HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet 08/04/1998 . AGEN . PORT ANGELES ( 321 EAST FIFTH STREET, POR1 August 4, 1998 - REGULAk IVl.r..r.lll"'u - Becky Upton City Clerk .) ::.1U p.m. CALL TO ORDER - Regular Meeting (5:30 p.m.) II ROLL CALL III PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - IV CEREMONIAL MA TTERS/PROCLAMATIONS V WORK SESSION A Financial Report for period ending June 30, 1998 1 VI APPROVAL OF MINUTES of July 21, 1998 regular 17 meeting None Action VII LATE ITEMS TO BE PLACED ON THIS OR FUTURE AGENDAS (By Council, Staff or Public) AND PUBLIC COMMENT FOR ITEMS NOT ON AGENDA (This is the opportunity for members of the public to speak to the City Council about anything not on the agenda, please keep comments to 5-10 minutes.) VIII FINANCE: A Award bid for equipment garage lift 31 Action . B. Final payment & acceptance of Ediz Hook/USCG 33 Action Sewer Project IX CONSENT AGENDA: A Payroll- July 26, 1998 - $382,566.60 37 Action B. Check list - July 31, 1998 - $794,986.73 39 Action X CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS XI ORDINANCES NOT REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS A. REZONE APPLICATION - REZ 98-03 - 51 Action NORTHWEST PERMIT, Ninth Street between Lincoln and Laurel Street: Request to rezone ,- property designated RS-7 [Residential Single Family] to CSD [Community Shopping District). Action B. STREET VACATION PETITION - STV 98-01 NORTHWEST PERMIT - request to vacate a 135 portion of the 8th/9th Street alley between Lincoln and Laurel Streets. C. Acceptance of Jefferson County Waste at Landfill 177 Action [Ordinance & Interlocal Agreement] XII RESOLUTIONS NOT REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS A. Approving Aetna for Deferred Compensation 183 Action Program Action B. Supporting Department of Ecology for Coordination 187 . of Site Clean-up at Rayonier NOTE: HEARING DEVICES AVAILABLE FOR THOSE NEEDING ASSISTANCE . MA VOR TO DETERMINE TIME OF BREAK August 4, 1998 Port Angeles City Council Meeting Page - 1 ,~ XIII PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES A. Planning Commission Meetings of July 8, and special meeting of July 28, 1998 XIV OTHER CONSIDERATIONS A. Amendment to PUD Wholesale Water Contract B. Interlocal Agreement with Transit and Downtown Association for Port Angeles International Gateway Transportation Center C. Amendment to Industrial Water Supply Contract D. Watershed Resource Inventory Area 18 City Representative appointments E. Authorization to sign contact for Phase IV of Port Angeles Housing Rehabilitation Project XV PUBLIC HEARING-QUASI-JUDICIAL (7:00 P.M. or soon thereafter) XVI PUBLIC HEARINGS - OTHER A. STREET VACATION PETITION - STV 98~2 Olympic Memorial Hospital: A portion of the alley between Georgiana and Caroline directly west of Chambers [continued from July 21, 1998 meeting] B. STREET VACATION PETITION - STV 98~3 HERMANN - a petition to vacate a portion of the SecondlThird Street alley in Block 49, Townsite of Port Angeles. 189 209 213 Action 217 Action 223 Action 227 Action I Action 229 Action None 231 Action 239 Action . XVII EXECUTIVE SESSION (As needed and determined by City Attorney) XVIII ADJOURNMENT Action IX INFORMATION: A. Humane Society Report, January - July 1998 (Page 268) B. Electronic Home Monitoring and Alternate Incarceration - Update (Page 270) C. Clallam County Physicians Community Benefit Fund (Page 272) D. Memo from City Manager (Page 276) . .- PUBLIC HEARINGS Public hearings are set by the City Council in order to meet legal requirements pertaining to matters such as, land use permit applications, proposed amendments to City land use regulations, zoning changes, annexations. In addition, the City Council may set a public hearing in order to receive public input prior to making decisions which impact the citizens. Certain matters may be controversial, and the City Council may choose to seek public opinion through the public hearing process. C:\98-0804.WPD . NOTE: HEARING DEVICES AVAILABLE FOR THOSE NEEDING ASSISTANCE MAYOR TO DETERMINE TIME OF BREAK August 4. 1998 Port Angeles City Council Meeting Page - 2 CITY OF PORT ANGELES CITY COUNCIL MEETING I. CALL TO ORDER - REGULAR MEETING: II. ROLL CALL: Members Present: Mayor Braun Councilman Campbell Councilman Doyle Councilman Hulett Councilmember McKeown Councilman Wiggins Councilman Williams Staff Present: Manager Ibarra Attorney Knutson Clerk Upton J ~ $ =Z= B. Becker S. Brodhun B. Collins K. Godbey S.I1k J. Pittis AU2:ust 4. 1998 6$- f''-M. ( III. ADJOURN TO EXECUTIVE SESSION: Reason: Approximate Length: IV. RETURN TO OPEN SESSION: V. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Led by: ~~-2fh..L ha.u A~, ~do~~~ CITY OF PORT ANGELES ) CITY COUNCIL MEETING Attendance Roster DATE OF MEETING: AU!!Ust 4.1998 LOCATION: City Council Chambers %srl :JG3 ~ c.. "3 fB;; 6' :5 City of Port Angeles OrdinancelResolution Distribution List CIty Council Moellng of a.~L4:f:- "', 1CJ.t!L .~~:~: ~~~QR :... .... Chy Manager / City Atty. (1) J ./ J vj J./ ~ V': 1/ Planning City Clerk Deputy Clerk Personnel Cust. Svcs. Finance Dir./Mgr. Police Dept. Fire Dept. Light Dept. Pub. Works (2) Parks & Rec. MRSC (1) PDN (Summary) Extra Copies AD /I 'VtJ. u J ) ~n'J;i R_ TOTAL ~--A J//J..gg ql)", 1'7. Qfl F r.:.+.- ~. ~rr:::: ~ <.t '" 'l" l . 01 DtJ I'JL. - ~r'\. - Kn ~~~,6J , , 'l / I ./ I .; J../ / ~ ./ /-/ /' ,/ ,:;J V J .~ J/ ~v 1/ ,./ f), .oJ- ~ Jv' / P.. -~ 'M l Y ~V ,Q t/ ~~..1 /' J v / JV ,/ IV LV' ~l IVI M I :~: 0 (J }v' JV ,./ / I C/ "7 q 1-- . Finance' Department Memorandum Kay Godbey, C.PA Director . Tanya O'Neill . Infonnation Services Administrator Yvonne Ziomkowski Accounting Manager Carol Hagar Administrative Assistant . July 31, 1998 To: ' Manager Ibarra, Mayor Braun and Councilmembers From: Kay Godbey, Finance Director Yvonne Ziomkowski, Account4tg Manager/City Treasurer Re: Mid- Year Budget Status Report Background: Weare pleased to provide the budget status report. and treasurers report for the six months ended June.30, 1998. T~~<budget status report shows activity from January 1 through June 30, 1998'as compared to the adopted budget. Variances reflect uncollected revenues and unexpended appropriations ,as a percentage of the budget. The benchmark for analytical purposes should be 50%, assuming all financial transactions occur at the. same level each month. This report reflects the City's financilil..... performance as compared to its budgetary estimates. Although the City's revenue and expenditures are "on target" with respect to financial planning, this report does not present reve- nues and expenditures, as compared to pri?r years. We are still experiencing a significant decr~asein certain tax revenues. In 1997 ,for example, the General Fund was adversely affected by.$680,000,rlue to declines in sales and electric utilityre,venue,and new costs in support of the prosecution and incarceration progtaffi. The General Fund's finances continue to be stable and we are closely monitoring our revenue stream. - General Fund' .._"'~ The General Fund budget is. on target with 54% of revenues collected, and 49% of appropriations, expended General Fund revenue by major revenue source is depicted in Table 1. Tax revenue comprises 60% of the General Fund budget and include property taxes, sales and use taxes, utility taxes, and other t~es. Fifty-fiy~ percent of the tax revenue has been'collected as of June 30. Sales tax revenue is being monitored very 'closely as it is a taX. source that is directly impacted byeco- nomic conditions. Although year:-to-date actual sales tax revenue is 14% higher than 1997 levels, we anticipate a slowdown in construction activity. July sales tax receipts, for example, are 11 % less than July 1997. The fluc- 001 ---:-- -~ tuation in sales tax activity is directly attributed to the completion of several major construction projects. Schedule A depicts actual sales tax revenue over the last five years. . Fines and Forfeitures revenue will come in over budget. Finance conservatively estimated this revenue source based on less than one year of history with the new prosecution and incarceration program. Building permit revenue is also coming in ahead of budget, with 65% of budgeted revenue collected as of June 30. There is a slight seasonal impact on this revenue source, as building permit.revenue is down in the month of July. Miscellaneous revenue contains donations and grants that were unanticipated in the budget process. General Fund expendi- Table II tures are right on target, General Fund Expenditures by Department with 51 % of the budget left to spend. Table II depicts General Fund expenditures by department. Although the 50% benchmark deter- mines whether departments are staying within their budget, there i.s occasionally a one-time expense or sea- sonal expenses that may.. alter the analysis. As an example, the City Manager and City Council cost centers reflect 35.6% left to spend, however, this is the result of un budgeted payout and re- cruitm~nt expenditures for the City Manager position. The Public Works Engineering and Ad- ministration Division indicates 56% left to spend. This is largely due to a transition in bringing facility maintenance duties in-house. County jail costs, which are reflected in the police budget, are also within budget. city Manager and City Council Finance City Attorney Planning Police Fire Public Wor1<s Parks and ReCreation Am!!! 438,694 587,229 . 196,702 115,054 1,402,522 916,037 817,677 784,123 IlYSIsW !)8O,705 1,187,933 384,112 225,853 2,847,802 1,903,588 1,858;056 1,667,438 Variance 242,011 600,704 187,410 110,799 1,445,280 987,551 1,040,379 883,315 6,268,038 10,766,487 6,497,449 2 . ~. 35.6% 50.6% 48.8% 49.1% 50.8% 51.9% 56.0% 53.0% 61.1% . 002 . . :':t~i"'~~j.?~:;.'/-~.;,'~\:' h,: ,!.."~',\"" .,' /?\i'.'~-','>';: I ;~ ~ii.,\~ '!~,,~rrf~'" ;~1:;~~~r;E~;:' , :~",">:_:.;'. " .o::,r:v,:';~:~W , -, ,;-','J~~;~_;tf?~t.;~i~Y-'{: ,"', Table m reflects Gen- Table III > eral Fund expenditures General Fund Expenditures by Object by object or type of expense. Salaries and benefits represents ,74% of the budget and is 51 % unexpended. Capital outlay spending occurs sporadically, Total Expenditures by Object and is difficult to measure against the 50% benchmark. Actual Budaet Variance % 3,866,268 7,932,337 4,066,069 51.3% 1n,832 327,927 150,095 45.8% 806,915 1,609,002 802,087 49.8% 344,979 707,521 362,542 51.2% 62,044 178,700 116,656 ,65.3% 5,258,038 10,755,487 5,497,449 51~1% Salaries and Benefits Supplies Other Charges for Services Intergovernmentalnnterfund Services Capital Outlay Other Funds Hotel/Motel (Schedule B) The June 1998 hotel/motel receipts doubled as the result of invoking an additional"'2% lodging tax. Approximately 76% of this revenue is received in the last six months of the year. The City will be on budget. Criminal Justice (Schedule C) The one-tenth of one percent sales tax is distributed based on county-wide sales tax and popula- tion. The year-to-date revenues are 13% more than 1997 and will be slightly over budget. Over 60% of this tax is received in the last six months of the year. Real Estate Excise Tax (Schedule D) Year-to-date sales are 32% less than last year, as a result of the 1997 sale of the ~ed Lion to Doubletree Inns. The tax on this transaction'amounted to $21,000. Without this receipt, the real estate excise taxes reflect a 7% increase over 1997Jevels. Utilities Light Fund Light operating revenues include charges for service, conservation revenue, interest income, and other miscellaneous revenue. Light revenue is 5% ahea.d of budget, due to the seasonal effect of electric sales. On the expense side, the power bill (reflected in supplies) shows 7% overexpended. Both electric sales and electric power purchases level out toward year-end. Capital outlay reflects over $800,000 in capital projects that are largely ,!nexpended as ,of mid-year. Utilities have a . flexible budget, and are analyzed to insure that revenues are adequate enough to pay expenses and 3 003 fund smaller capital projects. Any excess revenue over expenses will be transferred to a rate stabi- lization fund, so that rates may remain constant over the next three to five years. T able IV Light Fund Revenue and Expenses Actual Budaet Variance % Revenue: 8,826,188 16,125,137 7,298,949 45.3% Expenses: Salaries and Benefits 430,890 885,058 454,168 51.3% Supplies 5,320,506 9,246,100 3,925,594 42.5% Other Charges for Services 1,270,489 2,284,415 1,013,926 44.4% Intergovernmentalllnterfund Services 579,707 1,077,040 497,333 46.2% Capital Outlay 13,251 829,525 816,274 98.4% Debt Service 209,456 418,910 209,454 50.0% T atal Expenses 7,824,299 14,741,048 6,916,749 46.9% Water and Wastewater Fund Water and wastewater revenues include charges for service, permits, in- terest earnings and other miscellaneous . revenue. Revenue: There is a seasonal im- pact on water sales, which is reflected in the year-to-date revenue being slightly below budget. In addition, a recent increase in water rates will bring revenues Total EXDenses in line with the budget. Although the water and wastewater budget shows only 20% left to spend, operating expenses are within targeted levels. Capital outlay, although over budget, reflects a timing difference on the downdown watermain and Ediz Hook sewer projects. These projects were budgeted in 1997. The debt service payment on the water and wastewater bond is due on November 1. -! . . T able V W;lter and Wastewater Fund Revenue and Expenses Actual 2,711,832 Variance 2,828,375 Budaet 5,540,207 Expenses: Salaries and Benefits Supplies .... Other Charges for Services Intergovemmental/lnterfund Services Capital Outlay- Debt Service 523,822 86,492 822,082 188,049 1,954,255 741,401 1,039,946 288,050 1,983,940 410,920 424,731 1,259,104 516,124 201,558 1,161,858 222,871 -1,529,524 517,703 4,316,101 1,090,590 20.2% 5,406,691 The water and wastewater fund has adequate reserves to fund 1998 capital projects. Like the electric utility, a rate stabilization fund has been established to keep wastewater rate increases from fluctuating too rapidly. 4 004 % 51.1% 49.6% ,70.0% 58.6% 54.2% -360.1% 41.1% . . Solid Waste Fund Solid Waste revenue consists .of residential and commercial sales, landfill sales, grants, interest earnings and miscellaneous revenue. Solid Waste revenue will be over budget, as there is a sea- sonal effect on landfill tonnage during the summer months. The utility is also experiencing addi- tional revenue from the Rayonier dem9lition debris. Other operating expenses are well within projections. The overall expenses indicate 54% left to spend. This is due to the the 1993 bond payment, which was made on January 1. Capital outlay reflects appropriations for the landfill cell expansion which are unexpended. Table VI Solid Waste Fund Revenue and Expenses Actual Budaet Variance % Revenue: 2,494,161 4,576,500 2,082,339 45.5% Expenses: Salaries and Benefits 322,804 571,196 248,392 43.5% Supplies 30,391 101,900 71,509 70.2% . Other Charges for Services 715,450 1,812,524 1,097,074 60.5% Intergovemmental/lnterfund Services 239,264 462,000 222,736 48.2% Capital Outlay 205,208 1,235,745 1,030,537 83.4% Debt Service 763,625 763,625 0 0.0% Total Expenses 2,276,742 4,946,990 2,670,248 54.0% . 5 005 . Schedule A JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE JULY AUGUST SEPTEMBER OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER TOTAL BUDGET 1998 . . . CD o o CITY OF PORT ANGELES SALES TAX COLLECTION FOR THE YEARS 1992 -1998 G %OF %OF % OF BUDGETED 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 CHANGE CUM. CHANGE AMOUNT 1998 TO 1997 1998 TO 1997 COLLECTED 180,019 175,814 192,686 182,705 155,868 171,053 9.74% 9.74 8.55% 208,399 233,936 199,344 203,257 189,874 209,075 10.11 % 9.95 10.45% 166,564 177,143 175,903 213,429 183,425 212,048 15.61% 11.91 10.60% 157,539 151,160 165,620 158,872 133,492 170,548 27.76% 15.10 8.53% 200,723 186,406 177,285 171,548 166,101 194,575 17.14% 15.51 9.73% 196,056 187,410 179,575 193,869 164,244 187,818 . .14.35% 15.32 9.39% 181,418 180,001 192,318 175,785 177,591 192,906 189,488 192,705 181,297 182,129 212,895 211,983 247,166 212,314 214,701 231,885 215,076 219,078 203,549 225,998 224,661 187,072 224,064 207,704 199,053 192,504 171,788 228,989 179,551 194,605 2.345 569 2.267.277 2.394.733 2.283.881 2.187081 1. 145 117 -49.86% (49.86 57.26% I 2,000.0001 Change 1993 to 1992 Change 1994 to 1993 Change 1995 to 1994 Change 1996 to 1995 Change 1997 to 1996 ,-2.60% -3.34% 5.62% -4.63% -4.24% Schedule B ~ o o CITY OF PORT ANGELES HOTEUMOTEL TAX COLLECTION FOR THE YEARS 1992 -1998 B %OF %OF % OF BUDGETED 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 CHANGE CUM. CHANGE AMOUNT 1998 TO 1997 1998 TO 1997 COLLECTED 10,'115 7,517 5,746 6,936 5,992 6,237 4.09% 4.09 3.67 4,665 5,237 4,213 5,813 4,909 5,48!~ 11.65% 7.49 3.22 6,809 5,137 5,467 5,297 7,090 6,507 -8.22% 1.30 3.83 5,374 5,738 6,146 6,690 13,047 6,413 -50.85% (20.62 3.77 6,280 7,232 4,962 7,653 7,249 7,858 8.40% (15.13, 4.62 12,584 8,883 8,872 7,353 8,909 9,176 3.00% (11.70 5.40 . , 13,257 13,571 14,965 12,090 15,096 18,142 13,795 23,158 19,902 19,821 15,029 31,505 29,955 32,021 30,050 40,535 33,600 33,008 33,141 35,407 20,030 13,100 23,689 23,003 21,924 . 12,298 19,953 13,328 12,708 9,945 165 118 165 268 173.509 172.607 179 439 41.672 -75.86% (75.86' 24.51 I 170,0001 JANUARY ".FEBRUARY ARCH APRIL MAY JUNE JULy.... AUGUST SEPTEMBER OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER TOTAL BUDGET 1998 Note: April 1997 ~hows $8,000 in additional revenue from a state audit . . .' . . . 00 <::) o Schedule C CITY OF PORT ANGELES CRIMINAL JUSTICE SALES TAX COLLECTION FOR THE YEARS 1992 -1998 TOTAL BUDGET 1998 G %OF %OF % OF BUDGETED 1994* 1995 1996 1997 CHANGE CUM. CHANGE AMOUNT 1998 TO 1997 1998 TO 1997 COLLECTED 11,769 11 ,332 9,963 11,981' 20.25% 20.25% 7.99% 12,318 12,930 15;211 14~429 -5.14% 4.91% 9.62% 11,541 13,459 11,983 15,063 25.70% '11.61% 10.04% 10,765 10,052 9,945 10,794 8.54% 10.97% 7.20% 11 ,828 11 ,873 10,772 13,571 . '25.98% 13.76% 9.05% 12,253 13,102 12,409 13,592 9.53% 13.01% 9.06% 10,856 12,934 11,424 11,665 12,500 12,702 12,907 13,345 13,791 15,855 14,704 15,317 13,631 14,191 14,091 15,441 12,196 13,880 13,986 13,861 11 ,921 15,403 13,102 15,081 74 895 155.439 152.962 154 993 79 430 -48.07% -48.07% 52.95% I 150,0001 JANUARY '.t ,.'. FEBRUARY" MARCH .' APRIL MAY JUNE JULY AUGUST SEPTEMBER OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER · Implemented in May 1994; first receipts - July 1994 (for May sales) I ___ JANUARY... FEBRUARY MARCH", ...APRIL ;t':"0~~"PfA Y ~"'2~'fjU N E " JULY AUGUST SEPTEMBER OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER TOTAL BUDGET 1998 . 1994 6,610 9,261 7;783 8,182 8,161 8,212 7,830 7,153 7,997 5,254 7,657 7,700 en o o CITY OF PORT ANGELES REAL ESTATE EXCISE TAX COLLECTION FOR THE YEARS 1994 -1998 1995 . 1996 1997 ~ %OF %OF %OFBUDGETED ~ 19~~~~~:97 ~~:~ ~~~~:7E C~~L~~~~D I..' .. 11 ,520 4,818 9,732 8,716 7,759 9,499 8,779 13,226 9,075 15,785 13370 5,594 5,~?2 4,~76 4,800 8,594 6,401 8,484 7,255 10,926 6,918 9,620 13,794 6,251 9,492 7,686 9,960 6,189 3,458 5,392 26,538 5,948 5,467 7,229 5,534 6,217 5,687 9,220 7,518 . 11 ,099/i > . ..... 4,220 ....> 6,513 ............ 91 800 117.873 .." ... - -. ".". . ,.. .,. -. -. . .., .... ___". d' O. ..._ .__. .., -. .. -" .. .,.... .... n."' .." .... ... "... ..... ,.. ...,_. '. .."," .......... ...... ..".,..........'.....,..'.',-.,..."...'.... ..", ...- "......... .... 96.941 101 190.<38.477 79,9191 75,0001 . -78.06% -26.43% -12.20% 18.88% 15.&7% 36.47%' (78.06 (68.61 \ (60.48 (47.78 (40.86 (32.42 7.76 5.83 6.40 11.46 8.53 11.31 51.30 .' ...,-.. 010 . . . . Finance Department Memorandum Kay Godbey, C.PA Director . Tanya O'Neill Infonnation Services Administrator YVOIUle Ziomkowski Accounting Manager . Carol Hagar Administrative Assistant . July 28, 1998 To: Manager Ibarra, Mayor Braun, and Council Members From: Yvonne Ziomkowski, Accounting ~ager ~ tfO' , Re: Investment Review . City's Investment Portfolio All of the City's available cash is consolidated into a common investment portfolio which averages about $30 million. The City's portfolio is maintained at a high degree of safety and liquidity, and generates a yield between 6.0% and 6.2%. In comparison, the State Investment Pool had returns between 5.3% and 5.5%; 3-month treasury bills between 5.0% and 5.2%; and 2-:year treasury"notes5.8% to 5.4%. All investments comply with the State and the City investment policies. For safety of prinCipal, investments are restricted to certificates of deposit (CD), bankers' acceptances (BA), treasury notes and bonds, securities of the agencies of the United States Government, and municipal bonds. All City investments (other than cash equivalents) are rated AAA by both Moody's and Standard & Poor (S & P). The portfolio is well diversified in its investment types and all securities will return full face value when held to maturity. . Certificates of deposit are covered under the FDIC or FSLIC insurance. They are purchased from the institutions whose status' has been 'accepted by the Public Deposit Protection Commission. " . · Bankers' Acceptances are limited to the top 25 national banks or from foreign banks to the top 106 world banks. They are 100% secured by both goods and bank. · Treasury bills and notes are issued by the Treasury Department. They are guaranteed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. Government. . Agency securities are issued by the agencies ~f the federal government. Yields on these securities are generally higher than those of the direct Treasury obligations. These are the Federal Home Loan Bank (FHLB), Federal Farm Credit Bank (FFCB), Federal National Mortgage Association (FNMA), and Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (FHLMC). There has been no case of default in the almost. 70 year history of these instruments. 011 . About 55% of the portfolio is presently invested in agencies of the U. S. Government. Over 12% of the portfolio is invested in the Local Government Investment Pool (LGIP); however, the amount of deposits with the LGIP change on a daily basis. LGIP, with great liquidity, safety, and comparatively high yield, continues to be an excellent place to invest short-term funds. The LGIP return is consistently higher than ~-month treasury bills. Almost 30% of the portfolio is invested in cash equivalents (BAs and CDS). This percentage, higher than in prior years, is due to very preferable rates. All CDS are invested with local state banks. The City does not purchase investments which, at the time of investment, cannot be held to maturity. In order to protect cash flow and avoid premature liquidation, the City diversifies maturity of the investments. At this time, almost 17% of the investment portfolio matures in less than 30 days, 23% have maturity dates ofless than one year, 31 % have maturity dates between one and two years, and more than 29% of the portfolio have maturity dates greater than two years. Over the past few years, we have changed our investing strategy several times according to the market and interest changes. We will continue to monitor the changes and trends in the economy and . take the necessary steps to maintain safety, liquidity, and a high rate of return on the City's investments. Where are We Going? . The U.S. economy continues to amaze experts as it begins its eighth year of economic expansion- already one of the longest expansions on record. Last year the u.S. economy grew 3.8% - the fastest pace in nine years. l-Iowever, inflation has remained subdued, rising only 1.7%; the lowest level in eleven years. The 30-year bond hit its lowest level since the 1960's and is below the 6% level (5.6%). While this may seem low compared to recent interest rate levels over the past two decades, it is actually high by historical standards. Over the past 80 years, the'average rate of long term Government bonds is 5.4%, and if you exclude the last twenty years, the average is just 4.2%. The yield curve remains flat, as short and long term yields are less than 60 basis points apart. A flat yield curve in a bull market is unusual. The general trend continues to be toward lower interest rates. In any case, as long as inflation remains low, the rates (mostly intermediate and long-term) are not likely to change much from current levels. . 012 . CITY OF PORT ANGELES~NVESTMENT LEDGER . . 07/31/98 BALANCE INTEREST! INVESTMENT/ ACCOUNT 54ottl...... MATURITY FACE OF INVESTMENT COUPON FUND SAFE KEEPER NUMBER TYPE DATE DATE PRICE VALUE RATE YIELD SOLID WASTE FIRST FEDERAL. CLEVENGER 102000504 CD 08/06197 0Ml6I98 .2,935.92 .2,935.92 10.000% CEMETERYEN~MENT FIRST SAVINGS BANK OF RENTON 5122.90 CD 0:W+'98 02/14/2000 .6,033.65 .6.033.65 5.850% 6.110% FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS & LOAN 0112002... CD 05120/97 11/19/98 9,793.01 10,462.10 5.580% 5.690% $55,826.66 556,495.75 FIREMEN'S PENSION WINTHROP GROWTH-DEVEGH MIF 0022923080 MF 12131169 20,702.70 20,702.70 VARIES PRNATE LEDGER 641"()1901~90 FHLMC 02125/85 25,772.52 25,772.52 8.000% AMERICAN INVESTORS 001-00806 1 17-a MF 12131/69 19,118.45 19,118..5 VARIES $65,593.67 $65,593.67 INVESTMENT PORTFOLIO US BeAl. "0%" CD for HMee charges CD 2/18/96 N/A (1) 100,000.00 100,000.00 6.250% 6.250% o GOVERNMENT INVESTMENT POOL 01770 IP 3,559,258.56 3,559,258.56 50479% FIRST SAVINGS BANK OF RENTON 515276-00 CD O:w4l97 05I22J2000 100.??oo 525,453.65 541,200.67 5.800% 6.060%. FIRST SAVING BANK OF RENTON 709133-02 CD 06117/98 06118/99 100.??oo 292,2.5.34 301,031.55 5.800% 6.060% FIRST SAVINGS BANK- RENTON 01 51.22309 CD 06118/98 06114/2000 100.??oo 577,387.64 59.,7.8.65 5.800% 6.060% FIRST SAVINGS BANK- RENTON 01 51.222 00 CD 07116198 07/18/99 100.??oo 579,007.02 596,394.43 5.900% 6.160% US BeAl Cruftenden Roth CUSIP31364AB50 FNMA 0016197 07fZ8/98 98.8125 300,000.00 298,403.81 5.270% 6.239% US BeAl . US BeAl BA 02106I98 07/28/98 97.3388 .35,000.00 .23,.23.68 5.570% 5.802% US BaAl . OI.rlcen-Wllems, Inc. CUSIP31364AC75 FNMA 02106197 06126198 (52) 99.9375 200,000.00 199,082.66 5.160% 5.904% US BeAl . Oulean-Wllems, Inc. CUSIP31364A041 FNMA OMl6/97 09108198 (.2) 99.2188 500,000.00 .98,386.97 5.550% 6.0.2% FIRST SAVINGS BANK OF RENTON 51.824-03 CD 09110/97 09110/98 100.??oo 540.202.65 556.605.95 5.950% 6.220% US BeAl - Amherst Secu1Ues CUSIP31359MDAa FNMA 07/15/98 10/28/98 (IOS} 100.2188 500,000.00 508,205.56 6.650% 5.760% FIRST SAVINGS BANK - RENTON 0151.22.07 CD 11/15196 11/13198 100.??oo 575,104.63 592..18.58 5.900% 6.160% FIRST SAVINGS BANK OF RENTON 0151.3500 I CD 12102197 12102198 566,303.35 583,352.34 5.900% 6.160% FIRST SAVINGS BANK OF RENTON 51..28-05 CD OMl9198 01m199 561,764.12 578,602.63 5.950% 6.220% FIRST SAVINGS BANK OF RENTON 01.515548-06 CD 07fZ8/97 01/12/99 100.??oo 513,1.3.01 528,724.4. 5.950% 6.220% US BeAl - Cruftenden Roth CUSIP313364AN32 FNMA 0111:)3197 02109199 (.2) 99.0938 500,000.00 .97.608.51 5.750% 6.213% FIRST SAVING BANK OF RENTON 709134-00 CD 01 A:l8I98 0015199 100.??oo 581.291.n 598.925.00 5.950% 6.220% FIRST SAVING BANK OF RENTON 515834-05 CD 01/26/98 05120I99 100.??oo 500,000.00 . 512.947.08 5.900% 6.160% FIRST SAVINGS BANK OF RENTON 01-51554~ CO 07fZ8/97 06108I99 100.??oo 513,1.3.01 528.72.... 5.950% 6.220% WA Crectt Urlon 609639-3..() qo 07129/97 07129199 100.??oo 100,000.00 100.000.00 6.800% 8.800% US BeAl - Cruftenden Roth CUSIP31364FBM2 FNllA 10114197 09123/99 (72) 99.9688 500.000.00 .99.861.19 5.980% &.995% US BeAl . Oulcen Wllems CUSIP3133M3K79 FHL8 04121/98 lOA:l1199 (99) 99.9063 300.000.00 3OO.6n.08 &.750% 5.802% US BeAl . Oulcen WII..... CUSfP86387RF64 SLMA . 04A:l 1 /98 12/18/99 (95) 100.1953 500,000.00 500.976.56 6.010% 5.880% FIRST SAVING BANK OF RENTON 709014-05 CO' 0:w3198 01/14/2000 100.??oo 597,609.54 609,376.32 5.650% 6.110% US BeAl . CruIIenden Roth CUSIP3133M3J08 FHLB 02127/98 0212612000 (88) 99.9375 500,000.00 .99,887.50 5.681% 5.71.% US BaAl - OIR:8n-W1lems CUSIP313400SP9 FHLMC 02106I98 0311512000 (86) 100.??oo 270.000.00 276,212.81 &.87&% 5.875% US BeAl . Cruftenden Roth CUSIP31364FWF. FNMA '0411:)1/98 03129120OO (94) 99.8750 500.000.00 .99,774.31 &.750% 5.820% FIRST SAVINGS BANK OF RENTON 51.557-09 CO 02/13198 0014/2000 100.??oo 555,943..7 5n,550.95 5.950% 6.220% US BeAl - Oulean-W1lems CUSIP3133M34H5 FHLB Qo4/27/98 002012OOO (100) 99.9688 500.000.00 500,.13.96 5.865% 5.880% US BeAl Oulean-WIIems CUSIP31364FU82 FNMA 07/15198 06130I2OOO (107) 99.98<< 500,000.00 501,1 19.60 5.750% 5.7&7% US BaAl Cruftenden Roth CUSIP3133M.UU5 FHLB 07/16198 0711.12000 (108) 100.??oo 500,000.00 500,160.97 5.795% 5.795% US BaAl Cruftenden Roth CUSIP3133M.X65 FHL8 07120198 0712012OOO (109) 99.8906 500.000.00 .99,.53.13 5.700% 5.759% . US BaAl US BerltCorp CUSIP649667N32 MB 03113198 08A:l112OOO 100.7560 500.000.00 509,689.03 6.350% : 6.000% US BeAl Cruftt!nden Roth CUSIP3134A1ZC7 FHLMC 12/18/97 0911:)112000 (811 100.2500 500.000.00 501,234.62 6..'0% 6.025% US BaAl Oulean-W1lems CUSfP31364BLL2 FNMA 0:w3198 09/2612000 (90) 100.0023 350.000.00 350,820.31 6.360% 6.257% US BeAl Cruftenden Rolh CUSIP3133M<lJH7 FHLB 06194198 1210020OO (1051 99.9688 500,000.00 .99.M3.75 6.000% 6.01.% US BaAl - 0I.rlcen-W11..... CUSIP313395APO FHLB 03120198 12/1612000 (93) 100.2969 500,000.00 501,484.38 6.230% 6.106% US BeAl . Crultenden Rolh CUSIP 3133M2S00 FHLB 12129/97 1212912000 (M) 99.9M. 500,000.00 .99,922.10 6.190% 6.196% US BeAl . IIInng Sper1cs CUSIP3133M.A29 FHLB 05A:l4I98 05A:l4I2001 (1011 99.9375 500,000.00 .99,687.50 6.010% 6.033% US BeAl . EcMerd Jones CUSIP3133M4MZ3O FHLB 06115/98 06A:l6I2001 (105) 100.??oo 300,000.00 300,346.50 5.940% 5.940% US BeAl . Crultenden Roth CUSIP3133MOVP3 FHLB 0411:)2198 06106I2OO1 (96) 100.2109 500,000.00 506,1.9.13 6.550% 6..60% US BeAl - Shey FlrencI8I SeMees CUSIP31359MATO FNMA 03119/98 10tW/2001 (92) 100.5781 500.000.00 502,890.63 6.900% 6.713% US BaAl . Crultenden Rolh CUSIP31359MATO FNMA 04A:l2l98 llm/2001 (96) 100.5313 500,000.00 502,656.25 6.900% 6.730% US BeAl - Crultenden Roth CUSIP313364CPL6 FNMA 0111:)3197 1110512OO1 (.,) 99.9375 505.000.00 504,7.9.03 6.820% 6.832% US BeAl . Amherst Secu11les CUSIP31364COR2 FNMA 05A:l7/98 11/19/2001 (102) 100.3125 500.000.00 501,562.50 6.570% 6.460% US BaAl - OIR:8n-WIIems CUSIP3133MOVOO FHLB 05114/98 07125/2002 (103) 100..219 500,000.00 512.169.17 6.645% 6.525% US BeAl - OIR:8n-WIIems CUSIP3134A1W48 FHLMC 02/11/98 1210912OO2 100..219 375.000.00 376,582.03 6.570% 6.030% US BeAl - Crultenden Roth CUSIP3133M2G50 FHLB 01/23/98 0112312003 (86) 100.0022 500.000.00 500,000.00 6.260% 6.260% US BaAl - PAINE WEBBER CUSIP31364AN40 FNMA 01/26/96 0210312OO4 (18) 99.3750 500.000.00 .97,627.86 6.260% 6.923% C> US BaAl . MUlIlerlc Secu1tes CUSIP31359MCWl FNMA 11/26/97 0911812007 (79) 101.0938 1,000,000.00 1,010.826.08 7.110% 6.944% 1-4 US BaAl - MAllON SECURITIES CORP. CUSIP3129125A2 FHLMC 06117/93 11/15/2007 (2) 98.5000 155.969.88 152.890.70 8.540% 9.327% DONALDSON LUFKRIN & JENNERETTE CUSIP3134.XZB6 FHLMC 06125185 O4A:ll/2017 7.,562.68 7..562.68 10.650% W US BaAl . MARCUS, STOWELL. & BEVE CUSIP31358UGl.. FNMA 10/26/93 0312512023 (7) 102.1250 250,000.00 250,000.00 6.750% 6.&03% 527,753,390.67 $28.01..204.74 527 917 7.6 92 528 179230.08 Investment Types as of July 27,. 1998 Bankers Acceptance $423,424 - 1.500/0 . Local Govemment Investment Pool $3,559,259 12.630/0 Certificate of Deposit - $7,995,235 28.370/0 Other $549,510 1.950/0 . . Agency-type Securities - $15,651,803 55.540/0 Certificate of Deposit Bankers Acceptance Local Government Investment Pool Agency~type Securities v UJ.cf AMOUNT $7,995,235 423,424 3,559,259 15,651,803 ~1 9 ~, '"' v-t ",-,.LV $28.179.230 0/0 28.37 1.50 12.6~ 55.54 , o~ . 100~O~ 01.4 . . . Investment Maturities as of July 27, 1998 30 days to 6 months ~ $3,856,959 13.690/0 6 months to 1 year $2,734,599 - 9.700/0 \ ( . Less than 30 days $4,688,698 16.640/0 // ,/ I /1 . i i ,~, ----------~'. -------// _________-----/- Over 2 years $8,544,771 30.320/0 1 year to 2 years --. $8,354,203 29.650/0 Less than 30 days 30 days to 6 months 6 months to 1 year 1 year to 2 years Over 2 years AMOUNT $4,688,698 3,856,959 2,734,599 8,354,203 8.544.771 $28.179.230 0/0 16.64 13.69 9.70 29.65 30.32 100.00 015 . Treasury Yield Curve 6.6 i I I 6.411 6.4 % YIELD 6.2 6 5.8 5.6 5.4 5.2 5 3 months 6 months i 1 year 2 years ~. 3 years i 5 years 10 years 30 years ;:] [jj As of 7/27/98 As of 7/27/97 . 016 . CALL TO ORDER- REGULAR MEETING: ROLL CALL: CITY COUNCIL MEE'f.ING Port Angeles, Washington July 21, 1998 Mayor BraWl called the regular meeting of the Port Angeles City COWlcil to order at 5 :35 p.m. Members Present: Mayor BraWl, COWlcilmembers Campbell, Doyle, McKeown, Wiggins, and Williams. Members Abse11l: COWlcilman Hulett. Staff Present: Interim Manager Pittis, Attorney Knutson, Clerk Upton, B. Becker, B. Collins, S. Ilk, P. Rose, L. Haehnlen, P. Burrett, Y. Ziomkowski, B. Titus, G. Kenworthy, T. Smith, and S. Kenyon. Public Present: L. Lee, N. VanSickle, G. Gleason, K. Bailey, J. Ralston, S. Grainger, D. Hart, T. Schmid, M. Pearson, D. May, M. Jacobs, S. Grainger, M. Jacobs, L. Olson, S. Baxter, and A. Frederick. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Patrick Ibarra. Mayor BraWl introduced and welcomed Patrick Ibarra, the new City Manager. Mayor BraWl adjourned the meeting to Executive Session at 5:40 p.m. to discuss a matter of real estate for approximately 1 5 minutes. The meeting returned to open session at 6:00 p.m. Mayor BraWl read aloud"8 Resolution recognizing the efforts of Interim Manager Jack Pittis. None. Councilman Doyle moved to approve theminutes of the regular meeting of July 7, 1998. Councilman Wiggins seconded the motion, which carried by a majority vote, with Councilmember McKeown abstaining due to her absence from that meeting. Interim Manager Pittis stated there were two items to add to the agenda: one was an item of real estate, and the second was with regard to a July 27, 1998, Utility Advisory Committee meeting and the status report of the Electrical Strategic Plan. Interim Manager - I - 017 CITY COUNCIL MEETING July 21, 1998 LATE ITEMS TO BE PLACED ON TIllS OR FUTURE AGENDAS: (Cont'd) FINANCE: Fire Engine Bids Bids for Landfill Expansion High School Sidewalk Project Airport Road Realignment Project Pittis suggested the meeting could serve as a special Council meeting which would eliminate the need for the consultant to make two trips to report on the Electrical Strategic . Plan. A. Advertise for Fire Engine Bids Mayor Braun reviewed the infoimation provided by the Fire Department. Chief Becker stated Pete Burrett and Pat Rose; members of the Apparatus Committee, and Yvonne Ziomkowski from the Finance Department, were present to answer any questions the . Council may have. Councilman Doyle, 'who participated on the Apparatus ~ommittee, summarized why a new truck is needed and how it will be funded. Councilman Doyle asked if the old truck could be utilized in the future if annexation should occur and a spare truck was needed. Chief Becker responded there may be liability issues, and it would be his recommendation that consideration not be given to retention of the truck. He noted that the truck wouldn't even be marketable to another municipality. Councilman Doyle stated he hoped that a program can be instituted so that, in the future, this money would not have to come from the General Fund. Interim Manager Pittis stated that the. City may qualifY for a low interest State loan for this purchase. Yvonne Ziomkowski, City Treasurer, explained the loan program through the State Treasurer may prove to be beneficial in light of the favorable interest rate, which is currently at 4 1/2%. Chief Becker responded to questions and provided clarification. At Council's request, Pete Burrett, Equipment Superintendent, explained why it will cost less to order a fire truck this year instead of waiting until 1999. Lengthy discussion followed, and Chief Becker provided an explanation as to changes in technology and regulations, which make a new fire engine essential. Councilmember McKeown moved to authorize Equipment . Services to advertise for bids for a new fire engine. Councilman CampbeU seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. B. Award Bids for Landfill Cell #3 Expansion Mayor Braun reviewed the information provided by the Public Works Departmen~ and asked Interim Manager Pittis for further input, which he provided. Interim Manager Pittis was pleased to have Delhur awarded the bid, as the company provides quality work and is a local contractor. Councilman CampbeU moved to accept the bid from Delhur Industries in the amount ofSl,711,207.84 and authorize the Mayor to execute the construction contract. Councilman Wiggins seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. .- c. Final Accepuince and Paymentfor High School Sidewalk Project Mayor Braun reviewed the information provided by the Public Works Department. Interim Manager Pittis noted this project was complete and was made possible by State TIB funding in the amount of $200,000. Councilman Wiggins moved to accept the project, authorize final payment to Lakeside Industries in the amount of $23,655.85 and release the retainage bond upon the receipt of clearances from the Department of Revenue and Labor & Industries. Councilman Williams seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. Interim Manager Pittis announced that the City had received a grant from TIB for sidewalks on "r' Street. Amendment to Contract with HIA, [nc.for Airport Road Realignment Project . D. Mayor Braun reviewed the information provided by the Public Works Department and asked City Engineer Kenworthy for further input, which he provided. - 2 - D1S . . . Airport Road Realignment Project (Cont'd) CONSENT AGENDA: COMMI'ITEE REPORTS: Senior Discount Income Level Adjustment Ordinance No. 2994 Construction Codes and Fees Ordinance No. 2995 -rt'i::';';>'\;-?~\;',; ,.;::,;')<-<;:-r"(t:-; '", CITY COUNCIL MEETING July 21,1998 Mr: Kenworthy responded to questions and provided clarification, after which Councllmember McKeown mo~~ to,authorize the Mayor to sign the Supplemental Agreement (Amendment No. 2) in the added amount of 522,027.21 to the current agreement with Harding LawlOn Auociations Infrastructure, Ine. which increases the total not to exceed fee of the agreement to 5222,237.30. Councilman Doyle seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. Councilman Doyle moved to accept the Consent Agenda including: A. Acceptance of grant for school resource officer, B. Payroll- July 12, 1998 ~ $361 ,887.17; and C. Check list - July 17, 1998 - $582,833.85. Councilman Campbell seconded the motion. Following brief discussion, a vote was taken on the motion, which carried unanimously. Councilnuin Doyle stated he attended the ribbon cutting of the new teen scene which will be called "The Alley". It is a very nice facility and a great place for kids. Mayor Braun noted that Doyle McGinley, CollectionlPre- Treatment Coordinator at the Wastewater Treatment Plant; had earned a Certificate of Competency for the Water District Manager #2. At Mayor Braun's request, Interim Manager Pittis explained what this entailed. The City Council has sent a letter of congratulations to Mr. McGinley. Councilman Doyle announced that the YMCA would be holding a grand opening for its cardiovascular unit at 1:00 p.m., Wednesday, July 22, 1998. Ordinances Not Requiring Public Hearings A. Senior Discount Income Level Adjustments Mayor Braun reviewed the information provided by the Finance Department and asked Scott Kenyon, Customer Service Representative, to summarize the proposed ordinance. Mayor Braun then read the Ordinance by title, entitled ORDINANCE NO. 2994 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, revising income limitations for the low income utility discount for senior citizens and amending Ordinance 2663 and Chapter 13.20 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code. -..... Councilman Wiggins moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title. Councilman Campbell s_econded the motion, which carried unanimously. B. Adoption of New Construction Codes and Fees Mayor Braun reviewed the information provided by the Public Works Department and asked Lou Haehnlen, Sr. Building Inspector, for a summary of any changes in the codes. Mr. Haehnlen noted that, at this time, no fee increases are recommended. After discussions with the. Homebuilders Association, it was agreed that the level of fees will be revisited during the budget process. Mayor Braun read the Ordinance by title, entitled ORDINANCE NO. 2995 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, adopting the 1997 editions of the Uniform Building, Mechanical, Fire, Plumbing and Sign Codes, the Washington State Energy Code, and the Uniform Code for the Abatement of Dangerous Buildings and amending - 3 - 019 CITY COUNCIL MEETING July 21, 1998 Construction Codes and Fees Ordinance No. 2995 (Cont'd) Alteration of Subdivision Acceptance of Solid Waste from Jefferson County PUD Wholesale Water Contract . Agreement with Transit and Downtown Association for Gateway Project Industrial Water Supply Contract PUBLIC HEARINGS QUASI-JUDICIAL: Rezone - Olympic Memorial Hospital Ordinance No. 2996 Ordinance 2552 as amended and Chapters 14.03 and 14.21 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code. . Councilmember McKeown moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title. Councilman Wiggins seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. Resolutions Not Requiring a Public Hearing: None. Planning Commission Minutes: None. Other Considerations A. Alteration of Subdivision - SHP 78(2)8 Mayor Braun reviewed the infotmation provided by the Planning Department, and Planning Director Collins provided additional input. Councilman CampbeU moved to authorize the Mayor to sign the Mylar allowing amendment to the 1978 short plat, citing Findings 1-6, and Conclusions A-C as setforth in Exhibit "A" which is attached to and becomes a part or these minutes. Councilmember McKeown seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. B. Consideration of Acceptance of Solid Waste from Jefferson County. Mayor Braun reviewed the information provided by the Public Works Department and asked Interim Manager Pittis for additional input. Interim Manager Pittis indicated that Jefferson County was quite anxious to obtain a decision from the City. Revenue generated by this endeavor would assist Port Angeles with post-closure costs. Councilman Doyle . stated that he understood the Jefferson County Commissioners would be contacting the City Council members regarding this issue; however, he has had no such contact. Local haulers pay $63 per ton; therefore, Councilman Doyle felt a 50% reduction, or $31.50 per ton, would be an appropriate rate. Discussion followed, after which Councilman Doyle . moved to offer to accept the waste from Jefferson County at a rate of $31.50 per ton. Councilmember McKeown seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. C. Amendmell/ 10 PUD Wholesale WalerCOlI/raCI Deferred to next Council meeting. D. Inter/ocal Agreement with Transit and Downtown Association for Port Angeles Intemational9ateway Transportation Center Deferred to- next Council meeting. E. Amendment to Industrial Water Supply Contract Deferred to next Council meeting. A. REZONE APPliCATION - REZ 98-04 - OLYMPIC MEMORIAL HOSPITAL, between Georgiana and Caroline adjacent to Chambers Street. Request to rezone property designated CO. Commercial Office, to PBP, Public Buildings and Parks. Councilman Doyle announced that he and his wife own property in this block; however, he did not feel the rezone affected him. He offered to step down from discussion should there be any objection. No objections were voiced, and Councilman Doyle remained with the Council. . -4- 020 . . . PUBLIC HEARINGS - OTHER: Street Vacation - Olympic . Memorial Hospital CITY COUNCll.MEETING July 21,1998 Mayor Braun reviewed the information provided by the Planning Department. Director Collins offered several minor corrections to the information contained in the packet, including a new Page 108 which had been distributed prior to the meeting. Mayor Braun opened the public hearing at 7:05 p.m. Bill Lindberg, Lindberg Architects, 319 S. Peabody Street, represented Olympic Memorial Hospital. Mr. Lindberg described the project, explained why the rezone was requested, and responded to a question posed by the Council. There being no further public testimony, Mayor Braun closed the public hearing at 7:07 ( p.m. and read the Ordinance by title, entitled ORDINANCE NO. 2996 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles rezoning property located in Hart and Cookes Subdivision of Suburban Block 31 of the Townsite of Port Angeles from Commercial Office to Public Buildings and Parks and amending Ordinance 280 I, as amended. Councilman Wiggins moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title, citing Findings 1 - 10 and Conclusions A - C, as set forth in Exhibit "B", which is attached to and becomes a part of these minutes. Councilman Williams seconded the motion. Following brief discussion, a vote was taken on the motion, which carried unanimously. Mayor Braun stated the next item would be the hearing on the Olympic Memorial Street vacation. A. STREEl' VACATION PEl'ITION - srv 98-02 OLYMPIC MEMORIAL HOSPITAL: A portion of the alley between Georgiana and Caroline directly west of Chambers. Councilman Doyle again offered to step down from the issue, however, there were no objections to his participation. Mayor Braun reviewed the information provided by the Planning Department and asked Director Collins for further input. Director Collins noted several corrections which were necessary, and referred to a corrected page of the Ordinance which had been distributed to Council prior to the meeting. Director Collins offered additional cl~cation on the issue and responded to questions. Mayor Braun opened the public hearing at 7 :20 p.m. Bill Lindberg, Lindberg Architects, 319 S. Peabody Street, represented Olympic Memorial Hospital. Mr. Lindberg offered clarification to Condition #3 of the Ordinance. He informed the Council that the alley is actually be relocated rather than vacated. This will allow residences to the west to have access. to their property from the alley. The relocation of the alley will improve parking and patient flow into the facility. Using the overhead projector, Director Collins provided additional clarification regarding the location of the alley, the parking facilities, and ingress and egress as noted in Condition #3. There being no further public testimony, Mayor Braun closed the public hearing at 7:30 p.m. and read the Ordinance by title, entitled - 5- 021 CITY COUNCIL MEETING July 21,1998 PUBUC HEARINGS - OTHER: (Cont'd) Street Vacation - Olympic Memorial Hospital (Cont'd) Break PUBLIC HEARINGS .' QUASI JUDICIAL: (Cont'd) . Rezone - Northwest Permit ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles vacating a portion o~ the alley between Georgiana and Caroline Streets in Hart and Cookes Subdivision of Suburban Blocks 31 of the Townsite of Port Angeles. . Councilmember McKeown moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title, citing Findings 1 -9, and Conclusions A - D as set forth in Exhibit "C" which is attached to and becomes a part of these minutes.. Councilman Campbell seconded the motion. Following brief discussion, Attorney Knutson rioted the compensation amount was blank in the ordinance. Apparently this matter had not been referred to the Real Estate Conunittee to detennine that amount. Councilman Doyle stated a Real Estate Committee meeting is scheduled for Monday, July 27, 1998, and this was an agenda item. Attorney Knutson said the Ordinance cannot be adopted until the compensation amount has been detennined; however, the Council can vote on approval of the street vacation. The previous motion was withdrawn, and Councilman Wiggins moved to approve the street vacation citing Findings 1 -9 and Conclusions A - D, as set forth in Exhibit "C", which is attached to and becomes a part of these minutes. Councilman Williams seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. Director Collins expressed concern over the closing of the public hearing, as it precludes discussion of the compensation amOWlt. Councilman Doyle moved to reopen the public hearing. Councilmember McKeown seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. Mayor Braun and Councilman Williams excused themselves from the public hearings for . Northwest Permit due to appearance of fairness and conflict of interest. Mayor Braun declared a recess at 7:32 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 7:40 p.m. Mayor Braun and Councilman Williams had departed the meeting. B. REZONE APPUCATION - REZ 98-03 - NORTHWEST PERMIT. Ninth Street between Lincoln and Laurel Street: Request to rezone property designated RS- 7. Residential Single Family. to CSD. Community Shopping District. Deputy Mayor Doyle reviewed the information provided by the Planning Department and asked Director Collins for-additional input. Director Collins reviewed revisions made to the proposed Findings & Conclusions which, he noted, did not change the conclusions of the Planning Conunission. Rather. they removed references to the specific project, except in Conclusion F. Deputy Mayor Doyle reopened the public hearing at 7:45 p.m. . Scott Grainger, 600 University, Seattle, Washington, spoke on behalf of the applicant, Northwest Pennit, and the owner, The Baldridge Group. Mr. Grainger stated that the applicant's Traffic Engineer and Architect were also present to answer any questions staff or Council might have. Theresa Schmid, 114 E. 9th Street, spoke in opposition to the rezone. Seventy-seven residents signed a petition against this rezone, and she urged the Council to listen to what the people are saying. Ms. Schmid expressed fear that the rezone would cause increased noise and traffic levels and perhaps invite voyeurism on 9th Street. Commercial growth should not be encouraged away from downtown, when commercial property is readily available for stores of this size. Ms. Schmid also felt the rezone would make this neighborhood a less desirable place to live. . Councilman Campbell asked Ms. Schmid about her 9th Street traffic concerns, and she -6- 022 . . . PUBLIC HEARINGS - QUASI JUDICIAL: (Cont'd) Rezone - Northwest Permit (Cont'd) CITY COUNCll.MEETING July 21, 1998 replied by reading aloud from a statement she had prepared regarding possible future 9th Street traffic. Nancy VanSickle, 819 S. Laurel Street, spoke in opposition to the rezone. Ms. VanSickle agreed with Ms. Schmid. She informed the Council that there is an espresso stand on the comer of 9th and Lincoln Streets. Watching the morning traffic, Ms. VanSickle noted traffic would leave 8th Street, drive down Laurel to 9th Street (speeding) to reach the espresso stand. A child was almost hit by a car that was driving up to that stand. Commercial traffic has already increased due to Albertson's relocation to Lauridsen Blvd. Another commercial enterprise would make a bad matter worse. Ms. VanSickle also feared that the project would creat~ another. teenage hangout, such as is located at the AM/PM gas station. Businesses that remain open 24-hours seem to become the newest hangout. Ms. VanSickle also felt that parking would be decreased for the existing businesses in this area which would result in employees parking on 9th Street. Marsha Pearson, 118 E. 9th Street, spoke in opposition to the rezone. Ms. Pearson also was concerned about traffic and safety issues and echoed the comments of Ms. Schmid and Ms. VanSickle. Ms. Pearson did not feel this rezone was advantageous to the City as it would not increase economic activity, but would result in the displacement of existing businesses. Ms. Pearson stated that Mr. Grainger, Rite Aid's representative, gave sworn testimony at the Planning Commission public hearing, that if this rezone were denied, Rite Aid would not leave the area, but would remodel at its current location. Ms. Pearson urged the Council to deny this rezone. Discussion followed, and Ms. Pearson responded to questions and provided clarification regarding parking and traffic flow. Kathleen Bailey, 817 S. Laurel Street, did not oppose the rezone; however, she did agree that traffic was a problem on 9th Street and in the 8/9 alley. Ms. Bailey stated she grew up in this neighborhood and the commercial businesses have always been good neighbors. She felt Rite Aid was being blamed for a traffic problem that they did not create. Nancy VanSickle, 819 S. Laurel Street, agreed that the existing businesses have been good neighbors. Ms. VanSickle was not opposed to Rite Aid, but rather to a 24-hour type of business. Theresa Schmid, 114 E. 9th Street, stated that the Planning Commission vote was three to two on this issue, not four to two. The Planning Commission was divided on the issue based on traffic. Scott Grainger, 600 University, Seattle, Washington, thought Ms. Schmid was referring to the vote on:the alley vacation and not the rezone. He stated that this was not going to be a 24-hour store. Marsha Pearson, 118 E. 9th Street, stated the increase in traffic at any hour of any given day was the main concern regardless of how long the store was open. She asked the Council to take into consideration an already over loaded street and not increase the problem by approving this rezone. A traffic study has proven an increase of29 cars per hour turning onto 9th Street. Ms. Pearson was glad to learn it was not going to be a 24- hour business, but she maintained her opposition. Councilman Campbell asked Mr. Grainger if it were true that the existing store would be remodeled if the rezone was denied. Mr. Grainger stated he did not recall his exact words at the hearing; however, this would be an option.. Other options would be closing the store or looking for an alternative site. The final decision would rest with Rite Aid. Councilman Campbell asked why this site was chosen by Rite Aid, and Mr. Grainger described the basic criteria. - 7 - 023 CITY COUNCIL MEETING July 21,1998 PUBLIC HEARINGS- QUASI JUDICIAL: (Cont'd) Rezone - Northwest Permit (Cont'd) CoUncilman Campbell asked how many parking spots were proposed and Mr. Grainger deferred to Mr. David May, the architect for this project. . David May, Mulvaney Partnership, 112 Fifth Ave. N., Seattle, Washington, stated 69 parking stalls are required and would be provided. Director Collins stated Mr. Grainger's testimony from the Planning Commission meeting could be found on Page 136 of the packet Councilman Campbell asked for an explanation of the different traffic ratings. Director Collins deferred to the applicant's traffic engineer. Marldacobs, traffic engineer, 2101 112th Ave. NE, Bellewe, Washington, explained the traffic analysis and ratings system. There was no further testimony, therefore, Deputy Mayor Doyle closed the public hearing at 8:40 p.m. and read the Ordinance by title, entitled ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles rezoning property located in Block 268 of the Townsite of Port Angeles from Residential Single Family to Community Shopping District and amending Ordinance No. 280 I, as amended. Discussion ensued. Councilmember McKeown spoke in opposition to the rezone. She felt it would be an invasion of a residential district, and the traffic would be threatening to the safety of the children. Councilmember McKeown felt allowing this rezone would compromise the quality of life in exchange for sales tax revenue. Councilman Wiggins . agreed with Councilmember McKeown and felt the rezone would be an imposition on the neighbors and, therefore, he would be voting against it. Councilman Campbell stated he had walked around that neighborhood and sympathized with the residents; however, this neighborhood is already substantially commercial. Several businesses will be replaced, and the traffic from those businesses should be subtracted from that created by Rite Aid. This rezone is in. compliance with 'the Comprehensive Plan. or can be made to be in compliance. The City needs to be concerned with economic development. When invesunent is discouraged, the potential for the tax base is decreased and forces the cost of city services and infrastructure improvements back onto the citizens. The traffic problem on Lincoln Street is difficult; however, if the increase in traffic is the criteria fOl:.economic development, the City will have to shut its doors and no further invesunent will be possible. Councilman Campbell stated he was concerned about turning down 1his rezone and the opportunity to this new invesunent. Deputy Mayor Doyle agreed with Councilman Campbell. He also sympathized with the neighborhood. However, denying this rezone would not improve the existing traffic problem. Eventually this area will be developed. A future project may be less desirable than the current one. Councilmember McKeown agreed 'this area will be developed, however, she did not want to see development cross the 8/9 alley, and that is the issue. Councilman Wiggins understood Deputy Mayor Doyle's point of view. This is an opportunity to develop those four lots and get some return out of them. At Deputy Mayor Doyle's request, Director Collins explained the Comprehensive Plan map and what it reflects. Councilman Campbell moved to adopt tbe Ordinance as read by title, citing Findings 1 - 19 and Conclusions A-F. The motion failed for lack . of a second. Councilmember McKeown moved to instruct staft' to bring back Findings and Conclusions to support denial of tbe rezone. Councilman Wiggins seconded tbe - 8 - 024 . . . PUBUC HEARINGS- QUASI JUDICIAL: (Cont'd) Rezone - Northwest Permit (Cont'd) PUBUC HEARINGS- OTHER: Street Vacation - Northwest Permit ('~J" '" ''I CITY COUNCIL MEETING July 21,1998 motion, which resulted in a tie with Councilmemben McKeown and Wiggins voting for the motion and Deputy Mayor Doyle and Councilman CampbeU voting in opposition. Attorney Knutson explained that, assuming Councilman Hulett will have had the opportunity to listen to the tapes, this item can be placed on the next agenda and another motion can be considered at that time. Discussion ensued regarding attendance at future Council meetings. Councilmember McKeoWn moved to hold a special meeting regarding this rezone. Councilman Wiggins seconded the motion. Following brief discussion and clarification, a vote was taken on the' motion, which carried unanimously. Director Collins reminded the Council that only parties of record will be notified of the special meeting; therefore, anyone who wishes to be notified should sign in and identifY their interest in this matter. B. STREET VACATION PETITION - STV 98-01 NORTHWEST PERMIT: A portion of the 8th/9th Street alley between Lincoln and Laurel Streets: A proposal to vacate right-ol-way Deputy Mayor Doyle reviewed the information provided by the Planning Department and asked Director Collins for further input Director Collins pointed out that the compensation amount for the Ordinance needed to be addressed by the Real Estate Committee. Therefore, this action could not be completed tonight and should be continued. Director Collins pointed out that if the rezone is denied, this may be a moot issue. The public hearing must be conducted due to statutory time limits. Director Collins noted that the correct Findings and Conclusions had been distributed prior to the meeting. Deputy Mayor Doyle reopened the public hearing at 9: 10 p.m. Director Collins reminded the CoWlCil that anyone wishing to speak to this issue must indicate such on the sign in list. Scott Grainger, 600 University, Seattle, Washington, representing the applicant and property owner, stated Rite Aid and the Baldridge Group would cooperate with any requests the Police Department may have in monitoring the high risk/activity areas. Also, proposed development will include access to the alley; therefore, through access to Laurel Street would still be possible. Mark Jacobs, Transportation Planning and Engineering, stated the City is aware of the traffic concerns on Lincoln at 8th and 9th Streets and has a'transportation services and facilities plan that contain8 long-range issues' and solutions. Implementation of some of these plans would allev~ate some of the concerns for this intersection. Theresa Schmid, 114 E. 9th Street, spoke against the street vacation. She felt it would have a negative impact on the 9th Street residents. Ms. Schmid then listed the five street vacations which have occurred in recent years within this small area. All five vacations closed off an avenue of transportation connected in some way to 8th or Lincoln Streets. Ms. Schmid urged the Council to deny this vacation, again reciting her concerns regarding traffic and the safety of children walking to school. Nancy VanSickle, 819 S. Laurel Street, asked about traffic mitigation. Director Collins replied that $10,000 referred to for traffic mitigation was to identify improvements that might be needed to the intersection of 8th and Lincoln Streets to facilitate traffic flow. Ms. VanSickle stated the alley was not really being vacated. Part of the alley was going to be blocked otfwith access to go around the building. There are presently problems in that alley. Ms. VanSickle feared the alley would become a short cut for young people leaving the bowling alley and going over to Rite Aid to meet in the parking lot. Ms. VanSickle was also concerned about commercial trucks driving through that area and parking for the other - 9 - 025 CITY COUNCIL MEETING July 21, 1998 PUBUC HEARINGS- OTHER: (Cont'd) Street Vacation - Northwest Pennit (Cont'd) Break Ralston Short Plat Appeal coriunercial entities in that area. Kathleen Bailey, 817 S. Laurel Street, spoke in support of the alley vacation. Ms. Bailey . gave the definition of an alley and stated this alley is being used as a by-product of 8th and 9th Streets. Ms. Bailey stated she had surveyed Peninsula Counseling Center regarding traffic flow and discovered 820 vehicles would pass through the alley in a week. Estimating the use of the alley for the other businesses, the amount of traffic would not fit the definition of an alley. Ms. Bailey would like to see the alley vacated rather than being used as a street, as is currently occurring. Nancy VanSickle, 819 S. Laurel Street, stated she had perfonned her own traffic study and contacted Glass Services and they rarely use alley. She did not believe the sheet rock business used it either. Director Collins stated the remaining alley would remain open to the parking lot for the proposed project. There would be continued access through the alley for utility and emergency vehicles, therefore access for residential or commercial businesses accessing on the alley including Rite Aid. There was no further public testimony and Deputy Mayor Doyle closed the public hearing at 9:32 p.m. and read the Ordinance by title, entitled ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles vacating a portion of the alley between Lincoln and Laurel Streets located in Block 268 of the Townsite of Port Angeles. . Councilmember McKeown voted to not accept the Ordinance as read by title and to request that statY draft findings and conclusions to support this deniaL Councilman Wiggins seconded the motion. The vote resulted in a tie with . Councilmembers McKeown and Wiggins voting in support of the motion and Deputy Mayor Doyle and Councilman Campbell voting in opposition. Deputy Mayor Doyle stated a special meeting will be held when Councilman Hulett is available and the. applicant and all participants will be notified of the meeting time and place. Attorney Knutson infonned the Council that this issue cannot be discussed at all prior to the final decision being voted on. ...~ Deputy Mayor Doyle recessed the meeting for a break at 9:35 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 9:50 p.m-, at which time Mayor Braun and Councilman Williams returned to the meeting. c. Ralston Short Plat Appeal Mayor Braun reviewed the infonnation provided by the Planning Department. Attorney Knutson asked for a revision of the usual public hearing order, as this is an appeal of a decision made by the Planning Director as short plat administrator. Attorney Knutson suggested the public hearing be opened and Director Collins be the first speaker to address the issue. Mayor Braun opened the public hearing at9:55 p.m. Director Collins described the area under discussion and gave a review of the issue. He advised the Council that, in 1994, John Ralston had received preliminary approval to a . short plat of Lot 4, Block 1, Highland View Acre Tracts. Having not fmalized that short plat, Mr. Ralston applied for a new short plat in 1998, which would subdivide the lot into three lots, all accessing on Park Avenue. The prior short plat included subdivision into four lots, with two fronting on Park Avenue and two fronting on Highland Avenue. - 10- 026 . . . Ralston Short Plat Appeal (Cont'd) CITY COUNCll..MEETING July 21,1998 Director Collins continued that short plat design standards establish that p8nhandle, flag, or dogleg lots may be permitted if the original parcel has insufficient width to reasonably provide each lot with a dedicated right-of-way occurring within the interior of the plat and if there is no reasonable likelihood that standard rights-of-way could be provided in cooPeration with abutting properties. With the use of overheads, Director Collins noted that, in this particular situation, there is sufficient width to reasonably provide each lot with a dedicated right-of-way as established by the 1994 preliminary plat approval. Therefore, in his opinion, the design ~dard for permitting panhandle lots has not been met. Further, Director Collins did not feel that the creation of more access curb cuts on Park Avenue would be desirable. He, therefore, denied the short plat. John Ralston, P. O. Box 1405, Port Angeles, appealed the denial of his short pla~ Referring to Page 289 of the packet, Mr. Ralston stated that it c,an not be assumed that there. will be more curb cuts ifhe is allowed this short plat. Mr. R81ston felt one curb cut would allow access to three lots, and he expressed his willingness to enter into an agreement stating one curb cut would access all three parcels. Mr. Ralston cited other areas where one curb cut accesses a multitude of homes. Mr. Ralston stated Highland Avenue is currently 382 feet long. If Highland is extended to RaceStreet, wetlands will have to be crossed. Mr. Ralston suggested that the owner of Lot Three discuss with the City, a cul de sac or turn around. Using the overhead projector, Mr. Ralston demonstrated there was no access to Lot Four from Highland Avenue, and responded to questions posed by the Council. Loren Olson, 1132 Highland A venue, spoke in opposition to the short plat reading from a letter he had sent to the Council on this issue which chronicled Mr. Ralston's efforts relative to the property in question. Mr. Olson felt Highland A venue should be improved if more residences are going to be added. Director Collins spoke in rebuttal to Mr. Ralston's comment regarding the extension of Highland Avenue. State law requires adequate right-of-ways provisions must be made for future development of properties. Mr. Ralston believes Lots A, B and C could coordinate access to Park, it also easy for Lots I, 2,3, 4, and 17 to coordinate access to Highland A venue. Director Collins described how the property can be accessed while avoiding dogleg lots and without interfering with the value of Mr. Ralston's property. Director Collins responded to questions and provided additional clarification. Arliss Frederick,. I 103 Grant Avenue, did not wish to see any additional homes added to this area. Ms. Frederick was concerned with the sewer system. in this area, as it is inadequate, and this situQtWn must be resolved prior to new construction being aHowed' John Ralston didn't feel he or Director CoHins were qualified to discuss water drainage issues. He didn't feel his short plat would make any difference to the sewer problems that exist in that area. Mr. Ralston also spoke in rebuttal to Director Collins's suggestions regarding Highland Avenue. There was no further public testimony and Mayor Braun closed the public hearing at 10:43 p.m Councilman Doyle moved to concur with the Planning Department and deny the appeal and uphold the denial of the proposed short plat of IAt 4, Block 1, Highland View Acre Tracts, citing Findings 1 - 11 and Conclusions A - C, as set forth in Exhibit "D", which is attached to and becomes a part of these minutes. Councilman Campbell seconded the motion. Discussion followed, and Councilmen Campbell and Williams explained why they felt the denial muSt be upheld. A vote was taken on the motion, which carried unanimously. - 11 - 0:7 CITY COUNCn.. MEETING July 21, 1998 Six~Year TIP and CFP . Resolution No. 15-98 D. . Six-Year Transportation Improvement Plan (l'IP) and Six-Year Capital Facilities Plan (Cf.P) . . Mayor BraWl reviewed the info!'Illation provided by the Public Works Department and opened the public hearing at 10:50 p.m. Gary Gleason, 2211 E. 7th Avenue, a member and representative of the Non-Motorized Advisory Committee, reviewed the information provided by the Committee which was contained in the packet. Mr. Gleason thanked City staff for all the help in acting as advisors. Discussion followed, and Director Collins and Interim Manager Pittis responded to questions posed by the COWlcil regarding the TIP. and bicycle routes. Bob Titus, Deputy Director of Utility Services, pointed out that the TIP needs to be adopted this evening and fOlWarded to the State, but it is not required to be funded. The CFP must be ftmded and, therefore, the bicycle needs can be considered when decisions are made to allocate dollars. There being no further public testimony, Mayor BraWl closed the public hearing at 11:05 p.m. and read the Resolution by title, entitled RESOLUTION NO. 15-98 A RESOLUTION of the City COWlcil of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, adopting the Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program for 1998-2003. Councilman CampbeU moved to pass the Resolutionu read by title. It 'Vas pointed out that the Resolution must be corrected to 1999 - 2004, which was acknowledged by . CoW1cilman Campbell as part of the motion. Councilman Wiggins seconded the moti~n, which carried unanimously. School Resource Officer Program E. Allocation of Federal Gram Funds for School Resource Office Program Vehicle. . Mayor BnilDl reviewed the information provided by the Police Department and opened the public hearing at 11: 10 p.m. There was no public testimony, and Mayor BraWl closed the public heluing at II: 10 p.m. No action was necessary. Special UAC Meeting COWlciIman Doyle informed the COWlcil that there would be a special UAC meeting on Monday, July 27, 1998, to .hear a presentation on the Electrical Strategic Plan. COWlcil. is invited to participate in,this event. Real Estate Other, Considerations (Continued) Closure of the Heckman Property Interim Manager Pittis stated the option to purchase the Heckman property expires prior to the next Council meeting. The owner is holding the City's option money, which will be credited towards the purchase price of$150,OOO. Staff recommends this purchase move fOrward to aid the Gateway Project and improve downtoWn parking. Councilmember McKeown moved to exercise the option to purchase the Heckman property. Councilman Williams seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. Councilman Doyle asked if a work session can be held to give. the COWlcil more . information on the Interlocal Agreement with Transit and the Downtown Association for the Gateway Project. A work session will be held at the next regular meeting. - 12 - 028 . . . ):,\'~~;:,:f(',;ti .~~. CITY COUNCll..MEETlNG July 21,1998 CoUncilman Doyle requested a brief explanation of Item A, Information which was provided by Attorney Knutson. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 11: 17 p.m Becky J. Upton, City Clerk ~.~p - 13- Gary Braun, Mayor 029 ~...~ OSD . . . 4,6or8 mobile posts per unit allowing up to 240,000 Ibs. capaci~ Features ~ No installation. All that is required is a flat, stable floor and a power source to operate. '" Flexible ARI-helra lifting systems can be used inside or outside. ~ ARI-hetra lifting systems increase workshop capacity when used together with ARI-helra's heavy-duty mobile support stands. @i) ARI-hetra simplifies the removal of springs, suspensions, brakes engines and transmissions. $ Controls are top-mounted on each post with up/down press buttons and emergency stop. ,j\> Operation is not isolated to one master control box/post a selection switch pennits operation from any individual column. ~ If one column is being used on a single operation, no other column can function. tfJJ ARI-helra's warranty is the most comprehensive in the indus- try, backed-up by a factory-trained service network. Engineering @ The top-mounted gearbox, motor assembly and double-acting . disc brake are housed in a watert:!ght aluminum extrusion. ~ Lifting is achieved through a hardened. ball bearing screw- nut assembly suspended from the top of the column. The expected life of this screw is ten times greater than that of an acme thread. 00 Security devices are built into the electrical system, which stop the lift from operating in case of an electrical failure or overload. @ The main control box has an electronic phase sequence re- lay, which automatically checks the rotation of the motors and adjusts it accordingly. In addition, if one phase is cut off, the the system will stop automatically. ~ The slim design allows optimum visibility, which is especial- ly important for maneuvering and positioning. Made In The U,S.A. .e "Maintaining and building a better community" Jack Plttfs Dlrector{4801J Phytlls Ras/er Administrative ' Assistant {4800J Cate Rinehart Administrative Assistant {4700J Bob Titus Deputy Director {4701J Ken Ridout Deputy Director {4802J Gary Kenworthy City Engineer {4803J steve Hursh Engineering Manager {4702J Tim Smith Contract & Project .dmlnlstrator {4804J Lou Haehn/en Sr. Building Inspector {4816J Tom Sper1lne Sr. Electrlcallnspector {4735J Scott Mclain Power Manager {4703J Ralph Ellsworth Water, Wasl9water Collection Super1nl9ndent [4855] Pete Surrett Equip. ServIces Super1nl9ndent {4835] Marlc Shamp Ught Operations Manager [4731 J Kevin Curtis Tf98t. Plant Supervisor [4845] Tom McCabe SW Collection Supervisor {4876J Steve Evans landfill Supervisor .73J ve Wilcox Sfrget Maintenance - Supervisor {482S] Fu-L.A~ H MEMORANDUM DATE: August 4, 1998 MANAGER IBARRA, MAYOR BRAUN AND CITY COUNCIL JACK PITTIS, PUBLIC WORKS & UTILITIES DIRECTOR RE: BID AWARD FOR NEW MOBILE LIFTING SYSTEM TO: FROM: SUMMARY and RECOMMENDATION: Bids for a new Mobile Lifting System were opened on July 28, 1998. After a detailed review of the four bids submitted, the Public Works & Utilities Department recommends that the City Council award the bid to Automotive Resources, Inc. for a Herta Model #HDML-8-4 Mobile Lifting System, for the sum of $26,836.89, including tax. ISSUE: Should bids be aw~rded for a Mobile Lifting BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS: On July 28, 1998 bids were opened for a Mobile Lifting System to be used in the Equipment Services Garage and to replace the existing heavy duty shop hoist that has failed. Bids were received from the following vendors: Automotive Resources, Inc. C. Front Co, Inc. Enviro-Clean Equipment $26,836.89 $35,607.00 $27,460.55 $24,601.20 [not new] $30,778.48 Fairfax, VA Kirkland, WA Estacada, OR Northwest Sales Group Seattle, WA The bid from Enviro-Clean Equipment for a used lift in the sum of $24,601.20 was rejected because it did not meet the specifications for a new hoist. Funding for the equipment was ~!?proved by the City Council on July 7, 1998. ," JNP:jp N:\PWKS\EQUIPSVC\CC-HOIST.WPD 031 .. 032 . . . aintaining and building a better community" JackPtnls Director [4801J Phytlis Raster Administrative Assistant [48ooJ Cate Rinehart Administrative Assistant (47ooJ Bob Titus Deputy Director (4701 J Ken Ridout Deputy Director [4802J Gaty Kenworthy City Engineer [4803J Jim Harper Electrical Engineer [4702J Tim Smith Contract & Projact _nistrator [4804J Haehnlen r. Building Inspector (4816J Tom Sperline Sr. Electrical Inspector [4735J Scott McLain Power Manager [4703J Ralph Ellsworth Water. Wastewater CoIlectJon Superintendent (4855J Pete Surrett Equip. S6MC8S Superintendent (4835J Marie Shamp Light OperatlOllS Manager (4731J Kevin CurtJs Tf98t Plant SUpeMsor (4845J Tom McCabe SW CoIlectJon Supervisor [4876J Steve Evans Landfill Supervisor [4873J ~ve Wilcox ~Maintenence Supervisor [4825J MEMORANDUM Fc..A-d./~-e;;c 3 DATE: AUGUST 4, 1998 TO: CITY MANAGER, MAYOR BRAUN AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: JACK PITTIS, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS RE: FINAL PAYMENT AND ACCEPTANCE; EDIZ HOOK/USCG BASE WASTEWATER FACILITIES, PROJECT NO. 92-11 I . SUMMARY and RECOMMENDATION:.The construction of the Ediz Hook/USCG Base Wastewater Facilities, Project No. 92-11 has been inspected and accepted as complete. The Public Works Department recommends that the City Council accept the project, authorize final payment to Strider Construction. Inc. in the amount of $11,344.74, and release the retainage in the amount of $22,589.29 upon the receipt of clearances from the Department of Revenue and Labor and Industries. ISSUE: Should the City Council accept the Ediz Hook/USCG Base Wastewater Facilities, Project No. 92-11, authorize final payment, and release the retainage? BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS: This project constructed completed the wastewater force main and pumping stations to serve Ediz Hook and the USCG Base. The original contract amount of the project was $440,517.94 including sales tax. The final project cost was $487,476.93 including $31,900.47 in change orders(7) and $15,058.52 in net quantity increases(Primarily asphalt repairs). Strider Construction Inc. was the contractor on the project. The project was funded through an agreement with the USCG for reimbursement of the cost of facilities constructed on the base ($262,951.28), reimbursement from leaseholders on the hool< which had pumps installed by the project($31, 189.59), and the Wastewater Utility($193,336.08) for the remainder of the force main construction. The Wastewater Utility will be reimbursed by users under the developer reimbursement agreement approved earlier as new connections are made-to the system. This reimbursement agreement will be brought before Council for revision to reflect actual final costs of engineering and construction. ~L.~'_ Gary W. K nwor4hy P~ City Engineer GWK:gk Attachments: Final Payment Req., Acceptance Copy: Finance Loc:N:\PROJECTS\92-11 EDZ\PROJMGT\CCFNLPMT.GWK File: 92-11.14 033 CITY OF PORT ANGELES - PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM . "MAINTAINING AND BUlIDING A BEITER COMMUNm" August 4, 1998 TO: Kay Godbey, Finance Director FROM: Jack F>ittis, Public Works Director RE: Ediz Hook/USCG Base Wastewater Facilities-Project NO.92-11.14 (Final Payment #7) Sales Tax 7.9% of subtotal CONTRACT Chan e Orders to Date 7 $408,265.00 $29,564.85 Ori . nal Contract Amount Subtotal $11,025.01 $870.98 $551.25 $34,820.10 $22,038.04 $22,589.29 $464,887.65 LESS Retaina e (5% of subtotal Contractor Pavments Authorized to Date Project Com 1etion 103.19% DISBURSEMENT SUMMARY Account Nos.. See Below for Distribution CONTRACTOR: Strider Construction Co. 2430 East Bakerview Rd. Bellin am, W A 98226 RETAINAGE: Escrow acct.#473549007259 Key Bank Of Washington 1200 12th Street Bellin ham, W A 98225 US 7511-9721-4150: $ 921.76 US 7511-9722-4150: $10.422.98 TOTAL $11,344.74 US 7511-9721-4150: $ 44.79 US 7511-9722-4150: $ 506.46 TOTAL $551.25 TOTAL DISBURSEMENT FOR THIS PAYMENT $11.895.99 CHANGE ORDER COMMENTS: Chan e no. 7 attached. PREPARED BY: ~ \,.". ~ . City Eng\neer <~ APPROVED BY: . Loc:N:\PROJECTS\92-11 EDZ\PROJMGT\PA YMENTS\PA YREQ7.GWK 034 . STRIDER CONSTRUCTION CO... INC - 2430 E. Bakerview Road Bellingham, WA 98226 (360) 676-5094 FAX (360) 734-5309 SCI Job II EZ Invoice Date: 7/9/98 To: PROJECT TITLE: Ediz Hook Ron Johnson City of Port Angeles CONTRACT NO.: 92-11 P.O. Box 1150 Port Angeles, WA 98362 ESTIMATE NO.: FINAL Revision - 1 PHONE (360) 417-4806 REPORT PERIOD Ending June 30,1998 FAX (360) 417-4609 Original Contract Amount w/wsst $ 440,517.94 Amount of Approvec:I Change Orders No. 1-7 w/wsst $ 31,901.30 Total EstilTl8ted ContnICt Amount: $ 472,419.24 WorK Previous Amount Total Completed Amount This Estim8te Amount - ----_.--- ~ ---- ._- .n -.--.--- -- -- SaseContract $ 422,221.00 $ 422,221.00 $ - $ 422,221.00 - - _H -0 ...--..-.--- ----.--- ~-~ -- . "_0 _. il!~ - .- -.---. .- ----- --- Change Orders $ 29,565.82 $ - $ 29,56582 - ."... ____._._ _n . _._ -~---- - -- -----. ------.. --------- -- -----.--.--- ______0 Extra Work $ - $ - $ . ___..n __ -- ..- -----.-- ~._._. ---- - --- ._.___d__ ----.- 0- -_.-- ! n' 0__ ---.---.------ ---. - ~---- -------.. -.. -- -- .- - -- ..u..__ Materials on Hand $ - .$ - $ ~.'^ Gross Billing S 4I1.7N:t2 i $ -- '35.691 ~ -- -.-- .- ~. - ---- .-- ..--.. .- ---- ..------ ._..__.__.0__._'._ ._. .,-__-_'0 _ --.--.--.--..-.-- n _ . ___,_._..___, - ----_.. ---. Sales Tax (7.9% of gross billing) >---------.--- ---- . . -. .---- ------.-.- ----~- ----- -.----.---- --.- ------. q1 i .. __.._.L_.__ _.___ ------ -- f--------- --- ----_.- 1--___._--'*, '" Subtotal (gross billing + sales ~L_ --- ----.- --- -- $ 487,4iM€ T I . J..1 ,- ~ ,.- ~--~---. _.-- -.---. ----------- -----.- ----- -.---- ---- Retainage (5% of gross billing) -' --- $ (22,589.J3) I ---. ---- - -- - -. - .- - ---..-- --------. -- ~ Net Amount (subtotal - retainege) - .. -- -...-- $ 464, . 1 -- -.- -.- -.-----. --- - - - - payments Received as of 03131 /98 0- $ 453,542.91 I - ._-- --- - --------.- f---- --C.____. - _.-. -.-. -.-'-- --'----- --- -.----.---- Still Owing From Previous Billings - --~- -.. ---- ~_n~ ~- --- -- -'--- ----. ---- -------'- - ----~ -.------ Adjustment" 1 __on - - ------ -- -- ----..-.. ----.----- .~L~ -"~ ---'- --- -- --... ~ ~ .. -- .. ------,----. -..--------- f----- TOTAL AMOUNT DUE THIS ESTIMATE: S 11.34U2 We""'" ........l....the"";'; #~..;;.; otthe.;;k.....- _the..... _lD_. ------ ------.. -,.---- -- -------- .- By: ~iJ -.A ,.... o__.~-._---~_--~ TrUe: ProjectManager Date 7/8/98 . I __:-__"___. ____.__. ___ __ __ ..n___"-___ -'_ ___._..___~~_ - ----- "EXPLANATION ATTACHED ~~ . j}-l..- j)y- f\.,V ~ ~c:- .".. J-'- . 035 .~s ~ .--- ~~ CITY OF PORT ANGELES PUBUC WORKS DEPARTMENT CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER NO. 7 SHEET ---1- OF 1 Contractor Project Name EDIZ HOOK! USCG CONSTRUCTION STRIDER CONSTRUCTION INC. DATE: ADri127. 1998 . Project No. 92-11 LID No. StatelFed. Aid No. . DESCRIPTION OF WORK You are ordered to perform the following described work upon receipt of an approved copy of this Change Order: This work is revise washdown valve wiring to allow proper operation with control panel. Such work will be compensated by: [ ] Increase or [ ] Decrease in bid items; [ ] Force Account; '(X ] Negotiated Price: The described work affects the existina contract items and/or adds 'and/or deletes bid items as follows: Item No. Description OCVR tI .................... .................... .................... ........................................ .................... .................... .................... ::!::::!::::!!j::jjij::ijijji:jiji::i::: Quanttty Unit -$ Cost Per Unit , Cost -Net S Cost Adj. Days 18-B Revise valve & panel controls SCI #29 Orig. ...................................... :~:~:~:~:~:;:~:~:;;~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~~:~:!:~:~:~:;:~:~:;:;:~~:~:~:;:~ :;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:::::::;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:::;:;:;:;:;:;::::;:;:::;:;:;:;:;:::::::;:::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.:.:::::::::::::::.:.:::::::::.:::::::: :.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.: Rev. I I Est. I I I Est.. $877 .42 I I $877 .42 I $877 .42 21 I.....mmnm[[....rml .mmmmm ~ ~~ ~ ji ~~I ~ ~~ ~ i1 ~ ~ j~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i I~~~~ ~ ~jj~ ~~~ ~~ ~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~j~~~~ ~~ ~j ~j~1~ ~~~ ~ j~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~ 11 ~ ~ ~ ~j~ ~ ~~~ ~~~~~ ~ ~~~~~~ ~~j ...................................... ................ ... .. .... .. . . ... . ;:::;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:::::::;:::::;:;:;:;:;:::::::;:::::::::;: :::::::::::;::::::::::::::::~:;: ~j~~~I~~~~fI~~~III~~~I~~~~~]~~~~~~~~~)~~~~~~~~~r m~f~~~!~~~~~~~i~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ....... ..... ... ..... .............. j::i:::::::::::::::::iijl:::::ljj:i::::ji:j::::::jjj::::::lil:::::!::jli::: ,:j:l:tj:j:l:j:!:::l!li::l:i:: . .... ....... .......................... .............. . ..... .... ... .... . . ORIGINAL . CURRENT . EST. NET CHANGE TOTAL CHANGE ORDERS, EST. CONTRACT AFTER CONTRACT CONTRACT THIS CHANGE ORDER INCLUDING THIS ONE THIS CHANGE ORDER $ 408,265.00 $ 436 952.43 $ 877.42 $29 564.85 $ 437 829.85 DAYS: 70 DAYS: 98.5 DAYS: 21 DAYS: 49.5 DAYS: 119.5 . Sales Tax Not Included .... 'All work, materials and measurements to be in accordance with the provisions of the original contract and/or the standard specifICations and special provisions for the type of construction involvecl. The payments and/or additional time specified and agreed to in this order include every claim by the Contractor for any extra payment or extension of time with respect to the work described ~n, including delays to the overall project. APPROVED BY: SIGNATURE: DATE: ARCHITECTIENGINEER PROJECT ENGR.I USCG CONTRACTOR PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR CIlY MANAGER CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL DATE: /.-Jk N4 " ;VA PW-404_04 [10195J - N:\PROJECTS\92-11EDZ\PROJMGT\CCOO7.GWK FILE: 92-11.15 036 . AUTHORIZATION TO TRANSFER FUNDS Transfer to Payroll Fund 0 for Pay Period Ending 07-26-98 Mayor/Council 2,600.00 City Manager 3,213.04 Human Resources 3,822.02 Finance 23,461.94 City Attorney 8,380.52 Planning 5,982.10 Police 79,797.34 FirelMedic I 65,590.73 Utility Services 42,668.60 ParklRecreation 45,209.96 Cemetery 365.53 Total General Fund 281,091.78 Street 12,898.74 . Light 25,711.82 Water 19,171.75 Wastewater 9,093.70 Solid Waste 17,332.36 Equipment Services 7,440.92 Information Services 4,939.55 Firemen's Pension 961.66 Esther Webster Trust 3,924.32 Total Payroll 382,566.60. . 0,' /~-, ' ...",'", . ..J.; " F 037 . I . . 038. 98/07/30-15:59 . City of Port Angeles Fnd Dpt Check Number Vendor Name 001 46539 Clallam County Treasurer 46544 Daily Journal corporation 46?77 Moore Medical Corporation 46607 Washington (Rev), State of 46610 Washington State Treasurer 46626 American Swing Products Inc. 46647 Employees Association 46687 Payton Wright Ford 46689 Plantronics/Santa Cruz 46717 WA State Patrol - WASIS (HA) CHECK REGISTER Date FrOl 07/18/98 To 07/31/98 Vendor Number 03075 04136 13063 23118 23120 01112 05041 16393 16089 23359 0001 46537 Clallam County Dept. of Health 03065 46551 Farwest Forestry 06201 46555 Goldzimer Consulting Group 07080 . 46559 Int'l Inst. Municipal Clerks 09013 46574 Lucent Technologies 12215 46575 MAKERS 13394 46601 Summit Law Group PLLC 19437 46604 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 46606 Washington (OASI), State of 23180 46609 Washington Audiology svcs Inc. 23274 46623 Advanced Travel 01090 0002 . 46624 AirTouch Cellular, Bellevue 46634 Clallam County YMCA 46642 Doubletree Hotel-Port Angeles 46663 Jobs Available Inc 46712 US West Communications 46713 United Parcel Service 46559 Int'l Inst. Municipal Clerks 46569 Lauderdale, Lyn L. 46574 Lucent Technologies 46604 Washington (DIS), State of 01105 03076 18112- 10022 21001 21005 09013 12277 12215 23111 Description CVCA remittance June 1998 Annual subscription 1252713 Synetron gloves 2nd Qrtr excise taxes 2nd Qrtr excise taxes 2nd Qrtr excise taxes 2nd qtr Leasehold Excise Taxes Revenue from District Ct June Revenue from District Ct June Swing chain,bucket,swing Picnic Supplies New Police car 1187 Amp/Cab HSB552-1 Criminal History - M Milo GL Code Nulllber 1 2294000 1 237??oo 1 237??oo 1 2373000 1 2371000 1 2372000 1 2375000 1 2291000 1 2293000 1 237??oo 1 2254010 1 237??oo 1 237??oo 1 2295000 'c_ /. j -:T" ,I") _./"'~~''-~'''''.. -<' ~ July 30 1998 Total for Department Hepatitis B shots, TB shots 113 4131 Aviation services to Eugene 112 4990 Professional svcs-June 1998 111 4155 Annual Membership - B Upton 111 4901 7-02 billing 111 4210 7-02 billing 113 4210 Prof Svcs Science Lab pe 5-31 111 4150 Professional svcs 113 4150 Scan billing June 1998 113 4210 Scan billing June 1998 111 4210 1998 OASI Adllin fees 111 4990 Auditory tests-Wells, Ziegler 113 4131 -B Coons to Renton 7-6-98 113 4310 Braun, Ca.pbell to Tacoma 6-17 112 4310 P Ibarra-Moving expenses 7-12 111 4310 J Pittls to Sequim, Forks 6-24 111 4310 7-158illing 111 4210 98 HUll8n Services Contribution. 114 4150 Accomodations - P Ibarra 111 4310 Job Ad-Engineer/Police Officer 113 4410 7-14 Billing 111 4210 7-14 Billing 113 4210 Shipping Services 113 4150 Total for Administration Annual membership -C Hagar Refund Business License fee 7-02 billing 7-02 billing 7-02 billing Scan billing June 1998 Scan billing June 1998 Scan billing June 1998 201 4901 200 9205 201 4210 230 4210 240 4210 201 4210 230 4210 240 4210 039 Page 1 AlIlOUnt 171.90 9.64- 6.11- 382.34 1,851.45 1,441.49 2,231.58 780.00 10,578.74 54.68- 112.58 1,643.53- 3.88- 24.00 15,856.24 295.00 633.54 742.07 85.00 46.50 31.00 1,620.10 656.00 53.01 184.10 77.35 60.00 10.00 403.72 1,740.02 95.25 11.05 15,000.00 609.74 194.40 136.76 91.18 35.00 22,810.79 55.00 25.00 31.00 38.75 93.00 29.60 33.56 12.11 July 30 1998 Page 2 98/07/3rr15:59 City of Port Angeles CHECK REGISTER Date From 07/18/98 To 07/31/98 Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Number Name Number 46607 Washington (Rev), State of 23118 46623 Advanced Travel 01090 46648 Equifax - Credit Information 05160 46680 Microflex Inc. 13203 46712 us West Communications 21001 46715 Viking Office Products 46718 WFOA 98 Conference 0003 46544 Daily Journal Corporation 46574 Lucent Technologies 46604 Washington (DIS), State of 46613 West Group 46712 US West Communications 46715 Viking Office Products 0004 46574 Lucent Technologies 46585 Port Angeles City Treasurer 46604 Washington (DIS), State of 46712 US West Communications 22054 23326 04136 12215 23111 23018 21001 22054 12215 03062 23111 21001 . Description GL Code Nulllber AlIOUnt 2nd Qrtr excise taxes 230 4950 Bob Kajfasz to Seattle 5-2rr98 240 4310 K Godbey to San Francisco 6-28 201 4310 Credit Inquiries - July 240 4150 Tax audit program l30 4150 7-14 Billing 201 4210 7-14 Billing 230 4210 7-14 Billing 240 4210 Deskjet ink,pens,stapler,tape 201 3101 Deskjet ink,pens,stapler,tape 230 3101 Deskjet ink,pens,stapler,tape 240 3101 1998 Conference - Kay Godbey 201 4310 Conference Registr-Accounting 201 4310 132.09 47.60 469.20 1.75 295.30 91.18 113.97 273 . 53 107.44 99.96 5.42 210.00 440.00 Total for Finance 2,605.46 Annual subscription 1252713 7-02 bi II ing Scan billing June 1998 Legal publications 7-14 Billing Disks,pens,appointment book 311 3101 311 4210 311 4210 311 3101 311 4210 311 3101 131.64 54.22 53.30 67.71 159.. 81. Total for Atty 548.42 7-02 bill i ng Petty cash reimbursements Scan billing June 1998 7-14 Billing 411 4210 411 3101 411 4210 411 4210 31.00 14.82 18.80 91.18 Total for Planning 155.80 0005 46538 Clallam County Sheriff's Dept. 03074 May 1998 'inll8te care 512 5099 17,581.81 46548 Evergreen Collision Center Inc 03207 Towing services 530 4150 72.83 Towing services 530 4150 67.43 46549 FBINAA Washington Chapter Inc. 23043 Conference Registration-S Ilk 511 4310 95.00 Conference Registratn-T Riepe 511 4310 95.00 46574 Lucent Technologies 12215 7-02 billing 511 4210 54.25 7-02 billing 534 4210 38.75 7-02 bi II ing 530 4210 7.75 46577 Moore Medical Corporation 13063 Synetron gloves 530 3101 83.36 46604 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 Scan billing June 1998 511 4210 29.57 Scan billing June 1998 534 4210 7.25 Scan billing June 1998 530 4210 76.10 46608 washington (Unemp), State of 23178 2nd Quarter 1998 unemployment 533 2060 847.08 46623 Advanced Travel 01090 Steve Ilk to Spokane 6-23-98 511 4310 528_ Riepe,"cLane,et al Kent 7-14 530 4310 160 Zappey,Roggenbuck Shelton 6-28 530 4310 ,30. Steve Ilk to Seattle 7-1-98 511 4310 12.10 " Hall to Shelton 6-27-98 530 4310 45.00 T Riepe to Seattle 7-2-98 511 4310 12.10 040 98/07/30-15:59 . Fnd Opt Check Number ~ . 0007 Vendor NaRle '.'\;":':":-i'~!:'_':~'" -, "~;1,~;:d;;4(. City of Port Angeles CHECK REGISTER Date FrOll 07/18/98 To 07/31/98 Vendor Number 46624 AirTouch Cellular, Bellevue 01105 46633 Clallam County Humane Society 03072 46681 Mt.Pleasant Auto Body & Towing 13068 46712 US West Communications 21001 46713 United Parcel Service 21005 46558, lCBO Clnt'l Conference of 46564 Kinections 46574 Lucent Technologies 46581 Oman, Brian 46586 Port Angeles Fire Department 46595 SeaWestern Inc. 46604 Washington CDIS>, State of 46623 Advanced Travel 46624 AirTouch Cellular, Bellevue 46697 Sanderson Safety Supply Co. 46712 US West C~nications 46713 United Parcel Service 46527 Angeles Plumbing Inc. 09001 11088 12215 15151 16025 19104 23111 01090 01105 - 19048 21001 21005 01039 Description T Riepe to Spokane 6-23-98 7-15 Billing 7-15 Billing 7-15 Billing 7-15 Billing 7-15 Billing 7-15 Bill ing 7-15 Billing 7-15 Billing 7-15 Billing July 1998 Contract payment Towing services 7-14 Billing 7-14 Billing 7-14 Billing Shipping Services Shipping Services GL Code Nulllber 511 4310 530 4210 530 4210 530 4210 .5304210 530 4210 530 4210 530 4210 530 4210 530 4210 530 4150 530 4150 511 4210 534 4210 530 4210 530 4210 534 4210 July 30 1998 Total for Police 1997 Building Code Handbook 642 3101 Prof Svcs-Fire computer system 642 4150 7-02 billing 611 4210 7-02 billing 642 4210 7-02 billing 643 4210 7-02 billing 641 4210 Reilburse EMT class expenses 645 4310 Petty cash reimbursement 611 3101 Repair face piece 641 3101 Scan billing June 1998 611 4210. Scan billing June 1998 643 4210 Scan billing June 1998 641 4210 B Becker to Spokane 5-6-98 645 4310 o.anr Adamich North Bend 6-26 645 4310 R Gunn to Olympia 7-21-98 641 4310 7-15 Billing 641 3101 7-15 Billing 611 4210 7-15 Billing 611 4210 7-15 Billing 641 4210 Regulator testing 641 3101 Regulator, d~aphragm 641 3101 7-14 Billing 611 4210 7-14 Billing 642 4210 7-14 Billing 643 4210 7-14 Bi II ing 641 4210 Shipping Services 641 4210 Shipping Services 643 3101 Repair hose bib,labor,material 784 4810 Total for Fire 041 Page 3 AIlount 509.91 48.23 20.74 21.60 10.38 9.39 9.39 9.39 18.01 66.91 3,325.00 134.88 159.56 113.97 22.79 11.58 31.22 24,367.24 70.59 100.00 38.75 7.75 7.75 23.25 185.64 30.92 85.71 32.12 2.91 3.01 504.94 85.00 208.80 9.39 7.97 26.72 33.41 60.00 145.72 113.97 22.79 22.79 68.38 33.38 6.53 1,938.19 111.40 98/07/30-15:59 City of Port Angeles CHECK REGISTER Date FroII 07/18/98 To 07/31/98 Fnd Dpt Check Number Vendor Nalle Vendor Nullber 46574 Lucent Technologies 12215 46589 RadioShack Accounts Receivable 18003 46604 Washington (DIS),.State of 23111 46624 AirTouch Cellular, Bellevue 01105 46663 Jobs Available Inc 10022 46712 US West Communications 21001 46713 United Parcel Service 21005 46715 Viking Office Products 22054 0008 46528 Angeles Temporary Services 46574 Lucent Technologies 01076 12215 46578 NCC Inc. 14162 46584 Peninsula Bottling Co. Inc. 16071 46585 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 46592 Roto Rooter PLullbers 18229 46598 Skagit Gardens 190n 46603 US West C~unicatiOns 21001 46604 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 46605 Washington (DOH), State of 46607 Washington (Rev), State of 23108 23118 Description GL Code Number 7-02 billing 711 4210 Contact cleaner 711 3101 Scan billing June 1998 711 4210' 7-15 Billing 711 4210 6-15 billing 711 4210 7-15 Billing 711 4210 Job Ad-Engineer/Police Officer 711 4410 7-14 Billing 711 4210 Shipping Services 711 3101 Shipping Services 711 4210 Post it flags, pens, binders 711 3101 Di~kettes,copyholder 711 3101 Filters,screen pads 711 3101 Arch boards, tye dye, paper 711 3101 Kochanek pe 7-15-98 7-02 bi II ing 7-02 billing 7-02 billing 7-02 bill i ng 7-02 billing 7-02 bill i ng Cleaner Pop, cups Petty cash reimbursements Petty cash rei.oursements PLuBbing services Credit super stuffers Pansies,perennials 7-2 Billing. 7-08 bin ing Scan billing June 1998 Scan billing June 1998 Scan biLling June 1998 Scan billing June 1998 Scan billing June 1998 Pool Operating permit 2nd Qrtr excise taxes 2nd Qrtr excise taxes 2nd Qrtr excise taxes 2nd Qrtr excise taxes 2nd Qrtr excise taxes 2nd Qrtr excise taxes 2nd Qrtr excise taxes 2nd Qrtr excise taxes 2nd Qrtr excise taxes 2nd Qrtr excise taxes 2nd Qrtr excise taxes 2nd Qrtr excise taxes July 30 1998 Total for Public Works 866 4150 811 4210 866 4210 865 4210 861 4210 862 4210 863 4210 865 3120 861 3101 862 3101 862 9451 865 4810 865 3101 865 3101 863 4210 866 4410 . 811 4210 866 4210 861 4210 862 4210 863 4210 862 4901 866 9431 866 9435 866 9436 866 9426 866 9430 866 9434 862 9450 862 9452 862 9454 862 9455 865 9457 862 9612 042 Page 4 . Amount 217.00 11.86 104.14 13.69 33.96 53.29 123.12 638.24 8.42 5.53 82.54 95.31 197.46 41.59 1,737.55 748.34 23.25 7.75 1~. 7.75 23.25 598.50 13.50 8.18 12.00 141.35 23.01- 101 .60 43.04 81.31 25.44 6.54 41.85 2.67 5.37 315.00 29.38 152.50 30.97 70.63 46.33 102.33 365. 203 18. 3.44 80.85 .11- 98/07/30-15:59 . Fnd Dpt Check Number . 102 0007 107 0005 . Vendor Name --,,, ":;"~;'~f;~!>' !~-,;:"t(i.t:,i City of Port Angeles CHECK REGISTER Date FroM 07/18/98 To 07/31/98 Vendor Number 46608 Washington (Unemp), State of 23178 46626 American Swing Products Inc. 01112 46643 Drennan-Ford Funeral Home 04243 46665 Johnstone Supply Inc. 10026 46672 LaMotte Company 12006 46693 puget Safety Equipment 16248 46712 US West Communications 21001 46721 Watermill Inc., The 46724 Xerox corporation 466C>7 Washington (Rev), State of 46574 46604 46617 46646 46693 46712 46715 Lucent Technologies Washington (DIS), State of Zee Medical Service Co. Econolite Control Products puget Safety Equipment US West Co.munications. Viking Office Products 46547 Eads, Bob 46574 Lucent Technologies 46579 New World Systems 46604 Washington (DIS), State of 46682 New World Systems 23010 24001 23118 12215 23111 26005 Inc 05003 16248 21001 . 22054 - 05167 12215 14184 23111 14184 Description GL Code Number 2nd Qrtr excise taxes. 862 9451 2nd Qrtr excise taxes 862 9626 2nd Quarter 1998 une.ployent 863 2060 2nd Quarter 1998 uneilployment 865 2060 Swing chain,bucket,swing 865 3120 Ministr.svcs-Konopaski funeral 866 4901 Motor,belts,wheel,element 862 3120 Chlorine tablets, test tube 862 3120 Plugs 866 3120 7-14 Billing 862 4210 7-14 Billing 811 4210 7-14 Billing 866 4210 7-14 Billing 865 4210 7-14 Billing 861 4210 7-14 Billing 862 4210' , 7-14 Bi II ing 863 4210 7-14 Billing 865 4210 7-14 Billing 862 4210 Calcium hypochlorite, sodium 862 3120 Dry ink 863 3101 July 30 1998 Total for Parks & Recreation 2nd Qrtr excise taxes 102 237??oo Total for General Fund Total for Department 7-02 billing . scan billing June 1998 First aid supplies Repai,....signal controller Respirators,gloves 7-14 Billing Post.it flags, pens, binders 752 4210 752 4210 752 3101 752 3125 752 3101 752 4210 752 3101 Total for Public Works. Total for Street Fund Prof Svcs- computer system 532 6410 7-02 billing 532 4210 Creditiiwoice 70967 532 6410 Yates Travel expense 532 6410 Collins- Travel expense 532 6410 Software Installation Svcs 532 6410 Scan billing June 1998 532 4210 Public Safety Software Modules 532 6410 C~liance-Police Software 532 6410 Software Sales Tax Inv#75194-5 532 6410 0,43 Page 5 AlIOunt 290.25 139.13 1,043.92 1,929.07 746.88 80.00 131.15 65.67 51.69 40.97 68.38 22.79 22.79 45.59 22.79 68.38 38.27 36.37 984.89 431.60 9,571.53 79,591.22 515.58 515.58 23.25 1.45 63.39 282.36 165.91 68.38 27.67 632.41 1,147.99 1,960.00 131.75 1,350.00- 716.60 1,122.47 2,880.00 52.17 97,200.00 4,320.00 8,020.08 98/07/30-15:59 City of Port Angeles July 301998 Page 6 CHECK REGISTER Date From 07/18/98 To 07/31/98 . Fnd Dpt Check Number" Vendor Name Vendor Number Description GL Code Number Amount Travel expense-Collins pe 7-10 532 6410 1,494.19 46683 Nosworthy Telecommun. Dist. 14084 Windscreen,ear cushion 532 3501 120.11 46689 Plantronics/Santa Cruz 16089 Artp/cab HSB552-1 532 3501 52.88 46712 US West Communications 21001 7-14 Billing 532 4210 387.49 46713 United Parcel Service 21005" Shipping Services 532 4210 ( 12.38 Total for PenCom 117,120.12 310 0007 46567 Lakeside Industries Inc. 12036 Prof Svcs-School sidewalk p #3 792 4150 8,078.00 Prof Svcs-School sidewalk p #3 792 4150 15,5n.85 Total for Capital Irtprovement Fund 23,655.85 314 0007 46619 Clallam Title Company 03286 Earnest money for Cronauer 715 4150 18,750.00 46635 Clallam Title Company 03286 Final Pmt on Cronauer Property 715 4150 364,252.69 46694 R J Services Inc. 18108 Fill oil tank-Old City Hall 715 4150 1,116.n Total for capital Improvement Fund 384,119.46 320 0006 46594 Ryan Swanson & Cleveland 18205 Legal svcs-Fire Hall 621 4150 16.50 Total for Fire Station Construction Fund 16. 321 0007 46572 Lindberg Architects Inc. 12045 FED EX charges-ARK Ramos 716 4150 43.75 46580 Northland Cable Television 14144 Library outlet wiring 716 4150 120.00 46628 Badge Boys 02391 Library Occupancy signs 94-19 716 4150 67.82 Total for Library Construction Fund 231.57 401 46530 Arnold, P. S. 01380 Utility overpmt rfd-022527011 401 1222200 137.99 46531 Baits, Gary 02389 . Weatherwize incentive 401 1344000 400.00 46532 Bork, Percy 02388 Utility ovrpmt rfd-001473oo1 401 1222200 16.50 46534 Cahoon, Neal 03438 Ut i l i ty"" ovrpmt rfd-017990032 401 1222200 22.00 46536 Chaleunvong, sam 03435 Utility ovrpmt rfd-081515041 401 1222200 57.80 46540 Clark, Loretta 03439 Utility deposit rfd-017965025 4012131100 28.61 46542 Costello, Berry 03394 . Utility ovrpmt rfd-OOS843009 401 1222200 32.80 46545 Dew, Carla 04247 Utility deposit rfd-046655014 401 2131100 32.24 46553 Flores, Benjamin 06200 Utility deposit rfd-083933008 401 2131100 227.19 46557 Hausle, Estate of Jeffrey 08341 Utility ovrpmt rfd-031658011 401 1222200 106.51 46561 Johnson Jr, Jerry 10150 Rfd utility deposit-049018021 401 2131100 121.36 46563 Judd, Joy 10155 Utility overpmt rfd-018295oo3 401 1222200 131.54 46565 Kuhn, Carolyn 11153 Utility deposit rfd-013706013 401 2131100 105.45 46566 Kuykendall, Stephanie 11154 Utility deposit rfd-114855015 401 2131100 10.36 46568 Landmark Property Management 12008 Utility deposit rfd-021237029 401 1222200 164.31 Utility ovrpmt rfd-019097011 401 1222200 44.00 46570 Libera & Associates, Mike 12273 Utility deposit rfd-012653008 401 1222200 34.48 46571 Lifetime Advocacy PLus/Office 12276 Utility deposit rfd-oon06OO6 401 1222200 27. 46576 Hartin, Michelle 13347 Utility ovrpmt rfd-019534007 401 1222200 22. 46583 Panorau Hanor 16353 Utility ovrpmt rfd-033367016 401 1222200 39.14 Utility ovrpmt rfd-033383030 4011222200 17.11 Utility ovrpmt rfd-033294023 401 1222200 15.97 044 98/07/30-15:59 . Fnd Dpt Check Number 402 0003 . 0007 404 .7 'J,'.?-'t\:\~';< :.:,,:~\:,~tr'" _~i'~\ '~':f~,iJ,{,; 'iJ, City of Port Angeles CHECK REGISTER _ . Date From 07/18/98 To 07/31/98 Vendor Name Vendor Number 46692 Public Utility Dist .Clallam Co 16038 46712 US West Communications 21001 46722 Western States Electric Inc. 23025 46607 Washington (Rev), State of 23118 46701 Singer Valve Inc. 19519 Description July 30 1998 Gl Code Number Petty cash rei.ourse~t Lauridsen Blvd & L St- July 7-14 Billing 7-14 Billing Credit. transformer 911 3101 911 3350 911 4210 911 4210 losses from 911 3403 Water June excise taxes Water June excise taxes Guide bushing,seals 46535 Certified Laboratories 03057 Cut-thru aerosol 46574 Lucent Technologies 12215 7-02 billing 46604 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 Scan billing June 1998 46607 Washington (Rev), State of 23118 Water June excise taxes 46624, AirTouch Cellular, Bellevue 01105 6-15 billing 46712 US West Communications 21001 7-14 Billing 7-20 Billing 46713 United Parcel Service 21005 Shipping Services 46535 Certified Laboratories 03057 46550 Family "edicine of Pt Angeles 06103 46554 Gllbertson, James 07230 46574 Lucent Technologies 12215 46604 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 46607 Washington (Rev), State of 23118 46608 Washington (Unemp), State of 23178 46692 Public Utility Dist Clallam Co 16038 - 46701 Singer Valve Inc. 19519 . 46712 US West COIIIIUni cations 21001 46720 Washington (Rev), State of 23118 46574 Lucent Technologies 46604 washington (DIS), State of 46712 US West Communications 46715 Viking Office Products 12215 23111 21001 22054 Cut-thru aerosol CDL physical-Ron Becker Industrial first-aid course 7-02 billing Scan billing June 1998 Water -JUne excise taxes 2nd Quarter 1998 unemployment Crown Z Water Rd- July Guide bushing, seals 7-14 Billing Total for Light Total for Light Fund 402 2370000 402 2371000 402 2370000 Total for Department 354 3101 354 4210 354 4210 354 4950 354 4210 354 4210 354 4210 354 4210 Total for Wastewater 753 3101 753 4310 753 4310 753 4210 753 4210 753 4950 753 2060 753 4710 753 3101 753 4210 Total for Public Works Total for Water/Wastewater Fund 1998 2nd Quarter Excise tax 7-02 billing Scan billing June 1998 7-14 Billing Post it flags, pens, binders Diskettes, copyholder 404 2370000 Total for Department 755 4210 755 4210 755 4210 755 3101 755 3101 047 Page 9 AlIOUnt 3.00 17.98 319.11 40.92 46.00- 33,883.56 42,927.37 29.34 1,n2.48 71.42- 1 ,730.40 76.98 15.50 31.33 5,204.10 1.90 45.59 28.11 6.79 5,410.30 76.98 87.50 43.70 7.75 2.96 8,448.05 1,195.31 21.76 975.42 22.79 10,882.22 18,022.92 33.34 33.34 38.75 9.49 113.97 27.67 48.02 98/07/30-15:59 Fnd Dpt Check Number 421 0009 452 0007 454 0007 501 0007 502 0002 503 0001 City of Port Angeles July 30 1998 Vendor Name 46720 Washington (Rev), State of 46585 Port Angeles City Treasurer 46526 Aldergrove Construction Inc. 46533 CH2M Hill CHECK REGISTER Date FrOll 07/18/98 To 07/31/98 Vendor Number 23118 03062 01286 03005 46596 Seattle Daily Journal of Comm. 19058 46607 Washington (Rev), State of 46525 AWC Distribution 46574 Lucent Technologies 46604 Washington (DIS), State of 46631 Burrett, Peter W. 46687 Payton Wright Ford 46712 US West Communications 46713 United Parcel Service 23118 01328 12215 23111 02163 16393 21001 21005 46574 Lucent Technologies 12215 46587 Professional Cartridge Care/WA 16324 46604 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 46624 AirTouch Cellular, Bellevue 01105 46712 US West Comsunications 21001 46713 United Parcel Service 21005 46529 Armory Express Pizzeria 46541 Cleland, Mike 46556 Hall, Michael D. 46560 Jacobsen, Dea 46562 Johnson, Harry ~573 Loucks, Jasper 46590 Regence Blue Shield-Dental 01340 03263 08002 10156 10047 12186 18234 Description GL Code Number 1998 2nd Quarter Excise tax 755 4950 Total for Public Works Total for Solid Waste Fund Petty cash reimbursements 913 4990 Total for Conservation Fund Retainage 95-17 Mill Creek Engineering svcs pe 6-26-98 793 4150 793 4150 Total for Water Construction Landfill expansion 795 4410 Total for Solid Waste Construction 2nd Qrtr excise taxes 501 237??oo Total for Department Transport vehicle #87 760 6410 7-02 billing 760 4210 Scan billing June 1998 760 4210 Memory,Maxtor 5.7GB,film,disks 760 3101 New Police car #87 760 6410 7-14 Billing 760 4210 Shipping Services 760 3101 Total for Public Works ..... Total for Equipment Services Fund 7-02 billing IBM 4039 Marathon-Acct Laser Scan billing June 1998 7-15 Billing 7-14 Billing Shipping Services 2504210 250 3101 250 4210 250 4210 250 4210 250 4210 Total for Information Systems Fund Safety ~eting luncheon 118 4909 Disability Board claim - July 121 4635 Disability Board claim- July 121 4635 Settlement of Claim #26-98 119 4999 Disability Board claim - July 121 4635 Disability Board claims- July 121 4635 Administration fee-August 1998 117 4601 048 Page 10 . Amount 48,462.82 48,700.72 48,734.06 63.00 63.00 15,942.12 15,589.25 31,531.37 295.20 295.20 622.72 622.. 836.22 7.75 5.80 268.51 22,447.60 22.79 6.62 23,595.29 24,218.01 23.25 215.80 6.20 17.43 68.38 8.43 339.49 48.87 264.00 72. 618. 10.00 14.00 1,171.80 1--- :;>(.:::,(,:-;/ '.;'..,'f..-.-,'I'-'-; 98/07/3~15:59 City of Port Angeles July 30 1998 Page 7 . CHECK REGISTER Date FrOll 07/18/98 To 07/31/98 Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code AlIOUnt Number Name Nulllber Nulllber 46585 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 Petty cash reilburs~ts 401 2451000 72.00 Water Tank rebate-St Amand 401 1343300 25.00 Water tank rebate-Taggart 401 1343300 25.00 46591 Roberge, T L 18298 Utility overpat rfd-022926001 401 1222200 599.38 46593 RushtOn, Pam 18297 Utility ovrpmt rfd-025011oo2 401 1222200 13.63 46597 Security National 194~2 Utility ovrpat rfd-030287oo3 401 1222200 142.91 46600 Strebig, Till 19481 Utility ovrpat rfd-016438008 401 1222200 22.00 46611 Weideman, Shauna 23412 Utility deposit rfd-121452009 401 2131100 75.86 46614 Wood Realty, Doug 23185 Utility ovrpmt rfd-017710004 401 1222200 22.00 46615 Worthington, Robin 23411 Utility deposit rfd-091677025 401 2131100 43.99 46616 Yachts/Borden, Mercer 25121 Utility deposit rfd-027723002 401 2131100 63.09 46622 Action Property Management 01342 Utility ovrpmt rfd-091839024 401 1222200 15.98 46625 Alpine Realty 01312 Utility ovrpmt rfd-086436023 401 1222200 29.44 46629 Sain, Robert 02084 Utility ovrpmt rfd-105155015 401 1222200 26.47 46630 Bergre, Douglas 02390 Utility deposit rfd-018503026 401 2131100 125.00 46632 Clallam County Housing 03305 Utility ovrpmt rfd-066494019 401 1222200 40.10 Utility ovrpmt rfd-065773026 401 1222200 15.32 46636 Clayton, Richard 03440 Utility ovrpmt rfd-05612ooo7 401 1222200 112.28 46639 Daishowa America LTD 04002 Energy Smart Design incentive 401 1342000 342.00 46640 Delhur Industries Inc 04042 Utility ovrpmt rfd-079219001 401 1222200 154.36 . 46644 Dujardin 04163 Utility ovrpat rfd-114472026 401 1222200 13.00 46649 Erb, David 05168 Utility ovrpmt rfd-099686019 401 1222200 213.90 46650 Fairchild Apartments 06170 Utility ovrpmt rfd-09495100a 401 1222200 110.68 46651 First Federal Savings & Loan 06096 Utility ovrpmt rfd-073938003 401 1222200 44.86 Utility ovrpmt rfd-07392ooo3 401 1222200 138.49 46653 Frazer, Steve 06131 Utility ovrp.t rfd-1OS198012 401 1222200 18.08 46654 Freitas, Ronald 06202 Utility deposit rfd-119066009 401 2131100 125.00 46655 General Pacific Inc. 07034 Labels 401 1411000 172.64 46656 Gibson, Ruby 07256 Util ity ovrpmt rfd-032735027 401 1222200 198.33 46657 Graybar Electric Co. Inc. 07040 .Copper wire 401 1414000 924.00 Copper wire 401 1411000 77.62 46658 Guffie, Shanna 07200 Util ity ovrpmt rfd-087068016 401 1222200 23.95 46660 Holgate, Katherine 08342 Uti l it{ ovrpmt rfd-062464001 401 1222200 123.42 46661 Hopkins, Dick 08343 Utility ovrpat rfd-124564001 401 1222200 33.25 46662 Jacobs, Lori 10116 . Utility ovrpmt rfd-057525023 401 1222200 17.20 46664 Johnson, Steven 10044 - Utilityovrpat rfd-099058029 401 1222200 48.69 Utility ovrpmt rfd-099317019 401 1222200 36.46 46666 Jones & Murphy Inc. 10101 Utility ovrpmt rfd-oa1418039 401 1222200 18.24 Utility ovrpmt rfd-081477038 401 1222200 43.07 46667 Khoziem, Karla 11133 Utility ovrpmt rfd-023213019 401 1222200 75.00 46668 Kingery, Robert 11157 . Utility ovrpat rfd-088595oo3 401 1222200 106.33 46669 Kirk Rentals 11156 Utility ovrpmt rfd-086266022 401 1222200 37.45 46670 Kramer, Jada 11155 Utility deposit rfd-013587019 401 2131100 112.13 46671 LBR Construction Clnc) 12034 Utility ovrpmt rfd-094832oo1 401 1222200 100.00 Utility ovrpmt rfd-118993ooo 401 1222200 111.67 . 46673 Lappalainen, Pentti 12278 Utility ovrpmt rfd-060046002 401 1222200 32.08 46674 MacMillan, Robert P 13396 Utility ovrpat rfd-0397?6001 401 1222200 130.00 46675 Madara, Pauline 13395 Utility ovrpmt rfd-059293019 401 1222200 84.70 46677 Marquez, Diane L 13366 Utility ovrpmt rfd-040398036 401 1222200 31.40 46678 McHugh, Paul and Rochelle 13022 Utility ovrpat rfd-091669019 401 1222200 30.44 Utility ovrpmt rfd-091928031 401 1222200 21.99 045: 98/07/30-15:59 City of Port Angeles CHECK REGISTER Date From 07/18/98 To 07/31/98 Fnd Opt Check Vendor Vendor Number Name Number 46679 McKenzie, Malika 13083 46688 Phipps, Marty 16392 46691 Properties by Landmark 12008 46695 Reed, James 46696 Rottman, Staci 46698 Schuler, Liliana 46699 Serenity House of Clallam Co 46700 Simmons, Beverly 46702 Smith, Marlouis 46703 Stewart, Ronald 46704 Strider Construction Co Inc 46705 Sturgeon, Mike 46706 Superior Bank FSB Servicing 46707 Thomas Construction, Bill 46708 Thomsen, Marc L 46709 Time Oil Co. 46710 Tokunage, Hiroaki 46719 Warder, Victoria 46722 Western States Electric Inc. 46723 Wildwood Terrace 0009 46546 46552 46574 46582 46585 46588 46604 46608 46624 46645 46648 46684 46690 18300 18299 19377 19362 19522 19523 19524 19447 19147 19525 20202 20203 20067 20199 23414 23025 23159 EES Consulting Inc. 05140 Federal Express Corp. 06022 Lucent Technologies 12215 PacifiCorp 16360 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 Public Utility Dist Clallam Co 16038 - Washington (DIS), State of 23111 Washington (Unemp), State of 23178 AirTouch Cellular, Bellevue 01105 EES Consulting Inc. 05140 Equifax - Credit Information 05160 O'Donnell, David. 15152 Port Angeles City Light 16083 Description GL Code Number Utility ovrpmt rfd-089206027 401 1222200 . Uti l ity deposit rfd-032565032 401 2131100 Uti l ity ovrpmt rfd-057142oo3 401 1222200 Utility ovrpmt rfd-05557oo2 401 1222200 Utility ovrpmt rfd-Q33553oo7 401 1222200 Utility ovrpmt rfd-060534018 401 1222200 Utility ovrpmt rfd-088960024 401 1222200 Utility ovrpmt rfd-050172019 401 1222200 Utility deposit rfd-Q29041025 401 2131100 Utility ovrpmt rfd-091782017 401 1222200 Utility ovrpmt rfd-060569009 401 1222200 Utility deposit rfd-080942oo2 401 2131100 Utility ovrpmt rfd-006378003 401 1222200 Utility ovrpmt rfd-097767oo1 401 1222200 Utility ovrpmt rfd-12455900 401 1222200 Utility ovrpmt rfd-124548001 401 1222200 Utility ovrpmt rfd-045667006 401 1222200 Utility ovrpmt rfd-060852oo2 401 1222200 Utility ovrpmt rfd-124382oo1 401 1222200 Utility ovrpmt rfd-064327006 401 1222200 Utility ovrpmt rfd-124222oo1 401 1222200 Utility ovrpmt rfd-081477039 401 1222200 Utility ovrpmt rfd-104655013 401 1222200 Copper crimpits 401 1411000 Bolts,locking rings 401 1411000 Credit bracket-inv dated 31997 401 1411000 Utility ovrpmt rfd-086754018 401 1222200 July 30 1998 Total for D~partment Professional services - June 911 4901 Shipping services 911 4210 7-02 billing 911 4210 May-June Short-term energy 911 3340 Petty cash reimbursements 9114810 SR 101 & Euclid Ave- July 911 3350 Scan billing June 1998 911 4210 2nd Quarter 1998 unemployment 911 2060 7-15 Billing 911 4210 7-15 Billing 911 4210 7-15 Billing 911 4210 7-15 Billing 911 4210 7-15 Billing 911 4210 7-15 Billing 911 4210 June Svcs-Strategic Plan 911 4150 Credit Inquiries - July 911 4150 Reimbursmnt for safety glasses 911 3101 Petty cash rei~rsement 911 4150 Petty cash reimburseMent 911 3101 Petty cash reimburSeMent 911 3101 Petty cash reimbursement 911 3402 Page 8 . AlDOUnt 71.25 75.42 208.68 123.52 BO.74 29.55 92.75 33.39 163.99 54.47 27.66 250.00 36.01 38.87 13.00 30.25 32.14 147.16 51.81 126.69 40.. 30. 15.96 521.16 262.20 540.90- 13.00 9,043.81 439.06 15.50 108.50 21,138.50 25.46 16.90 22.94 7,852.00 9.39 9.39 48.37 9.39 9.39 9.39 3,673.92 10'11 100. 14. 8.62 25.00 2.04 046 98/07/30-15:59 . Fnd Dpt Check Number 621 0002 625 0008 6. ,,':!,~~:,:':~ ~"1~"/:'~-'"T~,'1+ l.',\~5";~?,?; City of Port Angeles Vendor Name 46602 UNUM Life Ins Co of America 46612 Wells, Mike 46638 Curtis, Kevin 46676 Madison, Don July 30 1998 CHECK REGISTER Date Fro~ 07/18/98 To 07/31/98 Vendor Number 21000 23065 03099 13001 46522 Adamich & Catract Construction 01277 46627 Angeles Electric Inc. 01071 46637 Cozi Homes Construction 03299 46686 Paratex Certified Inc. 16219 46715 Viking Office Products 22054 46585 Port Angeles City Treasurer 46641 District 13 46607 Washington (Rev), State of 03062 04050 23;18 Description GL Code Number . Disability coverage prem-Aug 121 4631 Disability Board clai.s-July 121 4635 OUt-patient care reillburse.ent 121 4630 Health plan reimbursment 121 9750 Total for Self - Insurance Fund 60X Advance-Schueler 96PA53L 214 4150 Final payment - J Vanderwaal 214 4150 Final pmt- Harriet Cruff 214 4150 Pest inspection-Fred Eckenberg 214 4150 Universal fax rolls 214 3101 Total for P.A. Housing ReHab Project Petty cash reimbursements 888 3101 Petty cash reimbursements 888 3101 Referees for Basketball league 882 4150 Total for Recreational Activities Fund 2nd Qrtr excise taxes 650 2319100 Total for Off - Street Parking Fund 652 0008 46574 Lucent Technologies 12215 7-02 billing 868 4210 46604 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 Scan billing June 1998 868 4210 46659 History of. the World 08331 Travel expenses 868 4530 Travel expenses 868 3101 46712 US West Co.munications 21001 7-14 Billing 868:4210 6-14 Billing 868 4210 698 . 46599 46652 46685 46711 46714 46716 States West Life Insurance Co. Flex-Plan Services (Payroll) Office of Support Enforcement US Depart.ent of Education United Way Volunteer Fire Association 19313 06062 - 15072 21075 21028 22060 40'" Total for Esther Webster Trust Fund Life Insurance premium -August 698 2315160 Payroll deductions pe 7-26-98 698 2315210 Payroll deductions pe 7-26-98 698 2315210 Payroll deductions pe 7-26-98 698 2315210 Payroll deductions pe 7-26-98 698 2315240 . Payroll deductions pe 7-26-98 698 2315210 Total for Accounts Payable Clearing Fund Grand Total 049 Page 11 AlIOUnt 1,642.32 27.00 11.78 375.00 4,254.82 7,091.49 2,969.00 3,307.14 64.74 18.87 13,451.24 3.20 25.00 1,080.00 1,108.20 567.90 567.90 7.75 25.24 231.55 47.00 22.79 45.81 380.14 737.80 1,064.79 894.83 46.50 420.38 46.00 3,210.30 794,986.73 &....~ 050 . ( . . . 'I ) - A . PLANNING .DEP ARTMENT MEMORANDUM Brad Collins. Director, Extension 4751: Sue Roberds, Extension 4750: David Sawyer, Extension 4752 July 31, 1998 I . TO: Mayor Braun, City Council members, and Interim Manager Pittis FROM: Planning Department, Brad Collins, Planning Director SUBJ: REZONE APPLICATION - REZ 98-03 NORTHWEST PERMIT - Ninth Street between Lincoln and Laurel Streets RECOMMEND A TION/ ACTION: . Council could concur with the recommendation, of the Planning Commission to approve the rezone request by adoption of the attached draft orainance supported. by the attached findings and conclusions, or move to deny the proposal citing findings and conclusions in support of the action. BACKGROUND/SUMMARY: On July 8, 1998, the Planning Commission conducted a public meeting for consideration of a request submitted by Northwest Permit t6rezone property from RS-7, Residential Single Family to CSD, Community Shopping District. Following the meeting, the Planning Commission voted 4 - 2 to , recommel'ld approval of the proposal. The City Council conducted a public hearing on July 21, 1998, following which the City Council continued its deliberation to a special meeting at which an additional member of the Council could be'present. It was later decided thata special meeting would not be necessary but that the issue would/be plac~ on Council's regular August 4 meeting for action. StafTwill be available for questions. Attachments: Ordinance Findings and Conclusions Minutes Staff Report . 051 . . ~.." . 052 j't"'--!-.i.)' -~" . - l'~~ j.--k< .:."1.......... q- . . ~.~~~ . ;:"~' . ORDINANCE NO. . AN ORDINANCE of the Ci~ of Port Angeles rezoning property located m Block 268 of the Townsite of Port Angeles from Residential Single Family to Community Shoppmg District and amending . Ordinance No. 2801, as amended. . . WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Port Angeles has held a . public meeting and recorded its recomniendation to the City Council in the. Planning Commission minutes of July 8; 1998; and WHEREAS, the requirements of the State Environmental Policy Act (Chapter 43.21C RCW) have been met; and WHEREAS, the City Council, after a public hearing, finds that said rezone would be in the best interest of the City and its citizens, would be consistent with the changed circumstances since the previous zoning designation was adopted, and would be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan; NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES DOES HEREBY ORDAIN as follows: Section 1. The Official Zoning Map (Ordinance No. 2801) is hereby amended to change the zoning of the following described properties from RS-7, Residential Single Family, to CSD, CommumtyShopping District: Lots 13, 14, 15, and 16, Block 268, Townsite of Port Angeles. Section 2. The City Clerk is hereby directed to attach a copy of this Ordinance to the Official Zoning Map and to file a certified copy with the Clallam County Auditor and Clallam County Assessor. . Section 3. This Ordinance shall become effective five (5) days after the date of publication. PASSED by the City Coun~il'of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 21 st day of Jilly, 1998. Gary Braun, Mayor ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: . Becky 1. Upton, City Clerk PUBLISHED: Craig Knutson, City Attorney By Summary 053 . . . ,- . 054 FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS IN SUPPORT OF REZONE APPLICATION REZ 98-03, Northwest Permit: . Findings: Based on the information provided in the public record including the application file, the staffreport and its attachments, comments received during the public comment period, the Planning Commission's deliberation, and the public hearing testimony, the Port Angeles City Council hereby finds: 1. The applicant, Northwest Permit submitte.d the application to the Planning Department on February 9, 1998. A Determination of Completeness was issued on February 12, 1998, and the written public comment period initially ran from February 12, 1998 to February 27, 1998. In response to public request, the public written comment period was extended to March 6, 1998. 2. The proposal is to rezone four lots (Lots 13, 14, 15 and 16 of Block 268 in the Townsite of Port Angeles), approximately 28,000 square feet of property, from RS-7, Residential Single Family to CSD, Commercial Shopping District (Attachment A to the Planning Department Staff Report for REZ 98-03 dated July 8, 1998). 3. The proposed rezone is part of the applicant's overall proposal to develop 90,000 s.f. of the southwest comer of Lincoln Street and 8th Street (extending to 9th Street) with an approximately 17,000 s.f. retail store. The overall proposal includes this rezone request and a street vacation request for the eastern portion of the Eighth/Ninth Streets alley. . 4. As part of the application's SEP A review, a traffic analysis was requested of the applicant on February 13, 1998. 5. On April 20, 1998, the Planning Department received a letter from the applicant waiving the City's 120 day permit processing requirement due to the applicant's delay in preparing the requested traffic analys;s. 6. On May'14, 1998, the Planning Department received the requested traffic analysis and on June 3, 1998, the Planning Departnient received an addendum to the analysis with comments regarding Ninth Street, Laurel Street, and the Eighth/Ninth Streets alley. 7. This application was originally scheduled for Planning Commission consideration on March 11, 1998, at which time it was continued, due to lack ofa traffic report and a SEP A determination, to April 22, 1998. On April 22, 1998, it was again continued for the same reason until June 10, 1998, at which time it was continued until July 8, 1998, to accommodate the resulting Mitigated Determination of Non Significance (MDNS) required comment period. . 8. The SEP A Responsible Official issued a MDNS for the proposal on June 3, 1998 (Attachment B to the Planning Department Staff Report for REZ 98-03 dated July 8, 1998). Mitigation measures include no commercial traffic access to the project site from Ninth Street. The MDNS was mailed to all persons who submitte~~n comments related to the applicant's environmental checklist, and the comment period for the MDNS ran until June 19, 1998. . 9. 10. . 13. On.June 26, 1998, the City's SEPA Responsible Official re-issued the Mitigated Determination of Non-Significance with an additional mitigation measure requiring certain development aspects of the project be subject to further review. . The public had an opportunity to co~ent on the proposal during the written comment period provided which ran from February 12 to March 6, 1998. All of the written comments received during this time are included as Attachment D to the Planning Department Staff Report for REZ 98-03 dated July 8, 1998. The issues addressed include increased traffic on Ninth Street, potential crime, increased noise and lighting, the general impact of the project on the Cherry Hill residential area, and the availability of alternative commercial properties. 11. The subject area is within the undesignated area between the Comprehensive Plan's Commercial land use designation to the north and the Residential designation to the south. It is currently zoned RS-7. 12. The subject area is level and is currently developed with two single-family residences and an unimproved parking lot used by a business located on property to the north of the rezone area. The adjacent properties are developed with the following uses: To the north: To the south: To the east: To the west: commercial uses; single family residences; single family residence; and single family residences. The adjacent properties are zoned as follows: . To the north: To the south: To the east: To the west: CSD; RS-7; CSD; and RS-7. 14. The City's Comprehensive Plan identifies Lincoln Street as a principal arterial street and Eighth Street as a minor arterial street. 15. The traffic analysis noted the Eighth and Lincoln Street intersection currently functions at an average level of service (LOS) D, and projected that in the year 2000 it will continue to functi<:m at an average LOS ofD with and without the proposed project. 16. The traffic arialysis noted the Eighth and Lincoln Street intersection currently functions at a seasonal level of service (LOS) E, and projected that in the year 2000 it will continue to function at a seasonal LOS ofE without the proposed project, and a seasonal LOS of F with the project as proposed. The report projects the intersection will operate at a seasonal LOS of E with the project if the project is subject to the report's mitigation measures. 17. The City Engineer reviewed the traffic analysis and recommended a revision to the report's mitigation measures. With the project subject to the revised mitigation measures, the City Engineer states the average LOS for the Eighth and Lincoln Streets intersection will remain at D in the year 2000, and the seasonal LOS will remain at E. 05. . . . Conclusions: 18. 19. ,,~, :.i\~P(: ;}';': :<*,~,;i/S:!~, - ~{:t'r:r~f,'!~<f;:'~~Wd} ~"~10~'\i~\, . "'--~ , The Department of Transportatifi~bomments are included as Attachment E to the Planning Department Staff Report for REZ 98-03 dated July 8, 1998. They address the impact of the overallpr~ject on the Lin9~ln Street and 8th Street intersection, stormwater issues, sigriagerequiremerits~ahd a recommendation the proposed development of the overall site be accessed from 9th Street instead of Lincoln Street (SR 101). . Since the zoning for the subject property was adopted, there have been several . changes in circumstances relevant to the proposed rezone. First, the City has approved several other rezones and/or street vacations in the same zone and vicinity due to the need to locate larger scale retail.stores than can be placed in the existing' block and street grid pattern. Second, the closure of the Rayonier Mill and expansion of retail activity outside the City limits have occurred which have had a depressing effect on business reinvestment in the City's retail areas. I . Based on the information provided in the public record including the application file, the staff report and its attachments, written comments received during the public cominent period, the Planning Commission's deliberation, the public hearing testimony, and the above findings, the Port Angeles City Council hereby concludes: A. The following Comprehensive Plan Policies are most relevant to the proposal: Land Use Policies Al and A2, Cl, Dl, and E7. F. B. C. D. E. The proposed rezone as mitigated in the project's revised MDNS dated June 26, 1998, is consistent with Comprehensive Plan Policies Al and A2, C1, D1, and E7. The proposal is in the public use and interest and is compatible with the surrounding zoning and land uses. The proposed rezone will result in an increase of economic activity in the City, which is in the public interest. As mitigated in the project's revised MDNS dated June 26, 1998, the proposal will not have a negative impact on adjacent residentially zoned and developed properties along Ninth Street. If the property is not developed as part of the applicant's overall development plan as described in Attachment A to the Planning Department Staff Report for REZ 98- 03 dated July 8, 1998, and as mitigated in the project's revised MDNS attached as Attachment B to the Planning Department Staff Report for REZ 98-03 dated July 8, 1998, the City should amend the Comprehensive Plan policies to ensure that high 057 intensity commerial development is served by arterial streets of sufficient size to satisfy traffic demand and to lessen neighborhood traffic congestion or consider a rezone of the property back to RS-7. . Adopted by the Port Angeles City Council at its meeting of August 4, 1998. Gary Braun, Mayor Becky J. Upton, City Clerk C:\ WP\DAIL Y\MEMO.CC4 . ..~. . n;~ . . . Planning Commission Minutes July 8. 1998 Page 5 PUBLIC MEETING: REZONE APPLICATION - REZ 98-03 NORTHWEST PERMIT, Ninth Street between Lincoln and Laurel Street: Request to rezone property designated RS-7, Residential Single Family, to CSD, Community Shopping District. (This item is continued from June 10, 1998.) Commissioner Nutter stated that she has a friend who is a property owner in the area and would stand down from the proceedings if requested to do so. No' one objected and'so she remained. Senior Planner Sawyer reviewed the Planning Department's staff report recommending approval of the request. City Engineer Kenworthy stated that the Eighth Street intersection is fully protected in that left turns are made only with a left turn arrow. He explained that the difference between fully protected versus permissive traffic signalization is that permissive signalization is a turn at will situation. The City would rather have fully protected signalization at this intersection for the present. In response to Commissioner Reed, Mr. Sawyer affirmed that Conclusion "F" suggested by staff concludes that if the property is not developed as proposed, it should be rezoned back to its residential designation. Following lengthy discussion regarding the Washington State Department of Transportation's comments as to access onto Lincoln (SR 101), it was determined that whatever development occurs on the site would have to satisfy both the State's and the City's concerns to proceed. Commissioner ,Souders noted that the Planning Commission's 'discussion should be concerned with the highest use that could develop on a CSD-zoned property and whether those uses would be compatible at this loc~t!on. Planner Sawyer reminded the Commission that the rezone consideration is not for the entire 2.2 acre development proposal being presented by Northwest Permit, but only for the four most southwesterly lots as the remainder ofthe properties are already zoned CSD. Headded that the environmental review performed for the rezone included the overall development proposal as submitted by Northwest Permit, and if a significantly different development is proposed, additional review under SEP A may result in different mitigation measures. Engineer Kenworthy responded to Commission Ziakin explaining the difference between average and seasonal traffic counts. Level of service (LOS) criteria are analyzed for average, not seasonal, traffic counts. Seasonal LOS can drop below what is acceptable for the average LOS. He responded to Commissioner Craver that he feels comfortable with the proposal and the developer's ability to deal with the Department of Tral1sportation's requirements for development of the site. He further explained the information provided to the engineering consultant used to formulate the requested traffic study of the Eighth/Lincoln Street intersection and 'surrounding streets. 059 Planning Commission Minutes July 8. 1998 Page 6 . At Commissioner Souders' request, Planner Sawyer noted that mitigation measure No. 7 was added to the proposal's Mitigated Determination of Non Significance following the public/agency comment period by the Planning Director. He agreed that these measures are also addressed in the City's zoning/development standards for the CSD zone. The added mitigation measure requires continued review by the City's SEPA Official of the project's design, landscaping and screening features. He stated that as he understood the mitigation measures; a separate SEPA review process for the project's building permit would not be required unless the original plans are significantly changed. Although he signed the revised MDNS as the Acting SEPA Official, Brad Collins is the City's SEPA Official, and was the person who originally reviewed the project and issued the original MDNS. Mr. Collins also reviewed the subsequent public/agency comments and worded the additional mitigation measure for the revised MDNS prior to leaving on vacation. Consequently, if the Planning Commission is concerned with the SEP A decision, they may wish to confirm this interpretation of the additional mitigation measure (No.7) with Mr. Collins following his return. The impact of developing the four lots individually was not performed and if proposed, may require further environmental review ifthe proposed development qualifies for SEPA review. Scott Grainger, Baldridge Group, 600 University #3012, Seattle, 98101, responded at the request of Commissioner Hewins that if the project is required by the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) to access onto Ninth Street instead of Lincoln . Street, the project would probably not go forward. Access onto Ninth Street would also fly in.the face ofthe neighborhood's objections. Commissioner Ziakin. summarized that there appear to be four key issues of concern: the reduction of traffic safety; the issue of rezoning back to re~idential if the subject project does not result as proposed; the WSDOT access issue onto Lincoln Street; and the impact of four additional individual comm~rciallots being created on Ninth Street. He asked the applicant about attempts to utilize available commercial properties. Mr. Grainger responded that the subject property was not, and is not actively on the market. Based on an in depth market analysis, the subject intersection was considered to bethe best site for the market to support the sales in the proposed commercial store. If the site is not developable as proposed, Rite Aid will either remain at its existing Seventh/Lincoln Street location, or close the store and channel business to the east side store. He explained what criteria are used for site selection. Commissioner Craver asked Mr. Grainger if Rite Aid has been working with WSDOT. Mr. Grainger indicated that an access permit has been applied for but they have not begun talking about mitigation measures. They are involved with approximately thirty projects state wide with WSDOT and have an excellent working arrangement. If access onto Lincoln Street cannot be obtained, he believes the project will not go forward. Commissioner Reed wondered if, given the criteria of size, compatibility, direct benefit to 06. . the owner/neighborhood, and isolation, could the proposal be considered a spot zone. Planner Sawyer responded that in this case the contiguous CSD zone is being extended and the proposal would not be a case of spot zoning. . . . ......"'"1'{:;"~ I,., ,!/.~~;~': ,_-1:(,'+ ;,"',~!"'!;0:;:-~:~ ~.;l:~ Planning Commission Minutes July 8, 1998 Page 7 Commissioner Craver was concerned that if rezQned and not developed as intended, the resulting four lots would impact the neighborhood far more than the proposed site development. Commissioner Souders was concerned that the traffic impacts to surrounding neighborhood streets has not been addressed adequately at this point. The traffic report d.eals mainly with the main arterials, Lincoln and Eighth Streets, but not enough analysis has been performed on:the neighboring streets. . . Commissioner Craver stressed that the professional traffic consultants and the City's Engineering Division has reviewed the situation and has said that the resulting traffic patterns will be acceptable and will not be affected with or without the project by the year 2000. Not being an expert on traffic, she feels that decision m3.kers have to rely on those who are skilled in dealing with traffic impacts. In response to Commissioner Reed, as to what course of action would be taken if the site is not developed as proposed, Planner Sawyer respond~d that, based upon Conclusion "F" in staffs report, the Planning Commission could direct staff to schedule a rezone request on its agenda for the four subject lots. In response to Commission~r Nutter's statement that Eighth Street has been designated as a cross town bicycle route but that no accomodation to designate the Eighth Street frontage of the site as such has been made, Engineer Kenwortl1Y responded that bicycle lanes require the elimination of parking. Given the width of Eighth Street at present, only the elimination of parking along one side or the othehvouldallowia designated bicycle lane. Commissioner Craver summarized that the issue is whether this proposal presents a logical location for commercial development or not. Commissioner Hewins mov~d.torec()mmend approval of the rezone as proposed citing the following" findings 'and conclusions: . .... Findings..: Based on the information provi~~in the public record including the application file, the staff report and its attachments;, comments received during the public comment period, and the Planning Commission's deliberation, the City of Port Angeles Planning Commission hereby finds: 1. The applicant, Northwest Permit submitted the. application to the Planning Department on February 9,J 998. A Determination of Completeness was issued on February 12, 1998, and the written public comment period initially ran from February 12, 1998 to February 27, 1998. In response to public request, the public written comment periqd was extended to March 6, '1998. . 2. 061 The proposal is to rezone four lots (Lots. 13, 14, 15 and 16 of Block 268 in the Townsite of Port Ahgeles);approximately 28,000 square feefofproperty, from RS-7, Residential Single Family to CSD, Commercial Shopping District (Attachment A to Planning Commission Minutes July 8. 1998 Page 8 the Planning Department Staff Report for REZ 98-03 dated July 8, 1998). . 3. The proposed rezone is part of the applicant's overall proposal to develop 90,000 s.f. of the southwest corner of Lincoln Street and 8th Street (extending to 9th Street) with an approximately 17,000 s.f. retail store. The overall proposal includes this rezone request and a street vacation request for the eastern portion of the Eighth/Ninth Streets alley. 4. As part of the application's SEP A review, a traffic analysis was requested of the applicant on February 13, 1998. 5. On April 20, 1998, the Planning Department received a letter from the applicant waiving the City's 120 day permit processing requirement due to the applicant's delay in preparing the requested traffic analysis. 6. On May 14, 1998, the Planning Department received the requested traffic analysis and on June 3, 1998, the Planning Department received an addendum to the analysis with comments regarding Ninth Street, Laurel Street, and the Eighth/Ninth Streets alley. 7. 10. This application was originally scheduled for Planning Commission consideration on March 11, 1998, at which time it was continued, due to lack of a traffic report and a SEP A determination, to April 22, 1998. On April 22, 1998, it was again continued for the same reason until June 10, 1998, at which time it was continued until July 8, 1998, to accommodate the resulting Mitigated Determination of Non Significance (MDNS) required comment period. . 8. The SEPA Responsible Official issued a MDNS for the proposal on June 3, 1998 (Attachment B to the Planning Department Staff Report for REZ 98-03 dated July 8, 1998). The MONS was mailed to all persons who submitted written comments related to the applicant's environmental checklist, and the comment period for the MDNS ran untit'June 19, 1998. 9. On June 26, 1998, the City's SEP A Responsible Official re-issued the Mitigated Determination of Non-Significance with an additional mitigation measure requiring certain development aspects of the project be subject to furtherreview. The public had an opportunity to comment on the proposal during the written comment period provided which ran from February 12 to March 6, 1998. All ofthe written comments received during this time are included as Attachment D to the Planning Department Staff Report for REZ 98-03 dated July 8, 1998. The issues addressed include increased traffic on Ninth Street, potential crime, increased noise and lighting, the general impact of the project on the Cherry Hill residential area, and the availability of alternative commercial properties. . 062 11. The subject area is within the undesignated area between the Comprehensive Plan's Commercial land use designation to the north and the Residential designation to the south. It is currently zoned RS-7. ':~1,3:;::~".,1'i~!;}1 t'u'~:-:'<;,.::;;_;:;)' "j' .tf';~,~~~~~(~~':;f; ...~ "~'fl :~: Planning Commission Minutes July 8. 1998 Page 9 . 12. The subject area is level and is currently developed with two single-family residences and an unimproved parking lot'used by a business located on property to the north of the rezone area. The adjacent properties are developed with the following uses: To the north: To the south: To the east: To the west: commercial uses; single family residences; single family residenqe; and single family residences. I . 13. The adjacent properties ~e zoned as follows: To the north: To the south: To the east: To the west: CSD; RS-7 ; CSD; and RS-7. 14. The City's Comprehensive Plan identifies Lincoln Street as a principal arterial street and Eighth Street as a minor arterial street. 15. The traffic analysis noted the Eighth and Lincoln Street intersection currently functions at an average level of service (LOS) D, and projected that in the year 2000 it will continue to function at an average LOS ofD with and without the proposed project. . 16. The traffic analysis noted the Eighth and Lincoln Street intersection currently functions at a seasonal level of service (LOS) E, and projected that in the year 2000 it will continue to function at a seasonal LOS ofE without the proposed project, and a seasonal LOS of F with the project as proposed. The report projects the intersection will operate at a seasonal LOS of E with the project if the project is subject to the report's mitigation measures. 17. The City Engineer reviewed the traffIc analysis and recommended a revision to the report's mitigation measures. With the project subject to the revised mitigation measures, the City Engineer states the average LOS for the Eighth and Lincoln Streets intersection will remain at D in the year 2000, and the seasonal LOS will remain at E. 18. The Department of Transportation comments are included as Attachment E to the Planning Department Staff Report for REZ 98-03 dated July 8, 1998. They address the impact of the overall project on the Lincoln Street and 8th Street intersection, storm water issues, signage requirements, and a recommendation the proposed development of the overall site be accessed from 9th street instead of Lincoln Street (SR 101). . Conclusions: Based on the information provided in the public record including the application file, the staff report () h ~ and its attachments, written comments received during the public con,unent period, the Planning A. The following Comprehensive Plan Policies are most relevant to the proposal, Land Use Policies Al and A2, Cl, Dl, and E7: B. If the property is developed as part of the appli~ant's overall development plan as described in Attachment A to the Planning Department StaffRep6rt for REZ 98-03 dated July 8, 1998 and mitigated in the project's revised MDNS attac~ed. as Attachment B to the Planning Department Staff Report for REZ 98-03 dated July 8, 1998, the rezone is consistent with Comprehensive Plan Policies Al and A2, Cl, Dl, and E7. C. If the property is developed as part of the applicant's overall development plan as described in Attachment A to the Planning Department Staff Report for REZ 98-03 dated July 8, 1998 and mitigated in the project's revised MDNS attached as Attachment B to the Planning Department Staff Report for REZ 98-03 dated July 8, 1998, the rezone is in the public use and interest and is compatible with the surrounding zoning and land uses. D. lfthe property is developed as part of the applicant's overall development plan as described in Attachment A to the Planning Department Staff Report for REZ 98-03 dated July 8, 1998 and mitigated in the project's revised MDNS attached as Attachment B to the Planning Department Staff Report for REZ 98-03 dated July 8, 1998, the rezone will result in an increase of economic activity in the City. . E. If the property is not developed as part of the applicant's overall development plan . as described in Attachment A to the Planning Department Staff Report for REZ 98- 03 dated July 8, 1998 and mitigated in the project's revised MDNS attached as Attachment B to the Planning Department Staff Report for REZ 98-03 dated July 8, 1998, the rezone could have a negative impact on adjacent residentially zoned and developed properties along Ninth S~.eet. F. If the property is not developed as .part of the applicant's overall development plan as described in Attachment A to the Planning Department Staff Report for REZ 98- 03 dated July 8, 1998 and mitigated in the project's revised MDNS attached as Attachment B to the Planning Department Staff Report for REZ 98-03 dated July 8, 1998, the City should consider a rezone of the property back to RS-7. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Craver and passed 4 - 2, with Commissioners Ziakin and Nutter voting in the negative. Commissioner Ziakin stated that although he is in favor of commercial developmeQ,t, he does not believe the rezone is in the best interest of the community. due to a reduction in traffic safety, creeping encroachment into the residential neighborhood, the access issue to Lincoln Street, and the impact of future commercial use of the four lots if the proposal does not go forward. Commissioner Nutter agreed. Chair Reed noted that the City Council will conduct a public hearing on July 21st, 7 p.m ~. Of'5 .......~~........ ..-',:.. '~.. . ". -:..~,~ ,. PLANNING DEPARTMENT STAFF JmPORT DATE: Planning Commission ~ yf'anning Department 'Y July 8, 1998 REZ 98-03 TO: FROM: RE: APPLICANT: Northwest Permit LOCA nON: . The Baldridge Group Lots 13, 14, 15 and 16 of Block 268 in the Townsite of Port Angeles which are located near the northwest intersection of Lincoln Street and 9th Street. OWNER: REQUEST: The proposal is to rezone four lots, approximately 28,000 square feet of property, from RS-7, Residential Single Family to CSD, Commercial Shopping District (see Attachment A). . ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: The SEP A Responsible Official issued a Mitigated Determination of Non-Significance for the proposal on June 3, 1998 (attached as Attachment B). The MONS was mailed to all persons who . submitted wrinen comments related to the applicant's environmental checklist and the- comment period for the MONS ran until June 19, 1998.00 June 26, 1998, the City's SEPA Responsible Official re-issued the Mitigated Determination of Non-Significance with an additional mitigation measure requiring cenain development aspects oftho:project be subject to further review. . BACKGROUND: The proposed rezone is part of the applicant's overall proposal to develop 90,000 s.f of the southwest comer of Lincoln Street and 8th Street (extending to 9th Street) with an approximately 17,000 s.f retail store. The overall proposal includes this rezone request and a street vacation request for the eastern portion of the 8th and 9th Streets alley. . This application is for a site specific rezone and is limited to a single public hearing which is scheduled before the City Council on July 21, 1998. The Planning Commission will make its recommendation ~lely on the infonnation contained in the file and its discUssion during the public meeting. . The public had an opportunity to comment on the proposal during the noticedwrinen comment period which ran from February 12 to March 6, 1998. All of the written comments received during this time are included as part of this staft'report. The public will also be able to give verbal testimony at the public 0 66 P1aDDiDI DeparaDeDl Staff Report REZ 98-03 - Nordlwest PermIt July 8. 1998 Page 2 hearing before the City Council. Please keep in mind this is a rezone decision and there is no assurance that a specific project will be developed as ~ result of this action. DISCUSSION: Location andExisting Land Uses: The area proposed for rezone consists of four townsite lots (#13, #14, #15 and #16 of Block 268 TPA) located near the northwest comer of Lincoln Street and 8th Street. The area is level and is currently developed with two single-family residences and an unimproved parking lot used by a business located on property to the north of the r~ne area. The adjacent properties are developed with the following uses: To the north: To the south: To the east: To the west: commercial uses; single family residences; single family residence; and single family residences. Traffic Analysis: A traffic analysis report prepared for the overall development proposal (a 17.000 s.f retail store on a 90,000 s.f site) stated the 8th an.d Lincoln Street intersection currently functions at an average level of service (LOS) ofD and projected that in the year 2000 it will continue to function at an average LOS of D with and without the proposed project. The report noted the 8th and Lincoln Street intersection currently functions at a seasonal LOS orE and projected that in the year 2000 it will continue to function at a seasonal LOS orE without the proposed project and a seasonal LOS ofF with the project. The report also contains recommended mitigation measures which are listed as below. ." ....~ 1. Construct appropriate site .frontage improvements in accordance with City code requirements. 2. Construct site driveways per applicable engineering requirements. 3. If required by the City modify the existing E. 8th StreetlLincoln Street traffic control signal to provide protective/permissive left turn phasing. 4. If requested by the City, recIwmeIize E. 8th Street between Lincoln Street and Laurel Street to provide continuous left turn channelization. WIth these mitigation measures, the report projects the intersection's seasonal LOS will remain at E with the proposed project. 1 ..(...... . . . 067 . . . . ....,~ :g ;::- PWmiD8 DepanmeDt SIaff Report REZ 98-03 - Northwest Permit July 8. 1998 Pase3 The City Engineer reviewed the traffic analysis and noted the report used a 5% traffic volume growth factor while the City and the Peninsula Regional Transportation Planning Orgarti7J1tion (RTPO) uses a 2% factor in all projections and models for the City. Consequently, The City Engineer requested an addendum to the report with revised information based on the 2<<>>A. growth factor and a review of the project's potential impact on 9th Street, Laurel Street, and the 8th Street and 9th Street alley. This addendum was rec:eiYed on June 3, 1998 and indicated the project would not have a significant impact on these streets based'on the project's access on Lineoin Street and 8th Street with no access permitted onto 9th Street. The City Engineer recommended a revision. of the report's mitigation measures to eliminate the modification of the signal's left turn phasing in order to keep a higher leve'l of protection for vehicles turning left. With the project subject to the revised mitigation measures, the City Engineer states the average LOS for the 8th Street and Lincoln Street intersection will remain at D in the year 2000 and-using the recalculated projections at the City's standard 2% growth factor, the seasonal LOS will remain at E. ( . Since this application is only for the rezoning of Lots 13, 14, IS, and 16 and not for the applicant's overall development plan, upon which the traffic analysis was based, it is unlikely any commercial development of these 4 lots alone would impact Lincoln Street or 8th Street to a greater degree than that projected in the submitted traffic report. However, since the report's anticipated less than significant impact on 9th Street and Laurel Street is based on the overall site's design with no access onto 9th Street, development of the subject lots individually, would potentially inCrease traffic on 9th Street. Zomng Ordinance Review: The purpose of the RS-7 and eSD zones are as follows: BS::1- This is a low density residential zone intended to create and preserve urban smgle family residential neighborhoods consisting of predominantly single family 'homes on staildt:vd Townsite-size lots. Uses which are compatible .with and functionally related to a singlefamily.residen!.ial environment may also be located in. this zone. -.. . CSD. - This is a commercial zone oriented primarily to those businesses serving the immediate needs of the surrounding residential zones but is slightly less restrictive than the eN zone and as such provides a transition area from the most restrictive commercial zones to those of lesser restrictions. The adjacent properties are zoned as follows: To the north: To the south: To the east: To the west: CSD; RS-7; CSD; and RS-7. flh8 ",." "." ..!t/1." ~.,~~, '.',"',:: PIaImiD8 DeparaDeDt Staft'Repon REZ 98-03 - Northwest Permit July 8. 1998 Paae4 . Comprehensive Plan Review: The subject property falls within the undesignated area between the Comprehensive Plan's Commercial land use designation to the north and a Residential desigJ'Wion to the south. Please see Attachment C which shows the subject area, the Comprehensive Plan's land use designations, and . the Zoning Code's zo~g'designatio.ns. In the interest of conciseness, only those policies found to be most relevant have been cited.. However. an policies have been taken into consideration. I . Land Use Element Policies Goal A, Policy No. 1 - "The Comprehensive Plan Land use map should be used as a conceptual guide for determining current and long range zoning and other land use decisions. The map's land use designations are intended to show areas where general land use types are allowed The area between land use designations should be considered an imprecise margin in order to provide flexibility in determining the boundary of such areas. When determining appropriate zoning designations for an area near a margin. the goals. policies and objectives of the Land Use Element should take precedence. " . Goal A, Policy No.2. - "AII land use decisions and approvals made by the City Council . and/or D1V' of its appointed Commissions. Boards or Committees should be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and its land use map. " Because the subject propeny is located in the undesignated area between two designated areas, the City Council has the option of zoning the propeny consistent with either designation. Which ever is chosen. a conclusion needs to be made that the zoning of the subject property is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan' s Goals and Policies. Goal D, Policy No. 1 - "The City should ~ .encourage new and existing commercial developments and businesses which are consistent with the goals and policies' of this Comprehensive Plan. " The area of the proposed rezone is part of a larger development site which if developed as proposed. will resuh in the displacement of an existing professional office building and a glass repair business and building supply store. It is anticipated these businesses will relocate to other locations, hopefully, within the City limits. They will be replaced on the development site by a proposed retai1 business, which will move from its existing location further north on Lincoln Street. That building will then be available for use in accordance with that site's CSD zoning. If all of this occurs as proposed and with the required mitigation measures, the rezoning of the subject area will result in an increase of economic activity. Goal E, Policy No. 7 - "District shopping areas should be located at the intersections of arterial streets of sufficient size to satisfy traffic demand and at the boundaries of Ohq . . . . :":;i,:"<;f,"o;' c""':..,:,<"~';" ~/;~~ i;::~:':;f):~-:_. .;. ..... _\,~, ~: , -'.,",!. PWmiDg r>epanmeDt Sraff Repon REZ 9~ - Nonhwest Permit July 8. 1998 Pap! neighborhoods so that more than one neighborhood may be served " The City's Comprehensive Plan identifies 8th Street as a minor arterial street and Lincoln Street as a principal arterial street. As part of the pl'oject's'environmental review, a traffic analysis was prepared and the report's recommended mitigation measures as revised by the City Engineer have been included as required mitigation m~ for the project's Mitigated Determination of Non-Significance. As mitigated, the City engineer has indicated he is . ,"comfortable with the project and the proposed traffic mitigation measure,s as revised."" I . The proposed expansion of the CSD zoning is at a location where development of the property can serve the residential neighborhoods to the east of Lincoln Street as well as the neighborhood area to south and west of the property. Public Comments: Numerous written commentS and a petition opposing the proposed rezone were received during the public comment period which was originally scheduled to end on February 27 but was extended to March 6. The petition and comments are included in AttaChment D. The issues addressed include increased traffic on 9th Street, potential aime, increased noise, lighting and the general impact of the project on the Cheny Hill residential area, and the availability of alternative commercial properties. Other Agency Comments: Washinilon State ~artment of Trans po nation: The Department of Transportation's comments are included as Attachment E. They address the impact of the overall project on the Lincoln Street and 8th Street intersection, stormwater issues. signage requirements, and a recommendation the development of site be accessed from 9th Street instead of Lincoln Street (SR 101). Other Department Comments: ..,.p .' Public Works I)q)artment: The Public Works Department's comments are attached as Attachment F. They consist of the City Engineer's comments on the traffic report and his recommended revisions to the traffic report's recommended mitigation measures. ' Fire Dc;>artment: The Fire Department's comments are attached as Attachment G. While they have comments related to other portions of the applicant's overall development proposal, they have no objections to the proposed rezone. f17n PIaDDin8 DepanmeDt Staff Report REZ 9~ - Northwest Permit July 8. 1998 Page 6 DEPARTMENT RECOMMENDATION: The Planning Department recommends the Planning Co~on forw~d to the City Council a . recommendation . for approval of rezone application REZ 9~3 as proposed, citing the fonowing findings and conclusions. Findings: Based on the infonnation provided in the public record including the application. file. the staff report and its attachments, comments received during the public comment period, and the Planning Commission's deliberation, the City of Port Angeles Planning Commission hereby finds: 1. The applicant, Northwest Pennit submitted the application to the Planning Department on February 9, 1998. A Determination of Completeness was issued on February 12, 1998 and the public written comment period initially ran from February 12, 1998 to February 27, 1998. In response to public request, the public written comment period was extended to March 6, 1998. 2. The proposal is to rezone four lots (Lots 13, 14. 15 and 16 of Block 268 in the Townsite of Port Angeles). approximately 28.000 square feet of property, from RS-7, Residential Single Family to CSD, Commercial Shopping District (Attachment A to the Planning Department StaffRepon for REZ 98-03 dated July 8, 1998). 3. The proposed rezone is pan of the applicant's overall proposal to develop 90,000 s.f of the southwest comer of Lincoln Street and 8th Street (extending to 9th Street) with ail approximately 17,000 s.f. retail store. The overall proposal includes this rezOne request and a street vacation request for the eastern ponion of the 8th and 9th Streets alley. 4. As part of the application's SEPA review, a traffic analysis was requested of the applicant on February 13. 1998. . S. On April 20. 1998, the Plaiming Department received a letter from the applicant waiving the City's 120 day permit processing requirement due to the applicant's delay in preparing the requested traffic analysis. 6. On May 14, 1998. the Planning Department received the requested traffic analysis and on June 3, 1998, the Planning Department received an addendum to the analysis with comments regarding 9th Street, Laurel Street, and the 8th and 9th Streets alley. ,'f 'Or . c. . . 7. This application was originally scheduled for Planning Commission consideration on March 11, 1998 at which time it continued due to the lack of a traffic repon and a . SEP A determination to April 22, 1998. On April 22, 1998 it was again continued for the same reason until JW1e 10, 1998 at which time it was continued until July 8, 1998 07t .<1j~\ . PlaDDiDI DepanmeDt SlaffReport REZ 98-03 - Northwest Permit July 8,1998 Pase7 to accommodate the MONS comment period. 8. The SEPA Responsible Official issued a Mitigated Determination of Non-Significance for the proposal on June 3,.1998 (Attacbm. B to the Pl8nning Department Staff ~;" . Report for REZ 98-03 dated July 8, 1998). The MONS was mailed to all persons .-vo ~e-:..,.l ~4;: ..' who submitted written comments related .to the applicant's environmental checklist h ~; .4\ A"-9t . and the comment period for the MDNS ran until June 19, 199~. ~-7 . 9. On June 26, 1998, the City's SEPA Responsible Official re-issued the Mitigated Detennination of Non-Significance with an additional mitigation measure requiring certain development aspects of the project be subject to further review. 10. The public had an opportunity to comment on the proposal during the noticed written comment period which ran from February 12 to March 6, 1998. All of the written comments received during this time are included as Attachment D to the Planning Department Staff Report for REZ 98-03.dated July 8, 1998. The issues addressed include increased traffic on 9th Street, potential crime, increased noise and lighting and the general impact Qf the project on the Cherry Hill residential area, and the availability of alternative commercial properties. . . 11. The subject area is within the undesignated area between the Comprehensive Plan's Commercial land use designation to the north and the Residential designation to the south. It is currently zoned RS-7. 12. The subject area is level and is currently developed with two single-family residences and an unimproved parking lot used by a business located on propeny to the north of the rezone area. The adjacent properties are developed with the following~uses: To the north: To the south: To the east: To the west: commerciil uses; single family resi9~ces; single family restdence; and single family residences. 13. The adjacent properties are zoned as follows: To the north: To the south: To the east: To the west: CSD; RS-7; CSD; and RS-7. . 14. The City's Compr~hensive.Plan identifies Lincoln Street as a principal arterial street and 8th Street as a minor arterial street. 15. The traffic analysis ~oted the 8th and Lincoln Street intersection currently functions 072 ,;':~, ,.,,~ ..'-~:$; PlaDDiD8 DeparIIDeDt Staff'Report REZ 9~ - N011bwest Permit July 8. 1998 Pap 8 . at an average level of service (LOS) D and project~ that..in the year 2000 it ,will contimJe to function at an average LOS ofD with and without the proposed proJect. 16. ~e traffiC: analysis noted the 8th and LincolnStreet interseCtion currently functions . at a seasonal level of service (LOS) E and projected that in the year 2000 it will continue to function at a seasonal LOS ofE without the proposed project and.a seasonal LOS ofF: with the project as proposed. The report 'projects the intersection 'will operate at a seasonalLOS ofE with the project if the project is subject to the' rePort's mitigation measures. 17. The City Engineer reviewed the traffic analysis and recommended a revision of the report's mitigation measures. WIth the project subject to the revised mitigation measures, the City pngmeer states ~e average LOS for the 8th and Lincoln Streets intersection~ remain at D in the year 2000 and the seasonal LOS will remain at E. 18. The Qep~~t of Transportation comments are included as Attachment E to the Planning Dep&rtment Staff Report for REZ 98-03. dated July 8, 1998. They address the impact of the overall project on the Lincoln Streetiand' 8th Street intersection, stormwater issues, signage requirements, and a recOmmendation the proposed development of the overall site be accessed from 9th Street instead of Lincoln Street . (SR 101). Conclusions: Based on the information provided in the public record including the application file, the staff report and its attachment, written cOmments received during the public cornrnent period~ the Planning Commission's deliberation, andthe'above findings, the City of Port Angeles Planning Commission hereby concludes: A. The fonowing Comprehensive Plan Poli~es are most relevant to the proposal, Land Use Policies Al and A2, Cl. Dl, and E7. B. If the property is developed as pan of the applicant's overall development plan as described in Attachment A to the Plimning Department Staff Report}for REZ 98-03. dated July 8, 1998 and mitigated in the project's revised MDNS attached as AttachmentB to the Planning Department Staff Report for REZ 98-03. dated July 8, 1998, the rezone is consistent with Comprehensive Plan Policies Aland A2, C 1, D 1, and E7.' . C. If the property is d,eveloped as part of the applicant's overall development plan as described in Attachnlent A to the Planning Department'St8frReport for REZ 98-03. dated July 8, 1998 and mitigated in the project's reviSed MDNSattached as Attachment B to the Planning Department Staff Report for REZ 98-03. dated July 8, 1998~ the rezone is in the public use and interest and:;is compatible with the . 073 . . . .' ';fJ;i;' .~ ._.~. "l....~ .,.:\~ July 8. 1998 Paae9 PIamIiD8 DepanmeIIt Staff'Report RBZ 98-03 - Northwest Permit surrounding zoning and land uses. D. If the property is developed as part of the applicant's overall development plan as descnbed in Attachment A to the Planning Department Staff Report for REZ 98-03 dated July 8, 1998 and mitigated in the project's revised MONS. attached as Attachment B to the Planning Department StafrReport for REZ 98-03 dated July 8, . 1998, the reZone will result in an increase of ecOnomic activity in the City. E. If the property is # developed as part of the applicant's over8ll development plan" as descnbed in Attachment A to the Planning Department Staft"Report for REZ 98-03 dated July 8, 1998 and mitigated in the project's revised MONS attached as Attachment B to the ~~artment StafrReport for REZ 98-03 dated July 8, 1998, the rezone ~~f8ve a negative impact on adjacent residentially zoned and developed properties along 9th Street. . I . F. If the property is not developed as part of the applicant's overall development plan as described in Attachment A to the Planning Department Staft"Report for REZ 98-03 dated July 8, 1998 and mitigated in the project's revised MONS attached as Attachment B to the Planning Department Staff Report for REZ 98-03 dated July 8, 1998, the City should consider a rezone of the property back to RS-7. This action constitutes a recommendation to the City Council, which has final authority. RU9IOl.PCI ~ G.'~ ~"~ ~ ~r~~a--. .......# 074 '.' .-.;;fiI. '. ........ ..'L.~:", 4 ~n'?" . I . . . 075 . - (. r CITY OF PORT ANGELES Rezone Application ORI'GINAL"lqtt .- . fORT ANG PlANNING OEPAR!MENr PLEASE READ ALL INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE COMPLE7JNG THIS FOR 1. (A) APPLICANT Northwest Permit -' Deborah Hart or Gerty Stewart Daytime Phone 206-374-0833 Address 2320 FilSt Avenue #250. ~ttle. W A .98121 Phone 206-374-0833 . (B) PROPERTY OWNER (if other than applicant) 1be Baldrid8e Group - Allen Kann. . Property Owner's Address (if other than applicant) 11906 Manchester Road #204, St Louis, MO 63131 Dayti.me Phone 314-966-2300 (C) APPLlCANrs REPRESENTATIVE If other than applicant or property owner As Per Applicant Above Phone I . 2. (A) Legal Description of Subject Property See An~hed 4I!t) General Location of Subject Property LUmia sa..load'.......... 8th ODd 9Ih S1l'eCl 3. Size of Subject Property 90.000 Total Site sq.ft. 1/2 blocks 2.06 Total Site acres. 4. Zomng of Subject Property (SO & RS7 Proposed Zoning Designation (SO. 5. Characteristics of Subject Property (how is it developed) The subject Site is made up of the Easterly 300 !eet of the North and South sides of the Block surrounded by E.~'1h S1.. S. Uncoln St. and E. 9th St. The Northerly ponioD of the Site IS currenJy Zoned CSO,1hc Southerly ponion is Zoned RS7. There are 3 existing S~c Family Residences on the Southerly pol'bon of our Site. The Nonbelry pOrtion of our Site a>>1IIains and Existing 27.000sJ. WarebouselOfflCC budding 6. Characteristics of Surrounding Area (what uses are around the property) Comidcring our Entin: proJcct OIS the .Subject Site-the surrounding Zoning is as foUows: Nonh: Commercial - East: Commercial South Residential West Front (Northerly) ponion: CSD I Rear (Southerly) ponion: RS7 . Comprehensive Plan Designation of Property CSO & RS7 076 CITY OF PORT ANGELES PllltI,,",,~. J11 Lut Fifth &rHl. P.O. Boz / ISO. Pon Allpln. WA NJ61 (J60) 4/741JO A"ArW~Et--L\ A r-- ~ ~, .~ . RaDne Appliarion ... 2 on . ( r Comprehensive Plan Designation of Surrounding Properties Whole Site: N.E. W.NW :CSD~ SctSW:Rcs. Applicable Comprehensive Plan Policies The SUI1UIIIIdin2 Nothertv area is 2CDCraIh' Cominen:ia1 in natme. Allowin2 thiS Site to be DI'Oocrtv assembled and to opcmte as a wlmle will add to the overall inunaJtC of the area. 10. JUSTIFICATION FOR ZONING CHANGE . tI. 9. (A) ,Relationship to Comprehensive Plan The Rczcmc Request meets the o~ective for the (XnoprebcDSivc plan, for the area: (B) Suitability of Property for Proposed Zoning When we a)nsidel'the Site as a wbole it 'is generally Surrounded on J sides with a)mmcrcial zoning and existing uses. The area witbiD the block with the Single Family zoning does not allow for well assembled planning or. developmclll of this ptOp;.lty. (C) Change in Circumstances Since Original Zoning Commercial uses have a)ntinued to iDcrcase in the area sunounding the subject property. . (D) Inappropriateness of Current Zoning The roCli~ site is split down the middle bv zoning classifica1ion. This precludes any cohesive development plan for the propeR)'. , 1. I CERTIFY that all of the above state~ents are true to the best of my knowledge and acknowtedge that wilful misrepresentation of infonnation will immediately tenninate this application. ---~4~ SiGNA~ /. 13. 9Y/ Date l' Fil- ~o. .RE: z. <"l~ ':0$ RbveivectZ - 9 - 9{f' Heartng(s)\. 3 -/1 ~)l-- .y-;7 - 9? . 077 ^-"' "f;" ',.--~F . ..::."'~" '. <.o;ot.::;- . RITE AID DRUG STORE. REZONE NARRATIVE'SHEET January 13,1998 1. Northwest Permit Inc. is the applicant on behalf of the future OWDers of the. property for this . RezOne application. Along with this Rezone, we have requested a Street Vacation for an alleyway that currently divides the property. The contacts in our office are Deborah Hart and Gerty Stewart. The address for Northwest permit is 2320 First A venue, Suite 250, Seattle, Washington 98121. The phone numbers for NWP are (206) 374-0833 and fax (206) 374-0834. Our e-mail addressisPermi~w@aol.com. The current OWDer of this property is Mr. Robert German. care of NW ReIai1 'Partners, Mr. Scott Grainger, 600 University Stnlet. Suite 3012, Seattle, W A 98101, phone number (206) 343-9204. 2. <a) & (b) The legal description, tax account numbers and addresses are attached to this document. as they are quite lengthy. . 3. The total Site is 2.06 acres. or 90,000 square feet. The portion of the Site to be rezoned is approximately 35,000 square feet. taking the requested alley vacation into consideration. 4, . The total Site is rectangular in ~ and relatively flat. with a sloped area along East ~ S~ The portion to be rezoned faces 9 S1rCCt, and is contained by South Lincoln to the East. .and a rcsidentral property to the West. There are three existing Single Family struc:turCs on the portion of the property to be rezoned. and a commercial OfticelWarehouse building on the balance of the Site facing East 811l Street. The alley for which we bave.Jc:qucstcd Vacation bisects these two uses and our proposed Site heading East and West. ~. s. The surrounding properties are as follows when we consider our Site as a complete package: Nonh, commercial; East.. commercial; South. residential; and West, for the "Front" (Northerly) ponion of the Site, commercial. for the "Rear" (Southerly) portion. residential. The surrounding area. especially along East 8* Street. is primarily commercial/retail in nature. South Laurel Street adjoins this property approximately two hundred feet to the West. It appears that all of the streets surrounding this project arc arterial in nature. ~ 6. . . The existing property is zoned CSD for the Northerly portion. and RS7 for the Southerly portion. 078 14.3 7. The requested Zoning is to have OIU' entire Site zoned CSD. 8. In talking with Sue Roberts of YOID' office. the specific Comprehensive Plan citations will be added to this request at a later time. 9. . All comprehensive plans carry an outline for citywide growth. The area in which this property is located is mostly commercial in nature. The Rezone will allow a cohesive development of this property, with a consistent Zoning for the entire Northeast 300 feet of this block. A commercial development on this portion of this block will be in keeping with the uses and intent of the area. This project will provide a clean, public-friendly area. with sidewalks and access from the residential areas not only for this project, but also for the existing businesses in the area. 10. Please note for this item, as well as for item one, a second copy of the Rezone request, signed by the cmrent property owner, accompanies this application. Y OlD' consideration of this request is appreciated. If you have any questions, please contact our office. NORTHWESTP ;,"'j. ':j .~ . . . 079 A4 . . . (" January 19, 1998 Mr. Scott Grainger Northwest Retail PutnftS. Ltd. 600 Unh;ersity St., SUite- 3012 Seattle, W A 9810 I Rc:: Rezone Application Street Vacation Application Lots 1-6 inclusive, Lots 13-16 inclusive Block 268, Townsite of Pon Angeles, W A. Dear Scott: This letter shall serve as Owner's pennission to Boardwalk Development, its agents and/or assigns to file the necessary Rezone Application, Street Vacation Application, and other docwnentation as requested by the city of Port Angeles in association with the proposed retail development occurriag at Lots 1-6 inclusive. Lots 13-16 inclusive Block 268, Townsite of Port Angeles. WA. Sincerely, /JI~ Robert X. German It 6 B- . f .6~.~~) t WAr q~J(. ~ . ..,,,, .- f ..,. ....~.~.'~,... .~-::~~ ;:-'{ I . 080 AS ( ,.......".; '.",.~:~,~~ ' '", . Memornndwn . To: Deborah Lynn Hart. N.W. Permit From: Allen Kann. Boardwalk Development Date: 01/27/98 ( . Re: Authori7.atian to Northwest Permit This Memorandum is intended .as authorization to Northwest Permit to apply and process permits on behalf of us for the property legally desaibed. as follows: Lots 17-18, Block 268, TOYKlsite of Port Angeles, WA If you have any questions, please feel free to call me on 314-966-2300. Your . assistance is appreciated. Very Truly Yours, BOARDWALK DEVELOPMENT .l+~ Allen Kam .' .' Executive Vice President . O~l Ai, . . . '-21-1_ Ii..... ,':', ' '~~ .,.. '. , ,.",. ...... malL ,,~ .. sa.. , - ( ...." 21. I'" Mr. .....0.0.- 00 Mr. ... ~I -ll "J . )IIM..AI.... ,. .. tIlL .. tW....'" .... "12 . 11'11. WAtIlOI . . '--- k, ,__~__ .... Vw -. j. ""'.11(. LoCi .'.'1 ' IIack -. b.... ~ """L4It.. WI.. 0. Bob: 1Nt a.r"'IaW.~' jIInIII..." ......DPIIus LtI........ .sf........... e ale......".. J II., ......~lnll...l.... VJl{v"a AfpU If ~ .- ....... ~ - -.. ~.,.... afPaIt..&~~.iII"'" wlda.. ptOpOII4......~ lI{r" mr ~4" LeelI"T.11. Block _ r......,r.t ~'..~ WA. . Ifn~... J( ...".",. t3 x.tln~'-CII ~~ ..... .......411 ........ ..---c.~ .... .' i. '. ~.2 ...:.................... :':it\:'~, <:', ,'; 082 A7 , , . 'I SEVENTH ST. GEODEllC GEoo MONUMENT MOtU NO. G12-371 EIGHTH . ST. NO. I - !-' .~Z& ." ~ , ...= ...= ....= '.-: ,..: ,..: en en' Vl 'en ~ Vl en NIN.TH ST. lLJ >- >- ~ -,' 3 lLJ 0:: Z lLJ 0:: a:: . " Vl 0::' :j 0 c( l.LJ ..: ::::> 0 J: ~ J: :s z u Vl :J 0 ~ TENTH ST. et: 0 VICINIT.Y MAP NO SCALE, J> cP o 00 w '. . 1.,1 EllC MENT 12-2-1 -.. I l ~f. ) '.Z; .,';' . " '. "J; ~;^~:;LY: "',~ I ".l~ N"II7.N"1"; U ---~--------tr al f 1 ;'~~ ,t~ . 1--------:=---------1 I I I " , : 'I I I I I I I I \ fl ,I I t ~ i I ! 1 I ~ I I .; lil !u ~ ,~ - I - ! I I I II I: .. .., ~ c!) --- 1:1 ~ , 1 () , I, "I ' 1'---"4 "\ .' ~ I. ~Lr--' 1 i II. -:- III I ... t' ~_-1 : i-l{ - II I :!I I: r - i-t : II ~ L,: I L_.r . \ ---- I . --L _ __ 4 ~. I- i .- . : --- '..- SIMIalnil 'J.~OC; .... ...... --- "" ,r- I I I I I I I Ii .' I I\- I " I. . - I! I: I \ \ , I II ':"''1'~:' ..-..-...... .'.' . '.~'.,:~\ I~! ~~ .~" i' Isle. ,.s I lilt I ,,-I ~Ii~ " ,-I" '"'' " hi ! J~! II! ~ _KU ~ .1'iB~I~ !13~ ~ Ii .K.II". ' 1~;linbli t . . z 4: . -!~ a.. I ~ t . \OJ A., , :; . en a: "" c: .- ~. f: it ~; i~ ~;;I ia =", t! !~ ~:a . ~ 084 /1S:9 <c~ ..';-;;:.,. lfi) IE @ lEU W rElii1 lB1 !4AY r H91 J~ . PORTAHGElfS PlANNING DEPARTMENT PORT ANGELES RITE AID DRUGSTORE #5257 -TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS ( . Prepared for .. RITE AID CORPORATION c/o MULVANNY PARTNERSHIP 112 Fifth Ave. N. Seattle, WA 98109 Prepared by TRANSPORTATION PLANNING & ENGINEERING, INC. 2101 -1121h Ave. N.E., Suite 110 Bellevue, Washington 98004 Telephone - (425) 455-5320 FAX - (425) 453-7180 . May 7, 1998 'EXPIRES .", 0 0 . 085 Co~L6E REPoa:lW('\K ~\...L n~\..~ A~ "\\~C.\~f-4\EMt> is. L.oc."'TE~ 'H ~~'C~ FlLlS . ~..">'d' ".;"~2; .,:~_.. ~ 1~ TRANSPORTATION PLANNING & ENGINEERING, INC. ..'101 . : ;211) :."Em..~ ',E ~UITE "0 .- 6ELLEvUE ;;.l!ittIUGTON tICIO.& fELEPHOUE I.UI "!I!1.!l320 ;:ACSI..IILE ,.UI "!I3.711O ,.. ,. C ..."1" tot ,...."...v... 11 L"Ut." "'I \...~. ...._..,.... ~ May 7, 1998 Mr. Kent Heasley . RITE AID CORPORATION c/o t\1r. John T rieger MULVANNY PARTNERSHIP 112 Fifth Ave. N. Seattle. WA 98109 ( . .. Re: Port Angeles Rite Aid Drugstore #5257 Traffic Imoact AnalysIs Dear Mr. Heasley: We are pleased to submit this traffic Impact analysis for the proposed Port .ngeles Rite Aid Drugstore #5257 project. The project consists of a 16,750 sq. ft. rugstore bUilding with drive-up service and is loca,ted at 120 East 8th St. in the City of Port Angeles. We have vIsited the project site and surrounding street network. The work Included In thiS report is based on our telephone conversation with Gary Kenworthy. ?E.. City Engineer of the City of Port Angeles. The City of Pon Angeles Transportation Services ana FacIlities Plan, October 1996. prepared by Entranco Engineers was ;JrovlOed b~' the Cltv We have reviewed thiS City document ana have utilized data from thiS repon wnere appropriate. .' The conclUSions and recommendations begl~ on page 9. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Figure ~ IS a VICInity map showing the location of the proposed siteand the surrounding street network. Figure 2 shows a preliminary site plan prepared by Mulvanny Partnership plotted j'J1arch 6,1998 The plan consists of a 16.750 square footdnigstorebuilding with drive- up service ano 69 parKing stalls including three handicap stalls. Access to the proJect is .proposed via two driveways and an eXisting alley. One of the driveways is onto S. ...Incoln 5l. anc ~~e other IS on E. 8th Street. The allev accesses S. Laurel 5t. to the 'Nest of the suolect site. ' ~':!e(i2~8 0 8 6 A \ \ '<.~.'" ifit. . '.' > l.~~~i ,,,,,.' {r~ . ~.-1r Kent Heasley RITE AID CORPORATION fvtay 7, 1998 Page -'2- Full development of the 16,750 sq. tL Port Angeles Rite Aid Drugstore #5257 project is expected to ,occur later this year. However, we have used 2000 as the horizon year for the purposes of this study. . I . EXISTING PHYSICAL CONDITIONS The project site is presently develCiJped. The development consists of three single family dwelling units and two commercial buildings. The smaller bUilding, containing Mail Box Etc., will remain. The larger building will be removed to make way for the subject development. S trEE! t= aCllitles Figure 3 shows eXisting traffic control. number of street lanes, number of aoproach lanes at intersections, and other pertinent information. The primary streets ana the City's classification within the study area are as follows: Lincoln 51. (SR 101) E. 8th Street E. 9th Street Laurel Street Principal Arterial Minor Arterial Local Access Local Access . EXISTING TRAFFIC CONDITIONS '0;;'': .'Olurnes ~ Igure 4 shows the existing turning moveme'nt traffic volumes at the Lincoln SuE. 8th 51. Intersection. The intersection traffic volumes were counted by Trafficount on Thursoay. Apn116. 1998. The Port Angeles area incurs significant seasonal fluctuation In traffic volumes due to substantial tourist traffic. Therefore. the collected oata '/las adjusted to reflect seasonal peak conditions. The seasonal data contained in the Annual Traffic Report, 1996 'was used. Accorolng to the attached data for permanent count station number;69.the count ::onaucted on April 16, 1998, is very close to the average peak condition. ThIs average :onOltlon was adjusted to a seasonal peak. August. condition by factonng the approach .olumes up by 22.9% (1 .,. 0.98 April. -0.83 August\. . . .. 'l:UJ~:J:: 1<11' 087 "\<-. ....~.i'~ ."Y_~ >">:.~, " . Mr. Kent Heasley RITE AID CORPORATION May 7,1998 Page - 3 - 1r~ F!gure 4 also shoY.'S the eXisting average daily traffic volume on Lincoln St. south ot E. 8"1 Street. This volume was obtained from the Annual Traffic Report. Level of Service Analysis Level of service (LOS) is a qualitativ,~ measure describing operational conditions Within a traffic flow. and the perception of these conditions by drivers or passengers. These conditions include factors such as speed. delay, travel time. freedom to maneuver, traffic interruptions. comfort. convenience, and safety. Levels of service are given letter designations. from A to F. with LOS A representing the best operating .:ondltlons (free flow. little delay) and LOS Fr the worst (congestion. long delays l. Cjenerally. LOS A and B are nigh, LOS C and D are moderate. ana LOS E and Fare :ow. Table 1 shows calculated levels of service (LOS) for existing and seasonal peak <<onditionsat the pertinent street intersections. The LOS were calculated uSing the. rocedures In the Transportation Research Board Highway Capacity Manual - SpecIal Report 209 3rd Edition updated 1994. The LOS shown indicates overall intersection operation. At Intersections. LOS is determined by the calculated average delay per vehicle. The LOS and correspor.\ding average delay in seconds are as follows: ! TYPE OF I A I B C 0 I E I F- I I INTERSECTION I I I I 'I Signalized <5.0 >5.0 and >, 5.0 and.. >25.0 and >40.0 and 1>60.0 <15.0 <25.0 .... <40.0 <60.0 .1 - -- .; Stop Sign Control <5.0 >5 and ~-'O and >20 and >30 and.. >45 I' - <: 20 I .1 <10 < 30 < 45 .. - The intersection LOS is an average for every vehicle entering the Intersection. On occasion specific movements. such as stop sign controlled left turn 'movements. exoenence significantly worse LOS than other movements at the Intersection. 'Nhen :hlS IS the case other factors sucn as safety can be considered when determining . whether Improvements are warranted. . "tlfJ~'!JlI HIll 0 8 8 A\~ Mr. Kent Heasley RITE AID CORPORATION May 7 1998 Page - ~ - f~>>~' 1r~ . Acciaent History . The City of Port Angeles provided an accide"nt listing .for the S ~ Lincoln SUE. 8th St. intersection. This listing identifies recorded accidents from March 14, 1986 through I' February 13.1998. The data "shows 102 recorded accidents at the analysis . Intersection. S. Lincoln St./E. 8th S1. in twelve year time period reviewed. The Transoortation Service and Facilities Plan identifies an accident rate of one at the analysIs Intersection. The 1996 Washington State Highway Accident Report identifies average aCC:CEnt rates (per million vehicle miles of travel) on functional classified streets as follo'::s' Principal Arterial Minor Arterial Collector 2.97 3.44 4.27 . " The above rates are for urban arterials. A direct comparison of the intersection acclaent rate statewide rate is not relevant because the rates do not measure Jhe same thing The 1996 Washington State Highway Accident Report does not contain data on average accident rates. per million entering vehicles. at intersections. However. based on our experience. an accident rate of less than one is genE!rally considered to Indicate that an Intersection IS operating satisfactorily, one to two is typical. and over two. reaUlres iunher review" . The calculated accident rate at the analys~~ intersection "IS one. which IS tYPical. SR ' '), Access Classification The access classification of SR 101 in the vicinity of the project site IS class four. These highways have the capacity for moderate travel speeds and moderate traffic VOlumes tor medium and short travel distances providing for intercity,'lntraclty. and Inter-community travel needs. There IS a reasonable balance between direct access' ana mobility needs for highways in this class. This class is to be used pnmarily where the eXisting level of development of the adjoining land is more intensive and where the prooaollltv of malor land use changes IS less probable than on class three highway segments Highways In this class are tYPically distinguished by eXisting or planned . ;llB029B RDt 0 8 9 A\L\ ');\;/ ;_, "'.':~\{t:":,,,;, >~ -.; :::;L'l 0' .0 ",,;.,.. -':~:. " ..... "i:~:~~:,- _ ~~ . 1~~ .r. Kent Heasley RITE AID CORPORATION May 7.1998 Page - 5- : nonrestrictive medians. Restrictive medians may be used as operational conditions warrant to mitigate turning. weaving, and crossing conflicts. Minimum connection s'pacing standards should be applied if adjoining properties are redeveloped. No more than one access shall be provided to an individual parcel or to contIguous parcels under the same ownership unless it can be shown that additional access points would not adversely affect, trle desired function of the state highway In accordance with the assigned. access classification. and would not adversely affect the safety or operation of the state highway. Spacing to another public or private access connection shall be two hundred and fifty feet. The proposed project access is via relocatIng the existing alley access on SR 101 No new access locations are proposed. Neither the existing alley access nor the new driveway meets the recommended spacing criteria. However. the new onveway location does meet the spacing criteria from the more critical E. eU' 51. intersection. .East gin S,t. IS a low volume local access street thus the 250 ft. spacing should not be necessary. FUTURE TRAFFIC CONDITIONS WITHOUT THE PROJECT Figure 5 shows projected 2000 PM peak hour traffic volumes without the proJect. These volumes Include the existing traffic volume counts plus background growth. The Transoonatlon ServIces and Facilities Plan identifies household growth of about 1 % per year In the Pon Angeles area. This same report also identifies a 20 year traffic growth 01 d' ~'o T n1S 6' % growtn translates to arouno 3% per year. :iowever. to be conservative. we have applied a 5% per year gro~.th to the background traffic vOlu,!,e. STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS- The Transportation Services and Facilities Plan identifies that there are two new street facilities proposed in the comprehensive plan that would improve traffic operations at the analysIs intersection. These facilities are as follows: White Creek Crossing is a two-to three-lane extension of Lauridsen Boulevard eastward from Ennis Street to Golf Course Road. which would reqUIre a bridge structure over White Creek. The new facility is intended . .;....!lO~9B Rot 090 A\5 ~ ~,.;".. --'1~ Mr. Kent Heasley RITE AID CORPORATION May 7. 1998 Page -6- frt . . to attract westboulmd vehicles from SR 101 at Golf Course Road and eastbound vehicles from SR 101 at Lincoln Stree,t. '. Heart of the Hills Parkway will consist of both a newfacility and an upgrade of existing facilities: Th~ new corridor would be a two-lane facility 'beginning outside the 'eastern' Port Angeles UGA. and would extend southwesterly from SR 101 to Deer Park Road. From Deer Park Road. the new facility would generally continue in a westerly direction to Race Street. in the vicinity of the Mount Angeles Road/Heart of the Hills Parkway intersection. At this point, the 'corridor would be upgraded on Race Street to City design standards north to Lauridsen Boulevard. I . In addition to the street improvements identified in the comprehenSive plan a ~osslble Transportation System Management (TSM) strategy is discussed in the Transportation Services and Facilities Plan. TSM strategies improve traffic operations :JY more effective use of the existing street infrastructure. A TSM strategy that has been suggested for the SR 101 corridor through the City is to convert Lincoln Street (which already serves as a portion of SR 101) and Peabody Street to a one-way couplet, which would operate exactly like the Front Street and First Street couplet. In this alternative. Lincoln Street would operate as a three-lane one-way facility southbound. while Peabody Street would operate as a three-lane one-way facility northbound. The couplet would join the existing one-way couplet :.! ,cront Street ana FilSl Street oll1/)e nonh. ~Vll/) me lwo-way Launosen- Boulevard on the south. . .' .' TRIP GENERA TION AND DISTRIBUTION - A vehicle trip is defined as a single or one direction vehicle movement with either ltle ongln or destination (exiting or entenng) inside the study site. These trip generation :alues account for all site tnps made by all vehicles for all purposes. including ::ommuter. visitor. recreation. and service and delivery vehicle- trips. Table 2 shows the vehicular trips during an average weekday and during the AM ~na PM street traffic peak hours for the proposed 16.750 SQ. ft. Rite Aid Drugstore ::rOlect. The trip generation IS calculated using the average trip rates In the Institute of . "U:JlJ':.I::1 "Ill 0 9.1 A \(P . Mr. Kent Heasley RITE AID CORPORATION May 7,1998 Page - 7 - OJ Transportation Engineers (ITE) Trip Generation. Sixth Edition. 1997 for Pharmacy/Drugstore with Drive.;.through Window (ITE Land Use Code 881). 0 A pass~by trip is an eXisting trip that comes directly from the traffic flow on 'a road adJacent to the project site and does not require a diversion for another roadway. According to Table VII-1 of Trip Generatio~ Fifth Edition, 1991, a pass-b~ rat~ for discount store (K-Mart #14 on list) is identified at 50%. In addition, an article titled Refinement of Procedures Used for Estimating Pass-by Trip Percentages by Massoum Moussavl and Michael Gorman published by the ITE Journal, May, 1992, shows pass- by percentages averaging 50% for five discount stores. Rite Aid stores are discount orlentea and are expected to have similar trip maKing. characteristics to discount stores. No reauCtlon for diverted linked tnps nor existing trips. due to the existing development. were taken. Therefore, our analysis is conservative. Figure 6 shows the calculated site-generated traffic and assumr;d distribution. .he distribution is based on the characteristics of the road network. eXisting traffic volume patterns, and the location of likely trip origins and destinations (employment, shopping. social and recreational opportunities). FUTURE TRAFFIC CONDITIONS WITH PROJECT Traffic Volumes -: '9ure 7 shows the proJected 2000 PM peak hour and average daily :"affic VOlumes with the proposed proJect. The site-generated PM peak hour tranlc volumes. snown on Figure 6 were added to the projected background traffic volumes shown on FIgure 5 to obtain the Figure 7 volumes. Level of Service Table 1 shows calculated LOS for future with and without project conditions at the pemnent street intersection. According to our LOS analysis the development of the Rite Aid Drugstore project will not significantly affect the LOS operation of the analysis Intersection under typical operating conditions. Under average peak condition the JOer3t10n of the intersection meets the City's recommended LOS'O'crltena.. . ..,IBU29tj R", 1~~ I . U92 A\7 .k Kent Heasley RITE AID CORPORATION May 7. 1998 Page - 8 - During seasonal peak conditions the intersections congested with or without the project. The City's Transportation Services and Facilities Plan describes the two comprehensive plan projects that would improve the operating conditions of the analysIs intersection. Additionally the TSM strategy of a one way couplet would enhance operation of the Lincoln 51. corridor. Channelization . The existing street'channelization on both E. 81n 51. and Lincoln 51. were field reViewed. East 8111.S1. has around 50 ft. of paved surface curb to curb. This 50 ft. is similar to Lincoln St. north of E. 81n Street. Lincoln 51. north of E. 8111 51. provides :::onunuous left turn channelization and parking on both sides. We believe that provldrng similar left turn channelization on E. 8'" 51. west of Lincoln St. would be appropriate. The Lincoln St. street Width south of E. 81n St. vanes from 47 to 42 feet. The traffic volume on this street segment is substantially less than the volume using E. 8111 3l. west of Lincoln Street. Therefore, continuous left turn channelization IS not needed at thiS time. Providing continuous left turn channelization would impact existing street parking. . ;:: uture Channelization Considerations - . Both E. 811'I St. and Lincoln 51. have adequate street widths to allow operational _ :-::-.z.:-..:cmer:lts If desired by the City. Providing these capacity Improvements would reQUire cnanges to the eXisting on street parking. Parking restrictions dUring peak travel times IS a fairly common treatment. No changes to the existing on street parking are recommended In conjunction with subject development project. SEPA MITlGA TION ,.. The development of the subject project is calculated to cause a degradation of the operation of the E. 8uI St./Lincoln S1. intersection during the seasonal peak penod. No degradation dunng average peak condition is antiCipated. The intersection operation could be enhanced via changing the existing Signal phasing. 1-;: I_~'~ HL~ fr~ ...;~ ..,~~ .'... . I . . . 093 A\6 ",~~" ".~;e:r:,,~.r(,::'1A~~r :_!_ ~\::::0:;,;?2'~t:t:.;i:('~Slt~:rr,;;- .. Kent Heasley RITE AID CORPORATION May 7. 1998 Page - 9 - '" The Improvement we recommend is revising the leftturn signal phasing to protective/permissive phasing. This change would require the Installation of new Signal heads and other attendant changes to the signal controller. With protective/permissive the intersection operation would be significantly improved. . . . Channelization changes 'on E. alII 5L. are recommended to better accommodate site generated left turn traffic (primarily the westbound to southbound customers during the seasonal peak period). With left turn channelization and the protective/permissive left turn phasing discussed above these customers would be able to clear the westbound traffic stream. SUMMARY CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDA TIONS This repon uses eXisting traffic data collected at the penanent street intersection and roads loentified for analysis. Level of service analyses w~re performed for eXisting and projected future traffic volumes. usang the collected traffic data. for the without "'oJect condition. The evaluation of the traffic impact of the proposed project. included ~ddlng project generated traffic to the future traffic volume prOjection and calculating the level of serv"lce. The with project traffic operations were then compared to the without project operations. The comparison of traffic operations with and without the proJect Identifieo that the project will not cause a significant adv,erse affect on the operation OT any of the study intersections. Baseo on our analysis the Port "Angeles Rite Aid Drugstore #5257 project should ::e .:;;:~::;vec .....nh the follOWing traffic mitigation measure~: " Construct appropriate site frontage improvements In accordance with City code requirements. 2. Construct site driveways pe-r applicable engineering requirements. 3. If required by the City modify the existing E. alii 51.1Lincoln 51. traffic control signal to provide protective/permissive left turn phasing. 4 If requested by the City. rechannelize E. 8"151. between Lincoln Sl. ana Laurel 51. to orovlde continuous left turn channelization. . ;" /::.":,,:1 "'OJI "-~'.""'" ',:',;i,:~ " ."~~ "~":l> 1~~ v 094 A19 i...1r. Kent Heasley RITE AID CORPORATION ~Jay 7. 1998 Page - 10- If you have any questions please call me. Very truly yours. TRANSPORTATION PLANNING " & ENGINEERING. INC. ){ ,J'. {,~. ~ .<<;J Mark J."Jacobs. P.E. Senior Transportation Engineer '.iJJ:es .. .' "',"',1'," .'.?-'>' '::::::. . .~~~. {~~. c c. . . 095. 1'080298 RDt A~O "-'".f'>c'C" c.c . _,t'-;~':,,_:: . ~ .~". ( (' ef~~ TRANSPORTATION PLAIIING . IIIINEIRIIG, INC. Y'CTClI H. lllMO'" r .....- OAVlP" '_11."',1."__ June 3,1998 2101 . u. MNUE N.E..1U11E no - HUEVUE, WASlIINlJTON lIIDlM TELEPHONE .&161 '16.020 FAC.WILf '.~I dJ.J11l1 . Gary Kenworthy, P.E., City Engineer CITY OF. PORT ANGELES 321 East FIfth Street, 'Port Angeles, 'NA 98362"()217. . Re: Port Angeles Rite IUd Drugstore Nelghbomood Impact Dear Mr. Kenworthy: In acccrdance with your request we have reviewed the potential traffic impact on Laurel St., E. 51. S.E. and the alley between Laurel and Uncoln Streets due to the subject development ill JJ4.- 3 ~ m, I m~mO\Ylm F~O ClJf't.. f'~::1 "~:~F: ~:: PlANNI~\1 Df.~-:~"! ~:l - I . The primary access to the Rite Aid development is onto E. 8" St. and Lincoln Street, both arterial streets. An existing alley that Intersects with Laurel Street to the east also provides access to the site. Our Port Anaeles Rite Aid Drugstore #5257 Traffic Imead Analvsls dated May 7, 1998 identified that during the PM peak period two vehicular trips would utilize the alley. Refn. Figure 6. May 7, 1998 traffic study. Note the traffic volumes chown at the E. g" StJUncoln S1. intersection are for the cite driveway intersection with Uncaln St. not E. 9" Street. Locatlng the primary site driveways onto arterialltreeta directs aite-generated traffic away frem the residential streets: Some al18 generated customer trafflc will invanably use S. Laurel Sl'and E. gtt' Sl to and from the subject development These customers would be reSidents 11vln; tn the reslaentlal areas to the southwest of the development. A core shopping area is located oft of Uncoln St. to the north d the sub,e.ct developmenl Therefore the streets utiliZed for shopping ortented trips by these residents would not be signfficantly a~eded with development of the RIte Aid Drugstore. In summary, the Rite Aid Drugstore project traffic impact on S. Laurel St., E. g"- Sl and the alloy is anticipated to be minimal. PrirMry access to the site Is onto Lincoln . St. and E. e" St.. both arterial streets. Customer traffic from the residential area to the southwest of the development are naUlkety to slgnlficanUy change the streets they utilize on shoppFig oiented trips. ' . MJJ:es Very truly yours, ..... .," () cc: Kent Healey, RIte AId CorporatIon Jehn Trieger, MUIvaMY Pannerlhip 096 POI028eMr.dOC A~' ""'."~"'." ^:"t{iJt5, '.~~, . I . . . " .... . 097 NO: 800 Reissued 6126198 i/:~ '>:~!f1l . CITY OF PORT ANGELES .MITIGATED DETERMINATION OF NON SIGNIFICANCE RCW Chapter 197-11-340 This MDNS is reissued and amended following the required J 5-day review period. The amendment is the addition of mitigation condition #7. Description of Proposal: A proposal to develop approximately 2.06 acres including a rezone of a port~on of the property cUlTCIltly designated RS-7, Residential Single Family, to CSD;Community . Shopping District, and development of an approximately 16,750 square foot retail building including. demolition of an existing 27,000 square foot warehouse/office building and three sin~le family residences. I . APPLICANT: NORTHWEST PERMIT " Location of Proposal (including street address, if any): Lots 1- 6 and 13-18 Block 268, Townsite of Port Angeles, Washington. The project is generally located between Lincoln Street and Laurel Street, and between Eighth and Ninth Streets. . Lead Agency: CITY OF PORT ANGELES . The lead agency for this proposal has determined that it does not have a probable significant adverse impact on the environment An environmental impact statement (EIS) is not required lplder RCW 43.21 C.030(2)( c). This decision was made after review of a completed environmental checklist and other information on file with the lead agency. This information is available to the public on request. [XX) There is no comment petiod for this reissued MDNS. J unc.26. 1998 Date There is no comment period. p~~~~ . pavid Sawyer, Acting arming Director ThIS DNSis issued per WAC 197-11-355. You may appeal tillS determination to the Port Angeles City Council through the Planning Department. 321 East Fifth Street. Pon Angeles. W A 98362, by submitting such wnnen appeal to the Planning Department no later than July.l1. 1998 You should be prepared to make specific factual obJections. Responsible Official: Brad Colhns, PlaMing Director. Pon Angeles Planning Depanment. 321 East Firul Street. Port Angeles, WA 98362, phone (360) 417 - 4750. .MI1~on Measures. I . CommefClill traffic shall not access the project slIe from Ninth Street 2 Conslruct i1ppropnate site frontage Improvements an i1ccordance with City code requirements. . 3 ConSlrUCI slIe dnveways per applicable engineenng requirements. 098 4 Rcchannc:lize EIsI Eighth Street between Lincoln Street and Laurel Street to provide continuous left turn channelization. 5 Thc developer shall upgrade the EighthlLin.:oln signal to providelwo additional Opticom channels to fully protect emergency vehicle movement through the interscciion. . . ATI~ r \-\ M EJ1T '\S 6 The developer shall c:onttibute S I 0,000 for future traffic volume(afcty ......,ovemcnts on EiPth udlor Lincoln Streets in the project area. (Added:) 7. Design, landscaping. and other site features such as fencing and screening shall be subject to SEP A review at the time of a building/site development application. I' _, Pub: MaiVPost: cc: Dept. ofTransponation Pearson Sclunid Bailey Gellein Foley VanSickle T:\I'LANNINO\SEPA\MDNS\800 ';~I' '..,~ . I . . 099 . ~"') . COMPREHENSIVE PLAN . . .eSD 100 A\rACHM'Et'JT C. . ~I" . :".~..~-. -.' - ~.~;.~. . ~->. e I . .... . '1 CSD CN RS7 NO HATCHING 101 CITY Of PORT ANGELES PUBUC WORI<S ~ SCALE 100 I I 50 AREA MAP REZONE FROM RS7 TO CSD (REZ 98-02) LOTS 13-16 BL. 268 C ~ ; -'~;'),",,,', .:: :'-,,:,,;" '.t''-''\; .;: . . Petition : . ,,;.:dtI ..~.<,.~ ~ rDJrE Ie II n' ~:' ' l1iJ, ,. - 6 I9fJJ I ....... .. i-.. P~.~:,.~ .;:: <.,.. Ilwe the undersigned oppose the rezonin~ applicatioO f'tIorthwest Permit -REz-9~02, for Lots 13 t~rough ~6, B~ 268, TPA generally described as the southwest comer of 8th and .Lince.ln.Streets, Port Angeles, Washington: . ~lcm:lture .- . ,'/ ~ /' " >- /1. ~~(g ~. ,ZJ/LI./)vV --- .) .~ /'" ,2 , ,~7 . ~ '- ,. ~ ...~ ~ ~0 ' ,~~~~ p7. h . Printed Name L ,Il:; ~. f) UJI N ' , '~M . -:;e 'CI( ~_ (\ ("o..~o r Address ( q / ~ ,)n. M ,)-6- ~Sc:l-!:>- j,{{.? 7/C~S7:' . ~S.~~ l~~~~ l(Y'''''';''t \ ,~ - -:(0 /1) "/\0./ )/"., h] II ,,,,,'01' .:;:~~72;{~ - 0c-US- l2.LV(Ch 'L; }!~.{:-r. Yt{.(4JlijJ;iT(t. WJ millf m"f r4 f1.!us,1l1 / fir Ii) '77 A- . I / /. _I,. : J) " J/~ lA.!, J" rtb.- 'lA { ",-' oj: u.ck · ~ k 0.. t_ -h ""'1' 11 ( V. i.. -h 'S NCJ .' ~ 5,' /1.S,; N S'L~L~ /730 "FH-: - lZS, J"!> . It ~ ~)p{ 7 1'- i 10 4./ 7"Jl.. - \1 J~ (\ ~(I,') ,'- -,./!,...,..~{ / -rot (t'~5 c. ' ". {((tIL( . ? / .' 1 . 6 H.J.u . . " .; A ./ t? . /- .~ ..... ~ ~ 1~ ST .- l ?>lc \J. 7-t~ lIS l-' 7K .' ;: I'?, uJ . 7~"' >?,1 ~ Jlv.4.~ ~. 'Ii 7 St. 102 I _ . _.,... ^ i::" .. \""\ ~ . . ,ij!E Ie IE n " Wjt I1IJ I. - 6 all I :.:. PORT ANGELE J PlANtllNG DEPARTMEf.rr llwe the undersignedlllRPose the rezoning application Northwest Permit REZ 98-02, for Lots 13 through 16, Block 268, TPA generally described as the southwest comer of 8th and Lincoln Streets, Port Angeles, Washington: . ,.">,,,,~ ">""">1t . Petition -4 . ddress ( . . J;,ta h %3 ""\ ~l_\ -- -: ~ . \JJ \ ~-(W, ei .....j r --.- (' ~ - /VI-'9~J'.. v' ~.J:r/1rfoN' 0/ ;.?;2. ,E. '7.ztL . .' ..... 103 . l"->'") , ':;.::,'\n]..,,<B-,..',,""'" ~lfllEn'm . I :1. ]..- 61!l911 I~! PORT AfiGElES i P1._N~ING DEPARWr~'T l/we the undersigned oppose the rezoning application.-MSrthwest Permit REZ 98-02, r lots'13throtJgh 16, Block 268, TPA generally described as the southwest comer of 8th and Lincoln Streets. Port Angeles, Washington: . ':"'~ ~"~r:qt . .. p,tition . Sianat ' " "Printed Name . , \, l.l \ tiL n -!) lit d~Ur " A" (' :J ':' (~ Ie; \>" "}x . II (r;? Lo.bC\ o(~/..( . ). \' _ c' .- --' :. I J ~ \ \"\\'~ ,(. .~ "-~ )\'\A~~"-' \ hJ:\ ~5I-'... ~ c\\ ~v..\~'\~ ,- ~ _ ~i '\ /"L ~ /"') c ler.it..: AdC!r~ . ( , //7 w~r~~." /;4 L(c~'( c; {/I , II, ~~ Lf t ~ ' \ 1\1 \ ~ ,f'(-.j--f q-k I.' J ..... -, ;' ~I/~, I',' c.~," 7 ' I.., l c, 1:/- (' ~ ~ '-' - I . . I t ..... {I. ,,'. ., '- 'kl', ( c: L l. I l t '" 1,( ~ , r I, : ::J.. 'J4 U 14 1- 0' 0' . ~ 104 1)~ .,.'...;'..;..,...... ',"', ~::: ",.. ..,,;,,... ":'":;..;:.;-~ rulrll II' 1m ... 111l MAR - 6 I99J ".; i: . 1-; i p.-., '..... ----.JJ ' l/we the undersigned oppose the'rezoning application Northwest PemltfR~:.9t.D2. .fQr: Lots 13 through 16, Block 268, TPA generally described as the southwest comer of 8th . and Lincoln Str~ts, Port. Angeles, Washington: .' Petition Sianature ,-. r ,.' \ p {' ~ Ho1t4- ~dJr~ .' '- ) v\.."'- -~ Printed Name Address I . ~~ 4.14J ~- , d=?S F '1~5i · 2~3~y-P/E- . . H. L J( In ~ "( v r( ~. l. '1;r I ",4. · ~ - I . LlrJDP\ ~USr+ 2.2 q~ · 12u" CYCU~ )M. bl-. . ~ c,9tt, -Jl~ · ;; JJ; --If\., '2.\q W 0(#\ St - · () "uti rn 453C111uW:- ~~ ,. 11 JuJlt. HU1-Unw,L ... I {.J:':' PJJ 37 ~ ~rJ ~ F 7 ,::. <;J- .1.' '. OV.JJ ~ - - ,......- .. ., ~...~ f'; ._f.tJ,IP., ~a-L ~{; tL4 UJ// , ", L. /(',(J "'2. C A' ?,f. -. ""'" I , ~nature .. . Printed Name. Address .- ~m ~~.L~/JAMr#J 6zle~.rI- 1(1 ilOt!L .6~a /1i1~t ~r-t"tJa Git.hr;s+ IIi e-. /{)~ \6\'1 t Dl IU~ ,?-l E . tofu . Jr' . G 0;. / /Ot-~. , ~:T)/J... .,~ ! ~~,.... /~b t=- 1~7~. it I G: r'" LA . ~ureL- . .~ ~/./ . ~ cr '--mfl,tu1.r~) (~q'r Mtu-;/"t'1. ~25u, 9lJ' ~'&~fl.f ~. , I I d ' I . li r.L . ~' . F' J:r tJ.,r rY1'!rO 'b~ c:;. ~(Jf"'.v · :. It. . SILL L. ~.~ <;JAo<.i-Ht. z-Iq w. S+~ fjJJ~~ ${ ~7r 7:g;.f!,y- - / / . ~fr~ )- ~/ ~ ~~J.IJ~ .~'.. .tf;J m IE l!J lED \'1 R~ 1 p "! . IIWl - 61!1!11 :~i PORT AN\:tliS j I/we the underSigned oppose the rezoning application Northwe "I'" - R r Lots 13 through 16, Block 268, TPA generally descri~ as the southwest comer of 8th and Lincoln Streets, Port f'ngeles, Washington: . .- Petition u. L'tl,I"M':: .f), I I Y Z"'?>2. u..J. q~ - - I. 9! I PI 1- <-?J1. I- e::> ,''6 V . ~ 2-/B .;.0 -1 .....- D. R IS ~ t I W!iJ:1( rr.e.Sf(lnn~y J.. J . )./ ~ ~ t ~ r ~ I." " L ;, 7 ltJ. 'f't6 l.;r "I ~ l{ "r ~ Q /J. l:'" L...>. J - ."",.,. '}:"" . .w . - . . . - , 2 1. 5u Lc... ~..~ I .~ "- ..... , " "\ . \ J b~ I,,' "",?:~ - ~""':C" _ ~ ~ ~..-~~t m-, IE m (I 0 , @. r jl , I . ; .-61998 :. (L. i- PO~T AIi\;~i.c~ . P1._N~I~G o~p.~::n.~,'T l/we the undersigned oppose the . rezoning application Northwest Permit Rms:02, for lots 13 through 16, Block 268, TPA generally described as the southwest comer of 8th and Lincoln Streets~ Port Angeles, Washington: . - . Petition Sianature . - . Printed Name ~ Ul1 Nt) k -1 MJ..J..fJ ~l,~ i. ~~(I..~ ("-- '- v ~.Q.4 ~W\trJ SAtJ~~- aEl-L-E~^, . Address f . . JiLl ~ 1'tJ. ." I/D C. q L!!. ., ~ 7/-l Cf~ .. (2 z.. E 9-\L .. /30 , q-rd '. .. \' )..- ~k~~~ . ~~ L \ ';j.J~ / _ \lkw\f '"" \) C- tA fjJf k 7 ;r IIME.{'. ~ 1 z F7()J.} \... ,. "'- "....-" ~ ----- - ".- ........ ,- -. ''- . --.... \.\.\ ~" ~ "Vf.A~ C) J~\' -- .." ,,(, .' -- )... )\, -. c .,.,. )/<; t. I . I . ), .'..." { .~:"". .J 7ha.-cA;f)~ 1;1 .,..jatu~ I ) ~ X'-- \. ~ :ff ~ u .) ~"^- ,,;).;, 'y l'~ /'1 , / . / ',J'~r/' \/ 71h{ {.,h-,.. y . / " ~lvt+ rc ~(){' Ie ,Ivt. I~I+-IR@~ ~w, \) ~~j:>,yfR ~et{2 -17~r .- / / ~ k /,,: ..;.. ~ '-. I L. - 13"4 S.> f!..I1eIJ!.LJ \ \ \ W 9~'- · III Lv. cr1l- . 1"7 ",/~ . "<.."tf-'n:-:~?:';:' iffI..,...- '\:'-' -~~':t.'" ";,c:'~' m Ellowmr March 4, 1998 "-691 " . I. ~ i :! ; - . "" I I . "-'" . i PORT ANGElES PlANNING DEPf,RWENT chyof Port Angeles Planning Commission 321 East 5th St. Port Angeles, W A 98362 AnN: Planning COMQlission 1 am writing in regard to the proposed rezone of Lots 13 through 16 on East 9th Street between Laurel and Lincoln Streets. .. . I am the renter of the property located at 118 East 9th St. I oppose the rezoning application for the following reasons: . The traffic impact of yet another business. which accessed Laurel, 8th Street. Lincoln. and 9th Street would compromise the safety of my family, especially my children. My one child is enrolled at Jefferson Elementary. She used to walk to school every day. 1 now take my daughter to school in the morning because traffic on Lincoln Street has increased due to the espresso stand located at the comer of 9th Street and Lincoln. Traffic was already heavy on this mainstreet, but once this shop went in traffic in the A.M. hours has increased. The drivers are not always aware of the children walking to school. and my d~ughter was almost hit once by a car pulling out of the espresso stand who was in too big of a hurry to wait for traffic coming down Lincoln. As of right now during the after work around (4:30 _ 5:30 pm) cars already cut down our street to avoid the light on 8th Street and Lincoln. They turn onto our streef'and then drive down a few blocks sO as to avoid the wait at the light. These drivers are already in a hurry, which is why they cut down our street, and they are nOl-always paying attention to the children on our street. , . . The quality of life we enjoy in this residential neighborhood would be diminished by noise. traffic, artificial lighting. refuse removal, and the unknown dangers business brings to a community, such as -robberies. vandalism, and loitering. . The integrity and aesthetics of the Cherry Hill vicinity would be compromised with any further business district encroachment. My house was built in the late 1930~s. I know a lot of older homes in this neighborhood. We love these old homes not only for their looks, but for their history. My house, from what my relatives have told me. was built by either a prominent Port Angeles judge or mayor. By encroaching on our residential neighborhoods you are destroying the integrity that we love to see in this historical part of town. 108 "\)7 City of Port Angeles Proposed Rezone Page tWo . The City of Port A.ngeles has many vacant. undeveloped, and established sites already zoned. for busineSS. use in this vicinity. These sites could be further developed for commercial use without further encroacbment ~n this established neighborhood. At a time' when the downtown area of this city is crying for more bUsiness, I do not" understand the need to rezone in residential neighborhoods. We, as a city, need to defme"the parameters of our business areas and leave the neighborhoods alone for the purpose that they serve. that of a home and not a business. We need to stop the plunking down of businesses into residential neighborhoods and come up with a clear and distinct plan for the future businesses coming to our town, and/or relocation of current businesses. For the above stated reasons I hereby oppose the rezoning of this area as stated in Northwest Permit REZ 98-02. I understand if this project is approved for rezoning, it will then set a precedent. 'u:~~ ~~ Marsha L. Pearson 118 E. 9th Street Pon Angeles. WA 98362 .- ..:;" 109 ..l.;_..... ~'. .-.....-, . I . . . \>6 . . . ".,4,: . .- . . ,--:.c.. ill M~~6D~ M!~ , ..' City pf Port Angeles Planning commission 321 East 5th St. , Port Angeles. WA 98362 ~r.1 AN::LE~ PLJ~~':':'~''''' .r,:- '" ....... ,-. " I . ATTN: Planning Commission: I I am writing in regard to the proposed rezone of LotS 13 through 16 on East 9th Street between Laurel and Uncoln Streets. ) J~ c ~+A. ~ I am the Owner(s)/~ntel'(s) of the property located at ' "K c- -, ~ I oppose this rezoning application for the following reasons: . This established neighborhood is one of the oldest in the City of Port Angeles. I bought and/or rent my home in this neighborhood because I want to raise my family in a quality environment, not a business district. The integrity and aesthetics of the Cheny Hill vicinity would be compromised with any further business distrid encroachment. . The traffic impad of yet another business. which accesses Laurel, 8th Street. Lincoln, and 9th Street would compromise the safety of myself and my family. . The qualttY of life we have enjoyed in this residential neighborhood would be diminished by nOise. tralfic. artificial lighting, refuse removal and the unknown dangers business brings to a co~munity. such as robberies, vandalism and loitering. ' . The City of Port Angeles has many vacant. undeveloped and established sites already zoned for business use in this vicinity. These sites could' be further developed for ' commerCIal use without further encroachment on this established neighborhood. For the above stated reasons IJwe here~ oppose the rezoning of this area as stated in the Northwest Permit REZ 98-02. l/we understand if this project is approved for rezoning, it will then set a precedent. ) SIncerely. ~~ Name ~ n \\~ S q-r.57' '?1" rtN....~ WJQ %3IPL A;"'~Ss/City/St8l8lZiP - Date ,4: \ ~ 110 \)~ ~.,-",.. ...,............. :.-:;.;~.;:;. j i; ..- City of Port A~geles Planning commission.' . 321 East 5th St. Port Angeles, .WA 98362 ATTN: Planning Commission: I am writing in regard to the proposed rezone of Lots 13 through 16 on East 9th Street between Laurel and Uncoln Streets. I am the ~)Irenter(S) of the plOp8IIy Iocaied at Ij tj I: q-rJ ~. I oppose this rezoning application for the following reasons: . This established neighborhood is one of the oldest in the City of Port Angeles. I bought and/or rent my home in this neighborhood because I want to raise my family in a quality environment. not a business district. The integrity and aesthetics of the Cherry Hill vicinity would be compromised with any further business distrid encroachment. . . The traffic impact of yet another business. which accesses Laurel, 8th Street. Uncoln, and 9th Street would compromise the safety of myself and my family. . The quality of life we have enjoyed in this residential neighborhood would be diminished by . 'nolse. traffic. artificial lighting. refuse removal and the unknown dangers business brings to . a community. such as robberies, vandalism and loitering. . The City of Port Angeles has many vacant. undeveloped and established sites already zoned for business use in this vicinity. These sit. could be further developed for commercaal use without further encroachment on this established neighborhood. For the above stated reasons l/we hereby.~oPpose the rezoning of this area as stated in the Northwest Pennit REZ 98-02. l/we understand if this project is approved for rezoning. it will then set a precedent Sincerely, ~J0AJd./itcltm01 Name -17 YJ ilL{ r:; q ~. ,.Jd1.i ~~.L) Wit Cf8a~ AddresslCitylStateJZip . .. ~o..Ar~ In J'1QY Date ' . 111 \>\0 ,.....-.... :~~.~ . City of Port Angeles Planning commission 321 East 5th St.. Port Angeles, WA . 98362 - rnlE~rnw~w Ml-68 ~ , PORT AN I PlANNING DE;~L I - ATTN: Planning Commission: I am writing in regard to the proposed rezone of Lots 13 through 16 on East 9th Street between Laurel and Uncoln Streets. I am the Owner(s)/renter(s) of the property located at 8/950. taul1!~ I?I? ql~ 3f:.L I oppose this rezoning application for the following reasons: . . This established neighbOrhood is one of the oldest in the City of Port Angeles. I bought and/or rent my home in this neighbortlood because I want to raise my family in a quality environment, not a business distriCt. The integrity and aesthetics of the Cherry Hill vicinity would be compromised with any further business distriCt encroachment. . The traffic impact of yet another business, which accesses Laurel, 8th Street, Lincoln, and 9th Street would compromise the safety of myself and my family. . The quality of life we have enjoyed in this residential neighbortlood would be diminished by nOIse. traffic. artificial lighting, refuse removal and the unknown dangers business brings to a community, such as robberies, vandalism and loitering: . The City of Port Angeles has many. vacant. undeveloped and established sites already zoned for business use in this vicinity. These siteS could be further developed for commercial use without fur1her encroachment 0"" this established neighbortlood. For the above stated reasons I/we hereby oppose the rezoning of this area as stated in the Northwest Pennit REZ 98-02. l/we understand if this project is approved for rezoning, it will then set a precedent. . ~n~~hj z;{ J;H t. ~ .- Name kl 9 J t. a...w1 /'tf't -{- 12"'1 gl1/ t ~&(.. AddressICitylS~elZip . . '2,/!:'-lft~ Date 112 1> \ \ IfDJ IE 1# fED IV IE .fij). l1IJ IWl - 6 19!8 @ I . PORJANGElfS PlANNING DEPARTMENT City of Port Angeles Planning commission 321 East 5th St. Port Angeles. .WA 98362 f : ATTN: Planning Commission: I am writing in regard to the proposed rezone of lotS 13 through 16 on East 9th Street between Laurel and Uncoln Streets. I am the Owner(s)/renter(s) of the property located at PI9 S '^ /.4U/U.L." AI1. 9ff~Z- ./ I oppose this rezoning application for the following reasons: " . This established neighborhood is one of the oldest in the City of Port Angeles. I bought andJor rent my home in this neighborhood beCause I want to raise my family in a quality environment. not a business district. The integrity and aesthetics of the Cherry Hill vicinity would be compromised with any further business distrid encroachment. . . The traffic impad of yet another business. which accesses Laurel. 8th Street. Uncoln, and 9th Street would compromise the safety of myself and my family. . The quality of life we have enjoyed in this residential neighbOrhood Would be diminished by nOise; traffic. artificial lighting. refuse removal and the unknown dangers bUSiness brings to a community. such as robberies. vandalism and loitering. . . . The City of Port Angeles has many vacant. undeveloped and established sites already zoned for business use in this vicinity, These sit,s cOuld be further developed for commercaal use without further encroachment on this established neighborhood, For the above stated reasons l/we hereby oppose the rezoning of this area as stated in the Northwest Permit REZ 98-02. l/we understand if this project is approved for rezoning. it will then set a. precedent. -:.1'.1'/7. I / . ' a ~/f 5;// ~I 1i,/(i,..dLlt'f. JtIJ tf$C- A~reSS/C~?teJZiP "j ~ r,? Date . 113 \)\~ ..'... ---~- ,,"~-~....... .,..-',...::".':;--..... '. . rfiJ m 00 m n W) ~ ~; UlJ teMR - 6 f998 - . City .of Port Angeles Planning commission 321 East 5th St. Port Angeles, WA 98362 PORT ANGElfS PlANNING DEPARTMENT. ATTN: Planning Commission: I am writing in regard to the proposed rezone of Lots 13 through 16 on East 9th Street between Laurel and Uncoln Streets. I am the Owner(s)/renter(s) of the property located atll t( ~ ~ I oppose this rezoning application for the following reasons: . . This established neighborhood is one of the oldest in the City of Port Angeles. I bought and/or rent my home in this neighborhood because I want to raise my family in a quality environment, not a business district. The integrity and aesthetics of the Cherry Hill vicinity would be compromised with any further business district encroachment. . The traffic impact of yet another business, which accesses Laurel. 8th Street, Uncoln, and 9th Street would compromise the safety of myself and my family. . The quality of life we have enjoyed in this residential neighborhood would be diminished by nOise. traffic. artificial lighting, refuse removal and the unknown dangers business brings to a community. such as robberies. vandalism and loitering. . The City of Port Angeles has many vacant. undeveloped and established sites already zoned for business use in this vicinity. These si!8s could be further developed for - commercial use without further encroachment on this established neighborhood. For the above stated reasons l/we hereby oppose the rezoning of this area as stated in the Northwest Pennit REZ 98-02. . l/we understand if this ~ is approved for rezoning. it will then set a precedent. Sincerely. ~~.~~~ ame . TN " Il..!:L-..e q 1'c<<r A.~~..s:( ~~ .~. AddresslCitylStatelZip / ' ~ (...2- '3 _ t. - / Ii iiI Date . 114 1>\~ ~.. ',""T". '~~;\,: . " . I'LAN':1f:b ~~~fMtENT I I . City of Port Angeles . . Planning commission 321 East 5th St. . Port Ar:'geles,.WA 98362 ATTN: Planning Commission: I am writing in regard to the proposed rezone of Lots 13 through 16 on East 9th Street between Laurel and Uncoln Streets. I am the Ownerls)/renter(s) of the property located at 6/~2 #. 9.z:4-- - I oppose this rezoning application for the following reasons: . This established neighborhood is one of the oldest in the City of Port Angeles. I bought and/or rent my home in this neighborhOod because I want to raise my family in a quality environment. not a business district. The integrity and aesthetics of the Cherry Hill vicinity . would be compromised with any further business district encroachment . The traffic impact of yet another business. which accesses Laurel, 8th Street. Uncoln. and 9th Street would compromise the safety of myself and my family. . The quality of Hfe we have enjoyed in this residential neighborhood would be diminished by nOIse. traffic. artificial lighting, refuse removal and the unknown dangers business brings to a community. such as robberies. vandalism and loitering. . The City of Port Angeles has many vacant. undeveloped and established sites! already zoned for business use in this vicinity. These sit. could be further developed for commercial use without further enaoachment on this established neighborhood. ,For the above stated reasons IIwe hereby:oppose the rezoning of this area as stated in the Northwest Permit REZ 98-02. l/we understand if this project is approved for rezoning, it will then set a precedent. SIncerely. N~K_d'~ J(2:J.. c. 9 ZJ"Y h,t(T "fN'G~~ e'~~ U/n 98.J't'.z.. A.ddresslCitylStatelZip , :J-J-?B . Date 115 \)\ 4- . . . ,-,:' City of Port Angeles . Planning commission 3~1 East 5th St. Port Angeles, WA .98362 ATTN: Planning Commission: t ,-, .~, POm ANGHf':: . PlANNING (I~oi':' I am writing in regard to the proposed rezone of Lots 13 through 16 on East 9th Street between Laurel and Lincoln Streets. I am the Owner~)JRilRte'(!I) of the property located at .J31/ t II ~L9 it S Irfe ~, p. f) . I oppose this rezoning application for the following reasons: . This established neighborhC?od is one of the oldest in the City of Port Angeles. I bought and/or rent my home in this neighborhOod because I want to raise my family in a quality environment. not a business distrid. The integrity and aesthetics of the Cherry Hill vicinity would be compromised with any further business distrid encrOachment " . The traffic impad of yet another business, which accesses Laurel, 8th Street. Lincoln, and 9th. Street would compromise the safety of myself and my family. . . The quality of life we have enjoyed in this residential neighborhood would be diminished by. nOise. traffiC. artificial lighting. refuse removal and the unknown dangers business brings to a C9mmunity, such as robberies, vandalism and loitering. . The City of Port Angeles has many vacant. undeveloped and established sites already zoned for business use in this vicinity. These.sites could be further developed for . commercaal use without further encroachment on this established neighborhood. For the above stated reasons IJwe hereby oppose the rezoning of this area as stated in the Nonhwest Permit REZ 98-02. l/we understand if this project is approved for rezoning, it will then set a precedent. Sincerely, /vi. Ho^-d~ ') ~~" ~ 116 1)\5 '~'~ .;J...~. . City of Port Angeles , Planning commission.' . 321 East.5th St. Port Angeles, WA 98362 m mm~owmG1l ..1 : , I; MAR - A 1998 ! ' " : ......'j A' -:r: :" Pl:'" ,'~' I ' ATTN: Planning Commission: I am writing in regard to the proposed rezone of Lots 13 through 16 on East 9th Street between Laurel and Uncoln Streets. I am the Owner(s)/renter(s) of the property located at &ft-'i ~. l~;~J I oppose this rezoning application for the following reasons: . This established neighborhood is one of the oldest in the City of Port Angeles. I bought . and/or rent my home in this neighborhood because I want to raise my family in a quality environment. not a business district. The integrity and aesthetics of the Cherry Hill vicinity would be compromised with any further business district encroachment. . . The traffic impact of yet another business. which accesses Laurel, 8th Street. Lincoln. and 9th Street would compromise the safety of myself and my family. . The Quality of life we have enjoyed in this residential neighborhood would be diminished by nOise. traffic. artificial lighting. refuse removal and the unknown dangers business brings to a community. such as robberies. vandalism and loitering. . ~he City of Port Angeles has many vacant. undeveloped and established sites already zoned for bUSiness use in this vicinity. These s~s could be further developed for . commercial use without further encroachment on this established neighborhood. For the above stated reasons l/we httreby oppose the rezoning of this area as stated in the Northwest Permit REZ 98-02. l/we understand if this project is approved for rezoning, it will then set a precedent. Sincerely. M.y ~ M f ~ b~ C (J,..,R f,,- - Name ~ ~ q()(-J ~ J G/..t.4".L' "YMi Jl,.,~.JL.S /~&f' AddresslCitylStatelZiP.' , ~,j.6j9 Date ~3f;2.. . 117 ~ cLe. "OWl .k W'; ((,N ilL tu..Ul~ ~H- b-u. ~~ ~ s .. J... r r-I S ,'rLc..A.. 1 uz:Jl. , R-t'R~ dvLS y[ '.../. \-)\ (" . . . , :;~;ilA" ""-_.'~:"~t~ " City of Port Angeles Planning commission 321 East 5th St. Port A~geles, Wf\ 98362 rn IE Ie IE B " IE '@ Mf'R - .4 . I I PORT ~ PlANNING~ . ATTN: Planning Commission: I am writing in regard to the proposed rezone of Lots 13 through 16 on East 9th Street between Laurel and Uncoln Streets. I am th~e~i 11 L -rA) of the property locat~d at ~ Z Z .5,. Lt:L. u,.~, / R .,~ A V\J ~ It'S I oppose this rezoning application for the following reasons: . This established neighborhood is one of the oldest in the City of Port Angeles. I bought and/or rent my home in this neighborhood because I want to raise my family in a quality environment, not a business district. The integrity and aesthetics of the Cherry Hill vicinity would be compromised with any further business district encroachment . The traffic impact of yet another business. which accesses Laurel, 8th Street, Lincoln. and 9th Street would compromise the safety of myself and my family. . The quality of life we have enjoyed in this residential neighborhood would be diminished by nOise. traffic. artificial lighting, refuse removal and the unknown dangers business brings to a community. such as robberies, vandalism and loitering. . The City of Port Angeles has many vacant, undeveloped and established sites already zoned for business use in this vicinity. These.sites could be further developed for commercial use without further encroachment on this established neighborhood. For the above stated reasons l/we hereby oppose the rezoning of this area as stated in the Northwest Permit REZ 98-02. l/we understand if this project is approved for rezoning, it will then set a precedent. Sincerely, f-~ l M; ~ 2 Z.$;,. Lc.. v-rt r AddresslCity/StatelZip ~-'-C;K Date ~ ".. ~ /J VlJ ,. /,f IA/ If ~f7' z. 118 \)\7 ..,~~ ',~,,! . rD)I!(I~Dwmfn) UI] .. - .4 .. lEJ City of Port Angeles Planning commission 321 East 5th St. Port Angeles: WA 98362 I 1.1.' ATTN: Planning Commission: I am writing in regard to the proposed rezone of Lots 13 through 16 on East 9th Street between Laurel and Uncaln Streets. . I am the Owner(s)/renter(s) of the property located at 9/?3 S. 6~tod1 I oppose this rezoning application for the following reasons: . This established neighborhood is one of the oldest in the City of Port Angeles. I bought and/or rent my home in this neighborhood because I want to raise my family in a quality environment, not a business district. The integrity and aesthetics of the Cherry Hill vicinity would be compromised with any further business district encroachment. . . The traffic impact of yet another business, which accesses Laurel, 8th Street, Uncoln. and 9th Street would compromise the safety of myself and my family. . The Quality of life we have enjoyed in this residential neighborhood Would be diminished by nOIse. traffic. artificial lighting, refuse removal and the unknown dangers business brings to a community. such as robberies, vandalism and loitering. . . The City of Port Angeles has many vacant. undeveloped and established sites already zoned for business use in this vicinity. These smps cOuld be further developed for commercial use without further encroachment on this established neighborhood. For the above stated reasons l/we hereby oppose the rezoning of this area as stated in the Northwest Permit REZ 98-02. l/we understand if this project is approved for rezoning, it will then set a precedent. ~~-c-IJ/ 9JJ(;L / . 119 ~\ro . . . :t"" e"":. ;'~',. "':,'_:'~~;' '-'" " , ..:.~, '. .,':",\~", IroJ IE C lED , IE ~. ~J M6R -4 Jg i j ~ 1-. I PORI Ar~GELE;; PlANNING OEPARWfNT CiW qf Port Angeles Planning commission 321. East 5th St. Port Angeles. WA 98362 ATTN: Planning Commission: I am writing in regard to the proposed rezone of Lots 13.through 16 on East 9th Street between Laurel and Uncoln Streets. I am the~nter(S) of the property located at d ~ ~ F. $!'Si. I oppose this rezoning application for the following reasons: . This established neighborhood is one of the oldest in the City of Port Angeles. I bought and/or rent my home in this neighborhOod because I want to raise my family in a quality environment. not a business district. The integrity and aesthetics of the Cherry Hill vicinity would be compromised with any further business district encroachment. . The traffic impact of yet another business. which accesses Laurel. 8th Street. Lincoln. and 9th Street would compromise the safety of myself and my family. . The quality of life we have enjoyed in this residential neighborhood would be diminished by nOIse. ~ artificial lighting, refuse removal and the unknown. dangers business brings to a community. such as robberies. vandalism and loitering. - . The City of Port Angeles has many vacant. undeveloped and established sites already zoned for business use in this vicinity. These .sites could be further developed for- commercaal use without further encroachment on this established neighborhood. For the above stated reasons l/we hereby oppose the rezoning of this area .as stated in the Northwest Permit REZ 98-02. l/we understand if this project is approved for rezoning, it will then set a precedent. SIncerely. ~ ~ nD.~~ -\; "r.l.\ Na~33 E - tJ51 ~wJt q23&d Add~?~:aq' Date 120 0\ l\ c.",;.;;,;S' .:.~~ 't;..~' m " ~ If D W If 1m. UAD - , 1998 '0 '. rn\'~ ',.. !-- . , PCf:r "u~ [LF.~ PLANNING D=:'..,'=' 'o:m City of Port Angeles Planning commission 321 East 5th St. Port Angeles, WA. 98362 I . ATTN: Planning Commission: I am writing in regard to the proposed rezone of Lots 13 through 16 on East 9th Street between Laurel and Uncoln Streets. . I am the Qwner(s)/renleI(s) of the property lac:ated 81..9 03> ,<":", ~cAo · I oppose this rezoning application for the following reasons: . This established neighborhood is one of the oldest in the City of Port Angeles. I bought and/or rent my home in- this neighborhood . because I want to raise my family in a quality environment, not a business district. The integrity and aesthetics of the Cheny Hill vicinity would be compromised with any further business district encroachment. . . The traffic impact of yet another business, which accesses Laurel, 8th Street. Lincoln, and 9th Street would compromise the safety of myself and my family. . The quality of life we have enjoyed in this residential neighborhood would be diminished by nOIse. traffic. artificial lighting, refuse removal and the unknown dangers business brings to a community, such as robberies, vandalism and loitering. . The City of Port Angeles has many vacant, undeveloped and established sites aiready zoned for business use ift this vicinity. These s~s could be further developed for commercial use without further encroachment o'n this established neighborhood. For tne above stated reasons lIwe hereby oppose the rezoning of this area as' stated in the Northwest Permit REZ 98-02. l/We understand if this project is approved for rezoning, it will then set a precedent. uJl\ C(X6 56'2- . 121 1::>20 . . . . .~"-'. ~>:'i.l~~"7l~- - '- -~- <5,~, .' City of Port Angeles Planning commission 321 'East 5th St.. Port Angeles', WA 98362 AiTN: Planning Commission: PC:: r A;r~:::~E~ PlAN!.'j';::; :.:i>','T ,.... . ----~- '..- << . I am writing in regard to the proposed rezone of Lots 13 through 16 on East 9th Street between Laurel and Uncoln Streets. I am the Owner(s)/renter(s) of the property located at ~rP/ ~ ./fP1! ~ , ~ .11/1/ 9f3~z..-. I oppose this rezoning application for the following reasons: . . This established neighborhood is one of the oldest in the City of Port Angeles. I bought and/or rent my home in this neighborhood because I want to raise my family in a quality environment. not a business district. The integrity and aesthetics of the Cheny Hill vicinity would be compromised with any further business district encroachment. . The traffic impact of yet another business, which accesses Laurel, 8th Street. Lincoln, and 9th Street would compromise the safety of myself and my family. . The quality of life we have enjoyed in this residential neighborhood would be diminished by . nOise. traffic, artificial lighting, refuse removal and the unknown dangers business brings to a community. such as robberies, vandalism and loitering. . The City of Port Angeles has many vacant. undeveloped and established sites already zoned for business use in this vicinity. These-Sites could be further developed for commercial use without further encroachment on this eS\8b\ist}ed neighborhood.' J ~ .,.,.c. .ro ~..IJu- ~tl?I ~ ~ 4.L~P:7 t'<- j.,J,.. Sf- -. For the above stated reasons lIwe hereby oppose"the rezoning of this area as stated in the Nortnwest Permit REZ 98-02. l/we understand if this project is approved for rezoning, it will then set a precedent. SIncerely, ~,f;~ ~'tJD4- .s Bu~1I- Name :;l09 C. ~, {JI::.. h~.um 9f,,,v AddresslC~lStateJZip .3-'''7 V Date 122 b~\ 'tt".',:- :~~w.:: -1_';~.. - . .,-"...~ - . 00 IE @ M n w ~ ~. MAR-41998 j!;; ~ City of Port AngeleS Planning commission 321 East 5th St. Port Angeles. .WA 98362 POnT ANGELES PLANNING OEPARWENT I . ATTN: Planning. Commission: I am writing in regard to the proposed rezone of LotS 13 through 16 on East 9th Street between Laurel and Uncoln Streets. I am the Owner(s)/renter(s) of the property located at /3' vtI. .Cf~ I oppose this rezoning application for the following reasons: . This established neighborhood is one of the oldest in the City of Port Angeles. I bought and/or rent my home in this neighborhood because I want to raise my family in a quality environment. not a business distrid. The integrity and aesth,eties of the Cheny Hill vicinity would be compromised 'With any further business district encroachment . . The traffic impad of yet another business. which accesses Laurel, 8th Street. Uncoln. and 9th Street would compromise the safety of myself and my family. . The quality of life we have enjoyed in this residential neighborhood would be diminished by nOise. traffic. artificial lighting, refuse removal and the unknown dangers business ~rings to a community. such as ,robberies. vandalism and loitering. . The City of Port Angeles has many vacant, undeveloped and establishepsites already zoned for busir:-ess use in this vicinity. These s~s' could be further devel~ped for commercaal use without further encroachment on this established neighbOrhood. For the above stated reasons l/we hereby oppose the rezoning of this area as stated in the Northwest Permit REZ 98-02. l/we understand if this project is approved for rezoning, it will then set a precedent Sincerely. . ~t~~ Nai~~~<7 fgrtAn.gefd, l1i '83b2- Address/City/St8t~ ' ' J-~-':L~ Date . 123 \)~~ . . . , -",j;fi. .\-,:~:~ .{~ CIty of Port AngeleS Plaming commission 321 East 5th St Port Angeles, WA 98362 ~J E~ ~ 40 ~ E I ill 1 I A TIN: Planning Commission: ponT ANGElES P~TMENT I am writing in regard to the proposed rezone of Lots 13 through 16 "II !ailt between L:aurel and Uncoln Streets. . I am the Qwner(s)lrenter(s) of the property located at . . . ) .' .<-.' \ -- ;. " I oppose this rezoning application for the following reasons: . This established neighborhood is one of the oldest in the City of Port Angeles. I bought and/or rent my home in this neighborhood because I want to raise my family in a quality environment, not a business district. The integrity and aesthetics of the Cheny Hill vicinity would be compromised with any further business district encroachment. . The traffic impact of yet another business, which accesses Laurel, 8th Street, Uncaln, and 9th Street would compromise the safety of myself and my family. . The quality of life we have enjoyed in-this residential neighborhood would be diminished by noise. traffic. artificial lighting, refuse removal and the unknown dangers business brings to a community, such as robberies, vandalism and loitering. . The City of Port Angeles has many vacant undeveloped and established sites already zoned for business use in this vicinity . These sites could be further developed for commercial use without further enaoachment on this established neighbomood. F or the above stated reasol1s l/we hereby oppose the rezoning of this area as stated in the Northwest Permit REZ 98-02. IIwe understand if this project is approved for rezoning, it will then set a precedent. Sincerely. ,~. , Name -, AddresslCitylStatelZip ~, --- Date -. 124 \)-:l.3 . ~>>... ",i<~ . ,~,~~. ,'~;f . Iii.) II Ie liD " m Iii) , 00 MJ.q - .4 9! ~J!. . I .1 c ' . . City of Port Angeles Planning commission 321 Easf5th St Port Angeles, WA 98362 ATTN: Planning Commission: PerlT ANGELES PlAN~'NG OEPARTP.'~NT I oppose this rezoning application for the following reasons: . This established neighborhood is one of the oldest in the City of Port Angeles. I bought and/or rent my home in this neighborhood because I want to raise my family in a quality environment, not a business districi.The integrity and aesthetics of the Cheny Hill vicinity would be compromised with any further business district encroachment. . . The traffic impact of yet another business, which accesses Laurel, 8th Street, Lincoln. and 9th Street would compromise the safety of myself and my family. . The quality of life we have enjoyed in this residential neighborhood would be diminished by . nOIse. traffic, artificial lighting, refuse removal and the unknown dangers business brings to a community. such as robberies, vandalism and loitering. . . . The City of Port Angeles has many vacant. undeveloped and esUlblished sites already zoned for business use in this vicinity. These siteS'could be further developed for commercial use without further encroachment on this established neighborhood. . . r" . ~ For the above stated reasons l/we hereby oppose the rezoning of this area as stated in the Northwest Permit REZ 98-02. l/we understand if this project is approved for rezoning, it will then set a precedent. Sincerely. ./2..;, ;J./ L_. .., - ~'-t,- ,1n.b- ~~ -<. Name ~ /::) 1.2-5' tv. ~ ~u. ~~ "'0' /. - ~ ILiA ~ ~.:t'4 AddresslCitylStateJZip -7~.J"".L ~ /qqf Date 1 f) !"') ,{...... . .,......,,~Ll . . . """"'?f' ~."." ..".."....'.. ". ....... '. ,\":,,;;,., '''~~~':,. ,~ II , " fjjl .. - 219!! fUf, ~ City of Port Angeles Planning commission 321 East 5th St. Port Angeles, WA 98362 - ~ . " I . ATIN: Planning Commission: I am writing in regard to the proposed rezone of Lots 13 through 16 on East 9th Street between Laurel and Lincoln Streets. I am the Qwner(s)/renter(s) of the property located at ~f It) /19 1: /O~ sf/2~f-1- I oppose this rezoning application for the following reason~: . This established neighborhood is one of the oldest in the City of Port Angeles. I bought and/or rent my home in this neighborhood because I want to raise my family in a quality environment, not a business distrid. The integrity and aesthetics of the Cheny Hill vicinity 'would be compromised with any, further business distrid encroachment. . The traffic impad of yet another business, which accesses Laurel, 8th Street, Lincoln. and 9th Street would compromise the safety of myself and my family. . The quality of life we have enjoyed in this residential neighborhood would be diminished by nOIse. traffic. artificial lighting, refuse removal and the unknown dangers business brings to a community. such as robbe~S, vandalism and loitering. . The City of Port Angeles has many vacant. undeveloped and established sites already zoned for business use in this vicinity. These-sites could be further developed for' commerctal use without further encroachment on this established neighborhood. For the above stated reasons l/we hereby oppose the rezoning of this area as stated in the . Northwest Permit REZ 98-02. l/We understand if this project is approved for rezoning, it will then set a precedent. SIncerely. J)~~..u ",... 61/e.J,~".J',t- Name //1 ~ /1J.t!J Addres~Crtyr.stat~p ~6A..t:... ~ t.t.u L.,U"'?# ~ .;l..... Date ~/9' 12& D~S- ...'if:' :~~ . I - . ." ~ 127 . ---- - .w . . ".'~ ,;".....'. '.r.""" '~~~~"",.' " "'}~~ ..~ r r Washington State Department of Transportation aid Morrl.on Secretary of Transportation OtrmPlc ....101I ...........rt.... , 5720 Capllol Boulevard. lumwater PO 80.47440 Olympia, WA ~504-7440 (3601357.2600 Fax (360l 357-2601 June 19, 1998. ill ~ @ ~ 0 WI IE @' ~ 2 A 1998 . I PORT ANGELES PlANNING DEPARTMENT - Sue Roberds City of Port Angeles , Planning Department 321 East Fifth Street Port Angeles, W A 98362 I', SRI01, MP 247.56 Right Vicinity Rite-Aid Drugstore E.C. File No. 98044-C Dear Sue: We have received and reviewed the above proposal and have the following comments: The State recommends the propon~nt connect directly to 9th S1. in lieu of the proposed access connection to SRIOI (Lincoln Ave.) The proposed project would degrade traffic flow below the Departments Level of Service "0". This degradation will require mitigation to achieve LOS "0" for the Horizon Year of 2000. Safety ofpermittedJprotected operation at the signal is also a concern. The Department would prefer protected 'phasing. ' The Department ~as classified this section ofSRI0l as a Class 4 Facility. Per WAC 468-52, Class 4, no more than one access shall be provided to an individual parcel or to contiguous parcels under the same ownership unless it can be shown that additional access points would not adversely affect the desired function. safety. or operation of the State Highway. The' minimum distance to another public or private access connection shall be 250 feet. The proponent must obtain an Access Connection Permit from the Department. . The Department can only au:ept surface water runoff equal in quality and quantity to that of the pre-developed site. 'Any additional surface water runoff generated will require appropriate stormwater treatment measures in accordance with the Department of Ecology Storm water Management Manual. 126 ^....-r" r I.' r-...11 ~ f\.1\ 1== " .:....... Sue Roberds Junel9, 1998 P~ge 2 ~ r Ad~ertising signs visible from an adjacent State Highway must comPly with the State Scenic Vistas Act of 1971, which.is administered by the Department. For information regarding the signing reguta.tioDS, contact Jack Smith in the Olympic Region Traffic Operations office at (360) 357-2620. Thank you for the opportunity to review this proposal. If there are any questions regarding our comments, please contact Dawn Naylor at (360) 357-2706. dws Sincerely, ;::P~L ~~ DALE C. SEVERSON. P.E. Development Services Engineer ." .- 129 ~) ""'.'~.:;' '_~;c~ . -!"f., . I . . . .~~ . S CITY OF PORT ANGELES - PUBUC WORKS DEPARTMENT ". MEMORANDUM ~ -=-- ~ , ~~ ' -MAlNTAJN#NG AND 8UILDING A BETTER COIIMI.JNIT'r . m IE III IE 8 WI ~ pl MAY 2 9 1998 -_J .j - " , May 29, -1998 . ' PORT ANGELES . PlANNING DEPARTMENT SUBJECT: PLANNING DEPARTMENT (; GARY W. KENWORTHY f;>>..~ ENGINEER RITE AID DRUGSTORE #5257 TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS REVIEW TO: FROM: Public Works Utility Services Engineering has reviewed the subject traffic impact analysis prepared by Transportation Planning & Engineering, Inc. of Bellevue and dated May 7, 1998. The following is my comments regarding the report: . 1. The report did not directly discuss the impacts on side streets and alley adjacent to the project. We do not anticipate these impacts to be significant. The consultant has been requested to prepare a short addendum to the report which addresses these impacts. \. 2. We agree with the consultants conclusions and proposed mitigation measures nos.1,2, &4. These will be a requirement of the project. 3. The proposed mitigation measure no. 3 is' to change the existing signal to a protective/permissive left turn phasing which would reduce delays and allow more traffic through the intersection. This change would be a step back in protection however,' since the current signal provides fully protected left turn moves. The State Department of Transportation does not support this proposed change but stated that the City makes the final decision. We recommend.that this mitigation not be implemented at this time and that the City retain the fully protected moves at this time in the interest of traffic safety. The current emerge~ vehicle signal override Opticom system does not provide fully protected moves. We are requesting that the developer upgrade the signal with the provide the two additional Opticom chamels to provide this protection. In addition we are requesting that the developer contribute the cost of the proposed mitigation no. 3 signal changes ($10,000) to be utilized for future traffic volume/safety improvements on 8th and/or Lincoln Streets in the project area. 130 4. In the report it was noted that the consultant projected future traffic using a conservative 5% traffic volume growth factor. The City and the Peninsula RTPO are utilizing 2% traffic growth factors. Table 1 in.the consultants report indicated that the Lincolnl8th intersection in th~ year 200Q woul~ drop to a seasonal LOS of E (44.2) with the proposed protective/permissive left turn phasing and seasonal LOS of F (65~6) without. Since we are recommending that the protective/permissive phasing not be implemented the consultant . ^~. "... I , " . r::-. ~ "C.. "'I' "i~~;':;'--'~;_: , ~'~\hh was requested to recalculate the year 2000 seasonal LOS using the 2% growth fa~or and . the seasonal LOS improved to E (45.0). The consultant also checked this seasOnal LOS using a 2% auto and 5% truck growth factor to allow for summer recreational vehicles and the Level remained atE (55.8). A copy of the recalculation is attached. Overall we are comfortable with the project and the proposed traffic mitigation mea~; ;res as revised. The existing average LOS and the proposed project LOS in the year 2000 remain at D. The existing seasonal LOS and proposed year 2000 seasonal LOS using the 2% growth factor remain 'at E. There will be increased traffic but the above mitigation measures should maintain the current level of service at the intersection. ct' GWKlgk CQC)IeS; J, PlttlS Anach.: RecalC LOS LOC: N\PROJECTS\98-07RTA\TRANs.GWK File 98-07.08 . 13l . F'2 . MEMORANDUM Coral Wheeler AdministratIve AssIstant ext 4650 .uce W: Becker Fire Chief ext 465' Daniel K. McKeen Fire Marshal elC1 4653 L. . Keith Bogues T raInIng OffIcer elC1 4652 James B. (Duke) Moroz MedIcal OffIcer ext 4665 36~ 1 7 -4655 . DATE: TO: PROM: RE: m . .. ',.':;. .,"c<':~- -:~,:.';,.:...:;':.:"-_::~-~-;':':~,:::' .,'-t~~ N ~~~:~-f.S "i'.-.' I m le OW m R. \: . FEB 2 31998 j~ ROtJ'1'B '1'0: Bui1c!i119 Dept. 1:1 Pl..ftft~Jlg Dept. B' Public Works lJ C:i ty Manager lJ PORT ANGELES PLAMP\lNG o:p;.~:' .~~:' ( . February 23, 1998 Planning Department Dan McKeen, Fire Marshal Rezone Application - REZ 98-03 Northwest permit - 8th/Lincoln The Fire Deparement has reviewed the request to rezone property located at the southwest corner of 8th and Lincoln Streees, between 8eh and 9th Streees to eSD, and has no objections. DM/cw .... ~-j 132 FP - 26 Page 1 of 1 AI\AC\4~E~C7 .,. ~. 131 . i.;">. .:~) ~~ .:..~ . . . I--~ "Maintaining and building a better community" Jack Plttfs Dlractor {4801} Phyllis Rasler Administrative Assistant {4800} Cate Rinehart Administrative Assistant {4700} Bob TItus Deputy Dlractor {4701} Ken Ridout Deputy Dlractor {4802} Gary Kenworthy City Engineer {4803} Jim Harper Electrical Engineer {4702} Tim Smith Contract & Projact Administrator {4804} Lou Heehnlen , Sf. Building Inspector {4816} Tom Spertlne Sf. Electrtcallnspector {4735} Scott Mclain Power Manager {4703} Ralph Ellsworth Water. Wastewater Collection SUperintendent {4855} Pete Burrett Equip. Services Superintendent {4835} Marle Shamp Ught Operations Manager {4731} Kevin Curtis TTfHlt. Plant Supervisor {4845} Tom McCabe SW Collactlon Supervisor {4876} Steve Evans landfill Supervisor {4873J Dave Wilcox Slreet Maintenance Supervisor {4825J r41EMORA~DUM DATE: July 2, 1998 TO: Planning Department FROM: Gary W. Kenworthy SUBJECT: Telephone message re WSDOT comm ill~@~DW~m JUL 2 1 1998 I Il nts qnai~m_s to II ncoln Mr. Dale Severson P.E., WSDOT Development Services Engineer, left me a voice message this morning stating that he had been in conversation with Rite-Aid's traffic consultant, Mark Jacobs, and that he was not aware that 9th Street was a sensitive residential street at the time of him comments dated Jyne 19,. 1998. He further stated that they would not oppose the access onto Lincoln, as proposed, since it is located as far as feasible from the 8th Street signal. In closing he stated that the City has the final call on the Lincoln Street access. I called Mr. Severson at WSDOT to onfirm his comments. GWK:gk Attachments: Copy: Disk:N:\PROJECTS\98-07RTA\TRANS1.GWK File: 98-07.08 \ ---- MEMORANDUM 321 East Fifth Street, Port Angeles, Washington 98362 Phone: (360) 417-4750 Brad Collins, Director, Extension 4751: Sue Roberds, Extension 4750: Davit! Sawyer, Extension 4752 August 4, 1998 TO: Mayor Braun, Councilmembers, and Manager Ibarra FROM: Planning Department SUBJ: Letters Regarding the Northwest Permit Rezone Application The attached information was submitted following the close of written public comment for the Planning Commission's consideration and was set aside to be copied for the Council's deliberation. In so doing, the attached materials were overlooked in the copying process. The comments include a letter from Bob and Kathleen Bailey, a letter from a neighbor, Janelle Gellein, and two additional petition signers. The Bailey's did refer to the letter during testimony for the street vacation application at the Planning Commission's public hearing and provided testimony at Council's July 21st hearing regarding the rezone application. This has been a long process and we apologize for the oversight. Attachments June 23, 1998 ill rn @ ~ u w ~ @""""~l! I I' ",IUN 2 5 1998 I 'II , PORT ANGELES PLANNiNG DEf'ARjI,mJT I Sue Roberds, Planning Office Specialist City Planning Department, City Hall 321 East Fifth St Port Angeles, W A 98362 RE: Northwest Permit for the Baldridge Group Gentlemen: The Bailey's wish to go on record as NOT apposing the request by the Baldridge Group to rezone the property known as Lots 1-6 and 13-16, Block 268 (southwest corner of 8th and Lincoln Streets). However, we do wish to add that we have concerns. We also support the concerns of our neighbors. We feel the primary focus of any rezone decision must be rendered in favor of the neighborhood. This area is residential. These are our homes; our lives center here. Several generation of families have raised their children here during my life time. My parents purchased our property in the early 1930's. Most of the "old neighbors" are gone. My mother, at age 93, the Jacobson boy's, Mrs. Kidd on 10th Street and myself are from that" old neighborhood". It was a great place to live and grow up and still can be a great place with the rezone provided residential standards are maintained. Living next to the ally, we are not strangers to commercial business's. From the time of Dean's Market (now Butcher Boones) and Nailor's Lumber Company (now Peninsula Counseling), residential and commercial have lived in peace and harmony. This is still the case. Butcher Boone's place is old but the property is kept clean, free from odd and little or no noise. The Salvation Army just to the north of to us has certainly caused a lot of problems for us due to the nature of their business. However, they have always made every effort to correct and assist with solutions. They are excellent neighbors. The glass shop and drywall further down the ally has taken a toll on the condition ofthe ally. The majority of the commercial traffic that services these business's use Lincoln to 9th Street to Laurel then right at the alley; exiting on Lincoln once deliveries have been completed. There are approximately 60 heavy commercial vehicles that use this alley weekly. Motor vehicles use the alley as a frontage road to by-pass the congestion on 8th Street. We feel it is safe to say that the alley between 8th and 9th is one of the heaviest traveled alley's in the City. As a result of this heavy usage, the surface is trashed. The approach from Laurel onto the alley has broken pavement. The alley has little surface pavement and is full of deep and large pot holes. The sidewalk in front of our home at the alley is broke and the grade lower from heavy vehicles driving over it attempting to negotiate that comer. Our garage has been hit twice; vehicles driving too close to the building to allow movement of traffic going in the opposite direction (the traffic pattern in the alley mirror's that of a two-way street). The proposed site area is an eye sore. The appearance and condition of the houses located in that section of the block are a disgrace. A new building, clean and maintained grounds would be a vase improvement over the existing conditions. Although we do not appose the rezone request, we do look to the City Council and the Planning Commission to protect and assure our neighborhood receives the same standards and comfort as our neighbors on Cherry Hill do. The Baldridge Group needs to demonstrate they will be good neighbors. That they will respect our property and quality of life by keeping business traffic (commercial and non-commercial) off of 9th Street; locate and direct outside lighting away from the houses in the area; keep noise at a minimal (deliveries at a time and in an area as not to interfere sleeping, peace and quiet we all seek after a busy days work; maintain and enforce an no loitering/loud music policy); dumpsters located in an area that odors will not seep into our yards and houses; that employee parking will be provided on their site and employee's will not be allowed to park on 9th or Laurel Street and willing to work with the residents in the future as problems arise for us as a result of their business. The homeowners on 9th Street and on Laurel Street have all demonstrated a pride in their homes and for the neighborhood. The Baldridge Group must respect the values the homeowners have established and insure these values be maintained. We have no objection to the petition for vacating the alley being granted. However, we do feel that the alley must be repaired and undergo routine maintenance. The alley cannot remain in it's present condition. Sincen;ly, (1) ,'.Y\ ~t Robert J. Bailey 4(~ (\U\~J~ t ~thleen Flora Bailey J City of Port Angeles Planning commission 321 East 5th St. Port Angeles, WA 98362 00 rn@rnuw~ @ \~ I') '''98 ' I, ,- . I 'oJ ,'wi"" PORT ANGELES PLANNING DEPARTMENT ATTN: Planning Commission: I am writing in regard to the proposed rezone of Lots 13 through 16 on East 9th Street between Laurel and Lincoln Streets. I am the Owner(s)/renter(s) of the property located at 2. \ C( Ll 0. t \,,, ") t I oppose this rezoning application for the following reasons: . This established neighborhood is one of the oldest in the City of Port Angeles. I bought and/or rent my home in this neighborhood because I want to raise my family in a quality environment, ,not a business district. The integrity and aesthetics of the Cherry Hill vicinity would be compromised with any further business district encroachment. · The traffic impact of yet another business, which accesses Laurel, 8th Street, Lincoln, and 9th Street would compromise the safety of myself and my family. · The quality of life we have enjoyed in this residential neighborhood would be diminished by noise, traffic, artificial lighting, refuse removal and the unknown dangers business brings to a community, such as robberies, vandalism and loitering. . The City of Port Angeles has many vacant, undeveloped and established sites already zoned for business use in this vicinity. These sites could be further developed for commercial use without further encroachment on this established neighborhood. For the above stated reasons l/we hereby oppose the rezoning of this area as stated in the Northwest Permit REZ 98-02. l/we understand if this project is approved for rezoning, it will then set a precedent. Sincerely, ~~'-YJ~ ~''-' --~L Lj"~ -ttG ".\ S ~ \ \x~ ~ Name /"\ ',.1. \ q vV q--\k Address/City/State/Zip, ~) - c.~ - cf t" Date " rn @ rn 0 ~7 rn 00 . AlAR . ,'" 1998 t", t U 1 r' I" , :! : 1;11 ~! City of Port Angeles Planning commission 321 East 5th St. Port Angeles, WA 98362 PORT ANGELES PlANNING DEPARTMENT ATTN: Planning Commission: I am writing in regard to the proposed rezone of Lots 13 through 16 on East 9th Street between Laurel and Lincoln Streets. /yOT I am tA.e-<'.c...,er(s)/nmm.~(s) of the property located at I oppose this rezoning application for the following reasons: . This established neighborhood is one of the oldest in the City of Port Angeles. I-eo"oht and/or rent my home in this Ileigllbod lood because I 'Nant to raise my r dlllily in d quality- -environment, not a business district. The integrity and aesthetics of the Cherry Hill vicinity would be compromised with any further business district encroachment. -]1' . The traffic impact of yet another business, which accesses Laurel, 8th Street, Lincoln, and 9th Street would compromise the safety of myself and my family. /Ccd/sf/'Ubse'e6):'v:; .----~_._--_.._----.:.._------- The quality of life we have enjoyed in this residential neighborhood would be diminished by noise. traffic, artificial lighting, refuse removal and the unknown dangers business brings to a community, such as robberies, vandalism and loitering. . The City of Port Angeles has many vacant, undeveloped and established sites already zoned for business use in this vicinity. These sites could be further dev~loped for commercial use without further encroachment on this established neighborhood. For the above stated reasons l/we hereby oppose the rezoning of this area as stated in the Northwest Permit REZ 98-02. IIwe understand if this project is approved for rezoning, it will then set a precedent. SinC~eIY, /} /' )('1 /) .' V, urcuitA/ C/~ ~'k/~ a~~~~ ~~J Ie)!/; cSAul: Waw~4-'> Il0z 9J3&3 Ad~?~~~t"7~~y'Y / Oat / . J , ?c"~Ak')Y'~ V do 7U'-i': Na/;{i0 ~7Z/fu.2-' Cu4Yc'-: .J//!~ ,- 'l1hP~cur ?t5 ~au~ ~ / 4 :/'" ~~,. ~t; ttmd/' ;~:;;:i:et;t!;~ w::t::Jt:i~~d~ -.... --,-, < _._.__._._----~- Janelle K. Gellein 110 E. 9th St. Port Angeles, WA 98362 (360) 417-2081 00 ~ 00 U \Yl m ~l \I!AR . ...., '''''08 I :; I. ' '" ,":.... I 'J', I ,~' lvV' L.t March 6, 1998 PORT ANGELES PLANNING DEPARTMENT City of Port Angeles Planning Commission 321 E. 5th St. Port Angeles, WA 98362 RE: Proposed rezoning Northwest Permit REZ 98-02 for the BALDRIDGE GROUP Attn: Planning Commission Gentlemen: I am writing in regarding the above proposed rezoning permit. I am the owner of the property located at 110 E. 9th St., Port Angeles, WA. I am opposed to this rezoning application for the following reasons: TRAFFIC · The width of East 9th Street at the present time will not allow (2) vehicles to pass each other heading either East and West at the same time. · It is very difficult to gain access or to cross on Lincoln Street from 9th heading west. · It is very difficult to gain access or to cross 8th Street from Laurel Street heading north. · Additional traffic due to a busifless would endanger the safety of the neighborhood. SAFETY · I believe that there would be an increase in crime in the neighborhood. · I believe that fire protection would be jeopardized. · I believe that there would be an increase in loitering in this commercial area. · I believe that there would be an increase in hazards due to large commercial deliveries being made to the proposed business. · I believe that the waste disposal generated by this business would represent a hazard to the neighborhood. AESTHETICS OF NEIGHBORHOOD · The lighting of a commercial property would compromise the beauty of the neighborhood. · Large delivery trucks are unsightly. · Commercial recycling of trash and receptacles would be unsightly in the neighborhood. ..' --_.~---_.__..---~~ . ----._~-------~.~ . ------_._--_.__.,_.._...__.,,--~._,_. . __'__uo" ~... -- -------.-- --.-..- -- _.._----,----------_._--~ --~-----,----_._.--.-.- .. - - -- --.---. ..J. u .. I. ... City Manager's Office' Memorandum Patrick Ibarra City Sharon "Sam" Martin Exec. Admin. Assistant Becky 1. Upton, CMC City Cle~kI Management Assistant Robert Coons Human Resources Manager Camille Headrick Human Resources Assistant August 6, 1998 TO: Brad Collins, Planning Director FROM: Becky J. Upton, City Clerk ~ SUBJECT: Notification to Parties of Record - Rezone/Street Vacation Applications for Northwest Permit On August 5, 1998, I distributed the attached Notice of Special Meeting of August 10, 1998, to the following: Nancy Van Sickle, 819 So. Laurel, Port Angeles, WA 98362 Kathleen Bailey, 817 So. Laurel, Port Angeles, W A 98362 Scott Grainger, Baldridge Group, 600 University, #3012, Seattle, WA 98101 Deborah Hart, Northwest Permit, 2320 1st Ave., #250, Seattle, Wa 98121 Theresa Schmid, 114 E. 9th, Port Angeles, W A 98362 Martha Pearson, 118 E. 9th, Port Angeles, W A 98362 Dave Mar, Mulvaney Architects, 112 5th Ave. N, Seattle, W A 98109 Mark Jacobs, Transportation, Planning & Engineering, 2101 112th Ave. NE, #110, Bellevue, W A 98004 The above individuals represent those who signed the attendance roster for the City Council meeting of July 21, 1998. Please contact me should you need additional information. Attachment \ . . . / ".>~..' ; XI !3 PLANNING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM Brad Collins, Director. Extension 4751; Sue Roberds. Extension 4750; David Sawyer. Extension 4752, July 31, 1998 TO: Mayor Braun, City Council members, and Manager Ibarra FROM: Planning Department, Brad Collins, Planning Director SUBJ: STREET VACATION PETITION - STY 98-01 NORTHWEST PERMIT - Portion of the Eighth/Ninth Street alley Between Lincoln and Laurel Streets RECOMMEND A TIONI ACTION: Following discussion, the Council could move to concur with the Planning Commission by adoption of the attached draft ordinance including five conditions approving the right-of-way vacation as proposed, citing the attached findings and conclusions, or deny the rezone application citing findings and conclusions in support of that action.' BACKGROUND/SUMMARY: Following the City Council's July 21, 1998, public hearing, a special meeting was called for to . render a final decision on the petition atwhich time an additional member of the City Council could present. It was later decided that a special meeting would not be necessary, but to place the issue on the CoUncil's next regular meeting, August 4. CounCil will continue its discussion on the issue. at its August 4 meeting following which a decision \ViIl be made on the closed record. Staff will be available for questions. ~ Sue Roberds, Plann' Attachments: Ordinance Findings and Conclusions Minutes Police Department Memo Staff Reports c:\wp\daily\memo.cc2 135 I - .. 136 . . . . ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles vacating a portion of the alley between Lincoln and Laurel Streets located in Block 268 ofthe Townsite of Port. Angeles. . WHEREAS, a petition is on file with the City of Port Angeles to vacate a porti~n of the alley between Lincoln and Laurel Streets located in Block 268 of the Townsite of Port Angeles; and WHEREAS, the petition was signed by the owners of more than two-thirds ofthe property abutting upon the right-of-way sought to be vacated; and . WHEREAS, the City initiated said vacation by Resolution No. 10-98; and WHEREAS, street vacations are categorically exempt from the requirements of . the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) as set forth in WAC 197-11-800(2)(h); and WHEREAS, a.public hearing has been held before the City Council following i public notice pursuant to Chapter 35.79 RCW; and WHEREAS, the street vacation appears to be of benefit to and in the interest of the public; NOW THEREFORE, THE J:ITY COUNCIL OF THE. CITY OF PORT ANGELES DOES HEREBY ORDAIN as follows: Section 1 - Vacation. Subject to the terms and conditions of this Ordinance, the following described right-of-way is hereby vacated: Section 2 - Conditions 1. The proposed street vacation is subject to the recommendations of the City's Public Works Department (Attachment B of the July 8, 1998 Planning Department Staff Report for STV 98-0 I) which require that a twenty-four inch sanitary sewer main will need to be relocated. A twenty foot wide access and utility easement shall be required. . 137 1 2. The proposed street vacation is subject to the recommendations of the . City's Fire Department (Attachment C of the July 8, 1998, Planning Department Staff Report for STY 98-01) which requires that through access shall be maintained at the west end of the vacated Eighth/Ninth alley. The access shall be ~ minimum of twenty feet in width and shall consist of an all weather surface. meeting the City's Public Works Department specifications. Ail approved nrrn around meeting the City's specifications may be approved. at the east end of the remaining Eighth/Ninth alley in lieu of through access. 3. The street vacation shall not be finaled until a building permit is issued for the property consistent with the revised. site . development plan (Attachment A to the July 8, 1998, Plaiming Department Staff Report for STY 98-0 I). 4. Final occupancy of any new structures on the site shall not be allowed until the street vacation is complete and all of the individual lots comprising the development site have been combined into one legal building and zoning lot. 5. Any costs associated with utility relocation and alley realignment and/or improvements shall be borne by the applicant. Section 3 - Compensation. Pursuant to RCW 35.79.030 compensation for the . right-of-way is hereby set at 1-24.llilO~O!L Section 4 - Quit Claim Deed. Upon satisfaction of the compensation amount in Section 2 of this Ordinance, the owners of abutting property entitled to the vacated street, pursuant to RCW 35.79.040, may present a.quit claim deed to the City of Port Angeles for execution by the Mayor, who is hereby authorized and directed to execute such quit claim deed. Such quit claim deed shall include all reservations, conditions, or other qualifications upon the title established by this Ordinance. Section 5. This Ordinance shall be effective only upon the satisfaction of the terms and conditions of this Ordinance and shall be published upon that satisfaction. The City Clerk is hereby directed to file a certified copy with the Clallam County Auditor and Clallam County . Assessor. 139 2 . PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said Council held on the~ day of August, 1998. Gary Braun, Mayor ATTEST: I . Becky Upton, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Craig D. Knutson, City Attorney PUBLISHED: By Summary . Nonhwcsl.sl\' . 13q 3 1~() . . . 1------- . . . FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS IN SUPPORT OF STREET VACATION PETITION STY 98-01, Northwest Permit: Findings: 1. The applicant for the requested vacation is Northwest Permit. The petition is attached as Attachment A of the July 8, 1998 Planning Department Staff Report for STY 98-01. 2. The requested vacation is for that portion of the alley between 8th Street and 9th Street abutting Lots 1.;;6 and 13-18 of Block No. 268 in the Townsite of Port Angeles. 3. The street vacation is categorically exempt from threshold determination and Environmental Impact Statement requirements per Section 197-11-800 (2) (h) of the Washington Administrative Code. 4. The subject right-of-way and abutting properties fall within the undesignated area between the Comprehensive Plan's COIl1II!ercial land use designation to the north and its Residential designation to the south. The majority of the abutting properties are zoned Commercial Shopping District (CSD) with four of the properties currently zoned Residential, Single:"Family (RS-7). 5. The Public Works Departmenthas indicated'a 24" sanitary sewer main and overhead electrical lines are located in the alley and will need to be relocated if the vacation is approved. 6. The subject right-of-way is currently improved. 7. The Public Works, Fire, and Police Department's comments are included as Attachments B, C, and D ofth~ July 8, 1998 Planning Department Staff Report for STY 98-01. 8. The Police Department originally submitted written public safety concerns related to the proposed vacation. These concerns include the current use of the alley for traffic diversion in the event of an-accident at the 8th Street and Lincoln Street intersection, the use of the alley by officers in response to calls from the bank located at the corner of 8th Street and Oak Street, and the use of the alley for access to and observation of the 24 hour retail/gas station use at the corner of 8th Street and Lincoln Street. / 9. As noted in their presentation to the Planning Commission on July 8, 1998, the Police Department's concerns expressed in a letter dated February 23, 1998, attached as Attachment D of the July 8, 1998 Planning Department Staff Report for STY 98- 01) do not warrant denial of the proposed vacation. 10. On May 14, 1998, the Planning Department received a traffic analysis for the applicant's overall develppment plan which includes the proposed street vacation. On June 3, 1998, the Planning Department received an addendum to the analysis with comments regarding Ninth Street, Laurel Street, and the Eighth and Ninth Streets alley. '1 ~. ~----_.._- I Conclusions' A. The Comprehensive Plan's Utilities and Public Services Policies C, 2 and 3 and Transportation Policy B 18 are the most rel~vant to the proposed vacation. . B. As conditioned, the proposed vacation is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan's Utilities and Public Services Policies C, 2 and 3 and Transportation Policy B18. C. As conditioned, the proposed vacation will not have an adverse impact on the public health, safety and welfare. D. As conditioned, the proposed vacation will benefit the community's economic development as well as the general public health, safety and welfare. Adopted by the Port Angeles City Council at its meeting of August 4, 1998. Gary Braun, Mayor Becky J. Upton, City Clerk . . 142 Planning Commission Minutes July 8, J 998 Page J J . PUBLIC HEARING: STREET V ACA TION PETITION - STV 98-01 NORTHWEST PERMIT, a portion of the Eighth/Ninth Street alley between Lincoln and' Laurel Streets:' A proposal to vacate right~of-way. (This item is continued from June 10, 1998.) Commissioner Nutter stated that she has a friend who is a property owner in the area'and would stand down from the proceedings if requested to do so. ' No one objected and so she remained. Planner Sawyer reviewed the Planning Department's staff report and responded to questions ,regarding the staff report addendum which recommended approval if the Police Department's concerns are met. Chair Reed asked Deputy Chief Tom Riepe to elaborate on the Police Department's submitted memoranda. f\ . Deputy Tom Riepe, Police Department, stated that although the Police Department initially believed that the proposed alley vacation could result in a negative impact with regard to response and observation practices by the Police Department, further analysis indicates that the impacts which could result will not be significant enough to recommend denial of the vacation. Response activities could easily be routed along Ninth Street and observation activities could still occur in the proposed parking area for the development. He appreciated the Planning Department's concerns regarding the Police Department's initial recommendation but cannot at this point see a major detriment to public safety as a result of , the vacation. The Police Department's initial response was submitted out of an obligation to point out the practiced vehicular response patterns in the alley area but was not intended to be the criteria upon which the decision to vacate or not to vacate would hinge. Further review indicates that vacation of the alley may actually improve safety conditions in the area which experiences a good deal of nuisance activities and complaints. Observation of surrounding businesses would not be impacted by the proposal. Chair Reed opened the public hearing. Scott Grainger, Baldridge Group, 600 University #3012, Seattle, 98101, presented the proposed development plan for- the Northwest PerrnitlRite Aid proposal planned for the overall site. Substantial perimeter landscaping is planned as a buffer to the Ninth Street residential area with additional landscaping on Lincoln and Eighth Streets. The development should enhance the appearance of the two main travel arteries, Lincoln and Eighth Streets. The group supports the police staging needs in the parking lot area and will make every effort to accommodate those public safety issues whichjs in their best interest as well as the neighborhood. A thirty-six foot egress is proposed to Lincoln Street in the location where only the existing twenty foot ingress/egress location exists at present. . Commissioner Hewins asked Mr. Grainger if the remaining alley, which would not be vacated, would have access to the site. Mr. Grainger responded "no". Theresa Schmid, 114 East Ninth Street, presented testimony that the City's recent practice has been to vacate _alleys to create large sites for development, she referenced the City's 14'3 Planning Commission Minutes July 8. 1998 Page 12 Senior Center, the public library, the Safeway and Albertson's developments in support of . this conclusion. She opposes forcing alley through traffic use to surrounding streets. As a resident of the neighborhood, she disagreed with the City's Engineering Department's conclusions that traffic patterns in the area would not be negatively impacted. The traffic already stacks up daily at peak times which can only increase if the proposal is approved. The traffic report indicates that the level of service of the Eighth/Lincoln intersection is at a level "D" at present which is not acceptable to her, and to further degrade. that LOS is completely unthinkable: She strongly recommended denial of the street vacation. , ' Nancy Van Sickle, 819 South Laurel Street, also a neighboring resident, agreed with the previous speaker and requested denial ofthe street vacation. She stated that vacation would only worsen traffic in the area and the development would create a new hang out for youth in the new parking area. Marsha Pearson, 118 East Ninth Street, a neighboring resident, believes that vacation of the alley as proposed would eliminate the ability of the four lots requested for rezone along with the alley vacation project (Lots'13, 14, 15, and 16) in this block to access the alley, thus forcing all activity from those lots if developed individually, onto Ninth Street. It is not acceptable to route any additional traffic onto Ninth Street. Neighbors in the area park on the street, and the street is not wide enough to accommodate two way traffic when that parking occurs. Kathleen Bailey, 817 South Laurel Street, is in favor of the vacation as proposed. She is . sympathetic to her friends and neighbors in the area, but feels that the continued use of the EighthlNinth alley in this location as a frontage road to Eighth Street is too dangerous to allow to continue. Two way traffic occurs in the narrow alley and loitering and commercial truck activity is excessive. The Eighth and Lincoln intersection is a problem. There have been commercial buildings in this location for over sixty years and the uses have by and large been good neighbors. The proposal should greatly reduce the unwanted activities in , the alley and increase the safety of the residents. 'Typically large amounts of traffic are routed onto neighborhood streets, not alleys. " Bob Bailey, 817 South Laurel Street, explained the damage that has occurred to his property as a result of the intensity and speed at which vehicles travel through the alley to avoid the intersection in this location. Commercial use of the alley as a result of the existing businesses has resulted in damage to the alley surface and curbs. He believes that vacation of the alley as proposed will result in an increase in safety of the alley residential uses and will force commercial traffic to be more site specific. It will result in traffic use which now occurs in the alley to be placed onto streets where greater traffic use is anticipated. Vandalism should be greatly reduced due to the proposed development of the area. With or without the proposed development, some type of traffic control needs to be implemented on this alley. It is important that if the vacation is approved, the lots facing onto Ninth Street be closed to egress from the site development that is proposed. Theresa Schmid, 114 East Ninth Street, asked if an emergency vehicle turn around would . be required at the west end of the alley if the vacation were approved. 144 . . . Planning Commission Minutes July 8. 1998 Page 13 Al Gustafson, 903 South Peabody, asked if this action is precedent setting. He owns commercial property in the 200 block of Eighth Street which he would like to similarly develop and asked if this action would set the stage for that development. Planner Sawyer responded that comments must be directed to the issue at han<;l, but noted that this would not be a precendent setting situation. Mr. Gustafson added that vacation ofthe alley is ~ot a good idea. To develop the site such. that traffic now using the alley will be shifted to the neighboring street is improper. Safety of the residents using the neighboring streets cannot be assured. I . Bob Dudley, 106 East Ninth Street, enouraged.the City to take a good look at the traffic patterns in the area. He verified that Ninth Street is narrow with a good deal of on-street parking, and the traffic is already congested. Additional traffic would be more difficult. There being no further testimony, Chair Reed closed the public hearing. Commissioner Nutter opened discussion regarding a turn around at the east end of the alley, were the west portion of the alley to be vacated. Engineer Kenworthy responded that all of the site plan information that he has responded to indicate that access will be available to the site from the east end of the alley, and the City would be requiring an easem~!1t to ensure that access.will not be hindered through to Lincoln Street. The Public Works Department will require such through access for site approval and will not support a dead end alley. Alleys are basically intended for utility purposes and secondary residential access. They are not meantfor vehicular through traffic. To maintain the ease of these intended activities, it is preferred not to provide turn arounds but to loop through those areas. Chair Reed agreed with the statement that tl1ere have been vacations approved that allowed larger commercial site developments. as stated by a resident of the neighborhood. This is true. however, each case is analyzed individually, and would not have been approved ifnot found to be in the greater public interes~..with sensitivity toward the individual areas involved. He felt that future access to Ninth Street is protected from the site by condition No.4. which provides that the vacation will not be finaled until a building permit can be issued for the entire site, which would eliminate the possibility of the lots adjacent to Ninth Street being developed independently of the current proposal. Although staff has confirmed that the intent of alleys is for utility and residential uses, the reality of it is that alleys, particularly this alley, experiences a much more intensive use. That traffic will be using Ninth Street if this proposal is approved. Commissioner Ziakin did not believe th~t the traffic situation/impacts have been analyzed to everyone's satisfaction. He does not believe the applicant has provided enough information for approval at this point. Commissioner Hewins noted that the subject location is one of the most desirable commercial intersections in town. The properties surrounding the intersection will eventually be developed in a manner that will inevitably increase the already heavy traffic ~,,~ Planning Commission Minutes July 8. 1998 Page 14 in the area, and should be addressed in a serious manner. The City's Comprehensive Plan establishes the area as a primary commercial area which will result in a major trafffic corridor. ) . Commissioner Craver felt that given the testimony verifying that the alley in this location is heavily travelled by ~ose visiting the~ various commercial uses which occupy the area at present as well as those using the alley as a frontage road to avoid the intersection congestion, development of the area from several businesses into one single commercial site may actually reduce the congestion in the area somewhat. She noted that the applic'ant'.s testimony indicates that the alley will not be continued through to the parking lot, but the site information presented for review indicates through access. '" Chair Reed again noted that closure of the alley will force the traffic uses to the side streets, and was not comfortable with that impact. In response to Commissioner Souders, Planner Sawyer noted that he believes the applicant's site plans are dependent on the street vacation. Furthermore, he stated that staff would have difficulty recommending approval of the accompanying rezone proposal without the street vacation due to the fact that without the added right-of-way area the commercial site would be bisected by the alley. Commissioner Nutter moved to deny the proposed street vacation petition citing the following findings and conclusions:. Findings: 1. The applicant for the requested vacation is Northwest Permit. The petition is attached as Attachment A of the July 8, 1998 Planning Department Staff Report for STY 98-01. " 2.: The requested vacation is for that portion of the alley between 8th Street and 9th Street abutting Lots 1-6 and 13-18 0~J310ck No. 268 in the Townsite of Port Angeles. 3. The street vacation is categorically exempt from threshold determination and Environmental Impact Statement requirements per Section 197-11-800 (2) (h) of the Washington Administrative Code. c- 4. The subject right-of-way and abutting properties .rall within the undesignated area between the Comprehensive Plan's Commercial land use designation to the north. and its Residential desigriation to the south. The majority of the abutting properties are zoned Commercial Shopping District (CSD) with four of the properties currently zoned Residential, Single-Family (RS-7). 5. The Public Works Department has indicated a 24" sanitary sewer main and overhead electrical lines are located in the alley and will need to be relocated if the vacation is approved. . 146 Planning Commission Minutes July 8. 1998 Page 15 . 6. The subject right-of-way is currently improved. 7. The Public Works, Fire, and Police Department's comments are included as Attachments B, C, and D of the July 8, 1998, Planning Department Staff Report for STY 98-01. 8. The Police Department originally submitted written public safety concerns related to the proposed vacation. These concerns include the current use of the alley for traffic diversion in the event of an accident at the 8th Street arid Lincoln Street intersection, the use of the alley by officers in response to calls from the bank located at the comer of 8th Street and Oak Street, and the use of the alley for access to and observation of the 24 hour retail/gas station use at the comer of 8th Street and Lincoln Street. 9. At the July 8, 1998, Planning Commission meeting, the Police Department's concerns were further explained. Deputy Chief Tom Riepe stated that the July 7, 1998, memorandum from the Police Departmentwas intended to point out issues for consideration but the concerns do not 'warrant denial of the proposed vacation. Conclusions: . A. The Comprehensive Plan's Utilities and Public Services Policies C2 and 3 and Transportation PolicyB 18 are the most relevant to the proposed vacation. B. Based on neighborhood traffic concerns including the use of the alley for public safety purposes, the proposed vacation is not consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan. C. Based on the Police Department's comments and stated use of the altey for public safety purposes, the Planning ~ommission concludes that the proposed vacation may have an impact on public health, safety and welfare. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Ziakin and deadlocked 3 - 3, with Commissioners Reed, Nutter, andZiakin voting for the motion, and Commissioners Hewins, Craver, and Souders voting against the motion. Commissioner Hewins stated that he did not believe the vacation will have an adverse impact on the surrounding neighborhood. Reorientation of traffic patterns in the alley will result in the direction of traffic through to Eighth Street. The project, not the vacation, may result'in an increase in traffic to Ninth Street. Commissioner Craver restated her belief that the consolidation of the uses at this comer may ease the impact to the neighborhood and the alley. . Chair Reed reiterated that his primary reason for voting to deny the vacation is due to the public testimony that traffic volumes along Ninth Street during rush hour traffic exceeded that which was ~uggested by the consultant's report and that the proposed vacation would 1'47 Planning Commission Minutes July 8. 1998 Page 16 aggravate that situation. . When asked to comment on the traffic impact, Engineer Kenworthy again noted that alleys are not intended or developed for heavy, through traffic use. He is comfortable with the proposal and vacation ofthe alley subject to the conditions recommended. The Commission took a short recess at 11 :00 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 11 :05 p.m. The Commission discussed traffic concerns and potential traffic patterns at length. Commissioner Ziakin noted that he would abstain from voting on the issue because he does not believe enough information has been presented to vote fairly. Staff responded, at the direction of the Chair, that the Commissioners should endeavor to vote one way or the other. If the Commission cannot break a deadlock, the issue would have to be passed on to the City Council as such. Engineer Kenworthy responded to Commissioner Hewins that the traffic consultant provided additional information at his request which concluded that, following their analysis as traffic engineers, the additional traffic to Ninth and Laurel Streets would not be significant. Mr. Kenworthy agreed that there will be impacts and increases, but they would not significantly affect the level of service. Commissioner Nutter stated that she can't give credence to the traffic engineering study . prepared by the traffic consultants because it is too vague. Testimony received by the neighborhood does not support the traffic consultant's conclusions. Commissioner Souders noted that her vote against the motion was because the facts presented bystatTin"recommending denial of the vacation cannot be supported without the Police Department's concerns. Staff noted in the report that if the Police Department's concerns could be mitigated the recommendation would be for approval. Commissioner Craver believed that signiticant weight should be given to the traffic consultant's report because the authors are trained in traffic matters and are professionals in their field, where the individual Planning Commission members are not traffic experts. She has to assume that reports presented by specialists in a specific field should be given particular weight in a final decision. Commissioner Ziakin believed there are glaring gaps in the information provided. Chair Reed pointed out the options available at this juncture and encouraged the Commission to try to forward a clear recommendation to the City Council. Commissioner Hewins agreed with Commissioner Craver that the requested traffic information had been provided and the City's, Engineer had reviewed it and agreed . with the conclusions. He then moved to approve the vacation as proposed citing the following six conditions, ten findings and four conclusions: 148 . . . ',C";:'''I?:;',':< ~::':'(' ,"",". ",.,\":.;:,y);/j:,c,~;;,, <, Planning Commission Minutes July 8, 1998 Page 17 Conditions: 1. The proposed street vacation is subject to the recommendations of the City's Public Works Department (Attachment B qfthe July 8, 1998 Planning Department Staff Report for STY 98-01) which require that a twenty-four inch sanitary sewer main will need to be relocated. A twenty foot wide access and utility easement shall be required, ~ 2. The proposed street vacation is subject to the recommendations of the City's Fire Department (Attachment C of the July 8, 1998, Planning Department Staff Report for STY 98-01) whichrequires that through access shall be maintained at the west end of the vacated Eighth/Ninth alley. The access shall be a minimum of twenty feet in width and shall consist of an all weather surface meeting the City's Public Works Department specifications. An approved turn around meeting the City's specifications may be approved at the east end of the remaining EighthlNinth alley in lieu of through access. 3. The street vacation shall not be finaled until a building permit is issued for the property consistent with the revised site development plan (Attachment A to the July 8, 1998, Planning Department Staff Report for STY 98-01). 4. Final occupancy of 3l1rnew structures on the site shall not be allowed until the street vacation is complete and all of the individual lots comprising the development site have been combined into one legal building and zoning lot. 5. Any costs associated with utility relocation and alley realignment and/or improvements shall be borne by the applicant. Findings: I. The app.1icant for the requested vacation is Northwest Permit. The petition is attached as Attachment A of the July,8, 1998 Planning Department Staff Report for STY 98-0 1. .~ 2. jThe requested vacation is for that portion of the alley between 8th Street and 9th Street abutting Lots 1-6 and 13-18 of Block No. 268 in the Townsite of Port Angeles. 3. The street vacation is categorically exempt from threshold determination and Environmental Impact Statement requirements per Section 197-11-800 (2) (h) of the Washington Administrative Code. 4. The subject right-of-way and abutting properties fall within the undesignated area between the Comprehensive Plan's Commercial land use designation to the north and its Residential designation to the south. The m.yority of the abutting properties ~ are zoned Commercial Shopping District (CSD) with four of the properties currently zoned Residential, Single-Family (RS-7). 149 Planning Commission Minutes July 8. 1998 Page 18 5. The Public Works Department has indicated a 24" sanitary sewer main and overhead electrical lines are located in the alley and will need to be relocated if the vacation is approved. . 6. The subject right-of~way is currently improved. 7. The Public Works, Fire, and Police Department's comments are included as Attachments B,C, and D of the July 8, 1998 Planning Department Staff Report for STY 98-01. 8. The Police Department originally submitted written public safety concerns related to the proposed vacation. These concerns include the current use of the alley for traffic diversion in the event of an accident at the 8th Street and Lincoln Street intersection, the use of the alley by officers in response to calls from the bank located at the comer of 8th Street and Oak Street, and the use of the alley for access to and observation of the 24 hour retaiVgas station use at the comer of 8th Street and Lincoln Street. 9. As noted in their presentation to the Planning Commission on July 8, 1998, the Police Department's concerns expressed in a letter dated February 23, 1998, attached as Attachment D of the July 8, 1998 Planning Department Staff Report for STY 98- 01) do not warrant denial of the proposed vacation. 10. On May 14, 1998, the Planning Department received a traffic analysis for the applicant's overall development plan which includes the proposed street vacation. On June 3, 1998, the Planning Department received an addendum to the analysis with comments regarding Ninth Street, Laurel Street, and the Eighth and Ninth Streets . alley. . Conclusions: A. The Comprehensive Plan's Utilitie_~. and Public Services Policies C, 2 and 3 and Transportation Policy B 18 are the most relevant to the proposed vacation. B. As conditioned, the proposed vacation is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan's Utilities and Public Services Policies C, 2 and 3 and Transportation Policy B 18. C. As conditioned, the proposed vacation will not have an adverse impact on the public health, safety and welfare. D. As conditioned, the proposed vacation will benefit the community's economic development as well as the general public health, safety and welfare. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Craver and passed 3 - 2 with . Commissioners Hewins, Souders, and Craver voting in favor, Commissioners Nutter _ and Reed voting in the negative, and Commissioner Ziakin abstained. 150 1---------------------------------------- . . . Planning Commission Minutes July 8. 1998 Page 19 Those who voted against the motion restated their original objections, and Commissioner Ziakin's abstention was due to the desire for additional traffic information. Chair Reed stated that the City Council will hold a public hearing on this item at its July 21, 1998, meeting, which will begin at 7:00 p.m. ( . .., ... 151 152 . . . . . . ~- -;;' (' Port Angeles Police Department r Stew Ilk, Chief of Police Tom RIepe, Deputy Chief Naomi Wu, Comm Manager Karen Haugstad, Admin Assistant , ill rn@rnO\Ylrn OO~ MEMORANDUM J1. I 3 1998 " Date: July 13, 1998 PORT ANGELES PLANNING DEPARTMENT To: From: Re: Mayor B~~ and Council Members Tom Ri~puty Chief Street Vacation - Police Department's Statements To Planning Commission cc: Chief S. Ilk Planning Department This memo is W1itten at the request of the Planning Department to convey to the Mayor and Council Members statements made by me (Deputy Chief Tom Riepe) to the Planning Commission on July ~,1998. My statements were made regarding the "Request for vacation of the alley between 811 Street and 911 Street abutting Lots 1-6 and 13-18 of Block No, 268 in the Townsite of Port Angeles (STV 98-01). During the July 8, 1998 Planning commission meeting, I informed the Planning Commission that while Sergeant Turton's memo of February 23, 1998 to the Planning Commission details "public safety concerns. regarding the vacation of the alley, the concerns, in my opinion, were minimal, and do not cause the Police Department to recommend denial of the request. I furthertold the Planning Commission words to the effect that, in my opinion, if the Police Department and public were no longer able to use the alley, per the vacation request, it would not cause an adverse impact to public safety. 102-98460 . Page 1 153 . . " . . 154 "."-.'};, F' I L E:'~:l~ . pLANNING DEPARTMENT STAFF ~PORT . . TO: Planning Commission FROM: ~uming Departmelll DATE: July 8, 1998 RE: STV 98-01 APPLICANT: Northwest Pennit REQUEST: Vacation of the alley bc:twecn 8th Street and 9th Street abutting Lots 1-6 and 13-18 of Block No. 268 in the Townsite of Port Ange~es. BACKGROUND: This vacation request is part of the applicant's overall proposal to develop 90.000 s.f. of the southwest comer of Lincoln Street and 8th Street (extending to 9th Street) with an approximately 17.000 sf retail store. The overall proposal includes this street vacation request and a rezone request for a ponion of the property. DISCUSSION: .. '.. Environmental Review: . I . The vacating of a street is categorically exempt from threshold determination and Environmental Impact Statement requirements per Section 197-11-800 (2)(h) of the Washington Administrative Code (W AC) which .states "(2) Other minor new construe/ion. The following types of construction shall be exempt. . . \ (h) The vacation of streets or roads." Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Ordinance: The subject right-or-way and adjoining properties fall within theundesignated area between the Comprehensive Plan's Commercial land use designation to the north and its Residential designation to the south. The majority of the abutting properties are zoned Commercial Shopping District (CSD) with four of the properties currently zoned Residential, Single-Family (RS- 7). , 155 City a/Port Angeles Planning Department, 321 E. jlh St., Port Angeles, WA, (voi~) 360-417-47jO, (fax) 360-417-4609 3-11-=1 P1aDDiDs Deputmart Staff'Report S1V 98-01 - Northwest Permit July 8, 1998 Pap 2 The following Comprehensive Plan policies have been found to be most relevant to the proposal: Utilities and Public Services Policy C 2: All new ~/ity services should be underground Utilities and Public Services Policy 4 J: Where poSsible. new utilities should be located in alleys. . . The.Public Works Department has noted the location of utilities in the requested vacation area and iecommended specific conditions of approval that include required utility easement and relocation. Transportation Policy B, 18: Po/ice andfire protectionshou/d be a key factor in residential subdivision street designs and circulation panems. The area's current zoning is a combination of commercial and residential zones. The Fire Department has indicated they do not have an objection to this request subject to the development of an approved turn-around at the proposed east end of 8th/9th Street alley. The Police Depanment has expressed several public safety concerns related to the proposed vacation. These concerns include the current use of the alley for traffic diversion in the event of an accident at the 8th Street and Lincoln Street intersection. the use of the alley by officers in response to calls from the bank located at the comer of 8th Street and Oak Street. and the . use of the alley for access to and observation of the 24 hour retai1Igas station use at the comer of 8th Street and Lincoln Street. Depanment Reviews and Comments: Pllhllc Works Department: The Public Works Department's comments address necessary utility easement and relocation requirements (please see Attachment B). .. F,rt' Departmellt: The rare Depanment's comments which address the need for adequate turn-around facilities are attached as Attachment C. Police Department: The Police Department's comments which express concerns regarding public safety are attached as Attachment D. A representative of the Police Department has been asked to be available at the Plarming Commission meeting to answer any questions the Commission may have regarding their concerns. . 156 C/~' of Port Angeles Planning Department. 321 E. 5th St., POri Angeles. WA. (voice) 360-417-4750. (fax) 360-417-4609 P1amUDa ~ Staft"Rcpart STV ~1 - Northwest Permit July 8. 1998 Pap 3 . Planning Department: Below is a summary of the impacts of the proposal: Traffic P~ems: The Public Works Department has not indicated any negative impact on the area's vehicular traffic pattern as a result of the proposed vacation. . .. Utilities: The Public Works Department has indicated a 24" sanitary sewer majn and overhead.. electrical lines are located in the alley and win need to be relocated if the vacation is approved. The Planning Department also notes that the City's Compreherisive Plan states new utilities should be underground and this policy should be applied to this proposal. Public Health, Safety and Welfare: As noted previously, the Police Department has stated the area of the proposed vacation is used by thepblice for a variety of public safety purposes. II, .', Development Patterns: The proposed vacation is located in an area of currently developed lots which should not have further development affected by the proposed vacation. PLANNING DEPARTMENT RECOMMENDATION: . Based on the Police Department's co~ei1tS and stated use of the alley for public saf~ty purposes, the Planning Department recommends the Planning Commission forward a recommendation of denial to the City Council for street vacation request STY 98-01 based on the following findings and conclusions Findings: The applicant for the requested vacation is Northwest Pennit, the applicati~n/petition is attached as Attachment A of the July 8, 1998 Planning Depanment Staff Repon for STV 98-01. ._ ,- -.. , J 2 The requested vacation is for that portion of the alley between 8th Street and 9th Street abutting Lots 1-6 and 13-18 of Block No. 268 in the Townsite ofPon Angeles. 3 The street vacation is categorically exempt from threshold determination and Environmental Impact SWement requirements per Section 197-11-800 (2) (h) of the Washington Administrative Code. 4. The subject right-of-way and abutting properties fall within the undesignated area between the Comprehensive Plan's Commercial land use designation to the north and its Residential designation to the south. The majority of the abutting properties are zoned Comm~cial Shopping District (CSD) with four of the properties currently zoned Residential, Single-Family (RS~7). . s. The Public Works Department has indicated 8"24" sanitary sewer main and overhead 157 City of PorI Angtlts Planning Dtpartmtnl. 32 J E. Sth 51.. PorI Angtlts. WA. (voict) 360-4 J 7-4750. (fax) 360-4 J 7-4609 Plam:UDs DepartmcDt Std'Repad S1V 98-01 - Northwest Permit July 8. 1998 Paso 4 electrical lines are located in the alley and will need to be relocated if the vacation is approved. 6. The subject right-of-way is currently improved. 7. The Public Works, Fire, and Police Department's comments are included as Attacmnents B, C, and D of the JUly 8..1998 Planriing Depanment Staff Report for STV 98-01. \ . . 8. The Police Department expressed several public S2d"ety concerns related to the proposed vacation. These concerns include the current use of the alley for traffic diversion in the event of an accident at the 8th Street and Lincoln Street intersection, the use of the alley by officers in response to calls from the bank located at the comer of 8th Street and Oak Street, and the use of the alley for access to and observation of the 24 hour retaiVgas station use at the comer of 8th Street and Lincoln Street. Conclusions A. The Comprehensive Plan's Utilities and Public Services Policies C, 2 and 3 and Transportation Policy B18 are the most relevant to the proposed vacation. B. Based on the Police Depanment's comments and stated use of the alley for public safety purposes, the proposed vacation is not consistent with the Comprehensive Plan's Transport~tion Policy B18. C Based on the Police Depanment' s comments and stated use of the alley for public safety purposes, the p~oposed vacation will have an adverse impact on the. public health. safety and welfare. ,..,If the Pobce Depanment's concerns can be mitigated tOJhe point that the proposed vacation will not result in an adverse impact on the public health. safety'and welfare, the Planning Depanment would rerommend the Planning Commission foward to the City Council a recommendation of approval subject to cenain conditions of approval rather than the present recommendation of denial SlV9IOI.PCI City of PorI Ang~/~s Planning Departmml. 311 E. 5IhSl.. PortAng~/~s. WA. (voice) 360-417-4750. (far) 360-417-4609 . . . " 158 I , I e , TO: ",e City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington- ( CI7Y OF PORT ANGELES STREET VACATION PE'11TION $2CO ~<,:'I . ~;:)d ci<1t 19 ORIGINAL , Come now the undersigned petitioners and pursuant tQ Chapter 35'.79 RCW respectfully show: I. 'The undersigned petitioners request that the following deScribed portion of ALl e. 'Y Street/A Hey in the City of Port Angeles be vacated pursuant to, Chapter 35.79 RCW (legally describe the property requested for vacation below). ihe. -6o.5'T\"e,.\~ 3,00 bee\:" Db .or-\\e '1 ~.,...:)C~Q~~. slk-s-rft,. z. 'il7: s-~e. '- t);:~::tX:)"U'I~~~. L\",c. oLt.'I:::l ~\. ~~e- ~':);-n.... J.. c1 ~ i - ~ ..,..- 13 - IS" o~..:l.L' J- TPI1 2. ~ach of the undersigned petitioners is the owner of an interest in real estate abutting on the above described area. 3. ~ persons own property abutting on said area. 4, The names and addresses of property owners abutting on said areas are as follows: ~ Add~s .J:u..c-L bc..v",", 1A.)e-\ \ 1 \ ca ~ ~ I PcriT Pv-..~P. ~ t;. lA.)Pr .~ t"\CA t!- ~J'"",~\ \ -5c.... ..-- ~ \ bbef'L ~e.(' '''V'V, N ~rv-..P .): " roo -'.~ 5 ' . , The undersigned petitioners constitute more than two thirds of the owners of said ,aouuing prope" y Name Address }(~L ~r.ll'rt'\ ~\~ ,\ 8 8~,~. ~elo ~ . ~ n~ ~ :SC4-L>n.l~l ' ~'---..-. p ~~Z:::~ .' ~~ -- . ; / ; /7"/;-111" /] .-/13/4 <:~_. .-. e:.". - ~ '/1, -( ~- 1 '... ~ ~' J'J'-J;ia.ftJ'r~::C.r:C ~/ g -0 ',.. *' f>.... 0 ... e.. ~ ',50 C c.. r e. OL ,to, "t e",-':::- -b n.- OateReceiv :.f \~, '.'1.'::":: "--f\.::lt""c..""~.s.eA.-/o~ Nc:..rS ~ ~.VO .-=?~ r f'V"\'~ liearmg(s) Oat - -'. --r- ~ \.b(," c..r... h L. -T-\ "" r-C- 10/- -9Y Ehone .ZOfo .3.~}:,Q~33' ~ "~,, ~ \ , . , - - 15n 1\ r Memorandum To: Deborah Lyn;lt"Han. N. W. Permit From: Allen KalIn. Boardwalk Development Date: 01/27198 Re: Authorization to Northwest Permit This Memorandum is intended as authorization to Northwest Permit to apply and process permits on behalf of us for the property legally described as follows: Lots 17-18, Block 268, TCMnsite of Port Angeles, WA If you have any questions, please feel tree to call me on 314-966-2300. Your assistance is appreciated. Very Truly Yours, BOARDWALKD~PMENT ft~ ~!~.L~ ~ . ~~'lr ~. ~. Allen Kann Executive Vice President . I . . . 1 160 f' ~ ,----- . . . 't-21-1_ S...... ........ .-raIL..."..... sa ... ,..,. 21. I'" Mr. ...... O. Oav CV Mr.IooIt"" __ . "'-111 ..... ... .. LeIL .. Uw1..~.., ... .... "12 II., W."101 k. .~~_ ... V.... Awl.- LoCI 11.11 8IDc:t211. T.... .....- fIIhtA..,da WA. 0.. Bob: 'TNt.......... .~. p.nIi1lioD- "'WIlt ~ c,...-. .-Not ~ ID......... JISII'''''''' ~klll..ltlWtV~ ~ .- GIller doc -..........,,!be cttr~" ~,.... iII.-i__"1Ie ~~r*....... .~"lr. - ootWIifttll tell. 17.11.1Uect _ TIl'Iil.Aille., PM MpIu, WA. . Ifn~.Ii>. ;( ..J.I'/. C3 ~.._.~ JtIrt ...., ~~ Iaer- .........rJ " ~.2 161 ^-z. '--''''..-"";'' ..... ....... ~: ;':'-..,:':"t:. .~!...: ~;_....- January 19. 1998 Mr. Scott Grainger Northwest Retail P~ners. Ltd. ( 600 University St.~ Suite 3012 Seattle; W A 98101 Rc: Rezone Application Street Vacation Application Lots 1-6 inclusive, Lots 13-16 inclusive Block 268, Townsite of Pon Angeles. W A. Dear Scott: __J ( This letter shall serve as Owner'spcnnission to Boardwalk Develo~ent, its agents and/or assigns to file the necessary Rezone Application. Street Vacation Application, and other docwncn1ation as requested by the city of Port Angeles in association with the proposed retail development occurring at Lots 1-6 inclusive, Lots 13-16 inclusive Block 268. Townsite ofPon Angeles, WA. Sincerely. ;t)I~ Roben f' German 1\ B B- f~u:-~~s, ) w~ tJ$)(.)- .. . . ( " 162 " L1 . . I I. . ;' ( " . OTY OF PORT ANGELES PUBUC WORKS ~ SCALE AREA MAP ^ STREET VACATION (STV 98-01) LOTS 1-6 &13-18 BL. 268 A 5" 100 ( j I 50 "..'i',..'~' ' ',. ....,. , , -",.... _ '. 'a .., . :,:',:;;; G II " 163 / 164 . . . . . . (" February 25, 1998 TO:. From: SUBJ: . . . . Tim Smith Gary Kenworthy Trenia Funston{r ( ill ~~~2D~~ ill . PORTANGElES .." PLANNING DEPARTMENT, STREET VACATION PEllll0N-STV 98"()1 BAUMWELL / GERMAN Easterly 300' of the 8/9 Alley,between Lincoln and Laurel'.Streets The existing 8/9 alley between Lincoln and Laurel Streets presently has a 24" sanitary sewer main which will need to relocated. A 20' wide utility easement will be required for access. Provide a 20' wide Access easement from 8/9 alley North to 8th Street. Block 268 Assessed land values: South side 8th Street Liaeola to Laurel North 80' Lots 1 and 2 South 60' Lots I and 2 and Lots 3-5 Lots 6-8 and tbe S60' Lot 9 North 80' Lot 9 North side 9th Street Liacom to Laurel Lots 17-18 Lots 14-16 'Lots 12-13 North 90' Lots 1 0-] 1 South SO' Lots] 0-] ] Block 267 Assessed values: South side 8th Street Laurel to Oak Lots 1 -2, 3-4 Lots 5-7 Church Lot 8 Lots 9-10 North side of 9th Street Laurcl to Oak Lots 1 J -20 S9.00SF S8.00SF S8.00SF S4.00SF l' S6.50SF S2.5 ] SF S3.]4SF S2.5] SF S3.J4SF S6.50SF o S6.50SF $6.50SF SJ.14SF lSfl A TrAC.. ~ME~ ~ \ , ( (' ,..;:~~..... .... ""~ .:..'_..' ~. . Block 269 Assessed values: e South side 8th Street Lincoln to Chase Lots 1-2 S8.00SF Lots 3-5 S8.00SF Lots 6-9 S 13.50SF North side of 9th Street Lineoln to Chase Lots 10 and portions of Lot 11 S8.00SF . . Block 231 Assessed values: North Side 8th Street Lincoln to Laurel I I.' Lots JO-15 S8.00SF Lot 16 and South 99' Lots J 7.,J 8 S8.59SF . Block 232 Assessed values: North sidc 8th Street Laurel to Oak Lots 1 J - J 4 Church 0 Lots 15-20 S6.50SF . Block 230 Assessed values: North side 8th Street Lincoln to Chase Lots 1-12 S8.67SF Lots 13-18 S8.00SF e .- .' e' 166 KL VJ uJ ~---~.. _....... ~ CT> '9 J' r r PLANNING DEPA.RTMENT MEMORANDUM 32/ East Fifth Street. Port AIlKe/es. WashillKloll (360) -1/7-1750 . - TO ~mith. Public Works Depanment Fire Depanment Police Depanment . PORT ANGELES . PLANNING DfPARTMENT February 16, 1998. SL"BJ STREET VACATION PETITIO~ - STY 98-01 BAUMWELUGERMAN - 8/9 Alley between Lincoln and Laurel Streets The Planning Depanment has received a petition for vacation ofa ponion of the 8/9 alley between Lmcoln and Laurel Streets. Please review the petition and identify those issues that relate to your depanmental concerns. A response to the Planning Depanment no later than Februarv 27. 1998, . IS apprecIated Please be sure to note any concerns your depanments have with regard to . compliance with the City's LOS standards should the vacation be approvec:i. If\'ou have any questions. please call or stop by the depanment. Thank you. ~1 w 1 LA- ~ tJ e. C,~5 Atzy"le> ~f:.W\/)\J r::.... "to e:.X\ oS Ti ~<?) OJG:(U-leA-D rov.J~tJe.- l~ 1l'~.~'~Yo~f?- A~ VACA"170,J. lite 1i>u.>e:a.lA,Jf, CIs0 ~f.;. rz,DN\?lIU 1ttJ1 UI;1I IJ6J ~ ~l ~ ~~. A ~'l ~rltV1A-re:-J P"- Ph'? vJOM-M ~ <41L/~,j ro MlJWAIJ#JYPA(t.,,J~Hlf, A-t.C.H(~. Cf1-~ ~p.~llJtf6eI~ . -Sf~AU~YE rie1ZV~ t3/ /'1q~ 168 MEMORANDUM Coral Wheeler Administrative Assistant ext 4650 ~e W. Becker "Fire Chief ext 4651 Daniel K. McKeen FIre Marshal ext 4653 L. Keith Sogues TraIning Officer ext 4652 James B.(Duke) Moroz MedICal Officer ext 4665 360~ 17 -4655 . DATE: TO: FROM: RE: '<.t'i'.-i~""'\'"' ,~<.,~Y",'-" )~~~':':~ i r ROU'1'B TOI Building Dept. IJ PlaDlling Dept. if Public Works IJ Ci ty Manager IJ February 23, 1998 'fD) IE m u w ~rn1 UlJ FEB 2 4 !IIJ [!!) If '. Plann~ng Department PORT ANGElES PlANNING DEPARTMENT Dan McKeen, Fire Marshal Street Vacation Petition - STV 98-01 Baumwell/German 8/9 Alley between Lincoln and Laurel Streets The Fire Department has reviewed the request for a street vacation for a portion of the 8/9 alley between Lincoln and Laurel Street, and has the following condition:, DM/cw Through access shall be maintained at the west end of the vacated 8/9 alley. The access shall be a minimum of-"'20 feet in width and shall consist of an all-weather surface meeting City of Port ~geles Public Works specifications. In lieu of through access, an approved turn-a- round meeting City of Port Angeles Public Works specifications can be provided at the east end of the remaining 8/9 alley. FP - 26 Page 1 of 1 169 /"" . ."~ . .- 170 "''-1 ' ~:~ ::':.'.:,\' ,,; : ',\..t1 . . . (' Port An...... . Police Departme.nt Me"""'m PORT ANGELfS . PlANNING DEPARTMENT ..... t:NII ell'lIIIce f.......~t:NII ".,.,. Mt,1WICom....,., IWwt MIl _ r" l(.............. SllWMct.Ma s....- JIm ....,.... s....- GIM TU1lln. s....- &let z.,pey. s....- Ten)' 9.-.p. s....- UI ZInonlIn. ~ S&lPIMIOr 0...,.."."., ~ ~ IfMIHIIftOI1. ~ S&fIIMIOr Ii) IEIwm~ lJ1) FEB 2 4 1998 W Date:. 02123198 PLANNING' DEPARTMENT I . To: Distribution: laJ Addressee Only IIlJ Post II Operations II CommunIcations . II Records PQ Administration From: Gale TurtonlSgt Port Angeles Poltce .217 -G001.98 Subject: Street Vacation Petltlon-STV 98-G1 After reviewing the application for vacation of. portion of the alley between 8th and 9th Streets, south side of 8th Street, west of Uncoln, I have .everal "public safety concerns". The intersection of 8th and Uncoln Streets i. a major intersection in the City. AccIdents at this location are difficult to safely investigate without the use of the alleys to divert traffic. The only alley that is usable In an east/west .direCtiOn is the alley on the south side of 8th Strwet. The alley on the north .Ide of 8th Street does not continue 41st bound, There is a bank located at 8th and Oak Streets. Officers responding to problems at that location who are located south of 8th Street would respond north bound on Uncoln Street turning west bound in the alley to the area of the bank. The Areo AMlPM is located at the comer of 8th and Uncoln Streets. This Is a 2. hour business and with problems that ':8qulre. police response, the alley west of Uncoln Street Is a prefect location for Officers to observe the store. - . 171 Page 1 ~ -n-n ~ u ~f\ -:-= "-..1 ~ b -":,. ..:,,"~ ~! . I . . .. '.' . 172 . . . :- ~ t L E PLANNING DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT PLANN\~G TO: Planning Commission FROM: Planning Department DATE: July 8, 1998 RE: STY 98-01 APPLICANT: Northwest Permit REQUEST: Vacation of the alley between 8th Stteet and 9th Street abutting Lots 1-6 and 13-18 of Block No. 268 in the Townsite of Port Angeles. ALTERNATIVE RECOMMENDATION Based on the Police Department's concerns being adequately mitigated, the Planning Department recommends the Planning Commission forward a recommendation of approval to the City Council for street vacation request STY 98-01 subject to the following conditions of approval and based on I the following findings and conclusions: Conditions of Approval: 1. The proposed street vacation is subject to the recommendations' of the City's Public Works Department included in .Attachment Bof the July 8, 1998 Planning Department Staff Report for STY 98-0 I. ., The proposed street vacation is subject to the recommendations of the City's Fire Department included in Attachment C of the July 8, 1998 Planning Department Staff Report for STY 98-0 I. .., -'. The proposed street vacation is subject to the recommendations of the City's Police Department as presented to the Planning Commission at their meeting of July 8, 1998. 4. The street vacation shall not be finaled until a building permit is issued for the propeny consistent with the revised site development plan attached as Attachment A to the July 8,1998 Planning Department Staff Report for STY 98-02. 173 tin' of Port A nKeles Planning Departmelll. 32/ E. 5th St.. Port Angeles. W A. (voice) J 60-4/7 -4750. (faxl 360-4/7-4609 Planning Department Staff Repon Alternative Rcommendation STY 98-01 - Nonhwest Permit July 8, 1998 Page, 2 5. Final occupancy of any new structures on the site shall not be allowed until the street . vacation is complete and aJl of the individual lots comprising the1development site have been combined into one legal building and zoning lot. 6. Any costs associated with utility relocation. and alley realignment and/or improvements shall be borne by the applicant. Findings: L The applicant for the requested vacation is Northwest Permit, the application/petition is attached as Attachment A of the July 8, 1998 Planning Department Staff Report for STY 98-01. 2. The requested vacation is for that portion of the alley between 8th Street and 9th Street abutting Lots 1-6 and 13-18 of Block No. 268 in the Townsite of Port Angeles. 3. The street vacation is categorically exempt from threshold determination and Enviromnental Impact Statement requirements per Settion 197-11-800 (2) (h) of the Washington Administrative Code. , 4. The subject right-of-way and abutting properties fall within the undesignated area between the Comprehensive Plan's Commercial land use designation to the north and its Residential designation to the south. The majority of the abutting properties are zoned Commercial Shopping District (CSD) with four of the properties currently zoned Residential, Single-Family (RS:-7). ~. .. "....',.. .: ...~ . . .-\s noted in their presentation to the Planning Commission on July 8. 1998. the Police Department's concerns expressed in their letter dated February 23, 1998, and attached as Attachment D of the July 8, 1998 Planning Department Staff Report for STY 98-01 have been adequately mitigated to their satisfaction. City oj Port Angeles Planning Department. 321 E. 5th St., Port Angeles. WA, (voice) 360-4/7-4750. (fax) 360-4/7-4609 174 5. The Public Works Department has indicated a24" sanitary sewer main and overhead electrical lines are located in the alley. and will need to be relocated if the vacation. is approved. 6. The subject right-of-way is currently improved. 7. The Public Works, Fire, and Pciiice Department's comments are included as Attachments B. C. and D of the July 8.1998 Planning Department Staff Report for STY 98-01. 8. The Police Department expressed several public safety concerns related to the proposed vacation. These concerns include the current use of the alley for traffic diversion in the event of an accident at the 8th Street and Lincoln Street intersection, the use of the alley by officers in response to calls from the bank located at the corner of 8th Street and Oak Street, and the us~ of the alley for access to and observation of the 24 hour retail/gas station use at the corner of 8th Street and Lincoln Street. 9. . . . . ':,'". Planning Department Staff Report A!tl...lative Rcommendation STY 98-01 - Northwest Permit July 8, 1998 Page 3 10. On May 14, 1998, the Planning Department received a traffic analysis for the applicant's overall development plan which includes the proposed street vacation. On June 3, 1998, the Planning Department received an addendum to the analysis with comments regarding 9th Street, Laurel Street, and the 8th and 9th Streets alley. Conclusions A. The Comprehensive Plan's Utilities and 'Public Services Policies C, 2 and 3 and Transportation Policy B 18 are the most relevant to the proposed vacation. I . B. As conditioned, the proposed vacation is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan's Utilities and Public Services Policies C, 2 and 3 and Transportation Policy B 18. C. As conditioned, the proposed vacation will not have an adverse impact on the public health, safety and welfare. D. As conditioned, the proposed vacation will benefit the community's economic development as well as the general public health, safety and welfare. STV980l.PC2 175 .' City of Port Angeles Planning Department, 321 E. 5th St., Port Angeles. WA, (voice) 360-417-4750. (fax) 360-4 J 7-4609 '- 176 . . . .6 "Maintaining and building a better commun.ity" Jack Plttfs Director [4801J Phyllis Rasler Administrative Assistant [48ooJ . Cata Rlnehal1 Administrative Assistant [47ooJ Bob Titus Deputy Director [4701J Ken Ridout Deputy Director [4802J Gary Kenworthy City Engineer [4803J Jim Harper El6ctrlcal Engineer [4702J Tim Smith ~tract &. ProjBCt ~,_nlstrator {4804J Lou HaeIInlen Sr. Building Inspector {4816J Tom Sperllne Sr. El6ctrlcallnspector . {4735J Scott MCLain Power Manager [4703J Ralph EIJswoI1h Wal8r, Wast8wal8r Collection Superlnlendent {48SSJ Pete BulT8tt Equip. S8Mces Superlnlendent [4835J Mane S~ LIght OperatJons Manager [4731 J, Kevin Curtts Tmat Plant Supervisor. [4845J Tom McCabe SW CoIl6ctlon Supervisor [4876J Stew Evans fndflll Supervisor 73J \19 Wilcox Street Maintenance - Supervisor [4825J . '.\ ,. X / t../UJ..,:v ~ MEMORANDUM AUGUST 4, 1998 MANAGER IBARRA, MAYOR BRAUN AND CITY COUNCIL JACK PITTIS, DIRECTOR PUBLIC WORKS AND UTILITIES SUBJECT: AGREEMENT FOR ACCEPTANCE OF JEFFERSON COUNTY WASTE DATE: TO: FROM: SUMMARY and RECOMMENDATION: Jefferson County Commissioners have accepted the fee proposal of $31.50 per ton for disposal of their municipal solid waste at our landfill. We recommend that the City Council take the following actions: 1 )adopt the attached ordinance which will permit the acceptance of Jefferson County municipal solid waste at our landfill and 2)authorize the Mayor to sign attached interlocal agreement with Jefferson County. ISSUE: Should the City enter into an agreement with Jefferson County allowing and establishing the rate for their disposal of municipal solid waste in our landfill? BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS: At the last City Council meeting the City Council indicated that they would accept Jefferson County solid waste at the landfill for a 7 month period provided the tipping fee was $31.50 per ton and that an acceptable agreement was developed. That offer was delivered to Jefferson County and on July 27th I received a verbal acceptance of our $31.50 per ton rate from Frank Hall of Jefferson County. The City Attorney has prepared the attached ordinance which allows for the acceptance of Jefferson County municipal solid waste at the landfill and an interlocal agreement with Jefferson County. This agreement is consistent with the form of the other agreements that we have with other solid waste haulers, although due to special circumstances and the short term needs of Jefferson County, the rate is one half of the current commercial hauler rate. JNP:jp Disk: N:\PWKS\SWASTE\LANDFILL\JEFFCO\CCJEFCO.804 File: Solid Waste Landfill - Attachments: ordinance, Interlocal Agreement Copy: 177 . AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, establishing a new sanitary landfill rate classification for disposal of solid waste from other governmentally owned solid waste utilities and amending Ordinance 2317 as amended and Chapter 13.56 of the Port Angeles Mun,icipal Code. ORDINANCE NO. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES DOES HEREBY ORDAIN as follows: Section 1. Ordinance 2317, as amended, and Chapter 13.56 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code are hereby amended by adding a new Section 13.56.043 to read as follows: 13 56.043 Governmental Solid Waste Utility Rate. Landfill disposal by other governmentally owned solid waste utilities shall be at the rate established by interlocal agreement between the City and such other governmentally owned solid waste utility. Section 2 - Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect five days after the date of. publication. PASSED by the City Counci I of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said C~uncil held on the _ day of , 1998. MAYOR ATTEST: Becky 1. Upton, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Craig D. Knutson, City Attorney PUBLISHED: By Summary 9\1.14 . - 1 - 178 . . . s::,x:,'~ ..'<4'. '-'i t-'," oJ INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT BElWEEN THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES AND JEFFERSON COUNTY \ FOR DISPOSAL OF SOLID WASTE AT THE Port Angeles Landfill THIS INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT in made and entered into this _ day of - , 1998 by and between the City of Port ~geles, a non-charier code city of the State of Washington (hereinafter called the "City"), and Jefferson County, a political subdivision of the State of Washington (hereinafter called the "County"). WHEREAS, in lieu of long hauling its s<?lid waste to a regional landfill, the County has proposed disposing of its solid waste at the Port Angeles Landfill at a rate slightly reduced from what the County would have to pay for long hauling; and WHEREAS, it is in the best interest of the City and its landfill customers to accept the County's solid waste at a special reduced rate for a limited period of time in order to help fund closure and post closure activities as required by state and federal law and thereby ultimately reduce the burden on existing and future customers of the Port Angeles Landfill for such costs; and - WHEREAS, the City and the County have in good faith negotiated this interlocal agreement for the disposal of solid waste in the Port Angeles Landfill; NOW, THEREFORE, in, consideration of the above-representations and the terms, conditions, covenants, and agreements set forth below, the parties hereto agree as follows: I. Definitions. For the purposes of this agreement, the folloWing terms shall have the following meanings: I. 1 "Acceptable waste" meaDs all putrescible and non-putrescible waste delivered to the Port Angeles Landfill in the area designated by the City, including but not limited to garbage, rubbish, refuse, ashes, paper, cardboard, and other solid waste that is normally disposed of by and originating from the occupants of residential dwelling units and commercial establishments in the area served by the County. The term lIacceptable waste" includes materials and substances that are authorized to be deposited in the Port Angeles Landfill in accordance'with Title 13 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code but does not include materials and substances that are prohibited from disposal in the Port Angeles Landfill by Title 13 P AMC and does not include lIunacceptable wastell as defined in this agreement. - 1 - 179 ~ I 1.2 "Hazardous waste" means any waste, material, or substance, the processing or disposing of which would subject County or City to liability under or would otherwise contravene: . a. Subtitle C of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976, 42 U. S. C. 6901 et seq, as amended, and regulations promulgated thereunder; b. The Toxic Substances Control Act, 15 U.S.c. 2601 et seq, as amended, and'regulations promulgated thereunder; c. The Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation and Liability Act of 1980,42 U.S.c. 9601 et seq, as amended, and regulations promulgated thereunder; d. Chapters 70.015 or 70.105D RCW as amended, and regulations promulgated thereunder; or e. Any other federal or state law or regulation governing the treatment, storage, handling, or disposal of solid waste or hazardous or dangerous waste, materials, or substances. " 1.3 "Unacceptable waste" means: a. Waste that may not be disposed at the Port Angeles Landfill under any applicable state, federal or local law , regulation, rule, code, pennit or permit condition; or f . b. Hazardous waste; or c. MSW ash; or d. Any other waste expressly excluded from acceptable waste. 2. Tenn of Contract. The tenn of this contract shall commence on August 14, 1998 and shall continue until March IS, 1999 or until such additional time as the parties may agree by a written amendment extending this contract for an additional period based on mutually acceptable tenns and conditions. 3. Consideration. County shall pay City the sum of $3 1.50 for each ton of acceptable waste delivered to the . - 2- 180 . . . ";. (.--:; ';';!-\*J?:,"._~t"!i ~ Port Angeles Landfill at the area designated by the City pursuant to this contract. 4. Payment Procedure. The City shall bill the County each 'month for the amount of services used by the County. The County shall make payment in full to the City within thirty days of receipt of the invoice from the City. 5. Weighing of Waste. I . The City shall weighthe waste of the County using certified scales. Tare weights from the City's scales will be acceptable in detennining the net weight of solid waste delivered to the Landfill. The net weight from the City's scale tickets shall be the basis for billing under this contra6t. The City shall keep a copy of all tare weight slips on file for three months. The tare slips shall be made available to the County for audit upon request. Tare slips shall be signed by the truck driver upon leaving the City's landfill. . 6. Operating Hours. The City shall accept solid waste from the County at the Port Angeles Landfill during the regular business hours as specified from time to time by the City. 7. Indemnification/hold harmless. The County agrees to indemnify and hold the City, its officers, officials, employees and volunteers harmless from any and all claims, injuries, damages, losses, and costs, including,. but not limited to, attorney's fees and litigation costs, arising out of or in connection with the performance of this agreement, except for injuries and damages caused by the sole negligence of the City. Should a court of competent jurisdiction determine that this agreement is subject to'RCW 4.24.115, then, in the event ofliability for damages .~sing out of bodily injury to persons or damages to property caused by or resulting from the concurrent negligence of the County and the City, its officers, officials, employees, and volunteers, the County's liability hereunder shall be only to the extent of the County's n~gligence. It is further specifically and expressly understood that the indemnification provided herein constitutes the County's waiver of immunity under Industrial Insurance, Title 51 RCW, solely for the purposes of this indemnification. This waiver has been mutually negotiated by the parties. The provisions of this section shall survive the expiration or tennination of this contract. ' , The. City agrees to indemnify and hold the Courity, its officers, agents and employees harmless from all suits, claims or liability of any nature including but not limited to, attorney's fees, costs, and exp~nses, for or on account of injuries or damages sustained by any persons or - 3 - 181 property resulting from the acts or omissions of the City, its agents or employees in connection . with the administration and implementation of this agreement. 8. Venue. The venue of any state court litigation brought under this agreement shall be Clallam County Superior Court. " 9. Assignment. Neither party may assign, transfer or otherwise vest another company, entity or person any of its rights or obligations under this contract without the prior written consent of the other party. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Contract as of the day and year first written above. JEFFERSON COUNTY BOARD OF CUMMISSIONERS CITY (City of Port Angeles) . GLENN HUNTINGFORD, CHAIRMAN GARY BRAUN, MAYOR DANIEL HARPOLE, MEMBER RICHARD WOIT, MEMBER ATTEST: ATTEST: CLERK OF THE BOARD CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM APPROVED AS TO FORM DEPUTY PROSECUTING ATTORNEY CITY ATTORNEY A \WASTa.CON . -4- 182 . City Manager's Office Memorandum PaUlek Ibarra City Manager . Sharon "Sam" Martin Exec. Admin. Asst. Beck'y J Upton. CMC City Clerk/}"1anagement Asst. Boh Coons Hwnan Resources Manager CamIlle Hcadnek Hwnan Resources Asst. . ":" July 31, 1998 TO: Manager Ibarra, Mayor Braun and City Council Members FROM: Bob Coons, Human Resources Manager ~ ~ RE: Adding Aetna Life Insurance and Annuity Company to our providers for deferred compensation Issue: Should the City of Port Angeles add Aetna Life Insurance and Annuity Company to the list of providers for the deferred compensation plan? Background: Currently, three companies offer deferred compensation plans to City employees. One of these companies, American Express, has notified the City that it will no longer offer this service. Aetna Life Insurance Company has been selected to replace American Express. Several years ago, when the City expanded its deferred compensation plan from one to three, Aetna was a strong finalist. It is still a well-run company and very competitive in the financial market. Recently, staff met with representatives of Aetna and confirmed its high level of service and investment options. If the City Council approves the attached resolution, we will add Aetna to the International City Managers' Association and Great West Life as providers for the City's deferred compensation plans. There a~eno fees or charges to the City to add Aetna as one of the providers. An additional reason to adct Aetna is because our newly hired City Manager has an established deferred compensation account with Aetna from his previous employer. This addition will allow him to transfer his funds to the City of Port Angeles. Recommendation: Staff recommends that the City Council approve the attached resolution establishing Aetna Life Insurance and Annuity Company as a provider for the City's deferred compensation plan under IRS Sections 457 and 401(a). / {5...DN ,I tl . . . - ->,.,!~ "1 } . RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, relating to a Deferred Compensation plan under IRS regulations 401(a) and 457. WHEREAS, the City has employees rendering valua~le services; and WHEREAS, the establishment of a deferred compensation plan benefits employees by providing funds for retirement and funds for their beneficiaries in the event of death; and WHEREAS, as the Internal Revenue Service provides regulations to establish deferred compensation plans for public employees under Sections 457 and 401(a); NOW, TIffiREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles that the City of Port Angeles hereby establishes a deferred compensation plan (the Plan) in the . form of the Aetna Life Insurance and Annuity and Company pursuant to the specific provisions of the Variable Annuity Contract and the City's Deferred Compensation Plan Document (copy attached hereto), which Plan shall be maintained for the exclusive benefit of eligible employees and their beneficiaries; and BE IT FURTIIER RESOLVED that the City hereby .executes the Aetna Variable Annuity Contract establishing a 457 and a 401 (aYDeferred Compensation Plan; and BE IT FURTIIER RESOLVED that the City hereby agrees to serve as trustee under the Plan Document; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City's Human Resources Manager shall be the coordinator of the Plan; shall receive necessary reports, notices, etc., from Aetna Deferred Insurance Company; and . 'i' J." ~ BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City hereby authorizes Robert Coons, Hum~ Resources Manager, to execute all necessary agreements with the Aetna Life Insurance and Annuity Company incidental to the administration of the Plan.. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, this 4th day of August, 1998. ATTEST: Gary Braun, Mayor Becky 1. Upton, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Craig D. Knutson, City Attorney . . . 'I ., 08/89 DEFERRED COMPENSATION PLAN DOCUMENT ~RT'CLe l. INTAOCUCTION The Emoloyerr.e~byestabl:shesthe E~pleyersDef8rre'J S.::-n:ens!ton Flar.. rereinalter referrs.1to 35 me 'Plan,' -:-re Plan cOnSISts of t~9 provI5!OrlS set fonn In this aocumer.., rr1e cmmaty pt:rpose of this Plan IS to provide reftreme"'~ ! :cme &n:: otr,6r oele~red tenetits to the E~ployees ct t"e =mOloy~r In accordance with the provisions ot SectIOn 457 of :r e Ir~err,aJ ne'lerh.:e Code of 1966, as amended (,he "Co::le ':.. This Flan shall be an agreement sOlelY between me =~cfoyer and ~an'elpating Employees. . ~FlTICL.e II. DEFINITIONS SectIon 2.0' Account: The tookkeeolng a.:court malntafnsd for each Part:cioant relle:ung :ne cu. ~ulative amount ot the Partic:panl'! Oelerree C::-n. ::ensatlon, InclJding any income. gaIns. losses, or nC~2ases or decreases It1 market value 8lt'1butatile ::> the err.p~oye(s investment of the ?anlcloant s Deterred CcmpQnsatior-. and further ref1ectir:o any astroutJons to the Partlcicant cr tr.e Pa~lo:)ar:t s aeneticiary llr:d any fees or EXoen$eS cna~ceo aga,nst suc:n Participant's Delerred Compensation. section 2.02 Administrator: The oerson or !:ersons narred to carry out certain nond1scret:onary ed. 11:n1StrauV81unC!lCns unaer me Pia". as here naner aescnoea. The Employer may remove 2J\Y person as Adminis~r8tor upon 60 dllYS' a:lVance nctlce In "',rlll~~ 10 SUCh person,ln which casathe EmolOYEr sna I n!rr.e another person or persons to act as Aa!'T'n's:rat'::l~. r"le Administrator may reslqn I,;con -:0 ::lays' aavar.ce no:ice in writing :::It'1e E~pl;';er. ,- wn ~n case the Employsr sr.all name anO:o"er :: ..~,cr. ~r C8r&Ons to ad as Aamtnlstrlltor. SectIon 2.03 Beneficiary: The person or persont ces,g- '-s:ea tly tne PartiCIpant in nlS Jo,noer Aqreement ....~.~ snell receive any benet.:s payatlte hereJn:::le'l~ ::-.e e'/em of the Participant'S death. In It'e eventtl. at :-e PartlCll)ar.t 'lames two or r.-ore Benel1c:ar'es. sac:n ~neflClary snail be en!'tled to eQual snares 01 '~e oenell'la payable at the Fartieicant'& dea!..,. un. ass ott:erw,se proVIded in the PartICipant'S jo~ncklr Aqree",ent. It no beneficiary is cesl9nat~ in t~e w:lInaer Agreement. If the Oeslgnate<l BenefICiary :reoeeeases lhe PartiCipant, or I' the des'g."\aleo :lenelldary ooe5 not survive :M Partlooam f:)' a :::enoo of f 'le9n (1!1) davs. then Ih es!a:e cf :r.e =..rt'cloant Ehall be the Beneirciay 5ectton 2.04 Deterred Compensation: The a.'T:::unt cr ,~onr08f Comoensatlon otherwise paVaole to :re ;:Jar.lcl~nl wr1cn t"'e Partcipant ar~ me employe' -nutualtj acree to defer nereunaer. a~y iimOl.n. :re~:t8(1 to a Participant's Account by reason ct a '~anst..r U'l~r section 6.03. or anv ctner amo:J'1~ ..r.;::-. ::-,a Em:).o',er agr$$S to creolt t: a Far..c.pdr,t s .1 :;count. SectIon 2.05 Emplo.,..: An}' 1/1d:o.r.dulll who o~~'lloes ~ grylC6S lor tl':e Emp:oyer. whether as an 6!TO:ovee ,:.1 tnQ emo!oyer or as en maecenoent C0'11racior. . and who nag b~en d~!Jl;r.a.ed 'Cq Ir:ll Emoloyer as eligible to partjcipat~ !n me Flan. S~tion 2.06 Includible Compensation: Tt-e amount of an EmplOyee 'a ccmpansauon irem tne Employer for a taxable year ~hal IS a~nDutable !o service. pe~ rormea for the Employer ana that is inC1Ud:bla in the. E:np:oyee s gross Income for the laxaDle year for !ederat income lax curccses: SL:cn term does not inClude ar.y amount exCfudabl9 Irom 9'OU income under thiS Plan or eny omer p~an aescribed in Section 457(b) cf the Cooe or any cther amount exc:udable from giCSS I~come ler tecar;al ir.come tall lAJrpvses. Inclucllble Comper'salicn snallDe deter. mineo without re~aro to any community property iaws. . Section 2.07 JoInder Agreement: An aoreement en. tereo in:" oelWeen an Emi=lavee ana the Employer, inCluding any amenoments or mo::ufieationa tnereot. Such agreemer,1 shall fix the amount o! Oererrea Compensat,on. speCify a :>refe'ence among the 'nllestmentaltemauves ceslgrlateo by tl\e Employer, deslgr"a:e the Emoroye!!'! e'1neficlary or Beneticla- rles. ar,d incorpcrate Ihe tel'lr.s, conclUona, and proVISIOns of t~e Plan by reference. Section 2.08 Norm.f CompenSAtion: The amount ot co~pensatJon which ',';oL.:I::l te cay-...::>:e to a Partici. :>am 0'" Ihe emplOye.- t:.r a :al{aOle year If no JOinder Agreement were in etfect to oefer compensation I.:n09r thiS Plan. Section 2.09 Normal Retirement Age: Age 70.112. un- less tne Partlclpar.t nas e:gctec an alternate Normal rle:ireme"! Age by wnlten :nSlrument delivered :0 the Aarr.lnlSlrator :l::or to Secaratlon f:om Service. A PartlclC)a:-\t', Nom-al Retiremef"t AQe determInes the pe1cc tiuring wnlcn a Pan:ocant r:'lay U".ill~e the .:atcn-uo limitatIon ot Sect':::.n 5.02 ~ereunder. Once a Part:cioant nas to anv extent utilize:3 Ihe catch.up :;mr1atlon cf Section 5.02. h Slr.er f'l.:)r""\BI Retire. menl age may not De cnangeo. A Panlo;pa."lt's a:terrste Normat Retirement Age may n:.t =e earlier Inan tre earlles: oale ~at the Partlcipan: will beeome eligible to retire ana receive unreduC:80 retirement tleneflts t.noert."e Employer~ baSIC; renrer'f'lent plan cO'w'er,ng the DamclOanr ano may not be later trlar. :ne cate tr:e Participanl WIll attain age 70-112. II a Panlci:>ant eonl!nues emplOy. ment after 8ttZL"ang a!;e 7C-: /2, :--:t navlng previ. o\.:sly e &Cteo an allerna:e Ncrmal Petirement Age. .ne Panlcleant's a ternate Normal Retlrernent Age sM11 not telatertnan tre manoatory rellremtl'lt age. If any. IlstaO:lsnec by !ne Err-Cloyer, N the age at whlcn me Partic::::ant aCluatl!f separates Irom aer. ';:ce .r ~t:e Ernoloyer nu no mandal::lry retlfemem age. If ~he Perticipanl Will nor t:>~ome eligible to receIve Oenefl!!! under a ca:;lc ~!lrClment plan mai"toSln9\J 0'., tr.e Erno,o.,&-- ::-'0 ;:a~t1c.~anl s alter- nate Nonr.1I1 Retirement Age may not ce ear1iertnan age 5S ana may not be SaltH than age 70.112. Section 2.10 Participant: Af1V Em,,: o',e e ....no has loinea the Plan Ol,;.'suant to me reC:.JlremE'ntS 01 Article tV. Section 2. ~ 1 Plan V.ar: n'e c.!lIencar year. Section 2.12 Retirement: Thtl il(SI CElltl u~on ',v('\IC"i OCtr. :.! tr.e fcilowing sr..1I r.ave ccc~~red '.vlt~ re!::eCt tc a pan cloant: Ssoara:IC.1 trom Service ana altair.- ~er" ct a~e 65. Se~tlon 2.13 Separation from ServIce: S,=verance cf :"lg Panic:aant'S employment With the E~a:cyer ...h:.:n constitutes a 'seoaratlon frcm s..rvlca' .....il.r.i' :ne rreanlng of Section 402(e)( '" }lA}(ii:} ot :he Cede. n g;r.~ral. a Pan:clpant shall be ceemeo ::> nave sever&a his employment with 1t-~ Employer ret pur- pOsiS of this Plan when; in accoroance Wltn :~e estacl:sheo practices ot the Emp!oyer. t~e em;Jloy- menl r.elallonship isconsicerec 10 neve actuail', lerr-lr.at6d. In Ihe case of a Pe"icipa~: whc .s ar. rd6oenaentcontractorcf the Emc;oyer. Sepa:allCr. from ServICe snail be oeemeo 10 nave OCCurreo Nhen :ne Panlcloanl's centrad ";-Ider which ser- '/!ces ara performed has complQt~ly 9ltDlrG~ ant! termlnatea, tnete is no fcreseeaote poss;ciil:y thaI ~!'1e EmCloyerwill rer.ew :ne contract or enter Into s new cont~act tor the P artlc:panl'S seMces. and It is not ant:cioat90 tr.at t~e PartJci;)!ln~ \'.111 tecc.me 8~ :moloyee oltne Employer. AATICL.E III. ADMINIS1RA TlON Section 3.01 Duties of Employer: Tr.e Em;)IOver sne!; "8V~ lhe authontyto make all d::scrQtior.ary O.C;lSlons atfectln~ the ngh:S or benefits ot. Par.lC/pants wr.1~ r.-:ay c& reQuired in the adminislration ot this Plan. Sectlon 3.02 Dutlea of Administrator: one AdmlnlS' tra:or. 85 agem for tt1e Employer. snail pencrm nonOlscret:onary 8c2minlstrative ~un~lons In eon. rec:..:r. W Ih the P,an. L'iCll.lC:r.g l:'1e rra r::ena~C9 ot PartlClcants' Accounts. l"e prOVISIon of penco.c repons of the status ot each Account. and tne ClstJrsement of Denehts on :er.al' of the Employer ('\ ac:e.cance WIth the crovlSlons ot thIS plen. :'RT1C~E IV. ~ARTlCIPATION IN THE PLAN Section 4.01 Initial Participation: An E!'!",oloyee ma'" te::crr.e a PanlCloanl t', entenng _"lto a JCI:lcer A.;reement prIOr :0 t:'le oeqlnnlng 01 tneca:erlOsr mon~r In wntch ~e JOIr.::Ier Aereement IS to tecome c~e~: va 10 ceter cOr'!'pens!t;on not yel eamec. Section 4.02 Amendment of JOInder Agreement: A" ~~r:lc:oant r-ay arT"enO an executed JOlnaer ':'C;'llement to changfl tl'\e emo:..nt of compensation ~:)t V9t earnea wn'cn is to ce oelerrvd.lincl:.l:2mg t.,e reouc,'on ot such future 1eterrals to 1erO) cr to ::r.an?e tHS IIlvest~ent ore!erence (iub:ect to sucn rc.:Sl' c~ons as may resllltt:o~ :ne nature or :erms C' any Ir'lvestment mace OV the Err.Ploven. S\;c~ amer,O~lml Shall become 'er'~tlve as 01 ~he oeg:r:- 'ilng ct tt'.e calendar montn ~mmencln9 atter t"'le -::a:e tr.e amenoment is 8xe~:ed. A Panll:io21nt mav at arvt::r.eameno n 5 Jcir.cer .A.greer"1ent::; ~ange t~e oes;onated 8enehclary. ana S'Jcn amenoment !or-all become effectIVe irr.meclately. ARTIC~E V. LIMITATIONS ON DEA:RAALS Sect!on 5.01 Normal Limitation: Ellceat as orovlded i"'l ~ectIC~ ::.02. :t.e maxImum err,our.: 01 ;)-::Ierrec C:lrr:DensaltOn tor any ParticiPant lor any laxaole ..oar Shall not OXCHO thO Uisser 01 S7.SeO.Co or 33- '~.:i percent of the Particicant'S lnctudlble Compen- sallon lor tt.e tllllatlle year. nis liMltaton will ordl. ,... a nlv oe eqUIValent to ttle lesser of S7,SOO.00 or 25 :::ercent of the Panl:loanrs NOm'st Compe!"lSlllon. Section 5.02 Caten.up Limitation: .;;~r etaCn Or the'~ ::"Iree ~ 3) tax80ie yea:s cf a Pen;clcant enOing I . ,jr. nlS attatnmOlno 01 N?r~e; ReMlmel'lt Age, t r:-:aXi~T1Jm amo:.r.t cl D~lerred Compensa:lon sna. t:€ tM lesser of: (1) S 1 S.:J.:lO c~ (2) the Sum of (i) me I.ormal Limllar cr for :r.! laxable year. !nc III) the Nor'T':2' l.i~lla!lon '~r eacn enor taxable year oftMe ~an;c;lcant co~rr.enc:rg aner, 978 less tne amOunt :>f the Panlci:ant's D~fe(red Ccmpensaton tor such ~~lOr la_able '{ears. A ;r;or 'axaole year shall te taken I.,to a::count unCir t'1e p~eceoing sentence or."'f II (.) the t-e.~':: 1=01 'it Via s eli9:ble to J:anicioati In ~'e Plan fc. sucn year :~r In any other eligible ~efer~ea ccmCQnsatlor. plan establlshed un~er Secti0f1457 0' :r:e Coda whlcn IS pr()Oerly ta~n IntO accC:Jn! pUfst.:ant to :eQ~I:lllons'undet section 457\, anc (ii) compensa.t:e~ Ilf a~y) deferred under me plan I:::r suCh ether plan I was s:Jblect 10 me deferral :imitations set te~h 1:"\ Section 5.01. Section 5.03 Other Plans: ""he amount eXCludable from a PAi"uCloants gross i..come under this Plan or any Oir.er ell~lble C6f01rreo com::.ensation plan under sectlcn 4~7 ct :t.e Code snail not exceeo $7,500.00 . or sucn greiltQr a Toe:.:nt allow9t1 under Section 5.02 :;f tl":e P;an) ;,; ss any &rrount eXClUded from gross "co::-:e ur.cer sect:o, '-03(b). 402Ia)(8), or 402 ~h)(l)( 6) o! tr.e Ceoe. or eny amoullI wit,.. respect t:l ....fllch a ceduC~I::n 1$ 8iJowsble by rsasen ot a ~ontrJbution to an on;anlzatlon d;scribed i~ sectIOn 501lC)116) ot t,e COJe. AATICL.E VI. INVESTMENTS AND ACCOUNT VALUES Section 6.01 Investment of De'erred co. mpensall~ All invutments of Partlc:pant's Deferrea Com~ S:ilC~' rr.ace; :',' :~.e t:~~:OyEH. 1"'.:IUCI~g all or'O!:erty ana ~,gntS purcnaseo With sue."'I amounts and all ,nccm~ atlributacle thereto. shall be the sole J:rcp- gl1y 0' me Emc1cyer ana shall not be held In trust fer ::'5 '1le pa:lts 0: as cOllatgral secunty fort!le ful!illment of tt:e Emoloyer S c:>lIgat"ons ur.der the. Plen. Sucn =roperty snail ce SliOle~ to the cfalms of gen8~1 :~cCitCrsot. :ne E:T;)lcyer. ar.a r.o Participant or ~e('."'llclar; Sr.BII na,.,e !!~V veste::! interesl or securea cr p'~lerro!!OCeS:~lOn wlln rescect 10 S~ prooeny or ~a...e any ::1~1rr. agalns: the :mpfoyer except as a seMra' :redltor. Section 0.02 Crediting 01 Accounts: The ~anlelpan!'s ~c~:;rt snaIl relll!Cl ~t\t! amO..Jnl ana value Of the rwestmer.1S c.~. ether crcoer:y oetain.o by tne E~- ;:I.:yer tnrouc;p ltle lfi..eslment ot the ?articioanrs ::916r760 Corr.censatlcn. It is antlC/oalea tnat the :mplOyftr 5 ,n...estmerts WI In re9pect to a Partlci. c.nt .....111 conlor~ ::> r~e ,nvestmenl oreferer.ce scec.hea 1:'\ :r.e Pa~:c ~ant s JOlnoer Agreemenr. ~ut r:>t~'W19 nerE: n s:'lal: oe cons:rU~ t~ requIre :ng ~mp:cyer te maKe eo:w p8~lc:.Jlar 'nveSD'TIent ot a ?anlClpar!'s Deferred Co:r:censation. EaCh Partlel- :2nt snSl1 r8celV~ oe rlCNic reoons. nouess freQuently :n.."I arnually, sr,CW r,g me tner",-currem value of hiS :'cccum. SKtlOn 6.03 TranSfers: i 81 Inceming 7~ansters; ;.. 'ransfer ""ay 0& accepteo from en eligit:le deterrllO ~omo6nsatlon alan r"'!alnta106'.:1 Dyanotheremolo\'er ;~~n ~;~~~~; ~~~CI~~~~:A~;r'~~~~~~~~~;~~;:.' With tnat emoloyer ana ceccme an EmCloyee 01 :mpcoyer. ana (it) t~e other emcfoyefs D!an oro- ..'des !nat SUCh t~ansle~ Will be made. The Err.oloyer .1'\ay reQUire sucn oocumentauon trom the oreae- :essor olan as It aeems r.ecessary to etfectuate !he :rer.s:..r. t~ CC~!lrm :/'lal ~a,..c" ;>!an :3 i.,. eligible 1efer-a, ccmpenSallor'l t:!aJ1 WSthlr: Ir:e ~Ela.:11'I9 ot See: on .:. 57 of tne Ceda. a.nd to assure tr.~ llrans fe rs ate ::..~vioed !cr uncar suera Ola'!. The Emoloyer ma I refuse Iv accept a transfer ,1"1 tr.Q form 01 esse~s oJth~' ~han C3sh., unless. t"e emplov~r anJ me Ao~;rrs['l!tcr agree to r.old SU;.... omer tl5sets lJncer t"1e P:an. ':'JiYSUC~ transferred amount snail not tle :'eelea .as 8 deferral subject to the ,imitat:or.s ')f A'M;c:e V, excepl that. fer purposes ot app'VlOg t~e I mi:at:ens of Sections 5.01 ana ~.02. an amou~t 'jeferrea dUring any t3)l8018 year urY.ler P';e plan ::orr. ',,,nICh :he transfer is accepted shail be treate~ . as If i: ~as Oeen deterred undellf13 Plan curing $ucn taxaDle year and compensation paid oy the Irar:sferor emotoyer snali be trealea as 11 it had been p~a oy tl1e Emp:oyer. iO) O..itgo;r.g Irar.sfers: An amOllnl rr:ay be :rans. !:rred 10 an eugibk: deferred comp!nsatlon plan ~a'rlall'led by another employer. and chaige::lIO a ?an:clpant's Account under thiS Plan. if (:) t~e Par. ~:clpant l'las separated from service With the Em. :Jloyer ar.a become an emp!oyee 01 the Ol"er em. ~Iove'. n 1M ettler emo:oyers plan O~"'la8S that S..Jc." tlanster will be acc:aoted. and (Iii) U:1l Partlcl' pant ana the emO:OYlirS rave SIgned SUC!1 agree- ~en:s as are necessary Ie asSUre troat :he EmplCyer s liablllt{lo Day bsnefits to the PartiCiPant ~as Deen d:scharged . ano assumed oy ln8 ether emplOyer. The Emptoyermay require such dOCumenra:lon from lroe otner plan 8$ it deems r.ecessary to eNec- ~uale t",e Iransfer. to confirm Ihal 5uc....p/an i'i a., eligible celerred compenSation plan within Ihe . .'7\eanlng ots9CliOI'\ 457 of the Cooe. and to aSSl,;re :...at . transfers are proviced for unaer 5!.d'1 plan. Sucn transfers Shall oa made ol'lly under SliCh :'rcumsten:es as areper~;tted ur:cer seCI.:;~ 4~':' cf the COde and tile regUlations I/le~eunaer. Section 6.04 Employer LIability: In no event sl"alllhlil =~p:oyer S lIabillly 10 pay 06nelits tc a fJamclpant :.;nder Art:cl; VI ixceea the value c( ~r.e arr.cunls :r~I:~ :0 :ne Pan;Cl~ant's ACCO;.Jnt: 1r.e Emo:oyer . ~."Ial nOl ee I ab'e for ICsses anSlIIg :rClr.> ee::lrecia- . :r: or S"~ .nkaqe In Ihe value cf any lro'/estments ';::0... rea L..,oer :nl$ P:an. . ARTICLE 'III. 8ENEFITS Section 7.01 Retirement Benefits end Election on Separation from ServIce: Excco! as ctr"erwlse ::rov:ceO In L'lIS Anicle VII. the oislnoullon o~ a ::lartlCoanrs Accourrt Shall commence 8S of Agril1 :1 :te CAtenosr year atter tne Plan Year 01 t~~- ;:left clcar.:'s Retirement. andtt'ledistriblrtion olsucn =ie:uerT'oel'\t benefrtS shall be made In acccrcarice ...1m cne of ~he payment options descnbed In Sec. ':or. 7.02. N,:)twithstanding theloreOOfug. tne Pen.cl' ::lant rray rrrevocaDIY elec:t Within 60 daystollcwing Separallor. from Service 10 na...e the distribution cf ::.eren!S comr.'!ence en a fllceo or celermlnable ca:e ()tn!r trlan ~na: descnOed:n the cre:::eC'rlg se'ltence ''':hicn 'S al least 60 days after ~he date suc" eleetior. s cellvered:n wrltlng to me e""p1cyer and fo:-....arde<:l ':;l the AOmlnlSrrator. but no: 'at;r :ran Aom 1 01 ~e '.~",r !c!.ow.ng the year of tne PartIcipant's Retue- . -e."\~;:' a::arn"'e"1t or aC;1l i:::.' 1'2. .....rlcre.,o;r 'S later Ktlon 1.02 Payment Options: As ProvK3ed In SeCl:O'"l:S 7.01. 7.0.4. and 7.05. a Pan,e:oant or aene'I.:.ary may e'ecl 10 have tne vcUue 01 Ihe PanlC'canrs ";'cc:;u~t ClslnOOled in 2ccoraar.ce wltn onQ or tne :;1 it '~llowtr.g ;:a"'l":"~m cctlons. provldec Ihat Sl:e" e~. . !:O:'l 's ccr-slster.! WIt., tre !I~lta:lc.ns sel tonh in SecMn 7.03: (a) C =lual mon:hl'l. : uaneny, semi. annual or anl'ual caymen!s inlln a~ount CrOSen oy me P2IrtiClp3nt. ':Onllr .;;:lg wnW hiS Account .s e:cna:.Jsleo: ,:b) One .u;r:p-su:-r:payrr.e'lt: ::;: Approx:mataly equal rr.Or.:r.I'" ~l.:anerly. ~eml- annual or a",nua! ;;:;y;ne:-.:s calcule~ed to COl'lllnue fora penod cem!'n =r03er. by the PartiCIpant. (dl .A.nnual Paymen.:,g eC:.JaJ 10 the minrmum distr;buticns reQUlrec :.;r.der Sect,c" 401 (a)(9) 0' !he COde over tne !;Ie eliOectl!r.c~'. of the PaniCioant or over the ;i~e 6xoeclar-c1el of the Part:cipant and hl9Jher Beneticlary. . 'e I Payments eqU2Ilto oayments rr.ade tv :he ISsuer o. a retIrement annu::y PCliCY aC:::l:,Jlred by tne E:nployer. (I) ;'.""y other 08y:ne~t cPt'on alecleo t:y Ihe ;:lartlcioart ana egrlleo 10 b'; 'r:e Employer and ':"Clrr.rr.lstrator. ;:rl)vldedma. s:.JCn OOllon musl ;:rovlJe tc~ sucstar.tiallyr.or.lncreeslr-:; payments 'or any purloe a!ter t:'\e laleSI bene'lt commencement cc::e uncer SGcliol'l 7.01. A Part:Clcanl'S or 6anetlcia'Ys ~Ililc:tion of a ;:laY~9I"t oOI:on mus: oe made at ~Q3sI30 ~ays ::Jefere ihe paymen: of tel'".afi:9.1s 10 co.1'\mence. If a Pa11Clpant or Beneflcsary, failS to mal<e a timely el~~io... 01 a oav:ne"t cotion. benefits snail be caJd mo~th"; uncer cetlcr ~c) above fot a oenoo of five ','ears. Section 7.03 Umltatlon on Opticns: Nc :l21ymQnt option May tl~ selected ='1 a PartICI:::..n' or Beneficiary ur:aer S&Ctlons 7.02. 7 .~4. Ot 7.0S l.!r:leSSIT satIsfies tt.. r;QUlremenls or Sections 40 t (a;(9) a~ 457(d)(2) . of tt:e CV<::e. InCIUCI~Q Ihll oaym~nrs r;ommenCTng ::etore lM::lea:n c! :roe Pert cical\! !:'lall satISfy the "claer.t~' tleatn :)enefi!s :;oulremenl unoerSection ~57(dIl21:B)(ij(IJ. Un~eS$ -other,.",::!:! ~1~~Ga ey me Partlcloanl, a.1 determlOatlo:':s unoer 58<:1:0n .10' raJ(9) shall ce maOe W'lr.Ou: ~l!-':alC:l.!lal;On of liIe eXj:ectaooe!. '. S'eCtion 7.04 Po.t-retirement Death 8~nefits; leI Should t"'le Panicipantdle ar.~r nelsne no.s te~un 10 receIVe benefits U:10er a !:layment oOllon. Ihe remaln:ng pav",ents. It any. uneerthe P3yment OOlion snail be pavaole to the PaniC/pant's Beneficaary commenc. ing wl~in ttle 3O.day penoc c::m~E~::;r.9 WIth tI"'.e 6' 8t oay aft&~ me P~nicip8nt S deciTn, L;r,less the Beneficia:-f;e.ecls oaY:T1ent lonoer a o.~ferent pay. ment oplIon tnat IS ava/'oble ur:cer Sectlorl 7.02 within 60 days of ~he Part1Clca.11S de8th. Al'\vc:l!tferenr paymem cotlon elecleO cy a 8enef.clar/ unoe" this ~ect'or: mL;st orovrde tCI oayrr.enfS al a rale Ihat IS at least as raD:d as urder tre C8yment oot:or: mat was ai)p:lCaD~e to the Parllcloant. In "0 Qvam snail the EmPloyeror Administrator oe 'lab I; to Ine Beneficiary for the amount 01 any payment mac e In tt:e name 01 tr.e Partieio~1"1 belore :he AcmlOlstratc~ 'e~ef\'es : ~CO! cf ==a~n :: ::-:e Pe~::::::3rfL (0) If the deslgnared Beneficiary coes not contJnue to live lor t"9 rema:nlng period of payments under :tte Dayment ootlon. tnen Ine comrr ulea v a'L:e ot any :-emalnlng pavmenrs l.l"Clertne oaymenr C:flOO snail CQ calo In alumo sum :0 Ire QilQla of the Bene!!- ::I;:\r,... 1:1 [t;: CV'lnttnOlt thg ?m"car.l's 6Sla\e IS troe BanQtil;lary. the ccmmuteo Vlil...e 01 any re,...a!(.lng payr.-:ents uncerthe pavrr.en, o::>tlon snail t:e calo:~ the eSla:e In a turno su'm, Section 7.05 Pre-retirement Death Benefits: (a) S:-O~I= the Participant die tlEifore "e/she haS oegun :~ receIve Ine benefits prowieo cy 5act:on 7 01. t"e value of the Particicant's ACc:;Qunt sr:a:1 be payable to t"le Beneficiary commenctng wllh:n the30.Clay penoj ccmmencing en It.e 9151 oay after t:'.e Pa~cipanrs death. unless the Beneficiary IrrevoeaCly e leelS a d,Herent fixed or c:ietem,."able benefit carr.. mencemsr.t date within 90 dayS of t."Ie Participant's death. Such benefit comm6f1Cement date snail te nOI iater tt1an the laterot Ii) Oecember 31 01 the year follOWing thB year of the Part:clcant's death. or (!i) it 1'",9 8enelictary is 1l\6 Participar:rs spouse. Decem:6r :! 1 oi the year In which t11e ;::articipant would ha...e attained age 70-112. (b) Unless a Beneficiary elects a ditfere:lt oaym.nt 0:0101'\ orlor to the benefit ccm-enCQrnenl oa'e. eeat~ oenet.ts under thiS SectIon snail be paid ::1 approximalelY equat annuall:"lstallrnents O'olQr ::. Ii years. or over SUCh snc~er oenoo as ::"lay oe nece s. sary to assure lhat the amount ot any annual .r.stall. men\ IS not less than S3.500. A Beneficiary s.haJ; :::e Ireated as If he/she were a Participant for purposes oi cetermir.ingtl'\e payment opuons a'/allable uno.r Section 7.02. providlild. nowever. 'roal me payrnent OCllOn chesen by the BenefiCIary rnust provide 'or payments 10 the Benefictary over a penoel no lo/'\;er ll"an tne life expeCtanCY of \~e Benefic:iary. and provideo Ihat such period may not exc:eed "'teen (15) years il tt-e Beneficiary IS MI t'ie Participant s s:>ouse. ,c) :n \'1e event that the eeneficiary ales cefore tne pa','mer! of death benefts r.as CCf'l"mencea or oeen c:mOI9Ied. the remaining value o' the ?artic:ioant s ~tcou"t snall be paid to t~e estate ollt.e 8er.enCIar'f ., a Ii...mo sum. In the e'Yent :ha~ the Partic'car.t s ..~taI8 II; ~ne Beneficiary. ~ayrr.enl snail be ma.:l9 to ~n& 6s:a:e In a lurrp sum. . S.ction 7.0& Untor..eeDDle Emergencl": tal In I-.e evenl an L.r.toreseeaolee'T'ergency o=curs. a Per- ~ic;panl may aOElIY to It'e E~tlloyer to receIVe thaI pan of tne val\;9 ot nis AccolOnt tnat IS reasonaolv rleeded to saus1y the emergency r:eeo. I! St.:cn an aop:lcat.on lsapproveo OYlhe Employer. tne Part:cl- ::ent snail be paid onlysucn a'Tlounl OS th. EmOlover ceems recessary to meet lna emergency naeo. Oul c:aym;nl $hall nOI be made to the extent that Ihe 'Inanc~1 naraship may oe re!.eved lhrcu;r'o cessa- :ion cf oererral uncer me Pl;.n. I.,s~rance or OHler "',,:mtlursemenl. er IiQUIC8!10n cf o:ner assets to It e 611tenl6ucn IiQuioation wc.wld not itself cause severe ! na nelsl hardShip. t\ An \..nforeseeaDle eme'ger'cy snail be oeemeo ., IrWOIVe only clrcums:ances c~ severe I.nar.c:al harcsnlp to IMe Partiooanl resulttnc; f"Om a su::::::en Jnexoecred illness. aCClOenl. or clsaciiity of ~he ~artlC1pant or of a cecenaent (as ceMeo In Sedlon 15Z(al of tr.e Cvoe) o~ tr.a P!.rt:c:panl. less of lhe ~ a!"\tc'pant s property aue to cas""alt~. or Olner sim'- ar and extraordinary untoreseeao!e ctrC\,;mstances arIsing as a result 01 eve ms ceyona tM control ot the P artiClpant. The neeclta send a Pamc:oW\I's child to ;:;lIeg8 cr to purcnase a rew r.cme snail roct ~e :::lnSl0erea unforeseeaole emerQenc:es. Theaerer- .~' T."" ':"',i:ri. '\ ." mir-a:IO:- ..5 '.~ '.Vnet~l;;r S~lch an ',1nforesevatl1e ..mQrg~',.:'1 IOXIS:; ~ra I c:; C.i~O cn tr" m.rat. ot . 6aen InC;','h:.ual case. Section 7.01 ;"ansit!onal RlJle tor Pre-1989 Elenefit Electlons:r :,ee'/et;lt tr,,:. cnOrlo,;anuary 11.989. a Pa!t.c.:iJ,1 :;~ 5e~!!;lc:a"Y nas commencea reo ceiving ::;aneiits uncer a paymer:1 oplion or has irrevocC'.cry e:ec\eO a eaym&nl option ,~r benefit corr.mercemem oale. t~en that oayment cotion or electo:-. ~r.ai: ramal' I' eifecl nCIVllthstand;"g any c~ner pr::l" Slorct tnls Plan.' ARTICL.E VIII. NON-~SSIGNABllITY . Section 8.01 :n General~ Except as provided in Seclion 8.02. iO Fartlci;::ant or 3eMilciary snail have any r:gnn, c:::mm;ne. sell, assign. ~tedge. transter 0: Clnerw:se ~nv9Y or encumber the right to receive any payments hereuncer. whiCn paymentsBna fights are exoreSSIY ceclared t::l oe r.on-assignaOle ana nor-tranSlera::lle. Sectlon 8.02 Domestic RelatiOnS Orders: fa} Allow- ance of TranSlefs: To t!"o~ 911.lent rQOUllea uroaer a ftnallucc;menl. :jecr!!~. cr crcaqlncluding aQProvaJ c: a j;r::::lerl'( sett'e\Oent ac;reementl made pursuant 10 a sta:e comestic :ellUlons law.' any pOnlon 01 8 Pel"1lc:oanrs Account may oe oaldor Sit aside for payment to a soouse. lorme,r ~pouse. or cnild of tl'le Fan:cioant. Where necessary to carry out the.terms 01 suen an oraer:a separate Account shall oe estaOlisr.eo Ylltn respeCI :0 ,ne' aoouse. former spol..se. Ol' cnlld wno snail beemiUItd to.make investment ! eleCtions with respect the,.tC) In the. same rr:an~er as ~h8 ?artIClpant: any amaurit so set asioe tor a SOO..lS9. lormer spouse. or child shall be paid oul ,n a ump sum at t."le eartIest..oate that benehls may oe oalO to Ine ?al1lclcant;unliH the order directS a Olffe'ent ~Ime or torm of'payment. ~')t~'lIn<; :~ ~, s Seellcn s~gll be construed to a"ltlo. n%e any amour: :0 oe ~Ismcl.tea llndar tne Plan at a tll~e cr:n a form t~allS "'101 oermlnaa under SectIon ~57 cf :~e Ceca. t-r:y oayment r--aoe to a person Jm6r ~r-2.:1 :t:e Part c:::ant ;:lursuant to Itlis Sec\:Qn snail ce rli::lUCeC DO; reou.rea Ir"come lax WllnhOld. ,~; t- a tac:t lha' oa-;I-'9~1 'S r-aca to a oel"SOn c.1".ar !r.an I"a Pa::tClcsnt r'lav net crevent sucn payment "em :eln9 :r-::lud.ble In tregress Income 01 t~e P an.clean! IV: wl~I".oIClln9 and Income tax reponing O.Jrposes. 101 ~ele:1$e f:QrrI L aOllity 10 P~rtlcioant: :~e ::mo;"ver 5 liaoi\oty to ca'; benelits to a PaltlCtpant s;:all ce reau=e:J 10 ;:1e ex:er.: ::1atamo;,Jnts r.eve been oa,o or sel as.oe ~or cavment to a spouse. f,~ r,..... - sOQuse. c~ t~:::;) ct,;rsuant \0 c;aragraph lal ot ::-.:5 Se-ct::n. tJo S,J'~ Ire"~ler sr.allbe eriect\Jatea .;nless tr.e EmpIo/_r or Admrn:stra\or has ceen crovloec With satlstactoryeVloe!')C~Hhal tr.8 En- :toyer a-:O I~e Admln!Slra~or are rel.~ased from any 'unr.er CIU:1 oy tne ParJcloant w,th'resced te sucn ::Tlcun:s. The ~ar::c;:ant"snall be deemed to have .eleaseo tne Employer !:"lO t"'leAdlT'.:r.lstrator from !~v c:alm wltn resPect to sucn amounts. In any case In ~vr or: 11) ~r.e err.~lCyer or AClmlnLstrator nas been sarvea '1'0'1\1'1 legal t:rocee.& or otneCWllle jcined in a prcceeclng relalt~g :0 sucn transt,er. lii) the" perl:~CI :lant nas been nctlfied otl'le penOenc:v.ot s ;lroc:eeolng In t:'le manr:er crescnbM oy t~e law :,e !uriSC2iction In wnlch tne proceedinO IS cenoing l.,r ~ervlce of process In sucn sCtI"n or t)V IT'ail fr:>m :ha Emp:oyer or Admltl!Slrator lot"e ::arucioant's ~ e iS~ ". -;WI" mell,r; aeoress. ..nd (i,,', l~e ;:!l~'C:I' :..i~r la 8 :0 ectaln 3n C~~Gr 01 lMIi court Irl :I"e :rocee:l.rg rel'l!'lIng t~e =~OIOYoi!r or Aamln'stra. ':;r "::!':'l :-:e oOl.gallon 10 cO.""ply w,tn me ...eg. -ent, :,;!9cree cr c~oer, :: ?a1:c:~atiM ':0; L~I Prcceedlr.!;s: -ry-.;: =~. ::c',er ana Ad!T'I~,stralor snail not be CDlIga:ec :0 :;e'eno 3.;laln~: or set aSide sr.'" iudgm~nt. cecree, :r cree' cese: bel] in pSr3graon (a) or MY leg..; ;rae' 'e!atlng 10 m9 gamlshment cf a Parl1cJPar.t~ :.ene'lts. unless :~9 full expense of sueh legal act:~r. ~ tJo'"e bv 11-9 ~artle;pant, in the ever! that !,-e ;: ar1:~:c.!nt:$ actlOf'1 f orlnachonl flonelheless ca:.se.! :~e E ~:::oyer or Administratorto lncursucn QXClinse. :'Hl arr.:lun! of the expenslil may O~ chargee agaInst "'l Pai1JClpanrs Acccunt ana thereoy reacca !rie ~~c.oyer's OC!lga~lon to pay cen'elits to the Pert'CI' :a":1. i:l the cowrse 0# any proceeding relating [0 : vorce. separation, or C~jld supporr, :ne E~prcyer ~a Aamlnlstrlltcr snail be aoJtnorlzed to ol$Close ntormatlCin relating to the Participanl's Aecc:J:':t :0 'rQ Partic:pal't's spouse, lormar spouse, or croilo lr"ctUCIr.g :r:e legal representatives ot the S::lCuse. ':rr"er spouse. or ~I!dl. or to a courr. ~~rlCLE iX. REI.ATlONSHIP TO OTHER PLANS .vm ~MPLOY~ENTAQREEMENTS -,. s ::an serves in aadilion to er.y other 'etlremltnl :e"s:Orl, c~ cenei,l Plan or system preslintlY in existence or -e'snal:er estaolishea t:;)r the cenellt of the Employers ,;~:"c'i'e=s. ana cart,cicauon ~eI9t:naer S'lall not at'ect ce"le' 13 rece:'Ii!.Ole lIneer any s~cn planor system. rolotl'llng :;r:la,neo ::1 :~. s '"Ian snail be deemed 10 consl,tute Ilr eimCICym9r.: CJntract or agreement oetween any PanlCI' ;jam ana ine E'TlPloye- or to give any Pal1'clpant :r.e nght t.:l cs rsralnea !n lhe emOIOy ot ~~e Emcloyer, Nor S"l2l.1 ao1Y:I"'ra ner~l:"I :lO co"struee Iv mod:ly thE! :erms of ar.y -=m:l:::vrnen( con:racl c: agreemer,t oetween a Par:.clpar! i\no t:-~ ~-:fo...e~. e .,-,.,~':tih'\l' ,;t1h*\~::;.,' ..,..~... . -..e,-:.~,. ..~: ARTICLE X. AMeNDMENT OR TERMINATION OF PI.AN ~~e Err-olcyer may at a.-'y III'r:e a~end thi~ Pan o~c'''lde~ :1- all, :ransmllS s~;n a...,e!'l::lrr.em In wr,"ng:o 1::; Aorr.!":stra, :cr alleast 30 cays onortc t~e et'ect~ve oata oll:'le ,u"r.eflO- 'T.ent" :he consenr 01 t~e Adm~n:strator sl'1a.l r.:::1 l:& r~~I~ed n creer .or 5U:::l am6norr,=:-.t l::l beccme.e'!9ctI1/9. c..: the Administrator s"Ia!l be un de!' no oClIgallcn-:::l :cn:ll'ue acti!'\g as Adrrinistrator nere.undlilr " it drsaoprOlles c.1 such 8menci~ me.,t. The EmOloyer may at any t.me te~mlna:e ~hls P'af'l. The .Administrator may at ar.v time prOO::lse an amlilnd. ""'l..nt t~ t."8 Pian by 2'1 :r.str..."..ent in writing lransmlnsd 10 tns :~oIO'ler at least 30 aa-/s b&fl)re the ettec:lve 08te of trIll am&n<lmen-!. Such amenomenl shall become eHecr"" un. ass. WIthin 5t.:cn 30.day ~erlOd. tr:e EmploYlir notifies the AdmirllSt1!1lcr in writingth81lt d:sapc:roves suc., amancmem, :n which case sucn ame~dmElnt shall r>ot become effective. In :ne event 01 SUCh di5approval. the Admimstrator snail be uncet IlO obligation 10 ::ontlniJ6 acting as Administrator hereunder. II this Plan dOClJment ~$titutes an amenament a"o restatemer'lt of :he Plan as ore'ViOl:sly adOpted by lhe E:":"lj)lc;'er. the amendments con:alneo herelf~ s~all t:ecome .lfect:ve on January 1. , 989. ana tr.e terms ct t~e oreceding ?Ian ::SoC\;mer.: shall remain In ettect throug" Decem~er 31. '988, 8lcect as may oe 'eQU!rea to maJntaln the status 01 '''s PI.en a $ an 811giole deterred compensll 110rl plan l.':1car Section 457 of Ihe Cc~e C~ to complY VIII" Oiher a::lc:,:::acle iaws, no amenament or :ermination c# the Plan snall divest any Part:CiC8nt of any nghts wltn resoect to c:)rr.censatlon ce- lerreo oetore It'le cate of the amencment cr tarm!("aticn. ARTiCLE Xl. APPLICAB1.E LAW 7his Plan s~all be constl'\Jea unoer tt.!llaWll ot t~e state wnere t~e employer ;5 IccatlilC ana :$ es!..c:asned ~ith the intent that II mee! Ine reC:Jlrerr.ent$ of ar'l 'e'l';jible ceterred :O:Tl::lensallon c:a'l' '~r"a~r .S~t1cn 457 :~ :~9 Cooe, as 3mlinced. The :.rO\,:510"5 cl tl'\IS P:5n snail ::lA trlle~o'etec wr;ereverpcsSIt'le In CC:110r~l1f Wit" ~ne rliOl:;remcnrs ot ~at 56:::t!~n \ ARTICLE Xli. ..1.nyrot!ce 10 a ::larryct ;~is Ola:o; ::':::l.:r.e"': S-311 t:~glllen at :r;e ast s~~lress orov:osd I" ".,.flt.ng to:... :r.e ==11Y to ar.cmer pany. Anyn:=t:::e suer: r:":!l1l9::l snail:. c;:srm.:-:eo 10. :-.a,VSI cwn.recel'..ed Of Sl.cn p-=ny. . Application Form Group Annuity Contracts Aetna LIfe IDSUnlDce and Annuity Company 151 Farmington Avenue, Hartford, cr 06156-8022 "'1' ..,.. '''0, .~ Client Information . Account Information Investment Options 3DO-MOP.96 S~rpP~ r.i~y H~" \ State WA I ZIP Code 98362 r. r 5. Type of pi and seclIon of Intemal Reve a 403(b) Public SchoOl System Tax-Deferred Annuity Code (If any) under whICh plan Is to qualify: EJ 457 P\Jt)Oc Employer 0 Non-457 Tax-Exempt Defefrecs Deferred Compensation CompensaUon (for select management and highly compensated employees. a Optional Retirement Plan for Higher EducaUon o 403(b) 0 401(a) o 403(b) for 501 (c)(3) OrganIZation Tax-Deferred Annuity (0rgarUatI0nS tonned after 1019/69 must have IRS ruling regarding 501(c)(3) status) o Rellrement Plus 0 HeaJlhC8I8 Retirement Plus a VoluntarY 0 HeaJlhC8I8 voluntary . a 401 (a) for 501 (c)(3) Organiza1lon Tax-Deferred AnnuIty (OrgaIUatlonS fonned after 1019169 must have IRS ruling rega:t11ng 501 (c)(3) status) a Rellrem8nt Plus a HeaJlheare Retirement Plus o 401(1<) for 501 (c)(3) Organlza1lon (OrganizatIonS fonned after 1019169 must have IRS ruling r&gardIng 501 (c)(3) status) a f'etiremenl Plus a HeaJlhC8I8 Retirement Plus S. Is this contract subject to ERISA nUe 17 C Yes n No If yes. Plan ann/V8rs1l1Y Month _ Day_ COntract Is 10 be: I 8. Contract EJfec:llV8 Date o A\IoCat8d C UnaBocated 9. ' GM Maturtty Notices shOUld be mailed 10: m Participants 0 Employer 10. Will this contract change or replaCe any exIs1Ing Ofe InsUranC8 or arnJIty contract1 o Yes :fi No o 4ST Tax Exempt Deferred Compensation (for select management and NghIy compensated employees) o Other: . Plan BegbnnQ Date _ ,"0 Partlclpants & Employer " ya. please prOYlde Aa:ount Number eamerName Date to be canceUed 1 1. Special Requests: HeaJthCat8 501(C)(3) OrganIZations: WIthdrawal Fee: 0 10 year 0 5 year Transfer BoooS: 0 2% (OptIon A) Other. o None o None (OptIon B) 12. Participants may elect the Investment allocation for: f9C Employer and Employee COntttbutlonS 0 Employee Contrtbutlons oriy 0 None, Contract Holder elects 13. For Employer directed allocationS: Enter the percentage of payment and the Investment opllon chosen lor aJlocauon purposes. o Employer Moda1 ContributIonS: o Employee Modal ContrtbtrtIOf\S o Transferred Assets: . ;,',",," ,:'i.-'~~ :1':';' Co'"",;,>",'''',?; "0 ;: ,;:' , ~'o:' ,',~ ",""'1' ,,}~.:':t:>;b~'Y:~";1 '.' ,., .....C,-. 'i,~\ , ^, Investment Options (Wed from other side) I understand that amounts withdrawn from a GAA Term may be subject to a market value adjustment prior to the maturity date of that Term as specified In the contract. I further understand that Annuity payments and account values, If any, when based on the Investment experience of a separate account, are variable and not guaranteed as to fixed dollar amounL Dated at this _ day of 19 CIty and State WItness Contract HoldermUe Home otfIc;l!. use: Accepted . Do you have any reason to believe any existing life insurance or annuity contracts will be modified or replaced.lf this contract Is Issued? Producer's Note DYes o No Signature of Producer Corrections and amendments (Home OffICe use only): Errors and omissions may be corrected by the Company but no change in plan, classification, amount, age at issue, or extra benefits shall be made without written consent of the Contract Holder (N1A in W. VA.). . . Affix Prospectus Receipt Here For Master Applications Only I hf'reby acknowledge receipt of an ,-\ccount C Group Deferred Variable Annuil)' prospectus dated May 1. 1998 for St'ction 457 Public EmPloyer Deferred Compensation Plans. as well as all current prospectuses pertaining to the variable investment options avaiklble under the Contracts. Please send an .-\ccount C Statement of Additional Information (Form So. S.-\L 75982-98) dated .\Ia)' 1. 1 <)98. CONTRACf HOLDER'S SIGNATURE DATE PROS, 7~lClS~.llS 37 ~... ";'-".:w_ ,', '-',",' - :1 . . . JEtna *' ?r.~ Application Form Group Annuity Contracts AetDa LIfe IDSUI'8DCC! and Annuity Company 151 Farmington Avenue,'Hanford, CT 06156-8022 Client Information Account Information . Street City Hall I ZIP C;:362 I State WA nue Code Of any) under wtIIch plan Is to qualify: [J 457 Public Employer Cl Non-457 Tax-Exempt Deferred Deferred Compensation Compensation (for select management and highly compensated employees. Cl Optional Retirement Plan for Higher Education Cl 403(b)- [J 401 (a) o 403(b) for 501 (c)(3) OrganIZation Tax-Deferred AnnuIty (OrgarizalIons formed after 1019169 must have IRS I\IUng regarding 501 (c)(3) status) Cl Retirement PIUS [J HeaJthcar8 Retirement Plus Cl VotuntaJy [J HeaJthcar8 Voluntary . o 401 (8) for 501 (c)(3) OrganIzaUOn Tax-Deferred AnnuIty (Orgarizatlons formed after 1019169 must have IRS I\IUng regarding 501(C)(3) status) o Rellrement Plus [J Hea11hcar8 Retirement PlUS Cl 401(k) for 501 (c)(3) Organization (OrgarUatlonS formed after 1019169 must have IRS I\I1Ing regardng 501 (c)(3) status) Cl Retirement Plus [J HeaJthcar8 Retirement Plus 5. Is Ita contraCt sutlIect to ERISA TlUS 11 Cl Yes 11 No If yes, Plan annJversaJy Month _ Day_ 17. ConIr1ICt Is 10 be: Is. Contract Etfec:tlveDate Cl Allocated 11 UnaIIocated 9. GAA Maturtty Notices should be mailed to: m Partldpants 0 Employer 10. Will Ita contract change or replace any exIStIng Ofe Insurance or amulty contract? o Yes tJ No o 457 Tax Exempt Deferred Compensation (for select management and NghIy compensated employ8es) EO Other. 401(;:1) Plan Begtnning Oate _ , -' 0 Participants & Employer " yea, please provide Account Number Can1erName Oate to be cancelled 1 1. Special Requests: HeaJthcar8 501 (c)(3) Organizations: WIthdrawal Fee: 0 10 year [J 5 year Transfer Bonus: [J~,{, (Option A) Other. o None Cl None (Option B) Investment Options . 12. PartJctpants may eJect the Investment allocation for: ~ Employer and Employee Contrlbutlons 0 Employee Contributions only 0 None. Contract Holder elects 13. For Employer directed alloCations: Enter the percentage of payment and the Investment option chosen lor allocation purposes. Cl Employer Modal Contributions: o Employee Modal ContrtbutIons: Cl Transferred Assets: 3QO.MOP.96 Investment Options (Continued from other side) Producer's Note I understand that amounts withdrawn from a GAA Term may be subject to a market value adjustment prior to the maturity date of that .Term as specified In the contract. I further understand that Annuity payments and account values, If any, when based on the Investment experience of a separate account, are variable and not guaranteed as to fixed dollar amount. Dated at this _ day of 19 CIty and State Witness Contract HolderffiUe Home 0flI<;~ usa: Accepted Do you have any reason to believe any eXISting life insurance or annuity contracts will be modified or replaced If this contract Is Issued? DYes o No Signature of Producer Corrections and amendments (Home OffICe use only): Errors and omissions may be corrected by the Company but no change in plan, classification, amount, age at issue, or extra benefits shall be made without written consent of the Contract Holder (N1A in W. VA.). Affix Prospectus Receipt Here '-~. " ~;; 1'~ . . . .....~~ ,~ . For Master ApPlications Only I hereby acknowledge receipt of an Account C Group Deferred Variable Annuity prospectus dated Ala)' 1, 1998 for Section 457 Public EmplO)'er Deferred Compensation Plans, as well as all current prospectuses pertaining to the variable investment options available under the Contracts. Please sen.d an ,-\ccount C Statement of Additional Information (Form No. S.-\I.75982-98) dated ,\lay 1. 1998.. CONTRACT HOLDER'S SIGNATURE DATE . PROS. 'i:)9H~.YH . 37 eORT,4~ ~. ~ .~J "Maintaining and building a better . community" Jack Plttis Director [4801J Phyllis Rasler Administrative Ass/stant [48ooJ Cate Rinehart Administrative AssIstant [47ooJ Bob Titus Deputy Director [4701J Ken Ridout Deputy Director [4802J Gary Kenworthy City Engineer [4803J Jim Harper Electrical Engineer [4702J Tim Smith ~tract &. Project ~",.nISt1Btor [4804J Lou Haehnlen Sr. Bulldng Inspector [4816} Tom Sperl/ne Sr. E/ectricallnspector (4735) Scott McLaJn PrNffJf MatIM}8f [4703} RIIIph EIbwotftI Wal8f, Was/IBwal8f CoIIecIioII SlIpIlflnf8tId8n [455J Pete Bunvtr Equip SeMces SupennfrJndBnt (435) Marlc ~ Ught o,-a/JomJ Manager (4731) KBvin CuttIs Tl88t. Plant SuperMor [4845} Tom McCabe SW Collection Sup8fVlsor [4876} Stew Evans .ndfllI Supervisor 73} Daw WIlcox Street Maintenance - Supervisor [4825} l1i~ \i~. . X II j~ 13, MEMDRANDUM . ~~i DATE: AUGUST 4, 1998 CITY MANAGE,R IBARRA, MAYOR BRAUN AND CITY COUNCIL TO: JACK PITTIS, DIRECTOR PUBLIC WORKS AND UTILITIES SUBJECT: RESOLUTION SUPPORTING DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY AS LEAD AGENCY FOR COORDINATING CLEAN UP OF RA VONIER MILL SITE FROM: SUMMARY and RECOMMENDATION: The 'attached resolution supports the Department of Ecology as the lead agency in charge of clean up of the Rayonier.,MiII site, which we anticipate would result in a more .timely cl~an up of the~i,te in ~mpliance with all environmental laws. I recommend that the City Council adopt the attached resolution. ISSUE: Should the City Council adopt thelattachedresolution supporting Department of Ecology as the lead agency in charge of clean up of the Rayonier Mill site? BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS: The Economic Task Force, which has been closely following the demolition of the Rayonier site has become aware of the difficulties related to a,timely solution of clean up efforts related to the Rayonier mill site. The attached resolution would endorse the Department of Ecology as the lead agency for site clean up. This endorsement does not compromise the efforts to end up with an environmentally safe site. Department of Ecology coordination rather than EPA would potentially place the use back into use years sooner. ~.~~ Jack.:Pitti~_ '. . DirE7ctor of ;public Works ...-/ JNP:jp . Disk: N:\PWKS\ADMIN\RA VONIERIMEMO-CC:898 File: Rayonier Mill Closure Attachments: Resolution Copy: Chris AnderSon, POPA 187 .11 "f RESOLUTION A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, urging the Washington State Department of Ecology to retain lead agency status in the Rayonier Mill site contamination clean up effort. WHEREAS, Rayonier is willing and able to complete the demolition of the mill and clean up or the mill site so that the property can be returned to productive use and support new industry and jobs, and: WHEREAS, the Washington State Department of Ecology has been heavily involved in the oversight of the clean up process and is capable of ensuring that the site is cleaned up to standards established by the Model Toxics Control Act [MTCA], and; WHEREAS, MTCA is more stringent in many areas than federal standards for clean up of contamination, and; WHEREAS, the United States Environmental Protection Agency [EPA] is investigating th site for possible listing as a superfund site and would potentially replace the Department of Ecology as the lead agency for oversight of the clean up process, and; WHEREAS, the EPA has a history of creating significant delays in clean up efforts, and; .WHEREAS, it is extremely important to the economic well being of the City of Port . Angeles that this industrial property be returned to productive use as soon as possible and that the environmental concerns of the community are'considered; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESO.L VED THAT the City of Port Angeles City Council urges ~ the Washington State Department of Ecology to retain lead agency status in the clean up effort of Rayonier Mill and urges the United States Environmental Protection Agency to allow the State to manage this cleanup and to an~ support the State's efforts. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 4th day of August. 1998. ATTEST: Gary Braun, Mayor Becky J. Upton, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Craig D. Knutson, City Attorney NIPWKSIAOMIN\RA YONIERIOOE _ RE S .898 188 . . . .~r~I~.:j:'?;f:~'1;P!'~:!,:~{:!:w~}> ]~:'~y,:~~'\t~;~1f'~~f:4}:'::";{;' 1f;11 "If ') MINUTES PLANNING COMMISSION Port Angeles, Washington 98362 July 8, 1998 7:00 p.m. ROLL CALL Members Present: Linda Nutter, Fred Hewins, Cindy Souders, Mary Craver, Dean Reed, Paul Ziakin Members Excused: Bob King Staff Present: Sue Roberds, David Sawyer, Dan McKeen, Gary Kenworthy, Gale Turton, Tom Riepe Public Present: Theresa Schmid,. Marsha Pearson, Bob Bailey, Kathleen Bailey, Bill Lindberg, Al Gustafson, Bob Dudley APPROVAL OF MINUTES Commissioner Nutter moved to approve the June 24, 1998, minutes noting that Commissioner Craver was present at the June 10, 1998, meeting. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Craver and passed 5 - 0, with Commissioner Souders abstaining. PUBLIC HEARING: STREEr_--YACATlo.N_._PETITIOlL~TY.~98-.02~_.OL YMPIC MEMORlALHOSPITAL,.3-portioll..ofthe...alley_hetween .Georgiana and Caroline_directly_west of Chambers. (Continued from June 24, 1998.) Planner Sawyer noted that Planning and Police staff had been directed to meet with the applicant's representative, Bill Lindberg, following the June 24th hearing, to discuss a revised site plan presented by Mr. Lindberg at the June 24th meeting. Staff met with Mr. Lindberg and agreed. to recommend approval of the right-of-way vacation with six 'conditions to address the public safety issues that were originally presented by the City's Police Department and testimony presented by neighbors. Sergeant Gale Turton of the City's Police Department responded to Commissioner Nutter's questions regarding travel options in the alley at the present and if the vacation were approved. He noted that his memo dated July 7, 1998, clarified the Police Department's comments and requests that lighting be provided along the alley to increase visibility and direct traffic through the redirected alley. Gary Kenworthy, City Engineer, responded to Commissioner Nutter that the City will require an ingress/egress easement rather than a dedication of the redirected portion of the alley (south to Georgiana Street). 189 Planning Commission Minutes July 8. 1998 Page 2 Chair Reed opened the public hearing. Bill Lindberg, 319 South Peabody Street, represented the applicant and stated that he has worked the past two weeks with staff to resolve any potential safety issues and will continue to work with staff as necessary to resolve any outstanding issues. Lighting of the alley is not planned as the new . parking lot will be lit and should provide enough illumination for safe travel through the alley. Landscaping and issues will be addressed !o Planning staf( for approval. There being no further testimony, Chair Reed closed the public hearing. Commissioner Ziakin moved to recommend tha~ the City Council approve the right-of-way vacation with the following conditions, citing the following findings and conclusions for that action: Conditions: 1. The proposed street vacation is subject to the recommendations of the City's Public Works Department (Attachment B of the June 24, 1998 Planning Department Staff Report for STY 98-02) which include construction of the' alley and street entrance to city standards including drainage, closure of the vacated alley entrance, encasement of the sewer line in the vacated alley, an ingress/egress easement to serve as access south to Georgiana Street (relocated alley. The underground utility easement shall remain. 2. The proposed street vacation is subject to the recommendations of the City's Fire Department (included in Attachment C of the June 24, 1998 Planning bepartment Staff Report for STY 98-02) which require that the re-routed portion ofthe alley shall be provided with an all weather surface meeting the City's specifications and that a fire hydrant is provided at the intersection of Georgiana and Chambers Streets. 3. The proposed street vacation is subject to the recommendations of the City's Police Department included in their letter dated July 7, 1998, presented to the Planning Commission July 8, 1998, which recommend~ that the west parking lot exit area be sufficient in size to allow a full size police vehicle to 'make a right turn to continue westbound down the alley, that arrow signs and a light at the comer showing the alley makes a turn south onto Georgiana Street when travelling-east down the alley, and that street lighting be provided in the alley west of the building. I 4. The street vacation shall not be finaled until a building permit is issued for the property consistent with the revised site development plan (attached as Attachment A to the July 8, 1998 Planning Department Staff Report for STY 98-02). . 5. Final occupancy of any structures on the site shall not be allowed until the street vacation is complete and all of the individual lots comprising the development site have been combined into one legal building and zoning lot. 6. Any costs associated with utility relocation and alley realignment shall be borne by the applicant. 19n . { - . . . . . "~;,i:t~(::)';;'\',€'AC'j'S..':""-i" ,,";: " - :;:'<:'," ; ",," , ''-";-'-;i'.,~'':~''-~-:_\-- -,'" ".;,.....:..,. " :"; .:t...:.'.-.<,'.... ..J~ "',~G;' ',-"-" Planning Commission Minutes July 8. J 998 Page 3 Findings: 1. The applicant for the requested vacation is Olympic Memorial Hospital. The application/petition is attached as Attachment A of the June 24, 1998 Planning Department Staff Report for STY 98-02. . 2. The applicant revised the original site plan to address the .concerns of the Police Department. The revised site plan kattached as Attachment A of the July 8, 1998 Planning Department StaffR~port for STY 98-02. 3. The requested vacation is for that portion of the alley between Caroline Street and Georgiana Street abutting Lots 1, 2, 16, 17, 18, and the east one-half of Lot 3 of Hart and Cookes Subdivision of Suburban Block No. 31 in the Townsite of Port Angeles. 4. The street vacation is categorically exempt from threshold determination and Environmental Impact Statement requirements per Section 197-11-800(2)(h) of the Washington Administrative Code. 5. The subject right-of-way and adjoining properties are"currently designated on the City's Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map as Commercial and zoned Commercial Office. 6. Multiple utilities including sewer and electrical lines are located in the subject right-of-way. 7. The subject right-of-way is currently improved. 8. The PubJic Works, Fire, and Police Department's original comments "are included as Attachments B, C, and D of the June 24, 1998, Planning Department Staff Report for STY 98-02. 9. As noted in their letter presented to the Planning Commission on July 8, 1998, the Police Department's concerns, expressed in their letter dated May 19, 1998, have been adequately mitigated to their satisfaction. ,0 Conclusions: A. The Comprehensive Plan's Utilities and Public Services Policies C2 & 3 and Transportation Policy B 18 as listed in the June 24, 1998 Planning Department Staff Report for STY 98-02 directly relate to the proposed vacation. B. As conditioned, the proposed vacation is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan's Utilities and Public Services Policies C2 & 3 and Transportation Policy B 18. c. As conditioned, the proposed vacation will result in improved public health facilities in the community. D. As conditioned, the proposed vacation will benefit the public health, safety and welfare. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Hewins, and passed 6 - O. 191 Planning Commission Minutes July 8. 1998 Page 4 PUBLIC MEETING: . REZONE APPI ,leA TION - REZ 98-03 NORTHWEST PERMIT, Ninth Street between I jncoln and I.anrel Street: ~eqnest to rezone property designated RS-7, Residential Single Family, to CSD, Community Shopping District. (This item is continued from June 10, 1998.) Commissioner Nutter stated that she has a friend who is a property owner in the area and would stand down from the proceedings if requested to do so. No one objected and so she remained. Senior Planner Sawyer reviewed the Planning Department's staff report recommending approval of the request. City Engineer Kenworthy stated that the Eighth Street intersection is fully protected in that left turns are made only with a left turn arrow. He explained that the difference between fully protected versus permissive traffic signalization is that permissive signalization is a turn at will situation. The City would rather have fully protected signalization at this intersection for the present. In response to Commissioner Reed, Mr. Sawyer affirmed that Conclusion "F" suggested by staff concludes that if the property is not developed as proposed, it should be rezoned back . to its residential designation. Following lengthy discussion regarding the Washington State Department of Transportation's comments as to access onto Lincoln (SR 101), it was determined that whatever development occurs on the site would have to satisfy both the State's and the City's concerns to proceed. Commissioner Souders noted that the Planning Commission's discussion should be concerned with the highest use that could develop on a CSD-zoned property and whether those uses would be compatible at this locat!pn. Planner Sawyer reminded the Commission that the rezone consideration is not for the entire 2.2 acre development proposal being presented by Northwest Permit, but only for the four most southwesterly lots as the remainder of the properties are already zoned CSD. He added that the environmental review performed for the rezone included the overall development proposal as submitted by Northwest Permit, and if a significantly different development is proposed, additional review under SEP A may result in different mitigation measures. Engineer Kenworthy responded to Commission Ziakin explaining the difference between average and seasonal traffic counts. Level of service (LOS) criteria are analyzed for average, not seasonal, traffic counts. Seasonal LOS can drop below what is acceptable for the average LOS. He responded to Commissioner Craver that he feels comfortable with the proposal and the developer's ability to deal with the Department of Transportation's requirements for development of the site. He further explained the information provided to the engineering consultant used to formulate the requested traffic study of the Eighth/Lincoln Street intersection and s'urrounding streets. . 192 "-~,. . ."",. .' """~j . Planning Commission Minutes July 8. J 998 Page 5 . At Commissioner Souders' request, Planner Sawyer noted that mitigation measure No. 7 was added to' the proposal's Mitigated Determination of Non Significance following the public/agency comment period by the Planning Director. He agreed that these measures are also addressed in the City's zoning/development standards for the CSD zone. The added mitigation measure requires continued review by the City's SEPA Official ofthe project's design, landscaping and screening features. He stated that as he understood the mitigation measures, a separate SEPA review process for the project's building permit would not be required tinless the original plans are significantly changed. Although he signed the reyised MDNS as the Acting SEPA Official, Brad Collins is the City's SEPA Official, and was the person who originally reviewed the project-and issued the original MDNS. Mr. Collins also reviewed the subsequent public/agency comments and worded the additional mitigation measure for the revised MDNS prior to leaving on vacation. Consequently, if the Planning Commission is concerned with the SEP A decision, they may wish to confirm this interpretation of the additional mitigation measure (No.7) with Mr. Collins following his return. The impact of developing the four lots individually was not performed and if proposed, may require further environmental review if the proposed development qualifies for SEPA review. . Scott Grainger, Baldridge Group, 600 University #3012, Seattle, 98101, responded at the request of Commissioner Hewins that if the project is required by the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) to access onto Ninth Street instead of Lincoln Street, the project would probably not go forward. Access onto Ninth Street would also fly in the face of the neighborhood's objections. Commissioner Ziakin summarized that there appear to be four key issues of concern: the reduction of traffic safety; the issue of rezoning back to residential if the subject project does not result as proposed; the WSDOT access issue onto Lincoln Street; and the impact of four additional individual commercial lots being created on Ninth Street. He asked the applicant about attempts to utilize available commercial properties. Mr. Grainger responded that the subject property was not, and is not actively on the market. Based on an in depth market analysis, the su~ject intersection was considered to be the best site for the market to support the sales in the proposed commercial store. If the site is not developable as proposed, Rite Aid will either remain at its existing Seventh/Lincoln Street location, or close the store and channel business to the east side store. He explained what criteria are used for site selection. Commissioner Craver asked Mr. Grainger if Rite Aid has been working with WSDOT. Mr. Grainger indicated that an accesspermit has been applied for but they have not begun talking about mitigation measures. They are involved with approximately thirty projects state wide with WSDOT and have an excellent working arrangement. If access onto Lincoln Street cannot be obtained, he believes the project will not go forward. . Commissioner Reed wondered if, given the criteria of size, compatibility, direct benefit to the owner/neighborhood, and isolation, could the proposal be considered a spot zone. Planner Sawyer responded that in this case the contiguous CSD zone is being extended and the proposal would not be a case of spot zoning. 19~ . ""~'f' . ."?},~~ - . /~: ..::,.. "i'~'-'$ Planning Commission Minutes July 8. J 998 Page 6 Commissioner Craver was concerned that if rezoned and not developed as intended, the resulting four lots would impact the neighborhood far more than the proposed site development. . Commissioner Souders was concerned that the traffic impacts to surrounding neighborhood streets has not been addressed adequately at this point. The traffic report deals mainly with the main arterials, Lincoln and Eighth Streets, but not enough analysis has been performed oo-the neighboring streets. . Commissioner Craver stressed that the professional traffic consultants and the City's Engineering Division has reviewed the situation and has said that the resulting traffic patterns will be acceptable and will not be affected with or without the project by the year 2000. Not being an expert on traffic, she feels that decision makers have to rely on those who are skilled in dealing with traffic impacts. In response to Commissioner Reed, as to what course of action would be taken if the site is not developed as proposed, Planner Sawyer responded that, based upon Conclusion "F" in staff s report, the Planning Commission could direct staff to schedule a rezone request on its agenda for the four subject lots. In response to Commissioner Nutter's statement that Eighth Street has been designated as a cross town bicycle route but that no accomodation to designate the Eighth St~eet frontage . of the site as such has been made, Engineer Kenworthy responded that bicycle lanes require the elimination of parking. Given the width of Eighth Street at present, only the elimination of parking along one side or the other would allow a designated bicycle lane. Commissioner Craver summarized that the issue is whether this proposal presents a logical location for commercial development or not. Commissioner Hewins moved to recommend approval of the rezone as proposed citing the following fil)dings and conclusions: Findings: Based on the information provided in the public record including the application file, the staff report and its attachments, comments received during the public comment period, and the Planning Commission's deliberation, the City of Port Angeles Planning Commission hereby finds: 1. The applicant, Northwest Permit submitted the application to the Planning Department on February 9, 1998. A Determination of Completeness was issued on February 12, 1998, and the written public comment period initially ran from February 12, 1998 to February 27, 1998. In response to public request, the public written comment period was extended to March 6, 1998. 2. The proposal is to rezone four lots (Lots 13, 14, 15 and 16 of Block 268 in the Townsite of Port Angeles), approximately 28,000 square feet of property, from RS-7, Residential Single Family to CSD, Commercial Shopping District (Attachment A to . 194 . . . . ,I",," ";:-'~;j~~-~t" ': ,-;-'.ic,;';i>'\'_.":,i~,/.f'~':':::::"\:' .,.. ') ,.,.;~ Planning Commission Minutes July 8. 1998 Page 7 10. the Planning Department Staff Report for REZ 98-03 dated ~uly 8, 1998). 3. The proposed rezone is part of the applicant's overall proposal to develop 90,000 s.f. of the southwest corner of Lincoln Street and 8th Street (extending to 9th Street) with an approximately 17,000 s.f. retail store. The overall proposal includes this rezone request and a street vacation request. for the eastern portion of the EighthlNinth Streets alley. 4. As part. of the application's SEPA review, a traffic analysis was requested of the applicant on February 13, 1998. 5. On April 20, 1998, the Planning Department received a letter from the applicant waiving the City's 120 day permit processing requirement due to the applicant's delay in preparing the requested traffic analysis. 6. On May 14, 1998, the Planning Department received the requested traffic analysis and on June 3, 1998, the Planning Department received an addendum to the analysis with comments regarding Ninth Street, Laurel Street, and the EighthlNinth Streets alley. 7. This application was originally scheduled for Planning Commission consideration on March 11, 1998, atwhich time it was continued, due to lack of a traffic report and a SEP A determination, to April 22, 1998. On April 22, 1998, it was again continued for the same reason until June 10, 1998, at which time it was continued until July 8, 1998, to accommodate the resulting Mitigated Determination of Non Significance (MDNS) required comment period. 8. The SEP A Responsible Official issued a MDNS for the proposal on June 3, 1998 (Attachment B to the Planning Department Staff Report for REZ 98-03 dated July 8, 1998). The MDNS was mailed to all persons who submitted written comments related to the applicant's environmental checklist, and the comment period for the MDNS ran until June 19, 1998. 9. On June 26, 1998, the City's SEP A Responsible Official re-issued the Mitigated Determination of Non-Significance, with an additional mitigation measure requiring certain development aspects of the project be subject to further review. The public had an opportunity to comment on the proposal during the written comment period provided which ran from February 12 to March 6, 1998. All of the written comments received during this time are included as Attachment D to the Planning Department Staff Report for REZ 98-03 dated July 8, 1998. The issues addressed include increased traffic on Ninth Street, potential crime, increased noise and lighting, the general impact of the project on the Cherry Hill residential area, and the availability of alternative commercial properties. \ 11. The subject area is within the undesignated area between the Comprehensive Plan's Commercial land use designation to the north and the Residential designation to the 19~ .,.~'_... . . :""": ' """: -~~:#r.l. < :".:{~ Planning Commission Minutes July 8. J 998 Page 8 south. It is currently zoned RS-7. . 12. The subject area is level and is currently developed with two single-family residences and an unimproved parking lot used by a business located on property to the north ofthe rezone area. The adjacent properties are developed with the following uses: To the north: To the south: To the east: To the west: commercial uses; . single family residences; single family residence; and single family residences. I . 13. The adjacent properties are zoned as follows: To the north: To the south: To the east: To the west: CSD; RS-7; CSD; and RS-7. 14. The City's Comprehensive Plan identifies Lincoln Street as a principal arterial street and Eighth Street as a minor arterial street. 15. The traffic analysis noted the Eighth and Lincoln Street intersection currently functions at an average level of service (LOS) D, and projected that in the year 2000 it will continue to function at an average LOS of D with and without the proposed project. . 16. The traffic analysis noted the Eighth and Lincoln Street intersection currently functions at a seasonal level of service (LOS) E, and projected that in the year 2000 it will continue to function at a seasonal LOS ofE without the proposed project, and a seaSonal LOS of F with the project as proposed. The report projects the intersection will operate at a' seasonal LOS of E with the project if the project is subject to the report's mitigation m~~ures. 17. The City Engineer reviewed the traffic analysis and recommended a revision to the report's mitigation measures. With the project subject to the revised mitigation measures, the City Engineer states the average LOS for the Eighth and Lincoln Streets intersection will remain at D in the year 2000, and the seasonal LOS will remain at E. ' 18. The Department of Transportation comments are included as Attachment E to the Planning Department Staff Report for REZ 98-03 dated July 8, 1998. They address the impact of the overall project on the Lincoln Street and 8th Street intersection, storm water issues, signage requirements, and a recommendation the proposed development of the overall site be accessed from 9th Street instead of Lincoln Street (SR 101). . 196 . . . ,,'< ~',,':t~',., t-/:~:f"JL ';.',,: ,. ".. '...''111.....'.. ~~, Planning Commission Minutes July 8, 1998 Page 9 Conclusions: Based on the information provided in the public record incl~ding the application file, the staff report and its attachments, written comments received during the public comment period, the Planning Commission's deliberation, and the above findings, the City of Port Angeles Planning Commission hereby concludes: " A. The following Comprehensive Plan Policies are most relevant to the proposal, Land Use Policies Al and A2, Cl, Dl, and E7. B. If the property is developed as part of the applicant's overall development plan as described in Attachment A to the Planning Department Staff Report for REZ 98-03 dated July 8, 1998 and mitigated in the project's revised MDNS attached as Attachment B to the Planning Department Staff Report for REZ 98-03 dated July 8, 1998, the rezone is consistent with Comprehensive Plan Policies A 1 and A2, C 1, D 1, and E7. c. If the property is developed as part of the applicant's overall development plan as described in Attachment A to the Planning Department Staff Report for REZ 98-03 dated July 8, 1998 and mitigated in the project's revised MDNS attached as Attachment B to the Plar.ning Department Staff Report for REZ 98-03 dated July 8, 1998, the rezone is in the public use and interest and is compatible with the surrounding zoning and land uses. D. If the property is developed as part of the applicant's overall development plan as described in Attachment A to the Planning Department Staff Report for REZ 98-03 dated July 8, 1998 and mitigated in the project's revised MONS attached as Attachment B to the Planning Department Staff Report for REZ 98-03 dated July 8, i 998, the rezone will result in an increase of economic activity in the City. \. E. If the property is not developed as part of the applicant's overall development plan as described in Attaclunent A to the ~lanning Department Staff Report for REZ 98- 03 dated July 8, 1998 and mitigated in the project's revised MONS attached as Attaclunent B to the Planning Department Staff Report for REZ 98-03 dated July 8, 1998, the rezone could have a negative impact on adjacent residentially zoned and developed properties along Ninth Street. F. If the property is "not developed as part of the applicant's overall development plan as described in Attaclunent A to the Planning Department Staff Report for REZ 98- 03 dated July 8, 1998 and mitigated in the project's revised MDNS attached as Attachment B to the Planning Department Staff Report for REZ 98-03 dated July 8, 1998, the City should consider a rezone of the property back to RS-7. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Craver and passed 4 - 2, with Commissioners Ziakin and Nutter voting in the negative. Commissioner Ziakin stated that although he is in favor of commercial development, he does not pelieve the rezone is in the best interest of the community due to a reduction in traffic 197 Planning Commission Minutes July 8, 1998 Page 10 safety, creeping encroachment into the residential neighborhood, the access issue to Lincoln . Street, and the impact of future commercial use of the four lots if the proposal does not go forward. Commissioner Nutter agreed. Chair Reed noted that the City Council will conduct a public hearing on July 21st, 7 p.m. A ten minute break was called for at 9:00 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 9: 1 0 p.m. . PUBLIC HEARING: STREET Y ACA TION PETITION - STY 98-01 NORTHWEST PERMIT, a portion of the EighthlNinth Street alley between Lincoln and Laurel Streets: A proposal to vacate right-of-way. (This item is continued from June 10, 1998.) Commissioner Nutter stated that she has a friend who is a property owner in the area and would stand down from the proceedings if requested to do so. No one objected and so she remained. Planner Sawyer reviewed the Planning Department's staff report and responded to questions regarding the staff report addendum which recommended approval if the Police Department's concerns are met. Chair Reed asked Deputy Chief Tom Riepe to elaborate on the Police Department's submitted memoranda. Deputy Tom Riepe, Police Department, stated that although the Police Department initially believed that the proposed alley vacation could result in a negative impact with regard to response and observation practices by the Police Department, further analysis indicates that the impacts which could result will not be significant enough to. recommend denial of the vacation. Response activities could easily be routed along Ninth Street and observation activities could still occur in the proposed parking area for the development. H~ appreciated the Planning Department's concerns regarding the Police Department's initial recommendation but cannot at this point see a major detriment to public safety as a result of the vacation. The Police Department's initil!l response was submitted out of an obligation to point out the practiced vehicular response patterns in the alley area but was not intended to be the criteria upon which the decision to vacate or not to vacate would hinge. Further review indicates that vacation of the alley may actually improve safety conditions in the area which experiences a good deal of nuisance activities and complaints. Observation of surrounding businesses would not be impacted by the proposal. Chair Reed opened the public hearing. . Scott Grainger, Baldridge Group, 600 University #3012, Seattle, 98101, presented the proposed development plan for the Northwest Permit/Rite Aid proposal planned for the overall site. Substantial perimeter landscaping is planned as a buffer to the Ninth Street residential area with additional landscaping on Lincoln and Eighth Streets. The development . should enhance the appearance of the two main travel arteries, Lincoln and Eighth Streets. The group supports the police staging needs in the parking lot area and will make every effort to accommodate those public safety issues which is in their best interest as well as the neighborhood. A thirty-six foot egress is proposed to Lincoln Street in the location where 198 '\>\ .- ': -,t~::'" .",\h~:~",,~ -;I , Planning Commission Minutes July 8. J 998 Page J J . only the existing twenty foot ingress/egress location exists at present. Commissioner Hewins asked Mr. Grainger if the remaining alley, which would not be vacated, would have access to the site. Mr. Grainger responded "no". Theresa Schmid, 114 East Ninth Street, presented testimony that the City's recent practice has been to vacate alleys to create large sites for development, she referenced the City's Senior Center, the public library, the Safeway and Albertson's developments in support of this conclusion. She opposes forcing alley through traffic use to surrounding streets. As a resident of the neighborhood, she disagreed with the City's Engineering Department's conclusions that traffic patterns in the area would not be negatively impacted. The traffic already stacks up daily at peak times which can only increase if the proposal is approved. The traffic report indicates that the level of service of the Eighth/Lincoln intersection is at a level "D" at present which is not acceptable to her, and to further degrade that LOS is completely unthinkable. She strongly recommended denial ofthe street vacation. Nancy Van Sickle, 819 South Laurel Street, also a neighboring resident, agreed with the previous speaker and requested denial of the street vacation. She stated that vacation would only worsen traffic in the area and the development would create a new hang out for youth in the new parking area. . Marsha Pearson, 118 East Ninth Street, a neighboring resident, believes that vacation of the alley as proposed would eliminate the ability of the four lots r~quested for rezone along with the alley vacation project (Lots 13, 14, 15, and 16) in this block to access the alley, thus forcing all activity 'from those lots if developed individually, onto Ninth Street. It is not acceptable to route any additional traffic onto Ninth Street. Neighbors in the area park on the street, and the street is not wide enough to accommodate two way traffic when that parking occurs. Kathleen Bailey, 817 South Laurel Street, is in favor of the vacation as proposed. She is sympathetic to her friends and neighbors in. the area, but feels that the continued use of the Eighth/Ninth alley in this location as a fron!.age road to Eighth Street is too dangerous to allow to continue. Two way traffic occurs in the narrow alley and loitering and commercial truck activity is excessive. The Eighth and Lincoln intersection is a problem. There have been commercial buildings in this location for over sixty years and the uses have by and large been good neighbors. The proposal should greatly reduce the unwanted activities in the alley and increase the safety of the residents. Typically large amounts of traffic are routed onto neighborhood streets, not alleys. . Bob Bailey, 817 South Laurel Street, explained the damage that has occurred to his property as a result of the intensity and speed at which vehicles travel through the alley to avoid the intersection in this location. Commercial use of the alley as a result of the existing businesses has resulted in damage to the alley surface and curbs. He believes that vacation of the alley as proposed will result in an increase in safety of the alley residential uses and will force commercial traffic to be more site specific. It will result in traffic use which now occurs in the alley to be placed onto streets where greater traffic use is anticipated. Vandalism should be greatly reduced due to the proposed development of the area. With or without the proposed development, some type of traffic control needs to be implemented on 199 Planning Commission Minutes July 8. 1998 Page 12 this alley. It is important that if the vacation is approved, the lots facing onto Ninth Street . be closed to egress from the site development that is proposed. Theresa Schmid, 114 East Ninth Street, asked if an emergency vehicle turn around would be required at the west end of the alley if the vacation were approved. , , Al Gustafson, 903 South Peabody, asked if this action is precedent setting. He owns commercial property in the 200 block of Eighth Street which he would like to simihirly develop and asked if this action would set the stage for that development. Planner Sawyer responded that comments must be directed to the issue at hand, but noted that this would not be a precendent setting situation. Mr. Gustafson added that vacation of the alley is not a good idea. To develop the site such that traffic now using the alley will be shifted to the neighboring street is improper. Safety of the residents using the neighboring streets cannot be assured. Bob Dudley, 106 East Ninth Street, enouraged the City to take a good look at the traffic patterns in the area. He verified that Ninth Street is narrow with a good deal of on-street parking, and the traffic is already congested. Additional traffic would be more difficult. There being no further testimony, Chair Reed closed the public hearing. Commissioner Nutter opened discussion regarding a turn around at the east end of the alley, . were the west portion of the alley to be vacated. Engineer Kenworthy responded that all of the site plan information that he has responded to indicate that access will be available to the site from the east end of the alley, and the City would be requiring an easement to ensure that access will not be hindered through to Lincoln . Street. The Public Works Department will require such through access for site approval and will not support a dead end alley. Alleys are basically intended for utility purposes and secondary reside~tial access. They are not meant for vehicular through traffic. To maintain the ease of these intended activities, it is preferred not to provide turnarounds but to loop through those areas. " Chair Reed agreed with the statement that there have been vacations approved that allowed larger commercial site developments, as stated by a resident of the neighborhood. This is true, however, each case is analyzed individually, and would not have been approved ifnot found to be in the greater public interest~with sensitivity toward the individual areas involved. He felt that future access to Ninth Street is protected from the site by condition No.4, which provides that the vacation will not be finaled until a building permit can be issued for the entire site, which would eliminate the possibility of the lots adjacent to Ninth Street being developed independently of the current proposal. Although staffhas confirmed that the intent of alleys is for utility and residential uses, the reality of it is that alleys, particularly this alley, experiences a much more intensive use. That traffic will be using . Ninth Street if this proposal is approved. Commissioner Ziakin did not believe that the traffic situation/impacts have been analyzed 200 e e Ie '0,>,,"",_'" .,:.\'; <'~:;'.:_'.'\',i\,{ '. ':'_-~''';>-'':'T':,',,~~'; ':':J~.~\'f~~:::V:'" '.......1.'............ ;--\-~:. \: :'.:-'f::~" ';:;:,', Planning Commission Minutes July 8. 1998 Page 13 to everyone's satisfaction. He does not believe the applicant has provided enough information for approval at this point. Commissioner Hewins noted that the subject location is one of the most desirable commercial intersections in town. The properties surrounding the intersection will eventually be developed in a manner that will inevitably increase the already heavy traffic in the area, and should be addressed in a serious manner. The City's Comprehensive Plan establishes the area as a primary commercial area which will result in a majortrafffic corridor. Commissioner Craver felt that given the testimony verifying that the alley in this location is heavily travelled by those visiting the various commercial uses which occupy the area at present as well as those using the alley as a frontage road to avoid the intersection congestion, development of the area from several businesses into one single commercial site may actually reduce the congestion in the area somewhat. She noted that the applicant's testimony indicates that the alley will not be continued through to the parking lot, but the site information presented for review indicates through access. , Chair Reed again noted that closure of the alley will force the traffic uses to the side streets, and was not comfortable with that impact. In response to Commissioner Souders, Planner Sawyer noted that he believes the applicant's site plans are dependent on the street vacation. Furthermore, he stated that staff would have difficulty recommending approvalpfthe accompanying rezone proposal without the street vacation due to the fact that without the added right-of-way area the commercial site would be bisected by the alley. Commissioner Nutter moved to deny the proposed street vacation petition citing the following findings and conclusions: Findings: .' I. The applicant for the requested vacation is Northwest Permit. The petition is attached as Attachment A of the July 8, 1998 Planning Department Staff Report for STV 98-01. 2. The requested vacation is for that portion of the alley between 8th Street and 9th Street abutting Lots 1-6 and 13-18 of Block No. 268 in the Townsite of Port Angeles. 3. The street vacation is categorically exempt from threshold determination and Environmental Impact Statement requirements per Section 197-11-800 (2) (h) of the Washington Administrative Code. 4. The subject right-of-way and abutting properties fall within the undesignated area between the Comprehensive Plan's Commercial land use designation to the north and / its Residential designation to the south. The majority of the abutting properties are zoned Commercial Shopping District (CSD) with four of the properties currently 201 Planning Commission Minutes July 8. 1998 Page 14 zoned Residential, Single-Family (RS-7). . 5. The Public Works Department has indicated a 24" sanitary sewer main and overhead electrical lines are located in the alley and will need to be relocated if the vacation is approved. 6. The subject right-of-way is currently impro:ved. 7. The Public Works, Fire, and Police Department's comments are included as Attachments B, C, and D of the July 8, 1998, Planning Department Staff Report for STY 98-01. . I . 8. The Police Department originally submitted written public safety concerns related to the proposed vacation. These concerns include the current use of the alley for traffic diversion in the event of an accident at the 8th Street and Lincoln Street intersection, the use of the alley by officers in response to calls from the bank located at the comer of 8th Street and Oak Street, and t~e use of the alley for access to and observation of the 24 hour retail/gas station use at the comer of 8th Street and Lincoln Street. 9. At the July 8, 1998, Planning Commission meeting, the Police Department's concerns were further explained. Deputy Chief Tom Riepe stated that the July 7, 1998, memorandum from the Police Department was intended to point out issues for consideration but the concerns do not warrant denial of the proposed vacation. . Conclusions: A. The Comprehensive Plan's Utilities and Public Services Policies C2 and 3 and Transportation Policy ,B 18 are the most relevant to the proposed vacation. B. Based on neighborhood traffic concerns including the use of the alley for public safety purposes, the proposed v~cation is not consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan. . C. Based on the Police Department's comments and stated use of the alley for public safety purposes, the Planning Commission concludes that the proposed vacation may have an impact on public health, safety and welfare. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Ziakin and deadlocked 3 - 3, with Commissioners Reed, Nutter, and Ziakin voting for the motion, and Commissioners \ Hewins, Craver, and Souders voting against the motion. Commissioner Hewins stated that he did not believe the vacation will have an adverse impact on the surrounding neighborhood. Reorientation of traffic patterns in the alley will result in . the direction of traffic through to Eighth Street. The project, not the vacation, may result in an increase in traffic to Ninth Street. 202 . . . -,'~','-,' 'i ""~~;:::1;1~';,".;~:;~;J"'" . ~<t~ '.- . '""-:: Planning Commission Minutes July 8, 1998 Page 15 Commissioner Craver restated her belief that the consolidation of the uses at this corner may ease the impact to the neighborhood and the alley. Chair Reed reiterated that his primary reason for voting to deny the vacation is due to the public testimony that traffic volumes along Ninth Street during rush hour traffic exceeded that which was suggested by the consultant's report and that the proposed vacation would aggravate that situation. When ~ked to comment on the traffic impact,' Engineer Kenworthy again noted that t;llleys are not intended or developed for heavy, through traffic use. He is comfortable with the proposal and vacation of the alley subject to the conditions recommended: The Commission took a short recess at 11 :00 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 11 :05 p.m. The Commission discussed traffic concerns and potential traffic patterns at length. Commissioner Ziakin noted that he would abstain from voting on the issue because he does not believe enough information has been presented to vote fairly. Staff responded, at the direction of the Chair, that the Commissioners should endeavor to vote one way or the other. If the Commission cannot break a deadlock, the issue would have to be passed on to the City Council as such. Engineer Kenworthy responded to Commissioner Hewins that the traffic consultant provided additional information at his request which concluded that, following their analysis as traffic engineers, the additional traffic to Ninth and Laurel Streets would not be significant. Mr. Kenworthy agreed that there will be impacts and increases, but they would not significantly affect the level of service. Commissioner Nutter stated that she can't give credence to the traffic engineering study. prepared by the traffic consultants because it is too vague. Testimony received by the neighborhood does not support the traffic consultant's conclusions. ," Commissioner Souders noted that her vote against the motion was because the facts presented by staff in recommending denial of the vacation cannot be supported without the Police Department's concerns. -Staff noted in the report that if the Police Department's concerns could be mitigated the recommendation would be for approval. Commissioner Craver believed that significant weight should be given to the traffic consultant's report because the authors are trained in traffic matters and are professionals in their field, where the individual Planning Commission members are not traffic experts. She has to assume that reports presented by specialists in a specific field should be given particular weight in a final decision. Commissioner Ziakin believed there are glaring gaps in the information provided. Chair Reed pointed out the options available at this juncture and encouraged the Commission to try to forward a clear recommendation to the City Council. 20~ Planning Commission Minutes July 8. 1998 Page 16 Commissioner Hewins agreed with Commissioner Craver that the requested traffic . information had been provided and the City's Engineer had reviewed it and agreed with the conclusions. He then moved to approve the vacation as proposed citing the following six conditions, ten findings and four conclusions: Conditions' L The proposed street vacation is subject to the recommendations of the City's Public Works Department (Attachment B of the July 8, 1998 Planning bepartment Staff Report for STY 98-01) which require that a twenty-four inch sanitary sewer main will need to be relocated. A twenty foot wide access and utility easement shall be required. 2. The proposed street vacation is subject to the recommendations of the City's Fire Department (Attachment C of the July 8, 1998, Planning Department Staff Report for STY 98-01) which requires that through access shall be maIntained at the west end of the vacated Eighth/Ninth alley. The access shall be a minimum of twenty feet in width and shall consist of an all weather surface meeting the City's Public Works Department specifications. An approved turn around meeting the City's specifications may be approved at the east end of the remaining Eighth/Ninth alley in lieu of through access. 3. The street vacation shall not be finaled until a building permit is issued for the property consistent with'the revised site development plan (Attachment A to the July 8, 1998, Planning Department Staff Report for STY 98-01). . 4. Final occupancy of any new structures on the site shall not be allowed until the street vacation is complete and all of the individual lots comprising the development site have been combined into one legal building and zoning lot. - 5. . Any costs associated with utility relocation and alley realignment and/or improvements shall be borne by the. ilPplicant. Findings: 1. The applicant for the requested vacation is Northwest Permit. The petition is attached as Attachment A of the July 8, 1998 Planning Department Staff Report for STY 98-01. 2. The requested vacation is for that portion of the alley between 8th Street and 9th Street abutting Lots 1-6 and 13-18 of Block No. 268 in the Townsite of Port Angeles. 3. The street vacation is categorically exempt from threshold determination and Environmental Impact Statement requirements per Section 197-11-800 (2) (h) of the Washington Administrative Code. . 4. The subj~ct right-of-way and abutting properties fall within the undesignated area 204 ':".) '"".r;. ;.", 71" ':'.""., "> Planning Commission Minutes July 8. 1998 Page 17 . between the Comprehensive Plan's Commercial land use designation to the north and its Residential designation to the south. The majority of the abutting properties are zoned Commercial Shopping District (CSD) with four of the properties currently zoned Residential, Single-Family (RS-7). . Conclusions: C. . D. 5.' The Public Works Department has indicated a 24" sanitary sewer main and overhead electrical lines are located in the alley and will need to be relocated if the vacation is approved. 6. The subject right-of-way is currently improved. 7. The Public Works, Fire, and Police Department's comments are included as Attachments B, C, and D of the July 8,1998 Planning Department Staff Report for STY 98-01. 8. The Police Department originally submitted written public safety concerns related to the proposed vacation. These concerns include the current use of the alley for traffic diversion in the event of an accident at the 8th Street and Lincoln Street intersection, the use of the alley by officers in response to calls from the bank located at the comer of 8th Street and Oak Street, and the use of the alley for access to and observation of the 24 hour retail/gas station use at the comer of 8th Street and Lincoln Street. - 9.- As noted in their presentation to the Planning Commission on July 8, 1998, the Police Department's concerns expressed in a letter dated February 23, 1998, attached as Attachment D of the July 8, 1998 Planning Department Staff Report for STY 98- 01) do not warrant denial of the proposed vacation. 10. On May 14, 1998, .the Planning Department received a traffic analysis' for the applicant's overall development plan which includes the proposed street vacation. On June 3, 1998, the Planning Department received an addendum to the analysis with comments regarding Ninth Street, Lyurel Street, and the Eighth and Ninth Streets alley. . A. The Comprehensive Plan's Utilities and Public Services Policies C, 2 and 3 and Transportation Policy B 18 are the most relevant to the proposed vacation. B. As conditioned, the proposed vacation is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan's Utilities and Public Services Policies C, 2 and 3 and Transportation Policy B 18. As conditioned, the proposed vacation will not have an adverse impact on the public health, safety and welfare. As conditioned, the proposed vacation will benefit the community's economic development as well as the general public health, safety and welfare. 205 Planning Commission Minutes July 8. 1998 Page 18 The motion was seconded by Commissioner Craver and passed 3 - 2 with . Commissioners Hewins, Souders, and Craver voting in favor, Commissioners Nutter and Reed voting in the negative, and Commissioner Ziakin abstained. Those who voted against the motion restated their original objections, and Commissioner Ziakin's abstention was due to the desire for ~dditionaltraffic information. Chair Reed stated that the City Council will hold a publi~ hearing on this item at its July' 21, 1998, meeting, which will begin at 7:00 p.m. COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE PUBLIC Marsha Pearson, who provided testimony during the public hearing, stated that this is one of the highest walking neighborhoods in the community. This fact should be given significant import when dealing with issues that will cause an increase in vehicular traffic. Theresa Schmid, 119 East Ninth Street, noted that the issues presented before the Commission are complicated in nature and the process is very confusing. Citizens are not given a fair opportunity to comment because the comment periods specified by ordinance are not long enough to formulate an educated response. Neighbors in the area under consideration were concerned enough to reschedule their education and physical health needs in order to be in attendance at the meeting/hearing. . Commissioner Craver responded that the Planning Commission wholeheartedly appreciates the efforts of citizens who take the time to present testimony and respond to issues of concern. The intention of the Planning Commission is to plan for the whole community and in the best interests of its citizens. ST AFF REPORTS Commenting-on:the statement that was made by Mrs. Schmid regarding the opportunity for public comment prior to a meeting, Plann~r Sawyer noted that in this. particular issue members of the neighborhood made note of their need for additional time to present additional comments and staff was happy to comply by extending the original comment period as requested by the spokesperson, Mrs. Schmid. A specific public comment period is identified in order to keep the application process moving, and, only in cases where the Planning Commission does not hold a public hearing is the time period for submission of public comment restricted. Staff previously informed Mrs. Schmid and others who expressed interest that only the Planning Commission would be a closed record meeting. The City Council's deliberation would be a full public hearing which would provide ample opportunity to present additional written and verbal comment for that hearing. Brad Collins, the Planning Director, would be returning from vacation on July 13th. . 206 . . . r-'.;j-)".;" \''''(>_,",<,~,:-,~,:'. '~._-_ ., -":~:i\071''';'-'-;:'''~~F~ti:''.'k< Planning Commission Minutes July 8. 1998 Page 19 REPORTS OF COMMISSION MEMBERS .~ ;~1 , .,~....; Commissioner Nutter asked staff to revi~w opportunities for the public to be able to provide comment for a more lengthy time period prior to Commission actions in situations where the Commission is not the hearing body. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 11 :40 p.m. David Sawyer, Acting Secretary PREPARED BY: S. Roberds Dean Reed, Chair 207 - I- .".._ . ( . . . 208 . . . <,,:~ ~~, '. ;j",",\-,"';.,;. .J .,. )' /11 H' .~!f -,it. MINUTES PLANNING COMMISSION Port Angeles, Washington 98362 July 28, 1998 Special Meeting 5:30 p.m. ROLL CALL Members Present: Fredric Hewins, Cindy Souders, Dean Reed, Mary Craver . Member Excused: Linda Nutter, Paul Ziakin, Bob King Staff Present: David Sawyer . Public Present: Bill Hermann, Gene Unger APPROV AL OF MINUTES Commissioner Souders moved to approve the July 8,1998, minutes as submitted. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Craver and passed unanimously. PUBLIC HEARING: STREET Y ACA TION PETITION - STY 98-03 HRRMANN, a portion of the SecondfThird Street alley in Block 49, Townsite of Port Angeles: A proposal to vacate right-of-way. Senior Planner David Sawyer reviewed the Planning Department's staff report. Chair Reed opened the public hearing. Gene Unger, 1401 West Seventh Street, concurred with the staff report and requested that the Planning Commission recommend approval of the right-of-way as requested. ..~. There being no further questions, Chair Reed closed the public hearing. . Commissioner Hewins moved to recommend that the City Council approve the vacation as proposed with two conditions, citing the following findings and conclusions: Condition of Approval: I. . The proposed street vacation is subject to the recommendations of the City's Public Works Department included in Attachment C of the July 22, 1998 Planning Department Staff Report for STY 98-03. 2. The proposed street vacation is subject to the conditions of approval required by ESA 97 -01 included in Attachment B of the July 22, 1998 Planning Department Staff Report for STY 98-03. . 209 .. , Findings: 1. The applicant for the requested vacation is William Hennann, the application/petition is attached as Attachment A of the July 22, 1998, Planning Department Staff Report for STY 98-03. 2. The requested vacation is for that portion of the alley between Marine Drive and Third Street abutting Lots 1-8 and 13-20, Block 49 in the Townsite of Port Angeles identified in Attachment A of the July 22, 1998, Planning Department' Staff Report . for STV 98-03 3 The City's SEPA Responsible Official issued an Adoption of Existing Environmental Document on June 10, 1997, for the proposed vacation which is Included in Attachment B of the July 22, 1998, Planning Department Staff Report for STY 98-0:-; 4. An Environmentally Sensitive Areas Approval (ESA 97-01) was approved for the proposal on March 7,1997, which is included in Attachment B of the July 22, 1998, Planning Department Staff Report for STY 98-03. The subject right-of-way and adjoining properties are currently designated on the City's Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map as Industrial (1) and Open Space (OS) and are zoned Industrial. Lighl (IL) and Public Buildings and Parks (PBP). The portion of the properties that contain the marine bluff is the area zoned PBP while the majority of the propenics, which is the area to the north of the marine bluff are zoned ll... 5 6 An electrical transmission line is lQcated in the subject righl-of-way 7 The Public Works, Fire and Police Department's comments are included as Attachments C. 0, and E of the July 22,1998 Planning Department StaffRepo.rt for STY 98-03 Conclusions A The Comprehensive: Plan Land Use Policies 03, H I and 4 as listed in the July::: 1998, Planning Dcpanmeni Staff Report for STV 48-03 directly relate to lhl' proposed vacation B As presently Impruvcd, public use of the alley is cxtrcmely limited C. As conditioned, the proposed vacation is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan~ Land Use Policies 03, HI and 4. D. As conditioned, the proposed vacation will allow improved use of the adjacent commercial site wilh improved site design. E As conditioned. the proposed vacation will not have an adverse impact on the pubhc health, safety and welfare <l';'c'- . . . 21.0 I - 1':,:~';""'.'i?i";-;:"~"lY.,,,- -.-. _ -.t:i'li\c'i f~. ~:~ i!:~"''''''~'~C;i!'', -~T'___ ' ~,-,- ?'- ,;tc,. --~ . The motion was seconded by Commissioner Craver and passed unanimously. SHORELINE MANAGEMENT PERMIT - SMA 98-04 - FAIRES._832 Boath~nD.1:ITe..AproPQsaLtQ-IeconstrucLan_existing.warehQuse.sffi1cture in the ill. Industrial Heavy zone.inJhe City's shoreline area. - (Continue to August 12,1998.) Chair Reed opened the public hearing and continued the issue to the Commission's regular meeting of August 12, 1998. COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE PUBLIC - ~ None. ST AFF REPORTS None . REPORTS OF COMMISSION MEMBERS None ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 7:25 p.m._ David Sawyer. Secretary Dean Reed. Chair PREPARED BY ~ Roberds . 211 212 . . . .s "Maintaining and building a better community" , Jack Plttis Director (4801) Phyllis Rasler Administrative Ass/stant (4800J Cafe Rinehart AdmInistrative Ass/stant (4700J Bob Titus Deputy Director (4701J Ken Ridout Deputy Director (4802J Gary Kenworthy City Engineer (4803J Jim Harper EIectrlc81 Engineer (4702J Tim SnWth e:tract & Projact nJstr8tor (4804J Lou Haehnlen Sr. Bulldng Inspector (4816J Tom Sper1Ine Sr. ElactrlcallMpecfor (4735J . Scott McLaJn Power Manager (4703J Ralph EIIswotfh W8/W, W851i1M'8/W CoIIecI1on SupMtIt8nd8nt (4855} Pete Butretr EquIp. SeMces Superlnfendent (4835J Marll Shanl> Upht Operal1ons Manager (4731J Kevin CUJ1js Treat Plant Supervisor (4845J Tom McCabe SW CoIIecI1on Supervisor (4876J Stew EvallS III/JIf.:II Supervisor .,73J Dave Wilcox SI7Bet Maintenance - SUpeMsor (4825J c/~ /1;. MEMORANDUM . ,'i~~..~..1 .' ..1 "'," I .. DATE: JULY 21, 1998 MAYOR BRAUN AND CITY COUNCIL TO: JACK PITTIS, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS AND UTILITIES SUBJECT: AMENDMENT TO PUD WHOLESALE WATER CONTRACT FROM: SUMMARY and RECOMMENDATION: The attached extension of the PUD wholesale water contract will adjust the wholesale rate and include the new rate established for the additional delivery point while maintaining the current conditions of the contract. The Public Works Department recommends that the City Council authorize the Mayor to sign the contract extension with the PUD. .. ISSUE: Should the City extend the current wholesale water contract with the PUD for an additional 12 months? BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS: The current contract expires on August 23, 1998. This contract contained provisions for the development of an additional delivery location in our low zone. This delivery point is of benefit to both the PUD and the City in that it will reduce the demand for water from our upper system. The construction necessary for the development of this additional delivery point has been completed successfully and a future agreement will be needed to address the transfer of the piping and. customers from the PU D to the City, but this will be covered in a separate agreement. We have continued to meet with the PUD on issues related to mutual benefits such as equipment maintenance, purchasing and other issues. The attached memo from August 19, 1997 is the background from the previous extension granted in 1997. This new agreement establishes the rates a rate of $0.71 per 100 cubic feet for water delivered from the upper system (The old rate was $0.68 per 100 cubic feet) and a rate of . $0.68 per 100 cubic feet for water delivered from the lower system. (This rat~ is lower because of less pumping needed fOr,delivery at this point) The previous maximum flows for the upper system remain and weretairi the option to adjust rates based upon a cost of service. The extension is for a period of 12 m.Qnths due to the unsettled nature of the decisions needed for service delivery within the UGA east of the City. \ J JNP:jp Disk:N:\PWKS\WA TER\PUDRA TE\EXT _898WPD File: Agreement: PUD Water Contract Attachments: Memo of August 19, 1997 Copy: Ralph Ellsworth 213 "(J J-;f;A AMENDMENT TO ~.A 1/1-/'1'6 . WHOLESALE WATER CONTRACT ~~~ This amendment to the Wholesale Water Contract dated January 9, 1995 is made and entered into by and between the City of Port Angeles, a municipal corporation, hereinafter called the "City", and the Public utility District No. 1 of Clallam County, a municipal corporation, he~einafter called the ~District." Whereas, the City and the District are parties to a wholesale water contract, which is in effect until January 9, 1998; and Whereas, the City and the District have entered into a separate intergovernmental memorandum of understanding, in which they have agreed to investigate opportunities for cooperative and coordinated local area utility planning and operation; and Whereas, the City and the District have agreed to extend the wholesale water contract through August, 1999; Now, Therefore, the City and the District hereby agree that the Wholesale Water Contract dated January 9, 1995 shall be amended as follows: 1. Paragraph 1. Rates and Water Use Limits is hereby amended to read as follows: . A. The District shall pay seventy-one cents ($0.71) per 100 cubic feet per month, beginning with the billing cycle starting August 24, 1998 and ending August 23, 1999 at. the Gales Addition Reservoir. The District shall strive to maintain an average withdrawal rate less than four hundred gallons per minute (400 gpm). The days when peak withdrawal may exceed four hundred gallons pe~ minute (400 gpro) shall be limited to six "(6) days per year and at no time shall the District use water at a rate greater than six hundred gallons per minute (600 gpm). B. The District shall pay sixty-eight cents ($0.68) per 100 cubic feet, beginning with the billing cycle starting August 24, 1998 and ending August 23, 1999 for lower zone purchases at Baker Street. C. The District agrees to inform the City, within twenty-four (24) hours, whenever its withdrawal rate at Gales Addition exceeds four hundred gallons per minute (400 gpm). D. The City shall have the option to annually adjust the rate for the future billing cycles consistent with its cost of service studies. i . 1 214 1-- . . . ~"?"V~ir~,,~~""t;t'i~;'~~ __ "/B::~~'~Y'Yrr.~~!:t;;~~~~'i?; 2. Paragraph 2. Other Conditions, paragraphs J and K are hereby amended to read as follows: J. The City has provided an interconnection north of Highway 101 opposite DelGuzzi Drive. K. The District has provided a meter installation along Baker street north of Highway 101. 4. Paragraph 4~ Termination is hereby amended to read as follows: This contract shall terminate on August 23, 1999 or upon 60 days written notice by either party, whichever is earlier. DATED this day of August, 1998. CITY OF PORT ANGELES PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT NO. 1 OF CLALLAM COUNTY President Gary Braun, Mayor ATTEST: ATTEST: Becky Upton, City Clerk Secretary APPROVED.AS TO FORM: Craig D. Knutson, City Attorney A: f'.;:'''A!~l:l.C'T:fi 2 215 ~ ... ~ ~~ "Maintaining and building a better community" Jack Plttfs Director [4801J Phytlls Rasler AdmInistrative Assistant [4805J cata Rinehart AdmInistrative AssIstant [47ooJ Bob Titus Deputy Director [4701 J Ken Ridout Deputy Director [4802J Gal)' KenWOfthy City Engineer [4803J Stwa Hursh Engineering Manager [4702J Tim Smith Contract & Project AdmInJsb'IJlor [4804J Lou Ha9hnJen Sr. BuI~ng InspecIor (4816J Tom Spet1Ine Sr. EIect11clIIInspecIor (4735J Scoff McL.Mn Power Manager (4703J RtJIph EIIswotfh Waller. ~ Co/IecfIon SupetlnMndIwII (4855J PeIe 8umJtr Equip. s.- Supet1...ldlllfl' (4835J MMll ~ LJoh' 0p8ralJ0nI MaMger {4731 J Ken MaIlle Consetvlttbl Manager [4711 J KevIn Cutfia Treat Plant Supervisor [4845J Tom Mccabe SW Collection Supervisor [4876J Stwa Evana _ LandfIll SUpervt80f [4873J MEMORANDUM .,.v~.. . ,'."~ . .:, .~'"- "..~ DATE: AUGUST 19, 1997 TO: FROM: JACK PITTIS, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS SUBJECT: PUD WHOLESALE WATER CONTRACT EXTENSION . SUMMARY and RECOMMENDATION: An extension of the PUD wholesale water cOlltract will provide the City with and opportunity to adjust the whole.sale rate and develop and additional delivery point while maintaining a dialog about future services issues in the Urban Growth Area. The Public Works Department recommends that the City Council authorize the Mayor to sian the contract extension with the PUD. ISSUE: Should the City extend the current wholesale water contract with the PUD for 8 months? . BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS: In January 1995 the City and the PUD executed the current wholesale water contract. That contract was good for three years. A copy of that contract is attached for your information. Paragraph #1 of the contract provided that the City could pass on cost of service adjustments for future billing cycles of Aug. 24,1995 - Aug. 23,1996 and Aug. 24, 1996 - Aug. 23, 1997 but did not deal with Aug. 24, 1997 to the end of the contract. We have passed on our cost of service adjustment for the previous cycles but have not adjusted the PUD rate in the newest rate adjustment, since the contract does not provide. such an increase. The PUD understands that when we are able to adjust the rates in January 1998 with a new contract that rate will reflect catching up to the revenues lost during the Aug. 1997 to Jan. 1998 period. The PUD would prefer to maintain reasonable rate adjustments rather than larger jumps in rates and therefore agrees that an adjustment now and extension in time of 8 months is appropriate. We met with the PUD on August 5th to begin our discussions about the wholesale contract and other issues related to Growth Management and utility service for the Urban Growth Area east of the city. The first issue was. !he discussion of this contract extension. In addition, we discussed the low zone intertie. This new connection along US 101 at about Del Guzzi Drive would provide about 230 gallons per minute to the PUD service area. This would reduce the amount needed to be served from the upper service area which has reservoir capacity problems. We favor this additional connection because of the ability to provide more reliable water supply and at a reduced rate since the water is not pumped the additional about to get it to the connection as is the case for the upper system. The Finance Department has determined that water delivered at the low zone connection can be provided at a rate of $0.64 per 100 cubic feet which is $0.03 per 100 cubic feet lower than the upper zone rate established in the recent cost of service. We have met with the Utility Advisory Committee who have recommended that the contract extension and rate adjustment be approved. . by Jack Pittis Director of Public Works JNP:jp Disk: N:\PWKS\WA TER\PUDRA TE\EXT _897.WPD File: Agreements - PUD Wholesale Water Contract Attachments: Old Contract, Contract extension 216 Jack Plttls Director {4801] PhytliS Ras/er Administrative ' Assistant {4800] Cate Rinehart Administrative Assistant {4700] Bob Titus Deputy Director {4701] Ken Ridout Deputy Director {4802] Gary Kenworthy City Engineer {4803] Jim Harper EIec/rlca1 Engineer {4702J Tim Smith ~tract & Project ~._nlstnJtor {4804J Lou Haehn/en Sr, Building Inspector {4816J Tom Spenme S, EIec/rlcallnspector (4735J Scott MeUm Power MIJTI4f1f1f [4703] R a/Ol1 EllswortII .Valet', Waslewalet' Co/lectJon Supeool8tld9nt {4855J PeIe Bufl'8tt EQUIp SenIoces Supeool8nOlHll {48J5J ~arIr S~ U'JIII Operal1OflS ManIfger [4 731 J K8vm Cur1Js T f'9IJt Plant Supervrsor {4845J Tom MeC8be SW Co/lectJon Supervrsor {4876J Steve Evans tlndfllI Sup6l'Vlsor 73J ave Wilcox Street Maintenance Supervrsor {4825J ,;-<,--,..~:,;",,., .~ .,-:~_"'~:'":v~;~~~;:'sil'~i~-~'-," O't'/~\ 0- MEM~bRANDUM ,11 "'I: t DATE: JULY 21, 1998 MAYOR BRAUN AND CITY COUNCIL JACK PITTlS, DIRECTOR OF PUBUC WORKS AND UTlUTIES TO: FROM: SUBJECT: INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT WITH TRANSIT AND PORT ANGELES DOWNTOWN ASSOCIATION FOR PO,RT ANGELES INTERNATIONAL GATEWAY TRANSPORTATION CENTER [Gateway] SUMMARY and RECOMMENDATION: On May 26th, 1998 a joint meeting of the Clallam Transit System , Board and Port Angeles City Council was held regarding the downtown Gateway.Project. The next phase of the project will include ,an environmental assessment and design of the project leading to soliciting bids for project construction. At the Council meeting of June 2nd staff from both agencies recommended that an interlocal agreement be drafted to outline the roles and responsibilities related to our interagency partnership toward construction and operation of the Gateway. At that meeting the Council authorized the preparation of the attached Interlocal Agreement. We recommend that the City Council authorize the Mayor to sign the Interlocal Agreement with Clallam Transit and the Downtown Association to identify the roles and responsibilities related to the design of the Gatewav Proiect. ISSUE: Should the City Council approve the Interlocal Agreement for the management of the Gateway Project? BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS: On May 26th, 1998 the downtown Gateway Project was discussed at a joint meeting of the Clallam Trdnsit System Board and Port Angeles City Council. In attendance from the City were Mayor Braun. City Councilmen Wtggins and Williams, Interim City Manager/Public Works Director Pittis, City Attorney Knutson, Planning Director Collins, and Project Administrator Smith. The purpose of the joint meeting was to discuss the next steps in development of the Gateway Project. The City Council and Transit Commission were provided with materials and staff presentations covering the history and current status of the project. together with known issues relative to the next phase of development. The next phase will include an environmental assessment and design of the project leading to soliciting bids for project construction. Staff from both agencies have recommended that an interlocal agreement between the two agencies be drafted to outline the roles and responsibilities related to our interagency partnership for the design of the Gateway. During the drafting of the agreement, we added the Downtown Association as a signatory and included two members of the Association on the Review Committee. The key points of the agreement are: .. 1. This agreement utilizes the strengths of both agencies to deal with the complicated requirements of our funding partners. especially the Federal Transportation Administration. 2. City will be lead agency so far as the Transportation Improvement Board Funds 3. Transit will be lead agency so far as the Federal Transportation Administration Funds 4. The Port Angeles Downtown Association is included as a signatory to the agreement. as their input and buy-in is important to the overall success of the project. 5. A revised total project cost will be completed prior to completion of design and will be included in the approval of the final design by all parties. 6. A Review Committee is established with two City Council members [appointed at the 7 (! meeting and are Cathy McKeown and Glenn WlQgins), two Transit Board members (Carole Boardman and Bob Smith) and two Downtown Association members. 7. The co-managers of the project shall be the City Engineer and CTS Manager of Administration and Finance. 8. The final ownership and operations issues will be determined after final design and prior to bidding the project. This will also be the time when all cost estimates are known and total project funding will be resolved. JNP:jp Disk:N:\PROJECTS\93-21~OCAGMnAGMT PM.898 File: GATEWAY PROJECT - A1tachmenls: Inleriocal Agreement 2 17 Copy: Gary Kenworthy Tim Smith Interlocal Agreement Page 2 Agreements Now, therefore, in consideration of the mutual promises and covenants contained herein, the parties hereby agree as follows: 1: RESPONSIBILITY .AND AUTHORITY OF THE CITY: CTS hereby designates the City as the lead agency for the TIS funding of the Project. The City shall have the authority to act on behalf of CTS provided that. the final decisions regarding planning, site location, preliminary engineering, cost estimates, environmental assessment, right-of-way acquisition, final design, and construction are made by consensus of the parties; The Parties agree to the use and spirit of a collaborative and cooperative decision making process throughout the project period. Sy so doing, CTS is not waiving any rights it may have as a landowner, an occupier or an operator of transportation systems affected by the project in the course of permitting or construction of the Project. The City agrees to consider the needs and desires of the other parties to this agreement in making decisions with regard to the delegated responsibilities. 2. RESPONSIBILITY AND AUTHORITY OF CTS: The City hereby designates CTS as the lead agency for the USDOT-FTA funding of the Project CTS shall have the authority to act on behalf of the City provided that the final decisions regarding planning, site location, preliminary engineering, cost estimates, environmental assessment, right-ot-way acquisition. final design, and construction are made by consensus of the parties. The Parties agree to the use and spirit of a collaborative and cooperative decision making process throughout the project period. Sy so doing, the City is not waiving any rights it may have as a landowner, an occupier or an operator of transportation systems affected by the project in the course of permitting or construction thereof. CTS agrees to consider the needs and desires of the otner parties to this agreement in making decisions with regard to the delegated responsibilities. 3. RESPONSIBILITY AND AUTHORITY OF THE PADA: The PADA shall appoint two members to the review committee. In carrying out the duties of the review committee as defined in Section 9, the Parties agree to the use and spirit of a collaborative and cooperative decision making process throughout the project period. 4 PROJECT MANAGEMENT: The Parties agree to manage the vanous phases of the Project to ac::ommodate the procedures consistent with appropriate sections of the "Local Agency GUidelines" developed by the Washington State Department of Transportation for the administration of highway improvement projects, and the procedures consistent with the appropnate sections of the "Project and Construction Management Guidelines 1996 Update" developed by the USDOT -rT A. If there is a conflict between the two aforementioned documents the Parties will consult with the two granting agencies to resolve the conflict. 5. PROJECT DESIGN: The design of the Project shall be consistent with current TIS and USDOT-FTA design standards and the Parties Comprehensive Plans. The Parties shall formally approve the project at the completion of the pre-engineering, preliminary design, value engineering, and final design stages. 6. COST-SHARING CONTRIBUTIONS: The parties agree to share all project costs and to participate in the project costs in accordance with the foilowing estmates: If. . I . . . 218 . . . ~ ~""'-;', ,,':,....~... _! -,-;'7',"" " ","'., .>'..y,::'.~',:." ~-<;:";:1:_.'h11'''C Interlocal Agreement Page 3 ,j~1 , , ~ ; SOURCES OF FUNDING Committed: USDOT-FTA Section 5309 TIB City of Port Angeles Public Works Trust Fund Pending: USDOT-FTA Section 5309 Total 52,000,000 51,500,000 51,900,000 51.500.000 56,900,000 7. PROJECT COST: The following is the estimated project cost: Total FTA TIB City of Port Anaeles Water main and sidewalk reconstruction $1,900,000 51,900.000 Engineering and Design $ 750,000 $ 600,000 S 150,000 Right-of-way acquisition 51,000,000 $800,000 S 200,000 Construction $3.250.000 $2.100.000 51.150.000 Total 56,900,000 53,500,000 S1,500,000 $1,900.000 A revised estimated total project cost will be developed upon completion of the design. If additional funds are needed both parties agree to attempt to obtain more grant funding from available sources. In no case is either party obligated to provide funds beyond the terms of this agreement. 8. FORM OF PAYMENT: e 1 The parties have not agreed to the source of the local match for the grants described in this agreement. Either party may make a necessary local match in a form that is acceptable to the granting ~uthority, which forms are assumed to include tn-kind labor or services, previous construction" or right-ot-way property donation. If possible. portions of the different grants themselves will be used as matching funds. 8.2 Neither party guarantees, by execution of'this agreement, to make any contribution towards any required local match. The decision of whether to contribute to the local match will be made by each of the parties at the time of the requirements for the pledging of such local match. 'Each party reserves the right to make a decision of whether to contribute to such local match based upon its abilities, budgets, and best Interests as determined by the legislative authority of each party. e.3 The parties agree that contributi,ons to the local match shall be memorialized between them by amendment to this agreement. 8.4 The parties also agree, whether or not either makes a local match. that each will facilitate the making, by any party, of a local match sufficientto satisfy the funding and contractual responsibilities of any grant received for the project. and will execute any documents necessary to make such local match contribution available to satisfy the grant conditions. 219 Intertocal Agreement Page 4 iB ~l . " 9. METHOD OF PAYMENT: CTS agrees to manage the project using its accounting system . and collect the financial data in the format to meet the needs for reporting to both the TIB and the USDOT-FTA. CTS agrees to provide the City with the necessary financial data for reponing and billing purposes. CTS agrees to bill the City at least quarterly and provide information when available as needed. 10. REVIEW COMMITTEE: A committee shall be. appointed to review the. progress of the Project: advise and make recommendations on design, functions and scope of the Project; and to hold public meetings to solicit public input and increase public awareness and understanding of the project. The committee shail be made up of two representatives from the PADA: two elected officials from the City and one staff person; two elected officials from CTS and one staff person. The committee shall elect a chairman. The Project Managers shall be the City Engineer and CTS Manager of Administration and Finance. and shall serve as co-managers and as ex-officio members of the committee. ~ 1. PROJECT OWNERSHIP AND MAINTENANCE: At the time final design is completed and 9rior to authorization for construction bidding, the parties shall negotiate an operating agreement which will detail the responsibilities of the parties in operating the facility, malntalnmg the facility, leasing the facility, collecting and accounting for funds. ownership of the facility. and architectural con~rol of the facility. ~2. INDEMNIFICATION: A. The City agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless CTS and its appointed and . e!ectea officers and employees from and against any and all liability. loss. cost. ::a:nage. and expenses, inCluding costs ana attorney's fees in aefense thereof. because of actions, claims or lawsuits for damages because of personal or bodily injury, :~~:ud:ng death at any time resulting therefrom, sustained or alleged to nave been s~stalned by any person or persons. and on account of damage to property. Including l~SS of use thereof. asserted or arising or alleged to have arisen directly or malrectly out :~ or In consequence of the City or its employees' perfonnance of this Agreement or the r:egllgence orwi!lful acts of the City or its employe~s. . _ S7S agrees to 'defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City and 'its appOinted and e!ectea officers and employees from and against any and all liabiiity, loss. cost. aamage. and expenses, including costs and attorney fees in defense thereof. because c~ 3ct:ons, clairr.s or lawsuits for damages because of persona! or bodily injury, Incluamg death at any time resulting therefrom, sustained or alleged to have been sustaIned by any person or persons, and on account of damage to property, including loss of use thereof. asserted or arising or alleged to have arisen directly or indirectly out cf or In consequence of CTS or its employees' performance of this Agreement or the negligence or willfui acts of CTS or its employees. 13 DURATION OF AGREEMENT: This Agreement, unless otherwise amended, shall remain In effect until the completion of the Project. which shall be final acceptance of construction. piUS the settlement of all claims by the City and CTS. ~ ~ AMENDMENTS OR MODIFICATIONS: No amend~ent to thiS Agreement shall be . effective unless approved and executed by the Parties in writing. 220 . . . -~? j,''''''',:,3'\l;''i~'' """-r:"'4.:fF ",,,,'t';t:, ,;,c::C;:'~~r :t.l'j*&..t-'~;,~ Interlocal Agreement '.'....~'....... -Vi'"~, _ ",1".,.' Page 5 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement in triplicate by, the subjoined signatures of their duly authorized officials. CLALLAM TRANSIT SYSTEM By: PORT ANGELES DOWNTOWN ASSOCIATION By: CITY OF PORT ANGELES By: 221 22~ . I . . . . . . ,.' r City Attorney's Office Memorandum Craig D. Knutson City AUomcy Dennis C. Dickson Sr. Assistant City AUorncy Candace Kreider Lcga1 Assistant Chrystina Bruneau Administrative Assistant (j f1J/1 G ,..,~. "'9 July 16, 1998 TO: City Council FROM: Craig D. Knutson, City Attorney Re: Amendment to Industrial Water Supply Contract with Daishowa and Rayonier SUMMARY/RECOMMENDA TION: The City, Rayonier and Daishowa America have negotiated the termmation of Rayonier's obligations under the industrial water supply contract based' on the City taking over maintenance of the entire waterline, Daishowa reimbursing the City's'Costs for maintaining the part of the pipeline that Daishowa uses, and Rayonier paying the City $200,000. It is recommended !bat the City Coundlauthorize tbe Mayor to sign tbe attacbed First Amendment to Water Supply Contract Jeanie OcFrans Administrative Assistant. ISSUE: Should the City Council approve the attached amendment to the industrial water supply contract with Rayonier and Daishowa America? BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS: One of the issues to be resolved with the closing of the Rayonier Mill is how to deal with Rayonier's contractual rights and obligations under the industrial water supply contract(copy a~ched). During negotiations on this issue, the City ~d Rayonier agreed.that Rayonier~ould pay.,the City $200,000 to release Rayonier from all of its obligations under the water supply contract. Rayonier's financial obligatio~.under the contract was to pay the City $34,500 a year for the water that it used (not to exceed 45 million gallons per day). This obligation began in January, 1990 and was to continue for the 30 year duration of the contract. Since the water supply contract. did not have a termination pr~vision and it waS legally uncertain as to how much, if anything, Rayonier would owe the City when it ceased using the water, the parties have determined that $200,000 is a reasonable amount. With regard to Rayonier's maintenance obligation, the City and Daishowa America have agreed that the City will maintain the pipeline ~d Daishowa will reimburse the 223 July 16. 1998 , Page 2 .' ,. City for all costs of pipeline maintenance services from the Daishowa Mill to the Elwha River diversion point. If the City were to use the pipeline to serve other customers in the future, then Daishowa's reimbursement responsibility would be reduced on a pro rata basis. .The Public Works Department estimates that the non-reimbursed cost of maintaining the waterline east of Daishowa to the Rayonier site could be approximately $5,000 to $10,000 per year, assuming no major breaks were to occur. ~< f(] ~ Craig D. Knbtson City Attorney CDK:jd Attachments ~ 224 ..:,. . :'""'. . ..~ ,-r ",~ , . . . . . . "', .'~ . ':\f' 0" 0 ,::c"';,, " '1.. ~ ~ .. FIRST AMENDMENT OF W A ftR SUPPLY CONTRACf This First Amendment of Water Supply Contract ("First Amendment") is dated effective the 1st day of January, 1998, by and between Rayonierlnc., a North Carolina corporation (hereinafter "Rayonier"), the City of Port. Angeles, a municipal corporation of the State of Washington (hereinafter "City") and Daishowa America Co., Ltd., a Washington corporation (hereinafter "Daishowa"). BelT 04.1..4; A. Rayonier, the City, and Daishowa.entered into a Water Supply Contract executed December S, 1989 ("the Water Supply Contract"), wherein the City agreed to sell to Rayonier and Daishowa, and Rayonier and Daishowa agreed to purchase from the City, untreated water from the Elwha River for use in Rayonier's and Daishowa's respective mills located in Port Angeles. B. Rayonier has ceased its mill operations in Port Angeles and desires to terminate its obligations under the Water Supply contract, and the City and Daishowa are willing to release Rayonier of its obligations thereunder. ' AGREEMENTS The parties hen:to mutually agree u follows: 1. Upon execution of this Firat Amendment by all parties hereto, Rayonier shall pay the sum of $200,000.00 to ~ City in consideration of the release of Rayonier from aU its obligations under the Water Supply Contract. 2. . AU of Rayonier' a ~ligations and rights under the Water Supply Contract ahall terminltte effective u of the date flJ'St writteD above, except that ,Rayonier shall be eiltitled to continue to utilize water for ita (tee suppression system at its 'mill aite in !tort Angeles until such time u DaiJbowa installs . surge towel' (over~pf'elSU(e protection device) on the Pipeline (as such tetm is defmed in the Water Supply Co~) downstream of the point at which Daishowa takes water from the Pipeline. JiB of the effeCtive date of this Fint Amendment, the City shall usume Rayonier's obligations under Section'" of the Water Supply Contract, subject to the City'. right to receive from Daishowa reimbuncment for all costa for pipeline maintenance I services from the Daisbowa Mill upstream to the point of diversion, provided that in the event the City uses the Pipeline to serve other customers, the costs shall be shared between Daisbowa and such other customers on a pro rata basis according to water entidement 3. Rayonier hereby grants the City a license for access over and across Rayonier'l property to the extent reasonably necessary for the City to ex<<cisc its maintenance -1- 225 .. . . " responsibilities llIlda' Section 7 of the Water Supply Contract. 4. The City and Daisbowa hereby release Rayonier, and Rayonier hereby releases the City and Daishowa, of all obligations, claims or liabilities for perfonnance under the Water Supply Contract as of the date tint written above, provided, however, that nothing contained herein shall release the City from its obligations to Daishowa under the Water Supply Contract, nor shall anything contBined herein, unless otherwise provided, release Daishowa from its obligations'to the City under the Watel' Supply Contract. . S. Except as otherWise provided in this First Amendment, the City's and Daishowa's obligations and rights shall remain as set forth intbe Water Supply Contract until it expires or is terminated. 6. The laws of the State of Washington shall govern this First Amendment IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this agreement by the undersigned, duly authorized representatives. RA YONIER, INC. CITY OF PORT ANGELES By: By: Its: Dated: Its: Dated: DAISHOW A AMEllICA CO., LTD. By: Its: Dated: A...TIIA 11lILCON -z- 22~ .... '~~~ 1 . . . ::;~~~!~~:2fT: '~"irr"r.:E :'~,:~~'. ',,,:,,.,"~.,,,., ' -'~: '~"><;'::\'\c ()Y1LL-.~D ...,. ~-:"'.,. \~"<' .# . PLANNING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM Brad Collins. Director. Extension 475 J; Sue Roberds. Extension n50; David Sawyer. Extension n52 DATE: August 4 ~ 1998 TO: Mayor Braun, City Councilmembers, and City Manager Ibarra FROM: Brad Collins, Planning Director RE: City Representatives for WRIA 18 Lead Agency . SummaryIRecommended Action: The five initiating governments met for the first time on July 23, 1998, to organize the work for Water Resources Inventory Area 18, which was funded for Phases 1 and part of2 by the Department of Ecology. It was agreed that the lead agency for purposes of the grant administration would be an elected official and staff person from each of the five initiating governments (Clallam County, Lower Elwha Tribe, Jamestown S'Klallam Tribe, Agnew Irrigation District, and City of Port Angeles). The Lead Agency will schedule activities and assign WRIA 18 responsibilities. The City Administration recommends that the City Council appoint a City Council member to be the City's elected representative and Brad Collins to be the City's staff representative for the WRIA 18 Lead Agency. Background! Analysis: . Due to. the proposed listing ofPuget Sound Chinook Salmon, which inlcude the Elwha River Salmon in this evolutionary species unit, the City worked with the other four initiating governments to make a proposal for WRIA funds. DOE granted WRIA 18 $50,000 for Phase 1 organization and .$150,000 for Phase 2 water quantity assessment. The proposal divides WRIA 18 into two Planning Teams: one for the Dungeness Watershed and one for the Elwha Watershed. Smaller watersheds inbetween the Dungeness and the Elwha would be iQcluded under one or the other Planning Teams. The Elwha Planning Team will be led by the City of Port Angeles and the Lower Elwha Tribe. City Attorney Knutson, Public Works Director Pittis, and Planning Director Collins have been attending a number of meetings addressing these issues and will be available to answer questions at the City Council meeting. ~ . B d Collins, Planning Director 227 228 . ( . . . ~ ~ .~=~ and building a better community- Jack PIttIs Director {4801J Phytlls Rasler Administrative . Assistant {4800J Cafe Rinehart Administrative Assistant {4700J Bob Titus Deputy Director {4701J Ken Ridout Deputy Director (4802J Gary Kenworthy City Engineer (4803J Jim Hsrper E/8Ctrlca1 Engineer {4702J Tim Smith COntr8ct & Project arwnlstrstor (4804J ~ Haehnlen Sr. Bu//cjng Inspedor (4816) Tom Sperllne Sr. EIect1tcaIInspedor (4735) ScoIl McLaIn Power M4II8f18' (4703) R81ph EItswotftI Wa/8f, WtJ8tewtJ/8f Collection Supet1ntend8nt [4f55) PeI9 8utnJft EquIp ServbM Superlntend8nt (4f35) Marie ShtJmp Light Openttlons MaMgfN (4731) KfWln CurtJs Tl'9tJt Plant Sup&rVlsor (4845J Tom McCabe SW CoIlectJon SUpervisor {4876J Sfel"9 Evans Landi/II SUpeMsor .73J w WIJcox Street Maintenance SUpeMsor (4825) ,J, {)~U c MEMORANDUM '. :_-1' i DATE: July 30,1998 TO: FROM: City Manager Ibarra, Mayor Brau Public Works Department SUBJECT: Authorization to sign granJ Housing Rehabilitation prog contract for Phase IV of the Port Angeles SUMMARY and RECOMMENDATION: We have rec;eived the standard DCTED Block Grant contract relating to the' implementation of the grant award of $750,000 for our Port Angel~s Housing Rehabilitation Program Phase IV. The rehabilitation work targets health and safety repairs for low-to- moderate income homeowners, along with addressing the potential blight of residential neighborhoods. Approximately 130 homes have been rehabilitated to-date. The program is noted for providing family wage jobs within our community by helping support dozens of local building contractor businesses and the employees they hire, along with supporting local businesses by utilizing residential building supplies purchased from our local building material suppliers. Of particular note among the City's Phase IV projects will be an expansion into rehabilitation of multi-family housing, through our expected participation in the Clallam Housing Authority Lee Hotel renovation project. The Public Works Department recommends Council authorize the Mavor to sign the contract with DCTED. ISSUE: Shall the City enter into a contract with the State Department of Community, Trade and Economic Development (DCTED), regarding a $750,000 grant implementing Phase IV of the Port Angeles Housing Rehabilitation Program? BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS: We have received the standard DCTED Block Grant contract relating to the implementation of the Cily's Block Grant award for our Housing Rehabilitation Program. This award will fund the fourth round of housing rehabilitation. The first three phases of the Program have now completed well over $1.5 million in housing repairs to approximately 130 homes within the City limits, providing direct benefits to around 200 city residents. These home repairs have provided through zero- interest, deferred loans, (and in a few cases grants for emergency or handicapped access purposes) to low-to-moderate income households. The rehabilitation work primarily targets health and safety issues within the homes, along with addressing potential blight of our residential neighborhoods. The program is into it's fourth year of implementation through a sub-recipient contract with Clallam~efferson Community Action, and is noted for providing family wage jobs within our community by helping support dozens of local building contractor businesses and the employees they hire, along with supporting local businesses by utilizing residential building supplies purchased from our local building materiai suppliers. Phase IV of the program, has been awarded $750,000, which brings the total program awards to $2,500,000. Most of these funds will eyentually return to the City where they can be re-directed into Mure housing and community development projects for the citizens of Port Angeles. It should also be noted, that because of the success of the Port Angeles effort, the City of Forks and most recently Clallam County, have also been awarded similar grants to extend the program beyond our City Umits. Both the Forks and Clallam County programs are modeled after the City's and are expected to utilize and share the cost of the administrative capacity which the City and Clallam/Jefferson Community Action have developed. Of particular note among the City's Phase IV projects will be an expansion into rehabilitation of low to moderate multi-family housing, with the expected participation In assisting the Clallam Housing Authority Lee Hotel renovation . The Public Works Department recommends Council authorize the Mayor to sign the contract and related documents with the Department of Community, Trade and Economic Development, accepting $750,000 in Block Grant funds for the Implementation of Phase IV of the Port Angeles Housing Rehabilitation Project. TIMOTHY J. SMITH Contracts / Projects Administrator 229 230 . . . . .. . XVI - A, .". . ~';:'; ""," " 'S! .i . PLANNING, DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM Brad Collins, Director, Extension 4751.' Sue Roberds, Extension 4750; David Sawyer, Extension 4752 July 31, 1998 { . TO: Mayor Braun, City Council members, and Manager Ibarra FROM: Planning Department, Brad Collins, Planning Director SUBJ: STREET V ACA TION PETITION - STY 98-02 OLYMPIC MEMORIAL HOSPITAL - Portion of the Georgiana/Caroline alley immediately west of Chambers Street RECOMMENDA TION/ ACTION: Following discussion, the Council should adopt the attached ordinance which contains the compensation amount set by Council's Real Estate Committee for the right-of-way. BACKGROUND/SUMMARY..: Following the City Council's July 21, 1998, public hearing, Council approved the vacation of right- of-way as proposed which is described as the eastern portion of the Georgiana/Caroline alley immediately west of Chambers Street. As the Council's Real Estate Committee had not set the compensation amount for the right-of-way, the City Council continued formal adoption of the ordinance untilthe August 4 meeting. The Real Estate Committee met in the mean~ime, ,and that figure is included in the attached ordinance: Staff will be available for questions. ~ Attachments: Ordinance Findings and Conclusions c:\wp\daily\memo.cc2 231 232' . I . . . ""' k . ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles vacating a portion of the alley be~een Georgiana and Caroline Streets in Hart and Cookes Subdivision of Suburban Block 31 of the Townsite of Port Angeles. WHEREAS, a petition is on file with the City of Port Angeles to vacate a portion of the alley between Georgiana and Caroline Streets in Hart and Cookes Subdivision of Suburban Block 31 ofthe Townsite of Port Angeles; and WHEREAS, the petition was signed by the owners of more than two-thirds of the property abutting upon the right-of-way sought to be vacated; and WHEREAS, stre.et vacations are categorically exempt from the requirements of the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) as set forth in WAC 197-11-800(2)(h); and . WHEREAS, pursuant to Resolution 7-98, a public hearing has been held before the City Council following public notice as required by Chapter 35.79 RCW; and WHEREAS, the street vacation appearsto be of benefit to and in the interest of the public; NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF' THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES DOES HEREBY ORDAIN as fpllows: Sectio~~cation.. Subject to the terms and conditions of this Ordinance, the following described right-of-way is hereby vacated: That portion of the alley between Georgiana and Caroline Streets abutting Lots 1 and2, the east one half of Lot 3, and Lots 16, 17, and 18 of Hart and Cookes SubdivisionofSuburban Block 31 of the Townsite of Port Angeles. Section 2 - Conditions . 1. The proposed street vacation is subject to the recommendations of the City's Public Works Department{Attachment B of the June 24, 1998 " 1 233 Plaiming Department Staff Report for STV 98-02) which include construction of the alley and street entrance to city standards including drainage, closure of the vacated alley entrance, ,encasement of the sewer line in the vacated alley, and an ingress/egress easement rather than a dedication of the redirected portion of the alley to serve as access south to Georgiana Street: The underground .utility easement shall remain. . 2. The proposed street vacation is subject to the recommendations of the City's Fire Department (included in Attachment C of the June 24, 1998 Planning Department Staff Report for STV 98-02) which require that the re-routed portion of,the alley shall be provided 'with an all weather surface meeting. the. City's specifications and that a fire hydrant is provi4ed at the intersection of Georgiana and Chambers Streets. 3. The proposed street vacation is subject to the recommendations of the City's Police Department (included in its letter dated July 7, 1998, presented to the Planning Commission July 8, 1998), which requires that the north driveway exit area be sufficient in size/to allow a full size police vehicle to make a right turn to continue westbound down the alley, that arrow signs and a light at the corner showing the alley makes a turn south onto Georgiana Street when travelling east down the alley, and that street lighting be provided in the alley west ofthe building. 4. The street vacation shall not be finaled until abuilding permit is issued for the property consistent with the revised site development plan (attached as Attachment A to the July 8, 1998 Planning Department Staff Report for STY 98-02). . 5. Final occupancy of any structures on the site shall not be allowed until the street vacation is complete and all of the individual lots comprising the development site have been combined into one legai building and zoning lot. 6. Any costs associated )v.ith utility relocation and alley realignment shall be borne by the applicant. SectionJ..::_Compensation. Pursuant to RCW 35.79.030 compensation for the right-of-way is hereby set at $ 9.315jllL Section 4 .:. QJlit.Claim Deed. Upon satisfaction of the compensation amount in Section 2 of this Ordinance, the owners of abutting property entitled to the vacated street, pursuant to RCW 35.79.040, may present a quit claim deed to the City of Port Angeles for execution by the Mayor, who is hereby authorized and directed to execute such quit claim deed. . Such quit claim ~eed shall include all reservations, conditions, or other qualifications upon the 2 234 ''';l/~l~i"'~'''';::1'l,'!'''i;-~:;'~,f.,~,~. -~~':'[i'.'~~M~j,~~;:':~dfr~ title established by this Ordinance. . Section 5 This Ordinance shall be effective only upon the satisfaction of the terms and conditions of this Ordinance and shall be published upon that satisfaction. The City Clerk is hereby directed to file a certified copy with the Clallam County Auditor and Clallam County Assessor. PASSED by the City Council of the CitY of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said Council held on theAtlL day of August, 1998. Gary Braun, Mayor ATTEST: Becky Upton, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: . Craig D. Knutson, City Attorney PUBLISHED: By Summary hospltal.stv . 3 235 . " "1. 9t6 . . . . ~~.. .L~.,..;.-.> . . . FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS IN SUPPORT OF STREET VACATION PETITION STY 98-02, Olympic Memorial Hospital: Conditions: 1. The proposed street vacation is subject to the recommendations of the City's Public Works Department (Attachment B of the June 24, 1998 Plamring Department Staff Report for STY 98-02) which include construction of the alley and street entrance to city standards including drainage, closure of the vacated alley entrance, encasement of the sewer line in the vacated . alley, an ingress/egress easement to serve as access south to Georgiana Street (relocated (' alley. The underground utility easement shall remain. 2. The proposed street vacation is subject to the recommendations of the City's Fire Department (included in Attachment C of the June 24, 1998 Planning Department Staff Report for STY 98-02) which require that the re-routed portion of the alley shall be provided with an all weather surface meeting the City's specifications and that a fire hydrant is provided at the intersection of Georgiana and Chambers Streets. 3. The proposed street vacation is subject to the recommendations of the City's Police Department included in their letter dated July 7, 1998, presented to the Planning Commission July 8, 1998, which recommends that the west parking lot exit area be sufficient in size to allow a full size police vehicle to make a right turn to continue westbound down the alley, that arrow signs and a light at the comer showing the alley makes a turn south onto Georgiana Street when travelling east down the alley, and that street lighting be provided in the alley west of the building. 4. The street vacation shall not be finaled until a building permit is issued for the property consistent with the revised site development plan (attached as Attachment A to the July 8, 1998 Planning Department Staff Report for STY 98-02). 5. Final occupancy of any structures on the site shaH not be aHowed until the street vacation' is complete and all of the individual lots comprising the development site have been combined into one legal building and zoning lot. 6. Any costs associated with utility relocation and aHey realignment shaH be borne by the applicant. Findings: I. The applicant for the requested vacation is Olympic Memorial Hospital. The application/petition is attached as Attachment A of the June 24, 1998 Planning Department Staff Report for STY 98-02. 2. The applicant revised the original site plan to address the concerns of the Police Department. The revised site plan is attached as Attachment A ofthe July 8, 1998 Planning Department Staff Report for STY 98-02. 3. The requested vacation is for that portion of the alley between Caroline Street and Georgiana Street ilbutting Lots 1, 2, 16, 17, 18, and the east one-half of Lot 3 of Hart and Cookes 237 Subdivision of Suburban Block No. 31 in the Townsite of Port Angeles. 4. The street vacation is categorically exempt from threshold determination and Environmental Impact Statement requirements per Section 197-11-800(2)(h). of the Washington Administrative Code. 5. The subject right-of-way and adjoining properties are currently designated on the City's Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map as Commercial and zoned Commercial Office. 6. Multiple utilities including sewer and electrical lines are located in the subject right-of-way. 7. The subject right-of-way is currently improved. 8. The Public Works, Fire, and .Police Department's original comments are included as Attachments B, C, and D of the June 24, 1998, Planning Department Staff Report for STY 98-02. ' 9. As noted in their letter presented to the Planning Commission on July 8, 1998, the Police Department's concerns, expressed in their letter dated May 19, 1998, have been adequately mitigated to their satisfaction. Conclusions: A. The Comprehensive Plan's Utilities and Public Services Policies C2 & 3 and Transportation Policy B 18 as listed in the June 24, 1998 Planning Department Staff Report for STY 98-02 directly relate to the proposed vacation. B. As conditioned, the proposed vacation is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan's Utilities and Public Services Policies C2 & 3 and Transportation Policy B 18. C. As conditioned, the proposed vacation will result in improved public health facilities in the community. D. As conditioned, the proposed vacation will benefit the public health, safety and welfare. Adopted by the Port Angeles City Council at its meeting of August 4, 1998. Gary Braun, Mayor Becky J. Upton, City Clerk . I . . . 238 . . . '.,.~ii:.".;': ,-.-J 1 Y VI - b . 'J. PLANNING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM Brad Collins, Director. Extension 4751: Sue Roberds, Extension 4750; David Sawyer, Extension 4752 . July 31, 1998 TO: Mayor Braun, City Council members, and Interim Manager Pittis FROM: Planning Department, Brad Collins, Planning Director SUBJ: STREET VACATION PETITION - STY 98-03 HERMANN - Portion of the 2/3 alley in Block 49 RECOMMENDATION/ACTION: Council should move to concur with the recommendation of the Planning Commission to approve the right-of-way vacation as proposed subject to compensation being set by the Council's Real Estate Committee. The Commission 's findings and conclusions should be cited in support of the action. BACKGROUND/SliMMARY~ On July 28, 1998, the Planning Commission conducted a special public hearing for consideration of a petition for vacation of City right-of-way described as being a portion of the 2/3 a,Hey between Tumwater and Cedar Streets. The Planning Commission moved to unanimously recommend the City Council vacate the right-of-way as proposed. The staffs report is attached for your information along with an excerpt of the special meeting minutl(s. Staffwill be available for questions. ~-' Sue Roberds, PI Attachments: Ordinance Findings and Conclusions Minutes Staff Report 239 .' . 240 . . . . . . "~ -, 1 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles vacating a portionofthe 2/3 alley south of Marine Drive in Block 49, Townsite of Port Angeles. WHEREAS, a petition is on file with th~ City of Port Angeles to vacate a portion - of the 2/3 alley between Marine Drive and Third Street in Block 49 of the Townsite of Port Angeles; and WHEREAS, the petition was signed by the owners of more than two-thirds of the property abutting upon the right-of-way sought to be vacated; and WHEREAS, since the subject area includes an environmentally sensitive area, the requirements of the State Environmental Policy Act (Chapter 43.21 C RCW) have been met by the filing of an Adoption ofan Existing Document on June 10, 1997; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Resolution 7-98, a public hearing has been held before the City Council following public notice as required by Chapter 35.79 RCW; and WHEREAS, the street vacation appears to be of benefit to and in the interest of the public; NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF POltT ANGELES DOES HEREBY ORDAIN as follows: Sectionl~acation. Subject to the terms and conditions of this Ordinance, the following described right-of-way is hereby vacated: That portion of the 2/3 alley between Marine Drive and Third Street abutting Lots 1- 8 and 13 - 20 Block 49, Townsite of Port Angeles. Section 2 - Conditions 1. A 20 foot by 80 foot long utility easement shall be provided for the existing powerline. The owner must maintain vehicle access to the powerline. 241 1 2. The street vacation is subject to the conditions of approval required by the City Planning Department's Environmentally Sensitive Areas (ESA) approval No. ESA 97-01, which requires: . A. Compliance with recommendations contained in the engineering report dated January 24, 1997, prepared by Polaris Engineering and Surveying, Inc. . B. Land clearing, grading, or filling shall be limited to the period between April 1 and Octo~er 1.. C. Vegetation on steep slopes shall be preserved or replaced. D. Any development of the property shall meet City standards for stormwater runoff improvements. Section 3 - Compensation:. Pursuant to RCW 35.79.030 compensation for the right-of-way is hereby set at $ Section 4 - Quit Claim Deed. Upon satisfaction of the compensation amount in Section 2 of this Ordinance, the owners of abutting property entitled to the vacated street, pursuant to RCW 35.79.040, may present a quit claim deed to the City of Port Angeles for . execution by the Mayor, who is hereby authorized and directed to execute such quit claim deed. Such quit claim deed shall include all reservations, conditions, or other qualifications upon the title established by this Ordinance. -Se.cti0IL5~This Ordinance shall be effective only upon the satisfaction of the ." terms and conditions of this Ordinance and shall be published upon that satisfaction. The City Clerk is hereby directed to file a certified copy with the Clallam County Auditor and Clallam County Assessor. . 242 2 . PASSED by' the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said Council held on the_ day of August, 1998. Gary Braun, Mayor ATTEST: ( . Becky Upton, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Craig D. Knutson, City Attorney PUBLISHED: By Summary . . .,....11 Hf."'A'. .,,, . 243 3 244 't' " '.;~ . { . . . . . . _. . . ; "" 'i; '; i,V':;;.~~,~ '_i~,:)":>;~:';;,;'< FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS IN SUPPORT OF STREET VACATION PETITION STY 98-0.1 - HERMANN: Findings: I. The applicant for the requested vacation is William Hermahn, the application/petition is attached as Attachment A of the July 22, 1998, Planning Depanment Staff Repon for STY 98-03. 2. The requested vacation is for that ponion of the alley between Marine Drive and Third Street abutting Lots 1-8 and 13-20, Block 49 in the Townsite of Pon Angeles identified in Attachment A of the July 22, 1998, Planning Depanment Staff Repon for STY 98-03. 3. The City's SEPA Responsible Official issued an Adoption of Existing Environmental Document on June 10, 1997, for the proposed vacation which is included in Attachment B of the July 22, 1998, Planning Department StaffRepol1 for STV 98-03 4. An Environmentally Sensitive Areas Approval (ESA 97-0 I) was approved for the proposal on March 7,1997, which is included in Attachment B of the July 22, 1998. Planning Depal1ment Staff Repon for STY 98-03. 5. The subject right-of-way and adjoining propel1ies are currently designated on the City's Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map as Industrial (I) and Open Space (OS) and are zoned Industrial, Light (IL) and Public Buildings and Parks (PBP). The pOl1ion of the propel1ies that contain the marine bluff is the area zoned PBP while the majority of the properties, which is the area to the nOl1h of the marine bluff are zoned IL. 6 An electrical transmission line is located in the subject right-of-way. 7. The Public Works, Fire and Police Depal1ment's comments are included as Attachments C, D, and E of the July 22"'1998 Planning Department StaffRepol1 for STY 98-03 Conclusions A. The Comprehensive Plan Land Use Policies D3, H I and 4 as listed in the July 2~. 1998, Planning Department Staff Repon for STV 98-03 directly relate to the proposed vacation. B. As prescntly improved, public use of the alley is extremely limited. c. As conditioned, the proposed vacation is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan"s Land Use Policies D1, H I and 4 D. As conditioned, thc proposed vacation will allow improved use of the adjaccnt commercial site with improved site design 245 246 f . . .. . . . E. .-':'F";:,.,,,:..,.'.t:'t:..:> -~. "~l ~ As conditioned, the proposed vacation will not have an adverse impact on the public health, safety and welfare. Adopted by the Port Angeles City Council at its meeting of August 4, 1998. . . Gary Braun, Mayor Becky J. Upton, City Clerk .'" 247 FleE PLANNING DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT . FJlOM: . David Sawyer, Senior Planner TO: ( . DATE: July 22, 1998 .- RE: STV 98-03 APPLICANT: William Hennann REQUEST: Vacation of a portion of the alley between Marine Drive and Third Street abutting Lots 1-8 and 13-20, Block 49 in the Townsite of Port Angeles. BACKGROUND: . The application is for the vacation of a portion of the alley between Marine Drive and Third Street abutting Lots 1-8 and 13-20, ~lock 49 in the Townsite of Port Angeles(please see Attachment A). DISCUSSION: Environmental Review: Although the vacation of a street is nonnally categori~ly .exempt from threshold determination and .- Environmental Impact Statement requirements sinCe the subject area includes an environmentally sensitive area (marine bluft), this application is subject to SEPA review. Consequently, the SEPA Responsible Official issued an Adoption ofExisting Environmental Document on June 10, 1997. An Environmentally Sensitive Areas Approval (ESA 97-01) was approved for the proposal on March 7. 1997. Please see Attachment B. Department Reviews and Comments: Public Works Department: The Public Works Department's comments point out the presence of overhead utility lines in the area of the proposed vacation and request a 20' utility easement where the lines are . located (see Attachment C). 248 City of PorI Angeles Planning Departmm/. 321 E. 5th St.. PorI Angeks. WA. (voice) 360-417-4750. (fax) 360-417-4609 "-o.;';,"':"'-',Y'_"'';''O,,:,"'';:..~d,' "I",'," ".~ V\",/:, ' ....... .0'",,--:' "-,;:~ 3 ....!s- 13 ..., ,. . : StafrReport STY 98-03. (William Hermann) July 22. 1998 Pap 2 . Fire Department: The Fire Department has no objections to the proposed vacation (see Attachment D). Police Department: The Police Departrilent's COmments,state the vacation Will not impact service in this area (see , Attachment E). ' I . Planning Department: Below is a summary of potential impacts from the proposal: Traffic panems: The Public Works Department has not indicated any negative impact on the area's vehicular traffic pattern. As presently improved, public use of the alley is extremely limited. , Utilities: The Public Works Department has indicated an electrical transmission line is located in the area of the proposed vacation and that an easement will be necessary if the vacation is approved. Public Health. Safety and Welfare: There is no evidence, the proposed vacation would result in a . threat to the public health, safety or welfare. Development Panems: The proposed vacation is located in an area of currently developed industrial and commercial lots which would not be affected by the proposed vacation. Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Ordinance: The subject right-of-way and adjoining properties are currently designated on the City's Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map as Industrial (I) and Open Space (OS) and are zoned Industrial, Light ell..) and Public Buildings and Parks (PBP). The portion of the properties that contain the marine bluffis the area zoned PBP while the majority of.the properties, which is the area to the north of the marine bluff are zoned ll... The following Comprehensive Plan policies have been found to be most relevant to the proposal:. Land Use Element Policy Dl - '/he City should encourage new and existing commercial developments and businesses which are consistent with the goals and policies of this Comprehensive Plan. . The area of the proposed vacation bisects the applicant's current equipment and storage yard. The vacation of this area will allow a better utilization of the applicant's property for equipment and materials storage thus enhancing this commercial building material and supplies store use. Ltuul Use Element Policy HI - Urban services shall be available for all industrial areas as 249 City of PorI Angeles Planning lHpartmenl. 321 E. 5th St. Port Angeks. WA, (voice) 360-417-4750. (fax) 360-417-4609 P1anniDs Depertment StafrReport STV 98-03, (William Hermann) July 22, 1998 Page 3 required by the Capital Facilities Element concurrency policy. The utility easement requested by the Public Works Department will insure continued adequate provision of electrical service in the area. . Other urban services will be unaffected by the proposed vacation. Land Use Element Policy H4 - Industrial activity'should be located in two major areas: . . adjacent to the harbor and around the airport. This area is located in the vicinitY of the Port Angeles Harbor. PLANNING DEPARTMENT RECOMMENDATION: The Planning Department recommends the Planning Commission forward a recommendation of approval to the City Council for street vacation request STV 98-03 subject to the following conditions of approval and based on the following findings and conclusions: Condition of Approval: 1. The proposed street vacation is subject to the recommendations of the City's Public Works Department included in Attachment C of the July 22, 1998 Planning Department Staff Report for STV 98-03. 2. The proposed street vacation is subject to the conditions of approval required by ESA 97-01 included in Attachment B of the July 22, 1998 Planning Department Staff Report for STV 98-03. Finding~: 1. The applicant for the requested vacation is William Hermann. the application/petition is attached as Attachment A of the JuIy"22, 1998, Planning Department Staff Report for STV 98-03. 2. The requested vacation is for that portion of the alley between Marine Drive and Third Street abutting Lots 1-8 and 13-20, Block 49 in the Townsite of Port Angeles identified in Attachment A of the July 22, 1998, Planning Department Staff Report for STV 98-03. 3" The City's SEP A Responsible Official issued an Adoption of Existing Environmental Document on June 10, 1997, for the proposed vacation which is included in Attachment B of the July 22, 1998, Planning Department Staff Report for STY 98-03. 4. An Environmentally Sensitive Areas Approval (ESA 97-01) was approved for the proposal on March 7, 1997, which is included in Attachment B of the July 22, 1998, Planning Department Staff Report for STV 98-03. City of Port Angeles Planning Department. 321 E. 5th SL, Port Angeles, WA. (voice) 360-417-4750, (fax) 360-417-4609 . ( . . . 250. . . . '"'--~"~'-"';' ':;'i'~:"'" ,~~~O"r "'-, - .", j~'n,-;;.;t:" '.'i'(~ ~.. ...'t~tr.m . ':.,:.:.:.:~ P1aJmiDg Deputment StafrReport STV 98-03, (William Hermann) July 22, 1998 Page 4 5. The subject right-of-way and ~joining properties are currently designated on the City's Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map as Industrial (I) and Open Space (OS) and are zoned Industrial, Light (ll..) and Public Buildings and Parks (PBP). The portion of the propertieS that contain the marine bluff is the area zoned PBP while the majority of the properties. which is the area to the north of the marine bluff are zoned n... 6. An electrical transmission line is located in the subject right-of-way: I . 7. The Public Works, Fire and Police Department's comments are included as Attachments C, D, and E of the July 22, 1998 Planning Department Staff Report for STY 98-03. Conclusions A. The Comprehensive Plan Land Use Policies D3, HI and 4 as listed in the July 22, 1998, Planning Department Staff Report for STY 98-03 directly relate to the proposed vacation. B. As presently improved, public use of the alley is extremely limited. c. As conditioned, the proposed vacation is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan's Land Use Policies D3, HI and 4. D. As conditioned, the proposed vacation will allow improved use of the adjacent commercial site with improved site design. E As conditioned, the proposed vacation will not have an adverse impact on the public health, safety and welfare. .... ST"9tOJ.PCI 251 City of Port Angeles Planning Department. 32 J E. 5th St.. Port Angeles. WA. (voice) 360-417-4750. (fax) 360-417-4609 ... r- Civil · Structural .. Management 1401 West 7th Strut . Port A",tlts, Washingt01l 98363 Office & FDX (360) 452.2098 15 June, 1998 '. City of Port Angeles 321 E. Fifth Street. Port Angeles, WA. 98362 , . . '. : ~ Subject: Vacation of alley behind Sunset Wire Rope Dear Mr. Sir; Attached is an application for the vacation of the alley to the South of the new Sunset Wire Rope Facility in Port Angeles. The vacation is requested for the alley abutting lots 1-8 and 13-20 of Block 49 TPA. Of these 16 lots, only 3 are owned by other than Sunset Wire Rope or its owners. Thus the applicant owns 81.25% of the adjoining property. I feel it is necessary for the City of Port Angeles to. recognize several conditions as this vacation is processed. All of this alley is directly below the bluff . to the south. This fact was the significant detennining factor in allowing a variance from the setback requirements on these lots. The area on these lots which can have a building placed on them is significantly reduced due to the existence of the bluff. The alley which is in this request for vacation is within the impact zone of any bluff movement. Thus the city is actually reducing its liability .exposure by the vacation of this alley. An example of this liability was shown as a result of the slide behind Lamonts, which covered a portion of the alley there. This alley is also only usable for vehicle movement in and through the rear area of the Sunset business operation. This -vehicle movement maintains whether the alley is vacated or not. Sunset does not gain additional storage area as a result of this vacation, it gains the ability to secure the outside storage area to the south of their building. . The west end of this vacation will allow the construction of an one hundred foot long storage facility on lot 8, rather than an eighty foot shed. This portion of the vacation would seam to be very advantageous to Sunset. The down side to this is that a twenty foot by eighty foot easement will have to be recorded to allow the City Light crew to maintain the electrical facility they have on the south edge of the alley Right-of-Way_ Thus, there is effectively no gain in land, it is a transfer . from a Right-of-Way to an Easement for the City. .. e801SL3DOC 252 A-IT-A C Hrv\t:.-~TI A' . . . ~~i11~;_jJ_'~d:::-:~';:~2~~~~?'~~;~~~::~'1~~i,:~: "':"""I'-'~, . '. ........<:~.. .., ..,.....rs . . . .~-'<:; .. -'c:'tI (- r' Thus, I would expect the city to look at this vacation as not a giving up of city Right-of-Way but a reduction in liability. The ability of using the land as it is used now by the city will remain through the easement. Sincerely, ',' . "'~.;'. . ':..~:'o 0.:, .~. ,t';;, '.~ ~..7'" '. '. .~~ ;~i~ ~.~ ..:.~:'.'. :'" ..0 . .:.. '.: :." t~. . ._~;.- \~:~t.: ~ . i_. . ... ":' .. . . ..." Ot i : '~~.:''.:l d .. ~. ... , - . '.~':~~:~. ':.1 ..' . ~: I ..:....: . ~ "' : ~iiI:~ Gene H. Unger, P.E~ incl.; ':~:,~,'," u .... .,. .1" . - -.. ... ,,~ ,', ", " ..':, ':.j I ~ '_0.' ~ .- ':I .~~ I '\ " ..:;.... ". .. .~.i.~~ :. . . ....y:.....~.:. .. '. .", - :..'; . ') .. : -,.... .' ,)~ ::-.;:':: ' :; . .....' J . "l'~,~:r.~' ~ , .. \.~~"l.''': ;, . 1'. - _ ':;. : .. ,-; ... - . 4'.' ~ ", -, .. ~': .:!;~!:: ~ ~ .::. . .... 253, N018L3.DOC Az 2 ",. {f/":'!':~;t' ... .~....,"~ . ( CITY. OF PORT ANGELE~ STREET VACATION PETITIO .;'" "~~:"'_::--~-":-:" ..... :,-',:,-:,:,~::,' ST\( ..'tI-:. o-:I m m ~O Vrl;;,e rn.~' .' ..~.. " .. co" :'.".-'." ':."-0 1"5.' ~, *' TO: The City Coullcil of the City of Port Angeles. Washingtoll- Come now the undersigned petitioners and pursuant to Chapter 35.7 POIll ANGE lES .. T , 1. The undersigned pet.itioners request that the following described portion of . Block 49 .. Street(Alley in-t.he City of Port Angeles be vacated pursuant to Chapter 35.79 RCW (Iegaliy describe ~he property req'~esled for \.'Qcarioll be/ow). lot 1 -8 and lots 1 3 - 20 2. Each of the undersigned petitioners is the owner of an interest in real estate abutting on the above described area. ~ 3. --Z- persons own property abulling on said area. 4. The names and addresses of property owners abutting on said areas are as follows: Name Address Mi c:hael R Scrrers 25895 Higt'way , 01, FOrt Angeles, WA ~ l..awrence ~ thsa1/Lisa L1sk 220 South Pine, FOrt Angeles, WA 98;363' . 5 The undcrsq;ned petitioners conslItutc more th:lfI two thirds of the owners of said abutting property WHEREFORE, thepctiuoners ask that proceedings be commenced hereon for the vacation of said area of s:ud Block 109 ~Alley in the manner prescribed in Chapter 35. 79 RCW. Respectfully submitted, ~c Address Snset WlI''e &fbpe ro fbx 1003, Fbrt Angeles, WA 9S362 By W1..ll1an T Ia1Ia1 1rJ:l'Z;; .(4~.-. fhanc ~52-3341 . File No. Date Received -----'.- 251 Hcanng(s) Dale A3 :ti . . I. _n_ --- 1n'J'I1Ur ~?dl.~.WiEt~EjUi .~U #ifMm~ 1/11/1 . '..I1.l)1l11:5'fm01Jg!i5J4IIJJ~ID3@#i:'j?i ._ . H!: . . 'I - . rm '. IHi ~ . 1llIII1I1rI!jjJ lIIJI11lil1J3] ... . . 6 ~ . fa ~a TfW U ~~~I~,'.~~i!l~ PI D'RI_i~f,~Q LO-l6 AlS.W~ ~~Jl < .:.. ;tlryy..'. ~ ~"~~ .l.!2 > .' ~L '''0//,1"._. L. . IiWmmr ...... "::.. " I \-00.. ff,>if' '".. _. '. .... .. . '. , ~~~",,:r.P. ~ ". Y,({0:!I ~ <I/f~' ~~"":::~"'~I:-~Uil m :u.lliJ!~~ /}cSff;-&~//..,' ,).. ...zmr~Oi/<W/k:'((, ,<:: <~~:- :::". -: '.' ~:_._ _ _ . l . 'k'1 fJ .,'./ ,. . f iJ"-1 ~'<.(.~} ~Jt, .. ..... ~ t;> a ~.., ~ ,~ I) -<.J;j1.fZ,'.j ~""'Q'. .' 5.( t . ':.. ,'." <,(' "N. s- ~~ 'j '.: ~~'j'l ~ ~~ 'A."" '^'" ~ ~:.: " . <:0f;;../)> 1;/ . ~ ?'.~ (~. . ~'<I ' J fl<) . 'J'~;:@k; " .J;h...v'/I/;, ';{/J< ~. ~r~'~~ ~ &~ ~~~~m~~ ttJ;Pj,j:@~~,~~~ '/I^-0 /I~ ~/~'.~.].:...~.... )~""" ~'LA~"",I ' L ~ .,~ ~ . 1 j3t .: :~':. :i:::",... ,~. ,"'.-y, , .". .' ",. J .,,0 t.:.' 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EIS. ..__ Other: Description of Current Project: A proposal to vacate City right-of-way on' propeny that contains an environmentally sensitive area (ESA) and located in the IL. Industrial Light, zone. APPLICANT: Bill Hermann dba SUNSET WIRE ROPE Location: 518 Marine Drive Title/description of document being adopted: A determination of non significance (DNS #715) prepared for construction of the main warehouse building on the propeny adjacent to the right-of- way which was for the rebuild of a large warehouse structure that was destroyed during the winter 1996-97 storms. The current proposal is in association with that redevelopment project. Agcncy/Applicant that prcpared the document being adopted: Bill Hermann. dba Sunset Wire .. Rope. Date the adopted document was prepared: March 5, 1997. The DNS was not challenged. Peninent application materials are available for review at the City of Pon Angeles Planning Depamnent. 321 East Fifth Street. Pon Angeles. Washington, Monday thfough Friday, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. .- The previous document has been identified and adopted as being appropriate for this proposal after independent review. The document meets our envi.FOnmental review needs for the current proposal and will accompany the proposal lathe decisionmaker. NAME OF AGENCY ADOPTING THE DOCUMENT: City. of Port Angeles Contactl SEP A Responsible Omcial: Datc: JuneJO..J9.91 Brad Collins, Planning Director 321 East Fifth Street, Pan Angeles, W A 98362 Phone Number: (360) 417-4750 Signature: ~~ ~.: -' _____ Brad <f~iii;;;' Planning Director I~ rUB: 6/ VJ.1V7 . . ...--...... ........., 258 11\'i'"1 r LI. ,.. .-. r-- R . . . I . .. .. 257 v r e ESA 97-01 S 18 Marine Drive .: ENVIRONMENTALLY SENSITIVE AREA ApPROVAL MARINE BLUFF/GEOLOGICAL HAzARD (Steep SlopelLandslide) - File Number: ESA 97-01 ( . Applicant: Sunset Wire Rope Company Owner: Sunset Wire Rope Company Proposed Action: Replacement of building and new construction totaling 18,810 sf Location: 518 Marine Drive SEPA: A Determination of Non-Significance (# 715) was issued for the proposal on March 5, 1997. . Decision: . Based on the information provided and as conditiolled below, the proposed project located at 518 Marine Drive (please see attached application) meets the requirements for development on a property which contains a locally unique feature (marine bluB) and a geological hazard area (landslide & erosion) as identified in the City's Environmentally Sensitive Areas Protection Ordinance (pAMC 1"5.20) and as concluded below. - For mannr bluff areas: PAMC Section 15.20.070, B, 4: The proposed construction method'will: a. Not adversely impact the stability of ravine sidewalls and bluffs; b. Not increase erosjon and mass movement potential of ravine sidewalls and bluffs; c. Use construction techniques which minimize disruption of the existing topography and vegetation; and d. 253 Include measures to overcome any geological, soils and hydrological constraints of the site. City of Pori A"g~/~s Planning Departn'~"I. J11 E. Stl, St.. Port Angelel, WA 98362, 360-117-4750. (fax) <117.<1609 K ) /' / ESA 97'()1 518 Marine Drive fa t: March 5,1997 Page 2 e. The buffer from the top of the marine bluff is not reduced to less than 2S feet. . For Landslide haZArd areas: . PAMC Section 15.20.070 C. 1: a. There will be no increase in swface water discharge or sedimentation to adjacent propenies; I . , b. There will be no decrease in slope stability on adjacent propenies; and (ill) The alteration is so minor as not to pose a threat. Conditioo(s) or Approval: 1. The applicant shall comply with all recommendations contained in the repon dated January 24, 1997 and prepared by Polaris Engineering and Surveying, Inc. and attached as pan of Attachment A. 2, Land clearing, grading or filling shall be limited to the period between April 1 st and October 1 st. 3. Vegetation on steep slopes shall be preserved or replaced. . 4 The project shall be subject to erosion control measures required by the Public Works Depanment. 5 The project shall meet City standards for stormwater runoff improvements. .. .' "'>/i jq 1 Date ' Bra Collins. Planning Director City of Pon Angeles c I()f1"1CE\~"ll.1NIWPDOCS\ESAaA9'701.0HA ~~!1. City of Port Allgtles Planning Dtpor""tnl. J2/ E. 51h SI.. PorI Angeles. WA 98362.360-417-4750. (far) ~17-4609 \3> '3 rn J.~ lC~ .;.~..:.... ( ~rJYd 'St"" \T1f ~29W8. l~' . June 18, 1998 I . I : TO: Tim Smith, Public Works Department Fire Department Police Department ,,/ ~ LJ (J~.~ SUBJ: STREET VACATION PETITION - STY 98-03 HERMANN - Portion of the 2/3 alley in Block 49 south of Marine Drive The Planning Department has received a petition for vacation of a portion of the Marine/Second Street alley in Block 49. Please review the petition and identify those issues that relate to your departmental concerns. A response to the Planning Department no later than .-J.une.22..l9..2.8, is . appreciated. Please be sure to note any concerns your departments have with regard to compliance with the City's LOS standards should the vacation be approved. If you have any questions, please call or stop by the department. Thank you. l. L I &-l11 R-6s e -se(1\-ucTle1 2. Na ex t ~ -r: ~-t,n../ I..-~ u"l- rfct:--( L,rr/~ 't--J ...Oc L/C,.;e-{ ,,1>J!) .., pJO o(rtJ~ ,'/LoJ- Tb V~~. ~f5L-.J6k---- 1==u'TLl!-<S' A.I~- '3 A---'{;:(~/qy 262 . ~T\n. \ \..\ M,::- ~\\r . ( - . .. .- . 4) ~ ., ':"{'1 . . ( .; .. PLANNING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM 321 East Fifth Street~ Pan Angeles. Washington (360) 417-4750 ,oL.ANN,,,,G June 18. 1998 TO: Tim Smith, Public Works Department ,;-~. Fire Department Police Department PORT ANGELES PLANNING DEPARTMENT SUB]: STREET V ACA TION PETITION - STV 98-03 HERMANN - Portion of the 2/3 alley in Bloc:k 49 south of Marine Drive The Planning Department has received a petition fo~ vacation of a portion of the Marine/Second Street alley in Block 49. Please review. the petition and identify those issues that relate to;your depanmental concerns. A response to the Planning Department no later than .J.UDe 29, 1998.. is appreciated. Please be sure to note any concerns your departments have with regard to compHance with the Clty's LOS standards should the vacation be approved. . . If you have any questions, please call or stop by the departri1ent.Thank y()u. ~1Y ~'H"H~ ~O ~~-rIOU TZ:> 11\\$ \J~~l1DtJ) ~11:~ ~ A u>-kWll'e- 'II-( eo~ L.o~ ~~l~tpe;.t:> FO~ I>cU ~("1"(t1JG; ~~E..-~ ..~u ou ~ A~~ ~~C-t\. 1\feOu.>~~Ct--~-r W\~V1l\\~ \?lAA\C.l~- ~ ,; ~oJ{:". b~ t.?.. c:r 5 263 (/ MEMORANDUM Coral Wheeler Administrative Assistant ext 4650 P"'Jce W. Becker Fire Chief ext 4651 Daniel K. McKeen Fire Marshal ext 4653 L. Keith Sogues T raining Officer ext 4652 James B. (Duke) Moroz Medical Officer ext 4665 360-417 -4655 .~ . ( ( ROUTE TOI . ,Building Dept. IJ Planning Dept. Jil Public Works IJ . City Manager IJ fD) IH~~ n W ~ fill i UIJ ~ 2 4 913 ill DATE: June 22, 1998 PORT ANGELES PlANNING DEPARTMENT TO: Planning Department D~ FROM: Dan McKeen, Fire Marshal RE: Street Vacation Petition STV 98-03 Hermann - Portion of 2/3 alley in Block 49 south of Marine Drive . The Fire Department has reviewed the request for a street vacation for a portion of the Marine Drive/Second Street alley in Block 49 and has no objections. DM/cw ..' . 264 . FP - 26 Page 1 of 1 AT\AC.t-\HEJJ"\ 1) . . .'" . ()~ - . ,.. p .~ ..,., .;:,.~,.,-".... .. . .:~~ -::-'!o .:._" I . .ft v; ~ Me""" ... --- - Date: 06/25/98 r (" SIrw lIl, CIaf o/l'flm r- .",. DqNq QUI NIItIIIIi Wu, ,.,.0. MIIIIIIpr """" HIIII6*I. AIIINiII ..,..., W II @ II 0 W IE Q ""'=.E I a. 2 6 1998 I J : Erick z.,pe,. S.,,1iIIII wun I il i . r"" Go1kIPn'. Snrlillll L:J Lit. ZelU1nUrn. Records SupmVor HtIIIIIin. ConurumietIIiDn SupmVor HtJ/IIDII. ComnumiaJIiDIIS SuptnVor DI. PORT ANGELES rLl\NNING DEPARTMENT . To: DEPUfY CHIEF TOM RIEPE [] Communications Distribution: [Xl Addressee Only [] Records [) A From: Sgt. Gale Subject: Street V #217-030-98 The location of the alley is in the storage yard for Sunset Wire and Rope. The vacation will have no impact on this Department. Page 1 26~ Al\AC}.\MEMl E . . . . . . ~ ~ tv 0') -"l . . . . CLALLAM COUNTY HUMANE IL TER REPORT FOR THE MONTH OF JUNE , . J? Jan Feb Mar Apr May JI Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dee YTD ; ACO StlClY Dun-- 9 16 17 11 11 10 ACO Gift Dogs 0 0 u U 4 0 4: PA Citizen Stray Dugs 6 1 .. .. 2 . 4 2 1 ~ PA Citizen Sun Dogs 17 9 B 14 6 22 761 5/0 Truck Stray Dugs 8 10 8 8 10 10 54, 5/0 Truck Surr Dogs 1 14 3 2 8 0 281 County Public Stray Dogs 20 8 12 9 6 5 601 County, Public Sun Dogs 31 15 22 18 20 26 132! Dogs left at Shelter 22 26 16 '25 12 30 1 31 City Adopted Dogs 7 12 8 10 14 8 59 County Adopted Dogs 22 20 26 18 19 24 129 LAS RTO Dogs 2 0 1 1 2 3 9 ACO/RTO Dogs 7 6 8 4 9 6 40 PA Citizen RTO Dogs 5 0 4 6 1 3 19 County RTO Dogs 14 9 5 10 9 8 55 LL\S PTS Dogs .9 8 7 8 3 11 461 ACO Dogs PTS 3 7 4 0 3 1 18 i PA Citizen Dogs PTS 10 6 2 10 6 10 44 County Dogs PTS 20 35 18 10 16 22 1 21 LAS DOA Dogs ".,. 1 1 0 1 0 1 4 "".:; ACO DOA [X)gs 0 " 1 2 0 0 4 PA Citizen DOA Dogs 1 2 2 1 0 0 61 County DOA Dogs 2 2 3 5 1 2 1~1 ACO Quarantine Dogs 0 0 0 0 0 0 PA Citizen Quarantine Dogs 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 ~ County Quarantine Dogs 0 2 1 1 1 2 7 City Dogs Stolen 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 County Dogs Stolen 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~ Total incoming Dogs 1 1 4 99 85 9 1 79 107 0 0 0 0 0 0 575 ~ lotal Adopted Dogs 29 32 31 28 33 32 0 0 0 0 0 0 188 r otal Dogs PTS 42 56 3 1 28 28 44 0 0 O. 0 0 0 229 Total DOA Dogs 4 5 6 9 1 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 28 r otal RTO Dogs 28 1 5 1 8 2 1 2 1 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 23 lotal Complaints Handled in 7 7' 6 8 2 1 3 1 i j :.. 0) (X) , , .,~~~: CLALLAM COUN1Y HUMANE SHEL1'ER REPOR" FOR THE MONTH OF JUNE, 1998 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun J u I Aug Sep Oet Nov Dee YTD ACO Stray Cats 9 71 n 11 9 17 89 ACO Gift Cats 0 0 U 0 0 0 0 PA Citizen Stray Cats 4 2 2 9 5 10 32 PA Citizen Surr Cats 11 11 6 11 7 32 78 S/O Truck Stray Cats -1 5 ?7 1 7 3 47 S/O fruck Surr Cats 0 2 1 .1 0 () 7 County Public Str ay Cats 1 6 .\ 11 7 1<1 52 County Public Surr Catc; 21 18 19 13 41 37 149 Cats Left at Shelter 14 20 B 4 21 55 122 City Adopted Cats 14 13 7 5 17 6 62 County Adopted Cats 12 7 1'4 13 11 17 74 ACO/RTO Cats 0 3 3 1 0 1 8 PA Citizen RTO Cats 1 0 0 2 0 2 5 County Rl 0 Cats 0 2 1 1 0 0 4 LAS RTO Cats 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 ACO Cats PfS 4 8 9 4 7 8 40 PA Citizen Cats PTS lO 9 7 4 7 30 67 I I County Cats PTS 20 17 37 15 27 39 155 LAS Cats PTS 8 9 5 9 10 38 79 I 1 6 ; ACO OOA Cats 3 3 3 2 1 4 I PA Citizen DOA Cats 0 f. 0 2 0 3 7 County DOA Cats 3 2 5 4 2 2 18 I LAS DOA Cats 1 1 2 1 2 0 7 Cats Escaped 0 0 1 0 0 0 Total incoming Cats 70 85 89 67 97 168 0 0 0 0 0 0 576 Total Adopted Cats 26 20 2 1 1 8 28 23 0 0 0 0 0 0 136 Total Cats PTS 42 43 58 32 5 1 1 1 5 0 0 0 0 0 ,0 341 I Cats Total DOA 7 8 1 0 9 5 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 48 Totai RTO Cats 1 5 4, 4 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 7 PA Citizens Other Animals 3 0 0 1 1 1 5 ACO Other Animals 1 1 2 0 2 0 6 ! County Other Animals 16 4 5 6 0 4 35 LAS Other Animals 3 2 0 . 0 0 1 (, -'" . ..,I ~ :..J . . . . Memorandum Steve Ilk, Chief of Police Tom Riepe, Deputy Chief Naomi Wu. Comm Manager Karen Haugstad. Admin Asst. . . #038-'1998 . ,I-", LJ.,J+.[ t- ,.<.........1..'......... '1 Date: July 31, 1998 To: Patrick Ibarra, City Manager Mayor Gary Braun and City Council Members From: Steve Ilk, Chief of po~ File Craig Knutson, City Attorney Kay Godbey, Finance Director cc: Subject: Electronic Home Monitoring and Alternative Incarceration - Update Information Onlv - No Action Reauired I This is an approximate six month update on the progress of the Electronic Home Monitoring program and the alternative incarceration in the Forks Jail. The savings reflected in this memorandum do not include the Community Service Program and numbers are rounded to the nearest hundred. Electronic Home Monitoring - January through July 1998 To date the Electronic Home Monitoring Program has saved $34,500 in jail costs for 1998 through the first seven months. That's the equivalent of 697 days of electronic home monitoring by 22 individuals. Program costs have been $4,000 while we have received $4,800 paid by the users of the program. Forks Jail Contract... January through June 1998 We've housed ten prisoners in the Forks jail at a savings of approximately $3,200. Forks jail expenses during this period were $17,950. The prisoners sent to Forks are those who are serving at least five days in jail and have no pending court appearances. For two months of this period during a remodel the jail was full, limiting our ability to send prisoners to Forks. We are charged a one-time fee of $10 per prisoner for transportation of prisoners to' the jail. Total savings between these two programs is approximately $37,700 (does not include the Community Service Program). Clallam County Corrections Facility - January through May 1998 The City's cost for housing prisoners in the Clallam County jail during the first five months of 1998 was $96,100. Total costs for housing prisoners during the first six months of the year is estimated at $133,500. Monthly jail bills vary considerably and a more precise estimate for annual expense isn't possible at this time. Our annual jail budget is $250,000 and several expenses for the Community Service Program have also been taken from that line item. 270 271. . . . :'" 1- . . . ~ ! ; j /... r . . ../ ~~">.'.".. ~/'/L/J-f:J L.- . ....,'..,..;; , . ;<"'\.?..:.....;;. '. . .-........-.... . -........... .... . d' .......... .. ............. ... .................. .... ................ . . . . . . . . . - . . , . . . . . ' . . July 29, 1998 TO: Mayor Braun, City Council Members and Manager Ibarra John Hicks, Recreation M~__ Clallam County Physicians C~~ Benefit Fund FR: RE: As council will recall, we are in the preliminary stages .of a feasibility study on William Shore Pool. As part of the project we are exploring the possibility of additional amenities to the pool such as a hydro therapy pool. With that in mind, we submitted an application through the Clallam County Physicians Community Benefit Fund for the purpose of securing additional funding. On July 28, we received a preliminary grant award of$15,000 for this project, see attached letter. We will be working closely with the pool consultant on ways to incorporate this intcithe pool project. cc: Scott Brodhun, Director Parks & Recreation 272 - - ,,:* . . ~ ..~. . . ' .:. '..":..' ,(':t...i ClalIam County Physicians Community-Benefit Fund')",' PO ~~X3005 · P~~~1!1~~l~~.1.!~~h~gt~n '?~~~2", ' : t. ," { : ft July 25, 1998 1 'I Scott Brodhun, Director of Parks & Recreation City of Port Angeles Parks & Recreation 321 East 5th Port Ang~les, WA 98362 SUBJECT: CLALLAM COUNTY PHYSICIANS COMMUNITY BENEFIT FUND GRANT PRELIMINARY AWARD Dear Mr. Brodhun: We are pleased to inform you that your grant request to the Clallam County Physicians Community Benefit Fund (CCPCBF) has been PRELIMINARILY approved in the amount of $15,000.00. In order to proceed with a final award, we require the following information: 1. written evidence that your overall project has received all public and/or private approvals necessary for you to proceed with and complete your project. 2. written evidence that all other funding necessary to the successful completion of the project has been received or committed (that is, funding other than that approved by CC.~CBF L. 3. copies of all paid vendor invoices for expenses needed to complete the project. CCPCBF will make one lump sum payment to your agency at the conclusion of your project. We will reserve these funds for you for the identified purpose(s) of your grant request, and for no other purpose, until June 15, 2000. Any funds unclaimed by that date will be returned to the pool of funds available for that year's funding cycle. 273 ..... " . I . . . . . . -4... . I r.... ...{}t~';J~~.:")..~:.'- . . . . ,: "-'.~.'>!""';"~"t~ :'~;~;'.':""'" ~..~........ " Congratulations on your preliminary approval and best wishes in your very worthwhile project. . Sincerely, CLALLAM COUNTY PHYSICIANS COMMUNITY BENEFIT FUND ~~.k2 4~ Charles R. Turner Chairman CRT/dkr . " 274 .. :1 l)~:-: Iw ( ..1 >........'1......... ~~: .:" r . . . . City Manager's Office Memorandum Patrick Ibarra City Manager ..~narcm "Sam" Martin Exec. Admm. Assistant Reck" 1. l pton. ole City Clerk .\/anagt'mt'nt ,,/sslstant . Robert Coons 1!lImon R/!.murct!s .\Ianag/!r Cami/It' lIeadrlck I/uman R/!.Wlurct!s Asslslant . lj3/~. 'U-J ...'[..1............. .'. . . ~ J. ~ _/ TO: MAYOR BRAUN & CITY COUNCIL ~ A TRICK mARRA, CITY MANAGER FROM: DATE: July 31,1998 MISCELLANEOUS RE: A few items I wanted to bring to your attention. First is my home address, 2503 South Lincoln, and phone number, 417-8959, for your records. Second, the Summer Conference of the Washington City Management Association is scheduled for August 19-21, at Ocean Shores. While I hesitate to attend and be out of the office so early in my tenure, I believe it would prove useful in acquainting me with my colleagues around the State. I have fOUJld this sort of networking is beneficial for when a situation arises I need to confer with other city management types and how they responded to similar circumstances. After reviewing the Conference Agenda, I would only be attending the first two days, the 19th and 20th and return the evening of the 20th. During this time, I would recommend Jack Pittis be placed in responsible charge. If acceptable to Council, I would like to attend. A totally difference subject, I would also like to know which Council members are "on-line" so if need be, I can communicate via the Internet. Finally, I along with several others will be out of the office on Thursday, August 6, and Tuesday, August 11, making visits on behalf of the Rayonier Mill closing. On the 6th, we will be visiting the Department of Ecology and on the lith, the U.S. EPA. 276 '!f"" \" J-. ::~ -~- . . . ~7'~' .