HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet 08/06/2002 ;;'fil' ,,', '," ",< N' t'/ "NGBLES :.'.; f) .",,?,",' ~....~....> ' , ' 'D. '~~iNCE , Gontra"ct w,ithMoss Bay Group :: IT Cqnsultants , ',_ ," _, ,,_ " '0"" '; !",,' ',C, 'f ,',,'__'. -, -, '. ,C ",,.:_'-'- - -, ' ., ,,~;- "~..,,> . ,o;~",-_., -~-"'i-;j,;",\ "t":il -,",.:-: " AGE~A'i" 'FYCOUN~~.i,MEEtIN6 321 EAST FIFTH STREET ~ ". ,- 'i:,g..',,'. ,",,' ," August 6, 2002 ,,' " ~9V~AR MEETI~G -'6:0~~.m~ CONSENT AGENDA 1.', City Council minutes - July' 16, 2002 'r:,egular ""meetirtg and July 30, 2002 Speciallme~ting 2.' Check Register - July 26, 2002 ~;$8()8,635.99 ' ,', ,.\ ' -, ::-",' .:"~. '. '-' . .'\ '''. ~.',"":'1S!': "i?" ,':"',: ," '. 3. Electronic Payments - July 26; )2002 - $850,743.00 " ',' 4: Agreement between~ City and Pd1t;Angeles;' School District 121 for High schooiRe~burceJ , '"" en." ," '''' '",,,, ' J/'# ' , OfficeProgfam , u ,"",,,.J, ,', ' 5 .,Finalize, Sale of 7th & Albert PropertY' " .-,""_l", --,' .:'" '''.,'>,,::;. , 6. Reject Bid for Pump Station Retrofits'. '~, 7 . EauridsenBlvdlEdgewood Drive I{ealignm~iit, Final'Acceptance ,"', :::+,;::'.. t ' 8. Waterline Replacement, Valle ci ,,'-, , _";' ,- "..-, " -' ':"','-,{", "/tJ.;~ R,~storation,<:;~ntract c;l1,ange Ord' , " .... ;,~:\. "' ,; f ','-', .,,', "xf",,:";,: >,,~, , ; 'c '~<";-" ';' '-'~k:' ,:, n:..;;" ,'::-, :^:" c' _',' ,,',,:., '"~,, ",!,,<~'t.-;l~P:;:^',f"'f:{;,:j~;i{~,:, :::,.:J::''-:~'':;''(~}<:'::-: Fe .'~ CITY COUNCIL eOMMITTE.E.~rQ;lH'St. "' ::{ ':.:.'." ~ 'August6, 2002 "!,,..; Page. 1 '-, ' ',", " " ~'!,', " -,' ," "~~~;&~~]I~~~~\".i:~lt;t: "',-.,_,,':";:: '. - _-r_,~,'i':'k\_;':>~-' ':_~:' ,': '",;,--,"-'g,fE"" ,:,,:~~:~,'\, (~}:?':5-!f7'-' " ' ,'8;~:?'_ff:;:r'--'",,~.:-"-) G. ....ORDIN~CES NOTREQUlRING'PUBLIC "','- -,"", ,,"', ',-. "','''<'^ ,;,' ,'-, ',_ 'C';, ,.- -.'- ,"" '-0:" l)EARINGS; H. RESOLUTIONsr M \ 1.".~equest for ~~~a!i~Q 'rr{\~i 07-01 - 69 'Mantooth, LiJ,'lqD.tftg 'lr?'Rd,atEnpis 'Creek: Request for aimexationof approximately 30 acres. " 2. ,Street Vacati()n:.:R,es()luti()l1'- ST;Y Q2-02: 91 _po, " -:+]0:;;';i,:;,:.;:,,~t;v~'t'!/ltt,,:._,: '_J- "-~"-":':.'>" -:;'--':-:~d:;.,;f;t R~solutio~,~.~ttle~'i,:'BH~llc2,.he~!Jl'H~;':'.. for consideration::'ofy.{cauon 'of'91;lerry' Street north of inner harbor line that has not been pr~viously vacated.:;'~'''' .. ..,_."...k. 3. Resolution Adoption forAllocation of General 99 Funds 4. Resolution' setting'hearing".forvacation of, 103 right-of-wa~: YMcA. - STY 02~Ol - ~orti()n of 3/4 alley between Eunice and Fran~.i~ Streets: Approve Ballot Me~sures and Sign'ReS()I~H2n , I ", . P,aSs Resolution Z S~fPublic Hearing Date .'--.lr, -":r ,}-:j'-L'-"!:/-r~:",j:~:-,,. ';,\ 'i:~'~~~ -~",'j :,-}: i . . ..' 'i"'. I..., ,'" ..." Declare ~miisqreekPioperty SUrplus i L. INFORMATION.,; ." .:'.',)... ..... 1. Presentationre: 1/10th of One PercentGnminal Justice..Tax - Polic~Chief Riepe.., (page ~none) (No paperwork in packet) , 2. City Manager:siC.al~d..~ (page) 37) · Changeprders,Contracts Und.er.$J5~, Bids (Page 139) · Consulta.et Sen~~ct Status ~ag~iI41) · Trail Improvemc:mts atthe Rayonier Mill Site ,(page 149) 3. Humane~ocietY Report'- June 2002: (page '151) 4. Parks &Recreation Hotel/Mot~l~tRepqrt- 2nd Quarter 2902 5. Parks & Recreati,():h Monthl)"Repori, - June 2002 ,(page 155), PUBLIC HE4RiNGS';QPASI-JUDI~IAL (7:00 P.M. or'soo~.ther<;after) . " Rezone Request -REZ92-05,-Clar~e:,910.E 8th Stree!: Requestf()~re~one of approximately 7 ,000 . square, feet of,.propeItY {f;; ,/S-~,.}''i..:t':~'~' '. ~/r-.':':::k:.:\J.:;\: ,,' ""':~-, PUBLIC~~,G~,~ ()~~R Declare Em;i~' €;e~k,Piopeitf Surplus Pass 'Resolution .,t' e'- y'l PasS Resolution t t .i "I T:";;':'ittf''':f'-;~' I. OTHER CONSIDERATIONS <-- '- -'f__- . --" '- F'" J. 13S r I (page,l53)...t ,.1" M. EXECUTIVE SESSION (As neededdnd df!termined by City Attorney). . :;""',:':-':--' ---~,"'_'1 ',,', "__'. ',;,C" N. ADJOURNMENT ) , ,.,1 NOTE:HEARING'lDEVICES.A V AILABLEJFOR THOSElNEE:DINGiASSIST~CE . "jl~MAY()R~fb'DETIiRMiNE'~:OE~BREAK":" '.., 1......"7.>. August 6, 2002 ,Port J\ngelesCity;Councili'~~eMg I I '.1 tPage:;;2 . " ~ORTANGELES WAS H I N G TON. U. S. A. CITY OF PORT ANGELES CITY COUNCIL MEETING I. CALL TO ORDER - REGULAR MEETING: II. ROLL CALL: Members Present: Mayor Wiggins Councilman Braun Councilman Campbell Councilmember Erickson Councilman Headrick Councilmember Rogers Councilman Williams Staff Present: . Manager Quinn ~Attomey Knutson ~-q . Clerk Upton B. Collins M. Conrielly G. Cutler D. McKeen T. Riepe Y. Ziomkowski v ~. ~ V ~ August 6. 2002 (tJD12- o. 'fY\ . I III. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Led by: d.oUN'~ ~J)--'Y\~~...J ~.A,.J'fl~nA. CITY OF PORT ANGELES ,~ORTANGELES WAS H I N G TON, U. s. A. CITY COUNCIL MEETING Attendance Roster PLEASE SIGN IN DATE OF MEETING: August 6, 2002 LOCATION: City Council Chambers Please Note: IF I plan on testifying by signature below, I certify that my testimony is true and correct under penalty of perjury by the laws of the State of Washington. ~ ~2- City of Port Angeles ~ORTANGELES OrdinancelResolution Distribution List WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. City Council Meeting of Aueust 6. 2002 ~. (IJ.~ -Ro.A 7.!l::i ~.A R.~ 1V4 4.1):} f1)~J IJ.J.!Jr \ ""1Y1a. ..1... ..II ___ I .J.JfJA "- ~ S'T"V 7l 7lA I. rh.... ~~I v 1/'__...... 4.11l /) I" .' II nI 7J~ 4..11J/1 J./M,& ~ J? .LI1 JI IJ .,. ~ '4 l/ City Manager IV City Atty. (1) JV / ./ 1/ 1/ IV" Planning ./ ./ J / / }/ 1/ 1/ / ,:> ,/' ./ ./ . :::;)~ City Clerk (2) ~ .,!;) ~ J- V- I/ }/ - Deputy Clerk (1) Ir/ JV' Personnel Cust. SYcs. Finance J .,/ Dir .IMgr . Police Dept. J / Fire Dept. Iv" Light Dept. Pub. Works (2) ,2 ./ ,:) ,/ ~ v"" d ~ ..,/ ~ ..,,/ Parks & Rec. IV' MRSC (1) J / I v' I ../ I /' I~ PDN (Summary) - - - vt,_....V / Extra Copies 4;00 ,v . ~t Of) 1../ 11.J'Oo 1"/ , ~ ,; 0 f) I V / ~ n.AT A V l "M-r' _ ~ 0/ ~IJJA I \ V () ., it 1 J. I TOTAL q I,:) / r~ I~"" 11 ! ! ~. . . 'li'~tf)~. . . , ' , . , rcJ \'\~t1I'\~~rf1~ ~~\..\1.I~j~~'WMl~'DK!lJ'Ul~llllYIIM'M))..lJjV~...YtMJ~QmJMi.'Mi.l\)j~~,:g::;; , 1~~k\J~~'W~~\J/JllJl1\.G]\gj . ~ ,',',' un '~l~}j~lL~~I\", ' ,""", ~ I ~ ' ~ 1- - J rncIunUtfion Port Angeles Farmers Market WHEREAS, agriculture is one of the cornerstones of the Washington State economy, and WHEREAS, Washington's growers make an essential contribution to our local communities and to the well-being of our citizens; and WHEREAS, Washington's farmers markets are dedicated to supporting Washington's family farms and to providing opportunities for Washington's citizens to meet local producers and gain access to the bounty of Washington-grown products in all their diversity, fresh from the family farm; and WHEREAS, the congenial atmosphere of farmers markets appeals to citizens of all ages and ethnic backgrounds, creates a positive social experience and provides nutritional and economic benefits; NOW, THEREFORE, I, Gary Locke, governor of the state of Washington, do hereby proclaim August 10 through 17, 2002, as Farmers Market Week in Washington State, and I urge all citizens to join me in recognizing the many benefits of our local farmers markets. Signed t . 13th day ! 20:2 .(1 Locke " . ,. ~l ,''i1~~~eNiJ1ID~~fi'\!alf\''rn.~~'t1i:~; '~~- ~-o-',.~ID'f~~~f\~i ~ -:i:o ~ Streets-Vacationf1u~~. ~5.79.01O -~ 8-~ -O~ 35.79.030 Hearing-Ordinance of vacation. The hearing on such petition may be held before the legis- lative authority, or before a committee thereof upon the date fixed by resolution or at the time said hearing may be adjourned to. If the hearing is before such a committee the same shall, fol- lowing the hearing, report its recommendation on the petition to the legislative authority which may adopt or reject the recom- mendation. If such hearing be held before such a committee it shall not be necessary to hold a hearing on the petition before such legislative authority. If the legislative authority determines to grant said petition or any part thereof, such city or town shall be authorized and have authority by ordinance to vacate such street, or alley, or any part thereof, and the ordinance may pro- vide that it shall not become effective until the owners of prop- erty abutting upon the street or alley, or part thereof so vacated, shall compensate such city or town in an amount which does not exceed one-half the appraised value of the area so vacated, ex- cept in the event the subject property or portions thereof were acquired at public expense, compensation may be required in an amount equal to the full appraised value of the vacation: PRO- VIDED, That such ordinance may provide that the city retain an easement or the right to exercise and grant easements in respect to the vacated land for the construction, repair, llQ.d maintenance of public utilities and services. A certified copy of such ordi- nance shall be recorded by the clerk of the legislative authority and in the office of the auditor of the county in which the vacat- ed land is located. [1987 c 228 ~ 1; 1985 c 254 ~ 1; 1969 c 28 ~ 4. Prior: 1967 ex.s. c 129 ~ 1; 1967 c 123 ~ 1; 1965 c 7 ~ 35.79.030; prior: 1957 c 156 ~ 4; 1949 c 14 ~ 1; 1901 c 84 ~ 2; Rem. Supp. 19499 9298.] ,-.....,. .., Chapter 35.79 STREETS-VACATION Sections 35.79.010 35.79.020 35.79.030 35.79.035 Petition by owners-Fixing time for hearing. Notice of hearing-Objections prior to hearing. Hearing-Ordinance of vacation. Limitations on vacations of streets abutting bodies of water- Procedure. Title to vacated street or alley. Vested rights not affected. 35.79.040 35.79.050 35.79.010 Petition by owners-Fixing time for hearing. The owners of an interest in any real estate abutting upon any street or alley who may desire to vacate the street or alley, or any part thereof, may petition the legislative authority to make vacation, giving a description of the property to be vacat- ed, or the legislative authority may itself initiate by resolution such vacation procedure. The petition or resolution shall be filed with the city or town clerk, and, if the petition is signed by the owners of more than two-thirds of the property abutting upon the part of such street or alley sought to be vacated, legis- lative authority by resolution shall fix a time when the petition will be heard and determined by such authority or a committee thereof, which time shall not be l)1ore than sixty days nor less than twenty days after the date of the passage of such resolution. [1965 c 7 ~ 35.79.010. Prior: 1957 c 156 ~ 2; 1901 c 84 ~ 1, ' part; RRS ~ 9297, part.] 35.79.020 Notice of hearing-Objections prior to hearing. Upon the passage of the resolution the city or town clerk shall give twenty'days' notice of the pendency of the petition by a written notice posted in three of the most public places in the city or town and a like notice in a conspicuous place on the street or alley sought to be vacated. The said notice shall contain a statement that a petition has been filed to vacate the street or alley described in the notice, together with a statement of the time and place fixed for the hearing of the petition. In all cases where the proceeding is initiated by resolution of the city or town council or similar legislative authority without a petition having been signed by the owners of more than two-thirds of the property abutting upon the part of the street or alley sought to be vacated, in addition to the notice hereinabove required, there shall be given by mail at least fifteen days before the date fixed for the hearing, a similar notice to the owners or reputed owners of all lots, tracts or parcels of land or other property abutting upon any street or alley or any part thereof sought to be vacated, as shown on the rolls of the county treasurer, directed to the ad- dress thereon shown: PROVIDED, That if fifty percent of the abutting property owners file written objection to the proposed vacation with the clerk, prior to the time of hearing, the city shall be prohibited from proceeding with the resolution. [1965 c 7 ~ 35.79.020. Prior: 1957 c 156 ~ 3; 1901c 84 9 1, part; RRS 9 9297, part.] (1997 Revision) 35.79.035 Limitations on vacations of streets abutting bodies of water-Procedure. (lj-:A:city;or.:.to.wn:shall;not:vlrc::ate;"a.street~or_altey.:i h,ny, pohion:Of:ttie-stfeet,or~alleyraouts.a.60dY:Of:fresfi.or_salt_water. ....urU.e.ss:~ (a) The vacation is sought to enable the city or town to ac- quire the property for port purposes, beach or water access pur- poses, boat moorage or launching sites, park, public view, recreation, or educational purposes, or other public uses; (b )"flie.ci'ty.or;tOwii7.by:te_SD1uJi.on:ofjt~:MislatiV:e'"1lliJh":'or- -4it~declares~that:th"e:street,or.alley:is'not'prese,ntly.:bein~\.!s€Q:as ....a.streef.or.alley;-anQ:th~ne:stfeet.or.alley:is.not,suiia51eJ:~ny .c:f:the:fOllowing-purposes:-Port-;-oeach-OJ:-.w.ater-accesS:;:ooat 4'rnoo-rage,::liiiiiiCfiing.sites;-parK;-public'vie W:-I'ec!eation;-or.ed~ .cation~:ot~ (c) The vacation is sought to enable a city or town to im- plement a plan, adopted by resolution or ordinance, that pro- vides comparable or improved public access to the same shoreline area to which the streets or alleys sought to be vacated abut, had the properties included in the plan not been vacated. (2)~Before.aaoptii'Ig.a.reso11ition_v.acatlng:a.street~or~alley .under-su.b_sectiQIl:<:l)(b ):of.;tliis:S"e:ctioIi';'j:he:cily:oQ15.Nn'"'Sha:ll: ( a)~Compile:an:inv..entol:)'_of:an::ngJjts.of_way_within"'tb.e .<citY.;,QI.1o.W.Jl,.that~abut:the:sam.e.bod y"~of"water~thaHs'abutted~by ~stieet:Or:a:l1~l'iMo.Be_vacated} [LSRM: Title 35 RCW-page 71) -,.79.040 Title 35: Cities and Towns (b) Conduct a study to determine if the street or alley to be vacated is suitable for use by the city or town for any ofthe fol- lowing purposes: Port, boat moorage, launching sites, beach or water access, park, public view, recreation, or education; (c) Hold a public hearing on the proposed vacation in the manner required by this chapter, where in addition to the normal requirements for publishing notice, notice of the public hearing is posted conspicuously on the street or alley sought to be vacat- ed, which posted notice indicates that the area is public access, it is proposed to be vacated, and that anyone objecting to the proposed vacation should attend the public hearing or send a let- ter to a particular official indicating his or her objection; and (d) MaKe-a.fiiiOirrg:that:me:stteeCor:a1ley~souglit:to'b..e;la;- cated.isLnot.suitaQlefor:any.:oetlie.pUrpose-s.listed:iiii'der...(B):of ..tliis::stmsection,.ana:tliat.th~:Va"Catil)njs:i'n:tb:e:puBIic.iiitel'e~ (3) No vacation shall be effective until the fair market val- ue has been paid for the street or alley that is vacated. Moneys received from the vacation may be used by the city or town only for acquiring additional beach or water access, acquiring addi- tional public view sites to a body of water, or acquiring addi- tional moorage or launching sites. [1987 c 228 ~ 2.] 35.79.040 Title to vacated street or alley. If any street or alley in any city or town is vacated by the city or town council, the property within the limits so vacated shall belong to the abutting property owners, one~half to each. [1965 c 7 ~ 35.79.040. Prior: 1901 c 84 ~ 3; RRS ~ 929Q.] 35.79.050 Vested rights not affected. No vested rights shall be affected by the provisions of this chapter. [1965 c 7 ~ 35.79.050. Prior: 1901 c 84 ~ 4; RRS ~ 9300.] [LSRM: Title 35 RCW-page 72] (1997 Revision) . . :,. ~ORTAN WAS H I N G TON, ELES U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: AUGUST 6, 2002 To: MAYOR WIGGINS AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: Yvonne Ziomkowski, Finance Director SUBJECT: Cont!act with Moss Bay Group, Information Infrastructure Consultants Summary: It is necessary to retain the services of an information technology and infrastructure consultant to help the Information Technology division with security issues, stabilize the network, develop, populate and deploy an information technology reference manual, establish a planning process, and evaluate staffing needs. Recommendation: Authorizethe Mayor to sign a contract with the Moss Bay Group for the information technology and infrastructure consulting services for a total contract amount not to exceed $31,125, which includes 249 hours of services. Background / Analysis: In July 2002, the City retained the services of the Moss Bay Group to conduct an audit of the Information Technology (IT) division. This contract amount was between $12,000 and $14,800. The consultants have reviewed IT operations, including staffing loads and qualifications and they have analyzed issues affecting performance, security, and reliability. As a result of this audit, several issues were brought up, some of which require immediate attention. The recommendations are categorized as follows: ~ Immediate: These recommendations should be implemented immediately in order to ensure continued operations and support of existing projects, such as implementing the citywide computer system, stabilizing network issues, fixing known security holes, and reorganizing other urgent proj ects. ~ Planning: This recommendation encompasses a higher level planning process that should be undertaken after operations have been stabilized. This includes establishing an annual planning process, five-year strategic plan, two-year tactical plan, standards, documentation, and procedures. ~ Security: These issues relate to system and network security and include comprehensive security evaluation. 5 ~ Staffing: These recommendations are associated with stabilizing the IT division workload and developing a staffing plan to meet the City's requirements. On July 12, 2002, the IT Manager resigned, which now creates additional problems with implementation of the audit recommendations. We recognize the need to obtain comprehensive management direction for this vital function that affects every department of the City and recommend contracting with Moss Bay Group for this purpose. The high level of experience and credentials of the consultants will enable the City to have clear directions and aid the staff in taking care of the most time sensitive issues. Attached is the list of tasks included in the contract. I will be at the Council meeting to answer any questions you may have. 6 . . . . . . List of Tasks Included in the Contract with Moss Bay Group 1. Fix known security holes a. Review F /W configuration b. Develop short-term F/W plan c. Review wireless connections/risks d. Develop wireless connection plan e. ID other security risks f. Develop security correction plan g. Implement corrective procedures 2. Stabilize network issues a. Identify network issues b. Develop priorities c. Implement corrective procedures 3. Define, document and reprioritize stranded projects a. Meet w/ IT staffre. project status and details b. Develop project priorities c. Identify resource or technology shortfalls 4~ Develop, populate and deploy an information technology reference manual contairiing shiridards, methodology and procedures a; ()lltlinehypertextshelFfrom MBG master template b.IdeIitify header sections begin population c.Identify document owner arid train on maintenance d. Develop TfAREF Change Control e; Announce and Deploy IT AREF Online 5. Implement interim direction for above tasks :1; Meet wl City Mgr. & Dept. Heads reo mission & requirements b. Inventory IT staff c.' Develop gap an.alysis d. Developshort~teiIDtacticalplan>& budget 7 . . . 8 ~m . . . CALL TO ORDER- REGULAR MEETING: ROLL CALL: PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: PUBLIC CEREMONIES, PRESENTATIONS AND PROCLAMATIONS: Letter of Congratulations from Washington State Auditor Proclamation Recognizing Olympic Medical Center Quality Rating Score of 100% Chamber of Commerce Report CITY COUNCIL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington July 16, 2002 Mayor Wiggins called the regular meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at 6:00 p.m. . Members. Present: Mayor Wiggins, Councilmembers Braun, Campbell, Erickson, Headrick, Rogers, and Williams. Members Absent: None. Staff Present: Manager Quinn, Attorney Knutson, Clerk Upton, B. Collins, M. Connelly, G. Cutler, D. McKeen, T. Riepe, Y. Ziomkowski, S. McLain, J. Cole, B. Coons, and C. Kochanek. Public Present: J. Robinson, L. Lee, A. Holzschuh, T. Price, J. Grattan, M. Petersen, S. Petersen, R. Gruver, L. Rasmussen, 1. Harbick, J. Harmon, C. Warne,D. Maguire, R. Terril, M. Wiggins, and G. Wiggins. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Police Chief Tom Riepe. 1. Letter of Congratulations from Washington State Auditor Mayor Wiggins introduced a letter received from Brian Sonntag, Auditor for the State of Washington, congratulating the City for its ninth consecutive audit without a fmding, which shows the City's dedication to sound fmancial operations and timely fmancial reporting. Mayor Wiggins read the letter and congratulated Finance Director Yvonne Ziomkowski, who responded by thanking the Council for its cooperation and complimenting city management and staff for their dedication and support. 2. Proclamation Recognizing Olympic Medical Center Mayor Wiggins read into the record a proclamation recognizing Olympic Medical Center for receiving a 100 percent score from the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations. The proclamation was accepted by Administrator Mike Glenn, who thanked the Mayor and Medical Center physicians and employees. 3. Chamber of Commerce Report Presented by Executive Director Russ Veenema Chamber of Commerce Director Russ Veenema submitted the quarterly report, summarizing the contents of the materials distributed and noting increases in visitors, lodging percentages, website visits, and future projections based on upcoming events. He thanked Council and staff for their support of operations for all events, and he responded to a question by explaining that dues should be current by year end. 9 - 1 - CITY COUNCIL MEETING July 16, 2002 WORK SESSION: Governmental Fund Projects LATE ITEMS TO BE PLACED ON THIS OR FUTURE AGENDAS: FINANCE: A ward Contract for Revitalization of Carnegie Library Fire Hall Roof Repair CONSENT AGENDA: CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: l Governmental Fund Projects Manager Quinn eXplained the changes in the Governmental Fund Projects list and asked . Director Cutler to comment. Director Cutler asked Councilmembers for direction in fund allocations, indicating that a determination on the claim still has not been made by WCIA for the Fire Hall roof repairs. He noted that, if the reimbursement for the roof repairs is received, there will be $2.5 Million available for capital projects. Manager Quinn informed the Council that the one project committed to is the Carnegie Library. The others listed are in the planning stage and could be deferred. In the discussion that ensued, the members of the Council expressed concern with committing all of the referenced funds in the absence of a current fmancial report and in view of the upcoming budget preparation. The opinion was expressed that it may be advantageous the set some of the funds aside until more defmitive information is available. Finance Director Ziomkowski advised the Council she is preparing the fmancial reports for the 2nd Quarter, 2002, and at the request of the Council, she indicated she could have the report completed for a special Council meeting if so desired. Therefore, the Council set a special meeting for Tuesday, July 30, 2002, at 6:00 p.m. in Council Chambers, at which time the Financial Reports will be received, and further~ consideration will be given to the Governmental Fund Projects, as well as the contract award for the Carnegie Library which is on this evening's Finance agenda. Mayor Wiggins added a Sublease between the City and Pier Group for the Conference Center Development as Agenda Item 1.7. Tad Price, 1613 W. 11th, informed the Council that Mayor Sugiyama of Mutsu City will be visiting Port Angeles; he distributed an activity schedule for the delegation and also for visiting teachers and students. . 1. Award Contractfor Revitalization of Carnegie Library This agenda item was deferred to the special meeting just set for July 30, 2002. 2. Fire Hall Roof Repair Director Cutler informed the Council that the contractor is doing the design work for the Fire Hall Roof repairs and directed Council to page 13 of the agenda packet, the three roofmg membrane replacement options. After explaining the proposed options and cost differential, Director Cutler responded to brief questions from Councilmembers. Councilman Campbell moved to direct the Public Works and Utilities Director to proceed with the design and installation of a modified bitumen 2-ply membrane system. Councilman Braun seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. Councilman Braun moved to accept the Consent Agenda to include: 1) City Council Minutes - July 2, 2002 regular meeting and July 9, 2002 special meeting; 2) Check Register - July 9, 2002 - $375,373.76; 3) Bonneville Power Administration Power Contract Amendment; and 4) Amendment #1 to the Skillings - Connolly Consultant Agreement. Councilmember Erickson seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. . Councilman Headrick met with the Law & Justice Subcommittee, wherein the proposed . 1/10th of 1 % tax increase was considered. Councilman Braun, on July 9, 2002, attended the Public Safety Committee Meeting, the 10 -2- . . . CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: (Cont'd) PUBLIC HEARINGS - QUASI-JUDICIAL: YMCA Rezone REZ 02-04 Ordinance No. 3119 Break PUBLIC HEARINGS - OTHER: Municipal Code Amendments MCA 01-02B CITY COUNCIL MEETING July 16, 2002 CTS meeting on July 12, 2002, and announced the upcoming ice skating facility meeting on July 22, 2002, at 7 :00 p.m. at the Vern Burton meeting room. Councilmember Rogers mentioned the Olympic Medical Center recognition and the economic development impact this recognition has presented. Mayor Wiggins participated in two 4th of July parades and the Multi-Cultural Task Force meeting. 1. YMCA Rezone REZ 02-04 Councilmember Rogers recused herself from the discussion due to a conflict of interest; she departed the Council Chambers at 7:00 p.m. Community Development Director Brad Collins reviewed the packet materials and distributed a letter just received from Deborah Coffey as part of the packet. Mayor Wiggins opened the Public Hearing at 7:05 p.m. Cynthia Warne, 715 East 4th Street, inquired about citizens' assurances that the YMCA will not build anything that will adversely affect the surrounding residential area. Director Collins replied that the rezoning to PBP, Public Building and Parks, designation is more restrictive than most zones, but a rezone permits any uses in that zone and not a specific development by a particular owner. YMCA Director Dan Maguire, 313 Hancock Ave., mentioned the inadequate size of the YMCA and the intent to expand the facility. In response to Councilman Headrick's question about the intentions for construction, Mr. Maguire explained that the YMCA will be extended to fill in the outdoor basketball court and to expand the parking lot in the first phase and that a second phase could occur in the future. There being no further testimbny, the public hearing was closed at 7:20 p.m. Discussion followed as to the permitted uses in the PBP Zone, and Manager Quinn pointed out that the majority of the uses are intended to be met by public institutions with the City as a likely proponent of those uses. He felt there is a natural protection inherent in the uses that should greatly reduce any neighborhood concerns. Mayor Wiggins then read the Ordinance by title, entitled ORDINANCE NO. 3119 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, rezoning two residential lots in the 700 block of East Fourth Street from RS-7, Residential Single Family, to PBP, Public Buildings and Parks. Councilman Campbell moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title, citing Findings 1-13 and Conclusions 1-4, as set forth in Exhibit "A", which is attached to and becomes a part of these minutes. Councilman Headrick seconded the motion, which passed 5-0. Mayor Wiggins recessed the meeting for a break at 7 :28 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 7:45 p.m., at which time Councilmember Rogers rejoined the Council. Municipal Code Amendments MCA01-02B Community Development Director indicated it is staff s recommendation that this public hearing be continued to August 20, 2002, in that there are some business groups wanting to provide further input at a later date relative to.the proposed changes to the 1 1 - 3 - CITY COUNCIL MEETING July 16, 2002 PUBLIC HEARINGS - OTHER: (Cont'd) Municipal Code Amendments MCA 01-02B (Cont'd) ORDINANCES NOT REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS: RESOLUTIONS: Mantooth Annexation Request OTHER CONSIDERATIONS: Approval of 3- Year Labor Contract Between City and mEW #997 Petersen Preliminary Short Plat SHP 02-02 Appeal Sign Code. Mayor Wiggins continued the public hearing at 7:46 p.m. Aria Holzschuh, Executive Director of the Port Angeles Downtown Association, 10. ~ East First Street, noted that pedestrian-oriented signage is extremely conducive to better volume of business in downtown. To have A-frame signs in rights-of-way requires removal of item "K" on page 188 of the agenda packet. Because of redundancies, changes would have to be made in the development regulations for signs. Ms. Holzschuh also mentioned possible insurance problems for certain types of signs and, referring to page 188 of Attachment "B" regarding the matter of banners, she requested that they be prohibited in the Central Business District. Richard Terril, 548 Old Olympic Highway, inquired if the signage issues at hand were about the size of billboards and not sign usage in the downtown area. Director Collins responded in the affIrmative. Mr. Terril wondered why the City would allow the erection of billboards if the County had banned them. Councilmember Erickson added that the County is looking into enforcing its sign code. At 8:05 p.m., Mayor Wiggins continued the public hearing to August 20,2002, following which discussion was held on the matter of fluttering devices and the need to protect the public health and safety by prohibiting conductive mylar devices. A question was raised relative to the permitted flags tha~ can be flown, and Director Collins noted that there is no prohibition other than flags that convey a commercial message. None. Mantooth Annexation Request . Director Collins stated that the petition form needs to be revised for an election purpose and that the City would be working with the Mantooths on this revision. Mayor Wiggins asked for a motion to defer the issue. Councilman Williams moved to table the Mantooth Annexation Request until the August 6, 2002, meeting. Councilmember Erickson seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. Because of this delay, Director Collins advised the Council that the election wi111ikely take place on the November ballot. 1. Approval of 3- Year Labor Contract Between City & [BEW #997 Human Resources Manager Coons summarized the agreement for a new three-year labor contract with the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Local #99. In the discussion that followed, Councilman Campbell questioned the 6% impact on the 2002 budget, and Manager Quinn pointed out that the impact would only affect the Electric Utility. However, Councilman Campbell noted this could be precedent-setting as relates to other upcoming union negotiations. Additionally, discussion was held on the matter of the Apprentice Program, upcoming retirements, and the proposal for employees to share in the cost of health care. Councilman Braun moved to approve the three-year labor contract, retroactive to April 1, 2002, between the City and the mEW Local #997 and authorize the Mayor to sign the agreement covering the period, April 1, 2002 through December 31, 2004. Councilman Headrickseconded the motion, which carried unanimously. 2. Petersen Preliminary Short Plat SHP 02-02 Appeal . Director Collins reviewed the appeal and the City Engineer's acceptance of a minimum 12 - 4- Petersen Preliminary Short Plat SHP 02-02 Appeal (Cont'd) . . Harbor Boat Operation & Temporary Use Agreement Between City and Arrow Launch Service, Inc. . CITY COUNCIL MEETING July 16, 2002 of a20- foot wide aS~k~ltic concrete street with one 3- foot wide gravel shoulder and one 6-foot wide gravel shoulder from Owen Avenue to Evans Place. Director Collins indicated it was staff's position that the appeal issues regarding the sewer improvement and the right~of-way dedication could not be revised per the short plat subdivision standards. Madonna Petersen, 31 Josephine Place, indicated that she and her husband still felt these conditions were unreasonable. The Petersens maintained that the street requirements were unreasonable, and the sewer requirements would be too expensive. Having itemized all of the associated costs, the Peters ens' indicated the costs for improvements would exceed the amount they could gain by the sale of the lots. Mr. Petersen disagreed with the City Engineer's opinion on the sewer requirements, as he felt some type of fluid lift system would be necessary because of the fall line. Following further explanations by the Petersens, the Council discussed and debated the efficacies involved in both sides of the issues and what is stated in the present Ordinances and the Growth Management Act. It was pointed out by some that, in the interest of development in the City, there must be some way to make certain exceptions. However, it was pointed out that exceptions should not be made until the time the City Code is amended, and Director Collins advised the Council that it could take three to four months to accomplish any amendments. Another point made was the possibility of the City creating on the west side of town an area similar to that of the area in the eastern UGA. After further lengthy discussion, Councilman Campbell moved to deny the appeal of the preliminary short plat approval of PetersenSHP 02-02, except for a modification to condition 3B for street improvements as recommended by the City Engineer. Mayor Wiggins seconded the motion. Councilmember Rogers expressed frustration in the absence of a solution to the problem, and Councilman Headrick pointed out that the regulations are different for a short plat as compared to the construction of a home. The land is not, therefore, totally unusable, and the Petersens could proceed with the construction of a home on one of the lots. Following c1arificationof the legalities involved with the appellate and legislative roles of the Council by Attorney Knutson, a vote was taken on the motion, with Mayor Wiggins and Councilmembers Headrick and Campbell voting in favor and Councilmembers Erickson, Braun, Williams, and Rogers voting in opposition. The motion, therefore, failed and the appeal was not denied. No motion was made to approve the appeal. Mrs. Petersen asked if the fees involved in this appeal could be refunded; Attorney Knutson advised and Mayor Wiggins concurred that the request could be handled through the City Manager. Manager Quinn indicated that he would be in favor of changing cod~s legislatively through the Council to effect economic development and growth, and he further expressed interest in a cost-sharing arrangement with the City. Councilman Williams inquired as to whether the Petersens could proceed with one single fiunily residence on one lot and subdivide at a later date, to which Director Collins responded in the affIrmative. 3. Harbor Boat Operation & Temporary Use 4greement Between City of Port Angeles and Arrow Launch Service, Inc. Fire Chief McKeen summarized the background information, following which Jack Harmon, owner of Arrow Launch Service, expressed the pride his employees felt in being a part of this effort in offering emergency services to the users of the harbor. Councilman Braun moved to authorize the Mayor to sign the agreement with Arrow ,Launch Service, Inc., to allow the temporary use ofits vessels for access into the harbor. Councilman Headrick seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. 13 - 5 - CITY COUNCIL MEETING July 16, 2002 Preliminary Plat Approval of Ennis Creek Sub- division Approve Erickson Park Playground Design INFORMATION: OTHER CONSIDERATIONS: (Cont'd.) Interlocal Agreement with Housing Authority Sublease between City and Pier Group for Conference Center Development INFORMATION: 4. Preliminary Plat Approval of Ennis Creek Sub-division Director Collins summarized the background information on the issue, and Councilman Williams moved to approve the preliminary plat for the Ennis Creek Estates . Subdivision, citing Conditions 1-9, Findings 1-30, and Conclusions 1-11, as setforth in Exhibit "B" which is attached to and becomes a part of these minutes and, further, that portions of Lots 1 and 3 are shown as being adjusted to the adjoining properties to the east, and the boundary line adjustments have not been made at this point. Councilmember, Rogers seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. 5. Approve Erickson Park Playground Design Parks and Recreation Director Connelly provided background information on the "Dream Playground" and presented slides of the designs to the Council. He then recognized seventeen individuals who have been involved in the project and added that over 750 volunteers have been involved in the plans and preparations for the playground. Additionally, Director Connelly thanked the Kiwanis for their support. Clerk's Note: Following Ms. Charles' presentation below, Mayor Wiggins asked the Council to return its attention to the Erickson Park Playground Design, as a motion of approval was requested. Councilmember Rogers moved to approve the plans for the "Dream Playground" at Erickson Park. Councilmember Erickson seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. Georgianne Charles, Lower Elwha Tribe, 60 Stormy Windy Lane, expressed support for the City Manager in coordinating contacts fqr the hosting of canoe journey, July 31 _ August 2, 2002. Over 2,000 people will be coming through Port Angeles for this event. Mayor Wiggins offered City services to assist in this undertaking. . 6. Interlocal Agreement with Housing Authority Manager Quinn explained the program and noted additions he had proposed for the agreement. Minor corrections were offered to. the agreement, after which Councilmember Erickson moved to authorize the Mayor to sign the Interlocal Agreement with the Housing Authority of Clallam County to participate in the HUn $1 Home Sales to Local Governments Program. Councilman Williams seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. 7. Sublease Between City and Pier Group for Conference Center Development Economic Development Director Smith provided a history of the development of the Conference Center project to date, land trade particulars, and property, use, term, consideration, and expense issues. Councilman Campbell addressed the three conditions to be met before approval, which can be modified as the project progresses. Following. a brief question and answer period, Councilman Headrick moved to authoriz~ the Mayor to sign the sublease provided that (1) the Port/DNR/Ehm property transaction is finalized; (2) the DNR/Ehm lease i~ executed; and (3) an agreement between the City and Ehm for commitment of the Lodging Tax Fund is finalized. Councilman Campbell seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. Manager Quinn noted the inclusion of the I-Net implementation and the Tribal Canoe Journey Event. He also announced that a meeting will be held on July 25, 2002, with business community members who oppose the conference center. A time for the meeting will be forthcoming. . 14 - 6- . . . EXECUTIVE SESSION: ADJOURNMENT: None. The meeting was adjourned at 10:20 p.m. Glenn Wiggins, Mayor 15 - 7- CITY COUNCIL MEETING July 16, 2002 \ \ Becky J. Upton, City Clerk . . . 16 . . . CALL TO ORDER- SPECIAL MEETING: ROLL CALL: PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION: Mid-Year Financial Report CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington July 30, 2002 Mayor Wiggins called the special meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at 6:00 p.m. Members Present: Mayor Wiggins, Councilmembers Braun, Campbell, Erickson, Headrick, Rogers, and Williams. Members Absent: None. Staff Present: Acting Manager Knutson, Clerk Upton, G. Cutler, T. Riepe, Y. Ziomkowski, K. Dubuc, and C. Kochanek. Public Present: R. Anderson. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Finance Director Ziomkowski. Acting Manager Knutson informed the Council of the passing of Street Division Supervisor Mike Horton on Monday, July 29,2002. The City flag was lowered to half mast in honor of Mr. Horton and his dedication to the City. Acting Manager Knutson read an e-mail he had sent to City staff members, after which there was a moment of silence in honor of Mr. Horton. Mayor Wiggins circulated a "Get Well" card to be signed for Fire Chief McKeen and his family who were involved in a car accident; all family members are doing well. 1. Mid-Year Financial Report Finance Director Ziomkowski explained that the mid-year fmancial report is a summation of the status of projects, revenue trends, inter-government revenues, expenses' in comparison. to budget, reserve levels, and the need for any budget amendments. Also covered in the report are the possibility for more revenues, level of services, review process,on capital projects, revisions of capital improvement list, new needs or emergencies, and preparation for the new budget cycle. Using a PowerPoint presentation, Director Ziomkowski stated that overall, 56% of the City budget is still remaining to be spent. On the personnel side, 51.6% is unexpended; supplies, 60% un~xpended; and charges for services, less than 50% unexpended. Capital outlay and projects have the lowest percentage, as most projects are completed within the summer months. The General Fund is on target, with 50% of revenues collected and 47% of appropriations expended. The report also reflects summaries of fmancial activities, revenues, expenditures, and interest rates, which are lower than in past years. Referencing budget changes, Director Ziomkowski emphasized that changes may be necessary in the criminal justice expenditures, since they are well over estimates. At this point in time, the City may still remain within the 2002 Budget, but savings may 17 - 1 - CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING July 30, 2002 Mid-Year Financial Report (Cont'd) Governmental Fund Projects A ward Contract for Revitalization of Carnegie Library not be realized. The current forecast includes cost-of-living increases, medical and insurance increases, and an increase in operating expenditures. Projected revenues refle,' a decrease.. Director Ziomkowski' indicated that demands are increasing in the Street Fund for maintenance projects, and additional funding is needed for the Francis Street Park, the 8th Street restoration project, street paving and chip seal improvements, and the Airport Road realignment project. Other projects still to be completed have been included in the 2002 Budget. The Carnegie Library project requires $1,060,000 of which $800,000.00 has been acquired. Director Ziomkowski proposed the following funding sources to make up the difference: $80,000 from Street Lighting, $110,000 from governmental fund allocations, $50,000 from the Walkling Trust, andan additional $20,000, which could be garnered from additional revenues in 2002. Utility expenses account for about 60% of all City expenses, and because rates are set to recover operating costs, debt payment, . and to fund some of the capital projects, concern is directed toward governmental funds. Following a review of Utility, Wastewater, Solid Waste, and Equipment Service funds, attention was directed to self-insurance expenditures. Councilmembers engaged in brief discussion and clarification and thanked Director Ziomkowski for her concise report. 2. Governmental Fund Projects Councilman Williams informed the Council that, at the last meeting of the Downtown Forward Executive Committee, it was pointed out that funding had not been set aside for improved signage in the City, such as for the ferry and the Park. When asked if this would be included in the Gateway Project, Councilman Williams felt the need for signage went well beyond Gateway. Acting Manager Knutson indicated this may be . something that the City Manager was planning to include in next year's CIP. Acting Manager Knutson informed the Council that the WCIA has still not received a fmal decision on the matter of the Fire Hall roof repair coverage. When a decision is given, WCIA expects a denial to be likely. However, WCIA has engaged the services of an attorney who specializes in insurance law, and he is optimistic that the funds will be recovered. 3. Award Contract for Revitalization of Carnegie Library Mayor Wiggins introduced the issue by stating that the basis for the award would be the availability of funds. Director Ziomkowski reviewed the available funds against those still needed. An additional $80,000 willjbe available from the City Light fund, $110,000 is being proposed for a governmental projects allocation, $50,000 from the Walkling Trust, and $20,000 from additional 2002 revenues. If additional funds are still needed, such as if the Walkling Trust funds are not forthcoming, then funding for the William Shore Pool could be transferred to the library project. Stuart Bonney, project architect for the Carnegie Library, 95 Heather Park Road, mentioning the perceived negative impact of the completion of this project on the City, stated that the building will house a non-profit organization and continue to have maintenance and operations costs; however, he feels the positive aspects will outweigh this issue. Referring to a handout presented to the Council, Mr. Bonney referred to statistics which show an increase in interest and travel to historic buildings and events. Mr. Bonney concluded that because the building will utilize the most current energy- efficient components, maintenance costs should be very low. . In the discussion that ensued, Councilmember Rogers expressed the City's efforts to 18 - 2- . . . A ward Contract for Revitalization of Carnegie Library (Cont'd) Governmental Fund Projects ADJOURNMENT: CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING July 30, 2002 provide facilities that often benefit the entire County; however, she was concerned that the matter of ~ngoing operation and maintenance had not been addressed. Further, she noted that there was no indiCation as to potential revenue to be generated. She felt it important that the City have a plan to address these issues. Karen Scott, 319 W. 9th Street and a member of the Historical Board, indicated that Frank Ducceschi and Manager Quinn have been discussing the maintenance issue for the Carnegie Library. While the Library may not be an economic boon to the City, it will be an additional attraction for visitors. Peter Ripley, Port Angeles Journal, expressed the opinion that the City had more pressing concerns th~n the Library; namely, the replacement of the 8th Street bridges. Mike Doherty, 617 "B" Street, referred to continuing comment on the positive aspects \ of restoring the Court House, mentioning community pride in the institutions of \ government. The Carnegie Library, because of its close proximity to the other historic buildings, will create a wonderful panorama. The trend to restore ~uildingsis one that will draw people. Following a brief discussion, Councilmember Erickson moved to award and authorize the Mayor to sign the contract for the Carnegie Library Revitalization, project 97-08, with Hoch Construction, Inc., in the amount of$I,1 05,953.32 for the base bid and all additive bid items and also to direct the Public Works & Utilities Director to issue a notice to proceed only for the base bid and, further, upon receipt of additional funds, the Director shall issue additional notices to proceed for the additive bid items. Councilman Braun seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. The Council again directed its attention to the Governmental Fund Projects, and Councilmember Erickson moved to approve the list of projects and the available funding allocations as set forth in the packet information. Councilman Braun seconded the motion. Clarification was sought by the Councilmembers as to whether further review of the items to be reinstated should be conducted once it is known if the insurance monies are forthcoming for the Fire Hall roof. CouncilmemberErickson indicated that was not part of her motion. A vote was taken on the motion with Councilmembers Erickson and Braun voting in favor, and Mayor Wiggins and Councilmembers Headrick, Campbell, Williams, and Rogers voting in opposition. The motion, therefore, failed. Councilman Williams moved that Council follow the staff recommendation of approving the list of 20 projects totaling $1,975,000 and, if the roof refund is realized, at that point Council will reconsider the items under the reinstatement. Councilmember Rogers seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 7:35 p.m~ Glenn Wiggins, Mayor Becky J. Upton, City Clerk 19 - 3 - . . . 20 02/07/29-16:16 City of Port Angeles - LI VE MACH I NE July 29 2002 Page . CHECK REGISTER Date From 07/06/2002 To 07/26/2002 Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount Number Name Number Number 001 70979 Brooke & Assoc Inc, Robert 18092 Freight chgs 2372000 102.01- 71011 Ga ll' s I nc 07027 Restraint,first aid kit 2370000 5.64- Restraint,first aid kit 2370000 3.14- 71021 Insight Direct Inc 09085 HP Photosmart printer 2370000 17.31- 71028 Lynn Peavey Company 12056 Evidence processing kits 2370000 16.86- Evidence processing supplies 1 2370000 .97- 71074 WA State Patrol - WASIS 23281 Criminal history-Loska 1 2295000 24.00 Criminal history-Potts 1 2295000 24.00 Criminal history-Whetham 1 2295000 24.00 71078 X-Press Promotions Inc 24005 Jr Firefighter badges 1 2370000 15.35- 71082 Washington (DOL), State of 04137 Concealed pistol licenses-June 1 2296000 476.00 71091 Reifenstahl, Patricia 18418 Reimburse pool expenses 1 2372000 5.17- 71109 Battery Company 02685 Motorola batteries 1 2370000 17.95- 71145 Faurot 06316 Dental stone,clue spray 1 2370000 5.62- 71150 HTE VAR LLC 08542 Hardware, software, support 1 2370000 3,198.00 71159 Insight Direct Inc 09085 Fiber patchcords 1 2370000 8.86- HP Photosmart printer 1 2370000 17.47- Credit damaged HP printer 1 2370000 15.99 HP Photosmart printer 1 2370000 24.93- 71161 JPMorganChase 16421 Use tax-subscription 1 2370000 4.51- . Use tax-pamphLets 1 2370000 3.11- Use tax-computer cables 1 2370000 11. 73- 71258 Brooke & Assoc Inc, Robert 18092 Handles,knobs,latches 1 2372000 6.04- 71266 Cole Parmer Instrument Co 03311 Digital gauge 1 2370000 20.13- 71267 Air Compressor Products 01403 Air compressors 1 2372000 59.72- 71274 Emergency Medical Products Inc 05131 Convenience bags 1 2370000 3.96- 71289 LaMotte Company 12006 Chlorine tablets 1 2372000 12.48- 71293 Lynn Peavey Company 12056 Drug evidence testing kits 1 2370000 3.86- 71307 Oriental Trading Co Inc 15033 Supplies 1 2370000 5.77- 71315 QuilL Corporation 17000 Reinforcement sheets 1 2370000 1.23- Cassette tapes 1 2370000 1.32- Inkjet labels, audio video tape 1 2370000 4.10- TotaL for Department 3,382.75 0001 70967 AVAYA INC 12215 07-02 AVAYA billing 111 4210 39.05 07-02 AVAYA bi II ing 113 4210 39.05 07-02 AVAYA billing 124 4210 19.52 71015 Costco Credit Card Pmts 03261 Audio tapes-city clerk 124 3101 36.74 OPS Luncheon supplies,food 125 3101 148.03 71058 Safeway Inc 19045 Paper pLates 112 3101 6.49 71098 ALbertsons Inc 01204 Council refreshments 112 3101 33.50 71122 Camera Corner 03044 Prints 113 3101 10.19 71161 JPMorganChase 16421 Travel-meaLs, Lodging 112 4310 1,467.94 Travel-meals, lodging 111 4310 279.34 . OPS luncheon suppLies 125 3101 132.95 71182 OLympic Paper Company 15111 Clear tumbLer,paper cups 112 3101 131.10 71183 Olympic Printers Inc 15027 MaiLing LabeLs 111 3101 20.00 Mai Ling labeLs 124 3101 8.00 ~'1 Lopes 113 3101 57.37 nve L opes 111 3101 57.37 02/07/29-16:16 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE Fnd Dpt Check Number Vendor Name 71185 Olympic Stationers Inc 71187 Pacific Office Equipment Inc 71190 Peninsula Daily News 71223 Swain's General Store Inc 71231 United Parcel Service 71232 United Way of Clallam County 71245 AT&T Business Service 71248 Advanced Travel 71284 Intl Inst Municipal Clerks 71316 Qwest 71333 Washington (DIS), State of 0002 70966 AT&T Wireless Services 01404 70967 AVAYA INC 12215 70991 Diversified Resource Center 04052 71053 Radix Corporation 18004 71161 JPMorganChase 16421 71180 Olympic Delivery Service Inc 15020 71183 Olympic Printers Inc 15027 71185 Olympic Stationers Inc CHECK REGISTER Date From 07/06/2002 To 07/26/2002 Vendor Number 15030 16004 16012 19037 21005 21048 01085 01090 09013 21001 23111 15030 Description GL Code Number Envelopes 124 3101 Label sheets 111 3101 Post cards 125 3101 Clasp envelopes,pens 124 3101 Toner 113 3101 July maint agre-NUP08604 111 4810 OPS Award-Lou alc 40000238 125 3101 Vendor list applications 124 4410 Gift certificate-oPS 125 3101 June shipping charges 113 4210 Qtr 2 Human svcs funds,Adm fee 114 4971 07-13 AT&T LD billing 111 4210 Wiggins-AWC Annual Conference 112 4310 Quinn-AWC Annual Conference 111 4310 Headrick-AWC Annual Conference 112 4310 Braun-AWC Annual Conf-Yakima 112 4310 Williams-AWC annual conference 112 4310 Quinn-Mtg w/architects-Gateway 111 4310 Campbell-AWC Conference-Yakima 112 4310 Annual member fee-Upton 124 4901 07-14 Qwest billing 111 4210 07-14 Qwest billing 113 4210 07-14 Qwest billing 124 4210 Scan charges-June 111 4210 Scan charges-June 113 4210 Scan charges-June 124 4210 07-05 AT&T alc 49548233 07-02 AVAYA billing 07-02 AVAYA billing 07-02 AVAYA billing Copy center svcs-June Monthly maintenance-August Public Investor subscription Day timer refill Delivery service for June Mail ing labels Envelopes Envelopes Envelopes #6 Envelopes Scissors, letter opener, paper Paper File pocket,pens File pocket,pens File pocket, pens Paper,name plate 22'",name plate Envelopes July 29 2002 Total for Administration 240 4210 201 4210 230 4210 240 4210 205 4150 240 4810 201 3101 201 3101 240 4150 240 3101 230 3101 240 3101 201 3101 240 3101 240 3101 205 3101 240 3101 230 3101 201 3101 205 3101 230 3101 201 3101 Page 2 . Amount 11. 48 29.20 21.86 18.05 70.33 32.46 184.20 20.64 '25 . 00 12.18 36,337.50 58.02 216.60 121.25 247.47 200.62 183.10 65.44 203.08 i 45.97 108.74 33.57 1.52 41,013.80 27.67 39.05 48.81 117.15 1,626.68 176.37 59.51 44.35 84.15 519.49 57.37 68.85 57.37 1,153.95 50.25 184.05 ~. 19.96 306.75 12.76 5.55 02/07/29-16: 16 City of Port Angeles - LI VE MACH I NE July 29 2002 Page 3 . CHECK REGISTER Date From 07/06/2002 To 07/26/2002 Fnd Opt Check Vendor Vendor Description Gl Code Amount Number Name Number Number Paper cutter,wall pockets 240 3101 69.57 71187 Pacific Office Equipment Inc 16004 Toner cartridge 240 3101 106.04 Toner cartridge 230 3101 106.03 Toner cartridge 230 3101 106.04 71199 Postmaster 16028 Replenish Permit #67 account 205 4210 5,000.00 71223 Swain's General Store Inc 19037 Keyblank 240 3101 .87 Keyblanks 240 3101 1.73 Photo batteries 240 3101 9.32 71231 United Parcel Service 21005 June shipping charges 230 4210 24.16 71248 Advanced Travel 01090 Bryant-APA Conf-San Antonio 230 4310 376.00 Ziomkowski-WMTA Board mtg 201 4310 19.00 Possinger-GASB34 Infrastruct 230 4310 38.53 Rudolph-GASB34 Infrastructure 230 4310 38.53 71251 Apex Credit Bureau 01433 Business credit report 240 3101 27.05 71310 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 Postage-HTE boxes-Hainstock 230 4210 13.10 71316 Qwest 21001 07-14 Qwest billing 201 4210 91.94 07-14 Qwest billing 230 4210 114.93 07-14 Qwest billing 240 4210 275.82 71318 Ricoh Business Systems 18398 Copi er lease-August 205 4530 632. 13 71319 Ricoh Business Systems Inc 18425 Suppl i es 205 4530 14.41 . Color copies 205 4530 466.90 Black & white copies 205 4530 13.80 71333 Washington (OIS), State of 23111 Scan charges-June 201 4210 10.37 Scan charges-June 230 4210 12.78 Scan charges-June 240 4210 13.21 Total for Finance 12,308.61 0003 70967 AVAYA INC 12215 07-02 AVAYA billing 311 4210 68.34 71015 Costco Credit Card Pmts 03261 Post-it notes,scissors 311 3101 20.00 71130 Clallam Cnty Oist Crt 03069 June Court costs 312 5090 7,231.50 71161 JPMorganChase 16421 Travel-law seminar 311 4310 515.00 71183 Olympic Printers Inc 15027 Business cards-Dickson 311 3101 18.53 Business cards-~ickson 312 3101 18.53 letterhead 311 3101 65.41 letterhead 312 3101 65.40 71185 Olympic Stationers Inc 15030 Folders,binder 311 3101 25.71 71241 Wolfley, Basden and Hansen 23658 Attorney fees 06-09-02 312 5090 90.00 71248 Advanced Travel 01090 Knutson-Annexation W/S 311 4310 267.02 71291 lexisNexis Matthew Bender 12311 WA Supreme Ct Rpts V143 311 3101 16.94 71315 Quill Corporation 17000 Cassette tapes 311 3101 17.31 71316 Qwest 21001 07-14 Qwest billing 311 4210 160.90 71321 Barkhuis, Sijke Selinda 02678 Prof svcs-Schroeder 312 5090 220.95 Prof svcs-Wise 312 5090 33.75 71333 Washington (OIS), State of 23111 Scan charges-June 311 4210 8.31 . 71336 West Group 23018 WA PR V12,13,WA Revised Code 311 3101 231.56 Total for Attorney 9,075.16 0004 70967 AVAYA INC 12215 ~ AVAYA billing 411 4210 39.05 71080 Zenovic & Associates 26216 Queen of Angels-plan review 420 4150 416.50 02/07/29-16: 16 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE July 29 2002 Page' 4 CHECK REGISTER . Date From 07/06/2002 To 07/26/2002 Fnd Opt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount Number Name Number Number 71183 Olympic Printers Inc 15027 Mailing labels 411 3101 12.00 Envelopes 411 3101 57.37 71187 Pacific Office Equipment Inc 16004 Credit toner 411 3101 112.53- Toner cartridges 411 3101 189.35 71190 Peninsula Daily News 16012 Determination-Denise Clarke 411 4410 57.62 Ordinance summary #3117 411 4410 40.42 Notice-Randal Ehm 411 4410 38.70 Notice-Del Guzzi applicant 411 4410 49.02 Notice-Creech/Olympic Library 411 4410 50.74 Notice-St Vincent de Paul 411 4410 39.56 Notice-NOP skills center 411 4410 47.30 Ord 3118 amend Ord 2818 411 4410 31.82 Clear sensitive area-Petersen 411 4410 56.76 Convention Center-Ehm 411 4410 55.90 Use permit Convention Ctr-Ehm 411 4410 49.02 Recreational radio cars-Dryke 411 4410 47.30 Rezone to PBP-YMCA 411 4410 43.86 71198 Port Angeles Power Equipment 16122 Repair Stihl blower 420 4810 89.57 71246 AT&T Wireless Services 01404 07-02 AT&T a/c 44324994 420 4210 30.90 07-14 AT&T a/c 49079080 420 4210 . 71248 Advanced Travel 01090 Johns-SEPA training-Lacey 411 4310 71316 Qwest 21001 07-14 Qwest billing 411 4210 71333 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 Scan charges-June 411 4210 29.94 Total for Community Development Dept 1,477 .87 0005 70960 Ensor, Robert 05257 Clothing allowance 530 2080 343.85 70966 AT&T Wireless Services 01404 06-27 AT&T alc 49945710 530 4210 9.73 70967 AVAYA INC 12215 07-02 AVAYA billing 511 4210 68.34 07-02 AVAYA billing 534 4210 48.81 07-02 AVAYA billing 530 4210 9.76 71011 Gall's Inc 07027 Restraint,first aid kit 530 3501 74.38 Restraint,first aid kit 530 3111 41.35 71021 Insight Direct Inc 09085 HP Photosmart printer 534 3160 228.31 71028 Lynn Peavey Company 12056 Evidence processing kits 530 3101 222.46 Evidence processing supplies 530 3101 12.72 71052 RadioShack Accounts Receivable 18003 Cell phone holder 530 3501 32.45 Phone belt clip,dash mount 530 3180 14.04 71083 Ensor, Robert 05257 Shoes 530 2080 112.99 71085 FBINAA Washington Chapter Inc 23043 Terrorism,Security Conference 511 4310 110.00 71089 Port Angeles Police Department 16105 License,bike repair,key 530 3101 54.26 Postage 530 4210 38.72 Postage due 534 4210 .60 71094 AT&T Wireless Services 01404 06-27 AT&T alc 49635824 530 4210 71.76 06-14 AT&T a/c 49655020 511 4210 17.82 07-05 AT&T a/c 49470974 511 4210 4. 06-27 AT&T a/c 49947112 530 4210 06-27 AT&T a/c 49945520 530 4210 7.38 71109 Battery Company 02685 Motorola batteries 530 3114 236.76 71114 Blumenthal Uniforms & Equip 02047 ~\4t bel t loop-Roggenbuck 530 2080 61.07 S irts,sew emblems-Coyle 530 2080 424.29 02/07/29-16:16 . City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE CHECK REGISTER Date From 07/06/2002 To 07/26/2002 Fnd Opt Check Number . . Vendor Name Vendor Number 71122 Camera Corner 03044 71128 ChoicePoint Public Records Inc 03633 71129 City of Forks 06075 71131 Clallam Cnty Humane Society 03072 71145 Faurot 06316 71159 Insight Direct Inc 09085 71160 Intl Assn Law Enfcmnt Frarm In 09058 71161 JPMorganChase 16421 71172 Metrocall 29000 71183 Olympic Printers Inc 15027 71185 Olympic Stationers Inc 15030 71187 Pacific Office Equipment Inc 16004 71201 Qwest 21001 71206 Richmond 2-Way Radio 18009 71212 Second Chance Body Armor Inc 19759 71216 Spacesaver Northwest LLC 19476 71223 Swain's General Store Inc 19037 71231 United Parcel Service 21005 71235 Verizon Wireless - Bellevue 01105 71236 WA Dept of GA, State of 23219 71240 Washington Fire & Safety Equip 23004 71248 Advanced Travel 01090 71257 Brodsky's Uniforms 02219 71275 Evergreen Collision Center 05126 71293 Lynn Peavey Company 12056 71315 Quill Corporation 17000 71316 Qwest 21001 Description GL Code Number Fastener-Bergeron 530 2080 Holster,cuff,badge holders 530 2080 Photos 530 4990 Prints 530 4990 Prints 530 4990 Prints,photo CD 530 4990 Prints 530 4990 Camera repair 530 4810 June service fee,AutoTrack 530 4150 June board bill 512 5099 July contract pmt 530 4150 Dental stone, clue spray 530 3101 HP Photosmart printer 534 3160 Credit damaged HP printer 534 3160 HP Photosmart printer 534 3160 Renew member Peninger-2003 530 4901 HP Printer 530 3180 Cables, training pamphlets 511 3101 06-22 Metrocall billing 530 4210 Animal complaint notice 534 4990 Scissors, letter opener, paper 534 3101 Notary stamp, embosser 534 4150 File box,file folders 534 3101 Credit inkjet cartridges 534 3101 Credit inkjet cartridges 534 3101 Inkjet cartridges 534 3101 Toner cartridge 534 3101 Calculator ribbon 530 3101 Inkjet cartridges 534 3101 Color printer cartridge 534 3101 July Maint agre-CXL90926 511 4810 July maint agre-NBZ08561 534 4810 July maint agre-NGM21820 534 4810 06-20 Qwest billing 534 4210 Service radio 530 4810 Protective clothing 530 3111 Labels 530 3180 Broom,cleaning supplies 530 3501 June shipping charges 530 4210 06-13 Verizon billing 530 4210 06-15 Verizon billing 530 4210 M16 magazines 530 3501 Service extinguisher 530 4990 Knight-School Officer Training 530 4310 Hall-Interview Assault Victim 530 4310 Shirts,trousers,sew patches 530 2080 Tow car #84 to Denver's Tire 530 4990 Drug evidence testing kits 530 3101 Inkjet labels, audio video tape 530 3101 ~~ Qwest billing 511 4210 dr-~ Qwest billing 534 4210 July 29 2002 Page 5 Amount 12.04 136.22 8.34 6.57 6.55 64.70 46.76 169.77 ~.OO 7,278.69 3,634.33 ~.~ 210.99 210.99- 328.93 135.00 432.78 195.73 44.65 131.30 151.48 51.45 15.06 102.79- 102.79- 102.79 212.07 14.04 102.79 45.44 32.46 54.10 167.82 261.45 60.00 2,003.83 16.32 23.13 10.54 130.86 399.16 299.70 16.23 54.70 7.20 156.35 67.63 50.86 38.90 160.90 114.93 I 02/07/29-16: 16 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE July 29 2002 Page 6 CHECK REGISTER . Date From 07/06/2002 To 07/26/2002 Fnd Opt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount Number Name Number Number 07-14 Qwest billing 530 4210 22.99 71333 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 Scan ChargeS-June 511 4210 19.13 Scan charges-June 530 4210 69.75 Scan chargeS-June 534 4210 4.56 Total for Pol ice 19,801.58 0006 70967 AVAYA INC 12215 07-02 AVAYA bi II ing 611 4210 48.81 07-02 AVAYA billing 642 4210 9.76 07-02 AVAYA billing 643 4210 9.76 07-02 AVAYA billing 641 4210 29.29 70971 AllWeather Heating Cooling Inc 01060 Repair cooling system 684 4810 123.35 71010 GE Medical Systems 01027 Biomed equipment-July 643 4150 54.10 71015 Costco Credit Card Pmts 03261 Duct tape 641 3101 12.97 Towels,Turf Builder 684 3120 96.46 Bath tissue, cups 684 3101 36.42 71027 Larry's Janitor Service 12040 Janitorial svcs-June 684 4150 395.00 71030 Metroc~ll 20000 06-22 Metrocall billing 644 4210 14.87 71073 Verizon Wireless - Bellevue 01105 06-15 Verizon billing 643 4210 9.92 06-15 Verizon billing 641 4210 21 06-15 Verizon billing 641 4210 71078 X-Press Promotions Inc 24005 Jr Firefighter badges 642 3101 71086 Kenyon, Scott 11002 Teach CPR classes 6-25,7-09 643 3108 70.00 71088 Music World Travel 13700 Travel-Health Care Sem-Wheeler 611 4310 311. 00 71090 Reid, Terry 18007 Reimburse July 4 decorations 641 3101 45.16 71093 Wheeler, Coral 23089 Reimburse office supplies 611 3101 50.83 71094 AT&T Wireless Services 01404 07-02 AT&T a/c 46898102 611 4210 9.04 07-02 AT&T a/c 47951801 643 4210 32.66 07-02 AT&T a/c 43736255 644 4210 8.31 07-02 AT&T a/c 45598455 642 4210 9.11 71116 Brothers Plumbing Inc 02688 Repair upstairs urinal 684 4810 114.69 71122 Camera Corner 03044 Process prints 648 3101 34.42 Film 648 3101 20.40 71146 Ferrellgas Inc 06024 Propane 684 4710 278.51 71161 JPMorganChase 16421 Day timer supplies 642 3101 46.80 Support Officer lunch 611 3101 38.27 71174 Middleton Auto and Truck Inc 13117 Fuel line,hose clamp 641 3101 13.95 Lamp 641 3101 8.20 71182 Olympic Paper Company 15111 Paper 611 3101 58.64 71183 Olympic Printers Inc 15027 Letterheads 611 3101 65.41 71185 Olympic Stationers Inc 15030 Dividers,paper clips 611 3101 8.59 71196 Port Angeles Fire Department 16025 Postage, lunch meetings 611 3101 69.67 Aspirin 643 3113 10.22 71198 Port Angeles Power Equipment 16122 Service HUSKY Saw Model 154SE 641 3101 13.34 71223 Swain's General Store Inc 19037 Fluorescent bulb 641 3101 4.84 Sparkplug,container mix 641 3101 3~. Film 643 3101 Film 643 3101 64.86 Batteries 643 3101 10.68 '2~ting suppl ies 641 3101 33.21 Paint 641 3101 6.39 02/07/29-16:16 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE July 29 2002 Page 7 . CHECK REGISTER Date From 07/06/2002 To 07/26/2002 Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount Number Name Number Number Screwdrivers 641 3501 5.02 71238 WSAFC 23304 Annual Conference-McKeen 611 4310 317 .00 71248 Advanced Travel 01090 McKeen-WSAFC Conf-Ocean Shores 611 4310 161.50 71264 Clallam Cnty Fire District 2 03342 Delta hose tester 1/3 share 641 3101 1,088.00 71274 Emergency Medical Products I nc 05131 Convenience bags 643 3101 52.23 71287 Poulsbo Fire Department 16599 Hall-Fire & Emergency Service 643 4310 350.00 71290 Larry's Janitor Service 12040 Janitorial svcs-July 684 4150 395.00 71292 Life Assist 12202 First aid supplies 643 3101 82.36 71306 Olympic Sewer & Drain Cleaning 15169 Inspected plugged main line 684 4810 302.96 71310 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 Public Safety mtg lunches 611 3101 67.62 71316 Qwest 21001 07-14 Qwest billing 611 4210 114.93 07-14 Qwest billing 642 4210 22.99 07-14 Qwest billing 643 4210 22.99 07-14 Qwest billing 641 4210 68.96 71333 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 Scan charges-June 611 4210 18.34 Scan charges-June 643 4210 .36 Total for Fire 5,605.92 0007 70965 APWA/Amer Public Works Assn 01359 Storm Water NPDES Phase II 711 4990 125.00 . 70967 AVAYA INC 12215 07-02 AVAYA billing 711 4210 263.60 70982 Clallam Cnty Auditor 03018 Xerox copies 711 4990 27.00 70987 Complete Line, The 03087 Sheet protectors 711 3101 13.14 71020 IKON Office Solutions 09121 Toner 711 3101 171.50 71023 Kenworthy, Gary 11013 Reimburse mileage expense 711 4310 28.25 71045 Plan Sak Bag Factory 16596 Mail ing bag 711 3101 57.73 71079 Xerox Corporation 24001 DC214 W/SDF Purchase option 711 4530 216.40 71094 AT&T Wireless Services 01404 06-27 AT&T a/c 48966287 711 4210 17.03 71105 Angeles Millwork 01073 Stringline holder 711 3101 7.18 Hardware 711 3101 8.40 71126 Cascade A & E Supplies Co Inc 03053 Xerox copier toner 711 3101 295.27 71161 JPMorganChase 16421 Overhead projector bulbs 711 3101 12.19 71170 Lincoln Industrial Corp 12047 Plates,repair water line 711 4150 1,220.25 71182 Olympic Paper Company 15111 Paper towels 7113101 41.25 Paper 711 3101 173.66 71183 Olympic Printers Inc 15027 Mailing labels 711 3101 20.00 Business cards,Loghry,McGinley 711 3101 111.18 Business cards-Hebner 711 3101 37.06 Envelopes 711 3101 57.37 Envelopes 711 3101 34.42 71185 Olympic Stationers Inc 15030 Sign board, box 711 3120 25.11 Tape,pens,correction fluid 711 3101 18.87 71187 Pacific Office Equipment Inc 16004 Toner 711 3101 64.92 71190 Peninsula Daily News 16012 Notice-TIP/CTP for 2003-8 711 4410 22.36 71201 Qwest 21001 07-05 Qwest bi I ling 711 4210 40.93 . 71233 Utilities Underground Loc Ctr 21010 June locates 711 4150 35.20 71248 Advanced Travel 01090 Kenworthy-PSWQA,LID,RTPO mtgs 711 4310 47.50 Hale-Pavement Rating W/S 711 4310 137.18 71263 Clallarn Cnty Dept of Comm Dev 03020 Water quality monitoring 711 4150 100.00 71310 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 211 711 4990 6.16 FIling fees-Funston 711 4990 38.00 02/07129-16: 16 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE Fnd Opt Check Number Vendor Name 71316 Qwest 71333 Washington (DIS), State of 71334 Washington State Treasurer 0008 70967 AVAYA INC 70973 American Red Cross 70976 Automatic Wilbert Vault Co 70978 Bird, Allan 70979 Brooke & Assoc Inc, Robert 70980 CEO/Consolidated Elec Dist 71002 Familian NW 71014 Grainger Inc, WW 71015 Costco Credit Card Pmts 71050 Quiring Monuments Inc 71051 Qwest 71069 Thurman Supply 71087 Morse, Tom 71091 Reifenstahl, Patricia 71094 AT&T Wireless Services CHECK REGISTER Date From 07/06/2002 To 07/26/2002 Vendor Number 21001 23111 23120 12215 01032 Inc 01089 02684 18092 Inc 03267 06020 07015 03261 17001 21001 20005 13699 18418 01404 Description GL Code Number Business lunch-Cutler 07-14 Qwest billing Scan charges-June Renew Engineer lie-Kenworthy 711 4310 711 4210 711 4210 711 4901 July 29 2002 Total for Public Works 07-02 AVAYA billing 811 4210 07-02 AVAYA billing 8664210 07-02 AVAYA billing 865 4210 07-02 AVAYA billing 861 4210 07-02 AVAYA billing 862 4210 07-02 AVAYA billing 863 4210 Water Safety Instructor 862 3101 Rough boxes,Monticello vault 8663401 Refund unused Saturday service 866 34360011 Freight chgs 862 4210 Circuit breakers 862 3120 Nipples,elbows,unions 862 3120 Nipples,elbows 862 3120 Elbows,unions,nipples 862 3120 Plugs 862 3120 Seal bearing assembly 862 3120 Seal bearing assembly 862 3120 Computer monitor 866 3101 Marker,foundation-Gunn 866 3401 Marker-Campbell 866 3401 Marker, foundation-Leander 866 3401 Bronze-Wilson 8663401 Marker-Dodson 866 3401 Laser photO-Claxton 866 3401 07-02 Qwest billing 863 4210 06-14 Qwest billing 8634210 06-20 Qwest billing 863 4210 Sprinkler elbow 865 3140 Mise plumbing parts 862 3120 Elbows,ells,unions 862 3120 Couplings 8303120 Plumbing supplies 862 3120 Couplings,nipple 8623120 Steer manure 865 3140 Steer manure 865 3140 PVC union, adapters 865 3140 Valves, hacksaw blades 862 3120 PVC couplings 865 3140 Cartridges,adapter,plug,cap 862 3120 Reducing bUShing 865 3140 Reimb trailer licensing fee 865 4990 Uniforms,bands,swim equipmnt 862 3101 ~ AT&T a/c 44704773 865 4210 07-02 AT&T a/c 46008926 865 4210 Page 8 . Amount 11.00 643.49 170.82 116.00 4,415.42 29.29 9.76 9.76 19.52 9.76 29.29 140.68 1,629.67 400.00 1,345.93 151.32 160.19 ;1 84.23 84.23 162.29 249.85 185.25 243_20 165.30 167.58 209.95 40.32 50.89 60.50 .39 198.11 28.38 3.66 233.98 19.03 25.75 12.88 12.54 100.63 12.23 126._ 4. 103.30 1,296.44 12.94 8.56 02/07/29-16: 16 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE July 29 2002 Page 9 CHECK REGISTER . Date From 07/06/2002 To 07/26/2002 Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount Number Name Number Number 71095 Ace Equipment Company 01055 Weedeater 8653501 253. 17 Supplies for weedeaters 865 3120 46.19 71105 Angeles Millwork 01073 Ties 862 3120 10.45 Masking tape 862 3120 24.39 Cotter pins 865 3120 3.25 Hole saw 862 3120 13.67 Hex nut,hex cap,flat washers 865 3120 .48 Drive anchor 862 3120 13.53 Flat washer,hex nut 865 3120 11.40 Concrete mix 865 3120 21.53 Sawsall blade 865 3120 17.78 71113 Blake Sand & Gravel Inc 02045 Top soil 865 3140 22.61 Cement, grout 862 3120 36.68 Trim set 862 3120 11.18 Sand 865 3140 25.32 Cedar grove compost 865 3140 61.67 Cedar grove compost 865 3140 61.67 Plug 862 3120 9.52 Blended soil 865 3140 11.31 71124 Captain T"s 03048 Sweatpants,sweatshirts 862 3101 292.68 . 71138 Daktronics Inc 04413 Maintenance agreement 861 4150 1,441. 77 71153 Hartnagel Building Supply Inc 08052 Duct tape, grip flanges 862 3120 20.95 Sand disc 865 3120 6.41 71170 Lincoln Industrial Corp 12047 Crane rental, labor 865 4810 238.04 Ready rod, washers, brackets 865 3120 320.46 71174 Middleton Auto and Truck Inc 13117 Rust treatment 862 3120 16.20 Rust treatment,blaster 862 3120 20.51 Rust treatment 862 3120 64.79 71182 Olympic Paper Company 15111 Exhaust filter,motor housing 830 3120 148.42 Charcoal mat,dispenser 862 3106 236.93 Charcoal mat 862 3120 114.72 Astro book 862 3101 41.01 Dispenser, lotion, towel master 862 3120 207.78 Towel dispenser 862 3120 19.75 Bathroom tissue 830 3120 291.04 White receptacle,doodle pad 862 3120 41.05 Soap dispenser 830 3120 28.18 Toilet tissue 830 3120 48.51 Bathroom tissue 862 3120 107.25 71183 Olympic Printers Inc 15027 Letterhead 811 3101 130.81 Envelopes 811 3101 114.75 71185 Olympic Stationers Inc 15030 Receipts,markers,expo spray 863 3101 180.29 Yearly calendar 863 3101 72.01 Stamp 866 3101 6.55 Pencils,name tags 811 3101 19.60 . Name badges 811 3101 30.11 Notebooks 866 3101 3.56 Rubber stamps 865 3101 13.09 Double stick tape 866 3101 6.45 71186 Otis Elevator Company Inc 15034 ~ce 06-01 - 11-30 2002 830 4810 1,286.32 71187 Pacific Office Equipment Inc 16004 Toner 866 3101 76.82 02/07/29-16: 16 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE CHECK REGISTER Date From 07/06/2002 To 07/26/2002 Fnd Dpt Check Number Vendor Name Vendor Number 71189 Parker Paint Mfg Co Inc 16201 71201 Qwest 21001 71203 Qwest Dex The Directory Source 21024 71220 Sunset Do-It Best Hardware 19035 71223 Swain's General Store Inc 19037 Description GL Code Number Calculator ribbon 811 3101 Service cash register 862 4810 Repair Canon copier 862 4810 Paint 865 3120 Painting supplies 862 3120 Paint 862 3120 Paint 862 3120 Paint 862 3120 Paint,paint tray, brush 862 3120 07-02 Qwest billing 863 4210 July directory advertising 866 4410 Cylinder rent for May 8663101 Cylinder rent for May 865 3101 Oil 865 3120 Socket, imp socket 865 3120 Hex nuts,lockwash 865 3120 Iron malable wash 865 3120 Covers 865 3120 Hex nuts 865 3120 Fasteners 865 3120 Torch auto kit,bushing 862 3120 Hex nuts,lockwash 865 3120 Hammer bits 865 3120 Holesaw,elbow,tube 862 3120 Hose,hook,valve,coupling,tee 830 3120 Nipple 830 3120 Rope clip,clamps 865 3120 Belt snap 865 3120 Wood chisel,chipping hammer 862 3120 Sponge,angle broom 865 3120 Snap case 863 3120 Air compressor part 830 3120 Roller covers,bristle brushes 865 3120 Paint pails 862 3120 Gripper gloves 865 3120 Sawsall blades,chisel,putty 862 3120 Key sillcock,key stem 865 3120 Ball valve,elbow,coupling,tape 862 3120 Slip cap 830 3120 Spray paint,poly brush 862 3120 WD 40,cleaner 866 3120 Cleaning supplies 862 3120 Kitchen scrubber,cleanser 865 3120 Evergreen steer manure 865 3140 Shop vacuum 862 3120 Credit steer manure 865 3140 Carwax,wash mitts,easy poxy 862 3120 Utility knife 865 3120 Putty 862 3120 ~~ paint,sandpaper 862 3120 Paint brushes,sand disc 862 3120 July 29 2002 Page 10 . Amount 4.27 59.51 86.56 12.85 220.38 90.71 90.71 29.19 9.09 31.36 154.50 11.36 17.04 6.05 19.78 13.09 104.95 12.08 7.57 8.33 ~. 10.82 13.41 52.80 2.99 9.41 5.60 7.83 11. 95 22.38 1.59 8.96 15.91 3.95 137.80 7.73 115.57 1.02 63.51 21. 94 17.49 3.26 28.78 32.43 :~ Y' 16.17 41.53 11.51 02/07/29-16:16 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE July 29 2002 Page 11 CHECK REGISTER . Date From 07/06/2002 To 07/26/2002 Fnd Opt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount Number Name Number Number Varnish,paint brushes 862 3120 45.58 Undercoat i ng,moldi ng,'strap 862 3120 18.09 Bleach 865 3120 6.36 IJhite syroco 862 3120 47.25 Cord 865 3120 .55 First aid supplies,rags,water 862 3101 50.83 Pest control 862 3120 9.24 Paper towels,disinfectant 862 3120 5.24 Insecticide 862 3120 4.19 IJash mitt,carwash,nozzle 865 3120 54.77 Hose hanger 865 3120 2.46 Cleanser,hook,Comet 862 3101 11.36 Gloves 865 3120 5.27 Cleanser 865 3120 1.05 Paint brush,jar 865 3140 4.09 Pest control 830 3120 8.52 Bushing,teflon tape 862~3120 10.16 Handle,rakes 865 3120 42.83 71243 A & A Appliance Service Inc 01002 Used dryer 862 3106 502.05 71258 Brooke & Assoc Inc, Robert 18092 Handles, knobs, latches 862 3120 79.59 . 71262 Cathers, Joanna 03682 Deposit rfd less clean up 863 36240025 105.00 71267 Air Compressor Products 01403 Air compressors 862 3120 787.91 71280 Grainger Inc, IJ IJ 07015 Seal bearing assembly 862 3120 297.44 Frame,pump couplings,vents 862 3120 120.86 71289 LaMotte Company 12006 Chlorine tablets 862 3105 164.60 71309 Penins~la College 16011 Feiro contr~ct-July 877 4150 10,000.00 71310 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 Rfd-Swim lessons-Nicholson 862 34760013 22.50 71316 Qwest 21001 07-14 Qwest billing 862 4210 39.28 07-14 Qwest billing 811 4210 68.96 07-14 Qwest billing 866 4210 22.99 07-14 Qwest billing 865 4210 22.99 07-14 Qwest billing 861 4210 45.97 07-14 Qwest billing 862 4210 22.99 07-14 Qwest billing 863 4210 68.96 07-14 Qwest billing 865 4210 36.92 07-14 Qwest billing 863 4210 51.32 71330 Viking Office Products 22054 Stapler,tape dispenser,sharpnr 863 3101 99.53 71333 IJashington (DIS), State of 23111 Scan charges-June 811 4210 6.63 Scan charges-June 861 4210 23.18 Scan charges-June 862 4210 .98 Scan charges~June 863 4210 1.16 Scan charges-June 865 4210 2.59 Scan charges-June 866 4210 5.18 71335 IJatermill Inc, The 23010 Harborlite,sodium bicarbonate 862 3105 897.61 . Total for Parks & Recreation 30,093.96 Total for General Fund 127,175.07 101 0001 71195 Port Angeles Chamber Of Comm 16023 ~i'b Room tax,Visitor Ctr 115 5083 28,655.44 02/07/29-16:16 City of Port Angeles _ LIVE MACHINE July 29 2002 Page 12 CHECK REGISTER . Date From 07/06/2002 To 07/26/2002 Fnd Opt Check Vendor Vendor Description Gl Code Amount Number Name Number Number Total for Convention Center Fund 28,655.44 102 71225 Titan Industries NA Inc 20339 Herbicide 102 2370000 73.79- Adjust herbicide invoice 102 2370000 16.39 Total for Department 57.40- 0007 70966 AT&T Wireless Services 01404 07-02 AT&T alc 43487438 752 4210 12.78 70967 AVAYA INC 12215 07-02 AVAYA billing 752 4210 29.29 70975 Automated Business Systems Inc 01050 Toner cartridge 752 3101 70.33 70991 Diversified Resource Center 04052 Janitorial svcs-June 752 4810 77.83 71007 Flint Trading Inc 06156 Pre-mark arrows 752 3125 1,384.85 71054 Ridout, Ken 18011 Reimburse mileage 752 4310 71. 21 71095 Ace Equipment Company 01055 Ropes,spark plugs 752 3120 13.79 71101 Angeles Concrete Products 01070 Ecology blocks 752 3120 54.10 Control density fill 752 3120 454.44 Concrete,fibermesh,calcium 752 3120 429.97 71105 Angeles Millwork 01073 Tray liner,brush 752 3120 12.90 MDF board 752 3120 4.15 Hex bolts 752 3125 2.49 71113 Blake Sand & Gravel Inc 02045 Credit returned pallet 752 3120 1. Spr~yers 752 3120 Concrete rakes 752 3120 41. 33 Grout,grout sponges 752 3120 52.10 Expansion joint 752 3120 25.97 71161 JPMorganChase 16421 Electrical parts,equipment 752 4810 68.18 71165 lakeside Industries Inc 12036 Asphalt 752 3120 84.12 Asphalt 752 3120 67.21 Asphalt, liquid asphalt 752 3120 206.56 Asphalt,liquid asphalt 752 3120 107.12 71181 Olympic laundry & Clnrs Inc 15026 Cleaning services 752 3120 14.07 71182 Olympic Paper Company 15111 Hand cleaner,brooms,dispenser 752 3120 209.69 71185 Olympic Stationers Inc 15030 Counter 752 3125 9.68 Tape,pens,correction fluid 752 3101 18.86 71187 Pacific Office Equipment Inc 16004 Mouse pad 752 3125 3.25 71194 Points Sharp Steel Inc 16092 Sharpening service 752 3120 18.99 Asphalt cutters 752 3120 21.16 71198 Port Angeles Power Equipment 16122 line, filler cap 752 3120 28.24 71225 Titan Industries NA Inc 20339 Herbicide 752 3120 973 . 59 Adjust herbicide invoice 752 3120 216.19- 71246 AT&T Wireless Services 01404 07-14 AT&T a/c 48612592 752 4210 19.24 71316 Qwest 21001 07-14 Qwest billing 752 4210 68.96 71333 Washington (DIS), State of 23111 Scan charges-June 752 4210 1.16 Total for Public Works 4,585.67 Total for Street Fund 4,528. 103 0001 70967 AVAYA INC 12215 07-02 AVAYA billing 123 4210 9.76 70984 Clallam CntyEconomic Dev Cncl 03067 ~~tr contract pmt 123 4150 8,750.00 71003 Federal Express Corp 06022 June shipping chgs 123 4210 7.95 02/07/29-16: 16 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE . Fnd Opt Check Number 107 0005 . 110 0001 174 0008 . Vendor Name 71310 Port Angeles City Treasurer 71316 Qwest 71333 Washington (DIS), State of CHECK REGISTER Date From 07/06/2002 To 07/26/2002 Vendor Number 03062 21001 23111 70967 AVAYA INC 12215 71089 Port Angeles Police Department 16105 71124 Captain T's 71161 JPMorganChase 71201 Qwest 71214 Skinner and Associates, Bruce 71231 United Parcel Service 71237 WA State Patrol 71248 Advanced Travel 03048 16421 21001 19880 21005 23057 01090 71315 Quill Corporation 17000 71316 Qwest 21001 71333 Washington (015), State of 23111 70984 Clallam Cnty Economic Dev Cncl 03067 70962 Scott, Brian 70968 Abrams, Gary 70969 Abreu, John 70997 Elwood, Gregg A 71015 Costco Credit Card Pmts 71018 Hert, Richard F 71029 McCall, Kevin J 71048 Pryor, Robert C 71056 Rooney, Randy L 71057 Rooney, Tim 71065 Swanson, Dan 71098 Albertsons Inc 71108 Barnes, Wayne & Kristin 71110 Beatty, Theresa 71111 Berglund, Linda 71118 Brown, Christine 71124 Captain T's 71132 Clallam Transit 71151 Hansen's Trophy 19877 01542 01530 05252 03261 08173 13695 16588 18462 18472 19878 01204 02538 02686 02687 02689 03048 03145 08047 Description Business breakfast-Smith 07-14 Qwest billing Scan charges-June July 29 2002 GL Code Number 123 3101 123 4210 123 4210 Total for Economic Development 07-02 AVAYA billing 532 4210 Reimb Wu Long distance calls 532 3101 Reimb Wu chart pads 532 3101 Shirts,custom embroidery 532 2080 WA State APCD conference-Wu 532 4310 06-23 Qwest billing 532 4210 Pencom Center Strategic Plan 532 4150 June shipping charges 532 4210 Access user fees, line chg 532 4810 Roedell-Annual APCD conference 532 4310 Baughman-APCO Training Conf 532 4310 Wu-Annual APCD training conf 532 4310 Reinforcement sheets 532 3101 Inkjet labels,audio video tape 532 3101 07-14 Qwest billing 532 4210 Scan charges-June 532 4210 PA Business Center 1/2 pmt Total for PenCom 130 4150 Total for "Port Angeles Works" Umpire Adult Softball League Umpire Adult Softball League Umpire Adult Softball League Umpire Adult Softball League Envelopes,labels,supplies Umpire Adult Softball League Umpire Adult Softball League Umpire Adult Softball League Umpire Adult Softball League Umpire Adult Softball League Umpire Adult Softball League Potatoes Refreshments Refreshments Refreshments Rfds-'Teddy Bear', 'Bubbles' Refund 'Teddy Bear' Tea Refund 'Team Tennis' Officiate Co-Ed Soccer League T-shirts,screens ars travel vouchers Plaque,engraving 851 4150 851 4150 851 4150 851 4150 851 3101 851 4150 851 4150 851 4150 851 4150 851 4150 851 4150 854 3101 854 3101 854 3101 854 3101 854 34760020 854 34760020 851 34760020 851 4150 851 3101 854 3101 852 3101 Page 13 Amount 8.87 22.99 21.00 8,820.57 165.96 12.08 11.84 143.09 500.00 60.50 525.00 12.51 3,609.51 181.90 178.36 123.87 16.23 15.13 390.75 54.00 6,000.73 15,000.00 15,000.00 247.00 84.00 228.00 171.00 125.92 171 .00 171.00 304.00 342.00 55.50 95.00 3.49 6.48 9.3'9 8.15 20.00 10.00 32.00 12.50 191.24 16.00 72.39 02/07/29-16:16 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE Fnd Dpt Check Number Vendor Name 71166 Laurel Lanes Corp 71183 Olympic Printers Inc 71223 Swain's General Store Inc 71229 Turner, Cynthia 71248 Advanced Travel 71249 Amoroso, Debbie 71254 Bill's Plumbing & Heating Inc 71271 Duce, Nolan 71307 Oriental Trading Co Inc 71310 Port Angeles City Treasurer 71314 Puget Sound Express Inc 71339 Wilson, Wanda 176 0005 71122 Camera Corner 71220 Sunset Do-It Best Hardware 310 0007 70985 Clallam Transit 71003 Federal Express Corp 71033 Northwestern Territories Inc 71223 Swain's General Store Inc 71270 Delhur Industries Inc 71304 Olympic Bank 71326 Transfac Funding Corporation 0008 71101 Angeles Concrete Products 71102 Angeles Concrete Pumping Inc 71105 Angeles Millwork 71113 Blake Sand & Gravel Inc 71213 Shotwell Corp, Jonathan 71278 Frontier Bank 71313 Primo Construction Inc CHECK REGISTER Date From 07/06/2002 To 07/26/2002 Vendor Number 12173 15027 19037 20347 01090 01544 02041 04416 15033 03062 16598 23661 03044 19035 03145 06022 14017 19037 04042 15132 20059 01070 01038 01073 02045 19019 141n 16033 Description Bowl ing games Mailing labels Envelopes Softballs Softballs Brass whistle Refund-Bear Creek Homestead Cottam-Licensing Orientation Rfd 'Pirates Treasure' class Sanikans-Shane Park pe 08-23 Refund-Scrapbook workshop Supplies Supplies-Petersen Whale Watching trip Rfd cancelled 'Pirates' class July 29 2002 GL Code Number 854 3101 850 3101 850 3101 851 3101 852 3101 854 3101 854 34760020 854 4310 854 34760020 851 3101 854 34760020 854 3101 854 3101 854 4150 854 34760020 Total for Recreational Activities Fund Film,slide,prints Sl ides,prints Hel ium Gateway Project Design-20% June shipping chgs Del Guzzi Dr-Final pmt Hinge,flat wash,brass nuts SheLf,brackets,driLL bits Edgewood Dr project-final pmt Retainage-Delhur Industries Freight chgs Concrete Concrete Pump truck, pumping Lumber,cupwasher Chalk,S lb sink Rebar cutter rental Nails,expansion joint,hammer Hardware Bag ties,dobie blocks Rebar,tie wire Bag ties, footing straps Rebar Bronze rocked groover Concrete ~~inage 717300123-Primo Francis St Pk Improvement #8 531 3101 531 3101 531 3101 Total for D.A.R.E. Fund n7 4150 783 4210 783 4150 783 6510 783 6510 n4 4150 n4 4150 783 6510 Total for Public Works 897 3101 897 3101 897 3101 897 3101 897 3101 897 3101 897 3101 897 3101 897 3101 897 3101 897 3101 897 3101 897 3101 897 3101 890 4150 890 4150 Page 14 . Amount 43.75 80.00 344.25 433.36 216.36 6.39 60.00 66.30 12.00 140.00 45.00 76.12 11.67 417.75 12.00 4,341.01 46.40 12.38 . 103.67 11,785.53 5.25 913.00 15.28 23.38 9,329.00 491.00 52.53 22,614.97 1, n2.32 1,942.73 364.63 92.73 7.66 26.18 35.20 1.10 42.20 155.81 8. 22 19. 32.46 1,445.74 29,840.02 02/07/29-16:16 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE July 29 2002 Page 15 CHECK REGISTER . Date From 07/06/2002 To 07/26/2002 Fnd Opt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount Number Name Number Number Total for Parks & Recreation 36,088.25 Total for Capital Improvement Fund 58,703.22 316 0008 70992 Doran, Teresa 04412 Refund unsued Clubhouse fee 860 36240012 60.00 71101 Angeles Concrete Products 01070 Concrete 860 3101 664 . 62 71105 Angeles Millwork 01073 Lumber, suspenders 860 3101 46.67 71113 Blake Sand & Gravel Inc 02045 Wood stakes 860 3101 8.87 Stakes 860 3101 8.87 71213 Shotwell Corp, Jonathan 19019 Screened cover sand 860 3101 37.87 Screened cover sand 860 3101 82.77 Screened cover sand 860 3101 73.58 71223 Swain's General Store Inc 19037 Trowl,gloves 860 3101 12.64 Total for Lincoln Park Improvement Fund 995.89 325 0002 71150 HTE VAR LLC 08542 Hardware, software, support 260 6410 55,291.96 71248 Advanced Travel 01090 Harper-HTE User Group-Florida 260 4310 1,588.36 Total for Finance System 56,880.32 .0007 71190 Peninsula Daily News 16012 Bid-PA Carnagie Library 796 4410 292.40 71231 United Parcel Service 21005 June shipping charges 796 4210 263.41 71305 Olympic Design Works Inc PS 15193 Prof svcs 796 4150 5,455.17 Total for Carnegie Library 6,010.98 401 70959 Carrillo, Abraham 03679 Util ity deposit rfd-018619019 401 2391200 62.01 70961 Henshaw, Jennifer 08558 Util ity deposit rfd-066796007 401 2391200 96.80 70981 Chomica, Trisa 03680 Utility deposit rfd- 037273024 401 2391200 120.31 70996 Ellis, Wayne 05256 Utility deposit rfd-004006016 401 2391200 250.00 71008 Forestry Suppliers Inc 06217 Borer,extractor 401 2370000 17.68- 71017 Hanby, Juanita 08557 Utility deposit rfd-124488002 401 2391200 91.44 71047 Price, Deanna & Brent 16507 Utility deposit rfd-019836002 401 2391200 250.00 71059 Schmitt, Mike 19895 Util ity deposit rfd-049956031 401 2391200 190.75 71063 Stigall, Jenny 19896 Utility deposit rfd-025755031 401 2391200 50.31 71064 Suttle, Emily 19698 Utility deposit rfd-013048031 401 2391200 166.78 71077 Western States Electric Inc 23025 Freight chgs 401 1411000 51.04 71139 Deane, Sean Patrick 04414 Util ity deposit rfd-028878028 401 2391200 70.89 71162 Johnson, Nicole 10252 Utility deposit rfd-091618025 401 2391200 30.09 71169 Lin, Jiahao Qi Chun 12416 Utility deposit rfd- 043079032 401 2391200 63.42 71208 Russell, CaRIni e 18473 Utility deposit rfd-049140013 401 2391200 79.38 71210 Sanford, Kristen 19897 Utility deposit rfd-094891013 401 2391200 28.73 71226 Tokay Software 20097 Navigator support pe 7-05-03 401 2370000 26.24- 71234 Veltcamp, Bobby 22127 Utility deposit rfd-004383018 401 2391200 132.86 . 71282 Hunter, Susan 08466 Utility overpmt rfd-124237006 401 1222200 118.54 71286 Johnson, Linus 10253 Utility deposit rfd-042030012 401 2391200 250.00 71312 Prentiss, John 16506 Utility overpmt rfd-029513003 401 1222200 264.03 71315 Quill Corporation 17000 Dictionary,pen 401 2370000 .76- 71325 Tolliver, Kurt 20348 ~!;ty deposit rfd-027022013 401 2391200 148.76 02/07/29-16: 16 City of Port Angeles - LI VE MACH I NE July 29 2002 Page 16 CHECK REGISTER . Date From 07/06/2002 To 07/26/2002 Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Description Gl Code Amount Number Name Number Number Total for Department 2,471.46 0009 70966 AT&T Wireless Services 01404 07-02 AT&T a/c 44625127 911 4210 8.55 06-27 AT&T a/c 48531602 911 4210 35.80 07-02 AT&T a/c 44690139 911 4210 14.52 07-02 AT&T a/c 45528387 911 4210 15.25 07-02 AT&T a/c 45570652 911 4210 30.31 70967 AVAYA INC 12215 07-02 AVAYA billing 911 4210 136.67 70980 CED/Consolidated Elec Dist Inc 03267 Power center, cord set 911 3501 823.05 Screwdrivers 911 3501 19.74 Test leads 911 3501 11. 25 70991 Diversified Resource Center 04052 Janitorial svcs-June 911 4810 175.10 70995 EES Consulting Inc 05140 WPAG 2002 pe 05-30-02 914 4901 306.71 71003 Federal Express Corp 06022 June shipping chgs 915 4210 5.90 71008 Forestry Suppliers Inc 06217 Borer,extractor 911 3501 233.23 71012 Gateway Companies Inc 07195 Computer, accessories 911 3160 2,641.20 71024 Knopp Inc 11046 Transistors for test board 911 4810 135 ~ 25 71032 Northwest Public Power Assn 14013 Safety training-May 911 4150 1,592.76 71037 Olympic Synthetic Products 15064 Proof testing 911 3501 118.56 71042 Parsinen landscape Maint Inc 16258 June landscape maintenance 911 4810 "Ji 71051 Qwest 21001 07-02 Qwest billing 911 4210 71055 Rohlinger Enterprises Inc 18087 Test linemen's gloves,blanket 911 4810 Meter,meter scale 911 4810 316.44 Test lineman's gloves 911 4810 65.76 71061 Snap-on Tools - Chugger Deane 19108 Sockets,caddies,shanks 911 3501 523.99 71069 Thurman Supply 20005 Box 911 3403 41. 65 PVC cement,sprinkler supplies 911 3403 34.83 Ti mer, adapter 911 4810 68.87 Plumbing supplies 911 4810 24.06 Sprinkler parts 911 4810 3.31 71094 AT&T Wireless Services 01404 07-05 AT&T a/c 48555460 911 4210 56.56 07-05 AT&T a/c 49335938 911 4210 18.04 71105 Angeles Millwork 01073 Band saw 911 3501 316.40 71113 Blake Sand & Gravel Inc 02045 Top soil 911 4810 45.23 71122 Camera Corner 03044 Photos, film 911 3101 18.33 71133 Clearing Up: Newsdata Corp 03126 Subscription svc pe 10-31-02 914 4901 1,191.36 71135 Cornell Auto Parts 03092 Nozzle 911 4810 8.17 71165 lakeside Industries Inc 12036 Asphalt 911 4810 257.68 Asphalt 911 4810 172.64 Asphalt 911 4810 125.75 71170 lincoln Industrial Corp 12047 Cutting services,2 posts 911 4810 164.58 71182 Olympic Paper Company 15111 Glass cleaner 911 3120 78.94 Teri wipes,styrofoam cups 911 3120 457.51 71183 Olympic Printers Inc 15027 Elect inspection wiring rpts 911 3101 324.82 71185 Olympic Stationers Inc 15030 Calculator tape 911 3101 245.28 71188 Pacific Office Furniture 16518 Draft stool, table 911 3101 3. 71198 Port Angeles Power Equipment 16122 Chains 911 3501 Poly cut blades 911 3501 17.29 71202 Qwest 21020 Conference call 05-09 911 4210 64.26 71220 Sunset Do-It Best Hardware 19035 ~ mounted pint,hobart 911 4810 24.43 Hammers,gloves,neon hammer 911 3501 51.24 f,_n pi r" '~j ',iIf; ~W',l}>,~. ~~ ~' ",\l:;~ ~ t~~'~ rN5\~Ii!'0:.'!j(. 02/07/29-16: 16 /l<:-t. City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE . Fnd Dpt Check Number Vendor Name 71223 Swain's General Store Inc 71227 Trans-Cycle Industries Inc 71228 TriAxis Engineering Inc "), 71231 United Parcel Service 71248 Advanced Travel 71252 Beck, R W . 71269 Davis Electric 71273 EES Consulting Inc 71295 Marsh Mundorf>Pratt Sullivan' 71297 MetropoL'i tan Comm Consul tants 71299 New Li fe' " 71300 North Coast'Electric Company 71301 Northwest Public Power Assn 71308 PUD #1 of Clallam County " 71310 71315 71316 71333 71340 Port Angele~'City Treasurer ,t -~ Quill Corporation i" -, Qwest, Washington (DI5), State of Zee Medical' Service Co 402 70998 Emedco 71049 Quality Control Services Inc 71107 Backflow Apparatus & Valve Co 71311 Pratt Comp~ny, 'Henry CHECK REGISTER \ :' ",i 1" "~ '~~,i T!l Ii, Date'From07/06/2002 To 07/26/2002 Vendor' Number ),9037 .;,; 20322 ..\<I\~_.; ..' ,",'r 20274 <, 21005 r "'If. 01090 02690 \- " . 04417 05140 , 13287 I" 1:3568 I 14529 14173 14013 16~38 ;i' 03062 , 17oa6 21001 23111 26005 05255 ":;{ 17005 02346 ,"'jr;. "';, 16597 r\ '1!t 0007 70967 AVAYA INC 12215 " ;Ji~\ 70970 Airport Garden Center 13409 , 70972 AmTest Inc 01034 70974 Assn Boards of C~rtification 01431 70980 CED/Consolid~ted Elec Dist Inc 03267 ~:rt Description" ' GL Code Number ?r' ~~ Red markingtpaint .911 4810 l J ~olesaw,sp~2e'l:lit,chisel,nails 911 3501 Qrill bit,surge suppressor 9113501 .' is 1-~4_!f.' -, . ~,,,l ~.q.ri} l bi t, surge suppressor 911 3120 ;C~'1~lk guns 911 3501 rl,,,~J~stic cord 911 3501 t'~ D1~pose ,of PCB soil drums 911 4810 Wl" St ,subs,tation pe 05-31 ,"\ 9~O,4150 La~el St s~~Jtation pe06-28 930 4150' ! WA St substaJ,i~on pe 06-28 930 4150 .., ,June shipping),charges 911 4210~. O~~p, Shay , Ma,(;!<s-Traff icrSi gnal, 911' 4310 .1lw,~a Up Rel:l~j ld pe 06-30 930 4150 Valley St Rebuild pe 06-30 9304150 ,t",- .~.i",f , L'~f,~ overch~rge(on permit fee 911 32210028 W~AG 2002 pe;,,06:30,914 4901 ~,,)f-hU-"'1: iM'h t ',' ,,,,,~E~~ 200? R~:06-29 .,915;4901 ')~~ecom 3-1,I-Net Consulting 9154150 '~'st~~n ~a~pe~~(l)\i 911 4810 '~e,ceptacles,cover plates 911 4810 ~:;.t Receptacle,plugs 911 4810 Box 911 4810 June Safety training 911 4150 :,07-,F bpling 203 Reser,voir Rd 91.13350 " ,07,;;"}17 billing SR101 & Euclidr911 3350 .,; 07~15 billing-Golf Course Rd 911 3350 ',:, ' 9v~rtfime lunch:Oman, Trainor 911 48101 Dictionary,pen 911 31Q1 07-14 Qwest"bill ing 911 4210 ~~~n.charges-June 911 4210 Firs; aid supplies 911 3120 July 29 2002 t", r, 'd "il '-,;' ~~:.; \'> ;{~- J' l ;t'(- l": Total for Light Totalifor~Light Fund \ .,Ant i -,s lip tape Calibrate thermometer ;' ;;~V-''.;i'; Backflow devi ces ji'.-~t "Snipping chgs Electric motor actuator 402 2370000 402 2370000 402 2370000 402 2370000 402 2370000 Total for Department 07-02,.AVAYA bi H ing ,O~;P,? AVAYA bi II ing !ir~,~s seed Fl~~ef packs SiJ\,~r sample testing ~'~Certificate-Young WIre 754 4210 753 4210 753 3402 754 3120 754 4810 754 4901 754 3120 Page 17 ~it(~~i!!..-;V Amount ft.<\' 55.70 25.12 2.89 20.52 41.46 65.73 4,625.00 531. 00 1,355.00 919.50 15.83 1,387.62 11,764.59 6,679.46 91.00 929.22 658.14 5,543.58 290.00 339.56 364.83 26.38 1,592.76 14.92 19.07 17.44 19.00 9.94 321.79 38.62 53.50 'I ~ 50,996.74 53,468.20 12.90- 26.08- 16.42- 24.60- 291. 93- 371.93- 19.52 9.~6 95.19 14.53 17.00 95.00 54.44 c 02107/29-16: 16 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE CHECK REGISTER Date From 07/06/2002 To 07/26/2002 Fnd Opt Check Number Vendor Name Vendor Number 71097 Air Flo Heating Company Inc 71106 Angeles Therapy Services 71112 Bick, John 71117 Brown, Carol L 71120 Byers, Raymond 71121 C & F Insulation 01012 R0434 R0420 R0421 R0322 03102 71123 Can-Do Construction 03643 71127 Caynak, Robyn S R0422 71142 Derau, Jeff R0423 71144 Everwarm Hearth & Home Inc 05013 71147 Glass Services Co Inc 07037 71152 Harbick, Robert R0424 71155 Hilt, Robert and Valerie R0425 71156 Hope, Stanley R0426 71157 Howell, Mike and Janeen R0427 71171 Mathews Glass Co Inc.. 13107 71177 Northern, Lisa R0428 71191 Peninsula Heat Company 16327 71192 Perry, Pamela R0429 71200 Pozarzycki, Lynda R0430 71211 Sauer, Conner W R0168 71217 Spires, Tim R0431 71224 Thornell, Albert W R0432 71239 Walrath, Eric R0433 501 71043 Parts Incorporated 18126 71044 Pettit Oil Company 16302 71296 McMaster-Carr Supply Co 13202 Description GL Code Number City rebate program-Zaremba 913 4986 City rebate program 913 4986 City rebate program 913 4986 City rebate program 913 4986 City rebate program 913 4986 City rebate program-thanheiser 913 4986 City rebate program-Oakes 913 4986 City rebate prog-W Side Video 913 4986 City rebate program-8 St Cafe 913 4986 City rebate program-Fu 913 4986 City rebate program-Coughenour 913 4986 City rebate program-Pruss 913 4986 City rebate program-Gleeson 913 4986 City rebate program 913 4986 City rebate program 913 4986 City rebate program-Levenetz 913 4986 City rebate program-Cashman 913 4986 City rebate program-Heckman 913 4986' City rebate program-Bryant 913 4986 City rebate program-Harbick 913 4986 City rebate program 913 4986 City rebate program 913 4986 City rebate program 913 4986 City rebate program-Hofrichter 913 4986 City rebate program-Lappier 913 4986 City rebate program 913 4986 City rebate program-Hargis 913 4986 City rebate program-Graves 913 4986 City rebate program-Pruss 913 4986 City rebate program 913 4986 City rebate program 913 4986 City rebate program 913 4986 City rebate program 913 4986 City rebate program 913 4986 City rebate program 913 4986 July 29 2002 Total for Light Total for Conservation Fund In/Out cushions,cylinder kits Pressure switch Seal kit Diesel Gasol ine Diesel Diesel Capaci tor Capacitor 21~lugs,hourmeters,blades 501 2370000 501 2370000 501 2370000 501 1412000 501 1412000 501 1412000 501 1412000 501 2370000 501 2370000 501 2370000 Page 22 -, Amount 1,300.00 150.00 50.00 120.00 25.00 3,223.90 251.31 2,176.20 2,953.86 1,154.25 3,797.88 759.75 462.56 150.00 50.00 553.00 760.00 650.00 795 . 00 1. 3 ;'&:7~ 150.00 681.50 1,480.00 50.00 950.00 1,540.00 1,100.00 100.00 25.00 150.00 50.00 50.00 208.00 28,334.19 28,432.95 51.14- 6.55- 3.86- 3,018.60 3,309.80 1,247J. 284'.___,/ 3.24- 1.32- 30.63- 02/07/29-16: 16 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE . Fnd Opt Check Number Vendor Name CHECK REGISTER Date From 07/06/2002 To 07/26/2002 Vendor Number 0007 70967 AVAYA INC 12215 70986 Coastline Tractor Co Inc 03082 70988 Cummins Northwest Inc 03097 70991 Diversified Resource Center 04052 71004 Finel ine 06280 71031 N C Machinery Co 14001 71036 Olympic Arma Coatings Inc 71038 Overall Laundry Services Inc . 01109 15234 71040 Pacific Detroit Diesel Allison 16060 71043 Parts Incorporated 18126 71044 Pettit Oil Company 71061 Snap-on Tools - Chugger Deane 71099 Angeles Auto Alectric 71104 Angeles Machine Yorks Inc 71119 Bryant's Upholstery 71134 Copy Cat Graphics 71135 Cornell Auto Parts 71140 Denver's Tire Co Inc . 16302 19108 01067 01072 02059 03380 03092 04044 Description 07-02 AVAYA billing Lever Exhaust manifold, gaskets Janitorial svcs-June Tint windows Tint windows Regulator Tubes Seal Recondition transmission Recondition transmission Repair electric system Repair electric system Arma coating over the rails Credit Invoice G554734 Credit Enviro chg F423343 Laundry svc Laundry svc-June June laundry svcs Seals In/Out cushions,cylinder kits Pressure switch Seal kit Packer repair kits Oil Credit oil Oil Grease tubes Yire crimper,pliers,terminal Alternator Repair starter Repair starter Rebuild paddle, labor Replace cylinder,pipe Replace cylinder,pipe Repair truck cushion Vehicle graphics Key holder Idle stop Filter,plug wires,cap,brakes Filter,plug wires,cap,brakes Labor Flat repair Calcium,calcium chloride Service ca II , fl at repa i r Flat repair,wheel change Tire,mount,demount T4S mount, demount Tires,radial tubes GL Code Number July 29 2002 Total for Department 760 4210 760 3402 760 3402 760 4810 760 4810 760 4810 760 3402 760 3402 760 3402 760 4810 760 3402 760 3402 760 4810 760 4810 760 4990 760 4990 760 4990 760 4990 760 4990 760 3402 760 3402 760 3402 760 3402 760 3402 760 3220 760 3220 760 3220 760 3220 760 3501 760 3402 760 3402 760 4810 760 4810 760 3402 760 4810 760 4810 760 4810 760 3402 760 3402 760 4810 760 3402 760 4810 760 4810 760 3402 760 4810 760 4810 760 4810 760 3110 760 3110 Page 23 Amount 7,763.30 9.76 128.81 258.51 116.70 379.05 379.05 29.40 147.50 13.19 9,887.32 4,025.25 861.24 921.32 355.98 65.37- 16.48- 43.93 65.37 65.37 19.02 674.69 86.33 50.86 1,482.69 256.57 256.57- 256.57 90.36 66.92 194.76 190.04 52.01 590.n 43.53 520.44 81.15 324.60 4.13 10.43 134.16 226.96 32.46 6.49 41.98 32.46 22.18 5.42 50.52 1,460.70 02/07/29-16: 16 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE Fnd Opt Check Number Vendor Name 71148 Groeneveld Pacific West Inc 71149 H & R Parts & Equipment Inc 07290 08045 71154 Heartline, The 08054 71158 Hyatt Repair 08525 71163 Kaman Industrial Technologies 11082 71164 Simpson's Used Auto Parts 19199 71167 Les Schwab Tire Center (City) 19459 71168 Les) Schwab TireCtr-Solid Waste 19755 71170 Lincoln Industrial Corp 12047 71174 Middleton Auto and Truck Inc 13117 CHECK REGISTER Date From 07/06/2002 To 07/26/2002 Vendor Number Description GL Code Number Tires,radial tubes 760 3402 Flat repair 760 4810 Flat repai r 760 4810 Safety check, labor, lubra kleen 760 4810 Safety check, labor, lubra kleen 760 3402 LOF,safety check,lubra kleen LOF,safety check,lubra kleen Tire,casing,mount,demount Tire,casing,mount,demount Tire,casing,mount,demount Unapplied credits Tubing Seal,sleeve Seal Elbow Batteries Batteries Battery,credit warranty Repair front cover,paint Repair front cover,paint Radial bearing Tow old ambulance to garage Flat repair Flat repair, lug traction Flat repair, lug traction Cap, lug traction,wheel switch Cap, lug traction,wheel switch Cap, lug traction,wheel switch Radial truck casing, tires Radial truck casing, tires Radial truck casing, tires Flat repair,radial repair Fix aluminum tail gate Replace bumper, labor Replace bumper, labor Bolt,nyloc Metal bar Asphalt Mirror Terminal V-belt Starter, core deposit Cigarette lighter Cotter pin,clamp,filters Cotter pin,clamp,filters Auto fuse,tester,cotter pin Auto fuse,tester,cotter pin Plug Battery .2t2lector Slack adjuster 760 3402 760 4810 760 3402 760 3110 760 4810 760 4810 760 3402 760 3402 760 3402 760 3402 760 3402 760 3402 760 3402 760 4810 760 3402 760 3402 760 4810 760 4810 760 3101 760 4810 760 3101 760 4810 760 3402 760 3101 760 4810 760 3402 760 4810 760 4810 760 3402 760 4810 760 3402 760 3402 760 3402 760 3402 760 3402 760 3402 760 3402 760 3402 760 3402 760 3501 760 3402 760 3402 760 3402 760 3402 760 3402 760 3402 July 29 2002 Page 24 . Amount 71.41 6.49 6.49 17.31 13.26 2.43 28.14 43.28 102.79 15.15 23.09- 110.98 59.26 40.10 46.14 125.40 64.87 125.46 328.92 I 32.41 123.49 108.63 246.98 41.11 97.38 320.92 41.11 151.49 42.41 281.32 517.76 130.36 12.03 8.22 302.96 6.77 7.14 11.74 107.99 4.63 190.63 21.26 10. 10. 9.36 11.88 29.66 60.74 02/07/29-16: 16 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE . Fnd Dpt Check Number . . Vendor Name 71178 Novus Windshield Repair 71181 Olympic Laundry & Clnrs Inc 71182 Olympic Paper Company 71187 Pacific Office Equipment Inc 71193 Pettit Oil Company CHECK REGISTER Date From 07/06/2002 To 07/26/2002 Vendor Number 14206 15026 15111 16004 16302 Description GL Code Number Hose 760 3402 Fuel filter,air filter, lamp 7603402 Jack 760 3402 Clips 760 3402 Air filter 760 3402 Credit seals,bearings 760 3402 Handle 760 3402 Rotor,spark plug,wire set,cap 760 3402 Mirror 760 3402 Slac adjustment 760 3402 Core deposit 760 3402 Halogen bulb, cap screw 760 3402 Ear plugs 760 3402 Cable ties 760 3402 Lockwasher 760 3402 Cartridge, core deposit 760 3402 Mirror heads 760 3402 F swivels 760 3402 V-belt 760 3402 Starter, core deposit 760 3402 Hose 760 3402 Cable tie,fittings,bulb,filter 760 3402 Warranty, core deposit 760 3402 Fitting,female connector 760 3402 Starter, core deposit 760 3402 Serp belt 760 3402 Core deposit, V-Belt 760 3402 Tinted laminated glass 760 3402 Tinted laminated glass 760 4810 Tinted laminated glass 760 4810 Tinted laminated glass 760 3402 Cleaning services 760 4990 Teri wipes 760 3101 Tray letter smoke 760 3101 Toner cartridge 760 3101 EQ 7 June diesel 760 3211 EQ 9 June gasoline 7603210 EQ14 June gasoline 760 3210 EQ15 June gasoline 7603210 EQ18 June gasoline 760 3210 EQ27 June gasoline 7603210 EQ28 June gasoline 760 3210 EQ29 June gasoline 760 3210 EQ30 June gasoline 7603210 EQ40 June gasoline 760 3210 EQ41 June gasoline 760 3210 EQ42 June gasoline 760 3210 EQ43 June gasoline 760 3210 EQ44 June gasoline 7603210 ~ JUne gasol ine 760 3210 8Q4~ June gasoline 760 3210 July 29 2002 Page 25 Amount 9.79 85.13 162.28 7.47 32.65 28.85- 4.08 72.57 209.88 78.45 33.54- 337.46 56.70 22.81 5.63 82.94 24.13 45.77 6.34 175.22 248.32 51.24 167.67- 10.03 82.98 23.05 24.19- 125.51 75.74 48.69 70.33 205.97 291.66 6.62 106.04 26.08 25.52 18.89 40.36 19.57 46.34 22.07 35.28 115.65 57.00 62.71 54.57 79.49 99.86 98.54 35.63 02/07/29-16: 16 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE July 29 2002 Page 26 CHECK REGISTER . Date From 07/06/2002 To 07/26/2002 Fnd Opt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount Number Name Number Number EQ47 June gasoline 760 3210 102. 13 EQ48 June gasoline 760 3210 50.83 EQ53 June gasoline 760 3210 62.87 EQ54 June gasoline 760 3210 95.10 EQ66 June gasoline 760 3210 182.10 EQ70 June gasoline 760 3210 92.24 EQ73 June gasoline 760 3210 144.71 EQ78 June gasoli;1e 760 3210 58.19 EQ80 June gasoline 760 3210 86.68 EQ81 June gasoline 760 3210 55.69 EQ82 June gasoline 760 3210 59.07 EQ83 June gasoline 760 3210 106.61 EQ84 June gasoline 760 3210 137.06 EQ85 June gasoline 760 3210 65.02 EQ86 June gasoline 760 3210 38.89 EQ87 June gasoline 760 3210 75.77 EQ88 June gasoline 760 3210 87.57 EQ89 June gasoline 760 3210 118.88 EQ90 June gasoline 760 3210 29.57 EQ95 June gasoline 760 3210 .. EQ96 June gasoline 760 3210 EQ138 June gasoline 760 3210 EQ163 June gasoline 760 3210 28.08 EQ7742 June diesel 760 3211 7.67 71197 Port Angeles Ford Lincoln 16158 Buckle 760 3402 37.42 71198 Port Angeles Power Equipment 16122 Tach meter 760 3402 54.09 Fuel tank 760 3402 210.30 71204 Race Street Auto Parts 18048 Micro V belt 760 3402 12.72 0-2 governor 760 3402 19.42 Short trolley jack 760 3501 55.97 71206 Richmond 2-Way Radio 18009 Install light bar,switch panel 760 3402 371. 12 Antenna harness, fuse holder 760 3402 719.53 Siren speaker, labor 760 3402 227.22 Siren speaker, labor 760 4810 129.84 Install radio,antenna harness 760 4810 97.38 Install radio, antenna harness 760 3402 54.10 Remove police equipment 760 4810 146.07 Mobile radio, install 760 3402 546.33 Mobile radio,install 760 4810 90.96 71207 Ruddell Auto Mall 18019 Cable, handle 760 3402 12.47 71215 Sound Ford 19898 2002 Ford Ranger P/U truck 760 6410 17,682.97 71220 Sunset Do-It Best Hardware 19035 Cylinder rent for May 760 3101 28.40 Ford key blank,GM key blanks 760 3402 2.26 Tarp strap, blue tarp 760 3402 17.56 O-ring,poly-pac 760 3402 17.28 Hose,reuse JIC/SAE,labor 760 4810 7~. Hose,reuse JIC/SAE,labor 760 3402 Hose,reuse JIC/SAE,labor 760 4810 3.79 Hose,reuse JIC/SAE,labor 760 3402 46.15 ~low pressure reuse jic 760 3402 138. 17 o rIngs 760 3402 7.54 02/07/29-16: 16 City of Port Angeles - LivE MACHINE . Fnd Dpt Check Number . 502 0002 503 0001 . Vendor Name 71223 Swain's General Store Inc 71231 United Parcel Service 71246 AT&T Wireless Services 71272 Dyno Sources 712~3 Intl Belt & Rubber Supply Inc 71296 McMaster-Carr Supply Co 71298 N C Machinery Co 71310 Port Angeles City Treasurer 71316 Qwest 71333 Washington (DIS), State of 71337 Western Peterbilt Inc 71341 Zep Manufacturing Company 70967 AVAYA INC 70994 Dungeness Commctn & Design 71073 Verizon Wireless - Bellevue 71159 Insight Direct Inc 71161 JPMorganChase 71231 United Parcel Service 71250 Angeles Lock Shop 71294 Maintenance Warehouse 71310 Port Angeles City Treasurer 71316 Qwest 71333 Washington (DIS), State of 70989 Curves for Women 71066 Swenson, James J 71081 Cole, Charles R 71084 Enterprise Rent-a-Car 71137 Curves for Women 71230 UNUM Life Ins Co of America CHECK REGISTER Date From 07/06/2002 To 07/26/2002 Vendor Number 19037 21005 01404 04415 09049 13202 14001 03062 21001 23111 23020 26211 12215 04210 01105 09085 16421 21005 12050 13469 03062 21001 23111 03618 19617 03661 05258 03618 21000 Description Holesaw Spiral wrap hose Wire Diffuser Fluorescent bulb June shipping charges 07-02 AT&T a/c 46204277 Ford chip Spl ice inhouse Capacitor Capacitor Earplugs,hourmeters,blades Earplugs,hourmeters,blades Top body Cap screws,washers,guard Rings,stud Engine parts Credit wiper arm ck 66885 Screws-McLean 07-14 Qwest billing Scan charges-June Transient suppressor Towel dispenser, towels GL Code Number 760 3402 760 3402 760 3402 760 3402 760 3402 760 4210 760 4210 760 3402 760 3402 760 3402 760 3402 760 3402 760 3101 760 3402 760 3402 760 3402 7603402 760 3402 760 3402 760 4210 760 4210 760 3402 760 3101 July 29 2002 Total for Public Works Total for Equipment Services Fund 07-02 AVAYA billing June website maintenance 06-15 Verizon billing Fiber patchcords HP Photosmart printer Renew web name June shipping charges Service computer room safe Key control cabinet Blank CD's-Brooks 07-14 Qwest billing NetWare Node annual maint Scan charges-June 250 4210 250 4150 250 4210 250 4810 250 4210 250 4150 250 4210 250 4150 250 3101 250 3101 250 4210 250 4800 250 4210 Total for Information Technology Fund Membership-White spouse Reimburse medical expenses Claim settlement #02-11 Claim settlement #02-11 Membership-Swenson spouse ~jh August premium Police/IBEW premium 121 4150 121 4630 119 4999 119 4999 121 4150 121 4631 121 4631 Page 27 Amount 38.08 14.26 86.45 9.72 4.84 32.69 12.38 373.30 1,112.68 42.66 17.40 309.46 94.63 19.12 1,470.21 14.30 1,396.01 78.51- 1.68 22.99 10.74 82.46 215.75 59,957.00 67,720.30 29.29 166.25 17.21 116.84 19.48 69.99 31.16 48.69 48.91 37.86 68.96 4,118.27 17.96 4,790.87 441.02 86.00 135. 17 1,599.43 425.77 1,391.85 1,062.24 02/07/29-16: 16 City of Port Angeles - LIVE MACHINE Fnd Opt Check Number Vendor Name 71242 Geico Direct 71247 AWC Employee Benefits Trust 71256 Bogues, Keith 71268 Curves for Women 71279 Gordy's Pizza & Pasta 71310 Port Angeles City Treasurer 71317 Rainier EAP/Mike Walling 767281805 Healthcare Mgt Admnstrs Inc 771302663 Healthcare Mgt Admnstrs Inc 602 0002 71247 AWC Employee Benefits Trust 652 0008 70967 AVAYA INC 71100 Angeles Communications Inc 71113 Blake Sand & Gravel Inc 71187 Pacific Office Equipment Inc 71223 Swain's General Store Inc 71316 Qwest 71333 Washington (DIS), State of 697 71022 Johnson, David 698 70963 AFSCME Local 1619 70964 AFSCME Local 1619 70999 Employees Association 71000 Washington (Unemp), State of 71005 Firefighter's Local 656 71006 Flex-Plan Services (Payroll) 71019 IBEW Local 997 71025 LEOFF 71034 Office of Support Enforcement 71035 Office of Support Enforcement 71039 PERS 71046 Police Association 71068 Teamsters Local 589 71070 US Department of Education 71071 United Way (payroll) 71075 WSCCCE AFSCME AFL-CIO 71076 DiMartino/WSCFF Disability CHECK REGISTER Date From 07/06/2002 To 07/26/2002 Vendor Number 07389 01231 02165 03618 07272 03062 18057 08492 08492 01231 12215 01069 02045 16004 19037 21001 23111 10251 01152 01153 05041 23178 06076 06062 09034 12043 15072 15166 16016 16156 20056 21075 21028 23167 06052 Description Claim settlement #33-99 August premium August premium August premium Reimburse medical expenses ( Renew Hagar pe 08-23-03 Renew Filigno pe 08-23-03 Salads for Safety mtg Safety mtg luncheS-Connelly July EAP services 07-02 Weekly claims pd EFT 07-09 Weekly claims pdEFT 07-16 Weekly claims pd EFT July 29 2002 GL Code Number 119 4999 121 4630 121 4632 121 4634 121 4630 121 4150 121 4150 118 4909 118 4909 121 4150 117 4601 117 4601 117 4601 August premium Total for Self - Insurance Fund 225 4635 Total for Firemen's Pension Fund 07-02 AVAYA billing Repair cut wires (vandalism) Kleen blast Film Super glue, glue 07-14 Qwest billing Scan charges-June 868 4210 868 4150 868 3101 868 3101 868 3101 868 4210 868 4210 Total for Esther Webster Trust Fund Rfd Conservation loan overpmt 697 2391000 Page 28 . Amount 12,500.00 83,684.13 1,436.32 5,583.35 46.59 345.16 345.16 41.06 41. 62 330.00 4,040.10 2,462.50 4,258.60 120,256.07 2,274.75 2,274.75 9. 16.86 38.95 5.78 22.99 38.03 228.13 Total for Accts.Receivable Clearing Fund 69.86 69.86 Payroll deductions pe 07-07 Payroll deductions pe 07-07 Payroll deductions pe 07-07 Payroll deductions pe 04-14 Payroll deductions pe 07-07 Payroll deductions pe 07-07 Payroll deductions pe 07-07 Payroll deductions pe 06-30 Payroll deductions pe 07-07 Payroll deductions pe 07-07 Payroll deductions pe 06-30 Payroll deductions pe 07-07 Payroll deductions pe 07-07 Payroll deductions pe 07-07 Payroll deductions pe 07-07 ~~ll deductions pe 07-07 Payroll deductions pe 07-07 698 2315200 698 2315200 698 2315210 698 2315210 698 2315200 698 2315210 698 2315200 698 2315120 698 2315210 698 2315210 698 2315130 698 2315210 698 2315200 698 2315210 698 2315240 698 2315200 698 2315190 86.00 172.00 364.00 296.53 1,100.00 950.96 603.00 17,386.77 1,524.20 169.85 21,568.37 251. 2,375. 69.41 414.56 3,164.37 866.51 02/07/29-16: 16 . City of Port Angeles - lIVE MACHINE CHECK REGISTER Date From 07/06/2002 To 07/26/2002 Fnd Opt Check Number . . Vendor Name Vendor Number Description 71218 States West Life Insurance Co 19313 August premium 71277 Flex-Plan Services (Payroll) 06062 Payroll deductions pe 07-21 71302 Office of Support Enforcement 15072 Payroll deductions pe 07-21 71303 Office of Support Enforcement 15166 Payroll deductions pe 07-21 71328 US Department of Education 21075 Payroll deductions pe 07-21 71329 Uni ted Way (payroll) 21028 Payroll deductions pe 07-21 71331 Volunteer Fire Association 22060 Payroll deductions pe 07-21 71332 WSCFF/Employee Benefit Trust 23628 Payroll deductions pe 07-21 GL Code Number 698 2315160 698 2315210 698 2315210 698 2315210 698 2315210 698 2315240 698 2315210 698 2315210 July 29 2002 Total for Accounts Payable Clearing Fund 49 Grand Total Page 29 Amount 553.40 950.96 1,524.20 169.85 69.41 396.48 40.00 1,425.00 56,491.83 808,635.99 . . . 50 . . . Fund 401 07 -08-02 401 07 -08-02 401 07-22-02 Finance Department Electronic Payments July 06, 2002 - July 26, 2002 BPA WPPSS May Power Purchase BP A WPPSS May Transmission Avista Wire for June Total C: \ WINNT\Profiles\Administrator\Personal\ Wires. wpd 51 542,060.00 184,915.00 123.768.00 850,743.00 . . . 52 . . . DATE: To: FROM: SUBJECT: ~ORTANGELES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO AUGUST 6, 2002 MAYOR WIGGINS AND CITY COUNCIL Thomas E. Riepe, Chief ofPolict /!... 2002 -2003 Updated Hi~h School Resource Officer Aereement With Port An~eles School District # 121 Summary: A full time uniformed police officer, the School Resource Officer (SRO), has been assigned to work at the high school since 1998. The School District has financially supported the SRO program since its inception. Dr. Gary Cohn, School Superintendent, has signed an updated agreement increasing the School District's SRO program support to $20,000 for the 2002 - 2003 school year. Last school year, the School District paid $18,300 toward the program. $20,000 is an increase of$1,700 or 9.29%. Recommendation: Authorize the mayor to sign the updated agreement between the City of Port Angeles and Port Angeles School District #121 for the High School Resource Officer Program. Backeround / Analysis: The Police Department and School District both feel very strongly, as supported by empirical and anecdotal evidence, that the School Resource Officer (SRO) program has been very successful. (A copy of School Resource Officer Bruce Knight's year end report is attached.) The success of the program is due, in large part, to the dedication of the School District and Police Department personnel assigned to the program. The Port Angeles High School, with 1,600 students, is one ofthe largest high schools in the state. It is also located in a residential neighborhood. The SRO program is supported by the teachers, students, parents, school support staff, and school neighbors. The SRO is a very busy officer who works with students and School District staff on a daily basis, and also attends many ofthe weekend and evening special events. The SRO's goal is to help maintain a safe and secure school campus to foster a conducive learning environment and to be available as a resource to students in need. Attachment (1 ): (2): 101-02-026 SRO Year End Report Updated Agreement 53 School Resource Officer Report 2001-2002 By: Officer Bruce Knight The 2001-2002 school year con- cluded the 4th year of the School Resource Of- ficer Program in the Port Angeles schools. The school resource officer serves all of the public schools in the city of Port Angeles but he is based at the Port Angeles High School where most of the calls for service occur. During the school year the SRO, Bruce Knight, handled five hundred and eighty one calls for service at the schools, most of which did not come through PENCOM. The primary report- ing method is through direct reports from stu- dents and staff to the BRO. The goal of in- creasing access to law enforcement has been successful each year. This year the SRO served twenty-five arrest warrants at the schools compared with fifteen warrant arrests in 2000-2001. While most of these are for tru- ancy, others are for "Fail to Appear" and "Fail To Obey Court Order" on criminal offenses. The SRO arrested sixteen students for harass- ment this year as compared to ten the previous year. Recent court cases, where threats of physical harm or death have been made, make the prosecution for harassment easier. Harass- ment warnings were down 50% from last year with only 32 students being warned for harass- ment. With the harassment arrests up by 60% the harassment and assault problem diminished accordingly. Only three students were arrested at the high school for assault as compared to ten the year before. This decrease is a direct result of arrests being made when the threat is made rather than after it is carried out. Twenty-five students were arrested for drug! alcohol violations as compared with 23 last year. Many of these violations occurred at school dances. . The SRO Wrote forty-two tickets for posses- sion of tobacco, down from forty-nine the previous year. All of the offenders are re- quired to pay a penalty of $50.00 or attend a tobacco information school. Several offend- ers reported they had quit smoking because of these incidents. Fights at Port Angeles High School were down 42% this year. The last two months of the school year found stuaents leaving cam- pus at lunch time to don boxing gloves at im- promptu "fight clubs." The SRO has been researching other cities within the state of Washington for ordinances governing this type of dangerous, but not unlawful, practice. A school lock down occurred several months ago when 2 armed burglars were seen several blocks south of the campus. This event, along with the September 11 th terrorist at- tack, were listed by students as one of the, most newsworthy events of the year. . One of the biggest benefits of the SRO pro- gram is to change students and staff attitudes toward law enforcement. I The SRO inter- viewed five hundred thirty eight students and staff this school year. This resulted in a fa- vorable impression of law enforcement for the majority of those interviewed. Mutual re. spect and trust generated now will do much to make the job of the officer on the street easier. While enforcement,is a big part of the SRO program, most of the, time is spent me- diating disputes and teachiDg students how to . , handle their own problems in a timely man- ner. The mere presence of 'an officer on cam- pus does much to allay the fears that many students and parents may have about personal safety in a campus environment. . sa . . . AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES and PORT ANGELES SCHOOL DISTRICT #121 for THE HIGH SCHOOL RESOURCE OFFICER PROGRAM THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this _ day of , 2002 by and between the Port Angeles School district #121 (hereinafter referred to as School District) and the City of Port Angeles (hereinafter referred to as City). WHEREAS, the Port Angeles School District # 121 and the City of Port Angeles agree that it is in the best interest of both parties to assign a School Resource Officer to the School District; and WHEREAS, the Port Angeles School District # 121 agrees to share the cost of and provide facilities for the aforementioned School Resource Officer; NOW, THEREFORE, it is mutually agreed as follows: I The Port Angeles Police Department (hereinafter referred to as Department) will assign one regularly employed Port Angeles police officer to serve as a School Resource Officer (hereinafter referred to as SRO) to the School District's high school. This SRO will provide a uniformed presence on campus to promote safety and serve as a positive resource to the high school and surrounding neighborhoods. The SRO will patrol the assigned school and surrounding areas in order to identifY, investigate, deter, and attempt to prevent crime, especially those incidents involving weapons, youth violence, harassment, gang involvement, drugs, or other similar activities. In addition, the SRO will provide students, parents, teachers, administrators and neighborhood residents with information, support, and problen:J,-solving mediation and facilitation. II The SRO shall at all times remain an employee of the City. The SRO shall remain responsive to the supervision and chain of' command of the Department which shall be responsible for hislher hiring, training, and discipline. Any allegation of improper conduct by an SRO shall be referred to the SRO's immediate Department supervisor or directly to the Chief of Police. The SRO will be assigned to the School District on a full-time, forty (40) hour work week during the school year, minus any scheduled vacation time, sick time, training time, court time, or any other police-related activity, including any emergencies such as civil disasters. Scheduling for the SRO while school is in session will be determined by mutual agreement of the School District administration, the SRO, and the SRO's police supervisor. The SRO will not take vacation while school is in session unless approved by his/her police supervisor. On scheduled work days when school is not in session (summer School Resource Officer - agreement 55 vacation, school breaks, holidays, etc.), the SRO will work on assignments as determined by hislher police supervisor. . Overtime hours for the SRO that relate to regular law enforcement duti~s or that reasonably relate to SRO duties must be authorized and approved by the police supervisor prior to the performance of the overtime work and will be paid in accordance with established Department policies and procedures. Nothing in this agreement prevents the School District from hiring off-duty City of Port Angeles police officers to provide security at sporting events or other special events. The terms of this Agreement do not cover off-duty officers hired for these purposes. III Selection and appointment of the SRO will be made in cooperation with the School District and the Police Department. Requirements for the SRO assignment shall include: · The SRO must volunteer for the assignment. The SRO must have a minimum of two years of police service in a municipal or county law enforcement agency and have an Associates Degree or the equivalent in credit hours. · The SRO must have an expressed desire and ability to engage in direct daily activity with students, school staff, parents, and the public. TheSRO must convey a positive police presence on the school campus and in the community. / · The SRO must be highly motivated, productive, demonstrate high levels of self-initiative and innovation, and be able to work well with minimal supervision. The SRO must be in good physical condition and present and maintain an excellent uniformed appearance. . · The SRO must have the ability to be a positive resource to the school staff, students, parents and residents in the surrounding neighborhoods. The SRO's education, background, experience, interest level and communication skills must be such that the SRO can effectively and accurately be a resource, liaison and mentor at the schools he or she serves. · The SRO must agree to attend any necessary training or classes necessary to increase his or her skills for the position. Based on selection criteria cited herein, the Chief of Police shall appoint the SRO. If requested by either party, the School District and Department may appoint two members each to a Selection Committee, which shall have the role. of interviewing, evaluating and recommending the appointment of the officer selected by the Department to serve as the SRO. SRO assignment vacancies will be filled in accordance with this Agr~ement. In the event of the resignation, dismissal, or long-term absence (more than 30 days) of the SRO, the Department shall provide a replacement within 30 school days of the notification of the absence. In the interim, existing resources will be scheduled to provide partial coverage to the School District. IV In the event the Principal of the school to which the SRO is assigned has cause to believe that the particular SRO is not effectively performing in accordance with this Agreement, the Principal may recommend to the School District and Department, in writing, that the SRO be removed from the program. . School Resource Officer - agreement 2 56 . . . To initiate the replacement of an SRO, the Principal will recommend to the District Superintendent that the SRO be replaced, stating the reasons in writing. Within a reasonable period of time after receiving the recommendation, the Superintendent or hislher designee will meet with the Chief of Police or hislher designee, to mediate or resolve the problem that may exist. If the problem cannot be resolved or mediated, in the opinion of both the Superintendent and Chief of Police, or their designees, the SRO will be removed from the program and a replacement SRO will be selected in accordance with this Agreement. This process shall not exceed thirty days. v The duties and responsibilities of the SRO while on duty include, but are not limited to, the following: · Regularly wear the official police uniform, including firearm, with civilian attire being worn on such occasions as may be mutually agreed upon by the Principal and the SRO. · Establish and maintain a working rapport with the school administrator and school staff. · Act as a resource person in the area of law enforcement education at the request of the staff, speaking to classes on criminal law, search and seizure, drugs, motor vehicle laws, etc. · Assist in providing school-based security during the regular school day and assist in the promotion of a safe and orderly environment at the School District's high school. The SRO shall not act as a disciplinarian; however, the SRO may assist the school with discipline problems upon request by the Principal or other administrator and, if the problem or incident is a violation of the law, will determine whether law enforcement action is appropriate. · Investigate crimes or other school-related incidents on campus and in the surrounding neighborhoods, making arrests when appropriate, and making the necessary notifications to parents, school staff and social service agencies. · Assist in mediating disputes on campus, including working with students to help them solve disputes in a non- violent manner. · Participate in school staff meetings, PT A presentations, and other parent-involvement programs. · Maintain an activity log, to include all SRO activities such as meetings, conferences, extra-curricular events, arrests, investigations, training, and any other items or occurrences which are required by the school or police supervisor. · Provide a monthly report, based on the activity log, to the police supervisor and principal. · Perform other duties as mutually agreed upon by the Principal and the SRO, provided the duty is legitimately and reasonably related to the SRO program as described in this Agreement and is consistent with Federal and State law, local ordinances, Department and School District policies, procedures, rules and regulations. VI In return for the City providing SRO services to the high school, the School District will: School Resource Officer - agreement 3 57 · Provide private office space at the high school to be used by the SRO for general office purposes, equipped with . a desk, chair, 4-drawer locking cabinet, telephone and reasonable office supplies. · Police only parking space. VII The School District agrees to pay the City $20,000 as its share of the SRO program costs for the period of September 9,2002 to June 20, 2003. The School District and City agree to negotiate program costs annually for any subsequent period. VIII Both parties understand and agree that the City is acting hereunder as an independent contractor, with the following intended results: · Control of personnel, standards of performance, discipline and other aspects of performance shall be governed entirely by the Department; . · All persons rendering SRO services hereunder shall be for all purposes employees of the City; · All liabilities for salaries, wages, any other compensation, work related injury or sickness of the SRO shall be that of the City. Both parties understand and agree that the School District retains its legal responsibility for the safety and security of the School District, its employees, students and property, and this Agreement does not alter that responsibility. IX . The City will protect, defend, indemnify, and save harmless the School District, its officers, employees and agents from any and all costs, claims, judgments or awards of damages arising out of or in any way resulting from negligent acts or omissions of the City, its officers, employees or agents related to the performance of the City's duties under this Agreement. The School District will protect, defend, indemnify and save harmless the City, its officers, employees and agents from any and all costs, claims, judgments or awards of damages arising out of or in any way resulting from the negligent acts or omissions of the School District, its officers, employees or agents related to the activities covered by this Agreement. X Both Parties understand that no significant impact on the environment will result from services rendered hereunder. XI This Agreement expresses the entire agreement of the parties and may not be altered or modified in any way unless such modifications are reduced to writing, signed by both parties and affixed to the original Agreement. XII This Agreement may be terminated only after sixty (60) days written notice given by one party and received by the other. Any termination of this Agreement shall not terminate any duty of either party that has matured prior to such termination. . School Resource Officer - agreement 4 58 . . . This Agreement will expire on June 30, 2003, unless mutually extended by the parties in writing. As evidence of their Agreement, both parties, through their authorized ag~nts, having read and understood the above and foregoing, and with the intent to be bound hereby; hereby execute this Agreement on the date last entered below. PORT ANGELES SCHOOL DISTRICT CITY OF PORT ANGELES By: Glenn Wiggins, Mayor Date: V/tp/O.L Date: ATTEST: Becky Upton, City Clerk Approved as to Form: Craig Knutson, City Attorney School Resource Officer - agreement 5 59 I . . . 60 . . . DATE: To: FROM: SUBJECT: ~ORTANGELES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO AUGUST 1,2002 MAYOR WIGGINS AND CITY COUNCIL DENNIS C. ~WKS~~, S.ENIOR ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY & PROPERTY MANAGER ~~ AUTHORIZATION FOR MAYOR TO SIGN DEED - SALE OF 7TH & ALBERT PROPERTY Summary: City Council previously declared the property formerly occupied by the 7th and Albert streets electrical substation to be surplus and the same was offered for sale pursuant to City Council authority. A purchase and sales agreement has been executed for the property and closing has tentatively been scheduled for August 9, 2002. Recommendation: Authorize the Mayor to sign a deed and other necessary sales documents to complete sale of the property located at 7th and Albert. Back2round / Analysis: The Light Utility decommissioned the electrical substation previously located at 7th and Albert streets. After review by the UAC and Real Estate Committee recommendations were made to surplus the property and offer the same for sale. The property was subject to a remedial cleanup action which has been completed. A report was issued evidencing cleanup which meets the federal and state requirements. The report has been submitted to the appropriate agencies and we currently await receipt of the certificate from the Department of Ecology. We have been advised that the certificate will be sent during the week August 5, 2002. Once the certificate is received from the Department of Ecology the sale of the property can be legally completed. It would be appropriate to authorize execution of the deed and other necessary closing documents by the Mayor, contingent upon receipt ofthe Department of Ecology certificate. 61 G:\APPS\DISTCR1\REAL ESTATE COMMITTEE\CityCouncilMemo. 7thAlbert.8-01 -02.wpd . . . 62 . . . DATE: To: FROM: SUBJECT: ~ORTANGELES WASHINGTON u. S. A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO August 6, 2002 Summary: One bid was received for the subject project and it was 73% above the engineer's estimate. Recommendation: Reject the bid from Kerr Contractors, Inc., Oregon, for Pump Station Retrofits, Pro.iect No. 22-16. Background / Analysis: The subject project involves the replacement of existing "dry well" assemblies at sewage pump stations 2, 5 & 6. The work included removing all valves and adjustable fittings from the wet well area, a source of accelerated corrosion and hazardous environment. The project was advertised June 23 and the bid opening occurred July 9, 2002. One bid was received, from Kerr Contractors, Inc., in the amount of $117,180.60. The bid was 73% higher than the engineer's estimate of$67,625.00. It is recommended the bid be rejected and, due to the proposed high cost, re-solicit after reviewing the project documents for opportunities to clarify the scope of work. N :\CCOUNCIL\FINAL\rejectretrofitbidAug6CC. wpd 63 . . . 64 . . . ~ORTANGELES CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: August 6, 2002 To: MAYOR WIGGINS AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: Glenn A. Cutler, Director of Public Works and Utilities SUBJECT: Lauridsen Blvd/Edgewood Dr. Realignment Project 91-07, Final Acceptance Summary: Delhur Industries, Inc., has completed all work associated with the Lauridsen Blvd/Edgewood Dr. Realignment Project. It has been inspected and accepted as complete. Final payment has been processed. Recommendation: Accept the project as completed by Delhur Industries, Inc., and authorize the release of the retain age in the amount of $54,875.02 upon receipt of clearances from the Departments of Revenue and Labor and Industries. Back~round I Analysis: Delhur Industries, Inc., has completed the construction of the Lauridsen Blvd/Edgewood Dr. Realignment project as defined in the contract documents. This project was budgeted at $2,360,000. Funding was provided through a Transportation Improvement Board (TIB) grant of $1,158,978) and local matching funds ($1,201,022). The matching funds were provided under an interlocal agency agreement between Clallam County (28.25%), the Port of Port Angeles (28.25%) and the City of Port Angeles (43.5%). The original contract amount was $951,589.91. Change orders increased the project by $86,445.69. Variation of unit quantities increased the project by $59,464.78. The final contract amount is $1,097,500.38. The City matching share was $522,444.57 from our Surface Transportation Program (STP) account and street funds. Change order work included the removal of unsuitable material ($28,981.39), installation and modification of sewer system ($15,430.00), driveway reconstruction work ($31,387.00), additional shoulder/roadway work ($7,384.60), and other miscellaneous items ($3,262.70). The unit quantity variation consisted primarily of flagging and roadway base material ($59,464.78). Original Contract Change Orders Unit Quantity Final Cost Project Cost Amount (5) Variations Variance $951,589.91 $86,445.69 $59,464.78 $1,097,500.38 15.3% N:\PROJECTS\91-07AR\PA YMENT\CCacpt_A.wpd 65 . . \ . 66 ~ . . . DATE: To: FROM: SUBJECT: ~ORTANGELES WASHINGTON U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO August 6, 2002 MAYOR WIGGINS AND CITY COUNCIL Glenn A. Cutler, Director of Public Works and Utilities Waterline Replacement, Valley Creek Restoration, Project 22-13 Summary: The referenced work has recently been completed. Unanticipated additional work was required during construction to complete the job within the limited time frame available. The total cost of the unanticipated work exceeded the City Manager's authority to approve. Recommendation: Approve and authorize the City Manager to sign a Contract Change Order No.2 in the amount of $6,262.93 increasing the contract to a new total of $18,631.00. Back~round / Analysis: A Small Works contract with Jamestown Excavating signed by the City Manager was executed June 17, 2002, in the amount of $11 ,319.88. The work entailed removing a section of 10" cast iron pipe that crosses V alley Creek with inadequate cover and replacing it with 1 0" HDPE pipe at a deeper crossing depth. Change Order No.1, for unanticipated bypass pumping required during construction in the amount of$1,048.19, was executed June 26. During construction, an existing blowoff assembly on the 10" cast iron pipe that was thought to be out of the area of work was encountered. The contractor was requested to remove the assembly and install additional piping, on a time and materials cost basis. The work was required to be completed immediately, as there was a 7 day time limit that Valley Creek could be bypassed under the existing Hydraulic Project Approval (HP A) permit. The City's project engineer, Stephen Sperr, oversaw that the additional work was completed as intended and verified that the submitted costs for the work were justified. Because the revised contract amount will exceed $15,000, this Change Order requires approval from City Council. The original contract price was $11,319.88. Change Order Nos. 1 and 2 have increased the contract price to a final amount of $18,631.00. The 2002 Water Utility budget included $25,000 for this work. N :\CCOUNCIL \ORIGINAL\CCchange order#2Aug6. wpd 67 . . .. 68 . FORTAN ELES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: AUGUST 6, 2002 To: MAYOR WIGGINS AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: . Sue Roberds, Assistant Planner SUBJECT: MANTOOTH ANNEXATION REQUEST - ANX 02-01 LINDBERG ROAD Summary: A valid petition was submitted by Dr. and Mrs. James Mantooth requesting annexation by election on July 29,2002, which has been certified by the County Auditor. At this time it would be appropriate for Council to pass a resolution as required by RCW 35AI4.020. The resolution must then be forwarded to the Clallam County Auditor's office so that an election may be scheduled for the general election in November. Recommendation: Staff recommends that the City Council pass the attached resolution affirming the City's approval to callfor an election for annexation of the Mantooth property. . Background / Analysis: During the past several months, the City has had conversations with Dr. and Mrs. James Mantooth regarding annexation of their approximately 30 acres to the City of Port Angeles. Although the annexation involves only the Mantooth property, such an action would require an election given the recent Supreme Court decision regarding annexation. Staff prepared a detailed memorandum outlining the request for the July 16, 2002, Council meeting which is attached for your information along with the petition and maps. Because the deadline for submittal of a resolution to the County Auditor calling for an election on the September primary ballot is August 2,2002, the issue will be placed on the November general election if received by September 23, 2002. Staff and the Mantooths will be available to discuss the matter with Council at the August 6th meeting. Attachments: Resolution Petition . July 16 2002 Memo and attachments C:\MyFiles\DAIL Y\Memoccmantooth 69 . . . 70 . RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, declaring a proposed annexation to be in the best interest and general welfare of the City and calling for an election to be held in territory proposed for annexation. WHEREAS, a petition has been filed with, and certified by, the County Auditor, calling for an election to vote upon the annexation of unincorporated territory contiguous to the City in accordance with RCW 35A.14.020; and WHEREAS, a true and correct copy of the petition for annexation is attached hereto as Exhibit "A", which petition describes the boundaries of the area to be annexed and states the number of voters residing therein as nearly as may be, as required by RCW 35.14.015; and WHEREAS, the County Auditor has certified the sufficiency ofthe petition to the City Council; and . WHEREAS, the City staff has reviewed the annexation proposal and has recommended that the annexation would be in the best interest and general welfare of the City; and WHEREAS, the requirements of 43.21 C RCW, the State Environmental Policy Act, are being complied with by the City's Department of Community Development; 'and WHEREAS, the election should include a proposition that all property within the area annexed shall, upon annexation, be assessed and taxed at the same rate and on the same basis as property within the City and taxed to pay for a proportion of the outstanding bonded indebtedness of the City; . NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington as follows: Section 1. It is hereby determined that the best interests and general welfare ofthe City of Port Angeles would be served by the annexation of the unincorporated territory contiguous to the City, the boundaries of which territory are described as follows and are shown on the map attached hereto as Exhibit . "A": 71 -1- The following portions of Section 13, Township 30 North, Range 6 West,W.~ Clallam County, Washington: .., Parcel "A" The South 1/2 of the Northeast 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4. Clallam County Auditor's parcel number 0630132100250000. Area = 5.00 acres Parcel "B" The North 1/2 of the Southeast 1/4 of Northeast 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4. Clallam County Auditor's parcel number 0630132101501000. Area = 4.99 acres. Parcel "C" The South 1/2 ofthe Southeast 1/4 ofthe Northeast 1/4 ofthe Northwest 1/4. Clallam County Auditor's parcel number 0630132101300000. Area = 4.99 acres. Parcel "D" The North 1/2 ofthe Northeast 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4 ofthe Northwest 1/4. Clallam County Auditor's parcel number 0630132400000000. Area = 4.93 acres. Parcel "E" The South 1/2 ofthe Southwest 1/4 ofthe Northeast 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4, except the west 66'. Clallam County Auditor's parcel number 0630132101100000. Area == 4.46 acres . Parcel "F" The East 1/2 of the Northwest 1/4 ofthe Southeast 1/4 ofthe Northwest 1/4. Clallam County Auditor's parcel number 0630132400700000. Area = 4.93 acres. Total area Parcels "A" through "F" = 29.30 acres. Section 2. The proposed annexation shall be submitted to the electorate of the territory sought to be annexed together with a proposition that all property within the area annexed shall, upon annexation, I be assessed and taxed at the same rate and on the same basis as the property of the City of Port Angeles is assessed and taxed to pay for a proportion of the outstanding bonded indebtedness of the City. Section 3. The holding of said election shall be contingent upon the Board ofClallam County Commissioners setting the date for submission of the annexation proposal at a general election in November, 2002 in accordance with RCW 35.14.050. . 72 -2- . Section 4. The City will pay the cost of the annexation election. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said Council held on the_day of ,2002 Glenn Wiggins, Mayor ATTEST: Councilmember Campbell Becky J. Upton, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Councilmember Williams . Craig D. Knutson, City Attorney . F:\ORDINANCES&RESOL\TI10NS\R2002-07. wpd . Councilmember Erickson Councilmember Braun Councilmember Rogers Councilmember Headrick . 73 -3- . . . 74 . EXHIBIT A ~ORTANGELES WAS H f N G TON, U. S. A. ANNEXATION ELECTION REQUEST TO: The City Council of the City of Port Angeles: We, the undersigned registered voters qualify as electors resident in the area contiguous to the City of Port Angeles and proposed for annexation equal at least ten (1 0%) percent of the votes cast in the area herein proposed for annexation in the last state general election. 3 Voters reside in the area proposed for annexation. The boundaries of the property to be annexed are legally described as follows: (See attached) A vicinity map outlining the boundaries of the property to be annexed and indicating ownership(s) is attached as Exhibit "A", This election petition is signed with the full understanding that annexation is subject to the following conditions being established by the Port Angeles City Council: . 1. Annexed property will assume a pro rata share of the general bonded indebtedness of the City of Port Angeles at the time of election. 2. Annexed property will be zoned based upon, the City's Comprehensive Land Use Map and the County's Land Use Plan designation for the area. We do hereby petition for an election to annex the above described property to the City of Port Angeles: Name (j. h e I-~~ -Tt11 ~ 1~~ E 10~.~-fl~ Address Date oU3f 6, !),Jtf'ylR 7 ~j,.;z I \. l \ \ \ WARNING: Every person who signs this petition with any other than his/her true name, or who knowingly signs more than one of these petitions, or signs a petition seeking an election when he is not a legal voter or is otherwise not qualified to sign, or who herein makes any false statement, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. . Attachment: Legal description Exhibit "A" 75 '-1 \ LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF MANTOOTH PROPERTY ANX 02-01 . The following portions of Section 13, Township 30 North, Range 6 West; W.M., Clallam County, Washington: Parcel "A" The South 1/2 ofthe Northeast 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 ofthe Northwest 1/4. Clallam County Auditor's parcel number 0630132100250000. Area =5.00 acres Parcel "B" The North 1/2 of the Southeast 1/4 of Northeast 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4. Clallam County Auditor's parcel number 0630132101501000.Area = 4.99 acres. Parcel "C" The South 1/2 of the Southeast 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 ofthe Northwest 1/4. Clallam County Auditor's parcel number 0630132101300000. Area= 4.99 acres. Parcel "D" The North 1/2 of the Northeast 1/4 ofthe Southeast 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4. Clallam County Auditor's parcel number 0630132400000000. Area =4-.93 acres. Parcel "E" The South 1/2 of the Southwest 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4, except . the west 66'. Clallam County Auditor's parcel number 0630132101100000. Area = 4.46 acres Parcel "F" The East 1/2 of the Northwest 1/4 ofthe Southeast 1/4 ofthe Northwest 1/4. Clallam County Auditor's parcel number 0630132400700000. Area = 4.93 acres. Total area Parcels "A" through "F" = 29.30 acres. . 76 ~ . . ~ ~ .",-to l: ,J~ ..1 if' ~.. !<'i'-'J: . EXHIBIT A ll"'.. ...~ ' C2 2f" -z. f!'~' , 0 ~ .. I t<) to C . . I I , te i 3: I " 0 I (\I' ~ I I , , -' .:'.-' If) I 0.. , ..... 0' a :.c , ,. in In ,. d '.v .~, CD ti c CD en 0. ~ en as .., CD c ti en ..f!2 ~ 10 - CI) . ~. . :: - . . ,l~~"',:", ~ :0. . U'- - '. '0 ..." CtJ !! !'i;E. ._ (I) . - ! lIC'l&I ~ it'~~ 41[ '(I) ::I o.~ -J CI) ~ :;.!O , .... ... H" -- < ~ N: -' 'u - o. . ..- . ~ ~ . -r \~ ~ ..Iii ~. ~~ ~. ;1 !il( :II ::' . .J. ~ , ., ~ I l.: ~ ... 1 1 \,. '- -' ~,: l !f " is. ~, ~~ << ,~ ~' ,... :~ ~: !l . :r; , if. ., ; .. ! ....; -100 $NfOf' t 77 . Clallam County Auditors Office P.o. Box 3030 Port Angeles, WA 98362-0338 (360) 417-2222 Fax: (360) 417-2517 e-mail: auditor@co.c1allam.wa.us Cathleen McKeown, Auditor I, Cathleen McKeown, duly elected and sworn Clallam County Auditor, do hereby certify that the names contained on the petition received from the City of Port Angeles are those of voters who are registered in Clallam County at the address that appears on the petition. Sworn to me on this 31 st day of July, 2002. . ../ ..--.------ ~d by. ~d~/ Patricia Rosand, Election Supervisor . 79 . . . 80 . DATE: To: FROM: SUBJECT: pORTANGELES WAS H I N. G TON, U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO July 16, 2002 MA YOR WIGGINS AND CITY COUNCIL Brad Collins, Community Development Director ~t:..-. Mantooth Annexation Request Summary: Per the Council's request, a map of the proposed annexation boundary is attached. The annexation area includes six properties (Parcels A-F) under one ownership contiguous with the City limits. A copy of the County Auditor's information about an election and the costs are also attached. The City's Comprehensive Plan policies support annexation of properties contiguous to the City limits and within the.Urban Growth Area (UGA). No pre-annexation zoning request has been made, and the annexation area would be zoned RS-9 Residential Single Family (9,000 square foot minimum lot size) and PBP Public Buildings and Parks according to the City's zoning closest to the County's land use designations. The City's existing bonded indebtedness in 2002 is $.53 per $1000 in assessed valuation; The deadline for submitting a resolution signed by all members of the City Council calling for an election on the September primary ballot is August 2, 2002. . Recommendation: The Department of Community Development recommends that the City Council adopt the attached resolution setting an election at the time of the September 2002 primary general election with two ballot propositions:,;,I) annexation of the Mantooth property as shown on the map attached to the resolution and 2) 'assumption of the City's outstanding bonded indebtedness. Back2round / Analysis: The Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan supports annexation of areas contiguous to the City limits within the Urban Growth Area. A year ago the City amended its urban services extension policy to even allow for urban development before annexation. The following policies in particular provide assurances under the Growth Management Act that urban development in the UGA can and will be served by the City through annexation. Growth Management Element Goal A -- To manage growth in a responsible manner that is beneficial to the community as a whole, is sensitive to the rights and needs of individuals and is consistent with the State of Washington's Growth Management Act. Growth Management Element Policy A(3) -- The City shall work with the County to develop an annexation plan which allows the annexation of land characterized by urban development and which is consistent with the extension of services and the land development policies of the City's Comprehensive Plan and Capital Facilities Plan. 81 . CC Memo Mantooth Annexaf '. July 16, 2002 Page 2 Growth Management Element Policy A(13) -- The City should be the ultimate provider of urban services within the City limits and the P A UGA for those services the City provides except to the extent otherwise provided in a UGA Urban Services and Development Agreementthat is reached pursuant to the County-Wide Planning Policy. Growth Management Element Goal B -- To ensure the orderly transition of land within the P A UGA into the City of Port Angeles. Growth Management Element Policy B(2) -- Annexation of land from within the established boundaries of the P A UGA shall be in accordance with the established Annexation Policies of the City. Growth Management Element Policy B(4) -- At .the time of annexation, the City shall appropriately classify and zone such land, based upon the City Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map and the City Comprehensive Plan. Thereafter, the provisions, restrictions, and requirements of City Ordinance #1709, The Port Angeles Zoning Code, shall apply to development of the annexed area. Growth Management Element Policy B(9) -- Annexation boundaries should be drawn to eliminate boundary, inter jurisdictional, and service problems. Utilities and Public Services Element Policy D(3) -- The City, at its sole discretion, should extend urban services outside the City without annexation. The Annexation Policies of the City include the following statements: 1. General Policy: The City of Port Angeles realizes that the purpose of annexation is to provide an orderly means by which the legal boundaries of the City can be extended and keep pace with the growth of the actual Urban Community... The City favors annexationfor the following reasons: (a) A City's zoning and building ordinances can be extended to the adjacent area in a logical manner, insuring orderly future growth. (b) Suburban residents are given a voice.in the government of the larger community in which they live. (c) Costly duplication of municipal facilities and services to new areas can be avoided. (d) Annexation increases a city's size and thereby its ability to attract desirable residential and commercial development. 4. Size of Annexations: Areas larger than six acres or two blocks are desirable. 6. Existing City Indebtedness: All newly annexed areas shall bear their pro rata share of the City's general obligation indebtedness existing as of the date of the annexation. The City prepared an Annexation Study that supports annexation in the Eastern UGA and conducted a public outreach program to present the rationale for UGA residents and businesses to annex into the City of Port Angeles. The arguments of orderly growth, stronger voice in local government, urban service provisions, and favorable taxation and service costs were made to County property owners. Although the City's Annexation Policies were adopted in 1972, they were found to be equally applicable thirty years later in 2002. James and Roberta Mantooth own approximately 30 acres of property east of the end of Lindberg Road. Six Mantooth properties are contiguous with the eastern City limits in this area. They are requesting annexation to the City, and state law now requires that the City Council determine whether to proceed with the annexation following the election method. The City Clerk contacted the County Auditor regarding the~t of such an election, and it-appears that a simple . . . . . . CC Memo Mantooth Annexat. , July 16, 2002 Page 3 mail-in ballot during the September primary election may be done at the cost of approximately $50. The City Council must discuss the annexation request with the petitioners and determine the ballot issues at the July 16, 2002, meeting to make the August 2, 2002, deadline for an election on the September primary ballot. The subject property lies west of Ennis Creek and includes a portion of the Ennis Creek Ravine, which naturally defines the City's urban service area. The City and County zoning in the area is low density residential and not an issue in the annexation. For small annexations, the City has required assumption of existing bonded indebtedness upon annexation. Under an election method, which the City has not used in many years if ever, the annexation ballot requires a separate measure for approval of assumption of bonded indebtedness from the annexation measure itself. If the annexation measure is passed by a majority vote (i.e., 50% + 1) and the assumption of bonded indebtedness is not passed, the City Council can decide whether to still accept the annexation or not. Staff will be available to answer questions. Attachments: Annexation Resolution (including legal descriptions and map) Annexation Request (including tax. statement and map) City Clerk Memorandums on County Auditor Election Information Municipal Research & Service Center Report on Annexation Methods 83 . . . 84 o .~ ~ ~ ~ORTANGELES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. CITY CLERK June 26, 2002 TO: Craig D. Knutson, City Attorney FROM: Becky J. Upton, City Clerk/Management Assistant ~ SUBJECT: Mantooth Annexation Request On the matter of the Mantooth annexation request, I recently contacted the County Auditor to obtain a more accurate estimate of the costs the City could expect to pay in conjunction with the annexation election. During the course of conversations with Patty Rosand, County Elections Supervisor, I also mquired as to the deadline for submitting the necessary information to the County in order to get the annexation on the September primary ballot. . Ms. Rosand infonned me that the deadline is Friday, August 2,2002, at 4:30 p.m., and the official notification to the County must be in the fonn of a resolution signed by all members of the governing body. Ms. Rosand cited RCW 35A.14.0 IS in making this st~tement. I infonned Ms. Rosand that the City has placed other matters on the ballot, such as the Senior Center bond issue, and the ordinances were signed by the Mayor and n~t the remaining Council members. She spoke With Chris Melly, and he chose to defer to you in the preparation of the resolution. Nevertheless, in this instance, Ms. Rosand will require the signatures of all City Council members. If the City chooses to proceed with this election during the September primary, it would seem that such a resolution would need to be prepared for the July 16 Council meeting in order to meet the August 2 deadline. Copy: Mike Quinn . Brad Collins . 85 o ~ ~ ~ . ~ORTANGELES . WAS H I N G TON, U.S. A. CITY CLERK June 24, 2002 TO: Brad Collins, Director, Department of Community Development FROM: Becky J. U~ton, City ClerklManagement Assistantt1'-' SUBJECT: Mantooth Annexation Request As a follow-up to the June 17,2002, City Council meeting and the consideration of the Mantooth annexation request, I submitted a letter to County Auditor Cathleen McKeown asking for a more . accurate estimate of the costs the City could expect to pay in conjunction with the annexation election. Earlier today, I received a phone call from Patty Rosand, Clallam County Elections Supervisor, who estimated the City's cost woulcf,be approximately $50.00. Ms. Rosand did note that three ballots will need to be provided, as there are currently three (3) registered voters who reside:at the Mantooth's home. Please note that the deadline for submitting ballot information to the Auditor's Office is Friday, August 2, 2002, at 4:30 p.m. The official notification to the County must be in the form of a resolution. Should you need any additional information, please contact me. Copy: Mike Quinn . 86 ( Brad aollins - F{e: (nif~cnews 1 M~.~icipal ~arch N~ws - S:ummer 209.? .: PagE . . . If the annexation is approved by the voters, the city council must adopt an ordinance providing for the annexation and also, if appropriate, for adoption of the proposed zoning ordinance and for the assumption of indebtedness. The annexation is effective on the date set out in the annexation ordinance. The city must comply with certain notice requirements, both to the state and to the county, concerning the change in city boundaries. The timing of these notices can have an effect on when the city begins receiving tax revenues from the annexed area. As noted above, there are two other methods of annexation - the unincorporated island and municipal purpose methods - that are available in limited circumstances. The unincorporated island method is available when there is territory that has at least 80 percent of its boundaries contiguous to the city. The territory must be less than 100 acres, or it can be of any size if the area existed before June 30, 1994, if it is in the same county and urban growth area, and the city was planning at that time under the Growth Management Act (GMA). Under this method, the city council passes a resolution to annex the territory, it holds a publi~ hearing, and then it adopts an ordinance providing for the annexation. The ordinance may also . provide for assumption of indebtedness and adoption of a proposed zoning regulation. The ordinance is subject to a 45-day referendum period, during which a petition signed by 10 percent of the number of voters who voted in the last general election may be filed. If a sufficient referendum petition is filed and the issue goes to an election, the annexation is approved, or defeated, by a simple majority vote. The municipal purpose method may be used in code cities when the territory is owned by the city and in non-code cities when the territory is either owned by the city or when all the property owners consent, and, for all cities, where the area is to be used for a "municipal purpose," such as a park, watershed, jail, etc. The property need not be contiguous to the city, although it must be within an urban growth area if the city is in a GMA coilnty. The process is a. simple one, requiring only a'majority vote of the council. ... Given the limitations of all three of these annexation methods, we hope the 2003 legislature will adopt a new, improved, petition method of annexation that the state supreme court will accept as beingconstitutional. By creating the petition method of annexation in 1945, the legislature provided a needed alternative to the election method. As-'Justice Madsen notes in her dissent to the court's decision invalidating the petition method, "a municipality is severely handicapped by the election method, and without an alternative method would be 'unable to deal with the people living just outside the city, enjoying its advantages without having to pay for them [quoting from. an Arizona court decision].'" But, until the' legislature acts, if it ever does, cities will have to depend primarily upon the election method as the means of adding territory. By Bob Meinig Legal Consultant Municipal Research & Services Center IndexWeb Site Index 87 -- :. : ..: ::: ~ (Srad_ bollir.:s~:-~Re: ll1l~cnew~] Muni~iQal. ~rch'l'!ews - Summer 2002 _:: Pac \I The state supreme court recently determined that the petition method of annexation to cities is unconstitutional. Since the petition method has been, by far, the most commonly used method of annexation, its legal demise has left many cities with annexation plans scratching their heads, so to speak. The court's decision has also resulted in many inquiries to MRSC asking about other methods of annexation, particularly the election method. So, we thought it might be helpful to provide a general overview of how cities may annex unincorporated territory, sans the petition method. A detailed overview of annexation procedures can be found in our Annexation Handbook, at httD:/Iwww.mrsc.ora/textah.htm <htto:/Iwww.mrsc.oraltextah.htm> . Until there is a legislative fix, the basic method of annexation left to cities is the election method. The two other methods - the unincorporated island and the municipal purpose methods - can be used only in limited circumstances, and they will be discussed only briefly at the end of this article. Unfortunately, the election method has some basic drawbacks. Though it may sound odd to say this, one drawback of the election method is that you need voters to have an annexation election; But, this fact presents a roadblock to annexing property on which no voters live - vacant, undeveloped property or property that is devoted to nonresidential (commercial or industrial) uses. Annexation elections are conducted only in the area proposed for annexation. Voters who already live in the city do not get to vote in an annexation election, and, of course, neither do nonresident owners of property in the proposed annexation area. The ironic result of the state supreme court's decision invalidating the petition method because it grants owners of highly-valued Rroperty an unconstitutional privilege is that property owners, regardless of the value of their property, now have no voice regarding annexation unless they live and vote in the area proposed for annexation. So, cities and owners of such property have been thinking of ways around this roadblo,.c15, suc,.. as moving people onto the property or adding to the propos~ annexation'area pr9Perty that already has resident voters and who, presumably, would favor ': annexation. Without such maneuvers, it is now impossible to annex vacant and nonresidential property, unless one of the other two methods of annexation applies, which is usually not the case. Another basic drawback of the election method is cost Elections cost money, and cities are responsible for the entire cost of annexation elections, regardless of the outcome. How much a particular annexation election will cost a city depends on a number of variables, such as how many other jurisdictions have measures being voted on at the same election, how many voters are in those jurisdictions, and how many measures are being voted ,on. Mail balloting is generally cheaper than conducting an election at polling places, though that method is not available if the measure is being voted on at a primary (September) or general election (November). While it would appear to be more economical for cities to annex larger areas in one election, there is the risk that the voters will reject annexation and cities will get nothing in return for the money they spend. And, these days cities don't have much, if any, funds to put at risk. So, if a city gets past the issues of having voters on the property and of cost, how does it annex territory by the election method? An annexation using the election method can be initiated in either of two ways. It may be . . 88 l Brae! GOllins -J3_e:Jmr~iw~J Municipal . . . larch News :-Jiumme(?002 == ~-- initiated by city council resolution. Or, it can be started by a petition signed by voters in the area proposed for annexation. That petition must contain signatures of at least 10 percent (code cities} or 20 percent (other cities and towns) of the number who voted in the last state general election. An annexation proposed by petition must receive council approval before it may proceed to an election. Both the petition and the resolution must contain certain information, including the boundaries of the proposed annexation area and the number of voters in the area, and certain statements, such as asking for an election on the question of annexation. As in a petition method annexation, the proposed annexation can be linked with a proposed zoning regulation, and the ballot can also include a proposition regarding assumption of city indebtedness. An election method annexation may also ask the voters whether they want to establish a community municipal corporation, which has approval authority over zoning ordinances and comprehensive plan amendments that affect the annexed area. Election method annexations are subject to review by the boundary review board or, in counties without such a board, are reviewed by either a county annexation review board (code cities) or an "ad hoc" annexation review board. Being "subjecf' to boundary review board review does not mean that a boundary review board will actually review a proposed annexation. It may not do so unless its jurisdiction is invoked by an affected local government, such as a county or a fire protection district, or by property owner or voter petition. If board jurisdiction is not invoked, the annexation is deemed approved by the board. An annexation of less than 50 acres or of less than $2 million in assessed value is exempt from review, except in counties with a boundary review board. . Review board approval is necessary for the proposed annexation to proceed to an election, unless the annexation is exempt from board review. In non-code city annexations, the board of county commissioners must, after review board approval, hold a hearing on the proposed annexation to determine if the petition "complies with the requirements of law." Presumably, this hearing before 'the county commissioners is merely a formality. . :' The next step is for the city council to choose the election date. It does so by indicating its preference to the county auditor, and that preference must be for one of the statutory special election dates (in February, March, April, May, September, or November) that is more than 60 days after the cityindicates its preference. The county auditor is required to call for an election to be held on the date indicated by the city. A simple majority vote is all that is needed to approve an annexation proposal. If the issue of assumption of indebtedness is included as a separate proposition, that proposition must be approved by 60 percent of the voters, with a minimum turnout of not less than 40 percent of those who voted at the last general election. If the annexation is approved by a majority of the voters but the indebtedness proposition is not approved, the city council may refuse to annex the property. If the indebtedness proposition is combined with the annexation proposition, the combined measure must also be approved by60 percent of the voters with a minimum number of votes not less than 40 percent of those from the last general election. However, if the combined proposition receives only a simple majority vote, the city council may accept the annexation without the assumption of indebtedness. A proposition to create a community municipal corporation is approved by a simple majority vote. 89 :.~:-- : :~ _:~:: -- :: P~g 08/06/0a 11:57 FAX .' . !41 002 WASHINGTON STATE DEPARTMENTOF Natural Resources DOUG SUTHERLAND Commissioner of Public: /..ands f5)~~~nWl~rm ln11 AUG - 6 2002 lJj) STREET V ACA TION PETITION TO: City Council of the City of Port Angeles CITY OF PORT ANGELES COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT The Department of Natural Resources acting as the manager of state owned public lands of the State of Washington (State) requests that the following described part of Cherry Street in the city of Port Angeles be vacated pursuant to Chapter 35.79 RCW. That portion of Cherry Street extending north of Front Street from the 1894 inner Harbor Line to the 1992 outer Harbor Line that was not vacated under OJ'dinance No. 1208 4ated April 6, 1949. WHEREAS, the Slale owns all lands abutting the said right-of-way; WHEREAS, the State contends that the vacation proceedings of 1949 intended to vacate Cherry Street to the outer Harbor Line, and yiews this requested vacation as a technical correction to clarify the original intent of the 1949 resolution; WHEREAS, the relevant portion of Cherry Street is undeveloped and not suitable for street purposes; i\l WHEREAS, the State conditions this petition to be contingent on an equal exchange of Value between the petitioner and the City of Port <Angeles without additional remittance by the State; WHERERFORE, as owners of more than two-third of the abutting propelty, the petitioner prays that proceeding be had hereon for the vacation of said area of Cherry Street. Respectfully Submitted Date ~!6~,- ren. m, Aquatics Di vision Manager epartment of Natural Resources ~. 1111 WASHINGTON ST $E I PO BOX 47000 I OLYMPIA, WA 98504-7000 E:IAQR\DA T ~ \JIIPpOl....Wm' rlllTl De~!!!I!....nr.P9Rl'S~ l'QIlJ" BLES'11611~..,lFi ;!.,IlqllLlll'lW """don Requ.st lOr Cb:rry ".....\,<10.." FAX: (360) 902-1Tl5 It' r: 1360) 902-11L5 I teL: (.:IoUI ~UL-JVUO equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer RECYCLED PAPER 0 " # ..... ...... ..... l-Iarbor line . o~t: . . .... ..... ..~.... ...... ~. .1. .. .. .. .. .'. .. .. ..... ..... ... .... .:..... ~ ... ........ ......~ .. 'bor line Old outer l-I:r. . ..... .. ..11.. iii 1894 Inner Harbor Line ...... ..... DNR ~;' c:i9" ~\er f:\aroo~,., ~992 grt. " DNR ~Ral~~d'A~e. "Ct. r -, ----,- -----,-- a ! 1; i a. I. F-rant-St.--U,) '.li:: 01 · - ------ -----h---- 1894 Inner Harbor Line . -,-.-... ...... ........ Port of PA l., .' " II ....~ l " 1:st-St. Legend ~ ~ · · .'. Harborlines . ,Street Vacation D Parcel ~ Propo!)ed vacated area 200 I Feet . . . ....... ........ PortofPA ........................, ..... .... ......... ......... ...... 1992 HaM! i-- I f---"- m_ -- i I I i I i I DNR .. .;............ -. .. .. ,~8~ ~n:r ~~r~(. '11 .. .... ........ ---...... Ffont-S , I I l fIl ..:. .. o i ! i I I \ I . ._ ..._ ___m__. __ _ mum____...______. __....u.__mm_m__m________mu___. __ umumm uuu u._ ..1__ I I I tst-S . 200 \4 Legend . . . .. Harborlines _ Street Vacation D Parcel ~ Prop~ vacated area I Feet . . . 94 . RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, setting a hearing date for a petition to vacate a portion of Cherry Street in the City of Port Angeles, Washington. WHEREAS, a petition is on file with the City of Port Angeles to vacate a portion of Cherry Street generally described as follows: That portion of Cherry Street extending north of Front Street from the 1894 Inner Harbor Line to the north boundary of Milwaukee Railroad Fanchise Area that was not vacated under Ordinance No. 1208 dated April 6, 1949 as shown inthe attached Exhibit A. WHEREAS, the petition has been signed by the owners of more than two-thirds of the property abutting upon the right-of-way to be vacated; . NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles as follows: Section 1. The petition to vacate the above-described City right-of-way shall be heard and determined by the City Council in the Council Chambers, 321 East Fifth Street, at the Council's regular meeting on September 3rd, 2002 at 7:00 p.m., or as soon thereafter as possible, which is not more than sixty (60) days nor less than twenty (20) days hereafter. Section 2. The City Clerk is hereby directed to give twenty (20) days notice of the pendency ofthe petition and the time and place of the hearing in accordance with the provisions of RCW 35.79.020. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 6th day of August, 2002. . 95 -1- ATTEST: Becky J. Upton, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Craig D. Knutson, City Attorney F:\ORDINANCES&RESOLUTIONS\R2002-08.wpd . 96 -2- MAYOR . . ORDIi:;;~i': Gi:i; no. I $()13 . AI: Ol\I)I:.u~r;CE Vf,-CLrrIl,G ?Oi'{'l'IOH3 Olil V.:"r,LE":.: STHEET i\.liD CH:2:i\~f:: ;3 TimET' nr 'l~~i:::; GI'iY OF POl-:T ANG~LES, ';'ii\.SIIIHGrrON, SUCH fO..TIOHS Z;CT:2;l-:DIlIG 1''110:.: ''::'id l)Oi:;T:Li LEL~ OJ? FRO!:JT S'.r:r!;ET TO ;l'l'L. IENER HARBOR LIlV'i::: 2XCBPTING :1'H~ PO:"tTIONS 'I'HEHEOP CO V'.c:Rl~D' BY...{';' :;:":1i~:L.7CHISE Oii' THE CHICAGO, MIL:iVAUKi~E, S'll. P ;~UL & PACIFIC PJ'.I 1110AD. ~nEREAS, the ~ort of Port Angeles, a municipal corpora- tiorl of the State of \'Jazhil1~;ton, having filed herein its peti- tion pray'ing for t:le vacation of certain portions of streets in the City of Port Angeles, and it appearing that the peti- tioner is the o,mer of more than t~o-t~irds of the property abutting on the parts of the streets sought to be vacated, CITY OF PORT ANGELES: SECTION 1. That the following pal..ts of streets des- cribed as follows, to wit: .-- That uortion of Valley Street extendinrr from the North'line of Front Street to the Inne~ harbor Line, exce?ting the yortion thereof covered by a franchise of the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul &. Pacific Railroad. That portion of C~erry Street extending from the Horth line of }'ront Street to the Ir.u"1.er Harbor Line, excepting tna t porti on thereo f co veI'ed by a franchise of " the Chicago, MilwaUkee, St. Paul & Pacific Railroad ri,ght of way. . be, and the same are hereby, vacated. SECTION 2.. This ordinance snaIl take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its final passage, a'pproval and lawful PU'blication~97_ 1- L__ Passed first readlng by ........, :3 tJ '::-ri F.l"'e C ~ hr CO'lW'~ C'" '::; f"\'''\ t',~ i '" ""../0. "'VJ .._.......___....... __...., /})l (! day of //iA'....--l.;(O;"-l- , 1949. Passed second reading by the City Cor:'..--:ission t~:.is r, .LJ~ ~.l~ ~, c:./ 1..- _ ./) II. 11 da y 0 f "/ /f./t't,..~r Lv , 1949. Passed third reading by the City Co~nission and adopted J ~ day of !~, I J 'j ": ~~. _.:' by the Ci ty COl!lnission this l.R _~"""""-_-, 1949. / J~,r. Approved and signed by the Mayor t~is v day of ~.,1' ',:i f./(~r'<--'~c...I. / , 1949. .L/ p . &/~.,~././ /7 -~~-~~.~ ~ ? l.!ayor' (/" (j. C. ;;Lc~u-. ;. U (;1 ty Cleric ............. Approved as to form: id.V:rZ.- .~ ~ . City Attorney PLA- b II s h'ed ;? f r) L 7 //71'7 .; 98 . . '. '.., . . . ~ORTANGELES DATE: AUGUST 6, 2002 To: MAYOR WIGGINS AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: Glenn A. Cutler, Director of Public Works and Utilities Resolution Adoption for Allocation of General Funds SUBJECT: Summary: On July 30,2002 the Council allocated general funds for 2002 and 2003. The adoption of the attached resolution formalizes the process. Recommendation: Approve the attached resolution adopting the allocation of general funds for 2002-2003. Background I Analysis: At the July 2,2002 Council meeting the City's Six-Year CFP/TIP was adopted. The general fund allocation for 2002 - 2003 has been discussed at a number Council meetings. Attachment "A" is the list approved on July 30, 3002 by Council. As in past years it is recommended that the Council adopt the allocation by resolution. The attached resolution has been prepared by the City Attorney. Attach: Resolution 99 N:\PWKS\ENGINEER\6- YEAR\2002 _ 2003_ Genl_Fund _Resolution. wpd . . . 100 . RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, designating a portion of the General Fund balance for certain capital projects. WHEREAS, the City Council has set certain goals and objectives; and WHEREAS, those goals include certain major capital projects; and WHEREAS, it is in the community's interest to improve and enhance the City's infrastructure; and WHEREAS, the City's annual operating budget ordinance includes a financial management policy designating year;..end surpluses to be dedicated to the Capital Facilities Plan. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Port Angeles \ hereby designates $1,975,000, which includes $500,000 from the year-end 200 1 General Fund surplus, . and $1,475,000 from the reallocation and reprioritization of the funds already included in the capital improvement fund, for the specific purpose of funding general purpose capital projects as identified. in the list of capital projects attached hereto as Exhibit "A". PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 6th day of August, 2002. MAYOR ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: Craig D. Knutson, City Attorney Becky 1. Upton, City Clerk F :\0 RD I NANCES&RESO LUTION S\R2002-09. wpd August 2, 2002 . 10_1_ GOVERNMENTAL FUND PROJECTS (GROUP-ACCT -CIP-GF Allocation) . TOTAL PROPOSED CITY FUNDS CITY CFP PROJECT PROJECT REVISED REQUESTED REQUIRED PRIORITY # COST 2002 BUDGET 2003 2002-2003 1 PK11-D2 Waterfront Trail - Ravonier Mill Site 80,000 80,000 80,000 2 PK02-02 William Shore Memorial Pool Renovation 3,500,000 25,000 182,000 207,000 3 PK03-02 Olvmoic Discoverv Trail-Ravonier to Morse Creel 290,000 36,000 114000 150,000 4 FR02-02 Fire Station Roof Renairs 568,000 568,000 - 568 000 5 PK01-00 Francis Street Imnrovements 450 000 10,000 - 10 000 6 TR40-99 Lauridsen Blv.lAiroort Road Rea/ianment 2,139350 50 000 50,000 7 GG12-99 Laurel Street Slide Renair 225 000 185000 - 185000 8 PK16-99 City East Entrance - Street Trees/lmorovements 75,000 25,000 25,000 50,000 9 TR61-99 8th Street Restoration 2,000000 90,000 90,000 10 TR74-99 Sidewalk Prooram 435,000 25,000 25,000 50,000 11 GG01-02 Ediz Hook Rin Ran Reoair 50 000 50 000 - 50,000 12 GG02-99 Renovate Cameoie Librarv 1,300.000 110,000 - 110.000 13 TR01-01 8th Street Bridoe Reolacement Desion 1,400,000 - 280,000 280,000 14 TR26-99 ADA Curb Ramos/Chimers 100,000 20,000 - 20.000 15 PK09-02 City Pier Dredoino and Pilino Reolacement 140,000 - 25,000 25,000 16 GG02-01 Laurel Street Pavers(Railroad to 1st Street) 350,000 - 50,000 50.000 13,102,350 1,274,000 701,000 1,975,000 . . Attachment "A" 102 . . . DATE: To: FROM: SUBJECT: FORrAN ELES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO August 6, 2002 MAYOR WIGGINS AND CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS SUE ROBERDS, ASSISTANT PLANNER STREET V ACA TION PETITION - STY 02-01 YMCA - PORTION OF THE 3/4 ALLEY WEST OF FRANCIS STREET Summary: On July 2, 2002, a resolution was presented to the Council for action setting a public hearing for consideration of a petition to vacate a portion ofthe 3/4 alley betweenFrancis Street and Eunice Street. On further review, it was discovered that the date for which the hearing was set was in error. Therefore, the action needs to be redone setting the corrected hearing date as September 3, 2002. Recommendation: Adopt the attached resolution setting a public hearingfor Council's regular September 3, 2002, meeting. Background / Analysis: The request to vacate a portion of the 3/4 alley is in conjunction with a a rezone of properties owned by the YMCA that are located south of the 3/4 alley which canonly be accessed by crossing the alley from the "Y's" main facility. The street vacation would allow the consolidation of the "Y's" activities in the area. The petition is attached for your information. Staff will be available to comment. Sue Roberds, As . tant Planner Attachments: Resolution Petition and map 103 . . . 104 . RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, setting a hearing date for a petition to vacate a portion of the 3/4 alley west of Francis Street and repealing Resolution 4-02. . WHEREAS, a petition is on file with the City of Port Angeles to vacate a portion ofthe 3/4 alley west of Francis Street abutting Lot 15, Block 63 Lewis and Mastick's Subdivision of Suburban Lot 22 and Lot 6, Block 3 Cain's Addition to the Townsite of Port Angeles; and WHEREAS, the petition has been signed by the owners of more than two-thirds ofthe property abutting upon the right-of-way to be vacated; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles as follows: Section 1. The petition to vacate the above-described City right-of-way shall be heard , and determined by the City Council in the Council Chambers, 321 East Fifth Street, at the Council's regular meeting on September 3,2002 at 7:00 p.m., or as soon thereafter as possible, which is not more than sixty (60) days nor less than twenty (20) days hereafter. Section 2. The City Clerk is hereby directed to give twenty (20) days notice of the pendency of the petition and the time and place ofthe hearing in accordance with the provisions of RCW 35.79.020. Section 3. Resolution 4-02 is hereby repealed. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 6th day of August, 2002. MAYOR ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: Becky J. Upton, City Clerk Craig D. Knutson, City Attorney . -1- 105 . . . 106 . . ." .., CITY OF PORT ANGELES STREET VACATION PETITION TO: The City.Council of the City of Port Angeles. Washington- Come now the undersigned petitioners and pursuant to Chapter 35.79 RCW respectfully show: I. The undersignedpetitioners request that the foIlowing described portion of 3/ tj -&,?/,- ~ _ wwi Street!AlI~y in the City of Port Angeles be vacated pursuant to Chapter 35.79 RCW (tegally desc 'be the property requested for vaca~on be/ow). ~;- ~ T\ _;,., {l'f ~ tL\ ~ 'n.. t~~ ~ rck il:' ( S:cr('{.~\- ~-t o-.\:>v...t\s f<VJ'l\t.\..s C-r. -to ~ ~~~ ~-Lot- \';) 'tit- ~\.~ ~ ~"hC\::..~, SK~ W-t..s~" ~ 0-\o~~ ~* ~., b\Dc..\.- ~. -rPA Co.\.~s. 2. . Each o~ undersigned petitioners is the owner of an interest in real estate abutting on the above described area. tor--('OC'lLtl ~t'\. 3. -L flP.T!:lODS own property abutting on said area. 4. The names and addresses of property owners abutting on said areas are as follows: Name Address dtz...\\.a.~ ~. ~~\\~ \{tI\(;A 1'Q}- ~o. ~~ ~ 1~~t~\U 5. The undersigned petitioners constitute more than two thirds of the owners of said abutting property. WHEREFORE, the petitioners ask that proceedings be commenced hereon for the vacation of said area of said . 'S/L4 ~\~ Street! ~e~in the manner prescribed in Chapter 35.79 RCW. I \ Respectfully submitted, Name Address ~'ft\~ I ~D1- ~t Phone Q ~~i-t.1 cEo ~Us ~/PA. L( \ ). -,).J./ '-/ . ... UJ), [E :: [E 0 ~t[E_ · lJ1)' , ' " I .".. ........-'......._._...-. .~._.. ..-.. ~ ile 107 CITY OF PORT ANGElES COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CITY OF PORT ANGELES, 321 East Fifth Street, P,O. Box 1150, Port Angeles, WA 98362 (360) 417-4750 - =\\ DL\' ~ " " . ~ ;'~\ I -- t I J..: w' ~ ~ ~, ~ -~ ~L'.A,LtA.IIl COV"/T:V FAMILY Y.I1CA ' -- -.. '3t>Z S','F7?AHCJS 7'Stl ?oJ?f' ~. e ~ ~ ~ . ~ ~ \. ~ f ~ 1( III ~ ~ ~ F.: ~ ~ ~ v: .j ~ r('~..,.J ('l!."'1;Q~lL I to of'pe "C:S ~- t--- ~ . ~:? \1... T - .".r' \ ~ - ;f~~y DN~? I~ . ~ ~~j\ ~-""'-;"I-"" - -. r"..R K"II~, ('-ti ....rots) liP ,p~ I' I -ERA HC.IS, .~ .~~ ...:!> ~--,''- P~G:.e'OVN'D .~ ~ 4 f't.k v: '( spt% ~ ~ ~ :-.. A LL -L 1 1 108 " ""PP,R~X/~A-r..c.~' fe:,ilL;;::~..- . ..-- ~~"""'"\ ./;:,,, L"r I, __,_ __. ,___. . . . DATE: To: FROM: SUBJECT: pORTANGELES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO August 6, 2002 MAYOR WIGGINS AND CITY COUNCIL Scott Johns, Associate Planner Clarke Rezone REZ 02-05 Summary: The proposal is to rezone one standard 50' by 140' lot (Lot 7, Block 276 Townsite of Port Angeles), from Residential, Single Family (RS-7) to Commercial Neighborhood (eN). Recommendation: Staff recommends that the City Council concur with the Planning Commission's recommendation to approve the rezone as proposed by adoption of the attached ordinance, citin the attached mdin 'S and conclusions in su ort 0 that action. Background / Analvsis: Thearea consists of one city lot totaling 7,000 square feet. The subject property contains one storage building, a few trees, and lawn. The subject property is located along the south side of Eighth Street, easterly of the Race Street intersection. The site is currently zoned RS-7. The rezone would extend the 8th and Race commercial area east 50'. The adjacent lots to the west and across Race Street to the north are zoned Commercial, Neighborhood (CN). The zoning to the south and east is Residential, Single Family (RS-7). The application materials state that the intended use of the site will be for additional parking for an existing dental office located at 902 East 8th. The subject property is located on the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map within an imprecise margin between a Low Density Residential designation and a Commercial designation. On July 10, 2002, the Planning Commission voted to recommend that the City Council to approve REZ 02-05, changing the zoning on the subject lot from Residential, Single Family, RS- 7, to Conimercial, Office, CO. The applicant originally requested the zone change to CO. However, after consultation with Department of Community Development staff, it was decided that CN is the desired zone. A comparison of the uses in each zone is attached. Staff has no objections to the requested change. Staffs report and Planning Commission minute excerpts are attached for your review. Staffwill be available for qu . ns. -'Scott K. Johri A Attachments: Ordinance Findings and Conclusions Planning Commission Minutes Staff Report P ~C Chapters 17.20 and 17.21 109 . . J, . 110 . ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE ofthe City of Port Angeles rezoning a vacant lot 100 feet east of the intersection of Eighth and Race Streets from RS-7, Residential Single Family, to CO, Commercial, Office. . WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Port Angeles has considered the rezoning ofa vacant residential lot 100 feet east ofthe intersection of Eighth and Race Streets from RS-7, Residential Single Family, to CO, Commercial, Office, and has recorded its recommendation to the City Council in the Planning Commission minutes of July 10, 2002; and WHEREAS, the requirements of the State Environmental Policy Act (Chapter 43.21C RCW) have been met; and WHEREAS, the City Council, after conducting a public hearing, considering the Planning Commission's recommendation, and entering its own findings arid conclusions, hereby finds that there has been a change in circumstances since the current zoning designation was adopted and that said rezone is in the best interest of the City and its citizens and is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES DOES HEREBY ORDAIN as follows: Section 1. The Official Zoning Map, Ordinance No. 2801 as amended, is hereby amended to change the zoning of the following described property from RS-7, Residential Single Family, to CO, Commercial, Office, as shown in the attached Exhibit "A". Lots 7, Block 276, Townsite of Port Angeles. Section 2. The City Clerk is hereby directed to attach a copy of this Ordinance to the Official Zoning Map and to file a certified copy with the Clallam County Auditor and the Clallam County Assessor. Section 3. - Effective Date. This Ordinance shall become effective five (5) days following the date of its publication by summary. -1- . 111 Section 4. - Severability If any provisions of this Ordinance or its apPlication. person or circumstances, is held invalid, the remainder of the Ordinance, or application of the prOVl s of the Ordinance to other persons or circumstances, is not affected. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said Council held on the_day of August, 2002. Mayor ATTEST: Becky 1. Upton, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: . Craig D. Knutson, City Attorney PUBLISHED: By Summary F:IORDINANCES&RESOLUTIONS\2002_21.ord. wpd -2- . 112 . . ESRI ArcExplorer 1.1 Clarke REZ02-05 " / .I I' / .../' /' -~...... ..........; / fool ............. .., ~I:...;/ - ....:::.......,...."'....../' .~.......... ...... " ,", .....'"\0, -"4 feet A N o 100 200 o Lot /'/ Subd text Block text (Text) o Block building ~ STRBET TEXT (Text) ., streetcl ~ ci1y boundary zoning (ZONING) CA CBD CN CO CSD FL IH niL IP PBP 111 PRD RHO. RMD Monday, Jul 8 2002 . t1:l >:: ::c H tl:l H t-3 :> . . . Findings 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. FINDINGS, AND CONCLUSIONS in SUPPORT OF THE OF REZ02-05 The applicant, Denise E. Clarke, is requesting a rezone of Lot 7, Block 276, Townsite of Port Angeles, from Residential, Single Family, (RS-7) to Commercial, Neighborhood, (CN). The subject site is comprised of one standard sized lot, 50' by 140' (total of7,000 square feet) and is developed only with a small storage building and some landscaping. The Comprehensive Plan designates the lot as being on an imprecise margin between Low Density Residential and Commercial. The subject property is adjacent to Commercial Neighborhood (CN) to the west and Residential, Single Family (RS-7) to the east, north and south. Comprehensive Plan policies most directly related to the proposed rezone include: Growth Management Element, Goal A, Policy l.a; Commercial Goal D. Policy 1 and Goal E. Policies 3, 7, and 8; Economic Development Element Goal A, Policy 5. The purpose of the CN zone is as follows: 'This is a commercial zone intended to create and preserve areas for businesses which are of the type providing goods and services for the day-to-day needs of the surrounding residential neighborhoods. Businesses in this zone shall occur on sites no larger than one acre and shall be located and designed to encourage both pedestrian and vehicle access and to be compatible with adjacent residential neighborhoods. " 7. The SEP A Responsible Official issued a Determination of Non-Significance for . the proposal on July 8, 2002. 8. The public comment period for this application ran from June 7, 2002, to June 24, 2002. During this time, the Department of Community Development received one letter from a neighbor expressing support for the proposed rezone. 6. 9. In accordance with legal requirements of the City of Port Angeles and the State of Washington, the notice of a public hearing for the consideration of the rezone from RS-7, Residential, Single Family, to CN, Commercial, Neighborhood, was advertised in the Peninsula Daily News' legal section on July 21, 2002. A public notice was posted on the site on July 19,2002. The original request and notice was for a change to Comm.ercial, Office CO. Conclusions: 1. The proposed rezone is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan's Growth Management Element, Goal A, Policy l.a; Commercial Goal D. Policy 1 and Goal E. Policies 3, 7, and 8; Economic Development Element Goal A, Policy 5. 115 2. The proposed rezone is compatible with surrounding land.uses and zoning ordinance designations. 3. The rezone is in the public interest and is compatible with the surrounding zoning and land use. 4. The proposed rezone from RS-7 to CN, originally requested for RS-7 to CO, will not significantly change the anticipated impacts to the neighborhood and would not change the analysis made in the staff report to the Planning Commission. Adopted by the Port Angeles City Council at its meeting of August 6, 2002. Glenn Wiggins, Mayor Becky J. Upton, City Clerk 116 L_ . . . . . . Planning Commission Minutes July /0, 2002 I PUBLIC MEETING: REZONE REOUEST - REZ 02-05;. CLARKE - 910 East Eighth Street: Request to rezone one lot, approximately 7,000 square feet in area, from RS-7, Residential Single Family to CO, Commercial, Office. Associate Planner Scott Johns presented the staff report. Commissioner Rasmussen asked why the applicant was requesting the zoning be changed to CO and not CN. Director Collins indicated that the question should be directed to the applicant, however there was a precedent in the 8th Street neighborhood along Race Street of moving from CN to CO and that the proposed rezone would provide a transition from CN on the west to RS-7 on the east of the subject lot. Commissioner Rasmussen asked the applicant Chuck Turner the question as to the reason for the requested rezone to CO instead ofCN. Mr. Turner said that it was in response to a recommendation from staff at the time of application. Commissioner Rasmussen then asked if the rezone of a single lot to CO would constitute a spot zone since no other properties in the area were zoned CO. Director Collins answered that the standard for spot zoning was not dependent on the size of the parcel but had other criteria based on whether the parcel was isolated and not related to the surrounding area, which in this case was not the situation. The CO zoning was a less intense zoning classification than the adjacentCN zoning and that the less intense zoning would provide a transition from the CN zone to the RS-7 zone, which is adjacent to the subject site on the east. If the request had been for a rezone to CN, it would not have changed the staff recommendation. Following a brief discussion, Commissioner Porter moved to recommend approval of REZ 02-05 to the City Council citing 7 findings and 4 conclusions, changing the typographical error in finding #4, the parenthetical CO to CN. Recommended Findings and Conclusions for REZ 02-05 Findings 1. 2. The applicant, Denise E. Clarke, is requesting a rezone of Lot 7, Block 276, Townsite of Port Angeles, from RS-7, Residential Single Family, to CO, Commercial, Office. The subject site is comprised of one standard sized lot, 50' by 140' (total of 7,000 square feet) and is developed only with a small storage building and some landscaping. The Comprehensive Plan designates the lot as being on an imprecise margin between Low Density Residential and Commercial. The subject property is adjacent to Commercial Neighborhood (CeN) to the west and Residential, Single Family (RS-7) to the east, north and south. The purpose of the CO zone is as follows: "This is a commercial zone intended for those business, office, administrative or professional uses. which do not involve the retail sale of goods, but rather provide a service to clients, the 3. 4. 5. 117 ~ . Planning Commission Minutes July 10,2002 2 provision of which does not create high traffic volumes, involve extended hours of operation, or contain impacts that would be detrimental to a4jacent residential areas." 6. The SEPA Responsible Official issued a Determination of Non-Significance for the proposal on July 8, 2002. 7. The public comment period for this application ran from June 7, 2002, to June 24, 2002. During this time, the Department of Community Development received one letter from a neighbor expressing support for the proposed rezone. Conclusions: 1. The entire Comprehensive Plan was reviewed and the policies found to be most directly related to the proposed rezone include: Growth Management Element, Goal A, Policy I.a; Commercial Goal D. Policy I and Goal E. Policies 3, 7, and 8; Economic Development Element Goal A, Policy 5. The proposed rezone is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan's Growth Management Element, Policies Ala, e, and 1; Land Use Policies Al and 2, DI; Economic Development Element Policies Al and 2. The proposed rezone is compatible with surrounding land uses and zoning ordinance designations. Commissioner Philpott seconded the motion which carried 4-0. 2. 3. 118 . . . . . . ~ORTAN ELES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT STAFF REPORT DATE: July 10, 2002 TO: Chair Schramm and Planning Commission FROM: Scott K. Johns, Associate Planner RE: REZ 02-05 APPLICANT: Denise E. Clarke OWNER: Same LOCATION: 910 E. Eighth Street REQUEST: The proposal is to rezone one standard 50' by 140' lot (Lot 7, Block 276 Townsite of Port Angeles), from Residential, Single Family (RS-7) to Commercial Office (CO). RECOMMENDATION The Department of Community Development Planning Division recommends that the Planning Commission forward a recommendation for approval of rezone application REZ 02-05 to the City Council, citing the 7 findings and 4 conclusions included in Attachment A. A map of the proposed rezone is attached. THE PROPOSAL The applicant is requesting a rezone from Residential, Single Family (RS-7) to Commercial, Office (CO). The subject property is legally described as Lot 7, Block 276, Townsite of Port Angeles. The subject site is located at 910 East Eighth Street. The Lot is a standard 50' by 140' in size, a total of 7,000 square feet that is currently developed with only an 18' by 18' storage building and some landscaping. The application states that the requested rezone fits in well with the objective of the City's Comprehensive Plan. Justification for rezone is that the proposal would be consistent with the established commercial uses in the area. 119 Department of Community Development Staff Report REZ 02-05 - Clarke July 10, 2002 Page 2 ST AFF ANALYSIS The application is for a rezone only which addresses all potential land uses allowed within that zone, and not approval for any specific, subsequent development. The area consists of one city lot totaling 7, OOOsquare feet. The subject property contains one storage building, a few trees, and lawn. The subject property is located along the south side of Eighth Street, easterly of the Race Street intersection. The site is currently zoned RS- 7. The rezone would extend the 8th and Race commercial area east 50'. The adjacent lots to the west and across Race Street to the north are zoned Commercial Neighborhood (CN). The zoning to the south and east is Residential, Single Family (RS-7). The application materials state that the intended use of the site will be for additional parking for an existing dental,. office located at 902 East 8th. The subject property is located on the Comprehensive Plan land use map within an imprecise margin between a Low Density Residential designation and a Commercial designation. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN. ZONING & DEVELOPMENT REGULATION REVIEW Growth Mana~ement Element Goal A. "To manage growth in a responsible manner that is beneficial to the community as a whole, is sensitive to the rights and needs of individuals and is consistent with the State of Washington's Growth Management Act. " Policy 1. "In all its actions and to the extent consistent with the provisions of this comprehensive plan, the City shall strive to implement thefollowing goals of the State Growth Management Act:" a. "Urban growth. Encourage development in urban areas where adequate public facilities and services exist or can be provided in an efficient manner. " e. "Economic development. Encourage economic development throughout the region that is consistent with adopted comprehensive plans, promote economic opportunity, especially for unemployed andfor disadvantaged persons, and encourage growth in areas experiencing insufficient economic growth, all within the capacities of the region's natural resources, public services and public facilities. " Land Use Map Goals and Policies Goal A. "To guide current andfuture development within the City in a manner that provides certainty to its citizens about future land use and thijlexibility necessary to meet the challenges and opportunities of the future. " Policy 2. "All land use decisions and approvals made by} the City Council and/or any of its appointed Commissions, Boards or Committees should be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and its land use map. " Commercial Goals and Policies Goal D. "To create and maintain a healthy and diverse commercial sector for a balanced and stable local economy. " Policy 1. "The City should encourage new and existing commercial developments and businesses which are consistent with the goals and policies of this Comprehensive Plan. " Goal E. "To provide shopping opportunities which meet the needs of all City residents and visitors in safe, usable shopping areas that are compatible with the surrounding area and uses, the environment, and the desired urban design of the City. " Policy 3. "Commercial development.;lJf!lJJ..d buffer its impacts on adjacent residential uses. Where commercial development is attjb~to residential uses, the commercial development . . . Department of Community Development Staff Report REZ 02-05 - Clarke July 10, 2002 Page 3 . should incorporate elements in the site design to soften the impacts on the residential uses. " Policy 7. "District shopping areas should be located at the intersections of arterial streets of sufficient siie to satisfy traffic demand and at the boundaries of neighborhoods so that more than one neighborhood may be served. " Policy 8. "District shopping area uses should be allowed in residentially designated areas as long as they are in accordance with the planning area/district/neighborhood land use concept and as long as they do not encourage traffic from outside the district or increase traffic congestion within residential neighborhoods. " Economic Development Element Goal A. "To create and maintain a balanced and stable local ec~nomy with full employment and emphasis on strengthening the community's traditional natural resource related industries as well as diversifying the overall economic base. " Policy 3. "The City should promote long-term economic stability by encouraging businesses and industries to invest in modernization and environmentally sound technology. " Policy 5. . "The City should promote the location, retention, and expansion of small and medium sized businesses which access their markets and suppliers through telecommunications and available shipping and transit. " In review of the above, applicable policies as they relate to the proposal, we offer the following comments: . The proposed rezone would allow an existing business to expand consistent with the Growth Management Act's requirement that economic development be consistent with adopted Comprehensive Plans, and to encourage growth in areas within the capacity of the region's public services and facilities. . The Comprehensive Plan map indicates that the subject site is located on the imprecise margin between a Commercial designation and a Low Density Residential designation. The imprecise margins between various use designations is to provide maximum flexibility in determining the boundaries between different areas. The proposal is therefore consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. . The subject site is located adjacent to a neighborhood commercial district that is located at an intersection of arterial streets. The proposed rezone would allow for an existing business to expand its parking, whichwill not necessarily encourage additional business from outside of the area, but would reduce parking impacts in the vicinity of the business. . . If the rezone is approved, requiring the applicant to adequately buffer any future development from the surrounding residential neighborhood would be appropriate and consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. . The rezone would encourage a local business to improve its services at its present location rather that seeking an alternative site to meet its needs. . ZODiD!!: Code. The purpose of the Zoning Code is to implement the goals, policies and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan by dividing the City into zones restricting and regulating the location, construction, alteration of the use of structures and land, and to promote the orderly and appropriate development of such areas. A description of RS- 7 and CO zones is as follows. RS-7 (P AMC 17.10) Purpose: "This a ltivldensity residential zone intended to create Department of Community Development Staff Report REZ 02-05 - Clarke July 10, 2002 Page 4 and preserve urban single family residential neighborhoods consisting of predominantly . single family homes on standard Townsite-size lots. Uses which are compatible with and functionally related to a single family residential environment may also be located in this zone. " Examples of permitted and conditional uses include single family residential, adult family homes, public parks and recreation facilities, churches, libraries and public and private schools. CO (PAMC 17.20.010) Purpose: "This is a commercial zone intendedfor those business, office, administrative or professional uses which do not involve the retail sale of goods, but rather provide a service to clients, the provision of whkh does not create high traffic volumes, involve extended hours of operation, or contain impacts that would be detrimental to adjacent residential areas." Examples of permitted and conditional uses that are similar to those allowed in the RS-7 zone include churches, libraries, and residential uses such as group homes, nursing homes, residential care facilities and residential uses allowed in the RS-9 zone. Uses allowed in the CO zone that are not allowed in the RS-7 zone include parking associated with other uses, offices providing personal services, motels, and libraries. The CN zone (located to the west of the subject lot) allows a broader range of uses than the CO zone. Uses permitted in the CN zone but not allowed in the CO zone include banks, pharmacies, repair services, and restaurants. The siting of CO zoned property between RS-7 and CN acts as a transition from one zone to the other. Design and landscape standards in the CO zone include the requirements to provide visual screening in the yard abutting residentially zoned land, have outdoor storage areas screened from view, and parking lots must meet specific landscaping standards. Any amendment to Title 17 Zoning, shall be consistent with Section 17.96.100 P AMC, which reads as follows: 17.96.100 Amendments. A. In determining if an amendment to these regulations is needed, the City Council shall give due consideration to the proper relationship of such amendment to the Comprehensive Plan and the entire Zoning Regulations; it being the intent to retain the integrity and validity of the zones herein described and to avoid any isolated spot zoning changes in the Zoning Map. B. Any amendments adopted by the Council may be modified from the form in which they were advertised within the limits necessary to relate properly such , amendment or amendments to the Zoning Regulations. Final action on such modifications shall be subject to review and report of the Planning Commission prior to final passage by the City Council. C. No application for a change of zoning of any lot, parcel or portion thereof shall be considered by the Council within one year of the final action of the Council upon a prior application covering any of the same described land. This provision, however, shall not impair the right of the Council to propose by their own action any amendment . or change in the boundaries of any of the zones in these regulations. Certain criteria are required to be met for the approval of rezones which are consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. Consist~~th the Zoning Ordinance, includes . Department of Community Development Staff Report REZ 02-05 - Clarke July 10, 2002 Page 5 . maintaining the validity, integrity and purpose, and intent of the zones, as well as avoiding spot zones. As discussed in the review of the comprehensive planning policies, consistency with the policy to protect neighborhood character may be compromised by the approval of the proposal, which is the main issue that needs to be addressed. Given that Comprehensive Plan consistency can be found, then compliance with the Zoning Code can be made by the proposal. Since the subject property abuts a commercial zone (CN), the proposal is not considered to be a spot zone which requires the following three tests: 1) a small parcel of land is singled out for special and privileged treatment; 2) the singling out is not in the public interest but only for the benefit of the land owner; and 3) the action is not in accordance with the Comprehensive Plan. COMMENTS Notice of the proposed rezone was published in the Peninsula Dailv News on June 6, 2002, and posted on the site on June 7, 2002. The Fire Department indicated that they have no cornrilents or objections to the proposed rezone. The PublicW orks and Utilities Department had no comment. The Building Division had no comment on the rezone. The written public comment period for this application concluded June 24, 2002. No written comments were received relative to the proposed rezone. . ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW There are no environmentally sensitive areas located on or adjacent to the subject property. Subsequent development of the property would require compliance with various chapters of the Port Angeles Municipal Code, as it applies. The City's State Environmental Policy Act Responsible Official issued a Determination of Nonsignificance for the proposal per WAC 197-11-355 on July 8, 2002. STAFF RECOMMENDATION This rezone application is limited to one "open record" public hearing before the City Council. The meeting before the Planning Commission is not a public hearing and testimony cannot be taken. According toR.C.W. 36.70B, Local Project Review ("The Regulatory Reform Act"), the Planning Commission shall hold a public meeting which may include an informal hearing, and make a recommendation to the City Council. The recommendation is to be based solely on the information contained in the official file which includes any public testimony that was received. The Planning Division recommends the Planning Commission forward a recommendation for approval of rezone application REZ 02-05 to the City Council, citing the findings and conclusions listed in Attachment A: Attachment A - Recommended Findings and Conclusions . Exhibit 1 Application Materials 123 . . . 124 . . . Department of Community Development Staff Report REZ 02-05 - Clarke July 10,2002 Page 6 Attachment A Recommended Findings and Conclusions for REZ 02-05 1. The applicant, Denise E..Clarke, is requesting a rezone of Lot 7, Block 276, Townsite of Port Angeles, from RS-7, Residential Single Family, to CO, Commercial, Office. 2. The subject site is comprised of one standard sized lot, 50' by 140' (total of 7,000 square feet) and is developed only with a small storage building and some landscaping. 3. The Comprehensive Plan designates the lot as being on an imprecise margin between Low Density Residential and Commercial. 4. The subject property is adjacent to Commercial Neighborhood (CO) to the west and Residential, Single Family (RS-7) to the east, north and south. 5. The purpose of the CO zone is as follows: "This is a commercial zone intended for those business, office, administrative or professional uses which do not involve the retail sale of goods, but rather provide a service to clients, the provision of which does not create high traffic volumes, involve extended hours of operation, or contain impacts that would be detrimental to adjacent residential areas." 6. The SEP A Responsible Official issued a Determination of Non-Significance for the proposal on July 8, 2002. The public comment period for this application ran from June 7, 2002, to June 24, 2002. During this time, the Department of Community Development received one letter from a neighbor expressing support for the proposed rezone. This action constitutes a recommendation to the City Council, which has final authority. 7. Conclusions: 1. Comprehensive Plan policies most directly related to the proposed rezone include: Growth Management Element, Goal A, Policy I.a; Commercial Goal D. Policy 1 and Goal E. Policies 3, 7, and 8; Economic Development Element Goal A, Policy 5. 2. The proposed rezone is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan's Growth Management Element, Policies Ala, e, and 1; Land Use Policies Al and 2, DI; Economic Development Element Policies Al and 2. 3. The proposed rezone is compatible with surrounding land'uses and zoning ordinance designations. 4. The rezone is in the public interest and is compatible with the surrounding zoning and land use. 125 . . . 126 . . . 8. Fee: $450 & Sepa ($150) C fY OF PORTANGELE Rezone Application o ~~~~\YIlE PLEASE READ ALL INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE COMPLETING THIS F RM em OF PORT ANGELES COMMUNllY DEVELOPMENT 1. (A) APPLICANT Address Dr. Denise E. Clarke DaytimePhone 457-9470 220 West 2nd Street, Port Angeles Phone 452-5214 (8) PROPERTY OWNER (if other than applicant) Property Owner's Address (if other than applicant) Daytime Phone (C) APPLICANT'S REPRESENT A TIVE if other than applicant or property owner Charles R. Turner Phone 452-3333 2. (A) Legal Description of Subject Property 910 East 8th Street Lot 7 Block 276 Townsite of Port Angeles (8) General Location of Subject Property' 100 I east of the intersection of 8th and Race Streets 3. Size of Subject Property 7000 sq.ft. blocks acres. 4. Zoning of Subject Property RS-7 Proposed Zoning Designat~on r::. () 5. Characteristics of Subject Property (how is it developed) Vacant Lot 6. Characteristics of Surrounding Area (what uses are around the property) Dental Clinic (CN) to the West, Small house (RS-7) to the East. Residential across alley to the South (RS-7), Co-Applicant across 7. the ~treet to the North (RS-7) Comprehensive Plan Designation of Property Commercial Comprehensive Plan Designation of Surrounding Properties Commercial & residential CITY OF PORT ANGELES Planning Department. 321 East Fif~iJet. P.O. Box 1150, Port Angeles. WA 98362 (360) 417-4750 Rezone Application Page 2 of2 9. Applicable Comprehensive Plan Policies Plan allows for the rezoning of the property to commercial. .- 10. JUSTIFICATION FORZONING CHANGE (A) Relationship to Comprehensive Plan Within Comprehensive Plan. See attached letter. (8) Suitability of Property for Proposed Zoning Contiguous with adjacent commercial zoning. High traffic count reduces value as residential. (C) Change in Circumstances Since Original Zoning Build up of commercial activity at Race and 8th Street intersection. Stop light with left. turn Rignal c.onfirml'l inc.rp~l'lpn lIl'lP of intersection. Red curbing extends across the front of the property prohibiting on street parking. 4( (D) Inappropriateness of Current Zoning 11. I CERTIFY that all of the above statements are true to the best of my knowledge and acknowledge that wilful misrepresentation of information will immediately terminate this application. i "\n' W "r' ,f). ,. c.......".....t..t4 . I <~"'A.it!- SIGNATURE , File No. Received Hearing(s) ~,ij~/~J;(J 3~. ,J'~0.J,.i o <-I/li,;,1c.2 Date . I I -:-- ".;... /::'.::{1 c'-,'.\<.:.-t:~ ,--'. 12~ R / . -~ .....;.---- ~ - .,..--; \ 1 , .--r-; t. ~ \ f l '\ \..\. ~-i j ~ r-.1 ! ~__~. I ~ ra-.... ., ~-.J ; i j!f-j~'7-;'" ( . i) ~ ,;} :. ~-L.l 1 ; i ~ . -- -,.'-1..05 I , SUBJECT PRlJPERTY o ~ :~~ :. . ". . "0 . t. . ! '. . l. . eN PBP -- ...-_-r 1 ( , j , / : ......- . .'-{".::. ...:'-... l'/"', .' ~ ",'V'") -~..t.'/." I' . !.~ Q) l . r~_. "- J'f / . '- r .t "'" :-/\. "'.". ~.,. "-_ .l......" ",-",:.-;.1';....... r ~ t c.... _ '\.,. ".. . 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Chapter 17.20 CO-CO~ERCUL.OFnCE Sections: 17.20.010 Purpose 17.20.040 Permitted Uses. 17.20.080 Accessory Uses. 17.20.160 Conditional Uses. . 17.20.200 Area and Dimensional Requirements. 17.20.210 Off-Street Parking. 17.20.220 Signs. 17.20.230 Design and Landscaping. . 17.20;010 Purpose: This is a commercial zone intended for those business, office, administrative or professional uses which do not involve the retail sale of goods, but rather provide a service to clients, the provision of which does not create high traffic volumes, involve extended hours of operation, or contain impacts that would be detrimental to adjacent residential areas. (Ord. 2861 ~1 (part), 3/17/95; Ord. 2109 92, 1217/80) 17.20.040 Permitted Uses. A. Services: 1. Banks, financial institutions, insurance and real estate service offices. 2. Business and professional offices. 3. Child day-care centers and pre-schools. 4. MedicaVdental clinics and offices and laboratories. B. Residential: 1. Detached single family residences that meet the area and dimensional requirements of the RS-7 ZOne. (Ord. 2926 93 (part), 8/26/96; Ord. 2861 91 (part), 3/17/95; Ord. 2742 91, 1119/93; Ord. 2715 94 (part), 10/16/92; Ord~2652 97,9/27/91; Ord. 2109 93, 12/7/80) .. 17.20.080 Accessory Uses. Accessory uses determined by the Planning Director to be compatible with the intent of this Chapter are permitted. (Ord. 2921 98, 6/28/96; Ord. 2109 94, 12/7/80) 17.20.160 Conditional Uses. A. Art galleries and museums. B. Assisted living facilities. C. Beauty shops and barber shops. D. Business colleges; music, art, and dance schools. E. Businesses selling medical supplies, goods, instruments, medicine and similar items. F. Chemical dependency treatment centers. G Churches. . H. Detoxification centers. 1. Group homes and hospices. J. Libraries. K. Motels L. Nursing and convalescent homes. M. Off-street parking lots not associated with a permitted use on the same site N. Public parks and recreation facilities. O. Residential care facilities. P. Residential uses, other than detached single farllily residences, that are permitted in the RHD zone and comply with the RHD area and dimensional requirements. Q. Utility buildings and structures. . 131 8/2001 42 17.20.160 17.20.230 R. Other uses compatible with the intent of this Chapter. (Ord. 3071 ~4 (p~ 12/15/2000; Ord. 3007 ~5 (part), 1/15/99; Ord. 2948 95 (part), 2/14/97; Ord. 2861 91 (part), 3/17/95; Ord. 2702 ~l, 8/14/92; Ord. 265298,9/27/91; Ord. 263595,5/15/91; Ord. 2278 91, 12/26/83; Ord. 2109 ~5, 12/7/80) 17.20.200 Area and Dimensional Requirements. A. Area 7,000 square feet for non-residential uses. comply with the RHD area requirements. 50 feet. Residential uses shall B. C. Lot Width Setbacks: Front Rear D. Eo 25 feet :from property line. 25 feet from property line. Detached accessory buildings shall not be permitted closer than 10 feet to the rear property line. Side 7 feet from the property line. Detached accessory buildings only on the rear one-third of the lot may be permitted to within 3 feet of the side line. On comer lots the side yard abutting the' street shall have a building line setback of 13 feet. Maximum Lot Coverage 45%, Maximum Building Height 30 feet. (Ord. 2715 94 (part), 10/16/92; Ord. 2109 ~6, 12/7/80) 17.20.210 Off-Street Parking. (See Chapter 14.40 PAMC). (Ord. 210997, 12/7/80) 17.20.220 Signs. Signs shall not exceed 50 square feet; provided, however, that if the site area is 14,000 square feet or greater, then the total allowable sign area may be increased to 100 square feet. No more than 50 square feet of lighted signage may be placed within 50 feet of adjacent residentia. property. No more than 50 square feet of lighted signage may face residential property located directly across a street. Signs may be lighted, but shall not be' the intermittent or flashing type. All freestanding signs shall not exceed five feet in height. All other signs shall not exceed 30 feet in height. (Ord. 2109 98, 12/7/80) 17.20.230 Design and Landscaping. . A. All outdoor storage areas, except for City mechanized refuse collection system containers, shall be screened from public rights-of-way and abutting property by a vision-obscuring fence 6 feet in height. B. All lighting on the site shall be so directed as to reflect away from adjoining property and public rights-of-way. C. The side yard abutting a residentially zoned lot shall be landscaped in a m~er that is complementary or similar to residential landscaping. In other words, such landscaping shall be complementary or similar to shrubs of 3 foot to 6 foot mature height interspersed with evergreen and/or deciduous and/or ornamental trees. Five feet of the rear yard setback area abutting a residentially zoned lot shall be landscaped in a similar manner. D. The unused space resulting :from the design of parking space arrangements or accessory structures which is over 24 square feet shall be landscaped. E. All landscaping shall comply with the vision clearance requirements of Section 17.94.090 PAMC. F. All non-residential structures shall be designed to be compatible with the residential environment. . G. One tree shall be provided for each ten parking spaces, exclusive of any perimeter landscaping. Trees shall have a minimum caliper of two inches, and have a height of at least 20 feet mm~ri~. . H. All parking lots shall be' screened by 3-foot to 6-foot vision obscuring fence or vegetation on the sides adjacent to residentially zoned property. (Ord. 2742 91, 1/29/93; Ord. 2666 ~4, 1/17/92; Ord. 210999, 1217/80) 132 .d.'l . . . 17.21.010 17.21.160 Chapter 17.21 CN - COMMERCIAL, NEIGHBORHOOD Sections: 17.21.010 Purpose. 17.21.040 Permitted Uses. 17.21.050 Accessory Uses. 17.21.160 Conditional Uses. 17.21.200 Development Standards. 17.21.210 Off-Street Parking. 17.21.220 Signs Permitted. 17.21.230 Design and Landscaping. 17.21.010 Pm:pose. This is a commercial zone intended to create and preserve areas for businesses which are of the type providing goods and services for the day-to-day needs of the surrounding residential neighborhoods. Businesses in this zone shall occur on sites no larger than one acre and shall be located and designed to encourage both pedestrian and vehicle access and to be compatible with adjacent residential neighborhoods. (Ord. 2861 ~ 1 (part), 3/17/95; Ord. 2797 93, 2/11/94) . 17.21.040 Permitted Uses. A. Art galleries and museums. B. Assisted living facilities. C. Bakery shops. D. Banks, financial institutions, insurance and real estate services offices. E. Barber shops, beaq.ty shops. F. Business and professional offices. G. Child day-care centers and pre-schools. H. Delicatessens, grocery stores. I. Drug stores, pharmacies. J. Group homes and hospices. K. Libraries; L. Medical/dental offices and clinics and laboratories. M. Nursing and convalescent homes. N. Public parks and recreation facilities. O. Rep~ir services, such as appliance repair, shoe repair, and TV and stereo repair servIces. P. Residential care facilities. Q. Residential uses that are permitted in the RHD zone and comply with the RHD area and dimensional requirements. R. Restaurants, cafeterias. S. Self-service laundries. T. Specialty shops: gift, florist, hobby, antique, candy, ice cream, video rental. (Ord. 3007 ~5 (part), 1/15/99; Ord. 2948 ~5(part), 2/14/97; Ord. 2861 91 (part), 3/17/95; Ord. 2797 93, 2/11/94) 17.21.050 Accessory Uses. Accessory uses determined by the Planning Director to be compatible with the intent of this Chapter are permitted. (Ord. 2921 99,6/28/96) 133 8/2001 44 17.21.160 Conditional Uses. A. Churches B. Fire Stations. C. Gasoline service islands, accessory to convenience or grocery store. D. Motels E. Off-street parking lots. F. Self-service car washes. G. Social clubs and fraternal organizations. H. Utility buildings and structures. I. Other uses compatible with the intent of this Chapter. (Ord. 3071 g4 (part), 12/15/2000; Ord. 2861 ~1 (part), 3/17/95; Ord. 2797 ~3, 2/11/94) . 17.21.200 Development Standards. A. Area and Dimensional Requirements: 1. Minimum Lot Area - 7,000 square feet for non-residential uses. Residential uses shall comply with the RHD area requirements. 2. Minimum Lot Width - 50 feet. 3. Minimum Yard Requirements No structure shall be built within 15 feet of an alley or any property that has a residential zoning classification. 4. Maximum Lot Coverage - 50%. 5. Maximum Height - 30 feet. (Ord. 3042 ~3 (part) 1/28/00; Ord. 2861 ~l (part), 3/17/95; Ord. 2797 ~3, 2/11/94) 17.21.210 Off-Street Parking. (See Chapter 14.40 P AMC). (Ord. 2797 ~3, 2/11/94) 17.21 ;220 Signs Permitted. Signs, lighted but not intermittent or flashing type, not exceeding. 100 square feet total area. All signs over 10 square feet in area shall be restricted to territory no closer than 100 feet to all property in a residential zone. Maximum height 20 feet. No billboards shall be permitted within the Commercial, Neighborhood Zone. (Ord. 2861 ~1 (part), 3/17/95; Ord. 2797 ~3, 2/11194) 17.21.230 - Design and Landscaping. A. All outdoor storage areas, except City mechanized refuse collection system containers, shall be screened from view from public rights-of-way and abutting property by a sight-ObSCUring fence 6 feet in height. B. All lighting on the site shall be so directed as to reflect away from adjoining non- commercial property and public rights-of-way. C. The side yard abutting a residentially zoned lot shall be landscaped in a manner that is complementary or similar to residential landscaping. In other words, such landscaping shall be complementary or similar to shrubs of 3 foot to 6 foot mature height interspersed with evergreen, deciduous and/or ornamental trees. Five feet ofthe rear yard setback area butting a residentially zoned lot shall be landscaped in a similar manner. D. Unused space which is over 24 square feet and which results from the design of parking space arrangements or accessory structures shall be landscaped. E. One tree shall be provided for each 10 parking spaces, exclusive of any perimeter landscaping. Trees shall have a minimum caliper of two inches and shall have a height of at least 20 feet at maturity. F. All parking lots shall be screened by 3-foot to 6-foot vision-obscuring fence or vegetation on all sides adjacent to residentially zoned property. (Ord. 2861 91 (part), 3/17/95; Ord. 2797 93, 2/11/94) . 134 45 . . . ~ORTANGELES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. C I TV C 0 U N elL M E M 0 DATE: AUGUST 1,2002 To: MAYOR WIGGINS AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: DENNIS C. DIC~SON, SENIOR ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY & PROPERTY MANAGER 0~~~ SUBJECT: SALE OF SURPLUS PROPERTY Summary: The City of Port Angeles acquired approximately 32.29 acres, more or less, of real property through foreclosure following default on LID #211. The Real Estate Committee recommended surplusing the parcel and selling it in accordance with Port Angeles Municipal code. Recommendation: After receiving input at public hearing and barring compelling reasons to the contrary, declare the property generally described as 32.29 acres, more or less, located on both sides of DelGuzzi Drive, bounded approximately on the east by Ennis Creek, on the south by Lindberg Road, on the west by the Peninsula Golf Course and on the north by Del Guzzi and Route 101, surplus and direct that the property be sold in a manner that is most beneficial to the City. . Back2round / Analysis: The property owner of the subject parcel of approximately 32.29 acres defaulted on payments due and owing for improvements installed under LID #211. The City prosecuted a foreclosure action and obtained title to the subject property. There is no need to retain the property for future municipal use. Proceeds from the sale of the property would be applied to the remaining bond obligation from LID #211. The Real Estate Committee recommends surplusing the parcel in accordance with the following procedures: Port Angeles Municipal Code 2.60.010 Determination Of Property To Be Declared Slll1'lus states thatthe City Council shall: 1. Determine whether the property to be sold or otherwise transferred is necessary to the further and efficient operation of the City. 2. Hold a public hearing; and a public notice of it shall be published of reasonable size in display advertising form, setting forth the date, time, and place at least once in a newspaper of general circulation. 3. If the Council determines the property is no longer necessary, it shall so declare by motion. If the Council determines the property to be no longer needed, it shall so declare by motion. According to the Port Angeles Municipal Code Chapter 2.60.040 Sale of Real Property the City Council may sell real property upon any terms '3lld conditions which it deems appropriate. (Ordinance 2168 Section 4, 10/03/1981) 135 G:\APPS\DISTCR1\REAL ESTATE COMMmEE\CityCouncilMemo.08-01-02.wpd . . . 136 I~ ... 2002 "LOCAL" CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM FACTS: ISSUES: THE FUTURE? .CLALLAM COUNTY .CITY OF PORT ANGELES . CITY OF FORKS .CITY OF SEQUlM 2003 1/10th of 1 % Sales Tax Option FACTS: LOCAL CRIMINAL JUSTICE ENTITIES: . ClalIam County Sheriff's Department . Port Angeles Police Department . Sequim Police Department . Forks Police Department . ClalIam County Prosecutor's Office . ClalIam County Public Defender's Office . City Attorney's Offices - Port Angeles, Sequim, Forks 3 FACTS (CONTINUED): Correction/Detention Facilities . ClalIam County Correction Facility - 96 bed capacity . ClalIam County Detention - 34 bed capacity - 6 CRC beds 5 Presented By: Clallam County Law & Justice Council July 9,2002 2 FACTS: LOCAL CRIMINAL JUSTICE ENTITIES (CONTINUED): . ClalIam County Juvenile Services . Superior Courts I & II . Family . Drug . Juvenile Offender & Dependency . Mental Health - District Courts . I - Port Angeles . II - Forks . Superior Court Clerks Office 4 FACTS (CONTINUED): What jobs do we do? . Protection of Life . Protection of Property . Protect Constitutional Rights - Government & Bureaucracy can be good! . Law Enforcement . Disaster Preparedness & Response . Traffic Control & Accident Investigations . Search & Rescue 6 1 FACTS (CONTINUED): What jobs do we do? . Emergency Communications (911 Center- Pe~Com) . Prosecution . Defense . Investigations . Probation/Community Supervision . Incarceration . Court Services . Juvenile/Family Services . Animal Control . Public Education 7 ISSUES (CONTINUED): . Sex Offenders - R~~istration & Monitoring . Reh~.t.ilitation (Accountability) - Probation & Restitution . Domestic Violence - Child Abuse . Crime In General (Criminal Activity) . Jail & Juvenile Detention Crowding/Mandated Sentences . Alternatives To Incarceration - Electronic Home Monitoring - Work Release - Other? 9 THE FUTURE? First - Understanding The Past: . Doing More With Less - 1997 - Referendum 47 - limited increases in property t:.x;o the lesser of 6"(0 or implicit price deflator (IPD) - 1999 - 1-695 limited most license tabs to $30 - 2000 - 1-722 limited increases in property taxes to the lesser of2% or the implicit price deflector (IPD)- found unconstitutional - 200 1 - 1-747 limited property taJ< increases to the lesser of I % or inflation as measured by the implicit price deflator (IPD) II ISSUES: . September 11,2001 - Homeland Securityfferrorism .. Illegal Drug Activity - Methamphetamine UselLabs . Community Traffic Problems - Speeding/Reckless Driving! Accidents . Mentally III People . Violence Against Citizens/Officers . School Safety . Computer/Internet Crimes . Community Policing/Crime Prevention CRIMINAL JUSTICE FUNDING SOURCES: . Revenue - Property Taxes - Sales Taxes - Fines & Forfeitures - State Funds - Grants - Miscellaneous Fees - Other MANDATES/PUBLIC EXPECTATIONS: . Standard Jail Sentences -D.U.! - Domestic Violence - Driving With A Suspended Driver's License - Etc. . Personnel Training - School Resource Officers - Work Place Violence - Domestic Violence - Dealing With The Mentally III . Juvenile Intervention/Accountability i 8 10 12 2 I · .., ~!~'-_~~~t'!,~t~,~, MANDA TES/PUBLIC EXPECTATIONS (continued): . Officer SurvivaVSafety . High Tech - Knowledge Based -Global _ Quality First - People Oriented Enterprises 13 WHAT CAN WE LOSE? . Law Enforcement Services . Emergency Preparedness . Courts Services . Juvenile Detention Capacity . Prosxution . Low Crime Rate . Safety/Security 15 PROPOSED1 10 OF 1% SALES TAX - Sept. 2002 BALLOT: · Designated For Jails and Juvenile Detention . County Wide . Must Receive 50+% Voter Approval . Current Sales Tax = 8.2% . New Sales Tax Would = 8. 3% · Cu,-cnt County Sales Tax - Kitsap, Sriohomish, Pierce, King, et. al. = 8.5% sales tax · I/IOthofJ%=.OI on$IO,.IOon$IOO,$1 on $1,000, $10 on $10,000, $100 on $100,000 17 n THE BOITOM LINE: Less Resources + More Mandates/Expectations Less Services 14 THE SOLUTION? 16 1/1Oth OF 1% SALES TAX REVENUE (2001 FIGURES): . Clallam County - $465,773.54 . Port Angeles - $185,276.34 . Sequim - $43,579.05 . Forks - $31,978.27 . Total- $726,607.20 · (Note: Projected 2003 Annual Criminal Justice $ Loss Due to State Cuts in Funding to Local Governments = 1.4 Million. Net loss = $673,392.80 even with passage of 1/1 Oth of 1% 18 3 HOW CAN THIS MONEY BE USED? ,. . It is designated for jail and juvenile detention costs - But, - It frees up previously used money/revenue (mostly General Fund) to pay for other criminal justice programs and personnel as approved by the' County Commissioners/City Councils '19 WHAT CAN WE GAINIMAINT AIN? (CONTINUED): . . Emergency Preparedness - Homeland Security - Terrorism . Hamor.; . Airport . Border . Community - Major Natural Disasters . Earthquakes . Wind & Ice Storms . Wildfires . Tsunami - Search & Rescue . Mountains . Sea 21 WHAT CAN WE GAINIMAINT AIN? (CONTINUED): . Prosecution - Adequate Staff - Increased Offender Accountability - Speedy Case Processing - Quality Services 23 J. WHAT CAN WE GAIN/MAINTAIN? . Law Enforcement Services - Community Safety/Offender Supervision - Jail/Juvenile Detention Capacity - Officer Safety - Quick Response Time - Low Crime Rate - Crime Prevention (proactive vs. reactive) - Community Policing - Quality Services - Appropriate Levels of Services 20 WHAT CAN WE GAIN/MAINT AIN? (CONTINUED): . Superior Court - Juvenile Court, Probation, Detention - Family Court - Drug Court - Mental Health Court . District Court - Port Angeles & Forks . Probation & Parole Services . Small claims . Timely - Quality services 22 WHAT CAN WE GAIN - SPECIFICS! . City of Port Angeles - Police Department - Two Officers Dedicated To Residential Crime Prevention/Suppression, Problem Residences (often drug related) & traffic safety. 24 4 .. FM "j'!; RESULTS: SAFER ATTRACTIVE COMMUNITIES ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT JOBS IMPROVED QUALITY OF LIFE FOR CITIZENS 25 \ City of Port Angeles Police Department 27 City of Port Angeles 2002 Reduction of Expenditures General Fund Expenditures YTD YTD %0' June June Variances 2002 2001 Personnel cost 4,397,246 4,410,419 (0.30) Supplies 204,397 246,708 (17.15) Charges for Services 900,464 953,081 (5.52) Intergovernmental 452,342 378,844 20.67 Capital Outlay 14,324 54,055 (73.50) Transfers - out 27 ,502 317,502 (91.341 Total 5,996,275 6,356,609 (5.67) 29 CONTACTS . Dan Engelbertson., County Administrator. 411~2233 . Mike Quinn, Port Angeles City Manager: 4174500 . Thomas Riepe. Port Angeles Police Chief: 4174901 . Joe Hawe, Clallam County Sheriff: 417-2460 . Byron Nelson, Sequim Police Chief: 68)..683..7227 . Mike Powell. Forks Police Cbief: 374-2223 . John Doherty, Judge, District Court I: 417..2419 . Eric Rohrer, Judge, District Couit 11: 374--6313 . Mike Doherty, Stephen Tharinger. Mike Chapman, Oallam Count)' Commissioners: 417~2233 . Peter Peterson. Director Oallam Co. Juvenilc& Family Services: 417-2282 . George Wood, Clallam Co. SllpCrior Court Juclge: 417-2386 . Ken Williams, Ctallam Co. Superior Court Judge; 417.2386 . Bill Knebes, JU\l:nilc/Superiorl Family Court Commissioner/Judge: 417-2521 . Christoph"" Shea. Clallam Co. Prosecutor: 417-2297 . Mollie: Lingvall, ClaJlam Co. Superior Court CIcd:: 417-2333 26 Total # of Shifts with 3 or 3.5 Officers on Shift in 2002 by month. 40 35 30 18. of Days! Jan Fcb Mar Apr May Joe J.ly Aug 28 # of Officers per Thousand P APD vs. Comparable Cities A~. M..,mh Nt lAke ~ Mt. VerADW Port TeRan ~'" 30 5 r--- # of Support Staff P APD vs. Comparable Cities 12 10 o AlwNeftI M.ryniII~ Me. L.b CftIfnIb PolL v~ Port ~~U ~M 31 PAPD Call For Service Comparison by Budget Vear (appro. August-July oftbe P",V;OIlS year) '~'] I :: 0/'! ,tfo"" tfoq ~'" ~' ~.. ~"> ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ What services have been cut? . DARE Program . Records Checks for non-LEA's . Full time Crime Prevention Officer . Generating Statistics for non-LEA's . Copying reports for Dept. of Corrections . Entry of Infraction Dispositions 35 -~ Port Angeles Police Department Historical Jail Costs 55??oo 500000 450000 40??oo 350000 30??oo 25??oo 20??oo $" $"" ,,,,,,,,,, "'~ '" ~, IJ- ~c. ....~ b'l;, ~.. ~;q,,<I$ ~~ ....~ ~.... '" 32 P APD Staff Level Comparison Commluioned Office" 1. · · ;: , ~ .j ,<!' ~' ,~' ,.f!' ,.t' ,~ .!' ,.f' .!' ~ .f' .j" -I" Support St.rr ~k" ,~I ., $' ,<f'-' ,ofl"" .$'. ,cfo" ,./' .$'.... ./" "" ...." -1" .f.... 34 How does P APD generate revenue? . We have pursued many revenue generating options available by law, including: - Oul Cost Recovery . Charging defendants who are convicted ofDUI with an emergency response fee per RCW 38.52.430 - Allowing Electronic Home Monitoring vs. Jail Time - Applying for Grunt Funding - Establishing a City Attorney - Fines & Forfeitures . Parking Enforcement . Drug Forfeitures . Property Auctions 36 6 . F/!,~;:;-~;~~!4::~''T{'~ FORTANGnLES WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO CITY MANAGER'S CALENDAR / REPORT August 6, 2002 City Council Meeting Downtown Forward Advisory Committee Meeting Planning Commission Meeting Tuesday, August 6 6:00 p.m. Monday, August 12 7:00 p.m. Tuesday, August 13 2:00 p.m. Tuesday, August 13 4:00 p.m. Thursday, August 15 7:00 p.m. August 20 - 23 Out of Office Tuesday, August 20 6:00 p.m. Monday, August 26 7:30 a.m. VVednesday,August28 7:00 p.m. City Council Meeting Ice Rink Meeting #2 - VBMCC Utility Advisory Committee Special Meeting Real Estate Committee Meeting Parks, Recreation, and Beautification Commission Meeting VVCMA Summer Conference Real Estate Committee Meeting - tentative Monday, September 2 Closed Tuesday, September 3 6:00 p.m. Thursday, September 5 8:15 a.m. Tuesday, September 10 3 :00 p.m. Tuesday, September 10 4:00 p.m. VVednesday, September 11 7:00 p.m. VV ednesday, September 11 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, September 17 6:00 p.m. Monday, September 23 7:30 a.m. Labor Day Holiday City Council Meeting Gateway Committee Meeting Utility Advisory Committee Meeting Planning Commission Meeting Hurricane Ridge PDA Meeting - tentative City Council Meeting Downtown Forward Advisory Committee Meeting - tentative tentative: to be verified before next meeting 137 ,- . . . J38 PUBLIC WORKS PROJECT STATUS REPORT FOR JULY 2002 CHANGE ORDERS FOR ACTIVE CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS (COSTS SHOWN INCLUDE APPLICABLE TAXES) PROJECT BUDGET ORIGINAL PREVIOUS CHANGE REVISED TITLE CONTRACT CHANGE ORDERS CONTRACT AMOUNT ORDERS THIS AMOUNT MONTH Airport Rd. Realign, 91-07 $1,200,000 $951,589.91 $86,445.69 $59,464.78* $1,097,500.38 Black Diamond Res., 99-18 $1,000,000 $963,967.94 $73,622.32 $0.00 $1,037,590.26 Francis Street Park, 21-07 $414,000 $338,239.62 $101,685.77 $0.00 $439,925.39 Laurel Ret. Wall, 96-05 $180,000 $125,951.04 $60,754.30 $0.00 $186,705.34 Rayonier Trail, 22-17 $80,000 $62,077.90 $0.00 $0.00 $62,077.90 Compost Facilities, 22-14 $60,000 $56,926.45 $0.00 $0.00 $56,926.45 Compost Equip, 22-12 $80,000 $75,334.00 $0.00 $0.00 $75,334.00 Carnegie Library, 97-08 $1,060,000 $956,898.08** $0.00 $0.00 $956,898.08 2002 Street Paving, 22-06 $250,000 $233,554.50 $0.00 $0.00 $233,554.50 *Final unit quantity variations **Base Bid Only Shown PUBLIC WORKS CONTRACTS/PURCHASE ORDERS APPROVED BY CITY MANAGER (COSTS SHOWN INCLUDE APPLICABLE TAXES) CONTRACTOR Project- DESCRIPTION AMOUNT OR VENDOR PO # Rainbow Sweepers Lakeside Industries 99-08 Sand Slurry, 8th Street Reconstruction 99-08 Fog Seal, 8th Street Reconstruction $3,661.48 $8,500.00 UPCOMING PUBLIC WORKS CONTRACTS (NEXT 30 DAYS, ESTIMATED DATES SHOWN ) PROJECT ADVERTISE BID START END TITLE FOR BIDS OPENING CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION Mezzanine Const., 22-08 8/5/02 8/22/02 September 2002 October 2002 e\PWKS\ENGINEER\MGRRP1\c007-02.WPd 139 . . . 140 ,- . CH2M HILL WATER CONTRACT 2000-2003, PROJECT 20-28 PROJECT Various Water System Related ConsultinQ Services PROJECT NO. 20-28 CONSULTANT NAME: CH2M Hill (Consultant's Proiect No. 160551) ACCOUNT CHARGE NO. 793/4150 DATE AGREEMENT SIGNED BY COUNCIL: AUQust 30, 2000 AUTHORIZED AMOUNT: $660.072.00 DATE AMENDMENT NO.1 TO AGREEMENT SIGNED: ADril3 ,2002. REVISED AMOUNT: $710.072.00 AGREEMENT EXPIRES Auqust 31.2003 BILLINGS THRU: Jun~ 28. 2002 1. Elwha Dam Removal $120,000.00 $59,889.00 $59,889.00 $34,160.86 57.04% 2. GWI Services $323,500.00 $80,408.00 $139,398.00 $108,567.44 77 .88% 3. Black Diamond Improvements $175,000.00 $160,101.00 $126,934.00 $127,898.99 100.76% . 4. Peabody Hts. Reservoir Cover $125,000.00 $84,581.00 $109,815.00 $71,424.38 65.04% 5. Water System Plan $200,000.00 $230,763.00 $115,648.00 $108,688.59 93.98% 6. Directed Services $160,000.00 $44,330.00 $105,455.00 $32,631.67 30.94% 6a. Morse Creek Consultation ($10,860.60) 6b. Surge Tank Specs ($6,959.73) 6c. Eastern UGA Annex. ($14,811.34) 7. New High Zone Reservoir $200,000.00 $0.00 $52,933.00 $0.00 Totals $1,303,500.00 $660,072.00 $710,072.00 $483,371.93 68.07% . 141 .~ . . 142 . P ARAMETRIX, LANDFILL SERVICES 2000, PROJECT 20-24.06 PROJECT Landfill Services 2000 PROJECT NO. 20-24.06 CONSULTANT NAME: Parametrix ACCOUNT CHARGE NO. 795/4150 DATE AGREEMENT SIGNED BY COUNCIL: Oct. 26. 2000* AUTHORIZED AMOUNT: $607.970* AGREEMENT EXPIRES March 31.2003* * Amended 5/3/02 (added tasks 7-14). Requires 2003 budget of $50,000 1. Gen. Operations Asst. $100,000.00 $85,798.00 $105,179.82 122.59% 2. Regulatory Coordination $35,000.00 $30,831.00 $33,212.42 107.72% 3. Rev. Dev. & Closure Plan $40,000.00 $38,929.00 $37,648.51 96.71% 4.Co-Composting Design Report $50,000.00 $49,726.00 $30,362.71 61.06% 5. Long Range Planning Report $50,000.00 $50,000.00 $49,637.55 99.28% . 6. Directed Services $25,000.00 $40,000.00 $26,903.54 67.26% 6a. Soil Balance Assessment ($8,405.38) NA 6b.125 pI Street ($18,498.16) NA 7. Operations-Engineering $36,800.00 $36,800.00 $4,687.96 12.74% Assistance 8.Design Services $26,600.00 $26,600.00 $6,563.85 24.68% 9. Regulatory Coordination $22,900.00 $22,900.00 $784.08 3.42% 10. Compliance Reports $23,200.00 $23,200.00 $14,345.59 61.83% 11. Co-Composting $34,100.00 $34,100.00 $5,983.21 17.55% 12. Waste Export Planning $25,900.00 $25,900.00 $311.10 1.20% 13. Shoreline Stabilization $103,186.00 $103,186.00 $26,199.97 25.39% 14. Directed Services 2002 $40,000.00 $40,000.00 $0.00 0.00% . Totals $607,970.00 56.22% $607,970.00 $341,820.31 143 1--- . . . 144 . SKILLINGS-CONNOLLY, INC. CONTRACT, PROJECT 22-01 PROJECT: Various Water & Wastewater Consultinq Services PROJECT NO.: 22-01 1. Front St. Water Main $155,000.00 $500,000.00 $215,000.00 $28,885.93 $121,315.04 $36,351.04 N/A N/A N/A $2,987.32 $2,725.58 $0.00 10.34% 2. Peabody Cr.lONP Water Main 3. Sanitary Sewer Replacement/Repair 2.25% 0.00% . Totals * Design and construction $870,000.00 $186,552.01 N/A $5,712.90 3.06% . 145 . . . 146 . BROWN & CALDWELL, WASTEWATER SERVICES 2000, PROJECT 20-25.06 PROJECT Wastewater Services 2000 PROJECT NO. 20-25.06 CONSULTANT NAME: Brown & Caldwell ACCOUNT CHARGE NO. 795/4150 AUTHORIZED AMOUNT: $368.657.93 DATE AGREEMENT SIGNED BY COUNCIL: Oct. 17.2000 AGREEMENT EXPIRES June 30. 2002 BILLINGS THRU: June 28. 2002 . 147 . . . 148 . MEMO PUBLIC WORKS & UTILITIES DEPARTMENT Glenn A. Cutler Director (4801) Linda Gunderson Administrative Assistant [4800) Cate Rinehart Administrative Assistant [4700] Ken Ridout Deputy Director (4802) Gary Kenworthy Deputy Director and . CityEngineer [4803) Scott McLain Deputy Director (4703) Jim Harper Electrical Engineering Manager (4702) Larry Dunbar Power Resources Manager (4710) Doyle McGinley Water, Wastewater Collection Superintendent (4855) Pete Burrett Equipment Services Superintendent (4835) Dave Ireland Light Operations Manager (4731) Jeff D. Young Treatment Plant Superintendent [4845] Tom McCabe Solid Waste Superintendent (4872) Tom Kaufmann Acting Street Maintenance Supervisor (4825) . FORTANGELES WASH N G TON, U. S. A. DATE: August 6, 2002 TO: City Manager FROM: Director RE: Trail Improvements at the Rayonier Mill Site The City's construction contract for trail improvements are in the final stages and will be completed early this week. The bridge being prepared and placed by the Trails coalition has encountered funding difficulty. The Trails coalition has been quoted a price of$14,200 to dig and place the bridge foundation and setting of the bridge over Ennis Creek. The Trails Coalition notified the City that it does not have the funds for the work. The City has requested a quote from our contractor, Horizon Excavation, for performing the work. The quote will not be available until after this memo has been published. The Council has allocated $80,000 to open the waterfront trail through the Rayonier Mill site. The current construction contract is $62,000. The exact price of the work can not be determined until the final quantities are calculated. The fee for the bridge engineer is $5,800. Therefore the remaining funds are approximately $12,200. Discussions are being held with the Trails Coalition to fund costs over the $80,000 authorized by Council. Due to the significant amount of work involved it is not possible to have the bridge installed by close of business August 8, 2002 prior to the visit of Senator Murray. Staff is diligently working on opening the trail through Rayonier as soon as possible and will provide the most current information at the Council meeting. N:\GLENN\Trail_ Update _8_06_ 02.wpd 149 . . . 150 . . . Clallam County Humane Society Monthly Report CATS 2002 J F b M Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dee YTD ~4!<" .....1t~: .,;'" .'~~'" .... ~..,. _~: ",....,~. ..".' .~~.. an e ar ACO Stray Cats 3 6 9 10 5 15 48 ACO Gift Cats 0 0 0 4 0 0 4 PA Citizen Stray Cats 9 5 3 4 12 5 38 PA Citizen Surr. Cats 14 6 10 13 16 9 68 S/O Truck Stray Cats 10 11 11 18 9 9 68 S/O Truck Surrender Cats 2 4 0 0 0 0 6 Sequim Aco Cat Strays 2 11 3 6 8 4 , 34 Seq. ACO Cat Surrenders 0 1 0 21 0 0 22 County Public Stray Cats 12 10 22 11 12 32 < 99 County Public Surrender Cats 19 14 17 16 36 50 152 Cats Left at Shelter 23 20 13 18 18 52 144 City Adopted Cats 9 12 5 4 10 11 51 County Adopted Cats 11 10 10 13 9 27 80 LAS RTO ..Cats 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 PA ACO RTO Cats 0 0 2 0 1 2 5 PA Citizen RTO Cats 2 6 0 0 7 0 15 S/O County RTO Cats 27 9 1 0 0 1 38 Seq.lIim RTO Cats 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 cd'.lltty RTO Cats 1 4 0 0 1 0 6 Lower ElewhaRTO Cats 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 PA ACO CatsPTS 3 1 5 7 2 20 38 Pa Citizen Cats PTS 21 7 7 6 14 5 60 S/O Impound Cats PTS ' 8 6 4 5 16 22 61 County Cats PTS 11 19 15 16 42 103 LAS Shelter Cats PTS 19 14 7 9 18 18 85 PA ACO DOA Cats 0 2 1 0 0 0 3 PA Citizen DOA Cats 1 1 1 0 0 0 3 S/O County DOA Cats 3 5 6 3 2 3 22 LAS DOA Cats 1 0 1 2 1 1 6 PTS/Sick/FerellOther Cats 8 12 14 21 8 63 Total Incoming Cats 94 88 88 121 111 76 578 Total Adopted Cats 20 22 15 17 19 38 131 Total Cats PTS 51 39 42 63 74 107 376 Total DOA Cats 5 8 10 3 3 6 35 Total RTOCats 30 19 4 0 10 3 '. 66 PA Citizens Other Animals 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 PA ACO Other Animals 1 0 4 0 0 2 '. 7 County ACO'Other Animals 6 8 5 7 0 1 27 LAS Other Animals 6 0 9 3 0 2 20 Sequim Other Animals 0 2 1 0 1 4 TOTAL 421 375 351 420 1567 ~J~~,~i~~I~I.;~i~i~IETY MONTHLY REPORT DOGS 2002 'JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC YTD ACO Stray Dogs 7 4 9 19 8 8 55 ACO Gift Dogs 0 0 0 0 2 0 2 PA Citizen Stray Dogs 7 4 8 5 1 0 25 PA Citizen Surr. Dogs 11 5 7 11 11 0 45 SIO Truck Stray Dogs 17 20 25 12 15 12 101 SIO Truck Surrender Dogs 7 1 3 4 2 2 19 Sequim Aco Stray Dogs 2 4 3 0 0 2 11 Lower Elwha Incoming 3 3 3 1 2 0 12 County Public Stray Dogs 20 8 11 7 9 6 61 County Public Surrender Dogs 24 15 23 22 16 29 129 Dogs Left at Shelter 9 8 9 12 7 8 53 City AdQpted Dogs 13 14 4 9 12 4 56 County Adopted Dogs 26 19 17 24 18 18 122 Co. & Other LAS RTO Dogs 5 4 1 4 0 8 22 PA ACO RTO Dogs 2 2 4 16 5 9 38 PA Citizen RTO Dogs 4 6 5 2 4 0 21 SIO County RTO Dogs 7 9 11 7 14 8 56 Sequim ACO RTO Dogs 0 0 2 0 1 1 4 Lower Elwha RTO 0 2 1 0 1 0 4 :: LAS PTS Dogs 1 1 6 7 1 0 16 ~ PA ACO Dogs PTS 1 1 0 1 1 0 4 PA Citizen Dogs PTS 14 2 1 6 5 1 29 County Dogs PTS 29 14 20 9 5 9 86 LAS DOA Dogs 1 1 0 0 0 1 3 PA ACO DOA Dogs 1 2 0 0 1 0 4 PA Citizen DOA Dogs 1 1 0 0 0 2 \. 4 SIO County DOA Dogs 1 1 1 1 3 0 7 SIO ACOQuarantine Dogs 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PA ACO Quarintine Dogs 0 0 0 0 0 0 Other Quarantine Dogs 1 0 3 0 0 4 PTS/SickNicious/Other 2 3 6 3 3 0 r 17 Total Incoming Dogs. 107 72 101 93 65 67 505 Total Adopted Dogs 39 33 21 33 30 22 178 Total Dogs PTS 45 17 26 26 15 10 139 Total DOA Dogs 1 5 1 1 4 19 31 Total RTO Dogs 18 23 31 49 25 3 149 Complaints Handled County 3 4 4 2 0 0 13 Other anumals handled: 1 rabbit,2 Iguanas,1 goat, 1 guinea pig . . . . . . . CITY OF PORT ANGELES HOTEUMOTEL GRANT SECOND QUARTER REPORT APRIL 1, 2002 - JUNE 30, 2002 We, at the Port Angeles Parks & Recreation Department, have been very busy during the second quarter of 2002 with recreational activities that have brought additional tourists to Port Angeles. In keeping with our goal to impact tourism through the promotion and hosting of recreational events, we respectfully submit our Second Quarter Report. We promoted and coordinated three basketball tournaments during the second quarter, two for boys' and girl's teams and one for girls' teams. The April Fools' Extravaganza, the MayDay Roundball, and the Summer Solstice tournaments attracted a total of 57 teams from out-of-t9wn to participate. During the months of May and June, we worked with several community groups in publicizing, coordinating facilities and hosting 2 adult softball tournaments attracting 18 teams. Also, during May, we worked with the Olympic Junior Babe Ruth League to successfully bring 4 out-of-town teams to Port Angeles for three days to participate in an invitational baseball tournament. In summary, the five events that were hosted in Port Angeles during the Second Quarter, accounted for 79 basketball, baseball, and softball teams, or about 1,600 visitors, spending one, two, or three nights in town and spending approximately $120,000.00 in the community. The Event Coordinator position also assisted three groups with events that were held at the City Pier; the Kayak Symposium April 13th, the Olympic Medical Center's 5- 10K Fun Run June 1, and the Jettin' The Strait competition, June 8-9. 153 ,,~.',i~5:i::.<, . . . 154 . . . M 'et eC n s . dtl Port Angeles Pdrks G. Recredtion Tedm Tennis 155 I PARKS & RECREATION REVENUE JUNE 2002 Ocean View Cemetery $11,930.42 $22,986.99 $70,547.24 $80,924.04 William Shore Memorial Pool $9,808.60 $10,547.27 $65,454.84 $70,452.75 Vern Burton Community Center $462.00 $1,202.00 $11,331.50 $8,970.50 Senior Services Center - Rentals $1,185.50 $1,110.00 $5,454.50 $5,465.00 Senior Services Center- Kitchen Fees $150.00 $250.00 $525.00 $665.00 Senior Services Center - Leases $550.00 $550.00 $3,300.00 $3,330.00 Banner $720.00 $360.00 $5,035.00 $3,535.00 Lincoln Park Camping Fees $0.00 $495.00 $0.00 $495.00 City PierMoorage Fees $160.00 $370.00 $945.71 $767.50 General Fund Revenue Total $24,966.52 $37,891.26 $162,593.79 $174,577.79 Vern Burton Kitchen Fees $120.00 $130.00 $1,192.50 $845.00 Co-Rec Volleyball $0.00 $0.00 $5.00 $360.00 Volleyball Tourney Fund $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Slowpitch $1,040.00 $340.00 $17,615.00 $13,045.00 Slowpitch Tourney Fund $1,290.00 $190.00 $2,620.00 $1,330.00 Mens Basketball $100.00 $0.00 $1,677.50 $2,160.00 Basketball Tourney Fund $806.00 $55.00 $17,387.75 $616.50 Youth Programs $6,824.50 $2,948.25 $29,519.12 $22,887.75 Adult Programs $435.75 $80;00 $2,203.50 $1,620.00 Adult Soccer $0.00 $0.00 $3,965.00 $3,235.00 Recreation Activities Fund Total $10,616.25 $3,743.25 $76,185.37 $46,099.25 156 . This This Month This Year Last Year Month Last Year to Date to Date Main Hall/Gym 1,760 2,925 34,228 29,332 Special Uses Main Hall/Gym 296 325 2,188 1,991 Regular Uses Meeting Rooms 337 521 5,595 2,711 Special Uses Meeting Room 393 208 3,001 1,669 Regular Uses Council Chambers 750 417 2,268 3,014 . Total Attendance 3,536 4,396 48,380 38,717 . Rec. Programs Special Events 348 344 87 318 959 4,446 683 4,763 157 Date June 1-30 June 1-30 June 1-30 Event Attendance Gillian Theobald "Polarities" David Nechak "Outside/Inside" Art Outside 565 na 665 1,230 I Attendance Total Event I David Nechak Lecture Attendance Total i Attendance 431 I 431 Date 16/11 - 6/26 . June 26 I Attendance Total Date June 4 June 5 June 6 June 7 June 11 June 12 June 13 June 14 June 17 June 27 Event Attendance 2nd Grade, Monroe 3'd Grade, Hamilton - 2 classes 41h Grade, Helen Haller - 2 classes 2nd Grade, Monroe 41h Grade, Greywolf - 2 classes 1 sl Grade, Fairview - 3 classes Quileute Tribal High School 1 sl' Grade, Monroe 3'd Grade, Hamilton - 3 classes Port Angeles High School - 4 classes Sequim Boys & Girls Club 21 48 52 44 114 17 24 70 95 40 5251 Attendance Total I 158 . . . . . . Date Event Attendance None Scheduled for June Attendance Total Date Event Attendance June 1 June 1 June 28 Docents Community Service At-Risk Youth Jake on. panel in Shelton for WSAC 1 % for Art Program 44 4 na I Attendance Total 481 I Attendance Total 241 * Calculations notavailable 159 . Vern Burton Community Center Main Hall Events Date Event Attendance June I Port Angeles High School Senior Ball 250 June 7 Middle School Dance 200 June I 0 Camp Fire Council 60 June 14 Middle School Dance ISO June 1 7 Puget Sound Blood Drive 200 June I 9 Stevens Middle School Activity Night ISO June 20 Wedding 300 June 22 YMCA Carnival ISO June 29 Volunteer Fire Department Rummage Sale 300 June Attendance Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,760 I Regular Vern Burton Gym Users I Noon Basketball . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200 After School Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Gym Walker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Family Development Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 June Attendance Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 296 . Vern Burton Meeting Room Events Date Event Attendance June 6 Clallam County/Developmental Disabilities Workshop 20 June 7 Clallam County/Developmental Disabilities Workshop 30 June I 0 Ostomy Support Group IS June 1 I - I 2 55 Alive Driving Classes 48 June 13 Clallam County Elwha Management Meeting 25 June I 7 Washington State Department of Personnel Testing 20 June I 9 Stevens Middle School Activity Night 150 June 26 Gordon, Thomas Depositions 7 June 27 Clallam County Elwha Management Meeting 22 June Attendance Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 337 . 160 . . . , Vern Burton Meeting Room- Regular Users Kiwanis 144 Land Trust 25 Transit Union 15 Juan de Fuca Festival 10 Board of Appeals 6 Non-motorized Meeting 12 Bike Club 12 After School Program 60 City Finance Dept. 12 Swim Club 12 Storm King Soccer Club 15 Parks & Recreation 50 P AZZAZ Soccer Club 20 June Attendance Total .. 393 I City Hall Council Chambers - Users I City Council Meetings . . . . . . . . . . . 110 DUI Victim's Panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Board of Adjustment . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Historical Society Lecture . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Planning . . . . . . . . 35 Wellness Committee . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 First Federal Savings Workshop . . . . . 50 Healthy Families . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 DSHS Workshop . . . . . . . . . 50 Multi Cultural Task Force . . . . . . . . . . 50 Clallam County StreamKeepers . . . . . . 50 P AHS Skills Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 IT Training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Clallam County . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Human Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 Skate Park Meeting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Fire Department . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Park Board/Skate Park . . . . . . . . . . . 31 June Attendance Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 750 Park & Facility Rentals Venue May Year to Date Monthly uses Clubhouse 15 40 Scouts: Each Wednesday Longhouse 5 12 No monthly uses scheduled Loomis Building 8 38 4-H 151 & 4111 Tues Scouts: 3rd Tuesday Fly Fishermen: 151 Monday , . Lions Park 1 2 Various users Veterans Park 1 6 Veterans Program Last Friday ~ Conrad Dyar Fountain 0 1 Various users 161 Scheduled City Pier Uses This Month: 5 Year to Date: 7 . Date Event June 1 Olympic Medical Center 10K Run . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 June 2 Olympic Vineyard Church . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 June 8-9 "Jettin The Straits" Competition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,000 June 19 & 26 Concert on Pier Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120 June 26 Story Tellers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 June 20 Marine Coast Sanctuary Open house/celebration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200 Miscellaneous Scheduled Fire Pit Uses June Attendance Totals (approx) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,500 I Date Up Coming Pier Uses/Events I I Event July 3, 10, 17 & 24 Concert on Pier Series July 4 Chamber of Commerce 41h of July Celebration July 7 Olympic Vineyard Church July 1 3 Wedding Recreation Division Programs Approximately Participants After School Program: Franklin School 35 enrolled Vern Burton Center 25 enrolled Slowpitch Season Began Women 1 1 Teams Men , 13 Teams Parks & Recreation Special Events Approximately 972 Participants June 1-2 24th Annual Smoked Salmon Invitational 14 teams; 80ut-of-town June 8 Parks & Recreation Country Western Dance 80 participants June 9 Hershey Track Meet 24 Participants June 15-16 Summer Solstice Basketball Tournament 6 teams; 40ut-of-town 162 . . . . . . Upcoming Recreation Programs Date Event On-going Summer Day Camp/Program Registration continues July Cooed Slowpitch Season Begins Miscellaneous Weekly Elementary & Middle School Gym & Field Scheduling for: Soccer, Youth Basketball, and adult slowpitch 163 William Shore Memorial Pool Monthly Attendance/Revenue Report RECREA TION--- Children 330 723 4,283 5,992 Adult 611 1,160 9,498 11 ,380 Middle School Nite/Kid's Day 25/35 9/20 69/146 128/136 Pool Parties/Participants 3/74 9/108 79/1,285 147/1,285 INSTRUCTION --- Children 403 445 4,041 4,704 Adults 0 0 0 0 Parent/Child Orientation 0 0 912 334 Pre-School 138 130 2,142 1,641 Water Exercise 110 207 3,001 3,460 School District 0 0 3,046 2,886 Pool Rentals/Classes 82 158 3,158 3,071 733 940 16,300 16,096 POOL OPERATIONS --- Days Open 7 13 134 157 Hours Open 94.25 187.00 1,909.75 2,195.50 REVENUE --- Rental: Suits, towels, caps $87.86 $137.50 $972.18 $1,409.82 Admissions $744.04 $1,573.32 $10,390.25 $13,609.79 Lessons $4,643.25 $6,096.50 $24,896.45 $26,199.54 Aerobics $439.00 $495.00 $6,961.00 $8,024.36 Passes $2,585.73 $1,443.07 $13,639.32 $12,383.03 Showers $21.74 $40.71 $115.31 $167.99 Lockers $161.00 $101.61 $677.08 $1,008.50 Pool Rentals $483.11 $368.32 $5,022.20 $4,987.54 Swim Equipment $297.36 $0 $297.36 $0 Sales Tax $345.51 $291.24 $2,483.69 $2,662.18 . William Shore Pool Activities JUNE 2002 INSTRUCTIONAL Exercise classes for June * * * * Water Aerobics Deep Water Deep Water Water Walking , Swim Lessons Schedule: * June 26 - July 12 * June 25 - July 11 * On-going A DMINISTRA TlON *Completed four week maintenance shutdown. *Pool reopened on June 24th with the 2002 Summer Schedule *Conducted monthly in-service guarding class for pool staff AM classes AM classes PM classes AM classes Grade-school Pre-school Private Lessons . CLUBS AND ORGANIZA TIONS * Port Angeles Swim Club 3:30-7:00 pm Monday thru Friday * Port Angeles Diving Club On vacation * Port Angeles School District On vactaion * United States Coast Guard 7:45 - 9:00 am Rescue Swimmer Training RECREA TIONAL SWIMMING June 29 Kid's Day June 29 Middle School Night -c::1a ~ . Man - Fri Tue & Thur Tu & Thur Man, Wed, Fri Tues & Thurs 35 Participants 25 Participants ...- c::::. ------.... ~ 165 PORT ANGELES SENIOR CENTER MONTHLY ACTIVITY REPORT JUNE 2002 Information & Referral 1,152 1,549 8,955 12,498 Estimated Attendance 4,846 1,902 33,648 31,581 Health Programs 463 554 3,127 3,066 Education Programs 716 692 5,307 4,159 Social/Events/Prog rams/Meals 1,753 1 ,495 10,412 9,009 Trips: Taken 7 5 22 32 .Passengers 90 60 308 266 Volunteers: 172 138 * * Hours 1,952 1,611 12,553 9,612 Membership: 52 34 1,538 1,529 City 27 20 980 1,016 County 25 14 558 513 * Not calculated . 166 . Senior Center Community Events Date Events . June 5 Senior Advisory Council June 14 Clallam County Democratic Committee Dinner Jun<3 1 5 Church of Christ June 1 7 Senior Nutrition Volunteer Recognition June 2 1 Investment Workshop June 22 Tonia Bird Music Recital June 29 Olympic Wood Products Dinner June 29 Irene Kono 90th Birthday Party . ! Regular Senior Center Users I Senior Nutrition Board CCSWAB Soroptimist Jet-set Virginia Mason Fine Arts Center Venture Club Rhody Society Board Meeting United Way Crime Stoppers Jazzercise Peninsula College Olympic Mountaineering Senior Center Sponsored Events & Programs Date Event . June 5 Tupperware Party June 7 What Makes Coffee Perk? Presented by Boyd's Coffee June 8 Senior Center Member Book Authors - Book signing & tea June I 1 Golden Ears @ SHHHH June II Organizing your Photos June 19 Annual Ice Cream Feast & P ALOA Singers June 27 Reducing your Risk of Illness . Senior Center Sponsored Health Programs Weight Training/Stretch Foot Care Alzheimer Support Group Chair Exercise Low Vision Support Group Fibromyalgia Support Group Bench Stepping SHIBA Counseling Hearing Aid RepairS/Testing Arthritis Support Group Blood Pressure Check Aerobics TaiChi Laugh for your Health 167 Senior Center Sponsored Educational Programs Round Table on Politics Tap Dance Classes Conversational Spanish Dance Class 2002 Computer Classes Portrait Painting Computer lab Drawing Computer Tutoring Water Color Class Spring Chicken Band Oil Painting Infinite Variety of Music Creative Writing Investment Group AARP Investment Class . Senior Center Sponsored Social & Recreational Programs Senior Swingers Dance Bridge Paint on Your Own Olympic Peninsula Chess Club At the Movies - Monday video Pinochle Bingo Crafts Poker Lessons Pickle ball Golden Agers Club Pool Canasta Cribbage Coffee Lounge Senior Minute Committee Senior Singers . . 168 . I. . Ground Burials 17 13 16 11 Ground Burial Inurnments 11 8 10 8 Niche Inurnments 10 6 2 3 Entombments 0 1 0 0 I Year to Date Totals 38 28 28 22 THIS MONTH THIS YEAR TO DATE $26,008.48 THIS MONTH LAST YEAR $12,557.77 LAST YEAR TO DATE $25,003.19 $3,840.13 169 ~ . Verfl,~ttl "S<<i-t" ..-.-U....... Btlid' - . ... ." .' . - '. Sue ~ea"7,~ti~~;~~ij~n~~~~~6~Si~~~,_ ~<M~~t ._. RO~inson. Su~t~nd.,d'let,~~J~ersister Pat Hoff El. c.~. liege..... cot p.u ~l. S.i.&urt~. : Upon gra.d... uation. from High ScI1OQI. ..i", .' ..... R~I~t~~,~1~~~~~fr .~i\~Q3r:n M~ter,.d~R;~~>.iliV~r,.;~n,;$~ciaJ LA&r andlndustri6sElhd St~e . ,. lDirectorat Airlin...~~!........rn... fl..,.)..... '. . {,fl...... b...,. .... .....V.l..li-9j.'..... d.. uring he. r.:." manEl.gea~j ..... N. _-~rf:3aldWln. h'1- raising tier chil ren and . g acotlstant an . to her husband Allan .Blrd, who together c ,pOth Wed(;lin9- ~(Iiv~rs~ryonthe. Elwha Ia,s (participatettrn.:t@nietousschC)ol and . Includ," the C ildren's ori1e . . .t. . ~re~a'i.~ierce :~n- servjQ~s:;at . O~an t$Q . ~itf1!'five dQzeh PeninSula". " . . ,9>t:;t4.()f,Ji(ochanek, ,Wh~ptovicf~k:jnd ve years in planning:! l; ~: . 170 . . . Parks Administration: Daily Supervision, crew training and safety meetings. . . . . . . ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197.0 hrs. Total Hours Previous Year: 177.0 Total Hours Current Year: 197.0 NON Productive Hrs: (Illnesses, doctor, dental, vacations). Total Hours Previous Ye.ar: 374.5 Total Hours Current Year: 207.0 Total Parks & Cemetery Division Hours: Total Hours Previous Year: 3,776.5 Total Hours Current Year: 3,545.5 Monthly Activity Hours June 2002 ~q...<:c ..',~ ""- ".' :~:,h','~,,: . III . . . . . . . . . . #2 Beautification 238.5 hrs. #4 Sports Facilities 694 hrs. #6 Building Maintenance 308 hrs. #8 Parks General Maintenance 520 hrs. #10 Campground 0 hrs. #12 Parks Administration 197 hrs. #1 Turf Mangement 581.5 hrs. #3 Amenities 461 hrs. #5 Waterfront Trail 11 hrs. #7 Civic Complex 97 hrs. #9 Special Events 37 hrs. #11 Cemetery 193.5 hrs. #13 Time Loss 207 hrs. 173 . . . 174