HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet 08/17/1999 AGENDA
August 17, 1999
A. CALL TO ORDER - Regular Meeting (6:00 p.m.)
Louise Meyer - Clallam County Fair presentation
to Council
AND PUBLIC COMMENT FOR ITEMS NOT ON AGENDA (This is the opportunity for members' of
the public to speak to the City Council about anything not on the agenda, please keep comments to 5-10
1. Award bid for Peabody Heights Watermain Aotion
2. Award bid for 54 & Tumwater Slide Repair Action
1. City Council minutes - August 3 regular Action
meeting and August 10 special meeting
2. Check register - August 12, 1999 -
3. Out-of-State travel for Backflow Prevention
4. Authorize contract with State for Reservoir
Cover Loans
August 17, 1999Port Angeles City Council Meeting Page - I
1. Lease to Budget Rent-A-Car for Parking 49 Action
2. Appointments to Downtown Forward 51 Action
Executive Committee (at large)
(7:00 P.M. or soon thereafter)
1. City Manager's Report (Page 59)
* WaterAVastewater Rate Study History
* Effect of Historical Preservation Designation on Carnegie Library Building
* Storm Damage Update Report
* Emergency Preparedness drill notice
* Report on Upper Golf Course ULID No. 215
2. Planning Department Activity Report - July 1999 (Page 71)
3. Fire Department Monthly Report - July 1999 (Page 73)
4. Public Works Department Monthly Report - July 1999 (Page 79)
5. Police Department Monthly Report - July 1999 (Page 83)
6. Board of Adjustment minutes - July 12, 1999 (Page 95)
M. EXECUTIVE SESSION (As needed and determined by City Attorneyj
Public hearings are set by the City Council in order to meet legal requirements pertaining to matters such as, land use permit applications, proposed
amendments to City land use regulations, zoning changes, annexations. In addition, the City Council may set a public hearing in order to receive
public input prior to making decisions which impact the citizens. Certain matters may be controversial, and the City Council may choose to seek public
opinion through the public hearing process.
August 17, 1999 Port Angeles Ci.ty Council Meeting Page - 2
August 17, 1999
Members Present:
Mayor Braun
Councilman Campbell _
Councilman Doyle
Councilman Hulett
Councilmember McKeown
Councilman Wiggins
Councilman Williams
Staff Present: Other Staff Present:
Manager Quinn V// .'~, ~ ~,o~J'O Q .
Attorney Knutson
Clerk Upton ~/'
B. Becker
S. Brodhun ~/' ,
B. Collins
G. Cutler
S. Ilk
Y. Ziomkowski
Approximate Length:
Led by: k.~e/.
,~ ^ s.. N G T o., u.s. ^. CITY COUNCIL MEETING
Attendance Roster
DATE OF MEETING: August 17, 1999
LOCATION: City Council Chambers
po tAN¢ s
DATE: August 17, 1999
FROM: Glenn A. Cutler, Director of Public Works & Utilities
SUBJECT: Award of Bid for Peabody Heights Water Main Improvements Project No. 99-13
Summary: In response to the concerns of the Washington Dam Safety Office, Department of
Ecology, this project was advertised locally in the Peninsula Daily News. The bids were opened
on August 10, 1999 at 2:30 PM. The only bid received was from Lakeside Industries, Inc. of Port
Angeles in the amount of $82,553.2 I. The engineer's estimate is $74,127.30.
Recommendation: Award the bid for the Peabody Heights Water Main Improvements Project
No. 99-13 to the lowest responsible bidder, Lakeside Industries Inc., of Port Angeles, in the
amount of $82,553.21.
Background / Analysis: During the heavy rains of November 1998 a water main ruptured in the
embankment of the Peabody Heights Reservoir and caused the erosion of approximately 50 Cubic
Yards of embankment soil from the reservoir face. The pipe rupture and damage was reported to the
Dam Safety Office of the Department of Ecology. They performed an inspection and compiled a
report of their concerns and the necessary repairs. Their report states that the presence of pressure
water lines within the reservoir embankment posses a significant threat to the integrity of the
reservoir. In light of this they required that we realign our pressure lines outside the reservoir
footprint to the extent possible by the end of this year.
The project has been reviewed and approved by Washington Dam Safety Office. The improvements
will protect the public and the Peabody Heights Water Reservoir that continues to serve as an
integral part of the of the city's water distribution system.
The single bid received from Lakeside Industries is in the amount of $82,553.21 including sales tax,
is in line with the engineers estimate of $74,127.30. This project was not included in the 1999
budget. It is proposed to be funded through the Water Utility Budget.
p. O TAN¢ r' S
DATE: August 17, 1999
FROM: Glenn A. Cutler, Director of Public Works & Utilities
SUBJECT: Award of Bid for Tumwater and 5th St. Slide Repair Project No. 99-05
Summary: The bids were opened on August 10, 1999 at 2:30 pm., two bids were received, and
General Construction Company, Inc. submitted the low bid in the amount is $112,624.00. The
engineer's estimate for this project was $107,144.00.
Recommendation: Award the bid for Tumwater and 5th Street Slide Repair Project No. 99-05
to the lowest responsible bidder, General Construction Company, Inc., in the amount of
Background ! Analysis: Tumwater Street remains closed due to a slide which undermined the
roadway during heavy rains early this year. FEMA emergency funding that was requested to assist
in the repairs has been denied at the Federal level. The State of Washington has appealed the denial
but no response has been received. To avoid delays in repair of the slide and reopening of
Tumwater Street the City Council, at their April 20, 1999 meeting, authorized proceeding with
design of the repairs consisting of a retaining wall, a new pedestrian rail, slide cleanup, and bank
stabilization. The design was completed and Council was advised by the City Manager that we were
proceeding with advertisement of the project.
Bids were opened on August 10, 1999. The bids received, corrected in accordance with the
specifications, are as follows:
(Sales Tax Exempt)
General Construction Company, Inc Port Hadlock, Washington $112,624.00
LRL Construction Company, Inc. Tillamook, Oregon $143,597.90
Page - 2
General Construction was the lowest responsive bidder and was in line with the engineer's estimate.
This project is an emergency project and not included in the 1999 budget. Funding will be fi.om
General Reserves with reimbursement (Up to 87.5%) from FEMA and the State should the appeal
be successful.
Port Angeles, Washington
August 3, 1999
CALL TO ORDER - Mayor Braun called the regular meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at
ROLL CALL: Members Present: Mayor Braun, Councilmembers Doyle, Hulett, McKeown,
Wiggins, and Williams.
Members Absent: Councilman Campbell.
Staff Present: Manager Quinn, Attorney Knutson, Clerk Upton, B.
Becker, S. Brodhun, B. Collins, G. Cutler, S. Ilk, T. O'Neill,
T. Smith, D. McGinley, and B. Coons.
Public Present: L. Lee, J. O'Neill, and D. Shideler.
PLEDGE OF The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Public Works & Utilities Director
ALLEGIANCE: Cutler. Mayor Braun introduced Manager Quinn and welcomed him to his first Council
LATE ITEMS TO BE Peter Ripley, Port Angeles Journal, announced his paper was celebrating its third year
PLACED ON THIS OR of publication.
CONSENT AGENDA: Councilman Hulett moved to accept the Consent Agenda, to include: Council
minutes of July 20, 1999. Councilman Doyle seconded the motion, which carried
CITY COUNCIL Councilman Wiggins announced that, on August 16, 1999, Senator Gorton will be in
COMMITTEE Port Angeles for a meeting 2:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers, and topics
REPORTS: of discussion will be regional water issues before the Senator and timber matters relative
to the roads in the National Forest. The last half hour of the meeting will be an open
forum for the public to ask questions. Councilman Wiggins also reported that the
County will be approached for participation in the Family Planning male educator.
Councilman Hulett attended a Port Angeles Works.t meeting, to be addressed later in the
Mayor Braun toured the Jefferson School Summer Learning Program, welcomed the
Japanese students visiting from Mutsu City, and attended a Multi-Use Center in Sequim.
August 3, 1999
Adjusting Compensation Ordinances Not Requiring Public Hearings
for City Council Members
Ordinance No. 3023 Ordinance Adjusting Council Member Compensation
Mayor Braun reviewed the information provided by Interim Manager Pit-tis. Mayor
Braun explained that the current Council would not benefit from this Ordinance;
however, those elected in the fall would receive the higher salary. Mayor Braun read
the Ordinance by title, entitled
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington,
establishing salaries for the elective officers of the City of Port
Angeles and repealing Ordinance No. 2761.
Councilman Williams moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title. Councilman
Hulett seconded the motion. All Council members voted in support of the motion,
with the exception of Councilman Wiggins, who abstained due to a conflict of
interest. Because abstentions are counted as affirmative votes, the motion carried
Resolutions Not Requiring Public Hearings: None
Labor Contract Between Other Considerations
City and IBEW #997
I. Request Approval of Labor Contract Between City and IBEW #997
Mayor Braun reviewed the information provided by Human Resources.
Councilmember MeKeown moved to approve the labor contract between the City
and IBEW #997 covering the contract period of April 1, 1999, through March 31,
2002, and authorize the Mayor to sign the agreement making the wage increase
retroactive to April 1, 1999. Councilman Williams seconded the motion, which
carried unanimously.
Water and Wastewater Rate 2. Agreement with Economic and Engineering Services, Inc. (EES) for Water and
Survey Wastewater Rate Survey
Mayor Braun reviewed the information provided by the Public Works Department.
Director Cutler responded to questions and provided clarification. Councilman Wiggins
asked for the cost of the 1994 study and the rate adjustment. Councilman Doyle
recalled passing an Ordinance raising water rates for three consecutive years.
Discussion ensued, and at Councilman Doyle's request, Director Cutler explained that
the Scope of Work would be negotiated, and EES will direct its staff in the
implementation. City staffwill be involved in supplying data to EES. Discussion will
be held during the process to guide EES to ensure a proper end result.
Following further discussion, Councilman Wiggins moved to authorize the Mayor
to sign a contract with Economic and Engineering Services, Inc., in an amount not
to exceed $24,200 to perform a comprehensive water and wastewater rate study.
Councilman Doyle seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
Consultant Selection 3. Consultant Selection Recommendation From Port Angeles Works.t for Port
for Port Angeles Angeles Marketing Plan
Marketing Plan
Mayor Braun reviewed the memo from the Economic Development Director. Timothy
Smith, Economic Development Director, introduced Bart Phillips, EDC Director, and
August 3, 1999
Consultant Selection Karen Rogers, a Port Angeles Works! Committee member, member of the Board of
for Port Angeles D/rectors for the EDC and Chamber of Commerce, as well as a member of the Science,
Marketing Plan Technology and Manufacturing Association. Mr. Smith explained that the money for
(Cont'd) the Marketing Plan would come from the City's Economic Development Fund, and an
amendment to the current EDC contxact would be necessary.
Bart Phillips, Economic Development Council, 102 East Front Street, explained the type
of contract that would be entered into with APCO of Seattle, should they be awarded
the contract. He stated that when the program is completed, there will be several
deliverables including: 1) the target markets appropriate for recruiting will be
con£n-med, 2) a 3 - 5 year recruitment and communications plan will be completed, and
3) the model will be tested before year-end, which allows for recruitment to begin
during the testing process.
Discussion followed, and Mr. Smith and Mr. Phillips responded to questions and
provided additional clarification. Mr. Phillips noted that the APCO President is a native
of this area, and he holds a continuing interest in the success of the area.
Councilman Williams moved to amend the EDC contract to allow the Clallam
County Economic Development Council to contract for consulting services to assist
with the development of the Port Angeles Marketing Plan and Implementation
Strategy not to exceed $45,000. Councilman Wiggins seconded the motion, which
carried unanimously.
INFORMATION: Manager Quinn reminded the Council of the Special Council meeting of Tuesday,
August 10, 1999, to interview applicants for the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee and
a potential Special Council Meeting on August 16, 1999, from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
with Senator Gorton.
He noted the position justification for the Water/Wastewater Collection Superintendent
and the Deputy Director of Public Works. Manager Quinn referred to the information
contained in the packet regarding the position title being changed from Deputy Director
of Public Works to Deputy Director of Engineering Services.
Manager Quinn also noted the packet contained the draft minutes of the UAC meeting
of July, as well as the Humane Society Report for June.
ADJOURN TO The meeting adjourned to Executive Session at 6:40 p.m. to discuss a matter of labor
EXECUTIVE SESSION: negotiations for approximately 20 - 30 minutes.
RETURN TO The meeting returned to Open Session at 7:45 p.m.
ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 7:45 p.m.
Becky J. Upton, City Clerk Gary Braun, Mayor
-3- 7
Port Angeles, Washington
August 10, 1999
CALL TO ORDER - Mayor Braun called the special meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at
ROLL CALL: Members Present: Mayor Braun, Councilmembers Doyle, Hulett, McKeown,
Wiggins, and Williams.
Members Absent: Councilmember Campbell.
Staff Present: Clerk Upton.
Interviews & Appointments Interviews & Appointments to Lodging Tax Advisory Committee: Prior to commencing
to Lodging Tax Advisory interviews with the candidates for the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee, the Council
Committee discussed the present terms of office for the members. It was suggested that future
consideration be given to longer terms of office which are staggered.
The Council then interviewed the following applicants: Carol Griffith, Bob Harbick,
John McCullough, Dick Vogel, Clay Oakes, David Morris, Tod McClaskey, Thomas
Akers, Patty Hannah, and Zoe Bayton. Also being considered but unable to attend this
evening's interviews were: Troy Woody, Bill Rinehart, and Steve Oliver.
Upon completion of the interviews, the Council considered the method by which it
would cast ballots. In the interest of time and because there were so many positions to
consider, the Council agreed by consensus to forego a roll call vote and instead cast
written ballots. Accordingly, the following votes were cast:
Three (3) positions representing collectors of lodging tax:
Mayor Braun cast ballots for Carol Griffith, Bob Harbick, and Zoe Bayton.
Councilman Doyle cast ballots for Carol Griffith, Tod McClaskey, and Zoe Bayton.
Councilman Hulett cast ballots for Carol Griffith, Bob Harbick, and Zoe Bayton.
Councilmember McKeown cast ballots for Carol Griffith, Troy Woody, and Bob
Councilman Wiggins cast ballots for Carol Griffith, Bob Harbick, and Zoe Bayton.
Councilman Williams cast ballots for Carol Griffith, Troy Woody, and Bob Harbick.
The three individuals selected to represent collectors of lodging tax were, therefore,
Carol Griffith, Bob Harbick, and Zoe Bayton.
Three (3~ positions representing recipients of lodging tax:
Mayor Braun cast ballots for David Moms, Thomas Akers, and Steve Oliver.
Councilman Doyle cast ballots for John McCullough, David Moms, and Steve Oliver.
Councilman Hulett cast ballots for John McCullough, David Moms, and Thomas Akers.
Councilmember McKeown cast ballots for John McCullough, David Morris, and Steve
Councilman Wiggins cast ballots for John McCullough, David Moms, and Steve
Councilman Williams cast ballots for John McCullough, David Moms, and Thomas
August 10, 1999
Interviews & Appointments Akers.
to Lodging Tax Advisory
Committee (Cont'd) The three individuals selected to represent recipients of lodging tax were, therefore,
John McCullough, David Morris, and Steve Oliver.
Two (2) positions representing citizens at-large:
Mayor Braun cast ballots for Clay Oakes and Patty Hannah.
Councilman Doyle cast ballots for Clay Oakes and Patty Hannah.
Councilman Hulett cast ballots for Patty Hannah and Bill Rinehart.
Councilmember McKeown cast ballots for Clay Oakes and Patty Hannah.
Councilman Wiggins cast ballots for Clay Oakes and Patty Hannah.
Councilman Williams cast ballots for Clay Oakes and Patty Hannah.
Clay Oakes and Patty Hannah were selected to serve as the citizens at-large on the
Lodging Tax Advisory Committee.
Couneilmember MeKeown moved to confirm that Couneilmembers Wiggins and
Campbell would continue to represent the City Council on the Lodging Tax
Advisory Committee and, further, that Jim Haguewood would be reappointed to
serve as the representative of the Downtown Forward Executive Committee. The
motion was seconded by Councilman Doyle and carried unanimously.
Councilman Hulett moved to accept the vote of the written ballots as tabulated.
The motion was seconded by Councilman Wiggins and carried unanimously.
ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m.
Becky J. Upton, City Clerk Gary Braun, Mayor
99/08/12-08:00 City of Port Angeles - Y2K LIVE August 12 1999 Page 1
Date From 07/10/1999 To 08/11/1999
Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL C¢xle Amount
Number Hame Humber Number
001 52126 Audio Intelligence Devices Inc 01414 Intelligence system, transmitt 1 2370000 842.93-
52147 Chief Supply Inc. 03325 Pepper spray 1 2370(0X) 9.63-
52155 Cooperative Personnel Services 03108 Civil service tests 1 23700(0) 34.98-
52165 Direct Safety Company 042.79 Gas cans 1 2370000 8.17-
52192 Insight Direct Inc. C)9(~5 Data cartridge 1 2370(0)0 6.47-
Network PC card I 23700(0) 18.7~J-
52268 Qualification Targets 17022 Combat targets, repLacmnt cntrs I 2370000 5.58-
52269 QuarterMaster 17023 Ammo pouch,holster I 23700(~ 6.14-
52270 Quill Corporation 17000 LabeLs, cassettes,stapLer,stapL 1 2370CKX) 9.69-
Sheet protectors,eraser,casset 1 23700(0~ 7.0~-
52281 Rotary Corporation 18017 BLades,gaskets,air cleaner 1 23700(0~ 20.97-
Air fiLters,diaphrams I 237(~0(} 2.47-
52324 WA State Patrol - WASIS 23281 Criminal history-E Suttle I ~950(~ 24.00
52359 Brooke & Assoc Inc., Robert 18092 Doors,pilasters,panels, head ra 1 23708(0} 157.48-
Ear brackets,U brackets 1 23708CX) 9.32-
52364 CLaLlam County Treasurer 03075 CVCA remittance-6/99 I 2294008 303.00
523~5 Ketchum Mfg Co Inc. 11078 Ocli/Cat Licenses I 23700(0) 6.14-
52387 Knox Company, The 11007 Keyswitch I 2370080 5.69-
52406 Reliable Racing Supply Inc 18320 Porta-FLex fence poles I 2370000 11.37-
52427 Washington (Rev), State of 23118 qst Qtr Leasehold tax I 23750(X) 25,514.00
_ 52428 Washington State Treasurer 23120 June rev remittance- Dist Ct 1 2293C)00 18,059.98
June rev remittance- Oist Ct I 2291000 781.50
52441 Bensen, Dean 02453 Reimbursement-Permit #IC~)53 1 2291(X)0 4.50
52505 New Horizons Computer 14471 Groupwise,NetWare, NDS design I 2370000 206.43-
52527 Surveyors Service Co. 19036 Tape, folding w~ rulers I 2370(X)0 4.35-
52538 Washington (DOL), State of 04137 Concealed pistol licenses-7/99 I 229~00 168.00
Total for Department 43,4~1.35
0001 52105 AWl Assr of Washington Cities 010~) Registration-L Doyle 112 4310 41.(30
52106 AWl Assr of Washington Cities 01116 Exhibit lunch-L Williams 112 4310 16.00
52108 Advanced Travel 01~ J Pittis to Wenatchee 6-22-99 111 4310 226.~
L Doyle to Wenatchee6-22-99 112 4310 168.~
J HuLett to Wenatchee 6-22-99 112 4310 171.50
L Williams to Wenatchee 6-21 112 4310 464.19/
June travel- L Williams 112 4310 189.53
52117 Angeles Concrete Prc~]ucts 01070 Concrete 114 4973 ~.74
52122 Angeles Mi llwork 0107~ Moulding 114 497~ 9.58
Pins 111 4155 .87
Picture hanging set 111 4155 1.~
Moulding,trim 111 4810 94.4~
Lumber/ screws 111 4210 19.32
Credit moulding,trim 111 4810 38.55-
Paint supplies 111 4810 11.99
52141 Camera Corner 03044 Reprints-Service Awards 113 3101 61.02
52151 CLevenger, Sandra 03483 Rfd exam fee-Pencom 113 4150 10.00
52155 Cooperative Personnel Services 03108 Civil service tests 113 4150 47T.7~
52170 Evergreen Meats 05033 Hamburger,hot dcx~s 111 4155 1~.63
52178 Gina's Bakery 07132 Cookies-Council Meeting 112 3101 28.80
52179 Goldzimer Consulting Group 07{~1~0 Professional services-June 111 4155 380.22.
52187 Hartnagel Building Supply Inc. 08052 Lumber 111 4810 12.43
~/08/12-08:00 City of Port Angeles - ~K LIVE A~ust 12 I~ P~e 2
Date From 07/10/1~ To
Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL CNe Amount
Number Name Number Number
Epoxy, Lumber 111 4155 21.~
52193 Int'L Inst. Hunicipal CLerks 09013 Annual membership-B Upton 111 4901 95.00
Annual membership-C Hagar 111 4901 65.00
521~ Jobs Available Inc 10022 Block ad-C~nication Officer 113 ~10 ~.~
52211 Lucent TechnoLHies 12215 07-02 Billing 111 4210 ~.50
07-02 Billing 113 4210 31.00
52213 Marr, Keith 13458 Rfd exam fee-Penc~ 113 4150 10.00
52216 HcKeo~n CPA, Cathleen A 13318 Reimbursement-Ibarra welcome 111 3101 140.89
52235 Olympic Printers Inc. 15027 Envelopes 111 3101 245.28
Business cards-H Quinn 111 3101 23.14
Letterhead-City Manager 111 3101 158.18
52238 OLympic Stationers Inc. 15030 Harkers, name badges, files 113 3101 20.23
Binders 111 3101 1~.50
Pens, liquid paper, l~al pads 113 3101 37.~
~riting pads,dividers,binders 113 3101 104.50
52242 Pacific Office Equipment Inc. 16004 Maintenance agreement 6-15 111 4810 32.37
Maintenance agre pe 7-15 111 ~10 32.37
Stancions-furniture 114 49~ 32.37
522/,8 Paymentech 1~21 0 Campbell purchases- June 112 4310 376.~
L Doyle purchases- June 112 4310 247.~
J Hulett purchases- June 112 4310
G Wiggins purchases- June 112 4310 3~
52253 Peninsula Daily Ne~s 16012 Annual subscription for City 111 4~1 105.00
OPS A~ard-D Anderson 111 4150 65.10
52258 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 Petty cash reimbursement 113 3101 39.13
52264 Price Costco Cr~it Card Pmts 03261 Computer uHrades, cartridges, 111 3101 108.57
52286 Safeway Inc. 1~45 C~kies 111 3101 16.49
City picnic supplies 111 4155 60.24
Cookies 111 3101 16.95
Briquettes 111 4155 40.10
Cookies 111 3101 26.63
52309 Swain's General Store Inc. 19037 ELectrical supplies 114 4973 7.~6
52311 Thur~an Supply 20005 Ballast, fluorescent tube 114 6973 42.E3
52318 United Parcel Service 21005 Shipping Svcs-June 113 3101 8.92
52322 Virgini~ ~son ~edical Cente~ 22061 H~zm~t physical- R Gunn 113 4~3~ 133.~
Haz~a~ physical- K Bogues 113 4131 360.00
52339 Xerox Corporation 24001 DC214S Lease agreement Nay 111 4530 70.94
52420 us ~est Communications 21001 07-14 Billing 111 4210 137.~
07-14 Billing 113 4210 91.65
52431 AT&T Business Service 01085 07-13 Billing 111 4210
52435 AirTouch Cellular Bellevue 01105 07-15 Billing 111 4210 16.27
07-15 Billing 111 4210 16.27
52449 Captain T's 030~ Polos, embroidery, new screens 114 4973 323.97
52452 ClaLLam County EDC 03067 2nd quarter services-04/99 111 4990 2,083.34
2nd quarter services-05/99 111 4990 2,083.33
52468 Goldzimer Consulting Group 07080 Professional Fee- July 111 4155 384.47
52~7 Leonard, MicheLLe 12310 Reimbursement-Communications 0 113 4150 10
52507 Oakes, Amanda 15185 Reimbursement-Communications 0 lq3 4150 10.
52517 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 Petty cash reimbursement 112 3101 2.15
Petty cash reimbursement 111 3101 47.87
52529 Thompson MacKeLLar 20004 Professional svcs-PA Times 111 4150 315.00
99/08/12-0~:00 City of Port Angeles - Y~K LIVE August 12 1999 Page 3
Date From 07/10/1999 To 08/11/1999
Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount
Number Name Number Number
52533 United Way of CLaLLam County 21048 Human services 2nd qtr 114 4971 27,425.25
Total for Administration 39,1~8.08
52029 Postmaster 16028 Permit Hailings #67 205 4210 5,(X)O.O0
52108 Advanced Travel 01090 S Kenyon to Bellevue 6-21-99 2z~ 4310 193.31
K Pmpandrew to Portlam~ 6-15 2304310 608.87
Y Ziomkowski to Portland 6-14 230 4310 236.25
Y Ziomkowski to Olympia 6-10 201 4310 9.50
52112 American Payroll Assn, The 01029 Registration-L Bryant 230 4310 315.00
52187 Hartnagel Building Supply Inc. 08052 Clothes hooks 201 3101 2.32
52197 Jacobsen, Young S. 10174 Tuition reimbursement 240 4310 198.75
52199 Jobs Available Inc 10022 Block ad-Communication Officer 230 4410 92.00
Job announcements-Oust Svc Ngr 240 4410 8~.80
52211 Lucent Technologies 12215 07-02 Billing 201 4210 31.(X)
07-02 Billing 230 4210 38.75
07-02 Billing 240 4210 93.00
52230 OLympic Delivery Service Inc. 15020 Delivery services-June 240 4150 69.~3
52234 Olympic Paper Company 15111 Paper, color paper, tape 205 3101 301.08
Color paper 205 3101 5.18
52235 Olympic Printers Inc. 15027 Envelopes 201 3101 98.11
Door hangers 240 3101 296.29
Time cards-Generic, Finance 230 3101 207.76
Invoice/Statements 230 3101 277.46
Business cards-Harper/Ziomkows 201 3101 23.14
Envelopes 240 3101 1,506.50
Letterheads 201 3101 75.04
52238 Olympic Stationers Inc. 15030 Chair mat,correction tape, papa 230 3101 9.37
Chair mat,correction tape,pape 230 3101 32.36
Chair mat/correction tape,pape 2403101 32.36
Chair mat/correction tape,papa 201 3101 32.35
Chair mat/correction tape,papa 205 3101 161.80
Rubber bands/ name plates 240 3101 8.96
Rubber bands, name plates 201 3101 16.62
52242 Pacific Office Equipment Inc. 16004 Remove/install stamp pad 230 4810 31.29
IBM Quickwriter 240 3101 8.58
Toner 230 3101 77.69
Windows NT upgrade-K Emery 240 3101 z~7.81
Toner 240 3101 358.23
IBM Quickriter 240 3101 14.80
Printer ink 201 3101 87.40
52255 Pitney Bowes Inc. 16018 Service call-folder/sorter mac 205 4810 611.79
Lease agra EHS-5 Scale pe 6-30 205 4530 106.83
52258 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03~2 Petty cash reimbursement 201 3101 12.50
Petty cash reimbursement 240 3101 14.94
52264 Price Costco Credit Card Pmts 03261 Computer upgrades/ cartridges/ 201 3101 53.94
Computer upgrades, cartridges, 201 3101 431.58
Computer upgrades, cartridges, 230 3101 1,078.95
Computer upgrades, cartridges, 240 3101 1,726.31
52339 Xerox Corporation 24001 DC2305LX lease agreement May, 205 4530 701.58
52377 Gov't Finance Officers Assn 07003 Membership renewal-Y Ziomkowsk 201 4901 150.(X~
99/08/12-08:00 City of Port Angeles - Y~K LIVE August 12 1999 Page
Date From 07/10/1999 To08/11/1999
Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount
Number Name Number Number
52415 Staples 195(~ Pencils,erasers,post it notes, 230 3101 10.58
52~20 US West Communications 21001 07-14 Billing 201 ~210 91.65
07-14 Billing 230 4210 114.56
07-14 Billing 240 4210 274.95
52424 Viking Office Products 22054 Calculator 2~03101 65.14
52498 NicrofLex Inc. 13203 Tax audit program-7-15 Billing 230 4150
52520 Retail Lockbox Inc. 18258 Lockbox services 7/99 2~0 4150 80~.25
52526 Washington (Auditor), State of 19270 Audit services-June 99 230 4150 1,955.20
Total for Finance 19,28~.19
0003 52108 Advanced Travel 01090 D Oickson to Wenatchee 5-16 311 4310 116.00
C Knutson to Federal Way-5-27- 311 4310 9.50
C Kreider to Seattle 6-2-99 311 4310 86.50
52175 FreepLay Energy USA Irc 0~228 Energy radio, energy flashlight 311 3101 167.90
52201 Kart Turtle Campbell 11012 Prof Svcs pe 6-23-HcGahan 311 4150 ~0.50
52211 Lucent Technologies 12215 07-02 Billing 311 4210 54.25
52235 OLympic Printers Inc. 15027 Letterhead 311 3101 75.10
Envelopes 311 3101 147.17
52238 Olympic Stationers Inc. 15030 Chair mot,correction tape, pape 311 3101 32.36
52242 Pacific Office Equipment Inc. 1600~ Toner 311 3101 I~6
Credit for price edjustment on 311 3101 7
S2251 Pena & Associates, K.N. 16357 Translation svcs-Lopez-Raymund 311 5090 98.22
52258 Port Angeles City Treasurer 0306~ Petty cash reimbursement 311 4990 5.70
52299 Solutions Group, The 19476 Lsbles 311 3101 103.17
52326 WSAHA-WA Assr of NuncpL Attnys 23052 Membership renewaL-Knutson,Dic 311 4901 30.00
52334 West 6roup 23018 Legal publications 311 3101 60.15
52415 Staples 19564 Pencils,erasers,post it notes, 311 3101 149.34
52420 US West Communications 21001 07-14 Billing 311 4210 160.39
52436 American PLanning Assn 01063 Land Use Law and Zoning Digest 311 3101 137.50
52451 CLaLLam County District Ct I 03069 Court costs-07/99 311 5090 7,933.24
52455 CLaLLam Jefferson Public Dfndr 03274 Public Defender fees for Augus 311 4150 2,500.00
52510 OrtLoff Atty. at Law, KimberLy 15146 Professional services-6/99 311 4150 332.09
52517 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 Petty cash reimbursement 311 4990 18.00
52539 West Group 23018 Legal publications 311 3101 160.36
Legal publications 311 3101 337.7~
Total for Attorney 12,894.39
0(0)0 52108 Advanced Travel 01~ B Collins to Victoria 7-I-~ 411 4310
52211 Lucent Technologies 12215 07-02 Bi LLing 411 4210 31.00
52235 OLympic Printers Inc. 15027 Envelopes ~11 3101 I~7.17
52238 Olympic Stationers Inc. 15030 Chair mat,correction tape,~pe 4~1 3101 32.36
Pens,batteries, Labels 411 3101 29.11
52242 Pacific Office Equipment Inc. 1600~ Toner 411 3101 ~.00
52253 Peninsula Daily He~s 16012 Hearing-Ur~n Boundary line 411 ~10 ~.~
Determination-Peninsula Daily 411 ~I0 56.
Determination-Don Wilson 411 ~I0 41.
Determination-Tom Blore 411 4410 43.68
Adoption Environment Document- 411 4410 48.36
Determination-Angeles Therapy 411 4410 42.12
99/08/12-08:00 City of Port Angeles - Y2K LIVE August 12 1999 Page 5
Date From 07/10/1999 To 08/11/1999
Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount
Number Name Number Number
Oetermination-City of PA 411 4410 44.46
Oetermination-City of PA 411 4410 43.68
Oetermination-OMH 411 4410 41.34
Determination-Sprint PCS 411 4410 46.02
Determination-O Hopkins 411 4410 43.68
Ordinance Summary-3021-3022 411 4410 16.38
Notice-O Hopkins 411 4410 94.26
Determination-City of PA 411 4410 45.24
Determination-City of PA 411 4410 47.58
Determination-Peninsula News 411 4410 41.~
52267 Puget Sound Water Quality 16434 Rel~istration-B Collins 411 4310 14.00
52360 Burer, Willie 02451 Reimbursement-postage,caucus m 411 3101 10.50
52420 US West Communications 21CX)1 07-14 Billing 411 4210 91.65
52436 American Planning Assr 01~3 Land Use Law and Zoning Digest 411 491:)1 137.50
APA Melabership-D Sawyer 411 4~1
52517 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03~2 Petty cash reimbursement 411 3101 20.~
Total for Planning 1,599.~
52108 Advanced Travel 01~ T Peninger to Longview-6-6-99 530 4310 4(~9.00
E Zappey to Mt Vernon 6-15-99 530 4310 10.00
O Benedict to Wenatchee 5-16 530 4310 128.35
J Viada to PuyaLlup 6-22-99 530 4310 379.35
S McLane to Kirkland 7-13-99 530 4310 12.35
52122 Angeles Millwork 0107"5 Handle 5~ 4810 5.31
52126 Audio Intelligence Devices Irc 01414 Intelligence system, transmitt 530 ~10 11,512.93
52141 Camera Corner 03044 Photo processing 530 4~ 29.82
Prints 530 499~) 25.75
Processing, prints 530 49~0 14.26
Processing 530 4990 4.~
52147 Chief Supply Inc. 03325 Pepper spray 530 3101 131.52
52149 Clallam County Sheriff's Dept. 03074 May inmate care 530 509~ 16,67~2.90
52176 GTE/ERS Inc. 07005 Calibrate radars 5304810 18~.80
52211 Lucent Technologies 12215 07-02 Billing 511 ~10 54.25
07-02 Billing 534 4210 38.75
07-02 Billing 530 4210 7.75
52217 AT&T Messaging now Metrocall 200(X) 6-26 Billing 530 4210 59.75
52238 Olympic Stationers Inc. 15030 Chair mat,correction tape, papa 534 3101 ~.72
52242 Pacific Office Equipment Inc. 16004 Maintenance agreement 6-15 511 4810 32.37
Maintenance agreement 6-15 534 4810 53.95
Maintenance agreement 6-15 534 4810 167.35
Maintenance agre pe 7-15 511 4810 32.37
Maintenance agra pe 7-15 5:54 4810 53.~5
Maintenance agre pe 7-15 534 4810 167.35
Keyboard 511 3101 87.40
Toner 530 3101 140.27
Keyboard 534 3101 58.27
Typewriter 534 3101 298.81
Deskjet ink 534 3101 64.74
Laserjet printer 530 3501 754.22
52249 Pedal 'N' Paddle 16070 Bike gear shift, labor 530 4810 17.21
99/08/12-08:00 City of Port Angeles - Y2K LIVE August 12 1999 Page 6
Date From 07/10/1999 To 08/11/1999
Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL C~e Amount
Number Name Number Number
52261 Port A~eLes PoLice Department 16105 Petty cash reiad~ursement 530 3101 93.80
Petty cash reimbursement 530 3501 16.19
Petty cash reimbursement 530 4210 24.75
52268 Qualification Targets 17022 Combat targets/repLacmnt cntrs 5~ 3101 76.13
52269 QuarterNaster 17023 Ammo pouch,hoLster 530 3111 ~.79
52270 guiLL Corporation 170(0) LabeLs,cassettes/stap[er/stapl 534 3101 31.72
Sheet protectors/eraser/casset 530 3101 83.35
52279 Eichmond 2-Way Eadio 180(0) Repair,repLace siren,switch bo 530 ~10 217.95
Battery, contacts, Latch/controL 530 /~B10 1/~B.69
RepLace volume controL/ Labor 530 ~I0 ~.48
52309 Swain's General Store Inc. 19037 Mens shoes 530 3101 134.T5
CLeaning brushes 530 3101 18.35
Credit for defective Danmer bL 530 2080 21.58-
FiLm 530 3101 80.22
Credit mens shoes 530 3101 134.7'5-
52312 Tiger Mountain W~crafts 20017 Rater night stick 530 3101 78.~
52318 Unite<t Parcel Service 21005 Shipping Svcs-June 530 4210 36.91
52329 Washington Fire & Safety Equip 23004 Service extinguisher, powder 530 4150 19.42
Service extinguisher,powder 530 3101
52363 Clallam County Sheriff's Dept. 03074 In,mate care-6/~ 530 50g<~ 21,159.89
52375 Forks, City of ~075 Board bill- June 530 50~ 3,50
5~ Ketchum Mfg Co Inc. 11078 Oc~2/Cet licenses 530 3101
52396 NAHSU Forensic Associates 14472 Field guide-Death Investigator 530 3101
52420 US West Communications 210(}1 07-14 Billing 511 4210 160.39
07-14 Billing 534 4210 114.56
07-14 Billing 530 4210 22.91
52435 AirTouch Cellular Bellevue 01105 07-15 Billing 530 4210 33.80
07-15 Billing 5304210 12.59
07-15 Billing 530 4210 20.94
07-15 Billing 530 4210 9.38
07-15 Billing 530 4210 11.65
07-15 Billing 530 4210 9.38
07-15 Billing 5304210 16.31
07-15 Billing 530 4210 9.38
07-15 Billing 530 4210 29.25
07-15 Billir~ 530 4210
52~3 Blumenthal Uniforms & Equipmt 02047 Ink remover towelettes 534 3101 54.26
Vest,spectra plate 530 3111 690.61
Shirt, emblem, insignia 530 20~) 181.35
Shoulder holster,cuff case 530 3111 189.39
Battery charger, lamp replaceme 530 ~10 123.40
Fastener 530 2080 10.32
Ticket tender,cite caddy 530 2084) 75.~
Uniform-Jacket,emblem 530 3111 125.45
52454 Clallam County Humane Society 03072 Contract payment-O?/99 530 4150 3,391.50
52497 AT&T Messa~]ing now Metrocall 20(OX) 0?-24 Billing 530 4210 61.77
52508 Office of the Attorney General 151~ Registration-T Gallagher 530 4310
52517 Port AngeLes City Treasurer 03062 Petty cash reimbursement 530 4210
52519 Professional Training Assoc In 16162 News Letter subscription-L Wau 534 4~31 4~.00
52531 US West Communications 21001 07-20 Billing 534 4210 219.65
52535 WA State Criminal Justice 23175 RCW SeLect~d titles, 1~8 ed 530 3101 145.843
~/08/12-08:00 City of Port Angeles - ~K LIVE August 12 1999 Page 7
Date From 07/I0/I~ To ~/11/1~
Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL C~x~e Amount
Number Name Number Number
Total for Police 63,519.16
~ 52104 AT&T Wire[ess Services 014~ 07-01 Billing 644 4210 9.~
521~ Advanc~ Travel 01~ K Zi~ler to Taco~ ~ ~I ~310 527.~
52122 Angeles ~ilL~o~k 010~ Hand~are/ ~asher, hex nuts ~ 3101 13.~
~eter key/ clips, b~ clip ~1 3101 1~.81
521~8 Avery's Cameras 11016 Photos ~ 3101 1~.59
5~133 ~ues, Keith 02165 Tuiti~ reimbursement ~5 4310 1~.~
52154 Conterra Inc 03~I Technical rescue riggers guide ~1 3501 319.20
5Z1~ Curtis & Sons [nc/ L.N. 0~8 ~ts,gtoves,jacket,~nts,h~L ~I 3111 6~.20
~ts,gtoves, jacket,~nts,h~L ~I 3101 78.1Z
52161 Custom Computer Sales & Serv. 0~81 Computer ~1 ~10
52175 FreepLay Energy USA Irc ~28 Setf-~er~ Lantern ~ ~101 78.95
5~18~ Gunn/ Robert J. 0713~ Tuiton reimbursement ~5 4310 1~.~
52187 Ha~tnageL Building Suppty Inc. ~052 PL~ ~1 3101 38.87
522~ Lincare Inc. 12134 CyLinde~ refi[[ ~3 3101 30.~
522~ Lincoln Industrial Corp. 12~7 ALuminum L's/aLuminum dia~nd ~1 3101 163.~
5~211 Lucent TechnoL~ies 1Z~I~ 07-02 Bi[[i~ 611 ~I0 ~.75
07-0~ Billing ~ 4210 7.75
07-02 Billing ~3 4210 7.75
· ~- 07-02 B~LLing ~1 ~210 23.25
52217 AT&T Messaging now Metrocall 2~ ~26 Billing ~ 4210 24.24
52220 Middleton Auto and Truck Inc. 13117 Rivets, drill b~ts ~1 3101 41.~
Wire,terminal,fuses ~I 3101 25.49
52233 Olympic Laundry & Clnrs Inc. 15026 Cleaning services ~1 4~ 54.32
Cleaning services ~I 4~
Cleani~ services ~1 4~ 5.~
52234 Olympic Paper Co~ny 15111 Cleaner, scratch ~ds ~ 3120 25.29
52235 Olympic Printers Inc. 15027 Letterhead 611 3101 75.10
Business cards-D McKeen ~2 3101 23.14
52238 Olympic Stationers Inc. 15030 Pad holders ~2 ~101 ~6.~
Dividers 611 3101 2.29
Catal~ rack, extension rack ~I 3101 1~.15
52253 Peninsula Daily News I~12 Ad-Volunteer Firefighters ~ ~10
52~79 Richmond 2-Way Radio 1~ Thumb screws for MTI~ ~1 ~101 35.58
Pager case, cover ~3 ~I0
52289 SeaWestern Inc. 19104 Re, ir ultavue facepiece ~1 3501 114.0~
Bunker ~nts,gloves ~1 3111 ~9.71
Bunker jacket,pants ~1 ~111 592.71
Handwheel ~1 3501 18.24
La,r-flow test SCBAs,~rts ~1 ~501
Re, ir 2nd stage r~ulator ~1 3501
Packing gla~ ~1 ~501 16.87
52~05 Sunset D~It Best Hardware 1~35 Helium ~1 3101 42.61
Washers,~lts,nuts ~1 3101 7.07
~lts, nuts, keys, lockwash ~1 ~101 ~5.7~
Hardware ~1 ~101 I.~
Brace, ~lt, washer, nylock ~1 ~101 23.10
St~p nuts, tape, screws ~1 3101 ~.43
523~ Swain's General Store Inc. 1~7 ~rdware, bleach ~1 3101 2.85
Rivet gun,rivets ~1 ~101 25.26
99/08/12-08:00 City of Port Angeles - Y~K LIVE August 12 1999 Page 8
Date From 07/10/1999 To 08/11/1999
Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount
Number Name Number Number
Soap, frmon 641 3101 52.10
Paint brush, lockwashers,nuts ~ 3120 21.~
Hardware 68~ 3120 2.78
Hardware 68~ 3120 23.16
Automotive supplies 641 3101 1.05
Lawn, garden ~ 3120 36.12
Hardware, bushing, washers 641 3101 4.56
Paint, accessories 6Z,B 3101 10.51
Hardware, automotive, trim 641 3101 12.96
Automotive, screws, nuts 641 3101 6.32
52318 United Parcel Service 21005 Shipping Svcs-June 641 3101 7.16
52339 Xerox Corporation 24001 DC220SS Lease agreement May, 641 4810 353.12
52341 Zumar Industries Inc. 26001 Street signs ~ 3101 103.85
52387 Knox Company, The 11007 Keyswitch 641 3101 77.69
52390 Life Assist 12202 RecjuLators,masks ~ 3101 118.54
52411 SeaWestern Inc. 19104 Neck stra 641 3501 17.53
52420 US West Communications 21001 07-14 Billing 611 4210 114.56
07-14 Bi lling 642 4210 22.91
07-14 Bi lling 643 4210 22.91
07-14 Billing 641 4210 ~.74
52435 AirTouch Cellular Bellevue 01105 07-15 Billing 643 4210 2 '~
07-15 Billing 641 4210
07-15 Bi lling 641 4210 2.~6
07-15 Billing 643 4210 33.38
07-15 Billing 641 4210 9.38
52453 Clallam County EMS/Trauma Care 03068 Medic ! Advisory for August 643 4150 500.00
52~9 Grainger Inc. 07015 Ground fault plug 641 3101 89.25
52485 Larry's Janitor Service 12040 Janitor services 7-99 ~ 4150 482.00
52497 AT&T Messaging now Metrocall 20000 07-24 Billing 6Y+4 4210 24.24
Total for Fire 8,749.54
52027 Primo Construction Inc. 16033 Prof Svcs-4th St Constr Proj # 711 4150 11,337.60
52108 Advanced Travel 01090 G Kenworthy to Port Orchard 711 4310 48.25
52111 All Weather Heating-CoolingInc 01060 Service call-City Attorney 784 4810 7-/.69
52141 Camera Corner 03044 Photos 711 3101 6.53
Photos 711 3101 5.90
Processing 711 3101 20.84
Photos 711 3101 14.31
Photos 711 3101 5.28
Photos 711 3101 10.87
52161 Custom Computer Sales & Serv. 03381 Computer 711 3101 415.58
52187 Hartnagel Building Supply Inc. 08052 Flcxxi Lamp 784 3101 13.57
52211 Lucent Technolcxgies 12215 07-02 Billing 711 4210 15.50
07-02 Billing 711 4210 15.50
07-02 Billing 711 4210 31.00
07-02 Billing 711 4210 85
07-02 Billing 711 4210 3C
07-02 Billing 711 4210 30.99
52220 Middleton Auto and Truck Inc. 13117 Adhesive 711 3101 3.55
52221 Milbor-Pita & Associates Inc 13369 Prof svcs-Tumwater/5th St slop 711 4150 6,205.99
99/08/12-08:00 City of Port Angeles - Y2K LIVE August 12 1999 Page 9
Date From 07/10/1999 To08/11/1999
Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount
Number Name Number Number
52233 OLympic Laundry & CLnrs Inc. 15026 Mops 78~ 3101 8.74
52234 OLympic Paper Company 15111 Paper, color paper/ tape 711 3101 114.98
Toilet tissue 784 3101 56.8~
Dispenser 78~ 3101 65.05
Carpet powder, mop bowl, mop 78~3101 99.54
Window squeegee, cleaner 78/+ 3101 21.20
52235 Olympic Printers Inc. 15027 Envelopes 711 3101 245.29
Receipt form-permit 711 3101 180.35
Business cards-Cutler, NcCabe 711 3101 69.43
Letterheads-Public Works 711 3101 158.18
52238 OLympic Stationers Inc. 15030 Chair mat/correction tape, pape 711 3101 75.74
Labels 711 3101 20.13
~aps 711 3101 8.74
Tape dispenser, color dots 711 3101 12.08
52242 Pacific Office Equipment Inc. 1600~ Deskjet ink 711 3101 64.74
Wrist rest 711 3101 16.19
522~6 Parker Paint Nfg Co. Inc. 16201 Plastic pail 711 3501 16.35
52253 Peninsula Daily News 16012 Notice-Eighth Street Repairs 711 z~IO 151.62
Small Works Roster Application 711 4410 32.76
52258 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 Petty cash reimbursement 711 4990 18.00
52282 Roto Industries Inc. 1827~ Automated garbage can 711 3101 198.62
52295 Shore Road Nursery 19591 Assorted plants-beautification 711 4150 619.36
52305 Sunset Do-It Best Hardware 19035 Flat washers 711 3101 7.77
52309 Swain's General Store Inc. 19037 Gardening supplies 711 3501 6/+.53
Hose, nozzle 711 3501 92.27
Batteries 78~ 3101 7.27
Hardware 784 3101 1.94
52311 Thurman SuppLy 20005 Light bulbs 784 3101 15.52
52327 WSDOT - Engineer PubLications 23358 HydrauLics manuaL 711 3101 25.00
Engineering publications 711 3101 30.00
52339 Xerox Corporation 24001 DC220SLX Lease agreement May, 711 4530 597.50
DC214S lease agreement Nay 711 3101 70.94
52350 ALL Phase ELectric SuppLy Co. 01061 Lamps 7843101 113.94
52368 Dept of Labor & Ind (BoiLer) 04065 Boiler inspection 78~ 4810 276.25
52420 US West Communications 21001 07-02 BiLLing 784 4150 32.65
07-14 BiLLing 711 4210 66.74
07-14 BiLLing 711 4210 ~5.83
07-14 BiLLing 711 4210 91.65
07-14 Billing 711 4210 252.04
07-14 Billing 711 4210 91.65
07-14 Billing 711 4210 91.69
52424 Viking Office Products 22054 Phone stand/correction tape,gl 711 3101 97.44
52435 AirTouch Cellular Bellevue 01105 07-15 Billing 711 4210 18.39
07-15 Billing 711 4210 52.00
52441 Bensen, Dean 02453 Reimbursement-Permit #I0953 7009211 439.75
Reimbursement-Permit #10953 700 9449 175.90
Reimbursement-Permit #10953 7009212 41.00
52z~2 Kenworthy, Gary 11013 Reialbursement-Vehicle mileage 711 4310 60.75
52517 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 Petty cash reimbursement 711 3150
52518 Professional Publications Inc. 16437 FE Review package-Discipline 711 3101 498.52
52527 Surveyors Service Co. 19036 Tape,folding wood rulers 711 3101 59.45
99/08/12-08:00 City of Port Angeles - Y2K LIVE August 12 1999 Page 10
Date Frc~ 07/10/1999 To 08/11/1999
Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount
Number Name Number Number
Total for Public Works 24,058.10
0008 52104 AT&T gireless Services 01404 07-01 Billing 861 4210 148.19
07-01 Billing 865 4210 1g.8~
07-01 Billing 865 4210 13.44
52107 Ace Equipment Company 01055 Filter,gas cap, carburetor kit E~55 3120 ~.36
Ring set 865 3101 23.74
52113 American Red Cross 01032 Life guard/CPR courses ~52 3101 ~5.00
52119 Angeles Machine Works Inc. 01072 Cut bolts and weld eyes, labor 862 4810 30.~
52122 Angeles Millwork 0107'5 Insert bit, screws 865 3120 11.56
Teflon tape 865 3120 2.85
Bits 865 3120 31.01
S hooks 865 3120 8.59
Washers,nuts,bolts 865 3120 2.70
Plywood 865 3120 27.92
Teflon compound 865 3120 4.61
Woc~t glue 865 3120 6.14
GLoves,paint, line marker,brush865 3120 30.42
Protective ear muffs ~ 3120 14.86
Steel wool 865 3120 6.13
Paint pot 865 3120 7
Trash can 865 3120 1'
Paint brush, disposable gloves 865 3120
Paint thinner,brushes 865 3120 18.~
Screws 865 3120 20.72
WalLboard, screws, insert bit 862 3120 16.67
Split flange 862 3120 9.70
Lumber 865 3120 690.13
BLade, chisel 865 3120 31.33
Disposable gloves 865 3120 2.07
Spray paint,caution tape, shove 865 3120 23.51
Screws 865 3120 2.72
Door, d~r jamb, hinges 865 3120 530.22
Paint pot,gloves 865 3120 9.7"5
PLywood, screws 865 3120 51.63
CLoset bolts 865 3120 4.70
Paint brushes, broom 865 3120 18.12
Extension cord 865 3120 35.55
Screws, hex nuts 865 3120 5.72
Paint pot,gloves 865 3120 11.31
Fluorescent paint - 865 3120 10.23
Socket set, fluorescent paint 865 3120 10.98
Lumber 865 6510 22.45
Paint supplies-Pier 865 3120 23.11
Hex Lags, hex nuts 865 3120 6.22
Copper pipe 862 3120 38.37
Gloves 8~53120
ALL weather screws 865 6510 21
Lumber, U bolts 865 6510 13.~
U bolt, U bolt plate-ELks 865 6510 5.27
52124 Best Locking Systems 01079 Tubular dead bolts 865 4810 137.~
99/08/12-08:00 City of Port Angeles - Y2K LIVE August 12 1999 Page 11
Date From 07/10/1999 To08/11/1999
Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount
Number Name Number Number
52127 Automatic Wilbert Vault Co Inc 01089 Special markers 866 3401 455.00
52132 BLake Sand & Gravel Inc. 02045 Cement 862 3120 38.74
Bark 865 3120 96.57
Concrete mix 865 3120 21.30
Battards 865 3120 609.64
Top soil 865 3140 2t.47
Concrete mix 866 3120 32.37
Gravel 865 3120 230.80
Crushed rock 865 3140 20.50
Concrete mix 865 3120 25.90
Top soil, cement-Elks 865 6510 97.97
Blended soil-Elks 865 6510 326.38
Crushed rock 866 3120 51.25
Crushed rock 866 3120 20.50
Crushed rock 866 3120 20.50
52157 Cornell Auto Parts 03092 Instant gas,carburetor cleaner 865 3120 10.47
Accessory switch 865 3120 4.04
52165 Direct Safety Co~4~any 04279 Gas cans 665 3120 111.56
52166 Dobson's 04054 Truck belt 865 3120 14.35
6ell 865 3120 8.46
_ Hotor oil 866 3120 15.41
52174 Foster-Bray Co. Inc. 06011 Hair dryers 862 3120 699.38
52187 HartnageL Building Supply Inc. 08052 Cement panels 865 3120 4~0.47
Cove base adhesive 861 3120 4.55
Stucco panel, nails 862 3120 22.72
Lumber 865 3120 74.85
Hack blade, lumber 865 3120 31.29
Hex lags, lumber, washer, wood 865 6510 502.37
Lumber 865 3120 18.71
52190 Higher PLane, A 08071 Vern Burton floor refinishing 861 6510 1,600.00
521~ Jacobs, Lewella 10175 Ovrpmt-Vern Burton Rental 865 9457 25.00
52209 Lincoln Industrial Corp. 12047 Supplies for aerator repairs 865 3120 10.76
Shorten aluminum beam, labor 866 3120 122.32
Primer, supplies for sign 866 3120 148.39
Nylocks, lag, labor 866 3120 92.03
Aerator ~5 3101 64.65
Sheet metal, pipe, labor 865 3120 49.99
steel ~3120 3.86
Labor pick/set ramps in place 8~5 4810 215.80
52210 Lock Shop, The 12050 Keys 865 3120 17.53
52211 Lucent Technologies 12215 07-02 Billing 811 4210 23.25
07-02 Billing 866 4210 7.75
07-02 Billing 865 4210 7.75
07-02 Billing 861 4210 15.50
07-02 Billing 862 4210 7.75
07-02 Billing 863 4210 23.25
· 52214 Mathews Glass Co. Inc. 13107 Repair skylite-Veteran's Park 865 4810 304.28
Mirror 862 3120 48.56
Replace breakage-Loomis aldg 865 4810 225.30
52215 May, Andrew T. 13425 Prof Svcs-Marine Life Ctr Sign 865 4150 1,132.95
52220 Middleton Auto and Truck Inc. 13117 Industrial belt for mower 862 3120 40.35
99/08/12-08;00 City of Port Angeles - Y2K L%VE August 12 1999 Page 12
Date From 07/10/1999 To 08/11/1999
Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code A~ount
Humber Name Number Number
Belt 865 3120 3.03
52226 Northwest Fence Co. 1~071 Fencing supplies 865 6510 85.24
52233 Olympic Laundry & Clnrs Inc. 15026 CLeaning services 865 3120 7.28
Cleaning services 865 3120 5.93
5223~ Oly~oic Paper Company 15111 Dispenser-Pool 862 3120 207.33
Neoprene gkoves 862 3120 39.30
Broom brushes, handle 86Z 3120 55.65
Deep gloss cleaner 862 3120 64.69
Bathroom tissue, cleaner,towels 862 3120 176.66
Laundry detergent 862 3120 133.07
Soap dispenser 565 3120 30.15
GLoves, cleaning pad & holder 862 3120 94.69
Sponge, vandalism ~ark re~over 866 3120 143.90
52235 Olympic Printers Inc. 15027 Envelopes 866 3101 98.11
52236 Olympic Stall,ers Inc. 15030 Hailing tubes 866 3101 $.67
Nats 862 3101 17.97
Correction tape, binder 866 3101 29.3&
Paint brushes, ~at board 862 3101 15.90
522/+2 Pacific Office Equipment Inc. 1600~ Adding ~achine tape 662 3101 ~0.~6
52243 Pacific PLayground Inc. 16051 Plastic dome Lids 565 6510 4,521.48
52244 Paint Store, The 16064 Painting at City Pier 565 4810 2,193
522~6 Parker Paint Hfg Co. /nc. 16201 Paint pail/ brush, putty knife 865 3120 2
Paint thinner,gloves,brush 565 3120
Paint 562 3120 154.84
Paint 562 3120 79.78
Paint,tape, brushes 865 3120 39.97
Paint, tray liner, tape 865 3120 100.89
Paint 562 3120 30.97
Paint 862 3120 54.8~
Paint 862 3120 123.87
Tray tinct, paint brush 865 3120 11.39
Paint 86~ 3120 92.90
Paint 865 3120 21.45
52250 Pen Print [nc. 16009 Permits-Cemetery 866 3101 170.48
52253 PeninsuLa DaiLy News 16012 ApriL POOL's Day 562 4210 327.11
POOl Advertisements-flarch-Apri 562 4210 100.00
Great Pumpkin Oktoberfest 561 4410 153.26
52258 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 Petty cash reimbursement 562 9451 25.50
52260 Port Angeles Marine, [nc. 16361 6as~oiL 865 3120 21.20
52262 Port Angeles Power Equipment 16122 GasKet, muffler 865 3120 55.09
Snapper blade 865 3120 14.03
52271 euiring Monuments [nc. 17001 Monument, Laser portrait-SchLag 866 3401 2,380.00
Inscriptions- A Duren 866 3~01 358.00
Inscriptions-H Duren 866 3401 220.00
5227~ R & R Products Company 18002 CLamp brace,nuts 865 3120 99.57
52281 Rotary Corporation 18017 BLades,gaskets,air cleaner 865 3120 286.39
Air fiLters,diaphrams 565 3120 3~
52291 Seattle ~arine 19597 Rope w/swiveL 562 3120
52296 Skagit Gardens lnc I~ Assort~ plants 565 ~1~ ~.20
~sortod plants-beautification 565 3101 626.~
52297 Smith & Associates Inc, W. ~. 23026 Element covers 562 6410 1,292.;
99/08/12-08:00 City of Port Angeles - Y2K LIVE August 12 1~ Page 13
Date From 07/10/1999 To 08/11/1999
Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount
Number Name Humber Number
52305 Sunset Do-It Best Hardware 19035 Cylinder rent-April 865 3101 16.19
Cylinder rent-April 866 3101 10.79
Galvanized eyebolts 865 3101 49.09
Pliers, wrecking bar, hammer 665 3120 56.58
Cylinder rent-Nay 8~5 3101 16.19
Cylinder rent-Nay 866 3120 10.79
Vise grip plier 865 3120 19.41
Galvanized eyebolts 865 3101 210.67
Stainless steel square deck sc 865 3120 10.78
Cold roll square 865 3120 4.37
S hooks 865 3120 35.22
EyeboLt, Link 865 3120 6.45
Hook, kit, strap, bearing 865 3120 141.08
Bushing,bearings,cable 865 3120 212.22
Chute 865 3120 ~.40
Hitch pin, chain 865 3120 13.99
Washer, cotter pins 865 3120 10.08
Pliers 865 3120 28.47
Pipe, adapters,primer ~ 3120 23.30
Trailer jack 865 3120 48.00
~-- Reversible rachet 865 3120 17.?~)
Ball ~55 3101 20.0~
Galvanized nuts 865 3120 71.21
Hex nuts 865 3120 23.31
Cable 865 3120 215.80
Chain/ paint pail 865 3120 130.01
Hex nuts, rope clips, eye bolt 865 3120 290.25
Import wire/rope clips,sleeve 865 3120 96.05
Washer 865 3120 5.07
Nut/lockwash,galvanized chain 865 3120 131.~
Couplers, oil, hose air, tools 865 3501 178.52
Bolts, welded ring 862 3120 73.54
Elbow, 0 ring, pipe 865 3101 5.88
Cylinder rent-June 866 3101 10.79
Cylinder rent-June 865 3101 16.19
Air drill 865 3501 111.14
Drill 865 3501 43.15
52309 Swain's General Store Inc. 19037 Broom 865 3120 13.99
Stakes, home plates, bases 865 3120 3,5(30.28
Box turf with cover 865 3140 10.~
Extension cord 861 3101 3.10
Paint, accessories 861 3120 1.~
Tripoxy sprayer 862 3120 33.31
Nuts,bolts 865 3120 4.72
Hardware, staples,staple gun 8663120 26.27
Putty knife, brush,paint,roller 862 3120 71.72
~- . Hardware for swings 865 3120 18.07
Hardware,stretch cord 865 3120 14.83
Cultivator 865 3101 13.99
Sandpaper, stain 865 3120 18.29
Hand tools, hardware 865 3120 24.33
99/08/12-08:00 City of Port Angeles - Y~K LIVE August 12 1999 Page 14
Date From 07/10/1999 To 08/11/1999
Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount
Number Name Number Number
Potti~ soil/kleenex 862 3101 26.59
Lineman pliers 865 3120 4.61
Masking tape, sandpaper,spraye ~52 3120 24.13
Hydraulic jack,funnel 865 3120 45.25
Hydraulic jack 865 3120 43.13
CLeaner,glue 865 3120 5.55
Hand tools 865 3120 8.64)
Paint,pail,brush, roller,tray 862 3120 156.71
Potting soil 862 3120 4.28
Hog ring tool for fencing 865 3120 14.61
Hardware, lock entry bell 865 3120 22.39
Lineman pliers 865 3120 4.61
Paint,roller,brushes 862 3120 60.88
Coveralls,brush 865 3120 54.57
Phone cord 866 3120 3.10
Premium rubber stripping, sled/ 865 3120 165.32
Broom, roller,cleanser,brushes 862 3120 72.17
Hardware 865 3120 245.07
Paint pail,tray 862 3120 28.55
Hardware, enamel gloss 865 3120 8.~
Masking tape 862 3120 3
Credit Hardware 865 3120 23
Pulley 865 3120 9..~
Hardware 865 3120 3.45
Work gloves 865 3120 5.98
Roller cover,caulk/bolts 862 3101 37.31
Paint brush, masking tape 862 3120 20.17
Hardware, eye bolt/ turnbuckle 865 3120 65.66
Paint supplies 862 3120 20.47
Hose helper, hose 862 3120 30.01
ELbow 865 3101 .87
Handle, brush 865 3120 13.64
Pool recreation supplies 862 3120 27.77
Silicone caulk, brush 865 3120 7.27
Laundry soap 862 3101 16.~
Shower curtain, padlock, hardw 862 3101 70.43
Hardware 865 3120 1.83
Hardware 865 3120 6.91
Washer ace, screwdriver 865 3120 3.03
Overalls 865 3120 52.73
Rmingear 865 3120 64.60
Pruner 865 3101 11.30
52311 Thurman Supply 20005 PVC cap 865 3120 1.22
Hot water tank elements,wrench 865 3120 17.26
Tape, iron nipple 865 3120 18.91
Galvanized elbow, nipple 865 3120 3.71
Themostat with reset 865 3120
PVC compression coupling 865 3140 1,
Bushing,adapter,tape 865 3140 5.28
Fluorescent tube 861 3120 10.24
FLuorescent tube 861 3120 10.24
99/08/12-08:00 City of Port Angeles - ~K LIVE August 12
Date From 07/10/1~ To 08/11/1~
Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount
Humber Hame Humber Humber
Socket adapter, Light bulbs 865 3120 22.89
Socket adapter 865 3120 6.15
Toilet, flange, toilet seat 865 3120 255.61
Nylon wrap, coupling, adapter 862 5120 20.00
Coupling, credit coupling 862 5120 .47-
Sho~er faucet, adapter, caulk 862 5120 194.09
52316 US West Communications 21001 7-2 Billing 865 4210 50.21
7-14 Billing 862 4210 40.02
07-14 Billing 865 4210 57.52
7-14 Billing 862 4210 47.92
6-20 Billing 863 ~210 47.81
6-20 Billing 863 4210 47.81
52518 United Parcel Service 21005 Shipping Svcs-June 865 4210 10.25
52319 United Rentals Irc (ProRentaL) 16034 Scaffolding plank,brace/clamp 865 ~810 158.6~
Scaffolding plank, coupling 865 ~810 152.02
Skid Loader rental 865 ~810 264.55
52551 Watermill Inc./ The 23010 Sodium bicarbonate/harborlite 862 3120 1,008.6~
52359 Xerox Corporation 24001 DC220SS Lease agreement Hay, 865 5101 258.77
DC220SS Lease agreement Hay, 861 5101
52350 ALL Phase Electric Supply Co. 01061 La,os 863 5120 110.06
· 52354 Angeles Temporary Services 01076 Cindy Kochanek-pe 7/15 866 4150 705.74
52359 Brooke & Assoc Inc., Robert 18092 Doors,pilasters/panels/head ra 865 5101 2,150.95
Ear brackets,U brackets 865 5120 127.52
52369 District 13 04050 Adult co-ed softball League 811 4150 1,120.00
52380 HurLey's Refrigeration 08165 Service call Walk-in freezer 863 ~810 51.95
52389 Laird Plastics 12506 Cutting board 862 5101 114.47
52394 Hatthe~s International Inc 15459 Urn 866 3401 117.95
52420 US ~est Communications 21001 07-14 Billing 811 4210 68.74
07-14 Billing 866 4210 22.91
07-14 Billing 865 4210 22.91
07-14 Billing 861 4210 45.85
07-14 Billing 862 4210 22.91
07-14 Billing 863 4210 68.74
07-14 Billing 863 4210 58.78
07-20 Billing 865 4210 &7.81
07-20 Billing 865 4210 ~7.81
52451 AT&T Business Service 01085 07-13 Billing 862 ~210 11.56
52455 Acorn, William G 01106 Boat/motor rental 865 /+810 160.00
52455 AirTouch Cellular Bellevue 01105 07-15 Billing 861 4210 75.50
07-15 Billing 861 4210 9.58
52Z~30 Dept of Natural Resources 04010 Application-Use S~ate-O~ned Aq 861 4150 ~5.00
52~65 Fairchild FLoors 06019 Roller shades 877 3101
52475 Higher Plane, A 08071 Adjustment to invoice 071299 861 6510 126.40
52/+83 Kochanek, Cindy Lou 11136 July commission 866 4990 1,252.65
52509 OLympic Park Institute 15183 Contract pmt-Herine Life Ctr 877 4150 11/058.00
52512 Pacific Playground [nc. 16051 Benches 865 6510 926.8~
.... 52517 Port Angeles City Treasurer 0~062 Petty cash reimbursement 862 3101 18.09
52521 Schroeder D.V.H., J. Pete 19589 Contract services-06/99 877 4150 1,300.00
Total for Parks & Recreation 59,~.80
99/08/12-08:00 City of Port Angeles - Y2K LIVE August 12 1~99 Page 16
Date From 07/10/1999 To08/11/1999
Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL code Amount
Number Name Number Number
Total for General Fund 272,171.27
101 0(X)1 52144 Certified Folder Display 03477 Ferry brochure distribution-Au 122 4150 261.25
52225 North Olympic Peninsula 14127 NOPVCB internet svcs-April-Jun 122 4150 235.00
Reimbursement-Story People 115 5083 1,7~.~
52333 Wend[ Advertising 23426 June services-NOPVCB 122 4150 6,260.50
52379 Hirshman Publishing 08397 Pacific NW meeting-Planners gu 122 4150 2,310.00
52445 Brewer, David 02055 Contract Services for August 115 4990 100.00
Total for Convention Center Fund 10,953.41
102 52184 Hall Signs Inc. 08125 Sign sup~=rt hardware 102 2370(0X~ 27.00-
52321 Universal Die-Cut Corporation 21066 Die-cut sign Letters 102 237(X)00 31.47-
Total for Department 58.47-
0007 52104 AT&T Wireless Services 01~04 7-01 Billing 752 4210 19.38
7-1 Billing 752 4210 13.14
52107 Ace Equipment Company 01055 Line 752 3501 ~.64
52117 Angeles Concrete Prcx~ucts 01070 Concrete, fibermesh 752 3101 127.~
Crushed rock 752 3101 2,899
Concrete, fibermesh 752 3101 1,37~
Concrete, fibermesh 752 3101 1,168.36
Concrete, fibermesh 752 3101 1,483.63
52122 Angeles Millwork 01075 Coupling 752 3101 11.26
Shims, bit 752 3101 4.78
Teflon rtl-flow lubricant 752 3101 6.34
Post cap 752 3101 50.12
Paint brush 752 3101 5.89
Roll cover 752 3101 5.21
Lumber 752 3101 8.79
Lumber 752 3101 63.29
Drillbits 752 3101 14.10
Clear lens frame 752 3101 13.96
52132 Blake Sand & Gravel Inc. 02045 Expansion joint 752 3101 92.79
Expansion joints 752 3101 80.93
Expansion joint 752 3101 53.95
Expansion joint 752 3101 53.95
52134 Brai[bach's Sharpening Service 02247 Chisels, drill bits 752 3101 75.75
52141 Camera corner 030~ Polaroid film 752 3101 28.00
52143 Cart~raph Systems Inc. 03051 Training course-N gells 752 3125 395.00
52153 CHI 03345 Cutter bit 752 4810 199.25
Grinder rental 752 4810 12,911.45
Rental contract,drum teeth 752 4810 665.18
52169 Econolite Control Products [nc 05003 Repair traffic controller 752 3125 167.00
5218/, Hall Signs Inc. 08125 Sign support hardware 752 3125
521&5 Mallet Power Washing 08032 Clean PW building r~fs 752 4150 150
52187 Hartn~eL Building Supply Inc. 08052 Coupler 752 3101
52207 Lakeside Industries Inc. 12036 Asphalt, Liquid asphalt 752 3101 I0,3~.39
Asphalt, Liquid asphalt 752 3101 2,062.83
Asphalt, liquid asphalt 752 3101 270.70
99/08/12-08:00 City of Port Angeles - Y2K LIVE August 12 1999 Page 17
Date From 07/10/1999 To 08/11/1999
Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount
Number Name Number Number
Asphalt 752 3101 162.88
Asphalt 752 3101 263.07
Asphalt 752 3101 65.28
Overlay 8th St bridges 752 3101 7,132.50
52211 Lucent Technologies 12215 07-02 Billing 752 ~210 23.25
52234 Olympic Paper Company 15119 Paper towels, urinal blocks 752 3101 150.65
52253 Peninsula Daily News 16012 Ordinance Summary-3021-3022 752 ~I0 16.38
52258 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 Petty cash reimbursement 752 4990 11.00
52262 Port Angeles Power Equipment 16122 BLade 752 3101 45.21
522~ Puget Safety Equipment 162~ Ear plugs 752 3101 51.81
Hard hats 752 3101 37.88
Safety glasses, Lenses 752 3101 97.6~
52305 Sunset Do-It Best Hardware 19035 gashers 752 3125 6.91
Rope 752 3101 5.83
52309 Swain's General Store [nc. 19037 PoLy sprayer 752 3101
Fogger 752 3101 9.14
Tape, putty knife, scraper 752 3125 28.36
52313 Traffic Safety SuppLy Co. 20010 Sign supports 752 3125 3,988.09
52321 Universal Die-Cut Corporation 21066 Die-cut sign Letters 752 3125
52341 Zuear Industries Inc. 26001 Barricade boards 752 3125 160.26
~ Barricade boards 752 3125 87.41
752 3125 3,832.70
Credit signs 752 3125 135.93-
52351 ALpine Products Inc. 01177 Grinder,drum, milling kit 752 6~10 3,623.13
52420 US ~est Communications 21001 07-14 Billing 752 4210 68.74
52450 Chemsearch I/,004 Hy-zinc aerosol 752 3101 308.68
52517 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03(~52 Petty cash reimbursement 752 4150
Petty cash reimbursement 752 4310 14.39
Total for Public Works 55,828.27
Total for Street Fund 55,769.80
103 0001 52108 Advanced Travel 01090 T Smith travel expenses-June 123 4310 16.43
521~8 CLaLLam County EOC 03067 2nd quarter services-June 123 4150 2,083.33
52156 Cop~es PLus 03CF)1 Color copies, binding, desktop 123 4150 317.70
52211 Lucent Technologies 12215 07-02 Billing 123 ~210 7.75
52242 Pacific Office Equipment Inc. 160C)~ Printer ink, credit ink 123 3101 2.16
52458 Crittenden Publishing 03~5 Subscription-S Martin 123 4901 199.00
Total for Economic OeveLopeent 2,626.27
107 0005 52108 Advanced Travel 01090 K RoedeLL to BeLLingham 6-2-99 532 4310 227.80
S Romberg to Seattle 6-28-99 532 4310 176.22
O Hamlin to Seattle 6-28-99 532 4310 168.57
52211 Lucent Technologies 12215 07-02 Billing 532 ~210 131.75
52238 OLympic Stationers Inc. 15030 Chair mat,correction tape, pape 532 3101 6~.72
52242 Pacific Office Equipment Inc. 160(~ Credit toner 532 3101 82.00-
Keyboard rest 532 3101 15.05
52270 Quill Corporation 17000 LabeLs,cassettes,stapLer,stapL 532 3101 100.69
Sheet protectors,eraser,casset 532 3101 13.~3
99/08/12-08:00 City of Port Angeles - Y2K LIVE August 12 1999 Page 18
Date From 07/10/1999 To08/11/1999
Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount
Number Name Number Number
52403 PowerPhone Inc 16140 Dispatch seminar-Homan,Altfili 532 4310 398.00
52420 US West Communications 21001 07-14 Billing 532 /,210 389.52
52449 Captain T's 030Z~5 Shirts,cust~ e.Wroidery 532 2080 194.~
Shirts, jacket,custom embroider 532 2080 156.~
52506 New World Systems 1418~ Software maintenance agreement 532 ~I0 1,~30.00
52516 PLantronics/Santa Cruz 16089 Headset repair 532 3501 ~.08
52530 US West Communication Security 21086 Security information request 532 ~10 5.40
52531 US West Communications 21(X)1 07-20 Billing 532 4210 47.81
Total for PenCom 3,~9.72
1(~) 0(0)5 52150 Clallam County YMCA 03076 Path grant funds-Teen Center 541 4150 9,343.50
Total for P. A. Teen Help 9,343.50
310 0(037 52141 Camera Corner 03044 Photos 792 3101 21.~
52253 Peninsula Daily News 1(~312 Summaries Ordinances 3019,3020 781 /~410 30.~
52275 Radio Pacific Inc. 11019 June Commercials-KONP 792 4/+10 72.0(3
June Commercials-KIKN 792 4410 72.00
June Commercials-KONP 792 4410 30.00
June Commercials-KilO( 792 4410 30~
Total for Public Works 255.~8
~ 52124 Best Locking Systems 01079 Cylindrical Lock 895 3101 147.14
52302 Sturdisteel Company 19602 Aluminum bleachers 895 3101 28,317.00
52340 Zenovic & Associates 26216 Prof svcs-Francis St Park pe 6 896 4150 2,7~5.(X3
52371 Evergro Sales Inc. 05141 NW bluegrass seed 895 3101 330.51
524~6 Burke Builder, GP 02454 Building repair-PA Little Leag 895 3101 418.11
52476 Home Service 08260 Concrete-dugouts/shed, labor 895 3101 679.77
52493 Marks Company, D.F. 13~2 Mulch 895 3101 7(>4.39
Total for Parks & Recreation 33,391.92
Total for Capital Improvement Fund 33,647.80
316 0008 52117 Angeles Concrete Products 01070 Sand 860 3120 24~.78
Concrete 8(~) 3120 445.09
52118 Angeles Electric Inc. 01071 Breaker/breaker panel,meter so 860 3120 289.69
52263 Precision Truss Inc 16435 Trusses,blocks 860 3120 820.15
52310 Thomas Building Center 20044 Lumber,posts ~ 3120 2,~/+3.51
52323 Virginia, Alice 22091 Cancelled reservation-clubhous 860 9636 110.00
52477 Jackson's Signs 10018 Lincoln Perk Little league sig 860 3120 579.0(3
Total for Lincoln Park Improvement Fund 5,330.22
320 ~ 522~4 Ryan Swanson & Cleveland 18205 Legal svcs-Fire Hall pe 6/20 621 4150 5~r
Total for Fire Station Construction Fund 53.15
321 0(0)7 52367 Commercial Office Interiors 03~5 Contract pmt #3-Public Library 716 4150 23,~7.53
99/08/12-08:00 City of Port Angeles - Y2K LIVE August 12 1999 Page 19
Date From 07/10/1999 To 08/11/1999
Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Aaount
Number Name Number Number
Total for Library Construction Fund 23,437.53
52025 Williams, Billy 23/+70 Utility deposit rfd-01/+303002 401 2131100 250.00
52028 Hart, Andre~ 08zrO0 Replace Utility dap rfd chk #1 /+01 2131100 72.28
52tl/+ Anderson, Carol 01102 Utility deposit rfd-086517022 /+01 2131100 95.88
52122 Angeles Hillwork 01073 Wedge, hammer 401 1/+11000 116.53
52125 Aske, Micheline 01/+16 Utility deposit rfd-081z~69-036 401 2131100 125.00
52130 Benoff, Terri 02449 Uti Lity deposit rfd-12/+500-O05 /+01 2131100 188.56
52135 Bristow, Roger 02445 Utility deposit rfd-043222-025 /+01 2131100 84.68
52138 ByerLy, Pam 02/+50 Utility deposit rfd-0816/+7-03/+ /+01 2131100 125.00
521/,2 CarrelL, Shelley 03056 Utility deposit rfd-066303020 401 1222200 79.76
52158 Costello, Ray 03482 Utility deposit rfd-103616003 401 2131100 /+1.37
52167 Duckett, Candy 04287 Utility deposit rfd-114421-011 401 2131100 125.00
52177 Gary, Fred 07289 Utility deposit rfd-O29203032 401 2131100 107.99
52181 Graybar ELectric Co. Inc. 07040 Amp connectors, cartridges 401 1/+11000 1,255.00
Amp connectors, cartridges /+01 1/+14000 105 ./+3
52186 Hansen, Lisa 08396 Utility deposit rfd-101788015 /+01 2131100 36.86
52188 Hayden, Derek 08398 Utility deposit rfd-04707/+-023 401 2131100 95.59
52239 Onnoh, Fred 15184 Utility deposit rfd-029220-016 /+01 2131100 144.71
52258 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 Petty cash reiabursement /+01 2/+51000 6~.00
52270 Guill Corporation 17000 File folders, Liquid paper,pens /+01 2370000 5.04-
Binders /+01 2370000 2.77-
Liquid paper correction pens /+01 2370000 .78-
52278 Rhodes, Melanie 18331 Utility deposit rfd-09/+956003 /+01 2131100 26.05
52282 Roto Industries Inc. 18273 Autoaated garbage can /+01 2370000 I/+.5/+-
52285 Ryan, Shanon O. 18332 Utility deposit rfd-055972015 /+01 2131100 57.30
52292 Secondez, Robhin 19603 Utility deposit rfd-118826030 /+01 2131100 40.02
5229/+ Shideler, Oammris 19605 Utility deposit rfd-02181/+-020 /+01 2131100 250.00
52300 Somerville, Diana 1960/+ Utility deposit rfd-011622-01/+ /+01 2131100 250.00
52325 ~JESCO Distribution Inc. 23150 Network urban meters-Lee Hotel 401 1/+1/+000 7,000.00
Network urban meters-Lee Hotel /+01 I/+11000 588.00
Wire, cable terminator,photocel /+01 t/+I/+000 1,2/+3.90
Wire, cable terminator,photoceL /+01 1/+11000 104./+9
52336 Western States Electric Inc. 23025 15 KV cutout,protective cap 401 1/+I/+000 2,620.67
52338 Wright, Madeline 23469 Utility deposit rfd-097/+44-01/+ /+01 2131100 125.00
52350 All Phase Electric Supply Co. 01061 Elbow, coupling, cap /+01 1/+11000 109.53
ELbow, coupling /,01 1/+11000 440.88
52358 Ball, Lloyd 02/+52 Utility deposit rfd-OZ~3222-026 /+01 2131100 69.90
52362 Cataquet, Catherine 03z~/+ Utility deposit rfd-021407-004 /+01 2131100 87.73
52372 Faris, Greg 06230 Utility deposit rfd-042056-018 401 2131100 20.46
5237/+ Folmbee, Harold 06231 Utility deposit rfd-043150-018 /+01 2131100 90.21
52376 Frame, Oustin 06229 Utility deposit rfd-05/+160-017 /+01 2131100 97./,0
52378 Henry, Dorothy 08399 Utility deposit rfd-101630-O07 /+01 2131100 101.2/+
52382 Jacino, Michael 10177 Utility deposit rfd-119013-O06 /+01 2131100 68.60
52383 Jacobs, Beatrice 10176 Utility overpmt rfd-053953-004 /+01 1222200 106.69
52384 Jenks, Nathaniel 10178 Utility deposit rfd-0587/+2-047 /+01 2131100 69.53
52393 I~adsen, I~ark 13460 Utility deposit rfd-099/+22-O05 /+01 2131100 58.20
52395 Honey, Tony 13461 Utility deposit rfd-104671-03/+ /+01 2131100 11/+.79
52397 Hagy, Veronika 14473 Utility deposit rfd-063070-032 /+01 2131100 70.65
52/+09 Sayer, Delmar 19606 Utility deposit rfd-O018~O-O05 /+01 2131100 109.7/+
52z~10 ScagLia, elaureen 19607 Utility deposit rfd-094407-O05 401 2131100 77.8&
99/08/12-08:00 City of Port Angeles - Y2K LIVE August 12 1999 Page 20
Date From 07/10~1909 To 08~11~1999
Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount
Number Name Number Number
52412 Sellstro./RTC 19494 Inspect/repair-rescue winch ~01 2370000 24.00-
52~26 Ward, Sandi Rae 23371 Utility deposit rfd-124385-O03 401 2131100 87.21
52500 Hills, Sandra 13/,6/, Utility deposit rfd-O]]]08-020 401 2131100 122.54
52518 Professional Publications Inc. 16437 FE Review package-Discipline 401 2370000 36.50-
52537 WESCO Distribution Inc. 23150 Anchor,extension rod,guy guard 401 14140(0) 362.52
Anchor,extension rod,guy guard 401 1411{3{30 361.75
Total for Department 17,~2.85
0009 52026 Ruud Lighting Inc. 1~90 Wall mount,surface mounting 13o 911 ]101 ~I.04
52104 AT&T Wireless Services 01404 07-01 Billing 911 4210 8.84
07-01 Billing 911 4210 8.84
52108 Advanc~d Travel 01090 J Harper to Reno 5-23-90 911 4310 693.86
B Titus to Fife 5-26-90 911 4310 70.40
B Titus to Calgary 7-4-90 911 4310 581.56
52122 Angeles Nillwork 010~ Stakes 911 3101 11.58
52131 Betzvc.2 Lighting 02239 La,q~s 911 ]101 557.40
Sensor switches 911 ]101
52137 Bryant's Upholstery 02059 Name tag pouch for fork lift 911 3101 59.35
52141 Camera Corner 030/~4 Film, pictures, frame 911 3101 23.31
52157 Cornell Auto Parts 0]092 Super clean spray,gel,adhesive 911 3101 37
Tire valve repair kit 911 3101
Gold mitt 911 ]101 13.25
PSA discs 911 3101 7.16
52159 Credit Bureau of Clallam Co 03094 Public records bulletin-June 9 911 4150 17.26
52191 Highline Equipment Inc. 08063 Cable cutter jaws,pliers,sp~n 911 3501 459.22
52195 JATC NW Line Const. Ind. 1~ Tuition-T Beckett,J Shay 911 4310 1,596.00
52190 Jobs Available Irc 1(3022 BLock ad-Communication Officer 911 4410 5/+.40
52209 Lincoln Industrial Corp. 12047 Repair light pole 911 4810 52.87
Pipe repair bands 911 /~810 17.95
52211 Lucent Technolcxsies 12215 07-02 Billing 911 4210 10~.50
52234 Olympic Paper Company 15111 Urinal screen 911 3101 6.~-
Urinal screen 911 3101 6.~
52235 Olympic Printers Inc. 15027 Time cards-Public Works 911 3101 217.58
52238 Olympic Stationers Inc. 15030 Credit lead, tabs 911 3101 27.81-
52242 Pacific Office Equipment Inc. 16004 Chairs 911 3101 147.~
Computer cables 911 4610 32.37
Computer cables 911 4810 18.45
Deskjet ink 911 3101 70.40
52257 Port Angeles City Light 1~)83 Petty cash reimbursement 911 3101 4.64
Petty cash reimbursement 911 3101 .59
Petty cash rei~dDursement 911 3101 16.13
Petty cash reimbursement 911 3101 3.50
Petty cash reimbursement 911 3101 1.39
Petty cash reimbursement 911 3101 3.10
Petty cash reimbursement 911 4810 4.85
Petty cash reimbursement 911 4150 6
Petty cash reimbursement 911 4150
52265 Public Utility Dist Clallam Co 16038 SR 101 & Euclid Ave-7-9 Billin 911 3350 14.33
Lauridsen Blvd & L St-7-15 911 ]]50 17.36
52270 Quill Corporation 17000 File folders, liquid paper,pens 911 ]101 ~.75
~/(~8/t2-~:~X) City of Port Angeles - ~K LIVE August 12
Date From 07/10/1~ To ~/11/1999
Check Vendor Vendor Description GL C~e Amount
Number Name Number Humber
Binders 911 3101 37.76
Liquid p~per correction pens 911 3101 10.60
52280 Rohlinger Enterprises Inc. 1~7 Triple block without becket 911 3501 337.80
Clean test hastings telepole 911 3501 43.28
Gloves,elbow cover, rubber blah 911 3501 316.~
Repair barrier, recondition sho 911 3501 ~.56
Linemen's blankets 911 4810 94.35
52309 Swain's General Store Inc. 19037 Extension socket 911 4~10 19.36
Epoxy 911 3101 6.63
52311 Thurrm~n Supply 20005 Ball valve,.plug 911 4~10 15.19
Vinyl 911 4150 29.12
52316 US West Communications 21001 7-05 Billing 911 4210 41.~
7-14 Billing 911 ~I0 39.94
7-2 Billing 911 4210 60.42
52325 WESCO Distribution Inc. 23150 Transformer 911 3403 8,314.28
52328 Washington (DRS), State of 23141 Statewide pensioners June 911 2010 200.16
52339 Xerox Corporation 24001 DC220SS Le~se agreement May, 911 4150
52350 ALL Phase Electric Supply Co. 01061 Chartless recorder 911 3101 2,147.21
Power cable 911 3403 8,293.19
connector 911 3403 94.13
Cap 911 3402 103.06
Wire connector 911 3101 23.15
Wire-Lee Hotel 911 3402 971.10
Wire 911 ~10 78.12
Meter base 911 3101 112.21
Fitting 911 ~10 .83
Cr~,~Jit chartless recorder 911 3101 2,147.21-
52401 Pacer Service Center 16439 ~nkruptcy inforn~tion softwar 911 4150 12.60
52402 Pacific Utility Equipment Inc. 21011 100' Rope 911 3501 625.6~+
52405 RecJulatory Compliance Svc Inc. 18(~52 Annual PCB support contract 911 4150 395.00
52407 Ruud Lighting Inc. 1~ Pmt adj-surface mounting box 911 3101 27.19
52412 Sellstrom/RTC 19494 Inspect/repair-rescue winch 911 4150 327.72
52420 US West Communications 21001 07-14 Billing 911 4210 320.78
52423 Utilities Underground Loc Ctr 21010 June locates 911 4150
52429 Western States Electric Inc. 23025 Current reset fault indicator 911 3402 279.47
Current reset fault indicator 911 3402 125.16
52431 AT&T Business Service 01085 07-13 Billing 911 4210 11.83
52435 AirTouch Cellular Bellevue 01105 07-15 Billing 911 4210 9.38
07-15 Billing 911 4210 26.~
07-15 Billing 911 4210 9.38
07-15 Billing 911 4210 17.74
07-15 Billing 911 4210 9.38
07-15 Billing 911 4210 9.38
07-15 Billing 911 4210 9.38
52~3 EES Consulting Inc. 05140 June services-WPAG/Rate Case 911 4~1 16~).~
52~7 General Pacific Inc. 07034 Fargo wrenches 911 3501 5(~.16
Wrenches 911 3501 93.06
52470 Graybor Electric Co. Inc. 07040 Analyzer,case 911 3501 1,937.~
52472 Hansen's Trophy 08047 Engraving 911 3101 132.28
52486 Law Seminars International 121~ Registration-Campbell,Knutson 911 4310 795.00
52494 Marsh Mundorf Pratt & Sullivan 13287 June Svcs-l~9 Rates 911 4901 360.60
~/~/12-08:00 city of Port AngeLes - ~K LIVE August 12
Date From 07/10/1999 To08/11/1999
Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount
Nu~er Name Humbler Number
52504 NWPPA 14013 Registration-B Titus 911 4310 540.00
52515 Parsinen Landscape Maintenance 16258 Substations Landscape maintena 911 4150 1,340.98
Substation Landscape maint 911 4150 1,413.92
Total for Light 35,466.22
Total for Light Fund 53,429.07
402 52171 FamiLian Industrial PLastics 06167 Rings,bolts w/nuts,plug,gasket 402 1414000 193.05
Rings,bolts w/nuts,plug,gasket 402 14110(X) 15.25
52352 American Water Works Assoc. 01~ Water quality treatment /,02 2370(0~0 6.~-
52388 LBR Construction Inc. 12034 Utility overpmt rfd-124231-001 402 12222(30 426.05
52~ Familiar NW ~020 Water meters 402 1414(~30 10,105.98
Water meters 402 1411000 ~7.51
Total for Department 11,561.07
0003 52104 AT&T Wireless Services 01404 6-1 Billing 354 4210 ~.84
07-01 Billing 354 4210 35.89
52136 Brown and Caldwell 02057 Prof svcs-WW system pmt #20 354 4150 2/692.24
52166 Dobson's 04054 CLamps 354 3101 59
FLoor jack 354 3501
Belts, power belts 354 3101 741.04
52172 FerrelLgas (Inc) C)6~24 Propane 354 4710 276.18
Propane 354 3101 1.45
Propane 354 4710 64.10
Propane 354 4710 55.41
52180 Grainger Inc. 07015 Pump 354 3101 4~8.90
Credit pump 354 3101 395.52-
52185 Haller Power Washing 08(332 Clean PW building roofs 354 4810 61.36
52198 Jim's Pharmacy (Irc) 10020 Mercuro clear 354 3101 5.16
52203 Kemi - K Products 11143 Generation place paks 354 3101 955.68
52211 Lucent Technol~ies 12215 07-02 Billing 354 4210 15.50
52217 AT&T Hessaging now MetrocalL 20000 6-26 Billing 354 4210 50.89
52233 Olympic Laundry & Clnrs Inc. 15026 CLeaning services 354 3101 27.51
52237 OLympic Springs Inc. 15029 Water cooler rental 354 3101 10.74
Water cooler rental 354 3101 10.74
Bottled water 354 3101 14.40
Water 354 3101 19.21
Bottled water 354 3101 14.40
52238 Olympic Stationers Inc. 15030 Pens,dividers,binders 354 3101 32.90
522~ Pacific Office Equipment Inc. 16~)04 Diskettes 354 3101 14.03
52305 Sunset Do-It Best Hardware 19035 Valve, nipples 354 3101 50.03
Washers 354 3101 6.47
Gasket remover 354 3101 12.29
Insert, elbow, adapter 354 3101 14.29
PVC pipe, lock washers, caulk 354 3101 11
523(F~ Swain's General Store Inc. 19037 Film 354 3101 21.
Batteries 354 3101 10.65
Window cleaner,fertilizer 354 3101 19.32
Batteries 354 3101 22.89
~9/08/12-0S:00 City of Port AngeLes - Y2K LIVE August 12 1~99 Page 23
Date From 07/10/1999 To 08/11/1999
Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount
Number Name Number Number
52311 Thurman SuppLy 20005 Coupling, brass nipples 354 3101 13.28
Valve 354 3101 6.80
Reducer 354 3101 8.16
PVC cement, primer 354 3101 6.80
PVC water pipe 354 3101 7.12
52316 US gest Communications 21001 7-2 Billing 354 4210 38.31
7-2 Billing 354 4210 41.28
6-23 Billing 354 4210 95.62
06-20 Billing 354 4210 56.22
52318 United Parcel Service 21005 Shipping Svcs-June 354 4210 12.52
Shipping Svcs-June 354 4210 23.54
Shipping Svcs-June 354 4210 6.77
Shipping Svcs-June 354 4210 6.89
52353 Angeles Communications Inc 01069 Service call at Pump Station 354 4210 102.51
52361 CH20 Inc. 03295 Boiler chemical 354 3101 969.08
52420 US West Communications 21001 07-14 Billing 354 4210 45.8~
52423 Utilities Underground Loc Ctr 21010 June Locates 354 4150 34.22
52435 AirTouch Cellular Bellevue 01105 07-15 Billing 354 4210 4.13
52472 Hansen's Trophy 08047 Engraving 354 3101 132.29
52480 K & L Supply Inc. 11010 Odor control/trickling filter 354 3101 3,760.75
52481 Kaman Industrial Technologies 11082 Ball bearing pillow block 354 3101 17.69
52497 AT&T Messaging now MetrocaLL 20000 07-24 Billing 354 4210 50.89
52531 US West Communications 21001 07-23 Billing 354 4210 48.29
07-23 Billing 354 4210 28.11
07-23 Billing 354 4210 47.81
07-23 Billing 354 4210 47.81
07-23 Billing 354 4210 47.81
07-23 Billing 354 4210 47.81
07-23 Billing 354 4210 47.81
07-23 Billing 354 4210 28.11
07-20 Billing 354 4210 28.11
Total for Attorney 11,545.35
52104 AT&T Wireless Services 01404 07-01 Billing 753 ~10 17.74
52108 Advanc~ Travel 01~ C Knutson to Seattle(r-22-99 753 4310 120.~
52117 Angeles Concrete Products 01070 Concrete 753 3101 377.65
Concrete 753 3101 144.46
Crushed rock 753 3101 2,899.81
Control density fill 753 3101 1~.~
Crushed rock 753 3101 5,799.63
52122 Angeles Millwork 010~ Spikes 753 3101 2.52
Insert bit, screws 753 3101 6.03
Lumber 753 3101 5.34
52123 Anjo Soils 01057 Gravel 753 3101 236.60
52124 Best Locking Systems 01079 Padlocks,weathercovers,keys 753 3101 192.44
52129 Bavco Backflow Apparatus & 02346 Valves 753 3101 440.84
52132 BLake Sand & Gravel [nc. 02045 Spikes, fabric, stones 753 3101 29.15
Washed rock 753 3101 16.72
Concrete mix 753 3101 32.37
Concrete mix 753 3101 12.95
99/08/12-08:00 City of Port Angeles - Y2K LIVE August 12 1999 Page 24
Date From 07/10/1999 To 08/11/1999
Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Cc~e Amount
Nua~oer Name Mumbler Number
52139 CH2H Hill 03005 Prof svcs-Jones St reservoir 793 4150 3,747.28
52140 CSUS Foundation Inc. 0327'/ Registration-J Johnson 753 4310 21.00
52141 Camera Corner 030Z~G Film/ processing 753 3101 15.08
52145 Chemsearch 14004 Degreaser 753 3101 132.40
52152 Complete Line, The 03087 Photo paper 753 3101 17"5.67
52163 Dept of Community Development 030~5 Water quality testing-June 753 4150 ~9.00
521~ Duke Prcx~ucts 04150 Calibrate backflow tester 753 3101 ~.04
52171 FamiLian Industrial PLastics 06167 Water service saddle 753 3101 21.35
52185 HaLLer Power Washing 08032 CLean PW building roofs 753 4150 150.~
52187 HartnageL Building Supply Inc. 08052 Lumber,nails,hand saw 753 3101 100.01
Cedar fence post cap 753 3101 7.23
Credit return cedar fence post 753 3101 7.23-
5205 L & L TooL Specialties 12035 Allen wrenches 753 3101 25.81
522~ Lab/Cor Inc. 12207 Water analysis,set up 753 4150 200.00
52207 Lakeside Industries Inc. 12036 Asphalt 753 3101 131.~S
52209 Lincoln Industrial Corp. 12047 Sheet metal 753 3101 243.26
52211 Lucent Technologies 12215 07-02 Billing 753 4210 7.75
52220 Middleton Auto and Truck Inc. 13117 Belt 753 3101 5.24
52234 Olympic Paper Co~oany 15111 Liquid chlorine 753 3101 338.81
Liquid chlorine 753 3101 31.94
52240 PIPE (Pacific Int. Pipe Ent) 16305 Pre-cast vault w/pipe cutouts, 793 4150 7,~ ~
52246 Parker Paint Mfg Co. Inc. 16201 Paint 753 3101 15,
Paint, thinner, masking tape 753 3101 113.00
52262 Port Angeles Power Equipment 16122 Files, file handle, cut blades 753 3101 30.72
52265 Public utility Dist Clallam Co 16038 Crown Z Water Rd-7-19 billing 753 4710 18.02
203 Reservoir Rd-7-12 Billing 753 4710 87.59
52266 Puget Safety Equipment 16248 Hardhats 753 3101 72.77
52305 Sunset Do-It Best Hardware 19035 Chain, grab hook 753 3101 123.64
Water test gauge 753 3101 16.38
Pressure washer 753 3101 9.25
Funnel, drain, drum 753 3101 54.96
CLamp, hose, Labor 753 3101 44.41
Gauge for pressure pump 753 3101 26.92
Mower blade 753 3101 30.62
Roll pins 753 3101 1.29
Elbow 753 3101 14.47
52309 Swain's General Store Inc. 19037 Hand tcx~Ls 753 3101 5.25
Paint thinner, Light bulbs,hand 753 3101 10.49
Tape 753 3101 8.07
Hose nozzle 753 3101 5.90
FLashlight, film 793 3101 85.15
Freezer bags/ raingear/ marker 753 3101 89.95
PLastic tarp 753 3101 24.68
52311 Thurman Supply 20(0)5 Pipe 753 3101 8.7"5
Pipe, coupling 753 3101 20.43
Pipe, coupling 753 3101 5.01
Light bulbs/ sodium 753 3101 ~
Hose connector, hose repair 753 3101 7
Union 753 3101 52.31
Valve 753 3101 7.45
52315 US Filter/Pacific Water Works 21077 Meter wrenches 753 3101 96.47
~0/08/12-08:00 City of Port Angeles - Y2K LIVE August 12 1999 Page 25
Date From 07/10/1999 To 08/11/1~
Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code A.~unt
Number Name Number Number
52317 US West Communications-CLaims 21033 CLaim-buried svc wire 753 3101 95.30
52318 United Parcel Service 21005 Shipping Svcs-June 753 6210 12.15
52319 United Rentals Inc (ProRental) 16034 Rental-Scissor Lift 753 3101 668.98
52350 ALL Phase ELectric Supply Co. 01061 Conduit/ elbow, plug, cement 753 3101 81.50
52352 American Water Works Assoc. 01066 Water quality treatment 753 3101 92.52
52385 Jones Chemicals Inc. 10027 Chlorine/cylinder deposit 753 3101 1/063.41
Credit cylinder deposit 753 3101 700.00-
Chlorine, container deposit 753 3101 1,249.72
Credit-Container deposit 753 3101 750.00-
52408 Sanderson Safety Supply Co. 190~8 Handsoaps 753 3101 174.51
Handsoaps 753 3101 52.63
526~0 US West Communications 21001 07-16 Billing 753 6210 22.91
52/+23 Utilities Underground Loc Ctr 21010 June Locates 753 6150 36.22
52635 AirTouch Cellular Bellevue 01105 07-15 Billing 753 6210 5.62
52650 Chemsearch 1600~ Degreaser spray 753 3101 257.50
52666 Familiar NW 06020 Cement/brass union 753 3101 50.36
52472 Hansen's Trophy 08067 Engraving 753 3101 132.29
52525 Sperr, Stephen Patrick 19610 Reimburse-License renewal 753 6901 100.00
52531 US West Communications 21001 07-23 Billing 753 6210 59.20
07-20 Billing 753 6210 266.69
Total for Public Works 28,368.89
Total for Water/Wastewater Fund 51/675.31
60~ 0007 52109 Airgas-Norpac Inc. 01611 Cylinder rental 755 3101 7.93
52122 Angeles NiLLwork 0107~ Eye bolts, washers, hex nut 755 3101 4.06
Drilling hammer 755 3101 9.21
52166 Design One Inc. 04166 BaLLoons-SW fair booth 755 3101 18/+.39
52166 Dobson's 04056 Hour meter, freight 755 3101 56.78
5217~ Forks Forum -Peninsula Herald 0~029 Dump day advertisement 755 ~10 83.25
52185 HaLLer Power Washing 08032 CLean PW building roofs 755 /+810 150.00
52211 Lucent Technologies 12215 07-02 Billing 755 4210 38.75
52233 OLympic Laundry & Clnrs Inc. 15026 CLeaning services 755 3101 200.34
CLeaning services pe 6-26 755 3101 100.00
52234 OLympic Paper Company 15111 Recycle containers 755 3101 61.26
Paper 755 3101 538.15
Pole exTension,brush 755 3101 ~0.97
Paper towels, Latex gloves 755 3101 45.22
Bottle, sprayer, cleaner 755 3101 11.08
52236 OLympic Refrigeration 15085 Removal of freon/compressors 755 6150 802.77
52238 OLympic Stationers Inc. 15030 Markers, index cards/clip board 755 3101 32.61
522~2 Pacific Office Equipment Irc. 160(~ Service printer 755 3101 ~8.56
52256 Pettit Oil Company 16302 Oil 755 3101 22.17
52275 Radio Pacific Inc. 11019 June Commercials-KIKN 755 z~10 17.30
52293 Sequim 6azette Inc. 19016 Ads-Dump Day, Fair Booth 755 z~+10 ?.~7.50
- 52305 Sunset Do-Zt Best Hardware 19035 ELectric Winch 755 3101 332.59
Metal rod 755 3101 15.85
52309 Swain's General Store Inc. 19037 Car wash supplies 755 3101 45.57
Hammer/tape/spray pain~/ruLe 755 3101 72.55
52330 Waste Nanagement - Northwest 230~0 Recycling svcs-June 99 755 4150 /,0,330.09
99/08/12-08:00 City of Port AngeLes - Y2K LIVE August 12 1999 Page 26
Date From 07/10/1999 To 08/11/1999
Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Aeount
Number Name Number Number
523~0 Zenovic & Associates 26216 Senior Design Engineer 755 4150 z~.~.50
52356 Automotive EnvironeentaL Svcs 010~1 Antifreeze pick up 755 3101 8~.00
52420 US gest Comunications 21001 07-14 Billing 755 4210 114.56
52434 Advanced Environmental 01417 Oil pad 755 3101 108.06
52513 Parametrix Inc. 16155 Prof Svcs-LF Engineering pe 7- 755 4150 1/888.13
Prof Svcs-LF Engineering pe 7- 795 4150 59,922.84
52532 USOA, APHIS/ FSO, Acctg Svcs 21069 Contract svcs-04/99-06/99 755 4150
Total for Solid Waste Fund 111,723.96
421 0009 52258 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 Petty cash reimbursement 913 4990 6.00
52332 Welcome [nn Trailer Park 23471 Energy Conservation Rebate 913 4986 1,222.61
52357 Baker Overby & Moore Inc. 02087 Rebate-Energy Conservation 913 4986 252.00
Total for Conservation Fund 1,482.61
501 52247 Parts Incorporated 18126 Replacement rod, springs,grips, 501 237CXXX) 161.42-
OoubLe Links 501 2370000 9.82-
Lift cylinder 501 2370000 47.08-
Elbow 501 237CXXX) 1.14-
Coil/pin/bushing/link/decal li 501 2370000 53
Coil/ pin, bushing/ Link 501 2370000
Pist~ half 501 2370000 5.52-
Credit overcharge on coil 501 2370000 1.03
Credit overcharge on coil 501 2370000 1.03
52495 McMaster-Carr Supply Co. 13202 Grease gun filler pump, hinge, 501 2370000 28.52-
Total for Department 339.47-
0007 52116 Angeles Auto ALectric 01067 Rebuilt alternator veh #IT51 7603101 75.37
Repair alternator/ parts 760 3101 80.62
52122 Angeles Millwork 01075 Plywood, Lock tab, square edge 760 3101 159.62
52141 Camera Corner 0304~, Prints/ film 760 3101 10.23
52146 Chevron USA (Credit Card pats) 03060 Credit card purchases-pe 7-5 7603210 7.01
52157 CornelL Auto Parts 03092 Galvanized Lag 760 3101 19.00
Oomestic starter ?60 3101 67.46
Credit Domestic starter core 760 3101 19.42-
Filter 7603101 23.74
52162 Denver's Tire Co. Inc. ~ Safety check, labor, lubra kleen 760 4810 17.26
Safety check, labor/lubra klean 760 3101 13.22
Service call/ starter, Labor 760 3101 91.44
Service call, starter, Labor 760 4810 64.75
Labor, trouble shoot 760 4810 29.13
Transmission fluid, filter, ga 760 3101 53.15
Transmission fluid, filter, ga 760 4810 46.39
Safety check/labor, lubra klean 760 3101 13.22
Safety check/Labor, Lubra kLeen 760 4810 17
FLat repair 760 4810 6.
Service call/ flat repair 760 4810 49.90
Flat repair, wheel change 760 4810 24.28
Tires, Labor, wheel balance 760 3101 137.63
99/08/12-08:00 City of Port Angeles - Y2K LIVE August 12 1999 Page 27
Date From 07/10/1999 To 08/11/1999
Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount
Number Name Number Number
Tires, Labor, wheel balance 760 Z~IO 39.92
Speedometer/Odometer cluster 760 3101 /+07.06
Speedometer/Odometer cluster 760 /~10 60.96
Cylinder, air cleaner, Labor 760 3101 /+9.10
Cylinder, air cleaner/ Labor 7(=0 ~10
Whel cylinder, brakes, Labor 760 3101 15&.76
Wheel cylinder, brakes, Labor 7(=0 ~10 ~.92
Air filter, safety check, Labor 760 3101 21.13
Air filter,safety check, labor ?60 ~10 17.26
Tires, wheel balance, ~nt 760 3101 119.33
Tires, wheel balance, mount 7(~0 ~10 22.67
Service air conditioner ?60 /~810 138.11
Flat rel~ir 760 ~10 6.&7
Tires, wheel balance 760 3101 27~.25
Waste hauler Lug, casing 760 3101 299.~2
Service call, flat repair 760 ~810 106.28
Service call, 0 ring 760 ~810 115./+5
Wire set,rotor,brake pads,plug 760 3101 451.89
Serpentine belt, filter, Labor 760 3101 108.87
Filter/ Labor, Lubra klean 760 3101 112.65
~ Tires/ retread 760 3101 1/+5.67
Tires, wheel balance 760 3101 154.08
Hount, demount 760 /+810 10.79
52166 Oobson's 0z~054 Liquid filled gauge 760 3101 35.06
Credit cores 760 3101 ~.16-
Credit core 760 3101 53.95-
Freon, Labor 760 ~810 55.02
Freon, Labor 760 3101 129.49
Belt 760 3101
Belt 760 3101 7.7~
Belt 760 3101 10.8~
52183 H & R Parts & Equipment Inc. 080/+5 Stop Light switch 760 3101 13.12
Brake chamber, seal 760 3101 72.97
Oil cap 760 3101 12.95
52185 HalLer Power Washing 08032 CLean PW building roofs 760 /+150 395.00
52189 Heartline, The 08054 Battery 760 3101 69.00
Battery 760 3101 7/+. ~0
Battery 760 3101 7/+.40
52200 Kaman Industrial Technologies 11082 Radial bearings 760 3101 17.96
52209 Lincoln Industrial Corp. 120~7 Paint sticks 760 3101 2.75
Labor-Solid Waste cans 760 3101 67.47
Steel 760 3101 10.09
Hydraulic fitting 760 3101 7.36
Replace bucket bushings, Labor, 760 3101 I
52211 Lucent Technologies 12215 07-02 Billing 760 4210 7.75
52212 Nachinery Components Inc. 13101 Shoe set, switch assembly 760 3101 153.83
52220 HiddLeton Auto and Truck Inc. 13117 BLade 760 3101 10.27
Credit bearing,seal 760 3101 170.65-
Credit brake shoe,core deposit 760 3101 29.12-
Control cable 760 3101 91.23-
Screw 760 3101 3.9/+
99/08/12-~:00 City of Port Angeles - ~"2K LIVE August 12 1~ Page 28
Date From 07/10/1999 To ~/11/1999
Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount
Number Name Number Number
Hose clamp 760 3101 20.28
Oi I fi lters,silicone,eir fi lte 760 3101 117.57
Signal light 760 3101 7.39
Relay 760 3101 47.17
Fi lters, F swivel,fitting,claalp 760 3101 80.74
Wipers, aerosol cleaner 760 3101 113.62
Inner tie-rod and tool 760 3101 ~.94
Filters,wire,gasket mker 760 3101 118.35
V-belt 760 3101 6.63
Temperature sensor 760 3101 18.82
Plug, fitting, cap 760 3101 38.70
Muffler 760 3101
Oil filter 760 3101 51.10
Stand 760 3101 25.60
Pliers 760 3501 32.65
Bushing 760 3101 3.76
Hose coupling 760 3101 4.95
Car freshener 760 3101 12.17
Wrench 760 3501 22.63
Light bulb 760 3101 10.23
Break-away switch 760 3101 8.
Air filter 760 3101 27
Fitting, male connector 760 3101 7.~'l
Wiper blade/ refills 7E~) 3101 23.14
Fittings 760 3101 17.7"5
Water pump, core deposit 760 3101 24.76
Muff Let 760 3101 8~,. 90-
Hoses 760 3101 18.62
Gasket sealer 760 3101 3.98
Core deposit 760 3101 4.32-
Filters, cap screw/ connector 760 3101 227.36
Air filter 760 3101 30.71
Converter 760 3101 128.10
Flat washer/ fi lter, bushing 760 3101 38.22
Starter, core deposit 760 3101 163.57
Credit core deposit 760 3101 47.48-
F swivels 760 3101 43.16
Switch 760 3101 12.72
Credit Converter 760 3101 128.10-
Jack 760 3101 66.48
~asket 760 3101 4.64
Oil filter/ fender wash, nuts 760 3101 8.00
Halogen bulbs, filters 760 3101 145.09
Coupling, filters, connectors 760 3101 67.88
Gasket 760 3101 2.32
Wipers 760 3101 78.21
CLutch master assembly 760 3101 89.'
Clutch master cylinder 760 3101 74.
Gas cap 760 3101 7.45
Belt 760 3101 15.31
Credit clutch assembly 760 3101 89.28-
99/08/12-08:00 City of Port Angeles - Y2K LIVE August 12 1999 Pmge 29
Date From 07/10/1999 To 08/11/1999
Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount
Number Name Number Number
Disc pad 760 3101 28.16
Air filter,oil filter,brake cL 760 3101 76.24
Belt 760 3101 5.16
Socket, wrench 760 3101 8.01
Belt 760 3101 10.81
Wiper arm 760 3101 16.55
Plastic vehicle body plugs 760 3101 16.7~
Air filter, gasket 760 3101 15.34
Credit wrench, socket 760 3501 8.01-
Wrench 760 3101 5.42
Muffler, tail pipe 760 3101 149.03
U-joint 760 3101 40.67
Muffler, tail pipe 760 3101 116.3
PLastic plugs 760 3101 6.69
Brake liner 760 3101 2.06
B-belt, tubing 760 3101 24.16
Brake cleaner,washer, cap screw 760 3101 109.78
Credit Muffler, tail pipe 760 3101 1~.05-
52223 Murray Motors Inc. 13129 Cover assembly 760 3101 138.11
52224 N C Machinery Co. 14001 Credit-Core return 760 3101 165.~-
Bearing, seal, pin 7(~) 3101 7~.31
Seal, pin 760 3101 211.47
Puatp, core,O ring 760 3101 357.88
Filter 760 3101 8.12
Hydraulic element 760 3101 21.31
Motor speed controL,seaLs,gask 760 ~810 1,023.97
Motor speed controL,seaLs,gask 760 3101 1,087.81
52227 Novus Windshield Repair 142(~ Repair glass on crusher 760 3101 75.53
52233 Oly~q~ic Laundry &Clnrs Inc. 15026 Cleaning services 760 49~)0 3~.48
CLeaning services pe 6-26 760 49~)0 226.26
52235 Olympic Printers Inc. 15027 Time cards-Equipment services 760 3101 85.35
52247 Parts Incorporated 18126 Replacement rod,springs,grips, 760 3101 2,204.74
Double links 760 3101 134.09
Lift cylincler 760 3101 6~3.08
Elbow 760 3101 15.57
Coil,pin, bushing, link,decal li 760 3101 7~0.8~
Coil, pin, bushing, link 760 3101 471.~
Piston half 760 3101 75.40
Credit overcharge on coil 760 3101 14.04-
Credit overcharge on coil 760 3101 14.04-
52254 Pettit Oil Company 16302 Diesel fuel 760 3211 1,289.08
Tacky Lube 760 3101 58.59
Oil, haz mat fee 760 3220 959.75
Oil sample analysis 760 3101 21.58
June Cardlock 760 3210 2,533.80
June Cardlock 760 3211 t6.(>4
Diesel fuel 760 3211 238.10
Diesel fuel 760 3211 1,308.42
Diesel fuel 760 ~211 1,027.62
Diesel fuel 760 3211 128.04
Diesel fuel 760 3211 311.92
99/08/12-08:00 City of Port Angeles - Y2K L%VE August 12 1999 Page 30
Date From07/10/1999 To08/11/1999
Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount
Number Name Number Number
Lead free gasoline 760 3210 2,886.00
Diesel fuel 760 3211 2,613.00
Diesel fuel 760 3211 311.38
52256 Points Sharp Steel Inc. 16092 Point,chisel,asphalt cutter 760 3101 26.02
Point,chisel,asphalt cutter 760 3101 26.02
52259 Port Angeles Ford Lincoln 16158 Arm rest assembly 760 3101 43.40
Sensor assembly,valve assembly 760 3101 128.81
52274 Race Street Auto Parts 180~8 Fuel pump 760 3101 110.~6
Paper towels 760 3101 39.70
Grinding set 760 3501
52279 Richmond 2-Way Radio 18009 HobiLe radio 760 3101 727.30
HobiLe radio 760 3101 654.85
52283 RuddeLL Auto Nall 18019 Nub cap 760 3101 138.24
Install hemdLite and bulbs 760 3101 185.37
Oil change-veh #28 760 3101 30.75
Key, key-ignition 760 3101
Cable clip 760 3101 28.65
SigneL switch 760 3101 41.05
52287 Schmitt's Sheet Metal Inc. 19007 Sheet metal 760 3101 56.98
Sheet metal 760 /~BlO
52288 Schwab Tire Center, Les 19459 Tires,wheel balance, valve stem 760 3101 12~ '
52298 Snap-on T~L$ - Chugger Deane 19100 Drill bit, flex ratchet 760 3501 10.
52305 Sunset Do-It Best Hardware 19035 Cylinder rent-April 700 3101 26.90
Drill set 760 3501 38.82
CLamp, 0 ring 760 3101 17.61
Cep 760 3101 6.80
Fender wash 7430 3101 1.81
Cylinder rent-May 76~) 3101 26.98
Cap 760 3101 1.07
Jobber bit, plug, valve 760 3101
Argon 92 for welding 760 3101 20.77
Cap 760 3101 .80
Rear wheel bolt 760 3101 6.80
Pipe, plastic 760 3101 16.12
FLat bar 7603101 11.8~
o ring 760 3101 1.61
Brushes 760 3101 8.75
Hinge 760 3101 7.~9
Hinge 760 3101 7.88
Extension spring 760 3101 11.14
Washers, hex nuts, fender wash 760 3101 7.27
Stay-clean paste flux 760 3101 4.72
Grip, strap, drill bits, bolt 760 3101 18.03
Key 760 3101 1.39
0 ring, wiper ring, Labor 760 3101 102.343
Hex bolt, hex nuts, hex cap 760 3101 14.01
Welding rod 7603101
Cylinder rent-June 760 3101 26.
Key blanks, ring 760 3101 11.61
Hex cap 760 3101 2.05
Acetylene, oxygen, gloves 760 3101 90.12
~9/08/12-08:00 City of Port Angeles - Y~K LIVE August 12 1999 Page 31
Date From 07/10/1999 To 08/11/1999
Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount
Number Name Number Number
52335 Western Equipment Oistrib. Inc 23019 Anti-scaLp cup 760 3101 115.43
5234~ Pacific Utility Equipment Inc. 21011 New '~ Line Truck w/ Hanlift 760 6410 58,788.~
52391 Light Rider Canopy 12083 Canopy-Vehicle #1752 760 ~10 1,460.97
52414 Snap-on Tools - Chugger Deane 19108 Angle grinder repair,wheel 760 3501 117.~7
52420 US West Communications 21001 07-14 Billing 760 4210 22.91
52421 US West Direct 21024 Yellow Page directories 7~4) 3101 124.47
52438 BBC Dodge Burien 02062 Dodge truck,altenator,battery, 760 ~10 18,072.22
52~2 Dwayne Lane's Dodge 04176 Dodge trucks 760 ~10 18,500.17
Dodge trucks 760 ~10 62,895.~
52471 Groeneveld Pacific West L.L.C. 07290 Swedging tool 760 3101 363.14
524,~1 Kaman Industrial Technol~jies 11(~2 Liquid filled guage 760 3101 51.18
52491 Machinery Components Inc. 13101 Shaft,bearing 760 3101 382..93
Blade drive belts 760 3101 209.35
52495 McMaster-Carr Supply Co. 13202 Grease gun filler puwp, hinge, 7~ 3101 389.48
52511 Pacific Detroit Diesel Allison 16060 Computer program, interface, tra 760 6410 1,190.03
Service call-Vehicle #8 760 3101 1,129.77
Service call-Vehicle 88 760 4810 ~1.38
52517 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 Petty cash rei~ursement 7~ 3101 45.65
Petty cash reimbursement 760 3101 32.91
Petty cash reimbursement 760 3101 10.55
__ Petty cash reimbursement 760 3101 8.25
52534 Voskuilen's Service 1~6 22093 Exhaust manifold 760 3101 185.~
Total for Public Works 1~,108.56
Total for Equipment Services Fund 198,769.09
502 (X~02 52108 Advanced Travel 01090 G Brooks to Portland 6-13 2504310 516.54
T O'Neill to Bainbridge 6-11-9 250 4310 40.00
L K~heriaty to Bellevue 6-13-99 250 4310 1,553.20
52161 Custom Computer Sales & Serv. 03381 Memory 250 4810 655.60
Computer tower case 250 4810 55.35
52192 Insight Direct Inc. 0~5 Data cartridge 250 3101 ~.32
Network PC card 250 4810 255.~5
52211 Lucent Technologies 12215 0742 Billing 250 4210 23.25
52235 Olympic Printers Inc. 15027 Bus~ness cards-Harper,Z~omkows 250 ]101 2~.15
52238 Olympic Stationers Inc. 15030 Rubber bands, name plates 250 3101 16.62
52242 Pacific Office Equipment Inc. 1~04 Clean,service printer 250 4810 75.53
Memory u~x2rade 250 4810 50.71
52253 Peninsula Daily Mews 1~12 Ad-Systems Coordinator 250 4~10 111.92
52264 Price Costco Credit Card Pmts 03261 Computer u~rades/ cartridges, 250 3101 1,1~.84
52272 R & D Industries Inc. 180(X) Computer,memory, disk tray 250 4810 2,107.91
52370 Dungeness Communications & 04210 June web page maintenance 250 4150 125.00
52381 IBM Corporation 09020 Contract adj-7012 Risc/6000 250 4810 5.03
52420 US West Communications 21~1 07-14 Billing 250 4210 ~.74
52435 AirTouch Cellular Bellevue 01105 07-15 Billing 250 4810 16.27
52437 Angeles Communications [nc 01069 Svc call-install phone line 250 4210 48.55
Wiring,jacks,face plate, labor 250 4210 222.61
52505 New Horizons Computer 14471 Groupwise,NetWare, NDS design 250 4310 2,819.43
Total for Information Systems Fu~ 10,(~56.30
99/08/12-08:00 City of Port Angeles - Y~K LIVE August 12 1999 Page 32
Date From 07/10/I~99 To 08/11/1999
Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code Amount
Number Name NueJoer Number
503 0001 52194 Isbell, Barbara 09120 Settlement-claim #23-~ 119 4~ 556.9~
52232 Olympic Iron CLub 15025 Membership-A Brusseau 121 4150 355.00
Annual aeeJ>ership-K Denton 121 4150 355.(X~
52276 R~ence BLue Shield-Dental 1~34 August Admin fee-dental claims 117 4601 1,370.05
52318 United Parcel Service 21005 Shipping Svcs-June 118 &9(Y~ 7.02
52337 Wilder Volkswagen Nissan, Dan 23379 Car rental-Jean ToLLiver 44-98 119 4~
52355 Armory Express Pizzeria 013~0 Pizza- Safety Ntg 118 4909 52.31
52392 Loucks, Jasper 121~ Disability board cLaia-~/~ 121 4634 17.45
5240/+ Rainier RAP Inc. 18057 July EAP services 121 4150 330.00
52416 Summit Law Group PLLC 19437 Legal services- June 119 4150 3,458.35
52418 UNUN Life Ins Co of America 210(0) LTD Coveraga-08/99 121 4631 1,726.95
52432 AWC Ee4~Loyee Benefit Trust 01231 Insurance Premium 8-99 121 4630 72,515.70
Insurance Premium 8-~ 121 4632 1,2~.70
Insurance Premium 8-99 121 4634 10,752.20
52439 BaLser, Fred 02243 Disability Board CLaim-6/99 121 4634
52440 SaLser, Sharyn 02078 Disability Board CLaim-6/99 121 4634 79.83
52~ Bishop, Virgil 02019 Reimburse-August Medicare Prem 121 4635 94.CX)
52~7 Cameron, Kenneth 03252 Reimburse-August Medicare Prem 121 ~35
52~ Camporini, Richard 0327'5 Reimburse-August Medicare Prem 121 4635 46.10
52459 Oept of Labor & I~ (Grit rpt) ~ ~orker~s Comp-2nd Qtr Report 118 4950 13,978.10
52464 Evans, Sid 05103 Reimburse-August Medicare Prem 121 4635
52475 Hansen, George D. 08~ Reimburse-August Medicare Prem 121 4635
52478 Johnson, Donald G 10052 Reimburse-August Medicare Prem 121 4635 43.80
52479 Johnson, Harry 1~7 Reimburse-August Hedicare Prem 121 4635 45.50
52~ Lindley, James K. 12019 Reimburse-August Medicare Prem 121 4635 45.50
52490 Loucks, Jasper 121~ Reimbursa-August Medicare Prem 121 4635 85.{30
52499 MieseL, Phil 13261 Reimburse-August Medicare Prem 121 4635 46.10
52501 Morgan, Roy 13145 Reimburse-August Medicare Prem 121 4635 46.10
52502 Myers, William 13130 Disability board cLaia-6/~ 121 4634 275.93
Reimburse-August Medicare Prem 121 4635 45.50
52503 NW Admin Transfer Acct 14169 Insurance premium 08/99 121 4633 11,332.70
52523 Silva, Mike 19316 Disability board claim 6/~ 121 4634 111.13
52528 S~eatt, dohnnie 191~ Reimburse-August Nedicare Prem 121 4635 65.70
Total for Self - Insurance Fund 119,925.~
602 C)CX~2 52432 A~C Employee Benefit Trust 01251 Insurance Premium 8-99 225 ~¥635 2,565.{30
524~+~ Braun, Gary 02173 Disability Board CLaim-6/99 225 ~6~5 51.36
Total for Firemen's Pension Fund 2,616.36
621 0002 5~31 OLyaq~ic ELectric Co. Inc. 15024 Final contract pmt-W Ramsey 214 4150 1,934.41
Final contract pmt-J Beauvais 214 4150 281.72
52245 Paratex Certified Inc. 16219 Pest inspection-A RipLey 214 4150 64.74
52253 Peninsula Daily News 16012 Notice-Phase III Block Grant 214 /~10 24.~
523~ ClaLLam Title C~any 032~5 Title ins/record~ng-L Bourm 214 4150 125.30
52456 CLaLLam Title Company 032~5 Title ins/recording-T Runnion 214 4150 125
52489 Lindquist Construction 122(X) Contractor payment-L Bourm 214 ~150 7,359.
52514 Paratex Certified Inc. 1~19 Pest inspection-June CLarke 214 &150 64.74
Total for P.A. Housing ReHab Project 9,9~.19
09/08/12-08:00 City of Port Angeles - Y2K LIVE August 1~ 1999 Page 33
Date From 07/10/1999 To 08/11/1999
Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code A~ount
Number Name Number Number
625 0008 52115 Anderson, HarLen 01415 Refund-Script cards 888 9654 70.00
52198 Jim's Pharmacy (Inc) 10020 Ice packs 888 3101 10.94
52222 Hi Lt's Distributing 13310 Ice cream- Youth programs 888 3120 165.~8
52238 OLympic Stationers Inc. 15030 Chair mat,correction tape, papa 888 3101 32.35
Foam boards 8883120 5.83
Pens, liquid paper,past-it-note881 3101 38.97
Binders, liquid paper, receipts 888 3101 42.70
Glue 888 3101 5.~0
52252 Peninsula Bottling Co. Irc. 16071 Refreshments-Youth programs 888 3120 155.50
52258 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 Petty cash reimbursement 888 3101 106.10
52277 ReifenstahL, Patty 18180 Reimbursement CPR Learning sys 888 3120 59.95
52290 Sears Commercial One 19109 Stereo-Yes to Youth prize 888 3120 lzK).26
52309 Swain's General Store Inc. 19037 Hardware, nuts 888 3120 4.92
Supplies for Summer Program 888 3101 23.17
Rough tote 888 3120 6.33
52369 District 13 04050 Co-Ed softball umpires 881 4150 2,565.00
52398 Newbridge Educ. Programs 1~0 Seasonal educational packs 888 3101 17.45
5240~ Reliable Racing Supply Inc 18320 Porta-Flex fence poles 881 3120 155.24
52417 SuperVaLu Cash & Carry 23016 Candy-Yes to youth programs 888 3120 z~.35
52z~+9 captain T's 030~8 Custom embroidery 888 3120 16.19
- Polo shirt/custom embroidery 888 3120 422.97
52461 District 13 0~050 Umpire svcs-Fred Bird Tourney 881 4150 940.00
52517 Port Angeles City Treasurer 03062 Petty cash reimbursement 888 3101 9.35
52524 Smith, Shana 19609 Refund-Summer Parks Program 888 9654 28.00
Total for Recreational Activities Fund 5,066.45
628 0005 52309 Swain's General Store Inc. 19037 Reducing coupling/galvanized n 537 ~810 3.53
52311 Thurman Supply 20005 Water heater, extension cord 537 ~810 16~.39
Total for Law Enforcement Firearms Range 169.92
652 0008 52187 HartnageL Building Supply Inc. 08052 Landscape fabric, bender board 868 3120 19.13
Credit bender board/ edging 868 3120 2.31
52211 Lucent Technologies 12215 07-02 Billing 868 4210 7.75
52309 Swain's General Store Inc. 19037 Tape/gLoves/casaron 868 3120 51.94
52311 Thuramn Supply 20005 Potting soil/ assorted plants 868 3120 29.z~
5Z413 Seniuk, Jake 19034 Reimbursement-May-July expense S~8 3120 7.57
Reimbursement-Hay-July expense S~8 3101 I~.73
Reimbursement-Hay-July expense 8~8 4310 302.75
Reimbursement-Hay-July expense 868 3210 161.51
Reimbursement-Hay-July expense 868 4530 225.36
52420 US West Communications 21001 07-14 Billing 868 4210 22.91
07-23 Billing 868 4210 47.81
52457 CLine, Jay 03360 Service call-computer 868 4150 100.00
52/+8~ Koza~a/ Susie 11185 Svcs-Artist Honorarium 868 4150 500.00
52492 HahLer, David 13019 Svcs-Artists honorarium 868 4150 500.00
52496 Hmans, David 13~3 Svcs-Artists honorarium 868 4150 500.00
52522 Senn~ Dan 19608 Prof Svcs-Artist honorarium 868 4150 500.00
Total for Esther Webster Trust Fund 3,178.23
~)/08/12-08:00 City of Port Angeles - Y~K LIVE August 12 1999 Page
Date From 07/10/1999 To 08/11/1999
Fnd Dpt Check Vendor Vendor Description GL Code A~ount
Number Name Number Number
654 0008 52132 BLake Sand & Gravel Inc. 02045 BLended soil 87~ 3199 5.37
52204 KuemmerLing Inc, Karl 11182 Brass handle 87~ 3199 82.52
52305 Sunset Do-It Best Hardware 19035 Galvanized lag 87'3 3199 ~2.08
Cable cutter 87~ 3199 29.99
52309 Swain's General Store Inc. 19037 Hardware 87~ 3199 3.58
Total for Waterfront Trail Fund 163.54
657 52365 CLaLLam Jefferson CAC Inc. 03022 Pass the Buck funds 657 2399100 1,500.00
Total for Utility Contribution Program 1,500.00
697 52474 Harbor Transport Inc. 08070 AR refund overpayment-HARBOR 697 2391000 151.54
Total for Accts. Receivable Clearing Fund 151.54
698 52023 LEOFF 12043 June contributions 698 2315120 29,499.75
52024 PERS 16016 June contributions 698 2315130 79,088.49
52228 Office of Support Enforcement 15072 Payroll deductions pe 7-11-99 698 2315210 1,287.15
52229 Office of Support Enforcement 15166 Payroll deductions pe 7-11-~9 698 2315210 89.08
52301 States Nest Life Insurance Co. 19313 Life Insurance Premium-August 698 2315160 685.~
52314 US Department of Education 21075 Payroll deductions pe 7-11-99 698 2315210
52316 US West Comunications 21001 7-5 Billing 698 2134000
52320 United Way (payroll) 21028 Payroll deductions pe 7-11-99 698 2315240 507.89
52324 WA State Patrol - WASIS 23281 Criminal history-G Christensen 698 2134000 25.00
Criminal history-V Lebuis 698 2134000 24.00
Criminal history- K Schach 698 2134000 24.00
Criminal history-C Johnson 698 21340(X~ 24.00
Criminal history-G Smith 698 2134000 24.00
523~3 Flex-Plan Services (Payroll) 06(052 Payroll deductions pe 7-11-~ 69B 2315210 1,112.~
Payroll deductions pe 7-25-99 698 2315210 1,143.71
5239<) Office of Support Enforcement 15072 Payroll deductions pe 7-25-99 69B 2315210 1,287.15
52400 Office of Support Enforcement 151~ Payroll deductions pa 7-25-99 698 2315210 89.08
52419 US Department of Education 21075 Payroll deductions pe 7-25-~ 69B 2315210 69.41
52422 United Way (payroll) 21028 Payroll deductions pe 7-25-~ 698 2315240 507.89
52425 Volunteer Fire Association 220~K) Payroll deductions pe 7-25-~ 698 2315210 38.00
Total for Accounts Payable Clearing Fund 115,636.53
Grand Total 1,102,517.69
AUG 1 2 1999
CiTy ot Port AngeLes
City of Port Angeles
attn: City Manager
321 E. FitCh
Port Angeles, WA. 98362
Dear City Manager;
This letter is to complement your City Of Port Angeles employee Rick Hostetler.
On August 3rd, after I had a private electrician to the house to ckeck for troubles in my elec-
trical box and meter, I called the city and talked to Rick Hostetler about a increasingly severe
problem I had been having with severe power surges and power drops. Even though it was
not in Kicks immediate department, he contacted the right people, and within 10 minutes there
was a crew here. They found a faulty connection at the pole, and fixed it. Thanks to Kicks
prompt action, I was saved many repair bills the power surge~ may have caused my electronic
equipment in my house. Rick proved himself a valuable asset to the City of Port Angeles,
thank you for your service.
Larry R. Estes
Larry R. Estes
113 Whidby
Port Angeles, WA. 98362
Dear Rick: :
Enclosed is a copy of a letter I received today. It was one letter that was
my pleasure to open! Mr. Estes voiced his appreciation to me, and I
want to thank you personally. It is quick response and attentiveness to
the customer that reflects positively on you as an employee, and most
certainly on the City as a whole. Thank you for your great work.
Mike Qu'~xnn
City Manager
cc: Finance Director
DATE: August 17, 1999
FROM: Glenn A. Cutler, Director of Public Works & Utilities
SUBJECT: Out of State Travel Request
Summar_v: The Public Works & Utilities Department has budgeted funds for the Backflow
Prevention/Cross Connection Control specialist to attend the western regional conference and
workshops sponsored by the American Backflow Prevention Association in Nevada in October.
Recommendation: Authorize the out-of-state travel and related expenses for Bill Beverford
to attend the Western regional Conference of the American Backflow Prevention Association
in Nevada in October.
Background / Analysis: The Western Regional Conference of the American Backflow Prevention
Association is scheduled for October 4-6 in Las Vegas, Nevada. Bill Beverford is the City's
designated Backflow Prevention/Cross Connection Control representative. Attendance at this
conference is the City's opportunity to keep up with the changes in the drinking water cross
connection control programs and for the specialist to receive advanced training in conducting
surveys, hydraulic effects of installing backflow assemblies on new and existing systems and how
to recognize and respond to emergency backflow incidents. Federal and State representatives will
attend to discuss the latest changes, and new and future cross connection control requirements.
Funds for travel to this conference are included in the Public Works & Utilities budget.
Estimated costs:
· Registration $ 95.00
· Airfare $287.00
· Lodging $127.53
· Meals $114.00
TOTAL $623.53
DATE: August 17, 1999
FROM: Don Madison, Property Manager
SUBJECT: Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF) Loan Agreement
iSummary; The DWSRF loan will provide a portion of the funds needed to accomplish the
projects per the Bi-Lateral Compliance Agreement between the City and Washington State
Department of Health for covering the Jones Street, Black Diamond and Peabody Heights Reservoirs
and installing a disinfection system in the Black Diamond Reservoir.
Recommendation: Authorize the Mayor to sign the $463,500 loan agreement with the
Drinking Water State Revolving. Fund to provide for a portion of the funding for the Jones
Street, Black Diamond and Peabody Heights reservoir projects.
Background / Analysis: Per the Bi-Lateral Compliance Agreement between Washington State
Department of Health and City of Port Angeles, Docket # 7207 entered into in 1997, the City shall
cover the Jones Street, Peabody Heights and Black Diamond Reservoirs. In addition, the City shall
install a disinfection system in the Black Diamond Reservoir. The total estimated cost of the
projects is $1,669,000.
Project Construction Cost
Jones Street Reservoir under construction $ 408,000
Cover ECD: 12/31/99
Black Diamond Start: 2/28/2000 $ 856,000
Reservoir Cover and ECD: 12/31/2000
Peabody Heights Start: 2/28/2001 $ 405,000
Reservoir Cover ECD: 12/31/2001
TOTAL COST $1,669,000
Local Funds (local reserves) $ 45,000
DWSRF Loan* $ 450,000 [Loan reduced by $13,500
Administrative Fee]
PWTF Loan** $1,174,000
DWSRF Loan Agreement
Council Meeting 8/17/99
Page 2
*The Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF) loan is a 20-year loan at 5% interest
and requires a local match of 10%. The Jones Street Reservoir project was funded with local
reserves. This will satisfy our local match requirement.
**The Public Works Trust Fund (PWTF) loan is a 20-year loan, but requires a 30% local
match to qualify for the 1% interest rate. The DWSRF loan is being used to meet our 30%
local match for the PWTF loan. The PWTF loan was approved this month and documents
will be presented at a future Council meeting.
DATE: August 17, 1999
FROM: Don Madison, Property Manager
SUBJECT: Leasing parking space to Budget Rent-A-Car
l Summary: A five year lease has been negotiated with Budget Rent-A-Car to lease the property
on East Front Street, formerly occupied by the Heckman Building. Budget Rent-A-Car has agreed
to a 5 year lease retroactive to June 1, 1999 at $200.00 per month.
Recommendation; Authorize Mayor Braun to sign the lease agreement with Budget Rent-
A-Car for $200.00 per month for the lot formerly occupied by the Heckman Building.
Background / Analysis: Budget Rem-A-Car has been parking cars on the vacant lot downtown
formerly occupied by the Heckman Building in the 100 Block of East Front, (Legally described as:
The South 80 feet of the Westerly ½ of Lot 4 in Block 1 Tidelands East of Laurel Street, EXCEPT
the South 10 feet for Front Street). The lease price of $200.00 per month, as negotiated is based on
similar rates and conditions that Budget Rent-A-Car pays for adjacent parking leased from the Port
Angeles Downtown Association. This was presented to the Real Estate Committee and they have
recommended approval.
.p_ O AN¢ L ,S
DATE: August 17, 1999
FROM: Becky J. Upton, City Clerk/Management Assistant ~
SUBJECT: Appointments to Fill Two (2) At-Large Positions on the
Downtown Forward Executive Committee
Summary: The terms of office of two members of the Downtown Forward Executive Committee
expired as of April, 1999. The Downtown Forward Executive Committee is continuing its
leadership role in the facilitation of revitalization projects in the downtown area and will be involved
in the review process for the convention center proposal. It is important, therefore, to have a full
complement of committee members with the appointment of two at-large positions.
Recommendation: That the City Council deviate from its Rules of Procedure by dispensing
with applicant interviews and authorize Councilmember McKeown, Chair of the Downtown
Forward Executive Committee, to make a recommendation regarding the appointment of two
individuals to the at-large positions.
Background / Analysis: Downtown Forward, our local planning and implementation strategy
for revitalizing downtown Port Angeles was originally conceived in 1996. Since the City Council
adoption of the Downtown Forward Plan, the stewardship for implementation of the Plan has been
the responsibility of the Downtown Forward Executive Committee. Acting as an advisory
committee to the City Council, the Downtown Forward Executive Committee was established to
continue community-wide participation and partnering to facilitate the coordination and thereby
speed the implementation of specific construction/reconstruction and revitalization projects within
the downtown core. To that end, the Downtown Forward Executive Committee was established with
the following membership categories:
(2 members) City Council . CathlecnMcKeown, Chairpcm)n
Glenn Wiggins
(1 member) Port Angeles Downtown Association Assigned by the agency
(1 member) Port Angeles Chamber of Commerce "
(1 member) Port Angeles Business Association "
(1 member) Clallam County Economic Development Council "
(1 member) Clallam County "
(1 member) Clallam Transit System "
(1 member) Port of Port Angeles "
(4 members) Citizen-at-Large (staggered terms, 2 & 2) Appointed by City Council
Mayor Braun and City Council
August 17, 1999
Page Two
Bill Ashley and Joe Melton served on the Downtown Forward Executive Committee as at-large
representatives, and their terms expired in April, 1999. Both have expressed an interest in again
being considered for appointment to the DFEC. In addition, two others have applied for
membership: Donald Corson and Cathie Brewer. Copies of correspondence and applications are
attached for your information.
Because of time restraints, it has been difficult to schedule a special meeting of the City Council in
order to conduct the usual interviews. It is for that reason that a recommendation has been forwarded
that Councilmember McKeown be authorized to make a recommendation to the City Council with
regard to the two positions under consideration.
Attachments: Correspondence from Applicants
City Council, City of Port Angeles
321 East Sth Street
Port Angeles, Wa 98362
Dear Mr. Mayor and City Council Members,
I am writing to inform you of my desire to serve a second term on the Downtown
Forward Executive Committee.
It has been an enlighting and informative experience. Probably the most enjoyable part has
been the interaction with the general public, to educate, discover and bring back concerns and/or
I feel I do have a stronger tie to our community by being a part of the Executive
Committee. I also feel I am satisfying my responsibility of returning something to our community
in exchange for the things I receive from it.
! am looking forward to being re-appointed to serve another term as Citizen at Large of
the Executive Committee.
Joseph Melton
cc: City Clerk
P.O. Box 248 · 204 South Lincoln, Port Angeles, WA 98362 5 3
Phone (360) 457-2000 Fax (360) 457-9330 1-800-822-5758
W A S H i N G T O N, U.S.A.
Date: August 12, 1999
To: Becky
From: Timot}~
Re: Applications to Downtown Forward Executive Committee
Per my conversation with Bill Ashley, please include Mr. Ashley among the application candidates for
Downtown Forward Executive Committee. Mr Ashley would like to seek re-appointment for another
term in the category of citizen-at-large.
Thank you.
pox tA
W A $ 14 ~ rq G T O ~, ~. S. A.
Application for Appointment to a Board, Commission, or Committee
Board, Commission, or Committee to which you are seeking appointment
Board or Commission Full Name
Board or Commission Full Name
Board or Commission Full Name
Applicant Name and General Information
First MI Last
Home street address
City State Zip Code
Home phone number Work phone number
Oertification and Location Information
Are you currently a City employee? Ye~ Are you a citizen of the United States?
Are you a City resident? Ye~ Do you own/manage a business in the City(Yes)No
Do you hold any professional licenses, registrations or certificates in any field (list below)(x,~e&o
Are you aware of any conflict of interest which might arise by your se~ice on a City Board or Commission? If so,
please explain: ~ ,
In compliance with the American Disabilities Act, if you will need special accommodations because of a physical
limitation, please contact the City Clerk, 417-4634, so appropriate arrangements can be made.
~rT ........
Work Experience
List most recent experience first (or elaborate on a resume if you prefer)
Employer Your Title From (M/Y) To (M/Y)
Employer Your Title From (M/Y) To (MJY)
Brief job description
Employer Your Title From (M/Y) To (M/Y)
Brief job descriptioln 6/
List most recent experience first
Imtim~oca~n Credi~ e~e~or ~a ~ sm-dy Graduated?
~. ~, ~~,~. ~.~. ~~ ~o
~stimfio~ocafion Cre~am~or ~ea of study ~duated?
I~fimfio~ocahon Credits eme~ajo~ ~ea of s~dy Graduated?
Ohari~bl~, 8o~ial, and ~ivi~ ~ti~itl~ and
List mjor activities you have p~cipated ~ d~g ~e last five
~gamafion and lo'on ~oup's pu~os~objecfive ~ of mmbers
Bfi~ d~n~on of yo~ pmicipafion
~g~on ~d loca~on ~oup's p~os~obj=chvc ~ ofmemb=rs
Bhef description of your
Submit completed forms to: Office of the City Clerk, City of Port Angeles, 321 E1 5th Street, P. O. Box 1150,
Port Angeles, Washington, 98362 1/99
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Boar:l, Commission, or Committee to which you are seeking appointm~nt
Board or C(~/~nissi~ Full Name
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.. .
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plc~c explain:
In compliance ~ ~c Ammcm Disabilities Ac~ if you ~1 need ~ial acc~mo~fiom b~a~c of a physical
l~mfio~ please contact ~e Ci~ Clerk 417-4634, so approphate ~g~enm c~ be ~de.
Work Experience
L/st most rec~nt expqr~ence f'h-St (or elaborate on a resume ~ you prefer)
E'mployer ' ' ' 0 Your Title From (M/Y) To (M/Y)
Employer ~.~~ ~O Your Title From
Employer ~ You~ Title From ~
Insti~u~i;~Locahon ~ - -'Credits~am;~_ajor area of study i/ Oradua-ted?
Institutioa/I~.ocation ..- /l~ai[s'camcd/Major area or, d.y, .,~"~' ' Graduated?
Institution/Lo,cation ~ -Credits earned/Major area of study Graduated?.
Charitable, Social, and Civic Activities and Memberships
List major activities you have participated in during the last five yearn
Organi~'atil~n and location . _ ~l'oup's purpoge/objective # of members
Orgaaization and ~atio..n Group's purpose/objective. # of members
Submit completed forms to: Office of thc City Clerk, City of Port Angeles, 321 E. 5th Street, P. O. Box 1150,
Port Angeles, Washington, 98362 1/99
Au~st 17, 1999
Senator Gotten here Monday, August 16 2:00 - 4:00 pm
Gateway Workshops Tuesday, Aug. 17 10:30-12:00
Wednesday, Aug. 18 10:00-12:00
City Council Meeting Tuesday, August 17 6:00 p.m.
Congressman Dicks here Wed., August 18 1:45-2:30
Kiwanis - Mike guest Thursday, August 19 Noon - 1:00
City Hall- Emergency Preparedness Drill Friday, August 20 12:30-2:30
PUD and City meeting Tuesday, August 24 2:00 p.m.
Planning Commission Wednesday, August 25 7:00 p.m.
EPA/Ecology Joint Mtg re: Rayonier site (Chamber) Tues, August 24 7:00-9:00 pm
Elwha-Morse Management Team watershed tour Saturday, August 28
Gateway Committee Meeting (Transit) Thurs., Sept. 2 8:15-12:00n
UGA - Carole Boardman & Council Thurs., Sept. 2 1:00-5:00 pm
City Council Meeting Tuesday, Sept. 7 6:00 p.m.
Mike speak at Lion's Club Thurs., September 9 12-1:00 pm
Chamber of Commerce - Mike to speak Monday, Sept. 13 12:00-1:00pm
Board of Adjustment Monday, Sept. 13 7:00 pm
City Council Meeting Tuesday, Sept. 21 6:00 p.m.
WRIA 18 Coordinating Council Thursday, October 7
DATE: August 11, 1999
FROM: Michael Quinn, City Manager
SUBJECT: Informational Request
Work Schedule:
My first two weeks in Port Angeles has been a busy one of learning and listening in order to
understand as much as possible about the City, staff, and facilities. Some highlights include: (1)
establishing executive contacts at the Port of Port Angeles, Clallam County, Clallam Transit, Rayonier
Corporate Staff, City of Sequim, and the School District, (2) introductory meetings with the
Chamber of Commerce, the jurisdictional group at Smitty's Restaurant, P A Works Committee, and
the Homebuilder's Association; (3) staff tours of Public Works, Parks, Finance, Police, and initial
training on phones and computer (to which I need a lot more work); (4) media interviews with
Northland Cable and the Peninsula Daily News; and (5) moving my household to a home purchase
adjacent to Water Street.
Special Issues:
Legislative Contact - Senator Gorton is scheduled to visit our community and spend
approximately an hour with us from 2:15pm - 3:15pm on August 16 in the Council Chambers. The
main topics of discussion will be the domestic and industrial Water Supply impacts from the Elwha
Dam Removal project, and the impacts of reduced maintenance of Forest Service roads for public
access. Glenn Cutler will take the lead on the first presentation topic, and Glenn Wiggins will take
the lead on the second topic. All Council members are cordially invited, and there will be an open
session for other questions of the Senator in a public forum from 3:15pm - 4.05pm.
Representative Norm Dicks is scheduled to visit our community and
spend about 45 minutes with us from 1:45pm - 2:30pm on August 18 in our Caucus Room. Staffis
preparing one-page briefing papers on the proposed land trade on the Elwha, financial support for
existing and potential slide areas, domestic and industrial water supply impacts from the Elwha Dam
Removal project, and separation of wastewater and stormwater to our WWTP. Once again, any
available Council member is cordially invited.
In both visits we want to publicly show our appreciation for the support
and assistance already received by our federal legislators on the above topics as well as trail funding,
regulatory issues from ESA, transfer support for State Department of Ecology rather than Federal
EPA to manage Rayonier cleanup activities, Gateway Project funding, and related issues.
Attached StaffMemos - These memos are provided the Council as response items from prior
inquiries or considered of special informational interest to the Council. Generally, no action is
60 necessary.
Personal Contacts - I have requested staffto provide me a list of individuals ( at least five
from each department) which are considered important community leaders or contacts to whom I
should meet in my first couple of months. While this process is proceeding along with my attempt
to schedule meetings as available, I also welcome any suggestions along this line fi.om City Council
members as you desire.
Council member Contacts - I request that as part of my initial indoctrination to the community
that individual Council members have an opportunity to discuss with me their particular interests,
concerns, or just advice on the City. I will have Sam contact you for an opportunity to meet with you
at your convenience and location.
Council Work Session - I request that the Council consider a special work session meeting
to set the major priorities for work program and project objectives for the 2000 Budget period.
These priorities should coincide with your overall goals and set the stage for staff development of
work tasks to accomplish your objectives. Since the Budget document sets the stage for resource
allocation to accomplish work objectives, I desire to assure that these tasks are considered as part of
this process rather than after budget adoption. In addition, this also gives the Council an opportunity
to reevaluate policy impacts that affect the budget and operations, whether they be fiscal impacts of
payroll benefits or the inclusion of public safety apparatus in our Equipment Rental Fund. Since our
schedule for estimates to be reviewed by Departments is September 21st, I suggest that we meet prior
to that date such as September 7 or any other convenient date for the Council. I anticipate the
process to be similar to a goal setting session and will likely need 2-4 hours. The other option is to
accomplish this objective through the Council Budget Committee and avoid a meeting by the full
Council. The key to this alternative working is that each Council member share their objectives and
policy concerns with a committee member. .
DATE: August 17, 1999
ME M OTO: Mayor Braun and City Council
FROM: Glenn A. Cutler, Director Public Works and Utilities Director
DEPARTMENT RE: Water and Wastewater (sewer) Rate Study - Supplemental Information
Glenn a. Cutler
Director [4801] This memo is to address questions asked at the City Council meeting on August 3, 1997
Phyllis Rasler concerning the dates when rates were last increased and by how much were they increase.
Administrative Assistant
Based upon corporate knowledge and a limited records search it has been determined that a
Cate Rinehart
Administrative Assistant rate study for only water was performed by a consultant in 1992. In 1996 a City financial
[4700[ management analyst performed a limited water and wastewater study. This employee has
Ken R~dout left the employee of the City and the position was not filled.
Deputy Director [4802]
Bob Titus
Deputy Director [47011 The following tables are for typical residential service. The number in parenthesis is the
rate increase from the previous period.
City Engineer [4803] Residential 7/1/95 7/1/96 7/1/97 7/1/98
Jim Harper Water ~, ,vv
Electrical Engineer [4702]
Leu Haehnlen 5/8 inch Meter $7.90 $9.00 $9.85 $10.75
Building Official [4816]
(Basic Service) (13.9%) (9.4%) (9.1%)
Tom Speriine
Sr. Electrical Inspector [4735] Per 100 cubic feet $0.75 $0.86 $0.86 $0.86
Scott McLain
Power Manager [4703] (14.7%) (0.0%) (0.0%)
Ralph EIIsworth
Water, Wastewater Collection
Superintendent [4855] Residential 6/30/95 7/1/95 7/1/96 to
Pete Burrett Wastewater Service and prior present
Equipment Services
Superintendent [48351 Water consumption $22.00 $25.25 $27.00
Uark Sham, <430 cubic feet (14.7%) (6.9%)
Light Operations Manager [4731]
Kevin Curtis Water consumption $26.00 $28.25 $30.00
Treat. Plant Supervisor [4845]
>430 cubic feet (8.65%) (2.64%)
Tom McCabo
SW Collection Supervisor [4876]
Steve Evans
Landfill Supervisor [4873}
Dave Wilcox
Street Maintenance Supervisor
DATE: August 17, 1999
ME M O TO: Glenn A. Cutler, Director of Public Works & Utilities
FROM: Scott McLain, Power Manager
DEPARTMENT RE: Water/Wastewater Study
Glenn A. Cutler
Director [48011 In response to the questions asked by the City Council at the August 3 meeting regarding
the Water/Wastewater rate study:
Phyllis Resler
Administrative Assistant
The last rate study was performed in-house in 1996. The financial analyst, operating out of
Cate Rinehart the finance department performed the study. This person has since left the City and
Administrative Assistant
[4700] the position was not filled.
Ken Ridout
The last time a consultant was used for a cost study was in 1992, which was the study done
Bob Titus before the in-house study. This study was done for $6,000, for a water only study.
Deputy Director [4701]
Gary Kenworthy
c~ty En¢,eer [48O3] The 1996 study raised rates effective 7/1/97 and again 7/1/98. For the residential class, at
Jim Harper 800 average cu. ft. per month, this raised their rates 13% and 5.4%. It appears that
_,ectrical Engineer [47021overall, on a total revenue basis, that the rates were raised 5.5% in 97 and 5.5% in
Leu Haehnlen 98 (average for all customer classes).
Building Official [4816]
Tom Sperline
Sr. Electrical Inspector [4735]
Scott McLain
Power Manager [4703]
Ralph EIIsworth
Water, Wastewater Collection
Superintendent [4855]
Pete Burrett
Equipment Services
Superintendent [4835]
Mark Shamp
Light Operations Manager [4731]
Kevin Curtis
Treat. Plant Supervisor [4845]
Tom McCabe
SW Collection Supervisor [4876]
Steve Evans
Landfill Supervisor [4873]
Dave Wilcox
Street Maintenance Supervisor
DATE: August 11, 1999
M E M' O TO: Glenn A. Cutler, Director of Public Works and Utilities
FROM: Ronald W. Johnson, Engineering Specialist
DEPARTMENT RE: Question Concerning Listing of the Carnegie Library on the
Historical Register
Glenn A. Cutler
Director [4801]
Phyllis Rasler
Administrative Assistant This memo is in response to the City Council questions concerning the possible historical
[4800] listing of the Old Camegie Library. Most of the information contained in this report has
cate Rinehart been taken from a feasibility study for the revitalization of the Carnegie Library produced
Administrative Assistant
[4700] in January 1996 By Lindberg Architects. This study is the best source of information
Ken Ridout concerning the pros and cons of listing the building on the Historical registry. A structure
Deputy Director [4802]
must be restored in order to be eligible for Historic Registry.
Bob Titus
Deputy Director [4701]
The options are to either renovate or restore the structure.
Gary Kenworthy
City Engineer [4803]
Jim Harper Renovation is considered to be updating the structure to modem standards with new
Electrical Engineer [47021materials, methods, and finishes without any regard for their historical accuracy or
Leu Haehnlen arrangement.
Building Official [4816]
Tom Spedine
Sr. Electrical Inspector [4735] Pro argument
Scott McLain
Power Manager [4703] 1. Would probably cost less than restoration.
Ralph EIIsworth
Water, Wastewater Collection 2. No restrictions on type of materials or method of construction.
Superintendent [4855]
Pete Burrett
Equipment Services 3. No restrictions to interior modifications
Superintendent [4835]
Mark Shamp Con arguments
Light Operations Manager [4731]
Kevin Curtis
Treat. Plant Supervisor [4845] l. Renovation would require the structure to comply with all current Uniform Building
Tom McCabe Codes.
SW Collection Supervisor [4876]
Steve Evans 2. Renovation would preclude the structure from any construction grants or tax credits.
Landfill Supervisor [48731 All construction would be funded by the City or Building tenant.
Dave Wilcox
Street Maintenance Supervisor
[4825] 3. Buildings that are renovated beyond their historical context are not eligible for
listing. ~
Restoration is defined as "the process of accurately recovering, by the removal of later
work and the replacement of missing earlier work, the form and details of a structure,
together with its setting, as it appeared at a particular period of time."
Pro arguments
1. Restoration would proceed according to the Historical Building Code (HBC). The
HBC provides for life and safety issues while permitting more cost effective and
liberal interpretation of the building codes when applied to historic buildings. The
intent is to preserve historical features while allowing beneficial use of the structure.
2. Restoration could be partially funded through grants and tax credits. The section of
the Lindberg study dedicated to possible preservation funding states that "a donation
of $200,000 has been dedicated," by the Walkling Trust Fund," to the restoration of
the Carnegie Library if it is deemed feasible."
3. Restoration would preserve" one of the most architecturally and culturally
significant buildings in our community."
1. Restoration would probably be more costly than renovation. An example would be
wood windows frames rather than aluminum windows frames.
2. Some interior restrictions would apply. An interior remodel could not destroy
existing historical features. However, Charlie Smith, from Lindberg's Office, was
given the distinct impression that adding interior walls, as an example, would be
The City does have the choice in deciding whether to request listing of the Carnegie Library
on the historical register. The Washington State Office of Archeological and Historic
Preservation recommends that the City apply for registration on the Washington Heritage
The architect will provide a more detailed report on the options concerning listing or not
listing the library with the 35% design submission.
Storm Damage Status Report
Project 99-05
August 10, 1999
Repair of damage to Ennis Road is on hold while waiting for possible FEMA funds.
State has appealed denial of federal emergency declaration. Repairs to the slide on
Tumwater street are out to bid, with a bid opening scheduled for August 10 and
recommendation made to Council scheduled for their August 17 meeting.
Installation of Elwha Emergency Valve is scheduled for completion in September or
October after water demand slows down. Olympic National Park has approved slide
damage repair work on Peabody Creek. Delhur Industries to complete work in
September. Completion of repairs to the north (Rife Road) access to the railroad grade
for the City water supply pipeline, as well as the railroad grade itself, are scheduled to
be completed by October.
Elwha Slide: A permanent easement for the culvert inlet at the EIwha slide is
scheduled to be surveyed soon and legal description prepared. Negotiation with
property owner to obtain permanent easement to start by this fall.
Morse Creek Road: Repairs to drainage and grade of access road to Morse Creek
dam intake being designed and contract package put together for bidding by mid-
[p_o _ TAN L S
./I//E M O DATE: August 17, 1999
"FIRE TO: Mayor Braun and City Council Members
FROM: Bruce Becker, Fire Chief
Bruce W. Becker RE: Emergency Preparedness Drill
Fire Chief
[465 Il
Daniel K. McKeen
Fire Marshal
The City of Port Angeles employees will be conducting an emergency preparedness
Coral Wheeler drill on August 20t~ from 12:30 to 2:30 p.m. To test our contingency plans, we will
Administrative Assistant
[465O] be tuming off¢lectric and water utilities at the following facilities: Light Operations,
City Hall, Fire Department, and Corp Yard. Emergency services will not be
L. Keith Bogues- interrupted but there may be a slight inteaxuption of business because computers will
Training Officer be down for two hours and all business transactions will be conducted by hand. This
[4652] drill will help us evaluate any shortcomings so we can make the appropriate
David R. Chastain corrections to ensure we can continue our City operations should a man-made or
Medical Officer natural disaster occur.
You are welcome to visit the Emergency Operations Center at the Fire Department
anytime from 1 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. and view our emergency operations procedures.
Thank you for your full support in helping us be prepared should a disaster occur.
w A S H I N G T O N, U.S.A.
DATE: August 17, 1999
FROM: Glenn A. Cutler, Director of Public Works & Utilities
SUBJECT: Report on Upper Golf Course Road Sewer Utility Local Improvement District
(U.L.I.D.) No.215 construction cost estimating and control measures for future
ISSUE: Final costs for U.L.I.D No. 215 were severely out of line with the preliminary
engineering estimates used in the formation of the L.I.D. At the final hearing on June 15, 1999
City Council requested staff to prepare a report outlining the cause of the overruns and future
measures to control the costs. Costs overran in each stage of the project from preliminary
engineering, final design, bid award, and final construction cost. Methods to control the costs at
each stage are included in the recommendation. Staff's goal is to provide a preliminary
engineer's cost estimate for LID formation that will be within 20% of the total final project
Baek_eround / Analysis: The residents of the upper Golf Course Road area, especially along the
South side of Melody Lane, were experiencing septic system failures and requested extension of
the sewer system. Annexation was required to provide sewer service to the area. In addition the
large parcel property owners outside of the City east of Golf Course Road and North of Lindberg
Road needed sewer service to develop their land. Both of these areas were combined into a
single annexation which extended southerly to include the properties along the northerly side of
Maddock Road and the Woodhaven subdivision. A condition of the annexation required property
owners to support LID petitions for road and storm, water, and sewer improvements to serve the
annexed area. The required petitions were provided.
To determine the costs of the improvements Council authorized a preliminary engineering study
by Northwest Territories Inc. (NTI). The costs for each of the improvements was prepared and
presented to the owners to determine which alternative would be supported by the City and the
owners. Only the sewer improvement LID was supported by the owners and the sewer LID area
was reduced by excluding an area to the east of Golf Course Road which was not supported.
NTI's adjusted preliminary construction cost estimate for these sewer improvements was
$295,043.This preliminary cost was reviewed and accepted by City Staff for development of the
L.I.D. formation costs, which including estimated City staff and financing costs totaled
$357,420. As noted below, more care in reviewing indirect items such as restoration, traffic
control, and weather/soil impacts on costs should be taken into account to assure more realistic
During final design by NTI the engineer's construction estimate escalated from $295,043 to
$379,331 which did not include the $40,887 already paid to LBR Construction Inc. for
construction of a portion of the LID sewer improvements in Melody Lane. The primary increases
in the engineers estimate of the project costs were in the areas of pavement and yard restoration
and traffic control. Steps will be taken in the future to make sure that these items are included by
the consultant and/or City staff during the preliminary design stages.
In September 1997 it was decided to proceed with bid advertisement and construction in view of
residents needs for sewer service for new construction taking place as well as the potential health
hazards from failing septic systems in the area. Bids were requested and the low bid received
was $457,281, considerably above the engineers estimate of $379,331. The four bids received
ranged from $457,281 to $512,072 verifying the project cost. In discussions with the Contractor,
the uncertain winter working conditions, groundwater and poor soils conditions were all factors
in the high bids received. To avoid further delays in this project, recommended acceptance of the
bid on October 7, 1997. It was noted in the bid acceptance recommendation that the projected
LID costs at the time of award were estimated to be $270,000 over the preliminary estimate and
it was suggested that a developer reimbursement funded by wastewater utility could be utilized
as a method to hold assessments down. In the future it is suggested that the hearing for formation
of an LID be delayed until final design and investigations (including soils or other needed
studies) have been completed to a stage where a more accurate engineers estimate can be made.
Should the preliminary costs be at the point where they are not supported by the property owners
or if the cost of the improvements exceed the benefits to the owners the L.I.D. formation should
not proceed further. The City would have to absorb the staff and any consultant costs expended
if the L.I.D. is not formed.
The final sewer construction contract costs of $671,588 included change orders of $5,728 and
$208,579 in net quantity overruns. Again the construction contract overruns were primarily due
to the extremely poor soils and groundwater conditions which increased yard restoration area,
paving quantities, and backfill materials. This project was awarded in the fall with a schedule
requiting completion during the winter, if weather permitted. Even with provisions for winter
weather shutdown this results in increased contract costs. In future projects all efforts should be
made to schedule work to start early so the majority of weather sensitive work can be completed
during the summer. In addition we should avoid getting into a position where the City is
pressured by development to start a project late in the year. In this project the acquisition of
needed easements should have been started earlier to avoid the delays in bidding.
Overall, ULID No. 215 did have a good contractor on board which did help to keep the costs
down. More soils and groundwater investigation along with scheduling the work earlier in the
year could have provided some savings, but the reduction would not have been large enough to
approach the preliminary estimated costs used for formation of the LID. More engineering effort
and investigations for the original cost estimate should have provided an estimate that would not
vary by more than 20% from the final costs. This is a variation that property owners and the City
could accommodate without controversy. This is our goal!
At the June 15, 1999 ULID No. 215 final heating City Council also requested staff to review and
respond to the written and verbal comments presented by the property owners. These will be
addressed in a separate City Council Memo for adjustments to the final assessment roll currently
scheduled for the September 7, 1999 meeting.
1. More engineering review should be included in the initial stages of the LID to ensure
that all aspects of the work are included ( i.e. traffic control, pavement restoration, yard
restoration, soils condition, etc.) in the engineer's estimate.
2. Schedule early completion of critical items such as easement and right of way
acquisitions to avoid delays in advertisement and award of the project.
3. Schedule contract award to permit execution of weather critical work at a time of the
year that would facilitate construction and minimize weather impacts on project
4. Delay forming the L.I.D. until adequate field investigation and design are completed to
ensure an accurate construction cost estimate.
DATE: August 17, 1999
To: Mayor Braun and City Council
FROM: Brad Collins, Planning Director
SUBJECT-' Planning Department Activity Report - July, 1999
Conditional Use Permits 2
Administrative Review Approvals 1
Environmentally Sensitive Areas Reviews 0
Rezone 1
Annexation 1
Variance 1
Subdivision 0
Short Plat 1
Determinations of Non Significance 5
Mitigated Determinations of Non Significance 0
Determinations of Significance 0
Clearing and Grading Permits 1
Building Permits 0
Water Resources Inventory Area (W1LIA) 18
Downtown Parking Plan
Annexation Planning
Caseadia Regional Plan
Port Angeles
Fire Department
savin~j Hearts and Homes
jul, y 1999
July 1999
Total Fire Dept. Calls Fire $ Loss/Saved
1600 2,000,000
1000 1,000,000
600 500,000
200 1998 1999
1997 1998 1999 [] Saved · Loss
June 98/99 Total Calls 217/223 Saved Loss
1999 Total Calls YTD 1,571 1999 YTD 351,794 138,456
1998 Total Calls YTD 1,395 1998 YTD 1,916,735 1,315,185
100 - , ,.
Fires > 5K Fires < 5K Auto Brush Haz Mat
1998 1999
Year to Fires > $5,000 Fires < $5,000 Auto Fires Brash Fires Haz Mat
Date Incidents
1999 4 34 10 21 82
1998 11 36 15 16 67
Fire & Life Safety Insp Prevention Activities YTD
700 -- 140 ~--
;00 --
400 -- 60
300 -- 40 ~--
~ 2O
200 --
~ 0
100 1998 1999
[] Permit Inspections
I Plan Reviews
D 1998 I 1999 I Public EducationContacts
Inspections Reinspections Permit Plan Public Ed
Inspections Reivews Contacts
1999 YTD 604 534 1999 127 29 21
1998 YTD 561 431 1998 125 34 18
Medic I Transports Patients Assisted
3 1400
500 1200
200 -:---- 400
100': ..... 200
0 0
ALS BLS Fire Dept. Olympic Ambulance
~ ~998 I 1999 ~ 1~98 I 1999
Advanced Life Support (ALS) &
Basic Life Support (BLS) Patients Assisted
Fire Dept. 1998 1999 % Fire Dept. 1998 1999 %
ALS- YTD 502 553 9.2 ! YTD 1,109 1,274 12.9
BLS- YTD 43 53 18.8 I
! .
' : JULY 1999
m 1998 · 1999 ~ 1998 · 1999 .. 10 Year Average
(?.B%) CC~LL~ RES. HAUL r-11998 · 1999 -. 10 Year Average
~ ~.,~ cc,,~u,~, cow ~,uL ELECTRICAL USAGE
~THISI ~ TO DA~ ~ONS) 29,085 j m a~ B ~o
~T YR TO DATE {TONS) 26,735
* Provided services for Arts in Action
* Mainbreaks: 0 * Received new pick-up for Community Service Coordinator
* Replace 2' meter and 2" DCVA for Parks Dept. * ,attended Clallam/Jefferson County Regional SW planning meeting
* Meter change outs: 6 * Attended SW Advisory Committee meeting, review SW Comp. Plan
* One 6' hot tap * Household Hazardous Waste Collect Event planning with Clallam Count
* One 8" hot tap for Crescenl Water Distdct
* Paint at Ranney Well Site
* Installed new flow meter on Industrial Main
* Installed locking manhol lid @ Rayonier site * Continue Peabody Street parking stdp restoration
* Locates at 13th Street ewer Main Replacement Project * On-going sweeping of arterial and residential streets
* Clean and dye test storm line on Valley Street * Vegetation control around guardraiis citywide
* Degreassed wet wells at sewer lift stations * Install plastics/crosswalks citywide
* Remodel restroom at Shana Park
* Pothole patch as needed
* T2 training
* Safety meeting - chainsaw safety by Dan Duncan
I WASTEWATER TREATMENT * Vegetation control with eomford
* Discussed dumping leachate at WWTP with Rayonier * Grade and gravel unpaved streets
* Yard maintenance for WWTP and Landfill Leachate System * Striping at Erickson parking lot
* Worked on pretreatment issues with local discharges * Build cabinets for Information Systems office
* Worked on control system at Landfill treatment ponds * Trim Pine Hill access brush and trees
* Installed algae control for the west Secondary Cladfiers * Arts in Action support
* Worked with Maga Force on drive controller * Vegetation control at Landfill
* Represented City at DOE inspection of Landfill Leachate
* Completed inspection of overhead hoist at WWTP ENGINEERING & PERMITS
* Airport Road Realignment permitting
* Peabody Creed waterline slide repairs started
* 8th Street Design consultant negotiations completed
* Tumwater Slide design completed and advertised
* CSO/I&I Study support
* LID 215 Final Assessment public support
I I ' Peabody Heights Reservoir piping design completed and advertised
* TIP/CFP support
* Service Tickets processed: 103 Elwha Valve installation support
* PM Services and inspections: 23 * Downtown Waterline/Sidewalk Replacement, Phase II design
* Denver's PM services: 7 * Gateway Design support
* Denver's Service Tickets processed: 18 * 13th Street Sewer construction support
* Prep New Vehicles: #1752, 1835, 1834, 1887 and 1246 * "1" Street Sidewalk construction support
* #1890 Mower - repair starter and muffler * Parametrix Landfill Engineering Contract Approved
* #1870 Massey Tractor- replace steering gear
* #0030 1999 Windstar Animal Control Van on line
* #1889 1986 4x4 Chev, benches & door pins placed
* #1580 1994 AirSweeper, radiator work
* #0032 1992 Dodge MiniVan, converted to meter reader van
* #1911 1993 Peterbilt Packer, arms and miscellaneous wiring
* #1920 1999 Peterbilt Packer, wiring and warrantee work
* # 1648 1985 GMC Acquatech Jet-Vac Truck, new clutch
* Upgrade transformer @ 8th/Boulevard
* Energize 3 phase transformer @ Rayonier sustation site
* Connect new building @ Front/First W of Jones
* Set transformer bank for new offices at 1st & Oak
* Support Arts in Action; 4th of July activities
* Prep for new service @ Lee Plaza
* Replace cross arms for Diashowa
* Transfer pole @ boathaven and rearange conductor
* Race Street Sub-station clean-up I
Mission Statement: In partnership with our community, the Port Angeles Police
Department recognizes its mission to serve in a compassionate, courteous, and
professional manner, to promote freedom and peace of mind, pride in our
neighborhoods, and the safety of our families.
Investigations and Patrol Division Highlights:
· A marijuana filled fanny pack found in Lincoln was filed by a person with documented mental
Park was identified as the property of a health history. Thc other was an effort to use the
Department of Corrections active gent who police to gain revenge upon a person the
believes himself the victim of a vast conspiracy, reporting party felt considerable animosity
He can't imagine who stashed weed in his pack toward. A recorded phone call proved the lie
while he was so innocently partaking of nature, when the investigators became suspicious of the
No case, but the man has lost his seasonal guy's story. In thc first complaint the victim had
government job because of the list found in thc even gone so far as to inflict minor injuries on
fanny pack. Meticulous soul that he is, he herself. Investigators noticed the injuries were
maintained a list of his marijuana clients and relatively minor and only in area that the victim
what they owed him by both first and last name. could reach. Plus there were no injuries in areas
Two of those on the list were fellow seasonal where she described receiving blows from the
government employees. They all now meet on suspect.
occasion at the unemployment office.
· A drug warrant was served in Gales Addition.
· A registered sex offender disappeared from his Thc landlord found marijuana growing in a
registration address. We knew he was a heroin rental during routine inspection. He
addict and true pedophile so took his photographed same and brought photos to
disappearance seriously. Detectives launched a police. Marijuana and ephedrine were seized.
search in our heroin subculture - a relatively One suspect taken into custody. Ephedrine is a
small group of people in PA, maybe less than necessary precursor for the manufacture of
100. Patrol officers found him that evening at methamphetamine.
the apartment of a fellow addict. Suspect on (not
in) bed with 15 year old boy when he was found. · Agency Assist to Savage Minnesota police.
Hc is now in jail. 17 other sex offenders were They have a missing female that may be a
checked w/o incident, homicide victim. To develop a DNA profile of
victim they needed blood from her natural father
· Three UIBC (Unlawful Issuance of Bank Check) and mother. Father found in Port Angeles and
Fax Alerts were sent out. One resulted in the willingly gave blood. DNA profiles can be
almost immediate apprehension of a suspect developed with blood from parents; the missing
who had forged multiple checks stolen from two person is not needed.
different victims in both Sequim and Port
Angeles. The Fax Alert was instrumental in · A female reported her checkbook stolen in
getting this guy quickly before he could do December '98. In July '99 several of her checks
thousands of dollars in forgeries. Total losses in began appearing around town. It was quickly
our community were less than $500. Sequim is determined she was writing them, but reporting
not able to make notification like we are - they them as forgeries. The female, who confessed,
had four active cases on this guy but couldn't was arrested. She was not incarcerated because
find him. Their losses exceed $2000. The she is five months pregnant. Once again the
suspect also had a pre-existing arrest warrant out FAX Alert stopped her early - losses kept under
for similar crimes. $500.
· Two reports of First Degree Burglary were · Local manufacturing firm discovers long-time
received, both determined to be unfounded. One supervisory employee has been stealing from
Page -1-
them for several years. Search of employees Crime Prevention Activities:
home/property recovers thousands of dollars Activities for the month of July 1999 included the
worth of property that rightfully belongs to the following:
company. The investigation also reveals that
oversight at this particular facility was so lax · North Olympic Crime Stoppers duties
that a majority of the employees had been Profiles - selection, recording, dispersal (2
stealing, doing personal work on company time, profiles)
etc. We will recommend that the case not be Board meeting - agenda, minutes (1 mtg)
prosecuted, but handled internally by the Tips-corroboration,
company. Referral (7 tips)
Information/funding mail campaign-220 letters
· Two complaints of rape were reported. One was (on-going)
determined to be unfounded after several CCSO/NCN- "Behind the Star" interview
interviews. The victim is a heavy drug user and
was high on LSD for three days prior to the · Web Page updates-general- quarterly
report. She probably began to believe her
hallucinations? She is now at Western for a · Crime Prevention Tips, NOCS-biweekly
mental health evaluation. She was incoherent at
OMH and in conversation with investigators. * Crime Fax alerts- (2)
The second complaint involves a
developmentally disabled victim. Meeting with · Crime Prevention Consultations
Adult Protective Services was scheduled. Laurel Park - telemarketing fraud
AM/PM - trespass/loitering
· Complaint of financial abuse of an elderly
woman by her alcoholic 51 year old son. Tums · Ongoing projects-
out his drinking buddy is his severely alcoholic Volunteer Residents Patrol with the Housing
mid-70's mother. He provides her with alcohol. Authority of Clallam County
She willingly gives him money. No crime. The Training, planning, implementation (on-going)
father is mentally alert, but confined to bed
24-hours a day for medical reasons. He · Other Agency assists- (include)
disapproves of son, but still no crime. Victoria/Vancouver P.D. - Child pornography
· Located missing probationer for US Marshall's Search Warrant - (FKC shop thefts)
Office. The suspect had moved to Longview.
· Officer Jesse Winfield was transferred to
detectives in July.
· The 4th of July went off without a hitch, despite
hundreds of complaints of illegal fireworks
being discharged. Extra officers were assigned
to the City Pier and waterfront area to assist
with traffic and deter the discharge of fireworks
in the crowd.
· A local alcoholic was ejected from a downtown
store, only to walk a half block and literally
jump onto the hood of a passing car in the
downtown area. He was booked for disorderly
Page -2-
School Resource Officer
During the summer months Officer Peninger is assigned to the downtown and Waterfront Trail bicycle
The Arco (and Officer Miller) Report:
It was a quiet month for this duo after taking some vacation and participating in local
Electronic Home Monitoring: A total of 144 days were spent by individuals on EHM saving $7,200 in jail
costs in June.
Senior Volunteers:
The Senior Volunteers provided 174 ½ hours of services in July in the following categories:
Meetings/Events 81 hours
Office Assistance 76 ½ hours
Speed Watch 5 hours
Vacation Home Checks 3 hours
Other events 9 hours
"~,.-.%~_._.....-,~ Our thanks in particular for the many hours the Senior Volunteers provided in helping out
. ~.'*~.~.~.~'~,~ ~,~'~r during the 40, of July events and Arts in Action.
(These are actual handwritten excerpts from old police log books.)
July 1973
"The caretaker at Lincoln Park came in to report a group of Hippy types were in Park today - all
drinking - messed up mens room & put watering hoses (sprinklers) in women's - drove VW cony & a
Datsun pickup. They cleaned up before leaving."
"Resident of East Eighth Street address called to report his wife took an overdose of aspirin."
"Bill reports B&E to City Dump of~ce - door kicked in. Items missing - approximately 20 Playboy mags
and several centerfolds from the walls."
"Woman reports lots of cars and kids in alley behind.~& W- Friday and Saturday nights drinking beer
and making a lot of noise."
"Complaint of vicious white poodle at residence.., in alley. People can't walk through alley."
Two weeks later... "Anonymous male reports a dog that attacks h_ im every time he rides thru the alley
at... described as poodle type, off white in color."
"... called and says he will be parachuting from plane over airport approximately 12.'00 noon. Logged
for info in case someone calls about plane wreck."
"Passerby reports fire on a boat in the Boat Haven. Officer checked.., owner having a barbecue.., no
danger to boat."
Page -3-
Calls for Police Service ICFS- 1999 I'ICFS- 1998
ICFS YTD- 1999 nCFS YTD- 1998
2, $00
:,soo] : : :
2,000 ~2000
' · 174~. ...........
'~ ~7'~ ' ' ' y~y' "'. ~ ~ soo
~,500 ~ ~ 000
L200 ~0500
LO00 ~0000
13isnatches nportAngeles PD 1999
~Por~A~9~l®s PD 199~
IYoar-to-Dat~ - 1999
~Year-lo-Date - 199~
: . U,~I~ 10000
..... ~ ..... : ..... : ..... : ..... -. ...... :: ...... , ...... . ...... . ...... , ...... , ............... ~: 9900
! i ! :: i i'"'i . i .... :: ...... i ..... :: ...... i ...... ::... : 9700
...... : ..... : ..... ~. ..... : ...... : .... i~i~': ..... :" : : : : ! H' 9500
! ! ! i ! 1489J I | I I I! 1492! 14661 ? ! i : t't'~
...... :' ..... : ..... : ..... :':li,~i.': ....... : ............. : ....... : ...... : ...... : ...... ~'" ' 9400
: :.8,: II1: B n: : : :9258: H
...... ', ..... : ..... : .... -~;-- ~ ;.-i :l 1 I l-:-. Il ---Il -:-.t~tt: ...... :-3355 -:..' .... :---I.1: 9300
'~: -:: 1.,:: 7: -.~ ~ - -:: ....... !-- -i ...... ! .... i .....9~oo
Page -4-
JULY t999
Total In-Coming Calls by Department
(Total Calls - 12,083')
Atam~ C~. * Estimate
911 Calls by Month
2700 I
,,/. · 2390
2284 227.1 : ~ 2303 ': 15 580
2300 ........ ; .......... 22.59 ..... :.,,~. _. ' .......... : ....... ~. ........... *- ; .... :.:. -.
· /,\ · ,~-2"z-J-~; , . . ,. -' , ., , ,, , . ~ .
/:\ : /: ' : * : : ~.,.° : - :, : ~4, o7/
1841 ·
----+~Tota1911 by Month-1999 - -x- -Total911 by Mo nth-1998
---O---Year-to-Date - 1999 & Year-to-Date - 1998
Page -5-
IPart 1 Crime Statistics - Current Month 1999
I'lyear-to-D ate 1999
Part I Crimes ~'~ear-to-Oat~ 199~
1Part 11 Crime Statistics - Current Month 1999
nyear-to-Date 1999
Part II Crimes nYear-to-Date 1998
Page -6-
IAdultArrests - 1999 I"lAdult Arrests - 1998
Arrest Statistics - Adult IYear-to-Date - 1999 I'lyear-to-Date - 1998
100 .............................................................................................. 400
90 | : : : ! : :
~o' .... ~ ....:_ . : ! ! i ! : : : : : : 311~
: : ...... : ...... ~ ...... : ...... i- ..... ~ ...... : ...... ~ ..... -" ...... ' ..... ..L 320
· ':':: : : : : : i i i i i I"'I.L soo
,~ ~ ...... i ....... ! ....... i ........ i ....... i ...... i ........ :: ...... ~ ...... i ...... :: ....... ~ ........ :: ....... ::.-.11-~ TM
0/ ~ i ! ,8i ~ ~ 6, i i ~ i i i =~o11+86°
6 4 ..... :__~s~.: ...... : ...... : ...... : ..... :--I-I-: ...... : ..... : ...... : ...... : ..... ' ...... :-..I I-I.240
5o ......!..~ ~.i ...... ...... ...... ..... ...... ...... ...... ...... 200
· ~* -~----~-- -:-----i-- -'-~---; ..... ~. -:~:_11-~- ..... i ...... ...... ; ..... ~ ...... '-
: : : : : : : : : : : : : 100
2o __.i. .i. .i .i. .i i. .i. .:. ..... i ...... i ...... i ..... ~ ...... i. 8o
i : : ; : : : : : · ' ~ : 60
,o . : : : : : : :: :: i : ' '
- · -: · ·: .... :.. -:. . :.. ~ .:. .; ......... ~ ........: ....... i ........: ........:. . 40
# 0
Arrest Statistics - Juvenile lJuvenile Arrests - 1999 r'lJuvenile Arrests - 1998
I~Year-to-Date 1999 I-Iyear-to-Date 1998
.fO ................................................................................................ 200
I : ! i : : : : : : : :160 .i. 17o
'i' ''1 ' '
...... t ............. ' ....... ' .... ' ....... , ....... : ....... : ........ : ....... : ...... -: ...... .: .... 140
~o 4 ...... : ...... ; ...... ; ...... :- ~---: ........ : ........ : ....... : ....... : ...... : ...... .: ....... i.~1
lO . i. .i. ..i.. .i L ..i. ..i ........... i ....... i ....... J ........ i ....... i. .. 40
'::'" ;: ' :: :: ....... ....... ....... ....... ...... "
o : : : : : : : _ : : '. : .' [i~ o
Page -7-
DTraffic Violations - Current Month 1999
rlYcar-to- Date 1999
Traffic Violations rlyear-to-Date 1998
170 ..... J ............. : ...... : ......
130 ...... '. ...... '. ...... 3 ..... 4 ..... , ...... ~ ...... ~- -4 ...... [ ...... . ...... : ...... . ...... ~ .... 100
]lO 140
100 ..... d ...... : ...... L ..... : ..... 2 ...... : ...... [. .2 ...... : ...... ; ...... 3 ..... ~ ...... ~- 21 ~30
80 120
70 110
6o 10o
~o ...... ~ ...... ~"~"~ ...... ~ ...... ~ ...... ~ ...... ~' '~ ...... ~ ...... ~ ...... ~ ...... ~ ...... :'
40 ..... ~ ...... ~-~-~ ..... ~ ..... ~ ...... ~ ...... ~. .~ ...... ~ ...... ~ ...... [-3~--~ ...... ~- . 900
~o : :1~1: : : : : : : ; ; ~; 24 : 800
20 ..... J ...... :. .: ...... ~ ..... J ...... : ...... ':. .~ ..... : ...... :..l~..[. .j ~..:. . 700
o "j ~[-~' -~' -~']-'~- ' ' /'~-T ' ' ~ 500
Traffic Accidents 1Total Accidents by Month - 1999 ~Total Accidents by Month - 1998
I Year-to-D ate 1999 ~ Year-to-D ate 1998
Page -8-
~ Parking Tickets
'" '--' -raring Enforcement - -+- - Monthly Revenue
· ~. Year-to-Date Revenues
IAnimal Control Statistics - Current Month }999
Animal Control r'lYear-to-Date-1999
I'lYear-to-Date - 1998
OTotal Calls YTD
Page -9-
--II--Year-to-Date 1999 la Year-to-Date 1998
Expense '--~'-- Jail Expense- Clallam County ---i~Jail Expense- Forks
40000~..~~ 0000
YMCA Teen Scene ~V~s by Month - 1999 --o----Visits by Month - 1998
-- -~--- Year-to-Date Total ~sits
.2000/j._ 1~,~:~,i ..... !. i : : : ."' : : : ] : -
+. o,-,,.,: , · .... . ....... . ...... .~.L.193-1~. ...... ~. ......~,._~ ....~ ...... ~ ...... .~ ...... : ....... : .......
17~ ~ : ! i ! /!% i ~ o"9197 : ! i
I\---.~ ........ ,, ....... : ....... ,,--1--!---%! ..... ,~-'--i ...... i ...... ~ ...... : ....... ., ....... : ......
! \ : ~ ii' : 6208 ~,_?'~'''~371 i !1523 i i : :
' ,3135 ; : : 463.7" : : :
~o~ ; ...... ; ...... ; ...... : ....... : ...... ~,, ..... ! ...... ! ...... ! ...... r ...... ! ...... r ...... : ....... : ......
i i1250 i..~ i i293 i~ ;: i i i
.2' ....... ~ ...... i ..... ~ :. , , ~'~'i ...... i ...... ! ...... :: ....... ~:
.... '< o ,z 'a '~ o
Page -10-
Port Angeles, Washington 98362
July 12, 1999
7:00 p.m.
Chair Meyer called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
Members Present: Louise Meyer, Julie Bondy, Barbara Gase,
Theresa Schmid
Members Absent: Gina Lowman
Staff Present: David Sawyer
Public Present: Tom Blore
The minutes of the February 1, 1999, minutes were continued for lack of a quorum.
Boardmember Gase moved to approve the April 5, 1999, minutes as submitted. The
motion was seconded by Boardmember Bondy and passed 3 - 0.
Boardmember Schmid moved to approve the June 7, 1999, minutes as presented.
Chair Meyer seconded the motion which passed.
VARIANCE REQUEST - VAR 99-05 - BLORE, 122 Victoria Street:
Request for an increase in lot coverage from the maximum 30% to 35.5%
to construct a detached garage in the RS-7, Residential Single Family zone.
Senior Planner David Sawyer reviewed the Planning Department's report recommending
approval of the request as proposed. Chair Meyer opened the public hearing.
Tom Blore, P.O. Box 1272, Sequim, Washington, was present but had no comment.
Chair Meyer opened the public hearing.
Boardmember Bondy moved to approve the variance as proposed with one condition and
citing the following findings and conclusions in support of the action:
Board of Adjustment Minutes
JuU ~2, ~999
Page 2
Condition of Approval:
All development on the site is subject to the ESA 99-06.
Based on the staff report analysis, public review and comment, the Board of Adjustment's
discussion and deliberation, the Board of Adjustment hereby finds that:
1. The applicant, Tom Blore Jr. applied for a variance for the property located
at 622 Victoria Street on June 24, 1999.
2. The request is to increase the allowable lot coverage from 30% to 34.5%.
3. The platting of the Victoria Street right-of-way reduced the size of the lot to
approximately 60% of a standard 7,000 square foot Townsite lot.
4. A geological hazard report dated May 28, 1999, was prepared for the
property by 4 Seasons Engineering, Inc.. The report addresses the
construction of the proposed garage and recommends specific actions to be
taken to improve the stability of the bluff.
5. The property is designated as Low Density Residential in the City's
Comprehensive Plan.
6. The property is zoned RS-7 (Single-Family Residential).
7. The proposed use is a permitted use in the RS-7 zone.
8. The subject property is 4,215 square feet in size with a width of 46'.
9. The majority of other RS-7 properties in the vicinity are generally level and
rectangular in shape.
10. City records indicate the Board of Adjustment approved V-77(3)1 at 1034
Caroline Street which increased the allowable lot coverage to 32.7% and V-
79(11)31 at 1212 Georgiana Street which increased the allowable lot
coverage to 31%. Neither of these variances granted an increase to the degree
11. Although Planning Department records do not go back before 1970 for
variances, Building Division records reference a variance granted in 1968 for
the residence located at 628 Victoria Street. Considering the size of the
structure, that variance would have included an increase of lot coverage to
approximately 50%.
Board of Adjustment Minutes
July 12, 1999
Page 3
12. No agency reviewing the application identified any potential adverse impact to the
public health, safety, and welfare attributable to the issuance of the variance.
13. The City issued an environmentally sensitive area approval (ESA 99-06) for the
proposed project on June 24, 1999.
Based on the staff report analysis, public review and comment, the Board of Adjustment's
discussion and deliberation, and the findings listed above, the Board of Adjustment hereby
concludes that:
A. In comparison to the average size of lots in the neighborhood, the size of the
subject property was impacted by the platting of Victoria Street.
B. Because of the northerly location of the bluff and the proposed location of the
garage in the south portion of the lot, the proximity of the bluff does not
impact the construction of the garage
B. There is a special circumstances related to the size of the subject property
that deprives the property owners of rights and privileges permitted to other
properties in the vicinity and the RS-7 zone.
C. Approval of the proposed variance would not be a grant of special privilege
inconsistent with the limitation upon uses of other properties in the vicinity
and zone in which the property on behalf of which the application was filed
is located.
D. The proposed variance would not cause adverse impacts to the public
health, safety, and welfare.
The motion was seconded by Commissioner Gase and passed 4 - 0.
Mr. Sawyer asked Boardmembers if they would like to move the Board meetings to an
earlier starting time, perhaps 5:30 p.m. or 6 p.m. Meetings tend to be quite short and an
earlier time period might allow for a more flexible evening. The Board agreed to think
about the possibility of an earlier meeting time when Boardmember Lowman is present.
Board of Adjustment Minutes
July 12, 1999
Page 4
The meeting adjourned at 7:10 p.m.
David Sawyer, Secretary Louise Meyer, Chair