HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet 08/10/1998
August 10, 1998 - SPECIAL MEETING - 7:30 p.m.
I First I Action 1 . I
Action Tak&n
I CALL TO ORDER - Special Meeting (7:30 p.m.)
A. Grant Application with Clallam County for Action
Deerpark Gateway
NORTHWEST PERMIT, Ninth Street between
Lincoln and laurel Street: Request to rezone
property designated RS-7 (Residential Single
Family) to CSD (Community Shopping District)
NORTHWEST PERMIT - Request to vacate a
portion of the 8th/9th alley between Lincoln
and laurel Streets
Public heanngs are set by the City Council in order to meet legal requirements pertaining to matters such as, land use permit applicatIOns, proposed
amendments to City land use regulations, zoning changeS, annexations. In addition. the City Council may set a public heanng in order to receive publIC
input prior to making decisions which impact the citIZens. Certain matters may be controversial, and the City Cooncil may choose to seek public opinion
through the public hearing process.
August 10, 1998 Port Angeles City Council Meeting
Page - 1
AU2ust 10. 1998
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Attendance Roster
DATE OF MEETING: AU2ust 10.1998
LOCA TION: City Council Chambers
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and building
a better
Jack Plttis
Director {4801]
Phyllis RasJer
Assistant {4800]
Cate Rinehart
Assistant {4700]
Bob TItus
Deputy D/rector {4701]
Ken Ridout
Deputy Director {4802]
Gary Kenworthy
City Engineer {4803]
Jim Harper
Electncal Engineer
TIm Smith
Contract & ProjeCt
AdmmlslTator {4804]
Lou Haehnlen
Sr Bulld/ng Inspector
Tom Sperlme
Sr Electncallnspector
Scott McLam
Power Manager {4703]
Ralph Ellsworth
Water, Wastewater
Supenntendent [4855]
Pete Burrett
EqUIp SeN/ces
Supenntendent [4835]
Mark Shamp
Light OperatIons
Manager [4731]
Kevm Curtis
Treat Plant
SupeN/sor [4845]
Tom McCabe
SW Collection
SuperVIsor [4876]
Steve Evans
Landfill SupeN/sor
Dave WIlcox
Street Mamtenance
SupeN/sor [4825]
August 7, 1998
Mayor Braun, City Council
Public Works Department
Port Angeles Scenic Gateway Center
SUMMARY and RECOMMENDATION: Last year, the City and Clallam County joined to seek
funding support for the Port Angeles Scenic Gateway Center, also referred to as the Deerpark
Gateway. The project proposes constructing a multi-use transportation facility at the west
entrance to the Port Angeles urban area, connecting the Olympic Discovery and Port Angeles
Waterfront trails. The project also includes restrooms and an interpretive display and welcome
sign. Although the original application was not successful, another potential grant source for
the project and has been identified. The County has requested the City be a partner in the
application and provide a portion of the local cash match. We recommend the City join the
County in a grant application for the Deerpark Gateway and pledge a portion of the local
match for the project.
ISSUE: Shall the City I County partnership to seek grant support for the development of the
Port Angeles Scenic Gateway Center submit an application to the U.S. Public Lands Highway
Discretionary Program?
BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS: Last year, the City joined with Clallam County to seek funding
support, from the U. S. Scenic Byways FY '98 Program, to help develop the Port Angeles
Scenic Gateway Center. The project, also referred to as the "Deerpark Gateway", would
result in the design and construction of a $324,000 multi-use transportation facility at the ~
entrance to the Port Angeles urban area. ~
The facility, which would connect the Olympic Discovery and Port Angeles Waterfront trails,
envisions the development of a multi-modal, paved parking area with restrooms, a interpretive
display and welcome sign, and direct access deceleration and acceleration lanes on Hwy. 101.
Although the first application for grant support was unsuccessful, it competed very well and
can be reconsidered for funding in the Scenic Byways FY '99 program.
Earlier this week, County staff requested the City jOining in a new application for the project
from another source, the U. S. Public Lands Highway Discretionary Program. The request is
for the City's participation including a portion of the local cash match. The original City cash
match was $49,800 which had been established based on the estimated cost to build a large-
scale welcome sign at the Gateway site. The sign was designed to be Visible from the
highway (westbound) and could provide the infrastructure necessary to allow for interpretive
slgnage on the reverse side.
Staff from both agencies met and discussed the merits of the project, and the possibility of a
reduced City match level based on the new funding source. The local match pledge from the
original application was as follows:
Clallam County
City of Port Angeles
Olympic National Park
$ 15,000
$ 49,800
$ 5.000
$ 69,800
In review of the project and the new grant source being targeted, City and County staff noted
that a reduction in the City's portion of local match would not necessarily reduce any potential
for a successful application.
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thIS artWOIk,la tho propany 01 Jackson's Signs
472 Mt. I'IeIIaJt 81. Port Angeles, WA
"Ie not to be ~ In Whole or part
wllhlU wltllen permission.
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and building
a better
Jack Plltfs
DIrector {4801!
Phyllis Rasler
AssIstant {4800]
Cate Rlooharl
Assistant {4700]
Bob TItus
Deputy DIrector {4701]
Ken Ridout
Deputy DIrector {4802]
Gary Kenworthy
CIty Engineer {4803]
JIm Harper
Electrical Engineer
~ TIm Smith
Contract & Project
AdmInIstrator {4804]
Lou Haehnlen
Sr. BuildIng Inspector
Tom Sper/loo
Sr. Electrlcallnspector
Scott McLain
Power Manager t4703]
Ralph ElIsworlh
Water. Wastewater
Superintendent {4855]
Pete BUrT9tt
Equip ServIces
Superlntendent {4835]
Marle Shamp
LIght Operations
Manager {4731]
Kevin Curlls
Treat Plant
Supervisor {4845]
Tom McCabe
SW Co/lactlon
Supervisor {4876]
Steve Evans
Landfill Supervisor
Dave Wilcox
Streat MaIntenance
. Supervisor (4825]
July 2, 1998
fDJ rn @ rn 0 \YJ rn In)
lJ1J JUL 2 I 1998 [J!)
Planning Department
Gary W. Kenworthy
Telephone message re WSDOT comm~ nts Cfl.~~_8 to I Incoln
Mr. Dale Severson P.E., WSDOT Development Services Engineer, left me a voice message
this morning stating that he had been In conversation with Rite-Aid's traffic consultant, Mark
Jacobs, and that he was not aware that 9th Street was a sensitive residential street at the time
of him comments dated June 19,. 1998. He further stated that they would not oppose the
access onto Lincoln, as proposed, since it is located as far as feasible from the 8th Street
signal. In closing he stated that the City has the final call on the Lincoln Street access. I called
Mr. Severson at WSDOT to onfirm his comments.
GWK gk
File. 98-07.08
321 East Fifth Street, Port Angeles, Washington 98362 Phone: (360) 417-4750
Brad Collms, Dlreclor, ExtensIOn 475/, Sue Roberds, extensIon 4750, Dal'ld Sawyer, Ex/enslon 4752
August 4, 1998
Mayor Braun, Councilmembers, and Manager Ibarra
Planning Department
Letters Regarding the Northwest Permit Rezone Application
The attached information was submitted following the close of written public comment for the Planning
Commission's consideration and was set aside to be copied for the Council's deliberation. In so doing, the
attached materials were overlooked in the copying process.
The comments include a letter from Bob and Kathleen Bailey, a letter from a neighbor, Janelle Gellein, and
two additional petition signers. The Bailey's did refer to the letter during testimony for the street vacation
application at the Planning Commission's public hearing and provided testimony at Council's July 21st
hearing regarding the rezone application.
This has been a long process and we apologize for the oversight.
, \f.P
Tut:" C;:r \ ..,.-. ~ TT\'=~ SECTION C c;: \ ""--on \', !.t:"np,' \ 1" l' , OQ.-
ii new nam~, a new outlookfollow a trip down the aisle
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A diagonal floor plan lS among 1M changes shoppers WIll see as RIte Aut converts PayLess stores. The remodeled stores ullll focus more on the
,hannacy and carry less general merchandise.
Rite Aid buyout means
new identity at PayLess
a, Jl'1 HILI.
Tnt Orfi!tmlO1l
PORTL-\ND - PayLess, wluch grew from a
;m~le drugstore In La Granae. Ore.. In 1939 to
JeCome pan 01 the West's biggest pharmacy cham,
S aoout to mssolve like an aspmn.
D3vLess store SI!(llS bel?<l1l comlnl1 down thiS
-'(J":'1 manung the end 01 an era lor a orana
ramutar to many Nonhwest reSidents. Bv the end
e' ',!:u-ch, more than 1.000 iormer PavLes, ana
T~.rutv stores WlU carry the Rite Aid name
The new name will be tne most Visible In a
senes of changes since Rite .o\Jd of Camp Hill. Pa..
bought Thnfty PavLess HoldJngs a year ago.
Rite Aid execuuves 5aId sales at Thnftv Pav.
Less stores declmed 5 percent last year. The
company QWckJy started trying to reverse that.
Since the aCOUlsltlon RIte .o\Jd has put nearly
85v 01 Its more tr.an 1.000 oranaed prooucts Into
the West u>ast stores and hOOKed the pharmaaes
Into Rite ..lud s l::teraCU\ e LOmDUler Sl stem.lt also
has sold Thnin PavLess sDrawlmg Wilsonville.
Ore.. headquaners and warehouse complex
As the transluon began. RIte AId expected to
save about $65 lrulllOn dW1Ilg the first full year of
operation through lower adrmruslrauve and over.
head costs and more efiiaent purchaSing.
"We're nght on target," 5aId MartIn Grass.
Rite AId chairman and c1uef executive officer.
For customers, the most noticeable changes
will come dunng the next three years as Rite Aid
remodels or relocates most of the Thnft\' and
Pay Less stores as pan oi an effort to boost ItS West
Coast market share.
Analysts generallv rate the acqwslOon as a
success for RJte AId but acknowledge some
drfficulnes In mergmJ;: dJfferent cultures.
"RIte AId IS a more mSCIplmed companv than
Thnft\' PavLess was S31d MeredJth Adler. an
analyst With Lenman Brotners It pal5 more
attention to expense control. she S31d but the
PLE\SE SEE Drugsrores 0," C 4
buyout results
. .
In uneasy mIX
,-O:-.T1:>;lIED FROM C 1
West Coast company's larger stores \
. "111 challenge It
Rite AId's new and remodeled I
stoces W1lI be smaller and carrv less
general merchanchse than the 1'hnft;. 'I
and PayLess outlets. The pharmacy
will be the centerpiece oi remodeled I
Traditional drugstore oroduct
lines such as neaJth ana oeaut). alas i
also w1l1 be emphasIZed at the ex- \
pense of some general merchanchse.
Rite Aid offers prescnpuon retill
;enlce over the Internet. dnve- I
through wmdows at some stores and \
a 24-hour hot hne for adv1ce on
:ne<lJcmes and Side effec:s.
The transItion apparently has \
been more painful for some employ- I
""s "han lOr most c:.:s:c:r.ers In
adchtlon to those who lost their Jobs
because of the Thnfty PayLess'
headquarters closure m December,
some have left the new company
because they were unhappy.
DetaJls are elUSive because RIte I
AId employees are mstrUcted not to
speak to the news med1a. One phar-
rnaost, however. saId she left RIte
AId m September and took a surular
Job With Safeway because 01 the long
hours and amount of wort< she iaced
at RIte AId.
'It became all dollars ana cents."
she SaId.
Grass acknowledgea that not all I
Thnfty Pay Less workers embraced I
RIte AId's methods. I
"Whenever you have a tranSItion. \
a small number (of emoloveesl have
chfficulty With It," he sallL I'
He acknowledged that Rite .-\1d
ilrobab1y IS more demanOUlg 01 ItS
employees and places more empha-
SIS on management S\ stems and I
technology I
Like other leaders m the drug- I
-:~:"e '''!dU5tn F1te.l,r ~,"".,tmues to
ilrowl lor acqwsltlons. In August.
Rite AId bought two smaller drug- !
store chams, Harco and K&B. adchng I
...').? ."nre c:tnrec:
RIte .-\1d's growtn ::-om nuge (Q i
huger last year probably was a good I
thing. SaId Lehman Brothers' Adler. ;
She SaId the acqwSlUons '-:1ake a lot '
of sense tor RIte AIa be1:ause UuS IS I
an mdusO'V that needs to consohdate I
::J =t<Un prootaDlhrv '
"I like RIte AId stOCX. I've got a I
strong DUV on It." one Sala. "They ,
have a lot of work to do. but the \'
lbrifty PayLess acqwsmon posItions
them well for the future."
Janelle K. Gellein
110 E. 9th St.
Port Angeles, WA 98362
(360) 417-2081
:'-AR' '008 I : :J ~
., ,~..... ,
March 6, 1998
City of Port Angeles
Planmng Commission
321 E. 5th St.
Port Angeles, WA 98362
RE. Proposed rezomng Northwest Permit REZ 98-02 for the BALDRIDGE GROUP
Attn: Planmng Commission
I am writing In regarding the above proposed rezoning permit. I am the owner of the property
located at 110 E. 9th St.. Port Angeles, WA.
I am opposed to this rezoning application for the follOWing reasons:
. The WIdth of East 9th Street at the present time Will not allow (2) vehicles to pass each
other heading either East and West at the same time.
. It is very difficult to gain access or to cross on Lincoln Street from 9th heading west.
. It is very difficult to gain access or to cross 8th Street from Laurel Street heading north.
· Additional traffic due to a business would endanger the safety of the neighborhood.
· I beheve that there would be an increase In crime in the neighborhood.
· I beheve that fire protection would be jeopardized.
· I believe that there would be an Increase in loitering In this commercial area
· I beheve that there would be an increase In hazards due to large commercial deliveries
being made to the proposed business.
· I beheve that the waste disposal generated by this bUSiness would represent a hazard to
the neighborhood.
· The lighting of a commercial property would compromise the beauty of the neighborhood.
· Large delivery trucks are unsightly.
· Commercial recycling of trash and receptacles would be unsightly in the neighborhood.
Page 2
March 6, 1998
City of Port Angeles
Planmng Commission
. The City of Port Angeles has several available sites already zoned to accommodate this
proposed development.
. Many of the unoccupied sites in the city of Port Angeles have adequate traffic control,
planmng and parking for commercial customers.
. Other areas of the city would be more properly sUited to this type of development.
I personally feel that this proposed rezoning is not beneficial to anyone in the community with
the exception of the landowner. There are established businesses on 8th Street which act as
a buffer for the traffic noise and danger. Removing the houses on 9th Street facing north
would contribute to elimInating a buffer and placing commercIal business in the front yards of
an established family neighborhood.
I moved to Port Angeles approximately (2) years ago from BOise, Idaho. I moved to escape
the madness of a City In which the city fathers practices "crony capitalism" with very little regard
to the long-term community members wishes. The core of BOIse's downtown had been
redeveloped successfully and a revitalization to the downtown business community was felt
many years before the City fathers sold out to large corporations and their tantalizing offers.
I have attached a copy of an article In the Saturday, February 14, 1998, Seattle Times, which
states, "Rite Aid expected to save about $65 million during the first full year of operation
through lower administrative and overhead costs" the overhead costs include capital
expansion In ~ommunities like Port Angeles. The article goes on to state that "Rite Aid
continues to prowl for acquisitions". I am not opposed to a health bottom line In corporate
Amenca, I own stock in mutual funds too. I am opposed to the consolidation and profitability of
thiS corporation, with little or no regard for employee's or communities.
I Will be hving across the street from this project if it is approved. I believe the elected official
of the City of Port Angeles need to take a comprehending approach to the.commumty
members of this neighborhood.
Janelle K Gelleln
fD) rn @ rn 0 ~7 ~ :~,
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City of Port Angeles
Planning commiSSion
321 East 5th St.
Port Angeles, WA 98362
Planning Commission
I am writIng In regard to the proposed rezone of Lots 13 through 16 on East 9th Street
between Laurel and Lincoln Streets
I am th~f1er(s)tr9...tQ[(s) of the property located at
I oppose this rezoning applicatIon for the following reasons:
This established neighborhood IS one of the oldest In the City of Port Angeles I-eo"ght
and/or rent my home in this I,elgl,bud lood because I want to raise my rdlllily In a qaatity-
-environment, not a business dlstnct The Integnty and aesthetics of the Cherry Hill vicinity
would be compromised with any further business district encroachment.
The traffic Impact of yet another business, which accesses Laurel. 8th Street, Lincoln, and
9th Street would compromise the safety of myself and my famIly /~~t: Uh-se7e6~V7
------ -----~-----
The quality of life we have enjoyed in this reSidential neighborhood would be diminished by
nOIse, traffic, artIfiCial lighting, refuse removal and the unknown dangers business brings to
a community, -such as robberies, vandalism and loitenng.
The City of Port Angeles has many vacant, undeveloped and established sites already
zoned for business use In this VICinity These sites could be further developed for
commercial use without further encroachment on this established neIghborhood"
For the above stated reasons l/we hereby oppose the rezoning of this area as stated In the
Northwest Permit REZ 98-02
I/we understand if this project IS approved for rezonrng, it will then set a precedent.
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City of Port Angeles
Planning commiSSion
321 East 5th St.
Port Angeles, WA 98362
ill rn@rnO\Ylrn ill
.~ ' ~ ''"'98
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Planning Commission:
I am writing In regard to the proposed rezone of Lots 13 through 16 on East 9th Street
between Laurel and Lincoln Streets.
I am the Owner(s)/renter(s) of the property located at
) \q Ll CI tl-' :)t
I oppose this rezoning application for the follOWing reasons.
. This established neighborhood is one of the oldest In the City of Port Angeles. I bought
and/or rent my home In this neighborhood because I want to raise my family In a quality
environment, not a business district. The Integrity and aesthetics of the Cherry Hill vicinity
would be compromised with any further business district encroachment
. The traffic impact of yet another business, which accesses Laurel, 8th Street, Lincoln, and
9th Street would compromise the safety of myself and my family.
. The quality of life we have enjoyed in this residential neighborhood would be diminished by
nOise, traffic, artificial lighting, refuse removal and the unknown dangers business bnngs to
a community, such as robberies, vandalism and loitering.
. The City of Port Angeles has many vacant, undeveloped and established sites already
zoned for business use In this vicinity.' These sites could be further developed for
commercial use without further encroachment on this established neighborhood.
For the above stated reasons l/we hereby oppose the rezoning of this area as stated in the
Northwest Permit REZ 98-02.
l/we understand If this project IS approved for rezoning, It will then set a precedent.
L' .'
Sincerely, _+--I)~ ~\,,-, ,-~L-
Lj'\~ -tK -\ ') '\'\-I.-H,_
Name :2. \ q "\._ q --\\,,-
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June 23, 1998
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JUN 2 5 1998 j U ',;11
Sue Roberds, Planning Office Specialist
City Planning Department, City Hall
321 East Fifth St
Port Angeles, W A 98362
RE: Northwest Permit for the Baldridge Group
The Bailey's wish to go on record as NOT apposing the request by the Baldridge Group to rezone
the property known as Lots 1-6 and 13-16. Block 268 (southwest corner of 8th and Lincoln Streets).
However, we do wish to add that we have concerns. We also support the concerns of our neighbors.
We feel the primary focus of any rezone decision must be rendered in favor of the neighborhood.
This area is residential. These are our homes; our lives center here. Several generation of families
have raised their children herl'; during my life time. My parents purchased our property in the early
1930's. Most of the "old neighbors" are gone. My mother, at age 93, the Jacobson boy's, Mrs. Kidd
on loth Street and myself are from that "old neighborhood". It was a great place to live and grow up
and still can be a great place with the rezone provided residential standards are maintained.
Living next to the ally, we are not strangers to commercial business's. From the time of Dean's
Market (now Butcher Boones) and Nailor's Lumber Company (now Peninsula Counseling),
residential and commercial have lived in peace and hannony. This is still the case. Butcher Boone's
place is old but the property is kept clean, free from odd and little or no noise. The Salvation Army
just to the north of to us has certainly caused a lot of problems for us due to the nature of their
business. However, they have always made every effort to correct and assist with solutions. They
are excellent neighbors.
The glass shop and drywall further down the ally has taken a toll on the condition of the ally. The
majority of the commercial traffic that services these business's use Lincoln to 9th Street to Laurel
then right at the alley; exiting on Lincoln once deliveries have been completed. There are
approximately 60 heavy commercial vehicles that use this alley weekly. Motor vehicles use the alley
as a frontage road to by-pass the congestion on 8th Street. We feel it is safe to say that the alley
between 8th and 9th is one of the heaviest traveled alley's in the City. As a result of this heavy usage,
the surface is trashed. The approach from Laurel onto the alley has broken pavement. The alley has
little surface pavement and is full of deep and large pot holes. The sidewalk in front of our home
at the alley is broke and the grade lower from heavy vehicles driving over it attempting to negotiate
that corner. Our garage has been hit twice; vehicles driving too close to the building to allow
movement of traffic going in the opposite direction (the traffic pattern in the alley mirror's that of
a two-way street).
The proposed site area is an eye sore. The appearance and condition of the houses located in that
section of the block are a disgrace. A new building, clean and maintained grounds would be a vase
improvement over the existing conditions.
Although we do not appose the rezone request, we do look to the City Council and the Planning
Commission to protect and assure our neighborhood receives the same standards and comfort as our
neighbors on Cherry Hill do.
The Baldridge Group needs to demonstrate they will be good neighbors. That they will respect our
property and quality of life by keeping business traffic (commercial and non-commercial) off of 9th
Street~ locate and direct outside lighting away from the houses in the area; keep noise at a minimal
(deliveries at a time and in an area as not to interfere sleeping, peace and quiet we all seek after a
busy days work; maintain and enforce an no loitering/loud music policy); dumpsters located in an
area that odors will not seep into our yards and houses; that employee parking will be provided on
their site and employee's will not be allowed to park on 9th or Laurel Street and willing to work with
the residents in the future as problems arise for us as a result of their business.
The homeowners on 9th Street and on Laurel Street have all demonstrated a pride in their homes and
for the neighborhood. The Baldridge Group must respect the values the homeowners have
established and insure these values be maintained.
We have no objection to the petition for vacating the alley being granted. However, we do feel that
the alley must be repaired and undergo routine maintenance. The alley cannot remain in it's present
t ({j ''1
Robert J. Bailey
~ ~ (\v\~ a~
t ~thleen Flora Bailey J
i 1-,4
Brad CollIns. DIrector. ExtensIon 4751; Sue Roberds.. Extension 4750; David Sawyer. Extension 4752
July 31, 1998
I .
I .
Mayor Braun, City Council members, and Interim Manager Pittis
Planning Department, Brad Collins, Planning Director
NORTHWEST PERMIT - Ninth Street between Lincoln and Laurel Streets
Council could concur with the recommendation of the Planning Commission to approve the rezone
request by adoption of the attached draft ordinance supported by the attached findings and
conclusions. or move to deny the proposal citingfindings and conclusions in support of the action.
On July 8, 1998, the Planning Commission conducted a public meeting for consideration of a request
submitted by Northwest Permit to rezone property from RS-7, Residential Single Family to CSD,
~ommunity Shopping District. Following the meeting, the Planning Commission voted 4 - 2 to
recommend approval of the proposal. The City Council conducted a public hearing on July 21,
1998. following which the City Council continued its deliberation to a special meeting -at which an
additional member of the Council could be present. It was later decided that a special meeting would
not be necessary but that the issue would be placed on Council's regular August 4 meeting for
action. Staff will be available for questions.
Sue Roberds, PI
Attachments: Ordinance
Fmdmgs and Conclusions
Staff Report
, . ',;.Ql
AN ORDINANCE of the Ci~ of Port Angeles
rezoning property located m Block 26& of the
Townsite of Port Angeles from Residential Single Family
to Community Shoppmg Oistrict and amending
Ordinance No. 2801, as amended.
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Port Angeles has held a
public meeting and recorded its recommendation to the City Council in the Planning
Commission minutes of July 8, 1998; and
WHEREAS, the requirements of the State Environmental Policy Act (Chapter
43.21C RCW) have been met; and
WHEREAS, the City Council, after a public hearing, finds that said rezone
would be in the best interest of the City and its citizens, would be consistent with the changed
circumstances since the previous zoning designation was adopted, and would be consistent with
the Comprehensive Plan;
Section 1 The Official Zoning Map (Ordinance No. 2801) is hereby amended
to change the zoning of the following described properties from RS- 7, Residential Single
Family, to CSD, Community Shopping District:
Lots 13, 14, 15, and 16, Block 268, Townsite of Port Angeles.
Section 2 The City Clerk is hereby directed to attach a copy of this Ordinance
to the Official Zoning Map and to file a certified copy with the Clallam County Auditor and
Clallam County Assessor.
Section 3 This Ordinance shall becOme effective five (5) days after the date of
PASSED by the City Coun~il of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting
of said Council held on the 21 st day of July, 1998.
Gary Braun, Mayor
Becky J. Upton, City Clerk
Craig Knutson, City Attorney
By Summary
Northwest Permit:
Based on the information provided in the public record including the application file, the
staff report and its attachments, comments received during the public comment period, the
Planning Commission's deliberation, and the public hearing testimony, the Port Angeles City
Council hereby finds:
1. The applicant, Northwest Permit submitted the application to the Planning
Department on February 9, 1998. A Determination of Completeness was issued on
February 12, 1998, and the written public comment period initially ran from
February 12, 1998 to February 27, 1998. In response to public request, the public
written comment period was extended to March 6, 1998.
2. The proposal is to rezone four lots (Lots 13, 14, 15 and 16 of Block 268 in the
Townsite of Port Angeles), approximately 28,000 square feet of property, from RS-7,
Residential Single Family to CSD, Commercial Shopping District (Attachment A to
the Planning Department Staff Report for REZ 98-03 dated July 8, 1998).
3. The proposed rezone is part of the applicant's overall proposal to develop 90,000 s.f.
of the southwest comer of Lincoln Street and 8th Street (extending to 9th Street) with
an approximately 17,000 s.f. retail store. The overall proposal includes this rezone
request and a street vacation request for the eastern portion of the EighthlNinth
Streets alley.
4. As part of the application's SEPA review, a traffic analysis was requested of the
applicant on February 13, 1998.
5. On April 20, 1998, the Planning Department received a letter from the applicant
waiving the City's 120 day permit processing requirement due to the applicant's
delay in preparing the requested traffic analysis. -
6. On May -14, 1998, the Planning Department received the requested traffic analysis
and on June 3, 1998, the Planning Department received an addendum to the analysis
with comments regarding Ninth Street, Laurel Street, and the EighthlNinth Streets
7. This application was originally scheduled for Planning Commission consideration
on March 11, 1998, at which time it was continued, due to lack of a traffic report and
a SEP A determination, to April 22, 1998. On April 22, 1998, it was again continued
for the same reason until June 10, 1998, at which time it was continued until July 8,
1998, to accommodate the resulting Mitigated Determination of Non Significance
(MDNS) required comment period.
8. The SEP A Responsible Official issued a MDNS for the proposal on June 3, 1998
(Attachment B to the Planning Department Staff Report for REZ 98-03 dated July
8, 1998). Mitigation measures include no commercial traffic access to the project
site from Ninth Street. The ~NS w~ mailed to all persons who submitte~~n
comments related to the applIcant's enVlTonmental checklist, and the comment period
for the MDNS ran until June 19, 1998.
9. On June 26, 1998, the City's SEPA Responsible Official re-issued the Mitigated
Determination of Non-Significance with an additional mitigation measure requiring
certain development aspects of the project be subject to further review.
10. The public had an opportunity to comm~nt on the proposal during the written
comment period provided which ran from February 12 to March 6, 1998. All of the
written comments received during this time are included as Attachment D to the
Planning Department Staff Report for REZ 98-03 dated July 8, 1998. The issues
addressed include increased traffic on Ninth Street, potential crime, increased noise
and lighting, the general impact of the project on the Cherry Hill residential area, and
the availability of alternative commercial properties.
I .
11. The subject area is within the undesignated area between the Comprehensive Plan's
Commercial land use designation to the north and the Residential designation to the
south. It is currently zoned RS-7.
12. The subject area is level and is currently developed with two single-family residences
and an unimproved parking lot used by a business located on property to the north
of the rezone area. The adjacent properties are developed with the following uses:
To the north:
To the south:
To the east:
To the west:
commercial uses;
single family residences;
single family residence; and
single family residences.
, 13. The adjacent properties are zoned as follows:
To the north:
To the south:
To the east:
To the west:
CSD; and
14. The City's Comprehensive Plan identifies Lincoln Street as a principal arterial street
and Eighth Street as a minor arterial street.
15. The traffic analysis noted the Eighth and Lincoln Street intersection currently
functions at an average level of service (LOS) D, and projected that in the year 2000
it will continue to functi~n at an average LOS of D with and without the proposed
16. The traffic analysis noted the Eighth and Lincoln Street intersection currently
functions at a seasonal level of service (LOS) E, and projected that in the year 2000
it will continue to function at a seasonal LOS ofE without the proposed project, and
a seasonal LOS of F with the project as proposed. The report projects the
intersection will operate at a seasonal LOS of E with the project if the project is
subject to the report's mitigation measures.
17. The City Engineer reviewed the traffic analysis and recommended a revision to the
report's mitigation measures. With the project subject to the revised mitigation 05 b
measures, the City Engineer states the average LOS for the Eighth and Lincoln
Streets intersection will remain at D in the year 2000, and the seasonal LOS will
remain at E.
18. The Department of Transportation comments are included as Attachment E to the
Planning Department Staff Report for REZ 98-03 dated July 8, 1998. They address
the impact of the overall project on the Lincoln Street and 8th Street intersection,
stormwater issues, signage requirements, and a recommendation the proposed
development of the overall site be accessed from 9th Street instead of Lincoln Street
(SR 101). .
19. Since the zoning for the subject property was adopted, there have been several
changes in circumstances relevant to the proposed rezone. First, the City has
approved several other rezones and/or street vacations in the same zone and vicinity
due to the need to locate larger scale retail stores than can be placed in the existing
block and street grid pattern. Second, the closure of the Rayonier Mill and expansion (.
of retail activity outside the City limits have occurred which have had a depressing
effect on business reinvestment in the City's retail areas.
Based on the information provided in the public record including the application file, the staff report
and its attachments, written comments received during the public comment period, the Planning
Commission's deliberation, the public hearing testimony, and the above findings, the Port Angeles
City Council hereby concludes:
A. The following Comprehensive Plan Policies are most relevant to the proposal: Land
Use Policies Al and A2, Cl, Dl, and E7.
B. The proposed rezone as mitigated in the project's revised MDNS dated June 26,
1998, is consistent with Comprehensive Plan Policies A I and A2, C 1, D I, and E7.
C. The proposal is .in the public use and interest and is compatible with the surrounding
zoning and land uses.
D. The proposed rezone will result in an increase of economic activity in the City, which
is in the public interest.
E. As mitigated in the project's revised MDNS dated June 26, 1998, the proposal will
not have a negative impact on adjacent residentially zoned and developed properties
along Ninth Street.
F. If the property is not developed as part of the applicant's overall development plan
as described in Attachment A to the Planning Department Staff Report for REZ 98-
03 dated July 8, 1998, and as mitigated in the project's revised MDNS attached as
Attachment B to the Planning Department Staff Report for REZ 98-03 dated July 8,
1998, the City should amend the Comprehensive Plan policies to ensure that high
intensity commerial development is served by arterial streets of sufficient size to
satisfy traffic demand and to lessen neighborhood traffic congestion or consider a
rezone of the property back to RS-7.
Adopted by the Port Angeles City Council at its meeting of August 4, 1998.
Gary Braun, Mayor
Becky J. Upton, City Clerk
Planning CommISsion Minutes
July 8, 1998
Page 5
Street between I.incaln and Laurel Street: Request to rezone property
designated RS-7, Residential Single Family, to CSD, Community Shopping
District. (This item is continued from June 10, 1998.)
Commissioner Nutter stated that she has a friend who is a property owner in the area and
would stand down from the proceedings if requested to do so. No one objected and so she
Senior Planner Sawyer reviewed the Planning Department's staff report recommending
approval of the request.
City Engineer Kenworthy stated that the Eighth Street intersection is fully protected in that
left turns are made only with a left turn arrow. He explained that the difference between
fully protected versus permissive traffic signalization is that permissive signalization is a turn
at will situation. The City would rather have fully protected signalization at this intersection
for the present.
In response to Commissioner Reed, Mr. Sawyer affirmed that Conclusion "F" suggested by
staff concludes that if the property is not developed as proposed, it should be rezoned back
to its residential designation.
Following lengthy discussion regarding the Washington State Department of
Transportation's comments as to access onto Lincoln (SR 101), it was determined that
whatever development occurs on the site would have to satisfy both the State's and the City's
concerns to proceed.
Commissioner Souders noted that the Planning Commission's discussion should be
concerned with the highest use that could develop on a CSD-zoned property and whether
those uses would be compatible at this locat.~on.
Planner Sawyer reminded the Commission that the rezone consideration is not for the entire
2.2 acre development proposal being presented by Northwest Permit, but only for the four
most southwesterly lots as the remainder of the properties are already zoned CSD. He added
that the environmental review performed for the rezone included the overall development
proposal as submitted by Northwest Permit, and if a significantly different development is
proposed, additional review under SEP A may result in different mitigation measures.
Engineer Kenworthy responded to Commission Ziakin explaining the difference between
average and seasonal traffic counts. Level of service (LOS) criteria are analyzed for average,
not seasonal, traffic counts. Seasonal LOS can drop below what is acceptable for the average
LOS. He responded to Commissioner Craver that he feels comfortable with the proposal and
the developer's ability to deal with the Department of Transportation's requirements for
development of the site. He further explained the information provided to the engineering
consultant used to formulate the requested traffic study of the Eighth/Lincoln Street
intersection and surrounding streets.
Pltl1llling Commission Minutes
July 8. 1998
Page 6
At Commissioner Souders' request, Planner Sawyer noted that mitigation measure No. 7 was
added to the proposal's Mitigated Determination of Non Significance following the
public/agency comment period by the Planning Director. He agreed that these measures are
also addressed in the City's zoning/development standards for the CSD zone. The added
mitigation measure requires continued review by the City's SEPA Official of the project's
design, landscaping and screening features. He stated that as he understood the mitigation
measures, a separate SEPA review process for the project's building permit would not be
required unless the original plans are significantly changed. Although he signed the revised
MONS as the Acting SEPA Official, Brad Collins is the City's SEPA Official, and was the
person who originally reviewed the project and issued the original MONS. Mr. Collins also
reviewed the subsequent public/agency comments and worded the additional mitigation
measure for the revised MONS prior to leaving on vacation. Consequently, if the Planning
Commission is concerned with the SEP A decision, they may wish to confirm this
interpretation of the additional mitigation measure (No.7) with Mr. Collins following his
return. The impact of developing the four lots individually was not performed and if
proposed, may require further environmental review if the proposed development qualifies
for SEPA review.
Scott Grainger, Baldridge Group, 600 University #3012, Seattle, 98101, responded at the
request of Commissioner Hewins that if the project is required by the Washington State
Department of Transportation (WSDOT) to access onto Ninth Street instead of Lincoln
Street, the project would probably not go forward. Access onto Ninth Street would also fly
in the face of the neighborhood's objections.
Commissioner Ziakin _summarized that there appear to be four key issues of concern: the
reduction of traffic safety; the issue of rezoning back to residential if the subject project does
not result as proposed; the WSDOT access issue onto Lincoln Street; and the impact of four
additional individual commercial lots being created on Ninth Street. lie asked the applicant
about attempts to- utilize available commercial properties.
Mr. Grainger responded that the subject prop.erty was not, and is not actively on the market.
Based on an in depth market analysis, the subject intersection was considered to be the best
site for the market to support the sales in the proposed commercial store. If the site is not
developable as proposed, Rite Aid will either remain at its existing Seventh/Lincoln Street
location, or close the store and channel business to the east side store. He explained what
criteria are used for site selection.
Commissioner Craver asked Mr. Grainger if Rite Aid has been working with WSDOT. Mr.
Grainger indicated that an access permit has been applied for but they have not begun talking
about mitigation measures. They are involved with approximately thirty projects state wide
with WSDOT and have an excellent working arrangement. If access onto Lincoln Street
cannot be obtained, he believes the project will not go forward.
Commissioner Reed wondered if, given the criteria of size, compatibility, direct benefit to 06
the owner/neighborhood, and isolation, could the proposal be considered a spot zone.
Planner Sawyer responded that in this case the contiguous CSD zone is being extended and
the proposal would not be a case of spot zoning.
Planning CommISsion Minutes
July 8. /998
Page 7
Commissioner Craver was concerned that if rezoned and not developed as intended, the
resulting four lots would impact the neighborhood far more than the proposed site
Commissioner Souders was concerned that the traffic impacts to surrounding neighborhood
streets has not been addressed adequately at this point. The traffic report deals mainly with
the main arterials, Lincoln and Eighth Streets, but not enough analysis has been performed
on the neighboring streets.
Commissioner Craver stressed that the professional traffic consultants and the City's
Engineering Division has reviewed the situation and has said that the resulting traffic
patterns will be acceptable and will not be affected with or without the project by the year
2000. Not being an expert on traffic, she feels that decision makers have to rely on those
who are skilled in dealing with traffic impacts.
In response to Commissioner Reed, as to what course of action would be taken if the site is
not developed as proposed, Planner Sawyer responded that, based upon Conclusion "F" in
staffs report, the Planning Commission could direct staff to schedule a rezone request on its
agenda for the four subject lots.
In response to Commissioner Nutter's statement that Eighth Street has been designated as
, a cross town bicycle route but that no accomodation to designate the Eighth Street frontage
of the site as such has been made, Engineer Kenworthy responded that bicycle lanes require
the elimination of parking. Giveri the width of Eighth Street at present, only the elimination
of parking along one side or the other would allow a designated bicycle lane.
Commissioner Craver s4ffiIl1arized that the issue is whether this proposal presents a logical
location for commercial development or not.
Commissioner Hewins moved to recommend approval of the rezone as proposed citing
the following findings and conclusions:
Based on the information provided In the public record including the application file, the
staff report and its attachments, comments received during the public comment period, and
the Planning Commission's deliberation, the City of Port Angeles Planning Commission
hereby finds:
1. The applicant, Northwest Permit submitted the application to the Planning
Department on February 9, 1998. A Determination of Completeness was issued on
February 12, 1998, and the written public comment period initially ran from
February 12, 1998 to February 27, 1998. In response to public request, the public
written comment period was extended to March 6, 1998.
The proposal is to rezone four lots (Lots 13, 14, 15 and 16 of Block 268 in the
Townsite of Port Angeles), approximately 28,000 square feet of property, from RS-7,
Residential Single Family to CSD, Commercial Shopping District (Attachment A to
- .-;1\
Planning CommISSion Minutes
July 8. 1998
Page 8
the Planning Department Staff Report for REZ 98-03 dated July 8, 1998).
3. The proposed rezone is part of the applicant's overall proposal to develop 90,000 s.f.
of the southwest comer of Lincoln Street and 8th Street (extending to 9th Street) with
an approximately 17,000 s.f. retail store. The overall proposal includes this rezone
request and a street vacation request for the eastern portion of the Eighth/Ninth
Streets alley.
4. As part of the application's SEP A review, a traffic analysis was requested of the
applicant on February 13, 1998.
5. On April 20, 1998, the Planning Department received a letter from the applicant
waiving the City's 120 day permit processing requirement due to the applicant's
delay in preparing the requested traffic analysis.
6. On May 14, 1998, the Planning Department received the requested traffic analysis
and on June 3, 1998, the Planning Department received an addendum to the analysis
with comments regarding Ninth Street, Laurel Street, and the Eighth/Ninth Streets
7. This application was originally scheduled for Planning Commission consideration
on March 11, 1998, at which time it was continued, due to lack of a traffic report and
a SEP A determination, to April 22, 1998. On April 22, 1998, it was again continued
for the same reason until June 10, 1998, at which time it was continued until July 8,
1998, to accommodate the resulting Mitigated Determination of Non Significance
(MONS) required comment period.
8. The SEPA Responsible Official issued a MDNS for the proposal on June 3, 1998
(Attachment B to the Planning Department Staff Report for REZ 98-03 dated July
8, 1998). The MDNS was mailed to all persons who submitted written comments
related to the applicant's environmental checklist, and the comment period for the
MDNS ran until June 19, 1998.
9. On June 26, 1998, the City's SEPA Responsible Official re-issued the Mitigated
Determination of Non-Significance with an additional mitigation measure requiring
certain development aspects of the project be subject to further review.
10. The public had an opportunity to comment on the proposal during the written
comment period provided which ran from February 12 to March 6, 1998. All of the
written comments received during this time are included as Attachment D to the
Planning Department Staff Report for REZ 98-03 dated July 8, 1998. The issues
addressed include increased traffic on Ninth Street, potential crime, increased noise
and lighting, the general impact of the project on the Cherry Hill residential area, and
the availability of alternative commercial properties.
The subject area is within the undesignated area between the Comprehensive Plan's
Commercial land use designation to the north and the Residential designation to the
south. It is currently zoned RS-7.
Plannmg CommISSIon Minutes
July 8. 1998
Page 9
12. The subject area is level and is currently developed with two single-family residences
and an unimproved parking lot' used by a business located on property to the north
of the rezone area. The adjacent properties are developed with the following uses:
To the north:
To the south:
To the east:
To the west:
commercial uses;
single family residences;
single family residenc~; and
single family residences.
Ie '.
13. The adjacent properties are zoned as follows:
To the north:
To the south:
To the east:
To the west:
CSD; and
14. The City's Comprehensive Plan identifies Lincoln Street as a principal arterial street
and Eighth Street as a minor arterial street.
15. The traffic analysis noted the Eighth and Lincoln Street intersection currently
functions at an average level of service (LOS) D, and projected that in the year 2000
it will continue to function at an average LOS of D with and without the proposed
16. The traffic analysis noted the Eighth and Lincoln Street intersection currently
functions at a seasonal level of service (LOS) E, and projected that in the year 2000
it will continue to function at a seasonal LOS of E without the proposed project, and
a seasonal LOS of F with the project as proposed. The report projects the
intersection will operate at a seasonal LOS of E with the project if the project is
subject to the report's mitigation measures.
17. The City Engineer reviewed the trafftc analysis and recommended a revision to the
report's mitigation measures. With the project subject to the revised mitigation
measures, the City Engineer states the average LOS for the Eighth and Lincoln
Streets intersection will remain at D in the year 2000, and the seasonal LOS will
remain at E.
18. The Department of Transportation comments are included as Attachment E to the
Planning Department Staff Report for REZ 98-03 dated July 8, 1998. They address
the impact of the overall project on the Lincoln Street and 8th Street intersection,
stormwater issues, signage requirements, and a recommendation the proposed
development of the overall site be accessed from 9th Street instead of Lincoln Street
(SR 101).
Based on the information provided in the public record including the application file, the staff report () ~ ~
and its attachments, written comments received during the public comment period, the Planning
Planning Commission Minutes
July 8. 1998
Page 10
Commission's deliberation, and the above findings, the City of Port Angeles Planning Commission
hereby concludes:
A. The following Comprehensive Plan Policies are most relevant to the proposal, Land
Use Policies Al and A2, Cl, Dl, and E7. .
B. If the property is developed as part of the applicant's overall development plan as
described in Attachment A to the Planning Department Staff Report for REZ 98-03
dated July 8, 1998 and mitigated in the project's revised MDNS attached as
Attachment B to the Planning Department Staff Report for REZ 98-03 dated July 8,
1998, the rezone is consistent with Comprehensive Plan Policies A 1 and A2, C 1, D 1,
and E7.
C. If the property is developed as part of the applicant's overall development plan as
described in Attachment A to the Planning Department Staff Report for REZ 98-03
dated July 8, 1998 and mitigated in the project's revised MDNS attached as
Attachment B to the Planning Department Staff Report for REZ 98-03 dated July 8,
1998, the rezone is in the public use and interest and is compatible with the
surrounding zoning and land uses.
D. If the property is developed as part of the applicant's overall development plan as
described in Attachment A to the Planning Department Staff Report for REZ 98-03
dated July 8, 1998 and mitigated in the project's revised MDNS attached as
Attachment B to the Planning Department Staff Report for REZ 98-03 dated July 8,
1998, the rezone will result in an increase of economic activity in the City.
E. If the property is not developed as part of the applicant's overall development plan
as described in Attachment A to the Planning Department Staff Report for REZ 98-
03 dated July 8, 1998 and mitigated in the project's revised MDNS attached as
Attachment B to the Planning Department Staff Report for REZ 98-03 dated July 8,
1998, the rezone could have a negative impact on adjacent residentially zoned and
developed properties along Ninth Street.
F. If the property is not developed as part of the applicant's overall development plan
as described in Attachment A to the Planning Department Staff Report for REZ 98-
03 dated July 8, 1998 and mitigated in the project's revised MDNS attached as
Attachment B to the Planning Department Staff Report for REZ 98-03 dated July 8,
1998, the City should consider a rezone of the property back to RS-7.
The motion was seconded by Commissioner Craver and passed 4 - 2, with
Commissioners Ziakin and Nutter voting in the negative.
Commissioner Ziakin stated that although he is in favor of commercial developmet;lt, he does
not believe the rezone is in the best interest of the community due to a reduction in traffic
safety, creeping encroachment into the residential neighborhood, the access issue to Lincoln
Street, and the impact of future commercial use of the four lots if the proposal does not go
forward. Commissioner Nutter agreed. Chair Reed noted that the City Council will conduct
a public hearing on July 21 st, 7 p.m
Planning Commission
~ ...Hanning Department
'Y July 8, 1998
REI 98-03
Northwest Permit
The Baldridge Group
Lots 13, ]4, 15 and ]6 of Block 268 in the Townsite of Port Angeles which
are located near the northwest intersection of Lincoln Street and 9th Street.
The proposal is to rezone four lots, approximately 28,000 square feet of
property, from RS-7, Residential Single Family to CSD, Commercial
Shopping District (see Attachment A).
The SEP A Responsible Official issued a Mitigated Determination of Non-Significance for the
proposal on June 3: 1998 (attached as Attachment B). The MONS was mailed to all persons who
submitted written comments related to the applicant's environmental checklist and the -comment
period for the MDNS ran until June 19, 1998. on June 26, ]998, the City's SEPA Responsible
Official re-issued the Mitigated Detennination of Non-Significance with an additional mitigation
measure requiring certain development aspects of tho project be subject to further review
The proposed rezone is part of the applicant's overall proposal to develop 90,000 s.f of the
southwest comer of Lincoln Street and 8th Street (extending to 9th Street) with an approximately
] 7,000 s.f rctaiI store. The overa1l proposal includes this rezone request and a street vacation request
for the eastern portion of the 8th and 9th Streets alley.
This application is for a site specific rezone and is limited to a single public hearing which is scheduled
before the City Council on July 21, 1998. The Planning Commission will make its recommendation
~Iely on the information contained in the file and its disolssion during the public meeting. The public
had an opportunity to comment on the proposal during the noticed written comment period which
ran from February 12 to March 6, 1998. All of the written comments received during this time are
included as pan of this staff'report. The public will also be able to give verbal testimony at the public 0 6 6
PIIDDiD8 DeparIIIIeDl SIaff Report
REZ 98-03 - NOI1bwest PermIt
July 8. 1998
hearing before the City Council.
Please keep in mind this is a rezone decision and there is no assurance that a specific project will be
developed as ~ result of this action.
Location and Existing Land Uses:
The area proposed for rezone consists of four townsite lots (#13, #14, #15 and #16 of Block 268
TP A) located near the northwest comer of Lincoln Street and 8th Street. The area is level and is
currently developed with two single-family residences and an unimproved parking lot used by a
business located on property to the north of the rezone area. The adjacent properties are developed
with the following uses:
To the north:
To the south:
To the east:
To the west:
commercial uses~
single family residences~
single family residence~ and
single family residences.
Traffic Analysis:
A traffic analysis repon prepared for the overall development proposal (a 17,000 s.f. retail store on
a 90,000 sJ site) stated the 8th an~ Lincoln Street intersection currently functions at an average level
of service (LOS) ofD and projected that in the year 2000 it will continue to function at an average
LOS of D with and without the proposed project. The repon noted the 8th and Lincoln Street
intersection .currently functions at a seasonal LOS ofE and projected that in the year 2000 it will
continue to function at a seasonal LOS ofE without the proposed project and a seasonal LOS ofF
with the project. The repon also contains recommended mitigation measures which are listed as
below .
. ~.
1 Construct appropriate site frontage improvements in accordance with City code
2. Construct site driveways per applicable engineering requirements.
3. If required by the City modify the existing E. 8th StreetlLincoln Street traffic control
signal to provide protective/permissive left turn phasing.
4. Ifrequested by the City, reclwme1ize E. 8th Street between Lincoln Street and Laurel
Street to provide continuous left turn channelization.
WIth these mitigation measures, the repon projects the intersection's seasonal LOS will remain at E
with the proposed project.
PIaDIIiDI DepanmeDl Sraff Report
REZ 98-03 - Northwest Permit
July 8, 1998
The City Engineer reviewed the traffic 8D8lysis and noted the report used a S% traffic volume growth
filctor while the City and the PeninaJ1a Regional Transportation Planning Organi7..Rtion (RTPO) uses
a 2% factor in all projections and models for the City. Consequently, The City Engineer requested
an addendwn to the report with revised information based on the 2% growth factor and a review of
the project's potential impact on 9th Street, Laurel Street, and the 8th Street and 9th Street alley.
This addendum was received on June 3, 1998 and indicated the project would not have a significant
impact on these streetS based on the project's access on Lincoln Street and 8th Street with no access
permitted onto 9th Street. The City Engineer recommended a revision of the report's mitigation
measures to eliminate the modification of the signal's left turn ph_a,,! in order to keep a higher level
of protection for vehicles turning left. With the project subject to the revised mitigation measures,
the City Engineer states the average LOS for the 8th Street and Lincoln Street intersection will
remain at D in the year 2000 and.using the reca1a1lated projections at the City's standard 2% growth
factor, the seasonal LOS will remain at E.
I .
Since this application is only for the rezoning of Lots 13, 14, IS, and 16 and not for the applicant's
overall development plan, upon which the traffic analysis was based, it is unlikely any commercial
development of these 4 lots alone would impact Lincoln Street or 8th Street to a greater degree than
that projected in the submined traffic report. However, since the report's anticipated less than
significant impact on 9th Street and Laurel Street is based on the overall site's design with no access
onto 9th Street, development of the subject lots individually, would potentially increase traffic on 9th
Zomng Ordmance Review:
The purpose of the RS-7 and CSD zones are as follows:
BS=1. - This is a low density residential zone Intended to create and preserve urban
smgle family residential neighborhoods consisting of predominantly Single family
'homes on standard Townsite-size lots. Uses which are compatible With and
ftmcnonal/y related to a Single family resident/al enVironment may also be located
In thiS zone. .
CSD - ThIS is a commercial zone Oriented primarily to those businesses serving the
Immediate needs of the surrounding reSidential zones but IS slightly less restrictive
than the eN zone and as such provides a transition area from the most restrictive
commerCial zones to those of lesser restrictions.
The adjacent properties are zoned as follows.
To the north:
To the south:
To the east:
To the west:
CSD; and
PIaDDiJJI DepanmeDt Statf'Repon
REZ 98-03 - Northwest Pamlt
July 8. 1998
Paae ..
Comprehensive Plan Review:
The subject property falls within the undesignated area between the Comprehensive Plan's
Commercial land use designation to the north and a Residential dftCigJUrtion to the south. Please see
Attachment C which shows the subject area, the Comprehensive Plan's land use designations, and
the Zoning Code's zo~g designations. .
In the interest of conciseness, only those policies found to be most relevant have been cited.
However. all policies have been taken into consideration.
I .
, .
Land Use Element Policies
Goal A, Policy No. 1 - "The Comprehensive Plan Land use map should be used as a
conceptual guide for determining current and long range zoning and other land use
decisions. The map's /and use deSignations are intended to show areas where general /and
use types are allowed The area between land use designations should be considered an
imprecise margin in order to provide flexibility in determining the boundary of such areas.
When determining appropriate zoning designations for an area near a margin. the goals.
policies and objectives of the Land Use Element should take precedence. "
Goal A, Policy No.2. - "Allland use decisions and approvals made by the City Council
and/or D7V' of its appointed Commissions, Boards or Committees should be consistent with
the Comprehensive Plan and its land use map. "
Because the subject propeny is located in the undesignated area between two designated
areas, the City Council has the option of zoning the propeny consistent with either
designation. Which ever is chosen. a conclusion needs to be made that the zoning of the
subJ'ect property is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan's Goals and Policies -
Goal D, Policy No. 1 - "The City should:~ncourage new and existmg commercial
developments and businesses which are consistent With the goals and poliCies of this
Comprehensive Plan. "
The area of the proposed rezone is pan of a larger development site which if developed as
proposed. will resuh in the displacement of an existing professional office building and a glass
repair business and building supply store. It is anticipated these businesses will relocate to
other locations, hopefully, within the City limits. They will be replaced on the development
site by a proposed retail business. which will move from its existing location further north on
Lincoln Street. That building will then be available for use in accordance with that site's CSD
zoning. If all of this occurs as proposed and with the required mitigation measures, the
rezoning of the subject area will result in an increase of economic activity.
Goal E, Policy No. 7 - "District shopping areas should be located at the intersections of
arterial streets of sufficient size to satisfy traffic demand and at the boundaries of
PIaDDiDI DepanIDeDt SIaff Repan
RPZ 98-03 - Nonbwest Permit
July I, 1998
neighborhoods so that more than one neighborhood may be served "
The City's Comprehensive Plan identifies 8th Street as a minor arterial street and Lincoln
Street as a principal arterial street. As part of the plOject's environmental review, a traffic
analysis was prepared and the report's recommended mitigation measures as revised by the
City Engineer have been included as required mitigation measures for the project's Mitigated
Determination of Non-Significance. As mitigated, the City engineer has indicated he is
"comfortable with the project and the proposed traffic mitigation measures as revised."
I .
The proposed expansion of the CSD zoning is at a location where development of the
property can serve the residential neighborhoods to the east of Lincoln Street as well as the
neighborhood area to south and west of the property.
Public Comments:
Numerous written comments and a petition opposing the proposed rezone were received during the
public comment period which was originally scheduled to end on February 27 but was extended to
March 6. The petition and comments are included in Attachment D. The issues addressed include
increased traffic on 9th Street, potential crime, increased noise, lighting and the general impact of the
project on the Cheny Hill residential area. and the availability of alternative commercial properties.
Other Agency Comments:
}Vashinilon State Department of Transportation:
The Department ofTransponation's comments are included as Attachment E. They address
the impact of the overall project on the Lincoln Street and 8th Street intersection. stormwater
issues. signage requirements. and a recommendation the development of site be accessed from
9th Street instead of Lincoln Street (SR 101).
Other Department Comments:
Public Works Department:
The Public Works Department's comments are attached as Attachment F. They consist of
the City Engineer's comments on the traffic report and his recommended revisions to the
traffic report's recommended mitigation measures.
Fire D~artment:
The Fife Department's comments are attached as Attachment G. While they have comments
rel~t~ to other portions of the applicant' s overall development proposal, they have no
objections to ~e proposed rezone.
PIaImiD8 DepII1IDeDl5raft' Repon
REZ 9B-m - Northwest Permit
July 8. 1998
Pale 6
The Planning Department recommends the Planning Com~qjon forward to the City Council a
recommendation for approval of rezone application REZ 98-03 as proposed, citing the following
findings and conclusions.
c. .
Based on the infonnation provided in the public record including the application file, the staff report
and its attachments, comments received during the public comment period, and the Planning
Commission's deliberation, the City of Port Angeles Planning Commission hereby finds:
1. The applicant, Northwest Permit submitted the application to the Planning
Department on February 9, 1998. A Determination of Completeness was issued on
February 12, 1998 and the public written comment period initially ran from February
12, 1998 to February 27, 1998. In response to public request, the public written
comment period was extended to March 6, 1998.
2. The proposal is to rezone four lots (Lots 13, 14, 15 and 16 of Block 268 in the
Townsite of Port Angeles), approximately 28,000 square feet of property, from RS-7,
Residential Single Family to CSD, Commercial Shopping District (Attachment A to
the Planning Department Staff Report for REZ 98-03 dated July 8, 1998).
3 The proposed rezone is part of the applicant's overall proposal to develop 90,000 sJ
of the southwest comer of Lincoln Street and 8th Street (extending to 9th Street)
with an approximately 17,000 s.r retail store. The overall proposal includes this
rezone request and a street vacation request for the eastern ponion of the 8th and 9th
Streets alley.
4 As part of the application's SEPA review, a traffic analysis was requested of the
applicant on February 13, 1998. .
5. On April 20, 1998, the Planning Department received a letter from the applicant
waiving the City's 120 day permit processing requirement due to the applicant's delay
in preparing the requested traffic analysis.
6. On May 14, 1998, the Planning Department received the requested traffic analysis and
on June 3, 1998, the Planning Department received an addendum to the analysis with
comments regarding 9th Street, Laurel Street, and the 8th and 9th Streets alley.
7. This application was originally scheduled for Planning Commission consideration on
March II, 1998 at which time it continued due to the lack of a traffic report and a
SEP A determination to April 22, 1998. On April 22, 1998 it was again continued for
the same reason until June 10, 1998 at which time it was continued until July 8, 1998
PIaDDiDI Depar1IIJeIIt Slaff'Report
REZ 9~ - Nonbwest Pamit
July 8, 1998
. \ ..-tY'4~: "
Il> ~"....
~_~; 4\..r1-~.
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to accommodate the MONS comment period.
The SEP A RespoDSlble Official issued a Mitigated Determination of Non-Significance
for the proposal on June 3,.1998 (Attachmf!nt B to the Planning Depanment Staff
Report for REZ 98-03 dated July 8, 1998). The MONS was mailed to all persons
who submitted written comments re1ated to the applicant's environmental checklist
and the comment period for the MONS ran until June 19, 1998.
On June 26, 1998, the City's SEP A RespoDSlble Official re-issued the Mitigated
Determination of Non-Significance with an additional mitigation measure requiring
certain development aspects of the project be subject to further review.
The public had an opportunity to comment on the proposal during the noticed written
comment period which ran from February 12 to March 6, 1998. All of the written
comments received during this time are included as Attachment D to the Planning
Department Staff Report for REZ 98-03 dated July 8, 1998. The issues addressed
include increased traffic on 9th Street, potential crime, increased noise and lighting
and the general impact of the project on the Cherry Hill residential area, and the
availability of alternative commercial properties.
The subject area is within the undesignated area between the Comprehensive Plan's
COll'lJ1\Cl cialland use designation to the north and the Residential designation to the
south. It is currently zoned RS-7.
The subject area is level and is currently developed with two single-family residences
and an unimproved parking lot used by a business located on property to the north of
the rezone area. The adjacent properties are developed with the following.uses:
To the north:
To the south:
To the east:
To the west:
commercial uses;
single family rest6ences;
single family residence; and
single family residences
13. The adjacent properties are zoned as follows:
To the north:
To the south:
To the east:
To the west:
CSD; and
14. The City's Comprehensive Plan identifies Lincoln Street as a principal arterial street
and 8th Street as a minor arteria1 street.
The traffic analysis noted the 8th and Lincoln Street intersection currently functions
. ~
I'IaDDiD8 Dcpar1meDl SIaff Rcpan
REZ 98-03 - NonbweSt Permit
July I, 1998
at an average level of service (LOS) D and projected that in the year 2000 it will
continue to fimction at an average LOS ofD with and without the proposed project.
16. The traffic analysis noted the 8th and Lincoln Street intersection currently functions
. at a seasonal level of service (LOS) E aDd projected that in the year 2000 it will
continue to function at a seasonal LOS of E without the proposed project and a
seasonal LOS ofF with the project as proposed. The report projects the intersection
will operate at a seasonal LOS ofE with the project if the project is subject to the
report's mitigation measures.
17. The City Engineer reviewed the traffic analysis and recommended a revision of the
report's mitigation measures. WIth the project subject to the revised mitigation
measures, the City Engineer states the average LOS for the 8th and Lincoln Streets
intersection wiD remain at D in the year 2000 and the seasonal LOS will remain at E.
18. The Department of Transportation comments are included as Attachment E to the
Planning Department Staff Report for REI 98-03 dated July 8, 1998. They address
the impact of the overall project on the Lincoln Street and 8th Street intersection,
stormwater issues, signage requirements, and a recommendation the proposed
development of the overall site be accessed from 9th Street instead of Lincoln Street
(SR 101).
Based on the information provided in the public record including the application file, the staff report
and its attachment, written comments received during the public comment period, the Planning
Commission's deliberation, and the above findings, the City of Port Angeles Planning Commission
hereby concludes
A The fonowing Comprehensive Plan Poli~es are most relevant to the proposal, Land
Use Policies Al and A2, CI, Dl, and E7.
B If the property is developed as part of the applicant's overall development plan as
desaibed in Attachment A to the Planning Department StaffRepon for REZ 98-03
dated July 8, 1998 and mitigated in the project's revised MONS attached as
Anachment B to the Planning Department Staff Report for REZ 98-03 dated July 8,
1998, the rezone is consistent with Comprehensive Plan Policies A 1 and A2, C I, D 1,
and E7. .
If the property is developed as part of the applicant's overall development plan as
descnbed in Attachment A to the Planning Department StaffRepon for REZ 98-03
dated July 8, 1998 and mitigated in the project's revised MONS attached as
A1tachment B to the Planning Department StafrRepon for REZ 98-03 dated July 8.
1998, the rezone is in the public use and interest and is compatible with the
_ _~::i
PlaIIDiDI DeparaDeDl SIaff Report
REZ 98-03 - Northwest Permit
July 8.1998
surrounding zoning and land uses.
D. If the property is developed as part of the applicant's overall development plan as
descnbed in Attachment A to the Planning Department Staff'Report for REZ 98-03
dated July 8, 1998 and mitigated in the project's revised MONS attached as
Attachment B'to the Planning Department Staft"Report for REZ 98-03 dated July 8,
1998, the rezone will result in an increase of economic activity in the City.
I .
E. If the property is pr( developed as part of the applicant's overall development plan
as descnbed in Attachment A to the Planning Department Staff'Report for REZ 98-03
dated July 8, 1998 and mitigated in the project's revised MONS attached as
Attachment B to the ~~artment Staft"Report for REZ 98-03 dated July 8,
1998, the rezone ~~^have a negative impact on adjacent residentially zoned and
developed properties al~ng 9th Street.
F If the property is not developed as part of the applicant's overall development plan
as described in Attachment A to the Planning Department Staff'Report for REZ 98-03
dated July 8, 1998 and mitigated in the project' 5 revised MONS attached as
Attachment B to the Planning Department Staft"Report for REZ 98-03 dated July 8,
1998, the City should consider a rezone of the property back to RS- 7.
This action constitutes a recommendation to the City Council, which has final authority
~ G.'~ ~ ~ tL.- ~.-~ ~a--
c .
. .
(. (
Rezone Application
OR I'G iNAL"/9i1
1. (A) APPLICANT Northwest Permit- Deborah Hart or Geny Stewart Daytime Phone 2~37~833 II '.
Address 2320 Fust Avenue 1#250. Seattle. WA 98121 Phone 206-37~833
(B) PROPERTY OWNER (If other than applicant) 1bc Baldridge Group - Allen KaIID
Property Owner's Address (If other than applicant) 11906 Mancbester Road 1#204. St Louis, MO 63131
Daytime Phone 314-966-2300 ,
(C) APPLICANrS REPRESENTAT7VE if other than applicant or property owner As Per App1ic:anl Above
2. (A) Legal Description of Subject Property See Ab~hed
(8) General Location of Subjed Property Lincoln Saeet ad betweeD 8th and 9th Street
3. SIZe of Subject Property 90.000 Tow Sne sq.ft. 1/2 blocks 2.06 Total Site acres.
4. Zom"g of Subjed Property CSD &: RS7 Proposed Zoning Designation eso
5. Charactenstics of Subject Property (how is it developed) The subjeCt Site IS made up of the Eastern' 300
!eet of the North and South sides of the Block sunoundcd by E.-lib St.. S. Larmln St and E 9th St The Northcrt~. ponloD
of t~ Site IS cwrenly Zoned CSD. the SoUlherly poftJOn IS Zoned RS7 There are 3 eXlSt.lDg S~e Family Residences on
t~ Southerlv portion of our Sne. The Nonhelry pOrtion of our Sae C:ODIaUIS and ExIsting 27.000s.r. WmebousclOffice
6. Characteristics of Surrounding Area (what uses are around the property) Coamdcnng our Enure
proJcct :IS the .SubJect Site. the swroundmg Zoning IS as follows: Nonh: Commeraal - East. CommcrcaaJ
South Rcsldcn1aaJ
West Front (Northerly) ponieD: CSD / Rear (Southerly) polUOn: RS7
Comprehensive Plan Designation of Property CSO &: RS7
CITY OF PORT ANGELES PllI"""~, J1/ Etut FiftJ. S".,. P.o. Box I/JO, Pon Allpln. WA 98J62 (J60) 411-11JO
" .........-.. - I , . ~ r.::- . ~ ^
. ..... Applic8non
hie 2 aU
Comprehensive Plan Designation of Surrounding Properties Whole She: N.E. W.NW :CSD~ S&SW:Res.
Applicable Comprehensive Plan Policies The &umhJndinlP Nothertv 8ICI is 2CDCraIh' ConmleJt:iaJ in nature.
AllowlIJ2 tIus Site to be DI'ODCrIv assembled and to ODCIIte as a whole will add to the overaIllIIUIII2e of the area
(A) Relationship to Comprehensive Plan The R.ezoDe Request meets the ot8cctJVe for the c:omprcbcnstve plan for
the area
(B) Suitability of Property for Proposed Zoning WIa we c:onsiderthe Site as a whole it is generally sumnmded
on J Sides wrth commercial zoning and eXlSUng uses. The area withiD the block with the Smgle Family zoning does not
allow for well assembled plamung or. developrneDl of this ~0pClty.
(C) Change in Circumstances Since Original Zoning Commercial uses have c:onunued to mcrease in the area
sunounchng the subjCCt property.
(D) Inappropriateness of Current Zoning The ",911'8 ate is spilt down the nuddle bv zomng classifical1on. nus
pn:cludcs any cohesrve deve10pmeDl plan for the propeft)..
, 1. I CERTIFY that all of the above statements are true to the best of my knowledge and
acknowledge that wilful misrepresentation of infonnation will immediately terminate this
81 NA -R".
I. 13.9~
Fj'- ~o. RE z. q<< -03
Rbweivect.Z - 9 - 9{y'
Hearing(s)1. 3' -II t.~ ~- ?-9tf'
. -
Jamwy 13, 1998
. Northwest Permit Inc. is the applicant on behalf of the future owners of 1bc property for t;his
Rezone application. Along with this Rezone, we have requested 8 Street V lICBIion for an
alleyway that currently divides the property. The conlBCts in our office are Deborah Hart and
Geny Stewart. The address for Northwest permit is 2320 First A venue, Suite 250, Seattle,
Washington 98121. The phone numbers for NWP are (206) 374-0833 and fax (206) 374-0834.
Our e-mail addressisP~w@aol.com. The cuneot owner of this property is Mr. Robert
German. care of NW Retai1 parmers, Mr. Scott Grainger, 600 University Street, Suite 3012,
Seattle, W A 98101, phone number (206) 343-9204.
2. (a) & (b)
The legal description, tax account numbers and addresses are attached to this document, as they
are qwte lengthy.
The total Site is 2.06 acres. or 90,000 square feet. The portion of the Site to be rezoned is
approximately 35,000 square feet. takmg the requested alley vacation into consideration.
The total Site is rcc:umgular in shape. and relatively flat, with 8 sloped area along East 9'" S~
The portlon to be rezoned faces 9'" S1reet, and is contained by South Lmcoln to the East, and a
re5ldentfal property to the West. There arc three existing Single Family strUctures on the portion
of the property to be rezoned., and 8 commercial Offic:dWarebouse buildmg on the balance of the
Site facmg East 8110 Street. The alley for which we have, requested Vacation bisects these two uses
and our proposed Site heading East and West '
The SWTOunding properties are as follows when we consider our Site as a complete package:
North, commercial~ East, commercial~ South. residential; and West. for the "Front" (Northerly)
poruon of the Site, commercial, for the "Rear" (Southerly) portion. residennal. The surrounding
area. especaally along East 8111 Street. is primarily commerciallretailm nature. South Laurel Street
adJOIDS thIS property approximately two hundred feet to the West. It appears that all of the streets
SWTOundmg this project are arterial in nature.
. The existing property is zoned CSD for the Northerly portion, and RS7 for the Southerly portion
/J 7...
The requested Zoning is to have our entire Site zoned CSD.
In talking with Sue Roberts of your office. the specific Comprehensive Plan citations win be
added to this request at a later time.
All comprehensive plans carrY an outline for citywide growth. The area in which this property is
located is mostly commercial in nature. The Rezone will allow a cohesive development of this
property. with a consistent Zoning for the entire Northeast 300 feet of this block. A conunercial
development on this portion of this block will be in keeping with the uses and intent of the area.
This project will provide a clean, public-mendly area, with sidewalks and access from the
residential areas not only for this project, but also for the existing businesses in the area.
Please note for this item. as well as for item one, a second copy of the Rezone request, signed byithe current property owner. accompanies this application.
YOW' cOnsideration of this request is appreciated. If you have any questions. please contact our
e. ... _'
January 19, 1998
Mr. Scott Grainger
Northwest Retail Pannen. Ltd.
600 University St., Suite 3012
Seattle, W A 9810 I
Rc: Rezone Application
Street Vacation Application
Lots 1-6 iaclusive, Lots 13-16 inclusive
Block 268, Townsite ofPon Anples, WA.
Dear Scott:
This letter shall serve as Owner's pennissiOD to Boardwalk Development. its agents
and/or assigns to file the necessazy Rezone Application, Street Vacation Application, and
other docwnentation as requested by the city of Port Angeles in association with the
proposed retail development oc:curriag at Lots 1-6 inclusive. Lots 13-16 inclusive
Block 268, loWDSitc ofPon Angeles, W A.
. Robert X. German
It B B-
f ~v::-'~tIJ,) t WAt
. . .
I .
Memornndwn '
To: Deborah Lynn Hart. N. W. Pamit
From: Allen Kann. Boardwalk Development
Date: 01/27/98
I .
Re: Authori7.ation to Nonhwest Pmnit
This Memorandum is intended as authorization to North\Yest Permit to apply
and process permits on behalf of us for the property legally desaibed as
Lots 17-18, Block 268, TO'M'lsite of Port Angeles, WA
If you have any questions, please feel free to call me on 314-966-2300. Your
assistance is appreciated.
Very Truly Yours,
Allen Kam
Executive Vice President
A (r>
NO. G12-3-1 EIGHTH ST.
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Prepared for
112 Fifth Ave. N.
Seattle, WA 98109
Prepared by
2101 -1121h Ave. N.E., Suite 110
Bellevue, Washington 98004
Telephone - (425) 455-5320
FAX - (425) 453.7180
May 7, 1998
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May 7. 1998
Mr. Kent Heasley
c/o Mr John Tneger
112 Fifth Ave. N.
Seattle. WA 98109
, .
Re' Port Angeles Rite Aid Drugstore #5257
Traffic Imoact AnalysIs
Dear Mr HeaSley
We are pleased to submit this traffic Impad analysIs for the proposed Port
,ngeles Rite AId Drugstore #5257 proJect. The proJect consists of a 16.750 sq. ft.
Jrugstore bUildIng with dnve-up service and IS located at 120 East 8th S1. In the City of
Port Angeles
We have vIsIted the proJect site and surrounding street network. The work
Included In thIS repon IS based on our telephone conversation with Gary Kenworthy.
:=> E.. City Engmeer of the City of Port Angeles The City of Pon Angeles TransponatJon
ServIces ana FacIlitIes Plan. October 1996. prepared by Entranco Engineers was .
~rovlaea b~' Ihe ClIv We have revIewed thiS Cllv document ana have utilized data from
thIS repon wnere appropnate.
The conClusions and recommendations begin on page 9.
FIgure ~ IS a VICInity map shOWing the location of the proposed site and the
surrounding street network. '
Figure 2 Shows a preliminary site plan prepared by Mulvanny Partnership plotted
j'''''arch 6, 1998 The plan consists of a 16.750 square foot drugstore bUilding wnh dnve-
up service ana 69 parKing stalls including three handicap stalls. Access to the prOject IS
proposed via two dnveways and an eXisting alley One of the driveways IS onto S.
~lncoln 51. one :~e other IS on E. 8th Street The allev accesses S.. Laurel Sf'. to'the
west of the SUDlect site .
~:)8(j2~8 0 8 6
~.1r Kent Heasley
tvlay 7 1998
Page - :? -
Full development of the 16,750 SQ. ft. Port Angeles Rite Aid Drugstore #5257
proJec(ls expected to occur later this year. However, we have used 2000 as the
hOrizon year for the purposes of this study
I .
The project site IS presently develQped. The development consists of three
single family dwelling Units and two commercial buildIngs. The smaller bUilding,
containing Mall Box Etc.. will remain. The larger building will be removed to make way
for the subject development.
S tree! FacIlities
Figure 3 shows eXisting traffiC control. number of street lanes. number of
acproacn lanes at Intersections, and other pertinent Information. The primary streets
ana me City's classification within the study area are as follows:
Lincoln St. (SR 101)
E. 8th Street
E. 9th Street
Laurel Street
Pnnclpal Arterial
Minor Artenal
Local Access
Local Access
'a;;.~ .Olumes
= Igure 4 shows the existing turning movement traffic volumes at the Lincoln
5t IE 8th 5t Intersection. The Intersection traffic volumes were counted by Tratflcount
on "ihursoay. April 16. 1998. The Port Angeles area incurs SIgnificant seasonal
fluctuation In traffic volumes due to substantial tounst traffic. Therefore. the collected
aata was adJusted to reflect seasonal peak conditions.
The seasonal data contained In the Annual Traffic Report. 1996 was used.
':"cc:::;rarng to the attached data for permanent count statIon number 69. the count
:onaucted on Apnl 16, 1998, is very close to the average peak condition ThiS average
:onalllon was adJusted to a seasonal peak. August. condition by factonng the approach
.Olumes up by 22.9% (1 - 0.98 April. -.J.83 August).
, ."tIll.!:":: l'fU'
1\1r Kent Heasley
May 7.1998
Page - 3 -
Figure 4 also shows the eXisting average daily traffic volume on Lincoln S1. sout~
at E. 8111 Street. This volume was obtained from the Annual Traffic Report.
I -
Level of Service AnalysIs
Level of service (LOS) IS a Qualitatlvl~ measure describing operational conditions
within a traffic flow, and the perception of these conditions by drivers or passengers.
These conditions Include factors such as speed. delay, traveltime. freedom to
maneuver. traffic Interruptions. comfort, conventence, and safety. Levels of service are
given letter designations. from A to F. with LOS A representing the best operating
.:ondltlons (free flow. little delay) and LOS F the worst (congestion. long delays!.
uenerally, LOS A and Bare nagh. LOS C and 0 are moderate. ana LOS E and Fare
Table 1 shows calculated levels of service (LOS) for eXisting and seasonal peak
conditions at the pertinent street intersections. The LOS were calculated uSing the
procedures In the Transportation Research Board Highway Capacity Manual - Special
Report 209 3rd Edition updated 1994. The LOS shown indicates overall intersection
operation At intersections. LOS is determined by the calculated average delay per
vehicle The LOS and corresponding average delay in seconds are as follows:
: TYPE OF A B C 0 E , F
, I
, Signalized <5.0 >5.0 and >15.0 and.- >25.0 and >40.0 and 1>60.0
<15.0 <25.0 .' <40.0 <60.0
SlOP Sign Control <5.0 >5 and >10 and >20 and >30 and. >45
" <10 < 20 < 30 < 45
- -
The Intersection LOS is an average for every vehicle entenng the intersection.
On occasion specifiC movements. such as stop sign controlled left turn movements.
-::xpenence slgmficantly worse LOS than other movements at the Intersection 'Nhen
:nas IS the case other factors sucn as safety can be conSidered when determining
.vhether Improvements are warranted.
. ,'tIIU!lt$ U,1l 0 8 8
A ""'3>
. ,if
Mr, Kent Heasley
May -: 1998
Page - ~ -
Acclaent History
. The City of Port Angeles provided an accident listing for the S. Lincoln SUE. 8th
51. Intersection. ThIs listing identifies recorded accidents from March 14, 1986 through 1-'
February 13, 1998. The data shows 102 recorded accIdents at the analysis
intersectIon, S. Lincoln St./E. 8th S1. In twelve year tIme period reViewed. The
Transoonation Service and Facilities Plali Identifies an accident rate of one at the
analySIS IntersectIon.
The 1996 Washington State Hlohway AccIdent Report identifies average
acc:cent rates (per million vehIcle mtles ot travel) on functIonal classIfied streets as
Pnnclpal Artenal
Minor Artenal
The above rates are for urban anenals. A dIrect companson of the Intersection
acclaent rale stateWIde rate is not relevant because the rates do not measure the same
Ihlng The 1996 Washington State Highway AccIdent Report does not contain data on
average aCCident rates, per million entenng vehicles, at Intersections. However. based
on our exoenence, an accident rate of less than one IS generally considered to indIcate
that en Intersection IS operating satIsfactorily, one to two IS tYPical. and over two.
reoulres lunner review
The calculated accident rate at the analYSIS Intersection IS one, whiCh IS typteal.
SR ' '), Access ClassificatIon
The access classification of SR 101 in the VIcinity of the project site IS class four.
These nlgnways have the capacIty for moderate travel speeds and moderate traffic
VOlumes lor medium and short travel distances providing for intercIty, intracIty, and
inter-community travel needs. There IS a reasonable balance between dIrect access
ana moblllly needs for hIghways In thiS class. ThiS class IS to be used pnmanly where
the eXisting level of development of the adJOIning land is more IntensIve and where the
proccollllv of maJor land use changes IS less probable than on class three highway
segments Highways In thIS class are tYPically dIstinguIshed by eXisting or planned
;;(J8029B Rot 0 8 9
. .~.c
.\Ar Kent Heasley
May 7.1998
Page - 5 -
nonrestnctlve medians. Restrictive medians may be used as operational condlhons
warrant to mitigate turning. ~eavlng. and crossing conflicts. Minimum connection
spacing standards should be applied if adjoIning properties are redeveloped.
( .
No more than one access shall be provided to an individual parcel or to
contiguous parcels under the same ownership unless it can be shown that additional
access points would not adversely affect trle desired function of the state highway In
accordance with the assigned. access classification. and would not adversely affect the
safety or operation of the state highway. Spacing to another public or private access
connection shall be two hundred and fifty feet.
The proposed proJect access IS via relocating the eXisting alley access on SR
1 01 No new access locations are proposed. Neither the existing alley access nor the
new driveway meets the recommended spacing critena. However. the new anveway
location does meet the spacing criteria from the more cntical E. aU\ S1. intersection.
East gin S1. IS a low volume local access street thus the 250 ft. spacing should not be
Figure 5 shows projected 2000 PM peak hour traffic volumes without the proJect.
These volumes Include the eXisting traffic volume counts plus background growth. The
Transoonatlon Services and Facilities Plan identifies household growth of about 1 % per
year In tne Pon Angeles area. This same report also Identifies a 20 year traffiC growth
or tS 1 ~'o TOIs 61 '% growtn translates to aroune 3% per year. -iowever. ,0 be
conservative. we nave applied a 5% per year gro'^:tn to the background traffiC VOlume.
The Transportation Services and Facilities Plan Identifies that there are two new
street faCIlities proposed in the comprehenSive plan that would improve traffiC
operations at the analYSIS Intersection. These facilities are as follows:
White Creek Crossmg is B two-to three-lane extension of Laufldsen
Boulevard eastward from Ennis Street to Golf Course Road. whIch would
feqUlre a bfldge structure over White Creek. The new facility is mtended
-,"!O~98 Rot
Mr Kent Heasley
May 7. 1998
Page - 6 -
to attract westboulmd vehicles from SR 101 at Golf Course Road and
eastbound vehicles from SR 101 at Lincoln Street.
Heart of the Hills Parkway wi/! consist of both a new fact/ity and an
upgrade of existing facilities. The new corridor would be a two-lane facility
begmnmg outside the eastern Port Angeles UGA. and would extend
southwesterty from SR 101 to Dear Park Road. From Deer Park Road.
the new facility would generally continue in a westerly direction to Race
Street. in the vIcinity of the Mount Angeles Road/Heart of the HilJs
Parkway intersection. At this point. the corridor would be upgraded on
Race Street to City design standards north to Lauridsen Boulevard.
In addition to the street Improvements Identified In the comprehenSive plan a
;)osslole Transportation System Management (TSM) strategy IS discussed In the
iranSDonatlon Services and Facilities Plan. TSM strategies Improve traffic operations
:Jy more effective use of the eXisting street Infrastructure.
A TSM strategy that has been suggested for the SR 101 comdor
through the City is to convert Lincoln Street (which already serves as a
portion of SR 101) and Peabody Street to a one-way couplet. which would
operate exactly like the Front Street and First Street couplet. In this
alternative. Lincoln Street would operate as a three-lane one-way facility
southbound. while Peabody Street would operate as a three-lane one-way
facility northbound. The couplet would Jom the eXlstmg one-way couplet
.:,' ,Cront Street ana Fi,st Slreet 011 IIle nonh. ~Vlm me two-way LaL/fIaSell
Boulevard on the south.
A vehicle trip IS defined as a Single or one direction vehicle movement With either
me ongln or destination (exiting or entenng) InSide the study site. These tnp generation
:alues account for all site tnps made by all vehicles for all purposes. including
:ommuter. Visitor. recreation. and service and delivery vehicle tnps.
Table 2 shows the vehicular tnps dunng an average weekday and dunng the AM
5na ~M street traffic peak hours for the proposed 16.750 SQ. ft. Rile Aid Drugstore
::rCIEct The trip generation IS calculated uSing the average trip rates In the Institute of
"v~v.:~~"1I/ 0 91
A \(P
Mr Kem Heasley
May 7,1998
Page - 7 -
Transponatlon Engineers (ITE) Trip Generation. Sixth Edition. 1997 for
Pharmacy/Drugstore with Drive-through Window (ITE Land Use Code 881).
A pass-by trip IS an eXisting trip that comes directly from the traffic flow on a road
adjacent to the project site and does not require a diversion for another roadway.
According to Table VII-' of Trap Generatlo~ Fifth Edition. 1991. a pass-by rate for
discount store (K-Mart #14 on list) IS identified at 50%. In addition. an article titled
Refinement of Procedures Used for Estimating Pass-by Trip Percentages by Massoum
Moussavl and Michael Gorman published by the ITE Journal. May. 1992. shows pass-
by percentages averaging 50% for five discount stores. Rite Aid stores are discount
onemea and are expected to have similar trip maKing characteristics to discount stores.
No reauctton for diverted hnked tnps nor eXisting traps. due to the eXisting development.
were taken. Therefore. our analysIs IS conservative.
FIgure 6 shows the calculated site-generated traffic and assumr.:d dlstrabutlon.
The dlstnbutlon is based on the characterastlcs of the road network. eXisting traffic
volume patterns. and the location of likely trap onglns and destlnatlons (employment.
shOPping. social and recreational opportunities).
I raHlc Volumes
-: 'gure 7 ShOWS the prOjected 2000 PM peak hour and average dally :1'2fflc
vOlumes with the proposed proJect. The sIte-generated PM peak hour tranlc ....olumes
shown on Figure 6 were added to the prOjected bacKground traffic volumes snown on
Figure 5 to obtain the Figure 7 volumes.
Level of Service
Table , shows calculated LOS for future with and Without project conditions at
the pemnent street intersection. According to our LOS analYSIS the development of the
Rite Aid Drugstore project will not significantly affect the LOS operation of the analYSIS
intersection under tYPical operating conditions. Under average peak condition the
..meratlon of the Intersection meets the City's recommended LOS D' crltena
..,18U2911 R/J/
I .
.1r. Kent Heasley
May 7 1998
Page - 8 -
Dunng seasonal peak conditions the intersections congested with or without the
proJect. . The City's Transportation Services and Facilities Plan describes the two
comprehensive plan projects that would improve the operating conditions of the
analysIs intersection. Additionally the TSM strategy of a one way couplet would
enhance operation of the Lincoln S1. corridor.
The eXisting street channelization on both E. Bin St. and Lincoln S1. were field
reviewed. East 81n St. has around 50 ft. of paved surface curb to curb. This 50 ft. is
Similar to Lincoln St. north of E. 81n Street. Lincoln S1. north of E. Bin St. provides
.:ontlnuous left turn channelization and parking on both sides. We believe that
:Jrovldrng similar left turn channelization on E. 8"n 51. west of LIncoln St. would be
The Lincoln St. street width south of E. BII'I 51. vanes from 47 to 42 feet. The
traffic volume on thiS street segment is substantially less than the volume uSing E. Bill
.it west of Lincoln Street. Therefore, continuous left turn channelization IS not needed
at thiS time Providing continuous left turn channelization would impact eXisting street
;: uture Channelization Considerations
80th E 811'l 5t and Lincoln 51. have adequate street widths to allow operational
_ -.~.~;-.:cmeRts If deSired by the City. Providing these capacity Improvements would
reQUire cnanges to [he eXisting on street parking. Parking restnctlons dunng peak
travel tImes IS a fairly common treatment. No changes to the eXisting on street parking
are recommended In conjunction with subject development proJect.
The development of the subject project IS calculated to cause a degradation of
the operation of the E. BUI St./Lincoln St. intersection dunng the seasonal peak penod.
No oegradatlon dunng average peak condition IS anticipated. The intersection
operation could be enhanced via changing the eXisting Signal phaSing.
, 'I_:'~ H,-~
" '
,'. Kent Heasley
May 7. 1998
Page - 9-
The Improv'ement we recommend IS revIsing the left turn signal phasing to
pretectlve"lpermlsslve phasing. This change would require the IOstallation of new signal
heads and other attendant changes to the signal controller. With protective/permissive
the intersection operation would be sIgnificantly Improved.
Channelization changes on E. 8an 5L. are recommended to better accommodate
site generated left turn traffic (pnmarily the westbound to southbound customers dunng
the seasonal peak penod). With left turn channelizatIon and the protective/permissIve
left turn phaSing discussed above these customers would be able to clear the
westbound traffic stream.
ThiS repon uses eXIsting traffiC data collected at the penment street Intersection
and roads loentlfied for analYSIS. Level of servIce analyses were performed for eXisting
and projecteo future traffic volumes. usang the collected traffic data. for the Without
'reject condition. The evaluation of the traffic Impact of the proposed proJect. included
dddlng project generated traffic to the future traffiC volume projection and calculating
the level of service. The With project traffic operations were then compared to the
Without project operations. The companson of traffic operations WIth and Without the
prolect IdentlfleO that the project Will not cause a SIgnificant adverse affect on the
operation OT any of the study intersections.
Baseo on our analYSIS the Port Angeles Rite Aid Drugstore #5257 project should
:::: .:::~~vec .....un the follOWing traffiC mitigation measures:
Construct appropriate site frontage Improvements In accordance With City
coOe requirements
2. Construct SIte dnveways pe"r applicable englneenng requirements.
:; If reqUired by the City modify the eXIsting E. em 5ULtncoln 51. traffiC
control signal to prOVide protective/permissive left turn phaSing.
~ If requested by the City. rechannehze E. 81" 51. between LIncoln Sl. and
Laurel 51. to orovlde continuous left turn channelization
. 1;;__.'; 1\,)/
. -
i...lr. Kent Heasley
~.lay 7.1998
?age - 10 -
If you have any questions please call me.
Very truly yours.
,/ t,. ~. ~ .<.:../
Mark J,' Jacobs. P.E.
Senior Transportation Engineer
- ~.-:
c c. .
1"080298 RDt
A?.. 0
. ....~
.ten . tt. MI9IUE Ml. MInE "0- HUlVUE. WASlIINCITDIJ....
TELEPHONE ,..,...1320
NC.ClIMILE ,.a. "'''10
June 3, 1998
vlCTc;II M ..IItC)' p r ..........
DAVID" ._a. ".f --
Gay Kenworthy. P .E., City Engineer
321 East FIfth Street
'Port Angeles, 'NA 88362..Q217
Re: Port Angeles Rite Aid Drugstore
Neighborhood Impact
rn mmmowm 00;
~-3~ I
J="~o ~,.t. !
K'::J .~t:~F: ~ .
PlANNI~,. (II ',' WI ':1
Dear Mr. Kenworthy:
In acccrdance with your request we have reviewed the potential traffic Impad on
Laurel St.. E. 51. S.E. and the alley between Laurel and Uncoln Streets due to the
subject development.
The primary access to the Rite Aid development IS onto E. 8" St. and Lincoln
Street, both arterial streets. An existing alley that intersects with Laurel Street to the
east also proVIdes access to the site. Our Port ""aeles Rite Aid Druastore #5257 TraffIC
Imoact Analvsts dated May 7. 1998 Identified that dunng the PM peak period twO
vehicular tnps would utUize ttle alley. Refn. Figure 6. May 7. 1998 traffic study. Note the
traffic volumes shown at the E. g" SWncotn 8t. intersection are for the site driveway
Intersection with Uncoln St. not E. g" Street.
LocaUng the primary site driveways onto arterialstreeta directs site-generated
traffic away frem the residential streets. Some Ilte generated customer trBfflc will
Invanably use S. Laurel Sl and E. gltl Sl to and from ttle subjed development. These
customers would be reSIdents 11vin; In the reslaentlal areas to the southwest of the
development. A core shopping area is located off of Lincoln St. to the north of the
subject development Therefore the streets utilized tor shoppmg oriented tnps by mesa
reSidents would not be signlficantty affected wi1h development of the RIte Aid Drugstore
In summary. the Rite Aid Drugstore project traffic imp ad on S. Laurel St.. E. 9"
Sl and the elley is anticipated to be minimal. PrirMry access to the site is onto Lincoln
Sl. and E. 8" St.. both arterial streets. Customer tl'Bffic from the residential aree to the
southweSl of the development are not. likely to slgntficanUy change the streets they UlIllZe
on shepp"; oientad trips.
Very truly yours,
MJJ:es .
..... .," ()
cc: Kent HI8INty, RIte AId Corporation
John Trteger, MUtvaMY Pannenlhlp
POea2I8Anr .dOC
NO: 800
Jleiaued 6126191
o. ,
RCW Chapter 197-11-3<10
This MDNS is reissued and amended followmg the required J 5-dDy review period. The amendment
is the addition of mitigation condition #7.
Description of Proposal: A proposal to develop approximately 2.06 acres including a rezone of
a port~on of the property cU1'Tel1tly designated RS-7, Residential Single Family, to CSD. Community
Shopping District, and development ofan approximately 16,750 square foot retail building including
demolition of an existing 27.000 square foot warehouse/office building and three single family
, .
Location of Proposal (including street address, if any): Lots 1- 6 and 13-18 Block 268, Townsite
of Port Angeles, Washington. The project is generally located between Lincoln Street and Laurel
Street, and between Eighth and Ninth Streets.
The lead agency for this proposal has determined that it does not have a probable significant adverse
impact on the environment. An environmental impact statement (EIS) is not required under RCW
43.21 C.030(2)(c). This decision was made after review of a completed environmental checklist and
other mformatlon on file with the lead agency. This information is available to the public on request.
[XX] There IS no comment pCIiod for this reissued MONS.
J une26. 199R
There is no comment period.
1)~Cf-.:~ .
~avid Sawyer, Acting annmg Director
[ .
ThiS DNS IS issued per WAC 197-11-355.
You may appcalllus detertnmabOD to the Port Angeles City Council through the PlaDnmg Deparunent. 321 East Fifth
Street. Pon Angeles. WA 98362. by subnuttlng such wnnen appeal to the Planmng Deparunent no laler than July.JJ.
1996 You should be prepared to make specific factual oblecllons. Responsible Official: Brad Collins. PlaMmg
DlfeClor. Pon Angeles Plannmg Department. 321 East FIfth Street. Port Angeles. W A 98362. phone (360) 417 .4750.
.MIlij:aUon Musurcs.
Comme:rClolllraffic shall nol access the proJe:CI SIle: from Nlnlh Slreet
2 Lonslruet oIppropnate site frontage Improvements In ;accordance with City code rcqulremcnlS
Construel slIe dnveways per applicable engineering rcqulremenlS
Rcch8nncIw: East Eighth Street between Lincoln Street lInCIl.aurcl Street to provide continuous lefl turn channelization
The: developer shall upgrade the ElghthlLln~oln SIgnal 10 provide two additIOnal Optlcom ehanncls 10 fully protect
emergene:y vehIcle movement through the Inll:rseellon
^ _. ,. . , " " c, -;-;-- R
6 The developer shall contribute SIO,OOO for future Mff'ac volumelllfcly ;.........enlllldl on Eishth adlor Lincoln Streets
in the project area.
7. Design. landscaping, and other site features such as fencmg and sc:rcening shall be subject to SEP A review at the time of
a buildlnglSlte development application.
cc. Depl. ofTranspor1atlon
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I/We the undersigned oppose the rezonin~ applicatiO(l.III01thWeSt Permit REI -98-02. for
Lots 13 through ,a, B~ 268, TPA generally described as the southwest comer of 8th
and Lincoln ,Streets, Port Angeles, Washington:
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and Lincoln Streets, Port Angeles, Washington:
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and Lincoln Streets, Port Angeles, Washington:
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and Lincoln Streets, Port Angeles, Washington:
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March 4, 1998
Ii .1.
.1 . .
": ~ 1
...., .
CitY of Port Angeles
Planning Commission
321 East 5th St.
Port Angeles, W A 98362
I .
Planning Commission
I am writing in regard to the proposed rezone of Lots 13 through 16 on East 9th Street between
Laurel and Lincoln Streets.
I am the renter of the property located at 118 East 9th St.
I oppose the rezoning application for the following reasons:
The traffic impact of yet another business. which accessed Laurel. 8th Street. Lincoln. and
9th Street would compromise the safety of my family, especially my children. My one
child is enrolled at Jefferson Elementary. She used to walk to school every day. 1 now
take my daughter to school in the morning because traffic on Lincoln Street has increased
due to the espresso stand located at the comer of 9th Street and Lincoln. T raffle was
already heavy on this main street. but once this shop went in traffic in the A.M. hours has
Increased. The drivers are not always aware of the children walking to school. and my
daughter was almost hit once by a car pulling out of the espresso stand who was in too
big of a hurry to wait for traffic coming down Lincoln. As of right now dunng the after
work around (4:30 . 5:30 pm) cars already cut down our street to avoid the light on 8th
Street and Lincoln: They turn onto our street' and then drive down a few blocks so as to
avoid the wait at the light. These drivers are already in a hurry. which is why they cut
down our street, and they are not. always paying attention to the children on our Street.
The quality of life we enjoy in this residential neighborhood would be diminished by
noise. traffic. artificial lighting. refuse removal. and the unknown dangers business brings
to a community. such as robberies. vandalism, and loitering.
The integrity and aesthetics of the Cherry Hill vicinity would be compromised with any
further business district encroachment. My house was built in the late 1930's. I know
a lot of older homes in this neighborhood. We love these old homes not only for their
looks. but for their history. My house, from what my relatives have told me. was built
by either a prominent Port Angeles judge or mayor. By encroaching on our residential
neighborhoods you are destroying the integrity that we love to see in this historical part
of town.
City of Port Angeles
Proposed Rezone
Page two
. The City of Port Angeles bas many vacant, undeveloped, and established sites already
zoned for business use in this vicinity. These sites could be further developed for
commercial use without further encroachment ~n this established neighborhood. At a time
when the downtown area of this city is crying for more business, I do not understand the
need to rezone in residential neighborhoods. We, as a city, need to defme the parameters
of our business areas and leave the neighborhoods alone for the purpose that they serve.
that of a home and not a business. We need to stop the plunking down of businesses
into residential neighborhoods and come up with a clear and distinct plan for the future
businesses coming to our town. and/or relocation of current businesses.
For the above stated reasons I hereby oppose the rezoning of this area as stated in Northwest
Permit REZ 98-02.
I understand if this project is approved for rezoning, it will then set a precedent.
'u~:~~ ~~
Marsha L. Pearson
n8 E. 9th Street
Pon Angeles. W A 98362
ill E~~6D~ m!~
City of Port Angeles
Planning commission
321 East 5th St.
Port Angeles, WA 98362
~-;1 AN::l[~
Pt~~t~,:..."'" r,=- .' ...... ...
I .
Planning Commission:
I am wntJng In regard to the proposed rezone of LotS 13 through 16 on East 9th Street
between Laurel and Uncoln Streets.
) J~ c e;;~ ~
I am the Owner(s)~nter(s) of the property located at "K c;... -, ~
I oppose thiS rezoning application for the following reasons:
. ThiS established neighborhood is one of the oldest in the City of Port Angeles. I bought
and/or rent my home in this neighborhood because I want to raise my family in a quality
enVironment. not a business dlstnct. The Integrity and aesthetics of the CherTy Hill vicinity
would be compromised with any further bUSiness district encroachment.
. The traffic Impact.of yet another bUSiness. which accesses Laurel, 8th Street. Lincoln. and
9th Street would compromise the safety of myself and my family.
. The qualttY of life we have enjoyed m thiS reSidential neighborhood would be diminished by
nOise, tralfic. artificial lighting, refuse removal and the unknown dangers bUSiness bnngs to
a co"~imunlty. such as robbenes, vandalism and loitenng. -
. The City of Port Angeles has many vacant undeveloped and established Sites already
zoned for bUSiness use in this VICInity. These sites could be further developed for -
commercial use without further encroachment on this established neighborhood
. For the above stated reasons lJwe heret!Y oppose the rezoning of this area as stated In the
Northwest Permit REZ 98-02.
l/we understand if this project is approved for rezoning, it will then set a precedent.
Name ~ ~
\,~ ~ q~ ff ''?r rtN"\ck::> W~ 983uZ-
~~SsICity/S1at8lZlp -
Date ,4 \~
~.. - ,
~- -....
'~"~-, ~
City of Port Angeles
Planning commission.' .
321 East 5th St
Port Angeles. WA 98362
rn E~IOW~ 00,
I .
Planning Commission:
I am writing in regard to the proposed rezone of Lots 13 through 16 on East 9th Street
between Laurel and Un coin Streets.
I am the ~)/renter(s) of the property located at Jj 1./ j; q-rJ ~.
I oppose this rezoning application for the following reasons:
. This established neighborhood is one of the oldest in the City of Port Angeles. I bought
and/or rent my home in this neighborhood because I want to raise my family In a quality
environment, not a business district. The integrity and aesthetics of the Cherry Hill vicinity
would be compromised with any further business district encroachment
. The traffiC Impact of yet another business. which accesses Laurel, 8th Street, uncoln, and
9th Street would compromise ~e safety of myself and my family. .
. The quahty of life we have enjoyed in this residential neighborhood would be diminished by
nOise: traffiC. artificial lighting, refuse removal and the unknown dangers bUSiness bnngs to
a community. such as robbenes, vandalism and loitering.
. The City of Port Angeles has many vacant. undeveloped and established sites already
zoned for bUSiness use in this vicinity. These sitttS"could be further developed for
commeroal use without further encroachment on this established neighborhood.
For the above stated reasons l/we hereby oppose the rezoning of this area as stated In the
Northwest Permit REZ 98-02.
l/we understand if this project is approved for rezoning, tt will then set a precedent
Name -j YJ
1ft.! r:; q Jt!L 0 ,Jd1L ~~~_ Wit Cf3a~
-2Yl o..ALJv k; I q q Y
Date '
City of Port Angeles
Planning commission
321 East 5th St.
Port Angeles. WA 98362
rn IE ~ IE D W IE m'
( .
Planning Commission:
I am writing In regard to the proposed rezone of Lots 13 through 16 on East 9th Street
between Laurel and Uncoln Streets.
I am the Owner(s)Jrenter(s) of the property located at 8/9 So. taul1!( I?I? 'i{~ 3f:..L
I oppose this rezoning application for the follOWIng reasons:
. This established neighborhood is one of the oldest in the City of Port Angeles. I bought
and/or rent my home in this neighborhood because I want to raise my family In a quality
envIronment, not a business distnct. The mtegrity and aesthetics of the Cherry Hill viCinity
would be compromised with any further business district encroachment
. The traffic Impact of yet another bUSIness. whIch accesses Laurel, 8th Street. uncoln. and
9th Street would compromise the safety of myself and my family.
. The quality of life we have enjoyed in thIS residenbal neIghborhood would be dImInished by
. nOise. traffic. artificial lighting. refuse removal and the unknown dangers bUSIness bnngs to
a community. suCh as robbenes. vandalism and loltenng.
. The City of Port Angeles has many vacant undeveloped and established sites already
zoned for business use in this vicinity. These sites could be further developed for
commercaal use withOut further encroachment on thIS established neighborhood.
For the above stated reasons lIwe hereby oppose the rezoning of this area as stated In the
NorthWest Permit REZ 98-02.
l/we understand if this project is approved for rezoning, it will then set a precedent.
SIO~.~J~j z4 J;H
t j ~ -'
Name n J .L
)(1 '1 t. ~ /'M, '1-
AddressICitylSr .
~ /!,- q C(.
12 ~1 ~"JI t ~4...
\> \ \
IfDJ IE ~ IE D W IE .fij}.
/1/1 WlR - 6 El!IJ /Pi
City of Port Angeles
Planning commission
321 East 5th St.
Port Angeles, WA 98362
, :
Planning Commission:
I am writing in regard to the proposed rezone of LotS 13 through 16 on East 9th Street
between Laurel and Uncotn Streets.
I am the Owner(s)/renter(s) of the property located at R/9 S. /.d..U/UL", /?,I/. 'if;'3tf.Z-
I oppose thiS rezoning application for the following reasons:
. ThiS established neighborhood is one of the oldest in the City of Port Angeles. I bought
and/or rent my home in this neighborhood because I want to raise my family in a Quality
enVironment, not a business district. The integrity and aesthebCS of the Cheny Hill VICinity
would be compromised with any further business district enaoachment.
. The traffic impact of yet another business. which accesses Laurel, 8th Street. Uncoln, and
9th Street would compromise the safety of myself and my family.
. The quality of life we have enjoyed in this residential neighborhood would be diminished by
nOise traffic. artificial lighting, refuse removal and the unknown dangers bUSiness brings to
a community. such as robbenes. vandalism and loitenng. .
. The City of Port Angeles has many vacant. undeveloped and established Sites already
zoned for business use in this vicinity. These sitfjt6 could be further developed for
, commerCIal use without further enaoachment on thiS established neighborhood.
F or the above stated reasons IJwe hereby'oppose the rezoning of this area as stated In the
NorthWest Permit REZ 98-02.
IJwe understand if this project is approved for rezoning, it will then set a precedent.
-~~ /
a 'If ~ ~t ;:;':f(i,~it~ /1,11 'f~-
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lJl] Wi - 6 1998
City of Port Angeles
Planning commission
321 East 5th St.
Port Angeles. WA 98362
I .
Planning Commission:
I am writing in regard to the proposed rezone of lots 13 through 16 on East 9th Street
between Laurel and Uncoln Streets.
I am the Owner(s)/renter(s) of the property located atJlL~ ~
I oppose this rezoning application for the following reasons:
. This established neighborhood is one of the oldest in the City of Port Angeles. I bought
and/or rent my home in this neighborhood because I want to raise my family in a quality
environment, not a business district. The mtegrity and aesthetics of the Cherry Hill vicinity
would be compromised with any further bUSiness district encroachment
. The traffic impact of yet another business. which accesses Laurel. 8th Street. lincoln, and
9th Street would compromise the safety of myself and my family.
. The quality of life we have enjoyed in thiS residential neighborhood would be diminished by
nOIse. traffic. artificial lighting, refuse removal and the unknown dangers bussness bnngs to
a community. such as robbenes. vandalism and toitenng.
. The City of Port Angeles has many vacant undeveloped and established sites already
zoned for bUSiness use in this vicinity. These SBeS could be further developed for
commercaal use without further encroachment on this established nelghbor:t'ood.
For the above stated reasons l/we hereby oppose the rezoning of this area as stated In the
NorthWest Permit REZ 98-02.
l/we understand if this project is approved for rezoning, it will then set a precedent.
~Cdr>-'~ \."""J.
ame TN "
1l.!J E q 1'a:tT APJT;S( I:~~ .~.
AddresslCitylStateIZJp / ' ~ (..2-
"3 to - / &J q~
Date ..
: ~~
City of Port Angeles
Planning commission
321 East 5th St.
Port Angeles. WA 98362
Wi HfR - 5 -. I["!
~ !.:.,' ..
PlAN':1l:b ~1~f~ftfNT /
Planning Commission:
I am writing in regard to the proposed rezone of LotS 13 through 16 on East 9th Street
between Laurel and Lincoln Streets.
I am the Qwneas)Jrenter(S) of the property located at "/~:2- ~. 9.-Z:4--
I oppose thiS rezoning application for the follOWIng reasons:
. ThiS established neighborhood is one of the oldest in the City of Port Angeles. I bought
and/or rent my home in this neighborhood because I want to raise my family in a quality
environment, not a business distrid. The Integrity and aesthetics of the Cheny Hill viCinity
would be compromised with any further business distrid encroachment.
. The traffic Impad of yet another business. which accesses Laurel. 8th Street. lIncoln. and
9th Street would compromise the safety of myself and my family.
. The quality of life we have enjoyed in this residential neighborhood would be diminished by
nOise. traffic. artificial lighting, refuse removal and the unknown dangers bUSiness bnngs to
a community. such as robbenes. vandalism and loitering.
. The City of Port Angeles has many vacant. undeveloped and established sites already-
zoned for bUSiness use in this vicinity. These srte.S'-could be further developed for
commercaal use without further encroachment on thiS established neighborhood.
For the above stated reasons l/we hereby. oppose the rezOning of thiS area as stated In the
Northwest Permrt REZ 9s.o2.
l/we understand if this project is approved for rezoning, it will then set a precedent.
N~<<#'~ .-
Jf'2:z. E. 9 Z?' ~,t(r "fA/G~~ c'..s-/ (,V/'T 9 e..: (' ~
AddressICrtylStatelZap 0 '
. '3- ;]- /'8
- . .::.j
City of Port Angeles
Planning commiSSion
321 East 5th St.
Port Angeles, WA 98362
!Ji) IUlE n/ ~.I~
lnJ "-4~
PO~l ANGHf':
Planning Commission:
I am wntlng In regard to the proposed rezone of LotS 13 through 16 on East 9th Street
between Laurel and Lincoln Streets.
I am the Owner~}.'FeAter(s) of the property located at ..:131/ t /I ~131t SJrfe ~, P fJ
I oppose thiS rezoning application for the follOWIng reasons:
. ThiS established neighborhood is one of the oldest in the City of Port Angeles. I bought
and/or rent my home in this neighborhood because I want to raise my family In a quality
environment. not a business distnct. The Integnty and aesthetics of the Cherry Hill VICInity
would be compromised with any further bUSiness dlstnct enaoachmenl
. The traffiC Impact of yet another bUSiness. which accesses Laurel, 8th Street. lincoln, and
9th Street would compromise the safety of myself and my family.
.. The quality of life we have enjoyed In this reSidential neighborhood would be diminished by
nOise. traffIC. artificial lighting, refuse removal and the unknown dangers bUSiness bnngs to
a ~mmunrty. such as robbenes. vandalism and loltenng.
. The City of Port Angeles has many vacant. undeveloped and established sites already
zoned for bUSiness use in this vicinity. These.sites could be further developed for
commercral use without further enaoachment on thiS established neighborhood
For the above stated reasons l/we hereby oppose the rezonrng of thiS area as stated In the
Northwest Permit REZ 98-02.
l/we understand if this project is approved for rezonrng, it will then set a precedent.
N me
~rL ~'=? mr
Oat I
N. Ho^-d~)
City of Port Angeles
Planning commission. '
321 East 5th 5t.
Port Angeles, WA 98362
, I,
o I.
MAR-4l9OO "
;-" o. i '" -:r :.
pt:... ~.
I .
, .
Planning Commission:
I am writing in regard to the proposed rezone of LotS 13 through 16 on East 9th Street
between Laurel and Uncaln Streets.
I am the Qwner(s)/renter(s) of the property located at Ifl>> q ~. L"..MA' P J
I oppose thiS rezoning application for the following reasons:
ThiS established neighborhood is one of the oldest in the City of Port Angeles. I bought
and/or rent my home in this neighborhood beCause I want to raise my family in a quality
environment, not a business district. The mtegrity and aesthetics of the Cheny Hill vicinity
would be compromised with any further business distrid enaoachment
The traffic impact of yet another business, which accesses Laurel, 8th Street. uncoln, and
9th Street would compromis~ the safety of myself and my family.
. The quality of life we have enjoyed in this residential neighborhood would be dlmlmshed by
, nOise traffic. artificial lighting, refuse removal and the unknown dangers bUSiness brings to
a community. such as robbenes, vandahsm and loitenng.
. ~he City of Port Angeles has many vacant. undeveloped and established sites already
zoned tor bUSiness use In thIS VICInity. These SIt~S could be further developed for
commercial use without further enaoachment on this established neighborhood.
F or the above stated reasons l/we hereby oppose the rezDmng of this area as stated In the
Nonhwest Permrt REZ 98-02.
l/we understand if this project is approved for rezoning, it will then set a precedent.
Nt,. C, M f . b~ C ItA' .,f~1
Name ~ ~,
q{l (-} ~ J G.LU'.L f T"'M{ ]L,'r"JL.S I~lf'
AddresslCrtylStateJZiP' ,
~ j.iJ9
~3 f. 2..
~ rJ,..e;. ..Ott .k ~I: (,I.N 14- ~~ rfUtH- b.u ~~ ~s . J K r r J S ,'1'b...A. 1 "zJl.
.J~",~ .'/
..........., ,
citY of Port Angeles
Planning commission
321 East 5th St.
Port Angeles, WA 98362
m IE Ie IE B W IE W'
MaR - .4 913
Planning Commission:
I am wntJng In regard to the proposed rezone of Lots 13 through 16 on East 9th Street
between Laurel and Lincoln Streets.
I ~m th~e~' J.r~) of the property locat~d at ~ZZ ~- L&Lure' , ~.... A'^J~/..s
I oppose thiS rezoning application for the following reasons:
. ThiS established neighborhood is one of the oldest in the City of Port Angeles. I bought
and/or rent my home in this neighborhood because I want to raise my family in a quality
environment, not a business district. The Integrity and aesthetics of the Cherry Hill VICinity
would be compromised with any further bUSIness distnct encroachment
. The traffIC impact of yet another bUSIness. whIch accesses Laurel. 8th Street, LIncoln, and
9th Street would compromrse the safety of myself and my family.
. The quality of life we have enjoyed in thIS residential neighborhood would be diminished by
nOise. traffic, artificiallightJng, refuse removal and the unknown dangers bUSIness bnngs to
a community. such as robbenes. vandalism and loitenng. .
. The City of Port Angeles has many vacant. undeveloped and established sites already
zoned for business use in this viCinity. These aites could be further developed for
commeroal use without further encroachment on thIS established neighborhood
For the above stated reasons l/we hereby oppose the rezonIng of thIS area as stated In the
Northwest Permit REZ 98-02.
l!we understand if this project is approved for rezonIng, it will then set a precedent.
t.~ ;; Mr
~2Z ~ Lc.. v'f't r
~- /- c; x
~ ".f. ,a VI) ,,/....r. IIV 14 'iF?, z.
Ul] .. - .4 . lEJ
City of Port Angeles
Planning commission
321 East 5th St.
Port Angeles, WA 98362
1 1.1..
Planning Commission:
I am writing in regard to the proposed rezone of LotS 13 through 16 on East 9th Street
between Laurel and Uncoln Streets.
I am the Owner(s)/renter(s) of the property located at
9t?3 s 6~tod1
I oppose thIS rezoning application for the following reasons:
ThIS established neighborhood is one of the oldest in the City of Port Angeles. I bought
and/or rent my home in this neighborhood because I want to raise my family in a quality
environment, not a business district. The integrity and aesthetics of the Cherry Hill viCinity
would be compromised with any further business dIstrict encroachment.
. The traffic Impact of yet another business. which accesses Laurel, 8th Street, uncoln. and
9th Street would compromise the safety of myself and my family.
. The quality of life we have enjoyed in this reSidential neIghborhood would be dlmintshed by
nOIse. traffic. ai1ificiallighting, refuse removal and the unknown dangers bUSIness brings to
a community. such as robbenes. vandalism and lottenng.
. The City of Port Angeles has many vacant, undeveloped and established sites already
zoned for bUSIness use in this vicinity. These sit~ could be further developed for
commerCIal use without further encroachment on thIS established nelghbo~ood.
F or the above stated reasons l/we hereby oppose the rezonIng of thIS area as stated In the
Northwest Permit REZ 98-02.
l/we understand if this project is approved for rezoning, it will then set a precedent.
~,.t-<- (J~ 9JJC;L
IfiJ IE Ie lED , IE ~,
UJ ~-AI9!IJ i,J
City ~f Port Angeles
Planning commission
321 East 5th St.
Port Angeles, WA 98362
I .
Planning Commission:
I am writing In regard to the proposed rezone of Lots 13 through 16 on East 9th Street
between Laurel and Uncoln Streets.
1 am lhe@nter(S) of the property IocaI8d at d 3 J, E. ~Si
I oppose thiS rezoning application for the follOWIng reasons:
. This established neighbortlood is one of the oldest in the City of Port Angeles. I bought
and/or rent my home in this neighbortlood because I want to raise my family In a quality
environment, not a business district. The Integrity and aesthetics of the CherTy Hill viCinity
would be compromised with any further business district encroachment.
. The traffic impact of yet another business. which accesses Laurel. 8th Street, Lincoln. and
9th Street would compromise the safety of myself and my family.
. The Quality of life we have enjoyed in this residential nelghbortlood would be diminished by
nOise. ~ artificial lighting. refuse removal and the unknown dangers bUSiness bnngs to
a commUiiiiY, such as robbenes. vandalISm and loltenno.
. The City of Port Angeles has many vacant. undeveloped and established sites already
zoned for bUSiness use in this vicinity. These sites could be further developed for
commerCIal use without further encroachment on thiS established nelghbortlood.
For tne above stated reasons l/we hereby oppose the rezoning of thiS area as stated In the
Nortnwest Permit REZ 98-02.
l/We understand if this project is approved for rezoning, it will then set a precedent.
Sincerely, ~ ~
flb......A-"-. -\ \/,~,1\ fin -~
Na~33 E f.15-t ~,h{.U;t qR5l/;d
Ifi) ElliE n , m I~'
lJl) MAR - A I9Q1 1 i .:
PC~T Atl(:ElF.~
PlANNING [l~:>; .~. '":~'T
City of Port Angeles
Planning commission
321 East 5th St.
Port Angeles.. WA 98362
Planning Commission:
I am writing in regard to the proposeri rezone of lotS 13 through 16 on East 9th Street
between Laurel and Uncoln Streets.
1 am the Owner(s)lrenter(s) of the property located 81....9 P3> ,~, ~r-Ao ~
I oppose thiS rezoning application for the follOWIng reasons:
. This established neighborhood is one of the oldest in the City of Port Angeles. I bought
and/or rent my home in this neighborhood because I want to raise my family in a quality
environment, not a business district. The integrity and aesthetics of the Cherry Hill VIcinity
would be compromised with any further bUSIness district encroachment.
. The traffic impact of yet another business. which accesses Laurel, 8th Street. Lincoln, and
9th Street would compromise the safety of myself and my family.
. The quality of life we have enjoyed in this residential neighborhood would be diminished by
nOIse. traffic. artificial lighting, refuse removal and the unknown dangers bUSiness bnngs to
a community, such as robberies, vandalism and loltenng.
. The City of Port Angetes has many vacant, undeveloped and established sites already
zoned for bUSIness use i.. this vicinity. These siteS could be further developed for
commeroal use without further encroachment on thiS established neighborhood.
For tne above stated reasons IJwe hereby oppose ttte rezoning of thiS area as stated In the
NorthWest Permit REZ 98-02.
l/We understand if this project is approved for rezoning, it will then set a precedent.
uJl\ ~:,b'L
. .-.....,
--:t ,.
- --..,.
milE lJ In , IE rnl
I1IJ M8.R - 4 I!l!Il f I!!I
I .
City of Port Angeles
Planning commission
321 East 5th St.
Port Angeles, WA 98362
I .
Planning Commission:
I am writing in regard to the proposed rezone of Lots 13 through 16 on East 9th Street
between Laurel and Uncoln Streets.
I am the Owner(s)/renter(s) of the property located at ::,.r;q 6 -'iPtr ~ ,~.11J'il9;3~Z-.
I oppose thiS rezoning application for the following reasons:
. ThIS established neighborhood is one of the oldest in the City of Port Angeles. I bought
and/or rent my home in this neighborhood because I want to raise my family In a quality
environment, not a business district. The integrity and aesthetics of the Cherry Hill VICinity
would be compromised with any further business district encroachment.
. The traffic Impact of yet another business, which accesses Laurel, 8th Street, uncoln, and
9th Street would compromise the safety of myself and my family.
. The quality of life we have enjoyed in thiS residential neighborhood would be diminished by
nOIse. t,raffic. artificial lighting, refuse removal and the unknown dangers bUSiness bnngs to
a community. such as robberies, vandalism and loitenng.
. The City of Port Angeles has many vacant, undeveloped and established sites already
zoned for bUSiness use in this vicinity. These sIles could be further developed for
commercaal use witt)out further encroachment on thiS es~b~ist'}ed neighborhood. J ~
~ fa ~4Ju- ~t>>. ~ ~4.L~P:7('tL..~--Sl--.
For the above stated reasons IIwe hereby oppose'1he rezoning of thiS area as stated In the
Norttlwest Permit REZ 98-02.
l/we understand if this project is approved for rezoning, it will then set a precedent.
~,,~~ ~'NIJ4- S du~tI-
:;l0C; C. CfrJI, {J/:;. h~.um 9!'~z...,
3---,-'7 y
;-...... -- \
. ~ ~-
. .
MAR-~I998 i!;I
City of Port Angeles
Planning commission
321 East 5th St.
Port Angeles. WA 98362
I -
Planning Commission:
I am writing in regard to the proposed rezone of LotS 13 through 16 on East 9th Street
between Laurel and Lincoln Streets. -I-fJ
/3 0 ,~~ a.~
I am the Qwner(s)/renter(s) of the property located at I W ~ .L
I oppose this rezoning application for the following reasons:
. This established neighbomood is one of the oldest in the City of Port Angeles. I bought
and/or rent my home in this neighbomood because I want to raise my family In a quality
environment. not a business district. The integrity and aesthetics of the CherTy Hill vicinity
would be compromised with any further business distrid enaoachment
. The traffiC Impact of yet another business. which accesses Laurel, 8th Street. LIncoln. and
9th Street would compromls~' the safety of myself and my family.
. The ,Quality of life we have enjoyed in thiS residential neighborhood would be diminished by
nOise. traffic. artificial lighting, refuse removal and the unknown dangers bUSiness bnngs to
a community. such as robbenes, vandalism and loitenng.
. The City of Port' Angeles has many vacant, undeveloped and established sites already
zoned tor business use in this vicinity. These s~es could be further developed for
commeroal use without further encroachment on this established neighborhood.
F or the above stated reasons l/we hereby oppose the rezoning of this area as stated in the
Northwest Permit REZ 98-02.
l/we understand if this project is approved for rezoning, it will then set a precedent
Sincerely. .
{! (~~
Nai~cr ~"7 ~rtAl1,9e:fd,~ 'r83b2..
Add"'Ss/Coty~ .
CIty of PDrt AngeleS
Plaming commisSion
321 East 5th St
Port Angeles, WA 98362
A TIN: Planning Commission:
I am writing in regard to the proposed rezone of LQts 13 through 16 f)n !Go
between Laurel and Uncoln Streets. .
I am the Owner(s)/renter(s) of the property located at
! ~'l
, "
( .
I oppose this rezoning application for the following reasons:
. This established neighborhood is one of the oldest in the City of Port Angeles. I bought
and/or rent my home in this neighborhood because I want to raise my family in a quality
enVironment, not a business district. The integrity and aesthetics of the Cherry Hill vicinity
would be compromised with any further business district encroachment.
. The traffic Impact of yet another business, which accesses Laurel, 8th Street, Uncoln, and
9th Street would compromise the safety of myself and my family.
. The quality of life we have enjoyed in thiS residential neighborhood would be diminished by
nOise. traffic. artificial lighting, refuse removal and the unknown dangers business bnngs to
a community, such as robberies, vandalism and loitenng.
. The City of Port Angeles has many vacant undevelOped and established sites already
zoned for business use in thiS viCinity. These sites could be further developed for
commercaal use without further encroaChment on this established neighborhood.
For the above stated reasons l/we hereby oppose the rezoning of thiS area as stated In the
Northwest Permit REZ 98-02.
flwe understand if this project is approved for rezonIng. it will then set a precedent.
{.. I
Address/C~lStatelZip .
.... .....
UO NOR -.4 ~ lEJl
c c . .
City of Port Angeles
Planning commission
321 East 5th St..
Port Angeles, WA 98362
Planning Commission:
I am writing in regard to the proposed rezone of Lots 13 through 16 on East 9th Street
between Laurel and Lincoln Streets. .
I am the Owner(s)Jrenter(s) of the property located at / ~;J ILl '7 'rf.. -P-.
I oppose this rezoning application for the following reasons:
. This established neighborhood is one of the oldest in the City of Port Angeles. I bought
and/or rent my home in this neighborhood because I want to raise my family In a quality
environment, not a business distrid. The integrity and aesthetics of the Cheny Hill viCinity
would be compromised with any further business distrid encroachment
. The traffiC Impact of yet another business, which accesses Laurel, 8th Street. Lincoln. and
9th Street would compromise the safety of myself and my family.
. The quality of life we have enjoyed in this residential neighborhood would be diminished by
nOise. traffiC. artificial lighting, refuse removal and the unknown dangers bUSiness bnngs to
a community. such as robberies, vandalism and loitenng.
. The City of Port Angeles has many vacant, undeveloped and established sites already
zoned for bUSiness use in this viCinity. These site, eould be further developed for
commercial use without further encroachment on thiS established neighborhood.
For the above stated reasons l/we hereby oppose the rezoning of thiS area as stated In the
Northwest Permit REZ 98-02.
l/we understand if this projed is approved for rezoning, it will then set a precedent.
.f2.:- j(.j,..~, r- - ~_,._ ,iT :1b...JA "
Name ~
1.2 _:;' tv. #If ~U /i.O'/. - ~ tJA- ~i~'4
-;~.J.I.L ~ /qqF
- . Date
. -.
.. - 2!111 ,Uf,
City of Port Angeles
Planning commission
321 East 5th 51. .
Port Angeles. WA 98362
c .
c. .
Planning Commission:
I am writing in regard to the proposed rezone of Lots 13 through 16 on East 9th Street
between Laurel and Lincoln Streets.
I am the Owner(s)/renter(s) of the property located at {(AI-- I~:) /1'1 ~ /O~ sfl2s.t-f-
I oppose this rezoning application for the following reasons:
. This established neighborhood is one of the oldest in the City of Port Angeles. I bought
and/or rent my home in this neighborhood because I want to raise my family in a quality
environment, not a business district. The integrity and aesthetics of the Cheny Hill viCInity
would be compromised with any further bUSiness district encroachment.
. The traffiC Impact of yet another bUSiness, which accesses Laurel, 8th 5tre~t. lincoln, and
9th Street would compromise the safety of myself and my family.
. The quality of life we have enjoyed in thiS residential neighborhood would be diminished by
nOise. traffic, artificial lighting. refuse removal and the unknown dangers bUSiness bnngs to
a community. such as robbenes. vandalism and loitenng.
. The City of Port Angeles has many vacant. undeveloped and established sites already
zoned for bUSiness use in thiS viCInity. These s~es could be further developed for
commerCIal use without further encroachment on this established neighborhood.
For the above stated reasons IJwe hereby oppose the rezoning of this area as stated In the
Northwest Permit REZ 98-02.
'/we understand if this project is approved for rezoning, it will then set a precedent.
J)~...~ ".. 6,Jd,~/f,t-
//1 ~ /dJ!:l
~iJA..t:... ~ t.t..'fS ~,.. JP#' ~
Date ~/9'
~-., ~
Washington State
Department of ,....nsport.tion
Sid Mom.on
Secretary of Transportation
OIVftIPlc "...... ........rt...
5720 Capllol Boulevard 1 umwater
PO Bo. 47440
Oly"llllil WA 98504.7..0
(360) 357.2[.00
June 19, 1998
ill IE Ii) IE 0 Wi IE '@
>>J 2 4 1998
Sue Roberds
City of Port Angeles
Planning Department
321 East Fifth Street
Port Angeles, W A 98362
SRI01, MP 247.56 Right Vicinity
Rite-Aid Dnlgstore
E.C. File No. 98044-C
Dear Sue:
We have received and reviewed the above proposal and have the followmg
The State recommends the proponent connect directly to 9th 51. in lieu of the
proposed access connection to SRIOI (Lincoln Ave.) The proposed project would
degrade traffic flow below the Departments Level of Service "0". This
degradation will require mitigation to achieve LOS "0" for the Horizon Year of
2000. Safety ofpermittedlprotected operation at the signal is also a concern. The
Department would prefer protected phasing.
The Depanment has classified this section ofSRIOl as a Class 4 Facility. Per.
WAC 468-52, Class 4, no more than one access shall be provided to an indiVidual
p~lrcel or to contiguous parcels under the same ownership unless it can be shown
that addJlionaJ access points would not adversely affect the desired function.
safety. or operation of the State Highway. The minimum distance to another
public or pnvate access connec~ion shall be 250 feet. The proponent must obtam
an Access Connection Permit from the Department.
The Depanment can only au:ept surface water runoff equal in quality and quantity
to that of the pre-developed site. Any additional surface water runoff generated
will reqUire appropriate stormwater treatment measures in accordance with the
Depanment of Ecology Stormwater Management Manual.
~ - -- \ .. ". -. ,~,.-:
...... .
Sue Roberds
. June19, 1998
Page 2
Advertising signs visible from an adjacent State Highway must comply with the
State Scenic Vistas Act of 1971, which is administered by the Department. For
information regarding the signing regulations, contact Jack Smith in the Olympic
Region Traffic Operations office at (360) 357-2620.
Thank you for the opportunity to review this proposal. If there are any questions
regarding our comments, please contact Dawn Naylor at (360) 357-2706.
~c:Jh:, L ~~ 2.-~"-\..
Development Services Engineer
- .
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MAY 2 9 1998 _J
.i .
( .
May 29.1998 PORT ANGELtS
Public Works Utility Services Engineering has reviewed the subject traffic impact analysis
prepared by Transportation Planning & Engineering, Inc. of Bellevue and dated May 7 I 1998.
The follOWing IS my comments regardIng the report:
1 The report did not directly discuss the impacts on side streets and alley adjacent to the
proJect. We do not antIcipate these impacts to be significant. The consultant has been
requested to prepare a short addendum to the report which addresses these impacts.
2 We agree with the consultants conclusions and proposed mitigatIon measures nos.1 .2.
&4 These will be a requirement of the project.
3 The proposed mitigation measure no. 3 is to chang~ the eXIsting sIgnal to a
protective/permIssive left turn phaslng which would reduce delays and allow more traffIC
through the IntersectIon. ThiS Change would be a step back in protedlon however. sInce
the current signal provides fully protected left turn moves. The State Department of
Transportation does not support thiS proposed change but stated that the City makes the
final deciSIon. We recommend that thiS mitigatIon not be Implemented at this time and that
the City retain the fully protected moves at this time In the interest of traffic safety. The
current emergency vehide SIgnal override Opticom system does not provide fully protected
moves. We are requesting that the developer upgrade the SIgnal with the provide the two
additIonal Opticom channels to provide this protection. In addition we are requesting that
the developer contribute the cost of the proposed mitigation no. 3 signal changes
($10,000) to be utilized for future traffic volume/safety improvements on 8th and/or Lincoln
Streets in the project area.
4. In the report it was noted that the consultant projected future traffic using a conservative
5% traffic volume growth factor. The City and the Peninsula RTPO are utilizing 2% traffic
growth factors. Table 1 in the consultants report indicated that the Lincolnl8th intersection
in the year 2000 would drop to a seasonal LOS of E (44.2) with the proposed
protediveJpermissive left turn phasing and seasonal LOS of F (65.6) without. Since we are
recommending that the protective/permissive phasing not be implemented the consultant
- . ""~I'
was requested to recalculate the year 2000 S8aSO'181 LOS using the 2% growth factor and
the seasonal LOS improved to E (45.0). The consultant also cheCked this seasonal LOS
using a 20ht auto and 5% truck growth factor to allow for summer recreational vehicles and
the Level remained at E (55.8). A copy of the re~lculation is attached.
Overall we are comfortable with the project and the proposed traffic mitigation mea~; :res as
revised. The existing average LOS and the proposed project LOS in the year 2000 remain at D.
The existing seasonal LOS and proposed year 2000 seasonal LOS using the 2% growth factor
remain at E. There will be inaeased traffic but the above mitigation measures should maintain
the current level of service at the intersection. It'
An.en RecalC LOS
Coral Wheeler
Admlntstratlve Assistant
ext 4650
:uce W. Becker
FIre ChIef
ext 465'
Daniel K. McKeen
Fire Marsnal
. ext 4653
L. Keith B09U8S
T raln,"g OffIcer
ext 4652
James B. (Duke) Moroz
Medical OffIcer
ext 4665
,...-_ _;_ -~..'-...:;~!.~....r~:-":'
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FEB 2 31998 :~
ROtJ'B '1'0 I
Builc!iDg Dept. t:I
Pl.,....~ng napt.. B
Public Work. IJ
C:i ty Manager [J
PlA~P\ING 0:"; -:..' .~~:'
February 23, 1998
Planning Department
Dan McKeen, Fire Marshal
Rezone Application - REZ 98-03
Northwest permit - 8th/Lincoln
The Fire Department has reviewed the request to
rezone property located at the southwest corner of
8th and Lincoln Streets, between 8th and 9th
Streets to CSD, and has no objections. -
FP - 26
Page 1 of 1
t- -;T l\ ('" IJ "-" 1= ~ (..,
~. - T
Brad CollIns. Director, ExtensIon 4751; Sue Roberds, ExtensIon 4750. David Sawyer. ExtensIon 4752
July 31, 1998
Mayor Braun, City Council members, and Manager Ibarra
Planning Department, Brad Colli~s, Planning Director
NORTHWEST PERMIT - Portion of the Eighth/Ninth Street alley
Between Lincoln and Laurel Streets
FollOWing discussion, the Council could move to concur with the Planning Commission by adoption
oj the attached draft ordinance Including five conditions approvzng the right-oJ-way vacation as
proposed. citzng the attached findings and conclusions. or deny the rezone application citing
findings and conclusions in support oJthat action.
Following the City Council's July 21, 1998, public hearing, a special meeting was called for to
render a final decision on the petition at which time an additional member of the City Council could
present. It was later decided that a special meeting would not be necessary, but to place the issue
on the Council's next regular meeting, August 4. Council will continue its discussion on. the issue
at its August 4 meeting following which a decision wjll be made on the closed record. Staff will be
available for questions. "
Sue Roberds, Plann'
Attachments: Ordmance
Fmdmgs and ConclusIOns
Pohce Department Memo
Staff Reports
. -, ;;
, 136
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles
vacating a portion of the alley between Lincoln
and Laurel Streets located in Block 268 of the
Townsite of Port Angeles.
WHEREAS, a petition is on file with the City of Port Angeles to vacate a portion" '.
of the alley between Lincoln and Laurel Streets located in Block 268 of the Townsite of Port
Angeles; and
WHEREAS, the petition was signed by the owners of more than two-thirds of the
property abutting upon the right-of-way sought to be vacated; and
WHEREAS, the City initiated said vacation by Resolution No. 10-98; and
WHEREAS, st"eet vacations are categorically exempt from the requirements of
the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) as set forth in WAC 197-1l-800(2)(h); and
WHEREAS, a public hearing has been held before the City Council following
public notice pursuant to Chapter 35.79 RCW; and
WHEREAS, the street vacation appears to be of benefit to and in the interest of
the pubhc;
Sectionl.:..Yacation. Subject to the terms and conditions of this Ordinance, the
following described right-of-way is hereby vacated:
1. The proposed street vacation is subject to the recommendations of the
City's Public Works Department (Attachment B of the July 8, 1998
Planning Department Staff Report for STY 98-0 I) which require that a
twenty-four inch sanitary sewer main will need to be relocated. A twenty
foot wide access and utility easement shall be required.
2. The proposed street vacation is subject to the recommendations of the
City's Fire Department (Attachment C of the July 8, 1998, Planning
Department Staff Report for STV 98-01) which requires that through
access shall be maintained at the west end of the vacated EighthlNinth
alley. The access shall be a minimum of twenty feet in width and shall
consist of an all weather surface meeting the City's Public Works
Department specifications. An approved turn around meeting the City's
specifications may be approved at the east end of the remaining
EighthlNinth alley in lieu of through access.
3. The street vacation shall not be finaled until a building permit is issued for
the property consistent with the revised site development plan
(Attachment A to the July 8, 1998, Planning Department Staff Report for
STY 98-01).
4. Final occupancy of any new structures on the site shall not be allowed
until the street vacation is complete and all of the individual lots
comprising the development site have been combined into one legal
building and zoning lot.
5. Any costs associated with utility relocation and alley realignment and/or
improvements shall be borne by the applicant.
Section...L-:_Compensation. Pursuant to RCW 35.79.030 compensation for the
right-of-way is hereby set at $ 24.000.0D-.
SectionA_-_Quit Claim Deed. Upon satisfaction of the compensation amount in
Section 2 of this Ordinance, the owners of abutting property entitled to the vacated street,
pursuant to RCW 35.79.040, may present a.quit claim deed to the City of Port Angeles for
execution by the Mayor, who is hereby authorized and directed to execute such quit claim deed.
Such quit claim deed shall include all reservations, conditions, or other qualifications upon the
title established by this Ordinance.
Section 5. This Ordinance shall be effective only upon the satisfaction of the
terms and conditions of this Ordinance and shall be published upon that satisfaction. The City
Clerk IS hereby directed to file a certified copy With the Clallam County Auditor and Clallam County
..... '='--
PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of
said Council held on theAtlL day of August, 1998.
Gary Braun, Mayor
Becky Upton, City Clerk
Craig D. Knutson, City Attorney
By Summary
NonhwCSI 11\
.~~ ~
_r ._
STV 98-01, Northwest Permit:
1. The applicant for the requested vacation is Northwest Permit. The petition is
attached as Attachment A of the July 8, 1998 Planning Department Staff Report for
STV 98-01.
2. The requested vacation is for that portion of the alley between 8th Street and 9th
Street abutting Lots 1-6 and 13-18 of Block No. 268 in the Townsite of Port Angeles.
3. The street vacation is categorically exempt from threshold determination and
Environmental Impact Statement requirements per Section 197-11-800 (2) (h) of the
Washington Administrative Code.
4. The subject right-of-way and abutting properties fall within the undesignated area
between the Comprehensive Plan's Commercial land use designation to the north
and its Residential designation to the south. The majority of the abutting properties
are zoned Commercial Shopping District (CSD) with four of the properties currently
zoned Residential, Single-Family (RS-7).
5. The Public Works Department has indicated a 24" sanitary sewer main and overhead
electrical lines are located in the alley and will need to be relo~ated if the vacation
is approved.
6. The subject right-of-way is currently improved.
7. The Public Works, Fire, and Police Department's comments are included as
Attachments B, C. and D of the July 8, 1998 Planning Department Staff Report for
STY 98-01.
8. The Police Department originally submitted written public safety concerns related
to the proposed vacation. These concerns include the current use of the alley for
traffic diversion in the event of an -accident at the 8th Street and Lincoln Street
intersection, the use of the alley by officers in response to calls from the bank located
at the comer of 8th Street and Oak Street, and the use of the alley for access to and
observation of the 24 hour retail/gas station use at the comer of 8th Street and
Lincoln Street.
9. As noted in their presentation to the Planning Commission on July 8, 1998, the
Police Department's concerns expressed in a letter dated February 23, 1998, attached
as Attachment D of the July 8, 1998 Planning Department Staff Report for STY 98-
01) do not warrant denial of the proposed vacation.
10. On May 14, 1998, the Planning Department received a traffic analysis for the
applicant's overall development plan which includes the proposed street vacation.
On June 3, 1998, the Planning Department received an addendum to the analysis with
comments regarding Ninth Street, Laurel Street, and the Eighth and Ninth Streets
1 ~ ·
A. The Comprehensive Plan's Utilities and Public Services Policies C, 2 and 3 and
Transportation Policy B 18 are the most relevant to the proposed vacation.
B. As conditioned, the proposed vacation is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan's
Utilities and Public Services Policies C, 2.and 3 and Transportation Policy B 18.
C. As conditioned, the proposed vacation will not have an adverse impact on the public
health, safety and welfare.
( .
D. As conditioned, the proposed vacation will benefit the community's economic
development as well as the general public health, safety and welfare.
Adopted by the Port Angeles City Council at its meeting of August 4, 1998.
Gary Braun, Mayor
Becky J. Upton, City Clerk
Planning Commission Minutes
July 8. 1998
Page II
PERMIT, a portion of the Eighth/Ninth Street alley between Lincoln and
Laurel Streets' A proposal to vacate right-of-way. (This item is continued
from June 10, 1998.)
Commissioner Nutter stated that she has a friend who is a property owner in the area and
would stand down from the proceedings if requested to do so. No one objected and so she
I .
Planner Sawyer reviewed the Planning Department's staffreport and responded to questions
regarding the staff report addendum which recommended approval if the Police
Department's concerns are met. Chair Reed asked Deputy Chief Tom Riepe to elaborate on
the Police Department's submitted memoranda.
Deputy Tom Riepe, Police Department, stated that although the Police Department initially
believed that the proposed alley vacation could result in a negative impact with regard to
response and observation practices by the Police Department, further analysis indicates that
the impacts which could result will not be significant enough to recommend denial of the
vacation. Response activities could easily be routed along Ninth Street and observation
activities could still occur in the proposed parking area for the development. He appreciated
the Planning Department's concerns regarding the Police Department's initial
recommendation but cannot at this point see a major detriment to public safety as a result of
the vacation. The Police Department's initial response was submitted out of an obligation
to point out the practiced vehicular response patterns in the alley area but was not intended
to be the criteria upon which the decision to vacate or not to vacate would hinge. Further
review indicates that vacation of the alley may actually improve safety conditions in the area
which experiences a good deal of nuisance activities and complaints. Observation of
surrounding businesses would not be Impacted by the proposal.
Chair Reed opened the public hearing.
Scott Grainger, Baldridge Group, 600 University #3012, Seattle, 98101, presented the
proposed development plan for. the Northwest PermitlRite Aid proposal planned for the
overall site. Substantial perimeter landscaping is planned as a buffer to the Ninth Street
residential area with additional landscaping on Lincoln and Eighth Streets. The development
should enhance the appearance of the two main travel arteries, Lincoln and Eighth Streets.
The group supports the police staging needs in the parking lot area and will make every
effort to accommodate those public safety issues which is in their best interest as well as the
neighborhood. A thirty-six foot egress is proposed to Lincoln Street in the location where
only the existing twenty foot ingress/egress location exists at present.
Commissioner Hewins asked Mr. Grainger if the remaining alley, which would not be
vacated, would have access to the site. Mr. Grainger responded "no".
Theresa Schmid, 114 East Ninth Street, presented testimony that the City's recent practice
has been to vacate alleys to create large sites for development, she referenced the City's
- ~
~. "'""'7-
Plll1Uling Commission Minutes
July 8. J 998
Page J 2
Senior Center, the public library, the Safeway and Albertson's developments in support of
this conclusion. She opposes forcing alley through traffic use to surrounding streets. As a
resident of the neighborhood, she disagreed with the City's Engineering Department's
conclusions that traffic patterns in the area would,not be negatively impacted. The traffic
already stacks up daily at peak times which can only increase if the proposal is approved.
The traffic report indicates that the level of service of the EighthlLincoln intersection is at
a level uD" at present which is not acceptable to her, and to further degrade that LOS is
completely unthinkable. She strongly recommended denial of the street vacation.
Nancy Van Sickle, 819 South Laurel Street, also a neighboring resident, agreed with the
previous speaker and requested denial of the street vacation. She stated that vacation would
only worsen traffic in the area and the development would create a new hang out for youth
in the new parking area.
Marsha Pearson, 118 East Ninth Street, a neighboring resident, believes that vacation of
the alley as proposed would eliminate the ability of the four lots requested for rezone along
with the alley vacation project (Lots 13, 14, 15, and 16) in this block to access the alley, thus
forcing all activity from those lots if developed individually, onto Ninth Street. It is not
acceptable to route any additional traffic onto Ninth Street. Neighbors in the area park on
the street, and the street is not wide enough to accommodate two way traffic when that
parking occurs.
Kat/rleen Bailey, 817 South Laurel Street, is in favor ofthe vacation as proposed. She is
sympathetic to her friends and neighbors in the area, but feels that the continued use of the
EighthlNinth alley in this location as a frontage road to Eighth Street is too dangerous to
allow to continue. Two way traffic occurs in the narrow alley and loitering and commercial
truck activity is excessive. The Eighth and Lincoln intersection is a problem. There have
been commercial buildings in this location for over sixty years and the uses have by and
large been good neighbors. The proposal should greatly reduce the unwanted activities in
the alley and increase the safety of the residents. Typically large amounts of traffic are
routed onto neighborhood streets. not alleys.
Bob Bailey, 817 South Laurel Street, explained the damage that has occurred to his property
as a result of the intensity and speed at which vehicles travel through the alley to aVOId the
Intersection in this location. Commercial use of the alley as a result of the existing
bUSinesses has resulted in damage to the alley surface and curbs. He believes that vacation
of the alley as proposed will result in an increase in safety ofthe alley residential uses and
will force commercial traffic to be more site specific. It will result in traffic use which now
occurs in the alley to be placed onto streets where greater traffic use is anticipated.
Vandalism should be greatly reduced due to the proposed development of the area. With or
without the proposed development. some type of traffic control needs to be implemented on
this alley. It is important that ifthe vacation is approved, the lots facing onto Ninth Street
be closed to egress from the site development that is proposed.
Theresa Schmid, 114 East Ninth Street, asked if an emergency vehicle turn around would
be required at the west end of the alley if the vacation were approved.
..... .;:.~
Plannmg Commission Minutes
July 8. /998
Page /3
Al Gustafson, 903 South Peabody, asked if this action is precedent setting. He owns
commercial property in the 200 block of Eighth Street which he would like to similarly
develop and asked if this action would set the stage for that development. Planner Sawyer
responded that comments must be directed to the issue at hand, but noted that this would not
be a precendent setting situation.
Mr. Gustafson added that vacation of the alley is not a good idea. To develop the site such
that traffic now using the alley will be shifted to the neighboring street is improper. Safety
of the residents using the neighboring streets cannot be assured.
Bob Dudley, 106 East Ninth Street, enouraged the City to take a good look at the traffic
patterns in the area. He verified that Ninth Street is narrow with a good deal of on-street
parking, and the traffic is already congested. Additional traffic would be more difficult.
There being no further testimony, Chair Reed closed the public hearing.
Commissioner Nutter opened discussion regarding a turn around at the east end of the alley,
were the west portion of the alley to be vacated.
Engineer Kenworthy responded that all of the site plan information that he has responded to
indicate that access will be available to the site from the east end of the alley, and the City
would be requiring an easement to ensure that access will not be hindered through to Lincoln
Street. The Public Works Department will require such through access for site approval and
will not support a dead end alley. Alleys are basically intended for utility purposes and
secondary residential access. They are not meant for vehicular through traffic. To maintain
the ease of these intended activities, it is preferred not to provide turn arounds but to loop
through those areas.
Chair Reed agreed with the statement that there have been vacations approved that allowed
larger commercial site developments, as stated by a resident of the neighborhood. This IS
true. however, each case is analyzed individually, and would not have been approved if not
found to be in the greater public interest, with sensitivity toward the indIvidual areas
involved. He felt that future access to Ninth Street is protected from the site by condition
No.4, which provides that the vacation will not be finaled until a building permit can be
issued for the entire site, which would eliminate the possibility of the lots adjacent to Ninth
Street being developed independently of the current proposal. Although staffhas confirmed
that the intent of alleys is for utility and residential uses, the reality of it is that alleys,
particularly this alley, experiences a much more intensive use. That traffic will be using
Ninth Street if this proposal is approved.
Commissioner Ziakin did not believe that the traffic situation/impacts have been analyzed
to everyone's satisfaction. He does not believe the applicant has provided enough
information for approval at this point.
Commissioner Hewins noted that the subject location is one of the most desirable
commercial intersections in town. The properties surrounding the intersection will
eventually be developed in a manner that will inevitably increase the already heavy traffic
-... 'r-~'
- f~.
Planning Commission Minutes
July 8. J 998
Page 14
in the area, and should be addressed in a serious manner. The City's Comprehensive Plan
establishes the area as a primary commercial area which will result in a major traffiic
Commissioner Craver felt that given the testimony verifying that the alley in this location
is heavily travelled by those visiting the various commercial uses which occupy the area at
present as well as those using the alley as a frontage road to avoid the intersection
congestion, development of the area from several businesses into one single commercial site
may actually reduce the congestion in the area somewhat. She noted that the applicant's
testimony indicates that the alley will not be continued through to the parking lot, but the site
information presented for review indicates through access.
Chair Reed again noted that closure of the alley will force the traffic uses to the side streets,
and was not comfortable with that impact.
In response to Commissioner Souders, Planner Sawyer noted that he believes the applicant's
site plans are dependent on the street vacation. Furthermore, he stated that staff would have
difficulty recommending approval of the accompanying rezone proposal without the street
vacation due to the fact that without the added right-of-way area the commercial site would
be bisected by the alley.
Commissioner Nutter moved to deny the proposed street vacation petition citing the
following findings and conclusions:
F indings~
1. The applicant for the requested vacation is Northwest Permit. The petition is
attached as Attachment A of the July 8, 1998 Planning Department StafTReport for
STY 98-01.
2. The requested vacation is for that portion of the alley between 8th Street and 9th
Street abutting Lots 1-6 and 13-18 of.Block No. 268 in the Townsite of Port Angeles.
3. The street vacation is categorically exempt from threshold determination and
Environmental Impact Statement requirements per Section 197-11-800 (2) (h) of the
Washington Administrative Code.
4. The subject right-of-way and abutting properties fall within the undesignated area
between the Comprehensive Plan's Commercial land use designation to the north and
its Residential designation to the south. The majority of the abutting properties are
zoned Commercial Shopping District (CSD) with four of the properties currently
zoned Residential, Single-Family (RS-7).
5. The Public Works Department has indicated a 24" sanitary sewer main and overhead
electrical lines are located in the alley and will need to be relocated if the vacation
is approved.
Planning CommissIon Minutes
July 8. J 998
6. The subject right-of-way is currently imprc:>ved.
7. The Public Works, Fire, and Police Department's comments are included as
Attachments B, C, and D of the July 8, 1998, Planning Department Staff Report for
STY 98-01.
8. The Police Department originally submitted written public safety concerns related
to the proposed vacation. These concerns include the current use of the alley for
traffic diversion in the event of an accident at the 8th Street and Lincoln Street
intersection, the use of the alley by officers in response to calls from the bank located
at the comer of 8th Street and Oak Street, and the use of the alley for access to and
observation of the 24 hour retaiVgas station use at the comer of 8th Street and
Lincoln Street.
9. At the July 8, 1998, Planning Commission meeting, the Police Department's
concerns were further explained. Deputy Chief Tom Riepe stated that the July 7,
1998, memorandum from the Police Department was intended to point out issues for
consideration but the concerns do not warrant denial of the proposed vacation.
A. The Comprehensive Plan's Utilities and Public Services Policies C2 and 3 and
Transportation Policy B 18 are the most relevant to the proposed vacation.
B. Based on neighborhood traffic concerns including the use of the alley for public
safety purposes, the proposed vacation is not consistent with the City's
Com~rehensive Plan.
C. Based on the Police Department's comments and stated use of the alley for public
safety purposes, the Planning Commission concludes that the proposed vacation may
have an impact on public health, safety and welfare.
The motion was seconded by Commissioner Ziakin and deadlocked 3 - 3, with
Commissioners Reed, Nutter, and Ziakin voting for the motion, and Commissioners
Hewins, Craver, and Souders voting against the motion.
Commissioner Hewins stated that he did not believe the vacation will have an adverse impact
on the surrounding neighborhood. Reorientation of traffic patterns in the alley will result in
the direction of traffic through to Eighth Street. The project, not the vacation, may result in
an Increase in traffic to Ninth Street.
Commissioner Craver restated her belief that the consolidation of the uses at this comer may
ease the impact to the neighborhood and the alley.
Chair Reed reiterated that his primary reason for voting to deny the vacation is due to the
public testimony that traffic volumes along Ninth Street during rush hour traffic exceeded
that which was suggested by the consultant's report and that the proposed vacation would
~ '~i'l
Planning Commission Minutes
July 8. J 998
Page 16
aggravate that situation.
When asked to comment on the traffic impact, Engineer Kenworthy again noted that alleys
are not intended or developed for heavy, through traffic use. He is comfortable with the
pro~osal and vacation of the alley subject to the conditions recommended.
The Commission took a short recess at 11 :00 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 11 :05 p.m.
The Commission discussed traffic concerns and potential traffic patterns at length.
Commissioner Ziakin noted that he would abstain from voting on the issue because he does
not believe enough information has been presented to vote fairly. Staff responded, at the
direction of the Chair, that the Commissioners should endeavor to vote one way or the other.
If the Commission cannot break a deadlock, the issue would have to be passed on to the City
Council as such.
Engineer Kenworthy responded to Commissioner Hewins that the traffic consultant provided
additional information at his request which concluded that, following their analysis as traffic
engineers, the additional traffic to Ninth and Laurel Streets would not be significant. Mr.
Kenworthy agreed that there will be impacts and increases, but they would not significantly
affect the level of service.
Commissioner Nutter stated that she can't give credence to the traffic engineering study
prepared by the traffic consultants because it is too vague. Testimony received by the
neighborhood does not support the traffic consultant's conclusions.
Commissioner Souders noted that her vote against the motion was because the facts
presented by staff in recommending denial of the vacation cannot be supported without the
Pollee Department's concerns. Staff noted in the report that if the Pollee Department's
concerns could be mitigated the recommendation would be for approval.
Commissioner Craver believed that signifIcant weight should be given to the traffic
consultant's report because the authors are trained in traffic matters and are professionals
in their field, where the mdividual Planning Commission members are not traffic experts.
She has to assume that reports presented by specialists in a specific field should be given
particular weight in a final decision.
Commissioner Ziakin believed there are glaring gaps in the information provided.
Chair Reed pointed out the options available at this juncture and encouraged the Commission
to try to forward a clear recommendation to the City Council.
Commissioner Hewins agreed with Commissioner Craver that the requested traffic
information had been provided and the City's Engineer had reviewed it and agreed
with the conclusions. He then moved to approve the vacation as proposed citing the
following six conditions, ten findings and four conclusions:
Planning CommISSion Mmutes
July 8, 1998
Page 17
1. The proposed street vacation is subject to the recommendations of the City's Public
Works Department (Attachment B of the July 8, 1998 Planning Department Staff
Report for STY 98-01) which require that a twenty-four inch sanitary sewer main
will need to be relocated. A twenty foot wide access and utility easement shall be
The proposed street vacation is subject to the recommendations of the City's Fire
Department (Attachment C of the July 8, 1998, Planning Department Staff Report
for STY 98-01) which requires that through access shall be maintained at the west
end of the vacated Eighth/Ninth alley. The access shall be a minimum of twenty feet
in width and shall consist of an all weather surface meeting the City's Public Works
Department specifications. An approved turn around meeting the City's
specifications may be approved at the east end of the remaining EighthlNinth alley
in lieu of through access.
, I. .
3. The street vacation shall not be finaled until a building permit is issued for the
property consistent with the revised site development plan (Attachment A to the July
8, 1998, Planning Department Staff Report for STY 98-01).
4. Final occupancy of any new structures on the site shall not be allowed until the street
vacation is complete and all of the individual lots comprising the development site
have been combined into one legal building and zoning lot.
5. Any costs associated with utility relocation and alley realignment andlor
improvements shall be borne by the applicant.
1. The applicant for the requested vacation is Northwest Permit. The petition is
attached as Attachment A of the July.8, 1998 Planning Department Staff Report for
STY 98-01.
2. The requested vacation is for that portioJ.1 of the alley between 8th Street and 9th
Street abutting Lots 1-6 and 13-18 of Block" No. 268 in the Townsite of Port Angeles.
3. The street vacation is categorically exempt from threshold determination and
Environmental Impact Statement requirements per Section 197-11-800 (2) (h) of the
Washington Administrative Code.
4. The subject right-of-way and abutting properties fall within the undesignated area
between the Comprehensive Plan's Commercial land use designation to the north
and its Residential designation to the south. The majority of the abutting properties
are zoned Commercial Shopping District (CSD) with four of the properties currently
zoned Residential, Single-Family (RS-7).
Planning CommISSion MinuJes
July 8. J 998
Page J 8
5. The Public Works Department has indicated a 24" sanitary sewer main and overhead
electrical lines are located in the alley and will need to be relocated if the vacation
is approved.
6. The subject right-of-way is currently improved.
7. The Public Works, Fire, and Police Department's comments are included as
Attachments B, C, and D of the July 8, 1998 Planning Department Staff Report for
STY 98-01.
8. The Police Department originally submitted written public safety concerns related
to the proposed vacation. These concerns include the current use of the alley for
traffic diversion in the event of an accident at the 8th Street and Lincoln Street
intersection, the use of the alley by officers in response to calls from the bank located
at the comer of 8th Street and Oak Street, and the use of the alley for access to and
observation of the 24 hour retail/gas station use at the comer of 8th Street and
Lincoln Street.
9. As noted in their presentation to the Planning Commission on July 8, 1998, the
Police Department's concerns expressed in a letter dated February 23, 1998, attached
as Attachment D of the July 8, 1998 Planning Department Staff Report for STY 98-
01) do not warrant denial of the proposed vacation.
10. On May 14, 1998, the Planning Department received a traffic analysis for the
applicant's overall development plan which includes the proposed street vacation.
On June 3, 199~, the Planning Department received an addendum to the analysis with
comments regarding Ninth Street, Laurel Street, and the Eighth and Ninth Streets
A. The Comprehensive Plan's Utilitie~.and Public Services Policies C. 2 and 3 and
Transportation Policy B 18 are the most relevant to the proposed vacation.
B. As conditioned, the proposed vacation is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan's
Utilities and Public Services Policies C, 2 and 3 and Transportation Policy B 18.
C. As conditioned, the proposed vacation will not have an adverse impact on the public
health, safety and welfare.
D. As conditioned, the proposed vacation will benefit the community's economic
development as well as the general public health, safety and welfare.
The motion was seconded by Commissioner Craver and passed 3 - 2 with
Commissioners Hewins, Souders, and Craver voting in favor, Commissioners Nutter
and Reed voting in the negati~e, and Commissioner Ziakin abstained.
" ''T~-~
. .~-
Planning CommISsion Minutes
July 8. /998
Page J 9
Those who voted against the motion restated their original objectionst and Commissioner
Ziakin t s abstention was due to the desire for additional traffic information.
Chair Reed stated that the City Council will hold a,public hearing on this item at its July 21 t
1998t meetingt which will begin at 7:00 p.m.
- :"~
Port Angeles
Police Department
Steve Ilk, ChIef of Police
Tom RIepe, Deputy Chief
Naomi WI, Cclmm Manager
Karen Haugstado AdmIn Aulatant
MEMORANDUM ill rn 00 rn 0 \Yl rn rn~
Date: July 13, 1998 PORT ANGELES
Mayor B~~ and Council Members
Tom Ri~puty Chief
Street Vacation - Police Department's Statements To Planning Commission
Chief S. Ilk
Planning Department
This memo IS written at the request of the Planning Department to convey to the Mayor and Council Members
statements made by me (Deputy Chief Tom Riepe) to the Planning Commission on July 8, 1998. My statements
were made regarding the "Request for vacation of the alley between 811 Street and 911 Street abutting Lots 1-6 and
13-18 of Block No. 268 in the Townsite of Port Angeles (STV98~1).
Dunng the July 80 1998 Planning commission meeting, I informed the Planning Commission that while Sergeant
Turton's memo of February 23, 1998 to the Planning Commission details "public safety concerns. regarding the
vacation of the alley, the concerns, in my opinion, were minimal, and do not cause the Police Department to
recommend denial of the request. I further told the Planning Commission \NOrds to the effect that, in my opinion, if
the Police Department and public were no longer able to use the alley, per the vacation request, it \NOuld not cause
an adverse Impact to public safety.
. Page 1
- .
'. "'~
I .
.. . q ._;:;t-_~~
F I L E -".
Planning Commission
~amDng Department
July 8, 1998
t .
STY 98-01
Northwest Permit
Vacation of the alley between 8th Street and 9th Street abutting Lots 1-6 and
13-18 of Block No. 268 in the Townsite ofPon Angeles.
ThiS vacation request is part of the applicant's overall proposal to develop 90,000 sJ of the
southwest comer of Lincoln Street and 8th Street (extending to 9th Street) with an approximately
17.000 s f retail store The 0ver3l1 proposal includes this street vacation request and a rezone request
for a ponlon of the propeny.
Environmental Review:
The vacating of a street is categorically exempt from threshold determination and Environmental
Impact Statement requirements per Section 197-11-800 (2) (h) of the Washington Administrative
Code (WAC) which states "(2) Other mmor IIew construCllon. The following types of construction
shall be exempt . . . (h) The vacation of streets or roads."
Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Ordinance:
The subject right-of-way and adjoining propenies fall within the undesignated area between the
Comprehensive Plan' s Commercial land use designation to the nonh and its Residential designation
to the south. The majority of the abutting properties are zoned Commercial Shopping District (CSO)
with four of the properties currently zoned Residential, Single-Family (RS-7). ?l
C Itv of PorI Angeles Plamrtng Departmml. 32 J E. 5th St.. PorI Angeles. W A. (voIce) 360-4 J 7-4750. (fea) 360-4 J 7-4609
~ -
. ~~
PIaDDiDs ~ Slafl'RepaIt
STY ~I - NClI1bwest Pamit
July a. 1998
The fonowing Comprehensive Plan policies have been found to be most relevant to the proposal:
Utilities tuUl Public Services Policy C, 2: All new utility services should be underground
Utilities 11114 Public Services Policy C, J: Where possible. new utilities should be located
. in alleys.
The Public W orles Depanment has noted the location of utilities in the requested vacation
area and recommended specific conditions of approval that include required utility easement
and relocation.
TrtllISportJltioll Policy B, 18: Police andfire protection should be a uy factor in residential
subdivision street designs and circulation panems.
The area's current zoning is a combination of commercial and residential zones. The Fire
Department has indicated they do not have an objection to this request subject to the
development of an approved turn-around at the proposed east end of 8th/9th Street alley.
The Police Department has expressed several public safety concerns related to the proposed
vacation These concerns include the current use of the alley for traffic diversion in the event
of an accident at the 8th Street and Lincoln Street intersection, the use of the alley by officers
in response to calls from the bank located at the comer of 8th Street and Oak Street. and the
use of the aIley for access to and observation of the 24 hour retailIgas station use at the comer
of 8th Street and Lincoln Street.
Dtpanmtnt Rtviews and Comments:
flllhllc Worb Depar/ment:
The Public Works Department's comments address necessary utility easement and relocation
requirements (please see Attachment 8) ...
firt' Deparlmelll:
The Fare Department's comments which address the need for adequate turn-around facilities
are attached as Attachment C.
Police Depar/ment:
The Police Department's comments which express concerns regarding public safety are
anached as Attachment D. A representative of the Police Department has been asked to be
available at the Planning Commission meeting to answer any questions the Commission may
have regarding their concerns.
e".... of Port A"p~/~J Plannmc> T>nxzrtmfflt _," E 5,h S1 P(lP'f A"c>,.l~~ W,of ("mc~) '60-4' 7-475() I(rrr I ~"'I-4' 7-4""0
PImmins ~ Slaff'R.epaIt
S1V 98-01 - Northwest PeImit
July 8. 1998
Pap 3
Planning Department:
Below is a summary of the impacts of the proposal:
Traffic Patterns: The Public Works Department has not indicated any negative impact on the area's
vehicular traffic pattern as a result of the proposed vacation. .
Utilities: The Public Works Department has indicated a 24" sanitary sewer main and overhead
electrica1lines are located in the alley and will need to be relocated if the vacation is approved. The
Planning Depanment also notes that the City's Comprehensive Plan states new utilities should be
underground and this policy should be applied to this proposal.
Public Health, Safety and Welfare: As noted previously, the Police Department has stated the area
of the proposed vacation is used by the police for a variety of public safety purposes.
I' .
Development Patterns: The proposed vacation is located in an area of currently developed lots which
should not have further development affected by the proposed vacation.
Based on the Police Department's comments and stated use of the alley for public safety purposes,
the Planning Depanmem recommends the Planning Commission forward a recommendation of denial
to the City Council for street vacation request STV 98-01 based on the following findings and
The applicant for the requested vacation is Nonhwest Permit, the apphcatlon/petition
is anached as Attachment A of the July 8, 1998 Planrung Depanment Staff Repon for
STV 98-01.
2 The requested vacation is for that portion of the alley between 8th Street and 9th
Street abutting Lots 1-6 and 13-18 of Block No. 268 in the Townsite ofPon Angeles
3 The street vacation is categorically exempt from threshold determination and
Environmental Impact Statement requirements per Section 197-11-800 (2) (h) of the
Washington Administrative Code
4 The subject right-of-way and abutting properties fall within the undesignated area
between the Comprehensive Plan's Commercial land use designation to the north and
its Residential designation to the south. The majority of the abutting properties are
zoned Commercial Shopping District (CSD) with four of the properties currently
zoned Residential, Single-Family (RS-7).
S. The Public Works Department has indicated a 24" sanitary sewer main and overhead
C Iry of PorI Ang~/~s Planning Departm~nl. 32 J E. 5th SI.. Port Ang~/~s. W A. (VOIC~) 360-4 J 7-4750. (far) 360-4/7-4609
"' ;:';,.1-
~y --~
~ ' . .
PIaImiDs~ Sld'Repart
STV ~l - NOI'thwest Pamit
July 8, 1998
electrica11ines are located in the alley and will need to be relocated if the vacation is
6. The subject right-of-way is currently improved.
7. The Public Works. Fire. and Police Department's comments are included as
Attacmnents B, C. and D of the July 8,'1998 Planning Depanment Staff Report for
STY 98-01.
8. The Police Depanment expressed several public safety concerns related to the
proposed vacation. These concerns include the current use of the alley for traffic
diversion in the event of an accident at the 8th Street and Lincoln Street intersection.
the use of the alley by officers in response to calls from the bank located at the comer
of 8th Street and Oak Street, and the use of the alley for access to and observation of
the 24 hour retaiVgas station use at the comer of 8th Street and Lincoln Street.
A The Comprehensive Plan's Utilities and Public Services Policies C, 2 and 3 and
Transportation Policy B 18 are the most relevant to the proposed vacation
B Based on the Police Department' s comments and stated use of the alley for public
safety purposes, the proposed vacation is not consistent with the Comprehensive
Plan's Transportation Policy B 18
C Based on the Police Department's comments and stated use of the alley for public
safety purposes, the proposed vacation will have an adverse impact on ,the public
health. safetY and welfare.
If the Pobce Department's concerns can be mitigated to ~he point that the proposed vacation will not
result In an adverse impact on the public health. safety'and welfare, the Planning Depanment would
recommend the Planning Commission foward to the City Council a recommendation of approval
subject to certain conditions of approval rather than the present recommendation of denial
S'T''9I01 PCI
CltvofPo,., A"p~/~$ Plan"m~ lNpartmmt. 32/ E. 5thSl.. Port Angeles. WA. (volC:e) 360-4/7-4750. (far) 360-4/7-4609
_2CQ~ '~':J
. ~~~ c:J(J,/9
TO: n,e City Council of the City of Port Angeles. Washington -
Come now the undersigned petitioners and pursuant tQ Chapter 35.79 RCW respectfully show:
1. The undersigned petitioners request that the following described portion of ALl e y
Street/Alley in the City of Port Angeles be vacated pursuant to Chapter 35.79 RCW (legally describe the
propeny requested for vacotion below).
,he -6oS\~er\~ 300 be.e-c:- Db .ar\\e '1 ~....:u~.~ ~. 8~ s-r 4-
~. 'i1;. $\1'Qe. '- ~~tU'I...;)c:.,~. L\nc. oL.r.;) .Gr. '\"'2::I-n...e.. .....:;)~r\'\...
J.. c1 ~ / - ~ ")'- 13 - / S ,0 I-.,:l. t...) TPI1
2. &ch of the undersigned petitioners is the owner of an interest in real estate abutting on the above .
described area.
3 ~ persons own propeny abutting on said &rea.
4 The names and addresses of property owners abutting on said areas are as follows:
Name Add~~
(. :" J~.u..rL ~c..v",", lA.:)e-\ \ 1 '<<B l3 i} I' Pcrl\ ~~p ~ ~ l.-0Pt
.~ nGl e. ~J "'"'~\ \ .5c:..... ........ ~
bherc ~'f!- r f'V'\ r.. N ~ ..--.. p
5 The und.ersigncd petitioners constitute more tbaa two tbirds of the owners of said abuttmg
l)al~ R~ce'v
-'2.8 81=,~. ~clo~
~ "''t l2- $C4-~ L~ Sl... ..-. P
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K"'-l: L ~f".I1 '''''' ~\l..
20b .3_~}:.Qa33' ~
To: Deborah LynnHan, N.W. PaDut
From: Allen Kann. Boardwalk DeYe10pment
D...: 01/27/98
Re: Authonzauon to Nonhwest Permit
thiS Memorandum is intended as authorization to Northwest Permit to apply
and process permits on behalf of us for the property legally descnbed as
Lots 17-18. Block 268. Tov.nsite of Port Angeles, WA
If you have any questions, please feel free to call me on 314-966-2300 Your
assistance IS appreciated.
Very Truly Yours.
Allen Kann
Executive Vice President
I .
-'-2'-1_ 5......
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:-;;..~ :.. -:-:: ._~--
January 19. 1998
Mr. Scott Grainger
Northwest Retail Partners. Ltd.
600 University St.. Suite 3012
Seattle, W A 98101
Rc: Rezone Application
Street Vacation Application
Lots 1-6 inclusive, Lots 13-16 inclusive
Block 268, Townsite of Pon Angeles, W~.
Dear Scott:
. . .
This letter shall serve as Owner's permission to Boardwalk Development, its agents
and/or asSigns to fiJe the necessary Rezone Application. Street Vacation Application, and
other docwnentation as requested by the City of Port Anseles in association with the
proposed retail development occurring at Lots 1-6 inclusive, Lots 13-16 inclusive
Block 268. lownsite oCPort Angeles. WA.
Roben ~ German
It 6 e-
f~ur-~~S"t W~
I .
- : ,.,
, - .
_,_ I
LOTS 1-f; &-1~-1~ RI .,~~ ^ ..c-
. ~
February 25, 1998
TO: Tim Smith
From: Gary Kenworthy
Trenia Funston 1'r
IfDJ ~ m ~ 0 ffJ IE fn1
lJl] MaR - 2 &I lJ!J
Easterly 300' of the 8/9 Alley.between Lincoln and Laurel Streets
· The existing 8/9 alley between Lincoln and Laurel Streets presently has a 24" sanitary
sewer main which will need to relocated. A 20' wide utility easement will be required
for access.
· Provide a 20' wide Access easement from 8/9 alley North to 8th Street.
Block 268 Assessed land values:
South side 8th Street LiDcolD to Laurel
North 80' lots I and 2
South 60' Lots I and 2 and Lots 3-5
Lots 6-8 and the S60' Lot 9
North 80' Lot 9
North side 9th Street LiDcom to Laurel
Lots 17-18
Lots 14-16
Lots 12-13
North 90' Lots 10- I I
South SO' Lots 1 0-11
Block 267 Assessed values:
South side 8th Strect Laurel to Oak
Lots 1-2, 3-4
Lots 5-7 Church
Lot 8
Lots 9- I 0
North side of 9th Strcet Laurel to Oak
Lots 1 J -20
S2.5 I SF
~: :;'
A T\AL \-\ME~ 15.
. Block 269 Assessed values:
South side 8th Street Lincoln to, Chase
Lots 1-2 S8.00SF
Lots 3-5 S8.00SF
Lots 6-9 5 13.50SF
North side of 9th Street Lincoln to Chase
Lots 10 and portions of Lot 11 S8.00SF
. Block 231 Assessed values: ( .
North Side 8th Street Lincoln to Laurel c c..-
Lots 10-15 S8.00SF
Lot 16 and South 99' Lots 17~ 8 S8.59SF
. Block 232 Assessed values:
North side 8th Street Laurel to Oak
Lots 11-14 Church 0
Lots 15-20 S6.50SF
. Block 230 Assessed values:
North side 8th Street Lincoln to Chase
Lots '-12 S8.67SF
Lots 13-18 S8.00SF
I 16'
31/ Easl/.i/ih Slreel. .Porl AIJ1(eJes. WashlllK'01l (360) -1/7-1750
February 16, 1998
~mith. Public Works Depanment
Fire Depanment
Police Depanment
BAUMWELLfGERMAN - 8/9 Alley between Lincoln and Laurel Streets
The Planrung Depanment has received a petition for vacation of a ponion of the 8/9 alley between
Lmcoln and Laurel Streets Please review the petition and identify those issues that relate to your
depanmental concerns A response to the Planning Depanment no later than Februarv 27. 1998,
IS apprecIated Please be sure to note any concerns your depanments have with regard to
comohance Wlth the City's LOS standards should the vacation be approved.
If "ou have any questions. please call or stop by the depanment Thank you
-t:;( wllA.- ~ tJe.C,~5AtzA( '10 ~f:..W\D\JE,... "....) e..X''''T,'';C?)
()J~fZ.t~D f'ovJ~tJe-,~ 1t\~...t=fr.o'Po~~ A~ VACAi10,J .
lite ~efl,LA~f, C/f0~f.;. (Z-~v6-A ~~ ~1~-r1fJG> -?~I~
~~. A ~~ ~r'~A-rc:- P"- 1i/i'7 vJOM-~
~ G"llSu ro MtJWAIJ""r' P,,(t."N~H,f, A-t.CH(~.
-Sf~A<-i~ .1E
~flVlrf&Y" t3/ /1q~
Coral Wheeler
AdmlOlstratlve Assistant
ext 4650
e....t:e W. Becker
Fire Chief
ext 4651
Daniel K. McKeen
Fire Marshal
ext 4653
L. Keith Sogues
TraIning Officer
ext 4652
James B. (Duke) Moroz
Medacal Offu::er
ext "665
ROU'l'B '1'01
Buil4ing >>ept. I:J
JtlasmiDg Dept. 8'
Public Work. IJ
Ci ty Manager IJ
February 23, 1998
lJl) FEB 2 A &IJ l!J
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Plann~ng Department
Dan McKeen, Fire Marshal
Street Vacation Petition - STV 98-01
Baumwell/German 8/9 Alley between
Lincoln and Laurel Streets
The Fire Department has reviewed the request for a
street vacation for a portion of the 8/9 alley
between Lincoln and Laurel Street, and has the
following condition:
Through access shall be maintained at the west
end of the vacated 8/9 alley. The access shall
be a minimum of.' 20 feet in width and shall
consist of an all-weather surface meet~ng City
of Port Angeles Public Works specifications.
In lieu of through access, an approved turn-a-
round meeting City of Port Angeles Public
Works specifications can be provided at the
east end of the remaining 8/9 alley.
FP - 26
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Pollee Department
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DIstribution: loJ Addressee Only loJ Post II Ope...tlons II Communications II Records PQ Administration
From: Gale TurtonlSgl Port Angeles PolICe
Street Vacation Petltlon-5TV 88-01
After revIewing the application for vacation of a portion of the alley between 8th and 9th Streets, south side of
8th Street, west of Uncoln, I have several"publlc safety concerns".
The Intersection of 8th and Uncoln Streets Is a major Intersection In the City. Accidents at this location are difficult
to safely Invesbgate without the use of the alleys to dIvert traffic. The only alley that Is usable In an east/west
dlrecbon IS ~ alley on the south side of 8th Street. The alley on the north side of 8th Street does not continue
There IS a bank located at 8th and Oak Streets. Officers responding to problems at that location who are located
south of 8th Street would respond north bound on Uncoln Street turnIng west bound In the alley to the area of
the bank
T~ Areo AMlPM IS located at the comer of 8th and Uncoln Streets. This Is a 2. hour business and with problems
tNt reQuIre a police response. the alley west of Uncoln Street Is a prefect location for Officers to observe the
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Planning Commission
Planning Department
July 8, 1998
STY 98-01
Northwest Permit
Vacation of the alley between 8th Street and 9th Street abun10g Lots 1-6 and
13-18 of Block No. 268 in the Townsite of Port Angeles.
Based on the Police Department's concerns being adequately mitigated. the Planning Department
recommends the Planning Commission forward a recommendation of approval to the City Council
for street vacation request STY 98-01 subject to the following conditions of approval and based on
the follow1Og findings and conclusions:
Conditions of Appro\'al:
The proposed street vacation is subject to the recommendations of the City's Public
Works Department included in Attachment B of the July 8. 1998 Planning
Department Staff Report for STY 98-01.
The proposed street vacation IS subject to the recommendations of the City's Fire
Department included 10 Attachment C of the July 8. 1998 Planning Department Staff
Report for STY 98-01.
The proposed street vacation is subject to the recommendations of the City's Police
Department as presented to the Plann10g Commission at their meet10g of July 8.
The street vacation shall not be finaled until a building permit is issued for the
propeny consistent with the reVised site development plan attached as Attachment
A to the July 8, 1998 Planning Department Staff Report for STY 98-02.
('Ill' of Port AnKeles Planmng Deparlment. 321 E 5th Sr . POri AnKeles. W A. (vOIce) 360-4/7-4750. (jaxI 360-4/7-4609
Planmng Depamncnt Staff Repon AlternatIve Rcommcndauon
STY 98-01 - Nonhwest Permit
July 8. 1998
Page 2
5. Final occupancy of any new structures on the site shall not be allowed until the street
vacation is complete and all of the individual lots comprising the development site
have been combined into one legal building and zoning lot.
6. Any costs associated with utility relocation and alley realignment and/or
improvements shall be borne by the applicant.
1. The applicant for the requested vacation is Northwest Permit, the application/petition
is attached as Attachment A of the July 8, 1998 Planning Department Staff Report
for STY 98-01.
2. The requested vacation is for that portion of the alley between 8th Street and 9th
Street abutting Lots 1-6 and 13-18 of Block No. 268 in the Townsite of Port Angeles.
3. The street vacation is categorically exempt from threshold determInation and
Environmental Impact Statement requirements per Section 197-1.1,:,800 (2) (h) of the
Washington Administrative Code.
4. The subject right-of-way and abutting properties fall within the undesignated area
between the ComprehensIve Plan's Commercial land use designatIon to the north and
its Residential designation to the south. The majority of the abutting properties are
zoned Commercial Shopping District (CSD) with four of the propemes currently
zoned Residential, Single-Family (RS-7).
5. The Public Works Department has indicated a 24" sanitary sewer main and overhead
electrical lines are located in the alley and will need to be relocated if the vacatIon
IS approved.
6. The subject right-of-way is currently improved.
7. The Public Works. Fire. and Pol1ce Department's comments are Included as
Attachments B. C. and D of the July 8.1998 Planning Department Staff Report for
STY 98-01.
8. The Police Department expressed several public safety concerns related to the
proposed vacation. These concerns include the current use of the alley for traffic
diversion in the event of an accident at the 8th Street and Lincoln Street Intersection.
the use of the alley by officers in response to calls from the bank located at the comer
of 8th Street and Oak Street. and the use of the alley for access to and observation of
the 24 hour retail/gas station use at the comer of 8th Street and Lincoln Street.
I). .-\s noted in their presentatIon to the Planning Commission on July S. 1998. the
Police Department's concerns expressed in their letter dated February 23, 1998. and
attached as Attachment D of the July 8, 1998 Planning Department Staff Report for
STY 98-01 have been adequately mitigated to their satisfaction.
(',IV of Port Angeles Plannmg Department. 321 E. 5th St.. Port Angeles. W A. (VOIce) 360-417-4750. (fax) 360-4/7-4609 1 7 4
+ "'-r
PlannIng Depanment Staff Report Alt\."lattve Rcommendation
STY 98-01 - Northwest Permit
July 8, 1998
Page 3
10. On May 14, 1998, the Planning Department received a traffic analysis for the
applicant's overall development plan which includes the proposed street vacation.
On June 3, 1998, the Planning Department received an addendum to the analysis with
comments regarding 9th Street, Laurel St~eet, and the 8th and 9th Streets alley.
A. The Comprehensive Plan's Utilities and Public Services Policies C, 2 and 3 and
Transportation Policy B 18 are the most relevant to the proposed vacation.
B. As conditioned, the proposed vacation is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan's
Utilities and Public Services Policies C, 2 and 3 and Transportation Policy B 18.
C. As conditioned. the proposed vacation will not have an adverse impact on the public
health, safety and welfare.
D. As conditioned. the proposed vacation will benefit the community's economic
development as well as the general public health, safety and welfare.
('/IV of Port Angeles Planning Department, 321 E. 5th St., Port Angeles, WA. (voIce) 360-4 J 7-4750, (fax) 360-4 J 7-4609