HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet 07/31/2012 7/31/2012
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contribution from General Fund for various capital projects.
.4 Capital funding was "carried over" from prior year.
•4.. Sales tax revenue shortfall may worsen
1 State Revenue Sharing liquor tax reduction (but did receive share of sale of i
Liquor tax was initially reduced by almost $51K.
,It Revenue is corning in slightly ahead projedtion.for i
In June City. receivecl'$53K above lst Qtr receipts
4 due to,7Sale'of liquor aSsets. Liquor profit sharing is,,, t-
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$4,109 7,16 r Budge r
.$2,238a828;�`' ,Collected as= ofJune- "w
'O n`- target for full collection "by;y en T
Cumulative 4 ue,mof losttt revenue from not ta 1 increas
in 201 8 2 012 a rogimatel $127 sin ce 201 1,
a, -`'ce a
r i` i a a .tri gY 41,, 1Y ",,:f,-'..-:, k ;I v ,a*,
Sales o Ju ne 3 0 th
Sales Tax through J 3 0th.
a 2012 $1,285,147 44 6 budget collected
300,000 201 Budget $1,351,478 469% should'be collected
a 201 $1,417,900 494 %ofbudgetcollected
250,000 3'(p --=.,y ,-w-.�
x n s s
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2, 00 000 tt
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JAN j 8 MAR�s` APR MAY a 11
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2012+ Balanc N g REEr2 6// ]2 eli. Baiance
`'`-'41 1,- Ac Bud t :Remy niin 'YTr x.. c v� a^"
k g ,Actua Budget_ Remaining eMD
Revenue 39,012 112,191 73,179 Revenue 39,040 112,556 73,516 3469% k
'Expenditures 51,537 185,795 134,25 Expenditures 87,665 232,665 125,000 41.22% r n
Net (12,525) (73,604) 'Net (48,625) (100,109)
,Begin Fund Bal 103,862 Begin Fund Bal 102,468
Budgeted Use 73,604 Budgeted Use 100,109 w.
,Est End Fund Bal 30,258 Est End Fund Bal 2,359
y' REET-1 r fir wca .R Y r,n :"t
0 a Mann DrReconstruction r 37,700 20 fin pm
8a St. Peabody Culvert S 4,600 2012 final part-, A' r
Laurel St. Sidewalk 18.500 2024 final pmt:
h v 60,800 r „E `wccJr ,ir..
Lauridsen $125,000 per yr.'12 14;
REET a 4 ::',n is r V i
8th St. Reconstruction S 87 7 z 2 fi pmt V
TOTAL OBLIG TION a a $212,700,-. €s A p� Y 12 4 y ,q p y
to rs�
u D ili T
350,000 Cil:
'l 320.000 `��t a ta
310000 ,2
29 o00,'' o s d� -1T42:511,11:::::,
l -280,0 0 r 4
�r 270,0`10 em u` A R,. '4'`` M? Ill
.r JAN .r ,E- F r' MAR` APR MA -S i r e 5 ryi1
U :20 2 Budget 201 Actual e aa�1m€' t,� xc +r4 c
n Sty f fir,. •(a t t* k 9 J� a r
e F r 7k
V U.i .L �/L'.�'� �v Y 2 3"` k 3 .�.J'« a c
a{a `:Aif, .'''',1' try ,-.i5" ;srr 3 :k t a` i: t e„0�.' ,a
4i s 1 ZOIZ 2012
2007;.. 2008 2009
2070 2011 ludict .r ft/30:
E Allocation of Property Tax 472,796 477,524 482,299 482,299 482,299 482,299 301,27•
Gen Fund /Operating Transfer -In) 360,000 391,000 198,800 180,000 166,000 290,000 145,...
4 4 x4
MVFT (Dedicated Source) 459,652 435,257 417,035 417,167 400,531 403,452 184,19: ,,w:,, 7,
Other Revenues 406,212 225,106 304,521 643,750 638,592 604,446 418,30
1,698,660 1,528,887 1,402,655 1,723,216 1,687,422 1,780,197 1,053,77
GFSupport% 49 568% 486% 384% 384% 434% 428 -.4 a ,.1
i Genera F und Support Includes Property Tax plus the General Fund Operat Tronsjer -In y'
a .E 4 "5= ..."e. t
��_r ..e 2 rx r y "L r R'.y S" 5
i1 Funding Street operat t co to b a concern Any 1
shortfalls<in Street can potentially impact” the General 1
i- `I Fund. y tr>
r c
q T ,b y x -.u v R u Y M
20 �1 2' Bud ge t. Ga
3 '��:4 L 4 4 REVISED t
a 3( eu0GEr 2012 .y, 2t x
REVENUE General Fund
4 2012 Beginning Budget— REVENUE $16,299,325
Y Revenue Atljuatm<nte Itlemif,ed
.s New Revenues 190,900
`''*fir, Budgeted Revenues Retlucetl 1560 750)
Net Revenue Adjustment 13F9.850)
2012 Revisetl Revenue Eznmate $17,929,475
2012 Beginning Budget Expenditures $19,500,325_
Expenditure Adjustments Identified Y° rb'
New Expenditures 226,000 i -',T.','...,
,r,+m Budgeted Expenditures Reduced 1335 17S) Vi
y" .e'-xh Net Expenditure Adjustment 110 •I 79 7
s e 2012 Revised Revenue Estimate $19,391,150 .,fe-
FUNDING from "CARRY- FORWARD" for CAP PROJ (from Fund Balance /Reserves( $1,201,000 i 3 r t�' t i
n 13260 67 5) '6
$3,071,514 l
J FVnd Balance as f G mj F d E oe d to J 15 84% y R rN
A h. ::,7„''' 7:: 6.= y, "P• r ms.«� t y t
ai'� a5a.. {+'n.:: `"f a 1a`9 :v k >a'�'° e j. €:'E t Y 1
a:; 41$ Z u ''i pia
,2` 1$2 Bud y et Ga l f s 4
REVENUE Actions take to
Identified Revenue Adjustments:
Revenue Losses: <$560,7$0 t' i':1 4r" 4:
jig, 3, Sales Tax $120,000 `'z e
i Utility Tax Reversals $170,000> (one -time loss)
Building Permits $105,000„, t u 1
New Revenues: $1 90,9 00 a
a Share'�,of Liquor Store Sales $36,000 (one -tine gain)
4 iF �4
'-"S Closure of Telephone Tax Litigation $55,000 (one -time gain)' `-i
Investment Interest -$20,000 F r
mot ftMT� .g+1, rcj
k .1 3
20 12 Budget Gap (2)
EXPENDITURE Actions t to Date:
Identified Expenditure Adjustments
New Expenditures: $226,000
Refund of Cemetery Lots $29,000 p
'Additional Criminal Justice costs 7$197,000 t
4F 4 J a
ti Expenditure Reductions: 7,.„<$ 3 3,175..>
Salaries Wages Police $175,000> (one -time savings)
OfficeSu`pplies/Traihing /Prof, Services Reduced-
$160,175> Y s,': "4
Further Adjustments: a
P 'Current Position Vacancy ncy Savings to be determ E 7
e 5`40 1-:- F x F
up. r, b
vow J a F ,::!...'3: e a >-w'x! fir'!
{3�'. a
a20 12�wBua et Ga -3 r
e Ne x t ry S t e ps :i
De 08 1 s w
,fir Review /revise exi adj u
One -ti s vs. on -go items fo ng s avings i
:,-,,Identify ;capital,pr�oject savings t o General.Fund
=4' Project elimination vs. delay puntil,future year vs. altemative
F 1, 4 source o funding 1
ki 1 identify potential program reductions eliminations that
,could roll -over into savings for 2013 as well
Consider ^assignment of "mandatory" redu t
Follow -up report to Council on new progress, to date;,:. w,,:
2013 Budget Developmena
U ��ll1U.iYtA1 W xriiWllvH �eHC,tv114FY¢W cl .idtix ifHii IeLf xii ari WNtftHtN 1 Itll�.tUlxvtFltiH4HitttlUWU.
City of Port Angeles
July 31, 2012
2013 Budget Development
General Fund Revenue
Existing revenue base flat or declining
Difficult to increase tax rates
Need to develop new long -term, sustainable revenue
General Fund Expenditures
Cost pressures from multiple areas wages, health
insurance, supplies services
Rapidly growing Criminal Justice costs
Declining Fund Balance "Reserves"
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General Fund Revenues
Property Tax:
Growth limited to 1%
Estimated value 1% increase S37,000
Sales Tax:
2013 collection unlikely to exceed 2012 actual $2,779,000 (similar to
Economic forecast remains stagnant through 2014
Utility Tax:
Council can increase utility tax rates except for electric (capped 6
Current tax rates:
Water 10% (increase from 8% in 2009)
Wastewater 10% (increase from 8% in 2009)
Solid Waste- Collections 10% (increase from 8% in 2008)
Solid Waste- Transfer 8%
Stormwater 8%
,.u..,.;�. W, .,.,..,.0 ,.;........,u -770— b... a ssinnunus swiui u'IlaattEL
a +namm,at�tutssat�»��xra�u,�.e�a
General Fund Expenditures
Salaries Wages 9,586,767 49.16% 2012 Budget)
No COLA for 2011, 2012
Anticipate 2.0% for 2013 Gen. Fund S192,000
Employee Benefits ($3,690,383 18.92% 2012 Budget)
Health insurance (medical, dental, vision) anticipate 10% increase
State Retirement (PERS) employer cost increase 2.11% (07/31/13)
Supplies Services: ($3,371,101 17.29% 2012 Budget)
Offices supplies, fuel, sand, gravel daily items used in "doing your job"
Area that traditionally "absorbs" majority of the reductions /cuts
Debt Service: ($45,100 0.23% 2012 Budget)
Other (Cap. Outlay, Jail, Transfers): ($2,806,974 1 4.4 0 2012
2013 Budget Approach
Develop "Focus Areas" tied to Council Strategic
a Facilitates identification of tasks that advance
Strategic Goals
a Begins to establish the framework for a Long -Range
Strategic Financial Plan
Builds on the work done by Council and staff in the
previous years
2013 Focus Areas
Preserving Protecting Our Assets
Strengthening Community Safety Welfare
Planning Building for the Future
Preserving a: Protecting Our Assets
Core:Components Strategic Goals Addressed,'
Physical Infrastructure Strive to provide a diversity of attractive
Road street facthh as stems capable of neighborhoods and commercial districts that
meeting current and needs foster affordable living, walkable
Safe attracit\ e parks playgrounds and environments, and a strong sense of place.
athletic fields
Financial Infrastructure Provide for consistent and quality municipal
Adequate financial t esers es services that maximize return on investments.
Grogs our tax base leverage outside sources are equitable for
local taxpayers and increase the opportunity
Sensible and prudent setting of fees
charges for economic development,
Employee Infrastructure Strive for government that is predictable,
Tiamtng Des clopment support to accountable and honest, actively seeks citizen
alloy employees to be successful involvement, incorporates a clear and
Pair Equitable Compensation achievable goal and is committed to success
Attractive ss of k environment to recruit
and retain quality employees
y.4 sueuCuiunraanna:t a;flaw�t" n p;:
Strengthening Community Safety Et
Core Components Strate Goals Addressed
Public Safety Emergency Services Our community enjoys a superior quality of
C'ommunits ream es sapid, appi opriate life composed of abundant recreational
response resources, a unique natural setting thriving
H orks collahoi aim el. with other agencies cultural opportunities. and a balanced
Piovides public education training economic base
Criminal Justice
Assist crimenctims provide advocacy and Strive for government that is predictable,
referrals for crime victim assistance accountable and honest, actively seeks citizen
Effects eh and iapidh prosecute violations involvement incorporates a clear and
of PAA1C with consideration for public achievable goal, and is committed to success
safety for equitable disposition
Environmental Quality of Life
Ensure that the Cits is a good saes and of
the ens ironment
Seek out and des clop innovative sa s of
sustaining the ens ironnient that can atti act
business and residents to our conununit-
Planning Et Building for the Future
Cor'e Components Strategic,;Goals Addressed
Economic Development Strive to provide a diversity of attractive
Strengthen opportunities for existing neighborhoods and commercial districts that
business to thrive existing foster affordable living, walkable
Seek out and attract new businesses that environments, and a strong sense of place
enhance Port Angeles
Strive to create a balanced and diverse
Partnerships economy, maximize employment and
i artnei ships with other agencies to educational opportunities for the entire
Develop P p• community with a well maintained
share resources responsibilities infrastructure designed for future growth
Enhance public private partnerships
Our community enjoys a superior quality of
Sustainability life composed of abundant recreational
Ness assets need to factor in sustainable resources, a unique natural setting, thriving
funding PRIOR to acquisition or cultural opportunities, and a balanced
development economic base
Des elop core and ancillan services that can
be sustained through available resource; Provide for consistent and quality municipal
Ensure that existing and new assets has e services that maximize return on investments.
adequate funding to presers e and pi elect leverage outside sources. are equitable for
the assets foi future generations local taxpayers. and increase the opportunity
for economic development
inairissssss Ai.
Long -Range Strategic Financial Plan
Identify challenges opportunities:
Forecasting analysis to identify trends
Long -Range Strategic Financial Plan Equation:
Quantity of Service Quality of Service Available Resources
Develop benchmarks and performance measures to assess
Develop strategies to help secure a sustainable future
Ties together Capital Improvement Plan other
strategic planning initiatives
Need to start development NOW!
Benefits of a Long -Range Strategic
Financial Plan
Why Do We Need It?
Facilitates Council's focus on the "big picture" policy questions
Help's Council public understand the long -term impact of decisions
"The decisions we make today impact those who follow us the greatest"
Improves ability of council staff to communicate to the public our
rationale for decisions we make
Allows Council to take a more active role in policy setting decisions
Creatin; /Implementing the Long -Range Financial Plan guides our
stewarcship and use of City resources it is the Right T hing to Do!
Next Meeting
August 28th
o 2012 Budget Status Report
2013 Budget Development
Revenue Forecast
Expenditure Forecast
Potential Program Service Changes
Emerging demands needs for new or different programs
and services
Consider elimination of lower priority programs to reassign
assets resources to higher priority needs and allow those
programs to thrive