HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet 08/31/2010P ORTA NGELES
WAS H I N G T O N, U. S. A.
321 East 5th Street
August 31, 2010
First Page
Note: The Mayor may determine the order of business for a particular City Council meeting. The agenda should be arranged to best
serve the needs and/or convenience of the Council and the public. The items of business for regular Council meetings may include the
1. Citizen Survey Results
2. Economic Development Action Plan
3. Transportation Benefit District
4. 2011 Budget
1. View Presentation; Discussion
2. Discussion
3. View Presentation; Discussion
4. View presentation; Discussion
August 31, 2010 Port Angeles City Council Meeting Page - 1
f i iEL
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2010 City of Port Angeles Citizen Survey
August 27, 20 10
In developn g the 2011 City Budget, the City Comicil and City staff recognized that certain
difficult financial decisions would need to be made in order to create a balanced budget without
re u* ing w-iy tax increases. It was decided that public input was eritical to guide the City this
ehallengiaig process, in order to better- understaaaid eon ul-iity priorities. Several methods were
initiated to solicit this public input.; these included conducting a town meeting on the budget and
City Council members attending the Fariners' Market et o several Saturdays to solicit feedback on
the budget.
The primary tool selected for soliciting input from the public was the use of a city-wide Citizen
survey. This survey was developed by the Finance Department staff, with input from the City .
Council, City Manager, and Depot ent Heads. 1t was sent to all utility customers with their
monthly utility bills. -i addition, citizens were given the option of completing the survey ori -line,
and obtaining additional survey f onns which were available .t the front desk at City Hall and. at
several other venues such as the Farmers' Market.
A total of over 1400 survey fornis were completed, wbich represents about 15% of the total
households 1111 Poll Angeles. This hicluded 998 responses from the utility bill inseft, 382 responses
on-line, and 82 responses to the prhited survey f omis. This is an excellent response rate and
confinns the high level of interest that local citizens have in their; city go enunent. With this high
level of response, the priorities that have been identified will be very useful to the City Council
w -id City staff in the development of the 2011 Budget.
The City appreciates this interest from its citizens and for the care and concern expressed for the
future of our eor u w ty.
eo.000Kent ?es
Community Survey Results
Presented by:
Kent Myers, City Manager
Yvonne Ziomkowski, Finance Director
August 31, 2010
Survey Timeline
JULY — Surveys distributed in utility bills
AUGUST — Surveys returned by 16th
JULY/AUGUST City staff compiled all results
SEPTEMBER — Council will review survey
results to assist in Budget process
Survey Responses
Total number of Surveys received: 1,462
Total number of customers who provided
written comments: 636
Public Safety
Public Safety
(Page 1 of 2)
- --_.
l.r:.K-9 unlb 20%
li �cer
important Nice to Have
35% 33%
Not Important o Opinion -
1 I s96
at PARS 11°6--J
.�Offlcerdowntown 1796
-wi-Animal control I 19%
Task Force j 26% I
j 7% f 1%
Public Safety (continued)
Public Safety
(Page 2 of 2)
35% ` It
30% 1 _
2s% ' �7
1 5%1 1600"
- I
` Essential Important Nice to Nave
Not Important �No Opinion
+Enforce downtown parking 4% 18% 39%� 3794 2% j
$ I�School zone enforcement 20% 41% 29% lllill g% 1%
L vo.Vownteer programs 24% 38°A 31% ' 5% I 2%
Publk safety educetlon 7% 26% 47% 18°.6 3%
.6a•.Dlsaster preparetlness 2696 36% 30% � 7% I 1%
L� pedaltzed traing
in30%�-�- 36`6 -�_ 26Sf J, 6% 2%
-_--- --
Licensing & Code Enforcement
Licensing & Code Enforcement
40°.6 -
35% !---
0A Essential Important Nice to Have Notimportant I No Opinion
+ticensing of 8111t.sinesses 23% 41% 17% 15% _ 5%
Deg 8 cot Ikensing __ 9% _ 22% 31% 34% 2%
.L -l nceabatement 18% 35% 37°.6 8% 1%
6% 1%
4 rfk* & safety inspections 29% 45% 19% -
- -_. ----�
Communication, Promotions
Special Events
Communication, Promotions & Special Events
- -
50% -
- -.. --
- -
WA 1
35% p.--.-__
._.-....._ _._____..
Important Niceto Have
No OpWon
July 4th Parade
_ 156 52%
... 2 -PA
I�t'uyouth/Family Programs (after school!
33% 40%
program/ summer camps)i
_rdultand youth sports programs
30% I 436
.nr.AthletiC Tournaments
201A4 %
: 25%
Lmpo Cant
Nice to Have
Not Important '�
No Opinion
---City websltQ
12% -'
_ 23%,
- 43%
14% j
--earOo-line utility center
- 43%
Event brochures
-o...City-wide newsletter
Recreation Programs/Activities
Recreation Programs/Activities
- -
50% -
- -.. --
- -
Important Niceto Have
No OpWon
July 4th Parade
_ 156 52%
... 2 -PA
I�t'uyouth/Family Programs (after school!
33% 40%
program/ summer camps)i
_rdultand youth sports programs
30% I 436
.nr.AthletiC Tournaments
201A4 %
: 25%
Facillti:le�s & Park Amienities,
Faci I ifie s & Park Amenities
(Page I of 2
61V -A
rssem tial
—Senior teflter 56±vBQES
Ze Fl r4e AMS rAntu 1
^ Watevfront Trail
Esse Important NiCe to Have Nutlmportant
Nv Opinion
0. Woo r apo its Field& 20% 3Wfi $9% rA
0- T 43% 1.1%
, m fa ci liti 31%
�:I fa cl litdea 24'A 39% 32%' l S%
commvnity piaYgm"fids ii�12% 39A
PICWC fa CifiVes —9% Z—W—A 13%
�F icot.)
acilities & Park Amenities n
Facilities & Park Amenifles
(Page 2 of 2
2 11A
rssem tial
—Senior teflter 56±vBQES
Ze Fl r4e AMS rAntu 1
^ Watevfront Trail
City him.t1fication
-"-Neiahborhood parks
-4p-I[305 park
Nice to He It
2 11A
- — -------- r__
j 46%
t 49%
II Ries
iror partamt Nice to Haeme
Nmol M�partams, �',
No pWon �
�—Consevataam & 'ecycling adwcatlan 20%
21/. -
k Fieeycling ser mcea 43%
� 37%
vardWaste c"bsideseni¢es. 31%
r --Automated meter read img seNIces i 7-A
— -_ _
- —_ _
1% 1
IFadiitat+m braadeand sewaces 7%v
..f�fsengrapP�ic onfaraaa,Siam'3ystemas L 6%
Streets & Sidewalks
Streets & 5idewa,oks
Ipage I of 2) 'I
II 1
5ssenUai dMpa"an4 NFca to iWave rva6�lnnpomfly ND Opirriam� .
M17..a I ntemamr-e of s£rea ml dlam5 19% R � -- 42% � 32% 6A
.�r.uegetakian/weed aam�[rp4 14% 1 --45% -_ 3596 5'%
Stre¢ks weepung-- --- 13% — _-42% 37% 4% % 4i
�e4rls r�rmowal 21% 499n 2595 3% Il% II
5mow�lsa csarcrn,l 45'§6 iI 46% %3'%, 2% —_. 6%
Streets & Sidewalks (continued)
Streets & Sidewalks
(Page 2 of 2)
6014 ,- - - - ..- ---- —
20% ',
-Essential Important I NCE to Have l Notlmportan�t -nion -1
;r Pothole patching/Road resurfiChI 46% 45% 8% 1% 0%
l.-ei-Sidewalkconstruction _22% --42% 29% 7% 1 1%�
Sidewalks/curb and gutter repair 23% 43% 23% 4% 1%
Street lighting _ 32% 47% 17% 4% 0%
+.TreWK device maintenance/repah 39% - 48% M_ 1760%--
76 I 0% J
L—_. -- _�—___ _ :
-.-_ __..:-_- -_ ____— ___.-
Other Services
Other Services
so% - - -- - .. --- ----
45% -- ----- --
30% r-------••- / — t
o% — -- — - I
Essentlal Important Nice to Neve Notlmporbnt No L=ZRO 16%I nlerence4%% 14% 38% 4 38% 6%
Public/Private partnerships l --y.6 ---� — 19% -'.- 31% 26% _ 1s% f
Continue Support for Following
Services or organizations?
70.0% - --- — -
ec asp ,�d 0•��°
allo opinion
v� ��r `Qa V °r4 VW 'b��� I � No-pismntinue
I would support a special Property/
Sales Tax for:
b60.0'uo �.
10.0% t _-
Recovation of Claic Rep :cement of Historical Streetjside—ii /alley Public safety
Flelr lauridse n Blvd Bridge underground improvements
■ No Opinion
Y No
a Yes
T meet my Haus, Ir' of
oper,atin should:
4 {
6119G_-- ----.-
std — ---- -_.
V crass
2 -
q� l
j Glty Hla 11 lhuslnes city Hail perml'ts Transfer Seatlon Parks aiadPolmeStatlon F—Stafte,
W. rater rgooter IRecreation
j a Decrease
{I p 5tay the Sa+ne.
Customer Satisfaction
50% ! a Na O{rin1or5
.I 401". }— _.. — __ ONO
3[Y% - _— - - ---_
zap -
FiWMeeic l - PokffR Emergency Dispatch ser"vlee Utility outage Price of util i6e5 Port Angeles m
Emergency tespanse fl9119 service] res;gense fa I for serurce We comm u nity
response retelred --
support the followin optj 1 S
:1, wou d g, on
to balance the bluldget:
Cuts to SeNkes and factikies Property a ad/or Wes to R Inucam userfuesS Charges TmnsportationRenefftDkgtrict
Written Camments,
Over 800 written: responses weirle: submitted
from 636 ciustornersi
Copies of all responses ai:re iinicluded in Couln,
packet for review I
ty Orl ti es
City . Budget Pr'cil and Used
reviewed by the Coon
Citizen input Ivill be 0 the City-gs budget*
in developing
,,,,at Matters MostTo YOU?
at v a fpoL.AIS
the city's homeebsite
c 1OLS C visit
'rep page.
-For survey SjjjtS I I the link oil the
and CVI-Ck
Community survey of city Budget Priorities July 2010
1. Public Safety
1 of 10
Nice to
K-9 units
19.9% (281)
34.8% (493)
32.6% (461)
Officer at Port Angeles High School
Officer for Port Angeles downtown
Animal control
Police participation in multi -agency
drug task force
Enforce downtown parking
Traffic/School zone speed
Police and Fire volunteer programs
Public safety education
Disaster preparedness
Specialized training of fire
personnel (i.e. confined space,
30.4/ (429)
swift water, structural collapse type
answered question
skipped question
1 of 10
2. Licensing and Code Enforcement
3. Communication, Promotions and Special Events
Nice to
Important Opinion
Licensing of all businesses
Licensing of dogs and cats
Nuisance abatement (noise, weeds,
City-wide newsletter
46.7%(665) 3.1%(44)
removal of junk or abandoned
skipped question
Fire and safety inspections of
businesses and facilities
answered question
skipped question
3. Communication, Promotions and Special Events
2 of 10
Nice to
Not No
Important Opinion
City website
12.5% (178)
27.7% (395)
42.5% (606)
14.2%(203) 3.0%(43)
On-line utility center
23.1%(328) 9.0%(128)
Event brochures
40.3%(576) 3.1%(45)
City-wide newsletter
46.7%(665) 3.1%(44)
answered question
skipped question
2 of 10
4. Recreational Programs/Activities
answered question
skipped question
3 of 10
Nice to
July 4th Parade
51.8% (735)
26.7% (379)
Youth and Family Services (after
school programs/summer camps,
family special events)
Adult and Youth sports programs
Athletic Tournaments (create,
promote and coordinate)
answered question
skipped question
3 of 10
5. Facilities & Park Amenities
4 of 10
Nice to
Outdoor sports fields (soccer,
lacrosse, football, baseball,
softball, tennis, basketball, pickle
ball, skate park)
Indoor sports facilities (basketball,
volley ball, pickle ball, etc.)
Waterfront facilities (beach access,
boat launch, City Pier moorage,
fishing pond)
Community playgrounds and
activity sets
Picnic facilities (BBQ pits, benches,
Public restrooms
40.8% (5$0)
40.1% (570)
Senior Center Services
Fine Arts Center & outdoor art park
Waterfront Trail and walking paths
City beautification (fountain, flower
baskets and planters)
Small neighborhood parks
Dog park
answered question
skipped question
4 of 10
6. Utilities
answered question
skipped question
5 of 10
Nice to
Conservation and recycling
education (Electric, Water, Solid
Recycling services
Yard waste curbside services
Automation of meter reading
Facilitate broadband services
Geographic Information Systems
(GIS) (maps, utility systems, land
use maps on line)
answered question
skipped question
5 of 10
7. Streets and Sidewalks
6 of 10
Nice to
Maintenance of street medians
Vegetation/weed control
Debris removal
Street sweeping
Snow & ice control
Pothole patching/Road resurfacing
Sidewalk construction (school
walking routes, ADA ramps)
Sidewalks/curb and gutter repair
Street lighting (residential/main
Traffic device maintenance and
repair (signs, crosswalks, etc.)
answered question
8. Other
Nice to
Rayonier property development
Conference center
Public/Private partnerships
answered question
6 of 10
9. Please indicate whether you wish to continue support for the following
services or organizations
Yes -Continue
No -Discontinue
No Opinion
Marine Life Center (Art Feiro Marine
Life Center)
Human services (Contract with
United Way)
Independence Day fireworks
(Chamber of Commerce)
Port Angeles tourism and marketing
(Chamber of Commerce)
Clallam Business Incubator (CBI)
Downtown Main Street Program
Clallam County Economic
Development Council (EDC)
Business attraction and retention
Animal Control Services (Humane
84.5°l° (15182)
answered question
skipped question
7 of 10
10. 1 would support a special property/sales tax for:
Yes No
Renovation of Civic Field 21.4%(302) 63.2%(890)
Replacement of Lauridsen 28.1%(396) 55.6%(783)
Boulevard Bridge at Race Street
Historical downtown underground 17.8%(250)67.4°!° 949
restoration ( )
Streets/s i d ewa I ks/a 1ley
61.5%(868) 30.5%(431)
Public safety 58.0%(814) 29.8%(419)
11. To meet my needs, hours of operation should:
Stay the Same Decrease
City Hall business counter (utility &
miscellaneous payments)
City Hall permits counter
Transfer Station
Parks and Recreation
Police Station
Fire Station
80.6% (1,127)
80.9% (1,125)
8 of 10
No Opinion
answered question
skipped question
No Opinion
answered question
skipped question
12. Customer satisfaction
13. I would support the following options in order to balance the budget:
(Please choose all that apply)
Cuts to services and facilities
Local property and/or sales tax
Increase user fees and charges
Creation of Transportation Benefit
District for street improvements
9 of 10
Response Response
Percent Count
56.0% 629
32.7% 367
58.5% 657
29.2% 328
answered question 11124
skipped question 338
No Opinion
Fire/Medic I — Emergency response
79.8% (11116)
Police - Emergency response
79.4% (11109)
Dispatch service (911 Service)
78.7% (11097)
Utility outage response
78.8% (1,091)
Price of utilities is fair for the
service received
Port Angeles is a safe community
82.5% (15134)
answered question
skipped question
13. I would support the following options in order to balance the budget:
(Please choose all that apply)
Cuts to services and facilities
Local property and/or sales tax
Increase user fees and charges
Creation of Transportation Benefit
District for street improvements
9 of 10
Response Response
Percent Count
56.0% 629
32.7% 367
58.5% 657
29.2% 328
answered question 11124
skipped question 338
14. Please add any additional comments or list additional categories you
would like to see on future surveys:
answered question 636
skipped question 826
10 of 10
A hard look needs to be taken to cut programs and services - Politically, this will probably never happen as special interest
groups turn something simple into a huge outrage thus turning the prospective program into a "third rail" - political suicide.
Unfortunately the only thing that government seems to have the stomach for is to keep the programs and raise taxes. The
increase in taxes means less money to spend on goods and services and therefore less money into the city's coffers. So, it
seems, either the city receives the money from willing citizens through sales and other transactional taxes - or the city steals it
through the creation of new/increased taxes. Cutting services isn't fun or desirable, especially when a populace has come to
expect these as some kind of right (the "right" to have a dog park, the "right" to have a pool). It's time to get serious. We
need a city government less interested in the entitlement nation and more interested in fiscal responsibility.
Please consider a reducation or opt out option for trash collection - it costs much less for me to take trash to the transfer
station than to use the mandated city trash collection services.
I think a 4 day work week for most (non emergency / urgent) City services should be considered.
I would like to see some reevaluation of the monies spent on all non essential services. Our government seems to spend
OUR money like it is from a free flowing spigot. That has to stop. You start/continue to raise taxes and fees, people will not
come here to open a business and will leave as soon as financially prudent taking their money and business with them. PA
will go from small town to ghost town. We are on the brink of that now. Just take care of the essentials, fill in the gaps by
asking for volunteers and stop dumping good money after bad with your councils and committees. They look self serving.
I am very frustrated that the powers that control our money don't seem to get it. Port angeles has a million dollar deficit but
they give a raise to the director of Harbor Works! No one should be getting a raise in these conditions! I know this is a small
amount of money in the grand scheme but it all adds up. Until I see things change I will continue to believe the city is
swimming in money and will not vote for any tax increases! Also i would like to see the ability to use less than the base rate
for utilities. There is no incentive to use less water or electricity since you can't go below the base rate. Even if you use
nothing you still have a bill!
Public safety - fire and police are vital to our community. The Fine Arts Center and Harborworks are a unnecessary drain on
the cities resources. People must realize that the Tribe is just waiting for the City / Port to clean up the Rayonnier property
before claiming it as tribal land.
Stay away from cutting public safety! All other departments should cut to the bone before touching public safety services.
Fire and Police are essential services.
The City needs to define its "core" services and prioritize expenditures accordingly. Operational efficiencies can produce the
most effective cost savings & they were not addressed in this survey.
One about how good elected officials are doing - or not.
Recommend that we concentrate on increasing effectiveness of the existing entities. not creating new ones. Our local
government has to many administrators/executives for the number of workers. If our civil servants wish to be paid equally
with private industry, they should accept the changes to benefits that private firms are having to make, and discipline for
inadequate work performance. Maybe even some lay-off would be appropriate.
Raising property taxes for properties valued above $250k is a possibility, but putting hardship on lower income and the
retired middle class is not a good idea. Increasing the ambiance of downtown which would make the city more of a
destination and therefore increasing bed tax revenues as well as becoming a more enticing city for people with money to
retire to. Wealthy retirees need services which means more jobs for young families. One way to attract people is to improve
the waterfront and start holding festivals (arts, music, wine, food).
The services that are, in my opinion crucial, are safety and education. Services to the elderly, handicapped, and children are
major. Things like a dog park are nice, but they are not essential. continued support for harborworks is like pouring money
down a black hole. Lincoln has done nothing except take money. PA is a lovely community and we need to find a way to
make it a success, but I don't think Harborworks has helped at all. Our safety services are excellent and our schools are
excellent. Please, can we find a way to continue our support of these entities?
Get new, fresh thinking in the parks recreation department. I haven't heard of any new events/programs in years. When they
can think of something new, make sure it is advertised and marketed. Where are all the current tax dollars for street
maintenance and repair going? It's a shame we put millions of dollars in a bus depot that looks wonderful, however the
streets going to it are to the point a 4wd vehicle is necessary to travel on them. Putting the carriage before the horse in my
Good luck, this is going to be a challenging year.
Get out of the EDC and business incubator programs, a waster of money that just goes to high salaries, understanding the
budget problems would not like to see city services reduced.
Give Property owerners that are not living in Port Angeles more of a voice in City Matters when we pay taxes and have to
follow city laws with no voice ... I own 5 city lots
As someone who works in Downtown Port Angeles, I have seen up close the benefit of the Downtown Association in
actively promoting local businesses in our business core and to continually draw the public down to this part of downtown.
The PADA does a great job of marketing and promoting not only the downtown but they also promote the whole region as
well through events that draw people over to visit our area like Twilight, etc.
I wasn't aware that the city contributed to either the fireworks or the 4th of July parade other than with traffic abatement, etc.
How will you weigh some of these answers? If business retention is important to a lot of people, it would make sense to keep
the funding for EDC and PADA, even if residents say those two entities aren't important. The problem with a survey like this
is that most people filling it out don't know how much some this costs and how a lot of services can and are being done with
the contracts the city has various entities. Balancing the budget is a daunting task. Good Luck!
Cuts to some of the services listed would result in increases in other areas - for examples - cuts to park facilities, sports
activities, health and human services, result in youth and families not having access to healthy options and making unhealthy
choices increasing police, jail and other costs.
The City should continue with the merge of Dist 2 Fire and PA Fire. The City should work with the County and Sequim
toward a Metropolitatan Police Department that could operate Countywide under governance of a board and have an
appointed chief, etc.
As a private citizen, I have to look for ways to cut costs and to live within the finances I have and I think government should
do the same. We taxpayers can not continue to support bigger government and need to pare down entitlements. We cannot
afford to have our taxes raised and are struggling to pay the ones we already have. This is not the time to ask taxpayers to dig
deeper, as we are at the bottom already. As a business owner, I am cutting employee hours and have cut some employee
entitlements, much to my dislike. However, it needs to be done in order to pay the bills. I think user fees and charges should
come into play with all of these shortfalls, including the library which is seeking to raise taxes for its operations. Many of
these causes are beneficial, however they always look to homeowners who are maxed out.
Eliminate mowing and maintenance of parks and playfields on Saturdays and Sundays. This has to be costing the city
overtime or double time pay. Determine the goals or how the results of this survey will be used before developing it. Will
the results of this survey be seriously used or is it yet another waste of taxpayers money.
I believe animal control services must be restored. We have too many irresponsible dog owners who allow their dogs to run
free in the streets and others who allow incessant barking of their dogs. I personally had an experience of calling the police
for FOUR YEARS about a dog next door that never stopped barking. It took four years to get tickets issued. The problem
immediately stopped after 2 tickets. The police have better things to do with their time. We need animal control back now.
Also the boondoggle with Raionier site is ridiculous. Make THEM clean it up and lets get on with developing something
there that will bring visitors and revenue. Its been what? 13,14 years since it closed? REALLY?
Thank you for the opportunity to take this survey. The questions on this survey are broad and b;ack and white to a certain
degree. What needs to happen in this community is a hard look at money management with a focus on more prudent and
long term spending with positive outcomes. For example, because of the high rate of substance abuse and unemployment, we
have to have law enforcement and fire acting as social services and medical treatment. That in and of itself is not sustainable
and certainly not good business practice. I answered that we should discontinue community development but was not given
the option to say why. There is virtually no community development happening that will promote a strong and sustainable
tax base and living wage jobs. Therefore, discontinue what is currently referred to as "community development" and start
over with people who can see past their own interests. The options you offer are to cut services, raise taxes or increase fees.
That is once again putting the responsibility on individual taxpayers rather than on the city as a whole. The vision for this
community needs to enter the 21 st century while recognizing that this is a community overburdened with social service needs
and leadership that is having difficulty seeing the harsh reality that although we live in a beautiful community it is slowly
dying from lack of foresight.
I am against Harborworks, just for the sake of a tank we should have already built. It's a money pit. We waste resources on
things like the "skeleton" Gateway Center, and we build bridges that already have cracks in the concrete railings. Our
infrastructure is deteriorating. One needs to look out for holes while crossing streets. We all can't have a big piece of the
shrinking pie so we'll have to adjust. Why not contribute to austerity by taking a pay cut? Every small fee, tax, or TBD
seems small, but add them all together and you will have more families struggling to pay.
Ridiculous raising utility rates more than necessary. The City Council needs to pay more attention, we don't need fancy GPS
monitors for public works when we have poor road infrastructure and cannot maintain parks. Focus on customer service
issues and less on city hall.
Cuts need to be made in regard to city officials. Cut positions and or reduce pay. There are to many "special" positions (what
is a DCD?) who are paid way to much. Why are our city (all levels of government) leaders always want to cut services,
money, etc. from the lower level employee. The politicians need to make sacrifices also.
Energy efficiency in buildings; reduce utiltiy costs Fuel efficiency in vehicles; also reduce miles driven Furlough days for
employees (1 /month) Reduce number of managers
Don't hire consultants to do the work of the current staff. If city staff can't make a decision on their own replace them with
qualified staff who can and will. Don't use three people to do the work of one. There's too many city workers standing
around and sitting down around the offices with nothing to do. Put them to work or get rid of them. Stop waisting money on
silly things like the "Gateway Transit Center". This is one of the biggest waste of tax payer money I have ever seen. You've
got acres of parking lots around town that are empty. If you want people to come and shop and spend money downtown then
make parking free. When there's so many people coming to town that we run out of parking space, then start charging for
parking. It's time to start taking advantage of the natural resources. Spend our tax dollars on things like solar pannels and
wind generators. All the lighting along the harbor walkways should be run on solar. This is a no brainer. In regards to the
"Hurricane Ridge" situation, this too is real simple. If you're not going to keep the road open all year there's no reason to have
a ski resort. Period! Use some common sense!!!!!!!
The capital improvement plan needs to be shorter. a shotgun technique is not effective. More attention should be spent on the
non paved streets in the west side of town instead of always upgrading those closest to city hall. The city website is a good
information tool.
many of the categories are too broad to know how to answer. a x reference to their full explanation would be nice. good luck
Why is everything about service cuts? Why is there no discussion about employee benefit/pay cuts or at least freezes? Why
is there no mention of the potential for outsourcing to private firms?
I would like the city to take the budget crisis more seriously. I don't think anyone should be getting raises right now and this
includes the director of Harborworks! Just his raise alone could be someone's entire yearly salary! Also too many levels of
management have to go. Why do we need both a mayor and a deputy mayor. I wish you could see how ridiculous this looks
to the public! Show us you're serious about this and we will back you!
Port Angeles is not a business friendly city. One can only look at Sequim and how they've grown business wise compared to
P.A.. The next subject would be to stop wasting tax payer money on worthless projects and/or commitments, ie..(Gateway
center,Harbor works,Dry creek bridge). Traffic enforcement needs attention, for a city this size there should never be any
traffic congestion.Far too often do i face people going 10-15 under the speed limit. Removing the brick sidewalks and
repaving downtown would be a good idea. Make any major building project over a certain amount have voter approval, that
way were not stuck at looking at a non -tax making eye sore(ie. Gateway center) where the clock tower can't keep time.
Tax dollars should definately not be re routed to United Way. Those who wish to donate, should do so on their own.
Anything we can do to increase the aesthetics of this town would be money well spent. As we look to a "smart" power grid,
and replacement of old lines, we should be burying the power. In addition, since the views here are what makes it so grand,
there should be city ordinance to protect and improve them.
Public safety is #I (Police and Fire) especially when the economy is failing. Crime goes up. Cut the money spent for events
that can be funded by private donations or funding. Increase sales/property tax.
Why does the city redirect my tax dollars to a private fund raising organization with past corruption problems? Stop taking
my tax money and giving it to the United Way. Fund public safety fully, and work to attract new businesses. We need to
take better care of the parks we have, maybe even decide which few we can keep and maintain properly. Having weedy
overgrown public areas is unacceptable. What a dirty mess of a town. Imagine riding on over from lovely downtown
Victoria and being greeted with few or closed businesses, no entertainment, and weeds along the walkways. Yuk. Ugly
powerlines in the views. Stop wasting the beauty we have here. Stop missing the dollars rolling through on the ferries. Get
something going for a night life downtown. Why would anyone stop and spend time and money here? Perhaps the
businesses should have hours that match the ferry traffic. The city is instrumental in developing and promoting our future.
Get the Rayonier site done soon.. and focus on making it look decent for a change.
All services that the City is performing are very inportant. We have to bring in more buisness to the area For example: If
extension of the airport will bring in work, We should do what ever is necessary to make it happen, By promoting are area as
a great location for that type of service. Business licensing for all businesses would bring a small amount of money to the
city. Annual job reviews should be used as a method for removing or demoting people that cannot complete the terms of
their employment. I love this town.
Our family loves living in Port Angeles. We understand the need for careful management of our city's finances. We would
rather pay more for services than see cutbacks made to services that are existing, however all families are feeling the burden
of the economic downturn. Access and maintainance of utilities is essential. Public safety is essential. As in our family
decision making right now - the fun stuff might have to be put on hold. We are also responsible for ensuring value for money
in our homes and in our spending. We expect our city managers to be vigilent in ensuring that all employess (including
management) be held accountable for the completing the terms of their employement.
Marijuana needs to be decriminalized outright if not legalized and marketed here. City of Port Angeles would save money on
enforcement and improve our appeal as a tourist destination by decriminalizing marijuana for adults or at least making it a
"Lowest Priority" to enforcement like Seattle has done. A marked decrease in the street value of marijuana would put more
money in the hands of local business and less in the hands of the drug cartels moving hard drugs into our community whilst
moving guns into Mexico which is now being run by these cartels. A lot of people in Port Angeles use marijuana and don't
spend a lot of money doing anything else; they would be grateful for the gesture and less disenchanted with law enforcement
in these tough economic times.
Need fiber optics - Not a monopoly!
Get rid of the PA HarborWorks Group and their $150,000 salaries. When you got through with all your plans, the Indians
will exercise their prerogatives and take it over. After we have paid for all the cleanup!
Stop participating in Harbor Works!! I have never talked to a resident who approved of it & yet, you continue this farce. Or
is it the pressure from the Port!?
How about ALL city employees sharing in a minimal wage decrease (from clerks to the Mayor to Chief of Police, everyone
on city payroll). On street sweeping - eliminate a week when we have good, heavy rains.
This was "STUPID" to send out a survey like this. What did it cost me?
I would like more information about what a Transportation Benefit District is and how it works. I'm also concerned about
those who are already homeless and unemployed. I hope we can find a way to balance the budget without cutting services
for them or discontinuing free amenities like parks and rec that they can enjoy. Thank you. PS - Take care of stormwater
some other way. Let Rayonier keep the responsibility for toxic cleanup of its old mill site. We can't afford it.
The utilities payments are outrageous! The bill is more than my car payments. I am conservative and use less water and
electricity than last year, but pay more. No wonder newcomers said the "cost of utilities were reasons to reconsider moving
here (P.A.)" PDN 7-12-2010
How can we deal with traffic delays going east out of town? What happened to creating another way? Can the city contact
homeowners about cutting shubbery off sidewalks? Some bushes cover half the sidewalk. Can on-going effort be done to fix
potholes in alleys? What are the yellow round markers on curbs for? (at corners of blocks) Just recently put there.
In some neighborhoods w/ multiple apartment complexes garbage is picked up in a staggered, multi -times -per week basis.
Especially along Front & First. Perhaps they could be coordinated to one-two times per week on the same day for the entire
group of apts. in that area. Many times our container was picked up just two days prior and has almost nothing in it. This is
wasteful, especially where fuel is concerned.
Glass recycling should be curb side and mandatory. We need to get with the global program! ! ! Chickens should be allowed
in city limits for us responsible locals.
As with any situation it only takes a few bad apples to spoil the bunch. The loitering of our youth in Public places where
local or tourist cross paths can be intimidating. The foul language & demeanor of those few can cause people to avoid places
that should be enjoyed by all like the city pier & residential parks.
Cut salaries of city employees.
This is an excellent document. Please publish the analysis of results!
We own two land properties and cost to build in PA is out of control ! There is not new businesses coming into the town and
we have seen tourism decline. There really is not much going on Downtown for shopping and many businesses are leaving
due to poor economy. We tried to build a home a few months ago and when the bids came in we had to put all on indefinite
hold ! The builders in PA are still living back in the hey day of home building. We had hoped they would pass low costs on
to us, but that could not even be discussed. They want you to reduce and remove! We figured why build a brand new home
and it already has lost its value . There are 4 properties for sale on our street and have been for over a year and some two
years ! The amount of homes,etc, for sale in PA alone is enough to make you wonder, who wants to come to PA to live !
What can a young family do for employment? We are disappointed that we could not go forward and build. Building
permits are down in all counties in the surrounding area. Let's face it, Port Angeles is a community that seems to have hard
working struggling people working in all the low paying j obs, if you can find one. There is a lot of money as well, and those
people live their million dollar houses where most persons coming to PA do not realize. These homes are mostly hidden in
the woods and they don't seem to patronize the town. Some are summer homes as well. It appears no new persons are
wanting to move to PA, at best, they are moving out. Port Townsend is fixing up the town and they seem to be booming on
any afternoon. Lots of businesses and plenty of people walking around, shopping, and eating. Port Angeles may be a sleepy
town, but if they don't wake up soon, you won't see it surviving anytime soon. It is sad because about 8 years ago, it was full
of tourists. Some events have chosen not to come to PA and this hurts the city. Yes, it is the economy, the if the real estate
people would drop their prices to entice new homeowners, it could help! Comparing other parts of the country, prices of
homes are just too expensive ! Let's get realistic PA ! We were willing to work with the contractors in order to keep within
a budget, but that word is not in anyone's vocabularly ! We do not see any new homes going up or permits being issued. Just
take a drive on the west side of PA and the number of abandoned housing developments is unbelievable. All those beautiful
trees were cut down for nothing ! The money mongers thought they were going to make a killing and it backfired ! The
city should have monitored this more closely and been a watchdog before they ruined the area. Walker View Estates is a
perfect example, and now it sits with no takes. The State of Washington also should change the law that anyone can come
into the City of PA and apply for a builder's license, they are given one and can start building whatever they want ! The law
makes no sense, and if you don't do your homework and hire some contractor, you could lose your life's savings. We hope
to sell out properties, but don't see that happening anytime soon. I needed a place to voice our concerns !
Please dont continue to balance the budget off the backs of workers and then give raises to the city manager and department
heads and then lay - off the manual labor work force
In these economic times - your suppport of the PDA & the Rayonier project are misguided!!!
On-line city center to do what?
Thank -you for not watering the grass on Lauridsen Blvd. Water is to valuable to waste on green grass.
1- Increasse in taxes makes me spend less in PA. 2- Increase in costs for services discourages me to use those services 3- I
dont see creative approaches to solving deficits. 4- I dont see creative approaches to drawing new business to PA There are
no easy answers, and i wish you the best in your efforts to solving PA's problems.
Officer at Port Angeles High School / Parents s/b responsible. Would just like to keep my home and be able to live in Port
Angeles where i was born and raised.
Paving repairs through downtown on! st & Front should be top priority- Womens restroom @ City Pier have been filthy
unusable ) the last two weeks @ concert on the pier- that doesn't look well for locals or tourists.
Motorcycle Parking Downtown
We already pay over $100.00 to have basic utilities before the cost of consumption. Please don't keep adding to the utility
bill. People have to live within thier budget - The city should do the same. Are some of the employee's paid to much?
Property tax & sales tax are already high enough. Average wages don't seem to increase. How does one pay the rent on
minimum wage?
Lets make sure Port Angeles is a safe community.
Port Angeles is not safe after dark
4th of July parade more floats less trucks - outdoor sports fields keeps kids off drugs along with indoor facilitie. Also helps
w/seniors - waterfront facilities very important w/tourists - public restrooms need better handicap toilets w/ better hand rails
at least 19" high. The ones now hurt seniors w/shoulder injuries - small neighborhood parks for kids :) - dog park not all dog
owners have access to beaches - I have a 49' 9" wide lot cause county took 3" offf my west property line when they bought E.
3rd proffesional business - I use a 4-whel electric scooter & chuck holes are murder - side walk construction especially
lincoln & 7th & NE/SE corner of East 3rd & Laurel - marine life center tourists & school - marketing tourism very important
- CBI Sequim is going to take over PA 35 years ago PA was growing! Now its dying! - Historical Downtown, tourist getter -
Public Safety especially for handicap & seniors; kids protection ffrom pedifiles - Emergency Response, I have used them
how much is this survey costing me? Open later and stay open longer
1. The City should help property owners maintain and improve their current property values by: -trimming the bluff
so that marine views are maintained. When property is sold as "water view" and assessed for that ammenity, than the City
should maintain the bluff so that property values are maintained. Additionally, city rights of way and easements should be
maintained. -derilect housing and overgrown yards must be dealt with. Property owners and landlords should and must
be held accountable. Again, this is esssential to maintaining property/neighborhood/community property values. Lack of
enforcement and accountability is a serious issue in this category. -sidewalk constructiion in neighborhoods should
become a priority as monies become available. Maintaining the property value tax base should become a City priority
especially as values erode in this real estate market 2. City government must become more accountable for the on-time and
on- budget completion of projects. The Gateway Center is an example of an embrassing project that became a boondoogle.
The 8th St. bridges project created havoc in the western neighborhoods as well as destroying several businesses. The
downtown sewer project was also badly managed. There seems to be no accountability for poor performance or cost
overruns. Notice I did not mention the Graving Yard fiasco. 3. While many of the items identified would be nice, in the
current budget realities they are unaffordable and should not be considered. Until expenditures are drastically reduced there
should be no discussion of additional taxes. 4. Finally, until Rayonier is serious about selling their old mill property, the
Harbor Works project should be postponed. The City cannot afford to continue to support a group that is only involved in
protracted conversations. As long as Rayonier is reluctant to sell, there is no need for a paid staffer to manage a non-existant
project. 5. The City needs to exercise serious fiscal restraint. To walk into City Hall and see people sitting around doing
nothing is maddening. Furthermore, numerous employees are simply rude to customers (i.e. Parks and Recreation,
specifically). In other depts. people are very pleasant -utilities, permits. An attitude of the "Taxpayer is always right" should
be th operational policy. 6. Port Angeles is a beautiful city. Perhaps the budget constraints will encourage the City Council,
the Chamber of Commerce and other entities to focus on creating a singular vision for the City. Currently. we seem beset by
competing agendas.
I would like to express my appreciation for the Port Angeles Fine Arts Center and Webster Woods Art Outside. This is a
valuable addition to our community, and its uniqueness is well established. When working as a volunteer docent, I often
hear the comments people make and the appreciation they have for the center. Many come from other cities and states, and
for some it is a feature they have not seen before.
I notice a question about animal control continuing it in the city. I am not aware that there is any such service currently
available in the city. Barking dogs, loose dogs, etc. are a problem in the residential areas in Port Angeles. To my knowledge,
there is no enforcement for barking dogs, etc. in the city. I am not talking about continuous barking all nite. It's a problem at
all hours.
We need to move toward being a green and sustainable city. Focus on walking, biking and mass transit. Make it convenient
to leave the car at home. Keep our central business district and revitalize it. Encourage recycling by making it worthwhile.
Tourism is an important economic factor. Things like the Feiro, the Discovery Trail and our marina/pier attract visitors and
their money as well as providing our citizens with a place to go for fun. Quality of life is an attitude not a price tag.
Please add: required standards for new construction to conform with a northwest style required for existing buildings to
conform with a northwest style signage (the signs and billboards are distracting, unattractive, they lack any kind of style, and
signs should be restricted in height, no higher than 6 feet.
The City serves the community best when it provides for the citizens what the citizens cannot provide for themselves. The
essentials are the items that we cannot get ourselves. We can use other parks. We can have our dogs at home. We can join or
create other organizations for exercise and entertainment. The city does not need to provide these items. We need protection
and help in emergencies and education about the way to take care of our community --trash, marine life, emergency
I suggest a volunteer program to help supplement City services. Such as upkeep and maintenance of parks and playgrounds.
For example: I see the City mowing the walkways along streets where we have no sidewalks. A volunteer program could
take care of that, similar to the groups that take care of small parks and playgrounds. I also think that a group of trained
individuals could possibly enforce parking ordinances, similar to the men who set the radar trailer. The downtown police
officer might be replaced by a volunteer force, so that he could be deployed to more normal police duties. I don't understand
the need for a Transportation Benefit District when we have a City Department that is responsible. It still takes money, either
The Rainier Property Development effort should not be funded. I remain unconvinced that it has achieveable goals. The
Marine Life Center persuades visitors to extend their stay or return to experience more of the strait and ocean. The Center's
hands-on contact with marine life educates the public and results in increased revenue to area businesses. It is an essential
ingredient in the tourist industry.
Help fund a free/low cost medical clinic for the uninsured. Sell the pool to a private company or close it.
I would like to see the Rayonier property cleaned up, but not necessarily developed into anything commercial. A park and
museum would be just fine. I would like more information available about utility outages, preferably posted to a web site
with RSS feed. When the power goes out at work I want to know why, and the sooner the better. Estimates of repair time
would be great too. The city website is essential, but the design is atrocious. At the very least you need a redesign of the
visual appearance. You should seriously consider developing an entirely new site based on a CMS such as Drupal. Finally, I
hope you'll publish results of the survey.
I recently recieved my city monthly utility bill and was appalled at the cost that the city is charging me for water &
wastewater service! over $100.00 this past 30 days! This is absolutely rediculous ! For the amount of water utilized by my
home over this period of time Something needs to be done! With the cost of my property taxes and other monthly utility
bills, over the period of twelve months (1 Year) I am paying over $6,000.00 just for taxes and general services! This is out of
control.... I appreciate all the city does for the general population, however when you are on a retirement (Fixed income) this
is rediculous ! Frustrated ..............................
add curbside glass recycling to next survey
I believe investment in projects and services to increase tourism is worthwhile. Includes things like waterfront trail,
downtown beautification, and other items that visitiors would be attracted too and/or enjoy while here.
Rather than spend money on projects such as The "GATEWAY" and Harbor Works we would have been better served using
those funds for Parks, Water and Street repairs and maintenance. Tell the EPA to go pond sand. Why do I pay a storm water
tax and not be able to wash my car in the street? The monthly water and electric meter base fees are excessive. Other utility
charges are reasonable. Overall the City provides good service but you need to concentrate on essential services. Just because
it feels good doesn't mean we need it.
Seams to be alot of Pawn shops downtown needs more shops to keep people down town and please fix the streets down town.
I think the Port Angeles City Council should grow a collective backbone and do what they were elected to do: govern! They
were elected to make the hard decisions and now they want to hide behind surveys to do the governing! Grow a backbone
City Council. Have some political will you giant collection of weenies!
I think the parking situation in downtown PA is unfriendly and inconvenient. The street and public parking lot parking areas
should allow for 3 free hours of parking Monday through Friday between 8:00 am - 5:00 pm, and be free all the rest of the
time and on holidays. I think the parking signs should clearly state that, so that after hours and on weekends people parking
downtown don't have to worry about getting a parking ticket. Do people actually get parking tickets after business hours &
on weekends? If not, then why not clearly state that to put their minds at ease. People should be able to go out to dinner and
a movie and not have to worry about moving their car in a two or three hour timeframe in order not to get a ticket. Let's not
make parking an inconvenience to our local folks and out-of-towners. It is unreasonable to expect them to move their car
every 2 or 3 hours when a special event is going on. If we are trying to attract people to our great town, then let's give them
pleasant memories. Let's not give them memories of how hard it is to find a parking space for a weekend or evening during
fun events and socializing downtown.
Continued outreach to the public is essential to promoting a more environmentally aware public to promote conservation of
energy, water, waste handling, preservation of nature. It is especially important that we educate our youth to respect the
environment. We can no longer afford to pass on to the future generations our legacy of waste and greed.
Take a look at Port Angeles and Sequim. Port Angeles has went down hill. The streets are horrid in the downtown area. It is
wrecking my brand new car. Port Angeles has gone from beautiful, safe town to a run down crime town. Sequim is taking
over the beauty and businesses. We have a good advantage with the mountain and the ocean but we spent so much money on
the bricks for sidewalks downtown... look at them now ... look at the streats. Horrible! We have homeless bugging us on the
city pier which used to be beautiful and safe. Not anymore. Look at the old abandan buildings in town too. On 8th and
Lincoln it has a dirt pile where the Around Clock deli building was and next to that an abandon car wash and next to that and
abandan flower shop and next to that an abandon fast food joint. 4 empty spots right next to each other. Not a pretty site.
Sequim is getting Port Angeles businesses and beauty.
I wish we could get better enforcement on autos that are not meeting exhaust standards. It's really getting bad. Also, too
many vehicles don't have legal mufflers. Noise control is really getting bad, especially around the high school area as kids
are pulling their mufflers off & replacing with loud pipes.
Increased services to the elderly; better protection from elder abuse. Our elderly residents don't deserve to be abused in any
way! They should be able to report such behavior to the proper authorities without fear of retaliation!!
Added businesses, tourism, and development of the Raynier site into something that tourist ships or events could use would
benefit the local economy and bring in monies for needed repairs to roads and funding to programs in need. The city needs to
be aware of things for tourists to do in the evenings and weekends that will keep them entertained and coming back for more.
Suggest doing something about the mill yard that blows chip dust down First street - you cannot see very well, it gets in your
eyes. What will tourists think? Also, Port Angeles stinks - prevailing wind is from the West and everything stinky is at that
end of town. Clean it up, make it smell better, look better, feel better and it will be better. If we take a little pride, honor
those doing good (in the neighborhood to make their business or home look nice) and make sure those not taking care of their
abandoned homes, cars, garbage, etc. are made to clean it up, it would all be better. Better rebates for utilities. Option for
Port Angles to have Wind power and turn it into a money maker for the city.
Licensing of dogs & cats needs enforcing. City-wide newsletter w/util statement. July 4th Parade-DT Assoc. Extended list
of recycling services. Yard waste curbside services for free. Street sweeping & snow/ice removal only when/where needed.
#I -Maintenance of street medians. Rayonier property development-at what cost?? PA tourism could be better and broader
with other NOP entities. Street/sidewalk/alley improvments later, as in 2013. Public Safety??-Excuse me, please review
Goal/Mission and responsibilities of the City. city Hall permits-Mon/Wed/Fri; Transfer Station Mon-Thurs/Sat. I would
support sales tax increase only. Increase user fees and charges on what? All employees wages frozen for 2011 & 2012 at
2010 level. City to cover increase in employee's medical benefits for 2011 to keep benefit coverages at the 2010 level.
Recycle responsibility of Helen F's office will be to devote her time to increasing (all) plastics thru the present waste
contractor. Port Angeles is becoming the senior center for aging citizens, and a mecca for many "social services" and is
consequently producing more RX and "supplemental" plastic containers (for garbage disposal) than ever before. Therefore,
there needs to be more effort in demanding and solving the present no "hard plastics" rule for recycling. If the city's mission
statement is primarily: safety, Fire, Utilities, Infrastructure for its citizens, then all other "Citizen Wants" will be extensively
reviewed for overall benefit to the MAJORITY of the taxpaying supporting public. Financially supporting some social
services, Waterfront Trail, additional sport activities may be reduced or eliminated until the City's income becomes greater
than valid and planned expenditures until (at least) year 2013's preliminary budget review.
Replace Lauridsen Bridge only if unsafe. I did vote for a tax increase for the pool, but I can't afford unlimited property tax
increases. I DEFINITELY SUPPORT expenditures for the Arts & Library, which is very well used. I think the City should
purchase the former Gottschalks building & turn it into an arts center that would be more inclusive than what we have now. I
have lived in other cities which have done wonderful things with Arts/Recreation Centers for all ages!
Rayonier property development -STAY OUT OF IT!
Discontinue Harborworks - cut our losses before they are worse. Overtime freeze City-wide, including utilities. If an
EMERGENCY requires staff to respond, instead of overtime, give them comp time off. This alone would save thousands of
dollars. Discontinue the flouridation of the City water. Look into even the smallest savings within the City expenditures - it
all adds up. Quit raising utility rates to cover over spending. Citizens are already struggling to make ends meet. Continue to
support Humane Society and United Way.
Many items listed in the survey are rather small expenses and will make little difference to the budget. 1. Keep public
protection, fire and police. This does not mean more personnel, but it does mean minimum loss of personnel and ongoing
interagency cooperation. 2. Support business and economic stability until growth is possible. Services to attract business and
tourism, if successful, bring money into the community. 3. Keep the sports programs if they bring in money. 4. Get rid of
HarborWorks. The directors salary alone equals the cost of many items on the survey. Float a bond issue to build a
stormwater retention facility elsewhere, or use the money the city contributed to HarborWorks. There may be other money
sinkholes to eliminate also, but this is one obvious one. 5. There is absolutely nothing wrong with the Lauridson/Race bridge.
The idea to replace it comes from a misguided idea for a truck route that is being quietly pushed by the planning department.
The bridge was inspected and declared safe and if the budget is tight, we can live without a southern truck route through
residential neighborhoods (maybe even if the budget isn't tight we can too). Priorities; If it is true that the city is in dire
financial straits, then act like it. Keep everything that brings in money and dump everything that doesn't... and don't be afraid
to cut staff where it is appropriate.
I would like to add that a decrease in the City's finance department staffing would be a huge saving to the City. This
department has grown in size tremendously in the last 10 years, while other departments have remained static.
too much spent on consultants too many deputy directors cap on overtime how many computer systems are essential
What kind of "public safety" for a special property/sales tax consideration? Promote use of internet/online for Utility
payments/permits. Decrease Transfer Station by 10% Decrease Parks & Recreation by 10% Price of utilities is okay except
for garbage service. I get screwed having to pay same garbage rates when I produce 1/10th the garbage a family of 4 does! I
have had generally good experiences with the overall operations of the City of PA. I feel safe in my neighborhood and I
enjoy the parks, recreation and commerce provided. I'm just really sorry that 8 years of abule of this whole country by a
Republican administration in Washington DC has trickled down nothing but grief on all of us in this country, in small towns
and large cities everywhere. I curse the day Reagan was elected and immediately started tearing down the U.S., handing it all
over to the rich & privileged.
As a basic principle, ALWAYS make the user pay, rather than everyone. (that's socialism/communism) A perfect example is
the swimming pool. AND: Eliminate the massive & constant use of high paid outside "experts" to do everything. Some
locals have to know what they are doing, else why were they hired in the first place?"
Make Rayonier clean the Rayonier property. The fixed utility account fee needs to be eliminated because: 1. It punishes those
who are conserving by INCREASING their relative unit cost. 2. It punishes single & elderly for the same reason. 3. It
DECREASES conservation by reducing the savings to the customer. 4. It is only being used to maintain a high income flow
for the utility departments. 5. It REDUCES utility department incentive to innovate & reduce costs of operation. WATER
LOAD. also, reduce new vehicle purchase by using all vehicles for 140,000 miles before replacing. Maintenance costs less
than vehicle depreciation, usually.
1. People who are in the business of breeding animals (cats & dogs) should be required to have a business license & upon the
sale of their animals should be required to charge a sales tax. 2. People who have "issues/challenges" should be required to
stay off the main PA streets such as Front, 1 st, Race, Lincoln. They should be regulated by the business with whom they are
affiliated. They are seen roaming said streets from early AM to late nite - it is the first observation by newcomers, etc., & in
leaving PA, it has become the last. Property on said streets has experienced vandalism! Seemingly there is little or no
followup or follow through regarding this situation!
like to see a total ban on fireworks city and county - continue the 4th public fireworks diaplay
Cut the pay for Police, Fire and City Manager and City Light workers.
Port Angeles could partially balance the budge by enforcing traffic laws downtown -crosswalks are UNSAFE. Downtown
Resource Officer is a great concept -unfortunately he is rarely evident. He yells at kids skateboarding but ignores speeders,
crosswalk hazards. Vandalism and graffiti mostly occur at night -that's when we need an officer.
city to make larger signs for truckers to follow truck route and not use lincoln street
You did not give the option of a thumbs -down response in the matter of Rayonier Property Development. That is regrettable.
We believe the Harborworks Commission should be dissolved.
1. Why are we wasting time & money to acquire a water storage tank on Love Canel Annex? Let the former owners clean it
up at their cost! 2. City Hall rocks! Whether applying for a building permit, or seeking information, we always receive
prompt, courteous service (in person). However, emails and phone calls are rarely returned. Perhaps this is an area that
TANF workers could be trained to offer admin support.
Get rid of Harbor Works. What happened to our parks? It seems like baseball gets all the work done on parks. Go look at
Lincoln Park! Used to be one of the best parks when I was a kid or when my kids were kids. More attention to our Parks.
sales tax increase hurts businesses / some cuts of services could be made Rayonier Property is a questionable venture given
the results of the grave yard site / Ediz Hook is a desirable place for our visitors / much could be made of value
Rayonier property development for public access not private
Office hrs could be cut. You don't have to advertise for tourists to come to our city. Keep it to a minimal amount. No more
retreats. Stay home to save money.
Cut all City employee's pay 10% Cut Taxes Cut Government Get rid of the City Manager Let the City Council do their job.
Charge the farmers $2,000 a weekend. it way too CHEAP! Get rid of school superintendant and staff.
Specifically sales tax increase over property tax increase.
1. Sell and/or reduce size of city parks 2. Promote higher density use in city core areas so servies are not spread to west and
east ends of city.
due to bad economic times - cut wastefull spending - gateway downtown was not needed - building elwa bridge was a bis
waste in spending - stop spending money on discovery trail - not needed - removing elwa dams is a big waste of money - do
away with big gas guzling transit buses - not enough people riding them - cut down on police - sheriff and state patrol -
everytime you turn a corner you see a cop car - quit spending on schools until teachers can get students to learn - cut taxes to
improve economy not increase taxes
Not enough info to make thoughtful decision so left lots blank. Very difficult to make decisions without understanding what
each program entails. Lots of people do not realize what they will lose until it is gone. Would have been helpful to have an
online source that explains each program, although I realize that takes time and money. Seems like many programs could be
cut back without losing essential benefits.
NO HARBORWORKS ! You already cut services/facilities Need levy for PA Library -important w/recession. No more raises
to administration when a good share of the tax payers are unemployed. No raises to the Unions! No raises to City Council.
give more funds for the business incubator and make sure that those who are in charge of it do not have a conflict of interest.
In the past, poor management has affected sucess of the facility. Do not give anymore money to Harbor Works. Let the State
and Rayonier be totally responsible for cleaning up the site. Control of the Rayonier site by the city is not going to benefit the
residents of PA and in the long run only benefit developers. In these tough economic times, the city should concentrate on
public services and public safety.
Cuts to services -Some cuts ok Local property and/or sales tax increase -absolutely NOT Increase user feesa do charges -too
high already Creation of Transportation Benefit District for street improvements -need more info to make judgement Too
many "pet" projects, like the EDC. What is a LUXURY and what is a NECESSARY? Basic maintenance of city functions as
versus $300.00 office CHAIRS? Time to clean up -clean out and cut the FAT. Really!
Cuts to services other than police, fire, education. Need also to look at welfare programs: 1. Are able-bodied recipients
required to provide service to City for service received? 2. Are persons with dependencies required to submit to treatment? Is
it offered? 3. Are dependent mothers required to attend classes on birth control, parenting, etc? 4. Are truely needy (disabled,
sick, etc) given priority? 5. etc.
cut excessive budget items as much as possible / encourage surplus sales instead of waste of goverment items / allow small
businesses to be open downtown year round / parking for free for ferry traffic ( need Rv - trailer - boat area ) / NO MORE "
special Indian Right's " as we ALL benefit fron our heritage ( White American Center ) Develope the Rayonier Pier for
larger cruise ship ports / eatery for more tourist traffic to stay
Use much less water on parks and rec fields. Reduce lighting time at Civic Field. Parks Dept should organize volunteers to
care for neighborhood parks. Encourage High School administration to set up standard of behavior program with penalties
and enforcement. Make results of survey available to public.
Why are we wasting City time & money redoing the lights at the bus station? Reduce City Works & have community service
assigned to do weedeating & clean up around town like the chain gang. Improve customer service - ANSWER PHONE
Children / Public Safety / Transportation / Emergency Services VERY IMPORTANT
Please do not keep flouridating our drinking water!
The alley near my house has needed chuck holes filled for a long time. Between Race & Washington - between 4th & 5th
stop hiring people at six figures salaries that do nothing for the average tax paying citizens
1. Creation of Transportation Benefit District 2. Increase user fees / charges 3. Local property and/or sales tax increase 4.
Cuts to services and facilities
No public money should be paid to non -profits. If i wanted my money to go to them, i'll donate myself
Cuts to service and facitlite s -which ones? -this would be foolish Get rid of PDA -it's nonessential and waste of money. If
Harborworks goes, we'll have money for other options that are essential. Street lighting -have reflectors so light goes down
and cuts down on light pollution. Paycuts for Kent Myers and Glen Cutler and Yvonne(budget director) Invasive weed
control. Use non-toxic means first. Disban Harborworks! Restore Ennis Creek instead of trying to build something
unnecessary on another Indian burial site. There are too many items on this survey that are vague (yet others are VERY
specific) so it's difficult to respond.
Until our tax base and tax revenues are expanded, there may be the need to cut services and increase user fees. I am
impressed with the professionalism and commitment of the City staff. Notwithstanding the current econcomic downturn, the
city budget must prioritize the revitalization of our Downtown core and Waterfront.
City Hall business counter open all day fridays
We do not need any increase in taxes or raises in water -sewer -utilities -it's too much already -we are getting more expensive
and it's not helping people stay in the area or businesses -becoming very hard to live here in Port Angeles -and Washington
I've an aggressive dog. It'd be nice to know when the meter guy comes, so I can put dog inside. Thank you.
I am very much against acquisition of Rayonier property and development
5% across the board decrease in ALL employee wages
stop spending money we don't have and never will, thanks
Public safety must remain the primary focus of city government. Thank you for the new 8th street bridges and the repairs to
the streets on the west side. Hopefully next on the list to fix is Front Street, which is extremely rutted and rough to drive on.
Thank you for the opportunity to take this survey.
Make Rainier clean up their mill site. Every dime paid by them ..... just like BP in the gulf.
Get rid of Harborworks.
Supports enforcement of downtown parking ordinances for business owners only - not for shoppers! Street sweeping not
important but maybe not as often! Conference center - "New One?" Replacement of Lauridsen Blvd. Bridge at Race Street
only if unsafe! Public Safety - "Very broad subject" City Hall business counter, City Hall permits counter, Transfer Station
hours of operation has no opinion due to being retired can come whenever open. Fire/Medic I - Emergency response, Police
Emergency respons, Dispatch (911) has no opinion - "luckily have never needed to use!"
Thanks for asking folks opinions - These are especially tough choices when you realize there are jobs attached to them -
peoples' livelihood at stake. Good luck! I hate the thought of increased taxes. My property tax already is high. My utility
bill increased 30% with less electrical/water usage. Ahhhhh! Why does wastewater cost more than water consumption?
Reduce number of civil service employees to minimum. Way over staffed as is.
Dog Park: NO to dogs Pothole patching/Road resurfacing: if in your area CBI/Downtown Main St Prog/EDC/Business
attraction/retention: Do not know about them No sales tax increase for Civic Field
Has X between Parks & Recreaton Stay the Same/Decrease with notation "a sign on 2 ???
1. Reduce administrative costs 2. Increase enforcement of speeding in residential areas. Way too many car accidents w/high
s?? costs. 3. Protect all kid and family oriented programs (sports, arts, fields) 4. Garbage/recycling fees seem very high
relative to other areas, particularly since collection is every other week.
Why are sewer and water fees so outrageous?
Do something about the religious people who ring your door bell and invade your privacy as well as interrupt what you're
doing to peddle their religion. They are in a sense peddling and should required to have a license like anyone else.
Parks are nice but our residential streets are falling apart. Chip seal now or pay big later.
City is not doing a good job on weed control.
Use more online services BAN PLASTIC WATER BOTTLES Increase $ to VIMO until healthcare reform is going United
Way has TOO much administrative costs. They are outright obnoxious in the arm twisting of employees Check every little
nook & granny for wasted money. Look at old programs & see if they are still useful. Turn the lights off at night! Increase
recycling -GET RID OF PLASTIC BAGS. Have stores charge Scents a bag & give to city half & store half for admin of
We need to reduce the size of government and reduce taxes
We all need to think back when we didn't have all this stuff. Please, back to basic needs..... Police, Fire Not everyone gets
cost of living increases & medical - cut your benefits & join the rest of us.....
Seems high -sewage garbage
I do not think Port Angeles can "afford" to cut Public Safety and Public Welfare costs, programs, etc. This city is on the
verge of being one of the least safe cities I have ever lived and that would include New York City, Seattle, and Portland. We
live in a place where it is legal to "brand" our children, CPS workers jobs are being cut or delegated to apathetic individuals,
and money for education (in levies) is denied.
Don't waste any more $$ on Harborworks! Transportation center needs LOAD/UNLOAD space. Include personel reduction
i.e. City Manager's office, etc.
Clean up, spruce up town. Utility services excellent (former PUD customer)
No opinion to the above options to balance the budget.
Automation of meter reading services -providing the metering is accurate and the fees normally charged reduce the utility bill.
Cuts to services and facilities -What and how much? Creation of Transportation Benefit District for street improvements -
Rayonier property development a huge waste of money! Too many police Please stop wasting money on Harborworks and
think of a viable solution to the CSO problem.
Monthly costs simply keep increasing -wish the monies collected were (accountability) well distributed. Public money -pots
always cast an allure!
Business attraction & retention: Are we doing this? No new taxes! We need to consider more appropriate measures to attract
businesses to Port Angeles. Why are restaurants & stores going in @the City of Sequim & not Port Angeles? We need the
tourism of the cruise ships & at present we have little to offer. We need to expand our airport also. Thanks.
Public restrooms: Yes! Price of utilities is fair for the service received -NOT FAIR Local property and/or sales tax increase:
Animal Control Services: Do we have? Too many dogs running loose
The best way to balance the budget would be to cut the non essential jobs. There are too many employees doing too little
work. There are too many non essential requirements for those jobs. The over head to run City essentials to too large. Cut
the jobs and you'll save the money. Too much paper work is generated. As a small business owner, I have watched an
alarming increase of government workers in our town ... city, county and state. It's wrong. We can't support this overhead!
You need to tighten your belts. We have. Your turn.
Prioritise expenditures and live within the budget. Do not raise taxes!!
Vision. Essential. Leadership. Essential. New direction. Essential. Trying to turn the Rayonier site into another mill or
developing other industry? That is just continuing in old lines and is inviting another graving yard disaster. Forget it. Get the
site cleaned up by the company that polluted it. Make the Discovery Trail running through that area clean so that the first
impression of PA for hikers and bikers coming along that trail is positive. Put a museum there for Tribal heritage, for the
coop communities that flourished there, for the logging industry that was so vital there for many decades. How about a living
recreation of a Native American village, something like Colonial Williamsburg on the East Coast? Think of the waterfront
areas as invaluable residential, arts and recreation and tourism areas. Industry can develop without threatening tribal relics or
natural beauty spots. Look at the success of Angeles Composite.
The city MUST begin living within its budget. I AM TAXED ENOUGH ALREADY! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! STOP THE DAMN
TAXATION! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! From the Federal Government to the state to the county to the city. Kill recycling
environmental regulation stifling business. Cut salaries to the upper tier of the city's workers and get rid of the nice cushy
pension, retirement and vacation plans. I work my ass off, and I am barely making it. 8.00 cigarettes and 9 dollar 6 packs of
beer?!?!? Our country and state is a bastion of liberal/socialist goons telling me I MUST pay more for the "disadvantaged"
and return the wealth to its "rightful owners". I am an AMERICAN! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! A NATIVE AMERICAN because I was born
here, and all you people can seem to do is raise more taxes, and screw up ALL that you touch. Is that clear enough for you?
So, how about giving us the straight poop on what the city has as actual expenditures, AND income. Things like the trust
fund, politician fund, councilmans fund, and all of the programs you receive money for, and tax us to implement. How much
in the way of State grants are awarded, and for what? Can we put politics aside and get real here? When are we going to see
common sense return? We, as citizens have been promised items, like police and fire protection and now you want MORE
money. The Library, etc?
I do not see any administrative cuts included here. I do not support the hidden increase in taxes and fees that is represented
by a decrease in services while costs remain the same. Why are we spending half a million per year to support a pool that
used to run with volunteers and nickels and dimes? Why are we paying funding and salaries to an organization to promote
Rayoneer property when it wont be available for several more years and never if the tribes have their way. Why do we spend
money on a flouride program in our water when the vast majority of people dont want it at all as evidenced by those
signitures your predecessors refused to look at? Lets create our own power generation program and stop doing business with
BPA so we make the profit.
Cut back on bus size and frequency of route service; concentrate on rush hours. Learn to live within your means, an old
adage, it works.
Charge each californian transplant a one time $5,000 fee. This community could put in gold plated public toilets.
City salaries and benefits should take into consideration the economic realities of Port Angeles and not be based on cities of
similar size with higher average wages and lower unemployment. Property assessments for this area are too high. How many
of the empty houses around here are really worth what they were ten years ago? Look at why more businesses are opening in
Sequim. What could Port Angeles do to attract some of those businesses here? What is their permitting process like? Make
more use of organizations like the YMCA and Salvation Army for sporting events and tournaments. Make use of empty
facilities like closed schools.
I have been "on" this issue going on 3 years now. Have emailed City of PA re:Utility Payments. As well, I've attended
meetings and mentioned same as well as talking to service rep @cashier office for PAUTILITIES. What I suggest it to make
available "AUTO -PAY" They apparently have the capacity (software program) but employees haven't been trained to utilize
it. I travel often and all my bills can be paid automatically by my bank and through charge card - all without my intervention.
Why can't this be implemented for all us who have computer access and prefer not to receive paper bills, instead just
notification via email that a bill has been paid in full on my behalf. Wouldn't this also eliminate having a cashier accept
payments @front counter? The only way to pay now is not optimal for those of us who only have access to computers while
@home & none available while traveling. Too insecure to do banking on public computers.
No more funding for Harbor- Works.
Civic Field renovation is essential. Needs to be a year round facility to accomodate not only local events, but to attract
tournaments, etc. bringing extra revenue to the city. Would more than pay for itself.
Please STOP wasting money on Harbor Works. Cleaning up the Raynier site is Rayniers' problem. The City cannot afford to
spend funds on Harbor Works!
Consider peak hour utilities option. Consider turning off alternate street lights a few minutes at a time at night to save
electricity. Encourage volunteers for beautification and maintenance.
It costs more to throw garbage, then buy it. recycle more monitor it waste water costs too much -don't flush fix the potholes
and stripe the streets. why no lines by McDonalds on Front Street? Fix Tumwater bridge -never fixed from 8th st traffic
charge by garbage pounds and when dumped.
Now we should have as many city jobs as possible. By laying off workers we slow spending of city coffers - simply to ramp
up employment. This does not work. It is time to hire service people and increase spending. Where to find the money is
another matter. Green jobs might be the way of the land in years to come. Everybody is cutting services - myself included.
Unemployed for most of the last 2 years. I believe we are ripe to change the way we do service business. It needs to be more
self sustainable.
Consider reducing salaries of management level city employees to be more in line with local industries considering benefit
program city employees have.
City Hall business counter hours -Increase Police Station -increase It is difficult to pay for license tabs or pay a parking ticket
for people who work. Think about it. By the time I get off work the City closes its doors.
Start cutting pay raises, vacation, sick leave, cost of living raise, overtime, reg hours, for ALL CITY EMPLOYEES, Let
home owners vote on all tax raises.
Public Restrooms-open 24/7 Parks and Recreation -Open restroom facilities 24/7
The city should not of funded Harborworks with so called " loans " or any other way. The longer Harborworks exists, the
more money it will waste. Harborworks should come to an abrupt end now! *Reduce lawn mowing, watering and other lawn
Price of utilities is fair for the service recieved - except sewage
1- no tax payers money for Harbor Works without a vote of city voters. Let Rayonier pay and then sell to whom ever. 2- All
city workers work 4 days per week. 3- Quit 2 hour coffee and lunch breaks. 4- Forget about building Promonade on water
front. Waste of money.
stop using union labor and put all projects out to poen bid with no restrictions. Suspend enviromental considerations use
commen sense not mandated polocies. Do not involve EPA or DOE in any projects and refuse to awknowledge their
existance. Cut salaries and benefits ( that never should of been raised ) to 2006 levels. Reject state unfunded mandates!
Price of utilities: Too high Use inmates to clean up streets, take care of animals at humane society and anything else.
I am not happy we have to hire agencies to do engineering when we have a city engineer. We do not need someone else to do
these jobs -why do we have a city engineer any way? Lets make our present man power work for us and not just have a few
people on the payroll that do nothing.
City wide newsletter -That is what website is for Dog Park -we live on coast -use the beach Independence Day Fireworks -
privatize Downtown Main Street Program -What is it? Streets/sidewalks/alley improvements -not just now Cut floridation to
public water! If tooth decay is REALLY your concern, get people educated about the processed foods they are eatiing! It is
SHAMEFUL that "dentists" run the city water quality -really! Public parking downtown should be free for up to 4 hours. The
meter maid shoulud not be grinning like a cheschire cat all day long. It's freaky. Encourage people to go downtown. Not
discourage. Make an anti spitting bylaw(downtown) -she could ticket them instead.
The city should take a long, hard look at all travel done by city employees. Any travel should be for training specific to the
employee's job; no conferences for 'networking' with other professionals. The city should also be looking at salaries for
non-union personnel and considering a salary decrease that would be for a finite period of time; one or two years. If
possible, consider re -opening the contracts with the unions for one-time wage descreases. There are no 'sacred cows' during a
budget crisis. All employees, including fire dept, should be subject to any wage decrease.
Generally, stop raising taxes and offering new levies. We just don't have the money to absorb increased costs. Let's not
continue in the mode of State and Federal. Also, revise "laws" to allow only property owners to vote in matters regarding
property taxes.
Frankly I'm disgusted with the idea of Historic Underground Renovation done at taxpayer expense when it would only help a
very small number of businesses (despite what the ideas proponents would say). This item shouldn't have even been listed on
this survey!
No more taxes. Turn down the heat and airconditioning in city offices. Develop a comprehensive and integrated plan with
state and county for development of downtown PA. Apply for and expedite federal grants for improvement of development.
say no to COLA raises especially at this time when taxpayers are seeing their income decline - city employees should share
in that downturn as well. Keep jobs, but shrink labor costs. Go to a 4 day work week, or a 36 hour week for all but
emergency personnel
Street lights do not make a neighborhood safer. Burglars can find a dark corner or an unlit back yard even when there are
street lights on. Street lights cause glare which makes it hard to see someone who is in the shadows. Street lights cause light
pollution. When I stay at my Mom's house I have to put a black trash bag over the window because there is a street light just
outside of the bedroom window. If street lights must be installed they should have what is called a Hubble Hood. The
Hubble Hood allows the light to be aimed down onto the ground so the glare from the light does not blind drivers and
pedestrians. The Hubble Hood allows lower wattage lamps to light the ground more effectively. Street lighting causes the
night sky to be pink by all the glare. Kids today don't even know what the constellations are any more. What a waste of
electricity to light streets! Cars have headlights and do not need street lights on every block. Dog parks should be paid for
by dog license fees When my step father died in Port Angeles last May 5th I wasted a lot of time and money going from one
office to another getting his affairs in order. The death certificate took 3 trips to the health department. Why not make it an
on-line service? Online bill pay for utilities and taxes would save city the expense of sending paper bills and having to
deposit checks. The money would be in the city sooner with electronic bill pay straight from the bank. Safer too since no
daily deposit of large amounts of money and checks would be reduced. Electric meters should be of the type that send billing
information to the utility department so that the meter does not have to be physically read every month. Citizens who use the
911 service to call for an ambulance should be reminded that the service is not free. My mother and step -father call 911
much too often. My mother should be in an assisted living center because she falls so often. She thinks she can just call 911
and those nice young men come and pick her up again. This is not fair to the system and when there is a real emergency and
someone might be having a heart attack the EMT's are going to my Mom's house to pick her up off the floor. She does not
realize how much it costs for the ambulance to come to her house. Yes, I am in favor of 911 when there is a real emergency,
but people who use this service too often, like my mother, need to be made aware of the fact that it is very expensive.
Utilities are disproportionately high. We came from Eastern Washington where our water cost was $33.33 every 3 months!!
The wastewater costs are way too high as they come in at more than the cost of water? How can you have more wastewater
than you use and consume???? The electric costs are high and are scheduled to skyrocket in the next few years. The City of
PA needs to take the increasing costs into mind along with the high number of unemployed and the extremely limited
assistance available in this community. When electric is raised by BPA many in PA will have to survive without electricity.
You need to cut non-essential services (essential being police, fire, medical emergency, City offices) and get rid of the rest
just like we have had to do in our homes. Also freeze all raises for all city/county workers (state has been frozen for over a
year) and look at benefits cuts (state employees are paying $400+ per month for their medical coverage with high deductibles
and co -pays). If you remove medical and government employees from the annual median income you will find it is actually
around $14000.00 gross for families to live on or an adjusted net income of $11480.00. What about rent control??? Rents
here are as high as Seattle but jobs pay much less. All rentals should have to pass inspection and be city licensed and taxed
with rent amounts subject to a rental board who will compare rents and average income for a fair percentage for those who
work for a living. Run the slum lords out.
You need to make this a city that a business would want to locate to, not drive them away.
Road maintenence is a must! City development should attempt to salvage or enhance the older buildings and businesses
instead of making room for commercial and chain stores. Walgreens was a bust. Let's try to keep the old town charm with
new age amenities. 101 just outside east of golf course road looks horrible, around Saars marketplace. The adult video trailer
is an embarassment to our town. Where is the ordinance against that type of place. Thank You!
Can't answer the four questions above -- they aren't specific enough.
At this time I think it would be prudent to cut all spending that is not relevent to a working city. This means only funding for
infrustructor (that which only benifits the public as a whole, ie: roads, bridges, utilities. Not building "gov. monuments".)
Public safety ie. police, fire, emergency, ect. and the judicial system. Then cut all taxes especially business and property. If
we could be the first city to get rid of property tax and promote the true freedom of home ownership it would go along way of
people wanting to live here. Cutting business taxes would give business more money to hire and grow themselves. With
more people working and able to keep more spending money. The sooner this town will grow, with private sector growth.
And with private growth there will be more private wealth which would be spent and then taxed. It's time to cut government
spending not cut personal spending by overtaxation. When given the chance, people can take care of themselves.
City-wide newsletter -use the newspaper to save $ + use the website on internet Picnic facilities -have enough City
beautification -use donors -place names on planters etc. Debris removal -try service club volunteer to save $ or prisoners
Rayonier -no to Harborworks! Conference center -already have one Vern Burton Downtown Main Street Program just a bunch
of 2nd hand shops down there -looks terrible I would support a special property/sales tax -My house value has gone down but
prop tax is more -it's ridiculous Renovation of Civic Field -too expensive right now City Hall permits counter -not too many
people building Stop hiring consultants at expensive rates -the supervisors and people hired should be making decisions -
seems like everyone is afraid to make a decision so they spend our money letting consultants do the work! Stop Harbor
works immediately -I have not talked to one person who is for it. Use prisoners or volunteer groups to pick up garbage along
streets of help maintain the parks under your supervision. Only have essential services provided + cut back hours/manpower
in rest of dept. just like the private sector has done. EVERYONE has to make sacrifices like we have done in the private
sector -I'm a teacher and most veryone I know has had hours cut, wages frozen or friends laid off-gov't workers shouldn't be
exempt from hard economic times we all have to make sacrifices.
lower water ragtes in order for us to keep our town green.
I would support the following options in order to balance the budget: None of these pay attention to spending. Have
WORKING supervisors at the city and public utilities. Get those guys out of the trucks and WORKING. WASTES money.
Have city meter readers workers wear standardized uniforms. They are frightening. How much did this stupid survey cost?
Can't our elected officials figure this out? Set your priorities SIMPLE.
The City of Port Angeles is currenity top heavy in administrative positions and salary and the past 10 years our City Council
has had no foresight in what is truly needed in the community to stablize revenue and maintain a stable base for new
residents. Utility costs are way out of line with other communities this size and will continue to rise with Federal/State
government standards that are mandated because we continue to accept grants with strings attached
Price of utilities is fair for the service received -water & sewer outrages Stop "Habor Works" now. It should never have been
initiated and has mad 0 improvements. Why is our water undrinkable and our rates to high?
On a rotating basis I works as a cross walk guard at Lauridson and Race St. Cars do not respect the school zone sign because
the first sign to be seen when going through the intersections is the 30 mile/hour sign. Please reverse the signs so the school
zone sign is the first to be seen. We have had meetings (we meaning Franklin School) with the city but no improvements
have been made. Another meeting with those involved at Franklin school would be helpful. Please consider this.
You cut the wages of the one's that work to keep the city looking nice, then brag in the paper how much you saved then turn
around and give the useless manager a raise, then wonder where the money went. When it comes to fixing the streets
downtown there is no money but when contract tiime comes there seems to be plenty.
Get out of Harbor Works or put it up to a public vote.
Quit making it so hard for big box stores (dept, Home Improvement)to come to P.A. We all use to go to Silverdale to shop;
now we go to "Sequimdale" to shop. There is NO EXCUSE a Dept Store isn't in the old Gottchalks bldg. by now. Are you
charging too much for the bld, making the cost of permits too high for someone wanting to be in downtown? This city keeps
hiring consultants over the years yet we still don't have any places to shop besides Wal-Mart, Swains & a couple expensive
small stores downtown. Then theres the eyesore Chinook Motel that is a TOTAL EMBARRASMENT to this City!! Make
them remove the sign; put a fence around it. Park Ave is nothing but chuck holes. Why is PA having a 4th of July Parade?
It's in competitions w/the annual Forks 4th of July Parade. That's like having a P.S. parade the same day Seq. has the
Irrigation Festival.
Reduce city council to 3 members. In last 40+ yrs. PA population has increased 20%; city council increased 133%. What's
wrong with this picture? Reduce administrative overhead. Stop putting money into fiascos like Gateway. The 5 million spent
there would have repaired many streets. The city is in worse shape than it's ever been in. Forget the Rayonier property. We
don't need it or the expense it is incurring and will in the future. Let Rayonier handle it (of the state of the US or the indians)
Anybody but the taxpayers."
Office for Port Angeles downtown: @ night Give Civic Field to School District, quit paying for the upkeep. Cemetery should
go private. Yard waste should be picked up for free like recycling. Don't waste our taxes on Rayonnier
I would support the following options in order to balance the budget -don't know, can handle hard choices but don't look
forward to them. 1. I would like to see the US Forest Service, CL. County PUD & P.A. Elec. Util. partner up to survey wind
energy sites on all public lands (except Nat. Parkland) in Clallam Co. (Possible Jefferson Co. also) 2. Port Angles needs a
101 by-pass around city center ASAP. 3. Port Angeles needs to re -think its in -city transportation corridors to increase
traffice efficiency. Getting around this city is NO FUN.
I would support the following options in order to balance the budget -no opinion
Quit spending our tax money on Harbor Works, development studies of downtown & feaisibility studies & spend it on
DOING SOMETHING!! Example --for what it costs to study potholes, you can FILL THEM.
Many things are "Nice to have" but are NOT essential or important & could be cut to balance the budget. Safety
(Police/Fire/Ambulance) are critical (& what government is supposed to do) Whereas many things could go away (paid
positions) & have volunteers do job.
Go back to basic city services -cut frills as citizens have done Make city government OPEN reduce related excess
paperwork/process Rayonier property development -NO FUNDS 1. Cut travel to meetings out of town 2. Eliminate excess
city hall staff (eg Economic Dev. Coordinator) 3. Contract out legal services -eliminating staff 4. Eliminate personal use of
city vehicles -or taking them home (eg police vehicles) 5. Eliminate automatic contract pay raises
A question regarding stormwater overflow management best practices. A question such as: 1) should recycling be required
by residences? 2) Should weekly trash pick up continue to be offered?
Cut benefits health & retrie benefit some fat salrays that do nothing
Creation of Transportation Benefit District for street improvements: LID? yes
I love this city and wish we could attract more businesses to increase employment oportunities & serve our community. A
small Department -type store would be wonderful. We love the fire wokrs on the 4th & the Senior Center is great!
Get rid of most of the rusty "art" downtown --one or two figures is enough -why can't we have more of a variety, instead of the
overwhelming numbers of rusty bodies?
I would demur on "increase user fees and charges" if this means an increase in my monthly utility bill.
I think the nuisance enforcement is unfairly applied -it is selective and uneven. Too many unleashed dogs/lack of spay &
neuter programs create nuisance animals. Permitting process is slow & onerous -possibly due to unclear rules unfairly &
unevenly applied. Lots of pretty flower baskets are a waste, fiven the condition of potholey-alleys & streets. I don't feel like
the taxes I pay are proportionate to the services I receive. This town, and it's gov't processes, is.a.mess.
-better service coordination w/county agencies, opportunitie to consolidate/share services -increase user fees for pool and rec
services -business/local sponsorship of special events 4th of July, parades, restroom maintenance
Street Sweeping -Silly! Thanks for asking!
Why does Port Angeles continue the expense of a so-called "enforcement" man driving around in an expensive city pick-up
truck --then stopping at a lot to measure a blade of grass and jotting words of warning on a yellow tag that is hung on a
house's front door knob, where it may hang for days and days? Just great from a security standpoint, isn't it? Then later even
a nasty and threatening phone call regarding time limits and monetary penalties. The pay and "perks" may be good but this is
just one job (and certainly others) the city council should consider eliminating with regard to budget priorities & cost savings.
A 12 in -or -so blade of grass or weed is "greener" than the carbon print of a pick-up truck driving all over town. Want some
more cost savings? Put an end to street sweeping and shut down the swimming pool. "Theme -wise": Forks has its vampires;
Sequim has it's box stores and retirees; why doesn't P.A. promote ANGELS? After all, Port ANGELES is named for
ANGELS! Want a shot -in -the -arm for our business community? Now that Gottschalks is gone, how aboua a MACY'S? or
similar dept. store? But MUST have top-of-the-line COSTMETICS counters... otherwise we'll just have to keep driving to
S ilverdal !
More police officers and firefighters
I am not certain what the Transportation Benefit District is, so can not say if I would support it or not. I do think the location
of Port Angeles is fantastic and the local beauty and wildlife and native culture should be embellished. Marine education
could be a great attraction with an enhancement of the Fiero Marine Life Center.
It is important to keep an attractive face on the downtown area and to help promote new businesses in the core as we entertain
guests from Canada and around the country. It is important also to continue the relationship with the cruise lines and to have
interesting programs for the tourists to partake in and to be sure that all the transportation works efficiently in shuttling them
around. As a community we should want to make our town so attractive that guests will want to return. We need to look like
we care a lot about where we live. The Fine Arts Center is a treasure that must be supported. It is for all the community as
well as guests from out of town. The Fine Arts Center provides artistic stimulation to all who visit it. When I visit a new city
one of the activities I look for is related to the arts whether it be a museum or an outdoor sculpture park. We have a gem in
this regard that stimulates the mind and the senses. The outdoor park area is such an artistic joy. Guests love finding the
hidden treasures and the not so hidden ones. We are a diverse community and we need to stimulate thought and to
appreciate the natural beauty around us and the beauty thoughtfully presented by the Fine Arts Center.
need more inforcement in the traffic laws which would generate money, case in point the corners of Front st. & Lincoln and
First St. and Lincoln. The city needs to attract more living wage jobs and stop promoting PA as a tourist destination, I think
this can be done without affecting the quality of life.
Personnel cuts Administrative salaries Operation of City Council Oprtation of each City Department
Licensing of DOGS Facilitate broadband services -like free broadband or fiber? Creation of Transportation Benefit District
for street improvement -define Garbage/Recycling surgey. Adopt a fee scale (much like Seattle) A tiered system of usage ie:
w/garbage, offer different recepticle sizes and corresponding fees. THIS WOULD REWARD RECYCLERS &
COMPOSTERS w/smaller fees because they would require smaller garbage recepticles, whereas those who do not seperate
out their garbage into composting & recycling, would require larger recepticles, therefor higher fees. It takes me 2 months to
fill up my garbage can. BUt I pay the same as my neighbor who fills his weekly!!! This is not fair or equitable
Eliminate the fixed base fee for utilities. Unfair to those who conserve!
Do the best you can- Thank you
When a person is appointed or elected to an local office, he or she should be able to MANAGE the office or position
WITHOUT(Give McMore Money) and I can do it! ala Obama and on down the line.
The charges for water and "waste water" are absolutely ridiculous. $48 dollars a MONTH for waste water? And PA thinks it
can and will attract people to live here? Seattle doesn't even have a cost like that. It's idiotic. I would have checked the
above option for "Sales Tax Increase," but it was added with property taxes as an "and/or." I'm against property taxes going
up, but for a small increase in sales tax.
Thank you for several meetings--- *Question's Rayonier::( unable to PAY so many people work on Harbor View Port
Sequim was the first city on the North Olympic Peninsula to have more than 1 "Round About" -The second city to follow suit
is Port Townsend, this city now has 2 brand new "Round About's". That leaves Port Angeles with ? Staff knows!
Marine Left Center -by NOAA Independence Day fireworks -by private $ Animal Control -not by City -Reorganization to
reduce overhead -Salary freeze -Make public servants more generalists versus specialist -Reduce staff as appropriate -Service
clubs adopt a park for maintenance.
Disband Harbor Works. Let Rayonier take care of it. No new programs & take care of what we got.
at least downtown streets paved as needed, that was let go for TOO long. animal control and support of Humane Society is as
important to me as 911. also there should be stiffer fines for animal ABUSE & DANGEROUS situations (I know that
isn'tyour dept) !
Get out of Harborworks-get money back from them!!!
cuts to services and facilities -some
police cars driven 30 miles to home is wast of money if they don't live in the city they should drive their own car to & from
work that would save $20,000 or so a year
City website/On-line utility center -no computer can't answer Sidewalks/curb and gutter repair -I'm a walker, sidewalks are sad
Rayonier property development -came to town in '98 Rayonier was going to clean it up then. Ho! Price of utilities is fair for
the service received -not garbage, I wouldn't fill up in a year The sidewalks are sad in town. slanted -weeds ets.(easier to walk
in the street) The large garbage containers are WAY TOO LARGE for the single elderly. I wouldn't fill it in a year. Now, I
freeze all meats scraps so garabage can won't smell. Is it possible to by pass the city on 101? Lauridsen Blvd? (It would
make such a difference)
Also, DON'T OVER PAY ADMINISTRATORS. *$150,000.00 is excessive. I know 5 families that'd like to split that! PA is
a nice town and a good place to raise a family or retire. People like KENT Myers say they love the area, want to live here,
etc. Make these people EAT SOME SCENERY -AND benefit in OTHER ways, like a HIGH QUALITY of LIFE, clean
environment, and strong cultural community- * WITH BENEFITS NO LESS!!
Creation of Transportation Benefit District for street improvements: What's that mean??
July 4th parade -too expensive Public restrooms-need more Conservation and recycling education -news can go in the
newspaper! 1) Lower taxes please 2) Discontinue flouride in local water system. The funds could better be used to keep road
open up to Hurricane Ridge. 3) Discontinue buying expensive art work down town. Want a be artist are getting very rich 4)
Discontinue those ridiculous feasibility studies. A real waste of money. 5) Too many managers in City office. Cut back. 6)
Spend less money
Rayonier property development -tourism draw Public/private partnerships -what is this?
Quit paying so much overtime to the police dept & CUT BACK on city road workers.
Abolish Harbor -works
I think that Parks & Recreation child care program and youth sport & classes are very important. In the 10 years we have
lived in PA, we've used these programs every year. They are vital. Please continue the staffing & training in these programs.
Please stop getting studies we don't need -the money can go to better use. Stop trying to make the taxpayers pay for a private
entities responsibility -the Rayonier Site. Why is our government involved? Rayonier made the mess, left with the profits,
and the rest of us are to pay for their mess? Be responsible, hold others & yourself accountable.
Get the flouride out of the water. It would save money down the road in health costs; also, the cost of doing this insane
practice. Find out what's really in our water. www.yes4cleanwater.org. Please outlaw fireworks in city limits -less
empergency response needed
Schools, police & fire budgets should be left alone. Funding for many of the social programs should be looked at with
scrutiny. It would be great for the public to get a look at where the city spends money & how much is being spent where.
Let the people decide whre the cuts are made.
PA needs a Dog Park please continue to fund the recreation division.n their orgainzation keeps folks involved in their
community on many levels.
No raises of any kind for employees. They are fortunate to have jobs with excellent benefits while millions are suffering.
Stop pretending that PA is anything other than a dying city with a moribund economy. If the people in this town with money
want to support the Arts, etc, let them do it with their own money and not the taxpayers'. Thanks for asking. Wish I believed
someone would listen.
matthew 6:33
I think the volunteer program using the automatic speed display is useless, if it costs the city money, it should be
discontinued. Even if sidewalks cant be installed, a walking pathm, shoulder or painted area should be provided for
Creations of Transportation Benefit District for street improvement: We need our street PAVED! We've lived here in dust
for 30 years! cough cough choke choke 1) Parking tickets and 2 hour parking keep me away from Downtown -my wife & I
like to take a day now 'n then to wander around all the stores -especially the antique stores, and use up the 2 hrs fast -DONT
altogether, & go over to Victoria or Sequim instead. It's been several years since we've been downtown to all the shop. We
shop instead at Dollar Stores & WalMart and Swains now -free parking -no time limit (plus Box Stores in Sequim) If you want
parking to be paid for -install parking meters and let us park as long as we need to! 2) Licensing of dogs & cats might be
better done at the veternary offices -at the time of the pets annual vaccinations! Or have a mail order program to save us a
trip. (maybe you have it online, but I don't own or want a computer) 3) My experience as a gardener for other people is that
the yard waste bin is too small for bi-monthly pickup -especially spring & early summer when grass, weeds & plants grow
like crazy! They fill up fast! Need to have a better system -weekly pickup during these months maybe??(April, May, June?)
The swimming pool is very important all ages use it!
Work harder to attract more business to the community. Too much red tape to build and deal with city. Make city attractive
to tourists. Develop waterfront. Rayonier Mill site -Restaurants and condos would bring jobs and try to make P.A. a
destination. Good shops -restaurants are important.
Police don't respond if someone they know (and like) is doing something wrong. This is wrong!
Fire/Medic I -Emergency Reponse-Wonderful! Utility outage response -mediocre
Street sweeping (not important): Makes it worse. Rayonier property development (not important): Harborworks is a FRAUD.
We bought a toxic waste site! THANKS A LOT!! Independence Day fireworks (discontinue): stupid TIME IS MONEY:
Have employees take off Friday afternoons -without pay. (They're still full time w/benefits). They can have more family time
- leave for longer weekend, etc. Also, DON"T BUY ANY MORE CARS! There's a fleet of 15, and most of them just sit
there. Pay employees per mile, etc. That's what the PRIVATE SECTOR DOES! The only ones who should get new cars are
emergency workers! Quit spending tax payer dollars. Cut ALL administrators 20% - DON'T GIVE RAISES (Good grief. A
RASIE TO KENT MYERS for being here 1 year!) Pay raises out of your OWN pockets!
I think too much money is being spent on Harborworks. Too much is decided behind closed doors. Transparency is called
for. Far too much spent on project consultants.
Our residential street is filled with travel trailers and a bus (yes, a commercial bus) that are parked there 24 hours a day,
making passage down the street dangerous and complicated. The bus has been parked on the street for at least 6 months (on
6th Street between I and K Streets). Why are residents allowed to use public streets for storage rather than rent storage
spaces for their recreational vehicles like the rest of us. As we travel to other Peninsula locations like Port Townsend,
Poulsbo or Bainbridge, we see well maintained clean cities and not the debris that seems to be stored or scattered everywhere
in Port Angeles, Rather than developing our decaying polluted waterfront into an attractive front door that would attract
visitors and new residents, it looks as though it is the left over coastal damage that took place in many location in the earliest
20th century. Port Angeles is still hanging on to extraction industries when other Peninsula cities have moved on to other
business models that do not further damage the environment and offer a new economic base. We have vacant buildings
everywhere downtown; our neighboring city Sequim is building new downtown retail spaces. Sequim has a fresh and clean
look in their downtown area that is totally missing in Port Angeles. With all of the waterfront that extends along the inner
bay, why is there only one mediocre restaurant at the Landing overlooking the water? Tourists and locals alike enjoy and
patronize good waterfront restaurants all over the country. What is preventing that from happening in Port Angeles? We
travel over to Victoria regularly to enjoy its restaurants and to enjoy a day in a clean and beautiful city. When returning, you
invariably hear travelers comment on the contrast between the vibrant Victoria harbor and the polluted industrial Port
Angeles harbor. Surely we can do better with this beautiful scenic spot than we are doing.
I would support the following options in order to balance the budge: Too much local speeding -lack of downtown police
presence. Independence Day fireworks: Waste of money!!! 1) to increase height of commercial airplanes to decrease engine
noise, particularly Kenmore Air on a east to west landing approach -there is an extreme noise & safety factor involved here. 2)
Control barking dogs in the middle of the night and late evening. Early morning and off and on during the daytime. 3)
Fourth of July Fireworks -How about eliminating fireworks usage around houses and confine them to three or four larger
recreational fields like Civic Field; Elks Playfield ; Westside ballfield and the Spit. Do we have to wait for bldgs & auto &
limb damage before you try to do something to stop this dangerous activity.
No new or additional taxes or expenditures Reduce service and shift cost to users to balance budget.
K-9 units -only police know how useful they are Officer at Port Angeles High School -only school knows Automation of
meter reading services -don't put another person out of work Most of the above services I don't know much about. It would
have been useful, for example what an "on line utlity center"is what it does. Why does Lauridson/Race Bridge need
replacement. Also K-9 police dog use: have the dogs caught any burglers or saved police injuries? Also what does a police
man assigned to the high school do: How many problems have the police presence dealt with? What is v what would @
"Transportation benifit district do for street improvements?"
Decrease to Upper Management Salaries!
Instead of talking about pay freezes for workers -how about pay CUTS for management
Conservation and recycling education: Schools can & do offer this to students Replacement of Lauridsen Boulevard Bridge
at Race Street: Grant Streets/sidewalks/alley improvements: not enough info Public Safety: not enough info Port Angeles is a
safe community: (somewhat)
No individual or organization can live, exist beyond its means. Port Angeles is no exception. It must get back to its basic
functions ie fire protection, police, public utilities, parks, Public works. No matter how laudable, desireable a program might
be, the city treasury can not fund activities beyond the basic functions. Special interest groups should develope their own
source of revenue and not be funded by taxpayers. While many programs might be nice to have, they come under the
classification "luxuries". You can't support a champagne lifestyle on a beer income.
I would support a special property/sales tax for: Not until deficit is closed To meet my needs, hours of operations should: As
budget allows
I feel that our community resources and energy that are meant for and spent on Business attraction and retention, Tourism,
city beautification, etc., as represented by such groups as the Chamber of Commerce, Clallam Business Incubator, Downtown
Main Street Program, Economic Development Council (and probably some I am missing) should be working under one
umbrella program to work as one support system to give our city a template to work from. We waste a lot of dollars by
having all these different organizations, with executive directors and employees to support. I honestly don't feel that they are
very effective if each is working on their own agenda instead of focusing on the community as a whole. The 2009 "paint
downtown" during the Hood Canal closure was a great example of coordination of business owners, community leaders and
community members to help our city look appealing so visitors return and we have pride in our city. An attractive and
thriving waterfront and businesses throughout the city is good for locals and our visitors. I would agree to constructing a new
Lauridson bridge if I knew we need it! Some of these questions may get more accurate answers if they had a link to
information concerning the issue. Same goes for renovation of Civic Field- I don't go there so I have no idea if it is really
necessary at this time or would just be nice to have. (economic limitations to the city budget would tend to make me vote to
wait for a project like that unless it is a danger to those who use it.
It seems unfiar to charge sewer usage 430+cf during the gardening months as water usage increases because of gardening and
not flushing. There should be an adjustment or expemtioin for gardens we pay for the water but it is not going down the
sewer -
I don't know how to finance it, but I want all the good stuff! ! !
City hall business counter(utility and miscellaneous payments) -Increase Stop funding Harbor Works. Stop funding the
Incubator on 8th Street
Port Angeles is a safe community.hmmm this item doesn't fit the options (stay the same, decrease). What will your answers
mean? P.A. IS a safe community. I think the City personnel & City leaders should be looking ahead (not forsaking safety,
but not being distracted by or prioritize safety), taking some risks & investing in endeavors to grow the City in thoughtful,
creative ways. As we climb out of our national/international recession it would be terrific for P.A. to take a couple giant
leaps forward into new technologies, environmental services & businesses, travel options (capitalizing on our proximity to
wildernedd) & other "21st Century Industries".
Stop the waste and abuse. It doesn't take 7 workers and 3 trucks to put lines or turtles on any street.
1: The city uttility costs have increaed to near unacceptable. 2: Street crews have to many employees. 3: Police need to
patrol for excessive speeds in the evening especially Race to Mt Angeles. Must create ticket income. 4: Stop paying
consultants to do city employee/managers work 5: Freeze overtime/audit expense reports 6: Save $ by stopping flouride in
water Thank you for giving this survey
Shut down Harbour Works waste of taxpayers money It's a joke
Less red tape for permits SIMPLYFI!
With respect to Rayonier property: why do we treat (Rayonier) with "kid gloves"? They are a profitable and successful
company that, in my opinion, should be sued by the state of WA to make them clean up that site. Also, siband the "Board".!
Replacement of Lauridsen Boulevard Bridge at Race Street -if unsafe I don't know what a Transportation Benefit District
would do-? In general, we need to keep safety & essential services, and things that draw tourists. We should partner with
schools to use their facilities for youth & adult sports programs instead of maintaining separate facilities. We should partner
with college & YMCA to help support Senior Center.
Utility bill is TOO HIGH now -it is ridiculous! People can't afford to live. I STRONGLY disapprove of any rate hikes for
any reason. Services can not be cut any further. Port Angeles is becoming/has the potential of becoming an
UNSAFEcommunity. Too much unemployment/not enough j obs/work for people. Drug usage/alcholism BIG problem in
this area. Law enforcement, community support systems must be/stay present in order for people to remain/stay safe here.
Cuts to services and facilities/Local property and/or sales tax increase: Either/or 1. Rayonier -support Development as
park/tourist area -do not support purchasing property prior to environmental clean-up.
Re negotiate contracts with union workers and bring pay scales down to a more reasonable level. There are plenty of people
willing to work for a lot less. I didn't see anything about lowering salaries in the survey as a way to save money.
Public Safety -is all essential. Question: do employers need to hire a copy to defend themselves after these kids graduate?
The city website will be elevated to essential as its usefulness is developed. I was once burned by a parking ticket $25.00
downtown for walking the waterfront trail. I do not bring my car downtown anymore or shop seriously downtown. Not after
that. People would rather shop where they don't get a fine, if they don't have to keep track of how long they are parked.
Licensing and Code Enforcement: yes Recreational Programs/activities-continue all as public/private partnerships Athletic
Tournaments-public/private partnership Facilities & Park Amenities -These are all essential to the heart of the community.
Continue as public/private partners. Public Re strooms -unlocked park hours Waterfont Trail and walking paths -Tourist draw
City beautification-Public/private Small neighborhood parks -essential to me Dog park -essential to a dog owner Streets and
sidewalkds -public sector. Public responsibility Rayonier Proerty-Places local taxpers in jeaopardy. jeopardy. You guys are
over your head. Renovation of Civic Field-Private/public partners Historical downtown underground restoration -private
Public Safety -you already get money for this. North Olympic Library System vote yes for Libraries. special levy Parks and
recreation -needs more volunteers Utility outage response -outstanding. Thank you Cuts to services and facilities -Have
volunteers fill in where appropriate. Some things only professionals can do. Creation of Transportation Benefit District -you
already have Public Works Don't count on Federal Money to pay for stuff you think up and our Local Taxpayers cannot
afford. Be creative in finding new ways for volunteers to fill in appropriatly where public money cannot stretch. Private
money can be raised for several of those Brilliant projects being proposed and should b. Get Real! This is our Port Angeles.
Let ALL of us be partners and see what we can do from the oldest to the youngest.
USERS PAY THE FEE Open city meetings.
I would support the following in order to balance the budget: NO ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: As stated in Pen Daily
News from a construction owner & citizens of our city, jobs are needed desperately & businesses should be allowed to open
up in P.A. Good department stores are needed so we don't have to leave town to shop or go online. Ease up on all the rules
and red tape like SEQUIM has to promote new business & PROVIDE JOBS. TOURISM ISN'T the answer to
Government be more careful spending money- Balance & budget like you have to at home!
City manager & department head salaries reduced!! Get OUT of Harbor -works and get city's "loan" money back -NOW!!
Cancel employee unions & contracts
forget all the volunteerism, people need to get paid for working. All the push for volunteers has cost people JOBS. I have
always worked full time now all I can get after (4 years here) is part time/no benefits. Can't afford a Dentist it's been 5 yrs.
for that. their is no help in Health!!!
Youth and Family Services -not the City's responsibility -others can do!! Adult and Youth sports programs -only if revenue
covers majority of costs Athletic Tournaments -only if revenue covers majority of costs Indoor sport facilities -let school
provides w/joint use agreement Facilitate broadband services -doesn't have to be city's responsibility Automation of meter
reading services -could save $ down the road -cost to implement??? Rayonier property development -not city's responsibility
Renovation of Civic Field -fund from existing revenue Public safety -fund from existing revenue Cuts to services and
facilities -after cutting salaries/wages & benefits so that they reflect comparable private sector wages/salaries & benefits The
city government cannot be everything to everyone. Spend money wisely on those services you are chartered to provide,
depend upon others for the rest or if necessary strike partnerships with other agencies & user groups. City employment is too
high, wages/salaries & benefits are too high and giving the City Mgr and other pay raises when you can't balance the budget
is irresponsible -get back to the basics!!
City hall business counter -I like the lockboxes. Maybe could decrease hours -would need more info User fees for those
wanting street improvements in a neighborhood -create an L.I.D. for improvements Continue integrating permits for
neighborhood building which include single family, Duplex, Triplex small apt complexes. This spreads the usage of land and
helps prevent crime -I grew up very poor- This helped by using citizens to focus on families, family groups that mentored the
community. Rarely, did law enforcement have to be called -the neighborhood controled crime. one thing that economic
depravity creates resourcefulness of all!
The bane of my existance: GRAVEL ROADS. I live on a gravel city street -worry less about resurfacing the streets around
city hall and more about surfacing the gravel streets!
Regarding fairness for prices for utilities, I believe water and especially sewer costs are extraordinarily high. In years past
during the summer sewer rates were lower to allow for the fact that people water lawns which do not go into the sewer
I would like to see money allocated more efficiently and responsibley. There are several committies and projects that are less
necessary than basic budget items or not necessary at all. I would like to take this oppertunity to express my dissatisfaction
with our port angeles police force. A coworkers car was reciently stolen and dumped, completly srtiped and wrecked, on
private property in Forks. The car was reported to the police who called my friend gave her directions (no address or
information)and declined to investigate the theft. Lets cut there funding, droping saleries and benifits, untill they remember
they work for us and start doing there jobs.
Find a way to reduce liabilty for future costs. i.e.---Retiree medical cost. (Add or increase copays. Even retirees have a
responsibility for their own healthcare.) ---Retirement benefit. (Eliminate cost of living increases. Very few public sector
companies offer this benefit. Perhaps grandfathering existing employees would accomplish this.)
A community dog park is essential. Our family frequently travels to Sequim for the services at Carrie Blake Park with their
dog park, pond, fields and playground. Port Angeles should be competitive with Sequim. Our alley has potholes >8" deep!
Please fix neighborhood alleys. The moderate risk waste facility is great!
good survey thanks for asking you have a tough j ob
Look at ways to use welfare and other social service people more for community service work. Get some work out of them or
get them off the system. Also quit wasting money on Rayner land. Either do something with it or let it go. Look at ways to
tighten the budget besides property taxes. We are not a bottomless pit out here. If you provide a service look at ways to have
the people using it pay for it, an example would be the pool. There are far more people paying for it then those that use it.
Most of the people paying for it probably have never even seen it.
The Parks and Rec children's programs (after school, winter vacation, spring vacation, and summer vacations) are fabulous.
These programs have exceptional staff and provide excellent activities for the children. I do not recommend any reduction in
services for these programs.
I'm disappointed that there's no place to ask for changes in adminstrative costs, etc. The structure of how money is spent
should be in question..... not services. For instance, the purchase of land to renovate for city use is expensive and tends to
backfire (cases in point: Graving yard and Rainier). The fact that at least one employee embezzled hundreds of thousands of
taxpayers dollars before being discovered... and none of the money has been or will be recovered is deplorable. Our city
governance and adminitration needs to be accountable for the money tax payers are already contributing for services we
deserve to keep. I'm very frustrated.
Salaries and benefits for employees: please explain how many employees are unionized and which employee groups are due
for renegotiating contracts Number of employees per department: please provide historical numbers of employees per
department, and how numbers of employees have grown or decreased over the last ten years. More information is needed in
terms of what the city budget items (allocations) are now, to better determine where there is fat or too much or too little
spending on specific line items. Provide summary information on city revenues and expenditures by category. Please: Spend
no more public money on HarborWorks or the Rayonier property. Dissolve the HarborWorks PDA. Try to recover any
unspent funds that were "loaned" to HarborWorks. Offer incentives for retirement for higher paid employees. Place a cap on
accumulated vacation time for all staff - such as no more than 25 vacation days may be banked. This should include the City
Manager and Department Heads. Establish a "Use it or Lose It" policy re: vacation time banking for employees. When
employees are allowed to bank excessive unused vacation days, it adversely impacts the budget. Employees continue to be
paid for weeks and months after they leave their posts due to their accumulated vacation benefits.
Comments: 1) Thanks to whoever "authored" the front page. The explanation (for a change) really hit -the -nail -on -the -head!
2) The questions for consideration were good ones! 3) Let's spend the bucks more wisely in future, PLEASE!
Relocate approach on the east side of bridge for traffic turning west. You don't need a new bridge when the problem can be
corrected with an approach change of East side (Lauridsen Bridge). I've seen 3 wrecks on this bridge involving boat trailers
and RV's. They need a better turning radius.
Prices of utilities is fair for the service received -HIGH, but probably Fair Sales tax increase -prefer I spent about 2 hours on
the survey -including speaking with someone who was quite involved with "downtown" business groups- I feel the survey is
important and look forward to more surveys for more citizen involvement.
I think you should re negotiate contacts with the unions, cut their pay and/or benefits. They are out of sync with the times. No
need to cut services but if necessary keep everyone employed at lower pay rather than lay off some and keep the remaining
ones at high pay.
Why are City workers cleaning up weeds and trash on Lincoln (maybe other arterials)? Property owners should be required
to do that. Do we have an eyesore ordinance? (Chinook Motel, former Crystal Steam Bath, many overgrown vacant lots, 8th
& Lincoln abandoned project) Encourage volunteer projects. (scrub, Paint & Polish) to go beyond downtowns - First, Front,
Lincoln, Marine Drive, Ediz Hook. Is there a way to control the bird problem downtown? Only a few businesses seem to
hose down their sidewalks. How does Safeco Field keep the birds out?
Carefully scrutinize replacement of office and equipment items of they are still in useable condition.
Cut the salaries of the City employees. Contract with the county to do your work -they do it cheaper. All the City does is
raise rates and now you want to cut services that bring tourist here and that make it a decent place to live. Cut your hours and
thus salaries; instead. If the police dept merged with the sheriff you wouldn't need all the over time or the public safety tax.
Quit paying to "win" the finance award. Everyone that pays wins just print the budget and save the "awardwinning" $
Balancing the budget through laying off city employees. Cutting services for many people to save individual job at the city is
not effctive."
City Hall business counter -need credit card auto pay ability for snow birds.
Outsource key customer service functions to local business. Call centers 24x7
All answers based on recession now. Later after recession, answers would be different K-9 Unit -pays for itself or Donations
if needed Enforce downtown parking ordinances -need to change July 4th Parade -keeps morale up!! Senior Center Services -
could be handled by volunteers Waterfront Trail and walking paths -should be all volunteers City Beautification -for Tourist &
returns to a lovely town Maintenance of street medians -tourists etc CLEAN, lovely town Debris removal -rats, sanitation,
scenery, health, ect. Sidewalk construction -do later Stree lighting -do later Conference center -this town is dieeing empty bldgs
galore a center no Public/Private partnership -I would think no
On-line utility center -allow discover card online payments Rayonier property development -EPA Cuts to services and
facilities -OK with shorter hours Local property and/or sales tax increase -must be voted on Creation of Transportation Benefit
District for street improvements -What is this?
If this is for the budge new 2010 I would say no, wait on non-essential items until later when the recession & jobs are better.
Alot of things can wait until recession & jobs get better.Don't let money burn a hole in your pockes in your thinking it won't.
Save & get out of the red. only do NECESSARY IMPORTANT things. To meet my needs, hours of operations should:
Should be, to meet my needs, but what's important to economy. Port Angeles is a safe community; Things happen but alot
safer than other places Cuts to services and facilities: only to non ESSENTIAL services ect. Alot we can do without or cuts
until economy gets better. Local property/and or sales tax increase -no Increase user fees and charges -fees on what? Make
yourself clearer Creation of Transportatioin Benefit District -not Electrica, Police, fires services are essential to health &
being alove. Alot of things you keep taxing as for me won't die without. The library is one. everyone enjoys it, but can it get
by without taxes by Donations by us who can give some of time & money & do without new books ect until things get better.
Yes is the answer. Theres more, than ever, alot more people (children) who have nothing to eat, except from the food Bank.
There losing their homes & jobs & don't know where they can have shelter. Who cares about them, especially the kids, we
need new books for the library and new parks. Target the homeless & hungry, killing weeds, City website, parks & arts, a
convention center the Marine Life Center are alot more important than poor people. We all can't have jobs & alot of money
we don't have to worry about food & shelter. So the heck with the rest of you. We need more city jobs!
Essential programs such as public safety & public works should not see any reduction. Parks & Rec and area beautification,
as well as efforts for business retention and attraction are essential to keeping the city and local schools viable by keeping
families in the area. I work out out the area and if Port Angeles was not such a livable community I would move closer to
work. Any reductions should occur through decreased support of special interest programs.
The City's telephone response is a disgrace. It is unreasonably time consuming to listen to the numerous branches to your
automated telephone tree and generates a negative impression of the City, which is supported by your taxpayers who deserve
a better response when they call for information or help. Many of the "nice to have" functions could be performed by
The only comment I have is for the recreational parks and fields. I noticed you included Lacrosse as a field, however the local
lacrosse club has a hard time using these fields due to conflict with other sports and outrageous fees that do not apply to other
sports. I understand the Lacrosse Club is a new club to the area, but that is due to city budget cuts and therefore cutting the
lacrosse program from the local high school.
1. Pay attention to maintaining the infrastructure. 2. Enforce traffic laws in addition to speeding. No person under the age of
30 in this town understands what a "stop" sign means! 3. We need an indoor firing range for Port Angeles. When folks talk
about "growing our city", how about growing one of those? PAPD, CCSO, NPS & Coast Guard need a better facility than
the dump range -and so do the citizens.
Cut parking control No animal control Reduce or eliminate funding for EDC (county) Cut United Way -not public funding
Expand Rec-pregrams that are self funded- Future surveys -separate Police & Fire -Don't do Fire/District consolidatioin: this
will cost a lot more money in the future
Rayonier property development -make it go away Do not spend money you don't have
Please get out of Harbor Works before we get stuck with the clean-up. It has been a complete waste of money.
Let people develope alternate power sources-wind/solar/tidal- manage the money better -
No new taxes Work within your budget!
I would like the City to restore curb -side recycling of GLASS.
First street needs to be ground down close to curb level. Get rid of those stupid crosswalks. uneven cross walks must have
cost truck owners thousand in repairs. Pave and paint cross walks. It's cheaper.
Get us ourtof Harbor Works!!!
Please enforce City codes which would get residents to clean up the junk in their yards. What an eyesore!
Facilitate broadband services -private enterprise Police -Emergency rep sonse-sometimes lacking Port Angeles is a safe
community -compared to larger ones I would support the following options in order to balance the budget: in a worst-case
scenario, any might apply -much would depend on whether mis-management or disaster was the cause
Stay within budget Safe drinking water for all No sewage discharge into the street
Please check into the community center/pool at Powel River, B.C.. They have a town smaller than ours but have a wonderful
We love Port Angeles and appreciate all that all of you do to keep our community safe & clean.
And how much did this survey cost in its entirety? To get committee together to propose, plan, write, rewrite, approve, sec to
type, send to printer, proof read, print, stuff in envelopes, mail, unstuff, analyze, write up report, etc.... Pothole patching: Is
this a joke Rayonier property: Aghh! I looked at some residential property assessments that are definitely undervalued for
what properties/buildings are current market rates - even in this market - course that's county taxes.
Public Restrooms-More Please! We need better animal control. i.e. when we call we need a positive response to a need.
Example a hurt animal somewhere that needs assistance. Or maybe an animal that is being neglected/abused that might need
help or a barking dog. One that keeps us all the neighbors. (we humans need our rest)
Stronger development and more intense promotion/city support of volonteer programs.
Cuts to services and facilities -minimal Increase user fees and charges -minimal
City beautification: (Nice to have) Great Rayonier property: (Important) If this is voted down pass legislation that
development is according to City future betterment. Get property if possible. I live in So Cal - I speak from experience.
Continue following services section: I am fairly new in area. Cant answer all in this section Following options for balancing
budget section: Don't know Re: Rayonier (con't) 25 acres is a large property. I would try to keep options open. Once a
private developer (if) comes in, it could be to the city's disadvantage. That's why if your options are against you, HAVE IN
PLACE LEGAL AND BINDING that future development is congruent with overall best interests of the City of PA &
Clallam County in general. Thank you Re: Budget cutting - always painful - I don't envy you!
Some way to SLOW DOWN the speeding vehicles thru town especially on 101. The biggest violators seem to be pick up
I believe in training. However, I feel that the individual employees should invest in the training also. The City/taxpayers
should not have to pay all of the expense.
You already gouge us for way more than is necessary. The utilites are ridiculous. Pretty soon you will have us all in the
streets so you can pad your paychecks and your FAT ASSES. The police dept. is a joke, it takes them 1/2 hr to respond to a
911 and then they don't do anything. You're taxing and levying us to death. We can't wait to get out of this Town(crooked)
and before you know it you're going to be a "ghost" town!
Utility outage response -great service!
Transfer Station hours: Increase
Reduce staff at all pay grades bo 10-15% Road crews by 25% I watched 8 city employees watching two city people working
for 42 minutes disgraseful
Encourage a discount store (mark & pack) type food store. Closest is seattle encourage a plus -sized clothing store. closest is
Increase user fees and charges: especially building permits & utility connection fees Less spending and emphasis on City
spending for "Economic Development"; more spending on enhancing quality of life for residents. Dissolve Harbor Works,
P.D.A. Cut expenses for refreshments at City council meetings. Use fewer outside consultants. Negotiate caps to accumulated
vacation time, so that when employees leave they will have no large payout for unused vacation days. Survey info needed re:
payrates & costs of employee benefits.
Outdoor sports fields -skate park can go Streets/sidewalks/alley improvements -if it would pave my alley Price of utilities is
fair for the service received -sewage is outrageous! Creation of Transportation Benefit District -Just what we don't need. Make
do with what we have! Close skate park or enforce a helmet law with a fine! Prevent brain injuries! And fine those
underage kids smoking cigerrettes too. You fine them for drinking you should be for smoking too it is just as illegal. What
this area needs is an amusement park to attract tourist to town something to entertain their children while the men fish, the
women shop. While the parents go and gamble. You would not approve a new pool, we could have us a nice rec area like
Sequim has but we do have the Y. But spendy! An amusement park would bring life back into this dead town. Think about
it! and for the outdoor sportsfield get those kids who play to help maintain them. A little volunteer work out of them won't
hurt them, they can pick up thrash. The older boys can smooth out the ballfield the parents can mow the grass & weed eat the
fields. After all others volunteer for coaches! We need more people volunteering. Then you would need less tax money!
Cuts to services: no Local property and/or sales tax increase: no Increase user fees and charges: no Creation of Transportation
Benefit District: I would need more information about Transportation benefit district Too many drug addicts in City. Would
like to see someone answer utility bill questions by phone during normal work week 8:00-4:00 Monday through Friday, or
8:00-4:30 or 9:00-5:00 Monday -Friday
Increase user fees and charges -except for library -it should be free to all 1) I support conservation efforts by city utilities 2)
Subsidized public transportation is VERY important & should be expanded 3) I would like to see more water conservation
including legal gray water systems & waterless toilets 4) I would like to see more affordable (public & private) housing,
including regulations allowing "grandmother flats" & apartments above businesses in P.A.
NO local property/sales tax increase NO increase user fees and charges. Level & resurface Race & Peabody street. Repave
Human services (Contract with United Way) -No United Way! Price of utilties is fair for the service received -for now Port
Angeles is a safe community -is ok
Price of sewer too high $$
INDEPENDENE DAY FIREWORKS: This program should be discontinued IMMEDIATELY. I realize that the display
itself is not largely funded by donations but the cleanup of the disastrous mess left the next morning all over Ediz Hook is
not. The display should be cancelled. PAPD should patrol the Ediz Hook area to enforce litter laws. The monumental litter
miss is irresponsible on the part of the citizens and does not honor our important Independence Day Celebration. The public
drunkenness that night on the Hook is also reprehensible and should not be tolerated. Every vehicle operator leaving the
Hook should be subjected to a DUI check prior to being allowed to drive. LICENSING OF DOGS AND CATS: Licensing is
important as long as the program is set up so that the pet license can be used to identify the pet owner (if pet lost) and return
it to the owner. If the licensing program is only used as a fund raiser for the city, licensing serves no useful purpose and
should be discontinued. AUTOMATION OF METER READING SERVICES; This should be implemented if it is a cost
saving program. I assume this program would reduce the need for city employees. RAYONIER PROPERTY
DEVELOPMENT: This issue is very confusing. Clearly the property has great economic and tourist potential if properly
managed after cleanup. Given all the controvery surrounding Harbor Works and other organizations plus all the Government
Beureaucratic Involvement, it seems to me that it is time to "either fish or cut bait". It could be important to the future of our
community but at what cost? This is a complete unknown right now.
We think the City is doing a good job under difficult economic circumstances. We don't need to purchase Rayonier until and
if it is cleaned up. We'd like a dog park. The meter reader downtown is too heavy handed. Keep the Fiero Marine Aquarium )
Get rid of Harbor Works. This is a very unpopular expense. It is frustrating that needed services are being cut to support the
salaries of people when we don't support the concept of what they are doing.
City is top-heavy in management positions - too many supervisors, especially in utilities departments! Streets are falling
apart, not maintained.
P.A. has not business being involved in the Rayonier cleanup debacle, or for forming the agency to oversee it.
Port Angeles is a safe community -(just moved) 1. Reach out for volunteers with specialty to help with the city. I have 30+
years in working with road, bridges, capital improvement project. would gladly volunteer to work with the city. 2. I have
worked with a program with Benefit Dist. will work well if done correctly.
Port Angeles safe: so far How people feel about how City Hall as a whole is doing as far as Customer Service that is very
important. Get rid of managers especially the huge wages they receive but don't deserve. the workers under them are the
ones that do the work. All managers need to know the full job that the workers do. Managers have no clue. Get rid of them.
The workers will be just fine.
Support the P.A. fine arts center. It is a jewel to this community and a valuable asset!
Creation of Transportation Benefit District: what does this mean? If you are offering energy rebates for removal of old
refridgerators, it should be given regardless of who took the old appliance away.
Every single cent spent or proposed to be spent needs to be carefully assessed before let go of. Stop UNNECESSARY
spending. Stop asking the citizens for more taxes, we are TAPPED OUT! We all need to cut back, even ctiy/county
government. Seek ways in which to fill our coffers, not empty them. Put our jail prisoners to WORK, not just on chain
gangs. Let them run the Humane Society, grow and maintain flowers for downtown. Make them work while giving them a
skill. They currently cost us money, put them to work for us and this will reduce our costs while making amends to our
society. They are an untapped resource that could be turned into a huge benefit for all. City/county government needs to
buck up, get creative and look at what we can tap into instead of always believing the solution is in the pockets of those who
live here. Allowing inmates to lay around all day DRAINING US is criminal. We have a tremendous work force in them -
use it!
Increase user fees and charges -not too much
We have a fine police force here but in these lean times it doesn't make sense to waste funds & resources on the petty crimes,
like smoking marijuana, going 5 miles over the speed limit and similar concentual crimes.
The taxpayers are not as STUPID as you all think they are. QUIT hiding things under consultants! Freeze ALL overtime Quit
letting PW Director lead council around by the nose. Who is in charge? Him? Too many Deputy Directors! Rate hikes is not
an excuse to use/treat consumers as endless blank checks!
We closed the pool to the City, why don't we close the parks to baseball & soccer? Seems fair to me.
I realize there is a greater need for services, and a smaller budget at the same time. I would be willing to pay inceased taxes
and fees to support sustaining services at a level close to that currently provided. I would also be willing to volunteer to help
or coordinate fund raisers for various services that are "nice to have", but have no money in the budget to support them.
Always important to encourage business growth along with tourism to our city. My children and family members have
enjoyed many of your recreation programs including day camps, after school program and tennis programs. I believe these
programs and the parks get overlooked but are so very important to keep. The staff and volunteers are knowledgable and
great to work with. So important to have healthy minds and bodies.
Don't be afraid to ask for tax increases - just be prepared to justify the need. Do not cut essential services especially those
affecting public safety & infrastructure (maintaining roads, etc). Do we always need to create committees & districts to
achieve improvements to services - the bureaucracy seems to increase the costs & reduce the efficiency. This town wastes a
huge opportunity by not promoting tourism related to Olympic National Park especially in the summer. The ridge will never
be a good winter destination, but we have the coast, beaches, trails, streams, rainforest, mountains, lakes, wildlife, etc. We
could easily be another Victoria - not just the town one passes thru to catch the ferry to Victoria.
We had friends & relaltives from out of State. They loved the town, but said we have the worst roads they've ever been on.
(Needed to get there car reraligned.) That's what they said if they were here any longer.
To the question regarding continuing support of Animal Control Services (Humane Society) respondent answered "Not if No
Citizens need to realize we can't expect something for nothing! Port Angeles is FAR FROM EXPENSIVE TO LIVE IN.
This needs to be advertised to bring industry and baby boomer retirees to Port Angeles!
Increase outside revenue & use portion of those proceeds to further progress of attractiions of new business and Ferry -area
beautification, and tourist, instead of raising taxes for residents. Other comments made by respondent in body of survey are:
Youth and Family Services: "YMCA & Boys & Girls Club doing a good job = City doesn't need to do this. Athletic
Tournaments: "Would be more important if involvement w/ other cities - this would bring outside revenue. 'Invitations'
events?" Outdoor sports fields: "We have these." Indoor sports facilities: "Clubs have these." Conference Center: "If
someone will keep it BUSY." Port Angeles tourism and marketing: "Step it up a notch! TOURISM." Downtown Main
Street Program: "How about a program for Railroad Ave. the armpit that tourists see 1st!" Business attraction and retention:
"Do Something LARGE Business jobs." City Halll business counter: "People will do what's needed if they have to get there.
Do what you need to do." Under the Customer satisfaction, respondent answered simply "Yes what?" and "no what?""
Respondent did not give any other answers to this section.
The City is doing a good job. Keep up the "good" works.
1) If ever a by-pass, KEEP the NOISE NORTH, in the downtown area or on the water. Zone larger tracts of land/lots in the
south especially close to the park, because people moved to this area to enjoy the quite and beauty of the area, also less
population living and drivig near the park reduces the risk of fire. 2) Look at eliminating the top level administrative jobs to
help the budget. 3) To enhance the entrance to Port Angeles, do something different like plant rows of trees. Once could
really have fun with it. Looking for a pharamcy? Look for the block of Hemlock trees. Grocercies? fruit trees. Government
Services? Noble Fir. Once in a while, a block could look like the plantings in front of Chestnut Cottage to break up a solid
tree look (if the building was really nice looking like Chestnut Cottage). At each intersection would be a vertical row of
signs with the names of the businessess at that location, easy to read letters like Times Roman in dark green on white 4) City
should give free trees to people on streets with tree names to encourage Cherry Trees on Cherry Street, Oak Trees on Oak
Street. 5) The lamp posts downtown would look better a dark green. 6) Grey and brown for buildings should be taken off the
downtown color chart, and very limited amounts of blue and black. These colors are too gloomy for this climate.
Promote bicycling as major feature. Encourage high density in development. Divert through traffic from downtown. Promote
temporary use of vacant retail space & vacant lots. Higher land taxes versus improvement taxes.
INTRUDE ON the privacy of 10 or more neighborhood properties *NOISE. AIRPLANES particularly recreational private
planes - sightseeing? snooping? Showing off? THEY nonetheless intrude on private property. Get RID of the Coast Guard
Station. *Ediz Hook. COAST GUARD STATION has the BEST property there AND restricts public access to that
property. RELOCATE IT. Also develop picnic sites on the Hook. the view is great. Comments made on the individual
survey questions include: Indoor sports facilities: "Use school facilities" Waterfront facilities and Picnic facilities: "Use
Ediz Hook" Small neighborhood parks: "Existing ones are UNDERUSED" Street Lighting: "Too much already. CURTAIL
CURTAIL REGULATE PRIVATE LIGHTING." Rayonier Development: "NOT for commercial use."
Streets/sidewalks/alley improvements: "add in residential areas."
There are 2 - TWO sets of street lights Downtown. Turn One of them OFF & REMOVE. They contribute to the CLUTTER
down town. Referring to the Town meeting, respondent noted "this came TOO late to make that MEETING" Comments
made on survey questions included: Maintenance of street medians "what medians?" Local property and/or tax increase -
"Maybe" Increase user fees and charges - "NO - Discourages development" Respondent also asked for an explanation of
Transportation Benefit District
Eliminate use of fire truck, medic trucks & vehicles for transportation of staff to work out at Y community center at PUBLIC
1. Stop using consultants for EVERY project!. 2. Freeze overtime city wide - NO exceptions 3. Have Police use OUR firing
range, not the one by Hood Canal. 4. End HarbWorks - cut the losses. 5. Incentives to employees eligible to retire. Don't fill
positions. 6. NO more use of City vehicles to commute to work - no exceptions. 7. Cut back on out of town travel - more web
Port Angeles safe community (yes): CONCERNED ABOUT GANG SIGNS & ACTIVITIES I am concerned about gang
activity and the graffiti around town.
To Balance The Budget Take a Long Hard Look at Upper Management Wages & Benefits.
The EDC & CBI simply are ineffective. Make the Art Fiero center a quality attraction or close it. Nuisance abatement ie
weeds and junk on property are NOT approached with vigor. Put City employees on a schedule that demands higher
Pension/retirement programs for all city, county & state employees are out of hand. STOP HIRING CITY EMPLOYEES
NOW. Our property taxes are out of hand. Do not need all these public services. Americans got along fine without all these
services 30-40 years ago. Why do I feel it is a waste of time to fill out this survey? You people seem to do what you want
Regardless of what the people's opinion's are.
Traffic safety/school zone important only at Jefferson Elementary and High School - somewhat at Franklin. The rest of the
schools not needed except periodically.
* Save money and apply ALL Harborworks money to services you have cut or need to cut. * Separate Parks & Recreation
from Public Works. Mr. Cutler has NO experience in the management of parks or recreation and has demonstrated this by
not taking direction from the parks board. * extend 2 or 3 hr parking limit downtown.
Absolutely no new taxes on anything! We are forced to live within our means. Why aren you. I would also suport cutting
city employees and their big pension plans. Your last 4 questions in I would support. Your answer to 3 of the 4 questions is
to raise taxes or to create a new little agency! NO!
Local property and/or sales tax increase: NO! Increase user fees and charges: What, which ones Creation of Transp Benefit
District: more info Cancel the Rayonier group. No more money spent on this. Sell the business incubator building. Cancel
the womens service centers. Stop funding the arts center. Fire the director. Support the swimming pool. More emphasis on
cutting water & electrical costs. Increase attractive programs ie solar power. The program where we can moderate our water
& elec use City use hybrid vehicles
Thank you for doing this survey. YOU SHOULD DO THIS SEMI-ANNUALLY. This keeps everyone on the same page.
Animal control services (Humane Society): VERY IMPORTANT!! Only support last section TO BALANCE THE BUDGET
Makes no sense to dedicate property at Fairground for BMX park, when a very small percentage of population use it.
Instead, would be PERFECT LOCATION for either an Animal Shelter, or a dog park. There are so so many pets allowed to
roam free, and abandoned by irresponsible people. Think of the revenue City could garner by requiring dog and cat licenses.
AND enforcing same. We need to start paying attention to abandoned, abused, homeless pets, as well as attending to
nuisance claims of barking dogs and irresponsible people who let their pets terrorize neighborhoods.
Pothole patching/Road resurfacing: Especially on C Street extension!!
Under the question regarding a City-wide newletter, respondent noted an online newsletter is essential a hardcopy is not
I think yard waste pick up should be weekly from April thru Oct and then when pruning season - this service is not adequate
right now.
Under Local property and/or sales tax increase respondent noted increase in sales tax but not property tax.
Under Public restrooms, respondent ntoed restrooms should be cleaned daily
Free (or discounted) overnight camping sites for disabled persons. Listings of all camp sites and hiking trails in the area.
Transportation via bus on outskirts of Sequim and Port angeles, not just the main streets. No tax increases.
So many of my answers are not completely correct - my real opinions often fall between the choices given. One thing I think
might help the City in several ways: a business license necessary for EVERY business. It need not be much as any amount is
100% more than present. The few businesses that are required to have licenses now are often the ones who cannot pay much.
The licenses would help the city departments keep track of how many resources there are for many city AND potential out -
of -area residents and companies needs. Even $25.00 a year perhaps more for larger companies. Not enough room to write.
Disolve Harbor Works Put Olympic discovery trail on (low priority list)
STOP FUNDING Harborworks. Stop travel expenses for Council. Police & fire do not have to ride in the 4th of July parade.
I'm sure that each department can make cost cutting measures.
Utilities are the most outrageous here that I've ever seen, including California and Arizona. There is not much incentive to
conserve when the major part of the bill is set even if no utility is used. And then I hear the county doesn't charge those fixed
fees and has much lower utility bills. Not much incentive to live in town. Is it any wonder that the big box stores are in
Sequim or in the county where the city loses out on sales tax and B&O tax. At one time the city had Sears, Penneys and
other name stores in which to shop. Where did they all go? Sequim.
stop spending massive amounts on money on consultants - we have professional engineers and staff at city hall that can plan
sidwalks, water sytems and such. 8th st. bridges I would agree with a consultant. We seem to throw away 100 - 200k on
consulting projects to tell us what we already know. public safety is grossly underfunded. compare our city general fund
allocation to police and fire with other comparble cities. do not give 20,000 to ONP to help keep the road open through the
winter! Wage freezes and benefit reductions for city staff will ultimately make it harder for the city to attract and retain
quality employees in the competitive job market.
fine other ways to fund - besides always a property tax
Cuts to services and facilities: only non essential
We need better vision & ACTION planning to attract tourists. For example, ther could be PORT ANGELES brochures on
the Hood Canal ferries. I don't find any. We are Puget sound a beautiful location! thanks for all you do!! Flower baskets
downtown are Beautiful!
Storm sewer treatment? Where is this tax money going (from our utility bills?) Rayonier property belongs to RAYONIER!
Thanks to water meter reader for pointing out leak situation on commercial property service.
I want the RETURN ENVELOPES back.
I would support: SALES TAX INCREASE
?? Creation of Transportation Benefit District Docking facilities for cruse ships with marketing program for these tourists
Price of utilities are way, way to high. I agree that "nothing is free", but tell the citizens of P.A. why you put our money into
the "Gateway" project when our streets are going to heck? Forget the ITT Rayonier project also.
JOBS not stuff. Cuts to services and facilities: maybe but try something else first, see below. Local property and/or sales tax
increase: never Increase user fees and charges: NO Creation of Transportation Benefit District: not sure what this is. Freeze
pay raises until the economy improves or you will have to cut service but DON'T RAISE TAXES. "Not at this time" Cut
back on EXPENSIVE & pay raise until times are better. Lets just tighten our belt and wait it out. expensive not services
there is a differents !
Thank you for asking!!
I wish a program could be made to allow residents to use more water without penalization to improve the appearance of yards
to make the city more attractive instead of being known as the "the city of brown lawns." Cut summer water rate and/or
sewer charges for lawn watering.
Rather than increase taxes to maintain spending, salaries and benefits of all city employees should be reduced. Impose a
hiring freeze by distributing the work load.
Are there any statistics on results of officer at highschool. Does that person serve any educational purposes? Also -
effectiveness statistics on multi -agency drug force participation?
Under the category Other, respondents commented: "Stop or yield signs where there are none and no one give right of way.
I think that more user response would be likely if the above following options had a link or a web address where interested
parties could read further about what those options were in more detailed manner. Such as "What is a Transportation Benefit
District?" and what does it mean to the public in general or is the targeted audience just property tax payers? Thank you for
the opportunity to submit my opinion.
Support a special property/sales tax: Need more info to have an opinion. Port Angeles is a lovely place to live. I think
downtown and the waterfront are the heart of the city, and also our proximity to Olympic National Park makes this a very
special place. Please support keeping the "town" vs "city" feeling here. Please continue to support Animal Services &
Humane Society. Thank you for all you do! (happy face)
In the budget crisis that we are in it makes no sense to give money (500000) to the Harbor Works Program and then worry
about the essential programs the next year. The property at the old Rayoneer site is questionable who will end up with it in
the end and to me it makes no sense for the city to waste funds on something so questionable.
Cuts to services and facilities -some
*Recycling & green Waste services should be included in fee for garbage collections. The way it is now discourages
recycling and appropriate green waste disposal. *As owners of rental properties, it is important to us to be able to turn on
water & electrical for cleaning purposes without having to pay for garbage & sewer. The current system is too expensive -
over $100 per mo. for a unit in a 4-plex just for cleaning & showing property to prospective tenants.
Support special property/sales tax: Note: These are two DIFFERENT sources. You should allow choice: Property OR sales
I resent all the $ spent on WATERING Baseball fields, Civic Auditorium, etc. When I can't even afford to water MY lawn -
but I have to pay for the City to water & light these things. A nice bathroom easily accessed in parking lots. Sports cost
us/City too much money. Not essential at all.
Salary increases much GREATER than private or RETIREE sectors!
Maintain essential services. Cut everything else 10-25% Eliminate luxury or unknown costs items such as Rayonier/Harbor
Works Tough times. Tough choices. We are tough people and we can and will tough this out!!
Create Transportation Benefit District: need more info -could be a solution as was swim pool Support for Library OPLS?
Thank you for courteous services whenever I have had to pay the bills, etc. Whoever has worked at the utilities counter has
been helpful and kind.
Cut administrative costs Cut salaries of all public officials
Dog Park: needed Automation of meter reading services: if it saves staffing/money Rayonier property development: NO!
City Hall permits counter: too much staff Parks & Rec: too much staff NO NEW TAXES The City government is over
staffed for the size of the town. Need less administration and more labor positions to maintain the City. Compared to private
industry, wages & benefits are too high. CUT STAFF!!! NOT SERVICES!!
Business attraction and retention: if businesses w/living wages jobs (NOT Wal-Mart types) Short summairies of what some
things are/do or where one can find out this information. Under "I would support the following options in order to balance the
budget:" categroy I would like to see 1) salary cuts and/or freezes for city employees making over $50,000 per year. 2)
Downsizing (ie layoffs) of managerial staff * Some things, like --Automation of Meter Reading; seems like they would save
money long ter,m so I was a bit confused in this question.
-Since city streets are on a grid, when you have street projects just close the streets affected instead of paying flaggers to flag
traffic thru the site -Adjust timing on street lights and parking lots so that they are not on during day light hours. -Quit
sending police officers and police cars to memorial services when out-of-town officers are killed. Same with firemen. -Work
toward more volunteers to help, such as at the city parks and trails -Quit paying out-of-town consultants so much money.
I don't think so much of the Waterfront Trail needs to be paved. I have been a long-time user, and I liked it better when most
of it was gravel RR bed. And there can be too many benches, which are usually damp or too encrusted with bird poop to use.
Get rid of all billboards in city limits, and also the entensely bright digital signs like Ruddell Hyundai's & Hi -Tech
Electronics. Ban all fireworks in city limits!!!! It's nice to have events at City Pier, but there is so little parking space
available. Ditto for Gateway Market & events in summer. (But don't pave over any more of the waterfront.) The city's
waterfront areas could be such an attractive park/public area, but so much of it remains unmaintained (I DONT thnk it should
be privately/commercially developed - i.e. motels, convention center, condos.) It could be so attractive to residents & visitors
if its natural features were emphasized - i.e. harbor wildlife cruises, water bird habitat improvements, public beach areas,
environmental learning activities, bird watching. I would rather have my taxes spent on preserving/enhancing the natural
resources that make this city a desirable place to live or visit, than on sports facilities and programs, or commercial activities
that supplant or degrade the natural environment. On the survey questions respondent made the following comments:
Outdoor sports fields and Indoor sports facilities - "Use the schools" Public restrooms - "But need to clean!" Street lighting -
"Why are there both old-fashioned street light AND mercury-vapor lights downtown? Get rid of mercury-vapor lights in
neighborhoods too. Get night -preserving lighting like Sequim." Streets/sidewalks/alley improvements and Public safety -
"These are things the city should prioritize, without 'special' taxes."
train medics to do better I.V's repair sidewalks for wheel chair comfort Handicapp access is done wrong - big dip ruins
scooters, is dangerous, often no access at all.
Freeze all wages for one year to all city and county employees. We who are on social security had our income frozen for a
year and have survived. So will the named wate earners if they had to live next year on this years salary. AND if you could
cut back their work hours and kept this years salary it would be similarly a raise increase.
Eliminate the meter marking officer downtown & use volunteers to do the same work as PT does. Downtown Assoc. to get a
pressure spray cart to hose off all downtown streets early am to clean of seagull mess - sidewalks look terrible! Downtown
Police Officer to be on street - not in restaurant having coffee or sitting in downtown office - also patrol the waterfront trail
with the two wheel cart and to have a maximum speed of bicycles using trail. Someone is going to get hurt as some think the
trail is 1-5! Stop encouraging young people to use chalk to write all over streets downtown (arts in action) We try to teach
them not to write on walls, but yet encourage this behavior.
Make the permitting process faster & tell people what is needed in their permit all at once in the very beginning so they don't
have to come back more than once. Important!
Reduction of number of employees, electrical/road workers. PROVIDE front DESK COVERAGE/TELEPHONE for
assistance. Try to accomodate th workers schedule - stay till 5:00 p.m.
"Can't see well enough to answer all this stuff!" "I have lived in P.A. for 2 months short of 64 years. I love this city and the
people who are Port Angeles." "We must budget our money to help the needs of the most people, never forgetting the people
in need or our animal friends." Thanks to all the Caring Citizens!
The City should work with the Chamber of Commerce to develop a "Shop Port Angeles" campaign so that citizens are
reminded that their consumer dollars spent in town generate sales taxes to maintain and improve the City - shopping locally
matters in so many respects -
Public safety is formost then services for children, elderly, poor, sick
Under hours of operations for the Transfer Station and Parks and Recreation, respondent noted a desire to have the hours of
operation increased.
Had both boxes checked for Nice to Have and Not Important on Recycling Services Had both boxes checked for Nice to
Have and Not Important on Yard Waste curbside services "I do not feel my use of more water to keep my yard (flowers and
lawn) from drying up should increase my sewage charge."
Didn't read anything about adding bike lanes when improving streets, etc. Would like to see more support of alternate &
healthy transportation options. Also, tourism is the way of the future for P.A. I support decisions made to increase aesthetics
of our community as well as organizations that actively working to bring money into this community.
1. Governance Issues - How effective is City Council? How can city administration be more responsible to citizenry? 2.
More on economic development What's the plan? Who leads the effort? 3. Intergovernment relations National Park
/ We are a gateway community. County government.
Please focus on activities that generate revenew for the city - such as traffic violations. Add a camera to the machine that
tells you you're exceeding the speed limit. Take a picture of the speeders and maill them a ticket. Many people slow down
just to drive past the machine and then speed right up again. They know there is no penality so they don't care. But - quit
raising my taxes ! ! ! Evaluate current city programs (CBI & EDC) to see if they are cost effective. If their return is not in
favor of the city then shut them down. Get back to basics and do it well. Fire, water, sewage, garbage and safety are
essential. The rest is fluff!
Balance services with current economic climate, Fire anything that resembles a city manager, renegotiate public retirement
plans and place them under social security like the rest of us.
Last item; Creation of Transportation.... needs explanation. What is it? What does it cost? What are the benefits? The couple
of times I've called the city I was very pleased with the service. Teresa is Great!
Cuts to some services Humane Society: Facilities are a disaster & probably violate FEDERAL standards for humane
treatment of animals. LIcense fees should be enforced & grant's written to build new, modern & clean facilities.
The city's focus should be health and safety in re face of budget reductions -playgrounds, conference center and police with
declining popluation does not benefit the general population of to be retiree's who live here now and who bear the burden of
paying taxes.
Make public service unions responsive to community needs, not shellfish members.
Communication, promotions and special events -use local newspaper Adult & Youth sports programs -pay to play Senior
Center Services -pay to use City beautifications-use local gardeners Dog park -pay to use GIS -pay to use Maintenance of street
medians -use local gardeners Marine Life Center -pay to use Independence Day fireworks -ban use totally Creation of
Transportation Benefit District -yes if NO $ spent
Licensing of all businesses -lemonade stand w/kids I think NOT feel that "little" entrepuners(lemonade stand) should NOT
have to pay for a permit! Also, user fees are better as it is not fair that home owners should pay more
Clallam Business Incubator -I don't know what this is??
Port Angeles is a safe community -Mostly There are no jobs do not Increase any out of pocket expenses. People are losing
jobs, already there homes. Lower low income utilities every low income family's are struggling, something needs lowered.
Harbor Works should not have been created. The city should have worked through the Port.. We appreciate the recent vote
the city took regarding unfunded mandates.. We have lived 20 years in the West End and the last ten in PA and are now
seriously considering moving because of all the residential & personal crime within the city.
The city should focus on maintaining and helping citizens maintain property values- 1) code enforcement: yards mowed,
rental property maintained 2) maintaining city areas: bluff medians -so that public property is not a nuisance
Public Restrooms *very* Increase user fees and charges -A TAX by any other name
Historical downtown underground restoration -Waste
1. Fire dept. needs to share in cuts. -salaries -equipment 2. All staff must pay for more of their health insurance
3. Pensions are too good 4. Find ways to operate with fewer personnel 5. Unions need to have smaller raises and have more
flexibility in their work rules 6. No more trips to D.C. with 3 or 4 persons. A waste of money.
Licensing of dogs and cats-sb done by the humane society You and Family Services-sb done by private City beautification -at
reasonable level Rayonier property development-sb done by private comp Freeze Fire/Police/Lt Ops salaries. Stop paying
double time Overtime freeze citywide Stop hiring consultants for every task and start using employees who are supposed to
have expertise in their hired field. Stop supporting Harborworks. We always heard public money wouldn't be used for this
but already 1.5 million have been spent.
I would support a special property/sales tax for: or need to know more Cuts to services Local property and/or sales tax
increase Increase user fees and charges A judiciously balanced combination of these three Creation of Transportation
Benefit District for street improvements -Could support this without knowing ($ approving) more about it's costs & how it
would work. Price of utilities is high compared to everywhere else I've lived, but maybe the size, age & circumstances of the
community make that fair. It still really hurts.
Please -lets get off the "tax increase" mania until we recover from the Obama recession.
I hope the city discontinues any further action on the Harbor Works!! The salary they are paying Jeff Lincoln is a total waste.
It seems his job is to hire high priced lawyers from Seattle. This is a total waste of money, which could be spent on
improving this city. We can'f AFFORD this ! !
It is two bad work does not get done that city in all states need two do for years, Business need work done for years two but
only some of them take care of their business. All you have two do is just look and you will see work that need done in USA.
Water base and wastewater fees are way too high -especially for someone (like me) on a limited income. If I were to be gone
for a month of services, my basic bill would be $116.10 plus minimal electricity usage. This is ridiculous and very unfair.
$11.00 4.35 26.75 39.90 13.35 17.95 1.80 1.00 $116.10
Perhaps in order to balance the budget: Every city employee except (the police & fire dept) would be required to take one day
off (without pay) till the budget can be balanced. I also feel that the Humane Society should be supported for half of their
budget by the City.
1. Outsource Landscape Maintenance & Lawn mowing 2. NO Saturday & Sunday lawnmowing-rediculous 3. People using
facilities should pay. Why should I pay for something I don't use? 4. Disband Harbor Works NOW 5. For to many
employees on City Payroll -outsource to private business where ever possible.
Disband Harbor Works ill conveived This is a great survey
Harbor Works needs to disappear -fast! * As long as there are burials and/or artifacts on the Rayonier property, no
development will be allowed by Frances Charles. Outside of Estuary Park and the City Pier area, our waterfront is forced to
remain a barren wasteland -pulp and timber mills, "dead" graving yard area, and "dead" and contaminated Rayonier acreage!
*They are spending money like drunken sailors, on projects that will not or cannot happen. How many different ways is
Lincoln going to "skin the same cat?"
No local property tax Revamp office personnel wages & benefits packages. Wages etc are too high for most office staff.
Lower heating/cooling temps even 1-2 degrees in all buildings makes a difference. Co-op in purchasing office supplies
among offices & building. Ex: copier paper, pens, pencils, staples/staplers etc. SAVE! Stop waste. Have a monetary
contests awarded to cost saving ideas. Have productivity assessed, eliminated deadwood or underproducing personnel.
Cuts to services & facilities/Local property and/or sales tax increase: Would be willing to CONSIDER sometime in the
future -if absolutely necessary.
1. It would be nice to have city Cops live or leave their vehicles in the city. Look at the wear and expense of fuel of the city
i.e. the city cop that lives in Diamond Point, what 50 miles one way. What is his reaction time if called in to work an
emergency. How many others live outside the limits and take their vehicles home? 2. Enforce the laws that are on the book,
i.e. running red lights, (check out golf course and 101 sometime) tires that extend beyond the body with no covers, j acked up
with lights over the 40" I believe. 3. Have an officer downtown sometime, get out of their vehicles and be visible and be
people friendly. (I see some could use the exercise) Why is it when some one calls in to reports an erratic vehicle and the
most often response is make it patrol information. To close to shift change?? 4. license dog is OK but cats, you have to be
kidding 5. Weed removal, have you ever attempted to have them come out and remove black berry vines in the city right of
way. 6. Bike lanes, lets charge bikes $5.00 a year for tags, if they want special privileges then have them help pay. 7. No
new taxes.... 8. I would not support any of the listed options listed to balance the budget. How about furloughs, salary cuts
and/or layoff of non essential employees. Live within your means as the rest of have to do. Less Government Name and
address not included to prevent harassment and only one copy has been sent into the city.
K-9 units/Officer at Port Angeles High School/Officer for Port Angeles downtown -don't know Enforce downtown parking
ordinances -let the cars fight it out. Use speed trailer & volunteer placement Police and Fire volunteer programs -use them
well Public safety educations -use volunteers On-line utility center -what is it? Adult and Youth sports programs -PRIVATE
PAY Athletic Tournaments -private interest should prevail Outdoor sport fields -could volunteers help with summer mowing?
Waterfront facilities -for tourism Waterfront Trail and walking paths/City beautification/Small neighborhood parks/Dog park
Good coordination with volunteers would help Facilitate broadband services -let it be private Street sweeping -unless it is
important for storm sewers Sidewalk construction -would put on temporary hold Rayonier property development -Let private
interests prevail Public/Private partnerships -mostly private please Business attraction and retention -let them find their way
here Transfer station -city residents already pay alot for solid waste removal -don't need transfer ctr hours Price of utilites is
fair for the service received -base charge too high. Charge more for KWH & CF Increase user fees and charges -not base
charge of utilities just USE City employees should pay a higher percentage of their health insurance. Taxpayers pay dearly
for private insurance & are tired of paying for gov't employee health benefits.
Cuts to services and facilities -what services & facilities Local property and/or sales tax increase -by how much? Increase user
fees and charges -by how much? Creation of Transportation Benefit District for street improvements -What is this? More
information needed in order to make a wise choice. Until then none of these can be answered.
Stop with the property taxes. If you use the pool then you pay for it yourself, library, ballfied, charge a fee if one uses the
service. Stop the high bussiness taxes downtown. Have free parking. Sequim attracts bussiness. P.A. discourages it. We
must cut back expenditures. Lower taxes, especially on small bussiness. They are the engine of recovery. Stop living in the
past. The 80's are over but maybe we can return with a little common sense.
I am not aware of a lot that I have never used but do know the importance of emergency facilities but.... my retirement ck
only goes so far as many others do.
Traffice device maintenance and repair -Removal of signs, trees, shrubs etc that hide stop signs. Many on private property
around town and suburbs. Why do all Bank Robbers of our local Bank never caught localy? With all the cost charged to us,
it's rediculouse. With half a dozen enforcment agencies involved with dogs, Helocopters, police on foot. What a waste of tax
dollars -All they seem to be good at is Ticketing Teen agers.
Port Angeles is a safe commmunity-depends on where you are & at what time you're there.
Cuts to services and facilities -no enough services & cuts already! Local property and/or sales tax increase -No! We are alredy
taxed enough! Increase user fees and charges -except for fare increases, that was raised this year 2010. additional BUS
PART-TIME NEW EMPLOYEES FOR THESE JOBS and lower salary, minimum wage. Have more covered bus stops.
Possibly talk to people to include money in their fund bus expenses, especially the elderly age groups and the older (over 62)
that ride the buses to off set the additional expenses. The churches do this, why not the city or should I say counties on the
Olympic Peninsula. Thank you
Cuts to services and facilities/local property and/or sales tax increase/Increase user fees and charges -Not specific enough. We
need to do everything possible to increase growth and relocation of new businesses to the area. We need to promote tourism
by providing activities and facilities for tourists and beautifying the city -planting flowers and trees, repairing streets (that are
in a dismal state) painting buildings and imposing stiffer regulations on buildings that are run down, unpainted, and in a
prominent place where we all have to look at them. A good example for us is Port Townsend. Go there and have a look.
Why can't we strive to look like them?
Why do we pay "Double" for our boat launch at Ediz Hook? First in Port Tax, Property Tax, then $10 each and every time
you launch you're Boat! This is totally wrong -double tax with or without excusses. Dead wrong. Signed Boater!
Street sweeping -biggest waste Historical downtown underground restoration -maybe Make significant cuts now -we can
always re establish as the economy grows. Taxes to us are not the answer. -Really-Street sweeper is not only a waste, it is
For the time being, the City needs to get back to providing basic services! Police, Fire, EMS, Parks, Pubic Works and
Utilities. Everything else should be very carefully reviewed. NO NEW TAXES. Make do with what you are already
receiving. No one is giving out raises to the citizens. We have to cut - you have to cut...... period!
Cut benefit package of city employees.
No private donations. Stop giving to agencies ex: United Way, B & G, YMCA. I do not support my tax dollars going there.
I do believe in direct giving, but not using tax dollars. It's a feel good measure, not a core service.
Sell Bonds Historical downtown underground restoration not at this time!
Under questions regarding City beautification, respondent noted flower baskets and plants were a "sign we care about our
city" Under pothole patching/road resurfacing, respondentnoted downtown streets needed resurfacing. Under hours of
operation, respondent noted Police Station "Needs to be out in the open so we know where it is" Under Port Angeles is a safe
community, respondent noted "Needs more response" Comments: Port Angeles Senior Center is a fantastic facilitie for our
city - look at the parking lot on any day of the week - full - most days run out of places to park - Senior's have so many
options - check out our newsletter for activities computer classes, trips, sports health & fitness Support Groups, cards &
games coffee Lounge for visiting and so many more
Cut Harbor Works. It's insane and NOT working. Stop buying "art" for downtown sidewalks, the money could be used
much better elsewhere. Greatly reduce the number of school counselors, career and otherwise. No reason we couldn't have a
roaming counselor for 2-3 schools. Just occurred to me thats School District, not City. Disregard!
The Respondent made the following comments under the specified survey questions: Traffic/School zone speed
enforcement, Respondent attached a note which states, "WHAT SPPED ENFORCEMENT? Recently I used a radar gun to
check speeds on my street. Out of 176 vehicles I checked, only 9 were complying with the speed limit of 25 mph. Three
vehicles were actually driving over 50 mph. Double the speed limit. Outdoor sports fields, comment: "Too Much Money
Goes To This" Streets and Sidewalks, comment: "These are in deplorble condition" Rayonier property development,
comment: "Indians will shut this down" Additional Comments: It is simple. If you want to attract people to Port Angeles
you need to make the town look attractive. Property values go up. People want to live here. Businesses prosper to meet
demand. And the city earns more revenue. Example: a couple from Boulder, CO were looking for a place to retire. They
told me that Port Angeles looked dumpy. People I know in Victoria described P.A. as looking like a dying town. No
wonder. Abandoned vehicles - car hulks, weeds growing up through cracks in the streets & curbs. Some streets are in
deplorable condition. Here is an example of city neglect. About 25 years ago a Japanese paper company gave the city some
flowering trees along Marine Drive. Dead and rotting limbs soon appeared after planting. Did the city trim these dead
limbs? No. This situation has existed for at least 25 eyars. It would take just one man and a few hours to trim these dead
branches. The result would be better growth and a healthier tree. And of course it would also look more attractive. Now, do
you mean to tell me these city workers have been so busy over the last 25 years they can't find time to do this simple job???
You should privatize the Public Works Department. There is so much waste it is unbelievable. Example - Does it really take
THREE city workers (June 8, 2010 - 11:05 a.m.) to pick up an item at Blake's? Large dump truck (April 7/10 3:05 pm) three
men in cab drive out to end of spit, sit in truck for 20 minutes then drive back to town. What a waste of gasoline and these
guys get paid to do this? I could give MANY MORE examples. That Public Works Department needs a change in
management. No wonder that the street infrastructure is such a disgrace.
re -organize the city government & services to produce more output & better services with less resources. It is possible w/out
cutting services and increasing taxes.
Regarding Port Angeles is a safe community, respondent filled out only half the circle.
Comments on questions included: Public restrooms: "Need more" Small neighborhood parks: "Especially on west side of
town. There's not much here." Cuts to services and facilities: "depends on which ones" Additional Comments: City needs to
maintain city owned property cutting back trees on power lines more sidewalks in residential areas west of 1 st. Please
enforce handicap on street parking downtown - never any parking in front of stores. Too far to walk from parking lot to
stores. Put handicap only parking on street & not in parking lots. More crosswalks - motorists don't stop for walkers if not in
crosswalks. I would shop downtown if on street handicap parking Why does one person pay the same on sewer as a family
of 5 or 6? NOT FAIR
Respondent made comments on various questions, these included: Enforce parking "No where to park!! Maybe mark it
clearly so people know where they CAN park" Specialized training of fire personnel: "don't they already know this stuff! "
flower baskets: "just keep them up!" Conservation and recycling education "If you're gonna charge out the butt then educate
people" Maintenance of street medians: "but hasn't seemed to be a big priority" CBI: "have there been any businesses who
have come from this?" safe community: "not anymore" Local ....tax increase: "City needs to sell property west of college
so students don't have to park down the neighborhood roads - they could extend if they made more parking." Additonal
Comments: If you want to spend millions of $ spacing up parking lot on Oak than why not put the inmates sitting in our jails
to work, it could be part of their community service have them give back to the community. They did that on the New Elwha
bridge, have volunteers come forward also! We also need for our upper management to go out and seek investors to come in
and build like a mall, I for one am sick & tired of driving and taking my money to Silverdale or for that matter Sequim, keep
the peoples money in our community, you don't have to jeopardise the integrity of the old downtown, but think about, when
ships, travelers, tourists come in, they have, pon shops & Antique shops to go to or overpriced stores. Have a couple of chain
restaurants come in - Red Robin, Olive Garden, something that stays open later than 8 pm. have them pipe in local
attractions on TV's or big screens, we have the jazz, lavender fests, street fairs, farmers market, zip line, the Ridge, oceans,
lakes, Rivers, Canal boats coming in we need to attract more people to help our economy, it would help with jobs etc. don't
take no for an answer, fight for these businesses, care enough to go get them. Our upper city management is KILLING our
community. For example, you wont let us vote on fllouride, but we had a vote on a contractor to come in and build an
awesome swim facility that would've created jobs & brought visitor. Give me a break. Our town is DYING, hello! People,
families are moving because families don't have fun things to do. We have hydro all around US! Rivers, oceans, lakes,
instead of millions to tear them down, how about building fish ladders! GET RID OF HARBOR WORKS, what a waste of
time & $ Focus on would actually helps our community! make our town ALIVE AGAIN. Some public works upper
management people don't give a crap about anything but to make himself look good .... Give credit to the people that do the
jobs, like the street workers that busting thier butts & the linemen who risk thier lives, and the girls in the front office, that
have to listen to all the crap people give them, when it's really, management & City Counsel who have imposed these things
on the people. Appreciate your workers more!! They are the ones who have to try to make EXCUSES for you!
The city has lots of money, they just don't spend it wisely. Harbor Works is an example of pipe dreams. The gateway project
compared to Wal -marts development is another example of how little we get for our tax dollar. Those of us on social -
security for our main income can't afford more taxes and still buy medicine and get the dentist and doctors.
The Harbor Works Creation has wasted $1.4 million of our public money on a stupid idea which will never work. If it were
going to be easy and/or cheap and/or profitable to clean up and develop the area, don't you think Rayonier would have done
it? When are you going to listen to the hundreds upon hundreds of citizens who are urging you to stop wasting our money.
And as for public/private partnerships, please recall the debacles of the helicopter plan, and the landing mall.
Mutually undertake in cooperation with the School District a project to expand, improve and upgrade the High School
Auditorium. Do this instead of trying to do or attract an all new convention center or performing arts center downtown.
Share the cost of the auditorium improvements with the School District. Change the name of the auditorium to remove "High
School" from the name.
Under Public/Private partnerships, respondent noted they should not ever be allowed. Under price of utilities, respondent
commented they were too high. Additional Comments: 1. Prohibit any and all attempts of "private enterprise" to benefit
from public funds. (i.e. Rayonier property acquisitions by private "stakeholders" at public expense.) 2. Dump Harbor
Works and any politician that supports it! 3. Convert Oak St. property to public park. (No public/private conference center
is needed or should be allowed.)
Business attraction and retention: VERY IMP. Decrease yearly income of City executives! City executives should not make
more than $100,000 per year for any reason! Decrease their pay or they can move on!
Under continue support for services, respondent stated "But choices will have to be made" Under special property/sales tax,
respondent noted "not now in th s economy." Under property/sales tax increase, respondent noted "not now" Additional
Comments: The general opinion out here is thst there is plenty of inefficieses to overcome in order to save money. I don't
know either way but I would like to believe everythng is "tightened up" before any cuts are made "to the bone." That said -
you are going to have to cut government workers. The first one to "whine" about decrease in hours or schedule should be let
go. They still have jobs because of "stimulus." We don't have that luxury.
Cutting service desk 1 day a month would help. People usually help with volunteer projects, like cleaning, if asked!
Repair of West 10th St between L & M Streets. It's pretty rough!
ERADICATE Consultants and their fees - we can't afford them. ERADICATE Harbor works. DRAMATICALLY decrease
top management salaries and benefits. They are completely out of line in a small community. Institute programs aimed at
educating City employees as to their obligations to residents of PA. It's like an "Old Boys Club" at City Hall. We pay taxes
that are used for their salaries. I'd like to see more respect. Need Big Decrease in utility bills - OUTRAGEOUS!
Was very encouraged to see the City Council has finally realized the waterfront property west of Oak Street is one of the
cities greatest assets for the use of the citizens and to attract tourism rather than commercial developement. Would like to see
the whole area between Front St. and the water be made into a park it would supplement the postage stamp sized Hollywood
Beach park and would be a great place for car shows, ect. It is the type of amenety that will attract new comers to the city.
Also the rediculous 2 hour parking limit downtown runs shoppers out of town when the time is up. Tourists can't shop the
town in 2 hrs but most just leave rather than re -park which hurts the stores
1. School zone speed enforcement: they need to enforce the zpeed zones everywhere, not just school zones; drivers on 4th
Street west of Hill routinely do 40-50 mph. 2. Stop supporting Harbor Works; there are higher priorities for City funds; let
the State handle the development especially since the Indians will get most of it. 3. We must have too many City/County
bureaucrats if you are contemplating closing 4th Street between City Hall & Courthouse. 4. The Downtown Medical Clinic
was a stupid idea. Took away needed parking spaces and made little old ladies have to drive into downtown just to go to the
doctor. 5. Privatize the Public Works and other departments to eliminate seasonal "excess capacity" 6. Combine the City and
County governments. 7. Fire department paramedics sent 5 people in 3 vehicles (one was a fire truck) to St Andrews when
they reported an old woman had fallen! Definitely overkill.
I do not approve of private ($) Disk Golf use of Lincoln Park
New to the area, but I think the City is great. Emergency services are my #I priority anywhere.
Budget. Like we all have to at a time like this. I do not approve of more Property &/or Sales tax increases. When will we
stop? When all of our income goes to government?
Although I checked "Public Safty" for "increased taxes", I DO NOT agree with camaras all -over -the -place "in the name of
public safty" - Neighborhood watch & police patrole is GOOD. The "Art on the Town", in my opinion, is "Living Beyone
Our Means" in these times where many can't afford FOOD & utilities. Get rid of the flouride in the water (we never even got
to vote on it)
On the survey questions, respondent made the following comments: Licensing of dogs and cats: "only dogs" Waterfront
facilities: no to fishing pond Automation of meter reading: "is it cheaper in the long run?" Rayonier property development:
"shut down Harbor Works we never wanted it! Price of utililities: "Don't like Base rate - People who conserve see very little
difference in their bill"
Ditch Harbor Works!
Local property/sales tax increase: within reason, not to excess!!
Yardwaste curbside services - should be free @dump Transfer Station - open up on Sundays Port Angeles is a safe
community - relatively NO to all the options to balance the budget
Disolve Harbor Works Stop consulting fees for what you should be doing
-Would be nice to have appendix with brief descriptions or definitions of some of the lesser known items on this list and the
items are fairly vague in nature. e.g. Transportation Benefit District, Clallam Business Incubator, "Public Safety"
Overall taxes are too high. In hard economic times business & families must cut back to live within means. I don't hear
anyone in govt (fed,st,etc) saying they will cut spending ... I just hear about tax increases. Tax increases will not help! Get
real. Why does Sequim get all the new business & PA can't seem to keep them? Why isn't there an Applebees in PA??? We
are a larger community. I don't understand why all these businesses go to Sequim.
We have so many services that are not essential Sr. Center - should be independent Art Center - should be independent are 2
examples Fix the streets & stop investing money in new software that is just for mapping what we already have. Centralize
purchasing with other government agencies -
Lower Electrical / City Utilities for all / Senior Citizens especially I have NO extra money / 26+ years widowed
Officer for PA downtown: Great PR Comment (not complaint) City needs to improve/spruce up what we have. Instead of
adding more until economy improves. Ex - Parked at bottom of Francis Street - walked along trail to City Pier. Very Pretty
- Park at location - nice design - well kept. Path to City - all weeds and overgrown vegetation. All benches need sanding and
repainting. Looks unkept. Not tourist friendly. Read in Sunday paper of desire for State funds to build and improve trail
east of downtown. Need to fix what ALREADY exists. City does excellent job on parks upkeep. Downtown flower baskets
- excellent - Need all trees on First to be same height and width. Looks unkept. Ex: (see downtown Walla Walla)
I have no experience with some of these issues. I support the library, the arts, bringing in clean businesses. I think the City
should buy the empty Gottshalks building or trade it for the currend Fine Arts Center & set up a more active and accessible
space for exhibits, classes & performances. The bus station was a waste of money. I hope the waterfront development makes
more sense.
Catch more speeders on such streets as 5th, 8th, 4th, N, & 18th. Could contribute to funding Police Dept.
Need better laws about cats. Come see my yard - I have to clean it each day possible. People all around are fed up. the dog
no problem - she ties it up each morning, no care or attention all day. Come check her yard, next house up to me. My fense
is ruined from cat claws. I gave up on it. the Humane Society should have not given her a dog. He gets no attention, in at
nite & out early AM.
Better enforcement of speed and noise. But no mufflers or addition of resonators on vehicles. Too many pickups love to rev
up & levitate on 8th St.
No opinion on options to balance budget.
Start w/ a blank slate. Add all services to provide for community safety and utilities. If any balance, add in road
maintenance. Families are trimming their personal budgets and eliminating all non -essentials. City government needs to do
the same. All the things that would be "nice to have" may just have to be put on hold. The cuts won't be forever - just until
we come out of these difficult times.
Thank you for saving money by including this with the utility bill.
Fire/Medic & Police have outstanding personnel, so we are "satisfied" with their "customer service". However, there are
NOT enough fire,medical & police professionals!
When you ask about haveing special taxes and incrases or cutting services it is difficult to see someones job taken fromthem.
On the same hand so many are out of work and can barely hang on with what they must pay at the present time. Dont add
new tax increases when people are already hurting. Put off as much new projects until times get better. Put a hiring free on
jobs and try to keep what we have going
Street medians should be avoided in futuer projects. City Hall permits counter should be open 4 hrs a day with someone
manning the counter. If people want to participate in recreation, they should pay for it - not expect the taxpayers to provide
for it. City should leave broadband services to private industry. City crews should not do construction. City crews should do
repair and maintenance and contractors should be hired to do construction project. It is just to expensive to have City crews
do construction.
I believe you are trying too hard to be all things to all people. I believe you allow the single issue types that attend city
council meetings way too much latitude in determining the city's agenda. The Rayonier property needs to be deveoped for the
economic benefit of the people of this community, not in a fashion that makes the Dept. of Ecology feel better about itself.
The unemployed won't care if you have made more green space available to them. Public safety and public works are the
primary responsibilities of government. Relegating those functions to the financial backburner so that dog parks and art
museums that enjoy little public support can survive is idiotic. The unemployed won't go to the art center either. And people
won't go anywhere that isn't safe. And if the streets are falling apart they can't go anyway ... this isn't all that hard. I would
suggest that the City Council read up on leadership and then learn to say No.
Top priority = safety. Next is quality of life. Make good use of the City's amazing legacy of public/private partnerships that
have provided the Fine Arts Center, Feiro Marine Life Center, and Discovery Trail.Maintain children's play areas. Expect
more contribution from adult participants for their sports fields. The City needs to continue is commendable progress toward
being a catalyst for the improvements that will make the PA area a magnet for the increasing number of people who can live
anywhere. The City can help the people already living here be happier, healthier and more stable economically through
contributing to beauty, places to walk and ride bicycles, obtain information and have meaningful discussions. Thank you for
yet another opportunity for public involvement. We did not respond related to the Rayonier site because we want only the
development that will be appropriate considering the stream, beach and other natural resources that need to be protected and
made available for public access. The City should stop using our tax dollars for HarborWorks. The Dept. of Ecology should
be able to force Rayonier to clean up its contamination. Prohibit fireworks in City. Public fireworks should be supported by
voluntary donations, and other fireworks should be prohibited with effective enforcement.
Historically, government employment was considered the cream of employment opportunities even though wages were
lower, the benefits were considerably better than private employment, especially retirement benefits. Maybe the City of Port
Angeles needs to rethink that philosophy. Has it escaped anyone's notice when budget cuts are discussed those doing the
suggesting start at the bottom not the top? Management always looks at the lowest end of the employment scale, the ones
who actually fix things that need to be fixed, when suggesting what/who to cut. What could possibly be wrong with starting
at the top and going down? Is a "deputy director" needed for two employees? Should the city manager look at the
employment structure of the city and make some changes? Don't feel too badly the governor does the same thing. How
about better use of the resources already being paid for? The computer system was supposed to make the tasks more efficient
when in some areas it did just the opposite. Make employees more accountable for their time less time spent talking, texting,
etc. and more time doing what they are being paid very well to do. Work. Also, have them do what they were hired to do (if
they can, if not then changes should be made) and not pick and choose what they want to do. Remove P/R from under PW
and back to its own department. Make the current deputy director a department head and move the Park Division back to
P/R. Decrease the PW Director salary, less responsibility should equal less pay/benefits. If health care costs are getting out
of hand, either increase the % employees contribute or do as other entities have done. Employees have coverage at no cost to
themselves but if they want to cover their families, etc., they pay all or at least part of the cost. Disband Harbor -Works. It's
an expense the city and port do not need. Rayonier has emphatically stated it will not sell the property WITHOUT knowing
in advance their liability costs for cleanup. Rightfully so, why would they even consider it. Harbor Works wants Ecology to
front some of the money towards cleanup. Where does Harbor Works think Ecology gets their money? From trees??? Plus
the governor has announced she is making 4-7% across the board cuts. What does Rayonier want for the property? Certainly
Harbor Works, the City and the Port don't think they're going to give it away. Ideas to consider for reducing expenses ----1)
eliminate deferred comp matching for all departments except Police; 2) eliminate paying for employees to go to school. If
they want to be promotional let them spend their own money getting the education/qualifications; 3) eliminate any benefits
the management group has because they think they're entitled to have more than the union bargaining groups; 4) limit the
number of people who travel to the same conference; 5) eliminate giving the management group extra money because they
have to pay co -pays and deductibles for health/prescription benefits. All of the employees have co -pays and deductibles; 6)
consider changing the policy for police officers taking their patrol cars home; 7) take a second look at overtime especially if
the bulk of it is paid to only one or two employees (favoritism at its finest maybe?); 8) reduce employees to a 35 or 37 1/2
hour work week overlapping the front and permit counters to provide all day coverage and don't adjust the pay so employees
are still making the same annual salary, after all the idea is to reduce expenses (the county did this a few years ago); 9)
eliminate reimbursing employees a portion of the health care premiums who have other coverage available (through another
employer); Provide to the public a detailed budget for District 2 before the proposed Spring 2011 vote. If Port Angeles
wants to be considered a tourist and destination area then it has to be memorable. For example: visitors came from the
Midwest and went to Victoria. They are still talking about it (the lady loved all the beautiful flowers in the harbor area and
around town) and can't wait to go back. The PA waterfront looks like hell for want of a better word. The Landing Mall is
anything but attractive (although the restaurants are good places to eat and the few shops are nice). The Pier is one
redeeming feature with the beach, marine center, etc. I realize PA can't be like Victoria but it could certainly be made more
attractive. The pilings at the end of Oak Street that were removed could have been replaced or just left alone and the small
dock repaired or replaced. Same with the old log dump on the spit. People like to walk on docks, bridges, trails, etc.,
particularly if it is over water. The vacant property west of Oak Street that is for sale would make a GREAT waterfront park.
Getting the funds to pay for it would take some doing especially since the property would have to be purchased. Better a
waterfront park than another ugly building. The Fine Art Center belongs to the city. Why not give it more support instead of
less to make it better than it already is. The woods up there is something a lot of other small entities don't have and visitors
think it's wonderful especially with the outdoor art scattered throughout. What would be the advantage of creating a
Transportation Benefit District? If created the funds collected would be designated funds. The following is a copy/paste
from the Olympia TBD website frequently asked questions. "Revenue rates, once imposed, may not be increased, unless
authorized by voter approval. If project costs exceed original costs by more than 20 percent, a public hearing must be held to
solicit public comment regarding how the cost change should be resolved. The TBD must issue an annual report to include
the status of project costs, revenues, expenditures, and construction schedules. The TBD must be dissolved upon completion
of the project(s) and the payment of any debt service." Also according to the website, revenue can only be spent on projects
necessitated by existing or reasonably foreseeable congestion levels. Does that mean establishing a district to fix 10th Street
would be acceptable but not to repair potholes on 15th Street? Does it mean the revenue could be collected for only one
project? Would the Street Department become part of TBD and removed from PW? If so, what happens to the employees,
their wages and benefits? One more thing. Isn't it amazing the City Manager for the City of Port Angeles with a population
of approximately 19,000 earns a higher annual salary than the state Superintendent of Public Instruction who oversees 1 M+
students/teachers, etc. Thank you for allowing the residents of the City to have an opportunity to voice their opinions.
I would like to see improved customer service from city departments and employees. I'm talking about behavior - not hours
of operation. My experience has been that the convenience of the customer is seldom a consideration, that employees behave
as if customers should know how to accomplish their business without assistance, that information is provided grudgingly,
and that an improved array of automated services and options would be a huge improvement. Also, many city processes
seem to have remained unexamined since the development of faxes and computers - many transactions require an in person
visit when an emailed attachment or fax would get the job done.
Sorry, hard to admit, but do not know what K-9 units refers to. Would like to see the downtown business area along First,
Front and Railroad streets from Sunset Wire and Rope to Peabody Street do something to make that area look visually
unified. This should also include Lincoln Street from the waterfront up to 3rd street. It could be as simple as choosing an
agreed upon Color Scheme to have building owners paint the buildings the next time each one needs painting. Or choose a
theme for that area that gives building owners and businesses some ideas on how to paint and/or decorate to create a
coordinated look. We already have the "Between the Mountains and the Sea" logo. This translates to a color scheme that
includes white (snow) and the blue, green, violet spectrum. I am not Native American, but I believe that we pay far too little
attention to the Native American History and Heritage of the North Olympic Peninsula within our city. If the City of Port
Angeles embraced that history in some way by choosing the color schemes of local tribes and their art to enhance the
downtown it could be a wonderful draw for tourism here. Look how beautiful the Jamestown Klallam Tribe has made the
Sequim Bay area! Our waterfront could use some of that pizzaz... tall majestic totems, beautifully carved murals and
storefront signs, gorgeous lighting, etc. The pilings down on the waterfront where the graving site was halted could be used
to turn the area into a beautiful totem forest to honor the ancestors of the local tribe and create a place people would want to
visit. Why not include our local native people in helping to make our city more attractive? It's hard to see so many empty
buildings and unattended storefronts. Money is tight and frugality is in order. But thinking of ways outside the box to spruce
up our city and involve all the people who live between the mountains and the sea could lead to something wonderful.
Next time, please include city executives' & managers' salaries in the Stay the Same / Decrease / No Opinion. I am of course
thinking of Bell California, and "hidden" salaries that bore no relationship to the general populace; go to
http://news.google.com/ then search in news for [ bell california salaries ] to read about this injustice.
August 15, 2010 To Whom it may concern: I am enclosing the Community Survey concerning Budget Priorities July 2010.
Most of it does not concern me because the powers that be will do what they want regardless of anything I have to say. My
main concern is when are we going to get our street blacktopped? I am a relative newcomer to Port Angeles. I have only
been here for 6 years. I retired here after much investigation of a number of places. For the most part I have been very happy
here. I do not understand, however, why you spend thousands of dollars grading and laying gravel (if you can call the size of
ROCKS that are used gravel) every year (one year it was done 2 times) and then say there is no money for surfacing. I pay a
substantial amount of taxes every year and when I have asked about the road I either get a runaround or one of several stories.
Money is tight but I do not feel I am getting much value for my dollar when I have to put up with the dust and other
problems. It is time we had a "real STREET". I am an resident of Clallam County and Port Angels and while I am relatively
new I feel that it is time for the homeowners on W 12th and W 13th Streets to have attention paid to our situation. I see new
sidewalks for the fairgrounds and resurfaced streets around the fairgrounds but all I get is more dust!!! When will we be
considered real residents with real streets? Please answer me if you can but please no more excuses and tall tales about
selling lots and building houses. Thanks for letting me have my say.
Decrease Employee Pay AND Retirement Benefits Instead Of Thinking Tax Increase & User Fees Increase Please!
Disband Harbor Development Board Council Spend No More City County Funds These People Were Not Elected Self
Tax higher grossing salaries rate. ENFORCE landlords to provide recycling for ALL rental properties and ALL tenants.
We'd like to see more enforcement of speed limits (5th St and 8th St). Also would like to see graffiti more aggressively
mitigated. Would a curfew for youth help with this issue? Thank you for listening to our input.
I would make sure when people are doing remodles or new construction that they do not over build thier lot. Block others
view! Compleat the construction so other do not have to look at half built houses - Not be allowed to live in them until they
are compleated. That goes for remodles as well as new construction. Also yard waste is to expencive!
Dissolve Harbor Works Bring in new businesses not just Antique "Junk" Stores Keep up on downtown improvements, do
something with the empty lot at Oak and Front. Find a better place for the cruise ships to disembark othr than the old K -Ply.
* We do not understand how sewage fees are calculated and cannot find any info on this utility * We do not feel street
sweeping is done equitably. If all residences pay for this service, all streets should receive the same attention * We have no
idea what is meant by "public/private partnerships" under Other and therefore have no opinion * We have no idea what
Transportation Benefit District for street improvements means - therefore cant check
Keep this town safe & clean. People w/ money are starting to look in this geographical area. Along w/ their money they
have educations & friends w/ similar attributes.
On the last question - you don't give us all the options .... how about cutting some management positions or salaries? Or not
spending so much on promoting business and stuff like Harbor works?
It might be helpful to know how much impact these items have on the budget. If a specific item has minimal cost I might
rank it differently. Services & organizations section should have been ranked essential, important, etc. like the other
categories - not just yes or no. Some are more important thanothers, although all are worthwhile.
No more throwing hard earned tax -payers dollars at FOLLIES! Freeze government employees wages. For that matter get rid
of Unions! Why do you hire consulting firms at exorbitant fees when supposedly the City has qualified staff? Let them do
the jobs that they are getting paid for! Wages should NOT try to compete with I-5 corridor.
The city needs to do more thru the nuisance abatement to clean up the city to stop the decline in property values And when
the market recovers help increase values quicker. Some areas are dumpy and bring down the whole area.
Pothole patching/resurfacing-I fell in a pothole and broke my tibia(my leg)
Bus should be cut back Price of riding the bus increased Cut money to the art downtown unless it shows what our town is
(sea life, train workers) no abstract art
Cuts to city employees wages and benefits. They should have to pay more for medical benefits. I pay 20% of my salary for
benefits in private job. Why should public employees get is so good on the backs of the taxpayer. Cut the flowers/watering
Port Angeles is a safe community* * Extreme concern about potential problems as a result of the new apartment
development at Serenity House on W 18th Street for the chronically homeless!
Now is not the time to be giving our $ to harbor works. Take care of what we already have -Nothing new till economy
improves & we can afford new adventures. A standing O to Ms. Kidd & Mr. Mania, they have proven they are for the people,
no ulterior motives.
To Balance the Budget Freeze or lower city employee wages.
For future surveys: Staff entitlements cuts. Staff hours custs.
Ways to save money: 1) Get auto pay set up so people can automatically pay their utility bills through Electronic Fund
Transfer from their bank accounts and could also have it automatically charged to a credit card. 2) Stop flouridation- Save
maintenenance and manning costs as well as attorney costs for litigation ongoing on this issue.
We must focus on those areas which have the highest potential economic return: waterfront economic development & a safe
& environmentally friendly downtown.
It's good to see incentive programs coming for stormwater reductions and abatement improvements. We hope there will be
continuing efforts to reduce our solid waste generation and increase the types of materials that we can recycle. Cost
incentives rewarding water conservation would be welcome and would make people pay attention to how they use potable
water. Please give serious consideration to an alternate plan for handling the combined sewer overflow problem other than by
buying the Rayonier tank. DO find a way to separate stormwater from sanitary sewer blackwater. Do all you can to preserve
the natural beauty of the area and provide basic services. People and business will be attracted here because it's a good place
to live and to visit. Give social service support ahead of "Economic Development" Thank you for the opportunity to
Isn't it interesting that in the past five years of little to no inflation on my utility "base rate" has increased over 25%. The
garbage collection fee alone is a major fee payer rip-off. With the same results, I could make one trip a month to the transfer
station for less than half the costs of your garbage "service". As for the Rayonier property development, maybe we could just
paint a mural over it. I can't imagine a more incompetent group, than our city leaders, to oversee such a project. The
downtown "Transient Center" sets the incompetence bar pretty high. As soon as the first shovel uncovers a chicken bone the
property will revert to our Native American brothers and we will have to pay for it anyway. The tax payers do not need to
pay for it twice. Any prior city bureaucracy involvement is unnecessary for this issue. The majority of these issues sould like
job protection for "Nanny City" employees. Some of these "nice to have" services are only required for short durations and
while may cause some inconvenience, are survivable without nanny city assistance. I live here because I think the North
Olympic Peninsula is one of the most beautiful spots in the world. But downtown Port Angeles and it's waterfront are a
blight on the landscape an no murals can cover that up.
Utilities are way to high as it is. It takes 1/2 of income to pay bill each month! ! !
Please indicate whether you with to continue support for the following services or organizations: NO OPINION crossed out
and PUT ON HOLD written over. I would support a special property/sales tax for: NO OPINION crossed out and PUT ON
HOLD written over. Please excuse the greasy potato chip! You will note that I consider a number of things "essential" with
more I'd deem important, but the vast majority are nice to have but should be put "on hold" until the economy returns to more
normal. I do questioin what a Transportation Benefit District is? Back in mid -70's they put an LIDS to pave 12th street as
well as the alley to the south of 12th. We were assessed a hefty amount which we could pay over several years at a very low
interest rate. We who lived on West 12th had to cover the entire cost. How is this different? Who pays for what?
Question employee TRIPS for training - meetings etc. (the COST of these trips
Reduce mid -management - Public Works Director Clean house at City Hall
* Keep the town & streets clean & safe. * Reduce management, combine departments * Lower city head count, contract
maintenance. Privatize where possible.
Port Angeles is a safe community: *Not since all the latest burglaries.
Creation of Transportation Benefit District -No opinion
Respondent made the following written comments on certain survey questions: Streets and Sidewalks - "THESE ARE
BASIC CITY RESPONSIBILITIES" Special tax for Public safety - "Dumb Question" Customer Satisfaction - "BASIC
SERVICES" Additional Comments: We have spent & continue to spend dollors on grandious projects that adversely affect
our ability to finance BASIC city services. Public sector employee salaries & benefits are getting out of hand. Consider
private contractors for some services. Preserve cash -- wait until the economy turn up to spend money on capital projects &
design work. Why is it so difficult to live w/in our means?
The City needs to quit hiring consultants for everything. They have twice the number of engineers they need; put them to
work. Quit letting the police drvie their cars home under the guise "they need to respond to emergencies in Port Angeles."
Have someone go back ten years and see how many times that has actually happened. If they need to continue this, they need
to live in the City of Port Angeles city limits.
City-wide newsletter -On-line yes/paper-no We need an efficiency evaluation @ the city level (& all other gov. agencies) Try
the Boeing method.
I would like to see the issue of graffiti addressed. Seattle has a link on their City website with a program they are using that
looks promising. In short -they ask community members to photo the graffiti-& supplies are available to paint over
immediately. We must unite as a community and rid the town of this. Also -loitering of people (often using drugs or
vandalizing, in alleyways has become a REAL problem.
Consider closing City hall & some courthouse services on all Mondays permanently, and reduce wages for all staff not
working Mondays. Halt sending employees to training workshops and forums out of town OR have them pay all expenses.
Wipe out perdiem for all staff. Cut back on all the flashy flyers. Require a feesibility study for all low income single family
residential lots such as the proposed development 2300 Block of 14 & 16th. Consider purchasing existing homes for sale
The most important services I value from the city are public safety (police, fire, EMT), sanitation, road repair/maintenance
and basic utilities/water. If feel these should not be compromised. Thanks for asking for our feedback.
Thank you for the services you perform Fund the essentials Prioritize and fund Important then Nice to Have. But you already
know this (smiley face)
No public money should be used to clean up the rayonier property. No grant, city, county or state money. royonier is
responsible The million dollors in city & port money used for harbor works was a waste. We got absolutely nothing out of
it. It should have been used for public services instead.
Public restrooms-need more better ones Fine Arts Center & outdoor art park -Let people -visitors -know about it Street
lighting -too much energy wasted make more efficient Rayonier property development -How? When? Why? Conference
center -Questions How? When? Why? Port Angeles tourism and marketing -Improve Clallam Business Incubator (CBI)
Improve Clallam County Economic Development Council (EDC) -Improve Public safety -too vague Local property and/or
sales tax increase -depends
Respondent made the following comments at various survey questions: Specialized training of fire personnel: -'how
much/how often Rayonier property development: - "already lost" Public safety tax: - "Depends - No not favor fire
consolidation" City Hall permits counter hours: - based upon need"" Price of utilities..: - "at max" Cuts to services and
facilities: - "as necessary" * All City employees should pay same contributions to benefits ie, fire. * Save $100,000 by
eliminating Rec Mgr (Director?) (salary & benefits) What does potition do? Fine Arts & Sr Center are self managed. Rec can
report to PW Dir.
Enforce downtown parking ordinances -need better plan for special events downtown Licensing of all businesses -what does
this accomplish? Communication, Promotions and Special Events -Need special even handling for Downtown parking. Car
shows on Front Street create a traffic mess Athletic Tournaments(create, promote and coordinate) -let civic groups handle
Conservation and recycling education -and improvement Maintenance of street medians -make more sustainable Street
lighting(residential/main roadways/downtown)-rethink this. to make it more efficient & less polluting Rayonier property
development -as what? Port Angeles tourism and marketing(Chamber of Commerce) -Needs improvement Clallam Business
Incubator (CBI) -needs improvment Downtown Main Street Program -needs improvement Clallam County Economic
Development C ounc il(EDC) -Improve Business attraction and retention -improve Creation of Transportation Benefit District
for street improvements -what would this do?
The City should adopt a simple basic philosophy for developing the annual budget; estimate/calculate anticipated revenues
very pessimistically (do not rely on revenues that are not guaranteed) and only adopt a budget given these revenues. Staff
should then prioritize services across all departments. First, identify existing services that are essential, simply put these are
serves their department must provide to maintain a safe environment for our community. Second, identify what the level of
service needs to be, simply put, when the department's services should be available to the community. Third, any increase to
services, including new programs shouuld be put on hold absent staff s ability to identifying available and continuing
revenues necessary to maintinan the program. Finally, once staff has completed their process, hold several public workshops
to receive public input. These workshops should be scheduled to allow all members of the community (residents and
business owners) to attend; weekday and weekends during the morning, afternoon and evening.
Remove flouride-we did not vote for Freeze overtime, no exceptions Discontinue Harborworks Ban fireworks completely
Discontinue using consultants Discontinue United Way -I give on my own Stop hiring consultants for routine duties such as
rate studies!
Survey is good idea. Hope results get published.
Police and Fire volunteer programs:Favor volunteer fire but not volunteer police, so we were unable to answer question with
Local property and/or sales tax increas-tempp (tied to gross revenue short falls, no surplus) Port Angeles should have a dog
park. use one of the existing little used parks Sex. the park between the 8th street bridges) Alley repair/resurface is needed on
the east side of Port Angeles (especially between East 6th & East 5th Chambers to Washington) We need glass recycling pick
up, Please! The current program is awful (circa 1980) Permit fee increase is OK, along w/prop & sales tax increase so long as
it is used as a temprorary stop gap to limit loss of services during poor economy.
Public Restrooms-(most important along waterfront for tourists!) City beautification -fountain crossed out -remove! Street
sweeping -for bikers! Port Angeles tourism and marketing (Chamber of Commerce)Need to improve! Historical downtown
underground restoration -Maybe Public Safety -Need to better define! Cuts to services and facilities -obviously to those that I
gave low priorities or recommended discontinueing Creation of Transportation Benefit District for street improvements -Is
this community based? Possibly? Need to define Transportation Benefit District
Price of utilities is fair for the service received -Too high Too much money is spent on promoting Tourism. People come
anyway to visit the Park, for fishing, etc. Money has been wasted on the Rayonier property. It is essential to keep the Fine
Arts Center open as it is one of the best attractions in the area.
Cost of utilities compared to other communities is MUCH higher.
Price of utilities is fair for the service received -sewer up As a bookkeeper I understand the difficulty of cutting expenses and
balancing a budget. Please look for items that make a significant difference, rather than many smaller cuts. While would not
be popular, cutting out the expense of public fireworks could fund many other needs. NEEDS vs WANTS in time of
I would support the following options in order to balance the budget -no comment It's important we have a safe environment.
Contamination control in our water front & what we drink. Safety in our community is a MUST. Community services -since
Port Angeles has a high rate of drugs & no work --more education programs for teen agers girls -PREGNANCY!
Officer for Port Angeles downtown -at night-nt day Price of utlities is fair for the service required -sewer getting too high
Would like City to sever its relationship with HarborWorks. After site is clean, would like to see site purchased and held in
perpetuity by a public development authority -similar, perhaps, to the Pike Place Development Authority. Would like to see
more interface with the Lower Elwha tribe -cultural economic, etc.
Port Angeles is a safe community -at times Streets need worked on badly!! and ALLEYS
Disolve the Harbor Works Development Authority. Then let the Lower Elwah Klallam tribe and the James town Sklallam
tribe take over. They can get grants and funding to clean up and develope the property.
Athletic Tournaments -brings new $ to town Creation of Transportation Benefit District for street improvements -Depends on
how big this agency will be I have never lived in a nicer town in my 75 years. I am amazed and thankful for the assistance
with trash disposal given to the elderly and handicapped. I'll pay whatever I can to continue our wonderful city services.
Thank you so much!
My negative responses to the topic of "special property taxes" are due to my belief that these topics are pretty basic city
responsibilities, not subject to special tax. Your "options to balance the budte" contain no mention of responsible budgeting,
cutting frills, etc (the kind of things we all have to do in our own lives). Your constant creation of special districts seems to
result only in high salaries and extra expenses with little positive results for the city.
Creation of Transportation Benefit District for street improvents-I don't know what this is. Flouridation of city water -future
survey. Comments: My perception is that BIG IDEAS such as Harbor Works, EDC and the Gateway Transporation Center,
(attractive but not essential except for it's restrooms), have siphoned off considerable funds that should have gone to more
basic, less glamorous services such as renovating and maintaining the William Shore Pool. (I do not use the pool, but it is
invaluable to many in our community) I'm also sorry to see the lapse in animal control. We are drifting back to the days
when loose & roaming dogs were the norm.
The city needs to review the obligation & costs it incurs through union contracts relating to benefits which employees receive
after retirement & whether these are sustainable.
Shut down Harbor Works -that "good ole' boy's club" is sucking money out of the city. Rayonier is an EPA clean up super
fund site. Harbor Works only "hires" their rich friends (to do nothing and receive astronomical pay). A slap in the face of all
PA citizens! AND take away Jim Jone's huge 20,000 raise! Do not cut any one's jobs! Make Harbor Works pay back the
money they CHOOSE to waste!!
Facilities & Park Amenities -would trade some for SWIMMING FACILITIES I would support a special property/sales tax
for: Already cannot afford Transfer Station hours -Sundays -add Parks and Recreation hours -add pool hours COMMUNITY
SWIMMING POOL and ACTIVITIES associated with it are ESSENTIAL for our seniors, disabled, youth and families. I
saw no category for it I would support funding historical underground from money made by cutting something else
TRANSFER & YARD WASTE hours are hard for working people -Need to add Sundays for weekend yard working.
Drug houses are everywhere. What more can law abiding citizens do to help?
Freeze all pay for 2 yrs. CUT managment pay 5%
Harbor Works out!
Pursue private enterprise to turn the Rayoneer site into a world class aquarium like Newport Oregon has done. Continue to
pursue ways to turn Front & Oak location into hotel, resort, convention center etc Larger driection signs for tourist. I have
heard many have gotten lost while missing important signs.
All court house employess should be made to park in the back 40 so us tax payin' SOB'S can find a place to park close when
conducting business.
1. Set maximum city employee wage to less than $120,000/yr 2. Discontinue buying "studie" from companies outside our
peninsula area. The have no vested interest in our success. 3. Rethink zoning. The city has been trying to micro manage
what happens here for a long time. There isn't that much money to be made here, as we have low income and small
population, so harassing people who want to try something is counter productive. The result is: we have a one half block
wide, five mile long "PLANNED" city.
* Stop planting trees along streets/sidewalks. * Prune the trees you already have. There needs to be 14 foot clearance at curb
side. * Don't put planters in the middle of streets like Port Townsend. Keep traffic moving! * Cut, stop all frivolus things,
services or programs. Consentrate on necessary or required operations. * Use/encourage volunteers when ever possible.
Respondent made the following comments on various survey questions: Event brochures & City-wide newsletter - "NOT IN
FULL COLOR" Fine Arts Center - "TOO MUCH STUFF" Yard waste curbside services - "TOO EXPENSIVE" Street
lighting - "TOO BRIGHT" Rayonier property development -'NO HARBOR WORKS" City Hall business counter -
"INCREASE" Port Angeles is a safe community - "USED TO BE" Additional Comments: The City of PA needs to get out
of Harbor Works. The citizens do NOT want it we were not given a choice! The Fine Art Center needs to clean out some of
the "art" it should rotate not keep adding to. In the wooded area - it's looking more like a junk yard with "all" of the art.
Perhaps a contest to let visitors decide what to keep would be a way to cull the Art in the Woods
On the survey, the respondent printed the following comments on various sections. Rayonier property development: - "Too
BAD - Rayonier, GA. STOP paying for IDEAS now!" Marine Life Center - "small coffee -tea pie deli there next to this with
new building inside." Independence Day fireworks - after No -Discontinue - "Please!" Police - Emergency Response - "Need
Create/enforce ordinance addressing loud vehicles (stereos, unmuffled cars, etc.) and other nuisances. Also crack down on
non -street legal vehicles on city streets More bike lanes would be nice. Charge Nippon a REAL market rate for water - no
more sweetheart deals. Address the visual appeal (or lack of) in PA. All the signs and billboards make us look tacky, and
give the impression we're just a roadside attraction on Hwy. 101. Promote the National Park and Fine Arts Center
DOWNTOWN, so people passing through can discover them.
Promote the Fine Arts Center as a tourist attraction - especially to those visiting for the Nat'l Park and/or "Twilight". Create a
sign ordinance to cut down on visual clutter and DO AWAY with billboards. We also need neighborhood sidewalks and
MORE TREES - especially downtown. And can we do something (anything) about all the people who park in their yards? It
looks SO trashy. (As does allowing on -street RV parking.)
More trees and greenery - less parking lots. People come here for nature, NOT parking. Better parks & better schools =
better economy.
Residents tht fail to cut their grass need to be fined or have a penalty until they do. The alley behind E 10th St off Race is in
terrible condition
* Fewer parking lots - more bike paths * More trees, sidewalks and access to creeks * Stop obsessing about the Rayonier site
and focus on improving downtown. * Improve our failing schools * Improve/increase recycling options - GLASS * No more
"Strait Thunder" or sprout boat races * Ban onstreet RV parking
PLEASE! Please stop supporting these do-nothing groups like the PABA, PADA, etc. It MIGHT be a good idea to partner
with the Chamber of Commerce, but only if they clear out some of the dead wood and old ideas. This is no longer a timber
town, and we need to stop propping up mills. If they can make it on their own, fine. But no more handouts. We have
location, location, location. We need to embrace eco -tourism, and promote our National Park, Art Park, Land Trust and
dynamic shoreline. The more we embrace a "green" consciousness, the more visitors we'll have, and the more "green" will
come into local businesses. The city should also mandate low -impact development practices. I would also say let the tribes
decide what to do with the Rayonier site - that redevelopment is YEARS away. Downtown needs help RIGHT NOW.
Thank you for listening.
* We need to focus on more law enforcement officers. Before WASTING $$$ on sidewalk "art" - excessive $$$ on pipe
dreams (Rayonier) funding for safety needs to be TOP PRIORITY. We DO NOT need more taxes (see "X" above" but
WISER expenditure of what is already collected. (Transcriptionist note: The writer refered to an X, there was an asterisk (*)
after the question Port Angeles is a safe community, but no X.) Additional Comments: 4th of July Parade: This is a
Community event ... let the "community" pay for it. Businesses can chip in ... city supply the traffic safety and law enforcement
only. The rest... businesses and citizens can cover. Sports Programs: Sponsorships by local businesses and fund raisers will
allow teams to compete. Younger level teams can be covered by the city Parks & Rec, but after the age of 13 is
achieved... those teams should find their own way to come into and remain in existence. Tournaments: These should be run in
such a fashion as to not only support themselves but to turn a profit as well. EVERY fastpitch tournament I ever ran made a
profit. Every expense was covered by the tournament. Indoor sports: We have a 'YMCA". What sort of sports are you
thinking of other than what are available there? The pool is no longer the city's responsibility. City Beautification: Local
businesses that are on streets receiving this treatment can help cover the expense. (I assume you speak of flower pots and
hanging baskets and such.) If you are referring to more rusting hulks of metal jokingly referred to as 'ART"...spare
us ... please! No ... REALLY ... do! Rayonier Property: Sure ... it would be nice to own some day ... but as of this moment they
have indicated they aren't interested in selling. Further... would be better to see this property put BACK on the tax rolls ... or
maybe be a combination of city and private ownership. BUT ... UNTIL the company is prepared to sell ... any further
expenditures of money should cease... immediately! ! ! To continue is a waste of monies we DO NOT have! Tourism Support:
An absolute need, since without a strong tourism season this town would discover what it truly means to be broke! Civic
Field: Nice place ... great asset... BUT... if it needs or is desired to have an upgrade or remodel ... then the citizens should get
together and find ways to raise the money. Many do not use the field ... have no need to use the field and would NEVER use
the field. They should not be made to shoulder the expense of remodeling the field or upgrading it. If users want to see
upgrades and remodels, then they can band together and do old fashioned fund raisers. This will take longer to get the job
done ... but they will have done it without saddling the city with more expense. Closing thoughts: The city spends way too
much money with no apparent game plan. Surely someone knows how to prioritize and live within a budget. Continuing to
raise taxes is NOT AN ANSWER TO A PROBLEM, it is merely covering the problem with yet another band-aid until it
rears it's ugly head again! The FIRST item needed for funding EVERY YEAR NEEDS TO BE POLICE AND FIRE! After
that should be the street, the water and sewer systems, alleys, bridges that the city is responsible for and other EXISTING
infrastructure! Parks and Rec is nice to fully fund, but when it cannot be covered then there needs to be alternative ways of
finding the monies than just jacking taxes or user fees. Repairs and maintenance are understandably needed ... but I would be
willing to bet money that small neighborhood parks could be maintained by neighborhood residents. Ever thought of asking?
Arts and such ar nice to have ... no argument. However ... when we NEED more officers on our streets ... and equipment
upgrades due to their aging, it most assuredly is NOT a necessity! Currently it is not uncommon for officers to go "on air" as
they leave their residences, and already be picking up calls, and not even see the station until well into their shift...unless it is
because they have arrested someone. This is NOT smart policing ... and the cure is to add more manpower. Continuing to
cover shifts or deal with unexpected problems with large over time bills is not the answer ... and will eventually lead to
someone getting hurt ... or killed. Citizen or officer. City sewer systems seem to have a problem with dumb citizens
dumping household grease and such down the pipes. (I found this out the hard way myself a year ago!) Since there is no
way to stop the populace from doing such things... preventative maintenance would be to clean the pipes once a year. A
section each month would be wise. Some would say this is an added expense. However ... I would suggest that the expense of
covering a homeowner's damages is more than the cost of cleaning pipes. (My expense alone was probably over $20K to the
city. Would have been more had I not stopped the contractor from ripping up my floors he wanted to replace. To this day ... I
have been proven right ... and he is no longer in business. The added expense would have been $30K for the floors!) While
I realize that the city has a shop to maintain cars and such ... would it be less expensive to contract that work out? Some towns
of this size do so ... for miscellaneous things such as oil and lube jobs tire replacement and such. The work is done quicker,
for less money and still with quality products. Bottom line...the city monies could be better managed than they are. Like it
or not ... the city is about to experience a large growth over the next 10-20 years. (I saw this happen in the Olympia area 30
years ago.) If there isn't some serious changes made to the way spending is done here ... willy-nilly it seems (like many other
cities and the state too) there is going to be a bigger problem with money in the near future. You CANNOT tax and increase
taxes on a community that has no business base other than small mom and pop stores. Essentially that is what Port Angeles
Please give results in upcoming utility bill Rayonier property development - make THEM clean it up t t t
Respondent commented "haven't had to use these (fingers crossed, knock on wood)" after above Fire/Medic I, Police and
Dispatch service questions.
We do NOT need to clean up Rayonier toxic site. let them do it. We can not pay for any clean-up
Harbor works disolved. NO round -abouts
Cuts to services and facilities -as little as possible Creation of Transportation Benefit District for street improvements -what is
this? It would have been nice to have some info on how things are done now & what they cost.
The survey is wide open to get any answer! Without detail w/specifics this survey is of no use. A waist of money! What if
this is sent back without a connection of name! Get Real! -send a separate envelope Stop the multi vehicle trips w/personell to
911 calls Stop the over pay in fire & police & city management. Reduce staff in finance and make real budget etc. Get
departments back and downsize so you can see where $ go!
DATE: AUGUST 31, 2010
At this work session on the 2011 Budget, the results of the city-wide citizen survey will be presented and
discussed. I have attached a copy of the survey results for your review prior to the meeting. We are very
pleased with the level of participation in the survey and I think that you will find several very interesting
priorities that local citizens have identified for the City to address.
Following discussion of the survey results, we need for the City Council to provide direction in terms of
your major budget priorities in the coming year. The priorities listed below were mentioned by
Councilmembers at a work session earlier this year. At that time, you agreed to solicit comments and
feedback from our residents before establishing your specific 2011 budget priorities. Preliminary budget
priorities that were previously related included:
1. Additional funding for streets including the possibility of establishing a Transportation Benefit
2. More proactive approach to economic development.
3. Continued emphasis on quality public safety services.
4. Increased efficiencies in the provision of city services.
5. Increased focus on a paperless approach including use of laptops for City Council meetings.
6. Implementation of additional improvements identified in AIA Study.
7. Eliminate duplication particularly in funding support for outside organizations.
8. Create a more bike -friendly community.
9. Continue major investment in improving infrastructure.
10. Consider privatizing operation of the Ocean View Cemetery.
11. Consider additional opportunities for City/County collaboration.
12. Avoid new or increased fees and charges, if possible.
13. Establish roof top disconnect program for reducing stormwater runoff.
Page 2
At this Council Work Session, I suggest that you identify your individual Budget priorities for the coming
year realizing that we have very limited ability to expand City programs and services. These priorities
should consist of both areas that you would like to enhance as well as areas where we can reduce our
expenses. Once all individual priorities are identified, I would like the Council to discuss each item and
determine if you can reach consensus on your priorities.
Please keep in mind our previous work session discussion about the need for teamwork in developing the
Budget. This may require Council members to be flexible in negotiating the final listing of budget priorities
that support the important needs and interests of the community. If consensus cannot be reached during the
discussion next Tuesday, then we will prepare a list for your prioritization. This final priority list will then
be shared with each City department and will be used as guidance in our preparation of a balanced budget
which we hope to present by the end of September.