HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet 08/10/1999 CITY OF PORT ANGELES CITY COUNCIL MEETING WASHINGTON, U.S.A. August 10, 1999 I. CALL TO ORDER- ~.~'LAR MEETING: ! II. ROLL CALL: Members Present: Mayor Braun Councilman Campbell Councilman Doyle Councilman Hulett Councilmember McKeown Councilman Wiggins Councilman Williams Staff Present: Other Staff Present: Manager Quinn Attorney Knutson Clerk Upton ~/ B. Becker S. Brodhun B. Collins G. Cutler S. Ilk Y. Ziomkowski III. ADJOURN TO EXECUTIVE SESSION: Reason: Approximate Length: IV. RETURN TO OPEN SESSION: V. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Led by: pORTAI'IGELES WASHINGTON, U.S.A. CITY COUNCIL MEMO DATE: August 10, 1999 TO: MAYOR BRAUN AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: Becky J. Upton, City Clerk/Management Assistant ~ SU~ECT: Special City Council Meeting - Tuesday, August 10, 1999, 6:00 p.m. Interviews & Appointments to Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Summary: The terms of office for the members of the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee have expired. Because of upcoming budget considerations relative to lodging tax allocations, as well as the review process for the convention center proposal, it is necessary to interview applicants and make appointments to the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee. Recommendation: That the City Council: (1) confirm that Councilmembers Wiggins and Campbell will continue to represent the City Council on the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee; (2) appoint a representative from the Downtown Forward Executive Committee as submitted by Councilmember McKeown, DFEC Chair; and (3) interview and appoint the other members of the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee. Background / Analysis: In November, 1997, the City Council adopted Ordinance No. 2972, establishing the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee, comprised of: · Two City Council members; · Three members who are representatives of businesses required to collect the lodging excise tax; · Three members who are persons involved in activities authorized to be funded by lodging excise tax revenue; · Two citizen-at-large members who neither represent businesses required to collect the lodging excise tax nor are persons involved in activities authorized to be funded by the lodging excise tax; and · One member who is a representative of the Downtown Forward Executive Committee. The members of the Committee shall be appointed by the City Council consistent with the following criteria: (1) Members shall be residents of the City or representatives of businesses within the City; (2) Members shall have displayed an interest in the work of the Committee; (3) Members shall have declared in their applications which category of membership they are applying for, so that members MAYOR BRAUN AND CITY COUNCIL August 10, 1999 Page Two shall be eligible for only one of the categories. The Committee makes recommendations to the City Council on activities and/or facilities to be funded by lodging excise tax revenues. In addition, the Committee will be involved in the review process for the proposed convention center. Attached is a list of the interview appointments for the evening of August 10, 1999, as well as a copy of the applications. Please note that Bill Rinehart and Steve Oliver are unable to participate in the interviews, as both of them will be out of town. They have, however, submitted letters requesting that you consider reappointing them to the membership of the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee. Also, to assist you during the interviews, staff has prepared a list of possible questions you may wish to ask the applicants. It is possible that late applications may be submitted to the City. Should this occur, an interview appointment will be made with the applicant for the evening of August 10th. Once the interviews have been completed, it is recommended that the Council proceed with a roll call vote to make the necessary appointments. The term of office is for one (1) year, and members may be appointed by the City Council for successive terms. Attachments: Appointment Information Possible Questions Applications Applicants for Lodging Tax Advisory Committee August 10, 1999 Interview Time Applicant Category Represented 6:00 p.m. Carol Griffith, Port Angeles Inn Collector of tax 6:10 p.m. Troy Woody, DoubleTree Hotel Collector of tax 6:20 p.m. **Bob Harbick, Seasuns B & B Collector of tax 6:30 p.m. John McCullough, Chamber of Commerce Recipient of tax 6:40 p.m. **Dick Vogel, Uptown Inn Collector of tax 7:00 p.m. Clay Oakes, P. A. School District At-Large (?) 7:10 p.m. **David Morris, Visitor & Convention Bureau Recipient of tax 7:20 p.m. Tod McClaskey, Olympic Lodge Collector of tax 7:30 p.m. Thomas Akers, Juan de Fuca Festival Recipient of tax 7:40 p.m. Patty Hannah, United Way At-Large 8:00 p.m. Zoe Bayton, Bayton's B & B Collector of tax Unable to Attend **Bill Rinehart At-Large Unable to Attend **Steve Oliver, Hurricane Ridge Winter Sports Recipient of tax ** Indicates those individuals who previously served on the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Possible Questions for Interviewing Candidates Lodging Tax Advisory Committee August 10, 1999 1. What position are you hoping to represent if appointed to this committee - collection, receiving, or at-large? 2. You have expressed an interest in representing those who collect lodging taxes. However, we are aware of your involvement in other organizations that receive the lodging taxes. How would you envision keeping your focus as representative of the collectors? OR Could you identify organizations in which you are involved who currently receive lodging tax funds? Do you feel your membership creates any type of conflict of interest? 3. You've expressed an interest in an at-large position. Do you have any involvement with tax collection or receiving entities, or do yoU hope to have a project or program funded in the future through this tax? 5. What, if any, suggestions would you have on enhancing tourism in Port Angeles? 6. Have you already established your personal list of funding priorities? Would you share them with us? 7. Would you be receptive to funding applications that represent other than the traditional method of tourism attraction or promotion? Are you aware of any such applications or do you have any ideas you can share with us? 8. Are you aware that this committee is advisory to the City Council and, to that end, are you willing to accept the final funding allocations approved by the City Council especially if the decision is different from that recommended by the committee? 9. Are you aware that the City is reviewing a convention center proposal submitted by the Promus Corporation? Do you have an opinion of how the City should proceed with a response to this proposal? 10. Can you keep an open mind during the process of reviewing the Promus proposal? 11. Do you favor using these taxes for a combination of uses, such as the funding of local events and tourism services, tourism marketing, and capital projects, which may include a convention center or a tourism oriented activity center? Of those choices, how would you prioritize distribution of funds? 12. Are you aware of the current Port Angeles Chamber/VCB tourism promotio~ campaign being funded by this tax base? Do you think that this promotion campaign will be effective? 11 1 E. SECOND ST. PORT ANGELES, WA. 98362 JUN - 7 1999 CITY OFciTyPORTcLERKANGELES .j City Council, Given the understanding that there is soon to be an openning on the tax committee I would like to be considered as a candidate. Having been in the motel business since 1977 and during that time overseeing the building of one property and the renovation of three others, i have acquired a sound understanding of what is required to make good decisions. The financial operation plus the bookkeeping aspect was always my part of our business. Being in the real estate business since 1987 has given me the knowledge of making sound financial decisions and I would like to use my knowledge as part of the tax committee. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, -1- pOR ,TA.NG] LI S JUN 1999 WASHINGTON, CITY OF PORT ANGELES CITY CLERK Application for Appointment to a Board, Commission, or Committee Board, Commission, or Committee to which you are seeking appointment. Boaci or Commission Full Name Board or Commission Full Name Applicant Name and General Information F~si .... Mt ~"- - -' - / Home ltr~et ad.ess Ci~ ~ S~te Zip C~ Home phone ~u~ Work phone n~b~ Ce~fication and Location InformaBon c~ you c~n~y a Ci~ ~loye~? Y~ ~e you a ci~en of &e U~ted S~~No Are ~e you a Ci~ resident?~ No Do you o~age a bus.ess ~ ~e Ci~?~No you hold ~y professional lic~es, re~s~o~ or c~ca~ in ~y field (list below)?~ Do No ~ you/aw~¢ of~y co~t of ~terest w~ch ~ht ~se by yo~ se~ice on a Ci~ Board or Co~ion? If so, pl~e explain: ~~ / In compliance with the American Disabilities Act, if you will need special accommodations because of a physical limitation, please contact the City Clerk, 417-4634, so appropriate arrangements can be made. (OVER) List most recent experience f'ust (or elaborate on a resume if you prefer) ~'dpioye; ' (~ - --- /" . Your T~I=' - From (}v~' To ([~/) ' . E~y,r '- ~ ...... C ~foy& --; ~ - / ~G~ihe . From (~ To (~) List most ~ec~t experience ~t ~fid~Eo~a~ofi -'- / .... ~e~ c~e~ajor ~ca of study ~ad~tcd? I~i~~cah~- -~-' - ~ ' - Credi~ [a~7~ajor ~ea of study Gra~ated7 Chari~ble, Social, and Civic Activities and Memberships List ~jo~ activities you have p~c~ated m d~g ~;.~gn~gd locq~ ~- Group's p~;s~;e ~ ( ~ of membe= Ordination ~d l~a~on Group's pu~osc/objcc~vc ~ of mcm~rs App~c-a~t ~ature- ~/~- ' - Submit completed forms to: Office of thc City Clerk, City of Port Angeles, 321 E. 5th Street, P. O. Box 1150, Port Angeles, Washington, 98362 1/99 po A.NG L S_ . , , WASHINGTON. U.S.A. JUL 211999 CITY OF PORT ANGELES CITY CLERK Application for Appointment to a Board, Commission, or Committee Board, Commission, or Committee to which you are seeking appointment Board or Commiss~n Fu~l Name Board or Comr~ission Full Name Board or Commission Full Name Applicant Name and General Information '"'f'rol L First MI Last Zzs (, W, Hom~ street address C~ty State Zip Code Home phone number Work phone number Oertification and Location Information Are you currently a City employee? Ye~ Are you a citizen of the United States?(~ No Are you a City resident? (~ No Do you own/manage a business in the City?(~ No you hold any professional licenses, regis~ations or certificates in any ti¢ld (list below)? Yes Do Are you aware of any conflict of interest which might arise by your service on a City Board or Commission? If so, please explain: '~tx~, o4 ~otx ¢~reAc~ C¢ ^xe~ ~.~s~.~s . In compliance with the American Disabilities Act, if you will need special accommodations because of a physical limitation, please contact the City Clerk, 417-4634, so appropriate arrangements can be made. (OVER) Work Experience List most recent experience f'trst (or elaborate on a resume if you prefer) Employer Your Title From (M/Y) To (M/Y) Brief job description Employer Your Title From (M/Y) To (M/Y) Brief job description 3. Employer Your Title From (M/Y) To (M/Y) Brief job description Education List most recent experience first Yes No 1. Institution/Location Credits earned/Major area of study Graduated? Yes No 2. Institution/Location Credits earned/Major area of study Graduated? Yes No 3. Institution/Location Credits earned/Major area of study Graduated? Charitable, Social, and Civic Activities and Memberships List major activities you have participated in during the last five years Organization and location Group's purpose/objective # of members Brief description of your participation ~ ~el~ak:, ,n ~gamzahon ~d location Group's p~ose/objecfive ~ of members Brief description of your participation pplicant Signature Date Submit completed forms to: Office of the City Clerk, City of Port Angeles, 321 E. 5th Street, P. O. Box 1150, Port Angeles, Washington, 98362 1/99 pORTANG LES_ . W A S H I N G T O N. U. S.A. CITY OF'I~0RT ANGELES CITY CLERK Application for Appointment to a Board, Commission, or Committee Board, Commission, or Committee to which you are seeking appointment. Boazci orCo~o~FtdlName ................... Board or Commission Full Name Board or Commission Full Name Applicant Name and General Information F~t ~ MI ~t B~te (~) Home s~eet a~ess Ci~ State Zi~ C~e Home phone n~b== Work p~ne n~ber Ce~ification and L~ation Information c~.~= A~= you ~ently a CiW employ=e? ~ ~ Are you a Ci~- resider? ~ ~o Do you o~m~ag= Do you hold any profe~ional licem~, regis~fio~ or ce~ficates Are you aware of any conflict of interest which might arise by your service on a City Board or Commission? If so, please explain:. In compliance with the American Disabilities Act, if you will need special accommodations because of a physical limitation, please contact the City Clerk, 417-4634, so appropriate arrangements can be made. lOVER) Work Experience List most recent expefie~ ce first (or elaborate on a resume if you prefer) Employer . ...... Your Title From (M/Y) To (M/Y) Brief job description 2. Employer Your Title From (lVl/Y) To (M/Y) Brief job description 3. Employer Your Title From (M/Y) To (M/Y) Brief job description Education List most recent experience t-~rst ,. - ' Institution/Location Credits earned/Major area of study Graduated? Yes No 2. Institution/Location Credits earned/Major area of study Graduated? Yes No 3. Institution/Location Credits earned/Major area of study Graduated? Charitable, Social, and Civic Activities and Memberships List major activities you have participated in during the last five years i. Organization and location Group's purposdobjective # of members Brief description of your participation 2. Organizahon and location Group's purpose/objective # of members Brief description of your participation Applicant Signature Date Submit completed forms to: Office of the City Clerk, City of Port Angeles, 321 E. 5th Street, P. O. Box 1150, Port Angeles, Washington, 98362 1/99 W A 8 H I N Gl T O N, U. ~. A- Application for Appointment to a Board, Commi~sion, or Committee Board, Commission, or Committee to whiGh you are seeking app~intment B~d or Co~ F~I N~ t 6o~d or C~mm_.i~S~oa Full Nam~ Bo~t o~ Commbeion F~IIN~m. Applioant Name and Genera! Information Ci~ Sta~ Zip C~k C~flcaUon nod ~caUofl I~ormaflofl c~t~ ~ A~ you ~w~c of my co~mtere~ w~ch ~t mac by y~r s~e on l Ci~ Bo~d ~ Co.asia? [f~o, pleuc expl~m: ~ _ .. In compliance with thc An'~ricM'~ Disabilities Act, ~f you will need Sl~ci~l accommodations b~mu~ of a physical limi~tio~ pl~0 cou~t d~c City Cicrk 417-4634, ~o approl~ia~ an~£~'n'~t~ ca l:~ n~de. (OVER) Work Experience Li~t mo_~t r~c~t ~xpcri_~a~ ftnt (or_¢tabora~ a~ ~ r~ ~ prell) Briefj~ ~c~pgon E~loycr Yo~ Tt~ From (~ To (~Y) Bncf job' d~:~c~p~ion .... Education List most recent t~pcr~nc~ lust I~o~o~goa ~dia ~c~Major ~a of study ~~'~ I~timho~ocngon C~ c~njor ~ of ~dy Chari~ble, S~ial, and CIvic ActiviUss and Membership~ ~g~a~on ~d i~a~on ~up's p~obj~c~vo ~ of mcmb~ B~f d~cdp~on of y~ ~ci~0n 5ubmlt completsd forms to: Of~c= o~ the Ci~ Clerk, Ci~ of PoS An;=les, 32 [ E. 5~ S~e=t. P. O. Box l 150, Po~ Angoles, Wuhmgton, 98362 t/99 P- ORTANGELI S mo WASHINGTON, U.S.A. CITY OF PORT ANGELES CITY CLERK, ,, LL Application for Appointment to a Board, Commission, or Committee Board, Commission, or Committee to which you are seeking appointment. C;ry ~F ,'l),,,tl' /t ,'v ~, /'.- '~ L~,/~,~ /~. ^'~','~,"~;' Board or Commission Full Name Board or Commission Full Name Board or Commission Full Name Applicant Name and General Information First MI Last Birthrate (M/D/Y) IoI E a&,¢ 5"7' Home street address City State Zip Code 3bo- ¥57- '3'~'3'? 5~v - q.5'?.- Home phone number Work phone number Certification and Location Information c~,~. Are you cun=ntly a City employee? Yes (~ Are you a citizc~ of thc United States? ~ No Are 7o-a Ci~ reside~,?~.o Do 7o~ o~m=a~= = ~=~. ~ thc City? <~ 7ou hold any professional licenses, rc§islzatiom or certificates i~ a~y field (list below)? Do Aze you aware of any conflict of interest which might arise by your service on a City Board or Commission? If so, please explain: n ~, In compliance with the American Disabilities Act, if you will need special accommodations because of a physical limitation, please contact the City Clerk, 417-4634, so appropriate arrangements can be made. (OVER) Work Exl~erience List most recent experience first (or elaborate on a resume if you prefer) Employer Your Title From (M/Y) To (M/Y) Brief job description 2. Employer Yo~ Title From (~) To ~) Brief job description 3. Employer Your Title From (M/Y) To (M/Y) Brief job description Education List most recent experience Rrst ~fimfio~o~fion Oe~m e~e~ajor ~m of s~dy ~duated? Yes No 2. Imtimfio~ocafion Cream eame~ajor ama of study Graduated? Yes No 3. ~sfimfio~afion Credi~ e~e~ajor ~a of study ~aduated? Charitable, Social, and Civic Activities and Memberships List major activities you have p~cipated ~ d~ng ~c last five yearn ~g~afion and location Group's p~se/obj~five ~ of members Brief &scfip~on of yo~ p~cipm~on ~gmNafion and locaQon Group's pu~os~objccQvc ~ of mcmbc~ Brief description of your pa~cipation ,-. ,5 Applicant Signature Date Submit completed forms to: Office of the City Clerk, City of Port Angeles, 321 E. 5th Street, P. O. Box 1150, Port Angeles, Washington, 98362 1/99 w^$,-,,,,~','o,,,. ,.,.s.^. . JUL 19 1999 CiTY OF PORT ANGELES CITY CLERK Application for Appointment to a Board, Commission, or Committee Board, Commission, or Committee to which you are seeking appointment Board or Commission Full Name ~'~,, ~ ~ ~. /~,~ Board or Commission Full Name Board or Commission Full Name Applicant Name and General Information First MI Last ~ 0 I'~ g c~e~ ,lb 7~~o ~. Hom~ s~et ad.ess Ci~ State Zip Code Home phone number Work phone n~b~r Ce~ification and Location Information c~ ~ you cu~ently a Ci~ employee? Ye~ ' ~ you a ci~en of ~e United S~t~ No ~ you a Ci~ resident? Yes ~ Do you ow~age a bm~ess m the Ci~? Do you hold any professional licenses, mgis~atiom or ce~ificat~s in any fi~ld (list below)? Yes Are you aware of any conflict of interest which might arise by your service on a City Board or Commission? If so, please explain: ~ In compliance with the American Disabilities Act, if you will need special accommodations because of a physical limitation, please contact the City Clerk, 417-4634, so appropriate arrangements can be made. (OVER) Work Experience List most recent experience first (or elaborate on a resume if you prefer) ., Employer Your Title From (M/Y) To (M/Y) Brief job description Employer Your Title From (M/Y) To (M/Y) Brief job description Employer Your Title From (M/Y) To (M/Y) Brief job description Education List most recent experience first Yes No 1. Institution/Location Credits earned/Major area of study Graduated? Yes No 2. Institution/Location Credits earned/Major area of study Graduated? Yes No 3. Institution/Location Credits earned/Major area of study Graduated? Charitable, Social, and Civic Activities and Memberships List major activities you have participated in during the last five years Organization and location Group's purpose/objective # of members Brief description of your participation Organization and location Group's purpose/objective # of members Brief description of your participation Applie~lf'~ature ~ Date Submit completed forms to: Office of the City Clerk, City of Port Angeles, 321 E. 5th Street, P. O. Box 1150, Port Angeles, Washington, 98362 1/99 WASHINGTON, U.S.A. Application for Appointment to a Board, Commission, or Committee Board, Commission, or Committee to which you are seeking appointment Board or Co~nissron Full Name // Board or Commission Full Name Board or Commission Full Name Applicant Name and General Information First MI Last Bfrthdate (M/D/Y) Home street address City I ~ State Zip Code Home phone number Work phone number Certification and Location Information c~, o., Are you currently a City employee? Yes 1~) Are you a citizen of thc United States? ~ No Are you a City resident? ~blo Do you own/manage a business in the City? Yes ~ Do you hold any professional licenses, registrations or certificates in any field (list below)? Yes ~_~ Are you aware of any conflict of interest which might arise by your service on a City Board or Commission? If so, please explain: tld~ In compliance with the American Disabilities Act, if you will need special accommodations because of a physical limitation, please contact the City Clerk, 417-4634, so appropriate arrangements can be made. (OVER) Work Experience List most recent experience first (or elaborate on a resume if you prefer) EmploY/er ~ Your Title From (M/Y) To Brief job descripfioti Employer Your Title From (M/Y) To (M/Y) Brief job description 3. Employer Your Title From (M/Y) To (M/Y) Brief job description Education List most recent experience first Institution/Location Credits earned/Major area of study Graduated? Yes No 2. Institution/Location Credits earned/Major area of study Graduated? Yes No 3. Institution/Location Credits earned/Major area of study Graduated? Charitable, Social, and Civic Activities and Memberships List major activities you have participated in during the last five years 7 Organization and location-- Group's purpose/objective # of members Brief description of your participation 2. Organization and location Group's purpose/objective # of members Brief description of your participation Applica~gnature ~'~'"Z Dat~ / Submit completed forms to: Office of the City Clerk, City of Port Angeles, 321 E. 5th Street, P. O. Box 1150, Port Angeles, Washington, 98362 1/99 ........ T ........................................ T ...... 1' A ~; H ~ N ~ T O N, CITY OF PORT ANGELES CITY CLERK Application for Appointment to a Board, Commission, or Committee Board, Commission, or Committee to which you are seeking appointment Board or Co~on Fl~l/Name Board or Commission Full Name Board or Commission Full Name Applicant Name and General Information MI Birthdate Firstv-' Last Home street address City State Zip Code Home phone number Work phone number Certification and Location Information ci~, An: you currently a City employee? Yes(~) Are you a citizen of the United States? Are you a City resident? Ye N~. Do you oww'manage a business in the CityV~.~ee No Do you hold any professional licenses, registrations or certificates in any field (list below)? Ye~) Are you aware of any };onflict of interest which might arise by your service on a City Board or Commission? If so, please explain: .../It' ~ In comphance with the American Disabilities Act, if you will need special accommodations because of a physical limitation, please contact the City Clerk, 417-4634, so appropriate arrangements can be made. (OVER) List most recent experience first (or elaborate on a resume if you prefer) Employer Your Title From (M/Y) To (M/Y) Employer Your Title From (M/Y) To (M/Y) Brief job description Employer /~Your TiUe From (M/Y) To (~/Y) w Brief job description Education List most recent experience first ~ Institut-~o~o'catio~ .... Cred~gearned/Major ax~ea of study Graduated? Yes No 2. Institution/Location Credits earned/Major area of study Graduated? Yes bio 3. Institution/Location Credits earned/Major area of study Graduated? Charitable, Social, and Civic Activities and Memberships List major activities you have participated in during the last five years 1. Organization and location Group's purpose/objective # of members Brief description of your participation 2. Organization and location Group's purpose/objective # of inembers Brief descrip_.ti, cm. of your participation .q Applicant Signature - / Submit completed forms to: Office of the City Clerk, City of Port Angeles, 321 E. 5th Street, P. O. Box 1150, Port Angeles, Washington, 98362 1/99 P° TA GsI- S WASHINGTON, U.S.A. CITY OF PORT ANGELES CiTY CLERK Application for Appointment to a Board, Commission, or Oommi~ee Board, Commission, or Committee to which you are seeking appointment. Bo~d or Commission Full Name ,I Board or Commissil~n Full am Board or Commission Full Name Applicant Name and General Information o,l, 3, First MI Last Six~l~ate (MYD/Y) Home street ad~s I Ci~ State Zip C~ Ho~ phone numb~ Work phone n~b~ Oe~ifigation and Location information c~, ~ Are you c~enfly a CiW e~loy~? Y~ ~e you a ellen of ~e U~d Sta~s?~No Are you a Ci~ resident? Yes ~ Do you o~ge a bus.ess ~ ~e CiW? Y~ ~ Do you hold ~y professional lieemes, ~gis~afions or ce~fieates ~ ~y field (list below)? Yes ~ Am you aware of any conflict of interest which might arise by your service on a City Board or Commission? If so, please explain: Ix3/~, ~ ~ In compliance with the American Disabilities Act, if you will need special accommodations because of a physical limitation, please contact the City Clerk, 417-4634, so appropriate arrangements can be made. (OVER) Work Experience List most recent experience first (or elaborate on a resume if you prefer)l. - ~ ~-'~4- I/-~'-~) F/-64~~,¢~ ~Zd ~ j4-l)__~ '~ (/(Iff ~ Employer Your Title From (M/Y) To (M/Y) Employer Your Title Brief job description 3. Employer Your Title From (M/Y) To (M/Y) Brief job description Education List most recent experience f'ust Institution/Location Credits earned/Major area of study Graduated? Institution/Location Credits earned/Major area of study Graduated? Institution/Location Credits em-ned/M~jor area ~£ study Graduated? Charitable, Social, and Civic Activities and Memberships List major activities you hav~l~articipatcd in during thc last five years Organization and location Group's puq~osd~ctive # of members Brief description of your participa~on Organization and location Grou~s purpose/objective # of members Brief description o~_rti~cipation Applicant Signature / -- Da~e Submit completed forms to: Office of the City Clerk, City of Port Angeles, 321 E. 5th Street, P. O. Box 1150, Port Angeles, Washington, 98362 1/99 pORT/ LNGE LES Y/ A $ Fl I N 13, T O hi. U. ~. &. Application for Appointment to a Board. Commission, or Committee Board, Commission, or Committee to which you are seeking appointment Roa~d or Coau~taion Full Nam~ Board ~n Commission Furl N~ Applicant Name and General InformaUon Hon~ s~ a~cs~ Ce~fica~n and Loea~on Infor~fion Am you ~tty a Ci~ ~mploy~? Y~ Do you bolo any profc~qional Etches, rcgis~afiom ov c~otes m my field (lis: ~[ow)? Y~ A,~ you awa~ of any cog~ic~ of re(crest which might am ls¢ by your service Ga a City B0~d or C0~issi~? I f so, ~o~,~ ~ {o~J~sL,e ~Je. ~ d.. ~,.~ ~,s ~,~ ~ffo~-..~,~ ~ In co~liancc w~d~ thc Amenc~ Ot~zbili~ Act, iry~ wilt need spccial acco~odmioos bccaasg ora physical Ii.ration, plc~e coma~t thc CiW Clcrk, ~17-46~4, so app~nate anangcmcn~ c~ be made. ~o-~s*n ba~r~. (OVER) .3ul-29-99 ]0:~0A uwc la I lamco .~ou-+:~u:3.-~ - .uo Work Experienoe Employer You[ Title From ~Y) To Brief job dcscrtp~o~ Employ~ ~ou~ Title From (MIY'} To (M~) E~lo~ YouT Title From (~Y) To Educntion L~t mom ,coeur expcn~ue F~st Yes Ye~ No 3 Chari~ble, Social, and Civic Ac~vities and Memberships 7 cro ~a~on and ~tiOn . _ ~ t~mup $ ~o~objcch c ~ of mem~ Rdcfde~dp~O~ of your p~icipati~ ~,s~,~e' ~/~ ~ Org~mafion u~ Iocafio~ Group's p~lobjcc~ve g of m~hers Brief dcsc~ption of your p~mcip~tion Ap~ea~ ~nature / ~ Date Submit completed forms to: Office oflhe City Cl~k, City of Porl Angeles, 321 E. 5th Street. P. O. Bux l ~50, Pon Angeles, Washington, 9fi362 ii99 jul-29-99 10:40A uwc la I lamco PATRICIA A. HANNA~ 292 View Ridge Dr. 457-3011 Port Angeles, WA 98362 EMPLOYMENT HISTORY 1984 to present: Executive Director, United Way of Clallam County Increased aD_nual campaign from $253,560 to $722,876 in 12 years, developed contracts with local government and foundation for human services funding, developed United Way Community Foundation now valued at $250,000. Oversaw development of agency program funding, grantwriting program, one- time grants for special projects, revamping of fund distribution process. Developed and wrote policies and procedures manual, agency newsletter, campaign newsletter, annual financial report to the public. Directed county-wide needs assessment for hun%an services and writing of AmeriCorps grant for Clallam County. 1983 - 1984 Associate Director, United Way of Clallam County Responsible for financial reporting, management of federal employee campaign, general office duties. Participated in all areas of United Way management 1980 - 1983 Office Assistant, United Way of Clallam County Responsible for financial reporting and general office duties 1977 - 1980 Traffic Clerk/Bookkeeper, KONP General office work, bookkeeping, payroll, scheduling of ads and programs. Wrote and pro- duced Youth Salute which aired 2-5 times a week. 1969 - 1970 Teacher, St. Brendan's College, Griffith, N.S.W., Australia. 5th grade teacher. EDUCATION B.A. English Literature, University of Washington Basic Mediation Training United Way classes on non-profit agency adminis- tration, management, fund raising, marketing, leadership skills PROFESSIONAL INVOLVEMENT: President-elect United Ways of Washington Planning committee Northwest Regional Conference Chair Endowment Committee United Ways o~ Washington COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT: Member Port Angeles Rotary Club Member Clallam County Community Network Mediator, Peninsula Dispute Resolution Center Board, Commission, or Committee to which you are seeking appointment Board 6r Commission Full N~h~ ' - '~Y ~ ' ' ! Board or Commission Full Name Board or Commission Full Name Applicant Name and General Information First MI Las( ' Birthdate (M/D/Y) Home street address City State Zip Code Home phone number Work phone number Certification and Location Information c~c o~ Are you currently a City employee? Yes .N~ Are you a citizen of the United States?~]No Do you hold any professional licenses, registrations or certificates in any field (list below)?~_~J~o Are you aware of any,conflict of interest which might arise by your service on a City Board or Commission? If so, please explain:~/~ In compliance with the American Disabilities Act, if you will need special accommodations because of a physical limitation, please contact the City Clerk, 417-4634, so appropriate arrangements can be made. (OVER) Work Experience List most recent experience first (or elaborate on a resume if you prefer) Employer [ ,.~c-./~:c'.-/~/~h,)/f~/- YourTitle From(MfY)' ' To (M/Y) tiff*f job description ~ E~loyer Yom Ti~ From (~ To (~) Bd~fjob description E~loyer Yo~ Tide From Education List most recent experience f~st ~fi~fio~o~fion p~, ~/:j~C- 0 ~di~ e~ajor ~ea of s~dy ~aduated? ~sUmho~ocafion' ' ~ ~l:tCt' ~' / 0 ~ ~ gfqC~e~, ~'di~ e~e~aj or ~ea of study G~duated? Yes 3. ~stimfio~ocafion Credi~ eame~ajor ~ea of study Graduated? Charitable, Social, and Civic Activities and Memberships List ~jor activities you have p~cipated ~ga~zatioh/~h~loc~on ' Cao,i~'s puwose/ob~ecfive Brief description of yom p~cipafio~ i . Ors~a~o~ ~d iocatmn G~o~p's p~ose/oSjective ~ of members Brief description of your pa~cipat~n A nt S g it.r /' Submit completed forms to: Office of the City Clerk, City of Port Angeles, 321 E. 5th Stxeet, P. O. Box 1150, Port Angeles, Washington, 98362 1/99 Date: July28, 1999 To: City of Port Angeles Mayor and Council c/o Becky Upton, City Clerk Dear Council: I have recently submitted an application to (hopefully) continue serving the City Council as a returning member of your Lodging Tax Advisory Committee, in the category of"at-large". Having earlier served on the committee, I feel I am very well experienced in the issues and demands of this important advisory group to the City Council. I understand that interviews for the committee are being scheduled for the early evening of August 10th. Unfortunately, previously scheduled personal business requires that I am out of town that date and time. Because of my past work on the committee, and the fact that I am a "known quantity" so to speak, I ask that the Council forgive my absence for the interview but will continue to consider my application to serve. Thank you. Sio. c~elv. Bill Rinehart CITY OF PORT ANGELES, WASHINGTON Application for Appointment to a Board, Commission, or Committee Board, Commission, or Committee to which you are seeking appointment 1~ Tax Advisory Committee Bc~rcl or Conu~ssion FuLl Narn~ Bo~zd or Commission Full Narn~ Boa~ or Commission Puli Narr~ Applicant Name and General Information Wi ] ] i ~n E ~t ~/46 F~ ~ MI B~te (~ 5~ F~t F~ S~t ~rt ~l~, ~ ~ s~t~ Zip ~-2~ ~ ~52-21 Ho~ phone n~r Wo~ phone n~r Ple~ Note: To ens~ compliance ~ ~ap~r 2.26.020 P~C, appli~ for o~y ~ ~ subimt to a ~ ~sto~ ~. ~ o~er app~ n~ not sub~t · ~ of b~. Ce~ificafion and Location Info~afion ~e you a City resident~~o Do you o~m~age a business in the City~o Do you hold ~y pro[ession~ licenses, re~s~afions or cerfi[i~tes in ~y field (list belowl~ Are you aware of a_nv conflict of interest which might arise by your sen, ice on a City Board or Commission? I[ so, plea_se explain: In compliance with the American DisabiLities Act, if you will need special accommodations because o1' a physical limitation, please contact the City Clerk. 417-4634, so appropriate arrangements can be made. (OVER) Work Experience List most recent experience first (or elaborate on a resume if you prefer) I. Pd~eh~t~$ O~nstvuct~cn ~ (~ner 7 Year~ Employer Your Tide From tM/Y3 To (IVlJ~ Paperwork Specialist for people in Construction Trades and doing building project Brief job desca'iptJon 2. Employer Your Title From (M/Y3 To (M/Y~ Brier job description 3. Employer Your Tide From { M/Y) To (M/Y) Bric[. job description Education List most recent experience first ~. ga.stem ~smngu:n state College, Cheney, Was~ - ~usa~ss fidm & Accouat~ng -BS Degree 1 nstituLio~/1.x~caLion Credits earned/Mainr a n:., ~. ;~uG'.' Graauated? Yea No 2. lnst~tut~o~v~.adon C~ctits earned/Major a~:a of stu~. G~duat~d? Yes No 3. I n~ti:udon/Loc~tion C~di~s earm:d/l~aior ar~a of ~tudy Graduau:d? Charitable, Social, and Civic Activities and Memberships LisL major activities you have parddpated in dtzring the last five years 1. Organization and location Group's pu,q:)oseJob~'xive · ,s.~' # of m~mbers Bric f description of your partidpation OrganizaUon and local.ion Group's purpose/objective # of members Submit completed forms to: Office of the City Clerk, City of Port Angeles, 321 E. 5th Street. P. O. Box 1150. Port Angeles. Washington, 98362 Ridge winter Sports Education Foundation PMB 218 p1o3.6 .East gigh. t.h. S~tr~e~e~t~ rt ~ngeles, w~ ~o~ August 3, 1999 Mr. Gary Braun, Mayor City Council Members City of Port Angeles 321 East Fifth Post office Box 1150 Port Angeles, WA 98362 re: Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Gentlemen: Enclosed is my application to again participate in the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee's work. I have served on the Committee for the past two years. I will be out of town on the dates scheduled for interviews for membership on the Committee for 1999 - 2000. I would be pleased to again participate in the activities of this Committee if the City Council so desires. I believe the Lodging Tax provides an opportunity to not only publicize the desirability of Port Angeles as a tourist destination, but also an opportunity to provide financing for tourist related capital improvements to our community. I believe it is important that the Committee give due regard to reserving an appropriate amount of our Lodging Taxes for capital improvements in the community. Thank you for considering this application. ~en EL Oliver SEO/pjr Enclosure 8- 2-99;t2:16PM; )ORTANGELES W AI~ H I N ~ T O N. U. S. A. Application for Appointment to a Board, Commission, or Committee 8oard, Commi.ion. or Committee to which you are seeking appointment Bo~l or Commission Fuji Name ]~e~t ot Commission Full Name Applicant Name and General Information First MI Last H~ alteet adcLr~ City ~ State Zip Code Hom~ pitcme ntmtber Wock phon~ mtmber CertificaUon and Location Information c~ ~ Axe you ctu~ent, y. City employee? Ye~ A~ you · ci~en of'e U~ited stat~~ yea bold any professional licenses, tegisttation~ or ~tes in any r~ld (list Do An~ you aware of a~y conflict o~f interest which m~ght ~ by your serctce o~ a City Boaxd or Co _intuition? If so, ple~ae: cxpla~:.. ./t./,~ . In co~npliance with t~e American Disabilities Act, if you will need special accommodations becausc of a physical limitation, please contact thg City Ct~rk, 4 t '/-4634, so appmp~tc arra~gcrrtents can be tnnde. (OVER) ~-- 2-99;12:16PM; ;3~04~74~04 ~ 3/ 3 Work Experience List most recent experience t-u'st (or elaborate on a resmnz if you pxcfe~) F. mploycr T From (M~D To (M/Y) Brief job dcscrip~o~ 2.. EmpJeyer Yom' 7'~tJe From (M/Y) To Brief job description '3. Employer Your Title From (M/Y) To l~iefjob d~scription Education L~t mo. r~.t ~m~Jcacc r.'~ ~ ~No i~o~n C~ e~aj~ ~ of m~ G~ Ym No ~~on C~i~ e~a~ ~ of ~ ~d~ Cha~ble, ~ial, and Civic ~flvifies ~d M~mhips ~fion ~d location ~p's ~~j~fivc ~ of ~mbc~ ~cant Sig~ture ' [D~te Submit completed forms to: Office of the City Clerk, City of Port Angeles, 321 E. 5fo Street, P. O. Box ! 150, Port Angeles, Washington, 98362 1/99 Applicants for Lodging Tax Advisory Committee August 10, 1999 Collectors of Tax (3) Carol Griffith, Port Angeles Inn Troy Woody, DoubleTree Hotel Bob Harbick, Seasuns B & B Dick Vogel, Uptown Inn Tod McClaskey, Olympic Lodge Zoe Bayton, Bayton's B & B Recipients of Tax (3) John McCullough, Chamber of Commerce David Morris, Visitor & Convention Bureau Thomas Akers, Juan de Fuca Festival Steve Oliver, Hurricane Ridge Winter Sports At-Large (2) Clay Oakes Patty Hannah Bill Rinehart Applicants for Lodging Tax Advisory Commi "tte~~ August 10, 1999 Collectors of Tax (3) ~3rol Griffit~, P;rt~g~ ~-TrOy Woody, DoubleTree Hote~ C-lq-0b Harbick, ,qenmm~ lq Xr 1~ Dick Vogel, Uptown Inn Tod McClaskey, Olympic Lodge Zoe Bayton, Bayton's B & B Recipients of Tax (3) ~-~i_cCullough, Chamber of Commerce.~ ~D-~vic[l~l°rds~ Vi~ito.r & Convention ~Bure~ <~-Thomas Akers, Juan de Fuca Festival ~ .~t~ve Oliver, Hurricane Ridge Winter Sports C patty Bill Rinehart Applicants for Lodging Tax Advisory Committee August 10, 1999  Collectors of Tax (3) / % ~ Troy Woody, DoubleTree Hotel ')/-b'~-'3~'-' ~ B°b~ '- Ba~on,H~biCk'Ba~on'sSeasuns B &B ~ Dick Vogel, Uptown I~ Tod McClaskey, Ol~pic Lodge Recipients of Tax (3) John McCullough, Chamber of Commerce '~David Morris, Visitor & Convention Bureau ~.~ZFhomas Akers, Juan de Fuca Festival .4~_-~,~f-//~ Steve Oliver, Hurricane Ridge Winter Sports At-Large (2) Clay Oakes Patty Hannah ~Bill Rinehart Applicants for Lodging Tax Advisory Committee August 10, 1999 Collectors of Tax (3) Carol Griffith, Port Angeles Inn ~)~ ~ '7I ___Z~~''' -_.5_- '~,q~- Tod Mc~la;ke~y, Olym¢~c Lodge Zee Bayton, Bayton's B & B Recipients of Tax (3) John McCullough, Chamber of Commerce ~ David Morris, Visitor & Convention Bureau ,-~ 1- _'_~____, _' ~':~_ 1_ _' '._1 ._ Steve Oliver, Hun-icane Ridge Winter Sports At-Large (2) Clay Oakes Patty Hannah Applicants for Lodging Tax Advisory Committ~ ~ August 10, 1999 Collectors of Tax (3) Carol Griffith, Port Angeles Inn Bob Harbick, Seasuns B & B" Zoe Bayton, Bayton's B & B Recipients of Tax (3) John McCullough, Chamber of Commerce David Morris, Visitor & Convention Bureau-- Thomas Akers, Juan de Fuca Festival At-Large (2) Patty Hannah Bill Rinehart~ Applicants for Lodging Tax Advisory Committee August 10, 1999 Collectors of Tax (3) ~rol Griffith, Port Angeles Inn (~oy Woody, DoubleTree Hotel L~b Harbick, Seasuns B & B Recipients of Tax (3) · ' ' .~"r~v e: ~,t.,.to~'~ u/' At-Large (2) ~lay O~kes ¢ ~~ll~ Applicants for Lodging Tax Advisory Committee August 10, 1999 Collectors of Tax (3) g/Carol Griffith, Port Angeles Inn Troy Woody, DoubleTree Hotel ~ Bob Harbick, Seasuns B & B Dick Vogel, Uptown Inn /Tod McClaskey, O1 ,y~ ~pic Lodge Zoe Bayton, Bayton s B & B Recipients of Tax (3) '/'John McCullough, Chamber of Commerce ~' David Morris, Visitor & Convention Bureau Thomas Akers, Juan de Fuca Festival ~' Steve Oliver, Hurricane Ridge Winter Sports At-Large (_2) Clay Oakes Patty Hannah Bill Rinehart