,605.43 $1,605.43 54.96 10 00 $64.96 $64.96 1.80 1.15 1 15 1.15 1 15 1.39 1.15 2.29 1.73 20.51 55.54 F -15 Vendor QWEST SISTER CITIES INTERNATIONAL VERIZON WIRELESS WASHINGTON (DIS), STATE OF City Manager Department ADVANCED TRAVEL AT &T BUSINESS SERVICE US HealthWorks Medical Group QWEST VERIZON WIRELESS WA STATE PATROL WASHINGTON (DIS), STATE OF City Manager Department AT &T BUSINESS SERVICE QWEST WASHINGTON (DIS), STATE OF City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 6/5/2010 To: 6/25/2010 Description 05 -14 NC 3604576684085B 05 -16 A/C 206T359336570B 05 -23 NC 206T310164584B MEMBERSHIP DUES 05 -25 NC 671402094 -00001 SCAN CHGS -MAY Page 2 Account Number 001 1210- 513.42 -10 001 1210- 513.42 -10 001 1210- 513.42 -10 001 1210- 513.49 -01 001 1210- 513.42 -10 001 1210 -513 42 -10 City Manager Office Division Total: Empl Health Acdmy -Gates 001- 1220 516.20 -44 COMMUNICATIONS /MEDIA SERV 001 1220 -516 42 -10 PRE EMPLOY DRUG TEST 001 1220 516.41 -31 06 -05 NC 3604523877817B 001 1220 516.42 -10 06 -05 A/C 3604525109623B 001 1220 516.42 -10 06 -05 NC 3604529887652B 001 1220 -516 42 -10 06 -05 A/C 3604529882811 B 001 -1220- 516.42 -10 06 -05 NC 3604525834211B 001 1220 516.42 -10 05 -14 NC 3604570831558B 001 1220 516.42 -10 05 -14 A/C 3604570968343B 001 1220 516.42 -10 05 -14 A/C 3604571535571 B 001 1220- 516.42 -10 05 -23 NC 206T302306084B 001 1220 -516 42 -10 05 -14 A/C 3604570411199B 001 1220 516.42 -10 05 -14 NC 3604576684085B 001 1220 516.42 -10 05 -16 A/C 206T359336570B 001 1220 516.42 -10 05 -23 A/C 206T310164584B 001 1220 -516 42 -10 05 -25 NC 671402094 -00001 001 -1220- 516.42 -10 WATCH CHECKS 001 1220 516.41 -50 SCAN CHGS -MAY 001- 1220 516.42 -10 Human Resources Division Total: COMMUNICATIONS /MEDIA SERV 001- 1230 514.42 -10 06 -05 NC 3604523877817B 001 1230 514.42 -10 06 -05 NC 3604525109623B 001 1230 514.42 -10 06 -05 NC 3604529887652B 001 1230 -514 42 -10 06 -05 A/C 3604529882811B 001 1230 -514 42 -10 06 -05 NC 3604525834211B 001 1230 514.42 -10 05 -14 A/C 3604570831558B 001 1230 -514 42 -10 05 -14 A/C 3604570968343B 001 1230 514.42 -10 05 -14 NC 3604571535571B 001 1230 -514 42 -10 05 -23 A/C 206T302306084B 001 1230 514.42 -10 05 -14 NC 3604570411199B 001 1230 514.42 -10 05 -14 NC 3604576684085B 001 1230 -514 42 -10 05 -16 A/C 206T359336570B 001 1230 514.42 -10 05 -23 NC 206T310164584B 001 1230 514.42 -10 SCAN CHGS -MAY 001 1230 514.42 -10 Date 6/30/2010 Invoice Amount 7 07 27.96 27.96 360.00 136 17 0.25 $648.42 386.56 0.36 55.00 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.28 0.23 0.46 0.35 4.10 11 11 1 41 5.60 5 60 57.31 10.00 18.36 $557.65 0 18 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.14 0.12 0.23 0.17 2 06 5.55 0.71 2.80 2.80 2.92 F 16 Vendor City Manager Department PORT ANGELES CHAMBER OF COMM City Manager Dept AT &T BUSINESS SERVICE PORT ANGELES CITY TREASURER QWEST VERIZON WIRELESS WASHINGTON (DIS), STATE OF Finance Department AT &T BUSINESS SERVICE GOVT FINANCE OFFCRS ASN OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC QWEST TRACKER, A DIVISION OF C2, LLC WASHINGTON (AUDITOR), STATE OF City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 6 /5/2010 To: 6/25/2010 Description City Clerk City Manager Department 4TH OF JULY CONTRIBUTION Community Service City Manager Dept COMMUNICATIONS /MEDIA SERV Business Lunch- Ziomkowski 06 -05 NC 3604523877817B 06 -05 NC 3604525109623B 06 -05 NC 3604529887652B 06 -05 NC 3604529882811B 06 -05 NC 3604525834211 B 05 -14 NC 3604570831558B 05 -14 NC 3604570968343B 05 -14 A/C 3604571535571B 05 -23 NC 206T302306084B 05 -14 A/C 3604570411199B 05 -14 A/C 3604576684085B 05 -16 A/C 206T359336570B 05 -23 NC 206T310164584B 05 -25 A/C 671402094 -00001 SCAN CHGS -MAY Finance Administration COMMUNICATIONS /MEDIA SERV CAFR FILING FEE OFFICE SUPPLIES COPY PAPER 06 -05 NC 3604523877817B 06 -05 NC 3604525109623B 06 -05 NC 3604529887652B 06 -05 A/C 36045298828118 06 -05 NC 3604525834211B 05 -14 NC 3604570831558B 05 -14 A/C 3604570968343B 05 -14 NC 3604571535571B 05 -23 NC 206T302306084B 05 -14 NC 3604570411199B 05 -14 A/C 3604576684085B 05 -16 A/C 206T359336570B 05 -23 NC 206T310164584B DATA PROC SERV &SOFTWARE MAY AUDIT HOURS Page 3 Account Number Division Total: Department Total: 001 1390- 519.49 -72 Division Total: Department Total: 001 2010- 514.42 -10 001- 2010 514.31 -01 001 2010- 514.42 -10 001 2010- 514.42 -10 001 2010 514.42 -10 001 2010- 514.42 -10 001 2010- 514.42 -10 001 2010- 514.42 -10 001 2010 -514 42 -10 001 -2010- 514.42 -10 001 2010- 514.42 -10 001 2010 -514 42 -10 001 2010 514.42 -10 001 2010- 514.42 -10 001 2010 514.42 -10 001 2010- 514.42 -10 001 2010- 514.42 -10 Division Total: 001 2023 514.42 -10 001 2023 514.41 -50 001 2023 514.31 -01 001 2023 514.31 -01 001 2023 514.42 -10 001 2023 514.42 -10 001 2023 514.42 -10 001 2023 514.42 -10 001 2023 514.42 -10 001 2023 514.42 -10 001 2023 514.42 -10 001 2023 514.42 -10 001 2023 514.42 -10 001 2023 514.42 -10 001 2023 514.42 -10 001 2023 514.42 -10 001 2023 -514 42 -10 001 2023 514.48 -02 001 2023 514.41 -50 Date 6/30/2010 Invoice Amount $18.16 $1,224.23 2,500.00 $2,500.00 $2,500.00 1.26 26.83 0.81 0.81 0.81 0.81 0.98 0 80 1.61 1.21 14.36 38.87 4 95 19.59 19.59 57.30 6.96 $197.55 1.62 505.00 13.55 158.37 1.04 1 04 1.04 1.04 1.25 1.03 2.07 1.56 18.46 49.98 6.36 25.19 25.19 3,506.74 13,170.30 F -17 Vendor WASHINGTON (DIS), STATE OF Finance Department ACCURINT AT &T BUSINESS SERVICE DATABAR INCORPORATED EQU I FAX GREAT AMERICA LEASING CORP OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC PORT ANGELES CITY TREASURER QWEST VERIZON WIRELESS WASHINGTON (DIS), STATE OF Finance Department DATA BASE OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC Finance Department AT &T BUSINESS SERVICE CLALLAM CNTY SUPERIOR COURT GREAT AMERICA LEASING CORP HOLLY MOORE QUILL CORPORATION QWEST City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 6/5/2010 To: 6/25/2010 Description SCAN CHGS -MAY Accounting PERSON SEARCHES COMMUNICATIONS /MEDIA SERV CYCLES 16 -20 5/27/10 CYCLES 1 -5 6/3/10 CYCLES 6 -10 6/11/10 CREDIT REPORTS MAY COPIER LEASE OFFICE SUPPLIES COPY PAPER ReUph wrist Rests Cordery 06 -05 NC 3604523877817B 06 -05 A/C 3604525109623B 06 -05 NC 3604529887652B 06- 05,A/C 3604529882811B 06 -05 NC 36045258342118 05 -14 NC 3604570831558B 05 -14 A/C 3604570968343B 05 -14 A/C 3604571535571B 05 -23 A/C 206T302306084B 05 -14 NC 3604570411199B 05 -14 A/C 3604576684085B 05 -16 NC 206T359336570B 05 -23 A/C 206T310164584B 06 -13 a/c 271272753 -00001 SCAN CHGS -MAY Customer Service MAY RECORDS DESTRUCTION LEGAL -SIZE COPY PAPER COPY PAPER Reprographics Finance Department COMMUNICATIONS /MEDIA SERV CHG FOR EMAIL DOC.SUP CT COPIER LEASE Tuition Reimb 100% TONER,FILES,LABELS,PENS 06 -05 A/C 3604523877817B 06 -05 A/C 3604525109623B 06 -05 NC 3604529887652B 06 -05 A/C 3604529882811B Page 4 Account Number 001 -2023- 514.42 -10 Division Total: 001 2025 514.41 -50 001 2025 514.42 -10 001 2025 514.41 -50 001 2025 -514 41 -50 001 2025 514.41 -50 001 2025 514.41 -50 001 2025 -514 45 -31 001 2025 514.31 -01 001 2025 514.31 -01 001- 2025 514.31 -01 001 2025 -514 42 -10 001 2025 514.42 -10 001 2025 514.42 -10 001 2025 514.42 -10 001 2025 514.42 -10 001 2025 514.42 -10 001 2025 514.42 -10 001 2025 -514 42 -10 001 2025 -514 42 -10 001 2025 514.42 -10 001 2025 514.42 -10 001 2025 514.42 -10 001 2025 514.42 -10 001 2025 514.42 -10 001 2025 514.42 -10 Division Total: 001 2080 514.41 -50 001 2080 514.31 -01 001 2080 514.31 -01 Division Total: Department Total: 001 3010- 515.42 -10 001 3010- 515.31 -01 001 3010- 515.45 -31 001 3010- 515.43 -10 001 3010 515.31 -01 001 -3010- 515.42 -10 001 3010- 515.42 -10 001 -3010- 515.42 -10 001 -3010- 515.42 -10 Date 6/30/2010 Invoice Amount 21.29 $17,512.12 54.20 2.34 1,538.39 1,931.56 1,958 44 60.00 123.22 25.14 105.58 13.00 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.81 1.49 2.99 2.24 26.66 72.20 9.17 36.38 36.38 71.33 6.70 $6,085.22 179.40 178.24 369.55 $727.19 $24,522.08 1.08 0.75 163.47 992.63 291.86 0.73 0.73 0.73 0.73 F -18 Vendor QWEST VERIZON WIRELESS WASHINGTON (DIS), STATE OF WEST GROUP Attorney FRIENDSHIP DIVERSION SERVICES Attorney AT &T BUSINESS SERVICE CASE, CAROL L GREAT AMERICA LEASING CORP HOLLY MOORE QUILL CORPORATION QWEST VERIZON WIRELESS WASHINGTON (DNS), STATE OF WEST GROUP Attorney ADVANCED TRAVEL 11) AT &T BUSINESS SERVICE PENINSULA DAILY NEWS EHM City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 6/5/2010 To: 6/25/2010 Description 06 -05 A/C 3604525834211B 05 -14 A/C 3604570831558B 05 -14 NC 3604570968343B 05 -14 NC 3604571535571B 05 -23 A/C 206T302306084B 05 -14 NC 3604570411199B 05 -14 NC 3604576684085B 05 -16 NC 206T359336570B 05 -23 NC 206T310164584B 05 -25 A/C 671402094 -00001 SCAN CHGS -MAY WESTLAW CHGS. MAY, 2010 Attorney Office Jail Contributions COMMUNICATIONS /MEDIA SERV DISTRICT CT. COVERAGE COPIER LEASE Tuition Reimb 100% TONER,FILES,LABELS,PENS 06 -05 A/C 3604523877817B 06 -05 NC 3604525109623B 06 -05 NC 3604529887652B 06 -05 NC 3604529882811B 06 -05 A/C 36045258342118 05 -14 A/C 3604570831558B 05 -14 NC 3604570968343B 05 -14 NC 3604571535571B 05 -23 NC 206T3023060848 05 -14 NC 3604570411199B 05 -14 A/C 3604576684085B 05 -16 NC 206T359336570B 05 -23 NC 206T310164584B 05 -25 NC 671402094 -00001 SCAN CHGS -MAY WESTLAW CHGS MAY, 2010 Prosecution Attorney SMP Trng -Johns SMP Trng -West COMMUNICATIONS /MEDIA SERV LEGAL ADS Page 5 Account Number 001 3010- 515.42 -10 001 3010- 515.42 -10 001 3010- 515.42 -10 001 -3010- 515.42 -10 001 3010- 515.42 -10 001 3010- 515.42 -10 001 3010- 515.42 -10 001- 3010- 515.42 -10 001- 3010 -515 42 -10 001 3010- 515.42 -10 001 3010 -515 42 -10 001 3010 515.31 -01 Division Total: 001 3012 598.51 -23 Division Total: 001 3021 515.42 -10 001 3021 515.41 -50 001 3021 515.45 -31 001 3021 515.43 -10 001 3021 515.31 -01 001 3021 -515 42 -10 001 3021 515.42 -10 001 3021 515.42 -10 001 3021 515.42 -10 001 3021 515.42 -10 001 3021 515.42 -10 001 3021 515.42 -10 001 3021 515.42 -10 001 3021 515.42 -10 001 3021 515.42 -10 001 3021 515.42 -10 001 3021 515.42 -10 001 3021 515.42 -10 001 3021 515.42 -10 001- 3021 515.42 -10 001- 3021 515.31 -01 Division Total: Department Total: 001 4010- 558.43 -10 001 4010- 558.43 -10 001 4010- 558.42 -10 001- 4010- 558.44 -10 Date 6/30/2010 Invoice Amount 0.84 0.71 1.38 1.04 12.31 33.33 4.22 16.79 16.79 57.30 14.38 368.10 $1,979.90 978.04 $978.04 0.72 390.00 163.47 992.63 291.87 0.46 0.46 0.46 0.46 0.56 0.46 0.92 0.69 8.20 22.21 2.83 11.19 11.19 57.30 15.28 368.10 $2,339.46 $5,297.40 301.42 233.96 1.35 684.86 F 19 Vendor PORT ANGELES CITY TREASURER QWEST VERIZON WIRELESS WASHINGTON (DIS), STATE OF Community Development AT &T BUSINESS SERVICE GREAT AMERICA LEASING CORP OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC QWEST VERIZON WIRELESS WASHINGTON (DIS), STATE OF Community Development AT &T BUSINESS SERVICE QWEST City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 6 /5/2010 To: 6/25/2010 Description Cookies Shoreline Mtg -SR PABA Brkfst -West 06 -05 A/C 3604523877817B 06 -05 NC 3604525109623B 06 -05 A/C 3604529887652B 06 -05 NC 3604529882811B 06 -05 NC 3604525834211B 05 -14 NC 3604570831558B 05 -14 NC 3604570968343B 05 -14 NC 3604571535571B 05 -23 NC 206T302306084B 05 -14 A/C 3604570411199B 05 -14 NC 3604576684085B 05 -16 NC 206T359336570B 05 -23 A/C 206T310164584B 05 -25 A/C 671402094 -00001 SCAN CHGS -MAY Planning COMMUNICATIONS /MEDIA SERV MAY COPIER LEASE COPY PAPER 06 -05 NC 3604523877817B 06 -05 NC 3604525109623B 06 -05 NC 3604529887652B 06 -05 NC 36045298828118 06 -05 NC 3604525834211B 05 -14 A/C 3604570831558B 05-14 A/C 3604570968343B 05 -14 NC 3604571535571B 05 -23 A/C 206T302306084B 05 -14 NC 3604570411199B 05 -14 A/C 3604576684085B 05 -16 NC 206T359336570B 05 -23 A/C 206T310164584B 05 -15 a/c 264230412 -00003 SCAN CHGS -MAY Building COMMUNICATIONS /MEDIA SERV 06 -05 NC 3604523877817B 06 -05 A/C 3604525109623B 06 -05 NC 3604529887652B 06 -05 NC 3604529882811B Page 6 Account Number 001 4010 558.31 -01 001 4010 558.31 -01 001 4010- 558.42 -10 001 4010 -558 42 -10 001 4010- 558.42 -10 001 4010- 558.42 -10 001 4010- 558.42 -10 001 4010- 558.42 -10 001 4010- 558.42 -10 001 -4010- 558.42 -10 001 4010- 558.42 -10 001 4010- 558.42 -10 001 4010- 558.42 -10 001 4010- 558.42 -10 001 4010- 558.42 -10 001 4010- 558.42 -10 001 4010- 558.42 -10 Division Total: 001 4020 524.42 -10 001 4020 524.45 -31 001 4020 524.31 -01 001 4020 524.42 -10 001 4020 524.42 -10 001 4020 524.42 -10 001- 4020 524.42 -10 001 4020 524.42 -10 001 4020 524.42 -10 001 4020 524.42 -10 001 4020 524.42 -10 001 4020 524.42 -10 001 4020 524.42 -10 001 4020 524.42 -10 001 4020 524.42 -10 001 4020 524.42 -10 001 4020 524.42 -10 001 4020 -524 42 -10 Division Total: 001 4030 559.42 -10 001 4030 559.42 -10 001 4030 559.42 -10 001 4030 559.42 -10 001 4030 559.42 -10 Date 6/30/2010 Invoice Amount 14.95 9.05 0.87 0.87 0.87 0 87 1.05 0.86 1.72 1.30 15.38 41.65 5.28 20.99 20.99 33.52 42.52 $1,434.33 0.47 123.21 52.79 0.29 0.29 0.29 0.29 0.36 0.29 0.60 0.45 5.33 14.44 1.84 7.28 7.28 55.06 4 14 $274.70 0.07 0.04 0.04 0 04 0.04 F 20 Vendor QWEST VERIZON WIRELESS WASHINGTON (DIS), STATE OF Community Development ADVANCED TRAVEL AT &T BUSINESS SERVICE CAPACITY PROVISIONING INC LANGUAGE LINE SERVICES QWEST VERIZON WIRELESS WASHINGTON (DIS), STATE OF Police Department ACCURINT AT &T BUSINESS SERVICE CERTIFIED HEARING INC INSIGHT PUBLIC SECTOR QWEST City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 6 /5/2010 To: 6/25/2010 Description 06 -05 A/C 3604525834211 B 05 -14 A/C 3604570831558B 05 -14 NC 3604570968343B 05 -14 NC 3604571535571B 05 -23 A/C 206T302306084B 05 -14 A/C 36045704111998 05 -14 A/C 3604576684085B 05 -16 NC 206T359336570B 05 -23 A/C 206T310164584B 05 -15 a/c 264230412 -00003 SCAN CHGS -MAY Code Compliance Community Development WASPC Conf -Smith COMMUNICATIONS /MEDIA SERV Network Services SERVICE FOR 2010 -07677 VI 06 -05 A/C 3604523877817B 06 -05 A/C 36045251096238 06 -05 NC 3604529887652B 06 -05 NC 3604529882811 B 06 -05 A/C 3604525834211B 05 -14 A/C 3604570831558B 05 -14 NC 3604570968343B 05 -14 A/C 3604571535571B 05 -23 A/C 206T302306084B 05 -14 A/C 3604570411199B 05 -14 A/C 3604576684085B 05 -16 A/C 206T359336570B 05 -23 NC 206T310164584B 05 -25 A/C 671402094 -00001 SCAN CHGS -MAY Police Administration PERSON CHECKS, MAY 2010 C COMMUNICATIONS /MEDIA SERV FBI TUBING FOR BENEDICT 06 -05 NC 3604523877817B 06 -05 NC 3604525109623B 06 -05 A/C 3604529887652B 06 -05 NC 3604529882811B 06 -05 A/C 3604525834211B Page 7 Account Number 001 4030 559.42 -10 001 4030 559.42 -10 001 4030 -559 42 -10 001 4030 559.42 -10 001 4030 559.42 -10 001 4030 559.42 -10 001 4030 559.42 -10 001 4030 559.42 -10 001 4030 559.42 -10 001 4030 559.42 -10 001 4030 559.42 -10 Division Total: Department Total: 001 5010- 521.43 -10 001 5010- 521.42 -10 001 5010 521.42 -12 001 5010- 521.42 -10 001 5010- 521.42 -10 001 -5010- 521.42 -10 001 5010 -521 42 -10 001 5010- 521.42 -10 001 5010- 521.42 -10 001 5010- 521.42 -10 001 5010 521.42 -10 001 5010- 521.42 -10 001 5010- 521.42 -10 001 5010- 521.42 -10 001 5010 -521 42 -10 001 5010- 521.42 -10 001 5010- 521.42 -10 001 5010- 521.42 -10 001 5010 -521 42 -10 Division Total: 001 5021 521.41 -50 001 5021 521.42 -10 001 5021 521.31 -01 COMPUTER HARDWARE &PERIPHI001 5021 521.31 -60 001 5021 521.42 -10 001 5021 521.42 -10 001 5021 521.42 -10 001 5021 521.42 -10 001 5021 521.42 -10 Date 6/30/2010 Invoice Amount 0.06 0.04 0.10 0.07 0.83 2.22 0.28 1.12 1.12 23.60 0.82 $30.49 $1,739.52 525.00 2.89 172.00 14.26 1.85 1.85 1.85 1.85 2.23 1.84 3.68 2.77 32.82 88.85 11.31 44.78 44.78 173.63 52.56 $1,180.80 54.20 1.80 15.00 63.95 1.16 1.16 1.16 1.16 1.39 F -21 Vendor QWEST VERIZON WIRELESS WASHINGTON (DIS), STATE OF Police Department AMSAN OLYMPIC SUPPLY AT &T BUSINESS SERVICE BLUMENTHAL UNIFORMS EQUIP LINCOLN STREET STATION Tom Kuch OLYMPIC MEDICAL CENTER PROFORCE LAW ENFORCEMENT PRORIDER INC QUILL CORPORATION QWEST SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC VERIZON WIRELESS WASHINGTON (DIS), STATE OF Police Department BLUMENTHAL UNIFORMS EQUIP Police Department City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 6 /5/2010 To: 6/25/2010 Description Account Number 05 -14 A/C 3604570831558B 001 5021 521.42 -10 05 -14 A/C 3604570968343B 001 5021 521.42 -10 05 -14 NC 3604571535571B 001 5021 521.42 -10 05 -23 NC 206T302306084B 001 5021 521.42 -10 05 -14 NC 3604570411199B 001 5021 521.42 -10 05 -14 NC 3604576684085B 001 5021 521.42 -10 05 -16 NC 206T359336570B 001 5021 521.42 -10 05 -23 NC 206T310164584B 001 5021 521.42 -10 05 -25 NC 671402094 -00001 001 5021 521.42 -10 SCAN CHGS -MAY 001- 5021 521.42 -10 Investigation Division Total: POLICE EQUIPMENT SUPPLY 001 5022 521.31 -01 COMMUNICATIONS /MEDIA SERV 001 5022 521.42 -10 POLICE EQUIPMENT SUPPLY 001 5022 521.20 -80 CLOTHING APPAREL 001- 5022 521.31 -11 PATROL PKG TO WSP TOX LAB 001 5022 521.42 -10 PATROL PKG TO MSVL LAB 001 5022- 521.42 -10 CLOTHING EQUIP FOR KUCH 001 5022 521.35 -01 VENIPUNCTUE ANDREWS,CLARK 001 5022 521.49 -90 POLICE EQUIPMENT SUPPLY 001 5022 521.31 -80 BIKE HELMETS FOR BIKE ROD 001 5022- 521.44 -30 OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL 001 5022 521.31 -01 06 -05 NC 3604523877817B 001 5022 521.42 -10 06 -05 NC 3604525109623B 001 5022 521.42 -10 06 -05 A/C 3604529887652B 001 5022 521.42 -10 06 -05 A/C 3604529882811B 001- 5022 -521 42 -10 06 -05 A/C 3604525834211B 001 5022 521.42 -10 05 -14 A/C 3604570831558B 001 5022 -521 42 -10 05 -14 A/C 3604570968343B 001 5022 -521 42 -10 05 -14 NC 3604571535571 B 001 5022 521.42 -10 05 -23 A/C 206T302306084B 001 5022 521.42 -10 05 -14 A/C 3604570411199B 001 5022 521.42 -10 05 -14 NC 3604576684085B 001 5022 521.42 -10 05 -16 A/C 206T359336570B 001 5022 521.42 -10 05 -23 NC 206T310164584B 001 5022 521.42 -10 OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL 001 5022 521.31 -01 OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL 001 5022 521.35 -01 05 -25 NC 671402094 -00001 001 5022 521.42 -10 SCAN CHGS -MAY 001- 5022 521.42 -10 Patrol Division Total: CLOTHING APPAREL 001 5026 521.31 -01 Reserves Volunteers Division Total: Page 8 Date 6/30/2010 Invoice Amount 1.15 2.30 1.73 20.51 55.53 7.07 27 99 27.99 509.63 9 65 $804.53 76.75 5.05 63.85 167.19 27.66 8.69 107.10 213.25 582.81 398.91 34.09 3.24 3.24 3.24 3.24 3.90 3.22 6.44 4.84 57 43 155.50 19.79 78.36 78.36 48.83 58.27 1,345.65 46.85 $3,605.75 54.04 $54.04 F 22 Vendor ADVANCED TRAVEL AT &T BUSINESS SERVICE OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC PACIFIC OFFICE EQUIPMENT INC QUILL CORPORATION QWEST WASHINGTON (DIS), STATE OF Police Department AT &T BUSINESS SERVICE CAPACITY PROVISIONING INC OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC PACIFIC OFFICE EQUIPMENT INC PORT ANGELES FIRE DEPARTMENT QWEST City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 6 /5/2010 To: 6/25/2010 Description Account Number New World Sys Jacobi 001 5029 521.43 -10 New World Sys Schilke 001- 5029 521.43 -10 COMMUNICATIONS /MEDIA SERV 001 5029 521.42 -10 COPY PAPER 001- 5029 521.31 -01 OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL 001 5029 521.45 -31 OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL 001 5029 521.45 -31 OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL 001 5029 521.31 -01 OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL 001 5029 521.31 -01 06 -05 A/C 3604523877817B 001 5029 521.42 -10 06 -05 NC 3604525109623B 001 5029 -521 42 -10 06 -05 A/C 3604529887652B 001 5029 521.42 -10 06 -05 NC 3604529882811 B 001 5029 521.42 -10 06 -05 NC 3604525834211 B 001 5029 521.42 -10 05 -14 A/C 3604570831558B 001 5029 521.42 -10 05 -14 NC 3604570968343B 001 5029 521.42 -10 05 -14 A/C 3604571535571 B 001 5029 521.42 -10 05 -23 NC 206T302306084B 001- 5029 521.42 -10 05 -14 A/C 3604570411199B 001 5029 521.42 -10 05 -14 A/C 3604576684085B 001 5029 521.42 -10 05 -16 A/C 206T359336570B 001 5029 521.42 -10 05 -23 A/C 206T310164584B 001 5029 521.42 -10 SCAN CHGS -MAY 001 5029 521.42 -10 Records Division Total: Police Department Department Total: COMMUNICATIONS /MEDIA SERV 001 6010 522.42 -10 COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 001 6010 522.42 -11 Network Services SUPPLIES CANON CONTRACT SUPPLIES POSTAGE 06 -05 A/C 3604523877817B 06 -05 NC 3604525109623B 06 -05 NC 3604529887652B 06 -05 A/C 3604529882811 B 06 -05 NC 36045258342118 05 -14 NC 3604570831558B 05 -14 A/C 3604570968343B 05 -14 A/C 3604571535571B 05 -23 A/C 206T302306084B 05 -14 A/C 36045704111995 05 -14 NC 3604576684085B Page 9 001 6010- 522.42 -12 001 6010- 522.31 -01 001 6010- 522.45 -31 001 6010 522.31 -01 001 6010- 522.42 -10 001 6010- 522.42 -10 001 6010- 522.42 -10 001 6010 -522 42 -10 001 6010- 522.42 -10 001 6010- 522.42 -10 001 6010 -522 42 -10 001 6010- 522.42 -10 001 6010- 522.42 -10 001 6010 -522 42 -10 001 6010- 522.42 -10 001 6010- 522.42 -10 Date 6/30/2010 Invoice Amount 800.80 628.86 1.80 422.33 107.70 107.34 178.41 37.67 1 16 1.16 1.16 1.16 1.39 1.15 2.30 1.72 20.51 55.53 7.07 27.99 27.99 12.18 $2,447.38 $8,092.50 2.53 0.72 172.00 10.62 56.01 39.07 15.38 1.62 1 62 1.62 1.62 1.95 1.61 3.22 2.42 28.72 77.75 9.89 F 23 Vendor QWEST US FIRE EQUIPMENT LLC VERIZON WIRELESS WASHINGTON (DIS), STATE OF Fire Department AT &T BUSINESS SERVICE BLUMENTHAL UNIFORMS EQUIP CLALLAM CNTY FIRE DISTRICT 2 MOROZ, JAMES NAPA AUTO PARTS PENINSULA TRUCK LINES PORT ANGELES FIRE DEPARTMENT QWEST SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 6 /5/2010 To: 6/25/2010 Description 05 -16 NC 206T359336570B 05 -23 NC 206T310164584B 06 -05 NC 3604523877817B 06 -05 A/C 3604525109623B 06 -05 NC 3604529887652B 06 -05 NC 3604529882811 B 06 -05 NC 36045258342118 05 -14 NC 3604570831558B 05 -14 NC 3604570968343B 05 -14 NC 3604571535571B 05 -23 NC 206T302306084B 05 -14 NC 3604570411199B 05 -14 NC 3604576684085B 05 -16 NC 206T359336570B 05 -23 NC 206T310164584B HOSE 05 -25 A/C 671402094 -00001 SCAN CHGS -MAY SCAN CHGS -MAY Fire Administration COMMUNICATIONS /MEDIA SERV CLOTHING APPAREL REIMBURSEMENT FOR PAPER CLOTHING APPAREL PLIERS FREIGHT WATER PENPLY FIRE 06 -05 NC 3604523877817B 06 -05 NC 3604525109623B 06 -05 NC 3604529887652B 06 -05 A/C 3604529882811B 06 -05 NC 3604525834211B 05 -14 NC 3604570831558B 05 -14 NC 3604570968343B 05 -14 A/C 3604571535571B 05 -23 A/C 206T302306084B 05 -14 NC 3604570411199B 05 -14 NC 3604576684085B 05 -16 NC 206T359336570B 05 -23 A/C 206T310164584B CLOTHING APPAREL Page 10 Account Number 001 -6010- 522.42 -10 001 6010- 522.42 -10 001 6010- 522.42 -11 001 6010- 522.42 -11 001 6010- 522.42 -11 001 6010- 522.42 -11 001 6010- 522.42 -11 001 6010- 522.42 -11 001 6010- 522.42 -11 001 6010- 522.42 -11 001 6010- 522.42 -11 001- 6010- 522.42 -11 001- 6010- 522.42 -11 001- 6010- 522.42 -11 001 6010 -522 42 -11 001 6010 522.31 -01 001- 6010- 522.42 -10 001 6010- 522.42 -10 001 6010- 522.42 -11 Division Total: 001 6020 522.42 -10 001 6020 522.20 -80 001 6020 522.31 -14 001 6020 522.20 -80 001 6020 522.31 -02 001 6020 522.35 -01 001 6020 522.31 -02 001 6020 522.42 -10 001 6020 522.42 -10 001 6020 522.42 -10 001 6020 522.42 -10 001 6020 522.42 -10 001 6020 522.42 -10 001 6020 -522 42 -10 001 6020 -522 42 -10 001 6020 522.42 -10 001 6020 522.42 -10 001 6020 -522 42 -10 001 6020 522.42 -10 001 6020 522.42 -10 001 6020 522.20 -80 BOATS,MOTORS,& MARINE SUP 001 6020 522.31 -02 Date 6/30/2010 Invoice Amount 39.18 39.18 0.46 0.46 0.46 0.46 0.56 0.46 0.92 0.69 8.20 22.21 2.83 11.19 11.19 693.76 57.31 2.25 1.32 $1,321.46 2.34 50.35 435.00 12.99 33.34 143.43 12.68 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.81 1.49 2.99 2.25 26.66 72.19 9.19 36.38 36.38 97.42 19.37 F -24 Vendor WASHINGTON (DIS), STATE OF Fire Department AT &T BUSINESS SERVICE BRD FOR VOLUNTEER FIREFIGHTERS PORT ANGELES FIRE DEPARTMENT QWEST Fire Department East Jefferson Fire Rescue Fire Department ADVANCED TRAVEL AT &T BUSINESS SERVICE CLALLAM CNTY FIRE DISTRICT 2 DRAKES PIZZA SUBS 4lmprint Robotronics, Inc QWEST City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 6 /5/2010 To: 6/25/2010 Description SCAN CHGS -MAY Fire Supression COMMUNICATIONS /MEDIA SERV INTEREST RELIEF PENSION LUNCH SUPPORT OFFICER 06 -05 NC 3604523877817B 06 -05 A/C 3604525109623B 06 -05 NC 3604529887652B 06 -05 NC 3604529882811 B 06 -05 A/C 3604525834211 B 05 -14 A/C 3604570831558B 05 -14 A/C 3604570968343B 05 -14 NC 3604571535571B 05 -23 NC 206T302306084B 05 -14 NC 3604570411199B 05 -14 A/C 3604576684085B 05 -16 NC 206T359336570B 05 -23 NC 206T310164584B Fire Volunteers HAZ MAT CLASS Special Operations Fire Inv Conf- Kar)alainen COMMUNICATIONS /MEDIA SERV HOMESHOW SPACE FEES SPARKY WEEK SPARKY WEEK SPARKY WEEK HIGHLIGHTER PENS CONNECTOR 06 -05 NC 3604523877817B 06 -05 NC 3604525109623B 06 -05 NC 3604529887652B 06 -05 A/C 3604529882811B 06 -05 NC 3604525834211B 05 -14 NC 3604570831558B 05 -14 A/C 3604570968343B 05 -14 A/C 3604571535571B 05 -23 NC 206T302306084B 05 -14 A/C 3604570411199B 05 -14 NC 3604576684085B 05 -16 A/C 206T359336570B 05 -23 A/C 206T310164584B Page 11 Account Number 001 6020 522.42 -10 Division Total: 001 6021 522.42 -10 001 6021 522.49 -01 001 6021 522.31 -01 001 6021 522.42 -10 001 6021 522.42 -10 001 6021 522.42 -10 001 6021 522.42 -10 001 6021 522.42 -10 001 6021 522.42 -10 001 6021 522.42 -10 001 6021 522.42 -10 001 6021 522.42 -10 001 6021 522.42 -10 001 6021 522.42 -10 001 6021 -522 42 -10 001 6021 522.42 -10 Division Total: 001 6022 522.43 -10 Division Total: 001 6030 522.43 -10 001 -6030- 522.42 -10 001 6030 522.31 -01 001 6030 522.31 -01 001- 6030 522.31 -01 001 6030 522.31 -01 001 6030 522.31 -01 001 -6030- 522.31 -01 001 6030 522.42 -10 001 6030 522.42 -10 001 6030 522.42 -10 001 6030 522.42 -10 001 6030 522.42 -10 001 6030 522.42 -10 001 6030 522.42 -10 001 6030 522.42 -10 001 6030 522.42 -10 001 6030 -522 42 -10 001 6030 522.42 -10 001 6030 -522 42 -10 001 6030 522.42 -10 Date' 6/30/2010 Invoice Amount 0.34 $1,002.60 0.18 16.20 48.40 0 12 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.14 0 12 0.23 0.17 2.06 5.55 0.71 2.80 2.80 $79.84 550.00 $550.00 637.05 0.36 250.00 43 62 43.62 43.73 210.01 13.50 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.28 0.23 0.46 0.35 4.10 11.11 1.41 5.60 5.60 F 25 Vendor SUNSET DO -IT BEST HARDWARE VERIZON WIRELESS WASHINGTON (DIS), STATE OF Fire Department AT &T BUSINESS SERVICE QUILL CORPORATION QWEST WASHINGTON (DIS), STATE OF Fire Department FERRELLGAS INC MRS CLEAN WHEELER, CORAL Fire Department AT &T BUSINESS SERVICE QWEST Fire Department ADVANCED TRAVEL City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 6 /5/2010 To: 6/25/2010 Description AUTO TRUCK ACCESSORIES 05 -25 A/C 671402094 -00001 SCAN CHGS -MAY Fire Prevention COMMUNICATIONS /MEDIA SERV PAPER (OFFICE,PRINT SHOP) 06 -05 NC 3604523877817B 06 -05 NC 3604525109623B 06 -05 NC 3604529887652B 06 -05 NC 3604529882811B 06 -05 NC 3604525834211B 05 -14 A/C 3604570831558B 05 -14 A/C 3604570968343B 05 -14 A/C 3604571535571B 05 -23 NC 206T302306084B 05 -14 A/C 3604570411199B 05 -14 NC 3604576684085B 05 -16 A/C 206T359336570B 05 -23 A/C 206T310164584B SCAN CHGS -MAY Fire Training PROPANE MAY CLEANING SUPPLIES Facilities Maintenance COMMUNICATIONS /MEDIA SERV 06 -05 A/C 3604523877817B 06 -05 NC 3604525109623B 06 -05 NC 3604529887652B 06 -05 A/C 3604529882811B 06 -05 A/C 3604525834211B 05 -14 A/C 3604570831558B 05 -14 NC 3604570968343B 05 -14 A/C 3604571535571B 05 -23 A/C 206T302306084B 05 -14 A/C 3604570411199B 05 -14 A/C 3604576684085B 05 -16 A/C 206T359336570B 05 -23 A/C 206T310164584B Emergency Management Fire Department APWA Lunch Cutler Page 12 Account Number 001 6030 522.31 -01 001 6030 -522 42 -10 001 6030 522.42 -10 Division Total: 001 6040 522.42 -10 001 6040 522.31 -01 001 6040 522.42 -10 001 6040 522.42 -10 001- 6040 522.42 -10 001 6040 522.42 -10 001 6040 522.42 -10 001 6040 522.42 -10 001 6040 522.42 -10 001 6040 522.42 -10 001 6040 522.42 -10 001 6040 -522 42 -10 001 6040 522.42 -10 001 6040 -522 42 -10 001 6040 522.42 -10 001 6040 -522 42 -10 Division Total: 001 6050 522.47 -10 001 6050 -522 41 -50 001 6050 522.31 -01 Division Total: 001 6060 -525 42 -10 001 6060 -525 42 -10 001 6060 -525 42 -10 001 6060 525.42 -10 001 6060 525.42 -10 001 6060 525.42 -10 001 6060 525.42 -10 001 6060 -525 42 -10 001 6060 525.42 -10 001 6060 -525 42 -10 001 6060 -525 42 -10 001 6060 525.42 -10 001 6060 525.42 -10 001 6060 -525 42 -10 Division Total: Department Total: 001 7010- 532.43 -10 Date 6/30/2010 Invoice Amount 14.06 57.39 2.43 $1,345.79 0.36 160.97 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.28 0.23 0.46 0.35 4.10 11.11 1.41 5.60 5.60 5.37 $196.72 494 56 395.00 60.53 $950.09 1.62 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.25 1.03 2.07 1.56 18.46 49.98 6.36 25.19 25 19 $136.87 $5,583.37 41.70 F -26 Vendor ADVANCED TRAVEL AT &T BUSINESS SERVICE CAPACITY PROVISIONING INC COMMERCIAL OFFICE SYSTEMS OLYMPIC PRINTERS INC OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC PACIFIC OFFICE EQUIPMENT INC QWEST SHARP ELECTRONICS CORP VERIZON WIRELESS WASHINGTON (DIS), STATE OF WFOA -WA FINANCE OFFCRS ASSN Public Works -Gen Fnd AT &T BUSINESS SERVICE GREAT AMERICA LEASING CORP OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC QWEST City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 6 /5/2010 To: 6/25/2010 Description CMMS Conference -Hale COMMUNICATIONS /MEDIA SERV Network Services PLOTTER REPAIR BUSINESS CARDS G CUTLER HIGHLITERS /P -TOUCH TAPES COPY PAPER LEGAL PADS TONER CARTRIDGES 06 -05 A/C 3604523877817B 06 -05 NC 3604525109623B 06 -05 NC 3604529887652B 06 -05 NC 3604529882811 B 06 -05 A/C 3604525834211B 05 -14 NC 3604570831558B 05 -14 A/C 3604570968343B 05 -14 NC 3604571535571B 05 -23 A/C 206T302306084B 05 -14 NC 3604570411199B 05 -14 NC 3604576684085B 05 -16 A/C 206T359336570B 05 -23 A/C 206T310164584B M2600N COPIER JUNE 2010 05 -28 a/c 271138138 -00002 COMPUTERS,DP WORD PROC. SCAN CHGS -MAY GRANT REQUIREMENT SEMINAR Pub Wks Administration Public Works -Gen Fnd COMMUNICATIONS /MEDIA SERV OFFICE MACHINES ACCESS OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL COPY PAPER 06 -05 NC 3604523877817B 06 -05 A/C 3604525109623B 06 -05 A/C 3604529887652B 06 -05 NC 3604529882811 B 06 -05 NC 3604525834211 B 05 -14 NC 3604570831558B 05 -14 A/C 3604570968343B 05 -14 NC 3604571535571B Page 13 Account Number 001 7010- 532.43 -10 001 7010- 532.42 -10 001 7010- 532.42 -10 001 7010 532.48 -02 001 7010 532.31 -01 001 7010 532.31 -01 001 7010 532.31 -01 001- 7010 -532 31 -01 001 7010 532.31 -01 001 7010 -532 42 -10 001 7010- 532.42 -10 001 7010 -532 42 -10 001 7010- 532.42 -10 001 7010- 532.42 -10 001 7010- 532.42 -10 001 7010- 532.42 -10 001 7010- 532.42 -10 001 7010- 532.42 -10 001 7010 -532 42 -10 001 7010- 532.42 -10 001 7010 532.42 -10 001 7010- 532.42 -10 001 7010- 532.45 -31 001 7010 -532 42 -10 001 7010 532.31 -60 001 7010- 532.42 -10 001 7010- 532.43 -10 Division Total: Department Total: 001 8010 574.42 -10 001 8010 574.45 -31 001 8010 574.31 -01 001 8010 574.31 -01 001 -8010- 574.31 -01 001 8010 574.42 -10 001 8010 574.42 -10 001 8010- 574.42 -10 001 8010- 574.42 -10 001 8010 574.42 -10 001 8010- 574.42 -10 001 8010- 574.42 -10 001 8010 -574 42 -10 Date 6/30/2010 Invoice Amount 791.15 5.59 108.40 515.01 58.54 97.45 633.48 27.63 1,417.83 3 58 3.58 3.58 3.58 4.32 3.56 7.13 5.36 63.58 172.16 21.91 86.75 86.75 142.87 39.57 206.51 72.80 50.00 $4,674.37 $4,674.37 0.54 36.58 29.52 169.02 158.37 0.35 0.35 0.35 0 35 0.42 0.34 0.68 0.52 F 27 Vendor QWEST VERIZON WIRELESS WASHINGTON (DIS), STATE OF Parks Dept AT &T BUSINESS SERVICE CAPACITY PROVISIONING INC GREAT AMERICA LEASING CORP QWEST WASHINGTON (DIS), STATE OF Parks Dept AT &T BUSINESS SERVICE CAPACITY PROVISIONING INC MATTHEWS INTERNATIONAL Mary Tousley OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC PENINSULA DAILY NEWS QUIRING MONUMENTS INC QWEST City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 6 /5/2010 To: 6/25/2010 Description 05 -23 NC 206T302306084B 05 -14 NC 3604570411199B 05 -14 NC 3604576684085B 05 -16 NC 206T359336570B 05 -23 A/C 206T310164584B 05 -22 a/c 571136182 00005 SCAN CHGS -MAY Parks Administration COMMUNICATIONS /MEDIA SERV Network Services OFFICE MACHINES ACCESS MAY COPIER LEASE 06 -02 a/c 3604171942413B 06 -05 A/C 3604523877817B 06 -05 NC 36045251096238 06 -05 A/C 3604529887652B 06 -05 NC 3604529882811B 06 -05 NC 3604525834211 B 05 -14 NC 3604570831558B 05 -14 A/C 3604570968343B 05 -14 NC 3604571535571B 06 -05 a/c 3604529861819B 05 -23 A/C 206T302306084B 05 -14 A/C 36045704111998 05 -14 A/C 3604576684085B 05 -16 A/C 206T359336570B 05 -23 NC 206T310164584B SCAN CHGS -MAY Senior Center COMMUNICATIONS /MEDIA SERV Network Services CEMETERY MARKERS MARKER SETTING REFUND MAR OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL COMMUNICATIONS /MEDIA SERV CEMETERY MARKERS CEMETERY MARKERS CEMETERY MARKERS 06 -05 A/C 3604523877817B 06 -05 NC 3604525109623B 06 -05 A/C 3604529887652B 06 -05 A/C 3604529882811 B Page 14 Account Number 001 8010- 574.42 -10 001 8010- 574.42 -10 001 8010- 574.42 -10 001 8010- 574.42 -10 001 8010- 574.42 -10 001 8010- 574.42 -10 001 8010- 574.42 -10 Division Total: 001 8012- 555.42 -10 001 8012- 555.42 -12 001 8012- 555.45 -31 001 8012- 555.45 -31 001 8012- 555.42 -10 001 8012- 555.42 -10 001 8012- 555.42 -10 001 8012- 555.42 -10 001- 8012- 555.42 -10 001 8012- 555.42 -10 001 8012- 555.42 -10 001 8012- 555.42 -10 001 8012- 555.42 -10 001 8012- 555.42 -10 001 8012- 555.42 -10 001 -8012- 555.42 -10 001 8012- 555.42 -10 001 8012- 555.42 -10 001 8012- 555.42 -10 001 8012- 555.42 -10 Division Total: 001 8050 -536 42 -10 001- 8050 536.42 -12 001 8050 536.34 -01 001 8050 343.60 -15 001 8050 -536 31 -01 001 8050 536.44 -10 001 8050 536.34 -01 001 8050 536.34 -01 001 8050 536.34 -01 001 8050 536.42 -10 001 8050 536.42 -10 001 8050 536.42 -10 001 8050 536.42 -10 Date 6/30/2010 Invoice Amount 6.15 16.66 2.12 8.40 8 40 24.35 7.38 $470.85 0 54 172.00 33.77 171.56 47.90 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.42 0.34 0.69 0 52 43.04 6 15 16.66 2 12 8.40 8.40 0.08 $513.99 0.36 172.00 195.62 175.00 141.82 190.80 201.00 865.00 316.00 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 F 28 Vendor QWEST WASHINGTON (DIS), STATE OF Parks Dept AFFORDABLE CRANE, INC AIRPORT GARDEN CENTER AMSAN OLYMPIC SUPPLY ANDERSON SONS GRAVEL ANGELES MILLWORK LUMBER CO AT &T BUSINESS SERVICE BELSON OUTDOORS INC BLAKE TILE STONE, INC CADENCE CONSTRUCTION, INC CAPACITY PROVISIONING INC CASCADE RECREATION INC CED /CONSOLIDATED ELEC DIST INC City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 6/5/2010 To: 6/25/2010 Description Account Number 06 -05 NC 36045258342118 001 8050 536.42 -10 05 -14 A/C 3604570831558B 001 8050 536.42 -10 05 -14 NC 3604570968343B 001 8050 -536 42 -10 05 -14 A/C 3604571535571B 001 8050 536.42 -10 05 -23 A/C 206T302306084B 001 8050 -536 42 -10 05 -14 A/C 3604570411199B 001 8050 -536 42 -10 05 -14 A/C 3604576684085B 001 8050 536.42 -10 05 -16 A/C 206T359336570B 001 8050 536.42 -10 05 -23 NC 206T310164584B 001 8050 536.42 -10 SCAN CHGS -MAY 001- 8050 536.42 -10 Ocean View Cemetery Division Total: RENTAULEASE EQUIPMENT 001 8080 576.48 -10 RENTAL/LEASE EQUIPMENT 001 8080 576.48 -10 FERTILIZERS SOIL CONDTN 001 8080 576.31 -40 HAND TOOLS ,POW &NON POWER 001-8080-576.31-20 ROAD /HWY MAT NONASPHALTIC 001 8080 576.31 -40 ROAD /HWY MAT NONASPHALTIC 001 8080 576.31 -20 ROAD /HWY MAT NONASPHALTIC 001 8080 576.31 -20 ROAD /HWY MAT NONASPHALTIC 001 8080 576.31 -20 FASTENERS, FASTENING DEVS 001 8080 576.31 -20 HAND TOOLS ,POW &NON POWER001- 8080 576.31 -20 HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS COMMUNICATIONS /MEDIA SERV JANITORIAL SUPPLIES NURSERY STOCK SUPPLIES NURSERY STOCK SUPPLIES NURSERY STOCK SUPPLIES NURSERY STOCK SUPPLIES NURSERY STOCK SUPPLIES NURSERY STOCK SUPPLIES SEED,SOD,SOIL &INOCULANT PW CONSTRUCTION RELATED Network Services Network Services Network Services Network Services PLASTICS SHIPPING AND HANDLING PAPER PLASTIC DISPOSABL SHIPPING AND HANDLING ELECTRICAL EQUIP SUPPLY Page 15 001 8080 576.31 -20 001 8080 576.31 -20 001 8080 576.42 -10 001 8080 576.31 -20 001 8080 576.31 -40 001 8080 576.31 -40 001 8080 576.31 -40 001 8080 576.31 -40 001 8080 576.31 -40 001 8080 -576 31 -40 001 8080 576.31 -40 001 8080 576.48 -10 001 8080 576.42 -12 001 8080 576.42 -12 001 8080 576.42 -12 001 8080 576.42 -12 001 8080 576.31 -01 001 8080 576.31 -01 001 8080 576.31 -20 001 8080 576.31 -20 001 8080 576.31 -20 Date 6/30/2010 Invoice Amount 0.28 0.23 0.46 0.35 4 10 11.11 1.41 5.60 5.60 1.65 $2,289.31 325.20 1,463.40 14.08 19987 298.10 21.77 10.88 13.60 1.95 13.44 9.34 9.75 1.80 405.42 28.54 38.05 38.05 76.10 38.05 190.24 51.71 433.60 172.00 172.00 90.00 172.00 932.24 55.11 192.96 24.93 128.61 F 29 Vendor CHEYENNE LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS FAIRCHILD FLOORS FASTENAL INDUSTRIAL HARTNAGEL BUILDING SUPPLY INC INTL SOCIETY OF ARBORICULTURE LAWN EQUIPMENT SUPPLY OLYMPIC LAUNDRY DRY CLEANERS OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC PORT ANGELES POWER EQUIPMENT PUGET SAFETY EQUIPMENT INC QWEST SUNSET DO -IT BEST HARDWARE SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC THURMAN SUPPLY TOMARK City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 6 /5/2010 To: 6/25/2010 Description BOATS,MOTORS,& MARINE SUP EPDXY BASED FORMULAS FASTENERS, FASTENING DEVS HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS MEMBERSHIPS LAWN MAINTENANCE EQUIP LAWN MAINTENANCE EQUIP LAWN MAINTENANCE EQUIP RAGS,SHOP TOWELS,WIPING SUPPLIES LAWN MAINTENANCE EQUIP FASTENERS, FASTENING DEVS PUMPS ACCESSORIES FIRST AID SAFETY EQUIP. 06 -05 NC 3604523877817B 06 -05 A/C 3604525109623B 06 -05 NC 3604529887652B 06 -05 NC 3604529882811B 06 -05 NC 3604525834211B 05 -14 A/C 3604570831558B 05 -14 NC 3604570968343B 05 -14 A/C 3604571535571B 05 -23 A/C 206T302306084B 05 -14 NC 3604570411199B 05 -14 NC 3604576684085B 05 -16 NC 206T359336570B 05 -23 NC 206T310164584B LAWN MAINTENANCE EQUIP LAWN MAINTENANCE EQUIP BEARINGS (EXCEPT WHEEL) 001 8080 576.31 -20 LAWN MAINTENANCE EQUIP 001 8080 576.31 -20 FASTENERS, FASTENING DEVS 001 8080 576.31 -20 HAND TOOLS ,POW &NON POWER 001-8080-576.31-20 SHOES AND BOOTS 001 8080 576.31 -01 HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS 001 8080 576.31 -20 FUEL,OIL,GREASE, LUBES 001 8080 576.31 -20 HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS 001 8080 576.31 -20 LAWN MAINTENANCE EQUIP 001 8080 576.35 -01 PLUMBING EQUIP FIXT,SUPP 001 8080 576.31 -20 ELECTRICAL EQUIP SUPPLY 001 8080 576.31 -20 PLUMBING EQUIP FIXT,SUPP 001 8080 576.31 -20 HAND TOOLS ,POW &NON POWER001- 8080 576.35 -01 Page 16 Account Number 001 8080 576.31 -20 001 8080 576.31 -20 001 8080 576.31 -20 001 8080 576.31 -20 001 8080 576.49 -01 001 8080 576.31 -01 001- 8080 576.31 -01 001 8080 576.31 -01 001 8080 576.31 -01 001 8080 576.31 -01 001 8080 576.31 -01 001 8080 576.31 -01 001 8080 576.35 -01 001 8080 576.31 -01 001 8080 576.42 -10 001 8080 576.42 -10 001 8080 576.42 -10 001 8080 576.42 -10 001 8080 576.42 -10 001- 8080 576.42 -10 001 8080 576.42 -10 001 8080 576.42 -10 001 8080 576.42 -10 001 8080 -576 42 -10 001 8080 576.42 -10 001 8080 576.42 -10 001 8080 576.42 -10 001 8080 576.31 -01 001 8080 576.31 -01 Date 6/30/2010 Invoice Amount 309.74 90.13 51.21 22.90 200.00 94.59 30.28 73.09 30.35 35.44 80.21 2.16 433.56 455.97 1 15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.39 1.15 2.30 1 73 20.51 55.53 7.07 27.99 27.99 165.72 79.00 12.46 4 67 12.56 25.35 150 00 16.19 30.01 30.60 83.00 158 82 137.53 7 23 270.08 F 30 Vendor VERIZON WIRELESS WASHINGTON (DES), STATE OF XEROX CORPORATION Parks Dept AIR CONTROL INC QWEST Facilities Maintanance AMSAN OLYMPIC SUPPLY AT &T BUSINESS SERVICE QWEST SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC THURMAN SUPPLY VERIZON WIRELESS Facilities Maintanance ADT SECURITY SERVICES, INC AIR CONTROL INC ANGELES LOCK SHOP AT &T BUSINESS SERVICE CED /CONSOLIDATED ELEC DIST INC DEPT OF LABOR INDUSTRIES HOME DEPOT SUPPLY INC, THE City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 6 /5/2010 To: 6/25/2010 Description Account Number 05 -22 a/c 571136182 -00003 001 8080 576.42 -10 05 -28 a/c 271138138 -00004 001 8080 576.42 -10 SCAN CHGS -MAY 001- 8080 576.42 -10 RENTAL/LEASE EQUIPMENT 001 8080 576.45 -31 Park Facilities Division Total: Parks Dept Department Total: ROAD /HGWY HEAVY EQUIPMENT 001 8112 555.31 -20 SHIPPING AND HANDLING 001 -8112- 555.31 -20 06 -02 a/c 3604170786905B 001 8112 555.42 -10 Senior Center Facilities Division Total: JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 001 8130 518.31 -01 COMMUNICATIONS /MEDIA SERV 001 8130 518.42 -10 06 -05 NC 36045238778178 001 8130 518.42 -10 06 -05 A/C 3604525109623B 001 8130 -518 42 -10 06 -05 NC 3604529887652B 06 -05 NC 3604529882811 B 06 -05 NC 3604525834211 B 05 -14 A/C 3604570831558B 05 -14 A/C 3604570968343B 05 -14 NC 3604571535571B 05 -23 NC 206T302306084B 05 -14 NC 3604570411199B 05 -14 NC 3604576684085B 05 -16 NC 206T359336570B 001 8130 518.42 -10 05 -23 NC 206T310164584B 001 8130 518.42 -10 HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS 001- 8130 518.31 -01 HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS 001 8130 518.31 -01 ELECTRICAL EQUIP SUPPLY 001 8130 518.31 -01 05 -22 a/c 571136182.00005 001 8130 518.42 -10 Custodial /Janitorial Svcs Division Total: SECURITY,FIRE,SAFETY SERV 001 8131 518.42 -10 ROAD /HGWY HEAVY EQUIPMENT 001 8131 518.31 -20 SHIPPING AND HANDLING 001 8131 518.31 -20 HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS 001 8131 518.31 -20 COMMUNICATIONS /MEDIA SERV 001- 8131 518.42 -10 ELECTRICAL EQUIP SUPPLY 001 8131 518.31 -20 ELECTRICAL EQUIP SUPPLY 001 8131 518.31 -20 ELECTRICAL EQUIP SUPPLY 001 8131 518.31 -20 ELECTRICAL EQUIP SUPPLY 001 -8131- 518.31 -20 ELECTRICAL EQUIP SUPPLY 001 8131 518.31 -20 BUILDING MAINT &REPAIR SER 001 8131 518.31 -20 JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 001- 8131 518.31 -20 Page 17 001 8130- 518.42 -10 001 8130- 518.42 -10 001 -8130- 518.42 -10 001 8130- 518.42 -10 001 8130- 518.42 -10 001 8130 -518 42 -10 001 8130- 518.42 -10 001 8130- 518.42 -10 001 8130- 518.42 -10 Date 6/30/2010 Invoice Amount 133.42 70.81 7.86 46.87 $9,124.86 $12,399.01 444.09 34.71 30.83 $509.63 260.27 0.18 0.12 0.12 0.12 0 12 0.14 0.12 0.23 0.17 2.05 5.55 071 2.80 2.80 14.40 6.01 47.15 13.23 $356.29 50.83 669.65 34.71 18.97 0.18 161.52 41.19 14.91 149.88 24.03 109.40 33.78 F -31 Vendor L L TOOL SPECIALTIES PARKER PAINT MFG CO INC QWEST THYSSENKRUPP ELEVATOR CORP WASHINGTON (DIS), STATE OF Facilities Maintanance PORT ANGELES CHAMBER OF COMM Lodging Excise Tax GLOBAL CHEM SOURCE LLC A -1 PERFORMANCE, INC AIRPORT GARDEN CENTER ALPINE PRODUCTS, INC ANGELES CONCRETE PRODUCTS ANGELES MILLWORK LUMBER CO AT &T BUSINESS SERVICE CADENCE CONSTRUCTION, INC CAPACITY PROVISIONING INC FAMILY SHOE STORE City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 6 /5/2010 To: 6/25/2010 Description HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS PAINTS,COATINGS,WALLPAPER 06 -05 NC 3604523877817B 06 -05 A/C 3604525109623B 06 -05 A/C 3604529887652B 06 -05 A/C 3604529882811B 06 -05 A/C 3604525834211B 05 -14 A/C 3604570831558B 05 -14 NC 3604570968343B 05 -14 NC 3604571535571B 05 -23 NC 206T302306084B 05 -14 A/C 3604570411199B 05 -14 A/C 3604576684085B 05 -16 NC 206T359336570B 05 -23 NC 206T310164584B 06 -02 a/c 3604175328784B BUILDING MAINT &REPAIR SER SCAN CHGS -MAY Central Svcs Facilities Facilities Maintanance General Fund 10 MKTG /MEDIA CAMPAIGN Lodging Excise Tax Lodging Excise Tax Lodging Excise Tax Fund ROAD /HWY MATERIALS ASPHLT BUILDING MAINT &REPAIR SER FEED,BEDDING,VIT ANIMALS MARKERS, PLAQUES,SIGNS SHIPPING AND HANDLING HAND TOOLS ,POW &NON POWER SHIPPING AND HANDLING ROAD /HWY MAT NONASPHALTIC LUMBER& RELATED PRODUCTS ROAD /HWY MAT NONASPHALTIC FASTENERS, FASTENING DEVS COMMUNICATIONS /MEDIA SERV PW CONSTRUCTION RELATED Network Services SHOES AND BOOTS Page 18 Account Number 001 8131 518.31 -20 001 8131 518.31 -20 001 8131 -518 42 -10 001 8131- 518.42 -10 001 8131- 518.42 -10 001 8131- 518.42 -10 001 8131 -518 42 -10 001 8131 -518 42 -10 001 8131- 518.42 -10 001 8131- 518.42 -10 001- 8131 518.42 -10 001 8131 518.42 -10 001 8131 518.42 -10 001 8131 518.42 -10 001 8131- 518.42 -10 001 -8131- 518.42 -10 001 8131 518.48 -10 001 8131 518.42 -10 Division Total: Department Total: Fund Total: 101- 1430- 557.50 -83 Division Total: Department Total: Fund Total: 102- 0000 237.00 -00 Division Total: Department Total: 102- 7230 542.41 -50 102 7230 542.31 -20 102 7230 542.31 -25 102- 7230 542.31 -25 102- 7230 542.35 -01 102- 7230 542.35 -01 102- 7230 542.31 -20 102- 7230 542.31 -20 102 7230 542.31 -20 102- 7230 542.31 -25 102- 7230 542.42 -10 102- 7230 542.48 -10 102- 7230 542.42 -12 102- 7230 542.31 -01 Date 6/30/2010 Invoice Amount 68.29 52.76 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.14 0.12 0.23 0.17 2.05 5.55 0.71 2.80 2.80 39 78 768.08 0.75 $2,253.76 $3,119.68 $70,822.55 41,136.66 $41,136.66 $41,136.66 $41,136.66 -62.79 $62.79 $62.79 76.05 16.26 1,521.93 94 41 64.82 14.44 130.08 9.79 978.31 30.89 0.90 1,951.20 172.00 245.35 F 32 Vendor FASTENAL INDUSTRIAL FEDERAL EXPRESS CORP GLOBAL CHEM SOURCE LLC HOLCOMB COMPANY, D IMSA -INTNL MUNICIPAL SGNL ASSC LAKESIDE INDUSTRIES INC LINCOLN INDUSTRIAL CORP NATIONAL BARRICADE CO LLC NEWMAN TRAFFIC SIGNS OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC PARKER PAINT MFG CO INC PORT ANGELES POWER EQUIPMENT QWEST SUNSET DO -IT BEST HARDWARE SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC TRAFFIC SAFETY SUPPLY CO City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 6/5/2010 To: 6/25/2010 Description Account Number FIRST AID SAFETY EQUIP 102 7230 542.31 -01 JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 102 7230 542.31 -01 HAND TOOLS ,POW &NON POWER 102 7230 542.31 -01 FIRST AID SAFETY EQUIP 102 7230 542.31 -01 FIRST AID SAFETY EQUIP. 102 7230 542.31 -01 FASTENERS, FASTENING DEVS 102- 7230 542.31 -20 Shipping Chgs -pe 5 -28 102- 7230 542.42 -10 ROAD /HWY MATERIALS ASPHLT 102 7230 542.31 -20 ROAD /HWY MAT NONASPHALTIC 102 7230 542.31 -20 MEMBERSHIPS 102- 7230 542.43 -10 ROAD /HWY MATERIALS ASPHLT 102 7230 542.31 -20 ROAD /HWY MATERIALS ASPHLT 102 7230 542.31 -20 METALS,BARS,PLATES,RODS 102- 7230 542.31 -20 METALS,BARS,PLATES,RODS 102 7230 542.31 -20 BUILDING, FABRICATED 102 7230 542.31 -25 SHIPPING AND HANDLING 102 7230 542.31 -25 METALS,BARS,PLATES,RODS 102- 7230 542.31 -25 SUPPLIES 102 7230 542.31 -01 PAINTS,COATINGS,WALLPAPER 102 7230 542.31 -25 LAWN MAINTENANCE EQUIP 102 7230 542.35 -01 LAWN MAINTENANCE EQUIP 102 7230 542.35 -01 06 -05 A/C 3604523877817B 102 7230 -542 42 -10 06 -05 A/C 3604525109623B 102- 7230 542.42 -10 06 -05 NC 3604529887652B 102 7230 542.42 -10 06 -05 A/C 3604529882811 B 102- 7230 542.42 -10 06 -05 A/C 3604525834211 B 102- 7230 542.42 -10 05 -14 NC 3604570831558B 102 -7230- 542.42 -10 05 -14 A/C 3604570968343B 102- 7230 542.42 -10 05 -14 A/C 3604571535571B 102 7230 -542 42 -10 05 -23 A/C 206T302306084B 102 7230 542.42 -10 05 -14 NC 3604570411199B 102 7230 542.42 -10 05 -14 A/C 3604576684085B 102 7230 542.42 -10 05 -16 A/C 206T359336570B 102- 7230 -542 42 -10 05 -23 A/C 206T310164584B 102 7230 542.42 -10 HAND TOOLS ,POW &NON POWER 102 7230 542.35 -01 HAND TOOLS ,POW &NON POWER 102- 7230 542.35 -01 HAND TOOLS ,POW &NON POWER 102 7230 542.35 -01 HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS 102 7230 542.31 -20 HAND TOOLS ,POW &NON POWER 102 7230 542.31 -25 MARKERS, PLAQUES,SIGNS 102 7230 542.31 -25 MARKERS, PLAQUES,SIGNS 102 7230 542.31 -25 SHIPPING AND HANDLING 102- 7230 542.31 -25 Page 19 Date 6/30/2010 invoice Amount 39.87 85.93 168.54 19.93 27.66 6.20 8.93 810.29 5,130.10 350.00 1,090.21 352.50 34 99 7.05 672.08 70.46 54.59 35.45 45.32 137.59 -23.85 0 58 0.58 0.58 0 58 0.70 0.57 1.15 0.86 10.26 27.77 3 53 13 96 13.96 3.89 22.90 25.84 4.27 14.03 10,308.04 918.80 7.83 F 33 Vendor TRAFFIC SAFETY SUPPLY CO UNITED RENTALS NORTHWEST INC VERIZON WIRELESS WASHINGTON (DIS), STATE OF WASHINGTON (DOT), STATE OF XEROX CORPORATION Public Works Street AT &T BUSINESS SERVICE CLALLAM CNTY ECONOMIC DEV CNCL PACIFIC REFRIGERATION PENINSULA DAILY NEWS PORT ANGELES CITY TREASURER QWEST RADIO PACIFIC INC (KONP) SERENITY HOUSE UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON VERIZON WIRELESS Economic Development AT &T BUSINESS SERVICE INSTITUTE FOR K9 FORENSICS QWEST City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 6 /5/2010 To: 6/25/2010 Description MARKERS, PLAQUES,SIGNS RENTAULEASE EQUIPMENT 05 -22 a/c 571136182 -00003 05 -28 a/c 271138138 -00004 SCAN CHGS -MAY CONSTRUCTION SERVICES,GEN RENTAL /LEASE EQUIPMENT Street Public Works- Street Street Fund COMMUNICATIONS /MEDIA SERV CONSULTING SERVICES PAYMENT ON FACADE GRANT P FACADE GRANT MARKETING LEGAL ADS PABA Brkfst -West PABA Brkfst -West Chamber Lunch -West 06 -05 NC 3604523877817B 06 -05 NC 3604525109623B 06 -05 NC 3604529887652B 06 -05 NC 3604529882811B 06 -05 A/C 3604525834211B 05 -14 NC 3604570831558B 05 -14 NC 3604570968343B 05 -14 A/C 3604571535571B 05 -23 NC 206T302306084B 05 -14 NC 3604570411199B 05 -14 NC 3604576684085B 05 -16 A/C 206T359336570B 05 -23 NC 206T310164584B FACADE GRANT MARKETING MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVICE CONSULTING SERVICES 05 -25 NC 671402094 -00001 Economic Development Economic Development Economic Development COMMUNICATIONS /MEDIA SERV LIBRARY SERVICES(EXCL 908 06 -05 A/C 3604523877817B 06 -05 A/C 3604525109623B Page 20 Account Number 102- 7230 542.31 -25 102- 7230 542.35 -01 102- 7230 542.42 -10 102- 7230 542.42 -10 102- 7230 542.42 -10 102- 7230 542.48 -10 102- 7230 542.45 -31 Division Total: Department Total: Fund Total: 103- 1511- 558.42 -10 103 -1511- 558.41 -50 103- 1511- 558.49 -91 103- 1511- 558.44 -10 103- 1511- 558.44 -10 103 1511 558.31 -01 103 1511 558.31 -01 103- 1511- 558.31 -01 103- 1511- 558.42 -10 103- 1511- 558.42 -10 103- 1511- 558.42 -10 103- 1511- 558.42 -10 103 1511 558.42 -10 103- 1511- 558.42 -10 103- 1511- 558.42 -10 103- 1511- 558.42 -10 103- 1511- 558.42 -10 103- 1511- 558.42 -10 103- 1511- 558.42 -10 103- 1511- 558.42 -10 103 -1511 -558 42 -10 103- 1511- 558.43 -10 103- 1511- 558.49 -91 103- 1511- 558.43 -10 103- 1511- 558.42 -10 Division Total: Department Total: Fund Total: 106 1512 -558 42-10, 106 -1512 -558 41 -50 106- 1512- 558.42 -10 106- 1512- 558.42 -10 Date 6/30/2010 Invoice Amount 184 82 117.46 178.29 70.81 5.87 134.28 46.86 $26,549.34 $26,549.34 $26,486.55 0 09 6,130.60 1,000.00 116.00 204.19 13.41 2.25 13.00 0.06 0.06 0.06 0 06 0.07 0.06 0.11 0.09 1.03 2.78 0.35 1.40 1.40 324.00 1,113.16 6,400.00 33.52 $15,357.75 $15,357.75 $15,357.75 0.18 4,339.20 0.12 0.12 F -34 Vendor QWEST STATISTICAL RESEARCH, INC VERIZON WIRELESS WASHINGTON (DIS), STATE OF Economic Development ADVANCED TRAVEL AT &T BUSINESS SERVICE BUSINESS TELECOM PRODUCTS, INC CAPACITY PROVISIONING INC CAPTAIN T'S CENTURYLINK CITRIX SYSTEMS, INC EMERGENCY REPORTING Gary Brooks WA State Enhanced 911 Program WAPRO OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC QUILL CORPORATION QWEST City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 6/5/2010 To: 6/25/2010 Description 06 -05 A/C 3604529887652B 06 -05 NC 3604529882811B 06 -05 NC 3604525834211B 05 -14 A/C 3604570831558B 05 -14 NC 3604570968343B 05 -14 NC 3604571535571B 05 -23 NC 206T302306084B 05 -14 A/C 3604570411199B 05 -14 A/C 3604576684085B 05 -16 NC 206T359336570B 05 -23 NC 206T310164584B LIBRARY SERVICES(EXCL 908 05 -15 a/c 264230412 -00003 SCAN CHGS -MAY Archaeologist Economic Development Cultural Resources New World Sys- Brooks New World Sys -Homan Camp Murray -Homan E911 Mtg- Romberg New World Sys- Romberg Homeland Secrty VanSickle COMMUNICATIONS /MEDIA SERV RADIO TELECOMMUNICATION Network Services CLOTHING APPAREL CLOTHING APPAREL CLOTHING APPAREL 06 -06 a/c 300509854 06 -06 a/c 300509444 06 -06 a/c 406063845 MANAGEMENT SERVICES SET UP FEE /PRO RATED 2010 500 CD'S 2 LANGUAGE LINE CALLS FOR PUBLIC RECORDS OFFICERS COPY PAPER ENVELOPES, PLAIN, PRINTED ENVELOPES, PLAIN, PRINTED 06 -05 A/C 3604523877817B 06 -05 A/C 3604525109623B Page 21 Account Number 106- 1512- 558.42 -10 106- 1512- 558.42 -10 106- 1512- 558.42 -10 106- 1512- 558.42 -10 106- 1512- 558.42 -10 106- 1512- 558.42 -10 106- 1512- 558.42 -10 106- 1512- 558.42 -10 106- 1512- 558.42 -10 106 -1512- 558.42 -10 106- 1512- 558.42 -10 106- 1512- 558.41 -50 106- 1512- 558.42 -10 106- 1512- 558.42 -10 Division Total: Department Total: Fund Total: 107- 5160- 528.43 -10 107- 5160- 528.43 -10 107 5160 -528 43 -10 107- 5160- 528.43 -10 107- 5160- 528.43 -10 107- 5160- 528.43 -10 107 5160 -528 42 -10 107- 5160- 528.35 -01 107- 5160- 528.42 -10 107- 5160- 528.20 -80 107- 5160- 528.20 -80 107- 5160- 528.20 -80 107- 5160- 528.42 -11 107 5160 -528 42 -11 107 5160 -528 42 -11 107 5160 -528 48 -10 107- 5160- 528.48 -10 107 5160 528.31 -01 107- 5160- 528.42 -10 107- 5160- 528.49 -01 107- 5160- 528.31 -01 107- 5160- 528.31 -01 107 5160- 528.31 -01 107- 5160- 528.42 -10 107- 5160- 528.42 -10 Date 6/30/2010 Invoice Amount 0.12 0.12 0.14 0.12 0.23 0.17 2.05 5.55 0.71 2.80 2.80 31,934.00 39.32 4.09 $36,331.84 $36,331.84 $36,331.84 823.88 871.11 264.99 61.00 796.28 335.76 4.87 384.72 165.00 225.91 192.82 189.57 95.63 84.54 160.22 1,829.25 1,253.10 54.25 10.88 75.00 211.16 75.49 48.54 3.12 3.12 F -35 Vendor QWEST QWEST- CLAIMS AT &T BUSINESS SERVICE CAPACITY PROVISIONING INC KIEFER ASSOCIATES, ADOLPH MOORE MEDICAL CORPORATION QWEST WASHINGTON (DIS), STATE OF Parks Dept ANGELES PLUMBING INC AQUATIC SPECIALTY SERVICES BURKE ENGINEERING CO CED /CONSOLIDATED ELEC DIST INC FEI EVERETT 3023(FAMILIAN) RECREONICS INCORPORATED City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 6 /5/2010 To: 6/25/2010 Description 06 -05 NC 3604529887652B 06 -05 NC 3604529882811B 06 -05 A/C 3604525834211 B 05 -14 NC 3604570831558B 05 -14 NC 3604570968343B 05 -14 NC 3604571535571B 05 -23 NC 206T302306084B 05 -14 NC 3604570411199B 05 -14 NC 3604576684085B 05 -16 A/C 206T359336570B 05 -23 NC 206T310164584B 06 -02 a/c 360Z020380301B ANNUAL MAINTENANCE 5/1/20 Quarterly AL Database TWENTY FIRST CENTURY COMMUNICATIANNUAL MAINTENANCE 6/1/20 VERIZON WIRELESS 05 -25 A/C 671402094 -00001 WASHINGTON (DIS), STATE OF SCAN CHGS -MAY Pencom Pencom Pencom Department Total: Pencom Fund Fund Total: COMMUNICATIONS /MEDIA SERV 121 8021 576.42 -10 Network Services SILICONE NOSE CLIPS FIRST AID SUPPLIES 05 -14 A/C 3604570831558B 05 -14 A/C 3604570968343B 05 -14 NC 3604571535571B 05 -23 A/C 206T302306084B 05 -14 NC 3604570411199B 05 -14 A/C 3604576684085B 05 -16 NC 206T359336570B 05 -23 A/C 206T310164584B SCAN CHGS -MAY Wm Shore Mem Pool Dist Parks Dept EQUIP MAINT REPAIR SERV CHEMICAL, COMMERCIAL,BULK JANITORIAL SUPPLIES CONTRL,INDICA,RECORD INST ELECTRICAL EQUIP SUPPLY PLUMBING EQUIP FIXT,SUPP HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS Page 22 Account Number 107- 5160- 528.42 -10 107- 5160- 528.42 -10 107- 5160- 528.42 -10 107- 5160- 528.42 -10 107- 5160- 528.42 -10 107- 5160- 528.42 -10 107- 5160- 528.42 -10 107 5160 -528 42 -10 107- 5160- 528.42 -10 107 -5160- 528.42 -10 107- 5160- 528.42 -10 107- 5160- 528.42 -11 107 -5160- 528.42 -11 107- 5160- 528.48 -10 107- 5160- 528.48 -10 107- 5160 -528 42 -10 107- 5160- 528.42 -10 Division Total: 121- 8021 576.42 -12 121 8021 576.34 -01 121 8021 576.31 -01 121- 8021 576.42 -10 121- 8021 -576 42 -10 121- 8021 576.42 -10 121- 8021 576.42 -10 121- 8021 -576 42 -10 121- 8021 576.42 -10 121- 8021 576.42 -10 121- 8021 576.42 -10 121- 8021 576.42 -10 Division Total: Department Total: 121- 8121- 576.48 -10 121- 8121- 576.31 -20 121- 8121- 576.31 -20 121 8121 576.31 -20 121- 8121- 576.31 -20 121 8121 576.31 -20 121- 8121- 576.31 -20 Date 6/30/2010 Invoice Amount 3.12 3 12 3.76 3.10 6.21 4.67 55.38 149.95 19.08 75.56 75.56 1,033.17 18,183.96 650.00 8,800.00 177.18 64.80 $37,528.83 $37,528.83 $37,528.83 0.43 172.00 39.90 302.75 0.46 0.46 0.35 4.10 11 11 1 41 5 60 5.60 2.35 $546.52 $546.52 222.23 97.45 65.29 252.93 208 13 61.68 113.95 F -36 Vendor RECREONICS INCORPORATED SMITH, W M ASSOCIATES INC WATERMILL INC, THE Facilities Maintenance AT &T BUSINESS SERVICE BILL'S PLUMBING HEATING INC GREAT AMERICA LEASING CORP OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC QWEST SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC WASHINGTON (DIS), STATE OF Recreation Activities AT &T BUSINESS SERVICE AT &T MOBILITY CAPTAIN TS GREAT AMERICA LEASING CORP North Wash State Babe Ruth PIMENTEL, HENRY QWEST City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 6 /5/2010 To: 6/25/2010 Description SHIPPING AND HANDLING HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS STEAM HOT WATER BOILERS Pool Facilities Facilities Maintenance Wm Shor Mem Pool Dist COMMUNICATIONS /MEDIA SERV SANICANS AT SHANE PARK OFFICE MACHINES ACCESS OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL 06 -05 A/C 3604523877817B 06 -05 NC 3604525109623B 06 -05 A/C 3604529887652B 06 -05 NC 3604529882811B 06 -05 NC 3604525834211B 05 -14 NC 3604570831558B 05 -14 NC 3604570968343B 05 -14 A/C 3604571535571B 05 -23 NC 206T302306084B 05 -14 NC 3604570411199B 05 -14 NC 3604576684085B 05 -16 A/C 206T359336570B 05 -23 A/C 206T310164584B SPORTING ATHLETIC EQUIP SPORTING ATHLETIC EQUIP SCAN CHGS -MAY Sports Programs COMMUNICATIONS /MEDIA SERV 04 -27 a/c 994753890 CLOTHING APPAREL OFFICE MACHINES ACCESS BID PAYMENT TO HOST STATE UMPIRE PAYMENT 06 -05 NC 3604523877817B 06 -05 A/C 3604525109623B 06 -05 A/C 3604529887652B 06 -05 A/C 3604529882811B 06 -05 NC 3604525834211 B 05 -14 NC 3604570831558B 05 -14 NC 3604570968343B 05 -14 A/C 3604571535571B Page 23 Account Number 121 8121 576.31 -20 121 8121 576.31 -20 121 8121 576.31 -20 121 8121 576.31 -05 Division Total: Department Total: Fund Total: 174- 8221 574.42 -10 174 8221 574.31 -01 174 8221 574.45 -31 174 8221 574.31 -01 174- 8221 574.42 -10 174- 8221 574.42 -10 174- 8221 574.42 -10 174- 8221 574.42 -10 174- 8221 574.42 -10 174- 8221 574.42 -10 174 8221 574.42 -10 174- 8221 574.42 -10 174 8221 574.42 -10 174- 8221 574.42 -10 174- 8221 574.42 -10 174- 8221 574.42 -10 174- 8221 574.42 -10 174- 8221 574.31 -01 174 8221 574.31 -01 174- 8221 574.42 -10 Division Total: 174- 8222 574.42 -10 174- 8222 574.42 -10 174- 8222 574.31 -01 174- 8222 574.45 -31 174- 8222 574.41 -50 174- 8222 574.41 -50 174- 8222 574.42 -10 174- 8222 574.42 -10 174- 8222 574.42 -10 174- 8222 574.42 -10 174- 8222 574.42 -10 174- 8222 574.42 -10 174- 8222 574.42 -10 174- 8222 574.42 -10 Date 6/30/2010 Invoice Amount 18.91 113.95 140.53 1,174.33 $2,241.48 $2,241.48 $2,788.00 0.18 170.00 64.72 12.24 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.14 0.12 0.23 0.17 2.06 5.55 0.71 2.80 2.80 108 49 325.46 1.89 $698.04 0.18 15.56 765.52 64.72 1,000.00 66.00 0.12 0.12 0 12 0 12 0.14 0 12 0.23 0.17 F 37 Vendor QWEST RAMSEY, SCOTT ROONEY, RANDY L SWAINS GENERAL STORE INC THAYER, JEFFREY WASHINGTON (DIS), STATE OF WHITTEN, BILL P Recreation Activities AT &T BUSINESS SERVICE GREAT AMERICA LEASING CORP Candace Kathol Darryl Wolfe Devanee Cipriano OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC PORT ANGELES CITY TREASURER QWEST VERIZON WIRELESS WA STATE PATROL WASHINGTON (DIS), STATE OF Recreation Activities BILL'S PLUMBING HEATING INC City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 6 /5/2010 To: 6/25/2010 Description 05 -23 A/C 206T302306084B 05 -14 A/C 3604570411199B 05 -14 NC 3604576684085B 05 -16 NC 206T359336570B 05 -23 A/C 206T310164584B UMPIRE PAYMENT UMPIRE PAYMENT SPORTING ATHLETIC EQUIP SUPPLIES UMPIRE PAYMENT SCAN CHGS -MAY UMPIRE PAYMENT Special Events Division Total: COMMUNICATIONS /MEDIA SERV 174 8224 574.42 -10 OFFICE MACHINES ACCESS RFD DEPOSIT DAYCAMP RFD DAY CAMP RFD CHEER REGISTRATION OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL After School Spls- Reninl 06 -05 NC 3604523877817B 06 -05 NC 3604525109623B 06 -05 A/C 3604529887652B 06 -05 NC 36045298828118 06 -05 NC 3604525834211 B 05 -14 A/C 3604570831558B 05 -14 NC 3604570968343B 05 -14 NC 3604571535571B 05 -23 NC 206T302306084B 05 -14 A/C 3604570411199B 05 -14 A/C 3604576684085B 05 -16 NC 206T359336570B 05 -23 NC 206T310164584B 05 -22 a/c 571136182 00005 HUMAN SERVICES SCAN CHGS -MAY Youth /Family Programs Recreation Activities Recreational Activities SANIKAN RAYONIER SITE JUN Page 24 Account Number 174- 8222 574.42 -10 174- 8222 574.42 -10 174- 8222 574.42 -10 174 8222 -574 42 -10 174- 8222 574.42 -10 174 8222 574.41 -50 174 8222 574.41 -50 174 8222 574.31 -01 174 8222 574.31 -01 174 8222 574.41 -50 174- 8222 574.42 -10 174- 8222 574.41 -50 174- 8224 574.45 -31 174- 8224 347.60 -23 174- 8224 347.60 -23 174- 8224 347.60 -23 174- 8224 574.31 -01 174 8224 574.31 -01 174 8224 574.31 -01 174- 8224 574.42 -10 174- 8224 574.42 -10 174- 8224 574.42 -10 174 8224 -574 42 -10 174 8224 -574 42 -10 174- 8224 574.42 -10 174- 8224 574.42 -10 174 8224 -574 42 -10 174- 8224 574.42 -10 174- 8224 574.42 -10 174- 8224 574.42 -10 174- 8224 -574 42 -10 174- 8224 574.42 -10 174- 8224 574.42 -10 174- 8224 574.43 -10 174- 8224 574.42 -10 Division Total: Department Total: Fund Total: 186- 0000 239.91 -00 Division Total: Date 6/30/2010 Invoice Amount 2.06 5.55 0.71 2.80 2.80 286.00 308.00 216 97 34.12 264.00 0.67 110.00 $3,146.80 0.18 64.72 40.00 40.00 38.00 17.95 85.23 12.48 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.14 0.12 0.23 0.17 2.06 5.55 071 2.80 2.80 36.33 10.00 0.65 $360.60 $4,205.44 $4,205.44 85 00 $85.00 F 38 Vendor Waterfront Trail COLUMBIA TELECOMMUNICATIONS COR GRANT FUNDING APP MCKINSTRY ESSENTION, INC Capital Projects -Pub Wks BUILDERS EXCHANGE OF WA INC EXELTECH CONSULTING INC PENINSULA DAILY NEWS PERTEET, INC Capital Projects -Pub Wks ALMETEK INDUSTRIES, INC BPA -POWER WIRES CED /CONSOLIDATED ELEC DIST INC GENERAL PACIFIC INC HUGHES UTILITIES LTD MCMASTER -CARR SUPPLY CO ALSUM, GAIL L BATTLE, JOHN BESWICK, DARLEEN MAY BLOOD, SAMANTHA A BOKAMPER, LISA DENAE BUTZ, EDWARD BYRNE ENGLEHORN, ANDREW J CASTNER, KYLE J CONANT III, LOUIS F COX, GARY EASTWOOD, DAVID FERRO -MAY, LINDSAY GARNER, EMILY M Description City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 6/5/2010 To: 6/25/2010 CITY HALL MEASURES GF -Pub Wks Projects PUBLISH AD DRY CR DESIGN LEGAL ADS FEMA PROJECTS FEMA PROJECTS FEMA PROJECTS FEMA PROJECTS GF- Street Projects Capital Projects -Pub Wks Capital Improvement ELECTRICAL EQUIP SUPPLY May Power Wire -EFT May Power Wire -EFT ELECTRICAL EQUIP SUPPLY ELECTRICAL EQUIP SUPPLY ELECTRICAL EQUIP SUPPLY ELECTRICAL EQUIP SUPPLY ELECTRICAL EQUIP SUPPLY ELECTRICAL EQUIP SUPPLY ELECTRICAL EQUIP SUPPLY ELECTRICAL EQUIP SUPPLY ELECTRICAL EQUIP SUPPLY ELECTRICAL EQUIP SUPPLY FASTENERS, FASTENING DEVS FINAL BILL REFUND FINAL BILL REFUND FINAL BILL REFUND FINAL BILL REFUND FINAL BILL REFUND FINAL BILL REFUND FINAL BILL REFUND DEPOSIT REFUND BUDGET CREDIT REFUND FINAL BILL REFUND FINAL CREDIT -519 S OAK #8 DEPOSIT REFUND FINAL BILL REFUND Page 25 Account Number Department Total: Fund Total: 310- 7919- 594.41 -50 310- 7919- 594.65 -10 Division Total: 310- 7930 595.65 -10 310- 7930 595.65 -10 310- 7930 595.65 -10 310 7930 595.41 -50 310- 7930 595.41 -50 310- 7930 595.41 -50 310 7930 595.41 -50 Division Total: Department Total: Fund Total: 401 0000 237.00 -00 401 0000 213.10 -00 401 0000 21310 -00 401 0000 141.40 -00 401 0000 141.40 -00 401 0000 141.40 -00 401 0000 141.40 -00 401- 0000 141.40 -00 401 0000 141.40 -00 401 0000 141.40 -00 401 0000 141.40 -00 401 0000 141.40 -00 401 0000 141.40 -00 401 0000 237.00 -00 401 0000 122.10 -99 401 0000 122.10 -99 401 0000 122.10 -99 401 0000 122.10 -99 401 0000 122.10 -99 401 0000 122.10 -99 401 0000 122.10 -99 401 0000 122.10 -99 401 0000 122.10 -99 401 0000 122.10 -99 401 0000 122.10 -99 401 0000 122.10 -99 401 0000 122.10 -99 Date 6/30/2010 Invoice Amount $85.00 $85.00 188.75 61,371.64 $61,560.39 126.75 65,778.43 309.96 6,382.20 1,340.00 1,195 00 515.00 $75,647.34 $137,207.73 $137,207.73 -21.50 1,228,812.00 199,408.00 279.35 303.52 385.90 1,154.46 2,800.84 1,313.81 412.19 90.02 5,219 46 910.56 -10.38 400.63 139.60 189.75 119.74 3.71 667.08 374.27 250.00 670.21 13.82 169.16 125.00 19.88 F 39 Vendor GEDDES, RICHARD C GUILLORY, CHRISTOPHER S HARDING, KATRINA L HARGRAVE, KENDLE M HARRIS, BENJAMIN S HERDA, TABITHA R HIBBARD, RODNEY W HULTENSCHMIDT, PATRICIA D JOHNSON, CHRISTIAN M JUSTUS, RYLEY A KALFOGLOU, ALEXANDROS KEMP, RICHARD LEE KIMBALL, MARK A KOVASH, VICKI L KROUM, MELISSA J LARSON, LOREN LI, JIANLING LOWER ELWHA KLALLAM TRIBE MARKISHTUM, JACKIE L MILLER, CATRINA A MILLS, JENNIFER R DARREN C MONROE, KELLY P MONTGOMERY, MARK A MUSGROVE, BLAIR A PARKS, JOHN C PENDERGRASS, KRISTYN M PETERS, JASON PITZER, KRISTINE R PRUITT, WILLIAM TSIANINIA SCOTT, DAVID F SO YIN NGO, VICTOR ST ONGE, WILLIAM A STIEF, COLIN J STRAHAN, CLAUDIA TAYLOR, CONNER TROUT, CIMONE C TROWBRIDGE, JAMIE L UDE, JAMES A WALCH, HANNAH M WEEKES, RYAN P WEIDEMAN, CARL E WILLIAMS, RAY B City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 6 /5/2010 To: 6/25/2010 Description FINAL BILL REFUND DEPOSIT REFUND FINAL BILL REFUND FINAL BILL REFUND DEPOSIT REFUND FINAL BILL REFUND OVERPAYMENT -912 W 13TH ST FINAL BILL REFUND FINAL BILL REFUND FINAL BILL REFUND FINAL BILL REFUND FINAL BILL REFUND FINAL BILL REFUND FINAL BILL REFUND FINAL BILL REFUND FINAL CREDIT -912 SEAMOUNT DEPOSIT REFUND KASEY CHADSEY ERROR FINAL BILL REFUND FINAL BILL REFUND FINAL BILL REFUND DEPOSIT REFUND FINAL BILL REFUND FINAL BILL REFUND FINAL BILL REFUND FINAL BILL REFUND FINAL BILL REFUND FINAL BILL REFUND FINAL BILL REFUND FINAL BILL REFUND FINAL BILL REFUND FINAL BILL REFUND FINAL BILL REFUND OVERPAYMENT -1309 0 ST FINAL BILL REFUND FINAL BILL REFUND FINAL BILL REFUND FINAL BILL REFUND FINAL BILL REFUND FINAL BILL REFUND OVERPAYMENT -822 E 7TH ST DEPOSIT REFUND Page 26 Account Number 401 0000 122.10 -99 401 0000 122.10 -99 401 0000 122.10 -99 401 0000 -122 10 -99 401 0000 122.10 -99 401 0000 122.10 -99 401 0000 122.10 -99 401 0000 122.10 -99 401- 0000 122.10 -99 401 0000 122.10 -99 401 0000 122.10 -99 401 0000 122.10 -99 401- 0000 122.10 -99 401 0000 122.10 -99 401 0000 122.10 -99 401 0000 122.10 -99 401 0000 -122 10 -99 401 0000 122.10 -99 401 0000 -122 10 -99 401 0000 122.10 -99 401 0000 122.10 -99 401 0000 122.10 -99 401 0000 122.10 -99 401 0000 122.10 -99 401 0000 122.10 -99 401 0000 -122 10 -99 401 0000 122.10 -99 401 0000 122.10 -99 401 0000 122.10 -99 401 0000 122.10 -99 401 0000 122.10 -99 401 0000 122.10 -99 401 0000 122.10 -99 401 0000 122.10 -99 401 0000 122.10 -99 401 0000 122.10 -99 401 0000 122.10 -99 401 0000 122.10 -99 401 0000 122.10 -99 401 0000 122.10 -99 401 0000 -122 10 -99 401 0000 122.10 -99 Date 6/30/2010 Invoice Amount 255 03 125.00 47.46 84.36 250.00 101.66 22.99 25.73 10.68 63.23 66.51 272.82 40.60 53.46 56.78 52.34 125.00 225.00 161.79 95.78 268.50 250.00 45.85 27.28 290.03 97.24 19.05 109 97 4.39 137.60 104.96 210.72 99.80 47.71 85.66 58.10 42.20 20.76 15.61 42.65 40.00 125.00 F 40 Vendor WINDERMERE REAL ESTATE PACIFIC METERING INC SELLSTROM /RTC STELLA -JONES CORPORATION TRAINING NETWORK, THE WESCO DISTRIBUTION INC AT &T BUSINESS SERVICE CAPACITY PROVISIONING INC INSIGHT PUBLIC SECTOR QWEST WASHINGTON (DIS), STATE OF Public Works- Electric ADVANCED TRAVEL AT &T BUSINESS SERVICE CAPACITY PROVISIONING INC 06 -05 NC 3604523877817B 06 -05 NC 3604525109623B 06 -05 NC 3604529887652B 06 -05 NC 3604529882811B 06 -05 NC 3604525834211 B 05 -14 NC 3604570831558B 05 -14 A/C 3604570968343B 05 -14 NC 3604571535571B 05 -23 NC 206T302306084B 05 -14 NC 3604570411199B 05 -14 NC 3604576684085B 05 -16 A/C 206T359336570B 05 -23 A/C 206T310164584B SCAN CHGS -MAY Engineering- Electric NWPPA Conf- Dunbar COMMUNICATIONS /MEDIA SERV Network Services COLUMBIA TELECOMMUNICATIONS COR GRANT FUNDING APP DEVELOP RFP EES CONSULTING INC WPAG 2010 MARSH MUNDORF PRATT SULLIVAN WPAG 2010 QWEST 06 -05 A/C 3604523877817B 06 -05 A/C 3604525109623B 06 -05 A/C 3604529887652B 06 -05 NC 3604529882811B 06 -05 NC 3604525834211 B City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 6/5/2010 To: 6/25/2010 Description Account Number OVERPAYMENT -916 C ST 401 0000 122.10 -99 ELECTRICAL EQUIP SUPPLY 401 0000 237.00 -00 EQUIP MAINT REPAIR SERV 401 0000 237.00 -00 LUMBER& RELATED PRODUCTS 401 0000 141.40 -00 HUMAN SERVICES 401- 0000 237.00 -00 ELECTRICAL EQUIP SUPPLY 401 0000 141.40 -00 ELECTRICAL EQUIP SUPPLY 401 0000 141.40 -00 ELECTRICAL EQUIP SUPPLY 401 0000 -141 40 -00 ELECTRICAL EQUIP SUPPLY 401 0000 141.40 -00 ELECTRICAL EQUIP SUPPLY 401 0000 141.40 -00 Division Total: Department Total: COMMUNICATIONS /MEDIA SERV 401- 7111 533.42 -10 Network Services 401 7111 533.42 -12 COMPUTER HARDWARE &PERIPHI401 7111 533.31 -60 Page 27 401 7111- 533.42 -10 401 7111- 533.42 -10 401 7111- 533.42 -10 401 7111- 533.42 -10 401 7111- 533.42 -10 401 7111- 533.42 -10 401 7111- 533.42 -10 401 7111- 533.42 -10 401 7111- 533.42 -10 401 7111- 533.42 -10 401 7111- 533.42 -10 401 7111 -533 42 -10 401 7111- 533.42 -10 401 7111- 533.42 -10 Division Total: 401 7120 -533 43 -10 401 7120- 533.42 -10 401 7120- 533.42 -12 401 7120- 533.41 -50 401 7120 533.41 -50 401 7120- 533.49 -01 401 7120- 533.49 -01 401 7120- 533.42 -10 401 7120- 533.42 -10 401 7120- 533.42 -10 401 7120- 533.42 -10 401 7120- 533.42 -10 Date 6/30/2010 Invoice Amount 125.29 110.04 161.06 13,980.36 -17.97 8,399.92 790.24 704.71 1,554.46 2,881.54 $1,476,627.83 $1,476,627.83 0.54 225 24 144.37 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.42 0.35 0.69 0.52 6.15 16.66 2.12 8.40 8.40 3.57 $418.83 1,133.88 0.54 225.24 188.75 1,280.00 214.47 836.30 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.42 F -41 Vendor QWEST WASHINGTON (DIS), STATE OF Public Works- Electric A -1 PERFORMANCE, INC ALMETEK INDUSTRIES, INC AMSAN OLYMPIC SUPPLY APS ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR, INC AT &T BUSINESS SERVICE CAPACITY PROVISIONING INC CED /CONSOLIDATED ELEC DIST INC CLALLAM CNTY AUDITOR COLUMBIA RURAL ELECTRIC ASSN, INC FASTENAL INDUSTRIAL FEDERAL EXPRESS CORP GENERAL PACIFIC INC H R PARTS EQUIPMENT INC HUGHES UTILITIES LTD JACO ANALYTICAL LABORATORY INC MCMASTER -CARR SUPPLY CO PORT OF PORT ANGELES Brian Wahto Greg McCabe Jim Shay City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 6 /5/2010 To: 6/25/2010 Description 05 -14 A/C 3604570831558B 05 -14 NC 3604570968343B 05 -14 NC 3604571535571B 05 -23 NC 206T302306084B 05 -14 A/C 36045704111998 05 -14 NC 3604576684085B 05 -16 NC 206T359336570B 05 -23 NC 206T310164584B SCAN CHGS -MAY Power Systems BUILDING MAINT &REPAIR SER ELECTRICAL EQUIP SUPPLY ELECTRICAL EQUIP SUPPLY CONSTRUCTION SERVICES,TRA COMMUNICATIONS /MEDIA SERV Network Services Network Services ELECTRICAL EQUIP SUPPLY TAPE(NOT DP,SOUND,VIDEO) ELECTRICAL EQUIP SUPPLY ELECTRICAL EQUIP SUPPLY ELECTRICAL EQUIP SUPPLY ELECTRICAL EQUIP SUPPLY ELECTRICAL EQUIP SUPPLY ELECTRICAL EQUIP SUPPLY ELECTRICAL EQUIP SUPPLY FILING FEES SCHOOL EQUIP& SUPPLIES PROSTHETIC,HEARING AID ET ELECTRICAL EQUIP SUPPLY Shipping Chgs -pe 5 -28 ELECTRICAL EQUIP SUPPLY ELECTRICAL EQUIP SUPPLY ELECTRICAL EQUIP SUPPLY ELECTRICAL EQUIP SUPPLY ELECTRICAL EQUIP SUPPLY TESTING &CALIBRATION SERVI FASTENERS, FASTENING DEVS NEW SERVICE REFUND MEAL REIMBURSEMENT MEAL REIMBURSEMENT MEAL REIMBURSEMENT Page 28 Account Number 401 7120- 533.42 -10 401 7120- 533.42 -10 401 7120 533.42 -10 401 7120- 533.42 -10 401 7120- 533.42 -10 401 7120- 533.42 -10 401 7120- 533.42 -10 401 7120- 533.42 -10 401 7120- 533.42 -10 Division Total: 401 7180 533.41 -50 401 7180- 533.34 -02 401 7180 533.31 -01 401 7180- 533.48 -10 401 7180- 533.42 -10 401 7180- 533.42 -12 401 7180- 533.47 -10 401 7180- 533.34 -02 401 7180- 533.34 -02 401 7180- 533.34 -02 401 7180 533.34 -02 401 7180- 533.34 -02 401 7180 533.34 -02 401 7180- 533.34 -02 401 7180- 533.34 -02 401 7180 533.34 -02 401 7180 -533 49 -90 401 7180- 533.43 -10 401 7180 533.31 -01 401 7180 533.35 -01 401 7180- 533.42 -10 401- 7180 533.34 -02 401 7180 533.34 -02 401- 7180- 533.34 -02 401 7180 533.34 -02 401 7180 533.34 -02 401 7180- 533.48 -10 401 7180 533.34 -02 401 7180 379.00 -00 401 7180- 533.31 -01 401 7180 533.31 -01 401 7180 533.31 -01 Date 6/30/2010 Invoice Amount 0.34 0.69 0.52 6.15 16.66 2.12 8.40 8 40 21.19 $3,945.47 169.00 277.45 168.45 319.67 4.33 359.21 216.80 1,362.37 2,184.26 47.05 7.37 33.24 12.13 107.06 357.72 14.36 186.00 285.00 164.36 121.73 14.34 185.85 591.88 65.77 16.59 268.12 220.00 133.91 3,922.62 30.50 30.50 30.50 F 42 Vendor Kathy Trainor Lisa Hamstock Robert Williams Tod Eisele All About Pizza NORTH COAST ELECTRIC COMPANY OLYMPIC LAUNDRY DRY CLEANERS PACIFIC METERING INC PARKER PAINT MFG CO INC PARSINEN LANDSCAPE MAINT INC PORT ANGELES CITY LIGHT PORT ANGELES CITY TREASURER PORT ANGELES POWER EQUIPMENT PUD #1 OF CLALLAM COUNTY QUILL CORPORATION QWEST City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 6 /5/2010 To: 6/25/2010 Description Account Number MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 401 7180 533.31 -01 MEAL REIMBURSEMENT 401 7180 533.31 -01 MEAL REIMBURSEMENT 401 7180 533.31 -01 MEAL REIMBURSEMENT 401 7180 533.31 -01 OUTAGE PIZZA 401 7180 533.31 -01 ELECTRICAL EQUIP SUPPLY 401 7180 533.34 -02 ELECTRICAL EQUIP SUPPLY 401 7180 533.34 -02 ELECTRICAL EQUIP SUPPLY 401 7180 533.34 -02 FASTENERS, FASTENING DEVS 401- 7180 533.34 -02 ELECTRICAL EQUIP SUPPLY 401 7180 533.34 -02 LAUNDRY /DRY CLEANING SERV 401 7180 533.41 -50 LAUNDRY /DRY CLEANING SERV 401 7180 533.48 -10 ELECTRICAL EQUIP SUPPLY 401 7180 533.34 -02 PAINTS,COATINGS,WALLPAPER 401 7180 533.34 -02 Landcape Maintenance 401 7180 533.41 -50 Bottled Water -Klarr 401 7180 533.31 -01 Ferry Tickets- Hainstock 401 7180 533.43 -10 Ferry Tickets Williams 401- 7180- 533.43 -10 Ferry Reimb Hainstock 401 7180 -533 43 -10 Easement Copy- Larson 401 7180 533.49 -90 FASTENERS, FASTENING DEVS 401 7180 533.48 -10 TESTING &CALIBRATION SERVI 401 7180 533.48 -10 HAND TOOLS ,POW &NON POWER401- 7180 533.48 -10 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 401 7180 533.41 -50 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 401- 7180 533.41 -50 COMPUTERS,DP WORD PROC 401 7180 533.31 -01 OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL 401 7180 533.31 -01 06 -02 a/c 206z020411942B 401 7180 533.42 -10 06 -02 a/c 3604178095336B 401 7180 533.42 -10 06 -05 NC 3604523877817B 401 7180 533.42 -10 06 -05 NC 3604525109623B 401 7180 533.42 -10 06 -05 NC 3604529887652B 401 7180 533.42 -10 06 -05 NC 3604529882811 B 401 7180- 533.42 -10 06 -05 NC 3604525834211 B 401 7180- 533.42 -10 05 -14 A/C 3604570831558B 401 7180 533.42 -10 05 -14 A/C 3604570968343B 401- 7180 533.42 -10 05 -14 NC 3604571535571 B 401- 7180- 533.42 -10 06 -05 a/c 3604526236776B 401- 7180 533.42 -10 06 -05 a/c 3604529541353B 401 7180 533.42 -10 05 -23 NC 206T302306084B 401 7180 533.42 -10 05 -14 NC 3604570411199B 401- 7180 533.42 -10 05 -14 NC 3604576684085B 401 7180 -533 42 -10 Page 29 Date 6/30/2010 Invoice Amount 24.50 30.50 30.50 30.50 90.71 31.21 227.61 8.09 51.81 227.61 67.38 64.42 1,419.95 29.85 2,493.20 5.08 29.70 36.60 36.60 1.00 1.07 5.13 106.96 102.42 34.19 358.78 96.21 65.05 43.04 2 77 2.77 2.77 2.77 3.35 2.76 5.52 4.15 42.23 39.78 49.23 133.29 16.96 F 43 Vendor QWEST ROHLINGER ENTERPRISES INC SCHWEITZER ENGINEERING LABS SECURITY SERVICE NW, INC SELLSTROM /RTC SNAP -ON TOOLS CHUGGER DEANE STELLAR INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY INC STUSSER ELECTRIC SUMMIT LAW GROUP PLLC SUNSET DO -IT BEST HARDWARE SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC THURMAN SUPPLY TRAINING NETWORK, THE UTILITIES UNDERGROUND LOC CTR VERIZON WIRELESS WAGNER -SMITH EQUIPMENT CO WASHINGTON (DIS), STATE OF WESCO DISTRIBUTION INC Public Works- Electric ADT SECURITY SERVICES, INC AIRPORT GARDEN CENTER ALPINE PRODUCTS, INC AMSAN OLYMPIC SUPPLY AT &T BUSINESS SERVICE AZTECA SYSTEMS, INC City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 6 /5/2010 To: 6/25/2010 Description 05 -16 NC 2067359336570B 05 -23 A/C 206T310164584B 06 -14 a/c 3604574717777B ELECTRICAL EQUIP SUPPLY TESTING &CALIBRATION SERVI TESTING &CALIBRATION SERVI ELECTRICAL EQUIP SUPPLY COMMUNICATIONS /MEDIA SERV EQUIP MAINT REPAIR SERV ELECTRICAL EQUIP SUPPLY RAGS,SHOP TOWELS,WIPING ELECTRICAL EQUIP SUPPLY IBEW ULB CONF CALL 4 -6 -10 ELECTRICAL EQUIP SUPPLY ELECTRICAL EQUIP SUPPLY ELECTRICAL EQUIP SUPPLY ELECTRICAL EQUIP SUPPLY ELECTRICAL EQUIP SUPPLY ELECTRICAL EQUIP SUPPLY HUMAN SERVICES MAY LOCATES 05 -28 a/c 271138138 -00003 ELECTRICAL EQUIP SUPPLY ELECTRICAL EQUIP SUPPLY ELECTRICAL EQUIP SUPPLY SCAN CHGS -MAY Poleline ELECTRICAL EQUIP SUPPLY ELECTRICAL EQUIP SUPPLY ELECTRICAL EQUIP SUPPLY ELECTRICAL EQUIP SUPPLY Electric Operations Public Works- Electric Electric Utility Fund SECURITY,FIRE,SAFETY SERV SEED,SOD,SOIL &INOCULANT MARKERS, PLAQUES,SIGNS SHIPPING AND HANDLING CHEMICAL, COMMERCIAL,BULK CHEMICAL, COMMERCIAL,BULK Account Number 401 7180- 533.42 -10 401 7180- 533.42 -10 401 7180- 533.42 -10 401 7180- 533.35 -01 401 7180- 533.48 -10 401 7180- 533.48 -10 401 7180- 533.34 -02 401 7180- 533.41 -50 401 7180 -533 48 -10 401 7180- 533.34 -02 401 7180 533.31 -01 401 7180- 533.34 -02 401 7180 533.41 -50 401 7180- 533.34 -02 401 7180- 533.34 -02 401 7180- 533.35 -01 401 7180- 533.35 -01 401 7180- 533.35 -01 401 7180- 533.34 -02 401 7180- 533.43 -10 401 7180- 533.49 -90 401 7180- 533.42 -10 401 7180- 533.35 -01 401- 7180- 533.35 -01 401 7180- 533.35 -01 401 7180- 533.42 -10 401 7180- 533.34 -02 401 7180- 533.34 -02 401 7180- 533.34 -02 401 7180- 533.34 -02 401- 7180 -533 34 -02 Division Total: Department Total: Fund Total: 402 7380 534.41 -50 402 7380 534.31 -20 402 7380 -534 31 -20 402 7380 534.31 -20 402 7380 534.31 -05 402 7380 -534 31 -05 COMMUNICATIONS /MEDIA SERV 402 7380 534.42 -10 DATA PROC SERV &SOFTWARE 402 7380 534.48 -02 Page 30 Date 6/30/2010 Invoice Amount 67.16 67.16 40.86 466.75 97.56 19.51 2,549.73 600.00 2,078.34 120.11 250.49 154.38 224 00 5 44 11.50 352.20 132.24 97.79 15.72 231 87 16.12 67.86 217.32 66.99 61.76 29.55 -200 83 20 86 183.74 1,236 71 3,180 46 $30,429.51 $34,793.81 $1,511,421.64 520.00 54.19 498.64 74.80 235.31 235.31 1.08 87.50 F 44 Vendor BLAKE TILE STONE, INC BRANOM INSTRUMENT COMPANY CAPACITY PROVISIONING INC CED /CONSOLIDATED ELEC DIST INC CH2M HILL INC CLINICARE OF PORT ANGELES INC DATABAR INCORPORATED DRY CREEK WATER ASSN, INC FEDERAL EXPRESS CORP FOWLER COMPANY, H D HACH COMPANY LAKESIDE INDUSTRIES INC Douglas Duncan Mike Puntenney N C MACHINERY CO NAPA AUTO PARTS OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC PEN PRINT INC PORT ANGELES POWER EQUIPMENT PUD #1 OF CLALLAM COUNTY QWEST SPARLING INSTRUMENTS LLC SUNSET DO -IT BEST HARDWARE City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 6 /5/2010 To: 6/25/2010 Description SEED,SOD,SOIL &INOCULANT TESTING &CALIBRATION SERVI Network Services Network Services ELECTRICAL EQUIP SUPPLY WATER SYSTEM PLAN DOT PHYSICAL J HOLBROOK SHIPPING AND HANDLING SPECIAL SERVICE AGREEMENT Shipping Chgs -pe 5 -28 Shipping Chgs -pe 4 -23 PIPE FITTINGS CHEMICAL LAB EQUIP SUPP ROAD /HWY MATERIALS ASPHLT MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT PROGRAMMING MANUALS RENTAL /LEASE EQUIPMENT LAWN MAINTENANCE EQUIP SUPPLIES SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL LAWN MAINTENANCE EQUIP LAWN MAINTENANCE EQUIP Service Reservoir Rd 06 -02 a/c 36041750797588 06 -05 NC 3604523877817B 06 -05 A/C 36045251096238 06 -05 A/C 3604529887652B 06 -05 A/C 3604529882811 B 06 -05 NC 3604525834211 B 05 -14 A/C 3604570831558B 05 -14 A/C 3604570968343B 05 -14 NC 3604571535571B 05 -23 NC 206T302306084B 05 -14 A/C 3604570411199B 05 -14 A/C 3604576684085B 05 -16 A/C 206T359336570B 05 -23 NC 206T310164584B 06 -05 a/c 3604525230978B ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS PIPE FITTINGS JANITORIAL SUPPLIES Page 31 Account Number 402 7380 534.31 -20 402 7380 534.41 -50 402 7380 534.42 -12 402 7380 -534 47 -10 402 7380 534.31 -20 402 7380 534.41 -50 402 7380 534.49 -90 402 7380 534.44 -10 402 7380 534.33 -10 402 7380 534.42 -10 402 7380 534.42 -10 402 7380 534.31 -20 402 7380- 534.31 -20 402 7380 534.31 -20 402 7380 534.31 -01 402 7380 534.31 -01 402 7380 534.45 -30 402 7380 534.35 -01 402 7380 534.31 -01 402 7380 534.31 -01 402 7380 534.31 -01 402 7380 534.31 -20 402 7380 534.31 -20 402 7380 534.47 -10 402 7380 534.41 -50 402 7380 534.42 -10 402 7380 534.42 -10 402 7380 534.42 -10 402 7380 534.42 -10 402 7380 -534 42 -10 402 7380 534.42 -10 402 7380 534.42 -10 402 7380 534.42 -10 402 7380 534.42 -10 402 7380 534.42 -10 402 7380 534.42 -10 402 7380 534.42 -10 402 7380 534.42 -10 402 7380 -534 42 -10 402 7380 534.31 -20 402 7380 534.31 -20 402 -7380- 534.31 -20 Date 6/30/2010 Invoice Amount 77.56 183 72 521.82 379.40 49.86 12,335.32 75.00 3,016.77 714.52 8.52 106.78 420.05 354.47 2,411.03 29.20 260.39 406 02 25.48 142.71 57.97 56.37 40.05 37.93 36.76 39.78 0.69 0.69 0.69 0.69 0.84 0.69 1.38 1.04 12.31 33.32 4.24 16.79 16.79 122.57 372.03 15 47 26.33 F 45 Vendor SUNSET DO -IT BEST HARDWARE SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC TWISS ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES 'UTILITIES UNDERGROUND LOC CTR VERIZON WIRELESS WA STATE DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY WASHINGTON (DIS), STATE OF XEROX CORPORATION Public Works -Water ATCO INTERNATIONAL, INC ADT SECURITY SERVICES, INC ADVANCED TRAVEL ANGELES COMMUNICATIONS INC AT &T BUSINESS SERVICE ATCO INTERNATIONAL, INC BAXTER AUTO PARTS #15 BEST ACCESS SYSTEMS CAPACITY PROVISIONING INC CED /CONSOLIDATED ELEC DIST INC EDGE ANALYTICAL FASTENAL INDUSTRIAL FEDERAL EXPRESS CORP G4 CONSULTING INC HACH COMPANY JULIAN SON INC, JOHN K L SUPPLY INC KAMAN INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGIES Gary Richmond NAUTILUS ENVIRONMENTAL OLYMPIC PRINTERS INC City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 6 /5/2010 To: 6/25/2010 Description Account Number HAND TOOLS ,POW &NON POWER402- 7380 534.35 -01 HAND TOOLS ,POW &NON POWER402- 7380- 534.35 -01 HAND TOOLS ,POW &NON POWER402- 7380 -534 31 -20 JANITORIAL SUPPLIES JANITORIAL SUPPLIES TESTING &CALIBRATION SERVI TESTING &CALIBRATION SERVI TESTING &CALIBRATION SERVI MAY LOCATES 05 -28 a/c 271138138 -00005 ENVIRONMENTAL &ECOLOGICAL SCAN CHGS -MAY RENTAL/LEASE EQUIPMENT Water Public Works -Water Water Fund JANITORIAL SUPPLIES SECURITY,FIRE,SAFETY SERV SECURITY,FIRE,SAFETY SERV SECURITY,FIRE,SAFETY SERV Group 3 Test -Loghry ELECTRICAL CABLES WIRES COMMUNICATIONS /MEDIA SERV JANITORIAL SUPPLIES BELTS AND BELTING HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS Network Services ELECTRICAL EQUIP SUPPLY TESTING &CALIBRATION SERVI FASTENERS, FASTENING DEVS Shipping Chgs -pe 5 -28 Shipping Chgs -pe 4 -23 PRETREATMENT PROGRAM CHEMICAL LAB EQUIP SUPP EQUIP MAINT REPAIR SERV CLOTHING APPAREL BEARINGS (EXCEPT WHEEL) DOT PHYSICAL G RICHMOND TESTING &CALIBRATION SERVI OFFICE SUPPLIES, GENERAL Page 32 402 7380 534.31 -20 402 7380 534.31 -20 402 7380 534.41 -50 402 7380 534.41 -50 402 7380 534.41 -50 402 7380 534.49 -01 402 7380 534.42 -10 402 7380 534.49 -90 402 7380 534.42 -10 402 7380 534.45 -31 Division Total: Department Total: Fund Total: 403 0000 237.00 -00 Division Total: Department Total: 403 7480 535.41 -50 403 7480 -535 41 -50 403 7480 535.41 -50 403 7480 -535 43 -10 403 7480 535.41 -50 403 7480 -535 42 -10 403 7480 535.31 -01 403 7480 535.31 -20 403 7480 -535 31 -20 403 7480 -535 42 -12 403 7480- 535.31 -20 403 7480 535.41 -50 403 7480- 535.31 -20 403 7480 -535 42 -10 403 7480- 535.42 -10 403 7480 -535 41 -50 403 7480 535.31 -01 403 7480 535.31 -20 403 7480 535.31 -01 403 7480 535.31 -20 403 7480 -535 49 -90 403 7480 535.41 -50 403 7480 535.31 -01 Date 6/30/2010 Invoice Amount 493.97 64.57 97.84 50.33 27.77 215.00 215.00 173.00 16.11 121.34 46 00 13.64 46.86 $25,702.30 $25,702.30 $25,702.30 6.56 -$6.56 -$6.56 924.36 586.67 858.67 99.90 222.22 1.44 84.56 1.60 524.20 654.17 27.53 200.00 10.33 83.75 120.44 4,093.66 175.55 40 18 638.05 477.69 85.00 550.00 81.52 F 46 Vendor OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC PARSINEN LANDSCAPE MAINT INC PORT ANGELES CITY TREASURER PUD #1 OF CLALLAM COUNTY PUGET SAFETY EQUIPMENT INC QWEST S &BINC SIEMENS BUILDING TECHNOLOGIES INC BUILDING MAINT &REPAIR SER SIEMENS INDUSTRY, INC STRAITS MARINE INDUSTRIAL SUNSET DO -IT BEST HARDWARE SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC THURMAN SUPPLY UTILITIES UNDERGROUND LOC CTR III VERIZON WIRELESS City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 6 /5/2010 To: 6/25/2010 Description Account Number CHEMICAL LAB EQUIP SUPP 403 7480 535.31 -01 CHEMICAL LAB EQUIP SUPP 403 7480 535.31 -01 Landcape Maintenance 403 7480 535.41 -50 Postage Reimb -Young 403 7480 535.42 -10 CDL Test Reimb -Nixon 403 7480 535.43 -10 Service Brook Ave 403 7480 535.47 -10 Service Brook Ave 403 7480 535.47 -10 FIRST AID SAFETY EQUIP. 403 7480 535.31 -01 FIRST AID SAFETY EQUIP. 403 7480 535.31 -01 06 -05 A/C 3604523877817B 403 7480 535.42 -10 06 -05 NC 3604525109623B 403 7480 535.42 -10 06 -05 NC 3604529887652B 403 7480 535.42 -10 06 -05 NC 3604529882811B 403 7480 535.42 -10 06 -05 NC 3604525834211 B 403 7480 535.42 -10 05 -14 A/C 3604570831558B 403 7480 535.42 -10 05 -14 NC 3604570968343B 403 7480 535.42 -10 05 -14 NC 3604571535571 B 403 7480 535.42 -10 06 -02 a/c 3604170190080B 403 7480 535.42 -10 06 -02 a/c 36041705911 96B 403- 7480 535.42 -10 06 -08 a/c 3605650365696B 403 7480 535.42 -10 05 -23 NC 206T302306084B 403 7480 535.42 -10 05 -14 A/C 3604570411199B 403 7480 535.42 -10 05 -14 A/C 3604576684085B 403 7480 535.42 -10 05 -16 NC 206T359336570B 403 7480 535.42 -10 05 -23 A/C 206T310164584B 403 7480 535.42 -10 06 -14 a/c 3604576315689B 403 7480 535.42 -10 06 -14 a/c 3604574859247B 403 7480 535.42 -10 COMPUTER SOFTWARE FOR MIC 403 7480 535.41 -50 ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS M ETALS, BAR S, PLATES, RO DS FASTENERS, FASTENING DEVS HARDWARE,AND ALLIED ITEMS FUEL,OIL,GREASE, LUBES CHEMICAL LAB EQUIP SUPP SEED,SOD,SOIL &INOCULANT CHEMICAL LAB EQUIP SUPP PIPE FITTINGS PLUMBING EQUIP FIXT,SUPP MAY LOCATES 05 -22 a/c 571136182 -00004 05 -28 a/c 271138138 -00006 Page 33 403 7480 535.48 -10 403 7480 535.48 -10 403 7480 535.31 -20 403 7480 535.31 -20 403 7480 535.31 -20 403 7480 535.32 -20 403 7480 535.31 -01 403 7480 535.31 -01 403 7480 535.31 -01 403 7480 535.31 -20 403 7480 535.31 -20 403 7480 535.49 -01 403 7480 535.42 -10 403 7480 535.42 -10 Date 6/30/2010 Invoice Amount 19.02 58.68 921.40 60.64 25.00 189.99 294.11 198.42 53.76 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 1.11 0.92 1.84 1.38 40.54 39.78 39.78 16.41 44.43 5.65 22.39 22.39 158.94 79.45 1,913.26 800.53 2,519 68 262.08 20.35 21.05 34.99 12.59 32.38 51.76 7.65 12.57 16.11 59.62 45.34 F 47 Vendor WASHINGTON (DIS), STATE OF WWCPA SECRETARY TREASURER Public Works- WW /Stormw A -1 PERFORMANCE, INC AMSAN OLYMPIC SUPPLY AT &T BUSINESS SERVICE CAPACITY PROVISIONING INC OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC PENINSULA DAILY NEWS PORT ANGELES CITY TREASURER QWEST SUNSET DO -IT BEST HARDWARE SWANA WASHINGTON (DIS), STATE OF WASTE CONNECTIONS, INC Public Works -Solid Waste ANDERSONS APPLIANCE REPAIR HABITAT FOR HUMANITY OF HIGHLAND COMMONS II WILDER TOYOTA City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 6 /5/2010 To: 6/25/2010 Description SCAN CHGS -MAY EDUCATIONAL SERVICES Wastewater Public Works -WW /Stormwtr Wastewater Fund BUILDING MAINT &REPAIR SER JANITORIAL SUPPLIES COMMUNICATIONS /MEDIA SERV Network Services SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES Recyclopedia Special Event Recycling Batter /Camera -F re i l i ch 06 -05 NC 3604523877817B 06 -05 A/C 3604525109623B 06 -05 NC 3604529887652B 06 -05 A/C 36045298828118 06 -05 A/C 3604525834211B 05 -14 A/C 3604570831558B 05 -14 NC 3604570968343B 05 -14 NC 3604571535571B 05 -23 NC 206T302306084B 05 -14 A/C 3604570411199B 05 -14 NC 3604576684085B 05 -16 A/C 206T359336570B 05 -23 NC 206T310164584B FIRST AID SAFETY EQUIP MEMBERSHIPS SCAN CHGS -MAY ENVIRONMENTAL &ECOLOGICAL Solid Waste Collections Public Works -Solid Waste Solid Waste- Collections REFUND OVERPAYMENT REFUND DUPLICATE PAYMENT REFUND DUPLICATE PMT REFUND DUPLICATE PAYMENT REFUND DUP PMT Page 34 Account Number 403 7480 535.42 -10 403 7480 535.43 -10 Division Total: Department Total: Fund Total: 404 7580 537.41 -50 404 7580 537.31 -01 404 7580 -537 42 -10 404 7580 537.42 -12 404 7580 537.31 -01 404 7580 537.31 -01 404 7580 537.31 -01 404 7580 537.31 -01 404 7580 537.44 -10 404 7580 537.44 -10 404 7580 537.31 -01 404 7580 -537 42 -10 404 7580 537.42 -10 404 7580 537.42 -10 404 7580 537.42 -10 404 7580 537.42 -10 404 7580 537.42 -10 404 7580 537.42 -10 404 7580 537.42 -10 404 7580 537.42 -10 404 7580 537.42 -10 404 7580 537.42 -10 404 7580 537.42 -10 404 7580 537.42 -10 404 7580 537.35 -01 404 7580 537.49 -01 404 7580 537.42 -10 404 7580 537.41 -51 Division Total: Department Total: Fund Total: 405 0000 213.10 -90 405 0000 213.10 -90 405 0000 213.10 -90 405 0000 213.10 -90 405 0000 213.10 -90 Division Total: Date 6/30/2010 Invoice Amount 7.01 290.00 $18,948.17 $18,948.17 $18,941.61 76.05 70.05 0.72 187.00 -12.24 80.50 76.40 26.05 168.00 231.00 16.25 0 46 0.46 0.46 0.46 0.56 0.46 0.92 0.69 8.20 22.21 2.83 11.19 11 19 19.50 181.00 5.23 45,823.62 $47,009.22 $47,009.22 $47,009.22 15.81 105.69 42.30 42.30 45.14 $251.24 F 48 Vendor ADVANCED TRAVEL AT &T BUSINESS SERVICE CAPACITY PROVISIONING INC CLALLAM CNTY ROAD DEPT NAPA AUTO PARTS PORT ANGELES CITY TREASURER QWEST RADIO PACIFIC INC (KONP) WAK -IN MAN, INC WASHINGTON (DIS), STATE OF WASTE CONNECTIONS, INC XEROX CORPORATION Public Works -Solid Waste ANGELES MILLWORK LUMBER CO ASPECT CONSULTING, LLC BLAKE TILE STONE, INC Public Works -Solid Waste AT &T BUSINESS SERVICE Description City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 6/5/2010 To: 6/25/2010 WSRA Conf- Freilich COMMUNICATIONS /MEDIA SERV Network Services BLDG CONSTRUC SERVICES JANITORIAL SUPPLIES Bottled Water /Ice Paynter Safety Mtg- McCabe 06 -05 NC 3604523877817B 06 -05 A/C 3604525109623B 06 -05 A/C 3604529887652B 06 -05 NC 3604529882811 B 06 -05 A/C 3604525834211 B 05 -14 NC 3604570831558B 05 -14 NC 3604570968343B 05 -14 NC 3604571535571B 06 -05 a/c 3604522245145B 06 -05 a/c 3604528100532B 05 -23 NC 206T302306084B 05 -14 A/C 3604570411199B 05 -14 NC 3604576684085B 05 -16 NC 206T359336570B 05 -23 A/C 206T310164584B COMMUNICATIONS /MEDIA SERV ENVIRONMENTAL &ECOLOGICAL SCAN CHGS -MAY BLDG CONSTRUC SERVICES ENVIRONMENTAL &ECOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL &ECOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL &ECOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL &ECOLOGICAL RENTAULEASE EQUIPMENT SW Transfer Station LUMBER& RELATED PRODUCTS PALF ENGINEERING SERVICES ROAD /HWY MAT NONASPHALTIC ROAD /HWY MAT NONASPHALTIC ROAD /HWY MAT NONASPHALTIC Solid Waste- Landfill Public Works -Solid Waste Solid Waste LF/Trf Stn COMMUNICATIONS /MEDIA SERV Page 35 Account Number Department Total: 405 7538 537.43 -10 405 7538 537.42 -10 405 7538 537.42 -12 405 7538 537.49 -90 405 7538 537.31 -20 405 7538 537.31 -01 405 7538 537.43 -10 405 7538 -537 42 -10 405 7538 537.42 -10 405 7538 537.42 -10 405 7538 537.42 -10 405 7538 537.42 -10 405 7538 537.42 -10 405 7538 537.42 -10 405 7538 537.42 -10 405 7538 537.42 -10 405 7538 537.42 -10 405 7538 537.42 -10 405 7538 537.42 -10 405 7538 537.42 -10 405 7538 537.42 -10 405 7538 537.42 -10 405 7538 537.44 -10 405 7538 537.48 -10 405 7538 537.42 -10 405 7538 537.41 -51 405 7538 537.41 -51 405 7538 537.45 -30 405 7538 591.71 -10 405 7538 592.81 -10 405 7538 537.45 -31 Division Total: 405 7585 537.31 -20 405 7585 537.41 -50 405 7585 537.31 -20 405 7585 537.31 -20 405 7585 537.31 -20 Division Total: Department Total: Fund Total: 406 7412- 538.42 -10 Date 6/30/2010 Invoice Amount $251.24 409.13 0.72 187.00 3,546.56 16.88 8.69 43.82 0.46 0.46 0.46 0.46 0.56 0.46 0.92 0.69 39.82 39.78 8.20 22.21 2.83 11 19 11.19 690.00 2,832.49 3.84 266,707.80 1,213.04 5,367.27 23,384.73 39,394.00 46.87 $343,992.53 20.62 9,169.80 108.94 181.57 181.57 $9,662.50 $353,655.03 $353,906.27 0.36 F 49 Vendor QWEST Description 06 -05 NC 3604523877817B 06 -05 NC 3604525109623B 06 -05 NC 3604529887652B 06 -05 A/C 36045298828118 06 -05 A/C 3604525834211 B 05 -14 NC 3604570968343B 05 -14 A/C 3604571535571B 05 -23 NC 206T302306084B 05 -14 NC 3604570411199B 05 -14 NC 3604576684085B 05 -16 NC 206T359336570B 05 -23 NC 206T310164584B UTILITIES UNDERGROUND LOC CTR MAY LOCATES WASHINGTON (DIS), STATE OF SCAN CHGS -MAY Public Works- WW /Stormw Stormwater Public Works -WW /Stormwtr City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 6 /5/2010 To: 6/25/2010 Stormwater Fund PROGRESSIVE MEDICAL INTERNATIONAI SALE SURPLUS /OBSOLETE SALE SURPLUS /OBSOLETE SALE SURPLUS /OBSOLETE AT &T BUSINESS SERVICE CHURCH, JEREMY MOROZ, JAMES OLYMPIC MEDICAL CENTER OLYMPIC OXYGEN COMMUNICATIONS /MEDIA SERV FIRST AID CLASS 6/12/10 CPR CLASS 6/15/10 EDUCATIONAL SERVICES EDUCATIONAL SERVICES SALE SURPLUS /OBSOLETE OXYGEN PROGRESSIVE MEDICAL INTERNATIONAISALE SURPLUS /OBSOLETE SALE SURPLUS /OBSOLETE SALE SURPLUS /OBSOLETE SALE SURPLUS /OBSOLETE SALE SURPLUS /OBSOLETE QWEST 06 -05 NC 3604523877817B 06 -05 A/C 3604525109623B 06 -05 NC 3604529887652B 06 -05 NC 3604529882811 B 06 -05 NC 3604525834211 B 05 -14 NC 3604570831558B 05 -14 NC 3604570968343B 05 -14 NC 3604571535571B Page 36 Account Number 406 7412 -538 42 -10 406 7412 -538 42 -10 406 7412- 538.42 -10 406 7412- 538.42 -10 406 7412- 538.42 -10 406 7412- 538.42 -10 406 7412- 538.42 -10 406 7412- 538.42 -10 406 7412- 538.42 -10 406 7412- 538.42 -10 406 7412 538.42 -10 406 7412- 538.42 -10 406 7412- 538.49 -90 406 7412- 538.42 -10 Division Total: Department Total: Fund Total: 409 0000 237.00 -00 409 0000 237.00 -00 409 0000 237.00 -00 Division Total: Department Total: 409 6025 526.42 -10 409 6025 526.31 -08 409 6025 526.31 -08 409 6025 526.31 -08 409 6025 526.31 -08 409 6025 526.31 -13 409 6025 526.31 -02 409 6025 526.31 -02 409 6025 526.31 -02 409 6025 526.31 -02 409 6025 526.31 -13 409 6025 526.31 -13 409 6025 526.42 -10 409 6025 526.42 -10 409 6025 526.42 -10 409 6025 526.42 -10 409 6025 526.42 -10 409 6025 526.42 -10 409 6025 526.42 -10 409 6025 526.42 -10 Date 6/30/2010 Invoice Amount 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.28 0 46 0.35 4.10 11.11 1.41 5.60 5.60 16 11 0.90 $47.16 $47.16 $47.16 64.23 93.12 12 63 $169.98 ••$169.98 2.16 200.00 50.00 200.00 200.00 267.66 25.74 1,090.17 828.85 157.32 111.49 5.60 1.39 1.39 1.39 1.39 1.67 1.38 2.76 2.08 F 50 Vendor QWEST SYSTEMS DESIGN WEST, LLC Fire Department ALL WEATHER HEATING COOLING ALPHA BUILDER CORPORATION ANGELES ELECTRIC INC BONNEVILLE POWER ADMIN COZI HOMES CONSTRUCTION, INC EES CONSULTING INC FLUID MARKET STRATEGIES GLASS SERVICES CO INC Amanda Cash Andrea Chapman Ann Nelson Caralee Rupprecht Caroline Putman Craig Boesenberg Donald E Mudd Ellen M Kneip Evelyn Pullman Healthy Familied of Clallam Co Jason Demott Jodi Dawson Joseph Shearer Karen L Dopheide Larry A Pappel Lilliam Easton Lillian Novak Mary Rupprecht Mike Blackwell Paul W Gunn Rebecca Korby Robert Stephens Sharon Cordery Stanley Peterson City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 6 /5/2010 To: 6/25/2010 Description Account Number 05 -23 A/C 206T302306084B 409 6025 526.42 -10 05 -14 A/C 3604570411199B 409 6025 526.42 -10 05 -14 NC 3604576684085B 409 6025 526.42 -10 05 -16 NC 206T359336570B 409 6025 526.42 -10 05 -23 NC 206T310164584B 409 6025 526.42 -10 FINANCIAL SERVICES 409 6025 526.41 -50 Medic 1 Division Total: Fire Department Department Total: Medic 1 Utility Fund Total: CITY REBATE 421 7121 533.49 -86 CITY REBATE 421 7121 533.49 -86 CITY REBATE 421 7121 533.49 -86 ESG DA REBATE 421 7121 -533 49 -86 CITY REBATE 421 7121 533.49 -86 TRM ASSISSTANCE 421 7121 -533 41 -50 CITY REBATE 421 7121- 533.49 -86 CITY REBATE 421 7121- 533.49 -86 CITY REBATE 421 7121 533.49 -86 CITY REBATE 421 -7121- 533.49 -86 CITY REBATE 421 7121 533.49 -86 CITY REBATE 421 7121 533.49 -86 CITY REBATE 421 7121 533.49 -86 CITY REBATE 421 7121 533.49 -86 CITY REBATE 421- 7121 533.49 -86 CITY REBATE 421- 7121- 533.49 -86 CITY REBATE 421 7121 533.49 -86 CITY REBATE 421 7121 533.49 -86 CITY REBATE 421- 7121 533.49 -86 CITY REBATE 421 7121 533.49 -86 CITY REBATE 421 7121 533.49 -86 CITY REBATE 421- 7121 533.49 -86 CITY EBATE 421 7121 533.49 -86 CITY REBATE 421 7121- 533.49 -86 CITY REBATE 421 7121 -533 49 -86 CITY REBATE 421 7121 533.49 -86 CITY REBATE 421 7121 533.49 -86 CITY REBATE 421- 7121 533.49 -86 CITY REBATE 421 7121 533.49 -86 CITY REBATE 421 -7121- 533.49 -86 CITY REBATE 421 7121 533.49 -86 CITY REBATE 421 7121 533.49 -86 CITY REBATE 421 7121- 533.49 -86 Page 37 Date 6/30/2010 Invoice Amount 24.61 66.64 8.48 33.58 33.58 2,332.00 $5,651.33 $5,651.33 $5,481.35 1,500.00 1,500.00 8,640.00 15,635.80 908.16 960.00 341.25 1,380.00 1,212.00 100.00 50.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 50.00 50.00 25.00 25.00 50.00 25.00 75.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 50.00 25.00 25.00 25 00 25.00 F -51 Vendor Thomas Mitchell Van Maxwell OLYMPIC COMMUNITY ACTION PRGMS RADIO PACIFIC INC (KONP) RENOVATION SOLUTIONS, LLC TRACY'S INSULATION Public Works- Electric BUILDERS EXCHANGE OF WA INC EES CONSULTING INC Public Works- Electric BUILDERS EXCHANGE OF WA INC FOSTER PEPPER PLLC PENINSULA DAILY NEWS Public Works -Water CASCADIA LAW GROUP DAILY JOURNAL OF COMMERCE GIBBONS RIELY, PLLC Public Works- WW /Stormw BAXTER AUTO PARTS #15 H R PARTS EQUIPMENT INC IBS INCORPORATED City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 6 /5/2010 To: 6/25/2010 Description CITY EBATE CITY REBATE CITY REBATE MAY ADS CITY REBATE CITY REBATE Conservation Public Works- Electric Conservation PUBLISH AD AMI/DR SUPPORT Electric Projects Public Works- Electric Electric Utility CIP PUBLISH AD ELWHA DAM MITIGATION LEGAL ADS Water Projects Public Works -Water Water Utility CIP RAYONIER CSO ISSUES BRIDGE DECK AD CSO ISSUES RAYONIER Wastewater Projects Public Works -WW /Stormwtr WasteWater Utility CIP AUTO TRUCK ACCESSORIES AUTO TRUCK MAINT ITEMS AUTO TRUCK MAINT ITEMS AUTO TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO TRUCK MAINT ITEMS AUTO TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO TRUCK MAINT ITEMS BELTS AND BELTING AUTO TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO TRUCK MAINT ITEMS AUTO TRUCK MAINT ITEMS AUTO TRUCK MAINT ITEMS Groove rubber grommet AUTO TRUCK MAINT ITEMS AUTO TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS Page 38 Account Number 421 -7121- 533.49 -86 421 7121- 533.49 -86 421 7121 -533 49 -86 421 7121- 533.44 -10 421 7121- 533.49 -86 421 7121 -533 49 -86 Division Total: Department Total: Fund Total: 451 7188- 594.44 -10 451 -7188 -594 41 -50 Division Total: Department Total: Fund Total: 452 7388 594.44 -10 452 7388 594.41 -50 452 7388 594.44 -10 Division Total: Department Total: Fund Total: 453 -7488- 594.41 -50 453 7488 594.65 -10 453 7488 594.41 -50 Division Total: Department Total: Fund Total: 501 0000 141.40 -00 501 0000 141.40 -00 501 0000 -141 40 -00 501 0000 -141 40 -00 501 0000 141.40 -00 501- 0000 141.40 -00 501 0000 141.40 -00 501 0000 -141 40 -00 501 0000 141.40 -00 501 0000 141.40 -00 501 0000 141.40 -00 501 0000 141.40 -00 501 0000 141.40 -00 501 0000 141.40 -00 501 0000 141.40 -00 Date 6/30/2010 Invoice Amount 733.02 25.00 4,174.53 550.00 1,237.20 660.00 $40,406.96 $40,406.96 $40,406.96 45.00 5,732.50 $5,777.50 $5,777.50 $5,777.50 44.00 1,983.50 249.16 $2,276.66 $2,276.66 $2,276.66 900.00 124.00 4,267.50 $5,291.50 $5,291.50 $5,291.50 51.62 9.82 125.55 79.97 -28.84 43.99 39.38 37.97 13.64 57.67 258.07 559.50 -22.61 159.19 13.72 F 52 Vendor KAMAN INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGIES NAPA AUTO PARTS O'REILLY AUTO PARTS OWEN EQUIPMENT PETTIT OIL COMPANY SAHLBERG EQUIPMENT CO INC, JF SOLID WASTE SYSTEMS, INC SWAIN'S GENERAL STORE INC TURFMAKER CORP A -1 PERFORMANCE, INC AIRPRO EQUIPMENT, INC ARAMARK AT &T BUSINESS SERVICE AUTO ADDITIONS, INC BAXTER AUTO PARTS #15 CAPACITY PROVISIONING INC CASCADE TURF CURTIS SONS INC, L N EVERGREEN COLLISION CENTER EVERGREEN COLLSN /RADIATOR RPR FEDERAL EXPRESS CORP FERRELLGAS INC City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 6/5/2010 To: 6/25/2010 Description AUTO BODIES ACCESSORIES AUTO TRUCK MAINT ITEMS AUTO TRUCK ACCESSORIES HOSES, ALL KINDS AUTO TRUCK MAINT ITEMS AUTO SHOP EQUIPMENT SUP AUTO TRUCK MAINT ITEMS AUTO TRUCK MAINT ITEMS AUTO TRUCK ACCESSORIES AUTO TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS FUEL,OIL,GREASE, LUBES FUEL,OIL,GREASE, LUBES FUEL,OIL,GREASE, LUBES FUEL,OIL,GREASE, LUBES FUEL,OIL,GREASE, LUBES AUTO TRUCK MAINT ITEMS AUTO BODIES ACCESSORIES Account Number 501 0000 141.40 -00 501 0000 141.40 -00 501 0000 141.40 -00 501 0000 141.40 -00 501 0000 141.40 -00 501 0000 141.40 -00 501 0000 141.40 -00 501 0000 141.40 -00 501 0000 141.40 -00 501 0000 141.40 -00 501 0000 141.20 -00 501 0000 141.20 -00 501 0000 141.20 -00 501 0000 141.20 -00 501 0000 141.20 -00 501 0000 141.40 -00 501 0000 141.40 -00 ROAD /HGWY HEAVY EQUIPMENT 501 0000 141.40 -00 AUTO TRUCK MAINT ITEMS 501 0000 237.00 -00 Division Total: Department Total: BUILDING MAINT &REPAIR SER 501 7630 548.41 -50 AUTO TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501 7630 548.34 -02 LAUNDRY /DRY CLEANING SERV 501 7630- 548.49 -90 LAUNDRY /DRY CLEANING SERV 501 7630 548.49 -90 LAUNDRY /DRY CLEANING SERV 501 7630 548.49 -90 COMMUNICATIONS/MEDIA SERV 501- 7630 548.42 -10 AUTO TRUCK ACCESSORIES 501 7630 -548 34 -02 AUTO TRUCK ACCESSORIES 501 7630 548.34 -02 AUTO TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501 7630 548.34 -02 AUTO TRUCK MAINT ITEMS 501 7630 548.34 -02 AUTO TRUCK MAINT ITEMS 501 7630 548.34 -02 AUTO TRUCK MAINT ITEMS 501 7630- 548.34 -02 AUTO TRUCK MAINT ITEMS 501 7630 548.34 -02 AUTO TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501 7630 548.34 -02 Network Services 501 7630- 548.42 -12 AUTO TRUCK MAINT ITEMS 501 7630 548.34 -02 AUTO TRUCK ACCESSORIES 501 7630- 594.64 -10 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501 7630 548.48 -10 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501 7630 548.48 -10 Shipping Chgs -pe 5 -28 501 7630 548.42 -10 FUEL,OIL,GREASE, LUBES 501 7630- 548.32 -12 Page 39 Date 6/30/2010 Invoice Amount 362.86 30.73 31.61 52.08 60.51 191.76 27.53 23.73 21.64 1,155.78 937.97 6,203 43 6,126.84 6,385.56 703.67 167.26 1,611.57 112.74 -12.35 $25,593.56 $25,593.56 95.50 71.14 28.23 57.97 28.23 1.26 63.74 621.31 7.96 -7.97 3.96 1.90 12.68 12.03 41.00 13.33 279.53 995.11 75.88 22.16 261.46 F 53 Vendor HEARTLINE IBS INCORPORATED JENNINGS EQUIPMENT INC LES SCHWAB TIRE CENTER LINCOLN INDUSTRIAL CORP 'MOBUILT RV 'MOTOR TRUCKS INC MURRAY MOTORS INC N C MACHINERY CO NAPA AUTO PARTS O'REILLY AUTO PARTS OWEN EQUIPMENT PETTIT OIL COMPANY PIERCE MANUFACTURING INC PORT ANGELES AUTO GLASS PORT ANGELES FORD LINCOLN City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 6 /5/2010 To: 6/25/2010 Description AUTO TRUCK MAINT ITEMS AUTO SHOP EQUIPMENT SUP BELTS AND BELTING AUTO TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES AUTO TRUCK MAINT ITEMS EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES AUTO TRUCK MAINT ITEMS AUTO TRUCK MAINT ITEMS AUTO TRUCK MAINT ITEMS AUTO SHOP EQUIPMENT SUP AUTO TRUCK MAINT ITEMS AUTO TRUCK ACCESSORIES AUTO TRUCK ACCESSORIES AUTO TRUCK ACCESSORIES AUTO TRUCK MAINT ITEMS EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES ROAD /HWY EQUIP EARTH,GRD AUTO TRUCK MAINT ITEMS EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES AUTO TRUCK MAINT ITEMS AUTO TRUCK MAINT ITEMS AUTO TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO TRUCK MAINT ITEMS AUTO TRUCK ACCESSORIES AUTO TRUCK MAINT ITEMS Account Number 501- 7630 548.34 -02 501 7630 548.35 -01 501 7630- 548.34 -02 501 7630 548.34 -02 501 7630 548.34 -02 501 7630 548.34 -02 501 7630 548.48 -10 501 7630 548.48 -10 501 7630 548.48 -10 501 7630 -548 48 -10 501 7630 548.34 -02 501 7630 548.34 -02 501 7630 548.34 -02 501 7630- 548.34 -02 501 7630- 548.34 -02 501 7630 548.34 -02 501 7630 548.34 -02 501 7630 548.34 -02 501 7630 548.34 -02 501 7630 548.48 -10 501 7630 548.34 -02 501 7630 548.48 -10 501 7630 -548 48 -10 501 7630 548.34 -02 501 7630 548.34 -02 501 7630 -548 34 -02 501 7630 548.34 -02 501 7630- 548.34 -02 501 7630 548.34 -02 ROAD /HGWY HEAVY EQUIPMENT 501 7630 548.34 -02 FUEL,OIL,GREASE, LUBES 501 7630 548.32 -10 AUTO MAJOR TRANSPORTATION 501 7630 594.64 -10 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES AUTO TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS AUTO TRUCK MAINT ITEMS EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES Page 40 501 7630- 548.48 -10 501 7630 548.48 -10 501 7630 548.34 -02 501 7630 548.48 -10 501 7630 548.48 -10 501 7630 -548 48 -10 501 7630 548.48 -10 501 7630 548.48 -10 501 7630 548.48 -10 501 7630 548.48 -10 Date 6/30/2010 Invoice Amount 95.34 221.03 103.99 549.67 341.77 1,099.35 577.16 97.55 78.26 258.78 185.36 2.78 38.69 166.21 51.12 10.36 34.22 43.16 324.86 619.64 473.60 148.06 289.97 10.04 -58.15 6.80 27.53 88.86 7.58 336.02 1,008.18 453,811.63 69.91 302.44 44.01 467.11 94.26 100.00 1,181.95 17.22 52.85 118.36 F -54 QWEST Vendor PORT ANGELES FORD LINCOLN PORT ANGELES TIRE FACTORY RICHMOND 2 -WAY RADIO RUDDELL AUTO MALL SNAP -ON TOOLS CHUGGER DEANE SUNSET DO -IT BEST HARDWARE TURFMAKER CORP WASHINGTON (DIS), STATE OF XEROX CORPORATION Public Works -Equip Svcs ACCIS AT &T BUSINESS SERVICE AVAYA, INC CAPACITY PROVISIONING INC DELL MARKETING LP PORT ANGELES CITY TREASURER QWEST City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 6/5/2010 To: 6/25/2010 Description Account Number EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501 7630 548.48 -10 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501 7630- 548.34 -02 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501 -7630- 548.48 -10 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501 7630 548.48 -10 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501 7630 548.48 -10 06 -05 NC 3604523877817B 501 7630 548.42 -10 06 -05 A/C 3604525109623B 501 7630- 548.42 -10 06 -05 NC 3604529887652B 501 7630 548.42 -10 06 -05 A/C 3604529882811B 501 7630 -548 42 -10 06 -05 NC 3604525834211 B 501 7630 -548 42 -10 05 -14 NC 3604570831558B 501 7630 548.42 -10 05 -14 A/C 3604570968343B 501- 7630 548.42 -10 05 -14 NC 3604571535571 B 501 7630 548.42 -10 05 -23 A/C 206T302306084B 501 7630- 548.42 -10 05 -14 NC 3604570411199B 501 7630 548.42 -10 05 -14 NC 3604576684085B 501 7630- 548.42 -10 05 -16 NC 206T359336570B 501 7630- 548.42 -10 05 -23 NC 206T310164584B 501 7630- 548.42 -10 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501 7630 548.48 -10 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501 7630- 548.48 -10 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501 7630 548.48 -10 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501- 7630 -548 48 -10 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501 7630 548.48 -10 EXTERNAL LABOR SERVICES 501 7630- 548.48 -10 AUTO SHOP EQUIPMENT SUP 501 7630 548.34 -02 AUTO SHOP EQUIPMENT SUP 501 7630- 548.35 -01 AUTO TRUCK MAINT. ITEMS 501 7630 548.34 -02 GASES CONT.EQUIP.LAB,WELD 501 7630- 548.34 -02 AUTO TRUCK MAINT ITEMS 501- 7630 548.34 -02 SCAN CHGS -MAY 501 7630- 548.42 -10 RENTAULEASE EQUIPMENT 501 7630- 548.45 -31 Equipment Services Division Total: Public Works -Equip Svcs Department Total: Equipment Services Fund Total: 2010 ACCIS MEMBERSHIP DUE 502 2081 518.49 -01 COMMUNICATIONS /MEDIA SERV 502 2081 518.42 -10 SUPPLIES 502 2081 518.48 -02 Network Services 502- 2081 518.42 -12 COMPUTER HARDWARE &PERIPHI502 2081 518.31 -60 Storage Totes Matthews 502 -2081- 518.31 -01 06 -05 NC 3604523877817B 502 2081 518.42 -10 06 -05 A/C 3604525109623B 502- 2081 518.42 -10 Page 41 Date 6/30/2010 Invoice Amount 307.92 16.21 99.51 715.25 87 48 0.81 0.81 0.81 0.81 0.98 0.80 1.61 1.21 14.36 38.87 4.95 19.59 19.59 97.56 598.03 34.63 88.78 38.10 34.63 86.61 38.32 15.74 113.36 159.35 9.84 46.87 $468,205.29 $468,205.29 $493,798.85 75.00 1.62 962.88 500.00 717.33 18.42 1.04 1.04 F 55 Vendor QWEST WASHINGTON (DIS), STATE OF Finance Department POSITIVE PROMOTIONS Self Insurance GELLOR INSURANCE INC Self Insurance Eden Excavating Inc PORT ANGELES CITY TREASURER WCIA (WA CITIES INS AUTHORITY) Self Insurance ASM SIGNS AT &T BUSINESS SERVICE CAPACITY PROVISIONING INC CED /CONSOLIDATED ELEC DIST INC GREAT AMERICA LEASING CORP OLYMPIC PRINTERS INC OLYMPIC STATIONERS INC PENINSULA DAILY NEWS City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 6 /5/2010 To: 6/25/2010 Description 06 -05 A/C 3604529887652B 06 -05 NC 36045298828118 06 -05 NC 3604525834211B 05 -14 NC 3604570831558B 05 -14 NC 3604570968343B 05 -14 A/C 3604571535571B 05 -23 A/C 206T302306084B 05 -14 NC 3604570411199B 05 -14 NC 3604576684085B 05 -16 NC 206T359336570B 05 -23 NC 206T310164584B COMPUTERS,DP WORD PROC COMPUTERS,DP WORD PROC SCAN CHGS -MAY COMPUTERS,DP WORD PROC. COMPUTERS,DP WORD PROC. CONSULTING SERVICES Information Technologies Finance Department Information Technology WELLNESS SUPPLIES Other Insurance Programs GELLOR- EXCESS INSURANCE Worker's Compensation LIABILITY CLAIM SETTLEMEN Reimb Damage Cell -Sage LODGING FOR INVESTIGATOR LODGING FOR INVESTIGATOR Comp Liability Self Insurance Self Insurance Fund Vinyl Signage COMMUNICATIONS /MEDIA SERV Network Services Bulbs OFFICE MACHINES ACCESS Paper Office Supplies Office Supplies PO Book Stretcher Bars Visitor Guide Adv Page 42 Account Number 502 2081 518.42 -10 502 2081 518.42 -10 502 2081 518.42 -10 502- 2081 518.42 -10 502 2081 518.42 -10 502 2081 -518 42 -10 502 2081 518.42 -10 502 2081 -518 42 -10 502 2081 518.42 -10 502 2081 518.42 -10 502 2081 518.42 -10 502 2081 518.31 -60 502 2081 518.31 -60 502 2081 518.42 -10 502 2081 518.48 -02 502 -2081- 518.48 -02 502- 2081 518.48 -02 Division Total: Department Total: Fund Total: 503 -1631- 365.91 -41 Division Total: 503 1661- 517.41 -50 Division Total: 503 1671- 517.49 -98 503 1671- 517.49 -98 503 1671 517.41 -50 503 1671 -517 41 -50 Division Total: Department Total: Fund Total: 652 8630 575.31 -01 652 8630 575.42 -10 652- 8630 575.42 -12 652- 8630 575.31 -01 652 8630 575.45 -31 652 8630 575.31 -01 652 8630 575.31 -01 652 8630 575.31 -01 652 8630 575.31 -01 652 8630 -575 31 -01 652 8630 575.44 -10 Date 6/30/2010 Invoice Amount 1.04 1.04 1.25 1.03 2.07 1.56 18.46 49.98 6.36 25 19 25.19 236.49 512.53 27 31 1,985.35 1,985.35 11, 722.26 $18,879.79 $18,879.79 $18,879.79 17 68 $17.68 1,187.00 $1,187.00 11,391.21 50.00 108.19 108.19 $11,441.21 $12,645.89 $12,645.89 134.43 0.54 172.00 226.01 16.88 93.87 5.51 20.81 8.57 5.66 324.00 F 56 Vendor PREVIEW GRAPHICS INC QWEST SEQUIM GAZETTE, THE Esther Webster /Fine Arts AFLAC ASSOCIATION OF WASHINGTON CITIES EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION LEOFF OFFICE OF SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT PERS TEAMSTERS LOCAL 589 UNITED WAY (PAYROLL) VOLUNTEER FIRE ASSOCIATION WSCFF /EMPLOYEE BENEFIT TRUST City of Port Angeles City Council Expenditure Report From: 6 /5/2010 To: 6/25/2010 Description Listing Subscription 05 -14 a/c 3604573532775B 06 -05 NC 3604523877817B 06 -05 A/C 3604525109623B 06 -05 NC 3604529887652B 06 -05 NC 36045298828118 06 -05 NC 36045258342118 05 -14 NC 3604570831558B 05 -14 NC 3604570968343B 05 -14 A/C 3604571535571B 05 -23 NC 206T302306084B 05 -14 NC 3604570411199B 05 -14 NC 3604576684085B 05 -16 NC 206T359336570B 05 -23 NC 206T310164584B Visitors Guide Esther Webster /Fine Arts Esther Webster /Fine Arts Esther Webster Fund AFLAC SUPP INS AWC SUPP LIFE P/R Deductions pe 6 -13 P/R Deductions pe 5 -30 P/R Deductions pe 5 -30 P/R Deductions pe 6 -13 P/R Deductions pe 5 -30 P/R Deductions pe 6 -13 P/R Deductions pe 5 -30 P/R Deductions pe 5 -30 P/R Deductions pe 5 -30 P/R Deductions pe 6 -13 P/R Deductions pe 6 -13 P/R Deductions pe 6 -13 P/R Deductions pe 6 -13 Payroll Clearing Page 43 Account Number 652 8630 575.44 -10 652- 8630 575.42 -10 652- 8630 575.42 -10 652- 8630 575.42 -10 652- 8630 575.42 -10 652 8630 -575 42 -10 652- 8630 575.42 -10 652 8630 575.42 -10 652 8630 575.42 -10 652 8630 575.42 -10 652- 8630 575.42 -10 652 8630 575.42 -10 652 8630 575.42 -10 652 8630 575.42 -10 652 8630 575.42 -10 652 8630 575.44 -10 Division Total: Department Total: Fund Total: 920 0000 231.53 -10 920 0000 231.53 -30 920 0000 231.55 -30 920 0000 231.51 -21 920 0000 231.56 -20 920 0000 231.56 -20 920 0000 231.56 -20 920 0000 231.56 -20 920 0000 231.51 -10 920 0000 231.51 -11 920 0000 -231 51 -12 920 0000 231.54 -10 920 0000 -231 56 -10 920 0000 231.55 -20 920 0000 231.53 -20 Division Total: Department Total: Fund Total: Date 6/30/2010 Invoice Amount 175.00 40.87 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.42 0.35 0.69 0.52 6.15 16.66 2.12 8.40 8.40 195.00 $1,464.26 $1,464.26 $1,464.26 886.54 543 40 420.00 22,884.76 1,201.12 1,012.30 169.85 169.85 1,673.26 8,427.36 32,902 94 3,548 00 497.27 68.00 1,575.00 $75,979.65 $75,979.65 $75,979.65 Totals for check period From: 6/5/2010 To: 6/25/2010 $2,990,980.96 F 57 PORTANGE LES W A S H I N G T O N U.S.A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: July 6, 2010 TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: Glenn A. Cutler, Director of Public Works Utilities SUBJECT: Amendment No. 7 to Brown and Caldwell Consultant Agreement Summary: The detailed design of Phase 1 of the Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) Project is approximately 75% complete. Several unanticipated elements of work critical to the design effort have been identified, as well as the need to proceed with the design phase of the First Street Stormwater Separation Project. Recommendation: Approve and authorize the City Manager to sign Amendment No. 7 to the Consultant Agreement with Brown and Caldwell, in an amount not to exceed $589,600, which increases the maximum compensation under the agreement from $3,139,191 to $3,728,791. Background /Analysis: The scope of work for the original consultant agreement with Brown and Caldwell, approved in July 2006 in the amount of $339,000 was for the evaluation of seven different alternatives to accomplish the suite of Phase 1 projects required under the Department of Ecology (DOE) approved CSO Reduction Plan. The following table summarizes the subsequent amendments made to the agreement, as further alternatives were evaluated, a preferred alternative selected, the detailed design effort was initiated, the Elwha Dam Removal mitigation efforts overlapped the CSO Reduction Plan implementation, and necessary improvements to the Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) impacting the CSO Plan were identified. Table 1— Summary of Amendments Approved by City Council Description Amendment No. 1 February 2007 Evaluation of additional alternatives and Plant Flow Management Amendment No. 2 April 2007 Detailed design of selected alternative Amendment No. 3 February 2008 Additional design effort Amendment No. 4 March 2009 Design changes to pipeline alignment, bridge location, ROW /surveying; coordinate WWTP work and future septage receiving station. Amendment No. 5 November 2009 Evaluate alternatives to mitigate CSO impacts from LEKT sewer. (NPS- funded in TA 16) Amendment No. 6 February 2010 1st St Storm Separation NEPA and related permitting effort. (NPS- funded in TA 16) N: \CCOUNCIL\FINAL \Amendment No. 7 to Brown Caldwell Agreement.doc Amount $86,000 $1,320,000 $103,000 $1,150,000 $24,000 $117,500 f= 58 Amendment No. 7 to Brown Caldwell Consultant Agreement July 6, 2010 Page 2 Project design for CSO Project Phase 1 is about 75% complete. In order to complete the design and meet funding submittal requirements for State Revolving Fund loans administered by DOE, additional funds are needed. A description of the additional design work needed in Amendment 7 is provided below. (For clarity, Tasks 1- 10, involving pre- design and design work already complete, are not shown. A summary of all of the tasks, approved budget, billings to date, and percent completion including Amendments 1 -6 and proposed Amendment 7 are presented in the attached Table 3.) Task 11— Additional work is required for the following elements under Task 11: force main design for work within Industrial Waterline and for connection to pump station, bridge alternatives and retaining wall work, pre- construction archaeological site investigation and pipework near foamtank, permit and SEPA coordinated with DOE, sediment sampling at City outfall, required by NPDES Permit, and inspection of Rayonier outfall now owned by the City. Task 12 Septage Receiving Station design. No additional work at this time. Detailed design and construction will be by a separate authorization by City Council. Task 13 Headworks screens. Existing screens must be replaced in 2012, and the design needs to be integrated with the new diversion structure at the WWTP headworks. Task 14 CSO flow monitoring, to prove NPDES Permit compliance after the project is constructed. A permanent system connected to the SCADA system would be integrated with the WWTP. Task 15 WWTP monitoring, to support the 2013 NPDES Permit renewal application that must address the changes in plant operation that are part of the CSO project. Includes sampling modifications, data review and analysis. Task 16 First St. Stormwater Separation design, bid evaluation, and post -award services. Continue work initiated in Amendments 5 6 to separate some of the downtown stormwater flows from the sanitary sewer, to mitigate impacts of accepting new wastewater flows from the Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe (LEKT) under the Elwha Dam Removal Project. Funded by National Park Service under task Agreement 17. Table 2 Summary of Additional Design Work for Amendment No. 7 Task 11. Complete design of CSO Phase 1 Projects 12. Septage Receiving Station Design 13. Headworks Screens Design 14. Integrated CSO Monitoring Design 15. WWTP Project Integration Monitoring 16. First St. Stormwater Separation (NPS- funded in TA17) Total, Tasks 11- 16 Amend. No.7 Amount $301,200 0 $30,000 $15,000 $34,900 $208,500 $589,600 Funding is available from the CSO funds accumulated through rates and Washington State Public Works Trust Fund Loans. F 59 Amendment No 7 to Brown Caldwell Consultant Agreement July 6, 2010 Page 3 It is requested that the City Council approve and authorize the City Manager to sign Amendment No. 7 to the Consultant Agreement with Brown and Caldwell, in an amount not to exceed $589,600, which increases the maximum compensation under the agreement from $3,139,191 to $3,728,791. Attachment: Table 3 Detailed breakdown of Project Tasks F 60 Brown Caldwell Consultant Agreement, Project 06 -01 Design of CSO Projects Phase 1 46 Table 3 Summary of Consulting Tasks and Budgets through Amendment 7 Task Pre Design and Design through 60% (original contract and Amendments 1 -3) 1 'Project Management 2 'Mapping Condition Assessment 3 1Cultural 4 Geotechnical 5 'Environmental Permits CSO Plan Review and Preparation of Contract Documents Detailed Civil, Mechanical, Structural, Electrical PICS Design 6 6 Preparation of 60% Cost Estimate 7 Engineering Report Bidding Assistance 8 1 Evaluation of Additional Alternatives 9 Plant Flow Management 10 Add! Cultural Geotechnical Work Subtotal, Tasks 1 -10* 60 6 1 -6 5 Task 11 Complete detailed design of CSO Phase 1 Projects (Amendments 4 -6) 11 1 11 2 11 3 11 4 11 5 11 6 117 12 13 14 15 16 Approved Billings Description Budget to Date Project Management Survey, Mapping Condition Assessment Cultural Resources Consultation Geotechnical Engineering Environmental Permits Alternative Development and Evaluation Detailed Civil, Mechanical, Structural, Electrical PICS Design Preparation of Cost Estimate Bidding Assistance Bridge Design Building Design Funding Assistance Outfall sediment sampling Rayomer Outfall Inspection Subtotal, Task 11 Septage Receiving Station Design Headworks Screens Design Integrated CSO Monitoring Design WWTP Project Ingtegration Monitoring First St Stormwater Separation SUBTOTAL, Tasks 11 -16 TOTAL, LTD (includes Tasks 1 -16 $112,841 191 $110,055 641 $25,092 981 $144,293 41 $150,829 67 $180,100 00 $958,296 98 $958,296 98 100% $47,000 00 $35,279 11 $16,735 00 $59,092 00 $8,025 00 $1,847,640.981 $108,108 70 $60,761 52 $12,497 53 $119,665 35 $75,298 69 $79,740 00 $50,298 64 $0 00 $175,000 00 $10,000 00 $10,000 00 $55,000.00 $1,519,572.03 $8,400 00 $26,000 00 $11,000 00 $0 00 $141,550 00 $1,706,522.03 $3,139,190.98 $112,841 19 $110,055 64 $25,092 98 $144,293 41 $150,829 67 $180,100 00 $47,000 00 $35,279 11 $16,735 00 $59,092 00 $8,025 00 $1,847,640.98 $103,550 73 $53,119 18 $145 10 $92,831 91 $15,402 64 $80,874 00 $0 00 $0 00 $60,297 94 $0 00 $793 04 $17,480 16 $853,605.29 $9,041 13 $8,767 09 $10,678 71 $0 00 $54,008 63 $936,100.85 $2,368,769.80 Percent Complete 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 96% 87% 1% 78% 20% 101% $763,201 60 $429,110 59 56% 0% 0% 34% 0% 8% 32% 56% 108% 34% 97% 0% 38% 55% 75% Amendment 7 $33,000 00 $4,500 00 1 $10,000 001 $12,000 001 1 $87,300 00 $14,000 00 $36,200 00 $55,200 00 $49,000 00 $301,200.00 $30,000 00 $15,000 00 $34,900 00 $208,500 00 $589,600.00 $589,600 Proposed Budget $141,108 70 $65,261 52 $12,497 53 $129,665 35 $87,298 69 $79,740 00 $850,501 60 $50,298 64 $14,000 00 $211,200 00 $10,000 00 $10,000 00 $110,200 00 $49,000 00 $1,820,772.03 $8,400 00 $56,000 00 $26,000 00 $34,900 00 $350,050 00 $2,296,122.03 a 10,728,790.98 CITY OF PORTANGE LES W A S H I N G T O N U.S.A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: July 6, 2010 To: CITY COUNCIL FROM: NATHAN A.WEST DIRECTOR COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT SUBJECT: RECREATION AND CONSERVATION FUNDING BOARD GRANT APPLICATION Summary: Staff is pursuing multiple funding opportunities in support of the Waterfront Development Project and is seeking Council authorization to submit a Recreation and Conservation grant for the amount of $337,300. Recommendation: Authorize staff to submit a grant application to the Recreation and Conservation Funding Board for the Downtown Waterfront Development Project. Background Analysis: In conjunction with the $4.4 million Downtown Waterfront Development project staff is exploring multiple funding opportunities to ensure the City is leveraging its investment in the project. Staff is requesting Council authorization to apply for an Aquatic Lands Enhancement Account (ALEA) grant from Washington State Recreation and Conservation Office (RCO). The grant will cover portions of the Downtown Waterfront Development project west of Oak Street. The identified cost for these components of the project is $674,600. $337,300 will be contributed by the RCO grant and $337,300 will be provided as a City match. The match will consist of previously allocated Lodging Tax Funds, an in -kind staff contribution, with the remainder contributed by the Economic Development Fund. The Economic Development Fund contribution as part of this grant will not exceed $170,000. The table below summarizes the grant allocations. It is important to note that future allocations from the Economic Development Fund are anticipated for the overall project. Staff recommends that Council concur with the staff recommendation to authorize a grant application to the Recreation and Conservation Funding Board for the Downtown Waterfront Development Project. West of Oak Street RCO Grant RCO Contribution 1 Lodging Tax Funds In -kind Contribution Economic Development Fund 1 Grant Total Funding $337,300 1 $67,000 1 $101,190 $169,110 $674,600 1 F -62 )ORT A NGELES W A S H I N G T O N U.S.A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: July 6, 2010 TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: Glenn A. Cutler, P.E., Director of Public Works Utilities SUBJECT: Material Purchase: Fiberglass Power Poles, Contract LO -10 -008 Summary: Bids were received on June 22, 2010 for the purchase of 34 fiberglass power poles for the Light Operations Division. One vendor bid on this material purchase, Shakespeare Composite Structures of Newberry, South Carolina. Recommendation: Award and authorize the City Manager to sign a contract and purchase order with Shakespeare Composite Structures, Newberry, South Carolina in the amount of $74,390.58, including tax, for the purchase of 34 fiberglass power poles. Background /Analysis: Bids were received on June 22, 2010 for 34 fiberglass power poles. This procurement is to replenish the Light Operations Division's inventory. The poles will be used throughout the next six months on construction of new power requirements and /or the replacement of existing deteriorated power poles. One vendor bid on this material purchase, Shakespeare Composite Structures of Newberry, South Carolina. A bid summary is provided below. Funds are available for this inventory procurement from the Cash /Cash Equivalent object class (401- 0000 141.4000) of the Light Operations Utility budget. Material Purchase Contract, LO 10 008 (Prices Include Sales Tax and Fees) Company Name 1 Base Bid Amount (including tax) Shakespeare Composite Structures 1 $74,390.58 Government Estimate 1 $92,878.68 1 It is recommended that Council award and authorize the City Manager to sign a contract and purchase order with Shakespeare Composite Structures in the amount of $74,390.58, including tax, for the purchase of 34 fiberglass power poles. N. \CCOUNCIL \FINAL \Material Purchase LO -10 -008 Fiberglass Poles.doc F 63 T A NGELES WASHINGTON, U S A CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: July 6, 2010 TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: Glenn A. Cutler, P.E., Director of Public Works and Utilities SUBJECT: Dry Creek Bridge and Trail Phase 2, Project 05 -31 Material Purchase of Pre manufactured Steel Bridges Summary: Bids were solicited for the construction and delivery of two pre- manufactured weathering steel bridges over Dry Creek. Two bids were opened on June 21, 2010. The lowest responsible bid was in the amount of $181,732.60 from Big R Bridge, Greeley, Colorado. Recommendation: Award and authorize the City Manager to sign the contract with Big R Bridge of Greeley, Colorado in the amount of $181,732.60, including tax, for the purchase of two pre- manufactured weathering steel bridges. Background /Analysis: The Dry Creek Bridge and Trail Improvement Project, Phase 2, has three construction components: 1. Construction of a new trail bridge over Dry Creek 2. Construction of a new trailhead at the intersection of 10 Street and Milwaukee Drive 3. Trail upgrades on Milwaukee Drive between 10 Street and Lower Elwha Road Construction of the two -span bridge over Dry Creek has two phases. Purchase of two pre manufactured weathering steel bridges will be the first phase two bridge sections being needed for the complete two -span bridge. Early purchase of the bridges is necessary because of the long lead time required between the initial order and delivery. The project schedule requires the bridge to be completed by November 1, 2010. Construction of bridge supports and bridge assembly on site will be the second phase. This will require a separate construction contract, anticipated to be advertised within the next 30 days, with a contractor for the on -site work. Bids for the pre- manufactured weathering steel bridges were announced on June 8, 2010. Bid opening was on June 21, 2010. Bids were tendered by two manufacturers Big R Bridge of Greeley, Colorado for $181,732.60, and Contech Construction Products, Inc. of Portland, Oregon for $255,258.15. The engineer's estimate for the two bridges was $181,112.00. The current project budget is $797,600. Of this total amount, $367,500 will be paid by RCO with the remainder of the cost share apportioned as follows: N: \CCOUNCIL\FINAL\Material Purchase Two Weathering Steel Bridges for Dry Creek.doc F 64 July 6, 2010 City Council Re: Pre manufactured Weathering Steel Bridges for Dry Creek Bridge Trail Phase 2 Page 2 Project Funding Lodging Tax Contribution $160,000 Peninsula Trails Coalition Cash Contribution $50,000 Peninsula Trails Coalition Labor Materials Contribution $50,000 National Park Service Contribution $100,100 City of Port Angeles Contribution $70.000 Total Match $430,100 Washington State Recreation Conservation Office $367,500 Total Project $797,600 It is recommended that the City Council award and authorize the City Manager to sign the contract with Big R Bridge of Greeley, Colorado in the amount of $181,732.60, including tax, for the purchase of two pre- manufactured weathering steel bridges. F 65 170RTANGELES W A S H I N G T O N U.S.A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: July 6, 2010 To: CITY COUNCIL FROM: TERRY GALLAGHER, CHIEF OF POLICE Subject: BYRNE JUSTICE ASSISTANCE FEDERAL GRANT SET PUBLIC HEARING SUMMARY: The Port Angeles Police Department, in conjunction with the Clallam County Sheriff s Department, has been awarded a Byrne Justice Assistance Federal Grant in the amount of $11,500.00 Conditions of these types of grants require that the City Council hold a public hearing to gather public comments. RECOMMENDATION: Set the Public Hearing for July 20, 2010. BACKGROUND: Conditions of this grant require that the City Council hold a public hearing to allow the public the opportunity to make comments on this grant. Full details and conditions about this Grant will be provided at the July 20, 2010 meeting. F 66 WEB: di PORTANGELES W A S H I N G T O N U.S.A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: July 6, 2010 To: CITY COUNCIL FROM: WILLIAM E. BLOOR, CITY ATTORNEY Subject: RESOLUTION IN SUPPORT OF NORTH OLYMPIC LIBRARY SYSTEM (NOLS) BALLOT MEASURE PROPOSAL TO LIFT THE LEVY LID ON PROPERTY TAXES SUMMARY: The Board of Directors of the North Olympic Library System (NOLS) is placing a ballot measure before Clallam County voters on August 17, 2010 to restore its 2010 regular property tax levy rate to $0.50 per $1,000 of assessed property value, and has asked the City Council for its support. RECOMMENDATION: Consider placement of this item on the July 20, 2010 Council Agenda for a public hearing to consider the pros and cons of supporting a Resolution in support of the levy lid lift. Discussion: Attached for Council' s consideration is a Resolution in support of the North Olympic Library System levy lid lift. NOLS provides public library services to all residents of Clallam County, including Port Angeles. Due to 2001 changes in State law, funding increases to NOLS from property tax revenues have been limited to 1% per annum although the inflation rate has averaged 2.3% per annum. In addition, revenue received from timber harvests has decreased dramatically. Library revenues are no longer keeping pace with expenses. City staff received a suggestion that the City Council may wish to consider adopting a resolution to support the North Olympic Library System's ballot proposition to lift the levy lid on property taxes. If the City Council wants to consider support of the ballot measure, Council should, by motion, set a date of July 20, 2010 for public hearing to consider support of the North Olympic Library System ballot measure to lift the levy lid, and invite citizens to express views, both pro and con. G LEGAL \a MEMOS\MEMOS 2010 \Council Library Levy Lift Res 070610 wpd F 67 and and RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, in support of the North Olympic Library System levy lid lift. WHEREAS, the North Olympic Library System Board of Trustees are asking voters for a levy lid lift that would authorize the Library District to restore its 2010 regular property tax levy rate to $0.50 per $1,000 of assessed property value for collection in 2011; and WHEREAS, the North Olympic Library System, a junior taxing district which receives no funding from Clallam County or the City of Port Angeles, provides public library service to all residents of Clallam County including all residents of the City of Port Angeles; and WHEREAS, eighty -one percent of the Library's revenues consist ofproperty taxes; and WHEREAS, the last time the Library asked the voters to increase its levy was in 1978; WHEREAS, in 2001 Washington State law changed, limiting the Library's property tax budget increases to no more than 1% more than the previous year without a vote of the people, with the rate of inflation averaging 2.3 and WHEREAS, shared revenue from timber harvests, which used to help the Library balance its budget, has decreased dramatically and is no longer a dependable source of income; WHEREAS, in spite of planning, budgeting, and spending, the Library's revenues are no longer keeping up with expenses and without the Levy, the Library would have to reduce staffing hours of operation and materials; and _1_ F 68 NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, hereby declares its support of the North Olympic Library System levy lid lift, and will forward a certified copy of this Resolution to the Citizens for Libraries for use in support of the Library levy campaign. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said Council held on the day of July, 2010. ATTEST: Janessa Hurd, City Clerk G \LEGAL\a ORDINANCES&RESOLUTIONS RESOLUTIONS 2010 \13 Libraryhdhft 060810 wpd (July 2, 2010) 2 MAYOR APPROVED AS TO FORM: William E. Bloor, City Attorney F 69 CITY OF PORTANGES W A S H I N G T O N U.S.A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: July 6, 2010 TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: NATHAN A. WEST, DIRECTOR COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT SUBJECT: ADOPTION OF INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODES 2009 Summary: Council conducted a first reading of this ordinance adopting updated building codes per State requirements at its June 14, 2010 regular meeting and continued action to July 6, 2010. Recommendation: In compliance with State law, Council should conduct a second reading and adopt the attached ordinance. Background /Analysis: The State of Washington Building Code Council has mandated that the 2009 International Building Codes shall be adopted with Washington State amendments for construction within the State after July 1, 2010. Each jurisdiction within the State must enforce the Codes as written unless locally amended. Staff has made minor modifications to the ordinance presented on June 14 to more accurately reflect the composition of the new code. Additionally, as mentioned in the June 14 memo staff is scheduling a public hearing for later this summer in consideration of some reasonable exceptions to the Codes that are important to citizens. Staff worked cooperatively with other jurisdictions to identify major issues and points of concern as well as conducted training sessions for several months prior to the conversion. Staff and the community now need to begin work under the new building codes. Due to a challenge to the' new Energy Codes, indoor air quality requirements are contained in the International Mechanical Code per Washington State amendments. Further action is expected on the new Energy Code at a later date. Staff will be available for questions. Attachment: Ordinance G -1 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, adopting the 2009 editions of the International Building, Mechanical, Fire and Residential Codes, the 2009 Uniform Plumbing Code with amendments and appendices, and the International Property Maintenance Code. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES DO HEREBY ORDAIN as follows: Section 1. Ordinance 2995, as amended, and the Port Angeles Municipal Code are hereby amended by amending PAMC 14.03.010 to read as follows: 14.03.010 Construction Codes Adopted. Pursuant to Chapters 19.27 and 19.27A RCW and Title 51 WAC, the following Codes are adopted. A. The 20062009 International Building Code, published by the International Code Council, including ICC A117.1 amendments and amendments to IEBC as Appendix M, as amended by the Washington State Building Code Council and published as Chapter 51 -50 Washington Administrative Code, except as amended in Chapter 14.03 PAMC. B. The 20062009 International Mechanical Code published by the International Code Council, including 20062009 IFGC, 2006 NFPA 54 and 2004 NFPA 58, as amended by the Washington State Building Code Council and filed as Chapter 51 -52 Washington Administrative Code. C. The 20062009 International Fire Code, published by the International Code Council, as amended by the Washington State Building Code Council and filed as Chapter 51 -54 Washington Administrative Code, except as amended in Chapter 14.21 PAMC; D. The 20062009 International Residential Code, published by the International Code Council, including Appendix F and new Emergency Rule affecting 2006 IRC, Section R302, as amended by the Washington State Building Code Council and filed as Chapter 51 -51 Washington Administrative Code; E. The 20062009 Uniform Plumbing Code, and 20062009 Uniform Plumbing Code Standards, published by the International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials, as amended by the Washington State Building Code Council and filed as Chapter 51 -56 Washington Administrative Code; I'. FG. The 2006 Washington State Energy Code, as amended by the Washington Building Code Council, and filed as Chapter 51 -11 Washington Administrative Code. Gif. The Uniform Sign Code, 1997 Edition, published by the International Conference of Building Officials; G -2 HI. The Uniform Code for Building Conservation, 1997 Edition, published by the International Conference of Building Officials. T J. Mu Cudc Cuu11�i1 Chaptcr 51 -19 Washington Admiiiistative Cod K. T11c 111 01111 Buildiii CV!]G, 1997 E pub1i�11Gi1 1 1 y t11c Iutcliiatiuliaa1 Section 2. Ordinance 3288, and the Port Angeles Municipal Code are hereby amended by amending PAMC 14.09.010 to read as follows: 14.09.010 Pronertv Maintenance Codes Adopted. The International Property Maintenance Code, 2006 2009 Edition, as published by the International Code Council, is hereby adopted and made a part hereof, as if fully set out in this ordinance. Property maintenance within the City of Port Angeles shall be governed by said International Property Maintenance Code, 2006 2009 Edition. Section 3. The City Clerk and the codifiers of this ordinance are authorized to make necessary corrections to this ordinance including, but not limited to, the correction of the scrivener's /clerical errors, references, ordinance numbering, section/subsection numbers and any references thereto. Section 4 Severabilitv. If any provisions of this Ordinance or its applications to any person or circumstances is held to be invalid, the remainder of the Ordinance or application of the provisions of the Ordinance to other persons or circumstances is not affected. Section 5 Effective Date. This ordinance, being an exercise of a power specifically delegated to the City legislative body, is not subject to referendum. This ordinance shall take effect five days after its publication by summary. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said Council held on the day of July, 2010. -2- MAYOR G -3 ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: Janessa Hurd, City Clerk William E. Bloor, City Attorney PUBLISHED: July 2010 By Summary G \LEGAL\e ORDINANCES &RESOLUTIONS \ORDINANCES 2010 \14 Adopt Intl Building Code Revs 060310 wpd -3- G -4 WEB:di PORTANGELES W A S H I N G T O N U.S.A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: July 6, 2010 To: CITY COUNCIL FROM: WILLIAM E. BLOOR, CITY ATTORNEY Subject: PUBLIC RECORDS ORDINANCE SUMMARY: The attached ordinance regarding inspection of public records incorporates a recent change adopted by the State Legislature. RECOMMENDATION: Conduct second reading and consider adoption of the attached Ordinance. Discussion: The first reading was conducted June 15, 2010. This is the second reading of a draft ordinance which incorporates minor changes to the "Five Day Response" subsection of the City's Public Records Ordinance. It is intended to allow quicker, more efficient responses to requests for certain records. If you have questions or would like to discuss this, please feel free to contact me at your convenience prior to the meeting. G \LEGAL MEMOS \MEMOS 2010 \Council Pubhc Records Ordmance 070610 wpd G -5 follows: ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, amending Chapter 2.74 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code relating to inspection of public records. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES do hereby ordain as Section 1. Ordinance 2754, as amended, and Chapter 2.74 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code are hereby amended by amending Subsection 2.74.030 B.6 PAMC, Responding to Records Requests, to conform with Substitute Senate Bill 6367 effective June 10, 2010, as follows: B. Responding to Records Requests. 6. Five Day Response. For requests for records not within the "over the counter" category, within five business days of receiving a records request the City shall respond by: i. Notifying the Requester that the documents are available; or ii. Providing an internet address and link on the City's web site to the specific records reauested. except that if the Reauester notifies the City that he or she cannot access the records through the internet. then the City must provide copies of the record or allow the Reauester to view conies using a City computer: or iii. Sending an "Acknowledgment Letter" acknowledging that the City has received the request and providing a reasonable estimate of the time the City will require to respond to the request; or iiiv. Requesting clarification, as outlined in Additional Time for Response, below; or iv. Denying the Records Request. In a "Denial Letter," the City should include an exemption log, as described in Section 19.b, if any responsive exempt records exist. Section 2 Corrections. The City Clerk and the codifiers of this ordinance are authorized to make necessary corrections to this ordinance including, but not limited to, the correction of the scrivener's /clerical errors, references, ordinance numbering, section /subsection numbers and any references thereto. -1- G -6 Section 3 Severabilitv. If any provisions of this Ordinance, or its application to any person or circumstances, are held invalid, the remainder of the Ordinance, or application of the provisions of the Ordinance to other persons or circumstances, is not affected. Section 4 Effective Date. This ordinance, being an exercise of an administrative function, is not subject to referendum. This ordinance shall take effect five days following the date of its publication by summary. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 6th day of July, 2010. ATTEST: Janessa Hurd, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: William E. Bloor, City Attorney PUBLISHED: July 2010 By Summary G \LEGAL\a ORDINANCES &RESOLUTIONS \ORDINANCES 2010 \l3 Inspection of Pubbc Records 060210 wpd (July 1, 2010) 2 MAYOR G -7 PORTANGELES W A S H I N G T O N U.S.A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: July 6, 2010 To: CITY COUNCIL FROM: Glenn A. Cutler, P.E., Director of Public Works and Utilities SUBJECT: 2010 -2016 Capital Facilities Plan (CFP)/Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) Summary: A public hearing on the City's Six -Year CFP /TIP was opened on June 1, 2010. The hearing was continued to June 15, 2010 for additional public comment. A summary of the June 29, 2010 work session will be presented. Recommendation: 1) Listen to the staff presentation; 2) Discuss the CFP/TIP; 3) Pass the CFP/TIP resolution which includes revisions to Exhibit A requested by City Council on June 29, 2010. Background /Analysis: A public hearing on the 2010 -2016 CFP /TIP was opened at the June 1, 2010 City Council meeting. The hearing was continued to June 15, 2010 for additional public comments. Staff will provide a summary of the changes at tonight's meeting. An Insertion/ Deletion Guide, with revised pages that can be used to update your binders, has been provided separately. The CFP /TIP posted on the City's website also contains the revised pages. Staff recommends approval of the resolution adopting the 2010 -2016 CFP /TIP, which includes a summary of all proposed projects during the next six -years and includes revisions requested by City Council on June 29, 2010 (Exhibit A). This year, due to anticipated 2011 budget restrictions, there is no allocation of funds for the governmental projects proposed at this time. Attachment: 2010 -2016 CFP /TIP Resolution with revised Exhibit A N: \CCOUNCIL\FINAL \2010 -2016 CFP -TIP Resolution.doc H -1 WHEREAS, the City of Port Angeles is required to annually update its Capital Facilities Plan and Transportation Improvement Program; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington being the legislative body of said City, on the 1st of June, 2010, the 15th of June, 2010 and the 6 of July, 2010 did hold public hearings on the update of its Capital Facilities Plan and Transportation Improvement Program; and WHEREAS, the proposed Capital Facilities Plan and Transportation Improvement Program for 2010 -2016 are consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington that the Capital Facilities Plan and the Transportation Improvement Program, attached hereto as Exhibit A, for the City of Port Angeles, Washington, be and the same are hereby adopted; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the 2010 -2016 Transportation Improvement Program, together with this Resolution, shall be filed, using electronic format through the Internet, with the Secretary of Transportation of the State of Washington. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said Council held on the day of July, 2010. ATTEST: Janessa Hurd, City Clerk RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, adopting the Capital Facilities Plan and Transportation Improvement Program for 2010 -2016. G \LEGAL% ORDINANCES &RESOLUTIONS\RESOLUTIONS 2010 \12 TIP &CIP -Adopt 051$10 wpd (June 24, 2010) MAYOR APPROVED AS TO FORM: William E. Bloor, City Attorney H -2 2010 2016 CAPIT•CILITIES PROJECTS CFP TIP SUMMAR•E 1 PRIORITY ORDER TOTAL DIVISION PROJECT TOTAL CITY 2010 TOTAL 2011 TOTAL 2012 TOTAL 2013 TOTAL 2014 TOTAL 2015 TOTAL 2016 TOTAL GRANTS BONDS OUTSIDE PRIORITY PROJECT ID PROJECT TITLE COSTS COST COSTS COSTS COSTS COSTS COSTS COSTS COSTS CONTRIB LOANS MANDATE GENERAL PROJECTS 1 GG01 -2005 I Harbor Master Plan 50,000 I 50,000 1 25,000 1 -1 -I 1 1 -1 Y 1 GG01 -2010 I has e e I I reek Restoration 657,000 157,000 500,000 I I 657,000 I N 1 GSM-2003 1 (NICE tProgram) evelopment 575,000 I 575,000 75,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 I 100,000 I 100,000 I N 1 GG03 -2009 I Entryway Monument 50,000 I 50,000 1 15,000 1 35,000 -1 N 1 GG04 -2009 IStud ying Height/Viewshed 75,000 75,000 75,000 N 2 GG01 -2002 1 Ediz Hook Rip Rap Repair 715,000 1 79,000 1 715,000 636,000 1 1 Y Port of PA 3 GG08 -2009 I Ut lily Improvements Park 500,000 500,000 500,000 I I I I I I N 4 GGO5 2009 I Extension erfront Utilities 700,000 700,000 1 700,000 N 5 GG03 -2007 1 City Hall Parking Lot Repair 100,000 1 100,000 1 100,000 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 N 6 GSM-2009 land Sluff tab lization 15,000,000 15,000,000 15,000,000 I I I I I I N 7 GG07 -2009 (Front Street Underground on 1,500,000 1 1,500,000 I I 1 1 1 1 1 N FIRE PROJECTS 1 FR01- 2009 Medical Incident 36,000 I 36,000 I 36,000 I I I I I I 1 N I 2 FRO2-2009 (Apparatu Mobile Data for Fire 120,000 50,000 70,000 I I I I 120,000 I I N 3 FRO7 -1999 I West Side Fire Station 1,986,000 1 1,986,000 1 -1 -1 171,000 1 1,815,000 1 -1 -1 -1 1 1,986,0001 N PARKS PROJECTS Olympic Discovery 1 PK05 -2009 Repa rr -FEMA M t g t on 860,000 215,000 I 860,000 I I 645,000 N Ediz ook West Boat 2 PK04 -2009 RepaiHFEMAMitgato 100,000 25,000 l 100,000 I 75,000 N 2 PK06 -2009 RepaertFEMAMitg 500,000 125,000' 100,000 400,000 375,000 N 3 PK03 -2009 System Pier Fire Suppression 210,000 210,000 I 150,000 100,000 I I Y 4 PK01 -2010 Civic Field Upgrades 2,500,000 1 2,500,000 1 1 2,500,000 1 1 1 2,500,000 N Olympic 4 PK04 -2005 Armor Replacement ail Tree 250,000 250,000 I 50,000 50,000 I 50,000 I 50,000 50,000 I N 4 PK06 -2005 Replace Roof of Vern Burton 1 150,000 1 150,000 1 1 150,000 1 1 1 1 N 5 PK02 -2005 Restroom Replacement 375,000 1 375,000 1 1 1 125,000 1 125,000 125,000 1 -1 N 6 PK08 -2002 Renovation 500,000 Park 500,000 500,000 I 100,000 I 100,000 I 100,000 I 100,000 I 100,000 N I 8 PK02 -2009 Off-Leash Dog Park 15,000 1 1 1 15,000 1 1 1 1 15,000 N 9 PK01 -2009 1 Port Angeles Marine Park 100,000 1 1 1 20,000 1 20,000 1 20,000 1 20,000 1 20,000 1 1 100,000 1 N 10 PK03- 2006'Pla�ln Park Development 50,000 I 50,000 I I I I I I 50,000 I N N \CFP\2010 \CFP Resolution Exhibit A Revised XLS.xls Exhibit "A" H -3 7/2/2010 TOTAL DIVISION PROJECT TOTAL CITY 2010 TOTAL 2011 TOTAL 2012 TOTAL 2013 TOTAL 2014 TOTAL 2015 TOTAL 2016 TOTAL GRANTS BONDS OUTSIDE PRIORITY PROJECT ID PROJECT TITLE COSTS COST COSTS COSTS COSTS COSTS COSTS COSTS COSTS CONTRIB LOANS MANDATE 11 1 PK01 -2002 IRe'novaton oilywood Beach 100,000 100,000 1 I 15,000 85,000 1 N 13 PK06 -2006 1 Lions Park Development 225,000 1 225,000 1 1 85,000 75,000 65,000 1 1 1 N Shane 14 PK04 -2006 I Lighting P o ecBall Field 200,000 200,000 I 1 1 100,000 100,000 1 I I N 15 1 PK11 -2006 I City Pier Float Replacement 750,000 1 750,000 I I 1 750,000 1 I I I I 1 1 N 16 PK03 -2007 I Park Lighting Courts at Erickson 50,000 I I 75,000 I I I I 25,000 I N Fine Arts Center Entrance I I I I 50,000 1 N 17 PK02 -2006 Improvements 50,000 1 50,000 POLICE PROJECTS 1 I PD01 -2010 'Network (BTOP reless Mobile I 3,724,000 I 1,117,000 1 3,724,000 1 I I I I 1 2,607,0001 Wireless TerminalsNoice Radio Upgrades 2 PD01 -2009 (Stonegarden) 500,000 200,000 200,000 500,000 3 1 PD02 -2009 I W d rk Area elocation Patrol I 300,000 I 45,000 255,000 1 I I 300,0001 4 1 PD03 -2007 I Facllryal Firearms Training I 300,000 I 35,000 300,000 1 I I I 265,0001 TOTAL OF MANDATED GENERAL FUND PROJECTS' 975,000 1 339,000 1 175,000 1 815,000 1 1 1 1 636,000 1 TOTAL OF ALL GENERAL FUND PROJECTS' 33,898,000 1 27,478,000 1 1,777,000 1 9,095,000 1 18,141,000 1 2,470,000 1 460,000 1,770,000 1 100,000 1 6,420,000 1 4,486,000 2 1 TR04 -2005 1 Alley Paving 200,000 1 200,000 1 -1 50,000 2010 2016 CAPITAL FACILITIES PROJECTS CFP TIP SUMMARY PAGE 2 PRIORITY ORDER -I N N N STREET PROJECTS 1 TR01 -2003 1 Overlay Program 2,880,000 1 2,880,000 1 340,000 1 360,000 1 380,000 1 400,000 1 420,000 450,000 1 -1 -1 -1 N 1 TR01 -2005 1 Gravel Road Paving 175,000 1 175,000 1 25,000 1 25,000 1 25,000 1 25,000 1 25,000 25,000 1 1 1 1 N 1 TR01 -2006 'Comprehensive ve Plan 100,000 25,000 1 60,000 I I I I 75,000 I Y 1 TR01 -2010 1 Race Street Slide Repair 190,000 1 190,000 1 190,000 1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 1 -1 N 1 TR02 -2003 I Waterfront Development 4,385,000 1 277,000 I 180,000 1 2,620,000 1 1,585,000 1 -1 -1 4,108,000 1 -1 N 1 TR03 -2009 (Terminal s to the Coho Ferry 9,000,000 50,000 1 9,000,000 I 8,950,000 I N 1 TR04 -2006 I B Dry Creek ridge/Trail Ph se Pedestrian 759,400 262,200 1 100,000 659,400 I I 497,200 I N 1 TR09 -2009 I Concept ding Signage 210,000 210,000 1 75,000 150,000 1 I I N 1 TR10 -2000 16th Street S/W G' St to 400,000 175,000 400,000 1 I 225,000 N 1 TR10 -2009 INodes 50,000 1 50,000 1 50,000 1 1 1 I I 1 I I I N Lauridsen Blvd Reconstruction [Trk Rt To 'L' 1 TR21 -1999 St 550,000 550 000 550.000 N 1 I TR74 -1999 1 Sidewalk Program 250,000 1 250,000 1 -1 50,000 1 50,000 1 50,000 1 50,000 1 50,000 1 -1 -1 N 1 -1 75,000 1 -1 75,000 1 -1 -1 N 1 2 1 TR04 -2007 IRehablatioRadroad Street 855,000 1 855,000 I I 200,000 300,000 400,000 I I I I I N N 010 \CFP Resolution Exhibit A Revised XLS xls Exh •t "A" H 4 2010 e 2010 2016 CAPIT•CILITIES PROJECTS CFP TIP SUMMARII1DE 3 PRIORITY ORDER TOTAL DIVISION PROJECT TOTAL CITY 2010 TOTAL 2011 TOTAL 2012 TOTAL 2013 TOTAL 2014 TOTAL 2015 TOTAL 2016 TOTAL GRANTS BONDS OUTSIDE PRIORITY PROJECT ID PROJECT TITLE COSTS COST COSTS COSTS COSTS COSTS COSTS COSTS COSTS CONTRIB LOANS MANDATE 2 I TR05 -2009 Repair -FEMA Mitigation 250,000 62,500 250,000 I I I 187,500 I N 3 TR06 -2009 Wahl Repair-FEMA Mitigation 350,000 87,500 350,000 I I I 262,500 I N 4 TR20 -1999 Fa I t eB /Racks /Striping 100,000 100,000 2 0,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 I 20,000 I I N 5 TR26 -1999 1 ADA Curb Ramps 1 120,000 1 120,000 1 20,000 1 20,000 1 20,000 1 20,000 1 20,000 1 20,000 1 Y 8 TR04 -2009 Overpass Pedestrian 600,000 60,000 I I 600,000 I I 540,000 N 10 TR08 -2009 1 Downtown Parking Study I 75,000 1 75,000 1 75,000 1 I N 1 12 TR01 -2001 (Replacement 1 302,500 1 302,500 1 1 27,500 1 275,000 1 1 1 1 1 N I Oak 13 TR03 -2006 Replacement 55,000 55,000 I I 55,000 I 495,000 N 14 TR01 -2008 Replaceme Study Update 25,000 25,000 I 25,000 I N 15 TR42 -1999 'Widening n Blvd Bndge 5,000,000 1,030,000 I I 440,000 I 3,500,000 1,060,000 3,970,000 N 16 TR11 -2009 'Repairs Drroe Bulkhead 750,000 750,000 I I I 100,000 I 650,000 75,000 N 17 TR09 -2000 I S td h Street S/W ['I' St to 'G' 255,000 10,000 I I 50,000 I 255,000 I 245,000 I I N Lincoln /Laurel Rechannelization /Signal /Rou n 18 TR18 -1999 dabout 665,000 112,000 60,000 605,000 553,000 N 2nd 20 TR01 -2004 Restoration Pavement I 540,000 540,000 48,000 492,000 I I N I 21 TR11 -2000 'M' Street] 660,000 S/W ['N' Street to 660,000 660,000 I 60,000 600,000 I I 440,000 N I 22 TR12 -2000 Street] Street ['M' Street to '1' 675,000 225,000 I 60,000 675,000 I 450,000 N Park abody to Race] 1,455,000 Avenue Reconstruction I I 185,000 1,270,000 I 1,090,000 N abody to 365,000 23 TR12 -1999 [Pe 24 TR02 -2006 Sidewalk Fill In Gaps 875,000 500,000 1 1 175,000 1 175,000 1 175,000 1 175,000 1 175,000 1 1 375,000 1 1 N 25 TR02 -2001 Ennis St Slide Repair 300,000 300,000 1 300,000 1 1 1 1 1 1 N 1 26 TR05 -2006 Valley Creek Loop Trail 100,000 50,000 1 25,000 1 25,000 1 25,000 1 25,000 1 1 1 50,000 1 1 N 1 28 TR02 -2007 I Laurel St Sidewalk Phase 11 300,000 1 100,000 1 I I 325, 1 1 1 1 200,000 1 1 N 1 29 TR03 -2007 III Laurel Street Sidewalk Phase 250,000 75,000 260,000 175,000 N Laurel Street/Ahlvers Road 645,000 1,100,000 I 932,000 N 30 TR04 -1999 'Reconstruction 1,745,000 813,000 31 TR02 -2004 Improvlements rrvner Rd 840,000 840,000 78,000 60,000 402,000 I 300,000 N 32 TR07 -1999 1 Milwaukee Dnve Phase 1 2,905,000 1 2,905,000 1 1 305,000 1 2,600,000 1 1 1 N 33 TR70 -1999 I St eetLID Angeles Road/Porter 3,030,000 3,030,000 I 305,000 I 2,725,000 3,030,000 N 34 TR69 -1999 I Rhoads Road Area LID 1,355,000 1,355,000 1 1 1 1,355,000 1 1 1 1,355,000 1 N 35 TR97 -1999 1 C Street and Fairmont LID 3,660,000 1 3,660,000 1 360,000 1 3,300,000 1 3,660,000 1 N 36 TR71 -1999 I LIDh /13th and "I "P'M" Street 3,330,000 3,330,000 305,000 3,025,000 I I 3,330,000 N N \CFP\2010 \CFP Resolution Exhibit A Revised.XLS xls Exhibit "A" H -5 7/2/2010 DIVISION PRIORITY PROJECT ID PROJECT TITLE 37 TR16 -1999 18th Street Reconstruction Phase II 38 I TR10 -1999 1 10th Street Reconstruction Route at US101 39 TR17- 1999'Intersecton 40 TR13 -2000 I Sidewalk [14th St to 18th St) 355,000 41 I TR32 -1999 9th Street Widening 95,000 42 1 TR08 -1999 Milwaukee Dnve Phase II 4,545,000 City -Wide Traffic Signal 43 TR13 -1999 Interconnect/Pre emption Hill Street Intersection 44 TR05 -1999 Reconstruction 45 I TR14 -2000 I Airport Industrial Park Streets I Laundsen Blvd/Washington 46 TR80 -1999 Street Reconstruct I 480,000 Alternative Cross -Town 47 TR02 -2008 Route Study 48 I TR14 -1999 I White's Creek Crossing 49 1 TR06 -2007 1 Vine Street Paving 0 Street Improvements (14th 50 TR03 -2008 Ito 16th Streets) 51 I TR02 -2009 1 Race Street Bicycle Lanes 8th and "C" Streets 52 TR07 -2009 Roundabout 5th Street Bndges Over 56 TR13 -2009 Valley and Tumwater Creeks TOTAL OF MANDATED STREET PROJECTS' TOTAL OF ALL STREET PROJECTSI N X 010 \CFP Resolution Exhibit A Revised XLS.xls TOTAL PROJECT TOTAL CITY 2010 TOTAL COSTS COST COSTS 4,475,000 4,475,000 968,000 I 968,000 I 600,000 600,000 55,000 95,000 I 4,545,000 I 725,000 I 725,000 485,000 2,725,000 303,000 305,000 I 75,000 220,000 220,000 220,000 I I I I I I I N 9,690,000 I 9,690,000 I I I I 1,825,000 I 7,865,000 I I I N 110,000 110,000 -1 110,000 I I 1 I I I N 990,000 I 50,000 I 400,000 I 75,000 220,000 1 77,559,900 I 990,000 10,000 400,000 145,000 I 51,252, 700 I ELECTRIC PROJECTS 1 CL01 -2009 IF- Street 1202 Upgrade I 170,000 I 170,000 I eng Avanced 1 CL03 -2008 1 of Infrastructure t Electnc I 2,777,000 I 2,777,000 Residential Demand 1 CL03- 2009'Response Program I 1,750,000 I 250,000 Washington Substation 1 CL06- 2007' Line Renovation 230,000 1 230,000 1 CL06- 2010'Replacement tation Switch 80,000 80,000 1 CL07 -2010 IBPA Conservation Program 4,660,000 I 1 CLO9 -2009 'Tier2 Conservation Program I 1,200,000 1 1,200,000 1 2 CL01 -2006 'Eclipse Add Second Source I 385,000 I 385,000 I 3 CL01 -2010 'Cable Restoration Phase III I 100,000 I 100,000 1 4 CL02 -2010 'Washington to Line I St Upgrade 220,000 220,000 1 5 CL03- 2010'Faclities 150,0001 150,000 2010 2016 CAPITAL FACILITIES PROJECTS CFP TIP SUMMARY PAGE 4 PRIORITY ORDER 2011 TOTAL 2012 TOTAL 2013 TOTAL 2014 TOTAL 2015 TOTAL 2016 TOTAL GRANTS BONDS OUTSIDE COSTS COSTS COSTS COSTS COSTS COSTS CONTRIB LOANS MANDATE I I I 420,000 I 4,055,000 I I I N I -I 88,0001 880,0001 -I I -I -I -I N I 1 I 1,000,000 5,000,000 I N I I 55,000 I 300,000 I 300,000 I I N I -I -I -I -I 95,0001 I -I -I N I -I -1 -1 4,545,0001 -I I -1 -I N -I -1 I 725,000 -I -I I N I 485,000 182,000 I I N I I 305,000 I 1,650,000 I 770,000 I I I 2,420,000 I I N I 75,000 75,000 330,000 I 405,000 I I N -I -I -I 990,0001 -I I -I -I I N I 50,000 1 I I I I I 40,000 1 I N I -I 400,0001 -I -I -I N I 75,0001 75,000 N 60,000 I 20,000 I 20,000 I 20,000 I 20,000 I 20,000 I 20,000 I 75,000 I I 10, 620,000 I 5,024,400 I 6,141, 500 I 14,207, 000 I 16,492, 000 I 11,670,000 I 18, 910, 000 I 26,822,200 I 11, 375,000 I 170,0001 -1 1 I I -1 -I I I N 1,000,000 I 1,777,000 I I I I 1 2,777,000 N 500,000 250,000 250,000 1 250,000 I 250,000 I 250,000 I 1,500,000 I N 200,0001 -I -I -I I -I N 80,0001 -I -I -I N 440,000 I 520,000 I 740,000 I 740,000 I 740,000 I 740,000 I 740,000 I 4,660,000 I N 300,000 I 300,000 I 300,000 I 300,000 I I I I I 1,200,000 I N I 35.000 I 150.000 I 200,000 I I I I 1 I N -I 100,0001 -I I I -I -I I I N -1 220,0001 -1 -1 -I -1 -I N -I 150,0001 -1 -I -I -I -1 N Exhi it "A" H 6 2010 1 2010 2016 CAPIT•CILITIES PROJECTS CFP TIP SUMMARY. 5 TOTAL DIVISION PROJECT TOTAL CITY 2010 TOTAL 2011 TOTAL 2012 TOTAL 2013 TOTAL 2014 TOTAL 2015 TOTAL 2016 TOTAL GRANTS BONDS OUTSIDE PRIORITY PROJECT ID PROJECT TITLE COSTS COST COSTS COSTS COSTS COSTS COSTS COSTS COSTS CONTRIB LOANS MANDATE 6 CL02 -2006 IT an s orrmer Street Substation I 860,000 I 860,000 I 60,000 800,000 I I I I 800,000 N 'Commercial Deman 7 I CL08 -2009 Management S udy 30,000 30,000 I 30,000 1 I 1 I N 8 CLO5 -2010 'Pole Replacement Program I 6,000,000 I 6,000,000 I I 1,000,000 I 1,000,000 1,000,000 1 1,000,000 I 1,000,000 I 1,000,000 1 I 6,000,000 I N I PUD Assumption in 9 CL04 -2007 'Previously Annexed Areas 100,000 I 100,000 I 100,000 I I I I N 10 CL06 -2008 IN-Annual Improvementslacements and 900,000 I 900,000 300,000 I 900,000 N 300,000 300,000 11 CL07 -2007 'Underground Feeder F -1202 I 100,000 I 100,000 I I 10,000 I 100,000 I I I I I N 12 CL05 -2009 C Program Tier2 1,200,000 I 1,200,000 I 1,200,000 I I 1,200,000 N 13 CL07 -2009 'Tier 2 Generation Program 1,150,000 I 1,150,000 I I I 150,000 I 1,000,000 I I 1,150,000 I N 'Olympic Medical 14 CL08 -2007 Redundant Power Source 110,000 I 110,000 I 110,000 1 N Feeder Tie Porter To Golf 15 CL02 -2002 Course 260,000 I 260,000 I I I I 30,000 230,000 N 16 CL03 -2006 'Install Peabody Substation I 770,000 I 770,000 I I I 440,000 I 330,000 I N I 17 CL07 -1999 (Servo elndustnal Park Electric I 800,000 I I 400,000 200,000 200,000 800,000 N 18 CL01 -2004 Street to Pine Street Cherry I 60,000 I 60,000 I 60,000 I N I 19 CL04 -2010 Needs Arse sment etwork 72,000 I 72,000 I I 30,000 I 42,000 N TOTAL OF MANDATED ELECTRIC PROJECTS' TOTAL OF ALL ELECTRIC PROJECTSI SOLID WASTE PROJECTS Post Closure Beach I SW01 -2009 I Nourishment TOTAL OF MANDATED SOLID WASTE PROJECTS' 93,000 I TOTAL OF ALL SOLID WASTE PROJECTS' 93,000 I -I I 24,134,000 I 17,174,000 I 93,000 93,000 I 28,000 93,000 I 28,000 93,000 I 28,000 PRIORITY ORDER -I I 30,000 30,000 30,000 35,000 I 2,690,000 I 5,392,000 I 4,200,000 I 3,900,000 I 3,020,000 I 2,580,000 I 2,332,000 I 6,960,000 I 14, 027, 000 I 35,000 I I I Y 35,000 I I I -I -I I -I WATER PROJECTS 1 I WT02 -2001 I Elwha Dam Mitigation 210,000 110,000 I 100,000 I I 210,000 I I N 1 I WT02 -2006 IBi- Annual Replacements 930,000 I 930,000 I 340,000 I I 360,000 I 380,000 I I I I I N 1 WT02 -2009 Replacement Pipe 6,295,000 6,295,000 I 575,000 1,430,000 1,430,000 1,430,000 I 1,430,000 I I 6,295,000 N 1 WT64 -1999 mprovementsssure Subzone 540,000 I 540,000 I 40,000 500,000 I I 540,000 N 1 WT65 -1999 I UGA Water Customers 20,000 I 20,000 I 5,000 I 5,000 I I I I I I I N Advanced Metering Infrastructure 2 WT01 -2008 Water/Wastewater 2,226,000 2,226,000 1,000,000 1,226,000 2,226,000 N 3 I WTO1 -2007 I Dry Creek Water Settlement 150,000 I 150,000 I 150,000 I I I I I 1 I I I N I 4 I WT03 -2005 (Vulnerability Improvements 210,000 I 210,000 I I 65,000 I 70,000 I 75,000 I I I I I I N I N \CFP120101CFP Resolution Exhibit A Revised XLS.xls Exhibit n p n H 7/2/2010 2010 2016 CAPITAL FACILITIES PROJECTS CFP TIP SUMMARY PAGE 6 PRIORITY ORDER TOTAL DIVISION PROJECT TOTAL CITY 2010 TOTAL 2011 TOTAL 2012 TOTAL 2013 TOTAL 2014 TOTAL 2015 TOTAL 2016 TOTAL GRANTS BONDS OUTSIDE PRIORITY PROJECT ID PROJECT TITLE COSTS COST COSTS COSTS COSTS COSTS COSTS COSTS COSTS CONTRIB LOANS MANDATE 5 I WT03 -2009 'Lines to Clallam PUD Water I 500,000 250,000 I 100,000 400,000 I I I I 1 250,000 I I N 6 WT01 -2009 I R E Street pa ntin9eservoir Cover I 200,000 200,000 1 200,000 I I I I I I I N 7 'Airport Industrial Park Water I 1,500,000 1 I I 180,000 I 660,000 1 660,000 I 1,500,000 I I N TOTAL OF MANDATED WATER PROJECTS' I I I 1 I I I TOTAL OF ALL WATER PROJECTS' 12,781,000 10,821,000 1 2,320,000 3,926,000 1,860,000 I 1,685,000 I 2,470,000 1 660,000 I 1,960,000 I 9,061,000 WASTEWATER PROJECTS 'lant 1 I WW03- 2005 'Impro emen s rks 250,000 250,000 I 25,000 1 I WW03- 2008 'Replacement I 230,000 I 230,000 I 145,000 1 I WW04 -2008 (Carbon Scrubbers WWTP I 53,000 I 53,000 1 53,000 'First Street 1 I WW04- 2010'Separaton Stormwater 1,610,100 1,610,100 I 955,100 Waste Activated 1 WW06 -2008 'Thickening VVWTPludge 260,000 260,000 I 105,000 1 WW08 -2008 IPh se ied Sewer Overflows 28 955,500 28,955,500 I 1,600,000 2 I 1NW27 -1999 ILines I 900,000 900,000 I 268,000 Dry Polymer Feeder 3 WW01 -2008 I Replacement OA/VIP 54,000 54,000 54,000 Digester Mixing Improvement 3 WW05 -2008 I WWTP 300,000 300,000 Plant De- Watering 4 WW02- 2005 'Improvements 1,240,000 1,240,000 Septage Receiving Station 4 WW02 -2008 I WWTP 699,500 699,500 102,500 597,000 5 WW10 -2008 'Combined d Sewer Overflows II 12 200,000 12,200,000 1,125,000 3,800,000 7,275,000 Plant Programmable Logic 6 WW02 -2010 1ControlleNHMI replacement 100,000 100,000 100,000 11 I WW05- 2006 'Sewer Trestle at Francis 8th' 475,000 475,000 I 75,000 I 400,000 I I I I I 12 I WW03 -2000 'Lindberg Rd Sewer LID 1,200,000 I 125,000 1,075,000 1,200,000 I 13 1 WW02 -2000 'Airport Industnal Sewer 1,300,000 I I I I 150,000 I 575,000 1 575,000 I 1,300,000 14 I WW05 -1999 nterceptore Road Sewer 1,000,000 140,000 I 860,000 I 1,000,000 I 15 I WW07 -2008 'Extension Basin 2 Sewer 7,100,000 1,000,000 6,100,000 I 7,100,000 I 16 I WW09 -2008 'Extension Basin 3 Sewer 6,100,000 900,000 I 5,200,000 6,100,000 I 17 I :^h1/11-2008 ,Extension 2,500,000 500,000 1 2,000,000 2,500,000 West UGA Basin 4 Sewer 18 1 WW01 -2010 (Turbo Blower Installation 183,000 I 183,000 I I 183,000 I TOTAL OF MANDATED WASTEWATER PROJECTS I 41,458,500 I 41,458,500 1 1,678,000 I 11,720,500 11,015,000 I 8,745,000 1 7,275,000 I I I I 37,255,500 TOTAL OF ALL WASTEWATER PROJECTS' 66,710,100 I 47,510,100 1 3,382,600 I 15,073,500 11,942,000 12,155,000 1 14,850,000 I 6,275,000 1 2,000,000 20,810,100 1 38,495,500 N 010 \CFP Resolution Exhibit A Revised.XLS xls 350,000 I I I I 85,000 j -I I -I -I I I -I -I -I -I -I -I 655,000 I I I 1,610,100 155,000 I I I I I _I 11,370,500 I 9,890,000 I 4,945,000 I I I 1 28,555,500 300,000 I I 325,000 I I I I I 300,000 I 1,175,000 65,000 1,240,000 Exh i 't "A" 8,700,000 H -8 2010 Y N Y N N Y N N N NJ N Y N N N N N N N 2010 2016 CAPIT•CILITIES PROJECTS CFP TIP SUMMAR•E 7 PRIORITY ORDER TOTAL DIVISION PROJECT TOTAL CITY 2010 TOTAL 2011 TOTAL 2012 TOTAL 2013 TOTAL 2014 TOTAL 2015 TOTAL 2016 TOTAL GRANTS BONDS OUTSIDE PRIORITY PROJECT ID PROJECT TITLE COSTS COST COSTS COSTS COSTS COSTS COSTS COSTS COSTS CONTRIB LOANS MANDATE STORMWATER PROJECTS uffls I 1 I Stormwater a d 200,000 200,000 I 50,000 I 50,000 I 50,000 I 50,000 50,000 I I Y 1 DR02- 2009'Culvert Repair 170,000 170,000 I 50,000 I 50,000' 50,000' I 50,000 I I N Stormwater at Canyon Edge 250,000 200,000 I I Y 1 DR04 -2004 Ahlvers 500,000 500,000 1 DR14 -1999 'Culvert Rehab 760,000 St 760,000 380,000 I 3,000 122,000 I 635,000 I 380,000 I Y 2 DR01 -2006 'Valley Improvements rosion 40,000 40,000 I I 40,000 Y 2 DR02 -1999 'Modifications a tch Basin 585,000 585,000 I 100,000 105,000 I 110,000 115,000 I 120,000 Y I 3 DR01 -2008 'Water Quality Project 150,000 150,000 I I I 30,000 I 30,000 30,000 30,000 I 30,000 I I I Y 4 DR03- 2009'Improvements 825,000 825,000 325,000 575,000 I I 625,000 N 5 DR06 -2004 IPorterwater at Campbell 500,000 500,000 50,000 I 200,000 I 250,000 I 425,000 Y 5 DR08 -2004 Lincoln Park/Big Boy Pond 300,000 I 300,000 I I I I 30,000 I 270,000 I I I I 255,000 I Y Stormwater Discharges Over 5 DR53 -1999 Bluff 670,000 670,000 190,000 I 1 120,000 120,000 I 120,000 I Y 10th And 5 DR65 -1999 Storm Detention reet Regional 550,000 550,000 300,000 I 250,000 I I I 505,000 Y 7 DR07 -2004 Extension er "C" Street 500,000 500,000 I 50,000 I 200,000 I 250,000 I I Y 8 DR05 -2004 (Stormwater at Rose Thistle 500,000 1 500,000 I I I I 50,000 1 200,000 1 250,000 I 1 425,000 I Y 9 DR03 -2004 US101 500,000 1 500,000 I I I I 1 50,000 1 200,000 I 250,000 I I I Y Upper Golf 10 DR02 -2004 Stormwater Course Rd Area 500,000 I 500,000 I 50,000 200,000 250,000 I I 425,000 Y Milwaukee 11 DR03 -1999 Improvements Stormwater 1,200,000 1 1,200,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 I 750,000 I Y I First 1 D R01 -2001 Separation 250,000 250,000 I 250,000 I 50,000 I 200,000 I Y TOTAL OF MANDATED STORMWATER PROJECTS' TOTAL OF ALL STORMWATER PROJECTS I 7,205,000 I 6,825,000 8,700,000 I 8,320,000 TOTAL OF ALL MANDATED UTILITY PROJECTS' 48,756,500 I 48,376,500 TOTAL OF ALL UTILITY PROJECTS' 112,418,100 I N \CFP\2010 \CFP Resolution Exhibit A Revised.XLS xls S3,918,100 53,000 I 300,000 I 870,000 887,000 I 2,015,000 I 1,415,0001 1,510,000 I 380,000 I 1,610,000 428,000 I 875,000 I 970,000 I 1,087,0001 2,315,000 I 1,415,000 I 1,560,000 I 380,000 I 2,660,000 1,759,000 I 12, 020,500 I 11,915,000 8,848,600 25,266,500 I 19,002,000 I INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY PROJECTS f Cntical 1 I IT01 -2010 Serv (s) Data B ckup Equip I 240,000 1 240,000 I 240,000 I I I I I I I N Repl of Council Chambers 1 I 1702 -2010 I Public Address Audio System I 70,000 I 70,000 I I 70,000 I I I I I I I I N 1 IT03 -2009 I &AppsMi atio /U Platform I 250,0001 250,0001 150,000' 60,000' 40,000' I I I I I N 1 IT05 -2006 IDatalloice Equipment I 370,000 I 370,000 I 290,000 I I I I I I I I I N Exhibit "A" 9,632,000 I 18, 827, 000 I 9,290,000 I 1,450,0001 1,510,000 380,000 I 38,865,500 I 22,655,000 I 10,965,000 I 5,892,000 I 30,110,100 I 64,243,500 I H -9 7/2/2010 TOTAL DIVISION PROJECT TOTAL CITY 2010 TOTAL 2011 TOTAL 2012 TOTAL 2013 TOTAL 2014 TOTAL 2015 TOTAL 2016 TOTAL GRANTS BONDS OUTSIDE PRIORITY PROJECT ID PROJECT TITLE COSTS COST COSTS COSTS COSTS COSTS COSTS COSTS COSTS CONTRIB LOANS MANDATE 2 I IT01 -2009 'Replacement Data Storage tralized I 180,000 180,000 I I 180,000 I I I I N 3 1 1702 -2009 IUpg ade /HA Redundancy I 140,000 I 140,000 I I 140,000 I I I I N 3 I IT03 2010 'Upgrade P ducts and Microsoft Tra Training Ce I 65,000 65,000 I I 65,000 I I I N TOTAL OF MANDATED IT PROJECTS' I I I I I I I I I I I TOTAL OF ALL IT PROJECTS' 1,315,000 I 1,315,000 I 680,000 I 515,000 I 40,000 1 I I I I I I GRAND TOTAL OF MANDATED PROJECTS' 49,951,500 I 48,860,500 1 1,994,000 1 12,855,500 I 11,935,000 1 9,652,000 1 9,310,000 I 1,470,000 1 1,530,000 I 1,091,000 1 38,865,500 GRAND TOTAL OF ALL PROJECTS' 225,191,000 I 163,963,800 1 21,925,600 1 39,900,900 I 43,324,500 I 35,504,000 I 39,607,000 I 24,405,000 I 24,902,000 I 63,352,300 I 80,104,500 N 010 \CFP Resolution Exhibit A Revised XLS xls 2010 2016 CAPITAL FACILITIES PROJECTS CFP TIP SUMMARY PAGE 8 PRIORITY ORDER Exhi 't "A" H -10 201 July 6, 2010 CFP Insertion /Deletion Guide Revised summaries (remove existina and insert revised summaries into tabs) 1. All Categories Summary 2. General Fund Summary 3. Utilities Summary 4. 2010 and 2011 Funding Sources Revised proiect worksheets (remove existing and insert revised worksheets into tabs) 1. CL07 -1999 Airport Industrial Park Electric Service 2. CL06 -2007 Washington Substation Transmission Line Renovation 3. GG05 -2009 Port Waterfront Utilities Extension 4. GG08 -2009 Port of PA Industrial Park Utility Improvements 5. TR14 -2000 Airport Industrial Park Streets 6. WT01 -2000 Airport Industrial Park Waterline 7. WW02 -2000 Airport Industrial Sewer Deleted proiect worksheets (remove existing worksheets from tabs) 1. WT04 -2007 Directed Services 2. WT01 -2010 Turbo Blower Installation 3. WW01 -2007 Directed Services New proiect worksheets (insert new worksheets into tabs) 1. WW01 -2010 Turbo Blower Installation Project ID Project Title FR01 -2009 Electronic Medical Incident Reporting FR02 -2009 Wireless Mobile Data for Fire Apparatus FR07 -1999 West Side Fire Station GG01 -2005 Harbor Master Plan GG01 -2010 Valley Creek Restoration Phase III GG03 -2003 Infrastructure Development (NICE Program) GG03 -2009 GG04 -2009 GG01 -2002 GG08 -2009 GG05 -2009 2010 2016 CAPITAL FACILITIES PROJECTS Entryway Monument Building Height/Viewshed Study Ediz Hook Rip Rap Repair Port of PA Industrial Park Utility Improvements Port Waterfront Utilities Extension GG03 -2007 City Hall Parking Lot Repair GG06 -2009 Downtown Parking Structure and Bluff Stabilization GG07 -2009 Construct Underground on Front Street IT01 -2010 IT02 -2010 IT03 -2009 Replacement Of Critical Server(s) Data Backup Equip Repl. of Council Chambers Public Address Audio System Novell File Svrs OS Platform Apps Migration /Upgd ITO-2006 Datalloice Equipment 009 Replacement of Centralized Server Data Storage -2009 'Series HTE System Upgrade /HA Redundancy IT03 -2010 Upgrade of Microsoft Office Products and Training CL01 -2009 F- Street 1202 Upgrade CL03 -2008 Advanced Metering Infrastructure Electric CL03 -2009 Residential Demand Response Program CL06 -2007 Washington Substation Transmission Line Renovation CL06 -2010 College Substation Switch Replacement CL07 -2010 BPA Conservation Program CL09 -2009 Tier 2 Conservation Program CL01 -2006 Eclipse Add Second Source CL01 -2010 Cable Restoration Phase III CL02 -2010 Transmission Line Upgrade Washington to I St CL03 -2010 Redundant Fiber Optic Facilities CL02 -2006 Upgrade "A" Street Substation Transformer CL08 -2009 Commercial Demand Management Study CL05 -2010 Pole Replacement Program CL04 -2007 PUD Assumption in Previously Annexed Areas CL06 -2008 Bi- Annual Replacements and Improvements CL07 -2007 Underground Feeder F -1202 CL05 -2009 Street Light Upgrades Tier 2 Conservation Program CL07 -2009 Tier 2 Generation Program -2007 Olympic Medical Center Redundant Power Source 2- Feeder Porter To Goff- Catfrse CL03 -2006 Install Peabody Substation CL07 -1999 Airport Industrial Park Electric Service CL01 -2004 Feeder Tie Hwy 101, Cherry Street to Pine Street CL04 -2010 Metropolitan Area Network Needs Assessment Outside Grants Bonds Total Project Total City 2010 Total 2011 Total 2012 Total 2013 Total 2014 Total 2015 Total 2016 Total Division Priority Mandate Contributions Loans Costs Cost Costs Costs Costs Costs Costs Costs Costs 1 N 36,000 36,000 36,000 2 N 120,000 120,000 50,000 70,000 3N 1N 1N 1N 1N 4N 5N 6N 7N 1N 1N 1N 1N 2N 3N 3N 1N 1N 1 N 1,500,000 1N 1N 1 N 4,660,000 1N 2N 3N 4N 5N 9N 11 N 12 N 16 N 18 N 19 N 120,000 1,293,000 17 N 800,000 ALL CATEGORIES DIVISION PRIORITY PAGE 1 1,986,000 1,986,000 1,986,000 2,142,000 1 Y 50,000 657,000 657,000 2 Y 636,000 715,000 1,986,000 2,022,000 575,000 575,000 50,000 50,000 75,000 75,000 75,000 3 N 500,000 500,000 500,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 2,777,000 1,200,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 15,000,000 15,000,000 15,000,000 19,922,000 18,629,000 272,000 1,525,000 16,300,000 100,000 100,000 1,600,000 240,000 240,000 240,000 70,000 70,000 70,000 250,000 250,000 150,000 60,000 40,000 370,000 370,000 290,000 180,000 180,000 180,000 140,000 140,000 140,000 65,000 65,000 1,315,000 1,315,000 7 N 30,000 10 N 900,000 900,000 900,000 7/2/2010 1,200,000 1,200,000 50,000 50,000 25,000 157,000 500,000 75,000 100,000 15,000 35,000 79,000 715,000 680,000 170,000 170,000 170,000 65,000 2,777,000 2,777,000 1,000,000 1,777,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 220,000 220,000 220,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 30,000 30,000 171,000 1,815,000 106,000 171,000 1,815,000 515,000 40,000 6 N 800,000 860,000 860,000 60,000 800,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 1,200,000 100,000 100,000 300,000 100,000 100,000 10,000 100,000 13 N 1,150,000 1,150,000 1,150,000 150,000 1,000,000 14 N 110,000 110,000 110,000 100,000 100,000 2x0 0 260 30700E 230,00C 1,750,000 250,000 500,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 230,000 230,000 200,000 80,000 80,000 80,000 4,660,000 440,000 520,000 740,000 740,000 740,000 740,000 740,000 1,200,000 1,200,000 1,200,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 385,000 385,000 35,000 150,000 200,000 8 N 6,000,000 6,000,000 6,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 300,000 300,000 770,000 770,000 440,000 330,000 800,000 400,000 200,000 200,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 72,000 72,000 30,000 42,000 2010 2016 CAPITAL FACILITIES PROJECTS •oject ID Project Title PK05 -2009 Olympic Discovery Trail Repair -FEMA Mitigation PK04 -2009 Ediz Hook West Boat Dock Repair -FEMA Mitigation PK06 -2009 Waterfront Trail Rip -Rap Repair -FEMA Mitigation PK03 -2009 City Pier Fire Suppression System PK01 -2010 Civic Field Upgrades PK04 -2005 Olympic Discovery Trail Tree Armor Replacement PK06 -2005 Replace Roof of Vern Burton PK02 -2005 Restroom Replacement PK08 -2002 Neighborhood Park Renovation PK02 -2009 Off -Leash Dog Park PK01 -2009 Port Angeles Marine Park PK03 -2006 Lincoln Park Development Plan PK01 -2002 City Pier Hollywood Beach Renovation PK06 -2006 Lions Park Development PK04 -2006 Shane Elks Ball Field Lighting Project PK11 -2006 City Pier Float Replacement PK03 -2007 Tennis Courts at Erickson Park LiOhtin9 PK02 -2006 Fine Arts Center Entrance Improvements PD01 -2010 Public Safety Wireless Mobile Network.(BTOP) S 01 -2009 Wireless TerminalsNoice Radio Upgrades (Stonegarden) 02 -2009 Evidence Relocation Patrol Work Area PD03 -2007 Regional Firearms Training Facility SW01 -2009 Post Closure Beach Nourishment DR01 -2004 Stormwater Outfalls to Streams and Marine DR02 -2009 Culvert Repair DR04 -2004 Stormwater at Canyon Edge Ahlvers DR14 -1999 Peabody Creek/Lincoln St Culvert Rehab DR01 -2006 Valley Street Erosion Improvements DR02 -1999 City -Wide Catch Basin Modifications DR01 -2008 Water Quality Project DR03 -2009 4th Street Stormwater Improvements DR06 -2004 Stormwater at Campbell Porter DR08 -2004 Lincoln Park /Big Boy Pond DR53 -1999 Stormwater Discharges Over Bluff DR65 -1999 10th And "N" Street Regional Storm Detention DR07 -2004 Stormwater "C" Street Extension DR05 -2004 Stormwater at Rose Thistle DR03 -2004 Stormwater at Laurel US101 DR02 -2004 Upper Golf Course Rd Area Stormwater DR03 -1999 Milwaukee Dr Stormwater Improvements 0 01 -2001 First St Stormwater Separation TR01 -2003 Overlay Program TR01 -2005 Gravel Road Paving TR01 -2006 Transportation Comprehensive Plan Outside Grants Bonds Total Project Total City 2010 Total 2011 Total 2012 Total 2013 Total 2014 Total 2015 Total 2016 Total Division Priority Mandate Contributions Loans Costs Cost Costs Costs Costs Costs Costs Costs Costs 6,960,000 14,027,000 24,134,000 17,174,000 2,690,000 5,392,000 4,200,000 3,900,000 3,020,000 2,580,000 2,332,000 1 N 645,000 2 N 75,000 2 N 375,000 3Y 4N 4 N 250,000 250,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 4 N 150,000 150,000 150,000 5 N 375,000 375,000 125,000 125,000 125,000 6 N 500,000 500,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 8 N 15,000 15,000 15,000 9 N 100,000 100,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 10 N 50,000 11 N 13 N 14 N 15 N ALL CATEGORIES DIVISION PRIORITY PAGE 2 2,500,000 860,000 100,000 25,000 100,000 500,000 225,000 200,000 16 N 25,000 75,000 50,000 75,000 17 N 50,000 50,000 50,000 1,335,000 2,500,000 7,010,000 5,675,000 1,210,000 3,285,000 1,370,000 555,000 360,000 170,000 100,000 1 N 2,607,000 2 N 500,000 3 N 300,000 4N 1 Y 93,000 1Y 1N 1Y 1Y 2Y 2Y 3Y 5Y 5Y 7Y 8Y 9Y 10 Y 11 Y 12 Y 1N 1N 265,000 300,000 35,000 300,000 3,672,000 4,824,000 1,152,000 245,000 4,179,000 300,000 4 N 625,000 1 Y 75,000 500,000 200,000 200,000 93,000 93,000 28,000 30,000 35,000 200,000 170,000 170,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 500,000 380,000 760,000 380,000 3,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 585,000 585,000 100,000 105,000 110,000 115,000 120,000 150,000 150,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 5 Y 425,000 500,000 500,000 50,000 200,000 250,000 5 Y 255,000 300,000 300,000 30,000 270,000 670,000 670,000 190,000 120,000 120,000 120,000 505,000 550,000 550,000 300,000 250,000 500,000 500,000 50,000 200,000 250,000 425,000 500,000 500,000 50,000 200,000 250,000 500,000 500,000 50,000 200,000 250,000 425,000 500,000 500,000 50,000 200,000 250,000 1,200,000 1,200,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 750,000 250,000 250,000 50,000 200,000 380,000 2,660,000 8,700,000 8,320,000 428,000 875,000 970,000 1,087,000 2,315,000 1,415,000 1,560,000 2,880,000 2,880,000 340,000 360,000 380,000 400,000 420,000 450,000 175,000 175,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 7/1/2010 210,000 210,000 2,500,000 100,000 100,000 825,000 825,000 100,000 25,000 215,000 860,000 125,000 100,000 400,000 150,000 100,000 2,500,000 2,500,000 50,000 50,000 225,000 200,000 93,000 28,000 200,000 500,000 3,724,000 1,117,000 3,724,000 300,000 45,000 255,000 50,000 50,000 250,000 325,000 575,000 750,000 750,000 750,000 200,000 15,000 85,000 100,000 100,000 85,000 75,000 65,000 30,000 35,000 122,000 635,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 60,000 2010 2016 CAPITAL FACILITIES PROJECTS ject ID Project Title R01 -2010 Race Street Slide Repair TR02 -2003 Waterfront Development TR03 -2009 Upgrades to the Coho Ferry Terminal TR04 -2006 Dry Creek Pedestrian Bridge /Trail Phase II TR09 -2009 Way Finding Signage Concept 1 N 210,000 210,000 75,000 150,000 TR10 -2000 16th Street S/W ['G' St to Stevens School] 1 N 225,000 400,000 175,000 400,000 TR10 -2009 First/Front Race Street Nodes 1 N 50,000 50,000 50,000 550,000 550,000 550,000 TR21 -1999 Lauridsen Blvd Reconstruction [Trk Rt To 'L' St 1 N TR74 -1999 Sidewalk Program 1 N TR04 -2005 Alley Paving 2 N TR04 -2007 First/Front/Railroad Street Rehabilation 2 N TR05 -2009 Ediz Hook Harbor Erosion Repair -FEMA Mitigation TR06 -2009 Tumwater Street Retaining Wall Repair -FEMA Mitigation 3 N TR20 -1999 Street Bicycle Facilities /Racks /Striping 4 N TR26 -1999 ADA Curb Ramps 5 Y TR04 -2009 Manne/Tumwater Pedestrian Overpass TR08 -2009 Downtown Parking Study 10 N TR01 -2001 Laurel St. Stairs Replacement 12 N TR03 -2006 Oak Street Stairs Replacement 13 N TR01 -2008 Lauridsen Blvd Bridge Replacement Study Update 14 N TR42 -1999 Lauridsen Blvd Bridge Widening 15 N 3,970,000 TR11 -2009 Marine Drive Bulkhead Repairs 16 N 75,000 750,000 750,000 TR09 -2000 16th Street S/W [T to 'G' St 17 :N 245 „000 255,000 10,000 t 50,000 255,000 1 18 -1999 Lincoln /Laurel Rechannelization /Signal /Roundabout 0 -2004 2nd Valley Pavement Restoration TR11 -2000 10th Street S/W ['N' Street to 'M' Street] TR12 -2000 10th Street ['M' Street to 'I' Street] TR12 -1999 Park Avenue Reconstruction [Peabody to Race] TR02 -2006 Sidewalk Fill In Gaps TR02 -2001 Ennis St Slide Repair 25 N TR05 -2006 Valley Creek Loop Trail 26 N 50,000 TR02 -2007 Laurel St Sidewalk Phase I TR03 -2007 Laurel Street Sidewalk Phase II TR04 -1999 Laurel Street/Ahlvers Road Reconstruction 30 N TR07 -1999 Milwaukee Drive Phase I 32 N TR70 -1999 Mt Angeles Road /Porter Street LID 33 N TR69 -1999 Rhoads Road Area LID 34 N TR97 -1999 "C" Street and Fairmont LID 35 N TR71 -1999 10th /13th and "I "M" Street LID 36 N TR16 -1999 18th Street Reconstruction Phase II TR 10 -1999 10th Street Reconstruction TR17 -1999 Truck Route at US101 Intersection TR13 -2000 'N' Street Sidewalk [14th St to 18th St TR32 -1999 9th Street Widening 41 N TR08 -1999 Milwaukee Drive Phase II 42 N TR13 -1999 City -Wide Traffic Signal Interconnect/Pre emption TR05 -1999 Hill Street Intersection Reconstruction 14 -2000 Airport Industrial Park Streets 80 -1999 Lauridsen Blvd/Washington Street Reconstruct TR06 -2007 Vine Street Paving Outside Grants Bonds Total Project Total City 2010 Total 2011 Total 2012 Total 2013 Total 2014 Total 2015 Total 2016 Total Division Priority Mandate Contributions Loans Costs Cost Costs Costs Costs Costs Costs Costs Costs 1 N 190,000 190,000 190,000 1 N 4,108,000 1 N 8,950,000 1 N 497,200 759,400 262,200 100,000 659,400 2 N 187,500 8 N 540,000 18 N 553,000 665,000 112,000 60,000 605,000 20 N TR02 -2008 Alternative Cross -Town Route Study 47 N TR14 -1999 White's Creek Crossing 48 N TR03 -2008 "0" Street Improvements (14th to 16th Streets) 50 N 21 N 440,000 22 N 450,000 23 N 1,090,000 24 N 375,000 28 N 200,000 29 N 175,000 262,500 350,000 75,000 75,000 75,000 302,500 302,500 27,500 275,000 932,000 1,745,000 40 N 300,000 44 N 182,000 45 N 2,420,000 46 N 405,000 3,030,000 1,355,000 3,660,000 3,330,000 37 N 4,475,000 4,475,000 39 N 600,000 600,000 ALL CATEGORIES DIVISION PRIORITY PAGE 3 4,385,000 277,000 180,000 2,620,000 1,585,000 9,000,000 855,000 855,000 200,000 300,000 400,000 250,000 600,000 60,000 600,000 55,000 55,000 55,000 495,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 5,000,000 1,030,000 440,000 3,500,000 1,060,000 660,000 660,000 60,000 600,000 675,000 225,000 60,000 675,000 1,455,000 365,000 185,000 1,270,000 2,905,000 49 N 110,000 7/1/2010 250,000 250,000 50,000 200,000 200,000 50,000 100,000 100,000 120,000 120,000 540,000 540,000 48,000 492,000 875,000 500,000 300,000 300,000 100,000 50,000 2,905,000 3,030,000 3,030,000 1,355,000 1,355,000 3,660,000 3,660,000 3,330,000 3,330,000 355,000 55,000 4,545,000 2,725,000 480,000 95,000 95,000 4,545,000 43 N 725,000 725,000 485,000 303,000 50,000 9,000,000 62,500 250,000 87,500 350,000 305,000 75,000 9,690,000 9,690,000 990,000 990,000 220,000 220,000 220,000 110,000 110,000 50,000 50,000 75,000 75,000 50,000 50,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 300,000 25,000 25,000 300,000 100,000 325,000 250,000 75,000 260,000 813,000 645,000 1,100, 000 305,000 2,600,000 38 N 968,000 968,000 88,000 880,000 55,000 300,000 100,000 650,000 305,000 175,000 175,000 175,000 175,000 175,000 25,000 25,000 TR02 -2004 Old Mill Rd /Scrivner Rd Improvements 31 N 840,000 840,000 78,000 60,000 402,000 420,000 4,055,000 4,545,000 485,000 305,000 1,650,000 770,000 75,000 75,000 300,000 305,000 1,355,000 360,000 3,025,000 1,000,000 95,000 725,000 330,000 1,825,000 990,000 2,725,000 3,300,000 5,000,000 7,865,000 2010 2016 CAPITAL FACILITIES PROJECTS l ct ID Project Title T 02 -2009 Race Street Bicycle Lanes TR07 -2009 8th and "C" Streets Roundabout TR13 -2009 5th Street Bridges Over Valley and Tumwater Creeks WW03 -2005 Plant Headworks Improvements WW03 -2008 Pump Station #3 Replacement WW04 -2008 Carbon Scrubbers WWTP WW04 -2010 First Street Stormwater Separation WW06 -2008 Waste Activated Sludge Thickening WWTP WW08 -2008 Combined Sewer Overflows Phase I WW27 -1999 Bi- Annual Replacements Lines WW01 -2008 Dry Polymer Feeder Replacement WWTP WW05 -2008 Digester Mixing Improvement WWTP WW02 -2005 Plant De- Watering Improvements WW02 -2008 Septage Receiving Station WWTP WW10 -2008 Combined Sewer Overflows Phase II WW02 -2010 Plant Programmable Logic Controller /HMI replacement WW05 -2006 Sewer Trestle at Francis 8th WW03 -2000 Lindberg Rd Sewer LID WW02 -2000 Airport Industrial Sewer WW05 -1999 Golf Course Road Sewer Interceptor WW07 -2008 West UGA Basin 2 Sewer Extension 9 -2008 West UGA Basin 3 Sewer Extension 1 -2008 West UGA Basin 4 Sewer Extension WW01 -2010 Turbo Blower Installation WT02 -2001 Elwha Dam Mitigation WT02 -2006 Bi- Annual Replacements WT02 -2009 Concrete Cylinder Pipe Replacement WT64 -1999 McDougal Pressure Subzone Improvements WT65 -1999 UGA Water Customers WT01 -2008 Advanced Metering Infrastructure Water/Wastewater WT01 -2007 Dry Creek Water Settlement WT03 -2005 Vulnerability Improvements WT03 -2009 Transfer Morse Creek Water Lines to Clallam PUD WT01 -2009 E Street Reservoir Cover Repainting WT01 -2000 Airport Industrial Park Water Line Outside Grants Bonds Division Priority Mandate Contributions Loans 51 N 40,000 52 N 56 N 1Y 1N 1Y 1N 1N 1Y 2N 3N 3N 4N 6N 11 N 12 N 13 N 14 N 15 N 16 N 17 N 18 N 1N 1 N 1N 1N 1N 3N 4N 5N 6N 75,000 26,822,200 11,375,000 77,559,900 51,252,700 10,620,000 5,024,400 6,141,500 14,207,000 16,492,000 11,670,000 18,910,000 1,610,100 4 N 1,240,000 1,240,000 1,240,000 5 Y 8,700,000 12,200,000 12,200,000 1,200,000 1,300,000 1,000,000 7,100,000 6,100,000 2,500,000 28,555,500 28,955,500 28,955,500 1,600,000 11,370,500 9,890,000 4,945,000 900,000 900,000 268,000 300,000 325,000 20,810,100 38,495,500 66,710,100 47,510,100 3,382,600 15,073,500 11,942,000 12,155,000 14,850,000 6,275,000 2,000,000 210,000 2 N 2,226,000 2,226,000 2,226,000 1,000,000 1,226,000 250,000 6,295,000 ALL CATEGORIES DIVISION PRIORITY PAGE 4 540,000 540,000 540,000 40,000 500,000 1,610,100 1,300,000 1,000,000 7,100,000 7/2/2010 Total Project Total City 2010 Total Costs Cost Costs 50,000 10,000 400,000 400,000 75,000 250,000 250,000 230,000 230,000 53,000 53,000 53,000 54,000 699,500 1,200, 000 6,100,000 2,500,000 210,000 930,000 150,000 1,610,100 260,000 260,000 300,000 300,000 100,000 100,000 475,000 475,000 75,000 400,000 183,000 183,000 6,295,000 6,295,000 575,000 1,430,000 1,430,000 1,430,000 1,430,000 20,000 20,000 210,000 210,000 500,000 250,000 200,000 200,000 2011 Total 2012 Total Costs Costs 50,000 54,000 54,000 699,500 102,500 930,000 340,000 150,000 150,000 25,000 350,000 145,000 85,000 955,100 655,000 105,000 155,000 5,000 300,000 110,000 100,000 100,000 400,000 1,175,000 65,000 100,000 183,000 5,000 200,000 597,000 360,000 2013 Total 2014 Total Costs Costs 125,000 1,075,000 140,000 860,000 1,000,000 65,000 70,000 75,000 1,125,000 3,800,000 7,275,000 6,100,000 900,000 380,000 2015 Total 2016 Total Costs Costs 400,000 75,000 150,000 575,000 575,000 5,200,000 500,000 2,000,000 7 N 1,500,000 1,500,000 180,000 660,000 660,000 1,960,000 9,061,000 12,781,000 10,821,000 2,320,000 3,926,000 1,860,000 1,685,000 2,470,000 660,000 63,352,300 80,104,500 225,191,000 163,963,800 21,925,600 39,900,900 43,324,500 35,504,000 39,607,000 24,405,000 24,902,000 Outside Grants Bonds Total Project Total City 2010 Total 2011 Total 2012 Total 2013 Total 2014 Total 2015 Total 2016 Total Project ID Project Title Division Priority Mandate Contributions Loans Costs Cost Costs Costs Costs Costs Costs Costs Costs FRO1 -2009 Electronic Medical Incident Reporting 1 N 36,000 36,000 36,000 FRO2 -2009 Wireless Mobile Data for Fire Apparatus 2 N 120,000 120,000 50,000 70,000 FRO7 -1999 West Side Fire Station GG01 -2005 Harbor Master Plan GG01 -2010 Valley Creek Restoration Phase III GG03 -2003 Infrastructure Development (NICE Program) GG03 -2009 GG04 -2009 GG01 -2002 GG08 -2009 GG05 -2009 2010 2016 CAPITAL FACILITIES PROJECTS Entryway Monument Building Height/Viewshed Study Ediz Hook Rip Rap Repair Port of PA Industrial Park Utility Improvements Port Waterfront Utilities Extension GG03 -2007 City Hall Parking Lot Repair GG06 -2009 Downtown Parking Structure and Bluff Stabilization GG07 -2009 Construct Underground on Front Street IT01 -2010 Replacement Of Critical Server(s) Data Backup Equip. IT02 -2010 Repl. of Council Chambers Public Address Audio System IT03 -2009 Novell File Svrs OS Platform Apps Migration /Upgd IT05 -2006 Datalloice Equpment 009 Replacement of Centralized Server Data Storage =2009 iSeries HTE System Upgrade /HA Redundancy IT03 -2010 Upgrade of Microsoft Office Products and Training PK05 -2009 Olympic Discovery Trail Repair -FEMA Mitigation PK04 -2009 Ediz Hook West Boat Dock Repair -FEMA Mitigation PK06 -2009 Waterfront Trail Rip -Rap Repair -FEMA Mitigation PK03 -2009 City Pier Fire Suppression System PK01 -2010 Civic Field Upgrades PK04 -2005 Olympic Discovery Trail Tree Armor Replacement PK06 -2005 Replace Roof of Vern Burton PK02 -2005 Restroom Replacement PK08 -2002 Neighborhood Park Renovation PK02 -2009 Off -Leash Dog Park PK01 -2009 Port Angeles Marine Park PK03 -2006 Lincoln Park Development Plan PK01 -2002 City Pier Hollywood Beach Renovation PK06 -2006 Lions Park Development PK04 -2006 Shane Elks Ball Field Lighting Project PK11 -2006 City Pier Float Replacement PK03 -2007 Tennis Courts at Erickson Park Lighting PK02 -2006 Fine Arts Center Entrance Improvements .20- 1- 0--- Pubite-Safety Wireless -Net roork- (BTOP' PD01 -2009 Wireless TerminalsNoice Radio Upgrades (Stonegarden) PD02 -2009 Evidence Relocation Patrol Work Area PD03 -2007 Regional Firearms Training Facility 3N 1Y 1N 1 N 1N 1N 2 Y 636,000 3N 4N 5N 6N 7N 1 N 240,000 240,000 240,000 1N 1N 1N 2N 3N 3N 3Y 4N 11 N 13 N 14 N 4N 120,000 657,000 657,000 1,293,000 70,000 70,000 70,000 1 N 645,000 2 N 75,000 2 N 375,000 GENERAL FUND DIVISION PRIORITY PAGE 1 1,986,000 1,986,000 715,000 79,000 715,000 4 N 2,500,000 2,500,000 2,500,000 10 N 50,000 2 ,607,00C 3 N 300,000 265,000 3,672,000 15,000,000 15,000,000 15,000,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 19,922,000 18,629,000 272,000 1,525,000 16,300,000 100,000 100,000 1,600,000 7/2/2010 1,986,000 2,142,000 4 N 150,000 15 N 750,000 16 N 25,000 75,000 1,986,000 2,022,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 25,000 157,000 500,000 575,000 575,000 75,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 50,000 50,000 370,000 370,000 290,000 15,000 35,000 75,000 75,000 75,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 250,000 250,000 150,000 60,000 40,000 180,000 180,000 180,000 140,000 140,000 140,000 65,000 1,315,000 65,000 1,315,000 860,000 215,000 860,000 100,000 25,000 100,000 500,000 125,000 100,000 400,000 210,000 210,000 250,000 250,000 225,000 225,000 3,721.,000 1,117,000 300,000 35,000 4,824,000 1,152,000 680,000 65,000 150,000 100,000 150,000 150,000 50,000 50,000 3 71,1 nnn 2 N 500,000 500,000 200,000 200,000 300,000 45,000 255,000 245,000 171,000 1,815,000 106,000 171,000 1,815,000 515,000 40,000 2,500,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 5 N 375,000 375,000 125,000 125,000 125,000 6 N 500,000 500,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 8 N 15,000 15,000 15,000 9 N 100,000 100,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 100,000 100,000 15,000 85,000 200,000 200,000 100,000 100,000 750,000 750,000 50,000 75,000 17 N 50,000 50,000 50,000 1,335,000 2,500,000 7,010,000 5,675,000 1,210,000 3,285,000 1,370,000 555,000 360,000 170,000 100,000 300,000 4,179,000 300,000 85,000 75,000 65,000 •ject ID TR01 -2003 2010 2016 CAPITAL FACILITIES PROJECTS Project Title Overlay Program TR01 -2005 Gravel Road Paving TR01 -2006 Transportation Comprehensive Plan TR01 -2010 Race Street Slide Repair 1 N TR02 -2003 Waterfront Development TR03 -2009 Upgrades to the Coho Ferry Terminal TR04 -2006 Dry Creek Pedestrian Bridge/Trail Phase II TR09 -2009 Way Finding Sipage Concept 1 N TR10 -2000 16th Street S/W ['G' St to Stevens School] TR10 -2009 First/Front Race Street Nodes 1 N TR21 -1999 Lauridsen Blvd Reconstruction [Trk Rt To 'L' St.] 1 N TR74 -1999 Sidewalk Program 1 N TR04 -2005 Alley Paving 2 N TR04 -2007 First/Front/Railroad Street Rehabilation 2 N TR05 -2009 Ediz Hook Harbor Erosion Repair -FEMA Mitigation TR06 -2009 Tumwater Street Retaining Wall Repair -FEMA Mitigation 3 N TR20 -1999 Street Bicycle Facilities /Racks /Striping 4 N TR26 -1999 ADA Curb Ramps 5 Y TR04 -2009 Manne/Tumwater Pedestrian Overpass 8 N TR08 -2009 Downtown Parking Study 10 N TR01 -2001 Laurel St Stairs Replacement TR03 -2006 Oak Street Stairs Replacement 01 -2008 Lauridsen Blvd Bridge Replacement Study Update W.2-1999 Lauridsen Blvd Bridge Widening TR11 -2009 Marine Drive Bulkhead Repairs TR09 -2000 16th Street S/W ['I' St. to 'G' St.] TR18 -1999 Lincoln /Laurel Rechannelization /Signal /Roundabout TR01 -2004 2nd Valley Pavement Restoration TR11 -2000 10th Street S/W ['N' Street to 'M' Street] 21 N TR12 -2000 10th Street ['M' Street to 'I' Street] TR12 -1999 Park Avenue Reconstruction [Peabody to Race] 23 N TR02 -2006 Sidewalk Fill In Gaps TR02 -2001 Ennis St Slide Repair TR05 -2006 Valley Creek Loop Trail TR02 -2007 Laurel St Sidewalk Phase I 28 N TR03 -2007 Laurel Street Sidewalk Phase II 29 N TR04 -1999 Laurel Street/Ahlvers Road Reconstruction TR02 -2004 Old Mill Rd/Scrivner Rd Improvements TR07 -1999 Milwaukee Drive Phase I TR70 -1999 Mt Angeles Road /Porter Street LID TR69 -1999 Rhoads Road Area LID TR97 -1999 "C" Street and Fairmont LID TR71 -1999 10th /13th and "I "M" Street LID TR16 -1999 18th Street Reconstruction Phase II TR10 -1999 10th Street Reconstruction TR17 -1999 Truck Route at US101 Intersection TR13 -2000 'N' Street Sidewalk [14th St to 18th St TR13 -1999 City -Wide Traffic Signal Interconnect/Pre- emption TR14 -2000 Airport Industrial Park Streets TR80 -1999 Lauridsen Blvd/Washington Street Reconstruct Outside Grants Bonds Total Project Total City 2010 Total 2011 Total 2012 Total 2013 Total 2014 Total 2015 Total 2016 Total Division Priority Mandate Contributions Loans Costs Cost Costs Costs Costs Costs Costs Costs Costs 1N 1N 1 Y 75,000 1 N 4,108, 000 1 N 8,950,000 1 N 497,200 759,400 262,200 100,000 659,400 1 N 225,000 2 N 187,500 16 N 17 N 245,000 18 N 553,000 22 N 450,000 24 N 375,000 26 N 50,000 30 N 932,000 45 N 2,420,000 46 N 405,000 GENERAL FUND DIVISION PRIORITY PAGE 2 2,880,000 9,000,000 262,500 350,000 540,000 600,000 12 N 302,500 13 N 55,000 75,000 750,000 20 N 540,000 440,000 660,000 1,090,000 1,455,000 25 N 300,000 200,000 300,000 175,000 250,000 182,000 485,000 7/1/2010 2,880,000 175,000 175,000 100,000 25,000 60,000 190,000 190,000 190,000 4,385,000 277,000 180,000 2,620,000 1,585,000 210,000 210,000 75,000 150,000 400,000 175,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 550,000 550,000 550,000 2,725,000 250,000 250,000 200,000 200,000 855,000 855,000 250,000 62,500 250,000 100,000 100,000 120,000 120,000 665,000 112,000 675,000 225,000 875,000 500,000 100,000 50,000 480,000 75,000 50,000 9,000,000 87,500 350,000 305,000 340,000 360,000 380,000 400,000 420,000 450,000 25,000 25,000 400,000 50,000 200,000 50,000 75,000 75,000 25,000 60,000 600,000 75,000 75,000 75,000 14 N 25,000 25,000 25,000 15 N 3,970,000 5,000,000 1,030,000 175,000 300,000 300,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 100,000 325,000 75,000 260,000 1,745,000 813,000 645,000 1,100,000 305,000 50,000 50,000 300,000 400,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 302,500 27,500 275,000 55,000 55,000 495,000 440,000 255,000 10,000 50,000 255,000 60,000 605,000 540,000 48,000 492,000 365,000 185,000 1,270,000 175,000 175,000 303,000 485,000 1,650,000 770,000 25,000 25,000 50,000 50,000 750,000 100,000 650,000 3,500,000 1,060,000 660,000 60,000 600,000 60,000 675,000 25,000 25,000 75,000 75,000 330,000 175,000 175,000 31 N 840,000 840,000 78,000 60,000 402,000 300,000 32 N 2,905,000 2,905,000 305,000 2,600,000 33 N 3,030,000 3,030,000 3,030,000 305,000 34 N 1,355,000 1,355,000 1,355,000 1,355,000 35 N 3,660,000 3,660,000 3,660,000 360,000 36 N 3,330,000 3,330,000 3,330,000 305,000 3,025,000 37 N 4,475,000 4,475,000 420,000 4,055,000 38 N 968,000 968,000 88,000 880,000 39 N 600,000 600,000 1,000,000 40 N 300,000 355,000 55,000 55,000 300,000 2 -1999 9th Street Widening 41 N 95,000 95,000 95,000 8 -1999 Milwaukee Drive Phase II 42 N 4,545,000 4,545,000 4,545,000 43 N 725,000 725,000 725,000 TR05 -1999 Hill Street Intersection Reconstruction 44 N 2,725,000 3,300,000 5,000,000 2010 2016 CAPITAL FACILITIES PROJECTS ikt ID Project Title T 2 -2008 Alternative Cross -Town Route Study TR14 -1999 White's Creek Crossing TR06 -2007 Vine Street Paving TR03 -2008 "0" Street Improvements (14th to 16th Streets) TR02 -2009 Race Street Bicycle Lanes TR07 -2009 8th and "C" Streets Roundabout TR13 -2009 5th Street Bridges Over Valley and Tumwater Creeks Outside Grants Bonds Total Project Total City 2010 Total 2011 Total 2012 Total 2013 Total 2014 Total 2015 Total 2016 Total Division Priority Mandate Contributions Loans Costs Cost Costs Costs Costs Costs Costs Costs Costs 47 N 220,000 220,000 220,000 48 N 49 N 51 N 40,000 52 N GENERAL FUND DIVISION PRIORITY PAGE 3 7/2/2010 9,690,000 9,690,000 110,000 110,000 110,000 50 N 990,000 990,000 990,000 50,000 10,000 50,000 1,825,000 400,000 400,000 400,000 7,865,000 56 N 75,000 75,000 75,000 26,822,200 11,375,000 77,559,900 51,252,700 10,620,000 5,024,400 6,141,500 14,207,000 16,492,000 11,670,000 18,910,000 33,242,200 15,861,000 112,772,900 80,045,700 13,077,000 14,634,400 24,322,500 16,677,000 16,952,000 13,440,000 19,010,000 2010 2016 CAPITAL FACILITIES PROJECTS Project ID Project Title CL01 -2009 F- Street 1202 Upgrade CL03 -2008 Advanced Metering Infrastructure Electric CL03 -2009 Residential Demand Response Program CL06 -2007 Washington Substation Transmission Line Renovation CL06 -2010 College Substation Switch Replacement CL07 -2010 BPA Conservation Program CL09 -2009 Tier 2 Conservation Program CL01 -2006 Eclipse Add Second Source CL01 -2010 Cable Restoration Phase III CL02 -2010 Transmission Line Upgrade Washington to I St CL03 -2010 Redundant Fiber Optic Facilities CL02 -2006 Upgrade "A" Street Substation Transformer CL08 -2009 Commercial Demand Management Study CL05 -2010 Pole Replacement Program CL04 -2007 PUD Assumption in Previously Annexed Areas CL06 -2008 Bi- Annual Replacements and Improvements CL07 -2007 Underground Feeder F -1202 CL05 -2009 Street Light Upgrades Tier 2 Conservation Program CL07 -2009 Tier 2 Generation Program CL08 -2007 Olympic Medical Center Redundant Power Source CL02 -2002 Feeder Tie Porter To Golf Course CL03 -2006 Install Peabody Substation 7 -1999 Airport Industrial Park Electric Service 01 -2004 Feeder Tie Hwy 101, Cherry Street to Pine Street CL04 -2010 Metropolitan Area Network Needs Assessment SW01 -2009 Post Closure Beach Nourishment DR01 -2004 Stormwater Outfalls to Streams and Marine DR02 -2009 Culvert Repair DR04 -2004 Stormwater at Canyon Edge Ahlvers DR14 -1999 Peabody Creek/Lincoln St Culvert Rehab DR01 -2006 Valley Street Erosion Improvements DR02 -1999 City -Wide Catch Basin Modifications DR01 -2008 Water Quality Project DR03 -2009 4th Street Stormwater Improvements DR06 -2004 Stormwater at Campbell Porter DR08 -2004 Lincoln Park/Big Boy Pond DR53 -1999 Stormwater Discharges Over Bluff DR65 -1999 10th And "N" Street Regional Storm Detention DR07 -2004 Stormwater "C" Street Extension DR05 -2004 Stormwater at Rose Thistle DR03 -2004 Stormwater at Laurel US101 DR02 -2004 Upper Golf Course Rd Area Stormwater 03 -1999 Milwaukee Dr Stormwater Improvements 1 -2001 First St Stormwater Separation WW03 -2005 Plant Headworks Improvements WW03 -2008 Pump Station #3 Replacement Outside Grants Bonds Total Project Total City 2010 Total 2011 Total 2012 Total 2013 Total 2014 Total 2015 Total 2016 Total Division Priority Mandate Contributions Loans Costs Cost Costs Costs Costs Costs Costs Costs Costs 1 N 170,000 170,000 170,000 1N 1N 1N 1N 1N 1 N 2N 3N 4N 5 N 150,000 6 N 800,000 860,000 7 N 30,000 8 N 6,000,000 6,000,000 6,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 9N 10 N 900,000 900,000 900,000 11 N 12 N 1,200,000 1,200,000 1,200,000 1,200,000 13 N 1,150,000 1,150,000 1,150,000 150,000 1,000,000 14 N 110,000 110,000 110,000 15 N 16 N 770,000 770,000 440,000 330,000 17 N 800,000 800,000 400,000 200,000 200,000 18 N 19 N 1Y 1Y 1N 1Y 1 Y 380,000 2Y 2Y 3Y 4N 5Y 5Y 5Y 7Y 8Y 9Y 10 Y 11 Y 12 Y 1Y 1 N 1,500,000 1,750,000 4,660,000 4,660,000 72,000 72,000 30,000 42,000 6,960,000 14,027,000 24,134,000 17,174,000 2,690,000 5,392,000 4,200,000 3,900,000 3,020,000 2,580,000 2,332,000 93,000 93,000 28,000 30,000 35,000 93,000 93,000 28,000 30,000 35,000 230,000 230,000 200,000 80,000 80,000 80,000 1,200,000 2,777,000 UTILITIES DIVISION PRIORITY PAGE 1 7/1/2010 2,777,000 2,777,000 1,000,000 1,777,000 1,200,000 1,200,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 385,000 385,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 220,000 220,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 625,000 825,000 505,000 550,000 100,000 100,000 10,000 100,000 260,000 260,000 30,000 230,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 200,000 200,000 50,000 170,000 170,000 500,000 500,000 760,000 380,000 40,000 40,000 585,000 585,000 150,000 150,000 5 Y 255,000 300,000 300,000 670,000 670,000 250,000 250,000 230,000 230,000 250,000 500,000 440,000 150,000 150,000 825,000 325,000 575,000 860,000 60,000 800,000 30,000 30,000 220,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 250,000 200,000 3,000 122,000 635,000 40,000 100,000 105,000 110,000 115,000 120,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 425,000 500,000 500,000 50,000 200,000 250,000 550,000 300,000 250,000 500,000 500,000 50,000 200,000 250,000 425,000 500,000 500,000 50,000 200,000 250,000 500,000 500,000 50,000 200,000 250,000 425,000 500,000 500,000 50,000 200,000 250,000 1,200,000 1,200,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 750,000 250,000 250,000 50,000 200,000 380,000 2,660,000 8,700,000 8,320,000 428,000 875,000 970,000 1,087,000 2,315,000 1,415,000 1,560,000 25,000 350,000 145,000 85,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 520,000 740,000 740,000 740,000 740,000 740,000 35,000 150,000 200,000 300,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 30,000 270,000 190,000 120,000 300,000 300,000 120,000 120,000 2010 2016 CAPITAL FACILITIES PROJECTS sect ID Project Title W04 -2008 Carbon Scrubbers WWTP WW04 -2010 First Street Stormwater Separation WW06 -2008 Waste Activated Sludge Thickening WWTP WW08 -2008 Combined Sewer Overflows Phase I WW27 -1999 Bi- Annual Replacements Lines WW01 -2008 Dry Polymer Feeder Replacement WWTP WW05 -2008 Digester Mixing Improvement WWTP WW02 -2005 Plant De- Watering Improvements WW02 -2008 Septage Receiving Station WWTP WW10 -2008 Combined Sewer Overflows Phase II WW02 -2010 Plant Programmable Logic Controller /HMI replacement WW05 -2006 Sewer Trestle at Francis 8th WW03 -2000 Lindberg Rd Sewer LID WW02 -2000 Airport Industrial Sewer WW05 -1999 Golf Course Road Sewer Interceptor WW07 -2008 West UGA Basin 2 Sewer Extension WW09 -2008 West UGA Basin 3 Sewer Extension WW11 -2008 West UGA Basin 4 Sewer Extension WW01 -2010 Turbo Blower Installation WT01 -2008 Advanced Metering Infrastructure Water/Wastewater WT01 -2007 Dry Creek Water Settlement WT03 -2005 Vulnerability Improvements WT03 -2009 Transfer Morse Creek Water Lines to Clallam PUD WT01 -2009 E Street Reservoir Cover Repainting WT01 -2000 Airport Industrial Park Water Line Outside Grants Bonds Total Project Total City 2010 Total 2011 Total 2012 Total 2013 Total 2014 Total 2015 Total 2016 Total Division Priority Mandate Contributions Loans Costs Cost Costs Costs Costs Costs Costs Costs Costs 1 Y 53,000 53,000 53,000 1N 1N 1 Y 28,555,500 28,955,500 28,955,500 1,600,000 11,370,500 9,890,000 4,945,000 2N 3 N 54,000 3 N 300,000 4 N 1,240,000 1,240,000 1,240,000 4N 5 Y 8,700,000 12,200,000 12,200,000 6N 11 N 3N 4N 5 N 250,000 1,610,100 1,610,100 1,610,100 12 N 1,200,000 6 N 200,000 UTILITIES DIVISION PRIORITY PAGE 2 7 N 1,500,000 1,500,000 1,960,000 9,061,000 12, 781, 000 10, 821, 000 30,110,100 64,243,500 112,418,100 83,918,100 7/1/2010 955,100 655,000 260,000 260,000 105,000 155,000 900,000 900,000 268,000 300,000 325,000 54,000 54,000 300,000 300,000 699,500 699,500 102,500 597,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 475,000 475,000 75,000 400,000 1,200,000 2 N 2,226,000 2,226,000 2,226,000 1,000,000 1,226,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 500,000 250,000 100,000 400,000 200,000 200,000 1,175,000 65,000 1,125,000 3,800,000 7,275,000 125,000 1,075,000 210,000 210,000 65,000 70,000 75,000 180,000 660,000 660,000 2,320,000 3,926,000 1,860,000 1,685,000 2,470,000 660,000 8,848,600 25,266,500 19,002,000 18,827,000 22,655,000 10,965,000 5,892,000 13 N 1,300,000 1,300,000 150,000 575,000 575,000 14 N 1,000,000 1,000,000 140,000 860,000 15 N 7,100,000 7,100,000 1,000,000 6,100,000 16 N 6,100,000 6,100,000 900,000 5,200,000 17 N 2,500,000 2,500,000 500,000 2,000,000 18 N 183,000 183,000 183,000 20,810,100 38,495,500 66,710,100 47,510,100 3,382,600 15,073,500 11,942,000 12,155,000 14,850,000 6,275,000 2,000,000 WT02 -2001 Elwha Dam Mitigation 1 N 210,000 210,000 110,000 100,000 WT02 -2006 Bi- Annual Replacements 1- N 930,000 930,000 •340,000 360,000 380,000 02 -2009 Concrete Cylinder Pipe Replacement 1 N 6,295,000 6,295,000 6,295,000 575,000 1,430,000 1,430,000 1,430,000 1,430,000 64 -1999 McDougal Pressure Subzone Improvements 1 N 540,000 540,000 540,000 40,000 500,000 WT65 -1999 UGA Water Customers 1 N 20,000 20,000 5,000 5,000 2010 2016 CAPITAL FACILITIES PROJECTS 2010 Total Project ID Costs FR02 -2009 50,000 GG01 -2005 25,000 G G01 -2010 157,000 GG03 -2003 75,000 GG03 -2009 15,000 IT01 -2010 240,000 IT03 -2009 150,000 IT05 -2006 290,000 CL01 -2009 170,000 CL03 -2008 1,000,000 CL03 -2009 500,0001 250,000 CL06 -2007 200,0001 200,000 CL06 -2010 CL07 -2010 440,000 CL09 -2009 300,000 PK05 -2009 860,000 PK04 -2009 100,000 PK06 -2009 100,000 PK03 -2009 150,000 PD01. -2009 PD02 -2009 200,000 45,000 1 -2009 28,000 1 -2004 50,000 DR02 -2009 DR14 -1999 50,000 3,000 DR03 -2009 325,000 TR01 -2003 340,000 TR01 -2005 25,000 TR01 -2006 60,000 TR01 -2010 190,000 TR02 -2003 180,000 TR03 -2009 9,000,000 TR04 -2006 100,000 TR09 -2009 75,000 TR10 -2009 50,000 TR05 -2009 250,000 TR06 -2009 350,000 WW03 -2005 25,000 W W03 -2008 145,000 WW04 -2008 53,000 WW04 -2010 955,100 WW06 -2008 105,000 WW08 -2008 1,600,000 WW27 -1999 268,000 WW01 -2008 54,000 WW02 -2008 102,500 WW05 -2006 75,000 WT02 -2001 WT64 -1999 110,000 -2006 340,000 -2009 575,000 40,000 WT65 -1999 5,000 WT01 -2008 1,000,000 WT01 -2007 150,000 2010 Electric Amount 80,0001 80,000 Reserve Funding Sources 2010 Solid 2010 Solid 2010 2010 Waste Waste 2010 Water Wastewater Stormwater Collections Landfill Amount Amount Amount Amount Amount 150,000 3,000 28,000 2010 General Fund Amount 25,000 15,000 25,000 2010 Unknown Funding Amount 240,000 2010 FUNDING SOURCES CFP/TIP SUMMARY PAGE 1 2010 Electric 2010 Water Amount Amount 15,000 15,000 15,000 58,000 58,000 58,000 170,000 340,000 5,000 Rate Funding /Current 2010 2010 Wastewater Stormwater Amount Amount 25,000 145,000 53,000 105,000 268,000 54,000 102,500 75,000 57,000 50,000 175,000 Year Funding Sources 2010 Solid 2010 Solid Waste Waste Collections Landfill Amount Amount 15,000 15,000 2010 2010 General Unknown Fund Funding Amount Amount 116,000 215,000 25,000 25,000 150,000 340,000 15,000 190,000 180,000 50,000 100,000 62,500 87,500 75,000 50,000 2010 Contribution Amount 157,000 8,950,000 262,500 955,100 110,000 External Funding Sources 2010 Grant Amount 50,000 250,000 440,000 645,000 75,000 75,000 200,000 45,000 1,000,000 300,000 150,000 45,000 187,500 2010 Bond Proceeds Amount 575,000 40,000 1,000,000 2010 Loan Proceeds Amount 1,600,000 2010 2016 CAPITAL FACILITIES PROJECTS 2010 2010 Total Electric Project ID Costs Amount WT03 -2009 100,0001 21,925,600 1 330,000 150,000 e 2010 2010 2010 Water Wastewater Stormwater Amount Amount Amount Reserve Funding Sources 2010 Solid Waste Collections Amount 3,000 2010 Solid 2010 2010 Waste General Unknown 2010 Landfill Fund Funding Electric 2010 Water Amount Amount Amount Amount Amount I 50,000 28,000 65,000 240,000 1 443,000 468,000 2010 FUNDING SOURCES CFP/TIP SUMMARY PAGE 2 Rate Funding /Current Year Funding Sources 2010 2010 Wastewater Stormwater Amount Amount 900,500 2010 Solid 2010 Solid Waste Collections Amount 282,000 15,000 External Funding Sources 2010 2010 Waste General Unknown 2010 2010 Bond 2010 Loan Landfill Fund Funding Contribution 2010 Grant Proceeds Proceeds Amount Amount Amount Amount Amount Amount Amount I 50,000 15,000 1,556,000 125,000 1 10,484,600 2,012,500 3,065,000 1,600,000 2011 2011 Total Electric Project ID Costs Amount FRO1 -2009 36,000 FRO2 -2009 GG03 -2003 100,000 GG03 -2009 GG04 -2009 IT02 -2010 IT03 -2009 IT01 -2009 IT02 -2009 IT03 -2010 2010 2016 CAPITAL FACILITIES PROJECTS 70,000 35,000 75,000 GG01 -2002 715,000 GG08 -2009 500,000 GG03 -2007 100,000 70,000 60,000 180,000 140,000 65,000 CL03 -2008 1,777,000 CL07 -2010 520,000 CL09 -2009 300,000 CL01 -2006 35,000 CL01 -2010 100,000 CL02 -2010 220,000 200,000 C L03 -2010 150,000 CL02 -2006 60,000 0 009 30,000 CL 010 1,000,000 C L05 -2009 1,200,000 PK06 -2009 400,000 P K03 -2009 100,000 PK01 -2010 2,500,000 PK04 -2005 50,000 PK06 -2005 150,000 PK02 -2009 15,000 PK01 -2009 20,000 PK03 -2006 50,000 PD01 -2010 3,724,000 PD01 -2009 200,000 PD02 -2009 255,000 DR01 -2004 50,000 DR04 -2004 250,000 DR03 -2009 575,000 TR01 -2003 360,000 TR01 -2005 25,000 TR02 -2003 2,620,000 TR04 -2006 659,400 TR09 -2009 150,000 TR10 -2000 400,000 TR74 -1999 50,000 TR04 -2005 50,000 TR04 -2007 200,000 TR20 -1999 20,000 T 1999 20,000 7f Uub 1 fb,UUU TR05 -2006 25,000 TR02 -2008 220,000 TR02 -2009 50,000 WW03 -2005 350,000 2011 2011 2011 Water Wastewater Stormwater Amount Amount Amount Reserve Funding Sources 2011 Solid 2011 Solid Waste Waste Collections Landfill Amount Amount 2011 2011 General Unknown 2011 Fund Funding Electric 2011 Water Amount Amount Amount Amount 35,000 150,000 25,000 125,000 50,000 70,000 2011 FUNDING SOURCES CFP/TIP SUMMARY PAGE 1 15,000 15,000 15,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 35,000 100,000 20,000 64,000 60,000 30,000 Rate Funding /Current Year Funding Sources 2011 Solid 2011 Solid 2011 2011 2011 2011 Waste Waste General Unknown Wastewater Stormwater Collections Landfill Fund Funding Amount Amount Amount Amount Amount Amount 36,000 50,000 350,000 250,000 50,000 200,000 15,000 15,000 25,000 79,000 40,000 56,000 15,000 1,000 2,500 2,500 9,000 100,000 100,000 360,000 124,700 175,000 50,000 20,000 20,000 IUV,000 220,000 75,000 500,000 50,000 1,117,000 25,000 25,000 2011 Contribution 2011 Grant Amount Amount 636,000 15,000 20,000 50,000 External Funding Sources 70,000 520,000 300,000 2,607,000 200,000 255,000 2,620,000 155,000 379,700 50,000 175,000 0,UVU 50,000 2011 Bond Proceeds Amount 1,777,000 300,000 1,000,000 1,200,000 2,500,000 475,000 2011 Loan Proceeds Amount 2011 2011 Total Electric Project ID Costs Amount WW03 -2008 85,000 WW04 -2010 655,000 WW06 -2008 155,000 WW08 -2008 11,370,500 WW27 -1999 300,000 WW05 -2008 300,000 WW02 -2005 1,175,000 WW02 -2010 100,000 WW05 -2006 400,000 WW01 -2010 183,000 WT02 -2001 100,000 WT02 -2009 1,430,000 WT64 -1999 500,000 WT65 -1999 5,000 WT01 -2008 1,226,000 WT03 -2005 65,000 WT03 -2009 400,000 WT01 -2009 200,000 39,900,900 200,000 2010 2016 CAPITAL FACILITIES PROJECTS Reserve Funding Sources 2011 Solid 2011 Solid 2011 2011 Waste Waste 2011 Water Wastewater Stormwater Collections Landfill Amount Amount Amount Amount Amount 150,000 150,000 2011 2011 General Unknown Fund Funding Amount Amount 385,000 2011 FUNDING SOURCES CFP/TIP SUMMARY PAGE 2 2011 Electric 2011 Water Amount Amount 70,000 I 344,000 5,000 65,000 200,000 200,000 Rate Funding /Current 2011 2011 Wastewater Stormwater Amount Amount 85,000 155,000 300,000 300,000 100,000 400,000 183,000 Year Funding Sources 2011 Solid Waste Collections Amount 2011 Solid 2011 2011 Waste General Unknown Landfill Fund Funding Amount Amount Amount 2011 Contribution 2011 Grant Amount Amount 655,000 100,000 200,000 External Funding Sources 2011 Bond Proceeds Amount 1,430,000 500,000 1,226,000 2011 Loan Proceeds Amount 11,370,500 1,090,000 561,000 1,923,000 551,000 17,500 17,500 1,458,700 1,792,000 I 1,881,000 7,251,700 10,408,000 12,460,500 Prior Years I 2010 I -I$ -1$ CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN PROJECT Title: Port Waterfront Utilities Extension Project Description Extension and upgrading of utilities in support of a planned future economic development project on Port property near Marine Drive and Tumwater Street. Includes traffic /street improvements in the vicinity of this intersection, electrical Other system upgrades, and water and sewer system improvements in the immediate area. Yearly Expense Summary Capital/Net Operating 2011 I 2012 I 2013 I 2014 I 2015 1 700,000 I I 1 Year Construction Complete /Operational 2010 Right of Way No SEPA Required Yes City Priority Legal Mandate No Concurrency Department. Community Development Division General Contact Nathan West Cost Center. Justification: No Project GG05 -2009 Estimated Project Costs Planning /Design. Land/Right -of -Way Construction. 700,000 Total 700,000 Estimated Project Funding Reserves 700,000 Contributions Grants: 1 Bonds. Loans Utilities General Fund Current I Unknown. Total -I$ 700,000 2016 I Project Total 1 I 700,000 Operating Cost Amount Other Permits. NoJ Contract Yes Div Priority 4 The City as a partner with the Port of Port Angeles has prepared plans and engineering details for a major economic development project in this location. The City's participation will make the proposal competitive. Impact if not executed: A project of this magnitude will be a positive economic impact on the community. The project provides a waterfront development opportunity for a large employer. Not implementing could result in a missed opportunity to bring jobs to the Port Angeles community. Date Revised 6/30/20101 I Title: Port Waterfront Utilities Extension Project GG05 -2009 Picture Area Map Intentionally Left Blank VORT A CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN PROJECT Title: Port of PA Industrial Park Utility Improvements Project Description Increase capacity of electric, water and sanitary sewer in the vicinity of the Portof Port Angeles' Industrial Park off of 18th Street. Coordinate improvements with TR 16 -1999, TR09 -2000 and TR10 -2000, which are roadway and sidewalk projects. Yearly Expense Summary Capital/Net Operating Prior Years I 2010 I 2011 I 2012 I 2013 I 2014 I 2015 I I 500,000 I Year Construction Complete /Operational: 2011 Right of Way: Yes City Priority Legal Mandate. No Department Public Works Utilities Contact: Steve Sperr Justification: -I$ I$ 1$ SEPA Required Yes Concurrency: No Division: General Cost Center: Project GG08 -2009 Estimated Project Costs Planning/Design: Land/Right -of -Way: Construction 500,000 Other: Total 500,000 Estimated Project Funding Reserves: Contributions: Grants Bonds Loans: Utilities: General Fund Current: Unknown: Total 500,000 500,000 I 2016 I Project Total I 1 500,000 Operating Cost Amount Other Permits: No Contract: Yes Div. Priority: 3 The Port of Port Angeles is planning to increase the 18th Street Industrial Park to accommodate the local business expansion to be more competitive by providing state of the art shop and office space. The City as a partner will provide support to improve infrastructure to assist in keeping and increasing family wage jobs. Impact if not executed: Local wage earning employers may relocate to other communities adding the growing number of unemployeed. This will further weaken the economic base of the community. Date Revised: 7/2/2010 Title: Port of PA Industrial Park Utility Improvements Project GG08 -2009 Picture Area Map Intentionally Left Blank CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN PROJECT Title: Washington Substation Transmission Line Renovation Project Description This project involves reconstructing much of the old 69kV transmission line to the former Rayonier site. Line will be reconductored and some poles replaced between College and Washington Substations. Yearly Expense Summary Capital/Net Operating Prior Years I 2010 I 2011 I 2012 I 2013 I I 200,000 I I Year Construction Complete /Operational 2010 Right of Way No City Priority Legal Mandate No Department Public Works Utilities Contact Terry Dahlquist Justification: SEPA Required. No Concurrency No Division Light Cost Center Project CL06 -2007 Estimated Project Costs I Planning /Design I 30,000 I Land /Right -of -Way I Construction Other 200,000 Total I 230,000 Estimated Project Funding Reserves I Contributions. Grants Bonds Loans I Utilities 230,000 General Fund Current Unknown I Total I 230,000 2014 2015 I 2016 I Protect Total I I 200,000 Div Priority 1 I Operating Cost Amount Other Permits. No Contract No This 69kV line was transferred to the City when the Rayonier mill closed. It has received essentially no maintenance since 1997. City distribution also exists on the poles. Reinforcing the transmission line will allow using it as part of the City transmission system, and even allow the City to provide partial power to Nippon should they lose their line along Valley Creek. The existing City transmission line running parallel on the west side of Chambers St. needs maintenance, including replacement of several poles. Since it has no distribution lines, it could be removed entirely for neighborhood beautification and replaced by the Rayonier line. Impact if not executed: Washington and Valley are already the largest substations_ in the Port Angeles system. It will eventually be necessary to further increase the supply to these areas, particularly when loads are added in the Eastern UGA. It is most economical that any maintenance performed now also incorporate additional capacity for the future. Date Revised 6/30/20101 Title: Washington Substation Transmission Line Renovation Project CL06 -2007 Picture Area Map Intentionally Left Blank Title: Airport Industrial Park Electric Service Project Description This project involves installing the high voltage underground "backbone" electrical distribution system and street lighting in the Port's proposed new /existing industrial park airport areas. CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN PROJECT Yearly Expense Summary Capital/Net Operating Prior Years 1 2010 I 2011 I 2012 1 2013 I 2014 1 2015 I I 400,000 I 200,000 I 200,000 I Year Construction Complete /Operational 1999 Right of Way No City Priority. Legal Mandate No Department Public Works Utilities Contact Terry Dahlquist Justification: The Port is proposing to develop new /existing industrial park areas at the airport which will require city utilities. The cost estimates provided here are very rough since the Port has not provided information as to the size of electrical loads they want to accommodate. It has also been assumed at this time that the Port or others would provide all necessary funding. SEPA Required No Concurrency No Division Light Cost Center Impact if not executed: Power and street lighting services would not be available to all areas of the airport industrial park. Project CL07 -1999 Estimated Project Costs I Planning /Design 47,000 753,000 1 Land/Right -of -Way Construction Other Total 800,000 Estimated Project Funding Reserves. Contributions 800,000 Grants Bonds Loans. Utilities General Fund Current I Unknown I Total I 800,000 -I$ 2016 I Project Total I 800,000 Operating Cost Amount Other Permits. No Contract. No Div Priority 17 Date Revised 6/30/2010 Title: Airport Industrial Park Electric Service Project CL07 -1999 Picture Area Map Intentionally Left Blank w CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN PROJECT Title: Airport Industrial Park Water Line Project Description This project involves the installation of water mains and services in the Port of Port Angles proposed new /existing industrial park areas at the airport. Prior Years 1 2010 I -1$ -1$ Year Construction Complete /Operational 2000 Right of Way: No City Priority Legal Mandate Department Public Works Utilities Contact Steve Sperr Justification: Bonds Loans Utilities General Fund Current' Unknown: Total. Yearly Expense Summary Capital/Net Operating 2011 2012 1 2013 1 2014 1 2015 1 1 180,000 1 660,000 1 660,000 1 SEPA Required. Yes No Concurrency No Division Water Cost Center Impact if not executed: Water services would not be available to all areas of the airport industrial park. Project WTO1 2000 Estimated Project Costs Planning/Design 180,000 Land/Right -of -Way Construction 1,320,000 Other Total: 1,500,000 Estimated Project Funding Reserves: Contributions. 1,500,000 Grants 1 1,500,000 2016 1 Project Total 1 I 1,500,000 Operating Cost Amount Other Permits Yes Contract. Yes Div Priority 7 The Port is proposing to develop new /existing facilities at the industrial park areas at the airport which will require city utilities. It is assumed at this time the Port or others will provide all necessary funding. Date Revised 6/30/20101 I° Title: Airport Industrial Park Water Line Project WTO1 -2000 Picture Area Map Intentionally Left Blank CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN PROJECT Title: Airport Industrial Sewer Project Description This project involves the installation of sanitary sewer mains and services in the Port of Port Angeles proposed new /existing industrial park areas of the airport. I 2014 I 2015 I 150,000 I 575,000 I 575,000 I SEPA Required Yes No Concurrency No Division. Wastewater Cost Center (Impact if not executed: Sewer services would not be available to all areas of the airport industrial park. Project WW02 -2000 Estimated Project Costs I 150,000 Planning/Design. Land/Right -of -Way Construction Other Total 1,300,000 Estimated Project Funding I Reserves I Contributions 1,300,000 Grants: Bonds Loans. I Utilities. I General Fund Current I Unknown. Total. I 1,300,000 Yearly Expense Summary Capital/Net Operating Prior Years I 2010 I 2011 I 2012 I 2013 -I$ -I$ -I$ -I$ Year Construction Complete/Operational. 2000 Right of Way No (City Priority Legal Mandate Department Public Works Utilities Contact Jeff Young I Justification: The Port is proposing to develop new /existing industrial park areas at the airport which will require city utilities. anticipated the Port of Port Angeles or developers will provide all necessary funding. 1,150,000 2016 I Project Total I 1,300,000 Operating Cost Amount Other Permits No Contract Yes Div Priority 13 It is Date Revised 6/30/2010 1 Title: Airport Industrial Sewer Project WW02 -2000 Picture Area Map Intentionally Left Blank Title: Airport Industrial Park Streets CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN PROJECT Project Description This project involves the installation of roadways, storm drainage, curb, gutter and sidewalks in the Port's proposed new /existing industrial park areas at the airport. Yearly Expense Summary Capital/Net Operating Prior Years I 2010 I 2011 I 2012 I 2013 I 2014 I 2015 I I I 305,000 I 1,650,000 I 770,000 I Year Construction Complete/Operational. 2015 Right of Way No SEPA Required No City Priority Legal Mandate. No Concurrency. No Department Public Works Utilities Division Street Contact Steve Sperr Cost Center Justification: The Port is proposing to develop new /existing industrial park areas at the airport which will require city streets. It is assumed at this time the Port or others will provide all necessary funding. IImpact if not executed: Access in and around the new /existing industrial park areas would be unavailable. Project TR14 2000 Estimated Project Costs Planning /Design 305,000 Land/Right -of -Way I Construction 2,420,000 I Other I Total. 2,725,000 I Estimated Project Funding I Reserves Contributions Grants Bonds Loans Utilities General Fund Current 305,000 Unknown Total -I$ 2,420,000 2,725,000 Div Priority 45 2016 I Protect Total I 2,725,000 Operating Cost Amount Other Permits No Contract No] Date Revised 6/30/2010 Title: Airport Industrial Park Streets Project TR14 -2000 Picture Area Map Intentionally Left Blank CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN PROJECT Title: Turbo Blower Installation Project WW01 -2010 Project Description I Estimated Project Costs Project demolishes three PD aeration blowers from 1993 and installs three high I I Land /Right -of -Way Construction 183,000 1 Other: efficiency turbo blowers. These new turbo blowers have high speed motors and air bearings so a gearbox and lubrication system are not required. These 50 hp turbo blowers will match the output of the existing 75 hp rotary blowers and staff will install with factory assistance. They will also provide low noise and low vibration which is needed in the secondary building lower level. Total 183,000 Estimated Project Funding Reserves Contributions Grants. Bonds: Loans: Utilities 183,000 General Fund Current: Unknown Total 183,000 Yearly Expense Summary Capital/Net Operating liknorYears 1 2010 I 2011 I 2012 1 2013 1 2014 1 2015 1 2016 I Project Total -1 -1 183,0001 I I$ I$ -I 183,000 Year Construction Complete/Operational Operating Cost Amount: Right of Way No SEPA Required No Other Permits: Yes City Priority. Legal Mandate: No Concurrency. No Contract. Yes Department Public Works Utilities Division. Wastewater Contact Jeff Young Cost Center Div. Priority 18 Justification: There will be some energy savings with this conversion. The existing rotary blowers have reached or are nearing the end of there service life and will begin to show wear requiring rebuilding. Many Cities in the Pacific Northwest have done their own installation and found the job easy to install and reliable such as Gig Harbor and Lyden, WA. Impact if not executed: Continue to produce higher energy bills, loud noise and excess vibration in the secondary building. Date Revised 6/9/2010 O itle: Turbo Blower Installation Picture Area Map Project WW01 -2010 pORT NGELES W A S H I N G T O N U.S.A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: July 6, 2010 TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: YVONNE ZIOMKOWSKI, FINANCE DIRECTOR SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR AMENDMENT TO 2010 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY CAPITAL BUDGET Summary: CFP Project IT03 -2009 was approved as part of the 2008 CFP in the amount of $250,000, with funding to take place in 2010 through 2012. The project consists of transitioning from the current Novell network server operating system to a standardized Microsoft system. Funding in the amount of $150,000 is requested in 2010, with project funding coming from IT reserves. Recommendation: Approve $150,000 amendment to 2010 Information Technology budget to be used for CFP Project IT03 -2009. Background Analysis: During the 2008 budget process, Council authorized CFP Project IT03- 2009 in the amount of $250,000, with funding to take place in 2010 ($150,000), 2011 ($60,000), and 2012 ($40,000). This project was for the upgrade of the current Novell network server operating system to a standardized Microsoft operating system. It is extremely important that this project begin moving forward as soon as possible. The Novell operating system implemented by the City nearly 15 years ago has reached end -of -life and end -of- support status. Basically, IT staff are running obsolete software on outdated equipment and no additional upgrades or technical support is available. This project should eliminate issues with connectivity, interfaces, upgrades, e-mail archiving, and vendor support between Novell and Microsoft. In addition to the technical issues listed above, this project is also a vital component of the City's records management program. In order to comply with State guidelines, the City must have an adequate e-mail archival system in place. This project will provide improved connectivity between the City's current archival software and the proposed Microsoft system, which will ensure continued compliance with State retention guidelines. L -1 Page 2 Funding for this project was initially identified in the 2010 budget, but was inadvertently omitted prior to final budget approval. Staff proposes using $150,000 from IT reserves to fund the initial phase of this project in 2010. Additionally, it should be noted that IT staff have identified approximately $50,000 in budgetary savings that may be realized in 2010. This will potentially result in only $100,000 being used from reserves; however, it is still too early in the year to know how much of these savings will be realized. Staff's recommendation is for Council to approve funding for CFP Project IT03 -2009 in 2010 in the amount of $150,000 to come from Information Technology fund reserves. Currently, there is approximately $800,000 in IT reserves anticipated at the end of 2010. Attachment: Capital Facilities Plan Project IT03 -2009 L -2 Title: Novell File Svrs OS Platform Apps Migration/Upgd Project Description Project involves the migration and upgrade of current Novell file servers to a common operating system platform and Microsoft Active Directory structure. This will include migration of all paths, Iinks, files, attachments, directories and structure residing in the current NDS. Additionally, it would include migrating the current Group Wise email system and its interfaces to a more industry common Microsoft Exchange interface platform and subsystems. A High Availability(HA) server clustering solution is also recommended. This would allow for continued operation/support if catastrophic situations occur resulting failure in access to server applications. This migration allows for standardization of servers to one common OS platform. In addition, it allows for better utilization of resources /support by staff personnel while reducing the number of technologies and servers currently being supported. Yearly Expense Summary Capital/Net Operating 1 Prior Years 1 2010 I 2011 I 2012 I, 2013 I 2014 I 2015 I$ I$ 150.000 1 5 60.000 I$ Year Construction Complete /Operational: 2012 Right of Way: 1City Priority. (Department: Finance (Contact: Jim Harper Justification: Current Novell operating system is the last supported standalone version allowing for direct association to other application platforms. With increased separation between Novell/Microsoft platforms, issues with connectivity, interfaces, upgrades, and vendor support have started to become problematic for existing and planned future applications. Organizations in general have migrated to Microsoft as a standardized platform and doing so for all Novell servers will solve many issues with connectivity, application /user interfaces and general support. It will allow for better utilization of staff detailed Microsoft products knowledge base with a common platform than currently supporting. IImpact f not executed: With loss of Novell standalone capabilities, increasing separation between Novell/Microsoft products and requirements for staff multi platform training will become more problematic. Further separation will result in increasing issues with performance, connectivity, data compatibility, user frustrations and simplified user interfaces becoming non existent. Legal Mandate: No CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN PROJECT Project 1T03-2009 Estimated Project Costs j Planning/Design: S 30.000 1 Land/Right -of -Way: I 1 Construction: I 70.000 Other: I 150.000 Total: I s 250.000 Estimated Project Funding Reserves: Contributions: Grants: Bonds: Loans: Utilities: General Fund Current: Unknown: 250.000 Total: I 250.000 1 2016 I Project Total 40.00015 I S -IS -1S IS 250.000 Operating Cost Amount. SEPA Required: Other Permits: Concurrency: Contract: Division: Information Technology Cost Center: L -3 Div. Priority: 1 Date Revised: 5/7/20101 CALL TO ORDER REGULAR MEETING: ROLL CALL: Approval of Minutes March 18, 2010 Meeting: Items From Audience Not On Agenda: New Member Introductions: Election of Officers: City of Port Angeles Parks, Recreation Beautification Commission Port Angeles, Washington April 15, 2010 Chairperson Hordyk called the regular meeting of the Port Angeles Parks, Recreation Beautification Commission to order at 6:00 p.m. in Vern Burton Meeting Room #3. Members Present Members Absent. None. Audience Chairperson J. Hordyk, Commissioners E. Tschimperle, F. Stratton, P. Pittis, C. Whidden, S. Ramsey, R. Merritt, and Student Representative K. Wise. Staff Present Director G. Cutler and Administrative Specialist II C. Kochanek. Councilmembers B. Nelson and P. Downie, Darrell Nelson, Clara Nelson, Jim MacDonald, and Don Adams. All others present in the audience failed to sign the roster. Commissioner Whidden moved to accept the minutes of the March 18, 2010 meeting. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Tschimperle and carried unanimously. Chairperson Hordyk added Don Adams of Put The Boogie In Your Next Party to item number nine on the agenda. Chairperson Hordyk requested that the Commissioners introduce and tell something about themselves. She asked Student Representative Wise what made her decide to join the Commission. Student Representative Wise stated that her Grandmother, Commissioner Pittis, commented to her that it was fun and the High School has a requirement that each student must do community service in order to graduate and she thought this would be a great way to fulfill that requirement. Commissioner Whidden asked Student Representative Wise if it is well known at school that the community service requirement could be filled by serving on this board. Wise replied that it was not. Chairperson Hordyk commented that the Commission looks forward to working with the new Commission members. Commissioner Tschimperle nominated Commissioner Stratton for Chairperson. Commissioner Whidden seconded. Upon call for the question, Commissioner Stratton was unanimously elected to Chairperson. Commissioner Hordyk handed the meeting over to Chairperson Stratton. Chairperson Stratton thanked the Commissioners. He called for nominations for the Vice Chairperson position. M 1 Election of Officers: (Cont'd) Dog Park Presentation: Student Position Application Review: Commissioner Whidden nominated Commissioner Tschimperle for Vice Chairperson. Commissioner Pittis seconded. Upon call for the question, Commissioner Tschimperle was unanimously elected to Vice Chairperson. Jim MacDonald, a member of the noon Rotary Club, presented the Commissioners with a proposal for the Rotary Club to construct an off leash dog park that would be located at Lincoln Park in the old camp ground area. He stated that the responsibilities of the Rotary Club would be to construct the dog park which would include grading the land, constructing a five foot high chain link fence around the perimeter of the park, add a double gate, construct a cement pad, and provide water at the entrance. The on- going Rotary responsibilities would be to maintain the physical assets of the park, such as the fence, benches, and other amenities constructed. He commented that the responsibilities of the City of Port Angeles would include day to day maintenance of the park that would including mowing the grass two times per month during growing season (April through July), garbage pickup, and removal of animal waste bags. He provided the Commissioners with a map of the proposed area for the dog park and asked for approval from the Commissioners and asked for them to forward their recommendation to the City Council. There was a lengthy discussion. Director Cutler thanked the Rotary Club for coming forward with the dog park proposal as it would be a great asset to the community. He stated that with every facility the City gets there is a maintenance trail that goes along with it. The City has been pushing really hard toward the Adopt -a -Park Program because of the budget situation. He stated that they have lost a significant amount of resources and seasonal workers. He commented that if the dog park was approved the City would look for someone to adopt the dog park to take over the maintenance. He strongly stated that he does not have the staff to keep up with what they have to maintain currently. He commented that there is a maintenance accountability that goes along with the proposal and that this has been his biggest concern since the beginning. He informed the Commissioners that as a Department Head he can not support going forward unless the Rotary addresses the maintenance accountability that goes along with the proposal and this is what he would be telling the City Council. A brief discussion took place. Commissioner Hordyk moved to endorse and send forward a recommendation to support the Rotary dog park to the City Council. Commissioner Whidden seconded the motion. Upon call for the question, the motion carried unanimously. Following brief discussion, Commissioner Hordyk moved to endorse and send forward a recommendation to support the Rotary dog park to the City Council stating that the Commissioners have concerns about the ongoing maintenance and that the maintenance issue will need to be addressed. Commissioner Whidden seconded the motion. Upon call for the question, the motion carried unanimously. Director Cutler thanked Jim MacDonald for the presentation. Administrative Specialist II Kochanek introduced Clara Nelson, who is a student at the Port Angeles High School and the daughter of Councilmember Nelson and Darrell Nelson, to the Commissioners. She informed the Commissioners that Miss Nelson has applied for the remaining vacant student advisory position. The Commissioners reviewed the student application from Miss Nelson. A brief discussion took place. Commissioner Hordyk moved to appoint Clara Nelson to the vacant position of Student Representative to the Parks, Recreation and Beautification Commission until June 15, 2010. Commissioner Merritt seconded the motion. Upon call for the question, the motion carried unanimously. Chairperson Stratton welcomed Miss Nelson to the Commission and asked her to join the meeting. M -2 2 Late Additions/Public Works Chairperson Stratton introduced Don Adams of Put The Boogie In Your Next Party to Utilities Director Report: the Commissioners. Don Adams, owner of the Put The Boogie In Your Next Party, stated that he was coming before the Commissioners to ask permission to place his portable bounce house in the different park facilities around the City of Port Angeles that had electricity available. He stated that he would like to know what fees, insurance, and permits he would need to operate his business. He informed the Commissioners that he would be renting the bounce house to private parties for such things as birthday parties and then place the bounce house in one of the city parks for the event. He handed out a pamphlet showing a photo of the bounce house to the Commissioners. A brief discussion took place. Director Cutler stated to the Commissioners that if this was something they would like for staff to pursue then it is appropriate to work with Mr. Adams and talk internally with the Risk Manager, City Manager, and the City Attorney. Commissioner Hordyk made a motion for staff to pursue and work out the terms of placing the portable bounce house in city parks. Commissioner Ramsey seconded the motion. Upon call for the question, the motion carried unanimously. Director Cutler reviewed with the Commissioners the budget status report and asked the Commissioners for feed back as to what format they would like to see provided to them. He stated that Deputy Director Bonine could provide the Commissioners with a one page synopsis. The Commissioners agreed that they would like a one page synopsis of the Recreation Budget with the exception of Commissioner Tschimperle who would like to receive the full report. She also asked why the Vern Burton revenue was down from last year and the Gateway revenue was up from last year. Administrative Specialist II Kochanek informed the Commissioners that the Vern Burton revenue was down due to seven cancellations due to the economy and that the Gateway revenue was up due to the Port Angeles Farmers Market. Director Cutler encouraged the Commissioners to invite the Port Angeles Farmers Market to come and discuss with the Commissioners The Gateway Facility and let the Market share with the Commissioners their experience. The Farmers Market revenue is up significantly and they have had a lot more traffic and the move has been very successful. He informed the Commissioners that he would direct staff to put the Ediz Hook Boat Launch and the City Pier Moorage report in graph form so all the numbers would be together in one report. He challenged the Commissioners to put together a plan of what they would like to see staff working on for the remainder of this year and what budget items they want to talk about before it goes to the City Council. He asked them to challenge staff as to what they would like to see happen in Parks and Recreation. He asked the new Student Representatives to bring forward the thoughts of the students they attend school with. He stated that he would like to see the Student Representatives placed on the agenda each month. He updated the Commissioners on the status of the Civic Field Upgrades Facility Assessment. He stated that a request for proposals was submitted to the City Council and the Council awarded a contract for $30,000 to Bruce Dees Associates of Tacoma to do a comprehensive facilities assessment of Civic Field to address field drainage, lighting, boiler, locker rooms, ADA accessibility, spectator seating, scoreboards, backstop, fencing, painting, and updating for cosmetic purposes. He anticipates the assessment being completed some time around July. He recommended that the Commissioners have a special meeting so the information can be shared with them before the recommendations are taken before City Council. Commissioner Hordyk asked Director Cutler what is the status of the Pool. M 3 Late Additions/Public Works Director Cutler commented that it belongs to the Metropolitan Park District. He stated Utilities Director Report: that the City is under contract to do the day to day operations of the pool. The contract (Cont'd) will be terminate on May 31, 2010. The Pool will be shut down June 1, 2010 for maintenance and at that time the City will be negotiating a contract for the performing of the maintenance on a reimbursable basis. He stated that the Metropolitan Park District is in the process of looking to contract with the current Pool Manager, Jayna Lafferty to operate from three to six months for the Metropolitan Park District. All the City Pool employees will be terminated at the end of May and it will be up to the Metropolitan Park District to bring them on as employees. A brief discussion took place. Adjournment: Next Meeting: By consensus, the Board moved to adjourn at 7:20 p.m. May 20, 2010 6:00 p.m. Vern Burton Meeting Room #3 M -4 4 PROJECT TITLE Laurel Substation Structure, CLO5 -2007 Cable Restoration Phase II, CL02 -2009 Signal Upgrades, Project TR05 -2007 16' Street Sidewalk, Project TR10 -2000 Water Main Replace- ments, WT02 -2006 2010 Street Overlays, TR01 -2003 CONTRACTOR CONTRACT OR VENDOR PO PROJECT TITLE Small Works Roster Contract College Substation Switch Replacement, CL06 -2010 Dry Creek Bridge Construction, TR04 -2010 PUBLIC WORKS CONTRACT STATUS REPORT July 2010 (COSTS SHOWN INCLUDE APPLICABLE TAXES) ACTIVE CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTS AWARDED BY CITY COUNCIL BUDGET ORIGINAL PREVIOUS CONTRACT CHANGE (Construction) AMOUNT ORDERS $120,000 $100,000 $135,000 $440,000 $360,000 $1,300,000 $1,292,540.96 CONTRACTS AND PURCHASE ORDERS UNDER $25,000 APPROVED BY CITY MANAGER IN LAST 30 DAYS UPCOMING PUBLIC WORKS CONTRACTS (NEXT 30 DAYS; ESTIMATED DATES SHOWN) ADVERTISE FOR BIDS June July $118,357.74 $92,183.90 $128,772.00 $406,020.65 $308,592.04 DESCRIPTION BID OPENING July 9, 2010 August $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 DATE AWARDED July August N:IPWKSIENGINEER\Management Reports\City Council Reports\July 2010 Monthly Contract Status Report.doc LAST MONTH CHANGE ORDERS $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 REVISED CONTRACT AMOUNT $118,357.74 $92,183.90 $128,772.00 $406,020.65 $308,592.04 $1,292,540.96 AMOUNT START END CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION August November M -5 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Valley Creek Phase 3 Design Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant Residential Demand Response Pilot Project Broadband Technology Opportunities Program via NOANet CSO Phase 1 Projects, Construction Sidewalks 16 G- Stevens Dry Creek Bridge for Olympic Discovery Trail Stormwater Phase 2 Implementation List of Acronyms BRAC: BPA: DOE: DWSRF or SRF NOANet NOSC PASD PSP PWB: PWTF: RCO: TIB, A1P or PSMP: WSDOT: PUBLIC WORKS GRANT LOAN STATUS REPORT July 2010 PROJECT COST $3,700,000 $11,800,00 0 $310,000 GRANT/LOAN SOURCE COST $157,000 RCO Grant Washington $420,418 Department of Commerce $660,000 Bonneville Power Administration National Telecommunication Infrastructure Administration PWTF Construction Loan $10,000,000 TIB Pedestrian School Grants $725,000 RCO Grant Ongoing DOE Pass Through (Program) Grant GRANT MATCH OR LOAN DATA $139,000 grant $18,000 City $135,000 grant 37,300 BPA $248,118 City $362,750 BPA $297,250 City $2,600,000 BPA $1,100,000 City Loan 0.5 20- Yr, 15% ($1.8M) local match TIB $175,000 City 85,000 PASD 50,000 $361,708.00 AWARD LISTING Dec. Scope budget 2009 review Awaiting City final legal review August before signature by 2009 Mayor and execution by Dept. of Commerce March 2010 January 2010 January Final Design 2008 underway March 2008 Spring 2009 $50,000; no local August match required 2009 STATUS Award notification expected on May 27, 2010 Under due diligence; award notification expected during summer or fall of 2010 Construction underway Design underway Final reimbursement request submitted Bridge Replacement Advisory Committee Bonneville Power Administration Department of Ecology Drinking Water State Revolving Fund or State Revolving Fund Northwest Open Access Network North Olympic Salmon Coalition Port Angeles School District Puget Sound Partnership Public Works Board, administers the PWTF Program Public Works Trust Fund Recreation and Conservation Office [v a 1.,. ie 7eeevery-Fundmb Transportation hnpiovement Board, Arterial Improvement Program or Pedestrian Safety and Mobility Program Washington State Department of Transportation M -6 ADS LLC Consultant Agreement, Project 47140 -6 CSO and Weather Station Monitoring Services Date Agreement Authorized by Council: May 19, 2009 Agreement Expires: July 15, 2010 Billings Through: April 2, 2010 Task# Task 1 IFlow Monitoring Equipment Precipitation Measurements Weather Station 2 Allowance Site Assessment and Installation of All 3 Equipment 4 IWebsite Set Up 5 Flow Monitoring Field Service Data Analysis and Preparation of Final Flow 6 Data 7 Wireless Communications 8 IWebsite Data Display and Alarm Notification Totals original Contract Amount I $32,884.401 $4,000.00 $16,973.40 $1,500.001 $31,575.00 $14,013.00 $1,139.04 $2,400.001 $104,484.841 Billings to Date Complete $32,884.401 $0.00 $16,973.40 $1,500.001 $18,418.75 $8,174.25 $664.44 $1,400.001 $80,015.241 100.00% 0.00% 100.00% 100.00% 58.33% 58.33% 58.33% 58.33% 1 M -7 Brown Caldwell Consultant Agreement, Project 06 -01 CSO Projects Phase 1 Date Agreement Authorized by Council: July 5, 2006 Amendment No. 6 Authorized by Council: March 9, 2010 Agreement Expires: December 1, 2011 Billings Through: May 20, 2010 Task Description 1 'Project Management 2 'Mapping Condition Assessment 3 'Cultural 4 'Geotechnical 5 'Environmental Permits CSO Plan Review and Preparation of Contract Documents 6.1 -6.5 Detailed Civil, Mechanical, Structural, Electrical PICS Design 6.6 'Preparation of 60% Cost Estimate 7 Engineering Report Bidding Assistance 8 Evaluation of Additional Alternatives 9 Plant Flow Management 10 Add'I Cultural Geotechnical Work Subtotal, Tasks 1 -10° 11 Complete detailed design of CSO Phase 1 12 Septage Receiving Station Design 13 Headworks Screens Design 14 Integrated CSO Monitoring Design 15 WWTP Monitoring Suppport 16 Elwha flow Impact Analysis Ph 2 Total Contract Amount' 6.0 Ungmai Contract Amount $16,893.451 $36,659.051 $6,922.201 $66,115.23 $22,789.84 $167,247.93 $22,450.281 $338,977.98 $338,977.981 nrougn Amendment No. 6 Pre Design and Design through 60% (original contract and Amendments 1.3) $112,841.191 $110,055.64 $25,092.98 $144,293 411 $150,829.67 $180,100 00 $958,296.98 $47,000.00 $35,279.11 $16,735.00 $59,092.00 $8,026.00 $1,847,640.98 $1,519,572.03 $8,400.00 $26,000 00 $11,000.00 $0.00 $141,550.001 Billings to Date $112,841.191 $110,055.641 $25,092.981 $144,293.411 $150,829.671 $180,100.00 100% $958,296 98 $47,000 00 $35,279.11 $16,735.00 $59,092.00 $8,025.00 $1,847,640.98 $853,605.29 $9,041.13 $8,767.09 $10,678.71 $0.00 $54,008.63 $3,139,190.981 $2,368,769.80 Complete 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 56% 108% 34% 97% 0% 38% 75 %1 M -8 Exeltech Consultant Agreement, Project 05 -31 Dry Creek Bridge Trail Phase 2 Date Agreement Authorized by Council: February 2, 2010 Amendment 1 Authorized by Council: June 1, 2010 Agreement Expires: December 31, 2010 Billings Through: April 14, 2010 Contract Amended Task Task Amount Amount Billings to Date Complete PS &E and bid support 1 for Dry Creek Bridge $164,780.96 $173,780.96 $65,778.43 39% Totals $164,780.96 $173,780.96 $65,778.43 39% Perteet Consultant Agreement FEMA Projects 08 -03B Date Agreement Authorized by Council: May 19, 2009 Date Amendment No. 3 Authorized by Council: November 17, 2009 Agreement Expires: December 31, 2010 Billings Through: May 30, 2010 Task 1 2 3 4 5 Task ODT Trail Riprap (MPEG019) ODT Trail Slide (RWMG017) Ediz Hook Riprap (MPECO22) Tumwater Wall (MPEC011) Ediz Hook Boat Ramp (MPEC016) Totals Original Contract Amount $15,900.001 $15,898.001 $8,399.001 $8,399.001 $8,399.001 1 1 $56,995.001 Through Amendment No. 3 $88,505.00 $42,833.00 $60,592.00 $30,399.00 $57,279.00 $279,608.00 Billings to Date $58,277.11 $26,163.43 $47,732.77 $30,472.27 $33,369.10 $196,014.68 Complete 66% 61% 79% 100% 58% M -10 70%, Hammond, Collier, Wade Livingston Consultant Agreement Race Street Slide Project TR01 -10 Date Agreement Authorized by Council: April 17, 2007 Agreement Expires: December 31, 2010 Billings Through: May 27, 2010 Original Contract Task Task Amount Billings to Date Complete 1 'Project Management $2,650.001 $3,996.801 151% 2 (Prepare Design Plans Specifications $26,570.001 $24,519.981 92% 1 1 1 1 1 1 Totals $29,220.001 $28,516.781 98 %1 M -11 CH2M Hill Consultant Agreement, Project 07- 08 Date Agreement Authorized by Council: April 17, 2007 Date Amendment No. 1 Authorized by Council: December 18, 2007 Agreement Expires: June 31, 2010 Billings Through: May 28, 2010 Task 1 2 Task 'Corrosion Control Facility IElwha Dam Mitigation 3 'Directed Services 4 'water System Plan Totals Original Contract Amount $38,0001 $50,0001 $25,0001 $113,0001 Through Amendment No 1 Billings to Date $38,000 $25,209.231 $50,0001 $33,170.041 $25,0001 $10,799.131 $235,0001 $222,062.801 $348,0001 $291,241.201 Complete 100% 66% 43% 94 %I 84 M -12 TriAxis Engineering Consultant Agreement, Project CL05 -2007 fa Laurel Substation Structure Date Agreement Authorized by Council: March 17,2009 Agreement Expires: 12/31/2010 Billings Through June 30, 2010 Task Description 1 169kV Structure Design Laurel Substation 2 'Transmission Tower Structural Evaluation 3 (Contract Drawings for Pole Replacements Original Contract Amount $22,496.001 I $4,160.001 1 1 Total Contract Amountl $26,656.001 Through Amendment No. 1 $22,496.001 $4,160.001 $3,000.001 $29,656.001 Billings to Date Complete $21,249.571 100% $4,160.001 100% $2,945.001 100% $28,354.571 100% I M -13 North Sky Engineering Consultant Agreement, Project CL06 -2007 Washington Substation Transmission Line Renovation Date Agreement Authorized by Council: October 6, 2009 Agreement Expires October 31, 2010 Billings Through June 30, 2010 Task Description 1 I BPA- Washington Sub 69kV Transmission Design 2 !Design F- Street Feeder Upgrades Original Contract Amount I $29,830.00 I I I Total Contract AmountI $29,830.001 Through Amendment No. 1 $29,830.001 $17,000.001 $46,830.001 Billings to Date Complete $29,830.001 100% $0.001 0 I $29,830.001 64% I M -14 Aspect Consultant Agreement, Project SW08 -01 Landfill Post Closure Consulting Engineering Services Date Agreement Authorized by Council: October 7, 2008 Date Amendment 1 Authorized by Council: September 15, 2009 Agreement Expires. February 28, 2011 Billings Through: October 30, 2009 ask Task Contract Amount Original Contract through Billings °Io Amount Amendment 1 to Date Complete 1.1 Groundwater Reports 2008 Biannual Report 2009 Biannual 1.1.1 Report $6,500 $26,100 $10,921.60 42% 2008 Annual Groundwater Monitoring 1.1.2 Report $13,500 $43,400 $26,680.99 61% 1.1.3 2008 Seawall Fluid Report $8,000 $15,500 $7,285.80 47% 1.2 Seawall Monitoring Report and Beach Monitoring Analysis of Transect data, Tech Memo and 1.2.1 Recommendations $9,000 $14,800 $15,605.25 105% 2008 Annual Beach Morphology Monitoring 1.2.3 Report $8,000 $18,300 $9,917.75 54% 2 Maintenance Support $13,000 $6,000 $0.00 0% 3 Macro -Algae Survey $0 $61,000 $0.00 0% Totals $58,000.00 $185,100 $70,411.39 38% M -15 G4 Consultant Agreement, Project 90178 Industrial Wastewater Pretreatment Program Update Date Agreement Authorized by Council: June 24, 2008 Agreement Expires: December 31, 2009 Billings Through: May 5, 2010 Task Task 1 'Local Limits 2 'Staffing Summary (Delegation Decision) 3 'Sewer Use Ordinance 4 'Procedures Manuals 'FOG Maintenance Program ;Totals Original Contract Amount $11,000.001 $6,000.001 $7,000.00' $20,000.001 $12,000.001 $56,000.001 Billings to Date Complete $11;036.501 100% $4,286.391 71% $9,225.00 132% $24,766.011 124% $2,850.001 24% $52,163.901 93% M -16