HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet 07/21/1998 I . r. . AGENDJ Becky Upton PORT ANGELES ell City Clerk 321 EAST FIFTH STREET, PORT M July 21, 1998 - REGULARM - -- -. r .--... CALL TO ORDER - Regular Meeting (5:30 p.m.) II ROLL CALL III PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ~ IV CEREMONIAL MATTERS/PROCLAMATIONS None V WORK SESSION None VI APPROVAL OF MINUTES of July 7, 1998 regular 1 Action meeting VII LATE ITEMS TO BE PLACED ON THIS OR FUTURE AGENDAS (By Council, Staff or Public) AND PUBLIC COMMENT FOR ITEMS NOT ON AGENDA (This is the opportunity for members of the public to speak to the City Council about anything not on the agenda, please keep comments to 5-10 minutes.) VIII FINANCE: A. Advertise for Fire Engine Bids B. Award Bids for Landfill Cell #3 expansion C. Final acceptance and payment for high school sidewalk project D. Amendment to contract with HLA Inc. for Airport Road Realignment project 9 11 13 Action Action Action 15 Action IX CONSENT AGENDA: A. Acceptance of grant for school resource officer . El. Payroll- July 12, 1998 - $361,887.17 C. Check list - July 17, 1998 - $582,833.85 X CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS XI ORDINANCES NOT REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS . . A. Senior Discount Income Level Adjustments B. Adoption of new construction codes and fees 21 29 31 Action None 59 61 Action Action XII RESOLUTIONS NOT REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS XIII PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES XIV OTHER CONSIDERATIONS A. Alteration of subdivision - S!-fP 78(2)8 67 B. Consideration of acceptance of solid waste from 71 Jefferson County C. Amendment to PUD Wholesale Water Contact 73 D. Interlocal Agreement with Transit and Downtown, 77 Association for Port Angeles International Gata-'.. way Transportation Center \ E. Amendment to Industrial Water Supply contract 83 None None Action Action Action Action Action NOTE: HEARING DEVICES AVAILABLE FOR THOSE NEEDING ASSISTANCE MAYOR TO DETERMINE TIME OF BREAK July 21, 1998 Port Angeles City Council Meeting Page - 1 (7:00 P.M. or soon thereafter) A. REZONE APPLICATION - REZ 98-04 -OLYMPIC 99 MEMORIAL HOSPITAL, between Georgiana and Caroline adjacent to Chambers Street: Request to rezone property designated CO, Commercial Office, to PBP, Public Buildings and Parks. B. REZONE APPLICATION - REZ 98-03 - NORTH- 123 WEST PERMIT, Ninth Street between Lincoln and Laurel Street: Request to rezone property designated RS-7, Residential Single Family, to CSD, Community Shopping District. Action Action XVI PUBLIC HEARINGS - OTHER A. STREET VACATION PETITION - STV 98-02- 209 OLYMPIC MEMORIAL HOSPITAL: A portion of the alley between Georgiana and Caroline directly west of Chambers. B. STREET VACATION PETITION - STV 98-01 245 NORTHWEST PERMIT: A portion of the 8th/9th Street alley between Lincoln and Laurel Streets: A proposal to vacate right-of-way. C. RALSTON SHORT PLAT APPEAL 289 D. 6-YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT 301 PLAN AND 6-YEAR CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN E. Allocation of federal grant funds for School 321 Resource Officer program vehicle Action Action Action Action Action XVII EXECUTIVE SESSION (As needed and determined by City Attorney) Action .~~ XVIII . ADJOURNMENT I v.v . 1r-1""t.r...A-r.""",- : A. Letter from Ecology providing extension oftime for completing Elwha Water Right (Pg 323) B. Notification that Doyle McGinley [Public Works -Water] received Water Distribution Manager 2 Certificate(325) C Parks & Recreation Monthly Reports for May & June 1998 (327) D. Public Works Monthly Report for June 1998 (357) E. Parks, Recreation & Beautification Commission Meeting Minutes - May 21,1998 (361 ) F Draft Utility Advisory Committee Minutes - July 6, 1998 (365) G. District Court Caseload - Cumulative Status Report for 2nd Quarter 1998 (369) H. Museum of Clallam County Historical Society Report - 2nd Quarter, 1998 (371) I. Clallam County EDC Fina.ncial Report - 2nd Quarter, 1998 (375) J. Parks & Recreation Lodging Tax funding -Second Quarter report (381) PUBUC HEARINGS Public hearings are set by the City Council in order to meet legal requirements pertaining to matters such aS,land use permit applications, proposed amendments to City land use regulations, zoning changes, annexations. In addition, the City Council may set a public hearing in order to receive public input prior to making decisions which impact the citizens. Certain matters may be controversial, and the City Council may choose to seek public opinion through the public hearing process. C:\980721.WPD . NOTE: HEARING DEVICES AVAILABLE FOR THOSE NEEDING ASSISTANCE MAYOR TO DETERMINE TIME OF BREAK July 21, 1998 Port Angeles City Council Meeting Page - 2 CITY OF PORT ANGELES CITY COUNCIL MEETING Julv 21. 1998 CITY OF PORT ANGELES CITY COUNCIL MEETING Attendance Roster ~ PLEASE SIGN IN DATE OF MEETING: Julv 21. 1998 LOCATION: City Council Chambers Please Note: IF I plan on testifying by signature below, I certify that my testimony is true and correct under penalty of perjury by the laws of the State of Washington. ~ \ ,.. \,/ ~ ~ ~ --- e-.Lfo/f\JJ ~B"""C X 7D5 ?J J/:B- W,4/l1cJY ;/4t1 Sr{t'l<L 811 $"0. ~ -f ~ Ave. S City of Port Angeles OrdinancelResolution Distribution List CHy Councll M..tlng of q,Q~ .:J. (J (till! ::II.llr::::::m::::::::::::: t ~d I ~) J..J ~ ~ 7~ 1</~!i1 R,~ .1/5- 'l~ ............................... ................................ ~.t :11~i~_:ill.!li[i[1I1 v fA 'l-h'1 IQq7 " .T ^ ~A Q>> /" . 1), r.A. 1~1~~~1~1~~1~~~1~~~~1~11~~1~~~~1l~~~j11111~~~~~~~~j1j1111 ~1~AA nll~ - ~1Jwl / K {J JJ.I,., . D- 74.6" . .A -rIP-l.}. o~ l' .... .................................................................................... 1I.1'1-;.j D J ~ ,-() ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~t~~~~~f~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;;~;~;~~~~~~~~~ City Manager / / City Atty. (1) 1 I , ./ J I J ./ ,/ Planning J ./J ,/ J ~ City Clerk ~ \(' ~ V ::; V/ ~ V ,.:) V Deputy Clerk I / J -./ ,-'/ I /, J V' Personnel I I vi' Cust. Svcs. I/'J v' Finance Dir./Mgr. Police Dept. Fire Dept. / / / Light Dept. / I V IV Pub. Works (2) ~ )I .::J~V' ~~/ ::l.~ V .:J ~./ Parks & Rec. ,/ / MRSC (1) J V J V- I / / , V- I V PDN (Summary) "t'.vI M v' vel-W. ; vel ^" Nt if Extra Copies 4; c10 I /j 1 / !J11d /()jlAfJJ ~ I .; ( TOTAL I~ C; If) ([ JI) CITY OF PORT ANGELES 321 East Fifth Street. PO Box 1150 PPrt Angdes. \Vashin~ti)n lJX362-1150 Phone (360) 417-4500 TTY Phone (360) 417-4645 Fax (360) 417 -4509 internet address citym@olympus.net TO: Auditor of Clallam County Assessor of Clallam County STATE OF WASlllNGTON ) ) COUNTY OF CLALLAM ) I, the undersigned City Clerk of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, do hereby certify that the hereto attached Ordinance No. 2996, adopted by the Port Angeles City Council at its meeting of July 21, 1998, which rezones Lots 1 and 2, the east one half of Lot 3, and Lots 16, 17, and 18 of Hart and Cookes Subdivision of Suburban Block 31 of the Townsite of Port Angeles, is a true and correct copy of the document(s) indicated above. WITNESS my hand and official seal this 24th day of July , 19 98 . ~o~.Q,'0 J..AprN- City Clerk City of Port Angeles . . . /rom the chjk 0/ Becky Upton CUy Clerk DIll City 0/ Port AfJe!ej July 23, 1998 Jim, I hope you received the phone message I left for you! If not, I'll repeat myself a bit. At the City Council meeting of July 21, 1998, the Council considered a REZONE and a STREET V ACATION for Northwest Permit (Rite Aid). Mayor Braun and Councilman Williams stepped down from the consideration, and you were on vacation. There were four Councilmembers remaining, and the vote on both issues was tied. Therefore, we need to have you review the record, listen to the tapes, and be prepared to cast a vote on both matters. Please refer to your Council packet and review all the documentation pertinent to the rezone and the street vacation. Please note that Pages 131 - 134 regarding the rezone need not be considered, as they are now outdated. Also, reo the street vacation, I have attached revised Pages 251 - 252, which are revised findings and conclusions. Enclosed are copies of the taped proceedings for your review. Depending on how much time you may need to review all of this information, we may wish to consider setting a special meeting of the City Council to take action on the Northwest Permit applications. Please call me at 417-4634, so that we can discuss our options. Should you have any questions about the process, please contact Craig Knutson at 417-4531! Thanks for your assistance! Becky . . . CALL TO ORDER- REGULAR MEETING: ROLL CALL: PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: CEREMONIAL MATTERS! PROCLAMATIONS WORK SESSION: Landf1ll Agreement with Jefferson County CITY COUNCn. MEETING Port Angeles, Washington July 7, 1998 Mayor Bram called the regular meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at 5:35 p.m. Members Present: Mayor Braun. Councilmembers Campbell, Doyle, Hulett, Wiggins, and Williams. Members Absent: Comcilmember McKeown. Staff Present: Interim Manager Pittis, Attorney Knutson, Deputy Clerk Hagar, B. Becker, S. Brodhun, K. Godbey, S. Ilk, K. Ridout, S. McLain, and D. Sawyer. Public Present: No one signed the roster. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Scott McLain. None. Councilman Doyle stated that the Utility Advisory Committee had recommended that the City Council hold a work session to discuss the possibility of Jeff~n County hauling solid waste to the Port Angeles landfill for a seven month period. The UAC began discussion of this item in February, 1998, and Councilman Doyle felt the Comcil should have the opportunity to hold a work session to get all the pertinent information, then make a decision at the next meeting. Interim Manager Pittis distributed a memo providing background on this issue. He stated this item was on the agenda for this. evening under Other Considerations, and further infol'Jnation was cont8ined on Page 79 of the packet. Interim Manager Pittis reviewed the history of this issue as outlined in his memo and described the ongoing negotiations with Jefferson Comty for tonnage fees. He indicated that staff was comfortable in accepting solid waste for a seven month period, which would generate almost $250,000 in revenue for Port Angeles. Lengthy discussion followed, and Interim Manager Pittis responded to questions and provided additional clarification. Concern was expressed over Jefferson County receiving such a low tonnage fee as compared to other haulers. .Finance Director Godbey explained that City and Comty residents had an obligation for closure and post-closure costs that are built into the cwrent solid waste rates. Jefferson County, however, has no such obligation. Therefore, the fee charged to Jefferson Comty is market driven and not based on a cost of servIce. Discussion continued, after which Interim Manager Pittis informed the Council that the 001 - I - CITY COUNCIL MEETING July 7, 1998 WORK SESSION: (Cont'd) Landfill Agreement with Jefferson County (Cont'd) APPROVAL OF MINUTES: LATE ITEMS TO BE PLACED ON TIllS OR FUTURE AGENDAS: FINANCE: Contract for Sale of Database to Sequim COMMITTEE REPORTS: Clallam Public Health Advisory Committee. Jefferson Cotmty Commissioners would probably be contacting them regarding this issue. Mayor Braun thanked staff and the UAC for all the hard work and research that has gone . into this matter. No action was taken, and this item will be brought back to the Council meeting of July 21, 1998, for a decision. Councilman Doyle moved to accept the minutes of the June 16, 1998, regular meeting and the June 23, 1998, special meeting. Councilman Williams seconded the motion. Councilman Hulett noted that the minutes of June 23, 1998, do not note the absence of Mayor Braun and Councilmember McKeown, and himself. A vote was taken on the motion, which carried by a majority with Councilman Wiggins abstaining due to his absence from the meeting of June 16, 1998, and Mayor Braun and Councilman Hulett abstaining from voting on the minutes of June 23, 1998, due to absence from that meeting. Councilman Williams asked to have a brief discussion regarding Northland Cable. This was added as Item C. under Other Considerations. A. Contract for Sale of Parking Ticket/Citation Database to Sequim Mayor BraWl reviewed the information provided by the Police Department. Councilman Campbell moved to approve the sale ofthe parking ticket/citation database to the City of Sequim, in the amount of S4,UOO. Councilman Hulett seconded the motion. Councilman Campbell stated it was a tribute to Chris James, the creator of the database, to have someone want to purchase it for $4,000. A vote was taken on the motion, which carried unanimously. Mayor BraWl noted that George Woodruff, Superintendent of Schools, and Jim Jones were . present regarding Councilman Wiggins' report from the Clallam Public Health Advisory Committee. As a courtesy, this item was moved up on the agenda B. Clallam Public Health Advisory Committee Councilman Wiggins reviewed the information contained in the packet and stated that nationwide, there are one million juveniles with guns. Three were found in the Port Angeles School District this year. COWlcilman Wiggins felt this is not just a school problem, but a community problem as well. He stated possibly, in the future, the COWlcil might consider passing an ordinance prosecuting gun owners who permit guns to fall into the hands of unsupeIVised juveniles. This is already being implemented on the East Coast, and it has measurably reduced the number of child deaths involving a firearm. Councilman Wiggins did not feel responsible gun owners would have a problem with such a law. CoWlCilman Wiggins asked Police Chief Ilk for input on this issue. Chief Ilk reported that the School District had notifIed the Police Department of a grant available for a School Resource Officer. A letter was received last week stating Port Angeles had been awarded a $30,000 grant, renewable for a second year. The School District is also contributing $17,000 toward this endeavor, and a Department of Justice grant can also be applied for which would pay for necessary equipment. Chief Ilk stated this item would be on the COWlcil's agenda for the July 21, 1998, meeting. At that time, the Police Department would request an additional position for the School Resource Officer. Chief Ilk then described the Resource Officer's duties and stated this program would begin at the start of the new school year. Chief Ilk stated Officer Tyler Peninger has been selected for this position, as he has an educational background for this position. Councilman Wiggins then asked Superintendent Woodruff for his comments on the issue. . 002 -2- . . . COMMI1TEE REPORTS: (Cont'd) Clallam Public Health Advisory Committee (Cont'd) FINANCE: (Cont'd) Request to Advertise for Bids - Mobile Lift Break PUBLIC HEARINGS - QUASI-JUDICIAL: Rezone Request - Olympic Memorial Hospital \!,~~'/'~>>;:' 'i'~:i; ,-.,"~>'" .~~,'~ :~~1ii"'~ ti)\':,iit, CITY COUNCIL MEETING July 7,1998 " " George Woodrufl: 710 MilwaukeeDrive, Superintendent of Schools, stated any time there is violence, whether in the schoo!s;or not; "it is a community issue. Violence happens in small communities as well as large. The Police Department has an excellent working relationship with the School District Mr. Woodruff felt having a Police Officer on campus would deter some unacceptable" behaviors, provide immediate coverage if there is a behavioral issue, and provide Ii positive relationship with students and the Police Department. Councilman Wiggins suggested the City continue to study. this issue. He indicated he would be interested in speaking to the legislators regarding this issue to inform them of the success other areas are having in reducing this type of violence. He felt it was necessary to determine what, if anything, the State is going to do to in this matter. Councilman Wiggins then asked Attorney Knutson to comment on what can be done locally. Attorney Knutson stated staff had preliminarily researched the law of pre-emption in the context of gun control. No firm conclusions have been reached, but there is a significant issue regarding the ability oflocal government to regulate in an area traditionally regulated at the State and Federal level. Attorney Knutson felt that Councilman Wiggins' intention to start at the State level to see if the legislators would be willing to support such a law would be the best way to proceed. Staffwould have to perform more research before it could recommend such an ordinance. Councilman Wiggins felt it best to check with the legislatorsfrrst, and he volunteered to perform the follow-up on this issue. This issue was discussed at length by the Public Health Committee, who endorsed the idea immediately. Councilman Campbell praised the efforts of Councilman Wiggins in being willing to get involved in such an issue; he fully supported the proposal. Interim Manager Pittis advised the Council that a condition of the grant for the Resource Officer was a public hearing, which will be held at the next meeting. B. Request to Advertise for Bids for Mobile Lifting System Mayor Bmun reviewed the infonnation provided by the Public Works Department. Interim Manager Pittis stated the memo was in need of correction. The words "declare this budget emergencY and" should be struck from the recommendation. Mayor Braun asked Dep!Jty Director Riciout for further input, which he provided. He explained that the hoist currently used is no longer repairable, as parts are no longer available. Replacement of the current hoist wouldbe more expensive than the purchase of a mobile lifting System.' Mr. Ridout then responded to questions and provided additional clarification. Finance Director Godbey explained why this is not considered a budget emergency and she reviewed the source offtmding for this pW'Chase. After further discussion and clarification, CouncUman Williams moved to authorize a call for bids for replacement of the hoist with an above-ground individual movable post system. Councilman Doyle seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. Mayor Braun ~ssed the meeting for a break at 7:00 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 7: 10 p.m. A. REZONE REQUESf' -OLYMPIC MEMORIAL HOSPITAL - REZ 98-04 - 1000 Block Caroline Street: Request to rezone property from Commercial Office (CO) to Public Buildings and Parks (PBP) Mayor Bmun reviewed the informa!ion provided by the Planning Department and opened . the public hearing at 7: 13 p.m. "Attorney Knutson announced that no public comments - 3 - 003 CITY COUNCIL MEETING I July 7, 1998 Rezone Request - Olympic Memorial Hospital (Cont'd) PUBUC HEARINGS- OTHER: Street Vacation - Northwest Permit Street Vacation - Olympic Memorial Hospital FINANCE: (Cont'd) Application for Loan for Downtown Watermains Lewis County Lawsuit would be allowed at this time. Therefore, Councilman Doyle moved to.continue the public hearing to July 21, 1998. Councilman Hulett seconded the motion, which . carried unanimously. A. STREET.VACATION PETITION - NORTHWESf PERMIT - srv 98-01 - portion of the 8/9 alley between Lincoln and Laurel Streets Mayor BraWl and Councilman Williams stated they would step down on this matter due to appearance of fairness and conflict of interest and they, therefore, departed the meeting at 7: 14 p.m. Deputy Mayor Doyle reviewed the information provided by the Planning Department and opened the public hearing at 7: 14 p.m. Councilman Hulett moved to continue the public hearing to July 21, 1998. Councilman Campbell seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. Mayor Braun and Councilman Williams returned to the meeting at 7: 15 p.m. B. STREET VACATION PETITION - OLYMPIC MEMORiAL HOSPITAL - srv 98-02 - portion of the Georgiana/Caroline alley west of Chambers Mayor BraWl reviewed the information provided by the Planning Department and opened the public hearing at7:16 p.m. Councilman Wiggins moved to continue the public hearing to July 21, 1998. Councilman Hulett seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. c. Consideration of Applicationfor Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWRF) . Loan for Downtown Watermains Mayor Braun reviewed the information provided by the Public Works Department and asked Interim Manager Pittis for further input. Using the map provided in the packet, Interim Manager Pittis demonstrated what streets would be impacted and explained that public process would be utilized to a greater degree in Phase II. This loan would come from the State Revolving Fund which is derived from Federal Clean Water Act money. Interim Manager Pittis stated a video had been prepared at the conclusion -of Phase I, and he invited .the Council to' view the video at its convenience. Interim'Manager Pittis then responded to questions pOsed by the Council and provided clarification. Following discussion, Councilman Doyle moved to instruct staff to submit an application totbe Drinking Water State Revolving Fund for Phase n of Downtown WatennainlSidewalk Reconstruction. Councilman Campbell seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. D. Lewis County Lawsuit Challenging State Habitat Conservation Plan (HCP) Mayor Braun stated Councilman Wiggins had drafted a letter which he had distributed to Council prior to the meeting, and he asked Councilman Wiggins to speak to this issue. Cotmcilman Wiggins stated the lawsuit had been extended to November of 1999 and has been argued since 1995. Councilman Wiggins noted the implications of this lawsuit are negative to'Port Angeles and Clallam County. The cuts will be very large, and this is not a good wayfor the Trusts to do business. No one is opposed to an HCP, but this HCPis . giving away a tremendous piece of ground for growing and harvesting trees. Councilman Wiggins moved to have the City pay SI,OOO towards the Iegalcostsbicurred in bringing this lawsuit. Councilman Campbell seconded the motion. Discussion followed. Cmmcilman Wiggins asked CoUncil to consider the draft letter he had presented -4- 004' . . . Lewis County Lawsuit (Cont'd) CONSENT AGENDA: COMMITTEE REPORTS: Gateway Review Committee . Economic Response Task Force Committee Salmon Recovery -:> "."'-:q' "~~1i":-:; ~> ,~: .'~)::j,:\f.';:<~f'~:~:",~" ; CITY COUNCll.MEETING July 7, 1998 and suggested staff review it He felt if the motion is passed, the letter should be sent to the timber cities, and he asked that this be made a part of the motion. Councilman Doyle stated that while the City itself is not a trust beneficiary, there are entities within the City that are, such as the Library, School District. Hospital, and Port Councilman Doyle felt these entities should receive a copy of the letter as they are directly impacted. Councilman Wiggins stated the fire districts are also impacted and should be included. CouncDman Wiggins therefore amended his motion to include the sending of the letter to timber cities as weD as aU tuing authorities within ClaUam County who receive these timber funds. CouncDman CampbeD agreed as seconder of the motion. Following further brief discussion, a vote was taken on the motion, which carried unanimou~ly. I Councilman Doyle noted that the software purchase agreement was dated 1997 and asked . staff to look into this, to which Attorney KnutsOn agreed. Following brief discussion and clarification, Councilman Doyle moved to accept the Consent Agenda including: A Agreement with State DIS for software purchase; B. Payroll - June 14, 1998 - $364,698.13 and June 28, 1998 - $391,266.59; and C. Check list - July 2, 1998 - $520,047.49. Councilnlan Wiggins seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. A. Appointment of Two Council Members to Gateway Review Committee Mayor Braun explained that two members were needed for the Gateway Review Committee. Interim Manager Pittis stated this Committee would probably meet no more than once a month. The first item of business will most likely be review of design proposals and will begin next month. He asked that the representatives not be those Council members on the Transit Committee, as this will allow for a wider distribution of the information. Councilman Wiggins stated he and Councilmember McKeown are currently on the Downtown Forward Committee, and he felt it was a natural progression to be on the Gateway Review Committee. Mayor Braun, therefore, named Councilmembers McKeown and Wiggins to the Gateway Review Committee. C. Economic Response Task Force Meeting with Dennis Snyder (Rayonier) Councilman Campbell reported there was a meeting on June 25, 1998, between the Economic Response Task Force and Rayonier officials, represented by Dennis Snyder, who deals with the local mill demolition and clean up, and Dana Dollop, Wendy Pugnetti, and Paul Perlowitz. Councilman Campbell stated that the Economic Task Force had previously agreed to defer any economic development or business recruitment activity to the Port Angeles Works! Committee. At the June 25 meeting, the Rayonier officials committed to meaningful interaction and discussion with the Port Angeles Works! Committee. Councilman Campbell felt this meant the City's views and input would be seriously considered by Rayonier. Richard Carruthers has been hired by Rayonier. Mr. Carruthers was present at the meeting and echoed Dennis Snyder's comments. He will be employed by Rayonier, but Councilman Campbell felt he would also be a resource for the Port Angeles Works Committee as he gathers infonnation and prepares the highest and best use analysis for that property. Mr. Carruthers has agreed to meet with the Committee as appropriate to get the Committee's input and inform the Committee of his actions. Councilman Campbell felt that the City has a good relationship with Rayonier on this issue. Mayor Braun thanked and praised Councilman Campbell's efforts on the City's behalf. Cotmcilman Doyle pointed out that Council had received some literature which stated that - 5 - 005 CITY COUNCn. MEETING July 7,1998 COMMITI'EE REPORTS: (Cont'd) Letter from Waldron Street Vacation Petition ~ Hermann . Resolution No. 12-98 Hearing on Six-Year TIP/CFP Resolution No. 13-98 Bonneville is spending $435 million annually on salmon recovery plans. Mayor Braun read aloud a letter to the Council from Waldron and Co. congratulating the City on hiring a new City Manager and thanking the Council for allowing them to be part of the selection process. . Ordinances Not Requiring Public Hearings: None. Resolutions Not Requiring Public Hearings A. Sl'REET VACATION PETITION - HERMANN. srv 98-03, Portion of the 2/3 alley in Block 49 Mayor Braun reviewed the infonnation provided by the Planning Department and requested further input from Senior Planner Sawyer, which he provided. Mayor Braun read the Resolution by title, entitled . RESOLUTION NO. 12-98 A RESOLUTION of the City of Port Angeles setting a hearing date for a petition to vacate a portion of the 213. alley south of Marine Drive, Port Angeles. Washington. Councilman Hulett moved to pass tbe Resolution as read by title. Councilman Campbell seconded tbe motion, wbicb carried unanimously. . B. Resolution Setting Hearing on Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program and Capital Facilities Plan. Mayor Braun reviewed the infonnation provided by the Public Works Department and asked Interim Manager Pittis for further input.. which he provided and explained the differences between the TIP and CFP. Mayor Braun noted a typographical error in the reSolution, the hearing date reads 1997 rather than 1998. Interim Manager Pittis stated this would be corrected. Mayor Braun then read the Resolution by title, entitled RESOLUTION NO. 13-98 A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles setting a public hearing date for review of the Capital Facilities Plan (CFP) and Six-Year Trans- portation Improvement Program (TIP) for the years 1999 - 2004. Councilman Williams moved to pass tbe Resolution as read by title witb tbe correction of tbe typograpbical error. Councilman Hulett seconded tbe motion, wbicb carried unanimously. Planning Commission Minutes/Action Items . Planning Commission Minutes of May 27. 1998 Planning Commission Minutes of June 10. 1998 Planning Commission Minutes of June 24. 1998 006 -6- . . . Right-of-Way Agreement with Port Northland Cable ADJOURNMENT: . ;":,;0''''; "l. ./', , ~'.' ,:,,;.,.<, CITY COUNCIL MEETING July 7, 1998 CouncDman CampbeU moved accept the Planning Commission minutes of May 27, June 10, and June 24, 1998. CouncUman Wiggins seconded the motion, which earried unanimously. Other Considerations A. Right-of-Way Agreement with Port of Port Angeles Mayor Braun reviewed the infonnation provided by the Public Works Department and asked Deputy Director Ridout for further input, which he provided. Mr. Ridout and Interim Manager Pittis responded to questions posed by the Council and provided further clarification. Using the map contained in the packet, Mr. Ridout demonstrated the property which would be acquired by this agreement and explained where the new airport entrance would be located. Interim Manager Pittis explained how the new intersection wiil be laid out and stated this change would greatly improve the safety factors for this intersection. Councilman Doyle moved to approve the purchase of right-of-way from the Port of Port Angeles and authorize the Mayor to sign the Agreement after acceptance by the Port Commission. CouncUman Williams seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. C. Northland Cable Information Councilman Williams stated that he learned today that customers have 30 - 60 days to change tiers, up or down, without incurring any expense, when rates are adjusted by the cable company. Councilman Williams stated he wanted people to be aware of this, as this infonnation was not sent out by the cable company. Councilman Doyle asked staff to consider getting bids for the purchase of more comfortable chairs for the Public Works Conference room. The current chairs could be used elsewhere. Interim Manager Pittis stated he would look into this and report back. Interim Manager Pittis reminded the Council that he would be taking a few days off and Attorney Knutson will be acting in his absence. The meeting was adjourned at 8:21 p.m Becky J. Upton, City Clerk Gary Braun, Mayor 007 - 7 - . . . 008 MEMORANDUM. Coral Wheeler Administrative Assistant ext 4650 Bruce W. Becker . Fire Chief ext 4651 Daniel K. McKeen Fire Marshal ext 4653 L. 'Keith. Bogues ' Training Officer ext 4652 James B. (Duke) Moroz Medical Officer ext 4665 360-417-4655 . '\JIll l - / .. j-- f\ DATE: July 13, 1998 TO: Mayor Gary Braun and Council Members Bruce Becker, Fire Chief ~ Pete Burrett, Equipment Services FROM: RE: Request to Advertise for B~ds for. Fire Engine SUMMARY/RECOMMENDATION: The Fire Department would like to replace a 24- year-old 1974 fire engine. Fire Department along with Equipment Services and Council members Doyle and Hulett have reviewed cost and specifications for a new engine. RECOMMENDATION: We request the City Council to authorize Equipment Services to advertise for bids for a new fire engine. ISSUE: Should the City Council . authorize Equipment Services'tQ.adyertise bids for a new fire 'engine; BACKGROUND: The Fire Department wishes to replace a 1974 Kenworth fire engine which was designed for having two people in a cab and all others ride on the tailboard. Today's law do not allow riding on tailboards. All members must be seated and belted in. This vehicle does not comply with the National Fire Protection Association Standard 1901 for fire apparatus which now requires many new safety standards such as 360 degree warning lights for protection,. better driving visibility and acceleration/braking standards. Technology has 009 Mayor Braun Page 2 July 13, 1998 greatly improved since 1974 for fire engines such as new foam delivery systems, one for structures, the other for flammables. Other improvements include greater compartmentization for storage of equipment and personnel inside the vehicle. With the Council's permission, we will go out for bids and purchase in 1998, saving the City several thousand dollars by contracting in 1998. Delivery of the truck will not occur for approximately 270 days from the date of contract. The approximate cost will be $2S0k to $260k which will be paid out in 1999. We have $46k accumulated for this truck and Engine 3 will be sold for approximately $10k to $14k. This will leave a balance of $194k to $204k which will be funded from the general fund reserves. Pete Burrett, Fire Chief Bruce Becker, and Finance Director Kay Godbey are available should you have any questions. BB/cw 010 . . . JackPlttis Director (4801) Phyllis Raster Administrative Ass/stant (4800) Cate Rinehart Administrative Assistant (4700) Bob Titus Deputy Director (4701) Ken Ridout Deputy Director (4802) Gary KenWOl1hy City Engineer (4803) Jim Harper Electrical Engineer (4702) Tim Smith Contract & Project ~nlstrator (4804) ~ Haehnten Sf. Building Inspector (4816) Tom Speriine Sr. Electrical Inspector (4735) Scott Mclain Power Manager (4703) Ralph Ellsworth Water. Wastewater Collection Superintendent (4855) Pete Burrett EquIp. Services Superintendent (4835) Marl< Shamp LIght Operations Manager (4731) Kevin Curtis Tl'98t. Plant Supervisor (4845) Tom McCabe . SW Collection Supervisor (4876) Steve Evans Landfill Supervisor .73) ve Wilcox StlBet Maintenance _ Supervisor (4825) /~ L../~.,~",~, .-L c..l~, i::-' MEMORANDUM DATE: JULY 21, 1998 TO: CITY MANAGER, MAYOR BRAUN AND CITY CO JACK PITTIS, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS SUBJECT: BID AWARD CONSIDERATION, EXPANSION, PROJECT 98-04 FROM: SUMMARY and RECOMMENDATION: The Public Works Department requested bids on the Port Angeles Landfill Cell 3 Expansion, Project 98-04. Bids were received from six firms and Delhur Industr.ies Inc. of Port Angeles was the lowest responsible bidder. We recommend that the City Council accept the bid from Delhur Industries in the amount of $1,711,207.84 and authorize the Mayor to execute the construction contact. ISSUE: Should bids be accepted for the Landfill Cell 3 Expansion, Project 98-04? BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS: The Public Works Department's engineering consultant, Parametrix has completed revised design and construction documents for the referenced project and bids were solicited. The project consists of excavation and construction of a liner for this final cell at the landfill. It also includes drainage, gas, and leachate collection facilities, asphalt paving, and soil cover placement.This Solid Waste Utility project was included in the approved 1998 budget. Bids were opened on July 14, 1998. The bids received, corrected in accordance with the specifications, were as follows: Rank Firm City Bid Total, Inclucing Tax 1 Delhur Industries Inc. Port Angeles, WA $1,711,207.84 2 Tri-State Construction, Inc. Bellevue, WA $1,892,566.00 3 IMCO General Construction,. Inc. Bellingham, WA $1,908,245.36 4 Wilder Construction, Inc. . Everett, WA $2,114,365.24 5 Boss Construction, Inc. Bellingham, WA $2,215,788.89 6 Pacific Drilling Construction, Inc. Wenatchee, WA $2,313,501.70 Delhur Industries Inc. of Port Angeles was the lowest responsive bidder. The bids were within the range of the Engineers estimate and confirmed the cost of construction. ,~L-.~ Gary W. KeKworthy, P.E. City Engineer .~ GWK:gk Disk:N:\PROJECTS\98-04LF\CCAWDMEM.GWK File: 98-04.12a 011 . . 012 · s ,. ~~ ~~ "Maintaining and building a better community" Jack Plttis Director {4801} Phyllis Rasler Administrative Assistant {4800} Cate Rinehart Administrative Assistant {4700} Bob Titus Deputy Director {4701} Ken Ridout Deputy Director {4802} Gal}' Kenworthy City Engineer [4803} Jim Harper Electrical Engineer {4702} Tim Smith Contract & Projact .nlstrator [4804} Haefmlen Sr. Building Inspector [4816} Tom Spertlne Sr. Electrical Inspector {4i35} SCXJtt McLain Power Manager {4703} Ralph Ellsworth Water, Wastewater Collection Superintendent [4855} Pete Burrett Equip. SetVlces SUPertntendent [4835} Marie Shamp LIght Operations Manager [4731} Kevin Curtis T/9Bt. Plant Supervisor [4845} Tom McCabe SW Collection Supervisor [4876} Steve Evans Landfill Supervisor .3} Wilcox Street Maintenance -Supervisor [4825} " f- (.,kLL~ --- MEMORANDUM DATE: JULY 21, 1998 TO: CITY MANAGER, MAYOR BRAUN AND CITY CO FROM: JACK PITTIS, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS FINAL PAYMENT AND ACCEPTANCE; HIGH SC OOL AND FRANKLIN SCHOOL SIDEWALKS PROJECT NOS.: 95-14 & 96-16 RE: I . SUMMARY and RECOMMENDATION:.The construction of the High School and Franklin School Sidew~lk~,P~oject Nos.: 95-14 & 96-16 have been inspected and accepted as completE:). The Public Works Department recommends that the City Council accept the project, authorize final payment to Lakeside Industries in the amount of $23,655.85, and release the retainage bond upon the receipt of clearances from the Department of Revenue and Labor and Industries. ISSUE: Should the City Council accept the High School and Franklin School Sidewalks Project Nos.: 95-14 & 96-16, authorize final payment, and release the retainage bond? BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS: This combined project constructed new sidewalks and ADA curb ramps along Laurel, Park, and Peabody Streets in the High School and along Lauridsen Blvd and Washington Street in the Franklin School area. The contract amount of tl)e project was"$~42;065.00. The final project cost was $416,973.99. Lakeside Industries was the contractor on the project and completed the project within the scheduled time allowed: The 15 per cent net cost increase in the project was due to quantity increases in traffic control labor, paving, and rock wall items. The projects are fdnded from two Transportation Improvement Board grants totaling $200,000.00 with a local match composed of School District funds of $20,000.00 and the $196,973.99 balance in budgeted City funds. jJ. ~L-. )~ , Gary W. Kenworthy P. E. City Engineer GWKgk Attachments: Final Payment Req., Acceptance Copy: Finance Loc:N:\PROJECTS\95-14HS\PROJMGT\CCFNLPMT.GWK File: 95-09.14 013 CITY OF PORT ANGELES '- PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM . HMAINTAINING AND BUILDING A BEITER COMMUNITYH July 15,1998, TO: Kay Godbey, Finance Director FROM: Jack P'ittis, Public Works Director RE: High School and Franklin School Sidewalks - Projects No. 95-14 & 96-16, Final Payment No. 3 Ori inal Contract Amount Chan e Orders to Date 0 Subtotal $342.065.00 $0.00 CONTRACT LESS Retaina e None, Bond Provided Contractor Pa ments Authorized to Date $416973.99 114.98%* DISBURSEMENT SUMMARY Accounts Nos., See Below CONTRACTOR: Lakeside Industries, Inc. P.O. Box 728 Port An eles. WA 98362 US 7503-9514-4150 Us. 7503-9616-4150 Total $ 8.078.00 $15.577.85 $ 23,655.85 $23,655.85 $0.00 TOTAL DISBURSEMENT FOR THIS PAYMENT $23'655.85 CHANGE ORDER COMMENTS:* Overa e due to net . PREPARED BY: ~ L. ~PROVED BY: City En ineer Loc:N:\PROJECTS\95-14HS\PROJMGT\PA YREQ3.GWK File: 95-14.14 014 Jack Plttls Director [4801] Phyllis Raster Administrative Assistant [4800J Cate Rinehart 'Administrative Assistant [4700] Bob Titus Deputy Director [4701] Ken Ridout Deputy Director [4802] Gary Kenwot1hy City Engineer [4803] Jim Harper Electrk;al Engineer {4702J Tim Smith Contract & Projact .nistrator [4804] Haehn/en Sr. Building Inspector {4816] Tom Sperllne Sf. Electrk;allnspector {4735] Scott McLain Power Manager [4703] Ralph Ellswot1h Water. Wastewater Collection Superintendent {4855J Pete Burren Equip. SeNIces Superintendent [4835J Marl< Shamp Light Operations Manager [4731] Kevin Curtis Treat. Plant Supervisor [4845J ' Tom McCabe SW Collection Supervisor {4876J Steve Evans Landfill Supervisor 4(3] . Wilcox t Maintenance Supervisor [4825] "'(..~..,,< .' /- IALA CG ..!./ MEMORANDUM DATE: JULY 2, 1998 TO: CITY MANAGER, MAYOR BRAUN AND CITY C!;IL JACK PITTIS, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS AMENDMENT NO. 2 TO ENGINEERING AGR ENT FOR LAURIDSEN BLVD./EDGEWOOD DR. REALIGNMENT PROJECT NO. 91-07. FROM: SUBJECT: SUMMARY and RECOMMENDATION: Right of Way negotiations are nearly completed and plan revisions which were not included in the original agreement scope of services are needed to complete the final design. It is recommended that the City Council authorize the Mayor to sign the Supplemental Agreement (Amendment No.2) in the added amount of $22,027.21 to the current agreement with Harding Lawson Associates Infrastructure, Inc which increases the total not to exceed fee of the agreement to $222,237.30. ISSUE: Should the City Council authorize the Mayor to sign a engineering services amendment to the current agreement with Harding Lawson Associates Infrastructure, Inc. for the subject project? BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS: The City's current agreement with the engineering firm of Harding Lawson Associates (HLA) Infrastructure, Inc. provided for design services through completion of construction bid documents. Right of Way and construction support services were not included in the original agreement. It was noted in the original approval request memo that amendments for Right of Way and construction support services would be brought to Council for approval at a later date. Amendment No.1, approved 12/27/95 covered the initial Right of Way changes. The attached Supplemental Agreement (Amendment No.2) covers final design revisions to meet current standards, negotiated Right of Way acquisition conditions, and meet FAA regulations for storm water detention facilities. This amendment will provide for completion of the design through final PS&E and request for bids early this fall. An amendment for HLA to provide limited construction support services will be provided for Council's consideration prior to start of construction. It is anticipat~d the majority of the construction management will be provided by our engineering staff. By separate service agreements we anticipate the State Department of Transportation providing asphalt testing support and Polaris Engineering providing survey controVconstrudion staking and soils testing. The added cost of the amendment for the added design services is $22,027.21. This amendment will bring the agreement total to $222,237.30 which remains in the expected range of fees for a project of this size, duration and complexity. Public Works has been satisfied with HLA's performance on the project. -&~~~ City Engineer GWK:gk Attachments: HLA Letter/Supplemental Agreement Disk:N:\PRQJECTS\91..Q7AR\MEMOS\AMND2.GWK File: 91..Q7.04a 015 016 . . . . . . Harding Lawson Associates June 30, 1998 RECEIVED J U L 0 1 1998 17055 Gary W. Kenworthy, I;>:E. City of Port Angeles Public Works Department 321 East Fifth Street Port Angeles, WA 98362-1150 Airport Road Dear Mr. Kenworthy: As you know, HLA received Notice to Proceed in April 1994. However~ this project has been on-hold since December 1995. The 90% design review comments still need to be addressed to bring the project to successful completion. The existing project special provisions and amendments are based on WSDOT 1994 standards. Since 1995, WSDOT design standards and specifications have changed from the 1994 specs to the 1996, and recently the 1998 standard specifications. Several bid items have been deleted or amended since that time. After addressing the final review comments, we will conduct a thorough review of the plans, specifications, and estimates, and change or update the PS&E to reflect the WSDOT 1998 standard specifications. In addition to the remaining budget of approximately $12,500, we will need additional funds based on the tasks noted below. . Revisit and evaluate design submittal. . Review previous comments by the 3 agencies. · Revisit the project site. · Revise plans. specifications, esti~ates, and update bid items to conform to 1998 standards. . Incorporate the latest comments by the City. · Review and recommend design solutions to meet FAA regulations including: Revising and relocating detention facility in accordance with the preliminary plan prepared for the City and FAA on May 11, 1998. · Incorporate new detention facility plans, specifications, and estimate into the final PS&E package after final review by the City and FAA Engineering and Environmental ServIces 411 108th Avenue NE. Suite 400. Bellevue. WA 98004-5515 425/453-5545 Fax 425/453-6ii9 017~) June 30, 1998 17055 Mr. Gary Kenworthy, P.E. City of Port Angeles Page 2 Harding Lawson Assoclat.. . We have prepared a detailed man-hour estimate and fee determination summary sheet (Exhibit B) for direct salary and non~salary costs including inflation related adjustment cost since Supplement No.1 was issued for the project. . Supplemental Agreement #2 is attached for your approval and final processing. Please call if you have any questions. . Yours very truly, HARDING LAWSON ASSOCIATES InfrastruC~?t~. 9-- 1~~H'./ :/ I Mujib Ahmed, P.E. Transportation Department Manager MA:pk\! :\knwrthyl.doc Atti,lchments . . 01~.. o . .: . SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT #2 Project No. Agency Name of Project Agreement No. 91-07.04 City of Port Angeles Lauridsen Blvd./Edgewood Drive Realignment TIA 9W-150(OOI)-1 Gentlemen: The Local Agency of the City of Port Angeles desires to supplement the agreement entered into with Alpha Engineering Group, Inc. * and executed on April 14, 1994 and identified as Agreement No. TIA 9W-150(00 1 )-1. I . *Now known as Harding Lawson Associates Infrastructure, Inc. All provisions in the basic agreement remain in effect except as expressly modified by this supplement. The changes to the agreement are described as follows: I Section 1, SCOPE OF WORK, is hereby added to read: Additional work needed to complete the proiect design and update the PS&E. The additional work to be performed is as outlined below: . Revisit and evaluate design submittal. Review previous comments by the 3 agencies. Revisit the project site. Revise plans, specifications, estimates, and update bid items to conform to 1998 standards. Incorporate the latest comments by the City. Review and recommend design solutions to meet FAA regulations including: Revising and relocating detention facility in accordance with the preliminary plan prepared for the City and FAA on May 11, 1998. Incorporate new detention facility plans, specifications, and estimate into the final PS&E package after final review by the City and FAA. . . . . II Section IV, TIME FOR BEGINNING AND COMPLETION, shall read the same as in the original agreement. III Section V, PAYMENT, shall be amended as follows: The CONSULTANT shall be paid bv the AGENCY for completed work and services rendered under this SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT as provided in Exhibit "B" attached hereto, and by this reference made part of this SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT. The maximum amount payable under this agreement as supplemented inclusive of all fees and other costs is now $222,237,30, If you concur in this supplement and agree to the changes as stated above, please sign in the appropriate spaces below and return to this office for final action. /~d Sincerely, Consultant's Signature Approving Authority 1:\17055\wptiles\sub_agr2.doc 019 EXHIBIT B AIRPORT RD./EDGEWOOD DR. REALIGNMENT PROJECT Consultant Fee Determination - Summary Sheet Direct Salary Cost: Project principal $51 .51 1 8 $927.1 8 Project Engin.eer $30.98 1 1 0 $3,407.80 CAD Tech $23.50 75 $1.,762.50 Clerical $1 6.00 1 8 $288.00 Direct Salary Cost $6,385.48 Total Direct Salary Cost $6,385.48 Overhead Cost (1 62.57%) $1 0 ,380.87 Net Fee (32%) $2,043.35 Subtotal I $1 8,809.71 ,11,1"11'::11.:::.111111.::::::::::::::::::::::::::,:::,::::::::::::::::::.::.:,:,:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::,:::::::,::::::::::::::;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::':::::::::::::,:::',::::::::::::::::::::::,:::::::::::,::j,:::::::.:,:.:,:::.:.:.::.::::::,:.:::.:::::::::.::::,::::::.::::::::. Budget Remaining $1 2,500 .00 Old Average Rate Used in Supplement No1 $25.83 x 2.895 = $74. 78 Hours Remaining . $1 2,500/$74. 78 = 1 67hrs New Average Rate . $30 .49 x 2.946 = $89 I nflation Adjusted Remaining Budget $89.82.X 1 67hrs = $1 5,000. 00 Ballance $1 5,000 -$1 2,500 = $2,500. 00 Subtotal $2,500.00 p..:.II::_:::.III:::::::::j:::::::::::::::j::::::::::::::::::':::::::::::::j:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::,:::::::::::::::'::::::::j::j::::::::::j::::':::::::j:::.:::::::::j:::::i:::::::::::.:::.::::::::::::::::::::'::::::::::::::::::::::::::j:::::::::::::::,::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::j.:::.j::::.:.j:::::::j::jj.:.::j:j:j:j:::j:::,j:: Travel - 500 miles @ $0.31 Imile $1 55.00 CAD Stations - 75 hrs @ $7.50/hr $562. 50 Subtotal I $71 7.50 Im~.::::::::::::':::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::1::':::::::::::::::::"':'::::":':::::::::::j::::::}::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::'::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::,:'::':::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::':':::':::::::::::::::::::':':::':::':,::::::::::::::::::::::::::':::::"::':::':::m:::'::,'::::::::::::::::,:,:::,:::::I:::'::::::::,::: Authorized Total $22,027.21 6126198 FEEAIR_2.XLS 020 . . . I '/. tf-?- ~- / _,to /4. . Port Angeles Police Department Mel1flJlrll1dum ,..~~ 1L. ----- - Date: July.15, 1998 To: Mayor Gal)' Braun and City Council Members Jack Piftis, Interim City Manage~ From: Steve Ilk. duet ot PoI~J cc: file Re: Authorization for Position of School Resource Officer Backl!round An impromptu discussion of this issue occurred at the last council meeting, but we promised to bring it back for the Council's approval. The Police Department and Port Angeles School District #121 have coordinated efforts to secure funding for a School Resource Officer. The grant process was highly competitive and we were only one of eight law enforcement agencies statewide that was funded this year, being allocated the maximum amount of $30,000. The grant is renewable for a second year. - In light of one of the Council goals of supporting teen and youth programs, we feel this particular proposal is an appropriate fit. The School Resource Officer (SRO) will work in the high school and middle schools, serving as a resource both to school staff and students. The primarily objective is to provide a safer environment and reduce the need for school staff to intervene in volatile or dangerous situations. . Secondary objectives are to handle all law enforcement matters occurring on or near the schools, assist with neighborhood issues, monitor traffic, attend selected school events that may require law enforcement support, provide a limited degree of instruction (by request) in social sciences classes, provide safety training to staff, and assist students where appropriate. Based on statistical information, the SRO will remain quite busy. For the school year 1997-1998 the Police Department responded to 453 calls for service at the high school and surrounding area (essentially a two block radius), 37 calls for service at Stevens's middle School, and 55 calls for service at Roosevelt Middle School (handled by the Sheriff's Department). The SRO will be assigned to youth related duties during the summer months, including downtown patrol, assistance with various youth progiams (i.e., Teen Scene, Yes to Youth, Boys and Girls Club, etc.). This is a non-supplanting grant which means that the position must be an addition to current department staffmg levels. The addition of this position would bring commissioned staff to 1995 levels (29). Funding sources for the position are as follows: . . CTED Grant. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $30,000 · Port Angeles School District #121 . . . . $17,000 · Department of Justice Grant. . . . . . . . . $13,100 (to be used toward vehicle) The Port Angeles School District is providing office space and budgeting an additional $6,000 for office equipment (e.g., desk, supplies, phone, etc.). . The projected cost of an officer, with benefits, in 1999 is $49,300 (this figure includes anticipated increases for 1999). The funding available for this position is $47,000, leaving a deficit of $2,300. One-time capital costs (vehicle, uniforms, radios, firearm) for the position are estimated at $25,000 of which $13,100 will be funded through the Department of Justice Grant, leaving net capital costs of$ll,900. Annual operating costs for the vehicle are estimated at $5,500. Bottom line - first year. capital and start-up costs for the position are estimated at $14,200 plus vehicle operating expenses of$5,500; Second year costs are projected to mcrease only by COLA (in addition to the $2,300 deficit), plus vehicle operation expenses, with no anticipated capital expenses. 021 #032-1998 Recommendation The Police Department is seeking and recommending approval of the School Resource Officer position for the s~ of the 1998-1999 school year (in accordance with the grant). The effect of this approval is commitment to spending the projected costs noted herein in the 1999 budget (estimated at$19,700 but possibly mitigated by costsavings in . 1998). We currently have two commissioned officer vacancies that are not anticipated to be filled until at least ,f October which may provide some cost savings (approximately $8,000 month - we did allocate $15,000 ofthis,,Jor the Boys and Girls Club and will incur some additional overtime). These positions have been vacant since May pending a Civil Service test. A vehicle won't be available for purchase until 1999 in any event. The Police Department and School District staff will be seeking funding sources for subsequent years to continue this position. We are also asking.your authorization for Mayor Braun to sign the attached Agreement between the City of Port Angeles and the Port Angeles School District #121. . 2 022 #032-1998 . . . . . ."; 't",,;:'~ '~>:~ .~,:~A? t;~:' :,,- > <'~,,':'t(,\'!t\"'4:;;~'~" c" AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES and PORT ANGELES SCHOOL DISTRICT #121 for THESCHOOLRESOURCEomnCERPROGRAM I . THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this _ day of , 1998 by and between the Port Angeles School district #121 (hereinafter referred to as School District) and the City of Port Angeles (hereinafter referred to as City). WHEREAS, the Port Angeles School District #121and the City of Port Angeles agree that it is in the best_ interest of both parties to assign a School Resource Officer to the School District; and WHEREAS, the Port Angeles School District #12 I agrees to share the cost of and provide facilities for the aforementioned School Resource Officer; NOW, THEREFORE, it is mutually agreed as follows: I The Port Angeles Police Department (hereinafter referred to as Department) will assign one regularly employed Port Angeles police officer to serve as a School Resource Officer (hereinafter referred to as SRO) to the School District's high school and middle schools. This SRO will provide a uniformed presence on campus to promote safety and serve as a positive resource to the high school and middle schools and surrounding neighborhoods. The SRO will patrol the assigned schools and surrounding areas in order to identify, investigate, deter, and prevent . crime. especially those incidents involving weapons, youth violence, harassment, gang involvement, drugs, or other similar activities. In addition, the SRO will provide students, parents, teachers, administrators and neighborhood residents with information, support, and problem-sol~ing mediation and facilitation. II The SRO shall at all times remain an employee of the City. The SRO shall remain responsive to the supervision and chain of command of the Department which shall be responsible for hislher hiring, training, and discipline. Any allegation of improper conduct by an SRO shall be referred to the SRO's immediate Department supervisor or directly to the Chief of Police. The SRO will be assigned to the School District on a full-time, forty (40) hour work week during the school year, minus any scheduled vacation time, sick time, training time, court time, or any other police-related activity, including any emergencies such as civil disasters. Scheduling for the SRO while school is in session will be determined by mutual agreement of the School District administration, the SRO, and the SRO's police supervisor. The SRO will not take vacation while school is in School Resource Officer - agreement 023 session unless approved by his/her police supervisor. On scheduled work days when school is not in session (summer vacation, school breaks, holidays, etc.), the SRO will work on assignments as determined by his/her police supervisor. . Overtime hours for the SRO that relate to regular law enforcement duties or that reasonably relate to SRO duties must be authorized and approved by the police supervisor prior to the performance of the overtime work and will be paid in accordance with established Department policies and procedures. Nothing in this agreement prevents the School District from hiring off-duty City of Port Angeles police officers to provide security at sporting events or other special events. The terms of this Agreement do not cover off-duty officers hired for these purposes. 01 Selection and appointment of the SRO will be made in cooperation with the School District and the Police Department. Requirements for the SRO assignment shall include: . The SRO must volunteer for the assignment. The SRO must have a minimum of two years of police service in a municipal or county law enforcement agency and have an Associates Degree or the equivalent in credit hours. . The SRO must have an expressed desire and ability to engage in direct daily activity with students, school staff, parents, and the public. The SRO must convey a positive police presence on the school campus and in the community. . The SRO must be highly motivated, productive, demonstrate high levels of self-initiative and innovation, and be able to work well with minimal supervision. The SRO must be in good physical condition and present and maintain an excellent uniformed appearance. . · The SRO must have the ability to be a positive resource to the school staff, students, parents and residents in the surrounding neighborhoods. The SRO's education, background, experience, interest level and communication skills must be such that the SRO can effectively and accurately be a resource, liaison and mentor at the schools he or she serves. · The SRO must agree to attend any necessary training or classes necessary to increase his or her skills for the position. Based on selection criteria cited herein, the Chief of Police shall appoint the SRO. If requested by either'party, the School District and Department may appoint two members each to a Selection Committee, which shall have the role of interviewing, evaluating and recommending the appointment of the officer selected by the Department to serve as the SRO. SRO assignment vacancies will be filled in accordance with this Agreement. In the event of the resignation, dismissal, or long-term absence (more than 30 days) of the SRO, the Department shall provide a replacement within 30 school days of the notification of the absence. In the interim, existing resources will be scheduled to provide partial coverage to the School District. IV In the event the Principal of the school to which the SRO is assigned has cause to believe that the particular SRO is . School Resource Officer. agreement 2 024 . . . "l~);:' ;::,;"."",<'~ ," ,'. ,. -:",:1 i ~':,':~-,r; !'\"';"'i2,;\:: not effectively performing in accordance with this Agreement, the Principal may recommend to the School District and Department, in writing, that the SRO be removed from the program. To initiate the replacement of an SRO, the Principal will recommend to the District Superintendent that the SRO be replaced, stating the reasons in writing. Within a reasonable period oftime after receiving the recommendation, the Superintendent or his/her designee will meet with the Chief of Police or hislher designee, to mediate or resolve the problem that may exist. If the problem cannot be resolved or mediated, in the opinion of both the Superintendent and Chief of Police, or their designees, the SRO will be removed from the program and a replacement SRO will be selected in accordance with this Agreement. This process shall ,not exceed thirty days. v The duties and responsibilities of the SRO while on duty include, but are not limited to, the following: . Regularly wear the official police uniform, including firearm, with civilian attire being worn on such occasions as may be mutually agreed upon by the Principal and the SRO. . Establish and maintain a working rapport with the school administrator and school staff. . Act as a resource person in the area oflaw enforcement education at the request of the staff, speaking to classes on criminal law, search and seizure, drugs, motor vehicle laws, etc. . Assist in providptg school-based security during th,e regular school day and assist in the promotion of a safe and orderly environment at the School District's high school and middle schools. The SRO shall not act as a disciplinarian; however, the SRO may assist the school with discipline problems upon request by the Principal or other administrator and, if the problem or incident is a violation of the law, will determine whether law enforcement action is appropriate. . Investigate crimes or other school-related incidents on campus and in the surrounding neighborhoods, making arrests when appropriate, and making the necessary notifications to parents, school staff and social service agencies. . Assist in mediating disputes on campus, including working with students to help them solve disputes in a non- violent manner. . Participate in school staff meetings, PT A presentations, and other parent-involvement programs. . Maintain an activity log, to include all SRO activities such as meetings, conferences, extra-curricular events, arrests, investigations, training, and any other items or occurrences which are required by the school or police supervisor. · Provide a monthly report, based on the activity log, to the police supervisor and principal. · Perform other duties as mutually agreed upon by the Principal and the SRO, provided the duty is legitimately and reasonably related to the SRO program as described in this Agreement and is consistent with Federal and State law, local ordinances, Department and School District policies, procedures, rules and regulations. School Resource Officer - agreement 3 025 VI In return for the City providing SRO services to the high school and middle schools, the School District will: . Provide private office space at the high school to be used by the SRO for general office purposes, equipped with a desk, chair, 4-drawer locking cabinet, telephone and reasonable office supplies. . Police only parking space. VII The School District agrees to pay the City $17,000 as its share of the SRO program costs for the period of September I, 1998' to July 1, 1999. The School District and City agree to negotiate program costs annually for any subsequent period. VIII Both parties understand and agree that the City is acting hereunder as an independent contractor, with the following intended results: . Control of personnel, standards of performance, discipline and other aspects of performance shall be governed entirely by the Department; . All persons rendering SRO services hereunder shall be for all purposes employees of the City; · All liabilities for salaries, wages, any other compensation, work related injury or sickness of the SRO shall be that of the City. Both parties understand and agree that the School District retains its legal responsibility for the safety and security of the School District, its employees, students and property, and this Agreement does not alter that responsibility. IX The City will protect, defend, indemnify, and save harmless the School District, its officers, employees and agents from any and all 'costs, claims, judgments or awards of damages arising out of or in any way resulting from negligent acts or omissions of the City, its officers, employees or agents related to the performance of the City's duties under this Agreement. The School District will.protect, defend, indemnify and save harmless the City, its officers, employees and agents from any and all costs, claims, judgments or awards of damages arising out of or in any way resulting from the negligent acts or omissions of the School District, its officers, employees or agents related to the activities covered by this Agreement. X Both Parties understand that no significant impact on the environment will result from services rendered hereunder. XI This Agreement expresses the entire agreement of the parties and may not be altered or modified in any way unless such modifications are reduced to writing, signed by both parties and affixed to the original Agreement. School Resource Officer - agreement 4 026 . . . . . . XII This Agreement may be terminated only after sixty (60) days written notice given by one party and received by the other. Any termination of this Agreement shall not terminate any duty of either party that has matured prior to such termination. This Agreement will expire on June 30, 1999, unless mutually extended by the parties in writing. As evidence of their Agreement, both parties, through their authorized agents, having read and understood the above and foregoing, and with the intent to be bound hereby, hereby execute this Agreement on the date last entered below. PORT ANGELES SCHOOL DISTRICT CITY OF PORT ANGELES By: George Woodruff, Superintendent By: Gary Braun, Mayor Date: Date: ATTEST: Becky Upton, City Clerk Approved as to Form: Craig Knutson, City Attorney School Resource Officer - agreement 5 027 028 . . . . AUTHORIZATION TO TRANSFER FUNDS Transfer to Payroll Fund for Pay Period Ending 07-12-98 I . Mayor/Council City Manager 3,213.06 Human Resources 3,977.40 Finance 23,610.80 City Attorney 9,033.10 Planning 6,213.71 Police 82,506.53 FireJMedic I 44,931.05 Utility Services 43,098.36 ParklRecreation 44,283.52 Cemetery 373.44 . Total General Fund 261,240.97 Street 13,716.84 Light 25,471.66 Water 20,629.82 Wastewater 9,431.75 Solid Waste 18,171.72 Equipment Services 7,307.39 Information Services 4,784.14 Firemen's Pension Esther Webster Trust 1,132.88 Total Payroll 361,887.17 . 029 030 . . . 98/07/15-17:29 City of Port Angeles . CHECK REGISTER Date From 07/04/98 To 07/17/98 Fnd Dpt Check Number Vendor Nalle Vendor Nulllber 001 46275 Data Acquisition Inc. 46277 EarthWay 46295 Insight Direct Inc. 46317 Olympic Vineyard Christian 46323 Pacific Survey supply 46352 WA State Patrol - WASIS 46356 Washington (DOL), State of 04038 05161 09085 15150 16246 23281 04137 46378 American Red Cross 01032 46422 Gov't Technology Services Inc 07253 46429 IMLA (Int,Municipal Lawyers) 09084 46430 Interlocking Concrete Pavement 09112 46447 MPH Industries Inc. 13005 46484 Quill Corporation 17000 46489 Rotary corporation 18017 . 46508 Trigg Industries Intl. Inc. 46514 WA State Patrol - WASIS 46515 WA State Patrol - WASIS (HA) 20037 23281 23359 0001 46262 Best Western Olympic Lodge 02258 46266 Budget Rent-A-Car 02152 46270 CliniCare of PA Inc. 03080 46274 Crime Stoppers (NOCS) 03344 46285 Gina's Bakery 07132 46286 Goldziller Consulting Group 07080 46319 OWens Pacific Inc 15149 46329 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 46358 Washington Audiology Svcs Inc. 23274 46382 Angeles Millwork 01073 46393 Camera Corner 03044 46399 Clallam County EDC 03067 46426 Hansen's Trophy 08047 . 46427 Hartnagel Building supply Inc. 08052 46464 Olympic Stationers Inc. 15030 46468 Pacific Quick Stitcn 16331 46474 Peninsula Daily News 16012 Description Microcounts office cable Test/repair regulator chip Screen,fralle Hard drive Viking memory upgrade kit Key deposit refund Battery Battery,nails Criminal history-M Dopps Concealed pistol license June Firearm dealer's license Life guarding today, CPR books Computer,etherlink Publications Publications Python radar, hand held radar Credit invisible taPe Pens,pencils,folders,enevlopes Filters,plugs,clutch assembly Clip shorting bolt Tube connects, tape Criminal history-R Castleberry Criminal history-S Hunt Criminal history-T Potts Criminal history-D Swain / .: GL Code Nulllber 1 237??oo 1 237??oo 1 237??oo 1 237??oo 1 237??oo 1 2391000 1 237??oo 1 237??oo 1 2295000, 1 2296000. 1 2296000 1 237??oo 1 237??oo 1 237??oo 1 237??oo 1 237??oo 1 237??oo 1 237??oo 1 237??oo 1 237??oo 1 237??oo 1 2295000 1 2295000 1 2295000 1 2295000 , / c..--' July 15 1998 Total for Department Lodging for Patrick Ibarra 111 4310 Car rental for Patrick Ibarra 111' 4310 Pre-employ 'physicals~Fisch,etc 113 4131 1998 Crille Stopper donation 111 4990 Cookies 112 3101 Professional svcs May 1998 111 4155 Professional svcs-MarineLab 111 6510, Petty cash reimbursement 112 3101 Petty cash reimbursement 111 3101 Petty cash reimbursement 113 4150 Hearing ~ests ,1134131 Hearing tests 113 4131 Paint, painting supplies 111 4810 Reprints - service awards 113 3101 1st quarter 1998 services 111 4990 2nd quarter 1998 services 111 4990 OPS plaque, Values Statement 111 4155 Walnut lumber 111 3101 Envelopes,post its,paper,pens 112 3101 Certificates 111 4155 Wall frame, ribbon 111 3101 CCSC Jackets 111 4155 Vendor list applicants 111 4410 031 Page 1 Amount 5.79- 3.32- 2.50- 13.59- 37.92- 100.00 14.46- 21.11- 24.00 551.00 125.00 16.12- 220.88- 9.16- 7.59- 153.73- . .84 7.10- 8.76- .30- 7.34- 24.00 24.00 24.00 24.00 367.17 392.34 176.14 304.00 500.00 40.00 789.70 8,537.27 7.48 37.08 10.75 60.00 150.00 83.04 59.08 6,250.00 6,250.00 50.17 21.79 50.15 5.77 23.37 332.33 16.59 98/07/15-17:29 City of Port Angeles CHECK REGISTER Date From 07/04/98 To 07/17/98 Fnd Opt Check Number Vendor Number Vendor Name 46492 Safeway Inc. 19045 46499 Sunset Do-It Best Hardware 19035 0002 46276 Diversified Industries 04052 46329 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 46341 Washington (Auditor), State of 19270 46346 United States Postal Service 21062 46349 Viking Office Products 22054 46441 Leaf, Gary 46457 Olympic Delivery Service Inc. 12223 15020 46461 Olympic Paper Company 15111 46464 Olympic Stationers Inc. 15030 46467 Pacific Office Equipment Inc. 16004 46472 PathMasters International 16066 46476 Pitney Bowes Inc. 16018 46487 Radix Corporation 18004 46492 Safeway Inc. 19045 46521 Xerox corporation 24001 0003 46267 CO Law Inc. 03104 46353 WSAMA-WA Assn of Muncpl Attnys 23052 46357 Washington (Stores), State of 03131 46398 Clallam County District Ct 1 03069 Description Cookies New City Manager luncheon Cookies Cookies Cyl inder rent Cylinder rent Credit cylinder rent GL Code Nulllber 111 3101 111 3101 111 3101 111 3101 111 4155 111 3101 111 3101 July 15 1998 Total for Administration Copy Center svcs June Petty cash reimbursement Audit services June Postage for meter Post its,highlighters,tabs Post its,highlighters,tabs Post its,highlighters,tabs Professional svcs-FERC report Delivery services - May Deliver services-June Delivery services Paper Paper Paper Paper Clear covers,green paper,pens Clear covers,green paper,pens Clear covers,green paper,pens Wall frame, ribbon Paper Service calculator Calculator repair, labor Labor, HP Laser printer Toner cartridges Toner cartridges Deskjet ink Deskjet ink Registration A/P- Bryant Service on postage aachine Scale maintenance 4-01/6-30 Monthly aaintenance August Finance Meeting breakfast Base charge, meter usage June Meter usage Apr 8 to Jun 30 240 4150 230 4210 230 4150 205 4210 201 3101 230 3101 240 3101 230 4150 240 4150 240 4150 240 4150 230 3101 201 3101 205 3101 230 3101 201 3101 205 3101 240 3101 201 3101 201 3101 240 3101 2403101 240 4990 230 3101 201 3101 201 3101 201 3101 201 4310 240 4530 205 4150 240 4150 201 3101 240 4530 240 4530 Total for Finance Quarterly update fee 7-01/9-30 311 3101 1998-99 member dues-Knutson,Di 311 4901 Scan directory 311 3101 Court costs June 311 5090 032 Page 2 . AlIOunt 16.95 212.33 16.95 16.49 5.09- 5.09- 5.09- 24,394.50 1,210.00 1.54 11,793.80 5,000.00 15.44 15.44 15.44 300.00 80.15 13.15 75. 31 31.18 31.18 31.18 57.70 1.89 20.16 26.45 15.93 31.29 31.29 40.46 89.56 58.26 64.74 69.06 145.00 196.38 106.83 283.81 21.94 489.88 1,906.62 22,302. 162. 30.00 12.10 5,943.84 98/07/15-17:29 . Fnd Dpt Check Number 0004 .5 . 46429 46440 46461 46464 46521 ~ r- (';(':/;-;"~<~'~- i;~!.'!;. ~~; City of Port Angeles Vendor Name IMLA (Int.Municipal Lawyers) Law Seminars International olympic .Paper Company Oly~pic Stationers Inc. Xerox Corporation CHECK REGISTER Date From 07/04/98 To 07/17/98 Vendor Nullber 09084 12188 15111 15030 24001 46331 Price Cost co Credit Card Pmts 03261 46474 Peninsula Daily News 16012 46270 46316 46350 46354 46369 46393 46394 46400 46421 46427 CliniCare of PA Inc. Olympic Veterinary Clinic WA Assn of Sheriffs & Police Washington (DIS), State of AT&T Wireless Services Camera Corner Captain T's Clallam County Sheriff's Dept. Forks, City of Hartnagel Building Supply Inc. 03080 15065 23003 23111 2??oo 03044 03048 03074 06075 08052 46447 MPH Industries Inc. 13005 46461 Olympic Paper Coapany 15111 46464 Olympic Stationers Inc. 15030 46467 Pacific Office Equipment Inc. 16004 Description GL Code Number Publications Register/tuition-Knutson 8--27 Paper Day lIinder Base charge April-June 1998 311 3101 311 4310 311 3101 311 3101 311 4810 Total for Atty Digital callera 411 4810 Proposal-Sunset Wire & Rope 411 4410 Notice--Northwest Permit 411 4410 No~ice--Shorline Map Amendment 411 4410 Determination- G Ra.co 411 4410 Determination- Chuck Faires 411 4410 Deterllination-Olympic Van Tour 411 4410 Determination-Gary Rambo 411 4410 Mitigated determine--NW Permit 411 4410 July 15 1998 Total for Planning Venipuncture #98--06767 530 4150 Area vaccinations 530 4980 Electronic monitor 5-01/5-31 512 5099 Justice Info Conf-Zenonian,Wu 534 4310 6--27 billing 530 4210 Film processing 530 4990 Film processing 5304990 Film processing 5304990 Film processing 5304990 Filter 5303101 Film processing 5304990 Film processjng 5304990 Jacket, polos, embroidery 530 3111 . AFIS system 2nd quarter 1998 530 4150 April,May,June board 512 5099 Laminant 584 3120 Washers, screws,lag screw eyes 530 4980 Hex cap, lumber, coil chain 5304980 Wire, shackles, concrete mix 530 4980 Python radar,hand held radar 530 6410 Paper 534 3101 Ideal handle 534 3101 Clip,die,counter,trays 5343101 Indes tabs, staMp 534 3101 Stamp ink 534 3101 StaMp 534 3101 Maintenance agreement -JUly 511 4810 Maintenance agreelent - July 534 4810 Maintenance agreement - July 534 4810 Me.ory 534 4810 Toner 530 3101 033 Page 3 Amount 125.16 415.00 31.18 8.62 127.86 6,856.66 420.80 9.23 27.14 40.72 44.49 51.27 45.99 39.96 88.97 768.57 13.00 35.00 603.75 25.00 53.00 62.86 10.55 28.25 32.95 12.88 16.98 5.90 329.14 675.00 6,680.00 84.98 24.97 70.19 32.39 2,099.73 187.10 12.84 42.26 12.37 2.91 35.34 32.37 53.95 167.35 73.37 63.66 98/07/15-17:29 City of Port Angeles Fnd Dpt Check Number Vendor Name 46484 Quill corporation 46502 Swain's General Store Inc. 0006 46264 Bogues, Keith 46304 Kroesen's Inc. 46305 Lincare Inc. 46351 WA State Assn of Fire Chiefs 46369 AT&T Wireless Services 46371 Adamich, Michael 46379 Angeles Concrete Products 46382 Angeles Millwork 46390 Bryant's Upholstery 46394 Captain T's 46412 Dobson's 46434 Kits Cameras 46442 Life Assist 46443 Lincoln Industrial Corp. 46460 Olympic Laundry & Clnrs Inc. 46461 Olympic Paper Company 46462 Olympic Printers Inc. 46464 Olympic Stationers Inc. 46467 Pacific Office Equipment Inc. 46474 Peninsula Daily News 46475 Pettit Oil Company 46488 Richmond 2-Way Radio 46499 Sunset Do-It Best Hardware 46502 Swain's General Store Inc. 46505 Thur~n Supply CHECK REGISTER Date FrOll 07/04/98 To 07/17/98 Vendor Number 17000 19037 02165 11020 12134 23008 2??oo 01370 01070 01073 02059 03048 04054 11016 12202 12047 15026 15111 15027 15030 16004 16012 16302 18009 19035 19037 20005 Description GL Code Nulllber Pens,pencils,folders,enevlopes 511 3101 Pens,pencils,folders,enevlopes 5343101 Storage unit 530 3101 Electric fans 530 3101 Batteries 530 3101 Cleaning brushes, cleaning jag 530 3101 Keys . 530 3101 Shotgun cleaning equipment 530 3101 Shotgun cleaning kit 530 3101 Cargo carriers 530 3101 Tuition reimbursement Trousers Cy l i nder ref ills WSAFC 1998 Annual 6-27 billing 7-01 bi II ing Tuition reimbursement Concrete Twisted nylon Shorten curtain, straps Polos, embroidery Hex clamp, fitting Processing Film, processing Ring cutter,gauge,gloves Cut metal -Towels, blankets, rags Pants Cleaning supplies Tille cards Stamp pad, receipt box Toner cartridge Ordinance Summary- #2993 Generator oil Motorola radio, battery Nitrous oxide Nitrous oxide Cyl inder rent Hardware Fertilizer, striping, pads Washer, plulllbing Batteries Paint, hand tools Bark,poison, paint supplies Batteries Sl ip guard Pipe, coupling, fasteners 645 4310 641 2080 643 3101 conference-B 611 4310 641 4210 643 4810 643 4310 684 4810 641 3101 644 4810 642 2080 684 4810 642 3101 642 3101 643 3101 641 3101 641. 4990 641 4990 644.4810 611 3101 611 3101 611 3101 611 4410 648 3120 641 6410 643 3101 643 3101 643 3101 641 3101 648 3120 641 3101 642 3101 648 3101 684 3120 684 3101 684 3120 641 3101 July 15 1998 Total for Police 034 Page 4 . AlIOUnt 39.69 11.85 12.05 40.94 11.49 11.78 6.47 36.09 19.39 29.93 11,799.72 172.46 111.13 20.00 180.00 24.38 241.78 187.26 ~. 56.11 69.60 13.52 24.13 11.50 770.45 23.54 23.03 5.34 49.27 125.27 16.28 85.24 29.41 50.02 932.30 75.85 82.65- 5.09 16.95 14.54 24.72 2.30 4. 29 19. 30.43 75.29 ,',,' "'f~~"\~~;Jt' 98/07/15-17:29 City of Port Angeles July 15 1998 Page 5 . CHECK REGISTER Date From 07/04/98 To 07/17/98 Fnd Opt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code AllOunt Number Nae Nullber Nullber Total for Fire 3,508.79 0007 46272 Complete Line, The 03087 Bond,lII)'lar 711 3101 196.23 Mylar 711 3101 325.40 46275 Data Acquisition Inc. 04038" Microcounts office cable 711 3101 179.11 Test/repair regulator chip 711 4810 1+5.29 46295 Insight Direct Inc. 09085 Hard drive 711 4810 185.59 Viking memory upgrade kit 711 3101 517.92 46302 Kenworthy, Gary 11013 Personal vehicle May/June 711 4310 59.70 46323 Pacific Survey Supply 16246 Battery 711 3101 197.46 Battery,nails 711 3101 288.30 46370 Ace Equipment Company 01055 Line, head 711 3101 17.21 46382 Angeles Millwork 01073 Tape, putty knife, sandpaper 784 3101 33.49 46383 Angeles Plumbing Inc. 01039 Urinal kits, flush valve kits 784 3101 391.07 46388 Betzvog Lighting 02239 Battery packs 784 3101 237.38 46393 Camera Corner 03044 Processing, prints 711 3101 7.15 Processing, prints 711 3101 8.09 Photo finishing 711 3101 4.69 Photos 711 3101 6.83 Photos 711 3101 7.15 . 46396 Cascade A & E Supplies Co. Inc 03053 Toner,dry ink 711 3101 466.82 46422 Gov't Technology Services Inc 07253 Computer,etherlink 711 6410 3,016.88 46427 Hartnagel Building supply Inc. 08052 Tape 711 3101 3.41 46430 Interlocking Concrete Pavement 09112 Publications 711 3101 103.64 46446 Lovell Paint & Decorating 12184 TSP, bucket, tMnner, brush 784 3101 22.62 46452 Middleton Motor Parts Co. 13117 Hose clamp 711 3101 2.70 Hose clalRp 711 3101 4.59 46461 Olympic Paper Co~ny 15111 Paper 711 3101 311.84 Paper towels, gloves, cleaner 784 3101 101.73 Toi let t;ssue 784 3101 105.09 Tissue, paper towels 784 3101 178.57 46464 Olympic Stationers Inc. 15030 Portfol io 711 3101 17.43 Pens 711 3101 4.35 Pencils 711 3101 6.87 Stamper stock, sheet protector 711 3101 14.74 Cover stock 711 3101 2.52 46467 Pacific Office Equipment Inc. 16004 Printer fuser asselbly, labor 711 4810 431.60 46499 Sunset Do-It Best Hardware 19035 Safety glasses,washers,hamer 711 3101 22.85 Flat washer 711 3101 6.47 46502 Swain's General Store Inc. 19037 Hardware 711 3101 4.04 Painting supplies 784 3101 18.76 Hardware 711 3101 2.74 Batteries 711 3101 7.41 Pruners 711 3101 17.20 Paint, accessories 784 3101 20.22 . Cleaning supplies 711 3101 27.99 Disposable ca..ra 711 3101 6.33 Brushes 784 3101 9.61 Hardware, paint, accessories 784 3101 33.18 Painting supplies 784 3101 035 24.76 Painting supplies 784 3101 19.32 98/07/15-17:29 City of Port Angeles Fnd Opt Check Number Vendor Name 46505 Thurman Supply 46508 Trigg Industries Intl. Inc. CHECK REGISTER Date From 07/04/98 To 07/17/98 Vendor Number 20005 20037 46254 Albertson's Inc. 01204 46257 Aqua-Matt "Promises You" 01375 46269 Clallam Art League 03017 46277 EarthWay 05161 46303 Kochanek, Cindy Lou 11136 46318 Oregon Brass Works 15032 46321 Performing Co of Pioneer Dance 16387 46326 Peninsula Bottling Co. Inc. 16071 0008 46329 Port Angeles City Treasurer 46339 Skagit Gardens 46340 Sound Restaurant supply Inc. 46345 US West Communications 46360 West Coast Grocery Co. 46368 AT&T Business Service 46370 Ace Equipment Company 46372 Admiral.Ship Supply Inc. 46378 American Red Cross 46382 Angeles Millwork 46384 Angeles Temporary Services 46389 Blake Sand & Gravel Inc. 46397 Clallam Cooperative Assn Inc. 46402 Cornell Auto Parts 46412 Dobson's 46415 Eclipse C Corp. 03062 19077 19315 21001 23016 01085 01055 01303 01032 01073 01076 02045 03063 03092 04054 19019 Description Paint, accessories Garden hoe, surge protector Tube connects, tape Hot dogs, buns for kids AquaMatt Reimburse 1 week banner space Screen, frame June Pre-need sales Memorial-Erickson Partial banner rei.ourseMent Pop, cups Return pop, cups Petty cash reimbursement Petty cash reimbursement Flowers,vegetables Jet kleen,sparkly dry rinse 6-20 billing 6-20 bi II ing Candy,penci ls 6-25 bill i ng Gas tank S hook Life guarding today, CPR books Bolt cutter San Angelo bar Lu~r, strand board Hex cap, hex nuts, shovel Lumber, hex cap, nuts, screws Lumber Cable ties Lags, nuts Glue, primer, adaptor Lumber, angles, casing Hook Utility knife,belts Kochanek pe 6-30-98 Sand Sand, crushed rock Pea gravel Concrete post Crushed rock Drain rock Concrete post, crushed rock Sand Spreader rental Screwdriver Prier Washed sand GL Code Number 784 3101 784 3101 711 3101 July 15 1998 Total for Public Works 8613101 862 3120 811 9615 865 3120 866 4990 866 3401 811 9615 861 3101 861 3101 865 3120 862 3101 865 3101 861 4810 863 4210 863 4210 861 3101 863 4210 865 3120 865 3120 862 3101 865 3501 865 3501 862 3120 865 3120 865 3120 865 3120 865 3120 865 3120 865 3120 865 3120 865 3120 861 3120 866 4150 865 3140 865 3140 865 3140 865 3120 865 3140 865 3140 865 3120 866 3120 865 4150 865 3501 865 3120 866 3120 036 Page 6 . Amount 10.40 40.70 100.31 7,775.75 19.80 133.75 45.00 34.17 89.60 108.25 21.45 154.00 65.50- 11.03 11.67 230.01 167.11 47.81 47. 54. 6.43 23.63 11.78 220.12 21.42 33.76 38.78 31.60 135.16 26.26 2.03 6.86 8.27 32.58 10.01 15.31 627.64 27.73 210.94 80.93 228.75 20.39 47.68 348lt5 140 26. 6.42 29.33 37.76 ,.>:.l\r .;~:~~;' r'~1~ 98/07/15-17:29 City of Port Angeles July 15 1998 Page 7 . CHECK REGISTER Date From 07/04/98 To 07/17/98 Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GLCode AlIOUnt Number Name Nullber Nulllber Washed sand 866 3120 37.76 46427 Hartnagel Building Supply Inc. 08052 Formica 863 3120 122.03 Credit white divider 861 3120 12.90- Plywood . 865 3120 26.33 LuJlber 865 3120. 23.25 Sandpaper, finish 861 3120 68.94 Sandpaper, respirator 861 3120 27.95 Lumber 865 3120 21.40 Self stick tab, air tool oil 861 3101 26.94 Lumber, staples, drip cap 866 3120 55.81 46431 Jim's Pharmacy CInc) 10020 Glue 861 3101 7.68 First aid supplies 861 3101 n.29 46452 Middleton Motor Parts Co. 13117 Paint 865 3120 11.85 46461 Olympic Paper Company 15111 Paper towels 861 3120 73.48 Trash bag liners 865 3120 879.39 Disinfectant cleaner 863 3120 7.21 Paper towels 863 3120 55.27 Bathroom tissue, cleaner, mop 861 3120 n.11 46464 Olympic Stationers Inc. 15030 Pens,planner,dividers,scissors 861 3101 115.44 Highlighters,pens 861 3120 115.44 . Paint, glue, markers, crayons 861 3120 92.49 46465 Oregon Brass Works 15032 Plaque-All Who Gave 866 3401 115.50 46470 Parker Paint Mfg Co. Inc. 16201 Brush,roller tray,paint,liner 865 3120 261.66 Coveralls, foam brush 865 3120 28.16 Credit Paint 865 3120 115.29- Paint, tray liner . 865 3120 48.34 46474 Peninsula Daily News 16012 Aerobic Instructor want ad 862 4210 71.21 46480 Port Angeles Power Equipment 16122 PUIlp gaskets 865 3120 1.62 Fuel Pullp, gasket 865 3120 10.32 46485 Quiring Monuments Inc. 17001 Marker-Schwartz 866 3401 478.00 Plaque-West 866 3401 202.00 Vase blocks 866 3401 50.00 46489 Rotary Corporation 18017 Filters,plugs,clutch assembly 865 3120 119.64 Clip shorting bolt 865 3120 4.10 46499 Sunset Do-It Best Hardware 19035 Hex lags, flat washer 865 3120 5.18 Wrecking bar, spUt lockwash 865 3120 12.72 Cylinder rent- May 866 3101 10.19 Cylinder rent- May 865 3101 15.28 Fencing supplies 865 3120 31.78 Valve, PVC fittings 865 3101 20.22 Stop nuts, tap bolt 865 3120 3.97 o ring 865 3120 .93 S hook, coupling, adapter, 865 3120 19.45 Cy l i nder rent 866 3101 10.19 Angle 865 3120 8.25 . Bolts,nuts,flat washer,chain 865 3120 191 .50 Kit 865 3120 97.30 Adapter, nipple, PVC, teflon 865 3120 8.02 Pipe fittings 865 3120 1.92 46502 Swain's General Store Inc. 19037 Plullbing 861 3101 037 3.10 Chain saw, bar oil 865 3.120 4.79 98/07/15-17:29 City of Port Angeles July 15 1998 CHECK REGISTER Date From 07/04/98 To 07/17/98 Fnd Opt Check Number Vendor Name Vendor Number 46505 Thurman Supply 20005 46510 US West Communications 21001 101 0001 46453 "useum of Clallam County, The 13131 ' 102 46282 Flint Trading Inc. 46395 Carte Graph Syste.s Inc. 06156 03051 0007 46263 Blue "ountain Tree Service Inc 02021 46329 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 46365 Zumar Industries Inc. 26001 46369 AT&T Wireless Services 2??oo 46370 Ace Equipment C~ny 01055 Description GL Code Nullber Sprinklers 865 3120 Toys 861 3101 Plumbing supplies 865 3101 Plumbing supplies 865 3120 Lawn, garden 865 3101 Plumbing, lawn, garden 865 3101 Hose end shut-off, hand tools 865 3101 Spray paint, tape, stencils 865 3120 Cooler 862 3101 First aid kits, containers 861 3101 Lawn, garden 865 3140 Lawn, garden 866 3120 Craft supplies,glue bottles 861 3120 Restroom cleaning supplies 865 3120 Cleaning supplies, lawn, garden 865 3120 Credit cooler 862 3101 Paint, plumbing, lawn, garden 862 3101 Plumbing 865 3120 Lawn, garden 865 3101 Plumbing 865 3120 Face aask, wind socks 862 3120 Lawn, garden 865 3120 Wall clock 862 3101 Hand tools 865 3120 Bleach, Teen night supplies 862 3101 Paint, accessories 861 3120 PVC pipe, c~ent, coupling 865 3120 "ale adapter, PVC slip union 865 3120 Fluorescent bulb 861 3120 Irrigation pipe fittings 865 .3120 7-02 billing 863 4210 Total for Parks & Recreation Total for General Fund 2nd quarter 1998 115 5089 Total for Convention Center Fund Premark lines,arrows,turns PAVE"ENTview software 102 237??oo 102 237??oo Total for Department Tree removal Petty cash rei.ours~nt Sign faces 7-01 billi ng Catch plate, plug, labor Line 752 4150 752 4990 752 3125 752 4210 752 3501 752 3501 038 Page 8 . Amount 21.42 32.48 3.17 7.02 4.18 7.79 5.84 8.99 32.34 59.86 10.22 16.12 10.33 4.36 30.52 32.23- 65.88 3.50 7.52 2.34- 69. 1. 9.05 20.37 29.35 57.00 39.96 13.44 25.87 2.03 38.92 7,801.61 85,574.n 1,150.00 1,150.00 340.80- 126.40- 467.20- 1,186. 19 43. 17.30 32.59 11.82 98/07/15-17:29 City of Port Angeles July 15 1998 Page 9 . CHECK REGISTER Date Fro. 07/04/98 To 07/17/98 Fnd Opt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code AlIOUnt Number Name Number Nullber 46375 All Weather Heating-CoolingInc 01060 Service call on airhandler 752 3101 69.06 46376 Aloha Fence Co. 01062 Fence at 1703 S 'B' 752 3101 1,489.02 46379 Angeles .Concrete Products 01070 Concrete 752 3101 325.32 Concrete 752 3101 253.03 Concrete 752 3101 337.06 Concrete 752 3101 321.00 Concrete 752 3101 176.56 46382 Angeles Millwork 01073 Ski II cord 752 3501 17.25 Building maintenance supplies 752 3101 2.35 HolIax spray, nylon twin, wood 752 3501 28.49 Hardware 752 3101 1.25 DUp'lex nails 752 3101 11.86 Scraper 752 3101 23.57 46389 Blake Sand & Gravel Inc. 02045 Edging cement 752 3501 20.10 Ceent blocks 752 3101 142.43 Concrete mix 752 3101 18.n 46393 Camera Corner 03044 Polaroid film 752 3501 28.00 46395 Carte Graph Systems Inc. 03051 PAVEMENTview software 752 3101 1,294.80 PAVEMENTview software 752 4810 431.60 46427 Hartnagel Building Supply Inc. 08052 Blade, saw, utility knife 752 3501 27.59 . Stakes 752 3101 7.76 46436 L & L Tool Specialties 12035 Bit 752 3501 32.35 Blade 752 3501 24.71 46439 Lakeside Industries Inc. 12036 Asphalt 752 3101 227.94 Asphalt 752 3101 165.54 Asphalt 752 3101 166.53 Asphalt 752 3101 67.46 Asphalt 752 3101 215.17 Asphalt, liquid ashpalt 752 3101 199.n Asphalt,liquid ashpalt 752 3101 546.47 46458 Olympic Drywall Supplies Inc. 15023 Visqueen 752 3101 12.03 46461 Olympic Paper Company 15111 Air freshener 752 3101 64.63 Bathroom tissue, paper towels 752 3101 . 197.59 46470 Parker Paint Mfg Co. Inc. 16201 Paint thinner 752 3125 29.56 46480 Port Angeles Power Equipment 16122 OUter drive, semi auto head 752 3501 79.63 46499 Sunset Do-It Best Hardware 19035 Jack hammer repair 752 3501 56.65 46502 Swain's General Store Inc. 19037 Lawn, garden 752 3101 21.44 46518 Washington (DOT), State of 23325 Preliminary engineering svcs 752 6510 4,724.40 Total for Public Works 13,169.93 Total for Street Fund 12,702.73 107 0005 46312 New World Systems 14184 Maintenance 7-01 to 12-31-98 532 4150 900.00 46354 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 Justice Info Conf-Zenonian,Wu 532 4310 25.00 . 46461 Olympic Paper COlpBny 15111 Paper 532 3101 62.37 Paper 532 3101 124.74 46467 Pacific Office EquipMent Inc. 16004 Toner 532 3101 85.24 46484 Quill Corporation 17000 Credit invisible tape 532 3101 11.52- Pens,pencils,folders,enevlopes 532 3101 45.34 46510 US West Communications 21001 6-23 billi ng 532 4210 o~q 47.81 98/07/15-17:29 Fnd Opt Check Number 109 0005 206 0002 209 0002 310 0007 316 0008 321 0007 City of Port Angeles July 15 1998 CHECK REGISTER Date From 07/04/98 To 07/17/98 Vendor Name Vendor Number 46513 WA State Patrol 23057 46435 Kmart 11049 46258 Bank of New York, The 02175 46362 Windfall Garden 46450 Matthews, Eldora 46454 Northwestern Territories Inc. 23408 13393 14017 46256 Anselmo, Shirley 01379 46314 Nixon Associates Inc., Robert 46315 North Sound Bank 46332 PriMO Construction Inc. 46393 Camera Corner 18131 14177 16033 03044 401 46253 Adam, Regina 01378 46259 Barr, Stephen L. 02386 46260 Bedinger Jr, Don 02385 46261 Benning, Chris 02384 46268 Cadigan, Daniel 03436 46271 Collier, Maylee 03437 46273 Benefiel, Michael 0 02387 46279 English, Monte 05166 46284 Gilmore, John & Betty 07254 46287 Goodwin, Fara 07255 46289 Hamilton, Kathy 08340 46292 Hill, Jacob 08339 46293 Hodge, Shirley 08338 46294 Hultenschmidt, Pat 08337 46297 Jacobs, Kyle 10154 46299 Johnson, Jeffrey 10153 46301 Kanas, Linda 11152 Description GL Code Number Reimbrsmnt for ACCESS user fee 532 4810 Total for PenCom BaCkboards,rims,Nintendo 64 541 4150 Total for P. A. Teen Help Professional services 295 4150 Total for 1991 GO Bonds ( Sr. Center) Prifessional services 297 4150 Total for 1992 GO Bonds ( Fire Station Escollonia,bark,soil Purchase Dougherty right of Prof svcs final-Golf Course 792 4150 792 4150 781 4150 Total for Capital Improvement Fund Rfd for Clubhouse cancellation 860 9636 Total for Lincoln Park Improvement Fund Addt'l due on invoice #32 7164150 Escrow acct #750800542 716 4150 Prof svcs-Library 94-19 pmt 15 716 4150 .Processing, prints 716.3101 Photos 716 3101 Total for Library Construction Fund Utility deposit rfd-066192017 401 2131100 Utility deposit rfd-050938021 401 2131100 Utility deposit rfd-OS3538014 401 2131100 Utility deposit rfd-105155016 401 2131100 Utility deposit rfd-124609004 401 2131100 Utility deposit rfd-086711020 401 2131100 Utility overpmt rfd-D06157011 401 1222200 Utility deposit rfd-039306005 401 2131100 Utility overpmt rfd-014745015 401 1222200 Utility deposit rfd-D86835018 401 2131100 Utility deposit rfd-030201010 401 2131100 Utility deposit rfd-033286024 401 2131100 Utility overpmt rfd-101869012 401 1222200 Utility deposit rfd-018791017 401 2131100 Utility deposit rfd-059153017 401 2131100 Utility deposit rfd-081558047 401 2131100 Utility deposit rfd-094892010 401 2131100 040 Page 10 . Amount 3,339.51 4,618.49 474.71 474.71 44.43 44.43 51.05 51.05 131.10 2,200.00 3,608.00 5,939. 20.00 20.00 624.58 7,597.54 156,357.34 6.84 20.52 164,606.82 28.28 125.00 12.56 11.71 144.30 113.04 690.19 71.06 346.72 125.00 84.30 96. 336 97. 130.66 59.24 93.56 98/07/15-17:29 ). Fnd Dpt Check Number . ,:,,-:',::}.:: City of Port Angeles Vendor Name 46307 Matsui, Yoko 46308 McKellard, Tiffany 46309 Mimnaugh, Robert 46313 Newell, Teri 46327 Phillips, Debra 46328 Plute, Richard & Donna 46329 Port Angeles City Treasurer 46333 Qunneke-Jones, Willow 46335 Sampson, Darcy 46337, Sayan, Garth 46342 Tatman, Sonya 46343 Tokunage, Hiroaki 46344 Tourbin,Jennifer 46348 Vancil, Leonard 46361 Wickersham, Kim 46363 Yamanoto, Rie 46374 All Phase Electric Suppl~ Co. '.it 46406 Daishowa America LTD 46414 Dumler, Christina 46444 Linson, Brian 46478 Pond, Michael 46497 Spaulding, Jeff 46503 Teel, Corrine 46517 Wallis, Maxine CHECK. REGISTER, Date From 07/04/98 Toi07/17/98 Vendor Number 13390 13392 13391 14450,): 16389' 16390 03062 17021 19517 19518 20200 20199 20201 22076 23409 25120 01061 04002 04246 12121 16391 19520 201?5 23410 0009 46270 CliniCare of PA Inc; 03080 46280 Equifax - Credit Information 05160 46291 Highline Equipment Inc. 08063 46329 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 46334 Rohlinger Enterprises Inc. 18087 46347 Utilities Underground Loc Ctr 21010 46369 AT&T Wireless Services 2??oo 46370 Ace.Equipment Company 01055 46374 All Phase Electric Supply Co. 01061 . Description GL Code Nullber Utility deposit rfd-081493034 401 2131100 Utilitydepo~it rfd-11~11 401 2131100 Utility deposit rfd-098973027 401 2131100 Ut il i ty! depos i't rfd-091758025 401 2131100 Utility depositrfd-099295026 401 2131100 Utility deposit rfd-018783045 401 2131100 Water tank rebate Nichols 401 1343300 Water tank rebate Hansen 401 1343300 Utility deposit rfd-081434036.. 401 2131100 Uti l ity depositrfd-OS0342010 401 2131100 Utility deposit rf~63009 401 2131100 Utility deposit rfd-0B6843024 401 2131100 Utility deposit rfd-081477039.401 2131100 Utility deposi~ rfd-011649025 401 2131100 Utility deP9~it rfd-094331019 401 2131100 Uti l ity deposit rfd-087173008 401 2131100 UtilitY':geP9sit rfd-127703009 401 2131100 Steel ground rod 401 1414000 Steel ground rod 401 1411000 Energy Smart Design 401 1342000 Utility depositrfd-006629017 401.2131100 Utility overpymt rfd-086215021 401 1222200 Utility deposit rfd-015610024 401 2131100 Utility deposit rfr-01172oo23 401 2131100 Uti l ity deposit rfr-p94893oo3 401 2131100 Util ity overpllltrfd-062715oo7 401 1222200 Pre-employ physicals-Beckett Membership fees Side cut pl ier Wire Petty cash reimbursement Kearny hand press Linemen's gloves,blanket,hose o-rings,oil tube, saws May locates 6-20 bill i ng Plug, filter, labor Breaker CreditElectri~l panel Panels, hubs, bushing, plug Plug Breaker erlc,losure, breaker Leviton, oversize dplx Fountain pump cOntrols Wire, breakers, clamp, pipe Breaker GFCI receptacle Fountain receptacles July 15 1998 Total for Department 911 4150 9114160 911 3501 911 3501 911.4150 911 3501 911 3501 911 4150 911 4150 911 4210 911 4810 911.. 3402 911 3101 911 3101 :,9113101 911 3101 911 3402 911 3101 911 3402 911 3101 911 3402 911 3402 041 Page 11 AlIlOunt 78.16 82.99 77.75 76.48 129.99 .17.73 25.00 25.00 83.51 210.05 142.94 48.46 80.21 250.00 153.22 77.43 94.01 290.00 22.91 338.00 26.24 31.51 55.11 48.56 50.71 77.35 5,059.51 72.00 17.26 147.11 189.35 62.00 64.86 266.76 391.32 1.31, 7.11 ., 21.80 651.40 131.10- 77.71 16.31 34.14 21.23 20.71 630.28 109.63 54.76 2.61 98/07/15-17:29 City of Port Angeles CHECK REGISTER Date From 07/04/98 To 07/17/98 Fnd Opt Check Number Vendor Name Vendor Number 46377 America's Finest 01368 46391 Business Answerphone~Service 02166 46392 CEO/Consolidated Elec.Dist.Inc 03267 46401 Clearing Up: NewsdataService 03126 46402 Cornell Auto Parts 03092 46404 Credit Bureau of Clallamc Co 03094 46412 Dobson's 04054 46427 Hartnagel Building Supply Inc. 08052 46436 L & L Tool specialties 12035 46443 Lincoln Industrial Corp. 12047 46461, Olympic Paper Company 15111 46471 Parsinen Landscape Maintenance 16258 46482 Public UtilityOist Clallam Co 16038 46488 Richmond 2-Way Radio 18009 46499 Sunset D~It Best Hardware 19035 46502 Swain's General Store Inc. 19037 46505 Thurman Supply 20005 46510 US West Communications 21001 46516 WESCO Distribution Inc. 23150 46519 Washington (DRS>, State of 23141 46521 Xerox Corporation 24001 Description GL Code Number Wire 911 3402 Leviton, hub 911 3402 Hub closing plt 911 4810 Flex steel, screw driver wire 911 4810 L ring terminal, fork terminal 911 4810 Wire, conduit 911 3402 Power receptacle 911 3101 Clean carpets-Operation Bldg 911 3101 July services 911 4210 Contactors,coils 911 3402 Renewal-Clearing UP/Newsdata 911 4901 Hose, disc, lens 911 4810 Public records bulletin.- June 911 4160 Car wash, lube 911 4810 Lumber 911 3101 Drill shank 911 3501 Bimetal 911 3501 Drill batteries 911 3501 Labor, breakers 911 3402 Labor, invoice adjustment 911'3402 Cloth bag 911 3101 ~per 911~~ Cleaning supplies 911 3101 Urinal screens 911 3101 Landscape maintenance 911 4150 Morse Creek 6-29 billing 911 3350 Repair broken radio wire 911 4810 Hardware 911 3402 Torch kit 911 3501 Drill bit, saw blade 911 3501 Weed killer, hand tools 911 4810 Wire support, wire 9113101 Electrical supplies 911 3101 Air conditioning supplies 911 3101 Steel conduit, plate, clamp, cord 911 3101 Sprinkler system supplies 911 3101 Cord, wire, loom clamp 911 3101 Duplex cover 911 3101 7-05 billing 911 4210 7-02 billing 911 4210 Circuit breaker 911 3101 Transformer 911 3402 ABB case 911 4810 Statewide pensioners 06-98 911 2010 Base charge April/June 911 4530 Lease agreement pmt 1160 911 4530 Lease agreement pat 114 911 4530 J"ly 15 1998 Page 12 042 Total for Light Total for Light Fund . Amount 70.11 13.12- 6.26 62.69 38.74 84.91 7.21 247.00 130.00 506.99 951.34 11.11 17.26 52.13 17.18 19.41 46.91 133.75 49.00 3.87 22. 280. 31.87 3.75 1,683.24 91.42 16.18 2.46 72.61 54.33 138.63 27.99 1.26 27.91 36.92 24.50 41.85 8.11 41.80 60.42 27.10 4,162.56 747.96 200.16 127.86 854. 854 14,813.70 19,873.21 :,;'i::; ,~.;.\ i~f;,~,'~:',"l~'\~;f ':<<'.;:l:~,~~~;" ,;1:'; , '" 98/07/15-17:29 City of Port Angeles July 15 1998 Page 13 . CHECK REGISTER Date From 07/04/98 To 07/17/98 Fnd Opt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code AllOUnt Number Name Number Number 402 46322 PSB Industries Inc. 16378 Tier,valve 402 237??oo 18.48- 46417 Familian NW 06020 Adapters 402 1414000 .189.00 Adapters 402 1411000 19.39 Pipe, fittings per bid 402 1414000 16,982.52 Taxes Pipe,fittings per bid 402 1411.000 1,343.32 "eters 402 1414000 6,919.15 "eters 402 1411000 546.61 46455 Nurnberg Scientific 14092 Sulfuric acid 402 237??oo 5.18- Propanediol,Glucose acid 402 237??oo 1.73- Total for Department 25,974.60 0003 46255 AmTest Inc. 01034 Influent/Effluent tests 354 4150 1,020.00 Biochemical oxygen deland 354 4150 40.00 46265 Brown and Caldwell 02057 Prof svcs-Wastewater pe 5-22 354 4150 6,441.99 Prof svcs-Wastewater pe 5-22 354 4150 6,441.99 46281 Familian NW 06020 Pump,diaphram kit 354 4810 896.12 46322 PSB Industries Inc. 16378 Timer,valve 354 3101 252.35 46336 Sanderson Safety supply Co. 19048 Boots 354 3101 85.25 Brake lanyard 354 3101 121.97 . Gloves 354 3101 39.58 46345 US West Communications 21001 6-23 billing 354 4210 28.11 6-23 billing 354 4210 47.81 6-23 bill i ng 354 4210 47.81 6-23 bill i ng 354 4210 47.81 6-23 billing 354 4210 47.81 6-23 billing 354 4210 47.81 6-23 billing 354 4210 28.11 6-20 bi II ing 354 4210 28.11 46347 Utilities Underground Loc Ctr 21010 "ay locates 354 4150 .65 46368 AT&T Business Service 01085 6-25 bi II ing 354 4210 6.54 46369 AT&T Wireless Services 2??oo 6-27 bill i ng 354 4210 21.94 7-01 billing 354 4210 39.29 46374 All Phase Electric Supply Co. 01061 Battery, wire 354 3101 65.71 Battery 354 3101 77.69 46376 Aloha Fence Co. 01062 Fence at Treat~nt Plant 354 4150 494.18 46382 Angeles "illwork 01073 Drywall screw, brad 354 3101 9.38 Hardware 354 3101 2.97 Flag pole top 354 3101 3.88 Brush 354 3101 6.69 Prime~, painting supplies 354 3101 91.87 Polyseam seal,nutsetter;screws 354 3101 8.29 Pri~r 354 3101 20.49- Paint 354 3101 49.17 46407 Datastream Systems Inc 04143 SOftware laintenance 1998/99 354 3101 85.32 . 46412 Dobson's 04054 Fitting for vacuum system 354 3101 5.55 46417 Familian NW 06020 Retaining rings 354 4810 1,356.03 46419 Ferrellgas CInc) 06024 Propane 354 4710 . 181.56 46422 Gov't Technology Services Inc 07253 LTD Promo computer 354 3101 2,710.45 46423 Grainger Inc. 07015 Circulator PUIIp 354 3101 043 328.30 46427 Hartnagel Building Supply Inc. 08052 Paint roller 354 3101 9.67 98/07/15-17:29 City of Port Angeles July 15 1998 Page 14 CHECK REGISTER . Date From 07/04/98 To 07/17/98 Fnd Opt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount Number 'Name Number Number 46431 Jim's Pharmacy CInc) 10020 Propylene glycol 354 3101 . 8.41 First aid supplies 354 3101 28.60 46432 K & L supply Inc. 11010 Soap,~ly lube, epoxy coating 354 3101 230.27 Gloves 354 3101 222.14 46455 Nurnberg Scientific 14092 Sulfuric acid 354 3101 70.79 Propanediol,Glucose acid 354 3101 23.59 Propanediol 354 3101 17.50 46461 Olympic Paper Company 15111 Paper 354 3101 62.37 Towels,air freshener,dispenser 354 3101 142.21 46463 Olympic Springs Inc. 15029 OVerpayment invoice #252036 354 3101 8.58- Rental 354 3101 10.74 Water 354 3101 17.05 46464 Olympic Stationers Inc. 15030 State flag, U.S. flag 354 3101 57.10 Folders 354 3101 47.04 File folders, pens, glue stick 354 3101 66.35 Binders,pens, legal. pads,glue 354 3101 51.07 46467 Pacific Office Equipment Inc. 16004 Dram 354 3101 73.37 Floppy drive 354 3101 30.21 46499 Sunset Do-It Best Hardware 19035 Grind disc, grinding wheel 354 3101 11.31 Hardware 354 3101 12.82 Pressure washer coupler 354 3101 18. 46502 Swain's General Store Inc. 19037 Packing tape 354 3101 7. Flag pole pulley 354 3101 5.36 46505 Thurman Supply 20005 Tubing, crimp sleeve 354 3101 5.17 PVC pipe, coupling, adapter 354 3101 5.74 Spray paint 354 3101 4.05 46510 US West Communications 21001 7-02 billing 354 4210 38.27 7-02 bi II ing 354 4210 41.09 6-23 billing 354 4210 47.81 46516 WESCO Distr;bution Inc. .23150 Breaker,starter 354. 3101 853.76 Total for Wastewater 23,398.72 0007 46270 CliniCare of PA Inc. 03080 Pre-employ physicals-T Wilcox 753 4310 72.00 46282 Flint Trading Inc. 06156 Pr~rk lines,arrows,turns 753 3101 4,654.76 46300 Jones Chemicals Inc. 10027 Chlorine, cylinder deposit 753 3101 1,240.65 Credit for cylinders 753 3101 800.00- 46310 Morrison Construction 13013 Move,excavating-601 Viewcrest 753 3101 663.59 46345 US West Communications 21001 6-23 bi II ing 753 4210 59.20 6-23 billing 753 4210 267.52 46347 Utilities Underground Loc Ctr 21010 May locates 753 4150 .65 46372 Admiral Ship Supply Inc. 01303 Bushings 753 3101 8.89 46379 Angeles Concrete Products 01070 Concrete 753 3101 64.20 46380 Angeles Machine Works Inc. 01072 Labor, Elwha well coupler nut 753 3101 17.26 46382 Angeles Millwork 01073 Cedar shims 753 3101 8.55 Drywall screw 753 3101 19. Mess wire 753 3101 10 Roll wi re 753 3101 7. Minwax 753 3101 044 7.54 Lullber, Wood last 753 3101 43.14 46385 Anjo Soils 01057 Soil 753 3101 312.92 ; c' i<'C:/:'~> "'<';'-'/ ,('i ">;,)f';t~if,::! -',',~~\"--" 98/07/15-17:29 City of Port Angeles July 15 1998 Page 15 . CHECK REGISTER Date From 07/04/98 To 07/17/98 Fnd Opt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code AllOUnt Number Name Number Nullber Soil 753 3101 250.33 46387 Baxter Farms 02035 Grass seed 753 3101 92.69 Wrasp 753 3101 53.84 46389 Blake Sand & Graver Inc. 02045 Washed rock 753 3101 83.62 Washed rock 753 3101 83.62 46410 Dept of" community Development 03066 Water test June 753 4150 453.00 46412 Dobson's 04054 Pressure gauges 753 3101 19.18 46417 Familian NW 06020 Pipe, fittings per bid 753 3101 21.58 46424 Green Thumb Garden Center 07191 Tree fertilizer 753 3101 26.96 46427 Hartnagel Building Supply Inc. 08052 Board 753 3101 11.65 46437 LBR Construction CInc) 12034 OVerpaymt rfd-Permit #602 753 9619 425.00 46459 Olympic Electric Co. Inc. 15024 La~r, restore power to sign 753 3101 87.40 46461 Olympic Paper Company 15111 Liquid chlorine 753 3101 509.83 Liquid chlorine 753 3101 169.94 Liquid chlorine 753 3101 169.94 Liquid chlorine 753 3101 339.89 46469 Paint Store, The 16064 Roller cover, brush, paint 753 4810 35.34 46475 Pettit Oil Company 16302 Oil 753 3101 93.60 46480 Port Angeles Power Equipment 16122 Cut blades, tri~r line 753 3101 57.53 46482 Public Utility Dist Clallam Co 16038 Ranney Well 6-19 billing 753 4710 20.38 . Black Diamond 7-10 billing 753 4710 76.17 46486 R J Services Inc. 18108 Water line installation 753 6510 9,232.19 46491 Ryan Herco Products Corp. 18216 PVC unions 753 3101 30.41 46499 Sunset Do-It Best Hardware 19035 Close pipe nipple 753 3101 8.44 Safety glasses, hard hat 753 3101 29.96 Faucet 753 3101 6.36 Anvil lopper, anvil pruner 753 3101 25.01 Oxygen 753 3101 27.19 PSI gauge," tape 753 3101 15.31 Drill bit 753 3101 59.55 Bruch, tape rule 753 3101 31.70 Flare nut, tube, cutter" 753 3101 22.96 Brush,power grip, wrench, valve 753 3101 " 43.18 46502 Swain's General Store Inc. 19037 Shovel 753 3101 18.63 Electrical, hardware 753 3101 9.71 Batteries 753 3101 29.65 Mesh wire, rope 753 3101 14.86 Paint, accessories 753 3101 12.82 Batteries 7533101 9.57 Hand tools, electrical 753 3101 29.26 Covera lls 753 3101 26.83 Paint, accessories 753 3101 3.69 Hand tools, power tools 753 3101 28.04 Hand tools, hardware 753 3101 28.04 Credit hand tools, power tools 753 3101 28.04- 46505 Thurman Supply 20005 Sol id pipe 753 3101 045 16.40 . Hose washers, pri~r, c~nt 753 3101 30.59 Gate valve, pressure valve 753 3101 57.07 Total for Public Works 19,559.59 98/07/15-17:29 City of Port Angeles Fnd Dpt Check Number Vendor Name 404,0007 46255 AmTest Inc. 46324 Parametrix Inc. 46330 Preston Gates & Ellis 46355 Washington (DNR), State of 46359 Waste Management - Northwest 46369 AT&T Wireless Services 46370 Ace Equipment Company 46376 Aloha Fence Co. 46382 Angeles Millwork 46418 Federal Express Corp. 46424 Green Thumb Garden Center CHECK REGISTER Date From 07/04/98 To 07/17/98 Vendor Number 01034 16155 16175 23142 23060 20000 01055 01062 01073 06022 07191 46427 Hartnagel Building Supply Inc. 08052 46432 K & L Supply Inc. 11010 46433 KONP Radio 11019 46460 olympic Laundry & Clnrs Inc. 15026 46461 Olympic Paper Company 15111 46467 Pacific Office Equipment Inc. 46502 Swain's General Store Inc. 46505 Thurman Supply 421 46296 Iverson, Jean M. 452 0007 46373 46454 46481 Aldergrove Construction Inc. Northwestern Territories Inc. Port Angeles T.V. productions 454 0007 46324 Parametrix Inc. 501_ 46283 Gall's Inc. 46288 Grafix Shoppe (Inc) 46325 Parts Incorporated 16004 19037 20005 09111 01286 14017 16107 16155 07027 07116 18126 Description July 15 1998 GL Code Number Total for Water/wastewater Fund Testing solids,~tals,oil Professional svcs-Landfill Professional svcs-Solid Waste Professional svcs-Solid Waste Surface mining permit June recycling 7-01 billing Line heads Cap line trimmer Fence at 5th/Peabody Lumber Freight charges Fruit trees Plant fert il i zer Laminate Gloves Gloves C~ercials for June (KIKN) Commercials for June (KONP) Laundry services - May Covera lls Siphon drum pump Paper Teri wiper Desket ink Shells, batteries, automotive Automotive supplies,bullets - Peat moss 755 4150 755 4150 755 4150 755 4150 755 4990 755 4150 755 4210 755 3101 755 3101 755 3101 755 3101 755 4150 755 3101 755 3101 755 3101 755 3101 755 3101 755 4410 755 4410 755 3101 755 4150 755 3101 755 3101 755 3101 755 3101 755 3101 755 3101 755 3101 Total 'for SOlid Waste Fund Overpaymt weatherization 1#5420 421 1223000 Recalculation w/o 1#830 Professional svcs-Downtown Copies-Downtown Forward video Write,shoot-Downtown project Professional sVCS-Landfill Total for Conservation Fund 793 4150 793 4150 793 4150 793 4150 Total for Water Construction 795 4150 Total for Solid Waste Construction Stacking systell Squad car graphic kit Switch,sheave,tailgate,sleeve 501 2370000 501 2370000 501 2370000 046 Page 16 . Amount 68,932.91 456.45 2,535.22 317.06 179.75 650.00 38,647.02 15.03 47.37 17.36 822.00 7.70 149.88 107.85 12.92 96.46 220.64 222.14 37.50 37. 119. 93.22 14.86 504.43 67.17 67.98 69.39 69.78 25.86 45,612.33 60.75 60.75 1,820.32 308.75 107.90 1,888.25 4,125.22 25,825.01 25,825. 10.66- 17.78- 18.92- 98/07/15-17:29 . Fnd Dpt Check Number 0007 . . "'"<~':'t~Ttj~:;::',.,,_ 't'f:~]~~" City of Port Angeles Vendor Name 46283 Gall's Inc. 46288 Grafix Shoppe Clnc) 46298 Jenning's Equipment 46311 N C "achinery Co. 46325 Parts Incorporated 46329 Port Angeles City Treasurer 46364 Zep Manufacturing Company 46374 All Phase Electric Supply Co. 46382 Angeles Millwork 46402 Cornell Auto Parts CHECK REGISTER Date From 07/04/98 To 07/17/98 Vendor Number 07027 07116 10151 . 14001 18126 03062 26211 01061 01073 03092 46408 Delta Western Skagit Petroleum 04245 46409 Denver's Tire Co. Inc. 04044 46412 46416 46419 Dobson's Evergreen Collision Center Ferrellgas CInc) 04054 Inc 03207 06024 46425 H& R Parts & Equipment Inc. 08045 Description GL Code Number July 15 1998 Total for Department Stacking system 760 3101 Squad car graphic kit 760 3101 Hose 760 3101 Seals 760 3101 Switch,sheave,tailgate,sleeve 760 3101 Petty cash reimbursement 760 3101 Ironclad;post protector 760 3101 Micro-switch 760 3101 Tie connectors, lumber 760 3101 Fasteners 760 3101 Rubber strap 760 3101 Starter core 760 3101 Starter core 760 3101 Starter core 760 3101 Starter Core 760 3101 Exhaust part, air freshener 760 3101 Cement 760 3101 Idler arm~link 760 3101 Relay 760 3101 Pail 760 3220 Flat repair 760 4810 Tires, wheel change 760 3101 Tires, wheel change 760 4810 Flat repair, 0 ring 760 4810 Flat repair 760 4810 Tires, mount, demount 760 3101 Tires, mount, demount 760 4810 Tires, mount, demount 760 3101 - Ti res, mount, demount 760 4810 Safety check, labor, headlight 760 3101 Safety check, labor, headlight 760 4810 Gasket set, labor, filter 760 3101 Gasket set, labor, filter 760 4810 Service call;'vehicle #1918 760 4810 Labor, brakes, radiator cap 760 3101 Labor, brakes~ radiator ClIp 760 4810 Mount, demount, wheeL' balance 760 4810 Flat repair 760 4810 Tires, retread, hauler lug 760 3101 Flat repair, wheel change 760 4810 speedometer clust~r, mainshaft 760 3101 Speedometer cluster, mainshaft 760 4810 V Belt 760 3101 Tow vehicle #84 760 4810 Propane 760 3212 Propane 760 3212 Propane 760 3212 Washer,clutch,bearing kit 760 3101 Brake drum 760 3101 047 Page 17 Amount 47.36- 145.64 242.78 164.84 80.41 258.40 3.55 32.95 120.85 15.36 4.86 3.67 188.60 59.35 43.54 2.16 2.86 4.90 74.32 12.41 41.60 6.47 482.31 20.50 46.94 6.47 151.06 76.61 135.95 41.01 29.05 17.26 114.35 192.06 59.35 52.06 51.79 58.27 10.79 363.84 22.12 706.96 1,165.32 9.04 50.71 227.85 158.08 64.31 644.12 113.90 98/07/15-17:29 City of Port Angeles July 15 1998 Page 18 CHECK REGISTER . Date From 07/04/98 To 07/17/98 Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount Number Name Number Nulllber Valve 760 3101 105.19 46428 Heartline, The 08054 Battery 760 3101 58.21 Batteries 760 3101 397.83 Battery 760 3101 61.45 Battery 760 3101 250.22 46436 L & L Tool Specialties 12035 Wire brushes 760 3101 12.82 46443 Lincoln Industrial Corp. 12047 Repairs to vehicle #1511 760 3101 1,619.64 Repairs to vehicle #1511 760 4810 1,378.95 Steering gear 760 4810 144.59 Steering gear 760 3101 366.86 Repair brakes, reinforce frame 760 4810 422.97 Thread pin, labor 760 4810 26.44 46448 Craft, Don 03424 Digital voltmeter 760 3501 107.85 Impact wrench, screwdrivers 760 3501 91.07 Disc holder,discs 760 3501 37.98 46449 Mark's Mobile Tune 13289 Machine two truck drums 760 4810 43.16 46452 Middleton Motor Parts Co. 13117 poisi lock tools 760 3501 651 .71 Air filter, oil filter, screw 760 3101 141.12 Smartwash 760 3101 1,613.11- Map sensor 760 3101 53.44 Thermostat, gasket 760 3101 5. Wire set 760 3101 34. Belt 760 3101 12.25 Wipers 760 3101 77.17 Filters,hex nipple,belt,bulb 760 3101 194.23 Switch 760 3101 13.58 Credit filter 760 3101 196.36- Step, handle 760 3101 177.30 Scriber 760 3101 5.49 Jack 760 3101 127.84 Grease cap 760 3101 8.82 Filters,core deposits 760 3101 181.01 Repair kit,manifold 760 3101 77.12 credit core deposit 760 .3101 34.53- Gasket kit 7603101 20.48 Belt 7603101 6.77 Terminals 760 3101 5.07 filters 760 3101 11.07 Muffler 760 3101 69.70 Gasket, parts 760 3101 81.13 Seal bea.s,filters,cap screws 760 3101 228.12 Socket 760 3501 3.30 Socket 760 3501 2.89 Radiator cap 760 3101 5.31 Display part 760 3101 20.67 Display 760 3501 103. Nylon tubing 760 3101 242 Head set 760 3101 70. Brush 760 3101 4.31 Bulbs 760 3101 048 62.15 Brush 760 3101 12.92 ,-;,<,:,.~,_,!:jt,-.;.; ,,;:,,:':t?~~~ 98/07/15-17:29 City of Port Angeles July 15 1998 Page 19 . CHECK REGISTER Date From 07/04/98 To 07/17/98 Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code AlIOunt Number Name Number Number Coupler, adapter plugs 760 3101 48.55 Spark plugs 760 3101 21.49 Heads,springs,keepers,guide 760 3101 . 228.80 Bulbs,filters,rotor,pins 760 3101 210.46 Credit fittings 760 3101. 4.82- Coupler 760 3101 6.05 Coupler 760 3101 3.02 Socket 760 3501 51.37 Jack 760 3101 110.56 Thermostat 760 3101 5.55 Cable ties 760 3101 38.16 Brake pads 760 3101 43.70 Fuel pump 760 3101 51.57 Cable tie 760 3101 3.93 Radiator cap 760 3101 7.36 Credit adapter plugs, coupler 760 3101 116.45- . Spark plug 760 3101 7.70 46460 Olympic Laundry & Clnrs Inc. 15026 Coveralls,name tags 760 4990 188.83 46462 Olympic Printers Inc. 15027 Stamp 760 3101 18.88 46464 Olympic Stationers Inc. 15030 Foam core 760 3101 18.47 . 46473 pavenco Industries 16068 Install suppl ies graphics 760 4810 97.11 46475 Pettit Oil Company 16302 Card lock for June 760 3211 81.27 Card lock for June 760 3210 2,149.36 Returned drums 760 3220 50.00- Diesel fuel 760 3211 305.90 Diesel fuel 760 3211 824.66 Diesel fuel 760 3211 117.55 Gasol ine 760 3210 2,594.80 Diesel 760 3211 1,680.00 Diesel 760 3211 226.24 464n Points Sharp Steel Inc. 16092 Asphalt cutter 760 4810 19.51 Point,ashpalt cutter 760 4810 17.34 46479 Port Angeles Ford Lincoln 16158 Belt buckle 760 3101 17.57 Oil seal 760 3101 78.18 Armrest clip 760 3101 .99 Armrest clip 760 3101 4.96 Sensor assembly 760 3101 63.94 Airbag monitor 760 3101 91.76 46483 Quality 4x4 Truck supply 17006 End yoke 760 3101 11.55 U-joint kit 760 3101 49.58 Warn remote 760 3101 56.00 46490 Ruddell Auto Mall 18019 Cap hub 760 3101 26.33 Gear pac~age 760 3101 153.17 Return hose, tube assembly 760 3101 49.06- 46493 Schuck's 19008 Motor oil 760 3220 43.76 . Floor mats 760 3101 29.12 46494 Simpson's Used A~to Parts 19199 Towing vehicle #1891 760 4810 70.07 46495 Smith Tractor & Equip. CO.Inc 19023 Brake activator 760 3101 401 .07 46496 Snap-on Tools - Chugger Deane 19108 Mag bit set, shears 760 3501 64.58 46499 Sunset Do-It Best Hardware 19035 Cyl inder rent 760 3101 049 25.46 Silver solder stick 760 3101 14.21 98/07/15-17:29 City of Port Angeles July 15 1998 Page 20 CHECK REGISTER . Date From 07/04/98 To 07/17/98 Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount Number Name Number Number PVC plug, crevice tool 760 3101 9.04 Cat hose, 0 ring, labor 760 3101 213.20 Hose,ferrule 760 3101 59.95 Suction hose, clamp 760 3101 52.66 Steel, flat bar 760 3101 8.08 Tubing 760 3101 21.23 Pulllp 760 3101 440.23 Cylinder rent 760 3101 25.46 Pump repair 760 4810 19.21 Wire,sleeve,thimble 760 3101 79.14 Nuts,bolts 760 3101 4.32 46502 Swain's General Store Inc. 19037 Velcro 760 3101 23.79 46504 Territorial Supplies Inc. 20001 Slickstikk 760 3101 474.89 Grill speaker 760 3101 200.58 Push bumpers, screen kit 760 3101 283.81 Light bar 760 3101 966.06 Slickstik 760 3101 371 .81 46505 Thurman Supply 20005 3-wire cord 760 3101 5.11 46506 Tony's Distributing 20145 Light truck/van repair manual 760 3101 130.08 Truck/eng performance manual 760 3101 130.08 46507 Tranco Transmissions Inc. 20036 Valve assembly, freight 760 3101 55. 46511 United Fire Service Inc. 21015 Actuator shaft 760 3101 41. 46520 Washington Fire & Safety Equip 23004 Annual inspections,maintenance 760 3101 35.61 Total for Public Works 26,080.16 Total for Equipment Services Fund 26,032.80 502 0002 46349 Viking Office Products 22054 Post its,highlighters,tabs 250 3101 8.12 46413 Dosco 04072 Binders 250 3101 18.86 46467 Pacific Office Equipment Inc. 16004 Hodem 250 4810 312.91 Virus scan 250 4810 59.29 Cash drawer,printer 250 3101 817.88 Total for Information Systems Fund 1,217.06 503 0001 46278 Ellsworth, Ralph L. 05045 Reimburse in-patient svcs 121 4630 168.54 46386 Armory Express Pizzeria 01340 Safety meeting lunch 118 4909 47.34 46405 Dailidenas, John 04062 Settlement claim #24-98 119 4999 505.23 46431 Jim's Pharmacy CInc) 10020 Car seat back support 118 4909 73.37 Total for Self - Insurance Fund 794.48 621 0002 46306 Lindquist Construction 12200 Contractor pmt 60X R Lopez 214 4150 8,597.49 Final paYllent-C Sero 214 4150 495.34 46403 Cozi Homes Construction 03299 Final pIIt-Slowey 96PA56L 214 4150 6,~:t Sales tax on invoice 2823 214 4150 46411 Diversified Industries 04052 Janitorial svcs 214 4150 46. Total for P.A. Housing ReHab Project 15,985.47 050 -- -.--- 98/07/15-17:29 . Fnd Dpt Check Number 625 0008 628 0005 . 652 0008 654 0008 698 . City of Port Angeles Vendor Name 46290 Hemley's Handy Kens 46320 PA Girls Basketball Club 46445 Lorentzen, Pat 46461 Olympic Paper Company 46464 olympfc Stationers Inc. 46502 Swain's General Store Inc; 46382 Angeles Millwork CHECK REGISTER Date From 07/04/98 To 07/17/98 Vendor Number 08335 16388 12275 15111 15030 19037 01073 46427 Hartnagel Building supply Inc. 08052 46502 Swain's General Store Inc. 19037 46338 Seniuk, Jake 19014 46345 US West Communications 21001 46467 Pacific Office Equipment Inc. 16004 46474 Peninsula Daily News 16012 46505 Thurman Supply 20005 46318 Oregon Brass Works 46420 Flex-Plan Services (Payroll) 46438 LEOFF 46456 Office of Support Enforcement 46466 PERS 46509 US Department of Education 46512 United Way 15032 06062 12043 15072 16016 21075 21028 Description July rental,damage waiver Entry fees Summer Solstice Refund Summer Camp program Paper Paper Receipt books Softballs Softballs July 15 1998 GL Code Number 881 3101 882 4150 888 9654 881 3101 888 3101 888 3101 881 3101 881 3101 Total for Recreational Activities Fund Var~thane, brush, molding Trim Molding Lumber Hand tools Hardware Range supplies Paint, accessories 537 4810 537 4810 537 4810 537 4810 537 3101 537 3101 537 3101 537 3101 Total for Law Enforcement Firearms Range Reimburse expenses 6-10/7-06 Reimburse expenses 6-10/7-06 Reimburse expenses 6-10/7-06 Reimburse expenses 6-10/7-06 . Reimburse expenses 6-10/7-06 6-23 billing Ink cartridge Laser paper 6 Month subscription Halogen light bulb 868 3101 868 3120 868 4310 868 4530 868 6410 868 4210 868 3101 868 3101 868 4901 868 3120 Total for Esther Webster Trust Fund Plaque-Marine Memorial-Haguewood's Memorial-Lee Baldwin Payroll deductions 07-12 June contributions Payroll deductions 07-12 June contributions Payroll deduction 07-12 Payroll deductions 07-12 873 3199 873 3199 873 3199 Total for Waterfront Trail Fund 698 2315210 698 2315220 698 2315210 698 2315130 698 2315210 698 2315240 Total for Accounts Payable Clearing Fund Grand Total 051 Page 21 Amount 137.90 300.00 70.00 31.18 31.18 17.43 485.55 48.56 1,121.80 46.30 19.56 45.32 120.85 4.50 6.47 12.67 19.36 275.03 33.31 19.80 40.13 43.44 30.00 47.81 57.19 14.84 52.50 40.41 379.43 116.00 58.75 57.00 231.75 1,064.79 26,319.65 894.83 68,395.95 84.09 42S.19 97,184.50 582,833.85 052 . . . 1- ,.1 CITY OF PORT ANGELES ~ PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM "MAINI'AINING AND BUILDING A BEITER COMMUNTrY" July 8,1998 TO: Kay Godbey, Finance Director I . FROM: Jack Pittis, Public Works Director RE: Port Angeles Public Library-Project #94-i9 (payment #15) CONTRACT Ori inal Contract Amount Chao e Orders to Date (I5) ubtotal $151,950.77 $12,004.11 $7,597.54 $3,308,082.22 $261,338.50 $165,404.11 $3,460,032.99 $273,342.61 $173,001.65 $3,560,373.95 Sales Tax (7.9% of subtotal) LESS Retaina e (5 % of subtotal DISBURSEMENT SUMMARY (Account No. US7517-9419-4150 CONTRACTOR: Primo Construction, Inc. 970 Carlsborg Road Se uim WA. 98382 RET AINAGE: Escrow acct. #750800542 North Sound Bank P.O. Box 3850 Se uim, WA. 98382 $156,357.34 $7,597 .54 TOTAL DISBURSEMENT FOR THIS PAYMENT $163,954.88 CHANGE ORDER COMMENTS: ~ ~ PARED BY: ~ '""t...AfPROVED BY: . Project Manag. - - .. ~ ~~Publ. Works _ PW.178IRev. 11/93) N:IPROJECTS\94-19UBIPROJMG'N'A YMENrS\PA Y.OIS' 053 PERIOD FROM: 5/23/98 TO: 6/26/98 PAGE ONE OF 5 Dls~ution to: (vf OWNER ( . ) ARCHITECT ( J CONTRACTOR ( ) ( ) --- PAGE~ APPLICATION AND CERTIFICATE FOR PAYMENT TO (OWNER)i . PROJECT: CITY OF PORT ANGELES PORT ANGELES PUBLIC LIBRARY 321 East Fifth Street Port Angeles, WA 98362 AlA DOCUMENT G702 APPLICATION NO: 15 ATTENTION: Jack N. Plttls, P.E. CONTRACT FOR: ARCHITECT'S PROJECT NO 94-19 CONTRACTOR'S APPLICATION FOR PAYMENT CONTRACT DATE: April 22, 1997 . Application Is made for Payment, as shown below, In connection with the Contract. Continuation Sheet, AlA Document G703, Is attached. CHANGE ORDER SUMMARY Change Orders approved ADDITIONS DEDUCTIONS In previous months by Owner TOTAL $ 75,364.87 Approved This Month Number Date ApProved 15 613/98 $ 19,569.97 TOTALS $ 94,934.84 $ - Net Chanae by Chanae Orders $ 94,934.84 The present status of the account for this Contract Is as follows: $ 3.476.800.00 $ 94,934.84 $ 3,571.734.84 $ 3.460.032.99 $ 273.342.61 $ 173,001.65 $ 3.560,373.95 $ 3.404,018.81 $ 158,357.34 ORIGINAL CONTRACT SUM Net Change by Change Orders CONTRACT SUM TO DATE ..........................................................0 TOTAL COMPLETE & STORED TO DATE Washington State Sales Tax@ 7.9% RET AINAGE 5% The undersigned Contractor certifies that to the best of his knowledge, Information and belief the Work covered by this Application for Payment has been completed In accordance with the Contract Docu- ments, that an amounts have been paid by him for work for which previous Certificates for Payment were Issued and payments received from the owner, and that current payment shown herein Is TOTAL EARNED LESS RETAINAGE S PREVIOUS CERTIFICATES FOR PAYMENT 1'-1 tary public o VI sbinglon State of a COO\<. S~NO~~O" EXPIRES MY coMtAt 2 . S of: WASHINGTON Sc-L- County of: CLA~~M 6V- .......~.:":e _~ t1'of . .-I... Notary Public: J?S/a. .. ~ My Commission Expires: May 10, 2 In accordance with the Contract Documents, based on on-site obser- vations and the data comprising the above application, the Architect c> certifies to the OWner that the Work has progressed to the point CJ' Indicated; that to the best of his knowledge, Information and belief, ~ the qU'dllty of the Work Is In accordance with the Contract Docu- ments; and that the Contractor Is entitled to payment of the AMOUNT CERTIFIED. AlA D?CUMEHT G10Z AP~D CERIIFlCA1E FOR PAYMENr APriL I~IB EDIlION 191B THE AMERICAH INsmuTE ~'''CTS; 1735 NEWVORK AVEHUE. N.W., WASHlNGTON, D.C. 20008 AMOUNT CERTIFIED (Attach explanation fI,:,:,~~;..~;rlii~.d.diie;.';;;;;,.th;.;-;;~~~t.;p;;:.;d for.) ARCHITECT: ~ . . ~ 7/ , ~ /"'; 7 - 0"'" - c,~ By: , '",If ~ Date: t,........ (to This certl te Is not negotiable. The AMOUNT C TIFIED Is payable only to the Contractor named herein. Issuance, payment and acceptance of payment are without prejudice to any rights of the owner or Contractor under this .Contract. . . 0702-1178 A B C D E F G. H I J WORK COMPLETED TOTAL COMPLETED This Application AND ST~ED % BALANCE RETAINAGE ITEM DESCRIPTION OF WORK SCHEDULED TO DATE . (OCI TO FINISH No. VALUE . (D+E+F) (C-GI Previous StOled Materials Applications WOlk in Place (not in DOlE) 1 Bonding & tnsurance $ . 37,742.00 $ 37,742.00 $ 37,742.00 .100% $ . $ 1,887.10 2 Temporary Facilities $ 17,050.00 $ 17,050.00 $ 17,050.00 100% $ . $ 852.50 3 Job Supervision $ 75,350.00 $ 75,350.00 $ 75,350.00 100% $ . S 3,767.50 4 Permits & Fees $ 20,411.00 $ 20,41.1.00 $ 20,411.00 100% $ - S 1,020.55 5 Field Engineering $ 26,950.00 $ 26,950.00 $ 26,950.00 100% $ - $ 1,347.50 6 Select~e Demolition $ 5,335.00 $ 5,335.00,' $ 5,335.00 100% $ - S 266.75 7 Sltework & UtHitles $ 267,537.00 $ 267,537.00 $ 267,537.00 100% S - S 13,376.85 8 Hot Mix Asphalt Paving $ 66,550.00 $ 53,240.00 $ 13,310.00 S 66,550.00 100% $ . $ 3,327.50 9 trrlgatlon System & landscaping $ 104,500.00 $ 72,972.00 $ 25,984.00 $ 98,956.00 95% $ 5,544.00 $ 4,947.80 10 Striping & Exterior Slgnage $ 1,320.00 $ . 0% $ 1,320.00 $ . 11 Cast.ln-Place Concrete $ 260,723.00 S 260,723.00 $ 260,723.00 100% $ . $ 13,036.15 12 Special Concrete Finishes $ 10,560.00 $ 10,560.00 $ 10,560.00 100% $ . $ 528.00 13 Unit Masonry $ 70,650.00 $ 63,585.00 $ 3,500.00 $ 67,085.00 95% $ 3,565.00 $ 3.354.25 14 Structural Steel & Metal Fabrication $ 211,000.00 $ 211,000.00 $ 211,000.00 100% $ - $ 10,550.00 15 steel Joists & Steel Deck $ 79,970.00 $ 79,970.00 $ 79,970.00 100II $ . $~ 3,998.50 18 Steel Erection $ 128,197.00 $ 126,197.00 $ 128,197.00 100% $ - $ 8,..as 17 Rough Carpentry $ 15,840.00 $ 15,840.00 $ 15,840.00 100II $ - $ 792.00 18 Building Materiels $ 33,000.00 $ 33,000.00 , $ 33,000.00 1 Q04lI, $ - S 1,850.00 19 FInish Carpentry $ 84,350.00 $ 63,063.00 $ 1,287.00 $ 84,350.00 100II $ - S 3,217.50 20 Interior Architectural Woodwork $ 66,000.00 $ 32,220.00 $ 32,220.00 49% $ 33,780.00 $ 1,8U .00 21 Building Insulation $ , 7,920.00 $ 7,920.0,0 $ 7;920.00 100% S . $ 398.00 '22 Metal Roofing $ 222,436.00 $ 200,192.00 $ 200,192.00 90% $ 22,244.00 $ 10,009.80 23 Single Ply Membrane Roofing $ 71,475.00 $ 71,475.00 $ 71,475.00 100% $ . $ 3,573.75 24 Flashing & Sheet Metal $ 47,615.00 $ 44,699.00 . $ 44,699.00 94% $ 2,916.00 $ 2,234.95 C> 25 Skylight Structures CJ' $ 41,580.00 $ 41,580.00 $ 41,580.00 100% $ . $ 2,079.00 26 Steel Doora & Frames CJ\ $ 9,945.00 $ 9,945.00 $ 9,945.00 100% $ - $ 497.25 27 Flush Wood Doors $ 12,221.00 $ 12,221.00 $ 12,221.00 100% $ . $ 611.05 28 Aluminum Storefronts & Entrances $ 62,On.oo $ 60,703.00 $ 1,374.00 $ 62,On.OO 100% $ - $ 3,103.85 29 Door Hardware $. 25,338.00 $ 25,338.00 $ 25,338.00 100% $ . $ 1,266.90 30 Portland Cement Plaster $ . 45,980.00 $ 45,980.00 $ 45,980.00 100% $ - S 2,299.00 Total $ 2,109,622.00 $ 1,994,798.00 $ 45,455.00 $ - S 2,040,253.00 97% $-- 69,369.00 $ 102,012.65 APRI. IIIl1 CONTINUATION SHEET AlA DOCUMENT G703 AlA D~ren.APPLlCAT'ON AND CERTIFICATE FOR PAYMENT,containlng Contractor's s ertlflcatlon Is attached. In tabulations below, amounts are stated to the nearest dollar. Use Column I on Contracts where variable retalnage for line items may apply. . THE NolERlCNIINST1NTE OF ARlCHlTECTS; 1735 NEW YORK AVENUE. N.W., WASHINGTON, D.C. 20008 PAGE 2 OF 5 PAGES APPLICATION NUMBER:. 15 APPLICATION DATE: 6126198 PERIOD FROM: 3198 TO: 6/26198 ARCHITECrS PROJECT NO: 94-19 010:1- It" CONTINUA nON SHEET AlA DOCUMENT G703 AlA DocUr1ent G702, APPLICATION AND CERTIFICATE FOR PAYMENT,containlng Contractor's signed Certification Is a"ached. In tabulations below, amounts are staled to the nearest dollar. Use Column I on Contracts where variable retalnage for line Items may apply. PAGE. 3 OF 5 PAGES APPLICATION NUMBER: 15 APPLICATION DATE: 6126198 PERIOD FROM: 5123198 TO: 6126198 ARCHITECT'S PROJECT NO: 94-19 A B C D T E J F G H I J WORK COMPLETED TOTAL COMPLETED This Application AND STORED .% BALANCE RETAlNAGE ITEM DESCRIPTION OF WORK SCHEDULED TO DATE (G'C) TO FINISH No. VALUE (D+E+F) (C-G) Previous Stored Materials Awlicalions Work in Place (not in D or E) 31 Gypsum Board Assemblies $ 244,420.00 $ 242,720.00 $ 1,700.00 $ 244,420.00' 100% $ - $ 12.221.00 32 Ceramic Tile $ 4,070.00 $ 4,070.00 $ 4,070.00 100% $ - $ 203.50 33 Acoustical Panel Ceilings $ 23,980.00 $ 14,388.00 $ 9,592.00 $ 23,980.00 100% $ - $ 1,199.00 34 Floor Coverings & Base $ 157,830.00 $ 117,810.00 $ 29,950.00 $ 147,760.00 94% $ 9.870.00 $ 7,388.00 35 Painting $ 31,790.00 $ 21,127.00 $ 10,663.00 $ 31,790.00 100% $ . $ 1,589.50 36 VIsual Display Boards $ 2,101.00 $ 2,101.00 $ 2,101.00 100% $ - $ 105.05 37 Toilet Compartments $ 2,959.00 $ 2,959.00 $ 2,959.00 100% $ . $ 147.95 38 Signs $ 4,400.00 $ 4,400.00 $ 4,400.00 100% $ . $ 220.00 39 Fire Extinguishers & Cabinets . $ 1,100.00 $ 990.00 $ 110.00 $ 1.100.00 100% $ - $ 55.00 40 Operable Panel Partition $ 17,600.00 $ - 0% $ 17,600.00 $ - 41 Toilet & Bath Accessories $ 4,869.00 $ 4,869.00 $ 4,869.00 100% $ . $ 243.45 42 Bike Rack $ 1,127.00 $ 1,127.00 $ 1.127.00 100% $ . $ 56.35 43 Miscellaneous Specialties $ 9,207.00 $ 6,838.00 $ 6,838.00 74% $ 2,369.00 $ 341.90 44 Fire Protection $ 84,370.00 $ 80,057.00 $ 4,313.00 $ 84,370.00 100% $ - $ 4,218.50 45 Plumbing $ , 59,631.00 $ 47,705.00 $ 47,705.00 80% $ 11,928.00 $ 2,385.25 46 HVAC Rough-In $ 199,721.00 $ 199,721.00 $ 199,721.00 100% $ - $ 9,988.05 47 HVAC Equipment $ 112,827.00 $ 112,827.00 $ 112,827.00 100% S - .$ 5,841.35 48 HVAC TrlmlTemperature Controls $ 73,414.00 $ 63,486.00 S 9,928.00 S 73,414.00 100% S - S 3,870.70 49 Temporary. Power $ 17,050.00 $ 17,050.00 S 17,050.00 100% S - S 852.50 50 Electric TrenchlngJllght Pole Bases $ 11,357.00 $ 10,789.15 $ 10,789.15 95% S 567.85 S 539.48 51 Electrical Rough-In $ 66,338.00 $ 66,338.00 $ 66,338.00 100% $ - $ 3,318.90 52 Electrical Materials $ 133,046.00 $ 131,817.00 $ 1,229.00 $ 133,046.00 100% $ - S 8,852.30 53 Electrical labor $ 49,052.00 $ 47,885.00 $ 1,187.00 $ 49,052.00 . 100% $ - $ 2,452.60 54 Electrlcal Trim $ 11,462.00 $ 8,291.20 $ 3,170.80 .. $ , 1,462.00 100% $ - S 573.10 55 Fire Alarm <:::> $ 7,083.00 $ 7,085.00 $ (2.00) $ 7,083.00 100% $ - $ 354.15 58 SoundIIntercomlPhone cJ' '$ 3,193.00 $ 3,194.00 $ (1.00) $ 3,193.00 100% $ - $ 159.65 57 Data OJ $ 18,081.00 $ 14,271.00 $ 3,810.00 $ 18,081.00 100% $ - $ 904.05 58 Alternate #12 $ 15,300.00 $ 13,464.00 $ 1,836.00 $ 15,300.00 100% $ - . $ 765.00 59 Change Order #1 $ 9,208.50 $ 9,208.50 $ 9,208.50 100% $ - $ 460.43 60 Chanae Order #12 $ 3,589.84 $ 3,589.84 $ 3,589.84 100% $ - $ 179.49 Total $ 3,489,598.34 $ 3,245,515.89 $ 132,380.80 $ - $ 3,3n ,896.49 97% $ . 111,701.85 $ 168,894.82 "'.......~.......... ....-...-..............::. " om-II" . . CONTINUATION SHEET AlA DOCUMENT G703 AiA DOClJJT1en.APPLlCATION AND CERTIFICATE FOR PAYMENt,contalnlng Contractor's s ertlficatlon Is attached. In tabulations below, amounts are stated to the nearest dollar. Use Column I on Contracts where variable retalnage for line Items may apply. . PAGE 4 OF 5 PAGES APPLICATION NUMBER:. 15 APPLICATION DATE: 6126198 PERIOD FROM: 3198 TO: 6f26198 ARCHITECTS PROJECT NO: 94-19 A B C D I E T F G H I J WORK COMPLETED TOTAL COMPlETED This Application AND STORED " BALANCE RETAINAGE ITEM DESCRIPTION OF WORK SCHEDUlED TO DATE' (G'C) TO FINISH No. VALUE (D..E..F) (C-G) Previous Stored Materials AppIicalions Work in Place (nolin D or E) 61 Change Order #3 $ 3,909.91 $ 3,909.91 $ 3,909.91 1QO% $ . $ 195,50 62 Change Order #4 $ 3,758.70 $ 3,758.70 $ 3,758.70 100% $ - $ 187.94 63 Change Order #5 $ 7,059.59 $ 7,059.59 $ 7,059.59 100% $ - S 352.98 64 Change Order #6 $ 3,361.64 $ 3,361.84 $ 3,361.84 100% $ . $ 168.09 65 Change Order #7 $. 25,150.49 $ 25,150.49 $ 25,150.49 100% $ . $ 1,257.52 66 Change Order #8 $ 985.91 $ 985.91 $ 985.91 100% $ - $ 49.30 67 Change Order #9 $ 4,737.41 $ 4,737.41 $ 4,737.41 100% $ . $ 236.87 68 Change Order #10 $ 2,681.68 $ 2,681.68 $ 2,681.68 100% $ . $ 134.08 69 Change Order " 1 $ 7,564.49 $ . 7,564.49 $ 7,564.49 100% $ - S 378.22 70 Change Order #12 S 423.95 S 423.95 $ 423.95 100% $ - S 21.20 71 Change Order 113 $ 1,131.68 S 1,131.68 $ 1,131.68 100% $ - $ 56.56 72 Change Order 114 $ 1 ,800.88 $ 1,800.68 $ 1 ,800.88 100% $ . $ 90.04 73 Change Order 115 $ 19,569.97 $ 19,569.97 $ 19,569.97 100% $ . S 978.50 $ - 0% $ . $ . $ - 0% $ - $ . $ . 0% $ . $ . $ - 0% $ . $ . $ . 0% $ . $ . $ . 0% $ - $ - $ - 0% S . $ - $ - 0% $ . $ - $ . 0% $ . $ - $ - 0% $ - $ . .. $ . 0% $ .. $ . $ - 0% $ . $ . 0 $ 0% $ $ cJ' - . - -.1 $ - 0% $ . $ . $ - 0% $ . $ - $ . 0% $ . $ . $ - 0% $ . $ - Total $ 3,571,734.84 $ 3,308,082.22 $ 151,950.n $ - $ 3,460,032.99 97% $ 111,701.85 $ 173,001.65 I ..,.... 1'" THE :JolERICAN IN5l1TUTE OF ARICHITtCTS; 1735 NEW YORK AVENUE, N.W., WASHINGTON, D.C. 2000ll GJD:l-1tlt BILLING BREAKDOWN . I . I PAGE 5 OF 5 PAGES SCHEDULED PREVIOUS TOTAL BILLED TO % ITEM NO DESCRIPTION VALUE BILLING THIS BILLING DATE BILLED BALANCE 7 Sltework & Ulllitles: Clearing $ 23,732.00 $ 23,732.00 $ 23,732.00 100% $ - cut & Fill $ 69,538.00 $ 69,538.00 $ 69,538.00 100% $ - Footing Excavation/Backfill $ 29,610.00 $ 29,610.00 $ 29,610.00 100% $ - Finish Grade $ 24,118.00 $ 24,118.00 $ 24,118.00 100% $ . storm SYStem $ 84,071.00 $ 84,071.00 $ 84,071.00 100% $ - Water $ 20,803.00 $ 20,803.00 $ 20,803.00 100% $ - Sewer $ 15,665.00 $ 15,665.00 $ 15,665.00 100% $ - Total Sltework & Utilities $ 267,537.00 $ 267,537.00 $ . $ 267,537.00 100lL $ - SCHEDULED PREVIOUS TOTAL BILLED TO % ITEM NO DESCRIPTION VALUE BILLING THIS BILLING DATE BILLED BALANCE 11 cut-In-PIace Concrete: Foundation $ 74,361.00 S 74,361.00 S 74,361.00 100% $ - Columns S 29,700.00 $ 29,700.00 . $ 29~700.00 100.. $ - Slab on Grade $ 66,154.00 S 66,154.00 $ 66,154.00 100lL S - ClI'bI & Walks $ 57,118.00 $ 57,118.00 S 57,118.00 100.. S - Concrete on Roof S 3,850.00 S 3,850.00 S 3,850.00 100lL S - rd S 2,420.00 S 2,420.00 S 2,420.00 100lL S - Staff PatIo S 4,840.00 S 4,840.00 S 4,840.00 100lL S - s.vtce court S 1,925.00 $ 1,925.00 S 1,925.00 100lL S - OIlImonds S 2,200.00 S 2,200.00 S 2,200.00 100lL $ - Reber S 18,155.00 S 18,155.00 S 18,155.00 100lL S - S 260,723.00 S 260,723.00 $ 260,723.00 100lL S - .. o CJ\ ClO . . . / Finance Department Memorandum Kay Godbey, C.P.A. Director Tanya O'Neill . Information Services Administrator Yvonne Ziomkowski AccoWlting Manager Carol Hagar Administrative Assistant . ;,}, IJ r-. July 14, 1998 To: Interim Manager Pittis, Mayor Braun and Council Members From: Scott-Kenyon,CustomerServiceRep j ~~ Issue: Shall the City of Port Angeles update the income guidelines for the Low Income Senior Discount Program? Background I Analysis: The City of Port Angeles has provided utility discounts for low income senior customers since 1981, with the discount based on income. Income guidelines were set up and the maximum income amount was $15,000 yearly. In 1992, as a result of a review of the program, it was discovered that certain low income customers who were frugal with their utility use, were being paid by the City to use our utilities. The City changed the way discounts were offered to a percentage of the utility bill. The income guidelines were also changed to allow customers who received waivers on their prop~rty taxes to be eligible. As a result, the maximum income was raised to $18,000. During the last legislative session, income ,limits for property tax waivers were increased to $21,000 yearly. In keeping with the premise of our last change, the maximum income for eligibility must be increased. f After reviewing the program, it was discovered that the income guidelines for the two largest discounts, 30% and 20%, are based on 1984 income guidelines. This has resulted in our po'orest senior citizens gradually having their discount amounts reduced, though they were at or below 100% of the federal poverty level. Customer Service proposes making the following changes to our income guidelines to "catch up" with cost of living increases over the past 14 years: 1. - $0 - $7,999 Annual Income 30% Discount 2. $8,000 - $11,500 Annual Income 20% Discount 3. $11,501 - 17, 500 Annual Income 10% Discount 4. $17,501 - $21,000 Annual Income 5% Discount Historically, the City has allowed for $55,000 in "costs" to the Senior Discount Program. Because the City has worked to keep rates . low, and because the majority of our discounts are in the 100.10 range, the $55,000 level has never been met. This change will have little effect on costs, as current discount customers will only be moved back to the percentage of discount they originally received. When the limit was changed from $15,000 to $18,000, the net result was fewer than 10 addition8.I customers. I believe;e can expect the same from this change. This item was brought to th,e Utility Advisory Cpmmittee for discussion at its July 6, 1998, meeting. At that time, the UAC voted unanimously to recommend passage of the attached Ordinance. 059 Recommendation: Staff recommends the City change its guidelines for calculating the Senior Discount by passing the attached Ordinance. ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, revising income'. limitations for the low income utility discount for senior citizens and amending Ordinance 2663 and Chapter 13 .20 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES DOES HEREBY ORDAIN as follows: Section 1. Ordinance 2663 and Chapter 13 .20 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code are hereby amended by amending PAMC 13.20.070 to read as follows: 13.20.070 Calculation of Discount. Calculation of the amount of the utility discount for eligible low-income senior or disabled citizens shall be in accordance with the following procedure: A. The amount available shall be a percentage of the monthly utility bill. The percentage shall be based on the citizen's annual income in accordance with the following: 1. $0. $-5;999 7.999 Annual Income - 30% Discount 2. $6;600. MOO - $ 9;999 11,500 Annual Income - 20% Discount 3. $10,000. 11.501 - $q,999 17.500 Annual Income - 10% Discount 4. $14,000. 17.501 - $17.,99921,000 Annual Income - 5% Discount B. .The amount of discount to be received by any individual shall be reduced by the amount. which the total subsidy, including grants from other (e.g., Federal) sources, exceeds the customer's utility bill. ' Section 2 - Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect five days after the date of publication. PASSED by the City Council of -the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said Council held on the_ day of , 1998. ATTEST: Gary Braun, Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM: Becky 1. Upton, City Clerk PUBLISHED (By Summary) Craig D. Knutson, City Attorney . 060 Jack Plttis Director (4801J Phyllis Rasler Administrative Assistant (4805J Cate Rinehart Administrative Assistant (47ooJ Bob TItus Deputy Director (4701J Ken Ridout Deputy Director (4802J Gal}' Kenworthy City Engineer (4803J Jim Harper Electrical Engineer (4702J Tim Smith Contract & Project .inistrator (4804J Haehnlen Sr. Building Inspector [4816J Tom Sperline Sr. Electrical Inspector (4735J Scott McLain Power Manager (4703J Ralph Ellsworth Water. Wastewater Collection Superintendent [4855J Pete Burrett Equip. Services Superintendent (4835J Mark Shamp Ught Operations Manager (4731J Kevin Curtis Treat. Plant Supervisor (4845J Tom McCabe SW Collection Supervisor (4876J Steve Evans Landfill Supervisor (4873J . X I. {L"Lt"L-0 b.:. MEMORANDUM DATE: June 12, 1998 TO: City Manager Pittis, Mayor Braun and Council Members FROM: Bob Titus, Deputy' Director of Utility Services ~ SUBJECT: Adoption of 1997 Uniform Building Code and Fire Code Summary and Recommendation: The State of Washington has adopted the 1997 Uniform Building, Fire, Mechanical, Plumbing, Sign, Energy, Building Conservation, and Abatement of Dangerous Building Codes effective June 3D, 1998. We need to modify our municipal code to reflect these changes. It is recommended that the City Council adopt the attached ordinance which makes the appropriate changes to our Municipal Code. Background: The various building and fire codes are revised on a three year cycle by State, Federal or international bodies charged with reviewing and revising the applicable codes. After adoption by the State, we are required to change our Municipal Code to reflect these revisions. The codes also establish a standard fee schedule for the permits that an agency can issue. The City is not bound by the fee schedule and can establish fees as they deem appropriate. At this time, we are not proposing to change any of the fees although the new code provides for higher fees. We will be analyzing how well permit fees cover the costs of operating' our building division as part of the 1999 budget process and will request that fees be adjusted, if necessary, after the first of the year when all city fee schedules are reviewed and adjusted. We have discussed the new codes with the North Peninsula Home Builders Association and they have indicated that they have no problems with the proposed changes as long as the fee schedule is not adjusted. We informed them that if, after review, there was a need to recommend higher permit fees they would be notified and given the opportunity to comment prior to the issue going to Council. 061 j 062 . . . \,~ ;,. .,' . ORDINANCE NO. I AN ORDINANCE of the City of rort Angeles, Washington, adopting the 1997 editions of tile Uniform Building, Mechanical, Fire, Plumbing and Sign Codes; the Washington State Energy Code, and the Uniform Code for the Abatement of Dangerous Buildings and amending Ordinance 2552 as amended and Chapters 14.03 and 14.21 of the Port .An:geles Municipal Code. I . THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES DOES HEREBY ORDAIN as follows: Section I. Ordinance 2552 as amended and Chapter 14.03 of the Port Angeles ) Municipal Code are hereby amended by amendingPAMC 14.03.010 and .020 to read as follows: . . 14.03.010 Uniform Codes Adopted. Pursuant to Chapters 19.27 and 19.27A RCW and Title 51 WAC, the following Codes are adopted subject to the amendments set forth in Title 14 PAMC: A. The Uniform Building Code, Volumes 1, land 3, including Table IA, except Appendix Chapters 3, 4, 9, 11, and 13 of tile 19941 Edition and Uniform Building Code Standards, 19941 Edition, published by the International Conference of Building Officials, as amended by the Washington State Building Code Council and published as Chapter 51-30 Washington Administrative Code; B. The Uniform MechanicatCode, 19941, Edition, including Table lA of Chapter 1 and Chapter 13, Fuel Gas Piping,Appendix B, published by the International Conference of Building Officials and the International Association of Plumbing and. Mechanical Officials,. as amended by the Washington State Building Code Council and published as Chapter 51~32 Washington Administrative Code. C. The Uniform Fire Code, 19941 Edition and,Uriiform Fire Code Standards, 1994-.1 Edition, published by the International Conference of Building Officials and the Western Fire Chiefs Association, as amended by the Washington State Building Code Council and published as Chapters 51-34 and 5t:.35 Washington Administrative Code, except as amended in Chapter 14.21 PAMC; . D. The Uniform ~lumbing Code, including Table 1-1 of Chapter 1, 19941 Edition, and Uniform Plumbing Code Standards, 19941Edition, published by the International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Official~, as amerided by the Washington State BuildingCode Council and filed as Chapter 51-26 Washington Administrative Code; , - 1 - 063 ., E. The W ashington Ventilation and Indoor Air Quality Code, as adopted" by the . Washington State Building Code Council, and filed as Chapter 51-13 Washington Administrative Code; F. The Washington State Energy Code, 19941 Second Edition, as amended by the Washington Building Code Council and filed as Chapter 51-11 Washington Administrative Code; G. . The Uniform Sign Code, 19941 Edition, published by the International Conference of Building Officials; H. The Uniform Code for the Abatement of Dangerous Buildings, 19941 Edition, , published by the International Conference of Building Officials. I. The Uniform Code for Buildini Conservation. 1997 Edition. published by the International Conference of Buildini officials. II. The Washington State Historic Building Code, First Edition, published by the Washington State Building Code Council as Chapter 51-19 Washington Administrative Code. In case of conflict among the codes enumerated in subsections A through D of this Section, the earlier named Code shall govern over those following. \ 14.03.020 Amendments to Uniform Codes. Pursuant to RCW 19.27.040, RCW. 19.27.060(3) and (4), and PAMC 14.04.020, the following amendments to the Un,iform Building Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, and Uniform Sign Code are adopted: i B. Uniform Building Code, Section 904.2.2 is amended by adding the foll~wing: 6. Automatic sprinklers shall be provided: ' (a) In all buildings where the floor area exceeds.'6,250 square feet on all floors; (b) In any adult family home, boarding home, or group care facility that is licensed by the Washington State Department of Social and Health Services for more than five persons; However, the area and height increases specified in Section 505.3 and 506 (for / sprinklers) shall be permitted. For the purpose of this subsection, portions of buildings separated from the rest of the building, in accordance with Section 504.5, with openings allowed by the Uniform Building COde.. protected by the installation of approved magnetic hold-open devices which are activated by smoke -2- 064 i . . }:',\_~-" '..":, ~; ;~--::~:-:6 . detection devices installed on both sides of said openings, may be considered' as separate buildings. C. Uniform Building Code, Section 106.3.1 is amended by adding the following: 8. State the name and certification identification number of the certified manufactured home installer supervising the installation of a mobile or manufactured home. D. Uniform Building Code, Section 106.4.1 is amended by adding the following: The following requirements shall apply to building permits for mobile or manufactured homes that are required by the State to be installed by a certified installer. The building permit shall state the name and certification number(s) of the certified manufactured home installer(s) supervising the installation. The permit shall not be issued until the installer submits a copy of the certificate of manufactured home installation to the City. Work shall not commence until the installer or its agent has posted or otherwise made available a copy of said certificate with the inspection record at the setup site. E: Uniform Building Code, Appendix Chapter 15, Section 1517.5, is amended to require that all cedar shingles be removed prior to any reroof. . F. Uniform Plumbing Code, Appendix C, is amended to add Footnote 15 as follows: Required restroom facilities shall be maintained open and operable during business hours where businesses are being conducted and in other buildings when being used by employees, occupants, or the public. Such public restrooms shall be readily identifiable. G. Uniform Sign Code, Chapter 3, Section 301, is amended by adding the following: Provided, that presently existingisigns not in conformity with this code, as amended, may be maintained in their present condition unless hazardous, but may not be altered or reconstructed unless in conformity with this code. H. Uniform Sign Code, Chapter 3, Section 303: Delete #3,_signs less than 6 feet above grade. I. Uniform Sign Code, Chapter 4, delete Table 4-B. In lieu thereof, Chapter 32, Section 3205.1 of the Uniform Building Code, 19941 Edition, shall apply to projection of signs. Section 2. Ordinance 2552 as amended by Chapter 14.21 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code are hereby amended by amending PAMC 14.21.010 to read as follows: . 14.21.010 Adoption of Uniform Fire Coder Appendices. and Standards. There is adopted by the City Council for the purpose of prescribing regulations governing conditions hazardous to life and property from fire or explosion, that certain Code known as the Uniform Fire Code, Volume I, including Appendices I-A, IT-B, C, F: ITI..A, B, C, IV-B, V-A, and VI-A, and Uniform Fire Code Standards Volume 2, 19941 Edition, published by the International Conference of Building Officials and the Western Fire Chiefs Association, as amended by the Washington State -3- 065 Building Code Council and published as Chapter 51-34 and 51-35 WAC; provided, that Sections . 902.2 through 902.4.1 shall not be deleted and, notwithstanding any wording in said Code, participants in religious ceremonies shall not be precluded from carrying hand-held candles; and provided further, that Article 78, Fireworks, is deleted in its entirety. Section 3. Severability. If any provisions of this Ordinance or its applications to any person or circumstances is held to be invalid, the remainder of the Ordinance or application of the provisions of the Ordinance to other persons or circumstances is not affected. Section 4 - Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect five days after the date of publication. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said Council held on the day of . 1998.. MAYOR '. ATTEST: Becky J. Upton, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Craig D. Knutson, City Attorney PUBLISHED: By Summary 98.13 . -4- 066 . . . \/ II \ / /\ lr' /, \ ,(,~ ! V L..' I, -'- II .(~~, ,L. PLANNING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM Brad Collins, Director, Extension 4751; Sue Roberds, Extension 4750; David Sawyer, Extension 4752 July 15, 1998 I . TO: Mayor Braun, City Councilmembers, and Interim Manager Pittis FROM: Planning Department, Brad Collins, Planning Director SUBJ: PROPOSED SHORT PLAT ALTERATION ~ SHP 78(2)8 Morris - Southeast comer of Eunice and Tenth Streets RECOMMENDA TION/ ACTION: Following discussion, Council should authorize the Mayor to sign the mylar allowing amendment to the 1978 short plat. The findings and conclusions contained in this memorandum could be cited in support of that action. BACKGROUND/SUMMARY: --- The owners of Lot B, SHP 78(2)8, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Morris, recently applied for a building permit to construct a detached accessory structure (garage) at the rear of their property, located in a RS-7, residential zone ofthe City. When the two lot short plat was approved in 1978, of which this property is a lot, the City's regulations required that the building envelope be indicated. Wording was placed on the final plat t6 identify the potential building envelop~ l;>y describing required setbacks which would be required for structui'es. The wording, however, appears to have been flawed in that it identified only those areas where a primary residential structure could be constructed without allowance for normal reductions permitted for accessory structures. Furthermore, the setback wording was specific to the time period in which the short plat was filed and did not take into account the possibility of future amendment. Setbacks in the RS- 7 zone were reduced from the previous twenty-five foot setback (which is on the plat) to twenty feet in 1984. Other developed residential properties in the area enjoy the standard RS-7 zone setback provisions. Staff assisted the Morrises in filing an alteration procedure for the short plat to be consistent with current City regulations. Amended wording that "Current City regulations shall be applied" is a simple fix to the supposed unintentional restriction. Nothing else about the 1978 plat is proposed for change. In following the prescribed procedure for alteration of a platted property, staff contacted the owner of the other lot in the two lot short plat, Mrs. Elizabeth Montgomery. Mrs. Montgomery was aware 067 of the platted restriction but was happy to be relieved of it, and joined in the proposal by signing the amended mylar. To aid in this effort, staff recommends that the City Council authorize the.Mayor . to sign an amended mylar which will revise the setbacks for the two lots to be consistent with those found in the RS-7, Residential Single Family zone, citing the following findings and conclusions in support of that decision: ./ Findings: 1. Short PlatNo. SHP 78(2)8 is located at the southeast corner of Eunice and Tenth Streets, in an RS-7, Residential Single Family zone. 2. The original two lot short plat was finaled on May 24, 1978. 3. On July 13, 1998, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Morris applied to alter the setback wording for SHP 78(2)8 to be consistent with standard setback requirements found in the RS-7 zone. 4. Wording placed on the two lot short plat is incomplete in that itdoes not provide for accessory structures to observe reduced setbacks such as are normally found in residential zones. It is believed this restriction was unintentional on the part of the original plattor. 5. The procedure for alteration of a subdivision is specified in RCW 58.17.215 and was followed in this proposal. 6. . Ms. Elizabeth Montgomery, the remaining property owner in the platted area, agreed with the alteration and signed the proposed mylar along with the applicants as a result of the City's notification of the proposal. . Conclusi~ A. The action is in compliance with the prescribed alteration procedure for platted properties found in RCW 58.17. B. The resulting building footprint is in compliance with the City's RS-7 zom_ng and subdivision regulations and the City's Comprehensive Plan. C. Structures permitted on the properties as a result of the alteration will not be inconsistent with other property developments in the area. . Staffwill be available for questions. Attachment: Alteration drawing Letter from applicant . c:wp\daily\submem.alt 068 . Ct... -...u. .....0;) U., t ......, ~ ~ o 0') CD ceac.", "" ""'..w,,\.cs ,.'t09.s. J-=' V) LJ , I 2 :) lLJ . .. sc.ac.a .., "..T . ALTERATION OF SHORT ,,,., ...... \1'.\"10(1 I 0 1:!i .1"\1014"" .z-..,r . 55..1"'41.~ _ ,.,." II) fa ." .... \ t, '---------T--- ----i~ ,. , , '\ I I , I I : I I I. I , LOT A I I I :. I I I . . I I I !. I I I ... I I I I I '.....~ur. ..~..., I I I I I I I ~ I '.90 LO T A41t1'M_NT ,..,.,...,. llT".U'..,O ., DC.O ".CO"OCD ., llI\4U.N I"., ~....ft.." '..... """1.0. I " I I I r I I:: . I iU4:.. . I ~ I .' ''':'''_1, . .. I . ..... I . I ___ __.L._____ . _ I ___ __._ S _ __ _ _ : . ~,..o - .J . - . ""..,."'.IiIfT' 4'-~C.V B SVSJ'ECT TO ~NTS OES(.RISEP WiRiON. . PLAT # (2) 8 78 ~lQJ:j LOTS . IIHf.J to BlOO( JJ., COV(HN"ENl TOWNSrT[ or POftT NtCnES. [XC[P"f n-tAT "NfT 01 LOT 10 1Il00c 334. CO....UN.,[Nr TOWNSIT[ 01 I"CMT "'''Cnn L'f1...o tAST OF ru( ACIt([W(H1' UHC otSClU8m AS '0lL.0W$; COUwtrtOtjQ ., 11<[ em. WOUHWOO 4' 'H[ Cl:HTtIl\JH[ 1/TtIOS[CTIOH 0' [ICH'" _ lIAC[ m[[JS IN SAID 'ClWNSIT[: THOlCt H SO" lJ' 35" W, 'OWAAO rH( WOllUW[HT 41 TH[ cvnrOUH[ ."[ItS[CTIOH M [lCI/IH _ -. STII[[JS, 1013.10 FtCI: "'[He[ S 3J' '" .r W 717.11 FrO 10 lH[ 1HT[ItS[CTIOH M TH[ tASTtlIlY [OG( or IH[ CClNCRtT[ SlO[WAlJ( 4lDHc IH[ E4ST[IllY SIO( M [UHIC[ STA[O WlIH TH[ SOUTHVllY [DG[ M TH[ COIICll[T[ SIO[WAlJ( AlOIOC IH[ sounl[IllY SIO[ or TOmt STII([I: T>l[HC[ S 51' It' '1' [ 4l0H0 SAID ltNTH STII([I SIO[WAllC U>Cf 101.10 Fr[1 7l> /HE IlIUC "-' fJ' .[CIHH/HG fJ' /HE ACIlUWCHT ~ IH(HC( S U' '" .r w .......llL """ SAlO [UHIC[ STII([I $IO(WAUC [DC( " '[0: TH(HCl: H SO" zr '1' w 2 FrET: JMOlC( . S JJ'" U' .r w ~XlWATD.T 72 rUT ,TO TH( SOU'fH(ltly UN( OT WD lDT . NC) TIC DC) or nc ~Y[Nf LJfr<. SlJUAI"[ ~ a..H.1.MI COUNTY. ACKNOWl EDGEt.lENT STATE Of' WASHINGTON COUN1Y Of' C~I..AI.I Thil il 10 clrtily Ihtll on' Ihll doy 01 ,19, belor. me Ihe unde,..igned, a lIotory Public. peroorially opp.al.d. IlIchard Morril, to m. known to b. the plrson who ...cut.d the within and foregoing inllrum.nt, and ocknowl.dgld Ihat h. lign.d the lam. 01 hi. Ir.. alld volunlary ocl a"d d..d, 'or thl UI., a"d ....rpo... th.rin mentionod. WITNESS ;;.,y ho"d o..d o/tielol 1.01 Ihe doy o"d yea, 1i,..1 abav. wrill.n. ~ANDAPPIlOVEo, Notary Public in ond lor thl StOtl 01 Walhinqto", relidi"g at ~~;()...- Ric:hardMorriI 1~,~"" Lla.H.~.u 'm--V.......J HIney ~. Signed IN. Z1II de)' ot .bb. ,_ by. - BId<y Uptcn, ClIy CI4iii< ClIv 01 Port Anve'M G.y Br..... MIyor City 01 Port Anve'M RtCORDlNu L;~J'( I j~ n,:A-n'" Fil.d lor Ih. r.cord 01 Ih. r.qu.II 01 Richard lAorri. thll_day of_. 19_ A.O. 01_ mi"ul.1 po.L-o'clocL,t.I. a"d r.cord.d in VOlum&.-....Df Short Plob, pagl_. r.cordl 01 Clallam County. Wa.hinglon. CI_ CountyAudllor ~ Ct o 1/2" C&1.oa1_ tu~ lOt SV'9.' aQkel". u cote4. Streit aD( &11.,. ....cw aD( lot 11M. ot Go..e1'lUleAt ':OvIul te UAoert&1.n 'by .llwt 3 r..t .t _I tt... V1l1 1>0._ rl.ze4 ~ bl' 0CNI't 4..11100. or attar C1tr ~t. ha..,.. MeQ ..t &D4 'beeo.. utaltll_ bl"AOO"_' aD( "II It _ 02' &1l lAte....Uo.... '~~.- . ~...lIlt..'n.... 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II".. .hall b. .uch. o. 10 pro.fd. 01 I~.I .qually good and reliobl. .ervico 01 the .xllling, .hall COnform with on cod.. and. .Iandarcl. al th. lim. of ,.Iocation. ahall b. in.lolI.d with minimum proctl..., 1n1.m.tpUo" 01 ..rvie.. a"d dama~. 10 10ndlcapl1\9 on Lol A Ihall b. fully repaired. U"I... occo.lo,,"d by th.ir own acI,on., own.,. of LoI B Ihall nol b. r..pon.ibIo for alb..qu.nl rneint.no"c. or ,.palr.) But, wh.real inllollalion moinllnonc. and ropalr 01 .elor' o"d '...r I.rvic. caM.cllon. Iln.. are the relponlibility of Ih. OW".,. d Ih. prop.rty .......d. Ih. City 01 Port Ang.I.1 oecopt. no . ea.ement "gnu In relation to tn... Iln.,. 070 . . . "Maintaining and building a better community" Jack Ptttn DlI8Cfoi(4801} Phyllis Resler Admlnlstnltlve , AssJstsnt (4800) Cate RlnehlJrf AdmInistrative AssIstsnt (4700) Bob Titus Deputy D/l8Ctor (4701) Ken Ridout Deputy D/l8Ctor (480l) Gst)' Kenworthy City Engl_ (4803) Tim Smith Contract & Proj8ct AdmIn/$tnItor (4804J .H.98hnlen IlcMng Inspector , J Tom Spetf/ne Sr, ElectTlcsllnspector (4735J Soott McLaIn ""- Meflilti1tK (4703J Ralph ~ We"", WBSl8wel8r CoII<<:t1on Sup<<VllenOsnt (4855J Pefe 8urrett Equip SeMoN Superlllfelldent (4835J Mst1c S,*", Ughl Opwal1ons Msneger{4731J Kevln Cuttls T reet, Plant SIIpfIIV/IIor (4845) Tom McCabe SW CoIlecl1on Supervisor {4876J Stew Evens LAndfill Supervisor {4873J 4tE1oox Me/nfehence ( (4825) X I V-~ o'-hu l~_" f) MEMORANDUM DATE: JULY 6,1998 [COtJ"t'\N\lE" "TO ~VL'1 'Z.\/l~Oj6J TO: UTILITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE/CITY COUNCIL FROM: JACK PITTIS, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS SUBJECT: JEFFERSON COUNTY WASTE As we reported at the last UAC meeting, a letter was sent to Jefferson County suggesting that for the City to accept waste from Jefferson County at the landfill, the rate should be $33.00 per , ton. ' Since sending this letter, Jefferson County has countered with $30.00 per ton and we have discussed with them $31.50. We made to counterto1cut the difference from $33 to $30 in half. They have suggested that they thought they have come half way by agreeing to $30.00 per ton and have requested that we confer with the City Council regarding the fee. As a reminder, this agreement would be for approximately 7 months allowing Jefferson County time to advertise their long haul contract. They will leave the request for proposals open to allow contractors to use the Port Angeles Landfill as a possible disposal site, but the option and choice would be left to prospective bidders. We would be left to negotiate with the contractors for a tipping fee. Additionally, we have discussed that the acceptance of Jefferson County solid waste at the landfill becomes less desirable the longer we can operate the landfill. This 7 month interim agreement would assist the utility in making up the one million dollar cash shortfall, if the landfill were to close in 2000, thereby helping to stabilize rates for our citizens. I suggest that we forward a recommendation to the City Council that a tipping fee of $30.00 per ton for the 7 month period is acceptable, subject to development of a mutually acceptable interlocal agreement and revision to our solid waste ordinance allowing waste from Jefferson/County consistent with an interlocal agreement. lQi _ -~. by Jack i', P.E. Dire~or of P blic Works JNP:jp ~ Disk: N:\PWKS\SWASTE\l..ANDFILL UEFFCO\UAc.JC. 798 File: Landfdl - Jefferson County waste Attachments: None Copy: None "\ 071 x. (S '. "'Maintaining and building a beUer community" Jack PItti8 D/18Ctor (4801J , Phytlla Rssler AdmInlstrattw AssIstantl4800J Csta Rinehart AdmInlstrattw AssIstant (4700J Bob Titus Deputy Director (4701J Ken Ridout Deputy D/18Ctor (4802J Gaty Kenworthy City Engineer (4803J Jim Harper Electrlcal Engineer (4702J nm Smith Contnlct & Project " .\dmInistrator (4804J ..ou Haehnlen Sr. Building Inspector (4816J Tom Sper1loo Sf. EIectr1caIII18peCtor (4735J Scott McLsln Power Manager {4703j Ralph Ellsworth Watar. Wasfewatw CoIIectJon Super1ntencJent (4455} Pete Burrett EquIp. ServIces Super1ntendent (4435] Msr1< Sh,"" light Operations Manager(4731] Kevin CUrtJli Treat, P/anr Suporv/sor 14845J Tom McCabe SW Collection Suporvlsor(4876J sr6\'V Evans landfill Suporvlsor ( '4473J \ _" Oll\'V WIlcox Street Maintenance -5uparvlaor 14826J tM~EIMO.FlANDUM DATE: JUL V 7, 1998 . TO: MA VOR AND CITY COUNCIL JACK PITTIS, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS AND UTILITIES SUBJECT: JEFFERSON COUNTY SOLID WASTE AND PORT ANGELES LANDFILL FROM: The following are additional facts related to the review and consideration of acceptance of Jefferson County solid waste at our landfill. AMOUNT OF MATERIAL: A. Total Tons per year at the landfillc 43,000 tons B. Jefferson County annual tons c:: 13,500 C. 7 months of Jefferson County solid waste is about 7,900 tons or about 2 semi-trailers per day. [This amounts to about 2 month of our normal load] D. Acceptance of Jefferson Gounty waste until the end of2000 (Aug 98-Dec 00] would amount to about 32,625 tons or about one year of landfill capacity. UFE OF LANDFILL: A. After implementation of USDA bird controllhazing measures, we have confidence that the FAA and County will allow us to operate the landfill through 2000, but have no assurance beyond that time. Our ability to operate beyond 2000 will be based upon the success of the ongoing bird control measures. B. The landfill will last under current projected volumes until 2006 and close in 2007 OTHER RATES: . A. Our current tipping fee at the landfill is $76.80 per ton ' B. We charge Sequim, West Waste from Forks and Olympic Disposal {Murry's Disposal] $63.00 per ton C. Rayonier's demolition debris is charged $40.00 per ton D. The request by Jefferson Co. is now $30.00 per ton for 7 months. FINANCIAL PICTURE: . A. Our rates were developed prior to the need to fully fund the closure and post closure costs at the time of the worst eaSEl event which is closure at the end of 2000. B. We have helped the bottom Une by paying off all of our debt and redirecting our debt payments and debt coverage ratio to the closure and post closure funds. C. At current rates we will be $1 million short of covering all costs if the landfill closes in 2000. D. Acceptance of the Jefferson County waste for 7 months at $301ton will bring about $236,000 to the solid waste utility to help offset our shortfall In 2000. E. If we keep rates at the same level and operate the landfill until 2002, we will have made up the shortage and fully funded closure, post closure and transfer station construction. OPERATIONS: A. With the shift In personnel In the last year or two, we are currently running short on manpower at the landfill and In collections. This Is aggravated due to injuries and vacations. B. We have made due with current personnel while accepting the waste from Rayonier, but Rayonier waste does not need dally cover. C. Extra labor resources may be needed even if we do not accept this waste. CRITICAL QUESTIONS COULD BE: A. Should we sell about 2 months of our landfill capacity for about $236,000 to Jefferson coun~. B. Should we retain our landfill capacity and risk having to raise rates to make up the shortfall If w must close the landfill In 20001 . C. Should we retain our landfill capacity and possibly either keep rates the same for a number of years or lower rates, If we can use the landfill beyond 20021 JNP:Jp Dllk:N:\PWKSISWA6TE\LANDFILL\lEFFCO\CC070796.WPD File: Solid Walle Landnll. Jefferson County Welle 072. , eORT....~(ll ~ ~ · LJ .~~~" "Maintaining and building a better community" Jack Plttis Director {4801 J Phyllis Rasler Administrative Assistant {4800J Cats Rlneharl Administrative AssIstant {4700J Bob Titus Deputy Director {4701J Ken Ridout Deputy Director {4802J Gary Kenworthy City Engineer {4803J Jim Harper Eleclrlcal Engineer {4702J Tim Smith ~tract & Project wr..nlstrator {4804J Lou Haehnkm Sr. Building Inspector {4816J Tom Sperllne Sr. Eleclrlcallnspector {4735J Scott Mc~/n Power Manager {4703J Ralph Ellsworth Water. Wastewater Collection Superintendent {4855J Pete Burrelt Equip. Services Superlntendent {483SJ Marl< Shamp Ught Operations Manager {4731J Kevin Curtis Tt98t Plant Supervisor {4845J Tom McCabe SW Collection Supervisor {4876J Stew Evans 4ndf111 Supervisor 73J WI Wilcox StTget Maintenance - Supervisor (4825J j.' ::'_~_"i<._;:<-t{~~:i :::-;;-~":--'-W' :~.'h~~;f;;i'~i'~;~);~:\~2t~.!,t'-~'-! ,x I V /) t?...,(t. ...-' MEMORANDUM DATE: JULY 21, 1998 MAYOR BRAUN AND CITY COUNCIL TO: JACK PITTIS, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS AND UTILITIES SUBJECT: AMENDMENT TO PUD WHOLESALE WATER CONTRACT FROM: SUMMARY and RECOMMENDATION: The attached extension of the PUD wholesale water contract will adjust the wholesale rate and include the new rate established for the additional delivery point while maintaining the current conditions of the contract. The Public Works Department recommends that the City Council authorize the Mayor to sign the contract extension with the PUD. ISSUE: Should the City extend the current wholesale water contract with the PUD for an additional 12 months? BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS: The current contract expires on August 23, 1998. This contract contained provisions for the development of an additional delivery location in our low zone. This delivery point is of benefit to both the PUD and the City in that it will reduce the demand for water from our upper system. The construction necessary for the development of this additional delivery point has been completed successfully and a future agreement will be needed to address the transfer of the piping and customers from the PUD to the City, but this will be covered in a separate agreement. ' We have continued to meet with the PUD on issues related to mutual benefits such as equipment maintenance, purchasing and other issues. The attached memo from August 19, 1997 is the background from the previous extension granted in 1997. This new agreement establishes the rates a rate of $0.71 per 100 cubic feet for water delivered from the upper system (The old rate was $0.68 per 100 cubic feet) and a rate of $0.68 per 100 cubic feet for water delivered from the lower system.(This rate is lower because of less pumping needed for delivery at this point) The previous maximum flows for the upper system remain and we retain the option to adjust rates based upon a.cost of service. The extension is for a period of 12 months due to the unsettled nature of the decisions needed for service delivery within the UGA east of the City. Jack Pittis Director of Public Works " JNP:jp Disk:N:\PWKS\WA TER\PUDRA TE\EXT _898.wPD File: Agreement: PUD Water Contract Attachments: Memo of August 19, 1997 Copy: Ralph Ellsworth 073 ^ d;J:.J; V~.qJ:"~1- frJ This amendment to the Wholesale Water Contract dated January 9, 1995 is made and entered into by and between the City. of Port Angeles, a municipal corporation, hereinafter called the ~City", and the Public Utility District No. 1 of Clallam County, a municipal corporation, hereinafter called the ~District." AMENDMENT TO WHOLESALE WATER CONTRACT ./ Whereas, the City and the District are parties to a wholesale water contract, which is in effect until January 9, 1998; and Whereas, the City and the District have entered into a separate intergovernmental memorandum of understanding, in which they have agreed to investigate opportunities for cooperative and coordinated local area utility planning and operation; and Whereas, the City and the District have agreed to extend the wholesale water contract through August, 1999; Now, Therefore, the City and the District hereby agree that the Wholesale Water Contract dated January 9, 1995 shall be amended as " follows: 1. Paragraph 1. Rates and Water Use Limits is hereby amended to . read as follows: \ A. The District shall pay seventy-one cents ($0.71) per 100 cubic feet per month, beginning with the billing cycle starting August 24, 1998 and ending August 23, 1999 at the Gales Addition Reservoir. The District shall strive to maintain an average withdrawal rate less than four hundred gallons per minute (400 gpm) . The days when peak withdrawal may exceed four hundred gallons per minute (400 gpm) shall be limited to six (6) days per year and at no time shall the District use water at a rate greater than six hundred gallons per minute (600 gpm). B. The District shall pay sixty-eight cents ($0.68) per 100 cubic feet, beginning with the billing cycle starting August 24, ~998 and ending August 23, 1999 for lower zone purchases at Baker Street. C. The District agrees to inform the City, wi~hin twenty-four (24) hours, whenever its withdrawal rate at Gales Addition exceeds four hundred gallons per minute (400 gpm). '- D. The City shall have the option to annually adjust the rate for the future billing cycles consistent with its cost of service studies. . 1 074 . . . ;1:i~_~"i;,~l;:,:~\:f;:";: ~!;;:'ft f:~{/';<;:~-;<";"'*'~~~':1;~~1!:~+t#~ 2. Paragraph 2. Other Conditions, paragraphs J and K are hereby amended, to read as follows: J. The City has provided an interconnection north of Highway 101 opposite DelGuzzi Drive. K. The District has provided a meter installation along Baker street north of Highway 101. 4. Paragraph 4. Termination is hereby amended to read as follows: This contract shall terminate on August 23, 1999 or upon 60 days written notice by either party, whichever is earlier. DATED this day of August, 1998. CITY OF PORT ANGELES PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT NO. 1 OF CLALLAM COUNTY Gary Braun, Mayor President ATTEST: ATTEST: Becky Upton, City Clerk Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM: 'Craig D. Knutson, City Attorney A: \ PUt:WATR8. CON 2 075 e ~-~ "Maintaining and building a better community" Jack Plttis Dlractor [4801J Phyllis Raster Administrative Assistant [4805J Cafe Rinehart Administrative Assistant [47ooJ Bob Titus Deputy Dlractor [4701J Ken RIdoUt Deputy Dlractor [4802J Gal}' KenWOlthy City Engineer [4803J Steve Hursh Engineering Manager [4702J Tim Smith Contract & Project Administrator [4804J Lou Haehnien Sr. Building Inspactor [4816J Tom Sperllne Sr. Electrtcallnspactor [4735J Scott Mclain Power Manager [4703J Ralph EIISWOfth Water, Wastewater Collection Superintendent [4855J Pete Bune<< Equip. SeMces Superintendent [4835J Mal1c Shamp LIght Operations Manager [4731J Ken Malke ConS9fVatlon Manager [4711J Kevin Curtis TffHJ~ Plant Supent/sor [4845J Tom McCabe SW Collection Supent/sor [4876J Steve Evans _landfill Supent/sor [4873J MEMORANDUM DATE: AUGUST 19, 1997 TO: FROM: JACK PITTIS, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS SUBJECT: PUD WHOLESALE WATER CONTRACT EXTENSION . SUMMARY and RECOMMENDATION: An extension of the PUD wholesale water contract will provide the City with and opportunity to adjust the wholesale rate and develop and additional delivery point while maintaining a dialog about future services issues in the Urban Growth Area. The Public Works Department recommends that ttie City Council authorize the Mayor to sign the contract extension with the PUD. ISSUE: Should the City extend the current wholesale water contract with the PUD for 8 months? BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS: In January 1995 the City and the PUD executed the current wholesale water contract. That contract was good for three years. A copy of that contract is attached for your information. Paragraph #1 of the contract provided that the City.could pass on cost of servi~ adjustments for future billing cycles of Aug. 24, 1995 - Aug. 23,1996 and Aug. 24, 1996 - Aug. 23, 1997 but did not deal with Aug. 24, 1997 to the end of the contract. We have passed on our cost of service adjustment for the previous cycles but have not adjusted the P,UD rate in the newest rate adjustment, since the contract does not provide. such an increase. The PUD understands that when we are able to adjust the rates in January 1998 with a new contract that rate will reflect catching up to the revenues lost during the Aug. 1997 to Jan. 1998 period. The PUD would prefer to maintain reasonable rate adjustments "rather than larger jumps in rates and therefore agrees that an adjustment now and extension in time of .8 months is appropriate. We met with the PUD on August 5th to begin our discussions about the wholesale contract and other issues related to Growth Management and utility service for the Urban Growth Area east of the city. The first issue was the discussion of this contract extension. In addition, we discussed the low zone intertie. This new connection along US 101 at about Del Guzzi Drive would provide about 230 gallons per minute to the PUD service area. This would reduce the amount needed to be served from the upper service area.. which has reservoir capacity problems. We favor this additional connection because of the ability to provide more reliable water supply and at a reduced rate since the water is not pumped the additional about to get it to the connection as is the case for the upper system. The' Finance Department has determined that water delivered at the low zone connection can be provided at a rate of $0.64 per 100 cubic feet which is $0.03 per 100'cubic feet lower than the upper zone rate established in the recent cost of service. We have met with the Utility Advisory Committee who have recommended that the contract extension and rate adjustment be ) approved. . by Jack Pittis Director of Public Works JNP:jp Disk: N:\PWKS\WA TER\PUDRA TE\EXT _897'wPD File: Agreements - PUD Wholesale Water Contract Attachments: Old Contract, Contract extension 076 SORTA~ ~~ .~~ "Maintaining and building a better community" Jack PlttJs Director {4801J Phyllis Raster Administrative Assistant {4800J Cate Rinehart AdmInistrative Assistant {4700J Bob Titus Deputy Director {4701J Ken Ridout Deputy Director {4802J Gary Kenworthy City Engineer {4803J Jim Harper Electrical Engineer {4702J Tim Smith tftrBCt & ProjBCt nlstrator {4804J au Haehnten Sr. Building Inspector {4816J Tom Speriine Sr. Electrlcallnspector {4735J scan McLain Power Manager {4703J Ralph Ellsworth Water, Wastewater Collection Superintendent {4855J Pete BUrT9tt Equip. Services Superintendent {4835J Marlc Shamp LIght Operations Manager {4731J Kevin Curtis Tleat. Plant Supervisor {4845J Tom McCabe SW Collection Supervisor {4876J Steve Evans Landfill Supervisor .73J ave Wilcox Stnlet Maintenance - Supervisor (4825J _. J II "'.).../!.. .D MEMORANDUM DATE: JULY 21, 1998 TO: MAYOR BRAUN AND CITY COUNCil FROM: JACK PITTIS, DIRECTOR OF PUBUC WORKS AND UTIUTIES SUBJECT: INTERlOCAl AGREEMENT WITH TRANSIT AND PORT ANGELES DOWNTOWN ASSOCIATION FOR PORT ANGELES INTERNATIONAL GATEWAY TRANSPORTATION CENTER [Gateway] SUMMARY and RECOMMENDATION: On May 26th, 1998 a joint meeting of the Clallam Transit System Board and Port Angeles City Council was held regarding the downtown Gateway Project The next phase of the project will include an environmental assessment and design of the project leading to soliciting bids for project construction. At the Council meeting of June 2nd staff from both agencies recommended that an interlocal agreement be drafted to outline the roles and responsibilities related to our interagency partnership toward construction and operation of the Gateway. At that meeting the Council authorized the preparation of the attached Interlocal Agreement. We recommend that the City Council authorize the Mayor to sign the Interlocal Agreement with Clallam Transit and the Downtown Association to identify the roles and responsibilities related to the design of the Gateway Project. ISSUE: Should the City Council approve the Interlocal Agreement for the management of the Gateway Project? BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS: On May 26th, 1998 the downtown Gateway Project was discussed at a joint meeting of the Clallam Transit System Board and Port Angeles City Council. In attendance from the City were Mayor Braun, City Councilmen Wiggins and Williams, Interim City ManagerlPublic Works Director Pittis, City Attorney Knutson, Planning Director Collins, and Project Administrator Smith. The purpose of the joint meeting was to discuss the next steps in development of the Gateway Project. The City Council and Transit Commission were provided with materials and staff presentations covering the history and current status bf the project, together with known issues relative to the next phase of development. The next phase will include an environmental assessment and design of the project leading to soliciting bids for project construction. Staff from both agencies have recommended that an interlocal agreement between the two agencies be drafted to outline the roles and responsibilities related to our interagency partnership for the design. of the Gateway. During the drafting of the agreement, we added the Downtown Association as a signatory and included two members of the Association on the Review Committee. . The key points of the agreement are: . 1. This agreement utilizes the strengths of both agencies to deal with the complicated requirements of our funding partners, especially the Federal Transportation Administration. 2. City will be lead agency so far as the Transportation Improvement Board Funds 3. Transit will be lead agency so far as the Federal Transportation Administration Funds 4. The Port Angeles Downtown Association is included as a signatory to the agreement, as their input and buy-in is important to the overall success of the project. 5. A revised total project cost will be completed prior to completion of design and will be included in the approval of the final design by all parties. 6. A Review Committee is established with two City Council members [appointed at the 7n meeting and are Cathy McKeown and Glenn Wiggins), two Transit Board members (Carole Boardman and Bob Smith) and two Downtown Association members. 7. The co-managers of the project shall be the City Engineer and CTS Manager of Administration and Finance. '-\ 8. The final ownership and operations issues will be determined after final design and prior to bidding the project. This will also be the time when all cost estimates are known and total project funding will be resolved. JNP:jp Disk:N:\PROJECTS\93-21M\11LOCAGMT\AGMT PM.898 File: GATEWAY PROJECT - Attachments: Interlocal Agreement 0 7 7 Copy: Gary Kenworthy Tim Smith Interlocal Agreement . Port Angeles International Gateway Transportation Center This Agreement is entered into by and between the City of Port Angeles (City), Clallam Transit System (CTS), and the Port Angeles Downtown Association (PADA) (herein jointly referred to as 'the "the Parties") to, facilitate development of the Port Angeles International Gateway Transportation Center (herein referred to as the "Project"). This Agreement shall cover the scope, site location, historical building inventory of downtown Port Angeles, preliminary engineering, cost estimate, environmental assessment, final design, right-of-way acquisition, and construction portions of ~the project development. The parties make and enter into this Agreement effective the _day of , 1998, for the purposes and under the terms contained herein. Recitals Whereas, the parties recognize the need to provide a transportation center to improve the coordination of multiple modes or methods of transportation thereby providing for improved access to public transportation, economic development, improved traffic safety and efficiency; and . Whereas; the City has received a grant of $1.5 million from the Transportation Improvement Soard (TIS) to assist in the development of the Project; and Whereas, the City has received an earmarking for two grants of 51.0 million each from the United States Department of Transportation's Federal Transportation Administration (USDOT- FT A) to assist in the development o,f the Project, and may receive an additional $1.5 million. Whereas, the parties have not at the time of execution of ' this agreement committed to the making of the local match necessary for the grants; and Whereas, the parties agree that they will consider appropriate methods for making such match when it becomes necessary, but do not commit to or guarantee that they will or can make any necessary local match; Whereas, both grants were awarded based on multi-agency cooperation; and Whereas, the Parties are willing and qualified to jointly manage the development of this Project; and Whereas, the Parties are authorized and empowered to enter into this Agreement pursuant to Chapter 39.34 RCW. . 078 . . . .,'" ,...~y.':...~ ....~"". '0.'.' Interlocal Agreement Page 2 Agreements Now, therefore, in consideration of the mutual promises and covenants contained herein, the parties hereby agree as follows: 1. RESPONSIBILITY .AND AUTHORITY OF THE CITY: CTS hereby designates the City as the lead agency for the TIB funding of the Project. The City shall have the authority to act on behalf of CTS provided that the final decisions regarding planning, site location, preliminary engineering, cost estimates, environmental assessment, right-of-way acquisition, final design, and construction are made by consensus of the parties. The Parties agree to the use and spirit of a collaborative and cooperative decision making process throughout the project period. By so doing, CTS is not waiving any rights it may have as a landowner, an occupier or an operator of transportation systems affected by the project in the course of permitting or construction of the Project. The City agrees to consider the needs and desires of the other parties to this agreement in making decisions with regard to the delegated responsibilities. I . 2. RESPONSIBILITY AND AUTHORITY OF CTS: The City hereby designates CTS as the lead agency for the USDOT-FTA funding of the Project. CTS shall have the authority to act on behalf of the City provided that the final decisions regarding planning, site location, preliminary engineering, cost estimates, environmental assessment, right-of-way acquisition, final design, and construction are made by consensus of the parties. The Parties agree to the use and spirit of a collaborative and cooperative decision making process throughout the project period. By so doing, the City is not waiving any rights it may have as a landowner, an occupier or an operator of transportation systems affected by the project in the course of permitting or construction thereof. CTS agrees to consider the needs and desires of the other parties to this agreement in making decisions with regard to the delegated responsibilities. 3. RESPONSIBILITY AND AUTHORITY OF THE PADA: The PADA shall appoint two members to the review committee. In carrying out the duties of the review committee as defined in Section \ 9, the Parties agree. to the use and spirit of a collaborative and cooperative dedsion making process throughout the project period. 4. PROJECT MANAGEMENT: The Parties agree to manage the various phases of the Project to accommodate the procedures consistent with appropriate sections of the "Local' Agency Guidelines" developed by the Washington State Department of Transportation for the administration of highway improvement projects, and the procedures consistent with the appropriate sections of the "Project and Construction Management Guidelines 1996 Update" developed by the USDOT-FTA. If there is a conflict between the two aforementioned documents the Parties will consult with the two granting agencies to resolve the conflict. 5. PROJECT DESIGN: The design of the Project shall be consistent with current TIB and USDOT-FTA design standards and the Parties Comprehensive Plans. The Parties shall formally approve the project at the completion of the pre-engineering, preliminary design, value engineering, and final design stages. 6. COST-SHARING CONTRIBUTIONS: The parties agree to share all project costs and to participate in the project costs in accordance with the following est:mates: 079 Interfocal Agreement Page 3 SOURCES OF FUNDING Committed: USDOT-FTA Section 5309 TIB City of Port Angeles Public Works Trust Fund Pending: USDOT-FTA Section 5309 Total. . $2,000,000 $1,500,000 $1,900,000 $1.500.000 $6,900,000 7. PROJECT COST: The following is the estimated project cost: Total FTA TIB City of Port AnQeles Water main and sidewalk reconstruction $1,900,000 $1,900,000 /, Engineering and Design $ 750,000 $ 600,000 S 150,000 Right-of-way acquisition $1,000,000 $ 800:000 $ 200,000 Construction $3.250.000 $2.100.000 51.150.000 Total $6,900,000 53,500,000 51,500,000 $1,900,000 A revised estimated total project cost will be developed upon completion of the design. If additional funds are needed both parties agree to attempt to obtain more grant funding from available sources. In no case is either party obligated to provide funds beyond the terms of . this agreement. 8. FORM OF PAYMENT: 8.1 The parties have not agreed to the source of the local match for the grants described in this agreement. Either party may make a necessary local match in a form that is acceptable to the granting authority, which forms are assumed to include in-kind labor -or services, previous construction, or right-of-way property donation. If possible, portions of the different grants themselves will be used as matching funds. 8.2 Neither party guarantees, by execution of this agreement, to make any contribution towards any required local match. The decision of whether to cOntribute to the local match will be made by each of the parties at the time of the requirements for the pledging of such local match. Each party reserves the right to make a decision of whether to contribute to such local match based upon its abilities, budgets, and best interests as determined by the legislative authority of each party. I 8.3 The parties agree that contributions to the local match shall be memorialized between them by amendment to this agreement. 8.4 The parties also agree, whether or not either makes a local match, that each will facilitate the making, by any party, of a local match sufficient to satisfy the funding and contractual responsibilities of any grant received for the project, and will execute any documents necessary to make such local match contribution available to satisfy the . grant conditions. 080 . . . Interlocal Agreement Page 4 , 9, METHOD OF PAYMENT: CTS agrees to manage the project using its accounting system and collect the financial data in the format to meet the~ needs for reporting to both the TIS and the USDOT-FTA. CTS agrees to proyide the City with the necessary financial data for reporting and billing purposes. CTS agrees to bill the City at least quarterly and provide information when available as needed. 10. REVIEW COMMITTEE: A committee shall be appointed to review the progress of the Project; advise and make recommendations on design, functions and scope of the Project; and to hold public meetings to solicit public input and increase public awareness and understanding of the project. The committee shail be made up of two representatives from the PADA; two elected officials from the City and one staff person; two elected officials from CTS and one staff person. The committee shall elect a chairman. The Project Managers shall be the City Engineer and CTS Manager of Administration and Finance, and shall serve as co-managers and as ex-officio members of the committee. 11. PROJECT OWNERSHIP AND MAINTENANCE: At the time final design is completed and prior to authorization for construction bidding, the parties shall negotiate an operating agreement which will detail the responsibilities of the parties in operating the facility, maintaining the facility, leasing the facility, collecting and accounting for funds, ownership of the facility, and architectural con~ror of the facifity~ 12. INDEMNIFICATION: A. The City agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless CTS and its appointed and elected officers and employees from and against any and all liability, loss, cost, damage, and expenses, including costs and attorney's fees in defense thereof, because of actions, claims or lawsuits for damages because of personal or bodily .injury, including death at any time resulting therefrom, sustained or alleged to have been sustained by any person or persons, and on account of damage to property, including loss of use thereof, asserted or arising or alleged to have arisen directly or indirectly out of or in consequence of the City or its employees' performance of this Agreement or the negligence or willful acts of the City or its employees. . S. CTS agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City and its appointed and elected officers and employees from and against any and all liability, loss, cost, damage, and expenses, including costs and attorney fees in defense thereof, because cf actions, claims or lawsuits for damages because of personal or bodily injury,' including death at any time resulting therefrom, sustained or alleged to have been sustained by any person or persons, and on account of damage to property, including loss of use thereof, asserted or arising or alleged to have arisen directly or indirectly out of or in consequence of CTSor its employees' performance of this Agreement or the negligence or willful acts of CTS or its employees. 13. DURATION OF AGREEMENT: This Agreement, unless otherwise amended, shall remain in effect until the completion of the Project, which shall be final acceptance of construction, plus the settlement of all claims by the City and CTS. 14. AMENDMENTS OR MODIFICATIONS: No amendment to this Agreement shall be effective unless approved and executed by the Parties in writing. 081 Interlocal Agreement Page 5 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement in triplicate by the subjoined signatures of their duly authorized officials. CLALLAM TRANSIT SYSTEM CITY OF PORT ANGELES By: By: PORT ANGELES DOWNTOWN ASSOCIATION By: 082 . . . r-- . City Attorney's Office Memorandum Craig D. Knutson City Attorney Dennis C. Dickson . Sr. Assistant City Attorney Candace Kreider Legal Assistant Chrystina Bruneau Administrative Assistant Jeanie DeFrang Administrative Assistant . 'Xi V ~J, .) 1-- (}I;~.U ~. July 16, 1998 TO: City Council FROM: Craig D. Knutson, City Attorney Re: Amendment to Industrial Water Supply Contract with Daishowa and Rayonier SUMMARY/RECOMMENDATION: The City, Rayonier and Daishowa America have negotiated the termination of Rayonier's obligations under the industrial water supply contract based on the City taking over maintenance of the entire waterline, Daishowa reimbursing the City's costs for maintaining the part of the pipeline that Daishowa uses, and Rayonier paying the City $200,000. It is recommended that the City Council authorize the Mayor to sign the attached First Amendment to Water Supply Contract. ISSUE: Should the City Council approve the attached amendment to the industrial water supply contract with Rayonier and Daishowa America? BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS: One of the issues to be resolved with the closing of the Rayonier Mill is how to deal with Rayonier's contractual rights and obligations under the industrial water supply contract (copy attached). During negotiations on this issue, the City and Rayonier agreed that Rayonier would pay the City $200,000 to release Rayonier from all of its obligations under the water supply contract. Rayonier's financial obligation under the contract was to pay the City $34,500 a year for the water that it used (not to exceed 45 million gallons per day). This obligation began in January, 1990 and was to continue for the 30 year duration of the contract. Since the water supply contract did not have a termination provision and it was legally uncertain as to how much, if anything, Rayonier would owe the City when it ceased using the water, the parties have determined that $200,000 is a reasonable amount. With regard to Rayonier's maintenance obligation, the City and Daishowa America have agreed that the City will maintain the pipeline and Daishowa will reimburse the 083 July 16, 1998 Page 2 City far all costs af pipeline maintenance s~rvices fram the Daishawa Mill to the Elwha River\ diversian paint. If the City were to use the pipelme to serve ather customers in the future, then Daishawa's reimbursement respansibility 'Yould be rJduced an a pro. rata basis. The Public Warks Department estimates that the nan-reimbursed cost af mamtaining the waterline east af Daishawa to the Rayanier site could be appraximately $5,000 to $10,000 Iper year, assuming no. majar breakS were to accur. i ~,;() ~ Craig D. Kn'Utsan City Attorney CDK:jd Attachments C:IIMEMOICOUNcn..MIlM 084, . . . I f(R ORIGINAL . WATER SUPPLY CONTRACT THIS CONTRACT (the "Contract") is hereby entered into between the City of Port Angeles, a munici~al corporation, hereinafte.r called the "City," Daishowa America Co., Ltd.,. a Washing:ton ( corporation, hereinafter called "Daisqowa," and ITT Rayonier, Inc., a Delaware corporation, hereinafter called "ITT Rayonier. " Daishowa and ITT Rayonier are also referred to collectively herein as "the Companies." AGREEMENTS In consideration of the mutual covenants herein contained, the parties agree as follows: . period of thirty (30) years from the first day of January 1990, in an aggpegateamount not to exceed 65 million gallons per day (MGD). Of such amounts, ITT Rayonier shall be entitled to receive an amount not exceeding 45 MGD and Daishowa shall be entitled to receive an amount not exceeding 20 MGD. 2. Deliverv. The water shall be transported from the Elwha River to the Companies' mills by means of the Elwha River Water Extension Project pipeline (the "Pipeline"). The Pipeline and the property traversed by it shall at all times remain under the ownership of the City. The location of the Pipeline may be changed . at the reasonable request of either the City, Daishowa or ITT Rayonier: provided, however, that the requesting party or parties - 1 - 085 shall pay all expenses necessary to or caused by any such change ~ of the pipeline location. 3. Consideration. The companies shall pay the City for the right to such water and shall perform the other duties required in this Contract.. ITTRayonier shall pay the city $34,500.00 annually, and Daishowa shall pay the City $15,500.00 annually. Each of said annual paYments shall be made in two equal, semi- annual installments, which shall fall due on the fifteenth (15th) day of May and November in each year, the first paYment fall~ng due on May 15, 1990. 4. Interruotion of Suoolv and Transoortation. If any event shall occur causing or resulting in any diminution, interruption or curtailment in the supply of water available to the companies (hereinafter referred to as a "Limiting Event"), the Companies ~ shall remedy and cure the Limiting Event in order to reinstate the supply and transportation of all water to which the Companies are entitled under this contract. The City shall fully cooperate with . the Companies in the. Companies' efforts to remedy and cure a Limiting Event. The city's cooperation shall include the coordinated operation of the City's water and electric utility services with the companies' repair efforts, necessary and safe street closures to facilitate Pipeline repair, and, if necessary to remedy or cure a Limiting Event, the exercise by the City of its eminent domain powers to acquire property or easements reasonably required to remedy or cure a Limiting Event, and the consideration by the City of the issuance of bonds for the purpose of financing ~ measures necessary to cure a Limi ting Event, together with a - 2 - 086 I ,,",>,,..,, i",F :~,: . surcharge to the consideration paid by the Companies under this Contract. If, as a result of such Limiting Event, the volume of r water available is reduced below 65 million gallons per day, the amounts to which the companies are entitled pursuant to paragraph 1 shall be reduced proportionately during the pendency of the Limiting Event. The Companies waive any claims they may have against the City for any losses or damages caused by reason of a Limiting Event, provided, however, that the City shall remain and be liable to the Companies, and the Companies do not indemnify ~r hold the city harmless for, any losses or damages resulting from a Limiting Event caused in whole or in part by the city's negligence or willful misconduct, the City's failure to comply with . No party shall be liable for losses or injuries caused by force majeure and the Companies do not indemnify or hold the City harmless for any losses or damages resulting from force majeure. The term IIforce-majeurell as used herein, means unforeseeable causes beyond the reasonable control of and without the fault or negligence of the Party claiming force majeure, including but not limited to, acts of God, labor disputes, sudden actions of the elements, and actions by the United states or agencies! of the federal govern~ent, any of which may also constitute a Limiting Event. . If either Party because of force majeure is rendered wholly or partly unable to perform its obligations under this Contract that Party shall be excused from whatever performance is affected - 3 - 087 by the force majeure to the extent so affected, provided that: (1) the non-performing Party, within two weeks after the . occurrence of the force majeure, gives the other Party written notice describing the particulars of the occurrence, provided, that only verbal notice is required of the duration if the force majeure is less than twelve (12) hours; (2) the suspension of performance is of no greater scope and of no longer duration than is required by the force majeure; (3) the non-performing Party uses its best efforts to remedy its inabiliey to perform. I . ThJ.s subparagraph shall not require the settlement of any strike, walkout, lockout or other labor dispute on terms which, in the sole judgment of the Party invol ved in the dispute, are contrary to its interest. It is understood and agreed that the settlement of strikes, walkouts, . lockouts or other labor disputes shall be at the sole discretion of the Party having the difficulty. It is further understood that in the case of a force majeure which is also a Limiting Event, it shall be the Companies' duty to remedy and cure the Limiting Event in order to reinstate the delivery of all water to which the Companies are entitled under this Contract, subject .to the city's duty to cooperate as provided for herein. 5. Covenant to Preserve Riqhts. The city shall defend against and attempt to prevent any reduction, diminution or restriction in the City's rights to take water from the Elwha River, as granted by the state of Washington, or in the City's ability to perform this Contract, including but not limited to appearing as a party in any administrative or judicial proceeding . - 4 - 088 ,"" ''''>,~~/;.><n'i,\;~: '0:~X:Hi";c;:< ~ and opposing any reduction, diminution, restriction, reallocation, adjustment or other determination that may adversely affect the City's wate.r rights, provided that the Companies are not in material breach, of their obligations under this Contract. The City shall ,give the Companies notice of any potential reduction, diminution or restriction in the City's rights to ,take water from the Elwha River. Further, the City shall give the Companies notice of any administrative or judicial action or proceeding in which the City is required to defend its. water rights and shall keep the Companies advised of development in any such matter. The Companies shall have the right to assist in defending the city's water rights in any such proceeding. 6. Assiqnment. Either of the Companies may assign its ~ rights and obligations under this Contract,i.n whole or in part, to the other or to any other responsible corporation or person; provided that any such assignment shall be subject to the prior approval of the city, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. 7. Maintenance of Deliverv System. 'The companies hereby agree to maintain, repair, and replace, as necessary, in order to provide for the delivery 'of the amount of water contracted for herein, all water lines and other facilities that comprise the system for delivering water from the ElwhaRiver to the Companies' , mills in a manner that provides for the structural and operational viability of said system, the avoidance of wasteful practices, and ~ the beneficial use of the water resource for manufacturing . J Compan~es · maintenance, repair and replacement purposes. The - 5 - 089 C' r- responsibilities shall consist of the following activities to be accomplished periodically as required to meet the Companies' obligations under this contract: surveys, inspections, reports regarding the location of,significant leaks and down time to be coordinated between the companies when both mills shall be shut down and the necessary maintenance, repair and replacement activities shall be accomplished. The Companies shall give thirty (30) days' notice to. the City prior to commencement of the periodic survey and inspection and the City may participate in the periodic survey and inspection of the water delivery system. Following such periodic surveys and inspections, the City may request that the Companies report in writing on the periodic survey and inspection. Specifically, the maintenance, repair and replacement responsibilities shall include those tasks set forth in the attached Exhibit A, which is incorporated herein by this reference, and other necessary tasks as may be revealed from time to time by survey, inspection, or other means. When it is economically feasible, the companies will attempt .to coordinate periodic shutdown of their mills for purposes of the necessary maintenance, repair and replacement activities with any anticipated low flows in the Elwha River. The Companies shall annually budget and spend sufficient money for the necessary maintenance, repair and replacement program that is specified herein and in Exhibit A. The City shall be given prior notice of all maintenance, repairs and replacement performed on the water delivery system and such maintenance, repairs and replacement shall not be undertaken without prior approval from the City and compliance with all - 6 - . '. . 090 ',',',> '<::'';:''1'" "". -'.' :;~"':'>'i i"~';,:'i.:-'X . ( . . . - 7 - 091 Contract, such material breach shall entitle the other party to ~ terminate this Icontract, provided that the party desiring to terminate for such cause shall give the offending party at least sixty days' written notice, specifying the particulars wherein it is claimed that. there has been a violation hereof, and provided further that the party desiring to terminate has first obtained from the Superior Court of Washington in and for Clallam County a judgment finding that the offending party has materially breached this Contract. If at the end of such time and after such a jUdgment has been obtained, the offending party has not cured the material breach, then the termination of this Contract shall be deemed complete,. provided, however, that in the event such breach is of a nature that cannot reasonably be cured within sixty days, ~ the offending party shall not be in breach hereunder if the offending party commences such cure within said sixty-day period and diligently prosecutes such cure to completion as soon thereafter as reasonably possible. 11. Notices. All notices, except those required by section 8 of this Contract, shall be in writing and shall be deemed to have been given if hand delivered or mailed, certified mail, return receipt requested, postage prepaid to the address set forth below. Notice shall be deemed to be received upon the third day after the date mailed, or if hand delive~ed, on the date of delivery. a. If to the City, to: City Manager City of Port Angeles P.o. Box 1150 Port Angeles, WA 98362 ~ 092 - 8 - ,i>",:;.-;i"j!:-: ~_:;)' -,_ , . b. If to oaishowa, to: Mill Superintendent Oaishowa America Co., Ltd. P.O. Box 271 Port Angeles, WA 98362 c. If to ITT Rayonier, to: . . Mill Superintendent ITT Rayonier P.O. Box 191 Port Angeles, WA 98362 12. Waiver. Any waiver at any time by any party of its rights with respect to a default under this Contract, or with respect to any other matters arising in connection with this Contract, shall not be deemed a waiver" with respect to any subsequent defa'ul t or other matter. 13. Amendment. No amendment of this Contract shall be binding or enforceable unless it is made, in writing and executed by a duly ~uthorized representative of each Party. 14. Authority. Each of the Parties represents that it has full power and authority to enter into this Contract and that this Contract constitutes the binding obligation of each Party, respectively. Further, the City represents that it has a fully perfected, valid and enforceable right to withdraw water in an amount sufficient to allow the City to fully perform its obligations under this Contract. 15. Exoiration. This Contract shall expire on December 31, 2019. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Contract has been executed in trip- licate by the authority of the Port Angeles City Council and by the - 9 - 093 authority of~he respective Boards of Directors of the Companies. ~ CITY <}l\ PORT ANGELES I "'"1- MAYOR - m~ I . /' ~ . .W Michella-i ike, City Clerk ATTEST: :-Y () ) $';er~~ ITT RAYONIE~~ By: ~K Its ,lI _ Yo ,A.:':. 1 A'l'TEST: ~.. 'J ,. ...P'" ; . , I / / II _ /" . ' L I I,'. _~~ /. (:'C"k.-V~-~'/\ Secretary , C.WAT - 10 - Date Date /isjl1 I ~jp1 / ' I / . Date /,/ S /37' f { - Date l/~ c 5"" / 9 77 / . . 094 . . . ExiU:BIT A Maintenance, Repair and Replacement Responsibilities IndUstrial Water System InsDection/Monitoring Monitor condition of inlet screen and remove debris as required on a daily basis except Sundays and-Holidays Monitor security of the screen house and access gates to the waterline' on a daily basis except Sundays and Holidays Monitor waterline pressure readings.at key stations on the system on a weekly basis Monitor air purge systems for proper operating condition on a weekly basis Perform external inspection of entire delivery system from the diversion dam to the Dai-showa and ITT Rayonier mills to include "walking" buried sections every two months Perform internal surveys of the waterline tunnels during coordinated mill shutdowns Monitor any known waterline leaks for evaluation of flow changes on a daily basis except Sundays and HOlidays Maintenance Place additional rip rap on the Elwha diversion dam and along the beach from the Ocean View Cemetery to the base of Ediz Hook as required to maintain system integrity Repair pipeline trestles and support saddles as required to maintain system integrity Perform prush and tree control along pipeline as required to prevent damage from roots and falling trees Repair known waterline leaks during coordinated mill shutdowns whenever necessary to provide for the structural and operational viability of the delivery system, the avoidance of wasteful practices and the beneficial use of the water resource for manufacturing pUrposes Repair screen house and maintain screens as required to provide reliable operation Provide fill material over buried portion of system as necessary to protect the integrity of said system Replacement Replace sections of the waterline or components of the delivery system when the maintenance activities set forth herein are insufficient to provide for the structural and operational viability of said system, the avoidance of wasteful practices and the beneficial use of the water resource for manufacturing purposes 095 F~TAMENDMENTOFWATERSUPPLYCONTRACT . This First Amendment of Water Supply Contract ("First Amendment") is dated effective the 1st day of January, 1998, by and between Rayonier Inc., a North Carolina corporation (hereinafter "Rayonier"), the City of Port Angeles, a municipal corporation of the State of Washington (hereinafter "City") and Daishowa America Co., Ltd., a Washington corporation (4ereinafter "Daishowa"). RECITALS A. Rayonier, the City, and Daishowa entered into a Water Supply Contract executed December 5, 1989'("the Water Supply Contract"), wherein the City agreed to sell to Rayonier and Daishowa, and Rayonier and Daishowa agreed to purchase from the City, untreated water from the Elwha River for use in Rayonier's and Daishowa's respective mills located in Port Angeles. B. Rayonier has ceased its mill operations in Port Angeles and desires to terminate its obligations under the Water Supply contract, and the City and Daishowa are willing to release Rayonier of its obligations thereunder. AGREEMENTS . Th.e parties hereto mutually agree as follows: 1. Upon execution of this First Amendment by all parties hereto, Rayonier shall pay the sum of $200,000.00 to the City in consideration of the release ofRayonier from all its obligations under the Water Supply Contract. 2. All of Rayonier's obligations and rights under the Water Supply Contract shall terminate effective as of the date first written above, except that Rayonier shall be entitled to continue to utilize water for its fire suppression system at its mill site in Port Angeles until such time as Daishowa installs a surge tower (over-pressure protection device) on the Pipeline (as such term is defined in the Water Supply Contract) downstream of the point,at which Daishowa takes water from the Pipeline. As of the effective date of this First Amendment, the City shall assume Rayonier's obligations under Section 7 of the Water Supply Contract, subject to the City's right to receive from Daishowa reimbursement for all costs for pipeline maintenance services from the Daishowa Mill upstream to the point of diversion, provided that in the event the City uses the Pipeline to serve other customers, the costs shall be shared between Daishowa and such other customers on a pro rata basis according to water entitlement. 3. Rayonier hereby grants the City a license for access over and across'Rayonier's property to the extent reasonably necessary for the City to exercise its maintenance - 1 - . 096 . . . ,';:".'_'i~:,/~~.-_",i; responsibilities under Section 7 of the Water Supply Contract. 4. The City and Daishowa hereby release Rayonier, and Rayonier hereby releases the City and Daishowa, of all obligations, claims or liabilities for performance under the Water Supply Contract as of the date first written above, provided, however, that nothing contained herein shall release the City from its obligations to Daishowa under the Water Supply Contract, nor shall anything contained herein, unless otherwise provided, release Daishowa from its obligations to the City under the Water Supply Contract. . 5. Except as otherwise provided in this First Amendment, the City's and Daishowa's obligations and rights shall remain as set forth in the Water Supply Contract until it expires or is terminated. I . 6. The laws of the State of Washington shall govern this First Amendment. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this agreement o~ the day and year first above written. RA YONIER, INC. CITY OF PORT ANGELES By: By: Its: Its: DAISHOW A AMERICA CO., LTD. . By: Its: A:\WATEJLCON -2- 097 098 . \ - . . Planning Department Staff Report REZ 98-04 - Olympic Memorial Hospital June 24,1998 Page 2 developed as a result of this action. DISCUSSION: Location and Existing Land Uses: The area proposed for rezone consists of 5Y:z townsite lots located on the west side of Chambers Street between Caroline and Georgiana Streets. The area is level and is currently developed with two single-family residences and a multi-unit structure. The adjacent properties are developed with the following uses: To the north: To the south: To the east: To the west: medical offices; . single family residences; single family residence; and single family residences. Zoning Ordinance Review: The purpose of the CO and PBP zones are as follows: co - This is a commercial zone intended for those business, office, administrative or professional uses which do not involve the retail sale of goods, but rather provide a service to clients, the (provision of which does not create high traffic volumes, involve extended hours of operation, or contain impacts that would be detrimental to adjacent residential areas. P:SP Zone - A zoning designation for publicly-owned property, or property not suitable for development by reason of its topography, geology, or some unusual condition or situation. Much of the land so designated may best be left as "green belts" . The adjacent properties are zoned as follows: To the north: To the south: To the east: To the west: CO; CO; CO; and CO. Comprehensive Plan Review: The subject area is designated Commercial by the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map. The description ofthe Commercial designation is as follows. "The Land Use Map contains one commercial category, thus providing maximum flexibility to the City's Zoning Ordinance in regulating the types of commercial uses and their permitted locations. " ) rog . . . xV rN-C.,-' I.l ,f '.1 PLANNING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM \2it;;:m~;;;;~.~:~:~,;:;),~~i~fiF~' Brad Collins, Director, Extension 4751; Sue Roberds. Extension 4750; David Sawyer, Extension 4752 July 15, 1998 TO: Mayor Braun, City Council members, and Interim Manager Pittis FROM: Planning Department, Brad Collins, Planning Director SUBJ: REZONE APPLICATION - REZ 98-04 OLYMPIC MEMORIAL HOSPITAL - Between Georgiana and Caroline Streets west of Chambers Street RECOMMENDATION/ACTION: Following the continued public hearing, staff recommends that the City Council concur with the recommendation of the Planning Commission by adoption of the attached draft ordinance supported by the'attachedfindings and conclusions. BACKGROUND/SUMMARY: On June 24, 1998, the Planning Commission conducted a public meeting for consideration of a request submitted by the Olympic Memorial Hospital to rezone property currently designated CO, Commercial Office, to PBP, Public Buildings and Parks. Following the meeting, the Planning Commission voted 6 - 0 to recommend approval of the rezone, , ' The rezone application was submitted with a companion petition to vacate a portion of right-of-way abutting the site. Because the Planning Commission continued its deliberation regarding the street vacation petition to its July 8 meeting, on July 7, 1998, the City Council continued its public hearing for consideration of the rezone application to its July 21 meeting in order to have a recommendation from the Commission. The Mayor should reopen the public liearing to testimony on July 21, 1998. Statrs report and excerpts of the Planning Commission's minutes are included for your review. Staff will be available for questions. l Attachments: Ordinance Findings and Conclusions Minutes Staff Reports 099 . . _ I . 001 - ~ ORDINANCE NO. . AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles rezoning property located in Hart and Cookes Subdivision of Suburban Block 31 of the Townsite of Port Angelesy'from Commercial Office to Public Buildings and P'arks and amending Ordinance 2801, as amended. ( . WHEREAS; the Planning Commission of the City of Port Angeles has held a public meeting and recorded its recommendation to the City Council in the Planning Commission minutes of June 24, 1998; and WHEREAS, the requirements of the State Environmental Policy Act (Chapter 43.21 C RCW) have been met; and WHEREAS, the City Council, after a public ~earing, finds that said rezone would. be in the best interest of the City and its citizens and would be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan; . NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES DOES HEREBY ORDAIN as follows: Section 1 The Official Zoning Map (Ordinance No. 2801) is hereby amended to change the zoning of the following described properties from CO, Commercial Office, to PBP, Public Buildings and Parks : Lots 1 and 2, the east one half of Lot 3, and Lots 16, 17, and 18 of Hart and Cookes Subdivision of Suburban Block 31 of the Townsite of Port'Angeles. Secti0n2. The City Clerk is hereby directed to attach a copy of this Ordinance t? the Official Zoning Map and to file a certified copy with the Clallam County Auditor and Clallam County Assessor. Section 3 This Ordinance shall become effective five (5) days after the date of publication. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 21st day of July, 1998. Gary Braun, Mayor ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: . Becky 1. Upton, City Clerk Craig Knutson, City Attorney PUBLISHED: By Summary c:\wp\ord\ord.rez 101 ~- I- " . '. 102 .. . . . CONDITIONS, FINDINGS, AND CONCLUSIONS IN SUPPORT OF REZONE APPLICATION REZ 98-04, Olympic Memorial Hospital: Findings: Based on the information provided in the public record including the application file, the staff report and its attachments, comments received during the public. comment period, and the Planning Commission's deliberation, the City of Port Angeles Planning Commission hereby finds: 1. The applicant, Olympic Memorial Hospital, submitted 'an application for rezone to the Planning Department on May 5, 1998. A Determination of Completeness was issued on May 22, 1998. The public's written comment period ran from May22, 1998, to June 3, 1998. 2. The proposal is to rezone 5~ lots, approximately 38,500 s.( of property, from CO (Commercial, Office) to PBP (Public Buildings and Parks). (See Attachment A to the Planning Department Staff Report for REZ 98-04 dated June 24, 1998.) ) 3. The proposed rezone is part of the applicant's overall proposal to develop the subject site (the area of the proposed rezone) with a 15,000 to 20,000 s.f. medical building. The overall proposal includes this rezone request and a street vacation petition for a portion of the Caroline/Georgiana alley adjacent to the subject lots. 4. The SEP A Responsible Official issued a Mitigated Determination of Non- Significance for the proposal on June 8, 1998 (included as Attachment B to the Planning Department Staff Report for REZ 98-04 dated June 24, 1998). The MDNS comment period for the MDNS ran until June 23, 1998. 5. No written comments were received for either the rezone application or the MDNS. 6. . The area of the proposed rezone is designated Commercfil by the City's Comprehensive Plan and is zoned Commercial, Office. 7. The properties adjacent to the subject sitb are designated by the City's Comprehensive Plan as follows: To the north: To the south: To the east: To the west: Commercial; Commercial; Commercial; and Commercial. '., 8. The adjacent propeitie{~e zoned as follows: To the north: To the south: To the east: To the west: CO; CO; CO; and CO. 103 9. The area is level and is currently developed with two single-family residences and a multi-unit structure. The adjacent properties are developed with the following uses: To the north: To the south: To the east: To the west: medical offices; single' family residences; single family residence; and single family residences. 10. The Hospital is a publicly operated health facility. Conclusions' Based on the information provided in the public record including the application file, the staff report and .its attachment, written comments received ~uring the public comment period, the Planning ~ Commission's deliberation, arid the above findings~ the City of Port Angeles Planning Commission hereby concludes: A. The following Comprehensive Plan Policies are most relevant to the proposal, Land Use Policies Al and A2, and DI.and D2. B. The proposed rezone is consistent with Comprehensive Plan Policies Al and A2, and DI and D2. C. The proposed rezone is in the public use and interest and is compatible with the surrounding zoning and land uses. ' Adopted by the Port Angeles City Council at its meeting of July 21, 1998. Gary Braun, Mayor Becky J. Upton, City Clerk C:\WP\DAIL Y\MEMO.CC3 104 . . '. ,'o.' "':c',;,-,;:,C" i' j, "'\{:\i>;:ffi'f d'i'ii:"'j ;,...;, P/asnnjng Commission Minutes - .I/IIle 14. /99ti Pagel . REZONE APPLICATION -=-_REZ_98-04 - OLYMPIC MEMORIAL HOSPITAL, between_Georgiana. and_Caroline adjacent to Chambers Street: Request to rezone property designated CO, Commercial Office, to PBP, Public Buildings and Parks. Senior Planner David Sawyer reviewed the Pimming Departll1ent's staff report recommending approval of the proposed rezone. Commissioner Nutter apologized for not speaking sooner, m;d stated that she has a relative who works for the hospital. She offered to stand down from. the proceedings if there were objections to her participation in the action due to an appearance of faimess. There were no objections. . Chair Reed opened discussion .and asked Planner Sawyer to explain the differences between the City's Commercial Office (CO) zoning and the Public Buildings and Parks (PBP) zoning. Mr. Sawyer summarized the comparison and noted that the PBP zone is a designation that is not only placed on public buildings and park uses, but also identifies properties in the City which are environmentally sensitive in some manner. In this particular instance, thc Hospital's request for a rezone to PBP is because the PBP zone allows for more development flexibility and is intended to allow uses to blend with neighborhood properties. The proposed rezone is to facilitate the construction of a kidney dialysis center which will require a building height of thirty-five feet (35'). The CO zone is restricted to a height of thirty feet (35') whereas the PBP zone allows for up to fifty feet (50') in height. . Following limited discussion, Commissioner King moved to recommend that the City Council approve the rezone to PBP as proposed citing the following findings and conclusions: Finding.s: Based on the il1formation provided in the public record including the application file, the staff report and Its attachments, comments received during the public comment period, and the Planning Commission's deliberation, the City of Port Angeles Planning Conimission hereby finds: I. The applicant, Olympic Memorial Hospital, submitted an application for rezone to the Planning Department on May 5, 1998. A Determination of Completeness was issued on May 22, 1998. The publif'S written comment period ran from May 22, 1998, to June 3, 1998. The proposal is to rezone 5VJ lots, approximately 38,500 s.l'. of property, from CO (Commercial, Office) to PBP (Public Buildings and Parks). (See Attachment A to the Planning Department Staff Report for REZ 98-04 datcd June 24, 1998.) The proposed rezone is p;U1 ()rthe applicant's overall proposal to develop the subject site (the area of the proposed rezonc) with a 15,000 to 20,0l 10 s. r. lllcdical bui Iding. The overall proposal includes this rezone request and a street vacation petition for a portion of the Caroline/Georgiana alley adjacent to thc subject lots. The SEP A Rcsponsible Official issued a Mitigated Determination of Non- Significance for the proposal 011 June 8, 1998 (included as Attachment B to the 105 ,--- P/asnning Commission Minlltes - June 24. 199fi Page 3 Planning Department Staff Report for REZ 98-04 dated June 24, 1998). The MDNS comment period for the MDNS ran until June 23, 1998. . 5. No written comments were received for either the rezone application or the MONS. 6. The area of the proposed rezone is designated Commercial by the City's Comprehensive Plan and is zoned Commercial, Office. 7. The properties adjacent to the subject site are designated by the City's Comprehensive Plan as follows: I . To the north: Commercial; To the south: Commercial; To the east: Commercial; and To the west: Commercial. 8. The adjacent propel1ies are zoned as follows: To the north:. To the south: To the east: To the west: CO; CO; CO; and CO. 9. The area is level and is currently developed with two single-family residences and a multi-unit structure. The adjacent properties are developed with the following ,uses: . To the north: To the south: To the east: To the west: medical offices; single family residences; single family residence; and single family residences. 10. The Hospital is a publicly operated health facility. Conclusions: Based on the information provided in the public record including the application file, the staff report and its attachment, written comments received during the public comment period, the Planning Commission's deliberation, and the above findings, the City of Port Angeles Planning Commission herehy concludes: A. The following Comprehensive Plan Policies are most relevant to the proposal, Land Use Policies A I ami A2, and D 1 and 02. B. The proposed rezone is consistent with Comprehensive Plan Policies Al and A2, and 01 and 02. c. The proposed rc,:onc is in the public use and intercst and,is compatible with thc surrounding zoning amI land uses. . Tht.' motion was seconded by Commissioner Hewins, and passed 6 - O. 106 IL . . - PLANNING DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT TO: Planning Commission FROM: Planning Department DATE: June 10, 1998 RE: REZ 98-04 APPLICANT: Olympic Memorial Hospital O\VNER: Olympic Memorial Hospital LOCATION: Lots 1,2, east Ih of Lot 3, 16, 17, 18 Hart and Cooke's Subdivision of Block 31, Townsite of Port Angeles which are located between Caroline and Georgiana Streets iI11I!1ediately west of Chambers Street. REQUEST: The proposal is to rezone 5~ lots, approximately 38,500 s.f. of property, from CO (CommerciaL Office) to PBP (Public Buildings and Permits), please see Attachment A. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: The SEP A Responsible Official issued a Mitigated Determination of Non-Significance for the proposal on June 8, 1998 (attached as Attachment B). The MDNS comment period for the MDNS ran until June 23, 1998. BACKGROUND: The proposed rezone is part of the applicant's overall proposal to develop the subject site-(the area of the proposed rezone) with a 15,000 '020,000 s.f. medical building. The overa:I1 proposal includes this rezone request and a street vacation request for the western portion of the Caroline Street and Georgiana Street alley adjacent to the subject lots. This application is for a site specific rezone and is limited to a single public hearing \\rhich is currently scheduled before the City Coun. cil on July 7, 1998. The Planning Commission will make its recommendation solely 011 the infonnation contained in the file ahdits discussion during the public meeting. The public had an opportunity to comment omthe proposal during the noticed wrinen comment period which ran from May 22 to June 3, 1998. 'Any written comments received during this time are included as part of this staff report. The public will also be able to give verbal testimony at the public hearing before the City CounciL Please keep in mind this is a rezone decision and there is no assurance that a specific project will be 107 c i:;>:;" .;.:"1.... p1.anniDgDepanment Staff Report REZ 98-04 - Olympic Memorial Hospital June 24. 1998 Page 2 Please keep in mind this is a rezone decision and there is no assurance that a specific project will be developed as a result of this action. . DISCUSSION: Location and Existing Land Uses: The area proposed for rezone consists of 5Y% townsite lots located on the west side of Chambers Street betWeen Caroline and Georgiana Streets. The area is level and is currently developed with two single-family residences and a multi-unit structUre. The adjacent propenies are developed with the following uses: ( . To the nonh: To the south: To the east: To the west: medical offices; single family residences: sin2le family residence: and _ . 1 single family residences. Zomng Ordinance Review: The purpose of the CO and PBP zones are as follows: en - This is a commercial zone intended for those business, office, administrative or professional uses which do not involve the retail sale of goods. but rather provide a sen.ice to clients. the provision of which does not create high traffic volumes. involve extended hours of operation, or contain impacts that would' be detrimental to adjacent residential areas. . PEP Zone _ The purpose of the Planned Residential Development Overlay Zone is to provide alternative zoning regulations which permit and encourage design flexibility. conservation and protection of natural amenities critical areas. and innovation in residential developments to those regulations found in theuhOerlying zone. It is intended that a Planned Residential Development will result in a residential environment of higher quality than traditional lot-by-lot development by use of a design process which includes within the site design all the components of a residential neighborhood, such as open space, circulation, building types, and natural features. in a manner consonant with the public health, safety, and welfare. ! I t is also intended that a Planned Residential Development may combine a numbe~ ofland use decisions such as conditional use permits, rezones, and subdivisions into a single project review process to encourage timely public hearings and decisions and to provide for more open space and transitional housing densities than is required or may be permitted between single family and multi-family zones. The consolidation of permit reviews does not exempt' applicant( s) from meeting the regulations and submitting the' fees and applications normally required for the underl~ing permit processes. . 108 . . . <i'i '-c, PIanniDs DepIutmeDt StafrReport REZ 98-04 - Olympic Memorial Hospital JUDe 24, 1998 Page 3 The adjacent properties are zoned as follows: To the north: To the south: To the east: To the west: co; CO; CO; and CO. Comprehensive ,Plan Review: The subj'ect area is designated Commercial by the Comprehensive Plan'Land Use Map. The description of the Commercial designation is as follows. 'The Land Use Map contains one commercial category, thus providing maximum flexibility to the City's Zoning OrtJinanc~ in regulating the types of commercial uses and their Permitted locations. " The properties adjacent to the subject site are designated as follows: To the north: To the south: To the east: To the west: Commercial; Commercial; Commercial; and Commercial. In the interest of conciseness, only those policies found to be most relevant have been cited. However, all policies have been taken into consideration. ~and Use Element Policies ,I Goal A, Policy No.1 - "The Comprehensive Plan Land use map should b,e used as 'a conceptual guide for determining current. and long range zoning and other land use decisions. The map's land use designations are intended to shaw areas ~l1,ere general land use types are allawedThe area between land use designatiOns shoUld be. considered an imprecise margin in order to provide flexibility in determining the boundary of such areas. When determining appropriate zoning designations for an area near a margin, the goals, policies and objectives of the Land Use Element should take precedence. " Goal A,Policy No.2. - "All land use decisions and approvals made by the City Council and/or ~ of its appointed Commissions, Boards or Committees should be consist~nt with the Comprehensive Plan and its land use map. " I. j Goal D,. Policy.No. 1 - "The i City should encourage neW and existing commercial developments and businesses which are consistent with the goals and policies of this Comprehensive Plan. " 109 PIaJmiDg Department StafrReport RFZ 98-04 - Olympic Memorial Hospital JUDe 24, 1998 Page 4 Goal D, Policy No. 2 - "Public uses such as government offices, public service buildings, and other public and quasi-public facilities and services may be allowed in commercially designated areas. " The subject area is one step in the process of developing the site as an expansion of the ~xisting hospital facility. Because the subject property is designated Commercial, the use of the property as a public health facility is consistent with the description of the Commercial designation. Public Comments: No written comments have been received by the Planning Department regarding this application. Other Department Comments: The Public Works Department and the Fire Department indicated they have either no comments or no objections to the proposed rezone (please Attachments C and D). DEPARTMENT RECOMMENDATION: The Planning Department recommends the Planning Commission forward to the City Council a recommendation for approval of rezone application REZ 98-04 as proposed, citing the following findings and conclusions. Findings: Based on the information provided in the public record including the application file, the staff report and its attachments,- comments received during the public comment penod, and the Planning Commission's deliberation, the City of Port Angeles Planning Commission hereby finds: 1. The applicant, Olympic Memorial Hospital submitted the application to the Planning Department on May 5, 1998. A Determination of Completeness'was issued on May 22, 1998 and the public's written comment period ran from May 22, 1998 to June 3, 1998. 2. The proposal is to rezone 5~ lots, approximately 38,500 s.f of property, from CO (Commercial, Office) to PBP (Public Buildings and Permits). Please see Attachment A to the Planning Department Staff Report for REZ 98-04 dated lune 24, 1998. 3. The proposed rezone is part of the applicant's overall proposal to develop the subject site (the area of the proposed rezone) with a 15,000 to 20,000 s.f medical buDding. The overall proposal includes this rezone request and a street vacation request for the western portion of the Caroline Street and Georgiana Street alley adjacent to the 110 ~~'7". ."~,,~' ~~"'':'.~~' --';'6' .z.~ . . . . . . P1aImiDg Depe.rtment statrlUlport REZ 98..04 . Olympic Memorial Hospital subject lots. ....,..'.. ..~ ... Juoc 24,1998 Pap S 4. The SEPA Responsible Official issued a Mitigated Determination of Non-Significance for the proposal on June 8, 1998 (included as Attachment B to, the Planning Department Staff Report for REZ 98-04 dated June 24, 1998).. The MONS comment period for the MONS ran until June 23, 1998. . 5. No written comments were received for either the rezone application or the MONS. II.' 6. The area of the proposed rezOne is designated Commercial by the City's Comprehensive Plan and is zoned Commercial, Office. 7. The properties adjacent to the subject site are designated by the City's Comprehensive Plan as follows: To the north: To the south: To the east: To the west: Commercial~ Commercial~ Commercial~ and Commercial. \. , 8. The adjacent properties are zoned as follows: . To the north: To the south: To the east: To the west: CO~ CO~ CO~ and CO. 9. The area is level and is currently developed with two single-family residences and a multi-unit structure. The adjacent properties are developed with the following uses: To the north: To the south: To the east: To the west: medical offices; single family residences; single family residence; and single family residences. 10. The Hospital is a publicly operated health facility. Conclusions: Based on the information provided in the. public record including the application file, the staff report andl its attachment, written comments received during the public comment period, the Planning Commission's deliberation, and the above findings, the City of Port Angeles Planning Commission hereby concludes: . 111 Planning Department Staft"Report REZ 98.()4 - OlympicManarial Hospital June 24. 1998 Page 6 A The following Comprehensive Plan Policies are most relevant to the proposal, Land Use Policies At and A2, and Dt and D2. . B. The proposed rezone is consistent with Comprehensive Plan Policies At and A2, and Dt andD2. . C.. The proposed' rezone is in the public use and interest and is compatible with the . surrounding zoning and land uses. I . This action constitutes a recOmmendation to the City Council, which has final authority. REZ9104.PCI 112 \":";:!i~'. ~.~''''.r-'-~t \ . - ~ ~ '~~\: ..... '-:.;ol --c; . ;. / . -- ( CITY OF PORT ANGELES Rezone Application -10 .~ PLEASE READ ALL INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE COMPLETING THIS FORM 1. (A) APPLICANT L indberQ I\rchitects for 01vniPic Memorial DaytimePhone 452-6116 ,. Address 319 S. Peabody, Pnrt Ana~l~s) ~A 98362 Phone (B) PROPERTY OWNER (if other than applicant) Olympic' Memoria 1 Hosoita 1 Property Owner's Address (if other than applicant) 939 Caro 1 i ne Street Port Angeles. WA 98362 Daytime Phone 417-7000 (C) APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE if other than applicant or property owner Phone 2. (A) Legal Description of Subject Property Lots 1,2. E 1/2 Lot 3. 1~ 17. 18 Hart and Cool(l=I IS .SUbdiViSi'on of Suburban '310(:1< Nn ~l T~ nr Pnrt Angeles (B) General Location of Subject Property S~! Corner of Caroline and Chambers Strpet. 3. Size of Subject Property 38.500 sq.ft. . blocks acres. 4, Zonin'g of Subject Property C.O. Corrmercial Office Proposed Zoning Designation PRP 5. Characteristics of Subject Property (how is it developed) Prooerty ~as currently been develooed as single family residential. 6. Characteristics of S,urrounding Area (what uses are around the property) Medical Offices, Single Family ~esidp.nce5 .7. Comprehensive Plan Designation of Property Corrmercial 113 lIIT OF PORT ANGELES Planmng Depanment. 11/ East Fifth Street. P.O. Box "50. Port Angeles. WA .98162 (360) 4/7.<1750 ~"""r\!I. r l\ ~ ^... ~ b. .1 ! ( t Rezone Application , Page 2 of2 8. Comprehensive Plan Designation of Surrounc:ting Properties COl1ll1erc 1 a 1 Applicable Compo Plan policies land Use Policy .1\-1, A-2 Objective A-l. Commercial Policy 0-2, Economic Development Posicy A-l, A-4 . 9. JUSTIFICATION FOR ZONING CHANGE (A) Relationship to Comprehensive Plan As per conmercial Goal D-2.!::lublic uses such as the Hospital are allowed under the current oolicy in commercial areas. I . (B) Suitability of Property for Proposed Zoning The property is near the ~losoital (PBP) and is a logical location for Hospital ~xpansion. The adjacent property is primarily being used for medical offices, so the expansion of hospital uses In.t~lS area only enhance the surroundinQ property and their uses. (C) Change in Circumstances Since Original Zoning Since the orioina 1 zonino chance the hosoital has expanded and grown dramatically. Their current site north of .~ Caroline Street has just about been maximized. Exoandino to the South is a logical and needed alternative. . (D) Inappropriateness of Current Zoning Th~ curr~rJt zone is 1 imitinrJ because the intended scal~ of buildinqs in the CO ZOrJe is not aoorooriate for ~osDital IIC::P Thp P8P Znne I.till <,11m.) Tor more lot CQ"eraoe (5%) and tall~r btHldina {5') than the co Zone. In addition'" thec~aract;r ca'n relate 'more to '. hosnital use tharJ, residential as required in a CO Zone. 10. I CERTIFY that all of the above statements are true to the b t of my knowledge and acknowledge that wilful ,misrepresentation of informatio ediately terminate this application. tJ Date . File No. \~E z_ (t 8 ..c-.l\ - Received ,.::::; /5/9/ I . Hearing(s) y/n.".. '//7 / -r>--../' If ~ -c..- ~ -;~ ~I d-'-'L L:;-) 114 , Ii ' '7r.,~,..... AI. . . . I;~:'~;i,~~t>?f~~,,\rti.t/?;S':':~r;' s?:: :,:.> fL:" ,,' ',.," \ f:??;e<f::{;"';5::{~:fF~i /'"- I , C"';;:;' ;d."',....,'. :"':~ \l:-..;-\j' /,,:'.-'f (. ~YF~\ 'N' "]~ .~ fLl__... . - __._ _._h .~ .' . "JS~ ..~. l;-~ I'e lk '?, 1 b # r1'~ J ~ 4- =~'1.. . -T~- DfP1- . ;~ '1':. ~ t1JIJIM1'l~. JAEM~'~L.) \:~rr":t;;-:~_-:~ ..' . =pe, p. Zo~6 .C()~ . . n rr rt 115 A:::' C.b-12. 01.-1 He ~I' . \-=- \f\ -r. ~. .~. '7 ~ '1:. q' 1 '2 . 'i.lh. .... . ~ ldf?- . ~~I ~o ~I? .iI5U~~V~ ~H. . 4SU~~ ~ ~I jMt8t1i ..If PI).' . .. . . - I I .. - - .. - -- - . .. ........ .. . . - . CO~ . . he"f2.~I" H'" ~ .- . _-~l co Z'ONe tfA~tt- ) " .~ n 1 50 1 ~A~e .. , I . ~ I' (1\ , Li- i 4- :t: ~ ~1 . . . 116 1- . . . ,.;,~t:;;:'<; (~ r' NO. 80.1.. "J ,.~ CITY QF PORT ANGELES *MITIGA TED DETERM IN A TIO~ OF NON SIGNIFICANCE RCW Chapte:r I tJ7-II-J40 Description of Proposal: A proposal to rezone property designated CO. Commercial Office.,to P~P, Public Buildings and Parks, and to construct a ,20.000 square foot medical office building. APPLICANT: ) OLYMPIC MEMORIAL HOSPITAL ( . Location of Proposal (including street address, .if any): Lots I and 2, and the east one half of Lot 3. all of Lot 16, 17, 18, Hart and Cook's Subdivision of Suburban Lot 31, Townsite of Port Angeles, Washington, generally locat~ between Georgiana'and Caroline Streets immediately adjacent to Chambers Street. /0,32 Caroline.. ~"/n;c:.-c. Lead Agency: CITY OF PORT ANGELES The lead agency for this proposal has detennined that it does not have a probable significant adverse impact on the environment. An environmental impact statement (EIS) is not required under RCW 43.21 C.030(2)(c). This decision was made after review of a completed envirmunental checklist and other infonnation on file with the lead agency. This infonnation is available to the public on request. [XX] This DNS is issued under WAC 197-11-340(2); the lead agency will not act on this proposal for 15 days from the date of issuance. Comments'must be submitted by J.une 23. 1998,at which time. the DNS may be retained, modified, or withdrawn. ] There is no comment period for this DNS. ] This DNS is issued per WAC 197-11-355. There is no comment period. June 8. 1998 Date ~~ Br~jcollins~ Planning Direct~~ .. You nuy appeal this determination to the Pon Angeles City CounCil through the Planning Depanment. 321 East Fifth Street. Pon Angeles. W A 98362. by subminmg such wnnen appeal to the Planning Department no later than Ju1~ 199B. You should be prepared to make specific factual obJections. Responsible Official: Brad Colhns. Planning Director. PonAngeles Plannmg Depanmenl.321 East Fifth Street. Port Angeles. WA 98362. phone (360) 417 - 4750. " · MUlgauon..Mc:asurcs; . I Traffic clrculallan shall be: per a slIe plan approved by the: City Engmc:c:r. :! ",cce:ss t~r public safcty and utility Semcc: through the alley shall be: approved by the: Cny Engmeer J DesIgn and landscaping requirements as well as the setback requIrements shall be the same as 'or the CommerCIal Office: lone. " flub: 11111198 Mall: 0/9/98 117 AlTN:t-\~~HT 1> '1 / 118 1 . I . . . . . ~-~,~... 'f ,'- ( r PLANNING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM 321 East Fifth Street. Port Angeles. Washington (360) 417-4750 J ,oI.ANN\"G May 13, f998 TO: t..Pttf)lic Works Department Fire Department PlA~~~b ~~~f~~~ENT SUB]: REZONE APPLICATION - REZ 98-04 OLYMPIC MEMORIAL HOSPITAL - West side of Chambers Street between Georgiana and Caroline Streets The applicant has applied to rezone propeny currently zoned CO, Commercial Office. to PBP. Public, Buildings and Parks. Olympic Memorial Hospital is the owner of the subject six lots. Please review those issues that relate to your departmental concerns and respqpd to the Planning Department no later than May 25, 1998 If the proposal will result in any property's LOS for City services being reduced below that required by the Comprehensive Plan, please note those conditions of approval that would be necessary to reach compliance. I f you have any questions, please call or stop by the department. Thank you. t-..:l' ~ u '-:, j c..:h -u-:> c\... /~ J CI ~ .A- lSZ- 119 C, \ "_;:; t ",., A /7 "..... ~ rc 1/ I.__--.J r /,.-~ ~ /?~i~ ATr~M'E~ r. 120 .:.'... '1 . ( . . . MEMORANDUM Coral Wheeler Administrative Assistant ext 4650 ~uce W. Becker . Fire Chief ext 4651 Daniel K. McKeen Fire Marshal ext 4653 L. Keith Bogues Training Officer ext 4652 James B. (Duke) Moroz Medical Officer ext 4665 360-417-4655 . ~" ;;,-.,~: '" (0 r ROU'l'B TO I Building Dept. 1:1 Planning Dept. II Public Works IJ Ci ty Manager 1:1 DATE: May 18, 1998 . I(D) IE ~ /En I'U fP,1 ~ .11lJ MAY I 9-/~.. lJiji '1'0: Planning Department PORT ANGELES PLANNING DEPARTMENT PROM: Dan Mc~een, Fire Marshal ~r- RE: Rezone Application - REZ 98 - 04 Olympic Memorial Hospital - West side of Chambers Street between Georgiana and Caroline Streets ." The Fire Department has reviewed the request for a rezone from commercial office (CO) to public buildings and parks (PBP) and has no objections. DM/CW FP - 26 Page 1 of 1 121 ATrACHM~ \) r-- 'l '. . . 122 . . . ; ):'7, ~' / , In)! _ I": -;- 12 ).: V r I LA ,-! r...-', PLANNING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM Brad Collins, Director, Extension 475 J : Sue Roberds, Extension 4750: David Sawyer, Extension 4752 July 16, 1998 TO: Mayor Braun, City Council members, and Interim Manager Pittis FROM: Planning Department, Brad Collins, Planning Director SUBJ: REZONE APPLICATION - REZ 98-03 NORTHWEST PERMIT - Ninth Street between Lincoln and Laurel Streets RECOMMENDATION/ACTION: Following the scheduled public hearing, staff recommends that the City Council concur with the recommendation of the Planning Commission by adoption of the attached draft ordinance but cite revised findings and conclusions, which are attached BACKGROUND/SUMMARY: I On July 8, 1998~ the Planning Commission conducted a public meeting for consideration of a request submitted by Northwest Permit to rezone property from RS-7, Residential Single Family to CSD, Community Shopping District. Following the meeting, the Planning Commission voted 6 - 0 to recommend approval of the proposal.. Staff's report and an excerpt oftbe Planning Commission's minutes are included for your review. Following review with the City Attorney, the Planning Department is recommending that a revised set of findings and conclusions be cited in support of the Planning Commission's recommendation. The revised findings and conclusions are consistent with \ those cited by the Planning Commission but have been revised to reflect the rezone in general and not the specific project and to add a finding regarding changes in circumstance. Staff wiJl be available for questions. ~~~ Brad Collins, Planning Director Attachments: Ordinance Revised Findings and Conclusions Minutes Staff Reports 123 ,---:c- . --- . I . . 124 . . . . CONDmONS, FINDINGS, AND CONCLUSIONS IN SUPPORT OF REZONE APPLICATION REZ 98-03, Northwest Permit: Findings: Based on the infonnation provided in the public record including the application file, the staff report and its attachments,commeq!s rec~ived dtJring the public comment period, the Planning Conu:nission's deliberation, and the public hearing testimony, the Port Angeles City Council hereby finds: 1. The applicant, Northwest Permit submitted the application to the Planning Dq>artment on February 9, 1998. A Determination of Completeness was issued on February 12, 1998, and the written public.comment period initially ran from February 12, 1998 to February 27, 1998. In response to public request, the public written comment period was extended to March 6, 1998. 2. The proposal is to rezone four lots (Lots 13, 14, 15 and 16 of Block 268 in the Townsite of Port Angeles), approximately 28,000 square feet of property, from RS-7, Residential Single Fami,lyt() CSD, Commercial Shopping District (Attachment A to the Planning Department ~taffReport for REZ 98-03 dated July 8, 1998). 3. The proposed rezone is part of the applicant's overall proposal to develop 90,000 s.f of the southwest comer of Lincoln, Street and 8th Street (extending to 9th Street) with an approximately 17,000s.f retail store. The overall proposal includes this rezone request and a street. vacation request for the eastern portion of the EighthlNinth Streets alley. 4. As part of the application's SEPA review, a traffic analysis was requested of the applicant on February 13, 1998. 5. On April 20, 1998, the Planning Department received a letter from the applicant waiving the City's 120 day permit processing requirement due to the applicant's delay in preparing the requested traffic analysis. 6. On May 14, 1998, the Planning Department received the requested traffic analysis and on June 3, 1998, the Planning Department re~eived an addendum to the analysis With comments regarding Ninth Street, Laurel Street, and the Eighth/Ninth Streets alley. 7. This application was originally scheduled for Planning Commission consideration on March 11, 1998, at which time it was continued, due to lack ofa traffic report and a SEPA determination, to April 22, 1998. On Aprl122, 1998, it was again continued for the same reason until June 10, 1998, at which time it was continued until July 8, 1998, to accommodate th~ resulting Mitigat~d Determination of Non Significance (MONS) required commeni.period. 125 The SEP A Responsible 6fli,cial issued a MDNS . for the proposal on June 3" 1998 (Attachment B to the PlanningDepartme~t~taffReport for REZ 98-03 dated July 8, 1998). Mitigation measures include no coinmercial traffic access to the project site from Ninth Street. The'MONS was mailed to all persons who submitted written 8. comments related to the applicant's environmental checklist, and the comment period for the MDNS ran until June 19, 1998. . 9. On June 26, 1998, the City's SEP A Responsible Official re-issued the Mitigated Determination of Non-Significance with an additional mitigation measure requiring certain development aspects of the project be subject to further review. 10. The public had an opportunity to comment on the proposal during the written comment period provided which ran !fom February 12 to March 6, 1998. All of the written comments received during this time are included as Att~chment D to the Planning Department Staff Report for REZ 98-03 dated July 8, 1998. The issues addressed include increased traffic on Ninth Street, potential crime, increased noise and lighting, the general impact of the project on the Cherry Hill residential area, and the availability of alternative commercial properties. 11. The subject area is within the undesignated area between the Comprehensive Plan's Commercial land use designation to the north and the Residential designation to the south. It is currently zoned RS- 7. 12. The subject area is level and is currently developed with two single-family residences and an unimproved parking lot used by a business located on property to the north of the rezone area. The adjacent properties are developed with the following uses: To the north: To the south: To the east: To the west: commercial uses~ single family residences~ single family residence~ and single family residences. . 13. The adjacent properties are zoned as follows: To the north: - To the south: To the east: To the west: CSD; RS-7~ CSD~ and RS-7. 14. The City's Comprehensive Plan identifies Lincoln Street as a principal arterial street and Eighth Street as a minor arterial street. 15. The traffic analysis noted the Eighth and Lincoln Street intersection currently functions at an average level of service (LOS) D, and projected that in the year 2000 it will continue to function at an average LOS ofD withand without the proposed project. 126 16. The traffic analysis noted the Eighth and Lincoln Street intersection currently functions at a seasonal level of service (LOS) E, and projected that in the year 2000 it will-continue to function at a seasonal LOS ofE without the proposed project, and a seasonal LOS of F with the project as proposed. The report projects the intersec~ion will operate at a seasonal LOS of E with the project if the project is subject to the report's mitigation measures. . . . . 'd.' ' 17. The City Engineer reviewed the!traffic analysis and recommended a revision to the report's mitigation measures. With the project.subject to the revised mitigation measures, the City Epgiqe~r states the ~~~~age LOS for the Eighth and Lincoln Streets intersection will remain at D in tlie year 2000, and the seasonal LOS will remain at E. 18. The Department of Transportation comments are included as Attachment E to the Planning Department Staff Report for REZ 98-03 dated July 8, 1998. They address the impact of the overall project on the Lincoln Street and 8th Street intersection, stormwater issues, signage requirements, and a recommendation the proposed development of the overall site be accessed from 9th Street instead of Lincoln Street (SR 101). 19. Since the zoning for the subject property was adopted, there have been several changes in circumstances relevant to the proposed rezone. First, the City has approved several other rezones and/or street vacations in the ~e zone and vicinity due to the need to locate larger scale retail stores than can be 'placed in the existing block and street grid pattern. Second, the closure of the Rayonier Mill and expansion of retail activity outside the City limits have occurred which have had a depressing effect on business reinvestment in the' City's retail areas. Conclusions: Based on the information provided in the public record including the application file, the staff report and its attachments, written comments received during the public comment period, the Planning Commission's deliberation, the public hearing testimony, apd the above findings, the Port Angeles City Council hereby concludes: A. The following Comprehensive Plan Policies are most relevant to the proposal: Land Use Policies Al and A2, Cl, 01, and E7. B. The proposed rezone as mitigated in the 'project's revised MONS dated June 26, 1998, is consistent with Comprehensive Phm Policies Al and A2, C1, 01, and E7. C. The proposal is in the public use and interest and is compatible with the surrounding zoning and land uses. O. The proposed rezone will result in an increase of economic activity in the City, which is in the public interest. E. As mitigated in the project's revised MDNS dated June 26, 1998, the proposal will not have a negative impact on adjacent residentially zoned and developed 'properties along Ninth Street. . 127 If the property is not developed as part of the applicant's overall development plan as described in Attachment A to the Planning Departl11ent Staff Report for REZ 98-03 dated July 8, 1998, and as mitigated in the project's revised MONS attached as Attachment B to the Planning Department. Staff Report for REZ 98-03 dated July 8, 1998, the City should amend the Comprehensive Plan policies to ensure that high intensity commerial development is served by arterial streets of sufficient size to F. satisfy traffic demand and to lessen neighborhood traffic congestion or consider a rezone of the property back to RS.7. Adopted by the Port Angeles City Council at its meeting of July 21, 1998. . Gary Braun, Mayor BeckyJ.- Upton, City Clerk A:IMEMO.CC4" . 128 . , '~'.. ..C""'.'< :""',':'\"." . ORDINANCE NO, AN ORDINANCE of the Ci~ of Port Angeles rezoning property located m Block 268 of the Townsite of Port Angeles from Residential Single Family to Community Shoppmg District and amending . Ordinance No. 2801, as amended. . WHEREAS, 'the Planning Commission of the City of Port Angeles has held ~ public meeting and recorded its recommendation to the City Council in the Planning Commission minutes of July 8, 1998; and WHEREAS, the requirements of the State Environmental Policy Act (Chapter 43.21CRCW) have been met; and WHEREAS, the City Council, after a public hearing, finds that said rezone would be in the best interest of the City and its citizens, would be consistent with the changed circumstances since the previous zoning designation was adopted, and would be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan; NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES DOES HEREBY ORDAIN as follows: Section 1. The Official Zoning Map (Ordinance No. 2801) is hereby amended to change the zoning of the following described properties from RS- 7, Residential Single Family, to CSD, Community Shopping District: Lots 13~ 14, 15, and 16, Block 268, Townsite of Port Angeles. Section 2. The City Clerk is hereby directed to attach a copy of this Ordinance to the Official Zoning Map and to file a certified cop'y with the Clallam County Auditor and Clallain County Assessor. Section 3. This Ordinance shall become effective five (5) days after the daJe of publication. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said (;ouncil held on ~he 21 st day of July, 1998. Gary Braun, Mayor ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: . Becky 1. Upton, City Clerk PUBLISHED: Craig Knutson, City Attorney By Summary 129 ~ .'"\ "", . ( . . . . . . CONDITIONS, FINDINGS, AND CONCLUSIONS IN SUPPORT OF REZONE APPLICATION REZ 98-03, Northwest Permit: Findings: Based on the information provided in the public record including the application file, the staff report and its attachments, comments received during the public comment period, and the Planning Commission's deliberation, the City of .Port Angeles Planning Commission hereby finds: I 1. The applicant, Northwest Permit submitted the application to the Planning Department on February 9, 1998. A Detennination of Completeness was issued on February 12, 1998, and the written public comment period initially ran from February 12, 1998 to February 27, 1998. In response to public request, the public written comment period was extended to March 6, 1998. 2. The proposal is to rezone four lots (Lots 13, 14, 15 and 16 of Block 268 in the Townsite of Port Angeles), approximately 28,000 square feet of property, from RS-7, Residential Single Family to CSD, Commercial Shopping District (Attachment A to the Planning Department Staff Report for REZ 98-03 dated July 8, 1998). 3. The proposed rezone is part of the applicant's overall proposal to develop 90,000 s.f. of the southwest comer of Lincoln Street and 8th Street (extending to 9th Street) with an approximately 17,000 s.t: retail store. The overall proposal includes this rezone request and a street vacation request for the eastern portion of the EighthlNinth Streets alley. 4. As part of the application's SEP A review, a traffic analysis was requested of the appli<?ant on February 13, 1998. 5.. On April 20, 1998, the Planning Department received a letter from the applicant waiving the City's "120 day permit processing requirement due to the applicant's delay in preparing the requested traffic analysis. 6. On May 14, 1998, the Planning Department received the requested traffic analysis and on June 3, 1998, the Planning Department received an addendum to the analysis with comments regarding Ninth Street, Laurel Street, and the EighthlNinth Streets alley. 7. This application was originally scheduled for Planning Commission consideration on March 11, 1998, at which time it was continued, due to lack of a traffic report and a SEP A determination, to April 22, 1998. On April 22, 1998, itwas again continued .for the same reason until June 10, 1998, at which time it was continued until July 8, 1998, to accommodate the resulting Mitigated Determination of Non Significance (MDNS) required comment period. 8. The SEPA Responsible Official issued a MDNS for the proposal on June 3, 1998 (Attachment B to the Planning Department Staff Report for REZ 98-03 dated July 8, 1998). The MDNS was mailed to all persons who submitted written comments .. # 1--- I "- related to the applicant's environmental checklist, and the comment period for the MDNS ran until June 19, 1998. 9. On June 26, 1998, the City's SEPA Responsible Official re-issued the Mitigated Determination of Non-Significance with an additional mitigation measure requiring certain development aspects of the project be subject to further review. . 10. The public had an opportunity to comment on the proposal during the written comment period provided which ran from February 12 to March 6, 1998. All ofthe written comments received during this time are included as Attachment D to the Planning Department Staff Report for REZ 98-03 dated July 8, 1998. The issues addressed include increased traffic on Ninth Street, potential crime-, increased noise and lighting, the general impact of the project on the Cherry Hill residential area, and the availability of alternative commercial properties. 11. The subject area is within the undesignated area between the Comprehensive Plan's Commercial land use designation to the north and the Residential designation to the south. It is currently zoned RS- 7.- 12. The subject area is level and is currently developed with two single-family residences and an unimproved parking lot used by a business located on property to the north of the rezone area. The adjacent properties are developed with the following uses: To the north: To the south: To the east: To the west: commercial uses; single family residences; single family residence; and single family residences. . 13. The adjacent properties are zoned as follows: To the north: To the south: To the east: - To the west: CSD; RS-7; CSD; and RS-7. 14.' The City's Comprehensive Plan identifies Lincoln Street as a principal arterial street and Eighth Street as a minor arterial street. 15. The traffic analysis noted the Eighth and Lincoln Street intersection currently functions at an average level of service (LOS) D, and projected that in the year 2000 it will continue to function at an average LOS of D with and without the proposed project. 16. The traffic analysis noted the Eighth and Lincoln Street intersection currently functions at a seasonal level of service (LOS) E, and projected that in the year 2000 it will continue to function at a seasonal LOS ofE without the proposed project, and a seasonal LOS of F with the project as proposed. The report projects the intersection will operate at a seasonal LOS of E with the project if the project is subject to the report's mitigation measures. . 132 . . . -'~:""";~~""'~"'.)';;"/'O,1"" '" t': Y~~'-''':~''''-:t~..;-,?*.~~~~,~i~,.t '>'-"i>',.:,.' 17. The City Engineer reviewed the traffic analysis and recommended a revision to the report's mitigation measures. With the project subject to the revised mitigation measures, the City Engineer states the average LOS for the Eighth and Lincoln Streets intersection will remain at Din tlleyear 2000, and the seasonal LOS will remain at E. . 18. The Department of Transportation comments are included as Attachment E to the Planning Department Staff Report for REZ 98-03 dated July 8, 1998.. They address the impact of the overall project on the Lincoln Street and 8th Street intersection, stormwatei: issues, signage requirements, and a recommendation the proposed development ofthe overall site be accessed from 9th Street instead of Lincoln Street (SR 101). Conclusions: Based on the information provided in the public record including the application file, the staff report and its attachments, written comments received during the public comment period, the Planning Commission's deliberation, and the above findings, the City of Port Angeles Planning Commission hereby concludes: , , A. The following Comprehensive Plan Policies are most relevant to the proposal, Land Use Policies Al and A2, CI, DI, and E7. B. If the property is developed as part of the applicant's overall development plan as described in Attachment A to the Planning Department Staff Report for REZ 98-03 dated July 8, 1998 and mitigated in the project's revised MDNS attached as Attachment B to the Planning Department Staff Report for REZ 98-03 dated July 8, 1998, the rezone is consistent with Comprehensive Plan Policies A I and A2, C 1, D 1, and E7. C. If the property is developed as part of the applicant's overall development plan as described in Attachment A to the Planning Department Staff Report for REZ 98-03 dated July 8, 1998 and mitigated in the project's revised MDNS attached as Attachment B to the Planning Department 8taffReport for REZ 98-03 dated July 8, 1998, the rezone is in the public use and interest and is compatible with the surrounding zoning and land uses. ' D. If the property is developed as part of the applicant's overall development plan as described in Attachment A to the Planning Department Staff Report for REZ 98-03 dated July 8, 1998 and mitigated in the project's revised MDNS attached as Attachment B to the Planning Department Staff Report for REZ 98-03 dated July 8, 1998, the rezone will result in an increase of economic activity in the City. E. Ifthe property is not developed as part of the applicant's overall development plan as described in Attachment A to the Planning Department Staff Report for REZ 98- 03 dated July 8, 1998 and mitigated in the project's revised MDNS attached as Attachment B to the Planning Department Staff Report for REZ 98-03 .dated July 8, 1998, the rezone could have a negative impact on adjacenfresidentially zoned and developed properties along Ninth Street. 13'3 ,---- F. If the property is not developed as part of the applicant's overall development plan as described in Attachment A to the Planning Department Staff Report for REZ 98- 03 dated July 8, 1998 and mitigated in the project's revised MONS attached as Attachment B to the Planning Department Staff Report for REZ 98-03 dated July 8, 1998, the City should consider a rezone of the property back to RS-7. Adopted by the Port Angeles City Council at its meeting of July 21, 1998. Gary Braun, Mayor Becky J. Upton, City Clerk C:\ WP\DAIL Y\MEMO.CC4 134 . . . Planning Commission Minutes July 8. 1998 Page 5 . PUBLIC MEETING: REZONE APPLICATION - REZ 98-03 NORTHWEST PERMIT, Ninth Street hetween Lincoln and Laurel Street: Request to rezone property designated RS-7, Residential Single Family, to CS:q, Community Shopping District. (This item is continued from June 10, 1998.) Commissioner Nutter stated that she has a friend who is a property owner in the area and would stand down from the proceedings if requested to do so. No one objected and so she remained. .) Senior Planner Sawyer reviewed the Planning Department's staff report recommending approval of the request. City Engineer Kenworthy stated that the Eighth Street intersection is fully protected in that left turns are made only with a left turn, arrow. He explained that the difference between fully protected versus permissive traffic signalization is that permissive signalization is a turn at will situation. The City would rather have fully protected signalization at this intersection for the present. . In response to Commissioner Reed, Mr. Sawyer affirmed that Conclusion "F" suggested by staff concludes that if the property is not developed as proposed, it should be rezoned back to its residential designation. Following lengthy discussion regarding the Washington State Department of Transportation's comments as to access onto Lincoln (SR 101), it was determined that whatever development occurs ,on the site would have to satisfy both the State's and the City's concerns to proceed. , '" Commissioner Souders noted that .the Planning Commission's discussiori should be concerned with the highest use that could develop on a CSD-zoned property and whether those uses would be compatible at this location. Planner Sawyer reminded the Commission that the rezone consideration is not fef the entire 2.2 acre development proposal being presented by Northwest Permit, but only for the four most southwesterly lots as the remainder of the properties are already zoned CSD. He added that the environmental review performed for the rezone included the overall development proposal as submitted by Northwest Permit, and if a significantly different development is proposed, additional review under SEP A may result in different mitigation measures. . Engineer Kenworthy responded to Commission Ziakin explaining the difference between average and seasonal traffic counts. Level of service (LOS) criteria are analyzed for average, not seasonal, traffic counts. Seasonal LOS can drop,below what is acceptable for the average LOS. He responded to Commissioner Craver that he-feels comfortable with the proposal and the developer's ability to dealwiththe Department of Transportation's requirements for development of the site. He further explained the information provided to the engineering consultant used to formulate the requested traffic study of the Eighth/Lincoln Street intersection and surrounding streets. 1 q~ Planning Commission Minutes July 8.1998 Page 6 At Commissioner Souders' request, Planner Sawyer noted that mitigation measure No. 7 was added to the proposal's Mitigated Determination of Non Significance following the public/agency comment period by the Planning Director. He agreed that these measures are also addressed in the City's zoning/development standards for the CSD zone. The added mitigation measure requires continued review by the City's SEPA Official of the project's design, landscaping and screening features. He stat~d that as he understood the mitigation measures, a separate SEPA review process for the project's building permit would not be required unless the original plllllS are significantly changed. Although he signed the revised MDNS as the Acting SEP A Official, Brad Collins is the City's SEP A Official, and was the person who originally reviewed the project and issued the Ol:iginal MDNS. Mr. Collins also reviewed the subsequent public/agency comments and worded the additional mitigation measure for the revised MDNS prior to leaving on vacation. Consequently, if the Planning Commission is concerned with the SEP A decision, they may wish to confirm this interpretation of the additional mitigation measure (No.7) with Mr. Collins following his return. The impact of developing the four lots individually was not performed and if proposed, may require further environmental review if the proposed development qualifies for SEP A review. Scott Grainger, Baldridge Group, 600 University #3011, Seattle, 98101, responded at the request of Commissioner Hewins that if the project is required by the. Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) to access onto Ninth Street instead of Lincoln Street, the project would probably not go forward. Access onto Ninth Street would also fly in the face 'of the neighborhood's objections. Commissioner Ziakin summarized that there appear to be four key issues of concern: the reduction of traffic safety; the issue of rezoning back to residential if the subject project does not result as proposed; the WSDOT access issue onto Lincoln Street; and the impact of four additional individual commercial lots being created on Ninth Street. He asked the applicant . about attempts to utilize available'commercial-properties. Mr. Grainger responded that the subject property was not, and is not actively on the market. Based on an in depth market analysis, the subject intersection was considered to be the best site for the market to support the sales in the proposed commercial' store. If the site is not developable as proposed, Rite Aid will either remain at its existing Seventh/Lincoln Street location, or close the store and channel business to the east side store. He explained what criteria are used for site selection. . I . . Commissioner Craver asked Mr. Grainger if Rite Aid has been working with WSDOT. Mr. Grainger indicated that an access permit has been applied for but they have not begun talking about mitigation measures. They are involved with approximately thirty projects state wide with WSDOT and have an excellent working arrangement. If access onto Lincoln Street cannot be obtained, he believes the project will not go forward. Commissioner Reed wondered if, given the criteria of size, compatibility, direct benefit to . the owner/neighborhood, and isolation, could the proposal be considered a spot zone. Planner Sawyer responded that in this case the contiguous CSD zone is being extended and the proposal would not be a case of spot zoning. 136 . . . <ftt~~"1fj"'~'~'~;i)\:,'::~'i,,~"t,,,~ '''';\S~_'~<i' \;:'f; :d/7,,,~~-;'~~'~r\ Planning Commission Minutes July 8, 1998 Page 7 Commissioner Craver was concerned that if rezoned and not developed as intended, the resulting four lots would impact the neighborhood far more than the proposed site development. Commissioner Souders was concerned that the traffic impacts to surrounding neighborhood streets has not been addressed adequately at this point. The traffic report deals mainly with the main arterials, Lincoln and Eighth Streets, but not enough analysis has been performed on the neighboring streets. Commissioner Craver stressed that the professional traffic consultants and the City's Engineering Division has reviewed the situation and has said that the resulting traffic patterns will be acceptable and will not be affected with or without the project by the year 2000. Not being an expert on traffic, she feels that decision makers have to rely on those who are skilled in dealing with traffic impacts. In response to Commissioner Reed, as to what course of action would be taken if the site is not developed as proposed, Planner Sawyer responded that, based upon Conclusion "F" in staff's report, the Planning Commission could direct staff to schedule a rezone request on its agenda for the four subject lots. In response to Commissioner Nutter's statement that Eighth Street has been designated as a cross town bicycle route but that no accomodation to designate the EighthStreet frontage of the site as such has been made, Engineer Kenworthy responded that bicycle lanes require the elimination of parking. Given the width.ofEighth Street at present, only the elimination of parking along one side or the other would allow a designated bicycle lane. Commissioner Craver summarized that the issue is whether this proposal presents a logical location for commercial development or not. 'Commissioner Hewins moved to recommend approval of the rezone as proposed citing the following findings and conclusions: Findings: Based on the information provided in the public record including the application file, .the staff report and its attachments, comments received during the public comment period, and the Planning Commission's deliberation, the City of Port Angeles Planning Commission hereby finds: 1. The applicant, Northwest Permit submitted the application to the Planning Department on February 9, 1998. A Determination of Completeness was issued on February 12, 1998, and the written public comment period initially ran from February 12, 1998 to February 27, 1998. In response to public request, the public written comment period was extended to March 6, 1998. 2. The proposal is to rezone four lots (Lots 13, 14, 15 and 16 of Block 268 in the Townsite of Port Angeles), approximately 28,000 square feet of property, from RS-7, Residential Single Family to CSD, Commercial Shopping District (Attachment A to 137 Planning Commission Minutes July 8.1998 Page 8 the Planning Department Staff Report for REZ 98-03 dated July 8, 1998). . 3. The proposed rezone is part of the applicant's overall proposal to develop 90,000 s.f. of the southwest corner of Lincoln Street and 8th Street (extending to 9th Street) with an approximately 17,000 s.f. retail store. The overall proposal includes this rezone request and a street vacation request for the eastern portion of the EighthlNinth Streets alley. 4. As part of the application's SEP A review, a traffic analysis was requested of the applicant on February 13, 1998. 5. On April 20, 1998, the Planning Department received a letter from the applicant waiving the City's 120 day permit processing requirement dueto the applicant's delay in preparing the requested traffic analysis. 6. On May 14, 1998, the Planning Department received the requested traffic analysis and on June 3, 1998, the Planning Department received an addendum to the analysis with comments regarding Ninth Street, Laurel Street, and the EighthlNinth Streets alley. 7. 10. This application was originally scheduled for Planning Commission consideration on March 11, 1998, at which time it was continued, due to lack ofa traffic report and a SEP A determination, to April 22, 1998. On April 22, 1998, it was again continued for the same reason until June 10, 1998, at which time it was continued until July 8, 1998, to accommodate the resulting Mitigated Determination of Non Significance (MONS) required comment period. . \;,j'"'/ 8. The SEP A Responsible Official issued a MDNS for the proposal on June 3, 1998 (Attachment B to the Planning Department Staff Report for REZ 98-0~ dated July 8, 1998).- The MDNS was mailed to all persons who submitted written comments related to the applicant's environmental checklist, and the comment period for the MDNS ran until June 19, 1998. 9. On June 26, 1998, the City's SEP A Responsible Official re-issued the Mitigated Determination of Non-Significance with an additional mitigation measure requiring certain development aspects of the project be subject to further review. The public had an opportunity to comment on the proposal during the written comment period provided which ran from February 12 to March 6, 1998. All of the written comments received during this time are included as Attachment D to the Planning Department Staff Report for REZ 98-03 dated July 8, 1998. The issues addressed include increased traffic on Ninth Street, potential crime, increased noise and lighting, the general impact of the project on the Cherry Hill residential area, and the availability of alternative commercial properties. . 11. The subject area is within the undesignated area between the Comprehensive Plan's Commercial land use designation to the north and the Residential designation to the south. It is currently zoned RS- 7. 138 -~--- :Ijr,;;;~--'~~':':'?f':;:'r_:~_::""f;'tl:f~:~ Planning Commission Minutes July 8. J 998 Page 9 . 12. The subject area is level and is currently developed with two single-family residences and an unimproved parking lot used by a business located on property to the north of the rezone area. The adjacent properties are developed with the following uses: To the north: To the south: To the east: To the west: commercial uses; single family residences; single.family residence; and single family residences. i3. The adjacent properties are zoned as follows: To the north: To the south: To the east: To the west: CSD; RS-7; CSD;and RS-7. 14. The City's Comprehensive Plan identifies Lincoln Street as a principal arterial street and Eighth Street as a minor arterial street. 15. The traffic analysis noted the Eighth' and Lincoln Street intersection currently functions at an average level of servic~ (LOS) D, and projected that in the year 2000 it will continue to function at an average LOS of D with and without the proposed project. . 16. The traffic analysis noted the Eighth and Lincoln Street intersection currently functions at a seasonal level of service (LOS) E, and projected that in the year 2000 it will continue to function at a seasonal LOS ofE without the proposed project, and 'a seasonal LOS of F with the project as proposed. The report projects the 'intersection will operate at a seasonal LOS of E with the project if the project is subject to the report~s mitigation measures. 17. The City Engineer reviewed the traffic analysis and recommended a revision to the report's mitigation measures. With the project subject to the revised mitigation measures, the City Engineer states the average LOS for the Eighth and Lincoln Streets intersection will remain at D in the year 2000, and the seasonalLOS will remain at E. 18. The Department of Transportation comments are included as Attachment E to the Planning Department Staff Report for REZ 98-03 dated July 8, 1998. They address the impact of the overall project on the Lincoln Street and 8th Street intersection, storm water issues, signage requirements, and a recommendation the proposed development of the overall site be accessed from 9th Street instead of Lincoln Street (SR 101). . Conclusions: Based on the information provided in the public record including the application file, the staff report and its attachments, written comments received during the public comment period, the Planning 139 Planning Commission Minutes July 8, J 998 Page 10 Commission's deliberation;' and the above findings, the City of Port Angeles Planning Commission . hereby concludes: A. The following Comprehensive Plan Policies are most relevant to the proposal, Land Use Policies Al and A2, Cl, Dl, and E7. B. . If the property is developed as part of the applicant's overall development plan as described in Attachment A to the Planning Department Staff Report for REZ 98~03 dated July 8, 1998 and mitigated in the project's revised MDNS attached as Attachment B to the Planning Department Staff Report for REZ 98-03 dated July 8, 1998, the rezone is consistent with Comprehensive Plan Policies Al and A2, Cl, Dl, and E7. C. If the property is developed as part of the applicant's overall development plan as described in Attachment A to the'Planning Department Staff Report for REZ 98-03 dated July 8, 1998 and mitigated in the project's revised MDNS attached as Attachment B to the Planning Department Staff Report for REZ 98-03 dated July 8, 1998, the rezone is in the public use and interest and is compatible with the surrounding zoning and land uses. D. If the property is developed as part of the applicant's overall development plan as described in Attachment A to the Planning Department Staff Report for REZ 98-03 dated July 8, 1998 and mitigated in the project's revised MDNS attached as Attachment B to the Planning Department Staff Report for REZ 98-03 dated July 8, 1998, the rezone will result in an increase of economic activity in the City. . E. lfthe property is not developed as part of the applicant's overall development plan as described in Attachment A to the Planning Department Staff Report for REZ 98- 03 dated July 8, 1998. and mitigated in the project's revised MDNS attached as Attachment B to the Planning Department Staff Report for REZ 98-03 dated July 8, 1998, 'the rezone could have a negative impact on adja.cent resicientially zoned and developed properties along Ninth Street. . F. If the property is not developed as part of the applicant's overall development plan as described in Attachment A to the Planning Department Staff Report for REZ 98- 03 dated July 8, 1998 and mitigated in the project's revised MDNS attached as Attachment B to the Planning Department Staff Report for REZ 98-03 dated July 8, 1998, the City should consider a rezone of the property back to RS- 7. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Craver and passed 4 - 2, with Commissioners Ziakin and Nutter voting in the negative. Commissioner Ziakin stated that although he is in favor of commercial development, he does not believe the rezone is in the best interest of the community due to a reduction in traffic . safety, creeping encroachment into the residential neighborhood, the access issue to Lincoln Street, and the impact of future commercial use of the four lots if the proposal does not go forward. Commissioner Nutter agreed. Chair Reed noted that the City Council will conduct a public hearing on July 21 st, 7 p.m 140 '~r-'.~':' '1- to. c.'-'<. FI LE .. - PLANNING DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT RE: , Planning Commission [ r:.anningD~ \) July 8, 1998 REZ 98-03 I . TO: FROM: DATE: APPLICANT: Northwest Permit LOCATION: The Baldridge Group Lots 13, 14, 15 and 16 of Block 268 in the Townsite of Port Angeles which are located near the northwest intersection of Lincoln Street and 9th Street. OWNER: REQUEST: The proposal is to rezone four lots, approximately 28,000 square feet of property, from RS-7, Residential Single Family to C,~D, Commercial Shopping District (see Attachment A). . ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: The SEP A Responsible 'Official issued a Mitigated Determination of Non-Significance for the proposal on June '3, 1998 (attached as Attachment B). The MONS was mailed to all persons who submitted. written comments related to the applicant's environmental checklist and the comment period for the MONS ran until June 19, 1998. On June 26, 1~98,'the City's SEPA Responsible . Official re-issued the Mitigated Determination of Non-Significance with an additional mitigation measure requiring certain development aspects of the project be subject to further review. BACKGROUND: The proposed rezone is part of the applicant's overall proR9sal to:develop 90,000 s.f. of the southwest comer ofL~coln Street and 8th Street (extending to 9th Street) with an approximately 17,000 s.f. retail store. The overall proposal includes this rezoneiequest and a street vacation request for the eastern portion of the 8th and 9th Streets alley. . This application is for a site specific rezone and is limited to a single public hearing which is scheduled before the City Council on July 21, 1998. The Planning Commission will make its recommendation solely on the informa!ion contained in the file and its disalssion during the public meeting.' The public had an opponunity to comment on the proposal during the noticed written comment period which ran from February 12 to March 6, 1998. All of the written comments received during this time are included as part of this staffreport. The public will also be able to give vernal testimony at the public 141 -:J II~ Ith...j.......: I PIaDDiDI Depar1meDt Staff Report REZ 98-03 - NorthweSt Pemlit_ July 8, 1998 Paae2 . hearing before the City Council. Please keep in mind this is a rezone decision and there is no assurance that a specific project will be developed as a result of this action. DISCUSSION: \ ~ Location and Existing Land Uses: The area proposed for rezone consists of four townsite lots (#13, #14, #15 and #16 of Block 268 TP A) located near the northwest comer of Lincoln Street and 8th Street. . The area is level and is currently developed with two single-family residences and an unimproved parking lot used by a business located on property to the north of the rezone area. The adjacent properties are developed with the following uses: To the north: To the south: To the east: To the west: commercial uses; single family residences; single family residence; and single family residences. Traffic Analysis: . A traffic analysis report prepared for the overall development proposal (a 17,000 s.f. retail store on a 90,000 s.f site) stated the 8th and Lincoln Street intersection currently functions at an average level afseNice (LOS) ofD and projected that in the year 2000 it will continue to function at an average LOS of D with and without the proposed project. The report noted the 8th and Lincoln Street . . intersection currently functions at a seasonal LOS ofE and projected that in the year 2000 it will continue to function at a seasonal LOS ofE without the proposed project and a seasonal LOS ofF with the project. The report also contains reCommended mitigation measures'which are listed as below. 1. Construct appropriate site frontage improvements in accordance with City code requirements. 2. Construct site driveways per applicable engineering requirements. 3. If required by the City modify the existing E. 8th StreetlLincoln Street traffic control signal to provide protective/permissive left turn phasing. 4. If requested by the City, rechanneIize E. 8th Street between Lincoln Street and Laurel Street to provide continuous left turn channelization. . With these mitigation measures, the report projects the intersection's seasonal LOS will remain at E with the proposed project. 142 I . . . PIaDDiD8 DepanmeDl Staff Report REZ 98-03 - Northwest Permit July 8, 1998 Page 3 The City Engineer reviewed the traffic analysis and noted the report used a S% traffic volume growth filctor while the. City and the Peninsula Regional Transportation Planning Organization (RTPO) uses a 2% factor in all projections and models for the City. Consequently, The City Engineer requested . an addendum to the report with revised infonnation based on the 2% growth factor and a review of . the project's potential impact on 9th Street, Laurel Street, and the 8th Street and 9th Street alley. . This.addendum was received on June 3, 1998 and indicated the project would not have a significant impact on these streets based on the project's access on Lincoln Street and 8th Street with no access permitted onto 9th Street. The City Engineer recommended a revision of the report's mitigation. measures to elimiDate the modification of the signal's lc:ft turn phasing in order to keep a higher level of protection for vehicles turning left.. With the project subject to the revised mitigation measures, the City Engineer states the average LOS for the 8th Street and Lincoln Street intersection will remain at D in the year 2000 and using the recalculated projections at the City's standard 2% growth factor, the seasonal LOS will remain at E. Since this application is only for the rezoning of Lots 13, 14, IS, and 16 and not for the applicant's overall development plan, upon which the traffic analysis was based, it is unlikely any commercial development of these 4 lots alone would impact Lincoln Street or 8th Street to a greater degree than that projected in the submitted traffic report. However, since the report's anticipated less than significant impact on 9th Street and Laurel Street is based on the overall site's design with no access onto 9th Street, development of the subject lots individually, would potentially increase traffic on 9th Street. ' Zoning Ordinance Review: The purpose of the RS-7 and CSD zones are as follows: BS::1- This is a low density residential zone intended to create aild preserve urban single family residential neighborhoods consisting of predominantly single family 'homes on standard Townsite-size lots. Uses which are comPQtible with and functionally related to a single family residential environment may also be located - in this zone. CSD. - This is a commercial zone oriented primarily to those businesses serving the immediate needs of the sun'ounding residential zones but is slightly less restrictive than the eN zone and as such provides a transition area fromtJre most restrictive commercial zones to those of lesser restrictions. , , The adjacent properties are zoned as follows: To the north: To the south: To the east: To the west: CSD' , RS-7; CSD; and RS-7. 143 PIaIDJiD8 DeparUDeDl Staff'Report REZ 98.43 - Northwest Permit July 8. 1998 Paae4 . Land Use Element Policies Goal A, Policy No. 1 - "The Comprehensive Plan Land use map should be used as a conceptual guide for determining current and long range zoning and other land use decisions. The map's land use designations are intended to show areas where general land use types are allowed The area between land use designations should be considered an imprecise margin in order to provide flexibility in determining the boundary of such areas. When determining appropriate zoning designations for an area near a margin. the goals. policies and objectives of the Land Use Element should take precedence. " Goal A, Policy No. 2. - "Allland use decisions and approvals made by the City Council . and/or mry of its appointed Commissions, Boards or Committees should be consistent with the'Comprehensive Plan and its land use map. " \ Because the subject propeny is located in the undesignated area between two designated areas, the City CounCil has the option of zoning the propeny consistent with either designation. Which ever is chosen, a conClusion needs to be made that the zoning of the subject propeny is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan's Goals and Policies: Goal D, Policy No. 1 - "The City should encourage new and existing commercial developments and businesses which are consistent with the goals and policies of this Comprehensive Plan. " The area of the proposed rezone is part of a larger development site which if developed as proposed, will result in the displacement of an existing professional oflicebuildingand a glass repair business and building supply store. It is anticipated these businesses will relocate to other locations, hopefiilly, within the City limits. They will be replaced on the development ' site by a proposed retail business, which will move from its existing location funher nonh on Lincoln Street. That building will then be available for use in accordance with that site's CSD zoning. If all of this occurs as proposed and with the required mitigation measures, the rezoning of the subject area will result in an increase of economic activity. GfHll E, Policy No. 7. "District shopping areas should be located DI the imersections of . arterial streets of sufficient size to satisfy traffic demand and at the boundaries of 144 . . . PIaDDiDI DepanmeIIt SIaff Report REZ 98-03 - Northwest Permit July 8. 1998 Paae5 neighborhoods so that more than one neighborhood may be served. .. The City's Comprehensive Plan identifies 8th Street as a minor arterial street and Lincoln Street as a principal arterial street. As part of the project's environmental review, a traffic analysis was prepared and the report's recommended mitigation measures as revised by the City Engineer have.been included as required mitigation measures for the project's Mitigated Determination of Non-Significance. As mitigated, the City engineer has. indicated he -is . "comfortable with the project and the-proposed traffic mitigation measures as revised~". . The proposed expansion of the CSD zoning is at a location where development of the property can serve the residential neighborhoods to the east of Lincoln Street as well as the neighborhood area to south and west of the property. Public Comments: Numerous written commentS and a petition opposing the proposed rezone were received during the public comment period which was originally scheduled to end on February 27 but was extended to March 6. The petition and comments are included in Attachment D. The issues addressed include increased traffic on 9th Street, potential crime, increased noise, lighting and the general impact of the project on the Cherry Hill residential area. and the availability of alternative commercial properties. Other Agency Comments: Washinilon State Dq)artment ofTran$ponation: The Department ofTransponation's comments are included as Attachment E. They address the impact of the overall project on the Lincoln Street and 8th Street intersection, stormwater issues, Signage requirements, and a recommendation the.development of site be accessed from 9th Street instead of Lincoln Street (SR 101). . Other Department Comments: Public Works I)q)artment: The Public Works Department's comments are attached as Attachment F. They consist of the City Engineer's comments on the traffic report and his recommended revisions to the traffic report's recommended mitigation measures. Fire I)q)artment: The Fire Department's comments are attached as Attachment G. While they have comments related to other portions of the applicant's overall development proposal, they have no objections to the proposed rezone. 145 I'IaDDiD8 DepanmeDl SIaff Report REZ 98-03 - Northwest Permit July 8, 1998 PaF~ . DEPARTMENT RECOMMENDATION: The Planning Department recommends the Planning Conuniqion forward to the City Council a recommendation for approval of rezone application REZ 98-03 as proposed, citing the following findings and conclusions. .. Findings:. . 1. The applicant, Northwest Permit. submitted the application to the Planning Department on February 9, 1998.' A Determination of Completeness was issued on February 12, 1998 and the public written comment period initially ran from FebruarY 12, 1998 to February 27, 1998. In response to public request, the public written comment period was extended to March 6, 1998. 2. The proposal is to rezone four lots (Lots 13, 14, 15 and 16 of Block 268 in the Townsite of Port Angeles), approximately 28,000 square feet of property, .from RS-7, Residential Single Family to CSD, Commercial Shopping District (Attachment A to the Planning Department Staff Report for REZ 98-03 dated July 8, 1998). . 3. The proposed rezone is part of the applicant's overall proposal to develop 90,000 s.f. of the southwest comer of Lincoln Street and 8th Street (extending to 9th Street) with an approximately 17,000 s.! retail store. The overall proposal includes this rezone request and a street vacation reqUest for the eastern ponion of the 8th and 9th Streets alley. . 4. As part of the application's' SEP A review ,a traffic analysis was requested of the applicant on February 13, 1998. 5. On April 20, 1998, the Planning Department received a letter from the applicant waiving the City's 120 day permit processing requirement due to the applicant's delay in preparing the requested traffic ~s. 6. On May 14, 1998, the Planning Department received the requested traffic analysis and on June 3, 1998, the Planning Department received an addendum to the analysis with comments regarding 9th Street, Laurel Street, and the 8th and 9th Streets alley. 7. This application was originally scheduled for Planning Commission consideration on March 11. 1998 at which time it continued due to the lack of a traffic report and a SEPA determination to April 22, 1998. On April 22. 1998 it was again continued for , the same reason until June 10. 1998 at which time it was continued until July 8, 1998 . 146 . . '. ;:i!?;,,!<':\^ .-" ,ff/; ,j'"' :. :'} 'l', ;~'-:r,,;t?j~)"P:;;~ , ;"',', PlaDDiDg Departmem Staff Report REZ 9~ - Nonbwest Permit July 8. 1998 PaF7 .. to acconunodate the MONS conunent period. 8. The SEP A Responsible Official issued a Mitipted Determination of Non-Significance for the proposal on June 3, 1998 (Attachment B to the Planning Department Staff Report for REZ 98-03 dated July 8, 1998). . The MONS was pWled to all persons who submitted writt~ conunents re1ated to the applicant's environmental checklist and the conunent period for the MONS ran until June 19, 1998. 9. On June 26, 1998, the City's SEPA Responsible Ofticia1 re-issued the Mitigated Determination of Non-Significance With an additional mitigation measure requiring certain developm~ aspects of the project be subject to further review. 10. The public had an opportunity to collllDellt on the proposal during the noticed written comment period which ran from February 12 to March 6, 1998. All of the written comments received during this time are included as Attachment D to the Planning Department Staff Report for REZ 98-03 dated July 8, 1998. The issues addressed include increased traffic on 9th Street, potential crime, increased noise and lighting and the general impact of the project on the Cheny Hill residential area., and the availability of alternative conunercial properties. '11. The subject area is within the undesignated area between the Comprehensive Plan's Conunercialland use designation to the north and the Residential designation to the south. It is currently zoned RS-7. 12. The subject area is level and is currently developed with two single-family residences and an unimproved parking lot used by a business located on property to the north of the rezone area. The adjacent properties are developed with the following uses: To the north: To the south: To the east: To the west: commercial uses; single family residences; single family residence; and single family residences. 13. The adjacent properties are zoned as follows: To the north: To the south: To the east: To the west: CSD; RS-7; CSD; and RS-7. 14. The City's Comprehensive Plan identifies Lincoln Street as a principal arterial street and 8th Street as a minor arterial street. 15. The traffic analysis noted the 8th and Lincoln Street intersection currently functions . 147 .....";" PIaDDiDI DeparIIDeIIt Staff Report REZ 9~ - Northwest Pamit July 8. 1998 Pale 8 at an average level of service (LOS) D and projected that in the year 2000 it will continue to function at an average LOS ofD with and without the proposed project. . 16. Thetraftic analysis noted the 8th and Lincoln Street intersection currently functions at a seasonal level of service (LOS) E and projected that in the year: 2000 it will continue to function at a seasonal LOS of E. without the proposed project and a seasonal LOS ofF with the project as proposed. The report projects.the intersection will operate at a seasonal LOS ofE.with the project if the project is subject to the. report's mitigation measures. . II : 17. The City Engineer reviewed the traffic analysis and recommended a revision of the report's mitigation measures. Wrth the project subject to the revised mitigation measures, the City Engineer states the average LOS for the 8th and Lincoln Streets intersection will remain at D in the year 2000 and the seasonal LOS will remain at E. 18. The Department of Transportation comments are included as ~tunent E to the Planning Department Staff Report for REZ 98-03 dated July 8. 19~~: They address the impact. of the overall project on the Lincoln Street and 8th ~tJ;~ intersection, stormwater issues, signage requirements, and a recommendati.oJ};:the proposed development of the overall site be accessed from 9th Street instead QfLincoln Street (SR 101). . Conclusions: Based on the information provided in the public record including the. application file, the staff report and its attachment, written comments received during the public comment period, the Planning Commission's delibefation, and the above findings, the City of Port Angeles Planning Commission hereby concludes: . A. The following Comprehensive Plan Policies are most relevant to the proposal, Land Use Policies Al and A2, Cl, DI, and E7. B. If the property is developed as pan of the applicant's overall development plan as desaibed in Attachment A to the Planning Department Staff Report for REZ 98-03 dated July 8, 1998 and mitigated in the project's revised MONS attached as Attachment B to the Planning Department Staff Report for REZ 98-03 dated July 8, 1998, the rezone is consistent with Comprehensive Plan Policies Aland A2, C 1, D 1, and E7. C. If the property is developed as part of the applicant's overall development plan as dcSaibed in Attachment A to the Planning Department Staff Report for REZ 98-03 dated July 8, 1998 and mitigated in the project's revised MDNS anached as Attachment B to the Planning Department Staff Report for REZ 98-03 dated July 8, 1998; the rezone is in the public use and interest and is compatible with the . 148 . . ~ . '>;;':!t}JAtfy.:{~{':J(;;~-~\;;ji~;~,; "'.' "-:'~b(~"ff~~f!~;,~:H;;;~?1,?1~:[0" ;ft:\;;';.'~"> ,:~,:,,: :'~."', . July 8. 1998 Page 9 PIaDDiDg DepanmeIIsraIf Report REZ 98-03 - Northwest Permit surrounding zoning and land uses. D. If the property is developed as part of the applicant's overall development plan as descnbed in Attachment A to the Planning Department Staff Report for REZ 98-03 dated July 8, 1998 and mitigated in the project's revised :MONS. attached as Attachment B to the PlannmgDepartment Staff Report for REZ 98-03 dated July 8, . 1998, the'rezone Will resull.in an increase of economic activity in the City. << . . E. If the property.is not developed as part ofithe applicant's overall development plari as descnDed in Attachment A '0 the Planning Department Staft"Report for REZ 98-03 dated July 8, 1998 and mitigated in the" project's revised :MONS attached as Attachment B to the Planning Department Staft"Report for REZ 98-03 dated July 8, 1998, the rezone could have a negative impact on adjacent residentially zoned and developed properties along 9th Street. F. If the property is not developed as. part of the applicant's overall development plan as descnDed in Attachment A t~the Planning Department Staft"Report for REZ.98-03 dated July. 8, 1998 and mitigated in the project's revised MDNS attaclled as AttachmentB to the Planning Department Staff Report for REZ 98-03 dated July 8, 1998, the City should consider "a rezone of the property back to RS- 7. This action constitutes a recommendation to the City Counci~ which has final authority. REZ9103.PCI 149 . I . . . 150 1____..__ . - r' c' CITY OF PORT ANGELES Rezone Application ORIGiNAL"/9i .- . PLEASEREAD ALL INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE.COMPLETING,THIS F;QR 1. .(A) APPLICANT Northwest Permit - Deborah Manor Geny SteWaIt Daytime Phone ... 206-374.0833 Address 2320 First Avenue #250. ScaItle.WA 98121 . Phone 206-374-0833 . 'c- _~: Co- -co- "c_ . (B) PROPERTY OWNER (if other thanapplicarit)1be BaidndgeOmup - Allen ~. . Property Owners Address (if other thiJ~!PPIi~nt) 1 1906 Mancbester Road #204. St Louis. MO 63131 . Daytime Phone 314-966-2300 (C) APPLICANrs REPRESENTATIVE If other than applicant or property owner As Per Applicant Above Phone 2. (A) legal Description of Subject Property See Auacbed 41) Gen~ral Location of Subject Property 1.iJm1D - .Dd'~~"'lIIld 9Ih S..... 3. Size of Subject proJHtrty 90.000 Total Site sq.ft. 1/2 blocks 2.06 Total Site acres. 4. Zoning ~f'Subject Property CSD &. RS7 Proposed Zoning Designation CSD 5. Characteristics of Subject Property (how is it developed) The subject Site is made uP of the Easterly 300 [eel of (be North and South sides of the Block surrounded by E. 81b St.. S. Lincoln 5t. and E. 9th St. TbeNon.herty ponion of the Sue IS cwrenly Zoned CSD. the Southerly portion is Zoned RS7. There are 3 existiDg SiDgle Family Rcsidcnces on the Southerly portion of our Site. The Norl";l~ pO~on of our Site contains. ancI. I:xisting 27.~.f. Warehouse.tOfrlCC buildmg 6. Characteristics of Sunoundi~g lvefj (what uses are around the property) CoasidcriDg ourEnlire proJcct as the .Subject Site" the sunounding Zoning is as fonows: North: Commercial - East: CommelCial South. Residential . West Front (Northerly) portion: CSD I Rear (Southerly) portion: 187 Comprehensive Plan Designation of Property CSD cl RS7 151 em OF PORT ANGELES PltllllliIIi~. J1/E4n Fift}, S1fWl.P.O. BOi I/SD. PM ..,.In. WA 98J61 (J60) 1/114"'0 Al"\AtJ-\ ~ E.~\ A . RaDne ApplicaIion Pate 2 on r 8. 9. Comprehensive Plan Designation of Sunounding Properties WllDIe Sill:: HoE. W.NW :CSO: SotSW:Ra. . Applicable Comprehensive Plan Policies The IUII'OUIIdin2 Nothertv area is ReDCraIh' Conunercial in nature. Allowing this. Site to be DI'ODCrtv assembled and to ODeI8le as a wbole will add to the overall inuna2e of the area. 10. JUSTlF:=ICA nON FOR ZONING CHANGE (A) Relations~ip to Comprehensive Plan The Rc:zcme Request meetS the o~ective for the mmprcbeDsive.plan for the area. . (B) Suitability of Property for Proposed Zoning WbeD we mmider1he Site as a wbole it is generalJy Surrounded on J sides with mmmercial zoning and existing uses. The area withiD the block with the Single Fauiily zoning does not allow for well assembled planning or development oftbis propeny. (C) Change in Circumstances Since Original Zoning Commercial uses have mntinued to increue in the area surrounding the subject popelty. . (D) Inappropriateness of Current Zoning The exjctil'lg site is split down the middle bv zoning classification. This pRlCludcs any cohesive developnelll plan for the propeR)'. , 1. I CERTIFY that all of the above statements are true to the best of my knowledge and acknowledge that wilful misrepresentation of information will immediately tenninate this application. File No. .RE z.. <..) ~ -03 Receivect.Z - 9 - 9 f Hearing(s),-3 -(/ (..)'-- ~-7 - 9'" ~~ /. r3'9~ Date . 152 ~) I . . RITE AID DRUG STORE REZONE NARRATIVE SHEET January 13, 1998 1. Northwest Permit Inc. is the applicant on behalf of the future OWDers of the property for this Rezone application. Along with this Rezone, we have requested a Street Vacation for an alleyway that currently divides the property. The contacts in oW" office are Deborah. Hart and Gerty Stewart. The address for Northwest permit is 2320 First A venue, Suite 250, Seattle, Washington 98121. The phone numbers for NWP are (206) 374-0833 and fax (206) 374-0834. Our e-mail addressisPermi~w@aol.com. The cunent owner of this property is Mr. Roben Gennan, care of NW Retail 'PartDers, Mr. Scott Grainger, 600 University Street, Suite 3012, Seattle, W A 98101, phone number (206) 343-9204. I . 2. (a) & (b) The legal description, tax 8CCOlDlt numbers and addresses are anached to this document, as they are quite lengthy. 3. The total Site is 2.06 acres, or 90,000 square feet.. The portion of the Site to be rezoned is approximately 35,000 square feet, raking the requested alley vacation into consideration. 4. The total Site is recaangular in shape, and relatively flat, with 8 sloped area along East ~ Street. The portion to be rezoned faces ~ Street, and is contained by South Lincoln to the East, and a residential property to the West. There are tImle existing Single Family suucturcS on the portion of the property to be rezoned. and 8 commercial OfticdWarebouse building on the balance of the Site facing East Sill Street. The alley for which we have requested Vacation bisects these two uses and our proposed Site heading East and West. s. The surrounding properties are as follows when we consider our Site as a complete package: North, commercial; East, commercial; South, residential; and West, for the "Front" (Northerly) ponion of the Site, commercial, for the "Rear" (Southerly) portion. residential. The surrounding area, especially along East 8111 Street, is primarily commercial/retail in nature. South Laurel Street adjoins this property approximately two hundred feet to the West. It appears that all of the streets surrounding this project are lII'terial in nature. 6. . The existing property is zoned eso for the Northerly portion, and RS7 for the Southerly portion. 153 /4.3 7. The requested Zoning is to have our entire Site zoned CSD. 8. In talking with Sue Rol?Crts of your office. the specific Comprehensive Plan citaiions' will be added to ~ request at a later time. 9. All comprehensive plans carry an outline for citywide growth. The area in which this property is located is mostly commercial in D8tw'e. The Rezone will allow a cohesive development of this property, with a consistent Zoning for the entire Northeast 300 feet of this. block: A conunercial development on this portion of this block will be in keeping with the uses and intent of the area This project will provide a clean. public-fiiendly area. with sidewalks and access from the residential areas not only for this project, but also for the existing businesses in the area. 10. Please note for this item. as weD as for item one, a second copy of the Rezone request. signed by the current property owner, accompanies this application. Your consideration of this request is appreciated. If you have any questions. please contact our office. NORmwESTP ~~ / j/I/ I Deborah Lynn Hart President . I . . . 154 A4 . . . , . . :~'" ( JanU8J'Y 19, 1998 Mr. Scott Grainger Northwest Retail PlJtn~. Ltd. 600 University St., Suite 3012. Seattle, WA 98101 -- Re: Rezone Application Street VacaDon Application Lots 1-6 inclusive, Lots 13-16 inclusive Block 268. Townsite of Pon Angeles, W A. Dear Scott: This letter shall serve as Owner's permission to Boardwalk Development, its agents and/or assigns to file the necessary Rezone Application, Street Vacation Application, and other documentation as requested by the city orport Angeles in association with the proposed retail development occurring at Lots 1-6 inclusive, Lots 13-16 inclusive Block 268, T ownsitc orPon Angeles, WA. Sincerely, ;t)I~ Robert ~. German 116 e- . P~~~~5"J WAt q~Jt.;- 155 AS ( . Memomndwn To: Deborah Lynn Hart. N.W..Permit From: Allen Kann. Boardwalk Development Date: 01/27/98 I . Re: Authori7.atian to North\l-est Permit This Memorandum is intended as authorization to Northwest Permit. to apply and process permits on behalf of us for the property legally desaibed as follows: Lots 17-18, Block 268, TOYt1'lsite of Port Angeles, WA If you have any questions, please feel free to call me on 314-966-2300. Your . assistance is appreciated. Very Truly Yours, BOARDWALK DEVELOPMENT ~~ Allen Ksnn Executive Vice President 156 1 . AC, '-21-'_ S...... . ,..., 21.1'" . . ... ..... o. 0-,.,,- 00 Mr. ... ~~ -llll' ..-..41...... ,. - ~ LIlI. DlW.....,..... tol2 . 1~1. WA"lO.... k . ....' AIfIJ". ....91. -._iAWI.- LotIl'-11 .....1\.... ~er""k4.... WA. .... 1Nt........ 1IIft.~. jIInIII__" "'WIIk.QMk'RlI~ Ita..... -.fl. -V-.... 1M....... IIr ,..... AfIIIin.....i1Mt V"~_ ~ ]1h~.. ...k_ -......... W....~ AJw..... in WIGd,.. wldltIe ...,..-4......~ Ihf~ T ~ It LMlIT.II....... r..,....,,.. ,~..~ WA. .u__. .) (...,vl. C3 x.t ..~MII ~~ .... ..w4Il ......--<~ ~.2 .. 157 A7 (" - . , . ...N '(JZ. r=WN :::E- W:::>:x 8~ " ~ O. :::EZ "l.S 3SVHO "l.S N100Nn ~ ~ ~~~ "l.S 13~nV1 ...= " (f) F!=' z .....= .....= ...= ~ (f) (f) en :I: ::r: ~ "lS )tV-O t- t- Z :I: ~ ~ C>> Z ~ Z w (f) "is A~~3HO - "l.S A311V^ ... ~" uZ. r=WC\oI 8:::E- r :::>() - ~" '~:::Ei "15 3Nld t (' . I . CL <( W ...J 2 < u en 0 . z >- l- - Z - U .' - > . 158 . A6 / '- '\ ~ ~'$eD TO eso - (I I ( I -1I1-1~~I-"- y ! II ~ ! ...--- [ 8nt!f. - - --=::==.:': ~=-~---~-~~ ~ ~n::;AN _~ MULyftRnV PftRTnERSHIP ..c..,rcl'. p , -- Ill!! ,.., P'ClItT ~ 114 Ur'r~~'T. ~ CJ\ '" -- . ---------'--l- I \ I \ I \ I ~ , ~ I ~ ~ \ I I , \ , , , I , , J ---~----- ---- -- ..-- -- ..-- ~ S ~~ ZotED , ItS' EJCl5T1N5 ,tUE'( ZDteD . GSO EJCl5T. ~ a:o.:r._ .-... ~ ,--. ,. ~ 11IIIllMJIl'.1lll:UI!lNe If/D ~ e __ ..IGUIM! ~ . aDGK". '0HeI1E (J/F 'I:IItT~. /14 - "'" 1lINllP' ~. vDl,H I (11 "'-"1'S.~ (11~' , CoCllIIfT. ~'llll .....,.11. ~ CoCllIIfT. "All (J/F__ ,--. eo "'" n ND ..ILOC& .. ,-.e <<' 'I:IItT oNIIIBA MI"8t "'-"T 1lINllP' IIEDIlrJID . VllW4! I <<' "'-"ft.'Ml! 2'1. ~ ", c&A1," ccum'...,..fllIl ,,.,,.,,. ~ COMn', "AI! (11 """"'(lll , . I . - - 1(iJ IE lB IE U W IE filj l1/J !fAY, .allll I!!J . fORTAHGE1.fS PlANNING OEPARIMEHr PORT ANGELES RITE AID DRUGSTORE #5257 TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS I . Prepared for . RITE AID CORPORATION cia MUL VANNY PARTNERSHIP 112 Fifth Ave. N. Seattle, WA 98109 Prepared by TRANSPORTATION PLANNING & ENGINEERING, INC. 2101 -1121h Ave. N:E., Suite 110 Bellevue, Washington 98004 Telephone - (425) 455-5320 FAX - (425) 453-7180 .: May 7, 1998 I EXPIRES .,,, 0 0 160 . c.o~ REPoa:lW('\K ~'-L n\$\...~ A~ ~\\J\c.\\t-f\CIwt1> is. LOc..Il>.Tci> \H tn.o}t;~ Fll..cr. >-- .r",,_,,>,:/::~ :t J'\i-?T .~ TRANSPORTATION PI2~NNING ,. ENGINEERING, INC. .!101 . : :;?lh :.vEm..:', f :iullf '10.. 6ELLE\'UE ;;.lSHluGTON HOD.a fELEPHOfIE f.a2!>>' .a!l!l.U20 ;:ACS...lllE ,.a2$,..U.711O _J"" &: .,h.t~"'l '.'~~I.av..1 " &'hUL" .." "....", r"..'".''' . May 7, 1998 Mr. Kent Heasley RITE Alp CORPORATION c/o Mr. John Trieger MULVANNY PARTNERSHIP 112 Fifth Ave. N. Seattle. WA 98109 I . l' Re: Port Angeles Rite Aid Drugstore #5257 Traffic tmoact Analysis . Dear Mr. HeaSley: We are pleased to submit this tr~fficU1)R~ct~nalysis.forthe proposed Port .ngeles..RiteAldDrugstor~ #5257 project. The proje~rconsistsof a 16.750 sq. ft. rugstore bUIlding with drive-up service and is located at 120 East 8th St. in the City of Port Angeles. . -,' We haye VISIted the project sit~ and surrounding street network. The work Included In this report is.based on our telephone conversation with Gary Kenworthy. ? .E.. City Engineer of the City of Port Angeles. The City of Port Angel!3s Transportation Services anO Facilities Plan, October .1996. prepared by Entranco Engineers was ~rOVlaeO b~' the City . We have reviewed thiS Citvdocum~rlf and have utHized data from thiS reponwnere appropnate. The conclUSions and recommendatJons begin onp~ge 9. PROJECT DESCR.IPTION FIgure 1 IS a VICInity map showing the location of the proposed, site and the surroundIng street network. . Figure 2'ShowS a preliminary siteplaJ'\'prep~r7d\'~yMulyannYPartnershiPPlotted rv1arcn 6,1998 The plan c?nsists ofa16..,75Q sq~are fgpt dr4~l~to~e building with drive- up servIce ana 69 p~rKlng stalls inCIUdingthreehimc:iiC~p stCiil~';',Access>to the project is . proposed vlatwQ driveways and an eXisting/alley. One of the drivewa...ys. is. onto. S. ~Incoln Sl. anc ~he other IS on E. 8th Street: The allev accesses S. Laurel St. to the 'Nest of the suolect site. . . . 161 ~:)eu2~e A \, ~;\r Kent Heasley RITE AID CORPORATION rv1ay 7. 1998 Page - 2 - rull development of the 16,750 sq. ft. Port Angeles Rite Aid Drugstore. #5257 project IS expected to occur later this year. However, we have used 2000 as the hOrizon year for the purposes of this study. EXISTING PHYSICAL CONDITIONS The project site is presently devel6lped. The development consists of three Single family dwelling units and two commercial buildings. The smaller building, containing Mail Box Etc., will remain. The larger building will be removed to make way tor the subject development. Street Facilities Figure 3 shows eXisting traffic control. number of street lanes, number of aoproach lanes a1 intersections, and other pertinent information. The pnmary streets ano the City's classification within the study area are as follows: Lincoln St. (SR 101) E. 8th Street E. 9th Street Laurel Street Principal Arterial Minor Artenal Local Access Local Access EX1S TlNG TRAFFIC CONDITIONS 'aii,~ ..OIUlnes r= Igure 4 shows the existing turning movement traffic volumes at the Lincoln SUE 8th 51. Intersection. The intersection traffic volumes were counted by Trafficount on Thursday. April 16, 1998. The Port Angeles area incurs significant seasonal fluctuation In traffic volumes due to substantial tourist traffic. Therefore. the collected data 'lias adjusted to reflect seasonal peak conditions. The seasonal data contained in the Annual Traffic Report, 1996 was used. ,l.ccorolOg to the attached data for permanent count station number 69. the count conoucted on April 16, 1998, is very close to the average peak condition. This average :onOltlon was adjusted to a seasonal peak. August. condition by factoring the approach .Olumes up by 22.9% (1 .;. 0.98 Apnl. -0.83 August). . ."tJlI~"J:; Ifill 1~t ' . I . , ". . 1. P\ \<- .~':,;~ . i\.tr. Kent Heasley RITE AID CORPORATION May 7.1998 Page - 3 - Figure 4 .also shows the eXisting average daily traffic volume on Lincoln St. south ot E. alii Street. This volume was obtained from the Annual Traffic Report. 1~~ Level of Service Analysis Level of service (LOS) is a qualitativ,~ measure describing operational conditions within a traffic flow. and the perception of these conditions by drivers or passengers. These conditions include factors such as speed. delay, travel time. freedom to maneuver. traffic interruptions. comfort. convenience. and safety. Levels of service are given letter designations. from A to F. with LOS A representing the best operating .:ondltlons (free flow. little delay) and LOS F the worst (congestion. long delays I. Generally, LOS A and B are nigh. LOS C and D are moderate. and LOS E and Fare ;ow. Table 1 shows calculated levels of service (LOS) for existing and seasonal peak . conditions ,at the pertinent street intersections. The LOS were calculated uSing the . procedures In the Transportation Research Board Highway Capacity Manual - SpecIal Report 209 3rd Edition updated 1994. The LOS shown indicates overall intersection operation. At Intersections. LOS is determined by the calculated average delay per vehicle. The LOS and corresponding average delay in seconds are as follows: I TYPE OF l A I B C 0 E I F I INTERSECTION I I I I , I Signalized <5.0 >5.0 and >15.0 and >25.0 and >40.0 and 1>60..0 ! ,j <15.0 <25.0 <40.0 <60.0 .: Stop Sign Control <5.0 >5 and >10 and > 20 and > 30 and: >45 I' <10 < 20 < 30 < 45 ,I - The intersection LOS is an average for every vehicle entering the Intersection. On occasion specific movements. such as stoD sign controlled left turn movements. -:xoenence significantly worse LOS than other movements at the Intersection. 'Nhen :hlS IS the case other factors sucn as safety can be considered when determining '.vhether Improvements are warranted. . 163 . 'mlJ~'!ItI U,It A\~ Mr, Kent Heasley RITE AID CORPORATION May 7 1998 Page - ~ - {r~ . Accident History The City of Port Angeles provided an accident listing for the S. Linco!n SUE. 8th S1. intersecti~n. :This listing identifies recorded accidents from March 14, 1986 through (' February 13, 1998. The data'shows 102 recorded accidents at the analysis . intersection, S. Lincoln St./E. 8th Sl. in twelve year time period reviewed. The Transoortation Service and Facilities Plan identifies an accident rate of one at the analYSIS Intersection. The 1996 Washington State Highway Accident Report identifies average acc:cent rates (per million vehicle miles of travel) on functional classified streets as iollo'.':s' PrinCipal Arterial Minor Arterial Collector 2.97 3.44 4.27 The above rates are for urban artenals. A direct comparison of the intersection accident rate statewide rate is not relevant because the rates do not measure the same thing. The 1996 Washington State Highway Accident Report does not contain data on average accident rates, per million entenng vehicles, at intersections. However, based o~ our expenence, an accident rate of less than one is generally considered to indicate that an Intersection is operating satisfactorily, one to two is typical. and over two reQUires iunher review. . . The calculated accident rate at the analYSIS intersection IS one, which IS tYPical. SR ' ')1 Access Classification The access dassification of SR 101 in the vicinity of the project site IS class four. These highways have the capacity for moderate travel speeds and moderate traffic volumes tor medium and short travel distances providing for intercity, Intracity, and Inter-community travel needs. There IS a reasonable balance between direct access and mobility needs for highways in this class. This class is to be used pnmarily where the eXisting level of development of the adjoining land is more intensive and where the proDaOlhly of major land use changes IS less probable than on class three highway segn:ents Highways in this class are tYPically distinguished by existing or planned 4.180298 RDI . . 164 A\4 _r. Kent Heasley RITE AID CORPORATION May 7,1998 Page - 5 - nonrestrictive medians. Restrictive medians may be used as operational conditions warrant to mitigate turning, weaving, and crossing conflicts. Minimum connection spacing standards should be applied if adjoining properties are redeveloped, No more than one access shall be provided to an individual parcel or to contiguous parcels under the same ownership unless it can be shown that additional access points would not adversely affect t"e desired function of the state highway In accordance with the assigned. access classification. and would not adversely affect the safety or operation of the state highway. Spacing to another public or private access connection shall be two hundred and fifty feet. The proposed project access is via relocating the existing alley access on SR 101 No new access locations are proposed. Neither the existing alley access nor the new driveway meets the recommended spacing criteria. However. the new onveway location does meet the spacing criteria from the more critical E. 811\ St. intersection. .East 91n St. IS a low volume local access street thus the 250 ft. spacing should not be necessary . FUTURE TRAFFIC CONDITIONS WITHOUT THE PROJECT Figure 5 shows projected 2000 PM peak hour traffic volumes without the proJect. These volumes Include the existing traffic volume counts plus background growth. The T ransoonatlon ServIces and Facilities Plan identifies household growth of about 1 % per year In the Pon Angeles area. This same report also identifies a 20 year traffic growth or 81 ~o ThiS is1% growtn translates to around '3%' per year. :iowever. to lie conservative. we have applied a5% per year growth to the background traffic VOlume. STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS The Transportation Services and Facilities Plan identifies that there are twO new street facilities proposed in the comprehensive plan that would improve traffic operations at the analysis intersection. These facilities are as follows: White Creek Crossing is a two-to three-lane. extension of Lauridsen Boulevard eastward from Ennis Street to Golf Course Road. which would reqUIre a bridge structure over White Creek. The new facility is intended . ':'.~!O~9B Rot 1r~ I . 165 A\~ Mr. Kent Heasley RITE AID CORPORATION May 7. 1998 Oage - 6 - to attract westboulmd vehicles from SR 101 at Golf Course Road and 0 eastbound vehicles from SR 101 at Lincoln Street. Heart of the Hills Parkway will consist of both a new facility and an upgrade of existing facilities. The new corridor would be oa two-lane facility beginning outside the eastern Port Angeles UGA. and would extend southwesterly from SR 101 to Deer Park Road. From Deer Park Road, the new facility would generally continue in a westerly direction to Race Street. in the vicinity of the Mount Angeles Road/Heart of the Hills Parkway intersection. At this point. the corridor would be upgraded on Race Street to City design standards nonh to Lauridsen Boulevard. In addition to the street improvements identified in the comprehensive plan a ;JOSS IDle Transportation System Management (TSM) strategy is discussed in the Transportation Services and Facilities Plan. TSM strategies improve traffic operations :>y more effective use of the existing street infrastructure. A TSM strategy that has been suggested for the SR 101 corridor through the City is to convert Lincoln Street (which already serves as a portion of SR 101) and Peabody Street to a one-way couplet. which would operate exactly like the Front Street and First Street couplet.. In this alternative. Lincoln Street would operate as a three-lane one-way facility southbound, while Peabody Street would operate as a three-lane one-way facility nonhbound. The couplet would join the existing one-way couplet :.: ,crom Street ana Filst Street on rile nonh. ..VIlI1 me two-way LaLmasefl Boulevard on the south. 0 TRIP GENERA TION AND DISTRIBUTION A vehicle trip is defined as a single or one direction vehicle movement with either the origin or destination (exiting or entering) inside the study site. These trip generation :alues account for all site trips made by all vehicles for all purposes. including ::ommuter, visitor. recreation. and service and delivery vehicle trips. Table 2 shows the vehicular trips during an average weekday and during the AM ~na PM street traffic peak hours for the proposed 16,750 sq. ft. Rile Aid Drugstore ::rClect. The trip generation IS calculated uSing the average trap rates In the Institute of '" U:JlJ.: .I:l "Ill A \(P f~~ . I " . it . Mr. Kent Heasley RITE AID CORPORATION May 7.1998 Page - 7 - . ' Transp'onation Engineers (ITE) Trip Generation. Sixth Edition. 1997 for Pharmacy/Drugstore with Drive-through Window (ITE Land Use Code 881). A pass-by trip is an eXisting trip that comes ,directly from the traffic flow on a road " . adjacent to the project site and does not require a diversion for another roadway. According to Table VII-.1 of Trip Generatio~ Fifth Edition. 1991. a pass-b~ rat~ for discount store (K-Mart #14 on list) is identified at 50%. In addition. an article titled Refinement of Procedures Used for Estimating Pass-by Trip Percentages by Massoum Moussavi and Michael Gorman published by the ITE Journal. May I 1992. shows pass- by percentages averaging 50% for five discount stores. Rite Aid stores are discount anentea and are expected to have similar trip making characteristics to discount stores. No reauctlon for diverted linked tripS nor eXisting trips, due to the existing development. were taken. Therefore. our analysIs is conservative. Figure 6 shows the calculated site-generated traffic and assumr::d distribution. . The distribution is based on the characteristics of the road nelWOrk. eXIsting traffic volume pattems. and the location of likely trip ongins and destinations (employment. shoppmg. sodal and recreational opportunities). FUTURE TRAFFIC CONDITIONS WITH PROJECT T raffle Volumes -: Igure 7 Shows the prOJected 2000 pM peak hour and average dally :raffic volumes with the proposed proJect. The site-generated PM peak hour traffic vOlumes shown on Figure 6 were added to the projected background traffic volumes shown on Figure 5 to obtam the Figure 7 volumes. Level of Service Table 1 shows calculated LOS for future with and without project conditions at the penment street intersection. According to our LOS analysis the development of the Rite Aid Drugstore project will not significantly affect the LOS operation of the analYSIS Intersection under typical operating conditions. Under average peak condition the JPerallon of the intersection meets the City's recommended LOS'D' crltena.. ' . ..,18U298 Rill 1r~ 167 A\7 :\k Kent Heasley RITE AID CORPORATION May 7. 1998 Page - 8 - DUring seasonal peak conditions the intersections congested with or without the proJect. The City's Transportation Services and Facilities Plan describes the two comprehensive plan projects that would improve the 'operating. c:onditions of the analysIs intersection. Additionally the TSM strategy of a one way couplet would enhanee operation of the Lincoln S1. corridor. Channelization " The existing street channelization on both E. aln S1. and Lincoln S1. were field reviewed. East 811I 51. has around 50 ft. of paved surface curb to.curb.' This 50 ft. is similar to Lincoln 5t. north of E. 811I Street. Lincoln St. north of E. alii Sl. provides ,:onunuous left turn channelization and parking on both sides. We believe that providIng similar left turn channelization on E. 81n S1. west of Lincoln 51. would be appropnate. The Lincoln 51. street Width south of E. aen St.varies from 47 to 42 (ee1. The traffic volume on this street segment is substantially less than the volume using E. 811I 51. west of Lincoln Street. Therefore. continuous left turn channelization IS not needed at this time. Providing continuous left turn channelization would impact existing street parking. r=uture Channelization Considerations Both E. B'" 51. and Lincoln 51. have adequate street widths to allow operational ..;~:-;~;-.:cments If deSired by the Cily~ Providing these capacity improvemems would reqUire cnanges to the eXisting on street parking. Parking restrictions dUring peak travel times IS a fairly common treatment. No changes to the existing on street parking are recommended In conjunction with subject development project. SEPA MITlGA TION The development of the subject project is calculated to cause a degradation of the operation of the E. 8"1 Sl.ILincoln 51. intersection during the seasonal peak penod. No degradation dunng average peak condition is anticipated. The intersection operation could be enhanced via changing the existing Signal phasing. ..:: I~':'~ H~: frt - I . - 168- A\B .. Kent Heasley RITE AID CORPORATION May 7. 1998 Page - 9 - The Improvement we recommend is revising the left turn signal phasing to ,protective/permissive phasmg. This Change would require the Installation of new signal heads arid other attendant changes to the signal conlroller. With protective/permissive the Intersection operation would be significantly improved. Channelization changes on E. 81n Sl. are recommended to better accommodate site generated left turn traffic (primarily the westbound to southbound customers during the seasonal peak period). With left turn channelization and the protective/permissive left turn phaSing discussed above these customers would be able to clear the westbound traffic stream. SUMMARY CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDA nONS ThiS repon uses eXisting traffic data collected at the pemnent street intersection and roads laentified for analysis. Level of service analyses were performed for eXisting and projected future traffic volumes. uSing the collected traffic data, for the without . .oject condition. The evaluation of the traffic impact of the proposed project. included i1ding project generated traffic to the future traffic volume projection and calculating the level of service. The with project traffic operations were then compared to the without project op~rations. The comparison of traffic operations with and without the project Identified that the project will not cause a significant adverse affect on the operation of any of the study intersections. Based en our analysis the Port Angeles Rite Aid Drugstore #5257 project should ::e ..::::;:ruvec .....nh the follOWing traffic mitigation measures: , Construct appropriate site frontage improvements In accordance with Cfty code requirements. 2. Construct site driveways per applicable engineering requirements. 3. If required by the City modify the existing E. 810 St.JLincoln S1. traffic control signal to provide protective/permissive left turn phasing. ~ If requested by the City, rechannelize E. 8111 S1. between Lincoln S1. and Laurel S1. to orovlde continuous left turn channelization. . :. I:;,,':';';l UiJI -;.::~ f~~ 169 A19 j...1r. Kent Heasley RITE AID CORPORATION ~..lay 7. 1998 Page - 10- If you have any: questions plea.se call me. . . Very truly yours. TRANSPORTATION PLANNING · & ENGINEERING. INC. )f. c. ... .~. ~ .<.c../ Mark J.'oJacobs. P.E. Senior Transportation Engineer ~.iJJ:es {r~. I . . . 170 I~B0298 RDt A~O ~ (' t(~~ TRANSPORTATION PLANNING. INIINEERING, INC. y'CtCllH..IItIO'P( ~- """10" ."'". ...r. ".....- June 3. 1998 2101 .1111ft MINE N.l.. lURE 110 - HUEVUE. WASllI!1l1TON IIlID& TELEPHONE .at,...uao FACS!MU 'Ui. """'10 Gary Kenworthy. P.E.. City Engineer . CITY OF PORT ANGELES 321 East FIfth Street , Port Angeles. 'NA 98362..Q217 Re: Port An~1es Rite AId Drugstore Neighborhood Impact Dear Mr. Kenworthy: Inacccrdance with Your request we have reviewed the potential1ratflc Impad on Laurel St.. E. 5t. S.E. and the alley between Laurel and LIncoln Streets due to the subject development. ill ~-3~ 00, I mmmDWI F'~O ~f''l. K'::1 ;\N~F: ~:: PlANNI~\, m.~" '~"! ~:l -_. . The primary access to the Rite Aid develoPnaent is onto E. 8" St. and Uncoln Street, both arterial streets. An existing alley that Intersects with laurel Street to the east also provides access to the site. qur Port Anaeles Rite Aid DruastDre #5257 Traffic Imoact AnalYsIS dated May 7. 1998 Identified that during' the PM peak period two vehicular trips would utDize the alley. Rem. Figure S. May 7. 1998 traffic study. Note the traffic volumes shown at the E. g" StJUncoIn St. intersection are for the site driveway intersection with Uncotn St. not E. 0-' Str8It. Locating the primary site driveways onto a~rtal streets directs ~it&igenerated traffic 'fNI8Y frem the residential Itbeets. Some lhegenerated customer traftlc will invanably use S. Laurel St and E. ff'. St to 'and from the~ubject development. These customers would be residents liVinG In.th8reSldent"l areas to the soU1hwest of the development. A cere shopping area is.located off Of.UnCOIn St to the north ~ the subject development Therefore.... S1re8tsutilizedfor shopping ortented trtps by tnese residents. would not be significantly affected with development of the RIte Aid Drugstore. In summary, the Rite Aid Drugsto,. project traffic impact on S. Laurel St.. E. 9" Sl and the alloy is anticipated to be minimal. Primary access to the site is onto Lincoln' St. and E.e" St.. both arterial streets. CUstomer tl1Jffic from the residential .",a to the southwest of the development are not likely to slgnlficanUy change the streets they utilize on shopping o1ented trips. . MJJ:es Very truly yours. ...... .," (:J cc: Kent H_ley. RIte AId CorporatIon John Trleger, MulvaMy Partner'lhtp 171 POIlO288Mr .clOC A~\ . I . . . 172 ;V;; - NO:SOO Reiuued 6/26198 . CITY OF PORT ANGELES *MITIGATED DETERMINATION OF NON SIGNIFICANCE RCW Chapter 197-11-340 This MDNS is reissued and amended following the required J 5-day review period. The amendment is the addition of mitigation condition #7. . Description of Proposal: A proposal to develop approximately 2.06 acres including a rezone of a portion of the property currently designated RS-7. Residential Single Family, to CSD. Community Shopping District, and deVelopment of an approximately 16,750 square foot retail building including demolition of an existing 27,000 square foot warehouse/office building and three single family residences. I . APPLICANT: NORTHWEST PERMIT ,. Location of Proposal (including street address, if any): Lots 1- 6 and 13-18 Block 268, Townsite of Port Angeles, Washington. The project is generally located between Lincoln Street and Laurel Street, and between Eighth and Ninth Streets. . . Lead Agency: CITY OF PORT ANGELES . The lead agency for this proposal has determined that it does not have a probable significant adverse impact on the environment An environmental impact statement (ElS) is not required under RCW 43.21C.030(2)(c). This decision was made after review ofa completed environmental checklist and other information on file with the lead agency. This information is available to the public on request. [XX) There is no comment period for this reissued MONS. ] This DNS is issued per WAC 197-11-355. There is no comment period. 1)~~~ .. ., David Sawyer, Acting manning Director J unc..26. 1998 Date You may appeal tillS detenniDation to the Port Angeles City Council through the Planning Department. 321 East Fifth Street. Pon Angeles. W A 98362, by submitting such wnnen appeal to the Planning Department no later than July..11. 1995. You should be prepared to make specific factual objections. Responsible Official: Brad Collins. Planning Darector. Pon Angeles Planning Department, 321 East Fifth Street, Port Angeles, WA 98362,.phone (360) 417 - 4750. -MutpUon Masurcs; I. Commcrclal traffic shall not access the proJcct SIIC from Ninth Street 2. ConSlruct appropriate site frontage improvements In accordance with City code requirements. .: ConSlruct site driveways per applicable engincerlng requirements. Rcchannelize Eat ~shth SIrccI between Lincoln Street and Laurel Street to provide continuous left turn channelization. S. The developer shall upgrIde the Eighth/Lincoln signal to provide two additional Opticom channels to fully protect 1 7 3 emergency vehicle movement through the intersection. . AilAr \4fV\8.TIB 6 Thc devcloper shall contribute $10,000 for future traffic vol~ ....".v....a\lCfttl on Eighth mdlor Lincoln Streets in thc project area. . (Added:) , \' 7. Design. landscaping, and other aite featureS such as fencing and,~ing shall be subject to SEP A review at thc time of a building/sitc dcvclopment application. ' . . I . I . ,. Pub: MaillPost: cc: Dept. of Transportation Pearson Schmid Bailey Gellein Foley VanSickle T:\P~NNJNrnsEPA\MDNS\lOO . . 174 \S~ . I . COMPREHENSIVE PLAN . . CSD. 175 A\TP\CHMENT C :/~~ , " CSD RS7 CN ~ a I . NO HATCHING OTY Of' PORT ANGELES PUBUC WORKS . 100 j I 50 AREA MAP REZONE FROM RS7 TO CSD (REZ 98-02) LOTS 13-16 BL. 268 C '2- SCALE 176 ':{~:'::~j:S)r::"+':i'(!l\;:',:;',:": ,'''',''''. , ".; },." . Petition Ifi)~ ltl IE n, ~. ; 00, . - 6 I9Q1 , ~....- - . pI ..:,"- .:", .... "., ~ -~... . ".: .. . Ilwe the undersigned oppose the rezonin~ application ftIorthwest Permit REz - 9~02, for Lots 13" through 16, B~ck 268, TPA generally described as the southwest comer of 8th and Lincoln .Streets, Port Angeles, Washington: ~IQIJ~ture , e~/I /". ",.- / 7"--~~ ~., :t(Af/V ./ OJ "~ /' .2 -;;7:/ .. ,~I ....... ~'... ~ ~"",.. /u ~ (\ ~~,!<"" . 1P7, h . Prl!J1ed Name L ,('J5 {. DUNN ~M -:;e ~;( ~_ 0 (''''~o (" Address. . ( q / ~ "r) n. tvf.-SL. ~Sc:;~- ,,'t{.7 7" /c ~sZ" "s ~t; (,.)~~~ la......~'t 'T-H-: /730 - l.?S., J '"$ - o -Ii.- /! ~ l,t)p{ 7 '!G 7~ ) t.{ J ., ., ?~ S;. .- l ?>t: \J. 7 -t.t ." ,'- ~.4'..-r~~ .' ~n~ N Jot ((1"5 1/S l-I 7K ;: I?, L0 . 7 '-4t... ~ .. 177 _ .-i""'--- . . PORT ANGElL J ftAN~ING DEPAfm~!T I/we the undersigned lIQpose the rezoning application Northwest Permit REZ 98-02, for Lots 13 through 16, Block 268, TPA generally described as the souttiwest comer of 8th nd Lincoln Streets, Port Angeles, Washington: . Petition ~ . . Printed Name ddress I' 9D3 """""\ fl.l _ \ .-- -: ~ . w \~_cw'ei ...jr - r ~' -- o/.;? ;J. ,E.. ~..z# 178 -:-....- . .. . p,tition ,VII I IE D , m Il!. . 00/ WtR - 6 S!I8 I~j PORT AI..El.iS 1 ; PlANNING OEPARWf~'T I/we the undersigned oppose the rezoning applicatio~rthwest Pennit REZ 98-02, r lots 13 throtlgh 16, Block 268, TPA generally desaibed as the southwest comer of 8th and LincolJ:l- Streets, Port Angeles, Washington: . Signa ... Printed Name . . . ~ ~l~n ~ dl d:_cl1.~Jir .'\ j (' :J ':' 1'..-.-.., /1<; [) (, "'}L tit r ; f lc. be.. ;'I..{ , ' ~ ' __., ) J . ,- c - .. _ \ \,\ \f.l. ' "-~\)\,,^,,\~^-.. \ \\", f'~~... ~ c~ ~\A \~,\(; ,- I .' ."lL' - " '.;t ~ ~ Addr~ . //7 w~.r~~. ," 1/4 Llc~'r fltl' 1/7 ~~ '1 t ~ · 1I1I I~ ,{'r-..-+ q-k L' J .'" / ,'.. ;' ~7i/~, I'l \'d..,'. . , ~/- -, I . c..,L1 ("4- .,... \. '"-'. I - I . I t ~ {'_ \ I, \ ~ '- 1-...1', ( <: L l I l \ t- l..e H I r /, : ::J.. 'J tJ l ~ _ 1-+ 1- .. 179 ~ 1'-""2- Ifi) IE I In, lfi!1, I1IJ 1_ - 6 19!B: Si; . p._'. ..... -4 t I/we the undersigned oppose the rezoning application Northwest Pemitf~REZi.98:.02.fQr: Lots 13 through 16, Block 268, TPA generally described as the southwest comer of 8th a~d Lincoln Streets, Port Angeles, Washington: . Petition Sianature Printed Name Address I . ".. . . . '- H . L 1(, n ~ '( v r( ~. l. I "" 1"4. · ~ q~ - . I . L I NO" ~ USt+ 127..JJ, Crcu~ ~ ~ ~c.9hI-il~ · ;) . q 'i"-' L \ q . W G(#\ S"t, · JuJle HO'l:Z.DtJUnL C fA ( L J (.j -; 0 tV t L /1(.1)// ? /I L. /(,(J ~l. c.;If' ~J ~7 ~ ~f'l ~ F 7:J- ~ J .1: ... OV..iI _ _ ~ ' .,...~:J".... ~ ~A'_~r::. ~o-L :f{; ?~ \:>4 ',"~':",\, mElBIEOW~~ l UAD 6 tnnD .' !lj : I ""' -""", ; 01 PORTANGiliS j Ilwe the undersigned oppose the rezoning applicatiQn Northwe . I' ',... ~ r Lots 13 through 16, Block 268, TPA generally d~scribed as the southwest comer of 8th and Lincol~' Streets, Port Angeles, Washington: ~nature . . . Printed Name Address - ~ft1 ~~~ ~#J h,~~sr. /{1 i IOt3- .6~a f1i'P/'"MiDt.- ~r,..~ 0itbr;~+ 1/1~. /D~ 1~ l I IU~ ;;tl E. lO-fr1 · Jr' . G X\ '.----. / /Ot'~. . ,~ ~fl' /~b E: I~fh.. iL I 0: '" LA , dure/--.. ~tlA.;'QV f~p'r ~Ili:i(~ &jJC;; 9~' ~.&~L>I ' ~G:r.L. ~:~->n/ F'J~'ih(l-Cr(Jrhd <;h~ S.~u~.vl. I, /".c &i.A Dc.' · __ ~.:::::> .' . . ~ ~t. SIAA-'-I-k. z.,q w. cr+~ " iji/~ iI# ~J;7~r - I . ~z-0 ~ ~) If" -{ . . f J.1it.~~ ~'-. . Petition . U ),',1,4M ~r { I V Z~2. lAJ. q~ . - - I.. 9IIPtJ-:-L?t1, I- t:::> ,,'6 V 2-,/8 ~ ! :.,- . .0. ReS Sf !WNJ:1l.. f!. e. s /(1 n nc~ ~-l. )~r>"'" t~r 1 ?:> 7 Uf. f~ 1# ~ 'f ~ l( "11b-' l 2.- , &.,.). 'I ':. ' . 11 ok, Lc..181 ., .... " " ,\ \ J "- ~ 3 s, fbz.biJJ.j b-S- Petition IilrE l!l I IW tf~ lIt1- MAR-6~ :. . J. ;-. PO.... At" -. -. f i.1 .. I\;:'Lt..\ . Pl_N~!~G o~l);::n:n:T Ilwe the undersigned oppose the rezoning application Northwest Permit R~2, fOr Lots 13 through 16, Block 268, TPA generally described as the southwest comer of 8th and linColn Streets, Port ~ngeles, Washington: \'~~;.LA~~ .-Y~~ t, ';jJ~ / _ \~f "" \:) c:::. aA ~ k 7 ;r IIMG { 'J. ~). Z PrD,j ~ . . Address . /jl./ ~ 1't1 ~, liD c.qL!t. ., CfTM Dt~ .. [2 z.. E 9-\L . . /3CJ , q-cl '. .. )1<; ,. c; .,.,. Sianature' , Printed Name ~ Utl MJ ~J.1tMJ.JJ ~(,~ r.. ~1-III__ r- , ~ ~.eI\4 '5taAmlcl ..J ANl:I-.Lir aEJ...L.E~W . .... \........." . -...>:', - . . .~. ...s._~ \......... .. \.,~ 'A\~,~ ~ Vf.A~:') .>t--'. -- ...,..'). :."l(\', , I . )/", "'t,.t? . /.... . .n",J 7hlL""~~ m ,':1~" J JJ "J~~/'\/ 7Th'{{^Jh..y / / l/l.+ fc ~()&! Ie .M ./~A-IR@~ /L' Y L't-. 12.~ , / ~el/ -17~y 13('14 S., <!..i1el!t..J W 9~'- · III Lv. 111- , I ! ,J J~L i82 . ,..., I ,.., . "t', '< ':, t. ,~t,:/;,~:::,::,,' ~:~,::-;:;t~}ii::,':N~"i!': mE lowmr March 4, 1998 .. - 6 1998 " I. ~ ; :! ;. It IJ , Wi i PORT ANGELES PlANNING DEPr,RTP.'ENT CitY of Port Angeles Planning Commission 321 East 5th St. Port Angeles, W A 98362 AnN: .. . .- Planning Com.uuion 1 am writing in regard to the proposed rezone of Lots 13 through 16 on East 9th Street between Laurel and Lincoln Streets. I am the renter of the property located at 118 East 9th St. I oppose the rezoning application for the following reasons: The traffic impact of yet another business. which accessed Laurel, 8th Street. Lincoln. and 9th Street would compromise the safety of my family, eSpecially my children. My one child is enrolled at Jefferson Elementary. She used to walk to school every day. 1 now take 'my daughter to school in the morning because traffic on Lincoln Street has increased due to the espresso stand located at the comer of 9th Street and Lincoln. Traffic was already heavy on this main street. but once this shop went in traffic in the A.M. hours has increased. The' drivers are not always aware of the children walking to school. and my daughter was almost hit once by a car pulling out of the espresso stand who was in too big of a hurry to wait for traffic coming down Lincoln. As of right now during the after work around (4:30 - 5:30 pm) cars already cut down our street to avoid the light on 8th Street and Lincoln. They turn onto our Street and then drive down a few blocks sO as to avoid the wait at the light. These drivers are already in a hurry, which ~s why they cut down our street, and they are not always paying attention to the children on our street. . The quality of life we enjoy in this residential neighborhood would be diminished by noise. traffic, artificial lighting, refuse removal, and the W1known dangers business brings to a community, such as robberies, vandalism, and loitering. . The integrity and aesthetics of the Cherry Hill vicinity would be compromised with any further business district encroachment. My house was built in the late 1930's. 1 know a lot of older homes in this neighborhood. We love these old homes not only for their looks, but for their history. My house, from what my relatives' have told me, was built by either a prominent Port Angeles judge or mayor. By enCroaching on our residential neighborhoods you are destroying the integrity that we love to see in this historical part of town. 183 1)7 City of Port Angeles Proposed Rezone Page two . The City of Port ~eles has many vacant, undeveloped, and established sites already zoned' for' busin~ use in this vicinity. These sites could be further developed for commercial use without further encroachment ~n this established neighborhood. At a time when the downtown area of this city is crying for more business, I do not understand the need to rezone in residential neighborhoods. We, as a city, need to defme the parameters . of our business areas and leave the neighborhoods 'alone for the purpose that they serve. that of a home and not a business. We need to stop the plunking down of businesses into residential neighborhoods and come up with a clear and distinct plan for the future businesses coming to our town, and/or rel~cation of current businesses. For the above stated reasons I hereby oppose the rezoning of this area as stated in Northwest Permit REZ 98-02. 1 understand if this project is approved for rezoning, it will then set a precedent. 'u~:~~ ~~ Marsha L. pearson ) ) g E. 9th Street Port Angeles. W A 98362 . I . . 18. DB . . . m E~ ~6D~ ~!~ . , ... City of. Port Angeles Planning commission 321 East 5th Sl Port Angele~; WA . 98362 pcm AN:~W: PLA~'~...'~'r\ rt:"'. ........ .O'. ", I . ATIN: Planning Commission: I am writing in regard to the proposed rezone of Lots 13 through 16 on East 9th Street between Laurel and Uncoln Streets. I am the Owner(s)/renter(s) of the property located at ) J<;- t. &f~' ~ ::;;..... I oppose this rezoning application for the following reasons: . This established neighborhood is one of the. oldest in the City of Port Angeles. I bought and/or rent my home in this neighborhood because I want to raise my family in a quality environment, not 8 business district. The integrity and aesthetics of the Cherry Hill vicinity would be compromised with any further business district encroachment . The traffic impact of yet another business, which accesses Laurel, 8th Street, Lincoln, and 9th Street would compromise the safety of myself and my family. . The QualttY of life we have enjoyed in this residential neighborhood would be diminished by nOIse. ~c. artificial lighting. refuse removal and the unknown dangers business brings to a community. such as robberies, vandalism and loitering. . The City of Port Angeles has many vacant, undeveloped and established sites already zoned for business use in this vicinity. These sites could be further developed for commeroal use without further encroachment on this established neighborhood. For the above stated reasons IIwe hereby oppose the rezoning of this area as stated in the Northwest Permit REZ 98-02. l/we understand if this project is approved for rezoning, it will then set a precedent. Sincerely . ~-~ Name \ \~ E. q~~ ~ '?r A ck.:> ~\",sslCily/Slat&lZip l~ Date\f\~ WtQ 9B3/#?-. 185 t>~ . City of Port Angeles Planning commission.' . 321 East 5th St Port Angeles. .WA 98362 rn E~mOW~ 001 w.R - 6 1998 PORi ANGELES I PlANNING DEPART~.'Em . ( . ( . ATTN: Planning Commission: I am writing in regard to the proposed rezone of Lots 13 through 16 on East 9th Street between Laurel and Uncoln Streets. I am the ~)Irenter(S) llf the property Ioc:aied at 1/':11: q-rJ ..st.. I oppose this rezoning application for the following reasons: . This established neighborhood is one of the oldest in the City of Port Angeles. I bought and/or rent my home in this neighborhood because I want to raise my family in a quality environment. not a business diStrict. The integrity and aesthetics of the Cherry Hill vicinity would be compromised With any further business district encroachment. . . The traffic impact of yet another business. which accesses Laurel. 8th Street. Uncoln. and 9th Street would compromise the safety of myself and my family. . The quality of life we have enjoyed in this residential neighborhood would be diminished by . . nOIse. traffic. artificial lighting, refuse removal and the unknown dangers business brings to a community. such as robberies, vandalism and loitering. . The City of Port Angeles has many vacant undeveloped and established sites already .' zoned for business use in this vicinity. These sites could be further developed for commercaal use without further encroachment on this established neighborhood. For the above stated reasons l/we hereby oppose the rezoning of this area as stated in the Northwest Permit REZ 98-02. l/we understand if this project is approved for rezoning, It will then set a precedent Sincerely. ~J/)A.Jd.~ Name .... YJ lit{ r;; q ~. ,J~ ~,~ Wit- CfE,al-:), AddresslCitylState/ZiP . ~~ kJoJqqy Date ' 186 . 1>\0 . City of Port Angeles - Planning commission 321 East 5th St. Port Angeles, Wf-. -98362 rfiJ IE ~ IE n WI CE.lnJ 11/1 NM-S8 ~I I PORT ANGUES - f1LANN/NG OEPAmoT ATTN: Planning Commission: I am writing in regard to the proposed rezone of Lots 13 through 16 on East 9th Street between Laurel and Uncoln Streets. I am the Owner(s)/renter(s) of the property located at 8/9 SO. tau~{ I?I? tit, ~:.L I oppose this rezoning application for the following reasons: . This established neighborhood is one of the oldest in the City of Port Angeles. I bought and/or rent my home in this neighborhood because I want to raise my family in a quality environment, not a business district. The integrity and aesthetics of the Cherry Hill vicinity would be compromised with any further business district enaoachment. . . The traffic impact of yet another business, which accesses Laurel, 8th Street, Lincoln. and 9th Street would compromise the safety of myself and my family. . The quality of life we have enjoyed in this residential neighborhood would be diminished by nOise, traffic. artificial lighting, refuse removal and the unknown dangers business brings to a community, such as robberies. vandalism and loitering. . The City of Port Angeles has many vacant,. undeveloped and established sites already zoned for business use in this vicinity. These sites could be further developed for commercial use without further enaoachment on this established neighborhood. For the above stated reasons IJwe hereby oppose the rezoning of this area as stated in the Northwest Permit REZ 98-02. . l/we understand if this project is approved for rezoning, it will then set a precedent. Sincere~.. p .~ -,-'o/;al J;( ~ Nam:' n i- S .- /J )( / 9 t. ~vt:.... /'M, of AddresslCitylS~p . ~ /~- ~ Date t2 ~"1.t.':J1 t ""'&(.. 187 1> \ \ IfDJ IE m lED W IE ,fii}; UIJ WIll - 6 S!B tPI' . City of Port Angeles Planning commission 321 East 5th St. . Port Angeles,.WA 98362 PORT ANGElES PLANNING DEPARTMENT f : ATTN: Planning Commission: I am writing in regard to the proposed rezone of Lots 13 through 16 on East 9th Street between Laurel and Lincoln Streets. I am the Owner(s)/renter(s) of the property located at PIt! S. /.d..U/u L" fi,4, 9ff~Z- ,/ I oppose this rezoning application for the following reasons: . This established neighborhood is one of the oldest in the City of Port Angeles. I bought and/or rent my home in this neighborhood because I want to raise my family. in a quality environment, not a business district. The integrity and aesthetics of the Cherry Hill vicinity would be compromised with any further business district encroachment. . . The traffic impact of yet another business. which accesses Laurel, 8th Street, Lincoln, and 9th Street would compromise the safety of myself and my family. . The quality of life we have enjoyed in this residential neighborhood would be diminished by . nOise. traffic. artificial lighting. refuse removal and the unknown dangers business brings to a community. such as robberies, vandalism and loitering. . The City of Port Angeles has many vacant. undeveloped and established sites already zoned for business use in this vicinity. These sites could be further developed for commercial use without furttler encroachment on this established neighborhood. For the above stated reasons IJwe hereby oppose the rezoning of this.area as stated in the Northwest Permit REZ 98-02. l/we understand If this project is approved for rezoning, it will then set a precedent. Sincerely. ~ '~J;#~f'1 ~~.('.Ihj Ka '-If S; ~ A-/7f,'rit-z b flfiK- A~~slC~rp . . .... ~~ . 188 \)\'1.... . rlDJ IE @ ~ n W IT ~' 11n Wi - 6 1998 - City of Port Angeles , Planning commission 321 East 5th St. . Port Angeles', WA 98362 PORT ANGfW fWfN'NG DEPARTMENT , . ATTN: Planning Commission: I am writing in regard to the proposed rezone of Lots 13 through 16 on East 9th Street between Laurel and Uncoln Streets. I am the Owner(s)/renter(s) of the property located at..m!-~ ~ . I oppose this rezoning application for the following reasons: . This established neighborhood is 0", of the oldest in the City of Port Angeles. I bought and/or rent my home in this neighborhood because I want to raise my family in a quality environment, not a business district. The integrity and aesthetics of the CherTy Hill vicinity would be compromised with any further business district encroachment. . The traffic impact of yet another business, which accesses Laurel, 8th Street, Uncoln, and 9th Street would compromise the safety of myself and my family. . The quality of life we have enjoyed in this residential neighborhood would be diminished by noise. traffic, artificial lighting, refuse removal and the unknown dangers business brings to a com~unity, such as robberies, vandalism and loitering. . The City of Port Angeles has many vacant. undeveloped and established sites already zoned for business use in this vicinity. These sites could. be further developed for commercial use without further encroachment on this established neighborhood. For the above stated reasons l/we hereby oppose the rezoning of this area as stated in the Northwest Permit REZ 98-02. l/we understand if this project is approved for rezoning, it will then set a precedent. Sincerely. ~tN-.~\.~. ame TN " . ~ q. 1'a:t:r A.~T"..s:( ~~ JA. AddresslCitylStateJZip I ' V3'~ "3' to - / ~ qR Date . 189 \)\~ City of Port A~geles Planning commission 321 East'5th St. Port Angeles, WA 98362 ATTN: Planning Commission: I am writing in regard to the proPosed rezone of Lots 13 through 16 on East 9th Street between Laurel and Uncoln Streets. I am the Qwner1s)/renter(s) of the property located at ../::z.:z. ;.;. 9...z:;4-- I oppose this rezoning application for the following reasons: . I I . . This established neighborhood is one of the oldest in the City of Port Angeles. I bought and/or rent my home in this neighborhood beCause I want to raise my family in a quality environment. not a business district. The integrity and aesthetics of the Cheny Hill vicinity . would be compromised with any further business distrid enaoachment . The traffic impact of yet another business, which accesses Laurel, 8th Street, Uncoln, and 9th Street would compromise the safety of myself and my family. . The quality of life we have enjoyed in this residential neighborhood would be diminished by noise. traffic. artificial lighting, refuse removal and the unknown dangers business brings to a community. such as robberies, vandalism and loitenng. . The City of Port Angeles has many vacant, undeveloped and established sites already zoned for business use in this vicinity. These sites could be furth8r developed. for commercial use without further encroachment on this established neighborhood. For the above stated reasons l/we hereby oppose the rezoning of this area as stated in the Northwest Permit REZ 98-02. l/we understand if this projed is approved for rezoning, it will then set a precedent. Sincerely, N~<<~ - Jt2:L E. 9 z-P' ~~r ;-f/t/G,f;~ ,f..$~ U/d 9 e.; (' .z.. ~ddresslCitylStatelZip , 3- .:J - ?B Date 190 . \)\ 4 ;'~f' . City of-Port Angeles Planning commission 321 East 5th St. Port Angeles, WA98362 m IE 8W IE fnl .... 4 ~.<' . I PORI ANGF.lf~ PlANNING [I~Ot.;. -- ATTN: Planning Commission: I oppose this rezoning application for the following reasons: . This estaplished neighborhood is ~ne of the ~ldest.in-theCityof Port Angel~s. I bought and/or rent my home in this neighborhoOd because IwanHo raise my family.. in a quality . environment. not a business district. The ihtegrity and aesthetics of the Cheny Hill ~~cinity would be compromised with any further business district encroachment!. ..' . The traffic impact of yet another business. which accesses Laurel,8th Street. Lincoln, and 9th Street would compromise the safety of myself and my family. . The Quality of life we have enjoyed in this residential neighb()rhood would be dimlnished;by nOIse. traffic. artificial lighting, refuse removal and the unknown dangers business brings to a community. such as robberies, vandalism and loitering. . The. City of Port Angeles hasmany'vacant. u~developed and.establish.e~si.tes already zoned for business use in this vicinity. T~se sites could be fUru,erdevltloped for commerctal use without further. encroactiment on this established neighborhood. For the above stated reasons IIwe hereby oppose the rezoning of this area as stated in the Northwest Permit REZ 98-02. l/we understand if this prO;ectis approved for ~ning, it will then set a precedent. Sincerely. ft. . AddresslCitylStatelZip i/!J'lA r L ,:~ m r _ 0 I f..i. No A..d~ ') ;~at,~ 191 "" \ z:::- . City of Port Angeles Planning commission.' . 321 East 5th St. Port Angeles, WA 98362 m Im~Dwmfi1) . ..1. . i i MAR - 4 1998 ; . .: . ( . . "" "j fl' -:r ;'" pt~... . ~ . ATTN: Planning Commission: I am writing in regard to the proposed rezone of Lots 13 through 16 on East 9th Street between Laurel and Uncoln Streets. I am the Owner(s)/renter(s) of the property 10c8ted at &f /) q ~. L~; ,J I oppose this rezoning application for the following reasons: . This established neighborhood is one of the oldest in the City of Port Angeles. I bought and/or rent my home in this neighborhood because I want to raise my family in a quality environment. not a business district. The integrity and. aesthetics of the Cherry Hill vicinity would be compromised with any further business district encroachment . . The traffic impact of yet another business. which accesses Laurel. 8th Street. Lincoln. and 9th Street would compromise the safety of myself and my family. . The quality of life we have enjoyed in this residential neighborhood would be diminished by nOise. traffic. artificial lighting. refuse removal and the unknown dangers business brings to a community. such as robberies. vandalism and loitering. . ~he City of Port Angeles has many vacant. undeveloped and established sites already zoned for bUSiness use in this vicinity. These sites could be further developed for commercial use without further encroachment on this established neighborhood. For the above stated reasons IJwe hereby oppose the rezoning of this area as stated in the Northwest Permit REZ 98-02. l/we understand if this project is approved for rezoning. it will then set a precedent. Sincerely. Mr. ~ AI.. t :a G.~ C (J-R fill Name ~ ~ iff) r1 ~ J G I~".L I 'T"Mi_lt..-,~.JL..S b)/t. Addres~City~tat~p' , !5.j-q~ Date n3r.2.. 192 . ~ rLe "0,,,- ~ c,,)1; . /,I;V 14... tu.Ul.s tfUl",",,- ~ ~~ 5..c..S . I k r r J oS ,. rb-t.. 111z:.R. R..A" R ti., d.o LS Ii '-I \')\ lo . City O.f Port Angeles . Planning commission 321 East 5th St'. Port Angeles; WA 98362 IfiJ g (I gO" I Jiil In] M'R -.4 91 @ PORJ~~ . PlMN'NG~ . ATTN: Planning Commission: I am writing in regard to the proposed rezone of Lots 13 through 16 on East 9th Street between Laurel and Uncoln Streets. I am th~e~i J' -{'"') of the property located at C$ZZ ~. Lt:Lure' ~ ~.s I oppose this rezoning application for the following reasons: . . This established neighborhood is one of the oldest in the City of Port Angeles. I bought and/or rent my home in this neighborhood because I want to raise my family in a quality environment, not a business district. The integrity and aesthetics of the Cherry Hill vicinity would be compromised with any further business district encroachment. . The traffic impact of yet another business. which accesses Laurel, 8th Street, Uncoln. and 9th Street ~uld compromise the safety of myself and my family. . The quality of life we have enjoyed in this residential neighborhood would be diminished by noise. traffic. artificial lighting, refuse removal and the unknown dangers business brings to . a community. such as robberies, vandalism and loitering. . The City of Port Angeles has many vacant. undeveloped and established sites already zoned for business use in this vicinity. These sites could be further developed for commercial use without further encroachment on this established neighborhood. For the above stated reasons IIwe hereby oppose the rezoning of this area as stated in the Northwest Permit REZ 98-02. . l/we understand if this project is approved for rezoning, it will then set a precedent. Sincerely. N~ 1 U; ~ 22 .5,. Lu v.,.~ , AddresslCitylStatelZip (.-I-'1x Date ~ p,. ",~,a VI') ,.!"J IN 14 ~F7' 'l.- 193. \)\7 . ill Immowm Wi -.4. 00 City of Port Angeles Planning commission 321 East 5th Sl. Port A~gele.s~ WA 98362 I t. ATTN: Planning Commission: I am writing in regard to the proposed rezone of lots 13 through 16 on East 9th Street between Laurel and Uncoln Streets. I am the Owner(s)/renter(s) of the property located at 91?3 s 6~bod1 I oppose this rezoning application for the following reasons: . This established neighborhood is one of the oldest in the City of Port Angeles. I bought and/or rent my home in this neighborhood because I want to raise my family in a quality environment, not a business district. The integrity and aesthetics of the Cheny Hill vicinity would be compromised with any further business district encroachment . . The traffic impact of yet another business, which accesses Laurel, 8th Street. Uncoln, and 9th Street would compromise the safety of myself and my family. . The quality of life we have enjoyed in this residential neighborhood would be diminished by nOIse. traffic. artificial lighting, refuse removal and the unknown dangers business brings to a community. such as robberies, vandalism and loitering. . The City of Port Angeles has many vacant, undeveloped and established sites already zoned for business use in this vicinity. These sites could be further developed for commercial use without further encroachment on this established neighborhood. For the above stated reasons l/we hereby oppose the rezoning of this area as stated in the Northwest Permit REZ 98-02. l/we understand if this project is approved for rezoning, it will then set a precedent. (?,t-<- /J'/ 9JJ(;:L / . 194 1>\~ . ffD) II (I IE. D , IE m: l1lJ *R-4~ ;;;; .-. City of Port Angeles .. Planning commission 321 East 5th St. Port Angeles, WA '98362 PORi Ar~utLES PlANNING DEPARTP'ENT A TIN: Planning Commission: I am writing in regard to the proposed rezone of Lots 13 through 16 on East 9th Street between Laurel and Uncoln Streets. I am Ihe@nter(S) of the property IocaI8d at d3 J, E. qt!'C;f. I oppose this rezoning application for the following reasons: . This established neighborhood is one of the oldest in the City of Port Angeles. I bought and/or rent my home in this neighborhood because I want to raise my family in a quality environment. not a business district. The integrity and. aesthetics of the Cherry Hill vicinity woulo be compromised with any further business district encroachment. . . The traffic impact of yet another business. which accesses Laurel. 8th Street. Uncoln. and 9th Street would compromise the safety of myself and my family. . The quality of life we have enjoyed in this residential. neighborhood would be diminished by noise. 1I:affic. artificial lighting, refuse removal and the unknown dangers business brings to a com~unJty. such as robberies,. vandal~ and ~itering. . The City of Port Angeles has ~ny vacant. undeveloped and established sites already zoned for business use'in this vicinity. These sites. could be further developed for commercial use without further encroachment on this established neighborhood. For the above stated reasons l/We hereby oppose the rezoning of this area ,as stated in the Northwest Permit REZ 98-02. l/we understand if this project is approved for rezoning, it will then set a precedent. Smcerely, ~ ~. . .iJ b. MA;""'- -\ ~ L\ Na~3 3 ~ . tJ-s-f ~It> {.JJJt q23 &~ . Add5'?~~~' _ Date 195 0\ l\ rn IE m IE D , IEJ~1 UAD _ A InnO '0'0 ""' "4 ~ ~ , .. !-' . PCi:i 1It~~ ELF.; PLANNING [l~:';',,;' '':~IT City of Port Angeles Planning commission 321 East 5th St. . Port Angeles, 'WA 98362 I . ATrN: Planning Commission: I am writing in regard to the proposed rezone of Lots 13 through 16 on East 9th Street between Laurel and Uncoln Streets. . I am the Owner(s)ltenIer(s) oIlhe property located d 93> I <:', ~r-"o~ I oppose this rezoning application for the following reasons: . This established neighborhood is one of the oldest in the City of Port Angeles. I bought and/or rent my home in this neighborhood because I want to rai~ my family in a quality environment, not a business district. The integrity and aesthetics of the Cherry Hill vicinity . would be compromised with any further business district enaoachment. . The traffic impact of yet another business, which accesses Laurel, 8th Street. Uncoln, and 9th Street would compromise the safety of myself and .my family. . The quality of life we have enjoyed in this residential neighborhood Would be diminished by nOise. traffic. artificial lighting, refuse removal and the unknown. dangers business brings to a community, such as robberies, vandalism and loitering. . The City of Port Angeles has many. vacant, undeveloped and established sites ali'eady zoned for business use i.. this vicinity. These sites could be further developed for commercial use without further enaoachment on this established neighborhood. F or the above stated reasons IIwe hereby oppose the rezoning of this area as stated in the Northwest Permit REZ 98-02. l/we understand if this project is approved for rezoning, it will then set a precedent. uJl\ ~ 067- . i96 .A~dre~p Date . " \:>20 .;,,; ,),.. . IfDJr IE ~ lED WI IE fiil I11J MVl - 4 I!l!lII 1 [!lj , / ' . PC~ i It~'~::~::~ PLAN!.';';:; :;=:>.;n ..... ---.-. City of. Port Angeles Planning commission 321 East 5th St. Port Ar:'geles,' WA 98362 I . ATTN: Planning Commission: I am writing in regard to the propOsed rezone of Lots 13 through 16 on East ~ Street. between Laurel and Uncoln Streets. I am the Owner(s)lrenter(s) of the property locat~d at ~tJI1 ~ .rtPJ: ~ ~ IU~ 9!3~z.-. I oppose this rezoning application for the following reasons: . . This established neighborhood is one of the oldest in the City of Port Angeles. I b()ught and/or rent my home in this neighborhood-because I want to raise my family in a quality environment. not a business distrid. The integrity and aesthetics, of the Cherry Hill vicinity would be compromised with any further business distrid encroachment. . The traffic impad of yet another business, which accesses Laurel,8th Street. Uncoln, and ~h Street would compromise the safety of myself and my family. . The quality of, life we have enjoyed in this re,sidential neighb()rhood would ~ diminished by nOIse. traffic, artificial lighting, refuse removal and the unknown dangers business brings to' a community, such as robberies; vandalism and loitering.' . . The City of Port Angeles has many vacant. undeveloped Ilnd established sites alrelldy zoned for business use in this vicinity. These sites could be further developed for com;~u~~~;'~~~""'t"<-k+ For the above stated reasons IJwe hereby oppose~ rezoning of this area as Stated in-the Northwest Permit REZ 98-02. . l/we understand If this projed is approved for rezoning, it will then set a precedent. Sincerely. ~,t;~ L,"tJiJlt-S au~tI- Name ~07 c. tfrJll {Jb. k~.W1f 9!'(p~ Addres_slC~lStatelZiP_ --- . 3-:-~--7 Y Date 197 b:z.\ . ill ~ ~ ~ 0 w ~ ~. MAR-~1998 i!;j ;...; City of Port Angeles Planning commission 321 East 5th St. Port Angeles. .WA 98362 PORT ANGELES PlANNING DEPARTPiENT I . I : ATTN: Planning Commission: I am writing in regard to the proposed rezone of lotS 13 through 16 on East 9th Street between Laurel and Uncoln Streets. I am the Owner(s)/renter(s) of the property located at /3' v/.tj1:E- I oppose this rezoning application for the following reasons: . This established neightx)rhood is one of the oldest in the City of Port Angeles. I bought and/or rent my..home in this neighborhood because I want to raise my family in ..~ quality environment. not a business district.. The integrity and .sthetics.of the Cherry Hill vicinity . would be compromised with any further business district encroachment.. . The traffic impact of yet another business. which accesses Laurel, 8th Street. Lincoln, and 9th Street would compromise theAfetyof myself and my family. . The quality of life we.have enjoyed in this residential neighborhood would be diminished by nOise. traffic. artificial lighting; refuse removal and the unknown dangers business brings to a community. such as robberies. vandalism and loitering. . The City of Port Angeles has many vacant, undeveloped and established sites already zoned for business Use i.n this vicinity. These sites could be further developed for commef'Clal use withouffurther encroachment on this established neighborhood. For the above stated reasons l/we hereby oppose the rezoning of this area as stated in the Northwest Pennit REZ 98-02. l/we understand if this project is approved for rezoning, it will then set a precedent. Sincerely, . ef Na~~ ~ <7 forr~u~dd. 'riA '831>2.. AddressICity~.~ ' J-~8 . Date . 198 \)~~ CIty of Port Angeles Planning commission 321 East 5th St . Port Angeles, WA 98362 A TTN: Planning Commission: PORT ANGELES P~ENT I am writing in regard to the proposed rezone of Lots 13 through 16 bn !a~ between Laurel and Uncoln Streets. @/ I ~J E~ ~AI~ E I am the Owner(s)lrenter(s) of the pl'C)perty located at " ,:<.' { -- ~ -, I oppose this rezoning application for the following reasons: . This established neighborhood is one of the oldest in ,the City of Port Angeles., I bought and/or rent my home in this neighborhood because I want to raise my family in a quality environment, not a business district. The integrity and aesthetics of the Cheny Hill vicinity would be compromised with any further business district encroachment. . The traffic impact of yet another business, which accesses Laurel, 8th Street, Uncoln, and 9th Street would compromise the safety of myself and my family. . The quality of life we have enjoyed in this residential neighborhood would be diminished by noise, traffic, artificial lighting, refuse removal and the unknown dangers business brings to a community, such as robberies, vandalism and loitering. .. The ~ity of Port Angeles has many vacant undeveloped and established sites already zoned for business use in this vicinity. These sites could be further developed for commercial use without further encroachment on this established neighborhood. For the above stated reasons l/we hereby oppose the rezoning of this area as stated in the Northwest Permit REZ 98-02. l/we understand if this project is approved for rezoning, it will then set a precedent. Sincerely. Name I"~ I, I AddresslCitylStatelZip :" ~ Date . 199 \)-:t.3 . m I~ ~.48~ m ill! , II" , I POln ANGELES ' I , PlANNING OEPARW~NT City of Port Angeles Planning commission 321 East 5th St. , Port Angeles.. WA 98362 ATTN: Planning Commission: I am writing in regard to the proposed rezone of Lots 13 through 16 on East 9th Street between Laurel and Uncoln Streets. d.. I am the Owner(s)/renter(s) of the property located at / ..:l ~ u) '7 - ~. I oppose this rezoning application for the following reasons: . This established neighborhood is one of the oldest in the City of Port Angeles. I bought and/or rent my home in this neighborhood because I want to raise my family in a quality environment, not a business district. The integrity and aesthetics of the Cheny Hill vicinity . would be compromised with any further business district encroachment. . The traffic impact of yet another business, which accesses Laurel, 8th Street, Uncoln, and 9th Street would compromise the safety of myself and my family. . The quality of life we have enjoyed in this residential neighborhood would be diminished by . nOIse. traffic, artificial lighting, refuse removal and the unknown dangers business brings to a community,'such as robberies, vandalism and loitering. . The City of Port Angeles has many vacant, undeveloped and established sites already zoned for business use in this vicinity. These sites could be further developed for commercaal use without further encroachment on this established neighborhood. For the above stated reasons IJwe hereby oppose the rezoning of this area as'stated in the Northwest Permit REZ 98-02. l/we understand if this project is approved for rezoning, it will then set a precedent. Sincerely, ./2;. j( j,..~. ,.. - ~~~, if "i<h..... <A J Name ~ . I~~ IV. q~k. /iO'/. ~~ ':?~~'4 AddresslCitylStatelZip , -7~~~.L ~ 14qf Date . zoo ~J4 . . . m .. , I Ijjl "-219 fU'1 .. City of Port Angeles Planning commission 321 East 5th St. Port Angeles, WA . 98362 ~.'" ., I . ATTN: Planning Commission: I am writing in regard to the proposed rezone of Lots 13 through 16 on East 9th Street between Laurel and Uncoln Streets. I am the Owner(s)/renter(s) of the property located at ~f It) //1 1: / 0 ~ sfl2 ~f-f- I oppose this rezoning application for the following reasons: . This established neighborhood is one of the oldest in the City of Port Angeles. I bought and/or rent my home in this neighborhood because I want to raise my family in a quality environment, not a business district. The integrity and aesthetics of the CherT)' Hill vicinity would be compromised with any further business district encroachment. . The traffic impact of yet another business, which accesses Laurel, 8th Street, Uncoln, and 9th Street would compromise the safety of myself and my family. . The quality of life we have enjoyed in this residential neighborhood would be diminished by nOise. traffic, artificial lighting, refuse removal and the unknown dangers business brings to a comf!'lunity. such as robberies, vandalism and loitering. . The City of Port Angeles has.many vacant, undeveloped and established sites already zoned for business use in this vicinity. These sites could be further developed for commercial use without further encroachment on this established neighborhood. F or the above stated reasons IJwe hereby oppose the rezoning of this area as stated in the Northwest Permit REZ 98-02. l/we understand if this project is approved for rezoning, it will then set a precedent. S~ncerely . J)I+A~.<\') ",.. 6,1d,#,sl- Name //1 E /IJB Addres~CitylState~p ?'A/l.C ~ t. to U L"U'" Date ~/9' JP~ ~.:l- 201 \)~5 . I . . . 202 --- - .. . . r r Washington Sbde Department of TransPOrtation Sid Morrl.on Secretary 01 Transportalion Ot'.....lo ....Ion H..d.._rt.... 5720 Caplloll3oulevard. 1 ufTlwaler PO Eln.47440 Olyn1lllil WA 98.'lCI4-7440 (3601 :i57.2flOO Fax (3601357-2601 June 19, 1998 w ~. @ ~ U W ~ @ ~ 2 A 1998 .' j PORT ANGELES . PlANNING DEPARTMENT -- . Sue Roberds City of Port Angeles Planning Department 321 East Fifth Street Port Angeles, W A 98362 " SRI01, MP 247.56 Right Vicinity Rite-Aid Drugstore E.C. File No. 98044-C Dear Sue: We have received and reviewed the above proposal and have the following comments: The State recommends the proponent connect directly to 9'" St. in lieu of the proposed access connection toSRI0l (Lincoln Ave.) The proposed project would degrade traffic flow below the Depanments Level of Service 610". This degradation will require mitigation to achieve LOS OlD" for the Horizon Y ear of 2000. Safety ofpermittedlprotected operation at the signal is also a concern. The Depamnent would prefer protected phasing. The Department has classified this section ofSRI0l as a Class 4 Facility. Per v..' AC 468-52, Class 4, no more than one. access shall be provided to an individual parcel or to contiguous parcels under the same ownership unless it can.be shown that additional access points would not adversely affect the desired function, safety. or operation of the State Highway. The minimum distance to another public or private access connection shall be 250 feet. The proponent mu~t 'obtain an Access Connection Permit from the Department. The Depanment can only al:Cept surface water runoff equal in quality and quantity to that of the pre-developed site. Any additional surface water runoff generated will require appropriate stormwater treatment measures in accordance with the Depanment of Ecology Stonnwater. Management Manual. 203 ^~" ,." l'- 1\ ~f\ l-r- C ~.& . r r Sue Roberds Junel9, 1998 P~ge 2 Advertising signs visible from an adjacent State Highway must comply with the State Scenic Vistas Act of 1971, which is administered by the Department. For information regarding the signing regulations, contact Jack Smith in the Olympic Region Traffic Operations office at (360) 357-2620. Thank you for the opportunity to review this proposal. If there are any questions regarding our comments, please contact Dawn Naylor at (360) 357-2706. Sincerely, ;:P~L~~ DALE C. SEVERSON, P .E. Development Services Engineer dws 204 \=j . ( . . . . . ti~' f~ ~ 'B11 ~~ ~~ CITY OF PORT ANGELES · PUBUC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM -.AA/NTAINlNG AND IJUIl..t1M; A BETTER COMIIIJNIT'r m May 29, 1998 " "PORT ANGElES ~ING DEPARTMENT TO: PLANNING DEPARTMENT II GARY w. KENWORTHY~ ~ ENGINEER RITE AID DRUGSTORE #5257 TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS REVIEW FROM: SUBJECT: Public Works Utility Services Engineering has reviewed the subject traffic impact analysis prepared by Transportation Planning & Engineering, Inc. of Bellevue and dated May 7, 1998. The following is my comments regarding the report: 'f. The report did not directly discuss the impacts on side streets and alley adjacent to the project. We do not anticipate these impacts to be significant. The consultant has been requested to prepare a short addendum to the report which addresses these impacts. 2. We agree with the consultants condusions and propose"d mitigation measures nos.1 ,2, &4. These will be a requirement of the project. 3" The proposed mitigation measure no. 3 is to change the existing signal to. a protectIve/permissive left turn phasing which would reduce delays and allow more traffic through the intersection. This change would bea step back in protedion however,' since the current signal provides fully protected left turn moves. The State Department of Transportation does-not support this proposed change but stated that the City makes the final decision. We recommend that this mitigation not be implemented at this time and that the City retain the fully protected moves at this time in the interest of traffic safety. The current emergency vehide signal override - Opticom system does not provide fully protected moves. We are requesting that the developer upgrade the signal with the provide the two additional Opticom channels to provide this protection. In addition we are requesting that the developer contribute the cost of the proposed mitigation no. 3 signal changes (510,000) to be utilized for future traffic volume/safety improvements on 8th and/or Lincoln Streets in the project area. 2 0 5 4. In the report it was noted that the consultant projected future traffic using a conservative 5% traffic volume growth factor. The City and the Peninsula RTPO are utilizing 2% traffic growth factors. Table 1 in the consultants report indicated that-the Lincolnl8th intersection in the year 2000 would drop to a seasonal LOS of E (44.2) with the proposed protediveJpennissive left tum phasing and seasonal LOS of F (65.6) without. Since we are recommending that the protectiveJpennissive phasing not be implemented the consultant was requested to recalculate the year 2000 seasonal LOS using the 2% growth factor and . the seasonal LOS improved to E (45.0). The consultant also checked this seasonal LOS using a 2% auto and 5% truck growth factor to allow for summer recreational vehicles and the Level remained at E (55.8). A copy of the recalculation is attached. Overall we are comfortable with the project and the proposed traffic mitigation meaf; ;res as revised. The existing aye...ge LOS and' the proposed project LOS in the year 2000 remain at D. The existing seasonallOS and proposed year 2000 seasonal LO.S using the 2% growth factor remain at E. There will be increased traffic but the above mitigation measures should maintain the current-level of service at the intersection. C . GWKlgk CopIeS: J. Pitlls Attach.: RecelC LOS Loc' N:\PROJECTS\98-07RTA\TRANS.GWK File: 98-07.08 206 1=2- . . . MEMORANDUM Coral Wheeler Administrative Assistant ext 4650 .ce W. Becker Fire Chief ext 4651 Daniel K. McKeen Fire Marshal ext 4653 L. Keith Bogues Training OffIcer ext 4652 James B. (Duke) Moroz Medical Officer. ext 4665 36~ 17-4655 . DA'.l'B: TO: BOX : 0: ! m E m e 0 wm R' ROtrrB '1'0: BuildiDgDept. t:I Pl~"'ft~J1gDep~. B Public Works IJ ~ity Manager IJ FEB 2 3 1998 I: ' t' j"':' PORT ANGELES PLA~t\ING O:P; -::"~~:' : February 23, 1998 Planning Departmen~ Dan M,cKeen, Fire Marshal Rezone Applicatiq1'l - REZ 98-03 Northwest permit ~ 8th/Lincoln The Fire Department has>r'eviewed the request to rezone property located att.he southwest corner of '8th and Lincoln Streets, between 8th and 9th Streets to CSD, and has no objections. DM/cw 207 FP - 26 Page 1 of 1 AlT A C\4 t--ItE~ c;, . I . . 208 . ~ ORDINANCE NO. Ytv ~ ~J-} re,v;S4 ~~~5 1<t3 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles vacating a portion of the alley between Georgiana and Caroline Streets in.Hart and Cookes Subdivision of Suburban Block 31 of the Townsite of Port Angeles. WHEREAS, a petition is on file with the City of Port Angeles to vacate a portion I of the alley between Georgiana and Caroline Streets in. Hart and Cookes Subdivision of Suburban Block 31 of the Townsite of Port Angeles; and WHEREAS, the petition was signed by the owners of more than two-thirds of . the property abutting upon the right-of-way sought to be vacated; and WHEREAS, street vacations are categorically exempt from the requirements of the State Environmental Policy Act (SEP A) as set forth in WAC 197-11-800(2)(h); and WHEREAS, pursuant to Resolution 7-98, a public hearing has been held before the City Council following public notice as required by Chapter 35.79 RCW; and WHEREAS, the street vacation appears to be of benefit to and in the interest of the public; NOW THEREFORE. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES DOES HEREBY ORDAIN as follows: SectioILL:.-.Y-.acation. Subject to the terms and conditions of this Ordinance, the following described right-of-way is hereby vacated: That portion of the alley between Georgiana and Caroline Streets abutting Lots I and 2, the east one half of Lot 3, and Lots 16, 17, and 18 of Hart and Cookes Subdivision of Suburban Block 31 of the Townsite of Pon Angeles. Section 2 - Conditions I. The proposed street vacation is subject to the recommendations of the City's Public Works Department (Attachment B of the June 24, 1998 1 ///. Planning Department Staff Report for STY 98-02) which include construction of the alley and street entrance to city standards including drainage, closure of the vacated alley entrance, encasement of the sewer line in the vacated alley, and an ingress/egress easem,ent!ather than.-J! dedication of the redirecteoportion of the alley to serve as access south <to Georgiana Street. The underground utility easementshall remain. 2. The proposed street vacation is subject to the recommendations of the City's Fire Department (included in Attachment C of the June 24, 1998 Planning Department Staff Report for STY 98-02) which require that the re-routed portion of the alley shall be provided with an allweather surface meeting the City's specifications and that a fire hydrant is provided at the intersection of Georgiana and Chambers Streets. 3. The proposed street vacation is subj ect to the recommendations of the City'~ Police Departmentjlncluded in its letter dated July 7, 1998, . 0 presented to the Planning Commission July 8, 1998), which requires that n~D~ the west parking ~ exit area be sufficient in sizeto allow a full size , police vehicle to make a right turn to continue westbound down the alley, that arrow signs and a light at the comer showing the alley makes a turn south onto Georgiana Street when travelling east down the alley, and that street lighting be provided in the alley west of the building. 4. The street vacation shall not be finaled until a building permit is issued for the property consistent with the revised site development plan (attached as Attachment A to the July 8, 1998 Planning Department Staff Report for STY 98-02). 5. Final occupancy of any structures on the site shall not be allowed until the street vacation is complete and all of the individual lots comprising the development site have been combined into one legal building and zoning lot. 6. Any costs associated with utility relocation and alley realignment.shall be borne by the applicant. Section.l-Compensation. Pursuant to RCW 35.79.030 compensation for the right-of-way is hereby set at S SectionA.-:....QIDLClaimDeed. Upon satisfaction of the compensation amount in Section 2 of tQis Ordinance, the owners of abutting property entitled to the vacated street. pursuant to RCW 35.79.040, may present a quit claim deed to'the City of Port Angeles for execution by the Mayor, who is hereby authorized and directed to execute such quit claim deed. Such quit claim deed shall include all reservations, conditions, or other qualifications upon the , -".. 2 // f_ , title established by this Ordinance. Section5. This Ordinance shall be effective only upon the satisfaction of the terms and conditions of this Ordinance and shall be published upon that satisfaction. The City Clerk is hereby directed to file a certified copy with the Clallam County Auditor and Clallam County Assessor. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 21st day of July_. 1998. Gary Braun. Mayor ATTEST: Becky Upton, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: , Craig D. Knutson, City Attorney j PUBLISHED: By Summary hospital.st\' 3 ,~ /'" /4 /,/',-' FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS IN SUPPORT OF STREET V ACA TION PETITION STY 98-02, Olympic Memorial Hospital: Findings: 1. The applicant for the requested vacation is Olympic Memorial Hospital. The application/petition is attached as Attachment A of the June 24, 1998 Planning Department Staff Report for STY 98-02. 2. The applicant revised the original site plan to address the concerns of the Police Department. The revised site plan is attached as Attachment A of the July 8, 1998 Planning Department Staff Report for STY 98-02. 3. The requested vacation is for that portion of the alley between Caroline Street and Georgiana Street abutting Lots I, 2, 16, 17, 18, and the east one-half of Lot 3 of Hart and Cookes Subdivision of Suburban Block No. 31 in the Townsite of Port Angeles. 4. The street vacation is categorically exempt from threshold determination and Environmental Impact Statement requirements per Section 197-11-800(2)(h) of the Washington Administrative Code. 5. The subject right-of-way and adjoining properties are currently designated on the City's Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map as Commercial and zoned Commercial Office. 6. Multiple utilities including sewer and electrical lines are located in the subject right-of-way. 7. The subject right-of-way is currently improved. 8. The Public Works, Fire, and Police Department's original comments are included as Attachments B, C, and D of the June 24, 1998, Planning Department Staff Report for STY 98-02. . 9. As noted in their letter presented to the Planning Commission on July 8. 1998, the Police Department's concerns. expressed in their letter dated May 19, 1998. have been adequately mitigated to their satisfaction. Conclusi~ A. The Comprehensive Plan's Utilities and Public Services Policies C2 & 3 and Transportation Policy B 18 as listed in the June 24. 1998 Planning-Department Staff Report for STY 98-02 directly relate to the proposed vacation. B. As conditioned, the proposed vacation is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan's Utilities and Public Services Policies C2 & 3 and Transportation Policy B 18. C. As conditioned, the proposed v~cation will result in improved public health facilities in the community. .4 ./ //~ . // . , -,-, D. As conditioned, the proposed vacation will benefit the public health, safety and welfari'. Adopted by the Port Angeles City Council at its meeting of July 21, 1998. ) Gary Braun, Mayor Becky J: Upton, City Clerk ( i. 1- PLANNING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM Brad Collins, Director, Extension 4751; Sue Roberds, Extension 4750; David Sawyer, Extension 4752 July 15,1998 TO: Mayor Braun, City Council members, and Interim Manager Pittis FROM: Planning Department, Brad Collins, Planning Director SUBJ: STREET V ACA nON PETITION - STY 98-02 OLYMPIC MEMORIAL HOSPITAL - Between Georgiana and Caroline Streets west of Chambers Street RECOMMEND A TION/ ACTION: Following the continued public hearing, staff recommends that the City Council concur with the recommendation of the Planning Commission by adoption of the attached draft ordinance'with six conditions, and supported by the attached findings and conclusions. BACKGROUND/SUMMARY: On June 24, 1998, the Planning Commission conducted a public hearing for consideration of a petition for vacation of City right-of-way located immediately west of Chambers Street between Georgiana and Caroline Streets. As a result of staff s recommendation to deny the petition based on concerns raised by the City's Police Department regarding public safety, the hearing was continued to allow an opportunity for further discussion with the parties involved. The City Council opened and continued its public hearing on the petition until the July 21 meeting in order to allow the Planning Commission to finalize its recommendation. The Planning Commission reopene~ its public hearing at the July 8, 1998, meeting and subsequently recommended approval of the proposal as amended by a vote of6 - O. Staffs report, subsequent update memo, and excerpts of the June 14 and July 8 minutes are attached for your information. Staff will be available for questions. \\ . \\ / ,//11 \ //' ',~ ~\ ,-L., /, " ',{J~ ~ . ' '," ;r--"....... ~e....Roberds, PI~g Specialist Attachments: Ordinance Findings and Conclusions Minutes Staff Reports 209 -'T1-' 1 Department Staff Report for STY 98-02) which include construction of the alley and street entrance to city standards including drainage, closure of the vacated alley entrance, encasement of the sewer line in the vacated alley, an ingress/egress easement to serve as access south to Georgiana Street (relocated alley. The underground utility easement shall remain. 2. The proposed street vacation is subject to the recommendations of the City's Fire Department (included in Attachment C of the June 24,1998 Planning Department Staff Report for STY 98-02) which require that the re-routed portion of the alley shall be provided with an all weather surface meeting the City's specifications and that a fire hydrant is provided at the intersection of Georgiana and Chambers Streets. 3. The proposed street vacation is subject to the recommendations of the City's Police Department included in their letter dated July 7, 1998, presented to the Planning Commission July 8, 1998, which recommends that the west parking lot exit area be sufficient in size to allow a full size police vehicle to make a right turn to continue westbound dO"Yn the alley, that arrow signs and a light at the comer showing the alley makes a turn south onto Georgiana Street when travelling east down the alley, and that street lighting be provided in the alley west of the building. 4. The street vacation shall not be finaled until a building permit is issued for the property consistent with the revised site development plan (attached as Attachment A to the July 8, 1998 Planning Department Staff Report for STY 98- 02). 5. Final occupancy of any structures on the site shall not be allowed until the street vacation is complete and all ofthe individual lots comprising the development site have been combined into one legal building and zoning lot. 6. Any costs associated with utility relocation and alley realignment shall be borne by the applicant. Section 3 - Compensation. Pursuant to RCW 35.79.030 compensation for the right-of-way is hereby set at $ Section 4 - Quit Claim Deed. Upon satisfaction of the compensation amount in Section 2 of this Ordinance, the owners of abutting property entitled to the vacated street, pursuant to RCW 35.79.040, may present a quit claim deed to the City of Port Angeles for execution by the Mayor, who is hereby authorized and directed to execute such quit claim deed. Such quit claim deed shall include all reservations, conditions, or other qualifications upon the title established by this Ordinance. 212 2 . Section 5. This be effective only upon the satisfaction of the terms and conditions of this Ofdiriartce and sha111j~jpublished upon that satisfaction. The City Clerk is hereby directed to rle a certified copy with the Clallam County Auditor and Clallam County Assessor. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said Council held on the~ day of J.~, 1998. Gary Braun, Mayor ATTEST: Becky Upton, City Clerk APPROVED AS-TO FORM: . Craig D. Knutson, City Attorney PUBLISHED: By Summary hospita1.SIV . 213 3 . . . CONDITIONS, FINDINGS, AND CONCLUSIONS IN SUPPORT OF STREET VACATION PETITION STY 98-02, Olympic Memorial Hospital: Conditions: . 1. The proposed street vacation is subject to the recommendations of the City's Public Works Department (Attachment B of the June 24, 1998 Planning Department Staff Report for STY 98-02) which include construction of the alley and street entrance to city standards including drainage, closure of the vacated alley entrance, encasement of the sewer line in the vkcated alley, an ingress/egress easement to serve as access south to Georgiana Street (relocated alley. The underground utility easement shall remain. 2. The proposed street vacation is subject to the recommendations of the City's Fire Department (included in Attachment C of the June 24, 1998 Planning Department Staff Report for STY 98-02) which require that the re-routed portion of the alley shall be provided with an all weather surface meeting the City's specifications and that a fire hydrant is provided at the intersection of Georgiana and Chambers Streets. I 3. The proposed street vacation is 'subject to the recommendations of the City's Police Department included in their letter dated July 7, 1998, presented to the Planning Commission July 8, 1998, which recommends that the west parking lot exit area be sufficient in size to allow a full size police vehicle to make a right turn to continue westbound down the alley, that arrow signs and a light at the comer showing the alley makes a turn south onto Georgiana Street when travelling east down the alley, and that street lighting be provided in the alley west of the building. 4. The street vacation shall not be finaled until a building permit is issued for the property consistent with the revised site development plan (attached as Attachment A to the July 8, 1998 Planning Department Staff Report for STY 98-02). . 5. Final occupancy of any structures on the site shall not be allowed until the street vacation is complete and all of the individual lots comprising the development site have been combined into one legal building and zoning lot. 6. Any costs associated with utility relocation and alley realignment shall be borne by the . ~ . apphcant. Findings: 1. The applicant for the requested vacation is Olympic Memorial Hospital. The application/petition is attached as Attachment A of the June 24, 1998 Planning Department Staff Report for STY 98-02. 2. The applicant revised the original site plan to address the concerns of the Police Department. The revised site plan is attached as Attachment A of the July 8, 1998 Planning Department Staff Report for STY 98-02. 3. The requested vacation is for that portion ofthe alley between Caroline Street and Georgiana Street abutting Lots 1, 2, 16, 17, 18, and the east one-half of Lot 3 of Hart and Cookes Subdivision of Suburban Block No. 31 in the Townsite of Port Angeles. . 21:; . . . 214 . . . 4. The street vacation is categorically exempt from threshold determination and Environmental Impact Statement requirements per Section 197-11-800(2)(h) of the Washington Administrative Code. 5. The subject right-of-way and adjoining properties are currently designated on the City's Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map as Commercial and zoned Commercial Office. 6. Multiple ~tilities including sewer and electncallines are located in the subject right-of-way. 7. The subject right-of-way is currently improved. 8. The Public Works, Fire, and Police Department's original comments are included as Attachments B, C, and D of the June 24, 1998, Planning Department Staff Report for STY 98-02. ) 9. As noted in their letter presented to the Planning Commission on July 8, 1998, the Police Department's concerns, expressed in their letter dated May 19, 1998, have been adequately mitigated to their satisfaction. Conclusions: A. The Comprehensive Plan's Utilities and Public Services'Policies C2 & 3 and Transportation Policy B 18 as listed in the June 24: 1998 Planning Department Staff Report for STY 98-02 directly relate to the proposed vacation. B. , As conditioned, the proposed vacation is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan's Utilities and Public Services Policies C2 & 3 and Transportation Policy B 18. -,j C. As conditioned, the proposed vacation will result in improved public health facilities in the community. D. As conditioned, the proposed vacation will benefit the public health, safety and welfare. Adopted by the Port Angeles City Council at its meeting of July 21, 1998. Gary Braun, Mayor Becky J. Upton, City Clerk 216 P/asnning Commission Jfinutes - June 24. /998 Page 5 PUBLIC HEARING: . STREET V ACA TION PETITION - STY 9~~_QLYMPIC ME M 0 RIALlIOSFlIAL,--'l~PQItion-DLtkalle-Y~~~ILGe-<ll:giana.and Caroline direrll~e~~eIS. Planner Sawyer reviewed the Planning Department's staff report recommending denial of the vacation. Chair Reed opened the public hearing. Bill Lindberg, 319 South Peabody Street, represented the applicant. The purpose in requesting the right-of-way vacation is to accommodate the construction of a kidney dialysis and therapy center. Without the vacation, parking for the new use will occur on the lots south of the alley with the structure on the north side of the alley. The proposal will allow the site to be combined. The proposed site has been redesigned to allow for increased sight visibility down the alley to the east as requested by the City's Police Department. Many options were considered in re-routing the alley south to Georgiana Street from its current access onto Chambers. The current proposal provides a thirty (30) foot buffer between the edge of the re-routed access and the adjacent property to the west. - Carl Miller, 1023 Georgiana, a neighboring property owner, opposed the street vacation. He did not object to the rezone or to the proposed use, however, he stated that the abandonment of the right- of-way would not be in the neighborhood interest. Gale Turton, Port Angeles Police Department, verified that the Department does not feel the . vacation of the right-of-way is in the public's interest. He provided a listing of 911 activity calls for the area which indicated a high degree of nuisance calls. The proposal requires a ninety degree turn south to Georgiana Street as the parking area would be in the location of the current access to the east end of the alley. The currently unencumbered east/west ingress/egress method is desired. Chair Reed closed the public hearing. Following an inquiry by Chair Reed, Mr. Lindberg stated that he could redesign the site to address the Police Department's concerns. His current design was to orient the structure in such a manner that traffic from the site would not conflict with neighborhood uses to the west. He did not have time following receipt of the Department's staff report to submit a new design that could be I di,scussed with staff prior to the meeting and was not opposed to a continuance during which time an alternative plan could be reviewed. He responded to Commissioner Craver that the building will not be over thirty-tIve t35) feet in height but is too large to design without the requested vacation. Commissioner Nutter moved to re-open the public hearing and continue to July 8,1998. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Craver and passed 6 - O. 217 . ~. ~.g{e;,;;:g, ~','~: .,:~_~." ,'/-~ ;t!!;;t5:;(~;~r;;;,~:~:~)):,:t;!h . . . 218 . . . . . . PUBLIC HEARING: ,-; 'i. ".} ,'-1:) \/L/ , I (r') STREET_~UCAIION PETIILO~_BIY___9$:D2=-_ OI,YMPIC MEMORIAL HOSflT AI., a portion..nLthe..all~)Lhetwe.enfuorgiana..and Caroline_dire.ctly_\vesLoLChamhers. (Continued from June 24, 1998.) Planner Sawyer noted that Planning and Police staff had been directed to meet with the applicant's representative, Bill Lindberg, following the June 24th hearing, to discuss a revised site plan presented by Mr. Lindberg at the June 24th meeting. Staff met with Mr. Lindberg and agreed to recommend approval of the right-of-way vacation with six conditions to.address the public safety issues that were originally presented by the City's Police Department and testimony presented by neighbors. Sergeant Gale Turton of the City's Police Department responded to Commissioner Nutter's questions regarding travel options in the alley at the present and if the vacation were approved. / He noted that his memo dated July 7, 1998, clarified the Police Department's comments and requests that lighting be provided along the alley to increase visibility and direct traffic through the redirected alley. Gary Kenworthy, City Engineer, responded to Commissioner Nutter that the City will require an ingress/egress easement rather than a dedication of the redirected portion of the alley (south to Georgiana Street). ' Chair Reed opened the public hearing. Bill Lindberg, 319 South Peabody Street, represented the applicant and stated that he has worked the past two weeks with staff to resolve any potential safety issues and will continue to work with staff as necessary to resolve any outstanding issues. Lighting ofthe alley is not planned as the new parking lot will be lit and should provide enough illumination for safe travel through the alley. Landscaping and issues will be addressed to Planning staff for approval. There being no further testimony, Chair Reed closed the public hearing. Commissioner Ziakin moved to recommend that the City Council approve the right-of-way vacation with the following conditions, citing the following findings and conclusions for that action: Conditions' 1. The proposed street vacation is subject to the recommendations of the City's Public Works Department (Attachment B ofthe June 24, 1998 Planning Department Staff Report for STY 98-02) which include construction of the alley and street entrance to city standards including drainage, closure of the vacated alley entrance, encasement of the sewer line in the vacated alley, an ingress/egress easement to serve as access south to Georgiana Street (relocated alley. The underground utility easement shall remain. 219 2. The proposed street vacation is subject to the recommendations of the City's Fire Department (included in Attachment C of, the June 24, 1998 Planning Department Staff Planning Commission Minutes July 8. '998 Page 3 Report for STY 98-02) which require that the re-routed portion of the alley shall be provided . with an all weather surface meeting the City's specifications and that a fire hydrant is provided at the intersection of Georgiana and Chambers Streets. 3. The proposed street vacation is subject to the recommendations of the City's Police Department included in their letter dated July 7, 1998, presented to the Planning Commission July 8, 1998, which recommends that the west parking lot exit area be sufficient in size to allow a full size police vehicle to make a right turn to continue westbound down the alley, that arrow signs and a light at the comer showing the alley makes a turn south onto Georgiana Street when travelling east down the alley, and that street lighting be provided in the alley west of the building. '- 4. The street vacation shall not be finaled until a building permit is issued for the property consistent with the revised site development plan (attached as Attachment A to the July 8, 1998 Planning Department Staff Report for STY 98-02). 5. Final occupancy of any structures on the site shall not be allowed until the street vacation is complete and all of the individual lots comprising the development site have been combined into one legal building and zoning lot. 6. Any costs associated with utility relocation and alley realignment shall be borne by the applicant. . Findings: 1. The applicant for the requested vacation is Olympic Memorial Hospital. The application/petition is attached as Attachment A of the June 24, 1998 Planning Department Staff Report for STY 98-02. 2. The applicant revised the original site plan to address the concerns oftpe Police Department. The revised site plan is attached as Attachment A of the July 8, 1998 Planning Departmenl Staff Report for STY 98-02. 3. The requested vacation is for that portion of the alley between Caroline Street and Georgiana Street abutting Lots 1, 2, 16, 17, 18, and the east one-half of Lot 3 of Hart and Cookes Subdivision of Suburban Block No. 31 in the Townsite of Port Angeles. 4. The street vacation is categorically exempt from threshold determination and Environmental Impact Statement requirements per Section 197 -1l-800(2)(h) of the Washington Administrative Code. 5. The subject right-of-way and adjoining properties are currently designated on the City's Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map as Commercial and zoned Commercial Office. 6. Multiple utilities including sewer and electrical lines are located in the subject right-of-way. .' 7. The subject right-of-way is currently improved. 220 . . . r)?0 l._ .... . . Planning Commission Minutes July 8. 1998 Page 4 8. The Public Works, Fire. and Police Department's original comments are included as Attachments B, C, and D of the June 24,1998, Planning Department Staff Report for STY 98-02. 9. As noted in their letter presented to the Planning Commission on July 8, 1998, the Police Department's concerns, expressed in their letter dated May 19, 1998, have been adequately mitigated to their satisfaction. CQnclus~ A. The Comprehensive Plan's Utilities and Public Services Policies C2 & 3 and Transportation Policy B 18 as listed in the June 24, 1998 Planning Department Staff Report for STY 98-02 directly relate to the proposed vacation. B. As conditioned, the proposed vacation is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan's Utilities and Public Services Policies C2 & 3 and Transportation Policy B 18. C. As conditioned, the proposed vacation will result in improved public health facilities in the community. D. As conditioned, the proposed vacation will benefit the public health, safety and welfare. . The motion was seconded by Commissioner Hewins, and passed 6 - O. . 221 -1 ~ ~ r- ~ v, tr . . ) ~ ~ ~~~ ,I ~~~ ~ @ .. Ij~ ... ~'>' d ~ t i . : ~t-, \ . I ~ \S ( I , ~& .. ~ if ~ I~ ~ ~ , I ::j~ Q CI . 223 '/ttNA ST. 6~ ~ ~ ! ?,AUL'" 5T. . . . 224 . . . FILE PLANNING DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT TO: A7epart~ent FROM: L7v1d Sawyer, Senior Planner DATE: June 24, 1998 RE: STV 98-02 APPLICANT: Olympic Memorial Hospital REQUEST: Vacation of the alley between Caroline Street and Georgiana Street abutting Lots 1, 2, 16, 1 7, 18, and the east Y2 of Lot 3 of Hart and Cooke's Subdivision of Suburban Block No. 31 in the Townsite of Port Angeles. BACKGROUND: This vacation request is part of the applicant's overall proposal to develop the subject site (the area of the proposed rezone) with a 15,000 to 20,000 s.f. medical building. The overall project also requires a rezone of the lots described as abutting the requested vacation (please see Attachment A). r-' DISCUSSION: Environmental Review: The vacating of a street is categorically exempt from threshold determination and Environmental Impact Statement requirements per Section 197-11-800 (2) (h) of the Washington Administrative Code (WAC) which states "(2) Other minor new construction. The following types of construction shall be exempt. .. (h) The vacation of streets or roads." Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Ordinance: The subject right-of-way and adjoining properties are currently designated on the City's Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map as~Commercial (C) and are zoned Commercial, Office (CO). 225 City 01 Port Angeles P1annmg Department. 321 E. 5th St.. Port Angeles, WA. (voice) 360-41 7-./750,rjaxJ 360-./17-./609 I ~",. ~.' , -t ~ ;'."-..aI~ \ ...Planning Department Staff Report STY 98-02, (Olympic Memorial Hospital) June 24, 1998 Page 2 The following Comprehensive Plan policies have been found to be most relevant to the proposal: . Utilities and Public Services Policy C, 2: All new utility services should be underground Utilities and Public 'Services Policy C, 3: Where possible, new utilities should be located in alleys. The Public Works Department has noted the location of utilities in the requested vacation area and recommended specific conditions of approval that include necessary utility dedications and improvements. Transportation Policy B, 18: Police andfire protection should be a key factor in residential subdivision street designs and circulation patterns,' Although the area's zoning is CO, residential uses are permitted in this zone and tl1erefore, this policy is considered applicable to this' request. The Fire Department has indicated they do not have an objection to this request, however, the Police Department has stated they feel the re-routing of the alley is a hazardous design to the general public and on-duty police officers. Department Reviews and Comments: . Public Works Department: The Public Works Department's comments address necessary alley and utility dedications and improvements (please see Attachlnent B). Fire Department: The Fire Department's comments which address the need for adequate surfacing of the alley are attached as Attachment C. Police Department: The Police Department's comments which express concerns regarding public safety are ) attached as Attachment D. Planning Department: Below is a summary of the impacts of the proposal: Traffic Patterns: The Public Works Department has not indicated any negative impact on the area's vehicular traffic pattern. Utilities: The Public Works Department has indicated utility lines are located in the area of the 226 City of Port Angeles Planning Department, 321 E. 5th St., Port Angeles, WA, (voice) 360-417-./750. fjax) 360-417-./609 . 1----- - -- . . . Planning Department StatfReport STV 98-02, (Olympic Memorial Hospital) JW1e 24, 1998 Page 3 proposed for vacation and that re-routing, additional dedications, and improvements would be necessary if the vacation is approved. The Planning Department also notes that the City's Comprehensive Plan states new utilities should be undergrounded and this should be applied to this development. Public Health, Safety and Welfare: The Police Department has stated that the proposed vacation is in an area where the Police have many calls for response to building alarms. They expressed concern that Officers, suspects or others who may be confused may inadvertently drive into the ( . landscaping or building and that this is a "hazardous design for the general public." The Planning Department has concerns about the proposed re-routing of the alley through the applicant's proposed parking lot. If the vacation is approved, the dedication for the re-routed alley should not leave any portion of the subject site located east of the dedicated area and the alley should be clearly delineated from the subject site. Development Patterns: The proposed vacation is located in an area of currently developed lots which would not be affected by the proposed vacation. PLANNING DEPARTMENT RECOMMENDATION: The Planning Department recommends the Planning Commission forward a recommendation of denial to the City Council for street vacation request STY 98-02 based on the following findings and conclusions: Findings: 1. The applicant for the requested vacation is Olympic Memorial Hospital, the application/petition is attached as Attachment A of the June 24, 1998 Planning Department Staff Report for STY 98-02. 2. The requested vacation is for that portion of the alley between Caroline Street and Georgiana Street abutting Lots 1, 2, 16, 17, 18, and the east V2 of Lot 3 of Hart and Cooke's Subdivision of Suburban Block No. 31 in the Townsite of Port Angeles. 3. The street vacation is categorically exempt from threshold determination and Environmental Impact Statement requirements per Section 197-11-800 (2) (h) of the Washington Administrative Code. 4. The subject right-of-way and adjoining properties are currently designated on the City's Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map as Commercial and zoned Commercial Office. 5. Multiple utilities including sewer and electrical lines are located in the subject right-of- way. 6. The subject right-of-way is currently improved. ~27 CilyofPorlAngeles Plallnmg Deparmlenr, 321 E. 51hSI., Port Angeles. H:4, (vOice; 360-417-4750. (jax) 360-417-4609 Planning Department Staff Report STV 98-02, (Olympic Memorial Hospital) Jl.Ule 24, 1998 Page 4 7. The Public Works, Fire, and Police Department's comments are included as Attachments B, C, and D of the June 24, 1998 Planning Department Staff Report for STY 98-02. 8. The Police Department's comments state "Officers respond to this area many times during the year regarding the alarmed buildings in the immediate area." 9. The Police Department often use the City's alleys as site lines to view into an area where they have received a call from before actually entering the immediate area. 10. The Police Department's comments state "this is a hazardous design for the general public and any patrol officers checking the area especially after dark. Conclusions A. The vacation is not consistent with the Comprehensive Plan's Transponation Policy B18. B. The proposed vacation will have an adverse impact on the public health, safety and welfare. S1V9801.PCI 228 City of Port Angeles Planning Department. 321 E. 5th St., Port Angeles. WA. (voice) 360-417-./750. (fax) 360-417-1609 . . . ,- ~.J2. N'f'UCJl("'fIOrJ. r~ . CITY OF PORT ANGELES STREET VACATION FE] 1'170N TO: nze City Council of the City of Port Angeles. Washington - Come now the undersigned petitioners and pursuant to Chapter 35.79 RCW respect~lly s~ow: (I \,' / l.:..'-<....~.~ 1. The undersigned petitioners request that the following described portion ofn 11 PY I (' --L'............c,~._:.."'- S treetJ Alley in the City of Port Angeles be vacated ptIISuant to Chapter 35.79 RCW (legally describe the ~'-<. propertyreq~estedforvacationbe/ow). ~ha portion(s) of Alley lying between ." . Lots 1,2,~, and 16,17,18 Block .5. of Port Anaeles as shown on attach~d drawing. (iew a lley to be rerouted throuah he eastern 20'-0" of Lot 16, Block 2 with required :urning radius as shown on attached drawing. ~ Each of the undersigned petitioners is the owner of an interest in real estate abutting on the above described area. _ ;Jersons own propeny abutting on said area. , .... The names and addresses of property owners abuning on said areas are as follows: N.amc Address Jlymoic Memorial Hosoital 939 Caroline s.treet . Owner of Lots 1,2 E 1/2 Lot 3, Lots 16,17,18 " The lUldersigned petitioners constitute more than two thirds ofthe owners of said abutting :',operry. WHEREFORE, the petitioners ask that proceedings be commenced hereon for the vacation ,)(sald area of said alley ?nri "he Street/Alley in the manner prescribed in Chapter 35.79 RCW. relocation Respectfully submitted, llime Address ehDnc ~il1iam Lindbera ~~ndberg ArChitec:s F"OR ~lympic Memorial Hospital 'lor, t\1ike Shmn 319 S. Peabodv Port Angeles,~A ?8362 452-1) 1 Hi 939 Caroline 5treet Port I\n(Je les, ',.'f\ 98362 ':17-7000 . , IiI \1 \~,(~~ ~, ~. :~ lie l~o. 229 '~Jle j(ecelved ,.j-/-j- /Y% ; iranngtsj Date A 1\f\C\-\~~( A -'''T''''I' r-.r- !'""~n""" I ..lrrT rr ...... .- . Olympic Memorial Hospital is currently planning to construct a new Medical Office Building across from the existing hospital on the lots shown. The relocation of the alley will enable the hospital to combine lots 1,2, 1/2 of 3 and 16 and 17 of Block 2. The combined lot will allow for the new building to be constructed closer and relate better to Olympic Memorial Hospital. I . The proposed size of the new office building will most likely be in the range of 15,000 to 20,000 s.f. Without the combined lots, the new structure would have to be placed on Lots 16, 17 and 18 because of the proposed size. This structure would not relate very well with the surrounding residential neighborhood. By combining the lots and rerouting the alley, the new structure could be spread out more, reducing the size impact and allow the building to be sited away from Georgiana Street. ", . . 230 A'L . ~~-,-!-~ =:5P-' -. ___ _ _-!il!.l~_ - --- 1'1 I r . I I 'I; . ~ .. , ~--I.:.I~. ~.~~~-' I . I I lflT 19:? l I lotI l.11r 11 ~~o~ t,. r-.l :A ST. . ---vrcl Nlli H,Af Ills ~ ~()II I . II I I . ~ i I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~231 A-S CAtzOLIHc ST l SITE/ SCIIEJ1/mC ~ . M8^I !1CPlcAL "ff~ ~ r:az. Ct'/I1/1J:; N~tfLI/rL HoSP/7AL- L/N/.JeeG MC#~15 f1Af/LC/J.;f ~~~ pe.{?a.Ifl:P , N-LEY 6~,z>N'" S1~ 61$ LAN ~ \ It-= 80:"0- . at j. ~ <- IT . ~~32 A~ . . . /'" ~ L.A-'l" ~ , ~ 0-- PLANNING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM 321 East Fifth Street. Port Angeles. Washington (360) 417-4750 rDJ ~ @ ~ a W & mil 110 I MAY 2 7 1998 . ~ i . I i I .. May 13. 1998 pour ANGELES PlANNING DEP^RTMENT TO: .....p-ublic Works Department Fire Deparnnent SUBJ: STREET V ACA TION PETITION - STY 98-02 OL YMPIC MEMORIAL HOSPlT AL - Portion of Caroline/Georgiana Alley west of Chcmbers Street The petitioner has applied to vacate a portion of the Caroline/Georgiana Alley extending three lots west of Chambers Street. The petition, being Olympic Memorial Hospital, is the owner of the six lots that directly abut the right-of-way being proposed for vacation. Please review those issues that relate to your departmental concerns and respond to the Planning Deparonent nd' later than May 25. ~ If the proposal will result in any property's LOS for City services being reduced below that required by the Comprehensive Plan, please note those conditions of approval that would be necessary to reach compliance. If you have any questions. please call or stop by the department. Thank you. \ . c....o ..... 7':> 7"YI..J....J <- T 1-11-""-<-.; A:-'-~ ftT- 0 :::>~ )~Cl-. .O(V1'r.t-J~. (?C; ~'T~- --.. '--.., \. ./ C-"""";"\f'-",-t .......c.;.- \-- -z.. _ C.- L-~ c ~~,-,-="""'1 e-\-...,).''L~'-c;-"V-=> t? L v.A-c.I\[l:JJJ \ t--I V ~A:- \b"O ~~I. C ........,c...4O'r'Sc:r ~~.;?Io'-- L.,..I -.Ja:;- / 3 ~. ?~"'J, (7e N ~ A-L.....?\ -06O,<:,.,.71u>-...) It> c-~ . "7 U _C:::\. U \" \ L- I r-r ~~ I, [2-> (Zesl-'i Y\ 1'-' / ~~ ( c:. = (' -1 'S~ I ---rz;::' ~.--'='~) ~ '-'-"'rt 'I ) .) ~, y ,c. ~--Lr ") "?\l"===-' 7~ (?~-'-9. 5\. /~. - ~ ~~3 3 A trAG \~t1\ sM( ~ ",. j / ~ ,.. '""1 C ol-'L L-\<:rNT .? , " '-:.l./'-J .> '. (~"'" '"' c:.....lS ) ".- , )J PLANNING DEPARTMENT 'MEMORANDUM 321 East Fifth Street. Port Angeles. Washington (360) 417-4750: . TO: ......public Works Department Fire Deparnnent PORr ANGELES PLANNING OEPARrMfflr May 13, 1998 SUB}: STREET VACATION PETITION:- STY 98-02 OL Y\1PIC MEMORIAL HOSPITAL - Portion of Caroline/Georgiana Alley west of Chambers Street The petitioner has applied to vacate a ponion of the Caroline/Georgiana Alley extending three lots west of Chambers Street. The petition, being Olympic Memorial Hospital, is.~e owner of the six lots that directly abut the right-of-way being proposed for vacation. Please review those issues that relate to your deparnnental concerns and respond to the Planning DePartment no later than.Ma~. . l22.8.. If the proposal will result in any propeny's LOS for City services being reduced below that required by the Comprehensive Plan, please note those conditions of approval that would be necessary to reach compliance. If you have any questions, please call or stop by the deparnnent. Thank you. ~ ove:~~D LU\U- ArJD ?OL,.~ LOCA~ I ~ -nt"fL- ~P0<7~ AUA:.-Y'VACAITOU CAtJ ~~u~. ~c.o-?1VWl~ yv\U~-r PAt.( MA--W?T7lD ~~, "fO~7 A1JD OV~~ Wl~E.-- A~ ~0~cz...:::r t:)fJ~ ~^).) OF aI~D ?~Mi1~ ~-r CA~u u~/G(U/(L<SIAUIr h~ ^"-r jo~~ \0 0~fi- {3LoCJL. -fo WG~ ~Q,\ Al'-r~. P.wJ* ~ "'7~~/~1 ~(~~ . ~,.1..-1-9b ()j ~ ,t i.- '1: ~'2- r-- MEMORANDUM Coral Wheeler Administrative Assistant ext 4650 Bruce W. Becker . Fire Chief ext 4651 Daniel K. McKeen Fire Marshal ext 4653 L. .Keith Sogues T raining Offi~er ext 4652 James B. (Duke) Moroz Medical Officer ext 4665 360-417 -4655 . ROUTE TO: Building Dept. l:J Planning Dept. 21 Public Works l:J Ci ty Manager l:J ill ~ @ ~ 0 'If! ~!~ MAY I 9 1998 ; , DATE: May 18, 1998 ~ ~:., \: :~.: . f'Lr,W: ';J ..,:':1 TO: FROM: Planning Department ~ Dan McKeen, Fire Marshal ~ ~ ---- RE: Street Vacation petition Olympic Memorial Hospital - Caroline/Georgiana alley west Street STV 98-02 Portion of of Chambers . The Fire Department has reviewed the request to vacate a portion of the Caroline/Georgiana alley and re-route it south of Georgiana Street and has no objections provided the following conditions are met: 1. The re-routed portion of the alley shall be provided with an all-weather surface meeting Port Angeles Public Works specifications. 2. A fire hydrant is provided at the intersection of Georgiana and Chambers Streets. DM/cw FP - 26 Page 1 of 1 235 A VAt ~"~Ef.-M- C 236 . I . . . I,\\JI . . . ~ , ",'j(: . ~'\ \ port. ~ elleses PoUc~nt Me"""'" 'L ...- ... - Date: 05/19/98 ffD) ~ & rn D W~ 1iQ MAY27 ~jl~ PORI M\~~i.c.:;, PlANNING OE.~AilTME.NT To: Deputy Chief Tom Riepe Slel'e /lk, Chhf of Police Tom Riepe, Dq1ui, ClUf Noomi Wu, Pen Com MtllUlfIT KDnn HtJIlgrtod, Admin As.sisrGItt Slel'e MclAne, Serrftllll Jim Btumchiger, Serrftllll Goh Turton, SefJftllll Eridc Zappey, Serrftllll Teny Gallagher, SefJftIIIl Liz. Zenonion, Records SuplnUtJr Hamlin, CommuniCDlions SuplnVor HaIIon, CommuniCDlions SuplnVor Distribution: [] Communications From: [Xl Addressee Only [] Post [ ] Operations [] Records [] Administration s~.Gme~ Str~t Vacation Petition-STV-98-02 Subject: #217-026-98 .. I chec:ked the area regarding the abQve request. Officers respond to this area many times during the year regarding the alarmed buildings in the ifuinediate area. Because of the proposed new design of the alley I can seeiOfficers, suspects or confused subjects diving their vehicles into the landscaping or building at this location. I feel that this is a hazardous design for the general public and any patrol officers checking the area especially after dark. Page 1 237 _ ~ t", -,._,', ----- ---- A1rUl~MlSYl).... . . . ~38 F I L E . . . P~GDEPARTMENTSTAFFREPORT TO: Planning Commission FROM: ( . DA TE: July 8, 1998 RE: STV 98-02 APPLICANT: Olympic Memorial Hospital REQUEST: Vacation of the alley between Caroline Street and Georgiana Street abutting Lots 1, 2, 16, 17, 18, and the east Y2 of Lot 3 of Hart and Cooke's Subdivision of Suburban Block No. 31 in the Townsite of Port Angeles. At the Planning Commission meeting of June 24, 1998, the Planning Commission considered an application from the Olympic Memorial Hospital for vacation of a portion of the alley between Caroline Street and Georgiana Street. During that meeting, the Police Department explained concerns they had regarding the proposed vacation and resulting development of the property as proposed in the application. In response to the Police Department's concerns, the applicant presented a revised development plan for the site. The Planning Commission then continued the item to July 8. 1998, to allow City staff time to review the revised site plan and report back to the Planning Commission. On Tuesday, June 30, 1998, staffmet with the applicant to discuss the revised plan, as a result of that meeting and review of the revised plan, the Police Department's concerns appear to be addressed. The Police Department will provide their revised comments to the Planning Commission at the time of the July 8, 1998 Planning Commission meeting. Based on the Police Department's concerns being adequately mitigated, the Planning Department recommends the Planning Commission forward a recommendation of approval to the City Council for street vacation request STV 98-02 subject to the following conditions of approval and based on the following findings and conclusions: Conditions of Approval: 1.. The proposed street vacation is subject to the recommendations of the City's Public Works Department included in Attachment B of the June 24, 1998 Planning Department Staff Report for STY 98-02~. Cityo/PortAngeles Planning Department. 321 E. 5th SI.. Port Angeles. WA. (voice) 360-417-4750. (fax) 360-417-4609 239 Planning Department Staff Report STV 98-02, (Olympic Memorial Hospital) July 8, 1998 Page 2 2. The proposed street vacation is subject to the recommendations of the City's Fire Department included in Attachment C of the June 24, 1998 Planning Department Staff Report for STY 98-02. . 3. The proposed street vacation is subject to the recommendations of the City's Police Department included in their letter presented to the Planning Commission July 8, 1998. 4. The street vacation shall not be flnaled until a building permit is issued for' the property consistent with the revised site development plan attached as Attachment A to the July 8, 1998 Planning Department Staff Report for STY 98-02. 5. Final occupancy of any structures on the site shall not be allowed until the street vacation is complete and all of the individual lots ~omprising the development site have been combined into one legal building and zoning lot. 6. Any costs associated with utility relocation and alley realignment shall be borne by the applicant. Findings: 1. The applicant for the requested vacation is Olympic Memorial Hospital, the application/petition is attached as Attachment A of the June 24, 1998 Planning Department Staff Report for STY 98-02. . 2. The applicant revised the original site plan to address the concerns of the Police Department. The revised site plan is attached as Attachment A of the July 8, 1998 Planning Department Staff Report for STY 98-02. 3. The requested vacation is for that portion of the alley between Caroline Street and Georgiana Street abutting Lots 1, 2, 16, 17, 18, and the east If2 of Lot 3 of Hart and Cooke's Subdivision of Suburban Block No. 31 in the Townsite of Port Angeles. 4. The street vacation is categorically exempt from threshold determination and Environmental Impact Statement requirements per Section 197-11-800 (2) (h) of the Washington Administrative Code. 5. The subject right-of-way and adjoining properties are currently designated on the City's Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map as Commercial and zoned Commercial Office. 6. Multiple utilities including sewer and electrical lines are located in the subject right-of- way. . 7. The subject right-of-way is currently improved. 240 City o/Port Angeles Planning Department. 321 E. 5th St.. Port Angeles. WA. (voice) 360-417-4750. (fax) 360-417-4609 . . . Planning Department Staff Report STY 98-02, (Olympic Memorial Hospital) July 8, 1998 Page 3 8. The Public Works, Fire, and Police Department's original comments are included as Attachments B, C, and D of the June 24, 1998 Planning Department Staff Report for STY 98-02. 9. As noted in their letter presented to the Planning Commission on July 8, 1998, the Police Departmerit's concerns expressed in their letter dated May 19, 1998, have been adequately mitigated to their satisfaction. Conclusions A. The Comprehensive Plan's Utilities and Public Services Policies C2 & 3 and Transportation Policy B 18 as listed in the June 24, 1998 Planning Department Staff Report for STY 98-02 directly relate to the proposed vacation. B. As conditioned, the proposed vacation is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan's Utilities and Public Services Policies C2 & 3 and Transportation Policy B 18. C. As conditioned, the proposed vacation will result in improved public health facilities in the community. D. As conditioned, the proposed vacation will benefit the public health, safety and welfare. sn'9802.PC2 ~241 City of Port Angeles Planning Department, 32 J E. 5th St., Port Angeles, WA, (voice) 360-4 J 7-4750, (fax) 360-4 J 7-4609 . . . 242 '. . ~ ~ ~ .-i > )~ ,0- -'- ~J , /~) i _I )> --, . v. ;EW )J.Uf . r 1 - - 'kW~lP/~ . ./. I{.c: I / I/.c. ~ 1I.c.. " --- ~ NUP Iti "PF - ~ -. ,(' ~ A'<< :j ,_ I' , " - I .. cIlAM/!;:E!<S D L/ /'IDeJE1!6 A/ZCItnEG1!> . D 11N1U1M AI3:;f/ lra::::r> l"V ~ vJ ill ~~: r:. ~ ~ ~""~" STlIPf PORT ANGELES MEOi(;A[. ~lCE mH.,NGDEPARMNl ct.jMplC M~ HoSpm.L sr. 6m p..AN- +t-%' '~'44 . ( . . . ,------ I FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS IN SUPPORT OF STREET V ACA TION PETITION STY 98-01, Northwest Permit: Findings' 1. The applicant for the requested vacation is Northwest Permit. The petition is attached as Attachment A of the July 8, 1998 Planning Department Staff Report for STY 98-01. 2. The requested vacation is for that portion of the alley between 8th Street and 9th Street abutting Lots 1-6 and 13-18 of Block No. 268 in the Townsite of Port Angeles. 3. The street vacation is categorically exempt from threshold determination and Environmental Impact Statement requirements per Section 197-11-800 (2) (h) of the Washington Administrative Code. 4. The subject right-of-way and abutting properties fall within the undesignated area between the Comprehensive Plan's Commercial land use designation to the north and its Residential designation to the south. The majority of the abutting properties are zoned Commercial Shopping District (CSD) with four of the properties currently zoned Residential, Single-Family (RS-7). 5. The Public Works Department has indicated a 24" sanitary sewer main and overhead electrical lines are located in the alley and will need to be relocated if the vacation is approved. 6. The subject right-of-way is currently improved. 7. The Public Works, Fire, and Police Department's comments are included as Attachments B, C, and D of the July 8, 1998 Planning Department Staff Report for STY 98-01. 8. The Police Department originally submitted written public safety concerns related to the proposed vacation. These concerns include the current use of the alley for traffic diversion in the event of an accident at the 8th Street and Lincoln Street intersection, the use ofthe alley by officers in response to calls from the bank 10c;1ted at the comer of 8th Street and Oak Street, and the use of the alley for access to and observation of the 24 hour retaiVgas station use at the comer of 8th Street and Lincoln Street. 9. As noted in their presentation to the Planning Commission on July 8, 1998, the Police Department's concerns expressed in a letter dated February 23, 1998, attached as Attachment D ofthe July 8, 1998 Planning Department Staff Report for STY 98- 01) do not warrant denial of the proposed vacation. 10. Or May 14, 1998, the Planning Department received a traffic analysis for the applicant's overall development plan which includes the proposed street vacation: On June 3, 1998, the Planning Department received an addendum to the analysis with comments regarding Ninth Street, Laurel Street, and the Eighth and Ninth Streets alley. 1-) I .- 2,r J, Conclusions: A. The Comprehensive Plan's Utilities and Public Services Policies C, 2 and 3 and Transportation Policy B 18 are the most relevant to the proposed vacation. B. As conditioned, the proposed vacation is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan's Utilities and Public Services Policies C, 2 and 3 and Transportation Policy B 18. C. As conditioned, the proposed vacation will not have an adverse impact on the public health, safety and welfare. D. As conditioned, the proposed vacation will benefit the comrilUnity's economic development as well as the general public health, safety and welfare. Adopted by the Port Angeles City Council at its meeting of July 21, 1998. Gary Braun, Mayor Becky J. Upton, City Clerk . . . PLANNING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM Brad Collins, Director, Extension 475/; Sue Roberds, Extellsion 4750; David Sawl'er. Extension 4752 July 15, 1998 TO: Mayor Braun, City, Council members, and Interim Manager Pittis FROM: Planning Department. Brad Collins. Planning Director SUBJ: STREET V ACA nON PETITION - STY 98-01 NORTHWEST PERMIT - Portion of the EighthlNinth Street alley Between Lincoln and Laurel Streets RE COM ME NDATIONLACIION: Following the continued public hearing. staff recommends that the City Council concur with the recommendation of the Planning Commission by adoption of the attached draft ordinance, citing six conditions. supported by the attached findings and conclusions. BACKGROIlNDJSllMMARY: On July 7, 1998, the City Council opened and continued a public hearing scheduled for vacation of right-of-way between Lincoln and Laurel Streets to its July 21 meeting to allow the Planning Commission to forward a recommendation on the proposal. The Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on July 8, 1998, for consideration ofthe petition. Staffs original recommendation to deny the petition was based on concerns raised by the City's Police Department regarding public safety. During the hearing, testimony was provided by the Police Department which reversed the Planning Department's original position for denial. On July 13, 1998. the Police Department provided a follow up memorandum in support of the testimony presented at the hearing (attached). Following the public hearing, the Planning Commission voted 3 - 2 to recommend approval of the vacation with conditions. Staffs report, the updated Police Department memo, and an excerpt of the July 8 minutes are attached for your information. Staff will be available for questions. . ( ,/' ',- ../~') /' // . -::-~. / ._.<<>~ /' v' _ " ~ r- ". I L___._ Sue Roberds, P-~ing Specialist ,/ Attachments: Ordinance Findings and Conclusions Minutes Police Department Memo Staff Report 24::) c:\wp\daily\memo.cc2 . . ')11"" . I '. ~ . ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles vacating a portion of the alley between Lincoln and Laurel Streets located in Block 268 of the Townsite of Port Angeles. WHEREAS, a petition is on file with the City of Port Angeles to vacate a portion of the alley between Lincoln and Laurel Streets located in Block 268 of the Townsite of Port Angeles; and WHEREAS, the petition was signed by the owners of more than two-thirds of the property abutting upon the right-of-way sought to be vacated; and WHEREAS, the City initiated said vacation by Resolution No. 10-98; and WHEREAS, street vacations are categorically exempt from the requirements of . the State Environmental Policy Act (SEP A) as set forth in WAC 197-11-800(2)(h); and WHEREAS, a public hearing has been held before the City Council following public notice pursuant to Chapter 35.79 RCW; and WHEREAS, the street vacation appears to be of benefit to and in the interest of the public; NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES DOES HEREBY ORDAIN as follows: Section 1 - Vacation. Subject to the terms and conditions of this Ordinance, the following described right-of-way is hereby vacated: Section 2 - Conditions 247 1. The proposed street vacation is subject to the recommendations of the City's Public Works Department (Attachment B of the July 8, 1998 Planning Department Staff Report for STV 98-01) which require that a twenty-four inch sanitary sewer main will need to be relocated. A twenty foot wide access and utility easement shall be required. . 1 . . . . 2. The proposed street vacation is subject to the..recornmendations of the City's Fire Department (Attachment Cof the July 8, 1998, Planning Department Staff Report for STY 98-01) which requires that through access shall be maintained at the west end of the vacated EighthlNinth alley. The access shall be a minimum of twenty feet in width and shall consist of an all weather surface meeting the City's Public Works Department specifications. An approved turn around meeting the City's specifications may be approved at the east end of the remaining Eighth/Ninth alley inn lieu of through access. 3. The street vaca.tion shall not be finaled until a building permit is issued for the property consistent with the revised site development plan (Attachment A to the July 8, 1998, Planning Department Staff Report for STY 98-01). 5. Final occupancy of any new structures on the site shall not be allowed until the street vacation is complete and all of the individual lots comprising the development site have been combined into one legal building and zoning lot. 6. Any costs associate~ with utility relocation and alley realignment and/or' improvements shall be borne by the applicant. . Section 3 - Compensation. Pursuant to RCW 35.79030 compensation for the right-of-way is hereby set at $ Section 4 - Quit Claim Deed. Upon satisfaction of the cOUlpensation amount in Section 2 of this Ordinance, the owners of abutting property entitled to the vacated street, pursuant to RCW 35.79.040, may present a quit claim deed to the City of Port Angeles for execution by the Mayor, who is hereby authorized and directed ,to execute such quit claim,deed. Such quit claim deed shall include all reservations, conditions, or other qualifications upon the title established by this Ordinance. Section 5. This Ordinance shall be effective only upon the satisfaction of the terms and conditions of this Ordinance and shall he published upon that satisfaction. The City Clerk is . hereby directed to file a certified copy with,the Clallam County Auditor and Clallam County Assessor. 248 2 PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 21 st day of ~, 1998. Gary Braun, Mayor ATTEST: Becky Upton, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Craig D. Knutson, City Attorney PUBLISHED: By Summary >iorthwesl.stv I . . 249 . 3 . . . 250 CONDITIONS, FINDINGS, AND CONCLUSIONS IN SUPPORT OF REZONE APPLICATION REZ 98-03, Northwest Permit: Findings.: . Based on the information provided in the public record including the application file, the staff report and its attachments, comments received during the public comment period, and the Planning Commission's deliberation, the City of Port Angeles Planning Commission hereby finds: 1. The applicant, Northwest Permit submitted the application to the Planning Department on February 9,1998. A Determination of Completeness was issued on February 12, 1998, and the written public comment period initially ran from February 12, 1998 to February 27,1998. In response to public request, the public written comment period was extended to March 6, 1998. 2. The proposal is to rezone four lots (Lots 13, 14, 15 and 16 of Block 268 in the Townsite of Port Angeles), approximately 28,000 square feet of property, from RS-7, Residential Single Family to CSD, Commercial Shopping District (Attachment A to the Planning Department Staff Report for REZ 98-03 dated July 8, 1998). 3. The proposed rezone is part of the applicant's overall proposal to develop 90,000 s.f. of the southwest comer of Lincoln Street and 8th Street (extending to 9th Street) with an approximately 17,000 s.f. retail store. The overall proposal includes this rezone request and a street vacation request for the eastern portion of the EighthlNinth Streets alley. . 4. As part of the application's SEPA review, a traffic analysis was requested of the applicant on February 13, 1998. 5. On April 20, 1998, the Planning Department received a letter from the applicant waiving the City's 120 day permit processing requirement due to the applicant's delay in preparing the requested traffic analysis. 6. On May 14, 1998, the Planning Department received the requested traffic analysis and on June 3, 1998, the Planning Department received an addendum to the analysis with comments regarding Ninth Street, Laurel Street, and the EighthlNinth Streets alley. 7. This application was originally scheduled for Planning Commission consideration on March 11, 1998, at which time it was continued, due to lack of a traffic report and a SEP A determination, to April 22, 1998. On April 22, 1998, it was again continued for the same reason until June 10, 1998, at which time it was continued until July 8, 1998, to accommodate the resulting Mitigated Determination of Non Significance (MDNS) required comment period. 8. The SEPA Responsible Official issued a MDNS for the proposal on June 3, 1998 (Attachment B to the Planning Department Staff Report for REZ 98-03 dated July 8, 1998). Mitigation measures include no commercial traffic access to the project site from Ninth Street. The MDNS was mailed to all persons who submitted written . ~~51 comments related to the applicant's environmental checklist, and the comment period for the MDNS ran until June 19, 1998. . 9. On June 26, 1998, the City's SEP A Responsible Official re-issued the Mitigated Determination of Non-Significance with an additional mitigation measure requiring certain development aspects of the project be subject to further review. 10.' The public had an opportunity to comment on the proposal during the written comment period provided which ran from February 12 to March 6, 1998. All of the written comments received during this time are included as Attachment D to the Planning Department Staff Report for REZ 98-03 dated July 8, 1998. The issues addressed include increased traffic on Ninth Street, potential crime, increased noise and lighting, the general impact ofthe project on the Cherry Hill residential area, and the availability of alternative commercial properties. II. The subject area is within the undesignated area between the Comprehensive Plan's Commercial land use designation to the north and the Residential designation to the south. It is currently zoned RS- 7. 12. The subject area is level and is currently developed with two single-family residences and an unimproved parking lot used by a business located on property to the north of the rezone area. The adjacent properties are developed with the following uses: . To the north: To the south: To the east: To the west: commercial uses; single family residences; single family residence; and single family residences. 13. The adjacent properties are zoned as follows: To the north: To the south: To the east: To the west: CSD; RS-7; CSD; and RS-7. 14. The City's Comprehensive Plan identifies Lincoln Street as a principal arterial street and Eighth Street as a minor arterial street. 15. The traffic analysis noted the Eighth and Lincoln Street intersection currently functions at an average level of service (LOS) D, and projected that in the year 2000 it will continue to function at an average LOS of D with and without the proposed project. 16. The traffic analysis noted the Eighth and Lincoln Street intersection currently functions at a seasonal level of service (LOS) E, and projected that in the year 2000 it will continue to function at a seasonal LOS ofE without the proposed project, and a seasonal LOS of F with the project as proposed. The report projects the intersection will operate at a seasonal LOS of E with the project if the project is subject to the report's mitigation measures. . 17. The City Engineer reviewed the traffic analysis and recommended a revision to the :.~ 5 " report's mitigation measures. With the project subject to the revised mitigation measures, the City Engineer states the average LOS for the Eighth and Lincoln Streets intersection will remain at D in the year 2000, and the seasonal LOS will remain at E. 18. The Department of Transportation comments are included as Attachment E to the Planning Department Staff Report for REZ 98-03 dated July 8, 1998. They address the impact of the overall project on the Lincoln Street and 8th Street intersection, stormwater issues, signage requirements, and a recommendation the proposed development of the overall site be accessed from 9th Street instead of Lincoln Street (SR 101). . Conclusions.: Based on the information provided in the public record including the application file, the staff report and its attachments, written comments received during the public comment period, the Planning Commission's deliberation, and the above findings, the City of Port Angeles Planning Commission hereby concludes: A. The following Comprehensive Plan Policies are most relevant to the proposal, Land Use Policies Al and A2, Cl, Dl, and E7. B. The proposed rezone as mitigated in the project's revised MDNS dated June 26, 1998, is consistent with Comprehensive Plan Policies Al and A2, Cl, Dl, and E7. c. The proposed rezone is in the public use and interest and is compatible with the surrounding zoning and land uses. D. The proposed rezone will result in an increase of economic activity in the City, which is in the public interest. . E. As mitigated in the project's revised MDNS, the proposal will not have a negative impact on adjacent residentially zoned and developed properties along Ninth Street. F. If the property is not developed as part of the applicant's overall development plan as described in Attachment A to the Planning Department Staff Report for REZ 98- 03 dated July 8, 1998, and mitigated in the project's revised MDNS attached as Attachment B to the Planning Department Staff Report for REZ 98-03 dated July 8, 1998, the City should amend the Comprehensive Plan policies to ensure that high intensity commerial development is served by arteria streets of sufficient size to satisfy traffic demand and to lessen neighborhood traffic congestion or consider a rezone of the property back to RS-7. Adopted by the Port Angeles City Council at its meeting of July 21, 1998. Gary Braun, Mayor . Becky J. Upton, City Clerk c:\ WP\DAIL Y\MEMO.CC4 251 . . . 254 Planning Commission Minllles Julr 8. /998 Page // PUBLIC HEARING: . SIREET__ VACATION PETITION - 8IT-~8::HLNORTHWEST PERMIT,..a portion of the EighthlNinth StreeLalley~een Lincoln and LaureLS1r~ets: A proposal to vacate right-of-way. (This item is continued from June 10, 1998.) Commissioner Nutter stated that she has a friend who is a property owner in the area and would stand down from the proceedings if requested to do so. No one objected and so she remained. Planner Sawyerreviewed the Planning Department's staffreport and responded to questions regarding the staff report addendum which recommended approval if the Police Department's concerns are met. Chair Reed asked Deputy Chief Tom Riepe to elaborate on the Police Department's submitted memoranda. Deputy Tom Riepe, Police Department, stated that although the Police Department initially believed that the proposed alley vacation could result in a negative impact with regard to response and observation practices by the Police Department, further analysis indicates that the impacts which could result will not be significant enough to recommend denial of the vacation. Response activities could easily be routed along Ninth Street and observation activities could still occur in the proposed parking area for the development. He appreciated the Planning Department's concerns regarding the Police Department's initial . recommendation but cannot at this point see a major detriment to public safety as a result of the vacation. The Police Department's initial response was submitted out of an obligation to point out the practiced vehicular response patterns in the alley area but was not intended to be the criteria upon which the decision to vacate or not to vacate would hinge. Further review indicates that vacation of the alley may actually improve safety conditions in the area which experiences a good deal of nuisance activities and complaints. Observation of surrounding businesses would not be impacted by the proposal. Chair Reed opened the public hearing. Scott Grainger, Baldridge Group, 600 University #3012, Seattle, 98101, presented the proposed development plan for the Northwest PermitlRite Aid proposal planned for the overall site. Substantial perimeter landscaping is planned as a buffer to the Ninth Street residential area with additional landscaping on Lincoln and Eighth Streets. The development should enhance the appearance of the two main travel arteries, Lincoln and Eighth Streets. The group supports the police staging needs in the parking lot area and will make every effort to accommodate those public safety issues which is in their best interest as well as the neighborhood. A thirty-six foot egress is proposed to Lincoln Street in the location where only the existing twenty foot ingress/egress location exists at present. Commissioner Hewins asked Mr. Grainger if the remaining alley, which would not be vacated, would have access to the site. Mr. Grainger responded "no". 255 . Theresa Schmid, 114 East Ninth Street, presented testimony that the City's recent practice has been to vacate alleys to create large sites for development, she referenced the City's Planning Commission Minutes JIIly 8. 1998 Page 12 . Senior Center, the public library, the Safeway and Albertson's developments in support of this conclusion. She opposes forcing alley through traffic use to surrounding streets. As a resident of the neighborhood, she disagreed with the City's Engineering Department's conclusions that traffic patterns in the area would not be negatively impacted. The traffic already stacks up daily at peak times which can only increase if the proposal is approved. The traffic report indicates that the level of service of the Eighth/Lincoln intersection is at a level "D" at present which is not acceptable to her, and to further degrade that LOS is completely unthinkable. She strongly recommended denial of the street vacation. Nancy Van Sickle, 819 South Laurel Street, also a neighboring resident, agreed with the previous speaker and requested denial of the street vacation. She stated that vacation would only worsen traffic in the area and the development would create a new hang out for youth in the new parking area. Marsha Pearson, 118 East Ninth Street, a neighboring resident, believes that vacation of the alley as proposed would eliminate the ability of the four lots requested for rezone along with the alley vacation project (Lots 13, 14, 15, and 16) in this block to access the alley, thus forcing all activity from those lots if developed individually, onto Ninth Street. It is not acceptable to route any additional traffic onto Ninth Street. Neighbors in the area park on the street, and the street is not wide enough to accommodate two way traffic when that parking occurs. . Kathleen Bailey, 817 South Laurel Street, is in favor of the vacation as proposed. She is sympathetic to her friends and neighbors in the area, but feels that the continued use of the Eighth/Ninth alley in this location as a frontage road to Eighth Street is too dangerous to allow to continue. Two way traffic occurs in the narrow alley and loitering and commercial truck activity is excessive. The Eighth and Lincoln intersection is a problem. There have been commercial buildings in this location for over sixty years and the uses have by and large been good neighbors. The proposal should greatly reduce the unwanted activities in the alley and increase the safety of the residents. Typically large amounts of traffic are routed onto neighborhood streets, not alleys. Bob Bailey, 817 South Laurel Street, explained the damage that has occurred to his property as a result of the intensity and speed at which vehicles travel through the alley to avoid the intersection in this location. Commercial use of the alley as a result of the existing businesses has resulted in damage to the alley surface and curbs. He believes that vacation of the alley as proposed will result in an increase in safety of the alley residential uses and will force commercial traffic to be more site specific. It will result in traffic use which now occurs in the alley to be placed onto streets where greater traffic use is anticipated. Vandalism should be greatly reduced due to the proposed development of the area. With or without the proposed development, some type oftraffic control needs to be implemented on this alley. It is important that if the vacation is approved, the lots facing onto Ninth Street be closed to egress from the site development that is proposed. . Theresa Schmid, 114 East Ninth Street, asked if an emergency vehicle turn around would be required at the west end of the alley if the vacation were approved. 25f) . . . . . . Planning Commission Minllles .111/\' 8. /99R ['age 13 Al Gustafson, 903 South Peabody, asked if this action is precedent setting. He owns commercial property in the 200 block of Eighth Street which he would like to similarly develop and asked if this action would set the stage for that development. Planner Sawyer responded that comments must be directed to the issue at hand, but noted that this would not be a precendent setting situation. Mr. Gustafson added that vacation of the alley is not a good idea. To develop the site such that traffic now using the alley will be shifted to the neighboring street is improper. Safety of the residents using the neighboring streets cannot be assured. Bob Dudley, 106 East Ninth Street, enouraged the City to take a good look at the traffic patterns in the area. He verified that Ninth Street is narrow with a good deal of on-street parking, and the traffic is already congested. Additional traffic would be more difficult. There being no further testimony; Chair Reed closed the public hearing. Commissioner Nutter opened discussion regarding a turn around at the east end of the alley, were the west portion of the alley to be vacated. Engineer Kenworthy responded that all of the site plan information that he has responded to indicate that access will be available to the site from the east end of the alley, and the City would be requiring an easement to ensure that access will not be hindered through to Lincoln Street. The Public Works Department will require such through access for site approval and will not support a dead end alley. Alleys are basically intended for utility purposes and secondary residential access. They are not meant for vehicular through traffic. To maintain the ease of these intended activities, it is preferred not to provide turn arounds but to loop through those areas. Chair Reed agreed with the statement that there have been vacations approved that allowed larger commercial site developments, as stated by a resident of the neighborhood. This is true, however, each case is analyzed individually, and would not have been approved ifnot found to be in the greater public interest with sensitivity toward the individual areas involved. He felt that future access to Ninth Street is protected from the site by condition No.4, which provides that the vacation will not be tinaled until a building permit can be issued for the entire site, which would eliminate the possibility of the lots adjacent to Ninth Street being developed independently of the current proposal. Although staff has confirmed that the intent of alleys is for utility and residential uses, the reality of it is that alleys, particularly this alley, experiences a much more intensive use. That traffic will be using Ninth Street if this proposal is approved. Commissioner Ziakin did not believe that the traffic situation/impacts have been analyzed to everyone's satisfaction. He does not believe the applicant has provided enough information for approval at this point. 257 Commissioner Hewins noted that the subject location is one of the most desirable commercial intersections in town. The properties surrounding the intersection will eventually be developed in a manner that will inevitably increase the already heavy traffic Planning Commission MinUles July 8. 1998 Page /4 in the area. arid should be addressed in a serious manner. The City's Comprehensive Plan establishes the area as a primary commercial area which will result in a major trafffic . corridor. . Commissioner <::raver felt that given the testimony verifying that the alley in this location is heavily travelled by those visiting the various commercial uses which occupy the area at 'present as well as those using the alley as a frontage road to avoid the intersection congestion, development of the area from several businesses into one single commercial ~~te may actually reduce the congestion in the area somewhat. She noted th~lt the applicant's testimony indicates tnat the alley will not be continued through to the parking lot, but the site information presented for review indicates through access. Chair Reed again noted that closure of the alley will force the traffic uses to the side streets, and was not comfortablewith that impact. In response to Commissioner Souders, Planner Sa\\'Ver noted that he believes.the applicant's site plans are dependent on the street vacation. Furthermore, he stated that staff would havg difficulty recommending approval of the accompanying rezone proposal without the street vacation due to the fact that without the added right-of-way area the commercial site would be bisected by the alley. Commissioner Nutter moved to deny the proposed street vacation petition citing the following findings and conclusions: . Findings: 1. The applicant for the requested vacation is Northwest Permit. The petition is attached as Attachment A of the July 8, 1998 Planning Dep,artment Staff Report for STY 98-01. 2. The requested vacation is for that portion of the alley between 8th Street and 9th Street abutting Lots 1-6 and 13-18 of Block No. 268 in the Townsite of Port Angeles. 3. The street vacation is categorically exempt from threshold determination and Environmental Impact Statement requirements per Section 197-11-800 (2) (h) of the Washington Administrative Code. 4. The subject right-of-way and abutting properties fall within the undesignflted area between the Comprehensive Plan's Commercialland use designation to the north and its Residential designation to the south. The majority of the abutting properties are zoned Commercial Shopping District (CSD) with four. of the properties currently zoned Residential, Single-Family (RS-7). 258 5. The Public Works Department has indicated a 24" sanitary sewer main and overhead electricallines are located in the alley and will need to be relocated if the vacation is approved': . r--. . . . "Il/nning ('ommission .\'inures .full' I), 1998 ['age 15 6. The subject right-of-way is currently improved. 7. The Public Works, Fire. and Police Department's comments are included as Attachments B, C, and D of the July 8, 1998, Planning Department Staff Report for STY 98-01. 8. The Police Department originally submitted written public safety concerns related to the proposed vacation. These concerns include the current use of the alley for traffic diversion in the event of an accident at the 8th Street and Lincoln Street intersection, the use of the alley by officers in response to calls from the bank located at the comer of 8th Street and Oak Street, and the use of the alley for access to and observation of the 24 hour retaiVgas station use at the comer of 8th Street and Lincoln Street. 9. At the July 8, 1998, Planning Commission meeting, the Police Department's concerns were further explained. Deputy Chief Tom Riepe stated that the July 7, 1998. memorandum from the Police Department was intended to point out issues for consideration but the concerns do not warrant denial of the proposed vacation. Conclusions: A. The Comprehensive Plan's Utilities and Public Services Policies C2 and 3 and Transportation Policy B 18 are the most relevant to the proposed vacation. B. Based on neighborhood traffic concerns including the use of the alley for public safety purposes, the proposed vacation is not consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan. C. Based on the Police Department's comments and stated use of the alley for public safety purposes, the Planning Commission concludes that the proposed vacation may have an impact on public health, safety and welfare. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Ziakin and deadlocked 3 - 3, with Commissioners Reed, Nutter, and Ziakin voting for the motion, and Commissioners Hewins, Craver, and Souders voting against the motion. Commissioner Hewins stated that he did not believe the vacation wi 11 have an adverse impact on the surrounding neighborhood. Reorientation of traffic patterns in the alley will result in the direction of traffic through to Eighth Street. The project, not the vacation, may result in an increase in traffic to Ninth Street. Commissioner Craver restated her belief that the consolidation of the uses at this comer may ease the impact to the neighborhood and the alley. 259 Chair Reed reiterated that his primary reason for voting to deny the vacation is due to the public testimony that traffic volumes along Ninth Street during rush hour traffic exceeded that which was suggested by the consultant's report and that the proposed vacation would Planning Commission Minl/les JIIII' 8, 1998 Page 16 aggravate that situation. . When asked to comment on the traffic impact, Engineer Kenworthy again noted that alleys are not intended or developed for heavy, through traffic use. He is comfortable with the proposal and vacation of the alley subject to the conditions recommended. The Commission took a short recess at 11 :00 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 11 :05 p.m. The Commission discussed traffic concerns and potential traffic patterns at length. Commissioner Ziakin noted that he would abstain from voting on the issue because he does not believe enough information has been presented to vote fairly. Staff responded, at the direction of the Chair, that the Commissioners should endeavor to vote one way or the other. lfthe Commission cannot break a deadlock, the issue would have to be passed on to the City Council as such. Engineer Kenworthy responded to Commissioner Hewins that the traffic consultant provided additional information at his request which concluded that, following their analysis as traffic engineers, the additional traffic to Ninth and Laurel Streets would not be significant. Mr. Kenworthy agreed that there will be impacts and increases, but they would not significantly affect the level of service. Commissioner Nutter stated that she can't give credence to the traffic engineering study prepared by the traffic consultants because it is too vague. Testimony received by the neighborhood does not support the traffic consultant's conclusions. . Commissioner Souders noted that her vote against the motion was because the facts presented by staff in recommending denial of the vacation cannot be supported without the Police Department's concerns. Staff noted in the report that if the Police Department's concerns could be mitigated the recommendation would be for approval. Commissioner Craver believed that significant weight should be given to the traffic consultant's report because the-authors are trained in traffic matters and are professionals in their field, where the individual Planning Commission members are not traffic experts. She has to assume that reports presented by specialists in a specific field should be given particular weight in a final decision. Commissioner Ziakin believed there are glaring gaps in the information provided. Chair Reed pointed out the options available at this juncture and encouraged the Commission to try to forward a clear recommendation to the City Council. Commissioner Hewins agreed with Commissioner Craver that the requested traffic - information had been provided and the City's Engineer had reviewed it and agreed 2. 6 0 with the conclusions. He then moved to approve the vacation as proposed citing the . following six conditions, ten findings and four conclusions: . . . Planning Commission Minutes lull' 8. 1998 Page /7 Conditions: 1. The proposed street vacation is subject to the recommendations of the City's Public Works Department (Attachment B of the July 8,1998 Planning Department Staff Report for STY 98-01) which require that a twenty-four inch sanitary sewer main will need to be relocated. A twenty foot wide access and utility easement shall be required. 2. The proposed street vacation is subject to the recommendations of the City's Fire Department (Attachment C of the July 8, 1998, Planning Department Staff Report for STY 98-01) which requires that through access shall be maintained at the west end ofthe vacated Eighth/Ninth alley. The access shall be a minimum of twenty feet in width and shall consist of an all weather surface meeting the City's Public Works Department specifications. An approved turn around meeting the City's specifications may be approved at the east end of the remaining Eighth/Ninth alley inn lieu of through access. 3. The street vacation shall not be finaled until a building permit is issued for the property consistent with the revised site development plan (Attachment A to the July 8, 1998, Planning Department Staff Report for STY 98-01). 5. Final occupancy of any new structures on the site shall not be allowed until the street vacation is complete and all of the individual lots comprising the development site have been combined into one legal building and zoning lot. 6. Any costs associated with utility relocation and alley realignment and/or improvements shall be borne by the applicant. Findings.:. 1. The applicant for the requested vacation is Northwest Permit. The petition is attached as Attachment A of the July 8, 1998 Planning Department Staff Report for STY 98-01. 2. The requested vacation is for that portion of the alley between 8th Street and 9th Street abutting Lots 1-6 and 13-18 of Block No. 268 in the Townsite of Port Angeles. 3. The street vacation is categorically exempt from threshold determination and Environmental Impact Statement requirements per Section 197-11-800 (2) (h) of the Washington Administrative Code. 4. The subject right-of-way and abutting properties fall within the undesignated area between the Comprehensive Plan's Commercial land use designation to the north and its Residential designation to the south. The majority of the abutting properties are zoned Commercial Shopping District (CSD) with four of the properties currently ~) 6 1.1 zoned Residential, Single-Family (RS-7). - Planning Commission Minutes JlIlr 8. 1998 Page /8 5. The Public Works Department has indicated a 24" sanitary sewer main and overhead electrical lines are located in the alley and will need to be relocated ifthe vacation is approved. . 6. The subject right-of-way is currently improved. 7. The Public Works, Fire, and Police Department's comments are included as Attachments B, C, and D of the July 8, 1998 Planning Department Staff Report for STY 98-01. 8. The Police Department originally submitted written public safety concerns related to the proposed vacation. These concerns include the current use of the alley for traffic diversion in the event of an accident at the 8th Street and Lincoln Street intersection, the use of the alley by officers in response to calls from the bank located at the comer of 8th Street and Oak Street, and the use of the alley for access to and observation of the 24 hour retail/gas station use at .the comer of 8th Street and Lincoln Street. 9. As noted in their presentation to the Planning Commission on July 8, 1998, the Police Department's concerns expressed in a letter dated February 23, 1998, attached as Attachment D of the July 8,1998 Planning Department Staff Report for STY 98- 01) do not warrant denial of the proposed vacation. 10. On ~lay 14, 1998, the Planning Department received a traffic analysis for the applicant's overall development plan which includes the proposed street vacation. On June 3, 1998, the Planning Department received an addendum to the analysis with comments regarding Ninth Street, Laurel Street, and the Eighth and Ninth Streets alley. . Conclusions: A. The Comprehensive Plan's Utilities and Public Services Policies C, 2 and 3 and Transportation Policy B 18 are the most relevant to the proposed vacation. B. As conditioned, the proposed vacation is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan's Utilities and Public Services Policies C, 2 and 3 and Transportation Policy B 18. C. As conditioned, the proposed vacation will not have an adverse impact on the public health, safety and welfare. D. As conditioned, the proposed vacation will benefit the community's economic development as well as the general public health, safety and welfare. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Craver and passed 3 - 2 with Commissioners Hewins, Souders, and Craver voting in favor, Commissioners Nutter and Reed voting in the negative, and Commissioner Ziakin abstained. 262 . . . . Planning Commission Afinl/les lull 8, 1998 Page 19 Those who voted against the motion restated their original objections, and Commissioner Ziakin's abstention was due to the desire for additional traffic infonnation. Chair Reed stated that the City Council will hold a public hearing on this item at its July 21, 1998, meeting, which will begin at 7:00 p.m. 263 . . 264 . . . . Port Angeles Police Department SIeve Ilk, Chief of Police Tom Riepe, Deputy Chief Naomi Wu, Comm Manager Karen Haugstad, Admin Assistant 00 m@rnO\Ylrn ~' MEMORANDUM JUt.. I 3 1998 ~! Date: July 13, 1998 PORT ANGELES PLANNING DEPARTMENT To: From: Re: Mayor B.~~ and Council Members Tom Ri~puty Chief Street Vacation - Police Department's Statements To Planning Commission CC: Chief S. Ilk Planning Department This memo is written at the request of the PI,mning Department to convey to the Mayor and Council Members statements made by me (Deputy Chief Tom Riepe) to the Planning Commission on July 8, 1998. My statements were made regarding the "Request for vacation of the alley between 8th Street and 9th Street abutting Lots 1-6 and 13-18 of Block No. 268 in the Townsite of Port Angeles (STY 98-01). During the July 8, 1998 Planning commission meeting, I informed the Planning Commission that while Sergeant Turton's memo of February 23, 1998 to the Planning Commission details "public safety concems" regarding the vacation of the alley, the concems, in my opinion, were minimal, and do not cause the Police Department to recommend denial of the request. I further told the Planning Commission words to the effect that, in my opinion, if the Police Department and public were no longer able to use the alley, per the vacation request. it would not cause an adverse impact to public safety. 102-98-460 . Page 1 265 . . . . . . 266 - ..... 1 & ! , ~ PLANNING DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT TO: Planning Commission FROM: Planning Department DATE: July 8. 1998 RE: STV 98-01 APPLICANT: Northwest Permit REQUEST: Vacation of the alley between 8th Street and 9th Street abutting Lots 1-6 and 13-18 of Block No. 268 in the Townsite of Port Angeles. ALTERNATIVE RECOMMENDATION Based on the Police Department's concerns being adequately mitigated. the Planning Department recommends the Planning Commission forward a recommendation of approval to the City Council Cor street vacation request STY 98-01 subject to the following conditions of approval and based on the following findings and conclusions: Conditions of Approval: 1. The proposed street vacation is subject to the recommendations of the City's Public Works Department included in Attachment B of the July 8, 1998 Planning Department Staff Report for STY 98-0 I. 2. The proposed street vacation is subject to the recommendations of the City's Fire Department included in Attachment C of the July 8. 1998 Planning Department Staff Report for STY 98-0 I. 3. The proposed street vacation is subject to the recommendations of the City's Police Department as presented to the Planning Commission at their meeting of July 8, 1998. -+. The street vacation shall not be finaled until a building permit is issued for the property consistent with the revised site development plan attached as Attachment A to the July 8. 1998 Planning Department Staff Report for STY 98-02. 267 Citv ot"Port Angeles Planning Department. 32 I E. 5th St.. Port Angeles. IV A. (voice) 360-4/7.4750, (fax) 360-4 17-4609 -- 'I .~ ~ . . . . . . Plannmg Department Staff Report Alternative Rcommendation STV 98-0 I - Northwest Permit July 8, 1998 Page 2 ). Final occupancy of any new stmctures on the site shall not be allowed until the street vacation is complete and all of the individual lots comprising the development site have been combined into one legal building and zoning lot. 6. Any costs associated with utility relocation and allev realignment and/or improvements shall be borne by the applicant. Findings: 1. The applicant for the requested vacation is Northwest Permit. the application/petition is anached as Attachment A of the July 8. 1998 Planning Department Staff Report for STY 98-01. ") The requested vacation is for that portion of the alley between 8th Street and 9th Street abutting Lots 1-6 and 13-18 of Block No. 268 in the Townsite of Port Angeles. ~ .J. The street vacation is categorically exempt from threshold determination and Environmental Impact Statement requirements per Section 197-11-800 (2) (h) of the Washington Administrative Code. -+. The subject right-of-way and abutting properties fall within the undesignated area between the Comprehensive Plan's Commercial land use designation to the north and its Residential designation to the south. The majority of the abutting properties are zoned Commercial Shopping District (CSD) with four of the properties currently zoned Residential, Single-Family (RS-7). ). The Public Works Department has indicated a 24" sanitary sewer main and overhead electrical lines are located in the alley and will need to be relocated if the vacation is approved. 6. The subject right-of-way is currently improved. 7. The Public Works, Fire, and Police Department's comments are included as Attachments B. C. and D of the July 8,1998 Planning Department Staff Report for STV 98-01. 8. The Police Department expressed several public safety concerns related to the proposed vacation. These concerns include the current use of the alley for traffic diversion in the event of an accident at the 8th Street and Lincoln Street intersection, the use of the alley by officers in response to calls from the bank located at the comer of 8th Street and Oak Street, and the use of the alley for access to and observation of the 24 hour retail/gas station use at the comer of 8th Street and Lincoln Street. 9. As noted in their presentation to the Planning Commission on July 8. 1998, the Police Department's concerns expressed in their letter dated F ebmary 23, 1998, and attached as Attachment D of the July 8, 1998 Planning Department Staff Report for STY 98-01 have been adequately mitigated to their satisfaction. 268 Citv of Port Angeles Planning Department. 321 E. 5th St.. Port Angeles. WA. (voice) 360-4/7-4750. (fax) 360-417-4609 ..'.'''!.:~~ Pbnmng Department Stall Report Alt<.. "alive Rcommendation STV <.JS-O I - 0iorthwest Perrmt July 8. 1998 Page 3 10. On :..lay 14. 1998. the Planning Department received a traffic analysis for the applicant's overall development plan which includes the proposed street vacation. On June 3. 1998, the Planning Deparnnent received an addendum tgthe analysis with comments regarding 9th Street, Laurel Street, and the 8th and 9th Streets alley. Conclusions A. The Comprehensive Plan's Utilities and Public Services Policies C. 2 and 3 and Transportation Policy B 18 are the most relevant to the proposed vacation. B. :\s conditioned: the proposed vacation is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan's Utilities and Public Services Policies C, 2 and 3 and Transportation Policy B 18. C. As conditioned, theproposed vacation will not have an adverse impact on the public health, safety and welfare. . D. :\s condition,~d,the proposed vacation will benefit the community's economIC developmentas well as the general public health, safety and welfare. .'';T\'()\il}/ .PC2 ~;69 ellr of Port Angeles Planning Department. 321 E. 5th St.. Port Angeles. W A. (voice) 360-4/7-4750. (fax) 360-417-4609 . . . . . . 270 FILE PLANNING DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT . "LANNI,,6 TO: Planning Commission FROM: ~anning Department DATE: July 8, 1998 RE: STV 98-01 APPLICANT: Northwest Permit REQUEST: Vacation of the alley between 8th Street and 9th Street abutting Lots 1-6 and 13-18 of Block No. 268 in the Townsite of Port Angeles. . BACKGROUND: This vacation request is part of the applicant's overall proposal to develop 90,000 s.f. of the southwest comer of Lincoln Street and 8th Street (extending to 9th Street) with an approximately 17,000 s.f. retail store. The overall proposal includes this street vacation request and a rezone request for a portion of the property. DISCUSSION: Environmental Review: The vacating of a street is categorically exempt from threshold determination and Environmental Impact Statement requirements per Section 197-11-800 (2) (h) of the Washington Administrative Code (WAC) which states "(2) Other minor new construction. The following types of construction shall be exempt . .. (h) The vacation of streets or roads. " Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Ordinance: The subject right-of-way and adjoining properties fall within the undesignated area between the Comprehensive Plan's Commercial land use designation to the north and its Residential designation to the south. The majority of the abutting properties are zoned Commercial Shopping District (CSD) . with four of the properties currently zoned Residential, Single-Family (RS-7). 271 Cityo/PortAngeles Planning Department. 321 E. 5th St. Port Angeles. WA. (voice) 360-417-4750. (fax) 360-417-4609 3 -11 -=1 Planning Department StafrReport STV 98-01 . Northwest Permit July 8. 1998 Page 2 . The following Comprehensive Plan policies have been found to be most relevant to the proposal: Utilities and Public Services Policy C, 2: All new utility services should be underground. Utilities and Public Services Policy C, 3: Where possible. new utilities should be located in alleys. The Public Works Department has noted the location of utilities in the requested vacation area and recommended specific conditions of approval that include required utility easement and relocation. Transportation Policy B, 18: Police and fire protection should be a key factor in residential subdivision street designs and circulation patterns. . The area's current zoning is a combination of commercial and residential zones. The Fire Department has indicated they do not have an objection to this request subject to the development of an approved turn-around at the proposed east end of 8th/9th Street alley. The Police Department has expressed several public safety concerns related to the proposed vacation. These concerns include the current use of the alley for traffic diversion in the event of an accident at the 8th Street and Lincoln Street intersection, the use of the alley by officers in response to c3lls from the bank located at the comer of 8th Street and Oak Str~et, and the use of the alley for access to and observation of the 24 hour retaiVgas station use at the comer of 8th Street and Lincoln Street. Department Reviews and Comments: J>uhl1c Works Department: The Public Works Department's comments address necessary utility easement and relocation requirements (please see Attachment B). Fm! Departme11l: The Fire Department's comments which address the need for adequate turn-around facilities are attached as Attachment C. Police Department: . The Police Department's comments which express concerns regarding public safety are attached as Attachment D. Arepresentative of the Police Department has been asked to be available at the Planning Commission meeting to answer any questions the Commission may have regarding their concerns. ;) 7 r. ~ ~ City of Port Angeles Planning Department, 321 E. 5th St.. Port Angeles. WA. (voice) 360-417-4750. (fax) 360-417-4609 Planning Depertment Staff Report STY 9~ 1 - Northwest Permit July 8. 1998 Page 3 Planning Department: . Below is a summary of the impacts of the proposal: Traffic Panems: The Public Works Department has not indicated any negative impact on the area' s vehicular traffic pattern as a result of the proposed vacation. Utilities: The Public Works Department has indicated a 24" sanitary sewer main and overhead electrical lines are located in the alley and will need to be relocated if the vacation is approved. The Planning Department also notes that the City's Comprehensive Plan states new utilities should be underground and this policy should be applied to this proposal. Public Health. Safety and Welfare: As noted previously, the Police Department has stated the area of the proposed vacation is used by the police for a variety of public safety purposes. Development Panems: The proposed vacation is located in an area of currently developed lots which should not have further development affected by the proposed vacation. PLANNING DEPARTMENT RECOMMENDATION: Based on the Police Department's comments and stated use of the alley for public safety purposes, . the Planning Department recommends the Planning Commission forward a recommendation of denial to the City Council for street vacation request STY 98-01 based on the following findings and conclusions: Findings: 1 . The applicant for the requested vacation is Northwest Permit, the application/petition is attached as Attachment A of the July 8, 1998 Planning Depanment Staff Report for STY 98-01. 2. The requested vacation is for that portion of the alley between 8th Street and 9th Street abutting Lots 1-6 and 13-18 of Block No. 268 in the Townsite of Port Angeles. 3 . The street vacation is categorically exempt from threshold determination and Environmental Impact Statement requirements per Section 197-11-800 (2) (h) of the Washington Administrative Code. 4. The subject right-of-way and abutting properties fall within theundesignated area between the Comprehensive Plan' s Commercial land use designation to the north and its Residential designation to the south. The majority of the abutting properties are zoned Commercial Shopping District (CSD) with four of the properties currently zoned Residential, Single-Family (RS-7). ') ""'3 ~( The Public Works Depanment has indicated a 24" sanitary sewer main and overhead . 5. City oJPort Angeles Planning Departmenl, 321 E. 5th 51., Port Angeles, WA, (voice) 360-417-4750, (fax) 360-4/7-4609 . . . Planning Depertment Staft"Report STY 98-01- Northwest Permit July 8, 1998 Page 4 electrical lines are located in the alley and will need to be relocated if the vacation is approved. 6. The subject right-of-way is currently improved. 7. The Public W orks,Fire, and Police Department's comments are included as AttachInents B, C, and D of the July 8,.1998 Planning Department Staff Report for STV 98-01. 8. The Police Department eXJ>ressed several public safety concerns related to the proposed vacation. These. cc:mcems include the current use of the alley for traffic diversion in the event of an accident at the 8th Street and Lincoln Street intersection, the use of the 'alley by offi~ in response to calls fro~ the bank located at the comer of 8th Street and Oak Street, and the use of the. alley for access to and observation of the 24 hour retail/gas station use at the comer of 8th Street and Lincoln Street. Conclusions A. The Comprehensive Plan's Utilities and Public Services Policies C, 2 and 3 and Transportation Policy B 18 are the most relevant to the proposed vacation. B. Based on the Police Department's comments and stated use of the alley for public safety purposes, the proposed vacation is not consistent with the Comprehensive Plan's Transportation PolicY B 18. C. Based on the Police Department's comments and stated use of the alley for public safety purposes, the proposed vaCation will have an adverse impact on the public health. safety and welfare. If the Police Department's concerns can be fniti~ted tothe point that the proposed vacation will not result in an adverse impact on the public health, safety and welfare, the Planning Department would recommend the Planning Commission foward to the City Council a recommendation of approval subject to certain conditions of approval rather than the present recommendation of denial. S1V9IO\.PCI 274 City of Port Angeles Planning Department. 32 J E. 5tnSt.. Port Angeles. WA. (voice) 360-4 J 7-4750. (far) 360-4/7-4609 ( CI7Y OF PORT ANGELES STREET VACATION PEll1)ON $ZCO~ - . ~~:=:.. d<4/9 ORIGINAL . TO: 17Je City Council of the City of Port Angeles. Washington - Come now the undersigned petitioners and pursuant to Chapter 35.79 RCW respectfully show: 1. The undersigned petitioners request that the following described portion of P\L.L ~ y Street/Alley in the City of Port Angeles be vacated pursuant to Chapter 35.79 RCW (legally describe the property requested for vacation below). "The. '6oS\~er\~ 3oobe.~-c- Db ~\\E. '1 \o~~eQ"';:::' ~. 8~sr4. ~. c;~ ~1l2e. '- ~-:r:oD't0'I....,:}~~. L\,^c. 0 L~ ~"T"'."\"2;:)1'\.. ~ ~";:)r\'"\.- J.. c 1 ~.: / - ~ .,- / 3 - / j" D J- .J!- LJ- T P Il 2. t.ach of the undersigned petitioners is the owner of an interest in real estate abutting on the above described area. 3. .3 persons own property abutting on said area. 4 The names and addresses of property owners abutting on said areas are as follows: Name Address .J: : - r' ,......' :1'- I ' _ krl ~c..v",", vue-\ \ _~ nGt e.- ~..J """~ \ \ bber""C ~e.r r'Y"\r.. N \ \ ~ ~ i}: PciT ~L.p_ ~ ~ l.-0Pt , \ .5c.... --- e.- ~ r-y... p . 5 The undersigned petitioners constitute more than two thirds of the owners of said abutting property WHEREFORE. the petitioners ask that proceedings be commenced hereon for the vacation of said area of said ~ \\-e-y Street/Alley in the manner prescribed in Chapter 35.79 RCW. Respectfully submitted. Name Address fhonc \\8 8l;,~,~~~~ ~nu e- $C4..~wcll ~~rY'-P (b~~ -C- ::~: ~ . &f'y-..@_ _'I / ~ / ~ ) ' /i"'!LY; ~/ /J --.-/IJ/i) <::~- - --- ".';/ _ ~=~ m 7.4 / ; I '~-m '1 '- >3---- /' /7 '- ~ f t J'I 'i!:C c: . !II' No ,~~n~ g ~l_ ,.'_ ~ f'ho'" eo ~,s. C""- r- e. Ob "'''\ e"'~ -b~ 7 OaleRecelv ~.f. I~)f'-'J.< i..'- '-~l:lf"c..""'""-~eA-/o~ Nc:..r$ (\J.V:;-"=?~ r /'V\.~ / . ~ I Heanng(s) Oat - -, _ c.r- ~\.:.brc.A- h L. ~c.... f""L"" ~- -9Y. A\\Ac..\.\~\ A )(~ L ~("~ J )rt'\ ~\~ .lOb . 3_1:~L Q~33' ~ r------- . . . ( Memornndmn To: Deborah Lynn Han. N.W. Permit From: Allen Kann. Boardwalk Development Dm: 01/27/98 Re: Authorization to Nonhwest Permit This Memorandum is intended as authorization to Northwest Permit. to apply and process permits on behalf of us for the property legally described as follows: Lots 17;..18. BloCk 268, TO'M'lsite of Port Angeles, WA If you have any questions, please feel free tocal! me on 314-966-2300. Your assistance is appreciated. ' Very Truly Yours, BOARDWALK DEVELOPMENT ~~ ~/':',~-L ~G') 7- Allen Kann Executive Vice President I . I) 7 .,\ ~ 0 1 I~z 1-21-'" 5...... ftD4.. 1IIn&IL p.,.,..,. 281 3a wra& JIIuIy 21. I'" Mr. ..... O. aa... 00 Mr.1oolt Owl -u N.a~..4I""" r........ LIL _ U.A..~'" 8t.. .... JOJ2 I I~ WA"IOI k ._~- s.aV___AWllliiN LoCI.,.,. BIoc* 2M. Tv.. V of"" 4et. WA- 0. Bob: 'TNt .... IWlIa"ft ..~. ;ermi1lioD to BoMtWllk Dnmrn.... ita.... taJ/<< 'v- .., lie.... ... ",., ..,... ..",icdan" ItnIt V~ AfpIj .....- GW doc - --......... ~ 1M city.Part "'~~. in IWGeirion widltIIe ,..0,...... nCIIII.~ Ita, 11I_ OQCW(" III LMlI7.11. Block _ T~..Attt" '- Mphs, WA.' . aI.IT 1nI>. .) (,.J./J. C3 - '''<__ x.t _well ~~ Iller hi ..~ P.2 . '. . 277 . A~ . - --". ~ -.- -'~,-,-I January 19, 1998 Mr. Scott Grainger Northwest Retail Partners. Ltd. 600 University St.. Suite 3012 Seattle, W A 98101 Rc:: Rezone Application Street Vacation Application Lots 1-6 inclusive, lots 13-16 inclusive Block 268, Townsite of Pon Angeles, W A. Dear Scott: This letter shall serve as Owner's permission to Boardwalk Development, its agents and/or assigns to file the necessary Rezone Application, Street Vacation Application, and other docwnentation as requested by the city of Port Angeles in association with the proposed retail development occurring st Lots 1-6 inclusive, Lots 13-16 inclusive Block 268, Townsite ofPon Angeles, WA. . Sincerely, . ;I)IL.-- Roben~. German 1\& e- fDU-~~), W~ 'l~]~~ . . . ;l'78 /.\ 4 " / /" / /. " / f!iI /" .<~ .<~, / """ ~',/ ~ / .... '.->: /0,/ / / I I I /~':'!/ / /~/ '."- / ~/' . .....,./ " ~~79 CUY OF PORT ANGElLS PUBUC WORKS ~ SCALE AREA MAP STREET VACATION (STV 98-01) . LOTS 1-6 &13-18 BL. 268 A5" 100 I I 50 . '~: ~ (' (, " .I /. ~ G ( . . . . :~80 r February 25, 1998 TO: Tim Smith From: Gary Kenworthy Trenia Funston 1'r ( . ill ~&~OW~ ill j t.\4R - 2 !8J PORT ANGELES PlANNING DEPARTMENT STREET V ACA TION PETITION-STY 98-01 BAUMWELL / GERMAN Easterly 300' of the 8/9 Alley,between Lincoln and Laurel Streets SUBJ: The existing 8/9 alley hetween Lincoln and Laurel Streets presen~ly has a 24" sanitary sewer main which will need to relocated. A 20' wide utility easement will be required for access. Provide a 20' wide Access easement from 8/9 alley North to 8th Street. . Block 268 Assessed land values: South side 8th Street Lincoln to Laurel North 80' Lots 1 and 2 South 60' Lots 1 and 2 and Lots 3-5 Lots 6-8 and the S60' Lot 9 North 80' Lot 9 North side 9th Street Lincoln to Laurcl Lots 17-18 Lots 14-16 Lots 12-13 North 90' Lots 10-11 South 50' Lots 1 0-11 . Block 267 Assessed values: South side 8th Street Laurel to Oak Lots 1-2, 3-4 Lots 5-7 Church Lot 8 Lots 9-10 North side of 9th Strcet Laurel to Oak Lots 11-20 $9.00SF $8.00SF $8.00SF $4.00SF $6.50SF $2.51 SF $3.14SF $2.51 SF $3.14SF $6.50SF () $6.50SF $6.S0SF $1.14SF . 281 . A TrAL ~ME~ \S ( .. Block 269 Assessed values: South side 8th Street Lincoln to Chasc Lots 1-2 SS.OOSF Lots 3-5 SS.OOSF Lots 6-9 S 13.50SF North side of 9th Street Lincoln to Chase Lots I 0 and portions of Lot 11 SS.OOSF . Block 231 Assessed values: I . North Sidc 8th Street Lincoln to Laurel I I . ~ Lots 10-15 SS.OOSF Lot 16 and South 99' Lots 17.,.18 SS.59SF Block 232 Assessed values: North sidc.8th Street Laurel to Oak Lots 11-14 Church 0 Lots 15-20 $6.50SF . Block 230 Assessed values: North side 8th Street Lincoln to Chasc Lots 1-12 SS.67SF . Lots 13-18 $8.00SF . ')8C1 N' -.. R2- . . . i i /. 1 , , I *83 I I B3 , r r PLANNING DEP..\RTMENT MEMORANDUM . 3~ 1 I:'-ast Fifth Street. Port AIl~e'es. Washm~lOll (360) -1/7-1750 February 16, 1998 P PORT ANGELES lANNING DEPARTMENT TO L..:rrn;smith. Public Works Depanment Fire Depanment Police Depanment Sl13J STREET VACATION PETITIOi' - STY 98-01 BAUMWELUGERMAN - 8/9 Alley between Lincoln and Laurel Streets The Planning Depanment has received a petition for vacation ofa ponion of the 8/9 alley between Lmcoln and Laurel Streets. Please review the petition and identify those issues that relate to your depanmental concerns. A response to the Planning Depanment no later than Februarv 27. 1998, 15 appreciated Please be sure to note any concerns your depanments have with regard to . compliance with the City's LOS standards should the vacation be approved. If\'ou have any questions. please caU or stop by the depanment. Thank you. t-l WI tA- ~ Nt.C,e.?SAiZA( '10 ~e.w\l>v~ A.t0 ~X\~\i.,.;<0 OJGru~D f'Ov..J~tJe- It-J 1'\'€- ~?O~~ A~ VAc.Ai10,J. 1we. '"0uJffl~..{IJf, ~ ~f- tz,~V~ /1~ Ut,!',NG> -? p-e.vl~ ~~. A ~7 ~rl,YJA-re:- ~n.. 1lIi'i ~M-ffi+.7 ~ ~/V~U ID /lI2lJWAlJl-lY ?1t(t.,-,J~Hlf, ht-CH(~. Cf1-~ ~e~/}.Jtf6e.I~ --5f~AU~.1C ~flVltflAr' t,/ /1&1 ~ . 284 --. " MEMORANDUM Coral Wheeler Admmistrative Assistant ext 4650 I&ce W. Becker .. Fire Chief ext 4651 Daniel K. McKeen Fire Marshal ext 4653 L. Keith Sogues Training Officer ext 4652 James B. (Duke) Moroz MediCal Officer ext 4665 360-417 -4655 . DJ\.TE : TO: FROM: RE: r ROUTE TO: Building Dept. 1:1 Planning Dept. if Public .Works 1:1 Ci ty Manager IJ February 23, 1995 fDJ, ~ & ~ uwm fn) U1J FEB 2 4 &Ii ~ Plann~ng Departm~nt ,; PORT ANGElES PlANNING DEPARTMENT Dan McKeen, Fire Marshal Street Vacation Petition - STV 98-01 Bau"1well/German.i.;'-,.,8/9 Alley between Lincc::lln and Lau:relSt:reets The Fire Department has reviewed 'the request for a street vacation for a portion. of the 8/9 alley between Lincoln and Laurel Street, and has the following condition: DMlcw Through access shall be maintained at the west end of the vacated S/9, alley. The access shall be a minimum of.. 20 feet in width and shall consist of an all-weather surface meeting City of Port Angeles public Works specifications. In lieu of through acce~~ ,;,~n approved round meeting City of Port Angeles Works specifications ean be provided east end of the remainingS'j9 alley. turn-a- Public at the FP - 26 Page 1 of 1285 ^~ ^ ,. , I ~ " ~ -::::- (" . . . 286 ( Port Angeles Police Depertment ttMe#JrltlJ.ti1m ill mow m ill s.... .. ChIlI 0I1JIoIk>> TOfIt RIIIp& o.putyCl*' .. NMImI w... PwlCOfIt ....... IWWI~ A4*n*1~ SIww Mc:LMM. s......, JIm 8NrDct11ger, s......, GIIIt T..-a. s......, ErlcIl ,.".,. s.,... Twry~, s......, uz .ltnonlM. ~ SI4l'''''''' Dot.-HamIIn. Comm~s~ KMI,.""", Comm~ s~ FEB 2 41998 PORT ANG~~ Pl.AHNING OEPAlhmu" Date: 02123/98 To: PLANNING.OEPARTMENT I . Distribution: [oJ Addressee Only laI Post II Operations II Communications II Records (XI Administration From: Gale TurtonJSgt Port Angeles Polite .217-0001.98 Subject: Street Vacation Petltlon-Srv 98-01 After reviewing the application for vacation of. portion of the .IIey between 8th and 9th Streets. south side of 8th Street, west of Lincoln. I have several "public safety concerns". The intersection of 8th and Un coin Streets is. major Intersection In the City. Accidents at this location are difficult to safely investigate without the use of the .IIeys to divert traffic. The only alley that Is usable In an east/west .direCtiOn is the alley on the south side of 8th Street The alley on the north side of 8th Street does not continue eastbound. . There is a bank located at 8th and Oak Streets. Officers responding to problems at that location who are located south of 8th Street would respond north bound on Uncotn Street turning west bound In the .IIey to the arEia of the bank. The Arco AM/PM is located at the comer of 8th and Unco1n Streets. This is a 24 hour business and with problems that require a police response. the .IIey west of Uncoln Street Is . prefect location for Officers to observe the store. . 287 Page , ATI1\CI-\Mct-l\ 1) . . . 288 . . . Brad Collins, Director. extension 4751.. Sue Roberds. extension 4750; David Sawyer. Extension 4752 PLANNING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM DATE: TO: FROM: RE: July 21, 1998 Mayor Braun, City Council members, and Interim City Manager Pittis Brad Collins, Planning Director Ralston Short Plat Appeal (SHP 98-01) SummarylRecommended Action: Following the appeal hearing, the Planning Department recommends that the City Council deny the appeal and uphold the denial of the proposed short plat of Lot 4, Block 1, Highland View Acre Tracts, citing the attached findings and conclusions. Background! Analysis: In 1993-4, John Ralston applied for a series of short plats offive lots in Block 1, Highland View Acre Tracts. Preliminary approval was given to the proposed short plat of Lot 4 (see Attachment A), subdividing it into four lots, two fronting on Park Avenue and two fronting on Highland Avenue. Street improvements were required for these rights-of-way. The Lot 4 short plat proposed in 1994 was not finalized. In 1998, John Ralston applied for a new short plat of Lot 4 (see Attachment B), subdividing it into three lots, all accessing on Park Avenue. In reviewing the Preliminary Short Plat Design Standards in PAMC 16.04.070(B) for lot design, the code specifically states, "Panhandle, flag, or dogleg lots may be permitted if the original parcel has insufficient width to reasonably provide each lot with a dedicated right-of-way occurring within the interior of the plat and if there is no reasonable likelihood that standard rights-of-way could be provided in cooperation with abutting properties." Since there is sufficient width to reasonably provide each lot with a dedicated right-of-way as demonstrated by the 1994 preliminary plat approval for Lot 4, it does not meet the design standard for permitting panhandle lots. There is also a reasonable likelihood that Highland Avenue will be a standard right- of-way as evidenced by the proposed short plats of Lots 1-4, Block 1, Highland View Acre Tracts; the south half of Highland Avenue has already been developed to this standard. Furthermore, the City discourages panhandle lots, and, in this case, creating more access curb cuts on Park Avenue, which is both a principal and collector arterial, is not desirable. Alternatively, should the City Council desire to uphold the appeal, the matter should be continue until staff can provide conditions, findings, and conclusions to support preliminary plat approval. ~-d-- ~~ B ad Collms, Planning Director Attachments: Findings and Conclusions in support of denial of the proposed short plat A. 1994 Proposed Short Plat of Lot 4, Block 1, Highland View Acre Tracts B. 1998 Proposed Short Plat of Lot 4, Block 1, Highland View Acre Tracts Ralston Appeal Letter and Short Plat 98-01 Application Public Testimony Letters: Olsens, Tikkas, and Longs 289 I Denial of lhl' prdlIl1lllaIY plat Cltmg the tollowing findings and conclusions: findings; 1. A prdillllIlary plat for fOUl 10lS was prepared by the applicant, John Ralston, and approved on April 22, 1994. A new preliminary plat prepared by the applicant, John Ralston, was submitted on ApnI13,1998. The subject property is identified by the Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan as Low Density Residential, which encourages residential development of up to 9 units per acre. The subject property is identified by the Port Angeles Zoning Map as RS-7, which allows single-family dwellings on 7,000 square foot lots. The proposed short plat creates three rectangular lots ranging from 9680 square feet to 12,544 square feet in size with widths that exceed the minimum 50 feet for the RS-7 zone. The subject property is adjaceI1l to Park A venue which is a paved public street, and Highland A venue, which is partially developed. Existing right-of-way on Park Avenue is 50 feet, and 30 feet on Highland Avenue. SecIIon 16.04 oflhe Pon Angeles Municipal Code (PAMC) sets forth requirements for tile submiltal and arrroval of shon plats. Secllon 16.04.100 PAMe requIres the Port Angeles Planning Director to JCIl'l'mll1e if appropriate provisions for rublic health. safety and general welfare of lhe communilY have been made, and whether the public use and interest is served hy approval of a prorosed short rlat application. lilt jion ,\l1gdcs PubliC Works, Light anu J.'in: ucpallmcIlts rC"IC\\.cJ the proposed short pial. Their comments have been incorporated in the preliminary revIew 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7 8. ') . 10. The submitted prelim1l1ary short plat proposes tWO side by Side panhandle lots. 11. Section 16.04.070(8)(5)(a) reads "Panhandle, flag, or dogleg lots may be permitted if the original parcel has insufficient width to reasonably provide each lot with a dedicated right-of-way occurring within the interior of the plat and if there is no reasonable likelihood thaI standard rights-of-way could be provided in cooperation with abutting properties." Conclusions: A. The proposed short plat IS consistent with the Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Code. The proposed short plat IS not consistent with the Port /\ ngeles Short Plat Ordinance, Chapter 1(1 ().1 (lAMe. Jnd the Washington Statc Subdivision Act, Chapter 58.17 RCW. The original parcel has sufficient width to reasonably provldc each lot with a dedicated right-of-way. B (' . . . 290 '-' /fiT Pc c-rt 5 H-f q PRELIMINARY PLAT OF ARKANSAS SHORT PLAT i'E PARK STREET y ~W~ ~ >OV€RHe:AO_ ... ~r pO~.."s~ ~:v~ ...........:.:.:-:.....:......:.;.:-:-:.....;...:-:-: ..:..~.. o ~ "4 '" 7,--17r ---,7 I I I I I _ I I ~ 1 l I I f' I l- I 3 I', S I : L__.J . PROPOSED LOT I : LOT Z: LOT 3 LOT 4 <) ,.., ,.--8" 0.1. !'(,ATc~ @ :: :"oJ ",1" >.., ..../ 0 ..:~. (~) ..:. .. .:':+ N ~ tA- CO CO ........ ..... Ii) Pi) ~ ~ 6 f-- CJ /l) -.J --J . DRAiNAGe 4NO ACCe: EASEM&.tr ,,-,,-," . ... ::~.l I./TIL.ITY LOC.A.TION~ F>t!R CIT"'Y' I./TIL.ITY c.AROS OATE: 3/3/:!}~ DRAWN 'BY' D.L..O'It'OURJ<.E:/k:H. CI-IECKEO 8Y' : ...JEFF ORABIH~ f#"/) KEVIEW BY: es~" SQ FT. a8~" SQ. FT. 8600:/ SQ. FT. 8500~ sa, FT 10' RIG,J./T-OF-WAY TO BE DEDICATED TO THE PU8L Ie "UIL-DINt>. SeTl3ACK. LINE. (TYP.) 5'0 I 100 I I o ~. . SCALE '''' FE:eT ,::.()'r' .~: ~ LEGEND r:1 ~ PROPOSED f(.IGHT.OF.WAY TO ae OeOICATED. - - - BUILDING SET8ACKS FRONT' 201 510E: 7' 8ACK 20' PLATTOR: JOHN RALSTON EXISTING ZONING: /<.5-7 CURRENT LJSAGE: VACANT PASTUKc PORTER ST. 384' - -(," PVC SeWE'R t8 14(30-(" ) @ NT' NORTHWESTERN TERRITORIES, INC. eo.-'UN ~ .i'U1IM/I ew_ ~ .Il_. IIIl/of 711 SQJ1lt ptAICOf -PORT AHGtLU. ~ tI3a .(2(6) W....., €,NT". ,',,/\ -DI~~'~ f ,,' '1,. I,....'... ~.' t~ ! .~;~.~,i~~~~ _~<:'<.":~'.: . , . ~:f'./:.'..."" , , ... ,", t., '. , ' j~fiif~~i:; ,"t , . .~, ": ... ,', " r.;.:; i\X~,L'.-~:~~~~/'/ ::, ..~'. J~~ .'. "r." . ~ _~:../ ~ ;....: :'.~' . < y " . ". ',. -. f f&t!.~fJy' t '. """ .-' ',.' . - t ~ .', ,I,:, '. .J :29:;1,,: , . '; ~ 'r" .. .., .,'.' " ,- , ^~-i'" . ' ,t y' t"' ). ' f'''~ " _~_'__ oJ.....,~,. /, .. c.. l?" S<v>..J(',- /," ~ PARK -------- -----.----,- ..--- I ;).. f) ---."----- rt;;tl'" w ~ ' I ~ i I I I i I ! I I " I I '-.,j I I '\, ( ': I i " t! i <;JI ,I \1 I I I I l' ; 7 1 ~- q It ~O . Lo .,- I J______ _,_ A-rrACHM.E~ 13> Slf{) qg-ol Al'rEA:L-- N r . -S1 QF:: [I : J()' ~ ~o ---- , ! no i I I I I I ~,' ! R;fJlrf .,;-I.tJ(l~ * Iu d;>rJ:(,,)rd -I,. ~bl,<" ; Lo.f- I '1 (P~() 0 I J.-o~ 2- I () tro [Jf . '" r ) /-.6 f 3 /J 54/J if . , ~_! I 8' ' / 1-.}. I I\)' . _ _ __ -7 .--:,cSJ'-1 -bJ y-(~),- -...:::::::)\::---)~ L7 ..:'-/ Z t -to PC:L.X::,-- -'){~ ULt / (': SO ' IT -- !: ~ , i \O\~oO \; I L 6 f ~ 1 ?. , '---~- 101> --' l' CY) ". ... .... -- ----------- 7. c) I I o..~\ \ , I ..., j 20 t /~y )J-? ,L()f 3 .l. 0 I 4 Block / 1!1J(~/at1d Vle,J /loc J(~c-fs C,iJ vi Pit. . 292 3 -30 - q 8 . . . CITY OF PORT ANGELES W'" Ir: Ilu :, 'j' " i , D L.t; :,') i~ L'J LJ i Ii 1 1.28-I~ May 28, 1 98 PORTANGElES PlANNING DEPARTMENT RE. Short Plat #SHP 98-01 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 4 Block 1 Highland View Acres Tracks I wish to appeal the denial of my proposed Short Plat. I believe there is no access from Highland Ave. and the best access is from Park Street. Sincerely, -. . ...~ / -; / ' ~ 'f;11! l~/' . , ~> If II! IUwtti;/ JO~ M. Ralston .__/PO Box 1405 Port Angeles, WA 98362 (360) 452-8415 293 I ~J -c.~) / Fee: $150 CITY OF PORT ANGELES PRELIMINARY SHORT PLAT . APPLICA TION APPLICANT INFORMATION: APPLICANT: ~J 0 fll'./ ~J ,) j) /i" 'J /DtU 17 /,' ;' ADDRESS: PC.' 6~)^ /-!L'J-- v, n~T UJr:rl f~ PLANNING DEPARTMENT PH. #: ) ~>{) , Y0;:? - J'11 S- vJ f /I.{I VEL .~,j t()rf 7f.J~J2- APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE: ///1 PH.#: ADDRESS: 'Jo/l~ //1 /)~c j 1ZJ/l/1 PROPERTY OWNER (If other than applicant) ADDRESS: PROPERTY INFORMATION: Property address: GAS"!' Zl 1/1 J( r\ j~la 1/ J~ .(IF cJ/= General locatIOn: II /j) " E. . tLf4:s r /7:>/:T.E-K. ,..),-: Legal descnption: LOT 4- RS' - 7 6~ ,'<le I h~ L.f ;,64c rS ana ('o/lflj'i.(C./U'.. fl1h/lc./fA/tJ /13<<,) IIp/I,c ,,1'" +, dcX':; A-'<1 PI',,!"" f7(" 5- iC0 7Ctj i/ '1".,,',. vJl Lot B Llf 2- (I 7 '" - ''),4 Potable Water:- ' , N- r' ? fl-~ K ,S;-- Property wrung: Existmg sIte area: /if' /'0 ... j,J- g' 1- -, ..; ,if ,J Proposed site areas: Lot A "".1- I Method of providing: Streets serving site: "''''~_'A..I l<sfO{) 1/ Lot C b'r3 015<141/1/ Lot D ~fI Sewer: CI I':' c;,c 1'--;;,4 I (WE) HEREBY CERTIFY !hal I (we:) am (are) the owne",) of the above-<iescribed prope:ny and reqUe:lt !hal !he propollCd Ihon pial be: approved, It is unde:rstood !hal wilful milrc:prc:lICnlalion of !he: information will \ennmllle Ihe application. Signed i??P ~ Signed: Dale: 4-13,9J I (WE) HEREBY CERTIFY !hal I (we:) am (are) !he applicant(l) of !he: lbove:-ile:acribed propeny and requelt !hat !he: propollCd Ihort plat be: approved. II il unde:ntood !hat wilful milrc:prellCnlation willtenninate !he: ~~''''a/Jt ~ . Signed: , ~... 1## Si,S;J Date: +/.-) . '/ ,J 294 . .x , ~ t~r- \ ~ ). '- " f' ,!< ;#. g" ~_~~~" I,,,, ~..,:;c?u}(',- /(~c:; PARK ._'___'____1 _.h' I ;). B . --- -- . r --.::;-~ ,~D I ~ <' '1',.. t I ' I i i i i i ! j I i ! ~8" 1 q' q l; ~O : Lo '( 1____.. , ~ \j , \ . 20 rT -. I'; ~ 7 _ ~OO I \0, I L6{ ?r -.----. 1 lOr; .:.. _ .... 0________ ? c) /liy1 7 IJ-P /.-"f .3 31eE [;1 N r , /6' R;1Jlrf .,;./.tJ(la * /.u, dprJ:,,\~',d -Ii' ~bllG. crO 1 , !~J 110; Lo.f / -I: ...., /0./ 2- ; 1 b ~o 0 I 10, g!);:) [J! ) / 1') r~ -,' ,I, :--, . d' j~~4 / : J "-' I L /1.8' _ ), \) , >. ..5 / Z I -to P _ +-, " :-7 _,os,,.,.,' -bo "",-J::..,~ S-\::-,~ ------; C L--L 0 . _ - :) -L~.LU.--t / f' : SO f L 0 I 4 j}/o(,k / !l/~/'/at1d Vle,J /7 -r I/)I () -~ {-fc'/e... ((~c1'5 C/' if vi ~A. . \r? % '. -- ~ j r1J i r )...6 f 3 \ o...~ '7 295 3-30- q8 '", '. , "- . , " "', , ' ., ....'" '-, \, " '.\ , , _"__"..,U'", \' .":~. -"'_.'......~'""I' \,\ " \ \ I '\ " " ._ ~..l..,,,,__,,~,,. . (........-__t.......... I . . . 1132 Highland Avc. Port Angeles. W A 98362-2730 .July 7. 1998 Brad Collins. Planning Department City of Port Angeles 321 East 5th St. Port Angeles. W A 98362 POin ANGEL PLANNING DEPAR~~ENT Suhject: Written response to the application of John and Gail Ralston for the Port Angeles City Council (at their next meeting, July 21st, 1998) to overripe your denial of a new short plat (SliP 98-01) .on lot 4 of Highland Acre Tracts. This lot horders Park A venue on its north and a proposed culdesac western extension of Highland Avenue on its south (see Arkansas Short Plat o( Lot 4, dafed 3/3/94), Dear Mr. Collins: We request that copies of this letter be made available to the members of the Port Angeles City Council for their next meeting. Since the one-acre lot in question was a portion of the 4 acres.r e- zoned from RS-9 to RS-7 in 1993, and a portion of the 4.4 a.cres denied a re-zone to R1\1:D by the Port Angeles City Council on November 5th, 1996, we refer to our letters to you, dated September 26th and October 25th, 1996, and our testimony before the City Council on November 5th, 1996, concerning all related issues. We endorse the position taken by Gary W. Kenworthy, Port Angeles City Engineer, in his memorandum of April 24, 1998, that his office does not support the proposed two 'panhandle lots in.this short '<plat revision. We endorse your denial of this revised short plat. 1. The original short plat approved April 19, 1994, provided for 4 lots, the north two (over 8000 sq. ft. each) accessed from Park A ven ue and the south two (over 7000 sq. ft. each) accessed from a westcrly culdesac extension of Highland Ave. There was a 10 foot right-of-way on the north on Park, and a 30-to-50 foot culdesac right of way on the south, extending Highland westward, with drainage and access easements. This set the stage for widening Highland A venue i f more families were a.dded to it. Highland is only a half- street, and is at capacity right now. It cannot support more 09"'" ~ I families \vithout street imprS'vements. legs appears designed to avoid those The ncw short plat with dog- improvcments on Highland. . 2. According to codes. doglegs on lots are recommended to be used only.when the access to those lots have a barrier (such as a deep ravine or other natural blockage). No Slll'h harrier exists on the south end of the area in question. John Ralston had tons of fill dirt hauled to the 'west end )of Highland this past year. and a bulldozer to level lot 17. Thus the Highland extension is made more possible. 3. Since the denial by your .office. John Ralston has apparently deeded all his land sur r 0 un din g the short plat area to his brother, Jeffrey (see Clallam County Real Property Description/Address List, dated 6/4/98). This person now owns John Ralston's original holdings in 1('ts 3. 5, and W. Does this mean John's responsibility as a developer to improve Park and Highland Avenues eastward over to Porter are eliminated? Are his responsibilities to provide proper drainage through lot 17 as agreed upon with the City Engineer in many past negotiations now eliminated? This whole new plan appears to be designed to circumvent those responsibilities. 4. Extendicare. with its new facility at Laurel Park has made all the . improvements on Park required by the City of Port Angeles. It enhances the neighborhood. Yet lots I. 2, 3, 4, 5, and 17 of Highland Acres Tracts. owned by the Ralstons. ..... remain covered with noxious weeds. Earlier, John Ralston even applied for and was granted a short plat on Lot I, bordering Porter St., which he began and n e " e r completed. The whole history of the Park/Porter/Highland area needs to be considered when making decisions concerning the responsibilities of a developer to a neighborhood. 5. John and Gail Ralston purchased the property in August of 1992. They applied for re-zone .on lots 1-4 and s 220' of 5, from RS9 to RS7 11/19/92. From Planning Commission minutes 1/13/93: Ralston "plans to create 16 lots averaging 9500 sq. ft....;.Mr. Ralston acknowledged he was aware of the streetimpro"ements that are likely to he required as he suhdivides the pro per t y ." (James Jacobs:) drainage problems - infrastructure - "It is not right for residents, many of whom are retired, to be forced to pay for improvements to allow developers to bui Id new projects." Very truly yours, - -/ jPlf' ~L/ Q.~ ~ Ruth Olsen . 298 :? - / --.;---- 5"- r' . !?,f.4.""') 0.-::, I L '.. ~ P.,J..--!;f./..UI'.l..iC- --YZ;p:- ~ c:"-7 c- L '--. -,,-,C I L I rl E "", "3 i2. 1:.5: C;/ ;:;:: I~Dt';- A~,",,"EL~ 5' L.J..q. 9l'?C L "-- - ., ,~ \..:>~ ,,-,.(. .~ s:, ;<? s- .- ( /J4",)i'~ E.Jcp~S~ /?)y _C;;LjpPCJf~-;- ZiF /~-,^-/rt' 'VEAJ J 1'<1 L D ~ -J 0#.J (2)-:) L S;;-c" t~ S ~~/Q'---I.c:'-q;-I' c" <-. j,= A /\)c'::~) S'r-/c~/~ r p-'--A;- ! SHP 7r.'5'-[r) Do .L.D7" .-./ ;;'i;::- r~&;:~LAH?::> .A 0-'.r2 t1cA,c;- S' .. . ---:- r--I (s '3J-.-J Sf ^--' E s 5' of J)r- Cy/,J <? S; DME :J .';:: I ;;:;L E _~ c -L <::) ;:-.s ----;-0 U ;-....,...e:..-(" r=- d9,-.., ./ L.y .>>7.J:::- ~ 6,.,S..t: ~ A....,) /J;A ffe:joG r71~ r:/~/7 Z;L..e~~ S'.n/",q~.ED --<L'7 s /?-7 ~ r-r k r /-n~ ~E"E..-e:.7 c-~r- /J-:H'4.7 ~c.1I1J k#J.5:7d~ -9 "" -Af'"1 ~ '''''--; ~?> ;0.E' k: c. We 7'-\ ,e E: ~f:: fErI L:> r ~ 1 Co /::>A.!;/ -'=, 0 ~ C G"N~ /f..,! t..J c. 16 'p.c: ./-.. E l/ -= L r-/eA ;) ,.E ;::J -4 r7 ~ f'J fC 0 -r- ~s: S'" / ~ ;.... /1 L /~ .2::>.z.::.,</ ~ I,"" G CUI "7'r7' CJ -<--I R ,-</ c:: / e,,../ ;5~',f' -rlc'X" 0 ,iA., b j)g:-1I2L-O~ rh t=,,-;- ? (2c.~ 3~" t.-~ " m! ~; I~ 5U~ ~ ill I I -y 4~~/ <::" -~/~~/k~ ~...::.*ge9******* ' SUlllllcI J, TlkkH 1 I 19 t:. PHrk Ave, /'011 AII~ele. WA 98362 . I '299 ~ July 15, 1998 lE&lEOW JJ.., 6~ Mr. Brad Collins, Planning Department City of Port Angeles 321 East 5th Street Port Angeles, WA 98362 r)~__ li.i,'.Mi(Ti ~S , PI t.'."'J'I(' :''_It '--_,~ 1\ J CI,_ r',~:ITIv~ENT Reference: Loran & Ruth Olsen's Letter to Brad Collins, Planning Department, dated July 7, 1998 (copy attached) Subject: Request of John & Gail Ralston for the Port Angeles City Council to override your denial of a new short plat (SHP 98-01) on Lot4 of Highland Acre Tracts Dear Mr. Collins: The Olsens have done a thorough job of summarizing what they foresee as problems for the City and/or property owners on the 1100 block of Highland Avenue and the 1100 block of East Park Avenue if the city Council overrides your denial. &@ . Rather than repeating what the Olsen's have transmitted to you in their letter to you after a great deal of investigation and research on their part, we feel advising you of our agreement with the Olsens will not only back up the position they have taken . but will save you the time and energy required to read differently worded but basically the same materia] . We certainly appreciate the consideration you have given to this matter and the decision you reached. We are planning to attend the City Coun~il meeting July 21. ;;;;:~t~ 7ff)fff4 1121 East Park Avenue ~ Port Angeles, WA 98362 . 300 Jack Plttis Director {4801J Phyllis Rasler AdminIstrative Assistant {4805J Cate Rinehart Administrative Assistant {4700J Bob Titus Deputy Director {4701J Ken Ridout Deputy Director {4802J Gal)l Kenworthy City Engineer {4803J Jim Harper Electrical Engineer {4702J Tim Smith Contract & Project Administrator [4804J .u Haehnlen r. Building Inspector {4816J Tom Sperline Sr Electrical Inspector {4735J Scott McLain Power Manager {4703J Ralph Ellsworth Water. Wastewater Collection Superintendent {4855J Pete Burrett Equip. Services Superintendent {4835J Marl< Shamp Light Operations Manager {4731J Kevin Curtis Treat. Plant Supervisor {4845J Tom McCabe SW Collection Supervisor {4876J Steve Evans Landfill Supervisor {4873J . MEMORANDUM DATE: July 17, 1998 TO: City Manager Pittis, Mayor Braun and Council Members Bob Titus, Deputy Director of Utility Services ~ FROM: SUBJECT: Public Hearing on 1999-2004 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) and 1999-2004 Capital Facility Plan (CFP) and Adoption of TIP SUMMARY and RECOMMENDATION: The City is required to update it's TIP annuall~ and submit it to the State for inclusion with projects from the rest of the State to bE compiled into a statewide list for submission to the Federal Government. We are combining the TIP and CFP processes since the transportation element of the CFP deals with the same projects as the TIP. The TIP needs to be adopted by resolution (attached after the public hearing and forwarded to the State. The CFP will come back to you fo final prioritization, funding and adoption at a later date. It is recommended that, after acc€:pting public comment, the City Council approve the attached resolution adopting the City's 1999-2004 Transportation Improvement Program. BACKGROUND AND ANALYSIS: The TIP must be adopted this month and forwarded to the State. There are no time constraints associated with adoption of the CFP except that it should be done annually prior to the City's normal budgeting process. By combining the CFP and TIP we avoid duplication of effort and help ensure consistency between the two documents although the CFP only addresses funded projects while the TIP has no funding constraints. The attached table is an updated list of projects that the City needs to consider to ensure that the existing standards for quality service to our citizens is maintained and that we meet State and Federal infrastructure requirements. Available funding has yet to be determined so the council will not be able to act on the CFP at this meeting. Once the level of funding for capital projects by fund has been set, the projects shown on the attached list will be segregated into funded and non-funded categories. Including projects in our CFP and TIP qualify us for State and Federal funding that make up a significant portion of the funds the City has available for capital projects. It should also be noted that the projects shown on the summary table are ones that have some priority. There are many other projects that the City would like to be able to complete but for which there is no funding available. Since we go through this process annually, we have an opportunity to add new projects or transfer projects from funded to non-funded as priorities and funding opportunities change. It should also be noted that we have (or will have by the end of the year) completed a number of major projects in the last year. These projects include: the new library, replacing fire engine #3, enhancing Volunteer Field, Francis Street trail improvements, downtown sidewalks & watermain upgrades, citywide tree trimming, repainting street light standards, and the cell #3 extension at the landfill - all told almost $8 million worth of projects. In addition, several other projects are underway and many smaller projects have been completed. 301 1999-2004 Project List PROJECT TOTAL TOTAL CITY OUTSIDE PRIORITY 10 PROJECT TITLE PROJECT CITY 1999-2004 MANDATE COST COST COST GENERAL PROJECTS 1 GG-02 RENOVATE CARNEGIE LIBRARY 1.200,000 0 0 y 2 GG-08 CITY SERVER & SOFTWARE UPGRADES 200.000 200,000 50.000 N 3 GG-06 VALLEY CREEK ESTUARY 241.000 0 0 N 4 GG-10 VALLEY CREEK RESTORATION 30,000 10,000 10.000 N 5 GG-07 CITYWIDE GIS 50,000 50.000 5.000 N 6 GG-63 MARINE LAB EXPANSION 5.050,000 0 0 N FIRE PROJECTS 1 FR-08 APPARATUS STORAGE BUILDING 100,000 100,000 75,000 N 2 FR-09 CONVERT RADIOS TO UHF FROM VHF 50,000 50.000 50.000 N 3 FR-02 INSTALL OPTlCOM DETECTORS 50,000 0 0 N . 4 FR-03 REPLACE MEDIC 11 130.000 120,000 120.000 N 5 FR-05 EAST SIDE FIRE STATION 1,400.000 0 0 N 6 FR-07 WEST SIDE FIRE STATION 1,350,000 0 0 N POLICE j PO-Oj IRADIO COMMUNICATIONS 530,000 180,000 180,000 Y PARKS PROJECTS j PK-22 CENTENIAL TRAIL PROP. ACQUISITION 160.000 o 1 0 N 2 PK-15 POOL ENHANCEMENTS 400,000 400.000 !i 225,000 N 3 PK-25 WATERFRONT TRAIL TO VALLEY CREEK 85,000 0 0 N 4 PK-23 CENTENIAL TRAIL ITT TO LEES CREEK 250,000 0 0 N 5 PK-76 WATERFRONT TRAIL THRU RAYONIER 250,000 75,000 75,000 N 6 PK-03 CONSTRUCT NEW PARKS SHOP 100,000 100,000 100,000 N 7 PK-26 CENTENNIAL TRAIL LEES CRK. TO MORSE 340.000 170,000 I 150,000 N 8 PK-77 CIVIC FIELD ENHANCEMENTS 100,000 50,000 50.000 N 9 PK-62 GOLF COURSE/REC COMPLEX 4,475,000 0 0 N 10 PK-02 LINCOLN PARK ENHANCEMENTS 300,000 75.000 75,000 N j 1 PK-06 PIER BREAKWATER & PARK 5,000,000 2,500,000 2,500,000 N 12 PK-05 ICE/YOUTH PAVILION 3,000,000 0 0 N 13 PK-98 REMODEUEXPAND FINE ARTS CENTER 650,000. 150,000 150,000 N TOTAL OF MANDATED GENERAL FUND PROJECTS 1,730,000 >,180,000 180,000 TOTAL OF ALL GENERAL FUND PROJECTS 25,491,000 4,230,000 3.815,000 302 . . . . . . 1999-2004 Project List PROJECT TOTAL TOTAL CITY OUTSIDE PRIORITY ID PROJECT TITLE PROJECT CITY 1999-2004 MANDATE COST COST COST STREET PROJECTS SEE GG-07 16,000 N 1 TR-40 BLVD/AIRPORT REALIGNMENT 1,850,000 249,062 100,000 Y 2 TR-48 OLYMPIC PENINSULA INTL GA TEWA Y 6,900,000 550,000 90,000 N 3 TR-61 8TH ST RECONSTRUCTION 3,000,000 3,000,000 360,000 N 4 TR-30 8TH ST BR REPLACEMENT STUDY 150,000 150,000 150,000 Y 5 TR-17 TRUCK RT/US101 INTERSECTION 1,150,000 1,150,000 1,150,000 Y 6 TR-42 LAURIDSEN BRIDGE WIDENING 1,850,000 185,000 185,000 Y 7 TR-11 8TH ST BRIDGES REPAIRS 400,000 400,000 300,000 Y 8 TR-97 "C" ST & FAIRMONT LID 2,300,000 0 0 N 9 TR-26 ADA CURB RAMPS 1,000,000 1,000,000 750,000 Y 10 TR-18 LINCOLN/BLVD RECHANNEL & SIGNAL 453,000 453,000 453,000 Y 11 TR-16 18TH ST RECONSTRUCTION 3,300,000 3,300,000 3,300,000 N 12 TR-04 LAUREUAHL VERS RECONSTRUCT 900,000 900,000 900,000 N 13 TR-13 TRAFFIC SIGNAL INTERCONNECT 500,000 500,000 500,000 N 15 TR-21 BLVD RECONSTRUCTION 1,800,000 1,800,000 1,800,000 N 16 TR-14 WHITE'S CREEK CROSSING 6,250,000 6,250,000 6,250,000 Y 17 TR-12 PARK AVE RECONSTRUCTION 1,400,000 1,400,000 1,400,000 N 18 TR-70 MT ANGELESS/PORTER ST LID 2,000,000 0 0 N 19 TR-22 CHIP SEAL PROGRAM 960,000 960,000 720,000 N 20 TR-02 1 ST/PEABODY SIGNAL 200,000 20,000 20,000 N 21 TR-60 5TH ST RECONSTRUCTION 780,000 156,000 156,000 N 22 TR-10 10TH ST RECONSTRUCTION 1,200,000 1,200,000 1,200,000 N 23 TR-82 LAUREULAURIDSEN SIGNAL 175,000 35,000 35,000 N 24 TR-74 SIDEWALK PROGRAM 420,000 420,000 360,000 N 25 TR-71 10TH/13TH & "1"f'M" LID 1,200,000 0 0 N 26 TR-69 RHOADS RD AREA LID 840,000 0 0 N 27 TR-84 ENNIS STREET GUARDRAIL 66,000 13,000 13,000 N 28 TR-07 MILWAUKEE DRIVE PHASE I 2,000,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 N 29 TR-08 MILWAUKEE DRIVE PHASE II 3,200,000 3,200,000 3,200,000 N 30 TR-05 HILL ST RECONSTRUCTION 290,000 290,000 290,000 N 31 TR-80 BL VDIWA ST RECONSTRUCTION 250,000 125,000 125,000 N 32 TR-20 ST BICYCLE FACILITIES 160,000 160,000 120,000 N 33 TR-06 8THf'C" SIGNAL 170,000 17,000 17,000 N 34 TR-86 BICYCLE RACKS/STRIPPING 25,000 25,000 25,000 N TOTAL OF MANDATED STREET PROJECTS 13,103,000 9,837,062 9,338,000 . TOTAL OF ALL STREET PROJECTS 47,139,000 29,908,062 25,985,000 Note: The transportation projects listed above will be submitted to the State as our 1999-2004 Transportation Improvement Program and will also constitute the transportation element of our 1999- 2004 Capital Facility Plan. 30'1 1999-2004 Project List PROJECT TOTAL TOTAL CITY OUTSIDE PRIORITY 10 PROJECT TITLE PROJECT CITY , 999-2004 MANDATE COST COST COST CITY LIGHT PROJECTS SEE GG-07 17,000 N SEE GG-08 75,000 N 1 CL-39 UPGRADE "I" ST. SUBSTATION 500,000 500,000 500,000 N 2 CL-18 CONSTRUCT TRANS. LINE .116,000 116,000 102,525 N 3 CL-20 CONSTRUCT GOLF COURSE SUB 423,670 423,670 357,000 N 4 CL-02 10TH ST RECONDUCTORING 44,000 44,000 44,000 Y 5 CL-03 "0" ST RECONDUCTORING 74,000 74,000 74,000 Y 6 CL-22 SCADA SYSTEM 150,000 150,000 140,000 N 7 CL-06 INSTALL SUBSTATION CIRCUIT SWITCHERS 210,000 210,000 210,000 N 8 CL-08 TREE TRIMMING 35,000 35,000 35,000 N 9 CL-23 LANDLOCKED FACILITIES CONVERSION 350,000 350,000 350,000 N 10 CL-65 UGA ELECTRIC CUSTOMERS 1,900,000 1,900,000 2,400,000 N 11 CL-24 MORSE CREEK SALMON POND 100,000 60,000 60,000 N 12 CL-07 AIRPORT INDUSTRIAL PARK 657.472 0 0 N 13 CL-78 CITY LIGHT OPERATIONS CENTER 917,000 917,000 917,000 N TOTAL OF MANDATED LIGHT FUND PROJECT 118.000 118,000 118,000 TOTAL OF ALL LIGHT FUND PROJECT 5.477,142 4,779,670 5,281,525 " PROJECT TOTAL TOTAL CITY OUTSIDE PRIORITY 10 PROJECT TITLE PROJECT CITY 1999-2004 MANDATE COST COST COST WATER PROJECTS SEE GG-07 8,500 N SEE GG-08 25,000 N 1 WT -29 DOWNTOWN WATERMAINS/SIDEWALKS IV 1,500,000 1,500,000 200,000 N 2 WT -30 DOWNTOWN WATERMAINS/SIDEWALKS V 3,500,000 3,500,000 !' 200,000 N 3 WT -54 JONES ST RES COVER 290,000 290,000 260,000 N 4 WT -02 CONCRETE CYL PIP REPLAC 2,000,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 N 5 WT -59 COVER BLK DIAMOND RES 740,000 740,000 710,000 Y 6 WT-31 PEABODY ST RES COVER 405,000 405,000 350,000 N 7 WT -46 SOUTHEAST RESERVOIR 3,250,000 2,470,000 2,470,000 Y 8 WT-13 HYDRANT REPLACEMENT AND NEW 180,000 180,000 100,000 N .9 WT-03 INTER-TIE HIGH SVC AREA 770,000 770,000 770,000 Y 10 WT-22 SCADA SYSTEM 350,000 350,000 330,000 N 11 WT-12 ANNUAL REPLACEMENTS 600,000 600,000 500,000 N 12 WT -55 HIGH ZONE PIPELINE 615,000 475,000 11 475,000 Y 13 WT -57 ELWHA PS DISINFECTION 175,000 175,000 11 175,000 N 14 WT-52 BLK DIAMOND RES DISINFECT 120,000 120,000 .; 120,000 N 15 WT-32 CORROSION CONTROL FACILITY 380,000 380,000 380,000 Y 16 WT -65 UGA WATER CUSTOMERS 500,000 500,000 1,000,000 N 17 WT -56 SPRUCE ST FIRE PUMP 75,000 75,000 75,000 N 18 WT -64 MCDOUGAL SUBZONE FIRE PMP 75,000 75,000 75,000 N 19 WT-01 GOLF COURSE WATER PRV'S 100,000 0 0 N TOTAL OF MANDATED WATER FUND PROJECTS 5,755,000 4,835,000 4,805,000 TOTAL OF ALL WATER FUND PROJECT 15,625,000 14,605.000 10,223.500 . . . 3f)4 . . . 1999-2004 Project List PROJECT TOTAL TOTAL CITY OUTSIDE PRIORITY 10 PROJECT TITLE PROJECT CITY 1999-2004 MANDATE COST COST COST WASTEWATER PROJECTS SEE GG-07 8,500 N SEE GG-08 25,000 N 1 WN-25 SEWER PUMP STATIONS 1 & 3 UPGRADE 600,000 600,000 600,000 Y 2 WN-D5 GOLF COURSE SEWER INTER 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 Y 3 WN-04 LAUREL ST OUTFALL ~T 150,000 150,000 150,000 N 4 WN-06 OAK ST OUTFALL EXT 200,000 200,000 200,000 N 5 WN-20 BAKER ST. INTERCEPTOR 2,500,000 2,500,000 2,500,000 Y TOTAL OF MANDATED WMJA TER FUND PROJECT~ 4,100,000 4,100,000 4,100,000 TOTAL OF ALL WMJA TER FUND PROJECT~ 4,450,000 4,450,000 4,483,500 PROJECT TOTAL TOTAL CITY OUTSIDE PRIORITY 10 PROJECT TITLE PROJECT CITY 1999-2004 MANDATE COST COST COST STORMWATER PROJECTS 1 DR-04 LINCOLN STREET STORM DRAIN 500,000 500,000 500,000 Y 2 DR-02 CITY-WIDE CATCH BASIN MODIFICATIONS 250,000 250,000 250,000 N 3 DR-53 STORMWA TER DISCHARGES OVER BLUFF 400,000 400,000 400,000 N 4 . DR-14 PEABODY/LINCOLN CULVERT REHAB 340,000 240,000 240,000 N 5 DR-65 10THf'N" STORM DETENTION 250,000 250,000 250,000 N 6 DR-03 MILWAUKEE STORMWATER IMP 1,050,000 1,050,000 1,050,000 N TOTAL OF MANDATED STORMWATER PROJECT~ 500,000 500,000 500,000 TOTAL OF ALL: STORMWATER PROJECTS 2,790,000 2,690,000 2,690,000 PROJECT TOTAL TOTAL CITY OUTSIDE PRIORITY 10 PROJECT TITLE PROJECT CITY 1999-2004 MANDATE COST COST COST SOLID WASTE SEE GG-D8 25,000 N 1 SW-31 LANDFILL TRANSFER STATION 1,500,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 Y 2 SW-35 LANDFILL CLOSURE 5,000,000 5,000,000 5,000,000 Y 3 SW-D1 CONTAINER CONVERSION 300,000 300,000 300,000 N TOTAL OF MANDATED SOLID WASTE PROJECn 6,500,000 6,500,000 6,500,000 TOTAL OF ALL SOLID WASTE PROJECTS 6,800,000 6,800,000 6,825,000 TOTAL OF MANDATED UTILITY PROJECT TOTAL OF ALL UTILITY PROJECT 305 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, adopting the Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program for"l 998-2003. . WHEREAS, pursuant to RCW 35.77.010, the City of Port Angeles is required to update its Six- Year Transportation Improvement Program annually;. and WHEREAS, pursuant to said laws, the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington being the legislative body of said City, did hold a public hearing on the review and revision of its Six- Year Transportation Program on the 21 st of July, 1998; and WHEREAS, the proposed Transportation Improvement Program for 1998-2003 IS consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan adopted pursuant to Chapter 35.63A RCW; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington that the Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program, as prepared by the City Engineer, dated July 21, 1998, for the City of Port Angeles, Washington, be and the same is. hereby adopted; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the 1998-2003 Transportation Improvement Program, together with this Resolution, shall be filed, using the electronic format on a microcomputer diskette, with the Secretary of Transportation of the State of Washington. P AS SED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 21st day ofJuly, 1998. ATTEST: Gary Braun, Mayor Becky 1. Upton, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: . Craig D. Knutson, City Attorney 306 . . . Progress Rep'ort to Port Angele~ City Council From the NON MOTORIZED COMMITTEE JULY "21 1998.' Purpose of'Report: To inform the Council members of our finding to date and to request the Council approve and authorize this committee and the Chy Staff members to begin work on our findings. Several of the recommendations have, major9~fety and cost returns for the City. This report relates to Item 30. Bicvcle Facilities in t~e 199~-2003 CFP Summary. for projected costs of $20,000.00 each year. Background Information to share with Council Members: *The city has been nominated and fees paid to be listed as a Bike, Friendly City. * The City will be host to the Nort~westrande,1ll .Bike Rally, July 4, 2000 with 500 to 600 Tandem Teams that will be over 1000 riders from all over the Pacific Northwest. ,',' . * To requestthe City follow up on in city' streets to the improvements to 101 East coming into City knQwn to us bike riders as suicide alley. * To share withqouncil key Finding from therUtilityBill Survey of City residents: summer of "97 about their ,use of Bicycles. The return was very good with 1200+ sent back. Data reflects numbers who answered each question. Quest. #5, In P.A. Bikes can be used as transportation to which of the following activities: Riding to Work, to Schopl, to the Store, to Sporting events.With'947 replies the yes replie~ ranged from a low of 575 to a high of 662. Quest. #8, If streets hadimarked ,bike Iqnes and more driver E3ducation would you use the ~ike rnoreoften?".yeS<4~9~ No 94 out, of 769,. Quest.#12 for safer bicycling markJhe following i,f you think doing this would make for safer.riding: Bike Lanes, Yes-644" NO,'739., Wider smoother ~avelTlent, y es~537 , No,:,51 Education, Auto Bike use, Yes7.6~ 1,',No-48 Education of.School.Children,Xes-~82, No-22." * Results of Bike Club Survey of Touring riders, Summer '97... Est. 2000+ riders > Over 55% stayed in Motels, the rest campgrounds >50% used Restaurants and9yer 70% were staying at least 4 to 7+ days. For many the Port Angeles area';wasthe midpqint of their trip: >Comments Reflect, lack ofcaTPsites,:heavylraJfic, poor shoulders, Lackof bike lanes, lack of showers & hostels', Poor state Park info. "Lake Crescent is scary", "101 is Hell", to "Great Roads nice people". ~Touring Riders are a major and growing part'~.9f.thE3 economy. Local area listed in this June's Issue of Blcycle, as one of the))ations best Tours, the Vancouver Island, San Juan Island, andWhidbeylsland Loop. 307 * Major Rides now held in Area for Local citizens and Visitors. . Tour De Dung Road Race held in Sequim Area, 3 weekends in March with over 300 riders taking part this year. >Local Racing Bike T~am - #1 in State and it has 2 national Junior Winners and 2 young riders going to Nationals this summer. >Club and City Recreation Rides include: Up Down & Around, New Year Eve rides, Salmon to Timber Century, and Family>.Rides. Safety Request: for Council Action or approval *That Bike Lanes be striped on the following Streets as soon as possible. North Side Front St. Golf Course Rd. to Cherry St.;-- Signs & stripe South Side of First St., Cherry to Golf Course Rd. ;--Signs & Stripe Both Sides of: Race, F:ront to Park; Signs & Stripes 8th.. St. Chambers,to I St.--Sign & Stripes (grant written now) Lincoln St. Railroad Ave. to Lauridsen Blvd. Tumwater Truck Rt.... Marine Drive to S.R. 101 ( Cost about $13,000 of the $20 K. in Item 30, of the CFp Summary) *That the program for the sidewalks along.both I street and East Park be finished. . *That a Major effort be,started to build an asphalt trail alonQ the 16 -18 St. feeder system until development in area puts in the sidewalks and Curbs. This is a high Danger area for young walkers and Bil<ers. Could be Funded by Service Clubs, ISTEA Grants, Port of P A, City of P A, Fair Board, other grahts. Information Requests: for(CfouncilA.ction and approval, That any City Maps, Jour guides, Street Maps given out sh'ould include the bike and pedestrian routes; Including the fact that most Buses have bike racks on them. In addition, those Bus Routes that go by trail heads, campgrounds, parks, lakes or beach areas have some symbol on them'to,alert visitors to that fact. If a way could be found to note Hostels, Close campgrounds and Showers on these maps and guides, this would be a real help to any..onevisiting the city by bike or foot. Inter Agency and inter City Co-Planning: Each of the following non-motorized trail projects will only continue to make the local region more attractive to Bike ..and Hikers from out of the area. We have the chance to make Port Angeles one of the centers for future growth in the expanding bike and hike touring. Few areas of the US have such a rich legacy for such touring. Our goal as your advisory committee is to help the City get ready for and take ' advantage of this growth.. To geLtheyisitor off the ferry, out of the car, and onto the trail systems; staying and buying in Port Angeles. Maybe the special hiking and biking tour . guides could be developed in'common by the 4 cities on the North Olympic Coast. 308 . . . Developments that are underway now which will promote growth in the non car visits. Gateway Project - Bike and Non-Motorized to be included. Extension of Water Front Trail East to Gasman Road, Fall '98+ building.... Extension of Rail Road Bridge Trail, both West to Kitchen Dick Rd. and East into Sequim--done in part, with gravel down and fenced to the West. Funding granted for Sequim City Area Trail System @ $970,000. Funding for New 101 By-pass exit and entry to Sequim Trail System and into the John Wayne Marina area, exact routes of trail and rest areas under development including the.Johhson Creek bridge. Extension of the Larry Scott Trail System, Port Townsend to 4 Corner Areas, right of way almost done, final details with last two land owners; first two miles out of P.T. now paved. Scenic Coastal Corridor DevelopmentnLong range ( National Geographic Society, has given a multi Million dollar grant for study and education about Marine Sanctuaries--ours included) Development of Cross County Trail System-- started Lake Crescent Trail upgrade- talking stage. We wish to thank Sue Roberds, Bill Hale, Gary Kenworthy, Tim Smith, and Bob Titus from the City of P A for their help in developing this report and serving as advisors and consultants to our committee. Bruce Monro. Chairman Gary Gleason members of the Non Motorized Advisory Committee 309 PORT ANGELES CITY LT ID:360-417-4709 JUL 01'98 11:31 No.002 P.Ol Budget proposal from the NON MOTORIZED COMMITTEE June 29,1998 . for reasons of public safety and tourism the committee would like to request for budget approval the follo\l;1ng projects congruent with item 30. bicycle facilities in the 1998-2003 CFP sU11UIlary: 1. The restriping and signage of first St. from Golf CO\lrst: Rd. to Cherry St. 2. The reslriping and signagc of Front SL from Golf Course Rd. to Cherry 51. 3. The restriping and signaie of Race St. from Front St. to Park Sl. 4. The restriping and signage of Eigth St. from Chambers St. to J Sl. 5. The restriping and signagc of TWllwater Truck Rt. from Marine Dr. to S.R. 101 6. The restriping and signage of Lincoln St. from Railroad Ave. to Lauridsen Blvd. 7. Bike racks in the do'Mltown area. . ~GINEERING Page 1 BICYCLE AND PEDESTRIAN IMPROVEMENTS ROUTE FROM TO DISTANCE SlGNAGE CqST STRIPING COST BIKE RACK feet miles Sign and Post installed (' per foot each (installec $135.00 $0.18 $500.00 First 51 Goff Course Rd Cherry St 9983 1.89 $898 $1,797 II .. Front St Golf Course Rd Cherry St 10028 1.9 $903 $1,805 II , .. Race Sl Front St Park St. 4941 0.94 $889 $1,779 II .. 8th St Chambers St 1St 13781 2.61 $2,481 $4,961 II .. jTumwateT Truck. Rt. Manne Or. S.R. 101 7960 1.51 $1,433 SO It .. Lincoln 51- Raaroad Ave. Lauridsen Blvd. 5691 1.08 $1,024 52,049 It .. Downtown NA NA NA NA $0 SO $2,0(; NOTE: A. First 5L striped on the south side only 8. Front St striped on the north siCe onry C. All routes are striped on both sides. D. Signage is every 1500' (both sides). E. Bike racJ(s are for the downtown area only $7.628 $12,391 $2,OC . 310 . . . [.....-..........A..W.............. ....................."..,........".........'N.................w.m..'..............".....'Nn.....W....."^"...............".""... ....... 'w.'.w.w,. Total Surveyed 509 J ''''.-.,.'.,.~'........:_'''"''''.N.'-''..,.,.,..._''''''.._.,~_~.,."..",_~>ot_.__'...."""".~"""""'~,.....,.w.:......'....,._>,,....'...,<."<<,.""'., I Days on Pcnin. Bike Stat's Acrolllodations ~~:~--- I 1 103 -1 to 7 ~ :\11111 ill noad Mtn T~lndrlll lIolel Camp l\lotrl nrsturanl (;ror. 7 Group Bil,e Bil,r Storr Toul' Distanrl's Tour Expl'rianrc Length Tn1\ flet! To (;0 :\1 F \gl' 1st 3 to:; :; to I () -t- 10 Ave; ..\ \ I. , ;\ \'(, .-\ \(, This survey was conducted by the Olympic Peninsula Bicyclists during the surnmer of 1996. Survey forms were made'available at two roadside sites: 1. l-iWY, 101 - Halfway between Sequim and Port Angeles. 2. HWY. 101 - East end of Lake Crescent. Survey dates: <June 1 - October 31 s1. 1996 u..:. ~ I-""- ~~~IiilIaU~~.'ii1ll1li11l'!mht"''/I'WD~IlilR.h~llliU''~&GiMl~tft''''''11''lUl.'K'J''!:IIUt.:J_!Gi.!pt--- .-naLa"&;.:j,tH:oi~~l:..iiJ.j;lii~~liM~""J.i~'~~~~li~~~fi.I~~';~.l.U.ioA~~:.4:Itn~.i.:.<-i.."-' Port Angeles Bicycle lJser Survey lJ Lility Bill Insert -- SurrlIner, 1997 i i '. I ,. ~ " Compiled 10/7/97 !__.. ___r'-'. --- -______~.___.....~.__.Ii1lfWIIIU Question # 1 Number of Bikes in Household. 0 IL I) ;'j (,J ~ Tn. ~esponse (; <) .31 0 1-2 . -..-.-- i 248 I 3-4 199 - ] 5-6 7 + 60 21 ----- -0--- 1-2----;- 3-4 I I iZ19; 42 i 253 78 Number of bicycles ridden by children <.,..18? Number of bicycles ridden by adults? 5 Plus 'I 7 Question #2 rrLRespon~:H Question #3 K-12 children ride to/for/from? Play / Exercise Friends -- Errands Playgmd Social Events Sports IEvents School Other Work 218 89 82 69 47 41 37 29 4 Question #4 ___... _ h. .. __. _._..... ._...,__ Adults ride to/for/from? Exercise / Recreation 498 Errands 170 .-.-.-------- .--- Work / School 152 -----.-.---______0___-- Friends 122 --_._---_..._-----~-----_._. Sports /Events 64 _____.____.~_v._o._.._________.___ --~ Social Events 56 ---_._---~-------_.._---- Other 45 , I =l _. ___________ - ._1 . . . c.u ...- l'\) . . l . F~#5I~O=b:t:~~~:=~i:::close enoUgh~------------~=]-Y;S =:_~~~ Number Polled~k i 57S I i School I 662 1 Store I 598 E;';~;'ds 'r- 64.2 I Sports i 655 Question #5 Do you think our cOlTllTlunity is "close enouHh" to use bik,es as trans.portation to: Ch 1 :::) ,~! " 1,)."-" t~ ~I"j I';UO r;;~J i5'" c, :; d(1 LUU L ,,-- ____~~ql' Bt'h:10! ~~HJft' F't01lld~. ~P(lll\ X. II.. '~ t f; Question #6 c.u ~ W -I Yes No :t'r 265 159 91 Would you ride your bike to work if there were showers and lockers available"? TfL Response' DNM N/A.Al ,d E---.-.---.---- --..-----------.---.----.-.-..-.--. Question #7 Would you ride your bike more if there was more bike parking space provided at: Number Polled: ---~------- - -r----------- Yes No Question #7 Would you ride your bike more if th8re was more bike parking space provided at: ,,,10 -..---..---------------------. - ----..----.----- 4CO - r;:~~l L::~J c o Work Stores ~:;drlQl.'C(lllcge DOVJnt.~n .area P:JII<.S Ottl(~r L- 1)' Work ~~19 245 ..-- School 182 2]3 Store 337 196 , ~ Parks ~~57 280 .. Downtown 381 168 Other 47 Question #8 If our streets wme provided with milll(~:d bicycl<<s blOe!; and drivers were more aware of th.~ bicyclists, Would you use your hike more often? (63 6%j (I:'::'li.) IQuestions #8 - -- If our streets were provided with marked bicycles lanes and drivers were more aware of the bicydists, Would you use your.bike more often? TIL Response! c..u ~ ~ . Yes No N/A , '~.. " . ." 489 94 186 ; {;;"'j . I~: L~NI\ . . -- Que..<;tions #9 . . -----1;.------------..-------- Yes No No Opinion 598 81 154 -- Would you like to see more bicycles used in our community as a way of decreasing auto congestion? Question # 10 c:.c ~ U1 TIL Response Queslion# 10 If ~,'ou well: ,;ncouraged by your "mplo~:er [0 l,~'we ~" ,ur car dt home ilnd car pool, ride I he bus, or bike to work, would YOI I do so"} ;.00 10'1,..".1 DNa . 'DO 100 o Car Pool Bus Biko - - If you were encouraged by your employer to leave your car at home and car pool, ride the bus, or bike to work, would you do so? ~es No Car Pool j 194 , L;" "'._-- _-n__'-._-n;..,_-.._.---,._--'t--_._-,,~,-_c- ...- Bus i 197 i ;.'=11:, ~}=lI~-+~~~:=-- Number Polledi E--.---.-.--.-.--- --.-------.--.----..-..-.-.--....-.--.-.....-......----... -..... ..-.--.---.-----....-:--. ....-.------.--.-..-.---.........--...-.-.-..-.--.-..-.. ....-.--........- --..---. Question #11 'Mould you take your bicycle with you on vacation where there are bicycle safe amas? TIL Response ----------------~-_._---- -------------------- Question #12 Number Polled Question # 12 As a sug~lestion for safer bicycling in our community would you suggest the following: w ...... 01 . . Never A Few times Most of the time Yes l'Jo 644 . "."__..__ 'e 6'1 I J 5H:2 r:T7 I ,,), . . 426 t) =J 190 250 268 . l'-1EMORANDU~f G - 6 II DATE: July 8, 1998 TO: D 2 n j; j. (~ u i 1 i 0 , ,::; e r~ E 2:.- a '-i : -< a rl 2 9 e r FROM: Terry ''1Jeeo! O:::>2r.3.-:..:.:..::;ns M:::f":cger RE: Bike Rack US2.ge . i..... reVlew 0: t~rough Lhe e~d of t~ar.s~cr:ej bv c~s Dlcy~ie rack usage s~aListics compiled J~~e reveals that the raLe of bikes being buses is up 93% ever las~ year. -~-he tlriG ;r.aln fac'Lors behind this significaIl'C i:1crease are: 1. the elimir.atlo~ of bike Lares 2. ~he addicicn ~f bike =ac~s to the in-cown Port .n..ngeles routes I have attached a sDrE2d sheet showir.g bike rack use by routE. The inforrr,a~ion collected is through Jur.e ol'he #30 i-:ighway COITLrnute~ bet'vJer:?:: !)or:-t .r:,J!geles f.nd Sequir.-:is clea~ly the big r.1over of ~)i }:ec;. en a per-cap: ta basis, the #52 !:::iamo::d ~o:r.t rou'.:.e ((Ie,-=- vr:?ry ",lei':' cs GO the four Port fl.!"', q e 1 E S r 0'''': ;: e s a 11 u: ,.J::-1 i ::: tJ are 1j p 0 v e r 2 G 0 \' . . 317 route_ ~_~ .. _~~_~s. ~'!.~ 97~_ __.!.c~anaeL._____ trlR!1 Joyce . ..1J . 195 _ _~E.!___ _ _~5% j_ __~?_8j ForKS _ ~_~ _ ~~_~_._ ___d 2711..___1.4%J.____ 2,4301_________ LaP~sh .~~___ __ _no' 90~_____..--??1 233% i 8541_ ClallamBay 16 ; 76: 194! -61%1 1,3401 COI:e~~p..!...a:~_~~p~_____ 3091 ~O; 930% 6,666 i College _COrlneC1IOn 21 521 -: 61 225% . 590 r Lincoln/Peabody 22 . 1631 30 i 443% 6,416, Cherry Hill 24 ; 196: 511 284%\ 6,4381 Weslside 26 . 589 i 78 i 655% 5,490 i --' H:ghwayC.~mll"1uler 30 i 3,227: 1,8841 71% 5,9691 Old Olymp:c Hv.y 31 141 1 2 i 17% : 906 : . 40 ' 4.\ 7! -43%1 2,394: : 44 5 i 128 i -96% I 906 ! 52 ~ 31,81 65! ~.35% 906 i 5,577~ 2,8531 93%1 4.2,763l I BIKES on ers buses Sequim Shul11e Dungeness Diamond ?oin! i thru I 1998!Junei 1997~Junei 1996:Junet 19951 June I L- 1994:Junei 1----- [------ --------- I i 5,5/7: 6(j()1J . I -; 2,893, r , 5000 4,3291 2,588! 4000 1,0801 3000 2000 1000 0 98 ...... 1998 : . thru 6,98 1996: 19981 --- ----------- ~I bike/mile! 0.131 o.ooal I 0.131 0.002 0.11 i 0.006 0.06 0.001 0.05 0.016 0.09 0.014 0.03 0.0101 0.03 0.009 0.111 0.013 0.541 0.033 0.021 0,0011 0.00 i 0.000 I 0.01 i O.OOO! 0.381 0.025 0:131 0.011' Bike Rack Use, by Year, thru June 1998 19S7 1996 1995 1994 1998 . 35,192 131 ,165 15,855 58,558 18,997 3,776 17,002 22,829 46,609 98.780 12,775 13,763 10,012 13.998 499,311 . . 318.:.:. p-- ~ ~ .,;. ')0", ~ ~ '0~\ '\ .. ~... .. '. ., ~ CITY OF PORT ANGELES SCALE PUBLIC WORKS ~ 0 4500 I I I' 2250 "'- Plot Do. te: 07/16/98 MASTER BICYCLE ROUTING PLA~19 Revision Do. te: x File: BIKE_RT ...d rr 'I ~ ~t, CI-~ '\~...~... ~ '1'... ~~~" ~ .+. ~ ,,'% -~ "\ "1-~. \. ~ ,,~:~ '~\ ~ ~'t. '3>. \ ~ ,. \ -" \. \ \ . \ '\ .., "'- -o-,,'\., ".,-; ,;,; CITY OF PORT ANGELES SCALE PUBLIC WORKS ~ 0 4500 I I I 2250 h... Plot Do. te: 07/16/98 MASTER PEDESTRIAN ROUTING PLAN ,:(evision Do. te: x File: BIKE RT ..J Port Angeles Police Department 458Steve Ilk, Chief of Police Tom Riepe, Deputy Chief Naomi Wu, Comm Manager Karen Haugstad, Admin Assistant . MEMORANDUM Date: July 7,1998 To: From: Mayor Gary Braun and Council Members Steve Ilk, C~f of Police Tom Riep'/:oeputy Chief Public Hearing Required - Grant Application Jack Pittis, Interim City Manager By: Re: Cc: ISSUE: The police department has applied to the U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Assistance, for a Local Law Enforcement Block Grant in the amount of $13,101 to be used toward the purchase of a patrol vehicle for a "School Resource Officer" (SRO) program. The Bureau of Justice Assistance requires that a public hearing be held, prior to the award of the grant, to allow members of the public an opportunity to provide written and oral views about the proposed use of the grant funds. . RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that, with the presence of the Port Angeles Police Chief or his designee, the City Council hold a public hearing for the purpose of taking public written or oral views about the proposed use of $13,101 in federal grant funds to be used towards the purchase of a School Resource Officer patrol vehicle. 1 02 -98-458 . 321 . Page 1 . . . 322 RECEIVED . STATE OF WASHINGTON , JUL I j 1998 ! L_________~ CITY..OF PORT 1~j\jGELES t'u;jLlC WORKS DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY P.O. Box 47775 · Olympia, Washington 98504-7775 · (360) 407-6300 Ju 1 y 9, 1998 City of Port Angeles PO Box 1150 Port Angeles W A 98362 Dear Sir or Madame: Re: Ground Water Permit No. G2-21950 In response to your request, an extension is being granted to enable you to complete the construction of your project and to put the water to full beneficial use covered under the above referenced number. . The extension for completing construction is granted until July 1,2015 and the extension for putting the water to full beneficial use is granted until July 1,2020. Enclosed is a Notice of Completion of Construction which must be filed by July 1,2015 and a Proof of Appropriation form which must be filed on or before July 1,2020. This order may be appealed. Your appeal must be filed with the Pollution Control Hearings Board, PO Box 40903, Olympia, W A 98504..Q903 within thirty (30) days of the date this decision was mailed. At the same time your appeal must be sent to the Department of Ecology clo Enforcement Officer, PO Box 47600, Olympia, W A 98504-7600. Your appeal alone will not stay the effectiveness of the Order. These procedures are consistent with Chapter 43.21B RCW. Sincerely, .~Harris ~ ater Resources Supervisor Southwest Regional Office JMH:th Enclosure . 323 ...... o ('('. C;h ~n,.,,("~ . . 32. . . . STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH DIVISION OF DRINKING WATER New Market Industrial Campus, Bldg 8 · PO Box 47829 · Olympia, Washington 98504-7829 TOO Relay 7-800-833-6388 June 18, 1998 The Honorable Mayor. and Members of the City Council City of Port Angeles POBox 1150 Port Angeles WA 98362 Dear Mayor and Council: It is with pleasyre that the Washington State Water Works Operator Certification Program announces that a Certificate of Competency is being issued to Doyle W. McGinley as a Water Distribution Manager 2. The purpose of this program is to aid in the improvement of the ability of persons employed in water works operation, thereby promoting efficient operation and reduction of hazards to public health incident to furnishing water to the public. It provides a system whereby persons in the water works profession may be examined and rated by qualified individuals in their own field; and it establishes a standard of proficiency for those occupying the position of public trust involved in the operation of public water supplies. . This gentleman has successfully passed the examinatiqn which, together with his experience and education, has qualified him for this rating. He should be congratulated for his interest in the program and for his service to your community. Sincerely, !" ':'\~, <:::" '"-!;? ~ ......:::;,; ......~......-1 ~,). C:--.. . "'--:.., ~ - '-,..... " ... ,_ \ ""-~ ~ ~'-"~ '-- --.,. -..' '. Cheryl L.l3ergeneL_ ~ .. Program Manager Water Works Certification Program cc: Doyle W. McGinley 325 .~h" o ftj '7 ::;.' v.....,t) . . . . City of <Port cf{nge1es <Parks ~ CJ2ecreation .- :J1ay 1998 . 327 PARI(S & RECREATION REVENUE MAY 1998 . .THISHYEAR.. ..T0lDA.TE $40,619.92 $57,700.41 $5,284.50 $6,759.50 $4,750.00 $2,090.00 $0.00 $80.00 $117,284.33 ..................4A.$m~..........; .. .......T..O..............D...jX......T.......E.............. ... . .. .. -..-.-. .-.. -." .- .-.- .. . ... . .. ,- '. . ",.. ....- .... .. .." -. .. - .. .. .. '." . .... .. -. . .. - - . .. .. ... ..... ,.. . ..,"- ,,",.. .. .... $38,569.32 $54,868.45 $9,433.41 $5,317.00 $4,750.00 $1,005.00 $244.70 $0.00 $114,187.88 Ocean'View Cemetery William Shore Memorial Pool Vem Burton Community Center Senior Services Center - Rentals Senior Services Center - Leases Banner Lincoln Park Camping Fees City Pier Moorage Fees General Fund Revenue Total ....-" ...................,....---.-.-......... ....... ....... ._--_..-........ -..'., .-.--. '-:.:.:,-,;.:-:.:.",:.;.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:-:.:-:.:.:.:-:.:-:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.;.:.:.:.:.:-:.:.:-:.;.;.:.: .:.;.:-:.:.:-:,;.:.:.:.:.;.:-:-:.:.;.:.:.:.:.:.:.:,:,:,:,:,:-:-:-:-:-:.:.:.:.:.:.;.-.:-:.-,:-:.:-:.:."-:.:..", TI.'XTit'lt'E. .?N'r)n~;fn,'0:.::}}}}}:'" ......... ::~...~:)I.~v.,....t~N::::~~:~~:.:.:.:.:.:.:<.:.:-:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:-:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:-:.:.:.:.:.:. tMl?:~t.4~ME.E~}< Longhouse/Clubhouse Lincoln Park Camping Fees 1m rovement Fund Total ::::::::::::::.:::::::::::'.:::..:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~:~:~:~:::::~:~:~:~:~::;~:~:~:~:~:::~:::~:~:::~:~:~:::::~:~:~:~:::~:~:~:~:~:~:::~:~:~:~:::~:~:~:::~:::~:::~:;:::~:::~:~:~:~;::~:::::::::;:~: ::t{EMltlN:t:l1::/':':/:.: .......:.......::.:.:.....::...........,...,,:...........,......:.:.:.:.:.::.:...:,::.::,...::::..::::.,:...,.....:............... .RlP.~TIQiWD1X€lirMlmrEs,.:.......................... F.~}:::::::)',::.,:,:,:...,.""..".,...,..,."..".......................................................... $940.00 $5,048.00* $5,988.00 $937.00 $35.00 $972.00 . Vem Burton IGtchen Fees Co- Rec Volleyball Volleyball Tourney Fund Slowpitch Slowpitch Tourney Fund Mens Basketball Basketball Tourney Fund Flag Football Youth Programs Adult Programs Recreation Activities Fund Total $1,080.65 $25.00 $0.00 $16,477.00 $1,100.00 $1,522.00 $1,357.58 $0.00 $6,460.22 $1,021.30 $29,043.75 $771. 72 $1,245.64 $0.00 $12,810.00 $795.00 $4,560.00 $4,526.90 $40.00 $7,422.00** $1,940.00 $34,111.26 . * Timber Sales **Includes $2,500 Yes to Youth Grant 328 . . . VERN 'BURTON COMMUNITY CENTER May 1-2 Senior Ball May 4 Port Angeles symphony May 8-9 Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation May 15 Middle School Dance May 18 Salvation Anny Civic Luncheon May 18 Ban Booster Awards Desert May 21-26 Juan de Fuca Festival VBMCC - GYM USERS Noon Open Gym Gym Walkers Line Dance Girls' Fastpitch Practice Choice School VERN BURTON MEETING ROOM EVENTS: May 2 Senior Ball May 5 Rexa1l May 5 Extension Office Sandwich Seminar May 12-13 55 Alive Defensive Driving Classes May 13 Job Service Center May 19 Rexa1l May 20 Extension office Sandwich Seminar May 20-26 Juan de Fuca Festival May 27 Department of Personnel Testing VBMCC - REGULAR MEETING ROOM USERS: Iricentives Committee Kiwanis - Juan de Fuca Group Transit Union Meetings Olympic Fly Fishing Association North Olympic Land Trust Community Network Junior Babe Ruth Juan de Fuca Festival Bike Club Park Board Education Foundation Clal1am Conservation District Disabilities Coalition P AZAZZ Soccer Meeting Clallam County Food Handlers Class Stevens/Roosevelt Parents Pro Bono Lawyers Ostomy Support Group Swim Club Non-Motorized Trail Meeting WSI/Poo1 Training CLASH Soccer meeting Senior Class 329 May 1998 COUNCIL CHAMBERS: City Council Meetings Board of Adjustments Planning DUI Victims Panel IGwanis Meeting Marine Lab Lecture Series Department of Revenue Rotary Mural Project Inquiring Mind Lecture Series Board of Appeals Library Board . RECREATION DIVISION PROGRAMS May 1,2,3 Men's Softball IGck Off Tournament May 8,9,10 Women' s Softball IGck Off Tournament May 16-17 Men's Early Bird Softball Tournament . May 22-25 Babe Ruth Invitational 12 teams; 1 0 out~of-town May 23-24 MGM Co Ed Softball Tourney 14 teams; 9 out-of-town May 30 TaeKwan Do 80 participants . On-Going After School Parks Program - 25 participants PARKS & RECREATION SPECIAL EVENTS UP-COMING RECREATION: June 6-7 Smoked Salmon Men's Softball Tourney June 7 Hershey Track Meet June 13-14 Ugly Bartender Co Ed Softball Tournament June 20-21 Summer Solstice Tuneup Basketball Tourney June 22 Parks & Recreation Summer Adventure Camps begin June 30-July 4 Yes to Youth Week July 4 &5 Zak's Invitational- men's softball July 11-13 Junior Babe Ruth District Tournament July 18-19 Iredale' s Co Ed Softball Tournament July 18-19 Arts-in-Action Booth: Creating Paper Hats for youth of all ages July 23-27 Junior Babe Ruth 14 year old State Tournament July 31- Aug 2 5th Annual Baseball Classic CITY PIER EVENTS: May 15 May 15 May 16 P A. School District Band Concert Double Tree Employee Barbeque Crises Pregnancy Walk-a-thon . UP-COMING PIER EVENTS: Thursdays Evenings 33.0 Concert on Pier Series ~ . . . Ground Burials ... .... ........... ....... ................ ......................... ......................... ::::129;$:::: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 9 7 9 1 1 1 1 8 7 7 6 4 8 1 2 6 26 25 25 Ground Burial Inumments Niche Inumments Entombments Year to Date Totals Iddddddd ................... . .................... .................... 'i'i'i:(; ........... ...... ................... .................. .. ..-.............. ..........,....... ................... . ................. .................. . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . ................... .................. .......... ........ .................. .......... ........ ;"::::'n'i'i"i:'f,'j(TE. .....E. . .rio,ooS....}'A/t/iic:!:=o,o,o,o,o,o,o,o,o,o,o,o,o,ooooo :':::F~J;)I~~:::~~~g(((()):n::::;: .......<y...., rrrf{[\U??t .... .... .... .... ...................,......................... ....................... ...................... ....................... THIS MONTH YEAR TO DATE LAST YEAR LAST YEAR TO DATE ~940.80 ~8 965 36 Not available Not availabe 33.1 i_ "'- P AR!(S/CEMETERY Ivlonthly Division Report Mav 1998 . ACCOMPLISHMENTS BEAUTIFICATION tI' Planted fonntain area tI' Placed new planter bowls atDowntown Fonntain tI' Built, installed and planted new planter box behind Downtown Fountain tI' Placed hanging baskets Downtown tI' Planted bowls at City Hall tI' Planted Downtown planter tI' Planted flower bed at IO I West traffic island tI' Planted flower beds at City Pier . WILLIAM SHORE MEMORIAL POOL MAINTENANCE tI' Pool check list, added chemicals tI' Cleaned filter system, replaced lock cylinders and keys on lockers tI' Checked sanna temperature tI' Checked chlorinator for proper operation and booster pump tI' Checked dive stand bolts. lubed slider and checked GFI outlets tI' Checked for leaks under pool in crawl space tI' Back washed filter system tI' Checked circulation pumps, heat pumps, shower mixing valves, and cleaned intake screen tI' Checked heat pump blowers tI' Tested hot water pop off valve tI' Checked night lights tI' Changed filters on HV AC system tI' Installed new water tank . 33? . . . VERN BURTON COMMUNITY CENTER t/ t/ t/ t/ General cleanup, swept floor, mopped spots, vacuumed carpets Put tables and chairs away, swept and vacuumed floors Clean windows and swept floors Checked emergency lighting, coffee machine, checked drains below sink and flushed with bleach Clean, patch, spray texture and paint walls as needed Clean walls in meeting room Check thermostat operation Shampooed carpet Cleaned entrance light fixtures and replaced light bulbs ~ t/ t/ t/ t/ t/ SENIOR SERVICES CENTER MAINTENANCE t/ t/ t/ t/ t/ t/ t/ t/ t/ t/ t/ t/ t/ tI t/ t/ t/ t/ Checked heat pumps, HV AC units and temperatures Changed light bulbs as needed Refilled paper products in restrooms Checked heat pump blowers Walk through building, checked lights, drinking fountain and automatic doors Cleaned drains, greased exhaust fans, replaced light bulbs Adjust time clocks Patched walls and touched up paint Tightened door screws Checked heat pump blower belts, filters, drains and coils on heat system Checked heat pump blowers Cleaned out kitchen floor drains Greasefi exhaust fan circular bearing Repaired faucet Replaced light bulbs Tighten handrail Unplug drain pipes Turned irrigation system on :) ''':( .'1\ PARI(S MAINTENANCE . tI' tI' tI' tI' tI' tI' tI' tI' tI' tI' tI' tI' tI' tI' tI' tI' tI' tI' tI' tI' tI' tI' tI' tI' tI' tI' tI' tI' tI' tI' tI' tI' tI' tI' Clean walkway between First and Front Streets Continue litter pickup and restroom cleaning as needed Monthly playground inspections and repairs Cleaned out fountain and adjusted spray nozzles and filled with water Cleaned tennis court at Erickson Play Field Installed pump motors at Downtown Fountain Removed spring bulbs from planter bowls at Vem Burton Pounded down spikes at City Pier Pressure washed Downtown Fountain Installed anchors on planter bowls at Downtown Fountain Installed new pumps at Downtown Fountain Installed floats at City Pier Installed r~p floats at City Pier Unloaded Douglas Firs at Greenhouse Placed bricks around trees at City Pier Tilled up planters and amended soil at City Pier and City Hall Fertilized and watered Greenhouse Painted buildings at <;:ity Pier Repaired irrigation at Shane Park, City Hall, Little League Field &.:V olunteer Field Moved Handicap parking bumpers at Sail & Paddle Park Installed home run fence at Shane Park Shampooed upstairs carpet at City Hall Unloaded shipment of bedding plants into Greenhouse Removed trees from parking lot and debris from parking island at City'Pier Repaired fence at Shane Park Replaced valve box cover at Shane Park Changed irrigation heads at Little League Field Cleaned out control valve at Volunteer Park Turned irrigation system on at Fire Department, Harbor View, Stevens School, Elks and Sail & Paddle Park and repaired broken heads Repaired water line at Lincoln Park Replaced water faucet at Sail & Paddle Park Fertilized roses at City Hall Repaired broken swing at Erickson Play Field Removed lights for the Finance Department , ( . , , VANDALISM tI' Repair damage to plumbing at Elks Play Field . 33,1 . . . MISCELLANEOUS ", ", ", Employees attended Bureaucracy Busting Steering Committee Meeting Employees attended BBC sub committee News Letter meetings Employees attended Safety meeting PLANS ", Install new Waterfront Trail Memorial Plaques, benches & trees ", Continue turf maintenance OTHERS ", None 335 . PORT ANGELES SENIOR CENTER MONTHLY ACTIVITY REPORT MAY 1998 ....................-.............. ..........-......... ........'",.......... ..........-............................................................... ........................................ ..................,.,..................... ....---............................. .................... ..... -, ............. ........--.............................................................. ....................................... ...............................-......... . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . ..'bH~~:..:.::.:..rnm~\}:}:'.::.~$~.Fi... :~.~~.:.........~~~m..L.,..,.,.~..:..... }'ti'ii/ffiB.. '.';:::.}'.",." '", /'Y:::"j\{s...r'tVVC"'ii)I't::::', "'.'mh"":':""',,:':'.,""""""'.'.'.'. .:::::U..n:.::1:: -<:>:::;:::::::> ":::: ;};.bO;'-- :::.l;:::::::.l;~::::. ::~t:.l::,~i~~~~~\:~::\\::::::t::::\::: .;:::;:::;;;:;;;;::::::::;:;:::;:::;;.. ::::::::;:;::::::::::::::;::::;:::::;::::::;;:;:;: ::;;;;;;:;::;:;;:;:::::;:;;;;::;:::;:;;;:;.:.:<::.::;.;.:-;.;.;.;.;. ..........:,::...::::,:H .................:):)~~u Information & Referral 1 ,435 c Estimated Attendance 4,581 Health Programs 410 Education Programs 683 Social EventsIPrograms/Meals 2,038 Trips: Taken 7 Passengers 87 Volunteers: 155 Hours 1,465 Membership: 28 City 18 County 10 8,279 22,119 2,332 4,118 7,967 27 341 1,141 4,751 657 829 1,654 8 78 161 1,691 66 31 35 7,347 21 ,784 2,443 3,451 9,052 . 26 344 10,566 1,358 919 439 Included in 1997 count is estimated number of attendance in Coffee Lounge-- (average of 60 per day) 7,592 1,286 873 413 336 . . SENIOR COMMUNITY CENTER EVENTS.. Users May 2 &30 May 2 May 7 May 14 May 15 May 16 May 21 May 22 May 27 May 30 May 31 Dr. Palmer Tony Mays Reception PIRA NW Regional EMS meeting Newcomers club Soroptimists Historical Society High School Meeting Education Foundation Asian Family Culture Class Head Start Debey Bar Mitzvah SENIOR CENTER REGULAR USERS Senior Nutrition Board OlYmPic Vineyard Virginia Mason NARFE Board Senior Info & Assistance Fine Art Center Friends Law Enforcement Board Youth Task Force Heart Association Rhododendron Society Paint the Town CCSW AB . Eckankar Soroptimists Jet Set Venture Club City Steering Comm. Crime Stoppers Clallam Art League ~ SENIOR CENTER SPONSORED.. SPECIAL PROGRAMS May 4 Ballroom Dance Lessons for NJROTC May 5 "Getting the Most Out of Your Hearing Aid" program Volunteer Recognition Pizza Party & P.A. High School Chamber Orchestra PCMA Depression Screening Police Dept. Senior Volunteer Program Massage Therapy Program 28th Anniversary Open House 1 st Annual Senior Hobby Fair Host for the Foster Grandparent Program luncheon "The Winter Winds of Hell" - US Merchant Marine presentati~3 !""! National Senior Health & Fitness Day-Waterfront Trail Walk ( . May 6 May 7 May 11 May 15 May 19 May 20 May 22 May 27 May 1998 . SENIOR CENTER SPONSORED - REGULAR PROGRAMS Foot Care (4x month) Blood Pressure Checks Arthritis Support Group Tai Chi Vision Clinic Fibromyalgia Support Group Alzheimers Support Group Round Table on Politics Geography of Canada .Tai Chi Infinite Variety of Music Active Learning Investment Class living Healthy Celebrate Spring Health Senior AA Meetings Stretch Class/Weight Training Exercise Class (3x week) Self Help for Hard of Hearing Hearing Aid Repairs Tap Dancing Class Education Legal Aid Oil Painting . Investment Club Chinese Culture French Class Watercolor Class Hula Class German Class . SocialJRecreational Paint on Own Golden Agers Senior Swingers Senior Singers One Day/Over Night Trips Pool Bridge Cribbage Pinochle (3x week) Clogging Class Board of Directors Calligraphy P R Committee At the Movies (weekly) Bingo (3x week) Craft ClassesIProjects Guiding Committee Piclde Ball (3x week) Coffee Lounge Clless Club Spanish Club 338 . . . . WILLIAM SHORE MEMORIAL POOL Activities MAY 1998 ADMINISTRATION ACTIVITIES Conducted Parent/Student Day (Parents join students in water during last day of class) INSTRUCTIONAL CLASSES: Life Guard Training Water Exercise Swim Lessons: Classes for Pre-School throught level 6 & adults WSI Training CLUBS & ORGANIZATIONS: Port Angeles Swim Club Coast Guard Training SCHOOL DISTRICT ACTIVITIES: Special Education Swim Class High School P.E. Classes Peninsula College RECREATIONAL SWIMMING: . Adult Lap Swim Open Recreational Swimming Monthly Teen Night Saturday Fun for Kids (8-11 yrs) , 339 WILLIAM SHORE MEMORIAL POOL Monthly Activity Report MAY 1 998 ..ll"'; ~II' I} .. ..,} ...... ..., .... d._".q .' .. ..... .'. ..... .,.-.-- ......-.... .. ..... i >';I.~I:il!li! .'q' I . .. .... THIS < "..." .." ........ c." .}... ..... .... .... MQ?-{tij. ............:... ."::. H ......:LA.STYE:AR.. (( . ? I ..;..:.. <>}. .:..::..:........... .:.' ....:....... ...:... .... .-.'... . ---- -----.-.. }. / RECREATION -- Children 815 5,358 956 5,475 Adult 1,537 8,849 1,742 8,445 Saturday Teen Night/IGd's Day 6/13 90/154 19151 38/3 1 1 Pool PartiesIParticipan ts 14/414 71/1,702 12/249 45/919 Recreation Attendance Totals 2,785 16,153 3,017 15,188 INSTRUCTION -- Children 960 4,704 1,025 5,233 Adults 0 25 -- -- Parent/Child Orientation 0 214 0 130 Pre--School 377 1,878 478 2,259 Water Exercise 644 4,429 898 4,87 School District Activities 426 3,193 619 3,26 Pool Rentals/Classes 490 3,281 689 3,264 Instruction Attendance Totals 2897 17,724 3,709 19,029 ......,.,.,...................................,.--,.--..............-................._---. .:...s~()8.2. ........"" ...-.---. 6;';Z2p: .", ..... .-.-........... ........,..........,..,...............................................................................................................!A:N'.......'.............. '33871%' . 34!:Jl'Z '.-', ....... . . '.'.. ........-: ".'. - . '..,. ..... ....',,'. ,.......... . ....... ..... . .... .. .......... -......- ... .,-. ," .............. ., 0"'" .... .....-..........., .. .... ", ....,. ," TOTAlkROOE1METEND .... ,'GEtH ................. ...' ... .., .. ................... . ... . .............., .. n._ ... ... ... ................ "' _... ...n ... . ................... . .... -, ., "... . ... . ... ... ..... ". ... ...., .. .... ". . . . . ,"'" .... ................ .. ... .. ... .... .., ................ .. ..... ., ~_ - o. .. . .. . .. .- .... . .. ". .... ....... ... .. ...- ...... ..............,~... .. ... - ..... .. ::::::}:::::}}:> ,'j,'} <} ... . ...... - . ... .... ....- - . ... . ... . . .... "".. ..... ..... ........ ..... - . .. .... ..........:.........................':.:;:.~..................... .... ',', "," '.' . "." ..... .",.. . '." '.- "." "." ',' . -,', -. ."' . '. -". ......... .. .. 0"" . .. ... n... .... ....",.. _ ..... ...... .--.....,......-.........................-......................................-.---......-".... POOL OPERATIONS -- Days Open 26 144 30 147 Hours Open 317.50 1,889.00 395.00 1,938.50 REVENUE -- Rental: Suits, towels, Caps $23.63 $314.10 $47.76 $367.81 Admissions $1,823.82 $12,749.88 $1,997.07 $10,427.29 Lessons $679.50 $17,182.50 $608.40 $19,181.77 Aerobics $1,309.00 $1 1,078.00 $4,375.80 $7,772.00 Passes $1,373.54 $9,285.76 $3,523.51 $10,413.81 Showers $25.90 $57.35 $49.29 $245.57 Lockers $163.70 $1,383.64 $357.99 $1,526.55 Pool Rentals $671.92 $3,604~31 $795.49 $2,517. Sales Tax $310.34 $2,044.87 $491.13 $1,850.41 TOTAL POOL REVENUE $6,381.35 $57,700.41 $1,246.44 $54,868. 340 . . . " Head 5tart &. ECEAP fhank YOu ~ Cia 110m Jefferson Early Childhood Division. .. 0"- ~ '-1. G-^...... S c> ... v-...u- ~ b~--r, ~~ ~'cC...N-- '-"--5 ~ ~'5 u.>-s:L -\::...L--.-c..- ~ ... · ... "L ,^-o...& . a... 'S "2~ . 0..- b'D v- 0 ~ ~ y-~ ~ \.S'v-. . . . ". -:- j A- ~ 0- cs. a..... <{\JL ~ S U-A.- u...:s. <s ~ ~ 03:: (~ \::lSLc..-~ . 'eo ~ t>4l6/~LsL ~ ':j~~ L)LL-~ ~v~ S'i::. 'B-.I. S ~<:..5l...~'l>. L \~~. . i, .' 341 342 . . . - -- , . City. of CPort c/!nge!es CPar~s ~ C]2ecTeatlon . June 1998 . 343 PARI(S.& RECREATION REVENUE JUNE 1998 . Ocean View Cemetery William Shore Memorial Pool Vem Burton Community Center Senior Services Center - Rentals Senior Services Center - Leases Banner Lincoln Park Camping Fees City Pier Moorage Fees General Fund Revenue Total ~~~91~I:i~:::u:.::!::'!!i!11 INfRROME~.ELJ1N1D.......... ::.......:.........:::.....:...::...:.:::::::-.:::::.:.::::;.;\;::.;.;;.;::.;.;}::-?:.::.:::::.....::;::...:.:::...::::;.......:...;:;:::::::::::;:::::::. THIS'..YEAR'.' TO Qf\.:ffi>. $48,938.5'8 $75,667.65 $7,236.50 $8,222.50 $5,700~00 $2,180.00 $303.00 $300.00 $148,548.23 '$49,183:71 $69,367.78 $9,981.41 $7,752:;50 $5,700.00 $1,b70.00 $494:70 $78.00 $144,228.10 ....... .........--...,...............--...-......... ....................-......................,............'...-................................................'-' .................................................~.~..--.' ......................t..,.-K.S. ..m..Xffi::;;tn:........:<<...... :}):\::}~;:~:.:..:::~~{:~:,r:~:::::::::::::>::;.:~ ,::,'m(pjl11~r.tI" .... $1,427.00 $106.00 $1,533.00 ............'.....-,..-...'.'.'.-.-.-........... ............-....-........ ........................ ............-........... .........-.............., ..........-..........-.... .......... -.-............ .........-.. .....-...... ............ ....-....... ......................... ........................ .......................... ................-........ ......................... ................. ....... .......................... ................-........ ..,.....................-.. . ....................... .....--..................... . ....................... ..-...................... .......-........................ . LonghousdClubhouse Lincoln Park Camping Fees 1m rovement Fund Total ...................................... ..................................... . ........................................................................... .. .. ...... ........... ...................................,... ..................................... :TFc"'ti'tr"(Tr.m........:: ..:::.:::::..:.::::::..::...::::...:..:::::...... ... ....... .... ........... ..:~::v.::;OX~:v:G..:::"!i':::::::::::::..:::::::::::::::::.:::::::.::::::::::::;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: REGR.E.AWlo~'I€lmlllmIES": 'E~::':":':':'::':)'.....<"':}""""""""""'"................ Vem Burton.1Gtchen Fees Co- Rec Volleyball Volleyball Tourney Fund Slowpitch Slowpitch Tourney Fund Mens Basketball Basketball T~urney Fund Flag Football Youth Programs Adult Programs Recreation Activities Fund Total $1,214.40 $25.00 $0.00 $17,242.00 $1,470.00 $1,522.00 $2,742.08 $0.00 $10,979.72 $1,021.30 $36,216.50 $871. 72 $1,245.64 $0.00 $13,060.00 $2,090.00 $4,560.00 $4,710.84 $40.00 $8,585.70** $2,007.06 $37,170.90 . * Timber Sales **lncludes $2,500 Yes to Youth Grant 344 . . . . .-.-. """""-::<':'..::<.\.:::::<:-:::.::::::;:.::-. -:':-::':'-::':::-:'::'" , ..: .-.->.;.>:-::,:.--.--_...,.", '. ....RIRE.A1fI~tN . MONTHI..YACTIVITIES REPORT .- .-.- ,-.. . . . . .. .... . - - .... ..',. - .. ...... ..,. ......,. ,. --." . - . - . --.-. . ...1I.JI'JE1998H VERN BURTON COMMUNITY CENTER June 3 June 4 Rotary Romper Auction Fire Department Testing Port Angeles High School Franklin School KMPS Family Night Blood Drive June 5 June 15 VBMCC - GYM USERS Noon Open Gym Gym Walkers VERN BURTON MEETING ROOM EVENTS: June 2 June 5 Hotel/Motel Workshop Fire Department Testing Olympic National Park Christian Science Lecture 55 Alive Defensive Driving Class Rexall Select Comfort Product Show Howard Markham Estate Appraisals Bahai's Department of Personnel Testing June 7 June 9-10 June 9 June 19-20-21 June 23-24 June 27 June 30 VBMCC - REGULAR MEETING ROOM USERS: Incentives Committee IGwanis - Juan de Fuca Group Transit Union Meetings Olympic Fly Fishing Association North Olympic Land Trust Community Network Junior Babe Ruth Juan de Fuca Festival Bike Club Vietnam Wall Meeting Disabilities Coalition P AZAZZ Soccer Meeting Clallam County Food Handlers Class Stevens/Roosevelt Parents Ostomy Support Group Swim Club Non-Motorized Trail Meeting Ski Club 345 JUNE 1998 COUNCIL CHAMBERS: City Council Meetings Board of Adjustments Planning PUI Victims Panel Christian Science Lecture DSHS Task Force Meeting . Department of Revenue Rotary Mural Project Inquiring Mind Lecture Series Board of Appeals North Olympic Land Trust Sheriffi'Boys & Girls Club Estuary Design Committee RECREATION DIVISION PROGRAMS June 6-7 Smoked Salmon Men's Softball Tourney 13 Teams; 8 Out-of town June 7 Hershey Track Meet 52 Participants June 13-14 Ugly Bartender Co Ed Softball Tournament 8 Teams; 3 Out-of town June 20-21 Summer Solstice Tuneup Basketball Tourney 13 Teams; 11 Out-of town June 22 - Aug. 14 Parks & Recreation Summer Adventure Camp 58 registered full time campers 85 registered drop-in campers . PARKS & RECREATION SPECIAL EVENTS June 30-July 4 Yes to Youth Week 2,149 Participants UP-COMING RECREATION: July 4 &5 July 11-13 July 18-19 July 18-19 July 23-27 July 31- Aug 2 CITY PIER EVENTS: June 6 UP-COMING PIER EVENTS: Thursdays Evenings July 4 Zak's Invitational - men's softball Junior Babe Ruth District Tournament Ire dale 's Co Ed Softball Tournament Arts-in-Action Booth: Creating Paper Hats for youth of all ages Junior Babe Ruth 14 year old State Tournament 5th Annual Baseball Classic Olympic Vineyard Christian Concert Concert on Pier Series Arts & Crafts, Fireworks, Barbeque, Various Activities . 346 WILLIAM SHORE MEMORIAL POOL Monthly Activity Report JUNE 1998 ......,.., ., ACTMTIES/ I r . . .... ...., .. . . , THIS < ....... MONTH ,. .,... . . RECREATION -- Children Adult Saturday Teen Night/Kid's Day Pool PartieslParticipants I.{~cr~~tiBn..A.ttefid.AHt~:}r6tID~ INSTRUCTION -- Children 715 Adults 0 Parent/Child Orientation 0 Pre--School 314 Water Exercise 819 School District Activities 250 Pool Rentals/Classes 625 Instruction Attendance Totals 2723 iii0FiiiXi:)'-ij00i::m:::;(~'b~~;('k'r~E}_i '" }~~;~~;~~:::~:V:Q~:)(:}i~~:~~~~~~:~~)t~.. .". <::::-:::" POOL OPERATIONS -- 1,524 2,387 25/55 22/253 '..~.. .. . ....., .. ......... Tl!l$~< THIS IASTYEAR l'QX>AJ'~ MONTH TODATE LASTYEAR. 6,882 11,236 115/209 93/1 ,955 ?:20~39Z 945 1,829 25/48 11/173 .-...-................._-_."......... .-...................-............ .. ............ ....... .... , .. ... ..-........"........ ,-.' . ......."............ '" .. ..-,.................. .. ............--......... . .. ...........-....-.-.---.. . . ......." -......... .,. .. ",."""""",."".".""",,,,,,.,3.,020... 5,419 805 25 -- 214 0 2,192 316 5,248 283 3,443 -- 3,906 487 20,447 1,891 >.::::.4Q~a44::_. Days Open Hours Open 30 415.75 REVENUE -- Rental:Suits, towels, Caps Admissions Lessons Aerobics Passes Showers Lockers 001 Rentals Sales Tax ,:i't'h~'1'tA::,'t,::}riAri't::::::;nY!'t;tbl(:r'tj;'ri;;,:;,,',':,:,;" :~:~~::~:~~~~:~~:V:~~l::~:;:~:~;p~:~:~w~~;:;:~:~:~:::;:~:::. $54.19 $3,344.74 $6,560.00 $1,908.50 $4,209.48 $105.55 $224.20 $880.42 $680.16 [.""""";$''')'''7.'''''9. ..'6..'7.. .:"'2. ..'4/.:":" ....... ",' "'- ... -. .. .....", ".. .. -... :~:~:~::{: /. .:r. }~:: .-:-::, _ ..?..::~(' ,";::'. :~:r .. 174 2,304.75 $368.29 $16,094.62 $23,742.50 $12,986.50 $13,495.24 $162.90 $1,607.84 $4,484.73 $2,725.03 .....$.7. .5......6......7...6... ... ".' ... .. . .... . .. .., . . ".. ... .... o. .. ." .... .. ....... ,,-... ...... ',', ,", .....- '," ...... ',- ".-," :.:.:' :.' :.'.:. :"', " , ;-..:..... ,',: :.:." ..,.,.. ,..,.,... ..,.,... ..,6:.. ..,.,~,... ,.$.:.:. 26 227.50 $16.27 $1,929.07 $8,318.00 $1,456.50 $1,795.54 $70.95 $197.20 $393.05 $322.53 ....$.1.......... .......... . . . . . . . . . . ". . . . . . . . . ... .." ..... .. ". .... .... ... ,...... ... .. .... .-.' . ... .... ... ... ....... . . . - .. . . .. . . . . . . . . ...- ... .. ,'" ....,.. ... . . . .. .. . .. .., , . . ;....;.. ..:.. :4,499.33 ..... 6,420 10,274 63/359 56/1,092 .....'.18..~2()8 6,038 130 2,575 5,161 3,265 3,751 20,920 .. ,." .'. ...." ...d. .d... ................................. '~ ............................3........9.........1.....;2.. ..8.. . .................. . .." . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . .................. .... ~ )::/. ij(> .. . ..... 173 2,166.00 $384.08 $12,356.58 $27,499.77 $9,228.50 $12,209.35 $316.52 $1,723.75 $2,910.10 $2,172.94 cto'Lg....??"677...8 ::q):g. ....::,0:... >!/..... ::. . 347 WILLIAM SHORE MEMORIAL POOL . Activities JUNE 1998 ADMINISTRATION ACTIVITIES Conducted Parent/Student Day (Parents join students in water during last day of class) INSTRUCTIONAL CLASSES: life Guard Training Water Exercise Swim Lessons: Classes for Pre-School throught level 6 & adults WSI Training . CLUBS & ORGANIZATIONS: Port Angeles Swim Club Coast Guard Training SCHOOL DISTRICT ACTIVITIES: Special Education Swim Class High School P.E. Classes Peninsula College High School Swim Team RECREATIONAL SWIMMING: Adult Lap Swim Open Recreational Swimming Monthly Teen Night Saturday Fun for Kids (8-11 yrs) . 348 . - - . - -- -. -----. IlirA~~~I~i~~ER .. ..... MdnthlyActivityReport JUNE 1998 . SENIOR COMMUNITY CENTER EVENTS - Users June 2 Hamilton PTA June 5,6,7 Garden Club Annual Flower Show June 11 Regional EMS June 13 Piano Recital June 16 Senior Nutrition Volunteer Recognition June 17,24,25 Haguewood's Luncheons June 20 Lions Club Installation June 25-28 Great American Nature Photo Workshop June 28 Piano Recital June 30 Ted Ripley . SENIOR CENTER REGULAR USERS .Senior Nutrition Board .Olympic Vineyard .Virginia Mason .NARFE Board . Senior Info & Assistance . Venture Club .Law Enforcement Board .Youth Task Force . Heart Association .Rhododendron Society .Paint the Town .CCSWAB . Eckankar .Soroptirnists Jet Set . Local 161 9 .Retired Teachers . Crime Stoppers . Clallam Art League ~ SENIOR CENTER SPONSORED - SPECIAL PROGRAMS June 3 "Paint a Memory" Senior Day June 8 Wellness and Diagnosis, Mark Swanson, N.D. June 8 Benefits of Massage for ArthritistPatients June 16 Country Folk Art & Wat to Exepect when first coming to the hospital June 18 Tours and Travels adventures with Collette Tours P.A. Police Dept. Canine Unit Demonstration June 29 Hi-Low Pinochle Tournament . 349 June 1998 SENIOR CENTER SPONSORED.. REGULAR PROGRAMS .Foot Care (4x month) ..Blood Pressure Checks .Arthritis Support Group .Tai Chi .Alzheimers Support Group .Fibromyalgia Support Group .Round Table on Politics Geography of Canada .Tai Chi .Infinite Variety of Music .Active Learning .Investment Class .Living Healthy . Celebrate Spring . Health .Senior AA Meetings .Stretch Class/Weight Training .Exercise Class (3xweek) . Self Help for Hard of Hearing . Hearing Aid Repairs .Tap Dancing Class Education . Legal Aid .Oil Painting .Investment Club . Chinese Culture German Class .Watercolor Class . Hula Class . SociaVRecreational .Paint on Own . Golden Agers . Senior Swingers . Senior Singers .One Day/Over Night Trips .Pool . Bridge . Cribbage .Pinochle (3x week) . Calligraphy .P R Committee .At the Movies (weeldy) .Bingo (3x week) . Craft ClasseslProj ects .Spanish Club .Pickle Ball (3x week) . Coffee Lounge .Chess Club . 35D . PORT ANGELES SENIOR CENTER MONTHLY ACTIVITY REPORT JUNE 1998 ..............---- ....--."........--. .....'....... ........-....:..,_..-..:. .................. -_..._--..........-. ........" ......-....... .. .................._---_._--......-.. ...... .........-.-..... .- ..... ..................._- --_....-..... --. ......... ........ ..... ..-.....,-. .............".....----......-----.... ......-........-............ rnms.......i?...........EA.sm<......... ':::::::::::-:::::::::::;::::::::':::::::::"::<::.':>::::::::,:::/::::-:':':-: :::::::":,:',':':::::,:::::-:::::::,'"::::":::':::'<.." :{M'..:,:.. 0"NTH. ... . {{{: , >"V:'C,:,(,1'),::,,:/, ....:,:. <<:,<:..,:...:.::.:..,,::.,....1:,:.,.:.,.:.:..:...,:,.<..:> <:f~<:,:...,.,. :..~fJJ..mi.. .....~~!..;........................ :,:",:,:::,:,:,:,:,:::,:,:,:,:::,:.,.::::,:,',:,::,,:"':'::':'::':::::::::::\ri:::i\inn:':':':':':':':':':::::::: };:?~:~:~:::::~:::::>::~::::::.~:::::::{~~~~~~~<:<::}\~>::: :{P4:~j~rfrrj(:< Information & Referral 1,941 Estimated Attendance 4,058 Health Programs 315 Education Programs 275 . Social EventslPrograms/Meals 1,586 Trips: Tal,en 11 Passengers 140 Volunteers: 101 Hours 1,117 Membership: 34 City 18 County 16 . 10,220 26,117 2,647 4,393 9,553 38 481 1,808 3,677 374 368 1,735 11 III 155 1,379 48 23 26 8,709 1,320 891 429 Included in 1997 count is estimated number of attendance in Coffee Loungeu (average of 60 per day) 9,155 25,461 2,817 3,819 10,787 37 455 11,945 1,407 942 465 35~ . ............ . ...... . . . .. . ............. . ... ................. :.,:.mIs::.NiiD_:.':.::.: :::':'::~::CEQ.oI11'E'.:::':...':::.::mHIs.::N1Q_' :..:::::.:.:':~:rnaIDATB.'. .......... .. .......................................................... ...... ... . ... .. ... .. . ... ..... ......... :..::':..:: ::..:...::::..: ...:................... .::.:-::-:-:-.-:...:......:;;...::::. .:::-:.;.:-:.......... .. ...:......:... )/.':.)l'.gdlf}\\\\::)).:\\ ...:::/1...i.!i9Bi::::"':;::: ..:.:.:.:::...:.:....... ::::,::::::::::-:.:.:.:..... :::\1::09-::&':): }))2.': :\::))\.::t:9.:.:..:o;7/.'..::.:.:..::\ ;)r\\\\fr\\t.i\:.::?rRf~t~~t~~~~~~~????~~~\. t;\~ ::~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;;:::~t::.:~~:<:.::::/~~~~~~\\::;~:~.;:::;:~:;:;:;:;:;:;:; :::::::: :::::;::: :;::::::. :::~::.../!:;:::::::::::::.::.;: ;:;:\::::=::::::::: .::::::::::::::::::::::;:~:r~:?~:~:::~:~:~?::..:.~q:l;::~:~:r::.:<: .:.: .::::-..:.:... 5 25 4 29 Ground Burials 12 11 10 16 Ground Burial Inurnments 13 13 . 10 7 Niche InurnQlents 7 6 6 10 Entombments 1 I Year to Date Totals. 32 30 26 34 THIS MONTH YEAR TO DATE LAST YEAR LAST YEAR TO DATE 1 335.69 10301.05 Not available Not availabe . 352 . . . P~(S/CEMB'J0EI.Y. .Iy1on thly Division Repdrt JtJNE1998 . . . . .Ar.zCOM)?EISHME!\l7JS< BEAUTIFICATION tI' Completed planting the Atrium at City Hall tI' Planted flower beds at Vern Burton tI' Planted the flag bed at City Pier tI' Planted flower beds at Veteran's Park tI' Planted marigolds at SelVice Club sign tI' Repaired broken pipe on water truck WILLIAM SHORE MEMORIAL POOL MAINTENANCE tI' tI' tI' tI tI' tI' tI' tI' Pool cheek list, added chemicals Cleaned filter system, replaced lock cylinders and keys on lockers Cheeked sauna temperature Cheeked chlorinator for proper operation and ~ooster pump Che~ed dive stand bolts, lubed slider and cheeked GFI outlets Checked for leaks under pool in crawl space Baek washed filter system Cheeked circulation pumps, heat pumps, shower mixing valves, and cleaned intake screen Cheeked heat pump blowers Cheeked night lights Changed filters on HV AC system tI' tI' tI' VERN BURTON COMMUNITY CENTER tI' tI' tI' tI' General cleanup, swept floor, mopped spots, vacuumed carpets Put tables and chairs away, swept and vacuumed floors Clean windows and swept floors Cheeked emergency lighting, coffee machine, cheeked drains below sink and flushed with bleach Clean, patch, spray texture and paint walls as needed Clean walls in meeting room Cheek thermostat operation Removed blackberry vines around heat pump Repaired flush valve on urinal Varathaned doors .. tI' tI' tI' tI' tI' tI' 353 SENIOR SERVICES CENTER MAINTENANCE ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Checked heat pumps, HVAC units and temperatures Changed light bulbs as needed Refilled paper products in restrooms Checked heat pump blowers Walk through building, checked lights. drinking fountain and automatic doors Cleaned drains, greased exhaust fans, replaced light bulbs Adjust time clocks Patched walls and touched up paint Tightened door screws Checked heat pump blower belts, filters, drains and coils on heat system Checked heat pump blowers Cleaned out kitchen floor drains Greased exhaust fan circular bearing Repaired faucet in craft room . PARI(S MAINTENANCE ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ '" ~ ~ ~ t/ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Clean walkway between First and Front Streets Continue litter pickup and restroom cleahing as needed Monthly playground inspections and repairs Replaced irrigation control valve at City Hall Re-roof office at Cemetery Fertilized and dead headed planter bowls at City Hall & Vem Burton Re-installed two posts by Loomis gate Installed bollards in island at City Pier parking lot Removed shrubs and brush from island at City Pier Removed trees and brush from 3!ound pond at Lincoln Park Installed concrete post on trail at Linco~ Park Set up for concert at City Pier Repaired staging at City Pier Replaced irrigation valve at Lincoln Park Installed four posts to keep vehicle traffic out of pond area Installed shut off valve at field #4 Removed scotchbroom from fence at BMX Track Removed old planter boxes from Ra.ilfoad Avenue Moved two planter boxes from City Pier to Lincoln street Removed blackberry vines at 5th & Oak Park Placed pea gravel under play equipment at Erickson Play Field Fill in hole at Elks Play Field Shampooed carpet at City Hall Painted restrooms at Erickson Play Field Replaced old fencing at Erickson Play Field Repaired broken irrigation head at Vem Burton Installed and painted posts along drive way at Erickson Play Field Installed sod at Erickson Play Field Added sprinkler lines to irrigation system at Erickson Play Field Prepared Elks Play Field for Vietnam Veteran's wall . .. . .. 354 1--- -- I I I . . . VANDALISM t/ t/ t/ t/ t/ Repaired toilet at Elks Painted over graffiti in mens room at City Pier Removed graffiti off walls and picked up broken glass at Lions Park restroom Removed picnic table from pond at Lincoln Park Cleaned up wood shingles that were tom off cabin at Lincoln Park MISCELLANEOUS t/ Employees attended Bureaucracy Busting Steering Committee Meeting t/ Employees attended BBC sub committee News Letter meetings t/ Employees attended Safety meeting PLANS t/ Install new Waterfront Trail Memorial Plaques, benches & trees t/ Continue turf maintenance OTHERS t/ None 355 . . . 356 . . WATER DEMAND RAINFALL . : .:.::~.: I ::~:;:;.t; f;;;~:;; ':tt:t~;. l!tt~t!,! Ii:!:!:::::::::!:! It::)):,! [:::!ll:! 1::::::::::1:::1:1' ~ . e (/) z , 0", ::l z c( Q . C) ~ W ~ ~ 3 ~ ' f- I- I,i:li!!iii!i ..I ", :,:M;;:' [};:!:' ;i ffJ' " :':!,':!;,:':',;:,:', I::::i:::::i: ! ~ 3 ~ :';:;:;:; I ~ ~ l;i!i;i!iii':;1 : ~I ~'~'" ~ ~ ~ ::ii.'i::i.'i:::!:.::':O :f~:~l' ~ :;:;:;:;::: , ~ := 0 111"11" r- f- f-- :I:::::: o .... PH _ _ 1M' .... JlL _ ... OCT _ D<C :::,:.:::.' .... PH - - 1M' .... JlL - ... OCT - D<C!:!:!:!:r :::!:t::::f 01997.1998 ../::, 01997 .1998 ..10VearAverllge ,i:i),,;, TEMPERATURE c .. we. .--.... a: . 1-1- ::J _ c . I- ... ~ i c ~ g c- ::IE -. l!! .'- I- - - I-- I-- - - 1---1--1--- .. Iww ,.=~:::,~~~~~:~q ~ c .i!i!if ~ i :;:!j} ~ ~. r- - - - - :1:1:;::' g !:= : : = = = = :!!i!i!i!: W . f- .... PH _ _ 1M' .... ;: ;:- ... - oc: _- D<C - :iii!I.I!: ::::.::::::::.:.,.::...::,......::::...:: <:.::.::::.::,.:,~.::,.:..::,::::::::::.':',:,:,::,',::,:,::.,.,:::::::.:,....,.:.:::.:::: ....:.r!:ii: f- I- f- I- f- I- f- I- (II)' !::j:j:;;f;::: TOTAL LANDRLL D5POSAL I- I- f-- 1-" . ,.;...... "'" r---f--f--- )fL 1:::::::::jj:,j' i:i:i:iii:iiiiii "'" - c- - f- ;:!:i:i:!:i::':: 3lllllI - f- --=-- (/) Z ~ -'-1-- "'" - - I- - f- I- - I- - [i,:,:,:;:,:,:,:,:,;,:,i,',:,:!: .. .:'.:':. l!;:;:i~~~;:i:t ::;::::::::;:::: "'" f- I- - f-- f- I- - f-- .1M ,ee ..... N'R IMY JUN JlL _ RP OCT NO'I Dee C 1997 .1998 . 1111111. . . ... t:;:;:':;i:::::::::":.I~ili:.';;:i:~i'i~:ij::~j;:t;:i:!i:::::i;i;:::::::~r:::;:::;:::::::::~:;:::::::::~;:::::.:::::!;'::;:::::;:::;:;';:::;:::::;!!:::;:;:;!::::::::;('::::;!::;!:...... [{::t::HLAST YR TO DATElTONSI I 21 300' ...... .. . . ....,,:;: ~::::::!:i:!:::!:!:f~,.~ ~ ~~"~~E.~~~:::.~.,:::,,.::::.::.,:,.:.... I :~~:~:.;;:;:::::::;::::.;::t~!:!::f::;:;!.!::::::;!!!::!::!:;:!::::::!:::::;;;:!:::i:i:::::!:::::i::::!:;:::::;,;. .. 357 PUBLIC WORKS & UTILITY DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT JUNE 1998 !m=:ffmm:m:::r::::=::::r:fmmfmr::r=:::::r:::ffmr=:wp,'naar:ffffff:=:r=:::r'::ffffff=:f:::f:::=:r:::::rr::::rq . Replaced 2" water main on 6th between H & I . Service Repair, 2". for Parks at Locomotive site . Main breaks, 2": 2 . Main breaks, 12": 1 . Main breaks; 20": 1 Irmffff:r::::::::rmf::::W4$TEWAl$.RmOQUUEenONmr:::::f:r:fff:=:r:::fffff:r:l . Installed new jet hose on jet truck . Videoed lines in Sekiu at request of Clallam County . Dye tested sanitary and storm lines Irrrmf::f:::rmf:rr:::::wA$UWATg::ge4TMStl1r::::::fmr=:===:=fm:/f:::r:fmmff:1 . Worked with Rayonier on leachate testing and dumping to WWTP . Worked with DOE on Landfill LeaChate Discharge Permit . Worked on Landfill ground maintenance . Researched backup and upgrade for WWTP SCADA system . Researched SCADA for Landfill Leachate System . Worked with B&C on I & I study information . Worked with PA Brewing Co. on sampling for discharge permit . Repaired motor control for instrument air compressor . Worked on pretreatment issues in compliance with NPDES Permit . Worked with B&C on modeling of the collection system l:f:=:)):::ff:::::))=ffmm/::/EQUIIMS"J.U~talNle.S$)):f:)mfm)))=====\f':')=f:)):::::::::1 . Service Tickets processed: 137 . PM Services and inspections: 16 . Denver's PM services: 48 . Denver's Service Tickets processed: 8 . #1558, dump truck, transmission work . #1211, van, heads rebuilt Ir=//'::=/ff:=:::'/:::=f/ff//:)OG."r.iOSERA.nONStr::::::::::::::::r::r::r::::rr====:=:==)'::::=:::::rr:::/I . Point of service change at Morse Creek . APP Safety training . PCB transformer disposal (by PUD) . Overhead removal at Lincoln Park . Primary overhead change at PinelHighway 101 . Correct overhead trespasses . New primary for lathe at K-PIy . Re ir & maintenance at Valle Substation e t.. II> if .,. l . .;; 'f:i~AiiO~ Irrrrr:::::))mr=:=:=):r::=:=:rrr:///)$OWlUVAUE/////////::'=:rm:::rrrrrrr:fl . Quarterly ground water testing at the Landfill . Coordinated clean-up efforts with the Clallam County Chain Gang . Collections Supervisor viewed Landfill equipment in Eugene, Oregon . Recycle Coordinator began plans for Clallam Co. Fair display . Worked on Clallam County SW Comp. Plan . Attended Jefferson/Clallam County Regional SW Meeting !fmrrrrrr:r::::r:::::::::,:trrrr:r::rmr:::rrm$.TRestt:r:r:r:rr:r:=rr:::::::rmr::r::::::::::r::::::rrrl . Co-op sidewalk on Park St.. Peabody/Park Boundary . 911 Signage for Valley Street . Restoration of 4/5 Alley, west of Laurel. Installed berm . AC patch restoration for Water Division . Concrete for Fire Dept. lIag pole . Skin patch Peabody Street . Educted catch basins . Co-op sidewalk at 935 E. 7th . Mari-Star poured extended curb at City Hall . Repair driveway at 812 E. First Street . BomfordJweeds city-wide . Sweeping, city-wide . Removed old patch 8th St., east of Lincoln . Skin patch 8th St., east of Lincoln . Pot hole maintenance 1:=f::=:::::::r:rtrr:=:r:=r==f:::m::EN$.U'ilSEAlNG.::.::eSRMtt$rrtr::::rtmmrmmt::::::~ . Phase II Downtown Waterline/Sidewalk grant support . Airport Road Realignment, rlw acquisition support . Library Project, construction support . Landfill Cell 3 Expansion, advertised for bids . Downtown Watermain/Sidewalk project, construction final clean-up . FEMA storm repairs support - Pine St., 4th St., Lamonts, Cemetery . Traffic counts started . CS0I1&1 consultant support LID 215 Final Assessri1ent Proceedings . Ediz Hook Assessment Proceedings . Pavement Management software purchased . TIP/CFP support . 358 . . . ml:'~tE:':':'::::':'>:':':':':':<':':':':"::>~~':':::::':':':'*,:m'lil::"r:'~ .:: .~t~. .':lt~~f:~~~~~~;~~ili~;~=~~~~~~:~~;f:f::~~:::::::~::I~~9'~: w Ul <0 CATEGORY JAN. FEB. MAR APR MAY JUNE JULY AUG. SEPT. OCT. NOV. DEC. 1998YTD 1997YTD RESIDENTIAL-NEW MODULAR I MOBILE 2 4 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --. 10 2 .. --------. ----.----. --.. ----.--.... 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VALUE ............. .......... ...... ... ....... ..... ...... ................. -- ..... -................ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $877.992 $1.792.781 $3.073.057 $1.273.811 S2,114.584 Sl.165.409 SO $0 SO SO SO SO S10.297,634 Sll,026.948 ::::::::::~::::-::*~:::~::::::::::::~:~::;:::::::::*::::::::::::::::::::::::::: .::::::::~::::~::::::::::~::::::~:::: ::~:::::::::::::~:::::::::;.::::~~:: :::::::::::::::~::::~;-:::~:::::::::::::~:: ::::::::::::~~:::::::::::::~:~~:::::*::: :::::::::::::::::~:::~::~::::::::::::~::::: :::::::::::::~:~::::~r.::~::::::::::: :::::~:~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~:: . ...... ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::;:;:::::::::::;::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::;:::::::;:::::::;:::::::; ::::::::::::::::~::::::;:::::::::::::::::::;' :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ... 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'$2;275 ........... .... __. SO -- ..........$0 "..'.'.....$0 ...........50 ........... "So ............50 ...... .. 524.290 ...... $61 ;977 RA YONIER MILL DEMOLITION PROJECT DEMOLITION ASBESTOS SEPT. 1997 TONS CHARGES TONS CHARGES THIS MONTH 329.51 $13.180.40 43.93 $8,346.70 YEAR TO DATE 329.51 $13,180.40 43.93 $8,346.70 OCT. 1997 THIS MONTH 846.42 $33,856.80 29,75 $5,652.50 YEAR TO DATE 1175.93 $47,037.20 73.68 $13,999.20 NOV.1997 THIS MONTH 392.21 $15,688.40 35.62 $6,767.20 YEAR TO DATE 1568.14 $62,725.60 109,3 $20,766 .40 D...EC..199l THIS MONTH 706.46 $28,258.40 22.99 $4,368.10 YEAR TO DATE 2274.6 $90.984.00 132.29 $25.134.50 TOTAL CHARGES 1997 $116,118.50 DEMOLITION ASBESTOS ~ JAN 1998 TONS CHARGES TONS CHARGE THIS MONTH 869.8 $34,792.00 14.75 $2.802,50 YEAR TO DATE 869.8 $34,792.00 14.75 $2.802.50 FEB 1998 THIS MONTH 614.98 $24,599.20 0 $0.00 YEAR TO DATE 1484.78 $59,391.20 14,75 $2.802.50 MAR 1998 THIS MONTH 424.69 $16.987.60 32.48 $6.171.20 YEAR TO DATE 1909.47 $76.378.80 47.23 $8.973.70 APR 1998 THIS MONTH 5.45 $218.00 0 $0.00 YEAR TO DATE 1914.92 $76.596.80 47.23 $8.973.70 MAY 1998 THIS MONTH 828.16 $33.126.40 49,28 $9,363.20 YEAR TO DATE 2743.08 $109.723.20 96.51 $18.336.90 JUN 1998 THIS MONTH 459.9 $18.396,00 16.98 $3.226.20 YEAR TO DATE 3202,98 $128.119,20 113.49 $21.563.10 JUL 1998 . THIS MONTH YEAR TO DATE AUG 1998 THIS MONTH YEAR TO DATE SEP 1998 THIS MONTH YEAR TO DATE OCT 1998 THIS MONTH YEAR TO DATE NOV 1998 THIS MONTH YEAR TO DATE DEe 1998 THIS MONTH YEAR TO DATE TOTAL PROJECT TO DATE: 5477.58 $219.103.20 245,78 $46.697,60. 360 . . . V. VI. Parks, Recreation & Beautification Commission Meeting & Park Tour I / May 21,1998 Minutes I. Call to Order The May 21, 1998 meeting of the Parks, Recreation & Beautification Commission was called to order at 7 :00 pm by chairman, Nancy Martin in the Lincoln Park Clubhouse. II. Roll Call Members Present: Leslie Perrizo, Nancy Martin, Bill Minor, Matt Kirsch, Diana Tschimperle Members Absent: Pat McDonagh and Dave Morris Staff Present: Scott Brodhun & John Hicks III. Approval of Minutes & Audio Tape Disposition - April 16. 1998 L. Perrizo moved to approve the minutes as written and dispose of the tapes in the usual manner. B. Minor seconded the motion which carried. IV. Items from Audience not on Agenda: None Finance Parks Department voucher lists were reviewed and discussed. B. Minor moved to accept the voucher listings, D. Tschimperle seconded the motion which carried. Legislation A. Utilization of Downtown Fountain Wall for Mural: Historically, the parks department has been involved in maintaining the area behind the fountain, including the wall, therefore the addition of a mural is an opportunity to clean up an area that is difficult to maintain. The landscape consultant helping with this project also has a seat on the Rotary Club selection committee so he can tie the landscape to the mural. Themes for the mural are being discussed. The committee will present competing artists with a set of criteria from which they will render a 361 'j Park Board May 21, 1998 drawing. The Rotary Club will then select their choice from the participating artist's work. Following presentations to downtown groups, a contract will be negotiated, and the work will begin. Because this issue will involve a contract which the mayor will have to approve, staff will need to go to Council with Park Board's approval. Also, since this mural location has drawn some attention and opinions, a recommendation from Park Board would help the Rotary Club and Council position. Discussion ensued. D. Tschimperle recommended approval of the mural. M. Kirsch seconded the motion which carried. B. Schedule of Fees - Consultant Service on Pool Proiect The 1998 budget allocated $25,000 for consultant services for the pool project. The initial proposal by ARC Architects was in excess of $40,000. Following negotiations the fee was reduced to the budget amoung. Council gave staff authority to negotiate this contract, but due to this unusual circumstance, staff would like the benefit of Park Board support and feedback. Staff and Park Board reviewed and discussed the current proposal. L. Perizzo recommended Park Board support the fee schedule, dated May 15, 1998, to be utilized in the consultant contract. B. Minor seconded the motion which carried. C. Summer Adjournment In the past, park boards have approved adjourning from meeting for the summer (June, July & August). During these times staff has kept the board up to speed on issues via monthly mailings. Additionally, staff has called meetings as needed. If the board concurs, the next regular meeting will be scheduled for September 17,1998, and special meetings called when and if necessary. J M. Kirsch moved park board adjourn for the summer, receiving up dates qS necessary. B. Minor seconded the motion which carried. 2 . . . 362 . . . Park Board May 21,1998 VII. Staff Informational Reports & Updates A.. Draft Proiect Overview - Morse Creek Trestle: The written overview of the joint City and Department of Fish & Wildlife Trail Project was discussed. B. Response to Voucher Questions Response was made regarding two line items from April's meeting. VIII. Park Board Late Items: None IX. Adiournment: Park Board adjourned to complete the park tour. Next meeting will be held September 17, 1998 3 363 - - 364- . UTILITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE Port Angeles, Washington July 6, 1998 I. Call to Order: Chairman Doyle called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m. Draft II. Roll Call: Members Present: Councilmen Campbell, Doyle, and Williams, Joe Michalczik, and Bill Myers. Members Absent: None. Staff Present: C. Knutson, J. Pittis, K. Godbey, B. Titus, C. Hagar, K. Ridout, S. Kenyon, and J. Harper. Ill. Approval of Minutes: . Councilman Campbell moved to approve the minutes of the June 15, 1998, meeting. Bill Myers seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. - Bob Titus, Deputy Director of Utility Services, introduced Jim Harper, the new Electrical Engineer. Introductions were made around the table. IV. Discussion Items: A. Senior Discount Income Level Adjustments Scott Kenyon, Customer Service Representative, reviewed the information provided in the packet and responded to questions posed by the Committee. Councilman Doyle inquired if this program was well publicized. Mr. Kenyon stated that the Senior Center was aware of the program, the City is in a statewide directory used by social service groups, and it will be noted on the City's website starting this month. Councilman Campbell felt this fell into the category of a public purpose item for City Light. Mr. Kenyon informed the Committee that this discount applied to all utilities, not just electrical. Deputy Director Titus stated that this is a low income subsidy and none of the proposed Bills acknowledge it as a public purpose. Councilmen Campbell and Doyle felt this should be added to the City's contribution for human service allocations. Attorney Knutson suggested this be noted in the budget as part of the human services allocation, and Finance Director Godbey agreed. . Following further limited discussing, Bill Myers moved to recommend that City Council pass - 1 - 365 Utility Advisory Committee July 6, 1998 . the Ordinance changing the guidelines for calculating the Senior Discount. Joe Michalczik seconded the motion, which passed unanimously. B. Solid Waste Agreement with Jefferson County Interim Manager Pittis praised Scott McLain's efforts in negotiating with Jefferson County. He reviewed the history of this issue and summarized the information contained in the packet. Interim Manager Pittis stated that currently Jefferson County is only seeking an agreement for a seven-month period. If the City wishes to continue receiving the waste after that time, it must either bid on it, or negotiate with other haulers. He recommended accepting the tipping fee proposal for $30 per ton for a seven-month period. Lengthy discussion ensued, and Interim Manager Pittis and Scott McLain, Power Manager, responded to questions and provided additional clarification. Interim Manager Pittis informed the Committee that the City could make an additional $240,000 in revenue during the seven months of this agreement, which could be used to alleviate the $1 million shortfall for landfill closure. He further explained that the tipping fee for Jefferson County is market-based, rather than on cost-of-service. Mr. Michalczik asked for staff s opinion on the likelihood of continuing landfill operations past the year 2000, and Attorney Knutson summarized staffs last meeting with the Federal Aviation . Administration (FAA). Attorney Knutson stated staff had met with representatives from the FAA as well as the staff from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) who are performing the bird study and monitoring and implementation of bird hazing measures for the City. The FAA stated that it would allow the City until the year 2000 to operate the landfill. The USDA indicated that the study was not conclusive enough for operation beyond 2000. The FAA did say it would keep an open mind beyond the year 2000; however, this will be based on the City's success in containing bird movement. Joe Michalczik asked that staff discuss this tonnage fee with local haulers to ensure they will not be upset. Finance Director Godbey explained that local haulers have an obligation to pay landfill closure and post-closure costs, which Jefferson County does not. The tipping fee for Jefferson County is based solely on the market; therefore, a much lower tipping fee for them is not unfair to City and County residents. Interim Manager Pittis stated that when Jefferson County goes out for bids, Port Angeles will be able to use that information to discover if its landfill fees are competitive. Further discussion and clarification followed, and Councilman Doyle suggested this item be forwarded to the City Council for a work session at its next regularly scheduled meeting. Following further discussion, Joe Michalczik moved to forward this issue to the City Council for further review. Bill Myers seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. Joe Michalczik again requested that staff contact local haulers for their feeling on this issue, to which Interim Manager Pittis agreed. . - 2 - 3-66 . . . Utility Advisory Committee July 6, 1998 v. Information Only Items None. VI. Late Items Deputy Director Titus reminded the Committee that Gary Saleba and Charlie Earl of EES were to attend the July meeting to present the findings of the Strategic Plan. The original meeting date was changed, and they were unable to attend today's meeting. At a recent meeting, the PUD indicated its consultant would have a final report this week, and the PUD is pressing to create a joint operating agency. The City's consultant is advising that the City continue to operate as is. Mr. Titus discussed the situation with Councilman Campbell, who also attended the meeting, and it was suggested a special meeting be held. Mr. Saleba was contacted and he indicated he was available for a meeting on either July 27 or 28th. Following brief discussion, it was decided to have a special UAC meeting on Monday, July 27, 1998, at 3:00 p.m. The Committee then viewed a video on the downtown sidewalk and watermain improvement (Downtown Forward) project. VI. Next Meeting: The next Utility Advisory Committee meeting will be held July 27, 1998, at 3:00 p.m. in the Public Works Conference Room. VIII. Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 4:45 p.m. Chairman Deputy City Clerk - 3 - 36,:' . . . 368 . City Attorney's Office Memorandum Craig D. Knutson City Attorney Dennis C. Dickson .r. Assistant City Attorney Candace Kreider Legal Assistant Chrystina Bruneau Administrative Assistant Jeanie DeFrang Administrative Assistant . July 17, 1998 TO: Craig Knutson, Dennis Dickson FROM: Candace I. Kreider RE: District Court Caseload - Cumulative Status Report for 2nd Quarter 1998 We opened 1816 cases in 18 months. Of the 604 new cases in 1998: The public defender's office was appointed on 124 cases Regular Attorneys were appointed on 7 cases We have disposed of 426 of those cases leaving 134 of them open plus 18 open from last year for a total of 152 open files as of 7/7/98. We have put 163 people on probation in 1998 and had 54 new warrants were issued. We have settled 3 1 cases by entering into a Stipulated Order of Continuance. Nine people have been placed on EHM and 86 people have been assigned to CSW in 1998. We have disposed of 592 files in 1998 (obviously some were from last year). There are currently 18 cases pending without charges filed - referred to Dennis for charging decision and no decision has been made. The violation types break down as follows (violation date 1/1/98-12/31/98): Assaults = 98 (72 were specifically domestic violence - 23 are open/active) Disorderly Conduct 13 Driving Under the Influence = 41 Driving Under the Influence/Minors = 6 DWLS = 166 Furnishing Liquor to Minors = 18 Malicious Mischief III = 22 MIP = 59 Negligent Driving 9 NVOL = 35 Possession of marijuana or paraphernalia = 41 Possession of Stolen Property (PSP) = 8 Reckless Driving = 10 Resisting Arrest = 17 THEFT III (usually Shoplifting) = 56 Trespassing = 14 Violation of No Contact Order (NCO) = 9 369 C:\DISTRICT\MEMOS\2NDQTR.98 . . . "1' ~ ,-, ~: , . TO: The City of Port Angeles FROM: The Museum of the Clallam County Historical Society RE: Report of Operations, April 1 through June 30, 1998 DATE: July 1, 1998 HOURS OF OPERATION: Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. VISITORS: 1,686 (60 people volunteered the information that they were staying in hotels/motels locally) VOLUNTEER HOURS: 2,493 ~EW MEMBERS: 4 RESEARCHERS ASSISTED: . Research Library - 20 Genealogy Library - 379 signed register; 12 mail and e-mail queries answered ARTIFACTS DOCUMENTED INTO COLLECTION: Because of our impending move, no new artifacts are being accepted into the collection TOURSIEDUCA TIONAL OUTREACH: 3 tours at Museum 3 outreach programs PROGRAMS AND ACTIVITIES: 1. Hosted 50th Anniversary Celebration for Historical Society 2. Seven (7) exhibits moved into the Federal Building in downtown Port Angeles; a sign has been put up identifying the Federal Building as the temporary home of the Clallam County Museum 3. Participated in TGIF celebration in downtown Pori Angeles. 4. Staff time is spent packing artifacts for our move trom the courthouse in October 1998. . 371 L\cJ1J.uR- 16W'1lu.~~ m<u \() ncCLL d, ~ N(j- '] {qq ~ -.J ~\.~ F~ - Uu-JLu6 A-cc\- . ___'_'__ _________.__._...._.____ ____.. 0-_-_" .._-. -- -------- .. . ,.. ~,.. . .. - ...- 3/000 YCl S~, iD.7 () 60.. l.JCl~ (\41~q) E\4J.U~";) " \ W cr~ . D~\. ~v.:ppl ~ o..D\1m.b1, LC ~u..c..u \ ~UA A <\..VtA\\. '::,U'L~ tA~u- R-~h(j)\. ~tw~\.t..~ __ __.__ Jnu\\Lll ~ DVi\.Nl. ....... ,,~ai.~L: \ Ycl.II~: 3;L~ 17.: lD 1 9~ . I ~ Jd... I () .:lOC " d.~oO. I a t 3d.... I 51D.Jt/c ,. 1,~. I Y\!...GI'll " ~" I LJ 02.0 GO I Oq 4- (jAj ~_9 (.;. . . ~LX\.i.r\..U.\1\ ~CU\.LL t-'t\.~') ~W\.U-. 3>7CJ ~ Q3, I 5 t, ') 3.}.. 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Memorandutn To: Local Governmental Partners cc: Board of Directors; Council Membership From: Bart Phillips, Executive Director Date: 07/14/98 Re: Second Quarter 1998 Report The following is a synopsis of activities and results for the quarter ending June 30, 1998. . Recruitment and Marketing Recruitment The Council worked with four clients during the quarter and continues the relationship with three of them. The fourth, a Call Center, informed the Council that the company had eliminated Washington State as a possibility due to the financial impact of the B & 0 tax on their retail operation. This issue was forwarded to state officials. Of the three remaining, the Council has prepared proposals and provided follow up information regarding labor availability, available skills and workforce training capacity. Total potential employment approaches 180 jobs. In addition, the Council is managing 31 other recruitment leads developed from previous trade shows, state referrals and other sources. Preplanning is underway for participation in three trade shows slated for late summer/fall: International Woodworking Fair in Atlanta, Georgia (August); International Plastics Exposition in Chicago, Illinois (October) and International Incoming Call Center Management in Denver (September). The first two shows are in partnership with a consortium of four other EDC's. The Call Center show is a sole initiative of the Council. Plan and reservations are in place for three shows in 1999. Multi-tenant Manufacturing Facility Marketing for the Port of Port Angeles' new multi-tenant manufacturing facility at Fairchild Industrial Park has been underway since May. Display and classified advertising has appeared in the Puget Sound Business Journal and local publications. The phased program will include contacts with the local real estate community for outside leads, direct mail, and direct calls on past relocated businesses to develop referrals. Each of the three current leads has expressed marked interest in the building. The Port has let the bid for the building and it is expected to be finished in the fall of 1998. . 375 Crown Pacific and Pacific Bay Construction is on schedule for the fall opening of the new Crown Pacific Mill. The . Company has initiated hiring of the 45+ positions. Permitting assistance was provided in the second quarter for the facilities air quality permit and grading permit. Construction has begun on the building in Carlsborg Industrial Park for Pacific Bay, Inc. Assistance was provided with closing on the property master business licensing. The Company's projected employment is 30. Pacific Bay is pleased with the community and regulatory reception to their investment. They have discussed potential expansion to include manufacturing in the near future. Economic Development Planning The Council hosted a meeting in April of all of the elected officials in the County. The purpose of the meeting was to examine and discuss the economic development plans of the Council, the cities of Port Angeles, Forks and Sequim, the County, the Port of Port Angeles and the PUD. The meeting was an unqualified success if for no other reason than it served as a forum for the officials to meet and discuss issues of mutual concern. The result of the meeting was that the Council prepared a comparison of economic development objectives of these jurisdictions for analysis by the group. Additionally, staffwas to prepare a summary of land-use designations for industrial development. A meeting was to be scheduled for July. Community Development CIa/lam Bay/Sekiu Community Center The Council has been supporting the community of Clallam Bay/Sekiu in their revitalization efforts. A key project identified by the community was the renovation of the Sekiu . Community Center, a Washington State historic landmark situated in Sekiu. The community wants to renovate the building for the community to use, as well as marketing it as a conference center for tourism related activities. The Council assisted the community in preparation and attendance at the Governor's Timber and Salmon Symposium in Ellensburg in June. A limited number of communities are invited to bring their projects to the Symposium for several days of intensive technical assistance and development. Kathy Shingleton, Gene Laes, Chris Mohr, and Patrick Marrin were the community members on the team. This process was the same one used by the Port of Port Angeles. the City of Port Angeles and the Council to develop funding for the Valley Creek Estuary project. The community now has a strategy including renovation of the building, expansion of community and senior programs and plans for conference and meeting center programs to expand the tourism base of the community. The Council will continue to support this project as it is refined and implemented by the community. Sequim Streetscape The Council met with representatives of the Sequim Streetscape Committee and Dick Larman, Scoping Agent from the Washington Community Economic Revitalization Team for the Sequim Streetscape project. Dick will be providing technical assistance in the form of expertise on transportation, downtown revitalization, safety issues, access to materials and information on funding sources. The Council will continue to support this project. CIa/lam County Golf Extravaganza The Council held its Fourth Annual Golf Extravaganza in June. Seventy-six golfers participated in a perfect day of sunny skies and fast paced best ball scramble. For the . second year in a row, the team led by Council President-elect Randy Johnson from Green 37.6 . Crow won "Low Gross" and tournament Hole-In-One sponsor Dan Wilder, Jr.'s team won "Low Net". Many local businesses as well as some corporate partners from off the Peninsula sponsored the event. A special note of thanks is given to Council member Ken Hays of Hays Architects who contributed year-long participation and support. The Tournament netted $1,785. Sponsors and players are already asking to participate in 1999. Business Assistance SCORE The Council introduces James Budd, new SCORE Counselor joining the EDC in June. Jim's background is in banking and he had worked with the SBA and SCORE as a corporate banker for many years. He completed the courses held by SCORE in Seattle and is assisting in the Seattle office once a month along with volunteering his time in Port Angeles. Veteran counselor, Chuck Lamb, visited with twenty-nine entrepreneurs during the quarter, some more than once. The Council is actively marketing the business counseling services available. The early phone contacts indicate an active interest in these services. SSDC Kathleen Purdy, Business Development Specialist, counseled businesses during the quarter resulting in two new business start-ups with 3.5 jobs, creation of one additional job through business expansion and an investment of$212,500. Her counseling also resulted in seven saved jobs. She conducted a workshop on "Starting a Business" which was attended by twelve participants. She is currently working with clients on good projects with a potential of $2,000,000 investment in Clallam County. . Bank Meeting The Council will host commercial loan officers from banks around the County at a luncheon on July 29 to present our business assistance programs for increased referrals. In addition, we will have representatives from U S Department of Agriculture Rural Development Assistance, Cascadia Revolving Fund, and Washington State Department of Community Trade and Economic Development. These specialists will present information on loan funds, gap financing and other non-traditional funding opportunities for the bankers' use. . 377 . . . 378 . Clallam.nty EDC . 07/06/98 P&L Budg omparison January through June 1998 Jan. Jun '98 Budget $ Over Budget % of Budget Income 4000 Contracts 69,596.12 160,250.00 -90,653.88 43.4% 5000 Earned Income 17,424.77 17,900.00 -475.23 97.3% 5050 Program Revenue 211.08 5070 Other Income 4,766.41 Total Income 91,998.38 178,150.00 -86,151.62 51.6% Gross Profit 91,998.38 178,150.00 -86,151.62 51.6% Expense 6000 Personnel 71,112.33 149,808.00 -78,695.67 47.5% 6050 CommunIcations 6,587.11 16,850.00 -10,262.89 39.1% 7000 Office Operation 7,077.32 18,100.00 -11,022.68 39.1% 7050 TravlTraln/Subscrp 9,130.13 20,000.00 -10,869.87 45.7% 8000 Program Expense 16,865.08 32,000.00 -15,134.92 52.7% 9100 In-kind Donations 533.00 Total Expense 111,304.97 236,758.00 -125,453.03 47.0% - ------ --_... -.--.. -.--.---- -._-""---- Net Income -19,306.69 -58,608.00 39,301.41 32.9% c.u -<I (0 Page 1 07/06/98 Clallam County EDC Balance Sheet As of June 30,1998 ASSETS Current Assets Checking/Savings 1000 Petty Cash 1010 EDC Savings 1020 EDC Checking 1040 CD FFS&L 349 1042 CD FFS&L 108 1043 MRA FFS&L 609 Total Checking/Savings Accounts Receivable 1215 A1R City of Port Angeles 1216 A1R PUD 1217 A1R Port of Port 1225 A1R Forks 1228 A1R Wash State University NxLeveL Total 1228 AiR Wash State University 1230 USFS 1250 A1R PDA Planning 1260 Data Books 1270 Memberships 1275 Trade Shows 1280 Miscellaneous 1290 AiR Due (to) from FTC Total Accounts Receivable Other Current Assets Prepaid Assets Total Other Current Assets Total Current Assets Fixed Assets 1350 Equipment 1351 Accumulated Depree. Total Fixed Assets TOTAL ASSETS LIABILITIES & EQUITY liabilities Current Liabilities Accounts Payable 2000 Accounts Payable Total Accounts Payable Credit Cards U S Bank Total Credit Cards Other Current Liabilities Deferred Revenue Payroll liabilities Sales Tax Payable Total Other Current liabilities Total Current liabilities Total liabilities Equity 3900 Net Assets Opening Bal Equity Retained Earnings Net Income Total Equity TOTAL lIABILITIES & EQUITY Jun 3D, '98 . 436.32 67.924.40 1,114.19 19,385.94 17,408.75 13,584.74 119.854.34 12,500.00 3.500.00 2.872.00 1,125.00 38.00 38.00 7,073.21 2,041.67 32.38 1.105.00 1.755.20 582.50 40.211.08 72,836.04 4,095.89 4,095.89 196,786.27 . 37.264.44 -28,628.86 8.635.58 205,421.85 1,574.42 1,574.42 1.022.41 1.022.41 636.50 4.544.95 7.14 5,188.59 7,785.42 7.785.42 209,148.99 0.42 7,793.61 -19.306.59 197.636.43 . 380 205,421.85 CITY OF PORT ANGELES PARKS & RECREATION 321 Easl Fifth Street, PO Box 1150 Port Angeles. Washington 98362-1150 Phone 0(0) 417 -4555 Fax <3(0) 417 -4559 TTY Phone 0(0) 417 -4645 July 2, 1998 Becky Upton City of Port Angeles P.O. Box 1150 Port Angeles, W A 98362 Becky, We, at the Port Angeles Parks & Recreation Department, have been very busy during the second quarter of 1998 with recreational activities that have brought additional tourists to Port Angeles. In keeping with our goal to impact tourism through the promotion and hosting of recreational events, we respectfully submit our Second Quarter Report. . . In the month of April, we promoted, coordinated and hosted two basketball tournaments and one volleyball tournament. The April Fool's Extravaganza attracted a total of sixteen youth girl's teams from out-of-town. The Peninsula College Native American Nations tournament drew six men's and women's teams from out-of-town and the Spring Classic Volleyball Tournament brought two teams from out-of-town. During the month of May, we worked with several community groups in publicizing, coordinating facilities and hosting one youth and two adult softball tournaments attracting twenty-five out-of-town teams. Also, during May, we worked with the Olympic Junior Babe Ruth League to successfully bring ten out-of-town teams to Port Angeles for three days to participate in an invitational baseball tournament. For the first time in Port Angeles, we helped promote, coordinate facilities and host a Regional Tae Kwan Do competition. This event brought over eighty participants to Port Angeles. In June we promoted, coordinated and hosted two adult softball tournament~in which eleven out-of-town teams participated and one high school basketball tournament which attracted eleven out-of-town teams. . In summal]', the eleven events that were hosted in Port Angeles during the Second Quarter, accounted fOl' eighty-one basketball, baseball, softball and volleyball teams and 80 solo participants spcnding one, two, or three nights in local hotcls, motels, beds & breakfasts, RV Parl{s, or camping. Using the 1995 "Tourism Mal'ket Analysis Nor'th Olympic Peninsula" figures, this projects to approximately 1,900 people spending $160,000.00 in our community. (\ Sincerely, i ~ Scott J. Bl'Odhun, Director Park!; & R('cl'('ation 381. 38:~ . . .